АН Г Л И Й С К И Й Я ЗЫ К У ЧЕ Б Н О Е ПО С О Б И Е ПО С ПЕ Ц И АЛ Ь Н О С Т И 020101(011000) ХИ М И Я
(Г С Э. Ф . 01.1) а нглийский язык
Technical Correspondence
В О РО Н Е Ж 2005
2 У тверж д ено на у чно-м етод ическим советом ф а ку льтета РГ Ф ка ф ед ры а нглийского языка от31.03.2005г., п ротокол№ 3.
С оста вители: Т им оф еева Т .В ., Пота лу й Л . В .
У чебное п особие п од готовлено на ка ф ед ре а нглийского языка ф а ку льтета ром а но-герм а нской ф илологии В оронеж ского госу д а рственного у ниверситета . Р еком енд у ется д ля сту д ентовд невного отд еления третьего ку рса х им ического ф а ку льтета п о сп ециа льности 020101 (011000). Пособие состоит из 2-у х гла в, 1-а я п освящ ена оф орм лению электронных п исем в п олу оф ициа льном стиле, 2-а я сод ерж ит п ять ра зд елов: тех ническое сотру д ничество, п оезд ка за гра ницу , п ригла ш ение иностра нных сп ециа листов, ста ж ировка за гра ницей и за п рос инф орм а ции. В д а нном п особии в ка честве исх од ных м а териа лов исп ользу ется п ереп иска сп ециа листов-х им иков, к ним ра зра бота на серия у п ра ж нений на ра звитие у м ения п исьм енной речи, соп у тству ющ их у м ения чтения и лексических на выков. Ц ель п особия – зна ком ство сп ециа листов-х им иков с соврем енным и сред ства м и ком м у ника ции, д ля п олу чения д осту п а к сх од ным орга низа циям за ру беж ом , вча стности, с особенностям и на п иса ния электронных п исем .
A Layout Here are some tips on writing effective e-mail. 1. Format: Do use the format provided by the software properly. Include the e-mail you are sending to on the proper column. • To is for the individuals the letter is directed to, • cc for those you want to have a copy and • bcc to those you want to have a copy but don't want people to know they are in the list. And do fill in the subject line. 2. Begin the e-mail with the salutation. • Always use the name of the individual if you know it. Dear Amy: (personal friend or close associate) Dear Mr./ Mrs. /Miss/ Ms./ Dr./ Sir Rider: 1Note: In the US Mr. and Mrs. include a full stop/period e.g. Mr. Winch Use Ms. If you don’t know the marital status or the preference 2 Note: British people sometimes use a comma after the name: e.g. Dear Janet, Americans use a comma or a colon (:) e.g. Dear Janet: • If you don’ t know the name of the individual, address it to the individual’s title in the company and then use dear Sir or Madam: Here is an example: Head of Human Resource ABC Company 123 Sesame Street Dear Sir or Madam: But please only use this if you really cannot find out the name of the person. Most companies will tell you who the person is. All it takes is a phone call. • If you are addressing to an organization and not an individual, then use the following: Ladies and Gentlemen: (AmE) Dear Sir/Madam (BrE) 3. Contents: Keep it brief. 4. Links: If you are referring to a web site, do provide a link. 5. Don't use ALL CAPS: In the real world, all caps mean that you are stressing a point. However when online, all caps means that you are YELLING! Bold the word or put asterisks around it to stress the word.
6. Don't get too informal: The tendency when it comes to e-mail is to write less formally, just remember, you are still writing a semi-formal letter only via e-mail. 7. Don't use emoticons and acronyms: There are two reasons for this, first, while many net-savvy users are familiar with it, there are still a lot of people who don't understand what the symbols mean. Secondly, emoticons and acronyms are just too informal. Imagine a letter that reads like this: WTG Imagine my =:O when I heard your good news. IMHO you earned the promotion. ;-) 8. Use a closing phrase: e.g. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you need any more information; I hope this information will be helpful; Looking forward to hearing from you. 9. Complimentary close comes next: e.g. Thanks (more informal) Best regards(AmE) Regards (AmE) Best wishes (BrE) 11. Do use a title (Mr., Miss., Ms.,) to indicate your preference and your gender and give your First and Last Name and your position if necessary and your e-mail account to finish your e-mail: e.g. Janet Ms. Janet Smith Motivation Manager Dept JFDI
[email protected]
B 1. Technical Cooperation Correspondence involving technical cooperation typically includes exchanging infor mation, seeking technology licensors, pa ving the wa y for tec hnology transfers, propos ing how to proceed with technical cooperation, re questing participation in/or accreditation by an internationa l body, and reporting the current status of re lated activities. • Letter patterns 1. Study the letter patterns below. Common patterns in correspondence related to technical cooperation include the following: a. Stating the organization's intention of seeking cooperation. Simply stating the organization's desire to form a cooperative relationship with another organization helps avoid future confusion. b. Giving background information about the organization (e.g., mission, major activities, and achievements). Providing background information about the organization allows the other party to know whether both parties' interests and expertise are compatible. c. Providing suggestions on how to initiate cooperation. d. Describing the achievements and reputation of an organization. Sincerely acknowledging or commending the other party's success in a particular technology expresses the organization's intention to contribute toward as well as learn from the collaborative relationship. e. Describing the reason(s) for technical cooperation. More than merely attempting to describe the organization's intentions, the writer should outline specific plans or describe what has been achieved so far. 2. Look again through the points above and match them with the extracts below. I'd like to propose a technological information exchange between our two organizations regarding environmental pollution prevention-waste minimization. We recognize that the continued success of our work depends on our sharing and exchanging experience with similar organizations. One of our missions is to aid the local industrial sector by upgrading technology levels. One of our strategies is to license technology from abroad. We are seeking potential licensors of the Autoclaved Lightweight Concrete (ALC) product technology on behalf of local manufacturers in Taiwan, ROC. Our organization, Mechanical Industry Research Laboratories (MIRL), is a subsidiary of the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) established by the government of the Republic of China (ROC).
ABC's Biotechnology Group has developed some interesting products that we would like to understand in more detail before reaching the licensing stage. I suggest that ABC Corporation send a technical expert to UCL before the end of July and give a presentation, regarding the product development of this technology, to our scientists and technical staff.
3. Read the following extracts and decide their function. We are anxious to develop long-lasting cooperative relationships with manufacturers such as yours. Stat-Rite 2300 is an excellent anti-static polymer that blends well with other thermoplastics and can be used in ESD applications. We believe that this permanent anti-static plastic has a strong market potential, especially in light of the emerging electronics industry in Taiwan. If you are interested in licensing this technology, please send the above mentioned information to the above address for evaluation. The experimental results generated so far in this project have already been most helpful in Taiwan's environmental protection work. I am looking forward to hearing your ideas or suggestions regarding this information exchange opportunity. I would also like to arrange for a ten-day technical visit to your organization this upcoming May as the initial step of our cooperation. Further discussion, or a possible visit by members of ITRI to your production facility, would seem to be the appropriate next step. Please let me know if there are any areas of common interest you would like to discuss. Your corporation has a long tradition of providing outstanding engineering TP (e.g., Noryl) that has various properties and excellent quality. ABC Corporation is recognized as the global leader in developing, producing, and marketing transdermal drug delivery system.
4. Look through the first sample letter and a) Identify its composition parts: Previous contact. Product technology and its' market potential. Invitation to Taiwan. b) Identify its subject. 1
Dear Mr. Smith Thanks for providing me with such a valuable opportunity to exchange market information regarding permanent anti-static polymers (e.g., Stat-Rite 2300) during my brief stay in the United States. Stat-Rite 2300 is an excellent anti-static polymer that blends with other thermoplastics can be used in ESD applications in the electronics industry. We believe that this permanent anti-static plastic has strong market potential, especially in light of the emerging electronics industry. In Taiwan, as a matter of fact, we are placing a strong emphasis on the assessment of anti-static agents/plastics. If you need any further information regarding this topic, please contact me. P.S. If you are planning a trip to the Far East in the near future, I hope that you will visit us at UCL and see some of the sights that Taiwan has to offer. Best regards John John Davids Researcher Assistant Union Chemical Laboratories Box 32 Moscow email:
[email protected] 5. Look through the second sample letter and a) Find and correct the mistakes in the layout b) Correct the order in the letter pattern. c) Identify the subject of this letter and its style. 2 Union Chemical Laboratories Researcher Assistant John Davids email:
[email protected] Box 32 Moscow Dear Ms. Smith: Attached. Please find a document that may give further insight into WEIC. WEIC is a non-governmental, non-profit organization. Our goal is to assist industries in the recycling and reuse, before disposal, of their waste materials.
Since our goals closely match that of your organization, we would like to develop a partner relationship with you, for information exchange and for possible future collaboration. I am a researcher at the Waste Exchange Information Center (WEIC) of Union Chemical Laboratories, of the Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan, R.O.C. We have received your publication "Waste Watcher" on a regular basis for quite some time and have found it to provide valuable information. Would you please send me introductory information as well as any other relevant publications which describe your strategies, methodologies, achievements and future objectives?" John Sincerely 6. Compare the two sample letters. What do they have in common and how do they differ? -layout -subject -style -composition parts • Language work 1. Think of Russian equivalents to the following words and expressions (pay attention to the context of their usage in the sample letters) application our goals closely match to give further insight into further information reuse, disposal permanent anti-static polymers to assist industries achievements and future objectives a relevant publications non-governmental, non-profit introductory information organization future collaboration to provide with such a valuable opportunity/information 2. Fill in the table according to the function of the words and expressions below: Linking devices especially
Letter organizers attached
Specific terms to blend
Cliches to develop a partner relationship
to blend; recycling; to have strong market potential; regarding; to place a strong emphasis on; especially; on a regular basis; to develop a partner relationship; as a matter of fact; please contact me; best regards; dear Mr. Smith; attached; waste materials; we would like to; sincerely; would you please send me.
9 •
Writing Imagine you are a researcher at Russian's Waste Exchange Information Center. You need to join the British Research Institute working group and to establish open information exchange of your related experiences. This organization is considered the leader in the sphere. Dr. Ivanov recommended you to get in touch with Professor Brown. Write a letter to Mr. Brown asking to send a flyer and a membership application in order to participate in a joint project and giving background information about your organization. Write about 120 words. Your organization's missions, major activities, and achievements - RWEIC - non-governmental, non-profit organization, a subsidiary of Union Chemical Laboratories; - currently involved in a long-term project - the "Industrial Waste Minimization Information Service” goal -to provide relevant information on the practice of industrial waste minimization; - free of charge service to the public; - major work- the publication of a waste minimization bimonthly magazine, the facilitation of waste exchange, and the transfer and dissemination of commercialized waste minimization technologies; - project experimental results proved helpful in Russians environmental protection efforts. • Writing procedure 1. Read the instructions carefully and highlight the key points: • the purpose of the letter • the style (formal /semi-formal / informal) • the results you want to achieve 2. Consider whether the letter should include the following points and put the ones you’ve chosen in the order of appearance in your letter. • giving background information about your organization • commending the achievements and reputation of an organization • introduction of yourself and your interests • describing the reason for technical cooperation
• inquiry of the forms to fill in • inquiry of the information about the organization • previous contact • reference to mutual acquaintances
3. Organize the remaining points in three paragraphs. 4. Write the letter keeping in mind its format (consult pp. 3-4).
B 2. Technical Visits Abroad Correspondence involving technical visits overseas typically includes proposals for technical vis its, topics of discussion, confirmation re minders, changing dates or itinera ries, hotel accommodations and transportation, e xpressing apprec iation for hospitality during stay, accepting invitations, and declining invitations. • Letter patterns 1. Study the letter patterns below. Common patterns in correspondence related to technical visits overseas include the following: a. Proposing the visit and outlining preliminary details. A technical visit should be viewed as a way of satisfying an organization's need (e.g., information exchange, short training courses, or general understanding of their operations). Details such as time and discussion topics should also be included. b. Explaining the purpose of the visit. A direct statement of what the writer expects during the technical visit may prevent confusion about what the other party is able or willing to provide. c. Describing the organization's achievements. Complementing another organization on its achievements is not only good public relations. It also gives the organization a clearer idea of what your expectations will be when and if you pay a visit to their facilities. d. Emphasizing the cooperative nature of the visit. The technical visit should be described in terms of a specific perspective. It is not only your organization that stands to benefit. A technical visit can also clarify the common interests and capabilities of both organizations. This may pave the way for future collaborative activities. 2. Look again through the points above and match them with the extracts below. I also suggest that we extend the visit through March 24. We need to enhance our knowledge of carbon black in terms of the chemistry, characterization, and processing application (e.g., ESD protection, wire and cable, coating and UV protection). Such knowledge would also benefit our customers, many of whom are manufacturers. It would be much appreciated if you could arrange for me to observe your production line during my stay at ABC on March 19, 1993. Professor Liu from the Virginia Institute of Technology recommended that we visit your renowned institute and find time to discuss our needs with you, as well as to learn of your own related experiences.
I would like to visit the Special Carbon Division (or the Technical Center) of ABC Corporation/Massachusetts during the upcoming trip. We recognize that continued success of this program depends on our observing and understanding of similar work in other countries. At this stage, I would like to arrange for a visit to your country. I am keenly interested in visiting Dr. Jones and his staff to learn all the operational aspects involved with this program. Purpose: to understand and evaluate successful cases and the current status of the Japanese dye industry with respect to technology, equipment, and information on industrial waste minimization. 3. Read the following extracts and decide their function. Visits to compressor system companies that manufacture systems for heat pump or vapor recompression would be equally beneficial. Information regarding the variety of available heat pump systems would also be quite useful for future promotion of such systems in Taiwan. Waste minimization is a global trend, and your country already has much experience in this area. As it’ s well known, ABC Corporation has the resources needed to produce good quality diverse carbon blacks. I hope this visit will strengthen the ties of cooperation that bind our organizations. In light of these concerns, we are looking forward to collaborating with your organization in the near future. We hope this visit will open doors for further cooperation between our two organizations. 4. Look through the first sample letter and a) Identify its composition parts: -asking for confirmation of the dates -introduction of your current role and interests -planned trip -stating the need for the visit
b) Formulate its subject.
-asking for arrangements to be done by your arrival -topics of discussion -answer request
Dear Mr. Kao, I work at Union Chemical Laboratories, ITRI. My expertise is in the area of catalyst development. My colleague Mr. Chen and I will be attending the 1993 North American Meeting of the Catalysis Society to be held in Pittsburgh. While we are in America, we would like to take the opportunity to visit the ABC Research Center in San Francisco on May 7 (After the meeting, we will fly directly to San Francisco). We would appreciate it if you could arrange a visiting program for us. We would like to discuss the following topics: 1. The function of ABC's software in catalysis application. 2. The performance of ABC software in Zeolite analysis and how to use the software. 3. ABC software analysis of organometallics. 4. How to use your software to estimate the layer distance of pillaring clays. Please let me know if it is convenient for us to visit on May 7. If so, could you arrange for a tour to one of your facilities? I am looking forward to hearing from you. Sincerely yours Ivan Ivan Davidov Senior Researcher Union Chemical Laboratories Box 32 Moscow email:
[email protected] 5. Read the second sample letter and a) Fill in the gaps with the expressions below I am anxiously looking forward to however I appreciate your kind offer if at all possible expenses
[email protected] it would be helpful
Dear Dr. Smith, Apologies for my delay in responding to your letter dated February 22. 1 but I will not be able to visit ABC Institute this year, I would like to visit you in 1994 2 .
After reviewing your overall program researchers in the Wastewater Treatment Department of our Division have expressed a great interest in your work. Two of them would like to visit your Division in May for a stay of one week. ITRI will cover their 3 . They particularly want to visit the full-scale wastewater if a visiting itinerary could also be treatment plants. 4 arranged for them. Thanks in advance for your assistance. reply.
your favorable
Sincerely yours Ivan Ivan Davidov Senior Researcher Union Chemical Laboratories Box 32 Moscow .
b) Identify the composition parts c) Identify the subject of this letter and its style. • Language work 1. Think of Russian equivalents to the following words and expressions (consult the context of the extracts in the exercises 2,3). carbon black coating related experiences continued success I am keenly interested in it would be much appreciated if you could
with respect to in light of these concerns waste minimization strengthen the ties of cooperation to extend a visit
Writing Imagine you have received a letter dated March 29 regarding your technical visit as a staff member to one American company which deals with wastes minimization. This company has made all the necessary arrangements for your arrival but the dates are not quite appropriate for you. You need to apologize for this change of dates, provide some plausible excuse, suggest an alternative visiting time and ask for the itinerary of the visit.
Write a letter to Mr. John explaining the situation. Write about 90 words.
• Writing procedure 1. Read the instructions carefully and highlight the key points: • the purpose of the letter • the style (formal /semi-formal / informal) • the results you want to achieve 2. Consider whether the letter should include the following points and put the ones you’ve chosen in the order of appearance in your letter. • acknowledgement of the • previous contact arrangements already made for the • introduction of yourself and your technical visit interests • propose alternative time for visit • reason for a change • giving background information about your organization 3. Organize the remaining points in three paragraphs. 4. Write the letter keeping in mind its format (consult pp. 3-4).
B 3. Technical Visits from Abroad Correspondence involving technical visits from abroad typically includes inviting speakers, inviting a cons ultant or guest worker, setting agendas for technical vis its, letters of approval-technical vis its, financial arrange ments, hotel accommodations or travel arrangements, a nd changing the dates of technical visits. • Letter patterns 1. Study the letter patterns below. Common patterns in correspondence related to technical visits from abroad include the following: a. Inviting the speaker. Speaker invitations should include preliminary information on the role that the participant will play and the topics covered at the event. Examples are provided below: b. Providing details of the event. The letter should include specific topics, time of the event, and perhaps a description of some of the participants who will attend this event. c. Compensating for the visit. Financial details regarding compensation should be stated as simply and directly as possible to avoid confusion. d. Making preparations before the visit. The speaker should not be given any last minute surprises with respect to what materials and future information is required. 2. Read the extracts below and a) decide their function; b) choose the formulas of 1 invitation and of 2 recognition of the speaker’s expertise and of 3 the purpose of invitation. e.g. 1. we would like to formally invite you 2. in light of your renowned research and your contributions in the field of GRIN 3. to serve as the Invited Speaker In light of your renowned research and your contributions in the field of GRIN polymers, we would like to formally invite you to serve as the Invited Speaker at the upcoming GRIN Materials Symposium. We would like to invite you to give a talk at our upcoming silicone technology seminar. This is an official invitation to three ABC Corporation specialists, Mr. Smith, Mr. Jones, and Ms. Lin, to participate in a CGMP seminar and visit our local bulk pharmaceutical chemical plants. Please recommend one scientific expert to serve as a short term consultant at CMS, whose expertise is highly relevant to the following subjects. 3. Read the extracts below and
a) decide their function; b) organise the details of the events in the table
seminar … … … .
April 16 … … … .
… … … … … … .
1… … , 2… … 3, … . … … … …
We are organizing a seminar on Conductive Plastics for Anti-static/ESD Applications that will be held at Union Chemical Laboratories/ITRI on April 16. The ultimate purpose of the seminar will be to provide a channel of communication between IC assembly houses and IC container manufacturers. The seminar will also focus on issues related to the properties and technology of conductive plastic compounds. The meeting will be held on April 25-26, 1994 at the National Central Library, Taipei. We hope that you can give two lectures, at 31:20-14:05 and 15:10-15:55 (4/25/94), respectively. Reception dinners are to be held on the evenings of April 25 and 26, and there will be a short tour of Taipei on April 29. 3. Read the extracts below and a) decide their function; b) choose and translate the words and expressions connected with expenses. e.g. 1. Round-trip airfare ticket , 2. to provide, etc. Round-trip airfare ticket (business class) and accommodations will be provided. Please pay in advance for the round-trip airfare ticket, and other incidental expenses; retain the receipts as well. We will reimburse you (by check) prior to your departure of Taiwan. 4. Read the extracts below and a) write out the required materials, make sure you know that types of documents; b) try to make your own curriculum vitae including all the mentioned points. Please fax us your curriculum vitae, lecture topics, and half-page abstracts before January 31, 1994, as well as the complete papers before March 1, 1994. Please fax and send all our materials to me on time so that we had sufficient time for translation and printing. I also need your curriculum vitae, including name, date of birth, place of birth, nationality, marital status, academic qualifications, professional experience, scientific achievements, current scientific activities, other science-related activities, and selected publications.
5. Look through the sample letter and a) Fill in the gaps with the expressions below will also be discussed will be held I look forward to hearing from you could participate perhaps relevant experience Dear Mr. Lin, We are planning a seminar on Conductive Plastics for Anti-static/ESD Applications, which 1 in Hsinchu on April 16. This seminar will focus on channels of communication between IC assembly houses and IC container manufacturers. The properties, application and technology of conductive plastic compounds 2 . We have learned that you are ABC Corporation's agent in Taiwan. We would be very pleased if you 3 in this event. 4 you could also recommend a speaker, preferably an engineer with 5 who could discuss the properties and technology of highly conductive carbon blacks (e.g., the KetjenBlack series)and carbon black applications. Please do not hesitate to let me know if you have any concerns and/or suggestions. Your contribution to this seminar would definitely benefit all the participants. . 6 Best wishes Ivan Ivan Davidov Senior Researcher Union Chemical Laboratories Box 32 Moscow email:
[email protected] b) Identify the composition parts of the letter. • Language work 1. Fill in the table according to the function of the words and expressions below: Linking devices also
Letter organizers best wishes
Specific terms etc.
Cliches etc.
upcoming symposium; Dear Mr. Lin; to give a talk/lecture; bulk pharmaceutical chemical plant; please recommend; properties; conductive plastic compounds; we hope that; pay in advance; incidental expenses; abstract; also; including; let me know; we would be very pleased if; do not hesitate to; best wishes.
18 •
Writing You are responsible for organization of the Combustibility of Building Materials Symposium which will be held in April 25-26, 1994. You have already invited Professor Kawasaki to give two lectures at 13:20-14:05 and 15:10-15:55 (4/25/94) you are pleased he has accepted it. You need to discuss preliminary agenda for the symposium with him (the time for his lectures). You want Professor Kawasaki to fax the curriculum vitae, lecture topics, and half-page abstracts before January 31, 1994 for translation and printing. You also have to inform him about the compensation (roundtrip airfare, transportation from Japan to the conference site, the hotel accommodation and living expenses for seven days (4/23-4/29) provided by your sponsors). Write a letter to Professor Kawasaki disscussing the agenda for the symposium. Write about 130 words. • Writing procedure 1. Read the instructions carefully and highlight the key points: • the purpose of the letter • the style (formal /semi-formal / informal) • the results you want to achieve 2. Consider whether the letter should include the following points and put the ones you’ve chosen in the order of appearance in your letter. • introduction of yourself and your • acknowledgement of speaker's mission acceptance • suggesting future contacts • place and time of symposium • materials the speaker should • compensation prepare • previous contact 3. Organize the remaining points in three paragraphs. 4. Write the letter keeping in mind its format (consult pp. 3-4).
B 4. Technical Training While technical visits overseas (point #2 above) may only last a couple weeks, the correspondence for technical training is more detailed since the length of stay may be up to one year. Correspondence involving technical training typically includes invitations to speakers, guest worker applications, application cover letters, suggestion letters for training content, training course confirmations, arranging accommodations, application rejection acknowledgements, and apprec ia tion letters upon return from training progra m. • Letter patterns 1. Study the letter patterns below. Common patterns in correspondence related to technical training include the following: a. Proposing the training course for a certain period. Proposing the technical training period should be stated with confidence to meet the organizational or individual needs. b. Describing the applicant's current work and research interests (as related to the training program). Providing sufficient information about the applicant's individual background or organizational requirements or needs will allow the reader to determine whether he or she can be of assistance. c. Clearly stating how the training course can benefit the applicant's organization. A clear statement of what the applicant expects to gain from the training course will avoid further confusion. d. Setting an itinerary or set of topics that will be covered during the training program. Stating the applicant's expectations of the training itinerary may prevent later disappointment. 2. Read the following extracts. a) What structures do they use to express a request? b) How do they introduce the current work and research interests? Could you provide a short training course on the current developments and applications of MS in polymer research. Would you allow me to serve as a guest worker in your laboratory? I would like to serve as a guest worker in your laboratory from six to eight months. I have a Master degree in Materials Science and Engineering and have received special training in thin film deposition photolithography and chemical etching. I am currently designing a process that would integrate these technologies for the development of a pressure sensor that is based on a metal thin strain gauge.
3. Write out the reasons for application from the extracts below. e.g. to promote and strengthen our laboratory’s measurement capabilities by means of… … … … ; etc.; The Pressure/Vacuum Measurement Laboratory at the Center for Measurement Standards is planning to develop the primary pressure standard (PPS) of the mercury manometer so as to promote and strengthen our laboratory's measurement capabilities. I also agree that the introduction of Molecular Simulation at UCL would provide a more thorough understanding of the polymer morphology-structure property relationship and the directions for research activity. Your laboratory, one of the leaders in this field of research, could provide me with a marvelous opportunity to learn about sensor manufacturing. I hope that through this short training program we can determine the systems and research topics that need to be focused on. The following topics may be a helpful guide for you when deciding the contents of this short training course. Of course, you should feel free to amend or expand on any of these topics. We hope to enhance our technical knowledge of PPS, particularly with respect to temperature measurement and control, anti-vibration, and pressure control. 4. Study the sample letter and a) identify its composition parts: applicant’s current position; educational background; current project; how their organization meets applicant’s research or manufacturing interests; proposed itinerary during applicant’s training; financial arrangements b) correct the order in the letter pattern. Dear Professor Smith, I am currently designing a process that integrates these technologies for the development of a pressure sensor that is based on a metal thin strain gauge. We plan to miniaturize this sensor in the near future. I am a researcher in the Department of Component Technology at the Center for Measurement Standards (CMS), which is similar to ABC Institute. I am an engineer with a Master's degree in Materials Science and Engineering and have received special training in thin film deposition photolithography and chemical etching. The proposed format is that of a self-supported guest worker at your laboratory. Our laboratory would like me to receive training in micromachining technology, e.g., wet/dry silicon etching and silicon to silicon fusion bonding. I hope that your laboratory, one of the leaders in this field of research, can provide me with the
opportunity to learn about sensor manufacturing technology. I wish to learn about sensor manufacturing technology at your laboratory for three months this year, preferably during March through June. Pressure sensors and the related technology are what we are most concerned with. I look forward to your response I would greatly appreciate your comments regarding this proposal. Thanks for your assistance. I look forward to our future cooperation. Vladimir Moscow email:
[email protected] Volkov Vladimir Senior Engineer Center for Measurement Standards Box 32 5. Choose the subject of the email above from the options: • application rejection • training program suggestions, acknowledgments. • guest worker application, • training course confirmations • Language work 1. Study a part of the email carefully and fill in the missing words from the list below. experience learn near regarding supported please financial dated could however Dear Dr. Brown, Thank you for your fax 1 July 19,1991. I was quite disappointed to 2 that you will be unable to receive me as a visiting researcher. 3 , I will re-submit my application in the 4 future in the hope that I can have this opportunity. 5 recall that my living expenses as a visiting researcher would be entirely 6 by my organization, and would therefore not require any 7 assistance. As our laboratory does not have much 8 in the primary pressure standard you please send us some technical reports (PPS) of the mercury manometer. 9 or papers 10 your laboratories work on the PPS of the mercury manometer? Thanks again 2. Look through the letter again and decide its subject. 3. Think of Russian equivalents to the following words and expressions: Master’s degree self-supported worker adhesion thin film deposition fusion bonding interface chemical etching mercury coation treatment substrate silicon
Writing You have been accepted to take part in the training course on Molecular Simulation in the USA . You and your organization admit that it is an effective tool for facilitating the identification of polymer structure and application and want to introduce it at your laboratory to gain an understanding of polymer morphologystructure property relationships.You need to suggest the training topics but you are not sure whether they are appropriate. Write an e-mail to Mr. John disscussing the details of your future visit. Write about 170 words. (Use the information below) future research activities -adhesion, surface, interface and interaction forces. systems to be employed -related to polymer blends and coation/surface treatments The suggested training curriculum 1. Current developments and the application of MS in Polymer research 2. Applications of co-polymer composition/structure/property 3. Polyolefin Conformation/Properties (system of particular interest: Metallocene Based Polymers) 4. Adhesion/Interface: Polymer Blends and Tire Cords in Rubber 5. Surface Treatment/Adhesion (Thin Film Formation on Polymer Surface, i.e., Plasma, Chemical Vapor Deposition and Adhesion with Polymer Substrates) • Writing procedure 1. Read the instructions carefully and highlight the key points: 2. Consider whether the letter should include the following points and put the ones you’ve chosen in the order of appearance in your letter. • previous discussion regarding • background information of your training session propose alternative laboratory's research interests time for visit • general theme of the proposed • giving background information seminar about your organization • specific topics to be covered in the seminar 3. Organize the points in three paragraphs. 4. Write the letter keeping in mind its format (consult pp. 3-4).
B 5. Requesting Information Correspondence involving information requests typically includes requesting progra m information, requesting company information, requesting product infor mation, requesting technology information, requesting reference materials and price quotations - information services. • Letter patterns 1. Study the letter patterns below. Common patterns in correspondence related to requesting information include the following: a. Stating the organization's interest in the requested information. Requests for information should not be viewed as merely a means to obtain information. Instead, information requests should be considered as the first step in identifying the mutual interests of both organizations. For instance, how will the other organization benefit from supplying this information? b. Requesting information. By clarifying your organization's interests, you allow the reader to make a correlation between the interests and goals of both organizations. 2. Read the extracts below and a) think of the function they have; b) write out the phrases of introduction of company’s current activities c) write out the structures of request. We intend to explore other possible applications of these films, particularly in the IC, electronics and packaging industries here in Taiwan. We plan to file an IND for scopolamine T.D.D.S. with the Bureau of Drugs (Taiwan's counterpart of the FDA). Please provide us with the following documents and samples required by the Bureau. Our laboratory is currently developing a flow measurement test rig. Our design consultant suggests the use of ABC valve products on some of the mechanical components. The following is a list of items we are interested in purchasing from your company. Please send me introductory information as well as other relevant publications that explain your strategies, methodologies, achievements, and future objectives. Since our goal closely resembles that of your organization, we would like to develop a partner relationship with your Industrial Material Exchange Service and, in this way, facilitate information exchange and other possible collaborations.
3. Look through the first sample e-mail and a) fill in the table below. e-mail subject
Where have Sphere of you learnt interest about the company
Dear Mr. Jones,
Background information about your organization
Reasons for Requested information information request
I came across an article in the April 1999 edition of The plastics BRIEF International Newsletter regarding your LCP extrusion film technology. I found it to be of great interest. Let me tell you about my organization: we are a non-profit research institute that serves the plastics industry in Russia. Our primary responsibilities include technical support, R&D, and technology transfer. I would like to understand more clearly your product line and related technology: could you send me information on the technology and information on the samples of pure LCP films, coextruded films and, if at all possible, could you send me film samples of LCP blends along with LCP blend test data. We intend to explore possible applications of these films, particularly in the IC, electronics and the packaging industries here in Taiwan. Furthermore, your film extrusion process seems to have the potential to meet our particular needs. Thank you for your kind attention. I look forward to hearing from you. Best wishes Ivan Ivan Davydov Senior Researcher Reserch Institute Box 23 Moscow email:
[email protected] b) Identify and entitle its composition parts. 4. Read the second sample e-mail and fill in the gaps with the expressions below:
current research faithfully thanks for your assistance could you Dear Sir: 2
Union Chemical Laboratories which is
I am an associate engineer at Union Chemical Laboratories (UCL),( 1 )a subsidiary of Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI). ITRI is a governmental, non-profit organization. My( 2 ) involves work on ultrafiltration and microfiltration processes. Our project team plans to investigate the following topics: 1. the clarification of fruit juice 2. the clarification and flavor adjustment of wine 3. protein concentration for gelatin manufacturing 4. the concentration of latex betwen polymerization and spray-drying (e.g., PVC latex) ( 3 )provide us with detailed information on the application of these technologies on the membrane separation systems? ( 4 ). I look forward to our future cooperation. ( Ivan
Ivan Davydov Associate Engineer ( 6 ) Box 32 Moscow email:
[email protected] • Language work 1. Match the synonyms in the table. 1. to explore A to include 2. particularly B goal 3. to purchase C to buy 4. objective D cooperation 5. since E information 6. to facilitate F to supply 7. collaboration G especially 8. to come across H to investigate 9. regarding I moreover 10. data J as 11. furthermore K concerning 12. to involve L to meet 13. to provide M to make easier
26 •
You have received a letter from Dr. John dated July 5, 1994 with some information on the catalyst project and the UK's new Environmental Technology Practice Programme. You also want Dr. John to send you two other articles concerning your current activities. Write an e-mail to Dr. John requiring the two articles. Write about 100 words. (Use the information below) your current project -CFC refrigerant recycle/recovery and reuse for air and freezing equipment your working group’s goal- to prepare new regulations for this equipment • Writing procedure 1. Read the instructions carefully and highlight the key points: 2. Consider whether the letter should include the following points and put the ones you’ve chosen in the order of appearance in your letter. • background information of your • your current project and its laboratory's research interests relation to the required literature • acknowledgement of previous • literature request information sent and its future application 3. Organize the points in three paragraphs. 4. Write the letter keeping in mind its format (consult pp. 3-4).
С п исок исп ользова нных источников: 1. http://iteslj org/Articles/Knoy-TechnicalLetters.html 2. http://iteslj.org/Techniques/Knoy-ChineseWriters.html
С ост а вит е л и: Т им оф е е ва Т а т ьяна В л а дисл а вовна , П от а л у й Л а риса В а сил ье вна .