Fio n aUndri tt
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Fio n aUndri tt
R e a da n dd i sco vemo r rea b o u tth e wor ld! pr ovides n a d e rs T h i ss e r i e so f n o n -fi cti ore i n t e r e s ti nagn de d u ca ti o n co a I n tent,with p ro j e ct w o rk. a c t i v i t i eas n d H a zeGe [ a tch e s S e r i eEd s i to r: AudioCD Packavailable Word count for this reader:L,20O
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S,trtfr'urG,t-u;f FionaUndritt Introduction 3 4 1 Tunnels 2 Bridges 6 8 3 Skyscrapers 10 4 Dams 5 OlympicStructures t2 L4 6 DifferentShapes 16 7 Glassandlce 18 8 AmazingPlaces in Space 20 9 Structures 10 AnimalStructures 22 24 Activities 44 Projects 46 PictureDictionary About Readand Discover48
P I { T' S S
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ACKNOW LE DCEMEN I'S llhAtrdtioruby: RebeccaHalls['he Olganisation pp 4, 6, 7. 8, 20,25,26,28, 30;Alan Rowepp 36,47,45,46,47:GarySwift PPs, 15, 19
()rli,trl lllrvr.t\tt\ l't'.!\ r.,,r,1' l'.il1|!.nl r,l llr( llntv('lsily (,1( )\l0r(l lt lIr l lri r,, l lr, l lrr\' t !tr.,,,1!lrl llr(, ol r'\( clk'ncc irtr|i.rrrlr.rrlrr'l,rrslrrl),rr(lr'(l|r.rlr,'| lrr lrllrltsl)lnt w()r'l(ltvrtl ilr ()\l()r1l Nr'\v \,rl Alr( lil.rn(l ( .rlx lowI I ).[ ( \ \.tl.l.[[ | |lrilll Koill1 K.t|lrt lri I((lirl:l l.rrrrrl)trl M.rrlrrrl Mt,llrrrrr rrr. M(.\tt r' ( llty Nilirol)i Ntw l)(llli
ThePublisherswoukl olsolike to thqnk thcJbllowing|& their kind pemissim Loreproducephotog:raphs and othcr copyight motci|al . Alamy pp 5, 10, 74,'17,22,23lwoiibat). 34; Corbispp 8. 23 (beaver/dam),32 (Beijing airport); Dr David Fishcr, Dynamic Architecftue, A11rights reseNed p 15i Getty Imagesp 9: NASAInages p 20, 21; OxfbrdUniversityPresspp 3, 6, 13, 16, 32 (BeijingStadium);PoseidonUndersea Resons.LLCp t8; Rcx Featuresp 12:TopFotopp 4,7; Superstockp 11: Antarctic Surveyp 19,
Slr.rrrllh.r l.rltr r lor)nto
A structureis somethingmadewith many parts,likea house,a schoot,or a bridge. It canbe madeof differentmaterialslike glass,wood,or metal.A super bricks,concrete,
With oliitt's irr llrnzil (.lrilt' (lzt't h l((.1)ltl)li( lililt((. Hrrrrgtrry ltrly litl)iU) ll)Lilt(l l,r)rtrrllill Singaporc SouthKorca Switzcrlancl llririlirrtrl )irrkey tJkraine Vietnan At.l.lcntlnJ Austrir (;rccce (;urtenralr
is verybig,very[ong,or verytat[. structure
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Whatstructures canyouseehere? Howmanypartscanyousee? madeof? Whatarethe structures canyouthinkof? Whatotherstructures
.\rl .lr r r!llll).tll!lllJ' A( livlly ll(x)k is rlso avlilaltle, t .Ir,r'l'X'l').t{'.1.I)t 7 l'r ilrtr'(l t[ { lIn,l I lr r\ l,rr,1. r\ l)r rlt(rl r)il l);tlx't I r()l)r ( cfi itied ind r 'r'll rrr,rrr,111 rl sorrrrr'r
ffi.W. Nowreadanddiscover Wd
One of the longest road tunnels is the Laerdal Tunnel in Norway. The tunnel is nearly 25 kilometers long and it goes 'l unncls go underwater,underground,or tl-rroughthe ground. \Weuse tunnels for mines, trains, and road traffic, or to carry things like gas or water.Tunnels are usually made of metal and concrete. One of the longest tunnels in the world is the SeikanTunnel in Japan.It's nearly 54 kilometers long! It goesbetween two islands.It was built becauseit's too dangerous to travel by boat.The tunnel is for trains, but now many people prefer to travel by plane.
through a mountain. It was built because there's too much snow on the mountain roads in winter.
Bridges go over water or overground. On a beam bridge, the pillars carry the deck. One of the longest beam bridges is the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway in the USA. This bridge is about 38 kilometers long and it has over 91000concrete pillars. It goes over water and carries road traffic.
On a suspension l-rridge,the cablesand towers carry the deck. 'l'hc anchorageshold thc cables. Suspensionbridges move a little when it's windy. 'l'his isn't usually a problem, but in 1940 the 'lbcoma Bridge in the USA collapsedin light winds. It was onlv four months old.
0 t
Goto pages26-27 for activities. !a .:'&,lir'ifEt{:4rire€HIEI:
. -'
\(Ihen there isn't much ground, we can build tall buildings. Very tall buildings are called
One of the tallest skyscrapers is the Burj Dubai.. It's in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. It's 818 meterstall - that's nearly a kilometer! It's made
skyscrapers.The first skyscraper was the Home Insurance Building. It was built in Chicago in the
of a special,strong concrete called reinforced concrete. The Burj Dubai has apartments' shops,swimming pools, hotels,
USA in 1885. It was 42 meters tall. The tallest skyscrapersare now much taller than this.
restaurants, and a librarY. It's like a very tall town! Do you like it?
The PetronasTWin Towers in I(uala Lumpur in Malaysia are the tallest twin buildings.There is a bridge between the two towers called a skybridge.
Theconcretein the BurjDubaiweighsthe same asabout100,000elephants!
I i.r'li
.$* Goto pages28-29 for activities.
Arch dams are also madc of concrctc.'l-l-rcv arc usuall,vsmaller than gravity dams and they are curved. The curve holds back the Some of the biggest structures are dams.
water. The Moiry Dam in Switzerland is
They hold back \vater and make a lake callcd a rcscrvoir. Dams supply watcr)
an arch dam. It's 148 meters tall and 6 1 0 m c tcr s l o n s.
stop floods, and they also makc elcctricity. (iravitv clantsare macic of a lot of concrcte. 'l'hey arc vcrv big and hcarl', ancl this wcight l-roldsback rhc r,l'arcr. Tl-rc Itaipu Dam is a gravitv dam. It's in South Amcrica betwccn Paraguaf anc-lBrazil.It's 196
ryr; ,rrii ",:{y'
mctcrs tail and ncarlr' 8 kilorr-rcterslong.
hn-, rf
'r, '\:\
,#)* morethan4,000yearsagoin ' - '': neverworkedbecause
G ot o p a g e s3 0 - 3 1 f o r a c t i v
There are many super structures in Beijing in China. Some of them were built for the Olympicsin 2008. Terminal 3 of Beijing Capital Inrernarional Airport is one of the biggestairport terminals in the world. The floor area is more than a square kilometer.There are sevenfloors, and two of the floors are underground.
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colorsfor Chinese Redandgoldaretraditional colorfor good[uck. Redis the Chinese buil.dings.
The Beijing National Stadium is one of the biggestmetal buildings. It's red and gold. It has 80,000 seats.There wcre I 1,000extra seatsfor the Olympics.It also has underground pipes to make it warm in winter and cool in summer. Sometimesit's calledthe Bird's Ncst - can you seewhy? Goto pages32- 33forac ti v i ti es .
In 2008, David Fisher designed the first rotating skyscraper. It uses energy from the wind. People want to build these rotating $7ith new building materials, people can build structures in many different shapes.
skyscrapers in Dubai and in Moscow.
The 02,in London in the United I(ingdom is a dome. It was built for the millennium, the year 2000. The roof is made of a special plastic and glass material. It's 365 meters wide - one meter for every day of the year. It has also l2 support towers - one tower for every month of the year.
Eachftoorcanrotatea ful.t candecidewhento circle.People rotatetheirftoor.Theskyscraper shapeeveryday! canbea different
fi ,: l r,ir,
Goto pages34-35for activities.
In a village in Sweden, near the Arctic, there is a hotel made of ice called Ice Hotel. The hotel is open from December to April. It has 80 rooms. There are ice sculptures in the rooms. The beds, chairs, and tables are also made of ice. Even the drinking glasses are made of ice!
'pl#$ ;
Most buildings are made of concrete, bricks, metal, or wood. Some buildings use different materials. Biosphere 2 inArizona in the USA is made of glass and metal. It's nearly as big as rwo and a half American football fields. Inside, there's a rainforest, an ocean, a desert, a farm, and places for people to live and work. It's a research center.
Everyyear,lce Hotet is b u ilta gai nw i th newi ce.
Did you know that people also build structures under the ocean and on ice? The Poseidon Undersea Resort in Fiji is a hotel 12 meters under the ocean. It's made t:--
of very strong metal and plastic. The windows are made of special, clear plastic, so people can see fish and other ocean
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animals from the hotel. To get to the hotel, you travel by submarine! Halley 6 is a research station in the Antarctic. It's built on ice. The ice moves 400 meters every year and the structure moves with it. Halley 6 is on skis so people can move it back to the right place. Building in the Antarctic is very difficult
per speedcanbe 150kitometers hour.Thetemperature canbeless than-50 degrees centigrade. G ot o p a g e s3 8 * 3 9 f o r a c t i v i t i e s .
The ISS is made of metal. It uses energy from the sun. The first part of the ISS went into spacein a rocket in 1998. No astronauts There are also structures
went with it. Most other parts went with
in space.The International
astronauts. Sometimes, astronauts do a
Space Station (ISS) is a
spacewalkoutside the ISS to attach new parts.
research station. It's about 350 kilometers above Earth. It goes around Earth about 16 times every
.#dtt $$ -r',.,f, $#''f
day. It travelsat 27,700 kilometers pcr hour - that's nearly 8 kilometers per second!
tE -?
11 \.1
I Youcanseethe ISSfrom Earthwithouta tetescope.
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G ot o p a g e s4 0 - 4 1 f o r a c t i v i t i e s .. . ' ; , _.*_
Wombatsbuild undergrouncl tunnels calledburrows.Thcy dig with their front paws and bite through things with their
Animals can build super structures,too! Termites build their homes with mud. These homes are tall towers called termite mounds.The tallesttermite mounds are
teeth.A wombat can dig about 2 metersper hour.
about 13 meters high. They are termite
Beaversbuild dams on the water to protect themselves from other wild animalslike
bears.They build the dams with small trees)stones,and mud. Their dams can be a
eJfJ "d \{}/ Termites areinsects. Thetatlesttermitemounds arethousands of termites ta[[!
kilometer long.
'.i t,.,. "'4 ,
: 1 :-
l. pages42-43 for activities.
rCirclethe correctwords. Readpages4-5.
goiund/eri/ overwateror ground. t Tunnels 2 Tunnels aremadeof metalandgtass/ concrete.
Tunnelis in China/ Japan. 3 TheSeikan Tunnelis in Spain/ Norway. 4 TheLaerdaI
It wasbuittbecause there's too muchsnowon the mountain roadsin winter.
Tunnel Seikan
It wasbuittbecause it'stoo dangerous to travel" by boat.
LaerdaI Tunnel
the sentences. Complete through longest metat 25 kitometersunder 1 T u n n e ts a reusua[l ymadeof ,', "
3 lt's for roadtraffic.
Tunnelis oneof the 2 TheSeikan
4 lt's for trains.
is nearty 3 TheLaerdalTunnel
Write trueor false. 1 Tunnels cancarrywater.
cl fl dconcrete.
tunne[s. long.
Tunnelgoes 4 TheSeikan
the water.
goes Tunnel 5 TheLaerdal
a mountain.
5 WriteA or B.
i i 'q,j i ;.
2 TheSeikan Tunnelis longerthan the LaerdaI Tunnel. ffi*,r*
3 TheLaerdal Tunnelis shorter than the Seikan Tunnel.
tunnel? 1 Whichis the [ongest 2 Whichtunnelgoesunderground? -
4 TheSeikan Tunnelgoesthroughwater.
3 Whichtunnelis fortrains? -
5 It'squicker to usethe Seikan Tunnel thanto traveIby p[ane.
tunnet? 4 Whichis the shortest 5 Whichtunnelgoesunderwater? 6 WhichtunneIis forcars? V-'c''
d Bridses (
I Findandwritethe words.
a n
1 Circlethe correctwords. go underground 1 Bridges / overground. 2 Thelongest/ shortestbeambridgeis in the USA. 3 Beambridges andsuspension bridges bothhavea tower / deck. 4 TheTacoma Bridgeis a beam/ suspension bridge.
t Writethe words. cable deck piltar deck anchorage tower suspension bridge fmm#i+ge
't J
b e a m o p p
a 5
n e f
w d q c h o r a g e t b e j c e w g o e d o a r a m w a e t b t t h e t c W t b e q r t k a e r r u i e I h r i o a c V s n g d m t e
g h b
t t a
c n o a
1 bridoe -7 -
d 6 g 7
Answerthe questions. thedeckona beambridge? 1 Whatcarries Thsplltnrecarr1ths dscK. bridge? thedeckona suspension 2 Whatcarries bridges? for suspension 3 Whatis a problem whenit waswindy? 4 Whichbridgecollapsed
6 7 8
5 Writeabouta bridgein yourcountry.
ffiG ffi
Tower. I TheTaipei101is eirorter thanthe Sears (short/ shorter/ shortest)
'r Readpages8-9.
", Match.
'wm' I
W il
3 Complete the sentences.
Financial is _ than 2 TheShanghai Center the Petronas TwinTowers. ftatl/ tatter/ tattest)
Sears Tower Petronas TwinTowers Taipei101 Shanghai Wortd FinanciaI Center BurjDubai
F Writethe numbers.
3 TheBurjDubaiis the ftatl/ taller/ ta[[est)
4 TheSears Toweris ftall/ta[[erltaltest)
than anthe th Taipei101.
Toweris 5 TheSears thanthe BurjDubai. (short/ shorter/ shortest)
4 Answerthe questions. 1 Wherewasthe wortd'sfirstskyscraper buitt? 2 Howta[[is the BurjDubai?
10mm 900m 1,000m 92cm 100cm Smm 1 abouta centimeterfu::r*: 2 abouta meter
called? 3 Whatarethe taltesttwin buildings
3 abouta kitometer 4 the sameasa centimeter
Why? 4 Whatis yourfavoriteskyscraper?
5 the sameasa meter 6 the sameasa kitometer
the puzzle. Complete
C Readpages10-11.
I Writethe words.
reservoircurue archdam concretegravitydam reservoir
1 Thefirstdambuittfett 4 -> downin heavy-. 2 TheMoiryDamis in _. 3 Gravitydamsarevery _. 4 Gravitydamsaremadeof 5 Archdamsare -. 6 Damshotdback_.
Answer the questions. 1 Whattypeof damis the ltaipuDam?
1 2 3
2 WhereistheMoiryDam?
5 6
3 With an archdam,whatholdsbackthe water?
2 Writetrueor false. 1 Damsmakewater. 2 A reservoir is like a [ake.
4 With a gravitydam,whatholdsbackthe wate??
3 Damssupplyfood. 4 Damsstopfloods.
5 Writeabouta damin yourcountry.
5 TheltaipuDamis ta[[erthan the MoiryDam. R\s%
J Complete the sentences. super metal airporttermina[sOtympicscolor ReadpagesL2-L3.
1 Redis the Chinese _
for good[uck.
2 Manybuildings werebuittforthe
in 2008.
1 It's madeof metal.
3 Beijinghasmany
2 Thefloorareais more
4 Termina[ International 3 of the BeijingCapitaI Airportis oneof the biggest
thana square kilometer.
NationaI Stadium
3 It has80,000seats.
Terminal 3
4 Sometimes it'scalled the Bird'sNest. 5 lt'soneof the biggest airporttermina[s.
is oneof the biggest 5 TheBeijingNational Stadium buitdings.
Answerthe questions. 1 Whenwerethe BeijingOlympics? 2 Beijingis the capitalof whatcountry?
Circtethe correctwords. 1 Termina[ 3, BeijingCapital InternationalAirport: lt's in Russia/ China/ the USA. ft's for cars/ trains,/ planes.
Whatis the Chinese cotorfor good[uck? 4 Whatis the BeijingNational madeof? Stadium
2 TheBeiji ngNationaI Stadium: lt's likea bird'sbus/ nest/ schoot. lt's madeof metat/ wood/ glass. It hasunderground pillars/ pipes,/ seats.
5 Writeabouta sportsstadiumin yourcountry.
the sentences. Complete
materia[sskyscraperdome Londonday shapes
Circlethe correctwords. The02: 1 lt wasbuittforthe Olympics / millennium. 2 Thereare365months/ daysin a year. 3 ThereareL2months/ daysin a year.
, peoplecanbui[d
1 Withnewbuitding in different structures 2 The02 is in
3 Therotating
i Match.Thenwritesentences.
Therotatingskyscraper: 4 lt canrotatea fu[[ square,/ circle.
5 lt usesenergyfromthe sun/ wind. 6 lt canbe a differentfloor,/ shapeeveryday.
Writethe months. SeptemberJune NovemberFebruaryAprit Ju[y .lanu=art' DecemberAugust May March October 1
\, Thereare72 months ,,
In a year. energyfromthe wind.
Everyfloorcanrotate : year. 1"..,,.in a Thereare365days is a dome. .."" Therotating a futtcirc[e. uses skyscraper 1 2 3 4 5
lce Gla$$annd *
4 lt's in the USA.
3 lt',sin sweden.
bricks glass ice wood concretemetal
1 lt's madeof glassandmetal. 2 lt's madeof ice.
Write the words.
A Write trueor false.
lce Hotel 2 Biosphere
center. 5 lt's a research 6 | wantto go there.
Orderthe words. 1 lce / Hotel/ made/ is / ice./ of lr"s ilnt*"l iq nnads *rf k"s,
2 again./ year/ Hotel/ ts / Every/ lce/ buiLt / to 3 open/ lt / from/ is / Aprit.,/December / ice./ The/ made/ of / are. 4 drinking/ glasses
1 lce Hotelis openin January. 2 lce Hotelis not openin March.
/ of / is / metat./ and 5 glass/ made/ Biosphere2
3 Biosphere 2 is a smatltown. 4 Biosphere 2 is madeof glassandwood. 5 Thereis an oceanin Biosphere2. 6 Thereis an icehotelin Biosphere 2.
ere2. / There/ in / Biosph 6 a / is / rainforest
'rrr ,,r"li irl i:i iil.'jl. i. r
I ;,, ,
the sentences. 3 Comptete
ill ,,' 11
weather under on Plastic moves
is Resort Undersea 1 ThePoseidon aremadeof a speciat 2 Thewindows -.
Match. 1 lt's buitton ice.
Poseidon Undersea Resort
2 lt's underthe ocean. 3 lt moves.
4 lt's on skis.
3 Halley6 is built4 Theice
the ocean.
400 meterseveryYear.
of is verydifficuttbecause in the Antarctic 5 Buil,ding the-.
4 Answerthe questions.
Complete the chart.
Resort? Undersea 1 Whereis the Poseidon
weter cold skis submarine wind ice fish hotel research ocean
2 Whereis Halley6? '\:/'
Poseidbn Undersea Resort
# S
Resort? Undersea Howdo yougetto the Poseidon
,;ijfrt. i
4 Howcoldcanit be in the Antarctic? Why? 5 Whatis yourfavori{estructure?
- j- \
g *
il{fi|ilififtiffi iiii,,,,,tl
3 Writethe words.
: iilt r t , f r li ' 1, , i i , , 1 , lt l , l l . r1 rr
Earth astronaut ISS
Findandwritethe words. a s t r frrl a o f ,e e c'u s a k w,€ reoa t,t o I hexc b d.s h
o na t ib V rs h ht s da u , Wt t ii n bo t tn
ut ps tp s., a oc ce kc cd Le
G *:
4 I 5 fr 6
Answerthe questions. isthelss? 1 Where 2 Whatis the ISS?
Writethe numbers. 27,700 B 19gg 350 16 1 TheISSis kitometers aboveEarth. 2 It goesaroundEarthabout timeseveryday. 3 It travetsat _ 4 It travetsat _
wentintospacewiththe Howmanyastronauts first partof the ISS?
kitometers perhour.
kilometers persecond. 5 Thefirst partof the ISSwent intospace In
3 Whendidthe firstpartof the ISSgo intospace?
do spacewalks? 5 Wheredo astronauts 6 Canyouseethe ISSfromEarth?
AnirnalStructures + ReadpaEes22-23.
the Puzzle. 3 Complete ? Y
1 Writetrueor false. 1 Termites buitdtheirhomeswith concrete. 2 Wombats buitdburrows underground. 3 Wombats bitethroughthingswith theirteeth. 4 Beavers buitddamsunderthe water. 5 Beaver damscanbea kilometer [ong. 6 Thereis a termitemoundin my home.
Orderthe words. 1 too./ Animals/ buiLd/ can,/structures / super 2 mounds/ Termite / skyscrapers. / are/ termite 3 Wombats/ about/ meters/ dig/ hour./ per/ 2 4 buitd/ Termites / with / their/ mud./ homes 5 dams/ Beaver / bel tong./ a / can/ kilometer
1 lt's the nameof thisbook. arecalled-. 2 Yerytatt buitdings 3 An archdamhasa -. 4 A tunnelgoeshere. aretypesof -. 5 Beamandsuspension material. 6 lt's a strongbuitding andSeikanare-. 7 Laerdat thereis a - througha mountain. 8 In Norway, i s m adeof - . Stadi um 9 TheBeijin gN ati onal 10 lt hotdsbackwater. go- Water. 11 Bridges is very-. Causeway 12. ThePontchartrain 2 is madeof metaland-. 13 Biosphere
Designa SuPer Structure
SuperStructures in MyCountry Complete the chartaboutsuperstructures in yourcountry. What'sit called?
Thinkof a superstructure. the diagram. Writenotesandcomptete
Whattype of structureis it?
Namsof structure:
thapa andsirs:
iJ -\j
/ t
d{rdfrl flio 1y
-:_J{'J \r--:'/
HP trl<
Makea poster. Usepictures andi,i;tfrlr-f1i..-'
write aboutthe superstructures. ralf \rf, ....mersrs
to write sentences 3 Drawyoursuperstructure. it. describe
yourposter. Disptay
yourdesign. 4 Display
ffimwWwsM.ffi, ,,iirjlq ffi ffiw #"'i|,, y' ffimwe 6*'
q , @# W bite
,;'%. Dtr
drinking gtass
W# gtass
G \/
ffi I ff i, @tf @ruM J
/-\\-r-, \^.1 -,
-/r;>Y/f.\ f( f v
f\:/t t '- 4 , / L |/..\ lva
rainforest road
$tr @itr
ffi [ake
$ ,d**ffil-ffi I metal
skyscraper space
,, -
w FS' stone
telescopetemperature traffic
SeriesEditor:HazelGeatches. CLILAdviser: JohnC[egg OxfordReadand Discovergradedreaders areat four[eve[s,from 3 to 6, suitab[efor studentsfromage8 andotder.Theycovermany topicswithinthreesubjectareas, andcansupportEngtish across the (CLIL). curriculum, or ContentandLanguage Integrated Learning Availabte for eachreader: Audi oC DPa c k( b o o k& a u d i oC D ) ActivityBook a
ForTeacher's go to Notes& CLILGuidance www.oup.c om/ elt/ teacher,/reada nddiscover 1 Subject The World of Science
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HowWe Make Products Soundand Music s SuperStructures 600 headwords YourFiveSenses s
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