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, (F.2)
where the potential is given simply by V = -8(cosh^ 1 ' + cosh(^2> + cosh>(3)) .
106 The complex symmetric scalar matrix M is quite complicated, and incorporates all three complex scalars $ ' Q ' in a symmetric manner; this is presented below. In terms of the N = 2 truncation, the three complex scalars each parameterise an SL(2;R)/SO(2)
coset. This may be made explicit by performing the change of variables
(* (O ,0 (i) )->ta,Xi): cosh(/>W
cos #M s i n n (/)(') =
x ^ ' .
^ _ Ay e
, w
Defining the dilaton-axion combinations (F.5) as well as B,
XiX3evl+m+iX2e'Pl XiX2e^+^+ix3ew ,
we finally obtain the bosonic Lagrangian ( ( 5 ^ ) 2 + e2
0 ; = 2 ^ / Cv-rt • AK ZK 0 JSs-P 0 JS7-P where we perform the last integral on a small sphere surrounding the Dirac string. A (6 — p)-brane circling the string picks up a phase e V6- P * The 1 there is an SU(Nf) gauge theory on the sixbranes, and so there is a Higgs branch, corresponding to the D2-brane becoming an SU(Nf) instanton! The singularity of the Coulomb branch is indeed a signal that we are at the origin of the Higgs branch, and it also fits that there is no singularity for Nf = 1. It is worthwhile carrying out this computation for the case of Nf D6-branes in the presence of a negative orientifold 6-plane oriented in the same way. In that case we deduce from facts we learned before that the presence of the 0 6 plane gives global flavour group SO(2Nf) for Nf D6-branes. The D2-brane however carries an SU(2) gauge group. This is T-dual to the earlier statement ; cr3 = dtp + cos ( as the dilaton, we could imagine the brane at x$ = 0 is a wrapped NS brane whose effective gauge coupling is determined by some geometrical modulus, as in the examples of [20]. 3.3. What about 4d gravity? To proceed, lets write down the explicit solutions to the Einstein equations. Solving the bulk equations of motion, we find <j)(x5) = jlog\-x5 j and 4>F represent the field configurations for x3 > 0 and x3 < 0 respectively. A quantum state is represented by a wave functional * ( 0 = *(&,&O
(L0 - a)\4>) = 0 .
The L0 constraint leads to a mass formula: a r r• ip - a) . M2 = — — [)an-an+ r I 5Z -" ' Q" +n/>_ ^-r • Vv -a1 \ n,r
In the NS sector the ground state is a Lorentz singlet and is assigned odd fermion number, i.e., under the operator (—1)F, it has eigenvalue —1. In order to achieve spacetime supersymmetry, the spectrum is projected on to states with even fermion number. This is called the "GSO projection",54 and for our purposes, it is enough to simply state that this obtains spacetime supersymmetry, as we will show at the massless level. A more complete treatment —which gets it right for all mass levels— is contained in the full superconformal field theory. The GSO projection there is a statement about locality with the gravitino vertex operator. Since the open string tachyon clearly has (—1)F = —1, it is removed from the spectrum by GSO. This is our first achievement, and justifies our earlier practice of ignoring the tachyons appearance in the bosonic spectrum in what has gone before. Fro what we will do for the rest of the these notes, the tachyon will largely remain in the wings, but it (and other tachyons) do have a role to play, since they are often a signal that the vacuum wants to move to a (perhaps) more interesting place. We will see this in a couple of places before the end. (See John Schwarz's discussion of the construction of non-BPS D-branes, in this school. 18 ) Massless particle states in ten dimensions are classified by their 50(8) representation under Lorentz rotations, that leave the momentum invariant: SO(8) is the "Little group" of 50(1,9). The lowest lying surviving states in the NS sector are the eight transverse polarisations of the massless open string photon, AM, made by exciting the ip oscillators: il>tl/2\k),
M2 = 0 .
These states clearly form the vector of 50(8). They have (-)F = 1 and so survive GSO. In the R sector the ground state energy always vanishes because the worldsheet bosons and their superconformal partners have the same moding. The Ramond vacuum has a 32-fold degeneracy, since the V'o t a k e ground states into ground states. The ground states form a representation of the ten dimensional Dirac matrix algebra {K,r*} = vr(235) (Note the similarity with the standard T-matrix algebra, {TM, Tv] = 277^". We see that V# = T^/y/l.) For this representation, it is useful to choose this basis:
d? = -5=ty*±t^ +1 )
t = l,-",4
= ^W^S) -
In this basis, the Clifford algebra takes the form {df,dJ}
= Sij.
The df, i = 0, •••,4 act as raising and lowering operators, generating the 2 io/2 _ 32 Ramond ground states. Denote these states | S 0 , S i , S 2 , S 3 , S 4 ) = Is)
where each of the Si takes the values ± | , and where dr|-5.-!.-5.-5.-5>=°
while df raises Si from — | to | . This notation has physical meaning: The fermionic part of the ten-dimensional Lorentz generators is SliV
= -%2 £
The states (238) above are eigenstates of S0 = iS01, Si = 5 2 i - 2 i + 1 , with s, the corresponding eigenvalues. Since by construction the Lorentz generators (240) always flip an even number of s^, the Dirac representation 32 decomposes into a 16 with an even number of — | ' s and 16' with an odd number. The physical state conditions (232), on these ground states, reduce to G 0 = (2a')1/2p/JV,o • (Note that G2, ~ L0.) Let us pick the (massless) frame p° = pl. This becomes Go = a ' 1 / 2 p i r 0 (1 - r 0 r ! ) = 2a' 1 / 2 p 1 r 0 ( | - S0) ,
which means that s0 = \, giving a sixteen-fold degeneracy for the physical Ramond vacuum. This is a representation of SO (8) which decomposes into 8 S with an even number of — | ' s and 8 C with an odd number. One is in the 16 and the 16', but the two choices, 16 or 16', are physically equivalent, differing only by a spacetime parity redefinition, which would therefore swap the 8 S and the 8 C . In the R sector the GSO projection amounts to requiring 4
(mod 2),
picking out the 8 S . Of course, it is just a convention that we associated an even number of | ' s with the 8 S ; a physically equivalent discussion with things the other way around would have resulted in 8 C . The difference between these two is only meaningful when they are both present, and at this stage we only have one copy, so either is as good as the other. The ground state spectrum is then 8^ © 8 S , a vector multiplet of D = 10, N = 1 spacetime supersymmetry. Including Chan-Paton factors gives again a U(N) gauge theory in the oriented theory and SO(N) or USp(N) in the unoriented. This completes our tree-level construction of the open superstring theory. 5.2
Closed Superstrings: Type II
Just as we saw before, the closed string spectrum is the product of two copies of the open string spectrum, with right- and left-moving levels matched. In the open string the two choices for the GSO projection were equivalent, but in the closed string there are two inequivalent choices, since we have to pick two copies to make a close string. Taking the same projection on both sides gives the "type IIB" case, while taking them opposite gives "type IIA". These lead to the massless sectors Type IIA:
(8 V © 8S) ® (8 V © 8C)
Type IIB:
(8 V © 8S)
Let us expand out these products to see the resulting Lorentz (SO(8)) content. In the NS-NS sector, this is 8 v (g)8 v = $ffl£ M „fflG M „ = 1 © 2 8 © 3 5 .
In the R-R sector, the IIA and IIB spectra are respectively 8 S
Here [n] denotes the n-times antisymmetrised representation of 50(8), and [4]+ is self-dual. Note that the representations [n] and [8 — n] are the same, as they are related by contraction with the 8-dimensional e-tensor. The NS-NS and R-R spectra together form the bosonic components of D = 10 IIA (nonchiral) and IIB (chiral) supergravity respectively; We will write their effective actions shortly.
219 Insert 9: Forms and Branes It is useful to emphasise and summarise here, for later use, the structure of the bosonic content of the two theories. Common to both type IIA and IIB are the NS-NS sector fields
The latter is a rank two antisymmetric tensor potential, and we have seen that the fundamental closed string couples to it electrically by the coupling v\ \
B{2) ,
where v\ = (27ra') _1 , M2 is the world sheet, with coordinates £ a , a = 1,2. 5(2) = Babd£ad£b, and B^ is the pullback of B^ via (180). By ten dimensional Hodge duality, we can also construct a six form potential J5(6), by the relation dB^ = *dB(2)- There is a natural electric coupling 1/5 JM -6(6) > to the world-volume MQ of a five dimensional extended object. This NS-NS charged object, which is commonly called the "NS5-brane" is the magnetic dual of the fundamental string. 55 ' 56 It is in fact, in the ten dimensional sense, the monopole of the U(l) associated to 2?(2). The string theory has other potentials, from the R-R sector: type IIA : type IIB :
C (1) , C (3) , C(5) , C(7) C(0) , C(2) , C(4) , C(6) , C(8)
where in each case the last two are Hodge duals of the first two, and C(4) is self dual. (A p-form potential and a rank (/-form potential are Hodge dual to one another in D dimensions it p + q = D — 2.) As we shall discuss at length later, we expect that there should be pdimensional extended sources which couple to all of these via an electric coupling of the form: QP
/ JMP+1
to their p + 1-dimensional world volumes Mp+\.
Insert 9: Continued.... One of the most striking and far reaching results of modern string theory is the fact that the most basic such R-R sources are the superstrings' D-brane solutions, and furthermore that their charges fip are the smallest allowed by consistency (see 5.10), suggesting that they are the basic sources from which all R-R charged objects may be constructed, at least in principle, and often in practice. So we see that type IIA contains a DO-brane and its magnetic dual, a D6brane, and a D2-brane and its magnetic cousin, a D4-brane. The last even brane is a ten-dimensional domain wall type solution, the D8-brane, which as we shall later see pertains to the type IA or type I' theory. Meanwhile, type IIB has a string-like Dl-brane, which is dual to a D 5 brane. There is a self-dual D3-brane, and there is an instanton which is the D(-l)-brane, and its Hodge dual, the D7-brane. To complete the list of odd branes, we note that there is a spacetime filling D9-brane which pertains to the type IB or type I theory.
In the NS-R and R-NS sectors are the products 8 V ® 8C 8v
= =
8 S © 56 c 8C©56S.
The 5 6 s c are gravitinos. Their vertex operators are made roughly by tensoring a NS field V>M with a vertex operator Va = e ~ v / 2 S a , where the latter is a"spin field", made by bosonising the dj's of equation (236) and building: S = exp
±l = e„±iiT " .
(The factor e'*/2 are the bosonisation of the Faddev-Popov ghosts, about which we will have nothing more to say here.) The resulting full gravitino vertex operators, which correctly have one vector and one spinor index, are two fields of weight (0,1) and (1,0), respectively, depending upon whether ip>* comes from the left or right. These are therefore holomorphic and antiholomorphic world-sheet currents, and the symmetry associated to them in spacetime is the supersymmetry. In the IIA theory the two gravitinos (and supercharges) have opposite chirality, and in the IIB the same.
Let us develop further the vertex operators for the R-R states. h This will involve a product of spin fields,57 one from the left and one from the right. These again decompose into antisymmetric tensors, now of 5 0 ( 9 , 1 ) : V = VaV0(T^
with C the charge conjugation matrix. In the IIA theory the product is 16(8)16' giving even n (with n = 10 - n) and in the IIB theory it is 16 ® 16 giving odd n. As in the bosonic case, the classical equations of motion follow from the physical state conditions, which at the massless level reduce to Go • V = Go • V = 0. The relevant part of Go is just p ^ o a n ^ similarly for G 0 . The p^ acts by differentiation on G, while i/jft acts on the spin fields as it does on the corresponding ground states: as multiplication by TM. Noting the identity
r T l f M • • • r"" ] = r (,/ • • • r ^ 1 + U^r^2
• • • r ^ i + perms)
and similarly for right multiplication, the physical state conditions become dG = 0
d*G = 0.
These are the Bianchi identity and field equation for an antisymmetric tensor field strength. This is in accord with the representations found: in the IIA theory we have odd-rank tensors of 50(8) but even-rank tensors of 50(9,1) (and reversed in the IIB), the extra index being contracted with the momentum to form the field strength. It also follows that R-R amplitudes involving elementary strings vanish at zero momentum, so strings do not carry R-R charges. As an aside, when the dilaton background is nontrivial, the Ramond generators have a term fi^dip*1, and the Bianchi identity and field strength pick up terms proportional to d(f> A G and d(j> A *G. The Bianchi identity is nonstandard, so G is not of the form dC. Defining G' = e~*G removes the extra term from both the Bianchi identity and field strength. The field G' is thus decoupled from the dilaton. In terms of the action, the fields G in the vertex operators appear with the usual closed string e - 2 ^ but with non-standard dilaton gradient terms. The fields we are calling G' (which in fact are the usual fields used in the literature) have a dilaton-independent action. 5.3
Open Superstrings: Second Look — Type I from Type IIB
As we saw in the bosonic case, we can construct an unoriented theory by projecting onto states invariant under world sheet parity, H. In order to get h
T h e reader should consult a more advanced text 1 for details.
a consistent theory, we must of course project a theory which is invariant under fi to start with. Since the left and right moving sectors have the same GSO projection for type IIB, it is invariant under fi, so we can again form an unoriented theory by gauging. We cannot gauge fi in type IIA to get a consistent theory, but see later. Projecting onto ft = + 1 interchanges left-moving and right-moving oscillators and so one linear combination of the R-NS and NS-R gravitinos survives, so there can be only one supersymmetry surviving. In the NS-NS sector, the dilaton and graviton are symmetric under CI and survive, while the antisymmetric tensor is odd and is projected out. In the R-R sector, by counting we can see that the 1 and 35+ are in the symmetric product of 8 S
The 10 Dimensional Supergravities
Just as we saw in the case of the bosonic string, we can truncate consistently to focus on the massless sector of the string theories, by focusing on low energy limit a' —> 0. Also as before, the dynamics can be summarised in terms of a low energy effective (field theory) action for these fields, commonly referred to as "supergravity". The bosonic part of the low energy action for the type IIA string theory in ten dimensions may be written (c.f. ( I l l ) ) as (the wedge product is understood): 58,1 ' 5
±Jdwx(-G)1/2{t -
e 2$
tf + W ) 2 - ^ ( # < 3 > ) 2
_i(G<2))2 - i(G ( 4 ) ) 2 l - A IB^dC^dC^ 4
4Kg J
. (251)
As before GM„ is the metric in string frame, $ is the dilaton, H^ = dB^ is the field strength of the NS-NS two form, while the Ramond-Ramond field strengths are G^ = dC™ and G<4> = dC™ + H^ A C^. For the bosonic part in the case of type IIB, we have:
5lIB =
2 ^ jdW<-G)1'2
{ e _ 2 0 [R + 4(V
- \{dC^)2 - ^(G ( 5 ) ) 2 }
i / (C(4) + \B(2) C(2)) ^
Now, G^ = dCW and G^ = dC™ + H^C™ are R-R field strengths, and C(°) is the RR scalar. (Note that we have canonical normalisations for the kinetic terms of forms: there is a prefactor of the inverse of —2 x p\ for a p-form field strength.) There is a small complication due to the fact that we require the R-R four form C' 4 ' to be self dual, or we will have too many degrees of freedom. We write the action here and remind ourselves to always impose the self duality constraint F^ 5 ' = *F^ by hand in the equations of motion. Equation (114) tells us that in ten dimensions, we must use: GM„ = e ( * ° - * ) / 2 G ^ .
to convert these actions to the Einstein frame. As before, (see discussion below (116)) Newton's constant will be set by 2K 2
= 2/t 2 5 2 =
= (2TT)7a14g2s ,
where the latter equality can be established by direct computation. We will see that it gives a very natural normalisation for the masses and charges of the various branes in the theory. Also gs is set by the asymptotic value of the dilaton at infinity: gs = e*°. Those were the actions for the ten dimensional supergravities with thirtytwo supercharges. Let us consider those with sixteen supercharges. For the bosonic part of type I, we can construct it by dropping the fields which are odd under ft and then adding the gauge sector, plus a number of cross terms which result from cancelling anomalies (see later):
Si =
ohj dl°x{-G)ll2{e~2*
[u>3Y(A) - w3L(fi)] ,
Here G<3> = dC™ - j
where the Chern-Simons three form is (with a similar expression for W3L in terms of the spin connection ft): UJ3Y{A)
= Tr ( A A dA + -A A A A A J , with da>3Y = TrF A F .
As a curiosity which will be meaningful later, notice that a simple redefinition of fields: G>„(type I) $(type I)
= =
e -,I> G M „(heterotic) -$(heterotic)
G ( 3 ) (typel)
A^ (type I)
AM (heterotic) ,
takes one from the type I Lagrangian to: SH = - L [dl0x(-G)V*e-**lR K J °
+ 4(V
where (renaming C' 2 ' ->
= dB(2)
_ °L [ W 3 Y ( J 4 ) _ W 3 L ( n ) ] .
This will turn out to be the low energy effective Lagrangian of a pair of closely related closed string theories known as "heterotic" string theories,17 which we have not yet explicitly encountered in our development so far. (In (259), a! is measured in heterotic units of length.) We can immediately see two things about these theories: The first is that B^v and A^ are actually closed string fields from the NS-NS sector, as can be deduced from the power of the dilaton which appears, showing that all terms arise from closed string tree level. The second deduction is that since from eqn.(258) the dilaton relations tell us that p s (type I) = gjx(heterotic), we will be forced to consider these theories when we study the type I string in the limit of infinite coupling. 5.5
The K3 Manifold from a Superstring Orbifold
Before we go further, let us briefly revisit the idea of strings propagating on an orbifold, and take it a bit further. Imagine that we compactify one of our closed string theories on the four torus, T 4 . Let us take the simple case where there the torus is simply the product of four circles, S 1 , each with radius R. This simply asks that the four directions (say) x6, x7, x8 and x9 are periodic with period 2TTR. This does not not affect any of our discussion of supercharges, etc, and we simply have a six dimensional theory with the same amount of supersymmetry as the ten dimensional theory which we started with. It is N = 4 in six dimensions. As discussed in section 3.2, there is a large 0 ( 4 , 4 , 2 ) pattern of T-duality groups available to us, and all the the associated enhanced gauge symmetries present at special radii. Let us proceed further and orbifold the theory by the K 2 group which has the action R: x6,x7,x8,x9 -» -x6,-x7,-x8,-x9 , (261) which is clearly a good symmetry to divide by. We can construct the resulting six dimensional spectrum by first working out (say) the left—moving spectrum, seeing how it transforms under R and then tensoring with another copy from the right in order to construct the closed string spectrum. Let us now introduce a bit of notation which will be useful in the future. Use the label xm, m = 6,7,8,9 for the orbifolded directions, and use i M ,
fi = 0 , . . . , 5, for the remaining. Let us also note that the ten dimensional Lorentz group is decomposed as 50(1,9) D 50(1,5) x 5 0 ( 4 ) . We shall label the transformation properties of our massless states in the theory under the SU(2) x SU(2) = 50(4) Little group. Just as we did before, it will be useful in the Ramond sector to choose a labelling of the states which refers to the rotations in the planes (a;0, a;1), (a;2,a;3), etc., as eigenstates So,Si...S4 of the operator S01,S23, etc, (see (238) and (240) and surrounding discussion). With this in mind, we can list the states on the left which survive the GSO projection: sector
R charge
50(4) charge
i/j l\0;k> R
S l S 2 S 3 S 4 > ; Si = + S 2 , S3 = - S 4
| s i s 2 s 3 s 4 > ; si = - s 2 , s 3 = + s 4
2(2,1) 2(1,2)
Crucially, we should also examine the "twisted sectors" which will arise, in order to make sure that we get a modular invariant theory. The big difference here is that in the twisted sector, the moding of the fields in the xm directions is shifted. For example, the bosons are now half-integer moded. We have to recompute the zero point energies in each sector in order to see how to get massless states (see (79)): NS sector zpe: R sector zpe:
4(-1) + 4(-1) + 4(1) + 4(1) = 0, 4(-1) + 4(1)
4 (1) + 4(-1)
= 0 .(262)
This is amusing, both the Ramond and NS sectors have zero vacuum energy, and so the integer moded sectors will give us degenerate vacua. We see that it is only states |sis 2 > which contribute from the R-sector (since they are half integer moded in the xm directions) and the NS sector, since it is integer moded in the xm directions, has states IS3S4 >. (It is worth seeing in (262) how we achieved this ability to make a massless field in this case. The single twisted sector ground state in the bosonic orbifold theory with energy 1/48,
was multiplied by 4 since there are four such orbifolded directions. Combining this with the contribution from the four unorbifolded directions produced just the energy needed to cancel the contribution from the fermions.) The states and their charges are therefore (after imposing GSO): sector NS R
state | « 3 S 4 > ; S3 =
R charge
50(4) charge
2(1,1) (1,2)
\s\s2 >; si = -s2
Now we are ready to tensor. Recall that we could have taken the opposite GSO choice here to get a left moving with the identical spectrum, but with the swap (1,2) •<-» (2,1). Again we have two choices: Tensor together two identical GSO choices, or two opposite. In fact, since six dimensional supersymmetries are chiral, and the orbifold will keep only two of the four we started with, we can write these choices as (0,2) or (1,1) supersymmetry, resulting from type IIB or IIA on K3. Let us write the result for the bosonic spectra: sector NS-NS R-R (IIB) R-R (IIA)
50(4) charge (3,3) + ( l , 3 ) + ( 3 , l ) + ( l , l ) 10(1,1)+ 6(1,1) 3(3,1)+4(1,1) 3(1,3)+4(1,1) 4(2,2) 4(2,2)
and for the twisted sector we have: sector NS-NS R-R (IIB) R-R (IIA)
50(4) charge 3 ( 1 , 1 ) + (1,1) ( 1 , 3 ) + (1,1) (2,2)
Recall now that we have two twisted sectors for each orbifolded circle, and hence there are 16 twisted sectors in all, for T 4 /2Z 2 . Therefore, to make the complete model, we must take sixteen copies of the content of the twisted sector table above. Now let identify the various pieces of the spectrum. The gravity multiplet Gfiv + 5M„ + $ is in fact the first line of our untwisted sector table, coming from the NS-NS sector, as expected. The field B can be seen to be broken into its self-dual and anti-self-dual parts B+v and B~, transforming as (1,3) and
(3,1). There are sixteen other scalar fields, ((1,1)), from the untwisted NSNS sector. The twisted sector NS-NS sector has 4x16 scalars. Not including the dilaton, there are 80 scalars in total from the NS-NS sector. Turning to the R-R sectors, we must consider the cases of IIA and IIB separately. For type IIA, there are 8 one-forms (vectors, (2,2)) from the untwisted sector and 16 from the twisted, giving a total of 24 vectors. For type IIB, the untwisted R-R sector contains three self-dual and three antiself-dual tensors, while there are an additional 16 self-dual tensors (1,3). We therefore have 19 self-dual C+, and 3 anti-self-dual C~„. There are also eight scalars from the untwisted R-R sector and 16 scalars from the twisted R-R sector. In fact, including the dilaton, there are 105 scalars in total for the type IIB case. Quite remarkably, there is a geometrical interpretation of all of this data in terms of compactifying type II string theory on a smooth manifold. The manifold is K3. It is a four dimensional manifold containing 22 independent two-cycles, which are topologically two-spheres more properly described as the complex surface P , in this context. Correspondingly the space of two forms which can be integrated over these two cycles is 22 dimensional. So we can choose a basis for this space. Nineteen of them are self-dual and three of them are anti-self-dual, in fact. The space of metrics on K3 is in fact parametrised by 58 numbers. In compactifying the type II superstrings on K3, the ten dimensional gravity multiplet and the other R-R fields gives rise to six dimensional fields by direct dimensional reduction, while the components of the fields in the K3 give other fields. The six dimensional gravity multiplet arises by direct reduction form the NS-NS sector, while 58 scalars arise, parametrising the 58 dimensional space of K3 metrics which the internal parts of the metric, Gmn, can choose. Correspondingly, there are 22 scalars arising from the 19+3 ways of placing the internal components of the antisymmetric tensor, Bmn on the manifold. A commonly used terminology is that the form has been "wrapped" on the 22 two-cycles to give 22 scalars. In the R-R sector of type IIB, there is one scalar in ten dimensions, which directly reduces to a scalar in six. There is a two-form, which produces 22 scalars, in the same way as the NS-NS two form did. The self-dual four form can be integrated over the 22 two cycles to give 22 two forms in six dimensions, 19 of them self-dual and 3 anti-self-dual. Finally, there is an extra scalar from wrapping the four form entirely on K3. This is precisely the spectrum of fields which we computed directly in the type IIB orbifold. Alternatively, while the NS-NS sector of type IIA gives rise to the same fields as before, there is in the R-R sector a one form, three form and five form.
The one form directly reduces to a one form in six dimensions. The three form gives rise to 22 one forms in six dimensions while the five form gives rise to a single one form. We therefore have 24 one forms (generically carrying a C/(l) gauge symmetry) in six dimensions. This also completes the smooth description of the type IIA on K3 spectrum, which we computed directly in the orbifold limit. We shall have more to say about this spectrum later. The connection between the orbifold and the smooth K3 manifold is as follows. 61,62,63 ' 70 ' 71 K3 does indeed have a geometrical limit which is T 4 / ^ 2 , and it can be arrived at by tuning enough parameters, which corresponds here to choosing the vev's of the various scalar fields. Starting with the TA JTL-2-, there are 16 fixed points which look locally like R 4 / Z 2 , a singular point of infinite curvature. It is easy to see where the 58 geometric parameters of the K3 metric come from in this case. Ten of them are just the symmetric Gmn constant components, on the internal directions. This is enough to specify a torus T 4 , since the hypercube of the lattice in H 4 is specified by the ten angles between its unit vectors, e m • e n . Meanwhile each of the 16 fixed points has 3 scalars associated to its metric geometry. (The remaining fixed point NS-NS scalar in the table is from the field B, about which we will have more to say later.) The three metric scalars can be tuned to resolve or "blow up" the fixed point, and smooth it out into the P 1 which we mentioned earlier. (This accounts for 16 of the two-cycles. The other six correspond to the six 7Li invariant forms dXm A dXn on the four-torus.) The smooth space has a known metric, the "Eguchi-Hanson" metric,66 which is locally asymptotic to M4 (like the singular space) but with a global TLi identification. Its metric is: ds2 =(l-
dr2+r2 (l - Q ^ ) (diP+cos6dcf>)2+r2(d92+sm28d(l)2)
(263) where 6, cf> and ip are S 3 Euler angles. The point r = a is an example of a "bolt" singularity. Near there, the space is topolgically Pi 2 ^ x Sg^, with the S2 of radius a, and the singularity is a coordinate one provided ijj has period 2n. (See insert 10, (p.102).) Since on S3, ip would have period 4n, the space at infinity is 5 3 / S 2 , just like an 3R 4 /K 2 fixed point. For small enough a, the Eguchi-Hanson space can be neatly slotted into the space left after cutting out the neighbourhood of the fixed point. The bolt is in fact the P 1 of the blowup mentioned earlier. The parameter a controls the size of the P 1 , while the other two parameters correspond to how the R 2 (say) is oriented in R 4 . The Eguchi-Hanson space is the simplest example of an "Asymptotically Locally Euclidean" (ALE) space, which K3 can always be tuned to resemble
Insert 10: A Closer Look at the Eguchi—Hanson Space; The "Bolt" Let us establish some of the properties claimed in the main body of the text, while uncovering a useful technique. First, introduce some handy notation for later: The SU(2)i invariant one-forms are: ci = — sin ipdO + cos ip sin 8dcf> ; 02 = cos ipdO + sin ip sin Od(f> ; er3 =dip + cos 6d(j> ,
(0 < 6 < IT, 0 < 4> < 2-rr, 0 < ip < 4n are the S3 Euler angles), which satisfy dm = -£ijk&j A ak • Also, is the round S2 metric. (The
a\ + u\ = dVl\ ,
invariant choice comes from ip •<->• cf>.)
Now we can write the metric in the manifestly SU(2) invariant form: d.a=(l-(^)4)"1dr2+r»(l-(J)4)a3+r»(<x?+^). The 5 3 's in the metric are the natural 3D "orbits" of the SU(2) action. The S2 of (8,4>) is a special 2D "invariant submanifold". To examine the potential singularity at r = a, look near r = a. Choose, if you will, r = o + £ for small e, and: ds2 = £• [de2 + 1 6 e 2 ( # + cosOd^)2] + (a2 + 2ae)dn22 , which as e —> 0 is obviously topologically looking locally like IR-^ x S2.^, where the S2 is of radius a. (Globally, there is a fibred structure due to the dtpdcj) cross term.) Incidentally, this is the quickest way to see that the Euler number of the space has to be equal to that of an 5 2 , which is 2. Continued...
Insert 10: Continued... Now, the point is that r = a is a true singularity for arbitrary choices of periodicity Aijj of ij>, since there is a conical deficit angle in the plane. In other words, we have to ensure that as we get to the origin of the plane, e = 0, the ^-circles have circumference 27r, no more or less. Infinitesimmally, we make those measures with the metric, and so the condition is:
'-•o \de^/4)s-1/2
which gives A * = 2TT. So in fact, we must spoil our 5 3 which was a nice orbit of the SU(2) isometry, by performing an H2 identification on tp, giving it half its usual period. In this way, the "bolt" singularity r = a is just a harmless artefact of coordinates. 65 ' 64 Also, we are left with an 50(3) = SU(2)/7L2 isometry of the metric. The space at infinity is S 3 / ^ .
locally. These spaces are classified67 according to their identification at infinity, which can be any discrete subgroup, F, 68 of the SU(2) which acts on the 5 3 at infinity, to give S3/T. These subgroups have been classified by McKay,69 and have an A-D-E classification. The metrics on the A-series are known explicitly as the Gibbons-Hawking metrics,74 which we shall display later, and Eguchi-Hanson is in fact the simplest of this series, corresponding to A\ 75 We shall later use a D-brane as a probe of string theory on a M 4 /K 2 orbifold, an example which will show that the string theory correctly recovers all of the metric data (263) of these fixed points, and not just the algebraic data we have seen here. For completeness, let us compute one more thing about K3 using this description. The Euler characteristic, in this situation, can be written in two ways 64 X(K3)
= =
g ^ y y/9 {RabcdRibCd - ^RabRa" + R2) oo~2 /
TrRAR = 24.
16TT2 JK3
Even though no explicit metric for K3 has been written, we can compute \ as follows.62'64 If we take a manifold M, divide by some group G, remove
some fixed point set F, and add in some set of new manifolds N, the Euler characteristic of the new manifold is x = (x(M) - x(F))/\G\ + x{N). Here, G = R = S 2 , and the Euler characteristic of the Eguchi-Hanson space is equal to 2, from insert 10 (p.102). That of a point is 1, and of the torus is zero. We therefore get x(A!"3) = - 1 6 / 2 + 32 = 24, which will be of considerable use later on. So we have constructed the consistent, supersymmetric string propagation on the K3 manifold, using orbifold techniques. We shall use this manifold to illustrate a number of beautiful properties of D-branes and string theory in the rest of these lectures. See also Paul Aspinwall's lectures in this school for more applications of such manifolds to the subject of duality. 73 We should mention in passing that it is possible to construct a whole new class of string "compactification" vacua by including D-branes in the spectrum in such a way that their contribution to spacetime anomalies, etc, combines with that of the pure geometry in a way that is crucial to the consistency of the model. This gives the idea of a "D-manifold" 93>94, which we will not review here in detail. The analogue of the orbifold method for making these supersymmetric vacua is the generalised "orientifold" construction already mentioned. There are constructions of "K3 Orientifolds" which follow the ideas presented in this section, combined with D-brane orbifold techniques to be developed in later sections. I09.159,i60,i58,26,i6i,i62 g j x dimensional supersymmetric D-manifolds constructed as orientifolds have been constructed. 163 Also, there have been important studies of the strong coupling nature of orientifold vacua, 165 making connections to "F-theory", 1 6 6 , some beautiful geometric technology for studying type IIB string vacua with variable coupling gs, which unfortunately we do not have time or space to review here. There are also pure conformal field theory techniques for constructing D-manifolds, which are not pure orbifolds of the type considered here. 164 5.6
T-Duality of Type II Superstrings
T-duality on the closed oriented Type II theories has a somewhat more interesting effect than in the bosonic case. 10 ' 6 Consider compactifying a single coordinate X9, of radius R. In the R —> oo limit the momenta are pR = p\, while in the R -> 0 limit pR = -p9L- Both theories are 50(9,1) invariant but under different 5 0 ( 9 , l)'s. T-duality, as a right-handed parity transformation (see (128)), reverses the sign of the right-moving X9(z); therefore by superconformal invariance it does so on ip9(z). Separate the Lorentz generators into their left-and right-moving parts A f " + M M ". Duality reverses all terms in MM9 , so the /z9 Lorentz generators of the T-dual theory are M**9 - MM9 . In
particular this reverses the sign of the helicity s 4 and so switches the chirality on the right-moving side. If one starts in the IIA theory, with opposite chiralities, the R -> 0 theory has the same chirality on both sides and is the R —• oo limit of the IIB theory, and vice-versa. In short, T-duality, as a one-sided spacetime parity operation, reverses the relative chiralities of the right- and left-moving ground states. The same is true if one dualises on any odd number of dimensions, whilst dualising on an even number returns the original Type II theory. Since the IIA and IIB theories have different R-R fields, T 9 duality must transform one set into the other. The action of duality on the spin fields is of the form Sa(z) - • Sa(z), Sa(z) - • PgSa(z) (266) for some matrix Pg, the parity transformation (9-reflection) on the spinors. In order for this to be consistent with the action tp9 -¥ —ip9, Pg must anticommute with T9 and commute with the remaining TM. Thus Pg = r 9 r u (the phase of Pg is determined, up to sign, by hermiticity of the spin field). Now consider the effect on the R-R vertex operators (248). The T 11 just contributes a sign, because the spin fields have definite chirality. Then by the F-matrix identity (249), the effect is to add a 9-index to G if none is present, or to remove one if it is. The effect on the potential C (G = dC) is the same. Take as an example the Type IIA vector CM. The component Cg maps to the IIB scalar C, while the n ^ 9 components map to CMg. The remaining components of CM„ come from CM„g, and so on. Of course, these relations should be translated into rules for T-dualising the spacetime fields in the supergravity actions (251) and (252). The NSNS sector fields' transformations are the same as those shown in equations (140),(142), while for the R-R potentials: 60
<#U = C^l-(n-l)C^Gla]v /=<(")
(267) ,
^Cli*-v\vB\<*\vG\0\v '-'yy
T-Duality of Type I Superstrings
Just as in the case of the bosonic string, the action of T-duality in the open and unoriented open superstring theory produces D-branes and orientifold planes. Having done it once, (say on X 9 with radius R), we get a Tg-dual theory on the line interval S 1 / ^ , where 7L2 acts as the reflection X 9 -»• -X9. The S1 has
radius R' = a' /R). There are 16 D8~branes and their mirror images (coming from the 16 D9-branes), together with two orientifold 08-planes located at X 9 = 0, nR'. This is called the "Type I'" theory (and sometimes the "Type I A" theory), about which we will have more to say later as well. Starting with the type IIB theory, we can carry this out n times on n directions, giving us 16 D(9 — n) and their mirror images through 2™ 0(9 — n)planes arranged on the hypercube of fixed points of T " / ^ , where the K 2 acts as a reflection in the n directions. If n is odd, we are in type IIA string theory, while we are back in type IIB otherwise. Let us focus here on a single D-brane, taking a limit in which the other D-branes and the O-planes are distant and can be ignored. Away from the D-brane, only closed strings propagate. The local physics is that of the Type II theory, with two gravitinos. This is true even though we began with the unoriented Type I theory which has only a single gravitino. The point is that the closed string begins with two gravitinos, one with the spacetime supersymmetry on the right-moving side of the world-sheet and one on the left. The orientation projection of the Type I theory leaves one linear combination of these. But in the T-dual theory, the orientation projection does not constrain the local state of the string, but relates it to the state of the (distant) image gravitino. Locally there are two independent gravitinos, with equal chiralities if n, (the number of dimensions on which we dualised) is even and opposite if n is odd. This is all summarised nicely by saying that while the type I string theory comes from projecting the type IIB theory by fi, the T-dual string theories come from projecting type II string theory compactified on the torus Tn by n f ] m [ ^ m ( - l ) F ] , where the product over m is over all the n directions, and Rm is a reflection in the mth direction. This is indeed a symmetry of the theory and hence a good symmetry with which to project. So we have that T-duality takes the orientifold groups into one another: {ft} o {l,mjRm(-l)F]}
This is a rather trivial example of an orientifold group, since it takes type II strings on the torus Tn and simply gives a theory which is simply related to type I string theory on Tn by n T-dualities. Nevertheless, it is illustrative of the general constructions of orientifold backgrounds made by using more complicated orientifold groups. This is a useful piece of technology for constructing string backgrounds with interesting gauge groups, with fewer symmetries, as a starting point for phenomenological applications.
D-Branes as BPS Solitons
While there is type II string theory in the bulk, {i.e., away from the branes and orientifolds), notice that the open string boundary conditions are invariant under only one supersymmetry. In the original Type I theory, the left-moving world-sheet current for spacetime supersymmetry ja(z) flows into the boundary and the right-moving current ja{z) flows out, so only the total charge Qa + Qa of the left- and right-movers is conserved. Under T-duality this becomes Qa + (UmPm)Qa, (269) where the product of reflections Pm runs over all the dualised dimensions, that is, over all directions orthogonal to the D-brane. Closed strings couple to open, so the general amplitude has only one linearly realized supersymmetry. That is, the vacuum without D-branes is invariant under N = 2 supersymmetry, but the state containing the D-brane is invariant under only N = 1: it is a BPS state!6'77 BPS states must carry conserved charges. In the present case there is only one set of charges with the correct Lorentz properties, namely the antisymmetric R-R charges. The world volume of a p-brane naturally couples to a (p + l)-form potential C( p +i), which has a (p + 2)-form field strength G(p+2) • This identification can also be made from the gjl behaviour of the D-brane tension: this is the behaviour of an R-R soliton. 78 ' 80 , as will be developed further later. The IIA theory has Dp-branes for p = 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8. The vertex operators (248) describe field strengths of all even ranks from 0 to 10. By a T-matrix identity the n-form and (10 — n)-form field strengths are Hodge dual to one another, so a p-brane and (6 — p)-brane are sources for the same field, but one 'magnetic' and one 'electric' The field equation for the 10-form field strength allows no propagating states, but the field can still have a physically significant energy density 76 ' 81 ' 82 . The IIB theory has Dp-branes for p = - 1 , 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9. The vertex operators (248) describe field strengths of all odd ranks from 1 to 9, appropriate to couple to all but the 9-brane. The 9-brane does couple to a nontrivial potential, as we will see below. A (—l)-brane is a Dirichlet instanton, defined by Dirichlet conditions in the time direction as well as all spatial directions.83 Of course, it is not clear that T-duality in the time direction has any meaning, but one can argue for the presence of (—l)-branes as follows. Given 0-branes in the IIA theory, there should be virtual 0-brane world-lines that wind in a purely spatial direction. Such world-lines are required by quantum mechanics, but note that they are
essentially instantons, being localised in time. A T-duality in the winding direction then gives a (—l)-brane. One of the first clues to the relevance of D-branes, 23 was the observation that D-instantons, having action g~x, would contribute effects of order e"1/9' as expected from the behaviour of large orders of string perturbation theory.84 The D-brane, unlike the fundamental string, carries R-R charge. This is consistent with the fact that they are BPS states, and so there must be a conserved charge. A more careful argument, involving the R-R vertex operators, can be used to show that they must couple thus, and furthermore that fundamental strings cannot carry R-R charges. 5.9
The D~Brane Charge and Tension
The bosonic discussion of section 4 will supply us with the worldvolume action (207) for the bosonic excitations of the D-branes in this supersymmetric context. Now that we have seen that Dp-branes are BPS states, and couple to R-R sector (p + l)-form potential, we ought to compute their charges and new values for the tensions. Focusing on the R-R sector for now, supplementing the spacetime supergravity action with the D-brane action we must have at least (recall that the dilaton will not appear here, and also that we cannot write this for p = 3): S = - T ~ 2 / G(p+2)*Gip+2)
+ Up
where \xp is the charge of the Dp-brane under the (p+l)-form C( p + 1 ). Mp+\ is the world-volume of the Dp-brane. Now the same vacuum cylinder diagram as in the bosonic string, as we did in section 3.10. With the fermionic sectors, our trace must include a sum over the NS and R sectors, and furthermore must include the GSO projection onto even fermion number. Formally, therefore, the amplitude looks like: 76
fl + (~l) f -2Mn\
[°°dt A=
J0 Yt^^X
,„ 71 .
Performing the traces over the open superstring spectrum gives A
2H, + 1 | | ( 8 7 r V * ) - ( p + 1 ) / 2 e - ^
+ fs(q)8-h(q)8},/
(272) where again q = e~2nt. The three terms in the braces come from the open string R sector with | in the trace, from the NS sector with | in the trace, and
the NS sector with | ( - 1 ) F in the trace; the R sector with | ( - 1 ) F gives no net contribution. In fact, these three terms sum to zero by Jacobi's "aequatio identico satis abstrusa", as they ought to since the open string spectrum is supersymmetric, and we are computing a vacuum diagram. What does this result mean? Recall that this vacuum diagram also represents the exchange of closed'strings between two identical branes. the result A = 0 is simply a restatement of the fact that D-branes are BPS states: The net forces from the NS-NS and R-R exchanges cancel. A — 0 has a useful structure, nonetheless, and we can learn more by identifying the separate NSNS and R-R pieces. This is easy, if we look at the diagram afresh in terms of closed string: In the terms with ( - 1 ) F , the world-sheet fermions are periodic around the cylinder thus correspond to R-R exchange. Meanwhile the terms without (—1)F have anti-periodic fermions and are therefore NS-NS exchange. Obtaining the t —> 0 behaviour as before (use the limits in insert 8 (p.73)) gives -4NS = -An
~ =
iyp+1|y(27ri)-^+1)/2(t/2W)4e^^^ Vp+l2n(4ir2a')3-pG9-p(Y2).
Comparing with field theory calculations gives 2K2,JU2
= 2/c2r2 = 27r(47r 2 a') 3_p .
Finally, using the explicit expression (254) for K in terms of string theory quantities, we get an extremely simple form for the charge: fip — ( 2 7 T ) " P Q ' ~ ^ 2 —
= gj1 (ip .
(For consistency with the discussion in the bosonic case, we shall still use the symbol Tp to mean rpgs, in situations where we write the action with the dilaton present. It will be understood then that e _ * contains the required factor of gj1.) It is worth updating our bosonic formula (213) for the coupling of the Yang-Mills theory which appears on the world-volume of Dp-branes with our superstring result above, to give: 5YM, P = rp1(2na')-2
= (27r)*- 2 a'<'- 3 >/ 2 ,
a formula we will use a lot in what is to follow. Note that our formula for the tension (275) gives for the Dl-brane l__ 2na'g,
which sets the ratios of the tension of the fundamental string, r f = T = (2wa')~1 , and the D-string to be simply the string coupling gs. This is a very elegant normalisation is is extremely natural. D-branes that are not parallel feel a net force since the cancellation is no longer exact. In the extreme case, where one of the D-branes is rotated by 7r, the coupling to the dilaton and graviton is unchanged but the coupling to the R-R tensor is reversed in sign. So the two terms in the cylinder amplitude add, instead of cancelling, and Jacobi cannot help us. The result is: A = Vp+l J y ( 2 7 r i ) - ^ + 1 ) / 2 e - t ( y 2 - 2 W ) / 8 ^ a ' 2 / W
where /(£) approaches zero as t -> 0. Differentiating this with respect to Y to extract the force per unit world-volume, we get F(Y) =Y J jpTrtr^^e-^-^/^^fit)
The point to notice here is that the force diverges as Y2 —• 2na'. This is significant. One would expect a divergence, of course, since the two oppositely charged objects are on their way to annihilating. 85 The interesting feature it that the divergence begins when their separation is of order the string length. This is where the physics of light fundamental strings stretching between the two branes begins to take over. Notice that the argument of the exponential is tU2, where U = Y/(2a') is the energy of the lightest open string connecting the branes. A scale like U will appear again, as it is a useful guide to new variables to D-brane physics at "substringy" distances 86 ' 87 ' 88 in the limit where a' and Y go to zero. Orientifold planes also break half the supersymmetry and are R-R and NSNS sources. In the original Type I theory the orientation projection keeps only the linear combination Qa + Qa. In the T-dualised theory this becomes Qa + (Tim Pm)Qa just as for the D-branes. The force between an orientifold plane and a D-brane can be obtained from the Mobius strip as in the bosonic case; again the total is zero and can be separated into NS-NS and R-R exchanges. The result is similar to the bosonic result (197), M;
= T2 p " 5 M PI
r'p = q=2"-Brp .
Since there are 2 9 _ p orientifold planes, the total O-plane charge is =F16/UP, and the total fixed-plane tension is =F16TP. A nonzero total tension represents a source for the graviton and dilaton. By the Fischler-Susskind mechanism89, at order gs those background fields
239 become become time dependent as in a consistent way. A non-zero total RR source is more serious, since this would mean that the field equations are inconsistent (there are uncancelled tadpoles): There is a violation of Gauss' Law, as R-R flux lines have no place to go in the compact space T 9 _ p . So our result tells us that on T9~p, we need exactly 16 D-branes, with the SO projection, in order to cancel the R-R G(p+2) form charge. This gives the T-dual of 50(32), completing our simple orientifold story. The spacetime anomalies for G ^ 50(32) are thus accompanied by a divergence90 in the full string theory, as promised, with inconsistent field equations in the R-R sector: As in field theory, the anomaly is related to the ultraviolet limit of a (open string) loop graph. But this ultraviolet limit of the annulus/cylinder (t —> co) is in fact the infrared limit of the closed string tree graph, and the anomaly comes from this infrared divergence. From the world-sheet point of view, as we have seen in the bosonic case, inconsistency of the field equations indicates that there is a conformal anomaly that cannot be cancelled. The prototype of this is the original D = 10 Type I theory.29 The N D9-branes and single 09-plane couple to an R-R l(Mbrm,
and the field equation from varying A\o is just G = 50(32). 5.10
Dirac Charge Quantisation
We are of course studying a quantum theory, and so the presence of both magnetic and electric sources of various potentials in the theory should give some cause for concern. We should check that the values of the charges are consistent with the appropriate generalisation of97 the Dirac quantisation condition. The field strengths to which a Dp-brane and D(6 — p)-brane couple are dual to one another, G(p+2) = *G( 8 _ p ). We can integrate the field strength *G( p+2 ) on an (8 — p)-sphere surrounding a Dp-brane, and using the action (270), we find a total flux $ = nP. We can write *G( p+2 ) = G(s-P) = dC( 7 _ p ) everywhere except on a Dirac "string" (it is really a sheet), at the end of which lives the D(6 — p) "monopole". Then (282) 2 ^/ *G
condition that the string be invisible is /i 6 _ p $ = —^He-pup = 2-nn.
The D-branes' charges (274) satisfy this with the minimum quantum n = 1. While this argument does not apply directly to the case p = 3, as the self-dual 5-form field strength has no covariant action, the result follows by T-duality. A topological derivation of the D-brane charge has been given. There are mathematical structures with deep roots, e.g. "K-theory", which seem to capture the physics of the R-R charges in string theory, and this is a subject of exciting research. 95 ' 96 The lectures of John Schwarz in this school develop some of the techniques of Sen 16 which are relevant to constructing branes from the K-theory point of view. 18 ' 19 6 6.1
Worldvolume Actions II: Curvature Couplings Tilted D-Branes and Branes within Branes
There are additional terms in the action (270) which we just wrote down, involving the D-brane gauge field. Again these can be determined from T duality. Consider, as an example, a Dl-brane in the 1-2 plane. The action is
m fdx°dx1
(Coi + <9iX2C02) •
Under a T-duality in the :r 2 -direction this becomes fj,2 f dx°dx1dx2
(C012 + 27ra'F 12 C 0 ) .
We have used the T-transformation of the C fields as discussed in section 5.6, and also the recursion relation (183) between D-brane tensions. This has an interesting interpretation. As we saw before in section 4.1, a Dp-brane tilted at an angle 6 is equivalent to a D(p + l)-brane with a constant gauge field of strength F = (l/2-ira') tan 6. Now we see that there is additional structure: the flux of the gauge field couples to the R-R potential C' p ) . In other words, the flux acts as a source for a D(p - l)-brane living in the worldvolume of the D(p+ l)-brane. In fact, given that the flux comes from an integral over the whole world-volume, we cannot localise the smaller brane at a particular place in the world-volume: it is "smeared" or "dissolved" in the world-volume. In fact, we shall see when we come to study supersymmetric combinations of D-branes that supersymmetry requires the DO-brane to be completely
smeared inside the D2-brane. It is clear here how it manages this, by being simply T-dual to a tilted Dl-brane. We shall see many consequences of this later. 6.2
Branes Within Brants: Anomalous Gauge Couplings
The T-duality argument of the previous section is easily generalised, with the Chern-Simons like result 9 8 , 9 9
thf JMp+i
[E p q P+ i)]ATr e 2 -'^ B ,
(We have included non-trivial B on the basis of the argument given at the beginning of section 4.) So far, the gauge trace has the obvious meaning. We note that there is the possibility that in the full non-Abelian situation, the C can depend on non-commuting transverse fields X1, and so we need something more general. We will return to this later. The expansion of the integrand (286) involves forms of various rank; the notation means that the integral picks out precisely the terms that are proportional to the volume form of the Dp-brane. Looking at the first non-trivial term in the expansion of the exponential in the action we see that there is the term that we studied above corresponding to the dissolution of a D(p — 2)-brane into the sub 2-plane in the Dp-brane's world volume formed by the axes X1 and X J , if field strength components F^ are turned on. At the next order, we have a term which is quadratic in F: MP ^ ^ -
J C (p -3) A TrF A F = ^
J C ( p _ 3 ) A TrF A F .
We have used the fact that /x p _ 4 //ip = (2-!rVa')i. Interestingly, we see that if we excite an instanton configuration on a 4 dimensional sub-space of the Dp-brane's worldvolume, it is equivalent to precisely one unit of D(p — 4 ) brane charge! In fact, this term is already recognisable from the study of consistency of the type I string theory in ten dimensions from just field theory considerations. There is a modified 3-form field strength, C?(3), which is a' G(3) = dC(2) - j ["3Y - w3L] ,
with action S = -4^/G
{ 3
Since dui3y = Tr(F A F) and du>3L = Tr(R A R), this gives, after integrating by parts a' f (290) ^ 2 / ^(6) A C 1 ^ AF-TrRAR) An evaluation of the coefficient of the quadratic term in F shows that it is precisely that in (287), for p = 9. Furthermore, the Green-Schwarz anomaly cancellation mechanism 90 requires a term C(2) A X8 ,
where X
» = ( 2 ^ (^TrF4 - I^TrF2T^2)
- 9
the pure gauge part of which can again be found by expanding (286) to quartic order. The terms involving curvature will be shown to arise in the next section, where the pi, the Pontryagin classes, will be defined very shortly. Since we see that the gauge couplings are correct, giving the correct results known from ten dimensional string theory, we ought to take seriously the implications of the terms involving curvature. It is clear that there must be curvature terms in the action for the Dp-branes and Op-planes also. 6.3
Branes Within Branes: Anomalous "Curvature" Couplings
There are indeed curvature terms of the sort which we deduced in the previous subsection, from knowledge of the anomaly in string theory. Their presence may be deduced in many other ways, for example using string duality. A more straightforward way is to generalise the type of anomaly arguments used for the ten dimensional type I string supergravity+Yang-Mills case to include not just D9-branes, but all branes, treating them as surfaces upon which anomalous theories reside. 91 ' 95 A topological argument can be applied to constrain the form of the couplings required on the world-volumes in order to make the bulk+brane theory consistent. We will not review the details of the argument here, but merely quote the result: 92 ' 95
where the "A-roof" or "Dirac" genus has its square root defined as:
The pi(R)'s are the ith Pontryagin class. For example, Pi(R)
= (^(-i^^ + i ^ ^ 3 ) '
Expanding, we have MP(47r2a')2 / 48 JMP+1
So we see another way to get a D(p — 4)-brane: wrap the brane on a four dimensional surface of non-zero pi{R). Indeed, as we saw in equation (265), the K3 surface has p\ — 2\ = 48, and so wrapping a Dp-brane on K3 gives D(p — 4)-brane charge of — 1 ! 9 2 We will return to this later. In fact, we can see that this is not the whole story. We can not reproduce the correct coefficient of the curvature terms in (290) from the anomalous couplings on the D9-branes alone. Happily, there is a nice resolution to this problem, 10° which is found with the 09-plane. It is present since the type I string theory is an orientifold of the Type IIB theory. An 09-brane does not have open strings ending on it, as we have seen, and therefore there are no gauge fields on their world-volume. This fits with the fact that we already have the correct gauge couplings of type I. As they are objects with finite tension, however, they are natural candidates to have curvature couplings. To get the coupling in (290) right, it can be seen that there must be a coupling (p = 9): (TTV)2^ 487T 2
/ C ( p _ 3 ) A TiR A R
on its worldvolume, (p,p = —25~pfip), and we have written the general expression at this order for all negative Op-planes. This (for p = 9) combined with the contribution from the sixteen D9-branes, gives the correct total curvature coupling. In general, the couplings for this class of Op-planes may be deduced from anomaly-inflow type arguments, 101 as was the case for the Dp-branes, and a general formula written in terms of a index, just like the D-brane case.' The ih\
where the "Hirzebruch" polynomial, C, has its square root denned as: Pi(iJ) , 2 , m 1 C(R) = \ + ^^-pi(R)-+p2(R)~
+ ...
In fact, the fourth order terms also give us the correct couplings to complete the C(2) A J g needed for consistency. There are more general types of O-plane in string theory than the type we have considered here, and for which curvature couplings have been derived. 102>i°4>105 6-4 Further Non-Abelian
One can use T-duality to go a bit further and deduce the non-Abelian form of the action, being mindful of the sort of complications mentioned at the beginning of section (4.4). In the absence of curvature terms * it turns out to be
. 44,45
fij, [
Here, we ascribe the same meaning to the gauge trace as we did previously (see section (4.4)). The meaning of \x is as the "interior product" in the direction given by the vector $ J , which produces a form of one degree fewer in rank. For example, on a two form C( 2 )($) = (l/2)dj($)dXidXi, we have i*C ( 2 ) = VCijWdX*
= ^[*\*']C^($) , (301) where we see that the result of acting twice is non-vanishing when we allow for the non-abelian case, with C having a nontrivial dependence on $ . We shall see this action work for us to produce interesting physics later. 6.5
Ui»C { 2 ) (*) = VVCijW
Even More Curvature Couplings
We deduced curvature couplings to the R-R potentials a few subsections ago. In particular, such couplings induce the charge of lower p branes by wrapping larger branes on topologically non-trivial surfaces. In fact, as we saw before, if we wrap a Dp-brane on K3, there is induced precisely - 1 units of charge of a D(p - 4)-brane. This means that the charge of the effective (p — 4)-dimensional object is A* = (J-PVK3 !
Mp-4 ,
An important issue is the nature of the coupling of curvature and R - R potentials in such non-Abelian situations. Given the enhangon phenomenon discussed later on, it is clear that there are such effective couplings.
where Vf<3 is the volume of the K3. However, we can go further and notice that since this is a BPS object of the six dimensional Af = 2 string theory obtained by compactifying on K3, we should expect that it has a tension which is T - TpVK3 - Tp-4 = 3 7 V •
If this is indeed so, then there must be a means by which the curvature of K3 induces a shift in the tension in the world-volume action. Since the part of the action which refers to the tension is the Dirac-Born-Infeld action, we deduce that there must be a set of curvature couplings for that part of the action as well.100 Some of them are given by the following: 100>106 S=-TPJ
- TZaf3abRa0ab + 2Kaf3na0
- 2nabnab)
+ o(«' 4 ) J , (304)
where TZabcd = (A-K2a')Rabcd, etc., and a,b,c,d are the usual tangent space indices running along the brane's world volume, while a,/3 are normal indices, running transverse to the world-volume. Some explanation is needed. Recall: the embedding of the brane into Ddimensional spacetime is achieved with the functions X^(^a), (a = 0 , . . . ,p; \i = 0 , . . . , D — 1) and the pullback of a spacetime field FM is performed by soaking up spacetime indices /x with the local "tangent frame" vectors daX^, to give Fa = F^daX^. There is another frame, the "normal frame", with basis vectors C£, (a = p + 1 , . . . , D — 1). Orthonormality gives QZQG^ = 5ap and also we have (ZdaX'G^ = 0. We can pull back the spacetime Riemann tensor R^^x in a number of ways, using these different frames, as can be seen in the action. R with two indices are objects which were constructed by contraction of the pulled-back fields. They are not the pull back of the bulk Ricci tensor, which vanishes at this order of string perturbation theory anyway. In fact, for the case of K3, it is Ricci flat and everything with normal space indices vanishes and so we get only RabcdRabcd appearing, which alone computes the result (265) for us, and so after integrating over K3, the action becomes: S = - [d?-3Z
~ r P - 4 ] det 1 / 2 (Gab + Tab) ,
where again we have used the recursion relation between the D-brane tensions. So we see that we have correctly reproduced the shift in the tension that we expected on general grounds for the effective D(p — 4)-brane. We will use this action later. 7
The Dp-Dp' System
Simple T-duality gives parallel D-branes all with the same dimension but we can consider more general configurations. In this section we consider two D branes, Dp and Dp', each parallel to the coordinate axes. (We can of course have D-branes at angles, 107 but we will not consider this here.) An open string can have both ends on the same D-brane or one on each. The p — p and p' — p' spectra are the same as before, but the p—p' strings are new. Since we are taking the D-branes to be parallel to the coordinate axes, there are four possible sets of boundary conditions for each spatial coordinate X1 of the open string, namely NN (Neumann at both ends), DD, ND, and DN. What really will matter is the number v of ND plus DN coordinates. A T-duality can switch NN and DD, or ND and DN, but v is invariant. Of course v is even because we only have p even or p odd in a given theory. The respective mode expansions are NN:
X»{z,z) = i " - iaYln(zz)
+ iWy ^
^(z~m +
(306) reTL+i/2
.5X» 2TT
\n{z/z) + i\J^
Y^ —{z~m 2 '—' m
In particular, the DN and ND coordinates have half-integer moding. The fermions have the same moding in the Ramond sector (by definition) and opposite in the Neveu-Schwarz sector. The string zero point energy is 0 in the R sector as always, and using (79) we get:
("-•"(-s-sMs + s ^ - H
in the NS sector. The oscillators can raise the level in half-integer units, so only for v a multiple of 4 is degeneracy between the R and NS sectors possible. Indeed,
it is in this case that the Dp-Dp' system is supersymmetric. We can see this directly. As discussed in sections 5.6 and 5.8, a D-brane leaves unbroken the supersymmetries Qa + PQa , (308) where P acts as a reflection in the direction transverse to the D-brane. With a second D-brane, the only unbroken supersymmetries will be those that are also of the form Qa + P'Qa = Qa + P{P-lP')Qa • (309) with P' the reflection transverse to the second D-brane. Then the unbroken supersymmetries correspond to the + 1 eigenvalues of P~lP'. In DD and NN directions this is trivial, while in DN and ND directions it is a net parity transformation. Since the number v of such dimensions is even, we can pair them as we did in section 5.1, and write P~1P' as a product of rotations by 7r, e «r(.7 1 +
...+.7 1//2 ) _
In a spinor representation, each emJ has eigenvalues ±i, so there will be unbroken supersymmetry only if v is a multiple of 4 as found above. J For example, Type I theory, besides the D9-branes, will have Dl-branes and D5-branes. This is consistent with the fact that the only R-R field strengths are the three-form and its Hodge-dual seven-form. The D5-brane is required to have two Chan-Paton degrees of freedom (which can be thought of as images under Cl) and so an SU(2) gauge group. 108,109 When v = 0, P~lP' = 1 identically and there is a full ten-dimensional spinor of supersymmetries. This is the same as for the original Type I theory, to which it is T-dual. In D = 4 units, this is M = 4, or sixteen supercharges. For v — 4 or v = 8 there is D = 4 N = 2 supersymmetry. Let us now study the spectrum for v = 4, saving v — 8 for later. Sometimes it is useful to draw a quick table showing where the branes are located. Here is one for the (9,5) system, where the D5-brane is pointlike in the x6, x7, x8, x9 directions and the D9-brane is (of course) extended everywhere: x» D9 D5
A dash under xl means that the brane is extended in that direction, while a dot means that it is pointlike there. J
W e will see that there are supersymmetric bound states when v = 2.
Continuing with our analysis, we see that the NS zero-point energy is zero. There are four periodic world-sheet fermions ipl, namely those in the ND directions. The four zero modes generate 2 4 / 2 or four ground states, of which two survive the GSO projection. In the R sector the zero-point energy is also zero; there are four periodic transverse tp, from the NN and DD directions not counting the directions fi = 0,1. Again these generate four ground states of which two survive the GSO projection. The full content of the p-p' system is then is half of an N = 2 hypermultiplet. The other half comes from the p'~p states, obtained from the orientation reversed strings: these are distinct because for v ^ 0 the ends are always on different D-branes. Let us write the action for the bosonic p — p' fields \A> starting with {p,p') = (9,5). Here A is a doublet index under the SU(2)R of the TV = 2 algebra. The field xA n a s charges (+1, —1) under the C/(l) x U(l) gauge theories on the branes, since one end leaves, and the other arrives. The minimally coupled action is then
[d°S (J2Kda+lAa-iA'a)Xf J
+ (-^-
-^-)BXVX)2) %M,p'/;=1
, /
(311) with Aa and A'a the brane gauge fields, <7YM,P and <7YM,P' the effective YangMills couplings (276), and T1 the Pauli matrices. The second term is from the N = 2 D-terms for the two gauge fields. It can also be written as a commutator Tr [(f)1, ft)2 for appropriately chosen fields $*, showing that its form is controlled by the dimensional reduction of an F2 pure Yang-Mills term. See section 9.1 for more on this. The integral is over the 5-brane world-volume, which lies in the 9-brane world-volume. Under T-dualities in any of the ND directions, one obtains (p,p') = (8,6), (7,7), (6,8), or (5,9), but the intersection of the branes remains (5 + l)-dimensional and the p-p' strings live on the intersection with action (311). In the present case the D-term is nonvanishing only for \ A = 0) though more generally (say when there are several coincident p and p'-branes), there will be additional massless charged fields and flat directions arise. Under T-dualities in r NN directions, one obtains {p,p') = (9 — r, 5 — r). The action becomes
fd6-^ CY^\{da + iAa-iA'a)x\2 + 7 ^ 1 E (*"-*a) 2
• (312)
249 The second term, proportional to the separation of the branes, is from the tension of the stretched string. 7.1
The BPS Bound
The ten dimensional J\f = 2 supersymmetry algebra (in a Majorana basis) is {Qa,Q(3}
= 2(r°r") a j 9 (P / 1 + Q f / 2 W )
{Q*,Q0} =
Here <3NS is the charge to which the NS-NS two-form couples, it is essentially the winding of a fundamental string stretched along M.\\ ,NS
QNb =
1 VolS 7
„ - 2 * * H^
/ , •
and the charge <2NS is normalised to one per unit spatial world-volume, v\ = L, the length of the string. It is obtained by integrating over the S7 which surrounds the string. The QR are the R-R charges, defined as a generalisation of winding on the space Mp:
(315) The sum in (313) runs over all orderings of indices, and we divide by p\ Of course, p is even for IIA or odd for IIB. The R-R charges appear in the product of the right- and left-moving supersymmetries, since the corresponding vertex operators are a product of spin fields, while the NS-NS charges appear in right-right and left-left combinations of supercharges. As an example of how this all works, consider an object of length L, with the charges of p fundamental strings ("F-strings", for short) and q Dl-branes ("D-strings) in the IIB theory, at rest and aligned along the direction X1. The anticommutator implies
H[& ]-M']}=
M8a0 +
p q/9s
q/9s -p
L(r°T')a, 2-KOL1
The eigenvalues of r ° r 1 are ± 1 so those of the right-hand side are M±L(p2 + 9 2 /5 2 )^ 2 /27ra'. The left side is a positive matrix, and so we get the "BPS bound" on the tension 110
Jp2 + q2/g2
Quite pleasingly, this is saturated by the fundamental string, (p,q) = (1,0), and by the D-string, (p, q) = (0,1). It is not too hard to extend this to a system with the quantum numbers of Dirichlet p and p' branes. The result for v a multiple of 4 is M > Tpvp + Tplvp, and for v even but not a multiple of 4 it is M
> \JT>1+T>1
The branes are wrapped on tori of volumes vp and v'p in order to make the masses finite. The results (318) and (319) are consistent with the earlier results on supersymmetry breaking. For v a multiple of 4, a separated p-brane and p'-brane do indeed saturate the bound (318). For v not a multiple of four, they do not saturate the bound (319) and cannot be supersymmetric. 7.2
FD Bound States
Consider a parallel D-string and F-string lying along X1. The total tension T
^ = ^
exceeds the BPS bound (317) and so this configuration is not supersymmetric. However, it can lower its energy24 as shown in figure 23. The F-string breaks, its endpoints attached to the D-string. The endpoints can then move off to infinity, leaving only the D-string behind. Of course, the D-string must now carry the charge of the F-string as well. This comes about because the F-string endpoints are charged under the D-string gauge field, so a flux runs between them; this flux remains at the end. Thus the final D-string carries both the NS-NS and R-R two-form charges. The flux is of order gs, its energy density fc
The difference between the two cases comes from the relative sign of r M ( r M ) T and
Figure 23: (a) A parallel D-string and F-string, which is not supersymmetric. (b) The F-string breaks, its ends attaching to the D-string, resulting in (c) the final supersymmetric state, a D-string with flux.
is of order gs, and so the final tension is (g~l + 0(gs))/2ira'. This is below the tension of the separated strings and of the same form as the BPS bound (317) for a (1,1) string. A more detailed calculation shows that the final tension saturates the bound, 9 8 so the state is supersymmetric. In effect, the F-string has dissolved into the D-string, leaving flux behind. We can see quite readily that this is a supersymmetric situation using T-duality. We can choose a gauge in which the electric flux is Foi = A\. T-dualizing along the x1 direction, we ought to get a DO-brane, which we do, except that it is moving with constant velocity, since we get X1 = 2na'Ai. This clearly has the same supersymmetry as a stationary DO-brane, having been simply boosted. To calculate the number of BPS states we should put the strings in a box of length L to make the spectrum discrete. For the (1,0) F-string, the usual quantisation of the ground state gives eight bosonic and eight fermionic states moving in each direction for 162 — 256 in all. This is the ultrashort representation of supersymmetry: half the 32 generators annihilate the BPS state and the other half generate 2 8 = 256 states. The same is true of the (0,1) D-string and the (1,1) bound state just found, as will be clear from the later duality discussion of the D-string. It is worth noting that the (1,0) F-string leaves unbroken half the supersymmetry and the (0,1) D-string leaves unbroken a different half of the supersymmetry. The (1,1) bound state leaves unbroken not the intersection of
the two (which is empty), but yet a different half. The unbroken symmetries are linear combinations of the unbroken and broken supersymmetries of the D-string. All the above extends immediately to p F-strings and one D-string, forming a supersymmetric (p, 1) bound state. The more general case of p F-strings and q D-strings is more complicated. The gauge dynamics are now nonAbelian, the interactions are strong in the infrared, and no explicit solution is known. When p and q have a common factor, the BPS bound makes any bound state only neutrally stable against falling apart into subsystems. To avoid this complication let p and q be relatively prime, so any supersymmetric state is discretely below the continuum of separated states. This allows the Hamiltonian to be deformed to a simpler supersymmetric Hamiltonian whose supersymmetric states can be determined explicitly, and again there is one ultrashort representation, 256 states. The details, which are quite intricate, are left to the reader to consult in the literature 24 ' 1 . 7.3
The Three-String
Let us consider further the BPS saturated formula derived and studied in the two previous subsections, and write it as follows: rP,q = y W o ) 2 + (<7T0,i)2 .
An obvious solution to this is Tv%q sin a = qr0ti
with t a n a = q/(pgs)- Recall that these are tensions of strings, and therefore we can interpret the equations (322) as balance conditions for the components of forces! In fact, it is the required balance for three strings, U 3 ' m and we draw the case of p = q = 1 in figure 24. Is this at all consistent with what we already know? The answer is yes. An F-string is allowed to end on a D-string by definition, and a (1,1) string is produced, due to flux conservation, as we discussed above. The issue here is just how we see that there is bending. The first thing to notice is that the angle a goes to 7r/2 in the limit of zero string coupling, and so the D-string appears in that case to run straight. This had better be true, since it is then clear that we simply were allowed to ignore the bending in our previous weakly coupled string analysis. (This study of the bending of branes beyond zero coupling has important consequences for the study of one-loop gauge theory data. 1 1 4 We shall study some of this later on.)
Figure 24: (a) When an F-string ends on a D-string it causes it to bend at an angle set by the string coupling. On the other side of the junction is a (1,1) string. This is in fact a BPS state, (b) Switching on some amount of the R.-R scalar can vary the other angle, as shown.
Parenthetically, it is nice to see that in the limit of infinite string coupling, a goes to 0. The diagram is better interpreted as a D-string ending on an F string with no resulting bending. This fits nicely with the fact that the D - and F-strings exchange roles under the strong/weak coupling duality ("S-duality") of the type IIB string theory. When we wrote the linearized Blon equations in section 4.6, we ignored the 1+1 dimensional case. Let us now include that part of the story here as a 1+1 dimensional gauge theory discussion. There is a flux F0i on the worldvolume, and the end of the F-string is an electric source. Given that there is only one spatial dimension, the F-string creates a discontinuity on the flux, such that e.g: 115>50 xi > 0 (323) "01 0 xi < 0
so we can choose a gauge such that .
f a.i1 ,
x\ > 0
x1 < 0
Just as in section 4.6, this is BPS is one of the eight scalars $ m is also switched on so that
* V ) = A0 .
How do we interpret this? Since (27ra')$ 2 represents the x1 position of the D-string, we see that for a;1 < 0 the D-string is lying along the x1 axis, while for x1 > 0, it lies on a line forming an angle t a n _ 1 ( l / 5 s ) with the x1, axis. Recall the Ti-dual picture we mentioned in the previous section, where we saw that the flux on the D-string (making the (1,1) string) is equivalent to a DO-brane moving with velocity (27ra')Foi. Now we see that the DO-brane loses its velocity at x1 = 0. This is fine, since the apparent impulse is accounted for by the momentum carried by the F-string in the T-dual picture. (One has to tilt the diagram in order to T-dualize along the (1,1) string in order to see that there is F-string momentum.) Since as we have seen many times that the presence of flux on the worldvolume of a Dp-brane is equivalent to having a dissolved D(p — 2)-brane, i.e., non-zero C( p _i) source, we can modify the flux on the x1 < 0 part of the string this way by turning on the R-R scalar Co- This means that $ 2 (a; 1 ) will be linear there too, and so the angle /3 between the D - and F-strings can be varied too (see figure 24(b)). It is interesting to derive the balance conditions from this, and then convert it into a modified tension formula, but we will not do that here. 1 1 5 It is not hard to imagine that given the presence we have already deduced of a general (p, q) string in the theory that there are three-string junctions to be made out of any three strings such that the (p, g)-charges add up correctly, giving a condition on the angles at which they can meet. This is harder to do in the full non-Abelian gauge theories on their world-volumes, but in fact a complete formula can be derived using the underlying SL(2,7L) symmetry of the type IIB string theory. We will have more to say about this symmetry later. General three-string junctions have been shown to be important in a number of applications, and there is a large literature on the subject which we are unfortunately not able to review here. 7.4 0-p Bound States Bound states of p-branes and p'-branes have many applications. Some of them will appear in our later lectures, and so it is worth listing some of the results here. Here we focus on p' = 0, since we can always reach it from a general (p,p') using T-duality. •
0-0 bound states:
The BPS bound for the quantum numbers of n 0-branes is TIT0, so any bound state will be at the edge of the continuum. What we would like to
know is if there is actually a true bound state wave function, i.e., a wavefunction which is normalisable. To make the bound state counting well defined, compactify one direction and give the system momentum m/R with m and n relatively prime. 116 The bound state now lies discretely below the continuum, because the momentum cannot be shared evenly among unbound subsystems. This bound state problem is T-dual to the one just considered. Taking the T-dual, the n DO-branes become Dl-branes, while the momentum becomes winding number, corresponding to m F-strings. There is therefore one ultrashort multiplet of supersymmetric states when m and n are relatively p r i m e . u 6 This bound state should still be present back in infinite volume, since one can take R to be large compared to the size of the bound state. There is a danger that the size of the wavefunction we have just implicitly found might simply grow with R such that as R —> oo it becomes non-normalisable again. More careful analysis is needed to show this. It is sufficient to say here that the bound states for arbitrary numbers of DO-branes are needed for the consistency of string duality, so this is an important problem. Some strong arguments have been presented in the literature, (n = 2 is proven) but the general case is not yet proven. We give an embarrasingly incomplete list of papers in this topic in references. 117 •
0-2 bound states:
Now the BPS bound (319) puts any bound state discretely below the continuum. One can see a hint of a bound state forming by noticing that for a coincident DO-brane and D2-brane the NS 0-2 string has a negative zeropoint energy (307) and so a tachyon (which survives the GSO projection), indicating instability towards something. In fact the bound state (one short representation) is easily described: the DO-brane dissolves in the D2-brane, leaving flux, as we have seen numerous times. The brane R-R action (286) contains the coupling C^F, so with the flux the D2-brane also carries the DO-brane charge. 118 There is also one short multiplet for n DO-branes. This same bound state is always present when v = 2. •
0~4 bound states:
The BPS bound (318) makes any bound state marginally stable, so the problem is made well-defined as in the 0-0 case by compactifying and adding momentum. 119 The interactions in the action (312) are relevant in the infrared so this is again a hard problem, but as before it can be deformed into a solvable supersymmetric system. Again there is one multiplet of bound states. 1 1 9
Now, though, the bound state is invariant only under ^ of the original supersymmetry, the intersection of the supersymmetries of the DO-brane and of the D4-brane. The bound states then lie in a short (but not ultrashort) multiplet of 2 12 states. For 2 DO-branes and one D4-brane, one gets the correct count as follows. 120 Think of the case that the volume of the D4-brane is large. The 16 supersymmetries broken by the D4-brane generate 256 states that are delocalized on the D4-brane. The 8 supersymmetries unbroken by the D4-brane and broken by the DO-brane generate 16 states (half bosonic and half fermionic), localized on the DO-brane. The total number is the product 2 1 2 . Now count the number of ways two DO-branes can be put into their 16 states on the D4brane: there are 8 states with both DO-branes in the same (bosonic) state and 116 • 15 states with the D-branes in different states, for a total of 8 • 16 states. But in addition, the two-branes can bind, and there are again 16 states where the bound state binds to the D4-brane. The total, tensoring again with the D4-brane ground states, is 9 • 16 • 256. For n DO-branes and one D4-brane, the degeneracy Dn is given by the generating functional 120
2 > " A , = 256 n n=0
^ V
, H
where the term k in the product comes from bound states of k DO-branes then bound to the D4-brane. A recent paper discussing the D0-D4 bound state, with more references, can be found in the references. 121 •
0-6 bound states:
The relevant bound is (319) and again any bound state would be below the continuum. The NS zero-point energy for 0-6 strings is positive, so there is no sign of decay. One can give DO-brane charge to the D6-brane by turning on flux, but there is no way to do this and saturate the BPS bound. So it appears that there are no supersymmetric bound states. Incidentally, and unlike the 0-2 case, the 0-6 interaction is repulsive, both at short distance and at long. x •
0-8 bound states:
The case of the D8-brane is special, since it is rather big. It is a domain wall, since there is only one spatial dimension transverse to it. In fact, the D8-brane on its own is not really a consistent object. Trying to put it into
type IIA runs into trouble, since the string coupling blows up a finite distance from it on either side because of the nature of its coupling to the dilaton. To stop this happening, one has to introduce a pair of 08-planes, one on each side, since they (for SO groups) have negative charge (—8 times that of the D8-brane) and can soak up the dilaton. We therefore should have 16 D8branes for consistency, and so we end up in the type 1/ theory, the T-dual of Type I. The bound state problem is now quite different, and certain details of it pertain to the strong coupling limit of certain string theories, and their "matrix" 129 formulation. 122 - 123 We shall revisit this in section 8.5. 8
D - B r a n e s , Strong Coupling, and String Duality
One of the most striking results of the middle '90's was the realization that all of the string theories are in fact dual to one another at strong coupling. 125 > 126 . 127 ' This also brought eleven dimensional supergravity in the picture and started the search for M-theory, the dynamical theory within which all of those theories would fit as various effective descriptions of perturbative limits. All of this is referred to as the "Second Superstring Revolution". Every revolution is supposed to have a hero or heroes. We shall consider branes to be cast in that particular role, since they (and D-branes especially) supplied the truly damning evidence of the strong coupling fate of the various strign theories. We shall discuss aspects of this in the present section. We simply study the properties of various D-branes in the various string theories, and then trust to that fact that as they are BPS states, many of these properties will survive at strong coupling. 8.1
Collective Dynamics
Let us first study the Dl-brane. This will be appropriate to the study of type IIB and the type I string by fi-projection. Its collective dynamics as a BPS soliton moving in flat ten dimensions is captured by the 1+1 dimensional world-volume theory, with 16 or 8 supercharges, depending upon the theory we are in. (See figure 25fa).) It is worth first setting up a notation and examining the global symmetries. Let us put the Dl-brane to lie along the x1 direction, as we will do many times in what is to come. This arrangement of branes breaks the Lorentz group up as follows: 'There are excellent reviews in the literature, some of which are listed in the bibliography 128,111,112
50(1,9) D 5 0 ( 1 , l)oi x 5 0 ( 8 ) 2 _ 9 ,
Accordingly, the supercharges decompose under (327) as 16 = 8+ + 8_
where ± subscripts denote a chirality with respect to 50(1,1). For the 1-1 strings, there are 8 Dirichlet-Dirichlet (DD) directions, the Neveu-Schwarz (NS) sector has zero point energy —1/2. The massless excitations form vectors and scalars in the 1+1 dimensional model. For the vectors, the Neumann-Neumann (NN) directions give a gauge field A^. Now, the gauge field has no local dynamics, so the only contentful bosonic excitations are the transverse fluctuations. These come from the 8 Dirichlet-Dirichlet (DD) directions xm, m = 2, • • •, 9, and are ^(zV1) :
A0V™i|O> •
The fermionic states £ from the Ramond (R) sector (with zero point energy 0, as always) are built on the vacua formed by the zero modes t/>o, i=0,..., 9. This gives the initial 16. The GSO projection acts on the vacuum in this sector as: ( — l)F
= ein(So + S1 + S2 + S3+S4)
A left or right-moving state obeys r ° r 1 £ ± = ±£±, and so the projection onto ( — 1) F £=£ says that left and right moving states are odd and (respectively) even under r 2 . . . F 9 , which is to say that they are either in the 8 S or the 8CSo we see that the GSO projection simply correlates world sheet chirality with spacetime chirality: f_ is in the 8C of 50(8) and £ + is in the 8 S . 8.2
Type IIB/Type IIB Duality
So we have seen that for a Dl-brane in type IIB string theory, the right-moving spinors are in the 8 S of 50(8), and the left-moving spinors in the 8 C . These are the same as the fluctuations of a fundamental IIB string, in static gauge. 24 There, the supersymmetries Qa and Qa have the same chirality. Half of each spinor annihilates the F-string and the other half generates fluctuations. Since the supersymmetries have the same 50(9,1) chirality, the 50(8) chirality is correlated with the direction of motion. So far we have been using the string metric. We can switch to the Einstein metric, g^J = e~®l2gllJ, since in this case gravitational action has no dependence on the dilaton, and so it is an invariant under duality. The tensions in
this frame are: F-string:
Since these are BPS states, we are able to trust these formulae at arbitrary values of gs. Let us see what interpretation we can make of these formulae: At weak coupling the D-string is heavy and the F-string tension is the lightest scale in the theory. At strong coupling, however, the D-string is the lightest object in the theory, (A dimensional argument shows that the lowest-dimensional branes have the lowest scale. 124 ) and it is natural to believe that the theory can be reinterpreted as a theory of weakly coupled D-strings, with g's = g~x. One cannot prove this without a non-perturbative definition of the theory, but quantising the light D-string implies a large number of the states that would be found in the dual theory, and self-duality of the IIB theory seems by far the simplest interpretation—given that physics below the Planck energy is described by some specific string theory, it seems likely that there is a unique extension to higher energies. This agrees with the duality deduced from the low energy action and other considerations. 125>127>135 l n particular, the NSNS and R-R two-form potentials, to which the D - and F-strings respectively couple, are interchanged by this duality. This duality also explains our remark about the strong and weak coupling limits of the three string junction depicted in figure 24. The roles of the D and F-strings are swapped in the gs —> 0, oo limits, which fits with the two limiting values a —• n/2,0. The full duality group of the D = 10 Type IIB theory is expected to be SL(2, X). 1 2 5 ' 1 2 7 This relates the fundamental string not only to the R-R string but to a whole set of strings with the quantum numbers of p F-strings and q D-strings for p and q relatively prime. 110 The bound states found in section 7.2 are just what is required for SL(2, W) duality. 24 As the coupling and the R-R scalar are varied, each of these strings becomes light at the appropriate point in moduli space. 8.3
Type I/Heterotic
Let us now consider the Dl-brane in the Type I theory. We must modify our previous analysis in two ways. First, we must project onto fi-even states. As in section 2.6, the U(l) gauge field A is in fact projected out, since dt is odd under CI. The normal derivative dn, is even under f2, and hence the $ m
survive. Turning to the fermions, we see that 0 acts as e" r ( S l + S 2 + S 3 + , s ' 4 ) and so the left-moving 8C is projected out and the right-moving 8 S survives. Recall that D9-branes must be introduced after doing the Q projection of the type IIB string theory. These are the 50(32) Chan-Paton factors. This means that we must also include the massless fluctuations due to strings with one end on the Dl-brane and the other on a D9-brane. (See figure 25(b)) The zero point energy in the NS sector for these states is 1/2, and so there is way to make a massless state. The R sector has zero point energy zero, as usual, and the ground states come from excitations in the x°, x1 direction, since it is in the NN sector that the modes are integer. The GSO projection (—)F = r ° r 1 will
Figure 25: Dl-branes (a) in Type IIB theory its fluctuations are described by 1-1 strings. (b) in Type I string theory, there are additional contributions from 1-9 strings.
project out one of these, A_, while the right moving one will remain. The $7 projection simply relates 1-9 strings to 9-1 strings, and so places no constraint on them. Finally, we should note that the 1-9 strings, as they have one end on a D9-brane, transform as vectors of 50(32). Now, by the argument that we saw in the case of the type IIB string, we should deduce that this string becomes a light fundamental string in some dual string theory at strong coupling. In these notes we have not seen such a string before. It has (0,8 world sheet supersymmetry, and a left moving family of 32 fermions transforming as the 32 of 50(32). Happily, there is precisely one such string theory in ten dimensions with this property. It is a closed string theory called the 50(32) "heterotic" string. 17 There is in fact another ten dimensional heterotic string, with gauge group E% x Es. It has a storng coupling limit we will examine shortly. Upon compactifying on a circle, the two heterotic string theories are perturbatively related by T duality. 143 ' 144 We have obtained the 50(32) string here with the spacetime supersymmetry realized in Green-Schwarz form and with a left-moving "current algebra" in fermionic form 133 , which realises a spacetime 50(32) gauge symmetry. In fact, recall that we had already deduced that such a string theory might ex-
ist, by looking at the supergravity sector in section 5.4. This is just how type I/heterotic duality was deduced first 127, 135 and then D-brane constructions were used to test it more sharply 133 . Actually, heterotic string experts know that the fermionic .50(32) current algebra requires a GSO projection. By considering a closed Dl-brane we see that the ft projection removes the £^(1) gauge field, but in fact allows a discrete gauge symmetry: a holonomy ± 1 around the Dl-brane. This discrete gauge symmetry is the GSO projection, and we should sum over all consistent possibilities. The heterotic strings have spinor representations of 50(32), and we need to be able to make them in the Type I theory, in order for duality to be correct. In the R sector of the discrete Dl-brane gauge theory, the 1-9 strings are periodic. The zero modes of the fields **, representing the massless 1-9 strings, satisfy the Clifford algebra {¥0,%}
= S*i,
= 1,---,32.
The quantisation now proceeds just as for the fundamental heterotic string, giving spinors 2 3 1 + 2 3 1 , one of which is removed by the discrete gauge symmetry. 84
In the IIA theory, the DO-brane has a mass TQ = a1 ' gs in the string metric. As gs —> oo, this mass is the lightest scale in the theory. In addition, we have seen in section 7.4 that n DO-branes have a single supersymmetric bound state with mass TITQ. This evenly spaced tower of states is characteristic of the appearance of an additional dimension, where the momentum (Kaluza-Klein) states have masses n/R and form a continuum is R —>• oo. Here, R = a' 1//2 g s , so weak coupling is small R and the theory is effectively ten dimensional, while strong coupling is large R, and the theory is eleven dimensional. We saw such Kaluza-Klein behaviour in section 3.1. The charge of the nth Kaluza-klein particle corresponds to n units of momentum \/R in the hidden dimension. In this case, this f/(l) is the R-R one form of type IIA, and so we interpret DO-brane charge as eleven dimensional momentum. In this way, we are led to consider eleven dimensional supergravity as the strong coupling limit of the type IIA string. This is only for low energy, of course, and the issue of the complete description of the short distance physics at strong coupling to complete the "M-theory", is yet to be settled. It cannot be simply eleven dimensional supergravity, since that theory (like all purely field theories of gravity) is ill-defined at short distances. The most widely examined proposal
Insert 11: Dual Branes from 10D String-String Duality There is an instructive way to see how the D-string tension turns into that of an F-string. In terms of supergravity fields, part of the duality transformation involves Gv,v -> e~*GM„ , $ - » - < ! , where the quantities on the right, with tildes, are in the dual theory. This means that in addition to gs = gj1, for the relation of the string coupling to the dual string coupling, there is also a redefinition of the string length, via a' = gsa' , which is the same as a'gs = a' . Starting with the D-string tension, these relations give: Tl
~ 2ira'gs ~* 27H57 ~
precisely the tension of the fundamental string in the dual string theory, measured in the correct units of length. One might understandably ask the question about the fate of other D-branes. For the type IIB's D3-brane: T3
1 1 _ ~ (27r)3a'2gs ~* (27T)3a'2ps ~ ^ '
showing that the dual object is again a D3-brane. For the D5-brane, in either type IIB or type I theory: T5
1 1 (2Tr)5a'3gs ~* {2n)5a'3g2s
F T|5
This is the tension of a fivebrane which is not a D5-brane. This is intersting, since for both dualities, the R-R 2-form C^ is exchanged for the NS-NS 2-form B^2\ and so this fivebrane is magnetically charged under the latter. It is in fact that magnetic dual of the fundamental string. Its g~2 behaviour identifies it as a soliton of the NS-NS fields ( G , B , $ ) . Continued...
Insert 11: Continued... So we conclude that there exists in both the type IIB and 50(32) heterotic theories such a brane, and in fact such a brane can be constrcuted directly as a soliton solution. They should be called "F5-branes", but this name never stuck. They go by various names like "NS5-brane" or "solitonic fivebrane", and so on. As they are constructed completely out of closed string fields, T-duality along a direction parallel to the brane does not change its dimensionality, as would happen for a D-brane. We conclude therefore that they also exist in the T-dual Type IIA and Es x Es string theories. For the heterotic cases, the soliton solution also involves a background gauge field, which is in fact an instanton. We shall deduce this from duality later also, when we uncover more properties of branes within branes. One last feature worth mentioning is the worldvolume theory describing the low energy collective motions of the branes. This can be worked out directly, and string duality is consistent with the answers: From the duality, we can immediately deduce that the type IIB's NS5-brane must have a vector multiplet, just like the D5-brane. There is non-chiral (1,1) six dimensional supersymmetry on the worldvolume. Just like with D5-branes, there is enhanced gauge symmetry when many coincide. 132 For the type IIA NS5-brane, things are different. A duality argument can be used to show that the brane actually carries a two-form potential, and so there is a six dimensional tensor multiplet on the brane. There is a chiral (0,2) supersymmetry on the brane. The gauge symmetry associated to this multiplet is also enhanced when many branes coincide. That there is either a (1,1) vector multiplet or a (0,2) tensor multiplet was first uncovered by direct analysis of the collective dynamics of the NS5-branes as solitons in the full type II theories. 131
for the structure of the short distance physics is "Matrix Theory" 129 , although there are other interesting proposals. 13° It is worth noting that the existence of the bound states and of the eleventh dimension was inferred even before the significance of D-branes was understood, because they are required by lower-dimensional "U-dualities". 126 ' 127 To relate the coupling to the size of the eleventh dimension we need to compare the respective Einstein-Hilbert actions, 127
J d10x v ^ i ?
= f j ? / d10x y/^GTiRu
The string and M theory metrics are equal up to a rescaling, GSLIV
= C Giifiv
and so (8 = 27ri?/c2l<72//t21. The respective masses are related nR~l = m n = 1 /2
(ms = n(T0 or R = a' ' gs/C- Combining these with the result (254) for KQ, we obtain = ^/3 2 7 / 9 7r 8 /V/
In order to emphasise the basic structure we hide in braces numerical factors and factors of « n and a'. The latter factors are determined by dimensional analysis, with KU having units of (M theory length 9 / 2 ) and a' (string theory length 2 ). We are free to set £ = 1, using the same metric and units in M-theory as in string theory. In this case I& = 93s [2Vc*' 9 / 2 ] .
The reason for not always doing so is that when we have a series of dualities, as below, there will be different string metrics. For completeness, let us note that if we define Newton's constant as before via 2/c2x = MJTTG1^, then we have: 2 7 8 9 K 1=2 7r £ ;
Gtf = 1 6 7 ^ .
It is interesting to track the eleven-dimensional origin of the various branes of the IIA theory. 1 1 8 > m . 1 2 8 The DO-branes are, as we have just seen, KaluzaKlein states. The Fl-branes, the IIA strings themselves, are wrapped membranes ("M2-branes") of M-theory. 136 The D2-branes are membranes transverse to the eleventh dimension X 1 0 . The D4-branes are M-theory fivebranes
("M5-branes") 1 3 7 wrapped on X 1 0 , while the NS (symmetric) 5-branes are M5-branes transverse to X 1 0 . The D6-branes, being the magnetic duals of the DO-branes, are Kaluza-Klein monopoles 138 (we shall see this directly later in section 10.5). As mentioned before the D8-branes have a more complicated fate. To recap, the point is that the D8-branes cause the dilaton to diverge within a finite distance, 1 3 3 and must therefore be a finite distance from an orientifold plane, which is essentially a boundary of spacetime as we saw in section 3.9. As the coupling grows, the distance to the divergence and the boundary necessarily shrinks, so that they disappear into it in the strong coupling limit: they become part of the gauge dynamics of the nine-dimensional boundary of M-theory, 139 used to make the Es x E8 heterotic string, to be discussed in more detail below. This raises the issue of the strong coupling limit of orientifolds in general. There are various results in the literature, but since the issue are complicated, and because the techniques used are largely strongly coupled field theory deductions, which take us well beyond the scope of these lectures, we will have to refer the reader to the literature. 2 0 9 , 2 1 0 ' 2 2 4 ' 1 4 2 One can see further indication of the eleventh dimension in the dynamics of the D2-brane. In 2 + 1 dimensions, the vector field on the brane is dual to a scalar, through Hodge duality of the field strength, *F2 — d
Es x E8 Heterotic String/M-Theory
on I
We have deduced the duals of four of the five ten dimensional string theories. Let us study the final one, the E8 x E8 heterotic string, which is T-dual to the 50(32) string. 143 - 144 Compactify on a large radius R and turn on a Wilson line which breaks E8 x E8 to 50(16) x 50(16). This is T-dual to the 50(32) heterotic string, again with a Wilson line breaking the group to 50(16) x 50(16). The couplings and radii are related R1
R-1 a
Now use Type I - heterotic duality to write this as a Type I theory with
*, = g'-^R' g.,i
= 971/2R-1/2
[a'3/4] ,
= g7'R [ « ' " 1 / 2 ] •
The radius is very small, so it is useful to make another T-duality, to the 'Type I" theory. The compact dimension is then a segment of length TTR\> with eight D 8-branes at each end, and RV
R-i [a1] = g}/*RV* [a' 1 / 4 ] ,
9.,V = g.,!^1 [2"1/2a'1/2] = g^R3'2
[2-l/2^-3/4] _
Now take R —> oo to recover the original ten-dimensional theory (in particular the Wilson line is irrelevant and the original E8 x E8 restored). Both the radius and the coupling of the Type I' theory become large. The physics between the ends of the segment is given locally by the IIA string, and so the strongly coupled limit is eleven dimensional. Taking into account the transformations (334), (336), the radii of the two compact dimensions in Mtheory units are = 9T
[2- 1 1 / 1 8 7r- 8 / 9 K 2 { 9 ]
g][v [ 2 - 7 / 9 7 T - 8 / 9 K 2 { 9 ]
= g-V*R [2- 1 0 / 9 7r- 8 / 9 a'- 1 / 2 «?{ 9 ] .
As R —> oo, Rio —»• oo also, while Rg remains fixed and (for g large) large compared to the Planck scale. Thus, in the strongly coupled limit of the tendimensional Eg x E$ heterotic string an eleventh dimension again appears, a segment of length Rg, with one E^ factor on each endpoint. 139 8.6
An interesting feature of string duality is the enlargement of the duality group under further toroidal compactification. There is a lot to cover, and it is somewhat orthogonal to most of what we want to do for the rest of the notes, so we will err on the side of brevity (for a change). The example of the Type II string on a five-torus T5 is useful, since it is the setting for the simplest black hole state counting, which Amanda Peet will cover in her lectures in this school. 203 Let us first count the gauge fields. This can be worked out simply by counting the number of ways of wrapping the metric and the various p-form potentials in the theory on the five circles of the T 5 to give a one-form in the remaining five non-compact directions. From the NS-NS sector there are 5 Kaluza-Klein gauge bosons and 5 gauge bosons from the antisymmetric tensor. There are 16 gauge bosons from the dimensional reduction of the various R-R forms: The breakdown is 10+5+1 from the forms C' 3 ', C^ and
C^\ respectively. Finally, in five dimensions, one can form a two form field strength from the Hodge dual *H of the 3-form field strength of the NS-NS i?M„, thus defining another gauge field. Let us see how T-duality acts on these. The T-duality is 5 0 ( 5 , 5 ; 2Z), as discussed in section 3.1. This mixes the first 10 NS-NS gauge fields among themselves, and the 16 R-R gauge fields among themselves, and leaves the final NS-NS field invariant. The 5 0 ( 5 , 5 ; TL) representations here correspond directly to the 10, 16, and 1 of 50(10). The low energy supergravity theory for this compactification has a continuous symmetry £6(6) which is a non-compact version of E6. 146 This is one of those supergravity properties that was ignored for some time, because there is no sign of it in (perturbative) string theory. But now we know better: 125 a discrete subgroup .E6(6)(2Z) is supposed to be a good symmetry of the full theory. The gauge bosons are in the 27 of E6^ {TL), which is the same as the 27 of £ 6 ( 6 ). The decomposition under 50(10) ~ 5 0 ( 5 , 5 ; TL) is familiar from grand unified model building, 27 ->• 10 + 16 + 1 .
The particle excitations carrying the 10 charges are just the Kaluza-Klein and winding strings. The U-duality requires also states in the 16. These are just the various ways of wrapping Dp-branes to give D-partiles (10 for D2, 5 for D4 and 1 for DO). Finally, the state carrying the 1 charge is the NS5-brane, wrapped entirely on the T 5 . 8.7
U-Duality and Bound States
It is interesting to see how some of the bound state results from the previous lecture fit the predictions of U-duality. We will generate U-transformations as a combination of Tmn...p, which is a T-duality in the indicated directions, and S, the IIB weak/strong transformation. The former switches between N and D boundary conditions and between momentum and winding number in the indicated directions. The latter interchanges the NS and R two-forms but leaves the R four-form invariant, and acts correspondingly on the solitons carrying these charges. We denote by D ran ... p a D-brane extended in the indicated directions, and similarly for F m a fundamental string and pm a momentum-carrying BPS state. The first duality chain is (D 9 ,F 9 ) ^ 8 (D 7 8 9 ,F 9 ) 4
(D 7 8 9 ,D 9 ) I* ( D 7 8 , D 0 ) .
(The last symbol denotes a DO-brane, which is of course not extended anywhere.) Thus the D-string-F-string bound state is U-dual to the 0-2 bound state. The second chain is (D 6 7 8 9 ,D 0 ) ^
(D 7 8 9 ,D 6 ) 4
(D 7 8 9 ,F 6 )
2? 9 (D 8 ,pe) A (F 6 ,p 6 )
The bound states of n DO-branes and m D4-branes are thus U-dual to fundamental string states with momentum n and winding number m. The bound state degeneracy (326) for m = 1 precisely matches the fundamental string degeneracy. 147>n9,i48 For m > 1 the same form (326) should hold but with n —> ran. This is believed to be the case, but the analysis (which requires the instanton picture described in the next section) does not seem to be complete. 148 A related issue is the question of branes ending on other branes 149 , and we shall see more of this later. An F-string can of course end on a D-string, so from the first duality chain it follows that a Dp-brane can end on a D ( p + 2)brane. The key issue is whether the coupling between spacetime forms and world-brane fields allows the source to be conserved, as with the NS-NS twoform source in figure 23. Similar arguments can be applied to the extended objects in M-theory. 149 - 118 9 9.1
D - B r a n e s and Geometry I D-Branes as a Probe of ALE Spaces
One of the beautiful results which we uncovered soon after constructing the type II strings was that we can "blow up" the 16 fixed points of the T 4 / S 2 "orbifold compactification" to recover string propagation on the smooth hyperKahler manifold K3. (See section 5.5.) Strictly speaking, we only recovered the algebraic data of the K3 this way, and it seemed plausible that the full metric geometry of the surface is recovered, but how can we see this directly? We can recover this metric data by using a brane as a short distance "probe" of the geometry. This is a powerful technique, which has many useful applications as we shall see in numerous examples as we proceed. Let us focus on a single fixed point, and the type IIB theory. The full string theory is propagating on R 6 x ( H 4 / ^ 2 ) , which arises from imposing a symmetry under the reflection R : (x6,x7,x8,x9) -> (—x6, — x7, — x8, — x9). Now we can place a Dl-brane (a "D-string") in this plane at x2,... ,x9 = 0 . Here is a table to help keep track of where everything is:
z° -
(We have put the H /ZZ2 (ALE) space in as a ten dimensional extended object too, since it only has structure in the directions 30 * 30 M 30 « 30 » J The Dl-brane can quite trivially sit at the origin and respect the symmetry R, but if it moves off the fixed point, it will break the 2Z2 symmetry. In order for it to be able to move off the fixed point there needs to be an image brane moving to the mirror image point also. We therefore need two Chan-Paton indices: one for the D-string and the other for its TL^ image. So (to begin with) the gauge group carried by our D-string system living at the origin is U(2), but this will be modified by the following considerations. Since R exchanges the D-string with its image, it can be chosen to act on an open string state as the exchange 7 — o\ = I
1. So we can write the representation of the
action of R as: R|^.*J>
(Tii.\nrl),i'j')(T),i •
that is, (346)
So it acts on the oscillators in the usual way but also switches the ChanPaton factors for the brane and its image. The idea 109 is that we must choose an action of the string theory orbifold symmetry on the Chan-Paton factors when there are branes present and make sure that the string theory is consistent in that sector too. Note that the action on the Chan-Paton factors is again chosen to respect the manner in which they appear in amplitudes, just as in section 2.4. We can therefore compute what happens: In the NS sector, the massless R-invariant states are, in terms of vertex operators: dtX^a0'1, 01
dnX'a ' , m 23
dnX a ' ,
/J = 0,1 2 = 2,3,4,5 m = 6,7,8,9.
The first row is the vertex operator describing a gauge field with 1/(1) x U(l) as the gauge symmetry. The next row constitutes four scalars in the adjoint of the gauge group, parametrising the position of the string within the six-plane H 6 , and the last row is four scalars in the "bifundamental" charges (±1,^1) of the gauge group the transverse position on x6,x7,x8,x9. Let us denote the
corresponding D-string fields y l M , X l , X m , all 2 x 2 matrices. We may draw a "quiver diagram" 154 displaying this gauge and matter content, (see figure 26.)
Figure 26: A diagram showing the content of the probe gauge theory. The nodes give information about the gauge groups, while the links give the amount and charges of the mattter hypermultiplets.
Such diagrams have in general an integer m inside each node, representing a factor U(m) in the gauge group. An arrowed edge of the diagram represents hypermultiplet transforming as the fundamental (for the sharp end) and antifundamental (for the blunt end) of the two gauge groups corresponding to the connected nodes. The diagram is simply a decorated version of the extended Dynkin diagram associated to A\. This will make even more sense shortly, since there is geometric meaning to this, finally, note that one of the C/(l)'s, (the CTQ one) is trivial: nothing transforms under it, and it simply represents the overall centre of mass of the brane system. Their bosonic action is the d = 10 U{2) Yang-Mills action, dimensionally reduced and i?-projected (which breaks the gauge symmetry to U(l) x U(l)). This dimensional reduction is easy to do. There are kinetic terms: T =
\ - [ F^Fau
+ Y VltXiVlXi
4^M V
+ Y V.XmVfiXm
) ,
and potential terms:
[/ = - — L 4
5YM ^
2]TTr[X\Xm]2 + ^Tr[Xm,X"]2 ijm
m ,„
where using (276), we have gyM = (27r) _ 1 a' _ 1'2gs. (Another potentially nontrivial term disappears since the gauge group is Abelian.) The important thing to realize is that there are large families of vacua (here, U = 0) of the theory. The space of such vacua is called the "moduli space" of vacua, and they shall have an interesting interpretation. The moduli space has two branches:
On one, the "Coulomb Branch", Xm = 0 and Xi = uV° + u V . This corresponds to two D-strings moving independently in the H , with positions ul ± v*. The gauge symmetry is unbroken, giving independent i7(l)'s on each D-string. On the other, the "Higgs Branch", Xm is nonzero and X1 — ula°. The a1 gauge invariance is broken and so we can make the gauge choice Xm = wma3. This corresponds to the D-string moving off the fixed plane, the string and its image being at (ul,±wm). We see that this branch has the geometry of the R 6 x R 4 / S 2 which we built in. Now let us turn on twisted-sector fields which we uncovered in section 5.5, where we learned that they give the blowup of the geometry. They will appear as parameters in our D-brane gauge theory. Define complex qm by Xm = cr3Re(<7m) + <72Im(<7m), and define two doublets,
••=(?:$)• •'=(?$)•
These have charges ±1 respectively under the a1 U(l). The three NS-NS moduli can be written as a vector D, and the potential is proportional to (D-/i)2 = (*jT$0-*Ir$i+D)2, 1
where the Pauli matrices are now denoted T to emphasise that they act in a different space. (The notation using vector \x has a significance which we shall discuss later.) This reduces to the second term of the earlier potential (349) when D = 0. Its form is determined by supersymmetry. For D ^ O the orbifold point is blown up. The moduli space of the gauge theory is simply the set of possible locations of the probe i.e., the blown up ALE space. (Note that the branch of the moduli space with vl ^ 0 is no longer present.) Let us count parameters and constants: The Xm contain eight scalar fields. Three of them are removed by the D-flatness condition that the potential vanish, and a fourth is a gauge degree of freedom, leaving the expected four moduli. In terms of supermultiplets, the system has the equivalent of d = 6 N — 1 supersymmetry. The D-string has two hypermultiplets and two vector multiplets, which are Higgsed down to one hypermultiplet and one vector multiplet. The idea 150 is that the metric on this moduli space, as seen in the kinetic term for the D-string fields, should be the smoothed ALE metric. Given the ,fact that we have eight supercharges, it should be a hyperKahler manifold, 151 and the ALE space has this property. Let us explore this. 1 5 3 Three coordinates on our moduli space are conveniently defined as (there are dimensionful
constants missing from this normalisation which we shall ignore for now): Y = $JT$0.
The fourth coordinate, z, can be defined z = 2arg(* 0 ,i*i,i)-
The D-flatness condition implies that * { T $ I = y + D,
and $o and $ i are determined in terms of y and z, up to gauge choice. The original metric on the space of hypermultiplet vevs is just the flat metric ds2 = d$Jd<$o + d $ | d $ i . We must project this onto the space orthogonal to the U(l) gauge transformation. This is performed (for example) by coupling the $o, $ i for two dimensional gauge fields according to their charges, and integrating out the gauge field. (This whole construction, imposing the D-flatness conditions and making the gauge identification, is known as the hyperKahler quotient. 155>156) The result is ds2 = d<S>U$0 + d*Jd*i
4($J$o + $l$i) with tot = *($|d*i - d*t$i) .
It is straightforward to express the metric in terms of y and t using the identity (atTa/3)(7tT°(5) = 2(Qt(5)(7t/3) - (a^)(^5) for SU(2) arbitrary doublets a,P,j,S. This gives: $ J $ 0 = |y|,
|y + D|,
d y d y = | y | d * J d * 0 - w g = | y + D | d * I d * i - w?,
and we find that our metric can be written as the N = 2 case of the GibbonsHawking metric: ds2 = V'1 (dz-A-
dy) 2 + Vdy • dy
N-l V
=HuTT7rr |y-y>
= VxA.
Up to an overall normalisation (which we will fix later), we have the normalisation yo = 0, yi = D, and the vector potential is A(y) • dy = l y p 1 ^ + |y + D l " 1 ^ + dz,
and the field strength is readily obtained by taking the exterior derivative and using the identity eabc(a^Tbf3)(^TcS) = i(a^TaS)(^/3) i(a^S)(^Ta0). Under a change of variables, 75 this metric (for N = 2) becomes the EguchiHanson metric, 263 which we first identified as the blowup of the orbifold point. The three parameters in the vector yi are the NS-NS fields representing the size and orientation of the blown up P 1 . It is easy to carry out the generalisation to the full AM-\ series, and get the metric (358) on the moduli space for a Dl-brane probing a Z^v orbifold. The gauge theory is just the obvious generalisation derived from the extended Dynkin diagram: U(1)N, with N + 1 bifundamental hypermultiplets with charges (1, —1) under the neighbouring ?7(l)'s. (See figure 27.) There will be S(N - 1) NS-NS moduli which will become the N - 1 differences y» — yo in the resulting Gibbons-Hawking metric (358). Geometrically, these correspond to the size and orientation of N — 1 separate P ^ s which can be blown up. In fact, we see that the there is another meaning to be ascribed to the Dynkin diagram: Each node (except the trivial one) represents a P 1 in the spacetime geometry that the probe sees on the Higgs branch. This entire construction which we have just described is a "hyperKahler quotient", a powerful technique 155 for describing hyperKahler metrics of various types, and which has been used to prove the existence of the full family of ALE metrics. 156 It is remarkable that D-branes uncover the spacetime using gauge theory variables and supersymmetry to construct such a quotient, and that these are the same variables which appear in the mathematical description of the construction. We shall see this connection arising a number of other times in these notes. A reasonably elementary discussion, in this context, of the translation between D-brane physics an the mathematics of hyperKahler quotients, can be found in the literature. 157 For the full A-D-E family of ALE spaces, there is a family of "Kronheimer" gauge theories which can be derived from the A-D-E extended Dynkin diagram. (There is an excellent discussion,63 with a stringy flavour, in the bibliography.) This is the family of gauge theories which arise on the world-volume of the D-brane probes. 154 ' 157 (See figure 27). These families, and the correspondence to the A-D-E classification arises as follows. We start with D-branes on R. 4 /r, where V is any discrete subgroup of SU{2) (the cover of the 50(3) which acts as rotations at fixed radii). It turns out that the V are classified in an "A-D-E classification", as shown by McKay 69 . The TL^ are the AN-I series. For the D^ and £6,7,8 series, we have the binary dihedral ( D ^ _ 2 ) , tetrahedral (T), octahedral (O) and icosahedral (I) groups. In order to have the D-branes form a faithful representation on the covering space of the quotient, we need to start with a number equal to the order |T| of the discrete group. This was two previously, and we started
Figure 27: The extended Dynkin diagrams for the A - D - E series. As quiver diagrams, they give the gauge and matter content for the probe gauge theories which compute the resolved geometry of an ALE space. At the same time they also denote the actual underlying geometry of the ALE space, as each node denotes P 1 , with the connecting edge representing a non-zero intersection.
with U(2). So we start with a gauge group f/(|r|), and then project, as before. The resulting gauge groups are given by the extended Dynkin diagrams suitably decorated. 156 (See figure 27.) For example, the simplest model in the D-series is D4, which would require 8 Dl-branes on the covering space. The final probe gauge theory after projecting is C/(2)x?7(l) 4 , with four copies of a hypermultipet in the (2,1). The families of hypermultiplets (corresponding again to the links/edges in the diagram) and D-flatness conditions, etc., are precisely the variables and algebraic condition which appear in Kronheimer's constructive proof of the existence of the ALE metrics 156>157. Unfortunately, it is a difficult and unsolved problem to obtain explicit metrics for the resolved spaces in the D and E cases.
9.2 •
Fractional D-Branes and Wrapped D-Branes Fractional Branes
Let us pause to consider the following. In the previous section, we noted that in order for the probe brane to move off the fixed point, we needed to make sure that there were enough copies of it (on the covering space) to furnish a representation of the discrete symmetry T that we were going to orbifold by. After the orbifold, we saw that the Higgs branch corresponds to a single Dbrane moving off the fixed point to non-zero x6,x7,x8,x9. It is made up of the |T| D-branes we started with on the cover, which are now images of each other under T. We can blow up the fixed point to a smooth surface by setting the three NS-NS fields D non-zero. When D = 0, there is a Coulomb branch. There, the brane is at the fixed point x6,x7,xs,x9 = 0. The |T| D-branes are free to move apart, independently, as they are no longer constrained by T projection. So in fact, we have (as many as m ) |T| independent branes, which therefore have the interpretation as a fraction of the full brane. None of these individual fractional branes can move off. They have charges under the twisted sector R-R fields. Twisted sector strings have no zero mode, as we have seen, and so cannot propagate. For an arbitrary number of these fractional branes (and there is no reason not to consider any number that we want) a full |T| of them must come together to form a closed orbit of T, in order for them to move off onto the Higgs branch as one single brane. This fits with the pattern of hypermultiplets and subsequent Higgs-ing which can take place. There simply are not the hypermultiplets in the model corresponding to the movement of an individual fractional brane off the fixed point, and so they are "frozen" there, while they can move within it, i°9>i57,i60,i54 m t n e x2,x3,xA,x5 directions. •
Wrapped Branes
There is further understanding of what these individual fractional branes mean. We see that when the ALE space is blown up, we fail to get the fractional branes, suggesting that there is some geometrical description to be found. The fancy language used at this point is that the Coulomb branch is "lifted", which is to say it is no longer a branch of degenerate vacua whose existence are protected by supersymmetry. While it is possible to blow up the point with m
I n the D and E cases, some of the branes are in clumps of size n (according to the nodes in figure 27) and carry non-abelian U(n)
the separated fractional branes, it is not a supersymmetric operation. We shall see why presently. First, let us set up the geometry. Recall that each node (except for the extended one) in a Dynkin diagram corresponds to a P 1 which can be blown up in the smooth geometry. This is a cycle on which a D3-brane can be wrapped in order to make a Dl-brane on P 6 . For the Ajv-i-series, where things are simple, there are N — 1 such cycles, giving that many different species of Dl-brane. Where exactly is this cycle in the metric (358)? Notice that the A-n periodic variable z actually is a circle, but its radius depends upon the prefactor V~l, which varies with y in a way which is set by the parameters ("centres") yj. When y = y i ; the ^-circle shrinks to zero size. There is a P 1 between successive y;'s, which is the minimal surface made up of the locus of z-circles which start out at zero size, grow to some maximum value, and then shrink again to zero size, where a P 1 then begins again as the neighbouring cycle, having intersected with the previous one in a point. The straight line connecting this will give the smallest cycle, and so the area is 4-7r|yj — y^-1 for the P 1 connecting centres y%,j. If a brane is wrapped on a cycle, it cannot be pulled off (by definition), even after the cycle has shrunken to zero size. Is this perhaps responsible for the fractional brane description? If we can get it to work for a single cycle 153 - 167 (we need to get rid of the total D3-brane charge), we can get it to work for the entire A-D-E series of ALE spaces: the general Dynkin diagrams telling us about the underlying geometry all have the interpretation as the family of blown up cycles. Here is one way to do it: 168 Imagine a D3-brane with some non-zero amount of B 4- 2-KOL'F on its world volume. Recall that this corresponds to some Dl-brane dissolved into the worldvolume. We deduced this from T duality in earlier sections. (We did it with pure F, but we can always gauge in some B.) Since we need a total D3-brane charge of zero in our final solution, let us alsc^consider a D3-brane with opposite charge, and with some non-zero B + 2-ira• F on its worldvolume. We write F to distinguish it from the F on the other brane's worldvolume, but the B's are the same, since this is a spacetime background field. So we have a worldvolume interaction: (i3 f C ( 2 ) A {{B + 2ira'F) - (B + 2-na'F)} ,
where we are keeping the terms separate for clarity. Our net D3-brane charge is zero. Now let us choose 2wa' (JE F - F) = /X1//X3, and <J>B = (/X3///1) JSB — 1/2 for some two dimensional spatial subspace X of the 3-volume. (Note that $ s ~ $B + 1) are only This gives a net Dl-brane charge of 1/2 + 1/2 = 1.
The two halves shall be our fractional branes. Right now, they are totally delocalized in the world-volume of the D3-anti D3 system. We can make the Dl's more localised by identifying £ (the parts of the 3-volume where B and F are non-zero) with the P 1 of the ALE space. The smaller the P 1 is, the more localized the Dl's are. In the limit where it shrinks away we have the orbifold fixed point geometry. (Note that we still have $ s = 1/2 on the shrunken cycle. Happily, this is just the value needed to be present for a sensible conformal field theory description of the orbifold sector. n ) Once the Dl's are completely localized in x6,x7,x8,x9 from the shrinking away of the P 1 , then they are free to move supersymmetrically in the x2,xi,xi,xb directions. This should be familiar as the general facts we uncovered about the Dp-D(p + 2) bound state system: If the D(p + 2) is extended, the Dp cannot move out of it and preserve supersymmetry. This is also T-dual to a single brane at an angle and we shall see this next. 9.3
Wrapped, Fractional and Stretched Branes
There is yet another useful way of thinking of all the of the above physics, and even more aspects of it will become manifest here. It requires exploring a duality to another picture altogether. This duality is morally a T-duality, although since it is a non-trivial background that is involved, we should be careful. It is best trusted at low energy, as we cannot be sure that the string theories are completely dual at all mass levels. So we should probably claim only that the backgrounds give the same low energy physics. Nevertheless, once we arrive at our goal, we can forget about where it came from and construct it directly in its own right. Up to a change of variables, in the supergravity background (358), y can be taken to be the vector y = (x7,x8,xg) while we will take x6 to be our periodic coordinate z. (There are some dimensionful parameters which were left out of the derivation of (358), for clarity, and we shall put them in by hand, and try to fix the pure numbers with T-duality.) Then, using the T-duality rules (140) we can arrive at another background: (note that we have adjoined the flat transverse spacetime R 6 to make a ten dimensional solution, and restored an a' for dimensions): 5
-dt2 + Y, dxmdxm
+ V(y)(dx6dx6
+ dy • dy)
m=l „2*
'»» = | ' 5 ^ i -
which is also a ten dimensional solution if taken with a non-trivial background field169'170 Hmns = emnsrdr$ which defines the potential B6i {i = 7,8,9) as a vector Ai which satisfies VV = V x A. Non-zero BQI arose because the T-dual solution had non zero G$i. In fact, this is not quite the solution we are looking for. What we have arrived at is a solution which is independent of the x6 direction. This is neccessary if we are to use the operation (140). In fact, we expect that the full solution we seek has some structure in x6, since translation invariance is certainly broken there. This is because the a;6-circle of the ALE space has iV places where winding number can change, since the circle shrinks away there. So we expect that the same must be true for momentum in the dual situation. 171 A simple guess for a solution which is localised completely in the x6,x7,x8,x9 directions is to simply as that it be harmonic there. We simply take x = (x6,y) to mean a position in the full H 4 , and replace V(y) by:
n*) = i + E ( ^
We have done a bit more than just delocahzed. By adding the 1 we have endowed the solution with asymptotically flat behaviour. However, adding the 1 is consistent with V(x) being harmonic in xG, x7, x8, x9, and so it is still a solution. The solution we have just uncovered is made up of a chain of N objects which are pointlike in R 4 and magnetic sources of the NS-NS potential S M „. They are in fact the "NS5-branes" we discovered by various arguments in previous sections, and a derivation of the solution using S-duality transformations is presented in insert 13 (p. 167), with the result (396). Here, the NS5-branes are arranged in a circle on x6, and distributed on the rest of 1R according to the centres Xj, i = 0, • • •, N — 1. Recall that we had a Dl-brane lying along the xl direction, probing the ALE space. By the rules of T-duality on a D-brane, it becomes a D2-brane probing the space, with the extra leg of the D2-brane extended along the compact x6 direction. The D2-brane penetrates the two NS5-branes as it winds around once. The point at which it passes through an NS5-brane is given by four numbers x< for the ith brane. The intersection point can be located anywhere within the fivebrane's worldvolume in the directions (See figure 28(a).) In the table below, we show the extension of the D2 in the x6 direction as a | - | to indicate that it may be of finite extent, if it were ending on an NS5-brane.
Figure 28: (a) This configuration of two NS5-branes on a circle with D2-branes streched between them is dual to a D l - b r a n e probing an Ai ALE space, (b) The Coulomb branch where the D2-brane splits into two "fractional branes".
l x° x
D2 NS5
x& •
1 -1 •
• •
• •
xy • •
This arrangement, with the branes lying in the directions which we have described, preserves the same eight supercharges we discussed before. Starting with the 32 supercharges of the type IIA supersymmetry, the NS5-branes break a half, and the D2-brane breaks half again. The infinite part of the probe, an effective one-brane (string), has a U(l) on its worldvolume, and its tension is /j, = 2TT£H2, where £ is the as yet unspecified length of the new x6 direction. Note that if £ = VcS, we get the tension of a Dl-brane, which apparently fixes all of our parameters in the T-dual model in terms of the ALE space. " Let us focus on N = 2. If the two fivebranes (with positions Xi,x 2 ; we can set xn to zero) are located at the same y = (a;7,a;8,a;9) position, then the D2-brane can break into two segments, giving a U(l) x U(l) (one from each segment) on the 1-brane part stretched in the infinite x1 direction. The two segments can move independently within the NS5-brane worldvolume, while still remaining parallel, preserving supersymmetry. ° "It might be useful to keep other values in mind, however. Furthermore, the special value I = v o 7 coincides with the self-dual radius of simpler, toroidal compactifications, which is interesting. "It makes sense that the D2-brane can end on an NS-fivebrane. There is a two-form potential in the world-volume for which the string-like end can act as an electric source.
This is the precise analogue of the Coulomb branch of the Dl-brane probing the ALE space that we saw earlier! The hypermultiplets of the C/(l) x 1/(1) theory are made here by stretching fundamental strings across the NS5-branes in x 6 to make a connection between the D-brane segments. 172 The three differences yi — y 2 are the T-dual of the NS-NS parameters representing the size and orientation of the ALE space's P 1 . The x6 separation of the NS5-branes is dual to the flux 2TT£$B- This is the length of one segment while 2irl(l - $ B ) is the length of the other. (This fits with the fact that $ B ~ $ # -I-1.) Notice also that there is an interesting duality between the quiver diagram and the arrangement of branes in the dual picture. (See figure 29.)
Figure 29: There is a duality between the extended Dynkin diagram which gives the probe gauge theory and the diagram representing D-branes stretched between NS5-branes. The nodes in one are replaced by links in the other. In particular, the number inside the Dynkin nodes become the number of D-branes in the links in the dual diagram. The hypermultiplets associated with links in the Dynkin diagram arise from strings connecting the D-brane fragment ending on one side of an NS5-brane with the fragment on the other.
The original setup had the lengths equal, but we can change them at will, and this is dual to changing $ # . Note the possibility of one of the lengths becoming zero. The NS-branes become coincident, and at the same time a fractional brane becomes a tensionless string, and we get an A\ enhancement of the gauge symmetry carried by the two-form potential which lives on the type IIA NS5-brane. 132 If we had Dl-branes stretched between NS5's in type IIB instead, we would get massless particles, and an enhanced SU{2) gauge symmetry. (See insert 11 (p.134)) If the segments are separated, and thus attached to the NS5-branes, then when we move the NS5-branes out to different a;789 positions, the segments must tilt in order to remain stretched between the two branes. They will therefore be oriented differently from each other and will break supersymmetry. This is how the Coulomb branch is "lifted" in this language. (See figure 30(c)) A segment at orientation gives a contribution \J{2TT^B)2 + (yi — V2)2 to the Dl-brane's tension. This formula should be familiar: it is of the form for the more general formula for a bound state of a D1-D3 bound state, to which this tilted D2-brane segment is dual.
-O •nil
(b) 4*7
Figure 30: Possible deformations of the brane arrangements, and their gauge theory interpretation: (a) The configuration dual to the standard orbifold limit with the traditional "half unit" of B-flux; (b) Varying the distribution of B-flux between segments. Sending it to zero will make the NS5-brane coincide and give an enhanced gauge symmetry; (c) Switching on a deformation parameter (an FI term in gauge theory) "lifts" the Coulomb branch: if there are separated D-brane fragments, supersymmetry cannot be retained; (d) First Higgs-ing to make a complete brane allows smooth movement onto the supersymmetric Higgs branch.
For supersymmetric vacua to be recovered when the NS-fivebrane are moved to different positions (the dual of smoothing the ALE space) the branes segments must first rejoin with the other (Higgs-ing), giving the single D brane. Then it need not move with the NS5-branes as they separate in y, and can preserve supersymmetry by remaining stretched as a single component. (See figure 30(d)) Its y position and an x6 Wilson line constitute the Higgs branch parameters. Evidently the metric on these Higgs branch parameters is that of an ALE space, since the 1+1 dimensional gauge theory is the same as the discussion in section 9.1, and hence the moduli spaces match. It is worth sharpening this into a field theory proof of the low energy validity of the T-duality, but we will not do that here. It is worth noting here that once we have uncovered the existence of fractional D-branes with a modulus for their separation, there is no reason why we cannot separate them infinitely far from each other and consider them in their own right. We also have the right to take a limit where we focus on just one segment with a finite separation between two NS5-branes, but with a non-compact x6 direction. This is achievable from what we started with here by sending $ B -> 0, but changing to scaled variables in which there is still
a finite separation, and hence a finite gauge coupling on the brane segment in question. (U-duality will then give us various species of branes ending on branes which we will discuss later.) Fractional branes, and their duals the stretched brane segments, are useful objects since they are less mobile than a complete D-brane, in that they cannot move in some directions. One use of this is of course the study of gauge theory on branes with a reduced number of supersymmetries and a reduced number of charged hypermultiplets. 172 ' 178 This has a lot of applications, (there are reviews available 179 ' 180,181 ), some of which we will consider later. 9-4 D-Branes as Instantons Consider a DO-brane and N coincident D4-branes. There is a U(l) on the DO and U(N) on the D4's, which we shall take to be extended in the directions. The potential terms in the action are
J^±ix.-Y.f + .L±{xlT.x,r. v
Here a runs over the dimensions transverse to the D4-brane, and Xa and Ya are respectively the DO-brane and D4-brane positions, and for now we ignore the position of the DO-brane within the D4-branes' worldvolume. This is the same action as in the earlier case (312), but here the D4-branes have infinite volume and so their D-term drops out. We have also written the 0-4 hypermultiplet field x with a D4-brane index i. (The SU(2)R index is suppressed). The potential (363) is exact on grounds of JV=2 supersymmetry. The first term is the hi—2 coupling between the hypermultiplets x and the vector multiplet scalars X, Y. The second is the £7(1) D-term. For N > 1 there are two branches of moduli space, in direct analogy with the ALE case. The Coulomb branch is {X ^ Y, x = 0)> which is simply the position of the DO-brane transverse to the D4-branes. There is a mass for X and so its vev is zero. The Higgs branch (X — Y, x ¥" 0) represents the physics of the DO-brane being stuck on the world-volume of the D4-branes. The non-zero vev of x Higgses away the f/(l) and some of the U(N). Let us count the dimension of moduli space. There are 47V real degrees of freedom in x- The vanishing of the U(l) D-term imposes three constraints, and modding by the (broken) £7(1) removes another degree of freedom leaving 47V - 4. There are 4 moduli for the position of the DO-brane inside the the D4-branes, giving a total of 47V moduli. This is in fact the correct dimension of moduli space for an SU(N) instanton when we do not mod out also the SU(N) identifications. For k instantons this dimension becomes 4Nk.
Another clue that the Higgs branch describes the DO-brane as a D4-brane gauge theory instanton is the fact that the Raraond-Ramond couplings include a term fi^C^ ATT(FAF). AS shown in section 6.2, when there is an instanton on the D4-brane it carries DO-brane charge. The position of the instanton is given by the 0-0 fields, while the 0-4 should give the size and shape. (See figure 31).
Figure 31: Instantons and the Dp-D(p + 4) system, (a) The Coulomb branch of the D p brane theory represents a pointlike brane away from the D(p + 4)-brane. (b) The Higgs branch corresponds to it being stuck inside the D(p + 4)-brane as a finite sized instanton of the D(p + 4)-brane's gauge theory.
The connection between D-branes and instantons was found first in the case (p,p') = (9,5) by Witten. 1 0 8 This situation is T-dual to the case we are discussing here, but does not have the Coulomb branch, since the D9-branes fill spacetime. The realization that an instanton of Dp-brane gauge theory can shrink to zero size and move off as a D(p — 4)-brane was noted by Douglas. 150 9.5
Seeing the Instanton with a Probe
Actually, we can really see the resulting instanton gauge fields by using a D l brane as a probe of the D9-D5 system. 150 It breaks half of the supersymmetries left over from the 9-5 system, leaving four supercharges overall. The effective 1+1 dimensional theory is (0,4) supersymmetric and is made of 1-1 fields, which has two classes of hypermulitplets. One represents the motions of the probe transverse to the D5, and the other parallel. The 1-5 and 1-9 fields are also hypermultiplets, while the 9-5 and 5-5 fields are parameters in the model. Let us place the D5-branes such that they are pointlike in the directions. The Dl-brane probe will lie along the x1 direction, as usual.
x° Dl D5
z1 -
This arrangement of branes breaks the Lorentz group up as follows: 50(1,9) D 5 0 ( 1 , l)oi x 50(4) 2 3 4 5 x 50(4) 6 7 8 9 ,
where the superscripts denote the sub-spacetimes in which the surviving factors act. We may label 173 - 150 the worldsheet fields according to how they transform under the covering group: [51/(2)' x 5f7f2)']2345 x [SU(2)R x SU(2)L)67sg
with doublet indices (A',A',A,Y), respectively. The analysis that we did for the Dl-brane probe in the type I string theory in section 8.3 still applies, but there are some new details. Now £_ is further decomposed into £:L and £?., where superscripts 1 and 2 denote the decomposition into the (2345) sector and the (6789) sector, respectively. So we have that the fermion £ i (hereafter called tpAA ) is the right-moving superpartner of the four component scalar field bA A , while £ i (called %jjA Y) is the right-moving superpartner of bAY. The supersymmetry transformations are: Ob
= l€ABV+ AY
= ieA,B'V 'ip-
In the 1-5 sector, there are four DN coordinates, and four DD coordinates giving the NS sector a zero point energy of 0, with excitations coming from integer modes in the 2345 directions, giving a four component boson. The R sector also has zero point energy of zero, with excitations coming from the 6789 directions, giving a four component fermion xThe GSO projections in either sector reduce us to two bosonic states
The supersymmetry transformation relating them to the left moving fields are:
6\f = VAA'cfA, Sxlm
= viA'C^,,
where CAA, and CAA, shall be determined shortly. They will be made of the bosonic 1-1 fields and other background couplings built out of the 5-5 and 5-9 fields. The 5-5 and 5-9 couplings descend from the fields in the D9-D5 sector. There are some details of those fields which are peculiarities of the fact that we are in type I string theory. First, the gauge symmetry on the D9branes is 50(32). Also, for k coincident D5-branes, there is a gauge symmetry USp(2k),108 since there is an extra —1 in the action of Q on D5-brane fields. 109 The 5-5 sector hypermultiplet scalars (fluctuations in the transverse x6,7,8,9 directions) transform in the antisymmetric of USp(2k), which we call X££, matching the notation in the literature. 150 Meanwhile, the 5-9 sector produces a (2k, 32), denoted /ij^ m , with m and M as in D 5 - and D9-brane labels. Using the form of the transformations (368) allows us to write the nontrivial part of the (0,4) supersymmetric 1+1 dimensional Lagrangian containing the Yukawa couplings and the potential of the (0,4) model: A-'tot — ^kineti
B'D' d^BB'
ariYm U pt/~iYm / rBDu^BB' , ,Bm l ° " - ^ R R ' „,.B'Y , R ' V ,. CB'D' R ' D ' L^BB' "-^F
, 1 CAB,A'B' e "+" 9 e
IriM nM V^AA'^BB'
This is the most general 173 (0,4) supersymmetric Lagrangian with these types of multiplets, providing that the C satisfy the condition: /~iM (~iM ^AA'^BB'
>(-iYmriYm "+" ^AA'^BB'
, fiM siM "+" UBA'^AB'
, /~iYm r*Ym "+" ^BA'^AB'
_ n ~ U >
(1'7C\\ [dlV)
where £kinetic_contains the usual kinetic terms for all of the fields. Notice that the fields bA A and ipAA are free. Now equation (369) might appear somewhat daunting, but is in fact mostly notation. The trick is to note that general considerations can allow us to fix what sort of things can appear in the matrices CAA1 • The distance between
the Dl-brane and the D5-branes should set the mass of the 1-5 fields, 4>A m and its fermionic partners X - " \ X+™'• So there should be terms of the form: ffl,
- bAY6mn)
where the term in brackets is the unique translation invariant combination of the appropriate 1-1 and 5-5 fields. There are also 1-5-9 couplings, which would be induced by couplings between 1-9, 1-5 and 5-9 fields, in the form A
In fact, the required C's which satisfy the requirements (370) and give us the coupling which we expect are: 15° ^ AA1 — nA
The (0,4) conditions (370) translate directly into a series of equations for the D5-brane hypermultiplets to act as data specifying an instanton via the "ADHM description". m The crucial point is 1 7 3 that the vacua of the sigma model gives a space of solutions which is isomorphic to those of ADHM. One can see that one has the right number of parameters as follows: The potential is of the form V = cj)2 {{X — b)2 + h2). So the term in brackets acts as a mass term for
A^cLA^ = ^ZJA+i fad- + d-X^A^j) A4 where
we have used the x6,x7,x8,x9 spacetime index /u on our 1-1 field XBY instead of the indices (B,Y), for clarity. So we see that the second term in (373) shows the sigma model couplings of the fermions to a background gauge field A^. Since we have generically (xAY,h%m)
the orthonormal basis vf is
VX2 + h2 VX2 + h2J and from (374), it is clear that the background gauge field is indeed of the form of an instanton: The 5-9 field h indeed sets the scale size of the instanton, and the 5-5 field X sets its position. Notice that this model gives a meaning to the instanton even when its size drops to zero, well below any field theory or string theory scale in the problem. This is another sign that D-branes are able to see small "substringy" scales where new physics is to be found. 86 > 87 ' 88 In the Dp-D(p + 4) description, zero scale size is the place where the Higgs branch joins onto the Coulomb branch representing the Dp-brane becoming pointlike (getting an enhanced gauge symmetry on its worldvolume), and moves out of the worldvolume of the brane. (For p = 5 this branch is not present.) 9.6 D-Branes as Monopoles Consider the case of a pair of parallel D3-branes, extended in the directions a;1,a:2,a;3, and separated by a distance L in the a;6 direction. Let us now stretch a family of k parallel Dl-branes along the x6 direction, and have them end on the D3-branes. (This is U-dual to the case of D2-branes ending on NS5-branes, as stated earlier in section 9.3.) Let us call the x6 direction s, and place the D3-branes symmetrically about the origin, choosing our units such that they are at s = ± 1 .
Dl D3
x* -
• -
• -
• -
• •
a;5 • •
xti \-\ •
• •
a;8 • •
x» • •
This configuration preserves eight supercharges, as can be seen from our previous discussion of fractional branes. Also, a T 6 -duality yields a pair of D4-branes (with a Wilson line) in x ^ x . x . x6 with k (fractional) DO-branes.
Insert 12: The Heterotic NS5-brane Recall that in insert 11 (p.134) we deduced that there must be a solitonic brane, the NS5-brane, which lives in 50(32) heterotic string theory. This followed from the fact the D5-brane of typel had to map to such an object. This heterotic version of the NS5-brane inherits a number of properties from the D5-brane, the prinicipal one being that it must be an instanton of the 50(32) gauge theory of the heteroic string. In fact, it is the instanton property which led to its discovery early on. As a solution, it looks like the following (to leading order in a'): 5 5 ' 5 6 ds2
+ e 2 * (drr + r2dQ23)
( r2 {-^T?)9
l(x6+ix7 r{x*-ix°
_x % 9
xs+ix9\ x*-ix-<)
. . <377>
showing its structure as an SU(2) instanton localized in x 6 ,a; 7 ,a; 8 ,a; 9 , with scale size p. r2 is the radial coordinate, and dCt2 is a metric on a round 5 3 .
This arrangement was shown to preserve eight supercharges. (Also, we naively expect that this construction should be related to our previous discussion of instantons, but instead of on R 4 , they are on R 3 x S 1 .) We can see it directly from the fact that the presence of the D 3 - and Dl-branes world-volumes place the constraints: eL = r ° r 1 r 2 r 3 e i i ; eL = T°T6eR , (378) which taken together give eight supercharges, satisfying the condition
eL = r 1 r 2 r 3 r 8 c L •
The 1-1 massless fields are simply the (l+l)-dimensional gauge field A^it, s) and eight scalars <£m(£, s) in the adjoint of U(k), the latter representing the transverse fluctuations of the branes. There are fluctuations in xx,x2,x3 and others 111 Jb % Jb } lis * dj D mil9 . We shall really only be interested in the motions of the Dl-brane within the D3-brane's directions X • X • X , which is the "Coulomb branch" of the Dl-brane moduli space. So of the $ m , we keep only the three for m = 1,2,3. There are additionally 1-3 fields transforming in the (±1, k). They form a complex doublet of SU(2)R and are l x f c matrices. Crucially, these flavour fields are massless only at s = ± 1 , the locations where the Dl-branes touch the D3-branes. If we were to write a Lagrangian for the
289 massless fields, there will be a delta function S(s =f 1) in front of terms containing those. The structure of the Lagrangian is very similar to the one written for the p — (p + 4) system, with the additional features of U(k) non-abelian structure. Asking that the D-terms vanish, for a supersymmetric vacuum, we get: 1 7 5 ^
- [A.,**] + ie«*[*'',$*] = 0 ,
where we have ignored possible terms on the right hand side supported only at s — ± 1 . These would arise from the interactions induced by massless 1-3 fields there. 1 7 6 We shall derive those effects in another way by carefully considering the boundary conditions in a short while. If we choose the gauge in which As = 0, our equation (380) can be recognised as the Nahm equations, 184 known to construct the moduli space 1 8 6 of TV SU(2) monopoles, via an adaptation of the ADHM construction. m The covariant form As ^ 0, is useful for actually solving for the metric on the moduli space of monopole solutions and for the spacetime monopole fields themselves, as we shall show. 177 If our k Dl-branes were reasonably well separated, we would imagine that the boundary condition at s = ±1 is clearly 27ra'$*(s = 1)) = diag{£i,X2, • • • ,4}> where xln, i = 1,2,3 are the three coordinates of the end of the nth Dl-brane (similarly for the other end). In other words, the off-diagonal fields corresponding to the 1-1 strings stretching between the individual Dl-branes are heavy, and therefore lie outside the description of the massless fields. However, this is not quite right. In fact, it is very badly wrong. To see this, note that the Dl-branes have tension, and therefore must be pulling on the D3-brane, deforming its shape somewhat. In fact, the shape must be given, to a good approximation, by the following description. The function s(x) describing the position of the D3-brane along the x6 direction as a function of the three coordinates xl should satisfy the equation V 2 s(x) = 0, where V 2 is the three dimensional Laplacian. A solution to this is * = 1+ ,
where 1 is the position along the s direction and c and x 0 are constants. So, far away from x 0 , we see that the solution is s = 1, telling us that we have a description of a flat D3-brane. Nearer to x 0 , we see that s increases away from 0, and eventually blows up at xo. We sketch this shape in figure 32fa,). It is again our Blon-type solution, described before in section 4.6. The D3-brane smoothly interpolates between a pure Dl-brane geometry far away and a spiked shape resembling Dl-brane
Figure 32: (a): A D3-brane (vertical) with a D l - b r a n e ending on it (horizontal) is actually pulled (b) into a smooth interpolating shape, (c): Finitely separated Dl-branes can only be described with non-commutative coordinates (see text)
behaviour at the centre. A multi-centred solution is easy to construct as a superposition of harmonic solutions of the above type. Considering two of them, we see that in fact for any finite separation of the Dl-branes (as measured far enough along the s-direction), by time we get to s = 1, they will be arbitrarily close to each other (see 32(b)). We therefore cannot forget 179 about the off-diagonal parts of $ m corresponding to 1-1 strings stretching between the branes, and in fact we are forced to describe the geometry of the branes' endpoints on the D3-brane using non-abelian Xm. This is another example of the "natural" occurrence of a non-commutativity arising in what we would have naively interpreted as ordinary spacetime coordinates. We can see precisely what the boundary conditions must be, since we are simply asking that there be a pole in $ l (s) as s -> ± 1 : **(«) ->
and placing this into (380), we see that the kxk residues must satisfy [E<,E*] = 2ie« ifc £ fc .
In other words, they must form an fc-dimensional representations of SU(2)\ This representation must be irreducible, as we have seen. Otherwise it necessarily captures only the physics of m infinitely separated clumps of Dl-branes, for the case where the representation is reducible into m smaller irreducible representations.
The problem we have constructed is that of monopoles 1 8 2 1 8 3 of SU(2) spontaneously broken to U(l) via an adjoint Higgs field H. 185 Ignoring the centre of mass of the D3-brane pair, this SU(2) is on their world volume, and the separation is given by the vev, H of the Higgs field. The first order "Bogomol'nyi" equations 51 are: Bi = yCijkFjk — -DjH ,
with DiH. = diH. + [Ai,rl\ , (384)
with gauge invariance ((x) € SU{2)): Ai^
+ g^dig;
H -> g-'Kg
r —• oo
Static, finite energy monopole solutions satisfy 1 |H(x)|| = - T r [ H » H ] ^ t f
where x = (:ri,:r2,2;3), r2 = x\ -\-x\ +x\, and {2-KO.')H = L/2, where L is the separation of our D3-branes. The topological magnetic charge the monopoles carry comes from the fact that the vacuum manifold, which is SU(2)/U(1) ~ S2, can wind an integer number of times around the S2 at infinity, giving a stable solution whose charge is a fixed number times that integer. In fact, we can construct the Higgs field and gauge field of monopole solution of the 3+1 dimensional gauge theory as follows. Given kxk Nahm data ( $ 1 , $ 2 , $ 3 ) = 2na'(T1,T2,T3) solving the equation (380), there is an associated differential equation for a 2k component vector v(s):
{ l 2 ^ + (f l A + ^)® C T a } V = °There is a unique solution normalisable with respect to the inner product < vi,v2 >= /
In fact, the space of normalisable solutions to the equation is four dimensional, or complex dimension 2. Picking an orthonormal basis v i , v 2 , we construct the Higgs and gauge potential as: H
< S V i , Vi > < SV2,V! >
< SVi, V2 > < SV2,V2 >
< vi,<9jVi >
< vi,diV2 >
< v2,<9iVi >
< V 2 ,<9JV 2 >
292 The reader may notice a similarity between this means of extracting the gauge and Higgs fields, and the extraction (373)(374) of the instanton gauge fields in the previous section. This is not an accident. The Nahm construction is in fact a hyperKahler quotient which modifies the ADHM procedure. The fact that this arrangement of branes is T-dual to that of the p-{p + 4) system is the physical realisation of this fact, showing that the basic families of hypermultiplet fields upon which the construction is based (in the brane context) are present here too. It is worth studying the case k = 1, for orientation. In this case, the solutions Ti are simply real constants (27ra')$j = — ia;/2, having the meaning of the position of the monopole at x = (01,02,03). Let us place it at the origin. Furthermore, as this situation is spherically symmetric, we can write x = (0,0,r). Writing components v = (wi,W2), we get a pair of simple differential equations with solution = Cle-rs'2
w2 = c2ers/2
An orthonormal basis is given by vi : ^ i = 0
) C 2
= ^ ^
;v 2 : ^ C 2
= 0|Cl
= ^
and the Higgs field is simply:
seTSds = rcothr - 1 .
(here x = (0,0,1)) while the gauge field is: Mr)
= eaWXk
sinn T — 7* . r2g.nhr
This is the standard one-monopole solution of Bogomol'nyi, Prasad and Sommerfield, the prototypical "BPS monopole". 51 ' 52 We can insert the required dimensionful quantities:
to get the Higgs field:
= >(i^)->db°*'
as r
showing the asymptotic positions of the D3-branes to be ± J L / 2 , after multiplying by 2ira' to convert the Higgs field (which has dimensions of a gauge field) to a distance in x 6 . A picture of the resulting shape 4 9 , 1 9 5 of the D3-brane is shown in figure 33.
Figure 33: (a): A slice through part of two (horizontal) D3-branes with a (vertical) Dl-brane acting as a single BPS monopole. This is made by plotting the exact BPS solution.
There is also a simple generalisation of the purely magnetic solution which makes a "dyon", a monopole with an additional n units of electric charge. It interpolates between the magnetic monopole behaviour we see here and the spike electric solution we found in section 4.6. It is amusing to note 4 0 that an evaluation of the mass of the solution gives the correct formula for the bound state mass of a Dl-string bound to n fundamental strings, as it should, since an electric point source is in fact the fundamental string. 10 10.1
D—Branes a n d G e o m e t r y I I The Geometry produced by D-Branes
By studying the supergravities arising in the low energy limit of the superstring theory, it was shown that there exist extended solutions resembling generalisations of charged black holes. The p dimensional extended solution carries charges under the R-R form C^p+lh The extremal cases are BPS solutions, and they differ from Reissner-Nordstrom black holes in that their horizons at
extremality have zero area p . The BPS (extremal) solution is: 7 8 ' 7 9 ds2 2
e * C{p+1)
= Z-l'2rivLvdx,ldxv
+ Z^di'dx*
= fa***, 1 = (Zp- -l)gjldx^--^dxp
, ,
where \x = 0 , . . . ,p, and i = p + 1 , . . . , 9, and the harmonic function Zp is ^
= 1 + ip(2,r-y_N^-^
. ^ _2
2 p
More complicated supergravity solutions preserving fewer supersymmetries (in the extremal case) can be made by combining these simple solutions in various ways, by intersecting them with each other, boosting them to finite momentum, and by wrapping, and/or warping them on compact geometries. This allows for the construction of finite area horizon solutions, corresponding to R-R charged Reissner-Nordstrom black holes, and generalisations thereof. These solutions are R-R charged, but we have already established to all orders in string perturbation theory that Dp-brane actually are the basic sources of these R-R fields. In fact, the solutions (394) are normalised such that they carry N units of the basic D-brane charge pp. It is natural to suppose that there is a connection between these two families of objects: Perhaps the solution (394) is "made of D-branes" in the sense that it is actually the field due to N Dp-branes, all located at r = 0. This is precisely how we are to make sense of this solution as a supergravity soliton solution. We must do so, since (except for p = 3) the solution is actually singular at r = 0, and so one might have simply discarded them as pathological, since solitons "ought to be smooth", like the NS5-brane solution 9. However, string duality forces us to consider them, since smooth NS-NS solitons of various extended sizes (which can be made by wrapping or warping NS5-branes in an arbitrary compactification) are mapped 196 into these R-R solitons under it, generalizing what we have already seen in ten dimensions (see e.g. insert 11, p
This latter fact is interesting, but we will leave it to the reader to consult the lectures of Amanda Peet 2 0 3 and Mike Duff204 to see how this relates to the understanding of black hole entropy via D-branes, 2 0 2 - 2 0 5 and the A d S / C F T correspondence. ' A t r = 0, the NS5-brane geometry (see (396)) opens up into an infinite throat geometry, which is smooth, being TR7xS3, with a dilaton which is linear in the distance down one of the 1R7 directions. The p = 3 version of the geometry in (394) also has a smooth throat, but the geometry is A d S s x S 5 , with constant dilaton. String theory propagating on these throat backgrounds is, in each case, believed to be dual to a non-gravitational t h e o r y 197,198,199,200,201
295 Insert 13: The Type II NS5-brane In insert 11 (p.134) we deduced that there must be a solitonic brane, the NS5-brane, in type II string theory. We can deduce its supergravity fields by using the ten dimensional S-duality transformations to convert the case p = 5 of equations (394), (395), to give: 55 - 56 ds2
-dt2 + {dx1)2 + • • • + (dx5)2 + Z5 (drr +r2<m23) 27
/ i
(Z^1 - l)gsdx° A • • • A dx5 .
+^-J , (396)
This solution has N units of the basic magnetic charge of B(2), and is a point in x6,x7,x8,x9. Here, r 2 is the radial coordinate, and dfl2 is a metric on a 3 round S . The tension of this BPS object was deduced in insert 11 (p.134) to be: T,f = (2n)~5a'~3g~2. (Note that the same transformation will give a solution for the fields around a fundamental IIB string, by starting with the p = 1 case of (394). 134>135) Recall also that we deduced the structure of this solution already using (a cavalier) T-duality to an ALE space in section 9.3. Here, we have used S-duality to the precise D-brane computations to see that our normalisations in those sections were correct. (p.134)). With the understanding that there are D-branes "at their core", which fits with the fact that they are R-R charged, they make sense of the whole spectrum of extended solitons in string theory. Let us build up the logic of how they can be related to D-branes. Recall that the form of the action of the ten dimensional supergravity with NS-NS and R-R field strengths H and G respectively is, roughly: S=
f dl0x (e~2*R - e - 2 * / / 2 - G2) .
There is a balance between the dilaton dependence of the NS-NS and gravitational parts, and so the mass of a soliton solution 79 carrying NS-NS charge (like the NS5-brane) scales like the action: TNS ~ e~ 2 * ~ g~2. A R-R charged soliton has, on the other hand, a mass which goes like the geometric mean of the dilaton dependence of the R-R and gravitational parts: TR ~ e - * ~ gj1. This is just the behaviour we saw for the tension of the Dp-brane, computed in string perturbation theory, treating them as boundary conditions. Dp-branes have been treated so far largely as point-like (in their transverse dimensions) in an otherwise flat spacetime, and we were able to study an
arbitrary number of them by placing the appropriate Chan-Paton factors into amplitudes. However, the solutions (394) have non-trivial spacetime curvature, and is only asymptotically flat. How are these two descriptions related? The point is as follows: For every Dp-brane which is added to a situation, another boundary is added to the problem, and so a typical string diagram has a factor gsN since every boundary brings in a factor gs and there is the trace over the N Chan-Paton factors. So perturbation theory is good as long as gsN < 1. Notice that this is the regime where the supergravity solution (394) fails to be valid, since the curvatures are high. On the other hand, for g8N > 1, the supergravity solution has its curvature weakened, and can be considered as a workable solution. This regime is where the Dp-brane perturbation theory, on the other hand, breaks down. So we have a fruitful complementarity between the two descriptions. In particular, since we are only really good at string perturbation theory, i.e. gs < 1, for most computations, we can work with the supergravity solution with the interpretation that N is very large, such that the curvatures are small. Alternatively, if one restricts oneself to studying only the BPS sector, then one can work with arbitrary N, and extrapolate results —computed with the D-brane description for small gs— to the large ga regime, (since there are often non-renormalisation theorems which apply) where they can be related to properties of the non-trivial curved solutions. This is the basis of the successful statistical enumeration of the entropy of black holes, for cases where the solutions (394) are used to construct R-R charged black holes. 202>205 This exciting subject will be described in the notes of Amanda Peet. 2 0 3 In summary, for a large enough number of coincident D-branes or for strong enough string coupling, one cannot consider them as points in flat space: they deform the spacetime according to the geometry given in eqn. (394). Given that D-branes are also described very well at low energy by gauge.theories, this gives plenty of scope for finding a complementarity between descriptions of non-trivially curved geometry and of gauge theory. This is the basis of what might be called "gauge theory/geometry" correspondences. In some cases, when certain conditions are satisfied, there is a complete decoupling of the supergravity description from that of the gauge theory, signalling a complete duality between the two. This is the basis of the AdS/CFT correspondence, 199 ' 200 aspects of which are described in the lectures of Mike Duff and others.
297 10.2
Probing D-Branes'
Geometry with D-Branes: p with Dp
In the last section, we argued that the spacetime geometry given by equations (394) represents the spacetime fields produced by N Dp-branes. We noted that as a reliable (or "trustworthy") solution to supergravity, the product gsN ought be be large enough that the curvatures are small. This corresponds to either having N small and gs large, or vice-versa. Since we are good at studying situations with gs small, we can safely try to see if it makes sense to make N large. One way to imagine that this spacetime solution came about at weak coupling was that we built it by bringing in N Dp-branes, one by one, from infinity. If this is to be a sensible process, we must study whether it is really possible to do this. Imagine that we have been building the geometry for a while, bringing up one brane at a time from r = oo to r = 0. Let us now imagine bringing the next brane up, in the background fields created by all the other N branes. Since the branes share p common directions where there is no structure to the background fields, we can ignore those directions and see that the problem reduces to the motion of a test particle in the transverse 9 — p spatial directions. What is the mass of this particle, and what is the effective potential that it moves in? This sort of question is answered by the still-developing toolbox which combines the fact that we have a gauge theory on D-branes with the fact that the probe brane is a heavy object which can examine many distance scales, and has seen many applications in our understanding of spacetime geometry in various situations. 86.87,88,207,208,209 We can derive the answers to all of the present questions by deriving an effective Lagrangian for the problem which results from the world-volume action of the brane. We can exploit the fact that we have spacetime Lorentz transformations and world-volume reparametrisations at our disposal to choose the work in the "static gauge". In this gauge, we align the world-volume coordinates, £ a , of the brane with the spacetime coordinates such that:
e = x°=f, C^x1; m
S =r(t);
l---p, m = p+l---9.
The Dirac-Born-Infeld part of the action (207) requires the insertion of the induced metric derived from the metric in question. In static gauge, it is easy
to see that the induced metric becomes: / Goo + E
m n
\ (399)
[G]ab =
where vm = dxm /d£° = xm. In our particular case of a simple diagonal metric, the determinant turns out as (p+i)
det[-G o 6 ] = Zp
(l-Zp J2 \
The Wess-Zumino term representing the electric coupling of the brane is, in this gauge: A*P / C(P+i)
MP / dp+l£, [C( p+ i)] MoMl ..
= tipVp f
where Vp = J dpx, the spatial world-volume of the brane. Now, we are going to work in the approximation that we bring the branes slowly up the the main stack of branes so we keep the velocity v small enough such that only terms up to quadratic order in v are kept in our computation. We can therefore the expand the square root of our determinant, and putting it all together (not forgetting the crucial insertion of the background functional dependence of the dilaton from (394)) we get that the action is: 5
= =
^ + g ^ Z ^ - g T
I dtC = / dt I -rripV2 — mp J ,
which is just a Lagrangian for a free particle moving in a constant potential, (which we can set to zero) where rnp = TPVP is the mass of the particle. This result has a number of interesting interpretations. The first is simply that we have successfully demonstrated that our procedure of "building" our
geometry (394) by successively bringing branes up from infinity to it, one at a time, makes sense: There is no non-trivial potential in the effective Lagrangian for this process, so there is no force required to do this; correspondingly there is no binding energy needed to make this system. That there is no force is simply a restatement of the fact that these branes are BPS states, all of the same species. This manifests itself here as the fact that the R-R charge is equal to the tension (with a factor of l/gs), saturating the BPS bound. It is this fact which ensured the cancellation between the independent parts in (402) which would have otherwise resulted in a non-trivial potential U(r). (Note that the cancellation that we saw only happens at order v2 —the slow probe limit. Beyond that order, the BPS condition is violated, since it really only applies to statics.) 10.3
The Metric on Moduli Space
All of this has pertinent meaning from the point of view of field theory as well. Recall that there is a U(N) (p + l)-dimensional gauge theory on a family of N Dp-branes. Recall furthermore that there is a sector of the theory which consists of a family of (9 —p) scalars, $ m , in the adjoint. Geometrically, these are the collective coordinates for motions of the branes transverse to their world-volumes. Classical background values for the fields, (defining vacua about which we would then do perturbation theory) are equivalent to data about how the branes are distributed in this transverse space. Well, we have just confirmed that there is in fact a "moduli space" of inequivalent vacua of the theory corresponding to the fact that one can give a vacuum expectation value to a component of an $ m representing, representing a brane moving away from the clump of .ZV branes. That there is no potential translates into that fact that we can place the brane anywhere in this transverse clump, and it will stay there. It is also worth noting that this metric on the moduli space is Bat; treating the fields $ m as coordinates on the space H 9 ~ p , we see (from the fact that the velocity squared term in (402) appears as v2 = Smnvmvn) that the metric seen by the probe is simply ds2 ~ 6mnd$md$n . (403) This flatness is a consequence of the high amount of supersymmetry (16 supercharges). For the case of D3-branes (whether or not they are in the AdS 5 x S5 limit), this result translates into the fact there that there is no running of the gauge coupling gyM of the superconformal gauge theory on the brane. This is read off from the prefactor g^ = r 3 (27ra') 2 = (2irgs)~1 in the metric. The supersymmetry ensures that any corrections which could have been generated
are zero. We shall now see a less trivial version, where we have a nontrivial metric in the case of eight supercharges. 10.4
Probing D-Branes'
Geometry with D-Branes: p with D(p — 4).
Let us probe the geometry of the p-branes with a D(p — 4)-brane. From our analysis of section 7, we know that this system is supersymmetric. Therefore, we expect that there should still be a trivial potential for the result of the probe computation, but there is not enough supersymmetry to force the metric to be flat. There are actually two sectors within which the probe brane can move transversely. Let us choose static gauge again, with the probe aligned so that its p — 4 spatial directions £* — £ p _ 4 are aligned with the directions x1 — xhen there are four transverse directions within the p-brane background, XP-4 labelled xp~3 — xp, and which we can call xl for short. There are 9 — p remaining transverse directions which are transverse to the p-brane as well, labelled xp+l — x9 which we'll abbreviate to x™. The 6-2 case is tabulated as a visual guide:
D2-brane 6-brane
x« -
x[ -
x'2 -
xh •
*« •
x> • •
*« • •
• •
Following the same lines of reasoning as above, the determinant which shall go into our Dirac-Born-Infeld Lagrangian is: det[-G a t ] = Z ~ ^
( l - v\ - Zpvlj
where the velocities come from the time (£°) derivatives of x\\ and x±. This is nice, since in forming the action by multiplying by the exponentiated dilaton factor and expanding in small velocities, we get the Lagrangian C = -mp-4
(vjj + Zpvl - 2) ,
which again has a constant potential which we can discard, and pure kinetic terms. We see that there is a purely flat metric on the moduli space for the motion inside the four dimensions of the p-brane geometry, while there is a metric ds2 = Zp{r)Smndxmdxn , (406) for the transverse motion. This is the Coulomb branch, in gauge theory terms, and the flat metric was on the Higgs branch. (In fact, the Higgs result does
not display all of the richness of this system that we have seen. In addition to the flat metric geometry inside the brane that we see here, there is additional geometry describing the Dp-D(p — 4) fields corresponding to the full instanton geometry. This "Yang-Mills geometry" comes from the fact that the D ( p - 4 ) brane behaves as an instanton of the non-abelian gauge theory on the worldvolume of the coincident Dp-branes.) Notice that for the fields we have studied, we obtained a trivial potential for free without having to appeal to a cancellation due to the coupling of the charge ^ , - 4 of the probe. This is good, since there is no electric source of this in the background for it to couple to. Instead, the form of the solution for the background makes it force-free automatically. 10.5
D2-branes and 6-branes: Kaluza-Klein Monopoles and M-Theory
Actually, when p > 5, something interesting happens. The electric source of C( p+ i) potential in the background produces a magnetic source of C( 7 _ p ). The rank of this is low enough for there to be a chance for the D(p — 4)-probe brane to couple to it even in the Abelian theory. For example, for p = 5 there is a magnetic source of C2 to which the Dl-brane probe can couple. Meanwhile for p = 6, there is a magnetic source of C\. The D2-brane probes see this in an interesting way. Let us linger here to study this case a bit more closely. Since there is always a trivial U{\) gauge field on the world volume of a D2-brane probe, corresponding to the centre of mass of the brane, we should include the coupling of the world-volume gauge potential Aa (with field strength Fab) to any of the fields coming from the background geometry. In fact, as we saw before in section 6.2 there is a coupling 27ra'/x2 I CiAF
where C\ — C^dcj) is the magnetic potential produced by the 6-brane background geometry, which is easily computed to be: C<j> = —{re/gs) cos 9, where r6 = gNan/2/2. This extra degree of freedom on the world volume is equivalent to one scalar, since it comes from a gauge field in three dimensions. In our computations we may exchange Aa for a scalar s, by Hodge duality in the (2+1)dimensional world-volume. (This is of course a feature specific to the p=2 case.) To get the coupling for this extra scalar correct, we should augment the probe computation. As we have seen, the Dirac-Born-Infeld action is modified
by an extra term in the determinant: -detgab
-> -det(gab
+ 2ira'Fab) .
We can 118 - 141 introduce an auxiliary vector field va, replacing 2-no!Fab by e2
+ vc) = 0.
Here, Cc are the components of the pullback of Ci to the probe's world-volume. The solution to the constraint above is -foCa +va = das ,
where s is our dual scalar. We may now replace va by das+fj,2Ca in the action. The static gauge computation picks out only s + ^C^, and recomputing the determinant gives _2 / £*e2* r --i 2 \ 2 det = Z 6 M 1 - vj - Z6v ± - -5-g— [a + / / 2 C ^ J .
Again, in the full Dirac-Born-Infeld action, the dilaton factor cancels the prefactor exactly, and including the factor of — fi2 and the trivial integral over the worldvolume directions to give a factor V2, the resulting Lagrangian is C=
2) + ^ ( ^ , i
+ ^(i
which is (after ignoring the constant potential) again a purely kinetic lagrangian for motion in eight directions. There is a non-trivial metric in the part transverse to both branes: ds2 = V(r) (dr2 + r2dQ2) + ^ ( r ) " 1 (ds + A^f with
V{r) = ^ 9s
A= ^-cos6d(j> 9s
, (413)
where dfi.2 = dd2 + sm29 d(f>2. There is a number of fascinating interpretations of this result. In pure geometry, the most striking feature is that there are now eleven dimensions for our spacetime geometry. The D2-brane probe computation has uncovered, in a very natural way, an extra transverse dimension.
This extra dimension is compact, since s is periodic, which is inherited from the gauge invariance of the dual world-volume gauge field. The radius of the extra dimension is proportional to the string coupling, which is also interesting. This eleventh dimension is of course the M-direction we saw earlier. The D2-brane has revealed that the six-brane is a Kaluza-Klein monopole 138 of eleven dimensional supergravity on a circle, 126 which is constructed out of a Taub-NUT geometry (413). This fits very well with the fact that the D6 is the Hodge dual of the DO-brane, which we already saw is a Kaluza-Klein electric particle. 10.6
The Metric on Moduli Space
As before, the result also has a field theory interpretation. The (2 + 1)dimensional U{1) gauge theory (with eight supercharges) on the worldvolume of the D2-brane has Nf = N extra hypermultiplets coming from light strings connecting it to the Nf = N D6-branes. The SU(Nf) symmetry on the worldvolume of the D6-branes is a global "flavour" symmetry of the U(l) gauge theory on the D2-brane. A hypermultiplet \t has four components $ i corresponding to the 4 scalar degrees of freedom given by the four positions ty1 = (2ira')~1xl. The vector multiplet contains the vector Aa and three scalars $ m = (27ra') _ 1 a;j\ The Yang-Mills coupling is gYM = gsa'~1^2. The branch of vacua of the theory with \& ^ 0 is called the "Higgs" branch of vacua while that with $ ^ 0 constitutes the "Coulomb" branch, since there is generically a U(l) left unbroken. There is a non-trivial four dimensional metric on the Coulomb branch. This is made of the three $ m , and the dual scalar of the J7(l)'s photon. Let us focus on the quantities which survive in the low energy limit a' -¥ 0 and hold fixed any sensible gauge theory quantities which appear in our expressions. (Such procedures will be studied a lot in other lecture courses in this school). The metric which appears in (413) survives the limit as ds2 = V(U)(dU2 + U2d£l\) + V(U)-l(da
"•ere V(U) = J ^
A^)2 A, = ^ c o s * , (414)
where U = r/a' has the dimensions of an energy scale in the gauge theory. Also, a = a's, and we will fix its period shortly. In fact, the naive tree level metric on the moduli space is that on R 3 x Sl, of form ds2 = ^ d i j _ + gY^da2. Here, we have the tree level and one loop result: V(U) has the interpretation as the sum of the tree level and one-loop
correction to the gauge coupling of the 2+1 dimensional gauge theory. 209 Note the factor Nf in the one loop correction. This multiplicity comes from the number of hypermultiplets which can run around the loop. Similarly, the cross term from the second part of the metric has the interpretation as a one-loop correction to the naive four dimensional topology, changing it to the (Hopf) fibred structure above. Actually, the moduli space's dimension had to be a multiple of four, as it generally has to be hyperKahler for D=2 + 1 supersymmetry with eight supercharges. 151 Our metric is indeed hyperKahler since it is the Taub-NUT metric: The hyperKahler condition on the metric in the form it is written is the by-now familiar equation: V x A = W(U), which is satisfied. In fact, we are not quite done yet. With some more care we can establish some important facts quite neatly. We have not been careful about the period of a, the dual to the gauge field, which is not surprising given all of the factors of 2, IT and a'. To get it right is an important task, which will yield interesting physics. We can work it out in a number of ways, but the following is quite instructive. If we perform the rescaling U = />/4
ds2rN = ( l + — )
(dp2 + p2dn2) + AN2 (l + ^ l \
(dip + cosddcf)2 , (415)
which is a standard form for the Taub-NUT metric, with mass Nf, equal to the "nut parameter" for this self-dual case. 152 This metric is apparently singular at p = 0, and in fact, for the correct choice of periodicity for tp, this pointlike structure, called a "nut", is removable, just like the case of the bolt singularity encountered for the Eguchi-Hanson space. (See insert 10, p.102.) Just for fun, insert 14 (p. 177) carries out the analysis and finds that rp should have period 47r, and so in fact the full SU(2) isometry of the metric is preserved. What does this all have to do with gauge theory? Let us consider the case of Nf = 1, which means one six brane. This is 2+1 dimensional U(l) gauge theory with one hypermultiplet, a rather simple theory. We see that after restoring the physical scales to our parameterers, our original field a has period 1/27T, and so we see that the dual to the photon is more sensibly defined as a = 4ir2a, which would have period 2-n, which is a more reasonable choice for a scalar dual to a photon. We shall use this choice later. With this choice, the metric on the Coulomb branch of moduli space is completely non-singular, as should be expected for such a simple theory.
Insert 14: Removing the "Nut" Singularity from T a u b - N U T The metric (415) will be singular at at the point p = 0, for arbitrary periodicity of if). This will be a pointlike singularity which is called a "nut", 6 5 , 6 4 in contrast to the "bolt" we encountered for the Eguchi-Hanson space in insert 10 (p. 102), which was an S2. In this case, near p = 0, if we make the space look like the origin of R 4 , we can make this pointlike structure into nothing but a coordinate singularity. Near p = 0, we have: C?STN = — - (dP2 + p2dQ.l + p2(dtp + cos Ode/))2) , which is just the right metric for M 4 if Atp = 47r, the standard choice for the Euler coordinate. (This may have seemed somewhat heavy-handed for a result one would perhaps have guessed anyway, but it is worthwhile seeing it, in preparation for more complicated examples.)
Let us now return to arbitrary Nf. This means that we have Nf hypermultiplets, but still a U{1) 2+1 dimensional gauge theory with a global "flavour" symmetry of SU(Nf) coming from the six-branes. There is no reason for the addition of hypermultiplets to change the periodicity of our dual scalar and so we keep it fixed and accept the consequences when we return to physical coordinates (U,a): The metric on the Coulomb branch is singular at U = 0! This is so because insert 14 told us to give a a periodicity of 2irNf, but we are keeping it as 2TT. So our metric in physical units has a with period 2ir appearing in the combination (2da + Nf cos 0d
made in section 9.4 about D9-branes in type I string theory carrying SO(Nf) groups while D5's carry USp(2M) groups. 108,109 : The orientifold forces a pair of D2-branes to travel as one, with a USp{2) = SU{2) group. So the story now involves 2+1 dimensional SU{2) gauge theory with Nf hypermultiplets. The Coulomb branch for Nf = 0 must be completely nonsingular, since again there is no Higgs branch to join to. This fits with the fact that there are no D6-branes; just the 06-plane. The result for the metric on moduli space can be deduced from a study of the gauge theory (with the intuition gained from this stringy situation), and has been proven to be the Atiyah-Hitchin manifold. 206,209,224,225 g o m e 0 f ^his will be discussed in more detail in subsection 10.8. For the case of Nf = 1, the result is also non-singular (there is again no Higgs branch for 1 D6-brane) and the result is a certain cover of the Atiyah-Hitchin manifold. 206 - 224 . The case of general Nf gives certain generalisations of the Atiyah-Hitchin manifold. 224 ' 226 The manifolds have D^f singularities, consistent with the fact that there is a Higgs branch to connect to. Note also that a sringy interpretation of this result is that the strong coupling limit of these 06-planes is in fact M-theory on the Atiyah-Hitchin manifold, just like it is Taub-NUT for the D6-brane. r 10.7
When Supergravity Lies: Repulson Vs. Enhancon
Despite the successes we have achieved in the previous section with interpretation of supergravity solutions in terms of constituent D-branes, we should be careful, even in the case when we have supersymmetry to steer us away from potential pathologies. It is not always case that if someone presents us with a solution of supergravity with R-R charges that we should believe that it has an interpretation as being "made of D-branes". Consider again the case of eight supercharges. We studied brane configurations with this amount of supersymmetry by probing the geometry of N (large) Dp-branes with a single D(p—4)-brane. As described in previous sections, another simple way to achieve a geometry with eight supercharges from D-branes is to simply wrap branes on a manifold which already breaks half of the supersymmetry. The example mentioned was the four dimensional case of K3. In this case, we learned that if we wrap a D(p+4)-brane (say) on K3, r
I t is amusing to note —and the reader may bave already spotted it— that the story above seems to be describing local pieces of K3, which has ADE singularities of just the right type, with the associated SU(N) and SO(2N) enhanced gauge symmetries appearing also (global flavour groups for the 2+1 dimensional theory here). (The existence of three new exceptional theories, for En,E7,E8, is then immediate. 2 0 9 .) What we are actually recovering is the 127 fact that there is a strong/weak coupling duality between type I (or 5 0 ( 3 2 ) heterotic) string theory on T3 and M-theory on K3!!
we induce precisely one unit of negative Dp-brane charge 92 supported on the unwrapped part of the worldvolume (see eqn.(302)). At large N therefore, we might expect that there is a simple supergravity geometry which might be obtained by taking the solution for the D(p + 4)-Dp system, and modifying the asymptotic charges to suit this situation. The resulting geometry naively should have the interpretation as that due to a large number N of wrapped D(p+4) branes: ds2
(p+i) (P+5)
(Z-p)/27 1
+ Zl/2zl/2dxidxi
!/ 2 Wo2 ds K3 >
_(p+l)/2 0
(Zp- -^g^dx {Z-}4 -
A dx1 A • • • A dxp+h ,
Here, /tx, v run over the a;0 — xp+1 directions, which are tangent to all the branes. Also i runs over the directions transverse to all branes, xp+2 — x 5 , and in the remaining directions, transverse to the induced brane but inside the large brane, ds^ is the metric of a K3 surface of unit volume. V is the volume of the K3 as measured at infinity, but the supergravity solution adjusts itself such that V(r)=VZ p /Zp+4 is the measured volume of the K3 at radius r. Let us focus on the case p = 2, where we wrap D6-branes to get induced D2-branes. s D2 D6 K3
x° -
z1 -
The harmonic functions are r2 Z2 Z6
r6 1+ - ,
r2 =
(2n)*gsNa>5/2 — gsNa'1/2
r6 =
normalised such that the D2- and D6-brane charges are Q2 =—Qe = —N. Note that the smaller brane is delocalised in the K3 directions, as it should be, since the same is true of K3's curvature. "This will also teach us a lot about the pure SU(N) gauge theory on the remaining 2 + 1 dimensional world-volume. Wrapping D7-branes (p = 3) teaches u s 2 1 1 about pure SU(N) gauge theory in 3 + 1 dimensions, where we should make a connection to Seiberg-Witten theory at large N. 2 1 2 . 2 1 3
We worked out the spectrum of type IIA supergravity theory compactified to six dimensions on K3 in subsection 5.5. The six dimensional supergravity theory has as an additional sector twenty-four 1/(1)'s in the R-R sector. Of these, twenty-two come from wrapping the ten dimensional two-form on the 19+3 two-cycles of K3. The remaining two are special c/(l)'s for our purposes: One of them arises from wrapping IIA's five-form entirely on K3, while the final one is simply the plain one-form already present in the uncompactified theory. It is easy to see that there is something wrong with the geometry which we have just written down, representing the wrapping of the D6-branes on the K3. There is a naked singularity at r = |r 2 |, known as the "repulson", since it represents a repulsive gravitational potential, 214 as can be seen by scattering test particles in to small enough r. The curvature diverges there which is related to the fact that the volume of the K3 goes to zero there, and the geometry stops making sense. Let us look carefully to see if this is really the geometry produced by the branes. 2 1 1 The object we have made should be a BPS membrane made of N identical objects. These objects feel no force due to each other's presence, and therefore the BPS formula for the total mass is simply (see eqn.(303)) N TN = — (fieV-te) 9s
with He = (2w)-6a'-7/2 and n2 = (27r)- 2 a'~ 3 / 2 . In fact, the BPS membrane is actually a monopole of one of the six dimensional t/(l)'s. It is obvious which U(l) this is; the diagonal combination of the two special ones we mentioned above. The D6-brane component is already a monopole of the IIA R-R oneform, and the D2 is a monopole of the five-form, which gets wrapped. N.B.: As we shall see, the final combination is a non-singular BPS monopole, having been appropriately dressed 215 by the Higgs field associated to the volume of K3. Also, it maps 196 (under the strong/weak coupling duality of the type IIA string on K3 to the heterotic string on T 4 ) 125>127>72 to a bound state of a Kaluza-Klein monopole 138 and an H-monopole 217 , made by wrapping the heterotic NS5-fivebrane. 211 ' 218 ' 219 If we are to interpret our geometry as having been made by bringing together N copies of our membrane, we ought to be able to carry out the procedure we described in the previous sections. We should see that the geometry as seen by the probe is potential-free and well-behaved, allowing us the interpretation of being able to bring the probe in from infinity.
The effective action for a D6-brane probe (wrapped on the K3) is: rf3^e-*W(Ai6y(r)-/i2)(-det5a6)1/2+M6
S = - [
C7 - ^2 [ C3 .
(419) Here M is the projection of the world-volume onto the three non-compact dimensions. As discussed previously (see eqn.(305) and surrounding discussion), the first term is the Dirac-Born-Infeld action with the position dependence of the tension (418) taken into account; in particular, V(r) = VZ2(r)/Ze(r). The second and third terms are the couplings of the probe charges (/i6, —M2) to the background R-R potentials, following from eqn (302), and surrounding discussion. Having derived the action, the calculation proceeds very much as we outlined in the previous sections, with the result: c
n6VZ2 -M2^e , ^V
~^ «
- ~Vs
+ ^-(fi6VZ2
- ix2Z6)v2 + 0(v4)
The position-dependent potential terms cancel as expected for a supersymmetric system, leaving the constant potential (HQV — (i2)/g and a nontrivial metric on moduli space (the 0(v2) part) as expected with eight supersymmetries. The metric is proportional to -1
ds2 = ~ {^VZ2
3 2
- »2Z6) dx\ = |
I %r - 1 -
J (rfr2 + r*dtf2) .
(421) We assume that V > V, = (27r) 4 a' 2 , so that the metric at infinity (and the membrane tension) are positive. However, as r decreases the metric eventually becomes negative, and this occurs at a radius 2V V - K 1 \r2\=re
which is greater than the radius rr = \r2\ of the repulson singularity. In fact, our BPS monopole is becoming massless as we approach the special radius. This should mean that the U(l) under which it is charged is becoming enhanced to a non-abelian group. This is the case. There is a purely stringy phenomenon which lies outside the W-bosons are wrapped D4-branes, which enhance the U(l) to an SU(2). The masses of wrapped D4-branes is just like
that of the membrane, and so becomes zero when the K3's volume reaches the value K = (2TT\/Q 7 ) 4 . The point is that the repulson geometry represents supergravity's best attempt to construct a solution with the correct asymptotic charges. In the solution, the volume of the K3 decreases from its asymptotic value V as one approaches the core of the configuration. At the centre, the K3 radius is zero, and this is the singularity. This ignores rather interesting physics, however. At a finite distance from the putative singularity (where VK3 = 0), the volume of the K3 gets to V=V„, so the stringy phenomena —including new massless fields— giving the enhanced St/(2) should have played a role. * So the aspects of the supergravity solution near and inside the special radius, called the "enhangon radius", should not be taken seriously at all, since it ignored this stringy physics. To a first approximation, the supergravity solution should only be taken as physical down to the enhangon radius re. That locus of points, a two-sphere S2, is itself called an "enhangon". 211 Note also that the size of the monopole is inverse to the mass of the W bosons, and so in fact by time our probe gets to the enhangon radius, it has smeared out considerably, and in fact merges into the geometry, forming a "shell" with the other monopoles at that radius. Since by this argument we cannot place sharp sources inside the enhangon radius, evidently, and so the geometry on the inside must be very different from that of the repulson. In fact, to a first approximation, it must simply be flat, forming a smooth junction with the outside geometry at r = re. In general, one expects the same sort of reasoning to apply for all p, and so the enhangon locus resulting from wrapping a D(p + 4)-brane on K3 is S 4 ~ p x Rp+1, whose interior is (5 + l)-dimensional. For even p the theory in the interior has an SU(2) gauge symmetry, while for odd p there is the A\ twoform gauge theory. The details of the smoothing will be very case dependent, and it should be interesting to work out those details. One can also study SO(2N), SO{2N+l) and USp(2N) gauge theories with eight supercharges in various dimensions using similar techniques, placing an orientifold 06-plane into the system parallel to the D6-branes. The enhangon then becomes an R P 2 . 2 2 0 Note that the Lagrangian (420) depends only on three moduli space coordinates, (x 3 ,a; 4 ,2; 5 ), or (r,9,4>) in polar coordinates. As mentioned before, a (2+1) dimensional theory with eight supercharges, should have a moduli space 'Actually, this enhancement of SU(2) is even less mysterious in the heterotic-on-T 4 dual picture mentioned two pages ago. 2 1 1 It is just the SU(2) of a self-dual circle in this picture, which we studied extensively in section 3.3
metric which is hyperKahler. 151 So we need at least one extra modulus, s. A similar procedure to that used in section 10.5 can be used to introduce the gauge field's correct couplings and dualize to introduce the scalar s. A crucial difference is that one must replace 2Tta'Fab by e2^ (fieV (r) — H2)~2vaVb in the Dirac-Born-Infeld action, the extra complication being due to the r dependent nature of the tension. The static gauge computation gives for the kinetic term: C = F(r) (r2 + r 2 ! i 2 ) + F ( r ) - 1 (s/2 - ^C^ji)
where F(r) = |f- ( ^ ( r ) - /i 2 ) ,
and ft2 = 02 + sin2<9<£2. 10.8
The Metric on Moduli Space
Again, there is gauge theory information to be extracted here. We have pure gauge SU{N) theory with no hypermultiplets, and eight supercharges. We should be able to cleanly separate the gauge theory data from everything else by taking the decoupling limit a1 —> 0 while holding the gauge theory coupling g\M = 5 Y M , P ^ _ 1 = (27r) 4 5 s a' 3 / 2 l/ _ 1 and the energy scale U = r/a' (proportional to Mw) fixed. In doing this, we get the metric:
ds2 = f(U) (U2 + U2dtf) + f(U)~l (da - ^A^dA
m =
the U{1) monopole potential is A,p = ±1 - cos#, and a = sa', and the metric is meaningful only for U>Ue = A. This metric, which should be contrasted with equation (414), is the hyperKahler Taub-NUT metric, but this time with a negative mass. This metric is singular, but the full metric, obtained by instanton corrections to this one-loop result, should be smooth, as we will discuss. The details of this smoothing will teach us more about this p = 2 case of the enhangon geometry and the interpolation between the exterior supergravity solution and the interior region, which is flat to leading order. Prom the point of view of the monopole description, this manifold should be related to the metric on the moduli space of monopoles. This fits with the fact that the moduli space of the gauge theory and that of the monopole problem are known to be identified. 224,221,172 j t j g c j e a r iy a submanifold of
the full 4TV-4 dimensional metric on the relative moduli space 1 8 6 of TV BPS monopoles which is known to be smooth. 194 For the problem of two monopoles, that moduli space manifold222 is the Atiyah-Hitchin manifold, 206 while for general TV it is more complicated. This should remind the reader of our study in subsection 10.6. Recalling that this is also a study of SU(N) gauge theory with no hypermultiplets, we know the result for TV = 2: The metric on the moduli space must be smooth, as there is no Higgs branch to connect to via the singularity. This is true for all SU(N), and matches the monopole result. For TV = 2, we saw that the metric on the moduli space is actually the AtiyahHitchin manifold. The structure of our particular four dimensional submanifold of the general moduli space is very similar to that of an Atiyah-Hitchin manifold, in fact! To see this, 2 2 3 change variables in our probe metric (425) by absorbing a factor of A/2 = gyUN/2 into the radial variable U, defining p = 2U/X. Further absorb ip = a&n2/N and gauge transform to A$ = - cos9. Then we get: ds2 = im^-ds^
d 4 N _ = M - - j (dp2 + p2dfl2) + 4 M - - J
(dip + cos6d(f>)2 .
The latter is precisely the form of the Taub-NUT metric that one gets by expanding the Atiyah-Hitchin metric in large p and neglecting exponential corrections." Now for the same reasons as in subsection 10.6, the periodicity of a is 1/2-7T, and we will use a = 4n2a as our 2n periodic scalar dual to the photon on the probe's world-volume. Looking at the choices we made above, this implies that for the SU(2) case, the coordinate ip has period 27r ! This is surprising (perhaps), but does not lead to a "nut" singularity (see insert 14, p.177) for the following reason: The nut would be at p = 0, but there is a more dangerous singularity already at p = 2. This new singularity is an artifact of a large p expansion, however. There is a unique and completely non-singular manifold whose metric is as asymptotically close to ds?pN_ up to exponential corrections, which is determined as follows: In this case of TV = 2, there is an SO(2>) = SU(2)/7ZJ2 isometry in the problem, and not the naive SU(2) of the Taub-NUT space, since ip has period 2n and not \ir. This isometry, smoothness, and the condition of hyperKahlerity pick out uniquely the Atiyah-Hitchin manifold as the completion of the negative mass Taub-NUT and completes the story for the SIT (2) gauge theory "The reader should compare this result to that in equation (415) to see that it is the case of N = —1, using the meaning that N has in subsection 10.6.
moduli space problem. 224 The Atiyah-Hitchin manifold can be written in the following manifestly 5(9(3) invariant manner: 206 ' 228 ds2AH = f2dp2 2bcda
— f dp
+ a2a\ + b2a\ +
_J i; (b - c). 2 — a2 , _and cyclic perms.;
p =r>7>2K /"_:_ sin P— , (427) \ 2J
where the choice / = — b/r can be made, the Oi are defined in (264), and K(k) is the elliptic integral of the first kind: {l-k2sin2r)^dr
K(k) =
Jo Also, fc=sin(/3/2), the "modulus", runs from 0 to 1, so n < p < oo. In fact, the solution for a, b, c can be written out in terms of elliptic functions, but we shall not do that here. It is enough to note that when p is large, the difference between this metric and ds? rN _ is exponentially small in p. These exponential corrections for smaller p remove the singularity: p = 2 is just an artefact of the large p metric in the above form (427). The exponential corrections have the expected interpretation in the gauge theory as the instanton corrections. 225 Translating back to physical variables, we see that these corrections go as exp (—U/gYM), which has the correct form of action for a gauge theory instanton. (We have just described a cover of the Atiyah-Hitchin manifold needed for the 5(7(2) case. There is an additional identification to be discussed below.) Can we learn anything from this for our case of general N, especially for large N, to teach us about the enhangon geometry? We have to be careful. Now, fixing our period of a to be 2-K as before, for general TV the reulting period of if> in the scaled variables is Aip — 4ir/N. Therefore our isometry is not 50(3) but SU(2)/'ZN(SO the boundary at infinity is the squashed 5 3 , 3 given by 5 / K w ) . So the manifold we need is not quite the Atiyah-Hitchin manifold, but probably a close cousin; as the Atiyah-Hitchin manifold goes once around its t/'-circle, the manifold we need goes around N/2 times, and it is tempting to wonder if the manifold we seek is simply a smooth quotient of it. It would be interesting to find this manifold using requirements of uniqueness and smoothness. This manifod certainly exists, given the data that we have presented from the point of view of the gauge theory and the monopole physics. Once we have found this manifold in scaled coordinates, we can then rescale everything back to the original physical variables. The rescaled exponential corrections should be the gauge theory instanton corrections which we expect,
although for large N they will be quite small, and the dominant geometry will be that of the negative mass Taub-NUT for a wide range of validity. 227 Even without precise knowledge of the manifold we seek, we can learn much about our problem at large N: We are working on a very symmetric subspace of the full 4iV—4 dimensional relative moduli space of monopoles. The problem is of a large charge N monopole being approached by a small charge 1 monopole probe. The Atiyah-Hitchin manifold (N = 2) in standard variables used in (427) and (427) represents two charge 1 monopoles approaching one another from asymptotic large relative separation p. We can borrows some of the intuitive behaviour of the two monopole case, some interpretation: For the two charge 1 case, for small p they begin to merge into a charge 2 monopole, and p no longer has distinct meaning as a separation. The singularity at p = 2 is never reached, as it is an artifact of the large p expansion; instead p = w is the case where the monopoles are coincident. It is a removable "bolt singularity" in the full Atiyah-Hitchin geometry, of exactly the type we saw in the case of the Eguchi-Hanson space in insert 10 (p. 102). Actually, we have described a trivial cover of the true Atiyah-Hitchin space. The two monopole problem has an obvious TLi symmetry coming from the fact that the monopoles are identical. Some field configurations described by the manifold as described up to now are overcounted, and so we must divide by this TL2. The result is that the bolt is an R P 2 instead of an S2. We will not have such an identification for N > 2. Note that when we scale p back to U, our coordinate U (for large U) is truly a radial coordinate, as one extremely heavy monopole is at the centre, being probed by a charge 1 monopole. The generalisation of the Atiyah-Hitchin bolt then represents the place of closest approach of the probe, where it has smoothed out. This is the smoothed, "nonperturbative" enhangon locus. 11 11.1
D - B r a n e s and Geometry III: Non-Commutativity Open Strings with a Background B-Field
Let us return briefly to where we started out. Writing down the open string sigma model (in conformal gauge). Gathering together the various pieces from the early chapters, we have: S=~^— I' d2a{{gabG^{X) Aixa' J E
+ eabB^{X))daX^dbXv}+f
drAi{X)dTXi. (429)
We are going to focus on the case where we have some gauge field on the world volume of a Dp-brane, which has world-volume coordinates X', for
i = 0 , . . . ,p. Transverse coordinates are Xm, for m = p + 1 , . . . , 9. We shall also have, as usual a trivial background GM„ = 77M„; $ = constant, and a constant background B field. We can go and vary the action as we did before, and we will find that again our X^'s satisfy the 2D wave equation, but we have slightly different boundary conditions at a = 0,7r: daX* + drX'T)
Xm = <
where we have written the gauge invariant combination T — B + 2-ira'F. The second part is the Dirichlet boundary condition, fixing x™ as the positions of the Dp-brane. Before going any further, it is worth trying to interpret the modification to the Neumann boundary condition, in the light of what we already know. Let us choose two directions in which there are non trivial components of T', let us say X 1 and X2. So we have either non-zero £12 or F12, or both. Then writing out the condition, we have: daXl + dTX2T\ daX2 - dTXxT\
=0 ; =0 ,
(431) (432)
where we have used the fact that T is antisymmetric. Now, if we write T\ — cot 8, then we have cos ed^X1 + sin 8dTX2 = 0 ; - sin OdrX1 + cos 6daX2 = 0 .
(433) (434)
Now if we do a T-duality in the 2 direction, we exchange da and 9 r 's action on X2. Then we see that we can rotate by an angle 8 in the 1-2 plane, to new axes Xn,X'2 to get: daXa = 0 ,
dTX'2 = 0 .
Now, dTXa = 0 is not quite a Dirichlet condition in the direction Xa, but nearly. Instead of saying that there is a definite position Xa = ig that the string endpoint must be on, it is in fact a definite statement about the conjugate momentum. So we interpret this to mean that there is a Dirichlet condition, but that the associated position has not been specified, and so it can be anywhere in the direction Xa. So in fact, we have gone from a D2brane filling the X1^2 directions to a D-brane lying along the X'1 direction (see figure 2>A(c)). Also, before rotation, we see that daXl + ta,n8daX2 = 0 is simply specifying that there be a Dl-brane lying at an angle 8 in the 1-2 plane (See figure 34(b)). We saw this in previous sections, but it is worth repeating
here. Furthermore, we can now look at the original mixed condition (432) and see that it is simply the specification of a D2~brane lying in the 1-2 plane, but the presence of T mixes in a DO-brane, but it is in fact completely delocalized in the plane. We know that this must be true, since it is only in that case that a Dp~D(p - 2) combination can be supersymmetric, and it also must be so in order to be T-dual to a Dl-brane.
Figure 34: A brane in the 1-2 plane with a background field, (a), is dual to a tilted brane of one extended dimension fewer (b). It may then be rotated (c) to lie along a coordinate direction.
Further consequences come when we try to carry out the line of reasoning that we did in the early stages, in order to quantize the theory. 229 We can solve the 2D wave equation with the boundary conditions (432) to get the general solution:
+ ( 2 o ' ) 1 / 2 J2 -e"~ i n T (to4 cosfwr - o?nT] sinner) n#0 m X
= xrn + Yma + (2a')l/2 ]T -e'^a^
sinner ,
We have included the possibility that there is more than one D-brane, so that looking at X m , it is clear that Ym is the separation between the brane that the ends of the string rest on. We will henceforth assume that both ends of the string lie on the same brane, and so Ym = 0. Also, in this case, we can rewrite our boundary term in the action as a bulk term (1/2) JE dPff€a0FijdaXld0X^ so that we see the appearance of T explicitly in the sigma model action. It is interesting to follow the route further. The canonical momenta to
J f ' s are n m = ^drX*
n 1 = ^ - 7 {drX* + daX^T))
from which we can compute the total conserved momentum: (438)
where Ma = Vij ~ ?i?kj
The Hamiltonian is then, using equations (59,60):
H = UMijpi)p0 + ^M^a>-n
+ <^-n))
where we can see the non-trivial modification in the directions parallel to the brane, and nowhere else. 11.2
Geometry and D-branes
Now the fun comes when we try to quantize. 229 The first thing to notice is that if we use the expression for the canonical momentum, and the boundary condition, we can derive that: 2ira'Ilj(T, 0)JFj +
0)Mj = 0 ,
so that, in particular
2W[iF'(T,o),nfc(T,<7)];rj = -[0aA->'(T,o)„nfc(T,<7)]M;.
But this is completely incompatible with our next step, 2 2 9 which is to try to impose the canonical commutation relations (67). This is a case where our naive quantisation procedures break down, as happens in gauge theory when the gauge fixing condition is incompatible with the canonical approach. Like that situation, one has to use more careful methods, such as the constrained quantisation techniques of Dirac. We will not that here, but state the result, and refer the reader to the literature 229 for the details. The equal time commutators for the modes may be derived quite
straightforwardly, and then used to infer the relations on the spacetime fields X(
[ X V ^ ^ W ) ] = 0 ;
p P ^ o - ^ I F ^ o - ' ) ] = ir]ij-
1 + ^2 cos na cos na'
[X'(T,a), A-J'(T,a')] = ei,T2ma'{M-lT)ij
a = a' = 0,TT
Now the remarkable thing is that the coordinates in the interior of the string (i.e., away from a = 0,7r) satisfy the usual canonical commutation relations, but at the ends of the string, we see that there is actually some non-commutativity. For definiteness, let us look at our case of just the X1, X2 plane again, and we see that, at the string endpoints, if we set only the spatial parts of T to be non-zero: lX\X>} = 2iria'T~,
which is quite remarkable. Notice that we can have non-commutativity in time as well, if we turn on components of T in the time direction. Note that these "electric" components correspond to a boosted D-brane in the T-dual picture. It is worth remarking that although this seems a bit strange, it is again just ordinary string theory looked at in a different way. Note that the rest of the studies we did in early sections go through. For example, the imposition of diffeomorphism in variance will still allow us to derive Virasoro generators: .. L
Y^ ( n= — oo
Uam-n"n +
• «n)
where a; • o.k = a™a™, the dot product in the transverse directions. After the standard normal ordering passing to the quantum story, it can be shown that they satisfy the usual Virasoro algebra. 229 One last thing to notice is the fact that the mass spectrum may appear rather puzzling now. If we again follow the standard route, asking i 0 ^ 1 to vanish, we will get a formula oo MijPlph + 5Z 71=1
+ am-n
• Q„)
1 = 0 .
319 The question is what to take as the definition of the mass. If we use the usual definition M2 = —plPi, then we will have not only discrete contributions to the mass spectrum coming from the oscillators, but we will have continuous pats as well, coming from non-zero parts !F in M. So we have a choice. We can either interpret this as a new feature of the string, or we can take the simpler approach and interpret all continuous parts as coming from the string having been streched. In other words, denning M 2 = —Mijplp> measures correctly the length of the string such that all other contributions to the mass spectrum are from the discrete oscillation energies. So to measure the length of our vector Po, we used a natural metric associated to the open string in the presence of non-zero T which is different from rjij, the metric that closed strings see. My is often called the "open string metric" in this context, and this is the reason why. So we see that the spacetime coordinates on a D-brane in the presence of non-zero T are actually non-commutative. 230>229 This makes a lot of sense, given our picture which we built up in the previous section: When T — 0, the endpoints of the string are instructed to simply end on the Dp-brane, but for non-zero T there are D(p — 2)-branes in the world-volume, but totally delocalised, since its presence is specified by a definite condition on momentum and not position. So the location of the string endpoints, in as much as they now make any definite sense, necessarily inherit an admixture of this delocalisation, taking on some of the characteristics of momentum, resulting in non-commutativity. Many of the pieces of physics which we have investigated so far are worth revisiting in this light, and it might be worth keeping this picture in mind when the non-commutativity seems hard to accept. In particular, this means that the a' —»• 0 limit of the open string sector should give Yang-Mills theory on non-commutative spacetimes. This has the amusing and sometimes confusing feature of endowing even Abelian Yang-Mills theory with non-commutative features. Gauge theories on non-commutative backgrounds is a subject of intense research at the time of writing. " 11.3
Yang-Mills Geometry I: D-branes and the Fuzzy Sphere
In our many studies of the geometry seen by D-branes throughout these lectures, we kept using the idea that the spacetime coordinates transverse to the brane appear as scalar fields in a gauge theory on the brane's world-volume. " T h a t comment serves as a signal to the reader to be prepared to encounter the subject. I will not attempt to give any citations for this rapidly developing area, as I will not be able to truly representative since that subject is beyond the scope of these notes.
The vevs of these fields give the allowed positions of the brane in the spacetime, and so on. This allows for a remarkably rich dialogue between geometrical techniques and those of gauge theory. When there are many branes, however, we know that the gauge theory becomes non-Abelian. This immediately leads to the idea 24 that this description forces us to consider non-commutative geometry in our spacetime, since the fields which we wish to interpret as coordinates have failed to commute. This leads to non-commutative geometry of a naively different type from that which we encountered in the previous section, and there is potential for confusion. There really should not be. As we proceed with this process of blurring the distinction between descriptions of spacetime and other structures like string theory and gauge theory, the idea of non-commutative geometry as a natural language will arise again and again. One envisions it as something like the concept of the derivative: Differential calculus arises in many different situations, some of which are connected and some not. We do not search for deep connections for too long, but just see it as a tool and move on, knowing that being too philosophical about it is not necessarily very useful as a pursuit in itself; one expects that the same will be true of how we will regard the various situations where "geometry" has some degree of non-commutativity. For the purposes of these notes, however, and because some readers might be trying to sort out the similarities and differences between these situations at a learning stage w, I will call the non-commutative geometry in this section "Yang-Mills Geometry" and hope that this term is not too confusing. The most familiar non-Abelian term which shows that there is something interesting to occur is of course the familiar scalar potential of the Yang-Mills theory. This of course appears in the Yang-Mills theory in the usual way, and can be thought of as resulting from the reduction of the ten dimensional YangMills theory. It also arises as the leading part of the expansion of the det(<5*) term in the non-abelian Born-Infeld action, in the case when the brane is embedded in the trivial flat background G^v = rj^, as discussed in section 4.5: V = rp -ft^det(QS-) = NTP + Tp{2™')2
Tr([$\ V] [$ J ', *']) + . . . ,
where i = p + 1 , . . . ,9. As we have discussed in a number of cases before, the simplest solution extremising V is that the &1 all commute, in which case we can write them as diagonal matrices $ l = {2-KQ1)"1 X1, where X1 = diag(xj, x\,..., x{N). The interpretation is that x'n is the coordinate of the nth Dp-brane in the Xi direction; we have N parallel flat Dp-branes, identically I certainly am.
oriented, at arbitrary positions in a flat background, H p . The centre of mass of the Dp-branes is at zj, = Tr(X*)/N. The potential is NTP, which is simply the sum of all of the rest energies of the branes. We shall discard it in much of what follows. When we look for situations with non-zero commutators, things become more complicated in interesting ways, giving us the possibility of new interesting extrema of the potential in the presence of non-trivial backgrounds. This is because the commutators appear in many parts of the world volume action, and in particular appear in couplings to the R-R fields, as we have seen in section6.4. Furthermore, the background fields themselves depend upon the transverse coordinates X1 even in the abelian case, and so will depend upon the full $ l in the non-abelian generalisation. In general, this is all rather complicated, but we shall focus on one of the simpler cases as an illustration of the rich set of physical phenomena waiting to be uncovered. 4 4 Imagine that we have N Dp-branes in a constant background R-R (p + 4)-form field strength G(p+4) = dC( p+ 3), with non-trivial components: G0i...pijk = Gujk = -2feijk
i,j, k € {1,2,3}
(We have suppressed the indices l...p, as there is no structure there, and will continue to do so in what follows.) Let the Dp-brane be pointlike in the directions x\ (i = 1,2,3), and extended in p other directions. None of these Dp-branes in isolation is an electric source of this R-R field strength. Recall however, that there is a coupling of the Dp-branes to the R-R (p + 3)-form potential in the non-Abelian CcLSGj US shown in (300). We will assume a static configuration, choose static gauge
CM = * M ,
for M = l , . . . , p ,
and get (see (300)): (27ra')fip jTrP
[i*i*C] =
= (2na')fip JdtTr
[*'*' ( C y t ( * , t ) + (2ira')Cijk($,t)
D t $*)](450)
We can now do a "non-Abelian Taylor expansion" 41>232 of the background field about $ ' . Generally, this is defined as: J2, (2irn/')n F ( * ' ) = Y,L-V-*il n=0
and so: Cijk(*,t)
= Cijk(t) + (^a')^kdkCijk(t)
+ ^^-^^kdidkCijk(t)
+ ... (452)
Now since Cijt{t) does not depend on $ 2 , the quadratic term containing it vanishes, since it is antisymmetric in (ij) and we are taking the trace. This leaves the cubic parts: ( 2 W ) 2 M P fdtTr
( $ ' $ • [*kdkCijt{t)
= \{2ira')2iip JdtTr
+ Cm(t)
($<$i$fc) Gtijk(t) ,
after an integration by parts. Note that the final expression only depends on the gauge invariant field strength, G( p+ 4). Since we have chosen it to be constant, this interaction (453) is the only term that need be considered, since of the higher order terms implicit in equation (452) will give rise to terms depending on derivatives of G. Combining equation (453) with the part arising in the Dirac-Born-Infeld potential (447) yields our effective Lagrangian in the form S = — J dtC. This is a static configuration, so there are no kinetic terms and so C = —V($), with y($)
- ( 2 7 r Q 4 ' ) 2 r p T r ( [ ^ , ^ ] 2 ) - i ( 2 W ) V P T r ($<$>$*) Gtijk(t)
. (454)
Let us substitute our choice of background field (448). The Euler-Lagrange equations 5V($)/6$Z = 0 yield [[&,&],&]
= 0.
Now of course, the situation of N parallel static branes, [$ 1 ,
where E1 are any N x N matrix representation of the SU(2) algebra [£',2^'] = 2 1 ^ * 2 * .
The N x N irreducible representation of SU(2) has (E*)2 = ^(N2 where INXN solution is
fori = 1,2,3.
is the identity. Now the value of the potential (454) for this
yN = .agggg^..),, = _(*>^W W ( W ._ t ) . (4ao) i=l
So our noncommutative solution solution has Zoiwer energy than the commuting solution, which has V = 0 (since we threw away the constant rest energy). This means that the configuration of separated Dp-branes is unstable to collapse to the new configuration. What is the geometry of this new configuration? Well, the $'s are the transverse coordinates, and so we should try to understand their geometry, despite the fact that they do not commute. In fact, the choice (457) with the algebra (458) is that corresponding to the non-commutative or "fuzzy" two-sphere 231 . The radius of this sphere is given by i? 2 v = ( 2 W ) 2 l ^ T r [ ( $ i ) 2 ] = T V 2 / 2 ( i V 2 - l ) ,
and so at large TV: i?jv — ira'fN. The fuzzy sphere construction may be unfamiliar, and we refer the reader to the references for the details. 231 It suffices to say that as N gets large, the approximation to a smooth sphere improves. Note that the irreducible N x N representation is not the only solution. A reducible N x N representation can be made by direct product of k smaller irreducible representations. Such a representation gives a Tr[(E*)2] which is less than that for the irreducible representation (456), and therefore yields higher values for their corresponding potential. Therefore, these smaller representations representations, corresponding geometrically to smaller spheres, are unstable extrema of the potential which again would collapse into the single large sphere of radius RN- It is amusing to note that we can adjust the solution representing an sphere of size n by S ^ - i ^ E ^ + ^Inxn.
This has the interpretation of shifting the position of its centre of mass by x1.
What we have constructed is a D(p + 2)-brane with topology W x S2. The H p part is where the N Dp-branes are extended and the S2 is the fuzzy sphere. There is no net D(p + 2)-brane charge, as each infinitesimal element of the spherical brane which would act as a source of C(p+3) potential has an identical oppositely oriented (and hence oppositely charged) partner. There is therefore a "dipole" coupling due to the separation of these oppositely oriented surface elements. This type of construction is useful in matrix theory, where one can construct for example, spherical D2-brane backgrounds in terms of N DO-branes variables. 232>233>234 One way 49 ' 44 to confirm that we have made a spherical brane at large iV, is to start with a spherical D(p + 2)-brane, (topology W x S2) and bind N Dpbranes to it, aligned along an IRP. We can then place it in the background R-R field we first thought of and see if the system will find a static configuration keeping the topology ]RP x S2, with radius RN- Failure to find a non-zero radius as a solution of this probe problem would be a sign that we have not interpreted our physics correctly. Let us write the ten dimensional flat space metric with spherical polar coordinates on the part where the sphere is to be located {x1 ,x2,x3): 9
ds2 = -dt2 + dr2 + r2 (d92 + sin2 6 d<j>2) + ^(dx*)2
Our constant background fields in these coordinates is (again, suppresing the 1 , . . . ,p indices): GtrH = - 2 / r 2
and so
2 = g/r3
As we have seen many times before, N bound Dp-branes in the D(p + 2)brane's worldvolume corresponds to a flux due to the coupling:
(2wa')fip+2 J
C (p+1) AF=^-Jdt
C(v+l) A F ,
where C(p+i) is the R-R potential to which the Dp-branes couple, and is not to be confused with the C( p+3 ) we are using in our background, in (464). We need exactly N Dp-branes, so let us determine what F-flux we need to achieve this. If we work again in static gauge, with the D(p + 2)-brane's world-volume coordinates in the interesting directions being: (° = t ,
C2 =
then Jfy=ysin0,
is correctly normalised magnetic field to give our desired flux. We now have our background, and our N bound Dp-branes, so let us seek a static solution of the form r = R
and xi = 0 , for i = 4 , . . . , 9 .
The world volume action for our D(p + 2)-brane is: S =
fdt dB d4> e-*det i (-Gat + ^a'Fab)
+ nP+2 f C{p+3) .
Assuming that we have the static trial solution (468), inserting the fields (464), a trivial dilaton, and the metric from (463), the potential energy is: V{R)
- jdOdcjiC
In the above we expanded the square root assuming that 2i? 2 /(27ra')N < < 1, and kept the first two terms in the expansion. As usual we have substituted TP = 47r 2 a'r p + 2 . The constant term in the potential energy corresponds to the rest energy of N Dp-branes, and we discard that as before in order to make our comparison. The case V = 0 corresponds to R = 0, the solution representing flat Dp-branes. Happily, there is another extremum:
R = RN=Tra'fN with V = -^LE^l^Jl^
12&, To leading order in 1/iV', we see that we have recovered the radius (and potential energy) of the non-commutative sphere configuration which we found in equations (461) and (460). As noted before, this spherical D(p + 2)-brane configuration carries no net D ( p + 2)-brane charge, since each surface element of it has an antipodal part
of opposite orientation and hence opposite charge. However, as the sphere is at a finite radius, there is a finite dipole coupling. This is the D-brane analogue 44 of the dielectric effect in electromagnetism. If we place Dp-branes in a background R-R field under which the Dp-branes would normally be regarded as neutral, the external field "polarises" the Dpbranes, making them puff out into a (higher dimensional) non-commutative world-volume geometry. Just as in electromagnetism, where an external field may induce a separation of charges in neutral materials, the D-branes respond through the production of electric dipole and possibly higher multipole couplings via the non-zero commutators of the world-volume scalars.* There is clearly a rich set of physical phenomena to be uncovered by considering non-commuting $'s. Already there have been applications of this mechanism to the understanding of a number of systems, such as large N gauge theory in the AdS/CFT correspondence. 236 11.4
Yang-Mills Geometry II: Enhancons and Monopoles
As a final example of how "Yang-Mills" non-commutative geometry naturally arises, let us return to our study of the enhancon. There, we we probed the metric geometry of the N D6 branes wrapped on K3, and found that the true geometry deviates from the naive geometry due to stringy effects invisible in supergravity. The deviations were consistent with the fact that the probe was actually a magnetic monopole of one of the t/(l)'s of the six dimensional theory. At a special radius the f/(l) gets enhanced to SU(2) and the monopole becomes massless. Crucially for our concerns here, the monopole also stops being pointlike, and begins to spread out. If this is the case, then in the light of what we have learned, it should mean that the world-volume fields describing the transverse coordinates of the wrapped brane must have become non-commutative describing their smearing. Does there exist a useful description of this? Luckily, the answer to this is in the affirmative. Recall that the wrapped D6-brane is actually a charge N monopole of the spontaneously broken SU(2) six dimensional gauge theory. There is already a description of the N monopole solution in terms of TV x N matrices of SU(N). It is Nahm's equations shown in equation (380). While we derived them for Dl-branes stretched between D3-branes, the monopole aspect of the description is essentially the same. This can also be seen by the following chain of x
Note that this very fuzzy sphere geometry arises for branes in the background NS-NS field 5(2) >235 further illustrating the already noted artificiality of distinguishing the two types of non-commutative geometry discussed in this and the previous subsection!
dualities: K3 shrinking to volume V» = (2w)ia'2 is in fact T-dual to K3 at a collapsed Ai singularity, where the B-flux is going to zero. The wrapped D6branes become D4-branes wrapping the collapsed singularity 211 We are on the Coulomb branch where the resulting D2-branes have split into two fractional ones, each carrying an SU{N). We are focusing on one of them, and so send the other one off to infinity. v As we learned in subsection 9.3 this situation is in turn T-dual to fractional D3-branes stretched between NS5-branes, where we focus on just one segment, and send the other to infinity. A D3-brane stretched between NS5-branes in this way is a monopole of the U(l) gauge theory on the fivebrane worldvolume. The B-field is the distance between the NS5-branes, and when it goes to zero they coincide and there is an enhanced SU(2).
D3 NS5
xu -
x" -
z4 •
xb •
\ -1 •
• •
• •
zy • •
The enhangon phenomenon, where the SU(2) is enhanced on a sphere in spacetime, is the result of the bending of the NS5-branes as the D3-branes pull on them. 2 1 1 (This is shown for all p in figure 35. The case we are discussing here is p = 2.) The N D3-brane configuration has a description as an iV-monopole in the NS5-brane worldvolume. The earlier appearance of the Nahm equations is therefore manifestly connected to the geometry of the arrangement in the figure. The distance between the NS5-branes is the Higgs vev. N.B.: Using type IIB's S-duality converts the NS5-branes to D5-branes, and leaves alone the D3-branes stretched between them. A T-duality in the two spatial directions common to all the D-branes will complete the journey to the system of the Dl's stretched between two D3's. The NxN fields $*(s) which appear in Nahm's equations (380) represent the transverse coordinates of the N D3-branes, in directions x3,x4,x5. However as we have already seen in the discussion of monopoles, they are necessarily non-commutative. At the ends of the interval they must form an irreducible N dimensional representation of 5/7(2). These are precisely the same data which built the fuzzy sphere in our previous example. 223 ^For wrapped D7-branes on K3, the dual situation is a D5-brane wrapped on the collapsed cycle giving fractional D3-branes, and the large N gauge theory study of such systems via supergravity is underway. 168 > 216
Figure 35: N D(p + l)-branes ending on NS5-branes: (a) The naive picture (b) The resulting bending of the NS5-branes cannot be neglected for large gsN. The separated brane is the probe which becomes massless at the enhan$on locus, an 5 4 _ p (a circle in the figure). It is clear from this that at large N, a cross section of the iV-monopole depicted in figure 35 has a description as a fuzzy sphere. The enhangon, which is the surface of the central slice is therefore describable as a fuzzy sphere. (Other points in the full monopole moduli space will describe other fuzzy geometries.) As N is large, this is spherical to a good approximation and matches onto the spherically symmetric supergravity geometry in (416). Unfortunately, it is has not been possible to write down the spacetime gauge and Higgs fields for multi-monopole solutions, as it is clearly interesting to study them more in detail. The construction of the full solutions are rather implicit, using algrebraic, and other methods from scattering theory, etc. I87,i88,i89,i90,i9i,i92,i93 I t w o u l d b e a n interesting problem to study how those fields match onto the asymptotic spherically symmetric supergravity fields of the solution (416). The explicit solutions, if we had them, might tell us much about both the supergravity geometry and possibly the large N gauge theory on the wrapped brane, perhaps deepening the already known correspondence between their moduli spaces, 224>221>172 as discussed in detail in section 10.8. Is short, we see that the intuitive reason for non-commutativity in this and the previous subsection is simply the fact that branes, for one reason or another, cease to be pointlike and/or lose their identity among other branes, becoming "smeared" or "dissolved". This process is controlled/described by non-commutativity in some choice of variables. Since the endpoints of the
329 strings are meant to be located on the branes, the smearing results in a natural departure from commutativity for our spacetime coordinates if we insist on continuing to use the variables we used when the branes were pointlike. 12
Closing Remarks
I think that it is high time that I stopped, since these notes have begun to become unwieldy. While there has been some repetition of ideas and phrases in various places, it was worth doing since it is by understanding something in as many different ways as one can that one can move beyond it. Particularly repetitious were the continued T-duality demonstrations (most things seemed to be explained by tilting a brane!), for which I make no apology. As a means of making up for the rather large size of the notes, I collect towards the end a page or two of some of the most useful formulae that people like to have to hand (and their number in the text so that you can find where they are discussed/derived). Also, I have listed the titles and locations of the various inserts, which I hope are useful. —cvj
^n. m LL 7J Acknowledgements The first two weeks or so of this work was supported by an NSF CAREER grant, #9733173. I am grateful to the organisers of the 1998 Trieste (ICTP) Spring School, the organisers of the 1999 Theoretical Advanced Summer Institute (TASI), and the organisers of the 1999 British Universities Summer School in Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics (BUSSTEPP) for the invitations to give these lectures, and to their associated staff for helping to make my time at Trieste, Boulder and Southampton (respectively) so pleasant. Many thanks to Andreas Recknagel, Marco Billo, Daniel Bundzik, Laur Jarv, Ken Lovis, David Page, Volker Schomerus and Arkady Tseytlin for some comments on this manuscript.
Collection of (Hopefully) Useful Formulae Charges and tensions • The fundamental string tension: if = T = ( 2 W ) - 1 = V! . {vi is its -B(2)-charge.) • The tension and charge of a Dp-brane in superstring theory (274): rp = w ?
= (27r)-"a'-(p+1)/25s-1 .
• A recursion relation (183): TP = v(27r\/a7) p '- p .
• The tension of the NS5-brane (see insert 11 (p.134))
• The Yang Mills coupling for the field theory on a brane (276):
• Orientifold charge and tension (280): p -5 H'p p = rT^ 2 p - H-p-, VP, T„ T2 ipT'—= -r* >p • (The minus sign is correlated with SO and the plus with USp.) • The product of the dual D-branes' tensions TpT6-p = 2Tr(2ir)-7a'-4g;2
is the minimum allowed by the quantum theory, with the following formula: • The 10 dimensional Newton's constant (254) 2/c2 =
= (16irGN) = (2 7 r)- 1 (4 7 r 2 a') 4 5 2 =
• The tensions of the M2- and M5-branes of 11 dimensional supergravity: r2M = ( 2 7 T ) - V ;
r5M = ( 2 T T ) - V ,
can be deduced from the fact that the low energy type IIA string theory is 11 dimensional supergravity at strong coupling, that the D2-branes and NS5-branes directly lift to become the M-branes, and the following: • The 11 dimensional Planck length £p (338):
• The product of the M-branes' tensions T™T™ = 2 ^ ) - V
= 2K CT U
is the minimum allowed by the quantum theory, with: • The 11 dimensional Newton constant (338): 1 6 7 ^ = 2K?! ;
= 2V^.
• D-brane action (207), (270): Sp = -Tp
J dp+1Ze-*
+ Bab + 27ra'Fab) + fip f
• Some curvature couplings (293):
where the "A-roof" or "Dirac" genus has its square root defined as: VAW
- 1 - " 4 8 - + ft W n s j o - -2880" + ' ' '
The pi(i?)'s are the ith Pontryagin class. For example, PI(R)
332 Bosonic Effective Actions • The Dirac-Born-Infeld-Wess-Zumino Action (207)
dp+1X det^2(Tjab + daXmdbXm + 2na'Fab) + Mp J C (p+1) ,
• Type IIA string frame effective actions (251),(252)
5lIA =
J6"'* [R + 4^^ - ^(# (3) ) 2
-i( G ( 2 ) ) 2 - ^( G ( 4 ) ) 2 } -^JB^dC^dC^ HW = dBW, SuB =
G& = dCW and C?W = dC& + # 0 ) A
. ^.
h Jd10x(-G)"2 {e-2* \R + 4(V^)2 - ^{H^f _1(G(3)
+ c -(o) H (3) ) 2
_ I(dc(°))2 - ^ - ( G ( 5 ) ) 2 }
+_!_/" J^w + ifi<2) c<2>)
G<3> #(*).
G<3> = dC*(2> and G<5) = dC^ + H^C™, G(0>. Impose self-duality of C^4' w'a F^ = *F' 5 ' by hand in the equations of motion. • Use Q
_ e -*/2/J
to go to the Einstein frame. • Type I Bosonic Action (255) 5l
= 2^| / ^ ( - G )
1 / a
[* + 4(V« a ]
-^(G^) 2 -|W(F< 2 >) 2 }. Here
Heterotic actions (259) SH =
2 ^ / * V - G ) 1 / 2 e - M | / l + 4(V0a - ^(^ ( 3 ) ) 2 H(3) = dB(2)
_ SL [UJ3Y{A)
• Chern-Simons three-form: u3Y(A)
= Tr ( A A dA + -A A A A A J , with dw3Y = T r F A F
with a similar expressionforthe spin connection Cl, to make W3L-
S u p e r g r a v i t y B r a n e (and other) Solutions • The 10 dimensional p-brane solutions (394): ds2 2
e * C{p+1)
= Z-^rj^dx^dx" 2
= g Zp^
(3-P) 2
= (Zp-
+ Z1pl2dxidxi
, 1\„-1^0
- l)g,dx°
where /J, = 0 , . . . ,p, and i = p + 1 , . . . , 9, and the harmonic function Zp is
Z| = l t
W y - * ; ^.jr-v^r^.
The 10 dimensional type IIA NS5-brane (396):
= -dt2 + {dx1)2 + • • • + (dx5)2 + Z5 (drr + r2dfl2)
= (Z.T1 - l)s s da: 0 A • • • A dx5 .
• The 11 dimensional M2-brane: ds2 = / 3 " 2 / 3 (-dt2 + (dx1)2 + (dx2)2) + fl'\dr2 fa =
irNt3 \ 1 + —j* ,
A{3) = f^dt
+ r2dn2) A dx1 A dx2 .
• The 11 dimensional M5-brane: ds2 = f~1/3 (-dt2 + (dx1)2 + --- + (dx5)2) + f2J\dr2 /5 =
32n2N£6\ g—^ ,
Aw = f^dt
+ r2d
A dx1 A • • • A dx5 .
• Sometimes useful are the SU(2)i invariant one-forms: u\ — — sin tpd8 + cos ip sin Od
(0 < 6 < n, 0 < cp < 27r, 0 < ip < 47r are the S3 Euler angles). Note: doi = \eijk&j A o^ (The SU(2)R
invariants come from ip «->•
CT2 + o\ = d<92 + sin2 6dcp2 = dfijj The Eguchi-Hanson metric (263):
ds2 = l
{ - &) ** +r2{l~ © I °2 +r2^ + *< -l
Note: period of ip is 2ir. There is an 50(3) isometry. The A-series ALE spaces (358): ds2 = V~x(dz - A • dyf + Vdy • dy JV-1
v =
y V *
vy = VxA.
Note: case N = 2 is equivalent to Eguchi-Hanson. 75
• The Self-Dual Taub-NUT metric (415):
Note: period of tp is 4ir. There is an SU(2) isometry. The singular case N - - 1 results from taking the large p limit of the smooth Atiyah-Hitchin manifold (427), and in that case the period of ip is 2-7T. There is an 50(3) isometry. . The A-series ALF (multi-Taub-NUT) spaces: 152 ds2 = V~l{dz - A • dyf
+ Vdy • dy
v = 1+y
W = VXA.
Note: case N = 2 is equivalent to self-dual Taub-NUT.
List of Inserts
Insert Insert Insert Insert Insert Insert Insert Insert Insert Insert Insert Insert Insert Insert
1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14:
T is for Tension A rotating Open String Cylinders, Strips and the Complex Plane Partition Functions World Sheet Perturbation Theory: Diagrammatics Particles and Wilson Lines Vacuum Energy Translating Closed to Open Forms and Branes A Closer Look at the Eguchi-Hanson Space "Bolt" Dual Branes from 10D String-String Duality The Heterotic NS5-Brane The Type II NS5-Brane Romoving the "Nut" Singularity from Taub-NUT
. . . .
141 142 158 166 172 192 201 201 219 230 262 288 295 305
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Rept. 323, 183 (2000), hep-th/9905111. 201. C. V. Johnson, "Etudes on D-branes", hep-th/9812196. 202. A. Strominger and C. Vafa, Phys. Lett. B379, 99 (1996), hepth/9601029. 203. A. W. Peet, to appear. 204. M. J. Duff, "TASI lectures on branes, black holes and anti-de Sitter space", TASI 1999, hep-th/9912164. 205. Here is a review: A. W. Peet, "The Bekenstein Formula and String Theory (N-brane Theory)", Class. Quant. Grav. 15 (1998) 3291, hepth/9712253. 206. M. F. Atiyah and N. J. Hitchin, Phys. Lett. A107, 21 (1985); Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond. A315, 459 (1985); "The Geometry And Dynamics Of Magnetic Monopoles.", M.B. Porter Lectures, Princeton University Press (1988). 207. G. Lifschytz, Phys. Lett. B388, 720 (1996), hep-th/9604156. 208. M. Douglas, J. Polchinski and A. Strominger, JHEP 9712, 003 (1997), hep-th/9703031. 209. N. Seiberg, Phys. Lett. B384, 81 (1996), hep-th/9606017. 210. A. Sen, JHEP 9709, 001 (1997), hep-th/9707123; JHEP 9710, 002 (1997) [hep-th/9708002]. 211. C. V. Johnson, A. W. Peet and J. Polchinski, Phys. Rev. D 6 1 , 086001 (2000), hep-th/9911161. 212. N. Seiberg and E. Witten, Nucl. Phys. B431 (1994) 484, hepth/9408099; ibid., B426 (1994) 19; Erratum: ibid., B430 (1994) 485, hep-th/9407087. 213. M. R. Douglas and S. H. Shenker, Nucl. Phys. B447, 271 (1995), hepth/9503163. 214. K. Behrndt, Nucl. Phys. B455, 188 (1995), hep-th/9506106; R. Kallosh and A. Linde, Phys. Rev. D52, 7137 (1995), hep-th/9507022; M. Cvetic and D. Youm, Phys. Lett. B359, 87 (1995), hep-th/9507160. 215. L. Jarv and C. V. Johnson, unpublished. 216. I. R. Klebanov and A. A. Tseytlin, Nucl. Phys. B578, 123 (2000), hepth/0002159; I. R. Klebanov and N. A. Nekrasov, Nucl. Phys. B574, 263 (2000), hepth/9911096. 217. R. R. Khuri, Phys. Lett. B294, 325 (1992), hep-th/9205051; Nucl. Phys. B387, 315 (1992), hep-th/9205081; J. P. Gauntlett, J. A. Harvey and J. T. Liu, Nucl. Phys. B409, 363 (1993), hep-th/9211056. 218. M. Krogh, JHEP 9912, 018 (1999), hep-th/9911084.
219. The following has a nice discussion of the appearances of monopoles in string and gauge theory: A. Hanany and A. Zaffaroni, JHEP 9912, 014 (1999),hep-th/9911113. 220. L. Jarv and C. V. Johnson, hep-th/0002244, to appear in Phys. Rev. D. 221. G. Chalmers and A. Hanany, Nucl. Phys. B489, 223 (1997), hepth/9608105. 222. N. S. Manton, Phys. Lett. B110, 54 (1982). 223. C. V. Johnson, hep-th/0004068. 224. N. Seiberg and E. Witten, in "Saclay 1996, The mathematical beauty of physics" , hep-th/9607163. 225. N. Dorey, V. V. Khoze, M. P. Mattis, D. Tong and S. Vandoren, Nucl. Phys. B502, 59 (1997), hep-th/9703228. 226. A. S. Dancer, Commun. Math. Phys. 158, 545 (1993). 227. This point was developed in a conversation with Alex Buchel and Amanda Peet. See also J. Polchinski's talk at Strings 2000. 228. G. W. Gibbons and N. S. Manton, Nucl. Phys. B274 (1986) 183. 229. C. Chu and P. Ho, Nucl. Phys. B550, 151 (1999), hep-th/9812219; Nucl. Phys. B568, 447 (2000), hep-th/9906192. 230. A. Connes, M. R. Douglas and A. Schwarz, JHEP 9802, 003 (1998), hep-th/9711162; M. R. Douglas and C. Hull, JHEP 9802, 008 (1998), hep-th/9711165. 231. J. Madore, Class. Quant. Grav. 9, 69 (1992); Annals Phys. 219, 187 (1992); Phys. Lett. B263, 245 (1991). 232. D. Kabat and W. I. Taylor, Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. 2, 181 (1998, hep-th/9711078. 233. S. Rey, hep-th/9711081. 234. B. de Wit, J. Hoppe and H. Nicolai, Nucl. Phys. B305, 545 (1988). 235. A. Y. Alekseev, A. Recknagel and V. Schomerus, JHEP 9909, 023 (1999), hep-th/9908040; JHEP 0005, 010 (2000), hep-th/0003187. 236. J. McGreevy, L. Susskind and N. Toumbas, JHEP 0006, 008 (2000), hep-th/0003075; J. Polchinski and M. J. Strassler, hep-th/0003136; M. Li, hep-th/0003173; P. Ho and M. Li, hep-th/0004072; O. Aharony and A. Rajaraman, hep-th/0004151; N. Evans and M. Petrini, hep-th/0006048; A. Jevicki, M. Mihailescu and S. Ramgoolam, hep-th/0006239; S. P. Trivedi and S. Vaidya, hep-th/0007011; C. Bachas, J. Hoppe and B. Pioline, hep-th/0007067; A. Frey, hep-th/0007125.
Amanda W. Peet
TASI Lectures on Black Holes in String Theory Amanda W. Peet Department of Physics, University of Toronto, 60 St. George St., Toronto, ON, M5S 1A7, Canada.
Abstract This is a write-up of introductory lectures on black holes in string theory given at TASI-99. Topics discussed include: black holes, thermodynamics and the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy, the information problem; supergravity actions, conserved quantum numbers, supersymmetry and BPS states, units, duality and dimensional reduction, solution-generating; extremal M-branes and D-branes, smearing, probe actions, nonextremal branes, the Gregory-Laflamme instability; breakdown of supergravity and the Correspondence Principle, limits in parameter space, singularities; making black holes with branes, intersectionology, the harmonic function rule, explicit d=5,4 examples; string computations of extremal black hole entropy in d=5,4, rotation, fractionation; nonextremality and entropy, the link to BTZ black holes, Hawking radiation and absorption cross-sections in the string/brane and supergravity pictures.
Contents 1
GR 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4
black holes, and t h e r m o d y n a m i c s Schwarzschild black holes Reissner-Nordstrom black holes Semiclassical gravity and black hole thermodynamics T h e black hole information problem
356 356 359 360 363
2 Q u a n t u m n u m b e r s , and s o l u t i o n - g e n e r a t i n g 2.1 String actions and p-branes 2.2 Conserved quantities: mass, angular momentum, charge 2.3 T h e supersymmetry algebra 2.4 Unit conventions, dimensional reduction and dualities 2.5 An example of solution-generating
366 366 367 371 372 376
3 p-branes, e x t r e m a l and n o n - e x t r e m a l 3.1 T h e BPS M-brane and D-brane solutions 3.2 Arraying BPS branes 3.3 p-brane probe actions and kappa symmetry 3.4 Nonextremal branes 3.5 T h e Gregory-Laflamme instability
379 380 382 383 386 388
4 W h e n s u p e r g r a v i t y g o e s bad, and scaling limits 4.1 The black hole correspondence principle 4.2 NS-NS charges and correspondence 4.3 Where BPS Dp-branes go bad 4.4 Limits in paramter space, and singularities
390 391 393 394 396
5 M a k i n g black holes w i t h branes 5.1 Putting branes together 5.2 Intersection-ology a la supergravity 5.3 Making BPS black holes with the harmonic function rule 5.4 The 3-charge d = 5 black hole 5.5 The 4-charge d = 4 black hole
399 399 400 401 403 405
6 BPS 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4
408 408 409 411 413
s y s t e m s a n d entropy a g r e e m e n t T h e Strominger-Vafa entropy matching: d = 5 Rotation Fractionation d = 4 entropy counting
7 Non-BPS systems, and Hawking radiation 7.1 Nonextremality 7.2 The BTZ black hole and the connection to D1-D5 7.3 A universal result for black hole absorption 7.4 Emission from D-branes
413 414 415 418 421
8 References
"Whaia te iti kahuraki; Ki te tuohu koe, me he mauka teitei" "Aspire to the highest pinnacles; If you should bow, let it be to a lofty mountain" In Maori culture", and in others throughout the world, the mountain is revered and respected for its mana, awesome presence and sheer majesty. This proverbial saying, then, encapsulates all that my grandfather has meant to me; he has been my lofty mountain. His wisdom, knowledge and guidance encouraged me throughout my life in the pursuit of excellence. I therefore dedicate this review to him. "Maori are the indigenous peoples in Aotearoa (New Zealand)
Dedication crafted by Maurice Gray, Kaumatua, Te Runaka Ki Otautahi O Kai Tahu, and gifted to the author.
GR black holes, and thermodynamics
Black holes have long been objects of interest in theoretical physics, and more recently also in experimental astrophysics. Interestingly, study of them has led to new results in string theory. Here we will study black holes and their p-brane cousins in the context of string theory, which is generally regarded as the best candidate for a unified quantum theory of all interactions including gravity. Other approaches to quantum gravity, such as "quantum geometry", have been recently discussed in works such as [1]. Other relatively recent reviews of black hole entropy in string theory have appeared in [2, 3, 4]. Black holes may arise in string theory with many different conserved quantum numbers attached. We will begin our discussion by studying two basic black holes of General Relativity; they are special cases of the string theory black holes. Note that the units we will use throughout are such that only h = c = ks = 1; we will not suppress powers of the string coupling gs, the string length £s, or the Newton constant G.
Schwarzschild black holes
The Schwarzschild metric is a solution of the d = 4 action
s =
The field equations following from this action are the source-free [Tp, = 0) Einstein equations (1.2) Rnv ~ \Qv-vR — 0 • In standard Schwarzschild coordinates, the metric takes the form ds>
= _(!_!£)
df a
+ ( i _ ^ ) _ 1 d r 2 + r2dtf2 .
Astrophysical black holes formed via gravitational collapse have a lower mass limit of a few solar masses. However, we will be interested in all sizes of black holes, for theoretical reasons; we will not discuss any mechanisms by which 'primordial' black holes might have formed. When we move to discussion of charged black holes, we will also ignore the fact that any astrophysical charged black hole discharges on a very short timescale via Schwinger pair production. The reader unhappy with this should simply imagine that the charges we put on our black holes are not carried by light elementary quanta in nature such as electrons. Not all massive objects are black holes. In order for a small object to qualify as a black hole, we need at a minimum that its Schwarzschild radius be larger than its Compton wavelength, r t f » A c = m _ 1 . This implies that m'^>Gi =mpi anc k. So the electron, which is about 10~23 times lighter than the Planck mass, does not qualify.
357 Singularity
Figure 1: The Penrose diagram for an eternal Schwarzschild black hole. The event horizon of a stationary black hole geometry occurs where
«r = o.
For the Schwarzschild solution, the above condition is the same as the condition gtt = 0 but in general, e.g. for the Kerr black hole, the two conditions do not coincide. Note also that for an evolving geometry the event horizon does not even have a local definition; it is a global concept. In the present static case, solving for the event horizon locus we find a sphere, and the radius is in Schwarzschild coordinates rH = 2GiM.
Although metric components blow up at r = rH, the horizon is only a coordinate singularity, as we can see by computing curvature invariants. Note that the sourcefree Einstein equations imply that the Ricci scalar 1Z = 0 and so the Ricci tensor Rfiv = 0. For the Riemann tensor we get ^
[ oo
at r = 0
Therefore, the curvature at the horizon of a big black hole is weak, and it blows up at r = 0, the physical singularity. The Carter-Penrose diagram in Fig.l shows the causal structure of the eternal Schwarzschild black hole spacetime. Note that, following tradition, only the (t, r) plane is drawn, so that there is an implicit S2 at each point. In gravitational collapse only part of this diagram is present, and it is matched onto a region of Minkowski space. In collapse situations there is of course no time reversal invariance, and so the Carter-Penrose diagram is not symmetric. The Schwarzschild geometry is asymptotically flat, as can be seen by inspection of the metric at large-r. Let us now inspect the geometry near the horizon. Define r\ to be the proper distance, i.e.gnn = 1. Then f] = Vr(r Near r = rH, r\ ~ 2^rn(r
- r ff) + rHa,rccosh(y/r/rH).
— r^). Now rescale time. t
358 the metric becomes ds2
r]2du2 + drj2 + r^dfi 2 , .
From this form of the metric it is easy to see that if we Wick rotate w, we will avoid a conical singularity if we identify the Euclidean time iuj with period 27r. Now, in field theory applications, we have the formal identification of the Euclidean Feynman path integral with a statistical mechanical partition function, and the periodicity in Euclidean time is identified as the inverse temperature. Tracing back to our original coordinate system, we identify the black hole temperature to be
This is the Hawking temperature of the black hole. The use of Euclidean methods in quantum gravity has been discussed in, for example, [5]. There can be subtleties in doing a Wick rotation, however, which may mean that it is not a well-defined operation in quantum gravity in general. One thing which can go wrong is that there may not exist a Euclidean geometry corresponding to the original geometry with Lorentzian signature. In addition, smooth Euclidean spaces can turn into singular Lorentzian ones upon Wick rotation. In any case, the result for the Hawking temperature as derived here can easily be replicated by other calculations, see e.g. the recent review of [6]. These results also tell us that the black hole radiates with a thermal spectrum, and that the Hawking temperature is the physical temperature felt by an observer at infinity. Notice from (1.10) that TH increases as M decreases, so that the specific heat is negative. This gives rise to runaway evaporation of the black hole at low mass. We can compute the approximate lifetime of the black hole from its luminosity, using the fact that it radiates (roughly) like a blackbody, - ^
~ (Area) TH ~ (G 4 M) 2 " 4
At ~ G\M3 .
For astrophysical-sized black holes, this is much longer than the age of the Universe. For small black holes, however, there is a more pressing need to identify the endpoint of Hawking radiation. We will have more to say about this topic later when we discuss the Correspondence Principle. To find some numbers on what constitutes a 'small' vs. 'large' black hole in the context of evaporation, let us restore the factors of H, c. We obtain an extra factor in the denominator of c4h in the expression for At. The result is that the mass of the black hole whose lifetime is the age of the universe, roughly 15 billion years, is ~10 1 2 kg. Such a black hole has a Schwarzschild radius of about a femtometre.
Reissner-Nordstrom black holes
For the case of Einstein gravity coupled to a C/(l) gauge field, both the metric and gauge field can be turned on ds2 =
-A+(/9)A_(p)di 2 + A+(p)- 1 A_( / o)^ 1 dp 2 + p2d£l\
Q J2
(1.12) 2
= ( l - j \
r± = G 4 ( M ± sjM
- Q) .
There are two horizons, located at r = r+ and r = r-. Cosmic censorship requires that the singularity at r = 0 be hidden behind a horizon, i.e. M>\Q\. (1.13) The Hawking temperature is
TH =
27rG4 [M + y/M2 - Q 2 )
Notice that the extremal black hole, with r+=r_, i.e. M=\Q\, has zero temperature. It is a stable object, as it does not radiate. A phenomenon closely related to this and our previous result for Schwarzschild black holes is that the specific heat at constant charge CQ is not mono tonic. Specifically, cQ>0 for M - | Q | « | Q | , cQ < 0 for M > |Q|
. . \ • )
like Schwarzschild .
Consider the extremal geometry, and let the double horizon be at r 0 . Change the radial coordinate to r = p-rQ; (1.16) then A± = l - ^ = ( l + ^ ) "
p2 = r2 [l +
so that ds2ext = -H{rY2dt2
+ H{r)2 (dr2 + r2dQ.2f
We see that in these coordinates there is manifest 5 0 ( 3 ) symmetry; they are known as isotropic coordinates.
360 The extremal black hole geometry has an additional special property. Near the horizon r = 0, 2
- | — 1 di2+(l + ^ ) r + r0J V r .T dt2 + ^dr2
(dr2 + r2dn2) (L19)
+ r0W .
Defining yet another new coordinate
so that dz/z = dr/r, we find a direct product of an anti-deSitter spacetime with a sphere: ds2
_> I | ( _ ^ 2 + dz2j + r 2 d f i ; *2 V / '. ^ v - 3 yWS2 X S2.
Since the Reissner-Nordstrom spacetime is also asymptotically flat, we see that it interpolates between two maximally symmetric spacetimes [7]. In the units we use here, M = \Q\, which is a special relationship between the bosonic fields in the Lagrangian. It turns out that this means that the RN black hole possesses a supersymmetry, something about which we will have more to say in subsection (2.3).
Semiclassical gravity and black hole thermodynamics
Given some assumptions about the field content of the Lagrangian, classical no-hair theorems for black holes can be derived; see e.g. [8] for a modern treatment. For example, if there is a U(l) gauge field minimally coupled to Einstein gravity in d=4, then the no-hair theorem states that an observer outside the black hole can measure only the mass M, charge Q, and angular momentum J of a black hole. These are the conserved quantum numbers associated to the long-range fields in the Lagrangian. The very limited amount of long-range hair means that, classically, we have a very limited knowledge of the black hole from the outside. Also, a black hole could have been formed via a wide variety of processes. This suggests that a black hole will possess a degeneracy of states, and hence an entropy, as a function of its conserved quantum numbers. In the late 1960's and early 1970's, laws of classical black hole mechanics were discovered [9], which bear a striking resemblance to the laws of thermodynamics. The zeroth black hole law is that the surface gravity k is constant over the horizon of a stationary black hole. The first law is dA dM = k— + u>HdJ + $edQ, 8-7T
361 where wH is the angular velocity at the horizon and $ e the electrostatic potential. The second law says that the horizon area A must be nondecreasing in any (classical) process. Lastly, the third law says that it is impossible to achieve K = 0 via a physical process such as emission of photons. From (1.22) and other arguments, Bekenstein proposed [10] that the entropy of the black hole should be proportional to the area of the event horizon. Hawking's semiclassical calculation of the black hole temperature TH=H£.
made the entropy-area identification precise by fixing the coefficient. (In the semiclassical approximation, the spacetime is treated classically, while matter fields interacting with it are treated quantum-mechanically.) In the reference frame of an asymptotically faraway observer, Hawking radiation is emitted at the horizon as a perfect blackbody. The thermal emission spectrum is then filtered by potential barriers encountered by the outgoing radiation, which arise from the varying gravitational potential, and give rise to "greybody factors". The Bekenstein-Hawking or Black Hole entropy is in any spacetime dimension d S
- = 4 ^ '
where Ad is the area of the event horizon, and Gd is the d-dimensional Newton constant, which in units h = c = 1 has dimensions of (length) 1 * -2 . This is a universal result for any black hole, applicable to any theory with Einstein gravity as its classical action. Note that the black hole entropy is a humongous number, e.g. for a fourdimensional Earth-mass black hole which has a Schwarzschild radius of order 1cm, the entropy is 5 B H ~ 1 0 6 6 .
Up to constants, the black hole entropy is just the area of the horizon in Planck units. As it scales like the area rather than the volume, it violates our naive intuition about extensivity of thermodynamic entropy which we gain from working with quantum field theories. The area scaling has in fact been argued to be evidence for "holography". There are several versions of holography, but the basic idea is that since the entropy scales like the area rather than the volume, the fundamental degrees of freedom describing the system are characterised by a quantum field theory with one fewer space dimensions and with Planck-scale UV cutoff. This idea was elevated to a principle by 't Hooft and Susskind. The "AdS/CFT correspondence" does in fact provide an explicit and precise example of this idea. For more details, including references, see Susskind's lectures on the Holographic Principle at this School [12]. As we will see later on in explicit examples, there are systems where the entropy of a zero-temperature black hole is nonzero. Note that this does not imply a violation of the third law of thermodynamics if the analogy between black hole mechanics and thermodynamics is indeed exact. There is no requirement in the fundamental laws of
362 thermodynamics that the entropy should be zero at zero temperature; that version of the third law is a statement about equations of state for ordinary types of matter. A subtlety which we have suppressed until now in discussing black hole thermodynamics is that an asymptotically flat black hole cannot really be in equilibrium with a heat bath. This is problematic if we wish to work in the canonical thermal ensemble. The trouble is the Jeans instability: even a low-density gas distributed throughout a flat spacetime will not be static but it will undergo gravitational collapse. Technical ways around this problem have been devised, such as putting the black hole in a box and keeping the walls of the box at finite temperature via the proverbial reservoir. This physical setup puts in an infrared cutoff which gets rid of the Jeans problem. It also alters the relation between the black hole energy and the temperature at the boundary (the walls of the box rather than infinity). This in turn results in a positive specific heat for the black hole. For a large box, which is appropriate if we wish to affect properties of the spacetime as little as possible, the black hole is always the entropically preferred state, but for a small enough box hot flat space results. For more details see [11]. As the black hole Hawking radiates, it loses mass, and its horizon area decreases, thereby providing an explicit quantum mechanical violation of the classical areaincrease theorem. Since the area of the horizon is proportional to the black hole entropy, it might appear that this area decrease signals a violation of the second law. On the other hand, the entropy in the Hawking radiation increases, providing a possible way out. Defining a generalised entropy, which includes the entropy of the black hole plus the other stuff such as Hawking radiation, "Stot = S B H "*" Mother — ^ i
was argued by Bekenstein to fix up the second law. Using gedankenexperiments involving gravitational collapse and infalling matter, Bekenstein also argued that the entropy of a system of a particular volume is bounded above by the entropy of the black hole whose horizon bounds that volume. The Bekenstein bound is however not a completely general bound, as pointed out by Bekenstein himself. The system to which it applies must be one of "limited selfgravity", and it must be a whole system not just a subsystem. Examples of systems not satisfying the bound include a closed FRW universe, or a super-horizon region in a flat FRW universe. In these situations, cosmological expansion drives the overall dynamics and self-gravity is not limited; the entropy in a big enough volume in such spacetimes will exceed the Bekenstein bound. Also, certain regions inside a black hole horizon violate the bound. Bousso [13] has formulated a more general, covariant, entropy bound. A new ingredient in this construction is to use null hypersurfaces bounded by the area A. The surfaces used are "light-sheets", which are surfaces generated by light rays leaving A which have nonpositive expansion everywhere on the sheet. The Bousso bound then
363 says that the entropy on the sheets must satisfy SBR<J-
A proof of this bound was given in [14]; one or other of two conditions on the entropy flux across the light-sheets was required. These conditions are physically reasonable conditions for normal matter in semi-classical regimes below the Planck scale. The conditions can be violated, and so the bound does not follow from fundamental physical principles. It does however hold up in all semiclassical situations where light-sheets make sense, as long as the semiclassical approximation is used in a self-consistent fashion [13]. The generalised second law then works with the entropy defined as above. A recent discussion of semiclassical black hole thermodynamics [6] points out that there are no known gedankenexperiments which violate this generalised bound. See also a different discussion of holography in [15]. While the Bousso bound is a statement that makes sense only in a semiclassical regime, it may well be more fundamental, in that the consistent quantum theory of gravity obeys it.
The black hole information problem
Identifying the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy as the physical entropy of the black hole gives rise to an immediate puzzle, namely the nature of the microscopic quantum mechanical degrees of freedom giving rise to that thermodynamic entropy. Another puzzle, the famous information problem [16], arose from Hawking's semiclassical calculation which showed that the outgoing radiation has a purely thermal character, and depends only on the conserved quantum numbers coupling to long-range fields. This entails a loss of information, since an infalling book and a vacuum cleaner of the same mass would give rise to the same Hawking radiation according to an observer outside the horizon. In addition, since the classical no-hair theorems allow observers at infinity to see only long-range hair, which is very limited, black holes are in the habit of gobbling up quantum numbers associated to all global symmetries. In the context of string theory, which is a unified quantum theory of all interactions including gravity, information should not be lost. As a consequence, the information problem must be an artifact of the semiclassical approximation used to derive it. Information must somehow be returned in subtle correlations of the outgoing radiation. This point of view was espoused early on by workers including [22, 23] and collaborators following the original suggestion of Page [24]. Information return requires a quantum gravity theory with subtle nonlocality, a property which string theory appears to possess. The AdS/CFT correspondence is one context in which we have an explicit realization in principle of the information retention scenario, as discussed in Susskind's lectures at this School. The information problem is therefore shifted to the problem of showing precisely how semiclassical arguments break down.
364 This turns out to be a very difficult problem, and solving it is one of the foremost challenges in this area of string theory. At the ITP Conference on Quantum Aspects of Black Holes in 1993, however, there were several scenarios on the market for solving the information problem. Nowadays, it is fair to say that the mainstream opinion in the string theory community has zeroed in on the information return scenario. Let us briefly mention some aspects of various scenarios to illustrate some useful physics points. The idea that information is just lost in quantum gravity [16] has many consequences apt to make high energy theorists queasy, so we will not dwell on it. We just mention that one of them is that it usually violates energy conservation, although a refinement is possible [17] where clustering is violated instead. Another scenario is that all of the information about what fell into the black hole during its entire lifetime is stored in a remnant of Planckian size. The main problem with this scenario is that energy is needed in order to encode information, and a Planck scale remnant has very little energy. In addition, remnants as a class would need an enormous density of states in order to be able to keep track of all information that fell into any one of the black holes giving rise to the remnant. This enormous density of states of Planck scale objects is incompatible with any object known in string theory. Such a huge density of states could also lead to a phenomenological disaster if tiny virtual remnants circulate in quantum loops. Remnants also cause trouble in the thermal atmosphere of a big black hole [19]. A possibility for remnants is that they are baby universes. One approach to baby universes was to consider in a Euclidean approach our large universe and the effects on its physics due to a condensate of tiny (Planck-sized) wormholes. Arguments were made [20] that the tiny wormholes lead to no observable loss of quantum coherence in our universe. Nonetheless, the baby universe story does involve in-principle information loss in our universe, and the physics depends on selection of the wavefunction of the universe. It is also difficult [21] to be sure that there are only tiny wormholes present. Lastly, as we mentioned previously, Wick rotation from Euclidean to Lorentzian signature is not in general a well-understood operation in quantum gravity. The original Hawking radiation calculation is semiclassical, i. e. the black hole is treated classically while the matter fields are treated quantum-mechanically. The computation of the thermal radiation spectrum, and subsequent computations, use at some point unwarranted assumptions about physics above the Planck scale. This is a fatal flaw in the argument for information loss. It has however been argued in [6] that the precise nature of this super-Planckian physics does not impact the Hawking spectrum very much, and that as such it is a robust semiclassical result. The information return devil is in the details, however. Susskind's analogy between the black hole and a lump of coal fired on by a laser beam makes this quite explicit. An interesting piece of semiclassical physics [25] is that all except a small part of the black hole spacetime near the singularity can be foliated by Cauchy surfaces called "nice slices", which have the property that both infalling matter and outgoing
365 Hawking radiation have low energy in the local frame of the slice. An adiabatic argument [25] then led to the conclusion that return of information in the framework of local field theory is difficult to reconcile with the existence of nice slices. One possibility is that the singularity plays an important role in returning information, although it can hardly do so in a local manner. Showing that the information return scenario is inconsistent turns out to be very difficult. One of the salient features of a black hole is that it has a long information retention time, as argued in [27, 12] using a result of Page [26] on the entropy of subsystems. The construction involves a total system made up of two subsystems, black hole and Hawking radiation; it is assumed that the black hole horizon provides a true dividing line between the two. The entropy of entanglement encodes how entangled the quantum states of the two subsystems are. In the literature there has been some confusion about the physical significance of the entanglement entropy. Let us just mention that although in the above example it is bounded above by the statistical entropy of the black hole, it is generally not identical to the black hole entropy. The information return scenario does require that we give up on semiclassical gravity as a way of understanding quantum gravity. We also consider it unlikely that the properties needed to resolve the information problem are visible in perturbation theory at low (or indeed all) orders [29]. It is therefore very interesting to search for precisely which properties of string theory will help us solve the information problem. Although perturbative string theory obeys cluster decomposition, it does not obey the same axioms as local quantum field theory. In addition, the only truly gaugeinvariant observable in string theory is the S-matrix. Some preliminary investigations of locality and causality properties of string theory were made in [28]. The conclusions we wish the reader to draw from the discussion of this subsection are twofold. Firstly, the violations of locality needed in order to return information must be subtle, in order not to mess up known low-energy physics. Secondly, we will have to understand physics at and beyond the Planck scale to understand precisely why black holes do not gobble up information. It is likely that there is a subtle interplay between the IR and the UV of the theory in quantum gravity, entailing breakdown of the usual Wilsonian QFT picture of the impact of UV physics on IR physics. It is also possible that the fundamental rules of quantum mechanics need to be altered, although there is no clear idea yet of how this might occur. Recent studies of non-commutative gauge theories such as [30] show that those theories whose commutative versions are not finite possess IR/UV mixing. We await further exciting progress in this subject and look forward to applications. We now move to the subject of the p-brane cousins of black holes in the string theory context.
Quantum numbers, and solution-generating
In order to discover which black holes and p-branes occur in string theories, we need to start by identifying the actions analogous to the Einstein action and thereby the quantum numbers that the black holes and p-branes can carry. In this section we stick to classical physics; we will discuss quantum corrections in section (4).
String actions and p-branes
In Clifford Johnson's lectures at this School, you saw how the low-energy Lagrangians for string theory are derived. Here, for simplicity, we will discuss only in the Type IIA and IIB supergravities. These supergravity theories possess J V = 2 supersymmetry in d = 10, i.e. they have 32 real supercharges. Type IIB is chiral as its two MajoranaWeyl 16-component spinors have the same chirality, while IIA is nonchiral as its spinors have opposite chirality. There are two sectors of massless modes of Type-II strings: NS-NS and R-R. In the NS-NS sector we have the string metric 1 GM„, the two-form potential Bg, and the scalar dilaton $. In the R-R sector we have the n-form potentials Cn, n even for IIB and odd for IIA. For Type IIA, the independent R-R potentials are Ci,C3. The low-energy effective action of IIA string theory is d = 10 IIA supergravity: SA
RG + 4 (d$)2 - j (dBs) + (fermions)
\ (2dC,)2 - \ (dC3 - 2dB2C1)2} + ±-tdC3dC3Bt.
I • 64
(2.1) We have shifted the dilaton field so that it is zero at infinity. Aside from the signature convention, we have used conventions of [31]2, where antisymmetrisation is done with weight one, e.g. (dA)^ = i ( c ^ - d„A„) . (2.2) In the action we could have used the Hodge dual 'magnetic' (8—n)-form potentials instead of the 'electric' ones, e.g. a, 6-form NS-NS potential instead of the 2-form. However, we cannot allow both the electric and magnetic potentials in the same Lagrangian, as it would result in propagating ghosts. The funny cross terms, such as dCs A dC3 A B2, are required by supersymmetry. In many cases there is a consistent truncation to an action without the cross terms, but compatibility with the field equations has to be checked in every case. For Type IIB string theory, the R-R 5-form field strength F 5 + = dC+ is self-dual, and so there is no covariant action from which the field equations can be derived. 'Not to be confused with the Einstein tensor, which we never use here. Typos in the T-duality formulae are fixed in [57].
367 Define Hs = dCg, £ = Co; Hs = dB2. is
Then the equations of motion for the metric
l Xp H v)Xp- — (H - £H)^H -G,-(v{H
+ T6 2 *
- IHf +
^(F^KF^): (2.3)
while for the scalars they are
V 2 $= (d$)2 + ±RG + ^H2, (2-4)
V2£ = --JP" A (H - m) 2
/ 1fauX
and for the gauge fields
\(£2 + e~2*)H - lit} fll/p
10, =+TTF 1 vpaXn
= —F^H'**,
Ft = 'Ft • Now recall that in d = 4 electromagnetism, an electrically charged particle couples to Ai (or its field strength F2), while the dual field strength *FS gives rise to a magnetic coupling to point particles. By analogy, a p-brane in rf=10 couples to Cn-p+i "electrically", or Ci-P magnetically. As a result, we find 1-branes "Fl" and 5-branes "NS5" coupling to the NS-NS potential B&, and p-branes "Dp" coupling to the R-R potentials C p + 1 (or their Hodge duals). Reviews of p-branes in string theory can be found in [32, 33]. Not all aspects of the physics of the R-R gauge fields can be gleaned from the action / equations of motion given for IIA and IIB above. The reader is referred to the recent work of e.g. [34] for discussion of subtle effects involving charge quantisation, global anomalies, self-duality, and the connection to K-theory. We will stick to putting branes on Rd or Td where these effects will not bother us.
Conserved quantities: mass, angular momentum, charge
There is a large variety of objects in string theory carrying conserved quantum numbers. These conserved quantities include the energy which, if there is a rest frame available, becomes the mass M. In D dimensions, we also have the skew matrix J^"' with [\{D—1)] eigenvalues which are the independent angular momenta, J^. The last type of conserved quantity couples to the long range R-R gauge field; it is gauge charge Q. All of these are defined by integrating up quantities which are conserved courtesy of the equations of motion.
368 The low-energy approximation to string theory yielded the supergravity actions we saw in the previous subsection. When a p-brane is present and thereby sources the supergravity fields, there is an additional term in the action encoding the collective modes of the brane. The low-energy action for the bulk supergravity with brane is then S = SsuGRA + "Sbrane I
Such a combined action is well-defined for classical string theory. For fundamental quantum string theory, a different representation of degrees of freedom would be necessary. See e.g. [36] for a discussion of some of these issues. The second term is an integral only over the p+1 dimensions of the p-brane worldvolume, while the first term is an integral over the d=10 bulk. If we then vary this action with respect to the bulk supergravity fields we obtain delta-function sources on the right hand sides of the supergravity equations of motion, at the location of the brane. Let us consider the mass and angular momenta first. In d=10, p-branes of codimension smaller than 3 give rise to spacetimes which are not asymptotically fiat; there are not enough space dimensions to allow the fields to have Coulomb tails. We do not have space to review these cases here; we refer the reader to e.g. sections 5.4 and 5.5 of [35] where Scherk-Schwarz reduction is also discussed, and to [37]. For the p-branes this means we will consider only p < 7. The mass for an isolated gravitating system can be defined by referring its spacetime to one which is nonrelativistic and weakly gravitating [38]. Let us go to Einstein frame, i.e. where S
= /^(T^+£—)•
(2 7)
where the Einstein metric g is given in terms of the string metric G as glu> = e-i*HD-VGia,.
Notice that in the action (2.1), the dilaton field had the "wrong-sign" action in string frame; however, it becomes "right-sign" in this Einstein frame. Also, recall that we have defined the dilaton field $ to be zero at infinity; we keep track of the asymptotic value of the string coupling by keeping explicit powers of gs where required. The field equation for the Einstein metric is in D dimensions R^
- $giwR = 87rG D T^ a t t e r ) ,
where R^ is the Ricci tensor and j^™ atter ) mls the energy-momentum tensor. Far away, the metric becomes flat. Let us linearise about the Minkowski metric ??M„ 0M" = V - + V - i
( 2 - 10 )
i.e. consider only first order terms in the deviation h. (To this order in algebraic quantities, we raise and lower indices with the Minkowski metric.) We also impose
369 the condition that the system be non-relativistic, so that time derivatives can be neglected and Too 3> T 0 , » Ty. Under coordinate transformations Sx^ = f , the metric deviation h transforms as Sh^ = —2d^vy Let us (partially) fix this symmetry by demanding dv (ft"" - \rTtij) = 0 • (2.11) This is called the harmonic gauge condition. Then the field equation for the deviation h becomes (#$) V
= 16TTGD
rp(matter) A
-167rG D T^.
The indices i = 1 . . . (D — 1) are contracted on the left hand side of this equation with the flat metric. The field equation in harmonic gauge (2.12) is a Laplace equation and it has the solution
h x)
^ = (D-mo-Jd
if-a"-' '
where the prefactor comes from the Green's function and Q.n =area(5"). Now let us expand this in moments, 16TTG D
M*) = m (£> ^ - T 3)fir D^_ 2 {^3 / ^itfUl/) + ^
/ dD" W ^ y )
(2.14) On the other hand, the definitions of the ADM linear and angular momenta are P"=
f d^yT1*0
J»v = j dD~ly (y»Tv0 - yvT»°)
(Notice that the stress tensors appearing in these formula? are not the tilde'd versions of T.) Evaluating in rest frame yields some simplifications, and gives the following relations from which we can read off the mass and angular momenta of our spacetime: 1§
16TTGD 9ii
+ •• •; M
(D-2)(D-3)nD_2rD-s+""' IQnGpxU^ u l AD-2 r
(2 16)
For spacetimes which are not asymptotically flat [e.g. Dp-branes with p > 7), we must use different procedures, which we do not have space to review here. We now move to the analysis of conserved charges carried by branes. For this, we need to know not only the bulk action but also the relevant piece of the brane action. For Dp-branes, the part we need is
370 Here and in the following, to save carrying around clunky notation, we are using Cp+i to refer to either the usual R-R potential or its Hodge dual, as appropriate according to the brane. For a single type of brane it is consistent to ignore the funny cross-terms in the supergravity action, and so the relevant piece of the bulk action is
5 SUGRA - ^ s
J d xV-G
2 ( p + 2),
+ ... .
The field equation for the potential C is then d*(dCp+1)
= (2n)7e8s*(Jp+1),
where the conserved p + 1-form current J is Jp+1{x) = - ( 2 T T ) ^ + 1 fdX°...dX'610(X
- x).
The physics is easiest to see in static gauge A""<(a) = a " S
i = 0...p.
The Noether charge is the integral of the current, and using the field equations we see that it is Qp=
(If these were NS-type branes, there would be a prefactor of e " 2 * / ^ in the integrand.) In addition to the field equation for C there is the Bianchi identity, d([dC}p+2)=0,
from which we deduce the existence of a topological charge, Pi
As discussed in [39], these obey the Dirac quantisation condition QPP7-P = 2im, neZ.
Here we have concentrated on Dp-branes because they have proven to be of great importance in recent years in studies of the physics of black holes in the context of string theory.
The supersymmetry algebra
The supersymmetry algebra is of central importance to a supergravity theory. Indeed, many of the properties of the supergravity theory can be worked out from it, see e.g. [40]. An introduction to the mechanics of supersymmetry can be found in [41]. The (anti-)commutators involving two supersymmetry generators Q are
{Qa, Qf>] ~ (cr")ap p» + a (cr" 1 -'*) a / J zl(ll..,,p],
where C is the charge conjugation matrix, T's are antisymmetrised products of gamma matrices, Z are p-brane charges, and P^ is the momentum vector. If there is a rest frame, then {Qa, Q,} ~ {CT°)a0 M + a (Cr 1 -")afj Z{x...p]. (2.27) Let us sandwich a physical states |phys) around this algebra relation. The state Q|phys) has nonnegative norm, and a bit of algebra gives M>a\Z\,
which is know as the Bogomolnyi bound. This bound can also be derived by analysing the supergravity Lagrangian, via the Nester procedure; see [42] for examples of the derivation for Af=l,2 supergravity in d=4. In this derivation it is important that boundary conditions for bulk fields at infinity are specified. The constant a in the Bogomolnyi bound depends on the theory and its couplings. States saturating the bound must be annihilated by at least one SUSY generator Q, so they are supersymmetric or "BPS states". It turns out that the relation M = a\Z\ is not renormalised by quantum corrections, although generically both the mass and the charge may be renormalised. The statistical degeneracy of states is also unrenormalised. (For sub-maximal supersymmetry, jumping phenomena, whereby new multiplets appear at a certain value of the coupling constant, are not ruled out in general. However, they are not known to occur in any example involving black holes that we will discuss.) In the supergravity theory the supersymmetry transformations of the fields have a spinorial parameter e. For preserved supersymmetries, the SUSY relation gives the projection condition, again schematic, (1 + [sgn(Z)] r 01 "' p ) £ = 0 .
For the special case of d = 11 supergravity, the matrix on the left hand side of the anticommutator relation (2.26), which is real and symmetric and therefore has 528 components, can be regarded as belonging to the adjoint representation of the group 5p(32;K). The decomposition of this representation with respect to the d = 11 Lorentz group 50(1,10) goes as 528 —>• 11(B559)462. The purely spatial components of the two central charges Z, which have two and five indices respectively, correspond to charge carried by the M2- and M5-branes. In a similar fashion, inspection of
372 the momentum vector yields the existence of the massless gravitational wave, often denoted MW in the literature. The remaining ten components of the two-index central charge, which may involve of course only one temporal index, correspond to the Horava-Witten domain walls in the construction of Es x E$ heterotic string from M theory, while the remaining 210 components of the five-index central charge, involving again just one temporal component by antisymmetry, correspond to the d — 11 Kaluza-Klein monopole, denoted MK, which possesses NUT charge. The details, including the identification of preserved supersymmetries, are presented very nicely in [40]. In d = 10 supergravity the analogs of MK and MW are denoted W and KK. The above facts can be used with some work to identify the theory- and objectdependent constant in the schematic SUSY bound M > a\Z\, aF1 ~ 1
1 aDp ~ —
1 aNS5 ~ -5- •
, (2.30)
Since the charges Z are integer-quantized in the quantum theory (but not in supergravity) , we see from these relations and the mass-charge formula that for weak string coupling the Fl-branes are the lightest degrees of freedom. Therefore, in perturbative string theory, they are the fundamental degrees of freedom, while the Dp and NS5 are two qualitatively different kinds of soliton. However, in other regions of parameter space Fl's will not be "fundamental", as they will no longer be the lightest degrees of freedom. This gives rise to the notion of 'p-brane democracy' [43]. By analogy with the Reissner-Nordstrom black holes we met in the section 1, we can have extremal black p-brane spacetimes, which have zero Hawking temperature. Generally, for these extremal spacetimes there is some unbroken supersymmetry in the bulk, but this is not required to happen unless there is only one type of brane present.
Unit conventions, dimensional reduction and dualities
For units, we will be using the conventions of the textbook [39]. The fundamental string tension is TF1 =
2 ^ ^ 2 ^ f
(2 31)
while the Dp-brane tension (mass per unit p-volume) is
TDp =
^ F '
(2 32)
and the NS5-brane tension is r
NS5 —
\r:^ •
373 In ten dimensions the Newton constant G is related to the gravitational coupling re and ft, 4 by 167TG 10 = 2 4 , = (2^) 7 5 s 2 ^ .
To get units convenient for T-duality, we define any volume V to have implicit 27r's in it. If the fields of the theory are independent of (10 — d) coordinates, then the integration measure factorizes as f dwx = [(2'jr)10~dViQ-li] J ddx. We can use this directly to find any lower-dimensional Newton constant from the ten-dimensional one, as follows: Gd=
(2 35)
The Planck length in d dimensions, £d, is defined by !6nGd = {2ir)d-3edd-2 .
From these facts we can see that there is a neat interdimensional consistency in the expression for the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy. Let us take a black p-brane and wrap it on Tp to make d = 10 — p black hole. Translational symmetry along the p-brane means that the horizon has a product structure, and so the entropy is SRH
Ai+P 4Gd+p
Ad{2^YVp 4Gd+p
4G? which is the same as the black hole entropy. As a reminder, we mention that the event horizon area in the Bekenstein-Hawking formula must always be computed in the Einstein frame, which is the frame where the kinetic term for the metric is canonically normalized, Sgrav = Y^G~d / ^~9R[g] •
The relation between the Einstein and string metrics was shown in eqn (2.8), g^ = e-«/(D-2)G#u/.
Figuring out the constants is only one small part of the mechanics of dimensional reduction. We now move to a simple example of Kaluza-Klein reduction of fields in string frame, by reducing on a circle of radius R. More complicated toroidal reduction equations may be found in standard references such as [44]. Label the d dimensional system with no hats and the (d — 1) system with hats. Split the indices as {a^} = {x^,z}. The vielbeins decompose as
W - ( ? ">)
- «w - ( 6 " IS 4 '"' ^ ) • <2-M>
374 and $ = $ + ^x;
which yield 1 ddxV^Ge-^RG 16nGd ' l
167rG d
f dl-1xy/^de-2*
(2.41) R6 + 4(9$) 2 - {dxf
- Je 2 * (2<9i)'
More generally, reduction on several directions on tori or Calabi-Yau manifolds leads to large U-duality groups, e.g. E(7,7) for Type II on T"6, £(6,6) for Type II on T 5 . A survey of supergravities in diverse dimensions can be found in [45]. The Kaluza-Klein procedure can also be done in Einstein frame. Taking the metric ds2 = e2a*ds2 + e2/3* (dz + Aadx^ * ,
with P = (2 - D)a and a2 = 1/[2(D - 1){D - 2)] [35] gives ^g-Rg
= ^
(ii* - | ( a x ) 2 -
where F is the field strength of A. We now turn to a very quick reminder on some common and useful dualities. Type IIA <->• M-theory The 11th coordinate x* is compactified on a circle of radius Ri = gA •
The supergravity fields decompose as ds?! = (8A3) =
e- 2 */ 3 d5 2 0 + e 4 */ 3 (dx* +
e 4 */ 3 (dC3 - 2H3C,) + | e * / 3 (8B2) dx^.
We can turn M-theory objects into Type IIA objects by pointing them in the 11th direction {^/) or not (J,). W / I DO W
M2 M5 KK >/ 4 ,/ I / I • F l D2 D4 NS5 D6 KK
S-duality of IIB The low-energy limit of IIB string theory, IIB supergravity, possesses a SL(2,R) symmetry (it is broken to SL(2,Z) in the full string theory). Define A = C0 + xe^
) .
375 Under an SL(2,K) transformation represented by the matrix b
.) GSL(2,R),
the fields transform as H^UH
A-^^±*. (2.49) v cX + d ' The d = 10 Einstein metric and the self-dual five-form field strength are invariant. A commonly considered Z 2 subgroup obtains when C0 = 0. The Z 2 flips the sign of <&, and exchanges B2 and Cg. The result is Dl
all others such as W and KK are unaffected, and the D3 goes into itself. The effect of this Z 2 on units is 9s = —
Ss*4 = 5s<4-
From this one can easily check that the tensions of e.g. F l and Dl's transform into each other under the Z 2 flip. T-duality The operation of T-duality on a circle switches winding and momentum modes of fundamental strings (Fl) and exchanges Type IIA and IIB. The effect on units is to invert the radius in string units, and leave the string coupling in one lower dimension unchanged: |
= -$=
4 = 4-
T-duality does not leave all branes invariant; it changes the dimension of a D-brane depending on whether the transformation is performed on a circle parallel (||) or perpendicular (J_) to the worldvolume. It also changes the character of a KK or NS5; doing T-duality along the isometry direction (isom) of the KK gives an NS5. Summarising, we have: Dp O D p - 1 ( | | ) or Dp + 1 ( ± ) ,
KK (isom) o NS5 ;
Everything else is unaffected. Let z be the isometry direction. Then T-duality acts on NS-NS fields as follows: ezv =
/Gzz 1
G^ =
B^v =
= 1/G„,
G tiz
— B^ZBVZ) /G. - G^ZBVZ) jG.
& y.z
^-*/j.z / ^Jzz 5
376 T-duality also acts on R-R fields, and the correct formulae can be found in [57]. For simple situations involving no NS-NS B-field and no off-diagonal metric components, we have either Cn+i=Cn A dz (_L) or Cn A dz=Cn+\ (||), as appropriate. Note that if we do T-duality on a supergravity Dp-brane in a direction perpendicular to its worldvolume, we are dualising in a direction which is not an isometry, because the metric and other fields depend on the coordinates transverse to the brane. But the T-duality formulae for supergravity fields apply only when the direction along which the T-duality is done is an isometry direction. If it is not, then we should first "smear" the Dp-brane in that direction to create an isometry and then do T-duality. We will discuss smearing explicitly in subsection (3.2) for the case of BPS branes. Note also that in the presence of some branes, string momentum or winding number may not be conserved, e.g. string winding number in a KK background. However, the conserved quantity transforms as expected under T-duality, as discussed in [46].
An example of solution-generating
In general, finding new solutions of supergravity actions can be quite difficult because the equations of motion are very nonlinear. The search for new solutions is aided by classical no-hair theorems, which say that once the conserved charges of the system of interest are determined, the spacetime geometry is unique. It is important for applicability of the no-hair theorems that any black hole singularity be hidden behind an event horizon; the theorems fail in spacetimes with naked singularities. There is a solution-generating method available in string theory which is purely algebraic(l). We will wrap up this section by giving an explicit example of how easily new solutions can be made using this method, by starting with a known solution. Consider a neutral black hole in (d — 1) dimensions, which may be thought of as a higher-dimensional version of d=4 Schwarzschild: dSl,
= - (1 - K{p)) dt2 + (1 - Kip))-1
dp2 + p2dQ2d_3 ,
K(p) = (^J
There is no gauge field or dilaton turned on, so this is a solution in string and Einstein frame. The mass of this spacetime is obtained using the general procedure of subsection 2.2. The harmonic gauge condition is satisfied here and so, via WirGd-iMd-x (d - 3)S2d_3pd we extract (d-3)^,r*-« 167rG
, 4
377 Since this black hole is a solution of the d— 1 dimensional Einstein equations, taking a direct product of it with the real line E satisfies the d dimensional Einstein equations (this can be checked explicitly). This procedure is called a "lift" and we end up with a configuration in d dimensions with translational invariance in the z direction: dS2d = =
dz2 - (1 - K{p)) dt2 + (1 - Kip))'1
dp2 + p2dtt2d_3,
(-dt2 + dz2) + K{p)dt2 + (1 - K(p))-1
dp2 + p2d£i\
Now let us do a boost on this configuration: dt \ dz J
(cosh7 \ sinh7
sinh7 \ ( dt cosh7 J \dz
This transformation takes solutions to solutions, as can be checked by substituting into the equations of motion. Boosting is a general procedure that can be used to make new solutions, as in [47]. The metric is affected as dSj ' = =
(-dt2 + dz2) + K(p) (cosh7rfi + sinrrydz) 2 + (l-K(p)yldp2 + p2dSl2_3 -dt2 (l - K(p) cosh 2 7 ) + dz2 (l + K(p) sinh 2 7 ) +2dtdzcosh7sinh7A'( / 9) + (1 - K(p))~l dp2 + p2d£l\^
The horizon, which is at Gpp -4 0, occurs when K(p) = 1 i.e. at p = rH, not at Gtt = 0. Now, suppose the z dimension is compactified on a circle whose radius is R at oo, i.e. in the asymptotically flat region of the geometry. At p = r^, by contrast, the radius of the circle at the horizon is R y'G z z (r=rH) = Rcosh7 > R. Therefore we see that adding longitudinal momentum makes the compactified dimension larger at the horizon. Now let us KK down again to make new (d — l)-dimensional black hole. We had in subsection (2.4) the relations dSj =
d 5 j _ ! + e2* (dz + A^dzA2
so, for example, Gtt = GU -
= -I + * c o s h 2 7 -
^C°t7Sin"T • (1 + K smh 7)
378 and K(p) cosh7sinh7 (l + K(p) sinh 2 7 ) '
At =
and e* = e~5* = (1 + K(p) sinh 2 7 ) * .
The conserved quantum numbers of this new spacetime are ^-3rdH4
[(d - 3) + (d - 4) sinh 2 7] (2.66)
_ J?B 167rG [|«i
- sinh(27)
To regain the original neutral black hole, we simply take the limit 7 —> 0. Now consider taking the opposite limit 7 —>• 00. In order to keep our expressions from blowing up, we must also take the horizon radius of the original black hole to zero, rH —> 0, in such a fashion that r
k = fixed ,
Defining light-cone coordinates dz± dS2d
~2dz^ dz
so K(p)
(t ± z)/\/2, k
k „d-4
we find in the higher dimension (dp2 +
2 P
This is the gravitational wave W, which has zero ADM mass in d dimensions. If we wanted to create a (NS-NS) charged black string configuration instead of a gravitational wave, we would use T-duality as in (2.54) to convert; we would get the fundamental string F l . We could then use other dualities to convert that to a Dpbrane or NS5-brane spacetime. Taking the same limit for the (d — l)-dimensional black hole gives the extremal black hole, which has zero Hawking temperature. The connection between these two extremal animals is brought into relief via the relation M? = 0 = Ml
The d - 1-dimensional charge is the z-component of the rf-dimensional momentum. The wave W is one of the purely gravitational BPS objects in string theory. The other is the KK monopole. Labelling the five longitudinal directions 2/1...5, and the four transverse directions Xi,i = 1,2,3, and z; the metric is ds2
-dt2 + dy2...b + H~l{x) (dz + Aidx1)
379 The Ai can be found via the curl equation, given that H = 1 + k/\x\. The periodicity of the azimuthal angle must be A-n to avoid conical singularities. If we want to put angular momenta J; on our charged black holes, strings, or branes, we must start with a Kerr-type black hole, rather than a Schwarzschild-type one. In Boyer-Lindqvist-type coordinates, with one angular momentum a and Gd temporarily set to 1 for simplicity, the metric in d > 3 dimensions is [38] ds2d=
(p 2 + a2 cos20 - 2mp5-dL) 2 , , , , 2mpb~da sin26> -¥-—— 2 + 2dtd
[(p2 + a2) (p 2 + a2 cos20) + 2ma2 s i n 2 ^ 5 " " ] V
{ + C0S2 / f °} Jp2 p2 + a2 — 2mpb~d
+ (pv 2 + a2 cos20) d62 + p2 cos29da 2d-4 '
The horizon is at G" —>• 0, i.e. at p2 + a2 - 2mp5-d = 0 .
There is a behaviour change at d=5. For d=4, r±=m ± \/m2 — a? and so there is a maximum angular momentum amax=m. For d=5, the horizons are present if a2 < m, and the singularity structure is different. In addition, angular momentum is consistent with supersymmetry [48], unlike for d=4. Lastly, for d > 5 , there is always a solution with r+ > 0 , so there is no restriction on the angular momentum for classical rotating black holes. The equations and the analysis are more complicated if there are two or more angular momentum parameters. The details are contained in [38]. Note that these higher-d black holes can be used as the starting point for generating rotating string and brane solutions using the boosting procedure, in direct analogy to the example we gave above. For example, since we obtain a d=W string by doing boosts and dualities on a d=9 black hole, we see that there are up to four independent angular momentum parameters for a black string.
p-branes, extremal and non-extremal
String theory spacetimes with conserved quantum numbers can be black holes, but more commonly they are black p-branes [51]. These objects have translational symmetry in p spatial directions and, as a consequence, their horizon (for zero angular momenta) is typically topologically WxS4-1, where d is the number of space dimensions transverse to the p-brane. Type IIA string theory in the strong coupling limit is eleven-dimensional supergravity, which has only two fields in its bosonic sector, the metric tensor and the three-form gauge potential. We start our discussion of branes with the BPS M-branes.
The BPS M-brane and D-brane solutions
The BPS M2-brane spacetime has worldvolume symmetry group 5 0 ( 1 , 2 ) , and the transverse symmetry group is 5 0 ( 8 ) . Let us define the coordinates parallel and perpendicular to the brane to be (£, x\\) ,x±, respectively. Then, using these symmetries and a no-hair theorem, the spacetime metric turns out to depend only on |rcj_| = r, and has the form ds2u = H~2l3dx\
+ Hll3dx\
A>i2 = -Hj1.
The fact that the same function appears in the metric and gauge field is a consequence of supersymmetry. Note that the metric is automatically in Einstein frame because there is no string frame in d = l l . It turns out that supersymmetry alone is not enough to give the equation that the function H must satisfy; rather, the supergravity equations of motion must be used. One finds that E2 must be harmonic as it satisfies a Laplace equation in x±. The solution is r6
H2 = 1 + -f ,
where r62 = S2TT2N2£6U
where we remind the reader that £u is the eleven-dimensional Planck length. The BPS M5-brane has symmetry group 5 0 ( 1 , 5 ) x 5 0 ( 5 ) , and the metric is ds2u = H21/3dx\
+ H2/3dx\
and the harmonic function is this time Hb = 1 + T-\ ,
where r\ = nN5e3n .
In this case, the gauge field is magnetically coupled, F{ is proportional to the volume element on the 5 4 transverse to the M5-brane. For the M2, the origin of coordinates r = 0 is singular and so there must be a 5-function source there, to wit the fundamental M2-brane. This happens essentially because the M2-brane is electrically coupled. The magnetically coupled BPS M5brane is solitonic and nonsingular, in that the geometry admits a maximal analytic extension without singularities [49]. However, the nonextremal version of the M5 has a singularity and does need a source. Near-horizon, the M2 spacetime is AdS^ x 5 7 and the M5 is AdS7 x 5 4 . Since the M2 and M5 are asymptotically flat, again we have interpolation between 2 highly supersymmetric vacua as in the case of the Reissner-Nordstrom black hole. Let us now move down to ten dimensions. The symmetry for BPS Dp-branes is 50(1,p) x 5 0 ( 9 - p). In the string frame, the solutions are [51]: dS2
= Hp(r)~L2 (-dt2
+ di|) +
e* = i / p ( r ) K 3 - P ) , Cm...v = g-1 [1 - Hp(r)-1}
Hp{r)+Uxl, (3-5)
extremal Dp (P*3)
^ M5 D
\ / M 2
Figure 2: The Penrose diagrams for the extremal M- and Dp-branes. The function Hp(r) is harmonic; it satisfies d\Hp(r) Hp = 1 +
= 0,
= ( 2v ^)( 5 "P)r[|(7-p)].
Note that the function Hp would still be harmonic if the constant piece, namely the 1, were missing. The asymptotically fiat part of the geometry would be absent for this solution. The (double) horizon of the Dp-brane geometry occurs at r — 0, and in every case except the D3-branes the singularity is located there as well. Hence, for the Dp-branes with p / 3, the singularity is null. Since the singularity and the horizons coincide for these cases, we may worry that the singularity is not properly hidden behind an event horizon, and so perhaps it should be classified as naked. We therefore demand that a null or timelike geodesic coming from infinity should not be able to bang into the singularity in finite affine parameter. Interestingly, this condition separates out the D6-brane from the others as being the only one possessing a naked singularity! 3 For the D3-brane the dilaton is constant, and the spacetime turns out to be totally nonsingular: all curvature invariants are finite everywhere. This allows a smooth analytic extension inside the horizon, like the case of the M5-brane [49]. The nearhorizon D3-brane spacetime is AdS^ x S&. The Penrose diagram for the D3 is like that of the M5. The causal structures of the BPS M-branes and Dp-branes are summarised in the Penrose diagrams in Fig.2. Note that the isotropic coordinates x± cover only part (shaded) of the maximally extended spacetime. The F l and NS5 spacetimes may be found by using the T- and S-duality formulae that we gave in the last subsection. 3 We first realized this in a conversation with Donald Marolf, although the observation may not be original.
Arraying BPS branes
Consider the BPS Dp-branes. They are described by the metric (3.5) with a singlecentred harmonic function Hp. In fact, BPS multi-centre solutions are also allowed because the equation for Hp, V\HP = 0, is linear: H^l
+ ^N/l-"^]
^ ^ ;
The physical reason this works is that parallel BPS branes of the same kind are in static equilibrium: the repulsive gauge forces cancel against the attractive gravitational and dilatonic forces. Let us make an infinite array of Dp-branes along the xp+1 direction with periodicity 2irR. Define r2 = f2 + (xp+1)2 ; (3.8) then oo
Hp = 1 + cpgsNpfs-p
r-— .
Now, if x± S> R, then the summand varies slowly with n and we can approximate the sum by an integral. Changing variables to u, xp+1 = 1-KRU - fu ,
we obtain
Hp ~
1 +cpgsNpls
-\p+1}J du-
= IP. The quantity Ip can be easily evaluated, ip = ^ F r [i(7 - {p +1})] / r [i(7 - p ) ] . Then using bp = {2^f-pT Hj,~l
[i(7 - p)] we find +
We can now take the limit that the arrayed objects make a linear density of branes. Then matching the thereby smeared harmonic function with the (p + l)-brane harmonic function Hp+i gives
" = vky
(3 14)
We see that the linear density of p-branes per unit length in string units becomes the number of (p + l)-branes.
383 To check the identification we use the T-duality rules (2.54), with the isometry direction xp+1 = z, to obtain dS2
= # " * {-df
+ dxl,p + dz*) + E) (df2 + f 2 dfif 8 _ (p+1)] ) ;
Coi...P+i = ft"1 [1 - -ffp"1] • These agree with our expectations; they are precisely the supergravity fields appropriate to the D(p+l)-brane. The procedure of arraying the branes and then taking the limit is known as "smearing"; it results in a larger brane. Unsmearing, on the other hand, is in general difficult because dependence on the additional coordinate(s) must be reconstructed. In the case of a single type of D-branes we can guess and correctly get known results, but more generally guessing is not enough. In some cases with intersecting branes, unsmeared solutions do not exist, for good physics reasons [52]. Using dualities and our arraying formulae we can of course interconnect all Mbranes and D-branes with the NS-branes, W and KK. In working through this exercise, it is worth remembering that worldvolume directions are already isometry directions, and so in reducing along a worldvolume direction of a Dp-brane we have simply iVp+i = Np.
p-brane probe actions and kappa symmetry
We would now like to consider what happens when we probe a Dp-brane spacetime, using another Dp-brane. We will treat the probe as a "test" brane, i. e. we will ignore its effect on the background geometry. This is a very good approximation provided that N, the number of branes sourcing the spacetime, is large. The action of a probe brane in a supergravity background has two pieces, Sprobe
'S'DBI + ^WZ ,
which are, to lowest order in derivatives, 5DBI=
, 0 \ ,p+1
/ d P + W - V - d e t P t G ^ + ^TrF^ + g ^ D ,
(3.17) Swz=
- , ' ,
+ 1
/ P e x p {2wF2 + B2)A @nCn .
where the a are the worldvolume coordinates and P denotes pullback to the worldvolume of bulk fields. The brane action encodes both kinetic and potential information, such as which branes can end on other branes [54, 55]. The WZ term, in particular, encodes the fact that Dp-branes can carry charge of smaller D-branes by having worldvolume field strength F2 turned on.
384 Let us digress a bit on the structure of this action before we do the actual probe computation. The action we have written is appropriate for a brane which is topologically R 1 *, and it also works for branes wrapped on tori. If the D-brane is wrapped on a manifold which is not flat, extra terms arise in the probe action. An example is the case of K3, where extra curvature terms appear [56], consistent with dualities. Another interesting piece of physics which this action for a single probe brane does not capture is the dielectric or "puffing up" phenomenon of [57]. What happens there is that the presence of n probe branes allows some non-commutative terms in the probe branes' action which couple in to higher R-R form potentials. An example is the fact that DO-branes in a constant 4-form field strength background develop a spherical D2-brane aspect. For details on the modifications to the probe Dp-brane actions, the reader is referred to [57]. The full action for n probe branes, which involves a nonabelian U(n) worldvolume gauge field, is in fact not known explicitly because the derivative expansion and the expansion in powers of the field strength F can no longer be unambiguously separated. See the recent review [58]. The action Sprobe possesses bulk supersymmetry, but not world-brane supersymmetry a priori. The U{\) gauge field F2 lives on the branes, while the metric and B-field are pullbacked to the brane in a supersymmetric way, e.g.
p (Ga0) = (dax» - ier»dae) {d0xv - iovdpe) G^ .
After fixing of reparametrisation gauge invariance and on-shell, there are twice too many fermionic degrees of freedom. This problem is familiar already from the GreenSchwarz approach to superstring quantisation [59]. The solution lies in an additional symmetry known as kappa-symmetry, a local fermionic symmetry which eliminates the unwanted fermionic degrees of freedom via a projection condition. In the case of Green-Schwarz quantisation of the superstring in a flat background, kappa-symmetric actions need a constant B2 turned on. In light-front gauge, the projection condition which ensues is T+9l>2 = 0, and then via the equations of motion one sees that the erstwhile worldsheet scalars 8 are in fact worldsheet spinors, and worldsheet supersymmetry then becomes manifest. See also the very recent important work of [60], in which a manifestly supersymmetric covariant quantisation of the Green-Schwarz superstring has been achieved. A similar procedure works for the D-branes as well. In this case the DBI and WZ terms need each other in order to ensure kappa symmetry, all the while respecting bulk supercovariance. There is an intricate consistency [61] between kappa symmetry, the bulk supergravity constraints 4 , and the bulk supergravity equations of motion. In a flat target space, the case of static gauge was worked out in [63]; the kappa symmetry can be used to eliminate 82 and then the other spinor 9l becomes the worldvolume superpartner of the U(l) gauge field and the transverse scalars. More generally, fixing the reparametrisation and kappa gauge symmetries to give manifest Here we mean supergravity constraints in the technical sense; see e.g. [62].
385 worldvolume SUSY is tricky. There has been some progress in AdS x S spaces, see e.g. [64]. Now let us get back to using our test Dp-brane to probe the supergravity spacetime formed by a large number N of the same type of brane. We have for the supergravity background the fields (3.5), which we repeat here for ease of reference,
dS2 = Hp * (-dt2 + dxfj + Hphxl C„i.., = 971 [1 - H;1] • The physics is easiest to interpret in the static gauge, where we fix the worldvolume reparametrisation invariance by setting Xa = a&,
a = 0,...p.
We also have the 9 — p transverse scalar fields X', which for simplicity we take to be functions of time only, Xi = Xi{t), i = p+1...9. (3.20) We will denote the transverse velocities as v',
•'4' Now we can compute the pullback of the metric to the brane. F(Goo) = {d0Xa){d0xe)Gap
= Goo + GywV = -HP ¥(Ga0)
+ Hp^v2;
The next ingredient we need is the determinant of the metric. To start, notice that - d e t P ( G Q / 3 ) ( t ? = 0) = HP{P+1),
y / - d e t P ( G Q ^ ) = Hp ^ (p+1) y/l - VHV.
so that Putting this together with the expression for the dilaton and the R-R field, we obtain SDBI + Swz = ( ^ ^ i
° [-H;1
+ Hp~l- l] .
From this action we learn that the position-dependent part of the static potential vanishes, as it must for a supersymmetric system such as we have here. The constant
386 piece is of course just the Dp-brane tension. In addition, we can expand out this action in powers of the transverse velocity. We see that, to lowest order, 5probe =
/ ^
[-1 + ^ + ° ^
and so the metric on moduli space, which is the coefficient of vlv*, is flat. This is in fact a consequence of having sixteen supercharges preserved by the static system.
Nonextremal branes
In string frame and with a Schwarzschild-type radial coordinate p, the metric and dilaton fields of the nonextremal versions of the Dp-branes can be written as [32] dS2
= - A + ( p ) A _ ( p ) " 2 d i 2 + A_(p)+§dz 2 + A + (p)- 1 A_(p)5(P- 3 )/( 7 -^)- 1 dp 2 + p2A_(p)KP-3>/(7-P>dft2,
=A_(p)i("- 3 >,
where A ± (p) = l - ( ^ )
and the Hodge dual field strength for the R-R potential is directly proportional to the volume-form on the (8—p)-sphere. Defining r7~p = r?f p cosh 2 /?, r7_-p = r7~p sinh 2 /?, (3.29) and making a change of coordinates to r 7 _ p = p7~p — rSp, the metric turns into a form more easily related to the extremal case we studied in the last subsection, dS2 = £> p (r)-i {-K{r)dt2
+ tfef) + Dp{rf* (dr2/K{r)
+ r2dn2a_p) ,
where Dp(r) = 1 + (rH/r)7-p
sinh2/?, ,
K(r) = 1 - (rH/r)7-p
The other fields are Coi.., = (coth/%- 1 [1 - Dp(r)-i]
[6 6Z)
In these expressions, the boost parameter j3 is given by sinh2/5 = - 1 + sj\ + [cpgsN{ls/rHy-pf
387 Notice in particular that in the extremal limit, where rH—>0, /? —>oo. Alternatively, the change in the harmonic function due to nonextremality can be codified in a parameter £ = tanh/3:
Dp(r) = l+Cc p f f s 7V(4/r) 7 -",
C: \ 1 + L2c iV47-p p5s
Then we can express the gauge field as
Coi.., = C V [1 - W
] •
The ADM mass per unit p-volume and the charge are 7-p
(rn/is) cosh2/? + c pS 2(27r) p £? +1 (7-P) 7-P 1 /sfr+r
The Hawking temperature and the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy are, respectively,
C7-p)_ 4irrH cosh/3
?-r&-p cosh/3.
4G 10-p
The extremal solution has degenerate horizons r + = r - , and zero Bekenstein-Hawking entropy 5BH- The Hawking temperature TH of the extremal brane is also zero. If we were to wrap this brane on a Tp, then by the neat consistency of SBH in various dimensions we discussed in section 1, the zero entropy result is also true of the d=(10— p) R-R black hole. The volume of the torus at the horizon oc DP{TH)~^V —> 0 at extremality. This fact is related to zero entropy, via the field equations. The causal structure of the uncompactified nonextremal Dp-brane can be found by noticing that the inner horizon is singular. The Penrose diagram in the (t, p) plane then looks like that of a Schwarzschild black hole. We close the discussion of the nonextremal Dp-brane solutions with a remark on supergravity p-brane equations of state. For near-extremal p-branes, the horizons are nearly degenerate. In this limit, Q —¥ 1, the function Dp(r) —> Hp(r), and the only alteration of the metric due to nonextremality is the presence of K(r). The relation between rH and the energy density above extremality e is r7Hp =
The thermodynamic temperature and entropy are related to e, which in the nearextremal limit is much smaller than the BPS Dp-brane tension, as TH ~ eK5-p)/<7-p)
Figure 3: A black string versus an array of black holes. For general p these relations are not familiar from any field theory. Disagreement between free field theory and supergravity entropies for these non-BPS systems is of course to be expected. There is however one notable exception, the case p = 3. In that case, a free massless gas gives entropy as a function of energy S(e) ~ V(eV)3^. Comparing this to the supergravity equations here, we see that the scaling agrees, with TH playing the role of the temperature T. There is disagreement in detail [65], which comes from ignoring interactions [71]. Other nonextremal branes, such as NS5, can be obtained from the above Dpbrane solutions by duality transformations. We now move to discussion of a general instability afflicting nonextremal branes and black holes.
The Gregory-Laflamme instability
An important instability of nonextremal p-branes was discovered in [66]. The simplest example of this phenomenon, which we now review briefly, occurs for neutral objects. We start with a neutral (d — l)-dimensional black hole. It can come from a neutral configuration in d dimensions in (at least) two different ways. The first is from a black string, wrapped on compactified circle of radius R; and the second is from an array of d-dimensional black holes, spaced by a distance 2-KR. These are shown in Fig. 3. The array has to be infinite in order to get a static solution [67]. It well approximates the metric of the (d — l)-dimensional black hole of interest if the perpendicular distances from the array are much larger than the spacing 2ITR. The question is then to find out which of the above configurations actually eventuates. Let us work in the microcanonical ensemble, which is appropriate for fixed energy (mass) of the system. The basic idea of the Gregory-Laflamme story is that whoever has the biggest entropy wins. The physics point is that the array of black holes has a different entropy than black string, because entropy is proportional to the area of the horizon, and spheres scale differently than cylinders. To see how it goes explicitly, let M a ^ = M string . (3.40) For the black hole in d dimensions, the properties of which we showed in detail in
389 subsection 2.5 on solution-generating, we have Tud~3 M ~ - ^ - ,
rHd~2 S ~ - ^ - .
Therefore the mass per unit length of the array scales as rHd'3 Gd
Marray R
M string R
f^"4 G,j_i
and since the masses must be equal we obtain rdH-3~rd-4R.
Now we can find which configuration has biggest entropy: tj
/ D \ V(d-2)
/ D \ l/(<*-3)
-^ at ring
So the array dominates for small horizon radii, and the black string dominates for large horizon radii. Sending R -t oo, we see that the uncompactified neutral black string is always unstable. One can also see that this string is unstable by doing perturbation theory; there is a tachyonic mode, as shown in the original paper [66]. Note that the Gregory-Laflamme instability is different from the Hawking radiation instability. Let us now consider the possibility that when a neutral black string falls apart into an array of black holes, it violates the cosmic censorship hypothesis. In order for the cylindrically symmetric horizon of the string to break up into an array of spherical horizons, the singularity inside the black string horizon would have to go naked, at least for a while. In gravitational collapse, what may well happen instead is that the bits and pieces will collapse into the configuration preferred by the maximal entropy condition, obviating the need for temporary nakedness. However, in situations where the radius R of the compact dimension varies dynamically in such a way that the string/array transition boundary is crossed, it is difficult to argue that violation of cosmic censorship does not occur. The Gregory-Laflamme result does not imply instability of the uncompactified BPS charged p-branes; there are several ways to see this. The first is that the tachyonic mode found for the neutral systems disappears in the extremal case; the length scale of the instability goes to infinity as the nonextremality parameter goes to zero. Another way to see it is that the BPS branes are protected by the Bogomolnyi bound. Consider what a BPS brane could break up into. A Dp-brane, for example, has a conserved charge, with p even for Type IIA and odd for Type IIB. Therefore, if for example an uncompactified Dl-brane wanted to break up into an array of DO-branes it would be out of luck because DO's and Dl's do not occur in the same theory. If the
390 Dl were wrapped on a circle, there would be a regime (R<£s)m which we should more properly describe it in the T-dual theory, i.e. as a DO. In this case the configuration is still stable, of course. In our discussion of supergravity p-branes, for simplicity we avoided those branes of dimension too large for them to be asymptotically flat. This was partly because they give rise to infrared problems, via logarithmic and linear potentials. We can however make one remark here about domain walls in the context of the GregoryLaflamme instability. Domain walls separating different vacua of a theory will be stable even if they are neutral, because it would cost an infinite amount of energy for them to break up. In this section we have been concerned with the properties of p-brane geometries as classical spacetimes. More precisely, we were interested in semiclassical properties, such as Hawking radiation. Since the Hawking temperature is proportional to h, the radiation is turned off in the h—tO limit. Also, since asft—»-0all entropies are strictly infinite, one can argue that the Gregory-Laflamme instability is also absent in the classical limit. On the other hand, in the original paper exhibiting the tachyonic instability, the analysis was in fact classical. But since the dynamics of the instability requires the singularity to become naked while the horizon rearranges itself, the classical approximation is hardly a self-consistent analysis. It would be very interesting to apply the excision techniques of [68] in a numerical approach to understanding the Gregory-Laflamme instability. We now move away from classical spacetimes by asking where they let us down.
When supergravity goes bad, and scaling limits
The supergravity actions such as (2.1) which we met in section 2 describe low-energy approximations to string theory. As such, they are appropriate for situations where corrections to the terms in them are small. In string theory, there are two expansion parameters which encode corrections to the lowest-order (supergravity) actions, namely the sigma-model loop-counting parameter a' and the string loop-counting parameter gs. Since a' = £% is a dimensionful parameter, we need to fold it in with e.g. a measure of spacetime curvature in order to get a dimensionless measure of the strength of sigma-model corrections. The first corrections to the tree level IIA action shown above occur [69] at C ( ^ ) ; lower order corrections are prevented by supersymmetry. For the string loop corrections in the supergravity arena, we need the dilaton field, which typically varies in spacetime. The measure of how badly string loop corrections are needed is then <7se*. We now discuss how string theory handles the breakdown of classical spacetime, in a few examples.
The black hole correspondence principle
The basic idea behind the Correspondence Principle is that stringy or braney degrees of freedom take over when supergravity goes bad. The first example analysed was that of the d-dimensional neutral black hole, which carries only mass. As discussed in subsection 2.5 on solution-generating, there is no dilaton so the Einstein and string metrics are the same, dS2
vr )
dt2 + 1 lQitGdM
(d- 2)nd_2
Note that if we fix the mass M and radius r in units of 4 , then the metric becomes flat as ga —>• 0. (For simplicity we taken the volume of any internal compact dimensions to be of order the string scale. The actual value does not affect the argument.) The supergravity black hole solution breaks down in the sense of the correspondence principle [71] when curvature invariants at the horizon are of order the string scale. The physical reason why we concentrate on the horizon, rather than the singularity, is that its presence is what signals the existence of a black hole. Using the horizon also gives rise to sensible answers which fit together in a coherent fashion under duality maps. A curvature invariant which is nonzero for the neutral black hole is i?'"/A
(d-3) 4.-KTH
£ld-2rdH-2 4Gd
so the Hawking temperature at the correspondence point (4.3) is TH ~ 1/4The simplest string theory object which carries only the conserved quantum number of mass is the closed fundamental string. We will therefore be interested in seeing if we have a fundamental string description where the black hole description breaks down. (One reason why we choose the simplest object, rather than say a spherical D2-brane, is Occam's razor. It is also important that the correspondence point occurs at TR ~ 4 which involves no powers of gs.) In fact, the idea that black holes might be fundamental strings dates back to the late '60's. The idea was put on a firmer footing by Sen [70] and Susskind [23] before the duality revolution. The subsequent formulation of the Correspondence Principle made those ideas more powerful. One of the ways it did this was to recognise that black holes and string states typically do not have identical entropy for all values of parameters; rather, the transition between black hole and string degrees of freedom occurs at a transition point, known as
the Correspondence Point. The existence of a correspondence point for every system studied is a highly nontrivial fact about string theory and the degrees of freedom that represent systems in it in different regions in parameter space. To progress further, we now need the statistical entropy of closed string states due to the large degeneracy at high mass. This is a standard result in perturbative string theory so we will not review it here but refer to the texts [39, 59]. We assume that the string coupling is weak so that we can use the free spectrum computation; this assumption will be justified a posteriori. Using the relation between the oscillator number N and the mass m, £2m2 ~ N, we have for the closed superstring degeneracy of states at high mass, dm ~ em'm°,
mQ ~ j .
With better approximation schemes, one can keep track of power-law prefactors that depend on the number of large dimensions. We have suppressed these because they are not important at large-m. The quantity m0 is the Hagedorn temperature. At the Hagedorn temperature, the canonical ensemble is in fact no longer well-defined. This happens because the partition function diverges,
_^ ^
a b o y e
( 4 g)
At the Hagedorn temperature, the excited string becomes very long and floppy. The Boltzmann entropy of the string state is the log of the degeneracy of states, m Setting = log(d m ) ~ j - •
Matching the masses at the correspondence point for general Schwarzschild radius yields
This gives the general entropy ratio
0 2/rf-2
^ "
We can see four pieces of physics from this formula. Firstly, the crossover from the black hole to string state indeed happens at rH ~ £s, as suggested earlier. Secondly, the black hole dominates for rH 3> 4 i- e. for large mass, while the string dominates at lower mass. Thirdly, let us calculate the string coupling at the correspondence transition point. Since the entropy at correspondence is S ~ m/ms, and lsm ~ we get S ~ y/N. Also, we have the formula S ~ l%~2/Gd~l/g%. From this we find
393 that gs~N~i at transition. This is indeed weak coupling since N is very large. This justifies our earlier assumption that we could calculate the string degeneracy by using weak-coupling results. Lastly, note that in general d, the mass at correspondence is not the Planck mass 1/IdMore work has been done on the physics of the transition between the black hole and the string state. The interested reader is referred to e.g. [72, 73] and references therein. We have seen that the black hole and string state entropies match in a scaling analysis at the correspondence point. The physics implications of the correspondence principle run even deeper, however. The conservative direction to run the matching argument tells us that a string state will collapse to a black hole when it gets heavy enough. The radical direction to run the argument is the other way: the correspondence principle is in fact telling us that the endpoint of Hawking radiation for a Schwarzschild black hole is a hot string. The hot string will then subsequently decay by emitting radiation until we are left with a bath of radiation. An interesting fact about this decay of a massive string state in perturbative string theories is that the spectrum is thermal, when averaged over the degenerate initial states [74]. Overall, we see that the picture of decay of a Schwarzschild black hole in string theory is in tune with expectations that a truly unified theory should not allow loss of quantum coherence.
NS-NS charges and correspondence
The work of Sen [70] on comparing entropy of BPS black holes and the corresponding string states predated the correspondence principle, but the results can in fact be considered as additional evidence for it. Black holes with two NS-NS charges in 4 < d < 9 dimensions can be constructed using the solution-generating technique [75]. Taking the BPS limit is straightforward, and the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy is easily obtained. One hiccough that occurs is that the entropy of the classical BPS black holes is zero, because the area of the horizon is zero. However, as argued by Sen, [70], higher order corrections to the equations of motion will modify this, and make the area of the horizon become of order string scale rather than zero. This results in a finite entropy, which can be compared to the entropy of the stringy state because the system is BPS and there is a nonrenormalisation theorem for the degeneracy of states. The next step is to identify which stringy state the black hole will turn into at the correspondence point. Consider the deviation of the geometry from Minkowski spacetime, as we did for the neutral black holes. Corrections to the flat metric go like SGllv^GdM/rd~3, and as g3—>0 this scales to zero with the Newton constant. (We have assumed that no compactified directions scale to zero as a power of gs.) From this, we can then guess that the black hole will turn into a perturbative string state at the correspondence point. In particular, the BPS black holes correspond to states
394 of the fundamental string with both momentum and winding charge, wound around a circle. The degeneracy of states formula is well known and can be easily compared to the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of the black holes. It is in scaling agreement with the entropy coming from the statistical degeneracy of states of the closed string with the same quantum numbers [70, 75]. For the case of NS5-brane charge, the physics is more tricky. The reason is related to how deviations from the flat metric scale with gs for the different branes. Above, we saw how BPS black holes carrying string-like charges turned into string states at the correspondence point, which occurred at weak coupling. An analogous phenomenon is not possible for NS5-branes. We can see this from combining the scalings (2.30) in the Bogomolnyi bound M > a\Z\ with the generic equation for the deviation from the flat metric, SG^ ~ GM/rn for some n appropriate to the brane. Since Newton's constant scales as g$ at fixed £s, any brane with an a scaling with two or more negative powers of gs will not approach the flat metric as the string coupling is scaled to zero. The Fl and Dp have o ~ 1, l/gs respectively, but the NS5 has a ~ 1/g^ and so it is out of luck. We do not have space here to discuss the physics of what replaces the supergravity NS5-brane in regions of parameter space where the supergravity solution goes bad, but the question has been investigated in limits different to gs —¥ 0; see e.g. [76, 77]. Quite generally, though, in order to apply the correspondence principle, we must identify the microscopic degrees of freedom that will take over from the supergravity description when it breaks down, i. e. where the curvature at the horizon or the dilaton gets too large. There are two important criteria which these stringy/braney degrees of freedom must fulfil: they must have same conserved quantum numbers, and they must be localised near the would-be black hole at the correspondence point. The second condition is needed in order to prevent counting of the wrong states, e.g. we would not count closed strings far outside the would-be Schwarzschild radius in our original example of the neutral black hole. We now move to the case of R-R charged systems.
Where BPS Dp-branes go bad
Let us begin our discussion of the case with one R-R charge with an analysis of where the supergravity solutions break down. The Ricci scalar is nonzero in the Dp-brane spacetimes, and we find R[G] = - i ( p 2 - 4p - 17) (dTHpf HP .
Let us consider the behaviour of this as r —> 0. Since the harmonic function Hp ~ rp~7 near r = 0, we have R[G] - • (const)r§<7-p> (rp~s)2
~ r^3""'.
395 R[G].
-> Figure 4: Curvature versus radial coordinate for Dp < 3- and Dp > 3-branes.
p>3 > Figure 5: Dilaton versus radial coordinate for Dp < 3- and Dp > 3-branes. This blows up for the big p-branes, i.e. those with p > 3. In addition, we know that the curvature is zero at infinity, and rises as we come in from infinity. Therefore the curvature is non-monotonic for branes with p < 3. The information on the curvatures for p / 3 branes is summarised in Fig.4. The dilaton behaves differently. We have 1(3-P)
= H,
This blows up at r = 0 for the small branes, i.e. for p < 3. The slope for the dilaton is monotonic, but for p > 3 there is an inflection point. We summarise this information in Fig.5. Note the interesting fact that, if the asymptotically flat part of the geometry is removed by losing the constant piece (the 1) in the harmonic function, then the behaviour of both the curvature and the derivative of the dilaton becomes monotonic. This turns out to be a crucial supergravity fact in the context of the Dp-brane gravity/gauge correspondences of [76]. In our brief discussion of the NS5-brane in the last subsection, we saw that the Dp-brane supergravity solutions do approach a flat metric as gs —> 0 at fixed £s. By following the conserved quantum numbers, we therefore see that the weak-coupling degrees of freedom are Dp-branes in their perturbative incarnation as hypersurfaces where fundamental strings end. If we then compactify the Dp-branes on Tp, we find R-R black holes. By the structure of Kaluza-Klein reduction formulae, we can see that the resulting supergravity geometries blow up at r = 0. R-R black holes in d=4... 10 with one charge are of course partnered with wrapped perturbative D-branes [71] .
396 In this system, the energy above extremality AE can be carried by either open or closed fundamental strings, as long as they are close to the D-branes. Open and closed strings have different equations of state. Again, we assume weak string coupling; this assumption can be justified a posteriori. For the open strings, assuming a free massless gas yields AE0 ~ N*VPT?+1, S0 ~ N^VPT", (4.13) while for the closed strings the equation of state is Sc~e„AE.
It is found that open strings dominate for near-extremal black holes, while closed strings dominate for far-from-extremal black holes as happened in our neutral black hole example. In addition, the correspondence points of the single-charge NS-NS and single-charge R-R black holes are related by duality and they match up. This is a general phenomenon; also, in a highly nontrivial fashion it meshes nicely with the Gregory-Laflamme transition [71]. In terms of advances in precise computations of black hole entropy, the most important examples of the application of the correspondence principle are systems with two or more R-R charges. This is the case both for the BPS and the near-BPS black holes. The crucial physics observation is that for these systems, the scaling works in such a way that there is no correspondence point, and so exact comparisons can be made to weak-coupling stringy/braney calculations for black holes of any horizon radius. We will discuss the spectacular success of these microscopic calculations in later sections.
Limits in parameter space, and singularities
In figuring out what degrees of freedom replace a fundamental string or D-brane supergravity geometry when it goes bad, we discussed the limit gs —¥ 0 of the system. More generally, the idea of taking limits of parameters, in the context of the correspondence principle and otherwise, has yielded very powerful results. These results have taught us very interesting facts about gravity and about gauge theories, including non-commutative gauge theories. A limit of Dp-brane systems which has been used to great effect is the decoupling limit, in which interactions between the open strings ending on the branes and the closed strings in the bulk are turned off. The resulting gravity/gauge correspondences are the domain of other Lecturers at this School, but we cannot resist a few remarks here. The main physics behind the limit is to take string tension to infinity, while holding some physically interesting parameters fixed. It can be confusing to scale dimensionful quantities to zero, so we work with dimensionless quantities here. In units of a typical energy E of the system, taking the string tension to infinity is then expressed as £SE —> 0. In order to retain a finite d=p+l-dimensional gauge
397 coupling on the branes, we hold fixed ^ M £ p - 3 = ( 2 7 r ) p - 2 5 s ( £ 4 ) p - 3 . Also held fixed is the energy of open strings stretched between different D-branes separated by distance r, i.e. U/E=r(.~2/E. In the decoupling limit, by definition, the bulk theory and the brane theory are each a unitary theory on their own. Maldacena [78] argued (initially for certain systems) that the two theories are actually dual to one another. This idea has been extended to many other systems, in e.g. [76], goes by the name of the gravity/gauge correspondence, and is very powerful. Assuming that the gravity/gauge correspondence (conjecture) is true for all values of loop-counting parameters, then it provides an explicit realization of information return. It does this because any process of black hole formation and evaporation in the supergravity theory has a dual representation in the unitary quantum field theory. It is, however, extremely difficult to see how information return works in practice [29], because the duality between the gravitational theory and the gauge theory is a strong-weak duality. The issue of how a semiclassical spacetime picture emerges from the strongly coupled gauge theory, with (approximate) locality and causality built in, is one of the most interesting and important challenges of this field of study. In the decoupling limit, the supergravity Dp-brane geometry loses its asymptotically fiat part, as can be seen by plugging the above scalings into the equation (3.6) for the harmonic function. (Also, the worldvolume coordinates on the brane are the same as the x\\, which are the supergravity worldvolume coordinates in the asymptotically flat region of the original Dp-brane geometry.) So, let us consider the near-horizon geometry of the 0 < p < 5-branes. Abbreviate r7p-> = WiN,?-"
and look at the geometry for r -C rp, i.e. let us ignore the 1 in the harmonic function for the Dp-brane geometry. Changing to a coordinate r|(p-s)
w,, A-dt2
dS210 -»• (const)z( 3 -P)/( 7 -P)
+ dxf, + dz2 "
• l°
2 (5-v) P)
which gives a geometry conformal to AdSp+2 x SB~P [79]. The z-dependent prefactor disappears only for p = 3. Since the asymptotically flat part of the geometry is gone in the decoupling limit, the Penrose diagrams are drastically altered. In addition, as we saw in our analysis of where Dp-branes go bad, the curvature and the dilaton behave monotonically with radius when the 1 is missing from the harmonic function. Combining the supergravity and brane field theory information in the decoupling limit leads to the construction of the phase diagram [76] for the
398 Dp-brane system. A nice discussion of phase diagrams in more generality can be found in [80]. More recent considerations which include the physics of turning on a B-field (noncommutativity), with emphasis on d = l + l , may be found in [81]. For the non-BPS systems, the only deviation from the BPS metric in the decoupling limit is the nonextremality function (the K function in eqn (3.31)) which multiplies GU,G~^. One way to see that the D function is unmodified from the BPS case is to combine the decoupling limit scalings with the equation for the energy density above extremality e, given in (3.38), with the relation for the boost parameter (3.33). To finish this section on where supergravity brane geometries go bad, we now make a few remarks about classical curvature singularities. In the discussion of the correspondence principle, for cases with separate horizon and singularity, we used the curvature at the horizon to determine where the supergravity solution broke down. The question of what happens at the singularity is also, of course, a question of physical interest in string theory. The general expectation might be that string theory smoothes out regions of classically infinite curvature. However, Horowitz and Myers [82] made the important point that some singularities are not of the kind that can be smoothed out because this would give rise to a contradiction. The prototypical example is the negative-mass Schwarzschild geometry. Since M<0, the horizon is absent, so the singularity is naked. If the singularity were smoothed out by stringy phenomena, the resulting finite-sized blob would be an allowed object with overall negative mass. It would then destabilise the vacuum - via pair production, for example. The upshot is that the negative-mass Schwarzschild geometry is a figment of the classical physicist's imagination. It is also important to note that the question of whether a geometry is singular depends on the dimension of the supergravity theory it is embedded in. For example, in [83], it was shown that some lower-dimensional black holes with singularities could be lifted to nonsingular solutions in higher dimensions. For understanding possible resolution of singularities in terms of basic stringy objects like D-branes, the best dimension to do the singularity analysis is d=10, which is the dimension in which Dbranes naturally live. It is generally more confusing to try to do the analysis directly in lower dimensions. In addition, one should be sure that any operation one does in supergravity also makes sense in string theory. There are spacetimes in string theory with singularities, such as the fundamental string and the gravitational wave, which appear to be exact solutions to all orders in a1. In [36] it was, however, argued that forgotten source terms in the action actually do lead to a' corrections, which smooth out these singularities. For the string, we can in any case think of the singularity of the classical geometry as smoothed out by the source which is the fundamental string itself [50]. In addition, for the Dp ^ 3 branes, the phase diagrams of [76] show that a gauge theory takes over in regions where the classical geometry has a (null) singularity. This provides an understanding of singularity resolution in these systems, which possess Af=4 supersymmetry in d=4 language.
399 A more recently discovered phenomenon known as the enhangon mechanism has provided a stringy resolution of some Af=2 classical timelike naked singularities [84]. The essential physics behind this is that string theory knows what to do when certain cycles on which D-branes are wrapped become small; previously irrelevant degrees of freedom become light and enter the dynamics. Put this way, the enhangon phenomenon may in fact be quite general; work on more applications is in progress.
Making black holes with branes
Black holes in string theory with macroscopically large entropy can all be constructed out of various p-brane constituents. We concentrate in this section mostly on BPS systems where the rules are simplest.
Putting branes together
Two clumps of parallel BPS p-branes are in static equilibrium with each other. In addition, BPS p-branes and g-branes for some choices of p, q can be in equilibrium with each other under certain conditions. One way to find many of the rules is to start with the fundamental string intersecting a Dp-brane at a point. By T- and S-duality, we can infer the following d=10 NS5-, F1-, and Dp- brane intersections. We use the convention that an A-type object intersecting a -B-type object in k spatial dimensions is represented by J4||J3(A;) or ALB{k), depending on whether A and B are parallel or perpendicular to each other. In this notation, our fundamental string/Dp-brane intersection is denoted Fl±Dp(0). We then get via dualities Dm || Dm+4(m) ,m = 0,1,2 F l || NS5,
-> Dp ± Dq(m),
Dp _L NS5(p - 1).
For simplicity we have restricted to p < 6 p-branes whose geometries are asymptotically flat. (We have also only listed pairwise intersections for the same reason; multi-brane intersections must obey the pairwise rules for each pair.) In
M2 _L M5(l),
M5 _L M5(l) or M5 _L M5(3) ;
M2 || KK or M2 _L KK(0),
M5 || KK or M5 _L KK(1) or M5 J. KK(3); W ||KK,KK_LKK(4,2). This leads to a set of rules for putting W and KK on d=10 branes. Recall that for KK, whose spacetime metric was displayed in eqn.(2.70), one of the four transverse directions is singled out as the isometry direction while the metric depends on the
400 other three coordinates. Because not all perpendicular directions are equivalent, the KK intersection rules are rather involved; see for example [85]. For some brane intersections not displayed above, there is an additional complication which arises upon careful consideration of force cancellation, via closed string tree or open string 1-loop amplitudes. The prototypical example is the case of a DO-brane and a D8-brane. When the DO-brane crosses the D8-brane, a fundamental string is created; the physics requires this to happen for force cancellation to be preserved. A dual situation where this occurs is in the Hanany-Witten setup where a D3-brane is created when a D5-brane crosses an NS5-brane. For a pedagogical discussion of this brane creation story we refer the reader to [86]. Another method which emphasises the supergravity aspect of the intersection rules was explained in [87] and in the mini-review of [88]. We now go over the latter discussion briefly.
Intersection-ology a la supergravity
The simplest system to study is d=ll supergravity, and studying the action for the theory gives rise to the intersection rules for M-branes. The action for the gauge potential A3 in the bosonic sector is S[A3
= TekJ{- [dnx^m]+m
< ] • (5-3)
The constant # can be changed by a field redefinition. The field strength F4 is defined as F4 = dA3 , (5.4) and so it obeys a Bianchi identity dF4 = 0 .
This implies that the charge Q5 = /
is conserved, where the integral is over a transverse four-sphere. This is the M5brane charge. The Bianchi identity also implies that the M5-brane cannot end on anything else. It can, however, have a funny-shaped worldvolume pointing in different directions. Then, with a convenient normalisation of # , the field equation for As is d*F4=
-F4AF4 =
0Figure 6: An M2-brane intersecting a M5-brane, with transverse spheres shown. where we used the Bianehi identity. This tells us that the conserved charge, this time the M2-brane charge, is Q 2 = / [*F4+A3AF4].
Consider the M2-brane ending on something. To picture this, suppress one of its dimensions and also several of those of the object on which the M2 ends. In fact, the surface-on which the M2 ends must be the M5, because nothing else carries A3. A diagram is shown in Fig. 6. Far from the boundary, only the * F4 piece in the charge Q2 matters, and so Q2 is indeed the membrane charge. On the other hand, right at (and only at) the place where the M2 ends on the M5, we can deform S7 -> 5 4 x 5 3 . In addition, the components of the field strength F4 parallel to the M5-brane are approximately zero there, because the flux threads the S4 in a spherically symmetric way. As a consequence, on the M5, one can write the approximate relation A3 cz dVg, for some two-form V. Then the charge factories into
4 ~ / <w2 f F4 {fL^s
string charge
(5.9) Q5.
The first factor is the (magnetic) charge of the string which is the boundary of the M2-brane in the M5-brane worldvolume. This leads to the rule M2XM5(1). This procedure can be generalised to find other brane intersection rules in other supergravity theories in various dimensions [88].
Making BPS black holes with the harmonic function rule,
BPS black holes in dimensions d = 4 . . . 9 may be constructed from BPS p~brane building blocks. Typically, however, they have zero horizon area and therefore nonmacroscopic entropy. The essential reason behind this slightly annoying fact may be distilled from the supergravity field equations [3]. The sizes and shapes of internal manifolds, as well as the dilaton, turn out to be controlled by scalar fields, and the horizon area is related to these scalars. But in any given dimension d, there are only
402 a few independent charges on a black hole, and mostly these give rise to too few independent ratios to give all the scalar fields well-behaved vevs everywhere in spacetime. For stringy black holes made by compactifying on tori, the only asymptotically flat BPS black holes with macroscopic finite-area occur with 3 charges in d=5 and 4 charges in d=4 [89]. For a survey of supergravities in various dimensions and the kinds of black objects that can carry various central charges, relevant to D-brane comparisons, see [90, 91]. A systematic ansatz [92] is available for construction of supergravity solutions corresponding to pairwise intersections of BPS branes, which is known as the "harmonic function rule". The ansatz is that the metric factories into a product structure; one simply "superposes" the harmonic functions. This ansatz works for both parallel and perpendicular intersections, using the construction rules we reviewed in the last subsection, with the restriction that the harmonic functions can depend only on the overall transverse coordinates. In this way we get only smeared intersecting brane solutions. Let us discuss some examples. We use a convention where — indicates that the brane is extended in a given dimension, • indicates that it is pointlike, and ~ indicates that, although the brane is not extended in that direction a priori, its dependence on those coordinates has been smeared away. As an example, consider a D5 with a (smeared) Dl:
Dl D5
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 - - ~ ~ ~ ~ • • _ _ _ _ _ _ . . .
8 9 • • .
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - - ~ ~ ~ ~ - -
and D2 perpendicular to D2' (both smeared):
D2 D2'
0 -
For the D1-D5 system, let us define r2=x\ = Y^i~i{x1)'1 to be the overall transverse coordinate in the setup above in eqn.(5.10). Then the string frame metric is, using the harmonic function rule, dS20 = H^rylHsiryhi-df
+ dxD +
{dr + r dQ 3) ,
and dilaton is e* = H1(r)+k*H5(r)-K
while the gauge fields are as before, Coi = g;1 [1 - ^ ( r r 1 ] ,
^ . . . 5 = g;1 [1 - ^ ( r ) " 1 ] .
403 The independent harmonic functions both go like r 2 in the interior, which is natural for a D5-brane and also for a Dl-brane smeared over four coordinates:
tf5(r) = l + J ,
H,[r) = l + t .
Notice that if we wrap x2 • • • x5 on T 4 , in order to make a d=6 black hole with two charges, the volume of the T 4 is finite at the event horizon r = 0:
However, if we compactify the direction along the string, x1, on a circle, the radius goes to zero at the event horizon no matter how large its value R at infinity: V o l ( 5 l )
In addition, the area of the event horizon in Einstein frame, and therefore the entropy, is zero. It is interesting to note that not all known supergravity solutions for intersecting branes are smeared or delocalised in this way. The factorised metric ansatz works in some other situations as well. E.g.let Hi depend on x$...% = i i , and on x2...5 = x\\, and let H5 depend on x±.- The equations of motion are found to be, see e.g. [93], d2±H5(x) = 0,
[dl + H5d2}H1(x±,xll)
= 0.
Therefore H5 is as before in the smeared case, but Hi has extra dependence, on the coordinates x\\ parallel to the D5-brane but perpendicular to the Dl-brane. Hi cannot be written in terms of elementary functions but can be written as a (£||-)Fourier transform of known functions. This is the case even with transverse separations between the Dl's and D5's. More generally, there is an interesting delocalisation phenomenon which occurs as the transverse separation between a Dp-brane and a Dp+4-brane to which it is parallel goes to zero. Delocalisation is found to occur only for p < 2; an explanation of these phenomena in the context of the AdS/CFT correspondence was found. Some localised solutions are known analytically near the horizon of the bigger brane, and for some intersecting brane systems the factorised ansatz is not sufficient. For a discussion of the above issues see [52], and for recent advances in constructing localised intersecting M5-brane solutions in d = l l see [53],
T h e 3-charge d=5 black hole
We saw in the previous subsection that a black hole with only Dl- and D5-brane charges does not have a finite horizon area. We can now use our knowledge from
404 solution-generating to puff up this horizon to a macroscopic size by using a boost in the longitudinal direction xg. The ingredients for building this black hole are then the previous branes with the addition of a gravitational wave W:
I J]
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 r^
D5 W — —^ ~
( 5 - 19 )
. . . .
The —>• indicates the direction in which the gravitational wave W moves (at the speed of light). The BPS metric for this system is obtained from the simpler metric for the plain D1-D5 system by boosting and taking the extremal limit. To get rid of five dimensions to make a d=5 black hole, we then compactify the D5-brane on a T 4 of volume (2n)AV, and then the D l and the remaining extended dimension of the D5-brane on a S1 of radius R. The d=5 Einstein frame metric becomes ds\ = - (ffi(r)ff B (r) (1 + K(r))y2/3 (1 + K(r)))1/3
+ {Hi(r)Hs(r)
dt2 [dr2 + r2dQ2
where the harmonic functions are #i(r)
= l
r2 i,
+ I
r2 H 5 (r) = l + - | ,
K(r) = ^ ,
and using arraying for Hi and K we find
r? =
9M y
2 '
„,r,2 = 9sNdl
.22 9>N el r m = ^ - m^ . m
This supergravity solution has limits to its validity. If the stringy a' corrections to geometry are to be small, we need the curvature invariants small. Supposing that we keep the volumes V, R fixed in string units, this forces the radius parameters to be large in string units, r i i 5 , m » 4 . We can also control string loop corrections if 1 and gs small, r l i 5 » rm. On the other hand, if we want r 1)5jm of the same order, Nm must be hierarchically large: Nm^>Ni^. The next properties of this spacetime to compute are the thermodynamic quantities. The BPS black hole is extremal and it has Tu = 0. For the Bekenstein-Hawking
405 entropy,
SBH = -£r
= ^-/r3
(1 + K(r))f6
at r = 0
This entropy is macroscopically large. Notice that it is also independent of R and of V. This is to be contrasted with the ADM mass
+ % + *%•
which depends on R, V explicitly. For the entropy of the black hole just constructed out of Dl D5 and W, we had SBH = ^TTy/NiN^Nm. More generally, for a more general black hole solution of the maximal supergravity arising from compactifying Type II on T 5 , it is
SBH = 2TT J£-,
V 45
where the quantity A in the surd is the cubic invariant of the E6i6 duality group, A = 2 ^4A l 3 ,
and Aj are the eigenvalues of the central charge matrix Z. A few years ago the claim was made, via classical topological arguments in Euclidean spacetime signature, that all extremal black holes have zero entropy. This result is not trustworthy in the context of string theory. For starters, as we mentioned in our discussion of the Third Law, there is no physical reason why zero-temperature black holes should have zero entropy. In any case, the faulty nature of the classical reasoning in the string theory context was pointed out in [2]. In the Euclidean geometry, for any periodicity in Euclidean time (3 at infinity, the presence of the extremal horizon results in a redshift which forces that periodicity to be substringy very close to the horizon. Since light strings wound around this tiny circle can condense, a Hagedorn transition can occur and invalidate the classical approximation there. In fact, other Hagedorn-type transitions can come into play when spatial circles get small near a horizon, as they do e.g. for p-branes compactified on tori [94].
T h e 4-charge d=4 black hole
The extremal Reissner-Nordstrom black hole can be embedded in string theory using D-branes. Recall that in the extremal spacetime metric (1.18) we had H2(r)'s
406 appearing in the metric. This is to be contrasted with the Hi's to be found in a generic p-brane metric. From this we can guess (correctly) that, in order to embed the extremal RN black hole in string theory, we will need 4 independent brane constituents. Restrictions must be obeyed, however, in order for that black hole to be RN. To make more general d=4 black holes with four independent charges, we simply lift these restrictions and allow the charges to be anything - so long as they are large enough to permit a supergravity description. For making the d=4 black hole, one set of ingredients would be 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 D 2 - - - ~ ~ ~ ~ D6 - - - - - - - • NS5 - - - - - ~ W - - > ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .
7 8 9 - • • • • • • •
By U-duality, we could consider instead 4 mutually orthogonal D3-branes, or indeed many other more complicated arrangements [96]. In ten dimensions we can construct the BPS solution by using the harmonic function rule. So far we have not exhibited the metric for the NS5-branes but that can be easily obtained using the D5 metric and using the fact that the Einstein metric (2.8) is invariant under S-duality. We then have dSf0 =
[-dt2 + dx\ + K{r){dt + dxx)2}
(5 2g)
+H2(r) lH6(r)-lHs(r)(dxU) +H5(r)H2(r)+iH6(r)+1i(dr2 and
+ r2dn22),
e* = HpHp#6",(3)
After arraying till we are blue in the face, and finding Newton's constant using r
4 _
(^ -m\
~ WRaRb'
^ ^
we get for the gravitational radii r
_ 9M
_ 9sN6is
_ N5£2
We now use our Kaluza-Klein reduction formulae to reduce to the d=5 black string, dSl
=H2(r)-2H6{r)-^[-dt2 +H5{r)H2{r)+L2H6(r)+l(dr2
+ dx2 + K{r){dt + dx1)2} +
407 In this process, the dilaton gets some factors: e2*s=e2*"^=L==
= Hf>H^H^.
Using our KK formula Goo = Goo — G^i/Gn, we find upon reducing on the last direction dSl = -H2{r)-l2H6(r)-k2 (1 + K{r)yl dt2 (5.34) +H2(r)+i2H6(r)+k2H5(r) (dr2 + r2dQ2). The dilaton gets changed again: 4-1 U~t2ff
e2*4 =
-I -I 4U 4 2
5 1 + K{r)
. '
Finally the Einstein metric in d—4 is ds2 = -dt2 [ V ( l + ^ ( r ) ) t f 2 ( r ) # 6 ( r ) F 5 ( r ) ] " 1 (5.36) +(dr 2 + r 2 dfi 2 ) [^/(1 + /r(r))ff 2 (r) J ff 6 (r) J ff 5 (r)] . The Bekenstein-Hawking entropy is then easily read off to be SBH = 2WN2N6NsNm
More generally, in the surd is the quantity 0/256, where 0 is the quartic invariant of £7,7 [95], 4
0 =Z) M2 -
4 2
Z ! IA«!2 \xi\2 + 4 (A1A2A3A4 + A1A2A3A4) ,
where A; are the (complex) eigenvalues of Z; see e.g. [91, 96]. More recent further progress on entropy-counting for these black holes may be found in [97]. The connection to the d=4 Reissner-Nordstrom black hole is obtained by setting all four gravitational radii to be identical: r2=r6=r5=rm. Although we have not discussed nonextremality explicitly here, it can be achieved by adding extra energy to the system of branes. Generic nonextremal branes cannot be in static equilibrium with each other, as they typically want to fall towards each other, and they do not satisfy the simple harmonic function superposition rule. The least confusing way to construct nonextremal multi-charge solutions is to start with the appropriate higher-d neutral Schwarzschild or Kerr type solution, and to use multiple boostings and duality transformations to generate the required charges.
BPS systems and entropy agreement
In this section we review the D-brane computation of the entropy of BPS systems with macroscopic entropy, with its many facets. For BPS systems there is a theorem protecting the degeneracy of states, and so the entropy computed in different pictures will agree.
The Strominger-Vafa entropy matching: d=b
Since we have already built the black holes with the relevant Dl and D5 charges, and worked out their macroscopic Bekenstein-Hawking entropy, we turn to the microscopic computations of the entropy from the string theory point of view. We will discuss the D-brane method of [98] (earlier ideas for a microscopic accounting for 5BH of BPS black holes [99] with macroscopic entropy included [100]). A more detailed review of some aspects of the D1-D5 system can be found in the recent lecture notes of [101]. Our setup of branes was
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
This system preserves 4 real supercharges, or A/"=l in d=5. This can be seen from the constituent brane SUSY conditions; each constituent breaks half of SUSYs. It is necessary for SUSY to orient the branes in a relatively supersymmetric way; if this is not done, e.g. if an orientation is reversed, the D-brane system corresponds to a black hole that is extremal but has no SUSY. By using Dl- and D5-brane ingredients we have two kinds of quantum number so far, Ni and iV5. The degrees of freedom carrying the remaining momentum number, and the angular momentum, are as yet unidentified. Now, the smeared Dl-branes plus D5-branes have a symmetry group 5 0 ( 1 , 1 ) x 50(4)|| x 50(4)j_. This symmetry forbids the (rigid) branes from carrying linear or angular momentum, and so we need something else. The obvious modes in the system to try are the massless 1-1, 5-5 and 1-5 strings, which come in both bosonic and fermionic varieties. The momentum Nm/R is indeed carried by the bosonic and fermionic strings, in units of 1/R. The angular momentum is carried only by the fermionic strings, \h each. Both the linear and the angular momenta can be built up to macroscopic levels. The next step is to identify the degeneracy of states of this system. The simplification made by [98] is to choose the four-volume to be small by comparison to the radius of the circle, W«ii, (6.2) so that the theory on the D-branes is a d = l + l theory. This theory has (4,4) SUSY.
409 Because the Dl-branes are instantons in the D5-brane theory, the low-energy theory of interest is in fact a a-model on the moduli space of instantons M = SNlNb(T4). The central charge of this d = l + l theory is c=nb0Se+5?ifermi=6./V1./V5. Roughly, this central charge c can be thought of as coming from having NiN5 1-5 strings that can move in the 4 directions of the torus. Alternatively, c can be thought of as roughly coming from having Ni instantons in the U{N5) gauge theory, and JV5 orientations to point them in. The other ingredient needed to compute the degeneracy of states, apart from the central charge, is the energy. Now, since the system is supersymmetric, we have to put the right-movers in their groundstates. The left-movers, however, can be highly excited. Since the excited states are BPS in 1+1 dimensions, their energy and momentum must be related by E=Nm/R. The partition function of this system is the partition function for nb=ANlN5 bosons and an equal number of fermions 4NjNs
1 +wNm
= J2Q(Nm)wN-,
where fl(JVm) is the degeneracy of states at d = l + l energy E—Nm/R. we can use the Cardy formula W»)~e*P ^
c E
= exp
( 2 . ^ )
At large-iVm
This formula assumes that the lowest eigenvalue of the energy operator is zero, as it is in our system. (Otherwise we would need to subtract 24A 0 from c to get the effective central charge, where Ao is the ground state energy). Therefore the microscopic D-brane statistical entropy is = log (Q(Nm)) = 2ir^/N1N5Nm
This agrees exactly with the black hole result. Subleading contributions to both the semiclassical Bekenstein-Hawking black hole entropy and to the stringy D-brane degeneracy of states have been calculated, both on the black hole side and on the D-brane side, and they have been found to match. See for example the beautiful work of [102]. At this point we mention that there is another method using M-theory available for counting the entropy of these black holes, as discussed in [103], which we do not have space to cover here.
In d=5 there are two independent angular momentum parameters, because the rotation group transverse to the Dl's and D5's splits up as SO(4)L ~ SU(2) ® SU(2).
410 The metrics for general rotating black holes are algebraically rather messy and we will not write them here. We will simply quote the result for the BPS entropy [48]: SBH = 2 7 ^ 1 ^ ™ " J2 •
The BPS black holes have a nonextremal generalisation, in which the two angular momenta are independent. However, in the extremal limit something interesting happens: the two angular momenta are forced to be equal and opposite, J^= — J^ = J. There is also a bound on the angular momentum, \Jm^\ = VNiN5Nm.
Beyond J m a x , closed timelike curves develop, and the entropy walksvoff into the complex plane. Another notable feature of this black hole is that the funny cross-terms in the R-R sector of the supergravity Lagrangian like (2.1) are turned on; this black hole is not a solution of d=5 Einstein-Maxwell theory. The charges are, however, unmodified by the funny cross-terms which fall off too quickly at infinity to contribute. Let us now move to the D-brane field theory. It is hyperKahler due to (4, 4) supersymmetry, so let us break up the JV=4 into left- and right-moving jV=2 superconformal algebras, each of which has a £7(1) subgroup. The corresponding charges FL)R can be identified [48] as: JM
= \{FL±
Recall that the BPS system is in the R-moving groundstate, and at left-moving energy Nm/R. These facts give rise to a bound on FL
where E an operator from the rest of the CFT. The construction is entirely similar for FR. NOW, the operator O has positive dimension overall, so we get a bound on the U(l) charges /?2
and Lo
Since the R-movers are in their groundstate, FR is small and fixed. However, FL can be macroscopically large. In the supergravity description we are only sensitive
411 to macroscopic quantities, and so we will be unable to 'see' FR, only FL. Since the angular momenta are the sum and difference of FR and FL respectively, as in (6.8), we find agreement with the black hole result in the BPS limit: J$ = —J^. The next item on the agenda is to compute the effect of the angular momenta on the D-brane degeneracy of states. We had that the total eigenvalue of L0 is Nm. However, we spent some of this, Fl/(2c), on angular momenta. So the available L0 for making degeneracy of states is L
(6 12)
Notice that for small F^ we have an excitation energy gap 1 NiNsR
Then the microscopic entropy is
= logK) = 2 ^ / i ^ = 2^/ ( Nm - J i L ) = ZnVNiNsNrn
- J2 .
This again agrees explicitly with the black hole calculation.
An important subtlety arises in the use of the exponential approximation to the degeneracy of states formula. The approximation is valid only for energies E such that Q(E) is large; this turns out to be true only for iVm 3> Nii5. We may ask what goes wrong if all AT* are of the same order. The simplest way to see the approximation break down physically is to picture [104] the left-movers as a d = l + l gas of 1-5 strings, with order NiN5 massless species of average energy Nm/R. Let us introduce a temperature TL for the left-movers. Note that doing this does not screw up supersymmetry of the system, because the BPS condition is a condition on right-movers. The BPS system simply has zero rightmoving temperature. It is legitimate to have different temperatures for left and right movers because there is a net momentum. Assuming extensivity gives E~(R)(N1N6)'lt
= ?Y,
(6 15)
and entropy S^(R)(N1N5)TL.
Figure 7: JV short strings versus a single string N times as long. Eliminating TL between these relations gives S^iNxNsN^i,
as required. However, substituting back to find TL we find 1 fN,Nc,\^ ^ r ~ R { - ~ ) >i?
since Nlfi ~ Nm ,
i. e. the inverse temperature is longer than the wavelength of a typical quantum in a box of size R. So our gas is too cold for thermodynamics to be applicable, and we cannot trust our equations. In fact, if the three N{ are of the same order, then the strings "fractionate" [104]. A recent analysis [105] of the physics of this system in a CFT approach has yielded a rigorous explanation of fractionation. As an example of the basic idea, consider N5 = 1; what happens is that the Dl's join up to make a long string, as shown in Fig.7. Then the energy gap, instead of being 1/R, is l/(RNiN$), which is much smaller. As a consequence, there are now plenty of low-energy states. Notice that this is the same gap as we saw above in our study of rotation. With the smaller gap, we have just one species instead of N\N$ species, and the energy is E~(RNiN5)Wll
= ^ -
The entropy is S~(JUViJV 5 )(l)T L .
Therefore, the temperature is as before, 1
- < RNiN5;
(ATiJV 5 JV m )
but this time it is plenty hot enough for the equation of state to be valid because the box size is bigger by a factor of NiN5. The entropy counting now proceeds in a similar manner as before, but the central charge and the radius are modified as c = 6NiN5 —> c = 6 and R —• RNiN5. The result is identical.
n *
Figure 8: How D2's can split in the presence of NS5's.
d=4 entropy counting
A canonical set of ingredients for building the d=4 system is what we had previously in building the black hole: 0
D 2
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 r^t
— —^ ^ /v fv ~
~ ^
• • •
(6.22) •
The new feature of this system compared to the previous one is that D2-branes can end on NS5-branes. It costs zero energy to break up a D2-brane as shown in Fig.8. These extra massless degrees of freedom in the system lead to an extra label on the 2-6 strings, giving rise to an extra factor of A^ss in the degeneracy. The entropy counting proceeds just as before, and yields [106] = 2ny/N2N6NmbNm,
which again agrees exactly with the Bekenstein-Hawking black hole entropy. A major difference between this and the d=5 case is that rotation is incompatible with supersymmetry; in addition, there can be only one angular momentum J.
Non-BPS systems, and Hawking radiation
Among black holes and black branes, BPS systems are the systems under the greatest theoretical control because supersymmetry implies the presence of nonrenormalisation theorems for quantities including entropy. Their non-BPS counterparts are also very much worthy of study and we now turn to a discussion of their properties.
The nonextremal black hole metric for the Dl D5 W system comes from the rf=10 string frame metric dS20 = Di(r)-?Ds(r)-2
[-dt2 + dz2 + K(r) (coshamdt + sinha m dz) 2 ]
dr2 (1 - K(r))
+ £> 1 (r) + i£> 6 (r)+
where / l i 5 (r) = 1 + K(r) sinh 2 Ql , 5 ,
K(r) = -^ ,
and a's are the boost parameters used to make this solution. The conserved charges are given by _ Vr2Bsiah(2a1) 1
_ R2Vr2H sinh(2q m )
_ r\ sinh(2a 5 ) "5-g.e>
and the mass and thermodynamic quantities are MADM
cosh(2a 1 )
cosh(2a 5 )
cosh(2a m )
2i\RVr% r , , , i JTi— [ c o s hai cosha 5 cosha m J; 9s
(7 A\ \'-*)
2irrH [cosha! cosha 5 cosha m ] In the limit r% sinh 2 a l i 5 = r2_5 ^>r2m = r2H sinh 2 a m
> l2s ,
the expression for the ADM mass simplifies; the energy above extremality becomes 'N5RV A ^ M - ( ^
NiR\ + ^ )
RVr2H cosh(2a„ ^ ^ p ^ .
We also had that Nm _ RVrJi sinh(2a m ) R
now define n
s 21/^2
' ~1 ^ ~ ?s
(n o\
From this we can see that the system has effectively split into independent gases of left- and right-movers: AE
+ NL)
m = NL-NR.
415 This regime is dubbed the "dilute gas regime" because the energies and momenta are additive. This regime is, in fact, exactly what is selected by taking the decoupling limit we discussed in section (4). Let us proceed to compute the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy. In the dilute gas limit (7.5), the only boost parameter which is still effectively non-infinite is am. The entropy is then proportional to
The dilute gas entropy becomes [107] 3 2nRVr H / g ^ V 2
9 Jl
\ Vrl J V r\ ) \R2Vr2J
2TT (y/NiN5NL
+ y/NiNsNa)
Thus the entropy is additive. By very similar calculations as before we can see that the D-brane entropy counting gives exactly the same result as the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy in the dilute gas regime. For the nonextremal system the agreement persists even with the introduction of rotation [108]. In the case of the d=4 four-charge black holes, similar results ensue [109]. We may ask at this stage why the entropy of these near-extremal supergravity and perturbative D-brane systems agree, as there is no theorem protecting the degeneracy of non-BPS states. What is going on physically is that conformal symmetry possessed by the d=l+l theory is sufficiently restrictive, even when it is broken by finite temperature, for the black hole entropy to be reproduced by the field theory.
The BTZ black hole and the connection to D1-D5
In three spacetime dimensions, the rule "ff« = - l + ( ^ ) " " 3 "
for spacetimes without cosmological constant no longer applies because of logarithmic divergence problems. If, however, there is a negative cosmological constant, then there are well-behaved black holes, the BTZ black holes [110]. They are solutions of the action
-k/ d 3 x ^(^ + l)'
i.e. the cosmological constant is A = —l/£2. The metric is
,, (w2 - wl)(w2 - w2_) , , fw2 ,, dt BTZ= - " i T j +T-2 2^T~2 2~JW £2w2 (w2 — w^.)(w2 — wL)
The coordinate ip is periodic, with period 2n. The event horizons are at w = w±, and the mass and angular momenta are given by M
J 8PG3 ' -~MG^The thermodynamic entropy and temperature are
_ 2TTW+ 5BH =
(7 15)
(W\ — w2_) TH=
(7 16)
Consider the object with the following specific negative value of the mass parameter:
This animal is not a black hole, but the metric becomes ** = J
d t 2
This is AdS3 in global coordinates. In fact, due to the properties of d=3 gravity, the BTZ spacetime is everywhere locally AdS3. There is, however a global obstruction: ifi is compact. We are mentioning the BTZ spacetime because in many earlier papers on Dbranes and entropy counting, a so-called "effective string" model kept popping up in descriptions of the physics. In fact, this effective string story amounted to having a BTZ black hole lurking in the geometry in each case. This is intimately related to the AdSi/CFT2 and AdS2/CFTi correspondences; see the review [111] for more details. Now, let us work on the connection [112] between the BTZ black holes we have just studied, and the spacetime metric for the D1-D5-W system. The nonextremal 3-charge rf=5 black hole descends from the d=10 metric (7.1) we displayed in the last subsection. Let us wrap the four dimensions x\\ of the D5 not parallel to the D l on a T 4 . Reducing on x», we get a d=6 black string Di(r)~^Db(ry2 +Dl{r)+iD5{r)+'
[-dt2 + dz2 + K{r) (coshamdt + sinha m dz) 2 (7.19)
+ An
Now let us define the near-horizon limit. We will take r 2 < r 2 5 = r\ sinh 2 .*^ ,
but we will not demand a similar condition on r m . (This is the dilute gas condition all over again.) In this limit, the volume of the internal T 4 goes to a constant at the horizon, Vol(T 4 ) -»• V4 (T-l) ,
417 and so does the dilaton: e* -> (^]
These two scalars are examples of "fixed scalars". They are not minimally coupled. Since the dilaton is constant near-horizon, the near-horizon string and Einstein metrics differ only by a constant (which we now suppress). The angular piece of the metric also dramatically simplifies: Gnn = r ^ l + ^ 1
nrb = A2;
we get a 3-sphere of constant radius A. For the other piece of the metric r2 t,z,r ->• -To [~dt2 +
X2dr2 dz2
+ K(r)
(cosha m dt + sinha m dz) ] +
. (7.24)
Defining w\ = r\ cosh 2 a m ,
w2_ = r\ sinh 2 a m ,
we get ds\TZ =
— \-dt2(r2 A
- w\) + dz2(r2 + w2_) + 2dtdzw+wJ\
X2dr2 r (l-(w +-w2_)/r2)
( 7 - 26 ) '
Changing coordinates to w2 = r2 + w2_ ,
and doing some algebra the d=6 metric can be rearranged to , ,
, (w2 - wV)(w2 - w2 ) w2\2dw2 ±^—+ 2 2 2 \w ' (w — w\){w2 — w2J)
ds2 = -dt2-9
+-^ \dz + —t— dt)
X1 \ wi ) This is recognisable as the direct product of S3 and a BTZ black hole, if we simply rescale coordinates as
z R
—» T;
wR X
w —¥ ——
* - > -TT
From this it appears that only remnant of the D1,D5 data goes into the cosmological constant A = £ for the BTZ black hole; this is a consequence of having taken the nearhorizon limit. In fact, there is an overall constant ri/r5 differentiating the Einstein metric from the string metric, which we suppressed. In addition, we are required to compactify z, the direction along the Dl-brane, in order to make the identification precise.
Now note that only the momentum charge controls extremality, because i 2 r
± = " sirdi2
and so we get the relations wrapped extremal black string —>• extremal BTZ x S 3 , wrapped nonextremal black string —>• nonextremal BTZ x S 3 .
For d=4 black holes, the structure is BTZxS' 2 , which can be seen by considering a d=5 black string. A BTZ spacetime also appears even for rotating black holes, but it is only a local identification; there is a global obstruction. In addition, one has to go to a rotating coordinate system to see the BTZ structure [113]. There are entropy-counting methods available which use only the properties of three-dimensional gravity, see e.g. [114] for a discussion of some of the physics issues. We do not have space to discuss these methods here.
A universal result for black hole absorption
We would now like to review the calculation of [115] of the absorption cross-section for a spherically symmetric black hole. We will then go on to study the analogous process in the D-brane picture. The semiclassical black hole calculations involve several steps. One begins with a wave equation for the ingoing mode of interest, which can be complicated due to mixing of modes. This wave equation is not always separable. Typically it is necessary to use approximations to find the behaviour of wavefunctions in different regions of the geometry. The last step is to match the approximate solutions to get the absorption probability, and thereby also the absorption cross-section. For emission we use detailed balance. In performing the calculations it is found that the absorption probability is not unity because the curved geometry outside the horizon backscatters part of the incoming wave. Also, the dominant mode at low-energy turns out to be the s-wave. The result of [115] is that the low-energy s-wave cross-section for absorption of minimally coupled scalars by a d dimensional spherically symmetric black hole is universal, the area of the event horizon. Let us review this calculation, to illustrate how very different it is from the D-brane computation. The d-dimensional spherically symmetric black hole metric takes the form in Einstein frame ds2 = -f(p)dt2 + g(p) [dp2 + p2dn2_2] . (7.32) If the metric is not already in this form, a coordinate transformation can always be found to bring it so. Then v/~5 = V'J:(p)s(p)d_1Pd~2'• F ° r minimally coupled scalars,
419 the wave equation is
VV,* = 4=d» W^sT9") * = ° • For the s-wave, let * = iSu{p)e
dt {9ttdt)
( 7 - 33 )
, and so
^ ~ 7rmw^dp
(VJ^w='lpd~2 9{p)'ld") *-=° •(734)
Take the frequency of the wave u to be much smaller than any energy scale set by the black hole. This is the definition of "low-energy". Now, defining da=^f(p)g(pY-'pd-2dp,
leads to the wave equation (dl + [p2(a)g(p(a))d-2u;2})
* u ( a ) = 0.
Let the horizon be at p = TH', then the entropy is in these conventions 5BH =
=4G7^ '
Consider now the function in front of up in the previous equation. Near the horizon, (in the "near zone") the wave equation is [d2 + w 2 i ? ^ " 2 ) ] C
The solution must be purely ingoing at the horizon and so tf£ear(cr) = e - iwH fl" 2
We need to know how far out in p this solution is good. It works when the above approximation we used in the wave equation is good, and that will be for p's such that the area of the sphere is still of order the horizon area. By studying (7.35) very carefully, we can see that this is in fact far enough out that the small-a approximation is roughly valid. This turns out to be enough to guarantee that there is a region of overlapping validity of this near-zone wavefunction with the far-zone wavefunction which we will get to shortly. So at the edge of its region of validity the near-zone wavefunction is
^ " ^ ^ ledge ~ l ~ ^^jf^d)
(7 40)
420 The next item on the agenda is the "far-zone" wavefunction. smarter variable to use: [pd-2dp{pd-2dp)+u2p^-V}¥:<
Far away, p is the
= 0;
changing variables to eliminate the linear derivative *u
and defining (7.43)
z = up, gives
S? + l -
(d-2)(d-4) 4z2
Xu = 0-
Solutions to this equation are Bessel functions for Xu{z), so that
= *iP-«o \AJW_3){Z)
In order to find the behaviour of this wavefunction on the edge of its region of validity, use the small-z series expansions
^^&ruh r(u + i)
to get
2|(3-d) * f a r (p)
ledge r[i(d-i)]
m5 - d)](up)d~a
Matching to the near-zone wavefunction on its edge yields J4
= r[i(d-l)]25(d-3'
.r[|(5 - d)}2^3-d){u)RH)d-
Far away, we use the z —> oo expansion of the Bessel functions 5 and the behaviour is oscillatory,
(7 49)
as we would expect for a wave. Then ¥*(L0p)
(e+i(«<.-i») [ e - ' K ^ i A + e + ' i ^ ' i B (7.50)
5 If d is odd, the Bessel functions J±„ are not independent; the result is unaffected but the details are slightly different.
421 Now, the absorption probability is T= =
1 — |Reflection coefficient j 2 1
Be+'^-V 3
A + Be-'it"- )
Lastly, the fluxes need normalising because ingoing plane waves are used rather than ingoing spherical waves, e-iup
«"' = "
(>-•• = ^
Putting it all together yields
This result for low-energy minimally coupled scalar s-waves is completely universal for spherically symmetric black holes. To our knowledge, it is an interesting open problem to find whether this result carries over to black holes with angular momentum.
Emission from D-branes
The BPS D1-D5 system with momentum has no right-movers at all; this was necessary for it to be supersymmetric. Adding a little nonextremality gives a few right-movers, NR<^.NL. Using the gas picture which we used in our entropy discussion and in explaining fractionation, we get [3]
> -^R7m-
These temperatures are related to the Hawking temperature TH as T[l+T^
= 2T^.
Since in the dilute gas approximation the right-movers are far less numerous than the left-movers, the temperatures (7.54) satisfy TL^>TR. Therefore, to a good approximation, TH ~ TR. Consider low-energy left- and right-moving quanta, with frequencies u n times the gap frequency uiga.p~l/(NiNsR). Using the relation (7.54) for the temperature, we can see that the frequencies satisfy UJ<^TL. If we consider nontrivial scattering, the dominant process at low energy will be the collision of two open strings joining up to make a closed string which then moves off into the bulk.
422 This emission from the brane is the D-brane analogue of Hawking radiation. For all but very near-BPS cases, NR is macroscopically small but still microscopically large, so we use the canonical ensemble. (When NR —> 0, the thermality approximation will break down, and on the black hole side we will be in trouble with the third law.) The rate for the emission process is [116]
_!_ phase space
+ uR))
\A\2 ,
momentum conservation
coupling . (7.57) For simplicity, let us consider emission of a quantum corresponding to a minimally coupled bulk scalar, such as an internal component of GM„. The calculation of the amplitude was first done in [116] and we now review it for purposes of illustration here. The computation proceeds by considering the D-string worldsheet theory in a supergravity background which is to first approximation taken to be Minkowski space with no gauge fields and constant dilaton. The piece of the brane action we need is SuB, = -j^^jd2ae-^-det(¥(Ga0))
+ ...,
Let us pick static gauge, and expand the spacetime string metric as ( 7 - 59 )
G>„ = V + 2 / t i o V W •
The /c10 in this relation is the same one appearing in the Einstein-Hilbert action 5bulk
^ - fdwx^Ge-™R[G] - 2K?,
+ ....
Then the kinetic term for h is canonically normalised A,u,k ~ | (dhtj) (dh{j) ,
C ~ (<Sy + 2/ciohy) daXidaXj.
while the brane action yields
To get this expression, we soaked up a factor of the string tension in the X"s to get canonically normalised kinetic energies for them. This rescaling will not affect our answer because, to lowest order, the Lagrangian is only quadratic and is therefore independent of the tension. For the interaction Lagrangian we then have Ant ~
423 At this point we use the relation that K 10 ~ ga£*. Assuming for simplicity that the outgoing graviton momentum is perpendicular to the D-string, this gives rise to the amplitude A ~ gsLo2£2s. (7.64) We use this amplitude as our basic starting point for computing the emission probability. Averaging over initial states and and summing over final gives rise to the occupation factors PLM")
( 7 - 65 )
_ 1;
in our case in the dilute gas approximation we have pL(u) ~ — - , u>
pR{u) ~ —jfr ;W/T
Then the emission rate goes as
Computing the exact coefficient gives the precise relation
This tells us that emission is thermal at the Hawking temperature. Physically, thermality is a consequence of our having averaged over initial states. Using detailed balance to convert emission to absorption, we find the absorption cross-section to be o = AH ,
the area of the event horizon. This agrees precisely with the result obtained for the black hole from semiclassical gravity, which we saw in the last subsection. The agreement is in fact a many-parameter affair, in that the actual result for the horizon area depends on many different conserved quantum numbers. The agreement depends heavily on the presence of greybody factors, previously thought to be a nuisance but now seen to contain interesting physics. The reader following the normalisation factors precisely will also have noticed that it was crucial that we used the length of the circle given by fractionation physics; we would have been off by powers of JVlj8 if we had failed to do so. This is just one example of a more general class of D-brane calculations which agrees precisely with black hole emission and absorption rates. Results obtained in the dilute gas regime turn out to agree between the supergravity and perturbative D-brane pictures, whereas for other regimes the agreement is typically less precise. In some cases, an appeal to the correspondence principle was necessary in order to track
424 down missing degrees of freedom giving rise to contributions to emission/absorption processes. A great deal of work has been done on comparing decay rates for black holes and D-brane/strings via computation of scattering amplitudes. We cannot give a representative or complete list of references here, but we suggest [116, 117, 118]. This general body of work contributed to identification of operators in the gauge theory corresponding to bulk supergravity modes in the AdS/CFT correspondence.
Acknowledgements This work was supported in part by NSF grant PHY94-07194. During construction of this material, I benefited from useful discussions with many people, including Shanta de Alwis, Mike Duff, Steve Giddings, David Gross, Steve Gubser, Aki Hashimoto, Simeon Hellerman, Gary Horowitz, Sunny Itzhaki, Clifford Johnson, Jason Kumar, Finn Larsen, Don Marolf, Lubos Motl, Joe Polchinski, Simon Ross, and Eva Silverstein. I thank Larus Thorlacius especially for a critical reading of an earlier version of the manuscript. I would also like to thank Kayll Lake and his colleagues at Queen's University for their excellent research tool GRTensorll.
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Sean M. Carroll
TASI Lectures: Cosmology for String Theorists Sean M. Carroll Enrico Fermi Institute and Department of Physics University of Chicago 5640 S. Ellis Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637, USA email: c a r r o l l S t h e o r y . uchicago. edu web: h t t p : / / p a n c a k e . u c h i c a g o . e d u / ~ c a r r o l l /
Abstract These notes provide a brief introduction to modern cosmology, focusing primarily on theoretical issues. Some attention is paid to aspects of potential interest to students of string theory, on both sides of the two-way street of cosmological constraints on string theory and stringy contributions to cosmology. Slightly updated version of lectures at the 1999 Theoretical Advanced Study Institute at the University of Colorado, Boulder.
Contents 1 Introduction
2 The 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5
contemporary universe Eriedmann-Rabertson-Walker cosmology Exact solutions Matter Cosmic Microwave Background Evolution of the scale factor
440 440 443 446 447 450
3 The 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8
youthful universe Starting point Phase transitions Topological defects Relic particle abundances Vacuum displacement Thermal history of the universe Gravitinos and moduli Density fluctuations
452 452 452 453 455 457 459 462 464
4 Inflation 4.1 The idea 4.2 Implementation 4.3 Perturbations 4.4 Initial conditions and eternal inflation
464 464 466 469 471
5 Stringy cosmology 5.1 The beginning of time 5.2 Extra dimensions and compactification 5.3 The late universe
472 473 474 478
6 Conclusions
7 Acknowledgments
439 Those who think of metaphysics as the most unconstrained or speculative of disciplines are misinformed; compared with cosmology, metaphysics is pedestrian and unimaginative. - Stephen Toulmin1 [1]
String theory and cosmology are two of the most ambitious intellectual projects ever undertaken. The former seeks to describe all of the elements of nature and their interactions in a single coherent framework, while the latter seeks to describe the origin, evolution, and structure of the universe as a whole. It goes without saying that the ultimate success of each of these two programs will necessarily involve an harmonious integration of the insights and requirements of the other. At this point, however, the connections between cosmology and string theory are still rather tenuous. Indeed, one searches in vain for any appearance of "cosmology" in the index of a fairly comprehensive introductory textbook on string theory [2], and likewise for "string theory" in the index of a fairly comprehensive introductory textbook on cosmology [3]. These absences cannot be attributed to a lack of knowledge or imagination on the part of the authors. Rather, they are a reflection of a desire to stick largely to those aspects of these subjects about which we can speak with some degree of confidence (although in cosmology, at least, not everyone is so timid [4, 5]). In cosmology we have a very successful framework for discussing the evolution of the universe back to relatively early times and high temperatures, which however does not reach all the way to the Planck era where stringy effects are expected to become important. In string theory, meanwhile, we have learned a great deal about the behavior of the theory in certain very special backgrounds, which however do not include (in any obvious way) the conditions believed to obtain in the early universe. Fortunately, there is reason to believe that this situation may change in the foreseeable future. In cosmology, new data coming in from a variety of sources hold the promise of shedding new light on the inflationary era that is widely believed to have occurred in the early universe, and which may have served as a bridge from a quantum-gravity regime to a classical spacetime. And in string theory, the last few years have witnessed a number of new proposals for formulating the theory in settings which were previously out of reach, and there are great hopes for continued progress in this direction. Furthermore, there is a 1 "Metaphysics" is the traditional philosophical designation for the search for an underlying theory of the structure of reality. The contemporary reader is welcome to substitute "string theory".
440 reasonable expectation of significant improvement in our understanding of particle physics beyond the standard model, from upcoming accelerator experiments as well as attempts to directly detect cosmological dark matter. It is therefore appropriate for cosmologists and string theorists to keep a close watch on each other's work over the next few years, and this philosophy has guided the preparation of these lectures. I have attempted to explain the basic framework of the standard cosmological model in a mostly conventional way, but with an eye to those aspects which would be most relevant to the application of string theory to cosmology. (Since these lectures were delivered, several reviews have appeared which discuss aspects of string theory most relevant to cosmology [6, 7, 8, 9J.) My goals are purely pedagogical, which means for example that I have made no real attempt to provide an accurate historical account or a comprehensive list of references, instead focusing on a selection of articles from which a deeper survey of the literature can be begun. Alternative perspectives can be found in a number of other recent reviews of cosmology [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]. (Note: These lectures were first written and delivered in summer 1999. I have added occasional references to subsequent developments where they seemed indispensible, but have made no effort at a thorough updating.)
2 2.1
The contemporary universe Friedmann-Robertson-Walker cosmology
The great simplifying fact of cosmology is that the universe appears to be homogeneous (the same at every point) and isotropic (the same in every direction) along a preferred set of spatial hypersurfaces [16, 17]. Of course homogeneity and isotropy are only approximate, but they become increasingly good approximations on larger length scales, allowing us to describe spacetime on cosmological scales by the Robertson-Walker metric: ds2 = - d t 2 + a2{t)
-r2(de2 + sm29,
where the scale factor a(t) describes the relative size of spacelike hypersurfaces at different times, and the curvature parameter k is +1 for positively curved spacelike hypersurfaces, 0 for flat hypersurfaces, and —1 for negatively curved hypersurfaces. These possibilities are more informally known as "closed", "flat", and "open" universes, in reference to the spatial topology, but there are problems with such designations. First, the flat and negatively-curved
441 spaces may in fact be compact manifolds obtained by global identifications of their noncompact relatives [18,19, 20, 21]. Second, there is a confusion between the use of "open"/"closed" to refer to spatial topology and the evolution of the universe; if such universes are dominated by matter or radiation, the negatively curved ones will expand forever and the positively curved ones will recollapse, but more general sources of energy/momentum will not respect this relationship. A photon traveling through an expanding universe will undergo a redshift of its frequency proportional to the amount of expansion; indeed we often use the redshift z as a way of specifying the scale factor at a given epoch:
where a subscript 0 refers here and below to the value of a quantity in the present universe. Einstein's equations relate the dynamics of the scale factor to the energy-momentum tensor. For many cosmological applications we can assume that the universe is dominated by a perfect fluid, in which case the energy-momentum tensor is specified by an energy density p and pressure p: Too = P , Tij = pgij , (3) where indices i, j run over spacelike values {1,2,3}. The quantities p and p will be related by an equation of state; many interesting fluids satisfy the simple equation of state P = WP >
where w is a constant independent of time. The conservation of energy equation V/iTfU/ = 0 then implies p oc a~n , (5) with n = 3(1 + w). Especially popular equations of state include the following: p oc a~3 <-> p = 0 O matter, p oc a - 4 <-> P = \p «-> radiation, p oc o° <-> p = —p <-»• vacuum.
"Matter" (also called "dust") is used by cosmologists to refer to any set of non-relativistic, non-interacting particles; the pressure is then negligible, and the energy density is dominated by the rest mass of the particles, which redshifts away as the volume increases. "Radiation" includes any species of relativistic particles, for which the individual particle energies will redshift as 1/a in addition to the volume dilution factor. (Coherent electromagnetic fields will
442 also obey this equation of state.) The vacuum energy density, equivalent to a cosmological constant A via PA = A./8nG, is by definition the energy remaining when all other forms of energy and momentum have been cleared away. Plugging the Robertson-Walker metric into Einstein's equations yields the Friedmann equations, 8TTG
i P--2 a
a AnG, - = - _ ( p + 3 P ). (8) If the dependence of p on the scale factor is known, equation (7) is sufficient to solve for a(t). There is a host of terminology which is associated with the cosmological parameters, and I will just introduce the basics here. The rate of expansion is characterized by the Hubble parameter, H=l (9) a The value of the Hubble parameter at the present epoch is the Hubble constant, H0. Another useful quantity is the density parameter in a species i,
Pi = ^•"
Pi Petit fcrit
where the critical density is definedI bby y Petit
3H2 8TTG
corresponding to the energy density of a flat universe. In terms of the total density parameter
fi = £ n i ;
the Friedmann equation (7) can be written ^ " 1 ~ -
The sign of k is therefore determined by whether Q, is greater than, equal to, or less than one. We have P < Pent <-> 0. < 1 «-»• A; = — 1 ••<-> open P = Petit -B-fi = l-Bk = 0 •(-> flat P > Petit <->• fi > 1 <^ fc = + l -H- closed.
1 -
Figure 1: Dynamics of expanding universes dominated by matter and vacuum energy. The arrows indicate the direction of evolution. Above and on the nearly-horizontal line are those universes which expand forever, while those below will eventually recollapse. Note that Oi/% = Pi/Pj = a~{ni~n>\ so the relative amounts of energy in different components will change as the universe evolves. Figure 1 shows how UM and QA evolve in a universe dominated by matter and a cosmological constant. Note that the only attractive fixed point on the diagram is (QM = 0,ftA = 1)- In a sense this point represents the only natural stable solution for cosmology, and one of the outstanding problems is why we don't find ourselves living there.
Exact solutions
Our actual universe consists of a complicated stew of radiation, matter, and vacuum energy, as will be discussed below. It is nevertheless useful to consider exact solutions in order to develop some intuition for cosmological dynamics. The simplest solutions are those for flat universes, those with k = 0. For flat universes it is often more convenient to use Cartesian coordinates on spacelike hypersurfaces, so that the metric takes the form ds2 = -At2 + a2(t)[dx2 + dy2 + dz2} ,
444 rather than the polar coordinates in (1). However, the solutions for a(t) are the same. In a flat universe dominated by a single energy density source, the scaling of the source is directly related to the expansion history: k = 0, p oc oTn -> a oc t2/n .
(For n = 0, we get exponential growth.) Thus, a matter-dominated flat universe expands as a oc i2/3, and a radiation-dominated flat universe as a oc t1/2. When k ^ 0, the solutions for matter- and radiation-dominated universes are slightly more complicated, but may still be expressed in closed form [22, 23]. (Even when k / 0, the curvature term —k/a2 in the Friedmann equation will be subdominant to the energy density for very small a, so it is sensible to model the early universe using the k = 0 metric.) When the energy density consists solely of matter and/or radiation (or more generally when the energy density diminishes at least as rapidly as a" 2 ), negatively curved universes expand forever, while positively curved universes eventually recollapse. An interesting special case occurs for p = 0, an empty universe, which from (7) implies k = — 1. The solution is then linear expansion, a oc t; this is sometimes called the "Milne universe". In fact the curvature tensor vanishes in this spacetime, and it is simply an unconventional coordinate system which covers a subset of Minkowski spacetime. Let us now consider universes with a nonvanishing vacuum energy, with all other energy set to zero. Unlike ordinary energy, a cosmological constant A = 8wGpA can be either positive or negative. When A > 0, we can find solutions for any spatial curvature: k = -1
o oc sinh [(A/3)1/2 t]
a oc exp [(A/3) 1/2 t]
k = +1
1 2
-> a ex cosh [(A/3) / t] .
In fact, all of these solutions are the same spacetime, "de Sitter space", just expressed in different coordinates. Any given spacetime can (locally) be foliated into spacelike hypersurfaces in infinitely many ways, although typically such hypersurfaces will be wildly inhomogeneous; de Sitter space has the property that it admits Robertson-Walker foliations with any of the three spatial geometries (just as Minkowski space can be foliated either by surfaces of constant negative curvature to obtain the Milne universe, or more conventionally by flat hypersurfaces). In general such foliations will not cover the entire spacetime: the k = +1 coordinates cover all of de Sitter (which has global topology R x S3), while the others do not. However, this doesn't imply that the k = +1 RW metric is a "better" representation of de Sitter. For different purposes, it might be useful to model a patch of
445 some spacetime by a patch of de Sitter in certain coordinates. For example, if our universe went through an early phase in which it was dominated by a large positive vacuum energy (as in the inflationary scenario, discussed below), but containing some trace test particles, it would be natural to choose a coordinate system in which the particles were comoving (traveling on worldlines orthogonal to hypersurfaces of constant time), which might be the flat or negatively-curved representations. See Hawking and Ellis [22] for a discussion of the connections between different coordinate systems. When A < 0, equation (7) implies that the universe must have k = — 1. For this case the solution is a oc sin [(-A/3) 1 / 2 i] . (17) This universe is known as "anti-de Sitter space", or "AdS" for short. The RW coordinates describe an open universe which expands from a Big Bang, reaches a maximum value of the scale factor, and recontracts to a Big Crunch (recall that for a nonzero A the traditional relationship between spatial curvature and temporal evolution does not hold). Again, however, these coordinates do not cover the entire spacetime (which has global topology R 4 ). There are a number of different coordinates that are useful on AdS, and they have been much explored by string theorists in the context of the celebrated correspondence between string theory on AdS in n dimensions and conformal field theory in n — 1 dimensions; see [24] for a discussion. One of the reasons why AdS plays a featured role in string theory is that unbroken supersymmetry implies that the cosmological constant is either negative or zero (see [25, 26] and references therein). Of course, in our low-energy world supersymmetry is broken if it exists at all, and SUSY breaking generally contributes a positive vacuum energy, so one might think that it is not so surprising that we observe a positive cosmological constant (see below). The surprise is more quantitative; the scale of SUSY breaking is at least 103 GeV, while that of the vacuum energy is 10~12 GeV. de Sitter and anti-de Sitter, along with Minkowski space, have the largest possible number of isometries for a Lorentzian manifold of the appropriate dimension; they are therefore known as "maximally symmetric" (and are the only such spacetimes). In an n-dimensional maximally symmetric space, the Riemann tensor satisfies Rjiupa =
, N R{9lip9vtT ~ 9lMr9vp) ,
where R is the Ricci scalar, which in this case is constant over the entire manifold. The well-known symmetries of Minkowski space include the Lorentz group SO(n — 1,1) and the translations R 4 , together known as the Poincare group, de Sitter space possesses an SO(n, 1)
446 symmetry, while AdS has an SO(n — 1,2) symmetry. All of these groups are of dimension n(n + l ) / 2 . There is a sense in which the maximally symmetric solutions can be thought of as "vacua" of general relativity. In the presence of dynamical matter and energy (or gravitational waves), the solution will be non-vacuum, and possess less symmetry.
An inventory of the constituents comprising the actual universe is hampered somewhat by the fact that they are not all equally visible. The first things we notice are galaxies: collections of self-gravitating stars, gas, and dust. The light from distant galaxies is (almost always) redshifted, and the apparent recession velocity depends (almost exactly) linearly on distance: v = H0d, where we interpret the slope as the Hubble parameter at the present epoch. (The "almost"s are inserted because galaxies are not perfectly comoving objects, but have proper motions that lead to the conventional Doppler shifting; not to mention that at sufficiently large distances the linear Hubble law will break down.) Measuring extragalactic distances is notoriously tricky, but most current measurements of the Hubble constant are consistent with H0 = 60 - 80 km/sec/Mpc, where 1 Mpc = 106 parsecs = 3 x 1024 cm [27]. In particle-physics units (h = c = 1), this is H0 ~ 10~ 33 eV. It is convenient to express the Hubble constant as H0 = lOOh km/sec/Mpc, where 0.6 < h < 0.8. Note that, since PJ = 3HgQ.i/S-!rG, measurements of p; will often be expressed as measurements of Q;/i2. The Hubble constant provides a rough measure of the scale of the universe, since the age of a matter- or radiation-dominated universe is t0 ~ HQ1. We find perhaps 10 11 stars in a typical galaxy. The total amount of luminous matter in all the galaxies we see adds up to approximately f2 lum ~ 10~ 3 . In fact, most of the baryons are not in the form of stars, but in ionized gas; our best estimates of the total baryon density yield fig ~ 2 x 10~ 2 [28, 29]. But the dynamics of individual galaxies implies that there is even more matter there, in "halos" [30]. The implied existence of "dark matter" is confirmed by applying the virial theorem to clusters of galaxies, by looking at the temperature profiles of clusters, by "weighing" clusters using gravitational lensing, and by the large-scale motions of galaxies between clusters. The overall impression is of a matter density corresponding to nu
~ 0.1 - 0.4 [31, 32, 27, 33, 26]. There are innumerable fascinating facts about the matter in the universe. First and
arguably foremost, it all seems to be matter and not antimatter [34]. If, for example, half of the galaxies we observe were composed completely of antimatter, we would expect to see copious 7-ray emission from proton-antiproton annihilation in the gas in between the
447 galaxies. Since it seems more natural to imagine initial conditions in which matter and antimatter were present in equal abundances, it appears necessary to invoke a dynamical mechanism to generate the observed asymmetry, as will be discussed briefly in section (3.6). The relative abundances of various elements are also of interest. Heavy elements can be produced in stars, but it is possible to deduce "primordial" abundances through careful observation. Most of the primordial baryons in the universe are to be found in the form of hydrogen, with about 25% helium-4 (by mass), between 10~5 and 1CT4 in deuterium, about 10 -5 in helium-3, and 10~10 in lithium. As discussed below, these abundances provide a sensitive probe of early-universe cosmology [35, 36, 37]. Besides baryons and dark matter, galaxies also possess large-scale magnetic fields with root-mean-square amplitudes of order 10~6 Gauss [38, 39]. These fields may be the result of dynamo amplification of small seed fields created early in the history of the galaxies, or they may be relics of processes at work in the very early universe. Finally, we have excellent evidence for the existence of black holes in galaxies. There are black holes of several solar masses which are thought to be the end-products of the lives of massive stars, as well as supermassive black holes (M > 1O6M0) at the centers of galaxies [40, 41]. In astrophysical situations the electric charges of black holes will be negligible compared to their mass, since any significant charge will be quickly neutralized by absorbing oppositely charged particles from the surrounding plasma. They can, however, have significant spin, and observations have tentatively indicated spin parameters a > 0.95 (where a = 1.0 in an extremal Kerr black hole) [42].
Cosmic Microwave Background
Besides the matter (luminous and dark) found in the universe, we also observe diffuse photon backgrounds [43]. These come in all wavelengths, but most of the photons are to be found in a nearly isotropic background with a thermal spectrum at a temperature [44] of 2.73 °K — the cosmic microwave background. Careful observation has failed to find any deviation from a perfect blackbody curve; indeed, the CMB spectrum as measured by the COBE satellite is the most precisely measured blackbody curve in all of physics. Why does the spectrum have this form? Typically, blackbody radiation is emitted by systems in thermal equilibrium. Currently, the photon background is essentially non-interacting, and there is no accurate sense in which the universe is in thermal equilibrium. However, as the universe expands, individual photon frequencies redshift with v <x 1/a, and a blackbody curve will be preserved, with temperature T oc 1/a. Since the universe is expanding
448 now, it used to be smaller, and the temperature correspondingly higher. At sufficiently high temperatures the photons were frequently interacting; specifically, at temperatures above approximately 13 eV, hydrogen was ionized, and the photons were coupled to charged particles. The moment when the temperature become low enough for hydrogen to be stable (at a redshift of order 103) the universe became transparent.
This moment is known as
"recombination" or "decoupling", and the CMB we see today is to a good approximation a snapshot of the universe at this epoch 2 . Today, there are 422 CMB photons per cubic centimeter, which leads to a density parameter ficMB ~ 5 x 10~ 5 . If neutrinos are massless (or sufficiently light), a hypothetical neutrino background should contribute an energy density comparable to that in photons. We don't know of any other significant source of energy density in radiation, so in the contemporary universe the radiation energy density is dominated by the matter energy density. But of course they depend on the scale factor in different ways, such that Q M / ^ R <X O,. Thus, matter-radiation equality should have occurred at a redshift ZEQ ~ 10 4 QMThe source of most current interest in the CMB is the small but crucial temperature anisotropics from point to point in the sky [45, 46, 47]. We typically decompose the temperature fluctuations into spherical harmonics,
^ r = X> m >WM),
and express the amount of anisotropy at multipole moment / via the power spectrum, C, = (\alm\2) .
Higher multipoles correspond to smaller angular separations on the sky, 8 = 180°/I. Figure 2 shows a summary of data as of summer 2000, with various experimental results consolidated into bins, along with a theoretical model. (See [48, 49, 50, 51] for some recent observational work.) The curve shown in the figure is based on currently a specific understanding of the primordial inhomogeneities, in which they are Gaussian
of approximately equal magnitudes at all length scales (a "Harrison-Zeldovich spectrum") in a cold darkx matter component, which are "adiabatic" in the sense that fluctuations in the dark matter, photons, and baryons are all correlated with each other. A member of this Occasionally a stickler will complain that "recombination" is a misnomer, since the electrons are combining with protons for the first time. Such people should be dealt with by pointing out that a typical electron will combine and dissociate with a proton many times before finally settling down, so "re-" is a perfectly appropriate prefix in describing the last of these combinations.
449 8000
Fit to all data (Maxima+B98+...) 6000
' i
nA= o.6 Q
h 2 =0.028
h = 0.75
200 400 600 multipole m o m e n t , /
800 Knox 2 0 0 0
Figure 2: Amplitude of CMB temperature anisotropics, as a function of multipole moment I (so that angular scale decreases from left to right). The data points are averaged from all of the experiments performed as of Summer 2000. The curve is a theoretical model with scalefree adiabatic scalar perturbations in a flat universe dominated by a cosmological constant. Courtesy of Lloyd Knox. family of models is characterized by cosmological parameters such as the Hubble constant, the Qi's, and the amplitude of the initial fluctuations. A happy feature of these models is the existence of "acoustic peaks" in the CMB spectrum, whose characteristics are closely tied to the cosmological parameters. The first peak (the one at lowest I) corresponds to the angular scale subtended by the Hubble radius -ffcMB at recombination, which we can understand in simple physical terms [45]. An overdense region of a given size R will contract under the influence of its own gravity, which occurs over a timescale ~ R (remember c = 1). For scales R ;$> ^CMBI overdense regions will not have had time to collapse in the lifetime of the universe at last scattering. For
450 R < ^CMB. protons and electrons will have had time to fall into the gravitational potential wells, raising the temperature in the overdense regions (and lowering it in the underdense ones). There will be a restoring force due to the increased photon pressure, leading to acoustic oscillations which are damped by photon diffusion. The maximum amount of temperature anisotropy occurs on the scale which has just had time to collapse but not equilibrate, R ~ -f/cMBi which appears to us as a peak in the CMB anisotropy spectrum. The angular scale at which we observe this peak is tied to the geometry of the universe: in a negatively (positively) curved universe, photon paths diverge (converge), leading to a larger (smaller) apparent angular size as compared to a flat universe [52, 53]. Although the evolution of the scale factor also influences the observed angular scale, for reasonable values of the parameters this effect cancels out and the location of the first peak will depend primarily on the geometry. In a flat universe, we have ipeak ~ 200 ;
negative curvature moves the peak to higher I, and positive curvature to lower /. It is clear from the figure that this is indeed the observed location of the peak; this result is the best evidence we have that we live in a flat (k = 0, H = 1) Robertson-Walker universe. More details about the spectrum (height of the peak, features of the secondary peaks) will depend on other cosmological quantities, such as the Hubble constant and the baryon density. Combined with constraints from other sources, data which will be gathered in the near future from new satellite, balloon and ground-based experiments should provide a wealth of information that will help pin down the parameters describing our universe. You can calculate the theoretical curves at home yourself with the program CMBFAST [54]. The CMB can also be used to constrain particle physics in various ways [46].
Evolution of the scale factor
Saul Perlmutter's lectures at TASI-99 discussed the recent observations of Type la supernovae as standard candles, and the surprising result that they seem to indicate an accelerating universe and therefore a nonzero cosmological constant (or close relative thereof) [55, 56, 57, 58]. Since wonderfully entertaining reviews have recently become available [26], I will not go into any detail here about this result and its consequences. The important point is that the supernova results have received confirmation from a combination of dynamical measurements of fiM and the CMB constraints on fitot discussed in the previous section. The favored universe is one with Qu ~ 0.3 and QA ~ 0.7.
451 1
• !
1 1
J\l | Planck scale i
EW .
1: Now .
log(a) Figure 3: Evolution of the different density parameters in a universe with fi0,M = 0.3, fto,A = 0.7, and n0,R = 5 x 10"5. If true, this is a remarkable universe, especially considering our early remark that the different fi;'s evolve at different rates. Figure 3 shows this evolution for the apparentlyfavored universe, as a function of log(a). The period in which flu is of the same order as S7A is a very brief one, cosmically speaking. It's clearly crucial that we work to better understand this remarkable result, which will have important consequences for both cosmology and fundamental microphysics if it is eventually confirmed [59, 25, 26],
The youthful universe
Starting point
In the previous lecture we discussed the universe as we see it, as well as the dynamical equations which describe its evolution according to general relativity. One conclusion is that the very early universe was much smaller and hotter than the universe today, and the energy density was radiation-dominated. We also saw that the universe on large scales could be accurately described by a perturbed Robertson-Walker metric. On thermodynamic grounds (backed up by evidence from CMB anisotropy) it seems likely that these perturbations are growing rather than shrinking with time, at least in the matter-dominated era; it would require extreme fine-tuning of initial conditions to arrange for diminishing matter perturbations [60]. Thus, the early universe was smoother as well. Let us therefore trace the history of the universe as we reconstruct it given these conditions plus our current best guesses at the relevant laws of physics. We can start at a temperature close to but not quite at the reduced3 Planck scale M P = 1/y/SwG ~ 1018 GeV, so that we can (hopefully) ignore string theory (!). We imagine an expanding universe with matter and radiation in a thermal state, perfectly homogeneous and isotropic (we can put in perturbations later), and all conserved quantum numbers set to zero (no chemical potentials). Note that asymptotic freedom makes our task much easier; at the high temperatures we are concerned with, QCD (and possible grand unified gauge interactions) are weakly coupled, allowing us to work within the framework of perturbation theory.
Phase transitions
The high temperatures and densities characteristic of the early universe typically put matter fields into different phases than they are in at zero temperature and density, and often these phases are ones in which symmetries are restored [4, 5]. Consider a simple theory of a real scalar field
The "ordinary" Planck scale is simply 1/VG ~ 1019 GeV. It is only an accident of history (Newton's law of gravity predating general relativity, or for that matter Poisson's equation) that it is defined this way, and the tradition is continued by those with a great fondness for typing "8\pi".
453 Interactions with a thermal background typically give positive contributions to the potential at finite temperature: V(4>,T) = V(4>,0) + aT2
Topological defects
Note that, post-transition, the field falls into the vacuum manifold (the set of field values with minimum energy — in our current example it's simply two points) essentially randomly. It will fall in different directions at different spatial locations x\ and x-2 separated by more than one correlation length of the field. In an ordinary FRW universe, the field cannot be correlated on scales larger than approximately H-1, as this is the distance to the particle horizon (as we will discuss below in the section on inflation). If (cj>(xi)) = +v and {<j>{x2)) = —v, then somewhere in between X\ and x-i <j> must climb over the energy barrier to pass through zero. Where this happens there will be energy density; this is known as a "topological defect" (in this case a defect of codimension one, a domain wall). The argument that the existence of horizons implies the production of defects is known as the "Kibble mechanism". More complicated vacuum manifolds M. will give other forms of defects, depending on the topology of M.; if the homotopy group itq{M) (the set of topologically inequivalent maps from Sq into M) is nontrivial, we will have defects of (spatial) codimension (q + V). In three
454 spatial dimensions, nontrivial •n0(M) gives rise to walls (such as in our example, for which •Ka(M) = Z2), nontrivial n-i(M) gives rise to (cosmic) strings, and nontrivial 7T2(JM) gives rise to pointlike defects (monopoles) [61]. Nobody will be upset if you refer to these defects as "branes". When a symmetry group G is broken to a subgroup H, the vacuum manifold is the quotient space M. — G/H, so we can determine what sorts of defects might be created at an early-universe phase transition. A good tool for doing this is the exact homotopy sequence [62, 63] •••-»• nq+l(G/H)
-> 7r,(tf) ^
TT,(G) A - 7rq(G/H) -^
->•••->• *0(G/H) -> 0 , (24) where 0 is the trivial group. The maps a;, /3; and 7; are specified in terms of the spaces G, H and G/H, and they are all group homomorphisms. For example, the map aq takes the image of a (/-sphere in H into an image of a g-sphere in G using the inclusion of if as a subgroup in G, i : H[ <-t G. "Exactness" means that the image of each map is precisely equal to the kernel (the set of elements taken to zero) of the map following it. An important consequence of exactness is that if two. spaces A and B are sandwiched between the trivial group, 0 —> A -^-> B —> 0, then the map ui must be an isomorphism. This is easy to see: since the kernel of B -» 0 is all of B, w must be onto. Meanwhile, since the kernel of w is the image of 0 —> A (which is just zero), in order for LO to be a group homomorphism it must be one-to-one. Thus, w is an isomorphism. You can also check for yourself that the exact sequence 0 —> A —> 0 implies that A must be the trivial group. The exact homotopy sequence can be used in conjunction with our knowledge of various facts about the topology of Lie groups to calculate nq(M). Some of the relevant facts include: 1.) For any Lie group G, 7r2(G) = 0. 2.) For any simple group G, 7r3(G) = Z. 3.) 7r!(SU(n)) = 0, but 7Ti(U(n)) = Z, and 7Ti(SO(n > 2)) = Z2. 4.) TT0 simply counts the number of disconnected pieces into which a space falls, so 7r0(SU(n)) = 7r0(SO(n)) = 7r0(U(n)) = 0, and 7r0(O(n)) = Z2. 5.) Finally, for any spaces (not just groups) A and B, we have nq(A x B) = ng(A) x nq(B). For some examples of homotopy calculations see [63]. As an example, consider SU(2) breaking down to U(l). In the exact homotopy sequence, 7r0(SU(2)/U(l)) and 7rl(SU(2)/U(l)) are each sandwiched between 0's, so both are trivial. On the other hand, we have TT2(SU(2)) = 0 -> 7r2(SU(2)/U(l)) -> 7r!(U(l)) = Z -> 7n(SU(2)) = 0 ,
so the map 7r2(SU(2)/U(l)) -> Z must be an isomorphism, 7r2(SU(2)/U(l)) = Z. This
455 theory (the "Georgi-Glashow model") therefore predicts magnetic monopoles with charges (proportional to the winding number of the map S 2 —> SU(2)/U(1)) taking values in Z. [The modifier "magnetic" is only appropriate if the original SU(2) was a gauge symmetry, in which case the monopole acts as a source for the magnetic field of the unbroken U(l). There can also be monopoles from the breakdown of a global symmetry, although there are no solutions with finite energy. Infinite energies aren't generally looked down upon by cosmologists, as the universe is a big place; more of a worry would be an infinite energy density, which does not occur in global monopoles.] Once defects are produced at a phase transition, the question of cosmological interest is how they subsequently evolve. This will be very different for different sorts of defects, and can be altered by going beyond the simplest models [61]. We will encounter some examples below.
Relic particle abundances
One of the most useful things to do in cosmology is to calculate the abundance of a given particle species from a specified initial condition in the early universe. First consider the properties of particles in thermal equilibrium (with zero chemical potential). In the relativistic limit m < T , the number density n and energy density p are given by n « T3 p « T4 .
Here we have begun what will be a conventional practice during this lecture, ignoring factors of order unity. To get them right see any standard text [3, 4]. Note that the Friedmann equation during a phase when the universe is flat and radiation-dominated can be expressed simply as T2 (The appearance of the Planck scale here isn't a sign of the importance of quantum gravity, but merely classical gravity plus the fact that we've set ft = c = 1.) In the nonrelativistic limit {m^>T), meanwhile, we have
n « p «
(mTf2e-m'T ran .
The energy density of nonrelativistic particles is just their number density times the individual particle masses.
456 Particles will tend to stay in thermal equilibrium as long as reaction rates T are much faster than the expansion rate H, so that the particles have plenty of time to interact before the expansion of the universe separates them. A particle for which r -C H is referred to as decoupled or "frozen-out"; for species which are kept in thermal equilibrium by the exchange of massive bosons, T oc T 5 , and such particles will be frozen-out at sufficiently low temperatures. (Of course, a species may be noninteracting with the thermal bath and nevertheless in an essentially thermal distribution, as we've already noted for the CMB; as another example, massless neutrinos decouple while in a thermal distribution, which is then simply preserved as the universe expands and the temperature decreases.) There are two limiting cases of interest, decoupling while relativistic ("hot relics") and while nonrelativistic ("cold relics")4. A hot relic X will have a number density at freeze-out approximately equal to the photon number density, nx(Tf)
~ Tf ~ n7(Tf) ,
where Ts is the freeze-out temperature. Subsequently, the number densities of both X and photons simply diminish as the volume increases, nx oc n 7 a a - 3 , so their present-day number density is approximately nxa ~ «7o ~ 102 cm"3 .
We express this number as 10 rather than 422 since the roughness of our estimate does not warrant such misleading precision. The leading correction to this value is typically due to the production of additional photons subsequent to the decoupling of X; in the Standard Model, the number density of photons increases by a factor of approximately 100 between the electroweak phase transition and today, and a species which decouples during this period will be diluted by a factor of between 1 and 100 depending on precisely when it freezes out. So, for example, neutrinos which are light {mv < MeV) have a number density today of n„ = 115 cm~3 per species, and a corresponding contribution to the density parameter (if they are nevertheless heavy enough to be nonrelativistic today) of
Thus, a neutrino with m„ ~ 10~2 eV (as might be a reasonable reading of the recent SuperKamiokande data [64]) would contribute Q„ ~ 2 x 10~4. This is large enough to 4 "Hot dark matter", then, refers to dark matter particles which were relativistic when they decoupled — not necessarily relativistic today.
457 be interesting without being large enough to make neutrinos be the dark matter. That's good news, since the large velocities of neutrinos make them free-stream out of overdense regions, diminishing primordial perturbations and leaving us with a universe which has much less structure on small scales than we actually observe. On the other hand, the roughness of our estimates (and the data) leaves open the possibility that neutrinos are nevertheless dynamically important, perhaps as part of a complicated mixture of dark matter particles [65]. For cold relics, the number density is plummeting rapidly during freeze-out due to the exponential in (28), and the details of the interactions can be important. But, very roughly, the answer works out to be aomxMp where oo is the annihilation cross-section of X at T = mx • An example of a cold relic is provided by protons, for which mp ~ 1 GeV and a0 ~ m~2 ~ (.1 GeV) -2 . This implies rip/rij ~ 10~20, which is rather at odds with the observed value rip/rij ~ 10"10; this conflict brings home the need for a sensible theory of baryogenesis [66, 67, 68]. (We might worry that the disagreement between theory and observation in this case indicates that we had no clue how to really calculate relic abundances, if it weren't for the shining counterexample of nucleosynthesis to be discussed below.) A less depressing example of a cold relic is provided by weakly interacting massive particles ("wimps"), a generic name given to particles with cross-sections characteristic of the weak interactions, a0 ~ GF ~ (300 GeV)~2. Then the relic abundance today will be no no.wimp ~ ^ _ 7—— GFmvmvMp
[W~13 GeVN ( —^ (cm3,
which leads in turn to a density parameter fVwimp ~ 1 •
The independence of (34) on m w j mp (at least at our crude level of approximation) means that particles with weak-interaction annihilation cross-sections provide excellent candidates for cold dark matter. A standard example is the lightest supersymmetric particle ("LSP") [69, 70].
Vacuum displacement
Another important possibility is the existence of relics which were never in thermal equilibrium. An example of these has already been discussed: the production of topological defects
458 at phase transitions. Let's discuss another kind of non-thermal relic, which derives from what we might call "vacuum displacement". Consider the action for a real scalar field in curved spacetime (assumed to be four-dimensional): S = fdix^=^^-~g^d^d^-V(^
If we assume that
where an overdot indicates a partial derivative with respect to time, and a prime indicates a derivative with respect to (j>. For a free massive scalar field, V(<j>) = | m ^ 2 , and (36) describes a harmonic oscillator with a time-dependent damping term. For H > m^, the field will be overdamped, and stay essentially constant at whatever point in the potential it finds itself. So let us imagine that at some time in the very early universe (when H was large) we had such an overdamped homogeneous scalar field, stuck at a value (j> = <j>,; the total energy density in the field is simply the potential energy ^m^l- The Hubble parameter H will decrease to approximately m^, when the temperature reaches T, = Jm^Mp, after which the field will be able to evolve and will begin to oscillate in its potential. The vacuum energy is converted to a combination of vacuum and kinetic energy which will redshift like matter, as p# oc a~3; in a particle interpretation, the field is a Bose condensate of zero-momentum particles. We will therefore have W ~ &*&)'• 2-
which leads to a density parameter today A4^
\ I/2
°'* ~ U - » GeV J
A classic example of a non-thermal relic produced by vacuum displacement is the QCD axion, which has a typical primordial value (<j>) ~ / P Q and a mass ra^ ~ A Q C D / / P Q , where /PQ is the Peccei-Quinn symmetry-breaking scale and AQCD ~ 0.3 GeV is the QCD scale [4]. In this case, plugging in numbers reveals
459 The Peccei-Quinn scale is essentially a free parameter from a theoretical point of view, but experiments and astrophysical constraints have ruled out most values except for a small window around / P Q ~ 10 12 GeV. The axion therefore remains a viable dark matter candidate [69, 70]. Note that, even though dark matter axions are very light ( A Q C D / / P Q ~ 10~4 eV), they are extremely non-relativistic, which can be traced to the non-thermal nature of their production process. (Another important way to produce axions is through the decay of axion cosmic strings [4, 61].)
Thermal history of the universe
We are now empowered to take a brief tour through the evolution of the universe, starting at a temperature T ~ 10 16 GeV, and assuming the correctness of the Standard Model plus perhaps some grand unified theory, but nothing truly exotic. (At temperatures higher than this, not only do we have to worry about quantum gravity, but the Hubble parameter is so large that essentially no perturbative interactions are able to maintain thermal equilibrium; either strong interactions are important, or every species is frozen out.) The first event we encounter as the universe expands is the grand unification phase transition (if there is one). Here, some grand unified group G breaks to the standard model group 5 [SU(3) x SU(2) x U ( l ) ] / Z 6 , with popular choices for G including SU(5), SO(10), and E 6 . Most interesting particles decay away after the GUT transition, with the possible exception of the all-important baryon asymmetry. As Sakharov long ago figured out, to make a baryon asymmetry we need three conditions [66, 67, 68]: 1. Baryon number violation. 2. C and CP violation. 3. Departure from thermal equilibrium. The X-bosons of GUTs typically have decays which can violate B, C, and CP.
from equilibrium happens because the X's first freeze out, then decay. With the right choice of parameters, we can get n B / n 7 ~ 10~ 10 , the sought-after number. One problem with this scenario is that, at T > T E w, nonperturbative effects in the standard model (sphalerons) can violate baryon number. 5
These will tend to restore the
You will often hear it said that the standard model gauge group is SU(3) x SU(2) x U(l), but this is not strictly correct; there is a Z 6 subgroup leaving all of the standard-model fields invariant. The Lie algebras of the two groups are identical, which is usually all that particle physicists care about, but when topology is important it is safer to keep track of the global structure of the group.
460 baryon number to its equilibrium value (zero). A potential escape is to notice that sphalerons violate B and lepton number L but preserve the combination B — L, so that for every excess baryon produced a corresponding lepton must be produced. If our GUT generates a nonzero B - L it will therefore survive, as it cannot be changed by standard model processes. The SU(5) theory conserves B — L and is therefore apparently not the origin of the baryon asymmetry, although B — L can be generated in SO(10) models [67, 68]. Another worry about GUTs is the prediction of magnetic monopoles. Since ni(G) = 0 for any simple Lie group G, we have n2(G/H) = T ^ Q S U ^ ) X SU(2) X U(l)]/Z 6 ) = Z, and monopoles are inescapable. We end up with
This is far too big; the monopole abundance in GUTs is a serious problem, one which can be solved by inflation (which we will discuss later). Depending on the details of the symmetry group being broken, the GUT phase transition can also produce domain walls (which also disastrously overdominate the universe) or cosmic strings (which will not dominate the energy density, and in fact may have various beneficial effects) [61]. Below the GUT temperature, nothing really happens (as far as we know) until TEw ~ 300 GeV (z ~ 1015), when the Standard Model gauge symmetry [SU(3) x SU(2) x U(l)]/Z 6 is broken to SU(3) x U(l). No topological defects are produced. (Magnetic fields may be, however; see for example [71, 72, 73].) Most interestingly, the electroweak phase transition may be responsible for baryogenesis [66, 67, 68]. The nonperturbative B-violating interactions of the Standard Model are exponentially suppressed after the phase transition, so any asymmetry generated at that time will be preserved. The important question is the amount of CP violation and departure from thermal equilibrium. Both exist in the minimal Standard Model; CP violation is present in the CKM matrix, and expansion of the universe provides some departure from equilibrium. Both are very small, however; the amounts are apparently not nearly enough to generate the required asymmetry. It is therefore necessary to augment the Standard Model. Fortunately the simple action of adding additional Higgs bosons can work both to increase the amount of CP violation (by introducing new mixing angles) and the departure from thermal equilibrium (by changing the phase transition from second order, which it is in the SM for experimentally allowed values of the Higgs mass, to first order). Supersymmetric extensions of the SM require an extra Higgs doublet in addition to the one of the minimal SM, so there is some hope for a
461 SUSY scenario. At this point, however, the relevant dynamics at the phase transition are not sufficiently well understood for us to say whether electroweak baryogenesis is a sensible idea. (It does, however, have the pleasant aspect of being related to experimentally testable aspects of particle physics.) There is one more scenario worth mentioning, known as Affleck-Dine baryogenesis [74, 66]. The idea here is to have a scalar condensate with energy density produced by vacuum displacement, but to have the scalar carry baryon number. Its decay can then lead to the observed baryon asymmetry. After the electroweak transition, the next interesting event is the QCD phase transition at TQCD ~ 0.3 GeV. Actually there are two things that happen, lumped together for convenience as the "QCD phase transition": chiral symmetry breaking, and the confinement of quarks and gluons into hadrons. Our understanding of the QCD transition is also underdeveloped, although it is likely to be second order and does not lead to any important relics [75], At a temperature of T/ ~ 1 MeV, the weak interactions freeze out, and free neutrons and protons decouple. The neutron to proton ratio at this time is approximately 1/6, and gradually decreases as the neutrons decay. Soon thereafter, at around TBBN ~ 80 keV, almost all of the neutrons fuse with protons into light elements (D, 3He, 4He, Li), a process known as "Big Bang Nucleosynthesis" [35, 37, 36]. Although it would seem to be a rather mundane low-energy phenomenon from the lofty point of view of constructing a theory of everything, the results of BBN are actually of great importance to string theory (or any other theories which could affect cosmology), since they offer by far the best empirical constraints on the behavior of the universe at relatively early times. The abundances of light elements, like those of any other relics, depend on the interplay between interaction rates T, of species i and the Hubble parameter H. The reaction rates depend in turn on the baryon to photon ratio ns/n-y, not to mention the parameters of the Standard Model (the fine-structure constant a, the Fermi constant Gp, the electron mass m e , etc.). Since BBN occurs well into the radiation-dominated era, the expansion rate is
= m^ •
In the standard picture, PR comes essentially from photons (whose density we can count) and neutrinos (whose density per species we have calculated above), as well as electrons when T > me. It is a remarkable fact that the observed light-element abundances, coupled with the observed number of light neutrino species Nu = 3, are consistent with the BBN prediction
462 for rie/n^ ~ 5 x 10~10, a number which is consistent with the observed ratio of baryons to photons. (Consistent in the sense of being not incompatible; in fact the observed number of baryons is somewhat lower, but there's nothing stopping some of the baryons from being dark [29].) The agreement, furthermore, is not with a single number, but the individual abundances of D, 4He, and 7Li. Not only does this give us confidence in our ability to calculate relic abundances (both of nuclei and of the neutrinos that enter the calculation), it also implies that the current values of nB/n~,, the number density of hot relics, Newton's constant G, the fine structure constant a, and all of the other parameters of physics that enter the calculation, are similar to what their values were at the time of BBN, when the universe was only 1 second old [76]. This is astonishing when we consider the number of ways in which they could have varied, as discussed briefly in the next section [77]. Apart from constraints on specific models, nucleosynthesis also provides the best evidence that the early universe was in a hot thermal state, with dynamics governed by the conventional Friedmann equation. Although it is possible to imagine alternative early histories which are compatible with the observed light-element abundances, it would be surprising if any dramatically different model led coincidentally to the same predictions as the conventional picture.
Gravitinos and moduli
An example of a model constrained by BBN is provided by any theory of supergravity in which SUSY is broken at an intermediate scale Mi ~ 1011 GeV in a hidden sector (the gravitationally mediated models). In these theories the gravitino, the superpartner of the graviton, will have a mass m 3/2 ~ M?/Mp ~ 103 GeV (42) (which is also the scale of SUSY breaking in the visible sector). The gravitino is of special interest since its interactions are so weak (its couplings, gravitational in origin, are suppressed by powers of MP) implying that 1.) it decouples early, while relativistic, leaving a large relic abundance, and 2.) it decays slowly and therefore relatively late. Indeed, the lifetime is T3/2 ~ Ml/m\/2
~ 1027 GeV -1 ~ 103 sec ,
somewhat after nucleosynthesis. The decaying gravitinos produce a large number of highenergy photons, which can both dilute the baryons and photodissociate the nuclei, changing their abundances and thereby ruining the agreement with observation. This "gravitino prob-
463 lem" might be alleviated by inflation (as we will later discuss), but serves as an important constraint on specific models [78, 79, 80, 81, 82], The success of BBN also places limits on the time variation of the coupling constants of the Standard Model6. In string theory, these couplings are all related to the expectation values of moduli (scalar fields parameterizing "fiat directions" in field space which arise due to the constraints of supersymmetry), and could in principle vary with time [83]. The fact that they don't vary is most easily accommodated by imagining that the moduli are sitting at the minima of some potentials; in fact this is completely sensible given that supersymmetry is broken, so we expect that mmoduii ~ M g u s Y ~ 103 GeV, enough to fix their values for all temperatures less than T ~ \/MSUSYMP ~ 1011 GeV (although at higher temperatures they could vary in interesting ways). On the other hand, massive moduli present their own problems. They are produced as non-thermal relics due to vacuum displacement [86, 87, 88]. At high temperatures the fields are at some random point in moduli space, which will typically be of order (j>, ~ MP. If the moduli were stable, from (39) we would therefore expect a contribution to the critical density of order n0,moduli ~ 1 0 2 7 .
This number is clearly embarrassingly big, and something has to be done about it. The moduli can of course decay into other particles, but their lifetimes are similar to those of gravitinos, and their decay also tends to destroy the success of BBN. Due to their different production mechanism, it is harder to dilute the moduli abundance during inflation (since the scalar vev can remain displaced while inflation occurs), and the "moduli problem" poses a significant puzzle for string theories. (One promising solution would be the existence of a point of enhanced symmetry which would make the high-temperature and low-temperature minima of the potential coincide [89].) In addition to the overproduction of moduli, there are also problems with their stabilization, especially for the dilaton, perhaps the best-understood example of a modulus field. One problem is that the dilaton expectation value acts as a coupling constant in string theory, and very general arguments indicate that the dilaton cannot be stabilized at a value we would characterize as corresponding to weak coupling [90]. Another is that, in certain popular models for stabilizing the dilaton using gaugino condensates, the cosmological evolution 6 Note that there are a number of other constraints on such time dependence, including solar-system tests of gravity, the relative spacing of absorption lines in quasar spectra, and isotopic abundances in the Oklo natural reactor [84, 85].
464 would almost inevitably tend to overshoot the desired minumum of the dilaton potential and run off to an anti-de Sitter vacuum [91]. Problems such as these are the subject of current investigation [92, 93]. There are numerous aspects of the cosmology of moduli which can't be covered here; see Michael Dine's TASI lectures for an overview [94].
The subject of primordial density fluctuations and their evolution into galaxies is a huge subject in its own right [95, 96, 31, 32], which time and space did not permit covering in these lectures. By way of executive summary, models in which the matter density is dominated by cold dark matter (CDM) and the perturbations are nearly scale-free, adiabatic, and Gaussian (just as predicted by inflation — see section (4.3) below) are relatively good fits to the data. Such models are often compared to the fiducial HM = 1 case ("Standard CDM"), which cannot simultaneously be fit to the CMB anisotropy amplitude and the amount of structure seen in redshift surveys. Since it is harder to change the CMB normalization, modifications of the CDM scenario need to decrease the power on small scales in order to fit the galaxy data. Fortunately, most such modifications — a nonzero cosmological constant ("ACDM"), an open universe ("OCDM"), an admixture of hot dark matter such as neutrinos ('VCDM") — work in this direction. The most favored model at the moment is that with an appreciable cosmological constant, although none of the models is perfect. Hot dark matter models are completely ruled out if they are based on scale-free adiabatic perturbation spectra. There is also the possibility of seeding perturbations with "seeds" such as topological defects, although such scenarios are currently disfavored for their failure to fit the CMB anisotropy spectrum (for examples of recent analyses see [97, 98, 99].)
4 4.1
Inflation The idea
Despite the great success of the conventional cosmology, there remain two interesting conceptual puzzles: flatness and isotropy. The leading solution to these problems is the inflationary universe scenario, which has become a central organizing principle of modern cosmology [100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106]. The flatness problem comes from considering the Friedmann equation in a universe with
465 matter and radiation but no vacuum energy:
= zk^+^-i-
The curvature term -k/a? is proportional to a"2 (obviously), while the energy density terms fall off faster with increasing scale factor, pM oc a~3 and PR OC CT4. This raises the question of why the ratio (ka~2)/(p/3M2) isn't much larger than unity, given that a has increased by a factor of perhaps 1028 since the grand unification epoch. Said another way, the point Q = 1 is a repulsive fixed point — any deviation from this value will grow with time, so why do we observe Q, ~ 1 today? The isotropy problem is also called the "horizon problem", since it stems from the existence of particle horizons in FRW cosmologies. Horizons exist because there is only a finite amount of time since the Big Bang singularity, and thus only a finite distance that photons can travel within the age of the universe. Consider a photon moving along a radial trajectory in a flat universe (the generalization to nonflat universes is straightforward). A radial null path obeys 0 = ds2 = -dt2 + a2dr2 , (46) so the comoving distance traveled by such a photon between times t\ and *2 is Ar = / * *
(To get the physical distance as it would be measured by an observer at time t\, simply multiply by a{t\).) For a universe dominated by an energy density p oc a~n, this becomes
Ar =
where the * subscripts refer to some fiducial epoch (the quantity a, H, is a constant). The horizon problem is simply the fact that the CMB is isotropic to a high degree of precision, even though widely separated points on the last scattering surface are completely outside each others' horizons. Choosing a0 = 1, the comoving horizon size today is approximately HQ1, which is also the approximate comoving distance between us and the surface of last scattering (since, of the comoving distance traversed by a photon between a redshift of infinity and a redshift of zero, the amount between z = oo and z = 1100 is much less than the amount between z = 1100 and z = 0). Meanwhile, the comoving horizon size at the time of last scattering was approximately OCMB^O-1 ~ 10"3.ffo~\ s o distinct patches of the
466 CMB sky were causally disconnected at recombination. Nevertheless, they are observed to be at the same temperature to high precision. The question then is, how did they know ahead of time to coordinate their evolution in the right way, even though they were never in causal contact? We must somehow modify the causal structure of the conventional FRW cosmology. Now let's consider modifying the conventional picture by positing a period in the early universe when it was dominated by vacuum energy rather than by matter or radiation. (We will still work in the context of a Robertson-Walker metric, which of course assumes isotropy from the start, but we'll come back to that point later.) Then the flatness and horizon problems can be simultaneously solved. First, during the vacuum-dominated era, p/3Mp oc a0 grows rapidly with respect to —k/a2, so the universe becomes flatter with time (£1 is driven to unity). If this process proceeds for a sufficiently long period, after which the vacuum energy is converted into matter and radiation, the density parameter will be sufficiently close to unity that it will not have had a chance to noticeably change into the present era. The horizon problem, meanwhile, can be traced to the fact that the physical distance between any two comoving objects grows as the scale factor, while the physical horizon size in a matter- or radiation-dominated universe grows more slowly, as fhor ~ anl2~lHQl. This can again be solved by an early period of exponential expansion, in which the true horizon size grows to a fantastic amount, so that our horizon today is actually much larger than the naive estimate that it is equal to the Hubble radius HQ1. In fact, a truly exponential expansion is not necessary; both problems can be solved by a universe which is accelerated, a > 0. Typically we require that this accelerated period be sustained for 60 or more e-folds, which is what is needed to solve the horizon problem. It is easy to overshoot, and this much inflation generally makes the present-day universe spatially flat to incredible precision.
Now let's consider how we can get an inflationary phase in the early universe. The most straightforward way is to use the vacuum energy provided by the potential of a scalar field (called the "inflaton"). Imagine a universe dominated by the energy of a spatially homogeneous scalar. The equations of motion include (36), the equation of motion for a scalar field in an RW metric: 4> + 3H(j> + V'(
467 as well as the Friedmann equation: H2
+ V
= m^
We've ignored the curvature term, since inflation will flatten the universe anyway. Inflation can occur if the evolution of the field is sufficiently gradual that the potential energy dominates the kinetic energy, and the second derivative of (j> is small enough to allow this state of affairs to be maintained for a sufficient period. Thus, we want 02 « |0| «
V{4>), |3H0|, \V'\ .
Satisfying these conditions requires the smallness of two dimensionless quantities known as "slow-roll parameters":
(52) (Note that e > 0, while r\ can have either sign. Note also that these definitions are not universal; some people like to define them in terms of the Hubble parameter rather than the potential.) When both of these quantities are small we can have a prolonged inflationary phase. They are not sufficient, however; no matter what the potential looks like, we can always choose initial conditions with |^| so large that slow-roll is never applicable. However, "most" initial conditions are attracted to an inflationary phase if the slow-roll parameters are small. It isn't hard to invent potentials which satisfy the slow-roll conditions. Consider perhaps the simplest possible example, V(
= i = -0r-
( 53 )
Clearly, for large enough (j>, we can get the slow-roll parameters to be as small as we like. However, we have the constraint that the energy density should not be as high as the Planck scale, so that our classical analysis makes sense; this implies <j> <§; Mp/m. If we start the field at a value fc, the number of e-folds before inflation ends (i.e., before the slow-roll parameters become of order unity) will be N =
« -Mf'J
The first equality is always true, the second uses the slow-roll approximation, and the third is the result for this particular model. To get 60 e-folds we therefore need fc > 16AfP. Together with the upper limit on the energy density, we find that there is an upper limit on the mass parameter, m
469 physics model, although we only have time to telegraphically list some relevant issues. • A great deal of effort has gone into exploring the relationship between inflation and supersymmetry, although simultaneously satisfying the strict requirements of inflation and SUSY turns out to be a difficult task [109, 110]. • Hybrid inflation is a kind of model which invokes two scalar fields with a "waterfall" potential [111, 112]. One field rolls slowly and is weakly coupled, the other is strongly coupled and leads to efficient reheating once the first rolls far enough. • Another interesting class of models involve scalar-tensor theories and make intimate use of the conformal transformations relating these theories to conventional Einstein gravity [113]. • The need for a flat potential for the inflaton, coupled with the fact that string theory moduli can naturally have flat potentials, makes the idea of "modular inflation" an attractive one [114, 115]. Specific implementations have been studied, but we probably don't understand enough about moduli at this point to be confident of finding a compelling model.
A crucial element of inflationary scenarios is the production of density perturbations, which may be the origin of the CMB temperature anisotropies and the large-scale structure in galaxies that we observe today. The idea behind density perturbations generated by inflation is fairly straightforward (it is only the conventions that are a headache; look in the references to get numerical factors right [3, 4, 116, 95, 117, 102, 110]). Inflation will attenuate any ambient particle density rapidly to zero, leaving behind only the vacuum. But the vacuum state in an accelerating universe has a nonzero temperature, the Gibbons-Hawking temperature, analogous to the Hawking temperature of a black hole. For a universe dominated by a potential energy V it is given by XGH = H/2n ~ V1/2/MP .
Corresponding to this temperature are fluctuations in the inflaton field <j> at each wavenumber k, with magnitude |A<£|* = TGH .
470 Since the potential is by hypothesis nearly flat, the fluctuations in <j> lead to small fluctuations in the energy density, Sp = V'(
where k = aH indicates that the quantity V3/(V')2 is to be evaluated at the moment when the physical scale of the perturbation A = a/k is equal to the Hubble radius if -1 . Note that the actual normalization of (58) is convention-dependent, and should drop out of any physical answer. The spectrum is given the subscript "S" because it describes scalar fluctuations in the metric. These are tied to the energy-momentum distribution, and the density fluctuations produced by inflation are adiabatic (or, better, "isentropic") — fluctuations in the density of all species are correlated. The fluctuations are also Gaussian, in the sense that the phases of the Fourier modes describing fluctuations at different scales are uncorrelated. These aspects of inflationary perturbations — a nearly scale-free spectrum of adiabatic density fluctuations with a Gaussian distribution — are all consistent with current observations of the CMB and large-scale structure, and new data scheduled to be collected over the next decade should greatly improve the precision of these tests. It is not only the nearly-massless inflaton that is excited during inflation, but any nearlymassless particle. The other important example is the graviton, which corresponds to tensor perturbations in the metric (propagating excitations of the gravitational field). Tensor fluctuations have a spectrum A\{k) ~ ^
The existence of tensor perturbations is a crucial prediction of inflation which may in principle be verifiable through observations of the polarization of the CMB. In practice, however, the induced polarization is very small, and we may never detect the tensor fluctuations even if they are there. For purposes of understanding observations, it is useful to parameterize the perturbation
471 spectra in terms of observable quantities. We therefore write Al(k) oc A)"5"1
A%{k) ocfc"T,
and where ns and nx are the "spectral indices". They are related to the slow-roll parameters of the potential by ns = 1 - 66 + 2T? (62) and n T = -2e .
Since the spectral indices are in principle observable, we can hope through relations such as these to glean some information about the inflaton potential itself. Our current knowledge of the amplitude of the perturbations already gives us important information about the energy scale of inflation. Note that the tensor perturbations depend on V alone (not its derivatives), so observations of tensor modes yields direct knowledge of the energy scale. If the CMB anisotropies seen by COBE are due to tensor fluctuations (possible, although unlikely), we can instantly derive Vjngation ~ (1016 GeV)4. (Here, the value of V being constrained is that which was responsible for creating the observed fluctuations; namely, 60 e-folds before the end of inflation.) This is remarkably reminiscent of the grand unification scale, which is very encouraging. Even in the more likely case that the perturbations observed in the CMB are scalar in nature, we can still write V&L* ~ e1/41016 GeV ,
where e is the slow-roll parameter defined in (52). Although we expect t to be small, the 1/4 in the exponent means that the dependence on e is quite weak; unless this parameter is extraordinarily tiny, it is very likely that V ^ t i o n ~ 1015-1016 GeV. The fact that we can have such information about such tremendous energy scales is a cause for great wonder.
Initial conditions and eternal inflation
We don't have time to do justice to the interesting topic of initial conditions for inflation. It is an especially acute subject once we realize that, although inflation is supposed to solve the horizon problem, it is necessary to start the universe simultaneously inflating in a region
472 larger than one horizon volume in order to achieve successful inflation [118]. Presumably we must appeal to some sort of quantum fluctuation to get the universe (or some patch thereof) into such a state. Fortunately, inflation has the wonderful property that it is eternal [119, 120, 121, 122, 106]. That is, once inflation begins, even if some regions cease to inflate there will always be an inflating region with increasing physical volume. This property holds in most models of inflation that we can construct. It relies on the fact that the scalar inflaton field doesn't merely follow its classical equations of motion, but undergoes quantum fluctuations, which can make it temporarily roll up the potential instead of down. The regions in which this happens will have a larger potential energy, and therefore a larger expansion rate, and therefore will grow in volume in comparison to the other regions. One can argue that this process guarantees that inflation never stops once it begins. We can therefore imagine that the universe approaches a steady state (at least statistically), in which it is described by a certain fractal dimension [123]. (Unfortunately, it seems impossible to extend such a description into the past, to achieve a truly steady-state cosmology [124].) This means that the universe on ultra-large scales, much larger than the current Hubble radius, may be dramatically inhomogeneous and isotropic, and even raises the possibility that different post-inflationary regions may have fallen into different vacuum states and experience very different physics than we see around us. Certainly, this picture represents a dramatic alteration of the conventional view of a single Robertson-Walker cosmology describing the entire universe. Of course, it should be kept in mind that the arguments in favor of eternal inflation rely on features of the interaction between quantum fluctuations and the gravitational field which are slightly outside the realm of things we claim to fully understand. It would certainly be interesting to study eternal inflation within the context of string theory.
Stringy cosmology
There is too much we don't understand about both cosmology and string theory to make statements about the very early universe in string theory with any confidence. Even in the absence of confidence, however, it is still worthwhile to speculate about different possibilities, and work towards incorporating these speculations into a more complete picture.
The beginning of time
Not knowing the correct place to start, a simple guess might be the (bosonic, NS-NS part of the) low-energy effective action in D dimensions, S = - — ! g - / dDx J=~ge-* (R + d^d^
- ±H^PH^
where R is the Ricci scalar,
ds2 = -dt2 + £ a2(t)dx2
(homogeneous but not necessarily isotropic) have a "scale-factor duality" symmetry; for any solution {a;(£), (j>(t)}, there is also a solution with a'i = - , a
0' = 0 - 2 £ l n a i .
Thus, expanding solutions are dual to contracting solutions. (In fact this is just T-duality, and is a subgroup of a larger 0(D - 1, D - 1) symmetry.) What is more, solutions with decreasing curvature are mapped to those with increasing curvature. This feature of the low-energy string action has led to the development of the "Pre-BigBang Scenario", in which the universe starts out as flat empty space, begins to contract (with increasing curvature), until reaching a "stringy" state of maximum curvature, and then expands (as curvature decreases) and commences standard cosmological evolution [125, 126, 6]. (For related considerations outside the Pre-BB picture, see [127].) There are various questions about the Pre-BB scenario. One is a claim that significant fine-tuning is required in the initial phase, in the sense that any small amount of curvature
474 will grow fantastically during the evolutionary process and must be extremely suppressed [128, 129]. Another is the role of the potential for the dilaton. We cannot set this potential to zero on the grounds that the relevant temperatures are much higher than the S U S Y breaking scale X S U S Y ~ 10 3 GeV; supersymmetry is an example of a symmetry which is not restored at high temperatures [89]. Indeed, almost any state breaks supersymmetry. In a thermal background, this breaking is manifested most clearly by the differing occupation numbers for bosons and fermions. More generally, the SUSY algebra {Q,Q}
= H +Z ,
with Z a central charge, implies that Q ^ 0 whenever H ^ 0, except in BPS states, which feature a precise cancellation between H and Z.
In the real world (in contrast to the
world of h e p - t h ) these are a negligible fraction of all possible states. It is not clear how SUSY breaking affects the Pre-BB idea. Perhaps more profoundly, it seems perfectly likely that the appropriate description of the high-curvature stringy phase will be nothing like a smooth classical spacetime. Evidence for this comes from matrix theory, not to mention attempts to canonically quantize general relativity. There are other, non-stringy, approaches to the very beginning of the universe, and it would be interesting to know what light can be shed on them by string theory.
One is
"quantum cosmology", which by some definitions is just the study of the wave function of the universe, although in practice it has the connotation of minisuperspace techniques (drastically truncating the gravitational degrees of freedom and quantizing what is left) [130, 121, 131, 7]. There is also the related idea of creation of baby universes from our own [132, 133]. This is in principle a conceivable scheme, as closed universes have zero total energy in general relativity. There is also the hope that string theory will offer some unique resolution to the question of cosmological (and other) singularities; studies to date have had some interesting results, but we don't know enough to understand the Big Bang singularity of the real world [134, 135, 136].
Extra dimensions and compactification
Of all the features of string theory, the one with the most obvious relevance to cosmology is the existence of (6? 7?) extra spatial (temporal?) dimensions. The success of our traditional description of the world as a (3+l)-dimensional spacetime implies that the extra dimensions must be somehow inaccessible, and the simplest method for hiding them is compactification
475 — the idea that the extra dimensions describe a compact space of sufficiently small size that they can only be probed by very high energies. Of course in general relativity (and even in string theory) spacetime is dynamical, and it would be natural to expect the compact dimensions to evolve. However, the parameters describing the size and shape of the compact dimensions show up in our low-energy world as moduli fields whose values affect the Standard Model parameters. As discussed earlier, we have good limits on any variation of these parameters in spacetime, and typically appeal to S U S Y breaking to fix their expectation values. This raises all sorts of questions. Why are three dimensions allowed to be large and expanding while the others are small and essentially frozen? What is the precise origin of the moduli potentials? What was the behavior of the extra dimensions in the early universe? For the most part these are baffling questions, although there have been some provocative suggestions. One is by Brandenberger and Vafa, who attempted to understand the existence of three macroscopic spatial dimensions in terms of string dynamics [137]. Consider an ntorus populated by both momentum modes and winding modes of strings. The momentum and winding modes are dual to each other under T-duality (R —> 1/-R), and have opposite effects on the dynamics of the torus: the momentum modes tend to make it expand, and the winding modes to make it contract. (It's counterintuitive, but true.) We can therefore have a static universe at the self-dual radius where the two effects are balanced. However, when wound strings intersect they tend to intercommute and therefore unwind. Through this process, the balance holding the torus at the self-dual radius can be upset, and the universe will begin to expand, hopefully evolving into a conventional Friedmann cosmology. But notice that in a sufficiently large number of spatial dimensions, one-dimensional strings will generically never intersect.
(Just as zero-dimensional points will generically
intersect in one dimension but not in two or more dimensions.) The largest number in which they tend to intersect is three. So we can imagine a universe that begins as a tiny torus in thermal equilibrium at the self-dual point, until some winding modes happen to annihilate in some three-dimensional subspace which then begins to expand, forming our universe. Of course a scenario such as this loses some of its charm in a theory which has not only strings but also higher-dimensional branes. (Not to mention that toroidal compactifications are not pheonomenologically favored.) An alternate route is to take advantage of the existence of these branes, by imagining that we are living on one. That is to say, that the reason why the extra dimensions are invisible to us is not simply because they are so very small that low-energy excitations
476 cannot probe them, but because we are confined to a three-dimensional brane embedded in a higher-dimensional space. We know that we can easily construct field theories confined to branes, for example a V(N) gauge theory by stacking TV coincident branes; it is not an incredible stretch to imagine that the entire Standard Model can be constructed in such a way (although it hasn't been done yet). Unfortunately, it seems impossible to entirely do away with the necessity of compactification, since there is one force which we don't know how to confine to a brane, namely gravity (although see below). We therefore imagine a world in which the Standard Model particles are confined to a three-brane, with gravity propagating in a higher-dimensional "bulk" which includes compactified extra dimensions. In D spacetime dimensions, Newton's law of gravity can be written JW) = G
( D )
where G(D) is the D-dimensional Newton's constant with appropriate factors of 4n absorbed. If we compactify D — 4 of the spatial dimensions on a compact manifold of volume VJD-4) , the effective 4-dimensional Newton's constant is G
( 4 )
We can rewrite this in terms of what we will define as the Planck scale, M P = GjJ '(4) , and the "fundamental" scale, M, = G7m , as Ml ~ M?-2ViD-i}
In conventional compactification, M, ~ My and Vjc-4) ~ Mp , so this relation is straightforwardly satisfied. But we can also satisfy it by lowering the fundamental scale and increasing the compactification volume. Imagine that the compactification manifold has n "large" dimensions of radius R and D — 4 — n dimensions of radius M~l. Then
A scenario of this type was proposed by Horava and Witten [138], who suggested that the gravitational coupling could unify with the gauge couplings of GUT's by introducing a single large extra dimension with R ~ (1015 GeV) -1 . But we can go further. The lowest value we can safely imagine the fundamental scale having is M, ~ 103 GeV; otherwise we would have detected quantum gravity at Fermilab
477 or CERN. This value is essentially the desired low-energy supersymmetry breaking scale (i.e. just above the electroweak scale), so it is tempting to explain the apparent hierarchy M,/MEW ~ 1015 by trying to move M, all the way down to 103 GeV [139, 140, 141, 142], (Note that supersymmetry itself can stabilize the hierarchy, but doesn't actually explain it.) Then we have R ~ lO 30 /"- 3 GeV"1 ~ 10 30 /"- 17 cm . (73) For n = 1, we have a single extra dimension of radius R ~ 1013 cm, about the distance from the Sun to the Earth. This is clearly ruled out, as such a scenario predicts that gravitational forces would fall off as r~3 for distances smaller than 1013 cm. But for n = 2 we have R ~ 10~2 cm, which is just below the limits on deviations from the inverse square law from laboratory experiments. Larger n gives smaller values of R; these are not as exciting from the point of view of having macroscopically big extra dimensions, but may actually be the most sensible from a physics standpoint. So we have a picture of the world as a 3-brane with Standard Model particles restricted to it, and gravity able to propagate into a bulk with extra dimensions which are compactified but perhaps of macroscopic size, with a fundamental scale M, ~ 103 GeV and the observed Planck scale simply an artifact of the large extra dimensions. (There is still something of a hierarchy problem, since R must be larger than M, to get the Planck scale right.) Such scenarios are subject to all sorts of limits from astrophysics and accelerator experiments, from processes such as gravitons escaping into the bulk. (In these models gravity becomes strongly coupled near 103 GeV.) There are also going to be cosmological implications, although it is not precisely clear as yet what these are (see for example [143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148], not to mention many papers subsequent to the writing of these notes). Our entire discussion of the thermal history of the universe for T > 103 GeV would obviously need to be discarded. Baryogenesis will presumably be modified. Inflation is a very interesting question, including the issues of inflation in the bulk vs. inflation in the boundary. Of course we don't know what stabilizes the large extra dimensions, but then again we don't know much about moduli stabilization in conventional scenarios. There is also the interesting possibility of a 3-brane parallel to the one we live on, which only interacts with us gravitationally, and on which the dark matter resides. There are some cosmological problems, though — most clearly, the issue of why the bulk is not highly populated by light particles that one might have expected to be left over from an early high-temperature state; presumably reheating after inflation cannot be to a very high temperature in these models (although we must at the very least have
478 TUheat > 1 MeV to preserve standard nucleosynthesis). Clearly there is a good deal of work left to do in exploring these scenarios. After these notes were written, Randall and Sundrum [149] found a loophole in the conventional wisdom that gravity cannot be confined to a brane. They showed that a single extra dimension could be infinitely large, but still yield an effective 4-dimensional gravity theory on the brane, if the bulk geometry were anti-de Sitter rather than flat. The curvature in the extra dimension can then effectively confine gravity to the vicinity of the brane. In the subsequent months a great deal of effort has gone into understanding cosmological and other ramifications of Randall-Sundrum scenarios, which are surely worthy of their own review article by this point.
The late universe
The behavior of gravity and particle physics on extremely short length scales and high energies is largely uncharted territory, and it is clear that string theory, if correct, will play an important role in understanding this regime. But it is also interesting to contemplate the possibility of new physics at ultra-large length scales and low energies. You might guess that experiments in the zero-energy limit are straightforward to perform, but in fact it requires great effort to isolate yourself from unwanted noise sources in this regime. Cosmology offers a way to probe physics on the largest observable length scales in the universe, and it is natural to take advantage. We spoke in Section 2.5 about the apparent acceleration of the universe, which, if verified, would be a dramatic indication of new physics at very low energies. Explaining the observations with a positive vacuum energy pv = Mv requires Mv ~ 10 -3 eV ,
which is remarkably small in comparison to MSUSY ~ 103 GeV = 1012 eV, not to mention M-p ~ 1018 GeV = 1027 eV. It does, of course, induce the irresistible temptation to write My ~ ^%?Y_
This is a numerological curiosity without a theory that actually predicts it, although it has the look and feel of similar relations familiar from models in which SUSY breaking is communicated from one sector to another by gravitational interactions. Another provocative relation is Mv ~ e" 1/2a Mp , (76)
479 where a is the fine-structure constant. Again, it falls somewhat short of the standards of a scientific theory, but it does suggest the possibility that the vacuum energy would be precisely zero if it were not for some small nonperturbative effect. There may even be ways to get such effects in string theory [150]. More generally, we can classify vacuum energy as coming from one of three categories: "true vacua", which are global minima of the energy density; "false vacua", which are local but not global minima; and "non-vacua", which is a way of expressing the idea that we have not yet reached a local minimum value of the potential energy. For example, we could posit the existence of a scalar field
1(T33 eV ,
and a typical range of variation over cosmological timescales A0 ~ MP ~ 1018 GeV .
From a particle-physics point of view, these parameters seem somewhat contrived, to say the least. In fact, the same fifth-force experiments and variation-of-constants limits that we previously invoked to argue against the existence of massless moduli are applicable here, and point toward the necessity of some additional structure in a quintessence theory in order to evade these bounds [156]. However, quintessence models have the benefit of involving dynamical fields rather than a single constant, and it may be possible to take advantage of these dynamics to ameliorate the "coincidence problem" that OA ~ AM today (despite the radically different time dependences of these two quantities). In addition, there may be more complicated ways to get a time-dependent vacuum energy that are also worth exploring [157, 158]. The moduli fields of string theory could provide potential candidates for quintessence, and the acceleration of the universe more generally provides a rare opportunity for string theory to provide an explanation of an empirical fact. We could also imagine that string theory may have more profound late-time cosmological consequences than simply providing a small vacuum energy or ultralight scalar fields. An interesting move in this direction is to explore the implications of the "holographic principle" for cosmology. This principle was inspired by our semiclassical expectation that the
480 entropy of a black hole, which in traditional statistical mechanics is a measure of the number of degrees of freedom in the system, scales as the area of the event horizon rather than as the enclosed volume (as we would expect the degrees of freedom to do in a local quantum field theory). In its vaguest (and therefore most likely to be correct) form, the holographic principle proposes that a theory with gravity in n dimensions (or a state in such a theory) is equivalent in some sense to a theory without gravity in n — 1 dimensions (or a state in such a theory). Making this statement more precise is an area of active investigation and controversy; see Susskind's lectures for a more complete account [159]. The only context in which the holographic equivalence has been made at all explicit is in the AdS/CFT correspondence, where the non-gravitational theory can be thought of as living on the spacelike boundary at conformal infinity of the AdS space on which the gravitational theory lives. Regrettably, we don't live in anti-de Sitter space, which corresponds to a RW metric with a negative cosmological constant and no matter, since our universe seems to feature both matter and a positive cosmological constant. How might the holographic principle apply to more general spacetimes, without the properties of conformal infinity unique to AdS, or for that matter without any special symmetries? A possible answer has been suggested by Bousso [160], building upon ideas of Fischler and Susskind [161]. The basic idea is to the area A of the boundary of a spatial volume to the amount of entropy S passing through a certain null sheet bounded by that surface. (For details of how to construct an appropriate sheet, see the original references.) Specifically, the conjecture is that S < A/4G .
This is more properly an entropy bound, not a claim about holography; however, it seems to be a short step from limiting entropy (and thus the number of degrees of freedom) to claiming the existence of an underlying theory dealing directly with those degrees of freedom. Does this proposal have any consequences for cosmology? It is straightforward to check that the bound is satisfied by standard cosmological solutions7, and a classical version can even be proven to hold under certain assumptions [163]. One optimistic hope is that holography could be responsible for the small observed value of the cosmological constant (see for example [164, 165, 166, 167, 168]). Roughly speaking, this hope is based on the idea that there are far fewer degrees of freedom per unit volume in a holographic theory than 7 It is amusing to note that has pointed out is dominated have total entropy S ~ 10 100 . are left unchanged. (This is a
[161] underestimated the entropy in the current universe, which Penrose [162] not by photons but by massive black holes at the centers of galaxies, which The estimate was therefore off by a factor of 10 14 , although the conclusions common occurrence in cosmology.)
481 local quantum field theory would lead us to expect, and perhaps the unwarranted inclusion of these degrees of freedom has been leading to an overestimate of the vacuum energy. It remains to be seen whether a workable implementation of this idea can capture the successes of conventional cosmology.
The last several years have been a very exciting time in string theory, as we have learned a great deal about non-perturbative aspects of the theory, most impressively the dualities connecting what were thought to be different theories. They have been equally exciting in cosmology, as a wealth of new data have greatly increased our knowledge about the constituents and evolution of the universe. The two subjects still have a long way to go, however, before their respective domains of established understanding are definitively overlapping. One road toward that goal is to work diligently at those aspects of string theory and cosmology which are best understood, hoping to enlarge these regions until they someday meet. Another strategy is to leap fearlessly into the murky regions in between, hoping that our current fumbling attempts will mature into more solid ideas. Both approaches are, of course, useful and indeed necessary; hopefully these notes will help to empower the next generation of fearless leapers.
I've benefited from conversations with many colleagues, including Tom Banks, Alan Guth, Gary Horowitz, Steuard Jensen, Clifford Johnson, Finn Larsen, Donald Marolf, Ue-Li Pen, Joe Polchinski, Andrew Sornborger, Paul Steinhardt, and Mark Trodden, as well as numerous participants at TASI-99. I would like to thank the organizers (Jeff Harvey, Shamit Kachru and Eva Silverstein) for arranging a very stimulating school, and the participants for their enthusiasm and insight. This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under grant PHY/94-07195, the U.S. Department of Energy, and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.
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Tom Banks
TASI Lectures on Matrix Theory
Tom Banks Department
of Physics and
Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ 08855-0849 E-mail: banksQphysics . r u t g e r s . edu
ABSTRACT: This is a s u m m a r y of key issues in M a t r i x Theory and its compactifications. It is emphasized t h a t Matrix Theory is a valid Discrete Light Cone Quantization of M Theory with at least 6 noncompact asymptotically flat dimensions and 16 or 32 S u p e r s y m m e t r y charges. T h e background dependence of t h e q u a n t u m mechanics of M Theory, and t h e necessity of working in light cone frame in asymptotically flat spacetimes are explained in t e r m s of t h e a s y m p t o t i c density of states of t h e theory, which follows from t h e Bekenstein-Hawking entropy formula. In four noncompact dimensions one is led to expect a Hagedorn s p e c t r u m in light cone energy. This suggests t h e possible relevance of "little string theories" (LSTs) t o t h e q u a n t u m description of four dimensional compactifications, because one can argue t h a t their exact high energy s p e c t r u m has t h e Hagedorn form. Some space is therefore devoted to a discussion of t h e properties of LSTs, which were first discovered as t h e proper formulation of Matrix Theory on t h e five torus.
Contents 1.
I n t r o d u c t i o n — Limitations o n Lagrangian Q u a n t u m M e c h a n i c s
M a t r i x T h e o r y in Eleven D i m e n s i o n s
2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6
Quantum Field Theory in Light Cone Frame and Discrete Light Cone Quantization The Holographic Principle and the Matrix Theory Lagrangian Gravitons and their Scattering General Properties of the S-Matrix and the Graviton Wave Function Membranes Fivebranes
503 507 510 512 513
M T h e o r y o n a Circle
M T h e o r y o n a T w o Torus
T h r e e and Four Tori
F i v e and Six ( W h e r e W e R u n Out of Tricks)
The Seven Torus and Beyond
D L C Q and Holography of (2,0) fc Theories and Little String Theories
7.1 7.2 7.3
528 530 532
DLCQ of (2,0)/b Theories DLCQ of the Little String Theories Holography
1. Introduction - Limitations on Lagrangian Quantum Mechanics This lecture series is about matrix Theory [5], a nonperturbative, Lagrangian formulation of M Theory. There has been a lot of confusion about this theory in the literature,
497 to the extent that it has been characterized as controversial in the popular press [7]. Much of this confusion has been caused by misinterpretation and misunderstanding of what the theory was supposed to do, and too little appreciation of how important it is to take the large N limit in order to calculate amplitudes of interest to a Lorentz invariant theory. However, some of the difficulties of Matrix Theory are more important, and reflect crucial issues about any quantum theory of gravity. I therefore want to begin with a critical discussion of what we can expect to be the limitations of ordinary Lagrangian quantum mechanics in the description of any quantum theory of gravity. Any theory which contains general relativity (GR) must be time reparametrization invariant. Mathematically this means that the time translation generator for an arbitrary definition of time is a constraint, which must vanish on physical states. Physically it means that any nonvanishing definition of energy must be conjugate to a physical clock variable which measures time. This is certain to cause problems in the quantum theory, where there must in general be variables which do not commute with the clock. Thus, the very definition of physical time translation implies some sort of semiclassical approximation in which the clock evolves classically. In a closed cosmology, we cannot expect such an approximation to be valid with arbitrary precision. However, if the universe has a boundary and is of infinite size, then the boundary conditions at infinity define frozen classical variables which can be used as clocks. Typically, we insist that the metric at infinity approaches that of a noncompact symmetric space (Minkowski or Anti-DeSitter (AdS)) and the natural time translation generators are chosen from the asymptotic symmetry group of the metric. In these lectures we will be concerned primarily with asymptotically Minkowski spaces. Let us first consider an ordinary Lorentz frame at spacelike infinity. Then there is a special Poincare subgroup of the asymptotic diffeomorphisms of the metric [8], and up to a Lorentz transformation, a unique choice of Hamiltonian. Quantum M Theory (or, for those who are still skeptical, any quantum theory of gravity) will have a Hilbert space on which this generator acts as a Hermitian operator. We also expect it to have a ground state |0), whose energy eigenvalue must, for consistency, be zero. It might in fact have a discrete or continuous ground state degeneracy, labelled by expectation values of Poincare invariant operators. We will assume that, as in local field theory, there is a large class of interesting operators (hereafter called localizable operators) that do not disturb the boundary conditions at infinity. If we restrict attention to localizable operators, the Hilbert space breaks up into superselection sectors, each of which has a unique ground state. Given any localizable operator 0, we can formally define the time dependent Heisenberg operator 0(t) by 0{t) =
498 To investigate the degree of formality of this definition, we compute the two point function />oo
(O(t)O*(0)) = JQ dEe-*EtPo(E),
where the spectral density is defined by po(E) = -£S(E-En)\(0\O\n)\2.
The crucial question is now the convergence of this integral representation, or equivalently, the high energy behavior of the spectral density. In quantum field theory, the high energy behavior of the theory is determined by a conformally invariant fixed point. The density of states in volume V behaves like p^e'VWV)^^
where d is the dimension of spacetime. Generic operators localized in the volume will have a spectral density po with the same behavior. However, there is a special class of local operators of fixed dimension, which connect the vacuum only to the states in a given irreducible representation of the conformal group. The spectral density of these operators grows only like a power of the energy. Note that in either case, we can define the Green's function by analytic continuation of an absolutely convergent integral in Euclidean time In a quantum theory of gravity, it is extremely plausible, that for a theory with four or more asymptotically Minkowski dimensions the high energy density of states is dominated by highly metastable black holes. The existence and gross properties of these states follow from semiclassical GR. The density of black hole states is given by the Bekenstein-Hawking formula E M
where Mp is the d dimensional Planck mass. There are two interesting features of this formula. The first is its independence of the volume. This is a consequence of the Jeans instability. If we try to construct an extended translation invariant state other than the vacuum in a theory containing gravity, we eventually get to an object whose Schwarzchild radius exceeds its physical size and the system collapses into a black hole. The only translation invariant states are those which are superpositions of a single black hole at different positions in spacetime. Secondly, any operator whose matrix elements between the vacuum and states of energy E are not drastically cut off at energies above the Planck scale, will not have a well defined two point function. Thus,
499 although the general formalism of quantum mechanics will be valid, we should not expect a conventional Lagrangian description of the system to be applicable. Indeed, the Lagrangian formalism produces Green's functions of Heisenberg operators as its fundamental output, and we are supposed to deduce the energy spectrum and the structure of the Hilbert space from this more fundamental data (similar remarks are of course applicable to any more abstract formalism which takes Green's functions as its basic starting point). In fact, implicit in the definition of the Lagrangian formalism is an assumption that the short time behavior of the system is approximately free. This assumption is not even valid for a nontrivial fixed point theory. However, in field theory we can restore the validity of Lagrangian methods by realizing the theory as the limit of a cutoff system or (in many cases) by realizing the nontrivial fixed point as an infrared limit of an asymptotically free theory. No such workarounds appear to be available for the quantum theory of gravity. Another fascinating possibility is that the space of states of a very large black hole has a group of symmetries which partitions it into irreducible representations in much the same way that the conformal group partitions the states of charged black branes with AdS horizons. Then one could construct operators which connected the vacuum only to those states in an irrep of the group. If the density of states in an irrep had subexponential growth then these operators would have sensible correlation functions. In the absence of such a large black hole symmetry group, there will be no conventional Green's functions in the holographic dual of asymptotically fiat spacetimes. It is interesting to contrast these results with our expectations in a light cone frame. We will discuss light cone formalism more extensively in the next section. For the moment we will need only the formula for light cone energy:
£ = p- = — ± ^ -
where P (which we will set equal to zero) and P+ are the transverse and longitudinal momenta respectively. Again assuming that the high energy density of states is dominated by black holes, we can write the light cone density of states as ^ e * ( W ^ .
Note that we now expect a convergent two point function in light cone time for any d > 5. Even for d = 4, we find only a Hagedorn spectrum (rather than the more divergent form of the black hole spectrum in ordinary energy) and the Green's function will be defined for sufficiently long Euclidean time separations. The conclusion that I want you to draw from this is that we should only expect a conventional Lagrangian quantum mechanics for M Theory in light cone time, and
500 perhaps only for 5 or more noncompact Minkowski dimensions. Another point to remember is that the high energy density of states seems to increase as the number of noncompact dimensions decreases. This suggests that compactified M Theory has more fundamental degrees of freedom than uncompactified M Theory a conclusion which we will see is borne out in the sequel. Some readers will be curious about the case of two or three asymptotically Minkowski dimensions, where there are no black holes. Here the story is quite different, at least in those situations with enough supersymmetry (SUSY) to guarantee that there is a massless scalar field in the supergravity (SUGRA) multiplet. In these cases one can argue [10] that the system has very few states, because would be localized excitations so distort the geometry of spacetime that the asymptotic boundary conditions are not satisfied. In some sense, the resulting theory is topological. Another interesting example of the arguments used in this section is M Theory in spaces with 3 or more asymptotically AdS dimensions (AdS2 has the same sort of problems as two or three dimensional Minkowski space [11]). Here the boundary of spacetime is timelike and there is no analog of a light cone frame. There are two natural inequivalent choices of Hamiltonian, corresponding to global and Poincare time. The corresponding black objects are AdS Schwarzchild black holes and near extremal black branes of appropriate dimension. Both have positive specific heat, which is to say that their density of states grows less rapidly than an exponential. And in precisely these cases, we expect [12] that there is an exact description of the system in terms of a conventional quantum field theory. In the next section, we will begin an exploration of M Theory in the light cone frame, starting with the simplest case of eleven noncompact directions.
2. Matrix Theory in Eleven Dimensions 2.1 Quantum Field Theory in Light Cone Frame and Discrete Light Cone Quantization To set the stage for our discussion of Matrix Theory we begin with a brief introduction to light cone field theory [13]. As hinted in the previous section, the basic idea is to choose a light cone frame pointing in a specific spatial direction. In this basis, the momentum takes the form (P~, P+,P). P~ is taken to be the time translation generator and takes the form £ = P~ = p X^ , where M2 is the mass squared operator. The subgroup of the Lorentz group which leaves the light cone frame invariant is obviously isomorphic to the Galilean group in d — 2 dimensions, with P~ transforming like the Galilean energy, P like the Galilean momentum, P+ like the Galilean mass, and M 2
501 like a Galilean invariant potential. Compared to a true nonrelativistic field theory the new feature here is the continuous Galilean mass spectrum and the associated possibility of particles breaking up into others with smaller Galilean mass. There are also two other sets of Lorentz transformations. The first is the longitudinal boost generator, which rescales P * in opposite directions. The other is the set of null plane rotating transformations which rotate the direction of the null vector into the transverse directions. These are typically the most difficult symmetries to realize in building an actual Lagrangian. In supersymmetric theories, we must also include the supertranslations. Since they are Lorentz spinors, they break up into left moving and right moving pieces under longitudinal boosts. These satisfy the following commutation relations [qa,qb\+ = SabP+
[Qa,Qb]+ = SabP-
It will turn out in Matrix Theory that it is relatively easy to implement these symmetries, but that they give strong constraints on the dynamics of the system. For the purposes of this brief introduction to light cone field theory, we will restrict our attention to a simple scalar Lagrangian of the form C = d+4>d-4> - (V>)2 - V(4>).
Standard (Dirac) quantization of this Lagrangian gives us the commutation relations [4>(z,x,t),dz4>(z',x',t)}
= l-5{z - z')6(x - x').
which are solved by 4> = jQ
^ K x , P + )
- ^ + at(x,P+)e'^]
where a and a* have the commutation relations of ordinary second quantized nonrelativistic fields. The z independent part of 4> has no canonical momentum and is a constraint variable. Often one solves for it at the classical level, but this procedure is unsatisfactory. A better strategy (in principle) is to derive the light cone formalism from a covariant path integral. Then one sees explicitly that the zero longitudinal momentum degrees of freedom must be integrated out [15] and that there are contributions to the effective interaction for the nonzero modes at all orders in the loop expansion
502 (and furthermore that the higher order terms are larger than those obtained in the tree approximation — the semiclassical expansion is not applicable). In the formalism developed so far, the zero mode problem is mixed up with an equally vexing problem from modes with nonzero, but arbitrarily small, longitudinal momentum. The method of Discrete Light Cone Quantization [13] (DLCQ) is an attempt to repair this difficulty by compactifying the lightlike longitudinal direction (studying the field theory on a space where x~ is identified with x~ + R) , thus rendering the longitudinal momentum discrete. This has another property which at first sight renders DLCQ extremely attractive. As one can see from the expansion (2.6), the Fock space of light cone field theory contains only particles with positive longitudinal momentum. Operators with negative longitudinal momentum are annihilation operators. If longitudinal momentum is conserved, positive and discrete, then states with P+ — NIR can have at most N particles in them. Thus in DLCQ in the sector with N units of momentum, field theory reduces to nonrelativistic quantum mechanics with a fixed number of particles. As there is no such thing as a free lunch, there must be a catch somewhere. In fact, in field theory there are two. First of all, in order to have a hope of recapturing Lorentz invariant physics one must take the large N limit. Field theory in a space with a periodic lightlike direction is weird, very close to a space with periodic time, which has apparent grandfather paradoxes 1 . If N is large, one can hope to make wave packets which are localized along the lightlike direction. Furthermore, since systems with large longitudinal momenta would be expected to Lorentz contract, their physical size in the longitudinal direction might also be small. The physics of such large N systems could very well be oblivious to the lightlike identification and reproduce that of the uncompactified, Lorentz invariant, system. The use of words like might, could and hope in the last three sentences, signals that there is no rigorous argument guaranteeing that this is the case. The second catch is integrating out the zero modes. One can get some insight into how difficult this is in field theory [15] by viewing lightlike compactification as an infinite boost limit of spacelike compactification on an infmitesimally small circle. If we compactify an ordinary field theory on a circle of very small radius Rs and concentrate only on the lagrangian of the zero modes, then Rs appears as a multiplicative factor. In other words, the theory of the zero modes is at infinitely strong coupling. Thus, even if the original field theory is weakly coupled, the problem of calculating the effective Lagrangian for the nonzero modes in DLCQ appears intractable in general2. 'Though resolved in the way first proposed by R.A. Heinlein in [14]. We will later encounter afieldtheory where DLCQ leads to a weakly coupled system.
503 Given all of these problems, why are we interested in light cone quantization in M Theory? Apart from the general motivation given in the introduction, there are many indications that M Theory is much better behaved than field theory in the light cone frame. The many successes of light cone string theory attest to this. In particular, in perturbative string theory in light cone gauge, longitudinal momentum is the spatial coordinate on the string world sheet. DLCQ is a discretization of the string world sheet. Since the uncompactified light cone string theory is a conformal field theory, the process of taking the large N limit is controlled by the world sheet renormalization group and the problems with zero longitudinal momentum modes are encoded in local contact terms. Furthermore, although the actual computation of these counterterms to all orders in perturbation theory would be tedious, the form of light cone string perturbation theory leads immediately to the guess that the correct answer is given by conformal field theory on higher genus Riemann surfaces, a prescription which automatically fixes the contact terms by analytic continuation, at least in many cases. The other reason to be somewhat more hopeful about our prospects for success, is SUSY. SUSY nonrenormalization theorems give us some control over the possible effects of integrating out the zero modes. In the cases we will study, this is probably enough to fix the effective lagrangian uniquely. 2.2 The Holographic Principle and the Matrix Theory Lagrangian For a number of years, Charles Thorn [16] championed an approach to string theory in light cone frame based on the notion of string bits, which were taken to be pieces of string carrying the lowest possible value of longitudinal momentum. Full strings, with higher values of longitudinal momenta were supposed to be bound states of these more fundamental constituents. Thorn explicitly noted that in such a formalism, one of the dimensions of spacetime appeared dynamically. The fundamental constituents propagated on a surface of one lower dimension. In an independent development some years later, G. 't Hooft [17] proposed that the apparent paradoxes of black hole physics in local field theory might be resolved if the fundamental quantum theory of gravity had degrees of freedom which lived on hypersurfaces of dimension one lower than that of the full spacetime, with a density equal to the Planck density. The motivation for the latter restriction was the the Bekenstein-Hawking formula for the entropy of a black hole. He characterized a theory of this type as holographic. Susskind [18] then realized that light cone gauge string theory embodied at least half of the holographic principle of't Hooft, essentially because of the properties described in the paragraph above. The Bekenstein bound is not satisfied in perturbative string theory. If we think of string bits as the fundamental degrees of freedom, then a string made up of A^ bits has a transverse extent of order In N.
504 On the other hand, the Bekenstein bound would suggest that the transverse area had to grow like N. It is not terribly surprising that this part of the holographic principle can only be realized in a nonperturbative manner in string theory. The Bekenstein bound is formulated in Planck units and formally goes to infinity when the string coupling is taken to zero with the string tension fixed. Morally speaking, it is similar to restrictions on operators in large N field theory which stem from the fact that the traces, tr Mk, of an N x N matrix are not all independent. It is well known that such restrictions are nonperturbative in the 1/N expansion. In nonperturbative formulations of M Theory, such as Matrix Theory and the AdS/CFT correspondence, the second half of the holographic principle is derived by explicit dynamical calculations [5], [19]. In the latter case it is rather easy to derive and one finds that the bound is saturated, while in Matrix Theory the argument is based on crude approximations and one finds the restriction on the number of degrees of freedom only as a bound. Let us now proceed to the construction of the Matrix Theory Lagrangian in eleven flat spacetime dimensions. The original construction of [5] used the holographic principle as its starting point and used the language of the Infinite Momentum Frame rather than light cone quantization. Susskind [63] then suggested that the finite N Matrix Theory lagrangian was the DLCQ of M Theory. Here we will follow a much cleaner argument due to Seiberg [20] (see also [21]) which begins from the idea that DLCQ of a Lorentz invariant theory can be obtained by a boost applied to a system compactified on a spacelike circle, if the radius, Rs, of the spacelike circle is taken to zero, with the rapidity u) of the boost scaling like ln(l/if!s). If we wish to be in the sector with N units of longitudinal momentum in DLCQ, then we should work in the sector with N units of spacelike momentum. This argument is a derivation of Susskind's claim. The crucial feature which distinguishes M Theory from most field theories, is that the limiting theory on a small spacelike circle is free. Indeed, it is free Type IIA string theory [22] (I am assuming that all the students at this school are familiar with this paper or will shortly become so). The sector with N units of momentum around the circle is the sector of IIA string theory with N units of DO brane charge. In free string theory we can characterize this sector as containing N DO branes and the strings connecting them, as well as any number of closed strings and DO brane anti DO brane pairs. However, we are interested only in degrees of freedom with finite light cone energy. The light cone energy is of order e"(E — Nj' Rs) ~ E/R$ — N/R2S. The lowest energy in the sector with N DO branes is N/Rs. We are clearly interested only in states whose splitting from this ground state is inversely proportional to the DO brane mass. For a single DO brane, examples of such states are the states of the DO brane moving with (transverse from the point of view of the 11 dimensional light cone frame) momenta
505 fixed as Rs —» 0. Note that the eleven dimensional Planck scale remains fixed in this limit, so this is the same as requiring the transverse momenta to be a finite number of Planck units in the weak string coupling limit. For multiple DO branes separated by distances of order the Planck scale, we must also include degrees of freedom which create and annihilate minimal length open strings between the branes. The Lagrangian for this system was written down in this context in [23]. It is the dimensional reduction of ten dimensional Super Yang Mills theory on a nine torus, and, as such, was first written down by [24]. We will write it both in string and eleven dimensional Planck units L = it-Tr U2 + [4>\ fif + ^QQ - Q[4>', 7'6])
L = T<(*+R^
Here (j>' and X1 are nine Hermitian N x N matrices, the former with dimensions of mass and the latter with dimensions of length. Similarly 0 is a sixteen component 50(9) spinor, which is an Hermitian N x N matrix, and has dimensions of [m] 3 / 2 , while 6 has the same transformation properties, but is dimensionless. Witten's motivation for this Lagrangian was that it summed up the leading infrared singularities of string perturbation theory, that are caused by zero energy open strings when DO branes are separated by distances less than the string length. The authors of [25] gave a careful argument to all orders in string perturbation theory that this Lagrangian in fact captured all of the dynamics at energy scales equal to the kinetic energy of a DO brane with Planck momenta. Seiberg's argument is often criticized as being "too slick" and the work of [15] is cited as an example of the dangers of naively ignoring the integration out of the zero modes in DLCQ. In fact, the fact that M Theory on a small circle is weakly coupled Type IIA string theory, and the careful analysis of [25] (which shows that the kind of perturbative divergences of the small Rs limit found by [15] in field theory are absent to all orders in perturbation theory) suggest that the latter reference is completely irrelevant in the present context. About the only loophole one could imagine in the argument is the possibility that weakly coupled IIA string theory has nonperturbative corrections to (2.7) which somehow survive the Rs ->• 0 limit. Even this loophole can probably be closed by proving the following conjecture: the Lagrangian (2.7) is the only Lagrangian for this set of degrees of freedom consistent with the symmetries we will list below. The italicized phrase means in particular that the Lagrangian may not contain time derivatives higher than the first, though it may contain higher powers of the first time derivatives. The conjecture has been
506 partially proven in [24]. In trying to give a more complete proof one should use certain facts which were not employed in this reference. In particular, the Lagrangian we have written has a thirty two generator odd subalgebra of its symmetry algebra and has translation invariance in the transverse directions, as well as Galilean boost invariance. Furthermore, its gauge group is U(N) and not SU(N) x U(l), so that arbitrary separations of the trace parts of matrices from their traceless parts are not allowed. These facts seem to give a fairly straightforward argument for the conjecture if one restricts attention to Lagrangians which can be written as a single trace. I do not pretend to have a complete proof of this conjecture (although I am convinced it is correct) and leave it to an enterprising student. To my mind, the strongest arguments for Matrix Theory come from its successes in reproducing known facts and conjectures about M Theory as dynamical results of a complete Lagrangian system. There are difficult questions about whether the large N limit really reproduces the Lorentz invariant dynamics which interests us. But there seems to be little doubt that in a variety of backgrounds Matrix Theory is a correct DLCQ of M Theory. To proceed with the exposition of the results of Matrix Theory we begin with a list of its symmetries: The most important of these are SUSYs. The full supertranslation algebra is preserved in DLCQ. Only the spectrum of the translation generators is different from that expected in the uncompactified theory. As usual in light cone frame, spinors can be decomposed as right moving and left moving under the 50(1,1) group of boosts in the longitudinal direction (which is not a symmetry of DLCQ). Thus, there are two sets of spinor SUSY generators, each transforming as the 16 of the transverse 50(9) rotation group (which is preserved by DLCQ). The first of these is simply realized in terms of the 16 canonical matrix variables of Matrix Theory as (2.9) The anticommutator of these is Sai,^, which identifies N as the integer valued, positive longitudinal momentum P+ of DLCQ. The anticommutator of the left and right moving SUSY generators is [Qa,Q6]+=7Pa6 (2.10) This is realized by Qa = ^ t r ( 7 P o t 0 t + i^[X\Xi\)eh
The second term does not contribute to (2.10) but is probably required by the final relation of the supertranslation algebra [Qa,Qb]+ = kbP-.
507 In fact, the latter is realized only on U(N) invariant states of the model, which identifies U(N) as a gauge group. The word probably in the penultimate sentence reflects the incompleteness of the uniqueness proof I referred to above. In addition to these symmetries, the model is invariant under 5(9(9) rotations and transverse Galilean boosts. The missing parts of the eleven dimensional superPoincare group are the longitudinal boosts and the null plane rotating parts of the spatial rotation group. These may be restored in the large N limit. Note that the Galilean transformations act only on the U(l) center of mass variables and restrict their Hamiltonian to be quadratic in canonical momenta. Finally, I note a discrete symmetry under 6 -¥ 8T, X' —> —(X')T, which commutes with half of the supertranslations and with P±. This symmetry is instrumental in the matrix theory description of Hofava-Witten domain walls [26]. 2.3 Gravitons and Their Scattering The classical Lagrangian of Matrix Theory has a moduli space consisting of commuting matrices. The high degree of supersymmetry of the system guarantees that this moduli space is preserved in the quantum theory. This means that if we integrate out all of the non moduli space variables, then the effective Lagrangian on the moduli space has no potential. Furthermore, the terms quadratic in time derivatives are not renormalized, and the terms quartic in time derivatives appear only at one loop [28]. Furthermore, for N > 2 there are other terms in the effective Lagrangian which receive only a unique loop correction and thus are exactly calculable [27]. The justification for the description by an effective Lagrangian is the Born-Oppenheimer approximation. When we go off in some moduli space direction X 0 = ®hrk^NkxNk, then variables which do not commute (as matrices) with Xo have frequencies of order lrk — r l|- Thus, if these distances are large, these variables can be safely integrated out in perturbation theory. For the SU(Nk) variables, which commute with Xo the Born-Oppenheimer argument depends on a fundamental conjecture about this system, due to Witten [23]. That is, that the SU(N) version of this supersymmetric quantum mechanics has exactly one (up to an obvious spinor degeneracy to be discussed below) normalizable SUSY ground state. This conjecture lies at the heart of the M Theory - IIA duality, and the whole web of string dualities would collapse if it proved false. More impressively, the conjecture has been more or less rigorously proven for N = 2, and arguments exist for higher values of N [28]. Finally, arguments can be given [5] that the typical scale of energy of excitation of these bound states is of order l/Np with p < 1. Since we will see that energies on the moduli space are of order 1/N, this justifies the use of the Born-Oppenheimer approximation for large N.
508 If we accept the bound state conjecture it follows that the large N limit of the model contains in its spectrum the Fock space of free eleven dimensional supergravitons. In fact, the theorems we have cited show that the Lagrangian along the moduli space direction Xo with large separations, is £
^ r ' k 2 + »M*
which is that of a collection of massless eleven dimensional superparticles in light cone frame. Each of the 6^ variables is a 16 component 50(9) spinor. The Hamiltonian of this system is 6 independent, so the fermionic variables serve merely to parametrize the degeneracy of particle states. They are quantized as 16 Clifford variables so their representation space is 256 dimensional. It decomposes under 50(9) as 44©84ffi 128, which are the states of a symmetric traceless tensor, a totally antisymmetric three tensor, and a vector spinor satisfying Yabtl>'b = 0. This is precisely the content of the 11D SUGRA multiplet. The required Bose or Fermi symmetrization of multiparticle states follows from the residual 5„ gauge invariance on the moduli space (commuting matrices are diagonal matrices modulo permutations) and the fermionic nature of the spinor coordinates. I want to note in particular, that SUSY was crucial to the cluster property of these multiparticle states. In the nonsupersymmetric version of the matrix model, an lrk — i*iI potential is generated on the moduli space and the whole system collapses into a single clump. I think that this may be one of the most interesting results of Matrix Theory. In perturbative string theory, explicit SUSY breaking is usually associated with the nonexistence of a stable, interacting vacuum state, and often with tachyonic excitations which violate the cluster property. Matrix Theory suggests even more strongly that SUSY may be crucial to the existence of a theory of quantum gravity in which propagation in large classical spacetimes is allowed. In fact, it appears that only asymptotic SUSY is strictly necessary for the cluster property. Indeed the cancellation of the large distance part of the potential has to do with the SUSY degeneracy between states at extremely high energy. However, simple attempts to break SUSY even softly appear to lead to disaster [31]. Before beginning our discussion of graviton scattering, I want to clarify what we can expect to extract from perturbative or finite N calculations in the matrix quantum mechanics. The basic idea of the calculations that have been done is to study zero longitudinal momentum transfer scattering by concentrating on the region of configuration space where some number of blocks are very far away from each other. The intra-block wave functions are taken to be the normalizable ground states in each block. This leaves the coefficients of the unit matrix in each block and the off block diagonal
509 variables. In the indicated region of configuration space the frequencies of the latter are very high, and one attempts to integrate them out perturbatively. There are two rather obvious reasons why these calculations should fail to give the answers we are interested in. The first is that the nominal perturbation parameter for this expansion is —3s- where r is a transverse distance between some pair of blocks. In order to make comparisons with SUGRA we want to take r/Lp 2> 1, but independent of N as N tends to infinity. Indeed the scattering amplitudes in this regime of impact parameters should become independent of N (or rather scale with very particular powers since they refer to exactly zero longitudinal momentum transfer), as a consequence of Lorentz invariance. This is evidently not true for individual terms in the perturbation expansion. It should be emphasized that this means we are not interested in the 't Hooft limit of this theory. In addition to this, the perturbation expansion is not even a correct asymptotic expansion of the amplitudes in the large r region. To leading order in inverse distances, the interactions between the high frequency off diagonal variables, and the SU(N{) variables in individual blocks does not enter in the expressions for amplitudes. At higher orders this is no longer the case. The complete calculation involves expectation values of operators in the individual block wave functions. The fact that the off diagonal variables have very high frequencies allows us to make operator product expansions and limits the number of unknown expectation values that come in at a given power of r. Terms like this will give fractional powers of the naive expansion parameter. However, since the short time limit of quantum mechanics is free, all the operators have integer dimensions and we are led to expect only integer powers Lp in the expansion. The N dependence of these terms is completely unknown. The second of these problems is inescapable, but the first could be avoided if it were possible to make direct comparisons between finite N Matrix Theory and DLCQ SUGRA. It is important to realize that there is absolutely no reason to expect this to be so. The intuitive reason is that the gravitons of Matrix Theory are complicated bound states rather than structureless particles. They only behave like structureless particles when their relative velocities are very small, because then the scattering state is almost a BPS state. In the large N limit the velocities become arbitrarily small and one can argue that to all orders in energies over Mp they should behave like particles of an effective field theory. However, for finite N, there is no reason for this to be so, even at low energy and momentum transfer. More mathematically, we can note that SUGRA is a limit of M Theory in which all momenta are small compared to the Planck mass. On the other hand, we have seen that the DLCQ system can be viewed as a system compactified on a tiny circle, with a finite number of units of momentum. Thus every state in the system contains momenta large compared to the Planck scale. There
510 is no reason to expect the limit which gives DLCQ to commute with the SUGRA limit. The reason that some amplitudes are calculable in perturbation theory is that the system has a host of nonrenormalization theorems. That is, the large SUSY of the Matrix Theory Lagrangian so constrains certain terms in the effective Lagrangian for the relative positions that they are given exactly by their value at some order of the loop expansion. I will not give a description of the state of these calculations, but refer the reader to the literature [28], [27]. The fact that only quantities determined by symmetries are calculable gives one pause, I must admit (unless one is able to prove the conjecture above that the symmetries completely determine the Lagrangian) but one must recognize that this is a rather generic state of affairs in recent results about M Theory. However, what I consider important about Matrix Theory is that it reduces all questions about M Theory (in the backgrounds where it applies) to concrete, albeit difficult, problems in mathematical physics. We are no longer reduced to guesswork and speculation. Of course, this is no better than the statement that lattice gauge theory reduces hadron physics to a computational problem. Obviously Matrix Theory will only be truly useful if one can find analytic or numerical algorithms for efficiently extracting the S-matrix from the Lagrangian. On the other hand, it may be possible to attack certain conceptual problems before a practical calculation scheme is found. 2.4 General Properties of the S-Matrix and the Graviton Wave Function We can easily write down an LSZ-like path integral formula for the S-matrix of gravitons in Matrix Theory. Simply perform the path integral with the following boundary conditions: as t —> —oo, the matrices approach the moduli space X^Xl
= ®rk(t)INkXNk
with similar formulae for the fermionic variables. rk(t) are classical solutions of the moduli space equations of motion. They are labelled by the transverse momenta of the incoming states, while the longitudinal momenta are the Ni,. Similarly, for t —>• oo we have X^Xl
= W@rk(t)INkXNkU
where we must integrate over the U(N) matrix, U, in order to impose gauge invariance. Of course, the number of outgoing particles, as well as their transverse and longitudinal momenta, will in general be different from those in the initial state 3 . 3
An alternate approach to the Matrix Theory S-matrix can be found in [29].
511 This formula does not quite give the S-matrix since the SU(Nk) variables are sent to zero asymptotically by the boundary conditions. In principle we should allow them to be free, and convolute the path integral with the bound state wave function for each external state. Thus, our path integral computes the S-matrix multiplied by a (momentum dependent) factor for each external leg equal to the bound state wave function at the origin. It is likely that in the large N limit these renormalization factors will vanish, so we would have to be careful to extract them before computing the limiting S-matrix. Several of the S-matrix elements for multigraviton scattering at zero longitudinal and small transverse momentum transfers can be computed with the help of nonrenormalization theorems. All of these computations agree precisely with the formulae from 11D SUGRA. As noted above, we cannot expect to make more detailed comparisons until we understand the large N limit much better than we do at present. We can however try to understand what could possibly go wrong with the limiting S-matrix. Assuming the bound state conjecture, we know that the large N theory has the correct relativistic Fock space spectrum. Furthermore, the S-matrix exists and is unitary for every finite N. This implies that individual S-matrix elements cannot blow up in the limit. Furthermore, we know that some T-matrix elements are nonzero so the S-matrix cannot approach unity (I do not have an argument that amplitudes with nonzero longitudinal momentum transfer cannot all vanish in the limit). The absence of pathological behavior in which individual S-matrix elements oscillate infinitely often in the large N limit is more or less equivalent to longitudinal boost invariance, which states that as the Nk get large, S-matrix elements should only depend on their ratios. Thus, proving the existence of generic S-matrix elements is probably equivalent to proving longitudinal boost invariance. Assuming the existence of limiting S-matrix elements, there is another disaster that could occur in the limit. This is an infrared catastrophe. That is, the cross section for reactions initiated by only a few particles might be dominated by production of a number of particles scaling like a positive power of N. Then, the S-matrix would not approach a well defined operator in Fock space. In 11D SUGRA the infrared catastrophe is prevented by Lorentz invariance. Again we see a possible connection between the mere existence of the S-matrix, and its Lorentz invariance. A possible avenue for investigating the infrared catastrophe is to exploit the fact that the production of a large number of particles at fixed energy and momentum means that each of the produced particles has smaller and smaller energy and momentum. It is barely possible that the nonrenormalization theorems will give us sufficient information about scattering in this regime to put a bound on the multiparticle production amplitudes. Personally, I believe that a demonstration of the existence and Lorentz
512 invariance of the limiting S-matrix must await the development of more sophisticated tools for studying these very special large N systems. 2.5 M e m b r a n e s One of the attractive features of Matrix Theory is the beautiful way in which membranes are incorporated into its dynamics. This connection has its origin in groundbreaking work on membrane dynamics done in the late 80s [32]. In that work, the Matrix Theory Lagrangian was derived as a discretization of the light cone Lagrangian for supermembranes. The idea was to build a theory analogous to string theory, with membranes as the fundamental objects. The theory appeared to fail when it was shown that the Lagrangian had continuous spectrum [33]. Today we realize that this is actually a sign that the theory exceeds its design criteria: it actually describes multibody states of membranes and gravitons, and the continuum states are simply the expected scattering states of a multibody system. The membrane/matrix connection has been described so many times in the literature that I will only give a brief summary of it here. It is simplest to describe toroidal membranes, though in principle any Riemann surface can be treated [34]. One of the amusing results of this construction is that, for finite N, the topology of the membrane has no intrinsic meaning. States describing any higher genus surface can be found in the toroidal construction. It is only in the large N limit that one appears to get separate spaces of membranes with different topology. The question of whether topology changing interactions (which certainly exist for finite AQ survive the large N limit, has not been studied, but there is no reason to presume that they do not. The heart of the membrane construction is the famous Von Neumann-Weyl basis for N x TV matrices in terms of unitary clock and shift operators satisfying UN = VN = U^U = V]V = 1.
UV = e^VU
Any matrix can be expanded in a series A = ]Tamnt/mV"
If, as N —> oo we restrict attention to matrices whose coefficients amn approach the Fourier coefficents of a smooth function, A(p, q), on a two torus, then it is easy to show that [A,B]-+UlB}P.B.
513 and tr A -»• N f dpdq A(p, q)
Using these equivalences, one can show that, on this subclass of large N matrices, the Matrix Theory Lagrangian approaches that of the supermembrane. One can extend the construction to more general Riemann surfaces (the original matrix papers cited in [32] worked on the sphere) by noting that the equations (2.16), (2.17) arise in the theory of the lowest Landau level of electrons on a torus propagating in a uniform background magnetic field of strength proportional to N. One can then study an analogous problem on a general Riemann surface. Note that since all of these Landau systems have finite dimensional Hilbert spaces, they can be mapped into each other. Thus, for finite N, the configuration spaces of membranes of general topology are included inside the toroidal case. It is interesting to note that, at the level of the classical dynamics of the matrix model, the condition (2.19) is sufficient to guarantee that the membrane states constructed as classical solutions of the equations of motion obeying this restriction, will have energies of order l/N and are thus candidates for states which survive in the (hoped for) Lorentz invariant large N limit. This suggests that a more general condition, viz. that the matrices be replaced by operators whose commutator is trace class, may be a useful formulation of Matrix Theory directly in the infinite N limit. However, it is not clear that this sort of classical consideration is useful when N is large. Indeed, it can be argued that in a purely bosonic matrix model, the classical energy of membrane states is renormalized by an amount which grows with N. By contrast, in the supersymmetric model, the infinite flat membrane is a BPS state [35] and the energies of large smooth membranes are all of order l/N in the quantum theory. The direct formulation of the infinite N theory in eleven dimensions is an outstanding problem. It is clear that it is not simply the light cone supermembrane Lagrangian. But perhaps supermembranes do give us a clue to the ultimate formulation. 2.6 Fivebranes We will attack the problem of finding the 5-brane of M Theory in Matrix Theory by applying Seiberg's algorithm. In fact for longitudinal 5-branes, this was done by Berkooz and Douglas [36] long before Seiberg's argument was conceived of. A longitudinal 5-brane is one which is wrapped around the longitudinal circle. In the IIA string language, it is an M5 brane wrapped around the small circle, and thus a D4 brane. Berkooz and Douglas [36] proposed that the Matrix Theory model for such a 5-brane was the large N limit of the ND0-D4 system. This is a supersymmetric quantum mechanics obtained as the dimensional reduction of Af = 2, d = 4 SUSY Yang Mills, with
514 an adjoint and a fundamental hypermultiplet. For k such longitudinal five branes we simply introduce k fundamental hypermultiplets. Seiberg's argument shows that this is the appropriate DLCQ of M Theory with k longitudinal 5-branes. In the large N limit, one can argue that a different procedure [37] which dispenses with the fundamentals, may be a sufficiently good description of the system. We now turn to the more problematic question of fivebranes in the transverse dimensions. After all, the longitudinal branes have infinite energy (relative to the Lorentz invariant spectrum) in the large N limit. Again, we use Seiberg's argument and find ourselves faced with a system containing an NS 5-brane and N DO branes in IIA string theory with vanishing coupling. This is the system described by (a certain soliton sector of) the k = 1 IIA little string theory [4]. The system of k NS 5 branes in any string theory with vanishing coupling is a six dimensional Lorentz invariant quantum system which "decouples from gravity". That is to say, although it contains states with the quantum numbers of bulk gravitons (and other closed string modes) in a ten dimensional spacetime with a linear dilaton field [38], they are described holographically [39] in terms of a quantum theory with 5 + 1 dimensional Lorentz invariance. It is not a quantum field theory, because it has T-duality when compactified on circles [40] and because it is an interacting theory with a Hagedorn spectrum [41]. The absence of a simple description of fivebranes in the original eleven dimensional Matrix Theory Lagrangian is probably the first indication of a general principle. In quantum field theory, the fundamental degrees of freedom are local. When we study the theory on a compact space we can encounter new degrees of freedom, like Wilson lines, but they are all implicit in the local variables which describe the dynamics in infinite flat space. In a theory of fundamental extended objects, we may expect that this will cease to be true. If there are fundamental degrees of freedom associated with objects wrapped around nontrivial cycles of a compact manifold, and if, as may be expected, the energies of all states associated with these degrees of freedom scale to infinity with the volume of the manifold, then the theory describing infinite flat space may be missing degrees of freedom. Infinite fivebranes have infinite energy. We may imagine them to arise as limits of finite energy wrapped fivebranes on a compact space whose volume has been taken to infinity. Their description may involve degrees of freedom which decouple in the infinite volume limit. We shall see that this appears to be the case. Nonetheless, one feels a certain unease with the asymmetrical treatment of membranes and fivebranes4. 4 Which is only partly relieved by noting that the only true duality between the two [30] is realized in the standard formulation of Matrix Theory on a three torus, and that this duality is captured by the Matrix Theory formulation we will present below.
515 Perhaps there is a completely different formulation of light cone M Theory in which one somehow discretizes the light cone dynamics of the M5 brane. Indeed, since membrane charges are certainly incorporated in the world volume theory of the M5 brane 5 one might hope to obtain a more complete formalism in this way.
3. M Theory on a Circle Let us now imagine trying to compactify one of the transverse dimensions of M Theory on a circle of size aLp. We are led to study DO branes in IIA string theory with coupling g$ ~ (Rs/ Lp)3/2 —>• 0 on a circle of radius ~ ags Is- This situation is T dual to N D strings in Type IIB string theory with coupling Gs ~ gj • The D strings are wound on a circle of radius ~ gg Is/a-- The states of this system whose energy gap above the ground state of the DO brane system is of order Rs are described by the 1 + 1 dimensional world volume theory of nonrelativistic D strings. This is 1 + 1 dimensional dimensional SYM theory with 16 SUSYs. After rescaling to light cone energy the Hamiltonian of the system is RLpfoLl/H*dsdtTT (f + ( ^ ) 2 + l ^ p ! + e^D + TX,9]LP) .
In this formula, boldface characters are 50(8) vectors. X has dimensions of length. The electric field strength / has dimensions of [m]2 and 9 has dimensions of mass (so that the kinematic SUSY generator q = -j^ f dsTi8 has dimensions of [m]1''2). R is the radius of the lightlike circle. 7 are 1 + 1 dimensional Dirac matrices. 6 is a sixteen component spinor which transforms as (L,8 C ) + (R, 8S) under the Lorentz and 50(8) symmetries. The model has (8,8) SUSY as a two dimensional field theory. It is obvious that as Rg is taken to infinity, this system reduces to the 11 dimensional matrix theory we studied in the previous section. Indeed, the compactified theory has more degrees of freedom than the uncompactified one. In the Seiberg analog model, these correspond to strings connecting the DO branes which wind around the torus and they obviously become infinitely massive in the limit Rg —> 00. Amusingly, in terms of the 1 + 1 dimensional field theory this decoupling is the standard one of Kaluza-Klein states when the radius of a circle compactified field theory goes to zero. A catchy phrase for describing this phenomenon is that in Matrix Theory dimensional oxidation is T dual to dimensional reduction. More interesting is the opposite limit Rg/Lp -> 0. According to the duality relation between M Theory and IIA string theory this limit is supposed to be the free IIA string 5 M5 branes are in a sense D branes of the M2 brane [3] and so carry charges which measure the number of M2 branes ending on them. These couple to the two form potential on the world volume.
516 theory. This argument is based on the BPS formula which shows that the IIA string tension is the lightest scale in the theory in this limit, plus the relations between the low energy 11D and IIA SUGRA Lagrangians. It is important to realize that Matrix Theory provides us with a true derivation of this relation. In a sense the relation between duality arguments and Matrix Theory is similar to that between symmetry arguments based on current algebra and the QCD Lagrangian. The derivation is easy. In the indicated limit, the mass scale of the SYM theory goes to infinity in Planck units and we should be left with an effective conformal field theory describing any massless degrees of freedom. The only obvious massless degrees of freedom are those on the moduli space, which is a 1 + 1 dimensional orbifold CFT with target space (supersymmetrized) RSN/S/v- This is a classical statement, but the nonrenormalization theorems for a field theory with sixteen SUSYs ((8,8) SUSY in the language of 1 + 1 field theory) assure us that the Lagrangian on the moduli space is not renormalized. Indeed, we will see in a moment that the leading perturbation of this system consistent with the symmetries is an irrelevant operator with dimension (3/2,3/2). First we want to show that the spectrum of the orbifold quantum field theory at order P~ ~ l/N is precisely that of the Fock space of free Type IIA Green Schwarz string field theory [26]. To do this we note that the orbifold theory has topological sectors not contained in the R8N CFT in which the diagonal matrix fields are periodic only up to an orbifold gauge transformation in Sfj. These are labelled by the conjugacy classes of the permutation group. A general permutation can be written as a product CVi • • • CNP of cyclic permutations. Within each such sector, we recognize that there is a residual Z^ x . . . ZNP gauge symmetry of cyclic permutation within each block of the matrix. The importance of these topological sectors is that, as the Nk —• oo, they contain states of energy l/Nk- Indeed, a diagonal matrix function on an interval of length 27r, satisfying X{(a + 2ir) = xi+1(
517 permutation gauge symmetry which exchanges them. This is the conventional statistics symmetry of quantum mechanics. It picks up the right minus signs because half integral spin in the model is carried by Grassmann variables. Finally, we want to note that the single string Lagrangians derived from this model are Type IIA Green-Schwarz superstrings. Indeed, the U(N) SYM theory from which we began has an SO(8) R symmetry group under which the left and right SUSY generators transform as the two different spinor representations. Thus, we may summarize the results we have derived by the statement that in the Rw —> 0, N —> oo limits, the Hilbert space of states of the Matrix Theory Hamiltonian with energies of order 1/N, is precisely the Fock space of free light cone gauge Type IIA string field theory. This is a derivation of the famous duality conjecture relating M theory to Type IIA string theory. Dijkgraaf, Verlinde and Verlinde [26] went one step further, and showed that the first correction to the free string Hamiltonian for finite Rw was an irrelevant operator which precisely reproduced the Mandelstam [42] three string vertex. Their argument used effective field theory: this is the lowest dimension operator compatible with the symmetries of the underlying SYM theory. Thus, they were unable to compute the coefficient of the Mandelstam vertex. However, because Rio determines the 1 + 1 dimensional mass of the excitations of SYM theory which decouple in the zero radius limit, the dimension ((3/2,3/2)) of the irrelevant operator determines that the string coupling scales as gs ~ (Rio/Lp)3 which is the scaling anticipated from duality considerations. The importance of the result is twofold. It shows that at least to leading order in the small radius expansion the dynamics of Matrix Theory is, in the large N limit, invariant under the ten dimensional Super-Poincare group. And it shows that the general structure of string perturbation theory will follow from matrix theory. Indeed, up to contact terms on the long string world sheet, the Mandelstam vertex generates the Riemann surface expansion of string perturbation theory. As yet, no one has found an argument that Matrix Theory provides the correct contact terms to all orders in perturbation theory. Let us stress the important points that we have learned in this section. We have seen in a very explicit way how Matrix Theory interpolates between the quantum mechanics of the previous section, which describes 11D SUGRA, and free string theory. In particular we have given a very explicit dynamical argument for why the IIA strings are free in the zero radius limit. In previous discussions of the duality between IIA strings and 11D SUGRA, this was more or less a postulate, supported only by the behavior of the low energy effective Lagrangian. Another important lesson was that in the limit of small radius, positions of objects on the compactified circle become wildly fluctuating quantum variables. Indeed, these positions are Wilson lines in the gauge
518 theory, and we are going to the strong coupling limit. There is no longer any sensible geometrical meaning to the small circle, but the theory itself is perfectly smooth in the limit.
4. M T h e o r y on a Two Torus To study the theory on T2 we apply the same set of arguments. DO branes in weakly coupled Type IIA on an 11D Planck scale torus are treated by double T duality and related to D2 branes in a dual (but still weakly coupled) Type IIA theory. The states of finite light cone energy are described by maximally symmetric 2 + 1 dimension SYM theory, with finite coupling, compactified on a torus which is dual to the M Theory torus. (In fact, here is an exercise: go through Seiberg's argument for a general torus and show that the states of finite light cone energy are those whose energy scale is given by the coupling of the SYM theory obtained by doing T duality on all the radii. For T4 and up this SYM theory is nonrenormalizable and we will see the implications of this in the next section.) The two Wilson lines of the SYM theory represent the coordinates of particles on the M Theory torus. Aspinwall and Schwarz [43] argued using string duality that Type IIB theory in ten dimensional space was obtained as the zero area limit of M Theory on a two torus. The seeming contradiction that 11 — 2 = 10 is resolved by noting that in the zero area limit a continuum of light wrapped M2 brane states appear, and play the role of momentum in a new tenth dimension. One of the puzzles of this approach is why the theory should be symmetric under rotations which rotate this new dimension into the other 9. Fundamental (F) and D strings are identified as M2 branes wrapped around the short resp. long cycle of the torus. This identifies the type IIB string coupling as the ratio of the short and long cycles (more generally, the imaginary part of the complex structure), explains the SL(2, Z) duality of the theory and explains why there is a T duality between weakly coupled IIA and IIB theories. If we try to take the zero area limit of the M Theory torus we are led to study the SYM theory on a torus of infinite area. Again, because the SYM coupling is relevant, this is equivalent to an infinite coupling limit in which all but conformal degrees of freedom decouple. Again, the existence of a moduli space ensures us that there is some sort of conformal limit rather than a completely trivial topological theory. Now however, there is a difference. In 2+1 dimensions there is a finite superconformal algebra which has 16 ordinary supercharges. It has an 50(8) R subalgebra under which the supercharges transform as (8,2) (with the 2 standing for their transformation under the 2 + 1 dimensional Lorentz group). Furthermore, since the theory is conformal,
519 it depends only on the complex structure of the limiting T 2 and there is an obvious 5L(2, Z) invariance which acts on the complex structure [44]. The fmiteness of the superconformal algebra allows for the possibility of an interacting theory, and indeed the same interacting superconformal theory was postulated to describe the interactions of N M2 branes at separations much smaller than the 11D Planck scale. Here we want the theory to be interacting because on a two torus with finite complex structure we are trying to describe interacting Type IIB string theory. We can understand the weak coupling limit, and simultaneously get a better understanding of the 50(8) symmetry, by going to large complex structure. In the limit where the a cycle of the M Theory torus is much smaller than the 6 cycle, the corresponding SYM torus has cycles with the opposite ratio. Thus we can do a Kaluza Klein reduction on the cycle of the dual torus corresponding to the b cycle and obtain a 1 + 1 dimension field theory. This is best done by going to the moduli space, which is a U(1)N SYM theory before the Aspinwall Schwarz limit. To take the limit we do an electromagnetic duality transformation, replacing the Abelian gauge fields by compact scalars {F^ oc e^xd^X*), which decompactify in the limit. It is then obvious that there is an 50(8) symmetry which rotates this boson into the seven original scalars. Indeed the Lagrangian on the moduli space is
c = (
Here i and a each run from 1 to 8, and the #'s are two component, 2 + 1 dimensional spinors. Of course, 2+1 Lorentz invariance is broken by the compactification on a torus, but under the 5L(2, Z) which transforms the radii of the torus, the spinors transform as a doublet. There is an obvious 50(8) symmetry of this Lagrangian under which the X' and 0a could each transform in any of the eight dimensional representations. Note that both components of 8a must transform the same way. Superconformal invariance in the Aspinwall Schwarz limit, assures us that this 50(8) group survives in the interacting theory. Furthermore it tells us that the scalars must transform in the vector representation of 50(8) and the fermions in one of the two chiral spinors (which one is a matter of pure convention). When we further make the Kaluza-Klein reduction corresponding to large complex structure the moduli space theory is identical to the light cone gauge IIB Green-Schwarz string. Actually it is N copies of this theory, related by a residual SN gauge symmetry (as in the previous section). We can rerun the analysis there and show that the theory is the Fock space of free strings in this limit and that the first correction to the limit is the correct Mandelstam interaction for IIB strings, with the right scaling of the couplings. The 50(8) symmetry is seen to be the spacetime rotation symmetry of
520 IIB string theory, and superconformal invariance in 2 + 1 dimensions has given us an understanding of the reason for emergence of this symmetry (without recourse to a weak coupling expansion) and of the chirality of the resulting spacetime physics. An alternative derivation of the 5(9(8) symmetry using the compactification of the theory on the three torus can be found in [45]. One thing which does not work is the continuous perturbative shift symmetry of the theory under translations of the Ramond-Ramond scalar. This can be attributed to the virtual presence in the theory of various longitudinally wrapped branes which are sensitive to the value of 6. Presumably this will all go away in the large N limit when the energies of these states go off to infinity (relative to the Lorentz invariant states). This example show us that, at least in perturbation theory there can be many versions of DLCQ. A perturbative DLCQ of Type IIB string theory would have preserved the continuous symmetry.
5. Three and Four Tori The theory on the three torus is somewhat less interesting. One again obtains a maximally SUSY YM theory, which is scale invariant and has an SL(2, Z) Olive Montonen duality symmetry. This combines with the geometrical SL(3, Z) to give the proper U duality of M Theory. There are now no new limits. Olive Montonen duality is identified with the M duality [30] which identifies M2 branes with M5 branes wrapped on a three torus, giving a new version of M Theory. The four torus is much more interesting. Going through the Seiberg scaling one obtains DO branes in weakly coupled IIA theory on a Planck scale four torus. Performing four T dualities to get to a a large manifold we come back to IIA theory, but this time with a large coupling Gs (because the coupling rescales by four powers of gg1' . The zero branes have of course become D4 branes. Large coupling means that we are going back to M Theory a new dimension is opening up, and the D4 branes become M5 branes. We are thus led to the theory of N M5 branes at distances well below the Planck length in a new copy of M Theory. This is a 5 + 1 dimensional superconformally invariant field theory (2,0)/v [46] whose moduli space is N self dual tensor multiplets with Wilson surfaces lying in the self dual U(N) weight lattice. This proposal was first made by [47]. In terms of the original IIA theory we can understand the extra momentum quantum number in the field theory as arising from D4 branes of the (pre T duality) IIA theory wrapped around the Planck scale torus. The (2, 0)jv theory is superconformal and lives on a five torus. The smallest radius of this torus defines the Planck length of M Theory and the remaining four torus is the
521 dual torus to the one M Theory theory lives on. The 5L(5, Z) U duality of M Theory compactified on T4 is manifest in this presentation of the theory. Govindarajan and Berkooz and Rozali [48] have suggested that a very similar construction can be made for M Theory compactified on K3 manifolds. One first uses the Seiberg scaling to relate the problem to DO branes on a K3 of scale g]'3ls in the zero coupling limit of IIA string theory. Then one uses the K3 T duality to relate this to D4 branes wrapped on a dual K3 in a strongly coupled IIA string theory and thus to the (2,0)jv theory compactified on S1 x K3. They show that many properties of the theory, including all of the expected dualities and the F theory [49] limit can be qualitatively understood in this formulation.
6. Five and Six (Where We Run Out of Tricks) We now come to the five torus, where things really start to get interesting. The standard limiting procedure leads us to DO branes in weakly coupled IIA string theory on a Planck scale 5 torus, which is T dual to D5 branes wrapped on a 5 torus in strongly coupled IIB string theory, which in turn is S dual to NS 5 branes wrapped on a five torus in weakly coupled IIB string theory. If one goes through the dualities carefully, then one sees that the scale that is being held fixed in the latter theory, is the IIB string scale. We can see this as follows. As usual, in the original picture, we are taking the DKPS limit and the scale which is held fixed is the kinetic energy of a single DO brane with Planck scale momenta. After T duality this always leads at low enough energy to a SYM theory in which the SYM coupling is held fixed. In Type IIB theory, with string coupling Gs, the SYM coupling is given by g2SYM = GSL%
Let us rewrite this in terms of the parameters of the S dual IIB theory: Gs = l/Gs,
Ls2 = GsL2s.
We learn that a collection of N coincident NS 5 branes in weakly coupled IIB string theory, has, on its collective world volume, a SYM theory whose coupling depends only on the string tension and does not go to zero with the string coupling. As a consequence we learn (believing always in the consistency of string theory) that the Gs — 0 limit of a collection of N coincident NS 5 branes in the zero coupling limit of Type IIB string theory is a consistent interacting quantum theory with manifest
522 5 + 1 dimensional Lorentz invariance. We call this the U(N)B little string theory. The Matrix Theory for M Theory on a five torus with Planck scale radii and N units of longitudinal momentum is the U(N)B little string theory compactified on a dual five torus. The parameter £5 and radii Y,A of the little string theory are related to those of M Theory by 1=
^ ^
^ = ltA
(6 5)
Here R is the lightlike compactification radius. The little string theory retains the manifest 0(5,5) T duality of compactified IIB string theory with zero coupling. This is now interpreted as the duality group of M Theory and is in fact the correct U duality group of M Theory on a five torus. This symmetry has several interesting consequences. First of all, the little string theory cannot be a quantum field theory. In quantum field theory, the variation of correlation functions with respect to the metric is given uniquely in terms of insertions of the stress tensor. But T-duality transformations change the metric of the torus without changing the theory. If we make a small variation of a radius of the torus around some T-self dual point, then we find (assuming that we are dealing with a quantum field theory) that every matrix element of the operator J Sg^B^ vanishes. It is easy to argue that this is incompatible with the properties of field theory. We will find more evidence below that little string theories are not field theories. Another consequence of T duality is the existence of another type of little string theory, called U(N)A. Indeed if we do a T duality transformation on a single radius of the five torus, we get N NS five branes in IIA theory. If we now take the infinite torus limit, we obtain a distinct theory. This could have been obtained directly by considering the zero coupling limit of NS five branes in the IIA theory in infinite ten dimensional spacetime. Indeed, one can construct similar little string theories from the zero coupling limit of NS five branes in the heterotic theories. The low energy limit of the U{N)A little string theory is not a SYM theory but rather the (2,0)w superconformal field theory. An interesting way of understanding the fact that interactions of NS five branes survive the limit of zero string coupling is to write down the low energy SUGRA solution corresponding to a collection of A' NS fivebranes. In the string conformal frame this has the form ga = 8ije2* (6.6) e2* = e2*> + ^
523 Hijk = Nv^
Here the indices span the four dimensional space transverse to the five brane and r is the Euclidean distance from the five brane in this space. Vijk is the volume form of the unit three sphere in this space, e2*0 = Gs , the square of the string coupling. The metric components along the fivebrane are Minkowskian. Near r = 0 the transverse space has the form of a flat infinite one dimensional space times a three sphere of fixed radius. The dilaton varies linearly in this fiat space. This limiting background is in fact an exact solution of the classical string equations of motion to all orders in a' [59]. Indeed, the background H field converts the three sphere a model into the level N SU{2) Wess-Zumino-Witten (WZW) conformal field theory. The linear dilaton is such that the value of the super central charge is c = 10. This is called the linear dilaton background. For finite Gs this infinite space is cut off on one end and merges smoothly into an asymptotically flat space with finite string coupling. However, no matter how small the asymptotic value of the string coupling, the region near the five brane is strongly coupled. The effect of taking Gs to zero is to make the linear dilaton background valid everywhere. As a consequence of the fact that the coupling goes to infinity at r = 0, the higher order terms in the formal genus expansion are infinite and the perturbation expansion is not useful for correlation functions which probe the r = 0 region. We will see later that for large N, duality allows us to study this region in terms of a different low energy SUGRA expansion. In addition to the failure of quantum field theory to capture the dynamics of DLCQ M Theory on T 5 , this geometry presents us with another new phenomenon. In all previous cases, Seiberg's argument allowed us to relate DLCQ M Theory to string theory, but we then found that most of the string states decoupled in the DLCQ limit. Here we have found that the scale which is kept finite is the string scale and we are left with a little string theory. Another name we might have chosen for this is a "Kondo string theory". The famous Kondo model in condensed matter physics is a free 1 + 1 dimensional field theory interacting with a localized defect with a finite number of degrees of freedom. The full system is a rather nontrivial interacting quantum problem, and the degrees of freedom of the field theory cannot be thrown away even though they are free everywhere except at the position of the defect. Maldacena and Strominger [38] have argued that the same is true for the little string theory. If we analyze the scattering problem of string modes off a five brane in the zero coupling limit it is easy to convince oneself that every asymptotic state of the string theory maps into an asymptotic state of the linear dilaton background. Maldacena and Strominger argue that at large N any state of the fivebrane with energy
524 density 6 above a certain cutoff can be described in a sufficiently good approximation as a 1 + 1 dimensional black hole in the low energy effective field theory. The point is that for large enough N and energy density, the black hole horizon is in the region where the coupling is still weak. Thus, the classic Hawking analysis of black hole radiation is valid and indicates that such fivebrane states decay into asymptotic string states. A standard calculation shows that the Hawking temperature is of order 1/y NLs • This has two interesting consequences. First it shows that in the large N limit, there is a true decoupling of these string states. Second, since the temperature is independent of the energy, it implies a Hagedorn spectrum of black hole states, which must be interpreted as states of the little string theory. This is a second indication that little string theories are not field theories. We will find independent confirmation of this spectrum by a very different method below. The large N decoupling of the string states is extremely important, because it is easy to see that in the Matrix Theory context these states do not have Lorentz invariant dispersion relations. First of all, since their DO brane charge vanishes, they have no longitudinal momentum. Secondly, in the DLCQ limit they actually have vanishing transverse momentum as well. Indeed, the typical states to which perturbative string theory applies have transverse momenta of order the string scale as the string coupling goes to zero. The weakly coupled string theory which we use in the description of M Theory on T5 is an S-dual Type IIB theory, whose string length in terms of the original Type IIB theory is given by equation (6.3). In turn we have, in terms of the original IIA string coupling Gs = o(gg ). Thus, a momentum of order Zg 1 is of order gs Lg1. By contrast, the DO branes have momenta of order the eleven dimensional Planck scale, which scales like g§ Lg1. Thus, in the limit, string states of the little string theory carry zero Planck units of M Theory transverse momentum. This remark explains the otherwise paradoxical fact that the transverse momentum of string states in the NS 5 brane background is not conserved (note that the 0(4) angular momentum is conserved). From the point of view of the flat space string theory we began from, the string modes are interacting with states which carry infinitely more transverse momentum than they do, and therefore they can gain or lose arbitrary amounts of (string scale) transverse momentum. From the M Theory point of view then, the string states of the little string theory are troublesome. They carry finite light cone energy but exactly zero transverse and longitudinal momentum. They are not consistent with M Theory Lorentz invariance. 6
"All the experts" agree that the same conclusions are valid for localized states of finite energy on the fivebrane, although no calculations have been done for this case. The case of finite energy density is directly relevant to the toroidally compactified little string theory which is our essential concern in Matrix Theory.
525 Fortunately, they seem to decouple in the large JV limit. The Maldacena Strominger calculation seems to indicate that excitations on the five branes do not excite such states (even if it were energetically possible) in the large N limit 7 . On the six torus, things get even more out of hand. After performing the Seiberg limit and using T duality we obtain the theory of D6 branes in a strongly coupled Type IIA string theory. We are instructed to keep the SYM coupling on the D6 brane world volume finite. It is well known, that in this limit, D6 branes can be viewed as KK monopoles of 11D SUGRA compactified on a very large circle. Be very careful to note that this is not the 11D SUGRA we are trying to model. In fact, the gravitons of this 11D SUGRA arise from the IIA DLCQ point of view, as D6 branes wrapped on the M Theory 6 torus. The SYM coupling on the KK monopole world volume is just the Planck scale of this (new) 11D SUGRA. This is a new wrinkle. Previously the theories which described DLCQ M Theory did not contain gravity. This was an advance because the conceptual problems of quantizing gravity seemed to be avoided. This is no longer the case on T6. The only saving grace here is that one can again argue that these fake gravitons had better decouple in the large N limit. Indeed, the reader may verify that, just like the string states of the little string theories, they carry vanishing longitudinal and transverse momenta from the M Theory point of view. This means they had better decouple. A hand waving argument that they do in fact decouple is the following. KK monopoles are manifolds which are circle bundles over the space transverse to a six brane. The radius of the circle is fixed at infinity (though we must take the limit in which this asymptotic radius is itself infinite) and goes to zero near the six brane. For a monopole of charge N the rate at which the circle shrinks to zero as the radius is varied, is multiplied by N. Thus gravitons with nonzero momentum 8 around the circle will be repelled from the KK monopoles, and the repulsion will set in at a larger distance for large N. From the point of view of M Theory we want to study the scattering of N KK monopoles (wrapped on the dual 11D SUGRA T 6 ) at transverse separations much smaller than the dual Planck scale (although we want to keep energies which are of order the dual Planck scale). It seems plausible that these scattering processes will not involve graviton emission in the large N limit. Obviously, we could do with a stronger argument. The example of T 6 kills once and for all the idea that the finite N DLCQ should O.Aharony has argued to me that since the spectrum of stringy states appears to begin only at energies of orde 1/vN times the string scale, there is an energetic argument for decoupling, independent of the Maldacena-Strominger calculation. 8 It is easy to see that gravitons with zero momentum decouple in the limit that the SUGRA circle goes to infinity.
526 reduce to finite N DLCQ SUGRA in the limit of low energy and large transverse separations. It is clear that at finite N, DLCQ M Theory contains states of arbitrarily low light cone energy (wrapped D6 branes in the original description - gravitons in the T dual description) which are simply not there in DLCQ SUGRA. One might have thought that the simple scaling arguments above go through for any compactification on a six manifold. However, Seiberg's argument implicitly contains assumptions about the moduli space of string theory compactified on manifolds smaller than the string scale — assumptions which are valid only if there is enough SUSY to provide nonrenormalization theorems for the space and the metric on it. The argument indeed goes through for A'3 x T 2 but the authors of [50] have pointed out that things are quite different for a general Calabi-Yau threefold, where there are only eight supercharges. Indeed, it is well known [51] that the Kahler moduli space of string theory on CY 3-folds is corrected when the sizes of cycles reach the string scale. The exact form of the Kahler moduli space and the metric on it can be read off from the complex structure moduli space of the mirror manifold [52]. The authors of [50] suggest that the point in moduli space corresponding to a "Planck scale Calabi Yau" is a mirror CY whose complex structure is very close to the conifold point. This conjecture is based on the notion that mirror symmetry is obtained [53] by writing the CY as a T3 fibration and doing T duality on the three torus. It is not precisely clear what this means since the manifold has no Killing vectors with which to perform an honest T duality transformation. Nonetheless, the idea that mirror symmetry would map a very small (real) 6 fold into a 6 fold with a shrinking three cycle sounds plausible. If this suggestion is correct, then we know at least that the effective theory for the DLCQ will not contain gravity. Indeed, it is known since the seminal work of Strominger [9] that the effective theory of the new massless states coming from wrapping Type IIB three branes on the shrinking 3 cycle, is a 3 + 1 dimensional gauge field theory with a massless hypermultiplet. The authors of [50] suggest that the whole Matrix Theory on a CY threefold may be some sort of 3 + 1 dimensional field theory with four supercharges. This is an interesting idea, but not much follow up work has been done on it. In my opinion it is a direction which may lead to some interesting progress. We have seen that Matrix Theory becomes more and more complicated as we compactify more and more dimensions. This is quite interesting, since it is not the way field theory behaves. When we compactify a field theory we generally lose degrees of freedom rather than gain them 9 . This is not completely true. In gauge field theory compactification adds Wilson lines, and in gravity, it adds the moduli of the compact9
To make this statement more precise, count the number of degrees of freedom below a certain energy, and ask how this number changes as we shrink the size of the compactification manifold.
527 ification manifold. However this addition is far outweighed by the loss of modes with nontrivial variation on small manifolds. Perhaps more importantly, these modes did exist as gauge degrees of freedom on the noncompact manifold, but with gauge functions which cannot live on the compactified space. Some of the extra degrees of freedom we have discovered in Matrix Theory are artifacts of DLCQ. In the low energy SYM approximation, the momentum modes of the field theory represent (from the original M Theory point of view) branes wrapped around both transverse and longitudinal cycles. These states have energy of order one when N —>• oo and should decouple from the hypothetical Lorentz invariant limiting theory. Examples where this can be worked out rather explicitly are the weak coupling limits of Type II [26] and Heterotic [54] strings, as derived from various 1 + 1 and 2 + 1 SYM theories. There it is seen that only certain quasi-topological modes of the SYM theory, which vary at a rate 1/N along the SYM torus (and manage to be periodic by wandering a distance of order N in the space of matrices), survive the large N limit. In my opinion, the key question in the dynamics of Matrix Theory is to find a way to isolate and describe the spectrum of order l/N with an effective Lagrangian, away from the weak coupling limit. 6.1 The Seven Torus and Beyond From the point of view described in the introduction, the problems we have encountered as we increased the number of compactified dimensions beyond four are connected to the density of states of the theory at large energies. The little string theory has, as we shall see below, a Hagedorn spectrum. This is the essential feature that prevents it from being a quantum field theory. The DLCQ of M Theory on a six torus does not decouple from gravity. As a consequence, its light cone density of states grows faster than an exponential, because its high energy light cone spectrum is identical to that of SUGRA in an ordinary reference frame. As we have emphasized, these problems should go away in the large N limit. The Lorentz invariant spectral density of the models grows more slowly than an exponential. Indeed, for both the five and six tori we have suggested that the offending states decouple in the large N limit. On the seven torus we face a problem of a somewhat different nature. It has long been known that massive excitations of a Lorentz invariant vacuum in 2 + 1 dimensional gravity do not preserve globally asymptotically flat boundary conditions. Worse, in theories with massless scalar fields in 2 + 1 dimensions (which includes SUGRA with all but the minimal SUSY) excitations tend to have logarithmically growing scalar Coulomb fields and infinite energy. This has been argued to imply [10] that the Hilbert
528 space of Lorentz invariant, asymptotically flat 1 + 1 or 2 + 1 dimensional string theory is topological in nature and contains no local propagating excitations. In DLCQ we compactify one more dimension than necessary to describe the Lorentz invariant system we are trying to model. Thus, the paucity of states with asymptotically flat boundary conditions should become a problem in compactifications to four spacetime dimensions. Indeed, following Seiberg's argument for Matrix Theory on the seven torus we are led to a theory of seven branes in Type IIB string theory. The BPS formula tells us that these have logarithmically divergent tension. Thus, there is no sensible DLCQ of M Theory with 1 + 1, 2 + 1, or 3 + 1 dimensional Lorentz invariant asymptotics. Note that we do expect a noncompact formulation of light cone M Theory with 3 + 1 dimensional asymptotics to exist (it should have a Hagedorn spectrum, like little string theory), but it cannot be found as the large N limit of DLCQ.
7. DLCQ and Holography of (2,0)* Theories and Little String Theories In our discussion of compactification of Matrix Theory we encountered two new types of Lorentz invariant quantum theories which seemed to be decoupled from gravity in the sense that they could be formulated on fixed spacetime manifolds. This is certainly true for the (2,0)^ theories and their less supersymmetric cousins, which are ordinary quantum field theories in six dimensions. It is likely to be true for the little string theories as well. In this section we will introduce two complementary methods for studying these theories. At the moment, both methods make sense only in flat six dimensional Minkowski spacetime. Even toroidal compactification results in new singularities which are not well understood. Although we could treat the field theories as limits of the little string theories we will instead find it useful to introduce both methods of computation in the simpler context of field theory. We begin with DLCQ. 7.1 DLCQ of (2,0)*: Theories We have remarked above that DLCQ is not a terribly useful tool for ordinary field theory because the theory compactified on a small spatial circle is usually strongly coupled and intractable. This is not the case for the (2,0)^ theories. Indeed, dimensional reduction on a small circle leads us to an infrared free 4 + 1 dimensional SYM theory. One simple argument for this comes from the derivation of the (2,0)* theory as the effective theory of k coincident M5 branes. If we compactify on a small spatial circle along the brane then we are studying k coincident D4 branes in weakly coupled Type IIA
529 theory. Things become even simpler if we ask what in the SYM theory corresponds to momentum around the small circle. The only obvious conserved quantum number is the instanton number (remember that instantons are particles in 4 + 1 dimensions). That this is indeed the right identification follows from the BPS formula for the instanton mass Mj = 8^2/ggyM. Remembering the identification of the coupling in terms of the radius of the fifth dimension, we see that this is just the formula for the mass of a KK mode, MKK = 2n/R5. Since the SYM coupling is small when the radius is small, and the 4 + 1 dimensional SYM theory is infrared free, a semiclassical analysis of the dynamics of the instantons is valid. Thus, in the sector with longitudinal momentum N, DLCQ of the (2,0)k theory would seem to reduce to quantum mechanics on the moduli space of N instantons in U(k) gauge theory. The fact that this moduli space and the quantum mechanics on it are calculable from classical considerations follows from the high degree of SUSY of the problem 10 . Well, almost. The fly in the ointment is that this moduli space is singular. Fortunately, there is an elegant and unique regularization of the moduli space of instantons in four Euclidean dimensions, which appears to make the system completely finite and sensible. The (2,0)* theory has 16 ordinary SUSYs. In light cone frame we expect only half of them to be realized linearly so we expect to find a quantum mechanics with 8 SUSYs. The target space of the quantum mechanics must therefore be a hyperkahler quotient. There is a famous construction (called the ADHM construction) [65] of instanton moduli space as a singular hyperkahler quotient. It is the solution space of the algebraic equations [X,Xl]-[Y,Yl]+qiq}-tfyjt = 0 (7.1) and [X,Y} = qiPi
modded out by a U(N) gauge symmetry which acts on X and Y as adjoints and the k qi and k p' as fundamentals and antifundamentals respectively. The products of fundamentals and adjoints appearing in these equations are tensor products of U(N) representations and are to be interpreted as matrices in the adjoint representation. These equations also define the Higgs branch of the moduli space of M = 2, d = 4 U(N) SYM theory with k fundamental hypermultiplets. The latter interpretation also introduces the natural regularization of the space, for we can add a Fayet Iliopoulos term by modifying the first ADHM equation to read
[X,tf]-\Y, 10
yt] + qiq\ - (p')V = C/JV,
All of these arguments come from the papers [39] and [55], while the regularization below was invented in the second of these two papers.
530 where 1^ is the N x N unit matrix, and £ is a real number. Note that this is a regularization of the moduli space but not of the Yang Mills equations as local differential equations. Instead it corresponds to solving the Yang Mills equations on a certain noncommutative geometry [56]. An important facet of this DLCQ of the (2,0)jt theories is the fact that when they are KK reduced on a circle, the low energy effective theory is five dimensional SYM theory, which is infrared free. Thus, the difficulties encountered in [15] should be absent and the semiclassical identification of the system as quantum mechanics on the ADHM moduli space is valid. SUSY nonrenormalization theorems guarantee that the metric on this space is unique, and the regularization of the singularities by the FI term is the unique way to deform the instanton moduli space into a smooth hyperkahler manifold. The key to finding the spectrum of chiral primary operators in the (2,0)k theory from DLCQ is the following observation of [55]. These authors observe that the DLCQ procedure preserves a subgroup of the superconformal group of the full theory. They identify these generators as explicit operators in the quantum mechanics on instanton moduli space. In particular, they show that a vertex operator is primary, only if it is concentrated on the singular submanifold of zero scale size instantons. Chiral primary operators can then be identified in terms of the cohomology with compact support of the Fayet-Iliopoulos regulated instanton moduli space, which has been investigated in the mathematical literature. We will not explore the details of these calculations. Suffice it to say that they find the correct spectrum of chiral primary operators. The way we know this is that the spectrum calculated from DLCQ coincides with that implied by the AdS/CFT correspondence. This is not just a matter of agreement between two unrelated conjectures (which in itself would be impressive). Rather, the basis for the AdS/CFT identification of primary operators comes from a low energy analysis of the interaction of 11D SUGRA with fivebranes. There must be one primary for each SUGRA field which is in a short multiplet of AdSj x S4 SUSY. As usual with short multiplets, the number and properties of these multiplets are independent of parameters, and can be calculated in the low energy approximation. 7.2 DLCQ of the Little String Theories The papers [39] and [57] described the DLCQ of the U{k)A little string theories and [58] performed the same task for the U(k)B theories. We will restrict attention to the U(k)A case. One way to understand the derivation for the Type A theory is to consider the DLCQ of Type IIA string theory as derived in the Matrix String picture and add fivebranes wrapped around the longitudinal direction. The result is the 1 + 1 dimensional field theoretical generalization of the model of Berkooz and Douglas [36] for longitudi-
531 nal 5 branes in Matrix-Theory. One obtains a 1 + 1 dimensional field theory with (2,2) SUSY. It is a U(N) gauge theory with one adjoint and (in the sector with k fivebranes) k fundamentals. As in [26] one takes the weak string coupling limit by descending to the moduli space. Now however we want to be on the Higgs branch of the moduli space (the Higgs and Coulomb branches obviously decouple from each other in the limit) and we obtain a a model with target space the ADHM moduli space. Of course this moduli space is singular, but we can regularize it by adding FI terms. Thus, the DLCQJV of U(k)A LST is a sigma model on the moduli space of N U(k) instantons on R4. This moduli space can be regularized by the addition of FI terms to the ADHM equations, so that the DLCQ theory is realized as a limit of a well defined, conformally invariant (4,4) supersymmetric sigma model. Note that, in contrast to the regularized quantum mechanics, the sigma model retains its conformal invariance after regularization. However, the conformal generators of the sigma model are not symmetries of the spacetime M Theory. From the M Theory point of view, the spatial momentum on the sigma model world sheet is a quantum number that counts longitudinally wrapped branes, and should decouple in the limit of large N. Before regularization the ADHM moduli space is locally flat. Thus, the central charge c of the SOFT is just c = 6Nk. Because the variation of the FI term is a marginal perturbation of the sigma model, this remains the value of c in the regularized model. We can immediately turn this into a computation of the high energy density of states in the DLCQ model. The entropy is given by S(P-)
->• y/2cP~ = VekEh
In the last equality we have used the relation between light cone and ordinary energy for vanishing transverse momentum. This is the Hagedorn spectrum that we advertised for the little string theories. In the DLCQ approach, it arises, as in perturbative string theory, because the light cone energy is identified with the ordinary energy of a 1 + 1 dimensional CFT. The only problem with this derivation is that it applies to the asymptotic density of states of the DLCQ theory, which are not actually states with P~ of order l/N. It has been argued by Ofer Aharony [2] that the sigma model contains such states as strings which wander through of order- N instantons before closing (note that the instanton moduli space has an SN orbifold symmetry). As in our treatment of matrix string theory, or the Maldacena-Susskind description of fat black holes [1], these configurations should have an entropy of the Hagedorn form even at energies much lower than those at which (7.4) is naively valid in the CFT. We will see below that a completely different argument produces the same formula for the entropy.
532 The sigma model on regularized instanton moduli space is a fascinating CFT, which also arises in the study of D1-D5 black holes. Its properties have recently been studied in [6]. 7.3 Holography The AdS/CFT correspondence will be covered by other lecturers at this school. Suffice it to say that for the (2,0)/v theory 11 it provides the leading term in a large N expansion of the correlation functions of the chiral primary operators. The calculation is performed by solving the classical equations of 11D SUGRA in the presence of certain perturbations of an AdSj x S4 spacetime, with N units of fivebrane flux on the S4. In order to calculate corrections to higher order in 1/N one needs the higher terms in the derivative expansion of the effective action. We have only a limited amount of information about such terms. Even in leading order, few calculations have been done for this case. Just like the DLCQ solution of these theories, the AdS/CFT calculations only work in uncompactified spacetime. The SUGRA background corresponding to toroidally compactified (2,0)^ theories is singular and the derivative expansion does not seem sensible even for large N. In this case we can get an inkling of the reason for the greater degree of singularity of the compactified case. We are used to the fact that in M Theory, singularities correspond to light degrees of freedom which have not been included in the effective Lagrangian. In the toroidally compactified (2,0);v theory it is obvious that there are such degrees of freedom. The zero modes along the moduli space, which are frozen expectation values in the infinite volume theory are here zero frequency quantum variables. Indeed it is precisely the scattering matrix of these variables which one would hope to compute in Matrix Theory. It seems unlikely that this dynamics will be easily captured by reliable calculations in SUGRA. We now turn to the holographic description of little string theories. It was suggested in [41] that these are simply the exact description of string theory in the linear dilaton backgrounds. More precisely, these are Type II string theories in the following background. ds2 = -dt2 + dx2 + d
(7.5) (7.6)
n In the previous section, in order to conform to the literature on the subject we used k to signify the number offivebranes, while N was reserved for the longitudinal momentum. Here we will revert to the standard use of N in the AdS/CFT correspondence. It denotes the number of fivebranes.
533 Here x are coordinates on the worldvolume of N coincident fivebranes, fi 3 are coordinates on a three sphere transverse to the fivebranes, and u)p.3 is its volume form. There are some interesting differences in the way holography works in this context, as compared to the AdS/CFT correspondence. Most of them stem from the fact that the asymptotic geometry of these backgrounds is Minkowski space with an exponentially vanishing string coupling. Therefore, even for finite N, there is an infinite region of spacetime in which the description of the system in terms of freely propagating particles becomes exact. The linear dilaton systems have an S-matrix. By contrast, even though the geometry of AdS space has infinite volume, the boundary conditions which define a Cauchy problem in this space are reminiscent of those for a system in a box. In the AdS/CFT correspondence we do not expect to see any sort of large spacetime unless N is large, but even for N = 1 (note that unlike other systems of this type, the N = 1 little string theory does not appear to be a trivial gaussian system) or 2 the little string theories should have asymptotic multiparticle states propagating in the weak coupling region. Another dramatic difference between the two types of theories is that the little string theory has a Hagedorn spectrum and is not a quantum field theory. Thus, in many ways, the little string theory is much closer to string theory in Minkowski space than the AdS systems. We have seen the Hagedorn spectrum in the DLCQ calculation above. In the holographic description one calculates the asymptotic density of states by using the Bekenstein-Hawking formula for black hole entropy. This is justified in the linear dilaton background because the mass of the black hole is inversely proportional to the string coupling at the horizon. The world outside a large mass black hole is completely contained in the weak coupling regime. It is well known [60] that the Hawking temperature of linear dilaton black holes is independent of their mass. This is equivalent to the statement that the entropy is linear in the energy i.e. we have a Hagedorn spectrum 12 . The Hagedorn temperature can be computed in terms of the cofficient which governs the rate of increase of the dilaton. We again find that S = \/QNEls. The Hagedorn spectrum actually solves a potential paradox in the claim of [41]. These authors argue that the S-matrix of string theory in the linear dilaton background can be interpreted as the correlation functions of observables in the LST. The p particle It should be noted in passing that this simple calculation shows that all extant nonperturbative formulations of the c = 1 string theory are wrong. The entropy in all such calculations is that of a 1 +1 dimensional field theory rather than the much more degenerate Hagedorn spectrum. The c = 1 model was solved by trying to resum a divergent perturbation expansion. Clearly some nonperturbative states (Liouville "D branes"??) have been missed in this resummation.
534 S-matrix elements are of course s y m m e t r i c under interchange of arguments (the Sp group of statistics). T h e y are also 5 + 1 Lorentz invariant. If these are to be interpreted as correlation functions in a q u a n t u m theory, their Sp s y m m e t r y implies t h a t they m u s t be Fourier transforms of t i m e ordered products of Heisenberg operators. Lorentz invariance would t h e n imply t h a t LST was a local field theory, because t i m e ordered products are only Lorentz invariant if t h e operators c o m m u t e at spacelike separations. However, t h e Hagedorn s p e c t r u m prevents us from performing t h e Fourier transform and this conclusion cannot be reached 1 3 . Indeed, by calculating two point functions of operators by analogy with A d S / C F T (solving linearized wave equations in t h e linear dilaton background), Peet and Polchinski [61] showed explicitly t h a t they were not Fourier transformable. Their behavior is exponential, with t h e Hagedorn t e m p e r a t u r e controlling t h e r a t e of growth of t h e exponent. Peet and Polchinski's calculation is easy to summarize: T h e scalar wave equation in the linear dilaton background is M
(2/ + 3X2/ + 1)
pj^Wj, =
( 7 g )
For large k and
In t h e holographic interpretation t h e S-matrix computed from these wave functions, which has t h e same behavior in m o m e n t u m space as t h e wave functions themselves, is supposed to be t h e two point function of some operator in t h e LST. T h u s , it t h e two point function is not Fourier transformable, and grows in t h e way we would expect from the Hagedorn s p e c t r u m . To conclude this brief s u m m a r y of our knowledge of little string theories, I want to discuss t h e question of what t h e scale of nonlocality is in these theories. W h a t we know so far suggests two rather different answers. Seiberg's original a r g u m e n t about T-duality suggests string nonlocality on a scale Is- On t h e other hand, t h e length scale 13 Some readers may be confused by our apparent denial of the possibility of having a Hagedorn spectrum in local field theory. What, they will ask, about the Hagedorn spectrum of large N QCD? In fact there is no contradiction. Two point functions of operators in large N QCD are in fact controlled by the asymptotically free fixed point at short distances. However, the crossover scale, above which free behavior sets in, depends on the operator. At infinite N there are some operators which never get to the crossover point, because it scales with a positive power of N. This phenomenon of operators which have rapidly vanishing matrix elements between the vacuum and most of the high energy states, appears to be connected to the fact that infinite N QCD is a free theory, with an infinite number of conservation laws. I do not expect such behavior in a finite system with interaction.
535 defined by the Hagedorn temperature is of order lsV~N which is much longer. Note however that the argument for the latter scale is based on high energy asymptotics. Thus, although the Hagedorn temperature is low for large N, it might be that the exponential behavior of the density of states does not set in until energies of order 1$ . The Hagedorn temperature controls the rate of growth of the asymptotic density of states, but does not tell us anything about the finite scale at which the asymptotic behavior begins to dominate. Minwalla and Seiberg have done a calculation which suggests that in fact the Hagedorn behavior does not set in until scales far above the Hagedorn temperature. They argued that if, in the LSTA theory, one takes the limit Is —> 0 with ls\fN fixed, then the SUGRA approximation to scattering amplitudes with energies of order this fixed scale becomes exact. The point is that in LSTA, the strong coupling behavior of the theory is described at low energy by 11D SUGRA. Minwalla and Seiberg show that in the large N limit described above, there is a SUGRA description of the scattering amplitude which is valid for arbitrary values of the dilaton. Thus, the full amplitude is calculable by solving partial differential equations. The resulting equation is complicated, but Minwalla and Seiberg obtained a qualitative understanding of its behavior and were able to solve it approximately in various regimes. They calculated the amplitude for a single massless string to scatter off the NS 5 brane in this limit, and found a Fourier transformable answer. This suggests that for large N, the density of states in the vicinity of the Hagedorn energy scale, increases more slowly than the Hagedorn formula14. It is tempting to suggest that the Hagedorn behavior of the spectrum sets in only above the string scale, which is the scale of nonlocality indicated by T duality. Indeed, in the spacetime picture of this system, the high energy CGHS black hole spectrum can only be computed reliably for energies above the string scale. If this conjecture is correct, there is a puzzle about the nature of the large N limiting theory defined by Minwalla and Seiberg. Naive application of the logic we applied to the full LST would suggest that it is a quantum field theory, since its correlation functions have spacetime Fourier transforms, which can then be interpreted as Lorentz invariant time ordered products. But large N limits are tricky, and I expect that if the Minwalla-Seiberg limit of all the correlation functions of LSTA exists, it does not define a quantum field theory. Finally, I want to discuss an issue raised by the analysis of Minwalla and Seiberg, which is not particularly related to the bulk of the material in these lectures. There is some confusion in the literature, and in discussions I have participated in, about 14
This is not a definitive argument against a Hagedorn spectrum because the matrix elements of operators between the vacuum and high energy spectrum might fall sufficiently rapidly to give a Fourier transformable two point function. It is however suggestive that the limiting Minwalla-Seiberg calculation shows a different behavior than that found by Peet and Polchinski.
536 whether the AdS/CFT correspondence (and in particular the fact that the theory is formulated in terms of a Hermitian Hamiltonian in a well defined Hilbert space) says something definitive about the issue of unitarity in Hawking radiation. I would claim that it does not, because the AdS theory does not have an S-matrix 15 . The little string theories do have an S-matrix and one can begin to address the question. In particular, Minwalla and Seiberg find a nonzero absorption cross section for the black fivebrane. This could be taken as a signal of lack of unitarity. Like many extremal black holes, the extremal fivebrane metric has an analytic completion with multiple asymptotic regions. One could try to interpret the absorption cross section as matter being scattered into another asymptotic region, violating unitarity in any given region. I would like to present a more conservative interpretation of the absorption cross section: the fivebrane absorbs only because it is infinite. There is indeed another asymptotic region, but this is the region along the infinite brane. This is most clearly seen in the IIB case, where the low energy theory on the brane is infrared free 5 + 1 dimensional SYM theory. A particle coming in from infinity in
537 Little string theories are a fascinating area for future work. They are our only example of Lorentz invariant quantum theories which are neither quantum field theories nor theories of gravity (in 5 + 1 dimensions). Conventional Lagrangian techniques are applicable only in the light cone frame. It would be of the utmost interest to find an alternative, manifestly Lorentz invariant, framework for formulating and solving these theories.
8. Conclusions Matrix theory is a nonperturbative DLCQ formulation of M Theory in backgrounds with six or more asymptotically flat directions. It provides proofs of a large number of duality conjectures, and has led to a new class of Lorentz invariant, gravity free theories. It demonstrates the existence of a new class of large N limits of ordinary gauge field theories, in which one concentrates on states with energies of order 1/N. There is a lot of evidence that the theory becomes simpler in the large N limit, in the sense that many of the finite ,/V degrees of freedom decouple. A Lorentz invariant formulation awaits the development of techniques to study these new kinds of large N limit. In the meantime, we can try to use Matrix Theory to study a variety of issues in gravitational physics which do not require us to compactify to low dimensions. A beginning of the study of black holes in Matrix Theory may be found in [64]. There are a number of important general lessons about M Theory that may be learned from Matrix Theory. Among these are 1. The statistical gauge symmetry of identical particles arises as a subgroup of a much larger, continuous, gauge symmetry. 2. The cluster property, and the existence of spacetime itself seems to be closely intertwined with supersymmetric cancellations. 3. The number of degrees of freedom of the theory increases as we compactify. This is quite odd from the point of view of quantum field theory. 4. Short distance divergences in the effective gravitational theory turn out to be infrared divergences caused by the neglect of degrees of freedom which become light when particles are brought together. These correspond to light branes stretched between the particles, and again are very different from the kinds of degrees of freedom encountered in field theory.
538 5. As in any generally covariant theory we expect a conventional Hamiltonian description only when space is asymptotically flat or AdS. In the asymptotically flat case we have argued that conventional Hamiltonian quantum mechanics will only be applicable in the light cone frame and only when there are five or more noncompact dimensions. The phenomenologically relevant case of four dimensions has a Hagedorn spectrum in light cone energy and may be describable by some kind of little string theory. The outstanding problem in Matrix Theory is to find a way to isolate the dynamics of the states with DLCQ energy 1/N and to write a Lagrangian (for dnoncompact > 5) for the infinite N system. For the phenomenologically relevant case of d = 4 one must obtain a sensible substitute for Lagrangian methods for systems with a Hagedorn spectrum. Another unsolved problem is the formulation of DLCQ M Theory on CalabiYau threefolds. Beyond this, Matrix Theory cannot go, for light cone methods do not appear to be useful for cosmology or for studying the problem of SUSY breaking (where the typical ground state of the system may not have null Killing vectors).
Acknowledgments I am grateful to the organizers, J.Harvey, S.Kachru, E.Silverstein, and especially K.T.Mahantappa for inviting me to this stimulating school. This work was supported in part by the DOE under grant number DE-FG02-96ER40559.
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Michael Dine
TASI Lectures on M Theory Phenomenology
Michael Dine Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics, Santa Cruz CA 95064
Abstract These lectures discuss some of the general issues in developing a phenomenology for Superstring Theory/M Theory. The focus is on the question: how might one obtain robust, generic predictions. For example, does the theory predict low energy supersymmetry breaking? In the course of these explorations, basics of supersymmetry and supersymmetry breaking, string moduli, cosmological issues, and other questions are addressed. The notion of approximate moduli and their possible role plays a central role in the discussion.
How might string/M theory make contact with nature? In one view, we might imagine that some day, one will find some "true ground state," or set of ground states, and that we will simply calculate all of the quantities of low energy physics. Another viewpoint holds that these problems are impossibly hard, at least with any theoretical tools we have today or which we can see on the horizon, and that we should focus exclusively on theoretical issues: theoretical consistency, problems of black holes and other quantum gravity questions, and the like. In these lectures, I advocate a middle ground. While I don't believe it is likely that we will succeed in solving the theory completely any time soon, I believe it might be possible to make a few robust, qualitative statements, and perhaps a small number of quantitative ones. If we could reliably assert, for example (preferably before its discovery), that low energy supersymmetry is a prediction of string theory, with some rough pattern of soft breakings, this would be a triumph. If we could predict one or two mass ratios, or the value of the gauge couplings, this would be spectacular. If string theory resolved some of the problems of cosmology, this would be a major achievement. In these lectures I will not succeed in accomplishing any of these goals, but I do hope to outline the major issues in bringing string theory into contact with nature. Our strategy will be to focus on the major issues in developing a string phenomenology:
• The cosmological constant • The problem of vacuum degeneracy • The Hierarchy problem • The role of supersymmetry • The smallness of the gauge couplings and gauge coupling unification • The size (and shape) of extra dimensions • The question of CP violation and the strong CP problem • Issues of flavor • Questions in Cosmology
547 In line with our remarks above, the goals of a superstring phenomenology should be to obtain qualitative, generic predictions, such as • Low energy supersymmetry • Extra light particles • The pattern of supersymmetry breaking • Statements about early universe cosmology, including dark matter, the evolution of moduli, possible inflaton candidates, and perhaps the value of the cosmological constant. • Axions • Predictions for rare processes To appreciate the difficulties, consider the problem of low energy supersymmetry. Low energy supersymmetry has long been touted as a possible solution of the hierarchy problem. Supersymmetry seems to play a fundamental role in string theory, and numerous solutions to the classical string equations with N = 1 supersymmetry in four dimensions are known. Still, we have no reliable computation of a stable vacuum with broken supersymmetry. Nor do we know of any principle which suggests that vacua with approximate supersymmetry are somehow more special than those without. These problems are closely tied to our lack of understanding of the cosmological constant problem. It is easiest, as we will see, to study supersymmetric states; the more supersymmetry, the easier. But this by itself is hardly an argument for supersymmetry. We will need some more persuasive argument if we are to make a statement that string theory does or does not predict low energy supersymmetry. An overriding question should be: can we make such a statement without knowledge of the precise ground state? We might hope to get some insight into these questions by considering two of the problems posed above: the cosmological constant problem and the hierarchy problem. Both represent failures of dimensional analysis. It is possible to add to the effective action of the standard model the terms:
/dVs(A + MW)-
Here A is a quantity with dimensions of M , and so one might expect that it is of order some large scale in nature, A ~ M 4 . On the other hand, there are recent claims[l] that a cosmological
548 constant has been observed, with a value of order A « l f r 4 7 GeV 4 .
Even if one is skeptical of this result (and evidence is steadily mounting that it is correct), the cosmological constant is at least as small as this. Similarly, dimensional analysis suggests that the Higgs mass should be of order Mp, but in the electroweak theory it must be many orders of magnitude smaller. 't Hooft gave a precise statement of a widely held notion of naturalness[2]. He argued that if a quantity is much smaller than expected from dimensional analysis, this should be because the theory becomes more symmetric in the limit that the quantity tends to zero. This is a familiar story for the quark and lepton masses; in the limit that the corresponding Yukawa couplings tend to zero, the standard model acquires additional chiral symmetries. As a result, quantum corrections to the Yukawa couplings vanish as the couplings tend to zero. String theory, on the other hand, sometimes provides exceptions to this rule, and indeed it does provide an exception in the case of the cosmological constant. There are many (nonsupersymmetric) vacua of string theory in which the cosmological constant vanishes at tree level. This is already surprising, and a violation of 't Hooft's rule. The vanishing of the cosmological constant in these theories is a consequence not of a symmetry in space-time, but of a worldsheet symmetry of string theory, conformal invariance. It is an example of what is technically known as a "string miracle" [3]. On the other hand, for most such states, a cosmological constant is generated at one loop, and this is far too large to be compatible with the observed number. At one loop, in field theory, the cosmological constant is given by
This expression is correct in (weakly coupled) string theory, provided that the sum over states is suitably interpreted[4, 5]. For non-supersymmetric states, it is typically of order coupling constants times the string tension to the appropriate power. In supersymmetric states, A = 0, typically, at least in perturbation theory. On the other hand, supersymmetry must be broken in nature, and from the formula above, we expect that A
= mtusv
549 This is compatible with 't Hooft's naturalness principle. But we expect that msusy
is not smaller
than 100 GeV, so we are still at least 55 orders of magnitude off. This problem is perhaps the most serious obstacle to understanding string phenomenology. In these lectures, we will not offer any solutions. Only a small number of ideas have been proposed, and they are, as yet (at best) incomplete. Here we mention two: • Witten has noted that in three dimensions, supersymmetry can be unbroken without degeneracy between bosons and fermions[6]. He imagines a three dimensional theory in which there is a single modulus. Now suppose that one takes the limit of strong coupling. Typically, one expects that this is a theory with one additional dimension. Perhaps this four dimensional limit is a theory with broken supersymmetry but vanishing cosmological constant. Dabholkar and Harvey have constructed models in various dimensions with small numbers of moduli[7]. • Kachru and Silverstein, motivated in part by the A d S / C F T correspondence, have constructed models without supersymmetry in which the cosmological constant vanishes at low orders of perturbation theory[8]. Conformal invariance plays a crucial role in these constructions, and the existing examples have Bose-Fermi degeneracy. Still, this is perhaps the most successful proposal to date. Let us turn now to the hierarchy problem. This is a similar problem of dimensional analysis. We might expect that m2H ~ M%, but we know that if there is a fundamental Higgs scalar, its mass must be less than about 1 TeV. The standard model does not become more symmetric in the limit that the Higgs mass becomes small, so this would seem to be a violation of 't Hooft's notion of naturalness. String theory again offers an interesting perspective on this question. In many weak ground states, at weak coupling, there are massless particles, whose masses are not protected by any symmetry. This is already a violation of naturalness, and can usually be understood in terms of world sheet symmetries. In general, however, one expects radiative corrections to these masses, just as for the cosmological constant. For the Higgs particle in the standard model, for example, loops of gauge bosons give corrections to the Higgs mass: 2
In string theory, we expect this quadratically divergent integral will be cut off at the string scale. Unlike the case of the cosmological constant, however, for the problem of scalar masses
550 supersymmetry can offer a resolution. If the state is approximately supersymmetric, then the integrals are cut off, not at the string scale, but at the scale of supersymmetry breaking, m2sus . In terms of Feynman diagrams, one has, due to supersymmetry, more types of particles, and one finds cancellations [9]. If this is the correct explanation, it requires that m2susy not be significantly larger than, say, 1 TeV. So we can hope for discovery soon, perhaps even at LEPII or at the Tevatron, and certainly at the LHC. In string theory, these considerations aside, supersymmetry seems to play an important role, perhaps suggestive of low energy supersymmetry. It is easy to find states which, in some approximation, have low energy supersymmetry (N = 1,2,4,8 in four dimensional counting). We will see, also, that there are mechanisms for breaking supersymmetry at low energies. But we will need to ask: to what degree is unbroken supersymmetry a fundamental property of string theory, and to what degree is it simply a crutch which gives us some theoretical control? In any case, supersymmetry is important to our present understanding of string/M theory. It provides us with a great deal of control over dynamics. It is, for example, the basic of all of our current understanding of the many dualities of the theory, as well as of possible non-perturbative formulations (also dualities) such as matrix theory and the AdS/CFT correspondence. We will use this power throughout these lectures. An alternative proposal for understanding the hierarchy problem is to suppose that the fundamental scale is not M p but actually of order 1 TeV. This requires that there be some large internal dimensions[10, 11], or a suitable "warp factor" in the extra dimensions[12]. These possibilities have received much attention in the last year. At this point, they do not appear significantly less plausible than low energy supersymmetry as a solution. We will focus in these lectures mostly on supersymmetry, since, as we will see, it is, within our current understanding, easier to develop scenarios for the realization of supersymmetry in string theory where there is some understanding of why couplings are weak and of which quantities might be calculable. But given our lack of a complete picture, this may well reflect simply "the state of the art." We will make some comments on these ideas, particularly in section 9. The rest of these lectures will be devoted to developing tools for thinking about string dynamics and string phenomenology, based largely on supersymmetry. The next section presents a brief overview of supersymmetry, its representations, the structure of supersymmetric lagrangians (global and local), and the use of superspace. Section 3 discusses some quantum
551 aspects of supersymmetric theories. For theories with N = 2 and N = 4 supersymmetry, we will see that moduli are exact quantum mechanically, and prove certain non-renormalization theorems. For the case of N = 1 supersymmetry, we will see that fields which are moduli in some approximation generically have non-trivial potentials in the full theory. We will introduce the notion of approximate moduli, discuss supersymmetry breaking, and also consider circumstances under which moduli are exact. The fourth section consists of a brief review of N = 1 supersymmetry phenomenology: the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM), soft breakings, counting parameters, constraints, direct detection and theories of soft breakings. After this, we turn to string theory. Section 5 focuses on string moduli. It is possible to make many exact statements about the full, microscopic theory by focusing on a low energy effective lagrangian for the light fields. We explain why, in much the same way as for field theory, one can discuss the exactness of string moduli and issues of non-renormalization. Even in theories with N = 1 supersymmetry, in some cases the problem of supersymmetry breakdown is a problem of low energy physics. We discuss the issue of modulus stabilization, and moduli in cosmology. We make some tentative statements about string phenomenology. The sixth section is devoted to string phenomenology in the light of duality. We will focus particularly on the Horava-Witten picture, the role of branes, and on recent proposals that the string scale might be as low as 1 TeV. In the seventh section we will asses the outlook for achieving the goal we set forth in the beginning, of obtaining a few robust predictions from string theory. Overall, we will cover many topics, and offer some speculations, but we won't provide any real answers to the big questions.
2 2.1
An Overview of S u p e r s y m m e t r y The Supersymmetry Algebra and its Representations
In this lecture, we will collect a few facts that will be useful in the subsequent discussion. We won't attempt a thorough introduction to the subject. This is provided, for example, by Lykken's lectures[13, 14], Wess and Bagger's text[15], and Appendix B of Polchinski's text[16]. Supersymmetry, even at the global level, is remarkable, in that the basic algebra involves the translation generators:
{Q*,Q?} =
552 {Qa,Qh} AB
The X 's
= t°i>xAB•
are Lorentz scalars, antisymmetric in A, B, known as central charges.
If nature is supersymmetric, it is likely that the low energy symmetry is N = 1, corresponding to only one possible value for the index A above. Only N = 1 supersymmetry has chiral representations. In addition, N > 1 supersymmetry, as we will see, is essentially impossible to break; this is not the case for N = 1. For JV = 1, the basic representations of the supersymmetry algebra, on massless fields, are • Chiral superfields fields: (<^,^>Q), a complex fermion and a chiral scalar • Vector superfields: (A, A^), a chiral fermion and a vector meson, both, in general, in the adjoint representation of the gauge group • The gravity supermultiplet: (Vv,a, /JI/), a spin-3/2 particle, the gravitino, and the graviton. N = l supersymmetric field theories are conveniently described using superspace. The space consists of bosonic coordinates, x^, and Grassman coordinates, 9a,6a.
In the case of global su-
persymmetry, the description is particularly simple. The supersymmetry generators, classically, can be thought of as operators on functions of x1*, 6,6*: Qd = - 3 d + ^ * Q < i < V
Qa = da-«&?%; A general superfield, $(x,9,0)
contains many terms, but can be decomposed into two
irreducible representations of the algebra, corresponding to the chiral and vector superfields described above. To understand these, we need to introduce one more set of objects, the covariant derivatives, Da and Da- These are objects which anti-commute with the supersymmetry generators, and thus are useful for writing down invariant expressions. They are given by Da = daia^,9t&d„;
Da = -d& - * 0 X < A -
With this definition, chiral fields are defined by the covariant condition: A i $ = 0.
Chiral fields are annihilated by the covariant derivative operators. In general, these covariant derivatives anticommute with the supersymmetry operators, Qa, so the condition 10 is a
553 covariant condition. This is solved by writing $ = (y) =
where y = i " + i0
Vector superfields form another irreducible representation of the algebra; they satisfy the condition V = V*
Again, it is easy to check that this condition is preserved by supersymmetry transformations. V can be expanded in a power series in 6'a: V = ix - ixt ~ WPA^ + i829\ - i§2d\ + \s292D.
In the case of a U(l) theory, gauge transformations act by V ^V
+ ik-ih)
where A is a chiral field. So, by a gauge transformation, one can eliminate x- This gauge choice is known as the Wess-Zumino gauge. This gauge choice breaks supersymmetry, much as choice of Coulomb gauge in electrodynamics breaks Lorentz invariance. In the case of a U(l) theory, one can define a gauge-invariant field strength, Wa = -l-D2DaV.
In Wess-Zumino gauge, this takes the form Wa = -i\a + 9aD - a^iF^Op + e2a^\*P.
This construction has a straightforward non-Abelian generalization in superspace, which is described in the references. When we write the lagrangian in terms of component fields below, the non-abelian generalization will be obvious.
554 2.2
One can construct invariant lagrangians by noting that integrals over superspace are invariant up to total derivatives: d46 /i(S, $ t ) v) = j
(eaQa + eaQ^h^,
For chiral fields, integrals over half of superspace are invariant: <5 J d4xd2ef($)
= (eaQa + eaQ°)f($).
The integrals over the Qa terms vanish when integrated over x and d26. The Q* terms also give zero. To see this, note that / ( $ ) is itself chiral (check), so Q&f « V^aadnf.
We can then write down the general renormalizable, supersymmetric lagrangian: C=
+ / d 4 0 $ ! e ? i V $ . jd2eW($i)
+ c.c.
The first term on the right hand side is summed over all of the gauge groups, abelian and non-abelian. The second term is summed over all of the chiral fields; again, we have written this for a U{1) theory, where the gauge group acts on the $*'s by $ i -> e-« i A $i
but this has a simple non-abelian generalization. W ( $ ) is a holomorphic function of the
~ W f l , A » + +\D^i\2 r)W
+ F
*< ~ ^
- i ^ D M „
+ ^{Da?
1 d2W
+ CC + E
+ £>° £
2 wtf* ^
The scalar potential is found by solving for the auxiliary D and F fields: V = Wi\2 + ^{Da)2
555 with
In this equation, V > 0 This fact can be traced back to the supersymmetry algebra. Starting with the equation {Qa,Qp}
= 2Plla^l,
Multiplying by a" and take the trace: QaQa + QccQa = E.
If supersymmetry is unbroken, Q Q |0) = 0, so the ground state energy vanishes if and only if supersymmetry is unbroken. Alternatively, consider the supersymmetry transformation laws for A and ip. One has, under a supersymmetry transformation with parameter e, Srji = V2eF + ...
SX = ieD + ...
So if either F or D has an expectation value, supersymmetry is broken. We should stress that these statements apply to global supersymmetry. We will discuss the case of local supersymmetry later, but, as we will see, many of the lessons from the global case extend in a simple way to the case in which the symmetry is a gauge symmetry. We can now very easily construct a supersymmetric version of the standard model. For each of the gauge fields of the usual standard model, we introduce a vector superfield. For each of the fermions (quarks and leptons) we introduce a chiral superfield with the same gauge quantum numbers. Finally, we need at least two Higgs doublet chiral fields; if we introduce only one, as in the simplest version of the standard model, the resulting theory possesses gauge anomalies and is inconsistent. In other words, the theory is specified by giving the gauge group (5(7(3) x 5(7(2) x (7(1)) and enumerating the chiral fields: Qf,uf,df
The gauge invariant kinetic terms, auxiliary D terms, and gaugino-matter Yukawa couplings are completely specified by the gauge symmetries. The superpotential can be taken to be: W = Hu(Tu)1j,Q}Us,
+ HD(TD)fJ,Q;DrHD{TB)Sj,Lser.
556 As we will discuss shortly, this is not the most general lagrangian consistent with the gauge symmetries. It does yield the desired quark and lepton mass matrices, without other disastrous consequences. Exercise: Consider the case of one generation. Show that if
(Hu) = (HD) = (°J),
(Da) = 0; {F*) = 0.
(all others vanishing), then
Study the spectrum of the model. Show that the superpartners of the W and Z are degenerate with the corresponding gauge bosons. (Note that for the massive gauge bosons, the multiplet includes an additional scalar). Show that the quarks and leptons gain mass, and are degenerate with their scalar partners. The fact that the states fall into degenerate multiplets reflects that for this set of ground states (parameterized by v), supersymmetry is unbroken. That supersymmetry is unbroken follows from the fact that the energy is zero, by our earlier argument. It can also be understood by examining the transformation laws for the fields. For example, &
but the right hand side has no expectation value. Similarly, SiPi = V2C.Fi + sfii^ld^.
The last term vanishes by virtue of the homogeneity of the ground state; the first vanishes because Fi = 0. Similar statements hold for the other possible transformations. This is our first example of a moduli space. Classically, at least, the energy is zero for any value of v. So we have a one parameter family of ground states. These states are physically inequivalent, since, for example, the mass of the gauge bosons depends on v. We will shortly explain why, in field theory, it is necessary to choose a particular v, and why there are not transitions between states of different v (in any approximation in which degeneracy holds). As we will see later in these lectures, generically classical moduli spaces are not moduli spaces at the quantum level. One can also read off from the lagrangian the couplings, not only of ordinary fields, but of their superpartners. For example, there is a Yukawa coupling of the gauginos to fermions
Figure 1: Some of the vertices in a supersymmetric theory. Dashed lines denote scalars, solid lines fermions. and scalars, whose strength is governed by the corresponding gauge couplings. There are also quartic couplings of the scalars, with gauge strength. These are indicated in fig. 1. Before turning to the phenomenology of this "Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model," (MSSM), it is useful to get some more experience with the properties of supersymmetric theories. With the limited things we know, we can already derive some dramatic results. First, we can write down the most general globally supersymmetric lagrangian, with terms with at most two derivatives, but not restricted by renormalizability (in the rest of this section, the lower case (j> refers both to the chiral field and its scalar component): C = J
+ J d26W(<j>i) + cc + J d29f(
Here K is a general function known as the Kahler potential. W and / are necessarily holomorphic functions of the chiral fields. One can consider terms involving the covariant derivatives, Da, but these correspond to terms with more than two derivatives, when written in terms of component fields. We will often be interested in effective lagrangians of this sort, for example, in studying the low energy limit of string theory. From the holomorphy of W and / , as well as from the symmetries of the models, one can often derive remarkable results. Consider, for example, the "Wess-Zumino" model, a model with a single chiral field with superpotential W = \m
For general m and A, this model has no continuous global symmetries. If m = 0, is has an "R" symmetry, a symmetry which does not commute with supersymmetry: (j>^e^a4>
Under this transformation, W -S- e2iaW
558 so J d28W is invariant. This transformation does not commute with supersymmetry; recalling the form of Qa in terms of 0's, one sees that Qa
• • • ^e,aQa-
Correspondingly, the fermions and scalars in the multiplet transform differently: the scalar has the same R charge as the superfield, 2/3, while ip has R charge one unit less than that of the scalar, i.e. 4> ->• e2ia/3
V - > e~ia/3ip.
It is easy to check that this a symmetry of the lagrangian, written in terms of the component fields. Correspondingly, in the quantum theory, Qa « J d3x(a^d^rA
+ tcF) -> eiaQa.
Symmetries of this type will play an important role in much of what follows. In general, in a theory with several chiral fields, one has <&->e i Q f l i 0i
W(>i) - » e2iaW(
If there are vector multiplets in the model, the gauge bosons are neutral under the symmetry, while the gauginos have charge + 1 . We will also be interested in discrete versions of these symmetries (in which, essentially, the parameter a takes on only some discrete values). In the case of the Wess-Zumino model, for non-zero m, a discrete subgroup survives for which a = 3nir, i.e. cj> —>
559 non-renormalization theorem was originally derived by detailed consideration of the properties of Feynman graphs. What is crucial to this argument is that W is a holomorphic function of <j> and the parameters of the lagrangian. This is not to say that nothing in the effective action of the theory is corrected from its lowest order value; non-holomorphic quantities are renormalized. For example:
is allowed. In the Wess-Zumino model, this means that all of the renormalizations are determined by wave function renormalization. Finally, we should note that if m = 0 at tree level, no masses are generated for fermions or scalars in loops.
N=2 Theories: Exact Moduli Spaces
We have already encountered an extensive vacuum degeneracy in the case of the MSSM. Actually, the degeneracy is much larger; there is a multiparameter family of such flat directions involving the squark, slepton and Higgs fields. For the particular example, we saw that classically the possible ground states of the theory are labeled by a quantity v. States with different v are physically distinct; the masses of particles, for example, depend on v. In non-supersymmetric theories, one doesn't usually contemplate such degeneracies, and even if one had such a degeneracy, say, at the classical level, one would expect it to be eliminated by quantum effects. We will see that in supersymmetric theories, these flat directions almost always remain flat in perturbation theory; non-perturbatively, they are sometimes lifted, sometimes not. Moreover, such directions are ubiquitous The space of degenerate ground states of a theory is called the "moduli space." The fields whose expectation values label these states are called the moduli. In supersymmetric theories, such degeneracies are common, and are often not spoiled by quantum corrections. In theories with N = 1 supersymmetry, detailed analysis is usually required to determine whether the moduli acquire potentials at the quantum level. For theories with more supersymmetries (N > 1 in four dimensions; N > 1 in five or more dimensions), one can usually show rather easily that the moduli space is exact. Here we consider the case of N — 2 supersymmetry in four dimensions. These theories can also be described by a superspace, in this case built from two Grassman spinors, 9 and 9. There are two basic types of superfields[13], called vector and hyper multiplets. The vectors are chiral with respect to both Da and Da, and have an
560 expansion, in the case of a U(l) field: Tp =
or, in terms of TV = 1 components,
C = J d26 W2 + f di9^ev4>-
The theory with vector fields alone has a classical moduli space, given by the values of the fields for which the scalar potential vanishes. Here this just means that the D fields vanish. Written as a matrix, D = [*,#],
which vanishes for diagonal <j>, i.e. for
In quantum field theory, one must choose a value of a. This is different than in the case of quantum mechanical systems with a finite number of degrees of freedom; this difference will be explained below. As in the case of the MSSM, the spectrum depends on a. For a given value of a, the massless states consist of a U(l) gauge boson, two fermions, and a complex scalar
561 (essentially a), i.e. there is one light vector multiplet. The masses of the states in the massive multiplets depend on a. For many physically interesting questions, one can focus on the effective theory for the light fields. In the present case, the light field is the vector multiplet, tp. Roughly, i/, « i/j> a = a2 + a5i>3 + ...
What kind of effective action can we write for ?/>? At the level of terms with up to four derivatives, the most general effective lagrangian has the form: 1 £ = [ d26d26f(il>) + f dsen(f,^).
Terms with covariant derivatives correspond to terms with more than four derivatives, when written in terms of ordinary component fields. The first striking result we can read off from this lagrangian, with no knowledge of H and / , is that there is no potential for <j>, i.e. the moduli space is exact. This statement is true perturbatively and non-perturbatively! One can next ask about the function / . This function determines the effective coupling in the low energy theory, and is the object studied by Seiberg and Witten[18]. We won't review this whole story here, but indicate how symmetries and the holomorphy of / provide significant constraints (Michael Peskin's TASI 96 lectures provide a concise introduction to this topic[19]). It is helpful, first, to introduce a background field, r, which we will refer to as the "dilaton," with coupling £=
= 6 + -i- + . . . . 92
where T
T is a chiral field. For our purposes, r need not be subject to the same constraint as the vector Classically, the theory has an R-symmetry under which tpa rotates by a phase,
superfield. a
ip —> e ip .
But this symmetry is anomalous. Similarly, shifts in the real part of r (8) are
symmetries of perturbation theory. This insures that there is only a one-loop correction to / . lr rhis, and essentially all of the effective actions we will discuss, should be thought of as Wilsonian effective actions, obtained by integrating out heavy fields and high momentum modes.
562 This follows, first, from the fact that any perturbative corrections to / must be T-independent. A term of the form cln(a)^2
respects the symmetry, since the shift of the logarithm just generates a contribution proportional to FF, which vanishes in perturbation theory. Beyond perturbation theory, however, we expect corrections proportional to ae~T, since this is invariant under the non-anomalous symmetry. It is these corrections which were worked out by Seiberg and Witten.
A Still Simpler Theory: N=4 Yang Mills
JV = 4 Yang Mills theory is an interesting theory in its own right: it is finite and conformally invariant. It also plays an important role in Matrix theory, and is central to our understanding of the AdS/CFT correspondence. JV = 4 Yang Mills has sixteen supercharges, and is even more tightly constrained than the N = 2 theories. There does not exist a convenient superspace formulation for this theory, so we will find it necessary to resort t o various tricks. First, we should describe the theory. In the language of N = 2 supersymmetry, it consists of one vector and one hyper multiplet. In terms of JV = 1 superfields, it contains three chiral superfields, (j>i, and a vector multiplet. The lagrangian is C = J dHwl + / d 4 0 £
In the above description, there is a manifest 5f7(3) x (7(1) R symmetry. Under this symmetry, the fa's have U(1)R charge 2/3, and form a triplet of the 5(7(3). But the real symmetry is larger - it is 5(7(4). Under this symmetry, the four Weyl fermions form a 4, while the six scalars transform in the 6. Thinking of these theories as the low energy limits of toroidal compactifications of the heterotic string will later give us a heuristic understanding of this 5(7(4): it reflects the 0(6) symmetry of the compactified six dimensions. In string theory, this symmetry is broken by the compactification lattice; this reflects itself in higher derivative, symmetry breaking operators. In the JV = 4 theory, there is, again, no modification of the moduli space, perturbatively or non-perturbatively. This can be understood in a variety of ways. We can use the JV = 2 description of the theory, defining the vector multiplet to contain the JV = 1 vector and one (arbitrarily chosen) chiral multiplet. Then an identical argument to that given above insures that there is no superpotential for the chiral multiplet alone. The 5(7(3) symmetry then insures
563 that there is no superpotential for any of the chiral multiplets. Indeed, we can make an argument directly in the language of N = 1 supersymmetry. If we try to construct a superpotential for the low energy theory in the flat directions, it must be an 5J7(3)-invariant, holomorphic function of the 4>i's. But there is no such object. Similarly, it is easy to see that there no corrections to the gauge couplings. For example, in the N = 2 language, we want to ask what sort of function, / , is allowed in C = f d2ed26f(il>).
But the theory has a U(l) R invariance under which V>->e 2 / 3iQ V
Already, then f d26d26W
is the unique structure which respects these symmetries. Now we can introduce a background dilaton field, r . Classically, the theory is invariant under shifts in the real part of r, r —> r + /3. This insures that there are no perturbative corrections to the gauge couplings. More work is required to show that there are no non-perturbative corrections either. One can also show that the quantity H. in eqn. [50] is unique in this theory, again using the symmetries. The expression[20, 21): H = cln(V')ln(V' t ),
respects all of the symmetries. At first sight, it might appear to violate scale invariance; given that ip is dimensionful, one would expect a scale, A, sitting in the logarithm. However, it is easy to see that one integrates over the full superspace, any A-dependence disappears, since ip is chiral. Similarly, if one considers the U(l) R-transformation, the shift in the lagrangian vanishes after the integration over superspace. To see that this expression is not renormalized, one merely needs to note that any non-trivial r-dependence spoils these two properties. As a result, in the case of SU(2), the four derivative terms in the lagrangian are not renormalized. Note that this argument is non-perturbative.
Aside: Choosing a Vacuum
It is natural to ask: why in field theory, in the presence of moduli, does one have to choose a vacuum? In other words, why aren't their transition between states with different expectation
564 values for the moduli?
rf rf rf rf rf
Figure 2: In a ferromagnetic, the spins are aligned, but the direction is arbitrary. This issue is most easily understood by considering a different problem: rotational invariance in a magnet. Consider fig. 2, where we have considered a ferromagnet with spins aligned in two different directions, one oriented at an angle 6 relative to the other. We can ask: what is the overlap of the two states, i.e. what is (0|O)? For a single site, the overlap between the state |+) and the rotated state is: (+|e«n9/2|+)
= cos(0/2).
If there are N such sites, the overlap behaves as (<9|0) ~ (008(0/2))^
i.e. it vanishes exponentially rapidly with the volume. For a continuum field theory, states with differing values of the order parameter, v, also have no overlap in the infinite volume limit. This is illustrated by the theory of a scalar field with lagrangian: £=i(9^)2.
For this system, the expectation value <j> = v is not fixed. The lagrangian has a symmetry,
565 where II is the canonical momentum. So we want to study (v\0) = <0|e^|0>.
We must be careful how we take the infinite volume limit. We will insist that this be done in a smooth fashion, so we will define:
Q = Jdixd0
-'/w^(9) ,,J "" , "' WI) - ,,I »
Now, one can evaluate the matrix element, using eA+B
(provided that the commutator is a c-number), giving (0|e^|0)=e-c,'2v2/3,
where c is a numerical constant. So the overlap vanishes with the volume. You can convince yourself that the same holds for matrix elements of local operators. This result does not hold in 0 + 1 and 1 + 1 dimensions, because of the severe infrared behavior of theories in low dimensions. This is known to particle physicists as Coleman's theorem, and to condensed matter theorists as the Mermin-Wagner theorem.
N = l : Supersymmetry Breaking?
In four dimensions, we have seen that in theories with more than two supersymmetries, moduli are exact and supersymmetry remains unbroken exactly. We turn, now, to N = 1 theories. We will prove that if supersymmetry is unbroken at tree level, it remains unbroken to all orders in perturbation theory. Non-perturbatively, however, we will see that supersymmetry is often broken; supersymmetry breaking is typically of order e~cS7r ' 9 , where g is some gauge coupling, and c is a numerical constant. The potential to generate large hierarchies under such circumstances was first stressed by Witten[22]. If supersymmetry is spontaneously broken, there is necessarily a massless fermion, just as breaking of an ordinary global symmetry implies the existence of a Goldstone boson. The proof closely parallels the usual proof of Goldstone's theorem, and the corresponding massless fermion
566 is called the Goldstino. For example, for chiral fields, under a supersymmetry transformation with parameter e, Sip = eF + ...
So if (F) ^ 0, supersymmetry is broken. In terms of the supersymmetry current: JH = Fa^r&
+ ---
Since «
= 0
we have d»<*rA
= 0.
This has an immediate consequence: if supersymmetry is to be broken in some model, there had better be a light fermion which can play the role of the Goldstino[22]. Exercise: Prove the Goldstino theorem in generality. Let us turn now to a particular example: supersymmetric QCD with gauge group
Consider first the case with no flavors, rif = 0, i.e. a pure supersymmetric gauge theory. The dynamical fields are the gauge bosons and gauginos, A11 and A. The lagrangian is simply C. = -\F%,
+ %XDIIO»\:
Classically, this theory has no ground state degeneracy. One expects that the spectrum has a mass gap, like QCD, so there is no candidate Goldstino and one does not expect that supersymmetry is broken in this theory. There is a continuous global (7(1) (R) symmetry. This symmetry, however, is anomalous and only a discrete Zjq subgroup survives in the quantum theory. This can be seen, for example, by looking at instanton amplitudes. An instanton (fig. 3) in this theory has 2N fermion zero modes, meaning that there are expectation values for operators of the form (X(xl)...X(x2N))
This breaks (explicitly) the U(l) symmetry to a discrete subgroup under which: A -> e ^ A .
Figure 3: Instanton in supersymmetric QCD has four gaugino zero modes and two quark zero modes at lowest order. As indicated in the figure, the scalar vev can be used to tie some of these together, generating the two fermion term in the superpotential. Just as quarks condense in QCD, it is reasonable to expect that gluinos condense as well, i.e. (AA) = A 3 .
As we will see later, one can in fact prove that gaugino condensation occurs in this theory. Note, that AA is the lowest component of a chiral superfield, WaWa, so the condensate is not an order parameter for supersymmetry breaking, consistent with our expectation that supersymmetry is unbroken. Consider now the effect of adding "quarks" to the theory, i.e. fields Qf and Qf in the N and N representation of SU(N).
Here / is a flavor index, / = 1 , . . . , Nf. If these fields are
massive, one does not expect supersymmetry breaking, since the theory is much like the theory with no quarks. The massless case is more interesting. V = \j2(Da)2
= tvD2
where D{j is the matrix: Da = Dtj - Sijtr D
Dij = £ Q*ifQjs - QlfQ*f.
/ Take, for example, the case of two massless doublets in 5(7(2), Q and Q (one "flavor"). Classically there is a moduli space of vacua. Consider the case Nf < Nc. By a gauge transformation,
568 we can always take (writing Q as a matrix in flavor and color space) Vl
Q =
0 0
0 0
v„f /
Then the vanishing of Dij requires ;hat / Q =
0 0 u 2 e' 4>2 0 0 0 0
vie** I 0 0
(77) v
f I
These expectation values correspond to moduli, which can be described by the gauge-invariant fields
The cases with Nf > Nc are different. For example, in the case Nj = Nc, one has an additional solution, where Q is proportional to a unit matrix, and Q = 0. Exercise: Write the general flat direction for Nf > Nc. What gauge invariant fields are needed to describe it? We would like to understand, quantum mechanically, what happens in these flat directions. Consider, first, the case of SU(2) with one flavor. Here one has just the fields Q and Q; the flat direction is the one we encountered in the MSSM, Q
For non-zero v, the SU{2) gauge symmetry is completely broken. States labeled by different v are physically inequivalent. For example, the masses of the gauge fields are different. For large v, the effective coupling is g2(v), and so the theory is weakly coupled, and we should be able to analyze it completely. The modulus which describes this flat direction we will call $ , $ = QQ.
To determine what happens to the flat directions quantum mechanically, we should integrate out the massive fields and study an effective action for . Since the theory is supersymmetric in the limit of weak coupling, we expect this lagrangian to be supersymmetric. This follows from at least two considerations. First, if one gauges the supersymmetry, then one has a
569 theory with a massless, spin-3/2 particle at low energies. Such a theory must be supersymmetric. Alternatively, one can make the argument purely in the global theory. If supersymmetry is to be spontaneously broken, there must be a massless fermion in the theory to play the role of the Goldstino. Supersymmetry breaking corresponds, precisely, to the generation of an F or D-term for this field in the low energy lagrangian. Given these statements, the low energy effective action has the form, Ceff = /V0/($t$) + fd26W($).
Remarkably, the form of W is completely determined by the symmetries of the theory. At a microscopic level, the theory has a non-anomalous U(1)R symmetry, under which Q^e~iaQ
6 -» e"iaS.
Under this symmetry, the .R-charge of the quarks (i.e. the fermionic components of Q and Q is —2, and the contribution to the anomaly cancels against that of the gauginos with charge 1. $ transforms as (83) The only holomorphic function, W ( $ ) , with .R-charge 2 is: A5 W = ^-.
Here A is the renormalization group scale of the SU(N) A= e ^
As a check, we can determine the A dependence from a different argument. We can describe the gauge coupling as the background value of a chiral field, S, -\jd29SWl
with S = \ + ia 9 In the presence of the background field, the theory has an additional symmetry: S
The rotation of the fermions cancels the shift of the lagrangian from the shift in 5. e~s has .R-charge 2, so W=B—.
This agrees with our expression above. While the symmetry arguments are powerful, they may seem a bit slick, and it is desirable to check that this term is in fact present. Since we are interested in the action of the (at least approximately) massless states, it is appropriate to study the Euclidean functional integral:
where <j> refers to all of the various fields in the (full microscopic) theory. In the classical vacuum characterized by the expectation value v, the field $ is $ =
2 v
+ „ W > Q + T/>Q)0 + . . .
so the expected interaction includes terms such as J2n
— = . . . - ^ Q We wish to see if such terms appear in the path integral.
It is not hard to show that the interaction of eqn. [92] is generated by instantons. Instantons are Euclidean solutions of the classical equations of motion[23]. They are expected to dominate the Euclidean functional integral at weak coupling. Actually, a simple scaling argument shows that there are no such solutions for non-zero v; however, as 't Hooft explained in his original paper on instantons[24], approximate solutions can be constructed. Starting with the instanton of the pure gauge theory, which has action 8n2/g2
and a scale p, these solutions
can be constructed perturbatively in pv. Similarly, starting with the fermion zero modes of the unperturbed solution (there are four associated with the gauginos and two with the Q, Q fields), one can construct two zero modes[25]. The structure of the calculation is indicated in fig. 3. In the figure, each of the lines emerging from the blob denotes one of the unperturbed fermionic zero modes; the scalar background is treated as a perturbation. The actual calculation is straightforward, and yields a non-zero coefficient for the expected operator[26]. Other terms generated by the superpotential can be calculated as well[25].
571 The potential generated by the non-perturbative superpotential in this model tends to zero at infinity. In this regime, the calculation is completely reliable. To understand this, note that at the microscopic level, for large v, the theory consists of particles with mass of order v, and the massless multiplet $; there are no direct couplings between the $ fields themselves. As a result, loop diagrams are dominated by physics at the scale My = gv, and thus the effective coupling is g2(v).
For sufficiently large v, this coupling can be made arbitrarily small. The
Kahler potential receives only small corrections; the superpotential, we have argued is exact (and in any case, the semiclassical instanton calculation becomes more and more reliable). At strong coupling, it is conceivable that the Kahler potential has some complicated behavior, leading, perhaps, to a local minimum of the potential. We do not have reliable methods to explore this regime: in this region of $, it is not even clear that $ is the appropriate degree of freedom to study. On the other hand, for large $ , we have an approximate moduli space. Consider, now, the effect of adding a mass term, mQQ. This breaks the U(1)R symmetry of the theory, leaving over a Z2. Exercise: Determine the symmetries of SU(N) supersymmetric QCD with Nf flavors massless flavors. Show that if all of the quarks have mass, the theory has a ZN -R-symmetry. How do the Qa's transform? For small m, the superpotential is W=— The equation ^-
+ m$.
= 0 has two roots $ = v2 = ±(—)1'2.
These two roots correspond to the spontaneous breaking of the Zi symmetry of the theory. As 771 —• 0, this computation is completely reliable, since v —> 00, so the coupling becomes weak. It would seem, that we could say nothing about stronger coupling. However, treating m as a background field, we can make a simple argument that the superpotential of eqn. [93] is exact. We can assign charge +4 to m under the original (7(1) symmetry. Then higher powers of 771 must be accompanied by higher powers of $ . But perturbative and non-perturbative contributions do not lead to such terms. Alternatively, under the symmetry under which
572 So, for general m, we can compute the expectation value of the superpotential: (W) = ± ™ ( ^ ) 1 / 2
= ±(mA5)1/2. But for large m, the theory is just pure gauge 5(7(2). The "expectation value of the superpotential" in this theory is naturally identified with
J d29W2 « J d29(W2) = I d29(\X) = A3LE.
In this expression, ALE is the A-parameter of the low energy theory. To determine the connection between this quantity and the A parameter of the full theory, note that ALB
= me
while A = Me
where M is some high energy scale. g2(m) is determined from $n2g-2 (m) = Sir2g-2 (Af) + b l n ( m / M ) .
Using biE — 6, b = 5 gives K\E = (mA5)1'2.
So the superpotential computed by these two different arguments agree. We can view this result in several ways. First, the calculation for small quark mass was completely reliable; we then used holomorphy and symmetries to argue that the result was exact, even for large quark mass. The consistency of these computations is a confirmation of these arguments. Alternatively, we can view the holomorphy arguments as reliable, and then argue that we have computed (XX) in QCD with a fermion in the adjoint representation! Models of this kind, with different gauge groups and various numbers of flavors, exhibit a rich array of phenomena. These are reviewed, for example, in [19]. Of particular interest are the cases: • SU(N),
Nf < N: In these theories, as in our example above, flat directions are lifted,
and their is an approximate moduli space at weak coupling.
573 • SU(N),
Nf = N: These theories have an exact moduli space, but the quantum moduli
space is not equal to the classical one. • SU(N),
> N:
In these theories, the quantum moduli space is equivalent to the
classical one. These models exhibit quite non-trivial dualities.
Supersymmetry Breaking
So far, we have seen that moduli can be lifted, but that potentials in such cases tend to zero at weak coupling. We might hope to obtain "real" supersymmetry breaking, i.e. supersymmetry breaking with a unique, nicely behaved ground state. The simplest example of this phenomena is provided by the "3-2 Model"[19]. This model has gauge group 5t/(3) x SU(2),
fields Q(3,2), £7(3,1), .0(3,1), £(1,2) (the numbers in parenthesis denote the 517(3) x 5(7(2) representations), and superpotential W = XQLD.
With A = 0, this theory has flat directions. If the 5(7(3) coupling is large compared to the 517(2) coupling, the theory is like the Nf = N — 1 theories, and instantons generate a superpotential. On the other hand, if A ^ 0, there are no flat directions. Exercise: Check that for non-zero A, there are no flat directions in the model. Determine the two non-anomalous global (7(1) symmetries of the theory. For the case A3 2> A2, write down the superpotential which describes the low energy theory and argue that it has a minimum with broken supersymmetry. Exercise: (Advanced): Consider the case A2 2> A3. Show that with A = 0 this is a theory with a quantum modified moduli space, and argue that with A 7^ 0 supersymmetry is broken. For small A, the superpotential is the sum of the non-perturbative superpotential and that of eqn. [101]. It is straightforward to show that this potential does not have a supersymmetric minimum, and indeed has simply an isolated, supersymmetry breaking minimum. One can understand why this happens by noting that any expectation values of the fields break one or both of the non-anomalous (7(1) symmetries of the theory. As a result, there are Goldstone bosons. If supersymmetry is to be unbroken, these Goldstone bosons must have superpartners. The scalar superpartners would parameterize flat directions, but there are no flat directions in the model. This criterion, that if there are broken symmetries in a theory without flat directions, supersymmetry is broken, has proven useful for finding examples of spontaneous supersymmetry
574 breaking. In recent years, many more examples of theories with supersymmetry breaking have been exhibited, and other criteria for such theories have been established.
This subject is
thoroughly reviewed in [27].
S u p e r s y m m e t r y Phenomenology and Model Building
Before speculating about the dynamics of supersymmetry breaking in nature, there are some features of the MSSM which we must discuss. Not only are these features important phenomenologically, but they are also possible clues to the supersymmetry breaking mechanism. First, while the model has some formal resemblance to the Standard Model, it has some important differences. One of the virtues of the SM is that there are no renormalizable operators in the model which violate baryon number or the separate lepton numbers. As a result, it is not necessary to impose these symmetries by hand, provided that the scales of new physics are well above the scale of weak interactions. This is not the case in the MSSM. There are dimension four operators, such as f d2G[aQQQ + budd + cQLe],
which violate these symmetries. To suppress these, one usually supposes that the model has an additional symmetry. The simplest hypothesis is that there is a discrete, Z2, R symmetry, known as R parity, under which all of the "ordinary" particles (quarks, leptons, etc.)
invariant, while the "new" particles are odd. This eliminates all of the dangerous couplings above. Weaker versions of this idea are possible, and lead to a different phenomenology[28]. We will adopt the i?-parity violating hypothesis here, for simplicity. It is disappointing that from the start we must superpose some additional symmetry to make this structure work, but we can take comfort from the fact that such discrete symmetries are quite common in string theory. Even with this hypothesis, there are other potential difficulties. In the SM, the leading baryon number violating operators are of dimension 6. However, even if we suppress the dimension four operators in the MSSM, there are potential problems from operators of dimension six, for example QQQL,uude.
With rather mild assumptions, these operators are highly suppressed, however, and can be compatible with current experimental bounds. The R parity hypothesis has an important and desirable consequence: the lightest new particle predicted by supersymmetry is stable. This "LSP" is, it turns out, a natural candidate
575 for the dark matter of the universe. Cross sections for its production and annihilation are such that one automatically produces a density of order the closure density.
Figure 4: Infrared divergent contributions to the effective action. If we take the MSSM as our basic framework for thinking about supersymmetry and nature, we obviously need to give masses to the squarks, sleptons, gauginos and Higgs. We could try to build some supersymmetry-breaking model including these fields, along the lines of the last section, but this turns out to be a challenging problem, so we first adopt a simpler approach: we just add masses for these fields (along with certain cubic couplings of scalar fields). These "soft breakings" don't reintroduce quadratic divergences. In particular, they don't introduce quadratic divergences. This follows, more or less, from dimensional analysis. At very high energies, corrections to masses should be proportional to the soft masses themselves, and the resulting Feynman integrals should be correspondingly less divergent. Consider, for example, the (massless) Wess-Zumino model, with W = | $ 3 . The Yukawa and quartic couplings of this theory are: dm = 2A<W + c c . + \\
At one loop there are two Feynman diagrams, indicated in fig. 4, which contribute to the scalar mass:
. , dm
A d A d k
« r,1 1
1I n
, , (105
J ((2*)2 4 ^ - ^
Including a small supersymmetry-breaking mass for the scalars, m , changes this expression to: dAk ,
TO2ln(A2/m2) 16TT2
What is crucial, here, is that this is only logarithmically sensitive to the cutoff A. We can understand this result another way. Introduce a field, X, which we will refer to as a spurion. This field is similar in many respects to the background fields we have introduced
576 in earlier sections to describe coupling constants, and in practice we may want to think of it as dynamical or we may not. What is crucial is that Fx has a non-vanishing expectation value, i.e. (X) = ... + e2(Fx).
Consider, then, an operator of the form
-^ J dtOXiXtU-
Integrating over 9, this yields a mass term for the scalar field,
^ * ^ V * = mlU-
Note that this is a Kahler potential term, so it can (and will, in general) be renormalized. Working to quadratic order in X, however, these renormalizations are at most logarihmic. ( M should be thought of as comparable to the cutoff scale). In terms of X, one can enumerate other possible soft breakings:
• / (fdj^mcfxt)
= m,sm<j>4> + c.c.
. fd28§
= msX\
To develop a phenomenology, then, we add to the MSSM soft breaking terms corresponding to masses for squarks and sleptons, as well as for gauginos. We also add cubic couplings of Higgs fields to squarks and sleptons. We write the soft breaking lagrangian, as: Cso!t = ^Q}(mQ)lf,Q'f
+ '£Uf(mu)lf,U'f
+ £ D}(mD)}j,D'f US'
+£ /./'
+ -£L}(mL)lf,L'f S,S' + Y,AuSj,Q1u'!Hu
+ c.c. + Y, Afj,Qfd'fHD
+ cx
- + X^ m A i A i A i
+ c.c.
577 + m2Hu\Hu\2
+ m2HD\HD\2 + BHVHD
+ c.c. + j
If nature is supersymmetric, determining these parameters and understanding their origin will be a principle goal of particle physics. The first question one might ask is: how many parameters are there? It is easiest to count relative to the Standard Model. There, in defining the usual KM phases, one has already used most of the freedom to make field redefinitions. In order to count the remaining parameters, one must ask what is the remaining freedom. Before considering Cso;t, the theory has several global £7(1) symmetries. These are
• An R symmetry which rotates all the fields, under which one can define the R charge of the Higgs fields to be two, and of all other matter fields to be zero. • Peccei-Quinn symmetry (not an R symmetry): Hu-te^Hu Qu -» e~iaQu
HD^eiaHD Qd -y
• Three lepton number symmetries. So all together there are five global symmetries. One of these (the overall lepton number) is preserved by £Soft,
so we
have the freedom to make four redefinitions. Now we can count. Each
of the five matrices, m g , m | , etc., is a 3 x 3 Hermitian matrix, with nine parameters. Au, AD and AL are general complex matrices with 18 parameters. The three gaugino masses (complex) represent six additional parameters. In the Higgs sector, we have six more real parameters. So all together, there are 111 parameters, from which we must subtract four possible redefinitions, and the two Higgs parameters of the usual Standard Model. This leaves 105 new parameters. The parameter space of the MSSM is enormous. It is possible that at some point we will have a compelling theory which will predict the values of these quantities, but this is not the case today. To explore this space, we need to make some hypotheses. Perhaps the simplest possibility is to assume some simple structure for the soft-breaking masses at some very high energy scale. The following relations are often referred to as the "MSSM" or the "supergravity model:" m
Q = mh = m\ = ml "•Ui =
578 Av
= AD = AL = A,
i.e. all of the various matrices are supposed proportional to the unit matrix. These choices have several virtues. First, one can do phenomenology with a small set of parameters. Second, the various flavor-changing neutral current constraints, which we will discuss below, are automatically satisfied. Experiments, especially at LEP and the Tevatron rule out much of this parameter space. TeVII and the LHC will explore much of what remains. One of the questions we will address in the remainder of this lecture is: "How plausible is this structure." Before doing so, however, it is important to mention the other prediction of this framework, apart from dark matter: Coupling Unification. If we assume, consistent with the hierarchy problem, that the susy thresholds are at scales of order 100's of GeV, and if we run the observed gauge couplings from their values at Mz, one finds that the couplings unify. This unification occurs at a scale of order 2 x 1016 GeV. It can be thought of as a prediction of as given aw and a, and this prediction is good to about 2%. Exercise: These results are quite easy to derive. At one loop, if the couplings, at, are equal at a scale MGUT,
one has
= 2 ^
+ b\ IQ(MZ/MGUT)-
If unification is in SU(5), then the hypercharge of the standard model, Y, is proportional to an 5(7(5) generator, Y, which is normalized just like any SU(N)
tr (Y2) = i
Compare this with the conventional values of the hypercharge, to show that at MguTt
gauge couplings are related by sin 2 (0 w ) = \. 5
Using the renormalization group equations, show that the couplings are equal at a scale of about 2 x 10 16 GeV. The simple hypothesis of eqn.
[112] for the soft breaking masses avoids a number of
potential problems. Apart from proton decay, it also means that separate lepton numbers are conserved; off-diagonal elements in the matrices AL,m?E,m\
in eqn. [110] (in the basis where
the charged lepton masses are diagonal) could lead to fx —> ey, for example. Other rare processes are also suppressed. K — K mixing is a tiny effect, which the SM predicts at roughly the correct
Figure 5: A contribution in the standard model to K — K mixing. level (fig. 5). In the SM,
Ceff a
O is a certain four-fermi operator which violates strangeness by two units. This formula is meant to show the various sources of suppression. The GIM mechanism leads to a suppression by a factor of m\IMyir;
there is further suppression by Cabbibo angles. The matrix elements
of O are also suppressed by powers of m2K.
Figure 6: A potentially large contribution to K — K mixing in supersymmetric models. In supersymmetry, there are new contributions, which are potentially quite large.
example is indicated in fig. 6. In general, this graph has no suppression by - S - ; it involves as rather than a\y (a factor of about 10 in the rate); the chiral symmetry suppression is absent (i.e. the factor of m2K).
If there are no special cancellations, one requires that the
scale of supersymmetry breaking be of order 100's of TeV to adequately suppress this graph. But cancellations are automatic if the hypothesis of eqn. [112] is satisfied. Some degree of
580 degeneracy seems almost inevitable if one is to understand these facts.
Figure 7: Diagram involving 7 or Z exchange giving rise to squark and slepton production in e+e~ annihilation. Apart from the constraints on soft masses which come from these rare processes, there are by now significant constraints from direct searches. I won't review these in detail here, but one has, roughly:
• Gluinos: m\ > 225 GeV • Neutralinos (the lightest neutral fermions from the Higgsino/wino/zino sector) m x ° > 30 GeV • Charginos: mx± > 100 - 150 GeV • Sleptons: mj > 90 GeV An example of a process leading to selectron production in e+e~ annihilation is indicated in fig. 7.
Approaches to Understanding Soft Breakings
While it is good to have a parameterization of supersymmetry breaking, one might hope to understand these phenomena at some more fundamental level, and to make predictions for these soft breaking parameters. There are a few ideas about how supersymmetry might be broken in nature, and about how this breaking is manifest in the spectrum of the MSSM or some generalization. In this section, I will briefly review these. As we will see, while any of these ideas might be correct, none, as they currently stand are completely compelling. Each has a possible realization in string theory.
581 5.1
"Supergravity" Breaking
So far, we have treated supersymmetry as a global symmetry. In a theory with gravity (and in particular in string theory), we expect that it should be a local symmetry. In other words, under supersymmetry, the graviton should have a fermionic partner, of spin 3/2, the gravitino, ipua- In N = 1 supergravity, terms with up to two derivatives in the effective lagrangian are specified, as in global supersymmetry, by three functions, the Kahler potential, K(cj>i, <j>\), and two (sets of) holomorphic functions, the superpotential, W, and the gauge coupling functions, fa. The scalar potential is given by
In this expression, the Kahler metric, gq is given by 9fj = didjK.
The reasons for putting "supergravity" in quotes in the title of this section are twofold. First, because supergravity theories are not renormalizable theories, they are at best low energy descriptions of some more fundamental theory (string theory). Second, what are usually called supergravity models actually involve a quite specific set of assumptions about the structure of the Kahler potential (and often the functions f a ) . In particular, these models assume that the various chiral fields fall into two types, called "visible sector" and "hidden sector" fields, and which we will denote by j/; and ZA, respectively. The j/j's include the quarks, leptons and Higgs, while the ZA'S are called "hidden sector" fields, and are supposed to be associated with supersymmetry breaking. The ZA'S are assumed to be responsible for supersymmetry breaking. The superpotential is supposed to break up into two pieces: W = W(yi)
+ W(zA).
This is a plausible assumption, which, given the holormorphy of W, might be enforced by symmetries, at least at the level of relatively low dimension operators. The Kahler potential is also supposed to break up in such a fashion:
« = E»1M + E V i
( 12 °)
This latter assumption yields universality. It is often said to follow from the universality of gravity, but this is clearly not the case; no symmetry forbids a more complicated form. Generically, this doesn't hold in string theory (though it is sometimes true in some approximation).
582 Exercise: An example of this sort of model is provided by the "Polonyi" model. Here one just has a single hidden sector field, z. The superpotential is given by Whid = m2(z + (1). Show that for /3 = (2 + \/3M),
where M is the reduced Planck mass,
the potential has a minimum for V = 0, with 2
Z = (V3-l)M
m20 = 2V3m23/2
A = (3 - \ / 3 ) m 3 / 2
m3/2 = ^ e ( v ^ - i ) 2 / 2
Here m3/2 is the gravitino mass. Gaugino masses in such models are assumed to arise from a coupling
/ 5.2
Incorporating Dynamical Super/symmetry Breaking
One would like to understand supersymmetry breaking dynamically. Within the framework of gravity mediation, one can suppose that the hidden sector fields, ZA, correspond to some supersymmetry-breaking theory, such as the 3 — 2 model discussed earlier. Assuming that the Kahler potential has, say, the form of eqn. [120], one can work out the scalar spectrum in detail, and it is not qualitatively different than that of the Polonyi model discussed above. There is, however, a problem when one discusses the masses of the gauginos. In models in which the hidden sector is dynamical, operators of the type
are typically highly suppressed. In the 3 — 2 model, for example, the operator / of lowest dimension is % j - . This leads to a gaugino mass of order
as opposed to scalar masses of order
583 Generically, these are far too small. Recently, a solution has been proposed to this problem, referred to as "anomaly mediation" [29]. Suppose that the Kahler potential is not that of eqn [120], but instead has the property that the scalar masses vanish to some degree of approximation. Then there are contributions to both scalar and gaugino masses proportional to gauge couplings. These are associated with certain anomalous transformations in the theory, which require a modification of the argument above that fermion masses are extremely small. One finds (here a is the unified coupling at the high energy scale) mi/2 ~ ( ^ ) m °
m\ = -^cbog'ml
while the scalar masses are given by
where b0 is the lowest order contribution to the f3 function and c 0 is related to the anomalous dimension of the scalar field through
1 =C V
Examining these formulas, it is clear that there are two issues which must be addressed. First, one needs to understand why the scalar masses are so much smaller than the value one naively expects.
Second, the simplest formula predicts that some of the scalar masses are
negative, leading to breaking of electric charge. A number of ideas have been proposed for resolving both questions[30].
Figure 8: One loop diagrams which give rise to "anomaly mediation." E denotes a heavy chiral field. To understand what goes wrong with the naive arguments for the gaugino masses requires careful consideration of various issues in supergravity theories, but it can be understood in the
584 following heuristic way. Suppose that in the theory there is a very massive chiral multiplet. The lagrangian for this field includes the term
[ d29M$2,
m 3 / 2 M $ 2 + c.c.
as well as a soft-breaking "B-term,"
So examine the diagram of 8, where a gaugino couples to the heavy field. The diagram gives a result proportional to ^m3/2-
But this already violates our earlier arguments about gaugino
masses. To understand what went wrong, note first that this diagram is independent of the mass of the heavy field. Suppose now one introduces a Pauli-Villars regulator with mass A. Because the diagram with the Pauli Villars field, like the original diagram, is mass independent, it survives in the limit A —> oo and yields overall a vanishing gaugino mass. This is in accord with the symmetry argument. On the other hand, for a massless field, the Pauli-Villars term now introduces a contribution, which agrees with the anomaly mediation formula. When this observation was first made in [31], its theoretical underpinnings were not pursued, as it did not seem of great importance; the mass seemed too small. Fermion masses would be loop suppressed relative to scalar masses. As we have noted, the authors of [29, 30], in addition to putting the theory on a clearer footing, have suggested some scenarios where a suitable spectrum might naturally result.
Gauge Mediation
As an alternative to the gravity mediation hypothesis, which has been discussed in the previous section, suppose that supersymmetry is broken at lower energies, smaller than y/MzMp.
reasons that will become clear shortly, we will refer to this possibility as "gauge mediation" [32]. The basic model building strategy is indicated in fig. 9. We will not review these models here, but simply mention the basic ideas, and refer the interested reader to some of the excellent reviews which are now available[33]. One supposes that supersymmetry is broken by some set of fields. Some of these fields carry ordinary gauge quantum numbers, so that masses of squarks, sleptons, and gauginos can arise through loops involving ordinary gauge fields (and their superpartners).
A typical mass formula (associated with the case of "minimal gauge
mediation") has the form:
585 mXi
Here the parameter A is typically the ratio of the Goldstino decay constant (F, with dimensions of mass-squared), to the energy scale of the susy-breaking interactions, M8t,, A = F/M^.
an approach automatically satisfies the constraints imposed by strangeness changing neutral currents, since the masses are, to a good approximation, only functions of gauge quantum numbers. SUSY Breaking Sector
Figure 9: The general structure of gauge-mediated models. The box indicates dynamics at the supersymmetry breaking scale. The wavy lines indicate various types of gauge exchanges, including gauginos and scalars. Because their dynamics is controlled by renormalizable interactions at low energies, gaugemediated models tend to be highly predictive. Such models typically have only a small number of parameters beyond those of the SM. The phenomenology of these theories is also quite distinctive. In particular, the gravitino is far lighter than expected in gravity-mediated models. Indeed, examining eqn. [131], one sees that the parameter A, and thus the scale of these new interactions and of the Goldstino decay constant, could be as low as 10 TeV. In this case, the gravitino mass is of order e e
~ 0.1 eV. The couplings of this particle are suppressed only by the 10 TeV scale, rather than the Planck scale. Moreover, this particle is now the LSP. The next to lightest supersymmetric particle now may be charged or neutral, in principle. It can decay with a track length as short as a fraction of a cm to final states containing an (unobserved) gravitino[34]. The detailed phenomenology of these models is quite rich, and model building possibilities have only been partially explored. It should be noted that some of the most elegant models which have been constructed so far have supersymmetry broken at a scale much larger than 10 TeV[35]. Others have features such as composite quarks and/or Higgs fields. No model is
586 yet totally compelling by itself, but it seems possible that a truly "Standard" supersymmetric model might emerge from this framework.
String/M Theory Phenomenology
If we are trying to develop a superstring phenomenology, the first question we might ask is: what is string theory? As you know, we have good reason to believe that there is some overarching theory, various limits of which look like weakly coupled string theory, or eleven dimensional supergravity, or other things. All we really understand, however, is what the theory looks like on certain moduli spaces with a great deal of supersymmetry. It is highly unlikely that the state of this theory which describes nature sits on this moduli space. All thinking about string phenomenology to date assumes that this state is a stationary point of some potential in an approximate moduli space. We will see that we have some understanding of these approximate moduli spaces as well. However, even this need not be correct. It could be that the ground state is some truly isolated point. In that case, the question: what is string theory? assumes greater urgency. It is not clear that this state need be connected, in any way, to the states we understand, nor that there is any small parameter which might allow us to study this state. Saying simply that "string theory is the theory of quantum gravity," in this situation, will have little content 2 . We won't offer any general answers to this question here. Instead, we will assume that nature is approximately supersymmetric, and that indeed we sit at a point in some approximate moduli space. We now understand much about supersymmetry dynamics and phenomenology. In the remaining lectures we will apply this understanding to String/M theory. We will use supersymmetry both to constrain possible dynamics, and to consider phenomenology. Apart from hierarchy, we will see some reasons to believe that low energy supersymmetry might play some role in string theory, but these will not be compelling.
The question of
whether string theory predicts low energy supersymmetry, or something dramatically different, is the most important question of string phenomenology, and the reader should keep this in mind throughout. There was, for a long time, a prejudice that string theory and low energy supersymmetry somehow go together. Recently, there have been proposals to solve the hierarchy problem with large extra dimensions[10, 11] or warped extra dimensions[12]. In these proposals, the standard model lives on a brane or wall of some sort, and gravity propagates in the bulk. 2
I thank Leonard Susskind for conversations which sharpened this question.
587 The first set of proposals generally invoke bulk supersymmetry as part of the explanation of the hierarchy, but typically there is no relic of supersymmetry at low energies in the conventional sense. The second set of proposals don't seem to require supersymmetry at all[36]! These lectures may reinforce the prejudice that supersymmetry is important, mainly because it will be easiest to analyze states which are supersymmetric, in some approximation. Indeed, it has been hard, up to now, to relate the extra dimension proposals to detailed constructions in string theory (with the exception of [37]). It is unclear what the parameters of these constructions are, and whether any of these would permit a systematic computation of physical quantities, i.e. would permit the prediction of physical quantities directly from some underlying (string) theory. In the framework of low energy supersymmetry will see that, even though the true vacuum of M-theory cannot be described in a systematic weak coupling expansion, there may be a small parameter, which would allow computation of some quantities. Perhaps, at the moment, the best thing we can say is that this picture is consistent with things we know about nature, and might permit some predictions. It is your challenge to do better.
Weakly Coupled Strings
We would like first to get some feeling for the moduli spaces of string/M theory. We begin by considering the heterotic string theory, compactified on T 6 . This theory has 16 supersymmetries (N = 4 in four dimensional counting). It is not hard to see how the ten dimensional fields fall into N = 4 multiplets. Vector indices decompose as four dimensional Minkowski indices and internal indices, associated with the 6 dimensional internal space. We have seen that the twoderivative terms of N = 4 theories respect an 5!7(4) symmetry; this is just inherited from the 0(6) symmetry of the compact dimensions, at infinite radius. Clearly it is not exact; it is broken by the finite size of the torus, and these effects will show up at the level of higher derivative operators. This SU(4) is convenient for classifying fields. The vector fields of 10 dimensions, for example, decompose as four dimensional vectors and scalars: AM
->• A^fai
= 1...6.
The gauginos decompose as XA-t\a'i
i = l,... 4
where a is a space-time spinor index and i an SU(4) index. The supersymmetry generators have a similar decomposition. The metric decomposes into the four dimensional metric, 6 vectors, and 21 scalars; the antisymmetric tensor of ten dimensions decomposes as a four dimensional
588 antisymmetric tensor (dual to a scalar), 6 vectors, and 15 scalars. The gravitino decomposes into four four-dimensional gravitinos, tp"'1, and 24 spinors, ip"''. There is also a scalar from the ten-dimensional dilaton.
To see how these states fit into N = 4 multiplets, note first
that the ten-dimensional vectors give four dimensional vector multiplets. The four dimensional supergravity multiplet contains a graviton, four gravitinos, 6 vectors, four Weyl spinors, and two scalars (see [16] for example). So the state counting is correct to correspond to a supergravity multiplet and 6 additional vector multiplets. What does characterize the theory we call string theory or M-theory is the existence of limits in which there is a perturbation expansion corresponding to a weakly coupled string theory. In each case, one can identify the modulus which corresponds to the string expansion parameter in a variety of ways. For the heterotic case, one can examine the low energy effective lagrangian. This lagrangian can be presented in a variety of ways. One has the freedom to redefine the metric by a Weyl-rescaling, i.e. by guN —> /(^)SMJVi where
J dwx^§e2*[-jFifN + i\DMVMX + 11 + ...]
Here the dilaton appears out in front of the action ("string frame"), and the unit of length is £s, the string scale. This is also the cutoff scale for this effective lagrangian. As a result, e~ 2 * plays the role of a dimensionless expansion parameter. <j> —> oo corresponds to weak coupling; (f> —> +co to strong coupling. That <)> plays the role of the string coupling can also be seen directly in string theory, by studying the conditions for conformal invariance, for example. A more conventional presentation is provided by the Einstein metric (Einstein Frame), in which the curvature term in the action is independent of the dilaton. E x e r c i s e : Determine the transformation between the string metric and the Einstein metric. If we now compactify this theory on a six torus, with f
= V
= e2*V.
then the four dimensional coupling is gf
These compactifications have many interesting features. For example, they exhibit electricmagnetic duality, as well as a duality to type II theory compactified on K3xT2.
However, for our
589 discussion, one feature is particularly striking: this moduli space is exact,both perturbatively and non-perturbatively. This follows, as in the case of field theory, by studying the constraints imposed by supersymmetry on the low energy effective action. This is a generic feature of JV > 2 supersymmetry in four dimensions, and N > 1 in higher dimension. Thus we have our first observation relevant to phenomenology: There may be some states of string theory which resemble our world, but there are certainly many which do not! One of the interesting features of the moduli space is the existence of various duality symmetries which relate different points. One of the most familiar is X-duality, under which, in the case of compactification on a circle of radius R, R —• ^ . In the case of the heterotic string, at the self-dual point, the gauge symmetry is enlarged to SU(2).
At the enhanced symmetry
point, R is a component of an SU(2) triplet (or more properly, 5R where R = \/2 + SR). Since 5R changes sign under the symmetry, this can be identified with a gauge transformation, a rotation by n about the y axis in isospace. Indeed, all of the T-dualities of the weak coupling limit can be identified as gauge transformations. Electric-magnetic duality, or S-duality, exchanges g2 —> l/g2-
This symmetry can be
understood in a variety of ways. For example, under the duality which connects the heterotic string theory on X 4 x X 2 and Type II theory on K3 x X2, S duality is mapped to X duality[38]. For a particular choice of g2, one has an unbroken discrete symmetry which exchanges E and B. It is interesting that one can find points of enhanced symmetry under which all of the moduli transform. The simplest example of such a maximally enhanced symmetry is provided by the IIB theory in ten dimensions. There, one has an SL(2, Z) symmetry, one of whose generators transforms the dilaton as multiplet, r = a + \ , as T->—.
For a special value of g, this symmetry is restored, and since this is the only modulus, all of the moduli transform. Such enhanced symmetry points, in theories with less supersymmetry, are potentially interesting for a variety of reasons. First, they are automatically stationary points of whatever may be the effective action, so they are candidate ground states. They are also of interesting, as we will discuss later, for various issues in cosmology. What about four dimensional compactifications with N = 1 supersymmetry? Based on our field theory experience, we might expect that the classical moduli are not moduli; at best, there are approximate moduli for weak couplings and/or large compactification radii. We consider
590 this question first in the context of Calabi-Yau compactifications of the heterotic string at large radius(see [39, 40]). For large R, one constructs solutions perturbatively in a'R2,
by looking for renormalization group fixed points in two dimensions, or by solving the field equations in the effective field theory. In the two dimensional description, one has equations for conformal invariance, constructed order by order in a'. In the ten dimensional description, one first solves the equations including operators with at most two derivatives, and then considers the effect of higher derivative operators. One finds that these schemes are equivalent, and that to lowest order, Ricci-flat backgrounds along with appropriate gauge field backgrounds solve the equations of motion. The first question one might ask is: under what circumstances can these lowest order solutions be generalized to exact solutions? Are the corresponding moduli found at lowest order truly moduli of the classical theory? And what is their quantum mechanical fate? These questions can both be addressed by considering the low energy, four dimensional field theory. Consider, first, the question of constructing solutions given a lowest order solution. What is the issue? Suppose one has solved the classical equations of one of the superstring theories to lowest order in a', or more precisely a'/R2,
and suppose that supersymmetry is preserved to
this order. Then the spectrum of fluctuations about this background includes states with mass of order 1/R, mass of order ls (the string scale), and some finite number of states of zero mass. The question of finding a solution is the question of whether there are tadpoles for these states in higher orders of approximation. For the massive states, tadpoles do not represent obstructions to finding solutions. This is already clear in simple field theories. If C = m2
the massive field simply shifts so as to cancel the tadpole. In the two dimensional, conformal field theory description, this is just the statement that if one adds a small term proportional to an irrelevant operator, the system flows to the fixed point. However, for massless states, tadpoles are potentially more serious. There is no guarantee that one can find a (static) solution, and in general one cannot. But this statement also makes clear that to investigate the existence of solutions, one should integrate out the massive fields and examine the low energy effective lagrangian. This effective lagrangian must be supersymmetric and respect the various symmetries, and as usual, this provides powerful constraints. In constructing weak-coupling compactifications of the heterotic string, one must not only choose, at lowest order, a Ricci-flat background for the gravitational field, but one must also
591 choose a background gauge field. The general problem is discussed in [39, 40]. The simplest choice is to take the gauge field to be in an 5(7(3) subgroup of the gauge group, and to set this field equal to the spin connection. In the a' expansion for these configurations, there is then a simple argument that there can be no obstruction to the construction of an exact solution. Consider the problem first from the conformal field theory point of view. The string propagation in a given background metric is described, for large radius, by a cr-model, / d2agi-j(xk,x*:)dx'dxJ
+fermionic terms, etc.
In this form, it is clear that the expansion parameter is R2, where gq = R2g°p where g" is a reference metric of order the string scale. To lowest order in R2, the condition for conformal invariance is vanishing of the /3-function, /% = Tlfj = 0
where 1Z is the Ricci tensor. The conformal field theories which describe Calabi-Yau backgrounds have two left-moving and two right-moving supersymmetries. The question of obstructions, here, is whether the conformal field theory constructed as a solution of the lowest order equations generalizes to a solution to all orders. Tadpoles for massive fields correspond to corrections to the /3-functions of irrelevant operators, and are not an issue; the question is whether there are corrections to the /3-functions for the marginal operators. To see that there cannot be, note that these are suitable backgrounds not just for the heterotic string theory but for the Type II theory; the Type II theories have both left and right moving supersymmetries. In the Type II theory, in space-time, these solutions describe backgrounds with TV = 2 supersymmetry. But we have seen that for N = 2 supersymmetry, the moduli cannot be exact. This implies that the cr-model is an exact conformal theory, and this remains true whether it is considered as a background for the heterotic theory or Type II theory. These statements are supported by detailed perturbative computations, as well as by analyses of instanton effects in the cr-model. In situations with less world-sheet supersymmetry, the situation is more complex.
understand the nature of the problem, we can give another argument, more directly in the heterotic string. Among the various moduli of the theory are deformations of the metric, 5gof eqn.
[140] which preserve the conformal-invariance condition.
These are in one to one
correspondence with (1,1) forms, b{ 5, b
ij = s9i] =
592 The simplest example is 6g <x g, corresponding to an overall dilation of the metric; this is clearly a solution, at lowest order, since the V, = 0 condition does not determine the radius of the compact space. In general, the Ricci-fiat metrics of interest are Kahler,
** = iSK-
The vertex operator for b is i d d Vb- ( d2a —-—^K(dx BxJ-
d z W K * ' * + terms which vanish atfc"= 0. (144)
Here k is the ordinary momentum four vector, and x^ refers to the free fields which describe the non-compact dimensions. At zero momentum, the integrand is a total derivative, Vb-
,dK = ,-, *,dK . ^g^Bxn-B^dx').
In cr-model perturbation theory, then, this mode of the metric decouples at zero momentum. This means that the effective four-dimensional theory has a symmetry under which b shifts by a constant, b is part of a chiral multiplet. In the case of the radial dilaton, the scalar component of this multiplet is R2 + ib. But W is an analytic function of this field; because it is independent of b it is also independent of R2. In other words, there are no corrections to the superpotential in cr-model perturbation theory! These statements hold for both the "standard embedding," with spin connection equal to the gauge field, and more generally. One can also ask what happens beyond perturbation theory. We have already given an argument that for the standard embedding there are no non-perturbative corrections either. This can be verified at the level of world-sheet instantons. For more general compactifications, it appears that generically there should be corrections. The actual situation is more complicated, however[41]. Arguments of this type can also be used to establish the existence of massless states other than moduli, not protected by any space-time symmetry. This could well be relevant to the MSSM, where one wants to understand the absence (at the level of the superpotential) of a mass for the Higgs fields.
B e y o n d the Classical A p p r o x i m a t i o n
Using space-time arguments, there is a good deal one can say about these theories nonperturbatively.
In the Type II case, N = 2 supersymmetry again ensures that there is no
593 potential for the moduli. In the heterotic case one has only N = 1 supersymmetry. In this theory, the dilaton (l/2) is in a multiplet with the axion, B^
<-> a,
J' d 9[^ + ia]Wl
= f d2eswl Again, there is a shift symmetry, a -¥ a + 5. This can be understood by looking at vertex operators, or by noting that da oc *H, where *H denotes the dual of H (*Hn = j , and that the B gauge symmetry forbids non-derivative terms for H. So, in string perturbation theory, since W is holomorphic, there are no dilaton dependent corrections to the superpotential. Moduli remain moduli, massless particles remain massless. What happens beyond perturbation theory?
The axion shift symmetry is anomalous.
stantons of the low energy field theory, for example, can generate effects which behave as e~s = e~in '9
. Non-perturbative, stringy effects surely generate similar terms. Given our
lack of understanding of the theory at a fundamental level, one might think that there is little one can say. However, it turns out that using symmetries and holomorphy, it is often possible to make striking statements. First, we should note that we do not expect that in a theory of gravity there should be continuous global symmetries. In weakly coupled string theory, this is a theorem[42]. In all of the recent work on strongly coupled theories, no examples of continuous global symmetries have been found. We will thus adopt as a working hypothesis that the only allowed continuous symmetries are gauge symmetries. Discrete symmetries, on the other hand, abound in string theory. They can usually (and probably always) be thought of as gauge symmetries. It is easy to construct examples. In toroidal compactification on a square lattice there is a symmetry which interchanges the two lattice generators. This Z
594 compactification of the heterotic string with some set of discrete R symmetries. Typically, the dilaton, S, is neutral. On the other hand, the superpotential must transform by a phase under the various R symmetries. So
Jd29f(e-S). Provided that there are not couplings of the type Me~s,
(147) for some other modulus, M, no per-
turbative or non-perturbative effects can lift the flat directions. In many cases, such couplings are forbidden by symmetries. Examples of this phenomena occur already in textbook models, such as the quintic in CP4 and the Z 3 orbifold[3]. Recall that this is a statement about some Wilsonian action with a large cutoff. What this says is that SUSY breaking, if it occurs at all, must be a phenomenon of the low energy field theory! Let us focus, then, on this low energy field theory. For example, in the case of the standard embedding, the low energy gauge group is E6 x Eg (or a subgroup of E6 obtained from Wilson lines). For the Eg, there are no matter fields. As we have seen, in such a theory, there is gluino condensation. The dilaton couples to the gauge fields through J cf8SW2,
which leads
to a superpotential for S proportional to (AA). One can, in fact, determine the form of W(S) completely from symmetries. The low energy theory has an approximate symmetry under which A->eiQA
To be consistent with this, W must take the form W = ce~^.
We have argued that the global symmetry cannot be exact, and we can at this point ask about the form of possible corrections. Suppose, for example, that in the high energy theory there is a term (fcPewZwl
Such a term could arise at one loop. Treat ( as a spurion. It then has R = - 2 , so one might expect corrections to the superpotential of the form Ce-f.
This correction is systematically smaller than that of eqn. [149] at weak coupling. The main features of eqn. [149] and its possible corrections should not come as a big surprise. In general, we expect V(S) -> 0 as S -> oo. Similarly, as R -> 0 (say with fixed
595 value of the ten-dimensional dilaton), the theory has more supersymmetry, and the potential vanishes. What is interesting is how much control we have over the theory in these cases. The fact that the potential tends to zero at weak coupling and large radius means that stable minima of string theory exist, if at all, at strong string coupling and compactification radii of order one (except in those cases where the moduli are not lifted at all). This is the big puzzle of string phenomenology. Why are the gauge couplings we observe weak? Why is MgUt/Mp small? And finally, is anything calculable in any kind of controlled expansion? Note that duality, by itself, is not much help in addressing these questions. Any weak coupling or large radius description would lead to the same difficulty. However, holomorphy, as we will argue shortly, may offer, again, some hope for understanding.
Alternatives t o t h e Weak Coupling Viewpoint
There are at least two troubling features of the weak coupling picture of string theory. The first is theoretical, the second more phenomenological. These are • The strong coupling problem which we have described above, i.e. the fact that one can't stabilize the moduli in a systematic, weak-coupling approximation. • Even assuming the moduli are somehow stabilized at weak coupling, there is a difficulty. In the heterotic string, the four dimensional coupling is related to the dimensionless string coupling through 4 2 =9?(f)-
The four dimensional gauge couplings are numbers of order 1 (typical unified couplings are about l / \ / 2 ) . If the theory is weakly coupled, gs < 1. So one requires V/l6s ~ 1. But this means that Mp ss Ms « MQUT, since MQUT ~ R~l, where R is the compactification scale. This is hard to reconcile with the fact of perturbative unification. Alternatively, if one takes 2 x 10 16 GeV as the unification scale, one predicts that the string coupling is gigantic!
One can object that perhaps one should consider weakly coupled string theories other than the heterotic string. But difficulties arise in these cases as well. In particular, in the Type I
596 theory, 2
GN OC -£g v*
g\ « •
- 'yg
so g2 ~ 10~ 12 ! It is hard to imagine how the coupling could be stabilized at such a small value, but this is not a question which has been extensively explored.
Figure 10: Structure of the strongly coupled heterotic theory. A far more plausible picture emerges, if, following Horava and Witten[43] and Witten[44] we consider the strongly coupled limit of the heterotic string. In this limit the theory looks eleven dimensional, with two walls. Supergravity (the graviton, three index antisymmetric tensor, and gravitino) live in the bulk, and gauge fields live on the walls, as in fig. 10. The effective lagrangian looks like
duXy/g(H - E
d10Xy/g(ti F? + ...)
This action is useful only in the limit that all length scales are large compared to the eleven dimensional Planck length, ti\. Now suppose that six dimensions are compactified, say on a Calabi-Yau space. The small parameters are l / i ? n , where Ru is the inverse separation of the two walls (the size of the eleventh dimension), and 1/V, the volume of the Calabi-Yau space. From eqn. [154] it follows that Mn=R"1(2(4n)-2'3aGUT)-
•Ru =
Plugging in numbers, one finds that R ~ 2M1-^, MuRu than the weak string coupling picture! Both 1/Rn
~ 72. So this is clearly a better picture d 1/V are reasonably small.
597 But now there is a puzzle, connected with how the moduli are fixed, similar to those we discussed from a weak coupling string viewpoint. We can, again, attempt to construct a low energy effective lagrangian for this theory. Indeed, we can identify fields similar to those we identified for weak coupling compactifications. As one can see from our formulas for the couplings, l/V
~ S, the usual weak coupling dilaton. Cn^
model-independent axion. T ~ R\\R?
~ a, what is usually called the
(R here is the Calabi-Yau radius), while C\\ u ~ b.
The lagrangian is constructed from dC, so it is invariant under shifts by harmonic forms. This is the same shift symmetry as in the weak coupling theory. Finally, just as at weak coupling, if the Calabi-Yau has discrete R symmetries (as for the quintic in CP4 discussed in [39]), supersymmetry breaking must be a phenomenon of the low energy theory. The question of supersymmetry breaking and of moduli stabilization is, in such cases, a question of whether the low energy theory generates a superpotential. One picture for how such breaking might arise, which closely mirrors the weak coupling picture, is to suppose that the interactions of the standard model reside on one wall, while the other wall contains some additional, "hidden sector" gauge interactions which give rise to gluino condensation. Gluino condensation, again, will generate a superpotential for a linear combination of S and T. The superpotential one obtains agrees exactly, for a given Calabi-Yau space, with the weak coupling result. This is not surprising. The parameter for the superpotential calculation is e~ s , e ~ r . It is possible for S and T to be large, while the string coupling ( S ^ T 3 ) is large. So while the weak coupling string theory and eleven dimensional supergravity limits of the theory do not have overlapping regions of validity, the superpotential calculations do. It is thus important that they agree, and supports not only the duality between these regimes but the very existence of the theory with reduced supersymmetry. To actually determine the potential requires knowledge of the Kahler potential. In the weak coupling limit, one could easily read this off at tree level. At strong coupling, the situation is similar. At large Ru, the theory goes over to a five dimensional, N = 1 theory, i.e. a theory with eight supersymmetries. These symmetries are highly restrictive. In particular, the Kahler potential is necessarily the same at strong as at weak coupling. As a result, just as at weak coupling, one has a potential,
V ~ _i_e-<"«n-S Here, the term aRn
in the exponent arises because the gauge coupling in the hidden sector
depends not only on S but on T.
This is true both at weak coupling[45, 46] and strong
coupling[44]. Again, this coupling, which is holomorphic, agrees in the two limits[46].
598 We see, as we might have expected, that the moduli can be stabilized, if at all, for S, flu ~ 1. So, while the Horava-Witten limit certainly yields a better qualitative description of the theory than does the weakly coupled string, but the stabilization issue remains.
Moduli and Cosmology
A possible clue to understanding the fate of the moduli of string theory comes from cosmology. Suppose that there is a stable vacuum of string theory, with broken supersymmetry and in which the moduli gain mass of order msusy.
One might imagine that the modulus potential
looks as in fig. 11. Such a picture has two possible implications for cosmology:
• The potentials for the moduli are likely to be rather flat. Thus moduli are candidate inflatons[47, 48]. • The moduli have the potential to carry far too much energy, overdosing the universe[47]. This is called the "moduli problem" of string cosmology. Related problems include the question of whether the system can even find the correct vacuum[49].
Figure 11: A plausible potential for the moduli. Through much of these lectures, we have stressed the possibility that the vacuum which describes our universe lies in an approximate moduli space. If one assumes these moduli have masses of order Mw (or smaller), and that they range over values of order Mp, one encounters a serious cosmological difficulty. The fluctuations of the microwave background suggest that the Hubble parameter, H ~ j , was once of order 1016 GeV »
At such times, effects
other than the zero temperature, low curvature, effective action were probably important. For example, if there was an earlier period of inflation, associated with an inflaton, one would expect large corrections to the potential for the scalar fields. Calling 1 the inflaton, and assuming that
599 the underlying laws are supersymmetric, one might expect ^
~ MPH ~ (10 16 GeV) 2 . Then
couplings such as -^
f d^lM^M
give big corrections to the moduli potential. Generically, there is no reason that M should sit at the minimum of its potential at these early times. Indeed, until H *, Mw, the zero temperature, zero curvature potential is presumably irrelevant. At H ~ Mw, then, it is natural to suppose that M — M{~ Mp. The equation of motion for M is just DfM + V, which in the RobertsonWalker background becomes: M + 3HM + V'(M)
= 0.
Assuming that the universe is matter dominated at this time (e.g. due to the oscillations of the inflaton field), H=l corresponding to a scale factor growing as R ~ t2'3.
(158) Bqn. [157] then has the solution
M&M0sm(mt)(j). where we have written the quadratic term in potential near the minimum as m2(M
(159) — M.0)2 •
The energy is approximately p=\[M2+m2M2]^{^)\
One can think of this as a coherent state of massive particles, oscillating in phase, and diluted by the expansion of the universe. Exercise: Show that the same is true in the radiation dominated case, i.e. when R oc tll2. The difficulty is that these particles typically come to dominate the energy density of the universe long before nucleosynthesis. One expects that they have Planck scale couplings, so their lifetimes are not likely to be shorter than r < - ^ ~ ~ i o An2 M2
3 0
(i6i) '
for TeV mass moduli. This corresponds to a lifetime of order 107 sec, i.e. much later than typical times associated with nucleosynthesis. The density at the time of decay can be estimated as
600 follows. By assumption, M starts at a Planck distance (in field space) from its minimum. It starts to oscillate when the Hubble constant is comparable to its mass, i.e. when t0 ~ —. Thus initially the energy density is p ~ m2M2, so when the moduli decay, p = m2M2(-)2.
Taking m = 103 GeV, this is about 10~ 20 GeV. Thus when the decay products thermalize, their temperature will be of order IKeV. This is well below the temperature of nucleosynthesis. The successful predictions of nucleosynthesis are thus spoiled (these are based on the assumption that the universe is radiation dominated at nucleosynthesis; moreover, the decay of the moduli destroys most of the light nuclei). This problem is called the moduli problem of string cosmology. Various solutions have been proposed • The moduli masses are much larger than one TeV. If the mass is 100 TeV or so, the reheat temperature is higher than a few MeV, and nucleosynthesis can occur again. The possible difficulty here is that one must also produce the baryons in the decays of these particles. This might occur through baryon number violating couplings, or through the Affleck-Dine mechanism[50] • Late inflation[51]. The idea here is that a late stage of inflation drives the moduli to their minima. The difficulty with this proposal is that the minima, as we argued above, will not necessarily coincide with the zero curvature minima, so this possibility seems to be fine tuned. • Enhanced symmetries. We have seen that sometimes in string theory, all moduli are charged under unbroken symmetries at some points in the moduli space. These points of "Maximally enhanced symmetry" are automatically stationary points of the full quantum effective action. They are also naturally minima at early times, so it is plausible that the high curvature (temperature) and zero curvature (temperature) minima coincide. • There are no approximate moduli. This possibility, in some ways, is not so different than the previous one. It obviously avoids the moduli problem. But it has the inherent problem that there is not likely to be a small parameter in such a picture. Moreover, as we have discussed above, it is unclear how one would connect such a possibility to string theory. There are other troubling issues in string cosmology connected with moduli, which we do not have time to review here[49, 52, 53]. But for the moment, we would argue
Stabilization of Moduli
We turn, then, to the question of stabilization of the moduli. No complete model exists, but there are some ideas. Given the poor state of our present understanding, we should try, as we review these ideas, to keep in mind certain questions:
• Are there generic predictions in any particular scheme? For example, is there low energy supersymmetry with some pattern of soft breakings? • Why are the gauge couplings weak? Why are the radii large? • What quantities, if any, are calculable, even in principle? We will discuss four proposals which have been put forward from this viewpoint: Kahler stabilization, the racetrack scheme, maximal symmetry, and topological stabilization in large dimensions.
Kahler stabilization
In weak coupling, the string perturbation expansion is believed to be less convergent than that of ordinary field theory. This motivates the hypothesis that the Kahler potential of the moduli, K(M),
is much different from its weak coupling form when e~s (S is the modulus
which determines the four dimensional gauge couplings, which we will call the dilaton). Indeed, this is compatible with our discussion of the Horava-Witten scheme, where we saw that there is a regime of large S and Ru where the weak coupling picture is certainly not valid. (In that limit, the question is to understand why the corrections to the X Kahler potential are so large in a regime where T itself would seem to be large). Focusing on the dilaton, suppose W = e~ cS as in models of gaugino condensation. One can easily invent Kahler potentials such that the potential of eqn. [117] has a minimum at some point S0 such that e~s° is hierarchically small and with vanishing cosmological constant[54]. These models, of course, are finely tuned, but at least the various terms in the potential are comparable in order of magnitude. What predictions does this hypothesis make? Beyond the starting assumption that the theory is approximately supersymmetric (i.e. low energy supersymmetry), there are two generic outputs of this scheme:
602 • Coupling unification: if the couplings are unified for large S, as in weakly coupled strings, / d 2 e ( S + e~s + ...)Wl
is hardly corrected from its large S form. Note, however, that in this scheme one has no control over threshold corrections. In practice, this means that at most one can trust the leading log contributions to coupling unification. • For similar reasons, the terms in the superpotential are the same as in the large S limit, for similar reasons as above. However, in this scheme, the Kahler potential, by assumption, is modified from its large S form. So quantities like soft breaking masses are inherently uncomputable.
Racetrack Models
Suppose one has two gauge groups without matter fields, each of whose couplings is determined by a modulus S. Then the superpotential has the form W = blae-SIH The equation ^-
- b2/3e's/b2.
= 0 yields S = ^ M / ? / a ) .
If b\ and 62 are large, then S is large. But unless 61 ~ 62, e~s/bl
~ e~slb2 ~ 1, and the low
energy analysis is inappropriate. So one requires 61 = 62 + <5- This represents a discrete fine tuning. For example, if the gauge groups are SU(W)
and SU(11), S ~ 100, which is not too
far from a grand unified coupling. In supergravity, this minimum yields a state with a non-zero cosmological constant. This problem can be solved, however, if the model has an R symmetry, unbroken at the minimum[55]. The one existing model requires many singlets, with constraints on their couplings which presumably require rather elaborate discrete symmetries. One might hope to find a more economical model. While this scheme might generate a small gauge coupling with unbroken supersymmetry and one less modulus, there may be no sense in which there is a weak coupling expansion. Consider, for example, the corrections to the S Kahler potential, indicated in fig. 12, from
x ^ ^
Figure 12: Large correction to the Kahler potential in racetrack models. the point of view of the heterotic string theory. Because N2 gauge fields run in the loop, diagrams like this and its generalizations behave as (g2N2)m,
the would-be expansion
parameter is of order one. Still, as for Kahler stabilization, holomorphy can ameliorate this problem. e~~slbl
loop corrections might be small (modulus factors can also enter in
the heterotic string argument above). It is not completely clear what one should make of this latter observation, since in any case there is no sense in which one can take the gauge group arbitrarily large. We will assume, for the rest of this section, that in the racetrack picture with a discrete fine tuning, one can compute holomorphic but probably not non-holomorphic quantities. The result is not so unappealing.
One discrete fine tuning is the main thing which is
required, to fix the "dilaton." Gauge couplings may be calculable. The mass of the dynamics which fixes the modulus is larger than the scale of supersymmetry breaking. Supersymmetry breaking itself should be through low energy dynamics. Physical quantities related to holomorphic quantities should be calculable.
Maximally Enhanced Symmetry
We have seen that there exist points in moduli spaces at which all moduli are charged under symmetries. The particular examples we discussed had at least 16 supersymmetries. One can find an example with 8 supersymmetries (N=2 in four dimensions) by considering the Type II theory on a Calabi-Yau space at a "Gepner Point." At the Gepner point, all of the geometrical moduli are charged under symmetries. The theory inherits the SL(2, Z) duality of the higher dimensional theory, so by going to the self-dual point, one has a situation where all moduli transform under symmetries. What about N = 1? Such points presumably exist, and they are interesting from at least
604 two points of view: • They are naturally stationary points of the effective action. • If the ground state of the system is such a point, this provides a natural solution of the cosmological moduli problem. The main objections to such a possibility are that one expects a ~ 1, as in the self-dual point of electric-magnetic duality, and that one does not expect hierarchies, nor that any sort of systematic approximation schemes should be available. Still, we can adopt the hypothesis that there exist such states, with gauge couplings unified and a -C 1, and with e~2l'/a small, allowing for hierarchies. This is at least consistent with the observed facts, has the two virtues listed above, and has some definite consequences: • SUSY breaking is a low energy phenomenon. This is because the symmetries forbid terms in the superpotential linear in any of the moduli. • / d28MW£
is also forbidden, so gluino condensation, in the conventional sense, is also
irrelevant for supersymmetry breaking • Related to the previous point, gaugino masses cannot be generated by moduli F-terms. Thus it is probably necessary that supersymmetry be broken as in gauge mediated models at quite low energy. An interesting observation concerns the identity of the moduli in this picture. They could well be fields of the MSSM. For example, at the level of renormalizable interactions, there is a flat direction in the MSSM with
Here the numbers in braces are SU(2) indices. This flat direction has a gauge invariant description in terms of the chiral field QQQL. This direction can be exactly flat if the fields transform suitably under R symmetries. So the moduli might well be superpartners of known particles, exactly flat due to discrete R symmetries. Two related possibilities should be mentioned. First, it could be that there are no moduli, even in some approximate sense. Operationally, this is not too much different than the maximal symmetry hypothesis. Again, there is the puzzle: why are the couplings small? Why are
605 there hierarchies? One can also consider the racetrack model in combination with enhanced symmetries. The modulus which controls the gauge coupling might be fixed by supersymmetryconserving dynamics, and very massive, with the rest of the moduli sitting at enhanced symmetry points.
Large Dimensions and TeV Scale Strings
It has usually been assumed that the compactification scale of string theory should be similar to the string scale (or the eleven dimensional Planck scale, etc.). The underlying prejudice is simply that dimensionless ratios shouldn't be terribly large. In the heterotic string, one can make this idea a bit more precise, by noting, as we did earlier, that weak string coupling, and the observed values of the gauge couplings, imply that the scales cannot be too different. Similarly, in the Horava-Witten description, none of the scales are wildly different. Over the past year, however, there has been much interest in a different possibility. It has been argued that perhaps the solution to the hierarchy problem lies not in supersymmetry, but rather in the possibility that the fundamental scale of interactions is roughly 1 TeV[10]. Much as in the Horava-Witten picture, the Planck scale is a derived quantity, large only because some internal dimensions are now (very) large. The standard model fields should live on a brane or wall, so that the standard model couplings do not become extremely small as the volume of the internal space tends to infinity. The picture, then, is essentially as in fig. 10, with the understanding that the fields on the branes are the standard model fields, and perhaps those associated with additional interactions. How large is the internal space? This depends on the number of compact dimensions. Suppose, for definiteness, that the underlying theory is ten dimensional. Suppose that there are six compact dimensions. The four dimensional Newton's constant is given by
°»={1€ = Wr ' I - ™ - .
Then if there are six large dimensions of comparable size, r , r s= (MeV)^ 1 , while if there are two large dimensions, with the others of size ho, r « mm! This latter possibility is quite amazing, and even more surprising it is not so easy to rule out. In particular, it means that if one probes distances shorter than a millimeter, one will see
606 a modification of Newton's laws, appropriate to five spatial dimensions rather than three, i.e. F ~ i
(1 6 8 )
This is a dramatic prediction, just barely compatible with current experimental limits, and accessible to improved experiments. As we will see shortly, however, there are astrophysical constraints which suggest that the scale, in the case of two large dimensions, must be significantly larger, probably placing the modification of Newton's law out of reach. For any number of compact dimensions, however, there are also dramatic effects in high energy collisions as one approaches the TeV scale. At these energies, one "sees" the extra dimensions. This is because, while each Kaluza-Klein state has coupling of order 1/Mp, there are many states. The fact that individual states couple with strength 1/MP follows from the form of the terms in the lagrangian
^o8 / tfyPx-JgH = M2V J d4Xy/g-R,
so the coupling of each Kaluza-Klein mode is suppressed by a factor of the volume. However, there are lots of modes; once E S> Br1, one has a phase space integral appropriate to the higher dimensional field theory, i.e. amplitudes behave like
ddk .. .JGN x kinematicfactors {2w)a 1 _ f ddk TeV ;V8 J (2(2*)'
" ''
In other words, the extra dimensions "open up." Other proposals have also emerged over the past year, including a particularly interesting one by Randall and Sundrum[12], in which the extra dimensions, in some sense, are not large, but there are exponentially large differences in the metric on the different branes. These subjects are developing rapidly, and it is not possible to review them here. On the theoretical side, there are any number of intriguing questions. To solve the hierarchy problem in this framework, understand why the radii are large (or the equivalent statement in the Randall-Sundrum picture). In the large dimension case, if one is to avoid introducing very small numbers by hand, it seems necessary to have supersymmetry at least in the bulk. This supersymmetry seems to have little direct consequence for low energy physics. In the Randall-Sundrum case, it seems possible to achieve hierarchies without even bulk supersymmetry[36]. The exploration of these extreme regions of the (approximate) moduli space is still in its infancy, and it is quite possible that these issues will be better understood.
607 On a more phenomenological level, there are a number of issues which any scheme in which the fundamental scale much below the conventional unification scale. These include • P r o t o n decay: In order to suppress proton decay to acceptable levels, it is almost certainly necessary to have a large discrete group. For example, if Q^e^Q
i ^ e W i
then the leading operator, of the form L3Q9, has dimension 18, and the lifetime is of order TfX
V = —^L. x other small factors M29
where mp is the proton mass, and M is the fundamental scale, now supposed to be of order a few TeV. • Other problems of flavor: In order to resolve other problems of flavor, such as rare decays, it is probably necessary that there be additional approximate flavor symmetries. A number of authors have explored the possibility that there is indeed some large (discrete) non-abelian flavor symmetry, perhaps spontaneously broken on distant branes, both in order to understand the absence of flavor violation, and to understand the quark and lepton mass hierarchies[56]. • Coupling Unification: There has been much work on the question of coupling constant unification in this picture. At first sight, one might think that the usual field theoretic analysis of unification is lost, but this is not quite true. For example, in the case of two large dimensions, the log of the large mass scale is replaced by the log of the radius of compactification.
Still, obtaining the supersymmetric unification predictions is not
generic, requiring, among other things, a spectrum similar to that of the MSSM. This is perhaps a bit troubling, since it sounds as if one needs supersymmetry again as part of the story. • Astrophysical Constraints: In the case of d = 2, there are significant constraints from the supernova SN87a. The problem is that emission of Kaluza-Klein modes, in this case, can carry off most of the energy. This yields a constraint M > 50 TeV[57]. Other tests, such as high precision electroweak measurements, suggest that, more or less independent of d, the scale must be larger than several TeV. What these proposals have shown is that there are plausible solutions to the hierarchy problem which do not involve conventional low energy supersymmetry. They have dramatic
608 consequences for experiment. It is important to decide whether any of these ideas (including low energy supersymmetry) is really compatible with string theory - or better, whether any is a robust prediction of the theory.
W h a t is String Theory and How Would We Know It?
It is not likely that, sometime soon, someone will simply exhibit a solution of string theory with a spectrum and interactions identical with what we see in nature. What we should probably be striving for is a robust, general prediction such as:
• String theory predicts low energy supersymmetry • String theory predicts large dimensions without low energy supersymmetry • String theory predicts a warped geometry, with large or infinite dimensions, without low energy supersymmetry.
At the moment, we seem simultaneously close and far from these goals. We understand a great deal about supersymmetry in string theory. We also understand extreme regions of the moduli space which give a brane picture and very large dimensions. What is now crucial is to formulate some principle which might select among these possibilities. While it will be exciting if experiments discover a new symmetry or new dimensions, it would be wonderful if string theorists could commit themselves beforehand to one or another (or some still unknown) possibility. Supersymmetry has been the focus of much of these lectures. Here, we have proposed some ideas of how a complete picture might look, perhaps we are in some approximate moduli space, and, while no sort of weak coupling analysis is applicable, still, certain quantities can be computed starting from a weak coupling approximation. We have argued that there are some experimental hints that this is the case: the existence of hierarchies, the smallness of the gauge couplings, and their unification. I am optimistic that we can go farther, perhaps even before our experimental colleagues discover - or fail to discover - supersymmetry at the Tevatron and LHC. Much effort is being devoted at the present time to fleshing out the large/warped dimension pictures in a similar fashion.
609 Acknowledgements: I thank Josh Gray for a careful reading of the manuscript. This work supported in part by a grant from the U.S. Department of Energy.
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611 [29] L. Randall and R. Sundrum, "Out of This World Supersymmetry Breaking," hepth/9810155; G. Guidice, M. Luty, H. Murayama and R. Rattazzi, "Gaugino Mass Without Singlets," hep-ph/9810442. [30] See, for example Z. Chacko, M.A. Luty, I. Maksymyk and E. Ponton, "Realistic Anomaly Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking," hep-ph/9905390 [31] M. Dine and D. Maclntire, "Supersymmetry, Naturalness and Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking," Phys. Rev. D 4 6 (1992) 2594; hep-th/9505227. [32] M. Dine and A. Nelson, "Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking at Low Energies, Phys. Rev. D 4 8 (1993) 1277, hep-ph/9303230; M. Dine, A. Nelson, Y. Nir and Y. Shirman, New Tools for Low Energy Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking, hep-ph/9507378, Phys. Rev. D 5 3 (1996) 2658. [33] G.F. Giudice and R. Rattazzi, "Theories with Gauge Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking," hep-ph/98801271; E. Poppitz and S.P. Trivedi, "Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking," hep-th/9803107. [34] S. Dimopoulos, M. Dine, S. Raby and Thomas,"Experimental Signatures of Low-Energy Gauge Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking," hep-ph/9601367, Phys. Rev. Lett. 76 (1996) 3494; D.R. Stump, M. Wiest and C.P. Yuan, "Detecting a Light Gravitino at Linear Collider to Probe the SUSY Breaking Scale, hep-ph/9601362. [35] See, for example, Y. Shadmi, "Gauge-Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking without Fundamental Singlets," Phys. Lett. B405 (1997) 99, hep-ph/9703312; E. Poppitz and S.P. Trivedi, "Gauge-Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking within the Dynamical Messenger Sector," hep-ph/9707439; for a review with further references, see [33]. [36] W. Goldberger and M.B. Wise, "Modulus Stabilization with Bulk Fields," hep-ph/9907447. [37] G. Aldazabal, L.E. Ibanez, F. Quevedo, "Standard-Like Models with Broken Supersymmetry from Type I String Vacua," hep-th/9909172. [38] E. Witten, "String Theory Dynamics in Various Dimensions," Nucl.Phys. B 4 4 3 (1995) 85, e-Print Archive: hep-th/9503124 [39] M.B. Green, J.H. Schwarz and E. Witten, Superstring Theory, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1987). [40] B. Greene, "String Theory on Calabi-Yau Manifolds," hep-th/9702155, in Proceedings of the 1996 TASI Summer Institute, Greene et al, eds., World Scientific, Singapore, 1997. [41] Silverstein and E. Witten, "Criteria for Conformal Invariance of (0,2) Models," Nucl.Phys. B 4 4 4 (1995) 161, hep-th/9503212 [42] T. Banks and L. Dixon, Nucl. Phys. B 2 9 9 (1988) 613. [43] P. Horava and E. Witten, "Heterotic and Type I String Dynamics From Eleven Dimensions", Nucl. Phys. B460, (1996) 506, hep-th/9510209.
612 [44] E. Witten, "Strong Coupling Expansion of Calabi-Yau Compactification," hep-th/9602070, Nucl. Phys. B 4 7 1 (1996) 135. [45] K. Choi and J.E. Kim, Phys. Lett. 165B, (1985) 71; L. Ibanez and H.P. Nilles, Phys. Lett. 180B (1986), 354. [46] T. Banks and M. Dine, "Couplings and Scales in Strongly Coupled Heterotic String Theory," Nucl. Phys. B 4 7 9 (1996) 173 hep-th/9605136. [47] T. Banks, D. Kaplan and A. Nelson, "Cosmological Implications of Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking," Phys. Rev. D 4 9 (1994) 779, hep-ph/9308292; "Model Independent Properties and Cosmological Implications of the Dilaton and Moduli Sectors of 4-D Strings," Phys.Lett. B 3 1 8 (1993) 447, hep-ph/9308325. [48] T. Banks, "Remarks on M Theoretic Cosmology," hep-th/9906126. [49] R. Brustein and P.J. Steinhardt, "Challenges for Superstring Cosmology," Phys. Lett. B302 (19939) 196, hep-th/9212049. [50] M. Dine and I. Affleck, "A New Mechanism for Baryogenesis," Nucl. Phys. B249, 361 (1985);M. Dine, L. Randall and S. Thomas, "Baryogenesis from Flat Directions of the Supersymmetric Standard Model," Nucl.Phys. B458 (1996), 291, hep-ph/9507453. [51] L. Randall and S. Thomas, "Solving the Cosmological Moduli Problem with Weak Scale Inflation," Nucl. Phys. B 4 4 9 (1995) 229, hep-ph/9407248. [52] J. Home and G. Moore, "Chaotic Coupling Constants," Nucl. Phys. B 4 3 2 (1994) 105, hep-th/9403058. [53] T. Banks, M. Berkooz, S.H. Shenker, G. Moore and P.J. Steinhardt, "Modular Cosmology," Phys. Rev. D 5 2 (1995), hep-th/9503114. [54] A. Casas, "The Generalized Dilaton Supersymmetry Breaking Scenario," Phys. Lett. B 3 8 4 (1996) 305, hep-ph/9606212; M. Dine, N. Arkani-Hamid and S. Martin, "Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking in Models with a Green-Schwarz Mechanism," Phys.Lett. B 4 3 1 (1998) 329 hep-ph/9803432. [55] A model of this type has been discussed by Izawa and Yanagida. this model relies on continuous R symmetries, but is easily modified to work with discrete R symmetries. Yanagida et al on R symmetries and condensation, K. Izawa and T. Yanagida, "R Invariant Dilaton Fixing," hep-ph/9809366. [56] See, for example, N. Arkani-Hamed, S. Dimopoulos, "New Origin for Approximate Symmetries from Distant Breaking in Extra Dimensions," hep-ph/9811353. [57] S. Cullen and M. Perelstein, "SN1987A Constraints on Large Compact Dimensions," hepph/9903422.
Igor R. Klebanov
TASI Lectures: Introduction to the AdS/CFT Correspondence
Igor R. Klebanov Joseph Henry Laboratories Princeton University Princeton, New Jersey 08544, USA
Abstract This is an introductory review of the AdS/CFT correspondence and of the ideas that led to its formulation. We show how comparison of stacks of D3-branes with corresponding supergravity solutions leads to dualities between conformal large N gauge theories in 4 dimensions and string backgrounds of the form AdS5 x X5 where X 5 is an Einstein manifold. The gauge invariant chiral operators of the field theory are in one-to-one correspondence with the supergravity modes, and their correlation functions at strong 't Hooft coupling are determined by the dependence of the supergravity action on AdS boundary conditions. The simplest case is when X5 is a 5-sphere and the dual gauge theory is the jV = 4 supersymmetric SU(N) Yang-Mills theory. We also discuss D3-branes on the conifold corresponding to X5 being a coset space T 1 , 1 = (SU(2) x SU(2))/U(l). This background is dual to a certain M = 1 superconformal field theory with gauge group SU(N) x SU(N).
String theory originated from attempts to understand the strong interactions [1]. However, after the emergence of QCD as the theory of hadrons, the dominant theme of string research shifted to the Planck scale domain of quantum gravity [2]. Although in hadron physics one routinely hears about flux tubes and the string tension, many particle theorists gave up hope that string theory might lead to an exact description of the strong interactions. Now, however, due to the progress that has taken place over the last 3 years, we can say with confidence that at least some strongly coupled gauge theories have a dual description in terms of strings. Let me emphasize that one is not talking here about effective strings that give an approximate qualitative description of the QCD flux tubes, but rather about an exact duality. At weak gauge coupling a convenient description of the theory involves conventional perturbative methods; at strong coupling, where such methods are intractable, the dual string description simplifies and gives exact information about the theory. The best established examples of this duality are (super)conformal gauge theories where the so-called AdS/CFT correspondence [3, 4, 5] has allowed for many calculations at strong 't Hooft coupling to be performed with ease. In these notes I describe, from my own personal perspective, some of the ideas that led to the formulation of the AdS/CFT correspondence, as well as more recent results. For the sake of brevity I will mainly discuss the AdS5/CFT 4 case which is most directly related to 4-dimensional gauge theories. It has long been believed that the best hope for a string description of non-Abelian gauge theories lies in the 't Hooft large N limit. A quarter of a century ago 't Hooft proposed to generalize the SU(3) gauge group of QCD to SU(N), and to take the large TV limit while keeping
gauge field/string duality [7]. One class of ideas, exploiting the similarity of the large TV loop equation with the string Schroedinger equation, eventually led to the following fascinating speculation [8]: one should not look for the QCD string in four dimensions, but rather in five, with the fifth dimension akin to the Liouville dimension of noncritical string theory [9]. This leads to a picture where the QCD string is described by a two-dimensional world sheet sigma model with a curved non-compact 5-dimensional target space. The difficult question is: precisely which target spaces are relevant to gauge theories? Luckily, we now do have answers to this question for a variety of conformal large TV gauge models. In these examples of the gauge field/string duality the strings propagate in 5 compact dimensions in addition to the 5 non-compact ones. In fact, these "gauge strings" are none other than type IIB superstrings propagating in curved 10-dimensional backgrounds of the form AdSs x X$. The AdS*, factor present in the dual description of all conformal field theories is the 5-dimensional Anti-de Sitter space which has constant negative curvature. X5 is a compact positively curved Einstein space which depends on the specific model: the simplest example is when X5 is a 5-sphere leading to the dual formulation of the JV = 4 supersymmetric YangMills theory [3, 4, 5] but other, more intricate, dualities have also been constructed [10, 11, 12]. The route that leads to these results involves an unexpected detour via black holes and Dirichlet branes. We turn to these subjects next.
D-branes vs. Black Holes and p-branes
A few years ago it became clear that, in addition to strings, superstring theory contains soliton-like "membranes" of various internal dimensionalities called Dirichlet branes (or D-branes) [13]. A Dirichlet p-brane (or Dp-brane) is a p + 1 dimensional hyperplane in 9 + 1 dimensional space-time where strings are allowed to end, even in theories where all strings are closed in the bulk of space-time. In some ways a D-brane is like a topological defect: when a closed string touches it, it can open up and turn into an open string whose ends are free to move along the D-brane. For the end-points of such a string the p + 1 longitudinal coordinates satisfy the conventional free (Neumann) boundary conditions, while the 9 — p coordinates transverse to the Dp-brane have the fixed (Dirichlet) boundary conditions; hence the origin of the term "Dirichlet brane." In a seminal paper [14] Polchinski showed that the Dp-brane is a BPS saturated object which preserves 1/2 of the bulk supersymmetries and carries an elementary unit of charge with respect to the p + 1 form gauge potential from the Ramond-Ramond sector of type II superstring. The existence of BPS objects carrying such charges is required by non-perturbative string dualities [15]. A striking feature of the D-brane formalism is that it provides a concrete (and very simple) embedding of such objects into perturbative string theory.
618 Another fascinating feature of the D-branes is that they naturally realize gauge theories on their world volume. The massless spectrum of open strings living on a Dpbrane is that of a maximally supersymmetric U(l) gauge theory in p + 1 dimensions. The 9—p massless scalar fields present in this supermultiplet are the expected Goldstone modes associated with the transverse oscillations of the Dp-brane, while the photons and fermions may be thought of as providing the unique supersymmetric completion. If we consider N parallel D-branes, then there are N2 different species of open strings because they can begin and end on any of the D-branes. N2 is the dimension of the adjoint representation of U(N), and indeed we find the maximally supersymmetric U(N) gauge theory in this setting [16]. The relative separations of the Dp-branes in the 9 — p transverse dimensions are determined by the expectation values of the scalar fields. We will be primarily interested in the case where all scalar expectation values vanish, so that the N Dp-branes are stacked on top of each other. If N is large, then this stack is a heavy object embedded into a theory of closed strings which contains gravity. Naturally, this macroscopic object will curve space: it may be described by some classical metric and other background fields including the Ramond-Ramondp + 1 form potential. Thus, we have two very different descriptions of the stack of Dp-branes: one in terms of the U(N) supersymmetric gauge theory on its world volume, and the other in terms of the classical Ramond-Ramond charged p-brane background of the type II closed superstring theory. The relation between these two descriptions is at the heart of the recent progress in understanding connections between gauge fields and strings that are the subject of these notes.
T h e D1-D5 system
The first success in building this kind of correspondence between black hole metrics and D-branes was achieved by Strominger and Vafa [17]. They considered 5dimensional supergravity obtained by compactifying 10-dimensional type IIB theory on a 5-dimensional compact manifold (for example, the 5-torus), and constructed a class of black holes carrying 2 separate U{1) charges. These solutions may be viewed as generalizations of the well-known 4-dimensional charged (Reissner-Nordstrom) black hole. For the Reissner-Nordstrom black hole the mass is bounded from below by a quantity proportional to the charge. In general, when the mass saturates the lower (BPS) bound for a given choice of charges, then the black hole is called extremal. The extremal Strominger-Vafa black hole preserves 1/8 of the supersymmetries present in vacuum. Also, the black hole is constructed in such a way that, just as for the ReissnerNordstrom solution, the area of the horizon is non-vanishing at extremality [17]. In general, an important quantity characterizing black holes is the Bekenstein-Hawking
619 entropy which is proportional to the horizon area: SBH
= 4^ '
where G is the Newton constant. Strominger and Vafa calculated the BekensteinHawking entropy of their extremal solution as a function of the charges and succeeded in reproducing this result with D-brane methods. To build a D-brane system carrying the same set of charges as the black hole, they had to consider intersecting D-branes wrapped over the compact 5-dimensional manifold. For example, one may consider D3-branes intersecting over a line or Dl-branes embedded inside D5-branes. The 1 + 1 dimensional gauge theory describing such an intersection is quite complicated, but the degeneracy of the supersymmetric BPS states can nevertheless be calculated in the Dbrane description valid at weak coupling. For reasons that will become clear shortly, the description in terms of black hole metrics is valid only at very strong coupling. Luckily, due to the supersymmetry, the number of states does not change as the coupling is increased. This ability to extrapolate the D-brane counting to strong coupling makes a comparison with the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy possible, and exact agreement is found in the limit of large charges [17]. In this sense the collection of D-branes provides a "microscopic" explanation of the black hole entropy. This correspondence was quickly generalized to black holes slightly excited above the extremality [18, 19]. Further, the Hawking radiation rates and the absorption cross-sections were calculated and successfully reproduced by D-brane models [18, 20]. Since then this system has been receiving a great deal of attention. However, some detailed comparisons are hampered by the complexities of the dynamics of intersecting D-branes: to date there is no first principles approach to the Lagrangian of the 1 + 1 dimensional conformal field theory on the intersection. For this and other reasons it has turned out very fruitful to study a similar correspondence for simpler systems which involve parallel D-branes only [21, 22, 23, 24, 25]. We turn to this subject in the next section.
Coincident Dp-branes
Our primary motivation is that, as explained above, parallel Dp-branes realize p + 1 dimensional U(N) SYM theories, and we may learn something new about them from comparisons with Ramond-Ramond charged black p-brane classical solutions. These solutions in type II supergravity have been known since the early 90's [26, 27]. The metric and dilaton backgrounds may be expressed in the following simple form:
ds2 = H-1'2^) \-}{r)dt2 + Y^{dxlf + H 1 / 2 ( r ) [ / - 1 ( r ) d r 2 + r W 8 _ P ] ,
620 e* = #( 3 -">/ 4 (r) , where B(r) = l + ^
/(r) =
l - ^ ,
and dQg_p is the metric of a unit 8 — p dimensional sphere. The horizon is located at r = r0 and the extremality is achieved in the limit r0 —> 0. Just like the stacks of parallel D-branes, the extremal solutions are BPS saturated: they preserve 16 of the 32 supersymmetries present in the type II theory. A solution with r 0 < L is called near-extremal. The correspondence between the entropies of the near-extremal p-brane solutions (2) and those of the p + 1 dimensional SYM theories was first considered in [21, 22]. In contrast to the situation encountered for the Strominger-Vafa black hole, the BekensteinHawking entropy vanishes in the extremal limit: for r
(-dt2 + dx2 + dx22 + dxl) + ( l + ^ - J
(dr2 + r2d£ll)
is perfectly non-singular [29]. One piece of evidence is that the dilaton $ is constant for p = 3 but blows up at r = 0 for all other extremal solutions. Furthermore, the limiting form of the extremal metric as r -4 0 is ds2 = ^ {-dt2 + dx2 + dz2) + L2d£i\ ,
where z = —. This describes the direct product of 5-dimensional Anti-de Sitter space, AdS5, and the 5-dimensional sphere, S 5 , with equal radii of curvature L [29]. To be more precise, the above metric with z ranging from 0 to oo does not cover the entire AdS5 space, but only its Poincare wedge. This space has a horizon located at infinite
621 z (r = 0). After a Euclidean continuation we obtain the entire Euclidean AdS5 space also known as the Lobachevsky space L 5 . Since both factors of the AdSs x S 5 space (4) are maximally symmetric, we have Robed = —J^{9ac9bd
~ 9ad9bc]
for the AdSs directions, and Rijki = jjibikgji - 9ii9jk]
for the S 5 directions. This shows that near r = 0 the extremal 3-brane geometry (3) is non-singular and, in fact, all appropriately measured curvature components become small for large L. Roughly speaking, this geometry may be viewed as a semi-infinite throat of radius L which for r S> L opens up into flat 9 + 1 dimensional space. Thus, for L much larger than the string scale \fa!, the entire 3-brane geometry has small curvatures everywhere and is appropriately described by the supergravity approximation to type IIB string theory. Let us see how the requirement L ~S> \fa' translates into the language of U(N) SYM theory on TV coincident D3-branes. To this end it is convenient to equate the ADM tension of the extremal 3-brane classical solution to N times the tension of a single D3-brane. In this fashion we find the relation [21] -2L*n6
=N ^
where Q,5 = ir3 is the volume of a unit 5-sphere, and K = \/8irG is the 10-dimensional gravitational constant. It follows that
Since K = 8ir7/2gata'2, (8) gives L 4 = 4nNgsta'2. In turn, gst determines the Yang-Mills coupling on the D3-branes through g\M = 2ngst. Thus, we have L 4 = 2g2YUNa12,
i.e. the size of the throat in string units is measured by the 't Hooft coupling! This remarkable emergence of the 't Hooft coupling from gravitational considerations is at the heart of the success of the AdS/CFT correspondence. Moreover, the requirement L 3> \fa' translates into SYM-^ ^ 1 ; * n e gravitational approach is valid when the 't Hooft coupling is very strong and the traditional field theoretic methods are not applicable.
Entropy of Near-extremal 3-branes
Now consider the near-extremal 3-brane geometry. In the near-horizon region, r « i , we may replace H(r) by L 4 /r 4 . The resulting metric [3] ds2 =
+ ^(^-f)~ldr2
dt2 + dx2
+ L^i,
is a product of S 5 with a certain limit of the Schwarzschild black hole in AdS$ [30]. The Euclidean Schwarzschild black hole is asymptotic to S 1 x S 3 , and the required limit is achieved as the volume of S 3 is taken to infinity. Thus, the Euclidean continuation of the metric (10) is asymptotic to S 1 x R 3 . To determine the circumference of S 1 , (3 = 1/T, it is convenient to set r = r 0 ( l + L~2p2). For small p the relevant 2d part of the Euclidean metric is: ds1 = dp2 + ^fp2dr2
r = it.
In order to avoid a conical singularity at the horizon, the period of the Euclidean time has to be (5 = nL2/r0. The 8-dimensional "area" of the horizon can be read off from the metric (10). If the spatial volume of the D3-brane (i.e. the volume of the xi,x2,x3 coordinates) is taken to be V3, then we find Ah = (r0/L)3V3L5n5
= TT6L8T3V3
Using (8) we arrive at the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy [21] SBH = ^
= ^N2V3T3
In [21] this gravitational entropy of a near-extremal 3-brane of Hawking temperature T was compared with the entropy of the N = 4 supersymmetric U(N) gauge theory (which lives on N coincident D3-branes) heated up to the same temperature. The results turned out to be quite interesting. The entropy of a free U(N) N = 4 supermultiplet, which consists of the gauge field, 6/V2 massless scalars and 47V2 Weyl fermions, can be calculated using the standard statistical mechanics of a massless gas (the black body problem), and the answer is S0 = ^N2V3T3
It is remarkable that the 3-brane geometry captures the T3 scaling characteristic of a conformal field theory (in a CFT this scaling is guaranteed by the extensivity of the
623 entropy and the absence of dimensionful parameters). Also, the TV2 scaling indicates the presence of 0(JV 2 ) unconfined degrees of freedom, which is exactly what we expect in the N = 4 supersymmetric U{N) gauge theory. On the other hand, the relative factor of 3/4 between SBH and S0 at first appeared mysterious. In fact, this factor is not a contradiction but rather a prediction about the strongly coupled M = 4 SYM theory at finite temperature. Indeed, as we argued above, the supergravity calculation of the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy, (13), is relevant to the gYMN —> oo limit of the H = 4 SU(N) gauge theory, while the free field calculation, (14), applies to the gYu^ —> 0 limit. Thus, the relative factor of 3/4 is not a discrepancy: it relates two different limits of the theory. Indeed, on general field theoretic grounds we expect that in the 't Hooft large N limit the entropy is given by [31] S = ^-N2f(gYUN)V3T3
The function / is certainly not constant: for example, recent calculations [32] show that its perturbative expansion is fb&uN)
= 1 - ^gYUN
+ * ± ^
+ ...
Thus, the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy in supergravity, (13), is translated into the prediction that 2 lim
=j .
Furthermore, string theoretic corrections to the supergravity action may be used to develop a strong coupling expansion around this limiting value. The first such correction comes from the leading higher derivative term in the type IIB effective action:
= - ^ I ^*>T9[R-\{d*?-^W
...+!*-** + .
where 7=^C(3)(a')
and W depends only on the Weyl tensor: TT/ f-
fin\ \iy)
The value of the supergravity action should be identified with the free energy of the thermal gauge theory [30]. The first correction to the free energy may be found by evaluating 0(a'3) term on the leading order metric (10) and this gives [31]
F = -4N2V3T*
(l + ^( S 2 M iV)- 3 / 2 ) .
624 Via the standard thermodynamics relation S = — ^ this translates into the following form of the function / for large 't Hooft coupling, KtiuN)
= | + gc(3)(<£MA0-3/2 + • • • •
In [31] it was conjectured that /(<7YM-^0 i s actually a monotonically decreasing function which interpolates between 1 at gYMN = 0 and 3/4 at gyMN = co. The monotonicity is consistent both with the weak coupling behavior (16) calculated perturbatively, and with the strong coupling behavior (21) found using the dual string theory.
Thermodynamics of M-branes
Other examples of the "conformal" behavior of the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy include the 11-dimensional 5-brane and membrane solutions [22]. The microscopic description of the 5-brane solution is in terms of a large number N of coincident singly charged 5-branes of M-theory, whose chiral world volume theory has (0,2) supersymmetry. Similarly, the membrane solution describes the large N behavior of the CFT on N coincident elementary membranes, which is related to the strong coupling limit of maximally supersymmetric SU(N) Yang-Mills theory in 2 + 1 dimensions. In this section we read off the thermodynamics of these CFT's from dual supergravity using the same method as applied to the Af = 4 SYM theory in the preceding section. One interesting difference in the final answer is that in M-theory there is no analogue of the string scale parameter a': all scales are set by the Planck mass. Correspondingly, the only parameter in the CFT's living on M-branes is N: there is no marginal direction similar to changing the 't Hooft coupling of SYM theory. Therefore, corrections coming from higher powers of curvature in the effective action are suppressed by powers of N. Let us start with the M5-brane case. The throat limit of black M5-brane metric (see, e.g., [33]) is
ds2 = U-fdt2 L
+ J2 <&?) + ^r'dr2 2 = 1
+ L2dQl ,
where / = 1 — ^ . Introducing the variable y = VZr, we bring the metric into the form used in [30] to describe a black hole in AdSp+2 (cf. (10)) dsi
fL^-yl^+^dx^+A^il-^rW+L'dn2, LI y i=1
y0 = (Lr0)V2. (23)
As follows from the condition of regularity of the Euclidean metric, the Hawking temperature is
625 The entropy is calculated from the horizon area of this black hole, and using the charge quantization for M5 branes [22],
L° = / v ^ L ,
we find that 5 ~ T V ^ T 5 . This suggests that there are order TV3 degrees of freedom in this CFT, i.e. their number grows with TV faster than in the Yang-Mills theory. In [22] it was suggested that these degrees of freedom come from small "plumbing fixture" M2-branes which can connect three M5-branes at a time. The precise origin of the JV3 growth is not well-understood and poses an interesting challenge. The M-theory action contains an i?4 correction term, and its effect on the free-energy of the theory on TV M5-branes turns out to be of order TV [31].1 The conclusion is that the free energy of the large TV (2, 0) theory may be written as F = - V 5 T 6 (o0TV3 + aiN+
where a0 = 2 6 3 " V ,
= 730 ( ^ ) 8 (^3
In the M2 brane case the throat metric is
ds2 = ^(-fdt2
+ JTdx2) + ^f-'dr2 + L2dQ2 ,
where / = 1 — j&. The variable 2/ = 77 brings (28) into the standard form for a black hole in AdS^. ds2
•2 r
1 7 - 2
(l-pdt2 + Zdx2\+^-2(l-p-W
+ L2dtf7,
Calculating the Hawking temperature we find
The entropy and free energy are calculated analogously to the previous cases. Using the relation that follows from the M2 brane charge quantization [22], L9 =
1 A similar order JV correction to the JV3 result also appears in anomaly calculations for the (2,0) theory [34, 35].
626 we finally have F = -V2T3 {b0N3/2 + biN1?2) ,
where b0 = 2 7 / 2 3- 4 TT 2 ,
bx =
64 (—) 5
21'6 ^
The 0(N312) term originates from the 2-derivative action, while the 0(N1/2) term from the RA correction. Microscopic origins of these scalings remain to be understood.
From absorption cross-sections to two-point correlators
A natural step beyond the comparison of entropies is to interpret absorption crosssections for massless particles in terms of the D-brane world volume theories [23] (for 5-d black holes the D-brane approach to absorption was initiated in [18, 20]). For N coincident D3-branes it is interesting to inquire to what extent the supergravity and the weakly coupled D-brane calculations agree. For example, they might scale differently with N or with the incident energy. Even if the scaling exponents agree, the overall normalizations could differ by a subtle numerical factor similar to the 3/4 found for the 3-brane entropy. Surprisingly, the low-energy absorption cross-sections turn out to agree exactly [23]. To calculate the absorption cross-sections in the D-brane formalism one needs the low-energy world volume action for coincident D-branes coupled to the massless bulk fields. Luckily, these couplings may be deduced from the D-brane Born-Infeld action. For example, the coupling of 3-branes to the dilaton $, the Ramond-Ramond scalar C, and the graviton hap is given by [23, 24]
Sint = ^
Jcfix [tr (\*F% - \CFaPF«V) + | ^ T Q ,
where TQj3 is the stress-energy tensor of the M = 4 SYM theory. Consider, for instance, absorption of a dilaton incident on the 3-brane at right angles with a low energy w. Since the dilaton couples to j-4— tr F2B it can be converted into a pair of back-to-back gluons on the world volume. The leading order calculation of the cross-section for weak coupling gives [23] a=*™-. 32TT
(35) v
The factor N comes from the degeneracy of the final states which is the number of different gluon species. This result was compared with the absorption cross-section by the extremal 3-brane geometry (3). As discussed above, the geometry is a non-singular semi-infinite throat
627 which opens up at large r into flat 10-dimensional space. Waves incident from the r S> L region partly reflect back and partly penetrate into the the throat region r
15 , (wL)4 + 1+ ip(p) = 0 , V p4
where p = LOT. For a low energy u -C 1/L we find a high barrier separating the two asymptotic regions. The low-energy behavior of the tunneling probability may be calculated by the so-called matching method, and the resulting absorption cross-section is [23] 7T
OSUGRA = -z-u
Substituting (8) we find that the supergravity absorption cross-section agrees exactly with the D-brane one, without any relative factor like 3/4. This surprising result needs an explanation. The most important question is: what is the range of validity of the two calculations? The supergravity approach may be trusted only if the length scale of the 3-brane solution is much larger than the string scale \fa'. As we have shown, this translates into Ngst S> 1. Of course, the incident energy also has to be small compared to 1/y/a1\ Thus, the supergravity calculation should be valid in the "double-scaling limit" [23] L4 — = 4ngstN -»• oo ,
w V -> 0 .
If the description of the black 3-brane by a stack of many coincident D3-branes is correct, then it must agree with the supergravity results in this limit, which corresponds to infinite 't Hooft coupling in the Af = 4 U(N) SYM theory. Since we also want to send gst —> 0 in order to suppress the string loop corrections, we necessarily have to take the large N limit. Although we have sharpened the region of applicability of the supergravity calculation (37), we have not yet explained why it agrees with the leading order perturbative result (35) on the D3-brane world volume. After including the higher-order SYM corrections, the general structure of the absorption cross-section in the large iV limit is expected to be [25] K?LJ3N2 =
where a(ffYM^) = 1 + hsfruN
+ b2{glMN)2
+ ...
For agreement with supergravity, the strong 't Hooft coupling limit of a(gyMN) should be equal to 1 [25]. In fact, a stronger result is true: all perturbative corrections vanish
628 and a = 1 independent of the coupling. This was first shown explicitly in [25] for the graviton absorption. The absorption cross-section for a graviton polarized along the brane, say hxy, is related to the discontinuity across the real axis (i.e. the absorptive part) of the two-point function (Txy(p)Txy(— p)) in the SYM theory. In turn, this is determined by a conformal "central charge" which satisfies a non-renormalization theorem: it is completely independent of the 't Hooft coupling. In general, the two-point function of a gauge invariant operator in the strongly coupled SYM theory may be read off from the absorption cross-section for the supergravity field which couples to this operator in the world volume action [25, 36]. Consider, for instance, scalar operators. For a canonically normalized bulk scalar field coupling to the brane through an interaction 5 i n t = J dAx<j>(x,0)O(x)
Here w is the energy of the. particle, and
n(P) = /
which depends only on s = — p2. To evaluate (41) we extend n to complex values of s and compute the discontinuity of II across the real axis at s = u)2. Some examples of the field operator correspondence may be read off from (34). Thus, we learn that the dilaton absorption cross-section measures the normalized 2-point function (0*(p)O$(-p)) where 0 $ is the operator that couples to the dilaton: 0 * = - 4 - t r F a / 3 F a ' 3 + ...
(we have not written out the scalar and fermion terms explicitly). Similarly, the Ramond-Ramond scalar absorption cross-section measures (Oc(p)Oc{— p)) where Oc = 7\-tiFa0FaP 4
+ ...
The agreement of these two-point functions with the weak-coupling calculations performed in [23, 24] is explained by non-renormalization theorems related by supersymmetry to the non-renormalization of the central charge discussed in [25]. Thus, the
629 proposition that the 5YM-W - • oo limit of the large N M = 4 SYM theory can be extracted from the 3-brane of type IIB supergravity has passed its first consistency checks. It is of further interest to perform similar comparisons in cases where the relevant non-renormalization theorems have not yet been proven. Consider, for instance, absorption of the dilaton in the /-th partial wave. Now the angular Laplacian on S 5 has the eigenvalue 1(1 + 4) and the effective radial equation becomes 1(1 + 4) + 15/4 (uL) .2 +1 + ^ V-(p) = 0 , (45) 2 2 2 dp p p4 The thickness of the barrier through which the particle has to tunnel increases with I, and we expect the cross-section to become increasingly suppressed at low energies. Indeed, a detailed matching calculation [24, 36] gives ^ "SUGRA-U
+ 3)0 + 1) f ^ M 4 ' [{/ +
3,8 "L.
After replacing L 4 through (8) this can be rewritten as ,
i y ' + V + V + 3 ( Z + 3) 3 . 2 5(+5 7 r 5(/2+l/ ! [(/ +
^ >
What are the operators whose 2-point functions are related to these cross-sections? For a single D3-brane one may expand the dilaton coupling in a Taylor series in the transverse coordinates to obtain the following bosonic term [23]: ^Fal3FafiX^...X^
where the parenthesis pick out a transverse traceless polynomial, which is an irreducible representation of 5 0 ( 6 ) . The correct non-abelian generalization of this term is [36] jfiSTr[Fa0Fa'>x<-il...Xi>)]
where STr denotes a symmetrized trace [37]: in this particular case we have to average over all positions of the F's modulo cyclic permutations. A detailed calculation in [36] reveals that the 2-point function of this operator calculated at weak coupling accounts for ,l+2?,l+3s of the semiclassical absorption cross-section (47) in the sense of the relation (41). Luckily, (49) is not the complete world volume coupling to the dilaton in the l-th partial wave. M = 4 supersymmetry guarantees that there are additional terms quadratic and quartic in the fermion fields. When all these terms are taken into account there is exact agreement between the weak and strong coupling calculations of the 2-point functions. This strongly suggests that the complete Z-th partial wave operators are protected by supersymmetric non-renormalization theorems. Proving them is an interesting challenge (for recent progress, see [38]).
The A d S / C F T Correspondence
The circle of ideas reviewed in the previous sections received an important development by Maldacena [3] who also connected it for the first time with the QCD string idea. Maldacena made a simple and powerful observation that the "universal" region of the 3-brane geometry, which should be directly identified with the Af = 4 SYM theory, is the throat, i.e. the region r
Related ideas were also pursued in [39].
631 the S 5 factor becomes replaced by other compact Einstein spaces X5, but AdS$ is the "universal" factor present in the dual description of any large N CFT and realizing the 50(2,4) conformal symmetry. One may think of these backgrounds as type IIB theory compactified on X§ down to 5 dimensions. Such Kaluza-Klein compactifications of type IIB supergravity were extensively studied in the mid-eighties [40, 41, 42], and special attention was devoted to the AdS$ x S 5 solution because it is a maximally supersymmetric background [43, 44]. It is remarkable that these early works on compactification of type IIB theory were actually solving large N gauge theories without knowing it. As Maldacena has emphasized, it is also important to go beyond the supergravity limit and think of the AdSs x X5 space as a background of string theory [3], Indeed, type IIB strings are dual to the electric flux lines in the gauge theory, and this provides a natural set-up for calculating correlation functions of the Wilson loops [45]. Furthermore, if N is sent to infinity while jyMJV is held fixed and finite, then there are finite string scale corrections to the supergravity limit [3, 4, 5] which proceed in powers of -p- = (2gyMN)~ . If we wish to study finite N, then there are also string loop corrections in powers of fg ~ N~2. As expected, taking N to infinity enables us to take the classical limit of the string theory on AdSs x X5. However, in order to understand the large N gauge theory with finite 't Hooft coupling, we should think of AdS5 x X5 as the target space of a 2-dimensional sigma model describing the classical string physics [4]. The fact that after the compactification on X 5 the string theory is 5-dimensional supports Polyakov's idea [8]. In AdS*, the fifth dimension is related to the radial coordinate and, after a change of variables z = Le~v^L, the sigma model action turns into a special case of the general ansatz proposed in [8], S=l-jd2a[{daV)2
+ a2{y){daX>)2 + ...} ,
with a(ip) = etp^L. More generally, the "warp factor" a2(tp) describes RG flow of string tension in the gauge theory [8]. It is clear, however, that the string sigma models dual to the gauge theories are of rather peculiar nature. The new feature revealed by the D-brane approach, which is also a major stumbling block, is the presence of the Ramond-Ramond background fields. Little is known to date about such 2-dimensional field theories and, in spite of recent new insights [46, 47, 48], an explicit solution is not yet available.
Correlation functions and the bulk/boundary correspondence
Maldacena's work provided a crucial insight that the AdS5 x S 5 throat is the part of the 3-brane geometry that is most directly related to the M = 4 SYM theory.
632 It is important to go further, however, and explain precisely in what sense the two should be identified and how physical information can be extracted from this duality. Major strides towards answering these questions were made in two subsequent papers [4, 5] where essentially identical methods for calculating correlation functions of various operators in the gauge theory were proposed. As we mentioned in section 2.2, even prior to [3] some information about the field/operator correspondence and about the twopoint functions had been extracted from the absorption cross-sections. The reasoning of [4] was a natural extension of these ideas. One may motivate the general method as follows. When a wave is absorbed, it tunnels from the asymptotic infinity into the throat region, and then continues to propagate toward smaller r. Let us separate the 3-brane geometry into two regions: r k, L and r & L. For r & L the metric is approximately that of AdSs x S 5 , while for r ^, L it becomes very different and eventually approaches the flat metric. Signals coming in from large r (small z = L2/r) may be thought of as disturbing the "boundary" of AdS5 at r ~ L, and then propagating into the bulk. This suggests that, if we discard the r ^ L part of the 3-brane metric, then the gauge theory correlation functions are related to the response of the string theory to boundary conditions at r ~ L. Guided by this idea, [4] proposed to identify the generating functional of connected correlation functions in the gauge theory with the extremum of the classical string theory action I subject to the boundary conditions that (p(xx,z) = (fro{xx) at z = L (at z = oo all fluctuations are required to vanish): 3
W[Mxx)} = W ) •
W generates the connected Green's functions of the gauge theory operator that corresponds to the field
633 theory [3], and decreasing z corresponds to increasing the energy. A safe method for performing calculations of correlation functions, therefore, is to keep the cut-off on the z-coordinate at intermediate stages and remove it only at the end [4, 50]. This way the calculations are not manifestly AdS-invariant, however. Usually there is another way to regularize the action which is manifestly AdS invariant. Luckily, when all subtleties are taken into account, these two ways of performing calculations do agree [51, 52].
Two-point functions
Below we present a brief discussion of two-point functions of scalar operators. The corresponding field in AdSd+i is a scalar field of mass m with the action l
- j dd+lx^ 2. i
( . / i f
i i..mi
i. . i n
+ m2<j>2] = i |
-d+l ddxdzz~
i. /.
{8zcj>)2 + {dicj>f +
' (52) where we have set L = 1. In calculating correlation functions of vertex operators from the AdS/CFT correspondence, the first problem is to reconstruct an on-shell field in AdSd+i from its boundary behavior. The small z behavior of the classical solution is
where A is one of the roots of A(A - d) = m2 .
<j>o{x) is regarded as a "source" function and A(x) describes a physical fluctuation. It is possible to regularize the Euclidean action [51] to obtain the following value as a functional of the source,
,M - -(A - ( W l ^ i J ^ / r t / * ^ .
Varying twice with respect to 4>Q we find that the two-point function of the corresponding operator is lOMOtf))
Precisely the same normalization of the two-point function follows from a different regularization where zcutoff is kept at intermediate stages [4, 50]. We note that A is the dimension of the operator. Which of the two roots of (54) should we choose? Superficially it seems that we should always choose the bigger root, A
+ = 2 + VT + m 2 '
634 because then the 4>0 term in (53) dominates over the A term. For positive m2, A + is certainly the right choice: here the other root, d2
- ^"VT +m2'
A =
is negative. However, it turns out that for d2 —-<m 4
d2 <-— + 1 4
both roots of (54) may be chosen. Thus, there are two possible CFT's corresponding to the same classical AdS action [51]: in one of them the corresponding operator has dimension A + while in the other - dimension A_. (The fact that there are two admissible boundary conditions in AdSd+i for a scalar field with m2 in the range (59) has been known since the old work of Breitenlohner and Freedman [53].) This conclusion resolves the following puzzle. A + is bounded from below by d/2 but there is no corresponding bound in d-dimensional CFT (in fact, as we will see, there are examples of field theories with operators that violate this bound). However, in the range (59) A_ is bounded from below by (d — 2)/2, and this is precisely the unitarity bound on dimensions of scalar operators in d-dimensional field theory! Thus, the ability to have dimension A_ is crucial for consistency of the AdS/CFT duality. A question remains, however, as to what is the correct definition of correlation functions in the theory with dimension A_. The answer to this question is related to the physical interpretation of the function A(x) entering the boundary behavior of the field (53). As suggested in [54] this function is related to the expectation value of the operator O. The precise relation, which holds even after interactions are taken into account, is [51] m
m 2K^~d{
A > \ - 1•
635 Indeed, note that for such dimensions the two-point function (56) is positive, but as soon as A crosses the unitarity bound, (56) becomes negative signaling a non-unitarity of the theory. Thus, appropriate treatment of fields in AdSd+i gives information on 2-point functions completely consistent with expectations from CFT^. The fact that the Legendre transform prescription of [51] works properly for higher-point correlation functions was recently demonstrated in [55]. Whether string theory on AdS5 x X5 contains fields with mass-squared in the range (59) depends on X 5 . The example discussed in section 6, X5 = T 1,1 , turns out to contain such fields, and the possibility of having dimension A_, (58), is crucial for consistency of the AdS/CFT duality in that case. However, for X5 = S 5 which is dual to the Af = 4 large N SYM theory, there are no such fields and all scalar dimensions are given by (57). The operators in the Af = 4 large N SYM theory naturally break up into two classes: those that correspond to the Kaluza-Klein states of supergravity and those that correspond to massive string states. To reinstate L we simply replace m by mL in the formula for operator dimension, (57). Since the radius of the S 5 is L, the masses of the Kaluza-Klein states are proportional to 1/L. Thus, the dimensions of the corresponding operators are independent of L and therefore independent of g\u^• ^n the gauge theory side this is explained by the fact that the supersymmetry protects the dimensions of certain operators from being renormalized: they are completely determined by the representation under the superconformal symmetry [56, 57]. All families of the Kaluza-Klein states, which correspond to such BPS protected operators, were classified long ago [44]. Correlation functions of such operators in the strong 't Hooft coupling limit may be obtained from the dependence of the supergravity action on the boundary values of corresponding Kaluza-Klein fields, as in (51). A variety of explicit calculations have been performed for 2-, 3- and even 4-point functions. The 4-point functions are particularly interesting because their dependence on operator positions is not determined by the conformal invariance. For state-of-the-art results on them, see [58, 59]. On the other hand, the masses of string excitations are m2 = ^r where n is an integer. For the corresponding operators the formula (57) predicts that the dimensions do depend on the 't Hooft coupling and, in fact, blow up for large g\MN as 2 (ngYuV2N) [4]. This is a highly non-trivial prediction of the AdS/CFT duality which has not yet been verified on the gauge theory side.
Conformal field theories and Einstein manifolds
As we mentioned above, the duality between type IIB strings on AdS5 x S 5 and the Af = 4 SYM is naturally generalized to dualities between backgrounds of the form AdSf, x X 5 and other conformal gauge theories. The 5-dimensional compact space X5 is required to be a positively curved Einstein manifold, i.e. one for which R^ = Kg^ with A > 0. The number of supersymmetries in the dual gauge theory is determined by the number of Killing spinors on X 5 . The simplest examples of Xb are the orbifolds S 5 / r where T is a discrete subgroup of SO(6) [10, 11]. In these cases X 5 has the local geometry of a 5-sphere. The dual gauge theory is the IR limit of the world volume theory on a stack of N D3-branes placed at the orbifold singularity of R 6 / I \ Such theories typically involve product gauge groups SU(N)k coupled to matter in bifundamental representations [60]. Constructions of the dual gauge theories for Einstein manifolds X 5 which are not locally equivalent to S 5 are also possible. The simplest example is the Romans compactification on Xb = T1'1 = (SU(2) x SU{2))/U{1) [41, 12]. It turns out that the dual gauge theory is the conformal limit of the world volume theory on a stack of N D3-branes placed at the singularity of a certain Calabi-Yau manifold known as the conifold [12]. Let us explain this connection in more detail.
6.1 D3-branes on the Conifold The conifold may be described by the following equation in four complex variables,
X>2 = o.
Since this equation is symmetric under an overall rescaling of the coordinates, this space is a cone. Remarkably, the base of this cone is precisely the space T 1 ' 1 [61, 12]. A simple argument in favor of this is based on the symmetries. In order to find the base we intersect (62) with T,i=i W\2 = 1- The resulting space has the 50(4) symmetry which rotates the z's, and also the C(l) R-symmetry under za —>• elBza. Since SO(4) ~ SU(2) x SU(2) these symmetries coincide with those of T 1 ' 1 . In fact, the metric on the conifold may be cast in the form [61] dsl = dr2 + r2ds26 ,
ds25 = I(dip + E c o s M & Y ' + lll
{dOf + sm29id4>2) .
637 is the metric on T 1,1 . Here ip is an angular coordinate which ranges from 0 to 4n, while (0i,0i) and (92,cf>2) parametrize two S 2 's in a standard way. Therefore, this form of the metric shows that T 1 , 1 is an S 1 bundle over S 2 x S 2 . Now placing N D3-branes at the apex of the cone we find the metric ds2 = ( l + ^ )
{~dt2 + dx\ + dx\ + dx2) + ( l + ^ )
+ r2dsl)
whose near-horizon limit is AdS5 x T 1 ' 1 (once again, L4 ~ gsN). Thus, type IIB string theory on this space should be dual to the infrared limit of the field theory on N D3branes placed at the singularity of the conifold. Since Calabi-Yau spaces preserve 1/4 of the original supersymmetries we find that this should be an N = 1 superconformal field theory. This field theory was constructed in [12]: it is SU(N) x SU(N) gauge theory coupled to two chiral superfields, At, in the (N, N) representation and two chiral superfields, Bj, in the (N, N) representation [12]. The A's transform as a doublet under one of the global SU(2)'s while the S's transform as a doublet under the other 5(7(2). A simple way to motivate the appearance of the fields At, Bj is to rewrite the defining equation of the conifold, (62), as de.t Zij = 0 , IJ
ij = -TSY^ aijzn V2 n
where an are the Pauli matrices for n = 1, 2,3 and a 4 is i times the unit matrix. This quadratic constraint may be "solved" by the substitution Zij = AiBj ,
where Ai, Bj are unconstrained variables. If we place a single D3-brane at the singularity of the conifold, then we find a U(l) x U(l) gauge theory coupled to fields A\, A2 with charges ( 1 , - 1 ) and S i , S 2 with charges (—1,1). In constructing the generalization to the non-abelian theory on N D3-branes, cancellation of the anomaly in the U(l) R-symmetry requires that the ^4's and the S's each have R-charge 1/2. For consistency of the duality it is necessary that we add an exactly marginal superpotential which preserves the SU(2) x 5(7(2) x U(1)R symmetry of the theory (this superpotential produces a critical line related to the radius of AdS5 x T1'1). Since a marginal superpotential has R-charge equal to 2 it must be quartic, and the symmetries fix it uniquely up to overall normalization: W = eij€kltr:AiBkAjBl
Therefore, it was proposed in [12] that the SU{N) x SU(N) SCFT with this superpotential is dual to type IIB strings on AdSs x T 1 ' 1 .
638 This proposal can be checked in an interesting way by comparing to a certain AdSb x S 5 /Z 2 background. If S 5 is described by an equation
E*? = l.
with real variables Xi,... ,x$, then the Z 2 acts as —1 on four of the X{ and as + 1 on the other two. The importance of this choice is that this particular Z 2 orbifold of AdS5 x S 5 has M = 2 superconformal symmetry. Using orbifold results for D-branes [60], this model has been identified [10] as an AdS dual of a U(N) x U(N) theory with hypermultiplets transforming in (N, N) © (N, N). From an TV = 1 point of view, the hypermultiplets correspond to chiral multiplets Ak,Bi, k,l = 1,2 in the (N, N) and (N, N) representations respectively. The model also contains, from an Af = 1 point of view, chiral multiplets $ and $ in the adjoint representations of the two U(N)'s. The superpotential is p T r $ ( ^ 1 B 1 + A2B2) + gTr^B^
+ B2A2) .
Now, let us add to the superpotential of this Z 2 orbifold a relevant term, y(Tr$2-Tr$2) .
It is straightforward to see what this does to the field theory. We simply integrate out "3? and $, to find the superpotential *- [Tr(i4iBii42B2) - Tr(B1AlB2A2)]
This expression is the same as (68), so the Z 2 orbifold with relevant perturbation (70) apparently flows to the T 1 ' 1 model associated with the conifold. Let us try to understand why this works from the point of view of the geometry of S 5 /Z 2 . The perturbation in (70) is odd under exchange of the two U(N)'s. The exchange of the two U(N) 's is the quantum symmetry of the AdSs x S 5 /Z 2 orbifold - the symmetry that acts as —1 on string states in the twisted sector and + 1 in the untwisted sector. Therefore we associate this perturbation with a twisted sector mode of string theory on AdS$ x S 5 /Z 2 . The twisted sector mode which is a relevant perturbation of the field theory is the blowup of the orbifold singularity of S 5 /Z 2 into the smooth space T 1 ' 1 . A somewhat different derivation of the field theory on D3-branes at the conifold singularity, which is based on blowing up a Z 2 x Z 2 orbifold, was given in [62]. It is interesting to examine how various quantities change under the RG flow from the S 5 /Z 2 theory to the T 1 ' 1 theory. The behavior of the conformal anomaly (which
639 is equal to the U(1)3R anomaly) was studied in [63]. Using the fact that the chiral superfields carry R-charge equal to 1/2, on the field theory side it was found that °-^ = %.
On the other hand, all 3-point functions calculated from supergravity on AdS$ x X5 carry normalization factor inversely proportional to Vol (X 5 ). Thus, on the supergravity side cjn Vol (S 5 /Z a ) V ; cuv Vol(TM) • The volume of T 1,1 can be calculated from the exact formula for the metric, (64). One finds [63] Vol (T1-1) = ^
Vol (S 5 /Z 2 ) = £
and the supergravity calculation is in exact agreement with the field theory result (71) [63]. This is a striking and highly sensitive test of the Af = 1 dual pair constructed in [12, 62].
Dimensions of Chiral Operators
There is a number of further convincing checks of the duality between this field theory and type IIB strings on AdSs x T 1 ' 1 . Here we discuss the supergravity modes which correspond to chiral primary operators. (For a more extensive analysis of the spectrum of the model, see [65].) For the AdS$ x S 5 case, these modes are mixtures of the conformal factors of the AdS$ and S 5 and the 4-form field. The same has been shown to be true for the T 1 ' 1 case [63, 64, 65]. In fact, we may keep the discussion of such modes quite general and consider AdS5 x X5 where X5 is any Einstein manifold. The diagonalization of such modes carried out in [44] for the S 5 case is easily generalized to any X5. The mixing of the conformal factor and 4-form modes results in the following mass-squared matrix, £ + 32
( 4/5
8E\ E )
' '
where E > 0 is the eigenvalue of the Laplacian on X5. The eigenvalues of this matrix are m2 = 16 + E ± 8V4 + E1 . (75) We will be primarily interested in the modes which correspond to picking the minus branch: they turn out to be the chiral primary fields. For such modes there is a
640 possibility of m2 falling in the range (59) where there is a two-fold ambiguity in defining the corresponding operator dimension. This happens for the eigenvalue E such that 5 < E < 21 .
First, let us recall the S 5 case where the spherical harmonics correspond to traceless symmetric tensors of SO(6), d^' ik. Here E = k(k+4), and it seems that the bound (76) is satisfied for k = 1. However, this is precisely the special case where the corresponding mode is missing. For k = 0 there is no 4-form mode, hence no mixing, while for k = 1 one of the mixtures is the singleton [44]. Thus, all chiral primary operators in the N = 4 SU(N) theory correspond to the conventional branch of dimension, A + . It is now well-known that this family of operators with dimensions A = k, k = 2 , 3 , . . . is
In [12] it was argued that the dual chiral operators are tx{AhBh...AikBh).
Since the F-term constraints in the gauge theory require that the i and the j indices are separately symmetrized, we find that their SU(2) x SU(2) x U(l) quantum numbers agree with those given by the supergravity analysis. In the field theory the A's and the B's have dimension 3/4, hence the dimensions of the chiral operators are 3/c/2. In studying the dimensions from the supergravity point of view, one encounters an interesting subtlety discussed in section 5.2. While for k > 1 only the dimension A + is admissible, for k = 1 one could pick either branch. Indeed, from (77) we have E(l) = 33/4 which falls within the range (76). Here we find that A_ = 3/2, while A + = 5/2. Since the supersymmetry requires the corresponding dimension to be 3/2, in this case we have to pick the unconventional A_ branch. Choosing this branch for k = 1 and A + for k > 1 we indeed find following [63, 64, 65] that the supergravity analysis based on (75), (77) reproduces the dimensions 3fc/2 of the chiral operators (78). Thus, the conifold theory provides a simple example of AdS/CFT duality where the A_ branch has to be chosen for certain operators. Let us also note that substituting E(l) = 33/4 into (75) we find m2 = - 1 5 / 4 which corresponds to a conformally coupled scalar in AdS5 [44]. In fact, the short chiral
641 supermultiplet containing this scalar includes another conformally coupled scalar and a massless fermion [65]. One of these scalar fields corresponds to the lower component of the superfield Tr(AiBj), which has dimension 3/2, while the other corresponds to the upper component which has dimension 5/2. Thus, the supersymmetry requires that we pick dimension A + for one of the conformally coupled scalars, and A_ for the other.
Wrapped D3-branes as "dibaryons"
It is of further interest to consider various branes wrapped over the cycles of T 1 ' 1 and attempt to identify these states in the field theory [66]. For example, wrapped D3-branes turn out to correspond to baryon-like operators AN and BN where the indices of both SU(N) groups are fully antisymmetrized. For large N the dimensions of such operators calculated from the supergravity are found to be 37V/4 [66]. This is in complete agreement with the fact that the dimension of the chiral superfields at the fixed point is 3/4 and may be regarded as a direct supergravity calculation of an anomalous dimension in the dual gauge theory. To show how this works in detail, we need to calculate the mass of a D3-brane wrapped over a minimal volume 3-cycle. An example of such a 3-cycle is the subspace at a constant value of (#2, 4>2), and its volume is found to be V3 = 8ir2L3/9 [66]. The mass of the D3-brane wrapped over the 3-cycle is, therefore,
m =v
sr = ^ ^ -
For large m l , the corresponding operator dimension A approaches T
m L = - ^ - = -N,
where in the last step we used (7) with fl5 replaced by Vol (T 1,1 ) = 167r3/27. Let us construct the corresponding operators in the dual gauge theory. Since the fields i4g/3, k = 1,2, carry an index a in the N of SU(N)i and an index j3 in the N of SU(N)2, we can construct color-singlet "dibaryon" operators by antisymmetrizing completely with respect to both groups: BVL = eai...aNe^»D^-k»
Afa ,
where .D,1'" N is the completely symmetric SU(2) Clebsch-Gordon coefficient corresponding to forming the JV + 1 of 517(2) out of N 2's. Thus the SU{2) x SU(2)
642 quantum numbers of Bu are (N + 1,1). Similarly, we can construct "dibaryon" operators which transform as (1, TV + 1), B2l = C °'- < "'e /Jl ... Av £>*'-* w n B* 0 4 .
Under the duality these operators map to D3-branes classically localized at a constant (#i,0i). Thus, the existence of two types of "dibaryon" operators is related on the supergravity side to the fact that the base of the U(l) bundle is S 2 x S 2 . At the quantum level, the collective coordinate for the wrapped D3-brane has to be quantized, and this explains its 5(7(2) x SU(2) quantum numbers [66]. The most basic check on the operator identification is that, since the exact dimension of the A's and the B's is 3/4, the dimension of the "dibaryon" operators agrees exactly with the supergravity calculation.
O t h e r ways of wrapping D-branes over cycles of T 1,1
There are many other admissible ways of wrapping branes over cycles of T 1 ' 1 (for a complete list, see [67]). For example, a D3-brane may be wrapped over a 2-cycle, which produces a string in AdS$. The tension of such a "fat" string scales as L2/K ~ N(gsN)~ll2/a1. The non-trivial dependence of the tension on the 't Hooft coupling gsN indicates that such a string is not a BPS saturated object. This should be contrasted with the tension of a BPS string obtained in [68] by wrapping a D5-brane over R P 4 :
T ~ N/a'. In discussing wrapped 5-branes, we will limit explicit statements to D5-branes: since a (p, q) 5-brane is an SL{2, Z) transform of a D5-brane, our discussion may be generalized to wrapped (p, q) 5-branes using the SL{2, Z) symmetry of the Type IIB string theory. If a D5-brane is wrapped over the entire T 1,1 then, according to the arguments in [68, 69], it serves as a vertex connecting N fundamental strings. Since each string ends on a charge in the fundamental representation of one of the SI/(JV)'s, the resulting field theory state is a baryon built out of external quarks. If a D5-brane is wrapped over an S 3 then we find a membrane in AdS$. Although we have not succeeded in finding its field theoretic interpretation, let us point out the following interesting effect. Consider positioning a "fat" string made of a wrapped D3brane orthogonally to the membrane. As the string is brought through the membrane, a fundamental string stretched between them is created. The origin of this effect is creation of fundamental strings by crossing D5 and D3 branes, as shown in [70, 71]. Finally, we discuss the very interesting case of D5-branes wrapped over the 2-cycle, which have the right number of remaining dimensions to be domain walls in AdS$. The simplest domain wall is a D3-brane which is not wrapped over the compact manifold.
643 Through an analysis of the five-form flux carried over directly from [68] one can conclude that when one crosses the domain wall, the effect in field theory is to change the gauge group from SU{N) x SU{N) to SU(N + 1) x SU{N + 1). The field theory interpretation of a D5-brane wrapped around S 2 is more interesting: if on one side of the domain wall we have the original SU(N) x SU(N) theory, then on the other side the theory is SU(N) x SU(N + l) [66]. The matter fields Ak and Bk are still bifundamentals, filling out 2(N, N + 1) © 2(N, N + 1). One piece of evidence for this claim is the way the D3-branes wrapped over the S 3 behave when crossing the D5-brane domain wall. In homology there is only one S 3 , but for definiteness let us wrap the D3-brane around a particular three-sphere S 3 ^ which is invariant under the group SU(2)B under which the fields Bk transform. The corresponding state in the SU[N) x SU(N) field theory is Si of (82). In the SU(N) x SU{N + 1) theory, one has instead /31.../3N+1
1 0 , AON
where we have omitted SU(2) indices. Either the upper index /3jv+i, indicating a fundamental of SU(N + 1), or the upper index ajv+i, indicating a fundamental of SU{N), is free. How can this be in supergravity? The answer is simple: the wrapped D3-brane must have a string attached to it. Indeed, after a wrapped D3-brane has passed through the wrapped D5-brane domain wall, it emerges with a string attached to it due to the string creation by crossing D-branes which together span 8 dimensions [70, 71]. The domain wall in AdS5 made out of M wrapped D5-branes has the following structure: on one side of it the 3-form field HRR vanishes, while on the other side there are M units of flux of HRR through the S 3 . Thus, the supergravity dual of the H = 1 supersymmetric SU(N) x SU(N + M) gauge theory involves adding M units of RR 3-form flux through the 3-cycle of T 1 ' 1 . This theory is no longer conformal. Instead, the relative gauge coupling gf2 — g^2 runs logarithmically, as pointed out in [72] where the supergravity equations corresponding to this situation were solved to leading order in M/N. The manifestation of this RG flow in supergravity is the radial dependence of the integral of BN$ over the 2-cycle. This implies that the background dual to the SU(N) x SU{N + M) theory has both the RR and NS-NS 3-form field strengths turned on. Recently considerable progress in understanding such theories and their gravity duals was made in [73, 74]. In particular, an exact non-singular supergravity solution incorporating the 3-forms, the 5-form, and their back-reaction on the geometry has been constructed [74]. This back-reaction turns the conifold into a deformed conifold
E ^ = c2> a=l
644 and introduces a "warp factor" so that the full 10-d geometry has the form ds210 = h-^2{r){-dt2
+ dx2) + h>l2{r)dsl ,
where ds\ is the metric of the deformed conifold. Detailed discussion of this background is outside the scope of these notes. We conclude by mentioning that it contains somewhat unexpected physics in the UV: a cascade of Seiberg dualities [75] which leads to jumps in the rank of the gauge groups: N -+ N — M [73, 74]. Graceful exit from the cascade is achieved via the deformation of the conifold. Near the apex, the warp factor h}l2 approaches a constant of order gsM, which is the 't Hooft coupling of the SU(M) gauge theory found far in the IR. This behavior of the warp factor implies that the theory is confining [74]. Moreover, the small r part of the background incorporates a variety of other infrared phenomena expected from this A/" = 1 supersymmetric gauge theory: chiral symmetry breaking, glueball spectrum, baryons, domain walls separating inequivalent vacua, etc. For other recent work on relations between conifolds and N = 1 gauge theory, see [76, 77]. We expect branes on the conifold to produce further insights into gauge theory dynamics.
Acknowledgements I thank the organizers of TASI '99 for inviting me to present these lectures in a very pleasant and stimulating atmosphere. I am grateful to S. Gubser, N. Nekrasov, A. Peet, A. Polyakov, M. Strassler, W. Taylor, A. Tseytlin, M. Van Raamsdonk and E. Witten, my collaborators on parts of the material reviewed in these notes. I also thank C. Herzog and M. Krasnitz for reading the manuscript and for useful comments on it. This work was supported in part by the NSF grant PHY-9802484 and by the James S. McDonnell Foundation Grant No. 91-48.
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David R. Morrison
TASI LECTURES ON COMPACTIFICATION A N D DUALITY DAVID R. MORRISON Center for Geometry and Theoretical Physics, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708-0318, USA We describe the moduli spaces of theories with 32 or 16 supercharges, from several points of view. Included is a review of backgrounds with D-branes (including type I' vacua and F-theory), a discussion of holonomy of Riemannian metrics, and an introduction to the relevant portions of algebraic geometry. The case of K3 surfaces is treated in some detail.
Introduction Although superstring theories themselves are quite restricted in number, and naturally formulated in ten (spacetime) dimensions, there is a wide range of possible effective theories in lower dimension which are obtained by compactifying these theories. One of the remarkable features of this story is that such effective theories can often be realized in more than one way as compactified string theories, a phenomenon referred to as duality. Physical parameters such as the string coupling are different in the dual descriptions. Thus, in the parameter space, or "moduli space," for the set of theories of a given type, there will be regions where one or another of the dual descriptions can be studied more easily. For example, the effective string coupling may become weak, leading to the possibility of studying the theory perturbatively in an appropriate limit (or boundary point) of the moduli space. In these lectures, we focus on compactifications which have 16 or 32 supercharges (a property shared by the original ten-dimensional theories). Compactifications with less supersymmetry are treated in Paul Aspinwall's lectures in this volume. 653
We begin with a general discussion of dualities in lecture I, working with flat spacetimes only, in which some dimensions have been compactified into a torus. One of the surprising non-perturbative features is the emergence of M-theory, but there are other interesting dualities as well. Not all limiting directions in the moduli spaces can be studied in this way, so in lecture II we are led to introduce D-branes into our superstring backgrounds, applying T-duality to type I string theory. A detailed analysis of the corresponding theories leads to type I' theory, to F-theory, and to M-theory compactified on a special type of curved manifold, the K3 surfaces. In lecture III we introduce the general problem of using curved manifolds as superstring backgrounds, discuss the holonomy classification of Riemannian manifolds, and are quickly led to introduce the tools of algebraic geometry for the study of these manifolds. We give a detailed review of the relevant portion of algebraic geometry. Finally, in lecture IV we return to the case of K3 surfaces and complete the story of compactifications with 16 supercharges. The reader should be familiar with perturbative string theory, as presented for example in the textbooks of Green, Schwarz, and Witten 1 or of Polchinski.2 Good general references for lectures I and II are Polchinski's text and a review by Sen.3 (We also refer the reader to a review by Mukhi,4 and a more comprehensive review by Sen5 for additional details.) A good general reference for lecture III is the book of Griffiths and Harris;6 in addition, much of the algebraic geometry relevant to string compactification is discussed in the book of Cox and Katz. 7 Further details about K3 surfaces, as discussed in lecture IV, are available from either a mathematical 8 or physical9 perspective.
Lecture I: S, T, U and all that 1
Perturbative superstring theories
There are five superstring theories. Each is naturally formulated in ten dimensions, and can be studied perturbatively at weak string coupling by means of conformal field theory. The five cases are: Type I. A theory of open and closed strings, coupled to gauge fields taking values in so (32). (The global gauge group of the perturbative theory is10 0(32)/{±l}.) This theory has 16 supercharges. Types IIA and IIB. A theory of closed strings only (in the perturbative description), with abelian gauge symmetry in type IIA and no gauge symmetry in type IIB. The bosonic spectrum includes "Neveu-Schwarz-Neveu-Schwarz," or NS-NS, fields (a graviton, a scalar field called the dilaton, and a two-form field), as well as additional "Ramond-Ramond," or R-R, p-form fields, where p is odd for type IIA and even for type IIB. These theories have 32 supercharges. Types H E and H O . A theory of (heterotic) closed strings only, coupled to gauge fields taking values in eg © es in type HE, and so(32) in type HO. The global gauge groups are (E& x E8) \x Z2 for type HE, and a Spin(32)/Z 2 for type HO. The type HE and HO theories each have 16 supercharges. 2
S duality and strong coupling limits
The duality revolution in string theory began with the realization that strong-coupling limits of the five superstring theories could be analyzed if certain non-perturbative effects were taken into account. These effects are the result of D-branes, which are massive a
The notation Spin(32)/Z2 denotes a quotient of Spin(32) by a nontrivial Z 2 in the center which does not yield SO(32). Since the center of Spin(32) is Z2 x Z 2 , there are two such quotients, but they are isomorphic.
BPS states in the type I and II theories that couple to R-R fields. A Dp-brane is an object in spacetime with p spatial and 1 time dimension, on which open strings can end. Some D-branes become light at strong coupling, where they provide the fundamental degrees of freedom for a dual formulation of the theory. We consider the strong coupling behavior case by case. Type IIB. The type IIB theory has two scalar fields: the dilaton, and the R-R zero-form. The dilaton couples to the fundamental string of the theory, while the R-R zero-form couples to the Dstring (another name for the Dl-brane). At strong coupling, this D-string becomes light—the lightest thing in the spectrum—and exhibits the characteristics of a type IIB string. The conclusion is that the type IIB theory has a weak-strong duality, called S-duality. This conclusion is further bolstered by consideration of the type IIB supergravity action, which describes this theory at low energies. Letting $ denote the dilaton, G^ the graviton measured in "string frame," B2 the NS-NS two-form field, and Cp the R-R p-form field, the action is invariant under the S-duality transformation $H+-$,
C4^C4 (1)
(setting C0 = 0 for simplicity). This symmetry looks more natural if written in "Einstein frame" rather than string frome: the Einstein frame graviton is e~^/2Gllv, which is invariant under the S-duality transformation given by Eq. (1). In string theory, the Ramond-Ramond fields are invariant under periodic shifts; in particular, the shift Co —>• Co+1 leaves the theory invariant. This combines with the S-duality to give an SL(2,Z) symmetry of the type IIB theory.11 Note that the supergravity action is invariant under an action of SL(2, E). But the R-R shifts can only be by integral amounts in
string theory, so we expect precisely SL(2, Z) as the symmetry of the type IIB string theory. Type I. There is again a Dl-brane in this theory which becomes light at strong coupling. However, in this case we see the behavior of a heterotic string in the strong coupling limit, rather than type I. So the weak-strong duality relates two different theories: type I and type HO. 12 ' 13 It turns out that non-perturbative effects in type I alter the gauge group10 from 0 ( 3 2 ) / { ± l } to Spin(32)/Z 2 , which thus agrees with the (perturbative) gauge group of type HO theory. This is explained in John Schwarz's lectures in this volume. Type IIA. We get a different behavior this time, due to the light objects being D-particles, i.e., DO-branes. It is believed that there exist bound states of n DO-branes for every n. Such a bound state will have mass n/gy/a'. As g —> oo, this tower of states approaches a continuous spectrum whose natural explanation comes from Kaluza-Klein reduction on a extra circle of radius g\fa'. Thus we are led to the conclusion that the strong coupling limit of type IIA string theory is a mysterious eleven-dimensional theory, known as "M-theory".14'12 It is not a string theory, but it does have a low-energy description in terms of eleven-dimensional supergravity. The bosonic field content of M-theory is quite simple, consisting of a graviton and a three-form field. Types H E and H O . We cannot directly analyze the strong coupling limits in these cases with D-brane technology. However, we can infer from the above discussion that the strong coupling limit of the type HO string is the type I string. We will discuss the strong coupling limit of the type HE string theory in the next lecture. 3
T-duality for type II theories
Another important duality relating string theories is known as T-duality. T-duality has a non-trivial effect on the perturbative
string, and has been known for much longer than the S-dualities described in the previous section. T-duality appears when the spacetime on which the string theory is being formulated includes a compact circle S1. A string wrapped on a circle (or more generally, on a torus Td = (Sl)d) has winding modes as well as the conventional momentum modes. In the perturbative analysis, by using a Fourier transform, it can be seen that the conformal field theory is invariant under r —> a'/r,
momentum —>• winding,
winding —> momentum. (2)
(Here, r is the radius of the circle and a' is the string tension.) This remarkable result relating large and small distances was regarded as the first concrete evidence that string theory must modify our traditional understanding of geometry. In this section, we discuss T-duality for the type II theories; we shall return to T-duality in the case of heterotic theories in section 5, and in the case of type I theory in lecture II. The worldsheet action for strings on a torus depends on a choice of flat metric on the torus, and a choice of NS-NS two-form field (the "B-field"). We can separate out the volume as a separate parameter, and recall that the space of volume-one flat metrics on a torus can be described as SL(d)/SO(d). The entire parameter space is thus r 0 \A 2 K d x R+ x SL(d)/SO(d)
with discrete identifications r 0 coming from two sources: diffeomorphisms of Td (which contribute SL(d, Z)) and integral shifts of the B-field (which contribute A 2 Z d ). The total discrete group coming from this geometrical analysis is T0 = A 2 Z d K SL(G?, Z). When T-duality is included, this group becomes much larger: in fact, it enlarges to 0(A d,d ), where Ad'd denotes a lattice with
inner product of signature (d,d), which is even and unimodular. (We are employing standard mathematical terminology here: a "lattice" has a bilinear pairing (ii,^) taking values in Z, "even" means that (£, £) is in 2Z for every £ e A, and "unimodular" means that for every £x G A, there is some £2 € A such that (^1,^2) — 1-) It is known15 that Ad'd must be isomorphic to the lattice whose bilinear pairing has matrix
a 0) in an appropriate basis, where Ia is the d x d identity matrix. The most elegant formulation of all of this, essentially due to Narain,16 exploits the isomorphism A2Kd x R + x SL(d)/ SO(d) ** 0(d, d)/ (0(d) x 0(d))
to write the moduli space in the form 0 (A<M)\ 0 (d,
x 0(d).
Now we wish to extend this analysis to string theory, going beyond perturbation theory. The first remark concerns the RamondRamond fields: the scalars in our effective theory which come from the R-R sector essentially transform in one of the spinor representations of o(d, d), in type II theories. (More precisely, the R-R scalars must be modified by the addition of some NS-NS and mixed states before they transform in this way.17) Moreover, the vectors in a type II theory transform in the other spinor representation. Thus, we learn that the appropriate symmetry group for the moduli space must be Spin(d, d) (rather than SO(d, d) or some intermediate group), since both spinor representations must be representations of this group. This makes a small change in the description of the moduli space, which should be described as Spin(Ad-(i)\ Spin(d, d)/ Spin(d) x Spin(d),
but that actually agrees with the previous description in Eq. (6). Moreover, when comparing type IIA and IIB theories, we find that the spinor representations associated to the R-R scalars and to the vectors are reversed by T-duality; that is, the T-duality map interchanges types IIA and IIB. There is a potential difficulty in the above analysis when the rest of the spacetime is not flat, as was recently stressed by Aspinwall and Plesser.18 One way to think about this difficulty is to notice that we have a relatively small group SL(rf, Z) xi A 2 Z d and a small number of T-duality transformations which together generate a specific larger group 0(A d ' d ). In order for this to work, many group-theoretical identities involving SL(d, Z) x A 2 Z d and T-dualities must hold. But if the moduli spaces in question have less supersymmetry and become subject to instanton corrections, these identities may fail to hold and the generated group will be much larger. This is reminiscent of a familiar phenomenon when studying symmetries of a quantum field theory: it may be that the symmetry algebra can be defined by symmetries which extend offshell, but the relations in the symmetry algebra only hold on-shell. (One often says in this situation that the algebra "closes on-shell.") The conclusion is that T-duality holds in the expected form when there is a large amount of supersymmetry, but in vacua where some of the supersymmetry is broken, T-duality may also break down. 4
If we put together what we have learned about S-duality and Tduality for type II theories in nine dimensions, we arrive at the following picture: starting with M-theory, compactify on T2 with r 9 , rio being the radii of the circles, and consider limits when r, gets large or small (illustrated in Figure 1). There is a symmetry r 9 -H- rw which is geometric on the Mtheory side, which generates SL(2,Z) on the type IIB side, and
0^. ra
°° IIA
Figure 1: Compactifications of M-theory
which shows that you get the same type IIA theory no matter which M-theory circle you shrink down.19'20 One feature of this picture which will be important later: the parameters of the type IIA theory can be written as 3/2
= r{0
1/2 TIIA = r{0 r 9
(measuring the radius in string frame), and the parameters of the type IIB theory in string frame become: 9IIB
= rj^giiA
= (rio/r 9 ) 1 / 2
i /
TUB = 1/riiA = rw
and so in Einstein frame, we get ?7/B,Ein S tein = 9~UBrUB
= (r9r10 ) " 3 / 4 -
More generally, we can study the type IIA and IIB theories compactified on Td by means of M-theory compactified on Td+1. The massless bosonic fields in the effective theory are derived from the graviton and three-form field in eleven dimensions. One thing
which must be specified is a flat metric on Td+1 (the expectation value of the graviton in the compact directions). These are parameterized by Met(T d+1 ) = r 0 \ R + x SL(d+ l , R ) / S O ( d + 1),
where r 0 = SL(d + 1, Z) comes from diffeomorphisms of Td+1. The rest of the fields transform in representations of SL(rf+ 1,R), and we will label them accordingly. The massless bosonic field content arises from two sources. As noted above, the M-theory graviton contributes scalars parameterized by Met(T d+1 ), together with d + 1 vectors and a lowerdimensional graviton. On the other hand, the M-theory three-form contributes (d1i1) scalars, (rf+x) vectors, d + 1 two-form fields, and a single three-form field. The group of discrete identifications is enlarged from r 0 = SL(d+ 1, Z) to include a periodicity of A 3 Z d+1 on the scalars coming from the M-theory three-form. (As we shall see below, a further enlargement is in fact expected.) From the type IIA perspective, the symmetry group SL(d, R) is enhanced to 0(d, d) through T-duality, or to SL(d+ 1,R) through the M-theory interpretation. Together, these symmetries generate the larger U-duality group. To see what it is, consider the Dynkin diagram of SL(rf, R), which is Ad_x (with d — 1 nodes):
The enlargement to O(o?, d) has Dynkin diagram Dd: o
and the enlargement to SL(d+ 1,R) is Ad (with d nodes):
Table 1: Field content of compactified M-theory d+1
d+1 flat metrics on T 0 {1} R+ U 1B
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(Type IIB) R+xSL(2,R)/SO(2) R+xSL(3,R)/SO(3) R+xSL(4,R)/SO(4) R+xSL(5,R)/SO(5) R+xSL(6,R)/SO(6) R+xSL(7,R)/SO(7) R+xSL(8,R)/SO(8)
additional scalars
vectors 1
2 1 4 1Q 20©1 35©7 56 © (8 0 28)
2® 1 3©3 4©6
5 e ioe i
twoforms 1 2 2 3 481 5
6©15©6 7©21
leading to a combined diagram Ed+i (with d+1 nodes):
(Actually, there is another possible combination of Dd and Ad, yielding Dd+i, if the opposite end of Dd is lengthened, but the other fields we have which transform under Dd and Ad do so in a way which rules out that combination.) The interpretation of Ed+i for small values of d is subtle, and we have collected all of the necessary data into two Tables. In Table 1, we show the various contributions to the scalar and vector field content of each of the theories, 21,22 and in Table 2 we indicate how these are assembled into a symmetric space G/K. Each Table includes an entry for the type IIB theory in ten dimensions as well as the various compactifications of M-theory. The "additional" scalar fields come from two sources. First, as
noted earlier, the M-theory three-form contributes (d^1) scalars. In addition, when the effective dimension 11 — (d + 1) is small, other scalars can arise as duals of p-form fields. So when d + 1 = 6, the three-form dualizes to a scalar, and when d + 1 = 7, the seven two-forms dualize to scalars. (We shall discuss the case d + 1 = 8 momentarily.) Similarly, the vectors in the effective theory come from three sources: Kaluza-Klein vectors, vectors from the three-form, and "dual" vectors (coming from dualizing other fields). So when d + 1 = 5, the three-form dualizes to a vector, and when d+1 = 6, the six two-forms dualize to vectors. In the case d + 1 = 7, there are no additional vectors which arise in this way. When we go to the case d + 1 — 8, all of the vectors can be dualized to scalars; we do this, and treat both the 8 Kaluza-Klein vectors and the 28 vectors from the three-form as "additional" scalars. All of this is indicated in Table 1. The parameter spaces take the form T\G/K where G=Ed+i{d+\) is a noncompact group, K is a maximal compact subgroup, and T is a discrete group. (We have listed the simply-connected spaces G/K in Table 2.) Remarkably, the scalars and vectors assemble themselves into representations of G = Ed+i^+i) in every case. The non-compact groups which are appearing here are so-called "split forms." In general, complex semisimple Lie algebras have a classification by Dynkin diagrams, and there is a unique connected, simply connected complex group for each algebra. (These are groups like SL(n, C) or the universal cover of SO(n, C).) There are a number of different real groups whose complexification is a given complex group. The most familiar ones to physicists are the compact groups (such as SU(n) and SO(n) in the examples above.) But there are also a number of non-compact groups with the same complexification, such as SL(n,R) and SO(p, q). The "split forms" are the real groups which are as far from compact as possible. The discrete groups T are believed to be integer versions of these
665 Table 2: The moduli space of compactified M-theory
d+1 0
U U 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
G/K {1} R+ SL(2,R)/SO(2) R+xSL(2,R)/SO(2) SL(2,R)x SL(3,R)/SO(2)x SO(3) SL(5,R)/SO(5) SO(5,5)/SO(5)xSO(5) £ 6 (6)/Sp(4) f?7(7)/SU(8)
£ 8 ( 8 ) /SO(16)
split groups.11 The full group G is a symmetry of the compactified supergravity,23 but string or M-theory should break this to I\ It is believed that in each dimension other than ten, the parameter space for theories with 32 supercharges is connected, and is precisely the space T\G/K described above. (In dimension ten, the type IIA and type IIB theories provide different connected components, which we have labeled as 1& and 1B in Table 2.) 5
Heterotic T-duality
Returning again to T-duality, we wish to discuss T-duality for heterotic strings. The heterotic string theories include gauge fields in the NS-NS sector, and the Narain analysis is modified by their presence. When compactifying on Td, Wilson lines for these gauge fields are among the parameters. We will only consider vacua for which the gauge bundle has trivial topology, and with the property that the Wilson lines can be simultaneously conjugated into a Cartan torus. (This latter property always holds when d < 2.) Imposing these proper-
ties leads us to an irreducible component of the moduli space, called the standard component, in each dimension less than ten. There are many ways to construct other components; we will discuss these briefly at the end of this section. In ten dimensions, there are two kinds of heterotic theory, and we can represent the Cartan torus of the gauge group from the ten-dimensional theory in the form (Lc <8> R ) / L G > where LG is the root lattice of the gauge group. b The two possible root lattices will be denoted LE8 ®LE% and £(sPin32)/z2; e a c n is a n even, unimodular lattice of rank 16. Our previous parameter space 0(d,d)/0(d) x 0(d) must be d supplemented by Lc <8> K to include the Wilson lines, with an initial duality group of (SL(d, Z) x A2Zd) x LG ® Zd
(suppressing the string coupling). Again, there is an elegant version of the parameter space essentially due to Narain: 16 ' 24 0(d, d)l 0(d) x 0(d) xLG®Rd
= 0(d, d + 16)/ 0(d) x 0(d + 16) (13)
and when the string coupling is included, there is an additional factor of R+. As indicated below, T-duality provides identifications between the two Narain moduli spaces for types HE and HO, and (when applied twice in succession) generates a larger discrete duality group 0(A d ' d + 1 6 ). The gauge group in the effective theory includes both momentum and winding modes around Td, and its Cartan torus takes the form (A d ' d+16
Note that the root lattice is insensitive to the fact that the gauge group (Es x E 8 ) K Z2 of HE theory is disconnected.
and signature (up to isomorphism). So our notation A d,d+16 is unambiguous. Moreover, among definite lattices, the low rank ones can be classified: there is only one of rank 8, namely LE&, and there are exactly two of rank 16, namely LE& ®LEs and I/sPin(32)/z2- The theorem guarantees that LEs
© LEs © Ad
* Lspi„(32)/ Z2 0 Ad>d
whenever d > 0. Let us consider T-duality in the case d = 1. The space 0(A 1 , 1 7 )\ 0(1,17)/ 0(1) x 0(17)
has exactly two asymptotic boundary points, one associated to the decomposition A1,17 = LE& © LEa © A1'1, and the other to the decomposition A1,17 = Z/spin(32)/z2® A1'1- ^ h e string coupling is small in both cases, and we are suppressing it.) We assign the boundary points the interpretations of types HE and HO strings, or large radius and small radius. T-duality will relate these interpretations. (See Polchinski,2 vol. 2, p. 78 for details.) In fact, starting from either heterotic theory, there is a simple choice of Wilson line (a group element of order two, in fact) which breaks the gauge algebra to 25 so(16) e2 ©u(l)® 2 . Globally, the gauge group becomes26 (Spin(16)2 x C/(l) 2 )/Z 2 for either theory. If we leave that group unbroken, then the only remaining parameter is the radius. An analysis of the massive states shows that if we map r —> 1/r while exchanging momentum and winding modes, then the two heterotic theories are exchanged. This leads to a picture in nine dimensions similar to the one found for the case of 32 supercharges, and illustrated in Figure 2. We will investigate the missing corner in the next lecture. For later use, we record the relationships among couplings: _
r 91 - 9HO-> 9 , / - 9HO r9,HO] 9HE = 9HorQ>HO,r9,HE = ^HO-
??? oo.
9 0| HO °
°° HE
Figure 2: Compactifications of Type I and Heterotic Strings
The first line comes from S-duality, and the second line from Tduality. The string coupling is in fact the only additional parameter in the type HE and HO theories not present in the perturbative analysis, when d < 4. In that case, the full moduli space is 0(A rf ' d+16 )\R + x 0(d, d + 16)/ 0(d) x 0(d + 16)
(including the string coupling), and the vectors in the theory transform in the vector representation of 0(d, d+16). In lower effective, we get further fields in the non-perturbative analysis, as in the Mtheory case: when d+ 1 = 6 the two-form dualizes to give an extra vector, when d+1 = 7 the two-form dualizes to give an extra scalar, and when d + 1 = 8 all of the vectors can be dualized to scalars. As in the M-theory case, the fields assemble themselves into highly symmetric spaces, as indicated in Table 3. In addition to the standard component, there are many other components of the moduli space of theories with 16 supercharges. For example, there is a construction known as the CHL string 27 which exists in dimension less than ten. In dimension nine, the CHL string can be described as the HE string compactined on a
Table 3: The standard component of the moduli space of compactified heterotic string theory
d+1 1E
lo 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
standard component R+ R+ l 17 + 0(A ' )\R x 0(1,17)/0(1) x 0(17) 0(A 2 ' 18 )\K + x 0(2,18)/ 0(2) x 0(18) 0(A3>19)\R+ x 0(3,19)/ 0(3) x 0(19) O(A 4 - 20 )\R + x 0(4,20)/ 0(4) x 0(20) 0(A 5 - 21 )\R+ x 0(5,21)/ 0(5) x 0(21) (SL(2,Z) x 0(A6-22))\f) x 0(6,22)/0(6) x 0(22) 0(A 8 - 2 4 )\0(8,24)/0(8)xO(24)
circle with a Wilson line implementing the Z 2 gauge symmetry which exchanges the E8 factors.28'29 (This gives a new component in nine dimensions, since that gauge transformation cannot be conjugated into a Cartan torus.) In eight dimensions and below, the CHL component can alternatively be described as the HO string compactified on a circle with a non-trivial gauge bundle, the bundle "without vector structure." 30 (These two descriptions are related by T-duality, as in the case of the standard component.) The CHL component has been studied from many points of view;31,30,32"34 in dimension nine, its moduli space takes the form 0(A 1 ' 9 )\R + x 0 ( 1 , 9 ) / 0 ( 1 ) x 0(9).
There are numerous other components in lower dimension, which can be constructed with a variety of different techniques. 27 ' 20 ' 35 ' 30 ' 36
Lecture II: Backgrounds with Branes 6
T y p e I t h e o r y as an orientifold
The type I string theory can be described as an "orientifold" of the type IIB theory. This means that one introduces the orientationreversal operator £1 which reverses the orientation of the worldsheet, and projects to the set of invariant states, similar to an orbifold projection. The analogue of the twisted sector in orbifold theory is provided by new degrees of freedom which can be described as an orientifold 09-plane together with 16 D9-branes (projected from 32 D9-branes in type IIB theory). A collection of 32 space-filling D9-branes in type IIB theory would have SU(32) gauge symmetry via the Chan-Paton mechanism, but the ChanPaton factors are restricted by the orientifold projection to take values in SO(32). In this lecture, we will study models obtained by compactifying type I on a torus Tk and performing T-duality on Tk (dualizing all compact directions simultaneously). As one application of this study, we will find a weakly coupled dual description of the strong coupling limit of the type HE string; another application will be to so-called F-theory models. For these applications, we begin with the type HO string compactified on Tk, apply S-duality to get to the type I string, then apply T-duality and determine a weakly coupled description of the corresponding theory. Since the type I theory contains open strings, the T-dual theory will acquire branes at which the open strings may end—these are just the standard T-duals of the original D9-branes, and give Dpbranes in the dual theory (where p = 9—k). In addition, the T-dual of the orientifold operator Q, is ft times a reflection which reverses the T-dualized coordinates, i.e., t : (xi,... ,Xk) —> (—X\,..., —£*). There are "orientifold Op-planes" located at the fixed points of Tk/i. (We label an orientifold plane according to the number of spatial dimensions it occupies, just like with a D-brane. Thus, a
Dp-brane and an Op-plane each occupy p spatial dimensions, i.e., p + 1 spacetime dimensions.) The locations of the Dp-branes in the dual theory are encoded by the Wilson lines around Tk in the original theory. So for general Wilson line values, the dual theory has 2k Op-planes and 16 Dpbranes deployed at various locations in Tk/'i. The Op-planes have Dp-brane charge — 2A~k each, so the total Dp-brane charge vanishes globally, but the existence of local Dp-brane charges means that the Ramond-Ramond fields in the background will not vanish, but will vary over spacetime. Such backgrounds are difficult to describe directly. When k < 4, we can choose special positions for the Dp-branes so that 24_fc Dp-branes are located on top of each Op-plane. In this case, the Dp-brane charges cancel locally, and no Ramond-Ramond background is needed; moreover, the model can be studied at weak string coupling. The gauge algebra contains a copy of so(25_fc) for each orientifold plane, so such brane positions must correspond to Wilson lines in the type I theory which break the nonabelian part of the perturbative gauge algebra of type I from so(32) to so(2b~k)®2 . It is possible26 to analyze the non-perturbative gauge groups, for example from the heterotic perspective, to obtain the gauge groups given in Table 4 (exploiting the fact that Spin(4) = SU(2)2). For ease of discussion, though, we shall henceforth focus on the gauge algebras rather than the global form of the gauge groups. The descriptions above derive from an analysis of the conformal field theory (as discussed in Polchinski,2 for example). We will, in the rest of this lecture, explore how these models are described in a supergravity approximation. We therefore wish to study backgrounds with branes. We model these by using an ansatz for branes which is similar to that used in studying near-horizon limits (see e.g. the lectures by Igor Klebanov or by Amanda Peet in this volume): for a collection of Dp-branes, we consider a spacetime of the form W'1 x Y9~p with a metric of
Table 4: Non-perturbative gauge groups
gauge group Spin(32)/Z 2 (Spin(16)2 x t/(l) 2 )/Z 2 (Spin(8)4 x t/(l) 4 )/Zi (SU(2)16 x U{lf)/Zl
the form ds2 = H{y)-l'2{-dt2
+ dx\ + • • • dx2p) + HW^gijdyidyi)
accompanied by a dilaton e* = H{yf-M*
and a Ramond-Ramond field strength F = dt A dxx A • • • A dxp A d(H(y)~l).
Here, F C y is the complement of a finite set of points {PQ} in Y, gijdyidyj is an appropriate metric on Y (usually flat or Ricci-flat), and H(y) satisfies
AH(y) = Y,Na6Pa,
i.e., its Laplacian is a sum of delta functions at the points Pa, weighted by integers Na. Such a metric represents a background with Na Dp-branes located at Pa, for each a. (This ansatz must be slightly modified for D3-branes, but they will not concern us here.)
Orientifolds in dimension nine
We begin with the case k — 1, that is, we analyze the T-dual of the type I theory compactified on S1, choosing the Wilson line to break the gauge algebra to so(16) ©so(16) ©u(l) ©u(l). The dual theory is described as type IIA on Sl/Z2 with each endpoint of S1/Z2 having an orientifold 08-plane and eight D8-branes. (We call this an 08 + 8 D8 brant configuration.) Since the local D8brane charge is zero, we may use a harmonic function H(y) on 5 1 which is Z2-invariant; since H(y) is harmonic, it must be linear. That is, H(y) = ay + 6, but then H(y) = H(—y) implies a = 0 so H(y) is constant. This leads to a conventional model with constant dilaton and no Ramond-Ramond flux; however, the space Y is a manifold with boundary, so the 0 8 + 8 D8 brane configuration still leaves its mark. Now we allow the D8-branes to move away from the 08-planes (which is accomplished on the type I side by allowing the Wilson line to vary). The function H is now only piecewise linear, and the jumps in its slope measure the jumps in D8-brane charge'from region to region in spacetime. c Every function of this type takes the form 1
niv) = c--Y,\v-Vi\
where yi e [0,1] are the locations of the branes, and y G [0,1] is a coordinate on Y. A typical graph of such a function is shown in Figure 3. Note that the slopes at the endpoints are ±8, corresponding to the D8-brane charge of —8 carried by the orientifold 08-planes. c
The piecewise linear nature of the function can be seen directly from a spacetime analysis, 13 or by considering either D4-brane probes 37 or DO-brane probes. 38
Figure 3: A generic function H{y)
The structure near the 08-planes can be made more transparent by extending the function H(y) past those planes, i.e., defining it on S1 in a way that is symmetric. Near y = 0, this can be done by rewriting 1 16 H(y) = C + 8\y\ - - £ >
-yi\ + \y + yi\).
On 5 1 , we have 32 D8-branes in 16 pairs, related by reflection. For generic locations of the D8-branes, the gauge symmetry is abelian. This is enhanced to su(N) gauge symmetry when N of the D8-branes come together (i.e., their yi values coincide), and to so(2N) gauge symmetry when N of the D8-branes coincide with the 08-plane in an 0 8 + N D8 configuration (i.e., yi=0 or yi=\ for all of these). These gauge symmetry enhancements arise from open strings stretched between branes which become massless in the limit, providing off-diagonal elements of a matrix-valued gauge field. If N < 7 D8-branes are located at y = 0, then the initial slope in H(y) is positive and we can vary the constant C so that H(0) = 0, without violating the essential requirement H(y) > 0. There is a further gauge symmetry enhancement at such points 37 from so(2N) to an algebra CJV+I- The new light particles 39-41 are DO-branes bound to y = 0, which are light due to the locally strong coupling at that end of Y. A more detailed exploration42 of the space of possible functions H(y) reveals additional structure. d There is a phase transition when strong coupling is reached (i.e., H(0) = 0 or H(l) = 0) to another set of models whose piecewise-linear functions H(y) have 17 or 18 singularities. The slopes at the endpoints of [0,1] can be d
Note that in spite of certain reservations which have been expressed about this picture, 43 the structure of the set of functions H(y) has recently been confirmed from another point of view.44
Table 5: Strong coupling limits of orientifold planes
N +l
weak coupling weak coupling theory gauge algebra
08A 08B 0 8 + D8 0 8 + 2 D8 0 8 + 3 D8 0 8 + 4 D8 0 8 + 5 D8 0 8 + 6 D8 0 8 + 7 D8
{0} {0}
U 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
so(4) so (6) so(8) so(10) so(12) 50(14)
strong coupling theory E8 (E8 + D8) A (E8 + D8) B E8 + 2 D8 E8 + 3 D8 E8 + 4 D8 E8 + 5 D8 E8 + 6 D8 E8 + 7 D8 E8 + 8 D8
as high as 9, and we interpret the local function with slope 9 as a new kind of spacetime defect: an E8-plane. In the presence of one or two E8-planes, the D8-branes are not free to take arbitrary positions, but are constrained by the requirement that H(y) = 0 at the E8-plane(s). A catalog of possible behaviors is given in Tables 5 and 6. There are some irregularities in the behavior when the number of D8branes is small: first, there are two possibilities for the pure SU(2) probe theory, depending on a Z2-valued 0-angle; we call the two kinds of spacetime defects 08^-planes and 08s-planes. e Since 0 8 ^ + D8 is physically equivalent to 08# + D8, this distinction is not visible for most orientifold combinations. Second, the strong coupling limits of the 08^-plane and 0 8 ^ e
In a previous paper, 42 the 08s-plane was associated with the "JDO theory" and the 08^-plane with the "D0 theory," which differ by a Wangle.45 Similarly, the (E8 + D 8 ) B configuration is associated to the "Ei theory," and the (E8 + D8)A configuration is associated to the "E\ theory."
Table 6: Gauge algebras of strong coupling limits, and del Pezzo surfaces iV+1 0
u 1B
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
strong coupling theory E8 (E8 + D8)^ (E8 + D8) B E8 + 2 D8 E8 + 3 D8 E8 + 4 D8 E8 + 5 D8 E8 + 6 D8 E8 + 7 D8 E8 + 8 D8
strong coupling gauge algebra {0} u(l) su(2) au(2) 0 u(l) J6U(3) 0 5U(2)
su(5) so(10) e6 e?
del Pezzo surface p2
BhP2 pi
B12P2 B13P2 BI4P2 B15P2 B16P2 B17P2 B18P2
plane give configurations we call (E8 + D8)A and (E8 4- D8)#. A D8-brane can be "emitted" from an (E8 + D8),4 configuration to yield the exotic E8-plane itself. However, it is not possible to emit a D8-brane directly from an (E8 + D 8 ) B configuration. As in the 08-plane case, (E8 + D8)^ + D8 is physically equivalent to (E8 + D 8 ) B + D8, SO the distinction is again not visible for most E8-plane configurations. We only use the A or B subscript on an E8-plane in the presence of a single D8-brane. The behavior of the function H(y) is different for these two types of planes: the function for 0 8 + N D8 has a slope of ±(8 —iV) at the boundary, whereas the function for E8 + M D8 has a slope of ±(9 - M) . Remarkably, the list of strong coupling gauge algebras which appear here (and which are all compact forms of appropriate "e/v+i" algebras) corresponds precisely to the list of U-duality groups in lecture I, except that here the compact algebras appear! This T-dual of type I theory on S1 is often called type I ' theory
or type IA theory. Since it is related to type I by a T-duality, the couplings are related as 9v = girgj,
r9J, = r~].
We can now analyze the strong coupling limit of the type HE string in nine dimensions. Combining the T-duality between types HE and HO with the S-duality between type HO and type I, we get (as at the end of lecture I) 9i = g~HlEr^HE,
r9jI = 9H%2r~^l
which is not a weakly coupled description for strong type HE coupling (and fixed, large rg^s)- Since the characteristic size of rgj is small, we can T-dualize to type I': - 1 / 2 3/2
9r = 9HE rg[HE,
1/2 1/2
r 9)/ / = 9HETiiiE-
( 27 )
These dualities are initially performed with gauge algebra so(16) e2 © u(l)®2
which corresponds to H(y) being constant; we can later tune the Wilson lines to restore eg © t& © u(l)®2 on the heterotic side, and the corresponding tuning on the type I' side yields a function H(y) of the form illustrated in Figure 4.
Figure 4: The function H(y) for gauge algebra eg 0 cs ® u(l)
The type I ' coupling gr = H(y)~5/i is strong at strong HE coupling, so we expect a description in terms of M-theory. We get M-theory scales -1/3
rg = 9r
9,/' = 9 HE
- 2 / 3 _ 1/3 - 1 r io — Qv — 9HET9,HE
and so we see that our strong coupling limit decompactifies the r 9 direction. This leads to the Hof ava-Witten 46 picture of the strong coupling limit of the type HE string: it is described by M-theory compactified on Sl / Z 2 with an E8 gauge symmetry group bound to each end of S1/^. The exchange of the two ends leads to the additional Z 2 gauge transformation of this theory. 8
Orientifolds in dimension eight, and F-theory
We turn now to the next case: the T-dual of type I on T 2 . As before, we first choose appropriate Wilson lines to break the gauge algebra to so(8) e4 ©u(l)® 4 , and then perform a T-duality to obtain a type IIB string on T 2 /Z 2 = S2, with an orientifold 07-plane and four D7-branes located at each of the four fixed points of the Z 2 action. There is no local D7-brane charge near these points, but since the orientifolding operator acts as —1 on the NS-NS and R-R two-forms, there is a monodromy (~J_?) € SL(2,Z) associated with each point. Moreover, the metric on S2 = T 2 / Z 2 is an orbifold metric, which has a "deficit angle" of n at each of the four points. (In terms of a local coordinate z, the metric takes the form \dy/z\2 = \\z~ll2 dz\2 which gives deficit angle 2-K • \ = 7r.) We now wish to vary the Wilson lines on the type I side, and study the corresponding backgrounds on the type IIB side. This problem was analyzed a number of years ago (from a slightly different perspective) by Greene, Shapere, Vafa, and Yau47 who showed how to exploit the SL(2, Z) symmetry to produce solutions. Since
we will use SL(2,Z), the resulting backgrounds have no conventional string theory description: they require that different (p, q)~ strings of the type IIB theory be fundamental at different points in spacetime. Nevertheless, the low energy supergravity description (with singularities along D7-branes) can be analyzed, and in fact there are other ways to view such theories as limits of string theories. Models of this general class are known as F-theory compactifications.48'51 Note that in dimension nine we passed from a constant function to a piecewise-linear function when branes were moved away from the orientifold planes; here, we are passing from a constant function to a holomorphic function that has an SL(2, Z)-transformation property. Since we are going to exploit the S-duality of the type IIB string in constructing these models, we should work in Einstein frame rather than string frame. The supergravity description is then in terms of a metric of the form ds2 = (-dt2 + dx2 + --- + dx27) + H(Vl, y2)(9ijdyidyj)
with dilaton e^ = H(yl,y2)-1
and R-R field strength F = dt A dxx A • • • A dxp A d(H(yh y2)~l).
The equation of motion for H(yi, y2) is
= J2Na6Pa a
as before.
Introducing a complex coordinate z = yi+n/2, we treat the harmonic function H(yi,y2)~l as the imaginary part of a holomorphic function r(z) (away from Pa): #(1/1,2/2)
= Im
where r{z) is only well-defined up to SL(2,Z) transformations and Imr(z) > 0 (since the conformal factor H is always positive). The Greene-Shapere-Vafa-Yau solutions define H in terms of functions r(z) which come from functions on h/SL(2,Z), where h = {r : I m r > 0} is the upper half plane, in order to get finite energy configurations. In addition to the complex field r(z) with SL(2, Z) invariance, their solutions specify the corresponding Ricciflat Kahler metric as
1 \v(r(z))f 2i
where T){T)
is Dedekind's eta-function. This metric has a so-called deficit angle: in terms of a new variable ~z = zx~kalvi', the metric looks conventional (and flat). But the variable z does not traverse a full phase a s z ^ e2niz. The exponent ka/\2, which determines the deficit angle of 2irka/\2 at Pa, is a function of the type of singularity occurring at Pa. In addition to the deficit angle in the metric, the function T(Z) exhibits singular behavior at each singular point: it is multi-valued near the singularity, with the multi-valuedness being given by some fractional linear transformation from SL(2, Z), which describes the change as z M- e27"z.
The possible singularities in such functions T(Z) were classified by Kodaira,52 and are described in Table 7. Kodaira's analysis used algebraic geometry, and we will briefly sketch it in lecture IV. The analysis directly produces the monodromy in each well as providing algebro-geometric data from which the deficit angle can be determined. These are both indicated in the Table. In addition, we have identified the gauge symmetry for each of Kodaira's singularity types, and we have attempted to describe each case as a "brane configuration": the cases of TV D7 branes and an 0 7 + (iV+4) D7 brane configuration follow from conventional descriptions of D7-branes and 07-planes, with enhanced gauge symmetry determined by open strings stretching between branes. There are no solutions r(z) corresponding to an 0 7 + iV D7 brane configuration with N < 4. The E7 + N D7 brane configurations can be studied as strong coupling limits of 0 7 + (N—l) D7 brane configurations, just as in nine dimensions. (In this dimension, there are no Z2-valued 9angles to worry about.) The H7 -I- N D7 configurations are new to eight dimensions, and much less is known about their explicit description. In order to get a global solution on S2, we need the total deficit angle to be 4TT. The generic such solution has 24 D7-branes, located at distinct points. In fact, each of the 0 7 + 4 D7 brane configurations which occurred in our original orbifold splits up into six D7-branes whose positions are, however, somewhat constrained. The function r(z) combines the dilaton and the R-R scalar into a single holomorphic function on S2. To relate these F-theory compactifications to other string models, we can further compactify on S1, remembering that we are working in Einstein frame. As we saw in lecture I, if rHE,Einstein denotes the radius of this compactification, and we compare to M-theory compactified on T 2 , we find riiB,Einstein = (r9rw)
Table 7: Kodaira's classification
Kodaira notation
brane configuration
gauge algebra
deficit angle
IN, N > 0
( 1
V o
07 + 4 D7
so (8)
07 + (iV+4)D7 so(2N+8)
E7 + 6 D7
E7 + 7 D7
E7 + 8 D7
H7 + D7
H7 + 2 D7
V °
\ I
/ 0 V I
Y 57T
Y 7T
V I /
V-i / 0
T) -!)
-0 "D "J) 1) J) J) -1)
Thus, the small S'^limit will map over to a limit in the M-theory model in which the area of T2 becomes large (and so the supergravity approximation should be accurate). Furthermore, we had 9iiB = (no/r9)1/2
and more generally, r will capture the conformal class of the metric on T2, which is equivalent to specifying a holomorphic structure. There is thus a dual model in seven dimensions which takes the form of M-theory compactified on a four-manifold which is fibered by T 2 's with holomorphic structure dictated by r(z). The four-manifolds of this kind are not unique, but there is a unique one for which the holomorphic fibration has a holomorphic section. Much evidence has been amassed in favor of a proposed duality 48 ' 53 M-theory on elliptically fibered manifold with section
F-theory from r (z), further compactified on S1 (with vanishing Wilson lines)
If we use instead one of the four-manifolds for which the holomorphic fibration does not have a holomorphic section, we find a model in which a Wilson line along the S1 has been turned on. 54 ' 36
Orientifolds in dimension seven
Finally, we consider the T-dual of type I compactified on T 3 . We again get a type IIA model on an orbifold T 3 /Z 2 , with an 06 + 2 D6 brane configuration located at each fixed point and a gauge algebra so(4)®8 0 u(l)®6 = su(2)®16 0 u(l)® 6 . If we start with the type HO string compactified on T 3 , and perform S-duality followed by T-duality, we find the following re-
lations among couplings: 1/2
Qnew — 1/2
»,•,„«» = —
^ >
fori = 7,8,9.
Thus, in the strong coupling limit of this type HO compactification, we are still seeing strong coupling in the type IIA theory, which suggests an M-theory interpretation. Lifting the orientifolding operator to M-theory reverses the sign on the tenth spatial dimension, so the dual model is M-theory on T 4 / Z 2 with Z 2 acting as —1 on all four coordinates. There are 16 fixed points for this action. What becomes of the D6-branes and 06-planes in this M-theory description? Our usual ansatz near a D6-brane ds2 = H{yYll\-dt2 e* =
+ dx\ + • • • + dx\) +
H{y)-^ (40)
should be rewritten in M-theory frame, with metric g~2^ds2: ds2 = (-dt2 + dx\ +
h dx2) + gijdyidyj + gio,wdx210.
There is no longer a conformal factor in the metric on the worldvolume of the brane, so we simply need a Ricci-flat metric on the remaining four coordinates, i.e., the D6-branes do not appear in this frame. The general solution with 16 supercharges gives a K3 surface. In our original orbifold model, we had 16 singular points. Each can be described as a limit of a smooth K3 metric in which an S2 has shrunk to zero area. Wrapping the M-theory membrane around such an S2, we see a new light particle in the limit, which
lies in a vector multiplet and is responsible for su(2) enhanced gauge symmetry. f In this way, the expected su(2)®16 © u(l)®6 gauge algebra is reproduced. More generally, it is possible to shrink various configurations of S2,s to get various enhanced gauge symmetries. The spacetime singularities always take the form C 2 / r for some T C SU(2), and lead to the possibilities described in Table 8 (where we list the image of T in SO(3) = SU(2)/{±1} due to the familiar form of the answers). Table 8: Finite subgroups of SU(2)/{±1} and the associated gauge algebras
image of T in SO(3) %N
classical symmetry rotations of iV-gon rotations and reflections of iV-gon symmetries of tetrahedron symmetries of octahedron or cube symmetries of icosahedron or dodecahedron
gauge algebra su(N) so(2N) ee t7 C8
Probe-brane theories
An important verification in each of these cases is provided by the study of probe-brane theories. The branes we have studied (D8, D7, D6) are large and quite heavy. It is possible to introduce a parallel D(p—4)-brane into the system as a "probe" of the background, treating the big branes as static and the small branes as fluctuatf
The story of enhanced gauge symmetry from the point of view of D6-branes is somewhat complicated, 55 and we will not discuss it here.
ing. 56-58 The worldvolume theories on the probe-branes will have 8 supercharges (assuming that the background is otherwise flat). In the case of D4-brane probes of D8-branes in type I', this leads to a study of five-dimensional field theories with a "Coulomb branch" of dimension one. 37 ' 42 ' 45 These theories also occur on CalabiYau threefolds, where (for example) the contraction of a del Pezzo surface to a point yields the probe theory of an E8 + n D8 brane, where n + 1 is the Picard number of the del Pezzo surface. In the case of D3-brane probes of D7-branes in F-theory, many four-dimensional field theory phenomena are uncovered,57 such as the behavior of SU(2) gauge theory with Nf < 4 matter multiplets (from analyzing 0 7 + Nf D7) or the existence of Argyres-Douglas type points (from analyzing H7 + Nf D7). There are also exotic branes at strong coupling with c„ gauge algebras.59 Investigations have also been made of D2-brane probes of D6brane theories 60,61 Unfortunately, time does not permit us to discuss any of these matters in detail. Lecture III: Curved Backgrounds 11
As we saw in the previous lecture, certain natural backgrounds for string compactification which include D-branes (and yield singular supergravity solutions) break half of the supersymmetry of the original theory. The other natural way to study models with reduced supersymmetry is to introduce curved backgrounds. The traditional way this has been done in string theory has been to decompose the ten-dimensional spacetime as a product Xd x M1,9~d of a compact manifold X and a flat spacetime M. To understand how much supersymmetry is preserved in such backgrounds, we must decompose the (9 + l)-dimensional spinor representation according to Spin(d) x Spin(l, 9 — d), and ask how many covariantly constant spinors will exist on Xd (with respect to the
given metric on Xd)—these determine the unbroken supersymmetries. (See, for example, Polchinski,2 Appendix B.l.) A variant of this construction is given by the Freund-Rubin ansatz:62 we make a decomposition as a product Yd~l x AdS 1 ' 10- ^ together with a nontrivial field strength for one of the supergravity fields. (Similar constructions can also be made for elevendimensional super gravity.) This time, 63 the number of unbroken supersymmetries is determined by the number of Killing spinors
on Yd-\ A more general ansatz which combines both of these ideas is a warped product: this is a background of the form Xd x warped Ml'9~d with a metric ds2 = ds2x + (f){x)ds2M
with an appropriate (Ricci-flat) metric ds\, a flat metric ds2M on M, and a conformal factor <j>{x) depending o n i e l , accompanied by a non-trivial field strength for one of the supergravity fields. The space X should have finite volume, but might not be compact (due to the presence of branes). To see why all of these constructions are related, note that antide Sitter space AdS1'10-** can be decomposed as a warped product of E + and M1,9~d. Then we can rewrite Yd~l x AdS 1 ' 1 0 - - = {Yd~l x R+) x warped Ml'9~d
and the Killing spinors on Yd~l go over to covariantly constant spinors on Yd~l x R+ (by a theorem of Bar 64 ). When Yd~l is a sphere, we can regard this as a brane solution of the supergravity theory. For more general manifolds Y, there is an intepretation of this solution as corresponding to branes at singularities.65 We will mainly focus on the case where X is compact and the spacetime is an ordinary product (not a warped product). In this case, the covariantly constant spinors are determined by
Table 9: Irreducible holonomy reps with covariantly constant spinor
Holonomy rep. {1} on R SU(n) on R2" (n > 3) Sp(n) on R4n G2 on R7 Spin(7) on R8
Geometry flat Calabi-Yau hyper-Kahler G2 Spin(7)
the holonomy of the metric. (Similarly, the Killing spinors on Y in a Freund-Rubin ansatz will be determined by the "Weyl holonomy"—but the ordinary holonomy is easier to work with.) The classification of holonomy groups of Riemannian manifolds is given by the Berger-Simons theorem 66 ' 67 (see the book of Besse68 for a complete account of holonomy). Actually, it is important to bear in mind that there is a holonomy representation which is being classified, not just a group. If we start at a point x £ X and follow a loop which begins and ends at x, parallel transport along that path will transport tangent vectors at x along to tangent vectors at intermediate points, finally reaching a tangent vector at x again. This gives a mapping from Tx,x to itself, and the group generated by all such mappings is the holonomy group (with Tx,x giving the holonomy representation space). Note that parallel transport can also be applied to differential forms and to spinors (in the case of a spin manifold), so once the holonomy group is known, determining the covariantly constant differential forms or spinors is a simple exercise in representation theory. We give the Berger-Simons classification of irreducible holonomy representations in Tables 9 and 10. The holonomy representations listed in Table 9 are relevant for supersymmetric compactification of string theories: each has a covariantly constant spinor, and each is Ricci flat. The remaining holonomy representations (with no covariantly constant
Table 10: Irreducible holonomy reps without covariantly constant spinor
Holonomy rep. SO(n) on Rn U(n) on E 2 " Sp(l) x Sp(n)/Z 2 on E 4n H on Q/\)
Geometry general Riemannian Kahler quaternion Kahler locally symmetric space G/H
spinor) are listed in Table 10; these find an application in the study of moduli spaces of supersymmetric vacua. (This latter application is discussed in detail in Paul Aspinwall's lectures in this volume.) To apply this, we also need to know that every compact Riemannian manifold with a covariantly constant spinor admits a finite (unbranched) cover which can be decomposed as a Riemannian product of a flat torus and a collection of compact Riemannian manifolds with irreducible holonomy representations. The first step in showing this is furnished by de Rham's holonomy theorem:69 If a Riemannian manifold (M, g) is complete, simply connected and if its holonomy representation is reducible, then (M, g) is a Riemannian product. (It follows easily that if the original manifold had a covariantly constant spinor, then so does each factor in the de Rham decomposition, and as a consequence the metric on the manifold is Ricci flat.) The second step is the Cheeger-Gromoll theorem™ If (M,g) is a complete connected Rimannian manifold with non-negative Ricci curvatuve which admits a line, then (M, g) is a Riemannian product (MxR,gxdt2) where (M, g) is a complete connected Riemannian manifold with non-negative Ricci curvature, and dt2 is the canonical metric on R. (Applying this result several times then yields the desired decomposition.71)
Supersymmetric string compactifications
If we are interested in compactifications of string theories (or Mtheory) which preserve some supersymmetry, we should focus on the flat, Calabi-Yau, hyper-Kahler, G2, and Spin(7) cases. The last two "exceptional" cases are poorly understood, and will not be discussed further here. (However, there has been some progress in understanding these manifolds—see the recent book of Joyce72 and references therein.) The flat case leads to the study of compact tori, which we have already described in lecture I. The Calabi-Yau and hyper-Kahler manifolds can be given the following general characterizations (we assume the manifolds are compact): Calabi-Yau manifolds (holonomy SU(n), n > 3) have a nonvanishing holomorphic n-form Q and a Kahler metric. There is a unique complex structure (up to complex conjugation) compatible with the metric. The Kahler metric can be described in terms of the Kahler form LO = | J2 gZizjdzi A d2j. (f2 has a local description of the form f(z)dz\ A • • • A dzn with f(z) holomorphic.) Hyper-Kahler manifolds (holonomy Sp(n)) have real dimension 4n, with a distinguished three-plane of two-forms, and an S2 of compatible complex structures. If we choose one of the complex structures, there is a holomorphic two-form of the form u>\ + zco>2 and a Kahler form ruj% for some orthogonal basis W i , ^ , ^ of the three-plane, and some positive constant r. The manifold also has a holomorphic 4-form, 6-form, ... , 2n-form given by taking powers of ui + iu>2- In particular, there is a form Q, = (coi + icj2)n of top degree. It is non-vanishing. The metrics in all of these cases are Ricci-flat. Such metrics were studied by Calabi in the 1950's who showed that for a given complex structure and de Rham cohomology class of Kahler metrics, there is at most one Ricci-flat metric in the class. (That is, if LO is the Kahler form of a Ricci-flat metric, then there is no oneform r\ on X such that to + dr\ is also the Kahler form of a Ricci-flat
metric.) Calabi conjectured73 the existence of such metrics, and this was proved by Yau74 in the 1970's in the following form: given a compact complex manifold X of complex dimension n which admits a non-vanishing holomorphic n-form Q,, and given a Kahler form u o n l , there exists a Ricci-flat metric on X whose Kahler form is in the same de Rham class as u, and for which fl is covariantly constant. The proof is a non-constructive existence proof. In particular, although we are certain that these metrics exist, it is very difficult to calculate any of their properties. However, this theorem is very powerful as a tool for studying string backgrounds, since it reduces the search for solutions to the supergravity equations of motion to a search for complex Kahler manifolds which have a non-vanishing holomorphic n-form Q. In fact, the search can be restricted even further:71 it turns out that for every compact SU(n) holonomy manifold (n > 3), the complex structure is algebraic (i.e., X comes from algebraic geometry); for hyper-Kahler manifolds, generically if you fix the Ricci-flat metric there will be choices out of the S2 of complex structures for which X is algebraic. So we can restrict our search to algebraic geometry, and employ a completely different set of tools to find and study such objects. 13
Algebraic geometry: a brief introduction
The "algebraic varieties" we now must study are complex submanifolds X of complex projective space FN. We describe P ^ by means of "homogeneous coordinates" [zx, z2, • • • > ZN] ^ [0,0,..., 0] which do not label points uniquely but are subject to identifications [z0, zl...,zN]
= [Xzo, Xzi,...,
for non-zero complex numbers A. (We use square brackets to emphasize that these are not ordinary coordinates.)
Given I C P " , each homogeneous coordinate Zi determines a codimension one subvariety Di = XCi{zi = 0}
on X. (We are assuming that X <£ {zi = 0}; otherwise, we would have treated X as a submanifold of {z{ = 0} = P^ - 1 .) Such a codimension one subvariety is called an effective divisor on X. More generally, a combination ^ wiiA of effective divisors with integer coefficients is called a divisor. If we consider two of these divisors, A and Dj, the ratio Zi/zj makes sense as a function on X — Di — Dj. (The individual homogeneous coordinates are not functions on X or on P ^ due to the identifications in Eq. ((44)), but the identifications cancel out in ratios.) This ratio Zi/zj extends to a meromorphic function on X: its only singularities are poles. Generally, for a meromorphic function / defined on X, we define the divisor of f to be div(/) = {/ = 0} - {/ = oo}
where {/ = 0} and {/ = oo} are codimension one in X. In the example at hand, we have divte/zj-) = Di-
This property is characteristic of divisors which occur as intersections with linear functions in P^ for the same embedding in projective space. In general, a given algebraic variety will have many different embeddings into projective spaces. To determine all of the ways to embed X into projective spaces, we can study all of the divisors on X. To determine which divisors belong to the same embedding, we introduce some definitions. Two divisors D and D' are said to be linearly equivalent if there is a meromorphic function / such that div(/) =D-D'.
The linear system containing D is the set \D\ = {D' | D' is linearly equivalent to D, and D' = Y^^Di with ^ > 0 and Di C X codimension one}. (49)
The last requirement in the definition come from the observation that the divisors we encountered from I C P " were effective divisors, i.e., subsets of X counted with multiplicity, but with no negative coefficients allowed. Given a linear system \D\, we choose a basis D0 = D, Di, ... , Dn of the divisors in \D\, and let / x , / 2 , . . . , /„ be the meromorphic functions satisfying divifj) = Dj - D0.
Then we can define a mapping X —>• P71 by x h-f [1, fi_(x), f2(x),...,
This is ill-defined along Do, but by exploiting the equivalence in P" we can rewrite this as [l,/i(^/2(ar),...,/„(x)] = [ 7 i ^ > l , ^ , . . . > ^ ]
which is ill-defined along D\ instead of along D0, and so on, for other divisors Dj. Thus, if the divisors D0, D\, ... Dn have no points in common, our prescription Eq.( 51) can be extended to a well-defined mapping on all of A". In this case, \D\ is said to be base point free. The linear system |Z>j is said to be very ampleg if the associated mapping is actually an embedding into P". Given a very ample linear system \D\, i.e., an embedding X C P", we get a S
A linear system \D\ is ample if some positive multiple \mD\ is very ample.
natural Kahler metric on X by restricting the Fubini-Study metric from P™. Explicitly, the Kahler form of this metric on IP" can be written u = dd\ogJ2\zi\2. Restricting to X, we get a form W\D\ = {9dlog Y^\zi\2) \x on X. A key fact is that for Calabi-Yau manifolds, the Kahler classes CO\D\ coming from projective embeddings will generate all Kahler classes (using positive real linear combinations). h So this portion of our problem—determining the set of Kahler classes—can be solved using algebraic geometry. (The hyper-Kahler case is different and will be discussed in lecture IV.) The other portion of our problem—determining the set of complex structures—is also a problem in algebraic geometry. Once X has been embedded in P™, it can always be described by means of a finite set of homogeneous equations fl(z0,.
. . , £ „ ) , . . -,fk(zo,
• • -,Zn),
with X = {[z0, ...,zn}eFn\
fj{zo, ...,zn)=0iov
all j}.
In principle, the other complex structures are found by varying the coefficients in these defining equations. There are two difficulties with this in practice: 1. There may be some complex structures on this manifold with don't embed into the same projective space as X. 2. The number of equations needed to describe X is larger than dimP71 — dimX, and the equations don't meet transversally; thus, if we vary the coefficients arbitrarily we will find a common intersection which is smaller than X. (So we must vary the coefficients judiciously, and it is hard to see explicitly how to do this.) h
This is because /i 2 ' 0 = 0, so the positive rational linear combinations of very ample classes will be dense in the Kahler cone.
We will encounter both of these phenomena in our discussion of K3 surfaces below. Over the years, algebraic geometers have developed some rather sophisticated machinery to address these issues. (See, for example, the treatise of Viehweg.75) Very little of this machinery has been applied to cases of interest in physics (to date!). So we have seen that the complex structures can be studied by varying coefficients, and the Kahler classes can be studied by locating all (very ample) divisors. The issue we have not yet addressed is: how can we recognize whether or not there exists a non-vanishing holomorphic n-form? A very useful tool in studying this issue is the "adjunction formula." Given a complex submanifold D C X defined by a single equation / = 0 (locally), there is a "Poincare residue formula" relating meromorphic n-forms on X and meromorphic (n — l)-forms on D: given a meromorphic n-form g(wi,...
,wn)dwi A • • • A dwn f(wi,...,wn)
with a simple pole on D (using local coordinates its Poincare residue is g(w)dw1 A • • • A dwn^i
{bb) D
(which is well-defined if df/dwn ^ 0) with similar, equivalent, formulas when df/dwj ^ 0. (If D is a submanifold, then at every point one of the df/dw/s must be ^ 0.) It is common to express the properties of meromorphic n-forms in terms of divisors; if a{w\,..., wn)dwiA- • -Adwn is a meromorphic n-form, we define the canonical divisor of X to be Kx = div(a) = {a = 0} - {a = oo}.
Thus, in our Poincare residue formula, we see Kx = div(s) - div(/) = div(«7) - D
while KD=dw(g)\D (since df/dwj
^ 0). Thus, KD = (KX + D)\D.
This is known as the adjunction formula. The interpretation of D\D is this: find a divisor D' which is linearly equivalent to D, and treat D'\D as a divisor on D. (All facts about these divisors are being considered up to linear equivalence only.) This is the divisorial version of the "normal bundle" of D. The requirement in Yau's theorem is that there exists a meromorphic n-form whose divisor is trivial, i.e., it has neither zeros nor poles; this is the same as saying that Kx = 0. Key example. Kx = 0 and D C X is a codimension one submanifold. The adjunction formula tells us that KD = D\D. Note that D\D becomes quite concrete if we embed X in P n using the linear system \D\: then D'\D represents the intersection of D with some zt = 0. In other words, D is embedded by the canonical linear system \KD\14
Algebraic geometry of K3 surfaces
The case of dime X = 2 (an algebraic K3 surface) is instructive. In this case, D is a Riemann surface, which must have some genus g. The degree of the canonical divisor of a Riemann surface is wellknown: deg(Kr)) = 2g — 2. Also, the canonical linear system \KD\ embeds D into P 9 - 1 . The interpretation of these facts in terms of X is that X should embed in P 5 , and its degree (the number of points of intersection X n {zi = 0} n {ZJ = 0}) should be 1g - 2. Remarkably, surfaces X C F9 of this type exist for every g > 2, and in every case, the number of independent deformations of complex structure is 19. These are the algebraic K3 surfaces.
Let us consider these surfaces for low values of g. g = 2 Riemann surfaces of genus two are hyperelliptic, and map two-to-one onto P 1 . So X will map two-to-one onto P 2 . The map on D must have six branch points (in order to get genus two), so the map X —> P 2 must be branched over a curve of degree six. We can describe X by an equation of the form V2 = z60+zf + z62 + ---
(the degree six equation on the right hand side can be arbitrary) , and regard this as an equation in a weighted projective space P 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' 3 in which [z0, zi, z2, y] = [Xz0, Azi, Xz2, A3y]. (The superscripts in the notation denote the powers of A, the socalled weights of the homogeneous variables.) g = 3 The general Riemann surface of genus three embeds as a degree four curve in P 2 ; X should be a surface of degree four in P 3 , for example,
4 + ^ + 4 + 4 = 0.
g = 4 This time, D C P 3 is the intersection of surfaces of degrees two and three, and I C P 4 will be the intersection of hypersurfaces of degrees two and three. The degree is then 2-3 = 6. g — 5 D C P 4 and I C P 5 can be described as the intersection of three hypersurfaces of degree two. The degree is 2 • 2 • 2 = 8. g > 6 D C F9~l and I C P 9 require more defining equations than their codimension. This makes the moduli problem tricky— as indicated above, coefficients must be varied judiciously. One interesting feature to note about this set of examples: the complex dimension of the space of Riemann surfaces of genus g is 3g — 3, whereas the dimension of those which lie on a K3 surface
is at most 19 + g (19 parameters for X and g parameters for the choice of D when X C F9). Thus, when g > 11, not every curve lies on a K3 surface. Another interesting feature, to be discussed further in lecture IV, is that the set of all complex structures on a K3 surface has complex dimension 20, and form a single family containing all of the algebraic K3 surfaces of every g. This is an example of the phenomenon mentioned above in which not all deformations of complex structure may happen in the given projective space. However, when the holonomy is SU(n), n > 3, there always exist embeddings X C P ^ for which all nearby complex structures can be obtained within the same P ^ . (Warning: if somebody hands you I C P " , it might not have this property: some projective embeddings are "deficient" in this sense.) 15
Calabi-Yau manifolds in higher dimension
The theory of K3 surfaces is understood in great detail, and will be explained further in the next lecture. We know much less about the algebraic geometry of Calabi-Yau or hyper-Kahler manifolds of higher dimension. There are two strategies which might be followed: 1. try to directly generalize constructions like the g < 5 cases of K3 surfaces 2. try to study in general the possible divisors D and whether they occur on Calabi-Yau or hyper-Kahler manifolds. The first strategy has led to an extensive study of Calabi-Yau "complete intersections" in projective spaces, and more generally in weighted projective spaces or toric varieties (a further generalization of weighted projective space). At least tens of thousands of
examples have been produced in this way.l And yet, as the above story about K3 surfaces illustrates, such constructions may have only barely scratched the surface. It is instructive to see why the set of complete intersection Calabi-Yau manifolds (of fixed dimension) in projective space is finite. Suppose Xd C P" has been defined as the intersection
x = Yl n Y2 n • • • n rn_d
of n — d hypersurfaces. Each Yj is linearly equivalent to rrijH, where H = {z0 = 0}, and rrij is the degree of the homogeneous polynomial defining Yj. We use that fact that Kpn = — (n + 1)H (which can be seen from the existence of a globally well-defined meromorphic n-form ZQCLZI
A dz2 A • • • A dzn + Z\dz2 A • • • A dzn A dz0 + • • • (64) Z0Z2
with poles along all n + 1 coordinate hyperplanes) and apply the adjunction formula repeatedly: KX =(• • • ((ffp. + F O k + Y2)\y2 + • • • + Yn_d)\yn_d = (-(n + 1)H + miH + m2H + ••• + mn_dH)\x
So the condition to get a Calabi-Yau or hyper-Kahler manifold is: Yl^Zi rnj = n + 1 • Moreover we can choose rrij > 2 for each j since otherwise X would sit in a linear subspace (a smaller IP"). So the condition can be rewritten as n—d
J2(mJ - 1) = rf + 1,
i=i 'For example, there are 473,800,776 types of Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces in fourdimensional toric varieties, which give at least 30,108 distinct examples, based on Hodge numbers. 76
and with a fixed d there are clearly only a finite number of solutions. The K3 examples described above are reproduced by the solutions 3 = 3, 3 = 2 + 1, 3 = 1 + 1 + 1, giving degrees 4, (3, 2), and (2, 2, 2), respectively, with hyperplane sections having g = 3, g = 4, and 5 = 5. The second strategy would seem to be a more general one: first, we study all surfaces D for which \KD\ gives an embedding (or at least a reasonable map, like the two-to-one map we encountered for Riemann surfaces of genus two), and then we try to decide which ones can be on Calabi-Yau threefolds. As the remark about not all curves lying on K3 surfaces indicated, the second part will be highly non-trivial. However, even the first part is quite hard. For curves, we had a simple invariant (the genus), and rather complete knowledge about the set of curves of genus g. When D is a surface, there are several invariants, including the Euler number e(D) = Xtop(D) and the degree of the canonical divisor cf = #(KD fl KD). It is convenient to introduce
which is an integer, and to use X(®D) in place of e{D). There are inequalities which constrain these invariants to the region bounded by cf = 9X(OD), c\ = 0, and c\ = 2X(OD) - 6, as illustrated in Figure 5. Surfaces are generally less numerous above the central line c\ — 8X{OD) in the Figure than below it.77 For each point on the graph, there are at most a finite number of families, but it is not known how many, nor what are their dimensions, etc. See Persson78 for a survey of what is known. It has often been speculated that the number of families of Calabi-Yau threefolds might be finite. Certainly, the vast array of possibilities of D, together with the phenomenon of algebraic K3 surfaces for every g > 2 casts some doubt on this. (However, as we shall see, the K3 surfaces are in fact unified into a single
c\ = 9X(OD)
= 8X(OD)
= 2X(OD) - 6
Figure 5: Constraints on invariants of surfaces of general type
family of hyper-Kahler manifolds.) Of course, many Calabi-Yau threefolds have a wide variety of divisors D on them, so there will be much duplication. At the moment, it's hard to tell whether the expectation that the number of families is finite is reasonable or not. Lecture IV: K3 Duality 16
Flat metrics on a two-torus
In the previous lecture, we did not discuss the case of a torus Td in any detail. As we had earlier seen (lecture I), the set of flat metrics on Td admits a simple description: Met(T d ) = SL(d, Z)\R X x SL(d, R)/ SO(d)
so the techniques of algebraic geometry were not needed. However, it is useful to see how algebraic geometry can be used to analyze this in the case d = 2.
The conformal class of a metric on T2 is equivalent to the choice of complex structure. Traditionally, one describes the complex structure by representing T2 as C / ( l , r ) , i.e., C/Z © Zr, where the choice of r G f) (the upper half plane) specifies the periodicity. The one-cycles 71 and 72 which are represented by curves in C joining the origin to 1 and to r, respectively,
give a basis of the first homology. The torus has a holomorphic one-form, represented by dz in these coordinates, and the integrals over the generating cycles 71, 72 give f dz = 1, J dz = r. When we change basis of # i ( T 2 , Z ) using SL(2,Z), we get the standard SL(2,Z) action on the upper half plane. (Note that dz is only unique up to a constant multiple:
J A-dz = A ,
J A-dz = Ar
so the truly invariant quantity is the ratio f dz/ f dz = r.) Since f) = SL(2,R)/SO(2), we recover the description of the moduli space SL(2,Z)\h. To relate this to algebraic geometry, we need to study meromorphic functions on C / ( l , r ) . The basic such function was studied by Weierstrass in the 19th century, called the Weierstrass p-function: P(z)
2-J (m,n)#(0,0)
( j z + m + nr) 2 " (m + nr)2J VV
This is doubly-periodic, with periods 1, r, and has a double pole at every lattice point, so descends to a meromorphic function on C / ( l , r ) with a double pole at the origin.
Weierstrass found a remarkable relation which this function satisfies: (p'(z))2 = 4(p(z)) 3 - 60G4p(£) - 140G6,
where G
( m + n r ) 4>
E (m,n)?4(0,0)
(Vm + n r ) 67 -
If we define y = p'(z), a; = p(z) and regard [l,£,y] as in P 2 , we find a cubic curve 2 y
= 4x3 - 60G4x - 140G6
which is identical with C / ( l , r ) . In homogeneous coordinates, this becomes y2w = 4x3 - 60GAxw2 - 140G6iu3
and the point [0,0,1] was added representing the double pole of p(z). This process can be reversed: given a cubic curve E y2 — 4a;3 - ax - b
there is a non-vanishing holomorphic one-form given by the residue of 2
(i.e., by the adjunction formula, KE = (-ftp* + 3H)\E = —3H + 3H\E = 0). The integration cycles are related to the branch cuts for the function y = s/Ax3 — ax — b
and we find periods given by elliptic integrals / * = / - = £ _ A, V A, V4x 3 -ax -b
so that we recover
dx 3
dx y/4x — ax — b 3
Jl2 v 4x — ax — b I J71 This is well-defined only up to SL(2, Z). 17
Kodaira's classification, and F-theory/heterotic duality
We can now explain how Kodaira52 found the classification of singular fibers in one-parameter elliptic fibrations, mentioned in lecture II. If we consider families
y2 = x3 + f(t)x + g(t)
where now /(£) and g(t) are polynomials, we can try to classify all possible behaviors near t = 0 and the corresponding monodromy on the periods. Singularities occur when the cubic polynomial has multiple roots, and that is measured by the discriminant: A(t) = Af(tf
+ 21g{tf.
Kodaira's analysis classifies possible monodromies in terms of the divisibility properties ta \ f(t), tb \ g(t), tc \ A(t). It is a local analysis in t. For example, if t does not divide both f(t) and g(t), and tN | A(t), then we are in Kodaira's case 1^ (notation as in
Table 7). The monodromy can be calculated by analyzing how the elliptic integrals in Eq. (77) depend on parameters. The order of zero of A(t) measures the deficit angle in the corresponding stringy cosmic string metric, with an angle of 7rm/6 when tm | A(t), tm+1 jfA(t). Thus, to find a global solution to the stringy cosmic string metric, with total deficit angle 47r, we need a total of 24 zeros of A(t). This comes about precisely when degf(t) = 8, degg(t) = 12. Let us rewrite Eq. (79) in homogeneous form, as a surface S in a P 2 bundle over P 1 , with coordinates [w,x,y] on P 2 and [s,t] on P 1 . It takes the form y2w = x 3 + / 8 (s, t)xw2 + g12(s, t)w3.
Adapting the adjunction formula to this situation shows that Ks = 0, i.e., a stringy cosmic string solution which can be used to build an F-theory model corresponds to a K3 surface when the r-function is realized by elliptic curves. Thus, we expect that when F-theory models in eight dimensions are compactified on a circle, the result is M-theory on a K3 surface. (We have already encountered this possibility in our remarks about T-dualizing type I on T 3 .) This leads to the first of the K3 duality statements: F-theory from K3 is dual to the heterotic string on T2. Going up one dimension, we can ask if there is a K3 interpretation for the nine-dimensional heterotic string models. Such an interpretation has been proposed50 as a limit in which the S2 stretches to a long cylinder. A more precise realization of this picture has recently been worked out by Cachazo and Vafa44—it involves real K3 surfaces, i.e., restricting the coefficients in Eq. (79) to real numbers and searching for real solutions. 18
M-theory /heterotic duality
To find K3 duality statements in lower dimension, we need to study the Ricci-flat metrics on K3, or more generally on hyper-Kahler
manifolds.71 Let Xu be a hyper-Kahler manifold. A somewhat abstract description of the Ricci-flat metrics on X goes like this: 79 H2(X, R) has a natural inner product
H2(X,R) xH2(X,R) (a, 0)
^R K>
(which only changes by a scale factor if the Kahler form u is changed). The signature of this inner product is (3, A;), where b2(X) = 3 4- k depends on X. (For a K3 surface, k = 19.) Each Ricci-flat metric on X determines a positive three-plane in H2(X,R), the "self-dual" harmonic two-forms (with respect to the inner product above). The space of all positive three-planes is r\0(3,Jfe)/0(3)xO(Jfe),
where we have taken the quotient by T which comes from the diffeomorphism group of X. So there is a map {Ricci-flat metrics} -> (T\ 0(3, k)/ 0(3) x 0(h)) x E +
(with the last R+ representing the volume). However, it is very difficult to directly determine whether this map is one-to-one or onto. It is possible to show that locally, the map is one-to-one and onto, i.e., small variations of the Ricci-flat metric are accurately reflected by small variations of the positive three-plane and the volume. To give a more concrete interpretation of this space, and relate it to Yau's theorem and algebraic geometry, we must choose a complex structure compatible with the Ricci-flat metric. Rather than study the totality of all such complex structures, we will select an element A £ H2(X, Z) for which fx A A A A co2d~2 > 0, and choose the complex structure so that A becomes type (1,1). To do that, if
II denotes our three-plane, then A 1 n II is a two-plane; we let a>i, LL>2 be a basis of that two-plane and use the complex structure for which UJI + iuj2 is holomorphic (and o>3 £ u>^ D 0*2" n II is a Kahler form). The advantage of this choice is that A will now be an algebraic class, since it is integral and type (1,1), and for general moduli some multiple mX will be a very ample class. Thus, we can study hyper-Kahler manifolds which are embedded in P™, with some specific type of embedding, and capture all the information we need about metrics on the space in that context. j With respect to our chosen complex structure (which we could describe algebraically, as in the case of all the algebraic K3 surfaces in lecture III), the set of all Kahler classes will correspond to the set of Ricci-flat metrics, by Calabi's and Yau's theorems. However, unlike the Calabi-Yau case we cannot give a purely algebraic description of the Kahler classes. The defining conditions we need, for possible Kahler classes K (with respect to our complex structure) are: 1. K • u)i = 0 2. K • u>2 = 0 3. K • K > 0
4. f Kea > 0 for every a representing the cohomology class of a complex submanifold of X of complex codimension L Conditions 1 and 2 restrict K to a space of dimension b2 — 2 = k + 1; conditions 3 and 4 select an open subset and do not affect the dimension. j
Note that we are getting complete information only about the open subset in the moduli space where m\ is very ample; if we vary A and/or m, we can change this open set. The full moduli space will be the union of open sets of this kind.
Moreover, it is known that the set of algebraic deformations of X has complex dimension k (and the set of all complex deformations has complex dimension k + 1). As a check, then, counting real parameters for our metric we find 2k from the algebraic deformations of complex structure and k + 1 from the compatible Kahler metrics, for a total of 3A; + 1 = dimR (K+ x 0(3, fc)/(0(3) x 0(A;))) .
Focusing on algebraic deformations allows us to apply some of the machinery from algebraic geometry to study the variations of complex structure. In the case of K3 surfaces, there is a "Torelli theorem" for this moduli space k which tells us the precise answer: the set of metrics is given by 0(3,19; Z ) \ (0(3,19)/ 0(3) x 0(19) - Z) x R+,
where Z={U such that II • e = 0 for some e e H2(X, Z) with e • e = - 2 } . (87) (Such planes II G Z cannot correspond to metric, since ±e represents the class of a rational curve on X, which would have vanishing area in such a "metric") As we saw when discussing the T-duals of type I on T 3 , we are expecting a duality between M-theory on K3 and the heterotic string on T 3 . For M-theory compactification, the scalars in the effective theory will be given by the set of Ricci-flat metrics on K3 as well as by harmonic three-forms. But K3 manifolds have no harmonic three-forms, so the entire M=theory moduli space is 0(3,19; Z ) \ (0(3,19)/ 0(3) x 0(19) - Z) x R+. k
The Torelli theorem for K3 surfaces has a long history. An account of the original theorem can be found in the "Seminaire Palaiseau." 8 The version stated here was proved directly by Anderson, 80 and can also be extended to the singular set Z. 8 1 , 8 2
This agrees with the heterotic string on T 3 , except for the phenomenon of the subset Z. What is the interpretation of Zl As described above, the problem we encounter along Z is that a holomorphic S2 is shrinking to zero area. However, M-theory contains more than supergravity, and in particular we can wrap the M-theory membrane around this S2. The mass of the corresponding state is proportional to the area, so along Z we will find new massless states, corresponding to the e's with e • II = 0. On the heterotic side, Z is the locus along which the gauge symmetry becomes non-abelian. Now we are finding the source of non-abelian gauge symmetry in M-theory: massless multiplets from shrinking S2,s, which are vectors (new gauge fields) in the spectrum of the effective theory. The geometry of configurations of e's is quite pretty. We need to study collections of holomorphic S2,s (i.e., P^s) embedded in X whose intersection matrix (ej • ej) is negative definite. The restriction to negative definite matrices arises because these e's lie in n-1, which is a negative definite space of dimension 19. The entries in the intersection matrix are ej • ej = — 2 (from the adjunction formula again, since g = 0), and e; • e3•, — 0 or 1 when i ^ j . (ej • e3> 2 => (ei + ej)2 > 0, a contradiction.) This is precisely the same combinatorial problem as the one which classified simply-laced Dynkin diagrams, and the answer is the same, illustrated in Figure 6. In the Figure, we have drawn the holomorphic curves—each of self-intersection —2—and indicated which ones meet. In M-theory, we will associate gauge algebras su(n), so(2n), t^, e7, e8 to these cases. In fact, the set of classes e — J2 rriiei for which e • e = — 2 precisely correspond to the roots in the Lie algebra, and we will get a gauge boson from the M-theory membrane wrapped around each such class. The picture in algebraic geometry of these singular spaces is
/V"'\ Figure 6: Dynkin diagrams for ADE groups
fairly benign; the coefficients of the equations have been tuned to special values at which such singularities appear. The singularities can be removed either by varying the complex structure, or by "blowing up" the algebraic variety which effectively increases the area assigned to ej. One description of these singularities is that they are precisely the orbifolds C 2 / r where V C SU(2) is a finite subgroup acting without fixed points away from the origin. The dictionary was already given in Table 8. Note that one lesson from this analysis is that M-theory on an orbifold is only well-behaved when the non-abelian gauge theory coming from the new massless vectors is included. 19
Type IIA/heterotic duality
When we extend this analysis to type IIA on K3, we find that the orbifold points will be accompanied by a choice of jB-field value. When the B-field is zero, the perturbative string is singular, and the new massless states from wrapped D2-branes must be included.
However, the theory is perturbatively non-singular with 5-fields turned on; in particular, Aspinwall83 checked that the B-field is non-zero at the orbifold conformal field theories, so string theory is indeed nonsingular (even at the perturbative level) at such points. The summary of our K3 dualities is: het on T 2 <-)• F-theory from K3 het on T 3 «-> M-theory on K3 and, as we have just briefly indicated, this extends to het on T 4 <-> IIA on K3 in a similar manner. The final duality is bolstered by a construction of a soliton of the type IIA string theory compactified on K3, 84 which in the appropriate limit exhibits the characteristics of a heterotic string. Acknowledgments I would like to thank the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, and the Institute for Theoretical Physics, Santa Barbara, for hospitality during various stages of writing these notes. This work was partially supported by National Science Foundation grants DMS9401447, DMS-0074072, and PHY-07949, and by the Institute for Advanced Study. References 1. M. B. Green, J. H. Schwarz, and E. Witten, Superstring theory, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1987, 2 vols. 2. J. Polchinski, String theory, Cambridge University Press, 1998, 2 vols. 3. A. Sen, Unification of string dualities, Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 58 (1997) 5-19, hep-th/9609176. 4. S. Mukhi, Orientifolds: The unique personality of each spacetime dimension, Frontiers of Field Theory, Quantum Grav-
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Paul S. Aspinwall
Compactification, Geometry and Duality: N = 2. Paul S. Aspinwall Center for Geometry and Theoretical Physics, Box 90318, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708-0318
June 15, 2001 Abstract We review the geometry of the moduli space of N — 2 theories in four dimensions from the point of view of superstring compactification. The cases of a type IIA or type IIB string compactified on a Calabi-Yau threefold and the heterotic string compactified on K 3 x T 2 are each considered in detail. We pay specific attention to the differences between N = 2 theories and N > 2 theories. The moduli spaces of vector multiplets and the moduli spaces of hypermultiplets are reviewed. In the case of hypermultiplets this review is limited by the poor state of our current understanding. Some peculiarities such as "mixed instantons" and the non-existence of a universal hypermultiplet are discussed.
Contents 1
General Structure 2.1 Holonomy 2.2 U-Duality 2.3 Eight supercharges 2.4 Type II compactification 2.5 Heterotic compactification 2.5.1 EH and its bundle 2.5.2 SH and its bundle 2.6 Who gets corrected?
726 726 731 732 733 737 741 743 744
The Moduli Space of Vector Multiplets
3.1 3.2
The special Kahler geometry of - # y J(y in the type IIA string 3.2.1 Before corrections and five dimensions 3.2.2 Mirror Pairs 3.2.3 The mirror map Mv in the heterotic string 3.3.1 Supersymmetric abelian gauge theories 3.3.2 Heterotic/Type IIA duality 3.3.3 Enhanced gauge symmetry 3.3.4 An examle 3.3.5 Quantum corrections to N = 2 gauge theories 3.3.6 Breaking T-Duality
The Moduli Space of Hypermultiplets 4.1 Related Dimensions 4.1.1 iV = (l,0) in six dimensions 4.1.2 N = 4 in three dimensions 4.2 Extremal Transitions 4.2.1 Conifolds 4.2.2 Enhanced gauge symmetry 4.2.3 Massless Tensors 4.3 The classical limit 4.3.1 The Ea x Es heterotic string 4.3.2 The Spin (32)/Z 2 heterotic string 4.4 Into the interior 4.4.1 The hyperkahler limit 4.4.2 Mixed instantons 4.4.3 Hunting the universal hypermultiplet
747 750 750 752 754 756 757 759 762 764 767 770 774 774 774 777 779 779 781 783 784 785 789 790 790 791 792
One of the most basic properties one may study about a class of string compactifications is its moduli space of vacua. If the class is suitably chosen one may find this a challenging subject which probes deeply into our understanding of string theory. In four dimensions it is the TV = 2 cases which provide the "Goldilocks" theories to study. As we will see, TV = 4 supersymmetry is too constraining and determines the moduli space exactly, leaving no room for interesting corrections from quantum effects. TV = 1 supersymmetry is highly unconstrained leaving the possibility that our supposed moduli acquire mass ruining the moduli space completely. TV = 2 however is just right — quantum effects are not potent enough to kill the moduli but they can affect the structure of the moduli space. (It is therefore a pity that the real world does not have TV = 2 supersymmetry — such a theory is necessarily non-chiral.) The subject of TV = 2 compactifications is enormous and we will present here only a rather biased set of highlights. These lectures will be sometimes closely-related to a set of lectures I gave at TASI 3 years ago [1]. Having said that, the focus of these lectures differs from the former and the set of topics covered is not identical. I will however often refer to [1] for details of certain subjects. Related to the problem of finding the moduli space of a class of theories is the following problem in string duality. Consider these four possibilities for obtaining an TV = 2 theory in four dimensions: 1. A type IIA string compactified on a Calabi-Yau threefold X. 2. A type IIB string compactified on a Calabi-Yau threefold Y. 3. An Ea x Es heterotic string compactified on K3xT 2 . 4. A Spin(32)/Z 2 heterotic string compactified on K3xT 2 . Can we find cases where the resulting 4 dimensional physics is identical for two or more of these possibilities and, if so, how do we match the moduli of these theories to each other? This is a story that began with [2,3] some time ago but many details are poorly-understood to this day. One might suppose that knowing the moduli space of each theory listed above is a prerequisite for solving this problem but actually it is often useful, as we will see, to consider this duality problem at the same time as the moduli space problem. Note that there are other possibilities for producing TV = 2 theories in four dimensions such as the type I open string on K3xT 2 . We will stick with the four listed above in these lectures as they are quite sufficient for our purposes. As will be discussed shortly this problem breaks up into two pieces. One factor of the moduli space consists of the vector multiplet moduli space and the other factor consists of the hypermultiplet moduli space. By most criteria the moduli space of vector multiplets
726 is well-understood today. This complex Kahler space can be modeled exactly in terms of the deformation space of a Calabi-Yau threefold. We will therefore be able to review this subject fairly extensively. In contrast the hypermultiplet moduli space remains a subject of research very much "in progress". We will only be able to discuss in detail the classical boundaries of these moduli spaces. The interior of these spaces may offer considerable insight into string theory but we will only be able to cover some tantalizing hints of such possibilities. These lectures divide naturally into three sections. In section 2 we discuss generalities about moduli spaces of various numbers of supersymmetries in various numbers of dimensions. Although these lectures are intended to focus on the case of N = 2 in four dimensions, there are highly relevant observations that can be made by considering other possibilities. Of particular note in this section is the rigid structure which emerges with more supersymmetry than the case in question. The heart of these lectures then consists of a discussion of the vector multiplet moduli space in section 3 and then the hypermultiplet moduli space in section 4. It is perhaps worth mentioning again that these lectures do not do justice to this vast subject and should be viewed as a biased account. Topic such as open strings, D-branes and M-theory have been neglected only because of the author's groundless prejudices. The paragraphs starting with a "9s" are technical and can be skipped if the reader does not wish to be embroiled in subtleties.
2 2.1
General Structure Holonomy
We begin this section with a well-known derivation of key properties of moduli spaces based on /J-symmetries and holonomy arguments. We should warn the more mathematicallyinclined reader that we shall not endeavour to make completely watertight rigorous statements in the following. There may be a few pathological special cases which circumvent some of our (possibly implicit) assumptions. Suppose we are given a vector bundle, V, with a connection. We may define the "holonomy", Hol(V), of this bundle as the group generated by parallel transport around loops in the base with respect to this connection. (A choice of basepoint is unimportant.) We may also define the restricted holonomy group Hol°(V) to be generated by contractable loops. This notion can be very useful when applied to supersymmetric field theories as noted in [4], First let us consider the moduli space of a given class of theories. We will consider the moduli space as the base space of a bundle. Note that the moduli space of theories, Jt, is equipped with a natural metric — that of the sigma-model. The tangent directions in the moduli space are given by the massless scalar fields with completely flat potentials. These massless fields may thus be given vacuum expectation values leading to a deformation of the
theory. Let us denote these moduli fields <j>\ i = 1,... ,dim(„#). The low-energy effective action in the uncompactified space-time is then given by
fddx^GiJd«4>idfl> + ...
where Gy is our desired metric on J(. We therefore have a natural torsion-free connection on the tangent bundle of J( given by the Levi-Civita connection with respect to this metric. Now consider the supersymmetry generators given by spinors QA, A = 1,... , N, where as usual N denotes the number of supersymmetries (we suppress the spinor index). These objects are representations of Spin(l, d — 1) and are • Real if d = 1,2,3 mod 8 • Complex if d = 0,4 mod 8 • Quaternionic (or symplectic Majorana) if d = 5,6, 7 mod 8. The bundle of supersymmetry generators over M will also have a natural connection related to that on the tangent bundle. The key relation in supersymmetry is the equation ^{QlQi}
= SABP'1,
where 7 are the usual gamma matrices, P is translation and the bars in this equation are to be interpreted according to whether the spinors are real, complex or quaternionic.1 Because parallel transport must preserve 8^B in (2) we see immediately that under holonomy QA must transform as.a fundamental representation of • SO(JV) if d = 1,2,3 mod 8 • U(A0 if d = 0,4 mod 8 • Sp(JV) if d = 5,6,7 mod 8, if the loop around which we transport is contractable. These groups are the "iJ-symmetries" of the supersymmetric field theories and give Hol° of this bundle. We also note that in 4M + 2 dimensions, for integer M, the supersymmetries are chiral. This means that we consider left and right supersymmetries separately as we will illustrate in some examples below. The massless scalar fields live in supermultiplets. Within each supermultiplet the set of scalar fields will form a particular (possibly trivial) representation of the fi-symmetry. We refer to [5] for a detailed account of this. Occasionally the supermultiplet contains only one scalar component and this then transforms trivially under R. So long as this is not the case the holonomy of our tangent bundle is related to the fl-symmetry. 1
We ignore central charges which are irrelevant for this argument.
728 We may be more precise than this. As we go around a loop in ^ the scalars within every given supermultiplet will be mixed simultaneously by the .R-symmetry. The supermultiplets themselves may also be mixed as a whole into each other by holonomy. This implies that, so long as the scalars transform nontrivially under R, the holonomy of the tangent bundle is factorized with the R-symmetry forming one factor. It is important to note however that we may not mix a scalar from one supermultiplet freely with any scalar from another supermultiplet in a way that violates this factorization. This is incompatible with the detailed supersymmetry transformation laws (as the reader might verify if they are unconvinced). Note in particular t h a t the scalars within two different types of supermultiplets can never mix under holonomy. This is a useful observation given the following due to De Rham (see, for example, [6]) T h e o r e m 1 If a Riemannian manifold is complete, simply connected and if the holonomy of its tangent bundle with respect to the Levi-Civita connection is reducible, then this manifold is a product metrically. Thus if J( is simply-connected we see that M factorizes exactly into parts labelled by the type of supermultiplet containing the massless scalars. If J( is not simply-connected we may pass to the universal cover and use this theorem again. The general statement is therefore that the moduli space factorizes up to the quotient of a discrete group acting on the product. t"3 Actually we should treat the word "complete" in the above theorem with a little more care. There are nasty points at finite distance in the moduli space where the manifold structure breaks down. These points also lead to a breakdown in the factorization of the moduli space. These extremal transitions will be studied more in section 4.2. We should only say that the moduli space factorizes locally away from such points. We may now analyze the structure of each factor of J4( from the Berger-Simons theorem (for an account of this we refer again to [6]) which states that the manifold must appear as a row in the following list: 2
dim(^) Hol° SO(n) n U(n) In SU(n) 2n 4n Sp(l).Sp(n) Sp(n) An Spin(7) 8 G2 7 or be a "symmetric space" (which we will define shortly). Note that the following names are given to some of these holonomies: 2
The notation Sp(l). Sp(n) means Sp(l) x Sp(n) divided by the diagonal central Z 2 .
Manifold SL(n,R)/SO(n) SU*(2n)/Sp(n) SU(p,«)/S(U(p)xU(j)) SO 0 (p,g)/(SO(p)xSO( g )) S0*(2n)/U(n) Sp(ra,R)/U(n) Sp(p,?)/(Sp(p)xSp(«)) £ 6( 6)/Sp(4) £ 6(2) /(SU(6) x SU(2)) S 6( _ 14 )/(SO(10) x U(l)) •£'6(-26)/-F4
£ 7 ( 7 ) /SU(8) B 7( _ 5) /(SO(12) x SU(2)) E7{-25)/(E6 x U(l)) £ 8(8) /SO(16) EH-2i)/(E7 x SU(2)) F4(4)/(Sp(3) x SU(2)) F 4( _ 20) /SO(9) G 2(2) /(SU(2) x SU(2))
Real Dimension l ( n - l ) ( n + 2) ( n - l ) ( 2 n + l) 2pq pq n(n — 1) n(n+ 1) 4pq 42 40 32 26 70 64 54 128 112 28 16 8
Table 1: Symmetric Spaces • K&hlerii
Hoi C U(n),
• Ricci-flat Kahler if Hoi C SU(n), • Quaternionic
Kahler if Hoi C Sp(l). Sp(n),
• Hyperkahler if Hoi C Sp(n). A symmetric space is a Riemannian manifold which admits a "parity" Z 2 -symmetry about every point. This parity symmetry acts as —1 in every direction on the tangent space. All symmetric spaces are of the form G/H for groups G and H, where the holonomy is given by H. They have been classified by E. Cartan and we list all the noncompact forms in table l. 3 The noncompact forms are the ones relevant to moduli spaces. 3 We have been sloppy about the precise global form of the group H. As listed one often needs to quotient by a finite group to get the correct answer. For example in entry "E V", SU(8) is not a subgroup of £7(7)
730 A key point to note here is that the symmetric spaces are rigid — they have no deformations of the metric which would preserve the holonomy. The same is not true for the non-symmetric spaces listed in (3). Thus if the holonomy is of a type which forces a symmetric space as the only possibility we will refer to this as a rigid case. Let us consider a few examples. • N = (1,1) in 6 dimensions (i.e., one left-moving supersymmetry and one right-moving supersymmetry). This implies that the .R-symmetry is Sp(l) x Sp(l) = SO(4) (up to irrelevant discrete groups). Analysis of the supermultiplets shows that matter supermultiplets have 4 scalars transforming as a 4 of SO (4). If we only had one such supermultiplet we could say nothing about the moduli space as a generic Riemannian manifold of 4 dimensions has holonomy SO(4). If we have a generic number, n, of supermultiplets and assuming the moduli space doesn't factorize unnaturally then a quick look at the list above shows that the only possibility is the symmetric space. SO 0 (4,n)/(SO(4) x SO(n)). Thus this case is rigid. The gravity supermultiplet has a single scalar giving an additional factor of R to the moduli space. • N = (2,0) in 6 dimensions. This implies that the .R-symmetry is Sp(2) = SO(5) (up to irrelevant discrete groups). Analysis of the supermultiplets shows that matter supermultiplets have 5 scalars transforming as a 5 of SO(5). If we have a generic number, n, of supermultiplets and assuming the moduli space doesn't factorize unnaturally then the list above shows that the only possibility is the symmetric space SO 0 (5,n)/(SO(5) x SO(n)). Thus this case is rigid. There are no further moduli. • N = 4 in 4 dimensions. This implies that the .R-symmetry is U(4) = SO(6) x U(l) (up to irrelevant discrete groups). Analysis of the supermultiplets shows that matter supermultiplets have 6 scalars transforming as a 6 of SO(6). If we have a generic number, n, of supermultiplets and assuming the moduli space doesn't factorize unnaturally then the only possibility for this factor is the symmetric space SO 0 (6,n)/(SO(6) x SO(n)). Thus this case is rigid. The gravity multiplet contains a complex scalar transforming under the U(l) factor of the holonomy. By holonomy arguments this contributes a complex Kahler factor to the moduli space. Closer analysis of this supergravity shows that this factor is actually SL(2, R)/ U{1). This last example demonstrates an important point. Analysis of the it-symmetry may be sufficient to imply that we have a rigid moduli space but sometimes the moduli space is rigid even when the holonomy may imply otherwise. A more detailed analysis of the supergravity action is required in some cases to show that we indeed have a symmetric space. The rule of thumb is as follows: If we have maximal (32 supercharges, e.g. N = 8 in four dimensions) — the correct form of H should be SU(8)/Z2. The notation SOo(p, q) refers to the part of the Lie group connected to the identity.
731 or half-maximal (16 supercharges, e.g. N = 4 in four dimensions) supersymmetry then, and usually only then, is the moduli space rigid. Note that there are a few strange examples such as [3] where the moduli space is rigid even when there are fewer than 16 supercharges.
In this section we will focus on global properties of the rigid moduli spaces. The analysis of the moduli spaces so far is not quite complete. The problem is that the moduli space need not be a manifold. There may be singular points corresponding to the theories with special properties. In the rigid case however the fact that the moduli space is symmetric wherever it is not singular is a very powerful constraint. Let us suppose first that we have an orbifold point. That is a region in the moduli space which looks locally like a manifold divided by a discrete group fixing some point x. Away from the fixed point set the moduli space is symmetric and thus "homogeneous". That is, there exist a transitive set of translation symmetries. Assuming geodesic completeness of the moduli space, these translations may be used to extend the local orbifold property to a global one. That is, the moduli space is globally of the form of a manifold divided by a discrete group [7]. This homogeneous structure of the moduli space may also be used to rule out other possibilities of singularities which occur at finite distance. Consider beginning at a smooth point in moduli space and approaching a singularity. The homogeneous structure implies that nothing about the local structure of the moduli space may change as you approach the singularity — everything happens suddenly as you hit the singularity. This rules out every other type of "reasonable" singularity that one may try to put in the moduli space. To be completely rigorous would require us to make precise technical definitions about the allowed geometry of the moduli space. Instead we shall just assert here that any type of singularity at finite distance that one might think of (such as a conifold) would ruin the homogeneous nature of the moduli space and so is not allowed in the rigid case. We therefore arrive at the conclusion that the only allowed global form of a rigid moduli space is of a symmetric space divided by a discrete group. This implies that any analysis of the moduli space of string theories in the case of maximal or half-maximal supersymmetry comes down to question of this discrete group. This group is precisely the group known as S-duality, T-duality or U-duality depending on the context. Many examples of such dualities were discussed in [1] and we refer the reader there for details as well as references. For example the general rule is that a space locally of the form SO0(p,g)/(SO(p) x SO(g)) becomes 0(TM)\0(p,«)/(0(p)xO(,)),
where Y M is some lattice (often even and unimodular) of signature (p, q) and 0(T,,i9) is its discrete group of isometries.
732 Indeed the only interesting question one may ask about the moduli space in the rigid case is what exactly this discrete group is! Any quantum corrections to the local structure are not allowed due to rigidity. It is not therefore surprising that S, T and U-duality are so ubiquitous when studying theories with a good deal of supersymmetry. As we will we see however, the picture becomes quite different when the supersymmetry is less that half-maximal. One final word of warning here. We have not been clear about what we mean by a "class" of string theories. If we determine the moduli space of some kind of string compactified on some kind of space, up to topology, then our moduli space may have numerous disconnected components. In this case the above results apply to each component separately. This reducibility often happens when we have half-maximal supersymmetry.
Eight supercharges
Now we turn our attention to theories with quarter-maximal supersymmetry, or a total of 8 supercharges. Here we will also specify how one might obtain such a theory from string theory. If we compactify a ten-dimensional supersymmetric theory on R1'11-1 x M, where M is some compact manifold, then holonomy arguments may be again used to determine the number of unbroken supersymmetries in R1'1*-1. This time it is the holonomy of the compact space M rather than the moduli space which we analyze. The basic idea is roughly that a symmetry in ten dimensions will be broken by the holonomy of (a suitable bundle on) M to the centralizer of this holonomy group. That is, a symmetry in uncompactified space is broken if it can be transformed by parallel transport around a loop in the internal compactified dimensions.4 We begin with N = (1,0) in six dimensions. We may obtain this by compactifying a heterotic string theory on a four-dimensional manifold with holonomy SU(2). The only such manifold is a K3 surface. We refer to [1] for an explanation of these points. The i?-symmetry in this case is Sp(l). An analysis of supermultiplets show that scalars may occur in either of two types: 1. The Hypermultiplet contains 4 scalars which we may view as a quaternion. The holonomy Sp(l) may then be viewed as multiplication on the left by another quaternion of unit norm. 2. The Tensor multiplet contains a single scalar. Thus holonomy tells us nothing interesting. Note that the vector supermultiplet contains no scalars. The moduli space of such theories will locally factorize into a moduli space of hypermultiplets, which will be quaternionic Kdhler and a moduli space of tensor multiplets. 4 While this seems a very reasonable statement it is probably not rigorous. Breaking the gauge group of the heterotic string in this way does not always lead to the correct global form.
733 Now let us consider TV = 2 theories in four dimensions. We may obtain this by compactifying a heterotic string on a six-dimensional manifold with holonomy SU(2). The only such manifold is a product of a K3 surface and a 2-torus (or a finite quotient thereof). Alternatively we may compactify a type IIA or IIB superstring (which has twice as much supersymmetry than the heterotic string) on a manifold of holonomy SU(3). As usual, we will refer to such a Ricci-flat Kahler manifold as a "Calabi-Yau threefold". Again we refer to [1] for extensive details and references on these points. The i?-symmetry in this case is U(2) = Sp(l) x U(l). An analysis of supermultiplets show that scalars may occur in either of two types: 1. The Hypermultiplet contains 4 scalars which we may view as a quaternion. The holonomy Sp(l) may then be viewed as multiplication on the left by another quaternion of unit norm. 2. The Vector multiplet contains 2 scalars transforming as a complex scalar under the U(l) factor of the holonomy. Because of this the moduli space of such theories locally factorizes into a moduli space of hypermultiplets, which is quaternionic Kahler and we denote ^CH, and a moduli space of vector multiplets which is Kahler and we denote ^rffy. Although we will see below that ^ V is not any old complex Kahler manifold and J^H is not any old quaternionic Kahler manifold, it is true that they are not completely determined by supersymmetry and consequently have deformations. Thus in contrast to the rigid cases with a lot of supersymmetry, N = 2 theories in 4 dimensions (and N = (1,0) theories in six dimensions, etc.) can have interesting quantum corrections which warp the moduli space away from that which would be expected classically. Further analysis of JZE by Bagger and Witten [4] yielded a property which is worth noting. They showed that the scalar curvature of ^(H is negative and proportional to the gravitational coupling constant. Thus ^H is not hyperkahler unless the gravitational coupling is taken to zero. What is particularly nice about N = 2 theories is that their moduli cannot gain mass through quantum effects. This is to be contrasted with the N = 1 case in four dimensions where the moduli can become massive. This is discussed in M. Dine's lectures in this volume.
Type II compactification
Let us now turn to the coarse structure of the moduli space of type IIA and type IIB compactifications on Calabi-Yau threefolds. Begin with a type IIA string compactified on a Calabi-Yau threefold X. To leading order we demand that the metric be Ricci-flat. Actually this statement is not exact and receives quantum corrections. At higher loop in the non-linear cr-model we discuss below, the metric
734 is warped away from the Ricci-flat solution [8] and when one takes nonperturbative effects into account it is unlikely that one can faithfully represent X in terms of a Riemannian metric at all. We will see this breakdown of Riemannian geometry later in section 3.3.6. What is true however is that if the Calabi-Yau is large then the Ricci-flat metric is a good approximation. Thus we may at least get the dimension of the moduli space correct using this metric. Thanks to Yau's proof of the Calabi conjecture [9] we do not have to undertake the unpleasant (and as yet unsolved) problem of explicitly constructing the Ricci-flat metric. We may instead assert its unique existence given a complex structure on X together with the cohomology class of its Kahler form, [J] e H2(X, R). Deformation of the complex structure of X yields h2tl(X) complex moduli whereas the Kahler form degree of freedom yields hl,l(X) real degrees of freedom. (We refer to section 2 of [10] for a discussion of the classical geometry we use here.) The deformation of the Ricci-flat metric on X thus produces hl'l{X) + 2h2,1(X) real moduli. There is also the ten-dimensional dilaton, $, which controls the string coupling constant. This contributes one real modulus. All the remaining moduli arise from objects which naively appear as p-forms in the tendimensional type II theory. The basic idea is that both type II strings (and indeed all closed string theories) have a "B-field" 2-form arising in the NS-NS spectrum while the type IIA string also contains a 1-form and a 3-form from the R-R sector and the type IIB string contains a 0-form, a 2-form and a self-dual 4-form from the R-R sector. We refer to [11] for this basic property of string theory. This description of these ten-dimensional fields in terms of de Rham cohomology is rather vague and unfortunately does not really tell us the full truth about these objects and the resulting degrees of freedom they yield as moduli. The aspects which are poorly described concern both what happens when X is singular and the discrete degrees of freedom (arising from torsion in the cohomology for example). We cannot pretend to understand the basic nature of string theory until we have a better description of the geometry of these fields. At present there are two leading contenders namely "gerbes" and "K-theory". Unfortunately at the time of writing, neither of these theories together with its application to string theory is completely understood although the subject is maturing rapidly. The idea of a gerbe is best understood by first considering the R-R 1-forms of the type IIA string. These 1-forms are believed to describe a U(l) gauge theory in the ten-dimensional spacetime given by the type IIA string theory. Thus this R-R 1-form is actually a connection on a U(l)-bundle and is the vector potential of some ten-dimensional "photon". Consider now what happens if we compactify this U(l) gauge theory on a manifold X. This requires a choice of U(l)-bundle V —> X satisfying the Yang-Mills equations of motion. Such a bundle may have a first Chern class Ci (V) corresponding to "magnetic monopoles" in X. If we demand that there are no such monopoles then our bundle must be flat. A flat bundle is over X is described purely by the monodromy of the bundle around the
735 various non-contractable loops in X. That is, by a homomorphism from nt(X) to U(l) — an element of Hom(7r1(X), U(l)). This is equal to Hom(.ff1(X),U(l)) as U(l) is an abelian group. Using the universal coefficients theorem this in turn is equal to H1(X, U(l)). We arrive at the conclusion that the moduli space of flat U(l) bundles over X is given by Hl(X, U(l)). This then would be the contribution to the moduli space of the R-R 1-form of the type IIA string. The idea of gerbes is to extend the notion of a U(l)-bundle with a connection to an object whose connection is a form of degree greater than one. Thus the B-field of string theory is treated as some connection on a gerbe where the string itself carries unit electric charge with respect to this generalized gauge theory. The theory of gerbes is described clearly in terms of Cech cohomology by Hitchin in [12]. (See also [13,14], for example, for further discussion.) The basic property which we require is Proposition 1 The moduli space of flat gerbes over X whose connection corresponds to a p-form is given by HP(X,U(1)). Thus assuming no solitons in the background corresponding to a gerbe curvature (such as an ".ff-monopole") this yields the desired moduli space. The exact sequence 0-> Z-> R-> U(l)-)• 0
yields the exact sequence H"{X,Z) -> H"{X,R) -> i7"(X,U(l)) -> Hp+\X,Z)
-> Hp+l(X,R).
Thus if the cohomology of X is torsion-free, we have
which is a torus whose dimension is given by the Betti number bv. Torsion in HP+1(X, Z) will extend this moduli space although it will not change the dimension. It is worth mentioning that discrete degrees of freedom associated to torsion are very poorly understood at present even though they will appear whenever a type IIA string is compactified on a non-simply-connected Calabi-Yau threefold. In the work of [3] (see also [15] for a fuller description of the degrees of freedom) these discrete choices were not treated as choices at all and were fixed by a process known as "black hole level matching". Clearly more work needs to be done to understand this better. Alternatively one associates the R-R p-forms to the associated electrically-charged Dbranes of dimension p — 1. The R-R field then measures the phase one associates to a D-brane instanton. This gives a nice physical picture of the meaning of the R-R moduli. It
736 is believed however following the work of Minasian and Moore [16] and Witten [17] that the charges of D-branes are classified by K-theory and not cohomology (see also the lectures by J. Schwarz [18]). One might therefore suppose that the R-R moduli spaces may be given by something more in the spirit of K-theory like, for example, Kl(X, U(l)) for the type IIA string and K°(X,\3(1)) for the type IIB string.5 The Chern character gives an isomorphism over the rational numbers between K° and jjeven a n ( j b e t w e e n Kl and H°dd. This means that as far as simple dimension counting is concerned the moduli space of R-R fields is the same whether we use the gerbe picture or whether we use the K-theory picture. These pictures may not be equivalent globally over the entire moduli space however. Again more work is needed here. Either way, for the type II string compactified on a Calabi-Yau threefold we have the dimension of the moduli space given by certain Betti numbers. The B-field gives us 62 {X) = hl,l(X) real degrees of freedom. These can be paired up with the Kahler form degrees of freedom to produce h}>l{X) complex degrees of freedom. This complexification of the Kahler form is seen clearly from mirror symmetry as we will see in section 3.2.3. The uncompactified components of the B-field give an antisymmetric tensor field in four dimensions. Such a field may be dualized in the usual way to produce a real scalar. This is usually called the "axion" and is paired up with the dilaton to form a complex degree of freedom. Analysis of the R-R fields is as follows. For the type IIA string on X we have bi{X)-\-b-j{X) real moduli. A manifold with precisely SU(3) holonomy has 61 (X) = 0. (One way of seeing this is that a nonzero number would imply a continuous isometry leading to a torus factor.) We also have h3,0 = 1 from the holomorphic 3-form which is nonzero and unique up to isometry. Thus in total we have 2 + 2/i2,1 degrees of freedom from the R-R sector. All told we have produced 2ft1,1 + 4(/i2,1 + 1) real moduli. Since we expect our moduli space to factorize (up to a discrete quotienting) as MH X •rftv, we need to label these moduli as to whether they form scalar fields in hypermultiplets or vector multiplets. A careful analysis of this was performed in [19] but we may obtain the same result by a simple crude argument as follows. Clearly the type of field determines which kind of supermultiplet it lives in. For example, all the R-R fields must be in hypermultiplets or they must all be in vector multiplets. We also do not expect the labelling to depend on the specific values of hl'l(X) and h2,l(X). These facts together with the fact that the dimension of JCH is a multiple of four immediately tells is that Proposition 2 For the type IIA string compactified on a Calabi-Yau threefold X we have • ^£v is spanned by the deformation of the complexified Kahler form and has complex dimension h}'l(X). 5 K-theory may be regarded as a generalized cohomology theory based on the Eilenberg-Steenrod axioms for cohomology. To define KT(X, U(l)) we may assert that Keven for a point is U(l) whereas A_odd for a point is 0 and all cohomology axioms are satisfied.
737 • ^(H is spanned by the deformations of complex structure of X, the dilaton-axion, and the R-R fields. It has quaternionic dimension h2,1(X) + 1. A similar analysis for the type IIB string differs only in the fact that the R-R fields consist of even forms rather than odd forms. This results in Proposition 3 For the type IIB string compactified on a Calabi-Yau threefold Y we have • ^v is spanned by the deformation of the complex structure of Y and has complex dimension h2,1(Y). • JZH is spanned by the deformations of the complexified Kdhler form, the dilaton-axion, and the R-R fields. It has quaternionic dimension hl'l{Y) + 1. We emphasize that these results are subject to quantum corrections. That is we may find the dimensions of these moduli spaces and the forms of these moduli spaces around some limit point using the above results, but the precise geometry of the moduli space may vary. We will discuss this in detail shortly.
Heterotic compactification
Now we deal with the heterotic string compactified on a product of a K3 surface, which we denote SH, and a 2-torus (or "elliptic curve"), which we denote EH- (We may also take a quotient of this product by a finite group preserving the SU(2) holonomy. This makes a little difference to the analysis below but we ignore this possibility for the sake of exposition.) Again, to leading order, one of the things we are required to specify is a Ricci-flat metric on SH x EH- In the case of EH this is easy as a Ricci-flat metric is a flat metric. We simply give one complex parameter specifying the complex structure of EH and a real number specifying the area of EHThe moduli space of Ricci-flat metrics on SH is well-understood but a full explanation is rather lengthy. It is described in detail in [1]. One of the most important points is that, unlike the threefold case, it does not factorize into a product of deformations of the complex structure and deformations of the Kahler form. This can be traced to the fact that a K3 surface has a hyperkahler structure which allows for a choice (parametrized by an S2) of complex structures for a fixed Ricci-flat metric. Indeed, this choice allows for a deformation of complex structure to be reinterpreted as a deformation of the Kahler form. The result which we quote here is as follows. Let r 3 i l 9 be an even self-dual lattice of signature (3,19) representing H2(SH, Z) together with its cup product. The moduli space of Ricci-flat metrics on a K3 surface is then R+ x 0(r 3 i l 9 )\0(3,19)/(0(3) x 0(19)). where the R+ factor represents the total volume of SH-
738 As in the type II strings, the heterotic string has a dilaton which is complexified by adding the axion originating in the uncompactified parts of the B-field. Next we come to one of the awkward and interesting parts of the heterotic string — the "vector bundle". Naively stated we take a smooth principal ^-bundle, V, on SH x EH. The group % should be (Es x E$) x Z 2 or Spin(32)/Z2 according to which heterotic string we use.6 This bundle is used to "compactify" the gauge degrees of freedom of the ten-dimensional heterotic string. The vector bundle V is equipped with a connection and this must satisfy certain conditions for the equations of motion of the string theory to be satisfied. Such a connection should be considered analogous to the Levi-Civita connection on the tangent bundle derived from the metric. Indeed, a simply ansatz frequently used is to embed the holonomy of the tangent bundle into % and obtain an effective choice for V. This process is often referred to as "embedding the spin connection in the gauge group" and was used in the earliest models of the heterotic string [20]. The equations of motion imply a certain topological constraint on V. This topological condition can also be interpreted as that required for the cancellation of gravitational and Yang-Mills anomalies. We explain this shortly. In abstract terms, the homotopy class of our 5f0-bundle determines a characteristic class in ^(SH X EH,TT3(%)) which may be thought of as the generalization of the second Chern class or the first Pontryagin class of V. This must be equal to the second Chern class of the tangent bundle of the base space S# x EH • To leading order, the condition that V must satisfy is simply that it obeys the Yang-Mills equations of motion. Fortunately the moduli space of solutions to these equations over a compact Kahler manifold is a well-studied problem in the mathematics literature. The trick is to complexify the problem giving a holomorphic bundle whose structure group lies in the complexification of Sfo- i n most of what follows we will assume this complexification process implicitly and still refer to V as a %-tmndle. The situation is easiest to explain in the case that V is a U(n)-vector bundle. In this case the complexification is a generic holomorphic vector bundle whose structure group is GL(n, C). The Hermitian-Yang-Mills equations of interest then impose that the connection satisfies FXj = Ftj = 0 and gijF'J = 0, where gtj is the Kahler metric on the base manifold. We may integrate the equation gtjFt} = 0 to obtain the necessary condition on the "degree" of V:
deg(V) = JCl(V)A(*J) = 0,
where J is the Kahler form. We also need to explain what is meant by a "stable" vector bundle. To a given bundle 'We explain this mouthful in the former case at the end of section 2.5.1.
739 E we associate its "slope"
m = **§r.
rank(ii) A bundle E is said to be stable if every coherent subsheaf7 & of lower rank satisfies fj,(&) < n(E). A "semistable" bundle is allowed to satisfy jJ,{&) < i*(E). We then have the following theorem due to Donaldson, Uhlenbeck and Yau [21,22]8 Theorem 2 A bundle is stable and satisfies (9) if and only if it admits an irreducible Hermitian-Yang-Mills connection. This connection is unique. This reduces the difficult problem of finding the moduli space of bundles in terms of solution sets of differential equations to a more algebraic problem of finding the moduli space of holomorphic vector bundles. This is exactly analogous to replacing the problem of finding the moduli space of Ricci-flat metrics for a Calabi-Yau manifold to that of finding the moduli space of complex structures. Note that the theorem above imposes that the connection be irreducible. In many cases this is a little strong a we need to consider semistable bundles. This is discussed in [23]. Continuing the analogy of solving the Yang-Mills equations for V to the finding of a Ricci-flat metric we might suppose that looking for higher-order corrections to the equations of motion may require corrections to be made to the connection. These corrections will affect our moduli space problem. In addition we should expect that worldsheet instantons might ruin the very interpretation of these degrees of freedom of the heterotic string as coming from a vector bundle. The act of replacing the differential geometry problem of finding vector bundles satisfying the Yang-Mills equations by the algebraic geometry question of looking at the moduli space of stable holomorphic bundles might actually be seen as moving a step closer to the truth in string theory. As we move around the moduli space we will often encounter degenerations of the bundle data which can be interpreted easily in the algebraic picture by using the language of "sheaves". See [24-26] for example for more on this. Anyway, to return to our problem, we require a (semi)stable holomorphic bundle over the product of a K3 surface and an elliptic curve. The first simplification is to assume that this bundle factorizes nicely. That is, we have two bundles V
We could almost say "subbundle" here. The original form of this theorem does not restrict attention to curvatures satisfying g^F'' = 0. Instead the case of constant 3>ji™ is considered. This is often called "Hermitian-Einstein" and is analogous to the case of an Einstein metric as opposed to a Ricci-flat metric. 8
740 Let the structure group of Vs be % and let the structure group of VE be ^E. This is then a special case of a Sfo-bundle over Su x EH if % D &s x SfB. Our problem nicely factorizes into finding the moduli space of Vs and the moduli space of VEFinally we come to the other interesting part of the heterotic string — the S-field. In the case of the heterotic string a deep understanding of this object is even more troublesome than the B-field of the type II string. This was analyzed recently by Witten [27,28]. Let us assume the heterotic string is compactified on a generic Calabi-Yau space Z. We can make a simple statement — the number of real degrees of freedom of the B-field is given by dim H2(Z) as it was for the type II strings. Beyond this simple dimension counting we have to work harder. The general idea is that anomaly cancellation in the heterotic string requires an equation in differential forms as follows. a' H = dB+—{ujY-(jT),
where H is the physically significant, and thus gauge-invariant, field strength associated to the heterotic string. The terms wy and LJL are Chern-Simons 3-forms associated to the connections of the Yang-Mills gauge bundle and the tangent bundle respectively. We refer to [29] for a general review of these facts. Note that the exterior derivative of this formula gives a' dH=—(trR/\R-tiF/\F),
where R and F are the curvatures of the tangent bundle and V respectively. Taking cohomology classes this gives the topological constraint on V discussed above.9 The fact that u>Y and uiL are not gauge invariant objects implies that B will have some nontrivial transformation properties. An effect of B, as in the type II string, is to weight instantons as will be explained briefly in section 3.2.3. Namely, if a 2-sphere S in the target space represents a worldsheet instanton then the action is weighted by a factor given by c = exp (27ri / Bj .
In the simpler case of the type IIA string this phase is determined by the homology class of S. That is, B 6 Kom(H2{Z), U(l)) = H2(Z, U(l)). Witten noted the following awkward property of this phase when dealing with the heterotic string. Suppose we have a family of rational curves in the target space. For simplicity we assume the space contains P 1 x C for some complex curve C. Fix a particular P 1 in this family. Let c0 be the phase associated to this curve given by (14). Now move this curve in a contractable loop 7 within C. Let 'This argument using De Rham cohomology misses the torsion part.
741 W C C be a disc in C with boundary 7. When we return back to our original P 1 one finds the phase induced by the B-field equal to Ci = exp I — 2ni /
dH J c0,
where dH is given by (13). Thus unless dH = 0 the contribution of the B-field to the phase factor in the instanton is not single-valued. Physically the theory is OK because there is another contribution to the phase of the instanton action given by a Pfaffian associated to the worldsheet fermions in the heterotic string. This exactly cancels the above holonomy [28]. Instead of taking a single Calabi-Yau target space with a family of 2-spheres we may take a family of Calabi-Yau target spaces containing a given 2-sphere. The above analysis holds with little modification and shows that going around a contractable loop in the moduli space of Calabi-Yau spaces can introduce an ambiguity in the associated B-field phase. In other words the B-field does not live in the flat bundle H2{Z, U(l)) over the moduli space! All we can say in general is that the B-field lives in a bundle over the moduli space whose generic fibre is a torus of dimension AimH2{Z). One way of avoiding this nastiness is by "embedding the spin connection in the gauge group". In this very special case, the above holonomies disappear. One may also get the holonomies to vanish by taking the sizes to infinity by taking 0/ —> 0. In both of these cases B really does live in H2(Z, U(l)). 2.5.1
EH and its bundle
Let us deal first with the bundle Vg over the fixed torus EH- This case is rather easy to analyze as the only bundles over EH which solve the equations of motion are ones which are flat. Because the tangent bundle and gauge bundle are flat we have dH = 0 and avoid any curvature of the bundle in which the .B-field lives. Thus B e B 2 (B#,U(1)). We are required to find the moduli space of flat SfB-bundles over EH. Let us assume that &E is simply-connected. This problem was extensively analyzed in [23]. A fiat %;-bundle over EH is specified by its "Wilson lines". That is, we specify a homomorphism TTI(EH) —• &E up to conjugation by ^E- Since w\{EH) is the abelian group Z © Z , we need to specify two commuting elements of Sfg. A useful result of Borel [30] states that any two commuting elements of ^b m a y De conjugated simultaneously into the maximal Cartan subgroup T C %• This implies that our desired moduli space i s T x T divided by any remnants of the conjugation equivalence. The latter is given precisely by the Weyl group W{%). The desired moduli space of bundles over a fixed EH is therefore TxT
Now consider supplementing this data by the moduli of EH to get the full moduli space related to EH- The Kahler form and B-field classically live in R+ x 'R/Z which may be
742 exponentiated to give C*. The moduli space of complex structures is given by the upper half plane, H, divided by SL(2, Z) as is well-known. Note that this SL(2, Z) acts on the generators of TTI(EH) and thus on (16) by mixing the two T's. We thus have P r o p o s i t i o n 4 The classical moduli space of &E-bundles on En together with the moduli space of Ricci-flat metrics and B-fields on En is given by
SL(2 Z) HX
' \( iw) X C -
This rather ugly-looking result becomes more pleasant when stringy considerations are taken into account. For example, let us divert our attention briefly to the case of a heterotic string compactified only on EH-10 This implies ^E = %• This case was studied by Narain [31] (see also [32]). The exact result is that the moduli space is given by 0 ( r 2 i i „ ) \ 0 ( 2 , 1 8 ) / ( 0 ( 2 ) x 0(18)),
(times a real line for the dilaton). The lattice r 2 ,i8 is the even self-dual lattice of signature (2,18) which is given by the root lattice of E$ x En, or SO(32), supplemented by two orthogonal copies of U. We use the standard notation U for the even self-dual lattice of signature (1,1). Note that the heterotic string compactified on a single 2-torus has half-maximal supersymmetry and indeed the moduli space (18) is of a form promised in section 2.2. The only way that (18) differs from the classical statement (17) is that there are extra discrete identifications. See, for example, section 3.5 of [1] for details of how these moduli spaces are mapped to each other. These extra identifications in the exact case are called "T-Dualities". These T-Dualities include the familiar R o 1/R dualities of the torus as well as dualities which mix moduli corresponding to the bundle with moduli corresponding to the base. When compactifying the heterotic string on SH X En we will have fewer supersymmetries and so we have every reason to expect that quantum effects will have a more serious effect on the classical moduli space of vector bundles. We will see that this is so. t*£ Let us return again for a moment to the eight dimensional case of the heterotic string only compactified on En- It is known that the moduli space of flat %-bundles on a 2-torus is not connected. In the case of the E$ x Es heterotic string it is believed to be a valid string model if the two E$ factors are exchanged under holonomy around a non-contractable loop in the torus. These models were explored in [33,34]. Such a bundle is not really an Es x .Eg-bundle but is more accurately described as an (B8 x £ j ) x Z2-bundle where this latter Z 2 acts to exchange the two E$ factors. Pedants who like to say "Spin(32)/Z2 heterotic string" rather than SO(32) heterotic string" should by all rights be expected to say "(£ 8 x Eg) x Z 2 heterotic string" rather than "Eg x Eg heterotic string"! Similarly a Spin(32)/Z2-bundle may have a nontrivial second Stiefel-Whitney class over the torus. Such a bundle is not homotopic to the trivial bundle and so lies in a different component of the moduli space. 'To be precise, we consider the component of the moduli space containing the trivial bundle.
743 These classes of bundles have been studied in [35-37]. In particular, a connection between these two classes was discussed in [36]. See also [38] for a nice mathematical treatment of these issues. We should expect the same kind of effects for various possibilities of 'SE when we now compactify down to four dimensions. Monodromy can be expected to play a role around the cycles in EH whenever % admits an outer automorphism (possibly even if this outer automorphism was not induced by an endomorphism of %). We may also obtain second Stiefel-Whitney classes whenever ^E is not simply-connected. It is probably fair to say that we do not have a full understanding of these disconnected components of the moduli space in the context of string duality at the present time. We will ignore this problem in these notes and implicitly assume that the flat bundles on EH are always homotopic to the trivial bundle. See also [39] where another issue to do with the global form of the gauge group is raised. 2.5.2
SH a n d its b u n d l e
We now need to consider the bundle Vs —>• SH subject to the anomaly cancellation condition. In the case t h a t Vs is an SU(n) bundle this would amount to C2(Vs) = 24 for example. In general this is a much harder problem to solve than the preceding case. Having said that, the bundle part of the problem is not too bad so long as we ignore quantum corrections. Work by Mukai [40] (see also [41] for a nice account of this work) tells us that we may put the hyperkahler structure of the K3 surface SH to good use. The basic result we will use is that the moduli space of stable vector bundles over SH will also have a hyperkahler structure. In fact, Mukai has shown that in many cases one may obtain a moduli space which is itself another K3 surface! The relationship between SH and this latter K3 surface may be viewed as a kind of mirror symmetry in some cases [42]. We will have more to say about the bundle Vs and its moduli space in the case that SH is an elliptic fibration in section 4.3.1 but for now we will just content ourselves with the knowledge that the moduli space has a hyperkahler structure. The moduli space of Ricci-flat metrics and B-fields on SH is given by [43,44] O ( r 4 l 2 o ) \ 0 ( 4 , 2 0 ) / ( O ( 4 ) x O(20)).
See [1] for more details. The fact that it is a symmetric space may be deduced from its appearance in the moduli space of a type IIA string compactified on a K3 surface — which has half-maximal supersymmetry. Our complete moduli space of deformations of SH together with its bundle Vs may therefore itself be viewed as a fibration. T h e base space of this fibration is given by (19) (or perhaps only some subspace of it) while the fibre is given by the hyperkahler moduli space of the bundle VsNote that (19) may be viewed as a quaternionic Kahler manifold (well, orbifold to be precise) from the fact that Sp(l).Sp(20) D SO(4) x SO(20) (up to finite groups). Assuming the moduli space of Sv varies over this space in a way compatible with this quaternionic structure we see t h a t the total moduli space will also have a quaternionic Kahler structure.
744 Our crude counting argument tells us immediately that this total moduli space of Vs —• SH should be identified with J(n leaving the remaining moduli in ^(v. Again one may be more careful along the lines of [19] if one wishes. Anyway, to recap we have Proposition 5 For the heterotic string compactified on (Vs —> SH) X (VE ~> Eg) we have • ^v is spanned by the deformations of VE —• Eg (i.e., deformations of VE and deformations of the complex structure and complexified Kahler form on EH) and by the dilaton-axion. It has complex dimension rank(Vg) + 3. • J%H is spanned by the deformations ofVs —> SHThe dimension of the space JKH depends on several considerations and we do not compute it here. Note in particular that certain bundles put constraints on the K3 they live on and the complete form of (19) may not be seen.
Who gets corrected?
So far we have listed the degrees of freedom present in a given string theory and then determined the classical picture of the resulting moduli space. This is not expected to be exact however — there will be corrections from various sources. To specify exactly how these corrections arise will again strongly test our knowledge about what string theory is exactly. Even though we don't really know what string theory is, we do know enough to make statements about where we might expect quantum corrections to arise. An irrefutable statement about string theory is that it contains at least two limits in which we expect quantum field theory to provide a good picture (at least most of the time). The first quantum field theory consist of the two-dimensional worldsheet conformal field theory, i.e., the "pre-duality" picture of string theory. Indeed this picture gives us the "stringiness" in string theory! Secondly we have the effective quantum field theory which lives in the target spacetime dimensions. Consider first the worldsheet quantum field theory. This has an action [11] - ^
J d2a^(yabg^(x)
+ ieabB^(x))dax»dhxv
+^ J
+ ...,
where x maps the worldsheet E into ten-dimensional spacetime. We have a worldsheet metric 7o(„ and target space metric and B-field given by g^v and B^. In addition & represents the worldsheet scalar curvature and <3>0 is the dilaton which we assume to be independent of x. The difficulty in analyzing this model is that the metric and S-field vary as a function of the position in target space, x. The important point to note is that a' (which sets the "string scale" in units of area) acts as a coupling constant. If %/a7 is much less than a
745 characteristic distance scale, R, of variations in the metric and B-field then x represents almost "free" fields. We can then use a perturbation theory expanding in powers of a'/R2. We may also have nonperturbative effects due to worldsheet instantons which contribute towards correlation functions as exp(-i? 2 /a'). These instantons are the maps x which solve the equations of motion of (20) and are given in our context as holomorphic maps [45]. To compute any correlation function using this worldsheet field theory version of string theory it is necessary to integrate over all worldsheets. This includes a sum over all genera with genus zero corresponding to tree-level, genus one giving one loop, etc. Such summands will be weighted by a relative factor of exp(g$o), where g is the genus of £, thanks to the last term in (20). This picture of string theory induces an effective spacetime action proportional to 11
J dwx Vse"2*° [Rg + |V$ 0 | 2 + MB|2) + • • •
We may use this as the basis of a spacetime quantum field theory. The important thing to note here is that A = exp($ 0 ) appears as a coupling constant in this quantum field theory. This is hardly surprising given that the number of loops in this field theory corresponds to the genus of the worldsheet in the previous field theory. A is often called the "string coupling". At the heart of the subtlety of string theory is that each of these field theories above contains the seeds for the other field theory's downfall! As we have already mentioned, there are good reasons for believing that worldsheet instanton effects in the worldsheet conformal field theory make a complete understanding of spacetime in terms of Riemannian geometry unlikely. Thus the spacetime quantum field theory cannot really be considered in the form of the action (21). Equally, nonperturbative effects, such as instantons, coming from the spacetime field theory cannot be understood in terms of the genus expansion of the worldsheet theory. The best we can do is to assume that true string theory knows about both of these field theories and includes the nonperturbative effects from both simultaneously. This idea will become very important in section 4.4.2. The worldsheet picture of string theory can only really be considered to be an accurate picture of string theory when A —> 0 and equally the spacetime effective action point of view can only be relied upon safely when a' —> 0. These are the two limits of string theory where we really understand what is going on. We need to look at the moduli spaces of the previous section and ask how they may be warped by corrections coming from quantum effects of either of our two field theories. Fortunately it is not the case that all of the moduli spaces are affected by both corrections. We can see this from the holonomy argument in section 2.1 that the moduli space factorizes as ^fu x My exactly. u We are being thoroughly negligent with factors of 2 etc., and we have omitted an overall factor. See section 3.7 of [11] for a better discussion.
IIA on X IIB on Y Het on SH x EH
^^-corrections A A and a' a'
^V-corrections a' Exact A
Table 2: Quantum corrections. Let us consider A-corrections first from the spacetime field theory. These must vanish as A —• 0. Because of this they cannot affect the factor of the moduli space which does not contain the dilaton. Similarly the a'-corrections must disappear in the large radius limit of the compactification and so cannot affect a factor of the moduli space which does not know about sizes. One may try to argue that the moduli space of complex structures of a Calabi-Yau threefold does not know about size. Algebraic geometers can compute the moduli space of an algebraic variety without knowing about feet and inches! On the other hand it is the Kahler form which determines the volume of the threefold and so we might expect its moduli space to be subject to a'-corrections. One should be a little careful with this argument as varying the complex structure can vary volumes of object such as minimal 3-cycles in the threefold. That being said, this argument can be shown to be rigorously correct. For example, one may use topological field theory methods to show that the moduli space of complex structures is unaffected by quantum corrections from the worldsheet field theory [46]. The results for which parts of the moduli spaces are affected by quantum corrections are given in table 2. We should note that some entries in this table may only be valid if only one of the coupling constants a1 or A is nonzero. For example if A = 0 then the moduli space ^y for the heterotic string is not prone to a'-corrections but this may not be true when A is nonzero. Upon compactification on a space X to flat d-dimensional spacetime we obtain the spacetime effective action J ddx ^ e " 2 * (R, + | V $ | 2 + \dB\2) + f d"x y/gtTGiidytfdvV
+ ...,
from (21) where <jf are coordinates on the moduli space as in (1). The quantity $ represents the effective d-dimensional dilaton and is given basically by <3>o — |logVol(X). In the compactification scenario this field theory is declared to be accurate. Because this part of spacetime is flat Minkowski space (or very nearly) we assert that worldsheet instantons are not allowed to spoil this field theory. This assumption is implicit in all of these lectures. Of course, this means that we are not allowed to ask questions about the d-dimensional physics which might probe effects such as quantum gravity. Then the compactification model would be invalid.
3 3.1
The Moduli Space of Vector Multiplets The special Kahler geometry of My
In order to discuss quantum corrections we need to establish limits on how much we are allowed to warp the moduli spaces consistent with the supersymmetry. We have said that Jty is Kahler and we can now put further limits on the structure of this moduli space. We wish to exploit the fact that the moduli space factor J(y for the type IIB string compactified on a Calabi-Yau space Y is not warped at all by quantum corrections. The fact that J(y is given exactly in the form of a moduli space of complex structures on a Calabi-Yau threefold will allow us to ask more detailed questions about the differential geometry of ^ V . The deformations of complex structure of Y are best thought of as variations of Hodge structure as we now explain. Any Calabi-Yau threefold has Hodge numbers hp'9 in the form of a Hodge diamond 1 0
0 h1'1 0 1 h2-1 h2-1 1 0 h1'1 0 0 0 1 0
Of interest to us is the middle row of this diamond which relates to H3(Y). In particular we have a relationship between the Dolbeault cohomology groups and the integral cohomology: H3{Y, C) = H3'°{Y) © H2'\Y)
© Hl'2(Y) © H°-3(Y) = H3(Y, 1) ® z C.
As we vary the complex structure the way in which the lattice H3(Y, Z) embeds itself into the space H3(Y, C) "rotates" with respect to the decomposition of H3(Y,C) into the Dolbeault cohomology groups. Consider a holomorphic 3-form Q G H3'°(Y). This is never zero anywhere on Y and is uniquely defined up to a constant multiple thanks to the Calabi-Yau condition. Now consider a symplectic basis for H3(Y) given by Aa and Ba for a = 1,... , h2'1 + 1 with intersections Aa n Bb = 5%. Define the periods ta = / a
&a = I Q.
These periods "measure" the complex structure of Y. Since Y has only h2,1 deformations of complex structure it is clear that not all of these periods may be independent. Firstly we
748 have noted that Q is defined only up to a constant multiple so the periods can at best only be homogeneous coordinates in a projective space. Secondly it was shown by Bryant and Griffiths [47] that, given all the ta's, all the &a's are determined. That is, we may express the ^a's as functions of the ta,s. Thus we are locally modeling the moduli space by Ph ' . This gives us the correct dimension for the moduli space. (Note that the topology of the moduli space is unlikely to be that of a projective space as we have ignored the subtleties of degenerations so far. Also, the metric on the moduli space will not be the Fubini-Study metric. One way of seeing this is that some degenerations will be an infinite distance away from generic points in the moduli space.) It is then not hard to show, see for example section 3 of [48], that we may define a function & locally on the moduli space such that
^(Ai°,At ,...) = A 2 J?(t°,i 1 ,...)
We may rephrase this more globally in terms of bundle language following Strominger [49]. The moduli space ^v has an "ample" line bundle L such that Ci(L) is given by the cohomology class of the Kahler form on j ^ v . We also have an Sp(/i2,1 + l)-bundle 3HF over J&V whose fibre is given by H3(Y, C) in the fundamental representation. We then have sections n G r ( j r
The important point is that the function J?*, which is called the "prepotential" contains all the useful information we will need. The geometry of ^ V is completely determined by it. This fact shows that jfty cannot be any old Kahler manifold. It is conventional to denote the special property that we have a prepotential by saying that ^(v is "special Kahler". Our discussion above takes the point of view that special Kahler geometry appears from the moduli space of complex structure on Calabi-Yau threefolds. This is not the original definition however. Special Kahler was first used to denote the geometry of the moduli space of scalar fields in vector multiplets of arbitrary N = 2 supersymmetric field theories coupled to gravity in four dimensions as in [50]. In this context, the projective coordinates t" are known as "special" or "flat" coordinates. The link between these points of view is that the Kahler metric on J(y given in the effective action (22) is given by d2K dt«dt>
A- = - l o g I m ( P —
749 The remarkable fact, as proved by Strominger in [49] (see also a discussion of this in [51]), is that these points of view are equivalent. That is to say the local conditions arising from differential geometry for deformations of Hodge structure of a Calabi-Yau threefold are identical to the conditions on the moduli space of vector moduli in an TV = 2 theory of supergravity in four dimensions. It is well worth pausing to reflect on the implications of this statement. Since we have approached the question of supergravity in lower dimensions from the point of view of string theorists this statement may not seem particularly stunning — it is just a confirmation that things are working out nicely. Our moduli space of compact Calabi-Yau manifolds ties in nicely with the geometry of the moduli space of vacuum expectation values of the massless scalar particles in the uncompactified dimensions. This statement of equivalence does not depend on string theory however. What would we have made of it if we had not yet discovered string theory? It is as if the TV = 2 theories of supergravity in four dimensions "knew" that they were related in some way the Calabi-Yau threefolds. String theory, or at least ten-dimensional supergravity, provides this link nicely via compactincation. Even if string theory turns out to be wrong for some reason, this link between TV = 2 theories and Calabi-Yau threefolds is irrefutable. We should provide a word of caution about the strength of the statements above. Just because a moduli space is consistent with these conditions that it be a deformation of Hodge structure of a Calabi-Yau manifold, it does not imply that such a Calabi-Yau manifold must exist. It is perhaps worthwhile to mention the following structure about special Kahler geometry which gives a hint as to why the TV = 2 theory "knows" about the Calabi-Yau 3-fold. Consider the following Hermitian form on H3(Y, C): HY(wuu>2) = 2i
It is easy to show (see [52] for example) that the imaginary part of this form coincides with the usual cup product structure when restricted to H3(Y,Z). One may also show that • on H3'°(Y) the form HY is negative definite, and • on H2'1 (Y) the form HY is positive definite. One may show [48] that this is reflected in the fact that the the matrix
Im 2,1
has signature (l./i ). This signature nicely "separates" the H from the H2,1 part.
part of the cohomology
750 We can now argue (very) roughly as follows. If we had an even number of dimensions to our compact space then we wouldn't have the right symplectic structure (e.g. the Sp(/i2'x + l) group above) on the middle dimension cohomology to see the correct variation of Hodge structure. If the compact space were complex dimension one, we wouldn't have "enough room" in the Hodge diamond for an indefinite Hermitian form. If we had five or more complex compact directions we would expect something more complicated. Thus three dimensions is the most natural. We also obtain h3'0 = 1 from the signature telling us that we must have a Calabi-Yau!12 We would like to emphasize again the fact that this discussion of special Kahler geometry depends on the exactness of the effective action (22). If true quantum gravity effects in four dimensions are considered we may expect much of this discussion to break down. Indeed, the statement that we have a moduli space in the form of a Riemannian manifold (or orbifold etc.) would then be suspect.
My in the type IIA string
Now we wish to look at the way that M"y is seen in the type IIA string on the Calabi-Yau threefold X. This involves the old work of mirror symmetry. Since there have been numerous reviews of mirror symmetry we will be fairly brief here and focus only the warping of the special geometry of ^y 3.2.1
Before corrections and five dimensions
As noted in section 2.6 ^ V consists of the moduli space of the Kahler form on X but is subject to corrections coming from worldsheet instantons. Let us first establish what it would look like if there were no quantum corrections. One may approach this directly as in [48] or one may proceed in a slightly different way via M-theory. We will do the latter (as most string theory students these days are perhaps even better acquainted with M-theory than with string theory!). The first thing to note is that an TV = 2 theory in four dimensions may be obtained by compactifying an N = 1 theory in five dimensions on a circle. Then if we reinterpret the IIA string theory as M-theory on a circle we see that this five-dimensional theory may be obtained by compactifying M-theory on the Calabi-Yau threefold X. To put it another way we may consider the limit of a type IIA string on X as the string coupling becomes very strong. In the same way that the ten-dimensional type IIA string becomes eleven-dimensional M-theory in this limit, the four dimensional N = 2 theory will turn into the five-dimensional N = 1 theory. 12
Of course, we could do something like take a fivefold with Hodge numbers h5'0 = 0 and ft4,1 = 1 which might give us the right structure. We consider this less natural than the Calabi-Yau threefold.
751 The useful thing about this limit for our purposes is that the effective string scale given by a' tends to zero in this limit. Thus stringy effects such as worldsheet instantons are completely suppressed. This is explained nicely by Witten [53]. The general idea is that the metric in the uncompactified directions needs to be rescaled as we change dimension (just as it is going from ten dimensions to eleven dimensions [54]). This rescaling is infinite taking the string scale to zero size. A vector multiplet in five dimensions contains only one real scalar as opposed to the two scalars coming from the four dimensional vector multiplet. The rescaling between the type IIA theory and M-theory also causes a slight reshuffling of moduli as explained in [55]. The result is that we have a moduli space Mv of vector multiplets which is a real space of dimension h1'1 — 1. This is the classical moduli space of cohomology classes Kahler forms on X of fixed volume. The deformation corresponding to the volume defects to the hypermultiplets replacing the lost dilaton leaving the moduli space ^H unchanged between four and five dimensions. The compactification of M-theory on a smooth Calabi-Yau threefold yields h1'1 vector fields from the M-theory 3-form in eleven dimensions. This yields a supersymmetric U(l)' 1 ' gauge theory (with gravity) in five dimensions. The action for such a field theory contains the interesting "Chern-Simons"-like term
where Ka(,c is symmetric in its indices a, b, c = 1,... , h1'1^). As usual with these topological types of terms in field theory one may compute Ka(,c from the intersection theory of X. In this case one discovers that / e a Ae 6 Ae c , JIXx
where the e a 's are the generators of (the free part of) H2(X, Z). Equivalently we may use 4-cycles Da in H^X, Z) dual to ea and obtain intersection numbers: Kobe = DaDDbn
Furthermore, as explained in [56], we may put homogeneous coordinates £" on ^ that the metric is given by
Ga6 = ^ i o g ( ^ r r ) -
(33) v
This should be regarded as the "special" real geometry of ^ v where the "prepotential" is given by a pure cubic &b = Kcde£c£dC • Relationships of this to Jordan algebras are discussed in [56,57].
752 We may instead regard £" as the affine coordinates in H2(X, R) = Rft1,1. The Kahler form is then given by
J = eea,
and the condition that we fix the volume to, say one, for j#v, is given by / J A J A J = ^ 5 = 1.
This latter condition can also be seen directly from supergravity without reference to the geometrical interpretation of X as in [57]. Thus again we see strong hints that five dimensional N = 1 supergravity "knows" that it has something to do with Kahler threefolds even without direct reference to M-theory. Note that the moduli space ^Kv is not the complete hypersurface ^ 5 = 1 in H2{X, R). It turns out that phase transitions occur precisely on the walls of the Kahler cone to truncate this hypersurface to lie completely within the Kahler cone. This is discussed in [53,58-60] for example but we will not pursue it here. We may now perform crude dimensional reduction of this five-dimensional field theory to render it a four-dimensional theory. Recall that dimensional reduction simply asserts that the fields have no dependence on motion in the directions we wish to lose and we decompose the vectors, tensors, etc accordingly into lower-dimensional objects. Performing this operation is a lengthy operation but the result for the moduli space is straight-forward. As required, we obtain special Kahler geometry for JZV in four dimensions. Now we have complex homogeneous coordinates t°,ta, where a still runs 1,... ,h1,1 and a prepotential
^o = ^ X
The very important point to realize however is that dimensional reduction is not necessarily the same thing as compactification on a circle (as emphasized in [61] for example). The problem is that solitons present in the five-dimensional theory can become instantons in the four dimensional theory and add quantum corrections to the picture. We may only regard (37) as the classical contribution to the prepotential. We may expect quantum corrections to appear with respect to a' as noted earlier. Note that (37) may be computed as the classical contribution directly without a foray into five dimensional physics [48]. The five dimensional picture is probably worth being aware of however as it offers many insights. 3.2.2
Mirror Pairs
The easiest way of computing the quantum corrections to the prepotential of the type IIA string compactified on X is to use a duality argument in the form of mirror symmetry. That
753 is, can we find a Calabi-Yau threefold Y such that the type IIB string compactified on Y yields the same physics in four dimensions as the type IIA string compactified on XI If this is the case X and Y are said to be "mirror" Calabi-Yau threefolds. Given the current state of our knowledge of string theory it is probably not possible to rigorously prove that any such pairs X and Y satisfy this condition. We can come fairly close however. The reason is that because the dilaton of each of the two type II strings appears in the moduli space of hypermultiplets in a similar way, we may choose both strings to be simultaneously very weakly coupled over the whole moduli space J%V- This allows us to reliably use the worldsheet approach to analyze mirror pairs. Thus the construction of mirror pairs of Calabi-Yau can be reduced to a conformal field theory question in two dimensions. We will then assume that if two theories are mirror at this conformal field theory level then they will be mirror pairs in the full nonperturbative string theory picture. The canonical example of mirror pairs of conformal field theories is provided by the Greene-Plesser construction [62]. An explanation of this would require a major diversion into the subtleties of conformal field theories which would take us way beyond the scope of these lectures. We will then content ourselves to quote their result. We refer to [10,63] for more details. Consider the weighted projective space P|m0]tu1>m2]W3,TO4} with homogeneous coordinates [x0,x1,...,xi]^[\w°x0,\Wlx1,...
for A e C*. We may now consider the hypersurface X given by
x0"° +xp +... + x? = 0,
where d = J^ v>i and we impose the condition -6Z,
for all i.
The projective space will generically have orbifold singularities along subspaces. These orbifold loci may be blown-up to smooth the space and we assume that X is transformed suitably along with this blowing up process to render it smooth. The Greene-Plesser statement is then Proposition 6 X is mirror to Y, where Y is the (blown-up) orbifold X/G and G is the group with elements g : [x 0 ) xi,... ,x4] >-)• [a0x0,aix1:... where we impose a,™' = 1 for all i and J~[ a, = 1.
754 The essence of this statement can be generalized considerably to hypersurfaces in toric varieties and to complete intersections in toric varieties as was done by Batyrev [64] and Borisov [65,66]. This Batyrev-Borisov statement is not yet understood at the level of conformal field theory but the evidence that it does produce mirror pairs is very compelling. Thus there are a very large number of candidate mirror pairs of Calabi-Yau threefolds. 3.2.3
The mirror map
Knowing the mirror partner Y of X is a good start to knowing how to compute the quantum corrections to the prepotential of the type IIA compactification but we need a little more information. Namely, we need to know exactly how to map the coordinates on our special Kahler moduli spaces between the type IIA and the type IIB picture. This is known as the "mirror map". The most direct way of finding the mirror map is to take a little peek into the moduli space of hypermultiplets even though we are only concerned with vector multiplets in this section. The fact we need to borrow from hypermultiplets is that the Ramond-Ramond moduli must be mapped into each other under mirror symmetry. For the hypermultiplet moduli spaces we wrote down in section 2.4 this shows that Hodd(X, U(l)) is mapped to tfeven(Y,U(l)). The next statement we need concerns the symmetry of mirror pairs themselves. We may state this as Proposition 7 If X and Y are mirror pairs then so are Y and X. That is, the type IIA string on Y is physically equivalent to the type IIB string on X. This statement is completely trivial in terms of the definition of mirror pairs at the level of conformal field theory. See for example [10] for more details. Here, since we are trying to be careful about not specifying our definition of string theory, we will just have to assume that this proposition is true. We therefore may assume that Hewen(X, U(l)) is mapped to Hodd(Y, U(l)) under the mirror map. This implies some map between Heven(X, Z) and H°dd(Y, Z). This map between the integral structures of the even cohomology of X and the odd cohomology of Y is very interesting and forms one of the most powerful ideas in mirror symmetry. Clearly it cannot be an exact statement at the level of classical geometry. This is because as we wander about the moduli space of complex structures on Y we may induce monodromy on Hodd(Y, Z) = H3(Y, Z). That is, if we pick a certain basis for integral 3-cycles in Y we may go around a closed loop in moduli space which maps this basis nontrivially back into itself. If this statement were then mapped into a statement about the type IIA string on X we would conclude that some even-dimensional cycle, such as a 0-cycle, could magically transmute into a 2-cycle as we move about the moduli space of complexified Kahler forms. Clearly this does not happen!
755 !"5 To explain this effect in geometric terms Kontsevich [67] has a very interesting proposal based on some ideas by Mukai [68]. Rather than thinking in terms of iif e v e n (X, Z) directly one may consider T>(X), the derived category of coherent sheaves on X. Objects in D ( X ) are basically complexes of sheaves of the form . . . —> &± -* J?2 —> ^ 3 -> The automorphisms of H3(Y, Z) induced by monodromy can then be understood in many cases in terms of automorphisms of D ( X ) [69]. Objects in D ( X ) can then be mapped into Heve"(X, Z) essentially by using the Chern character. This is a fascinating subject somewhat in its infancy that promises much insight into mirror symmetry and stringy geometry
Instead this statement must only be true classically at the large radius limit of X and thus the corresponding "large complex structure" limit of Y. Somehow near this limit point, and in particular monodromy about this point, these two integral structures must align classically. This was first suggested in [70] and then explained more clearly in [71]. Let us suppose we fix a point in the moduli space of complex structures, J(v, on Y which will be our candidate limit point. As this is a limit point it is natural to expect that Y will be singular here. Actually one expects to find singular Y's along complex codimension one subspaces of J%y. This special limit point turns out to be a particularly nasty singularity as it lies on an intersection of many such divisors. We will assume there are in fact h2,1{Y) = d i m ^ y such divisors intersecting transversely at this limit point. If this is not the case then one may blowup using standard methods in algebraic geometry to reduce back to this case. We may now consider the monodromy matrices Mk which act on H3(Y, Z) as we go around each of these divisors. Mapping back to X this limit point should be the large radius limit as every component of the Kahler form tends to infinity. The monodromy about this limit is B —> B + v, where veH2{X,Z). This fixes the mirror map as follows. First we need to switch back to the dual language of periods defined in (25). We will find one period which we denote t0 which is completely invariant under the monodromies Mk. We also find periods tk such that Mk:tk^tk + ta Mj : tk i-> tk, for k ^ j
where k = 1,... , h2,1(Y). The fact we may do this is a special property of the limit point we have chosen and defines the property that it can represent the mirror of a large radius limit point. This is explained in more detail in [71]. We now give the mirror map: (B + iJ)k = ^, (43) to is the complexified Kahler form on X expanded over a basis
where B + ij = ^2(B + iJ)kek ekeH2{X,Z). This is the only map possible which gives the correct monodromy and reflects the projective symmetry of the homogeneous coordinates ta.
756 The canonical example is that of the quintic threefold as computed in [72]. In this case X is the quintic hypersurface in P4 and thus Y is X/(Z 5 ) 3 according to proposition 6. This case is fairly straight-forward as ^ v is only one dimensional since hl,1(X) = h2,l(Y) = 1. In this case one can compute the periods and use (26) to compute
3 = {to)> (5f
+ f i2 - %t + J|C(3) + ^ e ™ + O ( O ) ,
where t = £i/i 0 can be viewed as the single component of the complexified Kahler form on X. Note we indeed get the correct leading term 5i3 from the intersection theory but there are an infinite number of quantum corrections. The quadratic and linear terms in t are physically meaningless whereas the constant term proportional to C(3) is a loop term correcting the metric. The power series in q = e2mt corresponds to the worldsheet instanton corrections. An instanton in the worldsheet quantum field theory (20) corresponds to a holomorphic map from S into the target space X [45]. At tree-level in string theory such objects are therefore "rational curves" (i.e. holomorphic complex curves of genus zero). This is an important subject and any respectable review of N = 2 theories in string theory should go into some detail about these rational curves. We will not do this however as there are already a number of reviews of this subject. As is explained in numerous places elsewhere, the quantum corrections may be used to count the numbers of rational curves in X. Indeed the 2875 appearing in (44) corresponds to the number of lines on a quintic surface. The interested reader should consult [73], for example, for much more information about this vast subject. One rough and ready way to appreciate why rational curves should make an appearance in mirror symmetry is as follows. We have already argued that the truly stringy geometry of X must somehow mix up the notion of O-cycles, 2-cycles, 4-cycles, etc as we move away from the large radius limit. These worldsheet instanton corrections near the large radius limit can be thought of as the way that 2-cycles (i.e., rational curves) start to mix into our notion of O-cycles (i.e., points). This stringy geometry which can mix the notion of points and rational curves has yet to be understood properly.
JZv in the heterotic string
Now we will consider the moduli space jtfty in terms of the heterotic string compactified on SH x EH. For a field theorist with a bias towards gauge theories this is actually the most useful way of viewing the resulting N = 2 theories in four dimensions as we now explain.
757 3.3.1
Supersymmetric abelian gauge theories
An abelian gauge theory of U(l) n + 2 in flat space is based on the action
^ ( i £ u n i 2 + ...).
where A is the gauge coupling constant. If this is an N = 2 supersymmetric theory then n + \ of the U(l)'s are associated to vector multiplets and the extra U(l) is the "graviphoton" coming from the supergravity multiplet. If the gauge particles are actually fundamental strings then the coupling constant should be given by the string dilaton as in equation (21) and the discussion following this equation. In the heterotic string, the dilaton lives in one of the n + 1 vector multiplets and pairs up with the axion to form the complex field s = a
( 46 )
where a is the axion. We should note the difficulty of trying to find such a theory by compactifying a type II string. Here the dilaton lives in a hypermultiplet which cannot couple to the vector bosons in the desired way. Thus the gauge coupling cannot be interpreted as a type II string coupling — gauge bosons cannot be fundamental strings. The fact that such a term is expected in the action immediately tells us the form of the prepotential governing ^fy This is perhaps easiest to see if we compactify the heterotic string first on SJJ times a circle to get an N = 1 theory in five dimensions, and then compactify on a circle to get our desired four-dimensional theory. The theory in five dimensions will have generic gauge symmetry U(l)" + 1 as compactifying on a circle gives a U(l) via the Kaluza-Klein mechanism. The interesting term in the five-dimensional theory is the Chern-Simons-like term (31). What will this reduce to when we compactify on the circle down to four dimensions? The answer is that we will replace the vector field A's by four-dimensional real scalar a's to form a term J diXK,ebcaeFb AFC.
But this is the famous CP-violating term of a gauge theory and the scalar field is playing the role of an axion. If we want the kinetic term in the standard form (45) then the only scalar which is allowed to play the role of an axion in a theory with N = 2 supersymmetry is the axion partner of the dilaton, namely the a in (46). In addition this axion is not allowed to appear as a coefficient in front of field strengths associated with the U(l) gauge boson in the same multiplet as the axion and dilaton. This would lead to rather unorthodox terms proportional to A -4 in the action under supersymmetrization.
758 This implies immediately that the superpotential in five dimensions is of the form ^ 5 = st'Pjij, for some matrix 7^, for i, j = 1,... , n and where the i"s are the five-dimensional moduli fields associated to the vector supermultiplets other than the dilaton. Of course we expect this cubic superpotential to be corrected when we are in four dimensions just as the cubic potential was corrected for the type IIA compactifications in section 3.2. This time however the corrections will not be a'-corrections due to worldsheet instantons but they will be A-corrections due to gauge instantons in spacetime. The cubic superpotential & = stfPjij which is exact in five dimensions and correct to leading order in four dimensions is rather constraining. We may also note that in order for the kinetic term for the photons to be positive-definite it is required that 7,j have signature (+, —,—,—,...) [57]. Running through a lengthy process using the definitions of special Kahler geometry this leads to a moduli space for our four-dimensional theory locally of the form [74] Het
_ SL(2,R)
• ^ ° ~ "UOT
SO 0 (2,n)
before quantum corrections. The first thing to note about this space is that it is a product of two symmetric spaces — just the kind of thing we would expect if we had more supersymmetry. The second thing to note is that the second term looks a lot like Narain's moduli spaces as we discussed in section 2.5.1. This term represents just what we would expect if we look at the stringy moduli space of vector bundles of rank n — 2 over a 2-torus, together with deformations of the torus itself. This is excellent news. It means that if we identify the first term with the dilaton and axion then we have a very natural interpretation of this moduli space in terms of the data discussed in section 2.5.1. To get the moduli space perfectly correct we need to worry about the global form. If the second term really is the Narain moduli space of the bundle VE —¥ EH discussed in section 2.5.1 then we should really expect it to be of the form 0(T)\0(2,n)/(0(2)xO(n)),
where T is the lattice of signature (2, n) given by r2,2 © L and where L is the Cartan lattice of the structure group of VE with negative definite signature. One might also be tempted to replace the first term of (48) by the expression SL(2,Z)\SL(2,R)/U(1).
This SL(2, Z) would certainly respect the axion shift symmetry a —> a + 27r which we expect to be correct but it would also imply some strong-weak coupling duality for N = 2 theories in four dimensions. This does not exist in general. The problem is that moduli space (48)
759 ignores quantum corrections and it therefore only correct as the dilaton tends to — oo. The only part of SL(2, Z) which preserves this limit is the axion shift symmetry. If we could find a type IIB string compactification dual to this heterotic model then we could compute the prepotential exactly, just as we did by mirror symmetry for the type IIA string. This would allow us to compute the nonperturbative corrections to the moduli space arising from quantum corrections due to A. Oddly enough it is much more natural to ask first for a type IIA string dual to the heterotic model we desire. 3.3.2
Heterotic/Type IIA duality
If the type IIA string compactified on X is dual to the heterotic string model giving the gauge theory of section 3.3.1 then we know a surprising amount of the geometry of X with very little effort. The fact that the prepotential is J?o = siV'7y
(51) 2
to leading order tells us about the cup product structure of H (X, Z) or equivalently, the intersection form on H^X, Z). In particular from (33) it tells us that the 4-cycle S representing the complexified dilaton s satisfies SnSnD
= 0,
for any D (whether it be associated to s or a t'). This implies that S n S is empty. One may now proceed [1,75,76] to show that 1. S can be represented by an algebraic surface embedded in X. 2. 5 is a K3 surface. 3. Moving S parallel to itself (as suggested by S n S = 0) sweeps out all of X. That is, X is a K3-fibration. As this is reviewed at length in [1] we will not repeat the proof here. It is not hard to show that in order for X to be a Calabi-Yau manifold with SU(3) holonomy it must have finite (or trivial) fundamental group ir\{X). For a K3 fibration X —> W, this implies that the base W also has finite 7Ti- Thus if W is a smooth space of complex dimension one, it must be isomorphic to P 1 . Anyway, not only do we now know that X is a K3-fibration, we also know exactly which modulus of the complexified Kahler form corresponds to the dilaton-axion. We know that the element of H4(X) corresponding to S is the homology class of a generic K3 fibre. We need the component of the Kahler form which controls the size of a 2-cycle which is dual (via
Reducible fibre
w Figure 1: A K3 fibration. intersection theory) to this K3 fibre. For simplicity we could assume that X as a K3-fibration has a global section. 13 T h a t is, we have an embedding W —> X which is an "inverse" of the fibration projection. This section acts as a 2-cycle dual to the K3 fibre. We have thus shown P r o p o s i t i o n 8 If a type IIA string on X is dual to a heterotic string on a K3 surface times a torus, then X must be a K3 fibration. Assuming this fibration has a section then the area of this section (and the corresponding component of the B-field) maps to the dilaton (and axion) on the heterotic side. We refer to [1] for a careful statement of the assumptions which go into this proposition. People often loosely refer to the area of the section as the "area of the base". If X does not have a section then this duality can still work — we just have to work a little harder to determine the dilaton. We will always assume there is a section. At this point it is worthwhile to consider a sketchy picture of instanton corrections in this dual pair. On the heterotic side we have spacetime instanton effects14 which produce effects of the order exp(—ns) in correlation functions. In the type IIA picture one gets exactly the same effects thanks to the above mapping by wrapping worldsheet instantons around the section of the fibration. Thus spacetime instanton effects in the heterotic string are exchanged with worldsheet instanton effects in the type IIA string. One can consider this statement to be rather profound. It shows that neither the worldsheet picture nor the spacetime picture of the quantum field which "models" string theory can be more fundamental than the other. At least in the sense of instanton corrections, the two pictures may be interchanged. 13 This section need not be unique and in the example in section 3.3.4 it will not be. Its homology class and hence its area is unique however. 14 The observant reader will note that we had assumed that we had an abelian gauge theory. Therefore we don't really have any instantons in the gauge theory. We will see in section 3.3.3 that, if we want, there really is a nonabelian gauge theory lurking here.
761 Now we have discussed one of the moduli in J(v, let us find the others. Note first that although X is a K3 fibration, not all of its fibres need be K3 surfaces. We only demand that the generic fibre is a K3 surface. We refer to fig. 1 for a picture of the K3 fibration. There are three ways to obtain contributions towards H2(X) in terms of X as a K3 fibration. Let us list the different generators of H2{X) in the language of deformations of the Kahler form: I: Deform the area of the section W —> X. II: Deform the areas of curves within the generic K3 fibres. Ill: Deform the independent volumes of the irreducible components of a reducible bad fibre. In terms of elements of H^X), the contributions of type II are obtained by taking a 2-cycle Cj in a generic fibre and then sweeping it out by moving over W to produce a 4-cycle which we denote 25;. In this way, the intersection pairing dnCj between 2-cycles in the K3 fibre is copied into the intersection numbers SnDjflDj for X. The CVs in the K3 fibre are not just any old 2-cycle. They have to be algebraic curves, i.e., holomorphically embedded. It can be shown [1] that the intersection form with a K3 surface of algebraic curves is an indefinite quadratic form of signature (+, —,—,—,...). This shows that the moduli coming from contributions of type I and II to H2(X) from the K3 fibrations form the special Kahler geometry with prepotential & = st'Pjij to leading order as required in section 3.3.1. Indeed, one may prove the following (as is done in section 3.4 of [1] for example): Proposition 9 The moduli space of the Kahler form and B-field for a type IIA string on an algebraic K3 surface S is given by 0(T)\0(2,n)/(0(2)xO(n)),
where T = Pic(S) ffi T^j and Pic(X) is the "Picard lattice" given by the algebraic curves in S together with their intersection form. The integer n is given by the dimension of the Picard lattice. This gives a precise isomorphism between the moduli of type II above and the Narain factor of the moduli space of the heterotic string. There is one more result we may state here which will be useful later on. Given the Narain moduli space of the heterotic string on T2 as given in (49) we can see that T must contain r2,2 and so Pic(5) will contain r 1 ? i. This is actually a necessary and sufficient condition for S to be an elliptic K3 surface with a least one section [1]. The fibration structure of each K3 fibre extends to the following statement about the whole of X: Proposition 10 If a type IIA string on X is dual to a heterotic string on a K3 surface times a torus, and we see the full moduli space of the heterotic torus, then X is an elliptic fibration over some complex surface with at least one section.
762 So finally what about contributions of type III? These 4-cycles can be associated with components of reducible fibers which do not intersect the section. This lack of intersection with S violates the expected special Kahler geometry from section 3.3.1. It turns out that these moduli will be something to do with the full nonperturbative physics of the heterotic string — more than is described by the effective action discussed in section 3.3.1. We will have more to say about these type III divisors later. 3.3.3
Enhanced gauge symmetry
We now want to deal with the important subject of enhanced nonabelian gauge symmetries in the effective four-dimensional uncompactified dimensions. To simplify our discussion we will tackle only the subject of simply-laced Lie algebras, i.e., the "ADE" series of Lie algebras whose roots are all the same length. We will also ignore the subject of the global topology of the gauge group. That is we will not concern ourselves too much with whether or not a gauge group is really SU(2) or SO(3) for example. We refer the reader to [1,77,78] for details about these subtleties which we are ignoring. To leading order we have a factor looking like (49) in the moduli space which we recognize as the Narain moduli space for some vector bundle, VE, on a 2-torus EH- The moduli here may be regarded as deformations of the flat metric on the torus itself together with deformations of the flat bundle. As discussed in section 2.5.1, the parameters controlling the bundle are known as "Wilson lines". They measure the holonomy of the bundle as we go around non-contractable loops within EHAs observed in section 2.3, the observed gauge group in the uncompactified dimensions which remains unbroken by the compactification process can be regarded as the centralizer of the holonomy acting on the ten-dimensional primordial gauge group. For generic values of the Wilson lines the holonomy of VE is U(l)"~ 2 , where n — 2 is the rank of the structure group <£E (which we assume to be simply-laced) of VE- This holonomy is simply the Cartan subgroup of ^E and so the unbroken part of the gauge symmetry is U(l)"~ 2 . (Note that the compactification process on EH adds four more U(l)'s to bring the total to n + 2 as in section 3.3.1.) The interesting question arises as to what happens when the holonomy of the bundle VE is not generic. If we switch off some of the Wilson lines, we might expect the structure group of VE to decrease allowing for a larger centralizer. That is, the observed gauge symmetry in four dimensions should become larger. The idea is that the moduli space 0(2,n)/(0(2) x O(n)) is viewed as the Grassmannian of space-like (positive) 2-planes 13 C R2'". One may also embed the lattice T into this same R2,n. The desired moduli space (49) is then this Grassmannian divided out by the automorphisms of the lattice T. The rule is then as follows: Proposition 11 The observed gauge group in uncompactified space has rank n + 2. The roots of the semi-simple part of this gauge group correspond to elements of T which have
763 length squared —2 and which are orthogonal to 13. A few points are worth noting: 1. At a generic point in the moduli space U is orthogonal to no such elements of T and so the gauge group is U(l) 2 + " as expected. 2. This rule is completely derivable from classical geometry for the case that the roots are in L C T, where L is the root lattice of %;. Picking up" roots in the rest of T is a stringy effect — the analogue of the SU(2) gauge symmetry one sees on a circle of self-dual radius (see [79] for example). 3. The maximal rank of the semi-simple part of the observed gauge group is n. There are always at least two U(l) factors which are not enhanced to nonabelian groups. This is because the GSO projection of the supersymmetric half of the heterotic string projects out the would-be vector bosons which would like to enhance these gauge group factors. 4. This Grassmannian picture for the moduli space is only true to leading order. We can expect quantum corrections to break anything — including the nonabelian enhanced gauge symmetry. Now we would like to map this picture of gauge symmetry enhancement back into the language of the type IIA string compactified on X. What do we need to do to X to get an enhanced gauge symmetry? This is explained in great detail in [1]. First of all note that the factor (49) of the moduli space corresponds exactly to the Kahler form parameters of "type II" above. We know this because of the special Kahler geometry discussed in section 3.3.1 and the intersection numbers discussed in section 3.3.2. This means that moving around in this Narain component of Mv corresponds to changing the size (and S-field) of the algebraic curves in the generic K3 fibres of X. The,result is [1,54,80-82] Proposition 12 Let a set of algebraic genus zero curves collapse to zero area in every K3 fiber in X. Thus X acquires a curve of singularities. In addition set the corresponding components of the B-field to zero. Then one obtains a nonabelian enhanced gauge symmetry. The ADE classification of curves one may collapse in a KS surface corresponds to the ADE classification of the resulting Lie gauge groups. Again we need to note a few points: 1. We are assuming that there is no monodromy in these curves in the K3 fibres as we move around the base W. If there is monodromy one can obtain non-simply-laced gauge symmetries which we do not wish to discuss here.
764 2. We also assume that the overall volume of each K3 fiber is generic. By tuning the volume to the right values one may enhance the gauge symmetry further. One usual way of picturing the appearance of a nonabelian gauge symmetry is as follows. The type IIA string theory contains 2-branes in its spectrum (as discussed in many other lectures at this school). These 2-branes may be "wrapped" around the 2-spheres living in the K3 fibres. The mass of the resulting solitons in the four-dimensional theory is given by the area (and B-field) of these 2-spheres. In the limit that these spheres shrink to zero size we obtain new massless states in the theory. These massless states may lie in either hypermultiplets or vector multiplets. Which type is determined by the moduli space of the 2-cycle that shrank down to zero size. Witten showed [53] that isolated curves give rise to hypermultiplets and curves that live in families parametrized by other curves give vectors. Thus, in our case where we are shrinking down whole families of curves in order to obtain a Calabi-Yau threefold with a singular curve we expect extra vectors. These vectors are the "W-bosons" which enhance the gauge group to a nonabelian group. The case we have considered here is actually a special case of acquiring a singular curve in X and so must be considered to be a special case of acquiring nonabelian gauge symmetry. Consider the projection given by the K3-fibration ir : Xi —> W when Xi is a singular space made by shrinking down a particular curve (or set of curves) within every K3 fibre. Let Csing C X\ be the resulting singular curve within Xi. The restriction of the fibration Ac,^
• Csing -»• W
is an isomorphism. Suppose that we can find another family of curves within X which can be shrunk down to form another singular space X2 with a singular set Csing C X2. The projection under 7r of a general singular set may or may not be surjective onto W. In particular we may have that the image under n is a point (or a set of points) inW. It is not hard to see that the fibre over such a point in W is peculiar and could not possibly be a smooth K3 fibre. Indeed we are talking about contributions of "type III" to the moduli space of vector multiplets when we shrink such 2-cycles down. We therefore claim that a singular curve lying over a point in W must correspond to a nonperturbative enhanced gauge group. We will see examples of nonperturbative gauge groups in section 4.3. 3.3.4
An example
Now that we have spoken rather abstractly about duality let us give an example which illustrates most of what we have discussed above. This example first appeared in [2]. We begin by describing the Calabi-Yau threefold X on which we will compactify the type IIA string. Let X be the hypersurface XQ
' "^3
i ^4
765 in the weighted projective space P/12>8i2>i u [x0,x1,x2,x3,xi}
homogeneous coordinates
= [A12i0,A8a;i,A2X2,A2;3,Ax4].
Note that this satisfies the Calabi-Yau condition (40). We also need to note that this Calabi-Yau threefold is not smooth. In particular, putting A = i we obtain [x0,Xi,X2,X3,Xi] = [x0,Xi,-X2,ix3,ixi\.
which produces a Z 4 singularity at [x0,xi, 0,0,0] which is a single point in X. Similarly putting A = - 1 puts a Z 2 singularity along [x0, x\, x2,0,0], which is a curve in X (containing the previous Z 4 fixed point). These quotient singularities need to be blown up if we want a nice smooth Calabi-Yau threefold for X. For the singular curve in X fixed by Z 2 we may replace each point in this curve by a P 1 . The homogeneous coordinates of this P 1 may be considered to be [£3,0:4] (which are not now allowed to vanish simultaneously — we have removed the singularity after all!). Actually we may view [X3,14] as the coordinates of W = P 1 and project in the obvious way 7T : X -» W.
Let us denote a given point on W by ft. That is, let x4 = fj,x3. Then the inverse image of a point in W under TT is x20 + x31+xl2 + xli{l + ti24) = 0
in the weighted projective space Pr 1 2 8 2 1 )• This is a K3 surface as required. This is most easily seen by putting x'3 = x\ giving us an equation in P | 6 4 11}. Thus we have written X as a K3-fibration. We may now play the same trick again on each K3 fibre. Each K3 fibre has a Z 2 singularity in it (as a side effect of the Z 4 singularity in the original threefold). This may be resolved by replacing it with a P 1 which we denote C. Thus the fibre itself may be written as a bundle over C = P 1 with fibre given by a cubic equation in P?3 21-, — namely an elliptic curve. Thus our final smooth X consists of a K3-fibration over W = P 1 where each K3fibreis itself an elliptic fibration over another C = P 1 . All these fibrations have sections allowing us to identify W and C as the bases of fibrations with subspaces of X. Now we may describe H2(X), or equivalently H^X), in terms of this K3 fibration in the language of section 3.3.2. I: We have the size of the section W. This gives one vector multiplet.
766 II: We may vary the sizes of the section C of each K3 fibre and we may vary the size of each elliptic fibre of these K3's. This gives two more vector multiplets. Ill: The only bad K3 fibres occur where /i 24 = —1 in (59). The resulting polynomial does not factorize and so this bad fibre is still irreducible. Therefore we obtain no more vector multiplets associated with bad fibres. So we have a theory with three vector multiplets (indeed, ^^(X) = 3). We may now write down the form of the moduli space to leading order using proposition 9. First we need the Picard lattice of the generic K3 fibre. There are two generators: the elliptic fibre, e and the P 1 section / . It is not hard to show that ene = 0, e n / = l, and f!~)f = —2. This intersection matrix is isomorphic to I \ i . Thus T = r2,2 and n = 2 in (53). Let us try to find a heterotic string interpretation of this moduli space. Going back to the discussion around equation (49) we see that we have the simplest case where L, the Cartan lattice of &E> is empty and indeed the rank of % is n — 2 = 0. The vector moduli space is purely described in terms of deformations of the dilaton-axion and the Narain moduli space of the 2-torus EH with no bundle degrees of freedom. This accounts for all three vector moduli. In other words, all the the primordial gauge group in ten dimensions must have been sucked up with the bundle on the K3 surface SH leaving nothing left for EH to play with. To describe exactly what this bundle on SH is requires a knowledge of the hypermultiplet moduli space and so we won't be able to discover this until section 4.3.1. We get enhanced gauge symmetries in the following ways. We may shrink down the section / in every K3 fibre. The undoes the second blow-up we did when resolving at the start of this section. It produces a single curve of "Ai" singularities within X. It corresponds to putting the space-like 2-plane 15 perpendicular to the single vector s 6 T. Either way, we get an SU(2) gauge symmetry. We may also squeeze out a rank 2 gauge symmetry — either SU(2) x SU(2) or SU(3) by tuning the vector moduli further. This can be seen by noting that Ax © Ai and A2 can both be embedded in T2i2 and we may arrange 13 to be orthogonal to either. This corresponds to shrinking the elliptic fiber, e, down to an area of order 1 as well as tuning the size of / . The precise details are given in [1]. Now let us turn our attention to the type IIB picture. Using proposition 6 we see that Y is given by X/(Z 6 x Z12) where the generators of the quotienting group are given by Si : [x0,xux2,x3,x4] , 02 : [x0,xi,x2,x3,xi\
[x0,xi,x2,e~^x3,e~^x4] m _2M ,
i-» [x0,xi,e ™ x2,x3,e
( 6 °)
12 x4\.
The general form of Y may be written as a quotient of X with defining equation x20 + x\ + xl22 + xf + x f + a x^xrx2xzx4
+ f3 x\x\x\ + 7 x\2x\2 = 0.
767 The three parameters a, /? and 7 then give the three deformations of complex structure of Y (as h2'1 = 3 ) . Knowing the details of the mirror map allows us to map these parameters to the complexified Kahler form of the type IIA description. One may determine this using the "monomialdivisor" mirror map of [83,84] when one has a hypersurface in a weighted projective space. This particular model was also studied in [85]. The upshot is that if X is in the "Calabi-Yau phase" where the areas of all possible algebraic curves are large then essentially • Letting x = (3/a6 —> 0 will take the size of the elliptic fibre off to infinity. • Letting y = 4/j2 —» 0 sends the size of the section W off to infinity. • Letting z = 4"f//32 —> 0 sends the area of the rational curve / within each K3 fibre off to infinity. The parameters (x, y, z) are chosen so that the interior of the Kahler cone of X is described asymptotically by x
Quantum corrections to JV = 2 gauge theories
So far we have discussed purely the classical limit of the heterotic string theory where we assume the dilaton is such that the coupling is very weak and that the prepotential is purely cubic. Thanks to the duality of the heterotic string to the type IIB string we may try to continue our analysis of the heterotic string away from this classical limit. This is an enormous subject but we will be very brief here. Our intention is to give only a flavour of the subject. Let us explain what happens in terms of the example of the previous section. In particular let us study what happens to the would-be SU(2) gauge theory which appears when every K3 fibre of X contains an Ax singularity. First of all we mentioned that we could actually get the gauge group to be SU(2) x SU(2) or SU(3) if we tuned the size of the K3 fibre suitably. Let's not concern ourselves with this fact here and let us instead assume that the parameter a (or equivalently x) in the last section is at any generic value. Now we can ask ourselves if anything interesting happens to Y as we vary y and z. In particular, the most obvious question to ask is whether Y is ever singular. Y is singular whenever / = df/dx0 = .. . d / / d z 4 = 0 has a solution for (61). With a little algebra we find that this has a fairly simple solution for y = 1. In this case we have 12 singular points in Y lying in the subspace x0 = xx = x2 = 0. We know that varying y has something to do with varying the dilaton in the heterotic string so this suggests that something curious happens in our model when the heterotic string coupling is of order 1.
768 While this sounds interesting it is a bit too exotic for our purposes here! We would rather discover something interesting which happens near weak coupling. The next simplest solution one finds is when we have singular points in the larger subspace xo = Xi = 0 . This demands that (1 - z)2 - yz2 = 0.
If our heterotic string has zero coupling we set y = 0 and so this has a solution when 2 = 1. One may show that z = 1 is exactly the value required to make the little curves / in each K3 fibre of X acquire zero size [86]. So this must be exactly where we expect to see enhanced SU(2) gauge symmetry. To summarize we expect to see an SU(2) gauge symmetry whenever y = 0 and 2 = 1. Now we may probe into nonzero coupling by letting y acquire a small nonzero value. The odd thing to note is that (62) then has two solutions for z near 1. Somehow our single SU(2) theory has split into two interesting things for nonzero heterotic dilaton. At this point we could easily go off and explore the wonders of these quantum corrections. This subject is generally called "Seiberg-Witten" theory [87,88]. These lecture notes would be dwarfed by a full treatment of this subject so instead we will refer to [89], for example, for a review. Here we will just review some basic properties. In its basic form Seiberg-Witten theory is not a theory which includes gravity. It is a very interesting question as to how one can remove gravity from the four-dimensional theory we have constructed. One might regard the removal of gravity as a rather regressive thing to do — after all it was precisely because string theory contains gravity that string theory became so popular in the first place. Nevertheless going to a limit where gravity can be ignored provides a very useful way of making contact between what is known about string theory and quantum field theory. Indeed this process has often dominated work in string theory in recent years. In order to switch off gravity we need to take the string coupling to zero. As we discussed in the type IIA language this corresponds to taking the area of the section W to infinity. In type IIB language we are taking y —> 0. If we were to do this process alone then everything would become rather trivial. Instead let us "zoom in" on the splitting effect that we saw above. In particular let us rescale z — 1 as we take y —>• 0 so that we fix the location of the two solutions of (62) at some fixed scale determined by a constant traditionally called A2. This leaves us with one complex parameter u, where the u = ±A 2 at the discriminant. We show this in figure 2. This scale A encodes the effective coupling constant of the gravity-free Yang-Mills theory which remains. This process is explained in detail in [90,91]. In a way this limit is one of the cleanest ways of viewing the process of "dynamical scale generation" in quantum field theory. We desire to zoom in on the part of the moduli space where gravity is weakly coupled but the structure of the SU(2) gauge theory of interest forces us to fix a scale. This is the same scale which appears when computing the running of a coupling constant in an asymptotically free theory!
/ ^ ^ 1
Figure 2: The rigid limit of an SU(2) theory. The two main statements of Seiberg-Witten theory for SU(2) are 1. The gauge symmetry SU(2) never appears. It is broken by quantum effects (assuming A is nonzero). 2. At u = ±A 2 massless solitons appear. These are the remnants of the "W-bosons" which appeared classically to enhance the gauge symmetry. There is one aspect of this "zooming in" process which is of great interest when discussing the geometry of N = 2 theories. Namely, the structure of special Kahler geometry changes. If one considers the geometry of the moduli space with no gravity then (28) becomes [92,93]
*=- im H?)'
where t are affine coordinates. This form of special Kahler geometry is often referred to as "rigid" special Kahler geometry while that of section 3.1 is called "local" special Kahler geometry. The key point, as discussed in [51,94] for example, is that while local special Kahler geometry is associated to the moduli space of complex Calabi-Yau threefolds, rigid special Kahler geometry is associated to the moduli space of complex curves. Thus we should expect the theory of N = 2 supersymmetric field theories without gravity to be associated to Riemann surfaces in much the same way that these theories with gravity were associated to Calabi-Yau threefolds. This is pretty much exactly what Seiberg-Witten theory [87,88] does. An SU(2) gauge theory is associated with an elliptic curve for example. The exact way in which this curve appears in the limit of the Calabi-Yau threefold as we decouple gravity is not at all clear. A fairly systematic way of doing this construction was
Figure 3: Moduli Space of a Torus. explained in [91] in the case that Y is constructed using toric geometry. See also [95] for an earlier analysis of this problem and [96], for example, for further discussion. The geometry of the Calabi-Yau threefold makes an explicit appearance for N = 2 theories with gravity — it is the Calabi-Yau threefold Y on which the type IIB string is compactified. The manifest geometry of the Riemann surface in the case of Seiberg-Witten theory is a little more obscure. Possibly the best suggestion for a direct picture in which this curve appears was given by Witten [97] in terms of M-theory and world-volume theories of D-branes. 3.3.6
Breaking T-Duality
Our discussion of the moduli space of the type IIA picture and the heterotic picture for J(v were in excellent agreement so long as we ignored quantum effects. In- both cases we had a "Narain" factor in the form of the symmetric space given in (49). In the language of the heterotic string this consisted of the moduli of the 2-torus EH together with the degrees of freedom of the Wilson lines of the flat bundle VE- The group O(T) gave the T-dualities of the heterotic string on a torus. In particular if we consider the example of section 3.3.4 then we have a Narain factor of
771 the form 0 ( r 2 , 2 ) \ 0(2,2)/(0(2) x 0(2)) £ (Cm x Cc)\ ( ^ ^
x ^
Here we have used the standard decomposition of the Grassmannian into a form which makes it more recognizable for our purposes. We have two copies of the upper half-plane H = SL(2,R)/U(1) which we parameterize by complex numbers a and r respectively. The groups Cm and Cc are both isomorphic to Z 2 and are generated by 9m • (r, o) >-> {a,
gc: (r,a) H-> ( - f , - C T ) ,
respectively. We refer to [98], for example, for details of this isomorphism. We depict this moduli space in figure 3. The interpretation of this moduli space in terms of EH is straight-forward. We let r denote the complex structure in the standard way and we let a denote the single component of B + iJ. Thus the SL(2,Z) action on r is the standard modular invariance of a 2-torus. The SL(2, Z) acting on a is composed of the familiar B —> B + 1 symmetry as well as a J —• 1/J T-duality. Note that Cm is "mirror symmetry" for a 2-torus as was first seen in [99]. Cc can be thought of as a complex conjugation symmetry of the theory. This is all very well but we have noticed in the previous section that this picture of the moduli space is subject to quantum corrections. That is, this Narain picture of the moduli space of EH is not exact. We will now argue that the effect of these quantum corrections is to completely ruin the description of the moduli space as a quotient and so any notion of T-duality for EH is lost. To argue this let us discuss what can go wrong with T-duality arguments in another example. We will consider the classical quintic hypersurface in P 4 as was analyzed in [72]. The Calabi-Yau manifold has h1,1 = 1. When we flatten out the single complex coordinate describing B + iJ we obtain the moduli space depicted in figure 4. Now although this moduli space looks similar to the fundamental region of H/SL(2, Z) there is a big difference. There is no action of any discrete group on H for which the region in figure 4 is a fundamental region. One may see this as follows. Note that there is an angle of 27r/5 formed at the lowest point in this region. One should therefore need 5 fundamental regions touching at this point. Indeed one may find such regions and they are pictured in figure 5.2 of [72]. One can also see that the B —> B + 1 symmetry should allow us to translate these fundamental regions one unit to the left or right to form new fundamental regions. The problem is that doing this translation gives a region which overlaps in an open set with one the regions we built earlier by rotating by 27r/5. Thus these supposed fundamental regions do not tessellate in H and therefore cannot be derived in terms of a group action on H.
B Figure 4: Moduli Space of the Quintic. Indeed we argued in section 2 that N = 2 theories in four dimensions do not generically have locally symmetric moduli space. It was in the context of symmetric spaces that we saw the natural appearance of T-duality. It should not therefore be a surprise that we do not find the true analogue of a modular group for the quintic threefold. We should therefore expect that the quintic threefold represents the generic case of a Calabi-Yau moduli space. In particular once we turn on the heterotic string coupling, i.e., give finite size to the section W of the example in section 3.3.4 the Naraln description of the moduli space is lost. This is argued in [7]. So if the heterotic string on a torus does not respect T-duality how should we really describe the moduli space? The principle should be the same as that for the quintic threefold. One should begin with a weakly coupled heterotic string on a large circle or torus. Here one unambiguously sees the geometry of the compactification. Now move about the moduli space of compactifications. In this we can label every point in the moduli space by a set of moduli (such as radii) for the torus. One problem we have to be careful about is that we may follow loops in the moduli space which allow us to identify more than one torus with a given point in the moduli space of theories. We must avoid this by putting cuts in the moduli space. If we do not put in such cuts then generically one would expect to be able to identify every possible torus with each point in the moduli space! (Note that since the classical SL(d, Z) symmetry of a d-torus is lost one must describe the torus directly in terms of data which chooses a fundamental region of the classical moduli space of flat metrics.) Once we have completed this labelling process (the details of which depend on a choice
773 of cuts) we have defined every possible torus to be considered. Tori excluded by the process, such a circle of radius less t h a t \/G7, do not exist and should not be considered. It is only the accidental T-duality of the weakly-coupled string that led us to believe that we could make real sense of small tori. S^ This example consisted of a moduli space My which became locally a symmetric space on its boundary at infinite distance corresponding to some classical limit. It is interesting to note that there are other known examples where a subspace of jfty can be locally symmetric. For example consider the so-called Z-orbifold T6/Zs with 27 fixed points. The rational curves in this space (after blowing up) conspire to only give certain quantum corrections to My- The effect of this is to make the prepotential & exactly cubic if none of the 27 blow-up modes are switched on [100]. The result is that we get a slice of the moduli space (at finite distance) of the form •^v.orb = U(3,3; Z)\ U(3,3)/(U(3) x U(3)).
Moving away from this subspace there are instanton corrections and the symmetric space structure is lost. Note that in general we lose the classical SL(2, Z) symmetry of the complex structure of the torus in addition to any T-duality. How can this be? The moduli space of a 2-torus of volume one is determined by considering the ways of making a a lattice of area one, dividing out by rotations, and then dividing out by the modular group SL(2,Z). This gives us the familiar form S L ( 2 , Z ) \ S L ( 2 , K ) / S O ( 2 ) . If we declare t h a t quantum effects break this structure then quantum effects must be having a drastic effect on this construction of the torus. As well as breaking the SL(2, Z) invariance, we are also modifying the SL(2, R ) / SO (2) part. It is as if we are breaking the picture of the 2-torus as a Riemannian manifold. Hopefully once stringy geometry is better-understood it will be more clear what is happening here. It is worth mentioning that there are two distinct types of U-dualities discussed in the literature. One is an "internal duality" statement where one says that a string theory of type J7\ (e.g., type IIA, Eg x Es heterotic etc.) compactified on X\ with coupling Ai is dual to a string theory of the same type 5?\ compactified on X2 with coupling A2. Alternatively one has an "external duality" where one says that a string theory of type S?\ compactified on Xi with coupling Ai is dual to a string theory of a different type S^ compactified on X2 with coupling A2. Our discussion of the breaking of T-dualities (and by implication U-dualities) was in the context of internal dualities. In particular we were fixing our string as an Es x E$ heterotic string. W h a t happens when the external duality relating an Es x Es heterotic string on a given torus and a given choice of Wilson lines to a Spin(32)/Z 2 heterotic string on another torus and set of Wilson lines? Our discussion of mapping out the moduli space should apply again. Map out the moduli space of tori and Wilson lines as above using the _E8 x #8 heterotic string. Now do the same thing with the Spin (32)/Z 2 heterotic string. Note that the starting point for the large torus
774 will not be the same limit point in moduli space as the former case. This means that every point in the moduli space will now have two labels — one for each heterotic string. One should not obtain small radii for either heterotic string interpretation. Thus strictly external U-dualities need not be broken by quantum effects. The precise mapping between (Xi, Ax) and (X2, A2) can be expected to be modified however.
The Moduli Space of Hypermultiplets
Now we come to the considerably more tricky subject of trying to map out the moduli space of hypermultiplets for our N = 2 theories in four dimensions. In the case of the vector multiplet moduli space, the type IIB string compactified on Y gave an exact model. For the hypermultiplets there is no exact model. This makes the subject much more difficult and potentially much more interesting!
Related Dimensions
The purpose of these lectures is to discuss some special properties of N = 2 theories in four dimensions. It turns out to be very useful to be aware of some other closely-related theories in both higher and lower dimensions than four to help gain insight into the hypermultiplet moduli space. 4.1.1
JV = (1,0) in six dimensions
Imagine compactifying the heterotic string on a K3 surface SH- This would yield a theory with N = (1,0) supersymmetry in six dimensions. We refer the reader to [101] for a good discussion of many aspects of such theories. This has an i?-symmetry of Sp(l). We discussed the supermultiplets of such theories in section 2.3. Such a theory may then be compactified on a 2-torus to yield our familiar N = 2 theory in four dimensions. Upon dimensional reduction, the N = (1,0) supermultiplets in six dimensions become N = 2 supermultiplets in four dimensions as follows: • A six-dimensional hypermultiplet becomes a hypermultiplet in four dimensions. • A six-dimensional vector multiplet becomes a vector multiplet in four dimensions. • A six-dimensional tensor multiplet becomes a vector multiplet in four dimensions. In particular the hypermultiplet moduli space of a heterotic string compactified on a K3 surface SH is exactly the same as the hypermultiplet moduli space of a heterotic string compactified on SH x EH- This is consistent with our earlier comment that all the hypermultiplet information comes from the K3 surface SH-
2 2
2 2
(n+5 lines)
(n lines)
2 1
6 3
3 2
in* VS8SA 2
IV" Figure 5: Classification of elliptic fibres.
It is therefore quite common to analyze the hypermultiplet moduli space in terms of six-dimensional physics rather than four-dimensional physics. Having said that, our duality statements might now sound a bit peculiar. We want to say something to the effect that we can model the hypermultiplet moduli space of a heterotic string on a K3 surface in terms of a type IIA string on a Calabi-Yau threefold X but the former is six-dimensional while the latter is four-dimensional. It is important to note that we cannot necessarily completely ignore the 2-torus EH in the product SH X EH- In effect we can think of arriving at our six-dimensional theory by beginning in four dimensions and decompactifying EH- To do this we certainly need the full moduli space of EH and from proposition 10 this in turn implies that the Calabi-Yau threefold X is an elliptic fibration with a section. Assuming this is the case, we may model the six-dimensional physics of the heterotic string on SH in terms of the type IIA string on X by implicitly decompactifying EHThis mechanism of using type IIA strings on X to model six-dimension physics is known as "F-theory". The reader should be warned that there are at least two other ways of defining F-theory common in the literature. One is to treat F theory as twelve dimensional (although whether it lives in R2'10 or R1,11 is unclear). Another way is to view it as a type IIB string compactification with a varying dilaton. We refer to [102,103] for more details.
v 6
!\ V^
/iV IV
"X •'
cc w
Figure 6: A typical elliptic fibration. The type IIA definition of F-theory is well-suited for our purposes of linking the subject to four dimensions. Let us denote the elliptic fibration as p : X —> 0, where 0 is a complex surface. We also know we have a K3-fibration n : X —> W, where W = P 1 , and a fibration 0 -> W with generic fibre given by P 1 . That is, 0 is a "ruled surface". If 0 is a smooth P'-bundle over W, it is the "Hirzebruch surface" F n . Here the section W •—> 0 has self-intersection — n within 0. Blowing up F„ at a few points replaces some of the smooth P1-fibres by chains of P^s. It is common to then draw X (representing a complex dimension as a real dimension) in the following form. We may use the plane of the paper to represent 0 by letting the horizontal direction represent the section and the vertical direction represent the P1-fibre. That is, the "ruling" of the ruled surface 0 is given by vertical lines. Now over a (complex) codimension one subspace of 0 the elliptic fibration p : X -> 0 will degenerate. We may draw this "discriminant" locus as a set of curves and lines in the plane of the paper. Kodaira has classified the possibilities for how an elliptic fibre may degenerate in the case of one parameter family [104]. We show the possibilities in figure 5. With the exception of I0 which is the smooth elliptic case, and II which is an elliptic curve with a cusp, each line in the figure represents a rational curve. This curve may appear with a multiplicity given by the small numbers in the figure. This classification can be used to label the generic points on the irreducible components of the discriminant locus. The result is that one obtains a picture somewhat typically like figure 6 for X in the form of an elliptic fibration. In this figure the dotted lines represent lines (P^s) within 0.
777 Co is a section and / is a generic P 1 fibre. Note that this notation is consistent with the / which appeared in section 3.3.4. At one point over W we have put a fibre as a chain of three P^s. The solid lines represent the discriminant locus. Each irreducible component is labelled by its Kodaira type. When these components collide, the elliptic fibration will degenerate further and the resulting fibre need not lie in Kodaira's classification. Since we wish to study the moduli space of hypermultiplets we are particularly interested in the deformations of complex structure of X. When we draw X as an elliptic fibration, the complex structure is encoded in the discriminant locus. Thus, deformations of X are given simply by the deformations of the discriminant locus. It will also be worthwhile to note how the Kahler form data appears in the elliptic fibration. Deforming the Kahler form may either affect areas in the fibre direction (i.e., the area of the generic fibre as well as areas within the chains of special Kodaira fibres) or affect areas within 0 . As we decompactify En to go from 4 dimensions to 6 dimensions one can show that the areas in the fibre direction become meaningless [1,105]. Our discussion of the types of supermultiplets in four and six dimensions given at the start of this section leads one to conclude: • Using the Kahler form to vary areas in the fibre direction corresponds to moduli in a six-dimensional vector supermultiplet. • Using the Kahler form to vary areas in 0 corresponds to moduli in a six-dimensional tensor supermultiplet. 4.1.2
N = 4 in three dimensions
Imagine taking our TV = 2 theory in four dimension and compactifying further on a circle. This leads to a theory in three dimensions with N = 4 supersymmetry. This has an Rsymmetry of SO(4) = Sp(l) x Sp(l) (up to irrelevant discrete factors) which implies that the moduli space should factorize into a product of two quaternionic Kahler spaces. These three dimensional theories have two different types of "hypermultiplets" whose moduli spaces cannot mix. In the literature one often refers to one of these types of hypermultiplets as "vector multiplets" to reflect their four-dimensional origin. However, one should be aware that, within the context of the three-dimensional physics, such a distinction is arbitrary. Note that the hypermultiplet moduli space JZH from four dimensions comes through unscathed into the three dimensional picture whereas our vector multiplet moduli space becomes "quaternionified" in the compactification. It is remarkable how resilient MH is! It is unchanged as we compactify on circles a theory in six dimensions with N = (1,0) supersymmetry down to three dimensions. Compare this with the capricious vector multiplet moduli space which is non-existent in 6 dimensions, real in 5 dimensions, complex in 4 dimensions and quaternionic in 3 dimensions!
778 Because the vector multiplet moduli space becomes a hypermultiplet moduli space upon compactification to three dimensions, this picture provides a potentially useful way of using our knowledge of special Kahler manifolds to uncover some of the mysteries of quaternionic Kahler manifolds. Suppose we wish to study J%H (X) for a type IIA string compactified on the Calabi-Yau threefold X. Consider instead the moduli space J(y{Y) of the type IIA string compactified on Y, the mirror of X. Compactifying further on SR, a circle of radius R, the special complex Kahler space ^fv(Y) becomes a quaternionic Kahler space which we will denote ^v{Y)uSince the type IIA string on a circle of radius R is supposedly T-dual to the type IIB string on a circle of radius 1/R, the type IIA string on Y x SR should be dual to the type IIB string on Y x ShR. Using mirror symmetry this is then dual to the type IIA string on X x ShR. The space ^(v{Y)m must now represent the factor of the moduli space containing deformations of complex structures of X. That is, it descended from ^H(X) upon compactification on the circle. Having said t h a t , J(n (X) is unchanged by this circle compactification and so
S"S We already questioned the validity of T-duality for the heterotic string in section 3.3.6. It is natural to question whether T-duality is valid for the type II strings when we have only modestly extended supersymmetry. The crude statement that the type IIA string compactified on Y x SR is dual to the type IIB string compactified o n f x S\,R is almost certainly incorrect. It is true however that one should expect this to be exact when the strings are very weakly coupled. Most analyses of strings using this statement of T-duality such as [106] do use only weakly-coupled strings. We will not try to elucidate the exact meaning of T-duality in type II strings in these lectures. Determining ^v{Y)n from the complex space JZV(Y) is not easy. An interesting attempt at this problem was made some time ago by Cecotti et al. in [107].15 This paper assumed that the moduli space ^ V was determined by a prepotential that was exactly cubic. Particular attention was paid to the cases where ^ V is a symmetric space. If one then ignored quantum corrections upon compactification on a circle, this symmetric space was mapped via the socalled "c-map" to another symmetric space. For example one might have something like 16 _
SU(3,3) S(U(3)xU(3))
E6{±2^ SU(2)xSU(6)'
A notable case of the c-map is
SO 0 (4,n)
SO(2) x SO(n - 2)
see also [108] for further analysis along these lines. The map c is not intended to be viewed as a map of topological spaces! We are replacing one space by another. 16
779 We will revisit this briefly in section 4.4.3. Of course, unless we pick a very special model to examine17, there will be quantum corrections and the analysis of [107] will not be directly applicable. However, this method may provide a good starting point for the analysis of the quaternionic Kahler moduli spaces as it does give the asymptotic behaviour where quantum effects can be neglected. An exact version of the c-map was elucidated by Seiberg and Witten [61] in the case of rigid special Kahler geometry. As discussed in section 3.3.5, ^V{Y) is described in this limit by the deformation of a complex curve Csw- Seiberg and Witten's remarkably simple result is then Proposition 13 In the case that ^KY(y) is a rigid special Kahler space, ^v{Y)u is simply the hyperkdhler space given by an abelian (i.e., complex algebraic torus) fibration over ^?v(Y) where the fibre is given by the Jacobian H1(Csy/,U(l)). In addition the volume of the fibre is determined by R, the radius of the circle on which one compactifies.
Extremal Transitions
Since direct analysis of the hypermultiplet moduli space is so formidable the most prudent course of action is to try to squeeze as much information out of our knowledge of the vector multiplet moduli space as we possible can. This is facilitated by the occurrence of phase transitions or "extremal transitions". We go to a funny point in moduli space where vector moduli disappear and new hypermultiplet moduli appear. We may then pretend that we actually did this process in reverse and claim that we know something about what happens when we move around in the moduli space of hypermultiplets! 4.2.1
Let us consider the simplest type of extremal transition first — the "conifold" of [109]. We may understand this both from the point of view of geometry and from the point of view of field theory as explained in [110,111]. We begin with the geometrical picture. Consider the type IIB string compactified on the Calabi-Yau manifold Y. We move about the moduli space of vector multiplets by deforming the complex structure of Y. Let us consider a one-dimensional family of such Y's and denote an element of this family by Yt where t parameterizes the family. At a special point in this part of the moduli space, say t = 0, Y may become singular. The simplest thing that can happen as t —> 0 is that an S3 can contract to a point. Locally such a singularity would look like the hypersurface w2 + x2 + y2 + z2 = 0, See [3] for such an example.
780 in C4. This is called a "conifold singularity". Locally such a conifold point can be resolved by replacing the point by a P 1 (see, for example, [109] for a nice explanation of this). Since the Kahler form controls the areas of P 1 's such a resolution might be pictured as a deformation of Kahler form. In other words we have turned a degree of freedom from a deformation of complex structure into a deformation of Kahler form. Globally this picture does not work quite this simply. We need to consider the case of P disjoint S3's, each shrinking to a point at t = 0. If yj represents the smooth Y for a generic value of t then a simple application of the Mayer-Vietoris sequence gives a relationship between the homology of Yt and the homology of Ya. See [112] for a full description of this process. Now resolve the resulting P conifold points by adding P 1 's and call the resulting smooth manifold Y'. Another application of the Mayer-Vietoris sequence gives a relationship between the homology of Y0 and the homology of Y'. Combining these results we obtain 0 -> H4(Yt) -> H4(Y>) hzp
-> H3(Yt) - • H3(Y0) -> 0 P
0 -> H3(Y') 4 H3(Y0) - > Z 4 H2(Y') -> H2(Yt) -> 0. Let us denote by Q the rank of the map labelled f\. By Poincare duality the rank of / 2 must also then be Q. Note that Q represents the dimension of the kernel of the map 1/ —• H3(Yt), i.e., the number of homology relations between the P 3-spheres in the smooth Y. The above exact sequences give b2(Y') = b2(Yt) + Q b3(Y')=ba(Yt)-2(P-Q).
That is, as we go through the conifold transition, we lose P — Q vector multiplets and gain Q hypermultiplets. Note that P > 1 is required for this transition to make sense and so a single conifold point is not sufficient. From the point of view of field theory this process is a supersymmetric variant of the Higgs mechanism. As we wander about the moduli space of vector multiplets it is possible that some hypermultiplets suddenly become massless. Indeed, Strominger [110] noted that the singularities in the moduli space metric associated to a conifold are exactly the same as seen by Seiberg and Witten when a hypermultiplet becomes massless. Suppose P hypermultiplets become massless and that these hypermultiplets are charged under P - Q of the U(l) gauge symmetries in our original theory. We may try to give these new hypermultiplets vacuum expectation values which would then spontaneously break this U ( l ) p _ e gauge symmetry. Our N = 2 gauge theory in four dimensions has the standard gauge theory couplings and so these broken gauge symmetries must "eat up" some Goldstone bosons in order to become massive. What's more they must do this in a way consistent with
781 L
>o >o
0 0 > 1 1 1 >2 >2 2 >2 >3 2 3 >3 4 3 >5 >4 5
TV Fibre Sing. 0 Io >0 AN-i IN 2 II 3 III Ai 4 IV A2 6 Z?4 > 7 IjV-6 DN-2 8 IV* E$ 9 E1 III* 10 E$ ir
Table 3: Weierstrass classification of fibres. N = 2 supersymmetry. The only way this can happen is for us to lose P - Q of our P new massless hypermultiplets leaving us with Q new hypermultiplets. This is the field theory picture for losing P — Q vector multiplets and gaining Q hypermultiplets. Since we obtain Y' via the Higgs mechanism, this is often referred to as the "Higgs phase". Since Yt has more U(l)'s (massless photons) it is referred to as the "Coulomb phase". That is, the Higgs phase is the one with more hypermultiplets and the Coulomb phase is the one with more vector multiplets. The conifold transition is just the simplest example of all kinds of extremal transitions which may occur. 4.2.2
Enhanced gauge symmetry
The Higgs phase transition of the preceding section was a little boring because there was no nonabelian gauge symmetry at the phase transition point. We know how to get enhanced gauge symmetry (at least in some limit) from section 3.3.3. We need to consider the type IIA string compactified on X, where X has a curve of ADE singularities. This is easy to arrange using the elliptic fibration language of section 4.1.1. We can describe the situation using the "Weierstrass form" of the elliptic fibration which is standard when discussing F-theory. Let s and t be affine complex coordinates on some patch of the base 0. We may then write the elliptic fibration as y2 = x3 + a(s,t)x + b(s,t). 3
The discriminant is then given by A = 4a + 276 . The geometry of such fibrations was discussed in detail in [1] and so we will be brief here. Let us assume a and b are independent of t for the time being. We wish to put a line of interesting fibres along s = 0. Table 3 lists the resulting fibres where a = sL,b = sK and
782 A = sN near s = 0. The final column denotes the resulting singularity if all the components of the fibre not intersecting the section are shrunk down to zero area. Note that the fibres Io, Ii and II only have one component and thus cannot produce a singularity. This results in an explicit description of an extremal transition involving nonabelian gauge symmetry. Begin with a type IIA string on a smooth Calabi-Yau threefold X where all the components of all the fibres have nonzero area. Now shrink down all the components of the fibres which do not hit the section. This will result in curves of ADE singularities producing some gauge group Sf. We may then be free to deform the discriminant by a deformation of complex structure to smooth the threefold. Let us recast this transition in terms of the language of a heterotic string compactified on SH x Eg. The process begins by a deformation of the Kahler form of X which is thus a deformation of the bundle over Eg (or EH itself). That is, we vary Wilson lines over EH- We then obtain the gauge group £? by switching these lines "off". The deformation of complex structure of X then corresponds to deforming the bundle over the K3 surface SH to reabsorb the enhanced gauge symmetry £f into a bundle. This extremal transition therefore appears as reducing the structure group of the bundle VE —> EH and increasing the structure group of Vs —> SHWe begin in the "Coulomb" branch where S? is broken to its Cartan subgroup U(l) r a n k ^'. We end up in the "Higgs" branch where Sf may be completely broken. This process therefore decreases the number of vector multiplets as one would expect. An interesting point to bear in mind is that the gauge group £f can be broken by quantum effects, i.e., effects due to A-corrections in the heterotic string and a'-corrections (specifically worldsheet instantons wrapped around the base W) in the type IIA string. Even though <£ is broken however it does not mean that the phase transition cannot happen. Quantum effects cannot obstruct motion in the moduli space and these extremal transitions most certainly exist in terms of Calabi-Yau threefolds. What tends to happen, as explained in [88], is that the phase transition point does not happen at a point of enhanced gauge symmetry (which need not exist) but rather at a point where some solitons become massless. Only if quantum effects are ignored would these solitons actually produce the enhanced gauge symmetry. In a particularly interesting class of examples the extremal transition can become more complicated. One may have more than one Higgs phase joining on to the Coulomb branch. This is actually understood both in terms of field theory and in terms of the geometry of Calabi-Yau threefolds. An example of a field theory with two Higgs branches was discussed in [88]. The geometry was explained in [58] based on an earlier observation by Gross [113]. As mentioned above, when we go to the six-dimensional picture of this field theory, the degrees of freedom associated to the areas of the elliptic fibration p : X —» Q become frozen. That is, the vector supermultiplets associated to the above gauge groups lose their moduli. Because of this we lose the Coulomb branch of the theory. In other words there are special points in J£H where we may acquire enhanced gauge symmetry but there is never any phase
783 transition associated with such events. 4.2.3
Massless Tensors
Having said that we lose the standard Higgs-Coulomb phase transitions associated to enhanced gauge symmetry when we look at six dimensional N = (1,0) theories, one may ask if we have any transitions at all. There are indeed still interesting phase transitions in six dimensions as was explained in [101]. Going to the six dimensional decompactification limit of the four dimensional theories may freeze out the Kahler form degrees of freedom associated to the fibres of p : X —> 0 , but there are still Kahler degrees of freedom remaining within 0 itself. Since these degrees of freedom are present as moduli in six dimensions and descend to vector multiplet moduli in four dimensions, they must be associated to scalars living in the six-dimensional tensor multiplets [105]. Note that the scalar fields in tensor multiplets have only one real degree of freedom. There is no modulus associated to varying the B-field on 0. Effectively the periodicity of B tends to zero as we decompactify the four dimensional theory to six dimensions. The geometry of the tensor moduli space is given by the real special Kahler geometry of section 3.2.1. The six-dimensional phase transitions are then between a phase spanned by hypermultiplets, which we still call the Higgs phase, and a phase spanned by tensor multiplets, which is called the Coulomb phase for consistency with the four-dimensional picture. In terms of F-theory on a Calabi-Yau threefold X this phase transition is really nothing more than the conifold transition we discussed in section 4.2.1. We will give an example here to explicitly give the geometry of the elliptic fibration. For more details on the geometry we refer to [1]. Consider an elliptic fibration whose local Weierstrass form is y2 = x3 + s*x + s6t.
This has a type II* fibre running along s = 0 and so one would associate this to an E$ gauge group. At t = 0 something special happens. The elliptic fibration degenerates so badly that the only fibre that would smooth the space out would actually be complex dimension two rather than some algebraic curve. To avoid this one may blow up the point s = t = 0 in the base to introduce a new rational curve into 0. One is certainly not always free to do this! Blowing up any old point in 0 would usually result in breaking the Calabi-Yau condition. It is only because (74) is so singular that one can do this. The form (74) is therefore precisely at the phase transition point. We may go off into the Higgs phase by deforming the equation, and thus the complex structure of X. We may go off into the Coulomb phase by blowing up the base 0 at s = t = 0.
The classical limit
The preceding section on extremal transitions gives us invaluable information about specific points in MH — those which allow phase transitions into new dimensions in JHy. We now explore the other part of J$H which is accessible. We will look at the boundary where all quantum effects may be ignored. We have asserted that the heterotic string compactified on (Vs —> SH) X (VE —¥ EH) is dual to the type IIA string compactified on a Calabi-Yau threefold X. If we could go to a limit in the moduli space where the a'-corrections to the heterotic string and the Acorrections to the type IIA string were simultaneously switched off then we should be able to map the two respective moduli spaces of hypermultiplets exactly onto each other. In order to completely ignore Eg and its bundle we will assert that we are in the F-theory situation where X is a K3 fibration and an elliptic fibration with a section. We will also demand that SH is itself an elliptic surface with a section. This latter demand kills many moduli and one might ask whether one really needed to impose such a drastic constraint. As we will see, it appears to be necessary, to get a simple description of the classical moduli spaces. In proposition 8 of section 3.3.2 we showed that the dilaton of the heterotic string is mapped to the area of the P 1 base of X as a K3-fibration. While we tried to be quite rigorous in showing proposition 8, there is a quicker (but dirtier) way showing the same thing. Suppose that X were not a K3-fibration over P 1 but simply a product of a K3 surface times an elliptic curve. This would yield an N = 4 theory in four dimensions. It is also dual to a heterotic string on T 6 . One may then use a simple dimensional reduction argument [114-116] to show that the coupling of the heterotic string is given by the area of the elliptic curve on which the type IIA string was compactified. The same argument shows that the coupling of the type IIA string is given by the area of one of the T 2 's in the heterotic 6-torus. If we assume that T 2 x Q (for any space Q) is equivalent to a Q-fibration over P 1 as far as areas are concerned then this simple dimensional reduction argument reproduces proposition 8. It also implies that the coupling of the type IIA string is determined by the area of the section of the K3 surface SH, as an elliptic fibration, on which the heterotic string is compactified. We will assume this statement is true even though this argument considerably lacks rigour. See [117] for a more thorough treatment of this question. In order to make the type IIA string very weakly coupled we are therefore required to make the section of SH very large on the heterotic side. This will eliminate A-corrections on the type IIA side. Now in order to remove the a'-corrections on the heterotic side we are required to make the K3 surface SH very large. Since we have made the section of SH large we have already fulfilled this requirement partially. If we assume that SH is a completely generic elliptic K3 surface with a section, then the
/ n '
©i/ /Q
®\''''K 2 \ >Y\
• >' \' \< i
' / / c°
Figure 7: The Eg x E 8 stable degeneration. only other area we need care about is that of the generic elliptic fibre. If both the section and the fibre have large area then every minimal 2-cycle in SH will be large, unless we have chosen to be close to a special point in the moduli space of Ricci-fiat metrics where a 2-cycle shrinks down to zero size. How exactly we take the area of the generic fibre of SH to be infinite was first explained in [23] following an observation in [103]. It was then explored more fully in [118,119]. We refer the reader to [118,119] for details of the following argument. We will approach this problem as an algebraic geometer would. For a discussion of the link of this approach with a more metric-minded picture see [120]. The basic idea is that taking the areas of the fibres of SH to be large corresponds to a deformation of complex structure of X. There is therefore some limiting complex structure of X which represents SH at infinite size. We may construct this by considering a onedimensional family of X's. Let w : X —> D be a fibration of some 4-dimensional complex manifold X over some complex disc D. Let u be a complex parameter for D. If u ^ 0 then the the fibre «J - 1 (U) will be a smooth Calabi-Yau threefold in the class X. When u = 0, our fibre X0 will be singular. It is X0 which will correspond to SH with a generic elliptic fibre of infinite area. 4.3.1
The Es x Es heterotic string
In order to proceed further we need to specify whether we are talking about the E& x Es heterotic string or the Spin(32)/Z 2 heterotic string. We will deal with the E$ x Eg case first. A picture of what happens as X turns into X0 is depicted in figure 7 for the case of the Eg, x Eg heterotic string. What happens is that the Calabi-Yau threefold X "breaks in two"
786 to give a reducible space X\ U X2 intersecting along a complex surface S*. This surface is an elliptic fibration over a P 1 which we denote C» in figure 7. The surface 5, is in fact a K3 surface and is isomorphic to 5^! The way one shows this is via an adiabatic argument where one thinks of SJJ as a slowlyvarying elliptic fibration. One then focuses attention on one elliptic fibre and pretends that the heterotic string compactified on this single fibre is dual to F-theory on a K3 surface. Such an adiabatic argument might be considered a little dangerous when trying to obtain exact results. The fact that we indeed recover a K3 surface S, in the stable degeneration shows that the result is in fact exact. The only way of mapping the moduli space of SH onto the moduli space of S, is to identify them with each other! Having determined the heterotic K3 surface SH from the degeneration X —)• Xi U X2, we should now like to determine the bundle data Vs- This may be done by a very direct but rather technical process. Whereas X -+ W was a K3-fibration, each of X\ —V W and X2 —> W is a fibration with fibre given by a "rational elliptic surface" (sometimes called an "Eg Del Pezzo Surface"). Each rational elliptic surface is itself an elliptic fibration over a P 1 (the vertical dotted lines in figure 7). We now need to introduce the notion of the "Mordell-Weil" group $ of an elliptic fibration. If we have an elliptic fibration with a given section
787 instanton" [124]. It was shown in [26] that such objects can naturally be thought of as an ideal sheaf of a point. These point-like instantons produce a phase transition as described in section 4.2.3 [101,105]. That is, once we deform a bundle to obtain such an instanton, we obtain a new massless tensor which we may use to move down into the Coulomb phase. 2. We may acquire ADE singularities in SH. If the bundle is suitably generic in this case nothing interesting happens. 3. We may acquire ADE singularities in SH and let point-like instantons collide with these singularities. All possible cases were determined in [118]. For example, a collection of k point-like Es instantons on a C 2 /Z m (that is, type j4m_i) quotient singularity, where k > 2m, yields k new tensor directions in the Coulomb branch and a local contribution to the gauge symmetry of18 «f = SU(2) x SU(3) x ... x SU(m - 1) x SU(m)*" 2m+1 x SU(m - 1) x ... x SU(2). (75) One may show that the case k < 2m reduces to the case obtained by replacing m with the integer part of k/2. 4. One may put fractional point-like instantons on orbifold points. That is, one may concentrate all the curvature of a vector bundle at an orbifold point such that the remaining holonomy is a discrete group which embeds into group associated to the orbifold singularity. Note that for such a bundle we need not have a local integral contribution to c2. Many possibilities were discussed in [77]. The interesting feature here is that the finite part of the Mordell-Weil group of the fibration p : X —• 0 plays an important role. Also in this case, the specific embedding of the holonomy in E$ x Es must be specified. For example, suppose we take SH to have a singularity of the form
788 6. One may "embed the spin connection in the gauge group" to break Eg x Eg to Eg x E7 and then take the limit where one again acquires a C 2 /Z 2 singularity with zero S-field. This was analyzed in [26]. In this case one obtains a point-like instanton with c2 = § and a nonperturbative contribution of SU(2) to the gauge group. No new massless tensors appear. By counting point-like instantons one may also arrive at the following [105] (see also [1] for more details) Proposition 14 A type IIA string compactified on an elliptic fibration (with section) over the Hirzebruch surface F„ is dual to an Eg x Eg heterotic string compactified on (Vs —> SH) x (Vg -> EH) where Vs = VJ1' 0 vf'. The bundles VJ1' and VJ2) are then Eg bundles where c2{V^]) = 12 - n and c2(VJ2)) = 12 + n . The example of section 3.3.4 corresponds to an elliptic fibration over F 2 . Thus it corresponds to an Eg x Eg bundle on SH whose c2 is split (10,14). Some of the above results may also be approached using toric methods. We refer to [125] for some examples. See also [126] for an interesting conjecture concerning mirror symmetry and these results. Note that in addition to nonperturbatively enhanced gauge symmetry and new massless tensor multiplets, one may also acquire new massless hypermultiplets nonperturbatively. Although these hypermultiplets are massless, they need not provide new directions in the hypermultiplet moduli space. In order to do so they must give massless fields which remain massless when we try to use the fields to move in the moduli space. The usual Higgs mechanism as described above dictates which hypermultiplets remain massless even when one tries to move off into a Higgs branch. Although we have only specified the F-theory rules for analyzing enhanced gauge symmetry and extra massless tensors, there is an assortment of rules for determining the hypermultiplet spectrum and its transformation rules under the gauge symmetry. This is a fascinating subject which links the theory of Lie algebras to the geometry of elliptically fibred Calabi-Yau threefolds. We will not discuss this subject here as it is still a little incomplete. We refer the reader to [60,78,127,128] for more details. A quantum field theory with N = (1,0) supersymmetry in six dimensions coupled to gravity may have chiral anomalies coming from both gravity and Yang-Mills. One of the remarkable facts about the F-theory description of these six-dimensional theories is that a massless spectrum is always generated such that all these anomalies cancel. See [1] for an example of this. Why the geometry of Calabi-Yau threefolds should know about these anomalies is currently a mystery.
XQ Figure 8: The Spin(32)/Z2 stable degeneration.
The Spin(32)/Z 2 heterotic string
Since we have discussed many of the peculiar properties of the classical limit of an Eg x Eg heterotic string on various bundles on a K3 surface, we should now be able to have just as much fun with the Spin(32)/Z 2 heterotic string. Unfortunately at the present point in time there has been less attention paid to this string, at least in the context of F-theory. Having said that the Spin (32)/Z 2 string is more amenable to analysis in terms of open strings — the Spin(32)/Z 2 is believed to be dual to the type I open string. This allows Z>-brane technology to be used as was done in [124,129-132]. There is a stable degeneration in the Spin(32)/Z2 case but it is quite different to the Es x Es case [118,133]. This time, the elliptic fibres break in half as opposed to the base. A generic elliptic fibre becomes two rational curves intersecting at two points (i.e., an I2 fibre in Kodaira's notation) as depicted in figure 8. At some of the fibres these two rational curves only intersect at a single point. Thus X becomes a reducible space X0 = Xa U Xb where Xa (1 Xb is a double cover of the base branched over some subspace. This intersection is again a K3 surface which we take to be equivalent to Sg. Another difference between the Eg x Eg heterotic string and the Spin(32)/Z 2 heterotic string is that in the latter case the bundle data has yet to be elucidated. Determining the exact way the Spin(32)/Z 2 vector bundle data is encoded in Xa and Xb may not be particularly difficult and is a problem which should be investigated. Here is a collection of some known results: 1. We may deform a smooth vector bundle so that all of its curvature is concentrated at points. The fundamental such point has c2 = 1 and is known as a "point-like instanton" [124]. k such instantons coincident at a smooth point in SH will yield an enhanced gauge symmetry of Sp(fc). 2. We may acquire ADE singularities in SH- If the bundle is suitably generic in this case nothing interesting happens.
790 3. We may acquire ADE singularities in SB and let point-like instantons collide with these singularities. All possible cases were determined in [118,132]. For example, consider a collection of k point-like Spin(32)/Z 2 instantons on a C 2 /Z m (that is, type Am-.{) quotient singularity. If m is even and k > 2m, then we have \m new tensor directions in the Coulomb branch and a local contribution to the gauge symmetry of Sp(fc) x SU(2fc - 8) x SU(2fc - 16) x
x SU(2/fc - 4m + 8) x Sp(fc - 2m). (76)
If m is odd and k > 2m — 2, then we have |(m — 1) new tensor directions in the Coulomb branch and a local contribution to the gauge symmetry of Sp{k) x SU(2fc - 8) x SU(2fc - 16) x
x SU(2/c - 4m + 4).
For smaller values of k we refer to [118]. 4. Suppose we put a point-like instanton with Z 2 monodromy on an Ax singularity such that Spin(32)/Z 2 in broken to U(16)/Z 2 . A minimal such instanton has c2 = 1 and gives no new gauge symmetry or tensors [129]. 5. One may produce a peculiar point-like instanton called a "hidden obstructer" which may live anywhere in Sg, has c2 = 4, and produces a massless tensor leading to a Coulomb phase [133]. Again by counting point-like instantons one may arrive at the following [105,133] Proposition 15 A type IIA string compactified on an elliptic fibration (with section) over the Hirzebruch surface F n is dual to a Spin(32)/Z2 heterotic string compactified on (Vs —> SH) x (VE —• EH) with 4 — n hidden obstructers and where c2(Vs) = 8 + in.
Into the interior
So far we have danced around the edges of the moduli space ^n where we may ignore both the a'-corrections to the heterotic moduli space and the A-corrections of the type II moduli space. Surprisingly little is known about what happens if one ventures into the interior of the moduli space. We collect here briefly the few known results. 4.4.1
The hyperkahler limit
We already mentioned this in section 4.1.2. In effect we may look at the "first order" behaviour as we move away from the classical limit. In any of the examples where we had a perturbative gauge symmetry we may ask what happens if we allow this theory to interact (i.e., allow some coupling or some effective scale
791 A to be nonzero) while keeping the effective gravitational coupling zero. This would lead to a field theory limit which is described by a hyperkahler moduli space. This is the "rigid limit" of the quaternionic kahler manifold in the same sense as we had a rigid special Kahler limit of a special Kahler manifold. Proposition 13 by Seiberg and Witten gives a powerful tool in this respect. In terms of the heterotic compactification picture we go to the hyperkahler limit by rescaling the overall size of SH to infinity. In order to get something interesting we simultaneously scale down some minimal 2-spheres to keep their areas finite. The result is that we end up describing a heterotic string on an ALE space. The analysis of such systems is perhaps best done by using various dualities involving D-branes along the lines of [134]. Because of this we will regard this subject as beyond the scope of these lectures. We will give one interesting result however. Suppose one were to consider perhaps the simplest case of k point-like instantons moving around an ALE space of type A m _i. One can then show [28,117,135-137] that the resulting hyperkahler moduli space with k + m — 1 quaternionic dimensions is the same as you would get from the c-map of section 4.1.2 applied to the rigid limit of Jty for a theory with gauge symmetry SU(m) x U(l)*. In other words, suppose our desired moduli space is the hyperkahler limit of ^ ^ which is given by the type IIA string on X. Then the type IIA string compactified on Y, the mirror of X, would yield a gauge symmetry of SU(m) x U(l)*. We know from section 4.3.1 that when we go to the classical limit of this theory we will get a gauge group of the form (75). That is, we are in the Higgs branch of a field theory associated to the gauge group (75). From section 4.1.2 this implies that in the three-dimensional picture, mirror symmetry exchanges a field theory with gauge group SU(m) x U(l)* with a field theory with gauge group given by (75). This is a statement of "Intriligator-Seiberg mirror symmetry". See [138] for many examples of such mirror pairs and [117,139] for further discussion of this example. Clearly analysis of this hyperkahler limit is much easier than a discussion of the quaternionic Kahler ^H in its full glory. This is essentially because one ends up studying field theory (without gravity) rather than full string theory. 4.4.2
Mixed instantons
Both the type IIA and type IIB strings suffer from A-corrections when studying jtfjj. In [140] it was argued that one could study the associated instantons by considering maps of certain cycles into the Calabi-Yau space. These cycles represent the world-volume of Dbrane solitons. In a way therefore these A-corrections could be modeled by something that looks like a generalization of worldsheet instantons. In the case of a the type IIA string on a Calabi-Yau space X, one needs to consider "supersymmetric" or "special Lagrangian" minimal 3-cycles embedded in X. (On a related
792 note, such 3-cycles have also achieved prominence from the mirror conjecture of [141].) Because counting these 3-cycles is very difficult, this approach to computing the quantum corrections has not to date been very useful. Indeed, it will probably be easier to compute the quantum corrections in some other way and then use this to predict the number of 3-cycles — just as was done for rational curves. For the type IIB string, the instanton A-corrections come from even-dimensional cycles in Y, including rational curves. Remember that we also have worldsheet instanton corrections coming from rational curves in Y. Thus it would appear at first that in order to compute the quantum corrections to J?H we should count the rational curves in terms of worldsheet instantons and then add to this the contribution of rational curves from D-1-brane worldsheets. It was shown in [117] that this is not the full story. The subtleties of our discussion of quantum corrections in section 2.6 turn out to have real significance. We only really understand worldsheet instantons when A = 0 and we only understand the D-brane instantons when a' = 0. We have no right to trust either of these pictures when we set both A and a' to be nonzero. By analyzing a heterotic string on SH X EH which is dual to the type IIB string on Y, one may show that there are many quantum corrections which correspond to instantons which depend on many different combinations of a' and A [117]. It is as if we had instantons which are both worldsheet and spacetime simultaneously. One very rough way of saying what happens is that the type IIB string in ten dimensions has an SL(2, Z) symmetry which permutes the fundamental string with "(p, g)-strings" for any relatively prime (p, q). One then needs to add up the contribution from instantons from all of these (p, g)-strings. On closer inspection this description as it stands is flawed. Firstly, S-duality, like any U-duality, is broken when we have only modestly extended supersymmetry. This was shown explicitly for the type IIB string on Y in [142]. Secondly we do not really have a formulation of (p, g)-strings which allows one to make much sense of a computation of instanton corrections. Understanding these mixed instanton corrections may be one of the most challenging problems for our current definitions of string theory. It may be that we need to replace our basic formulation of string theory to be able to make sense of this problem. 4.4.3
Hunting the universal hypermultiplet
We will close our discussion of the hypermultiplet moduli space by further demonstrating how troublesome analysis of Jin can be. We want to analyze the question of whether the dilaton belongs to some special hypermultiplet which may have some universal properties for any Jin. We will begin by a quick review of some general facts about quaternionic geometry. It is well-known that we may put patches of complex coordinates on a complex manifold MQ- That is, we may take some open neighbourhood in MQ with a homeomorphism to
793 some open subset of C \ Then do this for a collection of patches covering Mc such that the coordinates are related by elements of GL(n, C) between patches. We may also consider complex submanifolds of MQ- The patches on such submanifolds map holomorphically to the patches of Mc. Unfortunately this does not work at all as nicely for quaternionic Kahler manifolds Mm. We refer to section 14.F of [6] for more details and references. One might suppose that one could consider patches homeomorphic to an open subset of H" such that these coordinates were related by elements of Sp(l). GL(n,H) C GL(4n,R). We multiply by Sp(l) on the left and by GL(n, HI) on the right to try to match the holonomy structure discussed in section 2.1. These would be patches of "quaternionic coordinates". Unfortunately the only spaces which can admit such a structure are necessarily locally projectively equivalent to quaternionic projection space HDP" [143]. The hypermultiplet moduli spaces one encounters in string theory are not expected to be of this specific form. In other words we would not expect the quaternionic structure of J(n to be "integrable". For a typical ^KH one cannot think in terms of quaternionic coordinates. While it is true that the scalars in a hypermultiplet give a quaternion, these scalars only give tangent directions in the moduli space. There is no way to integrate such a quaternionic structure a nonzero distance along such directions. In other words if one tries to start at a generic point in space and then integrate along the tangent directions given by the 4 massless scalars of a chosen hypermultiplet then one will lose the hypermultiplet structure. The four scalars one ends up with will not be mapped purely into each other by the Sp(l) .R-symmetry. There is also generically a lack of existence of quaternionic submanifolds in a generic quaternionic Kahler manifold, by which we mean the following. If one considers the tangent bundle at a given point J(u one can certainly see a quaternionic structure. One may pick a quaternionic subspace of this and try to integrate along these quaternionic directions to map out a submanifold. After integrating a nonzero distance one will generically discover that one has rotated out of the desired quaternionic structure. In other words, the Sp(l) part of the holonomy will no longer have a closed action within the new tangent directions. Having said this, if one chooses the starting point and tangent directions carefully one can sometimes integrate to find closed manifolds which art compatible with the quaternionic structure. We may call such rare objects quaternionic submanifolds. We emphasize that finding quaternionic submanifolds of a quaternionic manifold is a much harder problem than finding complex submanifolds of a complex manifold. In [107] the notion of a "universal hypermultiplet" was introduced. If one ignores Acorrections to a type II compactification one might argue from the conformal field theory that the hypermultiplet in which the dilaton lives somehow decouples from the rest of the theory. If this were the case then one could find this universal hypermultiplet by studying any particularly simple example. Consider compactifying the type II string on a 6-torus to obtain a theory in four dimensions with N = 8 supersymmetry. Now imagine what would happen to the moduli space if one embedded the U(2) .R-symmetry of TV = 2 into the U(8)
794 i?-symmetry of N = 8. It was argued in [107] that this leads to a natural embedding £7(+7) -, SL(2,R) SU(8) U(l)
SU(2,1) S(U(2)xU(l))"
The right-hand-side is therefore a possible moduli space for an N = 2 system (embedded in an ./V = 8 system). Clearly the first factor would be Mv and the second factor would be JKg. This would suggest that if a universal hypermultiplet exists it must be of the form SU(2,l)/S(U(2)xU(l)). Even this simplest of examples shows that one cannot expect the universal hypermultiplet to appear as a factor in the moduli space. Equation (78) represents an embedding of the universal hypermultiplet into the moduli space which does not factorize. One should therefore immediately question the validity of saying that the dilaton can be decoupled in a special way from the other fields (even when quantum effects are ignored). One might argue that the failure of the universal hypermultiplet to appear as a factor might be due to an excess of supersymmetry in the above example. This is not so as we see shortly. The best we might hope for then is that the dilaton lives in a hypermultiplet which can be integrated at least at some special points in MH to give a quaternionic submanifold of dimension one. Let us consider a class of genuine N = 2 examples. We know from the heterotic string that there are many cases where MH can be described asymptotically (as the K3 surface gets large) by the moduli space of K3 surfaces with bundles. In many of these cases we may freeze the bundle moduli as well as some of the deformations of the K3 itself by pushing point-like instantons into singularities and moving off in the corresponding Coulomb branch. An example of this was studied in [117]. This implies that many examples of Ma look asymptotically like JCH ~ 0(A 4 ,„)\ 0(4, n)/(0(4) x O(n)),
for some n and some lattice A4i„. Indeed in a few special examples such as [3] there are no quantum corrections and this moduli space is exact (see [144] for the classification of this type of example). Now it is known [145] that any quaternionic submanifold of Ms must be totally geodesic. From an old result of E. Cartan, the totally geodesic submanifolds of a symmetric space are always determined by Lie triples which have been classified (see [146] for example). This will actually allow for an embedding of the universal hypermultiplet (assuming n > 1): SOo(4,n) SO(4) x SO(n)
SO0(4,2) SO(4) x SO(2)
SU(2,2) S(U(2) x U(2))
Note however that (79) does not factorize in any way.
SU(2,1) S(U(2) x U(l))"
795 This embedding relies very much on the special properties of symmetric spaces. The question we should address however is whether this delicate embedding can be expected to remain when A-corrections are taken into account. If the deformation of JMH produced by these quantum corrections is sufficiently generic then this embedding will be destroyed even if we were to allow for deformations of the universal hypermultiplet itself. Until we know more about A-corrections this is impossible to address but for now it would seem to be most prudent to assume that any notion of a universal hypermultiplet, even if only as a quaternionic submanifold of jf(n rather than a factor, should be doubted. Since it was the quaternionic structure that caused problems above one might consider an alternative approach to finding the dilaton without trying to keep it cooped up in a special hypermultiplet. It is tempting to conjecture that (79) is the universal behaviour of ^£H in the weaklycoupled limit. We can then try something like a decomposition of this symmetric space along the lines of [54,115] into a warped product such as SO„(4,n) ^SL(2,R)„ SO„(2,n-2) SO(4) x SO(n) U(l) SO(n - 2) x SO(2)
x (
x R) x
where we have pulled the dilaton out as the R+ factor. Actually this decomposition is wellsuited to understanding the stable degenerations of section 4.3. We leave it as an interesting exercise for the reader to interpret each factor (although see [117] for hints!). Of course, this symmetric space is only the asymptotic form of the moduli space ^ # . The quantum corrections will make everything much more difficult to analyze. Clearly we have much about ^n to learn!
Acknowledgements It is a pleasure to thank R. Bryant, D. Morrison, R. Plesser and E. Sharpe for numerous conversations and collaborations on topics covered in these lectures. I would also like to thank S. Kachru, J. Harvey, K. T. Mahanthappa and E. Silverstein for organizing TASI99. The author is supported in part by a research fellowship from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.
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4 John H. Schwarz
TASI Lectures on Non-BPS D-Brane Systems John H. Schwarz California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA
Abstract In this set of lectures various properties of D-branes are discussed. After reviewing the basics, we discuss unstable D-brane/anti-D-brane systems, a subject pioneered by Sen. Following him, we discuss the construction of the non-BPS DO-brane in type I theory. This state is stable since it carries a conserved Z 2 charge. The general classification of D-brane charges using K-theory is discussed. The results for the type I theory, and the T-dual type I' theory, are emphasized. Compactification of type I on a circle or torus gives a theory with 16 supersymmetries in 9d or 8d. In each case the moduli space has three branches. The spectrum of non-BPS D-branes are different for each of these branches. We conclude by pointing out some problems with the type I D7-brane and D8-brane predicted by K-theory.
Contents 1 Introduction
2 Review of Basics
2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5
Type II RR gauge fields BPS D-branes T duality for D-branes Type I superstrings T-dual description of the type I theory
3 D-Brane Anti-D-Brane Systems 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5
Type II Dp + Dp systems Vortex solutions Unstable type II D-branes Type I D p + Dp systems Non-BPS DO-brane in type I
4 K-Theory Classification of D-Branes 4.1 4.2 4.3
Motivation and background Type II D-branes Type I D-branes
5 Moduli Spaces of Theories with 16 Supercharges 5.1 5.2 5.3 6
Non-BPS D-Branes in Type I 6.1 6.2 6.3
Three components in d = 9 The type I theory Consistent vacua in eight dimensions
Determination of the nonperturbative gauge groups Instability of D7 and D8 Further analysis of the D8
Concluding Remarks
812 814 816 818 819 821 821 823 824 825 827 830 830 832 834 837 837 838 839 841 841 841 841 842
In the past couple of years Sen has drawn attention to various non-BPS D-brane configurations in type II superstring theories as well as various type II orbifolds and orientifolds [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. Two review articles have been written [6, 7]. One goal is to identify and understand various objects that are stable but not supersymmetric. By now the BPS Dbranes that preserve half the ambient supersymmetry have been extensively studied and are quite well understood [8, 9]. So it is time to move on and develop an understanding of other objects that carry conserved charges and therefore should have a stable ground state. In these lectures we will concentrate on the simplest examples only — especially those that occur in the type I superstring theory in ten dimensions. Non-BPS D-brane configurations can be used to give a new outlook on BPS D-branes. For example, a non-BPS system consisting of a type II Dp-brane and a coincident Dp-brane can give a novel characterization of a BPS D(p — 2)-brane if the world-volume fields have a suitable vortex-like configuration. One can also use other field configurations to construct unstable D(p — l)-branes. Even though they are unstable, and carry no conserved charges, such unstable D-branes are useful for certain purposes. The basic observation that has arisen from these studies is that a system of coincident D-branes and anti-D-branes is characterized by a pair of vector bundles (one for the Dbranes and one for the anti-D-branes). However, when keeping track of conserved charges, one wants to allow for the possibility of brane-antibrane annihilation. Thus one is led to introduce equivalence classes of pairs of bundles. Such classes turn out to be elements of K-theory groups. Thus, K-theory is the appropriate mathematical framework for classifying conserved D-brane charges [10, 11]. Of course, one has to understand the physics to do this right. For one thing, one must figure out which K-theory group is appropriate for classifying D-brane charges for a particular superstring theory vacuum. Also, the mathematical theory may only apply when certain physical conditions are satisfied. Specifically, one must use care in analyzing D-branes of high dimension (low co-dimension), as we will explain. We will be considering various unstable brane configurations for which annihilation is expected to occur. The signal of the instability will always be the occurrence of one or more "tachyons" in the world-volume theory appropriate to the D-brane system in question. We will always assume that the tachyon rolls to a stable minimum, as in the usual Higgs mechanism. The arguments we will give are physically motivated and plausible. But they are only qualitative, as in most cases we do not have very good mathematical control. This will be sufficient for our purposes in these lectures. It should be pointed out, however, that there are two other approaches that have been used to give more mathematical control in certain
812 cases. In the first approach (used extensively in Sen's papers) the tachyon condensation mechanism is translated into a well-controlled change in the coupling of a marginal operator in a conformal field theory. Another useful technique for characterizing D-brane systems uses the so-called "boundary-state" formalism [12, 13, 14]. It has also been applied to the study of non-BPS D-brane systems [15, 16]. The idea, roughly, is that open-string partition functions can be viewed as cylindrical world sheets whose boundary is on the D-brane. Therefore the D-brane can be characterized by an appropriate coherent state in the closed-string Fock space. The stable non-BPS D-branes that we will discuss occur in theories with 16 supercharges. In ten dimensions this is just the type I theory. (Heterotic theories do not have D-branes.) In fewer than 10 dimensions there are more possibilities, however. For example, in 8 or 9 dimensions the moduli space of quantum vacua with 16 supercharges has three disconnected components. We will explain this and show that the different components can have different types of non-BPS D-branes, even though the BPS ones are the same for all components. In discussing the type I theory compactified on a circle, it is sometimes illuminating to consider the T-dual description, called type I'. At several places in our discussion we will comment on the type I' interpretation of the results.
Review of Basics
In these lectures we will be concerned with D-branes, which are dynamical objects on which fundamental strings can terminate. (D stands for Dirichlet.) Such objects occur in weakly coupled type I and type II superstring theories, but not in heterotic string theories. The superstring theories have world-sheet supersymmetry for both left-movers and right-movers. Thus, in the Ramond-Neveu-Schwarz (RNS) formulation, the world-sheet spinor has both left and right-moving components, and hence the space-time spectrum has a Ramond-Ramond (RR) sector. In this section we review some basic facts about RR gauge fields and D-branes [17, 18].
Type II R R gauge fields
Superstrings in the RNS formalism have world-sheet fields X**{O,T) and ^{a^) that are related by world-sheet supersymmetry. Here X11, which describes the embedding of the world-sheet in the spacetime, transforms as a space-time vector and a collection of worldsheet scalars. Its superpartner, tp11, is also a spacetime vector but a collection of world-sheet spinors. The 2d world-sheet conformal anomaly cancels for D= 10 (/i = 0 , 1 , . . . , 9). There are a variety of ways of showing this. One is to note that the anomaly contribution of X11 is
813 D and of V"** is \D for a total of \D. The diffeomorphism and supersymmetry ghosts, b and 0, give contributions of - 2 6 and +11, respectively. Thus the sum vanishes for D= 10. For closed strings, parameterized by a periodic coordinate 0 < a < 2ir, the world-sheet equations of motion are easily solved in a fiat spacetime. For example, X11 satisfies the 2d wave equation and therefore X"(V,T)
= X£{
Similarly, the two components of ^ ( t r , T), which satisfy a 2d Dirac equation, are just T/>£(
w,w} = *r-
Thus, aside from a factor of \/2, ipft can be identified with Dirac matrices 7^ in ten dimensions. (Such matrices are 32 x 32.) Representations of this algebra give space-time spinors (fermions). Spinors in lOd can be taken to both Majorana and Weyl at the same time. This means that they are real (in a Majorana representation of the Dirac matrices) and eigenstates of 711 = 7 0 • • • 7 9 . The eigenvalue (±1) determines the chirality. Thus the minimal spinor in lOd has 16 real components. For a massless spinor on-shell particle, also satisfying a Dirac equation, only eight components would describe independent propagating modes. The fact that a minimal spinor has 16 real components explains why the number of conserved supercharges in lOd must be a multiple of 16. It is 16 for the type I theory and 32 for the type II theories. In the IIA theory the two 16-component supercharges have opposite chirality, whereas in the IIB theory they have the same chirality. The closed-string particle spectrum has four sectors, since ip£ and V>R can each have R or NS boundary conditions. The sectors that give spacetime bosons are NS®NS and R®R, while the ones that give spacetime fermions are NS®R and R®NS. After Gliozzi-ScherkOlive (GSO) projection, which requires the world-sheet fermion number to be odd (for leftmovers and right-movers separately), the spectrum is supersymmetric [19]. In particular, it contains zero-mass and positive-mass particles, but no tachyons. The massless bosons in the NS®NS sector arise from tensoring two vectors, whereas in the R®R sector they arise from tensoring two spinors. Thus in the NS®NS sector one finds the metric tensor ,,„, an antisymmetric tensor (two-form) B^, and the dilaton
814 R®R sector one obtains a bispinor Cay (for the IIA case where the chiralities are opposite) or Cab (for the IIB case where the chiralities are the same) [20]. However, these are reducible representations, and one can write CM
n odd
Ca*~ £
i T ^ C ^ .
n even
Here 7" = \Z2ipQ are lOd Dirac matrices and y •••''" is an antisymmetrized product
The RR gauge fields Cm...^„ are totally antisymmetric in their indices, and therefore they can also be represented as differential forms C^^C^.^dx^
A . . . Ada;"".
BPS D-branes
The defining property of Dp-branes is that they are (p + l)-dimensional dynamical hypersurfaces in lOd spacetime — with p spatial dimensions and time — on which fundamental strings can end [21, 22]. As a result, their dynamics (for small string coupling constant g) can be studied using string perturbation theory, even though they themselves are nonperturbative excitations. It turns out that each BPS Dp-brane is a source for an RR gauge field C(p+i) w ;th one unit of the corresponding RR charge [8]. With this convention, a Dp-brane has RR charge — 1. The stable BPS Dp-branes in lOd Minkowski spacetime are easily deduced by noting which RR gauge fields C' p + 1 ' occur in the spectrum. The results are Type I p = 1, 5,9 Type IIA p = 0,2,4,6,8 Type IIB p = - 1 , 1 , 3 , 5 , 7 , 9 .
Of course, for high-dimension branes (p = 7,8,9) there are restrictions on whether such D-branes can actually be present. The story for p = 7 is given by F theory [23], which will not be discussed in these lectures. The restrictions for p = 8,9 will be discussed later. The case p = - 1 is the D-instanton, which is point-like in the Euclideanized theory. The RR charges appear as central charges in the supersymmetry algebra. As a result, the BPS condition ensuring that half of the supersymmetries are unbroken, relates the tension of a Dp-brane (TDp) to the charge. The result turns out to be [8] TDp = 2n^^.
815 The conventions are that the universal Regge slope a' is the square of the fundamental string length 4 (a' = £2S), and the string coupling constant is determined by the dilaton <j>, which we are assuming is constant, by g = e*. We also define a string mass scale
Usually, we set £s = 1. The world-volume theory of Dp-branes is most conveniently presented in the GreenSchwarz (GS) formalism. The type II Dp-brane theories contain superspace fields X^(a) and 8a(a) as well as a world-volume gauge field Aa(a). Here a represents the p + 1 coordinates of the world volume, the index a is a spacetime spinor label, and the index a is a world-volume vector label. The end of an open string attached to the D-brane gives a point-charge source for the U(l) gauge field Aa. The effective world-volume action for a Dp-brane, S^p, can be written as a sum of two terms Sop = ^DBI + 5wz,
where DBI denotes Dirac-Born-Infeld and WZ denotes Wess-Zumino. Complete worldvolume actions with local kappa symmetry have been presented elsewhere [24, 25, 26]. Here we will simply sketch some basic features. Dropping fermions and normalization factors, •SDBI
JdF+1ay/det(gal3 Swz ~
+ FaP)
The notation requires some explanation. gap(v) is the induced world-volume metric 9l>{p) = 9^(X)daX»d0X",
F is the U(l) field strength, and (CeF)p+i means the (p + l)-form part where
c = Y,c(k)-
The index k runs over odd integers in the IIA case and even integers in the IIB case. N parallel static Dp-branes also give a BPS system. The RR charge and the tension are both increased by a factor of N, so the ratio is unchanged. It follows that there is a precise cancellation of forces so that the system is in neutral equilibrium for arbitrary separations. When the branes coincide there is an enhanced nonabelian gauge symmetry [27], which is broken when they are separated. In the case of type II Dp-branes the enhanced gauge symmetry is U(N) for all values of p. The type I theory can be obtained from the IIB
816 theory by an orientifold projection described later. This projection also influences the gauge symmetry on the brane system. Thus one obtains O(N) for p = 1,9 and Sp(N) for p = 5. (In writing 0(N) I am not being careful about distinguishing O(N), SO(N), Spin (N), etc. Such issues will be important later.) The WZ term /[C] p + 1 = / C
where GN is Newton's constant in lOd. This combination is held fixed in the AdS/CFT story. However, we will be concerned with a different limit, namely g -> 0 with Nfixed.In this limit the effect of the D-branes on the geometry can be ignored at leading order, and one can simply regard them as hypersurfaces embedded in Minkowski spacetime, which is what we will do. This reasoning is reliable for branes of sufficiently low dimension (or high co-dimension) so that gravitational fields fall with distance from the branes. Otherwise, as in the case of D8-branes in the type I' theory, the effect on the geometry cannot be ignored. It is also worth noting that this decoupling of the geometry would not work for NS 5-branes, which have T ~ l/g2.
T duality for D-branes
Let us consider how T duality [29] works for D-branes in the simplest setting, namely when the spacetime is R9 x S1, with a single circular dimension x9 = x of radius R. The corresponding string world-sheet field X(a,r) then takes the form 71
X = mRo + — r + periodic terms. R
This describes a closed string with winding number = m and Kaluza-Klein (KK) momentum = n. Decomposing X into left-moving and right-moving parts XL(a + r) and XR(a — r), XL =
-(mR+^{o + T) + ...
XR = \{mR-^{a-r)
+ ....
Under a T-duality transformation XR -> -XR, while XL is unchanged. Thus X = XL + XR -)• XL - XR = \a + mRr + ....
817 Comparing with the original X, we see that this describes a closed string on a circle of radius 1/R with winding number = n and KK momentum = m. World-sheet supersymmetry requires that the transformation XR —• -XR be accompanied by ipR —> — ipR. This has the consequence of reversing the right-moving chirality projection, in particular 7 U —> —711. It therefore follows that IIA <-> IIB. Thus, to recapitulate, the IIA theory compactified on a circle of radius R is equivalent to the IIB theory on a circle of radius 1/R and the role of winding number and KK excitation number is interchanged under this map. Now let us examine the implications for D-branes. Suppose, for example, we start with a pair of parallel Dp-branes with positions given by # l : . r = di
i = p+l,...,9
i = P + l,...,9.
=4 m
Thus the branes fill the dimensions X , m = 0 , 1 , . . . , p and are localized in the other 9 — p dimensions. An open string connecting the two D-branes satisfies Neumann boundary conditions in the first p + 1 dimensions d„Xm\„=„ = Q, m = 0,...,p
and Dirichlet boundary conditions in the remaining 9 — p dimensions X%=0 = d\,
X%=v = 4,
Solving the 2d wave equation with these boundary conditions gives Xm = xm+pmT
-2- cos nae~mT
+ V ^sinnere-inT.
+ iY
£0 X{ = d[ + ( 4 - 4)-
Suppose now that X9 is a circle as before. What happens to the Dp-branes under the T-duality transformation? It is easy to see that XR —»• — XR simply interchanges the Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions. Therefore the D-branes, which we assumed were localized on the original circle of radius R, are wrapped on the T-dual circle of radius 1/R. Thus in the T-dual theory there are D(p+l)-branes, wrapped on the circular dimension. Thus the general rule is that under T duality: unwrapped Dp <-> wrapped D(p + 1). This meshes nicely with the fact that BPS Dp-branes exist in the IIA theory for even values of p and in the IIB theory for odd values of p.
818 Now a question arises. In the T-dual description, where the D-branes are wrapped on the dual circle, how are the positions on the original circle encoded? Clearly, this information must not be lost, since the transformation should be invertible. The key to answering this question is to recall that T duality interchanges winding number and KK excitation number. However, the original configuration has charged states with fractional winding associated to open strings that connect the two D-branes. So in the dual description these charge states should have fractional KK number. This is achieved by Wilson lines exp[i/ Ag] in the worldvolume gauge theories of the wrapped D-branes. In other words, the component of the gauge fields along the circle encodes the position of the original Dp-branes on the circle.
Type I superstrings
The modern construction of type I superstring theory (not the way it was originally developed) is as an "orientifold projection" of the type IIB theory [30, 31, 32]. Recall that in the type IIB theory, the fermions associated with left-movers and right-movers have the same chirality. As a result the world-sheet theory has a Z2 symmetry corresponding to interchange of all left-movers and right-movers X£+>X&, VL^VR-
Equivalently, one can speak of world-sheet parity Q, which reflects the spatial world-sheet coordinate {a —> —a or 2-K — a). One can, therefore, project the spectrum of the theory onto a left-right symmetric subspace by using the projection operator | ( 1 + fl). The result of this is to give a closed string with a restricted set of excitations. This is the type I closed-string, which is unoriented. The interacting theory of type I closed strings is not consistent by itself. This fact can be understood in a variety of ways. For one thing it is a chiral theory with N = 1 supersymmetry (16 supercharges), and it has gravitational anomalies. To achieve consistency one must add a "twisted sector," which consists of open strings. These are strings whose ends are associated to the fixed points of the orientifold projection (a = 0 and a = ir). They are also unoriented. It is known from the anomaly cancellation requirement that the open strings should carry SO(32) Chan-Paton charges at their ends, since this is the only Chan-Paton gauge group for which the anomalies can be cancelled [33]. (Es x E8 cannot be realized in this way.) The orientifold projection construction can be interpreted as giving rise to a spacetime filling orientifold plane — an 09-plane. The reason it fills the entire space-time is that every x* is a fixed point of fi, which does not act on x*1. This 09-plane carries -32 units of RR charge. This charge needs to be cancelled. This is achieved by adding 32 D9-branes, which also fill the entire spacetime. The 50(32) gauge fields arise as zero modes of open strings
819 that connect any pair of D-branes. (These are the same open strings that were introduced earlier.) In type II theories coincident D-branes give U(N) gauge groups, because the open strings are oriented. In the type I theory they are unoriented, and therefore one obtains orthogonal or symplectic gauge groups.
T-dual description of the type I theory
In Section 2.3 we saw that T duality on a circle S 1 corresponds to XR —> —XR (and ipR —• —ipR), and this implies t h a t X = XL + XR -»• X' = XL - XR. In the case of type II theories, X' describes a dual circle Sl of radius R' = l/R.
(25) The type I
theory is constructed by gauging the world-sheet parity symmetry fl of the type IIB theory. This corresponds to Xi <->• XR (and ipi «-*• ipR). Thus, we see t h a t in the T-dual description the action of Q. gives X' —• —X'. This gauging therefore gives an orbifold projection of the dual circle: S1/Z2
[34]. This orbifold describes an interval 0 < X' <
An alternative viewpoint is that the entire circle 5 1 is present, but that what happens on the semicircle nR' < X' < 2irR' is determined by the other semicircle. More generally, T duality along an n-torus Tn results in an orbifold Tn/Xn. Here In denotes the simultaneous inversion of all n coordinates of the torus T". More precisely, this inversion is carried out simultaneously with the orientation reversal Q of the non-compact coordinates (X£ -H- XR). The fermions are transformed at the same time. In the case of a circle (n = 1), the T-dual theory can be regarded as type IIA orientifold of the form (tfxS'l/fi-I,.
The combined operation Q-li is the relevant Z 2 projection in this case. The resulting theory — the T-dual description of type I theory compactified on a circle — is called the type I' theory. (Sometimes the alternative name type IA is used.) T duality in this setting is the equivalence of the type I' theory with the type IIB orientifold (R9 x S 1 ) / ^ ,
which is the compactified type I theory. The ends of the interval X' = 0, nR' are the fixed-point set of the IIA orientifold projection, and, therefore, they are the locations of orientifold planes — 08-planes. Each of
820 these orientifold planes can be regarded as carrying —8 units of RR charge. Consistency of the type I' theory then requires adding 16 D8-branes to cancel the RR charges. They are parallel to the 08-planes, which means that they are localized at points in the interval 0 < X' < TTR', and fill the other nine dimensions. In addition there are 16 "mirror image" D8-branes on the other half of the circle (wR! < X' < 2TTR'). Altogether, these 32 D8-branes are the T-duals of the 32 D9-branes in the type I description. The position of the D8-branes along the interval in the type I' description are determined in the type I description by Wilson lines. The Wilson line is an element of 50(32) and by an equivalence transformation can be brought to a canonical form in which it is written as 16 blocks of 50(2) matrices, which are characterized by angles Bi = X'JR',
i = 1,2,..., 16.
The X[ are then the positions of the 16 dual D8-branes, and their mirror images are located at 2-KR' - X[. By introducing a Wilson line into the compactified type I theory, one breaks the 50(32) gauge group to the subgroup that commutes with the Wilson line matrix. Expressed in terms of the type I' description, this gives the following rules: • When n D8-branes coincide in the interior of the interval, they give an unbroken U(n) gauge group. • When n D8-branes coincide with one of the 08-planes, they give an unbroken SO (2n) gauge group. In both cases the gauge bosons arise as zero modes of D8 — D8 open strings. In the second case, the additional symmetry enhancement can be traced to open strings connecting D8branes to mirror-image D8-branes. The case of a trivial Wilson line (W = ±1) corresponds to having all 16 D8-branes coincide with one of the 08-planes, which gives the expected unbroken 50(32) gauge symmetry. It should be noted that there are two additional U(l)'s that cannot be pictured in terms of D-branes. Rather they are associated to gauge fields g^ and By$ that are defined in the bulk. One linear combination of these gauge fields belongs to the 9d supergravity multiplet. Another linear combination belongs to a 9d vector supermultiplet. The latter can participate in further symmetry enhancement in special cases [35, 36]. For example, the Wilson line
W=(h6+2N \
—J16-2JV /
generically gives the gauge symmetry 50(16 + 2N) x 50(16 - 2A0 x U(l)2.
821 However, from the S-dual perturbative heterotic theory one knows that there is additional gauge symmetry enhancement. SO(16 - 27V) x 1/(1) ->• E9_N,
for a specific value of the compactification radius. In type I units, this radius is given by R2 = gN/8. I will not explore this issue further in these lectures.
D-Brane Anti-D-Brane Systems
When one superposes a BPS Dp-brane and a BPS Dp-brane the system is no longer BPS, and it is unstable. The basic idea is that the open string connecting them has a spectrum based on a GSO projection that is the reverse of the usual one, and as a result its ground state is a tachyon, which signals an instability. One method of deriving this result is to consider starting with a pair of coincident Dp-branes and then imagine rotating one of them by an angle 7r thereby turning it into an Dp-brane [37]. At intermediate angles 9 the intersection takes place on p— 1 spatial dimensions. By working through the implications of Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions for arbitrary angles 9 and continuing from 9 = 0 to 9 = n, one can deduce the reversal of the GSO projection. The occurrence of a tachyon at 9 = IT is physically sensible, of course, as it signals the possibility of annihilation, which is no longer prevented by charge conservation. We will begin by discussing such systems for type II theories and then move on to the type I theory. In each case, we will be interested in exploring the possibility of setting up field configurations on the Dp + Dp system such that something stable survives after the annihilation takes place.
Type II Dp + Dp systems
In the case of type II theories the open strings connecting D-branes are oriented, and as a result the tachyonic mode of the Dp — Dp open string is complex. Denoting the tachyon field in the (p+ l)-dimensional world volume by T, one can combine it with the gauge fields in a "superconnection" of the form
Here A is the U(l) gauge field associated to the Dp-brane and A' is the U(l) gauge field associated to the Dp-brane. The tachyon is charged with respect to both of them. More generally, one could consider N Dp-branes and N' Dp-branes. Then A would be U(N) gauge
822 fields, A' would be U(N') gauge fields, and T would be an N x N' matrix transforming as (N, N'). To start with, we will restrict consideration to the case N = N' = 1. As an explicit example of what can happen, let us (following Sen [3]) consider a D2 + D2 system wrapped on a rectangular torus with radii Ri,R2- As we discussed earlier, the WZ term of the D2-brane is f(CeF)3= f (C3+dAF). (34) JT2xR
This formula shows that magnetic flux through the torus — JT2 F — is a source of C\. In other words, a D2-brane with magnetic flux carries DO-brane charge. Suppose that the D2 and the D2 each have one unit of DO-brane charge. Assuming constant fields, this means that Fn = F[2 = _ , (35) where V = (27ri?i)(27ri?2) is the volume of the torus. Let us now examine the system described above from a T-dual viewpoint. In the T-dual description (which is also type IIA, since the torus has even dimension) we get a dual torus T2 with radii R\ = 1/Ri. By matching coupling constants in eight dimensions one learns that V V ^ = ^ 9 9
and hence that g = g/iRiRi). (37) Since the T-duality transformation interchanges DO <-> D2, the fluxes that gave DO-brane charges imply that the dual system has two D2-branes wrapping T2. Being two coincident type II D-branes, the system has a U{2) gauge symmetry. The original D2 and D2 give rise to a DO on one D2 and a DO on the other. Thus the dual magnetic flux is ;=,
/ 1
The original D2 + D2 system had a complex tachyon, signaling instability, and the Tduality transformation certainly doesn't change that fact. However, now the instability is attributable to structure of the flux matrix. The minimum energy configuration corresponds to F12 = 0, which corresponds to annihilation of the DO + DO. The nontrivial fact, which Sen has demonstrated, is that the flux in eq. (38) is continuously connected to Fi2 = 0. So this deformation corresponds to the tachyon rolling to a minimum in the dual picture. We are thus left with a pair of wrapped D2-branes and no flux. The total mass at the minimum (ignoring the contribution of radiation emitted in the annihilation process) is M = 2VTD2 = 2 • A^RiRi
• -j\z 4TT2<7
= - = 2TD0. g
823 This calculation shows that the mass is just that of two DO-branes in the original picture. This means that on the original torus the mass density M/V vanishes in the limit of large V. This implies that the tachyon potential at its minimum precisely cancels the D-brane tension. Specifically 2TD2 + V(T0) = 0, (40) where \T\ = T0 is the (assumed) position of the minimum. This reasoning generalizes to arbitrary dimensions of the branes. So the general conclusion is that a coincident Dp-brane +Dp-brane system with the tachyon field at a minimum is equivalent to pure vacuum. This result makes good sense. It is also a very insightful viewpoint.
Vortex solutions
Let us now consider the D2 + D2 system in R 10 . As we already noted, the tachyon T has charge (1, -1) with respect to the (7(1) x U(l) gauge symmetry. The tachyon potential V(T) is gauge invariant. Therefore, it can only depend on the magnitude \T\, and its minimum is assumed to occur for \T\ = To- Its kinetic term is |DMT|2, where D„T = (dll-iAll
+ iA'll)T.
A single DO-brane can be described as a vortex solution on the infinite D2 + D2 system [4]. Working in polar coordinates (r, 6) we want to describe a vortex localized in the vicinity of r = 0. We want the field configuration to describe pure vacuum for large r, but in a topologically nontrivial way. This is achieved by requiring that as r —> co T ~ T0eie A,-A'e~
These ensure that D^T -» 0 and V(T) —• V(T0), so that the energy density cancels for large r leaving a soliton in the small r region. We can see that this configuration has the quantum numbers of a DO-brane, since /
{AB - A'e)d9 = 2TT
•/large circle
implies that J(F12 - F[2)dxldx2 = 2TT.
(44) 1
As we see it is only the relative U{\) group that matters. We could, for example, set A = 0. In any case, we conclude that there is one unit of magnetic flux, as required for a DO-brane. This result extends trivially to larger values of p by simply adding additional inert directions. The conclusion is that a D(p — 2)-brane can be described as a vortex solution in
824 a Dp + Dp system. The fact that it carries the correct RR charge can be understood as a consequence of the coupling
J c p ^ AdTAdf,
which is required for consistency of the picture. This term can be elegantly described using the superconnection A, following Kennedy and Wilkins [38]. First one introduces the supercurvature
F=dA + A*A=[F^T
which has even-dimensional forms on the diagonal, and odd-dimensional ones on the offdiagonal. Using this one can construct a suggestive generalization of the WZ term to braneantibrane systems, namely Swz = fcASTr(er). (47) The symbol STr is the usual super-trace for graded algebras. This contains the usual terms
where the minus sign reflects the opposite RR charges. It also contains the term in eq. (45), as well as some others. It would be interesting to see whether this nice formula reflects some new symmetry.
Unstable type II D-branes
We have seen that a suitably chosen vortex in a coincident Dp -t- Dp system describes a stable D(p - 2)-brane. Now (following Sen [4]) we would like to consider a different field configuration that describes an unstable soliton. Recall that at its minimum (\T\ = T0) the energy density associated with the tachyon potential exactly cancels the tension of the branes, V(T0) + 2TDp = 0, leaving a configuration equivalent to pure vacuum. The proposal is to construct a D(p — l)-brane as a domain-wall on the Dp + Dp system. This means that if x denotes a Cartesian coordinate, we want to construct a soliton localized in the vicinity of x = 0. The way to construct a localized domain wall is by choosing a kink configuration for the tachyon field. Specifically consider choosing ImT = 0 and ReT = T0 tanh(x/o). This has the property that T —> T0 for x —> -(-co and T —> —T0 for x —• — oo. Also, \T\ differs from T0 appreciably only in a region of thickness a in the vicinity of x = 0. The precise functional form of T(x) is not important. This configuration gives pure vacuum except in the vicinity of x = 0, so it can be interpreted as a D(p — l)-brane. This domain wall soliton is unstable because the field configuration we have chosen is topologically trivial. To understand this,
825 we note that the vacuum manifold given by \T\ = T0 is a circle (5 1 ). However, a circle is connected (7r°(51) is trivial). Therefore, by turning on ImT and increasing the thickness a this configuration can be continuously deformed to pure vacuum. Thus we conclude that this D-brane is unstable. Since it carries no conserved charge it can decay into neutral radiation (such as gravitons). Despite their instability, Sen has demonstrated that it is useful to consider these objects. They can be defined in type II theories for all "wrong" values of p (odd for IIA and even for IIB). The instability of the D(p — l)-brane is reflected in the fact that its world-volume theory contains a real tachyon. The reason there is one real tachyon is that there is one direction of instability for unwinding the kink in the vacuum moduli space. It can also be understood as the ground state of the open string connecting the D-brane to itself. In any case, we can use this tachyon to repeat the kink construction. This gives us a domain wall on the unstable D(p — l)-brane, which is interpreted as a D(p — 2)-brane. This kink is topologically stable, however. The tachyon on the D(p — l)-brane is real and the vacuum moduli space in this case is two disconnected points T = ±TQ. So this construction gives a stable D(p — 2)-brane, which carries a conserved charge. We already have a candidate for what this D(p — 2)-brane is. It is exactly the same stable BPS D-brane that we constructed as a vortex solution in Section 3.2. Sen has shown that this two-step kink construction is equivalent to the vortex solution.
Type I Dp + Dp systems
The type I theory has three types of BPS Dp-branes, namely p = 1, 5, 9. Just as we constructed the type II D(p — 2)-brane as a soliton in a Dp + Dp system, so we can construct type I D-branes as solitons in higher-dimensional brane-antibrane systems. In this section we will sketch the construction of the Dl-brane as an instanton-like configuration in a D5 + D5 system [4] and the construction of the D5-brane as an instanton-like configuration in a D9 + D9 system [11]. The two constructions are not completely identical (unlike for the type II theories), and therefore need to be considered separately. Before proceeding, let us recall a few basic facts about the type I D-branes. First of all, the Dl-brane or D-string is nothing but the 50(32) heterotic string in disguise. Recall that the 50(32) heterotic theory is S-dual to the type I theory [39, 34], which means that the coupling constants are related by gh = 1/g. In talking about the type I theory it is implicit that g is small, so that we can use perturbative analysis. In type I string units, the type I fundamental string has tension 1/2-K, whereas the D-string has tension l/(27r#) and thus appears as a nonperturbative object. Even so, the D-string can be identified as the heterotic string continued to strong coupling. This string is BPS, carrying a conserved
826 charge. This charge is an RR charge from the type I viewpoint, though it is NS from the heterotic viewpoint. The type I D5-brane is the electromagnetic dual of the D-string and is also BPS. We also need to know the gauge groups that are associated to the D-brane world volumes. It turns out that N coincident D-strings give O(N) gauge symmetry, whereas N coincident D5-branes gives Sp(N) = USp(2N) gauge symmetry [40]. These facts can be derived by considering coincident type IIB D-branes and applying the appropriate orientifold projection. Let us now consider a coincident type I D5 + D5 system. The world-volume theory has SU(2) x SU(2) gauge symmetry since each brane has an Sp(l) = SU(2) gauge field on its world volume. The ground state of the open string connecting the D5 to the D5 gives a tachyon T with (2, 2) quantum numbers. It can be parameterized in the form T = XW,
where A is a positive real number and W is an SU(2) matrix. The two SU(2)'s act on T by left and right multiplication. The tachyon potential V(T) is required to be gauge invariant, which implies that it is a function of A only. As in the corresponding type II constructions, we assume that it has an isolated minimum at some value A = A0 and that if T = XQW, with W fixed, and all gauge fields vanishing, then the D5 + D5 system is equivalent to pure vacuum. As before, this requires that V(X0) + 2TD5 = 0,
so that the total energy density cancels at the minimum. We now wish to construct a field configuration on the D5 + D5 system that describes a string-like soliton, which can be identified as the D-string. Thus we will assume symmetry in one Cartesian direction. The four orthogonal spatial directions can be described by a distance r from the core of the string and a sphere S 3 . So we want the soliton's energy to be concentrated in the vicinity of r = 0 and to approach zero as r —» oo. At infinity, we certainly need that A —> A0, but we also need that the tachyon kinetic energy TrUD^TfD^T],
DllT = dllT + i(AllT-TA'll),
should vanish as well. Here
and Ap is the SU(2) gauge field of the D5-brane and A'^ is the SU(2) gauge field of the D5-brane. The story is very similar to the type II vortex solution, except that it is now based on an instanton-like construction.
827 We require that for large r T ~ X0U,
(53) 3
where the SU(2) element U is identified with the spatial 5 . Then the tachyon kinetic energy can be made to vanish at the same time by requiring that
A'„ ~
The first formula is the standard instanton configuration and gives one unit of instanton number -!- / tr(FAF) = 1. (55) Then the structure of the WZ term implies that this configuration carries one unit of Dlbrane RR charge and can be identified as the D-string. The various properties of the D-string, such as it various zero modes, can also be derived from this construction, but we will not pursue that here. The construction described above is based on the work of Sen. However, it should be pointed out that something closely related was done earlier by Douglas [41]. Specifically, Douglas considered an instanton configuration on a single D5-brane and argued that this describes a D-string bound to the D5-brane. Let us now turn to the construction of the D5-brane as a soliton. For this purpose we need to consider four D9-branes and four D9-branes in addition to the usual 32 D9-branes that are present in the type I vacuum configuration. The Chan-Paton group of the D9's, say, is 50(4) = 5(7(2) x 5(7(2). (56) The idea is to introduce an instanton configuration in one of these 5(7(2) 's and accompany it by an appropriate tachyon configuration rather like the one in the previous construction. In this way one makes the D5-brane. Moreover, the 5(7(2), which is not used in the instanton construction, survives as the gauge symmetry of the D5-brane. The 50(32) gauge symmetry carried by the D9-branes that are inert in this construction survives as a global symmetry of the D5-brane world-volume theory. (This is also true for the D-string in the previous construction.)
Non-BPS DO-brane in type I
The perturbative 50(32) heterotic string spectrum has a spin(32)/Z 2 spinor representation at the first excited level. Even through it is not BPS, and belongs to a long representation
828 of the supersymmetry algebra, it is nonetheless absolutely stable as a consequence of charge conservation. In heterotic string units, its mass is Mspinor = V2f(gh),
where /(#/,) = 1 + O(gl). Sen [4] has posed the question "what happens to this state as gh -¥ oo?" For a BPS state, the answer would be trivial, as the charge would control the mass for all values of the coupling. However, this state is not BPS, so the answer is not at all obvious. However, one can hope to answer the question because large /, corresponds to small g = \/gh type I coupling. Thus what one needs to do is to identify a plausible candidate for the lightest gauge group spinor in the type I setting and determine its mass to leading order in g. Ordinarily, the type IIB theory has no stable DO-branes, though in Section 3.3 we discussed how to construct an unstable DO-brane. However, in the presence of an orientifold (or orbifold) plane they can exist as stable particles embedded in the orientifold (or orbifold) plane. One viewpoint is that the orientifold projection eliminates the tachyonic modes from the world-volume of the unstable type II D-brane. Sen has studied these possibilities for both 05-planes and 09-planes. Here we will only consider the latter case, which is realized by the uncompactified type I theory. We will construct a type I candidate for the desired gauge group spinor as a DO-brane. The procedure will be based on a setting like that of the preceding sections. Namely, following Sen, we will construct a Dl + Dl system with a field configuration that describes a stable soliton. As we have already remarked, the gauge group on the world volume of TV coincident type I D-strings is 0{N). In particular, for the case of a single D-string, it is 0(1) = Z 2 . This Z2 is the subgroup of the U(l) of a type IIB D-string that survives the orientifold projection. Being discrete, this gauge group has no associated field, but it does have physical consequences. The point is that the gauge group determines the possible Wilson lines when the string is wrapped on a circular compact dimension. Thus the possible Wilson lines for a wrapped D-string are W = ±1. The D-string has 32 left-moving fermion fields \A on its world sheet, which arise as the zero modes of Dl - D9 open strings. (This is also known from the identification of the D-string with the heterotic string.) The possible Wilson lines (or holonomies) W = ±1 correspond to whether the \A fields of the wrapped D-string are periodic or antiperiodic XA(x + 2nR) = WXA(x). A
When W = 1, the \ 's have zero modes in their Fourier expansions, which obey a Clifford algebra. Therefore, the quantum states of a wrapped D-string with W = 1 belong to the
829 spinor conjugacy class of Spin(32)/Z2. Similarly, the states of a wrapped D-string with W = — 1 belong to the adjoint (or singlet) conjugacy class. Now consider a Dl + Dl pair wrapped on the circle and coincident in the other dimensions. To get an overall gauge group spinor one of the strings should have W = 1 and the other should have W = — 1. In this case it is clear (by charge conservation) that complete annihilation of the strings is not possible. The wrapped Dl + Dl system contains a real tachyon field T with a potential V(T). T is odd under the action of either of the Z 2 gauge groups, and therefore gauge invariance requires that V(T) = V(—T). By the same reasoning as before, V should have an isolated minimum at \T\ = T0 with V(T0) + 2TD1 = 0. When both Wilson lines are the same, so that their product is +1 and the system can be a gauge group singlet, T(x) is periodic and it is possible to choose T(x) = T0. This would then be equivalent to pure vacuum. However, when the product of the Wilson lines is —1, T(x) is forced to be antiperiodic T(x + 2irR) = -T{x),
so that T(x) = T0 is no longer a possibility. Indeed, in this case the tachyon field has a Fourier series expansion of the form T(x,t) = E ^ + i / 2 ( t ) e i ( " + 1 / 2 ) l / R .
This tells us that the KK mass of the nth. mode is (n + 1/2)2 _ 1 R2 2' This shows that there is actually no instability for R < Rc, where Re = l/\/2.
V"^ (62)
In this case the two-particle system is the ground state. There is no lighter bound state with the same quantum numbers. On the other hand, when R > Rc, T ± i/ 2 are tachyonic signaling an instability. In this case there is a bound state — the DO-brane — that has the same quantum numbers and lower mass. The mass of the DO-brane can be estimated for small g by considering the transition point R = Rc. At this point the mass of two wrapped strings and the mass of the DO-brane should be degenerate. The two wrapped strings have a mass that is approximately given by M = 2 • 2vRc • TD1 = y/2/g.
Sen argues that this result is exact to leading order in small g, and that any (possibly independent) corrections are of 0(1). As an example of such a correction consider a localized
830 DO-brane on the circle. It experiences gravitational interactions with its images, which are of order GNM2. However, M ~ \jg and GN ~ g2, so this is O(l). Other effects, due to Wilson lines or KK momenta, are also 0(1). We have now determined the answer to Sen's question. The mass of the lightest gauge group spinor is a non-BPS DO-brane of the type I theory whose mass (in type I units) is v//2/ + 0(1). To compare to the perturbative heterotic result, we must still convert to heterotic string units. Then we conclude that f(9h) ~ i/gl for large gh.
To complete the story let us describe the DO-brane soliton of the Dl + Dl system in the decompactification limit. In this case we have a localized kink, like the ones we described in Section 3.3. In the present case T(x) is real and the vacuum manifold \T\ = T0 consists of two distinct points. Thus the kink configuration is topologically nontrivial. It follows that the resulting DO-brane carries a conserved Z 2 charge. This means that whereas they are individually stable, they are TCP self-conjugate and can annihilate in pairs. This meshes nicely with the fact that they are gauge group spinors.
4 4.1
K-Theory Classification of D-Branes Motivation and background
Since D-branes carry conserved charges that are sources for RR gauge fields, which are differential forms, one might suppose that the charges could be identified with cohomology classes. This is roughly, but not precisely, correct. Moore and Minasian noted that the more precise mathematical identification of D-brane charges is with elements of K-theory groups [10]. This was explained in detail in a subsequent paper by Witten [11]. Here, we will summarize some of the basic ideas, though we will not go deeply into the mathematics. Witten's explanation begins with the observation that the pattern of BPS D-branes is reminiscent of the Bott periodicity rules for homotopy groups. For example, ni(U(N))=ni(U(N
+ 2)),
when N is sufficiently large (the "stable regime"). This pattern is reminiscent of the fact that BPS D-branes occur for even values of p in the IIA theory and odd values of p in the IIB theory, and that the gauge group of N coincident type II D-branes is U(N). The Bott periodicity rule m(0(N)) =
831 for sufficiently large N, is reminiscent of the pattern of BPS D-branes in the type I theory. In type I, N coincident Dl-branes or D9-branes have an O(N) gauge group (roughly), whereas TV coincident D5-branes have an Sp(N) gauge group. The challenge is to find the right mathematical framework to explain these "coincidences" and to account for the non-BPS D-branes, as well. K-theory turns out to be the key. It provides a classification of pairs of vector bundles with equivalence relations that mesh nicely with what we have learned from Sen's studies. Let us first discuss the relevance of homotopy groups. The world-volume theories are gauge theories, which (as we have seen) can support solitons. These solitons tend to be stable when there is a topologically nontrivial lump in codimension n. The field configuration represents a nontrivial element of 7r„_i(G) that is identified as the conserved RR charge. Thus, for example, in the case of the non-BPS DO-brane we used the fact that 7To(Z2) = Z2 to describe a codimension one lump on a Dl + Dl system. Similarly, we used 7r3(S[/(2)) = Z to construct the D-string in a D5 + D5 system. In the type II theories, the vortex solutions utilized the fact that ni(U(l)) = Z. Instead of the constructions listed above, we could have constructed all of these objects as suitable bundles on space-time filling nine-branes. From that point of view, we would understand the existence of the type I D-string as a consequence of TT 7 (0(32)) = Z,
and the non-BPS DO-brane as a consequence of TT 8 (0(32)) = Z 2 .
Not everything is group theory and topology, however. Dynamics also matters. When the codimension n is greater than four, as in these two cases, the lump cannot be described as an extremum of the low-energy effective action Seff = | d " x t r ( F y F y ) .
To see this, suppose Ai(x) is a field configuration of the desired topology. (More precisely one defines a bundle by a collection of Ai's on open sets together with suitable transition functions.) Now let's rescale the gauge field as follows At(x) -> XAi(Xx),
which sends F^x) -> \2Fi:i(Xx). Thus, one finds that 5eff -»• A4"nSeff. Therefore, for n > 4 the action (or energy) is reduced by shrinking the soliton. Presumably it shrinks to string
832 scale where it is stabilized by the competing effects of higher-dimension corrections to Seff• Thus, the string scale should characterize the thickness of the D-string or the DO-brane. Suppose, on the other hand that the soliton has co-dimension n < 4. In this case the same scaling argument would suggest that the soliton wants to spread out and become more diffuse. This doesn't always happen, because there can be other effects that stabilize the soliton, but it is an issue to be considered.
Type II D-branes
Consider now a collection of coincident type II D-branes — N Dp-branes and N' Dp-branes. As we discussed in Section 3.1, the important world-volume fields can be combined in a superconnection A
where A is a connection on a U(N) vector bundle E, A' is a connection on a U(N') vector bundle E', and T is a section of E* ® E'. The (p 4- l)-dimensional world-volume of the branes, X, is the base of E and E'. As we have discussed at some length in Section 3, if E and E' are topologically equivalent (E ~ E') complete annihilation should be possible. This requires N = N' and a minimum of the tachyon potential T = To, where V(T0) + 2NTVp = 0.
As a specific example, consider the case p = 9 in the type IIB theory. Consistency of the quantum theory (tadpole cancellation) requires that the total RR 9-brane charge should vanish, and thus N = N'. So we have an equal number of D9-branes and D9-branes filling the lOd spacetime X. Associated to this we have a pair of vector bundles (E,E'), where E and E' are rank N complex vector bundles. We now want to define equivalence of pairs (E, E') and (F, F') whenever the associated 9-brane systems can be related by braneantibrane annihilation and creation. In particular, E ~ E' corresponds to pure vacuum, and therefore (E, E') ~ 0 ^ E ~ E'.
If we add more D9-branes and D9-branes with identical vector bundles H, this should not give anything new, since they are allowed to annihilate. This means that {E ®H,E'®H)~{E, E').
In this way we form equivalence classes of pairs of bundles. These classes form an abelian group. For example, {E',E) belongs to the inverse class of the class containing (E,E'). If
833 N and N' are unrestricted, the group is called K(X). However, the group that we have constructed above is the subgroup of K(X) defined by requiring N = iV'. This subgroup is called K{X). Thus type IIB D-brane charges should be classified by elements of K(X). Let's examine whether this works. The formalism is quite general, but to begin we will only consider the relatively simple case of Dp-branes that are hyperplanes in fiat R 10 . For this purpose it is natural to decompose the space into tangential and normal directions R10 =
RP+1 x
and consider bundles that are independent of the tangential R p + 1 coordinates. If the fields fall sufficiently at infinity, so that the energy is normalizable, then we can add the point at infinity thereby compactifying the normal space so that it becomes topologically a sphere $9-p Then the relevant base space for the Dp-brane bundles in X = S9~p. We can now invoke the mathematical results: K{S*-v) = \ l P = ° d d • (76) [ 0 p = even This precisely accounts for the RR charge of all the stable (BPS) Dp-branes of the type IIB theory on R 10 . The relation to homotopy is K(S") = *n-1(U(N))
(large TV).
Note that N does not appear on the left-hand side. K-theory groups are automatically in the stable regime. It should also be noted that the unstable type IIB D-branes, which we discussed in Section 3.3, carry no conserved charges, and they do not show up in this classification. Suppose now that some dimensions form a compact manifold Q of dimension q, so that the total spacetime is R 1 0 - ' x Q. Then the construction of a Dp-brane requires compactifying the normal space R 9-p ~« x Q to give S9~p~" x Q. This involves adjoining a copy of Q at infinity. In this case the appropriate mathematical objects to classify D-brane charges are relative K-theory groups K{S9'v-q x Q,Q) [42]. In particular, if Q = S\ we have K{SS~P x S1^1). Mathematically, it is known that this relative K-theory group can be decomposed into two pieces K(X x S\ S1) = K-^X)
e K{X).
(78) a p
The physical interpretation of this formula is very nice. K(S ~ ) classifies the type IIB D-branes that are wrapped on the circle, whereas K-1(S8-p)
^ K(S9-p),
834 classifies unwrapped D-branes. So, altogether, in nine dimensions there are additive D-brane charges for all p < 8. The type IIA case is somewhat more subtle, since the spacetime filling D9-branes are unstable in this case. Also, they are TCP self-conjugate. The right K-theory group was conjectured by Witten, and subsequently explained by Hofava [43]. The answer is K~1{X), which (as we have already indicated) has
This accounts for all the stable type IIA Dp-branes embedded in R 10 . The relation to homotopy in this case is r
^ ( ^ M ( i V ) )
Let me refer you to Hofava's paper for an explanation of these facts. Compactifying the type IIA theory on a circle gives the relative K-theory group K-l{XxS\S1)=K{X)®K-1{X).
This time K~X{X) describes wrapped D-branes and K{X) describes unwrapped ones. This result matches the type IIB result in exactly the way required by T duality (wrapped <-> unwrapped) [42].
Type I D-branes
Type I D-branes charges can also be classified using K-theory [11]. In this case we should consider N + 32 D9-branes with an 0(N + 32) vector bundle E and N D9-branes with an O(N) vector bundle E'. We define equivalence classes as before {E,E')~(E®H,E'®H),
where H is an arbitrary SO(k) vector bundle on X. These equivalence classes define the elements of a K-theory group. If rank E - rank E' were unrestricted the group would be KO{X). One can define a subgroup of KO(X), called KO(X), by requiring rank E = rank E'. However, this is not quite what we want. The type I theory requires rank E = rank E' + 32. This is a coset isomorphic to KO(X), so as far as K-theory is concerned the fact that the type I theory has 32 extra D9-branes is irrelevant. However, later we will show that it is quite relevant to some of the physics. So we already see that K-theory is not the whole story.
835 In any case, by the same reasoning as before, the conserved charges of type I D-branes in R 10 should be determined by the groups KO{S9~p). The connection to homotopy in this case is KO{Sn) = vn-l{0{N))
(large TV).
The results are as follows: • KO{S9-p)
for p= 1,5,9.
These are the three kinds of BPS D-branes which carry additive conserved charges. • KO{S9-v)
= Z2
for p = - 1 , 0 , 7 , 8 .
These are candidates for non-BPS D-branes with a multiplicative (Z2) conserved charges. The p = 0 case corresponds to the non-BPS DO-brane discussed in Section 3.5. The p = — 1 case is a type I D-instanton. The p = l and p = 8 cases will be discussed in Section 6. • KOiS9-")
for p = 2,3,4,6.
There are no conserved D-brane charges in these cases. Let us now consider compactifying the type I theory on a circle, so that the spacetime is R 9 x 5 1 . In this case we want to understand the classification of D-brane charges in nine dimensions and the T-dual description in terms of type I' theory. As in the type II cases, the K-theory description of D-brane charges of the compactified theory is given by the relative K-theory group KO(X x S1^1). As in the type II case, the mathematical identity KO{XxS\S1) = KO~\x)®KO{X),
agrees with our physical expectations. Specifically, KO(Ss~p) classifies the wrapped Dbranes and KO (Ss~p) describes unwrapped D-branes. There is a slightly subtle point. The K-theory group elements correspond to conserved charges and not to stable D-branes. In Section 3.5 we saw that the type I non-BPS DObrane decays into two particles, which can be described as a wrapped Dl + Dl system when the compactification radius R < l/\/2- The wrapped D-string that has the trivial Wilson line (W = 1) is a gauge group spinor, and it carries the charge in question. The K-theory classification of charges does not distinguish the cases R < \/\/2 and R > \j\[2. While it classifies charges, it doesn't identify which object is the ground state with that charge. Let us now examine the situation from the T-dual type I' perspective [42]. In particular, we would like to achieve a qualitative understanding of the transition at R = l/\/2 (R' = \/2). To transcribe the picture to the type I' perspective recall that under T duality wrapped D-branes map to unwrapped D-branes and vice versa. Recall, too, that the position of an
836 unwrapped D-brane is encoded in a Wilson line of the corresponding wrapped D-brane. Thus, a non-BPS DO-brane of type I localized on the circle (for R > l/%/2) should correspond to a non-BPS Dl-brane of type I' stretched across the interval from X' = 0 to X' = nR'. A Wilson line of the U(l) gauge group on this string should encode the position of the DO-brane. If R < l/\/2 (and R! > %/2), on the other hand, then in the type I picture one has a wrapped D l + D l pair. One of the strings has W = +1 and the other one has W = —1. These strings correspond to DO-branes in the dual type I' picture, and the Wilson lines tell us that those DO-branes are stuck to the orientifold planes. Thus, to be specific, there is a DO-brane stuck to the 08-plane at X' = 0 and a DO-brane stuck to the 08-plane at X' = nR'. An interesting question is how such a configuration morphs into a string stretched across the interval as R' is decreased through the value \pl. I have a conjecture for the answer to this question, which goes beyond the perturbative framework in which we have been working. It is reminiscent of similar phenomena found in other contexts, and is the only smooth way that I can imagine the transition taking place. The idea is that as R' approaches \/2 from above, the orientifold planes develop spikes so that the DO and DO approach one another. Then in the limit R' —• \[2 they touch and annihilate, leaving a connecting tube between the 08planes, which in the perturbative limit is identified as a string. This is somewhat analogous to the joining/breaking transition of QCD flux tubes with the annihilation/creation of qq pairs. It is also reminiscent of a description of fundamental strings ending on D-branes in terms of a soliton field configuration on the D-brane world-volume [44, 45]. However, it differs from these examples in a rather peculiar way. In this case, the inside of the tube, which is identified as a stretched non-BPS D-string, is not even part of the spacetime! We have just seen that there can be DO-branes stuck to 08-planes in the type I' theory. This is T-dual to the fact that a wrapped type I D-string can have Wilson line W = ± 1 , with the two possibilities corresponding to the two orientifold planes. Incidentally, this implies a certain asymmetry between the orientifold planes, since W = 1 gives a gauge group spinor and W = - 1 does not. The bulk of the type I' spacetime is indistinguishable from type IIA spacetime, at least in the region where half of the D8-branes are to the left and half are to the right. (In other regions one has a "massive" type IIA spacetime of the type discovered by Romans [46].) We know that the type IIA theory has a DO-brane, so this suggests that the type I' theory should also admit this possibility. The way this works is that a pair of stuck DO-branes on an orientifold plane can pair up and move into the bulk, where the composite object is identified as a single bulk DO-brane. It is instructive to understand the T-dual type I description of this process.
837 Consider a pair of wrapped type I D-strings. The world-volume gauge group is 0(2), which is nonabelian. This system corresponds to DO-branes in the type I' description, with positions controlled by the choice of 0(2) Wilson line. Inequivalent choices of Wilson line are classified by conjugacy classes of the group. This group has two types of conjugacy classes. A class of the first type describes a rotation by 6 or 27r - 9, which are equivalent, where 0 < 8 < ir. This class corresponds to a composite bulk DO-brane located at X' = 9B! and its mirror image at X' = (2TT — 9)B!. The remaining conjugacy class contains all reflection elements of 0(2). A representative of this class is I J. Thus this class corresponds to having one stuck DO-brane on each 08-plane. Note that the two-body system described by this system is a gauge group spinor, whereas a one-body system described by a 6 class is not a gauge group spinor. I have reviewed some additional related issues elsewhere [47].
Moduli Spaces of Theories with 16 Supercharges
Consistent vacua of string theories typically form spaces, called moduli spaces, which are parameterized by the vacuum values of massless scalar fields with flat potentials. For theories with 16 unbroken supersymmetries (16 conserved supercharges) such as the type I and heterotic theories, the vacuum moduli spaces are always of the Narain type Mm,n = r m , B (Z)\SO(m,n)/SO(m) x SO(n).
Here r m)7l (Z) is the standard infinite discrete duality group given by integral SO(m,n) matrices. Equivalently, it can be described as the subgroup of SO(m, n) that preserves an appropriate lattice of signature (m,n). When d > 4, n = 10 — d U(l) gauge fields belong to the supergravity multiplet. The remainder of the gauge fields belong to vector supermultiplets and form a gauge group of rank m. At generic points in the moduli space this group is [C/(l)]m but there is nonabelian symmetry enhancement on various subsurfaces of the moduli space. The case d = 10 is special in that the moduli space consists of just two points — corresponding to the E$ x Z?8 and Spin(32)/Z 2 theories.
Three components in d = 9
In d = 9 the moduli space of consistent vacua with 16 unbroken supersymmetries turns out to have three disconnected components. They correspond to the Narain moduli spaces •Mi7,i, Mg,i, and Mi,i. Since m — n is a multiple of 8 in each case, they correspond to even self-dual lattices, which is the key to establishing modular invariance of the corresponding one-loop amplitudes. These three cases turn out to have amusing geometric descriptions in
838 terms of 11-dimensional M theory. They correspond to compactifications R 9 x K, where K is a cylinder for m = 17, a Mobius strip for m = 9, and a Klein bottle for m = 1 [48]. We observe that each boundary component of K contributes 8 units of rank to the gauge groups. The M theory viewpoint will not be pursued further in these lectures, because our focus is on perturbative superstring descriptions, and the M theory picture is nonperturbative. The case m = 17 also corresponds to compactification of the type I theory on a circle. We have discussed this system, including its D-brane spectrum and the dual type I' description in the preceding section, so we will not say more about it here. The case m = 1 has a perturbative superstring description in d = 9, which will be discussed in the next subsection. The case m = 9 does not have a perturbative superstring description in d = 9 (even through it does exist). However, a further compactification to a Mwp moduli space in d = 8 makes it amenable to perturbative superstring analysis. We will say a little about this case in Section 5.3. One of our main concerns is to identify the spectrum of D-branes and D-brane charges in each case. The BPS D-branes are always easy to identify, and are the same for all the components of the moduli spaces (that have a perturbative description). The point is that the C^v RR gauge field of the type I theory in d = 10 gives rise to the relevant RR gauge fields in the lower dimensions. Knowing these gauge fields one can immediately read off the corresponding spectrum of BPS D-branes. For example, in d = 9 one has C^ and C^g = C^. As a result there are BPS D-branes in d = 9 for p = 0,1,4,5 for both the m = 17 and the m = 1 branches of the moduli space. There are corresponding stable p-branes in the m = 9 case, as well. However, in that case there is no perturbative limit, so it is not very meaningful to call them D-branes. In addition, each case requires a certain number of BPS D8-branes for quantum consistency.
The type I theory
There is a perturbative superstring description of the Miti component of the d — 9 moduli space, which has been called the type I theory [49]. It is formulated as a type IIB orientifold that differs somewhat from the usual type I construction. One starts with the IIB theory on R 9 x S 1 , and then mods out by the Z 2 symmetry Q = H • Si / 2 .
D. is the usual world-sheet orientation reversal. But now it is accompanied by the operation S1/2, which is translation halfway around the circle. Because of this half shift, Q has no fixed points, and as a result the type I theory has no orientifold planes. Therefore, no spacetimefilling D-branes should be added to cancel the RR charge of O-planes. It follows that there
839 is no gauge group, analogous to 50(32), associated to such D-branes. Indeed the only gauge symmetry of the 9d theory is [C/(l)]2, where these fields arise from the components g^ and C^g of the lOd metric and RR gauge fields. This is what one expects for Mi,i- The T-dual description of the type I theory is called type I'. It consists of an interval 0 < X' < nR! (for the same reason as type I'). The interval is bounded by orientifold planes. However, unlike the type I' case, now the orientifold planes carry opposite RR charge, and could be denoted 0 8 + and 08~. As a result, the total RR charge vanishes and no parallel D8-branes should be added. We have already argued that the type I theory has the same spectrum of BPS D-branes as the type I theory compactified on a circle. We will now examine the spectrum of nonBPS D-branes and show that it differs from the spectrum of the compactified type I theory. Bergman, Gimon, and Hofava examined this problem [42] and showed that the relevant Ktheory group is KSC(X) and that this predicts non-BPS Dp-branes carrying a Z2 charge for p = —1,3,7. I refer you to their paper for the K-theory analysis. What I want to describe here is a physical argument they presented in support of this conclusion. Because we mod out by 0, a Dp-brane localized on the circle must be accompanied by an O-reflected Dp-brane at the opposite location halfway around the circle. Now, the action of Q on type IIB D-branes is as follows: Q:
Dp -> Dp
Dp ^
This is why the type I theory only has BPS D-branes for p = 1,5,9. The configurations based on p = 1,5 give expected BPS D-branes in 9d. However, the configurations with a p = —1,3,7 Dp-brane and an accompanying Dp-brane half-way around the circle are non-BPS. But they also correspond to stable configurations in 9d, at least when the radius of the circle is large enough. (Otherwise the open string connecting them might develop a tachyonic mode.) So the result agrees with the K-theory prediction. We can see that these non-BPS Dp-branes are conserved modulo 2, so that they carry a Z2 charge. Imagine two of them localized on the circle. Then one of them (and its image) can be slid around the circle until the Dp-brane of the first pair encounters the Dp-brane of the second pair. At this point the pairs can annihilate into neutral radiation. As an exercise, the reader might want to describe the T-dual type I' description of this annihilation process.
Consistent vacua in eight dimensions
The three 9d branches of the moduli space correspond to three branches in 8d, as well. They are Mi&p, Mw,2t a n d A^2,2- Below 8d there are additional branches, which we will
840 not discuss here. The three branches in 8d can be constructed from a type I perspective by compactifying on a torus, so that the spacetime is R s x T2, and allowing appropriate holonomies associated to the two cycles of the torus. The possible choices of holonomies were analyzed by Witten [50]. His key observation was that it is possible to have holonomies that correspond to gauge bundles without vector structure. The holonomies associated to the two cycles are elements of the gauge group, which we can write as 32 x 32 matrices gi and 52. In order to describe a flat bundle, which is a necessary requirement, there are two possibilities [51,52] = 0
{51,52} = 0.
The first case is the one with vector structure, and the second is the one without vector structure. The point is that holonomies, when written in terms of allowed representations of the gauge group, should commute to give a flat bundle. However, the nonperturbative gauge group is Spin(32)/Z2, which does not admit the 32-dimensional vector as an allowed representation. Matrices that anticommute in the 32 can correspond to ones that commute when expressed in terms of any of the allowed representations. Witten analyzed the possibilities and found that there are three inequivalent choices, one with vector structure and two without vector structure. The one with vector structure is the obvious choice, which gives .Mi8,2- In each case it is illuminating to consider the T-dual description on T 2 /Z 2 . In this description the Mis,2 branch of the moduli space corresponds to having four 07-planes, each with RR charge —4. Thus 16 D7-branes localized on T 2 /Z 2 must be added. This is a straightforward generalization of the type I' description in 9d. The A^io,2 branch corresponds to having three 07-planes with RR charge —4 and one with charge +4. In this case eight D7-branes are required to cancel the charge. The last case, A^2,2 is described by two 07-planes with RR charge —4 and two with charge +4 and no D7-branes. In each case, one sees that the number of D7-branes agrees with what is required to explain the rank of the gauge group. Incidentally, if there were more than two 07-planes of positive charge, one would need D7-branes to cancel the RR charge. Such a configuration would not be supersymmetric. An exercise that has not yet been carried out is to determine the spectrum of non-BPS D-branes for the M.10,2 branch of the moduli space. This should be possible now.
6 6.1
Non-BPS D-Branes in Type I Determination of the nonperturbative gauge groups
The gauge symmetry of the perturbative type I theory is 0(32). (The reflections have no consequence, so there is no harm in including them.) However, the non-BPS D-instanton, which showed up in the K-theory classification in Section 4.3, arises because 7r9(SO(32)) = Z 2 . Witten argued that it is responsible for breaking 0(32) -> 50(32) [11]. Moreover, the non-BPS D-particle, which we have discussed at some length, is a gauge group spinor. More precisely, it gives states belonging to one of the two spinorial conjugacy classes of Spin(32). When all of these facts are taken into account, one concludes that the nonperturbative type I theory has a different gauge group than is visible in perturbation theory. Specifically, it is Spin(32)/Z 2 . This agrees with the gauge symmetry that is manifest in the perturbative heterotic theory. This agreement can be regarded as a successful test of S duality. Incidentally, we also can conclude that there are no nonperturbative effects in the heterotic description that modify the gauge group.
Instability of D7 and D8
The K-theory classification of type I D-brane charges, presented in Section 4.3, suggests the existence of a non-BPS D7-brane and a non-BPS D8-brane, each of which is supposed to carry a conserved Z 2 charge. However, there is a tachyon in the spectrum of D7 - D9 and D8 — D9 open strings [51]. Therefore, the proposed D7-brane and D8-brane should each have 32 tachyon fields in their world-volume theory, and therefore they must be unstable. (Such instability occurs for Dp — Dq open strings whenever 0 < \p — q\ < 4.) This instability does not, by itself, constitute a contradiction with the K-theory analysis, which only purports to give the types of conserved D-brane charges, and not the specific objects which carry them. But it is a cause for concern. Clearly, the instability occurs in these cases because their are 32 spacetime filling D9-branes in the type I vacuum. As we pointed out earlier, the K-theory analysis is indifferent to their presence. The question is to what extent the Z2 charge survives when the D7 or the D8 dissolves in the background D9-branes.
Further analysis of the D8
By Bott periodicity, one might expect the non-BPS D8-brane to have features in common with the non-BPS DO-brane. There is one essential difference, however, The DO - D9 open strings do not have tachyonic modes whereas the D8 — D9 open strings do. We can confirm this fact by trying to emulate Sen's construction of the DO-brane as a kink solution on a.
842 Dl + DT system [52]. In the case of the Dl + Dl system we saw that there is a single real tachyon T and a potential V(T) with minima at T = ±T 0 , which can be regarded as a O-dimensional sphere. The vacuum manifold has two disconnected components and, therefore, the kink solution that connects them is topologically stable. The closest analog we can construct eight dimensions higher is to consider a system consisting of 33 D9-branes and one D9-brane. The world volume in this case has 33 tachyonic modes T belonging to the fundamental representation of the 0(33) gauge symmetry carried by the D9-branes. The potential V(T) must have 0(33) gauge symmetry, so the minima at \T\ = T0 describe a S 32 vacuum manifold. This moduli space is connected, and therefore does not support a topologically stable kink. The situation is very reminiscent of the unstable type II D-branes discussed in Section 3.3. In that case there was an S1, and as a result the kink solution had one unstable direction, so that the resulting D-brane ended up with one tachyonic mode. In the present case there are 32 unstable directions so that the resulting D8-brane has 32 tachyonic modes in its world volume. Of course, these are the same modes that one discovers by quantizing the D8 — D9 open strings. In the case of the unstable type II D-branes, there was no associated conserved charge, and they did not appear in the K-theory analysis. The type I D8-brane, on the other hand, does appear in the K-theory analysis, even though it has an analogous instability. Witten has argued in support of the D8-brane as follows: The D-instanton implies that there are two distinct type I vacua distinguished by the sign of the D-instanton amplitude. This is a Z2 analog of the 9 angle in QCD. One should expect that there is a domain wall connecting the two vacua — the D8-brane. The sign change in the instanton amplitude means that the D-instanton is the electromagnetic dual of the D8-brane. This has been investigated by Gukov [53]. Even though the D8-brane is unstable one could imagine forming it at some moment in time and asking how the vacua on the two sides of its are distinguished. Recalling that the D-instanton was responsible for breaking 0(32) -> 50(32), it seems clear that these vacua should be distinguished by a gauge-group reflection. This implies that opposite spinor conjugacy classes would enter into the Spin(32)/Z2 gauge group on the two sides. Of course, once the D8-brane decays, the vacuum becomes uniform everywhere.
Concluding Remarks
There has been considerable progress in analyzing non-supersymmetric D-brane configurations. In particular, some stable non-BPS D-branes have been identified, and they have been studied in perturbative limits with some mathematical control. However, without the
843 BPS property it is not possible (at present) to make quantitative studies away from weak coupling. Another significant development has been the identification of K-theory groups as the appropriate mathematical objects for classifying D-brane charges. In the case of BPS Dbranes, these charges are sources for RR gauge fields, whereas in non-BPS cases they are not. The non-BPS D-branes that we have discussed carry conserved Z2 charges. However, Sen has analyzed examples in which other charge groups (such as Z) also appear. One lesson we have learned is that K-theory does not take account of spacetime filling D-branes, such as the 32 D9-branes of the type I theory. Their presence can destabilize other D-branes in certain cases.
Acknowledgment s I am grateful to Oren Bergman, Ashoke Sen, and Edward Witten for helpful discussions and suggestions. This work supported in part by the U.S. Dept. of Energy under Grant No. DE-FG03-92-ER40701.
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Shamit Kachru
Lectures on Warped Compactifications and Stringy Brane Constructions
Shamit Kachru Department of Physics and SLAC Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305/94309
In these lectures, two different aspects of brane world scenarios in 5d gravity or string theory are discussed. In the first two lectures, work on how warped compactifications of 5d gravity theories can change the guise of the gauge hierarchy problem and the cosmological constant problem is reviewed, and a discussion of several issues which remain unclear in this context is provided. In the next two lectures, microscopic constructions in string theory which involve D-branes wrapped on cycles of Calabi-Yau manifolds are described. The focus is on computing the superpotential in the brane worldvolume field theory. Such calculations may be a necessary step towards understanding e.g. supersymmetry breaking and moduli stabilization in stringy realizations of such scenarios, and are of intrinsic interest as probes of the quantum geometry of the Calabi-Yau space.
850 1. Introduction Scenarios for an underlying string theory description of nature have been considerably enriched following the duality revolution of the mid 1990s. Perhaps the most striking qualitative new feature is the emergence of scenarios in which standard model gauge fields are confined to some submanifold of a larger bulk spacetime, while of course gravity propagates in the bulk. For instance, such models are natural in the Horava-Witten extension of the Es x Eg heterotic string theory, where finite string coupling opens up an additional dimension with the geometry of an interval, and the Eg x Eg gauge fields live on the boundaries [1]. More generally, after the realization of the important role played by D-branes in string duality [2], it was found that the world-volume quantum field theory on coincident D-branes enjoys a non-Abelian gauge symmetry [3]. This makes it natural to construct type II or type I string models where the standard model gauge fields are confined to stacks of D-branes (see e.g. [4] for a discussion of some such attempts). String constructions of this sort have also motivated new ideas in long wavelength effective field theory for reformulating the gauge hierarchy problem [5,6] and the cosmological constant problem [7,8,9] in terms of brane world constructions. The translation of these problems to brane world language does not solve them, but certainly provides a different way of thinking about them, and opens up exciting new possibilities for phenomenology. In the following lectures, we will first review some of the new ideas for reformulating the hierarchy problems of fundamental physics in the language appropriate to such "brane world" scenarios. We will then switch tracks and talk about the detailed investigation of one class of microscopic brane constructions that exist in string theory. These latter lectures will start with a telegraphic review of some aspects of closed string Calabi-Yau compactifications. They will then focus on superpotential computations in models with 4d J\f = 1 supersymmetry, since these are quite relevant to issues of physical interest like supersymmetry breaking and stabilization of moduli.
2. Trapped Gravity and the Gauge Hierarchy 2.1. Trapping Gravity Our world might actually be contained on a 3+1 dimensional defect, e.g. a domain wall, in a higher dimensional spacetime [10]. Why would we see 4d gravity in such a model?
851 Suppose the extra spatial dimension, parametrized by x5, is a circle of radius r, and we are localized around some point on this circle. The global 5d metric looks like the metric on R3'1 times a circle. The 5d Einstein action is:
where M 5 is the 5d Planck scale. Integrating out the "extra" £5 dimension gives rise to a 4d effective action with an effective Planck scale M\ ~ r Ml
Hence, at length scales larger than r, gravity will appear to be four-dimensional with a Newton's constant determined by (2.2). For sufficiently small r, this of course would reproduce everything we know about gravity from present day experiments. However, there is a more general possibility. The metric can be warped. For instance, consider pure 5d gravity with a cosmological constant, and a source term for a domain wall located at x5 = 0:
J d5x^/^G(R-A) where g^ = 5^5^GMN{X5
+ f d4x
= 0), n,v = 1, • • •, 4, and M,N = 1, • • • 5. Following Randall
and Sundrum [11], we will find solutions of (2.3) which give rise to 4d gravity and in which non-trivial warping plays an essential role. If we want the 4d world to look flat, we should look for solutions of the equantions of motion following from (2.3) which exhibit an SO(3,1) symmetry (the Poincare invariance of our world). The most general such ansatz for the 5d metric is: ds2 = e^^Tj^dxfdx" + dx\
With this ansatz, Einstein's equations just become equations for the warp factor A (primes denote differentiation with respect to x5): 6(>1')2 + ^A = 0 3A" + ^V5{x5)
= 0
(2.5) (2.6)
852 Choosing A < 0, a negative 5d cosmological constant, one can quickly solve (2.5) to find
A = ±kx5,
k = ^J-—
Integrating (2.6) from x5 = - e to i 5 = e to pick up the delta function contribution, one finds: 3A(A') = - \ v
where A denotes the discontinuity across x$ = 0. So to solve the equations with the ansatz (2.4), we must take A = —kx$ for x5 > 0, A = kx$ for £5 < 0. Furthermore, we must tune the brane tension V in terms of the bulk cosmological constant A so that
V=12k = uJ--^-
This yields a solution where ds2 = e-^^rj^dx^dx" + dx\
The warp factor is sharply peaked at x& = 0, where the domain wall, which we will call the "Planck brane," is located. This fact leads to the existence of localized gravity at the Planck brane [11]. Namely, doing the naive 5d to 4d reduction by simply integrating over the £5 direction, one finds
= MlJdx e-
< 00
This is finite despite the existence of an infinite 5th dimension, so the 4d Newton's constant on the Planck brane is finite, and an observer there would see effective four-dimensional gravity. There is a natural concern that arises in this case, that does not arise in the case of a 5d theory compactified on a circle of radius r. In the latter case, the lightest 5d KaluzaKlein (KK) modes have masses which go like £. For r small enough to avoid experimental detection, this leads to a gap in the KK spectrum, and the low energy theory is clearly just 4d general relativity coupled to the brane worldvolume fields. In the warped case, however, the infinite extent of the x$ dimension means that there is no gap in the spectrum of bulk modes! So, one should seriously worry that they will
853 appear as particles with a continuum of masses in 4d, and ruin 4d effective field theory. It has been argued in e.g. [11] and [12] that despite the gapless KK spectrum, a physicist on the Planck brane would still see effectively four-dimensional physics. This is because, although the KK spectrum is gapless, most of the bulk KK modes have wavefunctions with support far from x5 = 0 where the brane fields are localized. Due to this very small overlap of wavefunctions in the x$ direction, the brane fields and localized graviton couple only very weakly to the bulk continuum. So for instance the Newtonian form of the gravitational potential V(r) ~ £ receives only small ^ corrections (curiously, as if there were two extra flat dimensions) [11,12]. 2.2. Hierarchies from Multiple Branes Consider now a case with two branes, located at x5 = 0 and x$ = n. We will take x$ to live on the interval between 0 and n , so the space now has an extra dimension of finite extent. The total action looks like: S=
f d5x yf^G{R - A) + SSM + SPI
where SSM is the action on the "Standard Model brane" located at x$ = w and Spi is the action on the "Planck brane" located at x5 = 0, i.e. SSM = / a^x^f-gsMiCsM
- VSM)
Spi = fd4x^^l(£pl-Vpl)
(2-13) (2.14)
Following Randall and Sundrum [6], we will demonstrate solutions of the theory (2.12) which give rise to large hierarchies between scales in a somewhat natural way. We again look for a warped metric which maintains the 4d Poincare invariance we desire: ds2 = e-^^rt^dxKdx" + r2dx\
It follows from (2.15) that the size of the a:5 interval is 7rr. The Einstein equations are now:
(A1)2 1 6 ^ - + -A = 0 l r 2 5 + 5
7^ + YV ^ l^ ^
" *) = °
854 As before, we can define k = J—-^ ( a n d (2.16) is solved by taking ,4(2:5) =
ke the bulk A to be negative). Then, fcr|x5|
Notice that (2.18) is consistent with a Zi symmetry under which £5 is reflected; our strategy will be to find a Z2 symmetric solution where — TT < x$ < 7r, and then orbifold by the Z2 to get the desired setup. From (2.18) (and the periodicity of X5, where X5 = ±n are identified), it follows that A" = 2kr{S{x5)-6{x!i-Tr))
Comparing this to (2.17), we see that we should choose Vp, = -VSM
= 12k
in order to find a Poincare invariant solution. Taking this as our background gravity solution, what is the 4d effective field theory on the "Standard Model" brane that follows from it? First of all notice that it is natural to write the metric ansatz in terms of 4d fields as follows (here x runs over the dimensions other than £5): ds2 = e~2kT^
(Vllv + h^ix))
dx^dx" + T{x)2dx%
There are two dynamical 4d fields in (2.21); the four-dimensional metric g^ix)
(2.21) = /iM„(z) +
77,,,,, and the 4d scalar field T(x) (the so-called "radion"). We recover the desired vacuum solution by choosing the radion to have a constant VEV (T(x)) = r. One can easily compute the 4d effective action for the metric g by starting from the 5d Einstein action; one finds a 4d Einstein term with Ml
= Ml(l-e-2kn)
for the 4d Planck scale. In particular, notice that for r of reasonable magnitude (in Planck units), M 4 depends only very weakly on r. This is intuitively because the 4d graviton is largely localized in the vicinity of the Planck brane, which is at £5 = 0. This leads to an interesting phenomenon. If we compute the metrics gpi and gsM which appear in the source terms for the Planck and Standard Model branes, it follows that <„ = V ,
855 while gSM
This reflects the fact that an object with energy E at the Planck brane would be seen, at the Standard Model brane, as an object with energy Ee~krrr; equivalently, length scales at the Standard Model brane are "redshifted" to be longer than the corresponding lengths at the Planck brane. This is a familiar manifestation of scale/radius duality in AdS/CFT [13]. However, here it has the interesting consequence that if one starts with dimensionful parameters in the Standard Model Lagrangian CSM (e.g- a Higgs mass) of order the 4d Planck scale, they can easily be "redshifted" down to energies which are hierarchically smaller, simply by the factors of the metric (2.24). Hence, to find TeV scale physics on the Standard Model brane, one simply needs to choose r to be of order ten times the fundamental scale. This sounds relatively natural, and provides a candidate solution to the hierarchy problem. Finally, one should ask, how easy is it to accomplish the stabilization of the radion around the required value (that leads to an "explanation" of the hierarchy)? Goldberger and Wise have argued that the presence of a bulk scalar field, with fairly natural bulk and brane couplings, can do the job [14]. 2.3. Some Remarks on Randall-Sundrum scenarios In this section, we make some remarks which have relevance to both the naturalness of RS scenarios, and their possible embedding into a fully consistent microscopic theory of gravity (like string theory). There has been a great deal of research on this topic. There are several different things to say about this. One is that, via the AdS/CFT correspondence [13], the Randall-Sundrum scenario is more or less a strong coupling version of an older idea for solving the hierarchy problem just within quantum field theory. It has long been realized that if one starts with some ultraviolet fixed point CFT around the UV scale (say, just below the Planck scale) and perturbs it by a marginally relevant operator (whose dimension is very close to 4, say 4 — e) then one can naturally generate scales much lower than Mpi. Namely, the RG running of the couplings in the perturbed field theory is logarithmic, and therefore the relevant coupling will have significant dynamical effects only after a vast amount of RG running (in energy scale space). Roughly speaking, the scale at which the operator produces significant dynamical effects might be M = e~lltMpi. scenario of this sort was advocated recently by Frampton and Vafa [15].
856 Obviously, for e finely tuned close enough to zero, one can achieve M «
Mpi. How-
ever, it might be quite a challenge to find a 4d conformal field theory whose most relevant perturbation is of dimension 4 — e with e small; and if one cannot find such a theory, then this mechanism becomes unnatural (because the other, more relevant operators will also be activated along the RG flow). This concern has a direct translation into the Randall-Sundrum scenario, via the AdS/CFT dictionary [16].1 Their scenario requires the existence (between the Planck and the Standard Model branes) of a region many AdS radii in size where the 5d metric is approximately that of AdS space. By introducing a Planck brane, they have also rendered normalizable those modes in AdS space which are normally non-normalizable (due to divergent behavior near the boundary of AdS). These modes will fluctuate. It is difficult to think of concrete scenarios where none of these fluctuating modes in the gravity theory is a "tachyon" (which maps, via the AdS/CFT duality, to a relevant operator). Such tachyons, when they fluctuate and condense, will destroy the AdS form of the metric between the Planck and Standard Model branes. The question of why tachyons (except perhaps those which are very close to being non-tachyonic) should be absent, is the same as the question raised above in the field theory picture. This is not surprising; by AdS/CFT duality, the Randall-Sundrum scenario is exactly the same as the previous one, except in the limit of strong field theory 't Hooft coupling. Of course, such a limit was never tractable before, so interesting new features could emerge there. Without addressing these concerns, one can still ask whether one can plausibly realize the mechanism of §2.2 in some class of string theory backgrounds. A good argument that this is possible has been provided by H. Verlinde [17]. He recalls that in certain compactifications of F-theory on a Calabi-Yau fourfold Xj, one can introduce JV = ^ ^ 24
(2.25) v
space filling D3 branes to satisfy tadpole cancellation conditions (at least if the sign of the Euler characteristic is correct). Since the known list of Calabi-Yau fourfolds includes some with \x\ ~ 200, 000, this can lead to the introduction of large numbers of D3 branes. Of course, with 4d M — 1 supersymmetry, dynamics will undoubtedly dictate the positions of these D3 branes in the end (there will be a superpotential for the chiral fields which 1
This clear relationship and the corresponding concerns were stressed to the author by Maldacena and Witten on separate occasions.
857 fixes their positions). But it is quite plausible that large numbers of D3 branes will be stacked on top of one another, generating an AdS throat which is "glued" into the CY fourfold asymptotically. Then, the D3 brane field theory will hopefully, in the infrared, manufacture some analogue of the RS Standard Model brane, while the gluing of the throat to the CY fourfold acts effectively as a Planck brane. More explicit models of what the TeV brane might look like have emerged in the recent papers [18].
3. Brane Worlds and the Cosmological Constant 3.1. The Problem It is an old idea, going back at least to Rubakov and Shaposhnikov [19], that if the Standard Model were confined to a defect in a higher dimensional space (e.g. a domain wall), this defect might naturally like to be flat. Suitably interpreted, the flatness of the defect could then explain the extreme smallness of the cosmological constant in our 4d world. In this section, we discuss the extent to which this idea seems realizable in the "wall world" scenarios which have become common today. To see that the idea doesn't always fare well, lets begin by reviewing the relevant portions of the Randall-Sundrum scenario. For simplicity, we discuss the scenario of §2.1, but that of §2.2 would differ in no essential way. So, suppose we did live on a domain wall in a 5d gravity theory with bulk A < 0. The key point is to recall that, in searching for a Poincare invariant 4d world, we were forced by the Einstein equations to tune the tension of the brane V in terms of the bulk cosmological term, as expressed in equation (2.20):
V = 12,/TA
V 12 Now, if we imagine the Standard Model degrees of freedom living on the wall at x5 = 0, small changes in the Standard Model parameters (the electron mass, QCD scale, weak scale,...) will result in a renormalization of the brane tension V —> V + AV. Equivalently, quantum loops of Standard Model fields enter in V. But under such a shift, the relation (2.20) will be violated, and hence one will no longer be able to find a flat solution! This is the manifestation of the cosmological constant problem in such wall world scenarios. One must tune the brane tension V, which depends in a sensitive way on the Standard Model parameters, in terms of other microscopic parameters, or one cannot find a Poincare invariant 4d world.
858 3.2. Adding Scalars In most microscopic theories which could be responsible for the 5d bulk action in a wall world scenario, there are degrees of freedom other than the 5d metric. For instance, in string theory generic compactifications result in massless scalar moduli. So, it is natural to consider a theory with additional 5d bulk scalars, and see if the situation of §3.1 improves. In fact, as discussed in [8,9], it does to some extent. So, take now for the action:
S = j ' d5x^G(R-\{V
In addition to the action for the 5d gravity and scalar field, we have a source term for a domain wall at x 5 = 0. In the presence of the scalar <j>, it is natural to take the wall tension to be <j> dependent. For instance, the tension of branes in string theory can depend on the string dilaton, or the moduli controlling the volumes of cycles which they are wrapping. Also, we have chosen to start with an action with no 5d cosmological term. Our philosophy throughout this section will be that the 5d bulk is supersymmetric, while the theory on the 4d domain wall breaks SUSY. Hence, it is natural (in a controlled expansion in small parameters, which we will discuss later) to choose the bulk to have vanishing cosmological term. For simplicity, we will for now take f{#) = Ve"*
Most of what we say generalizes to far more generic f((f>), as detailed in [8]. To look for Poincare invariant 4d worlds, we again choose the metric ansatz: ds2 = e^^Ti^dx^dx" + dx\
and we take the scalar (j> = 4>{x&)The resulting equations are (where again ' denotes differentiation with respect to x 5 ): \
= bVe»6(xB)
- 2-{<j>')2 = 0
ZA" + \{
(3.4) (3.5) (3.6)
859 An important fact which is immediately evident from the equations above is that finding flat solutions will NOT require any fine tune of the coefficient V in (3.2) in terms of any microscopic parameters. This is obvious because the only non-derivative coupling of the scalar <j) is through the brane tension term (in /(>))• So given a solution for one value of V, a shift of V to V + A V can be compensated by an appropriate shift in the zero mode of 4>, leaving the equations of motion unchanged. Why is this significant? The Standard Model physics at x^ = 0 is purely reflected (in this approximation, where the theory is in its ground state) through the wall source term. Now, suppose the Standard Model gauge couplings are independent of <j>. Then varying Standard Model parameters, or summing Standard Model radiative corrections, will shift V in a way that is 4> independent. Hence, one can effectively absorb any cosmological constant generated by Standard Model physics, while still finding a Poincare invariant 4d world [8,9]. A picture where
+ c\ + d
A ' = \
(3.7) (3.8)
Notice that at x 5 = —|c, there is a singularity: the scale factor vanishes (A goes to -co), and the |curvature| —>• co. If one momentarily views x5 as a time-like direction, and the slices of constant x5 as 4d spatial slices in a cosmology, then this singularity looks like a big bang or big crunch singularity where the spatial slices collapse to zero size. Next, we need to include the wall source terms. For simplicity, we specialize to the case: f(4>) = Ve-i*
860 However, with one exception (to be mentioned later), basically all of our considerations carry over for much more generic f(<j>) [8]. From the form of the bulk solutions, it is clear that the solution with the wall should have the general form: (t>(x5) = -log\-xs
+'ci| + di, x 5 < 0
+ c2\ + d2, xb > 0
(3.10) (3-11)
and A' = \
d2 = d,
with arbitrary c. Now, suppose we choose c positive. Then, the solution (3.10) (3.11) has curvature singularities at x& = ± | c . Let us suppose the space ends at the singularities, so that the £5 dimension is effectively an interval (with the Standard Model brane in the middle). Then, a simple computation reveals: Ml ~ Ml fdxb
e2A < 00
so there is indeed four dimensional gravity coupled to the brane field theory at £5 = 0. 3.4- Discussion of Several Important Issues There are several issues that need to be addressed about this framework for discussing the cosmological constant in wall world scenarios. 1) What about bulk quantum corrections? In general, choosing a bulk action with vanishing 5d cosmological term and only kinetic terms for the bulk scalar <j>, as in (3.1), is only sensible in an approximate sense. We are assuming the bulk is supersymmetric, with the brane breaking supersymmetry. Still, eventually the interaction of bulk and brane fields will transmit the SUSY breaking to the bulk, and there will be subleading results which correct the action (3.1) and lead to slight
861 curvature of the previously Poincare invariant slices. How do we estimate the size of these effects? It follows from the matching conditions (3.12) that if one chooses the brane tension Vf(<j>(0)) to be roughly a TeV, and one fixes M 4 ~ 1019GeV, then the 5d Planck scale is fixed to be 105TeV (and the size of the x$ interval is about a millimeter). Interactions of bulk and brane fields are suppressed by explicit powers of JJ-; therefore, bulk corrections to the 4d effective field theory will arise in a power series in e = (TeV/M$). 4
this scenario one can arrange to cancel the leading Standard Model (TeV)
Hence, in contribution
to the effective 4d cosmological term, but there will be contributions at subleading orders in e. While these are too large to be tolerated given the observed value of the cosmological constant (unless one can somehow cancel the first few terms in the power series), they are nevertheless hierarchically smaller than the expected answer. So, our philosophy should be, that we are looking for a system where the induced cosmological term is hierarchically smaller than what is expected (and we can postpone understanding how to get precisely the right magnitude of the suppression). 2) We have shown there are generically Poincare invariant solutions to the equations, independent of Standard Model parameters. However, are there also other curved solutions, which would be characteristic of a 4d effective field theory with nonzero cosmological term? For generic f{
862 Banks [23] that perhaps M theory does not admit nonsupersymmetric, Poincare invariant solutions. We find it intriguing that these "wall worlds" do admit Poincare invariant solutions, and are quite similar to systems one can realize in string theory with wrapped branes. 3) What about the singularities? Of course, the 5d effective field theory defined by (3.1) breaks down in regions of large curvature. However, it is often the case that string theory can regulate and provide a definition of singular geometries. So, it is an important problem to find a microphysical realization of these systems, which regulates the singularities or describes the physics occurring there. There are obvious analogies between our x$ interval and the intervals encountered in e.g. Horava-Witten theory or Type I' string theory. Instead of expanding on those here (see e.g. [8] for more discussion), we concentrate instead on the similarity to geometries arising from RG flows in AdS/CFT duality. Polchinski and Strassler, for instance, have studied a class of RG flows from the deformed M = 4 super Yang-Mills to confining gauge theories with less supersymmetry [24]. Because their geometries involve a 5d gravity theory with small curvature in the UV (near the "Standard Model" brane, in our language) and large curvature in the IR (which corresponds to our singularities), they are quite similar to our setup. As discussed by Bousso and Polchinski [25], we can then use the results of [24] to infer some important "facts" about the singularities we encounter here. What Polchinski and Strassler find is that the RG flow results in a "discretuum" of possible IR branes - there are roughly e"N possibilities for the IR brane, where N is a large number in the (super)gravity limit. This translates immediately to the statement that, in our solutions, it is quite likely that the integration constants which arise in (j){x5) cannot take arbitrary values, but are rather quantized to certain allowed values at the singularities. The question is then, do the allowed values allow for a solution which is closer to Poincare invariant than would be possible with the expected (TeV)4, cosmological constant? The answer seems to be yes. As argued in [25],2 the AdS/CFT results strongly suggest that cosmological constants which are suppressed from TeV scale by powers of e-^
be achievable. The question of why the allowed singularity with the smallest possible norm 2
This was independently known and stated by several others including N. Arkani-Hamed, E. Silverstein and the author.
863 of the 4d cosmological constant would be cosmologically preferred is a difficult one. A possible scenario, following earlier work of Brown and Teitelboim [26], was presented in [25](in a different context, involving M theory compactifications with four-form fluxes). Several aspects of their work might generalize to the case under discussion. A related approach can be found in [27], and a critical discussion appears in [28]. Another method of dealing with the issue of singularities, is to attempt to find solutions that retain the "self-tuning" property (the existence of a flat solution independent of "Standard Model" parameters), but are either not singular or have singularities which are physically innocuous. One interesting approach of this sort has been detailed in [29], where they find a self-tuning model which has no naked singularities and is known to arise in exact string theory constructions. While the particular solution they find is not attractive for other reasons (there is a strongly time-dependent 4d Newton's constant), the basic idea seems promising. Another recent self-tuning construction which is free of singularities appears in [30]. There has been some controversy in the literature about the various brane world approaches to studying the cosmological constant problem (regarding issues like physical admissibility of the singularities). While my point of view is well represented here, alternative viewpoints can be found in e.g. [31,32]. 4. Calabi-Yau Compactifications and Closed String Mirror Symmetry In the next two lectures, we will work up to the study of building blocks for microscopic "brane worlds" which clearly are realizable in string theory. These backgrounds involve D-branes in curved geometries, and the open string sectors which live on these branes. Such brane theories exhibit some interesting duality symmetries, which we will also briefly explore. To make the discussion self-contained, we must provide a brief description of the relevant closed string backgrounds first. 4-1- Type II Calabi-Yau Compactifications Suppose one wants to find a supersymmetry-preserving compactification of the type IIA or type IIB theory, by compactifying on a smooth manifold M of complex dimension d.3 One can argue that a necessary condition is [33] Holonomy of M C SU(d)
We want to achieve Poincare supersymmetry in the remaining 10 — 2d dimensional theory, so we will not have to worry about e.g. the Freund-Rubin ansatz and AdS solutions.
864 The possible choices of M become more and more plentiful as d is increased. For d—1, the only choice is the two-torus T2, and the resulting 8d theory has 32 supercharges. For d = 2, one can choose either X 4 or K3, which preserve 32 and 16 supercharges respectively. Finally, in the case we will utilize later on, d = 3, there are (at least) thousands of choices (for the earliest large compendium of such spaces that I am aware of, see [34]). The generic choice of such a complex threefold preserves 8 supercharges, corresponding to 4d A/" = 2 supersymmetry. The study of such compactifications has been a rich and beautiful subject about which we will necessarily be very brief here: for a much more comprehensive review, see [35]. These so-called Calabi— Yau manifolds are Ricci fiat and Kahler. The Ricci-flat Kahler metrics on a Calabi-Yau space M come in a family of dimension hl'1(M) + 2h2'1(M), where h1,1 parametrizes the choice of a Kahler form and 2/i2,1 is the dimension of the space of inequivalent complex structures on M. A simple example of such a space is the quintic Calabi-Yau threefold in CP4.
is denned by taking 5 homogeneous coordinates (zi, • • • ,25), subject to the identification (zi, • • •, Zf,) ~ (Azi, • • •, \zc,) where A is a nonzero complex number (and with the origin deleted). The quintic is defined by a homogeneous equation of degree 5 in this space, for instance 5
P = 5>f = 0
The complex structure deformations of this manifold are parametrized simply by monomial deformations of the equation (4.2), modulo linear changes of variables z, —> AijZj. In the end, this leads to a 101 possible (complex) deformations of the equation (4.2). The Kahler deformations are, in this case, simply inherited from those of P4 - there is a single real Kahler parameter, parametrizing the overall volume. 4-2. Spectrum of IIA or IIB String Theory on M Compactifying either type II string theory on a Calabi-Yau threefold M results in a 4d, M = 2 supersymmetric theory in the remaining R3,1. Such a theory admits two kinds of light supermultiplets: • The vector multiplet, which consists of a complex scalar field, a vector field, and fermions, all in the adjoint representation of the gauge group Q.
865 • The hypermultiplet, which consists of 2 complex scalars and fermi superpartners, in any representation of the gauge group Q. The moduli of the Ricci-flat metric on M show up as scalars in such multiplets in the compactified IIA/B theory. However, the correspondence between the geometry of M and the type of multiplet is different for the two theories. Type IIA on M: The IIA theory in ten dimensions has a metric, an NS B^ field, a dilaton
vector multiplets (where the scalars come from the real Kahler moduli of the metric plus the Bp,, field, and the vector comes from CpVp). On the other hand, the complex structure moduli of the metric together with the scalars coming from absorbing 3-forms on M with C^p give rise to (the scalar components of) /i 2,1 (M) hypermultiplets. It turns out that the dilaton in the IIA theory is also part of a hyper, yielding a total of h2,l(M) + 1 hypers. Type IIB on M: In the IIB theory, in addition to the metric, NS B field and dilaton, there are 0,2 and 4 form RR gauge fields. These give rise to h2,1(M)
abelian vector multiplets in the low
energy theory (with the scalars coming from complex structure moduli, and the vectors coming from Cp,vp\). On the other hand, the Kahler moduli, the B^ l,1
and RR two forms), and the RR 4-form give rise to h (M)
and CM„ fields (NS
hyper multiplets coming from
the (1,1) forms on M. Including the dilaton, which again transforms as part of a hyper, this yields a total of h 1 , 1 (M) + 1 hypers. By M = 2 supersymmetry, there are several simplifications in the low energy effective action for these theories. First of all, with this much supersymmetry, there is no potential generated for "flat directions" which are present in the tree-level theory. Hence, there are moduli spaces M of exactly degenerate supersymmetric vacua (the physical reflection of the moduli space of Ricci-flat metrics on the Calabi-Yau M, if you will). Furthermore, because of the extended supersymmetry, the moduli space M takes the form of a product of vector and hypermultiplet moduli spaces: M = Mv x Mh
where the metric on MVth is independent of VEVs of scalars in the "other" kind of multiplet.
866 4-3. Quantum Corrections String theory on M comes with two natural perturbative expansions: an expansion in string loops, controlled by the dilaton gs = e~*', and an expansion in sigma model perturbation theory (or curvatures), which is roughly controlled by p - where R is some characteristic "size" of M (controlled by the Kahler moduli). Large gs corresponds to strong string coupling, while large sigma model coupling means that classical geometry is not necessarily a good approximation, and the "stringy" phenomena characteristic of quantum geometry can occur [35]. One can then consider corrections to the tree-level picture in both of these expansions. To be concrete, let's consider the geometry (metric) of the vector multiplet moduli space Mv. It is controlled, as is familiar from Seiberg-Witten theory [36], by a holomorphic prepotential F((j>i) where 4>i are the scalar moduli in the vector multiplets (F also determines the kinetic terms of the gauge fields, the so-called "gauge coupling functions"). • In the IIB theory, Mv is independent of the Kahler moduli and gs, because both of them are in hypermultiplets and the geometry of the vector moduli space is independent of the VEVs of hypers. Therefore, it is exactly determined at both string and sigma model tree level: it is computable in terms of classical geometry. To be slightly more precise, each Calabi-Yau manifold M is characterized by a holomorphic (3,0) form Q, which is unique up to scale. If we let i,j,k
index directions in the moduli space of complex structures,
— ! - £ - — ~ f QAdidjdkQ
A detailed explanation of this formula can be found, for instance, in [37]. • In the IIA theory, there is a more complicated story. Because the Kahler moduli are in vector multiplets now, there art quantum corrections to the prepotential F controlled by the sigma model coupling. However the dilaton is still in a hypermultiplet, so there are no gs corrections - F is computable at string tree level. Considerations of holomorphy dictate that the form of F is such that d3F will contain contributions which are either tree-level or non-perturbative in %- (;.e. going like e - ^ " ) . This is because the Kahler parameter R is real, and its scalar partner (which arises from the dimensional reduction of the NS B field and complexifies it) is an axion a [38]. Although the continuous shift symmetry for the axion can be broken non-perturbatively, there is a discrete symmetry under which a
867 shifts by 2-K (in a natural normalization). This forbids any corrections to the prepotential in perturbation theory, but is consistent with nonperturbative corrections. What is the source of the non-perturbative corrections to sigma model perturbation theory? At tree level in the gs expansion, the string worldsheet is a sphere, and "instanton" -K2
corrections suppressed by e •»' can arise when the worldsheet wraps a holomorphic sphere (of radius R) embedded in the Calabi-Yau space M [39]. Denote by Hi a basis for the homology 4-cycles in M, and by 6* a dual set of 2-forms (i = 1, • • •, b2(M)). The Hi are in 1-1 correspondence with the scalars <j>i in the Af = 2 vector multiplets. At large radius, when non-perturbative corrections to the sigma model are irrelevant, there is an elegant formula expressing the prepotential F in terms of the intersection numbers of M (see e.g. [37])
d3F a, a, a, d
f ~ /
h A bj A bk
As argued in [39], this is corrected by instantons to an expression of the form 83F
+ y^ bi / bj / bke ^7 Jc JC JC
where the sum runs over holomorphic spheres C passing through all three of the cycles Hi,j,k-
4-4- Mirror Symmetry Mirror symmetry basically is the statement that Calabi-Yau manifolds naturally come in pairs M and W such that the type IIA theory on M is exactly equivalent to the type IIB theory on W (see [40] and references therein for the development of this idea). A moment's thought reflects that this is an extremely nontrivial statement about the geometry of Calabi-Yau spaces, and a powerful computational tool for physics. For instance, the roles of the Kahler and complex structure moduli of M and W will be interchanged by the symmetry, since their physical role in the low energy effective Af = 2 gauge theory that arises from the string compactification is interchanged in the IIA and IIB theories. For a quick indication of the mathematical power of this statement, recall that the intricate prepotential (4.6) in the IIA theory will be computable in tree-level of both gs and a' perturbation theory in the IIB theory, by a formula of the form (4.4). Equating the two makes highly nontrivial predictions about e.g. the multiplicity of holomorphic curves in M; this has been exploited to great effect beginning with the work [41].
868 A heuristic proof of this statement (for some classes of Calabi-Yau manifolds) was provided by Strominger, Yau and Zaslow [42]. Their reasoning goes roughly as follows. Suppose the IIA theory on M is really equivalent to the IIB theory on W. Then the full theories, including all BPS states and their detailed properties, should match. Now, what are the SUSY brane configurations allowed by Calabi-Yau geometry, that will give rise to BPS states in the two cases? There are basically two sets of possibilities for CY threefolds [43]: • One can wrap D2, D4 or D6 branes on holomorphic 2,4 or 6 cycles. • One can wrap D3 branes on "special Lagragian" three-cycles; by definition, a special Lagrangian three-cycle E is a submanifold of M such that the Kahler form w restricts to zero on E, and Im(Q)\-£ = 0 as well. Since the IIA theory only has supersymmetric Dp branes for even p, while the IIB theory only has supersymmetric Dp branes for odd p, the holomorphic cycles are relevant for IIA while the special Lagrangian cycles are relevant for IIB (as long as one is focusing only on point particles in the transverse R3'1).
It is a common abuse of terminology
to simply call both special Lagrangian cycles and holomorphic cycles "supersymmetric cycles," for obvious reasons. So, lets start by considering the simplest possible case, the DO brane in type IIA on M. The worldvolume theory is a supersymmetric quantum mechanics with 4 supercharges, and its moduli space is intuitively just given by the manifold M itself. Hence, if IIB on W is exactly equivalent to IIA on M, it must contain a "mirror" supersymmetric brane whose moduli space is also M\ As discussed above, it must be a D3 brane wrapping a SUSY 3-cycle E C W. What are the properties of E? In particular, one needs the complex dimension of the moduli space of the wrapped D3 brane to be 3. By McLean's theorem [44], E itself has 6i(E) moduli as a supersymmetric cycle in W. In addition, Wilson lines of the U(l) gauge field on the wrapped D3 brane provide another &i(E) moduli. Thus, we learn that we must have bi (E) = 3 to match the expected dimension of the moduli space. Furthermore, if we fix a point in the moduli space of the special Lagrangian cycle and simply look at the Wilson lines, they give rise to a T3 factor in the moduli space of the wrapped brane. Hence, we learn that in some sense, M must be a T3 fibration! Now obviously, switching the role of M and W would yield an argument that W must also be a T3 fibration. Hence, an elegant conjecture is that both M and W are fibered by special Lagrangian T3s, and in particular the mirror of the DO brane on M is a D3 brane
869 wrapping the supersymmetric T3 onW. This is intuitively sensible: T-dualizing on the 3 circles of the T3 would turn the IIB theory into the IIA theory, and change the D3 brane into a DO brane. This chain of arguments indicates that all Calabi-Yau manifolds with mirrors are T3 fibrations; it is furthermore a constructive argument, since one can in principle explicitly construct the mirror manifold by T-dualizing the supersymmetric T3s. In practice this is of course very difficult. Indeed, simply demonstrating the supersymmetric T3 fibration is out of reach except in very special cases; weaker results about Lagrangian fibrations do exist. For a recent review, see [45]. 4-5. An Example Since the previous subsection was fairly abstract, we close this section with a (trivial) example. Consider IIA on a T2 which is a product of two circles, T 2 = S^ x S\2 where Ri^ are the radii. We can clearly view this as a T 1 (i.e., S 1 ) fibration over S1. From standard results in elementary geometry, the complex structure of this torus is parametrized by r ~ &
while its Kahler structure (or volume) goes like p ~ iRiR2
The i appears in (4.8) because the string theory modulus p satisfies p = B + iJ, where B is the NS B field and J is the geometrical Kahler form. T-dualizing along the S\ circle has the following effect. Define R[ = - ^
(we are setting the string scale to unity for simplicity in this subsection). Then Tnew
R2 i~ST = *-R2-Rl = Pold K l
D = i-fr- = T0id •Kl
and Pnew =
And of course, T-dualizing along one circle exchanges the IIA and IIB theories. We have succeeded in taking IIA on a torus with (complex,Kahler) moduli (r, p) to IIB on a torus with moduli (p, r). This is mirror symmetry for T 2 , and it has precisely arisen here as T-duality on the S1 "fibration." One can do the slightly less trivial case of KZ with as much success, by viewing K3 as a T 2 fibration [42].
870 5. Open Strings and Mirror Symmetry In the previous lecture, we saw that Calabi-Yau threefolds come in pairs M, W such that the IIA theory on M is equivalent to the IIB theory on W. This yields a powerful tool for the study of 4d Af = 2 supersymmetric string vacua. By a slightly more elaborate construction, we can also manufacture 4d AT = 1 models starting with type II strings on Calabi-Yau spaces. Namely, we should compactify the type II theory on a Calabi-Yau, and then introduce additional (space-filling) D(p + 3) ^branes wrapping supersymmetric p cycles.4 It is natural to ask: what does mirror symmetry do for us in this context? Let's begin the discussion in type IIA string theory. If we wish to make a "brane world" in type IIA string theory by compactifying on a Calabi-Yau M and then wrapping D(p + 3) branes on p cycles in M, and we also want to preserve 4d Af = 1 supersymmetry, then the only possibility is to wrap D6 brane(s) on supersymmetric (special Lagrangian) three-cycles. Recall that a 3-cycle S c M i s called special Lagrangian iff •
= 0
• Jm(fi)| E = 0 where UJ is the Kahler form of M, and Q is the holomorphic (3,0) form. Such cycles are volume minimizing in their homology class. 5.1. How to produce examples of£ Although quite generally it is difficult to produce examples of special Lagrangian 3cycles in compact Calabi-Yau manifolds, there is a rather special construction that can be used to give a simple class of examples. Suppose we have local complex coordinates 21,2,3 on M, chosen so that: u> ~ 2_. dzi A dzi
Q. ~ dzi A dzi A dz3
Furthermore, suppose that M comes equipped with a so-called real involution I , which acts at I: 4
In the full construction, one will also have to introduce orientifolds to cancel the RR tadpoles.
871 Consider now the fixed point locus of X in M, i.e. the locus of points where Zi = zt. Let us call this S i . It is clear from (5.1) and (5.2) that X acts on the Kahler form and the holomorphic three-form as I:
Q ->
So in particular, we read off from (5.4) that on E j : m|El=0,
Hence, the fixed point locus S j of a real involution X acting on M is always a special Lagrangian cycle. Let's be very concrete by working out an example. Consider the Calabi-Yau hypersurface in WPf! 2 2 2 defined by the equation: p = zl + zl + zj + zi + zi-2(1+
= 0
Notice that p = dp = 0 is soluble when e —> 0, indicating that the hypersurface (5.6) becomes singular at that point in moduli space. We will consider the region of small positive e. Now, consider the real involution X : Zj —• z< acting on (5.6). The fixed point locus is obviously the locus where all of the zt are real. What is its topology? Let us define u = zf, and work (without loss of generality) in the z-i = 1 patch. Then p = 0 implies u2-2(l
+ t)u + l + Q = 0
Q = zi + zt + zi
u± = 1 + e ± s/t2 + 2e - Q
Solving (5.7) we find
What is the point of this? The solutions (5.9) go imaginary for large Q, so Q is bounded to lie in some domain of size basically 2e (for small e). The locus Q < 2e intersects the fixed point locus of X in a 3-ball B3, and has boundary Q = 2e which is (up to finite covering) an S 2 . The two different branches of solutions for u in (5.9) are glued together along this boundary S2; so altogether S z consists of two JB3S glued together on an S2. But of course this is nothing but an S3. It follows from these manipulations that the size of the S3 goes to zero as e —> 0; the singular point in moduli space is related to the existence of this collapsing 3-cycle.
872 5.2. D6 Brants wrapping special Lagrangian cycles Now that we have gotten some feeling for very simple examples of special Lagrangian cycles, lets start to consider the physical theory living on a D6 brane which wraps such a cycle E. Since the brane breaks half of the supersymmetry, the low energy theory on the brane (living in the noncompact R3<1) will be a 4d J\f = 1 field theory. The D6 brane gauge field will descend to yield a U(l) gauge supermultiplet in 4d. The other kind of light multiplet in A/" = 1 theories is the chiral multiplet; how many of these will be present? It follows from the work of McLean [44] that the "geometrical" moduli space of E has (unobstructed) real dimension hi(E). String theory complexifies this with Wilson lines of the U(l) gauge field, yielding a moduli space of vacua with &i(E) complex dimensions for the brane worldvolume field theory. What are good coordinates on this moduli space? Choose a basis jj for iii(E), and choose discs Dj c M such that dDj = jj. Define Uj=
which is the area that a holomorphic disc in DjS relative homology class would have (if it existed). To complexify this, consider also the 6i(E) Wilson lines cij =
f A
where A is the U{\) gauge field on the DQ brane. Together, (5.10) and (5.11) yield the scalar components of &i(E) chiral multiplets
Now, in any Af = 1 supersymmetric field theory, a quantity of great interest which governs the vacuum structure and tends to be exactly computable is the superpotential W{
The proof
of this statement is quite analogous to the one used in discussions of heterotic string compactifications [39]. Because the Wilson line a,- has a shift symmetry under large gauge transformations, W((f>j) must not have any polynomial dependence on aj. But since a,j appears in the chiral field 4>j as in (5.12), and W is a holomorphic function of the chiral
873 fields, this implies that there can be no polynomial terms in W((pj) at all. This is consistent with McLean's result in pure mathematics, which roughly speaking sees a' perturbation theory. On the other hand, terms of the form
are consistent with shifts a,j —> a,- + 2ir which occur under large gauge transformations, and hence such terms in the superpotential cannot be ruled out. What would the source of such terms be? Just as closed string theories have worldsheet instantons, D brane theories on Calabi-Yau spaces can have "disc instantons." At tree level, the open string worldsheet is a disc D. One can consider holomorphic maps D —> M such that dD = 7., C E, and such that the normal derivative to the map at the boundary is in the pullback of the normal bundle to E in the Calabi-Yau. The claim is then that the superpotential in these D6 brane theories is entirely generated by such disc instanton effects. For instance, one can formally compute couplings like the Fi^jipk coupling that would arise between two scalars and the auxiliary field F in chiral multiplets if there is a nontrivial superpotential. This is discussed at length in [47] (and is very closely related to the discussion in [46]). The upshot is that one can give a formula for this three-point function on the string worldsheet in terms of an infinite sum over disc instantons. If we call the vertex operators for the spacetime fields appearing in this coupling Vp,V?,V£,
then the
three-point function (VpVlVF) has the following expression. Denote by d^\{i,j,k)
number of holomorphic maps from the disc D to M with the following properties: i) ldD] = T,imai k ii) V'i' are mapped in cyclic order to the intersection of dD with the 2-cycles in E dual t0
iii) [dD — Y^i "if A ] , which by i) is a closed 2-cycle in M, satisfies [dD-Y^mDi] 1
= ]T>aXa
where the Ka are a basis for H2{M). Then one can derive the statement:
{VhVlV*)~ Y. m,,n o >0
/ JdD
0j JdD
0* dftti&J,'') tl e~m'*' I I e""«f« (5.15) JdD
874 where 9' is the harmonic one-form associated to 7,, and ta = fK
w is the area of Ka.
This formula is, in some natural sense, the open string analogue of the instanton sum formula (4.6) for the prepotential in closed string Calabi-Yau compactifications. In some very special examples, such disc instanton sums have proven directly computable [48]. Closed String Parameters How do the closed string moduli of the Calabi-Yau M play a role in the brane theory? Prom (5.15) above, it is clear that the superpotential W of the brane theory really depends on the closed string Kahler moduli; they enter as parameters ta, so we should really denote W as W(4>j-,ta) to indicate the relevance of the closed string background. In fact, it was argued rather generally in [49] that in this class of theories (so-called "A-type" branes), the Kahler (complex structure) moduli of M will only enter in the superpotential (FI D-terms) of the wrapped brane theory. This is in accord with (5.15), where the Kahler dependence is manifest and there is no explicit complex structure dependence. The dependence of the FI D-terms on the complex structure of M has been explored, for instance, in [50,51]. 5.3. Type IIB "Mirror" Brane Worlds Thus far, we have been focusing our attention on the brane worlds we can construct in the IIA theory, but of course it is possible to make analogous type IIB constructions by wrapping 5,7 or 9 branes on holomorphic 2,4 or 6 cycles (or indeed, by having D3 branes transverse to the Calabi-Yau). In §4.4, we saw that mirror symmetry was of great use in "solving" the M = 2 theories that come out of string theory, by making the prepotential, which receives an infinite series of quantum corrections in the IIA picture (4.6), explicitly computable at tree level in the IIB picture via (4.4). Mirror symmetry should be a similarly powerful tool in studying brane worlds of the type under discussion. Computations of superpotentials, which by (5.15) are dauntingly difficult in the IIA picture, are much simpler in the IIB picture. In fact, it was argued in [49] that in the case of D(p+3) branes wrapping holomorphic p cycles, the superpotential is exact at tree level (receives no a' corrections whatsoever). Hence, in the IIB theory, superpotentials are effectively as computable as e.g. prepotentials in the closed string case. The challenge, then, is to find a mirror IIB brane configuration for a IIA configuration consisting of a Z?6 brane wrapping a special Lagrangian three-cycle S C M.
Clearly, the IIB theory will be compactified on the mirror manifold W; the
question is, what is the mirror brane setup?
875 To find concrete examples it is most convenient to focus on cases where the mirror IIB setup turns out to be a D5 brane wrapping a rational curve C CW.
The generalities of
this kind of correspondence were discussed in [47] and very concrete examples, where a disc instanton generated superpotential in the IIA theory maps to a tree level superpotential in the IIB theory, were presented in [52]. So, what is the physics of a IIB D5 brane wrapping C? As always, there is a (7(1) gauge supermultiplet. The number of massless chiral multiplets is given by the number of small deformations of the curve, parametrized by H°(C, Nc), where Nc is the normal bundle of C C M. 5 However, by classical deformation theory, deformations of C C W can be obstructed; this corresponds precisely to a massless chiral multiplet which has a nontrivial higher order superpotential! If h°(C,Nc)
= 1, and we call the chiral multiplet
<j>, then an iVth order obstruction is reflected in a superpotential on the brane which looks like W ~ 4>N+2
As in the IIA D6 brane theory, closed string moduli enter in the IIB D5 brane theory as parameters in the Lagrangian. Prom [49], the superpotential depends only on the complex structure of W, while the FI D-terms for the 17(1) gauge field can depend on the Kahler structure of W. In concrete examples, the moduli space of C can exhibit very intricate behavior as one varies the complex structure parameters ipa of W. So we should write the superpotential as W(
The map
between the parameters ta and ipa will of course be the mirror map between the closed string moduli spaces. On the other hand, working out the map between the open string fields (j> and > is a complicated problem about which little is known at this point [52]. In practice, how does one go about constructing such mirror pairs? The strategy followed in [52] was to wrap D5 branes on curves C C W which collapse to zero volume at some particular point in the Kahler moduli space of W. Then the 3-cycle E that the mirror If one were to wrap a higher genus curve, there would of course also be Wilson lines; but flat bundles on P1 do not lead to any additional degrees of freedom.
876 D6 brane wraps must collapse at the mirror point in the complex structure moduli space of M . 6 In examples where fci(S) > 0 but the curve C has less t h a n 6i(S) unobstructed deformations, the D6 theory must "lose" some its tree-level moduli to an instanton generated potential. Examples of this sort were produced in [52], which is strong evidence for the presence of the disc instanton effects (5.15). It would be extremely interesting to actually find an open string analogue of the mirror map, which lets one directly m a p the IIA superpotential to the IIB superpotential. As a byproduct, one might obtain nice counting formulas for holomorphic discs with boundaries in a special Lagrangian cycle [46]. Acknowledgements These lecture notes are being submitted to the proceedings of both TASI 1999: Strings, Branes and Gravity, and the 2000 Trieste Spring Workshop on Superstrings and Related Matters. I would like to thank the local organizers of TASI 1999 for providing such a wonderful atmosphere for the school, and the students for their enthusiastic participation. I would also like to thank the organizers of the 2000 Trieste Spring Workshop on Superstrings and Related Matters for providing a very stimulating environment in which to deliver these lectures. My thinking about the subjects in the first two lectures was developed in collaborations with M. Schulz and E. Silverstein, while for the latter two it was developed in collaborations with S. Katz, A. Lawrence and J. McGreevy. In addition, I would like to acknowledge discussions with T. Banks, S. Dimopoulos, N. Kaloper, J. Maldacena, S. Shenker, R. Sundrum, L. Susskind, S. Thomas, H.Verlinde and E. W i t t e n which greatly influenced my thinking on some of these subjects. Some of t h e research described in these lectures occurred while the author was enjoying the hospitality of the Aspen Center for Physics and the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. This work was supported in part by an A.P. Sloan Foundation Fellowship, a D O E O J I Award, and the D O E under contract DE-AC03-76SF00515.
A simple argument for this is that in the closed string theory, there will be light nonperturbative states associated with the collapsing curve; to replicate this phenomenon, there must also be a vanishing cycle on the mirror manifold.
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Leonard Susskind
TASI lectures on the Holographic Principle Daniela Bigatti Institute of Theoretical Physics, KU Leuven, B-3001 Heverlee, Belgium
Leonard Susskind Department of Physics, Stanford University, Stanford CA 94305-4060 Abstract These TASI lectures review the Holographic principle. The first lecture describes the puzzle of black hole information loss that led to the idea of Black Hole Complementarity and subsequently to the Holographic Principle itself. The second lecture discusses the holographic entropy bound in general space-times. The final two lectures are devoted to the ADS/CFT duality as a special case of the principle. The presentation is self contained and emphasizes the physical principles. Very little technical knowledge of string theory or supergravity is assumed.
Black Hole Complementarity
New scientific ideas are usually characterized by simple organizing principles that can be expressed in a phrase or two. The invariance of the speed of light, the equivalence principle the uncertainty principle and survival of the fittest are famous examples. Is there a comparable simple summary of the new principles which our science is now uncovering? Some people think it is supersymmetry, others think it is duality. But the real world is not supersymmetric, nor is it known to have dual descriptions in any deep sense. My own view is that the lasting idea will be the holographic principle [1][2], the assertion that the number of possible states of a region of space is the same as that of a system of binary degrees of freedom distributed on the boundary of the region. The number of such degrees of freedom is not indefinitely large but is bounded by the area of the region in Planck units. These lectures are about the motivations and evidence for this principle.
884 The holographic principle grew out of the deep insights of Bekenstein [3] and Hawking [4] in the 70's. In particular Hawking raised a very profound question concerning the consistency of gravitation and the usual operational principles of quantum mechanics [5]. To state the paradox clearly it is useful to think of a black hole as an intermediate state in a scattering process. Particles, perhaps in the form of stars, galaxies or just ordinary quanta come together in an initial state \in). A black hole forms and evaporates leaving outgoing photons, gravitons neutrinos and other quanta. No energy is lost in the process so there are no unaccounted for degrees of freedom in the final state. According to the usual rules, such a process is described by a unitary scattering matrix S. \out) = 51 in) (1.1) Since S is unitary we can also write | in) = S^\out)
In other words it must be possible to recover the initial quantum state from the final state in a unique way. However, Hawking gave arguments, that appeared to many as completely persuasive, that information is irretrievably lost when matter falls behind the horizon of the black hole. Thus, from an operational point of view, the rules of quantum mechanics as set out by Dirac would have to be modified as collision energies approach and exceed the Planck energy. In particular the conventional S matrix would not exist. Not everyone believed Hawking's arguments [6] [7]. Black hole complementarity [8] and the holographic principle [1] [2] are counter-proposals that preserve intact the general principles of quantum mechanics but question some of the naive beliefs about locality and the objectivity and invariance of space-time events. The Schwarzschild Black Hole To understand the issues we will need to review the geometry of black holes. There are many kinds of black holes in string theory but we will confine our attention to the usual 3 + 1 dimensional Schwarzschild case. The ordinary Schwarzschild black hole is described by the metric , 7 I ds2 = \l
,, )dt2-ll
2MG\~l j
, o 2,^2 dr2-r2a\l2
M, G and dfi 2 are the black hole mass, the gravitational constant and the metric of a unit 2-sphere. The curvature singularity at r = 0 will not concern us but the coordinate singularity at the Schwarzschild radius r = 2MG defines the all important horizon. Despite its singular importance, the horizon is not a mathematical singularity of the geometry, at least in the usual sense.
885 To see that let us concentrate on the "near horizon limit". We consider a small angular region near a point on the horizon. Define y = r-2MG For y «
IMG the metric has the form ds2 = -?—dt2 2MG
- — d y y
- dx'dx'
where dx' is an element of length in the two dimensional plane tangent to the horizon. Now define p = UJ
—^— 4MG
(1.6) '
and the metric takes the form ds2 = p W - dp2 - dx'dx'
Expression (1.7) is the metric of ordinary Minkowski space in hyperbolic polar coordinates. If we define X+ X~
= =
pe" -pe-"
the metric becomes ds2 = dX+dX~ - dx'dx'
which is the standard light cone form of the Minkowski metric. ^From this fact it is apparent that the horizon is not singular. The relation between the flat minkowski coordinates X± and the Schwarzschild coordinates r,t is shown in figure(l) for the region outside the horizon. The entire horizon r = IMG is mapped to the point (2D-surface) X+ = X~ — 0. The extended horizon is defined by the 3 dimensional surface X~ — 0. Notice that a signal originating from a point behind the horizon, X~ > 0 can never escape to the outside, X~ < 0. For the region X+ > 0, the extended horizon coincides with the asymptotic limiting value of Schwarzschild time t = oo. Although the flat Minkowski coordinates only describe the near horizon region, a generalization to Kruskal-Szekeres (KS) coordinates covers the whole black hole space-time. Suppressing the angular coordinates f2 the KS metric has the form ds2 = F{X+X~)dX+dX(1.10) where F -> 1 for X+X~
->• 0 and F - ,
^ P
886 for X+X —» oo. Equation (1.11) insures that the metric far from the black hole tends to flat space ds2 - • dt2 - dr2 - r W
In KS coordinates the singularity at r = 0 is defined by the space-like surface X+X~ = M2G2 (1.13) In figure (2) the geometry of the black hole is shown for the region X+ > 0. Now consider a particle trajectory which begins outside the black hole, falls through the horizon and eventually hits the singularity as shown in figure (3). In Schwarzschild coordinates the particle does not cross the horizon until infinite time has elapsed. Thus from the viewpoint of an observer outside the black hole, the particle asymptotically approaches the horizon, but never crosses it. Indeed, all the matter which collapsed to form the black hole never crosses the horizon in finite Schwarzschild time. Classically it forms progressively thinner layers which asymptotically approach the horizon. On the other hand, from the point of view of a freely falling observer accompanying the infalling particle the horizon is crossed after a finite time. In fact from figure 3 it is obvious that nothing special happens to the infalling matter at the horizon. This discrepancy is the first instance of an underappreciated complementarity or relativity between the descriptions of matter by external and infalling observers. Penrose Diagrams Penrose diagrams provide an intuitively clear way to visualize the global geometry of black holes. They are especially useful for spherically symmetric geometries. The Penrose diagram describes the r, t plane. Here are the rules for a Penrose diagram. 1. Use coordinates which map the entire geometry to a finite portion of the plane. 2. The coordinates should be chosen so that radial light rays correspond to line oriented at ±45 degrees to the vertical. As an example the Penrose diagram for flat space is shown in figure (4). The vertical axis is the spatial origin at r = 0 and the point labeled r = oo represents the asymptotic endpoints of space-like lines. The points t = ±oo are the points where time-like trajectories begin and end. Light rays enter from past null infinity, Ss~ and exit at future null infinity, Ss+. The Penrose diagram for the Schwarzschild geometry is shown in figure (5). As we will see the regions III and IV are unphysical. Region I is the outside of the black hole and like flat Minkowski space it has space-like, time-like and null infinities. Obviously future directed time-like or light-like trajectory that begins in region II will collide with the singularity. Thus
887 t=oo
Figure (1)
Figure (2)
Figure (3)
Figure (4)
889 region II is identified as being behind the horizon. The extended horizon (from now on called the horizon) is the light-like line t = oo. A real black hole must be formed in a collapse. Thus in the remote past there is no black hole and the geometry should resemble the lower portion of figure (4). At late times the black hole has formed and the geometry should resemble figure (5). Thus the Penrose diagram for the collapse looks is shown in figure (6). Black Hole Thermodynamics It is well known that black holes are thermodynamic objects [3] [4] [9]. In addition to their energy, M they have a temperature and entropy. To understand this we need to study the behavior of quantum fields in the near horizon geometry. We will see later that quantum field theory can not really be an adequate description of a world including gravity but it is a starting point which will allow us to abstract some important lessons. As we have seen, the near horizon geometry is just Minkowski space described in hyperbolic polar coordinates. In particular the portion of the near horizon region (X+X~ < 0) outside the black hole is called Rindler space. The usual time coordinate of Minkowski space is x° = x +x and conjugate to it is the momentum component p0. However, p0 is not the energy or Hamiltonian appropriate to the study of black holes by distant observers. For such observers the natural time is the Schwarzschild time t = AMGu). The conjugate Hamiltonian which represents the energy or Mass of the black hole is H
< = •*kH» = iMGd-
where Hw is a dimensionless Hamiltonian conjugate to the dimensionless Rindler time w. An observer outside the horizon has no access to the degrees of freedom behind the horizon. For this reason all observations can be described in terms of a density matrix 5R obtained by tracing over the degrees of freedom behind the horizon [9]. To derive the form of the density matrix for external observations we begin with the Minkowski space vacuum. The coordinates of Minkowski space are x° 3
= (X+ + X~)/2 = {X+-X-)/2
and the horizon coordinates xl. The instant of Rindler time w '-= 0 coincides with the half-surface x° = 0 x3 > 0
890 singularity
Figure (5)
r =00
t=-oo Figure (6)
891 The other half of the surface x3 < 0 is behind the horizon and is to be traced over. Let us consider a set of quantum fields labeled <j>. To specify the field configuration at x° = 0 we need to give the values of
We use the standard Euclidean Feynman path integral formula to compute *. *(<£/, >F) = Jdcfrexp-S
where the path integral is over all fields in the future half space ix° > 0 with boundary condition <j> = (4>i, <J>F) at x° = 0. The trick to compute the density matrix K is to divide the upper half plane ix° > 0 into infinitesimal angular wedges as in figure (7). The path integral can then be evaluated in terms of a generator of angular rotations. This generator is nothing but iH^. Thus the expression for the Minkowski vacuum is *(&>, fa) = (4>F\ exp(-ff u 7r)|^) (1.19) In other words the Minkowski vacuum wave functional is a transition amplitude for elapsed Euclidean time ir. Now consider the density matrix given by u = J d<j>F^^FA'i)^{4>FAi)
Using eq.(1.19)and the completeness of the states {
or more concisely !ft = exp{-Hu/Tu)
with Tu = 1/2TT. Equation (1.22) is has the remarkable property of being a thermal density matrix for temperature Tw. Notice that the derivation is exact and in no way relies on the free field approximation. It is valid for any quantum field theory for any strength of coupling. The temperature Tu = 1/27T does not have the usual dimensions of energy. This is because the Rindler time and therefore the Rindler Hamiltonian is dimensionless. To convert to a proper temperature with dimensions of energy
Figure (7)
we consider the proper time interval corresponding to an interval dui. From eq.(1.7) ds = pdw (1.23) Thus an observer at distance p from the horizon converts from dimensionless quantities using the conversion factor p. The proper temperature at distance p is given by T(p) = -Tu = ^ (1.24) p lisp In this way we arrive at the important conclusion that an observer outside a black hole but in the near horizon region will detect a temperature that varies as the inverse distance from the horizon [9]. Next consider the temperature as measured by a distant observer asymptotically far from the black hole. The proper time variable for such an observer is the Schwarzschild time t = 4MGu>. Thus such distant observers measure temperature T
» = 4^G
This is the Hawking temperature [4] of the black hole. It represents the true thermodynamic temperature of an isolated black hole. The thermodynamic relation between temperature and mass (energy) alt low us to compute an entropy for the black hole. Using dM =--TdS
we find 5 = 4nMG
or in terms of the horizon area A S =
Equation (1.28) is far more general than the derivation given here. It applies to every kind of black hole, be it rotating, charged or in arbitrary dimensions. In the general (d + 1) dimensional case the concept of two dimensional area only needs to be replaced by the (d— 1) dimensional measure of the horizon which we continue to call area. The Thermal Atmosphere Because the region above the horizon has a non-vanishing temperature, it has a kind of thermal atmosphere [10] consisting of thermally excited quanta. In regions where the field theory is weakly coupled the thermal atmosphere consists of ordinary black body radiation. Some of these quanta have sufficient energy to escape the gravitational pull of the black hole and appear as Hawking radiation. However, for a large black hole, this process is very
894 slow. The equilibrium approximation for the thermal atmosphere of the near horizon region is a very good one. The thermal atmosphere contributes to the entropy of the black hole [11]. Let us consider the ordinary quantum fields of the standard model or its suitable generalization. For simplicity lets ignore the interactions as well as masses. The entropy stored in the shell between p and p + dp for free massless fields is given by dS =cT* (1.29) dpd2x' where c constant proportional to the effective number of massless fields at that temperature. Using T = l/2irp we find
Evidently if this formula made sense all the way to p = 0 the entropy of the black hole would be infinite. But since we know that the entropy is A J AG the field theory description must break down at some small po- In this case the entropy in the thermal atmosphere of ordinary quanta will be S ~ Ac/p20
Since the total black hole entropy is A/AG the contribution from the thermal atmosphere must be less than this. Accordingly [11] p0 can not be smaller than ~ G1'2. Perhaps a more illuminating way to express this is to say that the number of effective degrees of freedom must tend to zero as the Planck temperature is approached [12]. In conventional quantum field theory the number of effective degrees of freedom is a non-decreasing function of temperature. The finiteness of black hole entropy is the first evidence that quantum field theory overestimates the number of independent degrees of freedom. It is not too surprising that quantum field theory has too many degrees of freedom at short distances to describe a world with gravity. The nonrenormalizability of quantum gravity has led to many suggestions of a Planck scale cutoff over the years. Roughly speaking, the idea was that there should be about 1 binary degree of freedom per Planck volume. What we will see in the following is that this idea still vastly overestimates the number of degrees of freedom. The correct reduction in the number of degrees of freedom is that there is no more than \/R degrees of freedom per Planck volume where R is infrared cutoff radius, that is, the size of the spatial region being studied. The Quantum Xerox Principle The Holographic Principle represents a radical departure from the principles of local quantum field theory. In order to understand why we are driven
895 to it we need to follow Hawking's original arguments about the loss of quantum coherence in black hole processes. The argument as I will present it is based on a principle that I call the quantum Xerox principle. It prohibits the existence of a machine which can duplicate the information in a quantum system and in so doing, produce two copies of the original information. To illustrate an example, consider a two-state system with states \u) and \d). We will call the system a q-bit. The general state of the q-bit is \ip) = a\u) + b\d)
Now assume we had a machine which could clone the q-bit and duplicate a second q-bit in the same state. We can express this by
|u) -> |u>|u) |d) -> \d)\d)
For example
Suppose a q-bit in the quantum state |u) + \d) is fed into the machine. The output of the machine is {|u) + |d)}®{|u) + |d}} = |«> + \d) + |d) + \u)
|u> \d) |u) \d)
However this is inconsistent with the most basic principle of quantum mechanics, the linearity of the evolution of state vectors. Linearity together with eq. (1.34) requires \u) + \d)^>\u)®\u)
+ \d)®\d)
In this way we see that the principles of quantum mechanics forbid the duplication of quantum information. What has all this to do with black holes? Consider the following thought experiment [13]. A black hole is formed as in figure (6). Before the black hole has a chance to evaporate a q-bit is thrown in. According to the observer who falls with the q-bit, the information at a later time will be localized behind the horizon at point (a) in figure (8). On the other hand an observer outside the horizon eventually sees all of the energy returned in the form of Hawking radiation. In order that the usual laws of quantum mechanics are satisfied for the outside observer, the q-bit of information must be found in the state of the outgoing evaporation products localized at point (b) in figure (8). Since there can not be two copies of
r = 00
t= - 0 0
Figure (8)
897 the same information it would seem that either the infalling observer or the outside observer must experience a violation of the known laws of nature. Either the horizon is not such a benign place as we thought (~ Minkowski space) and infalling matter is severely disrupted or else the outside observer experiences a loss of information in contradiction with quantum principles! The principle of Black Hole Complementarity flatly denies that either of these undesirable things happens. According to this principle no real observer ever detects a violation of the usual laws of nature. External observations are assumed to be consistent with a description in which infalling information is absorbed, thermalized near the hot horizon and returned in the form of subtle correlations in the Hawking radiation. Furthermore, infalling observers detect nothing unusual at the almost flat horizon and only experience violent effects as the singularity is approached. Reconciliation of these two facts will require that we radically modify our naive ideas of locality so that the spacetime location of an event loses its invariant significance and becomes a relative concept. As we have seen, quantum mechanics forbids information cloning. Let us take that to mean that no real observer is ever allowed to detect duplicate information. The outside observer has no problem with this since she can never detect signals from behind the horizon. However, it is more subtle to argue that observers behind the horizon can never detect duplicate information. Here is how it might happen: An observer, O, stationed outside the horizon in figure (9) collects information stored in the Hawking radiation. After some time she has collected the information stored in the infalling q-bit. At that time, she jumps into the black hole, carrying the information to point (c) behind the horizon . Now there are two copies of the q-bit behind the horizon, one at (a) and one at (c). A signal from (a) to (c) can reveal that information has been duplicated. In fact we will argue that there is a quantum Xerox censorship mechanism which always prevents this from happening. To understand it we need one more concept. Information Retention Time Consider a conventional complex system such as a piece of coal. Suppose the coal begins in its ground state and is heated by shining a laser beam on it. As its temperature rises it begins to glow and emit thermal radiation. Assume the laser beam is modulated so that it can convey information and that it sends in a bit. Let S be the maximum entropy that the coal is heated to before being allowed to cool back to its ground state. By the time it does cool, all the information in the laser beam has been returned in the almost thermal radiation. An interesting question is how many photons are involved in carrying out the single bit. The answer has been given in a paper by Don Page [14].
r =00
t=-oo Figure (9)
899 The number of photons that have to be measured in order to collect a single bit is of order 5/2. This is roughly half the photons that will be emitted. Another way to s say it is that no information can be retrieved until the coal has cooled to the point where its entropy is about half its maximum value. Given the luminosity, this restriction on collecting information from thermal radiation can be translated to a time scale for the coal to retain the original bit. This time is called the information retention time. How long is it for a massive black hole? The answer can easily be deduced from the known luminosity of black holes. In (3 + 1) dimensions one finds tR ~ G2M3
For times much shorter than t# we can expect that information which has been absorbed by the thermal horizon to be inaccessible. Quantum Xerox Censorship Let us return to the thought experiment in figure (9) designed to detect information duplication behind the horizon. The resolution of the dilemma is as follows. The point (c) must occur before the trajectory of O intersects the singularity. On the other hand O may not cross the horizon until the information retention time has elapsed. The implication of these two constraints is most easily seen using KS coordinates X+ = pe" x~ pe " 1
An observer outside the horizon must wait a time t ~ MZG2 to collect a bit from the Hawking radiation. Thus she may not jump into the black hole until (X+ ~ e M2 °). On the other hand the singularity is at X+X' = M2G2. This means that O will hit the singularity at a point satisfying X~<exp-M2G
Thus for the original infalling system to send a signal which will reach O before she hits the singularity, the message must be sent within a time interval St of the same order of magnitude, an incredibly short time. Classically there is no obstruction to sending as much information as you like in as small a time as you like using as little energy as you like. Quantum physics changes this. A bit of information requires at least one quantum to transmit it. The uncertainty principle requires that the quantum have energy of order {6t)~l. Thus the message requires a photon of energy Esignai ~ exp M2G
900 This is completely inconsistent with the assumption that the entire black hole, including the q-bit had energy M. If the observer at (a) had that much energy available, the black hole would have been much heavier and its horizon would have been at a very different place. Thus we see that quantum mechanics and gravity conspire to prevent O from detecting duplicate information. We can now see that there is something wrong with the usual ideas of local quantum field theory in black hole backgrounds. The points (a) and (b) can be widely separated by a large space-like separation. Quantum field theory would say that the fields at these two points are independent commuting variables and it would predict correlations between them. But as we have seen, these correlations are unmeasurable by any real observer subject to the usual limitations of relativity and quantum mechanics. If you share the belief that a theory should not predict things which are in principle unobservable then you must conclude that local quantum field theory in a black hole background is the wrong starting point. Baryon Violation and Black Hole Horizons It is generally conceded that there are no additive conserved quantities in a consistent quantum theory that includes gravity except for those that couple to long range fields. If nothing else, black hole evaporation will lead to violations of global conservation laws such as baryon conservation. An interesting question is where in the black hole geometry does the violation take place? Does it happen at or near the almost flat horizon or only at the violently curved singularity [15] or, is it more subtle as suggested by black hole complementarity [13]? For definiteness lets assume that baryon violation takes place in a conventional Grand Unification scheme such as SU(5). Begin with a system of baryons and an observer all falling freely through the horizon of a very large black hole. Since the near horizon limit is nearly flat it is certain that the freely falling observer will detect negligible baryon violating effects in this region. However as time elapses the system will enter regions in which the curvature becomes of order the GUT scale. At that point there is every reason to think that baryon violating effects will be observed if the observer is in any shape to observe them. The observer outside the black hole has a very different story to tell. According to him, the baryonic system entered the near horizon region where it was subjected to increasing proper temperature. When the temperature becomes of order Mgut the baryons are exposed to a flux of high energy particles in the thermal atmosphere and baryon violating processes must occur. Who is correct? In order to answer this question consider the propagation of a quark through empty space. Virtual baryon violating processes of the kind shown
in the Feynman Diagram in figure (10) are continuously taking place. In other words the quark spends part of the time in a virtual state with the wrong baryon number even in empty flat space. What percentage of the time is the baryon number wrong? One might think the answer is incredibly small given the stability of the proton. But it is not. An explicit calculation gives a probability of order g2 where g is the gauge coupling constant. Thus the quark has the wrong baryon number about 1 percent of the time. The reason we don't see this as baryon violation is that the lifetime of the intermediate states is of order the gut scale. The baryon number is constantly undergoing very rapid quantum fluctuations. The usual approximately conserved quantum number is the time averaged baryon number normalized to 1 for the nucleon. Now consider a quark falling through the horizon as in figure (11). It is evident from the figure that there is a significant probability that when the quark passes the horizon at t = oo it has the wrong baryon number. From the viewpoint of the infalling observer doing ordinary low energy experiments on the baryon the fluctuation is too fast to see. However, from the outside the rapid fluctuations slow down and the quark is caught frozen with the wrong baryon number. Of course the this description fails to take gravitation into account but it nevertheless shows that understanding the apparent contradictory descriptions involves analyzing the behavior of matter at extremely short time scales and high frequencies. Another thought experiment can illuminate the interplay between gravity and quantum mechanics. Suppose an observer O falls through the horizon just before the baryon as in figure (12). This observer sends out a signal (photon) which interacts with the infalling baryon and measures its baryon number. The signal is then received by a distant observer. Let us suppose that the experiment is arranged so that the signal-photon encounters the baryon in a region where the temperature is at least Mgut. In the rest frame of the infalling quark, it has a time of order M~^t before it crosses the horizon. Thus the photon must be concentrated in a wave packet of size less that or equal to M~^t. Its energy must be so high that it will resolve the baryon violating virtual state and will therefore have a finite probability of reporting baryon violation at the horizon. Complementarity works! String Theory at High Frequency Ordinary quantum field theory can not resolve the paradoxes of black holes. We have already seen that Q.F.T. drastically overestimates the number of ultraviolet degrees of freedom in the near horizon region and leads to a divergent entropy in the thermal atmosphere. String theory is widely believed to be a consistent quantum mechanical framework that includes gravitation. If so it must differ from Q.F.T. in very non-trivial ways at short times. Although we are far from achieving a definitive understanding of black hole complementarity in string theory, there are some simple and suggestive
Figure (10)
903 t=oo
Figure (11)
t=oo ,''
Figure (12)
, Baiyon number violation seen!
904 ways to see that string theory is very different from Q.F.T. at high frequency [16]. Let us consider a string falling through a horizon. For our purposes we can approximate the horizon by the light-like surface X~ = 0 . To study the string as it falls we use light cone coordinates. It is conventional to use X+ for the light cone time variable. We are going to be unconventional and use X~. Thus we choose the string theory gauge T = X~
The string starts out at negative X" and reaches the horizon at X~ = 0. Suppose the string falls through the horizon near-X + = 1. Using X-
pe" = \
we find that near the string X~ = exp (-2w) = - exp (-t/2MG) (1.43) The unusual properties of strings can already be seen at the level of free string theory. In light cone gauge a free string is described by a set of transverse coordinates xm{a) where 0 < a < 2ir. The coordinates are expressed in terms of harmonic oscillator variables a(n) and a{n). In string units
Y: SM-tMr-a) n
« W ei»(r-H0
The question that will interest us has to do with the spatial size of the string. For simplicity we will consider the ground state of the string which classically has zero size. We usually envision the quantum fluctuations to spread the string over a size of order ls, the string scale. However explicit calculation gives a very different result. The spatial size R will be defined in an obvious way. R2 = (0\(x - x^Q) (1.45) Using the standard commutation rules for the a's we find fl2 = £ n
= logM
Evidently the spatial size of the string is dependent of the frequency cutoff. If the frequency cutoff for a given observation is nmax then the apparent size of the string is i ^ l o g r w (1.47) We see a small string only if we average over sufficient time (r) to eliminate the very high frequencies. This lesson is an important one and it will
905 be repeated later in the form of the ultraviolet infrared connection in lecture III. Consider the outside observer's description of the infalling string as it approaches the horizon. At any given point the string has a light cone time \T\ before it crosses the horizon at r = 0. Thus it makes no sense for the outside observer to average modes of frequency smaller than | T | _ 1 . In other words the frequency cutoff appropriate for an outside observer increases as the horizon is approached. Using eq.(1.47) and setting nmax = | r | _ 1 we find R2 = \ogT = t/2MG
Free string theory predicts that as a string falls toward the horizon it grows and appears to become an increasing tangled mass of string but only to the external observer. The infalling observer, depending on how she interacts with the string has a fixed time resolution and sees no growth. The Space Time Uncertainty Relation Even more revealing are the fluctuations of the longitudinal [17] coordinate X+ (usually called X~). First consider a classical point particle. It crosses the horizon, (X~ = 0), at a finite value of X+. At that point the radial space-like distance from the horizon vanishes. p2 = -X+X~
= 0
Now consider the falling string. The coordinate X+(a) is not an independent variable in string theory. To find out how it behaves we use the constraint equation daX+ = d^drx1 (1.50) The fact that the string does not require an independent degree of freedom for fluctuations in the X~ direction was one of the early indications of the large reduction in the number of degrees of freedom expected in a holographic theory. Using eq.(1.50) we can express X+(a) in terms of harmonic oscillators. An explicit calculation gives (AX+)2
(0|(X+-X+J 2 |0)
This is a special case of a fundamental new uncertainty relation [17] [18] which occurs throughout string theory and which we will return to. To write it in a more suggestive form we write nmax — ( A T ) ^ 1 or equivalently n-max = {5X~)~X. Equation (1.51) then takes the symmetrical form AX+AX-
= l]
This is the string uncertainty principle. It implies that there is a fundamental unit of area in the X+, X~ plane. It is reminiscent of uncertainty principles which occur in non-commutative geometry but it is not put in by hand. To appreciate the implications of the space time uncertainty relation, let us consider an infalling massless string whose center of mass moves along the trajectory X+ = 1. As X~ tends to zero the fluctuation in X+, as seen by an outside observer, increases like l2s/X~. Thus the stringy matter will be spread over region X+X~ < I2. From the point of view of Schwarzschild coordinates, instead of asymptotically approaching the horizon, the stringy matter can not be localized more precisely than to say that it is within a proper distance ls from the horizon. What we are seeing is a new relativity principle. According to the usual relativity principles, two observers in relative motion will disagree about the length of rods and the rate of clocks. But there is an invariant concept, the event, which occurs at a well defined space-time location. Even this is eliminated by black hole complementarity. External and freely falling observers will radically disagree about where and when events such as baryon violation take place or where the energy and momentum of a string is located. As we have seen, quantum mechanics and relativity conspire to insure that no observer ever sees a violation of the laws of quantum mechanics. We have also seen that the origin of this relativity of descriptions is the behavior of the very high frequency fluctuations which are invisible to the freely falling observer but which dominate the description of the outside observer. How can it be that the usual ideas of local quantum field theory fail so badly? In the remaining lectures we will see that conventional ideas of locality badly overestimate the number of independent degrees of freedom of a system. The key to black hole complementarity is the vast reduction implied by the holographic principle.
Entropy Bounds
Maximum Entropy The Holographic Principle is about the counting of quantum states of a system. We begin by considering a large region of space T. For simplicity we take the region to be a sphere. Now consider the space of states that describe arbitrary systems that can fit into V such that the region outside V is empty space. Our goal is to determine the dimensionality of that state-space. Lets consider some preliminary examples. Suppose we are dealing with a lattice of spins. Let the lattice spacing be a and the volume of T be V. The number
907 of spins is V/a3 and the number of orthogonal states supported in F is Nstates = 2 ^
A second example is a continuum quantum field theory. In this case the number of quantum states will diverge for obvious reasons. We can limit the states, for example by requiring the energy density to be no larger than some bound pmax. In this case the states can be counted using some concepts from thermodynamics. One begins by computing the thermodynamic entropy density s as a function of the energy density p. The total entropy is S = s(p)V
The total number of states is of order States ~ exp 5 = exp s(pmax)V
In each case the number of distinct states is exponential in the volume V. This is a very general property of conventional local systems and represents the fact that the number of independent degrees of freedom is additive in the volume. In counting the states of a system the entropy plays a central role. In general entropy is not really a property of a given system but also involves ones state of knowledge of the system. To define entropy we begin with some restrictions that express what we know, for example, the energy within certain limits, the angular momentum and whatever else we may know. The entropy is by definition the logarithm of the number of quantum states that satisfy the given restrictions. There is another concept that we will call the maximum entropy. This is a property of the system. It is the logarithm of the total number of states. In other words it is the entropy given that we know nothing about the state of the system. For the spin system the maximum entropy is Smax = —log2
This is typical of the maximum entropy. Whenever it exists it is proportional to the volume. More precisely it is proportional to the number of simple degrees of freedom that it takes to describe the system. Let us now consider a system that includes gravity. Again we focus on a spherical region of space T with a boundary dT. The area of the boundary is A. Suppose we have a thermodynamic system with entropy S that is completely contained within T. The total mass of this system can not exceed the mass of a black hole of area A or else it will be bigger than the region. Now imagine collapsing a spherically symmetric shell of matter with just the right amount of energy so that together with the original mass it forms a
908 black hole which just fills the region. In other words the area of the horizon of the black hole is A. This is shown in figure (13). The result of this process is a system of known entropy, S = A/AG. But now we can use the second law of thermodynamics to tell us that the original entropy inside T had to be less than or equal to A/AG. In other words the maximum entropy of a region of space is proportional to its area measured in Planck units. Such bounds are called holographic. Entropy on Light-Like Surfaces We will see that it is most natural to define holographic entropy bounds on light-like surfaces [2] as opposed to space-like surfaces. Under certain circumstances the bounds can be translated to space-like surfaces but not always. Let us start with an example in asymptotically flat space-time. We assume that flat Minkowski coordinates X+,X~,x% can be defined at asymptotic distances. In this lecture we will revert to the usual convention in which X+ is used as a light cone time variable. We will now define a "light sheet". Consider the set of all light rays which lie in the surface X+ = XQ in the limit X~ —> H-oo. In ordinary fiat space this congruence of rays define a flat 3-dimensional light-like surface. In general they define a light like surface called a light sheet. The light sheet will typically have singular caustic lines but can be defined in a unique way [19]. When we vary XQ the light sheets fill all space-time except for those points that lie behind black hole horizons. Now consider a space-time point p. We will assign it light-cone coordinates as follows. If it lies on the light sheet X£ we assign it the value X+ = XQ. Also if it lies on the light ray which asymptotically has transverse coordinate xa we assign it x1 = x0. The value of X~ that we assign will not matter. The two dimensional xl plane is called the Screen. Next assume a black hole passes through the light sheet XQ . The stretched horizon l of the black hole describes a two dimensional surface in the 3 dimensional light sheet as shown in figure (14). Each point on the stretched horizon has unique coordinates X+,xl. More generally if there are several black holes passing through the light sheet we can map each of their stretched horizons to screen in a single valued manner. Since the entropy of the black hole is equal to 1/AG times the area of the horizon we can define an entropy density of 1 /AG on the stretched horizon. The mapping to the screen then defines an entropy density in the x% plane, a{x). It is a remarkable fact that a{x) is always less than or equal to 1/AG. To prove that a(x) < jg we make use of the focusing theorem of general relativity. The focusing theorem depends on the positivity of energy and is based on the tendency for light to bend around regions of non-zero energy. 'The stretched horizon is a time-like surface just outside the mathematical light-like surface. Its precise definition is not important here.
Final entropy = h/*\G
initial entropy Figure (13)
F i g u r e (15)
Consider bundle of light rays with cross sectional area a. The light rays are parameterized by an afRne parameter A. The focusing theorem says that d2®
d» * °
,„ . ,
(2 5)
Consider a bundle of light rays in the light sheet which begin on the stretched horizon and go off to X~ = oo. Since the light rays defining the light sheet are parallel in the asymptotic region da/dX —» 0. The focusing theorem tells us that as we work back toward the horizon, the area of the bundle decreases. It follows that the image of a patch of horizon on the screen is larger than the patch itself. The holographic bound immediately follows. e(x) < ^
This is a surprising conclusion. No matter how we distribute the black holes in 3 dimensional space, the image of the entropy on the screen always satisfies the entropy bound (2.6). An example which helps clarify how this happens involves two black holes. Suppose we try to hide one of them behind the other along the X~ axis, thus doubling the entropy density in the x plane. The bending and focusing of light always acts as in figure (15) to prevent a(x) from exceeding the bound. These considerations lead us to the more general conjecture that for any system, when it is mapped to the screen the entropy density obeys the bound (2.6). Robertson Walker Geometry This kind of bound has been generalized to flat Robertson Walker geometries by Fischler and Susskind [20] and to more general geometries by Bousso [21] [22]. First review the RW case. We will consider the general case of d+1 dimensions. The metric has the form ds2 = dt2 - a(t)2dxmdxm
where the index m runs over the d spatial directions. The function a(t) is assumed to grow as a power of t. a{t) = a0tp
Lets also make the usual simplifying cosmological assumptions of homogeneity. In particular we assume that the spatial entropy density (per unit d volume) is homogeneous. Later, following Bousso, we will relax these assumptions. At time t we consider a spherical region T of volume V and area A. The boundary (d — l)-sphere, dF, will play the same role as the screen in the previous discussion. The light-sheet is now defined by the backward light cone formed by light rays that propagate from dT into the past.
As in the previous case the holographic bound applies to the entropy passing through the light sheet. The bound states that the total entropy passing through the light sheet does not exceed A/AG. The key to a proof is again the focusing theorem. We observe that at the screen the area of the outgoing bundle of light rays is increasing as we go to later times. In other words the light sheet has positive expansion into the future and negative expansion into the past. The focusing theorem again tells us that if we map the entropy of black holes passing through the light sheet to the screen, the resulting density satisfies the holographic bound. It is now easy to see why we concentrate on light sheets instead of space like surfaces. Obviously if the spatial entropy density is uniform and we choose F big enough, the entropy will exceed the area. However if T is larger than the particle horizon at time t the light sheet is not a cone but rather a truncated cone which is cut off by the big bang at t = 0. Thus a portion of the entropy present at time t never passed through the light sheet. If we only count that portion of the entropy which did pass through the light sheet it will scale like the area A. We will return to the question of space-like bounds after discussing Bousso's generalization [21] of the FS bound. Bousso 's Generalization Consider an arbitrary cosmology. Take a space-like region T bounded by the space-like boundary dT. Following Bousso [21], at any point on the boundary we can construct four light rays that are perpendicular to the boundary. We will call these the four branches. Two branches go toward the future. One of them is composed of outgoing rays and the other is ingoing. Similarly two branches go to the past. On any of these branches a light ray, together with its neighbors define a positive or negative expansion as we move away from the boundary. In ordinary flat space-time if dT is convex the outgoing (ingoing) rays have positive (negative) expansion. However in non-static universes other combinations are possible. For example in a rapidly contracting universe the outgoing future branch may have negative expansion. If we consider general boundaries the sign of the expansion of a given branch may vary as we move over the surface. For simplicity we restrict attention to those regions for which a given branch has a unique sign. We can now state Bousso's rule: From the boundary dF construct all light sheets which have negative expansion as we move away. These light sheets may terminate at the tip of a cone or a caustic or even a boundary of the geometry. Bousso's bound states that the entropy passing through these light sheets is less that A/AG where A is the boundary of dT. To help visualize how Bousso's construction works we will consider spherically symmetric geometries and use Penrose diagrams to describe them. The
913 Penrose diagram represents the radial and time directions. Each point of such a diagram really stands for a 2-sphere (more generally a (d — l)-sphere). The four branches at a given point on the Penrose diagram are represented by a pair of 45 degree lines passing through that point. However we are only interested in the branches of negative expansion. For example in figure(16) we illustrate flat space-time and the negative expansion branches of a typical local 2-sphere. In general as we move around in the Penrose diagram the particular branches which have negative expansion may change. For example if the cosmology initially expands and then collapses, the outgoing future branch will go from positive to negative expansion. Bousso introduced a notation to indicate this. The Penrose diagram is divided into a number of regions depending on which branches have negative expansion. In each region the negative expansion branches are indicated by their directions at a typical point. Thus in figure(17) we draw the Penrose- Bousso (PB) diagram for a positive curvature, matter dominated universe that begins with a bang and ends with a crunch. It consists of four distinct regions. In region I of figure (17) the expansion of the universe causes both past branches to have negative expansion. Thus we draw light surfaces into the past. These light surfaces terminate on the initial boundary of the geometry and are similar to the truncated cones that we discussed in the flat RW case. The holographic bound in this case says that the entropy passing through either backward light surface is bounded by the area of the 2-sphere at point p. Bousso's rule tells us nothing in this case about the entropy on space like surfaces bounded by p. Now move on to region II. The relevant light sheets in this region begin on the 2-sphere q and both terminate at the spatial origin. These are untruncated cones and the entropy on both of them is holographically bounded. There is something new in this case. We find that the entropy is bounded on a future light sheet. Now consider a space like surface bounded by q and extending to the spatial origin. It is evident that any matter which passes through the space-like surface must also pass through the future light sheet. By the second law of thermodynamics the entropy on the space-like surface can not exceed the entropy on the future light sheet. Thus in this case the entropy in a space-like region can be holographically bounded. Thus, one condition for a space-like bound is that the entropy is bounded by a corresponding future light sheet. With this in mind we return to region I. For region I there is no future bound and therefore the entropy is not bounded on space-like regions with boundary p. In region III the entropy bounds are both on future light sheets. Nevertheless there is no space-like bound. The reason is that not all matter which passes through space-like surfaces is forced to pass through the future light sheets.
iv <
915 Region IV is identical to region II with the spatial origin being replaced by the diametrically opposed antipode. Thus we see that there are light-like bounds in all four regions but only in II and IV are there holographic bounds on space-like regions. Another example of interest is inflationary cosmology. The PB diagram for de-Sitter space is shown in figure (18a). This time region I has both light sheets pointing to the future. This is due to the fact that de-Sitter space is initially contracting. In order to describe inflationary cosmology we must terminate the de sitter space at some late time and attach it to a conventional RW space. This is shown in figure (18b). The dotted line where the two geometries are joined is the reheating surface where the entropy of the universe is created. Let us focus on the point p in figure (18b). It is easy to see that in an ordinary inflationary cosmology p can be chosen so that the entropy on the space-like surface p — q is bigger than the area of p. However Bousso's rule applied to point (p) only bounds the entropy on the past light sheet. In this case most of the newly formed entropy on the reheating surface is not counted since it never passed through the past light sheet. Typical inflationary cosmologies can be studied to see that the past light sheet bound is not violated. As a final example we consider anti-de Sitter (AdS) space. The PB diagram consists of an infinite strip bounded on the left by the spatial origin and of the right by the AdS boundary. The PB diagram consists of a single region in which both negative expansion light sheets point toward the origin. Let us consider a static surface of large area A far from the spatial origin. The surface is denoted by the dotted vertical line L in figure (19). We will think of L as an infrared cutoff. Consider an arbitrary point p on L. Evidently Bousso's rules bound the entropy on past and future light sheets bounded by p. Therefore the entropy on any space-like surface bounded by p and including the origin is also holographically bounded. In other words the entire region to the left of L can be foliated with space-like surfaces such that the maximum entropy on each surface is A/4G. AdS space is an example of a special class of geometries which have timelike killing vectors and which can be foliated by surfaces that satisfy the Holographic bound. These two properties imply a very far reaching conclusion. All physics taking place in such backgrounds (in the interior of the infrared cutoff L) must be described in terms of a Hamiltonian that acts in a Hilbert space of dimensionality Nstates = exp(,4/4G)
The holographic description of AdS space is the subject of the next lecture.
AdS boundary
The AdS/CFT Correspondence and the Holographic Principle
AdS Space As we saw in Lecture II, AdS space enjoys certain properties which make it a natural candidate for a holographic Hamiltonian description. In this lecture we will review the holographic description of AdS(5)
- 4dr2 - 4r2dn2}
(3.1) >
There is another form of the metric which is in common use,
ds2 = 4 - \dt2 - dx'dx* - dy2} y2
where i runs from 1 to 3. The metric (3.2) is related to (3.1) in two different ways. First of all it is an approximation to (3.1) in the vicinity of a point on the boundary at r = 1. The 3 sphere is replaced by the flat tangent plane parameterized by x1 and the radial coordinate is replaced by y with y — (I — r). The second way that (3.1) and (3.2) are related is that (3.2) is the exact metric of an incomplete patch of AdS space. A time-like geodesic can get to y = oo in a finite proper time so that the space in eq. (3.2) is not geodesically complete. As discussed in the lectures of Maldacena the metric (3.2) describes the near horizon geometry of a stack of D3-branes located at the horizon y = oo. The metric (3.2) may be expressed in terms of the coordinate z = 1/y. ds2 = R2 lz2{dt2
- dxldx') - ^dz2\
In this form the horizon is at z = 0 and the boundary is at z = oo.
919 To construct the space AdS(5) ® 5(5) all we have to do is define 5 more coordinates to5 describing the unit 5 sphere and add a term to the metric ds25 = R2du\
Although the boundary of AdS is an infinite proper distance from any point in the interior of the ball, light can travel to the boundary and back in a finite time. For example, it takes a total amount of (dimensionless ) time t = 7r for light to make a round trip from the origin at r = 0 to the boundary at r = 1 and back. For all practical purposes AdS space behaves like a finite cavity with reflecting walls. The size of the cavity is of order R. In what follows we will think of the cavity size R as being much larger than any microscopic scale such as the Planck or string scale. Holography in AdS Space In order to have a benchmark for the counting of degrees of freedom in AdS(5) ® 5(5) imagine constructing a cutoff field theory in the interior of the ball. A conventional cutoff would involve a microscopic length scale such as the 10 dimensional Planck length lp. One way to do this would be to introduce a spatial lattice in nine dimensional space . It is not generally possible to make a regular lattice but a random lattice with an average spacing lp is possible. We can then define a simple theory such as a Hamiltonian lattice theory on the space. In order to count degrees of freedom we also need to regulate area of the boundary of AdS which is infinite. The way to do that was hinted at in lecture II. We introduce a surface L at r = 1 — S. The total 9 dimensional spatial volume in the interior of L is easily computed using the metric (3.1). V(S) ~ £
and the number of lattice sites and therefore the number of degrees of freedom is VIE? (3 6) Pp~Pj In such a theory we also will find that the maximum entropy is of the same order of magnitude. On the other hand the holographic bound discussed in lecture II requires the maximum entropy and the number of degrees of freedom to be of order Smax ~ Jg
where A is the 8 dimensional area of the boundary L. This is also easily computed. We find Jmax ~ J3^i~
920 In other words when R/lp becomes large the holographic description requires a reduction in the number of independent degrees of freedom by a factor lp/R. To say it slightly differently, the holographic principle implies a complete description of all physics in the bulk of a very large AdS space in terms of only lp/R degrees of freedom per spatial Planck volume. The AdS/CFT Correspondence The correspondence between string theory in AdS{5) ® S(5) and Super Yang Mills (SYM) theory on the boundary has been discussed in other lectures in this school and we will only review some of the salient features. The correspondence states that there is a complete equivalence between superstring theory in the bulk of AdS(5)®S(5) and maximally supersymmetric (16 real supercharges), 3 + 1 dimensional, SU(N), SYM theory on the boundary of the AdS space [23] [24] [25]. In these lectures SYM theory will always refer to this particular version of supersymmetric gauge theory. It is well known that SYM is conformally invariant and therefore has no dimensional parameters. It will be convenient to define the theory to live on the boundary parametrized by the dimensionless coordinates t, fi or t, x. The corresponding momenta are also dimensionless. In fact we will use the convention that all SYM quantities are dimensionless. On the other hand the bulk gravity theory quantities such as mass, length and temperature carry their usual dimensions. To convert from SYM to bulk variables the conversion factor is R. Thus if Esym and M represent the energy in the SYM and bulk theories
Similarly bulk time intervals are given by multiplying the t interval by R. One might think that the boundary of AdS(5)®S(5) is (8+1) dimensional but there is an important sense in which it is 3 + 1 dimensional. To see this let us Weyl rescale the metric by a factor T ^ J W SO that the rescaled metric at the boundary is finite. The new metric is dS2 = {(1 + r2)2dt2 - 4dr2 - 4r 2 dfi 2 } + {(1 - r2)2dco2}
Notice that the size of the 5-sphere shrinks to zero as the boundary at r = 1 is approached. The boundary of the geometry is therefore 3 + 1 dimensional. Let us return to the correspondence between the bulk and bounday theories. The ten dimensional bulk theory has two dimensionless parameters. These are: 1. The radius of curvature of the AdS space measured in string units R/ls 2. The dimensionless string coupling constant g.
921 The string coupling constant and length scale are are related to the ten dimensional Planck length and Newton constant by ll = g2fs = G
On the other side of the correspondence, the gauge theory also has two constants. They are 1. The rank of the gauge group N 2. The gauge coupling gym The relation between the string and gauge parameters was given by Maldacena [23]. It is
= (N92vJ
T 9
= 9lm
We can also write ten dimensional Newton constant in the form G = Rs/N2
There are two distinct limits that are especially interesting, depending on one's motivation. The A d S / C F T correspondence has been widely studied as a tool for learning about the behavior of gauge theories in the strongly coupled 't Hooft limit. From the gauge theory point of view the 't Hooft is defined by 9Vm ->• 0 TV -> oo g2ymN = constant
From the bulk string point of view the limit is g ->• 0 R — = constant
Thus the strongly coupled 't Hooft limit is also the classical string theory limit in a fixed and large AdS space. This limit is dominated by classical supergravity theory. The interesting limit from the viewpoint of the holographic principle is a different one. We will be interested in the behavior of the theory as the AdS radius increases but with the parameters that govern the microscopic physics in the bulk kept fixed. This means we want the limit g R/ls
= constant -)• oo
922 On the gauge theory side this is 9ym N
= constant ->• oo
Our goal will be to show that the number of quantum degrees of freedom in the gauge theory description satisfies the holographic behavior in eq. (3.8). The Infrared Ultraviolet Connection In either of the metrics (3.1) or (3.2) the proper area of any finite coordinate patch tends to oo as the boundary of AdS is approached. Thus we expect that the number of degrees of freedom associated with such a patch should diverge. This is consistent with the fact that a continuum quantum field theory such as SYM has an infinity of modes in any finite three dimensional patch. In order to do a more refined counting [26] we need to regulate both the area of the AdS boundary and the number of ultraviolet degrees of freedom in the SYM. As we will see, these apparently different regulators are really two sides of the same coin. We have already discussed infrared (IR) regulating the area of AdS by introducing a surrogate boundary L at r = 1 — S or similarly at y = 6. That the the IR regulator of the bulk theory is equivalent to an ultraviolet (UV) regulator in the SYM theory is called the IR/UV connection [26]. It can be motivated in a number of ways. In this lecture we give an argument based on the quantum fluctuations of the positions of the D3-branes which are nominally located at the origin of the coordinate z in eq. (3.3). The location of a point on a 3 brane is defined by six coordinates z, u>5. We may also choose the six coordinates to be cartesian coordinates (z1, ...,z6). The original coordinate z is defined by z2 = (z1)2 + ... + (z6)2
The coordinates z are represented in the SYM theory by six scalar fields on the world volume of the branes. If the six scalar fields <j>n are canonically normalized then the precise connection between the z's and <j>'s is z=9-^J>
Strictly speaking eq.(3.18) does not make sense because the fields <j> are iVx N matrices. The situation is the same as in matrix theory where we identify the N eigenvalues of the matrices in eq.(3.18) to be the coordinates zm of the N D3-branes. As in matrix theory the geometry is noncommutative and only configurations in which the six matrix valued fields commute have a classical interpretation. However the radial coordinate z = yjzmzm can be defined by #
(3 19)
923 A question which is often asked is; Where are the D3-branes located in the AdS space? The usual answer is that they are at the horizon 2 = 0. However our experiences in lecture I with similar questions should warn us that the answer may be more subtle. In lecture I ( see the discussion from eq(1.45) to e'q.( 1.52) ) a question was asked about the location of a string. What we found is that the answer depends on what frequency range it is probed with. High frequency or short time probes see the string widely spread in space while low frequency probes see a well localized string. To answer the corresponding question about D3-branes we need to study the quantum fluctuations of their position. The fields 4> are scalar quantum fields whose scaling dimensions are known to be exactly {length)'1. Prom this it follows that any of the A"2 components of
where 8 is the ultraviolet regulator of the field theory. It follows from eq(3.20) that the average value of z satisfies
<*> 2 ~(¥)^
< z > 2 ~
or, using eq's(3.12) In terms of the coordinate y which vanishes at the boundary of AdS < y > 2 ~ 52
Evidently low frequency probes see the branes at z = 0 but as the frequency of the probe increases the brane appears to move toward the boundary at z = oo. The precise connection between the UV SYM cutoff and the bulk-theory IR cutoff is given by eq.(3.23). Counting Degrees of Freedom Let us now turn to the problem of counting the number of degrees of freedom needed to describe the region y > S [26]. The UV/IR connection implies that this region can be described in terms of an ultraviolet regulated theory with a cutoff length 6. Consider a patch of the boundary with unit coordinate area. Within that patch there are 1/5 3 cutoff cells of size 6. Within each such cell the fields are constant in a cutoff theory. Thus each cell has of order N2 degrees of freedom corresponding to the N®N components of the adjoint representation of U(N). Thus the number of degrees of freedom on the unit area is Ndof = -J,-
924 On the other hand the 8-dimensional area of the regulated patch is n>3
^ = | f X *
p8 5
= |r
and the number of degrees of freedom per unit area is
Finally we may use eq.(3.12)
This is exactly what is required by the holographic principle. AdS Black Holes The apparently irreconcilable demands of black hole thermodynamics and the principles of quantum mechanics have led us to a very strange view of the world as a hologram. Now we will return, full circle, to see how the holographic description of AdS(5)®S(5) provides a description of black holes. What would be most interesting would be to give a holographic description of 10-dimensional black hole formation and evaporation in an AdS(5) ® 5(5) space which is much larger than the black hole. Unfortunately we will see that this is far beyond our present ability. There are however, black hole solutions in AdS(5)®S(5) which are within our current understanding. These are the black holes which have Schwarzschild radii as large or larger than the radius of curvature R. Such black holes are stable against decay and do not evaporate. In fact these black holes homogeneously fill the 5-sphere. They are solutions of the dimensionally reduced 5-dimensional Einstein equations with a negative cosmological constant. The thermodynamics can be derived from the black hole solutions by first computing the area of the horizon and then using the Bekenstein Hawking formula . One finds that the entropy is related to their mass by S = c(M3RnG-1)* (3.28) Where G is the ten dimensional Newton constant and c is a numerical constant. Using the thermodynamic relation dM = TdS we can compute the relation between mass and temperature. M = c ^ -
or in terms of dimensionless SYM quantities E
c—T4 f<
925 = cN2Ttym
Eq.(3.30) has a surprisingly simple interpretation. Recall that in 3 + 1 dimensions the Stephan-Boltzmann law for the energy density of radiation is E = T*V
where V is the volume. In the present case the relevant volume is the dimensionless 3-area of the unit boundary sphere. Furthermore there are ~ N2 quantum fields in the U(N) gauge theory so that apart from a numerical constant eq.(3.30) is nothing but the Stephan-Bolzmann law for black body radiation. Evidently the holographic description of the AdS black holes is a simple as it could be; a black body thermal gas of N2 species of quanta propagating on the boundary hologram. The Horizon The high frequency quantum fluctuation of the location of the D3-branes are invisible to a low frequency probe. Roughly speaking this is insured by the renormalization group as applied to the SYM description of the branes. The renormalization group is what insures that our bodies are not severely damaged by constant exposure to high frequency vacuum fluctuations. We are not protected in the same way from classical fluctuations. An example is the thermal fluctuations of fields at high temperature. All probes sense thermal fluctuations of the brane locations. Let us return to eq.(3.20) but now, instead of using eq.(3.21) we use the thermal field fluctuations of <j>. For each of the N2 components the thermal fluctuations have the form < >= T%m
and we find eqs.(3.22 ) and (3.23) replaced by < 7 >2 2
~ T~2m
It is clear that the thermal fluctuations will be strongly felt out to a coordinate distance z = Tsym. In terms of r the corresponding position is 1 - r ~ \/Tsym
In fact this coincides with the location of the horizon of the AdS black hole. A more precise definition of the horizon was given by Kabat and Lifschytz [27]. In the D-brane description the zero temperature stack of branes can be thought of as an extreme black brane with the horizon at z = 0. We would like to find something special about the corresponding point
926 location z. At zero temperature supersymmetry insures the stability of this configuration. From the gauge theory point of view we have shifted a scalar field and broken the gauge symmetry to £/(l) <S> U(N — 1). The effect is to give the "W-bosons" a mass g<j). From the brane point of view we have given a mass to the strings which extend between the displaced brane at z and the others at z = 0. Now we see what is special about z = 0. If we place a brane probe at a distance from the horizon there are massive modes of the brane. These modes become massless at the horizon. Presumably if we went even further these modes would become tachyonic and lead to an instability involving the irreversible production of strings connecting the probe and stack. Kabat and Lifschytz [27] conjecture that this is the general feature of horizons in both the AdS/CFT theory and Matrix theory. In the AdS case we begin with a spontaneously broken SYM at finite temperature. It is well known that the mass of the W boson is corrected by finite temperature effects. Kabat and Lifschytz argue that at finite temperature the tachyonic instability occurs at a non-zero value of (/>. This value corresponds to the position of the horizon. The string theory correspondence gives a fairly convincing picture of the thermal effects on the W mass [27]. Let the probe brane be at z. The thermal effects are represented by a black hole or black brane with a horizon at ZHWe assume z > ZH- Now the string connecting the probe to the stack is terminated at the black hole horizon and its mass is M = (z- zH)/ls
As z —» ZH the string becomes massless and then tachyonic.
T h e Flat Space Limit
The Flat Space Limit Gauge theory, gravity correspondences are especially interesting because they provide nonperturbative definitions of some quantum-gravity systems. The first example was matrix theory which uses SYM theory to define 11 dimensional supergravity in the DLCQ framework. To effectively decompactify the light cone direction we must pass to the large N limit keeping the gauge coupling fixed. It has also been proposed that the AdS/CFT correspondence can be used to give a non-perturbative definition of type lib string theory [28]. For this purpose we regard AdS space in the form of eq.(3.1) as a finite cavity with reflecting walls. It provides an ideal "box" for the purpose of infrared regulating a theory. Although the actual metric distance from any point in the
927 bulk geometry to the boundary is infinite, it nevertheless closely resembles an ordinary finite box of size R. For example the time for light to propagate from r = 0 to the boundary and back is finite nR. Another indication of the finiteness of the box is that the energy eigenvalues of a particle moving in the metric (3.1) are discrete with the scale of energy being 1/R. To define the infinite volume limit we want to let R —• oo while keeping fixed the microscopic parameters of the theory such as g and ls. We also want to keep fixed the energy and length scales in string units. Let us see what this means in terms of SYM quantities. From eq's(3.11) we see that we must allow N —> oo while keeping gym fixed just as in matrix theory. Furthermore the SYM energy is related to the mass M by Esym = MR = Mls(Ngym)* Accordingly, to keep M fixed we must allow Esym to grow like N* while time intervals must scale like t —» N~* Matrix theory also requires a scaling of energy with N but it is different. Instead of eq.(4.1) matrix theory involves energy of order 1/7Y. The next question is what quantities make sense in the limit N -» = 9ym Esym ^Ni
oo constant (4.1)
The answer must be that any quantity that has a well defined flat space limit in ten dimensional lib string theory should correspond to a quantity with a good limit under (4.1). The most obvious quantities are the spectrum and scattering matrix of stable particles. The only such particles are the massless supergravity multiplet. This includes Kaluza-Klein particles with non-zero momentum on the 5-sphere. From the point of view of the 5 dimensional AdS space these objects have non zero mass but they are stable. The 5-dimensional AdS mass of a particle with momentum k on the 5-sphere is M = \k\
or in terms of the 5(5) angular momentum J M = J/R
The existence and stability of these ten-dimensionally massless particles has been established beyond doubt from properties of the SYM theory (See Maldacena's lectures). The existence and properties of an S-matrix have also been studied [29] [28] but much less can be rigorously established. The idea for constructing scattering amplitudes is to use appropriate local gauge-invariant operators in the boundary theory as sources of the bulk particles. The particles can be aimed from the boundary toward the origin (r = 0) of the cavity and by carefully controlling the sources they can be made to interact
928 in a small enough region that the curvature of the space is irrelevant. All kinds of interesting phenomena could occur during the collision. This includes the formation and evaporation of 10 dimensional black holes. You can look up the details of this kind of construction in the papers by Polchinski and Susskind [28] [29]. In this lecture we will concentrate on a couple of the poorly understood issues connected with the holographic description of in the interior of AdS. High Energy Gravitons Deep in the Bulk The first issue has to do with the description of high energy particles far from the boundary. Let us consider a massless graviton emitted from the boundary with vanishing 5(5) momentum. The creation operator for emitting the graviton is made out of the energy-momentum tensor of the boundary theory by integrating Ty with a test function whose frequency spectrum is concentrated around some value u. uJ=pR = pls(g2ymN)1<
Acting with the resulting operator creates a graviton of bulk momentum p propagating from the boundary toward the origin. Once the particle has entered the bulk and passed the surrogate boundary at y = 5, the holographic principle requires that it has a description in the regulated SYM theory with momentum cutoff 1/6. Let us first consider the case of low graviton momentum by which we mean pR = u> < 1/5. In this case the source function is slowly varying on the cutoff scale and the ordinary renormalization group strategy applies. Integrating out the modes beyond the cutoff results in a renormalized theory. Because the SYM theory is scale invariant, the cutoff theory has the same form as the original theory and the graviton is description is the same as in the continuum theory. However, the renormalization group does not apply to situations in which the field theoretic source functions vary more rapidly than the cutoff scale. Thus if (p > 5/R) there is no guarantee that the cutoff theory can describe the graviton correctly. The problem is that the holographic principle demands that we be able to describe all the physical states in the region y > 8 by states of the cutoff theory even if they contain high energy gravitons. To phrase the paradox differently, note that a massless particle with momentum p moving in the y direction can be localized in the x plane with an uncertainty RAx ~ (4.5) P Thus it should be possible to distinguish two such particles if their separation x is of order 1/pR or bigger. On the other hand the largest momenta in the cutoff SYM theory is 1/5 « pR. How is it possible to construct such well localized objects out of the low momentum modes of the SYM fields? We
929 will argue that the only possible answer is that the high energy graviton is created by operators that involve many SYM quanta. In other words the effective operator which creates the high energy graviton in the cutoff theory must be high order in the fundamental SYM fields. The order can be estimated by taking the total dimensionless energy UJ of the graviton and dividing up among gauge quanta of energy 1/(5. n = ui6 = pRS
To illustrate the point consider an n-particle wave function (as long as n << N the SYM quanta can be treated as non-identical Boltzmann particles). As an example we choose a product wave function ip{xi,x2,
, xn) = tl)(xi)tl>{x2).-i)(xn)
with lKz)=exp-(M)
(4. 8)
Note that wave functions of this type are composed of momenta of order 1/6 and make sense in the cutoff theory. Suppose we have two such states which are identical except one of them is displaced a distance a in the x direction. The inner product of these states is given by < / ip*(x)ip(x — a) \ ~ exp —na/5
The function exp-na/5 in eq.(4.9) is narrowly peaked on the cutoff scale if n is large. In other words these states are distinguishable when they are displaced by distance 5/n even though the largest individual momentum is only 1/6. Thus we see that fine details can be distinguished in the coarse grained theory but only if the gravitons and other bulk particles are identified as an increasingly large number of gauge quanta as the UV cutoff of the SYM is lowered and/or the momentum is increased. This is very similar to matrix theory in which a graviton of momentum P_ is represented by a number of partons which grow with P_. Kaluza Klein Modes So far we have considered particles which are massless in the 5 dimensional sense. Now let us consider a graviton with non-vanishing 5-momentum k. We want to hold k fixed as we let R —> oo. The 5 dimensional mass is k. Let us also assume p, the momentum in the y direction is also kept fixed. The dimensionless SYM energy of the state is u) = R^Jk2 + p2
Once again it is known how to create such particles by introducing a source at the boundary. The source in this case is a local gauge invariant SYM operator of the form Sn = Tr(4>)n (4.11) This expression stands for an nth order monomial in the scalar SYM fields <j>. The integer n is equal to the S(5) angular momentum kR. n = kR
To construct a creation operator for a particle of momentum p, k we integrate Sn with a test function of frequency w given in eq.(4.10). The puzzling feature of this prescription is that it injects the particle into the system with a local boundary operator. But a massive particle with energy \fk2 + p2 can never get near the boundary. This can be seen from the motion of a massive classical particle in AdS space. If a particle of mass M moves along the y axis with total bulk energy E = LJ/R then the closest it comes to the boundary is y* = M/E (4.13) where y* is the classical turning point of the trajectory. It is also true that the solution of the classical wave equation for such a particle has its largest value at this point. For y < y* the wave function quickly goes to zero. Somehow the local boundary field Sn must be creating bulk particles far from the boundary. This behavior can be qualitatively be understood in an elementary way from the SYM theory. The operator Sn in eq.(4.11) describes the creation of n quanta. Suppose that the SYM energy o> is divided among the quanta so that each carries ui/n. Equivalently the quanta have wave length n/u>. According to the UV/IR connection quanta of this wave length correspond to bulk phenomena at y = n/ui. Using eq's.(4.10 ) and (4.12) we see that this corresponds to the position y*. In this way we see that the local operator constructed from Sn by projecting out given frequency components actually corresponds to a bulk particle at its classical turning point. Before concluding this final lecture the are some negative features of holographic descriptions which need to be mentioned. These negative features become apparent when we begin to ask how ordinary phenomena near the origin of a very large AdS space are described in SYM theory [30] [31]. Suppose we have some object which may be macroscopic in size but which is very much smaller than the radius of curvature R. According to the UV/IR connection if the object is near the origin only the longest wavelength modes of the SYM fields should be important for their description. On the 3-sphere this means the almost homogeneous modes. The number of such homogeneous modes is of order N2 and these must be the degrees of freedom which describe entire physics within a region of size R near the origin. In other
931 words all the physics within a region small enough to be considered fiat must be described by the matrix degrees of freedom of the SYM and not by the spatial variations of the fields. There is nothing wrong with this except that we have no idea how to translate ordinary physics into the holographic description. For example we would have no idea how to determine if a given SYM state were describing a small ten dimensional black hole, a rock or an elephant of the same mass. I would like to suggest that there is a way to do physics which is complementary to the holographic way but in which bulk phenomena are much easier to recognize. I would expect that this new way would be in terms of local bulk fields which would either include the gravitational field or would allow its construction in some simple way. What would be unusual about this theory is that it would be extremely rich in gauge redundancies, so rich in fact that when the gauge is completely fixed and the non-redundant degrees of freedom are counted their number would be proportional to the area in Planck units. By some particular gauge fixing this would be made manifest. But after insuring ourselves that the counting is holographic other gauge choices might be much better for recognizing ordinary local physics. The kind of theory I have in mind is some generalization of Chern Simons theory which does have the property that the real states live on the boundary. Unfortunately this is just a speculation at the moment.
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