Letters to the Editor
The Mathematical Intelligencer encourages comments about the material in this issue. Letters to the editor should be sent to the editor-in-chief, Chandler Davis.
On the Classical-to-Quantum Correspondence
Although the article by Effros [1] is specifically targeted for young (naive?) mathematicians, this old mathemati cal/theoretical physicist* was surprised to see no mention or reference to Dirac's co-discovery and subsequent refined development [2] of the Poisson bracket-to-commutator-bracket corre spondence for quantization. Indeed Born, who is credited by Effros as the sole originator of the quantization cor respondence, states that [3] These commutation laws (Born and Jordan, 1925) take the place of the quantum conditions in Bohr's the ory. . . . It may be mentioned in con clusion that this fundamental idea underlying Heisenberg's work has been worked out by Dirac (1925) in a very original way.
dence, at least for those who share a predilection for algebraic aesthetics. [ 1 ] E. G. Effros, Matrix revolutions: an introduction to quantum variables for young mathematicians, Math ematical Intelligencer 26 (2004), 53-59. [2] P. A. M. Dirac, Quantum Mechan ics, Clarendon Press ( 1930), par ticularly chapter 4. [3] M. Born, Atomic Physics, Hafner Publishing Co. ( 1957), p. 130. [4] G. Rosen, Formulations of Quan tum and Classical Dynamical Theory, Academic Press (1964). Gerald Rosen 415 Charles Lane Wynnewood, PA 19096 U.S.A. Department of Physics Drexel University Philadelphia, PA 19104 e-mail: www.geraldrosen.com
Young mathematicians might also enjoy the fact exploited in the 1960s (see for example [4]) that the Poisson and commutator brackets are both Lie product binary operations with the properties: [A + B, C)
[A, C) + [B, C) (linearity)
[A, B] = - [B, A]
[ [A, B], C] + [ [B, C], A] + [ [C, A] , B] = 0 (integrability) In addition, both the Poisson and com mutator brackets have the property [AB, C]
A[B, C]
[A, C]B
with the direct product of the algebraic elements defined appropriately in either case. Hence, classical mechanics fea tures the Lie product according to Pois son, while quantum mechanics has the Lie product represented by a commuta tor of linear operators. This takes some of the mystery out of the correspon-
mathematical physicist
THE MATHEMATICAL INTELLIGENCER © 2005 Spnnger Sc1ence+Bus1ness Media. Inc
here is an interesting postscript to my paper in The Mathematical In telligencer 21 (1999), no. 2, 50, on the birthplace of Felix Klein (1849-1925). Readers may remember I said the "Heinrich Heine University" could have been appropriately named the "Felix Klein University," because I consider Klein at least as important to the progress of science as Heine to litera ture. I also pointed out that tourist guides in Dusseldorf never mention the slightest fact about Felix Klein. I continue to visit the Computing Center of the Heinrich Heine Univer sity on a yearly basis, to collaborate with Professor Dr Jan von Knop, di rector of the Centre (our joint work on computational biology and chemistry is now thirty years old). On one of my recent visits to the Heinrich Heine Uni-
is one who doesn't have the skills to do
one who doesn't have the skills to do
More on Felix Klein in Dusseldorf
mathematics; a
theoretical physicist
versity, I noticed that the outer wall of the main lecture hall shows a huge commemorative inscription titled "Fe lix Klein Horsaal." It is located in the building that houses the Departments of Mathematics and Physics, as it be longs to the Mathematisch-Naturwis senschaftliche Fakultat. I can't claim that my article inspired the authorities of the Fakultat to dedi cate their main lecture hall to Felix Klein, but it may be significant that
many requests for reprints of my arti cle in The lntelligencer came from the Heinrich Heine University. Anyway, it is a pleasure to report that now at least one place in Dussel dorf bears the name of Felix Klein.
Read Something Different
Nenad Trinajstic Rudjer Boskovic Institute HR- 1 0002 Zagreb Croatia e-mail:
[email protected]
Women in Mathematics Bettye Anne Case and Anne M. Leggett, editors
Marjorie Senechal is known to many of our readers as a
This eye-opening
mathematician specializing in aperiodic tilings, as a math
the stories of dozens of women
professor at Smith College, and as a contributor and col
who hove pursued careers in
umn editor for The
Mathematical Intelligencer.
Did you
know that she also was for years the head of Smith Col lege's Kahn Liberal Arts Institute? Liberal arts! What do the liberal arts have to do with us? Well-humanism fits into her intellectual universe perfectly comfortably-as it does, I think, into The
Marjorie has been in charge of our multi-faceted Com
book. presents
mathematics, often with inspiring tenacity. The contributors offer
their own narratives, recount the experiences of women who come before them, and offer guidonce for those who
will follow in their
"This astounding book
munities column since vol. 19. She now becomes co-Editor in-Chief. Yes, send your manuscripts to either Marjorie or
provides a wealth of important information on
me. The Communities column will continue; the rest of our
women in mathematics
features will continue, only more so. Anything we could do
exploring how they entered the
with Davis as Editor we can do at least as well in the new
field, what excited them about it
system. If Marjorie's participation spurs you to submit such
in their youth, what excites them
elegant manuscripts as to make my past editing awfully pale
now, and the many ways these
by comparison-so be it! Go right ahead and submit thos gems, my feelings won't be hurt!
women have advanced the frontiers of mathematics, or have used mathematics to the benefit of
Chandler Davis
How wonderful that this
is all gathered in one volume of easy reading."
-Mildred Dresselhous, MIT Clolh $35.95 £22.95
Celebrating 100 Years of "Excellence PRINCETON University Press (0800) 243407 800-777-4726
© 2005 Spnnger Sc1ence 1-Bus1ness Med1a, Inc., Volume 27, Number 3, 2005
On the Convergence of the Sequence Defining Euler's Number
lthough the famous and well-known sequence ing Euler's number e
2. 71828
{ev}vEN :={(1
+ _!_YlvEN v
is perhaps the most important nontrivial se-
quence, less or even nothing seems to be known about the general structure of its Taylor expansion at infinity. Of course, using a modern computer algebra system like Maple or Mathematica, it is no problem to de termine the first, say, five terms of that expansion: Using the Taylor expansion of log(1
+ x) at x =0, valid for lxl < + l_) v
1, we immediately get the Taylor expansion of vlog(l at v
=oo. Taking the exponential gives ev
( + �r
To prove the above result, I will use a few lemmata. They
are in terms of the following Definition
:= 1
2447e 7e l le e = e - - + -- - -- + +··· 2v
S1 stands for the Stirling numbers of the first kind. In particular, this shows that the numbers en all are ratio nal multiples of Euler's number e.
lfRex > -1, lxl i= 0, and ltl ::s 1, let EtCx) :=exp(log(1 + tx)lx), and let Et(O) : =e1• The branch of the logarithm is chosen by log(1) 0. =
Then we have, evidently: But can we determine what is hidden behind those three dots? i.e., what is" . . . "?
I will deduce a closed and finite expression for the coef
en in the above expansion, which,
at the same time,
implies the following sequence of asymptotic statements: (v�
n0 E N).
The derived result seems to be new; [Todorov], [Broth
ers, Knox], and [Knox, Brothers] examine related problems,
but they do not determine the general structure of en, which will tum out as finite sums of some multiples of Stirling numbers: I will prove the remarkably simple formula
� en - e L _
v �O
S1(n + v, v) �v L (n + V) ' m� O •
(-1)m m.' '
THE MATHEMATICAL INTELLIGENCER © 2005 Springer Scrence +Busrness Medra, Inc
Lemma 1
i. For each It I ::s 1, Et(X) is holomorphic inRex> -1. For real xi= 0 and real t E [ -1, 1] we have Et(x) = (1 + tx}i. Et(x) possesses a Taylor expansion for lxl < 1: Et(X) =: k��o en(t) xn. ii. The elementsev : = (1 + -lv_)vof the sequence(ev}vEN admit an asymptotic expansion at v = oo; the coefficients are the numbers en :=en(1) defined in (i): iiv=El
( _!_V )
n �o
en(1) Vn
n �O
en Vn .
By Lemma 1, (ii), the determination of the numbers
en is
reduced to the computation of the coefficients of the Tay lor expansion of
with the aid of
E1(x) at x =0. Their evaluation succeeds
The fact that Pnis a polynomial of degree n in t now yields two different consequences: the irrelevant but interesting result
Lemma 2:
i. For Re
x > -1 and l ti :::; 1 we
I (_1)"
t"Pn(t) x", Et(X)=e 1 n�O ·
where Pn denotes a polynomial of degree n in ii. For Re
x > -1 and It.
The series appearing in parentheses converges. Here S1 denotes the Stirling numbers of the first kind, defined by their generating function (x)., :=x(x- 1) ... (x-(v- 1)) =: ���oS1(v, n)x"; see, for instance, [Abra mowitz, Stegun], Section 24. 1. 3. B, Formula 1.
Proof i. Under the given assumptions we have
(1 + tx) E,(x)=exp og x
) expl:H =
form > n,
Sl (n,+v, v) + v).(m- v).I
tm. m�o By this and by Lemma 2, (i), we are able to give an explicit expression for the above Taylor expansion of E1(x) at x=0; in particular, for t = 1 we have E1(x)= e �;,�oPn(1)x". Using Lemma 1, (ii), we finally see that the numbers e11 are the coefficients in this expansion: _
e, - e Pn0)-e =
C i + C ?:;: . .
and the explicit expression for Pn:
p, (t) = I
we moreover have
S1(n +v, v) =0 (n +v)!(m- v)!
� ( t:o
m 1)
v v)
eI ( _1)" S1(n + , (n +v)! FO
�( �o
S1(n +v, v) - v)! (-1)"' (m - v)! .
(n + v )!(m
This gives the assertion.
The definition of the numbers S1 implies that the sign of S1(v, n) is (-1y-n. This together with the theorem yields that the sign of en is (-1)".
[ - t2 (t33 8t4)' - (t44 6t" t(i)
2x +
+ 48
[Abramowitz, Stegun] : M. Abramowitz, lA Stegun, Handbook of Math 8
.r +
. .l'
ematical Functions, Dover Publications, New York, 1964 . [Brothers, Knox]: H.J. Brothers, JA Knox, New closed-form approxi mations to the logarithmic constant e, The Mathematical lntelligencer
because of absolute convergence. This shows the as sertion.
[Hansen]: E.R . Hansen, A Table of Series and Products, Prentice-Hall,
On the other hand, with the aid of the binomial for mula we easily see that
[Knox, Brothers] : JA Knox, H.J. Brothers, Novel series-based approxi
tJ )
t (�r ��>
� (tx)" = o .
20(4), 25-29, 1998 . Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1975. mations toe, The College Mathematics Journal 30(4), 269-275, 1999.
[fodorov]: P.G. Todorov, Taylor expansions of analytic functions related to (1 + z)X
1 IoS1(v, v- n) x" . v. n�
Using the absolute convergence of this series, we may
1, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
132, 264-280, 1988. AUTHOR
change the order of sununation and get the assertion.
Now I can state the main result: Theorem:
For all n let
:= �ih�o (-1)"'/m!.
Then we have
en- e L v�o
First, Lemma
S1(n +v, v) Bn-p· (n +v)!
2 implies the simple conclusion
et .
�- n)
Fachbereich 17- Mathematikllnfonnatik
UniversHat Kassel 34127 Kassel
that is, Pn(t)=I m�o
m (-1)
or, finally, Pn(t)=
S (n + v, v) v t , tm . I l (n + v)! p= () ( -1 )"
Sl(n,+v,v) v).(rn - v).,
(n +
Markus Brede studied mathematics and physics at Kassel, re
ceiving a doctorate in mathematics i n 2001 . He is now work
ing toward his habilitation. His interests are in analytic num
m t .
ber theory, function theory, and special functions.
© :?005 Spnnger SCience+- Bus1ness Media, Inc , Volume 27, Number 3, 2005
The Rotor· Router Shape Is Spherical Lionel Levine and Yuval Peres
This column is a place for those bits of contagious mathematics that travel from person to person in the community, because they are so elegant, suprising, or appealing that one has an urge to pass them on. Contributions are most welcome.
Michael Kleber and Ravi Vakil, Editors
n the two-dimensional rotor-router walk (defined by Jim Propp and pre sented beautifully in [4]), the first time a particle leaves a site x it departs east; the next time this or another particle leaves x it departs south; the next de parture is west, then north, then east again, etc. More generally, in any di mension d :=:::: 1, for each site x E ll_d fix a cyclic ordering of its 2d neighbors, and require successive departures from x to follow this ordering. In rotor router aggregation, we start with n par ticles at the origin; each particle in tum performs rotor-router walk until it reaches an unoccupied site. Let An de note the shape obtained from rotor router aggregation of n particles in ll_d; for example, in 7L2 with the ordering of directions as above, the sequence will begin A1 = {0}, Az = {0,(1,0)}, A3 = (0,(1,0),(0,-1)}, etc. As noted in [4], simulations in two dimensions indi cated that An is close to a ball, but there was no theorem explaining this phe nomenon. Order the points in the lattice ll_d ac cording to increasing distance from the origin, and let En consist of the first n points in this ordering; we call En the lattice ball of cardinality n. In this note we outline a proof that for all d, the ro tor-router shape An in ll_d is indeed close to a ball, in the sense that
the number of points in the symmetric difference AnD.Bn is o(n) .
Please send all submissions to the Mathematical Entertainments Editor, Ravi Vakil, Stanford University,
Department of Mathematics, Bldg. 380, Stanford, CA 94305-2125, USA e-mail:
[email protected]
See [6] for a complete proof, and error bounds. Let E C [Rd denote a ball of unit volume centered at the origin, and let A� C [Rd be the union of unit cubes centered at the points of An; then (1) means that the volume of the symmet ric difference n-lldA�D.B tends to zero as n � oo. A novel feature of our argu ment is the use of random walk and Brownian motion to analyze a deter ministic cellular automation. A stochastic analogue of the rotor router walk, called internal diffusion limited aggregation (IDLA), was in-
troduced earlier by Diaconis and Ful ton [3].In IDLA one also starts with n particles at the origin 0, and each par ticle in tum walks until it reaches an unoccupied site; however, the particles perform simple random walk instead of rotor-router walks. Lawler, Bram son, and Griffeath [5] showed that the asymptotic shape of IDLA is a ball.Our result does not rely on theirs, but we do use a modification of IDLA in our analysis. Since the lattice ball En minimizes the quadratic weight Q(A) = IxEAir:ll2 among all sets A c ll_d of cardinality n, the difference Q(An) - Q(En) can be seen as a measurement of how far the set An is from a ball. We claim that Q(An ) ;S Q(En), (where an
anlbn :S 1).
means that lim sup
It is easy to prove that this implies (1). To bound Q(An), we use a property of the function lr:ll2: its value at a point x is one less than its average value on the 2d neighbors of x.For a set A c ll_d and a point x E ll_d, let 1f;(x,A) be the expected time for random walk started at x to reach the complement of A. If x Et: A, then 1f;(x,A) = 0, whereas if x E A, then 1f;(x,A) is one more than the average value of1f;(y,A) over the 2d neighbors y of x. This implies that h(x) = llxll2 + 'g(x,A) is harmonic in A: its value at x E A equals its average on the neighbors of x. Consider rotor-router aggregation starting with n particles at 0, and recall that An is the set of sites occupied by the particles when they have all stopped. Given a configuration of n par ticles at (not necessarily distinct) loca tions X1, . . . Xn, define the harmonic weight of the configuration to be W = W(x1, . .., Xn) =
L Cllxkll2 + 1f;(xk,An)).
We track the evolution of W during ro tor-router aggregation. Initially, W = W(O, . . ,o) n1f;(O,An). Because .
© 2005 Spnnger Science+Bus1ness Med1a, Inc., Volume 27, Number 3, 2005
the location of p after j steps, then the expectation of IJSU + 1)112 given S(j) equals IJSU)II2 + 1.Therefore
Figure 1. Rotor-router (left) and lOLA shapes of 10,000 particles. Each site is colored ac cording to the direction in which the last particle left it.
every 2d consecutive visits to a site x result in one particle stepping to each of the neighbors of x, by hannonicity, the net change in W resulting from these 2d steps is zero.Thus the final hannonic weight determined by the n particles, Q(An) �xEAn �(X,An), equals the ini tial weight n�(O,An), plus a small error that occurs because the number of vis its to any given site may not be an exact multiple of 2d.It is not hard to bound this error (see [6)) and deduce that
standard d-dimensional Brownian mo tion started at the origin. (Their proof uses the spherical symmetry of the Gaussian transition density and the powerful Brascamp-Lieb-Luttinger [2] rearrangement inequality. ) Since ran dom walk paths are well-approximated by Brownian paths, the Brownian mo tion result from [1] can be used to prove that for any k-point set A c ll_d, the expected exit time �(O,A) for ran dom walk is at most �(O, Bk) plus a Q(An) = n�(O, An) - �xEAn �(X,An), small error term; details may be found where a-, = bn means that lim an/bn = 1. in [6]. The number of steps taken by The key step in our argument in the particle Pk +1 in our modified IDLA volves the following modified IDLA: is at most the time for random walk Beginning with n particles {pk}�= 1 at started at 0 to exit the set occupied by the origin, let each particle Pk in tum the stopped particles p 1 , . . , Pk· It fol perform simple random walk until it ei lows that ther exits An or reaches a site different n from those occupied by P1, . .. , Pk-1· IE(Tn) !S I �(O, Bk)· (4) k=l At the random time Tn, when all the n The final step in our argument is to particles have stopped, the particles that did not exit An occupy distinct show that �r=l Cf,(O,Bk) is approxi sites in An.If we let these particles con mately equal to Q(Bn). Fix k :s n and tinue walking, the expected number let a single particle p perform random of steps needed for all of them to exit walk starting at 0 and stopping at the An is at most �x E An �(X,An). Thus first time tk that p exits Bk. If S(j) is n18(0,An) ::; IE(Tn) + �X E An �(X,An). So far, we have explained why
IE (tk)
1ECIJSC tk)l l2).
(Formally, this follows from the Op tional Stopping Theorem for Martin gales.) Let V1, Vz, ...be an ordering of ll_d in increasing distance from the origin, and recall that Bk = {v1, . .. , vk). Since all points on the boundary of Bk are about the same distance from the ori gin, IEC I IS C tk)l l2) = llvkll2. Summing this over k ::; n and using (5) gives
I �(O, Bk) = kI= llvkll2 Q(Bn). k =l
Together with (3) and (4), this yields Q(An) !S Q(Bn), as claimed. D Concluding Remark
discovered by Jim Propp, simula tions in two dimensions indicate that the shape generated by the rotor-router walk is significantly rounder than that of IDLA. One quantitative way of mea suring roundness is to compare inra dius and outradius. The inradius of a region A is the minimum distance from the origin to a point not in A; the out radius is the maximum distance from the origin to a point in A. In our simu lation up to a million particles, the dif ference between the inradius and out radius of the IDLA shape rose as high as 15.2.By contrast, the largest devia tion between inradius and outradius for the rotor-router shape up to a mil lion particles was just 1.74. Not only is this much rounder than the IDLA
- L 18(x,An) XEAn
IE(Tn). (3 )
To estimate IE(Tn), we want to bound, for each k < n, the expected number of steps made by the particle Pk+1 in the random process above: for this, we use a general upper bound on expected exit times from k-point sets in ll_d_ In 1982,Aizenman and Simon [1] showed that among all regions in jRd of a fixed volume,a ball centered at the origin maximizes the expected exit time for
Figure 2. Segments of the boundaries of rotor-router (top) and lOLA shapes formed from one million particles. The rotor-router shape has a smoother boundary.
shape, it's about
as close to a perfect as a set of lattice points can get!
[2] H. J. Brascamp, E. H. Lieb, and J. M. Lut
Because of error terms incurred along
for multiple integrals, J. Functional Analysis
tinger, A general rearrangement inequality
the way, our argument in this note only shows that the rotor-router shape roughly spherical.
17 (1994), 227-237.
http://www.arxiv.org/abs/math. PR/0503251. Department of Mathematics
[3] P Diaconis and W. Fulton, A growth model,
It remains a challenge
toties for the rotor-router model in :zd,
a game, an algebra, Lagrange inversion,
University of California Berkeley, CA 94720
to explain the almost perfectly spherical
and characteristic classes, Rend. Sem.
shapes encountered in simulations.
Mat. Univ. Pol. Torino 49 (1991), 95-119 .
[email protected]
[4] M. Kleber, Goldbug variations, Math. lntel ligencer 27 (2005), no. 1, 55-63 .
[1] M. Aizenman and B. Simon, Brownian mo
Department of Statistics
[5] G . F . Lawler, M . Bramson, and D. Griffeath,
tion and Harnack inequality for Schrodinger
Internal diffusion limited aggregation, Ann.
operators, Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 35
Probab. 20 (1992), 2117-2140.
Berkeley, CA 94720 USA
[6] L. Levine and Y. Peres, Spherical asyrnp-
(1982) , no. 2, 209-273.
University of California
[email protected]
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© 2005 Spnnger Science+Bus1ness Media, Inc., Volume 27, Number 3, 2005
Copernicus Decoded To the spirit of Niklas Koppernigk, not "the timid canon" pictured by Koestler, but the canon who was courageous enough to place his belief in mathematics before the evidence of his senses.
n modem times the relativistic point of view has led to considering the Copernican and the Ptolemaic systems as substantially equivalent. Yet passing from the Ptole maic to the Copernican system does not simply entail a change in the frame of reference. Instead, we need to ap ply different dilatations, each with the earth at its centre, to the geometrical devices giving the motions of the plan ets. Here lies the incontestable supremacy of the helio centric system over the geocentric one: one becomes able to deduce the right order of the planets and the relative size of their orbits without introducing extraneous or ad hoc assumptions. Copernicus himself considers this to be the "chief point" of his theory, as he states in an appar ently obscure phrase, here completely decoded, in which he compares the Ptolemaic system to a monster made up of anatomic parts taken from different bodies. Most schol ars have mistakenly indicated the monster to be the equant, and have pictured Copernicus as obsessed by this geometrical device introduced by Ptolemy. The real great ness of Copernicus is in having seen the greater predic tive power of the mathematical theory based on the he liocentric assumption. What follows is the story of my personal rediscovery of Copernicus, thanks to a malfunc tion of the projector at the Civic Planetarium "Francesco Martino" in Modena, during my first year as a lecturer there.
THE MATHEMATICAL INTELLIGENCER © 2005 Springer Sc1ence+Business Media, Inc.
Copernicus Disparaged
Copernicus is perhaps the most colourless figure among those who, by merit or circumstance, shaped mankind's destiny. On the luminous sky of the Re naissance, he appears as one of those dark stars whose existence is only revealed by their powerful radiations. -Arthur Koestler In 1973, the quincentenary of Copernicus's birth, I was sev enteen and I no longer went to the roof of my house to ob serve the starry sky with my little telescope. My new inter est in the budding science of computers had gained the upper hand over my interest in the ancient science of astronomy. I was nevertheless sad to read a newspaper article in which a scientist disparaged Copernicus's contribution to the development of modem science. In that article it was asserted that the Polish astronomer had only chosen a frame of reference in which the planetary motions ap peared simpler, but that, in light of Einstein's theory of gen eral relativity, Ptolemy's geocentric point of view was just as correct as the Copernican heliocentric one, which was rather less precise and more complex than Ptolemy's. Again, it was asserted that the De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium Libri VI (Six Books on the Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres) was an obscure book, permeated by an obsession with uniform circular motion, and that it had
given very little to that deep intellectual transformation known as the Copernican Revolution. Moreover, Coperni cus tried to establish the motion of the earth by meta physical considerations without a scientific basis. The con clusion was that the only credit due to Copernicus was that he revived the heliocentric theory of Aristarchus of Samos, which had been stated eighteen centuries before him, and without which Newton's theory of gravitation could hardly have been developed. That article's effect on me was to demolish in a few min utes the man I had considered from childhood as one of the heroes of astronomy. My university education would only confirm that opinion. It was only many years later that I had the opportunity to rediscover Copernicus in all his giant stature. In fact, while adjusting the devices for the planets in the projector of the Planetarium, I suddenly recognized the reasoning that led Copernicus to believe in a moving earth. The deep emotion I felt moved me to read Copernicus's book, where I found a full confirmation of my conviction. From then on I periodically inserted a public lecture about this argument into the schedule of Planetarium activities. Further read ing strengthened my opinion that, paradoxically, Ernst Mach's modern view about the meaning of inertia, by fo cusing attention on the relativity of motion, had obscured the deepest aspects of Copernican innovation. Copernicus Rediscovered
Probably it suddenlyflashed on him that perhaps each of the deferents of the two inner planets and the epicy-
cles of the three other ones simply represented an or bit passed over by the earth in a year, and not by the sun! -J. L. E. Dreyer The projector of a planetarium is substantially a Ptole maic machine that simulates more or less accurately the motion of the celestial bodies as seen by an earth observer. In particular, the apparent paths of the planets on the Ce lestial Sphere, with their periodic retrograde motions (Fig.l), are obtained by means of mechanisms that repro duce the geometrical devices invented by the astronomers of antiquity. The Zeiss ZKP2 projector of the Civic Planetarium of Modena simulates the motion of the planets by means of the deferent-epicycle device, attributed to Apollonius of Perga (220-160 Be). The planet moves along a minor circle, the epicycle, whose centre in turn moves along a major cir cle, the deferent, centred on the earth (Fig.2). Having fixed in an appropriate manner the ratio between the radii of the two circles and their angular speeds, it is possible to re produce the motions of the planets with their loops along the zodiac. In the case of the Planetarium, the deferent epicycle device is made with two wheels moved by means of gears and a little projector that remains aligned in the earth-planet direction (Fig.3). Actually the plane of the epicycle is offset from the plane of the deferent, so as to reproduce the planet's deviations with respect to the ecliptic. Historically, the deferent-epicycle device superseded that of the homocentric spheres introduced by Eudoxus of
Figure 1. Most of the time an Earth o bserver sees the planets moving eastward with respect to the fixed stars. But sometimes a planet be comes stationary and then moves backward for a few days, tracing a loop on the starry sky. Here Mars describes its last loop in Aquarius in Summer 2003. At the top of the loop Mars reached the maximum retrograde speed and its brightness was the highest, as always happens for outer planets.
© 2005 Spnnger Science+ Business Media, Inc., Vt>ume 27, Number 3, 2005
Figure 2. The deferent-epicycle device, attributed to Apollonius of Perga, enables us to explain in rough approximation the retrograde motions of the planets. In the Ptolemaic System the earth is not sit uated in the centre of the deferent; moreover, the centre of the epicy cle does not move at uniform angular speed around the earth, but around an eccentric point called punctum aequantis or, simply, equant. This allowed Ptolemy to give a good approximation of the true elliptic motions later described by Kepler.
Cnidus in the fourth century BC, which had the defect of not being able to account for the variations in brightness of the planets (Fig.4). The projector of the Planetarium does not reproduce these variations in brightness, and it uses the deferent-epicycle device only because of its greater simplicity. In December 1990, during my first year as a teacher at the Civic Planetarium "Francesco Martino" of Modena, while preparing a public lecture, I realized that the planets were in completely wrong positions, probably because of an electric wire caught on a mechanical device. It was ur gently necessary to adjust the wheelworks of the projec-
Figure 3. In the Zeiss ZKP2 projector the apparent motion of the planets is realized by means of the deferent-epicycle device. The image of the planet is displayed on the dome of the planetarium by means of a litUe projector that remains aligned with the Earth-planet direction. In the geometrical model for explaining the variations in latitude of the planet, the plane of the epicycle does not coincide with that of the def erent. This is obtained by tilting the projector with respect to the plane of the deferent; by turning the epicycle thus, the planet describes an ellipse on the dome instead of a segment. But the adjustment of this device is not a problem. It is sufficient to arrange that the ellipse de generates into a segment when the planet is at one node of its orbit, that is, on the plane of the ecliptic. {Photo by Mr. Mauro Di Savoia)
lem of how to position the many gears remained. He ex pected instructions from me. My problem was to under stand which planetary configurations corresponded to par ticular configurations of the deferent-epicycle device and at which dates. At first I sought help from an astronomy book, but not having much time to delve into this matter I decided to approach the problem directly with pen and pa per. It seemed to me that the most obvious idea was to start from the Copernican system with circular orbits centred on the sun and then relate the motions to the earth, passing thus to a geocentric system. I jokingly called this operation "Ptolemaic Involution," that is, a reversed Copernican Rev olution! The first result I obtained was that, referring their motions to the earth, Mercury and Venus describe circular orbits around the sun while it turns around the earth. We have thus obtained a deferent-epicycle device where the deferent is the orbit of the sun around the earth, i. e. , the orbit of the earth around the sun, and the epicycle is the orbit of the planet around the sun (Fig.5). Hence, in rela tion to the centre of the epicycle, the extreme eastward and westward positions of the planets had to correspond to the dates of maximum elongation (Fig.6). Less clear was the case of outer planets, because they have nothing similar to the maximum elongations of inner planets: they may be at any angular distance from the sun. Unable to thrash out the problem, I decided to go on in the same way followed with the inner planets. The problem was that considering an outer planet and referring its mo tion to the earth, I obtained a deferent-epicycle system, of course, but with an epicycle much larger than the deferent, in contrast with the device of Apollonius and with that of the projector! How could this lead to a little epicycle? Stop ping the planet in its orbit around the sun and moving the sun around the earth, now the planet described a circle as large as the orbit of the earth, as if it were moved by a pan tograph! The centre of that circle was situated at a distance from the earth equal to the radius of the orbit of the planet around the sun. Referring to Fig. 7, the "pantograph" con sists of the parallelogram whose vertices are the earth E, the sun S, the outer planet P, and the point C opposite to S. If we move S around E, then P describes a circle around
~ s Figure 4. The device of the homocentric spheres of Eudoxus requires four spheres for each planet. The outermost two spheres produce the diurnal motion and the annual motion along the zodiac, while the two innermost spheres produces the loops. The planet is situated on the inner sphere and so it is always at the same distance from the earth, in contrast with the observed variations in brightness.
tor, an operation usually carried out by trained engineers during the periodic overhaul of the instrument. Nobody among the staff of the Planetarium had ever made such an adjustment, and in the handbook of the projector it was peremptorily recommended that one not touch the mech anisms projecting the planets. Fortunately at the Planetarium we had at our disposal a very skilful technician, Mr. Luciano Gibertoni, who was able to put his hand to any mechanical device, but the prob-
-------- ...... .........
' ' '
\ I
I ' I I I I I
plane�: '
/ '
... .........
........... ____ _
I I f
I I f I I
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' ' ' '
' ...... ... ......
.... .... _____ _
Figure 5. Referring the motion of an inner planet to the earth, we obtain a deferent-epicycle device in which the deferent is the orbit of the sun while the epicycle is the orbit of the planet.
© 2005 Springer Sc1ence+ Bus1ness Media, Inc , Volume 27, Number 3, 2005
Figure 6. For inner planets, the extreme positions on the epicycle correspond to the maximum elongations.
C having the same radius as the Earth's orbit. On the other hand, if we move P around S, then C describes a circle around E with the radius of the orbit of the planet around the sun. Hence, referring to the earth the motion of an outer planet, we obtain a deferent-epicycle system whose defer ent is the orbit of the planet around the sun and whose epicycle is the orbit of the earth around the sun. In other words, passing from inner to outer planets, the roles of the deferent and the epicycle are swapped. At this point it was easy for me to deduce that to the extreme positions of the planet on the epicycle there corresponded the so-called quadrature, that is, the configurations in which the longi tudes of the planet and of the sun differ by a right angle (Fig.8). Absorbed in keeping a close eye on the work of the tech nician, who was following my instructions, I did not think any more about this problem.
After the successful adjustment of the instrument, I looked back on the way I had gone and I realized that the geocentric system obtained by referring the motions of the planets to the earth was not the Ptolemaic one at all! In the Ptolemaic system, in the approximation of the deferent epicycle model, the deferents of Mercury and Venus do not coincide with the orbit of the sun, that is, they do not have the same size as the earth's orbit. Similarly the epicycles of what we call the outer planets do not have that radius (Fig.9). If starting from the Copernican system and refer ring the motions to the earth we do not obtain the Ptole maic system, it must be, conversely, that starting from the Ptolemaic system and referring the motions to the sun we would not obtain the Copernican System! This is the crucial fact: to pass from the Ptolemaic to the Copernican system, we need first to apply a dilatation cen tred on the earth to each deferent-epicycle device so that
I I ' I ' , ' \
' \ • ' ' \ ' '
... �---_
..... ,-·
Figure 7. Referring the motion of an outer planet to the earth, we obtain again a deferent-epicycle device, but this time the deferent is the orbit of the planet while the epicycle is the orbit of the earth.
.... -------- ... _
c I
I I I I I • • • • • I • •
, ... -'- ........... , , ' ... ., ... I '.., t '
' •
.... _____ ,_
Figure 8. An extreme position of an outer planet on the epicycle corresponds to the quadrature.
Figure 9. In the Ptolemaic System the deferent of the inner planets does not coincide with the orbit of the sun, but the centres of their epicy cles are mysteriously forced to remain aligned with the sun. Similarly, the epicycle of an outer planet does not have the same size as the sun's orbit; another mysterious fact is that the line joining the centre of the epicycle to the planet is always parallel to the Earth-sun direction. Ap plying one by one the appropriate dilatations centred on the earth at each deferent-epicycle device, it is possible to bring the centres of the epicycles of the inner planets into coincidence with the sun, and the first Ptolemaic restriction vanishes. Moreover it is possible to make the segments joining the centres of the epicycles to the planets assume the Earth-sun distance and, as the construction by means of the panto graph shows, arrange them so that they turn around the sun. Thus the second Ptolemaic restriction fades away too. It follows that not only the order of the planets but also the sizes of their orbits come out to be completely determined in terms of the Earth-8un distance.
© 2005 Springer Se�ence+Bus1ness Mecia. Inc . Volume 27, Number 3, 2005
the deferent of Mercury and Venus and the epicycles of Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn come to the same size, that of the earth's orbit. In this case and only in this case, referring all the motions to the sun, each planet (not the earth only) de scribes a circular orbit. It is by this requirement that the or der of the planets and the relative sizes of their orbits are completely given! Without it, the deferent-epicycle devices, and more generally all the Ptolemaic devices like equants and eccentrics, only "save appearances" and predict the po sitions of the planets on the celestial sphere, but not their positions in space; they can be shrunk or expanded at will without affecting their predictive strength (Fig. IO). Therefore the Copernican system, when compared to the Ptolemaic one, ranked on a clearly different plane. It even allowed one to predict, starting from angular mea sures only, the distances of the planets from the sun in terms of the Earth-Sun distance, or, as we now say, in as tronomical units! The supposed equivalence between the Copernican and the Ptolemaic theories did not hold. The Copernican theory was not only simpler, it predicted more. I could sense that the emotion I felt for my personal re discovery had to be only the millionth part of that which the young Copernicus felt with his original discovery, and that it would have strongly influenced the rest of his life. Hence I began to read books on the history of astron omy, where I learned right away that I had simply redis covered the wheel in my geometrical constructions show ing the equivalence of the deferent-epicycle devices centred on Earth with the circular orbits about the sun (including the "pantograph" used for the outer planets). But in most books I did not find any mention of the fact that the Coper nican System set up the order and the proportions of the entire planetary system. On the other hand, in some books '
this aspect was treated directly in the heliocentric system, but even there was considered as a secondary aspect, and never as the real motive of Copernicus's belief in the mo tion of the earth. Only in Dreyer's book A History of Astronomy from Thales to Kepler did I find an explicit statement that it was the intuition of identifying the deferent of inner planets and the epicycles of outer ones with the orbit of the earth that was the real motive of Copernicus. After the phrase quoted at the beginning of this section, Dreyer says, His emotion on finding that this assumption would really 'save the phenomena,' as the ancients had called it, that it would explain why Mercury and Venus always kept near the sun and why all the plan ets annually showed such strange irregularities in their motions, his emotion on finding this clear and beautifully simple solution of the ancient mystery, must have been as great as that which long after over came Newton when he discovered the law of univer sal gravitation. But Copernicus is silent on this point. But Dreyer does not refer until later in the book to the discovery of the fact that the heliocentric theory enables one to infer the order of the planets and the proportions of their orbits. Says Dreyer 26 pages later, In thus giving the relative dimensions of the whole system Copernicus scored heavily over Ptolemy, as no geocentric system can give the smallest clue to the distances of the planets, although, as we have seen, the actual distances (in terms of the sun's distance) had in reality all along lain hidden in the ratio of the deferent-radius to epicycle-radius found by Ptolemy. How much importance did Copernicus attribute to these facts? Was it the real motive or was it a fact discovered only later? There was only one way I might find an answer: read Copernicus! Let Copernicus Speak
Moreover, they have not been able to discover or to in fer the chief point of all, i.e. , the form of the world and the certain commensurability of its parts. -Nicolaus Copernicus
Figure 10. Applying a dilatation to the deferent-epicycle device does not alter the direction in which it predicts a planet will be seen.
Why did I not search for an immediate confirmation in Copernicus's book? In the library of the Planetarium there was no unabridged edition of the De revolutionibus, but there was an edition containing only the first book, with parallel Latin text, preceded by the apocryphal foreword written by Andrew Osiander, the letter by cardinal Nico laus Schonberg, and the Preface and Dedication to Pope Paul III. On the one hand, my memory was still fresh of the time some years before when, after hearing a lecture by the late professor Francesco Martino, I set out to read that book but stopped halfway through. I had found it terribly
boring, and, perhaps because I was still influenced by that
For some make use of homocentric circles only, oth
article read in my early youth, full of insufferable meta
ers of eccentric circles and epicycles, by means of
physical arguments.
which however they do not fully attain what they
It is incredible how different the book seemed to me af
seek For although those who have put their trust in
ter having adjusted the devices governing the planets in the
homocentric circles have shown that various differ
projector of the Planetarium. This time I was looking for
ent movements can be composed of such circles, nev
something particular, and I certainly did not expect to find it in forthright terms right in the first pages! In the Preface to Pope Paul III, Copernicus, after having told him of his fears in exhibiting his theory, goes straight on to expound what led him to argue for the motion of the earth.
ertheless they have not been able to establish any thing for certain that would fully correspond to the phenomena. But even if those who have thought up eccentric circles seem to have been able for the most part to compute the apparent movement numerically by those means, they have in the meanwhile admit ted a great deal which seems to contradict the first
I can reckon easily enough, Most Holy Father, that as
principles of regularity of movement.
soon as certain people learn that in these books of mine which I have written about the revolutions of the spheres of the world I attribute certain motions
Reading the last words of this sentence I felt a bitter dis appointment. The motive for Copernicus to advance his he
to the terrestrial globe, they will immediately shout
liocentric theory seemed really to be that of removing the
to have me and my opinion hooted off the stage . . . .
equant, as most scholars asserted.
But perhaps Your Holiness will not be so much sur prised at my giving the results of my nocturnal study
But unexpectedly, in the next sentence, a revelation!
to the light-after having taken such care in working
Moreover, they have not been able to discover or to
them out that I did not hesitate to put in writing my
infer the chief point of all, i.e., the form of the world
conceptions as to the movement of the Earth-as you will be eager to hear from me what came into my mind that in opposition to the general opinion of mathematicians and almost in opposition to common sense I should dare to imagine some movement of the Earth. And so I am unwilling to hide from Your Holi ness that nothing except my knowledge that mathe maticians have not agreed with one another in their researches moved me to think out a different scheme
and the certain commensurability of its parts. But they are in exactly the same
as someone taking
from different places hands, feet, head, and the other limbs-shaped very beautifully but not with refer ence to one body and without correspondence to one another-so that such parts made up a monster rather than a man. (Fig.ll ). So, not a secondary detail, but . . . the chief point of all!
of drawing up the movements of the spheres of the
The chief point of all, missed by Ptolemy, is the proportion
existing among the parts of the whole cosmos. Maybe,
Among the attempts made by his predecessors Coper
to invent a geometrical system more accurate than his, but
nicus mentions the homocentric spheres of Eudoxus,
the devices related to each planet can be shrunk or ex
which had the defect of not explaining the variations in brightness of the planets (the phenomena), and Ptolemaic epicycles and eccentrics that had the defect of violating the
platonic prescription to use only uniform circular motions.
Copernicus says, Ptolemy and his epigones have been able
panded at will and do not even allow them to determine the order of the planets. The Ptolemaic system is somewhat like a picture or a statue in which an artist was able to re produce finely every part of a body but completely ignored
quo') pt�zci puam ,hoc tft mundi fo rmam, ac par[iii ius ccrcam fymmctriam no potl;J truc in enire, uel ex illis rolli gtre . Sed accid it eis perinde,ac fi quis e diu rli loci ,manus, pedes, membra,o p time qutdem , fed no unius co r poris comparatione,de p ida fumerct, n u l atcnus inuic�m Gbi tttoondm cibus,uc mon firum potiu quam hom cx i lis com ncrrrur.lta il) Eroce u d emon firatio nis, quam f.'tJDJbr uo
rc .
Figure 11. "Rem quoque praecipuam, hoc est mundi formam ac partium eius certam symmetriam, non potuerunt invenire, vel ex illis col ligere. Sed accidit eis perinde, ac si quis e diversis locis manus, pedes, caput, aliaque membra optime quidem, sed non unius corporis com paratione, depicta sumeret, nullatenus invicem sibi respondentibus, ut monstrum potius quam homo ex illis componeretur."
© 2005 Spnnger Science+ Bus1ness Media, Inc
Volume 27, Number 3, 2005
their right proportions and so created a monster. The mon
At the end of chapter IX of the first book, dedicated to
ster is not, as most scholars erroneously asserted, a system
the three motions of the earth, Copernicus comes back
made up of too many circles and where not every motion
again to that issue:
is uniform. The monster is a universe out of proportion, in which there is not any relation among its individual parts.
For if the annual revolution were changed from be
We can expand the deferent-epicycle device of Jupiter un
ing solar to being terrestrial, and immobility were
til it exceeds the orbit of Saturn and the Ptolemaic system
granted to the sun, the rising and setting of the signs
will not be affected at all! Perhaps the heliocentric system
and of the fixed stars-whereby they become morn
of Copernicus is not as precise as Ptolemy's; perhaps he is
ing or evening stars-will appear in the same way;
like an artist who has not been able to paint or to sculpt
and it will be seen that the stoppings, retrogressions,
the limbs in such a beautiful manner, but his work is a well
and progressions of the wandering stars are not their
proportioned body. Each part of the universe is related to
own but are movement of the Earth and that they bor
the others. And this is the chief point of all that we are
row the appearances of this movement. Lastly, the
given to know about the cosmos.
sun will be regarded as occupying the centre of the
And some lines later:
world. And the ratio of the order in which these bod ies succeed one another and the harmony of the
. . . and though what I am saying may be obscure right now, nevertheless it will become clearer in the
whole world teaches us their truth, if only-as they say-we would look at the thing with both eyes.
proper place. In chapter X, dedicated solely to the order of the heav Strange that I had no memory of having read that sen
enly spheres, Copernicus drops a hint about the origin of
tence! Copernicus asked the reader to study the following
his idea. If it is true that a geocentric system does not al
five books; but, in my case, what I needed instead was to
low us to fix the order of the planets, we cannot be other
have to adjust the projector in the Planetarium.
than surprised at the fact that the order that we find in the
My emotion made me close the book, and I did not re
Ptolemaic system is for the most part correct. For exam
open it till the day after, when I would fmd other confir
ple, the most distant planet is Saturn, followed by Jupiter
mations of the motives of Copernicus.
and Mars, whereas the nearest planet is the Moon. Ac
In fact Copernicus goes on to describe the path that led him to his belief in the motion of the Earth.
cording to which criterion was the order determined? Copernicus says:
Wherefore I took the trouble to reread all the books
We see that the ancient philosophers wished to take
by philosophers which I could get hold of, to see if any
the order of the planets according to the magnitude
of them even supposed that the movements of the
of their revolutions, for the reason that among things
spheres of the world were different from those laid
which are moved with equal speed those which are
down by those who taught mathematics in the schools.
the more distant seem to be borne along more slowly.
. . . Therefore I also, having found occasion, began to meditate upon the mobility of the Earth . . . . And so, having laid down the movements which I attribute to
So, in the geocentric system the order of the planets was
the Earth farther on in the work, I fmally discovered
determined according to an additional hypothesis, that is,
by the help of long and numerous observations that if the movements of the other wandering stars are cor
the greater the synodic period, the greater the distance from earth. Saturn, which takes nearly thirty years in com
related with the circular movement of the Earth, and
pleting a turn around the zodiac, had to be the most dis
if the movements are computed in accordance with
tant planet, whereas the Moon, which goes around the zo
the revolution of each planet, not only do all their phe
diac in a little more than 27 days, was the nearest. There
nomena follow from that but also this correlation binds
is an analogy with runners placed in different lanes on a
together so closely the order and the magnitudes of all
track. The runner in the outer lane takes more time to com
the planets and of their spheres or orbital circles and
plete the course because he must cover a longer path (in
the heavens themselves that nothing can be shifted
the case of the planets the outer is also the slowest).
around in any part of them without disrupting the re maining parts and the universe as a whole.
It must have been while speculating about this simple model that Aristarchus of Samos arrived at his heliocentric theory. He probably realized that a runner placed in a mid
In this last sentence Copernicus openly claims that his
dle lane sees those in the outer lanes slowing down while
heliocentric theory not only explains the phenomena (the
he is overtaking them (Fig. 12). Something similar happens
retrogressions and the variations in brightness of the plan
with the inner runners. Moreover, if we suppose, in anal
ets) but, moreover, determines the order and the sizes of
ogy with a vortex, that the outer runners are slower, it is
the planetary orbits. Contrary to the Ptolemaic system, in
possible that they are even seen retrogressing against the
his system it is sufficient to fix a single distance to deter
background of the stadium. This is the usual explanation
mine all the other distances.
given to show how the Copernican theory gives an account
ture of Lucio Russo on the problem of motion, addressed to high school students. On that occasion Russo, in the name of the relativity of motion, stated that the Coperni can and Ptolemaic systems were essentially equivalent. When I observed that the Copernican system, unlike the Ptolemaic one, fixed the order and the proportion of the planetary orbits, he remained for a moment perplexed, then reaffirmed his previous assertion about the equivalence of the two systems. I decided that if a major consequence of the heliocentric system could be unclear to a modem math ematician and expert of Greek science, we should hesitate to assume that Aristarchus was aware of it, when histori cal documents are lacking. In Russo's book
The Forgotten Revolution,
he many
times goes beyond the documented facts and what we might logically infer from them, relying only on hindsight. For example, there is a deep connection between Fourier Figure 12. If the earth and the planets were running around the sun
expansions and the possibility of adding more and more
at the same speed, then an outer planet would be seen slowing down
epicycles on epicycles to a deferent, but he attributes to
near opposition.
the ancient Greeks a lucid awareness of this, although there is no evidence that constructions with many epicycles had
of planetary regressions (Fig.13). But Copernicus claims much more than this. He states that he has determined the proportions of the planetary orbits. Had Aristarchus, from whom Copernicus certainly drew his inspiration, reached just the same awareness of the pro portions of the cosmos as Copernicus had? I, for one, don't think so, and for two reasons: The first is that one may have an idea without necessarily developing its consequences. How many books show the diagram of Figure 13 without mentioning the ratio of the orbits at all! And I am not speak ing of books for children. About ten years ago I attended
with a colleague of the Planetarium, Ester Cantini, a lee-
ever been used. We should be more cautious. There is a second and more convincing reason for think ing that Aristarchus did not go so far. Apart from his he liocentric theory, Aristarchus is known for his measure ment of the Earth-Sun distance. If he had achieved the Copernican understanding he could have immediately in ferred the distances of all the planets from the sun, and that would have made such an impact that centuries could not have effaced it. How did Copernicus arrive at the discovery that the he liocentric theory entails a harmonious universe? The fun damental difference between Aristarchus and Copernicus is that the first lived before Ptolemy; the second, after. Aristarchus with his heliocentric theory gave a simple ex planation of the planetary regressions; but Copernicus, in his revisitation of the heliocentric system, inevitably felt
the need to compare it with Ptolemaic deferents and epicy cles. I am utterly convinced that, as happened to me at the Planetarium, while looking for the connection between the
two systems, Copernicus discovered that Aristarchus's sys tem put a restriction on Ptolemy's, i.e., it forced the defer
ents of Mercury and Venus to coincide with the orbit of the
sun, and the epicycles of Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn to have
that same size. The heliocentric hypothesis, in spite of the relativity of the motions, selected only one among the infi nite possible geocentric systems. Finally, Copernicus achieved another resounding result. The analogy with the runners placed in different lanes on a running track allows us, for example, to claim that Sat urn is more distant than Jupiter and that the latter is more distant than Mars, but it remains completely ineffective with regard to the sun, Mercury, and Venus, all of them hav ing a mean period of a year. Indeed, as Copernicus men tions in chapter X of book I, the ancient astronomers did
Figure 13. If, as in a vortex, the speed of the planets decreased with
not always agree in assigning the order of those three ce
their distance from the sun, then the outer planets would even be
lestial bodies. If, however, motions are referred to the sun,
seen to go backwards when near opposition.
there are no two planets with the same period, and the rule
© 2005 Spnnger Sc1ence+Business Med1a, Inc., Volume 27, Number 3, 2005
that a greater period corresponds to a greater distance ap plies in all cases.This is the meaning of the concluding sen tence of chapter X:
Therefore in this ordering we find that the world has a wonderful commensurability and that there is a sure bond of harmony for the movement and magnitude of the orbital circles such as cannot befound in any other way. How could the "chief point of all" of Copernican theory sink into oblivion? About the period immediately following the publication of his book we may point out at least two different reasons, relative to two different kinds of readers. Copernicus, wish ing his theory to have the same degree of predictivity as Ptolemy's, was forced to add little epicycles to the simple circular orbits, thus tremendously complicating it and obscuring what he stated in his preface and in the first chap ter, instead of clarifying it. Readers not expert in the math ematics of planetary mo tions were not able to appreciate the deep conse quences of a cosmological character following from the hypothesis of the motion of the earth, yet these were the only reasons that could motivate a hypothesis so contrary to the experience of the senses. Vice versa, most of the specialist readers, merely interested in the com pilation of planetary tables, came to focus their attention on the algorithmic aspect, completely separating it from the cosmological one. And in modem times? How is it possible that still today "the chief point of all" in the work of Copernicus is so unfamiliar?
easily distinguish between the two situations.In fact, in the first case, if upset by the rapid rotation, they could simply close their eyes and perhaps peacefully sleep on the com fortable reclining armchairs (as sometimes happens!). On the other hand, in the second case, closing the eyes could only worsen the situation: they would feel themselves pressed against the back of the armchair anyway and they would still feel giddy. Though the situations seem to be symmetric optically, they differ with regard to dynamics. Newton explained this asymmetry by supposing the ex istence of an absolute space in which all bodies are em bedded. Centrifugal forces arise only when bodies rotate with respect to the absolute space. So, Newton distin guishes between real rotations and apparent rotations. About the question of the reality of the motion of the earth he says: Therefore the planets Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Mercury are not really retarded in their perigees, nor do they become really stationary, nor retrograde with a slow motion. All these phenomena are merely apparent; and the absolute motions, by which the planets con tinue to revolve in their orbits, are always direct and nearly uniform. These motions, as we have proved, are per formed about the sun; and therefore the sun, as the center of the absolute motions, is at rest; for the proposition that the earth is at rest must be completely denied. . . .
C oncentrating on the
relativity of motion , Mach
seems to have com pletely
neg lected the ch ief point of the C opern ican System .
Copernicus and His Modern Detractors
Thus Copernicus'first impulse to reform the Ptolemaic system originated in his urge to remove a minor blem ish from it, a feature which did not strictly conform to conservative Aristotelian principles. He was led to reversing the Ptolemaic system by his desire to pre serve it-like the maniac who, pained by a mole on his beloved's cheek, cut off her head to restore her to per fection. Arthur Koestler When I give a lecture for school-age children, at the end of the projection there is always someone who asks me if the armchairs were turning or was it the starry sky. Such doubt can arise only because of the slowness of the rotation of the projector with respect to the floor of the room.Otherwise, as everyone knows very well, if the lec turer could really choose between rotating the projector and rotating the floor of the room, then the spectators could
In addition to the occurrence of centrifugal forces New ton provides another way to detect absolute rotations: a body rotates with respect to absolute space if and only if it rotates with respect to the fixed stars. Starting from this fact, which Newton considers a pure accident, Mach, an earnest advocate of the complete rela tivity of motions, reduces absolute rotations to rotations relative to the fixed stars, thus removing the metaphysical concept of absolute space: For me only relative motions exist. . . . When a body rotates relatively to the fixed stars, centrifugal forces are produced; when it rotates relatively to some dif ferent body and not relative to the fixed stars, no cen trifugal forces are produced. I have no objection to just calling the first rotation so long as it be remem bered that nothing is meant except relative rotation with respect to the fixed stars. Then the previous apparent asymmetry rises from the fact that, in the second case, armchairs chiefly rotate with respect to the fixed stars, i.e., with respect to the predom inant mass of the universe. There exist only relative mo-
tions, and the situations seem to be asymmetric because we have unjustly isolated the dome-floor system from the rest of the universe, erroneously neglecting the "boundary conditions," that is, the effect of the surrounding masses. Concentrating on the problem of the relativity of motion and on the meaning of inertia, Mach seems to have com pletely neglected the chief point of the Copernican System, as clearly emerges when he says that Relatively, not considering the unknown medium of space, the motions of the universe are the same whether we adopt the Ptolemaic or the Copernican mode of view. Both views are, indeed, equally correct; only the latter is more simple and more practical. After Mach, and, above all, after Einstein's theory of gen eral relativity, the problem of deciding if the earth stands still or if it revolves around the sun has lost any meaning. Those who believed that the comparison between the Copernican and Ptolemaic theories consisted in the possi bility of establishing or not establishing the reality of the motion of the earth reduced the difference between the two systems to a different but equally legitimate choice of the frame of reference. Emblematic is the case of Bertrand Russell: In this respect, it is interesting to contrast Einstein and Copernicus. Before Copernicus, people thought that the earth stood still and the heavens revolved about it once a day. Copernicus thought that "really" the earth rotates once a day, and the daily revolution of sun and stars is only "apparent." Galileo and New ton endorsed this view, and many things were thought to prove it-for example, the flattening of the earth at the poles, and the fact that bodies are heavier there than at the Equator. But in the modem theory the question between Copernicus and earlier as tronomers is merely of convenience; all motion is rel ative, and there is no difference between the two statements: "the earth rotates once a day" and "the heavens revolve about the earth once a day." The two mean exactly the same thing, just as it means the same thing if I say that a certain length is six feet or two yards. Astronomy is easier if we take the sun as fixed than if we take the earth, just as accounts are easier in decimal coinage. But to say more for Coper nicus is to assume absolute motion, which is a fic tion. All motion is relative, and it is a mere conven tion to take one body as at rest. All such conventions are equally legitimate, though not all are equally con venient. If the debate between the Ptolemaic and the Copernican Systems were only concerning whether the sun is to re volve around the earth or the earth is to revolve around the sun, we could certainly assert their complete equivalence. We could extend the equivalence to the planetary motions if only Ptolemy had been able to measure the distances of
the planets. But Ptolemy, because of technical limitations, could measure only "appearances," i.e., the directions at which the planets are seen. With Ptolemy, referring the mo tions to the earth, it is possible to build an infinite number of geocentric systems that describe the same angular po sitions for the planets, but with arbitrary sizes of their deferent-epicycle devices. On the contrary, there is only one system, except for a similitude, in which the planets revolve around the sun. Copernicus, armed with his pow erful heliocentric theory, in spite of the same technical lim itations as Ptolemy's, was able to derive the proportions of the planetary orbits. Hence I believe that it is making the comparison be tween the "two chief world systems" exclusively in terms of relativity of motion that has spread among the scientists of the 20th century the erroneous conviction about their substantial equivalence. For example, Fred Hoyle, in a book written in 1973 on the occasion of the quincentenary of Copernicus's birth, af ter an elegant mathematical analysis of the Ptolemaic and the Copernican systems by means of complex numbers, un consciously identifies the Ptolemaic system with the geo centric one obtained starting from the Copernican one; then the issue is indeed reduced to a change in the refer ence system: Since the issue is one of relative motion only, there are infinitely many exactly equivalent descriptions re ferred to different centers-in principle any point will do, the Moon, Jupiter. . . . So the passions loosed on the world by the publication of Copernicus' book, De revolutionibus orbium coelestium libri VI, were log ically irrelevant. . . . Hoyle reduces the importance of the Copernican idea only to facilitating the development of the Newtonian the ory of gravitation, without which we would have hardly reached our present state of knowledge, and he ends his book as follows: Today we cannot say that the Copernican theory is "right" and Ptolemaic theory is "wrong" in any mean ingful physical sense . . . . What we can say, however, is that we would hardly have come to recognize that this is so if scientists over four centuries or more had not elected to follow the Copernican point of view. The Ptolemaic system would have proved sterile be cause progress would have proven too difficult. The rereading of Copernicus from a relativistic view point has come to hide completely the strongest point of his system, depriving the De revolutionibus of its content. That confronted philosophers of science and historians with a fake question: "Why did Copernicus believe in the motion of the earth if his system was essentially equivalent to Ptolemy's?" Because the choice between two equivalent theories is a matter of taste, they replied that Copernicus believed in a moving Earth for reasons of an aesthetic na-
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ture, and they looked for the origin of this in his cultural background by means of analysis that was often very in teresting but sometimes completely out of place. In par ticular, they depicted Copernicus as a man obsessed by equants, a picture that received greatest emphasis in "The Timid Canon" by Arthur Koestler. Burtt shows in [ 1 ] that he has completely missed the chief point of Copernican theory when he states that his system "was more harmonious, in that the major part of the planetary phenomena could now fairly well be repre sented by a series of concentric circles around the sun, our moon being the only irregular intruder." Butterfield openly identifies in [2] the main reason for Copernicus's innovation as the removal of the equant: He was dissatisfied with the Ptolemaic system for a reason which we must regard as a remarkably con servative one-he held that in a curious way it caused offence by what one can almost call a species of cheating. Ptolemy had pretended to follow the principle of Aristotle by reducing the course of the planets to combinations of uniform circular motions; but in reality it was not always uniform motion about a cen tre, it was sometimes only uniform if regarded as an gular motion about a point that was not the centre. Ptolemy, in fact, had introduced the policy of what was called the equant, which allowed of uniform an gular motion around a point which was not the cen tre, and a certain resentment against this type of sleight-of-hand seems to have given Copernicus a special urge to change the system.
epicycle wobble as well, it is not hard to imagine how Copernicus might have considered this aspect of Ptolemaic astronomy monstrous. . . . Diffuseness and continued inaccuracy-these are the two principal characteristics of the monster described by Coperni cus. Kuhn wonders why the Ptolemaic system seemed to be a monster to Copernicus whereas it was not so for all his predecessors, and he searches for an explanation of this fact, not in his brilliant intuition about the possibility of de termining the order of the planets and the ratios of their orbits, but in a cultural metamorphosis that happened in Copernicus's age. The picture of the De revolutionibus re sulting from Kuhn's analysis is therefore that of a para doxical book in which in order to remove an aesthetically unpleasing detail the reader is asked to believe in the motion of the earth! In fact Kuhn describes as the main incongruence of the De rev olutionibus "the dispropor tion between the objective that motivated Copernicus' innovation and the innova tion itself." That Copernicus's book appears to be paradoxical to Kuhn seems to me quite nat ural. If from the work of a scientist based on a great idea we remove that idea, then inevitably there remains only a pile of incoherent details, lacking the unifying element. But terfield himself observes that "Even the greatest geniuses who broke through the ancient views in some special fields of study-Gilbert, Bacon, and Harvey, for example-would remain stranded in a species of medievalism when they went outside that chosen field." It is just for this reason that, aside from the "chief point," in the book of Coperni cus there remains only the motion of the earth, the Aris totelian physics by means of which he tries to justify it, and that intricate systems of circles that, in order to reach the same power of prediction as Ptolemy's system had, changes his original system beyond recognition! In the attempt to give meaning again to the De revolutionibus, Kuhn, like Butterfield and others, depicts a Copernicus who, appalled by the equant and determined to get astronomy back to the purity of uniform circular motions, builds a system more complex than Ptolemy's and even comes to assert the mo tion of the earth. Actually what is paradoxical is that Kuhn's book only after 239 pages, among the technical features of the Copernican system, mentions its setting the ratios of planetary orbits. Yet, incomprehensibly, he continues to state that Copernicus's innovation is based on an "aesthet ical" preference and not on its greater predictive power. We find the same paradox in Neugebauer, who on one hand considers the Copernican and Ptolemaic systems to differ only by a change in the frame of reference, as when he states that "The popular belief that Copernicus's helio centric system constitutes a significant simplification of the Ptolemaic system is obviously wrong. The choice of the ref-
If from a work based on a
g reat idea we remove that idea, then there remai ns only a pile of detai ls .
Even Kuhn, in his book that up to then I had considered the clearest and most exhaustive treatment of the Coperni can Revolution [12], does not break away from these views: What Copernicus did attack and what started the rev olution in astronomy was certain of the apparently trivial mathematical details, like equants, embodied in the complex mathematical system of Ptolemy and his successors. . . . Copernicus used epicycles and ec centrics like those employed by his ancient prede cessors, but he did not use the equants, and he felt that their absence from his system was one of his greatest advantages and one of the most forceful ar guments for his truth. I now fmd completely wrong Kuhn's interpretation of the famous sentence in which Copernicus defmes the Ptole maic system as a monster: Since the equant was normally applied to eccentrics and since similar devices occasionally made the
erence system has no effect whatever on the structure of the model, and the Copernican models themselves require about twice as many circles as the Ptolemaic models and are far less elegant and adaptable." But later he describes the characteristics of the Copernican system that fix the ratios of the orbits! We find this incoherent attitude also in the most recent publications. For example Gallavotti wrote a paper in which he analyses the Ptolemaic and Copernican systems in the light of Fourier analysis, in a more complete and de tailed manner than Hoyle. After showing that the Coperni can algorithm is more systematic and that, in contrast to Ptolemy's, it essentially coincides with the determination of Fourier coefficients, the author states that "This is per haps the great innovation of Copernicus and not, certainly, the one he is always credited for, i.e., having referred the motions to the (average) Sun rather than to the Earth: that is a trivial change in coordinates, known as possible and already studied in antiquity by Aristarchus. . . . " But a few lines later Gallavotti contradicts himself in a footnote: "Ptolemy does not seem to realize that the heliocentric hypothesis would have allowed a clear determination of the average radii of the orbits, missing in his work. In tum this makes us wonder which exactly was the famous heliocentric hypothesis of Aristarchus and if it went beyond a mere qual itative change of coordinates. Had it been the same as Copernicus's he could have determined the sizes of the or bits . . . . " Butterfield writes off the scientific content of the Coper nican innovation, stating that "His own theory was only a modified form of the Ptolemaic system-assuming the same celestial machinery, but with one or two of the wheels interchanged through the transposition of the roles of the earth and the sun." Koestler, referring to Butterfield, writes that "Once he started to take the Ptolemaic clockwork to pieces, he was on the lookout for some useful hint how to rearrange the wheels in a different order." But Koestler and Butterfield are completely wrong when they assert that Copernicus simply interchanged one or two wheels of the Ptolemaic clock. They have not understood that Ptolemy built seven independent clocks, one for each planet, whereas Copernicus was able to reassemble the wheels to form a single, coherent, big clock!
ously attempted to find the physically true system of the world. After him we find various ingenious mathematical theories which represented more or less closely the ob served movements of the planets, but whose authors by de grees came to look on these combinations of circular mo tion as a mere means of computing the position of each planet at any moment, without insisting on the actual phys ical truth of the system." Russo attacks this statement on two fronts, accusing Dreyer of still believing in the "real" motions of the plan ets in Newtonian absolute space and, moreover, of believ ing that the "physically true system of the world" may be something different from its power to predict the observ able position of each planet at every moment, showing thus that he has not fully recovered that scientific methodology that was a heritage of Hellenistic civilization. But Coperni cus's heliocentric system lies on a completely different plane from Ptolemy's. The Ptolemaic system provided an algorithm to predict the positions of the planets against the fixed stars, starting from appro priate initial conditions. Ptolemy did not propose to determine the spatial coordinates of the planets; he was content to determine the angular coordinates of the planets on the Celestial Sphere. And that was not in the name of a method ological choice that considered inessential the order and the distances of the planets, but because of his failure to determine them by means of a mea surement or to deduce them from a more elaborate theory. We can find a confirmation of this in Ptolemy's Almagest:
Ptolemy b u i lt seven
clocks , one for each
planet ; C opern icus, a single big clock.
The First Modern Cosmologist
Among theories of equally "simple"foundation that one is to be taken as superior which most sharply delim its the qualities of systems in the abstract (i.e., con tains the most definite claims). -Albert Einstein Dreyer asserts that "Aristarchus is the last prominent philosopher or astronomer of the Greek world who seri-
We see that almost all the foremost astronomers agree that all the spheres [of the planets] are closer to the earth than those of the fixed stars, and farther from the earth than that of the moon, and those of the three [outer planets] are farther from the earth than those of the other [two] and the sun, Saturn's being greatest, Jupiter's the next in order towards the earth, and Mars' below that. But concerning the spheres of Venus and Mercury, we see that they are placed below the sun's by the more ancient as tronomers, but by some of their successors these too are placed above [the sun's], for the reason that the sun has never been obscured by them [Venus and Mercury] either. To us, however, such a criterion seems to have an element of uncertainty, since it is possible that some planets might indeed be below the sun, but nevertheless not always be in one of the planes through the sun and our viewpoint, but in an other [plane], and hence might not be seen passing in front of it, just as in the case of the moon, when it passes below [the sun] at conjunction, no obscura tion results in most cases. And since there is no other way, either, to make progress in our knowledge of this matter, since none of the stars has a noticeable parallax (which is the only phenomenon from which
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the distances can be derived), the order assumed by the older [astronomers] appears the more plausible. For, by putting the sun in the middle, it is more in ac cordance with the nature [of the bodies] in thus sep arating those which reach all possible distances from the sun and those which do not do so, but always move in its vicinity; provided only that it does not re move the latter close enough to the earth that there can result a parallax of any size. Therefore Ptolemy confesses the lack of a scientific ba sis that led him to establish the order of the planets, and is aware of what could be, in principle, a scientific procedure to reach that outcome: a measure of parallax. But such a procedure would require measurements that are beyond his reach. In contrast, the Copernican theory can predict the positions of the planets in space, allowing us to deduce from observation those distances that instruments do not allow us to measure by the method of parallax. It is thus, in principle, falsifiable once better measures of parallax be come available. Irrespective of this, the Copernican theory is more coherent because it allows us to derive from a sin gle hypothesis the motion of the planets around the sun, those phenomena that in the Ptolemaic theory needed ad ditional hypotheses. It is no longer necessary to postulate that the centres of the epicycles of Mercury and Venus re main aligned with the sun, nor that the lines joining the cen tres of the epicycles of outer planets with the planets them selves remain parallel to the earth-sun direction. In short, the Copernican theory is decidedly superior with respect to modem scientific canons. Yet Kuhn, after having enumerated the points of objec tive superiority of the Copernican theory, continues to speak in a vague manner of "harmony." The sum of the evidence drawn from harmony is noth ing if not impressive. . . . "Harmony" seems to be a strange basis on which to argue for the earth's mo tion. . . . New harmonies did not increase accuracy or simplicity. Therefore they could and did appeal pri marily to that limited and perhaps irrational subgroup of mathematical astronomers whose Neoplatonic ear for mathematical harmonies could not be obstructed by page after page of complex mathematics leading fmally to numerical predictions scarcely better than those they had known before.
colossal orbit around the sun, then the fixed stars ought to show a sight change of position when ob served from opposite sides of the orbit. But Butterfield does not tell us that Ptolemy himself had to solve a quite similar problem: if the Earth is spher ical, then when we change position on its surface we should see the stars showing a change in the visual di rection too. And the argument invoked by Copernicus in his own defence, viz., the vastness of the Celestial Sphere with respect to the Earth's annual orbit, is exactly the same as that used by Ptolemy when he asserted that "Moreover, the earth has, to the senses, the ratio of a point to the distance of the sphere of the so-called fixed stars. A strong indication of this is the fact that the sizes and distances of the stars, at any given time, appear equal and the same from all parts of the earth everywhere, as ob servations of the same [celestial] objects from different latitudes are found to have not the least discrepancy from each other." From a conceptual point of view, the two explanations have the same value, even if everybody seems to consider only the Copernican argument to be unacceptably ad hoc. The only difference is that Copernicus requires the Celes tial Sphere to have a size several times greater than that sufficient to Ptolemy. And the actual measuring of the an nual parallax predicted by the Copernican theory, made in the XIX century, comes out in favour of Copernicus: the motions are of course relative, but it is the Earth and not the sun that is accelerated with respect to the rest of the universe. The real superiority of the De revolutionibus over the Almagest lies in stating in quantitative terms the unity of the universe. It is an irony of fate that the cosmologist Den nis Sciama in his famous book The Unity of the Universe never mentions Copernicus, except in a footnote: This appears to ignore Copernicus, but we are delib erately going back to the first principles. Moreover, the importance of Copernicus lay in his rejection of the geocentric view of the universe, rather then in his suggestion that the sun does not move. This sugges tion has been superseded both by the development of astronomy and by the theories of inertia. His book starts with these words: Is the universe a vast collection of more or less in dependent objects or is it a single unit?
Must we conclude, perhaps, that all modem theories have to be considered "harmonies" and their advocates "ir rational" people endowed with a Neoplatonic ear for math ematical harmonies? Against Copernicus and in favour of Ptolemy, the argu ment of the annual star parallax is often mentioned. For example, Butterfield says:
Rereading it, I could not stop myself from thinking that Copernicus, who in his De revolutionibus essentially pur sued the same goal, would have formulated the same ques tion in another manner:
Copernicus himself had been aware that this hy pothesis was open to objections in a way that has not hitherto been mentioned. If the earth moved in a
Is the universe a monster made up of limbs taken from different bodies or is it a single well-propor tioned body?
... . ... S'Liii.
Figure 14. The title page of De revolutionibus with the Greek motto "AyewJLeTpTJTO<; ovoet<; ewvrw" (Let no one without skill in geometry enter). (Edited from an image taken from a CD by Octavo).
One thing is certain: Sciama lost a fantastic opportunity to mention the real founder of modem cosmology! Right after this question Sciama writes, "This book sets out to show, in language intelligible to the layman, that the universe is indeed a single unit." But in that, he totally de parts from the Copernican line. In fact Copernicus does not address his book to the layman reader but, as we can see from in a little Greek epigraph on the title page of the De revolutionibus, only to those who are skilled in geometry! An Inheritance for a Mathematician
Now I no longer regretted the lost time; I no longer tired of my work; I shied from no computation, however dif ficult. Day and night I spent with calculations to see whether the proposition that I have formulated tallied with the Copernican orbits or whether my joy would be carried away by the winds. --Johannes Kepler "Ayew�-teTpYJTo<; ov8el<; eu:nrw": let no one without skill in geometry enter. This is the epigraph on the title page of the De revolutionibus (Fig. 14). Koestler, who, like all those who did not catch "the chief point of all," considers the De revolutionibus as a paradoxical work full of contradictions, and he judges the motto of Copernicus in this manner: With his blessed lack of humour he foresaw none of these consequences when he published his book with the motto: "For Mathematicians Only" . . . There is a
strangely consistent parallel between Copernicus' character, and the humble, devious manner in which the Copernican Revolution entered through the back door of history, preceded by the apologetic remark: "Please don't take seriously-it is all meant in fun, for mathematicians only, and highly improbable indeed." Actually, it is not a motto minted by Copernicus, but a quotation from the inscription over the portal of Plato's Academy. Especially in the 16th century, mottoes, epigraphs, and in general the "thresholds" of a text were of fundamental importance because of what they hid and of what they disclosed, and Copernicus could not choose lightly the motto to stamp on the work of a lifetime. The question is, Why did Copernicus not choose a motto about the motion of the earth? My answer is that the chief point of Copernican theory was not the motion of the Earth, but the determination of the proportions of planetary orbits. However, Copernicus was well aware that for the non mathematical reader, the motion of the Earth would be the most resounding feature of his theory. Only one who be lieves that the ultimate explanation of nature lies in math ematics can appreciate the depth of his theory, and, be cause of the resulting superior vision of the world, he will even be able to believe in the motion of the Earth, denied by the senses. So the meaning of that motto is, "let no one enter in my book who is not skilful in geometry, because he will find only incomprehensible and absurd things." Concerning Copernicus's presumed mania for secrecy, I
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am convinced that it was something similar to the more-than justified fear that drove the great Gauss not to publish his studies of non-euclidean geometry "to avoid the clamor of the Boeotians." The picture of a Copernicus obsessed by se crecy comes from a far-fetched interpretation of a reference to the Pythagorean custom not to disclose in writing their knowledge. This appears in the dedication to the Pope:
How was it possible that the faulty, self-contradictory Copernican theory, contained in an unreadable and unread book, rejected in its time, was to give rise, a century later, to a new philosophy which transformed the world? The answer is that the details did not mat ter, and that it was not necessary to read the book to grasp its essence.
And when I considered how absurd this "lecture" would be held by those who know that the opinion that the Earth rests immovable in the middle of the heavens as if their centre had been confirmed by the judgments of many ages-if I were to assert to the contrary that the earth moves; for a long time I was in great difficulty as to whether I should bring to light my commentaries written to demonstrate the Earth's movement, or whether it would not be better to follow the example of the Pythagoreans and cer tain others who used to hand down the mysteries of their philosophy not in writing but by word of mouth and only to their relatives and friends-witness the letter of Lysis to Hipparchus.
Actually, things went in a very different way and Coper nicus's strategy proved to be a winning one, because among the readers of his book there would be the right man: Jo hannes Kepler! What are his constructions by means of reg ular polyhedra and the so-called third law if not the imme diate outcome of the work of Copernicus? Copernicus found the ratios of the mean radii of plane tary orbits to the radius of the earth's orbit, but they were not expressible by means of small integers. So Kepler searched for a harmony within the harmony and was able to show that those apparently complex ratios, lacking a ra tional link, come out from a hidden simplicity via a con nection with the five Platonic polyhedra. Copernicus showed that, without any exception, to a greater period there corresponds a greater radius of the orbit, but not sim ply with direct proportionality between period and radius. Kepler, once again, searches for a harmony within the har mony and finds a simple mathematical relation between the two quantities. I am sure that nobody doubts that the start ing point for Kepler was Copernicus, but note that Kepler was captivated by exactly those features of the Copernican theory that Copernicus himself considered "the chief point" of his system. Koestler asserts that Kepler "then began to wonder why there existed just six planets 'instead of twenty or a hun dred', and why the distances and velocities of the planets were what they were. Thus started his quest for the laws of planetary motion." But the question that Kepler asked himself was not why there are six planets and not twenty, but why the radii of planetary orbits are in those ratios established by Coper nicus, through the efforts he describes at the beginning of this section. Before Copernicus, that question had no sci entific meaning. Hence Koestler asserts that "Having satisfied himself (if not his readers) that the five solids provided all the an swers, and that existing discrepancies were due to Coper nicus' faulty figures, he now turned to a different, and more promising problem, which no astronomer before him had raised. He began to look for a mathematical relation be tween a planet's distance from the sun, and the length of its 'year'-that is, the time it needed for a complete revo lution." It is true that Kepler was the first to raise this prob lem, but it is just as true that this problem could never have been formulated before Copernicus.
And Copernicus clarifies beyond all possible doubts the meaning that he assigns to the custom of the Pythagoreans: They however seem to me to have done that not, as some judge, out of a jealous unwillingness to commu nicate their doctrines but in order that things of very great beauty which have been investigated by the lov ing care of great men should not be scorned by those who find it a bother to expend any great energy on let ters-except of the money-making variety-or who are provoked by the exhortations and examples of others to the liberal study of philosophy but on account of their natural stupidity hold the position among philoso phers that drones hold among bees. Therefore when I weighed these things in my mind, the scorn which I had to fear on account of the newness of my opinion al most drove me to abandon a work already undertaken. Copernicus entrusts his new cosmology to a book, very difficult in the reading, in which the ultimate meaning of his innovation is nearly buried by the technical details. I like to think that Copernicus, near the end of his life, felt like an old father who is conscious of leaving an infant in the world and that he cannot be present to help him face the adversi ties of life. So he did not entrust his young and revolution ary idea to a book readable by every educated person, but, wanting to preserve it from the scorn of those who are not able to fully understand it, he entrusted it to a book only a select few would be able to appreciate. His motto was not written for the reader (else he would have written it in Latin!), in the same way that the name of a beloved girl, writ ten everywhere by the boy in love, is not written for her. Koestler judges the book of Copernicus negatively to the point of considering its reading inessential for grasping the Copernican idea:
The Bold Canon
. . . there is no limit to my astonishment when I re flect that Aristarchus and Copernicus were able to
make reason so conquer sense that, in defiance of the latter, the former became mistress of their belief -Galileo Galilei Why did Copernicus believe in a moving Earth? My an swer, which I hope to have made clear in this paper, is that Copernicus, in his examination of all the attempts made by his predecessors to explain the complicated motion of the planets, took into consideration also the heliocentric the ory of Aristarchus, and, comparing it with Ptolemy's, real ized that it allowed one to establish the order of the plan ets and the relative sizes of their orbits, and moreover a monotonic relation between periods and radius without any exception. So, Copernicus believed in the motion of the earth, which the senses are not able to perceive, for the same reason for which a physicist of the 19th century be lieved in atoms: for the sake of explaining a large range of observable phenomena. But Copernicus could have reached the same goal by means of a less revolutionary the ory. He could have chosen to claim only that geocentric system (that of Tycho Brahe) compatible with the helio centric one: an Earth at rest with a Sun revolving around it and the planets revolving around the Sun. The geometri cal proof in Fig. 7 states essentially the equivalence of the Copernican and Tychonic systems. Why did Copernicus, probably convinced of the absoluteness of motion, prefer to believe that the earth, with its mountain chains, its oceans, and all of human society, was hurtling through space? In his beautiful book, Atoms, Jean Perrin, one of the physicists who greatly contributed to the triumph of atomic theory, wrote:
About that Perrin wrote: Two kinds of intellectual activity, both equally in stinctive, have played a prominent part in the progress of physical science. . . . Men like Galileo and Camot, who possessed this power of perceiving analogies to an extraordinary degree, have by an anal ogous process built up the doctrine of energy by suc cessive generalisations, cautious as well as bold, from experimental relationships and objective realities. . . . Now there are cases where hypothesis is, on the con trary, both necessary and fruitful. . . . To divine in this way the existence and properties of objects that still lie outside our ken, to explain the complications of the visible in terms of invisible simplicity, is the func tion of the intuitive intelligence which, thanks to men as such as Dalton and Boltzmann, has given us the doctrine of Atoms. . . . The atomic theory has tri umphed. Its opponents, which until recently were nu merous, have been convinced and have abandoned one after the other the sceptical position that was for a long time legitimate and no doubt useful. Equilib rium between the instinct towards caution and to wards boldness is necessary to the slow progress of human science; the conflict between them will hence forth be waged in other realms of thought. AUT H OR
But we must not, under the pretence of gain of ac curacy, make the mistake of not employing molecu lar constants in formulating laws that could not have been obtained without their aid. In so doing we should not be removing the support from a thriving plant that no longer needed it; we should be cutting the roots that nourish it and make it grow. Paraphrasing Perrin, I claim that eliminating the motion of the earth, supporting that Tychonic system that allows one to reach the same quantitative relations found by Copernicus, would not have been like removing the sup port from a thriving plant that no longer needed it, but would have been like cutting the roots that nourished it and made it grow. Copernicus finds that unity of the universe that the Ptolemaics, with their deferent-epicycle devices "have not been able to discover or to infer." How could Copernicus have disowned the instrument of his success? I think that even his obstinacy in using uniform circular motions comes from the help that circles had given him. Burtt asserts that "Contemporary empiricists, had they lived in the sixteenth century, would have been first to scoff out of court the new philosophy of the universe." But I re ply that it has not always been the empiricist who made science progress. After all, Mach himself never accepted the existence of atoms.
CeSDA-Pianetano Comunale di Modena
Vaala J. Barozzi, 31 4 1 1 00 Modena
[email protected]
Giorgio Goldoni is a high-school teacher of mathematics and a lecturer at the Planetarium, to which
this photograph of him at
tests. From his childhood hobby of astronomy and astronautics,
he retains the abiding interests which led to the article, and also a large collection of autographed photos from such people as Neil Armstrong, Werner von Braun, and Yuri Gagarin.
© 2005 Springer Sc1ence+Business Media, Inc , Volume 27, Number 3, 2005
In these terms, Copernicus is among those bold persons who were able to explain the complications of the visible (the planetary motions) in terms of invisible simplicity (the motion of the earth denied by the senses). Thus Coperni cus, whom I fortunately rediscovered fourteen years ago under the dome of the Planetarium, does not emerge as "the timid canon" pictured by Koestler, but as the bold canon who was courageous enough to place his belief in mathematics before the evidence of his senses.
Library of Living Philosophers Volume VII- Open Court, La Salle, Illinois, 1 949 [7] Galilei G . , Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, Uni versity of California Press, Berkeley, 1 953 [8] Gallavotti G . , Quasi periodic motions from Hipparchus to Kol mogorov, Rendiconti Lincei, Matematica e applicazioni, Serie 9Vol. 12 (200 1 ) - Fasc.2 [9] Hoyle F., Nicolaus Copernicus-An Essay on His Life and Work, Harper & Row, New York, 1 973 [ 1 0] Kepler J . , The Epitome of Copernican Astronomy & Harmonies of the World, Prometheus Books, New York, 1 995
I am grateful to Cora Sadosky of Howard University, who first read the manuscript and gave me a very encouraging assess ment. I am also indebted to John Holbrook of the University of Guelph for his many suggestions, which enabled me to turn a clutter of English words into an intelligible paper.
[1 1 ] Koestler, A , The Sleepwalkers, Macmillan and Co. , New York 1 959 [1 2] Kuhn T.S . , The Copernican Revolution-Planetary Astronomy in the Development of Western Thought, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1 957 [1 3] Mach E. , The Science of Mechanics-A Critical and Historical Ac count of its Development, Open Court Publishing, Chicago, 1 893 [1 4] Neugebauer 0., The Exact Sciences in Antiquity- Princeton Uni
versity Press, Princeton, 1 952
[ 1 ] Burtt E.A., The Metaphysical Foundations of Modern Science,
[1 5] Perrin J . , Atoms, Ox Bow Press, Woodbridge, Connecticut, 1 990
Brace & Co. , New York, 1 925 [2] Butterfield H . , The Origins of Modern Science, Bell and Sons Ltd,
[1 6] Ptolemy, Ptolemy's Almagest- Princeton University Press, Prince ton, 1 998
London, 1 949 [3] Copernicus N . , On the Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres,
[1 7] Rosen E., Three Copernican Treatises - Dover Publications, Inc., Mineola, New York, 1 959
Prometheus Books, New York, 1 995 [4] Copernicus N . , De Revolutionibus Orbiurn Coelestiurn-Libri VI,
[1 8] Russell B., The ABC of Relativity-Trubner & Co. Ltd, London, 1 925
Nuremberg, 1 543, Commentary by Gingerich 0., Octavo Digital
[ 1 9] Russo L., La rivoluzione dimenticata -II pensiero scientifico Greco
Editions, 1 999
e Ia scienza moderna, Feltrinelli, Milano, 1 996- English translation: The Forgotten Revolution: How Science Was Born in 300 BC and
[5] Dreyer J.L.E., A History of Astronomy From Thales to Kepler, Cam
Why It Had to Be Reborn, Springer-Verlag, 2004
bridge University Press, 1 906 [6] Einstein A and others, Albert Einstein: Philosopher Scientist- The
[20] Sciama D.W. , The Unity of the Universe, Anchor, New York, 1 961
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M a the�n ati c a l l y B e n t
C o l i n Adam s , Ed ito r
Math Talk Colin Adams and Lew Ludwig
The proof i s in t h e pudding.
Opening a copy of The Mathematical
Intelligencer you may ask yourself uneasily, "What is this anyway-a mathematical journal, or what?" Or you may ask, "Where am /?" Or even "Who am !?" This sense of disorienta tion is at its most acute when you open to Colin Adams 's column. Relax. Breathe regularly. It 's mathematical, it's a humor column, and it may even be harmless.
Column editor's address: Colin Adams, Department of Mathematics, Bronfman Science Center, Williams College, Williamstown, MA 01 267 USA e-mail:
[email protected]
LUG: Hello and welcome to "Math Talk," with Plug and Chug, the Handwaving Brothers. We're coming to you this week from the Bruhat-Tits Building in our fair city. If you have a question about math, proof repairs, or anything remotely nu merical, call us at 888-271-1729. CHUG: What a boring number! It doesn't even spell anything. We need a new number! PLUG: Yeah, go talk to Ramanujan! Hello, you're on the air. Welcome to Math Talk. LENNY: Yeah, this is Lenny from Konigs berg. CHUG: Now there's a great town! Len what's up? LENNY: I have this 1982 theorem I picked up as a post-doc at the Mittag Leffler Institute and she's been a real work-horse for years. CHUG: Yeah, those Swedes know how to build 'em. PLUG: Good safety record too. LENNY: That's for sure. We've seen a lot of corollaries and conjectures to gether. Anyway, the other day I thought I'd take her for a spin down to the lo cal seminar-it was around dusk. PLuG: Let me guess-a counterexample? LENNY: How did you know? CHUG: They're really bad this time of year-especially around dawn and dusk-it's their mating season. PLUG: You ever seen two counterex amples mate? It's not pretty. CHUG: I don't even want to think about it. Go on. . . . LENNY: Well, I was coming around this curve and BOOM there it was. We took it right in the front end. There were symbols strewn all over the pavement.
I pulled to the side of the road and the theorem just collapsed. It looked liked some of the lemmas took it pretty hard. PLUG: How's the rear end? LENNY: The corollaries seem okay, but what good are they without the lem mas? CHUG: So then what? LENNY: Well, I called a friend and he came and got us to the seminar. The chalk monkeys looked it over and said the front end could be repaired, but it was going to take a lot of work. Three of the five lemmas are shot and the other two are leaking ordinals. PLUG: (Whistles) Sounds steep. LENNY: Yeah, they're thinking at least a semester of seminars, lots of coffee, and release time just for starters. They're talking big bucks, NSF-sized bucks. . . . PLUG: So I bet you want some advice on that classic question-Do I fix up my old faithful friend. . . . CHUG: Or go looking for something new and more dependable? As the former owner of a 1965 classic, The Black board Beauty as I called her, I'd fix this baby up. . . . PLUG: That old pile of calcium carbon ate? Give me a break. Listen Lenny, the technology has improved so much since this thing came out, not to men tion the efficiency of the new models. I'd go shopping . . . maybe something Japanese . . . a little topology number. LENNY: Thanks-l'll give it a shot. PLUG: Good luck. CHUG: You'll need it! PLUG: And even though the 17-gon on Carl Friedrich Gauss's tombstone rolls over when we say it, this is MPR Mathematical Public Radio. Let's go to our next caller. Hello, you're on Math Talk. PENNY: Hi, this is Penny from Cam bridge. PLUG: Hi Penny, what's shakin'? PENNY: Well, I'm trying to finish my dis sertation, but I recently ran into a gap in one of the major results.
© 2005 Springer Sc1ence+ Bus1ness Med1a, Inc , Volume 27, Number 3, 2005
oh, that's not good. Tell me about it. I've taken it to every seminar in town with no luck. I got a few suggestions, but they were all dead ends. So, the other night I was working on it at the blackboard in my office, when I sensed someone looking over my shoulder. It was Will, our jan itor. Out of the blue, he pointed at my induction step and said to replace every k with a k + 1. Then he disap peared down the hall. Said he had to hunt down the mop. CHUG: Did you give it a shot? PENNY: I thought, "What the heck, noth ing else is working!" So I tried it and it worked! But I have no idea why. Is this just a fluke or what? PLuG: You know, I've seen cases like this in the past. I'm not sure why, and I wouldn't do it myself, but it does seem to work sometimes. CHUG: Ahhh! The quasi-mathematical, folkloric solution. . . . I like it! Who knows why it works? PENNY: So what should I do? CHUG: LaTex that sucker up and sub mit it before anyone notices! And if anyone does, you didn't talk to us! PLUG: As much as it hurts me to say so, I'd have to agree with my brother on that one. Send us a picture of your hooding ceremony! Good luck Penny thanks for your call. We have time for one more call, hello and welcome to Math Talk. KAREN: Hello, this is Karen from Tuc son. I'm sending my son off to college in the fall. PENNY:
CHUG: And a lot of money, I'll bet! KAREN: That's for sure! I'm calling to see if you can recommend a good calc book for him, because I know he'll need one. PLUG: Karen, tell us a little about your son. Does he like to discover things on his own, using computers, and write complete sentences about his results? Has he ever been to reform school? CHuG: Or is he a no-nonsense kind of guy who just loves working through a ton of problems that have tidy an swers? Does he like tradition? KAREN: Hmmm . . . He really likes com puters and his writing is so-so . . . but he also likes things very predictable. PLUG: Well, there are some middle-of the-road models that come with CDs, which will appeal to his fondness for computers, but most of the problems are fairly straightforward with tons of examples. CHUG: Yeah-no longwinded, "open ended" problems, as they call them. KAREN: Goodness, my son is defmitely not "open-ended"! PLUG: Sounds like the middle-of-the road model is for him. Just go to our Shameless Commerce Division, click on the PPIS (Publishers Playing It Safe) icon, and pick the one with the snazz iest cover! CHUG: And don't forget to buy the stu dent solution manual, companion Web
culator. He'll need something to amuse himself during the lectures! CHUG: See ya Karen! PLUG: Well, you've done it again! You've just squandered another perfectly good hour listening to "Math Talk." CHUG: Our producer, who points out regularly that we don't know what we are talking about, is Vic Torfield. Our Commuter Car Pool Coordinator is Abe Elian. Our Financial Growth Ana lyst is Nat U. Rullog. Our Orientation Coordination Team consists of Moe B. Uzband and Ann Ewlus. Our Russian Equality Control Supervisor is F.N. Knownlieff. His legal consultants are Nessen, Sairy and Safishin, known to the denizens of Harvard Square as Nessy, Hairy and Scary. PLUG: Thanks for listening and remem ber, don't derive like my brother! CHUG: Don't derive like my brother! PLUG: See ya next week. Bye!
Granville, OH 43023-061 3
MP-3, CD, DVD, Tetris player. PLUG: He means, get him a decent cal-
Colin Adams Department of Mathematics and Statistics Williams College Williamstown, MA 01 267 USA e-mail:
[email protected] Lew Ludwig Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Denison University USA e-mail:
[email protected]
Coo pe rative G am es · H i sto ri ca Pro b e m s , M od e rn Th eo ry
ince childhood, we know (and not only from pirate movies and stories) that nothing is trickier than dividing money. In the world around us, both individuals and organizations practice it every day. Cooperative game theory provides a scientijic approach to the problem of fair dividing of a given sum. In this paper, I review basic notions and facts of this theory, and then con sider two historical problems. Assume a Project just having been completed, and there is profit V v(N) that must be fairly shared by the Team players Pb . . . , Pn who form the complete coalition N = {PI; . . . ; Pnl · Justice obliges us to take into consideration the following data:
n Next, let the values v(S) be fixed for all 2 subsets S <:;;; N including S = {Pi} and S = N. Consider the function v de fined by the set of values {v(S)}.
the guaranteed shares vi = v({Pi}) that each player Pi would earn alone; 2. the sums v(S) which are earned by coalitions S <:;;; N con stituted by larger groups of players (that is, the amount a sub-team S can obtain without help of others from
Also, assume that cooperation between any two coalitions is profitable:
v(S) + v(T) :::; v(S U
for arbitrary coalitions S, T such that S n T = 0. In par ticular, think of the players joining the complete coalition N successively; we deduce from (1) that VI · · · Vn :::; V holds. So, the sum �i Vi of the guaranteed shares vi will be certainly obtainable by the complete coalition N of the play ers Pi, and the problem they face is dividing the additional amount V - (vi + · · · + Vn).
+ +
v : .N' � IR, s � v(S), where .N' {S} is the set of all coalitions. The function v is called the characteristic function and the pair (N, v) is the cooperative game. As we always take v(0) = 0 for any game (N, v), we may discard v(0) and treat v as a vector n with 2 - 1 components. A cooperative game (N, v) is called superadditive if in equality (1) holds for any S, T E .N' such that S n T = 0, as we are assuming. Assume A > 0 and let v and w be superad ditive characteristic functions; obviously, the product Av and the sum v w are also superadditive characteristic functions. The object is to construct the sharing x = (xi; . . . ; Xn); here Xi is the share of Pi, i.e., the part of the treasure V ob tained by partner Pi. Obviously, the condition =
XI + ' ' ' + Xn
holds, for the whole sum V is to be divided, and also (3)
© 2005 Springer Science+ Business Media, Inc., Volume 27, Number 3, 2005
(otherwise the player Pi has no reason to participate). A method 'P to divide the money V is a way to assign the shar ing x = cp(v) to any cooperative game (N, v); the rule 'P is called the value operator. Moreover, the rule 'P is expected to be fair, in some sense. There are several reasonable ways to understand what 1 is "fair." In what follows, I describe the Shapley method and the nucleolus method. Naturally, there are many other ways to divide the treasure. For example, just split the money that exceeds the sum �i vi of guaranteed shares vi in equal parts and then distribute these parts among the players. Or give the guaranteed shares vi to all players Pi except P1, and allot the remainder V - (v2 + Vn) to P1. But, of course, some of the axioms for the Shapley or the nucleolus method do not hold for these radical pre scriptions. I will try out these methods from cooperative game the ory on two interesting historical problems. The first one dates back to Middle Ages; the question is: how should the harvest be shared among the landowner and serfs if the land belongs to the landowner and the serfs work on it? The second problem, which was recorded in the Babylon ian Talmud, is: how must the estate be shared among three widows if the sum of their claims is greater than the value of the estate? The solution, suggested by an ancient judge and then written down in the Talmud, was for many ages without mathematical rationale. Here are the notions I will apply to these problems.
The Shapley Method
The Shapley value u(v) is given by a unique method u that satisfies the three Shapley axioms:
'P =
Formal participants of the game (dummies), who con tribute neither help nor harm to any coalition, get noth ing: 'PiCv) 0 for each dummy Pi; 2. Renaming the players does not change anyone's income, i.e. , the value operator 'P must be anonymous; 3 . If more than one game is played one after another, every body obtains the sum of his/her rewards from each par ticular game, i.e. , the value operator must be additive. =
The Shapley value 'P = u has the following attractive prop erty, in addition to the Shapley axioms 1-3: 4.
The value operator 'P is zero-independent: if a new game (N, w) with
w(S) = v(S)
L ci
Namely, let the players Pi receive some presents that cost ci, respectively, and assume that those presents do not de pend on any actions of the players. Then any coalition takes into account the cost of all presents received by its mem1 Prof. Lloyd S. Shapley,
1 923-,
Univ. of California, Los Angeles, USA.
(k - 1)! n - k)! (v(T) n.
v(T\{Pi))), (4)
where k ITI and Vtl denotes the number of elements in a finite set A. The value v(T) - v(T\{Pi)) is called the marginal income earned by the player Pi for the coalition S = T\{Pi), that is, the additional profit obtained by the coalition S if Pi joins it. Consider a random queue Pi1, , Pin that consists of all the players P1, . . . , Pn. and suppose that Pi is kth in this queue. Obviously, the number (k - 1)!(n - k)!/n! is equal to the probability of this event. (n! is the total number of random queues of n persons, (k - 1)! is the number of ways to rearrange the players who precede Pi. and (n - k)! is the number of ways the players who succede Pi can be re arranged.) Therefore, from formula (4) we see that ui is the mean marginal income of the player Pi for the coalitions of preceding players in all random queues of length n. =
Theorem 1 [5]. There exists a unique value operator that satisfies the three Shapley axioms; it is given by for mula (4).
Proof First, let us prove that the values (4) satisfy condi tions (3) and (2) above, viz., ui 2: Vi and u1 + un = V ·
Consider a queue Pill . . . , Pin• and set Sk = {Pill . . . , Pik). Let aik be the marginal income of Pik for the coalition Sk\{Pik). Now we sum up all aik and obtain
i� l
I ai = I aik = (v(Sl) - v(0)) + (v(Sz) - v(SI)) +
· · ·
(v(N) - v(Sn- 1)) = v(N) - v(0) = V; =
recall that v(N) = V and v(0) 0. We see that the sum of the marginal incomes ai of all players does not depend on their order in a queue. Consequently, the sum of the mean marginal incomes ui equals the same number: we have
Next, we prove that ui 2: lation
From inequality (1), the re
i:Pi ES
is obtained from the game (N, v) by means of some con stants ci, i 1, . . . , n, then 'Pi(w) = 'Pi(v) ci , for all i = 1, . . . , n. =
bers, and the share of the ith player is changed by the cor responding price ci. The above axioms 1-3 formalize the concept of a fair share. And the precise mathematical expression for the Shapley value is relatively simple: the income of each player is expressed via v explicitly. Namely, consider the formula
holds for any coalition
T 3 Pi. Further, from (4) we obtain
(k - 1)! n - k)! (v(T) n.
- v(T\{Pi)))
(k - 1)!(n - k)! n!
us0(S0) equals 1 by the definition of So-una
(The latter sum is equal to the probability for Pi to be kth
The l.h.s.
= 1, . . . , n is arbitrary; obviously, this event is certain and thus the sum equals 1 .)
nimity. In the r.h.s., we sum through S fl S0; therefore we
in a queue, here k
The value operator
given by (4) is anonymous. Indeed,
any renaming of players induces just a rearrangement of
(4). Moreover, the value operator a is ad ai w.r.t. v in (4) is obvious. Also, all marginal incomes of the dummies are equal to 0; hence the share of each dummy equals 0.
the addends in
ditive: the linearity of
Thus, the value
given by
(4) satisfies the three
us(S0) = 0 in all terms and hence the r.h.s. is 0. This {us} is a basis in the linear space IR2n - l such that each v is uniquely represented in form (5). Further, divide the sum in the r.h.s. of (5) into two parts, v + and v _ , such that As � 0 in the first part and As < 0 in have
contradiction proves that
the second. We obtain the representation
ley axioms. It remains to prove that there is only one value operator
'P which satisfies the three Shapley axioms, the
defined by
To this end, assume that the Shapley ax
ioms hold for an operator 'P· Fix a nonempty coalition S, and consider the game (N, tion
us) whose characteristic func us is given by the following formula: us(T) =
1 if S � T, 0 if S g T.
/-ls) is called the S-unanimity: the coalition T (i. e., us( T) = 1) if and only if all members of S are also involved in T. Let A > 0; then Aus is a characteris tic function. By construction, all players PJ tl S are dummies in the game (N, Aus), hence 'Pj(Aus) = 0 by the first Shapley axiom. If the players Pi E S rearrange themselves, their shares in the game Aus remain the same. Therefore all their The game (N, is winning
shares are equal by the second Shapley axiom:
v = v+ - v_ =
"-sUs -
( - As)us.
From the uniqueness of coordinates
As for the vector v in {us}, it follows that the functions v+ and v_ are uniquely defined by the function v. Since all the constants As and (- As) in (6) are non-neg ative, the functions AsUs and ( As)us are characteristic. Hence we conclude that the value operator 'P is uniquely defined for each addend in v+ and V - . Therefore, the op
the basis
erator 'P is uniquely defined for the characteristic functions
v+ and v_ by the third Shapley axiom (the additivity). Also, 'P(v+) 'f!(V) + 'f!(V-). Hence 'P(v) = 'P(v +) - 'P(v _) and the value operator 'P is uniquely defined for every characteristic function v. This completes =
the additivity axiom implies
the proof. The Nucleolus Method The
nucleolus v(v) is another method 'P = v of sharing. It
is also defined by three axioms that describe the proper ties of a fair sharing, although one of them is different from Thus the value
'P is uniquely defined for all S-unanimities us. Now let us show that any characteristic function v can
be represented in the form
(5) with some constant coefficients
As which are either nega
tive or non-negative. The claim is proved if we show that the vectors
Us (each of them having zn - 1 components)
form a basis in the linear space
IR2n - l
Shapley's. Namely, consider the following axioms: 1 . The value operator 'P is
zero-independent (see above); 2. The value operator 'P is anonymous (see above); 3 . The value operator 'P satisfies the reduced game prop erty, which can be described as follows: First, fix a coali tion S0 � N and a sharing a = ( a1; . . . ; a ); then, con n
struct a new game for the players who are members of the coalition S0. The new game (S0; choice of S0 and
of all (2n - !)-com
wa) depends on the a. For all S � S0, set
zn - 1 vectors us, that is, one vector for each coalition S � N, S =I= 0. Consequently, it is sufficient to show that all us are linearly independent. As
The idea of
sume the contrary, that is,
some players who are not members of S0 (those hired
ponent vectors. So we have
wa(S) = max.
R<;;,N \So
v(S U R)
aJ ·
is that each coalition S � S0 may hire
players form the group R) and then pay the salary to each
aJ PJ E R for cooperation. The coalition S esti
mates the profits from different groups R of hired play for some constants
As, and let there exist a coalition S0 such that As0 =I= 0 and As = 0 for all subcoalitions S C S0, S =I= So. Therefore,
Us0 =
(- )
__&__ us. "-so
Now calculate the l.h.s. and the r.h.s. of this functional equality with the coalition So as its argument:
ers and then chooses the most remunerative profit, which is wa(S) by definition. The reduced game prop erty requires that 'Pi(v) = 'Pi(Wa) if a = 'P(v), for all S0 and all Pi E S0. Therefore the participants of any coali tion in S0 do not obtain shares greater than 'PiCv) if they hire some players PJ tl So and set their respective salaries to be ({!j (v). There is a unique method
'P that satisfies the above three nucleolus v. Also, the nu
axioms; this method is called the cleolus
has the following important property:
© 2005 Spnnger Science-+ Bustness Medta, Inc , Volume 27, Number 3, 2005
Consider the following system of 2 n inequalities, one for each coalition S <:::;; N:
i:Pi ES
Xi 2: v(S).
If system (7) is compatible, then the nucleolus x = v(v) satisfies it. The set of all sharings x that satisfy system (7) is called the core of the game (N, v). The above property 4 means that the nucleolus is always located in the core of the game if the core is nonempty. That's why we also say that the nu cleolus is a selector of the core; I emphasize that the Shap ley value is not a selector of the core. Now I describe a method to obtain the nucleolus v ex plicitly. Suppose that the components of a vector x = (xi, . . . , Xn) satisfy XI + + Xn = V, and S is a coalition such that S * 0, S * N; denote by N0 the set of such coalitions, which contains 2n - 2 elements. The number ·
The Landowner and his serfs (2, 4]. Let there be the distinguished player P0, the landowner, and let the other players P1. P2, . . . , Pn be serfs; we as sume that PI , . . . , Pn are completely identical. The serfs work on the landowner's farms, each k of them produc ing the harvestf(k). The functionf(k) is nondecreasing in k = 0, 1, . . . , n, and .ftO) = 0 because zero workers pro duce nothing. Also, any production is impossible without land, which belongs to the landowner. Hence the income of any coalition S <:::;; N = {Po; PI; . . . ; PnJ is defined by the formula
e(x, S) =
i:Pi ES
xi - v(S)
is called the excess of S. To every x we assign the system of excesses for all coalitions S E }{0, and thus obtain a vec tor e(x) with 2n - 2 coordinates e(x, S) for each x. Rearrange the components of the vector e(x) in nonde creasing order. Thence we get a vector Ae(x) whose set of components is the same as for e(x). Now, we compare lex icographically all the vectors Ae(x) and fmd the lexico graphic maximum Ae(x*). To compare lexicographically two vectors! = Cfi, . . . . fm) and g = (gi, . . . , gm), we com pare their coordinates successively until a nonequal pair of coordinates is found:
If A < gk then the vector f is lexicographically less than * the vector g. I claim that the sharing x which provides * the lexicographical maximum Ae(x ) is the value of the nucleolus: v(v) = x*.
[6]. There is a unique value operator cp that satisfies the three axioms for the nucleolus. This value operator is given by formula (8): cp = v. Theorem 2
The proof of this theorem is highly complicated and hence is omitted. Let me just summarize the procedure for constructing the nucleolus of a cooperative game. First, find the vector x that maximizes the minimal component of the excess vec tor e(x). Assume there are several admissible vectors; then choose the vector x such that the minimum of the remain ing coordinates of e(x) is also maximal. And so on. The re sulting choice is the nucleolus v(v).
v(S) =
{0 I I
!C S -
if S 3 Po; if S $ Po.
As usual, we denote by lSI the number of players in a coali tion S. Now let us consider the cooperative game (N, v) and find the Shapley value a and the nucleolus v. Let us start with the Shapley value a(v) = (a0, ai, . . . , an). Each of its components ai equals the mean of all mar ginal incomes of the player Pi if Pi joins the players who precede Pi in a random queue. Let Po be the kth in this queue. Obviously, the probability of this event equals 1/(n + 1) for all k = 0, . . . , n. Hence we have a;0
1 --
= --m + m + n + 1 I n+ 1 °
where mi is the mean of the marginal incomes v(S U {P0 )) - v(S) of the landowner Po who joins the coalitions S of i serfs. Obviously m0 = 0. Moreover, since v(S) = 0 as S $ Po and v(S U {Po}) = .fti), all such incomes equal f(i). Therefore, mi = iti) and n
--1 I 1
The last assertion is the statement of the following Sobol 'ev theorem:
Now let us discuss the two age-old examples. Curiously, application of the value operators a and v to these prob lems explains mathematically solutions which were pro posed long ago.
The Shapley value a is anonymous; hence all the serfs ob tain equal shares ai = a2 = = an, which are ·
= - (v(N) n
1 ) -II 1 i=
= - f(n) n+ n
for i = 1, . . . , n. Thus we have found the Shapley value. To get an explicit value, impose the assumption that the serfs neither help nor impede each other, therefore .ftk) = c k, where c = const is the productivity of each serf. Then we see that kf= I f(i) = c(1 + 2 + + n) = cn(n + 1)/2 in (9) and (10). So, from (9) we obtain a0 = cn/2 and from (10) we deduce ai = c/2. In other words, the landowner ap propriates half of the product of each serf and leaves the other half to the serf. ·
This principle was practiced in the Russian Empire [7] and in the Southern States of the USA [8] til the beginning of the 20th century! In the agriculture of Russian provinces ([7], see also [3]), the area of the landowners' arable land such that sharing in halves was applied to the harvest grown on it varied from 21% to 68% of the area of the land owned by the peasants themselves. The situation with the haymaking meadows was even worse: the above ratio var ied from 500;6 to 185%.2 Now let us calculate the nucleolus of the game (N, v). Again, consider an arbitrary function f(k) which may be nonlinear. We may consider the two special cases: •
The additional productivity of each successive serf is nonincreasing: f(i) - f(i - 1) ?: f(i + 1) - f(i)
( 1 1)
for all i = 1, . . . , n - 1. The additional productivity of each successive serf is nondecreasing: f(i) - f(i - 1) � .f(i + 1) - f(i)
Case 1 : ( 1 1) holds. Let us show that the minimum of the r.h.s. in (16) is achieved if k = n - 1 . From the assump tion of Case 1 , we obtain n - k inequalities (the first being trivial): f(n) - f(n - 1) ?: f(n) - f(n - 1); f(n - 1) - f(n - 2) ?: f(n) - f(n - 1); f(n - 2) - f(n - 3) ?:f(n - 1) -f(n - 2) 2:f(n) - f(n - 1); f(k + 1) - f(k) 2: · · ?: f(n) - f(n - 1). ·
Now we add the inequalities and obtain f(n) - f(k) 2: (n - k) · (f(n) - f(n - 1)),
whence f(n) - f(k) ?:f(n) n-k for all k
f(n) - f(n - 1) n-�- D
0, 1 , . . . , n - 1. Thus
for all i = 1, . . . , n - 1 . B y the Sobol'ev theorem, the nucleolus v(v) v = (v0, v1, . . . , vn) is anonymous; therefore, v1 = · · · = Vn = x since the serfs are identical. Then from v0 + v1 + · · · + vn = vo + nx = f(n) we deduce that v0 = f(n) - nx; thus we have v = (f(n) - nx, x, . . . , x). Obviously, x = vi 2: vi = 0. Suppose a sharing a has the form =
a = (f(n) -
x, . . . , x)
with some x E IR, and assume that a belongs to the core of the game. From (7), it follows that
= f(n)
provided Po E S and k = f(n) -
+ kx 2: v(S) = f(k),
lsi nx
( 14)
1, whence we have
+ kx ?: f(k)
f(n) - f(k) , n-k
which is valid for all k = 0, 1, . . . , n - 1. In other words,
2According to the film "The Perfect Storm" (USA,
x E [O; f(n) - f(n - 1)].
Because v is a selector of the core, we can find the nucleolus v among the vectors of the form a (.f(n) - nx, x, . . . , x) such that (19) holds. Consider the excess vectors e(a). The components of e(a), which are the excesses for a, equal e(a, S) = (f(n) nx + kx) - f(k) if S 3 Po, lSI = k + 1 , and they are equal to e( a, S) = kx - 0 if S 1J Po, lSI k. By Theorem 2, we fmd the nucleolus by calculating the lexicographical max imum in the set of ordered vectors Ae(a). The minimal excess for S =fo 0, S =fo N, is =
( 15)
for k 0, 1, . . . , n - 1. For k = n the formula becomes an equality and hence still holds. Other conditions for ai ex pressing that a belongs to the core (as S 1J Po) are kx 2: 0, k = 1, . . . , n. They are nonrestrictive, for they just say x 2: 0. I claim that all conditions (14) are compatible. Indeed, they hold if x = 0. Consequently, the core is nonempty. Since v is a selector of the core, v (v) must satisfy all these condi tions. From (15), we get the following inequality for x: 0�x�
and from ( 17) we have
k=O,...,n- 1
{f(n) -
+ kx - f(k); x}.
In order to find the lexicographical maximum of the or dered excess vectors Ae(a) = {e(a, S)), we must fmd the value x E [O;f(n) - f(n - 1)] such that the minimal excess is as large as possible. The expression f(n) - nx + kx f(n) has the smallest value if k = n - 1, i.e. , f(n) - nx + kx - f(k) ?: f(n) - f(n - 1) - x or, equivalently, f(n - 1) f(k) 2: (n - 1 - k)x for all k = 0, . . . , n - 1. The latter inequality follows from conditions ( 18) and the re striction x E [0; f(n) - f(n - 1)]. Thus we are searching max min{ a - x, x}, where a = f(n) - f(n - 1). Let us find
the maximum graphically (see Fig. 1). We find the highest point M of the lower broken line OMa, which is the graph of the function y = min{x, a - x}. Obviously, the point x is unique and we have x = a/2. There fore, we need not compare the second components of
this film won the British Academy of Cinema Award), this principle is still practiced in the fishing business nowa
days! The owner of a ship appropriates half of the take and leaves the other half to the crew.
© 2005 Spnnger Sc1ence+Business Media, Inc., Volume 27, Number 3, 2005
y a
0 Fig. 1 .
Fig. 2a.
Case 2. (12) holds. In this case, the additional productivity of the kth serf does not decrease w.r.t. k. Similar calcula tions imply that we must seek max min{f(n) -
a - x; x),
where a = f(n) - f(n - 1) and b f(n)ln. Hence we find the highest point M of the lower broken line y = min{.f(n) nx; a - x; x) (see Fig. 2a,b ). If the line y = a - x intersects the line y = x higher and farther to the right than the line y f(n) - nx does (see Fig. 2a), then f(n) - nx = x for M, whence x d = f(n)l(n + 1); otherwise (see Fig. 2b) a - x = x for M, whence x a/2. We conclude that v (d, d, . . . , d) if d :::; a/2 (in particular, v0 d) and v ( .f(n) - na/2, a/2, . . . , a/2) if d 2:: a/2; hence, the nucleolus v is the same as in Case 1. =
We see that the landowner and the serfs get equal shares d if the total product is very small, that is, if the part of to tal product for each of n + 1 participants, d f(n)l(n + 1), is not greater than half of the maximal additional produc tivity of the last (the nth) serf, a f(n) - f(n - 1). =
[ 1 , 2, 4] This marvellous problem was exposed in the Mishna, which is the most ancient part of the Talmud, dating back to the Babylonian Captivity. The Mishna consists of comments on the Torah, that is, the first five books of the Holy Bible, as well as comments on the comments, parables, juridical cases, and other stories. The meaning of some of those sto ries is now long-forgotten and mysterious: for example, the mathematical content of the following problem was dis covered only in 1985. A story in the Mishna is this: a man died, and his three widows wish to divide his estate. The first wife, the youngest, claims silver £100 as her share, the second hopes to obtain £200, and the third, the eldest wife, says silver The wise Rabbi
Fig. 2b.
Ae(a) and immediately obtain v1 vn x a/2 and v0 = f(n) - na/2 for the nucleolus v. In the linear case, whenf(k) ck and c const, we get v = (nc/2, c/2, . . . , c/2), 'i.e. , v = u, the same rule of shar ing in halves as above. =
�2 d
£300 is her rightful share. Well, the estate has not yet been valued, but, they say, it will surely be less than the £600 that would satisfy all three grieving widows. That's why the three ladies asked the wise Rabbi to judge what part of the estate would be fair for each of them. This is what Rabbi decided. If the estate is silver £100, then it will be divided in equal parts: each widow will ob tain £33 + 1/3. If there is £200, then £50 will be given to the youngest and the remaining £150 will be equally divided be tween the elder two, £75 to each. But if the estate is £300, then, widows, divide it so: £50 to the first, £100 to the sec ond, and £150 to the eldest wife. (The Rabbi did not say what would be a fair way to divide an estate of any value different from £100, 200, or 300.) Starting with this story, we construct three cooperative games (N, v) for the three different assumptions of the es tate value. Then we calculate the corresponding Shapley value u(v) and the nucleolus v(v) for each game. Surpris ingly, we discover that all three suggestions of the judge are described by the value operator v; moreover, in the sec ond case, when the estate equals £200, the solution given by the nucleolus v does not coincide with the solution ob tained by using the Shapley value u. Hence, the fantastic intuition of the wise Rabbi suggested the use the nucleo lus method! Consider the problem in a slightly more general form. Let E be the estate and ci be the claims of the widows Pi for i 1, . . . , n. Then d = k�= l ci - E > 0 is the deficit, that is, the shortage of the estate compared with the sum of the widows' claims. Set a + max{O, a) for every a E IR, and define the characteristic function v by the formula =
(20) for each S s; N. Formula (20) means that if a coalition S will add the deficit to the value of the estate, then all wid ows will get their claims, and the profit of the coalition will be equal to the difference. If the difference is negative, then the coalition obtains zero profit. Now, notice that formula (20) may be rewritten as
(E - I ) j:PjflS
which means that the coalition S obtains the whole estate minus the sum of claims of those widows who are not in the coalition. Now we consider the cooperative game (N, v). From now on, we denote a coalition {Pi" Pi2, , Pikl simply by i1i2 . . . ik, just listing the subscripts of the participants: v(12) means v({Pt, P2}) and so on. •
Case 1. In the case n 3, c1 = 100, c2 200, c3 300, and 100, we have d 500, whence v(1) ( 100 - 500) + and, similarly, v(2) v(3) v(12) v(13) v(23) 0, 0 but v(N) = 100. Thus we get a symmetric game: any transposition of the players does not change the characteristic function. There fore, as both value operators, the Shapley value and the nu cleolus, are anonymous, the shares are equal, and we get the vector
e� � � )
o 1 0 1 0 . , ,
We conclude that both solutions u and v coincide with the Rabbi's suggestion for this case.
Case 2. Let the values ci be as above and assume now 200. We obtain d = 400, and so v(1) v(2) v(3) v(12) v(13) 0, v(23) 100, and v(N) 200. Let us find the nucleolus. To do that, we need the lexi cographical maximum of all excess vectors e(x). So let x be a triple Cx1, Xz, X3) such that x1 + Xz + Xs v(N) 200. Then we calculate the excesses for x and all coalitions: we have e(x, 1) x1; e(x, 2) x2; e(x, 3) x3; e(x, 12) x1 + Xz - 0 200 x3; e(x, 13) x1 + Xs - 0 200 xz; e(x, 23) Xz + x3 100 100 - X1. In order to find the lexicographical maximum, first we choose the smallest component in the vector e(x) (x1, x2, X3, 200 x3, 200 x2, 100 x1) of all excesses. I claim that the minimal component is not greater than 50. Indeed, the sum of the numbers x1 and 1 00 x1 equals 100. Therefore, if one of them is greater than 50, then the other is less than 50; further, if the smallest component in e(x) is 50, then x1 50. Hence the minimal component can be assumed to equal 50. To be sure, other components of e(x) might be greater than 50, e.g., we get e(x) (50, 70, 80, 120, 130, 50) if x1 50, Xz 70, and x3 80. Hence we have x1 50 and x2 + x3 150 for the lexi cographically maximal Ae(x). Now we choose x2 (and therefore x3) such that the second component of the or dered excess vector Ae(x) is maximal. Since X3 150 x2 and 200 x3 50 + x2, the vec tor of non-minimal components of e(x) is e ' (x) (x2, x3, 200 Xz, 200 x3) (Xz, 150 Xz, 200 - Xz, 50 + Xz). =
3The equality x2 = x3 =
cographical maximum.
Now we choose x2 such that the smallest component of e'(x) is maximal. Its last two components are greater than 150 x2 and x2, respectively, and therefore can not be the smallest ones. The maximal value of the first two compo nents, Xz and 150 x2, is 75; we prove this in the same way as we obtained x1 50 above. So we get x1 = 50, x2 75, and Xs 75 for the sharing x x* that gives the lexico 3 graphical maximum. Recall that the sharing x* is the nucleolus v(v), which therefore equals =
(50, 75, 75);
this triple is precisely the Rabbi's suggestion for this case. From (4), we can easily calculate the Shapley value u (v)
100 250 250 3 ' 3 ' 3 '
which now differs from v(v). We see that the wise Rabbi kept in mind the nucleolus method and rejected the Shapley value!
Case 3. In the same way, consider the case 300. Then we obtain the game such that v(1) v(2) v(3) v(12) 0, v(13) 100, v(23) 200, and v(N) 300. Applying the same methods for calculation of v(v) and u(v), the reader may deduce that both methods of sharing, v and u, lead to the same result, =
(50, 100, 150).
The Rabbi was right again, you see! In [4] and [2], two other methods to obtain the nucleo lus for the problem at hand are described. The former method is extended to all cooperative games of three play ers, and the latter method is generalized to the case of an arbitrary number n of widows. The method in [ 4] is based on the Legros theorem. This theorem describes the nucle olus for any cooperative game (N, v) of three players via some explicit expressions for the components Vt, v2, v3 that depend on the correlations between the values v(S). The second method [2] reduces the estate problem to the game which is called the problem of sharing the expenditures for a joint enterprise. Some explicit formulas for that prob lem are found in [2, 4]. Now, equipped with cooperative game theory, we can (two and a half thousand years after the problem was for mulated) obtain the general solution for an arbitrary num ber of heirs, arbitrary values of their initial claims, and (a relevant variable, after all) the actual value of the estate. In slightly modernized terms, we are now solving the problem of a bankruptcy: the remaining credits on the balance of a crashed bank are less than the total sum on the client's accounts, and you are to find how to share
also follows from the identity of P2 and P3 in this particular game and from the anonymity axiom, since we know that x1
for the lexi
© 2005 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc., Volume 27, Number 3, 2005
among the clients what's left, and in the most fair way, mind you!
[1] Aumann R. J . , Maschler M . : Game theoretic analysis of a bank ruptcy problem from the Talmud, J. Econom. Theory 36 (1 985), no. 2, 1 95-2 1 3. [2] Kalugina T. F . , Kiselev V. Yu. : Operations research. Game theory. ISPU, lvanovo, 2003 (in Russian). [3] Lenin V. 1 . : The serf rural economy, in: Complete works, 5th ed. , 25, Moscow, 1 963, 90-92 (in Russian).
[4] Moulin H . : Axioms of cooperative decision making. Cambridge Uni VLADIMIR Y U . KISELEV
versity, Cambridge, 1 988.
Department of Higher Mathematics
[5] Shapley L. S.: A value for n-person games, in: Contri bution to the
lvanovo State Power University
Theory of Games I I , Annals of mathematics studies 28, Princeton
lvanovo, 153003
University Press, Princeton, NJ, 1 953, 307-31 7.
[6] Sobol'ev A. 1 . : Characterization of optimality principles in coopera
[email protected]
tive games by means of functional equations, in: Mathematical meth ods in social sciences, Vilnius, 6 (1 975), 92-1 51 (in Russian). [7] Struve P. B., ed. : Russian Thought. Moscow, St. Petersburg, 1 91 4,
Vladimir Yu. Kiselev received his doctorate from Moscow State University in 1 979, with a thesis
Ill, 1 0-1 4 (in Russian).
[8] Twelfth census of the United States, taken in the year 1900, V: Agri culture. Washington, DC, United States Census Office, 1 902; Thir teenth census of the United States, taken in the year 1 9 10, V: Agri
culture. Washington, DC, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1 9 1 3.
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Chronicle of a Symmetric Tourist in Tihany Beth Cardier
Does your hometown have any mathematical tourist attractions such as statues, plaques, graves, the cafe where the famous conjecture was made, the desk where the famous initials are scratched, birthplaces, houses, or memorials? Have you encountered a mathematical sight on your travels? If so, we invite you to submit to this column a picture, a description of its mathematical significance, and either a map or directions so that others may follow in your tracks.
ihany, located three hours west of Budapest, is a historical village that can be found under a roll of fog on the shore of Lake Balaton. Apart from the romantic natural scenery, I was drawn to Tihany by promises of a me dieval church with baroque furnish ings. This ornate abbey once shaped the fates of Hungarian kings and is sit uated on the highest point of the hill above the town, like a lighthouse for the holy. Now it also acts as a guide for those who (like me) try to jog in the morning and need a landmark to find their way out of the mist. Tihany is normally a summer town but I arrive in mid-autumn, when there are no other tourists except for those associated with the congress "Symme try: Art and Science," organised by ISIS Symmetry (the International Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Symme try; see [4]). In the spirit of cultural and intellectual celebration, they open an art exhibition while I am in town, so I gatecrash the event. Here I discover an interesting cocktail party of talents: mathematicians, musicians, architects, painters, and physicists-practitioners who would normally never meet. I am told they are all interested in the inter sections of maths, science, and the arts. As with most exhibitions, the artists are present to toast the opening. Jtirgen
Bakowski is a mathematician who makes matroids into elegant models; Bela Vfzi is an artist who turns science into sculpture. I wander over to Bela, who is standing amongst his creations sculptures inspired by biology and physics. "They usually get stolen," he says. "In every exhibition one always disappears." I can see why. At first, the objects seem purely aesthetic, but upon closer inspection they reveal themselves to be neurons, silicic acid, or wave packets. Beneath are descriptions that show how Vizi has stylised these fundamen tal structures into evocative shapes. They are transformed from their usual liquid, biological, or pulse states into solid ceramics, wood, and metal. I am still considering art theft when I wander over to the other side of the gallery, where Jtirgen Bakowski's work is displayed. Jtirgen also uses clay, and because he is a mathemati cian, his work is quite mathematically oriented. Here is a model which pleases him especially (Fig. 5). It is the complete graph with 12 vertices, lying on a sur face of genus 6. This gives (though the surface has to be imagined) a triangu lation of an orientable 2-manifold with out boundary, which cannot be em bedded in ordinary 3-space without
Lak� Please send all submissions to Mathematical Tourist Editor,
Dirk Huylebrouck, Aartshertogstraat 42,
8400 Oostende, Belgium e-mail:
[email protected]
Figure 1. Location of Tihany at Lake Balaton, Hungary.
© 2005 Springer Science + Bus1ness Media, Inc., Volume 27, Number 3, 2005
Figure 3. Hungarian artist Bela Vfzi.
4. German
Jiirgen says. "When the object has weight and beauty, something addi tional is revealed about the mathemat ical concept." As I mingle in the crowd, I confess to this science and art gang that I am a writer who is engaged in a similar process. "I'm combining physics and romantic metaphors in the novel I'm writing," I venture. "It's difficult, but the results are worth it." The group asks me to read a recent example of my writings, and before I have time to be coy I find myself pre senting an excerpt from my novel. The group's response to this was so posi tive that I have included it below. ()()() [There is background story for the passage: a woman relaxes in a bar with
her finance, Kurt, and some friends. A few months earlier Kurt had been un faithful with a female colleague but now the wobbly relationship is on track again. As the following excerpt begins, the colleague enters the bar. The description follows the disruption her arrival causes) : Van touches Joanna's arm as he of fers to buy her a drink and she flut ters from the contact. Kurt dives into a serious conversation with the per son next to him, trying to vanish. No one else acknowledges her. Finally I stand up. I will welcome the girl, a signal to our group that I don't mind if it stretches to accommodate this dangerous guest. There is even room for a diplomat's gesture and I leanfor ward to kiss Joanna's cheek. She is so grateful that she races to kiss mine in
Figure 2. An "ancestress tetrahedron" and a statue of a particle with a wavelet shadow, an image also appearing in a forthcoming novel.
self-intersection, as proved in [3). This disproved a long-standing conjecture by Branko Griinbaum, see [1). The ceramics work shows topolog ical 2-sphere arrangements with spe cial properties, as well as more general curve arrangements on closed sur faces. Bokowski has another, more subtle objective, one which characterises the attitude of this cross-disciplinary gath ering. In manifesting abstract ideas as clay objects, his understanding of them deepens. "When a student handles a mathematical model made from clay, he or she has a different sense of it than when the model is made from plastic,"
Figure 5. A gooseneck solution of the complete graph with 1 2 vertices on a surface of genus 6 (see [3]).
an accident? Eventually I would re alise that both things were true, both and more. In fact truth was a foggy field in that ambiguous moment. Fluid and soft to chance, she entered my world through Kurt and was now seeping into places that none of us ex pected.
[4] Symmetry: Art and Science, The journal of ISIS-Symmetry, 2004/1-4, Eds. George Lugosi,
Denes Nagy (Chair Organizing
patrick.acu.edu.au), and Antal Vasarhelyi (exhibitions curator, Budapest), 6th Inter disciplinary Symmetry Congress and Exhi bition, Tihany, Hungary, October 22-29, 2004.
000 Figure 6. A projective image projected in a mirror.
return and in her haste there is an ac cident of speed, distance and timing. Instead of a chaste peck on the side of the mouth we meet too early. Our lips connect. The kiss is full and warm. I taste her softness and we hover there, as though it was just as ac ceptable for a salutation to be slow in stead of swift. Somehow neither of us seems surprised. Ifeel an edge of wet ness, a hint of the inside of her, and she responds with slight pressure, or am I imagining that? Van announces that he's found a chair for Joanna to sit on, and although I know she will turn to face him soon for another few seconds we linger there. The intimacy of it stops me. It replaces all the other thoughts I was having. A particle is susceptible to circum stance because of a strange charac teristic. It appears to have two differ ent identities. Sometimes it seems solid and knockable, the way a chair is, and we confidently call that a par ticle. At other times it refuses to be touched and instead spreads out like a field of ghosts, only half-existing, blurring into other versions of itself. This phantom is called a wave. We don't know why there are two differ ent forms. We don 't know why matter prefers to be ambiguous, lazily refus ing to exist properly, until the moment it is observed. Observation forces it to show itself. Later I will wonder whether Joanna kissed me deliberately. Was she tempting me or was that greeting
When the mist lifts the next day I'm ready to depart. I head back to Bu dapest, where heavy stone buildings are learning to live beside new weight less architecture. Since my conversa tions with ISIS-Symmetry people, I now see more connections between ideas and their physical manifesta tions. As I notice symmetrical images in Budapest's mosaics, I wonder if my own stories will start to mimic the structure of Bakowski's intercon nected, earthy shapes. Credits
Figures 2, 3, and 4 were photographed by George Lugosi, Melbourne, Aus tralia; fig. 5 by Norman Hahn, Wies baden, Germany; fig. 6 by J. Bokowski, Darmstadt, Germany. All pottery mod els can be viewed in Darmstadt, Ger many; just send an e-mail with your re quest for information to: juergen@ bokowski.de. A related movie can be viewed on request (computer graphics: Jiirgen Richter-Gebert; production: J. Bakowski and A. Eggert; video studio: J. M. Wills, University Siegen-1986).
Editor's note: But did you ever get up to see the baroque interior of that church? The author responds: Indeed I did: The decoration I found there was so overwhelming that I started to believe the theory that cold climates move peo ple to make their church interiors as bright as possible.
•• '
Box 1 30
1 20 21 Prague 2
Czech Republic e-mail:
[email protected]
Beth Cardier is an Australian writer REFERENCES
currently working as a media analyst
[ 1 ] J. Bakowski, Computational oriented ma
in the Czech Republic. She has pub
troids, Cambridge University Press, 2005. (2] J. Bakowski and A. Eggert, All realizations
lished short stories, articles, and re views. After winning the Eisner Prize
1 995,
of Mobius's torus with 7 vertices, Toutes les
for Uterature at UC Berkeley in
realisations du tore de Mobius avec sept
she decided to switch to a larger proj
Topologie Structurale-Struc
ect. She has since been working on
tural Topology, No. 1 7 (submitted 1 986, in
a novel that combines imagery from
press 1 99 1 ) , 59-78.
physics, romance, and religion. This
[3] J. Bakowski and A. Guedes de Oliveira, On
makes h er particularly happy to par
the generation of oriented matroids, Dis
ticipate in mathematical gatherings,
crete and Computational Geometry (2000)
as a literary observer.
24, 1 97-208.
© 2005 Spnnger Sc•ence+ Bus•ness Media, Inc., Volume 27, Number 3, 2005
David E . Rowe , Ed itor
Three High-Stakes Math Exams Tatyana Shaposhnikova
Send submissions to David E. Rowe, Fachbereich 1 7 - Mathematik, Johannes Gutenberg University, 055099 Mainz, Germany.
nder normal conditions the out come of a math exam-whether pass or fail-rarely makes a dramatic change in a person's life. However, there have been times, during wars or other political turmoil, when failing an exam might cost one dearly, or when passing might save one's life. The three stories told here involve people who were forced to answer a mathematical question under rather trying circum stances. Fortunately, all three of these high-stakes exams had a happy ending, even though the dangers at the time placed the examinees under the most intense pressure. The first story concerns Jacob David Tamarkin (1888-1945), a well-known specialist in function theory, functional analysis, and partial differential and in tegral equations. A St. Petersburg Uni versity graduate (1910), he got his Ph.D. in Mathematics in 1917 from the Petro grad University (St. Petersburg changed its name to the slavic-sounding Petro grad in 1914 at the beginning of World War I because of anti-German feelings.) The time following the October Revo lution of 1917 was anything but quiet, as the Civil War raged for the next four years (1918-1921). Political uncertainty and the shortage of food were among the main problems confronting Russia during this time. In the 1920s Tamarkin taught si multaneously at several Petrograd in stitutes, both out of enthusiasm and be cause this gave him an opportunity to earn more ration cards for his family. As a member of the Menshevik party before it was outlawed by the ruling Bolsheviks, he carried deep within him a fear that he would be arrested by the secret police. In 1922 authorities ex pelled from the country a group of about 80 prominent "undesirable" in tellectuals: economists, philosophers, and scientists. That same year his uni versity classmate, J. A. Shohat (18861944), left Russia for Poland, and in 1924 another friend and coauthor of
THE MATHEMATICAL INTELLIGENCER © 2005 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc.
Tamarkin's, A. S. Besicovitch (18911970), was denied permission by the Soviet authorities to accept a stipend from the Rockefeller Foundation to conduct research in Denmark in col laboration with Harald Bohr. With no hope for leaving the country legally, Tamarkin, together with Besi covitch, began to make plans for flight. They met in secluded places and dis cussed when, where, and how they should cross the border. Finally, they chose different directions--Tamarkin left for Latvia via Estonia, whereas Besi covitch escaped via Finland. After spending a year with H. Bohr, Besicov itch moved to England, where he worked for thirty years at Trinity College and was elected a Fellow of the Royal Soci ety. He made fundamental contributions to geometric measure theory, real and complex analysis, as well as to the the ory of sets of fractional dimension. Tamarkin decided to look for a po sition in the U.S.A. His problems began when he tried to slip over the border into Estonia. While crossing the Chud skoe Lake, v. �tich was frozen over, he was fired on by the border guards on the Russian side of the lake. After this harrowing experience and several days of travel, he arrived in the Latvian capital, Riga. At the U.S. Consulate, Tamarkin encountered his next prob lem. As E. Hille recounted, He tried to convince the American consul of his identity: the consul attempted to examine him in ana lytic geometry, but ran out of ques tions and gave up when Tamarkin threatened to take over the exami nation [H).
Once in the U.S.A., Tamarkin worked for almost twenty years at Brown University. He became one of the editors of Mathematical Reviews from its inception in 1940, was ap pointed a member of the Council of the American Mathematical Society in
1931 , and served as Vice President of the AMS in 1942-1943. The main character in our second story is the Russian physicist Igor Tamm (1895-1971). After graduating from the Moscow University in 1918 he began teaching physics and mathematics, first at Crimea University, and then at Odessa Polytechnic (today both insti tutions are in the Ukraine). By this time, the Russian Civil War had struck the southern part of the coun try. In Odessa the communist Reds took power in April 1919, but they soon lost it to the counter-revolutionary Whites, headed by A Denikin, one of the former Czar's generals. During this time the vil lages and regions neighboring Odessa changed hands frequently. Some were controlled by the anarchists, headed by Nestor Makhno, who fought first on the side of the Reds. However, the Bolshe viks could not tolerate the rival anar chists for long, and the Red Army at tacked Makhno's groups and completely defeated them by 1921. Each such change of power in Odessa and its sur roundings was accompanied by expro priation and plundering. The inhabitants suffered not only from political instabil ity, but also from famine and disease. It was amid this chaos and uncer tainty that I. Tamm experienced the following incident, as colorfully told by G. Gamow many years later: Once he arrived in a neighboring village, at the period when Odessa was occupied by the Reds, and was negotiating with a villager as to how many chickens he could getfor a half-dozen silver spoons, when the village was seized by one of the Makhrw bands, who were roaming the country harassing the Reds. Seeing his clothes (or what was left of them), the insurgents brought him to the Ataman, a bearded fellow in a tall black fur hat with machine-gun cartridge ribbons crossed on his broad chest and a couple of hand grenades on the belt. "You son-of-a-bitch, you Com munist agitator, undermining our Mother Ukraine! The punishment is death. "
''But no, " answered Tamm, ''I am a professor at the University of Odessa and have come here only to get some food. " ''Rubbish!" retorted the leader. "What kind of professor are you?" "I teach mathematics. " "Mathematics?" said the Ata man. ''All right! Then give me an estimate of the error one makes by cutting offMaclaurin 's series at the n-th term. Do this, and you will go free. Fail, and you will be shot!" Tamm could not believe his ears, since this problem belongs to a rather special branch ofhigher math ematics. With a shaking hand, and under the muzzle of the gun, he managed to work out the solution and handed it to the Ataman. "Correct!" said the Ataman. ''Now I see that you really are a pro fessor. Go home!" [ G]
A slightly different version of the same event is recounted by Tamm's daughter Irina [A]. She recalls that her father was captured by the Reds, not by a Makhno band, and was asked the same question about Maclaurin's se ries. After a night of efforts he gave an erroneous solution but was neverthe less released. Whether or not he actually "passed" this exam, Tamm began his illustrious career in theoretical physics after re turning to Moscow in 1922. Later he headed the theoretical division of the Physics Institute of the Academy of Sciences. After 1949 he and his pupil, A. Sakharov, were involved in the de sign of the first Soviet H-bomb. Tamm became a co-recipient of the Nobel Prize in 1958 for his interpretation of the Cherenkov effect. He demon strated that a charged particle passing through an insulator at a speed greater than that of light in the same medium must emit a special kind of electro magnetic radiation, as had been ob served by Cherenkov in 1934. The setting for our third case of high stakes mathematics is Italy during World War II, when the examinee was Gaetano Fichera (1922-1996). Having graduated from the University of Rome
J. B. Tamarkin
when he was nineteen, Fichera was ap pointed an assistant to his teacher, M. Picone. Later, he became known as one of the first to make use of func tional analytic methods in the theory of partial differential equations, as well as for his pioneering results on the Sig norini problem. Fichera left a rich legacy both in pure and applied math ematics, especially in the mathematical theory of elasticity; he became a mem ber of the Accademia dei Lincei and won the Feltrinelli Prize in 1996. In 1943 Fichera enlisted in the Ital ian army, but soon afterward the Ital ians signed an armistice with the Allies,
I. Tamm. Photograph by Luis W. Alvarez,
courtesy AlP Emilio Segre Visual Archives, Physics Today Collection.
© 2005 Spnnger Sc1ence+Business Med1a, Inc., Volume 27, Number 3, 2005
interrogation. They were brought to Verona, suffering humiliation and abuse along the way, but once there Fichera somehow managed to escape. While wandering in Romagna, he en countered a partisan group to whom he told his story, as related by 0. Ole'inik:
Gaetano Fichera
an action that was regarded by Ger many as a betrayal of the fascist al liance. The German army thus took many Italian soldiers by force, trans porting them to the northern part of the country and, later on, to prisoner-of war camps in Germany. Gaetano Fichera was among those captured, but, together with a small group of other soldiers, he escaped. They de cided to cross the mountainous area near Abbruzzi that separated the occu pied northern part of Italy from the south, which was controlled by Allied forces. Unfortunately, they were picked up by a German patrol and taken off straightaway to be executed. After two of the men had been shot and Fichera waited his turn as the fourth in line, another patrol suddenly appeared. Its commander stopped the executions and took the remaining prisoners in for
Here he was not accepted immedi ately, since the partisans wanted to test his bona fides. Gaetano told them he was an assistant professor at the University of Rome, but he could not prove tlw,t. In the group there was a student of mathemat ics from the University of Bologna, Angelo Pescarini, who was charged with the task of examining Fichera in mathematics. Pescarini asked him: "Can you give me a sufficient condition for interchanging limit and integration?" Gaetano an swered: "I can give you not only a sufficient, but also a necessary con dition and not onlyfor bounded but also for unbounded domains" [OJ
Fichera hardly needed to meditate before coming up with the answer. Shortly before he became a soldier he had finished an article based on his Mas ters Thesis, titled "On the passage to the limit under the integral sign" [F]. As he later would joke, "Good mathematics al ways has good applications, particularly when it comes to saving one's life."
[H] E. Hille, Jacob David Tamarkin-his life and work, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. , 52 (1 947), 440-457.
[0] 0. Olelnik, The life and scientific work of Gaetano Fichera, Rend. Suppl. Ace. Lincei ,
9 (1 997), 9-33.
Department of Mathematics Ohio State University
Columbus, OH 432 1 0- 1 1 7 4 USA and Department of Mathematics Unkoping University
Unkoping SE 581 83 Sweden e-mail:
[email protected] Tatyana Shaposhnikova holds pro fessorships both at the Ohio State University and at Unkoping University in Sweden. She works in function the ory and its application to partial differ
ential equations. With V. Maz'ya, she
[A] A. F. An dreev (Ed.), Kapitsa, Tamm, Semi onov in Reminiscences and Letters, (Russ ian), Vargius, 1 998. [F] G. Fichera, lntorno a/ passaggio a/ limite sotto i/ segno d'integrale, Portugalie Math. , 4 (1 943), 1 -20.
[G] G. Gamow, My World Line, The Viking Press, 1 970.
is the author of Theory of Multipliers
Spaces of Differentiable Functions (Pit man, 1 985) and of Jacques Hadam ard, a Universal Mathematician (AMS, 1 998). The latter book won the Verda guer Prize of the French Academia des Sciences.
Pros pects fo r a Ce ntra Th eo ry of Parti a D iffe re nti a Eq uati o n s
hree episodes in the history of equation-solving are finding zeros of polynomials, solution of ordinary differential equations, and solutions of partial differential equations. The first two episodes went through a number of phases before reaching a rather satisfactory state. That the third episode might develop similarly is the topic of this note. Roots of Polynomials
We speak of the "Newton vector field" having these tra
The quadratic formula for finding zeros of second-order
jectories. For a trajectory
polynomials has been known from antiquity. Cardan's for
mulae for finding zeros of third- and fourth-degree polyno
of p and
s E R,
if p ' (z(s))
=t- 0, then
{z(t) : t
mials were given long ago. Galois demonstrated the im
possibility of extending such formulae to higher-order
i s called a half-trajectory o f p. Denote b y M the union o f all
polynomials. Nevertheless, roots of polynomials eventually
half-trajectories of p.
became well understood. Key to this understanding is the matter of existence of zeros (fundamental theorem of al gebra) and the practical computation of them numerically.
A result from [ 12] illustrates a modem point of view on this subject: Assume
z : R�
is a non-constant complex polynomial. Call
C a trajectory of p if z is
continuous, has domain
all of R, and satisfies
Theorem 1 .
• •
Every member of C belongs to some trajectory of p. If z is a trajectory of p, then u lim1_.x z(t) exists and p(u) 0. Each component of the complement of M contains ex actly one zero of p. =
A plot of the Newton vector field for p visually picks out good approximations to roots of p since they are the points
p ' (z)
to which trajectories are converging. Once a point close to
© 2005 Spnnger Sc1ence+Bus1ness Media, Inc., Volume 27, Number 3, 2005
a zero is identified, ordinary Newton's method can be used to calculate that zero with great efficiency. Members of C which terminate half-trajectories are "hyperbolic points," that is, points to which at least two half-trajectories converge and from which at least two trajectories leave. These can also be identified visually from the Newton vector field plot for p.
Steepest descent for cfJ comes in two varieties: discrete and continuous. Discrete steepest descent consists of start ing with z0 E H and attempting to define z 1 , Zz, . . . induc tively so that k = 1, 2, . . .
where 8k > 0 is chosen optimally in some sense to minimize
Ordinary Differential Equations
Some centuries of effort were spent in fmding "closed form" solutions to systems of ordinary differential equa tions (ODE). Sophus Lie's quest was to find integrating fac tors for systems of ODE. Lie found many interesting things, but he didn't provide the start of a central point of view for ODE. That came with the arrival of existence and unique ness results. Such results give something about which to establish qualitative properties and for which to calculate numerical approximations. The following is a representa tive result: Assume c < d, W is an open subset of a Ba nach space X, and f is a C1 function from (c,d) X W to X. If (b,w) E (c,d) X W, then there is an open interval S con taining b on which there is a unique function u satisfying
k = 1 , 2, . . . .
A minimum u of ¢, in many cases a zero of ¢, is sought as
Continuous steepest descent for cfJ consists in attempting to locate a minimum or zero of cfJ as u = limOC z(t),
z(O) = z0 E H, z' (t) = - (V c/J)(z(t)),
Theorem 2.
u(b) = w, u ' (t) = f(t,u(t)),
t E S.
This result and its many generalizations give a point of departure for studying a vast variety of problems in ODE. Requirements for a Central Theory of PDE
What would make a theory of PDE a worthy companion to the above two developments? Such a theory would provide a general setting for the study of systems of PDE. It would provide a vocabulary for specifying supplementary condi tions under which a given system has one and only one so lution. Such a theory would have as an integral part a ba sis for computing approximations to solutions. This last requirement is essentially equivalent to asking for a con structive theory, an algorithmic theory. An attempt is made in what follows to describe a germ of such a theory.
t 2:
Now for a quick look at Sobolev spaces for those who might not make their living with these. A general reference for these spaces is [1]. Let's see how one of the simplest Sobolev spaces, H1·2([0, 1]), may be defmed. The elements of H1,2([0, 1]) are the set of all first terms of the closure Q in Lz([0,1])2 of (2)
For E Q, g is denoted by f' , thus extending the no tion of differentiability in a very convenient way for pur poses of differential equations (note that no two members of Q have the same first term). For f E H = H1·2([0, 1 ]),
Note that it is defined on the whole Hilbert space H. There fore, with K L ([0, 1]), the associated inner product is 2 =
J, h E H. First Some Basic Ingredients
The ideas of gradient, critical point, steepest descent, and Sobolev spaces are recalled here. To simplify the discus sion, only Hilbert spaces are considered-an unnecessary, but convenient restriction. Assume H is a Hilbert space over R and c/1 is a real-val 1 ued C function on H. The gradient of cfJ is the function V c/1 from H to H such that ( 1)
c/J' (u)h = (h, ('Vc/J)(u))H,
u, h E H.
Such a function V cfJ exists, because ¢' (u ), the Frechet de rivative at u E H, is a continuous linear real-valued func tion on H, that is, a member of the dual space of H, and so has a representation (1). A critical point of c/1 is a member u of H such that c/J' (u)h = 0
for all h E H,
or what is equivalent, V ¢(u) =
Since Q is a closed subspace of K2, there is an orthog onal projection P of K2 onto Q. To see an important prop erty of this projection, define a derivative operator D : H --'> K, Df = f', f E H.
To calculate the Hilbert space adjoint D* : K --'> H of D, sup pose g E K. Then (DJ,g)K = ( f',g)K =
(if). (�) if) (�)
= (
where 1T
if) (�) (�) .
)K2 = ( f,1TP
)K2 = (P
= r, (r, s E K). Hence, D*g = 1rP
f E H,
By contrast, if D is considered to be a closed densely defined linear transformation on K (with domain precisely those elements of K which are also in H), then
Dg, for all g E H with g(O) = 0
g(l ) ,
the conventional adjoint of the derivative operator (again having a dense, non-closed domain). It's (loosely speak ing) the same transformation: the derivative. Yet having two different norms on the domain makes it have two dif ferent adjoints. Being clear about such occurrences is helpful in dealing with Sobolev gradients (to be intro duced shortly). Let's do this more generally. Assume that each of L and K is a Hilbert space, and T is a closed, densely defined lin ear transformation from L to K. The "graph" of T is
Gr =
{( ;x) :
E the domain of T
L X K.
" T is closed" means that Gr is a closed subset of L X K, the Hilbert space which is the Cartesian product of L and K. (Anyone who thinks functions are sets of ordered pairs will want to say that Gr is T, but the terminology "graph of T" is very common.) Anyway, the domain of T is made into a Hilbert space H by defining the norm
l lxl lk = CllxiiL + II Txiiid � , x E D(T), the domain of T.
( (I + rtn- 1 T(I + TtT) - 1
rtu + rrtr 1 I - (I + TTt) - 1 ·
u E H.
So long as, for u E H, F'(u) has range dense in K, it fol lows that any critical point of cp is a zero of F, for
cp'(u)h = \F'(u)h, F(u))x,
u, h E H.
(5) is called a least-squares formulation of the problem of finding u E H so that F(u) = 0. Thus, PDE solving is, in a very large sense, a matter of critical-point-finding. In this note, "critical-point-find ing" and "variational method" are two ways of indicating the same things. Here are some results on critical points. Assume cp is bounded from below and V cp is locally lipschitzian. If x E H, there is a unique function z : [O,oo) � H such that
Theorem 3.
x, z'(t)
- (Vcp)(z(t)),
t ::::: 0.
r IICV ¢)(z)ll2 0
< 00•
If u is an w-limit point of a function z as in (6), then (Vcp)(u) 0 . Definition. The statement that a C1 function cp : H � R Theorem 4.
T1 denotes the adjoint of T as a closed, densely defined lin ear transformation on K into H. The reader may check that (4) is idempotent, symmetric, fixes each point of Gr and has range in Gr too. Thus (4) is convicted of being the claimed orthogonal projection. It is an exercise to use this formula to get a workable expression for the orthogonal projection P in the example in which K £2([0, 1]), H H1•2([0, 1]). To get more gen eral Sobolev spaces which are also Hilbert spaces, take K L2 (fl) for some region in a Euclidean space, H to be a lin ear subspace of members of K which have a certain num ber of appropriate partial derivatives; take Tfto be a list of these partial derivatives of f Then take llfi iH to be the "graph norm" off in the same manner as above. A gradient is called a Sobolev gradient if it is taken with respect to a Sobolev inner product. These orthogonal projections are fundamental to the construction of Sobolev gradients in both function space and corresponding finite-dimensional approximations. The self-dual nature of such spaces is systematically used de spite the emotional attachment of many to the idea that such self-duality is useless (or worse) in the study of dif ferential equations. A novella could be written on this topic. =
cp(u) = l iFCu)ll 2/2,
Thus D(T) with the norm II · IIH is isometric to Gr with the "graph norm" it has as a subspace of L X K. A formula of von Neumann, [19],[15] shows that the or thogonal projection of L X K onto Gr is (4)
Some Zero-Finding in Hilbert Space
The problem of solving a system of PDEs can often be re cast as the problem of finding a critical point of an appro priate real-valued function cp on some Hilbert space H. Many important systems arise naturally in this way. Con sider a system which doesn't arise this way. Express the system as the search for a zero of a function F : H � K, where K is a second Hilbert space, and assume F is C1 . Define
satisfies a gradient inequality (tojasiewicz inequality) on a region fl C H means that there are c > 0, (} E (0, 1) such that
(7) Theorem 5. Under the above conditions on ¢, if (7) holds and z satisfies
- (V cp)(z(t)), z(t) E fl,
t ::::: 0,
then u lim1 __, "' z(t) exists and (Vcp) (u) 0. In [7) it is shown that (7) holds in finite-dimensional cases in a neighborhood of a zero of cp provided cp is analytic. A =
direct generalization to infmite dimensions does not hold (take T E L(H, K) to be compact and self adjoint (H, K infi nite-dimensional Hilbert spaces), and define cp(x) = 11Txllkf2, x E H). In [16), this inequality was extended to some infi nite-dimensional cases to study asymptotic limits of solu tions to time-dependent PDE (see also [2),[5]). Theorem 8 gives a sufficient condition for a gradient inequality to hold. Theorem 6.
Assume that G is a C1 function on H and cp(x)
llx iiA-12 + G(x),
x E H.
© 2005 Spnnger Sc1ence+ Bus1ness Med1a, Inc , Volume 27, Number 3, 2005
Assume also that cf> is coercive (cf>(x) � oo as llx i!H � ooJ , and that V(G) is compact (if{xkll:= 1 is a bounded sequence in H, then { V G(xk))k= l has a convergent subsequence) and locally lipschitzian. If z : [O,oo) � H satisfies (6), then z has an w-limit point, and each such point is a zero of Vcf>. For the next theorem, suppose that K is a second Hilbert space, F : H � K is C1 ,
(9) and
x E H,
cf>(x) = HF(x) llk/2,
cf> has a locally lipschitzian derivative. Note that (Vcf>)(x)
( 1 0)
where for x E H, joint of F'(x). Theorem 7.
F'(x)* : K � H is the Hilbert-space ad
In addition to (9), assume that
I ICV c/>)(v) I !H 2: ciiF(v) iix,
( 1 1)
x E H,
(i.e. , cf> satisfies (7) with
t ) . If
E Br (x)
II F(x) llx s: rc, then there is u E Br(O) so that F(u) = 0.
In the case of Theorem 7, a sufficient condition for the gradient inequality (7) to hold on n is the following from [ 1 1 ]:
Assume that 0 c H, F : 0 � K is C1, and there are given M, b > 0 such that if g E K and x E !1, then there is h E H with llhi !H s: M and Theorem 8.
IICVcf>)(u) ll 2: ccf>(x) ' ,
x E O.
Thus a gradient inequality is implied by sufficiently good uniform approximation to members g of K by elements F'(u)h. The finding of solutions or approximate solutions h to linear equations of the form
F'(u)h = g, where u, g are given, is central to the main point of [9]. I am leading up to a recent result which captures much of the spirit of [9], and whose proof is very close to one for a slightly different result in [ 13]. But first some back ground. In addition to more conventional metrics, a gradient can be taken with respect to a Riemannian metric. Assume F is a C1 function from H to H, and cf>(u) = IIFCu)i ii£, u E H. F induces a Riemannian metric on H by means of, given
u E H, ( 13)
(x,y)u = (F'(u)x, F'(u)y)H,
y E H.
Assuming F' (u) is bounded below for all u E H, a gradient can, given u E H, be defined as gu such that
h E H.
cf>'(u)h = (F'(u)h, F(u) )H, Thus
(F'(u)h, F(u) )H = (F'(u)h, F'(u)gu)H,
h E H,
with gu as in (13), and so F' (u)gu = F(u ). This suggests that the Newton vector field for F belongs to the same family of gradients to which Sobolev gradients belong. With this motivation here are two more results to add to the above list. The first might be compared with Theo rem 7, and is a zero-finding result; the second is a version of the Nash-Moser inverse function theorem. See [ 13] for arguments. For these two results, assume that each of H, J, K is a Banach space. Assume also that H is compactly embedded in J, in the sense that if x 1 , x2 , . . . is a sequence in H whose terms are uniformly bounded in norm by M, then this sequence has a subsequence convergent in the J topology to an element of H which has H norm not ex ceeding M. For x E H and r > 0, Br,sCx) and br,H denote, respectively, the closed and open balls in H with center x and radius r. Theorem 9. Given x0 E H and r > 0, assume that F : Br,H(x0) � K is continuous in the J topology, and that if u E br,sCXo), then there is h E Br, sCO) such that
l. F(x)) tlim --->0 + t (F(x + th) -
Then there is u E Br,sCxo) such that F(u) = 0. Closer to Moser's main result in [9] is the following in verse function theorem:
(F'(x)h,g)x 2: b llgllx.
Then for c = 2- 2 b!M,
But also then,
Suppose M > 0 and g E K. Assume also that G : Br,sCO) � K, with G(O) = 0, is continuous in the J topology, and that ify E br,sCO) there is h E BM,sCO) such that
Corollary 1.
l tlim --->0 + t . (G(x + th) - G(x)) = g. Then
ifO s: t s: riM there is u E Br,sCO) such that G(u) tg. G(x) - g, x E BM,sCO), and apply The =
(Just take F(x) = orem 9).
Equation (6) is an ordinary differential equation in in finite dimensions. Solutions to (6) can be tracked nu merically to obtain approximations to solutions u to F(u) 0. This gives the prospect of a unified numerical approach to a very large collection of problems in PDE. For problems in the form (9), existence of a solution u to F(u) = 0 can be established if a gradient inequality can be shown to hold on a region containing a trajectory z of (6). Establishing a gradient inequality is equivalent, according to Theorem 8, to establishing the uniform boundedness of solutions to a certain collection of lin ear problems. =
Differential Equations: More Concrete Developments
A very simple example illustrates how to deal with equa tions for which no natural variational principle is in hand. Experience has shown that someone who codes success fully this example is prepared to code much more compli cated problems, problems of scientific interest. Example.
Let us call R11 + 1 under this inner product H11: a discrete ver 2 sion of H H1 above. A finite-dimensional version c/Jn of (14) is given by =
u in the Sobolev space H = H1•2 ([0, 1]) so
IID 1u - Doull�n/2,
u' - u = 0. Define 1
cp(u) = 2
1 1 (u' - u?,
u E H.
F(u) = u' - u, cp(u) = liFCu) lll/2,
((:} (: --u�)!KxK
() (
h u - u' (u)h - ( h' , P lK K, u' u x
and so
cp' (u)h = (h, 1rP u - u' lH , consequently
this is the ordinary gradient of cp11, that is to say, the list of relevant partial derivatives. Now for u E R" + I , cp� (u) is also a linear functional on H, that is, on R" + 1 under the norm ll · lls,n· Accordingly there is the function Vs,n c/Jn for which
c/J' n (u)h = (h, (Vs,n c/Jn)(u) /s,n = (Dh, D(Vs,n c/Jn) (u) )R2"
u' - u
(u u' ) -
u' - u
h, u E H;
u E H.
A finite-dimensional counterpart now follows. It is based on the same simple example, but the considerations gen eralize rather easily. Pick a positive integer n and divide the interval [0, 1] into n pieces of equal length. Take 8 = l_, and define D0, n D 1 : R''+ 1 � R" so that if u = (uo, u1, . . . , U11) E /?" + 1 then
( u1 +2 Uo , . . . ' Un +2Uu - 1 ) ' Un - Uu - 1 ) . (U D l u = 1 Uo
Dou =
' . . . '
Du =
Define a new inner product between elements u, v E R'' + 1:
(u,v/s,n =
and so
Denote by P the orthogonal projection of K X K onto Q in (2), and define 1r : K X K � K by = .f Then from (16)
(V cp) (u)
(D 1h - Do h, D 1 u - DoulR" (h, CD 1 - Do) l(DI - Do)u)R"+� ,
cp'(u)h = (h' - h, u' - u)K =
n E R + l.
u E H.
Note that for u, h E H
so that
Something that occurs for many systems of differential equations happens in this case: a zero of the correspond ing Sobolev gradient V cp is also a zero of cp. Here is a rep resentation of V cp in the present case. Define F : H � K = £2([0,1]) by
Note that for u, h E /?" + 1,
This relationship between ordinary numerical gradient and its Sobolev gradient counterpart is a general phenom enom. A numerical analyst recognizes this Sobolev gradi ent to be a preconditioned version of the ordinary one. In [4], [ 1 1 ] this statement is reinforced in detail to show that finite-dimensional Sobolev gradient theory gives an orga nized approach to preconditioning. This is a place to point out that if in (14) a gradient g in £2([0, 1]) were sought in order to represent cp', so that
(cp' (u))h = (h,g(u))£2([0, 1 ]), u, h E £2([0, 1]), the gradient g would be only densely defined on £2([0, 1]) and discontinuous everywhere it is defined. Such an object is not a promising one to approximate numerically. How ever, the ordinary gradient of c/Jn is just what one would try to use for such an approximation. Now it is legendary that such ordinary gradients, defined for problems in differen tial equations, perform very poorly numerically, the per formance degenerating dramatically as the number of mesh points increases. By contrast, the Sobolev gradient of cp is defined everywhere and is a differentiable function. The Sobolev gradient of c/Jn performs very nicely numerically: typically the number of iterations required does not depend on the number of mesh points chosen. This is an instance of this writer's First Law of Numerical Analysis:
Numerical difficulties and analytical difficulties always come in pairs. An orthogonal projection related to the above example is given by
(Du, Dv)R2n.
© 2005 Springer Sc1ence+Bus1ness Media, Inc., Volume 27, Number 3, 2005
It is the orthogonal projection of R2n onto the range of D. It is an exercise to reconcile this expression with (4). The above is an of indication how a variational princi ple can be established for many systems of differential equations. If a given system corresponds to the Euler Lagrange functional on a Sobolev space, there is another, di rect method available. Examples include energy functionals for Hamiltonians, elasticity, transonic flow, Ginzburg-Landau functionals for superconductivity, oil-water separation prob lems, minimal surfaces, Yang-Mills functionals. Generally, if an energy functional is available, it is better to look directly for critical points of the functional rather than forming a new functional based on the corresponding Euler-Lagrange equations (for one thing, those are of degree twice the maximum order of derivative appearing in the energy functional). For an illustration, assume n is a positive integer and 0 is a domain in R". Defme cf> by (17) for u E H, H being an appropriately chosen Sobolev space, so that G E C1 and V cf> is locally lipschitzian. Assume also that cf> is bounded below. Then for u, h E H, (18)
cf>'(u)h = J ((Vh,Vu)Rn + G'(u)h) fl
( )(
h (VG)(u) =< )HxK, Vh ' Vu
K being an appropriate L 2 space. Denoting by P the or thogonal projection of H X K onto
one has
(h, 1TP
(Vcf>)(u) = 1rP =
( (V��u) ) .n(u - (VG)(u) )
p(C��(u)). Thus
u E H.
On bounded regions with a smooth boundary the transfor mation
.n u - (VG)(u)
1T r
(where = f) may be seen, by examining the relevant projection P, to be compact. Furthermore, u is a critical point of cf> if and only if (20)
(Vcf>)(u) = 0.
cf>(uk) = inf cf>(u), klim uEH ->"'
then attempting to extract a convergent subsequence of this sequence whose limit is a minimum of cf> and consequently a solution to the corresponding Euler-Lagrange equations. Continuous steepest descent (6) provides a constructive al ternative, so it is not surprising that its finite-dimensional versions yield viable numerical methods. Numerical considerations for directly computing critical points of energy functionals such as (17) are quite similar to those for (9). Sometimes for an energy functional it is helpful to define a second function J: J(u) = IICV 4>)(u)ff7I,
and then use VJ in place of V cf> in (6). This is used when there are saddle points for cf> for which numerical compu tations are unstable. Critical points of cf> become local min ima of J. An alternative point of view is found in [ 10], which gives a way to constrain trajectories in seeking a critical point numerically. Boundary Conditions
( (V��u) ))H,
where 1T picks out the first component of for a Sobolev gradient of c/>,
The Sobolev gradient equation (20) is a substitute for the corresponding Euler-Lagrange equations together with any "natural" boundary conditions arising from the required in tegration by parts used in obtaining these equations from cf>. The functional (17) contains only first derivatives, but the corresponding Euler-Lagrange equations require sec ond derivatives. Use of equation (20) avoids the old prob lem, already noted by Hilbert, of introducing more deriva tives than the basic problem presupposes. The Sobolev gradient is a continuous function whose ze ros are critical points of cf> which may be sought by means of limits at infinity of a solution z to (6). Contrast this with the usual nonconstructive (cf. [3] , [ 18]) approach to dealing with (17): defming a minimizing sequence (uklk'= 1 , that is,
So far little has been said about how these ideas relate to boundary conditions. Following are two rather distinct de velopments on this topic, both of which contain a guide to numerics. Traditionally, the role of boundary conditions in con nection with partial differential equations is to give condi tions on boundary values under which a given system has a unique solution. It should be recognized that specifying conditions on a boundary of a region (on which solutions are to be found) is often not known to be adequate for mak ing the solution unique. Consider for example a Tricomi equation [8] , a version of which is the following: Find u on 0 = [0, 1] x [ - 1, 1 ] so that (2 1)
u1 , 1 (x,y) + yu2,2 (x,y) = 0,
(x,y) E 0.
It is my understanding that, after decades of consideration, it is still not known what boundary conditions might be placed on a prospective solution u to (21) in order that there be one and only one solution. A main problem with (21) is that it is elliptic above the real line and hyperbolic
below. For elliptic, parabolic, or hyperbolic problems, ideas about boundary conditions are quite well understood. But many systems defy such categorization. The first of my two comments on the "supplementary condition" problem deals with problems in the form (9) but applies equally to those in the form (17). Assume each of H, K, S is a Hilbert space, F is a C1 func tion from H to K, and B is a C1 function from H to S. Typical problem.
Find u E H so that
B(u) = 0.
Think of the first equation in (22) as specifying a system of differential equations and the second equation as supply ing supplementary conditions. Thus if we had the simple example above but with the condition u(O) = 1 imposed on a solution u, we would de fine
F(u) = u' - u, B(u) = u(O) - 1 ,
u E H1 •2 ([0, 1]).
In the general case, take
v E H,
z(O) = x E H, z ' (t) = - ('V
and consequently u is a critical point of ¢. Call w, y E H equivalent provided there is u E H such that if x is either of w and y, and z satisfies (25), then (26) holds. This notion of equivalence gives a foliation of H, two members of H being in the same leaf of the foliation if and only if they are equivalent. This leads to a setting in which each leaf of the foliation contains precisely one critical point of ¢. An analytical, topological, or algebraic (prefer ably all three) understanding of this foliation tags in a po tentially useful way each critical point of
v E H.
Suppose x E H and B(x) = 0, and assume that both PB and F'(·)*F(·) are C1 . Then there is z : [O,oo) � H so that if
t 2: 0,
B(z)' (t) = B'(z(t))z' (t)
-B' (z(t))('ilBcfJ)(z(t)) = 0, t 2: 0,
x E H.
II Tx llk/2,
For each v E H, define PB(v) to be the orthogonal projec tion of H onto HB Then
z(O) = x E H, = z ' (t) ('ilB cfJ)(z(t)),
u = lim00 z(t) exists,
Assume also that for each such x E H the corresponding solution z to (25) satisfies
and for each v E H, define
HB, v = {h E H : B'(v)h = O J.
Thus continuous steepest descent with this Sobolev gradi ant, starting at x, preserves the supplementary condition satisified by the initial condition, i.e.,
B(z(t)) = B(x) = 0, t 2: 0, and so B(u) = 0 if u = limt---.ocZ(t). Here is a second rather general suggestion about the "supplementary condition" problem. I make no attempt for maximum generality; more on this issue can be found in [ 1 1 ] and references therein. Assume H is a Hilbert space,
x E H.
Pick x E H and consider z satisfying (25) . Note that not only does u = lim z(t) exist, but u is the nearest zero of T to the initial v�u� x. An understanding of the resulting fo liation would give a hold on the set of all solutions to (2 1). Numerical Approximations
Quite a number of numerical implementations have been worked out for Sobolev gradients. The Ginzburg-Landau de velopment for superconductivity is chosen as a represen tative application. Work described is that of the present au thor and his long-time collaborator R. J. Renka (see [ 14] and references therein). The Ginzburg-Landau functional
Jn ( 11Vu - iuAII2
II'V X A - Hol l2 +
�2 clul2 - 1)2}
(u,A) E H,
where H0 is a given C1 function on D. The complex-valued function u is an "order parameter," meaning here that lul2 indicates density of superconducting electrons. The func tion 'il X A is an induced magnetic field, and Ho an imposed magnetic field.
© 2005 Springer Science +Business Media, Inc., Volume 27, Number 3, 2005
Fig. 1. Magnetic field on a "squid" with smaller ''flippers."
A Sobolev gradient for ¢ is constructed along the lines of the simple example. The figures give some representa tive results. In each of these figures, the magnitude of the magnetic field V X A corresponding to a critical point of (27) is depicted. In Figure 1 , the "flippers" of the squid-like hole are shorter than corresponding flippers in Figure 2. In
Fig. 2. Magnetic field on a "squid" with longer "flippers."
Figure 1, there is a "free" vortex, one not pinned by a given structure, whereas in Figure 2 there is no such free vortex. These illustrations show how small changes in a super conducting device may lead to substantially different crit ical points. The models, from a code by Robert Renka, were obtained by Barbara Neuberger as part of a program seek-
ing to aid design of superconductors by means of simula tions. For purposes of superconducting electronics, one wants to understand how to place holes or moats that will attract vortices in order to leave substantial parts of the de vice free of vortices, places in which it is attractive to put superconducting circuits. A recent reference for this pro gram is [ 14]. Other applications are [17], [ 1 1 ] and references therein. These other applications include transonic flow problems and elasticity problems as well as a variety of Ginzburg-Landau type problems. Yang-Mills [6] functionals are very close in structure to those of the Ginzburg-Landau functional of superconductivity. It is an interesting research problem to code the Yang-Mills functionals using Sobolev gradients. A principal interest of this writer in these applications of Sobolev gradients is that they look like developments moving in the direction of a central theory of partial dif ferential equations. Sobolev gradients have worked in all known instances in which they have been seriously tried.
Department of Mathematics University of North Texas Denton, TX 76203-1 430 USA
[email protected] John W. Neuberger did his doctoral work at the University of
S. Wall . In addition to differ
Texas under the direction of H.
The sketch I have given above seeks to place a broad part of PDE into a variational setting, a setting that includes both numerical and theoretical considerations. A key ele ment is the systematic use of self-duality of the Sobolev spaces involved. It is briefly indicated how a wide variety of boundary conditions (more accurately, supplementary conditions) may be dealt with in a systematic way.
ential equations and numerical analysis, his interests include nonlinear semigroups, quasi-analyticity, superconductivity, and algebraic geometry. He has supervised twenty-seven PhD students. Ever since graduate school he has been active in
consulting. He is now Regents Professor at the University of North Texas. He rides his various bicycles about 8000 kilo
meters a year.
[ 1 ] R. A Adams, Sobolev Spaces, Academic Press, 1 978.
[2] R . Chill and M . A Jendoubi, Convergence to steady states in asymptotically autonomous semilinear evolution equations, Non linear Analysis 53 (2003), 1 01 7-1 039. [3] L. C. Evans, Weak Convergence Methods for Nonlinear Partial Dif ferential Equations, CBMS Reg. Cont. Ser., Amer. Math. Soc. 1 990. [4] Farago , 1 . , Karatson, J . , Numerical solution of nonlinear elliptic problems via preconditioning operators: Theory and applications. Advances in Computation, Volume 1 1 , NOVA Science Publishers, New York, 2002. [5] S.-Z. Huang and P. Takac, Convergence in gradient-like systems which are asymptotically autonomous and analytic, Nonlinear Anal. 46 (200 1 ) , 675-698. [6] A Jaffe and C. Taubes, Vortices and Monopoles. Structure of Sta tic Gauge Theories, Progress in Physics 2 , 1 980.
[7] S. t.ojasiewicz, Une propriete topologique des sous-ensembles an alytiques res, Colloques internationaux du C.N.R.S.: Les equations aux derivees partielles, Editions du C.N.R.S., Paris (1 963), 87-89. [8] D. Lupo and K. R. Payne, On the maxim um principle for general ized solutions to the Tricomi problem, Commun. Contemp. Math. 2 (2000), 535-557. [9] J . Moser, A Rapidly Convergent Iteration Method and Non-Linear Differential Equations, Ann. Scuola Normal Sup. Pisa, 20 (1 966), 265-31 5. [ 1 0] John M . Neuberger, A numerical method for finding sign chang-
ing solutions of superlinear Dirichlet problems, Nonlinear World 4 (1 997), 73-83. [1 1 ] J. W. Neuberger, Sobolev Gradients and Differential Equations, Springer Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1 670, 1 997. [ 1 2] J . W. Neuberger, Continuous Newton's Method for Polynomials, Mathematical lntelligencer, 21 (1 999), 1 8-23. [1 3] J. W. Neuberger, A near minimal hypothesis Nash-Moser Theo rem, Int. J. Pure. Appl. Math. 4 (2003), 269-280. [1 4] J. W. Neuberger and R. J. Renka, Numerical determination of vor tices in superconductors: simulation of cooling, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 1 6 (2003), 1 -4. [1 5] B. Sz-Nagy and F. Riesz, Functional Analysis, Ungar, 1 955. [1 6] L. Simon, Asymptotics for a class of non-linear evolution equations with applications to geometric problems, Ann. Math. 1 1 8 (1 983), 525-571 . [1 7] S. Sial, J. Neuberger, T. Lookman, A Saxena, Energy minimiza tion using Sobolev gradients: applications to phase separation and ordering. J. Comp. Physics 1 89 (2003), 88-97. [1 8] M. Struwe, Variational Methods, Ergebnisse Mathematik u. Grenzgebiete, Springer, 1 996. [1 9] J . von Neumann, Functional Operators II, Annals. Math. Stud. 22, (1 940). [20] E. Zeidler, Nonlinear Functional Analysis and its Applications Ill, Springer-Verlag, 1 985.
© 2005 Springer Science+ Business Media, Inc., Volume 27, Number 3, 2005
1$ffij.t§j.fh1¥11=tfii§4£11.1..t§!'d 1
Weirdoes by Michael Kleber
Four answers in this puzzle are weirdoes;
5 14
20 24
their clues appear below
Michael Kleber and Ravi Vakil, Editors
15 18 21
in italics. Eight answers
are unclued; each of
these somehow colludes
with another to form
one of the weirdoes. Solvers will need to
discover what 's odd (and what 's not) about
the weirdoes and method of collusion to
finish the puzzle.
Triangle man
Used to hold feathers Tear
15 Pen 16 Leave to reader 17 It comes between a lady and her protest
18 Singularity Hawking bet against
19 ( SEE INSTRUCTIONS ) 20 Herded fish? 22 Craze 24 Most coquettish 29 Emblem (or - oo , if approached right)
31 33 35 37
Unaided Cash recipient Man or Wright Proboscis
Down 38 39 40 41
Change phase on a plane
58 61
Across 1 7 10 13 14
59 62
[The solution will appear in the next issue, volume 27, no. 4.]
That woman
1 Mathematician's output
Parts Cut out, roughly Bond - an attractive one
42 It's less lovely than a tree
44 Eject 45 Mathematician's input 47 Opposite of 58D
Mathematician's output 53 ( SEE INSTRUCTIONS )
54 U.S. chip, in U.K. 55 Thompson or Bovary 57 What you're lousy with 59 Heads in a rows 60 Acknowledge 61 Help! 62 So far 63 ( SEE INSTRUCTIONS ) 64 Rue
THE MATHEMATICAL INTELLIGENCER © 2005 Spnnger Sc1ence+ Bus1ness Media, Inc.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 21 23
Goal Observed
Integrates, discretely Beast Rex Decimate religiously Sound bounce Janet or Nevada Movie shot Like wine and cheese
28 30 32 34 36 37 43 46 47 48 49
Between prime and sext Nobel city Minima Urge Lecherous look
Nikita, for one Composure
P V --,p What some can't take
650 nanometers
50 Australia's national
Dynkin diagram of
51 Try again 52 Over-gratify 53 ( SEE INSTRUCTIONS )
24 Female combinatorist? 25 Some nerve 26 Gulliver's-bane.com? 27 Type of type
54 Tear 56 Russian high-altitude outpost
58 Opposite of 47A
The Honors Class: Hilbert's Problems and Their Solvers by Benjamin H. Yandell NATICK, MA. A K PETERS 2002 x + 486 PAGES. US $39.00. ISBN 1 -5688 1 - 1 4 1 - 1 ; PAPERBACK U S $19.95. ISBN 1 -46881 -2 1 6-7
Feel like writing a review for The Mathematical Intelligencer? You are welcome to submit an unsolicited review of a book of your choice; or, if you would welcome being assigned a book to review, please write us, telling us your expertise and your predilections.
Column Editor: Osmo Pekonen, Agora Center, University of Jyvaskyla, Jyvaskyla, 40351 Finland e-mail:
[email protected]
A report on the current state of a Mllilbert problem is always of in
terest to mathematicians. Everyone who cares about mathematics knows of that famous list of 23 problems pre sented by David Hilbert at the second International Congress of Mathemati cians (ICM) held in Paris in 1900. In a way that list laid out an agenda for the mathematical community for the twen tieth century. Hilbert presented only ten of the problems at the Congress; the others appeared in reports published later. It is a tribute to Hilbert's standing in the field-he was only 38 years old at the time-and his prescience, that the list became such a motivating force in mathematics over the next 100 years. It was Hermann Weyl who wrote that, by solving one of Hilbert's problems, a mathematician "passed on to the hon ors class of the mathematical commu nity." This provided the title for the present book, which surveys the state of the problems at the time of publica tion, 2002. The Honors Class is a brilliant piece of work, surely destined to become a classic. There have been other surveys that attempted to inform the reader with technical knowledge of mathe matics about the current state of each problem. P. S. Aleksandrov edited a collection of essays on the problems that was translated from Russian into German in 1971 [ 1 ] , and in May 1974 a conference devoted to the Hilbert problems was held at Northern Illinois University, with the resulting proceed-
ings appearing in 1976 [2]. Later a par tial manuscript of a survey by Irving Kaplansky circulated, but it seems it was never published. A brief history of the problems by lvor Grattan-Guinness was published in 2000 [4], and in the same year Jeremy Gray's The Hilbert Challenge (5] appeared. All of these are most easily read by those with some prior knowledge of the mathematics involved. Prior to Yandell's book there has not been a detailed survey appro priate for students or a wide general audience. Although it would have been rewarding to see a completed work by Kaplansky, with his insights into the value of the problems and their solu tions, we can take comfort in the fact that Yandell's survey is truly breath taking in its scope and readability. Writing a book of any sort on twen tieth-century developments in mathe matics is a daunting task. That it can be done at all is amazing. To see it done so well gives this reviewer great plea sure. Yandell was well aware of the dif ficulties, and he has presented a book that is er\ioyable at several levels. In it he provides a setting for each of the problems by explaining with extraor dinary clarity and elegance what the problem is about. Then he gives some details on the place the problem has in mathematics and the solution (where there is one); finally, he gives bio graphical information about the prin cipal contributors. Of course, the gen eral reader will fmd the material in the middle part of that list the most diffi cult to read, even though for the most part an undergraduate majoring in mathematics should have little diffi culty getting the gist of it. As in so many other parts of the book, though, the au thor gives some charming advice: "My mathematical readers will know how to read this book. they will read it the way they read mathematics books. If they don't understand something (a state they are used to), they will keep reading in the hope that they will un derstand the next thing. They will skip
© 2005 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc., Volume 27, Number 3, 2005
sections that don't interest them. So this is to my nonmathematical readers. If you are reading for the story, keep reading if you don't understand some thing. Skip a bit if you want-the bio graphical narrative will pick up again. Pretend you are reading Moby Dick and you've come to another section on whaling." The author spent almost ten years writing this book. I am not at all sur prised; it has been meticulously re searched. The author, with only a bachelor's degree in mathematics from Stanford University, has an impressive grasp of the mathematical background and the ability to state the problems in terms that persuade the reader that it is possible to have, at least at some level, an idea of what they are about. Because the problems cover such a wide range of mathematics, this would not be an easy task even for a research mathematician of considerable breadth of experience. There is the occasional slip that a knowledgeable reader can fix up and a student or general reader probably won't worry about. Yandell succeeds by having read just about everything on the problems that he could lay his hands on and then aug menting his reading with many per sonal interviews. The conversations he had with the major players or members of their families provide fresh new ma terial that probably does not appear anywhere else. Hilbert ordered his 23 problems roughly by sub-discipline, and Yandell generally follows the same plan. How ever, because some of the problems seemed to lie within one field in Hilbert's time but then had solutions deriving from other fields, the order in the book does not agree completely with Hilbert's. For example, the first two on Hilbert's list were on the cardi nal number of the continuum and on the compatibility of the arithmetical axioms, both clearly falling within the area of logic and foundations. But Yan dell discusses these two with the tenth problem (the determination of the solv ability of a Diophantine equation). The tenth is, at first glance, a number the ory problem, but the solution followed work of Martin Davis, Hilary Putnam, Julia Robinson, and Yuri Matiyasevich,
all of whom applied methods from foundations, with the exception of some insights from number theory provided by Robinson. Yandell there fore places it in the section titled "The Foundation Problems." Other cate gories are "The Foundations of Spe cific Areas," "Number Theory," "Alge bra and Geometry: A Miscellany," and "The Analysis Problems." The book opens with a quick outline of the significance of Gottingen in mathematics in 1900 and the impor tance of Hilbert in establishing Gottin gen's preeminent position. Or, as the author puts it, "To understand some thing of Hilbert's problems and their solvers we must start with the 'origin of the coordinates,' as Gottingen math ematicians jokingly called a point on the town square from which four churches could be seen. That origin is David Hilbert and Gottingen." This 16page survey is fascinating by itself, re lying as it does on Constance Reid's tireless research for her biography of Hilbert. The cast of characters repre sents much of late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century mathematics. This was Gottingen in its heyday. We are told that the motto on the Rathaus in Gottingen reads: "Away from Got tingen there is no life." In this introductory material we are treated to the first of many little stories about mathematicians. Here's one. "Once when Klein had filled an entire blackboard with numbers about Ger man middle schools, Minkowski said, " 'Doesn't it seem to you, Herr Geheim rat, that there is an unusually high pro portion of primes among those fig ures?' " Later there are many stories about Carl Ludwig Siegel, who appar ently had an unusual sense of humor. He "would make dinner plans with someone new to Gottingen and say, 'Meet me at the restaurant near the palm trees.' " Siegel knew full well there were no palm trees in Gottingen. Siegel once "took an empty baby car riage up to the top of a steep hill and pushed it down, to see what people would do." But Yandell warns us that much of what we know about Siegel is from stories told about him or that he told himself. The stories "were not written down when they were told, and
those who heard them are now either old or dead, heard them third- or fourth-hand, or heard them from Siegel when he was fairly old." Are they all true? Who can tell? To extract only parts from the math ematical sections would produce gib berish. I shall concentrate here on the more historical and biographical sec tions, which are the strongest aspect of the book. The first section, on foundations, gives an extraordinary survey of the contributions of Georg Cantor, Kurt Godel, Emil Post, and Paul Cohen, among others. Unfortunately, with the first three of these one detects a pat tern of mental instability, perhaps re lated to their obsessive pursuit of very deep and difficult problems. About Cantor, we read of his various hospi talizations, and Yandell notes that "Cantor blamed the strain of his math ematical work and took up other in terests, becoming more passionate in his study of the Scriptures and inter ested in different spiritual paths: freemasonry, theosophy, and Rosicru cianism. He also became intent on proving that Bacon was the real author of Shakespeare's works . . . none of these changes helped in the long run." Of Godel: "His depressions grew . . . [he] became more afraid of food poi soning than ever and didn't eat. . . . The death certificate listed the cause of death as 'malnutrition and inanition' caused by 'personality disturbance.' Wang heard that Godel weighed sixty five pounds at the end." And of Post: "He adopted the strategy of always working on two problems at the same time to keep himself from becoming overexcited. He would work on one for two weeks and then no matter how promising the work was, would switch to the other. . . . Post suffered his final breakdown in 1954 . . . and died of a heart attack shortly after an adminis tration of electroshock therapy at the age of fifty-seven." John Nash did not suffer alone. Perhaps mathematicians often appear eccentric-some even cultivate this image-but Yandell is quick to point out that "if we looked at the rate of occurrence of severe mental illness in mathematicians (as in the case of Nash), I suspect that it wouldn't
appear much different from that of the general population." Most of the stories are lighter. Who would have thought that GOdel, who wore those round eyeglasses worn more recently only by the late architect Philip Johnson, and who looked, to put it bluntly, strange and rather scary, was fond of the films of Walt Disney? Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was his favorite. And he liked American show tunes and operettas. (By contrast, his close friend Einstein, predictably, liked classical music.) There are often refer ences or themes that run through var ious sections of the book; "Snow White" is one of them. A few pages on, in the section on Paul Cohen, we read that the "question of the continuum hy pothesis lay like Snow White where Godel left it, in the middle years of the Second World War." And yet later the author says of Alan Turing, who reput edly killed himself by eating an apple poisoned with cyanide in 1954: "Like Godel, [Turing] had been fascinated by Disney's 'Snow White' and, sadly, as early as 1937 had talked of suicide in volving a poison apple." Ernst Straus called Godel "by far Einstein's best friend." But the last time Straus saw Einstein, in 1953, Ein stein said of Godel, "You know, GOdel has really gone completely crazy." So Straus said, "Well, what worse could he have done?" Einstein answered, "He voted for Eisenhower." Einstein had, of course, voted for Adlai Stevenson. Godel's wife, Adele, who had been a dancer in a Vienna nightclub before mar rying Godel, also liked Ike but was re ally an admirer of Douglas MacArthur. The story of another logician, Jean van Heijenoort, is told at some length in Anita Feferman's biography [3] , but it is also told here quite succinctly-his contributions to logic, his having been a bodyguard for Leon Trotsky, and his having been at one time Frida Kahlo's lover. Yandell also tells of van Hei jenoort's death: " [he] was murdered by his [former] wife . . . in Mexico City in 1986--three bullets in the head as he slept." The mathematical world is full of drama. One of the most touching sections of the book is that on Hilbert's third problem, whether the Bolyai-Gerwin
G l oba l Pra i se for AK
-fhe Honors Class r 1rlbert's Froblems and Their Solvers
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"Felicitations a !'auteur pour avoir reuni dans un texte tres agreable a lire une telle
masse d'inforrnations interessantes, souvent peu connues et difficiles a trouver". Armand Borel
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St:l£r<'lfrreoinni r b6kinni er lyst mea nakvremni og refiagripin
eru mjt}g ftarleg og frlx'lleg".
Sigurdur Helgason - MIT, Cambridge, MA
... 1?1JM' ,;'I 1�':0 'l!l::l l1::l1:>;"1 m� ,.01,) 'lin �7 '1M"1 1!)0 K1:1 "The Honors Class" .C'l11V l'lll 'l.l1nnl.l C'!Vllt '"ll :'lltl.,::l M"1Pl 1:::11, 7:>
,Wit '1:::1,_:::1, ,!lC ::ln:> In;"!
Philip J. Davis Brown University, Providence, RI -
"I predict your book will be a great success; the historical comments are fascinating". Peter Lax - CIMS, New York, NY
·KHMra HanMCaHa 0\leHb lKHBO M �MTaeTes� c yBI1e'feHMeM. 0Ha noMolKeT MHOfMM nOHATb, "f'TO T8K08 38HATMA M8T8M8TMKOM, K8K M8T8M8TMKM lKMBYT, M KaK H8 HMX BnMAeT MX npocpeccMA." Yurl Manin - Max-Planck lnstitut fur Mathematik, Bonn, Germany
,[Yandell] liefert im ausfiihrlichen intellektuellen wie politischeu und
personlichen Portriit des grolkn so\\jetischen Mathematikers Andreij Nikolajewitsch Kolmogorov ... ein dichtes, gelungeues Zeit· und Denkbild, das seinem Buch einen angenehm unpomposen, iiberzeugenden SchluBakkord beschcrt". Dietmar Dath
FAZ, Germany
tJ1� t:1 �;Yii�?tr!�c�=+i!t*c:'fJJ��r&�rp�MlR����. tffiJ%���$�1iWW�IJ�. �M�Jt.����tcr:�zJfH�tcr:�to/1 Yum-Tong Siu - Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
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·•saunders :Mac Lan� is an immense presence in modern mathematics.
One of the last Americans to be educated in G1ittingen prior to the Nazi era, Mac Lane was ideally and propitiously situated to become a leader in modem algebra and modem algebraic topology. His influ
ence on our subject has been powerful and widespread. This chronicle
of an influential and important life." Steven G. Krantz,
Washington University in St. Louts
In Memoriam
1909 . 2005
© 2005 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc., Volume 27, Number 3, 2005
theorem on equidecomposability can be extended to three-dimensional fig ures. It was solved shortly after the Paris Congress by Max Dehn. The problem was, perhaps, one of the "eas iest" posed by Hilbert, but that does not detract from Dehn's overall standing as a mathematician, as Yandell points out. Andre Weil, who was not given to overly generous appraisals of his con temporaries, said of Dehn, "I have met two men in my life who make me think of Socrates: Max Dehn and Brice Parain [a French philosopher] . . . . [Dehn] left behind a body of work of very high quality." The story of Dehn is a fascinating one. When it became nec essary for him and his wife to leave Germany in 1940 they took roughly the same route that Godel and his wife had taken, across Russia and Manchuria via the Trans-Siberian Railway, thence to Japan, and on to San Francisco. But where Godel proceeded on to Princeton, Dehn was able to find a job only at the University of Idaho in Pocatello-now Idaho State University. (Yandell does not make it clear that this was not even the principal campus, which is in Moscow, Idaho, but the Southern Branch of the University, located in a fairly remote and small town in south eastern Idaho.) Dehn, a distinguished German professor who had solved one of Hilbert's famous problems, must have appeared rather an exotic crea ture in Pocatello, known then as now mainly as a section point on the Union Pacific Railroad. Dehn went on to teach at the Illinois Institute of Technology, St. John's Col lege in Annapolis (where he had to teach Homer's Odyssey in one week, in English), and eventually to Black Mountain College in North Carolina, where there were few students, almost none interested in mathematics. Still, he lived almost all of the rest of his life at Black Mountain (it eventually went out of business), and there he and his wife spent happy years in part because of the distinction of others on the fac ulty: poets Robert Greeley, Robert Dun can, Denise Levertov; painters Willem de Kooning, Franz Kline, Robert Moth erwell, Josef Albers, Robert Rauschen berg; composer John Cage; dancer Merce Cunningham; and filmmaker
Arthur Penn. One of Dehn's friends was Buckminster Fuller, who built an early geodesic dome on the campus, but "it collapsed and was renamed the 'supine dome.' " Dehn is buried in the woods on what was once the campus.
H i l bert ' s p roblems .
came 1 n vanous forms . For this reason it is not clear j ust how many have been "solved . " So, although the mathematical life there was not that of Gottingen or Berlin, for Dehn and his wife, Black Mountain turned out to be a good in troduction to some of the best of Amer ican culture in the postwar years. Before moving on to the next set of problems I should explain that Hilbert's problems came in various forms. For this reason it is not clear just how many have been "solved." Yandell says it best: Hilbert's problems have the charac teristics of any good founding doc ument. Each one is a short essay on its subject, not overly specific, and yet Hilbert makes his intent re markably clear. He leaves room for change and adjustment. Hilbert's goal was to foster the pursuit of mathematics. He helps us fmd the vital center of each problem by us ing italics-often in more than one place. So the question of how many of the problems have been solved becomes part of a more ambiguous question: How many have been posed? Sometimes Hilbert suggests a plan for investigation of an area. Or he may be pursuing an intuitive feeling, and the problem can be paraphrased: Why don't you look in that direction? However, most of his problems have been identified-in something approaching a consen sus-with a single, clearly stated
mathematical question. That con sensus, when it exists, is what I have taken to be the problem. The fourth problem, on alternative geometries resulting from weakened axioms, was rather vaguely presented, and it wasn't entirely clear what con stituted a solution. But you can read of the contributions of Georg Hamel, Her bert Busemann, and A. V. Pogorelov. The fifth problem, on Lie groups, is technical and difficult to describe, and it was solved in two stages, the first by Andrew M. Gleason, the second by Deane Montgomery and Leo Zippin. The biographical material on all three is rich in detail and tells a fine story. Yandell cannot refrain from looking at patterns. He points out how much good mathematics seems to be done while mathematicians are out on long walks: Hilbert, Hurwitz, and Minkowski, Ein stein and GOdel, Ulam and Erdos, and Montgomery and Zippin. Also in the context of the fifth problem, he ob serves that Hilary Putnam made major contributions to the tenth problem without having a degree in mathemat ics, and Gleason at Harvard became the Hollis Professor of Mathematicks and Natural Philosophy (a chair en dowed in 1 727) yet "never received a single graduate credit toward a Ph.D., much less the degree." Of course, Glea son shared the distinction of not hav ing a doctorate with another eminent Harvard mathematics professor, Gar rett Birkhoff. Being on the faculty with out a Ph.D. was possible for Junior Fel lows at Harvard in those days. We also learn that when Gleason took the Put nam Competition at Yale, he was un happy because he had been able to do only thirteen of the fifteen problems. "It was probably the first time he could n't solve all the problems on a mathe matical test." Nevertheless, he placed in the top five contestants that year and was awarded the Putnam Fellowship to Harvard. In his sixth problem Hilbert pro posed the axiomatization of physics, which has not been done, at least to everyone's satisfaction. Yandell points out that if one of the recent theories in physics is right, it should be axiomati zable, in which case Hilbert's problem
could have a "clean" solution. But then he observes that "the relationship be tween mathematics and physics clearly a case of opposites attracting continues to be tempestuous." He suggests that "maybe string theory will go to live with mathematics-at the present time this 'physical' theory has no connection to experimental data." The section on number theory is one of the richest, with six problems (though one of them went to the sec tion on foundations, as we saw), this is perhaps not surprising, since Weyl claimed that Hilbert's best work was in number theory. In the introductory re marks Yandell describes what he calls "near misses," and gives as examples both L. G. Shnirelman's theorem that every even integer is expressible as the sum of no more than 300,000 primes (not quite Goldbach's conjecture that every such number is the sum of 2 primes) and Alan Baker's work that implies that if the difference between one perfect cube and twice another is 1, then neither can be larger than 1.5 X 10 1 3 17. Hilbert's seventh problem asked for a proof that 2Y2 and some similarly formed numbers are transcendental. This was proved independently in 1934 by A. 0. Gelfand and Theodor Schnei der, but with a contribution along the way by George P6lya and many con tributions by Siegel. Yandell points out that in 1920 Hilbert said in a lecture that "he thought no one [present] would live to see 2Y2 proved to be tran scendental . . . [but he] said he thought he himself might live to see Riemann's hypothesis proven . . . and that the youngest members of the audience might see Fermat's last theorem proven. He had the order of solution the wrong way around." The author is always alert to the pos sibility of making something clearer with a clever choice of words. He quotes Gleason as saying, " [The positive solu tion of the fifth problem] shows that you cannot have a little bit of orderli ness without a lot of orderliness. " In talking about Zermelo's work on sets, Yandell says, "it forbids infinite nests of brackets with nothing in them, like parallel mirrors in a deserted barber shop."
Yandell moves quickly through the history of the eighth problem, the Rie mann hypothesis. With several recent popular books devoted exclusively to this problem, anything here becomes somewhat redundant. Still, it gives Yandell a chance to talk about Hardy and Ramanujan, in particular Hardy's receiving Ramanujan's letter from In dia explaining some of the work he had done, essentially in a vacuum. Yandell quotes Thomas Gray's "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard": "Some mute inglorious Milton here may rest." He then quotes H. L. Mencken: "There are no mute, inglorious Miltons, save in the hallucinations of poets. The one sound test of a Milton is that he function as a Milton." Yandell goes on: "Hardy had just received a letter from a marginally educated Indian, whose English was poor, who was in a mathematical sense functioning as a Milton." Further along we read that "Siegel used mainly alge bra in proving the Thue-Siegel theorem and for some time couldn't convince ei ther Schur or Landau he had done it. Schneider solved . . . the seventh prob lem using fairly elementary methods, apparently without being aware he was working on it." How many others have been out there working, but with their accomplishments unrecognized?
Raman ujan was no m ute i ng lorious M i lton . Throughout the first half of the twentieth century the contrast be tween classical methods and the more modem trends that took hold later is obvious. Yandell points out that, in a rather provocative letter to Weil, one of the founding members of Bourbaki, Siegel wrote in 1959: "It is entirely clear to me what circumstances have led to the inexorable decline of mathematics from a very high level, within about 100 years, to its present nadir. The evil be gan with the ideas of Riemann, Dedekind and Cantor, through which the well-grounded spirit of Euler, La grange and Gauss was slowly eroded. Next the textbooks in the style of Hasse, Schreier, and van der Waerden,
had further a detrimental effect upon the next generation of scholars. And fi nally the work of Bourbaki here pro vided the last fatal shove." Weil's re sponse is not recorded. The modernists were clearly not deterred by Siegel's conservative views. Yandell raises the question of how Siegel would have re sponded to Wiles's proof of the Fermat problem, where he used modem meth ods and structures extensively. There are so many great stories in this book-How much can one pass along in a review? In the discussions of the ninth, eleventh, and twelfth prob lems on class field theory and related problems, we read of a party given by Teiji Takagi at the 1932 ICM in ZUrich, with guests Chevalley, Iyanaga, Hasse, Nagano, Noether, Taussky, and van der Waerden, among others. Yandell points out that Noether so admired Takagi's work that she had started learning Japanese in order to converse with him. At the party "Noether enjoyed her self, talking the most, . . . and then, as the party ended, requesting that the Japanese teach her how to bow . . . 'She asked, bending forward . . . "Like this, or more?" Her funny look remained long in the memories of the young Japanese mathematicians.' " She was the senior mathematician at the party. We can only wish we could have been there. Building on Takagi's development of class field theory, Emil Artin solved the ninth problem, on a law of reci procity; Helmut Hasse, the eleventh problem, on quadratic forms. These sections are filled with a warm account of Artin and his work, along with a guarded appraisal of Hasse, who was later criticized for staying in Germany during World War II and cooperating with the Nazi regime as director of the Institute in Gottingen. Yandell points out that Hasse's father was descended, on his mother's side, from the Jewish composer, Felix Mendelssohn. How did that get past the Nazis? Sanford Se gal in his excellent Mathematicians under the Nazis [6] explains that Hasse had a great-great grandmother who was Jewish but baptized, so he was 1/16 Jewish. To be an academic in Germany at that time it was only nec essary to have no Jewish grandparents.
© 2005 Spnnger Sc1ence+ Bus1ness Med1a, Inc , Volume 27, Number 3, 2005
But that condition was not sufficient for him to be a member of the Nazi party, which he was. For that "honor" one could have no Jewish ancestors who were alive after 1800. This should have excluded Hasse from the party, but a series of bureaucratic blunders made it possible for him to remain a member until the war was over. Hasse came to the United States af ter World War II and taught at several universities. Yandell says, "Hasse was an excellent mathematician. But com pare him to Hilbert in the same time and place, who saw clearly even from senility's downward slope. A political order that destroys mathematics and makes mathematicians flee for their lives is almost certain to be evil. To our lrnowledge Hasse never saw this." Se gal put it this way: "[Hasse held to) some what rigid principles, patriotism, and na tionalism-Manfred Knebuschdescribes Hasse in the postwar years as having 'all the strengths and wealrnesses of a Prussian officer'-[that] caused him to view Hitler as a national hero and to ap ply for membership in the Nazi party in 1937." Segal goes on to say that Hasse thought that "slavery in America had been a good institution for blacks." Hasse may have been a member of "The Honors Class," but that did not make him an admirable human being. In the discussion of the fourteenth and seventeenth problems in algebraic geometry we have an essay on Masayoshi Nagata. The cast of charac ters in the chapter on the fifteenth problem-Schubert's Variety Show includes Solomon Lefschetz, van der Waerden, Edward Witten, all the way up to Maxim Kontsevich. We learn that Hermann Schubert "calculated 666,841,048 quadric surfaces tangent to nine given quadric surfaces and 5,819,539,783,680 'twisted cubic space curves tangent to 12 given quadric sur faces.' " And he did it without comput ers! But computers have since con firmed Schubert's calculations. The eighteenth problem also in volves counting. Hilbert asked whether the number of crystallographic groups in four dimensions is finite, which was only part of the problem and a question fairly quickly answered in 191 1-12 by Ludwig Bieberbach. Yandell treats the
life and career of Bieberbach in some detail. A talented mathematician but a complex man, Bieberbach was a stu dent of Felix Klein and Paul Koebe at Gottingen. He was at Konigsberg and Basel before going to Berlin to replace Constantin Caratheodory in 192 1 (after the post had been turned down by Brouwer, Herglotz, Weyl, and Heeke!). Louis de Branges's proof of the famous Bieberbach conjecture on schlicht functions was one of the great achieve ments in mathematics in the 1980s. But able as he was as a mathematician, Bieberbach acted very badly during World War II. P6lya claimed that while some mathematicians in Germany used the system for personal advance ment-Wilhelm Blaschke, for exam ple-Bieberbach was a true believer in
Yandell g ives n i ne p roblems not on H i l bert ' s l ist that cou ld have been on a l i st of Poi n care ' s . the Nazi cause. Yandell is careful to give a balanced view of Bieberbach, telling of his many accomplishments as a mathematician, an author of text books, and a teacher, mainly in his early years. But Yandell does not de fend his actions after 1933. By that time Bieberbach had joined the S.A. (the storm troopers), and from that point on he became more combative, eventually establishing the infamous journal Deutsche Mathematik, "which mingled race politics with 'good German math ematics' . . . According to Bieberbach there were two types of mathemati cians, the S type, short for Strahltypus (Jewish, French, etc.-bad) and the J type (German-possessing Anschau ung-good). The J type had three sub divisions J1, J2, J3. So the man who had helped [to) clarify the classification of crystals into types [the eighteenth problem], making his way in the world, extended classification into human life, an obscene and sloppy tiling."
The last section is on the problems from analysis (with a more admirable cast of characters), not taken in the natural order but starting with a long section on the twenty-second problem, on automorphic functions, with a care ful exposition of the work of Paul Koebe and Henri Poincare, who is of ten cited, along with Hilbert, as one of the last mathematicians who had a grasp of the whole field of mathemat ics. Yandell gives us an additional list of nine problems not on Hilbert's list not surprisingly somewhat more topo logical-that could have been on a list of Poincare's, had he outlined an agenda for the century. The nineteenth, twentieth, twenty first, and twenty-third problems are discussed in two rather short sections. They are all concerned with differen tial equations and the calculus of vari ations. The twenty-third problem is not a problem at all but a program for fu ture research in the latter. Hilbert es sentially called on the mathematical community to look again at the calcu lus of variations-in Hilbert's words: "[it] does not receive the general ap preciation which in my opinion, it is due." Yandell describes briefly the ex tensive work that this program in spired. There is interesting biographi cal material on Josip Plemelj, Andrei Bolibruch, S. N. Bernstein, and I. G. Petrovsky. In this section we learn that it is not always a straight path to a so lution to one of these problems. The twenty-first problem, on the existence of linear differential equations having a prescribed monodromic group, con cerns those equations "that have points where the coefficients . . . have singu larities . . . [Solutions) to this kind of problem, as with many things in com plex analysis, are not single-valued. One circles a singularity (like a horse in a hippodrome), jumping from one lo cal value of the solution to another. The monodromy group captures this." Hilbert produced a partial solution in 1905, and Plemelj in 1908 gave a sim pler proof of a more general result. In 1989 Bolibruch found a counterexample to Plemelj's work, not just a gap in the proof. The result was false. Something similar happened in the solution of the sixteenth problem.
The most moving essay in this sec tion is about A. N. Kolmogorov, who solved, along with V. I. Arnol'd, the thir teenth problem on the general equation of seventh degree, and who also made contributions to the unfinished sixth problem on axiomatizing physics. This biographical essay is warm and touch ing, even lyrical. We learn that Kol mogorov's mother died in childbirth and that he was brought up by an aunt, first on an estate in the country and subsequently in Moscow. The descrip tion of his childhood calls to mind beau tiful and poignant scenes described by Tolstoy and Chekhov. V. M. Tikhomirov, editor of Kolmogorov's collected pa pers, wrote of Kolmogorov's childhood home . . . "the grand old house with a second floor, constructed, most prob ably, at the beginning of the 19th cen tury . . . with four massive columns at the main entrance. . . . Around the house . . . were courtyards-front and back, flower gardens, a kitchen garden, a garden (so big that it could be called a park), barns, a cattle yard, a stable, a bathhouse-in a word, all those things infinitely remote from our present-day lives, and of which we now know only from books." The Kolmogorov family followed Tolstoy's moral philosophy, so it is not surprising that Kolmogorov was named for Tolstoy's estimable character, Prince Andrei Nikolaevich Bolkonski. In 1929 Kolmogorov and P. S. Alek sandrov, later to become a world renowned topologist, along with an other friend, rented a boat for a trip down the Volga. They took with them one book, Homer's Odyssey. Kolmogorov's description of floating down this great river reads in part: "During the first days of our journey we often swam at night, in the white sum mer nights, gliding along past the over grown osier beds on the bank, the air filled with bird song, made a lasting im pression on us. We wished that this could go on forever." (Those interested in American literature will be reminded of Mark Twain's descriptions of Huck and Jim floating down the Mississippi.) Twenty-one days and 1300 kilometers later, the trip on the river ended. The three turned in their small boat and continued by steamer to Baku and
Yerevan before returning to Moscow. Much later Kolmogorov wrote, "Pavel Sergeevich Aleksandrov and I date our friendship . . . which lasted 53 years [from the 1929 trip] . . . . For me these fifty-three years of close and indissolu ble friendship were the basic reason why all my life turned out to be filled, on the whole, with happiness, and the basis of my good fortune was the un ceasing thoughtfulness of Aleksandrov." Kolmogorov, though his name is usu ally associated with probability, worked in other areas as well, producing impor tant results in geometry, algebraic topol ogy, approximation theory, ergodic the ory, and, during World War II, ballistics
Kol mogorov was named for Tolstoy ' s esti mable character, Pri nce And rei N i kolaevich Bol konski . and turbulence. It was in the 1950s that Kolmogorov did the work that resulted in the solution of the thirteenth problem, with Arnol'd, who also contributed to the solution of the sixteenth problem on the topology of algebraic curves and sur faces. Arnol'd, who always insisted on clarity in writing, shared some views with Siegel, mentioned earlier. He re ferred to "criminal bourbakizers." In the 1960s Kolmogorov wrote a se ries on the metrical structure of Rus sian poetry, not a frivolous enterprise. A. A. Markov earlier had claimed "that the string of vowels and consonants in [Pushkin's] Eugene Onegin was as pure an example of a Markov chain as he could find." At this point we should note that many of the pictures in this book are a treat for the reader, often fresh and un common, taken as they are from vari ous private collections. Arnol'd is shown, for example, standing on the Golden Gate Bridge! The story ex plaining it is worth checking out.
Yandell, in summary, quotes from Hermann Weyl in his mid-century re view of progress in mathematics [7]: "David Hilbert . . . formulated twenty three unsolved problems which he ex pected to play an important role in the development of mathematics during the next era. How much better he predicted the future of mathematics than any politician foresaw the gifts of war and terror that the new century was about to lavish upon mankind! We mathemati cians have often measured our progress by checking which of Hilbert's questions had been settled in the meantime." Of course, in the end, the natural question is how many of the twenty three problems have been solved. Yan dell summarizes: "Sixteen problems have been solved in a discrete way. The core of the question Hilbert asked re ceived an answer that is complete with respect to the original question (within reason), mathematically rigorous, and unlikely to be dramatically improved upon in the future. These problems are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 1 1, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 21, and 22. Four problems-12, 19, 20, and 23-are what amount to pro grams for research and are somewhat vague in their statement. These have prompted a great deal of successful re search, and I think it is time to count them as 'solved,' as problems of Hilbert's. Their concerns can be embodied in new problems written in new language. Three problems-6, 8, and 1 6--have not been solved." Not bad. Here I have given only a quick overview of some of the fascinating, amusing, and evocative accounts in this book There are plenty of other sections that are equally interesting, mathematically stimulating, and his torically illuminating. This is a splen did piece of work and an essential book for anyone interested in the vast panorama of twentieth-century mathe matics. It should be in every mathe matician's library. Further, we should recommend it to our friends or our stu dents who will be inspired by this ele gant book about the accomplishments, not of the ancients, but of twentieth century people, many of whom lived during our lifetimes and contributed richly to our mathematical community and to society as a whole.
© 2005 Springer Sc1ence+Bus1ness Media, Inc., Volume 27, Number 3, 2005
[2] Felix Browder, ed. , Mathematical Develop
While Ben had interviewed many peo
25, 2004,
ments Arising from Hilbert Problems. Pro
ple, including the grandchildren of Max
Bel\iamin Yandell, only 53 years old,
ceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics,
Dehn, I was able to supply some more
died of a heart attack in Pasadena, Cal
Vol. 28. Providence, Rl: American Mathe
ifornia. In 1993 he had been diagnosed
matical Society, 1 976.
On the morning of August
contacts, including Peter Lax, who pro
vided valuable information about recent developments. Finally, after a labor of
as having multiple sclerosis, but this
[3] Anita Burdman Feferrnan, Politics, Logic,
disease did not appear to be related to
and Love: The Life of Jean van Heijenoort.
love of nine years
his death. He is survived by his wife,
Wellesley, MA: A K Peters, 1 993.
formed) the final manuscript emerged.
Janet Nippell, and a daughter, Kate Louise, born in 1988. In the years since the appearance of
The Honors
(if I am correctly in
[4] lvor Grattan-Guinness, A Sideways Look at
Ben's intellectual curiosity and his
Hilbert's Twenty-three Problems of 1 900.
ability to communicate his insights in
Notices of the American Mathematical So
words that were of interest to a broad
ciety 47:7 (2000), 752-757.
audience including experts and ama
Class he had been working on two writing projects: (1) Chasing a Wave, a story of the discovery and defi
[5] Jeremy J. Gray, The Hilbert Challenge. Ox
nition of solitons that was to be a his
[6] Sanford L. Segal, Mathematicians under the
torical-biographical account, similar to
Nazis. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University
is hard to accept. The following text,
Press, 2003.
found in his papers, explains better
that in The Honors
Class, and (2) a short
biography of John von Neumann. Yandell's undergraduate years were spent at Occidental College and Stan
ford: Oxford University Press, 2000.
courses. Instead of pursuing a doctoral
tainly his future readers with a loss that
[7] Hermann Weyl, A Half-Century of Mathe
than I could Ben's motivation, born out
matics, American Mathematical Monthly 58
of an awareness of his talents and a
(1 95 1 ) , 523-553.
modest intention to use them in the best way he knew. We all are benefit
ford University, to which he trans ferred so he could take some graduate
teurs is impressive. His unexpected death left many of his friends and cer
ing from his decision.
Department of Mathematics & Computer Science
degree in mathematics, he spent the
Santa Clara University
One of the jokes about "pure" math
years after graduating from Stanford
Santa Clara, CA 95053-0290 USA
ematicians is that they are always
writing poetry and working as a televi
[email protected]
concerned with proving a given
later in Los Angeles. During the latter
be solved and to what extent the so
part of his career in television repair he
The following are recollections of Yan
lutions are unique. Perhaps they will
was sitting in on physics classes at Cal
dell's life and his book from some of
supply a general outline of how such
tech. His first book was coauthored
the people who knew him:
a solution might be accomplished.
Mostly on Foot: A Year in L.A. (Floating Island, 1989).
From Klaus Peters, Publisher,
interested parties. I was beginning
AK Peters, Ltd.
to think that maybe I was such a
Hilbert (Springer, 1970), Yandell wrote
Several years ago I answered a call in
pure mathematician that I would be
in some autobiographical notes: "I real
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satisfied with the determination that
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yes, it was possible that I could be
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on various mathematical subjects. After
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I secured the order, I asked the caller:
terest in working out the details of
"Who are you? I cannot imagine anyone
the actual problem. The attitude of
class of equations can in principle
sion repairman, first in Palo Alto and
Any actual solution is left to other
with his wife:
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is a poem in praise of mathematics.' . . .
in this era of specialization, who would
those around me was that I had
I . . . was looking up into the sky. It was
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something like a duty to become a
clear and cold and I could see the stars.
books profitably."-"! am writing a book
mathematician. But the graduate
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on the Hilbert Problems and the people
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aware that one could aspire to writing
who solved them."-"Who
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some disappointing news.-"You are,"
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cians. But I didn't feel there was any
Hilbert's problems." book, The
Honors Class, an inspiring
legacy of this all-too-short career. REFERENCES
[ 1 ] P. S. Aleksandrov, ed. , Hilbertschen Prob
years being mathemati
have not sent it to you yet, but your
gross discrepancy. My adviser and
name is associated with most of the
others thought I could get into Har
books that I have used in my research."
Ben then graciously agreed to send
school. I, too, felt I would have done
me his current draft. I read it enthusias
well there. However, when I was
Hannelore Bernhardt. Leipzig: Akademische
tically, and we both knew that there
still at Occidental, Benedict Freed
Verlag, 1 97 1 .
were many open areas to be treated.
man had arranged for me to meet
leme. Translated from Russian to German by
his son, Michael. In the short term
very hard interviewing different experts
original result was conditional . . . they
this had helped excite me about
in order to be accurate. Despite his hand
had to assume that there existed arbi
mathematics, but in the long term it
icaps he was lively, hard-working, and
trarily long arithmetic sequences of
supplied me with the suspicion that
full of ideas for the future. He had iden
prime numbers . . . (and] even as of this
I wouldn't be missed if I didn't be
tified solitons as the topic of his next
writing [that] has not been proved." In
come a mathematician. Michael was
book This alone showed great discern
1959 it required an additional contribu
just a graduate student when I met
ment, since solitons were one of the
tion by Julia Robinson to obtain the re
about him
great discoveries of the second part of
sult without this assumption. However,
seemed clear: He had a powerful
the twentieth century with wide appli
today, thanks to the very recent sur
mind and a powerful desire to do
cations and deep mathematical theory. I
prising discovery by Ben Green and Ter
mathematics. When allowed insight
strongly encouraged him and gave him
but two things
to the workings of a great mind, as
what advice I could. I am sure he would
ence Tao, we know that such arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions of primes
in the Cohen book, one comes away
have produced an excellent book which
do exist, so that the original proof is no
with a sense of ease, power, grace,
would have attracted a wide readership.
longer "conditional." Were Ben Yandell
is sad that fate prevented the realisa
still alive, he really would have ef\ioyed
and intensity. Michael seemed to
have the mathematical energy to
tion of this project. Mathematics needs
achieve something like that. At the
people like Ben who can convey the in
time, I had no way to tell that he was
tellectual excitement of our subject to
From Peter Lax, Professor Emeritus,
n't just a very good graduate student.
the general public. I hope others will fol
Courant Institute of Mathematical
low in his footsteps.
Sciences, New York University
From Martin D. Davis, Professor
tremely pleasant. We had a long tele
It later became clear that I had, in fact, met someone in that first rank. But in
1971, when I met him, Michael
this new footnote to the story.
My contacts with Ben Yandell were ex
merely supplied me subliminally, and
Emeritus, Courant Institute of
phone conversation when his book on
then after the fact, with a feeling of
Mathematical Sciences, New York
the solvers of the Hilbert problems was
assurance that I could do what I
University and Visiting Scholar,
in the planning stage. We discussed
University of California, Berkeley
bringing in Poincare, who had strong
wanted with a clean conscience. I began to focus on the romantic
Although I never met Ben Yandell in per
views of the shape of things to come in
prospect of becoming a poet. Such a
son, we had an extensive interaction by
mathematics, and perhaps goaded by
choice would validate my indiscrimi
e-mail and telephone over a five-year pe
Hilbert's example, described it in a re
nate curiosity. In the wake of the '60s
riod, and his untimely death leaves me
port to the
with a very real sense of loss. When he
of Mathematicians. We agreed that hav
such a choice seemed to have special
integrity. I was sure I could make a
contacted me in April
living somehow. Poetry and writing in
proposal to write about the Hilbert prob
1997 about his
1908 International Congress
ing a foil for Hilbert would enhance the book We met in person at Cal Tech; I was
general were what I thought I might
lems and their solvers, I was struck by
have an abiding interest in. This has
the sheer audacity of his project. With
proved to be the case. I am interested
only an undergraduate's knowledge of
bound, which in no way diminished his
in working out the details here. I had
mathematics, he intended to explain to
zest for life. I was shocked and sad
little, if any, concrete evidence of tal
a general audience the
full sweep of the
dened to learn that he is gone, in the
ent, but I felt I could learn. I felt I had
mathematical ideas needed to make
the energy necessary to concentrate
sense of the Hilbert problems. With my
on the essential problems, and re
own limited expertise, I could only be of
gardless of the quality of the results,
assistance with the first four chapters.
I have proven to have that energy.
As the project developed I became more
Writing has kept my attention. I am
and more impressed by his pleasant, easy-going style and by his ability to con
happy when I write.
verge to sufficient understanding of the mathematical ideas.
From Sir Michael Atiyah,
It was fun for me to read his account
University of Edinburgh
I met Ben Yandell on the occasion of the
of the lives and interactions of the four
Berkeley panel discussion of The
people involved with the negative so
ors Class,
his account of the Hilbert
lution of the tenth problem. I am par
problems. I had very much ef\ioyed read
ticularly amused by the realization that
ing the book, which was designed for a
in one small detail, his account would
general audience, and so I was keen to
meet the author. I was surprised to find
different today.
Concerning the
proof by Hilary Putnam and me, that
midst of his labors.
Science in the Looking Glass: What Do Scientists Really Know�
by E. Brian Davies
NEW YORK, OXFORD U NIVERSITY PRESS 2003. $US 29.95 (hardcover) Pp. x + 295
rian Davies takes a shotgun ap proach in
Science in the Looking
There are rambling discussions
someone who was not a professional
every recursively enumerable set of
of a very wide range of topics: Psy
mathematician, but who had a deep feel
natural numbers has an exponential
chological work on perception is de
ing for the subject and who had worked
Diophantine definition, he wrote: "The
scribed, an argument against Platon-
© 2005 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc., Volume 27, Number 3, 2005
ism is presented, mind-body dualism is
be easily expressed as one about the
not descriptions of independently ex
rejected, there are speculations on
existence of (timeless) triangles ori
isting entities, as Platonism holds. We
thinking machines, intrinsically hard
ented at angle (} for every (} from
make them the way we make chairs
0° to
problems, observation in quantum me
360°. There is an interesting question
and cities and constitutions and games.
chanics; evolutionary biology is upheld
here about the relation between the
But once made, we can make discov
and reductionism is rejected. That's
idealized physical examples in mathe
eries about their consequences; for
just a sample. Needless to say, nothing
maticians' thought experiments and
instance, we discovered that three
is pursued in depth. I can't hope to dis
the mathematical entities themselves.
legged chairs don't wobble and that a
cuss it all, but I will take up a few of
How does the one give us knowledge
given sequence of moves leads to
Davies's points.
of the other? But the fact that we can
checkmate. The view has all sorts of at
and do reason this way does not un
tractions for an anti-Platonist such as
dermine Platonism.
Davies. But it has drawbacks. Mathe
The arguments against Platonism are quite unconvincing. Davies (Pro fessor of mathematics, King's College,
Davies very briefly mentions (but
matical practice is concerned with a
London) cites GOdel and Penrose as
neither endorses nor rejects) an argu
great deal more than merely establish
representative speak of
Platonists who
seeing mathematical
He then reminds us of what he reported
earlier in his book about sense percep
ment that many philosophers accept. Readers of
The Intelligencer may like
ing logical truths of the form: If axioms
then theorem. We worry about the truth
to know what it is. It begins with what
of the axioms themselves. In some
is known as the causal theory of knowl
fields this is more evident than in oth
tion, in particular that what we see is
To know about X one must
ers. Set theorists, for instance, are con
not the way things actually are. This is
causally interact with X. For instance,
stantly proposing new axioms con
hardly damaging to Platonism. GOdel
I know about the coffee cup on my
cerning large cardinals and arguing
repeatedly stressed the fallibility of
table because
their respective merits. They seem to
mathematics in general and of mathe
from it to me. If I didn't interact with
be searching for axioms that are true.
matical perceptions or intuitions in par
the cup in some way, then I simply
This flies in the face of Davies's claim,
ticular. "I don't see any reason why we
wouldn't know about it at all. The sec
since he would have it that axioms are
should have any less confidence in this
ond premise of the argument is a stan
not true-they are merely interesting
kind of perception, i.e., in mathemati
dard feature of Platonism: Mathemati
or useful or fun. Davies's view also
cal intuition, than in sense perception,
cal entities are perfectly real, but they
clashes with Godel's theorem. The fa
which induces us to build up physical
do not exist inside space and time.
mous incompleteness theorem says
theories and to expect that future sense
Third, is the assumption that there
that no set of axioms can capture all
perceptions will agree with them and,
can be no causal interaction between
the truths of arithmetic. It's hard to
moreover, to believe that a question not
things inside and outside of space and
avoid the conclusion that the unprov
decidable now has meaning and may be
time. (Religious people might claim
able sentence is actually true, which
decided in the future. The set-theoreti
this can happen, but, of course, they
means that truth and theoremhood
cal paradoxes are hardly more trouble
also say it is a miracle when it hap
(i.e., being derived from axioms) are
some for mathematics than deceptions
It follows from this that we can
distinct things. If this is so, then the
of the senses are for physics." 1 The fact
not know mathematical entities, if they
Peano axioms do not create the truths
that we don't directly see things as they
are as Platonism claims. Since we do
of arithmetic, but rather partially de
are in the physical world is not a rea
seem to have mathematical knowl
scribe something that exists indepen
son to say the physical world does not
edge, it follows that mathematics must
dently. Davies mentions Godel's theo
exist or that it is unknowable. Exactly
be about some other kind of thing.
the same can be said in defence of the Platonic realm.
rem in connection with minds and
This is the best argument against
machines, but not in connection with
Platonism. Not all philosophers accept
Platonism, where it seems to refute the
In another argument he asks us to
it. I don't, but I won't take the time to
kind of postulationism Davies advo
consider a small triangle inside a larger
say why, except to say that I think the
cates. I readily admit that the argument
one. The problem to consider is this:
first premise is false, in spite of seem
for Platonism from Godel's theorem is
Can the smaller be freely rotated inside
ing quite plausible. Nevertheless, it's a
the larger without hitting the edges? In
much better argument than the kinds
Davies doesn't mention it.
thinking about this, we imagine rotat ing the smaller to see
it will go
of considerations Davies brings against Platonism.
but I'm surprised that
There is another view he also holds, a kind of finitism. Not only does he re
around all the way. Davies points out
Davies's own view of mathematics
ject actual infinities, but he takes large
that this rotation involves time, but the
is a kind of postulationism. Axioms
fmite numbers to be a kind of fiction,
Platonic world is timeless. Well, this is
such as Peano's are things we create.
as well. Constructivists and Intuition
hardly a problem, since the puzzle can
They are not discovered by us; they are
ists are well known to draw a line be-
1 Kurt Godel. "Russell's Mathematical Logic," reprinted in Benacerraf and Putnam (eds.), sity Press,
1 97 4, 484.
Readings in the Philosophy of Mathematics,
Cambridge, Cambridge Univer
tween the finite and the infinite. The
interesting example that occurs in a
that this is an admission that conser
common view is that the finite can be
Newtonian framework of five bodies
vation of energy is not an automatic
calculated "in principle," no matter
set up in such way that their gravita
consequence of Newton's laws. In any
how large. Davies dismisses this view
tional interaction leads to one of the
isolated system, it is, but in an infinite
and takes the divide to be between
bodies flying off to infmity in a fmite
universe, it must be a separate as
what can and what cannot be calcu
time. Davies rightly finds the example
sumption. In his subtitle, Davies asks,
lated in practice. If one is going to
impressive. But instead of milking it for
"What do scientists really know?", sug
make any distinction, then Davies, I
its considerable philosophical content,
gesting that they don't know a lot of
think, is right to draw the line at what's
he remarks that it is physically unreal
things they think they do.
practical. However, the price to be
istic and that when bodies start mov
pointing out that they don't know that
paid-which is much worse than the
ing fast, special relativity takes over
Newtonian dynamics is deterministic
price to be paid for constructivism-is
and prevents this sort of thing from
might have been a juicy example.
A very great deal of
happening. He is much too practical
When it comes to quantum me
mathematics would be under a cloud.
minded. I suspect readers would pre
chanics, Davies's views are difficult to
But why, after all, should we think that
fer the musings of a more philosophi
pin down. After a briefaccount of some
everything real must be directly acces
of the physics, he discusses EPR and
sible to human beings? We cannot see
sneers at reality and wants to explore
SchrOdinger's cat. He suggests that the
electrons and we cannot count all the
the nature of Newtonian dynamics, re
cat doesn't go into a state of superpo
members of a transfinite set, but these
gardless of whether Newton's theory is
sition. But he seems unaware of the
entities are central to the best beliefs
true. What can one say about this ex
cost of saying this. It means that there
we have.
ample? There are two remarkable con
are two physical realms, a micro-realm
that obeys the quantum laws and a
simply too great.
Science and mathematics
would be impoverished without them. And that's a good reason to think them
First, Newtonian dynamics, our par
macro-realm that does not. You don't
adigm example of a deterministic the
have to be a mad dog reductionist to
Turning to physics, Davies takes up
ory, is not, after all, deterministic. The
chaos, determinism, and related themes
argument is simple: Start with a world
rebel at this. It's the desire for one phys
perfectly real and objective.
ical world that leads people such as Eu
in a chapter on mechanics and astro
Science in the Look
in which, among other things, the five
gene Wigner to say that the cat does in
physics. Because
particles are arranged so that one will
deed go into a state of superposition and that human consciousness is what puts
ing Glass
has philosophical aspira
be sent off to infinity. Let it run, say, a
tions, it might be useful to contrast
second longer. Since Newtonian dy
Davies's view with how philosophers
namics is time-reversible, use the lo
think about these issues. First, con
cations of the remaining particles at
sider the definition of
this stage with all the motions reversed
as the initial conditions for a world W 1 .
world, not in the world itself. But he fails
The old idea was this: If we know exactly/approximately the laws and ini
For a world W2 use exactly the same
it into an eigen-state. Davies doesn't like
this solution either and goes so far as to
claim that superpositions are just in the representation
to note that without actual superposi
tial conditions, then we can know ex
initial conditions. The initial conditions
tions in the physical realm, we are at a
actly/approximately the final conditions.
in these two worlds, though identical,
loss to explain interference effects such
This is the idea captured in Laplace's
do not require or forbid a particle com
as the pattern that results in a split
famous demon and often called Lapla
ing in from infinity one second after the
screen experiment.
cian determinism. Chaos has revealed
start. Their histories could be different,
When discussing EPR he claims that
a problem with this account, since
in spite of their being governed by
the entangled state shows that the re
Newton's laws. That is, in one world a
mote particles cannot be considered as
knowledge of the initial conditions
particle comes in from infinity after one
separate entities.
won't let us predict very far ahead.
second, but in the other world no such
what about non-local effects? There is
prima facie
Among philosophers, the current
particle enters. These are both com
favourite definition of determinism has
patible with the initial conditions and
relativity, but Davies, unfortunately,
Newton's laws. The moral should make
doesn't mention it.
abandoned any connection to knowl edge or predictability.
A theory is
conflict with special
our heads spin: Newtonian dynamics is
Chapters at the end are on Darwin
not deterministic, because there are
ian evolution, which he endorses, and
the theory with identical initial condi
models with identical initial conditions
on reductionism, which he does not.
tions have identical final conditions. I
but different fmal conditions.
One of Davies's reasons for rejecting
terministic provided that all models of
mention this change in the concept of
If we impose a relativistic speed
reductionism is a poor one: our inabil
determinism only in passing. The ex
limit, then determinism can be recov
ity to predict. Knowledge of physics
ample I now want to discuss is equally
ered. But this would not be Newtonian.
won't allow us to predict someone's
bizarre and instructive on either defi
We could also recover determinism if
behaviour. Reductionism, however, is
we demanded conservation of energy
a doctrine about reality, not about our
in the initial specifications. But note
knowledge of reality. The fact that we
Davies describes the wonderfully
© 2005 Spnnger Sc1ence+Business Med1a, Inc , Volume 27, Number 3, 2005
cannot predict is irrelevant. (Note the
those which are the
2. The notion itself of mathematics has
relation of this issue to the rival defi
cal-for example evolution, plate tec
to be redefined. Joseph defines it as
tonics, and the existence of atoms." (v)
above.) He does, however, mention more interesting examples that do put
This is not only true, it is profoundly true.
to numbers or spatial configurations
the doctrine of reduction under a great deal of pressure: money or subjective
any activity that arises out of, or di rectly generates, concepts relating together with some form of logic.
Department of Philosophy
Hence he includes in his study
consciousness, for instance. It seems
University of Toronto
almost impossible to reduce a social in
Toronto M5S 1 A 1
stitution such as money to the laws of
physics. I should point out that the
[email protected]
Joseph justifies this decision by There is a close link between mathe
philosophical literature on this is far
matics and
from any consensus. The
Thoughts," contains brief musings on chaos, the anthropic principle, Hume and Popper on induction, realism vs anti-realism, the sociology of science, and technology. This chapter, like the whole book, is a series of observations, often off-hand, that are sometimes in sightful and sometimes not. It's hard to know for whom such a book is written. It is rambling, undisciplined, and un focussed throughout.
This in itself
needn't be a bad thing. Littlewood's
A Mathematician's Miscellany is wildly unfocussed and rambling, but it is one
of the most interesting books I've ever
read. What's the difference? Science in
the Looking Glass seems to be written
for a general audience. That, too, is
fine. But then explanations are needed of the relevant mathematics, physics, biology, and philosophy. Almost none are given. Scientists who have never given a moment's thought to philo
sophical implications of chaos or quan
tum mechanics or Godel's theorem
might profit from this book, because
they won't need to be filled in on the
background that Davies is assuming. But those who have thought about
these issues will find many of the mus
ings here obvious or misleading.
But there are also some notable ob servations that offset the book's disap pointment. One of these occurs at the outset. "My conclusion is surprising, particularly coming from a mathemati cian. In spite of the fact that highly mathematical theories often provide very accurate predictions, we should
not, on that account, think that such
theories are true or that Nature is gov
erned by mathematics. In fact the sci entific
around in a thousand years' time are
three aspects of proto-mathematics:
The Crest of the Peacock: Non-European Roots of Mathematics, new edition
by George Gheverghese Joseph
PRINCETON AND OXFORD, PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2000 ISBN: 0-691 -00659-8, $US 22.95, 4 1 6 pp.
his extraordinary book, first pub lished in 1992, lives on in this sec
ond edition, an enlarged and improved
version of the first. It is in search of our "hidden" mathematical heritage, which can be found all over the world and cer tainly not only in European countries. It is a plea against "the parochialism that lies behind the Eurocentric per ception of the development of mathe matical knowledge" (p. 348).
The title itself is taken from an In
dian source of the fifth pre-Christian century
(Vendanga Jyotisa) : "Like the
crest of a peacock, like the gem on the head of a snake, so is mathematics at the head of all knowledge." Joseph re
veals his driving passion behind the book: the global nature of mathematical pursuits and creations. Hence he con tinuously emphasizes that scientific cre ativity and technological achievements existed long before the incursion into these areas by Europe. His guiding prin ciple is to recognize that different cul tures in different periods of history have contributed to the world's stock of mathematical knowledge.
This principle implies some crucial
consequences: 1. The study of the history of mathe matics should not be confined to
written evidence.
Early man
kind's capacity to reason and to con ceptualise was not different from that of today's modem peoples. Conjec tures about the mathematical pursuits of early humankind have to be exam ined in the light of their plausibility. Joseph would like to attribute math ematical thinking, practice, knowledge to as many peoples, and as early peo ples, as possible, pleading against a re strictive view of what is proof. Conse quently, he begins by speaking about numerical recording devices on bones of Central Equatorial Africa (35000 B.c.),
South American knots, counting sys
tems of people in Nigeria, Mayan nu meration. The next eight chapters deal with Egyptian, Babylonian, Chinese, In dian, and Arab mathematics. The rich ness of this information cannot conceal the fact that most is well known to pro fessional historians of mathematics. No serious historian of science will contest either the importance of these non-Eu ropean cultures or Joseph's statement
that mathematics is a pancultural phe
nomenon which manifests itself in a number of different ways as counting,
locating, measuring, designing, playing, explaining, classifying, sorting. Joseph's
("most standard histories," "many text books," etc.) is outmoded to a large ex tent. Several decades later, M. Kline's evaluation of 1962 does not represent the state of the art any longer (p. 125). Yet Joseph does not stop there. He be lieves in the existence of East-West links he hopes would come to light if research were to be channelled in the direction of a westward transmission of mathematics. Fortunately he avows that much research needs to be done before we can be more certain about the nature and mode of the interchange
of mathematical ideas that took place between China and the other cultural centres (p. 2 12). Yes, we should distin guish among claims, beliefs, and his torical facts. Sometimes Joseph does not notice that he disproves his own argumenta tion. He complains about Eurocen trism because it cannot bring itself to face the idea of independent develop ments in early Indian mathematics, even as a remote possibility. But he does not concede this possibility to the Greeks with regard to the earlier cul tures of the Near East. By all means, it is a too condescending attitude to con cede only "that the Greek approach to mathematics produced some [!] re markable results" (p. 346). Thus the reader is left with mixed feelings. While Joseph rightly rejects the hegemony of a Western version of math ematics, he is inclined to replace it by another one, although he explicitly states that "since the first edition we are no closer to gathering further definitive evidence of transmission of mathemati cal knowledge to Europe" (p. 354). lnstitut fUr Philosophie, Wissenschaftstheorie Wissenschafts- und Technikgeschichte Technische Universitat Berlin 1 0587 Berlin Germany e-mail: ehkn01
[email protected]
Mathematics and Music. A Diderot Mathematical Forum
edited by G. Assayag, H. -G. Feichtinger, and J. F. Rodrigues BERLIN, HEIDELBERG, SPRINGER-VERLAG, 2002, 288 PP., US $84.95. ISBN 3-540-43727-4
• • • •
• •
ity," also the source of the Music of Spheres that Pythagoreans referred to when required to swear (Fig. 1 ) . It was perhaps because he was im pressed by the mathematical consis tency of consonance that Pythagoras devised the idea that Number is the substance of the Universe. Be that as it may, on an instrument consisting of a single taut string vibrat ing on a sounding board and fitted with keys that make it possible to select suit able lengths of the string being vibrated, one obtains with the Tetraktys the in tervals known as octaves, fifths, and fourths. Figure 2 represents such a sin gle-stringed instrument (e.g., the Vosges spinet, still used today by certain folk groups in Eastern France) with the cor responding modem names of the notes. Musical instruments such as the tetrachord lyre may also be built with four strings having these same lengths (L, U2, U3, U4) that produce simulta neous sounds. The respective tensions are adjusted so that the sound pro duced by each string is that of the string having the same length on the monochord. The article describes the improve ments brought to this theory by Philo laus and others. The chief result of that period was obtained by Archytas, who demonstrated the need for unequal divisions in order to obtain all the con sonants comprised in an octave. He recognised the importance of arithmetic, geometric, and harmonic means. This
• • •
Fig. 1
and calculation in music," while in Paris the Forum dealt with "Mathe matical logic and musical logic in the twentieth century." These three topics are covered in a fairly balanced way in this book, five articles dealing with the first topic, seven with the second, and four with the last. All these articles are of signif icant interest, whether from a histori cal or theoretical point of view. Bringing them together in the same publication sheds magnificent light on the dialogue and mutual enrichment that Mathe matics and Music have developed over the centuries [ 1 ] [2] [3] [4] . The first article, by Manuel Pedro Ferreira, deals with the musical the ory constructed by Pythagoras. Two sounds from the same taut string are said to be consonant when they are pleasing to listen to simultaneously. In the Greek cultural arena of that period such sounds are produced by lengths of string that are inversely proportional to the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4. These compose the famous Tetraktys (1 + 2+3+4 10), a diagram of figured numbers symbolising pure harmony, the "vertical hierarchy of relation be tween Unity and emerging multiplic=
... ..
Length L/4 : obtained sound Sol3,fourth ofRe3,and octave of Soh ......... ........
Length L/3 : obtained sound Re3,fifth of Sob .................................. ........................
Length L/2 : obtained sound Soh ,octave of Sol1 .................
he book under review brings to gether sixteen contributions to the Diderot Mathematical Forum held un der the auspices of the European Math ematical Society, simultaneously in Lisbon, Paris, and Vienna, with tele conference exchanges, on 3 and 4 De cember 1999. The conference in Lisbon covered "Historical aspects," the topic in Vienna was "Mathematical methods
Total length L of the vibrating string: its vibration gives the sound designated by So11
Sounding box with keys
Fig. 2
© 2005 Springer Sc1ence+ Business Med1a, Inc , Volume 27, Number 3, 2005
Fig. 3
allowed him to enrich the range of sounds used and their associated in
tervals (Fig.
The reference
to Aristox
as new ways of combining rhythms.
such a project. Yet, once rid of its ab
surd objective, this statement aptly
of the
pythagorean musical base that had de
sums up the concept of music prevail
veloped over many centuries eventu
ing in Renaissance and Baroque times, founded on number and its symbolism,
enus-a pupil of Aristotle who totally
ally degenerated in the following cen
rejected pythagorean harmony in fav
tury because it proved to be inadequate
a source of beauty and harmony. It ac
our of a musical theory based on the
for responding to the new aesthetic
tually sets it in an oriental tradition
continuous sounds perceived by the
trends that were appearing as well as the
considerably older than the Greeks,
ear, as well as on the tensions of the
practical needs of musicians. Those who
that considered number as the handi
strings and their relaxation time
were concerned with the tuning of their
work of God who ordered all things in
shows the rich diversity of musical
keyboard instrument were led to con
measure, number, and weight (Wisdom
thinking in Ancient Greece.
sider the problem of temperament
However, the most interesting as
Having had one's mind brilliantly
1 1 . 17) and on which all the
of Solomon
work of Man rests. Kronecker's well
pect of this article, whose numerous
stimulated by such an article, one is led
known phrase "God created number,
references provide ample scope for
to wonder about the Byzantine evolu
all the rest is the work of Man," draws its inspiration from the same source.
digging deeper, is certainly the de
tion, geographically so close to the
scription of the rich musical evolution
Greek source; regrettably, however,
In fact, Kircher's book develops the
flowing from the Greek roots into the
this aspect is not touched upon in the
musical ideas of the minim monk Mar
Latin world and right up to the four
article. One wonders too what was
inus Mersennus (Marin Mersenne ) , in
teenth century of our era. In St. Au
the contribution of the ancient manu
particular the combinatory approach
gustine's De Musica, written at the end
scripts passed on by the "sons of the
of the fourth century, rhythms are also
Greeks," as the Arabs of the time called
Harmonia Univer
contained in his
written in
1636. The article un
classified according to their propor
themselves. Fortunately the article refers
fortunately does not speak of Mersenne's
tions (the proportional notation used
to the influence of Arabian and Persian
activity as the science correspondent
today came much later). Then in the
music in the
of the whole of Europe, nor of his
ninth century, Carolingian policy in
Peninsula, and the contribution of the
educational and ecclesiastical matters
reading of the ancients, thanks to the
Parisiensis, the ancestor of the future
It encouraged
translation in the twelfth century of the
Academie des Sciences; nor does it
musical treatise by AI Farabi.
mention the measurement of the speed
vides a novel answer by introducing
his discovery of the higher harmonics
defmed new practices.
the use of neumes that indicate the in flexions of the voice, but not the pitch of the sounds. The names Do, Re, Mi, Fa,
Sol, etc., appeared with Guido
d'Arezzo in the eleventh century, de
of the Iberian
Eberhard Knobloch's article pro
the concepts of Athanasius Kircher, who in
1635 of the Academia
of sound that he obtained in
1636, nor
of a string. No mention is made either
Musurgia Univer
of his systematic use of the notion of
Kircher quotes Hermes Tris
frequency, introduced at the time by
1650 wrote
riving from the syllables at the begin
ning of the stanzas (voces) of a hymn
megistos, the mystical author who was
Galileo Galilei. Mersenne was a student
addressed to St John the Baptist, writ
so loved by the Medicis and Pico della
of the latter's work and was familiar with the law that gives the frequency
770 A.D. The notes (claves)
Mirandola: "Music is nothing else than
are also designated by letters, a prac
to know the order of all things." This
of the fundamental vibrationf of a vi
tice that is still in use today in English
very pythagorean concept postulates
brating string having a length L with a linear mass p and with tension F:
ten around
speaking countries (La = A, Ti = B,
that Music is a part of Mathematics
Do = C, . . . ) and in Germany (with
some specificities). Finally, polyphony
Kircher, this is a relevant concept
when seeking to help someone having
mastery, the response coming from
virtually no knowledge of the mastery
This formula is merely mentioned in
Philippe de Vitry in the fourteenth cen
of sounds to acquire an in-depth knowl
edge of musical composition. Pythago
Galileo, the son of the musician Vin
ras doubtless would have disowned
cenzo Galilei, and it was written in this
tury with his Ars Nova: in this work he
defined new musical notations as well
a science).
� If·
1638 by
modem form only in 1715, by Brook Taylor. The limited part of Mersen ne's work mentioned in the book is nonetheless of major interest and sets the record straight regarding a nwnber of misconceptions as to the history of science at that time. In his Harmonia Universalis, Mer senne sets out the table of all the values of the nwnber of permutations with n elements up to n 64. He discusses non-repetitive arrangements P(n, p) n(n - 1) . . . (n - p + 1) and combina tions C(n, p) = P(n, p) P(n, p)/P(p, p). He solves the problem of calculating the number of combinations presented by a given type of repetitions. This he does thirty years before Leibniz succeeds in obtaining, with a few errors, the same results in his "schoolboy's essay" De Arte Combinatoria, and well before the combinatorial work of Fermat and Pascal. If n is the maximum number possible of notes for a song composed with p different notes, of which r1 dis tinct notes appear once, r2 distinct notes appear twice, . . . , and using in fact r r1 + r2 + . . . + r, distinct notes in all, Mersenne gives the total number of possibilities for the corre sponding songs:
tury bell-ringers and the rules laid down by Fabian Stedman [7] is but a short step, but one which none of the articles in this book dares to take. On the other hand, the approach taken does shed light on musical analysis, as may be seen in the article by Laurent Fichet, and makes it possible to extend one's horizon, as in Marc Chemillier's article dedicated to ethnomusicology. The formula mentioned earlier re lating to the fundamental frequency of a string, in tum allows a better under standing of the problem of tempera ment. It consists of seeking to divide an octave into twelve equal intervals, and therefore to identify rational num bers that simultaneously come as close as possible to the irrational real num bers 2(1/1 2), 2(2/1 2) , 2 (3/12) , . . . , 2c11112) , being aware that a trained ear will per ceive any deviation that is too signifi cant. This leaves plenty of margin for numerous systems, and the remarkable article by Benedetto Scimeni pre sents the choice proposed by Gio seffo Zarlino in his work Le Istitutioni harmonicae [8], published in 1558:
n! r1 !r2 ! . . . r,!(n - r)!
Galileo's father quarrelled with Zarlino because he preferred 18/17 to 10/9. But of course, whatever choice one makes, the practical issue is the tuning of instruments, in particular harpsichords with several octaves and the largest possible number of tones. The article referred to here mentions the remarkable work undertaken on these questions by Giuseppe Tartini, Daniel Strahle, and Christoph Gottlieb Schroter. One of the most fascinating aspects is the connection with the so lution to Pell!Fermat's equation in Tar tini's Trattatto di Musica:
For 22 possible notes, of which 7 dis tinct ones are repeated according to the type 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, Mersenne shows that there are 3,581 ,424 possible songs. Is it therefore not understand able that it was the analogy with the combinatorics derived from gaming that led Mozart to devise a musical game allowing the players to produce waltzes by throwing dice [6]? This then poses the question of the link between musical creativity and chance. One may indeed wonder if certain of Haydn's compositions were not in spired by similar methods. This point is not mentioned, even though his 41st piano sonata is quoted in the article by Wilfrid Hodges and Robin J. Wilson dedicated to musical forms. Speaking of combinatorics raises the possibility of using the group of permutations of objects that one arranges and com bines. . . . From there to seeing Galois's theory in the practice of sixteenth cen-
10/9, 9/8, 6/5, 5/4, 4/3, 3/2, 8/5, 5/3, 16/9, 9/5.
x2 - 2y2
In fact, this becomes obvious when one realises that the above also leads to coming as close as possible to the irra tional 2C6112) = v2 with a rational nwn ber, a classic problem of diophantine analysis, which is much simpler than the previous problem of simultaneous approximation of the twelfth roots of 2. The book is incomplete if one con siders it from the point of view of the
history of acoustics, a word invented by Joseph Sauveur, who professed mathematics at the College de France from 1686. Dumb until the age of seven and deaf for the whole of his life, it is he who looked more closely at the ob servation made by Mersenne that there exist higher harmonics: a string may vibrate in several parts around nodes that remain fixed. The book makes scant mention of the work of Bernoulli or Euler. It remains almost completely silent concerning the discovery in 1 747 by d'Alembert of the partial differential equation of vibrating strings: a2y
It is in fact the solution of this equation that makes Sauveur's discoveries un derstandable. However, research ac tivity on sound was so extensive at the time that to describe it would be an al most impossible task We would need to mention Wallis, Newton, La Hire, not forgetting Bach, Rousseau, and so many others; one would necessarily have to be selective. The selection made in the book is particularly rele vant, but makes one want a new Fo rum, to take the question deeper by re ferring to the activities of other authors who have been left out. The article by Jean Dhombres ex plores another major historical mile stone, by referring to the interest shown by Lagrange around 1760 in musical texts and the theory of instruments. In his Recherches sur la nature et la prop agation du son he gives a definition of the integral of a function as a limit. No more nwnber theory and geometry. He shows that the same differential equa tion appears in the vibrations of strings and those of air. He discovers the or thogonal relationship of sine and cosine. Yet Lagrange cannot be considered to be the inventor either of series or of the Fourier analysis. It was indeed Fourier who recognised the universality of the calculus discovered by Lagrange in his study of musical sounds. From a math ematical point of view, the next stages in this millennia! adventure, which are not covered in this book, are the march towards distributions [ 10] and the deeper understanding of spectral analy sis [11] and group representations [ 12].
© 2005 Springer Sc1ence+Bus1ness Media, Inc., Volume 2 7 , Number 3, 2005
Today the Music of corpuscles and solitons is taking the place of the Mu sic of spheres and mermaids. Consid erations of the multiple infinitely small (chaos?) are replacing those on the sin gle infinitely great (the cosmos?). The bifurcation took place at the end of the eighteenth century, at the very moment when musicians were being pushed into the category of artists, whose role was to provide pleasure for the pre sent, and mathematicians into the cat egory of scientists, building the society of the future. The remainder of the book presents four articles by Giovanni De Poli and Davide Rocchesso, by Erich Neuwirth, by Xavier Serra, and by Jean-Claude Risset on the application of modem digital sound technology. There are new acoustic domains being explored, such as the impact of non-linearity, the hearer's perception, the use of computerised toolboxes to produce sounds, texture compositions, and acoustic illusions. The proliferation is huge and shows how that mathemati cal machine par excellence-the com puter-is invading music. Far from slackening, the interaction between the two fields is continuing to develop and is as strong as ever. The major change seems to have been that math ematics now has its instruments computers--whereas classical musical instruments are left standing. Experi mental practice seems to have provi sionally changed sides, but the process of mutual enrichment is continuing [ 13] . It is consequently natural to ask about the logic and meaning behind this evolution of the two fields [ 14] . Logic has always been essential to mathematics, but in the recent period it would appear to be less natural in music. Of course, one may consider the computerised machine learning music, as do Shlomo Dubnov and Gerard As sayag. But does this have anything to do with logic? Another article by Marie Jose Durand Richard, which retraces the history of logic, shows that the is sue isn't clear. It refers us to the arti cle by Franc;ois Nicolas dealing with just that question: What is the logic in music? The answer given by Nicolas is as anti-pythagorean as could be, be cause it results in the impossibility of
defining this concept today, and hence leads to falling back on the study of the practices involved in musical produc tion, free from mathematical, acoustic (physical), and psycho-physiological tutelage. Such a loss of meaning is in total contradiction of the tradition of a relationship between music and logic, as illustrated in the double organisa tion of ancient knowledge of liberal arts in the form of trivium (grammar, rhetoric, logic) and mathematical quadrivium (arithmetic or the number in itself, geometry or the number in space, music or the number in time, as tronomy or the number in space and time). Yet it is thoroughly contempo rary. It also sets itself completely apart from the theories that Marin Mersenne proclaimed in his Traite de l'harmonie universelle published in October 1627 under the pseudonym Franc;ois de Ser mes [15]. Theorem 1: Music is a part of mathematics and consequently a sci ence, capable of showing the causes, effects, and properties of sounds, songs, concerts, and anything related thereto. Theorem 4: Music is both a speculative and practical science, and an art, and consequently is a virtue of understanding, which it leads to the knowledge of the truth. In this under standing, which one may consider to be outdated (wrongly, for the joint evo lution of the two fields is continuing, as the present book shows), the logic of music finds profound meaning, which the author of the article submits to the meditation of its readers. To this end, the book contains one last article that I have not yet mentioned. It is by Guerino Mazzola and is titled The Topos Geometry ofMusical Logic. (See the review by Shlomo Dubrov, this is sue.) On the mathematical side, he relies on the theory of categories and Grothen dieck constructions; on the musical side, on Riemann's harmony (not G. F. Bern hard but K. W. J. Hugo, i.e., not the math ematician but the author of Mathema tische Logik published in 1873!). He develops a Galois theory of musical con cepts which locks Beauty and Truth into the same kingdom. So might there after all still be some pythagoreans in our day and age, lost among our contempo raries, Guerino being one of them? At any rate, his article is fascinating from
an intellectual point of view. He con firms that the new alliance between mu sic and mathematics announced by Pierre Lamothe in 2000 on his Web site is forging ahead, though using paths other than those he had envisaged [16]. This new alliance between pleasure and science cannot but enrich both parties. It might even constitute a rem edy for the desertion from mathemati cal studies observed in our times, when knowledge and work are parcelled out piecemeal. The pleasure derived from reading this remarkable work is very great. The reviewer is convinced that other Mathematics and Music initia tives need to be taken, and that there is no lack of topics to be covered. Acknowledgement
I am indebted to the non-mathemati cian Andrew Wiles for the English translation. BIBLIOGRAPHY
(1 ] http://www. medieval.og/emfaq/harmony/ pyth.html [2] J. G. Roederer, Introduction to the Physics and Psychophysics of Music, Springer Verlag, New York and Berlin, 1 975. [3] N. H. Fletcher, T. D. Rossing, The Physics of Musical Instruments, Springer-Verlag, New York and Berlin, 1 991 . (4] P. Bailhache, Une histoire de J'acousti que musicale, CNRS editions, Paris, 2001 http://bail hache. human a. u niv-nantes. frI thmusiques [5] E.
Temperaments ,
Springer-Verlag, New York and Berlin, 1 997. [6] http://sunsite. u nivie .a c. at/Mozart/dice/ mozart.cgi [7] W. T. Cook, Fabian Stedman, 1 64Q-1 730, Ringing World, 29 October 1 982, pp. 900-901 . (8] http://virga.org/zarlino/ (9] J . Cannon, S. Dostrovsky, The Evolution of Dynamics: Vibration Theory from 1 687 to 1 742,
New York and
Berlin, [1 98 1 ] . [ 1 0] J . LUtzen, The Prehistory of the Theory of Distributions, Springer-Verlag, New York and Berlin, 1 982. [1 1 ] C. Gordon, D. Webb, S. Wolpert, You cannot hear the shape of a drum, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. (N.S.) 27, pp. 1 34-1 38, 1 992. [1 2] A. W. Knapp, Group representations and
harmonic analysis from Euler to Lang
into notebooks known as "common
truth-values by a "subobject classifer,"
lands, Notices Amer. Math. Soc. 43,
place books." These notebooks were
which is something more general than
1 996, pp. 4 1 0-41 5, pp. 537-549, http:�
commonly indexed and arranged for
the Boolean algebra of True and False.
www.ams.org/notices/1 99604/knapp.pdf
easier reference, and maybe it is not sur
[1 3] http://cnam .fr/bibliotheque/tables/table
prising that the book by Mazzola opens
Grothendieck on algebraic geometry,
by placing music in a new "encyclo
allows Mazzola to define complex mu
[1 4] R . Steinberg (ed.), Music and the Mind
space," a space where human knowl
sical structures of Global Music corn
Machine, Springer-Verlag, New York and
edge production is assumed to be cou
positions, with earlier categories being
Berlin, 1 995.
pled to navigation in a topologically
embedded as "patchworks" of local ob
arranged concept space.
jects in a global theory, leading to cat
[1 5] Marin Mersenne, Traits de l'harmonie uni verselle, Corpus des oeuvres de philoso phie en langue franr;:aise, Fayard, 2003. [1 6] http://www.aei.ca/�plamothe/
In mathematics, category theory is known as a study of abstract mathe matical structures and relationships.
egorization of music as constructions on geometric manifolds. The book opens with a very gen
Groups are often used to describe sym
metries of objects, and they were used
tion, which seems vague or somewhat
philosophical-historical motiva
Conseil scientifique de France Telecom R&D
by music theoreticians for describing
ambiguous, to provide an intuitive basis
38-40 rue du General Leclerc
for dealing with the forthcoming for malisms. In Part II the author goes from
92794 lssy les Moulineaux Cedex 9
pitch classes, or rhythms. Every ele
ment of the group creates a corre
e-mail: serge.
[email protected]
spondence to some other set of ob
tions to very abstract concepts of forms
jects, and Cayley's theorem states that
and denotators, assuming prior knowl
every group
The Topos of Music: Geometric Logic of Concepts, Theory, and Performance by Guerino Mazzola, with Stefan Goller and Stefan Muller BIRKHAUSER VERLAG, BASEL. BOSTON. BERLIN. 2002 1 368 PP. Hardcover. rncl. CD-ROM. € 1 28 ISBN 3-7643-573 1 -2
n the context of classical Greek phi losophy, a
(literally "a place")
is isomorphic to the
Yoneda lemma in category theory is a
reader to "recall" these concepts from
generalization of Cayley's theorem that
appendix G would probably require also
allows the embedding of any category
"recalling" earlier concepts from ap
into a category of mappings (called
pendices C-F on set theory, rings, alge
functors) defined on that category. Us
bras, and algebraic geometry, and so on.
and logic.
Asking the
Part III of the book deals with the
jects, categories of musical composi
next level of describing musical con
tions are defined as elementary objects
structs, such as scales and chords,
of music. Then, describing the Yoneda
terming them
Perspective, Mazzola claims that in re
This brings up a discussion of musical
lation to the arts, "understanding paint
symmetries in the local composition
ing and music is a synthesis of per
objects, such as Messiaen modi and se
rial techniques. But there appears to be
considering functors as the represen
a deeper aspect of local composition
tations, one is led to defining art and
related to the use of functors and their
music as a set of operations (symme
concatenations, needed in preparation
tries) that leave the object invariant.
for Part IV. This aspect (culminating in
Music composition becomes the "in variant" or the "essence" of a set of per
the art of oration or per
ing denotators to describe musical ob
referred to a method of constructing
edge of advanced concepts of cate
group of its symmetric operations. The
and presenting an argument, being part of
concrete examples of note representa
the Yoneda Perspective) employs the
fact that in the denotator representa
an idea related also to
tion one has the mathematical struc
suasion. Plato greatly opposed rhetoric,
Adorno's esthetic principle in music.
ture of a topos, which offers properties
claiming that it values style or manner
The emphasis is on the rhetoric func
such as unions, products,
of persuasion over the discussion of
tion "as a means to express under
(somewhat as in set theory), and al
or limits
substance. Then carne Aristotle's "rec
standing, and in this respect perfor
lows for enumeration or classification.
onciliation" of rhetoric and dialectic
mance is not only a perspective of
Musical or visual examples could help
saying that while dialectical methods
action but instantiation of understand
in clarifying these developments, but
are necessary to find truth, rhetorical
ing, of interpretation given structures."
the author offers rather general claims about the utility of the mathematical
methods are required to construct an
Mazzola further assumes that math
argument in order to communicate it.
ematical study in the context of art will
methods to analysis of an Escher draw
The concept of topos was extended
lead to objects which are "meant to de
ing or appreciation of the fractal Julia
later to literature by a German scholar,
scribe beauty and truth. " This brings
set shape, without much detail. Amer
Curtius, as a study of ways to compile
topos theory to being a way for com
ican Music Set Theory is called "thor
knowledge by selecting and indexing
bining logic and geometry. In topos
oughly out of date from the point of
important phrases, lines, and/or pas
theory one replaces the set by a cate
sages from texts and writing them down
gory, function by a morphism, and
Part IV, on global theory, is a required development for dealing with larger mu sical structures, such as rules of har mony based on local chord construc tions. For instance, a standard example of local versus global topology is a Mobius strip in which a local topology can be taken as a combination of a cir cle and a line segment. The "twisting" in the band is apparent only globally, while locally the ribbon structure defines the topology. In harmony, placing triad chords on a strip in triangles, so that de grees a fifth apart appear at the bases and the third at the vertex (such as I-III Y chords, so that I-V are at the base and III at the vertex), creates a sequence of triangles, with two similar triangles ap pearing at the two ends of the strip, one of them being "upside down." Twisting the strip to connect the two similar ends creates a Mobius strip. This construc tion of the harmonic relations can be used to resolve ambiguities in the Tonic Dominant-Subdominant functions of the chords or explain modulations, etc. More such "simple" examples would have helped to explain the musical as pects of the work. The following Parts V, VI, and VII use related topological methods to an alyze rhythms, motives, harmony, and counterpoint. Parts VIII and IX introduce what probably are the main highlights of this work-relations and transformations of mental activity into music realiza tions. Part VIII deals with performance theory, defining performance fields and the hierarchy of performance cells. These are related to semiotics in Part IX, preceded by an overview of works by Langner, Clynes, Gabrielson, and others, and performance grammars of the KTH school (Stockholm) and Todd. The goal here is to provide tools for rhetoric expression of musical text, considering interpretation as evidence of musical understanding. These meth ods are formally developed into a soft ware system RUBATO, which is de scribed in Part X. Other topics include statistics of analysis methods and per formance, principles of music criticism ("inverse performance theory"), and other contributions that are broadly re lated to uses of formal computer meth ods and object-oriented programming
to music representation and computer aided composition. The accompanying CD-ROM contains Presto and Rubato software that are re alizations of the theory into composition and analysis-performance applications, respectively. Presto is written for an Atari computer, which makes it hardly accessible. Rubato has two versions, one for Nexstep and the other for Mac OSX. The OSX version comes with little doc umentation and the user is referred to documentation of the Nexstep version, which provides a good overview of the program, but lacks tutorials or usage ex amples, except for mp3 recording of one result. It should be noted that, in terms of computation, the various analysis modules of Rubato might be computa tionally demanding, and some simplified approaches to analysis are needed to find the "right orientation" in the great variety of these objects. The huge work presented in the book is highly mathematical and I doubt how much it will allow understanding of the utility of the topos theory for musicians, or of learning about music for the math ematician. It is a very particular view of music focusing on the representation! rhetoric aspects of describing musical objects, disregarding perceptual, cogni tive, or other dialectic/discursive aspects in music creation or listening. However, it should be clear that the mathematical theory of music is not obliged to explain or place human intelligence in the mod eling of music, although to me such a link would be welcome. Department of Music University of California in San Diego LaJolla, CA 92093-0326 USA
and a New York Times Notable Book. The New York Times Book Review is quoted: "The biography of choice . . . Newton the man emerges from the shadows." The Wall Street Journal: "Succinct, elegant . . . A sharp, beauti fully written introduction to the man." All true. There's no doubt that this is a bril liant piece of writing. "Elegant" seems on occasion too mild a word to describe it. Is "poetic" too strong? The language is evocative and beautiful but at the same time conveys in very general terms the scientific achievements of this genius-no easy task (The author has, of course, on other occasions ex hibited his own genius at casting scien tific results in terms that have meaning for the lay reader.) Consider, for exam ple, the opening paragraph of the book: Isaac Newton said he had seen farther by standing on the shoulders of giants, but he did not believe it. He was born into a world of darkness, obscurity, and magic; led a strangely pure and ob sessive life, lackingparents, lovers, and friends; quarreled bitterly with great men who crossed his path; veered at least once to the brink of madness; cloaked his work in secrecy; and yet discovered more of the essential core of human knowledge than anyone before or after. He was chief architect of the modern world. He answered the an cient philosophical riddles of light and motion, and he effectively discovered gravity. He showed how to predict the courses of heavenly bodies and so es tablished our place in the cosmos. He made knowledge a thing of substance: quantitative and exact. He established principles, and they are called his laws.
[email protected]
Isaac Newton by James Gleick NEW YORK: PANTHEON BOOKS. 2003. xii + 272 pages. US $29.95. ISBN 0-375-42233-1
ublishers' advertisements point out that this is a Pulitzer Prize finalist
That sets the scene very well. At the same time one has to point out that there's very little mathematics in this short volume, and the mathematician or professional scientist is going to find the treatment good reading but rather light. Of course, I don't think the au thor had professionals in mind when he decided to write it. To reduce the life and work of a tow ering figure like Newton to 189 pages plus notes and references (octavo, not even folio) is to set oneself an impossi-
ble task. This is very different from the more extensive biographies by Richard S. Westfall at 908 pp. (Never at Rest, Cambridge, 1980); Gail Christianson at 624 pp. (In the Presence of the Cre ator/Isaac Newton and His Times, Free Press, 1984); A. Rupert Hall at 468 pp. (Isaac Newton/Adventurer in Thought, Cambridge, 1992); or even the psy chobiography by Frank A. Manuel at 478 pages (A Portrait ofIsaac Newton, Har vard University Press, 1968). Gleick gives a helpful overview of where things stood in science prior to Newton. There were some pretty strange ideas floating around-for ex ample, Athanasius Kircher's claim that "the ocean waters continually pour into the northern pole, run through the bowels of the earth, and regurgitate at the southern pole." By the 17th cen tury, views were changing. Newton the scientist was perhaps without equal. Newton the human being was deeply flawed. Because readers of The InteUigencer will be familiar with the major scientific achievements of Newton, I shall talk more about New ton the man. It is curious that when Newton said that he had been "like a boy playing on the sea-shore, and di verting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me"-yes, all the classic quotes are here-we are also told that "he proba bly never set eyes on the ocean." And he lived in an island nation, never that far from the sea. Unlike his contempo rary Leibniz, who was well-travelled and worldly, Newton never travelled, and his whole life was spent between Grantham (where he was born), Cam bridge, and London (where he was Master of the Mint)-a little over 100 miles. When we think of Newton, two im ages immediately come to mind: a car toon-like figure sitting under an apple tree, observing a falling or fallen apple, or the heroic and confident stance of the Newton of L.-F. Roubiliac's statue in the Trinity College Chapel. For those who look further, there are the rather benign and probably flattering images in the portraits by Sir Godfrey Kneller. Gleick tells us that late in life "New-
ton told at least four people that he had been inspired by an apple in his Wools thorpe garden-perhaps an apple falling from a tree, perhaps not." The benign Newton would probably not have been recognized by Flamsteed or Hooke or Leibniz, or others whom he attacked vociferously. We can all probably think of ge niuses-perhaps not as great as New ton-whom we regret never having had a chance to meet or at least ob serve from a distance-Rembrandt, Mozart (at least before Peter Shaffer wrote Amadeus), Euler, Einstein, . . . I can say without equivocation, how ever, that I am relieved not to have en countered Newton. Gleick sometimes generously lets Newton off rather lightly. Consider New ton's relations with the Astronomer Royal, John Flamsteed. Newton, who needed observations to test his theo ries, asked for data from Flamsteed, (admittedly a difficult man to deal with), promised to keep the data for his use only, and then published them. Gleick writes that when Newton needed the data he visited Flamsteed at Greenwich and "pried loose fifty lu nar observations and a promise of one hundred more. Flamsteed was reluc tant, and he demanded secrecy, be cause he considered these records his personal property. Soon Newton wanted more . . . [he] cajoled Flam steed and then pressured him." Manuel, by contrast, is blunt in his de scription: "[Newton wrote to Flam steed] 'I will neither publish them [the observations] nor communicate them to any body whilst you live, nor after your death without an honourable ac knowledgment of their Author.' This was an unequivocal promise which Newton had already made once before. . . . Both promises were later broken." Robert Hooke, seven years New ton's senior, held an important post, Curator of Experiments for the Royal Society. Gleick describes him as "New ton's goad, nemesis, tormentor and vic tim." Their great dispute derived from, among other things, their opposing views on light, whether it was "particle or wave," and in doubting Newton's views Hooke had an ally in Christiaan Huygens. Much of the correspondence
cloaks their enmity for each other in flattery and compliments. Manuel says of one exchange, "Hooke was fulsome in his praise . . . 'I doe justly value your excellent Disquisitions . . . I judge you have gone farther in that affair much than I did . . . I believe the subject can not meet with a fitter and more able person to inquire into it than yourself . . . ' . . . Newton . . . replied in kind 'You defer too much to my ability for searching into this subject . . . [I know] no man better able to furnish me wth them then your self. ' But interspersed with the baroque compliments are con descending jibes. Hooke, casually al luding to his recognized priority in the field, implied that Newton was merely putting finishing touches on what he had already initiated.'' This was calcu lated to drive Newton into a fury and it did. Much later, when Newton headed the Royal Society, he "purged the . . . Society of all remnants of Hooke.'' Gleick gives a straightforward and balanced account of what was perhaps the most important of Newton's battles with colleagues, the Newton-Leibniz controversy on priority in the discov ery of the calculus. Normally Newton operated by stealth, attacking either through his disciples or by writing anonymous reviews himself. Leibniz was also adept at getting his friends to write on his behalf. But when Leibniz wrote a strong letter to the Royal So ciety making his claims for the inven tion of the calculus, the Society issued a report condemning Leibniz, "accus ing him of a whole congeries of pla giarism. It judged Newton's method to be not only first-'by many years'-but also more elegant, more natural, more geometrical, more useful, and more certain.'' Newton felt vindicated by the report. Of course, he wrote it himself. By the time some of Newton's attacks were made, it no longer mattered to Leibniz. He had died in 1 716. As with others of Newton's adversaries-Barn abas Smith (Newton's stepfather), Flamsteed, and Hooke-Newton won by outliving them. Obsessed with secrecy, Newton not only published seldom; when he did communicate his ideas they were often in code. Gleick gives an example, in a
© 2005 Spnnger Sc1ence+Bus1ness Med1a, Inc , Volume 27, Number 3, 2005
letter to Leibniz asserting possession of a "twofold" method for solving in verse problems of tangents: "At present I have thought fit to report both by transposed letters . . . 5accdm 1 Oefjh1 1 i4l3m9n6oqqr8s1 1 t9v3x:1 1 a b3cdd1 Oem g1 Oillrm 7n603p3q6r5s 1 1 t8vx,3acm 4egh5i4 14m5n8oq4r3s6t4vaaddm eeeeeiijmmnnooprrs ssssttuu. " It appears that when he did "communicate" with peers, he didn't convey much information. He was not only obsessively secre tive, choleric, and disputatious, he also exhibited unattractive traits of ambition and excessive concern for power and money. He wielded intellectual power as President of the Royal Society and fi nancial power as Master of the Mint. Gleick gingerly handles one aspect of Newton's life that others have ad dressed more candidly. He quotes Voltaire who said in his Letters on Eng land, "In the course of such a long life he had neither passion nor weakness; he never went near any woman. I have had that confirmed by the doctor and the surgeon who were with him when he died." Gleick goes on to treat very delicately the role that Fatio de Duil lier, the minor Swiss mathematician, mystic, and adventurer, played in New ton's life. He says that "Newton felt real affection for this brash and hero-wor shiping young man, who lodged with him increasingly in London and visited him in Cambridge." Manuel suggests more: "Isaac Newton died a virgin . . . Newton's inhibitions probably pre cluded both cohabitation with women and inversion, though not feelings of tenderness toward a succession of younger men, budding scientists and philosophers. In his relations with Fa tio de Duillier, the aristocratic Swiss genius who appeared in England when Newton was about forty-five, these feelings reached a high pitch, posing a threat and creating a demand for re pression that was an element in the breakdown of 1693." 1 Westfall tells us that when Fatio wrote to Newton in the fall of 1692 that "I have Sir allmost no hopes of seeing you again. With coming from Cambridge I got a grievous cold, which is fallen upon my lungs," Newton responded "I . . . last night received your
letter wtll wch how much I was affected I cannot express. Pray procure y" advice & assistance of Physitians before it be too late & if you want any money I will supply you. . . . sr wtll my prayers for your recovery I rest, Your most affec tionate and faithfull friend to serve you Is. Newton." It is not clear just what games Fatio was playing here. He went on to live another 61 years! Newton worried a great deal about his own health, in particular about the plague and the pox. According to Gleick, "he treated himself preemptively by drinking a self-made elixir of turpen tine, rosewater, olive oil, beeswax, and sack" By Newton's thirties his hair was already gray. Yet, for his time, he lived a long life-84 years. With Newton's genius for science, modem readers have to wonder about the amount of effort he expended on alchemy. Gleick correctly cautions us, however, not to come down too hard on Newton for this. The distinction be tween chemistry and alchemy was not as clear then as it is today, just as as trology and astronomy were not as dis tinct. After all, "Kepler and Galileo had trafficked in horoscopes." Another aspect of Newton's life work that might surprise some today is his great concern for questions in the ology. Gleick writes: "the fatherless man, the fellow of the college named Trinity, turned to Christian theology with the same sleepless fervor he brought to alchemy." It is interesting to note that though Newton spent his whole academic life at a college named for the holy Trinity, he himself did not believe in the Trinity (or the divinity of Christ) and used "A.C." instead of "A.D." to emphasize the association of a year with Christ and not the divinity. It amounted to heresy, but who would dare to accuse Newton? Newton expended enormous amounts of time and energy on hermeneutics, though, and in the last days of his life he was still working on his Chronology of the Ancient Kingdoms Amended in which he measured the reigns of the kings and calculated the date of the sailing of the Argonauts to find that the ancient kingdoms were much younger than was generally assumed. His sci-
ence has survived, but, alas, his theo logical work has not. Newton died an agonizing death from kidney stones. He probably would have approved of his monument at the screen in Westminster Abbey, erected in 1731 and designed by John Michael Rysbrack Gleick gives a succinct de scription, but I'll describe it with more detail: behind the actual marker on the grave a marble catafalque under a large sarcophagus, with a frieze of putti per forming scientific experiments, on which Newton reclines against four books (the Principia, Opticks, Divin ity, and the Chronology), with two putti displaying a scroll with a diagram, and, well above, a large globe showing the constellations, signs of the zodiac, and the comet of December 24, 1680, whose path Newton predicted. And on the globe a large female figure of As tronomy, the Queen of Sciences, re clines-all under a neo-Gothic screen. Westfall calls it a monstrosity. But it's very grand, the tomb of a rich and pow erful man. By contrast, the location of Leibniz's grave is unknown. Gleick gives us a splendid account of the life of Newton. It's such a fasci nating tale, it makes one long for more. Department of Mathematics & Computer Science Santa Clara University Santa Clara, CA 95053-0290 USA e-mail:
[email protected]
Across the Board: The Mathematics of Chessboard Problems b y John J. Watkins PRINCETON UN IVERSITY PRESS, 2004. 264 PP. US $24.95. ISBN 0-691 - 1 1 503-6
think I became a mathematician be cause I loved to play games as a child. I learned about probability and expec tation by playing games like backgam mon, bridge, and Risk But I experi enced the greater thrill of careful
deductive reasoning through games like Mastermind and chess. In fact, for many years I took the game of chess quite seriously and played in many tournaments. But I gave up the game when I started college and turned my attention to more serious pursuits, like learning real mathematics. So when I first picked up a copy of Across the Board: The Mathematics of Chessboard Problems, I was pleasantly surprised. I think I expected to find mathematical analysis of questions like "How should White play to mate as quickly as possible?" or "What sequence of moves produced this sequence of po sitions?", as were effectively described in the recent Intelligencer article by Elkies and Stanley [ 1 ] . Instead, what I found was a delightfully written book on "real mathematics," loaded with the orems with elegant proofs, directed at problems that arise on the chessboard. Aside from knowing how each chess piece moves, the reader does not need to know how to play chess nor any of its notation. The book begins with a discussion of knight's tours, whereby a chess knight visits every square on a chess board exactly once, beginning and end ing the tour at the same square. Al though knight's tours exist on an 8-by-8 chessboard, they do not exist for boards of all sizes. For instance, it is easy to see that a knight's tour is im possible when m and n are both odd, since the color of the square alternates at each move; the knight could not re turn to its original square in mn moves. Knight's tours are clearly impossible for 1-by-n and 2-by-n boards, and by colorful arguments can be proved im possible for boards of size 4-by-n, 3-by6, and 3-by-8. The book then outlines a proof of "Schwenk's Theorem," which says that all rectangular chessboards have a knight's tour, except for the aforementioned cases. Since knight moves alternate colors, then on an 8-by-8 chessboard, we could place 32 knights on all the black squares or all of the white squares, and no two knights will attack each other. No other arrangements of 32 or more knights is possible, for such an arrange ment would necessarily use two adja-
cent squares in a knight's tour. In gen eral, it can be shown that the maximum number of "independent" knights on an n-by-n chessboard is ln2/2 l (where lxl denotes the ceiling of x). How many non-attacking bishops can be placed on an n-by-n board? Since there are 2n - 1 positively slop ing diagonals, including the length-one diagonals of the lower right and upper left square, there can be at most 2n 2 such bishops. One way to achieve this is by placing bishops on every square of the first and last row, except for the rightmost squares. Watkins goes on to prove that there are exactly 211 ways to accomplish this, and all of them must have the bishops only oc cupy the outer ring of the chessboard. In a similarly thorough fashion, the book also addresses the related prob lems of "domination," such as how many kings can be placed on an n-by n board so that every square is either occupied or attacked. (Here the an swer is ln!W.) As with the indepen dence questions, the book provides satisfying answers to domination ques tions for all pieces, and on a variety of surfaces, including toroidal chess boards and "Klein bottle" boards. I found Watkins's style of writing very engaging, as one would expect for a book on recreational mathematics. Each chapter begins with some easy re sults and builds gradually in sophisti cation, much like a Martin Gardner ar ticle, culminating in numerous open problems suitable for exploration by undergraduates. Indeed, many of the theorems in the book arose from joint work of the author and several under graduates. I frequently found myself earmarking theorems and problems that could be used as interesting home work questions for the next time I teach discrete mathematics or graph theory. So at the risk of offending "rank and file" mathematicians, I would say that if you are looKING for a book that can capture your imagination or igKNIGHT a passion for discrete mathematics, then buying a copy of Across the Board would be a great move. I guarantee that these "board problems" will not lead to "bored readers."
[ 1 ] N. D. Elkies and R. P. Stanley, The Mathe matical Knight, Math. l ntelligencer 25 (2003), no. 1 , 22-34. Harvey Mudd College Claremont, CA 91 71 1 USA e-mail:
[email protected]
The (mis)Behaviour of Markets by Benoit Mandelbrot and Richard L. Hudson BASIC BOOKS, NEW YORK, 2004, ISBN 0-465-04355-0, $27.50
andelbrot, on whose behalf this book is written in the first person singular despite the presence of a sec ond author, believes that modem fi nancial theory is wrong. He thinks that the theory underestimates the proba bility of large price movements, and that markets are therefore riskier than current theory indicates. Written for the general reader, the book mixes anecdotes and theoretical discussion cleverly and entertainingly. Anybody who hasn't yet read about fractals will find them well exposed here. Mandelbrot devotes a lot of space to demonstrating his view that price variations (month-to-month, day-to day, minute-to-minute) are not distrib uted normally, but according to a power law. He would replace conven tional models with one based on two parameters: a, the exponent in the power law; and H, a measure of the ex tent to which the direction of price variations persists over time. How should one judge a book on a scientific theme written for the non expert? I think there are three key questions.
1 . Is It Well Written?
Page 13 is discouraging. Here, the pe riod from 1916 to 2003 is described as "Truly, a calamitous era that insists on
© 2005 Spnnger Sc1ence+ Bus�ness Med1a, Inc., Volume 27, Number 3, 2005
flaunting all predictions." Either the era displays an unusual form of exhi bitionism or the authors mean "flout ing." On page 148 we learn that "For more than a century, the New York Cotton Exchange had kept exacting, daily records of prices . . . . " Do the au thors really mean "exacting," i.e., "mak ing great demands, calling for much ef fort," or should it be "exact"? There is a more serious problem on page 1 1 , where Mandelbrot defines the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH): " . . . in an ideal market, all relevant in formation is already priced into a se curity today." The next sentence reads, "One illustrative possibility is that yes terday's change does not influence to day's, nor today's, tomorrow's; each price change is 'independent' from the last." But what is an "illustrative possi bility"? Is it a consequence?-if so, the chain of logic should be explained, be cause it isn't obvious to me that the second quoted sentence follows from EMH. Or is it something that doesn't contradict EMH? Or is it another tenet altogether? The difference between these interpretations is critical, be cause the book is largely a picking apart of the notion that price changes are independent of each other. 2. Do I Trust the Authors'
In a book like this, many of the tech nical details are necessarily omitted, and the reader needs to take the au thors' word on trust. So it is important for the authors to build up the readers' confidence. In this particular case, the field is one where great care needs to be taken over the interpretation of con fusing, noisy data. The evidence here is generally presented graphically, to which I have no objection, but the chart on page 205 caught my eye. It compares the Cisco Systems stock price with what Mandelbrot calls the stock's "real" value, i.e., earnings per share, and purports to show how the price rose well above the "real" value during the dot-com bubble before the 2001 collapse. Unfortunately, however, a cursory glance at the chart suggests that the "real" value was even more turbulent than the price. I give three
further examples that made me won der whether to accept the authors' judgment. Having started off by assassinating modem financial theory, which is "founded on a few shaky myths" (chap ter 1) and "riddled with false assump tions and wrong results" (chapter 5), Mandelbrot desecrates the corpse in chapter 12 with "ten heresies of fi nance." He is particularly harsh on EMH. Now, I had always thought of EMH as a useful simplifying assump tion that has a strong element of truth without being absolutely correct (how could every piece of information be known to every market player?), but nevertheless enables useful deductions to be made, the variations of which from reality can yield rich insights. Mandelbrot, however, regards EMH as something in which all "conventional" economists and financiers believe im plicitly and absolutely, and picks it apart with the glee of a child attacking a scab. Mandelbrot portrays himself as a doughty warrior against the academic establishment. An early paper was pub lished as an internal research report by IBM. "The noise from academia was loud. Who was this Mandelbrot fellow, a grimy industrial scientist with a de gree in applied mathematics, to chal lenge the elaborate models of the eco nomics elite?" (p165). When he tried to publish in economics journals, some people even had the cheek to ask "me to spell my name" (p166), but he was not above using a connection to "skip the usual, time-consuming process of having a paper read, critiqued, and dis sected by academic 'referees' " (p166). The whole business of peer review is tiresome; on page 191 we read how Mandelbrot went straight to a journal editor. "He agreed on the spot to pub lish, without the usual routine of call ing academic referees. Such forceful editors are the salt of the earth, but rare in scientific publishing. More com mon is the risk-avoiding bureau crat, nailed to an influential editorial chair." Even colleagues sometimes balk him (p190): "I tried collaborating with a Harvard hydrologist, but his computer program produced garbage.
(For which he blamed me: The course of scientific collaboration seldom runs smoothly)." I began to wonder what it must be like to be Mandelbrot's col league or editor. On page 255 we are told that "We place control of the world's largest economy in the hands of a few elderly men, the central bankers. We do not understand what they do or how, but we have blind faith that they can some how induce the economic spirits to bring us financial sunshine and rain. . . . " And so on. Well now, three points spring to mind. (a) Do "we" really have such blind faith? (b) Are these old men really in control of the US economy? (c) Considering the overall perfor mance of the US economy since the Second World War, it looks as if the el derly men, if indeed they are in control, haven't done a bad job. 3. After Reading the Book, Will I
Look at the World in a New Way?
Buried like an undescended testicle in the body of this book is a bizarrely one sided conversation under the heading, "In financial markets, the idea of 'value' has limited value" (p249). The imag ined reader's responses are so differ ent from my own that I give my reac tions in italics. The authors' voice tells us that econ omists and financial analysts like to calculate the "value" of a commodity or a company because, although prices fluctuate, "there is something in the hu man condition that abhors uncertainty, unevenness, unpredictability. People like an average to hold onto, a target to aim at-even if it is a moving target." The voice continues, "But how useful is this concept, really? What is the value of a company? Well, you say, is it the price the market in its collective wisdom hangs on it?" Well, perhaps I might say that. The authorial voice then points out that prices of companies fluctuated wildly during the technology boom and bust: "Ah, you say, it was not the com pany's business fundamentals, but the market's appetite for technology com panies that changed-and this is as much a part of the measure of intrinsic value as balance sheet or cash flow."
Er, I'm not sure that I would say that. The voice then points out that the
By whom ?
bulent," "inherently uncertain," and "deceptive. "
"So how, you ask, does one survive in such an existentialist world, a world
"real" value of a company would then
without absolutes?"
change all the time and asks, "What use
What can I say?
• They are strong determinists. "Why
even talk about chance in financial
markets? The very idea clashes with
is a valuation model with new param
I dwell so long on this passage be
every intuition we have about the
eters for every calculation?" The answer
cause it brought to a head the strange
way society, commerce, and finance
comes back, "Point taken, you say."
feeling of dislocation I had while read
work" (p27). Really? • They are the purest of the pure. They
No, really, I don 't say that.
ing the book. It is not aimed at me, or
The voice, gaining confidence with
at anybody I know. Intended readers
each rhetorical triumph, now suggests
need, as we have seen, to believe in
demic purists, you would find lots of
that value is perhaps a function of cost,
something called the "intrinsic value"
things that look plain wrong on a typ
and asks, "What is the cost of Microsoft
of a commodity and to have blind faith
ical, real-world trading floor" (p80).
Office software? Easy, you say."
in US central bankers. Such readers, let
I absolutely don't say that. How could anybody say that?
us call them mandelbrothers, will find
It might well have been possible to
their beliefs exposed to relentless ar
fashion a paradigm-changing book out
Brushing the reader aside dismis sively with a mere glimpse of the diffi
gument. What else can be deduced
of Mandelbrot's ideas. But while man
about mandelbrothers?
delbrothers may look at the world in a
culties of calculating costs, the voice concludes once again, "Point taken, you say. "
need to be told that "in the eyes of aca
different way after reading this par • They
smooth, predictable, and transpar
ticular book, earthling mathematicians are likely to be less excited.
I'm getting .fed up with this. I say no such thing.
of finance," which appear to be "a
Perihelion Ltd.
Winding down now, the author con
collection of-to m�bvious facts"
1 87 Sheen Lane
cludes "that value is a slippery concept,
(p226) that the author thinks are
London SW1 4 SLE
and one whose usefulness is vastly
heretical to received wisdom. Three
of these state that markets are "tur-
[email protected]
ent. This follows from the "heresies
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© 2005 Spnnger ScoenceT Busmess Mecoa, Inc
Volume 27, Number 3, 2005
..jfi 1.19·h•i§i ..
Robi n Wi lson
The Philamath's Alphabet- ! l
The main achievements of early Egyptian mathematicians in volved the practical skill of measure ment. The oldest of the Egyptian pyra mids is King Djoser's step pyramid in Saqqara, built in horizontal layers and dating from about 2700 BC. It was sup posedly designed by Imhotep, the cel ebrated court physician, Grand Vizier and architect. Impossible obj ect: Several artists, notably Maurits Escher, the 'master of optical illusion', have incorporated into their designs certain 'impossible features' that cannot exist in threemhotep:
dimensional space. The impossible ob ject shown here was one of several drawn in 1934 by the Swedish artist Os car Reutersvard. Integral sign: In the fall of 1675, Gott fried Wilhelm Leibniz introduced two symbols that would forever be used in calculus. One was the d (or dyldx) no tation used for derivatives. The other was the integral sign. Attempting to find areas under curves by summing lines, he defined omnia l (the sum of the ls ), which he then represented by an elongated S. Integral signs appear on two of the stamps shown here. Integrated circuit: The development of printed circuit boards in the 1960s led to the introduction of the all important integrated circuit, an assem bly of thousands of transistors, resis tors, capacitors, and other devices, all interconnected electronically and pack aged as a single functional item. This led, in tum, to the first personal com puters in the 1970s.
International Congresses of Math ematicians: As part of the 400th an niversary celebrations of Columbus's voyage to America, a World Congress of Mathematicians took place in Chicago in 1893. Since the first meet ing, more than twenty ICMs have taken place, usually every four years. Those in Moscow (1966), Helsinki (1978), Warsaw (1983), Kyoto ( 1990), and Berlin (1998) were commemorated on stamps. International date line: The mea surement of time has long been a mat ter of concern. In 45 BC Julius Caesar introduced his 'Julian Calendar', but the Julian year proved to be 1 1 minutes too long. In 1582 Pope Gregory introduced the Gregorian calendar, eventually to be adopted by Britain and the American colonies in 1752. In 1884 the line from which time is measured (0° longitude) was located at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich; the Astronomer Royal at the time was Sir George Airy.
§fy,ds •
Impossible object
Integral sign
Integrated circuit
Please send all submissions to the Stamp Corner Editor, Robin Wilson, Faculty of Mathematics,
The Open University, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, England e-mail:
[email protected]
International Congress of Mathematicians
THE MATHEMATICAL INTELLIGENCER © 2005 Springer Science+ Busrness Medra, Inc
International date line