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Mississippi River Gunboats of the American Civil War 1861-65
ANGUS KOHSTAM h.lI. Irom tIM! Orllney I.l.nds .nd I. Ihe author of over 15 book., m.ny 01 which ar. publl.hed by ~y. Hi. other maritime tit}n indude Eilla 87: Pi""e. f660-'730, Elite 89: 8u<:~~'" 1620-'700 and Elite 70: Ellza".t""" S.a Dog. '~'605. Formerly th40 Curator of Weapon. In the Roy~ Announes .t the To.....r of London, he .110 . .tyed aa the Chiel CuralOf" ollhe Mel Fbher Maritim. Mu. .um In Key West, Florida II _ based In London, he.. he combinel • lreelanc. c:onaultancy bu.I.........lth • c:.~r .a • hl.torian and ....riter.
TONY BRYAN I. alr.elanc:e Illustrator 01 many yea.. eJperlenc:e aller Initially qualifying In Engineering and ....orklng for a number 01 y.a.. In Military Re .......h and Dev.lopment. Tony haa a keen Int.reat In military hardware - .l11I4r, .mall arma. alrc:tall and ahlpa - and haa prodU<:H many Illuatrationa lor partwortl., megulnea and book•• Inc:ludlng a numbosr of tit'" In tIM! New Vangu.rd
u ....
New Vanguard • 49
Mississippi River Gunboats of the American Civil War 1861-65
R-.r. n'I8Y CMt .0 """' 'I'Ie1 lilt ongonBI p,.,"'n;_ 110m """'Cn IN coioli platN .... hIs 0001< __ prepwed ... IIYIoilabIe lot pr>Ii&le sale .... reptO
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Artist's Note
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MISSISSIPPI RIVER GUNBOATS OF THE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR 1861-65 INTRODUCTION TIll: ~lfIlggl~' lor the ~Ii"i"ippj KiH'! \\O\\(,!t·c1 g'unhO;llS. 010<1('111 fortification .., ;ImphihlOIl\ riH.'rillt.' I.l11dill/-::... ,lIId ,lit' emplo\ 1IIl'1l1 uf mint.·.... \11 of tlll''>t.' \'l'ft' IH.'\\. rd;uhch tllllt,.,tt'(\ il"tnlllU'lIb nfwar. :"01 onh ,\ould thi~ Ilt'\\ forlll of \\'arfan' dllluil!,tlc' lilt" \trugKk lor the "pine of .\mcrica. hili the "lru~U~k would l
The Mlm..IP91 R....... port 01 Mempnl.,,
.......ed •• the
n.v.' yard lor ttMl Confederate River Dalen.. Fl. .t on the upper Ml..lulppl. • I\llScenl n.....1 b... h.d boMon
created on the city..
riverfront before the w.r,
At Ihe Olllhn'ak of the Chi! \\'.It", both ..ides Wl'fl: llllprl'J}art.:d for the lOlllli \1. Luis "('III <\ plOpO...11 lu the :\'.1\'\ Dl'pt' in \'ilgilli,1 l'rhurNI lilt: Conledt:I~lleS had ,\(("('''S 10 sufficil'llI j{llIh 10 de!t'rI(l the rhl'l ..lIld "l'\l'ral po\\t.:rful h,Htl'de" l\t're pl
The n.v.1 y.te1 .1 Mound Clly, Illinois, seNed ••••upply .nd rep.l. b... for Union m... gunbo.lls, The l.elUlles were _sic but, following the tnln.ler of lhe river neet from Anny 10 Nevy control In August t862,
more e,denslve flo.llr'lll IWP'lr
-::.-L.>. •
. ,.
, ,. ,
"' a \,'.
"' Ie
" c
d n
Uniol1 ~tratq.,"", E\l'l1 it tlH:V ollh hdd Utll' baslioll on the ri\cr, ot' ~q)l orH: \\erit'l> of il11po"ing lortifiClllon,. Allhough Ihe fonification' at hl.mel :"\0. 10 and Fon Pill()\1 \Il'r" r.lpwred h\ Olht'r IIlt·'Ill". l'nioTl \\OOdell gunooab haelthl'ir ch;lllre lor glon ill t\\O bOlttk" ,It Furt Pillu\, ,lilt! .\1l'lllphil>' In the'l' \1\0 CllgagCllll'J1b the COUll'e1I'I,Il!" R;\t:r Dcfcn ..e Fk-cl \\';IS ckr;lll;llt:d, ~U1d onh Ihe gUll' of VichhuIV; pn'\I'IlIt:d Ihe entire rher falling into l'nion hands, [H'1l tht'lI, COllft:I!t'lall' llil\al unit.!> 011 Illl:' \';1100 Ri\t'r (,I\l'l'd;t ncarcolhlp~c of II Ie UllllHl n~l\itll'lTllrt hd(lre lhe cit\ of\'irk,lnlrg: It'll to Gc11"I~lll;I"l1lt in.llll\ IHli:\, \\'111'11 I'ort Ilud'Oll fell it \\('t'\.. tiler. the cmirc ~ti,~i.,.,ippi ];1\ ill Uniol1 h;tmk ami d(J/t:n~ ot \\OO(ll'll g:unhoith p,ttrolkd Ihl' hard,woll W,l1er, Control of tlihlllarie, ,11th ii' Ihl' Cnrnht..-bnc\ :llId Il'lllle"l'l' RiH'r' l'l)\lllt:d th,tl Union /{llllho,u,. U,ul"pon .., alld ~llpph ho,t'" could \1,;\\'('1 ullimpeded illlo !L'111I1"M'I'. Kctltuck\', J\li"i"isippi. ,tnd Ilppt:r ,\Iab,tlll:l. Fllrther Il) Ihl' \\I'~I, Conll'd"I';\tc tortl'~ ()pl'I,lled ('II tht' Rl·d Ri\el', and a ClIllp,dg'11 Ihen' would cuhnill:lIl' in a Illltllilialing: ICtt!:'al by llie Union, iUld \\oldd ensure thaI Conkdeml" I't'~i~t,tllft, in Arkan~a~ and 1l0rth\TIl l.olli'i:tll,1 would continuc until tht: l,t1(1 of tht: 11'<11'. Tht: gunhoal" produccd h\ hoth north .lIld l>OLllh Il'plnt'llled iI solutioll to lhl' ~Imu'g:ic and log:i,ticil problcnh which lac('d Ihe 11,1\,11 COlll1mllldl'r~ 01 hotll "itk" 1\11111 cOll\cned 'Illd pllrpo'e-Ililiit Wl'lldt'll gunboats would pl great conl1icl. ,\hhough to 1110'1 sailors. tlll'\ Wt·\{, illerI' ~lInh;p~ \lere unable to !)l:'1 101m. I AI' a g;am f~lII. ell(' ~Ii"i,,;ppi Ri\l.'r .md ill> uibutark" "prl,;td <1\10"!, 01 milt" 01 tilt: ,\nU'r;can heartland. The link WOtlc!t'll gunboall> ul bOlll cOIIII),lt.llll, \I OllIe! reach into \'irtualh e\ l'n p.lrI ul IIii, brown·\\,ltl·rl'd arell,I,
Union river l,..nS9Of'ls pl.yed
vlt81 pilrt I" In. C:8mpillgnfrt; .tong In. Mississippi River .nd II. lributari••, nil. nt... Is of IIMI rivor tr."sport Chklt:8m8ug8, o~"'led by the W.r Depllrtment, eN.llon.1 Archlv••)
THE UNION RIVER FLEET The Tlmberclads \\'111.'11 J.HIIl>' It Lid, \lIhlllilll.'d a proposal 10 build a flotilla de\iKlwc! to IHI',I (OIHIlIl of lhe :'.li,~i"ippi I{ht'l from the Collledl.'l'lIl.'~. he \\,\\
pchoilll{ the call hI Ct'rleraJ \\'inlkld ScUll 10 make the riH'r a m.yor !()Cal poilll 01 Lniun '11,11eh....., Wi\\ it ~1l(T(''-''llll S, LOlli" bu"ille.....l11.lIl. ,mel clI.p<·riellu;d ill ("ol"lruoiOiL lilt:" i'an \\a~ h.lrd-prt:'~dju"l to (',l;lhli,h .1 hlod...l{1e .m IUI,d Ihe (Amrcdl'r;lI(' coasllim·. 'iO ...he lIlilllcr \\.1, p""t'd 10 the \\,,11' 1)\·p.1I11l1I'nl. \.hkh r.1Jl lhe L'S .\nll\. \\lldl the :\'an Dl'IMrlIll1'lII could do \1.1\ 10 \l:nd .1lI t'XlkneTlced IM\';.\1 unlet:!' to \lIIX'f\;·.e ope" atiOll". I II \ 1,1\ I Rfi I. COIllIll
jmnn U
I1Imlll QJ dI'JI''''''.
oj \1 1Jmu. 11m
11,1' nn/)I&\ 1111'1'1 of IIII' OOtdl (Jl.I'lInl
11\ IIII' ll',-rrkinK '-OI1l/KII/\ "/11",,,-11 III' il (I ml'mbn; (lml '"11 f/(ll'nl'd IIwl \(//(1 'KKIII 1~ lakn/I/\ IIII' (;m"""lmn"
The gunboat USS W8S the most powerful of lh. lhree tlmbe~lad gunboat, which saw ,ervlee In the Union ri....r fleet. Sh' can be distingut,hed from the USS lexington by the mIdshIps positIon of her smolteslaelts. end from the USS Conettoga by her shorter hull.
I 1M tw-no.n:lad gunbollt USS
".drifton uwally CGrljunctIon with
~".ted Ifl
u.. USS 1}'HH",
8I'ld . .rved with di,tinctlon
thl"oughollt the w'r. SM I, probaOIy blt,t remembered for jIrO'tiding n.....1 gunlir. support
to aen.,..l Gnln'" Union Army .t the Ibttle 01 Shiloh in April 1862.
The tlmben:l.d gunbott USS
e-.,OS/. 11rs' nw In September 1881,.r>d
aubnqu.nlly took pert In the
ItUleki on Fort Henry and Fort Oonel.on. She wat .unk In 8 tolllsion with the USS G.ner,' Price In March 1884.
~lcanwhile. \lcCll'llan h.ld OCl'lI 1\'pl.l<.c(l I" (o('\WI-;:tl hl'moll!. .md lhe 11('\\ reh>ional commander .I..,ll'd fOT RuclH:er,\ n'mo\';.,!. due IU the complainL' 01 IOGtl bliSiIK"'lllt"1l IIMI Iw \\,1\ nUl di\p\;l\;n~ ('I!Hugh I,lr~t.......' o(· \\ilh naval CUIlII-;:ICL\. TIll" ("IMhk RodHl"" \\.l\ dllh .....·nl 1l;ld. (';1.'1. .\\ LOlli~\ille. Plwlp~ \IIl.l~kd In cOlllpll'h' llw ~lIllbO.II", Phdp' c0ll1pl.lil\l~1 -,het t" j., 110 p.lInl lor tilt' IXhlL,,- ,l1Id qll("liul\t'd Ihl' CJII,llil\ 01111(' rin'lllu'll hif("(! hI hi.. C()I1(·'I~lll'''' Fin"lh. lhl' riH.'1 nN: l'llllug-h for lhl' Ihn:,(:, g:unboilL' 10 cnntillllt' nn 10 (:;,iro, \1111'1"(' lhei! g:1I11' ,lIId ~lOre~ I\ailed 10! thelll Ull lht." qll,il..,ide. nil' Ino cun,tltlll('d tilt' Ollh rin'r ddl'llW' al,lilahk to thl.' l'ninll, ,lIId Il('n' dlth pill to lUll\" hI lht, ,\mll, \\11ilo: Iht'l I\('re newt'li hI ;-':an 1)('l,->(JIllld, lhl'l (alld ,Ill IIlhel l'nioll ri\ t'r g-uJlboa~) Gillie llndt'l Ann\ {I)lllrol. nit, 1111'1 11\ IlilLl Wtlllid onh he 1rall,ft'lTe.:ill{..r/Oll rMrit·d IWO :{2-pollml,'I'. ,\lid tour H-incb ..llltlllll,llIll'l·... 1\llile Ihe..: ·'\'ncarricd ~It' ~2'po\llldt'r ami ,i;-. H-inch "lIIllIllhh01l' pit·ct·... Ahhotlg-h all 111(:\1' \\t'.II)(111\ \\t'rt· ..muulhbnn:... chang-t·.. I\('rl' 1ll,trlt' tu Ihnt' ordll.l1ltt· "lIil('" during: lilt' 1\'<11'. I hi' '.r.>.:IIII.."OI/ ,md '){rrl\l'n· 1''''led \lith :{("POIllUIt... rille, hI LIlt· IH()2 (twu ,llld Ihn't' Inpl'clIH'h) hUI Ihe
(:.t"II'I/01!'1 1\,1" not "illlilarh 1l1l-g"1II1rll'd. Tht' dkctiH'!W"" or rifled J.:"lln~ .llfolill"t "holl' po"ilion" hild IX't'n c1l'l11oll"tralC-'d 011 both Ihe i\1i~~i~sippi ,Hid Ihe LI:>leru M:'illxMrd, "u Ihi" It·-('qllippillJ.:" rdll,rtl'd;t {h.HIKe in tht' perct'iH'tl mit:- 01 tht' /o{llI1ho,II'" fmm \t.·,.'~eb dl'\iJ.{lIt'd 10 fiJ.{hl Ulht'! ".lr"llIp" In Ollt" {illMhlt' 01 "lIppn.",,,ing" fire' Irolll ( ..onft'dt·l~lIt' "hon: po"itiun"
The Rams
In IXol Ch.lrk., Ri\t·,.., 1:.111'1. Jr.. \\.1' .1 li\il t'1lg-inn'l \Iilh t"lx'rit'nct' in the building" or hridKt" ilnd danh. Dtlling: Iltt' (.Iilllt"!!! \\.Ir (IXjl-j6). he Ir.l\dt·d In Ru . . ,. i.1 a~ an ol)';;t·Jl,t,t. .Uld had bt.'collle com ill{t'd Ih.ll Ihe It·d b\ the 11,lr"lllp' 01 allliCluil\ nmld 1)(' .leI.lplt'd. B\ 1I,i1lK 'tt'.lIll POllt'I, il <.ould benJIIII' •• Vi.lbll· modt'ln IM\OII 1II',IpOll, lie {OmilKI'tl Iht' Ll n iOlI \\'ill DI.·IMrtllll·lll 01 Ihe \,unh ul hi" ilk.• ,111d, in 1.\1111 I Htit, Iw II,L' II1M[I'" ("lllont'1. wilh ImIIT' 10 HI'.llt' ;1 I.UtL Hulil1a. whit h lIolLlcl join Iht' lilllbcnLtd, on Ihl' IIli"j"ippi. During: ,\pri! ht, IHlH.h,t,,'d lIillt: It:,,~t:h, bolh "idt'lIhl'('kr" ;mel "1('nlldWt')I'I"', al \,Iriolt, porh Oil IIll' Ohio Rill'l, ,I lid bC1fo1i1 Iht' \'01 k 01 (OII\t'lling" tht:111 inln "~Ir,hip'. I hi, IllIIk look place in ~e\eral ",rd,: thl.' Q.IIffll /1/111' Ilhl and l.fII/{(I\(n \1('11' (1I1l\1'rlt'd ill Cindnn.lli. ()ltio, the .\II'I/:I''''fII/(/ ill ~1,I(li"on, IlI1Ii,mil, ,hI.' ,\lUllmrll in ~I:\\ .\111.111\, Itldi,llla, and lilt' ,\lmgt!, 1/0/11'11, .IIHI \tlln/NItI in Pit ....blll"J.:"h, P('1l1hlhalliJ. \\'hl:n tht'\ Ix'nulIl.· rl.'a<.h 101 fin,ll linlll/-; UUI Ihe\ \\t'!"1' 1,1\"('11 III '\;1'\1 \lham or \Imllld (:il\ lor cumpktion. ,\nuthl'r 1';'1111. Ihe Il). 1/011ln; \\iI:> dt,t'IllI.'r1un'lIi,;,bk, ;111<1 \I...... eI ,I' ,Illig" ill'lead. \,hile .lllinlh \1.',,,,,1 \I.b U!>t"d.b tl,II"'pllrl. I hnt.' \1.·....."'·1, \~lril.·d in '"l.'.. IPlx';II~IIl(I.'. and propul,iOlI '\'Iem, hUI .11I ..h.lrl.,
Colon.1 Ctlart•• En.1 w . . a
.taunch advocat. of the wooden rllm. and hi. f1otill. 01 "ElI.t rllm." helped tum the tid. of
the war on tlMo
.. the B.ttle 01 M ....ptl.. in June 1862.
Rjy.r. He was mortally WOllnded
• . .-
TIM "'te-war ram USS
photographed moored to a
ri¥etbank on the Mlululppl In .... 18&-4. She f<X>ght tn. CSS Webb when lhe Conf'O'... I. ram made a daah from the Red Rlv.r down the Mlululppl In April lMS. (US Navy}
comp1t'lioll lht·\ werc lran~rt'rrl'd to tltt' t'\;l\}- Thl' lil...t of thc't.· to ellter ~(·",,'i("t., "~Ili~,ippi ~ltl,l(hon in Ill(" "1I1111lU"1" of IR64, ilud p,lrtiop.ltt.·d in palruh .Irtltllld \'id...d lllrg. ,11I£1 on the YMOO RiH:r. rhc\ ,\cn' nOI p,lrticul,..-h ~lIcce...~ful. .Ilthuugh the' \\cre formidable gunboal'" comhining their ram \\'ith a l)(l\\I:rful armament. including ;l IOO-po\lmkl' 1'.IITult IXl\\ rille 1ll01l1lled ill ,I \\Otlkeldlt.'~ 'lIg).{I"t ,ht., (",uTiI'd eight hTJII1~, probabh a mixed suitt" of 12-lxlIlI1der I1o\\'il/t.,I..... ,tlId 21~puulIdl'r rille" or <;lIIoothhon'", "pHI IwtWI'l'1l two broachidt·... A, uthl'!" 1~lIn~ \\cre lI"t"d in !>horl.' IXlinbardlllt"lllS InUll l'ltl.' IHG2 till, il 't.'t'lll~ prohahle that the n'lIIainitlR Sllips of Ellet'" flt'et were c(l\l\'crted ,llOltll altt.·r Ihl.'\ I\el"t' tl
lEFT The EII.t ram USS Swifzwlaml Wilt lin ungainly, aIab-.ided v•• tIll, but h.r room., -.n.lI1. permitted the addition of .......rmllm.nt followi", lh. destn.Jc:tlon of the Confed.r.l. River Del.n•• Fleet In June 18&2.
II ~oon IX'C;lllll' apparellt Ihal Ihe Union lIcTc/(od Inure thall a kw pOI\l'llnl ironclads and ralll~ Oll 1he 1"-li~~i,~ippi. \\'hilt' tht, principallillits of Ihe Ri\'er Flolilla wcrt.: occllpinl ill lite ~t·i/'lIt· Of hOlllbardllll'lIt of Confedera1e ..hore po~ilion~ or the (k·..tnlftilJll 01 t.:llelll\' war~hip" other ri\l'r g-UUOO;IIS W(:'fe needed to IMtfol the hundrl.'d .. of mile" of ri\er~ wl1ich kd lhrough occupied tt'ITilOry. Tltdr rule..:.. WCll' 10 ('St.Ur! "llpph IXlatS alltllroop 1ral1~port", to patrol ror ~iJ.(lI~ of c'm'ml actLl'itl. or to act as di~palch boa~. liuking tht' Uniun armil" ill tl\l' \\'t.'~It·fTI Theater wilh their depots and recruiting basc' lunhl.'r uortlJ. For thi:.. purpo!>e dO/em uf flal-bottomed rh-er stl'ameN \\('I"e purcha~cd and cOl\\erted into \\.'>l'lIger ferries). Tu prott.'cllhl'lII hom CllCIII\ '1Il,lll arm.. l"ire frnm the shore, tlwsc \essch wert: lighlh ....lIIon..·d with thin 1111'1,11 "hcctillg. Thb
The Union tlmberc:lad gunboata USS U . -ington .nd USS ~ler enpging Confede,..t. ahof'e
batteril.. et ColumtHn, Kentuo::k)'. In January 18&2. The.......11 but power1ul "'....1. prob'bly ..w more HNk:. t"-n 'n)' oth... gunboat. In the Weat.m The'ter.
The USS O4Il1Chit, "". . Ih. I,rg•• t 'nd beat_armed Uncl'd
gunboat on th. Mississippi. c,rrylnll almo.t 40 gun., Including five 30-pounder P,rrott rill... She p.rtlclpated In the c:apture of the Conl.derat. Ironclad CSS Missouri on the Red RI",er In June 1865.
... •
Clil uf Vitk,blll',I{),
frol!1 Ihe IWO bfgc'l \c,!>..:b. lh('~..: til1r1ad" I\'('fe .'>lllllCd cOlllllMnel of Cnion riH'r force... in ~.'pl":lIIbc:r 1862. TIl(" mu,k IIllll'k W.I' built ill :\t.'\\ .\JI:> IHli:t Sht' \'~I" dllil ("oll\erlc,d into a H"tlllhoalo and elllel"c.,d st'r\'icc oll.!all11.I .... I H. IHfi I ill lillie Iu panicipale in the Ike! River Campaign. Sht' ('arried lilt, :lO-pourl(kr Partull rif1e:1> amI ..:ighllTII 2-l-pollllder and fillet'll 12-pollmkr ,mool hborl'~, making hl'r tit..: mosl pU\\'..:rflll gUllboal ill the \\'e'lt'lll Theatcl". Thl'~('" two \'esscl~ were the t'xC"c.'plioll. :\10'1 of Ill.' olltl:r 69tillclMb 10 ,'111<;'1 ~t' .... icc di~placl't1Ic,s thall 2()() 1011", ;lI\d wI'n' ;trIl1nl Wilh far les~
illlpn:~j\l." ~llitn
(If ordn,met'. Alrno:'. 11u- laq;;::c"l h'lIl1" C'.tn;c."d \\ell" :{()..pollll(lt.-r rilk.. ur :t!-puundt'f 511'00Ihbon·.... lhht)\l~h 2().IX)llndei lint,,,. tJ..polllld(·r ;;moOlhbore<; and 12-poumll"'" of holh·" wefe
1.'1" mort' common.
Tht' t:''-c t:J>tioll I\.h lhe L'':-,S }mlll'l TllOm/J:lOII (n."namcd .\1(//111011. tlll'l' Fort IImdma/l in tilt' IR6:l) \\hich w;!;; L")O f('c'l long: al1.I.lfch IH6:i, ,lod ('llh" I,d 'en'icc jll'" Iled.s lau:..... Ilel h,l\'ill~ sllips of tin nail('
pow1tI1ul lind_ USS Fott
HindmMI (No, 131 had her name
cnanged ...,.nli time., be+ng comml••1oned a. t~ USS Jame. Thompson, H... I\ltme w . . eltered
to eel"nlte the capture 01 the Conleoenlte lort guarding the NUn... flllle" IUS N'vyl
She carrit'd ,Ill \l1ll1'IMlh hr,lv\ ;\1 manWll1 or IWO 8-inch ,month b(lrt'~ ill her how, wilh IWO l11un: on cdch bruad,ide. TIl(' l!S~ ,\Iflrlll/Jw (No.~) 11,1~ a more t\viraltindad. SIlt' w;:." built in \Ionollg'ahda, 1't.'lln,,\lmni,l, 11lt.'11 'old tu lhe ;\Jit'''' Depanlllt'IH in ScptClI1bCl IH(i~, Shc \IOIS I:):) lectl011g' and di~placed ~07 tull\. I ieI' twin engine\ ,mel hoilt-r~ pO\I'('!"i'd a '1I'l"I1wlH'd ,11"1 Wil~ capahle ot propt'llillg til(' ,hip ill jll'l \Il1dt.'1 7 \...noh. Sire \\~l' armed willi IWo 14-polllldl'r imd t\\"o 12-pt)1111l!cr ri!lt,~ arnl11f.\"t'(! ill hroadsides ill Ilcr tinctad caSt.'lllillt.', ahhllllg-h flllir mOl"(' ~4"POlllldl'r\ lITre ;ullkel ill 111id-IHIH, She ('nll'red service in 0('1ohl'l lHtj~, amI piinicipalL"d in L"xpcditiull" up lhe '1':1100 J.ud Whill' Rivet"\ (!llrillg a di'lillg-lIi,IH'el wanil11e career, I\hicll ;11'0 invoh"t.'d allack" on the eldc11'e, or Virhhllrg- and Fort II indrnan. All in "II lhe"t' tilH,:I,ld Ihel gllnhoaL" were ll11gainl\, ,,10\\ and llnprl'po~~t'~"ing-, hill wilhout them the Lnion wOllld 11('\<.'1' h:t\e manag:l'd 10 'Ilpph ib fidel an11it.,~ in til(' \\'t'~I, or'p Ilwrn in COllllllllllicatloll Ilitll cach olhel. Other Union gunboats and service craft
In addition tu lhc\c maill gunboat l\peS, the LS ~a\'\ ;md the \\"<\1 Deparlllleill Opt'nllt'd .. lHlmbel fir OII1('r vt:'~ls on the ;\Ii'si'>.sippi ami its Irihut,uie". SOUlt.' or thl',\(', ,uch as till' L'SS r.n"'1'ullJragj!ol lilt:' LSS Sumfn-. \\l'lt' gllllbtMI' clplured fnUll lhe COllred('r..lte~. Othel\ perfonm:c1 non-colllhat,lIll role... Several captured C.onfl'tkr..lIe H'~\d,
The US NiII""" fl,.1 ftolJ9ltal ahlp
tonner Conleoenl. met" .Ie.mer wnk:h CiIIptured.1 l..... net No. to In April 18e2. She c.nied ill medk:.l .1.fI of 30 doclOf'$ iIIlMf nu~ •• net hiIId f.eliltloes lor t~ lreilltment 01 over 200 c.,..."le•• (US H• ...,l w ... tM USS R«I Ro_••
\\l~rl' 1I'l-d ;I:. 'Iort':..hip:.. or ordn,'llu' bu.Ill>. "hill, tuher ,1IPIXJn cl';:tfl \\l'n' purchased b\ lhe War I)epanltll"nl. The'-(" H,<;;St'h included til(' l ,,~ /(1'(/ /(m'I"Y. tilt:" l ... :'I. •• n " Iii...., hu'pil,11 ,hll)' .-\rmmd ,I do/cll lll~' \\erc .ut.lcht"d to lilt" rher nCl"t, .lIId IlIl",-(" \\ell" IrclluClIlh called OIl 10 h'llide til(" lafJ~er waf"ihip, thnlu~h llanO', trihlll.lI;e,. nr 10 plllllhl'lIl till '\..lIIdb.I~. .-\hhollg:h the 1II~' \\l'n' 1I1l.lnul'd. O1hl'r 'iOlIPlxln Cr.lf! tICC;L"i()lJ.llh c;:ln;cd a mininl.ll .lrll1.lIIll'lll 01 12'lxmlldl'~ or :.omt"lime:.. larger piece". Thl'ir role wa!i: 'Iricth ;I <;upponing one, and Ihe<;<> gun" \,ele pUleh prm'idcd for '\.(,11-<.11.'1(,11'("
THE CONFEDERATE RIVER FLEET The Governor Moore pk:lured .fte. I~ light with the USS Vanlne below Hew On••n•• momenl. before Ihe e.ew .banOOned ,hlp .nd her comm.nder .et he. on II.e. She not ofllelaUy a Conlederate n.vlll ve"el ., 'he remained part of the Loul.lana Provl.lonal Navy until her destrvetlon.
The New Orleans Squadron
III the :"1Irt1111t'l" and lall 01 IHtil .. lIip\;ll"lh ill ,lIld .trollml Nt'\\ Orleans cOlln'lwd or laid dO\\I1;l ..mallllotilb ()r\'~lr'lhil':-. hUllt woodl'll b'lmho. or tOrl\elled \l(e,lIl-goilll{ 'lealller,. A !lccl of [0 WOOell'Il \,,"....hip, (inch Idill~ lhrec 11Ig:~) "a... n:;\(h 10 C011le~1 Ihe :ltIack on lht: ddt:ll,n ht:low Nt,\\, Orkarh hr C011l1ll0dort' David (;. Fan';:lglll\ \\blcf1\ Gull Blodadilll{ Sqll;\d1lJll lin April :24. IH(i~. In additioll, IWO ironclad .. W("I"I' ;\vail;lb1t:, ;\[lhol1/o\"11 011<'. lilt' 1.0011~ifll/(/, w,,~ ~lill 1I11fini,lwd, alld needed 10 be lllwed iillo po~ilion. The ~idewllecl j.{llllbilal CSS jwksQI/ wa, :tIN..~l\1 trolll the !leci whell lhe Union alt;\cked. and the remainder cOIl'lilliled Ihe core 01 the 1l:1\~ll delerl:<>e.'> of New Orlcan~. Polilic
~/wr Moore and Gnll'ml QuillllOIl b\ the l.nlli~ialla State Na\}' rather than the Conh'dl'r;llt'
Tht· cOllondad mrm
IICf{' opt"~llt'd
gO' t'nllllt'lIl. \1 hilt- ..ix ulher cotlondad gunboats or r.UllS belonged 10 Ihe: Ri\t'f Ddt'rbl' Fle-t·t. filII hy the C.onfedcr,lte Anm (fHjillllrl'. (~""I"(II H,.('(k"/I,."IJ.,Tf'. (;P""ml 1.01,,11. Hrmlllit', \\'",10r, and SIOIIl'l/lfIlIJnrkwll}. i':l'ithl'r group \\,L" I,'illin/{ 10 laJ...c orders from the Na\"~. and all 11111'(' t',i"ll'd ,h scpar;uc adlT1illi"II~t1i\l' and tanical entities. TIll' '\/rHof\'"" ,.Iurtner ~ftoxican sleamerwhich had been ~i/ed for pir;lC\ ill 1860. Shl' \'~I'" .. till impounded in ~e\1 Or\~ans \1 hell I.Olli~l.lll.l SC(er!ed from Ihe L'nion. Tlw long. ~Icek, b:ll'J...-riggcd gunhoal \I~L" po\\t'n'd h\ ,I .. ill~k "("1"('\\. and anned wilh a 9-inch D,lhlgrl'll ~lIIOOlhborl' 011 ,I n'IlII~.1 phot mounting. ill addilion to .1 rt'J.;"u1.n bmad"irle ilrll1:llIIt'l1I of .. i" :\2·pollndt·l... ,md a 12-pounder. B\ ("(Jllll':L~1 Ihc')(01I1'1NIII !(lrlOOII \\.h ,ll'ITlt'd wilh a ..inglt' J.,'llll. 1Il01l1ltl·d 1111 Ilt'f quant'rde:cJ..., Iler prilll.ll'\ .lrm,lIl1elll \I,b il r;un, and during lht' B.udl· tlf ~('\, Ork,ITl" ill \pl;1 IH6~ ih ('fT(,cli\ene~ .. \\"a$ demon..Il.lIed whell Iht' \~l l':1111111t:d
Union aNlrplhooten lrom tM 75th Hew Yorif, R~lment pklOng
t'" gunners 01 e Conlederate
on • LoYI.l.,.. rtYer In• ..., tBe3. Ambu..... from the IJhonl _ .... lrequent
occurrence Of' Mlululppl River end ..... tribulIlri. . throughout t", war.
MTIU' ,'('\V( lI'lurl! I a}/!ll!l(/ut!l't! 11'11\ /nrmrd" Ill,
jlrilJI oldjillhwl/rd jllIl rlll/rumi lrull, hdd i" Ilfoff I')' ~/1fI,., ~/mpI of IIkf kllld III III,. /(1). III Ihl' "·lIln1illl'. "1/(/ (II III,.rf IIII"f/l/rdmll" Imlllil. f 11('1(' j/ra/Jl f:o.lfll//,.t/ (100111 IlI'(J frl'l (1)(//1 Illf /(IU of Iltf 511'11I 011 frlrll lUff', 11,1,,,,.,, lIu... 11''''1' )mlll'tI ill 'Jfllff. Thl' oil",.,. 'I"tI1l11' lu/(/llIrll '''0'0(,\' !lal"dflll'd III IIkf //lUlll/n: ,Ill Iu/(/ Illf IHlUd-'oltulH'd l/l'/IU. Sol 0111'
had (/II iron "('uk (Ir /Jffl}ff'fIl1K Ir/Tlw IIm/,.,.tll, l/'afn: of I1IPlIl I/Ild 111m umlPT-hflll\fI, f1lgT"f'o, fIIltl 1101/1'1) pmlff'frfl b) (I blllklU'(/(/ /1 mlloll Ixdt'j whjflt
McR_ was formerly • w.,.hlp In the Mululn N_vv, _net w . .
",d~//(/f','t (011111/(/1/(1.
bcH.>ght Into
Conf~rIlte . .rvlee
iro 1881. Sh4 09"rIltlld In tlMo
MJ. .lulppl Deltl
('Om>nllnuf'; Wid
would dtfmd til,.
rrrOJ..m/:Rlllu QI/flul,. (11/111001.' IlIIlrj.!j il J/IIlnllh,.;r
f'x/J«If'(/ film //1/\
11"'" (11"/
Ifl bmllfh
(0/1," .\lm/ul/J/JI. WI/hOld
011111'0'" IIii' /11!1I111r
deetructlon .t tlMo Battle of
N_ Orle_ne In April Hle2.
The River Defense Fleet Initialh. a llllMll nOlilla. con..i'ling: nl liw gUlIlJ(),lb Ut'lIIpton. C"'tU'ml Polk. POII/rhar/min ilnd .\l""I"1'JHH, \\,I~ ,1\~lil,lbl(' for ~nice and \\'<\:. ,I.uiolled .11 bland :'\:0. 10. rh~,t· lour KlllllxM~ IWIt' ,Ill ~idt',\het'krll. and di'placed bel\H.'l"1I 390 .md 160 Iun' ....adl. Tln('(' \\'cle built in :'\1."\ l\lham. Indiana. and purcha..ed inln 'enict, in ~(''' Ollt'OIn, in IHfiI. I\hile L1w !.willJ,'\toll was oliginath de,igllnl ,IS a tOld)CJilt, but \\";:IS purchil~ed while ~til1lx'ing huHt in :'\:e\\ Orlcan~. ami ~he was completed as a Jrlllhoat. The (;"'IPml/~olk,\'<\~ a long. ~l('t'i.. 'C'iSt'\, bUI onh canicd thrt'e ~J2-pollndel' gum, 1\\0 01 I\hich were rillt·d. rht· lelll,lining lhrt'e \c,sd.. werc shorter. 'locl-icr. and ..lmH'r. but carlied a larg('r aflnanWIH. ,ix to eig-hl glln~, indudill,l{ ar k,lSI 1\\"0 32-pOlllldcr rilk' per \"e"!>t'l. Thrce of lbclll I\'ere de:'lro~t'd tv pre\(;lll rhdr Glpture .Irtel tht' Lilt or ~klllphi~ in Junc 186:l bur tilt' Pon/rhflrlW/II cOrltirltled 10 Opt'l"'ille 011 1111.: Red Ri\"n lIlItit lin (k~trllniorl in tum ill OClober IH6~t Until ~Iarclt 1862 lhe flutilla I\~IS allgllll.:1l1t·d b} the COllledl.:r'lle naml 1't'~,c1~ MrR([(, and .I([rH\fJli (described ;lbovl'). hlll rlH'~l' l'I'lllf1l('d Mllllh 10 defend New Ork;ul~ whell Uniorl 10rcl.:' thre;l1el1cd the Cil\". The Iloaling balll.:l"} NI'Il! Or/N/lil also ;Ni~rt'd tht, lIal~ll flotilla ar I~lalld No. 10. It wa.~ inllllohi1e, and had to IX' lowl'tl into plaC(', tlH'1l moored. Con~('qllellll}'. when rhe l'"ld dcrenst'~ I\t're tlan~l'd, the 1I;1\~11 Ilotilla escaped downriver. hur lilt' Nnv 0111'(1/15 had to be dt·,rro~t·d ro pre\"('lIt her caplllrl'. While this smatillolilla I\~l" opcl'llillJ.; ;u'()llnd hland No. 10. a ,{'col1(1 forc(, wa.. bcillj.{ comerted in )~Irds ill and ,tr(lund New Orlt·;m".' lheir coul11e'1)an.s in the i\'ew Orlean" St')uadron. lhi, ('.onreder;lIe Ri\'er I)l'fen ....· Fleet \\"'il~ oper'lll'd b\ lhe War Departmellt, ;md charged \\itb lhe defense or 1111.: upper siretches of thc ~Ii"!iisllippi. \\ hile the :,oulhern cOlllingent remained around New Orleam. This forcc, which lOok pari ill the defense of Fon PillO\\' amllhe U:utle of ~lelllphis UUIIC 6. 1862). centered around a forct' of ciglu Ii"cr steanu.'I'Ii. lllost 01 \Ihich \\ere CU!l\erled into ram~. L'nder 11ll' command ofCapl;linJ.E. ~Ionigolll('n.
.. ...-
\\ho"t' f1.I!.",hip II ....., the Llul, /UixI. the t:"ighl-H.-ssel flet't consi..,led of the·ml/JrtlfJ{. (~I1"(//\lnflll/{ Pnu. C",II"(/1 'wm'". Gm"(/I f:tlrl lim lkllI. Cnl"fli .\1. ./,/1 nlOlII/I)Oll. ColoII,1 /.Ul'f'1/ and (;f'/I~mllkau'W'rd. \\'lwII tilt' four liglll gullhoa..... retirl'd from ~o. 10. this £1<."el comliwled till' onh drecli\{> 11:1\'(11 force on Ihe upper ~trelche" of Ihe \li,-~i~.. ippi. bc"ll'l'n Curo .lIId ~lt-'lIIphi,. TIlt' tlrge'l of the..t.· .,hip' '\iIS the CSS &,,"(/1 8H1~. fonnerh iI brigrigg<'d paddlt'llhN'1 pa....'ellgcr "le;IIlWr called the Mt'X;fO. I\hleh had oper;tIl:d ill the (.lIlf uf ~It-' She W;:IS huilt in ~e'\ YOI'I.. in IRjO lUI the Suulhl."lll Slt.·;Ulhhip C:ulllp;tm. h;l"cd in i\cw Orlc;U\\.•lI1d '\iI' pllrch.I"t'd h, the COI,!t-(!t'r;\t(' ~O\'('rnml'l1I inJanlian IH6~. ,\ lour-inch oal.. Ix-arn W'h adl!l·d III hel bOIl, thell (,OI'('n'd in a om'-inch 1.1\(:'1' 01 iron, iI nldillll."l1l.ln 10111\, .\.' till" \'t'"e! di'placf"d o\t·r 1.000 1IH1' .mll could allain ;l 'p('('d of ()\t'" I () I..nOI", "he was a powerful r;:ullmin~ n',sd. In "ddili01l tulll:r 1,1111, ,he '\;1, filled 'Iilh a ~\().poulJ(it:'r Parroll rille 011 her furl'(';l'lk', and:t :l2-potlndl'r 'lIIuothborc on her qU;Il·l('l'(kck. Of Ihe OIlwr "('I ell \(:'",e!, in Ihe 11('('1. lhe (;f>//{'ml Sinh,,/{ l'riff. the (;#'/11'/(/1 SlIlIIlr•. ,lIId tIll' ColOllrl LOlI('l/ all di,pbced uver JOO \Oil" The Gflll'm( ,\/f'rhll/{ I'.l.r 11,1" 101'll1t'rh lhe l.mtrf'711 ,\lll/muloll. a ,idewht'd riverhoal huilt ill Cillcinllali, Ohio, ill 1H:)fi. Apart from her ratll. ,he wa~ Mllll'd Ililh 10111 glill'. Ulle on I Ill' fUI'('ca~lk, :ll1olhel on lhl' quant'r(!I-,k, and tllO ill hl'oathide mOIlIlI, ill~idl' het" wood('11 (',l'emall', All wel't' !l-inch n;,hl~l't'll '1I1lhhol'l'~, tn;lkill~ her Otl(' ot lht, ht'~I' arllled wuodell \'l'''eh Oil lhe rilet'. AltlH/Sl a.' pOlH'l'flll \\'a, til\' Cl'lwml !Jmlll'f'f.,r(/n{ (fonllt'rh lhe Nell Orll'an" lowhoal ()(f'fIU) , Ilhid. CirriI'd f'\l.t" 8-inch and Olle 1~-pOlltl(kr SllIt)OIIII.>uI'l." gltll~, Il\ cOllt]'a,t, lIlt.' (~'llI'ml Slill/II'I' (once Ille Ne\\' Olll';!"" LOwhoal Jllllilil /Yl'br) carrit,c\ tOllr ~\:!-POlilldl'l alld IIIlI' I:!-poum!et" ~moolhl)llrl."" Bolh 111(' ChI( iHlI,lIi-hllilt "teamer UJ/Ollf>/ I,Ol'f'1/ ,Hid llt(' fOI'llIt ... towhoat rlf'lIfml Eurl \(11/ f)UII! 1\('1'1: .\lllll'd with a ,ingl\' smoolhbore ~'"1. t1\Ul1l11t,d 011 Iheir foreca...t1e.... Thl' annalll('lli of lIlt' ,\/. ./1InW1II/l5o/l \\,a... mosl probabh a ~in~::k 1,01\ gUll, ami the 1.IUlf' /Vbel (fonl1erh llw Pl,.lIt." 1,.II,i.• '0 I'll ,Ieaml:r R. & J. 1\£1&1'1) "n-ril'd thr('t' 12-pollncler Iillt'.,.
The Confederate colt_1M! ram StonewMI JlICbotl ••
sn. Ioolled
belore the Bettie of N_ Orfe_. A "",.11 of cotton bale. protected Mr, .-eachl", lrom her keel to ebowe .... top 01 her wpe,..tructu....
The cottonelad ram CSS General Sterlltlfl Price "",e. one of the Conlederete RIver Delen.e Fleet which fought et Plum Point lind Memphl, In 1882, Although she was .unk In the Battle 01 Memphll In June t8«12, ,he was raIsed, rep.l.ed, and operated by the US Navy •• the gunboat USS aene ••/ Price, Thl. was t.ken when she "",as In Union .e",lce,
The CSS G.,...-
..... the
la<98.1 "'..... In the Confedet1ll. RI\/.r Del.n. . F,..t. Although she ..... IMlnk ., the Baltl. of
Memphi., she t1IlMd and . .,..,eel aoa'n.t hoer fonn.r _ .... In thl. pnotogt1lph tIIken In Mound City, llIi~, she Is ~ng
t1I1l8lred belore ... t.rlng
,..,Ic., (US Navy)
Unlon . .
With their \~Iried ann tu their bo\\'s .md till' Mldition of ord1),(1I('l". the\ \Il'rl' further proll'("\l'd b\ tlw cT('onion flf l'xtra hlll~lll'ad~ .Irmmd Iheir machine.... .lIld gundl'c\":". ,lIId C(llIon \\.h C01l1plt·,.... ·d into Ihe ~paCl' bl'tween the ~id('" of tilt.' ,upt-'I'l>tnICHlre .Uld .1 1.lhe itllu'r hul~lll'.ul (Ii~e .1 wood and Cfltton s,'lnd\\ich) crealing .. h"..ic form of ("oHond.ul prou.'ctioll. \ddilional bale:> were prob'lhh "l,(('~t'd around their c'!>O"l'd "'''11th and around their pilot hou!>t.'~, Follm\ing the de"tmclion of tilt' Confl"(k'r,ltt.' gunhuat f1otill.b at :S-e\\ Orle.lIl .. and ~kmphi" onh on(' 011 WI' \\(H,dell Conl' h'llllboal c,lll"Cd serioll!> prohkm~ for Iht" L uioll. In J.lllU,II"\ 18(.3, Colond \\'.S, Lm-e1I, til(' crealor of th(' 1,IIn Ikel \\.1" 'l'llt 10.\kll..lIldria. wlli..iana, 10 com en tilt.' rilt"rbuat I\fbb into.t \I.II""IIlP. I hi" woolle, She wa!> ,Ihu l·qllippt.'d Il'illl two I:!-pounder hO\\II1(.'t"~, a~ ;lllti-p'-'Nonnt'l Wt·apon". Colton IMlt" \1l'l"e "tacked around Iwt" IIIMhinl.'l"\. ~o Ihat onh 11l'1" IX:,IIII t'ngill(' rL'I1l.• ined unprotected. The CSS \\,bb pCl"fol'nll'd \11'11 in <111 t'Illf-Ig:t.·Illl.'llt \..itll the ironclad U~S Illdul/lolfl, and elldl'd Iwl' carcer itl a clram:llic chat"gl' down lhe ~Ii~i~ippi ill lilt:: 1.1~1 d.I\:> 01 lht" \\,11,
Str:'ltegkally, lht~ Utliutl \\';h cOlllltlitll,d lCl IIll' 0lwnitlg lip of the i\li~!>i~~ippi Rivcl', fmm Cairo. 11lilloi~, tu the Gulf of i\kxico. Thi" could not be achieved by n;mlllorn'" ;.IOlH',:h troop~ hartlO St'i/t' and hold lhe kl') poil1ls along the rivct". thell usc lhc,t' \ill''' to lautlch alt:tr"-s which would dlive the Confedf't
Doncl~on wOllld open the route 10 the enemy to Nasl1\ille, giving ,11('111 the mean~ 01 hreaking bridge~ and dcslI'oring lhe ferr)' boats on the ri\er as far' as navigable." I lis prediction was correCt, and afler losing I.xuh fons. the Conf('dt'r:HC~ were forced to \\ithdraw to the ~llth. The Confedcrate~ lacl..ed the gunbo.lls which might have been able to contest control of the tWO ri\crs, and consetillelllly, the\ \,"ere forced to pull back Ix'hind the twO ri\'eN, giving up Kentucky. Similarh, control of the i\lissb.:.ippi .md it~ tributo;us \\ere alhK
Union rI.. er gunboata eng.glng aho,.. I.rgela on the weatem 11..,,... Att.c:ka on enem~ patrola, n....1gunfire aupport, .nd the bomb.rdment of aho,.. poaltlona we,.. .11 ,..gul.r taaka for the gunboat fleet.
pro\('Clion for
~llpport \·c,,~<.:l...
III .. hort tlll'\ wcn' lilt' \\,orkhOl-..('" of the
W('\lt'l"ll Theater, opcraling cvcr)'wIH']1.: lhev \\en~ Il('t-dt'd, and
ptTfonning a range of dillies. Whell Conf('(kraIC gucrri1la\ raided into Ineli,lIla and IIlinoi.., gunboats led the plll"'lIil, and hdped to contain the raidcr~.
Although larger, more
illlprt'\~i\l~ \\;ll~hip\ ...uch
a.. the irunclads or Confederate ocean raiders. gained Illl' J.{lon. lhnc ,>imrle wooden gunlXl3ts helped win the \Im lor the L'nioll. Manpower
ue.rt.nant Thoms. B.
of lIMo f_ .-..gul•• Conf.o.nt. na'tsl offlc.,. to CSN, w.. __
Hf'I. In lIMo W•• t.m TIMo.t••
tlMo wsr. H8 commancMd tlMo gunbost CSS MeR.. during tlMo &.ttt. of N.w O....n. In April 1864.
Before the war. the ~Ii'isi'isippi Rhcl" ali(I il<; tribmaric'i made up a bU'itling 'i'1>tcm of \\,11('1"\1;\". Hul-illl-: rher poll."> ,IS f.lf Ilonh as ~Iillneapoli'i, ~linnc'iOla, and I)imbllrgh. Pt'llTl'ilh'lIlia. \Iith thri\ing mad.. eLS dO\\llSlream. The ~Ii'i~.ouri Riler hranclH:d wt',,'ward.. through l\..... n ...lS. "hile oth~r tribUL.lri~~ cOH:r~d much of th~ Southern states which bordered the great ri\~r. Within da\~ of Ill(' ~uce.ssion of Tt"nnesse~. Arkansas, :\li~i~sippi. ,md Loui~i,lIIa. ilCCt:"·>.~ 'Iolllh of the Kentud" state line was d~l\ied to th~ ~orthern ~t.lle... ,md th~ thrhing river trade was brought to an abnlpt ~t:llld~till. In theon. thio; meant there should ha'~ b~en a rich pool 01 l·'I)(:ric.'nced riH.'rmen for both sides to recnlit from. In practice. this ,,,as far from the: G!Se, At first, the cre,,'S of both ~irll''1 \\t'rc a ..trange mixture of ri\(~nnen, 'SOldie~. ci,ilian ,·oIlIlllcen.. lind PIUfl'~sional "'Iilor... RiH~r pilo~ '\I.:rc at a premium. and v.hile lJlall\ had an imim;lll' kno\,lt:dgc ofponions of the rl"cr network, fcv. "IW" more than a limited stretch of the ri"er. The~ men 'Ier~ im.tlu,lble. and if captured, financial incenthe<; wen.' uSllalh ofTt"red to cllcour.lge a change of allegiann'. For the Cunfl'dt:r:lln, 1l1.lnpOv.L'r 1,.15 ah,~,I\'<; a problem. 1\, the til1ll.' thl.' fir"t gunboat fleets were read\ for sel"\'ict.·, mosl riH:nncn and mechanics \,'t:re alfl.'illh ~ef\ing in thL' Confedt:l-att: Anm, and vcr} fel' Arrm timet' I"; were willing to pan I\'ith men IInder Ih!'ir command. hOll'e,er dig'ible thl.'} might ht· tUl n,I\,1I rather than land sen ice. Throughollt lIlt" w;lr on the rhers most Conkderal~ <,hip<; II'CfC lIndcrmanned, Tllt"fc wa~ al.;o ,I ~hon in its command'i, A na'~ll n:crlliling ~lali(l11 (known as a Naval Rendezvom) 1\~IS l.',tabli~hl.'d in New Orleans. run b) a staIT of threc office,..." :,\It'\I'~paper adwrtiselTlcnts, n}el"S, and recruiting dri\~~ ,,'cre ll'icd LO encourage volunteers, \,'hilc officer.. ctlnlillllalh pleaded with their Arm" coul1({'rpans for 111l'l1. C'.onfederate :\larine recruiunent OfliCl'S wert' al~() opened in :\lemphis and i\ew Orleans during 1861. The 10'>$ of lhe t\l'O cities meantthal.
aller lI1id-IHli~, IIImt recruit.. for gllllho1 I;H'fllwn \lert." l'llcoum~ed to ~ ..... e ill Ille nUlill,l~ 1~t1hl'1" IIUIl to ..ign up for 'l'r..'ict, ill Ihe \nl1\. l'mil \11~1l"1 I HI')2 Ihe L'nion I;H"r fleel was nm b\ Ihe War Dcp.lnllll'llI, so ri\{'nnl;'n \Il'rl' (h~lhl;'d from regular militan ~n-ice IU the rill;'r Ot't'l. Officer.. \\{'rt' prmidt,ihilit\ lor Ihe ..hip" in "\u~ust IHli2, theil crew, ~illlph ,wildll'd [rom onl;' ~ ..... i(l." 10 anOlher. III ,ldditiol1 10 the officer.., ,I <;;111,111 pl"I)ponit)l] of t'\.pt'rienc('d naval mlinK' and pt'ln offict'I'" pro\";dec! ,I (ort' oll1'l\i11 t'\.peril'net'. and en~l1n'd .,omt' Iinl.. wllh the pro
Union offic.... phot09"'phed wtli'-' off duty. The offlctH" (The
Ship" IMstetlln the "ent., is shown c.rrying • tIIoInl;ng rine .nd K"omp8ft1ed by two ttunti"" dogs. Hunting .iong the she,.. w••• popul8r KtMty
opportunity Pl"eMnttKI 1t. .I1,
Th<'-J"(' \\';1'> no ll-pical annatl1('nt for a \Ii'isi..sippi RiH'r j.1;utlbo;1l during Ihe war, "'hilt, rnatl\ l\t'rt' ;1f111t'd 11·;,11 I.trJ.:t" \moothbore \\eill}(Jl1' ,udl a" 24-polllldel' ,111l1 ~~2-PIHIlldt'I", rifled gUII~ were aho \\ideh U'>el!. ,I'> \\el t' \l11all howirtt'!"', Occasioll;llh. '0111(' gunlMhI.... carried brger pin't". ' I I ( h as tht· 1:~O-p()lllHkr fitit-. ill IH E", Ihl' LIS ~;t\'\ had ,ldOplt'd lhl' ::l2-pOllndt'r .,l11oolhhort' ,I'> it .. ~Ialldanl A"llll IIp'', dt"ig:nt'd 10 all~l11enl lar~l'r "~1lt'1l" HUll' (61-p
RK""ltment Into ttHt Union
took plllCe .1 N.".' Rendezvoy. otflc_. IlUCh •• thl. one In New York City. Simllllr office. weAl "tabll.nect in the mIIjof river port., IlUCh •• Clnc:lnnllll, 5t Lou....nd Pitt.burgh. Ill....,,..tlon from Le.,ie .. 1II....tnfH NeWllPllper. lM1.
1...... lhor'$
Tht: slllvOlhbon: ~hcll Kilns intwduced iTllO US i\'a\~11 ~er\'iCl' b)' Jolm A. Dahlgren from IH!lO oll\,·ard lX'g,m to chang{' lhis. as his pieces m.llc1u:d comentional gllns in 1>OIh range ami aCCUl'IC\. Ahhough r.lrel\, ~eel1 on the ~Ii~~i~~ippi Rh·er unless carried OIl tile IKc,ln-going \\,u-ships oflhe regular ~.l\'\. Dahlgren pieces exerted lheir 0\\ n influence mcr other. earlier forlll~ of urdn.mcc. ~l;llldani long guns (comclltiOltal ~l1loothbore piece:.) ,\cre ad'lpled to fin' ~hdl a, wdl a~ '\Olid shOl. 'lI1d.1 h.mdful ofhi~ 8-inch and 32-pounder gun<; appeared 011 IMger Lnion gunboatS. A ~'(ond rnodillcalion 10 earlier gUlls wa~ lhe cOll\el~ioll of ..mOOlhbore gUlls mto riflcd piece... Gelleral Charle<; T. ].U11(:<; pioneered lhis cOIl\ersion proces!>. which imohed lhe cuning of narrow. deep gro()\"cs into lhe bort:s of older br0l1l.e "'1m~. A:. lht: ne\, rined projeClilcs weighed .Ippro:l.imateh tw;ce that of lilt.' original '\Olid ~hot used h, the cmnon. gun de...ignalions \\ere doubled. COIl~·qut:lUh. a f~pounder became a 12-pounder and so Ull. The large..t Jollnc.. rille found on ~lissiS!>ippi gunboats wa~ the 130-pounder. conlt'rted from a 61-pounder ..mOOlhbon:.•md cilnied on II\(' woodcn ram ( \\fbb. In general, mosl Confeder;:ne rin(.'(1 pieces were JoIIllC" ril1t:~. "hile lhe Cllion had a plcllliful ~upph of the more efficiclli Parrott picccs. and these were widell used in the ri\er flee!. Roben P. I>anoll Ildd ililruduccLl his O\\ll dl'si~lI of iron lilled ordnance for na\'al ~en;c(' in 1861. Till' 20-pounder ll1uoth bort: ~hot or :.hcll. at again'l ull,lnIlOr{'d laq:::eL". B\' conu,l'Il. rifled guns 1ll0lmterl in lonillc;uioll' could hit and penell"lt;: lhe ironclad neet med b\ lilt.· l'nion on tl\l' ~Ii,~issipp;. and could disable a I\()()dell gunboal at long nlllKt: wilh it ~illl{k ~hot. The followi ng li~1 COlltains MIllIC of tlIt: more CI)llllllOll gUll.'> mounted on II'()0den gunhoat); 01 IXllh s;{k's which 0lwrall:d on till' J\1ississippi River and it.'> triblltaril'~. In lact. ~1lc11 a wick l tl~ltally 75-85 percem 01 the nmge for ~olid shot projeCliles.
Effective Rlmge 1.663 \'ards 1.901 \'ards 1.922 \
The crew of t ~-Inc:h Othliren ImOOthbore gun openIti"'ll their piece duri"'ll t gunf1efl' drill on t gunbott. AlthOt.lgh only t fllw Mi..i. .ippi mer gun~ts h8d gun' of thl, mil, the 'Iring drill ,."...Ined In. ume. (US NtV)')
' 1 _ MIl u""",1!.q 'IIXJ:) 8
, 10 IlrIll 8
:.-iOOll rn,lrkcd tllC oOidal st.lrt of the ~hip's da}', and II~\S till' hour 11111;'11 rhl' 111;lin 111l'al of lhe cia> II~LS served (uslIall)' meal. n::gelab1cs and colke) ..\lrl·nI0011' wcre u"lIally -"pent at drilL Around 4 p.l11 .. lhe n"~l'l W,I~ 1I100rni I(ll Ihe night. and lhe crew were ght:lI a Il'll hou .... to lIl('rn~l-'hl" bel ore lights out. \'lwlI till.' H"'l'l \I'a~ not on aClive dUlY, the davlight hour.... Iluuld be ~pe1H p;lillting the ship. main milling lhc enginc.. or KUlI'" or cll.'.lIling, LIIIII''-~ llll' vessel was in iLS home pOrl, whCH' it could IX' rollt:d OUI of Ihe waleI', maimenance work W,IS limited 10 Iht..' hull alld "upc..slrllClure above lhe walerline. !'>und,ll.... wl.'n' d('{'lIwc\ ~make and Ilwnd- dav, when the crew could \I.I,h or rl-'!),Iil clothing. 01' enbrage in socialising, Short.' IcaH:: \1,"" gl~lIl1t.·<1 in frit.·lIdh po....... mam of I\hich COlllaillt"d lhl.' 1I-'ldi,ifJn,11 "Uurn" (II '1I1ll1'\.t'IIlt.'1lI fo.. "'-'lilors ashore fOllnd Ihl.' \Iorld mcr. \\'hl.'l1 tilt' cre\1 \H'n' un;\blt' to t:1~0\ lhdr Id~tlIt' hOlll.... ;I"horl', thl'\ '1)(:111 thdr lillie fishing, pl~H'il1g cards. \I·tiling (for Ihe lell (....I·\\"mt.·n \\hn wert.· liler::\u.·). or pla\ing mu,ic. .\hnO'SI l'\t'n ,hip till I'ilhl'r ,idl' h.ul ;t !X'I, ilnd lhcsc ma~o.... \It.·rt: It'd .md temlt·c\ in thl-''''' ki'lIrt.· hu\ll.... For lilt" (;onkckr:llt.·<;. "lIpph of food. p.·Jx. and C10lluIlg W;lS a con,t.lnl 'Iruggle. Ilhile lor lhdr L'nion countl'q)an~, Mlpph plohl('m, II'l.::tl.:: for lilt." IHO'I p.lfl owrcollle h\ Ihl' !>unHller of 1862. B\ IR63 I.XI~c, ~lIch a~ CailO til' ~10l1llc\ Cill maituained floating warehou'c\. leceh'ing ~hip!>. 111,lillten.llICe \Iurk,hup~. ,mel .Idminbmuivc olliccs. While Il,nal ullifulllI' \H'f(' hard In ('(1II11' h\ :11 IiI'S!. bOlh ~idt.'S inlnKluH'd rq;·ul,lr IM\, bllle~ ("hitt.·, ill 'lllIllHt'r) during the firil \ear 01 the war. ginng thl.' \l'\~t.'l, Ihe ,lppl.::.Il,IIlCl' 01 fegn!'lr \1';.lfShips, Allhollgh C1-ampt'd, humid :lml Im('olllfor1;thh·.lift' Oil hoard thc,e wooden gunboats \\',IS rt'al,un;lhh 1)(."II~Iblt,. .11 k;I'1 l\llI'n tht' H',~d~ we..e not ('ngag-('d in a("lion, Cullt.1iliulh ill ,Lulon 111·a.' a dillt.-l't.'rH ~lun.
A ..... of _n un~lffied Confede...
When uniform. were
I..u-.:l 10 Confederale ....110... on th
Gunboats in Action
\\'hl;'l1 rlw war 1)(.'1.;<111, \,ho \\';.\s gi\Cll command 01 " IIOOt.lCI1 g1l11hoat 011 tht" ~Ii, .. i,~ippi Rilcr knew what 10 t'xlwCt whcll hi, \nst.'l II'I'nt into:tt lioll. Ahl1011gh cxpcriellced l1al'al olTicer.. had rt.·'It ulthc Iale~t dCH;:lopIlIClll.' ill 1l:l\;11 and (Irdnan("t· rl'clllloloj.,f\, thl' dkcl of ~hcll guns, sleam l'l1gilll'S ;l1ld 1'1'1'11 :n rllor daddil1~ wt'rt.· Lll'f.{clr untested when lI11:: war hl'~al1. Sil1lilarh. lhe illlrodliClioll uf tlLc 1~l1n was arl unknuwn quanrit\', The I{unhom r;Iplain, on Ihl' ~lis~i~~ippi would haw.' 10 karn dwil' tI'ldl' lilt' hard lI'il\", All I.'S;Il11in'Hiol1 01 Ilrrt::e acli01I' in\'olving gllnhoats, at Nt'\1 Or1cam (Aptil 21, lRli~). Plulll Point (~la\ 10, 1862). ,J1ld f\kmplri' (Jl1nc 6. IH62), Ilil1 pro\'idt' ;1 hroad outline of the "lIl'ngth~ and lill1ilatioll' ollht.·w Hull' 11.lrship~. TIll-' ri\t.·r ;!l'prtlMh 10 :\e\\ Orleans II';:IS prolected b\ two lotls: Fon J.lck~on on lht.· Ill''..,1 shtJH.· of till' ~li'iSissippi, and FOrl St Philip on till' I',ISI. To .1Il!{lIlt'lll Ihl' 12H I{un~ in thl'~e fonilit:d pU!>ilioll'>, tlw COl1fl'dl'l~lIt" h.ld tol\ed £101111 tht.' unfinished ironclad LouuililUl and moored her a, a Iloaling hallc.·n. The small ironclad mill c:.")~ .\ImmwH and ,I lIolil1,1 01 10 \\oockn gunboaLS 100J,., lip positions upti\'l.::r lrom lilt.· forb, O\l'mll COIIIIII.lIlCl of bOlh ~hore and na"ll defe!l'>cs W;L' gi\t.'l1 10 G<"nt'ml \l,m,lil·'ll.
The wooden eoltonc:l.-d ,..m Sf_willI Jaehon depk:ted
ramming t"- damaged wood.n gunboat USS VMlInIt, Th. Union '1••••1 unk, but the Confect.,..t. ,..m was .ubseql.lently ,..ked by the rem.lnder of the Union fleet, then ..::unled by her own crew,
At 2 a,rtI. on April 24. Commodore F;uTagw's wooden steam neel approached the forts, trying to b"pass Ihe stalic defellScs. lie broke throll~h a line of ran~ and hulb oppo~ile FortJacksun. unh 10 have his flee! auackc.:·d by the ,\(r/llflSSas. This ironclad rammed thc USS ,ltississiP/1I and the L'SS BrooM)", but call~t'd rnillirnal d,llIlagc. As FonJackson was b\ passed. it wa:. llP to the gunncrs in Fon SI Philip ,md tilt: \Iooden gunboat net."1 to stop the Union allack. The leading L'nioll ship was the L'SS \rlrllllfl. and Ihe (;m"rtlor .\100ll' of the Louisiana Pro\'i:.ional :\'a\'\ ch.lrged p,lst Ihe milling crO\ld of Confederate \e~ls to .lIlad. her, In the process she rammed and s.,nk a Confederate LUg which got in tht· \\,1\. Fir(' from Ihe Lnion ~hips W,b itllt'lise. \s the Confeder,lIe capt.lin recalkd, -"1l1i., combined allad. killed and \\'ollnded a large llumlx'r of our men and Cllt the \t'~s(.'l up lenibh. Sliddenh t\\'o, thell one COIlit.'dt'I'Ilt.' ram(..) d,med through tJle thid smole from the right to lhe left 1).llll of the rher. p' clost' to all of m.~ Thc<w \'e~sels ran agroulld OJ' \H'rc di!i.,bled before the\" could mill 0\1'(.'1'. theu aimed his ram ,It the \rlrlllla. lie opened fire 011 her \\'ilh her 00\1 gUll. then ",ullmed the l'nion \\....rship. L"nable to (kprt'~\ the I)()\\ KIIJI ~uffici('nth to hit the enelll\ hull in Ihe normal 1\.1\. the Confl.'der.ue gun ere\\ fired through the bo\\ of their O\,'n \cS.!oel. The '>I.'cund such diSo~sible.~ rhe \(/flUW drifted inshore, \\here her cre\1 tried to beilch her, hut the II the ram ~Io"ell!all jarlwm came lip and fini~lu'd the job, ~inkinK the Cnion gunl>O:ll in ~hal1O\I w:ner.
USS Lexington
.. CSS McRae
CSS Stonewall Jack.on
The GOlfernor Moore and the USS Varuna at the Battle of New Orleans, April 1862
/ /
1. Coal Bunkers 2. Cotton Bales for extra protoctoo 3. &gnaI Masts 4. Berth Deck (Crew"s Quartersl 5. PIlot House
The USS Tyler fighting the CSS Arkansas on the Yazoo River, July 1862
"-------------------------------USS Slack Hawk
USS Rattler
!all'r' the
\\~L' l'IlIPgt'd h> Iht' USS ClI)'Ugtl. 101l0\1,t'd Il\' Iht' r'l"t of
nOlilla and
a~ ~h('
lhe) \\~I~
riddkd Ililh ~hellrirc. Buming from ~lellllO ~Il'rll, ~Ill' 'i;lnl.., her Lolli~i:llla ~t,lIl' culm.... ~till fh·ing. The badh d,lI11agl'd S(OIIl'lLwll j(lt'/csoll \I"~ al~() .Ibandolll'd, Furthl'l dU\ln~tll';un ,hl' {' S "'tRt'" ;Iho l'lI}f.lgl·d ,Ill" Jim' of passing- L'ninll ~hip~, l'xehanging broadsieks Ililh the 1)()\lcrflll LISS Brook(HI .lIId Iht, L'SS lroqllolJ I)('for(' Ih(' n'~' nf 111(' fll'ct beb....n 10 pOll! lirt' illlo ht:'r. Riddled amI, ,hc \\<1' bcarhcd and ahandoned h\ hl'r ere\l. nil' '!oHIU' Ell(' bc.'fell 1II0~1 of Ihe Confedl'l";1I1' \\oDelt'li gunhoal.S in lile' flc'l't. L-n.lbll· 10 I}re\elll Iht' L'nion progrl'''s, Ihl'\ \\l'rt' Clll on- [IOIll (heir lillt' uf rClre.1I up till: ri\t:r. Tht, ft'\1 \l''I~l'h th;lt ~lll"\i\l'd till" light IIC'1'(' c!t-"lIu\t'd In ,Iwir own (T('W<; (0 prc\('llt capture. AlthOllgh till" dll'cti\'l'1l1'~'I til l";llllming lank, had beell demon,\r-:'Ilt'd, Ihc~l' gU1IIxJ.lL' hild ,1['0 proH·1l 111Ic"ii ,",Ihll'l-:'Ibilit\ 10 elll"lll\ ,hdllill·. On ;\la\ 10, IR62, till" L1 n ioll rhl'l" Iket \\'a~ ahO\l' Fort l'il1<m. providing en\l'r till' mort,lr ho.ll~ Ilhit-h 1\ en:' bOlllb;lrditl~ th(' Confl'dl'l-:.Itl' pO'itioll', 'I he \l"'1d 011 poitlt gu;u'd rurllll"~t dOlllhlll';IIl\ \IW.ll> till' GN'llIatt' irolldad l'SS C/IIt'III/lnli. ~ll)ol..e \1<1' 'polled, and 1/rm/l;w /Jom rq)lil'll b\ I1ri1lg: 1\10 ~2-pollllCkt ~11C'1I~ irllti lhe mortar IXM!, di';Ihling: it completeh. The ntmtht'll ~tc':nllt'd p;L;;t .llld nll11111('d the ,\(lJ/ll/({ Clf), jll~t seeumb .Iltt:r till: II;L~ r,unml'd b\ lhe ",/llI/ln: rllt: IHmd,ld limped lilT, ;md ,.1l1k ill ~halltl\l \I~ltt'l". :'\ell.t, lhe ironclad l'!\.'1 8Pn/lJIl an;\"l'd :lnd lilw! 011 lilt' c.,;s Co/lJIl,1 I.QI"II, while the CmvmllJid hit ,hi' ~umln:, IXlilt'l. \1 hieh l"pl(Kkd, c;Hl~ing hean C
.-.m GooremoI' Moore Mown Ioelt.-d In combat with the """boat USS Verune. eft.,. ramming her. during the Bettie 01 New Ofte-. 1llult in onler to
enemy vessel.
An e,rla' repre••n..1Jon 01
Commodore Farragut" Union fleet forcing I.. way pa.t the
tol1. below New Or'e.n. on April 24, tSe2. In the bottom ri"hl
comer. , number 01 Conlederate lIunbo.11 a.. shown supporting
the attack 01 the Ironclad rllm CSS Man....n.
1',I(nl with ;llll1ihi1.lIioll, ~1\ull~ornl"n \"i'hdrew tht, relll;lincicr orhi~ he \10\\ f,Kt.'d lilt' l'lllin' L' lliUl L ri, l'r il tIl\( 1.t<1 lkc.:l. he 11MIlilLle option .. h lhl' 11/>11/(/11 and (.'lIml/(fn!r1 g";I\t' rh,I'(', ,Il(' Cill,illllflti S<1111.. ill II kt'l ol ,,
la'i minule the COllft'derall' ralll~ rt~H'rscd lheir paddk~ 10 ~low tht'l11,('h('~ (111\1'11. which rnadl' lhem llIrn. Ellet smashed inlo lhe ,iell' oj lhe I.Ql'dl. loppling tilt, Confedcnllc \'c~~er1> slllOkeqaCKs and Ie;l\ irlg' hl'r fillinl{ wilh \\~ll('r. Shl' cIriflecl oIT 10 the easlern ~horc and ',lllk, takillg mo"t 01 IlI''- nl'll with he!. The UmUlry(",r{ cIul\' .-"mllled lhe Qut't'II oj /11,. \\h/Oll her pon \\hl,'dhml'l'. and the L'niOll Ics.<>cIlinqwd ,1\\<11. Ellet wa~ lllor!alh wOllndl'r! h\ a "ha.-p"hoolcr during tbc c1a..h, and he dlcd ..hurth ,lftef\I,trd in Iht' 1I,I1t'r hI this time, <md Ihl' Mmwrrll headed "lI"aight for Iwr. rJw (~f"/U'1'(11 '\lIIIIIn~1{'('I{'d IIll thl' .\I(marrh, hill the L1nion ram ~Iipped pa~1 the t\lO (d:Jlllcdel,lll' \ L">"l'l~, ,'Ild I hl' 'IImln- and !JmUI"t']!fII1/ lollillt-d, 1II'lpll-"'. the Ikflll»'1!ttrr!ll;l' Iill'd UII h\ tlu' illllidad &1,/on, and h('1 hllikrllippi Rher lIot onh dClllon~lI,lled tilt: IlilnelUllt.'I'ful ,lnn
Atter I1Imming the V..-vM. the Confederllt. 111m Go...ntOI" Moore WIIS d.vIIsraled by fire from the UnIon lI. .t. In Ihls englll'ling the USS ,,-nucol. Is shown pouring
fire Inlo
the stricken lIunoolll.
th,ll 1he t.'IH riC' illt hllk !Iw \'e~~t:'l"' principal
USS", UMed Siaies ShiP NAME
June 1861
MISSISSIppl and Teooessee AIYers
420 Ions
SidewheeI gunboal
August 1861
MlS$I$Slppl Ravet
572 Ions
USS le.oongton
Sodewheel gunboal
AugUSI 1861
MlSSl$5IpppI RIVel'
StOewheel gunboat
FebnJary 1864
MlssIsslppl RIVel'
410 Ions
RAMS War Dep.rtment {Elletl
USS Mmgo USSMcroMrh
Sternwheel ram
SldewheeI ram
Apnl 1862
228 tons 406 tons
USS l.ancBsllY
SIOewheel ram
May 1862
375 tons
USS Lioness USS ~ of the West
Slernwheel ram
198 tons
........... rnm
May-.!862 May 1862
Sidewheel ram Sternwheel ram
May 1862 May 1862
M<SSISSlppl River
519 Ions
Ml$$lSSlppl River
230 Ions
USS 5W1uerland USSSampson
Other Rami USS VIndicator
Sldewheel ram
May 1864
MISSISSIPpi and Red Rivers
750 Ions
USS Avenget'
Sldewheel ram
February 1864
MIsSIssiPpi River
410 Ions
USS SnlMnt (No. 18)
Augusl 1862
Mississippi River
227 Ions
USS Gtm&ral Pillow (No. 20)
August 1862
Mississippi and Tennessee Rivers
38 Ions
USS Fairplay (No. 17) USS 51 Clair (No. 19)
Seplember 1862
Stern wheeler
September 1862
OhiO and Cumberland Rivers MIssIssippi River
203 Ions
USS Marmors (No.2)
October 1862
MiSSISSippi River
207 Ions
USS S,gnal (No.8)
Slernwheeler S,dewheeler
Oclober 1862
Mississippi and YalOO Rlv~
190 tons
December 1862
Misslsslppi River (flagship)
902 tons
December 1862
Mississippi River
December 1862
MISSISSippi River
260 Ions 137 tons
December 1862
MISSISSippi River
157 tons
-,,., -,,., -,,.,
MISSISSIppi and While RIVtlf1;
157 tons
165 tons
USS Slack Haw/<
162 Ions
(not numbered) USS Forest Rose (No. 9) USS Glide {I} (not numbered) USS Jullel (No.4) USS New
frs (No
USS Rattler (No.1)
USS Romeo (No.3)
SsJver lake (No. 23) USS Cncket (No.6)
USS SpnngfI8kJ (No. 22)
December 1862
""""'" '863 """"'" 1863
Misstsslppi and Yuoo RIverS ~-
Ml$$I$Slppi and Ohio Rivers
175 Ions
Ml$SI$$lppi and Red ~
236 tons 178 tons
146 tons
MI$SlS51ppi and Ohto
The tlnel.d gunboal USS Pralri. Bird {No. 111 photographed at anchor off Vlck.burg. T.nn...... following the c.pture of the city In July 1883. She carried eight 24-pound.r howitzers, and uHd tMm twk:. In angar••t Eunice. MissIssippi, In JUM 1883, and at Galne" landing, Ark.n.... In "I>lIUSI 18~. She 1.1y9k:.l of the doz.ns of linclad st.mwnaale... wtIk:h "nred In 1M Union n.. l.
",J I
•eo "
smoolhtlores. 1 II 32·pdr smoothbore ..
311 3().pdr t'IfIes September 1862
4 II 32·pdr smoothbores 2 II 32·pdr smoothbores, 4 II 8
Sunk Il'l coIIl$lOI'I. March 1864
210 ft
2 II 3O.pdr ntIes September __~'862:=====_-,6 OU"' _
smoothbores ..
-=========~Sunk;;;> in colltslon. November 1862
Sunk. by K:;11 damage. December 1864 Sunk by Confederate gunf,re at VICksburg, March 1863
Captured by Confederates. February 1863; destroyed
181 "
achon. April 1863
178ft Converted IOto a fIoaMg mach'ne shop from September 1862
5 guns 6 guns
4 guns 2 guns
Former Confederate steamer, captured June 1862
4 guns
Former Conlederate transpol'!. captured August 1862
4 guns
2 x 24-pdr. 2 x 12-pdr nIles. 4 x 24-pdr
7 guns 2 x 32-pdr, 2 x 30·pdr ntles. 2 x 12-pdr smoothbore 6 guns 6 guns
Destroyed to prevent capture, May t86.•,~= Burned and sunk ,n accidental lire, Apnl 1865
Burned and sunk In accidental fire, February 1863
6 guns 6 guns 6 guns 6 guns
_ _-=======:-,Sunk 10 storm. December 1864
6 guns
USS Lnden (No 10)
~anuary 1863
MlSSlSSlppl and Mansas RIvers
177 Ions
USS Praure Bud (No. 11)
January 1863
MlSSlSSlppl and Yazoo RJvers
171 Ions
February 1863
MlSS/SSlppl River
196 Ions
Curlew (No
USS CovrJgton (No 25)
Febtuary 1863
Tellnessee River
224 tons
USS Petrel (No 5)
MlSSlSSlppl RIver
USS Arposy (No 27)
""'" - '863
226'~ 219 Ions
Tennessee and White RIV6fS
196 tons
M'SSISSIPPI and Tennessee Rivers
210 Ions
USS HastIngs (No 15) USS Queen Ory (No, 26) USS Champion (No, 24)
Apnl 1863
April 1863
MissiSSiPPI R,vef
115 Ions
USS Jflmes Thompson
April 1863
Mississippi and Red Rivers
280 tons
USS Naumkeag (No 37)
Stem wheeler
April 1863
M,sslS&ppj River
148 tons
USS Fawn (No. 30)
May 1863
White R,vef
174 tons
USS Kenwood (No 14)
MISSISSIPPI and Arltansas RIvers
232 tons
M,sslS&ppl and Tennessee RIVet'S
207 tons
(No. 13)
USS Key West (No 32)
May ~863 May 1863
USS Moose (No 34)
May 1863
MlSSlSSlppl Rrver
189 tons
USS Sdver CkJud (No 281
May 1863
236 tons
May .!~
..... '863 ...., '863
Tennessee and Yazoo RJvers
86'~ 211 tons
MlsslSSlppl Rwer
212 tons
US$AlfredRobb(No 21) USS Exchange (No, 38) USS Retndeer (No 35) USS VietOf)' (No 33) USS Paw Paw (No 31)
July 1863
MISSISSlppl and Clhto Rivers
160 tons
July 1863
17510ns 204 Ions
USS PeoStfl (No, 36)
Cklober 1863
MISSIssippi and Tennessee Rivers
USS Tawllh (No, 29)
Cklober 1863
MissiSSippi and Tennessee Rivers
108 Ions
USS Gilde (II) (No, 43)
November , 863
Gulf of MeXICO
232 Ions
USS Wave (No 45)
November 1863
December 1863
Gulf of MeXICO Gulf of MexICO
229 Ions
USS Stockdale (No 42) USS AJexandna (No 40)
December 1863
MISSISSlppl R,vel"
60 IonS
December 1863
MISSISSIppi R,vel"
January 1864
MlSSISSlppl River
572 tons
February 1664
MlSSISSlppl Rrver
62'~ 117 tons
Ml$$lSSlppl Alver
USS Q.Jactuta
(not numben:!d) USS Tensas (No, 39)
........... ........... ...........
188 IonS
February 1664
.... "'-
March 1864
MISSISSlppl River
192 tons 173 tons
USS Meroor (No, 44)
March 1864
Gulf of MexICO
221 tons
USS NaIad (No. 53)
April 1864
185 tons
USS Nymph (No. 54)
Apfll 1864
171 Ions
GazeIJe {No, 501
USS ElfIn (No 52) USS FiIIty{No, 51)
February 1664
~ fonner IUkU!')' river .leem boat Hew Uncle s.m we. commi.fioned e. the USS e/KIt Hawk, and . .rved a. e ftoating command ve...1for Admiral
Porter during the .181Ie 01 Vlck.burg end the Red River campaign.
'" "
6 guns 8 guns
160 "
7 guns
8 guns 8 guns
156 "
"'" 146 It
150 "
_t-_: '" " _ _ _-""9M '" " _<--:,156"
'" "
120" 151 ft 114 ft
'" "
"'" 227 It
92" 135ft 155ft 157ft
'56 "
Abandoned and destroyed, May 1864
Captured by Confederates, then destroyed. Apnll864
7 .,."
Captured by Confederates then destroyed, June 1864 Renamed MiIfI1lCNIn June 1863. and FOf1
Sunk aftlll" stnklOg undIlfwatlll" obstacle, August 1863: satvaged and repaared, Septemoer 1863 Destroyed to prevent caplUfe, November 1864
'.~ '.~ '.~
Captured by Conleoerates, May 1864
6 guns 2 guns 6 guns 5 x 3O-pdr nfles, 18 x 24·pdr. 15 x 12-pdr, smoolhbores, 1 x 12-pdr 2 guns 6 guns 8 guns 8 guns 6 guns
12 guns
161 It
12 guns
Conf~ate gunboal,
captured 111 July 1863
Former Confederate nverboat Former Confederate gunboat Burned to prevent capture, Novembe!' 1864
r The tlnclad USS Peo.'. (No. 311) was converted from a Clnelnnatl riverboat bearing the name In lata 18113. She operate-d on Iha Millilllppl and Tenne,_ Ri..a .., and uaed her powerful armament 01 1. gun, (inclUding three 3O,poUnOer rille.) to bombard enemy troop coneent..llon. at Paducah, Kenlucky, In March t8&4. (Marine..' MUSfilm)
USS Talla/larchl8 (No. 46)
April 1864
t71 tons
USS Unc1lne (No. 55)
April 1864
MISSIssiPpi River
179 tons
uss Carrabasser (No 49) USS Elk (No 47) USS Rodolph (No. 48)
USS Huntress (No. USS Pen (No. 51
May 1864
GuM' of MexICO
2Q2 tons
May 1864
Gulf of MexICO
S ternwheeJer
May 1864
Gulf of MexICO
217 tons
June 1864 June 1864 June 1864 July 1864
155 Ions
176 tons
181 tons
July 1864
Tervoessee RMI(
August 1864
Tennessee RIV9f
184 tons
USS S,byl (No. 59)
USS GefIenIJ Sherman (No.
Sod•. -
uSS G9nefaI Gram
(No. 62) USS GefIenIJ Thomas (No 61) (No 63) USS Siren (No.
USS Grossbea/o: (No 8) USS Colossus (No. 25) USS MIS! INo 26)
S lernwhee!er Slernwheeler
USS 0'I0Ie (No. 52)
USS Gamage INo
August 1864
USS Gef'IeraI 8umSIde
210 tons
February 1865
FIel;:eMng Sup. M,SSISSIPI" " ' M/SSISSlPPl RJver
February 1865
183 tons
....... '865 ....... '865 ....... '865
232 Ions
236 Ions
181 tons
232 tons 196 tons
Mardt 1865
116 tons
Apnl 1865
235 tons
S ternwheeler
Apnl 1865
MlSSlSSlPPl River
241 tons
Apnl 1865
161 Ions
Apnl 1865
MISSl$SlPPl River (tlagsh ,pJ MISSIS5lPPl River
206 Ions
MISSlSSlPPl and Yazoo RI ~
USS General Pnce
MISSISSIPpi and Red R,v M'
USS &!mrer
MISSISSiPPI River end GuIla!
USS Ibex (No 10) USS Kare INo 55) USS TempeSI (No 1) USS Abeona (No 32)
USS Little Rebel (16)
Gul! of MeXICO
Mississippi River
Th. llnclad USS Nililld (No. 53) entered Arvlc. In the spring of 18&4 and saw action during a Ari.S of .ngagements with Confed.ral. sho,. ball.ri.s in Loulslan•• Be'o,.. baing bought by the US Nao,y, .... was the Prince... a pasnnger st••m... openoUng on the Ohio Ri"....
_ _ _ LENGTH
6 guns 8 guns --!,551t 156 "
14811 _ _ 150ft
168 "
Captured by Confederates, OClobe!' 1864; burned 10 prevent recapture. November 1864
6 guns 6g~
132 "
Sunk by mme, Apt111865
6,~ 7,~
, '"'" 5 '"'"
Oecommrs.sooned by Navy. March 1865
171 It 165 "
171 It 155 "
115ft 157 fl 125 tl
158 " 157 It
160" 162 " 157 ft
5 '"'" 6 '"'" 7 '"'"
7g~ 7,~
'g~ 'g~ 7g~
10 guns 8 guns 5 guns
FClmlef1y the CSS General Bragg; details listed In
Confederate entry Fonnerly the CSS General Sterling Pnce; deta,ls listed In Confederate entry
FOfITlef1y the CSS General Sumter, details listed ,n Conf9d6fale entry; ran aground and abandoned. August 1862 Formerly the CSS Baratana: deta,ls I,sled in Confederate entry: burned to prevent capture. Apr.1 , 863 Formally CSS Little Rebel: details listed ,n Confederate entry
The erew 01. 100-pounder Parrott rifle al diyislons, awaiting In.~tlon. Thi. gun lormed the maIn annament
ollh. Sa.aKu. cl... gunboat USS MetKomet, whkh took par1ln the Sattle 01 Mobile S • .,.
(Pmate Collectlonl
= Confederate States Ship; L$NS _ louIsIana State Navy Ship TYPE
CSS McRae CSS Jackson LSNS General QUttman
Screw gunboat 5Idewheel gunboat
........ ........ ........ ........ ........
March 1861
May 1861 February 1862
297 tons 9<15 Ions
January 1862
coltonclad ,am
lSNS Governor Moote
conooclad ram
March 1862
COllonclad ram
CSS $tonewaJI JiK:kson
MMoh ,..,
cottonclad gt.w1boal
CSS Defiance
SocIewheel gunboat Sodewheel gunboat
CSS Resolute CSS GMenllovei
CSS ~ 8ref;1lenndge
Slernwheel gunboat
December 1861 March 1862
MMoh ,..,
5lclewheel gunboat
January 1862
Screw gunboat
MMoh ,..,
SCrew tugboat
CSS A1IgIIo-Sall'on
CSS Star -
$clew tugboat
CSS_ -
CSS La/IdIs CSS W Burton
SCrew hJgboal Stdewheel lender 5Idewheel tender
CSS Llffle Rebel
February 1862
161 tons
March 1862
L024 Ions
January 1862
633 tons
February 1862
524 Ions
coltonclad ram
CSS General Bragg
SKlow""'" cottooclad gunboat
CSS General Sterlmg Pnce
S,dewheel cottonclad ram
ess General Sumler
Sidewheel cottone lad ram
ess General Earl Van Dorn
April 1862
cottonclad ram
ess Ganeml M.
Sidewheel coltonclad ram
April 1862
ess Colonel Lovell
ess General Boouregard
coltonclad ram Sid...... coltonclad ram
AprIl 1862
Jeff Thompson
521 tons 454 tons
SiOewheel gunboat
June 1861
CSS ""
SKlewheel gunboat
as privateer in
May 1861
ess James L CSS""",,"
S!dewheel gunboat
May 1861
414 tons
SKlewheeI gunboat
June 1861
532 tons
Captured. January 1862, and lalS' used on UnlOO servICe, tran51ened
191 ft
4 guns
Destroyed 10 prevent capture, May 1863
to US Ivrny, June 1864. and renamed GenetaI SedgeWlCk
Fate unknown, but probably destroyed to pre~ent capture, April 11362
181 It 217 It
4 guns
Destroyed to pre~ent capture, April 1862
FURTHER READING BalJef. Jack K., and Roberts, Stepheo S,; Reg,sterof $fliPS of
rhe US Navy, '775- 1990. Greenwood Press (Westport. CT. 1991) Bemett, Frank M .• The Steam Navy of the Untted States, Warren and Company (Pittsburgh, PA. 1896) Canney, Donald L.. Lmcoln's Navy; The Ships, Men and Or'garnzatlOfl, '8S1~. Conway Mantlme Press (Loncton, UK, 1998) Coombe, Jack 0" Thunder along rhe MISSISSIppi: The River Battles that spilllhe ConfedenJcy. Sarpedon (New York, 1996) Jones, Virgil Carnngton: The CIVIl War af sea [2 volumes]. Rinehart and Winston (New York, 1960), repnnted In 3 volumes by Broadfoot Press (Wilmington, NC, 1990) Musicant. Ivan; DIVided Waters: The Naval History of the Civil War, Castle Books (Edison, NJ. 2000) Luraghi, Raimondo; A History of the Confaderate Navy, Naval Instllute Press (Annapolis, MD, 1996) Silverstone, Paul H.; Warships of the Civil War NaVies, Naval Institute Press (Annapolis, MD, 1989) Stiil, William N" (ed.): The Confederate Navy: The ShipS, Men and Orgamzatlon, 186'~5, Naval Institute Press and Conway Maritime Press (Annapolis, MD, and London, UK, 1997) Underwood, Robert, and Suel, Clarence Clough, (eds.) Battles and Leaders of the CIVil War [Four Volumes]. C&f\tury Company (New York, 1887), repnnted by Castle (Edison, NJ. 1987). Note that thiS source containS articles Originally published In Century Magazine, Including accounts by participants in the river battles on the MISSISSiPPi OfficI8l RecOIds of the UfIIO(I and Confederate NaV16S IfI the War of the Rebellion [30 volumes], Government Pnntlng Office (Washington, DC, 1894-1921)
6O'~ 6"~
USS Lexington
One of the til'St three Umon gunboats to see service on the MISSISSIPPI RIver, the 362·ton USS Lexmgton earned a powerful broadside armament of four 8-lOCh smoothbore guns, and two 32-pounders (the latter guns earned In hef deckhouse). She first saw actlOf'l In a skirmish wrth the Contederate gunboat Jackson oH HICkman, Kentucky, in OCtober 1861. and also partICipated In the capture of Fort Henry on the Tennessee River. Alter the fort's capture she roamed down the nver as far as Florence, Alabama. during February t862. belO!'e providing gunfire support fO!' the army at the Banle of Shiloh In April 1862. She spearheaded other drives up the White River In Arkansas and the Yazoo River in MissiSSippi during 1862 bef()(e participating in the capture of Fort Hindman on the Arkansas River in January 1863. Further operations up the MissiSSippi tributaries in Arkansas, Louisiana, and Tennessee followed. One of the most active Union gunboats on the Mississippi, the Laxington SUrviVed the war, and was sold oul 01 service in )l,ugust 1865.
USS Switzerland One of the rams deSigned by Colonel Ellet (also known as War Department Rams), the SWitzerland entered service In May 1862, just in time to partiCipate In the Battle of Memphis on June 6. Although she was unable to ram anything dunng the battle, the Ellel Ram fleet dislingUlshed themselves, and confounded their cntlCS, Unlike the other rams In the fleet. her tall slab sides and sharp-angled superstructure perTnitted the fittmg of additional armament. and eXIra ordnance was accordingly placed Ifl a casemate on her upper deck. She took part In a reconnaIssance up the Yazoo River In MISSISSIppi before joining the main fleet outSIde VICksburg. She was damaged in March 1863 as she and the ram USS
Although num.rous Union oc_n~ gunboats were u-.ed to _lore. tn. na....' block.cle of the Confederacy, "9O-day~ gunboata HfVed on the Mississippi during 1882. TheHlUustrallon' show tM lack of sophi,tlcated shipbuilding '.elliUe, needed to produce gunboats during the w.r. Gunboats could be and were built In primlth,. ri...e ..loe ,hipyard•. (Pri.... te Collection)
Lancasfet" ran south past the clty's delenses. to link up with
the ocean-gOll\g lloot below lhe city. Her consort was sunk. She was patched up. and repeated the action at Grand Gulf, MIssIssippi. For the remainder of the war she operated on the lower MISSISSiPPi and the Red River PLATE B ess McRae This beautllul Conlederate screw gunboat began her career in the Me)(ican Navy as the Marques de /a Habana. Her crew rebelled, and after commining acts of piracy. they were captured by the USS SllrDfoga in t860. She was still impounded in New Orleans when Louisiana seceded, and the Conlederate Navy duly purchased her. She became the backbone of the official naval presence on the lower MissiSSippi River DUring 1861 she escorted blockaderunners out through the MISSIssippi Delta. then when the Union lleet eslablished a close blockade. she attacked them in coocert with other Conlederate gunboats In October. Her final action took place on Apnl24, t862, when the Union lleet under Commodore Farragut allacked the naval and shore delenses below New Orleans She engaged several enemy warships at the same time, bUt was badly damaged. Left to founder. she hmped upnver to New Orleans betund the Unton fleet. then sank alongside the city wharf She earned one 9'II"lCh SIllOOthl:xlnl mounted on a 180-degrea pivot behind her mammaSl, and a broadside armament 01 SIX 32-pounder guns. plus a small 6-pounder nIle as a bow-ehaser.
Stonewall Jackson One of a handful wooden vessels that had been converted Into warships. the Stonewall Jackson had her bow reinforced with wood and Iron, creating a crude ram. Armed with a Single 32-pounder smoothbore gun on her quarterdeck. the smali sidewhool steamer had her engine rooms. boilers and superstructure reinforced by a bulwark of colton bales, which extended 'rom her holds up to above her upper deck. creallng a protected bridge. In the battle ot New Orleans she rammed and sank the USS VaNna, which had already been damaged by the Governor Moore, but then succumbed to the combined firepower 01 the Unionl!eel as II steamed past her. She was run aground In a Sinking condition on the r'lOf1h bank 01 the nver near New Orleans, and was then set on fire by her crew to prevent her capture.
PLATE e The Governor Moore and the USS Varuna al the Baltle 01 New Orleans, April 1862 In order to control the MISSISSIppi River, the Umon needed 10 control New Or1eans Its southern approaches were defended by the tWin forts 01 Fort Jackson and Fort St Ph,~p. and by a dtverse collec1lQ1'l 01 rams. gunboats, togs, and
. . . . . . . . N'
,' •••
. ?:*-,',:. ,
USS Queen of the West
-,, w"
The "wlI1kl"'lil beam engl... ~ thetu... erlended _ t a l ,. .1 .oov. th
sank With her Louisiana colors stili flYing. The plate depicts the scene when the Governor Moore fired her second shot.
ThIs Is sn llIust...llon from ,
on ,Ipm engi",", lillted t8S2.!PriY,te CoIlectlonl
Ironclads Before dawn on Apnl24. 1862. Commodore DaVId G Farragut led hiS ocean-gOIng fleet ag3.1Ost these defenses. Advar'l(;Ing In three dlVlStOns. the two leading groups were held up breaking through the line of obstructlOOS In front of FOl1 Jackson. and the USS BrooJdyn collided WIth the gunboat USS Kmeo, In the confUSion the Confederate ironclad ram CSS Manassas attacked the leading Union shipS, creating more confUSion. The wooden gunboat USS Varuna was now In the lead. followed at a distance by the rest of the fleet. The fleet of Confederate wooden rams launched an attack, but most were unable to close With the mOfe powerlul enemy warships. One exception was the Governor Moore. a wooden collonclad ram In the service of the State of LOUISiana, She shadowed the Varuna. and as the Union gunboat reached and passed the Ouaranllne Station. halfway between the forts and the city, the Governor Moore struck. She cut between the Varona and the bank. then turned and rammed her amidships on her starboard side. As the two vessels were locked together, Captain Kennon of the Governor Moore found hiS bow gun was unable to fim on the enemy as the angle of !Ire was blocked by his own forecastle. He ordered the 32-pounder smoothbore to be fired down through hiS own deck, With the shot emerging through the bows of hiS gunboat to stnke the Varuna, The first shot was deflected by the Governor Moore's hawS8plpe, but the second hit hef bow gun. Next. the Governor Moore backed away, then as the Varuna turned. she rammed hef again, thiS lime on ner port beam, The Varona was a wrecl<. and a blow from the ram StonewaN Jackson timshed her off. By thiS tIme the rest of the UnlOl'l fleet had come up to the battle scene, and the Governor- Moore was npped apart by shellfire. She
The USS Queen of the West was purchased by the US War Department In CII"lClnnati. OtIlO. in May 1862. and converted into a ram. under the guidance of Colonel Charles Elle!. She served as Ellet's flagshIp at the Battle of MemphiS In June 1862. when she rammed the Confederate wooden ram CoIonftI Lovell, Rammed In her turn by the CSS General Sumter, she came under fire from Confederate sharpshooters, who mOl1alty wounded Ellet. FollOWing repairs, she partICIpated In the expecMIOn up the Yazoo RIVeI" whlch led to a nmt"llng battle with the Confederate II'OOClad CS5 Arlcansas. She survrved. and took part 10 operntJonS arouncl VICksburg and on the Yazoo Rtver before JOlOI09 a reconnmssance eXpeclltlOl'l up the Red Rtver IOto louisiana. She ran aground 10 Iront of a Confederate fortifICation called Fort de RUSS)', on February 14. 1863 and was abandoned The Confederates duty captured her. and she served against her former masters, partlClpatmg 10 the SIl1Iung of the powerful II'OOCtad USS Inchanola near New Garttlage. MlSSlSSlppl, on February 24. Three weeks later. dUMg an engagement on the Alchafalaya RIver In LOOI5IafIa. she was hit by a sheI from the USS calhoon, a former Confederate gunboat. She caught fire, and her crew abandoned ship rmnutes before the wooden ram exploded PLATE E ess General Sterling Price One oflhe Confederate River Defense Fleet, the CSS General Sterlmg Pnce was formerly the Laurent Mllfaudon, a CIOClnnal1 nver steamer She was acquired and converted In New Orleans, becorlllng a "cottonclad· ram. This ConVersion involved the reinforcement of the bow With a wood and iron beam. the protectIOn of the InSide of her upperworks With a compressed ·sandwlch" of cotton and a wooden parttllon, and the acklltlon of four 9-loch smoothbores. She fought at Fort PillOw and MemphiS, Tennessee, and sank Within Sight of the City. She was duly raised by a Union salvage team. and she entered S8l'\llce as a Union river gunboat Renamed the USS General Pnce, she operated around Vicksburg until the fall of the city in July 1863, apart from a brief foray up the Red River. Subsequently she took part in the attack on Grand Gulf, MississipPi, and the Red River Expedition In 1864.
ess General Bragg The largest vessel in the Confederate River Defense Fleet, the CSS General Bragg began her life as 3 ocean-going steamship before her conversion into a warship in early 1862. Uke the General Sumter, her bulkheads were reinforced with compressed colton, and her bows were filted With a crude ram. Her pnnclpal weapon was a 30-pounder Parrott nfle. a rare gun In the Confederacy, although she also eamed a 32·pouncler smoothbore. She took part In the nVel" battle of Plum Point (Fort Pillow) When she rammed the Ironclad USS Cincinnati, caUSing her to sink. but the Confederate gunboat was badly damaged in the process. She was repaired In time to take part in the calarnltous Battle of MemphiS In June 1862, When she was beached on a sandbar In a SInking condltlOl'l. lhe General Bragg was raIsed and entered servICe
The USS 11thl, photographed at anchor during a ~make and mend" Sundaw. when the crew were allowed to wuh Or replII, thel, unllonn•. The powerful little gunboat was damilged during her IIngagement with the Ironclad CSS Ar*anu. on the ¥uoo AI"e, In JulW 1802.
the Arkansas began backing away from the wounded
Garondolel. and the Tyfer In the foreground was left alone to rlQhl the VlCtonouS Confederate Ironclad PLATE G
USS Black Hawk One of the stl'Of'lgeSt gunboats on the MISSISSIPPI RNer, the as a Unton gunboat. patrolling the upper MISSISSIppi for most 01 the remainder of the WN
PLATE F The USS Tyler fighting the ess Arkansas on the
Yazoo River, July 1862 like the Lexmgron and the Conestoga, the USS Tyfef was one of the first UI\IOI"I gunboats 10 see servICe on the MISSISSIPPI RIVer. Ahhough small. she earned a powerful broadside armament 01 Sill a-Inch smoothbores. as well as a 32-pounder deck gun. By September 1862 she was rearmed
with an additional tNee 3O-poonder Parrott nfles She partICIpated In the capture of Fort Henry and Fort Donelson, then supported Geoernl Grant's army al the Bailie of Shiloh. By mlCl-1862 the Umon Rwer fleet and the ocean-going fleet had JOIned forces above VICksburg. but rumors that the Confederates were oollcllng an Ironclad on the Yazoo RIver caused some concern. The USS Tyler was duty sent to investigate. accompamec! by the USS Queen of the West and the casemate Ironclad USS Carondolel. Sooo after dawn on July 15. the three Umon vessels had steamed several mIles up the over when they spoiled smoke Coming from around a bend The Tyler was well ahead of hef coosorts. and was the first to IdooMy the oncoming vessel as the Confederate ironclad ess Arkansas. lieutenant William GWIn commanding the Tyler fired hIS guns. thef1 spun around. heading back downstream. Soon the three Union vessels were fighllng a running battle. and sharpshooters on the Tyler wounded the Arkansas' commander. lieutenant Brown. Damage to the Carondolet forced the Union ironclad Into the bank, and Brown closed and raked her. then brought hiS ironclad alongside and poured fire Into the Union vessei at point blank range, leaving her In a near-Sinking condition. the Arkansas then backed away. Intent on finishing oft the two wooden gunboats. The Queen of the West fled downriver toward the salety of the Union fleet. Lieutenant Gwin wanted to fight. but left alone. he had little chOice but to llee hImself. Pursued by the Arkansas, the Tyler kept 200 yards ahead. and hit the Confederate Ironclad in her smokestack. redUCing her speed and allOWing the gunboat to speed to safety. The Arkansas Wef1t on to run through the UniOn fleet to reach the safety of VICksburg, The plate depicts the moment when
Admiral Da"ld D. Porte, commanded the Union ri"e, fleet. on I". MI..I. .lppl and "., t,lbutari. . lrom hi. command .hlp, the USS Bleck Hawt. AJ1h0u9h .he w.. not reelly a warship, $he did carry two 3Q.pounde, rme. and two 32-pounde, $l"oolhbore. 10''''' _n protection.
USS Black Hawk was built 10 New Albany. Indiana. 10 t848as
the luxlJf'y nver steamer New Uncle sam. In November 1862 she was purchased In Cairo, IIIIr'l()lS, for $36.000. and converted Into a naval headquarters vessel for Admlf3l David D. Porter, the commander 01 the UnIOn nver forces on the MISSISSIPPI, She ef1tenKt servICe In December 1862 when she ""ned the IIeet above VICksburg, and even though she was conSIdered a t1nclad warship. she slill retained much 01 he!' lormer opulence. PalatJal slalfCaSeS. comfortable klunges and ncl1Iy fitted state rooms gave the N1tenot of the vessel the air of a luxury note!. and Porter stnctly enforced dress regula\loos and naval dISCIpline. She also had tooth, C3fTVIOQ a bow armament of lwo 3O-pounder Parrott niles. as well as smoothbore guns. The IIoatlOg heaOquarters was present at the capture of Fort Hindman on the Mansas Rtver in January 1863. the SI6ge 01 VICksburg dunng the summer of 1863, and the dIsastrous Red River campalQn 01 1864. She was destroyed by an accidental fire days attef the end of the war. In Apnt 1865
USS Ratl/er Formerly the Clnclnnatl·bUllt nver steamer Florence Miller. the USS RaHler was acquored by the US Navy In Novembef 1862. and entered setvlce five weeKs later She IS Included as a typical example of one of the small tlnclad gunboats that served on the MISSISSippi and her tnbutanes from 1862 until the end of the war A total 01 71 such vesseis served In the Union fleet during the war. most 01 them seeing extensive service. Powered by a stern paddlewheel, the Rattler was armed With two bow-mounted 3D-pounder Parrolt rifles and a 24-pounder smoothbore. while another three guns were carried Inside her tinclad hull casemate on pivot mounts. The Rart/er took part in the capture of Fort Hindman on the Arkansas River, then operated extensively In the river networh of Louisiana before she coilided With an underwater obstruction and was wrecked near Grand Gull. Mississippi, 11"1 Decembef 1864
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The design. development, operation and history of the machinery of warfare through the ages.
Mississippi River (,unboats of the American Civil War 1861- 6S At the start of the American Civil War, neither side had warships on the Mississippi River and In the first few months both sides scrambled to gather a not ilia by converting existing riverboats for naval use. These ships were transformed Into powerful naval weapons
despite a lack of resources, trained manpower and suitable vessels. The creation of a river neet was a miracle of ingenuity, improvisation and logistics, particularly for the South. This title describes their design, development and operation throughout the American