Editor: Leopoldo Nachbin Centro Brasileiro de PesquisasFisicas and University of Rochester
MATHEMATICAL AND CONCEPTUAL FOUNDATIONS OF 20TH-CENTURY PHYSICS Gerard G.EMCH Departments of Mathematics and of Physics University of Rochester Rochester, N.Y , U.S.A.
0 Elsevier Science Publishers 6.F. 1984 All rights reserved. Mopart of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrievalsystem, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner.
ISBN: 0 444 87585 9 Fisrt edition: 1984 Second printing: 1986
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Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication D a t a
Emch, Gkrard G. Mathematical and conceptual foundations of 20thcentury physics. (North-Holland m a t h e m a t i c s s t u d i e s ; 100) Bibliography: p. I n c l u d e s index. 1. Mathematical physics. 2 . Physics. 3. Relativity (Physics) 4. Q u a n t u m theory. I. Title. 11. Series. 530.1 84- I 4 7 41 QC20.E43 1 9 8 4 ISBN 0-444-87585-9
PART I. CLASSICAL PHYSICS Chap. 1. Mechanics 1. Newtonian formulation, 3 2. Lagrangean formulation, 15 3. Hamiltonian formulation, 23
Chap. 2 . Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics 1. Temperature and heat, 33 2. Classical statistical mechanics, 48
Chap. 3. Electromagnetism 1. Phenomenological background, 68 2. The nature of light, 79
PART 11. RELATIVITY Chap. 4. Geometry 1. Galilean and Minkowskian geometries, 91 2. Curved space-time geometries, 101 a. Differentiable manifolds, 102 b. Tangent bundle, 109 c. Riemannian and Lorentzian metrics, 110 d. Levi-Cevita connection, 115 e. Tensorial expressions of curvature, 123 f. Covariant and exterior derivatives, 127
Chap. 5 . T h e Principles of Special Relativity 1. Formulation of t h e principles, 134 2 . Immediate consequences of t h e principles, 145
Chap. 6. General Relativity 1. Models for space-time, 161 2. Electromagnetism revisited, 186 3. Models for matter, 191
PART 111. QUANTUM THEORY Chap. 7. The ‘old’ quantum theory 1. Black-body radiation, 211 2. Electrons, photons and phonons, 220 3. The structure of the atom, 232
Chap. 8. Hilbert space formulation of quantum mechanics 1. The Heisenberg matrix formulation, 252 2. The Schroedinger wave mechanics, 276 3. Von Neumann’s Hilbert space formalism, 295 a. The states, 297 b. The observables, 301 c. The expectation values, 309 d. Von Neumann algebras, 315 e. Symmetries, 320 f. The CCR for n degrees of freedom, 333 g. The classical limit, 339 4. Quantum scattering theory, 345
Chap. 9. The algebraic formulation of quantum mechanics 1. The fundamental postulate, 362 a. Basic mathematical structures, 362 b. Representations and GNS construction, 369 c. Physical equivalence and quasi-equivalence, 375 d. Physical meaning of the C*-algebraic postulate, 378 2. Non-commutative ergodic theory, 383 a. C’-inductive limits, 384 b. Norm-asymptotic abelianness and observables at infinity, 386 c. Averages over group actions, 402
Chap. 10. Systems with infinitely many degrees of freedom 1. Quantum statistical mechanics, 417 a. Canonical equilibrium for finite systems, 418 b. KMS condition and modular actions, 432 c. Canonical equilibrium for infinite quantum lattices, 444 d. Ideal Fermi and Bose gases, 456 e. Spontaneous symmetry-breaking and stability, 474 f. Non-equilibrium quantum statistical mechanics, 483 2. Quantum field theory, 500 a. Elementary quantum systems i n special relativity, 500 b. The relativistic Fock spaces, 504 c. Towards a general theory of quantum fields, 508
C h a p t e r Interdependence
3. E + M .
9 . ALG.
The arrows indicate logical dependences. As much as possible in two dimensions, the lay-out has been organized in such a manner t h a t , along most paths, the mathematical analytic sophistication increases from left to right, while the physical synthetic conceptualization increases from t o p to bottom of t h e diagramme.
This book is primarily intended for Mathematicians with no, or little, background in Physics; much emphasis is laid on t h e interlocked historical development of mathematical and physical ideas. For didactic purposes, the book is divided in three parts. P a r t s I1 & 111 can be covered in one semester each, as part of a n introductory survey course on Applied Mathematics in the Graduate mathematics curriculum. P a r t I is elementary enough to be assigned for independent readings. The mathematical level of discourse should present no problem for a beginning graduate student in an American mathematics department. If this student were to consider t h e book for self-study, (s)he might find useful to have had, or t o take concurrently, one-semester introductory courses in Functional Analysis and in Differential Geometry: these are two amongst the main tools of today’s Mathematical Physics; they, however, are not prerequisites: all terms appearing in t h e text, mathematical as well as physical, are defined. W h a t is required from t h e reader is the curiosity and the breadth necessary to undertake repeated crossings of the bridges which exist between Mathematics and Physics, two disciplines traditionally considered as closely allied fields; (s)he will follow in this journey the steps of such luminaries as Archimedes, Fermat, Newton, Euler, the Bernoullis, Lagrange, Laplace, Fourier, Cauchy, Gauss, Poincard, Cartan, Hilbert, Weyl and von Neumann, not to mention t h e names of many Mathematicians or Mathematical Physicists now active. For t h e mathematical audience thus defined, this book will present t h e main ideas and fundamental concepts of 20th-century Physics, with special attention to the concurrent mathematical developments. This century has indeed been marked by two conceptual revolutions from which Mathematics drew considerable impetus: t h e theory of Relativity a n d Quantum theory, both owing much to t h e seminal ideas of Einstein, one of t h e great geniuses of all times. As no intellectual revolution can be properly understood without some knowledge of the paradigms prevalent at t h e time of its inception, P a r t I provides a survey of Classical Physics, which we divided in three chapters: Mechanics, Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics, and Electromagnetism. This study provides opportunities to place in perspective the successive advents of Calculus, of Probability and Statistics, of Differential and Symplectic Geometry, a n d of classical Functional Analysis. Relativity is presented in P a r t I1 of this book, and Q u a n t u m Theory in P a r t 111. The motivation provided by physical problems in the development of mathematical disciplines such as, for instance, pseudo-Riemannian Geometries, Hilbert Spaces and Operator Algebras, are emphasiaed.
Aside from the primary aim of this book, which is to present a unified mathematical account of t h e conceptual foundations of 20th-century Physics, under a single cover and in a form suitable for use in a survey course in Applied Mathematics, it is hoped t h a t the book will also serve another function, namely t h a t various parts of the work will be excerpted, a n d incorporated in separate coi'rses pertaining to the Pure Mathematics curriculum, to provide illustrative examples, further motivations, and testimony to t h e unity of the Mathematical Sciences. Finally, the author hopes t h a t this book will help mathematicians broaden their exchanges with physicists, and with philosophers and historians of science.
Acknowledgements Some long time ago, Leopoldo Nachbin impressed upon me t h a t I should take some “rest”, and write this book. I have had t h e advantage of being able to discuss both t e x t a n d tune with him over t h e several years I have tested a patience t h a t , by now, must be proverbial. This one-hundredth volume of the Notas de Mathemdtica is a testimony to his perseverance. The materials presented here have been taught in courses I gave at t h e University of Rochester; t h e Ecole Polytechnique FBdCrale i Lausanne; t h e Universitat Tubingen; t h e Universidade d o Sgo Paulo; t h e UniversitB de Paris VII; and t h e Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. I wish to acknowledge with thanks the stimulating comments I received from my colleagues at these Institutions: William Eberlein, Nicolas Gisin, Christian Giinther, Lawrence Helfer, Richard Lavine a n d Malcolm Savedoff Philippe Choquard and Philippe Martin; Peter Kramer, Burckhard Kummerer, Alfred Rieckers and Wolfgang Schroder; MoysBs Nussenaveig and Kalyan Sinha; Jacqueline Bertrand, Raymond Jancel and Guy Rideau; George Hagedorn, Gerhard Hegerfeldt and Paul Zweifel. I would like to put on record t h e generosity of t h e leave of absence policy of the University of Rochester which also allowed m e to spend sizable stretches of time with colleagues at t h e Zentrum f u r interdisaiplinare Forschung der Universitat Bielefeld; the UniversitB de GenBve; Harvard University; the Mathematical Centre at t h e University of Warwick; the Centre de Physique thiorique d u C N R S ii Marseille; a n d the University of Pennsylvania. For arranging t h e other head of these bridges, I a m grateful to Ludwig Streit; Jean-Pierre Eckmann and Constantin Piron; George Mackey a n d Shlomo Sternberg; Klaus Schmidt; Daniel Kastler and Madeleine Sirugue-Colin; a n d Dick Kadison. The always supportive attitude of Antoinette Emch-DBriaa over the twentyfive years of our association took a new t u r n in the present venture; sometimes at the cost of delays in her own historical researches, she tried to inform me away from t h e naturally Whiggish views scientists tend to have o n matters of intellectual history. For one, I appreciate her unrelenting efforts, even if t h e reader will soon realize t h a t I still have a long way to tread on t h e road to a proper historiographical method. If anything is right here on t h a t account, it is probably hers. My students Stephan De BiBvre, Sung-Pyo Hong a n d Orietta Protti have responded with juvenile enthusiasm to the suggestion t h a t they read first drafts of this book; they have helped clear many ambiguities. Joan Robinson produced t h e work on 4~S-m with extraordinary celerity, more t h a n professional conscience, and remarkable resources of ingenuity. Arnie Piaer, t h e expert TEX tamer on our Faculty, saw to it t h a t t h e beast would roar in harmony with a true mathematician’s taste.
SYNOPSIS There is a good deal of truth in A. N. Whitehead’s caveat: ‘ I . . . in a memoir one’s whole trouble is with the first chapter, or even t h e first page. For it is there, at the very outset, where the author will probably be found to slip in his assumptions. Further, t h e trouble is not with what the author does say, but with what he does not say. Also, it is not with w h a t he knows he has assumed, but with what he has unconsciously assumed”. Still, the author must make t h e plunge somewhere, swim as he may in whatever murky currents he encounters, reserving all the while his right to come back, stir and plumb for new depths those calm expanses he once thought had been properly charted. We make our plunge in classical mechanics. By the t u r n of the Twentieth Century, Hamilton mechanics was t h e widely accepted form of mechanics, the one to be used when a correspondence was to be found with the new quantum mechanics. For instance, the first formula on the first page of the first chapter--“Principes de la dynamique”-of PoincarB’s Lecons d e mtcanique ctleste (1905) is the system of first order differential equations of Hamilton, which we write: dq’_ - _* d H dt api
_ dp‘_-_ - d H dt a4i
= 1 , 2 , . . ., d
The system of equations reflects the presence of a mathematically interesting underlying structure, namely t h a t of a 2d-dimensional symplectic manifold, i.e. a differentiable manifold M endowed with a symplectic form w which, by Darboux theorem, can be written (at least locally): d
dp’ A dq’
w= i=1
In many applications M is T’M, the cotangent bundle of a manifold M, called the “configuration space”; and w is t h e canonical form w = d8 [where 8 is t h e 1-form defined, for every p E T’M and every ( E T(T’M , by O ( ( ) = p ( ~ * ( ) with A the projection R : T * M + MI. When M = R3’, M can simply be the identified with the usual “phase space” R6N= { ( q l ’ . ..$N ;p 1 , . . general form is nevertheless necessary, as soon as holonomic constraints are considered.
To every smooth (e.g. Coo-) function F on M one can then associate t h e vector field (F defined by
from which one defines in t u r n t h e Poisson bracket
in local coordinates this becomes
{ F, G} = C
a F dG
d F dG apt a q
- . -- - . -
a q apt
Note t h a t one obtains for t h e coordinate functions q' and
Note further t h a t t h e Hamilton equations (1) now appear as t h e equations for the integral curves of t h e vector field (H associated to a special function H , the Hamilton function. In the particular case of a system of N particles moving freely in the ordinary one-particle configuration space IR3, except for their mutual (velocity independent) interactions, H takes t h e form
with (5b)
In this case, Equations (1) reduce to:
so t h a t
Fn = mnqn with
Fn' = --
To understand the facts of experience lying behind t h e interpretation of F, as the “force” acting on t h e n-th particle, rn, as its “mass”, p, as its “momentum”; of T as t h e “kinetic energy” of the system, V as its “potential energy”, and H as its “total energy”, it is helpful to back up in history to what should be called Euler’s mechanics. I t is traditional and convenient to divide classical mechanics into three parts, t h e first being associated to Newton’s Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathernatica (1687), t h e second to Lagrange’s Me‘canique Analytique (1788), and the third to Hamilton’s General Method in Dynamics (1834, 1835) and Jacobi’s Vorlesungen uber Dynamics (published by Clebsch in 1866). Our three sections’ headings perforce have to use this discrete nomenclatureNewtonian, Lagrangean and Hamiltonian mechanics-which artificially parcels out a continuous development starting before Galileo and continuing after PoincarC. We will also allude to some of the problems of current interest: however “classical” it may be called, mechanics is still a field of active research where new mathematics and, thus, new physical understandings are in t h e process of being developed. Section 1. NEWTONIAN FORMULATION Mechanics is a science of experience, a n experience apprehended by observation, controlled by experiment, and comprehended by theory. One of the established sources of experience t h a t played a n important role in Newton’s formulation of rational mechanics and of universal gravitation was observational astronomy, culminating in Kepler’s three laws of planetary motion, published in Prague, t h e first two in his Astronomia N o v a (1609) and the third in his De Harmonice Mundi (1619). These laws are: (1) each planet moves in a n elliptical orbit, with the sun at one focus of the ellipse; ( 2 ) the focal radius from the s u m to a planet sweeps equal areas of space an equal intervals of time; (3) the square of the sideral periods of the planets are proportional t o the cube of their mean distance t o the sun, a statement which we transcribe as: (1)
A3 = k T 2
where T is the period of the planet on its orbit, and A is the semi-major axis of its elliptical orbit, i.e. the average of the distances between t h e sun and t h e planet at its aphelion and perihelion; as we shall see below, the proportionality factor k can be computed i n term of the gravitational constant of Newton’s theory of universal gravitation. The use of controlled experiments was persuasively advocated by Galileo in his Discorsi e Dimostrazioni Matematiche intorno d due nuove Scienze attenti alla Mecanica d i Mouimenti Locali (1638). Whether Galileo was faithfully reporting the results of experiments he had himself actually performed is not terribly relevant, although we should mention t h a t doubts were raised
o n t h a t account, already by some of his contemporaries, e.g. Mersenne in France. T h e main point we want to make here is t h a t Galileo was eloquently expounding, as a reflection of contemporary concerns, t h a t t h e primary role of controlled experiments is to discriminate between opposing theories. Hence, theory has to come first, to organize observational experience and to inform t h e sensible planning of experiments. The rational mechanics of the 17th century, however, did not happen as a sudden reaction to some hitherto unchallenged misconceptions inherited from antiquity; it was instead slowly brought into focus through t h e perceptive work of the medieval critics of Greek science. These now obscure scholars started t h e programme t h a t would eventually replace t h e qualitative notions, t h a t emerge from common experience of motion, by qualitative statements on: t h e geometric description of motion (kinematics); t h e analysis of its causes or manifestations (dynamics); the notions of force, torque, pressure, stress and their effects; t h e concepts of mass and inertia; the derived quantities we now call linear and angular momentum, kinetic a n d potential energy, work, power and action. One of the achievements of medieval science was t h e logical distinction between t h e computational geometric questions of kinematics and t h e conceptually more involved problems of dynamics. Between 1328 a n d 1350, t h e scholars of Merton College in Oxford succeeded indeed in formulating clear enough ideas of instantaneous velocities and accelerations, allowing them to state a rule to t h e effect t h a t in a rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion, the space (z- zo) travelled in an interval of time (t - t o )is given by:
1 (z- zo) = s ( u
+ uo) (t
- to)
where uo (resp. u) is t h e velocity at time to (resp. t). Similarly dim, b u t sound, ideas on the change of rate of changes can be found in De Uniformitate et Difformitate Intensionum (1350) and Tractatus d e Latitudinibus Formarum (n.d.) by Nichole Oresme in France, who can be credited with a geometrical proof of the “Merton rule” (2) akin, again in modern language, to t h e computation of t h e trapezoidal area under t h e graph of u as a function of t . T h e fact t h a t u is here a linear function of t did obviously help since calculus was still a long way ahead. Indeed, it took some three centuries until enough power and confidence were built into the mathematical apparatus to allow t h e elegance and economy of concepts o n which Newton erected his Principia (1687). W h a t can be regarded as t h e first, even if incomplete, axiomatic formulation of mechanics holds indeed in t h e following three laws, stated in t h e beginning of the Principia: (1)every body continues in its state of rest, or of uniform motion along a straight line, unless at is compelled t o change that state by forces impressed upon it; ( 2 ) the change of motion is proportional to the motive force impressed, and it takes place in the direction of the straight line in which that force is impressed; ( 3 ) to every action there is always a n
opposite and equal reaction; or, the mutual actions of two bodies u p o n each other are always equal and opposed in direction. Newton complements these three laws with a few “definitions”, among which it is necessary to quote here the following ones: (a) “the quantity of matter is the measure of t h e same, arising from its density and bulk conjunctly . . . it is this quantity t h a t I mean . . . under the name of body or mass. And t h e same is known by t h e weight of each body, for it it proportional to t h e weight . . . ”; (b) “the quantity of motion is t h e measure of the same, arising from t h e velocity a n d quantity of matter conjunctly . . . ”; (c) “an impressed force is a n action exerted upon a body, in order to change its state, either of rest, or of moving uniformly along a straight line. This force consists in the action only; and remains no longer in the body, when the action is over. For a body maintains every new state it acquires, by its vis inertiae [force of inactivity] only”. These laws and definitions call for some immediate comments. Firstly, t h e reader will have noticed t h a t Newton assumed a n acquaintance with kinematics. He stated explicitly-in a separate commentary, or scholium-that he does “not define time, space, place [i.e. volume occupied by a body] and motion [in particular velocities, absolute or relative, and acceleration], as being known to all.” One might a d d t h a t , although Newton refrained from using explicitly the notation of t h e fluxions in t h e Principia, the notions and methods of infinitesimal and integral calculus nonetheless pervade implicitly his exposition throughout. If he tried to hide this, as some authors would have it, t h e subterfuge would be so transparent to the modern eye, t h a t little (if any) insight would result from trying to hide t h e obvious in t h e present survey: our aim is primarily to outline the substratum of concepts on which 20th-century physics was erected. Secondly, we should point o u t t h a t the definition of mass in Newton’s Principia requires some elaboration. Mach (1883a) noticed t h a t Newton’s third law gives an empirical mean to determine t h e ratio of two masses; he started with the empirical definition: “all those bodies are bodies of equal mass, which, mutually acting on each other, produce in each other equal a n d opposite accelerations”; on t h a t basis, Mach then argued t h a t this empirical determination of the equality of two masses can be extended to a n empirical determination of the ratio of two arbitrary masses, and t h a t this relation is transitive. I t might be of some incidental interest to notice t h a t Mach (1883b) used a similar reasoning to reach a n empirical definition of the quantity of electricity, i.e. electric charge (see Chapter Three). Of more immediate interest here, we must notice t h a t Newton, in his definition of mass, identifies t h e inertial m a s s (resistance to changes of linear motion) and t h e gravitational mass (as measured through the weight of the body). This identification is by no means trivial; it was to be elevated, by Einstein, to t h e status of a fundamental principle of equivalence, according to which no external static homogeneous gravitational field can be detected in a laboratory in free fall in this field, since both t h e observer a n d his measuring apparatus will respond to
t h e field with t h e same acceleration. Newton himself felt it necessary to s t a t e explicitly t h a t he did verify t h e identification between these two notions of mass by experiments “very accurately made” o n pendulums of equal lengths, b u t different compositions, a n d t h a t he found no detectable differences in their period. This result was subsequently verified with increasing precision. A t t h e beginning of the 20th century, as a result of delicate balancing experiments conducted by Eotvos, the difference between t h e ratio of the inertial and gravitational masses of wood and platinum was known to be less t h a n one part in log; t h e method was further improved by Dicke e t al. (1964) to reach a n experimental coincidence with lo-” between aluminum and gold. We can, therefore, build with some confidence on a theory t h a t identifies inertial mass a n d gravitational mass, as Newton did, followed on t h a t account by Einstein. We now continue our analysis of Newton’s theoretical set-up with a third remark, the purpose of which is to emphasize t h a t Newton’s originality, at t h e beginning of t h e Principia, was mostly in his determination to write down basic axioms from which the theory could proceed deductively by mathematical reasoning, a n d his ability to extract concise axiomatic statements from t h e mist of ideas t h a t had accumulated on mechanics, ideas some of which were correct, others were irretrievably wrong-headed, b u t most were vague, or blurred by extraneous circumstances. For instance, Buridan (c. 1300-c. 1360) had discussed a quantity t h a t he called impetus which, once imparted to the motion of a body, would continue with the motion until it is destroyed by some external agency, such as the resistance of t h e air to the motion of a projectile. However, Buridan does not properly distinguish between the nature of air-resistance and of gravity, nor does he seem to recognize t h e unique role of linear motion. Newton’s definition (b) of t h e quantity of motion is crisp; without hesitation, we can write it (3)
and then note t h a t Newton’s second law of motion can be now transcribed to read:
F = -dt( m u ) or, upon assuming t h a t the quantity of matter, as measured by t h e mass m, is independent of t h e state of motion of t h e body:
which, after t h e work Euler did in t h e mid-18th century, has become t h e textbook form of Newton’s second law. Anticipating further t h e post-Newtonian developments into t h e 18th century, we can already remark here t h a t if it happens, as is the case for gravitational forces, t h a t there exists a function
V : z E IR’ H V(z) E IR such t h a t F = -grad V, i.e. in modern language, if the force derives from a potential, Newton’s second law takes t h e form (44
= -a,
(k = i , 2 , 3 )
These formal manipulations of Newton’s second law, while legitimate a n d useful, may nevertheless divert attention from t h e fact t h a t this second law subsumes a wealth of unconscious assumptions a n d idealizations. We shall discuss later the question of whether Newton’s formulation suffices or not for establishing the equations of motion of bodies t h a t are more complicated t h a n systems of point masses. Our next remark is directed, rather, to the motivation behind the concept of force. Newton’s contribution suggests, at least implicitly by the use he makes of it, t h a t force is a primary concept. It is nevertheless of interest to understand how it came about t h a t forces should be represented by vectors-or by vector fields, as is the case for gravitation-even before they could be fitted so snugly into Newton’s second law. In this context, it is useful to remember t h a t dynamics not only assumes kinematics, b u t also contains statics as a particular case. Statics is circumscribed, in modern language, as the science concerned with the conditions under which an array of forces (and torques), acting on material bodies-e.g. particles, rigid or elastic bodies, fluids, or assemblages thereof-results in an equilibrium state, i.e. a state of rest or, more generally, a state characterized by the absence of accelerated motions. Devoting here a few lines to statics seems justified on account of the following three circumstances: (i) elementary situations come more easily under experimental scrutiny; (ii) the theoretical analysis of these situations does not require, at t h e start, the full epistemological apparatus necessary to distinguish all the fine threads running through t h e fabrics of the shared intuitions stored under the name of experience; (iii) t h e historical development of statics, especially in t h e 18th century, b u t also earlier and later well into the 20th century, shows t h a t its purview is broad enough to provide essential clues into t h e general case of dynamics. In particular, the mathematical nature and rules of composition of forces as vectors attached to different points of space, came to light in t h e 16th-century study of statics, although one finds a forerunner in Archimedes’ law of levers. We find for instance t h a t in D e Beghinselen der Weeghconst [The Elements of the A r t of Weighing] (1586), Stevin starts with a discussion of various systems of levers, and then begins his theory of the inclined plane with the following result: “Proposition XIX. Given a triangle, whose plane is at right angle to t h e horizon, with its base parallel thereto, while on each of t h e other sides there shall be a rolling sphere, of equal weight to one another: as t h e right side of the triangle is to the l e f t side, so is t h e apparent weight of t h e sphere on t h e left side to the apparent weight of t h e sphere on the right side.” Although Stevin does not seem to care giving a clear-cut definition of w h a t he means by the term “apparent weight”, t h e meaning springs o u t from the context, namely the “proof” he proposes, and t h e “corollaries” he derives from his
proposition. Indeed his reasoning amounts to showing t h a t if two spheres are of such unequal weights t h a t their apparent weights would maintain them in equilibrium were they to be linked b y a (weightless, inextendible) string, then their apparent weight would be what we call today t h e tension in t h e string or, more abstractly, t h e components of t h e weights of t h e spheres along a direction parallel to the inclined plane on which they are placed. From the variants of this problem, which Stevin analyses using various combinations of strings attached to hanging weights, to pull first on a sphere on an inclined plane, and then in subsequent examples, to pull on freely hanging rigid bodies of arbitrary shapes, it becomes clear t h a t Stevin had recognized t h a t “apparent weights”-i.e. forces-are characterized by their magnitude, their direction] and t h e point of t h e body o n which they act. Moreover, t h e nature of his argument is such t h a t he has been credited for having arrived at t h e law of the parallelogramme of forces, i.e. the law of addition of vectors. I t should, nonetheless, be noted t h a t Stevin’s proof of his proposition XIX is based o n what he presents as a reductio ad absurdum involving t h e absence of perpetual motion; the reasoning, however, was formalized by Varignon in his Nouoelle Mkcanique ou Statique (1725) where he shows t h a t t h e law of t h e parallelogramme of forces can be obtained as a n application of the principle of virtual work. In t h a t treatise moreover, Varignon reproduces a geometric argument, he had presented to t h e Paris Academy in 1687, to t h e effect t h a t t h e law of the parallelogramme of forces implies t h e law of levers. This law states t h a t if n forces F k ( k = 1 , 2 , . . ., n) a c t at n points x k ( k = 1 , 2 , . . ., n) of a rigid system whose motions are constrained to be rotations around a fixed point zol then t h e equilibrium condition is: (5)
M e
~ ( x k - z o ) A F k . k=l
M k = (zk - zo)A F k is called t h e m o m e n t (or torque) of the force F k with respect to 2 0 ,a n d M is t h e total torque applied to t h e constrained system. To
maintain this constraint, namely t h a t zo be fixed, a force
has to be exerted at t h e point zo. Hence t h e conditions of equilibrium of such a rigid system are n
Note t h a t , because of (7a), we can replace arbitrary .
F k )
k=O xk
in (7b) by
+ ( with (
Remark further t h a t equations of the form (7) can also be obtained dynamically when one considers a system of n masses mk, concentrated at t h e points xk ( k = 1 , 2 , . . ., n ) , and submitted to external forces Fk and two-body forces Fk1 satisfying the so-called “strong Newton third law”:
Newton’s second law reads then
Upon defining the total linear m o m e n t u m of t h e system
its total angular m o m e n t u m (or moment of momentum)
the total external force applied to t h e system
and the total external torque applied to t h e system
we compute
P=F L=M where we used (9), and (8) to conclude t h a t
We thus see t h a t the conditions P = 0 and L = 0 correspond respectively to equilibrium conditions of the form (7a) and (7b). Note t h a t t h e expressions F (see l l a ) and hf (see l l b ) , which now enter these equilibrium conditions, still depend only on the external forces applied to t h e system; t h e same remark
evidently holds for t h e two equations (12a & b), so t h a t these equations can be regarded as expressing t h e response of t h e system to external agencies. We should emphasize t h a t the two equations (12)-and hence t h e two corresponding equilibrium conditions-are logically independent; equation (12a) expresses t h a t the total linear momentum is conserved exactly when the total applied force vanishes, while equation (12b) expresses t h a t the total angular moment u m is conserved exactly when t h e total applied torque vanishes: P = 0 is a statement about translational invariance, while L = 0 is a statement a b o u t rotational invar iance . Before going any deeper into the consequences of the above remark for the foundations of t h e mechanics of deformable materials, we should mention t h a t Newton met his greatest success with his mechanics of the solar system and his theory of universal gravitation, both expounded in Book 111 of the P r i n c i p i a . T h e first logical step, which is not original with Newton, was to recognize t h a t it is the same kind of force t h a t keeps the planets moving around t h e sun, t h e moon circling around t h e earth, and causes t h e proverbial apple to fall. W h a t is original with Newton is to have quantified this idea, and done so correctly. To get the theory started, we should first agree on t h e idealization consisting in temporarily assuming t h a t , for planetary motion, t h e dimensions of t h e celestial bodies are small enough, compared to the distances they travel, to justify regarding them, in zeroth-order approximation, as point masses; as we shall see, Newton himself went further t h a n t h a t , b u t let us nevertheless start here. Secondly, if t h e mass mo of the sun is much larger than the mass m of t h e planet whose motion we want to describe, we can also neglect t h e motion of the sun and regard it as being at rest; as should become apparent in the sequel this restrictive assumption can easily be disposed of, provided one considers only two-body systems: a planet and t h e sun. We denote by z t h e position of t h e planet with respect to the sun. Thirdly, one should agree t h a t in view of Newton’s third law, relation (8) is a reasonable assumption for t h e forces between two point masses. Under these circumstances, t h e force of attraction t h e sun exerts o n a planet is directed along the line joining t h e planet to t h e sun, and its magnitude is F = F ( r ) where r = 151; i.e. it is a central force. In view of Newton’s second law, the acceleration of the planet is directed straight toward t h e sun, a n d is of magnitude a = a(r). Note then t h a t t h e spherical symmetry of t h e field of forces around the sun implies t h a t the angular momentum of t h e planet is conserved in t h e course of its motion. This statement is equivalent (see def. l o b ) to Kepler’s second law of planetary motion. The question then is to determine t h e form of t h e function a : r E IRf H a ( r ) E IR. I t seems t h a t several members of t h e Royal Society in Londonamong them Halley, w h o was to exert a most stimulating influence on t h e writing and publication of the Principiu-had realized t h a t if t h e motion of t h e planets were circular, Kepler’s third law would imply a(r) = K r - 2 . This
is indeed an elementary result in kinematics. With u denoting the tangential velocity of the planet on its circular orbit of radius r, and with T = (27rr/u) denoting its period, we obtain readily:
Kepler’s third law (1) reads, for planets moving on circular orbits: r3 = k T2, where k is t h e same constant for all planets, irrespective of their mass or their distance to the sun. Hence (14) reads then
Newton took t h a t hint seriously, and proved t h a t in a central field of forces, of magnitude given by:
a point-like planet of mass m must describe an elliptic orbit with one of its foci at r = 0, which is Kepler’s first law. Newton further showed t h a t t h e semi-major axis A of such an elliptic orbit, and its period T , satisfy t h e relation (17)
As = ( 2 7 ~ ) - ~m Go T 2
which is Kepler’s third law. Newton, however, was not satisfied with this derivation of the laws of planetary motion, and he apparently tried, long a n d hard, t o move away from the above mentioned aeroth-order approximation. He finally managed to convince himself, by a reasoning which can now easily be straightened out, t h a t as a consequence of (16) the gravitational effect of a spherical body, centered at z = 0 a n d of local mass density (18)
= JzI5 zo
p(r) when Y = {(I otherwise
acting on a mass m situated at z with r point- mass of mag n it u d e (19)
mo = J
= 1x1 > ro, is t h e same as t h a t of a
situated at z = 0. He then extended this result to t h e mutual attraction of two spherical bodies, both satisfying t h e symmetry assumption (18), thus vindicating the use of what we called a aeroth-order approximation. Moreover, on the strength of this remark, Newton could then present another result, t h a t he had guessed previously, and thus show how universal his theory of gravitation really was. Indeed he could now use (14) to compute the centripetal
acceleration of the moon, due to t h e attraction of t h e earth, knowing its period (29.5 days), its distance from t h e earth (about 60 times t h e earth radius) and t h e radius of t h e earth; upon using then (15), he could compare his evaluation of the centripetal acceleration of the moon, a n d the easily measured acceleration g experienced by ordinary bodies falling on t h e earth. T h e numerical agreement turned o u t to be satisfactory enough to justify calling G in (16) t h e universal gravitation constant. Note, however, t h a t one had to wait until t h e end of the 18th century for Cavendish to be able to carry o u t t h e first absolute measurement of G in t h e laboratory, from t h e torque produced by the minute attraction of two pairs of masses. Since g and G are related by t h e formula g = Gmr-*, where r is t h e radius of the earth, a n d m its mass, Cavendish presented his results as a measurement of m-he spoke of a measurement of the mean mass density of the earth. One could then introduce this value of G in (17), and obtain t h e value m o of t h e mass of t h e sun. A t this point, the reader should notice t h a t we only considered so far what is called, in modern language, the solution of t h e equations of m o t i o n for a test particle in an external field of forces o n which it has n o effect: a single planet moving in the gravitational field of t h e sun, t h e moon circling t h e earth, the fall of an ordinary body on t h e surface of t h e earth. For t h e two-body problem, where the masses involved are of comparable magnitude, one can still get through by separating o u t the motion of t h e center of mass, i.e. a mass m = Cimi concentrated at xo = Cimixi/Cjmj. Serious difficulties, of a completely different magnitude, are however immediately involved in the study of t h e true n-body problem, in which one aims to describe t h e motions of n massive bodies interacting with one another, even if one limits one’s attention to twc-body interactions, as is for instance the case for the dynamics of the sun-earth-moon system, or t h e study of the simultaneous motions of all the planets around t h e sun under their mutual gravitational interactions . . . not to speak of t h e theory of the tides, which would involve, in addition, a n understanding of fluid flows. Quantitative approximation methods were devised, and series expansions were developed for t h e n-body problem, right through t h e end of the 19th century. These methods, however, were found lacking when it came to t h e general study of stability problems. A new era was to be opened by Poincari (1892), w h o introduced qualitative global methods t h a t are still t h e object of much research activity today, see e.g. Moser (1968, 1973, 1975). Another problem of mechanics is to describe t h e deformable bodies of finite extension, familiar from every-day experience. Here too, we are faced with a long history; in this history, Newton’s original attempts, mostly in Book I1 of t h e Principia, are only a n incomplete, often misdirected and certainly n on-rigourous, i nterm ediar y step . One of the very first, and most instructive, achievements in this area was obtained in a problem pertaining to statics, namely the determination of t h e equilibrium figure of a perfectly flexible, inextendible chain of constant linear
mass density, freely hanging from two posts, in a homogeneous, i.e. constant and parallel, gravitational field of forces. Although one can find drawings of the solution in Leonard0 d a Vinci, who attacked t h e problem by replacing t h e continuous chain by a discrete model, and evidently did not solve the problem analytically, Galileo thought t h a t the equilibrium figure was a parabola. If we have to believe a letter from his brother Johann, it was still under t h e impression t h a t the solution was a n algebraic curve t h a t Jackob Bernoulli, in 1690, proposed this problem as a challenge, which was successfully and independently met by Huygens, Leibnia and Johann Bernoulli: their solutions were published in the same issue of A d a Eruditorum (1691). The figure of equilibrium is t h a t curve, of given length, the center of gravity of which is the lowest. The idea behind this answer is t h e notion of contact force: the action of any part of the chain on a neighbouring part is equivalent to a tangential force acting at their common boundary point. The differential equation of the solution curve is then:
where y (resp. z) is the vertical (resp. horizontal) coordinate of a point on the curve, s is the length of the curve up to this point, as measured from t h e lowest point on the curve, and a is a constant (having to d o with the total length of the chain between the two posts from which it hangs). The figure of equilibrium is, therefore, a transcendental curve, namely Leibniz’ catenary: (211
y =a
cosh ( z / u )
In his famous Methodus Inueniendi Lineas Curuas Maximi Minimive Proprietate Gaudentes (1744), Euler showed t h a t his curve generates t h e minimal surface of revolution, around t h e z-axis; i.e. it is the solution of a purely geometric, variational problem, namely to minimize t h e area
d s L(y, y’)
L(y, 7) = 27r y(1
+ q2)?
a general problem Euler had reduced (see Section Two below) to t h a t of solving the differential equation:
In t h e meantime, the response to Jackob Bernoulli’s challenge had been reviewed several times, and one knew also how to t r e a t the case where t h e linear density varies along the chain; more importantly, it had become clear t h a t t h e solution could be obtained independently by any one of the following methods: (i) minimizing the total potential energy; (ii) using t h e principle of virtual
work; (iii) balancing separately t h e tangential and t h e normal forces acting at every point of the chain; (iv) similarly balancing t h e forces in any two different directions; (v) balancing the moments of the forces. The interest of this remark is to be found along two different lines of thought. First, it focus our attention on the principle of virtual work a n d the nascent variational methods t h a t were to play a n essential role in the formulation of mechanics discussed in our next section. Second, it raises the question of t h e putative equivalence of two conditions, namely the balancing of forces, and the balancing of torques. Euler thought over this question for much of his life until he finally realized, in 1776, t h a t in a general theory of deformable bodies made up of arbitrary materialsfluid, flexible, elastic or rigid-the two conditions a r e not equivalent: equations (12a) a n d (12b) [or at equilibrium, equations (7a) and (7b)l are independent, and both conditions must in general be assumed. Euler’s approach to t h e mechanics of continuous media was to enclose an arbitrary part w of the body under study by a smooth, closed, orientable, fictive surface dw, and to impose (12a) and (12b) with:
dx p x
and, following the formulation in which Cauchy proposed in 1823 to capture t h e ideas of his 18th-century predecessors (the Bernoullis a n d Euler, Parent and Coulomb) as well as of his contemporary Fresnel,
where p is t h e mass-density of t h e body; f is t h e (smooth) vector field of b o d y forces acting on w ; r is t h e integrable vector field of contact forces describing the action on aw of t h e part of the body t h a t is outside w : r is usually expressed (Cauchy theorem!) through t h e so-called stress-tensor field T defined by
with j,k = 1 , 2 , 3 (the convention of summation over repeated indices is used here), and n denoting the unit outward normal to t h e surface element do. T h e pair of conditions (12) is then equivalent to a pair of equations, which we shall refer to as the Euler equations of motion, namely:
These equations of motion must be further supplemented by constitutive equations t h a t describe the nature of t h e material considered. For instance, a nonviscous fluid is characterized by the f a c t t h a t 7 is normal to da, i.e. by t h e fact t h a t there are no tangential stresses; in this case, T is described by a scalar field p , the pressure, via:
and (25a) reduces t o the Euler hydrodynamic equation (27)
f =px
From this equation one derives easily, for instance, the relation between t h e speed u of a steady flow of incompressible fluid through a vertical tube placed in the gravitational field of the earth, and the pressure p it exercises on t h e walls of the tube at the altitude h, namely: p
+ -21p v2 + p g h = constant
This result is known as Bernoulli’s theorem, in honour of still another member of the family, Daniel, who had indeed published an argument to this effect in his Hydrodynamica (1738). Cauchy’s accomplishment, almost a century later, was to produce a concise and general rational mechanics of deformable continuous bodies, namely the above equations (25), t h a t finally fulfills Newton’s programme. Section 2. LAGRANGEAN FORMULATION This section is devoted to a presentation of t h e variational formulation of rational mechanics t h a t is usually associated with Lagrange’s Me‘canique analytique (1788). Lagrange’s systematic and synthetic approach indeed contributed significantly to this formulation, for the motivation of which he gives credit to: (i) Johann Bernoulli, through his influence on t h e work of Varignon in the beginning of the 18th century; (ii) t h e principles stated around 17401743 by Maupertuis and d’Alembert; and (iii) the ideas developed around t h e same time by Euler. Poisson (1809) and Hamilton (1834, 1835) reformulated and generalized Lagrange’s work to bring it to t h e form in which we know it today. The philosophical idea behind this multiplicity of a t t e m p t s was, a s Euler put it, t h a t “the fabric of the universe is most perfect . . . nothing at all takes place . . . in which some rule of maximum or minimum does not appear”. While qualitative statements of this sort permeated much of t h e development of mechanics since antiquity, the contribution of the 18th-century mathematical physicists was to address squarely the question of a sharp definition of t h e
quantities t h e extrema of which had to be found, and to develop t h e mathematical methods allowing to solve t h e resulting variational problem. To approach the first of these problems realistically, rather t h a n axiomatically, i t might be helpful to recall t h e following fact of experience. If two projectiles, say of t h e same mass m = ml = m2, are thrown into a head-on collision, with initial velocities v1 = -v2 = v , then in t h e absence of other external forces the velocities w1 and w2 of the projectiles after t h e collision are again opposed, i.e. wl = -w2 = -w, since by t h e law of conservation of momentum
but t h e magnitude w can be anywhere between 0 (if the projectiles are, say, blobs of clay) and v (if they are instead, say, perfect billard balls). T h e latter case, referred to by saying t h a t one has an elastic collision, is characterized by another conservation law, namely
For a system of n point particles of mass mk and velocity vk(k = 1 , 2 , . . ., n ) , t h e quantity (3)
was introduced, up t h e factor $ which it acquired later in t h e 19th century, by Leibniz under t h e name of vis viva, and it is called today the kinetic energy of the system. It is t h e most immediately perceived and quantifiable form of energy. In t h e primitive form of scattering theory described by (1) and (2), one limits one's attention to t h e situations before a n d after t h e collision, b u t avoids making any statement on w h a t might happen during t h e collision itself. A closer look would reveal t h a t one cannot assume the collision to be instantaneous, unless one is willing-and we are not-to accept t h a t , at the time of t h e collision, t h e forces exerted by each projectile o n t h e other are infinite. It appears more reasonable, although still admittedly vague, to imagine t h a t in t h e course of t h e collision process t h e kinetic energy is absorbed by the projectiles, stored in some other form of energy, a n d then restored to the projectiles again in the form of kinetic energy, as they bounce back; t h e situation presented by t h e blobs of clay alluded to earlier would then represent a case where t h e storage and restitution has noticeably gone astray: energy has been absorbed by the system, or dissipated away, e.g. in t h e form of heat. In this chapter we shall restrict our attention to those idealized cases where such things d o not happen, and t h u s first study only conservative systems.
Consider now a system of n point particles, of masses mk (k = 1,2,.. .,n ) , acted upon by forces Fk t h a t derive from a time-independent potential V : H V ( z l , . . ., z ,) E IR;we thus have ( X I , . . ., x,) E R3"
Let now xk : t E IR second law
x k ( t ) be the trajectory of the k-th particle. Newton's
Hence what is gained (resp. lost) in kinetic energy T in t h e course of t h e motion is lost (resp. gained) in V. For this reason V is called the potential energy of t h e system, a n d the constant of the motion
is called t h e total energy ; under t h e same circumstances (9)
defines the work W done by t h e forces causing the motion of t h e system between t h e times t = 0 and t = t o . While hindsight allows one to isolate, as forerunners of a variational formulation of the equilibrium laws of t h e levers and of the inclined planes, some of the arguments in Jordanus de Nemore's De ratione ponderis (early 13th century) taken over, towards t h e end of the 16th century, by Galileo and by Stevin, still another century had to pass before the appearance of the first formulation of a variational principle t h a t was mathematically non-trivial, i.e. one t h a t would generate unexpected solutions of old and new problems, as well as a new mathematical methodology. This was Bernoulli's treatment of the catenary (see Section One) as summarized by Euler: u p to a constant multiplicative factor, (1.1.22) can be interpreted as the potential energy of a homogeneous linear chain, hanging in the uniform gravitational field of t h e
earth. Indeed, upon using t h e same parameterization of the chain a s in Section One,
is the potential energy of a chain-element ds, situated in y ( z ( s ) )a n d of weight g p ds, with (11)
ds2 = dx2
+ dy2
ds =
Jlfoz dx
so t h a t the potential energy of the whole chain, hanging from t h e two points y ( z o )and y ( z l >is indeed:
The catenary is t h e curve y : z E [ z ~ , z H ~ ] y ( z ) E IR, of length l , t h a t minimizes (12), subject to t h e end conditions y ( z 0 ) = yo a n d y(zi)= yl; its analytic form is given by (1.1.21), where t h e parametrization (z, y ) is chosen so t h a t (0, a) is the lowest point of the chain, and a is determined by e, zo, yo,zl, yl. The general class of problems, of which t h e above variational problem is an archetype, can be formulated as follows. Given a smooth function L : (t,77, t ) E IR" X IR"X IR H L ( ( ,7, t ) E IR, find a smooth function 7 : t E IR H ~ ( tE)IR" with 7(to)= 7 0 and 7 ( t l )= 71 t h a t makes extremal t h e functional
where 7 denotes the derivative of 7 . We shall have t h e occasion, later on, to demand a slight generalization of this problem, where R" X R" is replaced by the tangent bundle T M of a n-dimensional differentiable manifold M. For t h e time being however, we shall first go in t h e opposite direction and consider instead the particular case n = 1 with M = R. For every smooth variation h : t E IR c) h ( t ) E R,with Ihl < E and Idh/dtI < E , we form:
Upon integrating by parts, we receive:
+ h) - S(7) = 4 7 ,h) + O(h2)
A smooth function 7 : t E lR H 7 ( t ) E lR is said to be an estremal of S if and only if o(7,h)= 0 for all variations h. From (15) we obtain t h a t , if 7 is an extremal of S, subject to the conditions 7 ( t o )= 70and $ti) = 71, i.e. h(t0)= 0 = h(tl), then
which is the Euler equation (1.1.23). Its generalization from one to n dimensions, namely
aL is referred to as the Euler-Lagrange system of differential equations; in this expression, { q l , q 2 , .. ., q n } is an arbitrary system of (local) coordinates in IR" (or more generally i n the differentiable manifold M ) . While this will not cause any serious problem in t h e simple situations to be discussed in this section, we should, nevertheless, remark here t h a t t h e Euler-Lagrange equations only identify local extrema in the space of smooth functions over which S is defined: a solution of this system of second-order differential equations is not necessarily a global extremum] and t h e equations moreover do not specify t h e kind (e.g. minimum, maximum, etc.) of stationary point a given solution may turn out t o be. Detailed information of this sort would require a study of the so-called second variation] and of the concept of conjugate points, a mathematical development started in the 19th century by Jacob i and We ierst r ass. The applications considered, in the motivation we presented so far for t h e Euler equation, were to geometry and to statics. In dynamics, t h e problem that first led to the formulation of a variational principle was t h e famous brachistochrone challenge proposed by Johann Bernoulli in 1696. The problem is t o determine the path t h a t a massive particle will travel in the shortest time, between two given points (zo,yo), ( q yl), in a homogeneous gravitational field parallel to the y-axis. The problem is thus to minimize
ds2 = dx2
+ dy2
ds =
41 + ( d y / d s ) 2 dx
v(z,y) is the speed of the particle, determined from t h e and n(z,y)-' conservation law (8) by:
One has t h u s to minimize
= yo + uo2/2g
in which we recognize again a variational problem of t h e type (13). T h e brachistochrone problem was correctly solved by Newton, Leibnia, de L'Hospital, Jackob and Johann Bernoulli, and their solutions-an arc of cycloid-appeared in the same issue of Actu Eruditorum (1697). Jackob Bernoulli's solution was the most modern, while Johann Bernoulli recognized t h e similarity between this problem and an even older variational problem: the Fermat principle according to which light rays follow t h e path of shortest time between two points; the geometric solution t o t h a t problem for two contiguous homogeneous media of different index of refraction n was well-known to be given by Snell law of refraction, a fact Bernoulli used to solve (18) by imagining t h a t the space travelled by t h e particle was made u p of infinitesimally thin horizontal layers of refractive index n(s,y ) = {2g(y0 - y) v ~ ~ } - 'thus / ~ ; Bernoulli ended up solving another purely geometrical problem, t h a t we would now describe as t h e computation of a geodesic in a Riemann manifold where the metric is given by
Having these results at hand, including Eulerk equation (16), Lagrangee set o u t to formalize the motivations outlined in t h e first paragraph of this section. He did characterize t h e motions of w h a t he called a mechanical system as those trajectories t h a t are extremals of t h e "action" tl
S = /
where T is t h e kinetic energy of t h e system and is subject to t h e constraint that E E T V be constant, with V denoting t h e potential energy of t h e system. From this postulate, Lagrange derived t h e equations
Note t h a t for a system of n particles where all t h e forces derive from a potential V ( q ' ,. . ., q"), Newton's second law of motion follows from (22). Poisson (1809) proposed another reading of (22): he introduced t h e function (23)
L r T - V
from which he constructed the action
and then defined the motion as those smooth curves 7 t h a t are extremals of the action (24). For “conservative systems” where E T V is a constant, L = 2T- E implies t h a t t h e two variational problems (21) and (24) are indeed equivalent. Hamilton (1834, 1835) noticed, however, t h a t t h e formulation (24) has the advantage t h a t the solution of this variational problem does not require T V be constant; he, therefore, explicitly the auxiliary condition t h a t E generalized further what he called t h e Lagrange function L, introduced in (24) by Poisson, and allowed it t o depend on time explicitly, in addition to its implicit dependence on t through 7 and 7 as was the case in Poisson’s formulation. As a result, the dynamical variational problem takes the general mathematical form (13): we saw how to derive from this the Euler-Lagrange equations (17), which are now to be interpreted as the equations of motion of the system; the equations (22) thus appear as a particular case in this more general formulation. Since the Euler-Lagrange equations (17) are obtained from t h e variational problem (13), it is clear t h a t they are equally valid in every smooth coordinatesystem one cares to choose; we briefly indicate how one may take advantage of this flexibility. With Poisson (1809), we introduce for every coordinate qk t h e conjugate variable
= +
Notice t h a t
(where the convention of summation over repeated indices is used) satisfies, because of (17): d dt
--H = 0
if and only if
-= 0
which, in the Newtonian case, reduces to (7). Notice further, as a n immediate consequence of (17), t h a t d -dt pk
if and only if
dqk =
i.e. p k is a constant of t h e motion whenever L does not depend explicitly o n qk. The historical prototype of this situation is the case of a particle moving
in a plane, subject to a central field of forces; we indeed have then, in t h e polar system of coordinate ( r , ’p) on IR2\ (0):
so t h a t ( a L / d p )= 0, and thus
which is Kepler’s second law of planetary motion. For t h i s historical reason, a coordinate q k t h a t satisfies (28) is sometimes called a cyclic coordinate, or even more misleadingly, a n “angle variable”. T h e corresponding constant of t h e motion p k can then be introduced as a parameter in t h e other Euler-Lagrange equations, t h u s reducing the number of coupled differential equations one has to consider when solving t h e dynamical problem at hand. T h e geometrical meaning of this procedure will appear more clearly in t h e next section. Another advantage of the freedom one has to choose the coordinate system in which one expresses t h e Euler-Lagrange equations appears in problems where constraints are imposed on the system, for instance by requesting t h a t t h e representative point (d, . . ., zSn)of a system of n particles be restricted to belong to a m-dimensional smooth manifold M C R3n; the case ( m , n )= ( 2 , l ) is t h e familiar situation where a single particle is restricted to moving on a smooth surface in R’;notice, incidentally, t h a t the corresponding restriction of the kinetic energy T , to t h e manifold M , equips the latter with a Riemann metric. More sophisticated problems, such as t h e study of t h e motion of a bead along a vertical circle t h a t rotates with constant angular velocity around its vertical diameter, or the motion of rigid bodies, e.g. a spinning top, can all be first approached in this way. To this day, these problems have been an inexhaustible source of mathematical fun and insight; we unfortunately have to restrain ourselves from entering into this type of problem here; see, however, Arnold (1978) and Abraham & Marsden (1978). In closing this section, we should point o u t t h a t t h e description of a motion through a system of second order differential equations does not determine t h e Lagrange function L: even if it exists, it is generally not unique; for instance, for (5,k ) E JR.X R \ (0,0}, t h e Lagrange functions 1 2 i:
L1 = -(x2 - $2)
1 b=arctan - Ztn{i‘2 (3W X respectively attribute x to t h e conjugate variable p1 = x (324 pp = - arctan X
and lead to the same equation of motion, namely t h a t of t h e harmonic oscillator
This example can moreover be generalized to illustrate t h e fact t h a t (aL/at>= 0 is not a characteristic t h a t can be associated without further a d o to a given equation of motion. Consider, for instance, t h e Lagrange function (34) with 0 < c oscillator (35)
1 2ct . 2 & ( z , k , t )= e (x 2) 2
< 1, leading to t h e differential equation of t h e damped x + 265
+x = 0
A straightforward computation shows indeed t h a t this same equation of motion can also be obtained from a Lagrange function & satisfying (a&/at) = 0, namely :
~ ( xk ), = w2 u arctan U - --en [z2(1 V')] W2
with w2 = 1-6'
1 x -(+E)
U = 111
1 ':
With the help of the conjugate variable (37)
p;! E -=
w arctan U 2
one can construct, upon using (26),t h e constant of t h e motion
H2= - W E arctan U + --en [x2(1+ U')]. 2 W2
For an up-to-date entry into the mathematical theory and t h e physical circumstances behind and around this phenomenon, see e.g. Della Riccia (1982) and references quoted therein. 3. HAMILTONIAN FORMULATION
Poisson's reformulation of Lagrange's formalism can be exploited to replace t h e Euler-Lagrange system (1.2.17) of n second-order differential equations by a mathematically equivalent system of 2n first-order differential equations t h a t allow a conveniently simpler description of t h e motion. In t h e Hamiltonian formulation, this is achieved by introducing a function, whose differential describes these equations of motion, a n d which is defined on a space t h a t is
different from the space on which the Lagrange function is defined. As we shall see in Chapter Eight, this formalism a n d its building blocks-canonically conjugate variables, Hamilton function and Poisson bracket-played a seminal role in the inception of a consistent mathematical formalism for quantum mechanics. Recall t h a t t h e real-valued Lagrange function L, appearing in the EulerLagrange equations of motion, was defined on t h e space IR" X IR" X IR. The reader familiar with t h e elementary notions of differential geometrysee e.g. Subsections 4.2.a, b and c-will realize t h a t the forthcoming presentation generalizes immediately to the cases where the configuration space IR", associated to the variable q, is replaced by a m-dimensional smooth manifold M , e.g. to account for certain constraints; the range IR" X IR" of (q,Q)is then to be replaced by the 2m-dimensional smooth manifold T M , the tangent bundle of M. The didactic advantage to view L as a m a p from T M X IR to to emphasize the sense in which t h e space of Hamiltonian mechanics differs from the space of Lagrangean mechanics. Indeed, t h e space on which t h e real-valued Hamilton function H is to be defined is T * M X R,where T * M is the cotangent bundle of M . For what follows, t h e central feature is t h a t to every q E A4 is uniquely associated a copy of IR" in T M and a copy of IR*"in T ' M , where R'" is t h e vector space dual to IR"; while IR*" can be identified with IR", such an identification would not be natural in the present context and will thus be ignored. T h e canonical procedure, by which the Hamilton function H is associated to t h e Lagrange function L, is known under t h e name of Legendre transformation, and it can be described as follows. Since t h e variables q and t are unaffected by this transformation, we drop them temporarily from the notation, a n d we focus our attention on those smooth functions
f : q E IR"wf(q) E IR t h a t satisfy t h e condition t h a t for each p E IR*" t h e function
admit a unique extremum. Note t h a t t h e uniqueness of such an extremum, if it exists, is ensured by the condition t h a t f be convex, i.e. t h a t t h e matrix (3)
be positive definite for every q E R*. T h e value q ( p ) E Rm at which this extremum then occurs is determined by t h e equations (4)
Pk =
af ( k = ailk
1, . . ., m )
The condition t h a t an extremum exist is therefore t h a t the range of grad f coincide with IR*",i.e. t h a t {(af / d q l , . . ., a f / a Q m ) l E ~ Rm}= RSm. The Legendre transform f * of f is then defined as (5)
R*"H F(P, il(P))
where F is defined by (2) and Q(p) is determined by (4). The first step in the passage from Lagrangean mechanics to Hamiltonian mechanics is thus t o check t h a t , for each ( q , t )E A4 X R,t h e function (6)
f(q,t) :
L(q,il,t ) E
satisfies the conditions we just imposed, where L is the Lagrange function for the system considered. When this is the case, one defines t h e Hamilton function by:
For instance, in the simplest of all cases, where (84
1 2
L(x,s, t ) = -mk2
-V ( x )
we have:
= m6jk
= m x. k
and thus (8c)
H(Xi P,t ) = G P 2
i.e. the Hamiltonian function coincides with t h e total energy of t h e system. We next note t h a t the Legendre transform is involutive; in particular, if f is convex, so is f', and we have ( d f * / a p k )= qk with k = 1,.. ., m; we can, therefore, iterate the Legendre transformation, i.e. define (f*)*,and verify t h a t (f*)* = f . Consequently, if t h e Hamilton function H : (4, p , t ) E T ' M X IR ++ H ( q ,p , t ) E IR is well-defined as t h e Legendre transform of t h e Lagrange function L : (q,q,t) E T M X IR H L(q,q,t) E R,then t h e passage from L to H does not involve any loss of information: we can recover L from H by taking the Legendre transform of H . The last step in the passage from the Lagrangean formulation to the Hamiltonian formulation is to note t h a t the differential of H can be written in two ways. Firstly, we have the tautology: (9)
Secondly, upon using t h e explicit definition of H , namely via (7), (5) a n d (2):
and t h e defining condition (4), i.e. t h e Poisson definition
of the conjugate invariable pk to qk (see 1.2.25), we obtain:
dH =
aL aL - f3qk - ~+'Qk dpe - -dt at
Hence, the comparison of (9) and ( 1 2 ) gives:
Consequently, t h e Euler-Lagrange system of m second-order differential equations
is equivalent, upon using again the definition ( l l ) ,to t h e system of 2 m firstorder differential equations
These are t h e Hamilton equations of motion. Together with (9), these equations imply
aH -dH = dt
and thus, upon using the third of t h e identities ( 1 3 ) : d --H = 0 dt
if a n d only if
which we already knew from (1.2.27). This remark closes w h a t we need to say here on the equivalence between the Lagrangean and Hamiltonian formulations of mechanics.
We now want to pin down the mathematical structures t h a t appear in t h e study of autonomous Hamiltonian systems. In t h e approach we followed so far, these systems are characterized by: (i) a state space, called the phase space of t h e system, which was identified as t h e cotangent bundle T * M of a smooth m-dimensional manifold M; (ii) a smooth function H : ( q J p ) E T * M -+ H ( p , q ) E IR,referred to as the Hamiltonian of the system; and (iii) the Hamiltonian equations of motion (15). We first remark t h a t for every smooth function f : ( q , p ) E T'M -+ f(q,p) E R,we can rewrite
in two different ways, upon taking into account t h e equations of motion (15). The first way is (194
f = s H f
where the vector field
is defined as
while the second way to rewrite (18) is
where t h e Poisson bracket { f , g} between any two smooth functions f a n d g from T * M to IR is defined as
This Poisson bracket satisfies the following characteristic properties, where f , g , h, . . . are taken to run over CCO(T*M,IR)and A, p, . . . E IR. I t is smooth, i.e. (214
{. , .} : C y T * M ,IR) x C,=(T*M,lR)+ CCO(T*M,IR);
it is bilinear, i.e. (2W
{xf+pg,h} =x{fJh}+~{gth}
and similarly in its second argument, because of (21b); it is a derivation in both of its arguments, i.e. (214
if,9 w = {f,9
+ d f ,h } ,
and similarly, again because of (21b), when t h e roles of t h e first and second arguments of t h e Poisson bracket are interchanged; finally, t h e Poisson bracket satisfies the Jacobi identity:
A smooth manifold M, equipped with a n operation {. , .} t h a t satisfies t h e axioms (21 a-e), is said to be a Poisson manifold; this structure has been explored, in t h e context of a general theory of Hamiltonian mechanics, by Souriau (1970) and Lichnerowicz (1977); see also Marle (1982) a n d references mentioned therein. The cotangent bundle T ' M of a smooth manifold, when equipped with the operation (20b) is a Poisson manifold. T ' M moreover possesses a more stringent structure: it is a symplectic manifold; this means t h a t T * M is a 2m-dimensional smooth manifold t h a t comes equipped with a symplectic form w , i.e. a closed, non-degenerate 2form, namely:
T h e eymplectic form w on T ' M , which we j u s t wrote in its Darboux diagonaliaation, is defined in a canonical (i.e. explicitly coordinate-free) manner as follows. Let A : T'M + M be t h e natural projection from t h e fiber bundle T ' M onto its base manifold M , a n d 0 be the l-form, defined at every 5 E T ' M by:
The symplectic form w is then defined by: (24)
= dt9
Note t h a t in a coordinate system where w can be written as in (22), 0 is expressed as
For a modern presentation of symplectic techniques, starting with their original applications to optics, see Guillemin & Sternberg (1984). In general, a symplectic form w on a smooth 2m-dimensional manifold M (e.g. T ' M )
associates, to every smooth function f : M -+ R,a smooth vector field M , defined uniquely (recall t h a t w is non-degenerate, by definition) by: (26)
= -df
where J denotes the usual contraction operation (see e.g. 4.2.100); note t h a t in t h e case of T ' M , where w is defined by (24), (26) gives a canonical definition of the vector field sH associated to a given Hamiltonian H ; compare with (19). Similarly (20) is a reflection of the fact t h a t a symplectic manifold (M,w)is a Poisson manifold, with Poisson bracket {. , .} defined canonically by (271
If, 9) = -40 ,s,)
Note t h a t the underlying relation (28)
Sf 9 = (9,f}
can be taken as an alternative definition of (f, involving only t h e Poisson structure of t h e symplectic manifold (M,w ) . In closing this section, we want to single out for comment one of t h e reasons why autonomous Hamiltonian systems are sometimes said to be conseruative. The 2m-dimensional symplectic manifold (M,w ) comes naturally equipped with a oolume-element, the 2m-form bZ G urn. For any smooth vector field ( on M, d(fJR) is again a 2m-form; it can thus differ from bZ at most by a smooth, real-valued function on M, called the divergence of (, denoted divc, and defined by: (29)
d(c 1 bZ)
= (div s) R
Since dbZ = 0, the LHS of (29) can be rewritten as (30)
= L,
where L, is t h e Lie derivative along t h e vector field (. From (26)a n d (29),we have for every smooth f : M -+ IR (31)
div cf = 0
Together with the interpretation (30) of (29), this implies t h a t , under t h e flow pt generated on M by f~ (i.e. under the flow obtained by integrating t h e Hamilton equations of motion), t h e volume Q(D)of any domain D C M remains constant; this conservation law is known as t h e Liouville theorem. One of the simplest applications of this result is as follows. Let V : q E IR2 H V ( q )E R+ be a smooth function such t h a t V ( q )+ 00 when I( q I/+ 00; let pt be the flow generated on R2 X R*2by t h e Hamiltonian (32)
H : ( q , p ) E IR x IRt2
+ V ( q )E IR+
For any E > 0, let DE = { ( q , p ) E R2 X R*2I H ( q , p ) < E } , a n d let h2 be the ordinary Euclidean volume element in R2X Rt2.While t h e details of t h e motion in the finite volume domain DE are not known, a general qualitative result can nevertheless be proven, as we shall presently see. We first generalize the above special example and consider a smooth manifold M, on which are given a volume element h2 and a flow {pt I t E R} t h a t preserves h2. We further suppose t h a t there exists a n open subset D C M such t h a t pt(D) C D V t E R,and its volume h2(D) is finite. Let now U C D be open, and choose t > 0. Since (i) U, p t ( U ) ,. . .,pnt(U),.. . all have t h e same volume, (ii) all belong to D,and (iii) n ( D ) < 00, we conclude t h a t there exist j , k E iZ+ with j < k , such t h a t pit(U) n p k t ( U )# 0; consequently, there exists n E Z?, e.g. n = k - j , such t h a t pnt(U)n U # 0; hence there exists 2 E U such t h a t pnt(z) E U. This result, which properly belongs to ergodic theory, is known as the Poincare' recurrence theorem. Together with Liouville's theorem, it rules o u t the existence of asymptotically stable equilibrium points (or limit cycles) in the phase space of any autonomous Hamiltonian system.
CHAPTER 2. THERMODYNAMICS AND STATISTICAL MECHANICS SYNOPSIS I n the view of a mathematical physicist, Gibbs (1889): “Clausius...first memoir on thermodynamics [published in 18501 . . . marks a n epoch in t h e history of physics . . . the science of thermodynamics came into existence.” The motivation of thermodynamics is to produce a description of processes during which heat is produced or absorbed. Concomitant to, b u t distinct from, this programme is the definition of thermodynamical equilibrium states, i.e. thermostatics. Once this distinction is recogniaed-and it took many years to reach even this point-one may say t h a t , while a mathematically satisfactory formulation of a variational principle for thermostatics was achieved by Gibbs (1878), several conceptual clarifications, pertinent to t h e study of thermodynamics proper, were developed in the second half of this Century. The first problem t h a t the science of heat had to cope with was to realize t h a t heat in its flow is not some sort of “caloric” fluid, b u t rather a form of energy. In achieving this, it simultaneously produced a n absolute meaning for temperature, and a new fundamental concept, which Gibbs credits to Clausius, the entropy. In his own first work on the subject, Gibbs (1873) starts o u t with a formula which we write:
In the simplest case, this formula can be interpreted as follows. For a homogeneous fluid the internal energy U is a function of two variables, t h e volume V and the entropy S, such t h a t
- - -p -
au as
where p is the pressure a n d T t h e temperature. This formula can be generalized in many directions. Firstly, we can rewrite ( l a ) in the form of a process, letting the variables be functions of time, and write:
U=W+& where W is interpreted as t h e “working” done on t h e system, and Q as t h e “heating” to which this system is submitted. This in fact is in line with how
t h e subject both had started out and is developed today; t h e problem then is to formulate axioms o n the kind of processes which are to be allowed. Another way in which formula (1)can be generalized is to dream-see, for instance, t h e work of Duhem and Hadamard (1898-1900)-that one could t r e a t in the same way inhomogeneous fluids by simply introducing a specific energy E , a specific volume Y, a specific entropy q , the pressure p a n d the temperature T at each point of t h e fluid in such a manner t h a t ( l b ) be replaced by:
There, however, life is not t h a t simple, and much work is still necessary to reach a concensus o n the sense in which these definitions are useful far from equilibrium. Statistical mechanics sets o u t with t h e task of relating t h e macroscopic theory which thermodynamics is-especially when it deals with continuous fluids or rigid bodies-to microscopic models of matter; hence the name of “molecular science” it still had at t h e t u r n of the century. Much of t h e ideas of statistical mechanics can be found in t h e so-called kinetic theory of gases. While D. Bernoulli (1738) proposed a microscopic model which was essentially mechanistic, it belonged to Maxwell (1860) and to Boltzmann (1871) to realize t h a t statistical mechanics should be based on two premises: a mechanistic one (which is already in Bernoulli) a n d a probabilistic one (which is new with them). Thesa led to a sharpening of the concepts of temperature a n d entropy. Temperature is interpreted as the average kinetic energy of t h e molecules; Maxwell indeed derived a simple formula for t h e equilibrium distribution of the velocities, namely: (4)
m f(v) = N(-)3’2 2nkT
exp (--pzlvl2/kT) 1
A probabilistic interpretation of t h e entropy could then be given in terms of Boltzmann’s “eta-function”, namely: (5)
a formula later proven, by Shannon (1948) and Khinchin (1957), to be t h e only reasonable measure of t h e information contained in t h e distribution f. This classical probabilistic interpretation of the entropy played a central role in Planck’s derivation of t h e black body radiation formula, the very formula which led to quantum theory. This historical milestone strongly affected t h e choice of the materials to be presented in this chapter. In spite of the successes of statistical mechanics, there were still physicists, at the t u r n of t h e Twentieth Century, who doubted t h e “reality” of t h e objects
2.1. “ J 3 R A T W
dealt with in the emerging microphysics. The investigations o n Brownian motion, by Einstein (1905 BM), provided independent evidence t h a t these concepts had more t h a n a heuristic value; it also motivated a whole new development in mathematics, namely the study of stochastic processes which has made a surprising reentry in modern quantum theory. Section 1. TEMPERATURE AND HEAT The mathematician interested in making t h e intuitive notions of temperature and heat precise enough t o allow for quantitative statements may want to examine first the a t t e m p t s presented in t h e Thkorie analytique de l a chaleur which Fourier published in 1822 from the vantage point of investigations he had started some fifteen years earlier; the comments and explanatory notes with which Darboux enriched the 1887 edition-part of t h e collected Oeuvres de Fourier-indicate t h e seriousness in which this work was then held in t h e mathematical physics community. In addition to t h e original exposition of t h e harmonic analysis t h a t now carries Fourier’s name, the reader will find there its motivation, namely the study of t h e solutions of the parabolic equation
known today as t h e h e a t equation. Fourier studied the solutions of this equation under a variety of boundary conditions, e.g.
or n . grad @ + X @ = O
imposed for x E dQ, t h e boundary of the region s2 where (1) is supposed to hold. Note t h a t in the static case where at@ = 0 holds through R, (1) reduces to the Laplace equation: it is the restriction of this equation to two dimensions t h a t provides t h e elementary textbooks on complex analysis with an abundance of “applications”. Equation (1) can be used to describe several diffusion phenomena; Fourier proposed it as the mathematiaation of “the question of propagation of heat [which] consists in the determination of the temperature at each point [XI of a body and each instant [t] . . . ” Cranked-up versions of this equation can be considered as well, e.g.
[V(K -~ V)- at]@= o
but our purpose here is to analyze w h a t are t h e empirical meanings of t h e terms “temperature” and “heat”, first as Fourier understood them. We all have a crude sensory feeling for “cold” and “warm”, or rather for “cooler” and “warmer”; we further learned from early everyday experience, e.g. with t e a kettles and the like, t h a t when a warmer body, say A, is brought into contact with a cooler body, say B, the warmer will cool down and t h e cooler will warm up . . . until a point where no observable variation occurs anymore; we then say t h a t A is in “thermal equilibrium” with B, and B with
A. We further know t h a t if a body A is in thermal equilibrium with a body B , and B is in thermal equilibrium with a body C, then A is in thermal equilibrium with C. These reflexive and transitive properties are sometimes referred to by t h e glorified name of “zeroth law of thermodynamics”; t h e important point is t h a t it leads to the idea of attributing to each body in the thermal equilibrium a temperature 8, chosen from a totally ordered continuum, say R. This empirical notion of temperature has two major drawbacks. I t is limited, firstly, to equilibrium situations: temperature is a parameter of t h e state of a body only if this body is in equilibrium; this begs for a n extension to t h e situations t h a t Fourier’s equation (1) is supposed to describe: some concept of local temperature will have to be delineated. Secondly, any monotonically strictly increasing function T of 8 could serve as well as 8 in the above discussion. However, for (1) to hold with JI identified with 8 and with T , one needs T to be a linear function of 8;in everyday parlance, Fourier’s heat equation holds as well if one measures 8 in “ F or in “C, b u t one needs a linear temperature scale. Fourier chose his temperature scale in accordance with t h e conventional wisdom of t h e time; first “one determines two fixed temperatures, e.g. t h e temperature of melting ice, which we call 0, and the temperature of boiling water, which we call 1; we suppose t h a t the boiling of water is taking place at a n atmospheric pressure of 7 6 0 m m of Hg,t h e mercury of t h e barometer being at temperature 0.” Note t h a t this empirical definition involves at least a crude knowledge of a class of phenomena, known today under t h e general name of phase transitions; some essential aspects were already appreciated by t h e end of the 17th century. For instance, it was known t h a t , as long as there is ice in a bucket of liquid water, the temperature of t h e water remains t h e same; and as long as water is boiling into vapour, so does again its temperature remain constant, provided t h a t the pressure is kept constant. T h e idea to use these phenomena to calibrate thermometers antedates Fourier by at least a century, as evidenced by t h e memoirs published in 1702 a n d 1724 by Amontons in France, and Fahrenheit in England. Two points can t h u s be fixed on t h e temperature scale, b u t one still has to interpolate t h e points in between, and to extrapolate. For this purpose, Fourier proposed to use heat, however raising t h e point t h a t this requires caution: “One can at best form hypotheses o n the nature of heat, but t h e knowledge of the mathematical laws to which its effects are subject is independent of any such assumption.” He then described how “one measures different quantities of heat by determining how many times they contain a quantity one has chosen as a unit.” To choose this unit, Fourier appealed again to a knowledge of phase transitions, and defined it as “the quantity of heat one must provide to a standard mass of ice ( l k g ) at zero temperature to melt it completely into liquid water.” With this primitive, but quantitative notion of heat, Fourier proceeded: “if a body of given nature [i.e. chemical composition] a n d weight [i.e. mass] occupies a volume V at temperature 0, it will occupy a larger volume
V A when it will have acquired t h e temperature 1 . . . if instead of adding the quantity Co [of heat, to pass from 8 = 0 to 8 = 11 one adds a quantity z Co, with z positive or negative, the new volume will be V + b . . . experiments made it known t h a t . . . in general t h e value of 6 is zA . . . the ratio of t h e two quantities of heat one has added, zCo and Co,which is also t h e ratio of t h e increases in volume, 6 and A, is w h a t one calls t h e temperature.” Fourier was aware t h a t this empirical definition was subject to serious consistency problems as he notes: “this property [i.e. the linearity b / A = z C O / C O is] exact only i n the case where the bodies considered are at temperatures far from those at which one observes changes of their state [i.e. phase transitions].” It is, nevertheless, on the basis of these dubious choices of definitions and units t h a t Fourier built his theory; some testimony to the fact t h a t he was not too far off was found i n the agreement he obtained between t h e conclusions he drew from equation (1) and t h e corresponding experiments. I t must, nonetheless, be recognized t h a t Fourier’s empirical definitions-of temperature and of heat-were fraught with all kinds of hidden assumptions on the constancy, over different values of 8,of several material coefficients. Contemporary investigtors were, in fact, already at work to clear up this situation. T h e key was to find some ideal class of materials t h a t could serve as universal references; once these were recognized, t h e basic concepts could be isolated, and the theory could move more freely away from these ideal(ized) materials and gain the desired generality, in a case-typical of much of t h e development of thermodynamics-of t h e process by which, as Gillispie (1960) puts it: “we learn about the real by contemplation of t h e impossible.” Historically, the study of gases provided t h e necessary focalization of thought. The first result was obtained when Boyle (and Mariotte, some sixteen years later) noticed in 1660 t h a t gases under “ordinary conditions” (i.e. away from condensation) exhibit a remarkable regularity, namely t h a t if we denote by V the volume of the vessel in which such a gas (in equilibrium) is contained, and by p t h e pressure t h e gas exerts on the walls of this container, then t h e product pV is constant-provided t h e temperature of t h e gas is kept constant. We write this in the form of the Boyle-Mariotte law (4)
where 8 is any empirical measure of t h e temperature. The form of the function f depends evidently on the empirical temperature scale one chooses. W i t h a temperature scale akin to t h a t still used by Fourier, t h e form of f was determined by the investigations Gay-Lussac carried in 1802 on t h e isobaric (i.e. p =const.) expansion of a variety of gases: “oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, nitrous oxide, ammonia, muriatic acid, sulphurous acid, . . . , carbonic acid, . . . , ether, . . . ” (at t h e time Gay-Lussac was employed as a demonstrator of chemistry at the Ecole Polytechnique in Paris, and was “guided”, as he writes, in his investigations by the advice of “Citizen Laplace” who, as we shall see below, put to good use the information he collected first-hand from
Gay-Lussac, then a n d in t h e subsequent years). Gay-Lussac proposed two conclusions; t h e first is t h a t “all gases in general expand equally between the same [temperatures], provided t h a t they are all brought under t h e same conditions”; the second of his conclusions was t h a t “the increase in volume received by each of them between t h e temperature of melting ice and t h a t of boiling water is equal to . . . [the same fraction] of the original volume of t h e gas”. Specifically, if we denote by p t h e pressure of the gas, by V the volume it occupies at equilibrium temperature €3 (which Gay-Lussac measured in “C), by m t h e mass of t h e gas (measured, say in grammes) and by mo its molecular mass (i.e. 3 2 g r for diatomic oxygen, 2 g r for diatomic hydrogen, etc.), then Gay-Lussac’s claims amount to saying t h a t there exist two universal constants R and To such that, for all t h e gases he experimented with: m
p(V - v,) = - R ( 0 mo
- 9,)
These two relations can be rewritten in the form of t h e Gay-Lussac law m
PV = (-)RT m0
where T is measured on a “universal” temperature scale, shared by all ideal gases; this scale has a n absolute zero t h a t is theoretically approached when t h e volume V approaches zero, with p a n d m fixed, b u t arbitrary. This is named the Kelvin temperature scale, in honour of Thomson w h o later recognized (see below) its truly universal meaning: it is logically (even if not historically) independent of the actual laboratory existence of ideal gases t h a t satisfy ( 7 ) over the whole range of parameters p, V ,a n d T. T h e Celcius scale can then (€30 - T O )with €3 = €30 = 0°C when T = be defined (see 5-7) by 9 = T To = 2 7 3 . 1 5 ” K , a value t h a t could in principle be determined experimentally from (6): (K- &)/& = (TI - To)/To. The next question is: w h a t is heat? It is easy to say today t h a t heat is a form of energy. The theoretical insight t h a t energy is a universally conserved quantity came about in the middle of t h e 19th century, a n d it is a textbook case for the study of simultaneous discoveries: Kuhn (1959) enumerates more t h a n a dozen original contributors, all essentially contemporaries, and some definitely independent of the others. To appreciate what is involved, t h e reader may first want to recall how the potential energy was introduced in mechanics: with t h e obvious changes of notation often required when one passes from one science to another, we remember t h a t we started (see 1 . 2 . 3 ) with t h e definition of t h e kinetic energy K ;we then realized t h a t for Newtonian systems where forces derive from a potential 9, t h e quantity E = K 9 is conserved in t h e course of t h e motion
(see 1.2.4-8); we thus called E t h e total energy of the system, a n d its potential energy. By the middle of t h e 19th century, it was known t h a t heat can be absorbed or produced in chemical reactions; t h a t some chemical reactions generate electricity (e.g. the Volta pile) and conversely t h a t electricity could be used to chemically decompose water in its elements, hydrogen and oxygen; t h a t electric and magnetic phenomena bear on one another (see Section 3.1) and can be used to produce mechanical energy (Joule in fact experimented on electromagnetic engines before doing his fundamental work on t h e mechanical equivalent of heat); it was also evidently known t h a t mechanical energy could produce heat (by friction) and conversely t h a t heat could be used to produce mechanical energy (the steam engine explicitly motivated the pioneering work of Carnot, which Clapeyron reformulated in a mathematically tighter form; it seems t h a t it is largely through this reformulation t h a t Clausius knew about Carnot’s work). As Kuhn (1959) points out, however, being aware of t h e convertibility of energies is not yet quite t h e same as being able to articulate t h e bold postulate t h a t energy is universally conserved. This further step was taken, in t h e late 18403, by Mayer, Clausius and Helmholtz: very much in t h e same way as Lavoisier had rationalized his knowledge of chemical reactions by postulating t h a t matter is conserved, they postulated t h a t energy is conserved, in order to put on a firm footing their rationalization of t h e processes in which heat, now a form of energy, is exchanged. The principle of conservation of energy proposed by these pioneers, and known as t h e first law of thermodynamics is usually written in the form (8)
This is to be interpreted as follows. A t this level, a system is characterized by a quadruple (M, P , A, AW). M is called t h e space of all equilibrium states of the system. P is called t h e space of all processes by which any state po E M can be transformed into any other state pl E M ;to emphasize t h a t several processes may exist, t h a t transform t h e same initial state po into the same final state p i , we denote a process by t h e symbol p o ~ p 1 two ; processes porp1 and phr’~p{can be composed if pl = pi, and we denote t h e composite process by the symbol p o ( r p k r ’ ) p { . A is a subset of P , closed under composition; the elements poapl of A a r e called adiabatic processes. It is assumed t h a t A connects M in the following sense: given any p and p‘ in M, there exists at least one adiabatic process pocupl with either (PO = p,p1 = p’) or (PO = P’,Pl = 4, i.e. (9)
Finally, A W is a function from P to R; one refers to AW[porpl], as t h e (mechanical) work done on the system in t h e process porpl; it is assumed t h a t whenever two processes pOnpland p h / j ~ can { be composed (i.e. whenever
I t is further assumed t h a t if po and pl are the initial a n d final states of two adiabatic processes poapl and podp1, one has
and t h a t if r0 denotes the trivial process consisting in doing nothing at all, then for all p E A4
Consequently, one has for every cyclic adiabatic process pap
Since A connects A4 (in t h e sense of (9)), these relations allow one to define unambiguously for every pair ( p ,p') E M x M :
T h e antisymmetric function
is called the increment of internal energy acquired by t h e system in any adiabatic process pap'; note t h a t it depends only o n p a n d 1.1'. Upon choosing a n arbitrary reference state pol one can define a function
called t h e internal energy of t h e system with respect to po. Clearly,
a n d , if another reference state, say p i , is chosen, one has:
Hence, one can define, up t o a constant, a unique real-valued function on M, which one can call the internal energy of the system. With these definitions, formula (8) can now be understood to read
In this perspective, the first law of thermodynamics therefore appears as t h e definition of the function AQ : P -+ IR, and A Q [ p O ~ pisl ] interpreted as t h e heat absorbed by the system in the process poxpi; we have t h u s
which is t h e reason why the elements of A were called adiabatic processes. The second law of thermodynamics requires more structure, and will thus be stated only after a n illustration is provided; only then will a thermodynamical system be fully defined. For our illustration, we come back to the historical example of the ideal gas, the equilibrium states of which are given by the Gay-Lussac law (7). In 1807, Gay-Lussac conducted an experiment which could have been used to determine t h e internal energy U of such a system . . . had t h e concept been formulated then; as a point of fact, this experiment later played a central role in the very elaboration of the theory, and it was repeated with greater care in 1845 by Joule, and again a few years later by Joule and Thomson. We follow here t h e account given by Joule. Two copper vessels (recall t h a t copper is a good conductor of heat), one containing a gas (Joule worked with air), the other being empty, were linked by a thin conduct t h a t was initially closed by stopcocks. The assembly was embedded in a calorimeter, t h a t is, a large tank of water equipped with a thermometer. “The water was first thoroughly stirred and its temperature taken . . . the stopcocks were then opened . . . a n d the air allowed to pass from the full to t h e empty [vessel] until equilibrium was established between the two. Lastly, the water was again stirred and t h e temperature taken . . . no change of temperature occurs when t h e air is allowed to expand in this manner.” From t h e observed equality of t h e temperatures before and after the expansion, Joule could conclude t h a t the gas has neither produced nor absorbed heat: the free expansion of an ideal gas is an adiabatic process. Joule also noticed t h a t in this process t h e gas does not “develop mechanical power”, i.e. n o mechanical work is performed either by or on t h e gas. R o m the conservation of energy, we conclude t h a t t h e internal energy of the gas at equilibrium is the same at the end of the experiment as it was in the beginning. Since n o gas is allowed to escape, t h e ratio N m/mo is fixed, and t h e space M of equilibrium states a priori available to an ideal gas is the two-dimensional manifold M C IR3 described by the constitutive equation (7). Joule’s free expansion experiment shows t h a t I/ and T are t h e same before and after the expansion, while V, and thus p , have changed; consequently t h e function U : M -+ IR depends only on T .
We now introduce a restricted class of processes, for which we not only have t h a t po and pi belong to MI b u t for which we can describe t h e process by a differentiable curve p : t E I H p t E M. These processes are called quasistatic in the physics literature] and we shall keep this nomenclature; note t h a t the free expansion of a gas which we j u s t described is not a quasi-static process. From Chapter One, we infer t h a t t h e mechanical work done on a (ideal) gas during a quasi-static process can be described by a l-form o n MI namely
which we refer to as t h e working-form. W i t h U denoting t h e internal energy function on MI the differential expression of (16) now reads
and defines a 1-form on MI which we refer to as t h e heating-form. Since we learned from Joule’s experiment t h a t the free-energy of a n ideal gas depends only o n T, we can rewrite (19) as (20)
=NC, dT
+ pdV
Upon using (7) we can rewrite (20) as
with Cp and C,, linked by t h e Mayer relation
The quantities C,,(resp. C,)are interpreted] from (20) a n d (21), as t h e specific heat at constant volume (resp. constant pressure); they are directly accessible to experiments, a n d were already measured between 1813 and 1822 by Delaroche & Berard, Clement 2% Desormes, and Gay-Lussac & Welter. For a n ideal gas, these are constants which are understood, today, on the basis of microscopic models; their values are 5
C u = -R and C - -R 2 p-2 for monoatomic ideal gases, while 7
C,= -R and C - -R 2
for diatomic ideal gases where the molecules are supposed to be rigid dumbbells (which they pretty much are for gases like O2 a n d N2 at room temperature).
The ratio
is of particular theoretical importance. Indeed, for an adiabatic quasi-static process CY [i.e. a quasi-static process for which q(iYt) = 01, we obtain from (20) and (7) (26)
pVq = constant on a
in contrast with the result obtained directly from (7)for a n isothermic quasistatic process p [i.e. dT(b,) = 01, namely (27)
pV = constant on p
The difference between (26) and (27) allowed Laplace and Poisson to solve, around 1822-1823, a challenge that had frustrated t h e efforts of an impressive array of mathematical physicists, from Newton to Euler and Lagrange. Sound was indeed recognized early to be a compression wave, solution of t h e equation
where Q is the instantaneous displacement of t h e air along t h e direction of propagation of the sound; and u, t h e speed of propagation of t h e sound, is linked to the compressibility of air by the relation (29) in this formula p = m/V is the density of the air and p its pressure. Newton computed (29) from (27), or (7) and he found
which is at variance with t h e measured velocity of sound in air by a factor of about 20%. Upon recognizing t h a t air is a poor conductor of heat, Laplace and Poisson proposed, instead, to compute (29) from (26) and (7); in this manner one finds indeed
which, together with (24), accounts for the discrepancy of 20% t h a t had for so long marred Newton's formula (30).
We now want to mention four properties of the ideal gases, as they significantly stimulated t h e development of thermodynamics and, still today, can serve as remarkably accessible illustrations of t h e conceptual content of t h e general theory. The first of these properties is very much in t h e engineering spirit t h a t motivated Carnot's Re'flexions sur la puissance motrice du f e u et sur les machines propres d de'velopper cette puissance (1824). Consider the cyclic process t h a t a n ideal gas undergoes when it passes successively through the following four quasi-static steps: (i) i t is expanded isothermally (following 27) at a temperature Ti; (ii) it is then expanded adiabatically (following 26) to reach a temperature TO< Ti; (iii) it is compressed isothermally (following 27) at the temperature To,until it reaches a state from where (iv) it is compressed adiabatically (following 26) to return to its original state. A straightforward application of (26), (27), (18) and (19) shows t h a t one has, with A Q I (resp. A g o ) denoting the heat absorbed (resp. given up) by the system during step (i) [resp. step (ii)]:
If one is interested, as Carnot indeed was, in the efficiency of this cyclic process as a model of t h e steam engine, i.e. if one is interested in t h e ratio between t h e total work AW produced during a complete cycle, and the quantity of useable heat AQ1 one has to provide to the system, (32) reads (33)
We shall indicate, later on, t h e use Thomson and Clausius made of these two formulas; the reader's attention should nevertheless be directed to examine t h e privileged role played now by the absolute temperature scale used to measure
T. The second interesting property evidenced by t h e ideal gases is t h a t there exists a function of U ,V, a n d N, namely
S ( U , V ,N)= N {Cu
such t h a t , with
(35) satisfies
V + R en(-)} N
= ( m / m o )fixed i.e. with a fixed total mass of the gas,
SN(U, V)G S(U,V,N)
Upon comparing this with (19) one obtains
Hence T-lq is an exact l-form on the manifold A4 of t h e equilibrium state of the ideal gas considered. The third property of ideal gases, which we want to single out here, consists of three statements: (a) the function S, defined in (34) is homogeneous of degree one; this is an expression of t h e fact t h a t S, U and V are extensive variables; (b) S is concave; (c) U , when expressed in terms of S, V and N , is a convex function; the last two of these statements can be interpreted as stability requirements. Notice further t h a t , with N fixed-we thus drop N to lighten the notation, and simply write S = S ( U ,V)-we have
or, upon writing U = U ( S ,V ) :
au - - TdS
au av
Note t h a t , since dU is a n exact l-form, t h e functions T and p of t h e variables S and V , t h a t appear in (38b), satisfy (394 which is the first of the so-called four Maxwell thermodynamical relations. T h e other three are obtained as follows. Since U is convex, its Legendre transforms can be defined by the procedure described in t h e beginning of Section 1.3. With T = aU/aS now interpreted as the conjugate variable to S, one t h u s obtains the Helmholtz function F U - T S of t h e variables T and V ; we have dF = -SdT - p d V , where the functions S a n d p of the variables T a n d V satisfy the second Maxwell relation
Similarly, with - p = a U / W conjugate variable to V, one obtains t h e enthalpy H = U pV, a function of t h e variables S and p , with dH = TdS V d p , where the functions T and V of the variables S and p t h u s satisfy t h e
third Maxwell relation
-aT_ - av
Finally, the Legendre transform of U with respect to both variables S a n d V is the Gibbs function G = U - T S pV of the variables T a n d p ; we have then dG = -SdT V d p where t h e functions S and V of t h e variables T a n d p satisfy t h e fourth Maxwell relation
Finally, the fourth property of t h e ideal gases, to be mentioned here for later use, is a straightforward comment on (26), or equivalently (34)-(37): given p0 E M ,let (40)
Mo = { P E M I S ( p ) = S(b0)} M+ = { P E MlS(/L)> S ( p 0 ) } M- = { P E M ( S ( p )< S ( p 0 ) }
Then, for each ( p , p + ) E MO X M+ (resp. ( p , p - ) E Mo x M-) there exists a n adiabatic process pap+ (resp. p-a‘b), specifically t h e composition of a quasi-static adiabatic process and an adiabatic free expansion of t h e type described by Joule (see above); however, i t is a fact of experience t h a t no adiabatic process exists, which would be of t h e form p+a“p or pa”p-. The asymmetry j u s t mentioned hints at a form of t h e irreversibility t h a t is the essence of the somewhat Victorian prohibitions expressed in the 19thcentury formulations of the second law of thermodynamics. The development of thermodynamics during this period can be understood, at least in part, as the growing recognition t h a t one or t h e other of t h e four properties we singled o u t above extends in fact to systems t h a t are much more general t h a n t h e ideal gases. Thomson (1848), reflecting upon the unsatisfactory theoretical status of a definition of absolute temperature t h a t depends o n t h e relatively precarious existence of ideal gases, suggested t h a t there should be a “principle on which a n absolute thermometric scale can be founded”; and he proposed t h a t (33) could be interpreted as the lowest upper bound on t h e efficiency of any thermal engine t h a t performs work while operating between two heat reservoirs at temperatures Ti > TO. In Thomson (1852), he succeeded in obtaining this conclusion from t h e following “axiom: I t is impossible, by means of inanimate material agency, to derive mechanical effect from any portion of matter by cooling it below the temperature of t h e coldest of t h e surrounding objects.’’ This formulation is n o t without semantic ambiguities; Buchdahl (1966) restates this principle in a form more attuned to modern requirements: “it is impossible
to construct an engine which, operating in a cycle, will produce n o effect other than the extraction of heat from a reservoir and the performance of a n equivalent amount of work.” Thomson himself realized t h a t he had been anticipated by Clausius whom he credited with the following statement: “It is impossible for a self-acting machine, unaided by any external agency, to convey heat from one body to another at a higher temperature.,’ We read indeed in Clausius (1850) t h a t it is impossible “without any expenditure of force or any other change, to transfer . . . heat . . . from a cold to a hot body.” Again i n the modern formulation of Buchdahl (1966): “it is impossible to construct a device which, operating in a cycle, will produce no effect other t h a n t h e transfer of heat from a cooler to a hotter body.” Following his paraphrase of Clausius, Thomson added: “It is easily shown t h a t , although this and t h e axiom I have used are different in form, either is a consequence of the other. The reasoning of each demonstration is strictly analogous to t h a t which Carnot originally gave.” Almost every physics t e x t on thermodynamics-see e.g. Fermi (1936)-discusses this equivalence, which is essentially correct, modulo the usual language ambiguities due to “the subtlety with which mathematical notions and ostensibly physical notions are almost inextricably interwoven” (Buchdahl, 1966); for modern discussion of this, a n d related, points see Serrin (1978-79), Lu (1982), and references cited therein. We shall state below still another formulation-due t o Carathkodory (1909)-of this second law of thermodynamics. Before we d o so, however, we should mention t h a t the principal property of the quantity S defined by (34) for the ideal gases is (37) which Clausius (1850)
introduced in the form
(where Clausius’ notation dQ should not be interpreted a5 the differential of a putative state function Q . . . which actually does not exist since AQ[po.rrpi] depends on the process polrpi and not only on po and pi, as we already learned, see eq. 16). While quantities similar to S had been introduced earlier by Rankine and Thomson, Clausius gave S its name and general significance: “I propose to name . . . S t h e entropy of the body, for the Greek word r]~po.rrr], a transformation. I have intentionally formed the word entropy so as to be as similar as possible to t h e word energy, since both of these quantities . . . are so nearly related t o each other in their physical significance . . . ’I. Clausius then enters into an explanation, the gist of which is t h a t for any adiabatic process poapl : S(p1) 2 S(p0); recall the fourth property of t h e ideal gases which we mentioned earlier. The point now is t h a t Clausius postulated, for a general thermodynamical system, t h a t there exist functions T (the absolute temperature) and S (the entropy) defined on t h e equilibrium state space A4 of the system, such t h a t t h e heating l-form 7 can be written as TdS, where S can only increase in a n adiabatic process. To emphasize the universality of
this postulate, Clausius even gave it cosmic proportions: “we can express the fundamental laws of the universe which correspond to t h e two fundamental laws of the mechanical theory of heat in t h e following simple form. 1. The energy of the universe is constant. 2. The entropy of the universe tends toward a maximum.’, Back down to earth, Gibbs (1873-78) encapsulated the mathematical essence of the investigations of Clausius and Thomson by first listing t h e equilibrium properties of a homogeneous fluid, not j u s t an ideal gas; one has to consider: its internal energy U E [Uo,oo), its volume V E [ o , ~ ) ,its mass N E [ O , o o ) measured in moles, its entropy S E IR.,its absolute temperature T E [O,oo), its pressure p E [O,oo), and two process-functions: the work (resp. the working) done on t h e fluid, a n d t h e heat (resp. t h e heating) received by t h e fluid in a process (resp. a quasi-static process) t h a t links two equilibrium states of the fluid. One next assumes t h a t the equilibrium states of t h e fluid to be characterized by (U, V ,N); thus S , T and p are to be considered as (smooth) functions of the three variables U ,V and N. The relations (18), (19) and (37) are assumed, and the following properties of S a n d U are postulated. S and U ,like V and N, are supposed to be extensive variables, i.e. for every X 2 0:
S(XU,xv,AN)= x S ( U ,v,N)
Given (U, V, N), let us denote by $(U, V ,N) the set {(Ul, V,, NI;U2, VZ,N2)IUlf U2 = U ,Vl+V, = V, N1+N2 = N}; one then assumes t h e stability condition:
Note t h a t , (42) being assumed, t h e phenomenological condition (43) is equivalent to the following mathematical condition. W i t h 0 I: a 5 1; U = aU1 (1 - a)U2; = aK (1 - .)h; N = aN1 (1- a)&:
i.e. S is concave. Similarly, with U expressed as a function of S, V a n d N,U is assumed to be convex. Upon inspection of the computations we presented in t h e particular case of t h e ideal gases, one verifies readily t h a t one obtains, from t h e above postulates, the relations (36), (38) and (39), without ever needing the specific form of t h e constitutive equation
generalizing t h e ideal gas law (7) of Gay-Lussac. At fixed N, t h e temperature T is defined on A4 as a function of both U a n d V; in t h e particular case where (7) holds, the consequence (38a) of t h e above postulates, implies already t h a t
T is then a function of U alone; this is t h e result found experimentally by Joule from t h e free expansion of ideal gases. Back to t h e general case, Gibbs then proceeded to generalize this theory further so t h a t he could consider t h e equilibrium properties of heterogeneous substances and discuss systems t h a t undergo phase transitions. For a contemporary account of this approach a n d of its ramification, see Wightman's Introduction to Israel (1979); see also Callen (1960) and Tisaa (1966). The last question we want t o address briefly in this section is one of economy of principles; in particular, does one need to postulate explicitly t h e existence of the functions T and S such t h a t t h e heating l-form can be written as q = TdS? In this respect, the mathematical reformulation of t h e second law of thermodynamics proposed by CarathCodory (1909)-see also Buchdahl (1966) and, from a somewhat different point of view, Jauch (1972)-should be mentioned. Let MI P , A, AW and U be defined as we did in our sketch of the first law of thermodynamics. Suppose further t h a t M is a differentiable manifold, t h a t U is a smooth function on M , and t h a t a coordinate system (U, V', . . . I V") together with n smooth functions p i , . . . , p , are given on M such t h a t
(where the convention of summation over repeated indices is used) can be interpreted as the (mechanical) working l-form. CarathCodory's postulate, which abstracts to this general situation t h e last property we listed for ideal gases, consists in assuming t h a t for every po E M , and every open subset 0 of M , containing 1-10, there exists 1-11 E 0 such t h a t there is no adiabatic process poapl. A fortiori, there is no quasi-static adiabatic process poapi,which is to say t h a t 1-11 does not belong to a solution curve p : t E I H p ( t ) E M of t h e equation (47)
passing through 1-10. CarathCodory recognized t h a t this amounts to a n integrability condition for t h e l-form
and t h a t there exist, therefore] two functions T a n d S on M such t h a t (49)
7 = TdS.
This is the main insight provided by this approach, b u t one can go further. T and S are evidently not determined uniquely by this relation; this ambiguity can be removed, up to a universal scalar factor, by standard considerations on composite systems. U p to t h a t point the CarathCodory postulate has been
used only for quasi-static adiabatic processes; the full strength of t h e postulate, involving adiabatic processes t h a t are not necessarily quasi-static, is used when it comes to choose t h e sign of T (say T > 0) or equivalently t h e sign of A S , and thus of d S . The global equilibrium concepts of absolute temperature T , entropy S, and heating q = TdS-which we approached in this section from different 19thcentury points of view-provide most of t h e thermodynamical background necessary for t h e materials to be presented in this book; in t h a t sense, they will t h u s suffice as an introduction. T h e reader should nevertheless realize t h a t they d o not exhaust all there is to thermodynamics: among other things, the theory of chemical reactions, and of deformable bodies made out of dissipative materials, t h e delineation of t h e fundamental local quantities adapted to their description, and the field equations t h a t govern t h e m have been entirely left out; for a precise introduction to contemporary investigations along these lines, see Truesdell (1969). Still, we felt it worthwhile to present here a sketch of the historical developments t h a t paved t h e way to t h e 20th-century thermodynamics.
Section 2. CLASSICAL STATISTICAL MECHANICS The theory of temperature, heat and entropy t h a t we presented in Section One-describing the embryo from which thermodynamics was to grow-takes no cognizance of t h e atomic constitution of matter. This is mostly a didactic device, since microscopic considerations were not absent from t h e writings of the 19th-century pioneers of thermodynamics where references are often made, more or less casually, to idealizations called atoms and molecules. T h e purpose of statistical mechanics is to make this link explicit, to interpret macroscopic properties of matter in bulk in terms of t h e microscopic properties of its constitutive elements, and to learn about t h e latter through t h e former. For statistical mechanics, as for thermodynamics, t h e ideal gases played a central, stimulating role. A kinetic theory of gases, t h a t could find a place in the conceptual mainstream of mathematical physics, resulted from investigations spread over a century and a half, starting with the speculations of Hermann in 1716 and Euler in 1727-1729, and culminating in t h e theories of Maxwell (1860) a n d Boltzmann (1871, 1877). To illustrate t h e difficulties with which these ideas m e t in the scientific community, we could mention t h e microscopic model proposed and analyzed by Daniel Bernoulli (1738); t h e insightful proposals made by Herapath between 1816 a n d 1821, and by Waterston between 1843 and 1846, both of which being deliberately suppressed by t h e contemporary British scientific officialdom; and t h e formalizations presented in the 1850’s by Joule, Kronig and Clausius. All these investigations involved a subtle mixture of mechanistic and more or less implicit a n d ill-defined probabilistic arguments. To sort o u t these arguments, let us first play down t h e role of randomness by considering t h e following caricature of t h e sort of model discussed by Maxwell predecessors.
Consider a rigid cubic box A of volume V = L', containing n point-particles of mass m. These particles are supposed to be uniformly distributed in space and among six beams, each one of which impinges perpendicularly on one of the walls of the box. We further assume t h a t all t h e particles move rectilinearly with constant speed v, except when they hit a wall, at which point they experience an elastic collision so t h a t their momentum changes by an amount 2 M W .Let p be the pressure exerted by the particles on a given wall of the box; this is given by
where the force F is computed from
where AP is the total momentum change of the particles hitting the wall in any time interval At such t h a t vAt < L; A P is t h u s given by
AP = 2mv.An
where An is the number of particles t h a t hit t h e wall during t h e time interval At; we thus have 1 AV
A n = -n6
AV= L2.v.At
From (1-4) we obtain 1 p = -pv2 3
which we can rewrite as (5b) Upon comparing this with the Gay-Lussac law (2.1.7) (6)
we thus have
The RHS of this expression is t h e total kinetic energy U of t h e n point-particles of mass m, contained in the box V ; we can, therefore, rewrite (7a) in t h e
suggestive form
U = NC,T
Cu- 2R
This model, therefore, indicates t h a t the internal energy of a monoatomic ideal gas can be interpreted as the total (translational) kinetic energy of its molecules. Furthermore, we notice t h a t , while it is natural to measure t h e quantity of a macroscopic gas by the number N of moles it contains, t h e natural measure of this quantity in a microscopic model is t h e number n of molecules it contains; with this in mind, we rewrite (7a) in t h e form (74
1 1 3.-kT=-rnu2 2 2
This model, therefore, also suggests to interpret t h e temperature in t e r m s of the kinetic energy of an individual molecule; we shall see later t h a t t h e factor 3 in (7c) is a faithful reflection of t h e fact t h a t we modeled a n assembly of structureless molecules moving in a 3-dimensional space. This model is evidently extremely naive: (i) it assumes t h e particles to be uniformly distributed in space; (ii) i t models t h e molecules as point masses; (iii) it restricts their velocities to be perpendicular to the faces t h e cube V ; (iv) it assumes t h a t all molecules have t h e same speed u. While (i) is reasonable for a gas in equilibrium, neither (ii), (iii), nor (iv) should be assumed to hold for real molecules, which have spatial extension and d o collide with one another. Maxwell (1860) t h u s set o u t to “lay t h e foundation . . . on strict mechanical principles” a n d “to demonstrate t h e laws of motion of a n indefinite number of small, hard, and perfectly elastic spheres acting o n one another only during impact. If the properties of such a system of bodies are found to correspond to those of gases, a n important physical analogy will be established, which may lead to more accurate knowledge of t h e properties of matter.” To this day, this ambitious programme has not been satisfactorily carried o u t . Maxwell succeeded in describing most succinctly t h e first important property of t h e canonical equilibrium states of such a n assembly when it is enclosed in a cubic box A of volume V . Recognizing t h a t t h e numerous collisions t h a t occur in a gas call for a probabilistic language to account for t h e expected randomness, he assumed first of all t h a t when a gas is in thermal equilibrium, its constitutive particles are distributed uniformly in space. He t h u s concentrated his attention o n the following problem: “To find t h e average number of particles whose velocities lie between given limits, after a great number of collisions among a great number of equal particles.” He solved this problem by showing, through a n elementary calculus-type of argument, t h a t t h e one-particle distribution functions
(where u2 stands for (1 v [I2, and a! is a constant to be determined later on) are the only differentiable functions (9)
f : v = (uz, uy, 0,) E IR3 H f(v) E IR+
t h a t satisfy the following three conditions. Firstly, f is integrable and satisfies the normalization condition (10)
d3u f(v) = n
where n is to be interpreted as the total number of particles (enclosed in a cubic box of volume V). Secondly, with (11)
= /R2
fy(uy) and fz(u.) being similarly defined, f satisfies t h e stochastic independence condition
Thirdly, f satisfies the isotropy condition (13)
f(v) = W
Z 2
+ + Uy2
From (12) and (13), we obtain: 1 d 2vz du,
- . -en
9' fz(uz) = o(uz2
+ + uy2
where the LHS is obviously independent of uy and uz. Upon proceeding similarly with uy and uzJwe conclude t h a t t h e RHS of (14) is constant, a n d t h u s (15)
@(u2) = B exp{Au2}
The integrability condition (10) then implies A then trivially
0 and t h u s (8). One has
with (17)
fz(uz)= n $ ( a 2 r ) - * exp{--uz2/a2}
Strictly speaking, in his original 1860 paper, Maxwell assumed (16) as a natural isotropy relation, rather t h a n the definition (11); this is evidently only a minor
historical point. In t h e same vein, we could mention t h a t Maxwell did not miss an occasion to convey t h e idea t h a t he was doing some kind of statistics; indeed, after deriving (17), he noted: “It appears from t h i s proposition t h a t the velocities are distributed among the particles according to t h e same law as the errors are distributed among t h e observations in t h e theory of the method of least squares”; in modern parlance, t h e components of the velocity are independent, identically distributed, Gaussian random variables. We still have to interpret in physical terms the parameter a! entering in (8). This is done by computing t h e pressure p this gas exerts on a wall of our box, say a wall perpendicular to t h e z-axis with t h e gas on its left. We obtain, by a straightforward adaptation of t h e argument we presented in t h e case of t h e Bernoulli model:
which gives
= nm
< vz2 >= nm-21 a2
where, for any function A of v
< A >=
J d3v f ( v ) A ( v )
Upon comparing (19) with (6) we obtain 2kT a = (--)* m and thus
which is known as t h e Mazwell distribution. Note in particular t h a t (7c) is now replaced by: 1
3 . -kT 2
-mu2 2
and thus (see 16): (23b)
-kT 1 2
-mvZ2 1 2
-muy 1 2
-mv, 1
which is to say t h a t t h e energy is equally distributed a m o n g t h e three degrees of freedom of the particle. This is t h e deep reason behind (7b). Maxwell (1860)
already noted: “If we suppose those . . . molecules . . . to have a boundary surface which is not spherical, then t h e rotary motion of t h e system will store up a certain proportion of the whole vis viva, as has been shown by Clausius, and in this way we may account for t h e value of t h e specific heat being greater than on t h e more simple hypothesis.” For instance, if we had considered molecules in t h e shape of rigid dumbbells, which have five degrees of freedom-instead of t h e three alloted to a spherical molecule-we would indeed have obtained C, = $I?, instead of t h e value given in (7b); compare with (2.1.22-24). When Maxwell proposed the distribution law (22), n o direct experimental confirmation was available, the first direct such observation being obtained only in 1921 by 0. Stern, who worked with rotating molecular beams. W i t h the advent of plasma physics in the 1950-1960’s, gases of ionized atoms were produced; when any one of these atoms returns to its ground state, it emits a light ray (see e.g. 7.3.2) of a specific frequency; since t h e atom is moving, a Doppler shift occurs (see 5.2.24) t h a t thus gives a direct measure of t h e velocity distribution. This phenomenon was in fact used for a while to estimate, via (21-23), the temperatures of what were then very hot plasmas. We now turn to the work Boltzmann (1870, 1877) did to elucidate the effects binary molecular collisions have on t h e approach to equilibrium; as we will have several occasions to mention in this section, this is still a n open chapter of 20th-century mathematical physics, at the level of t h e formulation of physical concepts as well as at the level of the elaboration of mathematical techniques. For simplicity, we consider specifically t h e case where the molecules are modelled by identical, hard, perfectly elastic spheres, of diameter a and mass m. Recall t h a t a binary collision is described by t h e velocities v and v1 of the two particles before t h e collision, and their velocities w and wl after t h e collision; these are subject to the laws of conservation of momentum mv
+ mvl = m w + mwl
and of conservation of kinetic energy 1
-mu 2 (where v
1 + -2m q 2 = -21m w2 +- -mw12 2 1
etc.). These two conditions allow t h e parametrization w = v - [u . (v - V i ) ] U [u . (v - v1)lu
w1 = w
where u runs over the hemisphere (25b)
= {ulu = 1 , u . (v - V i )
2 0)
Boltzmann proposed t h a t the time-derivative of t h e one-particle probability distribution p(.,.;t)is the sum of two terms, one accounting for streaming,
and t h e other for the effect of collisions: at =
(%)*+ (%)
where the streaming term is given by
and t h e collision term is given by:
with t h e gain-loss term
This is an integro-differential, non-linear equation which is hard to crack. Firstly, i t is difficult to justify it from first principles, a n d we shall come back to this point later on. Secondly, t h e existence of global solutions is very hard to establish under reasonably general initial conditions, except for t h e case of spatially homogeneous solutions, i.e. solutions where 'p is supposed not to depend on t h e space variables x; see Carleman (1933)a n d the review articles by Greenberg, Polewcaak & Zweifel, and by Ernst, published in Lebowita & Montroll (1983). I t is also very hard to ignore t h e fact t h a t , in spite of its admittedly precarious status, this equation has allowed physicists to deriveat least heuristically-an impressive number of results: these suggest t h a t t h e Boltamann equation may indeed have captured some important aspects of t h e behaviour of irreversible phenomena. We thus should mention here a few of these results. Firstly, (26d) shows immediately t h a t , in t h e absence of external forces, the Maxwell distribution (22) is associated to a n equilibrium solution of t h e Boltamann equation, namely
Secondly, let (p be any spatially homogeneous smooth global (i.e. V t 2 0 ) solution of the Boltzmann equation in t h e absence of external forces; nontrivial such solutions are known to exist. Consider then t h e Boltzmann function
Upon using the symmetry of the collision term when integrated over u, a n d the fact t h a t t h e streaming term identically vanishes, we obtain dH dt
= :na2
1 1 1 d3u
d2u u . (v - vl) X
{tn[(o(v; tI(o(v1; t)l - !n[cp(w; t)(o(w1; tll} Since the integrant in t h e RHS is negative, we have
with the equality holding if and only if (31)
v(v; t)cp(v1; t ) = cp(w;t)(o(w1; t )
where (v, vl; w,wl) must satisfy (24). Consequently cp is a spatially homogeneous equilibrium solution of t h e Boltzmann equation if and only if en P ( V )
depends only on (v form (33)
+ en (o(v1)
+vi) and (v2+ v12); this happens exactly when p(v) = (a2")-$exp{-(v
is of t h e
with cx E IR+ and vo E IR3 arbitrary. Hence t h e Maxwell distribution (8) [or, in the physicist's interpretation, (22)] is, up to normalization, t h e unique smooth, spatially homogeneous solution of the Boltamann equation, satisfying
p(v)v =0
T h e solutions of the form (33) are called Mazwell-Boltzmann distributions. Upon using the method of Lagrange multipliers, we see t h a t (33) can also be viewed as t h e solution of t h e variational problem t h a t consists in finding t h e extrema of
d3u (o(v)tn ~ ( v )
subject to t h e constraints (364
/ d 3 u cp(v)= 1
d3u cp(v)(v -
= -a 3 2 2
The functional H ( t ) introduced in (28), a n d its particular time-independent form (35) have been given two suggestive interpretations. T h e first of these interpretations is to view
I(t) = k H(t)
as the information content of the probability distribution 'p(. ;t ) , in the sense of the Shannon (1948)-Khinchin (1957) theory of information. The second interpretation is obtained by a change of normalization, defining
so t h a t
Upon taking for 'p the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution (33), with < v >= 0 see (34), and ' a = 2kT/m (see 21), and substituting $J for (o in (35), one obtains (39)
-kVH = N{Cu en(-) N
+ R en(-)NV + const. }
where we used t h e thermodynamical units N and R (see 7c), C,,= 3 R / 2 a n d I/ = NCuT (see 7b). This S happens to coincide with t h e thermodynamical entropy (1.1.34). With these interpretations, (30) is called the Boltzmann H-theorem. I t suggests a link between t h e Boltzmann equation a n d the irreversible tendency towards equilibrium observed in thermodynamical systems. It also indicates t h a t a derivation of t h e Boltzmann equation must involve, in addition to purely mechanistic arguments, some other arguments t h e nature of which is to be understood, either from some probabilistic standpoint, or in terms of some limiting procedure, or both. Before we discuss this point, we still want to mention t h a t t h e symmetry of the collision term in (26), which we used to derive (30), can also be used to direct attention towards the kind of phenomena t h e Boltzmann equation can be expected to describe, and the level of t h e expected description. Let A be any one-particle observable t h a t is conserved in t h e course of a collision, i.e. A is a function defined on the one-particle phase space {(x, v)Ix E
A, v E IR3} and satisfying A(x, v)
+ 4% Vl)
+ A(x,
= A(x, w)
whenever (v, vi, w,wi)obeys (24)
Together with the afore-mentioned symmetry of the collision t e r m in (26), this implies
1 g),(x,t ) A(x, v) d3u(
for any smooth solution cp(. , . ;t ) of t h e Boltamann equation. Define now p(x;t )
d3u cp(x, v; t )
< A > (x; t ) = [cp(x; t)]-'
d3u p(x, v; t)A(x; v)
From the explicit form of the streaming term in (26), one obtains (42)
P a < A > + Fa p < u'A > -p < u'T . aA > --Fi
aA <>= 0 aut
Three particular cases are of interest: A = 1, A = ui with i = 1 , 2 , 3 and A = u2; from these, all spatially homogeneous observables satisfying (39) can be obtained by linearity. With A = 1, (42) reduces to the continuity equation:
+ div(pu) = 0
u -< v
With A = wi (i = 1 , 2 , 3 ) , (42) reduces then to the Euler equation of motion (compare with 1.1.25): (44)
P p u = -F
+ div P
where u is defined in (43); (' ) denotes the material derivative (45) and the stress-tensor P is linked, through the definition (41c), to t h e oneparticle probability distribution cp by t h e relation (46)
Pa' E -p
< (u' - ui)(uj - u j ) >
Lastly, when A = (u-u)', (42) reduces then to t h e generalized heat equation 2 3
p T = --[div
0 - tr(PA)]
where (') denotes again the material derivative (45); P is defined as in (46); and
3 2
-m(u - u)' > 2 1 -mp < (ui - ui)(v- u)2 > 2
(with k the universal constant introduced in 7c). Note t h a t (46) a n d (48) imply that (51)
P p = -kT
p = -% P . 3
In particular, for the Maxwell-Boltamann distribution (33), p , u a n d P , defined by (41b), (43) and (46) reduce to (52)
nm .. p = - V ' u -- vo , a n d P'J = -p6'j
so t h a t (51) reduces then to t h e Gay-Lussac law (2.1.7), t h u s suggesting to extend the interpretation of P,p a n d T for non-equilibrium distributions, and thus to refer to the values of these functions of ( x , t ) as describing the local instantaneous stress-tensor, pressure and temperature. I t must, nevertheless, be realized t h a t one is then, at best, on heuristic grounds d u e to t h e unresolved existence questions for spatially non-homogeneous solutions of t h e Boltamann equation. With this caveat in mind, one can, nevertheless, try to gain some insight into t h e phenomenological content of the conservation equations just obtained. One way to proceed is to analyze small deviations from the MaxwellBoltamann distribution, assuming for instance t h a t the one-particle probability distribution p is of t h e form (53)
P(X,v; t ) = 'po(x, v; t )
v; t )
where: 'po(x,v;t) takes t h e form (33), with, however, vo a n d a* now allowed to be "slowly varying" functions of x and t ; and $J is supposed to be a "small" correction, necessary to make 'p a solution of t h e Boltamann equation. I t is then possible, see e.g. the physics texts by Huang (1963) or Wannier (1966), to make i t plausible t h a t (dpldt), N - $ J / T , where 7 is the mean time between two successive collisions, linked to t h e mean free path X by t h e relation u = X / r ,
with u2 = 2kT/m and m 2 X = V / n . At t h a t level of heuristic approximations, (44) can be brought to the form of t h e Nauier-Stokes equation of viscous hydrodynamics (54)
- +~
P 1 pU = m F - V ( p - -7 V U)
A ;u
and (47) to t h e form of t h e heat conduction equation (55)
(T - - A T ) PCV
1 =- - ( V .
U) T
Note, in particular, t h a t if u -= 0, (55) reduces to the Fourier heat equation (2.1.1); note also t h a t 11 # 0 in (54) describes a first order deviation from t h e Euler (non-viscous) hydrodynamic equation (1.1.27). In (54) a n d (55) r] a n d K are thus interpreted as the viscosity and thermal conductivity coefficients. Still at the same heuristic level, t h e theory predicts 2 n -K = r] = 7 .kT.(-) 5 V Hence, up to numerical factors, these coefficients are of t h e order of consequently, for any given gas (i.e. given a and m ) at fixed temperature T : r) and K are independent of the pressure of the gas; this result was counterintuitive enough for Maxwell to have gone to t h e trouble of checking it experimentally for r ] , by observing the damping rate of a pendulum oscillating in a gas at different pressures; the experimental confirmation of this law was one of t h e early successes of t h e kinetic theory of gases. The consequences of t h e Boltzmann equation (26), which we have reviewed can be summarized in t h e following three points. Firstly, as we saw explicitly for the spatially homogeneous case in the absence of external forces, solutions of this equation exhibit a dissipative, irreversible behauiour: t h e Boltzmann constant H , defined in (28), cannot increase-see (30)-and indeed decreases in the course of time, unless the solutions are stationary. Secondly, t h e spatially homogeneous stationary solutions of t h e Boltzmann equation are all of the form (33) which can be given a n interpretation in term of thermodynamical equilibrium concepts. Indeed the term vo in (33) is only a reflection of t h e Galilean invariance (see Chapter Four) of the theory; it can be eliminated by a change of coordinate-system, to bring (33) in t h e form of the Maxwell distribution (17). This distribution is consistent with the relation pV = nkT-see (19) and (21)characteristic of ideal gases in equilibrium; this allows to rewrite (17) in t h e interpretable form (22) which has been experimentally tested. Moreover, t h e information content kH of these stationary solutions of the Boltzmann equation can be interpreted in term of the thermodynamical entropy S of t h e ideal gas: see (39). Thirdly, t h e non-stationary solutions of t h e Boltzmann equation allow to give a microscopic interpretation of t h e macroscopic evolution
equations (43), (44) [see also (54)] a n d (47) [see also (55)]; this interpretation is tested by t h e predictions it makes on t h e numerical values of t h e transport coefficients t h a t appear in these equations. These equations are to be viewed, in this perspective, as a partial, or reduced, description of the total system; this description is adapted to t h e partial information resulting from t h e measurement of experimentally accessible, or macroscopic, observables: t h e local mass density p, the local velocity u, the local temperature T , etc.; recall further t h a t these macroscopic observables are defined-see (41b), (43), (48), etc.-in terms of averages of one-particle quantities t h a t are conserved, in t h e sense of (24), in the course of interparticle collisions: the mass, t h e momentum, a n d the kinetic energy. The above discussion of t h e consequences of t h e Boltzmann equation should, however, not mask t h e fact t h a t serious questions remain as to the premises from which t h e Boltzmann equation itself can be understood. We now t u r n to these premises. One starts with a mechanical system of n identical particles enclosed in a box A of volume V; t h e particles are modelled as hard spheres of diameter a, bouncing elastically off each other. T h e microscopic observables o n this system are functions defined on the phase space
where a representative point
rn is written as
subject to t h e hard-sphere exclusion
Since we are interested only in one-particle observables, i.e. in functions of t h e form (58) one can reduce t h e description to t h e one-particle phase space (59)
and rewrite t h e value of A o n the state ( E
rn as
where pE is t h e discrete measure on
M,corresponding to ( through t h e definition
where SEi is t h e Dirac measure concentrated at t h e point (i E M. One first remarks t h a t the Boltzmann equation does n o t involve discrete measures of the type (60b), but rather measures of the form p(d3s,d3u) = cp(x,v) d3sd3u ;
more specifically, these should be probability measures on MI absolutely continuous with respect to Lebesgue measure, and such t h a t the expectation value of t h e conserved quantities are finite. To accommodate both these measures and the measures of the tye (60b), one therefore considers t h e subset P of t h e space P r o b ( M ) of the probability measures on M ,defined by
Boltzmann argued t h a t , for t h e systems he was considering, t h e discrete probability measures (60b) of ordinary mechanics can be approximated by continuous measures of the form (6la). To make this precise, one must then define a topology on P; one chooses the weak*-topology for measures, strengthened by the condition t h a t the following m a p be continuous /A
/ p ( d 3 z , d9u)u2 E
For instance, if (624
{ n ( k ) E Z+lk E
Z+}and {((k) E I'"('))Ik
with n ( k ) -t co as k + 00, {p€(')(k E Z+}converges to a measure p of t h e form (61a) in P if and only if the following two conditions are satisfied. Firstly, for each 6-dimensional parallelepiped A C M N A X IR3, t h e fraction of t h e particles t h a t are in A converges to k(A)] i.e.
Secondly, the average kinetic energy per particle converges to the expected value of t h e kinetic energy for the one-particle distribution cp, i.e.
The first ingredient of the theory will t h u s be to consider a limiting process in which the number n of t h e particles tends to infinity, so t h a t there is no conflict between the use of discrete measures, such as those occurring in the mechanics of particle systems, a n d t h e continuous distributions involved in t h e Boltzmann equation. This limit will also be instrumental in avoiding conflicts between 'the reversibility of t h e mechanical description one s t a r t s from, a n d t h e irreversibility of t h e thermodynamical description t h a t corresponds to t h e Boltzmann equation. The second ingredient of t h e theory is to let t h e diameter a of t h e particles become very small. One should indeed notice t h a t a limiting process t h a t would involve only n + 00 is hardly compatible with t h e Boltamann equation itself, since n appears explicitly as a factor in (26c). Following a path opened by Grad (1958), one infers upon inspection of (26c) t h a t t h e proper limiting process should involve a joint limit where (63)
{n + 00, a -+ 0 with nu2 + B E (0,oo))
This is called the Boltzmann-Grad limit. Its physical meaning is t h a t , at fixed volume V ,the mean free path A, defined by m 2 X = V / n remains finite, namely X + V ( R B ) - ~This . defines, in this limiting process, a finite spatial scale for the phenomena to be described by t h e Boltzmann equation. Together with a + 0 this implies (a/X) + 0, which formalizes t h e notion t h a t a particle +0 moves freely, except for some occasional collisions. Note also t h a t (./A) is equivalent to ( n a s / V ) -+ 0 which, in t u r n , formaliaes t h e notion t h a t one works with a very dilute gas: collectively t h e particles only occupy effectively a very small fraction of the total volume V at their disposal-and this in spite of the fact t h a t n --t 00. The third, and most controversial, ingredient of t h e theory is w h a t is referred to either as t h e B o l t z m a n n Stosszahlansatz, or as t h e hypothesis of persistent molecular chaos; this is a statement of statistical independence implicit in t h e interpretation of t h e collision term (Lhp/dt),; see (26). Indeed, in this expression, the products
appearing in t h e loss term-and
similarly for
in t h e gain term-are meant to be interpreted as t h e probability density of events in which two particles with velocities v and v1 enter into a collision in t h e place x at t h e time t . One assumes, therefore, t h a t
or, more generally, t h a t t h e joint probability distribution for n particles factors in the form n
@(xi,vl, . . . xn, vn; t ) = 2
( o ( x k , vk; t )
To dssume t h a t these conditions hold at all times is, however, unwarranted: in a dynamical theory based on mechanics, as t h e Boltamann equation purports to be, one may only make assumptions, statistical or otherwise, on t h e initial state of t h e system, say at t = 0; after t h a t , t h e basic mechanistic laws should be allowed to fully take over and determine the state of t h e system at t > 0. It is then by n o means clear t h a t if statistical independence holds at time t = 0, it will persist at any future time when collisions will have occurred. T h e evidence, in non-stationary situations, is actually pointing to t h e contrary, as we shall argue later on. Lanford (1975) succeeded in bringing together t h e three ingredients listed above by controlling a limiting process t h a t establishes a mathematiclly meaningful connection between t h e Boltamann equation and the laws of particle mechanics. To state Lanford's result, we need a few more definitions. {p'lk E Z+}is said to be an approsimating sequence for a continuous probability distribution 'p on M when the following three conditions are satisfied. (nk,ak) E Z+X lR+ is given, such t h a t , as k -+ Firstly, for each k E Z+, 00 : nk -+ 00, ak -+ 0 with nkak2 -+ nu2. Secondly, for each k E Z+, pk is a probability measure on P. Thirdly, as k -+ 00, a n d for every parallelepiped A C M, the random variables
converge, in distribution with respect to pk,to t h e constant
This definition thus expresses t h a t { p ' } , viewed from M ,concentrates on (p. The problem is now to determine whether some condition can be found o n the initial continuous probability distribution ' p o o n M ,which would guarantee t h a t some to > 0 exists such t h a t , if { p ' } is an approximating sequence for 'po,and if Tk(e)denotes the mechanistic evolution on P, then for every t E [0, to],{pkoTk(-t)} is an approximating sequence for a probability distribution p(.,.; t ) on M t h a t solves the Boltamann equation with initial value p(.,-;0) =
Po(*, 3.
Lanford found such a sufficient condition, assuming t h a t each pk is absolutely continuous with respect to Lebesgue measure and t h a t t h e corresponding probability distribution @' on Pkis invariant under every permutation
= (xpe), vp(,7). T h e condition is expressed in terms of two restrictions on t h e marginal distributions {@;I15 j 2 ?ah} defined by ( X i , V j ) + (p(j)
Note t h a t { p k } is then an approximating sequence for po if and only if, in t h e sense of weak *-convergence of measures, (694
w* - lim
Notice in particular t h a t (69) are sufficient to ensure t h a t , for every j E
T h e first of t h e two restrictions on { p k } is t h e n
uniformly on compacta in I'i G T h j \ B o where Eo = {( E T A j l z l # zmV 1 l # m 5 j } . Compare (71) with (66), and note t h a t t h e present restriction is imposed only on the initial state. T h e second restriction o n { p k } is t h a t there exist constants c, 5 and PI such t h a t for all k, j , (1, . . . ( j (724
~ f ( ( i 1 ..
~ f ( € i , +
with (7W and
is t h e Maxwell distribution mB
$lrp(x,v) = s(&
1 exP{-p@
Lanford (1975) showed t h a t these conditions, which are satisfied by t h e distributions Boltsmann seemed to have in mind when he was talking of smoothing o u t discrete particle distributions over small cells in phase space, are
sufficient to ensure the desired result t h a t there exists some to > 0 such t h a t , for all t E [O,t o ] ,{pko T k ( - t ) } is a n approximating sequence for a probability distribution t h a t solves t h e Boltzmann equation with initial value PO.In this sense, the Boltamann equation gives a macroscopic description t h a t is mathematically consistent with the microscopic dynamics. Concerning the assumptions under which this result has been obtained, we should emphasize t h a t (71) and (72) were imposed only on the initial state. While (72) can still be satisfied at later times, possibly at the cost of readjusting the constants c, 5 and /3, (71) is a very strong restriction which can, at best, only be assumed to hold for the initial state; indeed, to assume t h a t (71) would hold on [0, t o ]would bring about contradictions with the irreversibility of t h e Boltzmann equation, as can immediately been seen by applying the Lanford theorem on the approximating sequence obtained from {pk o Tk(-to/2)} by reversing all velocities. It should also be mentioned t h a t t h e time interval [0, t o ] , for which t h e proof can be made, is very small; indeed (73)
to = -(-)+ma 1 rnp 1
5 3
2 5 ) -1
which is to be interpreted as being of the order of a fraction of t h e mean time between two successive collisions. While this is insufficient for applications to fluid dynamics, where one is interested in solutions of t h e Boltamann equation t h a t extend over much larger time intervals, the irreversibility associated to the decrease of the Boltzmann function H is an indication t h a t , even during such a small time interval as [ O , t o ] , sufficiently many collisions d o actually occur to make it impossible to keep track, at t h e macroscopic level, of t h e information contained in t h e initial state: t h e time t h a t ellapses between two successive collisions is a stochastic variable with enormous dispersion. Finally, it should be recalled t h a t the limiting procedure considered not only involves a limit where the number n of t h e particles tends to infinity, b u t simultaneously requires t h a t the diameter a of t h e particles tends to zero, in such a manner t h a t na3/V tends to zero; i.e. t h e theory is only valid in t h e limit of an infinite, infinitely dilute gas. The challenge remains unabatted to obtain from mechanics a kinetic theory t h a t applies to gases at finite densities; see Cohen (1973). Four guidelines emerge from t h e discussion carried o u t in this section. Firstly, some stochastic elements are introduced when one deals with macroscopic observations of large systems, even when t h e many particles t h a t constitute such systems are assumed to satisfy, at the microscopic level, t h e deterministic laws of mechanics. This aspect of t h e theory was to be emphasized most graphically in the investigations, boosted by the contributions made by Einstein (1905 BM), in the theory of Brownian motion where one studies t h e manifestly random effects many small particles (e.g. molecules of 0 2 and N2 in air) have on a test-particle (e.g. a grain of tobacco) upon which they a c t via
mechanical collisions. As Einstein described it, his “major aim in this was to find facts which would guarantee as much as possible, t h e existence of atoms of definite finite size”; in t h e process he “developed the statistical mechanics and the molecular-kinetic theory of thermodynamics.” For a mathematical outline of t h e theory of Brownian motion, see Nelson (1967) where t h e reader will also find a brief historical introduction, as well as a seminal discussion of a possible relation between this formalism and quantum mechanics. Secondly, t h e use of continuous probability distributions, instead of the discrete distributions of particle mechanics, can be justified by a limiting process in which t h e number of particles tends to infinity. Such limiting processes, a variant of which is known as the thermodynamical limit where both t h e number of particles and t h e total volume tend to infinity with their ratio approaching a finite limit, have t h e further advantage of concentrating attention on t h e properties of matter in bulk. Thirdly, t h e macroscopic equilibrium properties of matter can be recovered from microscopic models by a variational principle involving t h e information content-or entropy-of probability distributions subject to macroscopic cont r ai nts . Fourthly, macroscopic transport equations t h a t exhibit an irreversible behaviour can be consistent with a reversible microscopic dynamics, provided proper considerations are made for t h e scale at which macroscopic phenomena d o occur. These four guidelines form the backbone of t h e programme known under the name of classical statistical mechanics. Its implementation, consisting in building u p concrete microscopic models t h a t are both rich a n d simple enough to allow the replacement of general conjectures by precise theorems, is still in progress today, as we have just illustrated by Lanford’s treatment of t h e Boltzmann equation. Moreover, since t h e times of Maxwell and Boltzmann, we have learned t h a t at t h e microscopic level, matter obeys t h e laws of quantum rather than classical mechanics. T h e introduction of this last ingredient is t h e purpose of quantum statistical mechanics; see Section 10.1.
CHAPTER 3. ELECTROMAGNETISM SYNOPSIS For a classical physicist, electromagnetism is the theory which links together the following time-dependent objects defined over a configuration space (e.g. IR’): the (scalar) “electric charge” density p ; the (vector) “electric current” density J; the (vector) “electric” field E; and the (pseudo-vector) “magnetic” field B. The heart of the theory thus lies in the following system of differential equations, known as the four Maxwell equations (in vacuum): curl B - E = J div E = p curl E B = 0 div B = 0
(2) (3)
[ also written [ also written [ also written [ also written
V X B - dtE = J] V . E = p] V X E dtB = 01 V . B = 01
from which follows div J
+p = 0
[ also written V .J
+ dtp = 01
which expresses the conservation of electric charge. Equation (1)is also known as the Biot-Savart-Amphe-Maxwell equation; for static fields, i.e. E = 0, this equation reduces to J = curl B, while t h e term E was introduced by Maxwell (1865). For a mathematician, this equation can be taken as a definition of J from the basic fields E and B; phenomenologically, it can be taken as a prescription to produce B. Equation (2) can be interpreted similarly, either as a definition of p or as a prescription to produce E. Equation (3) is known as t h e Faraday-Maxwell equation; it incorporates the remnant of a n empirical fact, called “induction”: a change in B creates some E. Equation (4) is expressed by saying t h a t there exists (mathematically, one should add “locally”) a magnetic potential A such t h a t B = curl A. Equation (3) can then be rewritten curl (E A) = 0, which is to say t h a t there exits (again “locally”) an electric potential @ such t h a t E A = -grad @. In the static case, and with t h e gauge div A = 0 consistent with 4 = 0, equation (2) can be rewritten in the form of a Poisson equation, namely p = -A@[= - div grad @I; similarly, equation (1) can be rewritten J = -AA [curl curl A]. One could pursue this line in t h e non-static case; even without going into this, the last two equations already seem to beg for t h e introduction of a quadrivector potential A, a quadrivector density J , and some object 3
unifying E a n d B, a remark which in fact lies at t h e foundation of t h e theory of relativity. Still within the borders of t h e classical physicist’s realm lie two important aspects of this theory of electromagnetism, and we will also discuss them briefly in this chapter. Firstly, an electromagnetic field can be made manifest by its action o n a moving, electrically charged “test-particle”: t h e resulting Lorenta force law is a very useful laboratory tool when one tries identifying which electrically charged elementary particles are produced in a high-energy experiment. Secondly, the Maxwell equations a d m i t “electromagnetic wave” solutions which allow understanding Optics as a part of Electromagnetism, another step towards the unification of physical phenomena which t h e raw human senses would a priori feel to be very disparate; this synthesis was proposed by Maxwell (1865). Section 1. PHENOMENOLOGICAL BACKGROUND The first fact of experience, recognized by any theory of electromagnetism, is the existence of electric charges t h a t can be perceived through t h e forces exerted on t h e m by electric and magnetic fields. We take, as a primary concept of t h e theory, the notion of charge, a property quantified by some e E IR,t h a t can be associated to material bodies. As in our approach to t h e Newtonian theory of gravitation (see Chapter One), we first concentrate our attention on t h e idealization where the scale of t h e phenomena to be considered is such t h a t t h e notion of test-particle makes sense. These are objects described by their trajectories x : t E I H x(t) E IR’ IR), their inertial mass m, and their electric charge e. For these (with I particles, the fact of experience referred to above is now quantifyable: these particles behave as if they were individually acted upon by a force, called t h e Lorentzforce, of t h e form
where E(.,t ) a n d B(.,t ) are vector fields on lR3 t h a t may depend explicitly on t h e time t. I t is a part of t h e definition of a test particle t h a t its presence disturbs t h e fields E and B so little t h a t this disturbance can be ignored. In any experimental situation, prescribed by non-vanishing electric a n d magnetic fields E and B, t h e Lorenta force (1) can be used to compare t h e charges of different test particles; this is done routinely-albeit at great costs-in both the preparation and t h e analysis of the final products of the scattering situations t h a t constitute t h e heart of experimental elementary particle physics. Since enough experiments of this kind have been performed consistently, one can use (1) to probe E and B and verify t h a t these fields satisfy the so-called Maxwell equations. In an emphatically not accidental manner, these equations are the simplest field equations one can write in a relativistic theory: E and
B are the components of a 2-form 3 on space time, t h a t satisfy d 3 = 0 a n d defines J = d i v 3 ; see Sections 5.1 and 6.2. We shall take here t h e more traditional description and write the Maxwell equations in t h e form curl B - E = J div E = p curl E B = 0 div B = 0
One can view here (2a) and (2b) as definitions of J a n d p, and note t h a t they imply (3)
div J + p = O .
While t h e above facts of experience provide a phenomenological basis o n which a modern physicist could accept the Maxwell equations as describing, together with the Lorentz force (l),a law of nature, it is nonetheless instructive to study briefly how the above programme was actually implemented in t h e years t h a t preceded the inception of t h e theory; t h e remainder of this section retraces some of these historical steps. To understand what went on in this process, we briefly take advantage of t h e hindsight provided by t h e knowledge of the final form of the theory, and remark t h a t t h e Maxwell equations admit static solutions, in which E and B d o not depend on time; in this case, t h e equations decouple to give on the one hand: div E = p curl E = 0 the study of which is known as electrostatics; and on t h e other hand: curl B = J div B = 0 which similarly delineate the realm of magnetostatics. These two pairs of equations synthetize t h e two classes of experimental situations t h a t were first studied, very much independently from one another, before they were realized to belong to a single unified theory. The word “electricity” seems to have been first used in 1600, by Gilbert, to characterize a quality t h a t many substances share with amber (= H X ~ n r p o ( ) : when rubbed, they a t t r a c t small particles (our test-particles, which Gilbert visualized as chaff). Du Fay is credited for having noticed, in 1734, t h a t there are two kinds of electricities: those of t h e same kind repel one another, while those of opposite kinds attract each other. Several authors, among them B. Franklin, emphasized t h a t there should be some additive measure of t h e quantity of electricity .
The quantification of these rather vague notions came in 1784 when Coulomb determined by experiment (with a torsion balance) t h a t “the repulsive forces between two small spheres charged with t h e same kind of electricity is in t h e inverse ratio of t h e square of t h e distance between t h e center of the two spheres . . . [and] t h e law of inverse squares was found to hold also t h e case of attraction.” This is t h e basis for w h a t we know to this day as t h e Coulomb law of electrostatics: (6)
F = (47r)-’
eo e r-’
Compare with (1.1.16), and note t h a t ( 4 ~ stands ) ~ ~for a universal constant t h a t takes this particular value as a consequence of a choice of t h e units in which we elect to measure t h e electric charges. Notice also t h a t (6) gives t h e magnitude of t h e force; this force is a central force: specifically t h e force, t h a t eo exerts on e, is applied on e and directed along t h e line joining eo to e if eo and e are of t h e same “kind”, and in the opposite direction if e a n d eo are of opposite kinds. More t h a n a decade before Coulomb published his results, Cavendish had arrived at t h e same conclusion, namely t h a t t h e force between two point charges decreases as t h e inverse of t h e square of their distance. A n argument about priorities would be o u t of place here; it is, nevertheless, of interest to note t h a t t h e methods used by Coulomb a n d Cavendish to arrive at this conclusion were quite different. Coulomb’s was a direct measurement of t h e force as a function of distance. Cavendish considered instead the force exerted by a large metallic (i.e. uniformly charged) sphere on a test-particle placed inside or outside this sphere. He then sized on the analogy between this situation and t h a t considered by Newton in his treatment of gravitational forces: a test-particle placed anywhere within t h e sphere will experience no net force exactly when the two-body central force between point charges is exactly proportional to r-’, while a net force toward (or away from) t h e r-’fc with c # center of the large sphere would be observed if F ( r ) 0. This conditional statement is w h a t Cavendish published; t h e collection of Cavendish’s laboratory notes, edited by Maxwell (1879), shows however, t h a t Cavendish had actually performed t h e experiment with great care, a n d concluded “ t h a t the electric attraction and repulsion is inversely as t h e square of t h e distance, or to speak more properly, t h a t t h e theory will n o t agree with experiment on t h e supposition t h a t it varies according to any other law”. Cavendish even p u t a n upper bound on E : I E ~ < 1/60; by t h e end of t h e 19th century this was improved to and modern direct evidence from atomic physics reduced this estimate to better t h a n lo-’. Notice further t h a t Cavendish also used Newton’s argument to show t h a t a test-particle, placed outside a uniformly charged sphere, is submitted to a force, equal to t h a t due to a n identical total charge concentrated at t h e center of t h e sphere, and t h a t the force decreases indeed as t h e inverse of t h e square of t h e distance between the test-particle and t h e center of t h e sphere.
Cavendish’s approach lends itself naturally to a modern reformulation t h a t shows the logical circumstances under which Coulomb’s law ( 6 ) is equivalent to the basic field equations (4) of electrostatics, as we shall now see. The first ingredient in Cavendish’s approach is the use of a test-particle to probe t h e effect of a charge eo. This can be described by introducing t h e electric vector field Eo defined by F = Eo el where F is t h e force t h a t t h e charge eo, located at xo, exerts on a test particle of charge e, located at x # xo; from (6) we obtain:
The second ingredient in Cavendish’s approach is the principle of superposition, according to which the effect of a collection of n charges e k , located at xk, is t h e sum of the effect of the individual charges, i.e.
Finally, Cavendish used implicitly the continuum limit, where t h e discrete collection {ek I k = 1,2,.. ., n} is replaced by a charge density p, to give t h e following generalization of (8): (9)
As already noted, Cavendish derived from (9) t h e electric field created by a uniformly charged spherical shell, of vanishing thickness, and of radius a:
From this (or any similarly obtained) formula, the idealization involved in the characterization of a point charge can be comfortably inferred. Hence (9) contains Coulomb’s law ( 6 ) ;with this understanding, we will refer to (9) as t h e Cavendish-Coulomb law, and show t h a t it is equivalent to t h e field equations (4) of electrostatics. Note indeed t h a t (9) (or in a simplistic version, (7) itself) implies t h a t for any (regular) open domain V c R3 and any (regular) open two-dimensional surface S c R3:
ds . E =
dv p
is .
dl E = 0
where E is t h e electric field created by t h a t part of t h e charge distribution p which is contained in V.
The general Stokes theorem
in its special forms (known as Gauss and Stokes formulas, respectively)
ds . E =
du div
E and
dl . E =
1ds. S
curl E
allows to rewrite (11) as (14)
div E = p
curl E = 0
which are indeed (4a) and (4b), t h e fundamental differential equations of electrostatics, which we wanted to justify phenomenologically. Note further t h a t these equations imply t h a t (15)
E = --grad CP with ACP = - p
where A is t h e Laplace operator (div grad) a n d t h e second of these equations is referred to as the Poisson equation. T h e physical interpretation of t h e real-valued function 0 follows from its definition (15) written in t h e form:
which is the work to be performed in order to bring a test-particle of charge e, from t h e position xi to the position x2, and is independent (see t h e second of t h e equations 11) of t h e path followed from x i to x2. Hence CP is referred to as t h e electrostatic potential for the field E; this function is evidently defined only u p to a n additive constant. W i t h this remark, it is easy to verify, for instance, t h a t t h e electrostatic potential created by a smooth charge distribution p , with compact support, can be chosen to vanish at infinity (and in fact to fall to zero at least as fast as ]XI-’ when 1x1 + 00); with this condition CP then satisfies
from which t h e Cavendish-Coulomb law (9) is recovered. We shall need, later on, t h e expression of the field created by an electric dipole, i.e. by a pair of charges, of magnitude e and of opposite sign, separated by a distance d . A t a point x far away from this arrangement, or more specifically in t h e limit where d + 0, with ed p fixed, one obtains readily:
1 CP(x) = ---pa 4R
1 1 grad (-) = 9p . x 1x1 4+
In particular, at fixed x/(xI, t h e electric field thus falls as I X J - ~ . Upon returning to t h e general case, and pursuing the interpretation of one step further, one can associate to a collection { ( e k ,xk) I k = 1 , 2 , . . .,n } of charges the total energy necessary to assemble this collection, namely
or more generally, to a smooth charge distribution p with compact support, one associates
= =
11 d3x p(x)@(x) 2
/ d v l grad
In this manner, one can, therefore, associate to an electric field E at x a n electrostatic energy density
With this remark, we end our excursion into t h e fundamentals of e l e c t r e statics, and engage in a brief exploration of t h e basic facts of magnetostatics. For centuries, the “effluvium” later known under the name of magnetic field was detected through its action on elongated iron or steel needles t h a t had been with a piece of t h e naturally magnetized mineral, called magnetite --Fe&-or lodestone, already mentioned by Thales of Miletus and Plato for the property it has to attract iron objects. While t h e origin of t h e idea to draw practical use from the fact t h a t free magnetic needles “consistently” point to the North is a matter of national legends now blurred by time, t h e existence of mariner compasses has been documented in China, Western Europe, Arabia and Scandinavia from written sources dating variously from t h e 11th to t h e early 13th centuries. Some attempts at a quantitative theory were made in the 17th and 18th centuries; t h e reading of these, however, is often confusing, due to a tentative analogy with electrostatics which is unfortunately faulted by nature’s choice not t o allow for magnetic mono-poles, the would-be equivalents of t h e electric charges. A theory, t h a t was to be free of such mono-poles, was initiated in 1820 by t h e investigations published in t h a t same year by Oersted, Biot & Savart, A m p h e , and Arago. Oersted, while still speaking of separate austral and boreal magnetic poles, correctly identified experimentally t h e source of t h e magnetic field, namely t h e electric current; news of his discovery spread immediately.
Biot & Savart announced t h a t t h e magnetic field produced at a point x by a n electric current running in a long rectilinear wire is a vector such t h a t : (i) it lies in t h e plane ~rperpendicular to the wire and passing through x; (ii) it is perpendicular to the line joining x and t h e point where t h e wire intersects t h e plane n; and (iii) its magnitude varies as r-’, where r is t h e distance from x to the wire. Ampere introduced the words “electromagnetism” a n d “electrodynamics” to emphasize t h e connection between magnetic fields and electric currents, defining the latter as “electricity in motion” (as opposed to t h e “electricity at rest” t h a t he sees as characterizing electrostatics). Ampere then made t h e correct analogy between electrostatics a n d his electromagnetism by noting t h a t , in t h e same way t h a t electric fields are quantified by t h e force a n electric charge exerts o n another electric charge, magnetic fields ought to be quantified by the force t h a t an electric current exerts on another electric current. Taking t h u s two parallel, long rectilinear wires, he “then observed t h a t when I passed a current of electricity in both of these wires, at once they attracted each other when t h e two currents were in the same direction a n d repelled each other when they were in opposite directions”. Besides t h i s qualitative statement, Ampere made quantitative measurements t h a t can be summarized in t h e following Arnptre law of rnagnetostatics: a n electric current I,, running through a n infinitely long, rectilinear wire exerts, on a current I running through a parallel wire of length L, placed at a distance r from t h e first wire, a force F of magnitude:
F = I L * - 10
21rr Arago contributed several experimental verifications of t h e results obtained by Oersted, Biot & Savart, and A m p b e . He further added to t h e evidence t h a t one ought to identify t h e magnetic fields produced by electric currents and the magnetic fields one had associated with the so-called “natural magnets” of t h e Ancients; he indeed succeeded to magnetize soft iron needles (temporarily) and steel needles (permanently) by placing t h e m in t h e core of a solenoidal wiring carrying an electric current. The mathematical synthesis of t h e experimental evidences collected in t h e fateful year 1820 is provided by three statements. Firstly, for any (regular) open two-dimensional surface S C IR.’,t h e line integral, along the closed curve dS, of t h e magnetic field B produced by a steady current density J traversing S is given by (23)
J B S d l . ~ = J S d 8 . ~ i.e.
Secondly, the absence of magnetic mono-pole is expressed by stating t h a t for any (regular) open domain V C R’ (24)
These two equations, (23) and (24), imply t h a t there exists a vector field A such t h a t (25)
B = curl A
curl curl A = J
Since curl grad = 0, one can add to A, without changing B, any vector field ( = grad $; part of this freedom can be used, if one so wishes, to impose (26)
div A = 0
AA = -J
and thus
From these equations, one can compute t h e magnetic field B created by a distribution of currents J. Two particular cases are of special interest here. The first case is due, in essence, to Ampere who wanted to obtain an electromagnetic model of a magnetized needle. An electric current I runs through a circular wire of radius r centered, say, at the origin; let n be t h e unit vector along I X r, m = I m 2 , and m = mn. At a point x far away from this arrangement, or more specifically in t h e limit where r + 0 with m fixed, t h e magnetic potential A created in this manner is computed to be: (27)
A(x) = --m 4n
1 4nlx13rn
x grad (-)1
Upon comparing (27) with (18), one identifies rn as a magnetic dipole. The second particular case of interest is a current 10 running through a n infinite rectlinear wire along the z-axis of a cylindrical system of coordinates (2,r, 9)in IR’. This current creates at x a magnetic field Bo one easily computes to be: (28)
Bo(x) =
1 I0
We can now introduce (28) in t h e third ingredient of t h e theory, namely Amphe’s force law (22), and obtain (29)
F = L I X Bo
Upon taking now into account A m p h e ’ s own description of electric currents as electricity (i.e. electric charges) in motion, one arrives at t h e modern transcription of A m p h e ’ s law: the Lorentz force law; it states t h a t t h e force F exerted by a magnetic field Bo on a test-particle of charge e moving with instantaneous velocity v is given by:
When written in this form, this third ingredient of t h e theory more clearly appears as a n independent law of nature, with which one must supplement (2326) to get t h e complete picture; on the one hand, t h e formulas (23-26) describe
how magnetic fields are created by a distribution of steady electric currents; o n t h e other hand, Ampere’s force law describes how these magnetic fields, in turn, a c t on t h e other electric currents (playing in magnetostatics t h e role t h a t the charged test-particles played in electrostatics). Note, incidentally, t h a t in its original form (22) this law can be inverted to produce a n empirical definition of (steady) electric currents, logically independent of electrostatics; this law was indeed used to define t h e standard unit of electric current, t h e ampere. This inversion, and t h e attendant epistemological discussion, is n o t new to t h e reader: it has been used in gravitation to compare masses, a n d in electrostatics to compare electric charges. While (22) is intrinsic to magnetostatics, the conceptual content of (30) is richer: t h e passage from t h e former to the latter postulates an identification, perceived already by Ampere b u t n o t expressed in (22), between steady currents and electric charges in uniform motion. We close our discussion of magnetostatics by mentioning t h a t ( 2 9 ) can be used to introduce a magnetostatic energy density
comparable, in its derivation, to t h e electrostatic energy density ( 2 1 ) written in t h e form (see 20):
While electrostatics and magnetostatics allow to identify the physical quantities E, p, B a n d J appearing in the Maxwell equations (2), these equations have so far been considered here only in t h e special, static circumstances described by their restricted form (4-5). The empirical evidence, t h a t a more general form is needed, was provided by t h e observation of electromagnetic induction. A particular form of this phenomenon was first reported by Arago in 1824-5, b u t the thorough investigations t h a t established its nature were carried by Faraday in t h e beginning (1831-4) of the long series of Ezperimental researches on electricity he conducted over a period of more t h a n twenty years. The results of these experiments can be summarized as follows: a variation of the flux of a magnetic field B through any (regular) open surface S C R3 induces an electric field E t h a t satisfies: (33)
Lsdl.E=--/ds-B dt s
It should suffice here to indicate t h a t Faraday observed t h e effect on t h e LHS of these equations, produced by t h e variation of B in t h e RHS when he either modified the electric current running through a (solenoidal) wire, or moved magnets. Notice also t h a t , in t h e static case, (33) reduces to the second of the equations (11) or equivalently (14). Moreover, (33) implies t h a t div B = 0;
hence, if n o magnetic mono-pole exists at time t o , i.e. if div B(x,to) = 0, see (24), then div B(x,t) = 0 for all times t ; consequently, t h e non-existence of magnetic mono-poles is a perennial feature of this theory. Equations (24) and (33) are the final form of t h e Maxwell equations (2d) a n d (2c), where E and B are now vector fields on IR3 t h a t may vary in t h e course of time. To arrive at the other two Maxwell equations, we keep the original form, in (11) or (14), of the source equation for the electric field, namely f
where the electric field E and t h e charge distribution p are now allowed to vary in the course of time. In conformity with Ampkre’s view t h a t electric currents are “electricity in motion”, we assume /,,ds.J+--/ (35)
From (34)-which (35), we obtain (36)
d dup=O dt v
is the Maxwell equation (2b)-and
ds (J
+ E) = 0
i.e. div(J
t h e continuity equation
+ E) = 0 +
from which we conclude t h a t there exists a vector field X such t h a t (J E) = curl X; upon noticing t h a t , in the static case E = 0, this equation is satisfied by X = B (see 23), it appears t h a t t h e simplest way to take into account (36), and thus the continuity equation (35), is to replace (23) by t h e more general equation (37)
~ S d l . B - - /dd s . E = / d s - J S dt s
This equation is the Maxwell equation (2a), a n d t h e term E was indeed introduced in it by Maxwell (1865). There are several alternate ways to intuit this term; however, in whatever way one chooses to do this, one must realize t h a t this term cannot appear here without introducing some assumption which is not in the other three Maxwell equations. T h a t t h e most natural thing to do is indeed to introduce this term here appears most strikingly in t h e theory of relativity which this very simplicity, in fact, helped motivate. We shall here ask the reader to accept (37) for what it is, namely a case where theory preceded experiment, and to see w h a t t h e theory does predict then. Before doing so, it is useful to rewrite the Maxwell equations in a form which is more practical for computational purposes.
From (2d) there exists a vector field A such t h a t
B = curl A
Upon introducing this in (2c), we receive curl (E+A) = 0; there exists thus a function 9 such that
E = -A-
grad 9
We can now rewrite the Maxwell equations (2a) and (2b) as
+ +
curl curl A A grad d, = J - div A - div grad 9 = p grad ( d i v A + b ) - A A + A = d --(divA+ dt
6)- A 9 + &= p
Since we can choose arbitrarily the divergence of A (see 38), we impose for convenience the “Lorenta gauge” div A + 6 = O
(42) t o obtain from (41) (43)
Given the current and charge distributions, these equations are solved by
In particular, when a point-charge eo is effectively regarded a s the limit of a smooth charge distribution P O , one computes from (44) t h a t such a pointcharge, moving with a uniform velocity v, say v = ( u , 0,O) with u2 < 1, creates the potentials (454
A(x, t ) = v @(x,t )
(p) + + 2
with r(x, t ; v) G {
3.2. LIGHT
The corresponding magnetic and electric fields are then (464
B(x,t) = v
While the derivation of these formulas is straightforward, their interpretation runs deep and was to lead Einstein to the theory of special relativity; see e.g. 5.1.31.
Section 2. THE NATURE OF LIGHT In closing our description of the classical background from which 20thcentury physics emerged, we must address a question t h a t puzzled scientists for centuries, namely whether light is a beam of particles or a wave. The primary facts of experience are summariaed in the three laws of geometrical optics. The law of geodesics states t h a t in a homogeneous medium, light rays are straight lines. The law of reflection states t h a t when a light ray impinges on a reflective surface, the normal to t h e surface at t h e point of incidence, the incident ray, and the reflected ray are in t h e same plane; and t h e angle p t h a t the reflected ray makes with the normal is equal, b u t opposite in sign, to t h e angle a t h a t the incident ray makes with the normal. The law of refraction states t h a t when a ray of light passes from one homogeneous medium t o another, t h e normal to t h e surface separating these two media, taken at the point of incidence, the incident ray and the refracted ray are in the same plane; and t h e angle 7, t h a t t h e refracted ray makes with t h e normal, is linked to t h e angle a,t h a t the incident ray makes with this normal, by t h e relation (1)
ni sin a = n, sin 7
where ni 2 1 (resp. n, 2 1) is a number, called t h e refractive indez, characteristic of the first (resp. second) medium. These laws were known for some time-the first two since antiquity, t h e third having reached a precise form with Snell in 1621-when Descartes proposed in his Dioptrique (1637) to rationalize t h e m on t h e basis of a n idealization t h a t assumes t h e light rays to be arbitrarily narrow beams of light; Descartes compared t h e m to the paths of “tennis balls” t h a t either hit a hard surface (reflection) or pass through two successive media in which their velocities differ (refraction). Descartes correctly pointed o u t to t h e right cause of t h e phenomena of refraction, namely a change of the velocity of light from one medium to the next; although he argued t h e ratio of t h e velocities the wrong way around, he still managed to conduct his argument in such a manner t h a t he obtained the experimentally correct result t h a t n, is larger t h a n n, if t h e refractive medium (e.g. glass or water) is denser t h a n t h e medium (e.g. air) in
which his light particles initially travelled. This flaw was corrected by Fermat (1601-1665)in two notes, published posthumously in 1679. It was also in these papers t h a t he enunciated t h e famous principle according to which “nature operates by means a n d ways t h a t are the easiest: . . . we do n o t consider paths t h a t are shorter in space, b u t those t h a t are shorter in time”. According to this principle, t h e light rays are the solutions of t h e variational problem
where u is the instantaneous speed of light on its trajectory. In t h e particular case of a homogeneous medium, where u is constant, the distinction between the shortest paths in time and in space evidently vanishes, and t h e principle reduces to t h a t used already by Hero of Alexandria (1st century A. D. ) to rationalize t h e first two laws of geometrical optics; this historical precedent explains the caveat form in which Fermat enunciated his principle. In t h e case where we have two media separated by a sharp boundary, t h e Fermat principle gives (3)
1 - sin ui
1 = - sin 7 vr
which, upon comparison with (l), leads to t h e interpretation of t h e refractive index n as a quantity proportional to u-l; t h e universal constant of proportionality c, which has t h e dimension of a velocity, can be taken to be equal to 1 by a convenient choice of t h e units in which one measures space and time. W i t h this interpretation of n, (2) can be rewritten as (4)
Fermat’s principle appeared to be compatible with a corpuscular theory of light, so much so in fact t h a t , in t h e variational form just stated, i t was to exert a profound influence on the formulation of mechanics itself (See Section 1.2). Still another aspect of light, namely its colour, was to be first interpreted in terms of such a corpuscular theory. This approach was expounded by Newton in his New theory about light and colours (1672), a n d in his Opticks (1704). Newton’s basic experimental evidence was collected when he passed beams of light through sequences of glass prisms; he observed t h e by-now familiar rainbow patterns and was able to conclude t h a t : (a) t h e primary colours t h a t appear in the rainbow (or spectrum) are intrinsic properties of light, a n d not properties of its passage through prisms; in particular, a beam of any primary colour, when selected from t h e rainbow pattern emerging after a beam of sunlight had passed through a first prism, does n o t produce another rainbow upon its impinging o n a second prism; b u t on t h e contrary, it emerges from
3.2. LIGHT
the second prism with the same colour it had upon entering this prism; (b) a given sunlight ray is a n aggregate of several rays of different colours; white light can be synthesized back from these colours; a n d (c) t h e refractive index is a function of the colour. Ignoring altogether the phenomena of diffraction (see below) which however had been discovered by then, Newton argued: “Are not t h e rays of light very small bodies emitted from shining substances? For such bodies will pass through uniform mediums in right lines, without bending into the shadow . . . they will also be capable of several properties, and be able to conserve these properties unchanged in passing through several mediums.” For Newton, primary colours were such intrinsic properties of light; Newton also knew about a phenomenon we shall describe below, namely double refraction, a n d he attributed it to the same cause, interpreting w h a t we call today polarization as yet another intrinsic property of t h e particles t h a t constitute light. Diffraction phenomena not withstanding, t h e theory of a corpuscular nature of light was not sterile. For instance, it was on t h e basis of this theory t h a t Bradley (1729) discovered the phenomenon of stellar aberration; after having made careful observations of t h e directions in which a telescope must be pointed towards a distant star, at different seasons of the year, to compensate for the velocity u of the earth on its orbit, he was able to compute t h a t the ratio of the speed of the earth to t h e speed of light is 1:10210 (for the relativistic treatment of this aberration, see Section 5.2); t h e interest of Bradley’s computation is t h a t it can be completely understood by a n analogy with the streaks marked by drops of rain on the side windows of a car in motion; the result agree with 5.2.21 to first order in u, as the reader will want to verify. The discovery of the phenomenon we know today under t h e name of diflraction has been credited to Grimaldi (1618-1663) and t h e experiments are described in a book published posthumously in 1665 under his name. He observed t h a t if light passes through a pin-hole made in a screen, or if a wedge is placed in a beam of light, then a close inspection in the immediate vicinity of t h e expected geometric image reveals a complex system of alternating regions of shadow and light, of varying width and brightness. Hooke immediately understood the potential significance of this phenomenon and, in his Micrographia (1665), he advanced the idea t h a t light might be a wave; however, in the mind of their British contemporaries at least, Hooke was not able to withstand t h e weight of Newton’s arguments in favour of a corpuscular theory. We find again the conjecture t h a t light is a wave in Huygens’ Trait6 de la lumitre (1690), where he proposed a model t h a t could “explain” Fermat’s principle, and thus answer the question as to why should light “choose” to follow the shortest path. He postulated t h a t light is a disturbance of t h e medium in which it travels; considering first the case of a homogeneous isotropic medium, he further assumed t h a t any such disturbance acts as a center creating a spherical wave which expands at constant speed; he then completed his picture by t h e
consistency requirement t h a t each point of the medium, upon being reached by this wave, becomes in t u r n the center of a spherical wave t h a t expands with t h e same speed, characteristic of t h e medium. T h e instantaneous wave front is t h u s the envelope of t h e spherical waves emanating from points t h a t have been simultaneously excited by a n earlier wave front. T h e three laws of geometrical optics follow readily from this picture, upon identifying t h e light rays with the curves normal to the successive wave fronts, e.g. of a typical plane wave. For reasons t h a t will become clear when we will describe the phenomenon of double refraction, Huygens also considered t h e modifications to be brought to the above scheme in the case of a n anisotropic, b u t homogeneous, medium where the spherical waves have to be replaced, as t h e building elements of t h e wave fronts, by ellipsoidal waves. Huygens’ conjecture on t h e wave nature of light was revived in t h e beginning of the 19th century, principally under t h e impetus of t h e investigations of Young w h o realized t h a t t h e diffraction of light should be described as a n interference phenomenon, i.e. as t h e result of a linear superposition of several coherent waves. Young’s seminal contribution was to simplify the original diffraction situations considered by Grimaldi, and to study first t h e interference patterns produced by two coherent sources of light. F’rom his Course of lectures on natural philosophy and the mechanical arts (1807) we read t h e original description of what came to be known as the Young two slits experiment and which was to play a central role in t h e discussions of t h e foundations of quantum mechanics: “In order t h a t t h e effects of two portions of light may be thus combined, it is necessary t h a t they be derived from t h e same origin, a n d t h a t they arrive at t h e same point by different paths, in directions not much deviating from each other . . . t h e simplest case appears to be when a beam of homogeneous light falls on a screen in which there are two very small holes or slits which may be considered as centers of divergence . . . ”. A t this point t h e reader should recall Huygens’ model for t h e propagation of light; returning to Young, we read further: “In this case, when the two newly formed beams are received on a surface placed as to intercept them, their light is divided by dark stripes into portions nearly equal . . . so as t o subtend very nearly equal angles from t h e apertures . . . and wider also in t h e same proportion as t h e apertures are closer to each other.” In modern notation, this amounts to t h e following formula, valid in the limit where t h e observation is made very far from t h e screen in which the apertures have been opened: (5)
X sin pm= (-)m d
with m = 0,*1,f2,.
where pm are t h e angles corresponding to t h e bright stripes, d is t h e distance between the apertures, and X depends only on t h e colour of t h e light. Young correctly identified X with t h e wave length-see definition below-and estimated t h a t in the red X N 1/36,000 inch, and in t h e violet X N 1/60,000 inch.
3.2. LIGHT
The mathematical synthesis t h a t came o u t of this and subsequent Young’s investigations was t h a t , in an isotropic dispersion-free medium, light can be described as a phenomenon t h a t satisfy t h e linear wave equation 1 d2 (A - - -) Q(x, t ) = 0 v2 at2
where A is t h e Laplace operator Ci d2/(dzi)2, u is t h e speed of light in t h e medium considered, and
is the intensity of the light at t h e point x and t h e time t. T h e sources give the boundary conditions under which (6) must be solved; a great variety of diffraction phenomena (by extended apertures and obstacles, wedges, etc.) can then be reformulated in terms of integral equations t h a t provided 19thcentury analysts with a wealth of computational challenges. T h e simplest of the solutions of (6) is the free plane wave (8)
Q(x, t ) = a . exp{i(wt - k . x)}
with w2 = u21kI2
which one often describes in term of its frequency Y = w/27r, its w a v e length X = 27r/lkl or its w a v e vector k. Besides Young’s two slits experiment, another experimental set up used to demonstrate the interference of light is to let a plane wave impinge with a n incidence angle cp on a parallel plate of transparent material with relative refractive index n, and to observe, separately on each side of t h e plate, the interference patterns between the plane waves emerging after multiple reflections and refractions. A straightforward computation shows t h a t a maximally positive interference between the plane waves emerging from the face of incidence (resp. the face of the plate opposite to t h e face of incidence) after a n odd (resp. even) number of reflections, occurs whenever the angle of refraction 7 satisfies 1 x
respectively (9b)
cos 7 = -(-)(m 2 d 1 x 2 d
cos 7 = - ( - ) m
+ -)21
with m = 0, fl, k 2 , . . .
with m = 0, fl, f 2 , . . .
where X is the wave length of the light inside the plate, a n d d is t h e thickness of the plate. This theoretical prediction is confirmed by experiment, thus giving us additional confidence in the model described by equations (6-8). One could multiply the examples . . . and miss t h e point, namely t h a t equation (6) is not the end of the story: light is n o t a scalar wave. T h e first indication of this fact was obtained by Huygens’ refinement of a n observation
due to Bartholinus who had discovered a phenomena he called double refraction. Bartholinus had reported, in 1669, t h a t the anisotropic crystaline structure of a transparent mineral-Iceland spar-is such t h a t a light ray, upon impinging normally on a face of t h e crystal, splits into two rays; the first, or “ordinary ray”, pursues the straight normal path predicted by t h e usual law of refraction; there is, however, a second ray, t h e “extraordinary ray”, t h a t splits away from the ordinary ray at a n angle, and emerges from t h e crystal at a distance from the ordinary ray, proportional to the thickness of t h e crystal; from there on, the two rays are parallel to one another. This phenomenon remains qualitatively the same if t h e initial ray is allowed to make a n angle with t h e normal to t h e face of t h e crystal on which it impinges. W h e n t h e crystal is rotated around a n axis normal to this face, the “ordinary ray” conforms to the usual law of refraction, and is thus n o t affected by this rotation; the “extraordinary ray”, on t h e contrary, follows the crystal in its rotation. Only a few years after Bartholinus’ investigations, Huygens had t h e idea to perform the following crucial experiment. Two such birefringent crystals are placed, one behind t h e other, on t h e path of light. Huygens first verified t h a t if the axes of the second crystal are parallel to t h e axes of the first crystal, then t h e rays emerging from t h e first crystal do not split again upon traversing t h e second crystal: the ordinary ray (resp. the extraordinary ray) makes a second ordinary (resp. extraordinary) refraction upon entering in t h e second crystal. Huygens further noticed t h a t if he rotated t h e second crystal, around a n axis normal to the face of incidence, by an angle Q = r / 2 , then again t h e two rays do not split a second time upon entering in t h e second crystal; however, the ordinary ray (resp. the extraordinary ray) emerging from t h e first crystal now makes a n extraordinary (resp. ordinary) refraction upon entering in the second crystal. Finally, Huygens observed t h a t for any intermediary angle 0 < a < r/2, the rays emerging from the first crystal both split again upon entering in t h e second crystal, resulting t h u s in four rays of various intensities t h a t add up to the intensity of t h e initial ray. No such phenomenon had every been observed for water waves, nor for sound waves; Huygens conceded t h a t this is “a wonderful phenomenon . . . although I have not been able to find a reason for it, I will not refrain from pointing it out, so as to give a n opportunity t o others to investigate it.” Since then, we have learned t h a t Huygens’ discovery is an essential ingredient in devising the following model. Light can be decomposed into two orthogonal polarizations, transverse to the direction of t h e light ray; t h e fact t h a t , in such a n orthogonal decomposition, the sum of the intensities is conserved indicates t h a t t h e intensity of t h e light is a measure of the square of t h e amplitude of the corresponding vector components. Furthermore, t h e two orthogonal polarizations may have different refractive indices, and they d o in some anisotropic substances such as t h e Iceland spar with which Bartholinus and Huygens experimented. This model of light, however, was only to take hold in t h e beginning of the 19th century, ultimately to lead to the identification of light as a n electro-magnetic
3.2. LIGHT
wave. The two further evidences t h a t convinced t h e scientific community of the transverse character of the luminous waves are now briefly reported. The first of these two experimental evidences was discovered, almost accidentally, by Malus, w h o published in 1809 a memoir from which we quote: light, reflected by a surface of water at a n angle of 52” 45’ with t h e “ . .. vertical, has all the characteristics of one of the beams produced by double refraction; . . . the angle at which light experiences this modification when it is reflected at the surface of transparent bodies is different for each of them. In general it is larger for bodies t h a t refract light more. Above or below this angle a part of the ray is more or less modified in a way analogous to t h a t which occurs when light passes through two crystals whose principal sections are neither parallel nor perpendicular.” Hence polarization is a property t h a t light may have independently of its passage through a birefringent substance. The curious angle a = 52’45‘ will be interpreted (see 27) from the Maxwell equations: when light is reflected from a surface separating two transparent media of relative refractive index n = n7/ni,the angle 0 < a! < 7r/2 is given by the solution of the pair of equations (104
sin a = n sin 7
+ 7 = 7r/2
known as Brewster’s law, and amounting to a = a r c tan n so t h a t a is indeed an increasing function of n as Malus had noted. In a series of sophisticated experiments Arago & F’resnel brought together t h e phenomenon of polarization and the wave character of light, by observing t h e interference pattern between beams of light having varied degrees of polarization. In their Mhnoire sur l’actkon que les rayons d e lurnibre polarisCe exercent les uns sur les autres (1819) they conclude: “In t h e same situations in which two rays of ordinary [i.e. unpolarized] light seem to destroy each other . . . two rays polarized at right angle . . . exert on each other n o appreciable action; . . . t h e rays of light polarized in t h e same direction act o n one another as ordinary rays do: so t h a t . . . [in this case] the phenomena of interference are absolutely the same [as they are when the rays of light are unpolarized].” These experiments were properly understood as t h e most compelling evidence to date i n favour of a theory where light is described as a transverse wave. Except for the discovery, made in 1846 by Faraday-see also the related investigations of Verdet-that a magnetic field can produce a rotation of t h e plane of polarization of light in matter, there was very little evidence of any direct relation between light and electromagnetism when Maxwell (1865) published his famous theoretical paper. To approach Maxwell’s contribution to the understanding of the nature of light, let us consider the equations (3.1.42 & 43) which we obtained for t h e electromagnetic potentials and A. In a region free of sources, i.e. where and
when p = 0 = J, these equations reduce to
(A - d2t)@ = 0 (A - d2t)A = 0 divA+dt@ =0
For E and B defined by (3.1.38 & 39) these equations imply (A - d2t)E = 0 (A - d2t)B = 0 which we could have derived directly from t h e Maxwell equations (3.1.2); note however t h a t the two decoupled equations (12) contain less information t h a t the Maxwell equations themselves. Returning to t h e equations (ll),we see t h a t they admit t h e fundamental solutions @ = a0sin(wt - k . x) A = A0 sin(wt - k . x)
with (134
lkI2 - w2 = 0
k .A0 - wQ0 = 0
from which we obtain: (144 04b)
E = Eo cos(wt - k . x) B = Bo cos(wt - k . x)
with Eo = -wAo k@o with Bo = -k X A0
and thus
Hence these fundamental solutions of t h e Maxwell equations in free space are electromagnetic plane waves (E(x, t ) , (B(x, t ) ) t h a t a r e transverse to t h e direction u in which they propagate] and such t h a t t h e electric field E(x,t) and t h e magnetic field B ( x , t ) are mutually orthogonal. In the units we have chosen, the speed of propagation of these waves is equal to 1. W h e n Maxwell found these solutions, he wrote: “this velocity is so nearly t h a t of light, t h a t it seems we have strong reasons to conclude t h a t light itself . . . is a n electromagnetic disturbance in the form of waves propagated . . . according
3.2. LIGHT
to electromagnetic laws.” This conjecture was proven to be correct, before the close of the century, when electromagnetic waves were produced in t h e laboratory by clearly electromagnetic means, and observed to obey the same laws of propagation as light including reflection, diffraction a n d interference of polarized waves analogous to those observed for light by Arago & Fresnel. For the discussion of refraction, a modification has to be worked into t h e theory i n order to account for the influences t h a t a material medium exerts o n the propagation of light: for one thing, the velocity of light must be allowed to differ from one medium to the other. T h e simplest phenomenological model one can build to this effect will describe an isotropic, non-absorbant dielectric medium which is homogeneous, at least over distances (and times) t h a t are very large compared to the wave lengths (and frequencies) of the waves one wants to consider. Mathematically, this can be achieved by rewriting the basic equations (11)in the following modified form: (A - c a t 2 ) @ = 0 (A - E 8t’)A = 0 div A E at@= 0
where the “dielectric constant” again
is assumed to satisfy
1. Upon defining
E E -&A - grad @ B E curl A one obtains from (18)
d (19) the modified Maxwell equatio
div E = 0 i.e.
div B = 0
lVds-B= 0
and thus the wave equations
(A - eat2)E= 0 (A - .sat2)B = 0
T h e only modifications of t h e fundamental solutions (13)-(17) resulting from t h e replacement of (11) by (18) are t h a t (13c), (16) and (17) now take t h e form (22)
lkI2 - cw2 = 0 and k . A.
IEoI2= ;lBol
(24 1
S G E X B = &IE12u
- bJ
- E W Oo = 0
2I A012 - lkI2@o k with u = Ikl
T h e interpretative remarks we made after (17) t h u s remain valid, with now t h e additional flexibility t h a t these electromagnetic waves propagate with a speed = l/& hence n is to be interpreted as the refractive index of t h e medium. This model can be extended to t h e situation where two homogeneous media of the type just described, b u t differing by t h e value of their respective E , share a common smooth two-dimensional boundary, say a plane R : we assume t h e integral equations (20) to hold throughout t h e space occupied by both media, and verify t h a t they imply t h a t t h e components of E a n d B parallel to R are continuous across R . With these boundary conditions, t h e Fresnel formulas for the reflection a n d refraction of polarized light follow by a straightforward computation. In addition to the laws of geometrical optics enunciated at the beginning of this section, one also derives from this computation t h e intensities I = IS1 of t h e reflected and refracted waves as a function of the intensity 1, of t h e incident wave. In particular, for t h e reflected waves, one obtains: (a) if E is perpendicular to t h e plane of incidence
where a (resp. 7)is t h e angle of incidence (resp. refraction); a n d (b) if E is in the plane of incidence
For normal incidence, i.e. for a --t 0, these two intensities coincide-as expected-and give
to be
where n = nr/ni = (€r/€i)1’2 is t h e relative refractive index of t h e second medium with respect to t h e first. Back to (25), we notice t h a t a singular situation occurs precisely when a 7 = ~ / 2 one ; obtains then
3.2. LIGHT
which corresponds (see 10) to Malus’ observation, and Brewster’s law, on t h e polarization t h a t occurs upon reflection off a dielectric material. T h e above formula contains moreover some additional information: first of all, it gives the intensity of the light reflected at t h e Brewster angle; more importantly, i t provides an interpretation of the plane of polarization of light in term of t h e plane determined by k and E. This remark will close this section on the nature of light. The reader should however notice t h a t we have been singularly scant on t h e interaction of light with matter in bulk: a satisfactory treatment of t h a t subject would require a microscopic knowledge of matter, and thus involve quantum mechanics . . . which we d o not have yet at this point.
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CHAPTER 4. GEOMETRY SYNOPSIS Nine plane geometries appear in t h e Cayley-Klein classification; we single out three of t h e m for study here: t h e Euclidean geometry, t h e doubly parabolic geometry and a pseudo-Euclidean geometry. From a mathematical point of view these are characterized as t h e three geometries for which t h e distance is a n additive function along straight lines. From a physical point of view, t h e doubly parabolic geometry will be shown to correspond to Galilean relativity, whereas the pseudo-Euclidean geometry is the two-dimensional version of t h e Minkowski space-time of Einstein’s special relativity; the Euclidean geometry is evidently used here for comparison purposes only. Section 1 thus serves as an introduction to Chapter Five, by way of simple examples. T h e same didactic purpose presided over the selection of t h e examples of curved spacetimes chosen in Section 2 to introduce the reader to the kind of geometries encountered in Chapter Six. Section 1. GALILEAN AND MINKOWSKIAN GEOMETRIES In a lecture before t h e Prussian Academy of Sciences (January 27, 1921) Einstein explained the sense in which “geometry is evidently a natural science” provided one carefully distinguishes two stages in its advances. These are: (i) “axiomatics” which in Einstein’s words “purges mathematics of all extraneous elements”, i.e. those elements which relate to experience and intuition; a n d (ii) the setting up of a correspondence between “real objects” a n d “the system of concepts of axiomatic geometry”. This separation seems to have played a central methodological role in the elaboration of Einstein’s ideas; he states indeed: “I attach special importance to t h e view of geometry which I have just set forth, because without it I should have been unable to formulate t h e theory of relativity”. Einstein’s characterization of t h e axiomatic approach to geometry calls to mind Hilbert’s Grundlagen der Geometrie which went through ten editions, t h e first being published in 1899; t h e successive editions comprise numerous and substantial additions and the fifth edition (1922), which is essentially contemporary to Einstein’s lecture, contains eight commented appendices. Einstein’s ideas, while drawing most of their motivation from physics, were clearly touching upon a fiber of current mathematical preoccupations. For our purpose in this chapter, we should actually go back further in time and recall t h a t in the course of t h e Nineteenth Century serious doubts took
shape concerning t h e ineluctability of t h e system of axioms-in particular the parallel postulate-defining Euclidean geometry; this flashback discounts, perhaps too harshly, t h e pioneering, b u t mistaken, work of Saccheri (1733). T h e first successful a t t e m p t s to build alternatives to Euclidean geometries are due to Gauss (1816), Lobachevski (1826) and Bolyai (1831) who, independently, produced the hyperbolic geometry. A metric approach, on which we will have more to say in t h e next section, was then proposed by Riemann (1854) who also constructed an elliptic geometry, Beltrami (1866, 1868) and von Helmoltz (1868). T h e latter actually came close to a third point of view, associated with the names of Cayley (1859), Klein (1872, 1893) a n d Lie (1885, 1893); we see there geometry characterized as t h e study of invariant properties of figures, i.e. properties which are unchanged under a given group of “admissible” transformations. This is t h e point of view emphasized in this section, and we refer to it, for short, as t h e “Erlanger spirit” (see Klein, loc. cit.). Nine plane geometries appear in t h e Cayley-Klein classification. Their relative positions are indicated in the following table.
Table 1 These geometries owe their names to t h e quadratic forms which one chooses to define, for each geometry, a measure of distance (the form is elliptic for the geometries in the first column, parabolic for those in t h e second, a n d hyperbolic for those in t h e third) and a measure of angle (again the form is elliptic for t h e geometries in the first line, parabolic for those in t h e second, a n d hyperbolic for those in t h e third). As we will concentrate (in this section) our attention on geometries in t h e second column, we choose to refer to t h e m by names germane to t h e context of this work. Models for all nine of these geometries obtain as follows. Firstly, for every pair ( t ,z)E IR2, define z t qz,
+ +V h + + + q(tiz2 +
= (ti zi . = ( t i t 2 z=t--z
= +
and q2 to be either -1,O or +l. (The three lines will result from this choice of 7). Note t h a t in all three cases ZZ = t2 - qz2. To distinguish between t h e columns, a notion of “distance” is chosen, namely: 1 zi, z2)} = (Zl - Z2)(% - 4 ) tan2{ -d( 2 (1 ZiZ2)(1+ w 2 )
for the first column, (2b)
d(z1, z2)2 = (I.
- z2)(21 - 2 2 )
for geometries in the second column, and tanh ’{ -d(zl, 1 z2)} = (z1 - z2)(z’1- z2) 2 (1 - ZlZ2)(1 - w 2 ) for the third column. Clearly, t h e geometries of the second column are then characterized among these nine geometries, by t h e requirement t h a t the distance be “additive”; i.e. for colinear points zi,z2 and z3, one has d(zl,z2) d(z2,~3)= d(z1,zs). This is at least a didactic reason for limiting, at first, one’s attention to these geometries. We d o so from now on, and to t h e end of this section. There is, however, an even better reason to d o this. Indeed these three geometries are singled out by the requirement t h a t their group of invariance transformations be given as follows: to each pair
; q--++rlS) with cr,p,a,(EIR and p . p = 1
corresponds a n (“admissible”) transformation defined by
One verifies immediately t h a t these transformations preserve the distance, see (2b) above, i.e. d(il, 2 2 ) = d(zl, z2), so t h a t t h e distance is an invariant; hence, in t h e Erlanger spirit, the distance is a geometrical concept indeed. We first notice t h a t these transformations m a p (ordinary) straight lines into (ordinary) straight lines; hence a straight line is a geometric concept (and it had better be so, since our first reason to single o u t these geometries, namely the distance being additive, did involve the concept of colinearity: we d o n o t want non-geometric concepts to sneak in). We now review and compare these three geometries. The first of these geometries obtains for q2 = -1. We have thus in this case: (44
d(z1, z2)2 = (tl - t 2 ) 2
- .2)2
which is the usual distance in two-dimensional Euclidean geometry. In t h e last two thousand years a lot has been said on this geometry, a n d we shall t h u s limit our comments to noticing t h a t t h e transformation law (3) now reads
+2 =t
. cosa!
+ +
2 .sin a! to sin Q 2 .c o s a + zo with (to,zo) E R2 and a! E [ 0 , 2 ~ ]
2 +! i =-t.
i.e. t h e group of transformations is a semidirect product of R2with S‘, to which one may, or may not, want to add t h e reflections for good measure. The second of the geometries we want to consider obtains when q2 = 0. We have t h u s in this case: d(z1, z2)2 = (ti - t 2 ) 2
which is independent of (zi- s2); hence this notion of distance is degenerate: it produces only a semi-norm IzI G a n d we d o not identify two points zl and z2 for which Izl - z21 = 0. The condition p p = 1, with p = a qu, in t h e transformation law (3) now reads a2 = 1. For simplicity in t h e presentation, we shall ignore central reflections, i.e. a = -1, a n d thus consider only t h a t part of t h e group for which a = +l. T h e transformation law (3) now reads:
which t h u s corresponds to a translation, by ( t o , q ) , preceded by a “shear” along t h e s-direction; t h e latter is best illustrated (see Figure 1) by its effects on an arbitrary straight line through t h e origin. We already noticed that, since (3) is linear, straight lines are transformed into straight lines; there is, however, a new fact: some straight lines (see Figure 2), called “special”, are invariant under t h e homogeneous group of all shears; thus, in the Erlanger spirit, they must have a n absolute geometrical meaning; this will also be given a physical interpretation later on; for t h e moment, let us only remark t h a t under t h e full group (5b) of this geometry, special lines are mapped into special lines. We now define, as in Euclidean geometry, a circle as the loci of all points at equal distance r of a fixed point (to, ZO). Such a circle is represented in Figure 2: c = e , u . e 2 .
Again circles are mapped into circles, so t h a t the notion of a circle is a geometrical concept indeed. It will be used now to define another geometric object: the angle between two lines intersecting at a point ( t o , 2 0 ) . These two lines, of equation
intersect t h e unit circle of radius 1 centered at (to,S O )at t h e points (to f l , sof intercepting segments of Euclidean length (u2 -q). Although t h e concept of Euclidean length does not belong to this geometry, (w2 - ul), does: it is a n invariant under the group of transformations (5b), i.e. (C2 - Cl) = (uZ - ul); this is called the “angle” between t h e two lines. uk),
Another peculiarity of Galilean geometry is t h a t , for each fixed a E IR, t h e family r(a) of curves:
2 :t
1 -a(t - to)2 2
+ uo(t - to) +
parametrized by ( U O , to, 20) E R3, is invariant under t h e group of transformations (5b). Indeed, under any transformation of t h e form
t-d=t+r z + 3 = pt z ( with ( r , () E JR2 and /3 E IR
+ +
t h e curves (7) become
2 : 2 E IR H -a(2 - 2,)2 Co(2 - 2,) 2, 2 with : Co = uo p ; 2, = t o r ; go = pto
+ zo+ (
Note t h a t each of these curves still belongs to I‘(a), with t h e same a !
I Fig. 3
The geometric significance of these special curves results from t h e following computation (see Figure 3). The slope of the straight line .& ( k = 1,2) joining Zk a n d z is given by
so t h a t what, in this geometry, we called t h e “angle” between t h e lines .ti and
.& is given by:
which is independent of z. Hence t h e “special” lines (7) can be defined, in a geometrically invariant manner, as t h e loci of all t h e points z such t h a t the angle between two lines .l1 and .&, issued from two fixed points z1 and z2 is proportional to t h e distance 122 - zll between these two points. This is reminiscent of an alternate definition of t h e circle in Euclidean geometry; accordingly, we shall call cycles the special curves (7); in the same way t h a t the radius r of a circle in Euclidean geometry is a geometric invariant, so is the number a for a cycle in Galilean geometry. Notice also t h a t Figure 3 illustrates t h a t the measure of angles in Galilean geometry is “parabolic” indeed. So much for t h e axiomatic of Galilean geometry. Its physical relevance can be seen as follows. Interpret t h e point ( t , z )as the mark t h a t a n event occurs, at time t , in position z. The distance (5a) between two points measures how
far two events are separated in time; in particular, it is zero if and only if these events are simultaneous. T i m e i s a Galilean absolute, in t h e sense t h a t n o t a word of the preceding sentence is changed by a change of coordinates (5b); this change of coordinates corresponds to the kind of change you make when, instead of looking at whatever there is to be seen of the World when sitting in Lake Wobegon, you decide you would rather describe t h a t same part of the World while driving straight by at constant speed u, and t h a t you choose arbitrarily the origin of space and of time. There, as elsewhere, t h e curves (7) describe uniformly accelerated motions; while your Uncle, sitting in Lake Wobegon, and you passing by, will disagree on t h e value of t h e velocity uo to be introduced in (7), see formula (9), you will both agree, precisely, on t h e value of a: acceleration i s a Galilean invariant, velocity is not-moreover, in contradistinction with what happens in Minkowskian geometry, there is no privileged velocity. However natural the above physical intuition seems to be, it is wrong in its claim on “absolutes”, and it is correct only as a first approximation of what t h e World looks like when seen from relatively slow moving platforms like ships on the sea (Galileo), cars on the highways (our Prairie Home Companion), or even the Earth on its orbit (where it took the Michelson-Morley experiment to observe a measurable departure from this approximation). A better geometry will turn o u t to be t h a t of Minkowski, which we now first approach from t h e Erlanger point of view again. Going back to equations (l),(2b) a n d (3), we saw t h a t q2 = -1 (resp. q2 = 0) corresponds to Euclidean geometry (resp. to Galilean geometry). We now let q2 = +l. T h e distance (2b) becomes d ( q ,2 4 2 = ( t 2 - t J - (s2 - q ) 2
with the R H S taking negative as well as positive values. The condition p p = 1, with p = a qp in the transformation law (3), now reads a2 - p2 = 1 which we can write a = cosh X and p = sinh X, so t h a t (3) becomes
+ +
+ +
t + 2 = t coshX s s i n h X to x + 3 = t sinh X xcosh X 20 with (to, 50) E IR2 a n d X E IR
which makes easy a formal comparison with the Euclidean formula (4b). Upon writing u = tanh X, we can rewrite (12b) as
with ( t o so) , E IR2 and lul
/ \
Fi9.4, Fig.4
which makes tempting a comparison with t h e Galilean formula (5b), especially for 1u1 <( 1. Here, however, we are in search of geometric absolutes, a n d we shall t h u s refrain from any such approximation. We already noticed t h a t , since t h e transformation (3) are linear, straight lines are mapped onto straight lines, so t h a t t h e notion of straight line is a legitimate concept again for t h e Minkowski geometry. We further notice t h a t , given any point zo, t h e loci of all points z such t h a t d(zi,zo) = 0 consists of two 45" straight lines through t h e point 2 0 . These are called t h e null-lines of the geometry (two such lines are pictured as dotted lines in Figure 4). More generally, for every p 2 0 we define two kinds of circles, c+(p, 2 0 )a n d c-(p, zo) centered at a point zo, namely (13)
C*(P,ZO) = {.Id(zl,z0)2 = * P 2 }
pictured in Figure 4f above; notice in particular t h a t the null-lines appear as t h e circle c+(O, 20)= c-(O,zo). Since the distance is an invariant notion, t h e families (14)
r*(d = {C*(P,
E R2}
are geometrically meaningful notions: circles are mapped onto circles of t h e same kind. We say t h a t a straight line t is time-like ( if it is n o t a null-line and if it intersects c+(l, 2 0 ) (resp. c-(l,zo)) for any (and t h u s all) zo E t. This again is a geometrically meaningful notion: time-like lines (resp. space-like lines) are mapped onto time-like lines (resp. space-like lines) by any transformation in (1212). We claim next t h a t t h e Euclidean area is a meaningful (i.e. invariant) notion in Minkowski geometry. To see this, we first notice t h a t t h e two null-lines
through t h e origin suggest t h e change of variables 1 E=-(t+z)
and t h a t under any homogeneous (i.e. zo = 0 = to) transformation in (12c) we have:
so t h a t the Euclidean area is invariant under the homogeneous transformations. Since it is also obviously invariant under the translations, we conclude t h a t t h e Euclidean area is invariant under t h e group of all transformations (12c). We now use this geometric invariant to define t h e angle between two timelike lines (resp. space-like lines), intersecting at 2 0 , as twice the Euclidean area between these two lines and the circle c + ( l , 2 0 ) (resp. c-(l,zo)). This angle is in fact equal to the Minkowski length of the segment they intercept on t h e circle. By invariance, it is sufficient to verify this for the situation described in Figure 5 (the proof being conducted similarly for t h e angle between two space-like lines). For the equations of the line .t and the circle c+(l,O) we have:
We t h u s have, for t h e Minkowski length of t h e segment l”z o n t h e circle:
= tn(t
+ m) = cosh-’
so t h a t
For the Euclidean area of t h e curvilinear triangle Ozl, we have:
A = -1t z - i
dts(t)= k t m - / t d t d m
2 (19)
1 J t d t [dz ( t d t - 2 T ) - 2 d c ] 2 1
2 1
Upon comparing (17) a n d (19), we obtain indeed o u r assertion (20)
cp = 2A
We should remark t h a t n o t only does this relation verify t h a t t h e angle cp is a geometric invariant (since t h e RHS is one, as we have seen), b u t also t h a t it establishes a parallel between this definition of t h e angle with t h a t used in the Galilean case (see Figure 3, and the related discussion, establishing a parallel between t h a t definition and t h e usual definition of angles in Euclidean geometry). This illustrates t h e statement t h a t in Minkowski geometry t h e measure of angles is “hyperbolic”. Moreover, since t h e Euclidean area is obviously an additive concept, t h e angle ( p 2 - p1)between two lines such as the one drawn in Figure 5 is linked to their slopes by t h e formula (see 18):
In particular, we should notice t h a t
a mathematically trivial formula which however translates t h e fundamental postulate of Einstein’s special relativity, namely t h a t t h e velocity of light is t h e same in all reference frames. Let us, however, not be distracted at this point
by interpretative commentaries: we still have one purely geometrical concept which we want to bring out. We still have no measure of angle between a time-like line a n d a space-like line. We actually do not really need one, except for a relation of orthogonality. We obtain the latter as follows (see Figure 6). Let c+(u, 0) be the Minkowski circle, of radius a, centered at 0; zo = ( t o , ZO)E c+(a,O), and (23)
tto - 220 = a2
be the equation of t h e tangent to c+(a, 0) at zo. This is a space-like line t. L e t now l, be the straight line issued from 0 and joining t h e point z E l such t h a t d ( z , 0) be extremal. One verifies easily t h a t z = zo and t h a t (24)
tzo - zto = 0
is the equation of t h e time-like line el. By analogy of this construction with the situation encountered in the Euclidean case, we call tl t h e normal to l at 2 0 . This is clearly a geometrically invariant concept, independent in fact of the circle c+(a’,z’), tangent to l at 2 0 , used to define it. Notice further t h a t all normal pairs (4!,4!,) through zo are obtained from one another by some transformation in t h e group of all transformations in (12c) which leave invariant the point zo, again a geometrically invariant statement; and t h a t t h e null-lines through zo bisect the Euclidean angle between l and t, (compare (23) and (24)). This concludes our study of the elementary geometrical aspects of t h e twodimensional Minkowski space. Its physical relevance is the central import of special relativity, the object of Chapter Five. Let it suffice here to say t h a t , as in the Galilean case, the points in this space are used to track “events”. The language, however, has to be refined since, contrary to t h e Galilean case, there is no geometrically invariant way to single o u t a time axis: time is n o t an absolute, and every time-like line can serve equally well; nor is there a geometrically invariant notion of simultaneity, only a notion of present which comprises all points linked to a fixed zo by space-like lines. Finally, if one measures, within a reference frame ( l ,t,) the velocities u1 and u2 of two timelike lines (interpreted as t h e trajectories of free particles), t h e n their relative velocity is not (up - u1) which is not a geometric invariant, b u t is given by t h e RHS of formula (21), which is a geometric invariant. Section 2. CURVED S P A C E T I M E GEOMETRIES There are several ways to generalize the Minkowski geometry A4’Jdiscussed in the previous section. The most immediate are to increase t h e number of dimensions, and define t h e (n, m)-Minkowski spaces Mnlmas t h e linear spaces IRn+mE (2 = (z1,. . ., En, t’, . . ., tm)lsj, t k E R}
with distance
and invariance group
(Note: we use the convention t h a t , unless explicit mention is made to t h e contrary, whenever indices are repeated in “up” and “down” positions, we sum over them). The Minkowskian geometry M31’ corresponds to t h e space-time of special relativity (see Chapter Five). For general relativity (see Chapter Six) we need to consider geometries M3*’ which “look like M 3 J, b u t only locally”. In t h e six subsections of the present section we survey t h e principal geometric notions which we shall need; all along, a few typical examples will serve as motivations for, and illustrations of these notions; more exotic space-times will be discussed in Chapter Six. a. Differentiable manifolds
The first notion we need is t h a t of a differentiable manifold which allows to give a precise meaning to the expression we used in t h e above paragaph when we said “look like this, b u t only locally”. We approach it as follows. L e t U (resp. V) be a n open subset of t h e real linear space E (resp. F). A m a p cp : U + V is said to be a C’-diffeomorphism whenever: (i) cp is of class C‘ (i.e. is r times continuously differentiable); (ii) cp is a bijection (i.e. is injective and surjective); and (iii) cp-’ is of class C‘. r is a positive integer; we include r = 00; in fact, we will assume in this section t h a t everything in sight is smooth, i.e. C”. This might n o t be t h e most satisfying way to proceed in general, since many interesting results, e.g. in Lie group theory, depend only o n some C’-structure with r < 00; in t h e present context, however, this legerdemain is a harmless time-saving device. Let S be a set, and E be a n-dimensional real linear space. A (local) chart (U,cp) on S is a subset I/ C S and a n injective m a p cp : U + E with p(U) open in E . An atlas A on S is a family of charts {(Ui,cpi)lEi I } on S, such pi) and (Uj,vj) in A t h a t : (i) S = UieI U i ; and (ii) for any two charts (Ui,
'J I E
with U,n Uj # 0 we have (a) pi(Ui n Vj) open in E, and (b) pji G p j o p i ' \ (oi(Uin Uj)is a diffeomorphism (see Figure 1). Two atlases A1 and A2 are said to be equivalent whenever A1 UA2 is again a n atlas. A differentiable structure S on S is an equivalence class of atlases. T h e union As of all atlases in a differential structure S is called the maximal atlas of S, and a chart ( V ,p) E As is called a n admissible (local) chart for 5. W h e n A is a n atlas on S, the equivalence class of atlases to which A belongs is called t h e differentiable structure generated by A. W i t h S a differentiable structure on S, a subset X S is said to be open if for every x E X there is a n admissible chart (V,cp)such t h a t z E U 2 X. When t h e resulting topology is Hausdorff a n d second countable (S,S) is said to be a n-dimensional differentiable manifold. Let (Si,S1) and (S2, SZ) be two differentiable manifolds. A m a p f : S1 + S2 is said to be of class C' if for each x E Si and each admissible chart (V, $) for S2 with f(z)E V, there exists a n admissible chart ( U , p ) for Sl such t h a t 2 E U,p(U) C V and o f o p-'I(o(U) is of class C'. f is said to be a C'-difleomorphisrn if in addition p is a bijection and p-' is also of class C'. Remark 1. For completeness, we briefly recall the bare-bone topological definitions which we used.
i) A topological space (S,0) is a set S together with a collection 0 of subsets of S, called open sets, such that: (a) 0 E 0, S E 0; (b) U , V E 0 implies U n V E 0; a n d (c) for any collection {U,E Old E I} : UiEl Ui E 0. A subset B C S is said to be closed if its complement in S is open. T h e closure X of a n arbitrary subset X C S is t h e smallest closed subset containing X. 0 is said to be a basis ii) W i t h (S,0) a topological space, a collection B if for every U E 0 there exists {U,E B l i E I} such t h a t U = UiE,Ui. T h e topology is said to be second countable if it has countable basis. iii) In t h e above definition of a differentiable manifold, t h e requirement t h a t t h e topology be second countable is equivalent to t h e requirement t h a t (S,S) admit a n atlas with a countable family of local charts. iv) A topological space (S,0) is said to be Hausdorff if a n d only if z,y E S with z # y implies 3 X , Y E 0 such t h a t z E X,y E Y and X n Y = 0.
Remark 2. Some authors require explicitly in their definition of a differentiable manifold t h a t S be a priori given a paracompact (Hausdorff) topological structure. This calls for some commentary and more definitions. i) O n e feature of this requirement is t h a t every paracompact space is normal, i.e. E,H c S, 8 , H closed, a n d EnH = 0 imply 3 X , Y E 0 such t h a t E C X, H C Y,and X n Y = 0. Hence this requirement appears as a strengthening of the condition t h a t S be Hausdorff. ii) Paracompactness (to be defined below) often comes naturally: every second countable, locally compact Hausdorff space is paracompact. iii) With (S,0) a topological space, a covering of S by open subsets is a family 3 = {K E 0li E I} such t h a t UiEl V;. = S. (S,0) is said to be compact if in every covering 3 of S by open sets one can select a finite subcovering 5 of S (by open sets). iv) For an arbitrary subset A of a topological space (S,0) t h e relative topology of A is the topology the open subsets of which are OA = { U n AIU E 0). v) A topological space (S,0 ) is said to be locally compact if for every z E S, 3U E 0 such t h a t 2 E U ,(U,@) is compact (where U is t h e closure of U , i.e. the smallest subset of S which contains U and t h e complement of which is open). vi) W i t h our definition of a differentiable manifold, (S,0 ) is locally compact. Indeed, let z E S, (U,'p) be a chart with z E U.Since p ( U ) C R" 3 W c R" such t h a t 'p(z) E W 'p(U),W open and VV compact; then with V = 'p-'(W) and = cplV : (V,$J)is a chart. Since 'p is continuous, V is open and V compact. vii) For completeness, recall now w h a t is meant by paracompactness. L e t S be a set, {UalLY E A } (resp. {Kli E I}) be a covering of S. {UalLY E A } is said to be a refinement of {Kli E I} if for every LY E A 3 i E I such t h a t U, C 6. A covering {U,( aE A } of a topological space (S,0) is said to be locally finite if for every z E S 3 U E 0 with z E U and # { a E AIUn Ua # 0) < 00. A topological space (S,0 ) is said to be paracompact whenever (S,0 )is Hausdorff $J
and every covering of S by open sets has a locally finite refinement by open sets. viii) The requirement t h a t a differentiable manifold be paracompact is important in t h a t it guarantees the existence of partitions of unity, t h e later being essential for the definition of t h e integral. ix) The reason, apparently, why some authors want to assume paracompactness is t h a t they d o not want to assume second countable (e.g. IR"+'= IR X IR"with A = {V = 2 X IR",p(s,y) = y l x E IR} is a n-dimensional manifold which is not second countable; we shall n o t need to consider such p e r ve r se situations). We now give five examples of differentiable manifolds; these will be used throughout this section to illustrate, or to motivate, the notions which we will introduce. Example 1. MnJwith t h e differentiable structure generated by the trivial atlas generated by the identity map cp : M"J --t IRn+'.
+ +
Example 2. S" = {z E IR"+'J(z')~ . . . (z"+')~= p2} ( p > 0), with t h e differentiable structure generated by t h e atlas consisting of two charts obtained by stereographic projections relative to two different points N E S". One of these charts is pictured in Figure 2; notice p is defined on S \ {N}. Remark t h a t the topology defined by this differentiable structure coincides with t h e relative topology which S" inherits as a subset of IR"+'.
Fig, 2
Fig. 3
+ +
Example 3. H" = {z E M " J ~ ( z ' ) ~ . . . ( z " ) ~- (zn+l )2 = -p" ; z"+' > O } ( p > 0) with differentiable structure generated by t h e projection cp : (z',. . ., z",zn+') E HnH (z',. . .,5") E R".See Figure 3. Example 4. ht?' f {z E M"+'J' I(z")~ ... ( x " ) ~ ( ~ " + l )= ~ + p 2 } ( p > 0) with the differentiable structure generated by t h e atlas consisting of two charts of the type pictured in Figure 4. Notice t h a t , as for S" two such charts are needed since we want the maps to be injective. Example 5. M".' {z E M " I ~ I ( Z ~ .),~. ( z " ) ~- (z"+')~- ( z " + ~ )= ~ - p ' } ( p > 0) with the differentiable structure generated by t h e atlas consisting of two charts of the type pictured in Figure 5. (Same remark as for Example 4). Let us briefly look at these five manifolds from t h e Erlanger point of view taken in the previous section, i.e. let us examine t h e groups acting on them. We denote by P",' t h e group of all transformations (16) of M " J . I t contains two subgroups of interest to us. Firstly, t h e abelian ( n 1)-parameter group of translations { z + 2 = z zolzo E M"J} which acts transitively and
+ +
+ +
Fig. 4
/ F4.5 freely on AdnJ, i.e. for every pair (zI,z~) of elements in MnJ there exists exactly one element zo E T"1' such t h a t 22 = z1 Z O ; hence one can identify M"]'and T"J as linear spaces. Secondly, PnJ contains as a subgroup t h e in(. 1)-parameter group L"!' of homogeneous transformations { z + 3 = Az with (Az)' = Aizj 1 gj&A! = st,,,}. We can t h u s define a n action A : z E T"1' + Az E T"1' of L"1' on T"J',which preserves t h e group structure of T " J . Furthermore, the notation (Ao, 2 0 ) [z] = Aoz zo shows t h a t one can write uniquely every element in PI' in the form (Ao, zo) with A. E L"J a n d zo E TnJ. Moreover, (Ai, zi)[(Ao, zo)[zII = ( A i l zi)[Ao[z] +zo] = (AiAo[z] + A ~ [ z o ]+zi) = (A1Ao,Al[zo] 21)[2] Vz E M " J , i.e.
which (by definition) equips P i'with t h e structure of a semi-direct product, a ' t h e structure of t h e namely of T"" by L",'. This thus carries over to P h(n+l)(n+2)-parameter Euclidean group En+'of all rigid motions in IR"+': this group is indeed t h e semi-direct product of t h e translation group R"+'by t h e rotation group On+'.In t h e same way as the space R"+'can be regarded as t h e quotient space E"+'/O"+', so can one regard M"J as the space of cosets P"~'/L"~';hence M"",like R"+',is a homogeneous manifold. Geometrically, this means t h a t the group PnJacts transitively on M"!'(i.e. given any pair ( 5 , z ) of points in M",', there exits g E P"t' such t h a t g[z] = z ) , a n d t h a t t h e (i.e. the subgroup of all transformations in stabilizer of any point z E P",'for which z is a fixed point) is isomorphic to L"". All five of the examples given above are particular in t h e sense t h a t they all share this structure, b u t there are instructive differences too. We summarize t h e situation in Table 1. M"1'
Homogeneous manifold [dimension]
Table 1 This suggests t h a t S" and H" locally resemble IR" (these homogeneous '.; and M?' locally manifolds all have 0" as stabilizer group); and t h a t M resemble (these homogeneous manifolds all have L"1' as stabilizer group). The remainder of this section can be viewed as a n exploration of these analogies, leading to t h e general concepts of Riemann a n d Lorenta geometries. To do this, we will need a (pseudo-)metric, a n d to formulate this, we will need t h e notion of tangent vector. M"1'
b. Tangent bundle
While the notion of a tangent vector is quite intuitive when t h e manifold
M" is embedded in R"+l, we will need (in Chapter Six) a n intrinsic definition,
i.e. one which does not depend on t h e existence of an embedding of M" in IR"+'; this we now proceed to give. Let M" be a n-dimensional differentiable manifold, and z be a point in M". A (smooth) curve 7 in M" through z is a (P-) m a p 7 : t E I H r(t)E M" where I is an open interval in R, a n d $ t o ) = x for some t oE I . Let 7k : Ik -+ M" be two curves through z,and let (U, p) be an admissible chart with x E U. Consider then (see Figure 6) the two curves p o r k : I -+ R" in IR" through ( ~ ( x )where , I is some open interval I IR with t o E I C It n I2 such t h a t 7 k ( t ) E L l V t E I . We say t h a t these two curves are tangent to one another at p(x) whenever
With 7k (k = 1,2) t h e same curve in A" as above, let (V,11,) be another admissible chart, with x E V. Let then 11, o 7k be defined in t h e same manner as we did for ( p o r k . Since x = po$-'J$(UnV) is a diffeomorphism +or: are
tangent to one another at $(z)if a n d only if p07' are tangent to one another at p(z). Hence this property belongs to the pair of curves (71,72) a n d does not p) or (V, $). We refer to it by depend on the choice of the special charts (U, saying t h a t 71 and 72 are t a n g e n t at z E M". This property is clearly a n equivalence relation. An equivalence class (, of mutually tangent curves through 2 E M" is said to be a t a n g e n t vector to M" at z. The name "vector" is justified by t h e fact t h a t t h e tangent space T M ; = {&}, of M" at z, inherits canonically from IR" t h e structure of a n-dimensional linear space through any (and t h u s all) admissible chart (U, cp) with z E V . (This statement looks intuitively trivial; nevertheless, the reader ought to write o u t its proof). T h e collection
is called the tangent bundle of M. I t is n o t a linear space, b u t it comes naturally equipped with the structure of a 2n-dimensional differentiable manifold. Indeed, for every admissible chart (V, cp) for M",let (6)
: (, E u x IR" [ TM"] (cp(z), (2) E cp(V) x
IR" [C R"x
One checks t h a t {(V X R",a))I(U,cp) E A(M")} is a n atlas for TM" and t h u s defines on it a structure of 2n-dimensional differentiable manifold. The m a p A : & E TM" t+ z E M" is called t h e canonical projection of TM" onto M". In this sense (TM",?r)is a vector bundle, with base Mn and fiber IR". W i t h (TMP)' e'R"' denoting t h e Cartesian product of k: copies of TMP, we define similarly t h e (k l)n-dimensional manifold
u (TMO)'
which is a vector bundle, with base
M" and fiber R"'
c. Riemannian and Lorentrian metrics
Let H be a real, n-dimensional linear space, a n d let 8' denote its dual. A ( r ,8)-tensor T on H is a multilinear m a p T : (B*)' X HE + IR.Let 7i(H) denote t h e linear space of all (r,s)-tensors on 8. L e t now M" be a n n-dimensional differentiable manifold, and let
be equipped with t h e differentiable structure i t naturally inherits as a vector bundle with base M" and fiber IR('+')". Note t h a t TM", t h e tangent bundle
of M", can be identified with 7t(M"). We write T'M" for 7!(Mn) a n d we call this t h e cotangent bundle of M". A (smooth) (r, s)-tensor field T on M" is a (C'"-) map
T : z E M" --t T, E 7C(M") with T, E TC(TMP) V z E
In particular, a (0,1)-tensor field is called a one-form. A (0,2)-tensor T o n (,( E H; it is said to be non-degenerate if T(E,c) = 0 V 5 E E implies = 0. T h e index I of a non-degenerate symmetric (0,2)-tensor T is t h e integer
H is said to be s y m m e t r i c if T ( e , ( ) = T ( ( , f ) V
= max(dim H ) where HES S = {If subspace of E I T J Hnegative definite } I
A (O,2)-tensor field T on M" is said to be symmetric (resp. non-degenerate) if T, is symmetric (resp. non-degenerate) V z E M". A m e t r i c on Mn is a symmetric non-degenerate (O,2)-tensor field g o n M" such t h a t t h e index I, of gz is t h e same I for all z E M". (M",g) is said to be a R i e m a n n i a n manifold if n 2 1 and I = 0; (M",g) is said to be a Lorentzian manifold if n 2 2 and I = 1. The distinction between these two types of manifolds is essential. We shall see t h a t the mathematics-and t h e physics-of Lorentsian manifolds are quite different from t h a t of Riemannian manifolds. T h e concepts of Riemannian geometry are an invention of the mid-Nineteenth Century; they provide a very useful tool for the study of non-relativistic mechanics. It is only half a century later t h a t Einstein's theory of relativity informed t h e concept of Lorentzian manifolds; their study is not j u s t an extension of w h a t had been done in t h e Riemannian case: new concepts are necessary. We first illustrate with the five examples discussed earlier in this section how these geometries d o occur, and w h a t they look like. To see this better, we introduce local coordinates. A n-dimensional differentiable manifold M" is given. Let 3(M") be t h e linear space of t h e real-valued, smooth functions on M". For every f E 3(M") define the 1-form: d df : Fz E TM" df,(&) (7(t))lt=0 where 7 : t E I I+ 7(t) E M" satisfies 7(O) = z and 7 E (,
Choose now: (i) a point zo E A"; (ii) a local chart (U,p) with zo E U a n d = 0; and (iii) a basis {eilj = 1 , 2 , . . .n} in IR". Define t h e n functions (with j = 1 , 2 , . . ., n):
(i.e. ~ ( x = ) d e j ) ; these are smooth, so t h a t we can use (10) to define the n 1-forms dx' on U. Let further, for every x E U,(Er)j be the equivalence class of the curve: 7 j
t EI
(aj .)z
(12) Define then t h e action (13)
*)z :
f E y(u)
+t e j )
on 7 ( U )by: (8jf)z
d f z ( ( E z ) j )E
One then verifies that: ( a j f ) z = aj(f0 ~-')lp(z)
where the RHS indicates the usual partial derivative with respect to the j-th variable in the function f o p-' : Rn+ R;moreover: k
d x k ( ( E z ) j )= 6 j
d f , = (6'jf)zdd
In such local coordinates, a metric g on M", as defined previously, will take t h e form g : X E M"
= (gz)jk d d @ d z k
where [ ( g . ) j k ] is a smooth function from M" t o the algebra of all n X n symmetric and invertible matrices. We denote by [ ( g z ) j k ] the inverse of the matrix [(gJjk]. We are now ready to have a closer look at the analogies we noticed from Table 1. In line with formula (la) and ( l b ) in the beginning of this section, an invariant metric on M"tm will be given by
Hence IR" M"io becomes a Riemann manifold, and Mnil becomes a Lorenta manifold. We now observe how these metrics restrict on the embedded manifolds S", H", M ;' and MY'. S" is embedded in IR"+'. A change of local coordinates in R"+'will help; consider: = p cos e1 cos
x2 = ~
e2 cos e3. - . cos en
S ~ ~ ~ ~ C O ~ ~ ~ C O S B ~ . . . C O S ~ ~
x3 = p sin e2 cos e3. + cos . en x"+l
= psin en n+1
p2 =
j= 1
in which t h e Riemann metric on Rn+' takes t h e form
with n
gsn = p2
n n
8']dek @ dek
k=l j=k+l
from which we conclude t h a t Sn shares with Rn the property of being a Rie man n man if01d. H" is embedded in WJ'.The local change of variables
xi = p sin h X cos 8' . . cos On-' xn = p sin h X sin en-' , p + i = pcosh X n
(d)2- ( ~ " + l ) = ~ -p2
allows to rewrite t h e Lorenta metric o n M"8' in t h e form: (22)
= gHn - dp @ dp
with (23)
= p2{sinh2 X
k=l j = k + l
cos2 8J]dek@ dOk
+ dx @ A}
We conclude, therefore, t h a t H" also shares with S" the property of being a Riemannian manifold, and this in spite of t h e fact t h a t it is embedded in a Lorentaian manifold. Two incidental remarks may be in order. Firstly, a comparison of (23) and (20) shows t h a t , as suggested in Figure 3, Sn-' with its Riemann structure is embedded in H". Secondly, H&1 is t h e hyperbolic geometry constructed by Gauss, Lobachevski and Bolyai, and is isomorphic as a Riemann manifold to t h e Poincard-half plane, i.e. H 2 E ((2,y) E R21y > 0) with g = y-2 (dz @ dz dy @ dy). .M$' is embedded in Mn+lJ. The local change of variables
z0=pcoshr.COS8'...C0SOn (24)
xn = pcosh r sin 8" z"+l = psinh r n
x(d)2 - ( z " + ~ )= ~ p2 j=O
allows us to rewrite t h e Lorenta metric on Mn+'J in the form
We conclude, therefore, t h a t M?' shares with MnJ the property of being a Lorentzian manifold. A comparison between (26) and (20) exhibits the embedding of S",with its Riemannian structure] into the Lorentaian manifold M;' (see also Fig. 4). We shall study this manifold later on again since it played a n important role in the early days when the ideas of general relativity were first applied t o cosmology. M!!? is embedded in Mnt2.Here again a local change of variables will make more explicit the nature of the manifold under study. Consider indeed
x1 = p c o s s . sinh X . cost)'. . cos On-'
z" = p cos r sinh X . sin On-' zn+l = p c o s s . cosh X z " + ~= psin s n
(d)2- ( z " + ~ ) ~ (zn+2)2 = -p2
j= 1
In this system of coordinates, the metric (17) of Mni2takes the form
with n-1
(29) gM1.1 = p2(cos2 r{sinh2
x C[
cos2 e j ] d e k ~ d e k + d ~ ~ ~ } - - d ~ @ ' d s )
k = l j=k+l
Hence , ':M like M?", shares with Mnil the property of being a Lorenta manifold. Again, the reader will notice t h a t a comparison of (29) and (23) shows how, as suggested by Figure 5, H" with its Riemann structure, is embedded in the Lorenta manifold MY'. After these computations, we should pause an instant, and remark t h a t the metric structure is, first of all, a local concept. Looking back at Table 1, we should, therefore] not be surprised t h a t the three Riemannian (resp. have the Lorentzian) manifolds IR",Sn and Hn (resp. Mnal, M?' and)':M
same stabilizer group, namely 0" (resp. I!,"#'). T h e stabilizer of these manifolds M thus t u r n s o u t to be a property of t h e tangent space TM, to t h e manifold at an arbitrary point x E M ; notice further t h a t g, is a tensor on TM,. In other words, the Euclidian space Rn (resp. t h e Minkowski space M " J ) , together with its metric, can be identified with TM, for t h e Riemannian manifolds R", S" and H" (resp. the Lorentaian manifolds M " J , M?' and M".'). These three examples also suggest to ask the question of w h a t distinguishes from one another the three manifolds R", S" a n d H", or t h e three manifolds Mnil, and M?'. In one case as in the other, the answer will be seen to be t h a t their respective curvature is zero, positive or negative. The next geometric object we will have to produce is therefore a scalar which measures in an intrinsic manner t h e variation of g, in t h e immediate neighbourhood of a point zo E M. As we proceed along this route we will also encounter another notion of fundamental importance: the concept of a geodesic, and behind it t h a t of a connection. d. Levi-Cevita connection A (smooth) vector field ( on a differentiable manifold M , i.e. a (C'"-) map:
is (1,O)-tensor field
6: x E M
(, E
T M with
(, E TM,
(Note t h a t the condition [, E TM, can be rewritten A o [ = id, where 7r : TM + M is t h e canonical projection defined in subsection b above). Let U(M) denote the collection of all (smooth) vector fields o n M and 3 ( M ) denote the collection of all (smooth) real-valued functions on M . Clearly (, ( E U(M) and f,g E 3 ( M ) imply t h a t (31)
+ g(x)sz E T M
is again a vector field on M;this equips U(M) with the structure of a n 3(N)module. A c o n n e c t i o n on M is a (smooth) m a p
D : ( L S ) E T M x V ( M ) H D(€,f)E T M such t h a t V x E M,V E , 6' E TM,,V s, S' E V(M),V a E IR, and V f E 3(M), we (324
Note: (32c-f) imply t h a t D is IR-bilinear. (32f) implies t h a t if f a n d 5' coincide o n a neighbourhood of 5 , then D((,s) = D ( ( , s') i.e. D ( ( , .) is a local operator. (32g) only expresses a smoothness property of D . A t fixed ( E T M , t h e m a p
is called the covariant derivative with respect to f ; if ( is a vector field, then the vector field Vcf is called t h e covariant derivative of $ along I . These definitions are coordinate-free, i.e. independent of any choice of coordinate system; in t h e physics literature they are often replaced by coordinate dependent definitions where the fundamental objects are t h e Christoffel symbols rfk which emerge from t h e above definitions as follows. Making use of the identification (13) we write Q = ('(z)d, and introduce t h e notation:
Let us briefly check t h a t , given t h e system of coordinates chosen to define them, these symbols are sufficient to compute the connection in t h e given chart. We have indeed (upon using t h e definition (32)):
An important aspect of a general connection is t h e following result. Given a differentiable manifold M, a smooth curve 7 : I + A, a n open set U in M with 7(I)C U ,and a connection D on U ;let ( = 7 ; t , to and t'o E I ; then t h e linear differential equation
admits a unique solution s*t) which defines a linear isomorphism
called t h e parallel transport associated to the connection D, along 7, from 7(to)to ~ ( t )Furthermore .
It is important to realize t h a t , in general, the parallel transport depends on the curve along which it is defined, and not only on t h e end points. T h e
difference between c7 and can even be used to measure t h e curvature of t h e connection considered. As an illustration, we compare in Figure 7 two parallel transports for a particular connection-the Levi-Cevita connection to be defined below-resulting from two different paths o n S2. For t h e benefit of t h e experimentally inclined .mind, we should remark t h a t for any smooth surface C2 in IR3, the parallel transport resulting from t h e Levi-Cevita connection is precisely t h a t transport which is obtained by rolling, without twisting, C2 along 7 over R2and lifting, all along, from IR2 to C2,the parallel tangent vectors in I R ~ . A geodesic is defined as a curve along which its tangent vector is parallel transported: analytically, this means t h a t a curve 7 : I + M is a geodesic for the connection D whenever (i) D is defined on some open set N M with 7 ( I ) C 4, and (ii) D ( q J j )= 0. In local coordinates this equation reads (see (34) for the definition of the Christoffel symbols rX): (7t
In Euclidean geometry, where G 0 as we shall soon see, this reduces to t h e equation of a straight line. A differentiable manifold M equipped with a connection D is said to be geodesically complete whenever for every geodesic 7 : t E I H 7 ( t )E M there exists a geodesic 7 : t E JR,+ 7(t)E M such t h a t 711 = 7 . While geodesic
Fig. 7
completeness is a n attractive feature, we must point o u t t h a t several spacetime models of traditional cosmological interest a r e not geodesically complete; for instance, the Schwarzschild space-times are not geodesically complete (see Chapter Six). Whether geodesic incompleteness is a law of nature, or simply a misleading feature of current models and theories, is a question best left open. Anticipating on our next step, we should, nevertheless, mention here t h a t all the examples considered so far in this section are geodesically complete when equipped with their Levi-Cevita connection. Up to this point, the basic definitions of a connection and of t h e allied notion of geodesics were formulated on a n arbitrary differentiable manifold M, independently of whether or not M was endowed with a metric g. We now bring the two structures together. A connection D on a Lorentzian (resp. Riemannian) manifold (M,g) is said to be compatible with g whenever the following two conditions are satisfied for all E, Q, E U(M):
where [ E , q ] , called t h e Lie bracket of through its action on f(M), by:
6 and
7, is t h e vector field defined,
This composition law satisfies t h e two properties (43)
(43) is referred to by saying t h a t t h e Lie bracket is antisymmetric, a n d (44) by saying t h a t it satifies t h e Jacobi identity. (41)is t h e condition t h a t t h e connection D be symmetric; certain authors properly omit it in t h e definition of compatibility: throughout this work, however, it will systematically be assumed to hold. PROPOSITION. Let ( M , g ) be a Lorentzian (resp. Riemannian) manifold. Then there exists ezactly one connection D on M compatible with g .
This unique connection is called t h e Levi-Cevita connection of g. T h e proof of this proposition is instructive and we t h u s reproduce it below. Uniqueness: Since a connection is determined locally by its Christoffel symbols, we first compute these and show t h a t they are uniquely determined by
g . Let { a j l j = 1,. . ., n } , where n is t h e dimension of A, be a local coordinate system in TMlU where U is the domain of t h e local chart considered. We first notice t h a t [a,, aj] = 0; indeed for all f E 3(U): [a,, a j ]f = a i a j f - a j & f = 0 . Consequently, t h e definition of t h e Christoffel symbols a n d the assumed symmetry of D imply: k rij
= rji V a, j , k = 1,.. .,n
From the compatibility condition (40) we have:
and, by a cyclic permutation of the indices a, j , k: (47b)
t gti - r j i g k t +
Upon adding (47a), (47b) and (47c) taking into account t h a t g is a symmetric tensor field, and the symmetry (45) of the Christoffel symbols, we find:
and thus, upon defining [gik] by:
we find: (50)
rtck 1 it a. . - 5 9 ( &k
which is t h e result announced in the first sentence of t h e proof. Uniqueness is thus established. Moreover, this explicit formula will be most useful in computations. The coordinate-free analog of this formula, obtained similarly by playing off symmetry against cyclic permutations is 1
0 = #€, 7,s) with A(<, 7,s) = &7(71, s) + €1 - w(€,‘1) - 9(<, h,sl) + 9(% [s,
Since t h e expression of A does n o t involve D,a n d since g is non-degenerate, this formula indeed determines D uniquely from g. Ezistence: Given g, we can write down A as in (51) and use t h e argument just given to define D. One then has to prove t h a t D is a connection o n M. This is done by checking first t h e following properties of A which follow in a straightforward manner from the linearity (over IR)of g a n d t h e Lie bracket, and from the symmetry of g coupled with properties (43) and (44) of t h e Lie bracket
5EV M )
A(€,PI, 0 E 3 ( M )
is a l-form. Since g is non-degenerate, there exists then a vector field, depending on and rl, and denoted D ( ( , q ) such t h a t
We have, therefore, obtained a map
satisfying all t h e conditions (32); specifically (32c) and (32d) follow from (52)) (32e) from (57), (32f) from (56). Moreover, D satisfies (41) which follows from (54)) a n d (40) which follows from (53). (Note t h a t (55) was used in proving t h a t (58) is a 1-form). 0 Let 7 be any curve in M,qo and (0 E TMd0);define qt (resp. ft) t h e parallel transport (see (36)), with respect to t h e Levi-Cevita connection, of 70 (resp. (0) along 7; upon writing 7(t)for F in (40), one obtains g7(t)(qt,Ct) = gdO)(qo,fo), i.e. angles are preserved b y Levi-Cevita parallel transport. If 7 is moreover a geodesic, then g d t ) ( j ( t ) qt) , is itself constant in t. The metric of the manifolds IR" and M"il, when expressed in Cartesian coordinates (see (17)) is independent of z E M. Hence, see (50),t h e Christoffel symbols of t h e Levi-Cevita connection identically vanish, so t h a t (see (39)) t h e geodesics are straight lines with constant 7. Upon using t h e explicit form of t h e metric for S2 (resp. H2,M y and ML') given in (20) (resp. (23), (26), and (29)), and formula (50), t h e reader will
verify by straightforward computations t h a t t h e only non-vanishing Christoffel symbols of t h e Levi-Cevita connection are for
s2 : r:l ri2
= sin o2 . cos o2 = 1 =-tan8
.My :
= sinh 7 .cosh r =
r&= t a n h r
~ 5: rix ’ = -sin7
- -t a n r - Ar From these expressions, one can solve the non-linear differential equations (39) to compute the explicit form of the geodesics: for each one of these four manifolds the geodesics t u r n out to be the plane curves obtained as t h e intersection of the manifold considered with an arbitrary plane passing through the origin of the embedding space. To see this without gruelling computation, notice first t h a t since each of these manifolds M is homogeneous, it is sufficient to find all geodesics through a well-chosen point zo E M, a n d then use t h e fact t h a t there exists an element A in the symmetry group of M (see Table 1) such t h a t A [ x o ]= x ; it then follows from the compatibility condition of t h e Levi-Cevita connection with the metric t h a t every geodesic through x is t h e image through A of a geodesic through X O . For instance, by choosing xo to lie on the “equator” in case of S2, at t h e bottom of the hyperboloid H 2 , or on the “bottle-neck” in the cases of M y ,one verifies easily (using the stabilizer of X O ) t h a t all geodesics through xo satisfy indeed t h e announced property. This property is finally carried over to x = A [ x o ]since A, considered as a transformation of the embedding space, is linear and thus: (i) leave the origin invariant, and (ii) maps straight lines onto straight lines and hence planes onto planes. In particular, the reader will check t h a t all null-geodesics of M y are straight lines: they are t h e generators of these ruled surfaces. Looking back at (61), (63) and (64) the reader will further notice t h a t there is a point in t h e corresponding manifolds where all Christoffel symbols vanish. Since the Christoffel symbols depend on the coordinate system in which they are expressed, this fact should tell us something, not about t h e manifold, b u t rather about the coordinate system. This is indeed t h e case, as t h e following result shows. SCHOLRIM. Let M be a n-dimensional differentiable manifold; D be a connection o n M, and x be a n arbitrary point an M. T h e n there exists a local coordinate system around x such that the Christoffel symbols of D, when expressed in this coordinate system all vanish simultaneously at x. rA
The essential steps of t h e proof can be sketched as follows. O n e first remarks t h a t if 7 : t E ( - u , b ) 4 7(t) E M is a geodesic with $0) = z,a n d if X E IR with X # 0, then 7~ : t E (-a/X,b/X) + 7(Xt) E M is again a geodesic with rX(0) = z. O n e then verifies t h a t there exists a n open V C T M , with 0 E V such t h a t for all ( E V there exists a n open interval I 2 [0,1] with 7 , : t E I .--t 7,(t) E M a geodesic satisfying 7,(O) = z and j , ( O ) = (. After defining exp, : ( E V H rS(l)E M, one verifies t h a t for all X E [0,1] and all E V, exp,(X() = 7,(X) a n d in particular exp,(O) = 5. One can moreover choose V small enough so t h a t the geodesics issued from z d o not intersect in exp,(V) e U ,i.e. so t h a t exp, is injective. I t is t h e n easy to check t h a t (U, exp;') is a n admissible local chart. L e t finally {eili = 1, . . ., n} be a basis in T M , and ( E V. O n e can then identify y = exp, ( E U with ((l, . . ., 5") E IR" (where ( = ('ei). T h e {('la = 1,.. ., n } are called t h e geodesic coodinates of ( with respect to {eili = 1,.. .,n}.For t h e geodesic 7,(t) = exp,(t(), one has then 7,(t)' = t(' so t h a t j,(O>i = and +j,(0)i = 0. Consequently, the geodesic equation (39) reduces, at t = 0 i.e. at 5, to I'$$i(k = 0. Since ( is arbitrary in V, this implies I:'k = 0 at z. 0
For reasons which 'should be obvious from the above demonstration, a coordinate system satisfying the conclusion of t h e Scholium is said to be a geodesic system of local coordinates; i t is also said to be normal. T h e reader will have noticed t h a t t h e above scholium is valid for any connection, not just the LeviCevita connection: t h e above argument did not involve any metric notion; notice also t h a t the scholium only asserts existence, not uniqueness (which would obviously be wrong).
e. Tensorial expressions of curvature Recall t h a t we introduced the notion of a connection right after we had asked the question of what distinguishes from one another the three Riemann !)' and My'. manifolds R",S" or H", or the three Lorenta manifolds M " J , M We merely announced t h e answer: their "curvature" being zero, positive or negative. We are now ready to formalize this with the help of t h e Levi-Cevita connection D uniquely associated to t h e metric g of the manifold considered. To define a tensor, starting with a connection D : V ( M ) X U ( M ) + U(M) we first have to overcome the fact t h a t D is not linear over 3 ( M ) in its second variable: see (32 f). The most immediate way to achieve this is to define t h e
This, however, is not interesting for us, since we decided to consider only torsion-free (i.e. symmetric) connections: see (41). O u r next step in this direction is to define the curvature operator of a (symmetric) connection D as a map which assigns to each ordered pair (9,s) E V(M) X V(M) a n operator hSc defined by:
Consider now the map
From its definition, one checks easily that:
R is additive in each of its variables
A straightforward computation further shows t h a t
R is linear over 3 ( M ) in each of its variables, i.e. f R ( t ,9 , s) = 7, r) = R(t, f9,s) = 7,ff)
" 9
With LY a one-form on M , and < , q , $ E V ( M ) one verifies t h a t a ( R ( ( , q , ( ) ) evaluated at z E M depends only o n t h e value of a, q , $ at z,and t h a t
is smooth. From (69) and (70) we conclude then t h a t (71a) defines a (1,3)tensor field on M. This tensor field, denoted by R in t h e sequel, is called
the Riernann curvature tensor of t h e connection D. When a local system of coordinates is introduced, we have:
In terms of t h e Christoffel symbols of t h e connection D, this reads
From the antisymmetry (68) one obtains immediately
The reader will notice t h a t t h e antisymmetry (72b) is manifest in (71c). To review the definitions, let us perform explicitly at least one straightforward computation:
and thus, upon using t h e Jacobi identity (44):
i.e. (73b)
OR'. v k -0
(where i$ means: summation over all cyclic permutations of t h e indices (i,j , k)). (73), in either form (a) or (b), is called the first Bianchi identity. T h e reader
will certainly want to check (73b) independently, starting from (71c). There is a second Bianchi identity which we shall see when we have t h e concept of t h e covariant derivative of a tensor; see indeed (90) below. Since R is a (1,3)-tensor, one can contract it to obtain a (0,2)-tensor. Specifically, for every z € M", let {eili = 1,.. ., n } be a basis in TM2, and {eili = 1 , . . ., n } be the dual basis in TM1; define then t h e (0,2) Ricci tensor Ric by:
In coordinates, this reads:
As a consequence of the first Bianchi identity, we have
Hence t h e Ricci tensor is, in general, not symmetric. Notice, however, t h a t in our discussion of the curvature tensor of a connection D, we did not yet assume t h a t the connection D was associated to a metric, although we used t h a t it was symmetric. We now introduce the metric g, a n d assume t h a t D is its Levi-Cevita connection. We can then define a (0,4)-tensor by:
The antisymmetry relation (72) trivially implies
The compatibility condition (40) then gives:
One easy way to see this is to use t h e scholium of subsection d a n d to compute Rtijk in geodesic coordinates, using (71c) a n d (50); notice t h a t t h e following holds only at t h e origin of t h e coordinate system so chosen:
i.e. (79)
= s(ajaigkf - ajatgki - akaigjc
We have, therefore, t h a t t h e tensor (&ijk &jk) vanishes at t h e origin of our geodesic coordinate system. Since, however, we are talking a b o u t a tensor, this relation is valid in all coordinate systems with t h e same origin. Since furthermore this origin is arbitrary, we have indeed proven (78b) in all generality, and thus (78a) as well. Another look at (79) shows similarly t h a t : (804
q, 0 = R(q, f , E,
T h e antisymmetry relation (78) can further be used to show:
i.e. (81b)
and t h u s (see 75):
Hence the Ricci tensor associated t o the Levi-Cevita connection is sym-
metric. Upon denoting by (1,1)-tensor
inverse of t h e matrix [(gz)jk] we can define t h e
(RicA))f = g"(Ric),k
and contract it to obtain the Ricci scalar (84)
= RicA(cf,el) e (RicA))tE 3 ( M )
The scalar K = S / n ( n - 1) is often referred to as the scalar curvature of (M,9 ) . (M,g) is then said to be of zero scalar curvature (resp. Ricci-flat, a n d
flat) whenever S = 0 (resp. Ric e 0, and R = 0).
With the help of the objects just defined we can now discriminate between t h e manifolds IR", S" and H", and between t h e manifolds Mnil, M?', a n d
In the cases of IR" and M"J we saw t h a t the Christoffel symbols vanish identically; these two manifolds are therefore flat, and hence Ricci flat and of zero scalar curvature. In the cases of S2, H 2 , M y and ML1 we have computed t h e explicit form of t h e Christoffel symbols (see 61-64). T h e reader will now notice t h a t t h e only non-vanishing components of t h e Riemann tensor of any two-dimensional = -R1221 = R2121 = -R2il2; furthermore, one has then manifold are R12~2 Ric= 39s. W i t h these informations at hand, t h e reader will verify t h a t S is constant over each of t h e four manifolds under scrutiny: for S2 and (resp. H 2 and A!?) S = +2pW2 (resp. S = -2p2). For general n > 2, t h e manifolds S", H",Mn-'" + and M"--'*' are still homogeneous n-dimensional manifolds, so t h a t S will again be constant over each of these manifolds. Moreover, one can show (see Chapter Six) t h a t , due to the homogeneity of these manifolds, t h e (0,2)-tensors Ric a n d g are proportional; in fact, Ric = kSg. Choosing now a coordinate system, t h e ambitious reader will verify explicitly t h a t S = n(n-l)p-2 for S" and MT-"', and S = -n(n - l ) ~ for - ~ H" and We have, therefore, found local geometric notions which allow to distinguish between the manifolds proposed as examples throughout this section. Moreover, since the definitions were independent of t h e fact t h a t the manifolds were homogeneous, these tools will be useful for t h e study of manifolds beyond those discussed in our simple examples. To decide, however, in which direction to go, we will need some guiding physical principles. These will be t h e object of Chapter Six.
f. Covariant and exterior derivatives
Before we move to Chapters Five and Six, we briefly review two more tools pertaining to our general overview of the most elementary aspects of differential geometry .
The first tool we will need in Chapter Six is t h e extension of t h e notion of covariant derivative to a n arbitrary, smooth ( r , s t t e n s o r field. T h i s extension is uniquely determined by t h e following axioms. Firstly, for every S and T in t h e vector space of all (r,s)-tensor fields, we require, for each ( E U(M) 7;:
(85) Secondly, for every S E
+T )
and every T E Tg,we require, for each ( E U(M):
Thirdly on 3 ( M ) % (resp. on U(M) = 7;)t h e new covariant derivative should coincide with t h e old namely V ,f = (.f (resp. V , s as defined in (33)). Fourthly, for every one-form a E ??, every 5 E Til we require, for each E in
When local coordinates are used, t h e covariant derivative along ai is denoted );i,whereas t h e usual derivative is denoted simply ( ),i. For a general tensor S, the covariant derivative t h u s takes the form:
Upon applying this to the metric tensor g , we obtain:
in t h e RHS of which we recognize t h e compatibility condition (40) so t h a t :
i.e. in any coordinate system:
In particular, for any z E (894
M" and any geodesic coordinate system around x : O V j , k , t = I, .. . , n
From (89) one proves immediately (in particular if one uses first a geodesic coordinate system):
which are two equivalent forms of t h e second B i a n c h i identity. From this a n d (89b), we have: fk im
(9 9
fk im
fk im
We now use the antisymmetry of R to get:
i.e. -(Ric")Tm
- (RiCA)!;k= 0
or, upon multiplying by gfi, using t h e symmetry of t h e Ricci tensor of t h e Levi-Cevita connection, and the irrelevence of t h e name one chooses to give to a summation index: 1
( R ~C -gS) fm ;m = o
This relation suggests t h e introduction of t h e E i n s t e i n tensor: G
Ric- -gS 2
which will play a central role in the general theory of relativity to be discussed in Chapter Six. We now close this chapter on geometrical methods with t h e extension, to a n arbitrary k-form w , of the notion of t h e differential df of a function f on a n-dimensional manifold M. For this purpose, we first need to extend t h e notion of a one-form. A k-form w on a n-dimensional differentiable manifold M is a ( 0 , k ) completely antisymmetric tensor field o n M, i.e. (93)
w zE
w, E T $ ( M )with w, E T$(TM,)VZ E
and for all z E M, all {(fi)Zli= 1 , 2 , . . ., k } C TM,,and for every permutation P (1, . . k ) (P(l), * . p ( k ) ) : +
* .
= (--l)P~z((fl)z,
* * 'I
where (-l)P, t h e parity of t h e permutation p , is +1 (resp. -1) if a n even (resp. odd) number of permutations involving only two indices is necessary to go from ( I , . . . , k ) to ( p ( l ) ,. . ., p ( k ) ) . Note t h a t every k-form with k > n f d i m M is identically zero. I t will also be useful to note t h a t if {ei E V ( M ) l i = 1 , . . ., n } is such t h a t {(ei),li = 1 , . . ., n } is a basis in TMz for every z E M,then by linearity and antisymmetry every k-form w is determined by ( i )5 independent functions of t h e t Y Pe
w i ,...i k
:z E
H ua((eil)z,.
( e i k ) a )E
These functions are called t h e components of t h e k-form w with respect to { e i E V ( M ) l i= 1 , . . ., n } . We denote by R k ( M ) the collection of all k-forms on
For every pair ( w , ~ E) Rk(M) X Q'(M) we define t h e ( k called t h e wedge-product of w and x (in t h a t order!), by:
where (-l)p is the parity of t h e permutation p =
( l,.:.,k,k,+!
+ P,)-form w A x ,
1 '
The wedge-product is clearly linear over 3 ( M ) in each of its factors, and satisfies: (97)
and (98)
( W A X ) A V =w A ( X A V )
so t h a t (98) justifies t h e notation w A x A v. Notice, in particular, t h a t with {ei E V(M)Ia = 1 , . . . , n } defined as above, and { E ~E T*Mli = 1 , . . ., n } defined by ef((e,),) = 6f Vz E M, we have for every k-form w : (99)
1 -w.
A .. .A
For every k-form w and every vector field f on M,we define t h e ( k - 1)-form ~ J w called , the contraction of w by 5 , by:
( f J w ) ( f l , - . * ~ f k - l ) = w ( f t 5 l , . . . ~ f ~ - l ) v f l , . . . ~ f ~V ( M )
Finally an exterior derivative d is a mapping sending every k-form w to a ( k 1)-form dw, satisfying the following axioms. Firstly, for every function f E 3 ( M ) = nO(M)we require t h a t df is t h e one-form defined by (10) (see also (13)), i.e.
Secondly, we require t h a t d be additive, i.e. for every k, a n d every w , x E St"(M):
Thirdly, we require t h a t d satisfy the modified Leibniz rule, namely t h a t , for every k , l and every ( w , ~ E) n k ( M ) X nC(M):
And fourthly, for every k and every w E a'(&),we require:
d(dw) = 0
These axioms do, in fact, determine d uniquely, and we can thus speak of the exterior derivative of a k-form. To see this, notice first t h a t , by (99), a n arbitrary k-form can be written:
so t h a t we can compute, using t h e rules just enunciated:
A k-form w is said to be closed if dw = 0, and to be exact if there is a (k- 1)-form x such t h a t w = dx. Clearly every exact form is closed; moreover ( P o i n c a r t lemma) if w is closed then for every z E M there is a neighbourhood N of z in M such t h a t ulN E nk(J)is exact. We shall see in Chapter Five (see also Chapter Six) t h a t a n electromagnetic field is a closed two-form 3 on the corresponding space-time; hence t h e PoincarC lemma tells us, in this case, t h a t there exists always, at least locally, a n electromagnetic potential, i.e. a one-form A defined locally such t h a t 3 = dA.
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CHAPTER 5. THE PRINCIPLES OF SPECIAL RELATIVITY SYNOPSIS In Newtonian physics, one readily assumes t h a t a change of t h e origin of time
or of the origin of space
does not affect the form of the laws of physics, nor does another choice of a n orthogonal reference frame in IR3 (leaving thus t untouched):
the summation over repeated indices is understood throughout. As Galileo demonstrated in his Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems (1632) a touch of common sense is enough “to show t h a t all experiments practicable upon t h e Earth are insufficient measures for proving its mobility, since they are indifferently adaptable to a n earth in motion or at rest”. We now refer to this, with Poincar6 (1904), as “the principle of relativity according to which t h e laws of physical phenomena should be t h e same whether for a n observer at rest, or for a n observer carried along in a uniform movement”; this transformation of coordinates (which again leaves t untouched) reads: (3)
+ u‘t
i =1,2,3
In line with the views of Cayley, Klein (the Erlanger programme dates from 1872) and Lie, accordinng to whom “geometry is t h e study of invariant properties of figures, i.e. properties which are unchanged under a given group of admissible transformations”, one would thus see space-time as t h a t geometric structure which is invariant under t h e Galilean group, i.e. t h e group generated by the transformations (l), (2) and (3) above. A t this point, however, we should inject into t h e discussion t h e seminal remark of Lorentz and Poincar6 t h a t the Maxwell equations of electromagnetism are invariant under a different group, now referred to as t h e inhomogeneous Lorentz group. Einstein, followed by Minkowski, took in 1905 t h e
daring conceptual step to take this new group as t h e group of invariance of space-time, i.e. to view it as t h e group of isometries of t h e vector space IR4 equipped with t h e pseudo-metric (4)
where c is the velocity of light. As c + 00, t h e inhomogeneous Lorenta group “contracts” to t h e Galilean group, a mathematical fact t h e physical meaning of which is t h a t Galilean relativity appears as an approximation of Einstein relativity corresponding to those experimental situations where t h e velocities involved are negligible compared to t h e velocity of light (c G+ 3 . 108m/sec.; we shall henceforth chose units of time and length such t h a t c = 1; in these units t h e velocity of t h e earth on its orbit is g Einstein’s postulate brought with it some drastic revisions of t h e classical views on space and time. Taken separately, space a n d time have no absolute meaning, i.e. n o meaning independent of a particular observer. Einstein realized t h a t the correct language of discourse should be rooted instead in t h e absolute concept of space-time. A t a more immediate level, this new postulate has numerous consequences which, however simple they may now appear, must have been somewhat baffling to t h e classical p h y s i c i s h r mathematician, for t h a t matter! Among these consequences we shall discuss in t h e present Chapter: t h e Lorentz-FitzGerald contraction of space-length, the slowing-down of clocks, t h e Michelson-Morley experiment, t h e Doppler shift, t h e aberration of light, and t h e F’resnel drag. Section 1. FORMULATION OF T H E PRINCIPLES The physical basis of special relativity, as proposed in t h e introduction of Einstein’s paper, Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter Korper (1905), reads: . .the same laws of electrodynamics a n d optics will be valid for all frames of reference for which the equations of mechanics hold good. We will raise this conjecture (the purport of which will hereafter be called t h e “Principle of Relativity”) to the status of postulate, and also introduce another postulate, which is only apparently irreconcilable with t h e former, namely, t h a t light is always propagated in empty space with a definite velocity c which is independent of t h e state of motion of t h e emitting body. These two postulates suffice for t h e attainment of a simple and consistent theory of t h e electrodynamics of moving bodies based on Maxwell’s theory of stationary bodies.” This is what we have to understand. Mathematically, the content of t h e theory can be divided along a line which is different from t h a t separating the above two principles; this dividing line is reflected in Einstein’s own presentation of his work under two main headings: I. Kinematical P a r t , and 11. Electrodyamical P a r t . ‘I.
Conceptually, P a r t I of Einstein’s paper is mostly geometrical and, according to Einstein’s own view (reported in t h e beginning of our Section 4.1)we should distinguish there the axiomatic stage and the interpretative stage. The axiomatic stage of P a r t I of Einstein’s paper amounts to establishing t h e geometry of what we now call the Minkowski space-time Ad3#‘. We defined this space-time in the beginning of section 4.2; t h e reader will easily infer its most important geometric properties from those of the space MIJ studied in detail in section 4.1; in addition, we saw in section 4.2 t h a t Ad3*‘ is a flat Lorenta manifold so t h a t its geodesics coincide with t h e Euclidean straight lines. We will, therefore, concentrate our attention, in t h e present section, on t h e interpretation of M S J as a substitute for t h e Galilean space time R4= IR3 x IR where R3 is “space” and IR is “time”. To present the interpretative rules of Einstein’s special relativity, linking “geometric notions” with t h e “objects of physics” we proceed by contrasting them with the principal tenets of what can properly be called Galilean relativity, to be surveyed now. The delineation of a relativity principle occupies much of Galileo’s efforts in his Dialogues.. .(1632) as he proposes there a battery of experimental tests (in fact, thought-experiments, or experiences) to prove t h e inconclusive character of the arguments invoked by t h e “Aristotelean philosophers” against the motion of the earth. Amongst the most telling of t h e evidences marshalled by Galileo are those in which he describes how the conclusions, reached by passengers on a sea voyage, on events occuring within the ship, cannot depend on whether the ship is moving uniformly along a straight line or standing still with respect to t h e shore. Such events include, for instance, the point of impact of a stone falling from the t o p of t h e high mast, or even more picturesquely, t h e easiness with which “butterflies and flies will continue their flights indifferently toward every side, nor will it ever happen t h a t they are concentrated toward the stern, as if tired out from keeping u p with t h e course of t h e ship, from which they have been separated during long intervals by keeping themselves in the air. And if smoke is made by burning some incense, it will be seen going up in the form of a little cloud, remaining still a n d moving n o more toward one side t h a n the other. T h e cause of all these correspondences of effects is the fact t h a t t h e ship’s motion is common to all t h e things contained in it . . . you have never felt within yourself your participation in t h a t motion, except when the boat has been stopped by running aground . . . when you . . . taken by surprise, have stumbled perilously.” The principle of relativity we thus owe to Galileo is t h a t t h e laws of nature are the same for all systems of reference which differ from one another by a uniform rectilinear motion, or by a choice of t h e origin (z0,to) of space (zo E IR’) and time ( t oE IR). Mathematically, the primary object of Galilean relativity is, therefore, t h e vector space IR4= { z = (z,t)lz E IR’,t E IR}, t h e points (z, t ) of which are interpreted as the “tag” marking t h a t an event has occured, at time t E IR, in position z E IR’. T h e principle of Galilean relativity is then t h e requirement
t h a t t h e geometry of this space must be invariant under t h e transformations
(z0,to) E R’E group of translations A E O3 group of rigid rotations in R3 v E R3 G group of velocities (or Galilean boosts)
The reader will recogniae here t h e extension to R‘ of t h e transformation laws (4.1.5b) equipping R2with t h e structure of a Galilean geometry; R‘ comes now equipped with t h e Galilean distance
interpreted as t h e time elapsed between two events 21 and 2 2 . T h e absolutes of this geometry are interpreted as follows. T h e “special hyperplanes” {(z,t ) ( xE IR’} are interpreted as instants: they are t h e locus of simultaneous events. A curve 7 : s E I H 7 ( s ) E IR‘, t h e tangent to which is never contained in a “special hyperplane” is called a motion. T h e straight lines, n o t contained in a “special hyperplane”, a r e interpreted as uniform motions. T h e Galilean angle (v2 - ul) between two straight lines & and el, with .& (k = 1 , 2 ) given by ( x k - zo)= uk(t - t o ) ,is interpreted as t h e relative velocity of t h e uniform motion 6 with respect to t h e uniform motion e l . T h e Galilean cycles ( x zo)= a(t u(t - t o ) are interpreted as motions at constant acceleration a, i.e. as uniformly accelerated motions. To complete the interpretation of t h e theory, one must formalize t h e notion of an observer, i.e. of a reference frame in t h e Galilean space-time (R4,d). A n instantaneous observer Z at z E R‘ is identified with a straight line, called t h e time-axis of t h e observer, 2 : s E IR H Z ( s ) E IR‘ with Z(0) = z and d ( Z ( s ) , z ) = s, completed-when necessary-by a local chart (U,p) of t h e Euclidean hyperplane C = {z’ E IR‘Id(z’,z) = 0); in many cases, it is convenient-but not necessary-to take for (o t h e identity m a p a n d to equip C with a Cartesian coordinate system. Clearly, a n instantaneous observer equips IR‘ with a local chart, or local reference frame. More generally, a n observer is a curve Z : s E I + Z ( s ) E IR‘ such t h a t its tangent at every point is an instantaneous observer at this point. Note again, t h a t any two instantaneous observers Zl and Z2will ascribe t h e same acceleration to a uniformly accelerated motion, and t h a t they will agree o n the relative velocity of a uniform motion 4 with respect to another uniform motion el, however much they may disagree o n t h e velocity of a single of these uniform motions: n o velocity is a n absolute in Galilean relativity.
It is against this background, now stated in a mathematically precise manner, t h a t we want to formulate t h e basic assumptions of Einstein's special theory of relativity. While Einstein kept, from t h e Galilean world picture, the notion t h a t events are tagged by points z in JR', he proposed t h a t t h e geometry be now given by the "distance":
invariant under t h e group of linear transformations
z + 2 = A[z] zo with zo E IR' a n d g,,,,AfA; = gp
Recall from Chapter Four t h a t straight lines are geometrically meaningful notions for this geometry, i.e. straight lines are mapped onto straight lines by the admissible transformations (2b); and, in fact, t h e straight lines are the geodesics of (the Levi-Cevita connection associated to) t h e metric g issued from (2a). Recall also t h a t since is flat, the distinction between M3*' a n d T M 2 ' , however real, is somewhat pedantic; consequently, unless we absolutely need it, we will omit this distinction in this section in order to keep t h e notation to a minimum. For a discussion of t h e meaning of the assumption t h a t A be linear, see Borchers & Hegerfeldt (1972) and references quoted therein. Clearly t h e Cartesian decomposition z E R4t+ ( x , ~ ' ) E R3 X R is n o t a n invariant under the group of transformations (2b); this decomposition is therefore not a geometrically meaningful concept, in t h e sense t h a t it is n o t a geometric absolute. Consequently, one should not a t t e m p t to give it a universal meaning, e.g. trying to find absolute meanings for space and time. Quite to the contrary, Einstein recognized t h a t space a n d time are relative notions, namely relative to an observer, t h e latter being defined as follows (compare to the corresponding notion defined above in t h e case of Galilean relativity). An instantaneous observer Z at z E M S ~ is ' a straight line 2 : s E IR H Z(s) E M't' with Z(0) = z and M31'
gCcv(Z(s) - Z)@(Z(S) - z),, = -s2
a condition expressed intrinsically (i.e. in a coordinate-free manner) using t h e metric g, namely: (3b)
g ( 2 , i ) = -1
A s in the Galilean case, this definition is completed by giving a local chart (V,p) around z in t h e Euclidean hyperplane C spanned here by the straight
lines X : s E IR H X ( s ) E M3J specified by the conditions (44
X ( 0 )= z gpu(Z(s) - Z)P(X(S)- 2)” = 0 g p y ( X ( s) z ) ” ( X ( s )- z)” = +S2
i.e. in a n intrinsic manner:
X ( 0 )= z g(2, X ) = 0 g ( X , X ) = +1 Notice t h a t C can be described alternately as: (5)
C = {< E T M Y l g ( < ,2 ) = 0)
and t h a t t h e restriction glC of t h e metric g of M3t’ to t h e hyperplane C indeed equips C with t h e structure of the Euclidean space R3. In his original paper, Einstein was not considering a general coordinate system (U, p) in C, and was satisfied with a geodesic, i.e. straight line, orthogonal system; we shall follow him in this-it is not necessary, b u t it is convenient here. It is important t o take note of t h e fact t h a t t h e notion of instantaneous observer is a geometrically meaningful concept, namely under t h e transformations (2b) instantaneous observers are mapped into instantaneous observers. T h e same holds true for the general notion of an observer, defined here again as a curve in the manifold such t h a t its tangent at every point is a n instantaneous observer at this point. The question of t h e physical justification for this new choice of axioms for space-time and observers is best answered in t h e perspective emphasized by Einstein in the title of his memoir, namely electrodynamics, and more specifically P a r t 11 of t h a t paper. From this, we now abstract, in a modern language which will immediately translate to the more general framework of Chapter Six, a n observer-free formulation of electromagnetism; this formulation will, in turn, reduce for any instantaneous observer 2 to t h e Maxwell equations where t h e objects entering these equations will depend on t h e observer 2, in a precise way which we shall define. An electromagnetic field is now simply defined as a closed two-form 3 on t h e Lorentz manifold M = M’J’. In anticipation to Chapter Six, we should mention in passing t h a t this definition is, in fact, so intrinsic t h a t it will carry over verbatim to t h e framework of general relativity where M is a general Lorenta manifold. Here, however, we must worry about t h e opposite question, namely whether this definition is sufficient to establish proper contact with t h e objects called electromagnetic fields in Chapter Three. To answer this, let us “peel” our intrinsic definition and extract from it, with t h e help of a n arbitrary instantaneous observer, t h e Maxwell equations relative to this observer.
Recall t h a t an instantaneous observer at zo E M is a vector 2 E TM,, with g,,(Z, 2 ) = -1, and a local chart (U, p) in C {X E TM,,Igzo(XJ2) = 0). We can choose I/ = C , p = id, and {Xklk = 1 , 2 , 3 } C C with g,,(X,,Xk) = +bjk. This defines a system of coordinates around 2 0 . Let ( ~ ( k= 1 , 2 , 3 ) and (4 == f be the corresponding vector fields around 2 0 . Let now s2 be t h e four-form defined around zo by:
We start by noticing t h a t the map
defines a one form, namely -(J3; since g is non-degenerate there exists a unique vector field E on M , such that: (8)
g(9, E) = 3 ( V , 0 Q 9 E Y ( M )
Moreover, t h e antisymmetry of 3 (it is a two-form!) gives immediately
d f , E) = 0
We define similarly the vector field B on M by = &((Zb) 72) Q ( z , q sE TM, f )( =,0 = S ( V , 0 satisfying !I( 'Z((Z>
82, BZJ
M and
supplemented by t h e condition: ( W
ds, B) = 0
The reader should notice t h a t the vector field E depends only on t h e vector field (, and thus only on the vector 2; and t h a t B depends similarly on 2, b u t i n addition B depends also on the orientation s2 chosen by t h e observer. They are thus, beyond t h a t , independent of the orthogonal basis {Xklk= 1 , 2 , 3 } in C chosen by the observer. Furthermore, (9) and (lob) imply, since g ( f , ( ) = -1 (11)
g,(E,,E,) > 0 whenever E, gz(Bz,Bz) > 0 whenever B,
#0 #0
Using now the convenience of the Cartesian coordinate system {((I),, (&), = (,} we introduce the functions:
A straightforward check of t h e definitions shows t h a t
The condition t h a t the two-form 3 be closed, i.e. d 3 = 0, now reads (see 4.2.105): (14)
ap3p, ar7;p a,3p,, = 0 V p , p , u such t h a t 1 5 p < p
Upon substituting (13) into (14), one finds:
which are indeed two of t h e Maxwell equations. T h e other two are obtained as follows. We first return to t h e intrinsic (i.e. coordinate-free) description, indicating only in passing t h e corresponding expressions in a n arbitrary coordinatesystem. Using t h e fact t h a t g is non-degenerate, we define for every one-form w t h e vector field &, by:
We next define the antisymmetric (2,O)-tensor field f17a)
3 : (w,, x,)
u T*M , x T*M ,
The divergence ( div 3) of 3 is then defined as t h e vector field
where {e,} a n d {d‘} are dual bases in TM and T * M .
In an arbitrary coordinate system, this reads:
With these notations, we can define intrinsically t h e source J o f t h e electromagnetic field 3 as: (19)
J - div 3
We now return to our instantaneous observer, a n d define for him t h e function
and the vector field
Notice t h a t , since g(1, I) = -1, we have (22)
g(J, c) = 0 a n d thus g,(J,, J,) > 0 whenever J,
Using now t h e convenience of t h e Cartesian coordinate system {((I)#, ((&, (&),, we introduce t h e four functions, J” : M + R defined by
((J, = c,},
In this Cartesian system, which is a geodesic coordinate system all over (recall t h a t M = M9n1 is flat!), (19) reads:
Upon substituting (23), (13) and (17b) into (24), one obtains: curl B - &E = J divE =p which are indeed the other two Maxwell equations. Note further t h a t t h e antisymmetry of 3 implies
which reads, upon substituting (23) in (26a): (26b)
Note t h a t (26) is t h e continuity equation of electrodynamics expressing t h e conservation of electric charge. Reflecting upon t h e form of t h e equations (15), (25) and (26), which he knows from classical electrodynamics (see Chapter Three), our instantaneous observer at zo E M will feel justified in calling t h e vector 2 his “time-axis”, a n d t h e Euclidean hyperplane C his “space”. However, any a t t e m p t to universalize either of these into separate concepts of time and space will obviously bring him into conflict with other observers, even with t h e instantaneous observers at the same zo E M. He will similarly want to call E (resp. B) his “electric” (resp. “magnetic”) field. This too will lead to a conflict, the resolution of which is at the heart of the theory of special relativity. Suppose indeed t h a t we have another instantaneous observer at zo, with his time axis along 2‘ (with again g(Z’,Z’) = -1) and a n orthogonal basis { X i ( k= 1,2,3} in his space C‘.If 2 = 2’ t h e two bases { X k } a n d { X i } differ by a rotation and possibly some specular reflections; t h e reader will verify t h a t E’ and B’ are then exactly w h a t he expects them to be from classical electrodynamics: E transforms as a vector in C = C‘ and B as a pseudovector. Things can only begin to be interesting therefore, when 2 # 2’. By rotations (and reflections if necessary) one can then arrange t h e bases {Xk}and { X i } in such a manner t h a t
x: = ax1 + pz (27)
Xi = X 2 and X i 2’ = px,
= X,
with a2- p2 = 1
Starting again with the same electromagnetic field 3, we repeat with this second instantaneous observer the same procedure as t h a t we followed with our first instantaneous observer. We thus define with him E’ (resp. B‘) by (8) (resp. (10)) where we replace now (c, E, B, E E C,q E C) by (c’, E’, B’, E C’,q‘ E 2). Consider now w h a t our new observer calls the components of his electric and magnetic fields.
E’’ G g(&, E’) = 3(<$, c’) =2 3(a& ps, P 6 + ad = (a - P2)3(&0
E“ = E’
(284 Further more,
E’) = 3(&,c’)
as) = P 3 ( € 2 , € 1 )
p w 2 , €1,
+ a3(6,s)
i.e. (2W and similarly (284 For B we compute i.e. (294 Furthermore,
i .e (29b) and similarly: (294 The following notation will help summarizing w h a t is happening; introduce indeed: (30a)
v E (-l,+l)
such t h a t a =
4 n JB = di=7
for all V E C and all V' E C' define: (30b)
vl' = g( €1 V) ; V'" = g((i, V') v l = V-VIl& ; V'I = V L V ' f l f i
and finally (304
v = lJ&
Equations (28) and (29) now read:
This formula allows our two observers to compare notes. They clearly do not agree on w h a t they each call the electric field, and the magnetic field. Having followed the procedure by which they arrived at these objects, we are not surprised: although the electromagnetic field 3 was defined in an intrinsic manner, i.e. is a n absolute in our geometry, E and B are not absolutes-they depend on the observer who defines them. A t this point, our observers may want to reject the role we make them play, faulting t h e script. Suppose, however, they stay with us, a n d try to resolve their conflict within t h e theory. To induce t h e m to do so, we will first point o u t to t h e m t h a t they were treated on equal footing; this is reflected in formula (31) which is symmetric in t h e exchange of (E, B and v) and (E’, B’ and -v): no observer is privileged over the other. Secondly, we will invoke classical electrodynamics and remind each observer t h a t he knows from this theory t h a t a test particle of electric charge e moving with velocity V’ in a n electric field E*and a magnetic field B* experiences an “electromotive” force (324
F* = e(E*
+ v* X B*)
i.e. a force (32b)
F*II = &*II
along t h e direction of its motion, a n d a force (324
F** = e(E*
+ t?
X B*)I
in the plane perpendicular to the direction of its motion. Pondering now over t h e meaning of (31) in the light of (32)our two observers will thus arrive at t h e conclusion t h a t they move with respect to one another with a relative velocity v, allowing us to give a physical interpretation to t h e geometric transformation (27). Since t h e other transformations in t h e group (2b) defining t h e geometry of Minkowski space are readily interpreted in terms of ordinary rotations, a n d of translations of t h e origin of our space-time M3l1, we now have gained a physical understanding of this geometry. This is t h e central conclusion of this section. Lest t h e reader may think t h a t we have extensively belabored t h e conceptual process involved in reaching this conclusion, we should mention t h a t it will carry almost verbatim to t h e case of t h e general theory of relativity (see Chapter Six). Moreover, it seems t h a t our exposition, except for a modernization of t h e mathematical language, is faithful to Einstein’s own ideas. In his original paper of 1905, he wrote, indeed, at t h e end of t h e section in which he derived formula (31): t h e “electromagnetic force plays in t h e developed theory merely the part of an auxiliary concept, which owes its introduction to t h e circumstance t h a t electric and magnetic forces do n o t exist independently of t h e state of motion of the system of coordinates”. As for his original motivation, he reminisced almost half a century later (see Einstein (1952)): “ W h a t
led me directly to the Special Theory of Relativity was the conviction t h a t t h e electromotive force acting on a body in motion in a magnetic field was nothing else but an electric field.” We feel the case is made. However, our two observers, still pondering over formula (31), may still argue over t h e presence of t h e factor l / d m , Two arguments will temporarily pacify them. The first is irreproachable: this factor is necessary to make the formula symmetric under a n exchange of t h e observers. T h e second looks a bit of a cop-out: in the units we choose, t h e velocity of light c is taken to be equal to 1; this means, for instance, t h a t the velocity of the Earth on its orbit, when expressed in these units, is of t h e order of hence our neglecting t h e factor l / d p would only produce a n error of the order of lo-*, well beyond the precisions of t h e experiments which established the validity of classical electrodynamics. Nevertheless, since the realm of Twentieth Century experimental physics does well encompass situations in which this factor is relevant, we will come back to this point in the next section. Section 2. IMMEDIATE CONSEQUENCES OF T H E PRINCIPLES The first important consequence of the principles enounced in t h e previous section is this: whenever an electromagnetic field 7 is such t h a t a single instantaneous observer 2, sees it as a plane-wave solution of his Maxwell equations, so will every other instantaneouos observer 2 see this electromagnetic field as a plane-wave solution of his own Maxwell equations. Since all instantaneous observers agree about t h e form of the Maxwell equations, all observers will agree on the value of the speed of light, namely c = 1. Accordingly, we will call light ray any geodesic (i.e. straight line) with tangent satisfying
i.e. in any instantaneous observer’s coordinate system
These lines are clearly geometric invariant, i.e. any transformation (5.1.2b) maps light rays onto light rays. The light rays split t h e tangent space TM of M = M3J into t h e following three regions
L = {Is
E TMlg(c2, ( 2 ) = 0,I2 # 0)
7 =- {I2 E TJ4g(I2,I2) < 0) s = {fa E TMIS(f2,cz) > 0)
u (0) L are
For t h e reason just indicated, t h e vectors in said to be light-like. Notice t h a t for every instantaneous observer, t h e vector spanning his time-axis
lies in 7 ;for this reason, the vectors f in 7 are said to be tirne-like. Similarly, for every instantaneous observer, t h e vectors spanning t h e hyperplane this observer calls space are all in S; t h e vectors in S are said to be space-like. We further notice t h a t 7 is an open submanifold of T M and has two connected components. Each one of these is invariant under t h e component of t h e identity in the group (5.1.2b) of symmetries of M’s’. We arbitrarily denote by 7+ one of t h e components of T and by 7’ t h e other. There are now t w o disjoint classes of observers: those whose tangent vectors belong to 7+,a n d those for which they belong to 7-. The observers belonging to t h e first of these two classes are said to be orthochronous. Mathematically (as will be explained in Chapter Six when we need t h e general concept involved in this) w h a t we have just done is to prove t h a t M3J is “time-orientable” and we have chosen a “time-orientation”. Physically, we have eliminated those “conservative” observers whose clocks run backward in time; as j u s t explained, t h i s choice is arbitrary, and by another choice of words we might just as well have kept this class of observers and have eliminated t h e other. Which choice we make is irrelevant; w h a t is relevant is t h a t we can make t h e choice, i.e. t h a t M3*’ is time-orientable. With t h a t choice now made, we call future (resp. past) of t h e point zo E t h e collection of points z1 in M’*’ such t h a t there exists a curve 7 : s E IR H 7(s) E M’*‘with $0) = zo, $1) = z1, and q(s) E 7+ (resp. 7-) Vs E [0,1]. We can obviously choose this line to be a straight line generated by a time-like vector ( E T*M,, = T M , r l 7’-. Similarly, we call present of zo t h e collection of points z1 E M’J such t h a t there is a curve 7 : s E R H 7(s) E M31’ with 7(0) = 2 0 , $1) = 21, and q ( s ) E S Vs E [0, 11. We can obviously (again) choose this line to be a straight line generated by a (now) space-like vector E E S,, TM, n S. It is a fact of life (or “physical experience”) t h a t we d o not know how to transmit information along a curve 7 which is space-like, i.e. for which g(7,q) > 0. T h a t some may want to call this a “law of nature” is a matter of philosophical debate. W h a t we must realize, in any case, is t h a t this “fact of life” is a geometric invariant: t h e symmetries of M9J m a p space-like curves onto space-like curves. It is also important to realize t h a t t h e concept of ‘(present”, j u s t defined in Einstein’s special relativity, is in sharp contrast with w h a t one calls t h e present in Galilean relativity. Figure 1 illustrates t h e situation, with a n arbitrary instantaneous observer indicated in dotted lines.
Indeed, if you ask a Galilean observer w h a t it means for two events to be simultaneous, his answer will be t h a t they occur at t h e same time. This means t h a t zl = (zl,ti) and zz = ( z z , t z )are simultaneous iff tl = t 2 , i.e. iff d(zl,zz) = 0, i.e. iff zi and z2 are contained in t h e same special hyperplane C = {(z,t)lzE RS,t= t i = t z } . This is a geometrically meaningful (i.e. invariant) statement: all Galilean observers will agree on whether two events are simultaneous or not. This neat notion of simultaneity has to be given up
2 4
I I I Fig. I
in special relativity. Indeed, an instantaneous observer 2 may want to tell you t h a t two events are simultaneous if both are contained in a hyperplane C orthogonal to his own time axis. This, however, is not a geometric invariant: two different instantaneous observers may have non-parallel time-axes, a n d t h u s non-parallel hyperplanes C orthogonal to their respective time-axes. Such observers may, therefore, disagree on whether two events are simultaneous or not. Simultaneity is not an absolute. The next best thing is the notion of the present, which in Einstein relativity is a four-dimensional, connected submanifold of M3o1 whereas in Galilean relativity it was simply a threedimensional special hyperplane C C IR4. This is a contributing factor to t h e difficulties one encounters when one tries to establish a relativistically covariant Hamiltonian formalism describing several particles in interaction. Let us, however, remain here within t h e realm of t h e simplest consequences of the postulates of special relativity. Suppose we are sitting with an instantaneous observer 2 observing a rigid rod XY moving with a uniform velocity v. For this observer, t h e space coordinates of the end points of the rod are (3)
+ u't = y'(0) + u't
z'(t) = x'(0) yip)
i = 1,2,3
Without loss of generality, we can assume v = (u, 0,O). Let us now j u m p to a n observer comoving with t h e rod, and consider w h a t this observer 2 sees when he passes by our original observer. His coordinate system is related to
I/r “‘1
t h e coordinate system of our original observer by t h e transformation: 1 (4)
A, =
0 1 0 -v
, 0o
0 0
I/-o 0
Hence for the second instantaneous observer, t h e space coordinates of t h e end points of t h e rod are
and similarly for
The rod is indeed at rest for
From (3)and (5), these are related by: (7)
d =
2. L e t
; d- 9 = d 3
Hence, if t h e rod is perpendicular to the direction of its motion, t h e two observers attribute t h e same length to it; this result conforms to Galilean experience. If, however, t h e rod is parallel to the direction of its motion, t h e observers disagree on its length: t h e first observer attributes to it a length d which is shorter than the length h found by t h e observer comoving with t h e rod, specifically:
Hence, using a language fraught with Galilean residues, one could say t h a t to a n observer “at rest” rigid objects seem to “contract” in t h e direction of their motion, i.e. “are” shorter t h a n they “would be” if they were “at rest”. Formula (8) goes under t h e name of Lorentz-FztzGerald contraction: H. A. Lorentz (1892) and G. F. FitaGerald (1892) had indeed postulated something like this as a rather ad hoc hypothesis apparently disconnected from any fundamental principle (see S. G . Brush (1967) a n d G . Holton (1973)). In his 1905 paper, where he derived (8), Einstein offers no comment on these previous proposals. In contrast with these, Einstein’s analysis is rooted in the Maxwell equations themselves, a n d on t h a t basis he provides a general perspective-known today
as the special theory of relativity-from which this phenomenon appears j u s t as another way-a particularly picturesque one at that-to say t h a t space a n d time, taken separately, are not absolutes. Upon replacing the rod in the previous discussion by a clock, we can compare the times seen by our two observers. We have for the trajectory of t h e clock, in t h e first observer's coordinate system:
z'(t) = z'(0)
+ u't
and for the change of coordinates (thus completing (5)):
Hence, to a time interval At for the comoving observer corresponds a time interval At for the first observer, given by:
This formula, also derived in Einstein's 1905 paper, is known as t h e "slowdown" of moving clocks. For instance, if a n unstable particle with life-time At travels at a slightly subluminal speed (say u = 1- 1/5000) with respect to a n observer, then this observer will measure a larger life time (here At 50A2); there is plenty of experimental confirmation for this phenomena, which clearly goes hand-in-hand with the Lorentz-FitzGerald contraction. n occurs at opposite The attentive reader will notice t h a t the factor d places in (8) and (11). This is nothing but another expression of the fact (already noticed for the case of M'i' in formula (4.1.16)) t h a t t h e Euclidean volume in JR4 is preserved by transformations in (5.1.2b). We have indeed, since there is no Lorentz-FitzGerald contraction in the spatial directions perpendicular to the direction of motion:
A V . A t F A x ' . A x 2 . AX'. At =
We now have to say a few words about the Michelson-Morley experiment. It was first performed in 1887 and refined further over t h e subsequent years. For an intellectual history of this experiment, documenting its meaning a n d impact on t h e scientific community, see G. Holton (1973), pp.261-352. In a nutshell, let it suffice here to say t h a t Holton provides convincing scholarly support t o two contentions. The first is that, as one could have conjectured from the organization and very title of Einstein's 1905 paper, t h e MichelsonMorley experiment played at most a minor, implicit role in t h e genesis of
Einstein’s special relativity. T h e second important point of Holton’s analysis is t h a t t h e Michelson-Morley experiment, however, happened to be instrumental in the acceptance of Einstein’s theory by t h e scientific community, so much so t h a t in his textbook Das Relatiuitiitsprinzip von Laue (1911) could already write: ‘ I . . . the experiment became, as it were, the fundamental experiment for t h e relativity theory.” Let us place ourselves back in t h e historical context in which t h e experiment was first conducted. In analogy with the way sound waves are carried by (i.e. are vibrations of) a medium such as t h e air, Nineteenth-Century physicists postulated t h a t light waves are carried by a medium through which they travel with characteristic velocity c ; they called this medium the aether, or t h e “luminiferous ether”. Note t h a t t h e existence of this aether, pervading t h e whole universe, could then be used to give a meaning to absolute space, so t h a t t h e postulate could be interpreted as a departure from Galilean invariance. The Michelson-Morley experiment was, in part, designed to t e s t whether this could be evidenced by measuring t h e velocity v of t h e Earth through t h e aether. Schematically, t h e experimental set up is ,illustrated in Figure 2, where v represents the velocity of the Earth through t h e aether. A beam of light enters at A, falls on a semi-transparent mirror B which splits the beam in two beams: one proceeding to C, t h e other to D, where these secondary beams are reflected back to B. There B again splits t h e incoming secondary beams so t h a t two coherent beams arrive at E : one having traveled the path ABCBE, and t h e other t h e path ABDBE. A t E the position of the interference pattern (see Chapter Three for t h e basic notions of interferometry) produced by t h e superposition of these two coherent beams allows one to measure the difference between t h e travel times of t h e two beams.
‘ V 2
(Strict0 sensu, this difference of travel times is experimentally determined only modulo t h e period T of t h e light wave; since, however, t h e analysis will t u r n out to involve only comparisons of travel time differences which differ among themselves by less than this period, this mod(T) is irrelevant and will, therefore, be ignored in our presentation). Denote by Ll (resp. &) t h e length of t h e arm BC (resp. BD).The time t h e light takes to travel the path BCB (resp. BDB)is ill =
L1 = 2L1+ c+v c2 - v2 C
respectively (see Figure 3)
Choose now LI and
r, in such a manner t h a t tll - t l = 0; we have then
The astucious experimental step now is to turn rigidly this apparatus around by go”, thus exchanging effectively t h e roles of L1 and &. O n e obtains in this manner
Taking into account t h a t u / c t’l-
one obtains
2Lua c c
tll Ei -(-)
Playing further on multiple reflections, Michelson and Morley were able to g e t for L an effective length of about 10 meters. W i t h these figures in hand, t h e reader will verify t h a t , for ordinary light, this results in a displacement of t h e interference pattern by about 0.4 of t h e distance between t h e fringes. T h e beauty of t h e experimental set-up is t h a t it allowed Michelson a n d Morley to conclude t h a t “if there is any displacement due to t h e relative motion of t h e earth and the luminiferous ether, this cannot be much greater t h a n 0.01 of t h e distance between t h e fringes”. This is clearly a major discrepancy: the classical theory predicted an effect at least 40 times (!) larger t h a n what could possibly
be observed. Subsequent experiments, carried o u t with increasing sensitivity, confirmed this null result. By contrast, in the frame of special relativity, where t h e speed of light is t h e same for every observer, t h e analysis of this experiment gives immediately
in sharp contrast with (17), a n d in agreement with experiment. N o wonder then t h a t t h e Michelson-Morley experiment “became. . .the fundamental experiment for t h e relativity theory” (see M. von Laue, loc.cit.), and t h a t , later on, many enquired whether it could not have motivated Einstein to formulate his theory. Marvelous as this may now sound, Einstein’s primary concern was rather with a proper formulation of “the electrodynamics of moving bodies”: a theoretical physicist’s dream! The above comment should not be construed as implying t h a t Einstein was not interested in working o u t definite, immediately measurable, consequences of his general postulates. Quite to the contrary. For instance, here are two particularly elegant results which he already offered, among others, in his 1905 paper. Suppose a n observer moves with respect to a star S so t h a t he sees, in his coordinates systems, the star moving with velocity u. Let him place his z’-axis parallel to u, and his z2-axis so t h a t the plane (z’, z2) contain S. We have thus t h e situation described in Figure 4. We now want to compare this situation with w h a t would happen if t h e velocity u were zero, i.e. if our observer were at rest with respect to the star. This would correspond to a n observer with coordinate system (zol, zo2,zO3, to);
Fig. 4
these two coordinate systems can be arranged in such a manner that:
x2 = xo 2 x3 = 5 0 3
t = d&uxol
Sin e both observers see a light ray coming from t h star as a plane-wave solution of their respective Maxwell equations, we must have for t h e phase of t h a t wave: (20)
u(t - x cos a - x sin a)= uO(tO - xo cos a0 - xo sin ao)
where Y (resp. vo)denotes the frequency of t h e light for t h e observer moving (resp. at rest) with respect to t h e star. Upon substituting (19) in (20), and using the fact t h a t xol, xo2 and t o are independent variables, one obtains
a2 = tan -
a0 tan 2
Formula (21) gives thus an aberration, which is a first order effect in u. For instance, with the velocity of the Earth on its orbit being of t h e order of lod4 (in units were t h e speed of light c = l),one concludes from this formula t h a t , i n the course of a year, the “fixed stars” should describe in t h e sky small ellipses with axes of the order of one minute of arc; which they do. Formula (22) gives a shift in frequency; such a thing was known in classical theory under the name of Doppler shift. In the classical theory there are, in fact, two Doppler shifts; t h e first (resp. t h e second) obtains when t h e observer (resp. the source) is i n motion relatively to t h e medium supporting t h e waves, here the hypothetical aether, and the source (resp. the observer) is at rest in t h a t medium. These are given by: (231
= Y o ( 1 - 21 cos a)
when the observer is in motion, with t h e source at rest; and (24)
when t h e observer is at rest, and t h e source is in motion. One should first notice t h a t (22), (23) and (24) all agree o n a qualitative point, namely as U C O S Q > 0, i.e. with the source and t h e observer moving a p a r t from one another, they all predict t h a t t h e observed frequency is smaller t h a n uo, i.e. visible light is shifted towards t h e red; hence the connection between a general astronomical red shift and a universe in expansion. Moreover, in first order in u, t h e three formulas give t h e same quantitative results. To observe differences between Einstein's formula (22) and t h e classical predictions (23) and (24) one needs, therefore, to be able to detect deviations of the order of u2,which means speeds much greater t h a n t h a t of t h e E a r t h on its orbit. Such corrections are necessary when observing far away galaxies; then c o s a 1, and t h e differences between (22), (23) and (24) are illustrated in Figure 5. A t the qualitative level, one should notice t h a t at c o s a = 0, t h e classical theory predicts
u' = uo = u"
whereas Einstein's formula gives:
v = uo
d r 7
This tangential Doppler e f e c t , totally absent t h e classica theory (see by Ives and Stilwell (1941). Finally, one should remark t h a t after t h e negative result of t h e MichelsonMorley experiment, one might be inclined to think t h a t t h e aether is a very
25), has been measured in t h e laboratory, for u
Fig. 5
elusive medium indeed and t h a t one would be all t h e better without it; there is, in fact, no such thing in Einstein's relativity. In t h e absence of a medium, there is then no way to decide which one of (23) or (24) to use, since only relative motions make sense. Accordingly, Einstein has a single formula, namely (22). Let us now examine another of t h e immediate consequences of t h e principles of special relativity. Suppose t h a t a n (instantaneous) observer 2 sees two other (instantaneous) observers 2 1 and 2 2 moving in t h e same direction, with instantaneous velocities u1 and v2. If these were Galilean observers, Zl would be saying t h a t 2 2 moves with an instantaneous velocity (u2 - v1). Recall t h a t , in special relativity, two observers decide in principle (see Section 1)about their relative velocity by comparing their respective electric and magnetic fields: see (5.1.31 and 5.1.32). Looking back on t h e geometric relations between these observers' coordinate systems (5.1.27 and 5.1.30), see (4), one finds here t h a t (k = 1 , 2 ) is obtained from Z by t h e transformation
so t h a t Z, is obtained by
2 1 by
the transformation A, =
given by:
Mathematically, one should notice t h a t (29) is precisely t h e geometric invariant (4.1.21), i.e. t h e Minkowski angle between t h e lines z k = V k t : hence u depends only on Zl and Z2, but not on 2. Physically, (29) says t h a t the statement -1 < u1 < 1 is a n absolute (compare with Fig. l b ) , since -1 < u1,u2 < 1 implies -1 < v < 1. Note also that, in special relativity, velocities d o n o t add linearly. Einstein derived formula (29) in his 1905 paper; he did not, however, make there t h e following simple remark. Suppose t h a t in (29) ul/u2 -t 0;one can then approximate (29) as
which provides a n elegant solution to another puzzle of classical theoretical physics. Suppose indeed, within t h e framework of t h a t theory, t h a t electromagnetic waves are carried by a hypothetical aether; it is natural then to ask whether this aether is dragged along by bodies in motion, in t h e way t h e air which support sound waves is. If this were the case for t h e aether, we would have t h e following situation. To a stationary observer, t h e velocity of light in a moving medium would be given by:
where v2 = c/n is t h e velocity of light in t h e medium ( n is then called t h e refractive index of t h e medium), -ul is t h e velocity of t h e medium along t h e direction of propagation of t h e light, and k is some drag coeficient, with k = 1 if t h e aether is fully dragged by t h e medium. A rather contrived argument had been made by Fresnel to the effect t h a t k should be given by I
a result which was confirmed experimentally in Fiseau’s experiments of 1851, where water was taken as t h e moving medium ( n 2 1.3). Notice, however, t h a t t h e Fresnel drag coefficient k vanishes when t h e index of refraction n of t h e moving medium (e.g. air) is 1, which is why n o aether drag was assumed in the setting of the Michelson-Morley experiment. It was von Laue who pointed out, two years after t h e publication of Einstein’s paper, t h e analogy between (30) a n d (31 with 32) when t h e units are chosen consistently, i.e. here when we p u t c = 1 in (31) as we had done in (30). Hence, Einstein’s formula (29) on t h e addition of velocities offers an elegant alternative to Fresnel’s derivation, and, moreover, it follows immediately from principles which allow for t h e experiments of Fiseau and Michelson-Morley to be consistent with one another.
There is one more immediate consequence of t h e principles, which we want to touch upon in this section, namely Einstein’s famous relation e = m 2 . We said earlier t h a t two observers in a n electromagnetic field 3 compare w h a t they call electric a n d magnetic fields in order to determine their relative velocity. There is in t h a t statement, however, a n epistemological gap, which we now want to fill, namely t h a t ordinary human observers do not “feel” directly electric or magnetic fields, b u t only their effects on matter, and in t h e most idealized circumstances, on test particles; this latter concept we must, now, introduce mathematically. We defined, in Galilean relativity, a motion as a curve in space-time, t h e tangent of which never belonged to a hyperplane with t constant. In special relativity, we say similarly t h a t a motion is a curve 7 : s E I H 7(s) E M3J such t h a t g(7,q) < 0; this reflects t h e fact t h a t observers have never been
reported moving with respect to each other at velocities larger t h a n the speed of light; we thus have excluded superluminal motions from our definition of motion. In particular, we define a particle of rest mass mo(E IR+) as a curve 7 : s E I I+ 7(s) E M M31’ such t h a t
g(?(s), ?(s)) = -mi
V s E I with 9 future pointing
Consider now an instantaneous observer at z = SO), with 2 E T+M, such t h a t g(2,Z) = -1. For this observer, we define (34)
and notice tha.t (35)
eZ > 0 Pz E c = {€ E TM,lg(€, 2)= 0)
so t h a t our observer sees p z in w h a t he calls his space C (‘space’ by opposition to the space-time M t h a t all observers share, and to {XZlX E IR} which our observer calls his time-axis). Note further, t h a t
Upon introducing further t h e notation vz = pz/ez one has
with (38)
1 2 .1
< 1, (38) reduces to:
The second term in (39) looks so much like t h e classical kinetic energy of the particle that, in analogy with t h e corresponding concepts in Newtonian mechanics, one is tempted to use t h e following nomenclature, calling p z t h e m o m e n t u m o f t h e particle, mz its eflectiue mass, vz its velocity, ez its energy; the first term in (39) is then called t h e rest-energy of t h e particle (this last identification being the e = mc? of universal repute). While mo,t h e rest-mass
o r rest energy, is a n absolute property of t h e particle, all t h e other objects j u s t defined depend in a n essential way of t h e particular observer 2 chosen to define them. In particular, neither ez nor pz has an absolute meaning; w h a t has, nevertheless, a n absolute meaning is their combination in (34), namely 7 t h u s called the energy-momentum of t h e particle. The reader will notice t h a t t h e introduction of t h e term “velocity” for t h e object vz just introduced is justified by the fact t h a t a n instantaneous observer 2‘ at z with his time axis along q will have relative velocity v with respect to our initial observer 2: t h e two observers 2 and 2’ are related by t h e boost A, (see 4) by IvI in t h e direction v (recall also formula (11)for t h e time-scales!). I t may tempting at this point to shoot for more generality a n d identify a particle as a one-dimensional manifold I‘ C M the tangent vectors of which are all time-like; in this view any specific description of I’ as a curve 7 : s E I H 7 ( s ) E M with 7 ( I ) = r is t h u s disregarded. W i t h o u t changing anything to this description one can select t h e curves 7, t h e trajectories of which coincide with I‘, by t h e innocuous requirement t h a t & g ( j ( s ) , q(s)) = 0. This amounts to select consistent parametriaations which differ from one another by a m a p cp : s E I H cp(s) = as b E I‘, with a > 0 to preserve the time-orientation, T h e difference with t h e description we first presented is t h a t we eliminated t h e freedom to chose a. Physically, this amounts to choosing a “proper-time’’ scale; this is achieved by imposing to every observer 2 with pz = 0 t h e condition eZ = mo. Hence we tacitly assumed t h a t observers all over M are able to agree o n a constant relation between their units of energy a n d of time; since, however, our observers primarily compare notes by comparing their description of electromagnetic fields 3, this can be done consistently. I t is now a law of nature t h a t there exist electrically charged particles, i.e. objects described in this formalism by parametrized curves satisfying (33), to which one can associate a real number E , such t h a t (under idealized conditions) their motion satisfies:
V7 7 = €F7
where (41)
is t h e (1,l)-tensor associated to a closed two-form 3 by:
( u s , (a)
U T*Ma x TM,
H %((&)it,
with &, being the vector field associated to a n arbitrary one-form w by (5.1.16a). As befits a law of nature, (40) is expressed in a coordinate-free manner. L e t now 2 be a n arbitrary instantaneous observer; in his (Cartesian) coordinate system (40) takes the form (recall t h a t M = M3J is flat):
With t h e identification of the components of 3 agreed upon in (5.1.13), a n d t h e identification of t h e components of 7 as in (34) and (37) above, we can
separate the space and time components of (42) to give: (43)
and (44 1
(where we used the fact t h a t 2 = &). For IvI < 1, (43) reduces to: (45)
This equation is the familiar Lorenta force law in its non-relativistic a p p r o x i m e tion; the relativistic form is (43) where the effective mass m, linked to mo by (38), appears thus reinforcing its interpretation as an "effective" mass. Similarly (44) can be interpreted as an expression for the conservation of energy. In view of these computations, our observers will call t: the electric charge of the particle, and they will use such particles to determine, through (40) or (43), the electromagnetic field 3, so t h a t they can communicate indeed, comparing notes-as we assumed from the beginning-on what each of them calls his electric field E and his magnetic field B.
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CHAPTER 6. GENERAL RELATIVITY SYNOPSIS The fundamental equation of general relativity is t h e Einstein equation
G=E+T; it postulates a link between t h e geometry of space-time, electromagnetism a n d matter. The first ingredient of the theory is a space-time manifold M ; for didactic purposes it is first introduced here as a passive stage on which the play is to be performed; it is then given an active role through t h e Einstein tensor G appearing in the above equation. The second ingredient of the theory is t h e classical theory of electromagnetism; it enters the stage in the guise of t h e stress-energy tensor E associated to a closed two-form 3 o n M. The concept of a n observer allows to identify t h e “electric” and the “magnetic” fields hidden in 3, via t h e Maxwell equations which express t h e fact t h a t 3 is closed. The third ingredient of the theory is t h e notion of matter, and it manifests itself in the Einstein equation via its stress-energy tensor T . Different classical models for matter will be discussed, among them t h e elementary notions of a particle flow and of a relativistic perfect fluid. One of t h e main achievements of general relativity is to provide a unified theory in which one can‘give a geometric interpretation of gravitation and a physical interpretation of the geometry of space-time: t h e Einstein equation links the geometry of space-time with its electromagnetic and matter content. Two more features of t h e theory should be mentioned already here. O n t h e one hand, special relativity and Newtonian gravitation are recovered from t h e general theory as local approximations which one can control. O n t h e other hand, the Einstein equation provides a guide in t h e choice of cosmological models for t h e large-scale structure of the universe. Section 1. MODELS FOR S P A C E T I M E The bulk of t h e section is devoted to a n exploration of the following definition. A space-time ( M Ig , D ) is a connected, four-dimensional, oriented, and time-oriented Lorentz manifold ( M , g ) equipped with the Leui-Ceuita connection D of its metric g . All the terms entering this definition have been defined in Section 4.2, except one, namely time-orientability which we only alluded to in t h e beginning of
Section 5.2, and which we now introduce formally; t h e following result is essential to this purpose.
LEMMA 1. Let ( M , g ) be a connected Lorentz manifold, and 7 {f, E f,) 0). Then 7 is an open submanifold of T M and it has either one connected Component or two.
Proof: Let p : fa E T M H -gZ(fz,f8) E R. Since g is smooth, so is p. Consequently, the inverse image 7 C TM of t h e open s e t (0,m) C R under p is open. T h a t 7 is a submanifold is then immediate from t h e definition of T M as a differentiable manifold. Notice t h a t for every fa E 7 , -ca is also in 7 (since g is bilinear), and t h a t $ : fa E 7 H -$, E 7 is a homeomorphism. Let now A be a connected component of 7 ;as such A is both open a n d closed in 7 , and so is A U $ ( A ) B since $ is a homeomorphism; hence C e 7 - B is also both closed a n d open in 7 . T h e question is whether C is empty or not; suppose it is not, and proceed by contradiction. L e t A : fa E T M H z E M. We shall prove r(B)n T ( C ) = 0. Suppose, on t h e contrary, t h a t 32 E M such t h a t (, E B and f, E C. For t h a t z consider T, T M 8 n 7 . Since T M , is isomorphic to M 3 * l ,T, has two components. L e t J be t h e component of f, in T,. Clearly f, E CnY, so CnJ is not empty. Now A is by its very definition a component of 7 , and thus so is $ ( A ) . Consequently, C e 7 - A U $ ( A ) is the union of components of 7 . Since y is connected a n d CnJ # 0, we have C C . Since y is one of t h e two components of T,, we have either & E y or -(, E 9. Moreover, (, belongs by definition to B A U $ ( A ) , so by definition of $, -C8 belongs to B as well. Consequently, BnY # 0, and thus by the same argument as t h a t used with C : y 8. B u t then y C B n C , i.e. B n C # 0 which is a n untenable contention since C was defined as t h e complement of B in 7 . W h a t went wrong is t h a t we supposed r(B)fl A ( C ) # 0. Hence, A ( B ) and r ( C ) must have empty intersection. But now, T ( B ) U A ( C ) = M,and since M is connected, we must have r(C) = 0 and thus C = 0. Hence, 7 = A u$(A).Since A is a connected component of 7 , one has either $ ( A ) = A or A n $ ( A ) = 0, i.e. 7 has either one connected component or two. 0 As we saw in t h e beginning of Section 5.2, t h e space-time M 3 J of special relativity is such t h a t 7 has two components. This prompts t h e following definitions. A connected Lorentz manifold ( M , g ) is said to be time-orientable when 7 f {f, E T M I g , ( ~ , , f , ) < 0) has two components; it is said to be time-oriented if one chooses one of these components, say 7+,a n d calls it t h e future; the complement 7- of 7+ in 7 is called t h e past. W i t h t h a t choice made, we call future (resp. past) of a point zo E M the collection of points z1 E M such t h a t there exists a curve 7 : s E I H 7 ( s ) E M with 7(0) = zo 7(l) = z1 a n d ?(s) E 7+ (resp. 7-)Vs E [0,1]. Now, our definition of a space-time is complete. Notice, incidentally, t h a t we did not require a space-time to be geodesically complete, although M3J happens to satisfy this supplementary requirement. A model of a space-time which is not geodesically complete will be discussed later on.
A practical way to recognize whether a connected Lorentz manifold is timeorientable is to try to construct a smooth vector field ( : z E M H (# E TM such t h a t g1(fz, fz) 5 0, cz # 0 Vz E M (such a vector field is said to be causal). Suppose indeed, t h a t such a causal vector field exists, and define $J: & E T H gz(fz,€z) E R.Since ( 2 E 7 ,g z ( L , E z ) < 0; together with gz(sz,t) I 0 a n d fz # 0, this allows us to conclude t h a t either gz((z, &) < 0 or gs(&, > 0, i.e. gz(&, fz) # 0. Moreover, II, : T -+ (-m, 0) U ( 0 , ~is)o n t o and smooth. Thus T is not connected. From the lemma, 7 has therefore two connected components, i.e. (M,g) is time-orientable. With this tool in hand, the reader will verify immediately t h a t t h e Lorenta manifold M y of Section 4.2 is time-orientable. Define indeed, for every triple (ao,a',a2)E IR' with (ao))" (u2))"= p2, t h e curve 7 : s E IR H (aocosh $, u1cosh $, a' cosh $, psinh ); E M y . O n e has then g ( j , 7) = -1, so t h a t the tangent vectors to these curves form a vector field which is causal. A similar construction will show t h a t M?' is also time-orientable. Upon choosing for each of these manifolds a time-orientation] a n d equipping t h e m with their Levi-Cevita connection, one obtains two space-times which are not isomorphic to M't' since they are n o t Ricci-flat; nor are they, obviously, isomorphic to one another since they have opposite Ricci scalar. They, however, resemble M't' in two accidental (from t h e point of view of our general definition of a space-time) aspects: they are geodesically complete and they are homogeneous manifolds. A t this point the reader may well wonder whether there are Lorentz manifolds which are n o t time-orientable. This is, indeed, t h e case: consider t h e cylinder M = IR X S', and the open submanifold obtained from it by deleting one of its generator, e.g. M o = {(z,cp)lz E IR,0 < (o < 2 ~ ) .Let go be t h e smooth, symmetric (0,2)-tensor field defined on M o by:
Since tr g8 = 0 and d e t go = -1, gs has two distinct eigenvalues +1 a n d -1, so t h a t go is a Lorenta metric on Mo.Consider further, t h e vector field = (- sin p / 2 , cos (0/2), which is clearly smooth on Mo,non-vanishing a n d go) is time-orientable. Notice further, satisfies g!(cz, cz) = -1. Hence (NO, t h a t Cs is determined up to a multiplicative factor by g! (= = --& a n d t h a t
we can say t h a t fs consistently points towards t h e future. Now comes t h e counterexample. Clearly go extends by continuity to a Lorenta metric g on M. However, since:
( A ,g) is not time-orientable: one cannot distinguish, consistently over M, t h e past from t h e future.
We now know t h a t our definition of a space-time makes sense from a purely mathematical point of view: it is not redundant, a n d i t allows a generaliaation from M3a1,the space-time of special relativity. We next address t h e question of whether this definition is physically relevant, namely of whether we gained any phy'sical insight from it. First of all, we should notice t h a t t h e notions of observer, of particle a n d of electromagnetic field carry over directly from t h e setting of special relativity. We define indeed a n instantaneous observer at a point z E M as a vector 2 E ?'+Ma with g,(Z, 2)= -1. A n observer is then defined as a curve 7 : s E I H 7 ( s ) E M such t h a t (3)
We define similarly a particle of rest mass m o ( ~ IR+)as a curve 7 : s E I H
7(s) E M such t h a t (4)
T h e definitions of its energy, momentum, velocity, effective mass and restenergy with respect to a n instantaneous observer 2 at 7(s) t h e n carry over directly from (5.2.34-38) replacing, however, in these expressions g by gd8) since now t h e metric depends on t h e location 7(s) E M. Finally, an electromagnetic field is again defined as a closed two-form F on M,and again one can define for an instantaneous observer 2 at z E M w h a t he calls the electric field E and t h e magnetic field B. These will again satisfy t h e Maxwell equations a n d we will again define, in complete analogy with w h a t we did in Chapter Five, a test-particle of electric charge E E IR by t h e requirement t h a t it satisfy
where V is t h e covariant derivative, or Levi-Cevita connection, of t h e metric g on M. Compare (5) with (5.2.40); beware, however, t h a t M is n o t assumed to be flat anymore, so t h a t expressions like (5.2.42) now hold only in geodesic coordinate systems (see Section 4.2) at 7(s). Inspired by (5) we shall say t h a t a particle 7 : s E I H 7(s) E M is free if
v,j(8)?(s) =0 v s E I . which is to say t h a t a free particle is a geodesic. We are now ready for a hint at what we have gained from t h e generaliaation of t h e concept of space-time beyond the Minkowski space-time of special relativity.
A t a point z E M , take a Cartesian coordinate system in TMa with and assume t h a t
where g(O) is the Minkowski metric on
1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 0 0-1
a4 = 2,
and where:
Assume further
Assume finally t h a t we are looking, with our instantaneous observer 2 at z, at a slow moving free particle of rest mass mo, i.e. a particle for which (9)
T h e geodesic equation (6) reads in this coordinate system
so that, with the assumptions we j u s t made (7-9): (11)
dtv = - grad 9
- 1- 2 9 =- g44
We find, therefore, t h a t in a static universe (see 8 ) where t h e metric differs only slightly (see 7) from the Minkowski metric, free (see 10) and slow (see 9) particles seem to be moving under the action of a force deriving from a potential 9 (see 11) directly linked to t h e metric. O n e can t h u s interpret t h e effect of the deviation of the metric from the Minkowski metric as being such t h a t , in the Newtonian approximation, free particles seem to be moving in a gravitational field. This geometric description of gravitation depends in a n essential way on the fact t h a t this potential Q is t h e same for all particles irrespectively of their individual masses. This remark is the germ of one of the principal contentions of this chapter, namely t h a t General Relativity is a gravitation theory in which the presence of matter, as the source of gravity, is reflected in the metric of space-time. So far this is evidently only a hint,
a n d we will need to formalize our concept of matter to change this hint into a precise statement (see Section Three below). In t h e present section, we only take this remark as a stimulant for a further examination into t h e geometric and kinematic properties of curved space-times. Following Sachs a n d Wu (1977) we now want to give a kinematic interpretation for one of t h e most fundamental objects in t h e study of curved space-times, namely t h e Ricci tensor associated to t h e metric. A few preliminary remarks and some notation will help. Let 2 be a n instantaneous observer at z E M . Notice first t h a t one can show t h a t there exists a geodesic vector field (, defined in some neighbourhood U of z, and a unique integral curve 7 : s E I H 7 ( s ) E U satisfying ~ ( 0= ) z and q(0) = 2 = fs, with 7 inextendible in U.Clearly, since 7 is by definition a geodesic,
so t h a t 7 is a n observer through z. Moreover, for every z' E U there exists similarly a unique integral curve 7' of ( such t h a t f ( 0 ) = 2,y(0)= a n d ?' inextensible in U.Define then pt(z') = Y(t).Clearly, for s and t small enough bt o p, = po+t. This p is called the flow generated by t h e vector field (. At fixed t , pt maps smooth curves (in its domain) to smooth curves in M ; let us denote by (pt), t h e corresponding m a p of tangent vectors to M to tangent vector 6. Let us go back to our observer through t h e point z we chose in t h e beginning, and define for every s E I :
Notice t h a t , because of (12), we have for every ( E C,
with equality holding if and only if ( = 0; hence (C,,glC,) is isometrically '. isomorphic to the ordinary Euclidean space R Let now ( : s E I tSE T M be smooth and such t h a t T O ( = 7, where R : vs E T M H z E M is t h e canonical projection of T M o n t o M . This object is called a vector field over 7. We now say t h a t a vector field ( over 7 is a neighbour of 7 if t h e following two conditions are satisfied
Note t h a t we can show then, without loss of generality, t h a t there exists a vector field E defined on a neighbourhood V of z, with V C U,such t h a t on
V: (17)
k 1 T I
For this reason, (16) is referred to by saying t h a t is Lie-transported along 7. As a last preliminary remark, we should mention t h a t t h e notion of neighbour can be extended from t h e case of a geodesic observer to arbitrary observers (for this and the related concept of a general Fermi-Walker connection, see e.g. R. K. Sachs and H. Wu (1977)); we d o not need this generality here. With these preliminaries o u t of t h e way, let now 7 be our geodesic observer through z, and ( be a neighbour of 7. Recall: (i) t h e symmetry of t h e LeviCevita connection (see 4.2.41)) namely (18)
v,E-v~s-"s,'il= 0 ;
(ii) t h e definition of t h e curvature tensor R (see 4.2.66), implying in particular: (19)
R(51510 = (V,V?- vcv, - V,,,T]k ;
and (iii) t h e fact t h a t f is geodesic, i.e.
Then from condition (16) o n ,$ being a neighbour of 7 (see 17), we obtain: (21)
9, €1
which is to say t h a t ( is a Jacobi field along 7. Similarly, from t h e compatibility condition of t h e Levi-Cevita connection (see 4.2.40), implying in particular: (22)
g(V,-t,5 )
+ g(t1 V,O
and the fact t h a t 5 is geodesic (see (20) above), one obtains from condition (15) on ( being a neighbour of 7: (23)
g(V$, 9) = 0 i.e. (V$), E C,
We can, therefore, repeat this argument to obtain similarly 2
g(V%[, 7) = o i.e. (v?t),E C, The three-vector (V,$), E C, is interpreted as t h e relative spatial velocity at 7(s), with respect to our geodesic observer 7, of t h e neighbour 6 of 7. (24 1
Similarly, (V5OpE C, is interpreted as its relative spatial acceleration.
It is this acceleration, through its average over all spatial directions which is linked to the Ricci tensor. To see this, write C, for Co,a n d consider t h e maps associated to t h e instantaneous observer 2 = j(O),by:
Notice first t h a t
takes in fact its values in C,. We have indeed:
a n d t h u s by t h e antisymmetry of 8,t h e RHS vanishes. This operator from C, to C, is, in fact, t h e m a p which attributes to any neighbour ( of 7 its relative spatial acceleration at z, which is why we are interested in it. t h a t $Z is a selfNotice, also, as a result of t h e symmetry properties of adjoint operator, i.e.
To extract t h e Ricci tensor from this operator, let {X,lp= 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 } be an orthonormal basis in T M , with X4 = 2, so t h a t Xk E C, for k = 1 , 2 , 3 . Let {wplp = 1,2,3,4} be t h e dual basis in T’ Ma.Compute
k=l 3
To complete our programme, we now have to show t h a t t h e LHS of (28) can be interpreted as the averhge over all spatial directions of t h e relative spatial acceleration of the neighbours of our observer. To see this, let
i.e. O3is isomorphic to the group of isometries of lR3 Ca with t h e origin as fixed point; let 09, be t h e connected component of t h e identity in 03,i.e. 0% is the group of rotations. This is a compact Lie group and it, therefore, has a finite invariant measure p. For any self-adjoint operator $ on C, we define t h e average of $ over 0% as: c
One has then, by the invariance property of t h e trace:
Moreover, from (30) one has
(0-'5cp = 5 v
so t h a t
cp E 0%
7 is a multiple of the identity, and thus -
$ = -(tr ij) 1 3
Hence from (31) and (33): (34)
Upon bringing together (34) and (28), we obtain t h e result we were looking for: a kinematic interpretation of the Ricci tensor. PROPOSITION 2. Let Z be an instantaneous observer at z E M ; $ be a geodesic vector field, defined on a neighbourhood of z, with (a = Z . Let $2 be the map which associates to every neighbour ( of Z an $ its relative spatial acceleration. Then the average over space-directions of the relative spatial acceleration
is given by: -
1 $z = ---;Ric,(Z, 2).I 3
As a n illustration, this shows immediately t h e kinematic difference between three Lorenta manifolds which we studied in Section 4.2. For $z = 0.
For M y (resp. M?'), qZ= +P-~I (resp. - P - ~ I ) so t h a t neighbours, o n t h e average, accelerate away from (resp. towards) any (freely falling) observer. As we shall see in Section Three below, t h e cosmologies corresponding to these three manifolds are all matter-empty, so t h a t these differences will only reflect the effect .of t h e addition of a term Ag to the definition of t h e Einstein tensor G ; A is called the Einstein cosmological constant a n d its values are A = 0 for M3s1,A > 0 for M y , and A < 0 for M!?. Notice further t h a t if the average spatial acceleration is t h e same for all observers, i.e. = & A . I with A E JR independent of 2, then Ric = +Ag. This follows from two facts, complementing the above proposition. The first fact is, as we already pointed out, t h a t we can assume without loss of generality t h a t , given z E M and Z an instantaneous observer at z , there exists a geodesic vector field c, defined on a neighbourhood of z , with (, = 2. The second fact is spelled o u t in the following scholium; note t h a t both Ric a n d g are symmetric (0,2)-tensor fields. SCHOLNM 3. The only symmetric (0,2)-tensor field E , such that E,(Z, 2 ) = 0 for all z E M and all 2 E T+M, with g,(Z, 2)= -1, is E 0. Proof: For arbitrary X E T+M,, Z G 1g(X,X)I-'/2X satisfies g,(Z, 2) = -1; from the linearity of E in each of its variables it follows t h a t E ( X ,X)= 0. Let now Y be an arbitrary element in TM,, and X E ?'+A,. Since T+M, is open, 3 a > 0 such t h a t Z ( z ) X zY E T+M, V z E [0,a). We have then (using t h e linearity and symmetry of E) for all z E [0, a):
= +
0 = E,(Z(Z), Z(5)) = E,(X, X ) 2zE,(X, Y ) z2E(Y,Y )
which implies: (37)
E ( Y , Y )= 0 V Y E TM
Finally, for arbitrary X, Y E TM,, we obtain by t h e usual polarization method, upon using again the symmetry of E : 2E,(X, Y)= E ( X Y , X Y )E ( X , X )-E(Y,Y) which, by (37) vanishes. 0 We now understand t h e kinematic meaning of t h e condition Ric = Ag. T h e Lorentz manifolds which satisfy this condition are called Einstein spaces. T h e context in which they appear is clarified in t h e following statement. PRoPOS~T~ON4. Let ( M I g ) be a connected n-dimensional (with n 2 3) Lorentz or R i e m a n n manifold. Then: ( a ) The following conditions are equivalent
with A E J R
sg = 0 G+2n ~
Ric= -hg with A E I R n-2
(6) the conditions of (a) are satisfied if there ezists a f u n c t i o n K : z E H K, E I R such thatV‘,,q, E TM, a n d V z E M:
(c) A n y of the above conditions implies that S is constant over M (d) I n (b) one can assume, w i t h o u t loss of generality t h a t K is constant ouer M.
Proof: (38) implies (39). Indeed (38) reads Ric - frSg S
+ Ag = 0 so t h a t
1 ( R Z C )E ~ g”Y(Ric),,II = 15S - A]g”’g,,
1 2
S = n[-S -A]
n-2 2n
or A = -S .
and thus (39) follows from (38) by substitution. (39) implies (41). Indeed (39) reads Ric - hSg e S g = 0 so t h a t (41) follows immediately. (41) implies t h a t S constant over M. Indeed (41) reads
1 n
(Ric)! = -sstt and thus
( ~ i c ) != ; ~,ars . stt But we know (4.2.91) t h a t 1 ( ~ i c ) != ; ~-a,s
and thus, upon comparing these two equations, and noticing n _> 3, we obtain indeed 3,s = 0. (41) implies (40). Indeed we just learned t h a t S is constant over M;so Rac is indeed a constant multiple of g, which is what (40) says. (40) implies (38). Indeed (40) implies: 2 2n A (Ric)! = Y n-A g f : = n-2
which, when inserted in t h e definition of G gives indeed (38). Incidentally, t h e proof shows t h a t it is t h e same real number A which appears in (38) and in (40). Part (a) of t h e Proposition is proven. 0 To prove (b), we shall first show t h a t (44)
- K(gppgu0 - ~ w o s u p )= 0
For this purpose, let SPUNdenote t h e LHS of properties of
(44). From t h e corresponding
one verifies immediately
Define further
and notice t h a t condition (42) is precisely S((, q ) = 0. Upon playing with t h e linear independence of ( and q , one obtains successively from this:
From these relations, one obtains t h e system of simultaneous conditions
Upon adding t h e five equations (52) one obtains 3SwuP= 0 which proves (44). (44) now gives in succession:
(RZC)”~ = ( n - l)Kgup, i.e.
Ric = ( n - 1)Kg (55)
s = (Ric)!= n(n - l)K
(54) a n d ( 5 5 ) give (41), t h u s proving t h e second p a r t of t h e proposition.
We already proved t h a t (41)implies t h a t S is constant over M ,which is p a r t (c) of the proposition. P a r t (d) finally follows from (b), (c) a n d (55). 0 This proposition calls for a few comments. Firstly, it is now manifest from part (a) of t h e proposition t h a t any one of the four conditions (38)-(41) can be used to characterize Einstein spaces. Secondly, condition (42) requires only t h a t at each point z E M, taken separately, the manifold M has constant sectional curvature K,, and t h a t K, is a smooth function of z . I t is, therefore, quite remarkable t h a t this local condition implies-see part (d)-a global result, namely t h a t K, is a constant over the whole manifold. For Riemann manifolds this statement is known as Schur's theorem and is colloquially paraphrased by saying t h a t isotropy implies homogeneity . Thirdly, condition (42) is indeed a very strong condition (see e.g. J. A. Wolf (1974)). I t is known t h a t every geodesically complete, connected a n d simply connected, four-dimensional Lorenta manifold M of constant sectional curvature K is isometrically isomorphic to: M 3 J if K = 0, M y with p = K'12 if K > 0, or M?' with p = (-K)-'/2 if K < 0. As we saw in Section 4.2, these are homogeneous manifolds; let us denote any of these three manifolds by JTK (with K = 0, > 0 or < 0) and by G K t h e symmetry group of XK (see Table 4.2.1). Notice next t h a t one does not gain very much if one drops the requirement t h a t t h e manifold M is simply connected; let indeed M K be such a manifold, indexed by its curvature K . One has then t h a t there exists a subgroup r C G K acting freely and properly discontinuously o n RK such t h a t M K is the left quotient r \ NK of XK by I'. Consequently, if one wants to get seriously away from NK (and thus obtain manifolds which can serve as spacetimes of non-empty cosmologies) one must drop either geodesic completeness, or constant sectional curvature, or both. The question comes naturally as to whether there exist Einstein spaces which are not of constant sectional curvature. T h a t this is indeed t h e case is shown by the following example, due to Schwaraschild (1916). We proceed as conservatively as possible, and consider first t h e Minkowski space M3J of special relativity, with metric
which we rewrite in polar coordinates on (56b)
g(O) = -dt @I dt
+ dr @ dr + gs(r) with
gs(r) = r2(sin2 8 d p @ d p
+ do @ do)
We now want to modify this metric, b u t keep three of its essential properties, namely t h a t it be a stationary Lorenta metric, t h a t the corresponding Einstein tensor satisfy G = 0, and t h a t it be invariant under the group of rotations of
IR'. T h e simplest modification one can think of is to write: g = -&(')cit
8 dt + eB(')dr 8 dr + g s ( r )
This is not only t h e simplest, but, in fact, t h e only reasonable modification of g(O) satisfying t h e above three requirements. We shall n o t concern ourselves with t h a t aspect here, but instead forewarn the reader t h a t ( r , 0, p,t) should be thought of as local coordinates only, for a manifold t h e extent of which is still to be determined. O n t h e one hand, it is clear t h a t g is indeed a Lorenta metric which is invariant under the group of rotations of R '. O n t h e other hand, part (a) of our proposition shows t h a t t h e condition G = 0 is equivalent to the condition Ric = 0. A straightforward computation shows t h a t t h e non-identically zero components of t h e Ricci tensor are: 1
(Ric),, = -A" - -A'B' -A' - -B' 2 4 4 r 1 1 + -A'] 1 (R~C =)-[-A" ~ 1 - -A'g + -A'' 2 4 4 r 1 (Ric)ee= [l -r(A' - B')]e-B - 1 2 (Ric),, = sin2 8 . Re@
From (Ric),,= 0 = (Ric)ttone obtains in particular A'+
0 i.e. A + B =
T h e integration constant k can be absorbed by t h e trivial change of variable
t -+ eekI2t. We will, therefore, p u t k = 0, so t h a t
+ B(r)= 0
= 0, this gives Together with t h e condition (Ric)t~
+ rA') & = 1
and t h u s
Note t h a t these, in spite of t h e cancellation involved in getting (59), do indeed insure Ric 0. In (62) m is only a n integration constant. Upon considering the Newtonian limit (ll),one finds t h a t m 2 0 would give for 9 t h e gravitational potential of a point mass m at r = 0; taking u p this hint, we concentrate o n t h e case where indeed m is a positive real constant.
On t h e strength of these preliminary remarks, we define the Lorenta manifold (Mezt, gezt) as:
Mezt = IR x (2m,00) x S2 (63)
2m 2m dt @ dt (1 - r ) ' d r QD dr r with gs(r) = r2(sin20 d p QD d p d0 QD &)
gezt 3 -(1
- -)
+ gs(r)
Notice incidentally t h a t for m = 0, this metric coincides with t h e Minkowski and t h a t (Mezt, gezt) can be smoothly extended to (M'J, g(')). Note also t h a t for all m 2 0 (Mezt, gezt) is orientable and time-orientable. It can, therefore, be made into an acceptable space-time. More to the point here, let thus m > 0. A straightforward computation then shows t h a t 2m = -r3
Hence we have constructed an Einstein manifold which is Ricci-flat, b u t n o t flat. If it were of constant sectional curvature, (54) would imply K = 0, a n d 0 which contradicts (64). We have t h u s produced, thus (53) would imply R in answer to our question, an Einstein space which is not of constant sectional curvature. Condition (42) is, therefore, strictly stronger t h a n t h e conditions (38)-(41) in Proposition 4. The Lorenta manifold (63), when a choice of orientation and time orientation has been made, is called the exterior Schwarzschild solution (of t h e equation G = 0). We shall see in Section Three below t h a t it can be used to describe t h e motion of a planet around the Sun. T h e reader might worry at this point about the consequences of having restricted the range of t h e variable r to (2m,00). Upon filling in the mass of the Sun a n d t h e value of t h e universal gravitation constant, he will find t h a t the lower limit of this range of r is about 3km, which is well inside the Sun itself (the radius of t h e Sun is indeed about 7.105 km!) A similar computation for the motion of t h e Moon around t h e E a r t h would give about l c m (compared to t h e radius of t h e Earth which is about 6.103km). Hence, for such applications, the manifold ( M a t , gczt) is perfectly adequate. O n e might, nevertheless, wonder at w h a t would possibly happen if one were to have a star so dense t h a t all its matter would be concentrated well inside its Schwarzschild radius 2m. In other words, could the manifold (Mezt, gczt) be extended inwards across r = 2 m or could it be, to the contrary, t h a t the Schwarzschild radius is a natural boundary? The following few pages are devoted to the mathematical exploration of this question. Let us first notice t h a t
= IR x (0,2m)x S2
2m QD dt (1- -)r ' d r QD dr r with g,(r) = r2(sin20 dp QD dp dB @ do)
2m -(1 - -)dt
+ g,(r)
shares with (Mezt,gezt) all t h e following properties: it is a connected, fourdimensional, orientable and time orientable Lorenta manifold (so t h a t it can be made into an acceptable space-time); it is Ricci flat, i.e. Ric 0 and t h u s G = 0, b u t it is not flat, i.e. R # 0 (see 64 again) and it is invariant under t h e group O3 of rotations of R3. This manifold is called the interior Schwarzschild solution. The question we want to address is whether (Mezt, gezt) a n d (Mint, gint) can be made into a n extension of one another. At first glance, one may think of using M = R X {(0,2m)U (2m,0 0 ) ) X S2 with t h e metric given in (63) a n d (65); this, however, would n o t do, since this manifold is not connected. W h a t then about M = IR X (0,m) X S2 ? One has there to face another difficulty, namely t h a t there is an apparent singularity of t h e metric at r = 2m; t h e question now is whether this singularity is real, or is just a misleading feature of a poor choice of coordinates (and/or of differential structure). To answer t h a t question, we first look again at t h e manifolds (Mezt, gezt) a n d (Mint, gint) separately. R x (2m,m) O n (Mezt,gezt) we introduce t h e change of variables (t,r) E I H (u,r) E R X (2m,00) defined by:
= t + r + 2m tn(r - 2m)
i.e. 2m dt = du - (1 - -)
Upon substituting in (63) one obtains
= IR
(2m,m) x s2 2m = -(1 - - ) d ~ @ d~ 2 d@ ~ dr
r with g8(r) as in (63)
+ g,(r)
O n (Act, i,t) we introduce a different change of variables (t,r) E R X (0,2m) H (u,r) E IF! X (0,277~) defined by: u
= t + r + 2m tn(2m - r)
2m -
Upon substituting in (65), one obtains: Mint
= IR x (0,274x
2m gint = -(I - - ) d ~ @ d~
with g,(r) as in ( 6 5 )
+ 2 d 8~ dr + g,(r)
Three remarks have to be made about the change of variables (66) and (68). Firstly, these changes of variables a r e not as incongruous as they may seem to be: their interpretation follows directly from t h e following computation. Consider, for instance, t h e curves defined in ( M , , t , gezt) by:
r(s) ( t ( s ) , r ( s ) , e(s), (o(s)) with t ( s ) = s ; O(s) = B0 ; p(s) = po; a n d r ( s ) 2 m ln[r(s)- 2m] = --s ug
where vo E IFt is fixed. It can be checked t h a t these curves are geodesics and satisfy g ( j , j)= 0. Hence the level curves u = constant of (Aezt, gezt) when this manifold is coordinated as prescribed by (66) can be interpreted as incoming (since dr/ds < 0) light rays (since g(7,q) = 0 and 7 have geodesics trajectories). Secondly, the changes of coordinates (66) and (68) are diffeomorphisms. We have, therefore, done nothing to t h e differential structures of our two manifolds. Thirdly, these changes of coordinates allow to embed smoothly both t h e exterior and the interior Schwarzschild solutions in a single Lorentz manifold, namely
A’ = R x (0,oo) x (71)
2m g’ e -(I - -)du r
s22! IR’ \IR
@I du
+ 2du @I dr + g p ( r )
with g,(r) as in (63) and (65) T h e remarkable feature of this is now t h a t g‘ shows n o singularity whatsoever across the three-dimensional manifold separating (Mczt, gat) a n d (Mint, gint), namely across (72)
Mirn = {(u, r , 8, p) E M’lr = 2m)
Since the change of variables ( t ,r ) + (u, r ) is not smooth across this manifold, the Lorentz manifold (M’,g‘) is not the same as the object we would have obtained by naively glueing together the exterior and interior Schwarzschild solutions as given in their original coordinates. The smooth extension of (Aczt, gczt) to (Mint, gint) has a complicated history; see e.g. Rindler (1969, 1977), note 7, p.150 who cites: E. Kasner (1921), A. S. Eddington (1924), Lemaitre (1933), D. Finkelstein (1958), C. Fronsdal (1959), M. D. Kruskal (1960) and G. Szekeres (1960). L e t it suffice to mention here t h a t the form (67), (69) and (71) of t h e Schwarsschild metric is often referred to as the Eddington-Finkelstein metric; and t h a t the extension (A’,9’) is n o t unique. T h e second point is worth some closer examination as it shows t h a t (MI,g‘) itself can be extended, and t h a t space times which are n o t geodesically complete do occur in the theory.
Indeed, instead of the change of variables corresponding to an emphasis on incoming light rays, see (66), (68) and (70), namely
P' : (t,r ) E R x ( ( 0 , 2 7 4 u (27%0 0 ) ) (u,r ) E
defined by l n ( r - 2m) ln(2m - r ) r < O
consider now the change of coordinates
defined by
l n ( r - 2m) ln(2m - r ) r < O
(744 i.e.
dt = dw
+ (1- -)2mr
As with (MI,g/) one verifies t h a t this new change of variables allows t o embed smoothly both the exterior and the interior Schwaraschild solutions in a single Lorenta manifold, namely
MkIRX(O,oo)XS2~IR4\R 2m
e -(1 - -)dw
@ dw - 2dw @ dr r with g,(r) as in (63) and (65)
+ gl(r)
Again this metric shows no singularity whatsoever across the three-dimensional manifold separating ( Mczt, gat) and (Mint, gint), namely across
~h= { ( w , r , 8 , cp) E Ml'lr = 2m)
Notice, however, t h a t the map cp"
(v')-' : (u,r ) E R x
{ ( 0 , 2 m )u (2m, m)} H ( w , r ) E IR{(o, 2 4 u (2m,4
given by
w = v -2[r
+ 2m enlr - 2ml]
does not extend smoothly across r = 2m, so t h a t (M",g") a n d (M',g') have different differential structures, and this although they both extend t h e exterior and the interior Schwarzschild solutions. I t is quite a remarkable fact, which we know from the work of Kruskal (1960), t h a t there exists a Lorentz manifold in which both (A',g/) and (M", 9") can be embedded smoothly and isometrically. This can be seen as follows. Consider the successive change of coordinates
(t,r ) E IR x (27% m) H (w, w ) E IR2 \ (0) ++ (3,C) E (0, m) x (-m,o) H ( T , P ) E { ( r ,P ) E R21p > 0; T 2 - p2 < 0)
(784 defined by:
u =t
+ r + 2m l n ( r - 2m)
6 = ezp(v/4m)
c = -ezp(-w/4m) T
1 = -(3 2
+ a)
p = -(3 - a) 2
Upon following the metric gczt in (63) through these successive changes of variables, one can identify the exterior Schwarzschild solution as:
= { ( T , p, 8,'p) E R2 x S21p > 0, r2 - p2 < 0) 16m2 gezt = p e r z ~ ( - r / 2 m ) { - - d 78 d7 -dp 8 d p ) gs(r) with gs(r) as in (63), and Y the unique solution of r2 - p2 = -(r - 2m) ezp(r/2m) with Y E (2m,m) Mezt
Once it is written in this form, the exterior Schwarzschild solution begs for a n extension to (80)
= ((7,
p, 8,~ p E ) R~x s21r2- p2 < 2m) g as in (79) with range of r extended to ( 0 , ~ )
We will distinguish six submanifolds in this (81,I) (81,II) (81,111) (81,IV) (81, v > (81,VI)
={z E
- p2
M, namely:
< 0; p > 0)
E M ( T~ p2 > 0; 7 > 0) MIII { Z E M172 - p 2 < 0 ; p < 0) Mlv = { z E M1r2 - p2 > 0; r < 0) Mv = { Z E M17+p > 0) Mvr = { z E M Ip - 7- > 0) MI1 G { Z
Let us further denote by gA t h e restriction of g to We already identified (MI,gI) with
(Mezt, gezt).
(with A = I , I I , . . ., VI).
N e x t we notice t h a t t h e m a p
given by:
v = 4m tn(7 Y
+ p)
solution of r2 - p2 = (2771 - Y) exp(r/2m)
is smooth and extends to an isometric diffeomorphism of (Mv,gv) o n t o ( M I , g'); moreover, t h e submanifold { z E Mvlp = T} corresponds then to t h e sub~ ) identified with t h e manifold Mi, = { z E M'lr = 2m). Hence, ( M l ~ , g l is interior Schwarzschild solution (Mint, gint). Similarly, t h e m a p
given by:
w = -4m l n ( p - T) Y solution of r2 - p' = (2m - r)ezp(r/2m)
is smooth and extends to an isometric diffeomorphism of (Mvl,gvl) onto (M", g); moreover, the submanifold { z E M v ~ l p= -r} corresponds then to t h e submanifold M :, = { z E M"lr = 2m). Hence (Mlv, g I v ) is another copy in (M,g) of the interior Schwarzschild solution (Mint, gint). A similar argument allows to identify a second copy of t h e exterior Schwarzschild solution in (M,g), namely (MITI,9111).
From there the full picture follows readily (see Fig. 1). (M,g)is a connected, four-dimensional, orientable and time-orientable Lorentz manifold. I t is Ricci-flat, but not flat. (M,g)contains two disjoint copies of the exterior , and ( M I I I ,9111); two disjoint copies Schwarzschild solution, namely, ( M I g,) of the interior Schwarzschild solution, namely (MII, gII) and (MIv, glv); two disjoint copies of (MI,g'), namely (Mv,g ~ and ) its image through (T, p) --t (-T, - p ) ; and two copies of (M", g ) , namely (Mvr, gvI) and its image through p ) --b (-'? - p ) ' ('1
Notice t h a t within each copy of either (MI,9') or ( A " ,g") everything, including the metric, is smooth across r = 2m. So nothing can possibly happen when crossing through t h e imaginary boundaries .Min or Mim:the singularity of the original form of t h e metric (see (63) and (65)) is, therefore, a delusion due t o a poor choice of the coordinate system in which it was expressed.
Fig. 1 The Kruskal space -time
Although nothing happens locally at r = Zm, Figure 1 suggests t h a t something does happen globally which is worth mentioning. Let us time-orient (M,g)as indicated on Figure 1, a n d look at t h e future of any point z in the copy ( M I gI) , of t h e Schwaraschild solution. Any causal, future-pointing curve (e.g. observer, particle or light-ray) through z will remain in Mv = M I U Mkm U MI,. As it crosses Mbm nothing happens; however, once inside M I I it cannot escape this region-ever! MI[,therefore, acts as a perfect trap: you d o not feel anything as you enter, b u t once inside, you cannot escape, nor can you even communicate with the outside world. This situation (of a star so dense t h a t all its matter is concentrated well inside its Schwaraschild radius) is dramatized in the popular literature by saying t h a t it is a black hole.. .without much regard to t h e question of whether black holes d o really exist in nature, or even could be seen if they existed. Still there is some evidence t h a t such a strange creature is a partner in t h e binary system Cygnus X - 1. T h e exploration of t h e possible properties of black holes is the object of many serious theoretical speculations, and more is getting known on w h a t to look for at the observational level. Back to t h e mathematical objects just defined, t h e reader will verify t h a t t h e space-time (M,g) is not geodesically complete ( n o t even causally geodesically complete), nor is any of the manifolds (MA, g A ) with A = I , 11,.. ., V I . Also, there is no way to incorporate r = 0 into a smooth extension of (M,g):this manifold is not extendable any further. Up to this point, all the examples we discussed were of Einstein spaces, i.e. space-times which are characterized mathematically by t h e condition t h a t the Einstein tensor be proportional to t h e metric tensor (see Proposition 4), and physically by either t h e fact t h a t t h e average spatial acceleration is t h e same for all observers (see Proposition 2) or equivalently (see Section Three below) by the absence of active matter. The simplest example of a space-time not belonging to this class is obtained from the following result.
S C H O L N M 5 . Let M f R3X (0, m) be equipped with the differential structure it inherits as a submanifold of the standard R4,and with the metric
with R : (0, m) + R+.
T h e n the following conditions are equivalent o n
( M ,9 ) .
(i) Gkk = 0 k = 1 , 2 , 3 (ii) ~ ( t=) (at C ) ~ / ~ ~s oO mT e (a, c) E R+ x R+ (iii) With Ric-the (1,1) - tensor equivalent t o R i c , there esists f : (0, co)-+ R such that
(86) (87)
k.= 1
8 ak - dt @ a,] 1 2
(iv) same as (iii) with f ( t ) = - S ( z , t ) w h e r e
S as the Ricci scalar of the metric g.
Proof: A straightforward computation gives t h a t t h e only non-identically zero components of the Ricci tensor for a metric of t h e form (84) are
so t h a t
and thus
Gkk = -[2RR" (R')2] G44 = 3(R/R-')2 The equivalence of (i) and (ii) follows then directly from (90a). Upon recalling t h a t (Ric"); gfiP(Ric)pv,we see t h a t condition (iii) reads
i.e. upon using (88a and b) 2[2R"R-'
+ ( l q 2= ] 0
Hence, upon comparing (92) and (90a), we see t h a t (i) and (iii) are equivalent. T h e equivalence of (iii) and (iv) follows directly from t h e definition of S G
Let (MIg) be as in the scholium. Upon inserting (86) into (89) and (90) one obtains (93)
G = S ( t ) dt
Consequently, (M,g)is a n Einstein space, i.e. G proportional to its metric g , if and only if S = 0 and t h u s R is a constant, which we can assume without loss of generality (by performing a scale change in IR’) to be 1. Hence (M,g) is an Einstein space if and only if it is a submanifold of t h e flat Minkowski space-time M’J. To obtain something new, i.e. a space-time which is n o t a n Einstein space, it is, therefore, sufficient to assume Q > 0 in (86). Again by adjusting t h e origin of time and the scale in IR’, we can assume without loss of generality Q = 1 and c = 0. We have then 3
g = t4/’
C dxk @ d z k - dt @ dt k=l
Although Robertson (1933) already pointed o u t in his review of relativistic cosmologies t h e precedents of Lemaitre (1925), Robertson (1928, 1929) and Heckmann (1931), t h e metric (94) is usually called t h e Einstein-de Sitter metric after Einstein & de Sitter (1932). For our purpose in this section, we note t h a t IR3X ( 0 , ~ = ) M equipped with the metric (94) is connected, four-dimensional, Lorentzian, orientable (e.g. by s1 = ds’ A d x 2 A dx’ A dt) and time-orientable (e.g. by t h e vector field = so t h a t i t can be made into an acceptable space-time; t h i s is n o t an Einstein space (see 93) since
< at),
S ( t ) = %-2 3
Notice, incidentally, t h a t this ( M , g ) cannot be extended through t = 0 since the Ricci scalar (see 95) diverges as t + +O. Verify also t h a t if 5 is a vector field in T+(M) with g((,() = -1 a n d G(5;) = f g ( 5 ; ) for some f € 3 ( M ) , then ( = at; hence at is canonically distinguished, i.e. is distinguished in a n intrinsic manner since we can characterize it using only t h e metric a n d t h e time-orientation of (M, g) without appealing to any special coordinate-system. This simple fact is more t h a n j u s t a mathematical curiosity, a n d is indeed linked to our next remark. Since the Einstein-de Sitter space just described is not a n Einstein space, one might suspect t h a t i t contains some active matter which would cause, by gravitation, a deviation from t h e uniformity of t h e average space-acceleration (see Proposition 2 and t h e discussion following it). As we shall see in Section Three below, this is indeed t h e case: the Einstein tensor (93) corresponds to a form of matter one calls “dust”, i.e. a gas with zero pressure. The Einstein-de Sitter space-time can be generalized to a class of space-times usually referred to as Robertson- Walker spaces and characterized by the fact t h a t the metric is of the form
where gc is t h e metric of a three-dimensional Riemann manifold C of constant sectional curvature K c ; t h e Einstein-de Sitter case thus obtains with C = R3, and thus KC = 0, supplemented by t h e conditions of t h e above Scholium. For Robertson-Walker spaces, one can prove a natural generalization of t h e remark made after (93), namely: SCHOLNM 6. A Robertson- Walker space i s a n Einstein space i f and only i f it has constant sectional curvature.
Proof: Since a Robertson-Walker by definition is a space-time, it is a connected four-dimensional Lorentz manifold; we, therefore, already know (see Proposition 4) t h a t if it has constant sectional curvature, it is a n Einstein space. We now prove the converse. To simplify t h e notation we use i,j , k , f?, . . . for indices taking the values 1,2,3; and p, v ,p , 0 , . . . when the value ranges extend to 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 . A straightforward computation shows t h a t t h e only non-identically vanishing components of the Riemann tensor of a Robertson-Walker space are, up to the usual symmetries:
so t h a t the only non-identically zero components of t h e Ricci tensor are:
The condition t h a t we have an Einstein space (namely R i c = Ag, see Proposition 4, and recall t h a t here n = 4) reduces to:
which, when inserted in (97a and b) give 1
= SA(gPPguL7 - g w g u p )
From this we read t h a t t h e space considered has constant sectional curvature namely K = A/3. 0 Combining this with what we already knew, we conclude t h a t t h e spacetimes M3v1, M y and M?' are the only Robertson-Walker spaces which are geodesically complete, connected and simply connected Einstein spaces. Notice, however, t h a t for a general Robertson-Walker space which is a n Einstein space, the cosmological constant A = 3 K (where K is the total
sectional curvature) does n o t determine t h e spatial sectional curvature Indeed, the following three Robertson-Walker metrics
(101a) (101b) (101c) all have cosmological constant A = while their spatial sectional curvature is Kc = +1 (for lola), 0 (for 101b) and -1 (for 101c). Finally, and most importantly, there a r e Robertson-Walker spaces which are not Einstein spaces; a counterexample has indeed been presented, namely the Einstein-de Sitter space-time. Section 2. ELECTROMAGNETISM REVISITED The definition of a n electromagnetic field given in t h e special theory of relativity (see Section 5.1) extends immediately to the general theory, namely a n electromagnetic field on a space-time ( M , g ) is a closed two-form 3 on the differentiable manifold M. T h e orientation h2 and t h e time-orientation 7+ of the space-time (and t h u s its Lorentz metric g ) allow to define again an observer as a curve 7 : s E I H 7 ( s ) E M such t h a t g7(s)(j(s), j ( s ) ) = -1 and q ( s ) E 7+ V s E I . For every SO E I t h e vector 2 = ?(SO) is said to be a n instantaneous observer at zo = $SO). A reference f r a m e around zo is a vector field 5 , defined in a neighbourhood U of 2 0 , such t h a t all its integral curves are observers. As in Section 5.1, we define t h e electric field Ez associated to 3 by a n instantaneous observer 2 at z E I/ as t h e vector field Ez in U satisfying
Notice t h a t this vector field is unique, since g is non-degenerate, and t h a t EZ is orthogonal (i.e. space-like) to 2 since 3 is antisymmetric. Again here, t h e magnetic field BZ associated to 3 by 2 is t h e unique vector field B Z satisfying
g,(BZ, 2 ) = 0 a n d f i Z K 2 , rl2, BZ,2 ) = &(&, 172) v z E u ; v &, q2 E T M , with g Z ( L 2 ) = 0 = g2(vt, 2)
{{, 2 f (&),Iz E U} by Let us now complete our reference frame 5 introducing three vector fields E2 and on U such t h a t
S a ( ( E i ) a , (&)a) = 6jk S Z ( ( f i ) Z , 2 )= 0 n2((c1)Z1
2 )=
Let further {Pip = 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 } be t h e basis of one-forms dual to {[,,lp = 1,2,3,4}. This allows to extend to our present context, t h e definition of t h e
source J of 3, namely (4)
= div 7 : w, E T'U V(E,),42(%, (E%)
where 4 is the (2,O) antisymmetric tensor associated to 7 by the following routine extension of w h a t we did in Section 5.1. (44
4 : (w,,x,)
u T'M,
X T*M,
%((&J2, ( F X M E IR
Finally, we define (again in complete analogy with Section 5.1) (5)
The reader will verify t h a t J is independent of t h e choice of {&(k = 1,2,3} satisfying (3), and, in fact, t h a t J (and thus J and p, as well as E are independent of t h e orientation R whereas B changes sign if t h e opposite orientation R is chosen. Moreover, {E, B, J , p } satisfy the Maxwell equations (5.1.15) a n d
[5.1.25). With these notations, we now prove the following central result of this section (where the contraction J is defined in (4.2.100)). PROPOSITION 1. L e t 3 be a n electromagnetic field o n a space-time (M,g). T h e n there exists exactly one s y m m e t r i c (2,O)-tensor field & o n ( M , g ) such that for every instantaneous observer Z
where Ez (resp. Bz) is the electric (resp. magnetic)field associated t o 3 b y Z . Specifically -
E = D - -(tr b)$ 4
with b defined o n ( M , g ) as the s y m m e t r i c (2,0)-tensorfield given by: (8)
b : (w,,~,) E
u T'M, X T I M ,
a€ M
ProoF: Equation (8) clearly defines a symmetric (2,0)-tensor field on is. Let b be the (1,l)-tensor field defined by:
b : (x,,t2) E
u T’M, x T M ,
zE M
H BZ(X2,
(we).) E
where we is t h e one-form defined by (10)
“c : 7)z E TM
gz(t2, 7 ) E ) E IR
tr B : z E
b((qa, ((,,)a)
Define now (11)
where {t,,lp = 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 } is a n arbitrary orthonormal basis of vector fields in a neighbourhood of z, and { ~ , , l p= 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 } is t h e dual basis of one-forms. Note t h a t tr B is independent of t h e orthonormal basis {(,,} used to define it. Hence (7) defines a symmetric (2,0)-tensor field on M. We now show t h a t this tensor field satisfies condition (6). l+om (8) a n d (l), we obtain upon using (10) repeatedly:
D ( Z , Z )= Q W Z , W Z ) = 6(ZJ3,ZJ3) = 8(--WEz - WE,) = g(Ez, E Z ) = IEZI2
Upon using (2) in ( ll ) ,as well as (8),(1) and (lo), one obtains with some more work :
(tr 0
= 2(-IEzl2
which is invariant, as i t should be, under all homogeneous isometries of TM,. To derive (13), it is instructive and expedient to use local coordinates, i.e. to use as above, with e4 = 2 . Writing then 3,,,, 3((,,,(,,),one obtains sucessively
(14) with (15)
BhU= 4w -3uu 4PO = p ’ ” p 3 , p j u- ~ u ~ 3 , ~
0--9 (16) and t h u s (17) b; = 3”ZU (18) tr B = 4~u3,,u Notice, in particular, t h a t this gives
1 ElU = 4 w -3u0 - -4w3wgfir 4
The reader will notice t h a t u p to here we did n o t use more t h a n t h e fact t h a t { t p }is a basis of vector fields around z. Using now t4 = 2,and for simplicity, the orthonormality of our basis, one obtains readily from (l),(2) and (18) the announced formula (13). From (12), (13), and (7)one obtains finally (6). The uniqueness asserted in the Proposition follows directly from Scholium 6.1.3. 0 The symmetric (0,2)-tensor field E defined uniquely by (6), is called t h e stress-energy tensor of the electromagnetic field 3. T h e “energy” part of its name comes precisely from (6), t h e RHS of which is interpreted by each observer 2 as the total energy (density) of the electric and magnetic fields, EZ and Bz, which he associates with 3 . T h e interpretation of the other components of E is best explained from the following result. COROLLARY 2. L e t
tensor, and J
3 be a n electromagnetic field, E be its stress-energy
= div 3 be its source.
Proof: Here again it is both expedient and instructive to conduct t h e proof using local coordinates. We have, using (19),
where (;v)denotes the covariant derivative in the direction tu.We also drop from the proof the symbols (*) and (”) since the position of t h e indices make them superfluous. We first compute K’
K’ = - 3 w g ~ p 3 y p ; y = 3f3Pu;u (24) i.e. upon recalling t h a t by definition (25) J p ( d i v Q P= Y’;y we obtain K’ = 3 r J p = (F.7)” (26) Hence the proof will consist in showing t h a t N vanishes identically. T h e first term in N” is:
T h e second term in NP is: 1
-‘(3”&,);,g”’ 4
= -:{3pu;u&u 4
1 2
1 2
+ 3 p ~ 3 w ; u } g ~=v
3p‘3w;u= + - g ~ p 3 ~ ~ 3 u u ; p
Upon adding u p (27) and (28) we find:
N P= zgup3uu{&u;v
+ + 3up;u
where t h e term {. . .} vanishes identically since d 3 = 0. We now look at t h e components of (20), with = 2, to find first t h a t :
(div E)4= -( 3J)4
(304 reads
with (304
* 43
(Es ,Es , Ez ) = EZ X BZ
and (304 Recall t h a t UZ is w h a t t h e instantaneous observer 2 calls t h e total energy (density) of t h e electric and magnetic fields, Ez a n d Bz, which he associates to the electromagnetic field 3. The “Poynting vector” SZ is then to be interpreted as a n energy-flus (density); this gives t h e physical interpretation 4k of three more components, namely E with k = 1 , 2 , 3 , of our stress-energy tensor E . Another way to look at SZ is to think of i t as t h e spatial part of t h e quadrivector ( E p 4 ) = (Sz,UZ);for this reason it is also called t h e momentum (density) of t h e electromagnetic field as seen by 2. To complete the interpretation of (30a or b), EZ . JZ is t h e power (density) of t h e electromagnetic field, relative to our observer 2 at z . Turning now to t h e spatial component of (20), we find t h a t
(div b)’ = --(?J)‘
the other symbols entering (31b) have already been defined a n d interpreted. The conservation law (31b), together with t h e interpretation of S as a moment u m (density) lead to the interpretation of the spatial tensor Tz as a stresstensor, known in the literature as the Maxwell stress-tensor, while t h e R H S of (31b) is to be interpreted as a force (density), known as the Lorentzforce in t h e physics literature. This completes the interpretation of our stress-energy tensor E. As a small historical note, it may be mentioned t h a t it was Minkowski (1908) who recognized, in the framework of t h e special theory of relativity, t h a t (31b) was the spatial component of an equation, namely (20), t h e time-component of which is t h e “Poynting theorem” given by equation (30b). He did so in t h e limiting case where (5,p ) is considered as a point charge-current density. In closing this section, we should mention two mathematically evident, b u t physically important (see Section Three), properties of t h e electromagnetic stress-energy tensor, namely
(32) indeed immediately follows from (7), while (33) follows from (6) by linearity and continuity. Section 3. MODELS FOR MATTER Let (M,g)be a space-time, G = Rac - &3g be its Einstein tensor, a n d chose a “cosmological constant” A; let further 3 be a n electromagnetic field on (M,g), and E be its stress-energy tensor. A model for matter will be a symmetric (0,2)-tensor field T on (M,g)such t h a t (11
+ Ag = E + T
and (2)
T J Z , 2 ) 2 0 for all instantaneous observers 2
(1) is called the Einstein f i e l d equation; in his original paper, Einstein (1916) did not have the term Ag, and he lumped together ( E T ) as “the” stressenergy tensor. The term A # 0 was introduced for cosmological reasons by Einstein (1917) who, however, later deplored the fact t h a t “the introduction
of this second term constitutes a complication of t h e theory, which seriously reduces its logical simplicity” (Einstein, 1956); more recently, arguments have been p u t forward to t h e effect t h a t this term should be in the R H S rather t h a n the LHS of t h e equation, meaning by this t h a t it should not be interpreted as part of t h e geometry, but rather as belonging to t h e sources, arising purportedly from quantum fluctuations in the vacuum. Whatever the case may be, observational evidence shows t h a t A must be a very small constant, probably /A[?: cm-’ (Sandage, 1961). With or without A, t h e reader must realiae t h a t equation (1) is a new postulate. Einstein (1916) has this to say when he introduces it: “It must be admitted t h a t this introduction of t h e energy-tensor of matter [either T or ( E T ) in eq. (l)]is not justified by t h e relativity postulate alone.. . b u t the strongest reason for t h e choice of this equation lies in its consequences.. .” The purpose of much of t h e material to be presented in this section is precisely to show w h a t some of these consequences are. Without having to specify t h e matter model any further, we obtain t h e following immediate consequence of t h e definition. PROPOSITION1. For every matter model T o n a space-time (M,g ) o n which a n electromagnetic field 3 with source J is defined, we have:
(i) div T = f J (ii) tr ? = -S 4A (iii) For every observer Z
where $=is the average spatial acceleration relative t o Z . (iv) T h e inequality in (5) becomes a n equality for all Z if and only if 3 = 0. Proof: From Corollary (6.2.2) we know t h a t f J = - d i v e . By definition of the covariant derivative, t h e compatibility condition of t h e Levi-Cevita connection with the metric implies d i v g = 0 (see 4.2.8913). Consequently (1) implies t h a t (3) is equivalent to d i v G = 0, which is always satisfied by t h e very way we constructed G (see 4.2.91). This proves (i). Upon taking the trace of (1) written in the form 1
R i c - -0s 2
+ j A = E + ?’
and recalling t h a t S t r R;’c, and tr ?!, = 0 (see 6.2.32) we obtain (4), t h u s proving (ii). From (6) we obtain
1 + 5s - A = E ( 2 , Z )+ T ( 2 ,2)
Upon substituting (4) into (7) and recalling t h a t 6.1.36), we obtain
qz =
- h R i c ( Z , Z ) (see
GZ - -A = --[tr T + 2 T ( Z ,Z)] - -E(Z, 2)
1 3
1 6
1 3
( 5 ) then follows from (8) and (6.2.33) thus proving (iii). Finally (iv) follows from (8) and Scholium (6.1.3) together with (6.2.6) Notice in particular, t h a t in an empty universe, where T = 0 = E , parts (iii) and (iv) of the above proposition imply GZ = !jA which we already know from Section 6.1. We are now going to explore what becomes of this when more specific models of matter are considered. PROPOSITION 2. Let (M, g) be a space-time with cosmological constant A; and 3 be an electromagnetic field o n (M,g), with source J . Let further s be a vector field o n (M,g), and suppose there exist m E IR+,E E IR and 7) : M +
IR+ smooth, such that:
(11) (12)
(i) there exists exactly one symmetric (2,O)-tensor field ? on (M,g) such that TZ(Z,2) = 712 g z ( 2 , fJ2
namely ?=71S@S,
so that T is consistent with condition (2); (ii) div ?’ = Y J so that T is consistent with the consequence (3) of condition (1); (iii) under this condition, we have, moreover 1 1 9 2 - -A I --(% m2 IEz12 1BzI2). 3 6
Proof: W i t h ?’ as in (12), we have T ( Z ,2) = ~ ( u zuz) , = rls W Z ( ( ~ = ) ~ qr g2(Z,sz)’, which proves the existence claimed in (i); uniqueness follows from Scholium (6.1.3). To prove (ii), compute: (div ?)” = T”” ;v = (7 (ysp);u =
71 S ” ( S ’ l ~ ; u
i.e. (15)
div ? = V,s
+ div(q r) . (
Now from (10) div J = 0 iff div(7f) = 0 (and by 15) iff d i v ? = 7 Vc<(so t h a t by 9) iff div?' = ?(ET,I() (and t h u s by (10) again), iff d i v ? = F J . Since div J = 0 follows from the definition J = div 3, we have proved (ii). From (11) we see t h a t
Since both 2 a n d (17)
are time-like, we have gZ('1
gz(fz, f Z ) = m2
so t h a t (14) follows from (8), (16), (17) and (6.2.6). 0 In analogy with classical hydrodynamics, matter models which a r e obtained from this proposition, together with t h e additional requirement t h a t condition (1) be satisfied, are referred to as particle flows. Condition (9) indeed tells us t h a t t h e integral curves of our vector field 5 are test particles of mass m and electric charge E for t h e electromagnetic field 3, while condition (10) tells us t h a t this particle flow acts as the source of t h e electromagnetic field 3. Note t h a t t h e Einstein-de Sitter space of Section 6.1 provides a n example of neutral particle flow. Upon inserting (12) into (4), we see t h a t t h e effect of matter on t h e curvature of space-time is to increase t h e curvature, as measured by t h e Ricci scalar, by a t e r m proportional to the matter density. More sharply, let 2 be a n instantaneous observer at rest with the flow, i.e. such t h a t 2 = for this observer, the inequality (14) becomes an equality so t h a t t h e effect of matter at z is to decrease the average spatial acceleration by a t e r m proportional to t h e matter density a t z . Hence, matter can be interpreted as the source of a gravitational field; note, in particular, t h e signs occurring in (14): gravity is a n attactive force. The link between t h e above and t h e Newton theory of gravitation can be seen as follows. Consider a particle flow with 3 = 0 and A = 0 to simplify t h e argument. We have then G = q (@I (. For an instantaneous observer at rest with this flow, take a coordinate system around z such t h a t , at z, a4= 2 , and work in the Newtonian approximation discussed in t h e beginning of Section 6.1 (see especially, eqns. 6.1.7-6.1.11). From G = p 2 8 2 a n d Ric = G- i t r G (which follows directly from t h e definition of G) we obtain, on t h e one hand, t h e exact expression: (Ric)44 = i p 2
O n the other hand, we have in t h e Newtonian approximation
where A = &ai is the spatial Laplace operator. W i t h (6.1.11), (18) and (20) lead to the following equation for t h e gravitational potential a: 1
A @ = -p 2
This is the classical Poisson equation, which is solved by
This is the law governing gravity in Newtonian physics: the gravitational force at x due to a point-mass at y is given by:
i.e. gravitation is indeed attractive, and gravitational forces decrease as t h e inverse of t h e square of the distance. In this sense Einstein’s field equation (1) is a gravitational theory: it generalizes t h e classical Newtonian theory of gravitation, which it contains as a controlable approximation. We shall see later in this section t h a t it is more t h a n j u s t an elegant mathematical generalization: it predicts observable phenomena t h a t t h e classical theory does not explain . A t this point of the exposition of t h e theory, we would like to pursue a little further our exploration of matter models and try to describe a relativistic gas. Here again, we take stock from classical hydrodynamics, a n d take as our starting point t h e Bernoulli (1738) model of a gas. Suppose, indeed, t h a t at z we have six particle flows which differ only in t h e spatial direction of f , specifically we take: fl
= m(a,o,o, P ) = m(O,a,0, P ) = m(010, a,P )
= m(--a, o,o, P ) = d o , --a, 0, P)
= m(o, 0,-a, P )
with gZ(t&,8) = -m2
= 1 , . . ., 6
= -1
We now construct, from ( 1 2 ) , with
> 0:
k= I
which is diagonal in the basis in which we chose to express the
We can, therefore, rewrite
'? in the form:
with 2 = (o,o, 0 , l ) (29)
p = 6qm2P2 > 0 p = 2r)m2a2> o
Notice: (30)
trF=-p+3p<0 T ( X ,X ) 2 p > 0 V X such t h a t g(X,X)= -1
The general structure, this particular model hints to, is elicited by the following result PROPOSITION 3. Let T be a symmetric (0,2)-tensorfield o n a space-time (M, g) and suppose that there ezists a vector field s o n (M,g) such that for every z E M : s, E T+ , gz(sa,s,) = -1 and T, is invariant under the group O3 of spatial rotations of the space C, = (€3 E TM,Ig(&,(,) = 0 ) equipped with the metric gE = g,lC,. T h e n there ezists two smooth functions p , p : z E M + R such that
(31) (32) (33) (34)
+ @+
(i) F = P (€3 5 P s @5) (ii) tr F 5 o i f p - 3 p 2 o (iii) T J Z , 2) 2 0 for every instantaneous observer 2 iff p 2 0 and p p 2 0 (iv) - T,(Z, 2 ) 2 tr ?, for every instantaneous observer Z p 2 0 and p p 2 0 .
+ +
Proof: For every E E C, 3 11, E O3 such t h a t $[HI = -H. Hence t h e spatial isotropy of T, implies Tz(&,H)= T,(11,[~~],11,[H]) = T,(S,,-=)= -T,(Sg,H), i.e.
For every f E TM, , let E = E - zg,, with z = -g,(f,S,); clearly H E C,. Define similarly H and y for q E TM,. Taking (35) into account, we obtain
Upon using again t h e invariance of T, under Os,we conclude t h a t there exists p : z E M -+ IR such t h a t
(36) together with (37) gives (31) t h u s proving (i). mediately (39)
tr T = -p+
From (31) follows im-
which makes (ii) clear. To prove (iii) a n d (iv), we compute from (31)
i.e. for Z E T+M,:
Since ga(Sa, 2)' ranges over [+1, oo), (40) implies (iii). T h e s a m e argument, in conjunction with (39) a n d (40) is used to prove (iv). 0 Before we g o into the physical interpretation of this proposition, let us still make another preliminary mathematical remark. COROLLARY 4. Let T be a symmetric (0,2)-tensorfieldon a space-time (M, g), and assume tr T 2 0 . Then at those points z E M where T, # 0 there ezcsts at most one f E TM,, such that g&, s) = -1, 5 E T+M,, and T, spatially isotropic with respect to s.
Proof: The condition t h a t T, be spatially isotropic with respect to s, i.e. be invariant under t h e group O3of rotations of t h e space C, = { I E T M , l g , ( c , s) = 0) equipped with g,IC,, implies (31), namely
pa = P a 5 (23 I
+ $63s}
as we just learned. Moreover, from this a straightforward computation shows that
Suppose now t h a t T, is also spatially isotropic with respect to another timelike, future oriented vector (‘ with g&’, s’) = -1. Notice then
g a ( s , s’l2 > 1
s’ # c
and, with the help of (41):
From (42)and (43),we thus obtain pa = p b . Let now (44) We have then, since (41)holds for since g s ( ( , = 0:
s and 5‘
with t h e same eigenvalue -ps, a n d
However, a straightforward computation from (31), using g(c, (46) Since g ( ( , s ) 2
( 1
0 = (-Pi
+ $1
# 0 (see 42 and 44), we obtain
c) = 0 shows:
from (45)and (46):
+ p2. = 0
Now, from t r T 2 0 we know
(47)and (48)together imply
= pz = 0 which contradicts Ta # 0. 0
Concerning assumptions (ii), (iii) and (iv) of Proposition 3, namely: - T ( Z , 2) tr T 2 0, we should notice t h a t they hold for every particle flow, and, therefore, for any superposition T = CkTk of particle flows Tk = ??k (k @ { k . To illustrate the meaning of p and p in (31), suppose for simplicity t h a t t h e tensor T of the Proposition is a finite superposition of particle flows:
In this case, we have for the unique (see Corollary 4) instantaneous observer 2 at z for which T, is supposed to be spatially isotropic: p, = T,(Z, 2) which, together with (49), gives
is the energy (or effective mass) which t h e instantaneous observer 2 associates to a test particle 7 k of the k-th flow as it passes through z . Recalling t h e meaning of q k ( z ) we conclude t h a t p, is to be interpreted as t h e (average, effective) mass density at z , with respect to the distinguished instantaneous observer 2. Similarly, we obtain from (39), using (49):
is the momentum which t h e instantaneous observer 2 associates to a test particle 7 k of t h e k-th flow as it passes through z . (52), therefore, suggests interpreting p , as the pressure at z, with respect to the distinguished instantaneous observer 2. We can, indeed rewrite (52) in the form (54)
which calls to mind the classical equation for a perfect gas (55)
N .k .T
p = (-)
first derived in the context of the nascent classical statistical mechanics by D. Bernoulli (1734) and then, in the proper generality by Maxwell (1860): see
Chapter Two. T h e fully relativistic equivalent of t h e classical perfect fluid, namely the matter tensor (31) was briefly mentioned in Einstein (1916) paper, discussed in some detail by Schwarzschild (1916), reworked and simplified by Weyl (1918); see illustration below. In special relativity (31) appeared in the papers of Herglotz (1911), Ignatowski (1911) and Lamla (1911). For a discussion of the physical thinking which went into these early relativistic applications, see e.g. Pauli (1921, 1958). We formalize t h e situation with t h e following mathematical definition. A perfect fluid on a space-time (At, g) where an electromagnetic field 3 is defined, is an aggregate ( f , p, p , u ) consisting of a vector field ( on M , and three real valued functions p, p and u o n M, such t h a t : (i) s E T+, g ( s , s ) = -1, (ii) J = of,a n d (iv) G = T f E with ?' = p s s p 2 3 p 2 0, (iii) div 3 p ( $ 5 @ 0,G the Einstein tensor of (At, g ) and E t h e stress-energy tensor of 3. For every z E M where T, # 0, 2 f is referred to as the instantaneous observer at z which is at rest with respect to t h e fluid. We assume A = 0.
(56) (57)
Let (s, p, p , u ) be a perfect fluid for ( M ,g ) and 3. Then
(i) divps = -pdiv $ (4 ( P P)V, s ((PI s grad P = 4; where E, is the electric field associated t o 3 by the instantaneous observer at rest with the gas, (iii) for any instantaneous observer 2, the mean
spatial acceleration iJz satisfies
Proof: A straightforward computation gives, from t h e definition of
From (6.2.20) and the condition J = 0 5 , we have div b = -?J thus from t h e definition (6.2.1) of E,: (61)
div E, = -aEc, E C,
From G = E+T and div G = 0, we see t h a t (56) and (57) follow directly from (59), (60) and (61), t h u s proving (i) and (ii). Finally (58) follows immediately
from (8), (39) and (40), and t h e fact t h a t all t h e summands are separately negative. 0 The inclusion of a cosmological constant only modifies t h e conclusions of t h e scholium to the extent t h a t one should then add a term (-4A) to t h e LHS of (58).For p , = 0, our perfect gas reduces to a particle flow, i.e. a gas without pressure, commonly referred to as ‘dust’. In this case (58) reduces to (14) which we already discussed. T h e reader will notice t h a t t h e presence of a positive pressure p , > 0 makes even more negative; this is consistent with our interpretation of pressure as a mean kinetic energy: as far as t h e mean spatial acceleration qCis concerned, increasing t h e energy, through p , works in t h e same direction as increasing the mass, through p. It should also be noted t h a t i n applications (56)and (57) are not enough to solve initial value problems: a n additional equation of state, linking p and p is necessary. The particular case where p is simply a function of p-i.e. when we have a n isentropic fluid-is of special interest as it allows a n especially nice Lagrangean formulation of t h e theory (see e.g. Hawking and Ellis, 1973). As an illustration of the kind of non-linear differential equations one encounters when one solves the Einstein field equation (1) for even very simple matter models, we now look at a n incompressible, electrically neutral, perfect fluid in equilibrium. We, therefore, set out to find a space-time (M,g)such t h a t G (assuming A = 0) is given by t h e RHS of (31), namely
T h e symmetry and stationarity of t h e problem suggests to t r y
equipped with the metric
where gc is the metric of the sphere S3 of radius a (to be determined), i.e. (65)
gc = u 2 { ~ e2 ~ ~ c ~2 s 2 dei @ dei
e3 d9, @ de, + de3 @ de3}
Recall t h a t in polar coordinates r = acos03, so t h a t (66) anticipates t h e spherical symmetry: we expect t h e pressure p to depend on r only, while p should be a constant (the fluid is supposed to be incompressible). We now have to compute the Ricci tensor for t h e metric (64-66); this computation is simplified by recalling t h a t for the spatial S 3 : (Ricc)ij= 2gij/a2,
with i, j = 1 , 2 , 3 . O n e then finds t h a t t h e only non-vanishing components of t h e Ricci tensor are: 1
( R ~ C=)T{2 ~ ~ a 1 ( R ~ c=) T{2 ~ ~ a
( R i ~ ) 3= 3
+ A'tan 0,) gl1 + A'tan 0,)
+ A"]}
{ -2[(A')2 1
( R ~ c= )~ --{[(A')2 ~ a2
~ 3 3
- 2A'tan
0,) g44
We now impose condition (62), substituting g((,() = -1 a n d ( J = 0 for j = 1 , 2 , 3 (by stationarity), to get t h a t t h e only non-vanishing components of the Einstein tensor are: G.. ,, - p gii i = 1 , 2 , 3 G44 = -P g44
so t h a t the only non-vanishing components of t h e Ricci tensor are
T h e spatial isotropy (71) when inserted in (67) gives:
. t a n 8, = (A')2
+ A"
Upon comparing now (67) with (71), and (68) with (72) we obtain, with t h e help of (73): (74) (75)
- ( p - p ) = -{2 +A'. t a n 0,) 2 a2 1 3 --(p 3p) = - A' . t a n 0,
and thus p=-
3 a2 1
P = -s(l 2A'. t a n 0,) Note t h a t (76) conforms with our condition t h a t t h e fluid be incompressible: p is a constant. This equation shows t h a t t h e density p of t h e fluid determines
the spatial curvature, and thus t h e previously open parameter a in (65). Notice further that (77) gives indeed t h a t t h e pressure p depends only on the radial coordinate r = a c 0 s 8 ~ .Moreover, t h e third, and only interesting, component of (57) reads:
which, when one substitutes in it (76) and (77), gives: (79)
1 a2
- t a n B3{-A'
. t a n 83 - (A')2 - A"} = 0
which is indeed satisfied for all O3 if a n d only if t h e non-linear equation (73) is satisfied. This equation admits the solution
A = h ( 3 8 - eo
e = -sin-1B3
. 1 1 , 1.e. - = 1 - -r e 2
which, together with (76) and (77) gives t h e equation of state
eo- e p3e- eo The conditions p 2 3 p 2 0 are satisfied when 0 _< r 5 ro 2 a = where t h e radius ro of our spherical fluid-determined by t h e condition p ( r o ) = 0 is larger t h a n the Schwarzschild radius associated to t h e total mass m = !fr& of the fluid: there are then no singularity of t h e metric within t h e fluid. In summary, we have seen t h a t t h e Einstein field equation (1) does satisfy three important criteria t h a t should be satisfied by a scientific theory. Firstly, it incorporates as controlable approximations the validated aspects of pre-existing theories; here the Newton theory of gravitation, and special relativity, i.e. together with the latter, classical mechanics and classical electrodynamics . Secondly, its structure is legible enough to allow for a precise mathematical formulation, the elegance of which derives from a greater economy of principles; here the general principles imply, without further ado, t h e Poisson equation (21) of Newton's gravitation theory, with its consequence t h a t gravitational forces decrease with t h e square of t h e distance (see 22); more generally, the presence of matter translates into gravitational effects measurable by a n attractive contribution to the mean spatial acceleration (see 58). Thirdly, the theory is flexible enough to allow for the description of a wide variety of phenomena.
The mathematician will further note t h a t t h e theory has provided motivating impetus to t h e development of interesting mathematical structures: t h e differential geometry of Lorentz manifolds, and non-linear differential field equations. Of course, t h e physicist will, moreover, require t h a t still a fourth criterion be satisfied for a scientific theory to catch his interest: the theory should make experimentally verifyable predictions which go beyond those of preexistent theories. The special theory of relativity did t h a t very well (see Section 5.2 and Section 10.2). T h e Einstein field equation was shown very early to satisfy this criterion also, and this in a rather spectacular manner which we should at least briefly mention before we close this chapter. In Newtonian mechanics, a solution of t h e gravitational two-body problem gives t h a t the orbit of a planet, say Mercury, around t h e Sun is planar a n d is an ellipse with the center of mass of t h e Sun-planet system sitting at one of t h e foci of t h e ellipse. Under the influence of other planets, however, this ellipse is perturbed, resulting in particular in a precession of t h e major axis of the ellipse, measured as a n advance of its perihelion-i.e. the position of closest proximity of the planet to t h e Sun. In addition, t h e kinematics of the motion of t h e Earth itself contributes to the observed value. Both effects can be computed theoretically by a rather horrendous perturbation technique, carried over by Leverrier as early as 1845 and published in 1859 in the case of interest here, namely t h e perihelion of t h e planet Mercury. Accurate observations of Mercury are going back to 1765, a n d Leverrier noticed a discrepancy of 35 seconds of arc per century between observation a n d theory. The computations involved have been repeatedly checked, in particular by Newcomb (1882) and Clemence (1943). Today, the accepted observed value is 5600.73 f0.41" per century while the accepted value of all classically accountable perturbation is 5557.62 f 0.20" per century, t h u s leaving a discrepancy (82)
A p = 43.11 seconds of arc per century
Several classical conjectures were advanced over the years to explain this minute, b u t systematic discrepancy. Leverrier (1859) postulated the existence of some small unknown planet(s) between Mercury and t h e Sun, while Newcomb (1882) and Seelinger (1906) proposed to attribute this discrepancy to the presence of more tenuous matter in t h a t region; however, both t h e hypothetical planets and this tenuous matter failed to materialize under close observational scrutiny. Another proposal was a deviation from the inverse square law of gravitation; finally Dicke a n d Goldenberg (1967)-pursuing an idea already entertained at the time of Pauli's review article (1921), to t h e effect t h a t a slight oblateness of t h e Sun could produce such a deviationmeasured the oblateness of t h e Sun and found it falling short, by at least one order of magnitude, from explaining t h e observed discrepancy in t h e advance of t h e perihelion of Mercury. Moreover, this oblateness would add a term in
r-’ to the Newtonion gravitation potential in r-’, resulting in a n effect varying as r-’ on t h e perihelion; recent observations of t h e advance of t h e perihelia of other planets (Earth, Venus, Icarus) confirmed, however, a r-’-dependence. For a full discussion of this problem, see Weinberg (1972) and references quoted therein. In a nutshell, classical theory has been unable to produce a clear-cut explanation for the 43” per century advance of t h e perihelion of Mercury. Let us now examine, in contrast, w h a t Einstein’s general theory of relativity, and especially equation (l),has to say about this problem. We already discussed the metric generated by a spherical mass; this is t h e exterior Schwaraschild solution
where m is now the mass of the Sun. T h e geodesic equation (84) for the metric (83) reads explicitly:
As usual, when one tries to solve a system of coupled non-linear differential equations, t h e best is to look first for the constants of the motion. We first notice t h a t (85)
solves these equations. By a change in t h e origin of t h e coordinate 8, this solves the general case, and we do not need to worry about (84b) in t h e sequel. Classically (85) corresponds to the fact t h a t the motion of a planet is planar. Equation (84c) gives us then our first constant of t h e motion, namely (86)
J E g r2
Classically, this is Kepler’s second law of planetary motion.
Equation (84d) gives us our second constant of t h e motion, namely (87)
By a rescaling of t we can assume without loss of generality T = 1. This corresponds classically, since (2m/r) < 1, to t = 1, i.e. t = s, so our rescaling corresponds to the fact t h a t in the classical approximation, the proper time coincides with t h e usual time with respect to which t h e motion is parametrized. Finally, upon inserting (85), (86) and (87) with T = 1 into (84a), we receive
W i t h A as in (82c) and in t h e approximation where r >> 2m (recall t h a t 2m is the Schwaraschild radius which lies deep inside t h e Sun), and f < 1 (nonrelativistic velocities) (88) reduces to
..r - - - +J -2= O m 73
r2 -
which is as it should; indeed LHS = 0 is t h e Newtonian equation of planetary motion in the gravitational potential 0 = - m / r . From t h e exact equation (88) we obtain our third constant of t h e motion, namely
Upon comparing (90) with (83), taking into account (85), (86) a n d (87) with T = 1, we see t h a t our geodesic describes a particle moving slower t h a n t h e velocity of light if and only if E > 0, whereas the geodesic is light-like exactly when E = 0. For our present problem, we should, therefore, consider t h e case E > 0 (more on E = 0 later). Consider, furthermore, t h e cases where (90) with i. = 0 admits two solutions r+ and r - , defining respectively t h e aphelion and t h e perihelion of our planet. Notice then, t h a t r+ a n d r- a r e constants of the motion and can be used to express E and J . We can now compute t h e advance of t h e perihelion in one revolution; this is defined as
For this computation, we combine (90) a n d (86) to obtain
which can be integrated to give
2m A(o = 37r. - radians per revolution L
Upon feeding in this formula the mass of t h e Sun m = moG = 1.475 k m (recall G is the universal gravitational constant which we p u t equal to 1 by a choice of units we now have undone: 2m is the Schwarzschild radius for t h e Sun); the value of L for Mercury, namely L = 55.3.10' km; a n d the duration of the year of Mercury, namely 88 days, we obtain: (94)
Acp = 43 seconds of arc per century
in spectacular agreement with the observed value (see 82). This agreement is further confirmed, although with less (experimental !) accuracy for t h e other planets for which d a t a are available. This provides a rather solid pilar for the general theory of relativity, a standard against which competitive theories will have to be measured; recall, in particular, t h a t no reasonable classical explanation had come even close to this agreement. Another application of the above computation is to look at a light ray ( E = 0) coming from a star and grazing t h e Sun on its way to the Earth. In this case
r+ = +m; and r - , called now t h e impact parameter, is in t h e best possible conditions the radius ro of the Sun. For this problem, a n analysis quite similar to the one we just went through in detail shows t h a t t h e deflection of light is given by: (95)
6 p = - radians r0
Filling in the numerical values, namely again the mass m = 1.475 km of t h e Sun, and t h e radius, ro = 6.95.105 km, of t h e Sun, one obtains (96)
6p = 1.75 seconds of arc
This is a rather delicate experiment to conduct, involving comparing t h e apparent position of a star, once during an eclipse (so t h a t one can see t h e star at the fringe of the solar disk), and then again at a six month interval (when the star lies at t h e opposite side of t h e Earth from t h e Sun, so t h a t t h e light coming from t h e star does not pass by the Sun before reaching us). This experiment was first performed in 1919 and repeatedly several times thereafter; all observations agree, within experimental errors, with t h e value given in (96); so appear to d o more recent radio-astronomical data. The 1919 solar eclipse expeditions were accompanied by much fanfare and brought general relativity
to the attention of t h e public: o n t h e very day - Nov. 6 , 1919 - t h e results were made official by a meeting of t h e Royal Society, t h e Times reported t h a t a scientific revolution had happened, t h a t ruined Newton’s ideas. A scientific revolution had occurred indeed, b u t it had been several years in t h e making and it did not ruin Newton’s ideas: i t incorporated t h e m in a wider and richer conceptual framework. Truer to scientific spirit, Eddington, w h o was to lead one of t h e two 1919 expeditions, had characterized what was happening in t h e following words: “Whether t h e theory ultimately proves to be correct or not, it claims attention as being one of t h e most beautiful examples of the power of general mathematical reasoning.” To this day, the theory, and its conceptual foundations, have not been falsified.
CHAPTER 7. THE “OLD” QUANTUM THEORY SYNOPSIS While t h e theory of relativity presented a severe criticism of t h e classical Newtonian notions on t h e separate essences of space and time, t h e new theory still won a rather rapid and widespread acceptance, perhaps for the reason t h a t it provided a unification of previously disparate concepts. N o t so with quantum theory, where a quarter of a century had to pass before some unifying picture would emerge. In view of the contradictions t h e “old” quantum theory generated in the course of its development, a chapter of mostly historical (if somewhat “whiggish”) character seems to be called for, retracing t h e experimental motivations for the radical departure from classical paradigms. To pin down the birthdate of a scientific theory is almost always a rather contrived exercise; in t h e case of quantum theory, however, t h e date (Dec. 14, 1900) of Planck’s famous communication on the “black body radiation”, made before the German Physical Society, certainly signaled t h e outbreak of a new era. Still, we know from Planck’s own pen t h a t he “had been wrestling for six years with t h e problem of equilibrium between radiation and matter”, a n d t h a t he was, as yet, not satisfied with t h e result. His contribution was two-fold. Firstly, he produced a formula 81r uy = -hv’[exp(hv/kT) c3
- I]-’
which fitted experimental d a t a and which was significantly different from t h e predictions of classical theories. Secondly, he proposed a derivation of his formula, for which he resorted, “as a n a c t of desperation”, to t h e ideas of Boltzmann on “the relationship between entropy and probability” complemented by a n ad hoe postulate, now understood to be t h a t light is absorbed and emitted by matter in discrete energy quanta. It was only in t h e work of Einstein (1905) on t h e photoelectric effect (for which he was awarded t h e Nobel prize in 1922) t h a t this “quantum hypothesis” was taken seriously, and this heralded the rebirth of the corpuscular theory of
2 10
light. In 1909 Einstein showed in fact - in t h e paper containing t h e so-called Einstein formula for t h e energy fluctuations in black body radiation - t h a t light has a dual nature: both particle and wave. Even so, Planck himself, wrote as late as in 1913 (while commenting o n the proposal t h a t Einstein be received to membership in the Prussian Academy of Sciences): “ T h a t he may sometimes have missed t h e target of his speculations, as for example in his hypothesis of light quanta, cannot really be held against him.” To compound t h e discomfort, Bohr (1913) proposed his theory of t h e discontinuous structure of t h e atom, and in 1917, Einstein, reconsidering again t h e problem of the interaction between matter a n d radiation, gave a new derivation of Planck’s black body radiation formula, confirming t h e quantum hypothesis. Up to the mid-l920’s, the “quantum” view of t h e world registered remarkable successes, among which we mention a few: Einstein’s quantitative predictions concerning the photoelectric effect; t h e Einstein-Debye theory for t h e temperature dependence of t h e specific heat of solids, marking t h e birth of quantum statistical mechanics; the formulation of t h e Bose-Einstein statistics governing the collective behaviour of particles like photons (the light quanta) and phonons (the elementary vibrations of crystals); the Fermi-Dirac statistics governing t h e collective behaviour of particles like electrons; t h e Pauli exclusion principle, soon to bring some rationale into t h e Mendelev table of chemical elements; the existence of matter waves, predicted by L. de Broglie and discovered soon afterwards by Davisson & Germer and by Thomson in their experiments o n t h e diffraction of electrons; the Bohr-Sommerfeld construction of models for Hydrogen-like atoms, accounting for a wealth of spectroscopic data, including relativistic effects. This saga will be retold in this chapter, while we will, nevertheless, try to bring into focus t h e radical departures from classical theory which t h e “quantum rules” implied as they were grafted on a recalcitrant classical substrat um. Among the puzzles left unsolved by t h e “old” quantum theory we should mention already here: the Bohr-Sommerfeld use of classical concepts in t h e elaboration of quantization rules which would ultimately violate in essential ways their classical premises; the Einstein particle-wave duality; and t h e appearance of classical theory as a n asymptotic approximation manifest in such diverse contexts as t h e Rayleigh- Jeans radiation law, t h e Dulong-Petit specific heat law, and even Bohr’s own correspondence principle. Moreover, the blessed simplicity of t h e “old” quantum theory started, by the mid-l920’s, to wither away as more complex problems were attacked, each needing in turn w h a t one would call-depending o n one’s inclinations or prejudices-‘“new physical insights” or “fresh ad hoc assumptions”. I t was becoming clear t h a t any global proposal to resolve these conceptual difficulties would require a more sharply defined mathematical formalism. In the next chapters, we will present successive a t t e m p t s in this direction, and t h e axiomatically inclined reader may want to j u m p directly to Chapter Nine. We, however,
thought it necessary to inform these a t t e m p t s with a n introduction to t h e basic empirical facts. To the latter, the present chapter is thus devoted. Section 1. BLACK-BODY RADIATION
We shall be concerned in this section with t h e spectral properties of electromagnetic radiation-e.g. light; see Chapter Three-in thermal equilibrium with matter. T h a t such a n equilibrium can be reached evidently presupposes t h a t there is some interaction between radiation and matter, b u t it does n o t require us to know the details of the mechanisms governing this interaction; we can, therefore, define our terms as we go. In work done jointly in the late 1850’s G. Kirchhoff and R. Bunsen established what they rightly saw to be a new and powerful tool of chemical analysis, namely spectroscopy; for a description of this potentiality in their method, see G . Kirchhoff and R. Bunsen (1860). From t h e point of view which interests us here, the seminal discovery was reported by Kirchhoff (1859, I a n d 11): “Fraunhofer noticed t h a t in t h e spectrum of a candle flame, two bright lines occur which coincide with the two dark lines D of the solar spectrum. We obtain t h e same bright lines in greater intensity from a flame in which common salt is introduced . . . If we introduce lithium chloride into t h e flame . . . its spectrum shows a very bright, sharply defined line which lies between the Fraunhofer lines B and C [of the solar spectrum] . . . t h e dark D lines in the solar spectrum permit us to conclude t h a t sodium is present in t h e sun’s atmosphere . . . [and since] there is n o dark line in the solar spectrum coinciding with t h e red line of lithium, it seems probable t h a t lithium either is n o t present in the sun’s atmosphere or is there in relatively small quantity . . . ”. They then proceeded to identify these characteristic spectral lines for various elements, including t h e investigation of “the spectrum of the electric spark between iron electrodes and we found in it a great many bright lines which seem to coincide with dark lines of t h e solar spectrum . . . . When t h e spark is formed between other metals as, for example, between copper electrodes, these bright lines d o not appear . . . ” from this, they draw “the conclusion t h a t iron is present [in] t h e glowing atmosphere of t h e sun.” This conclusion was further supported by the fact t h a t they had succeeded in reproducing in the laboratory the dark lines from sodium and lithium in t h e solar spectrum by illuminating with a “strong-intensity source with continuous spectrum” an alcohol flame (low temperature!!) containing sodium- and lithium-chlorides, t h u s establishing one of the essential experimental facts at t h e foundation of t h e theory, namely the exact coincidence of emission-their “bright lines”-and absorption-their “dark lines”-spectra of each element. Kirchhoff actually went further: he discussed t h e relative intensity of t h e emission and absorption spectra and found ‘( . . . a general law, which seems . . . to be of importance in several aspects . . . it expresses a property of all bodies which is connected with t h e emission and absorption of heat and light”. This law states t h a t t h e ratio (eu/cy,) of t h e emission and absorption power is a universal function of t h e
frequency of the radiation a n d the temperature T of the substance; universal here means t h a t it is independent of the substance considered. In t h e notation used later in t h e honour of Kirchhoff, this law is:
In modern language, this law is interpreted as governing t h e equilibrium between radiation and matter. The question which then remains is to determine theoretically t h e form of the universal function K,(T). This is what Planck succeeded in doing. Before we review Planck’s contribution, we find it instructive to reproduce here t h e very simple heuristic argument Kirchhoff (1859) offered to support his contention t h a t such a function K,(T) must exist. Consider two parallel, infinite and perfectly reflecting plates, r a n d R, facing each other and coated on t h e inside with some materials c and C (see Figure l), the whole assemblage being at constant temperature T . Suppose further t h a t c is capable of emitting and absorbing light at all possible wave-lengths X, while C only emits and absorbs light of wave-length A . The temperature being constant, each of the two bodies c and C must retain the same temperature and t h u s take up by absorption as much heat as i t loses by emission. Here Kirchhoff tacitly assumes t h a t absorption (and emission) of radiation in the form of light is equivalent to absorption (and emission) of heat, which turns out t o be correct. Two cases are now considered in this imaginary set-up. First, consider a light ray of wave-length X # A, emitted by c. In this case, C can be ignored and this light ray, bouncing off between the two mirrors r a n d R will ultimately be completely absorbed by c. Since this holds for all X # A, Kirchhoff argues from the constancy of T (and the above tacit postulate) t h a t c must absorb exactly as much of t h e rays at wave length A as it emits. For this wave-length
I \ I
\Ic ~~
Fig. 1
A, let e (resp. E ) and a (resp. A) be t h e emission and absorption power of c (resp. C). Consider now the case of light at wave-length A bouncing off t h e two mirrors. Of the total light emitted by both c and C, c must absorb t h e following fraction (computed from what happens at successive reflections): cn
EU C [(l- a)(l -A)]‘ k=O
+ e(1-
A) a
[(l- a)(l - A)Ik k=O
Ea e(1 - A)” 1 - (1 - a)(l - A ) But this must be equal (see first step) to what it emits, i.e. to e; upon equating thus e with the RHS of (2), we receive: (3)
e a
- _E -
For most physicists, this would establish (1); b u t Kirchhoff was proposing a new “general law”; to make sure his point was indeed made, he pursued the argument as follows: “We arrive at t h e same equation if we develop t h e condition t h a t the temperature of C remains constant. If we suppose t h a t the body C is replaced by another one at the same temperature, we find . . . the same value for the ratio of the emissive power to the absorptive power of this body for rays of t h e same wave-length A. Now the wave-length A a n d the temperature are arbitrary. The law, therefore, follows t h a t for waves of the same wave-length at the same temperature the ratio of the emissive power to the absorptive power is the same for all bodies . . . T h e ratio common to all bodies . . . is a function of the wave-length and t h e temperature.” This is precisely (1). This heuristic derivation, originally proposed by Kirchhoff, obviously leaves plenty of room for improvements; these were needed on two fronts: (i) to justify the various assumptions, explicit and implicit (or tacit) made in this original derivation; and (ii) to allow for more general boundary conditions. Kirchhoff (1860) provided some of these improvements; in t h a t paper he also introduced the notion of what he called “a perfectly black, or more briefly a black-body”, i.e. a body which absorbs all the radiation falling on it, i.e. for which a, = 1 and thus 6, = K,(T). More sophisticated derivations were obtained by Pringsheim (1901, 1903), Evans (1910) and D. Hilbert (1912, 1913, 1914). By t h e time Hilbert’s papers appeared, not only was Kirchhoff’s law universally accepted, b u t even t h e form of the function K,(T) was set beyond reasonable doubts. Still questions lingered about the generality of the law and, more importantly, the nature of the hypotheses essential to its theoretical derivation. These factors did certainly play a role in Hilbert’s motivation: “Physics is much too hard for
physicists” he once remarked. Even t h e modern reader cannot fail to notice Hilbert’s private satisfaction at presenting Kirchhoff’s law as a n application of the theory of linear integral equations which he had developed (see Hilbert, 1912), starting in 1901-1902 with a series of lectures a n d seminars-as was so often Hilbert’s way to enter a new field of research. We may, therefore, be forgiven if we open here a small parenthesis to sketch t h e idea of Hilbert’s derivation of Kirchhoff’s law. Hilbert considers t h e medium in thermal equilibrium into which radiation takes place as one with variable refractive index: he t h u s writes t h e velocity of light as a function q(s,y, z ) ; although the derivation is given with q continuous, he mentions towards t h e end of t h e paper t h a t reasonable discontinuities would not invalidate his treatment of the problem. He then defines systematically his terms. For instance, a light ray between ( 2 1 , y1,zI) and ( 5 2 , y2,z2) is defined as t h a t minimal curve solving t h e variation problem
with ds = \/ds2
+ dy2 + dz2
T h e emission coefficient q(s,y, z ) is defined by stating t h a t t h e energy radiating from a volume element du = dsdydz in a time interval dt, into a solid angle dx is 1
Ir] dt
du dx
T h e absorption coefficient a ( z ,y, z ) is defined through t h e attenuation of t h e energy transported along a light ray:
He then studies t h e (mechanical a n d thermal) equilibrium conditions a n d succeeds in expressing them as t h e integral equation
with kernel (8)
where (9)
where du is t h e geometric element depicted in Figure 2. Notice t h a t in a medium with constant refractive index we can assume without loss of generality
Hilbert does not need this particularization, b u t only the fact t h a t in (10) S is symmetric, i.e.
For boundary conditions, he takes t h a t t h e equation (7) holds in a region completely enclosed by walls, the parts of which are either perfectly black or perfectly reflecting; even t h a t can be weakened. Now the problem is well posed, and Hilbert proves t h a t given t h e functions a and q, equation (7) admits a unique solution for the function q , namely:
where p depends only on the given equilibrium temperature a n d on t h e frequency of the radiation b u t is independent of t h e position (2,y, z ) and of t h e 1 this reduces exactly to t h e Kirchhoff’s law material considered. For q (1);the generalization, therefore, consists in allowing for a variable refractive index which shows up in (13) through the q-2 dependence. Through its derivation, this result (13) is the basis for Hilbert’s interpretation of Kirchhoff’s law as being of geometrical nature. The above sketch only
covers the material of t h e first of Hilbert’s three papers o n t h e subject. In t h e second paper, he discusses briefly t h e axioms underlying t h e theory, while t h e third paper represents Hilbert’s final version of t h e “Foundations of Radiation Theory”. In characteristic Hilbert’s fashion, the sections of this third paper are entitled: 1. T h e axioms of radiation theory; 2. Proof of Kirchhoff’s theorem; 3. Radiation theory and elementary optics; 4. The self-consistency of t h e axioms. I t is recommended reading for anyone w h o wants to know w h a t Hilbert (1900) must have meant with the sixth of his famous problems, namely: “TO axiomatiae those physical sciences in which mathematics plays a n important role”. A t this point, it must be pointed o u t t h a t Hilbert’s derivation, just like Kirchhoff’s original derivation, does not give t h e form of the function K,(T) in (1). By t h e time Planck (1900 a & b) proposed his famous formula for this function, other a t t e m p t s had already been made, which, however, had failed to match the whole range of t h e experimental d a t a by then available a n d this in ways which are best understood from Planck’s own formula. We, therefore, postpone the description of these early a t t e m p t s and t u r n first to t h e derivation of Planck’s formula. Although Planck himself probably did not think-and certainly did not write-in terms of separate a n d formal lemmata or theorems, it is convenient here to analyze his approach with some attention to a separation between the mathematics-which is elementary-and t h e physics-which is deep. We, therefore, distinguish t h e following three steps in Planck’s derivation. The first step belongs to thermodynamics. Recall from Chapter Two t h a t in a thermodynamical system in equilibrium, the entropy S, the internal energy U and t h e temperature T are linked by t h e relation a S / a U = T - l . SCHOLWM 1. Suppose the entropy S and the internal energy U of a thermodynamical s y s t e m in equilibrium at temperature T are linked by the following relations
(15) Then :
U = E . - with k,E , P and N E JR+ N
u = E [ec/kT - 11
Proof: Upon inserting (15) in (14), t h e latter can be rewritten as: S = k{(l
from which one reads
+ -)U E
+ -)u E
- - tn-}
T h e thermodynamical identity T-’ = aS/ar/ inserted in (18) gives t h e desired equation (16). The second step belongs to statistical mechanics. Here Planck uses his own version of Boltzmann’s formula S = k lnW relating t h e entropy S with t h e number W of all possible “complexions” of ,the physical system he will want t o consider; k is the Boltzmann constant (see Chapter Two). SCHOLNM 2. Suppose we have P indistinguishable objects, each carrying t h e energy E , distributed amongst N sites, for a total energy E . T h e n for N and P very large, the average entropy S per site (resp. the average energy U per site) satisfies asymptotically the assumption (14) (resp. 15) of the previous scholium.
Proof: The number W of ways to distribute P objects amongst N sites is given by
( N P - l)! ( N - l)!P!
The asymptotic formula (14) for the average entropy per site, namely S
N-’k lnW, then follows from Stirling’s formula. As for the average energy per site, (15) follows trivially from U == N-lE and E = E P . 0 The third step is to relate the objects appearing in the above two scholia to those which are present in the physical situation at hand, namely radiation in thermal equilibrium with matter. Planck models the latter, at fixed temperature T and radiation frequency u, as a collection of N, electric dipoles oscillating at resonance frequency v. He then borrows from classical electromagn e t i s m the fact t h a t the spatial spectral energy density u of the radiation at frequency u-the quantity which is experimentally observed-is linked, through the thermal equilibrium condition, to t h e average energy U of t h e resonators at frequency v by the formula 87r c3
u = -u2u
Planck had worked on t h a t formula for t h e last five years; it does not seem proper here t o recount t h e details of t h a t part of the argument beyond t h e mention t h a t it involves the most classical views of a vibrating dipole in an electromagnetic field; for a systematic exposition of Planck’s own view see Planck (1900,A) where he summarizes his earlier contributions. Then enters Planck’s “most essential point”, n a m e l y that the total energy E of the collection of resonators at frequency u is n o t “a continuously divisible quantity” but rather is Lrcomposedof a well-defined number of equal parts”. He introduces here the universal “constant of nature” h which now bears his name, and which he evaluates at 6.5510-27ergs sec-the modern value is 6.6256 10-27erg~sec. “This constant multiplied by t h e common frequency u of the resonators gives us t h e energy element 6 . . . and dividing E by E we get t h e
number P of energy elements which must be divided over the N resonators” at frequency v . We thus have the situation of our second scholium with
Since t h i s reasoning holds separately for all frequencies, inserting t h e expression (21) into (16) gives for the observable quantity u (see 20) as a function of t h e frequency v and t h e temperature T: 8n u,, = -hu3[exp(hu/kT) c3
- 11-l
This is Planck’s radiation law, giving an explicit form to Kirchhoff’s function
KU(T). A few comments are in order. First of all, this law fits experiment very well, and it was from this fit with t h e experimental d a t a made available to him, t h a t Planck calculated t h e numerical value of t h e constant h which he introduced. This fit was not accidental, and i t appears from Planck’s first paper (1900 a) t h a t he actually’worked backwards trying to fit experimental d a t a to a simple curve and t h u s arrived at a n ansata amounting to the assumptions of our first scholium, specifically: (23)
ff a2s dC/2 - U ( p + U )
where cy and p are constants (compare with 18). Planck’s satisfaction with this formula was t h a t “it is by far t h e simplest of all expressions which lead to S as a logarithmic function of U-which is suggested from probability considerations”, a statement he made more explicit two months later in his second paper (1900b): these are t h e assumptions of our second scholium. Still in his first papers, Planck seems to have been further encouraged in his ansatz (23) by the behaviour of his theory “for small values of U”. This we can understand better from the finished product, namely (22). Indeed, when t h e frequency u a n d the temperature T are such t h a t E = h v >> IcT t h e exact formula (22) takes t h e asymptotic form: (24)
8n u,,E -hu c3
3 -hu/kT
a law Wien (1896) had proposed, however, as a n exact one; this law Wien had obtained as a refinement of w h a t he termed a “fortunate idea” by Michelson (1887); and he wrote it in t h e form (25)
u,, = &e-@,,/T
with LY and ,B theoretically unspecified constants to be determined experimentally. Back to Planck’s argument, notice t h a t as hu >> kT (16) reduces indeed
so t h a t indeed U
(( E ,
and t h u s (18) reduces to
i.e. upon putting together (26) and (27)
a conspicuously thermodynamical-looking formula which, when taken a8 a n exact one, Planck knew could be used to derive Wien’s law (25). I t is t h e observed discrepancy from Wien’s law t h a t Planck had set o u t to explain, a n d he thus viewed his initial ansata (23) as a replacement for (27) which now becomes only an asymptotic formula as hv 3> kT. Another interesting approximation of Planck’s radiation formula (22) occurs in the opposite range, namely when E G hv < kT. In this case (22) takes t h e asymptotic form
-v2kT c3
a law which had been obtained by Rayleigh (1900) as a n application of t h e equipartition theorem of statistical mechanics to electromagnetic waves in a cavity; in fact, Rayleigh’s derivation contained a simple error which was corrected by Jeans (1905). Planck knew, through Rubens (see G. Hettner (1922) quoted by Kangro (1972)), t h a t “for the longest waves measured . . . t h e law obtained recently by Lord Rayleigh . . . is valid.” This is known today as the classical approximation: i t is formally obtained from (22) by the-a priori unphysical-limit h + 0, the true meaning of this limit being evidently in the present context t h a t it gives a n asymptotic behaviour as hv/kT --+ 0. The fact t h a t classical results are obtained in the limit of high temperature was to play an important role in t h e subsequent development of quantum statistical mechanics (for an early example, see Section 2 below). From t h e conceptual point of view, it should have been clear from t h e beginning t h a t something definitely wrong was happening with the classical formula (29); u, grows as v2 which is incompatible with its being interpreted as a spectral energy density: this would lead to a divergent result for t h e total energy density u obtained from u, by integration in v over IR+. This unacceptable consequence of the classical theory, referred to since Ehrenfest (1911) as t h e ultraviolet catastrophe, is corrected by Planck radiation law (22); in this respect Wien’s law (24) is acceptable, b u t it did not fit experimental data at low frequencies, which Planck’s law does (see 29).
Finally-and with the kind of arrogance t h a t only hindsight can giveit might be pointed o u t already here t h a t although Planck’s formula (22) seems to describe so well t h e black-body radiation, Planck’s theory is rather vague on the reality of the underlying model for matter-not to speak of t h e fundamental mechanism governing the interaction of radiation and matter. Planck seems to have shyed away from-or perhaps did not feel t h e necessity of-interpreting his resonators as anything like our modern atoms; the physical reality of the atoms was not quite yet universally accepted amongst preeminent physicists of t h e time, although Planck himself, in one of t h e footnotes to his second paper, does recognize t h e usefulness, in another context, of w h a t he still calls the “atomistic hypothesis”. I t is, in fact, one of t h e remarkable features of Planck’s paper t h a t he was able to reach his conclusion (22) without requiring more knowledge of t h e interaction between radiation a n d matter t h a n the mere fact t h a t (20) is satisfied. Similarly, Planck did n o t attach to E = hv t h e meaning of an intrinsic property of radiation as well; never does he even mention in these two papers the words energy quantum which seem to have been first introduced by Einstein, as we shall see in t h e next section. Section 2. ELECTRONS, P H O T O N S AND PHONONS. This section should open with three warnings. O u r first warning is t h a t it is often tempting, when one looks at the mathematical structure of a physical theory, to identify t h e theory with its fundamental equations. This can indeed be a useful approach-as when we identified an electromagnetic field via t h e Maxwell equations-but it can also be dangerous: t h e first formulas of this section belong to Einstein’s paper (1905, PE); they look t h e same as those of Planck’s papers (1900) which we discussed in t h e previous section; however, the interpretation Einstein gave of these apparently so similar formulas is completely different from Planck’s, and it is this interpretation which opened vistas so daring t h a t Planck recoiled in disbelief. Our second warning concerns t h e question of t h e extent to which physicists at the t u r n of t h e Century believed in the reality of atoms-molecules, ions or elementary particles. W i t h o u t doubt, atoms, ions a n d molecules were universally recognized as useful-but perhaps not indispensible-coding devices in Chemistry; their existence as theoretical constructs had also proved useful in the Kinetic Theory of Gases and in t h e attendant discussion of irreversible phenomena. Indirect evidence, based on these theories, provided some estimates on t h e size these objects would show up in, if they really existed. For instance, the order of magnitude of t h e mass of the hydrogen a t o m was known. Using “indirect” evidence to compute such a number is, however, quite a different thing from establishing t h e existence of atoms a n d molecules by a “direct” experiment; it is precisely such a n experiment t h a t Einstein (1905, BM) proposes in his paper o n Brownian motion (see Chapter Two). Better still would be to isolate experimentally the object to be considered. Of all t h e elementary particles, this was done first for t h e electron. Free electrons were
first seen-but not yet identified as such-in electric discharges made to occur, since the days of Faraday, in more a n d more rarefied gases. These “cathode rays” were seen to have some electric properties of their own when, in t h e late 1850’s, it was observed t h a t they are deflected by a magnetic field. With t h e development of better vacuum techniques, a n electric field could be established in the immediate vicinity of the cathode rays, and its effect on them could be measured. O n the basis of such measurements Perrin (1895) established t h a t cathode rays are constituted of a stream of identical, negatively charged particles; this conclusion was confirmed by Thomson (1897) who measured t h e velocity of these particles, and the ratio of their charge over their mass. Two years later, Thomson succeeded i n determining separately the charge and t h e mass of the electron. For our purpose, it is important to note t h a t the mass of the electron was found to be only a minute part (- l/2000) of t h e mass of the hydrogen atom. The fact t h a t a n electron is a n elementary grain-an atom in the cuopo( sense of Leucippus and Democritus-of electricity was established beyond reasonable doubts by Millikan (1910) in the very method he used to determine the charge of the electron, within 1% of t h e value currently accepted ( a n d supposed to be correct to within 3 parts per million, while t h e ratio e / m is known today to within 6 parts per million). T h e advent, more than half-a-century afterwards, of the quarks with their fractional charges need not concern us here. While the electron was being recognized as a fundamental particle, the atom itself was rapidly losing its identity as a n indivisible object; the hunt, still going on today, for its elementary particle constituents, in fact started, at about the same time, with t h e discovery of radioactivity by Becquerel (1896). One more word of introduction concerning t h e electron: it was presented here as a particle; nevertheless, it should be mentioned t h a t Hertz (1892) had thought he could establish t h a t cathode rays were waves; in a strange way Hertz could not possibly have foreseen, there is a sense in which he too was right, as we shall see later on in this section. The third, and last, warning we announced at t h e beginning of this section is to emphasize t h a t , at the t u r n of t h e Century, t h e corpuscular theory of light, associated to t h e names of Descartes (1637) and Newton (1704) had been dead for the best part of t h e Nineteenth Century. Light was known to be a wave, and more specifically a periodic solution of the Maxwell equations which Einstein (1905, SR) had placed at t h e foundations of his theory of relativity. And now, Einstein (1905, PE) himself was writing: “The wave theory of light which operates with continuous functions in space has been excellently justified for t h e representation of purely optical phenomena . . . however . . . notwithstanding the complete experimental verification of t h e theory of diffraction, reflexion, refraction, dispersion, etc., it is quite conceivable t h a t a theory of light involving continuous functions over space will lead to contradiction with experience when it is applied to t h e phenomena of t h e creation a n d conversion of light . . . In fact . . . t h e observations on blackbody radiation, photoluminescence, production of cathode rays . . . and other
phenomena involving t h e emission or conversion of light can be better understood on t h e assumption t h a t t h e energy of light is distributed discontinuously in space . . . [and] consists of a finite number of energy quanta, localized in space, which move without being divided and which can be absorbed or emitted only as a whole.” This clearly is a different language and vision t h a n t h a t of Planck. And still Einstein takes off exactly where Planck stops, namely with Planck’s radiation 1aw 87r
u, = -hu3[exp(hu/kT)
- 1l-I
Einstein, however, takes (1) as a fundamental law of nature, irrespectively of any theoretical derivation, including Planck’s which he finds contradictory; he notices indeed t h a t Planck’s resonators are assumed to behave discontinuously in t h e black-body radiation paper while they had been assumed to behave continuously in the derivation of (7.1.20). Looking at Planck’s radiation law (1) Einstein sees in it only a property of t h e radiation in thermal equilibrium: in agreement with t h e principles of statistical mechanics, n o reference need to be made to w h a t the radiation might be in equilibrium with. A s did Planck before him, Einstein notices t h a t for hu/kT >> 1 (1)reduces to Wien’s law (24
u, = QU 3 e-@,IT
with a = -h c3
h B= k
a n approximation Einstein keeps through his paper; equivalently (2a) can be rewritten
Transposing now to the radiation itself t h e argument previously used by Planck (and Wien) for the ponderable matter, Einstein identifies t h e temperature T occurring in (2) with t h e integrating factor in Tda = d u where u is now interpreted as t h e spatial entropy density of the radiation. One t h u s obtains from (2c):
and thus, by integration: 21
u = -- [ L n ( 3 ) - 11 BV
Assuming now t h a t t h e radiation (at frequency v) is spatially uniform in t h e volume V which it occupies, one can define t h e total entropy S and t h e total
energy & of the radiation (at frequency u) by:
so that (3b) reads: (5)
& s = -pu
& -)vau3
- 11
Upon comparing the entropy S with t h a t of a radiation of the same frequency u and the same total energy &, but enclosed in a volume V,, we find from (5):
& V s - so = en(-) rBu v, i.e. upon recalling (2b):
Einstein has now the remarkable idea to compare (7) with t h e formula one obtains for the entropy of a dilute gas (see Chapter Two); for such a n ideal gas, constituted of N modecules, in thermal equilibrium at temperature T , and occupying a volume V , one has: 1
-S = Cv tnT N
+ k tnV
from which follows N
S - So = k t n ( 6 )
Einstein, incidentally, derives this formula more directly, taking the following interpretation as his guiding line of argument:
where W/Wo is the probability t h a t all particles of the gas are found in t h e subvolume V when the gas is enclosed in the total volume VO.This probability is clearly (since the particles of the gas are supposed to be independently d ist r i but ed) :
so t h a t (10) and (11) indeed reproduce (9). Upon comparing (9) a n d (7), Einstein concludes t h a t (12)
& = Nhv
for which he gave t h e following interpretation: “Monochromatic radiation of low density-i.e. as long as Wien’s radiation formula is valid-behaves in a thermodynamical sense as if it consisted of mutally independent energy quanta of magnitude RPuIN” [- hu in t h e notation we use here; t h e underlining is ours and emphasizes t h a t Einstein arrived here at a conclusion which is more general than t h a t he had initially stated.] He was further encouraged in his interpretation by noticing t h a t , with t h e particle density p,, defined from t h e energy density uy by (13)
u,, = hv pv
one obtains (in t h e same Wien approximation):
Notice R H S = 2.3(4kT), where 3 is t h e number of dimensions of t h e space in which radiation takes place, and 2 is t h e number of independent polarizations of light. So far, the analogy is evidently j u s t that: a mere analogy. However, Einstein discusses in t h e same paper several applications of his interpretation, among which the so-called photo-electric effect, which earned him t h e Nobel prize (1922). It is here, indeed, t h a t “Einstein’s extraordinary boldness lies” (Pais, 1982). The physical phenomena can be described as follows. W h e n a n electromagnetic wave of short enough wave-length impiges on a metal surface, electrons are ejected. T h e effect was discovered by Hertz in 1877. T h e puzzling feature, discovered by Lenard between 1899 and 1902 was t h a t t h e energy of the ejected electron is independent of the intensity of t h e incident light b u t depends on its frequency. Maxwell electromagnetism does not explain this since in t h a t theory the energy carried by a light wave is measured by t h e light intensity. Hence, as t h e intensity of t h e incident light is increased, more energy becomes available to be imparted to t h e electrons a n d so it would seem t h a t their energy should then increase, which it does not: only t h e number of electrons which are ejected increases. In contrast to Maxwell theory, Einstein’s view of light led him to a description of t h e phenomena (see Figure 1) whereby
Fig. 1
the energy E , of the ejected electron is given by
here Y is t h e frequency of t h e incident light, and Eo is the energy required to remove the electron from the metal. The prediction (15) was confirmed experimentally by Millikan who, ironically enough, had started o u t thinking t h e prediction was “unreasonable”. From t h e point of view of classical physics, Millikan was right indeed: Einstein’s prediction and the phenomenon it turns o u t to describe accurately were so unreasonable t h a t a drastically new extension of classical physics had to be invented. I t was not t h a t just a new elementary particle-later to be called the photon-had been found but, more significantly, t h a t a n e w concept of particles w a s called for, particles which-as we shall presently see-obeyed their own kind of statistics. Einstein (1909) returned to this problem ostensibly to patch u p an obvious weakness of his (1905, PE) paper, namely t h a t this paper did n o t use t h e full strength of Planck’s formula, but only its Wien asymptotic behaviour for h v >> kT. In this second paper, Einstein proved what is now known as t h e E i n s t e i n fluctuation formula (see (26) below) which established t h a t t h e photon is n o t just a particle, nor is it j u s t a wave, but, in fact, is both a wave and a particle; this was t h e germ of w h a t we today refer to as either the wave-particle duality or, somewhat improperly, the complementarity principle. Einstein’s argument runs as follows; here again it is a demonstration, n o t a proof. He starts with the Planck version of Boltamann’s interpretation of entropy, b u t applied now to the radiation, namely (compare with (10) above):
or equivalently
Up to then this formula was used, in the black-body radiation context, for equilibrium situation only. Einstein extends it to the study of fluctuations. Consider, indeed, two vessels of volume V (resp.u), entropy C (resp.0) and energy H (resp.q), with ( V ,C, H) large enough to serve as reservoir and ( u , u , q) being the system of interest, weakly coupled t o (V, C,H). Schematically, the situation is represented in Figure 2. The total system is close t o equilibrium, and its total entropy S is developed in Taylor expansion with respect to t h e small energy fluctuations of the energy rl:
Since, according to Boltsmann’s general ideas, S is maximum at equilibrium
(g)o ($) = 0 and
Moreover, the fact t h a t the big system ( V , C , H ) acts as a reservoir for the small system (u,0 , q ) is expressed as the approximation
($)os Upon inserting (17),(18) and (19) in (16b) one receives
which one can rewrite as the Gaussian:
with the identifications (2W (where (21c)
U ;
70 r < u
>; < ( A u ) >-< ~
< u >)2 >
< > denotes t h e equilibrium value), and with t h e approximations &
d < u >2
< (Au)* >r-d2 < u > k/ d < u > 2
< u >= d < u > we have
Upon using now the thermodynamical relation Td
and from there: d @ < u > d2-d
1 (-)1 = -T T2 d
< u > /dT
which, when fed into (21c) gives
d dT
< (Au)' >= kT2
This is the central formula (which, incidentally, is not in Einstein's paper). A t this point, Einstein finally specialiaes his discussion to t h e black-body radiation, using the full Planck radiation law (1) in the form (24 1
< u >= 2 hv [exp(hv/kT) - 11-l
with 2
= -u 8R c3
Upon feeding this in (22b) and in (23) gives
< (Au)' > =<
+ < ( A u )>~,,
< ( A u ) >~p -< < (Au)' >,,, -<
u u
> hv >2
The reader will notice t h a t (25) corresponds to Planck's ansata (7.1.23); here again, however, the difference in interpretation must be emphasized: Planck's formula (7.1.23) concerns the resonators, while Einstein's formula (25) is a
property of t h e radiation itself; hence, t h e general thread is still with us. T h e new result is to be looked for in (26). From (24) we see t h a t in t h e Wien approximation hv >> k T t h e dominant term in < ( A u ) ~ > is < ( A U ) >~p which reduces then to the contribution of the photons as particles (see in particular (12) above); hence t h e notation < . . . > p . O n t h e contrary, we see again from (24) t h a t in t h e classical approximation hv (< k T t h e dominant t e r m in < ( A U )>~ is < ( A u ) >~w which reduces t h e n to t h e Rayleigh-Jeans contribution where t h e radiation is seen (Section 1) as a n electromagnetic wave in equilibrium in a resonant cavity; hence t h e notation < . . . > w . We see, therefore, t h a t the fluctuation formula (26) contains contributions from both t h e particle and the wave aspects of the radiation. This particle-wave duality, first perceived in the case of the black-body radiation, was to play a central role in t h e later developments of w h a t became quantum mechanics. The modern view of formula (26) is t h a t t h e photons are not independent particles in t h e classical sense-this would only give t h e first term in this formula-but obey their own kind of statistics, the Bose-Einstein statistics to be described in detail later-which then accounts for t h e correction given by t h e second t e r m in t h e Einstein fluctuation formula (26). The energy-fluctuations discussed above are accompanied by momentum fluctuations (with p = hv/c), and Einstein’s paper contains a n application to t h e radiation pressure exercised on a mirror suspended in a black-body cavity: under t h e bombardment of t h e photons, t h e mirror is shown to perform a Brownian motion. Recall t h a t it was Einstein (1905, BM) w h o had recognized Brownian motion to be one of t h e best available experimental proofs of t h e existence of microscopic particles. The photon emerged from the theory of t h e black-body radiation as an object, the particle nature of which was made manifest experimentally by t h e prediction this concept allowed to make on the photoelectric effect, see formula (15). Still we saw through formula (26) t h a t this was n o t a particle in t h e classical sense. The question was then of whether these existed in nature some other waves which could similarly be interpreted as particles. One of t h e most common waves to come to mind are t h e sound waves in solid. These were studied from t h e present point of view by Einstein (1907, 1911) and Debye (1912). The argument runs as follows. Suppose t h a t the vibrational energy of a solid is given by (27) where, in analogy with t h e black-body radiation formula (1) (see also 7.1.20), we assume (28)
V, = hv [exp(hv/kT)
- 11-l
with V denoting the volume of the solid, and uo being a “cut-off” frequency, to be interpreted in physical terms as the fact t h a t in a real crystal the vibrations have a minimum wavelength comparable to t h e interatomic distance. Incidentally, one may note here t h a t t h e idea t h a t crystalline solids are regular lattices, with atoms sitting at their vertices, had been the subject of numerous speculations for about a century; X-rays had been discovered by Roentgen (1895); Ewald (1911) was studying the propagation of electromagnetic waves i n space-lattices, in Sommerfeld’s institute in Munich; and at t h e suggestion of von Laue, Friedrich and Knipping (1912) actually obtained in t h e laboratory the diffraction patterns of X-rays by lattice crystals. This discovery is t h u s essentially contemporary with the Debye paper we are now reviewing. In Debye’s paper the cut-off frequency vo is introduced to eliminate t h e u2 divergence in g(v), and is thus determined by t h e condition
where N is the number of 3-dimensional oscillators forming t h e crystalline solid. The term 121rV/s3 in (29) plays for this problem t h e role played by 8n/c3 in the black-body radiation (see 7.1.20); the differences are: (i) the introduction of V due to the fact t h a t we are now considering t h e total energy and n o t a spatial energy density; (ii) the substitution of s, t h e speed of sound in the solid, for the light velocity c; (iii) 3 .47r instead of 2 . 4 ~ coming , from t h e fact t h a t sound waves have, in addition to the two transverse polarizations also present in light, a third degree of freedom, namely longitudinal waves. From (29) and (30) we read:
Upon inserting (28),(29) and (31) in (27), we receive:
8 3
dx-- e2 - 1
Note t h a t €3 has the dimension of a temperature: it is called t h e Debye temperature, and it is characteristic of t h e crystalling solid considered, a
few hundred “K for metals like aluminum, copper, silver a n d gold, and significantly higher for diamond. These are determined experimentally by measuring the specific heat (33)
c,-N.;E7; 1 dU
which can be computed from (32); t h e agreement with experiment is extremely good over t h e whole range of temperatures for which d a t a are available (and for monoatomic crystalline structures). I t is instructive to compute (33) from (32) in two extreme cases which we now examine briefly. The high temperature limit hvo <( k T gives for t h e integral in (32a) a n asymptotic expansion, t h e first term of which is (z0)’/3; hence we find, upon using (32b), a n asymptotic expansion for U ,t h e first term of which is 3 N k T . Consequently, as T + 00, t h e specific heat C, tends to a constant, namely 3k, independent of 8 and t h u s independent of t h e solid considered. We thus have recovered t h e classical “law” of Dulong-Petit (1819). By t h e t u r n of t h e Century, it was known t h a t this empirical rule holds only at high temperatures, CV becoming considerably smaller as T decreases; diamond is a notorious case in point. No satisfactory explanation, however, was available for t h e observed dependence of CV on temperature; this is precisely w h a t t h e quantum formula (32) provides, not only qualitatively, b u t quantitatively as well. To see this, let us observe w h a t happens in t h e other extreme case, t h e low temperature limit k T <( hvo. An asymptotic expansion for t h e integral in (32c) can be written again for this case, t h e first t e r m of which is simply obtained by letting the upper limit of t h e integral go to infinity; in this limit the integral reduces to t h e constant 7r4/15, so t h a t (344
37r4 5
T‘ 8 3
and thus
In particular CV + 0 as T + 0; this prediction was first made by Einstein (1907) on a basis of a simpler assumption, namely t h a t g was a &distribution instead of (29); Einstein (1911), however, recognized t h a t his assumption was responsible for his getting a wrong functional dependence of t h e specific heat o n the temperature in t h e very low temperature range. I t was Debye (1912) w h o derived (32), and thus (34)’ predicting t h e T3-dependence which seemed to be in much better agreement with experiment. Nevertheless, it is t h e simpler prediction t h a t Cv vanishes as t h e temperature approaches absolute zero which drew the attention of the physicists on t h e definite possibility t h a t t h e quantum theory may have a domain of application much wider t h a n t h e
rather specialized field of black-body radiation. Among t h e famous conversions this prediction prompted, Nernst’s reaction, although still guarded, is often quoted (e.g. Jammer, 1966, p.59 or Pais, 1982, p.399). Finally, we should mention t h a t t h e modern way to look at t h e EinsteinDebye theory of specific heats is to regard sound waves as particles, t h e phonons, which like the photons are not really classical particles as they, too, satisfy the statistics given by (26). These, at long last, could provide a realistic model to substitute for the somewhat mythical resonators Planck had introduced in the beginning of his theory of black-body radiation. The cycle thus seems to have run its course. Still, o n the strength of t h e wave-particle duality now recognized for photons a n d phonons, one might ask whether it should be possible to travel the same route in the opposite direction and thus be led to t h e conjecture t h a t what are usually considered as particles could perhaps be reinterpreted as waves. It is precisely this question t h a t L. de Broglie (1924) addressed in a series of papers culminating in his thesis. Maurice de Broglie, himself a physicist of note, had been one of t h e scientific secretaries, and subsequently an editor, for the first Solvay Congress which had met at Nernst’s instigation, in 1911, to discuss t h e new quanta. It is through his brother Maurice t h a t Louis de Broglie became aware of t h e peculiar nature of X-rays, of the black-body radiation theory, and of the particle-wave duality Since his brother “not being a theoretician . . . did not have particularly clear ideas on this subject”, Louis de Broglie first set o u t to produce a “synthetic theory of radiation”. He then gave a universal touch to his investigations by postulating t h a t to every particle of mass m, moving with velocity u, should be associated a wave of wavelength X given by t h e formula (354
X = - ( h is t h e Planck constant ) mu
Note t h a t this formula can be rewritten, through X . u = u and p = mu, as p=
hu U
in close analogy with the formula p = hu/c Einstein had used for t h e momentum of photons in his 1909 paper (see above). When in t h e course of his thesis defense L. de Broglie was asked (by J. Perrin) whether his matter-waves could have any experimental reality, he suggested t h a t one should investigate the diffraction of electrons by crystals. Such experiments were, in fact, underway-without de Broglie being aware of them. It appears to be true t h a t empirical evidence could have been marshalled in support of de Broglie’s thesis from experiments which had been conducted several years before; this remarkable story is told very well in Jammer (1966) pp.247-254. As it is, t h e 1937 Nobel prize recognized Davisson and Thomson “for the experimental discovery of t h e interference phenomena in crystals irradiated by electrons”; see e.g. Davisson & Germer (1927) and Thomson
(1927). This early experimental confirmation contributed most clearly to the general acceptance of d e Broglie’s relation (35) and t h e underlying extension of t h e wave-particle duality, from photons and phonons, to electrons a n d beyond. One should also add t h a t , at the same time, strong theoretical evidences, stemming from t h e interpretation of t h e Schroedinger equation, were pointing in the same direction, as we shall see in Chapter Eight.
Section 3. T H E STRUCTURE OF T H E ATOM. This topic’s history is rich in contradictions, t h e first of which may very well be that, soon after-and, in fact, even before-the very existence of atoms and molecules had been established, physicists started speculating on how the a t o m was built, i.e. speculated on the parts of t h a t which, etymologically, should have had no parts. Fortunately, two experimental facts set t h e tone of t h e discussion, preventing it t o go too far astray. The first (see Section 2 above) was the discovery of the electron and t h e fact t h a t its mass is about 1/2000 t h e estimated mass of the lightest of all atoms, hydrogen. The second was t h e discovery of spectroscopy reported in t h e beginning of this chapter (see t h e introductory notes on Kirchhoff’s work, in Section 1 above): by t h e turn of the Century, the characteristic “spectral lines” of many elements had been correctly identified. The wealth of information thus obtained by spectroscopists must have looked as a nightmarish jungle to any scientist endowed with a sense t h a t nature somehow ought to be understandable, or at t h e very least systematizable. The first glimpse of an organized order was proposed by an outsider. J. J. Balmer, often characterized as a Swiss schoolteacher which he was, happened also to be teaching geometry at the University of Base1 as a privat docent, and to be a great lover of numerology. The story goes t h a t a friend of his challenged him in one of his idle moments to find a simple mathematical algorithm fitting the spectral lines of Hydrogen. From Balmer’s papers (1885), we learn t h a t he was well aware of t h e latest available d a t a and t h a t he fitted to better t h a n 1 part in 40.000 Angstrom’s observations on four lines in the Hydrogen spectrum. He further predicted the position of a fifth and went on gathering information on at least a dozen others which he obtained from Vogel, Huggins and Hagenbach. The formula t h a t Balmer found for the wavelengths of a collection of lines, known today as the Balmer series, is: A,=
m=3,4, ...
in which Balmer empirically attributed to h the value 3645.6.10-’ millimeters. For our purpose in this section, it is convenient to rewrite Balmer’s formula in term of frequencies, namely as:
The formula was too good to be passed over by t h e professionals; in a series of papers, Rydberg (1890) confirmed Balmer’s result, claimed priority, a n d generalized it to other “series” which, for our purpose, can be written in t h e form un,m = K($
f ), n and m E Z+, n<m
The challenge was then to explain these formulas from first principles, and, in particular, to give a theoretical explanation for t h e empirical value of K. In 1913, Bohr published a series of three papers of seminal importance; t h e argumentation is boldly original and emphasizes t h a t some drastic departure from traditional wisdom had to be dared if a n explanation were ultimately to emerge. For more than a decade, considerable efforts were spent to boil down the apparent contradictions of these papers to some manageable principles leading to a consistent generalization of the classical theory; the result of these efforts will be presented in subsequent chapters. We first proceed here by outlining the core features of Bohr’s first paper, restricting our attention mainly to the Hydrogen atom, with some incidental comments on He+; for this purpose, we find it convenient to isolate five main assumptions in Bohr’s argument . ASSUMPTION 1. The atom is constituted of a positively charged nucleus surrounded by orbiting electrons. The total negative charge of the electrons is equal in magnitude t o the positive charge of the nucleus. The radius of the nucleus is supposed t o be negligibly small in comparison with the linear dimension of the atom. The mass M of the nucleus is supposed t o be m u c h larger than the mass m of the electron (ih however, a quantitative estimate of this is t o be taken into account, replace in the sequel m by the reduced m[l (m1M)I-l mass m’
Bohr, with some justice, refers to this as t h e Rutherford model, although some historical precedents can be traced to Perrin and to Nagaoka; we shall not need those references in t h e sequel. This model is first discussed completely classically. Specifically, let a be t h e radius of t h e circular orbit of an electron around t h e nucleus; v be the velocity of t h e electron on its orbit, and w be its frequency, m its mass, e its charge; and E be t h e charge of t h e nucleus. We have then, by definition:
Upon balancing t h e centrifugal force a n d the Coulomb force, we have: (4)
ec r n ( 2 ~ w )= ~ aa2
Upon writing t h e total energy E of t h e electron as t h e sum of its kinetic energy and its potential energy, we have: (5)
Upon using (3), (4) and ( 5 ) we find, by straightforward algebraic manipulations
Bohr notices, as he starts from ( 6 ) and (7) t h a t , by Kepler’s law, these formulas hold in fact for an electron o n a n elliptic orbit of principal axis 2a with t h e nucleus sitting at one of t h e foci; see (46) below. For later use, notice t h a t W can be interpreted as the energy which would be required to remove the electron from its orbit and place it infinitely far away from the nucleus. Bohr then emphasiaes-as was well-known at the time to be a serious objection against Rutherford’s model-that in this classical framework t h e electron o n its orbit is accelerated; since it is electrically charged it should, according to Maxwell equations, emit a n electromagnetic radiation. Consequently, its energy E should decrease in t h e course of time, a n d t h u s W = -E should increase. From (6) and (7), this would imply t h a t a decreases a n d w increases as time elapses, i.e. t h e electron should spiral more and more rapidly towards the nucleus: the orbit is not stable! Bohr t h u s remarks: “It is obvious t h a t t h e behavior of such a system will be very different from t h a t of a n atomic system occurring in nature.” To correct for this, Bohr makes the following ansata. ABBUMPTXON 2. Regardless of classical theory, there are stable orbits of energy W ( n )with n running over Z + Jcharacterized b y the stability condition
where h is Planck constant, w(n) is the frequency of the electron on the orbit W ( n ) ,and f : n E Z++ IR+ is a function to be determined later on. Upon feeding t h e stability conditon (8) in t h e classical equation (7) we obtain: W ( n )=
r2me2e2.- 1 2h2 f(n)2
7r2me2e2.- 1 2h3 f(n)3
or equivalently
Note t h a t it is one thing to select some particular solutions among all t h e solutions which are a priori possible, but t h a t it is quite another thing to ignore part of a theory in order to decree t h a t the solutions which one chooses are stable when in fact the original, full theory prevents this to be t h e case. Bohr was aware of this, but he seems to have believed from t h e beginning of his investigations t h a t this departure from classical theory was necessary; he did not seem to worry whether any explanation could ultimately be possible within the accepted principles of the classical theory; quite to t h e contrary, he appears to have felt t h a t such an explanation should not even be sought after. While Bohr started his enquiry with the aim to describe t h e structure of the atom irrespective of what spectroscopy may d o to help, t h e latter turned out to provide the key he was looking for. He once commented: “ASsoon as I saw Balmer’s formula, the whole thing was immediately clear to me.” T h e next three assumptions appear to be the essential steps he took to arrive at his conclusion. ASSUMPTION 3. Atoms produce spectral lines one at a time, i.e. individual atoms are not responsible for the whole spectrum simultaneously. Spectral lines are emitted, or absorbed, when an electron transits from an orbit with energy W ( n ) to an orbit with energy W(n‘), and the frequency Vn,nt of the radiation emitted, or absorbed, in this transition is given by:
hvn,nt = W(n’)- W ( n ) where h is the Planck constant. Note t h a t this assumption embodies two important facts. T h e first is t h e observation, by Kirchhoff & Bunsen (see Section l), t h a t absorption and emission lines coincide. The second is Einstein’s interpretation of hv as t h e energy of a photon of frequency v. Upon introducing now (10) into (ga), we obtain:
Now comes t h e link to Balmer’s formula (lb). ASSUMPTION4. The Balmer spectral series is given b y (11) with n’ = 2 and n 2 3. Upon comparing (11) [with n’ = 2 and n 2 31 to (lb), we obtain:
In these formulas, k is a positive constant, as yet undetermined; this will be taken care of presently. (Strict0 sensu, Assumption 4 gives (12b) for n E
Z+\ {l}, b u t this is a detail we d o not want to comment upon here beyond saying t h a t the extension to Z+is a negligible leap of faith in regards to t h e boldness of each of t h e assumptions we are making explicit here). The final assumption will allow to determine t h e constant k appearing in (12). ASSUMPTION 5. For large values of n and n' the predictions of the theory coincide with the predictions of the classical theory. This assumption is t h e first appearance in Bohr's writings of his famous correspondence principle, which he later on was to refine a n d sharpen until he made it a touchstone for t h e emerging quantum theories. Here it simply appears as a transposition of a fact already noticed by Einstein in his work o n black-body radiation: when a large number of quanta are simultaneously involved one recovers t h e classical theory. In t h e specific case at hand here, assumption 5 is used as follows. O n the one hand, the theory so far outlined gives for large values of n:
and, upon using (9b): 1 w(n) = K . kn3
O n t h e other hand, t h e classical theory of the orbiting electron leads to:
Then Assumption 5 tells us to insert (13) and (14) into (15) from which one obtains k = f , so t h a t (9a) and (11) become
W ( n )=
2r2me2e2 1
2r2me2e2 h3
Note t h a t (16) and (17a) hold for all positive integers n a n d n'; t h e classical limit of large n was only used to determine the constant k. For n' < n, Vn,nt is positive and is t h e frequency of a line in t h e emission spectrum; when o n t h e contrary n' > n, U , , ~ !is negative a n d -Un,nt is t h e frequency of a line in t h e
absorption spectrum. Notice, further t h a t K is now fully expressed in terms of fundamental constants: t h e charge and (reduced) mass of t h e electron, t h e charge of the nucleus, a n d t h e Planck constant. Upon specializing (17b) to t h e Hydrogen atom, for which E = e, one can, for instance, compute t h e value of Balmer's constant (see (la)) which now comes out at 3646 . millimeters indeed, thus providing an excellent experimental check for t h e theory. Bohr further noticed t h a t upon introducing (16) into (6) one obtains a(.)
= n2
h2 47r2mee
giving the radius (or more generally, the half-principal axis) of t h e n-th orbit. In particular, for t h e deepest orbit, t h a t which corresponds to n = 1, a n d for the Hydrogen atom, where E = e, Bohr computed t h e quantity a(l), now known as t h e Bohr radius, to be a c 0 . 5 . 10-lOm (within 5% of its modern value) thus giving an estimate of t h e size of the atoms. Formula (6), which we just used, links t h e Bohr radius a to t h e ionization energy W (i.e. t h e energy necessary to expel t h e electron from its deepest lying orbit all the way to infinity); this was evaluated by Bohr, from t h e fundamental constants m, e and h, and confirmed directly from scattering d a t a in experiments carried out by Franck and Hertz between 1914 and 1919. In the spectroscopic arena the predictions based on (17) were also met with spectacular success: having already used t h e Balmer series n' = 2, Bohr identified t h e series suspected by Rita (1908) and confirmed by Paschen (1908) corresponding to n' = 3; he predicted from n' = 1 a series in the ultraviolet which was observed by Lyman (1914); and he predicted from n' = 4 and 5 two series in the infrared which were observed by Brackett (1922) and by Pfund (1924). He went further to consider the ionized Helium a t o m He+(€ = 2e) and he identified, as pertaining to it, two series found earlier by Fowler a n d Pickering; his prediction was confirmed by Evans (1913), including the role of t h e factor [l+(m/M)]) in t h e expression of t h e reduced mass of t h e electron (see Assumption 1). For atoms with several electrons, the theory needs some further refinements due to the fact, ignored at t h e time of Bohr's contribution, t h a t electrons although they are not classical particles (see Section 2) are nonclassical in a way different from t h a t in which photons and phonons are nonclassical: t h e latter satisfy the Bose-Einstein statistics, whereas t h e electrons satisfy the Fermi-Dirac statistics with the effect, in particular, t h a t no two electrons can be in the same state; more on t h a t later, as we would rather, in this section, concentrate on the difficulties pertaining to Bohr's theory itself. Clearly some efforts had first to be spent to extract some general principle from Bohr's seemingly ad hoc assumptions; and to elicit the connection which might exist between the quantum ansatz made in the theory of black-body radiation and of the specific heat of solids, and the quantum ansatz now made by Bohr in his theory of the structure of t h e atom. A major step in this direction was accomplished by Sommerfeld (1915, 1916; see also 1931). He came u p with an ingenious condition which, in its simplest form, can be expressed as follows.
SOWWELDRULEL The quantum-theoretically stable orbits of a Hamiltonian system H(p1,. . .,pn; ql, . . ., qn) are characterized by the conditions:
k = 1,. . .,TI
h nk
where h is the Planck constant and nk (k = 1,.. .,n) are positive integers; the integral is taken along the orbit considered and extends over one period. Let us first examine briefly what this condition says for a one-dimensional harmonic oscillator
H = - #1 +$ 2m
The general solution of t h e Hamilton equation
aH q= aP
+ -
q(t) = a cos(21rut p) p(t) = -27ru ma sin(21rut
+ p)
Notice that the energy along each such orbit is a constant (since A = 0) given by:
E = H(p(t), q(t)) = 2r2u2ma2
Sommerfeld's integral (the L H S of 19) is (244
f dq
dt (21rua)~ m sin2(2wt
+ p)
fdq . p = 29r2uma2
Upon inserting (23) in (24b) we see that t h e Sommerfeld condition (19) reads (25)
which is exactly the Planck-Einstein relation between the possible energies E of a harmonic oscillator and its fundamental frequency u (see e.g. 7.1.21 and
Planck’s “most essential point’’ quoted above t h a t formula; see also Section 2 for Einstein’s interpretation of this point). Hence Sommerfeld’s rule seems indeed to g o straight at the core of t h e arguments presented in the first two sections of this chapter. Let us now study the Bohr a t o m from the same point of view; it is a
Hamiltonian system with
H = - m1 v 2 - - er 2 r Since we know from classical celestial mechanics t h a t the orbits are planar we can consider this as a 2-dimensional problem, and the Hamiltonian (26) expressed in polar coordinates is
er H = -1m ( i 2 + r2+2) - 2 r
(27) This suggests introducing (28)
so t h a t H can be rewritten in t h e form
The first two Hamilton equations
together with (28) are tautologies, which only inform us t h a t we picked t h e right canonical variables. The second pair of Hamilton equations
contains t h e information we need. We first note t h a t (31) gives us t h a t p p is a constant of t h e motion; this is nothing b u t Kepler’s second law of planetary motion, a consequence of t h e invariance of the Hamiltonian H under t h e rotation group. Upon using the fact t h a t t h e Hamiltonian itself is a constant of the motion, we rewrite (29) in the form (33)
Notice further from (28)t h a t (34)
W i t h t h e change of variable s=-
1 r
and (34),we can now rewrite (33) in t h e form
Upon differentiating (36) with respect to p, recalling t h a t E a n d p , are constants, we obtain (37)
me€ -
This equation is equivalent to (32)a n d its solutions are (38)
s = so cos(p - po)
+ L1
with (39)
L = (mec)-'(p,)2
We have thus obtained (see 35) elliptic orbits of period 27r. U p to here everything was classical mechanics. We now introduce Sommerfeld conditions. For t h e conjugate pair (p,, p), the condition
simply gives, since p , is a constant of t h e motion:
This is known as t h e angular momentum quantization; t h i s result was already in Bohr (1913), b u t it is obtained here in a much simpler way. For t h e conjugate pair (p,, r ) the Sommerfeld condition
gives, upon substituting --W for E in (33): (43)
1 1 2 m e ~r -- &F]'= n,h
which can be integrated (e.g. by contour integration) to give, upon taking (41) into account: (44)
W ( n )=
h2 with n = (n,
. -1
+ nP)E iZ+
which gives back the formula (16) found by Bohr's method. We can actually see t h a t this is no mere accident, if we go through t h e following elementary computation. From (38), in which we can assume without loss of generality so 2 0, we see t h a t at the perihelion ( p - po R,T r + ) and at the aphelion ('p-p'po 0, r = r - ) p , vanishes so t h a t the energy reduces to:
from which we conclude t h a t the semi-major axis of t h e ellipse is given by u
1 -(r+ 2
Kepler's third law states t h a t the periods semi-major axis a (resp. al) are related by:
1 eE =- 2w
T (resp. Ti) of two orbits with
(47) i.e. upon taking (46) into account
For every circular orbit (recall n, = 0) we have from (39) and (41), upon using L=a=r(t) V t E R (49)
h2 47r2rnee
which again coincide with t h e formula we found by Bohr's method (see 18); in particular for E = e and nV = 1 we find back the formula for t h e Bohr radius.
Moreover, we have for these circular orbits
and thus, upon using (39) and (41):
In particular, we obtain from (51) a n d (44) with nr = 0 a n d nV = 1:
a formula we can now generalise to all stable elliptic orbits. Indeed from (44), nV, n, = 0 , 1 , 2 , . . ., (48) a n d (52), we finally obtain for arbitrary n = n, nV = 1 , 2 , . . .; and w(n) 3 T ( n ) - ’ :
1 W ( n )= h W ( n ) .-n 2
which is exactly t h e Bohr stability condition (8) supplemented by t h e precise form of the function f : n E Z+ --t i n which we derived from t h e other conditions t h a t Bohr imposed; see in particular (12b )and (15-16). We have, therefore, recovered all t h e essential points of Bohr’s treatment from a straightforward application of one simple stability condition, namely the Sommerfeld rule. In t h a t sense, Sommerfeld’s theory contains Bohr’s which it places in a more general context; recall t h a t Sommerfeld’s rule also led to the Einstein-Plank formula (25) for t h e harmonic oscillator. Note, nevertheless, t h a t Bohr’s Assumptions 1 and 3 remain necessary to a physical interpretation of the theory. The Bohr-Sommerfeld method can be extended one step further to include relativistic corrections. The need for such corrections is indicated by t h e following preliminary computation. According to t h e results we j u s t obtained, t h e velocity u of a n electron o n a circular orbit is given by (3) in which we can now substitute t h e value of a (see 49) a n d w = T-‘ (see 50) to find, with 2 = E/e: (54)
v = aZ(n,)-’ C
where c is t h e velocity of light, and a is the pure number (55)
2ne2 a=-=-
1 hc - 137
An anecdotic note might be in order here. For a while Q-' was suspected to be exactly an integer, thus rising a bizarre theoretical challenge: why would nature chose to link, through the integer 137 such disparate fundamental constants as the charge of the electron, the Planck constant, and t h e velocity of light? Subsequent measurements of e, h and c, however, gave for a-l the modern value 137.0388.. . an unremarkable number which one feels less of an urge to explain! W h a t , however, is relevant for us here is t h a t , for t h e deepest orbit ( n = 1) of hydrogen atom (2 = l), or the ionized helium a t o m He+(Z = 2), the velocity of the electron is not quite negligible against the velocity of light. The question is whether this could be experimentally detected, and theoretically accounted for. With mo denoting the reduced mass of t h e electron at rest, i.e. mo = m [ l + (m/M)]-', the effective mass of the electron moving with velocity u is given in the special theory of relativity (see 5.2.38) by: P = mo(1 - P
2 -112
with P = v/c. To take this into account, we must replace t h e non-relativistic formula (26) by: (57) which reduces indeed to (26) in the non-relativistic approximation (see Chapter Five, in particular 5.2.39). We can rewrite (57) as:
Notice further t h a t (59)
Upon replacing now (28) by (60)
p, =pi'
we obtain (see 56 and 59):
Upon inserting this in (58) we receive:
p, =p2@
We now use again t h e change of variable s = r-l (see 35) to rewrite (62) as
which, incidentally, reduces indeed to (36) in t h e limit c -+ 00. Notice, further t h a t H and p , are still constants of the motion, so t h a t t h e differentiation of (63) with respect to p gives: (64) i.e.
&c2 mo ee
which indeed reduces to (37) as c admits for solutions
4 00;
-1 moc2 instead of (38), t h e equation (65)
which are now periodic of period 2x/7. Hence, since 7 precesses by t h e a m o u n t (67)
A p = 27r(-)1 - 7 7
1, t h e perihelion
radians per revolution
Here again, an incidental remark is called for. If t h e electromagnetic potential ee/r were replaced by a gravitational potential, t h e above computation when carried out for the orbit of Mercury around t h e S u n would give a precession of 7 seconds of arc per century, a far cry from t h e result (6.3.94) we obtained from general relativity. Back to t h e atom, where gravitation plays a most negligible role as compared to t h e effect of the electromagnetic forces at work here, special relativity is all what we need. T h e fact, however, t h a t t h e perihelion does precess (see 67) seems t o preclude a straightforward use of Sommerfeld's rule. It is, however, easy to overcome this: in order to have integration variables which have t h e period of our system, we introduce $J = 7(0, i.e. we choose a polar coordinate system ( r ,$J) which precesses with the perihelion. W i t h this
change of variable, the Sommerfeld rule reads
f d$ PJ,= n&
n* E Z+
fdr p , = n,h
( 6 9)
n, E Z+
(68) gives immediately
while (69), together with (62), gives
A = 2moE
E2 +C2
+ c2
B = mOeE
e2c2 c = -p* + C2 2
Here again, we notice t h a t (71) reduces to (43) as c + 00. (71) can then be integrated as (43) was, a n d gives (after a few straightforward manipulations): E = moc2{(1 f B ) - f - 1)
+ (n$-
- a2Z2{n,
Y -
This formula is the exact solution to our problem. For the hydrogen atom (2 = 1) or t h e ionized helium atom He+(Z = 2), we see from (55) t h a t a2 <( n*(> l), and we can, therefore, expand E in power series in ( a 2 )to obtain for W = -E: (734 with (73b) and
n,=0,1,2 ,...; n * = 1 , 2 , . . .
If we keep only t h e first term in x, (73) reduces to (44) and t h u s (16): we have recovered t h e Bohr-Sommerfeld results as a non-relativistic approximation.
T h e second term in x gives the first relativistic correction; this was first proposed by Bohr (1915) in t h e particular case of circular orbits, where n, = 0 so t h a t n = n3, - 9 = i , and t h u s W appears to depend on n only. I t was Sommerfeld (1916) who first found t h e exact expression (72) and its expansion (73) in power series of a2.It is quite remarkable t h a t (73) depends not only on n, but also on n$ separately, thus lifting t h e degeneracy still present in (44). This fact was immediately seized as t h e solution of a n already old problem in spectroscopy. Indeed, it was known since Michelson (1891) t h a t t h e lines in t h e Balmer series of the hydrogen atom were not strictly single, well-defined, lines but rather had a fine structure of their own, which (44), a n d t h u s (16), could not explain; the second term in x was seen as a possible explanation of this phenomena, and for this reason Q is known in the physical literature as t h e fine structure constant. Since, however, this correction is proportional to a2 1/18780 it is a rather minute one; t h e theory was, nevertheless, satisfactorily confirmed by Paschen (1916) in the precise measurements he made on He+ for which 2 = 2; notice t h a t 2 appears at t h e power four in W for this correction, which makes the experimental detection somewhat more manageable. As is typical of much of t h e “old quantum theory” described in t h e present chapter, (73) was later given quite a different interpretation. Our account of Sommerfeld’s theory will be essentially complete when we finally notice t h a t t h e structure of t h e a t o m is t o be expressed as a threedimensional problem rather t h a n a two-dimensional one as we presented it so far. The introduction of this third degree of freedom leads to the introduction of a third quantum number entering through t h e condition
f d d p e = neh
i.e. h
Pe = -726 2lr
This implies only t h a t we should replace n3 by ( n ~ , n,) in (73) so t h a t t h e prediction of the theory remains qualitatively unaffected. However, an external magnetic field can be used to lift this degeneracy, and Sommerfeld saw a further confirmation of his theory in t h e Stern-Gerlach (1922) experiment. We should also remark t h a t w h a t we called t h e Sommerfeld rule had been formulated independently by Wilson (1915) and Ishiwara (1915); these authors, however, did not push the consequences of their formulation with t h e technical strength t h a t allowed Sommerfeld to include t h e relativistic idea leading to (73); it is t h e latter formula which is most probably responsible for the primacy given, in the physics literature, to Sommerfeld’s formulation. Largely because of t h e early successes t h e quantum theory had in making experimental predictions, it was t h e object of much activity in t h e next t e n years (1915-1925), the history of which is vividly recounted in Jammer (1966). This
period is marked by three developments the significance of which is, however, better understood within the framework of the “new quantum mechanics”; t h e latter evolved immediately after 1925 and we will present its main tenets in Chapter Eight. We, therefore, conclude the present chapter with only a few brief allusions to these developments. The first development we want to mention is the rather long-winded a t t e m p t to consolidate the Bohr-Sommerfeld theory in better harmony with t h e general framework of classical mechanics. The problem here was to trace in classical mechanics, the precise origin of t h e quantization rules. In particular, i t was noted t h a t some ambiguity remained in the Sommerfeld theory, concerning t h e proper choice of the canonical variables { ( p b , qb)lk = 1 , 2 , . . ., n } , as different choices were shown to lead to different predictions. The answer was sought in a n aspect of classical mechanics which had been developed by astronomers a n d mathematicians in their study of multiply periodic systems. T h e situation of t h a t and allied problems at t h e t u r n of the Century can be found in Poincar6 (1905). The importance of this kind of ideas in t h e realm of quantum theory was recognized by Ehrenfest (1913), Epstein (1916) and Schwaraschild (1916c), and it led to a vast literature on t h e use of “action-angle variables’’ and of “adiabatic invariants”; one of its first applications to quantum theory was a theoretical account of the Stark effect. As far as the conceptual foundations of quantum mechanics are concerned, t h e main lesson to be drawn from these investigations can be summarily described by saying t h a t the Hamilton-Jacobi formulation emerged as t h a t part of classical mechanics which lended itself most naturally to a quantum generalization; more on t h a t in Chapter Eight. The second development t h a t occured in the decade 1915-1925 and which we will only mention here in passing, is t h e fact t h a t t h e emerging quantum theory became able to give predictive rules o n t h e relative intensities (and not only the positions) of the spectral lines. A collection of “selection rules” resulted, which had their own origin in a better understanding of t h e mechanisms by which matter interacts with electromagnetic radiation. Here again, this can be more economically understood in terms of t h e “matrix elements” which appear in t h e “new quantum mechanics” to be described in Chapter Eight. Finally, t h e third development which we want to mention in this chapter is the conjecture t h a t the electron orbiting around the atom is carrying a fourth quantum number-besides Sommerfeld’s n,, nq and n,-known today under t h e name of spin, and assuming only two values: s = -J-$. This conjecture is associated with the names of Pauli (1925) and of Uhlenbeck & Goudsmit (1925), although it is established t h a t in these turbulent times, some significant precedents can be found. Pauli was motivated by t h e question, initially asked by Bohr, as to why all electrons, for a n atom in its ground state, were not all lying in t h e orbit of lowest energy W (i.e. n = 1). To account for this, he postulated t h e existence of the quantum number s, insisting on its essential two-valuedness, and he complemented this with the further postulate t h a t , in an atom, any two electrons must differ at least in one of t h e four quantum
numbers characterizing their individual states. By a simple enumeration, filling up the atom levels starting with those of t h e lowest energy, Pauli accounted for the periodic table of elements well-known to every chemistry student. This proposal, for which Pauli received t h e Nobel prize in 1945, is known today as the Pauli exclusion principle, and it is seen as a consequence of t h e fact t h a t the electrons satisfy t h e Fermi-Dirac statistics. Stimulated in t u r n by Pauli’s proposal, Uhlenbeck and Goudsmit interpreted s as a state of rotation of the electron on itself; this “spinning” electron was soon realized to be impossible to account for within the classical theory: its size and mass were much too large and the velocity at the surface of the electron was computed to be larger t h a n t h e velocity of light. I t was realized later t h a t a proper account of the spin can only be given in term of t h e “projective” representations of t h e group O?; to understand this, we will need the Hilbert space formulation of quantum mechanics to be presented in Chapter Eight. I t turned o u t t h a t t h e spin of the electron allowed a simpler reinterpretation of t h e Sommerfeld formula (73); for this reason, among others, t h e spin was often said, in the popular physics literature, to be of relativistic origin. While it is true t h a t 0: appears as a subgroup of t h e relativistic, inhomogeneous Lorentz group, and t h a t it plays a distinguished role in t h e theory of t h e representations of t h e latter (see Wigner, 1939), it is known today (see e.g. Galindo & Sanchez del Rio, 1961; and LevyLeblond, 1965) t h a t a perfectly consistent, non-relativistic theory of t h e spin of the electron is possible as well. Such were the highlights of the “old quantum mechanics”. T h e situation, as it presented itself just before t h e birth of the “new quantum mechanics”, in contrast with what it became afterwards, is quite properly illustrated by two quotes Jammer (1966) excerpts. T h e first is due to Lorentz (1923): “All this has great beauty and extreme importance, but, unfortunately we do not understand it . . . quantum mechanics . . . has still to be made.” T h e other, contrasting quote is from Mackey (1963): “We should like to emphasize t h a t in quantum mechanics the quantum rules [i.e. in particular, Sommerfeld’s rule] are a deduction . . . T h e laws of quantum mechanics . . . give differential equations . . . Everything else is deductible from these laws.” T h e great divide occurred in 1925-1926 with the publication of t h e papers of Heisenberg, Born, Jordan and Schroedinger; a few years later, von Neumann gave t h e theory a firm conceptual and mathematical foundation, which allows then a consistent description of the quantum mechanics of systems with finitely many degrees of freedom. These developments are presented in t h e next chapter.
CHAPTER 8. THE HILBERT SPACE FORMULATION OF QUANTUM MECHANICS SYNOPSIS A physical system is characterized by: its observable properties (or simply “observables”); its modes of preparation (the result of a preparation being called a “state” of the system); and a prediction rule giving, for every state p, the expected value of every observable A. For instance, in the classical description of a system of N distinguishable particles in IR.’,the observables are identified with t h e smooth, real-valued functions on IRgN = T*IR3N;the states are identified with probability dis; t h e prediction rule is tributions on R g Nand
In the Hilbert space formulation of quantum mechanics, a system of N distinguishable particles in IR3 is described as follows: t h e observables a r e identified with the self-adjoint operators A acting within t h e Hilbert space N = .4f!(R3N,d’Nq); the states are identified with the density-matrices p on XI i.e. with the positive] trace-class operators p satisfying t r p = 1; and t h e prediction rule is: (1)
< p ; A >= trpA
Among the states of particular importance are the pure states, i.e. those states which cannot be decomposed into a convex combination of other states. In the classical description these are t h e Dirac measures, whereas in the quant u m description the pure states are t h e one-dimensional projectors P = P* = P2.In a time-honored abuse of language any vector @ E U satisfying )I @ )I= 1
2 50
is also called a pure state, the corresponding density-matrix being t h e projector
for these states (1) reduces to
We shall show t h a t behind the choice involved in writing X as G(R3N, d3Nq) lies t h e identification of t h e observable “position of the n-th particle along the j - t h coordinate” with t h e operator &jn defined by (leaving aside domain quest ions):
For any @ E X with 11 0 II= 1 and any function A of t h e position-observable & I , . . ., QN we have then:
can t h u s be interpreted (compare with equation (0) above) as a probability distribution in configuration space. We shall also see t h a t , in conformity with t h e identification (3) above, t h e generator of t h e translation of t h e n-th particle in the j - t h direction, interpreted as the observable “momentum of the n-th particle along t h e j - t h coordinate” is the operator defined by (leaving again aside domain questions):
Three remarks should be made at this point of our preliminary overview, since they will be the object of much discussion in this chapter. Firstly, we chose in the above definition (5) natural units which are particularly welladapted to t h e description of microscopic phenomena, namely units where t h e Planck constant ti = h/27r = 1. Secondly, the Fourier transform 3 transforms t h e momentum observables into multiplication operators so t h a t
can be interpreted] in analogy with (4) above, as a probability distribution in momentum space. The absence, in quantum mechanics, of a (point-wise positive) joint probability distribution for both position and momentum (in contrast with the classical formula (0) above) will be one of t h e essential differences between t h e classical a n d quantum descriptions, a fact which will have to be accounted for when we will discuss t h e sense in which classical mechanics can be recovered from the quantum theory. Thirdly, t h e position- and momentumoperators defined by (3) and ( 5 ) , satisfy t h e canonical commutation relations (with the notation [A,B] AB - BA):
[a, QB]= 0 = [ P i ,PB] [Pi,QB]
= -z6n,m 6 j , h I
which are strongly reminiscent of the classical Poisson brackets
{ d ,&}
= 0 = {Pi, &) &} = -&,m 6 j , k l
The Heisenberg uncertainty relations then follow immediately from t h e mathematical identity: (8)
< p;(A- < p ; A >)2 >< P;(B- < P;B >I2> 2 < P;*[A,B]> 2
We shall also argue in this chapter t h a t if the system is conservative t h e time-evolution is described by a one-parameter group {&It E R} of unitary operators acting on U; the generator H of this group is interpreted as t h e “energy” observable of t h e system. In case t h e particles are free, except for their mutual interactions: N
Hence, upon writing
@t(ql, . .
(ut@)(ql, . .
we will obtain the Schroedinger equation
Among t h e most convincing successes of t h e Hilbert space formalism of quantum mechanics are applications to t h e structure of atoms and molecules, and to the scattering of a particle by a potential, as we shall see towards t h e end of this chapter which will, however, describe first t h e main conceptual a n d mathematical aspects of t h e formalism itself.
Section 1. THE HEISENBERG MATRIX FORMULATION. The three seminal papers on the matrix formulation of quantum mechanics appeared within a span of less t h a n four months. They were written from Gottingen by Heisenberg (1925 P), Born & Jordan (1925) and Born, Heisenberg & Jordan (1925); together with the papers of Heisenberg (1925 M) and of Born & Wiener (1925-1926), they record t h e beginnings of the process in the course of which Hilbert space concepts came to be recognized as the proper language of quantum theory. While it is true t h a t these authors were guided by an analogy with the way Fourier analysis is used t o trace the time evolution in classical theory, we should emphasize t h a t this is by way of analogy only: indeed one of the main successes of t h e emerging Hilbert space formalism was t o make quant u m theory much more independent from the classical computational support previously required (see Chapter Seven) by the Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization rules. This advance was accomplished through a n almost accidental detour via the theory of matrix algebras. Until then, the latter had essentially been of interest to pure mathematicians only; there were, however, a few notable exceptions amongst mathematical physicists. The first of these exceptionally broad mathematical physicists was Born himself, who, some twenty years earlier, had learned about the theory from his teacher J . Rosanes, who in turn had been a student of Frobenius. Another mathematical physicist who knew about matrix algebras was Courant; he had been writing Hilbert’s lecture notes for what became a classic, the Methoden der Mathematischen Physik which had just appeared in 1924 and was soon recognized to contain some of the most pertinent tools necessary for t h e elaboration of t h e new quant u m theory. One of Courant’s assistants was Jordan w h o accidentally learned of quantum mechanics from Born in a train trip from Gottingen to Hanover (see M. Jammer, 1966)! He is the Jordan of the “Jordan algebras” which he invented a few years later, again in connection with an a t t e m p t towards a cleaner axiomatiaation of quantum theory. More will be said on t h e latter in Chapter Nine, a development Hilbert did not foresee: he was fond of pointing o u t t h a t the detour via matrix algebras could have been considerably shortened had Born and his colleagues recognized, as Hilbert did, t h a t matrices had previously appeared in connection with differential equations (see Section 2). I t is, therefore, worth looking closer at this historically fortunate detour, the object of this section. In his 1925 paper, Heisenberg was already very explicit on his conceptual motivations. Firstly, he stressed the importance-already hinted to by Bohrof restricting to observable properties all the formal assumptions of the theory. The language then had to become much sharper concerning such things as t h e position and velocity of an electron; in particular, the use of putative concepts, such as the orbit of an electron in the atom, was to be banished in so far as the corresponding properties could not be observed. I t is in connection with this requirement t h a t Heisenberg arrived at his famous multiplication law, which we shall describe below. Secondly, Heisenberg wanted to bring t h e
Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization rule into the formalism itself; in particular, Heisenberg wanted to find a way to avoid the two-step process consisting (as we saw in Chapter Seven) in having first to solve a problem classically and having then to impose an ad hoc quantization rule, the application of which required subtle variations from one problem to the next. For this part of t h e argument we shall follow here t h e presentation of Born & Jordan, although t h e core of it is sometimes called the Heisenberg canonical commutation relation. Thirdly, Heisenberg aimed at building up a formalism in which complex systems could be handled according to some fixed rules established once and for all; for instance, t h e “complex systems” Heisenberg mentioned as being on his mind were atoms with several electrons, and atoms placed in arbitrary electric and magnetic fields. The latter problem was solved by Pauli (1926)for the hydrogen atom using the formalism and methods just proposed by Heisenberg, Born & Jordan. The historical impact of this result is underscored in Born (1955): “The first non-trivial and physically important application of quantum mechanics was made . . . by Pauli . . . From this moment there was no longer any doubt about the correctness of the theory.” In his first paper, Heisenberg discussed w%z2 Xz3 = 0, and t h e simpler problems: the “anharmonic oscillator” if “rotator” which mimics, quantum mechanically, t h e classical picture of a n electron revolving at constant distance a and with constant angular velocity w around the nucleus. These examples are discussed today in every introductory physics t e x t on quantum mechanics, and there is t h u s little point repeating these computations here, although t h e reader should t r y solving these two problems as exercises while he proceeds through this section. We mention now only the results. The energy levels of t h e oscillator, u p to second order in X are given by
h --wo(n+ - 2R
-) 2
n E Z+
The energy levels of the rotator are given by:
w,= h2 ( n 2 + n + 87r2ma2
-) 2
Beyond these three general requirements, Heisenberg was motivated by a more precise problem: for the prediction of t h e relative intensities of t h e spectral lines, it is necessary to have a proper quantum-theoretical description of t h e multipole expansion of the radiation emitted by a moving electron. He recognized t h a t a solution of this problem depends o n the answer to t h e following more general question, which he termed “kinematic”. Given a quantumtheoretical description { z ( t ) } of a (classically) observable quantity z(t), w h a t should be t h e quantum-theoretical description of ~ ( t ) To ~ ?explore this question, Heisenberg restricted his attention to t h e radiation emitted by t h e electron as it passes-according to Bohr’s theory of t h e hydrogen atom (see Chapter Seven)-from a stationary state, labeled n, to another stationary state, labeled
( n - a). Two observable properties characterize this radiation: its frequency and its amplitude, both depending on two variables, n a n d ( n - a). According to Bohr’s theory (see 7.3.10) t h e frequency is given by
4%n - a)= -h1[ W ( n ) - W ( n- a)]
and evidently satisfies (4)
+ v(n
v(nl n - a)
- a,n -
a) = v(n,n - p)
In analogy with the expression
obtained from a classical Fourier analysis of t h e radiation, Heisenberg proposed t h e following “quantum-theoretical” representation for t h e amplitude of t h e radiation in order to emphasize the separate dependence on n a n d ( n - a): (6)
IRe{z(n,n - a ) e 2 W n n n - a ) t 1
where z describes both polarization a n d phase and is t h u s a vector in as. Addressing now the question of how to represent t h e square of t h e amplitude, Heisenberg proposed t h a t t h e “simplest a n d most natural” way to represent this quantity while preserving (4) is to write for it:
and t h u s
T h e content of Heisenberg’s kinematic postulate is t h a t this multiplication rule is universal, i.e. can be iterated to give all powers of any observable quantity; moreover, Heisenberg’s proposal extended to seeing in (7c) t h e germ of a rule to multiply any two observable quantities. He, however, pointed o u t t h e difficulty t h a t , whereas in the classical theory z(t)y(t) = y(t)z(t), his multiplication rule would, in general, give different results for t h e quantum descriptions
{ z ( t ) y ( t ) }and { y ( t ) z ( t ) } .This difficulty, however, did n o t affect his subsequent analysis since he only needed, in t h a t paper, a quantum description of classical for such observables he had a remarkable observables of the form z(t)&(t); intuition, namely, t h a t they appear as time derivative of h ~ ( t= ) ~$ z ( t ) z ( t ) and can thus be seen as symmetric products of t h e form $ ( z ( t ) k ( t ) k(t)z(t)). We shall exploit this remark later on in this section and in Chapter Nine. To Born belongs the credit of recogniaing t h a t Heisenberg’s “inspired” multiplication law is in fact the multiplication law of matrices. W i t h t h a t insight, he set out to stream-line Heisenberg’s whole argument and to present it in a mathematically more acceptable form; this he did in his paper with Jordan (loc. cit.) and we shall follow here their presentation. In t h a t paper Born & Jordan distinguish three separate steps in Heisenberg’s programme; these are: a “kinematical postulate”, a “dynamical postulate” and a “quantization postulate”.
1. KINBMATICAL WBTULATD. A physical system (with one degree of freedom) is to be described b y representing the position q(t) and the momentum p ( t ) at time t b y Hermitian matrices over (E
where the real-valued function u satisfies (9)
u(n,m) u(m,k ) v(k,n) = 0 V n, m, k u(n,m) # 0 whenever n # m
Remarks. (i) We will later have to make this postulate more precise, both physically a n d mathematically. First of all, t h e range of t h e indices n, m, k, . . . will have to be specified; as in Heisenberg’s paper they are here to be thought of as labels for the “stationary states” of the system, a notion which will have to be made more precise. Secondly, Born & Jordan were aware of t h e fact t h a t their “matrices” are somewhat peculiar: not only have they infinitely many entries (i.e. n, m, k. . . range over a n infinite index set) but they are, moreover, unbounded (in a sense which we will specify later on). A t this exploratory stage of the theory, Born & Jordan decided to ignore t h e mathematical problems t h a t occur when one deals with such unbounded objects, a n d to proceed, nonetheless, at a heuristic level. We now follow t h e m in this endeavor, with, however, the understanding t h a t things will have to be tightened up; we shall show how this can be done in Sections Two and Three below. (ii) In the spirit of Bohr’s theory, t h e real numbers u(n,m) are meant to be the quantum-theoretical frequencies belonging to the transition between stationary states labeled n a n d m. Condition (9) implies (upon writing n =
2 56
m = k)
(11) v ( n , n )= 0 V n and t h u s (upon writing m = k) (12) v(n, rn) = -v(m, n ) V n, m With no fixed but arbitrary, define (13) cp(n) v(n, no) Condition (9), together with its consequence (12), then implies v b , 4 = cp(4 - c o ( 4 (14) Anticipating o n things to come, Born & Jordan wrote this relation in t h e form
where h is t h e Planck constant. (15) has the mathematical form of Bohr’s assumption (7.3.10), with vnm = v ( m , n ) . From a n epistemological point of view, however, the content of these two formulas is different. Bohr starts with the W, as t h e energy of t h e stationary state (or “orbit”) labeled n, while here (15) appears only as a definition of W, = hp(n) ( u p to a n irrelevant additive constant, linked to our arbitrary choice of no); t h e interpretation of W, as t h e energy of a stationary state will appear here as a consequence of t h e theory. (iii) There is a slight redundancy in t h e above kinematic postulate. Indeed (12) implies t h a t q(t) a n d p ( t ) are Hermitian for all times t if and only if they are Hermitian at one time, say t o . The condition t h a t these matrices be Hermitian is now equivalent (through 12) to t h e condition
where * denotes the complex conjugation. I t should also be pointed o u t t h a t Born & Jordan assumed t h a t both q and p are Hermitian matrix valued functions of t , whereas Heisenberg initial paper concentrated on q only. (iv) Define now t h e matrix (17) where S is t h e Kronecker symbol. For any matrix-valued function g o n IR,of t h e form
we obtain, upon using (14), (19)
B(t) =
1% s(t)l
where the commutator [A,B] of any two matrices A a n d B is defined by:
2 57
This concludes the Born- Jordan formalization of Heisenberg’s original “kinematical postulate”. The dynamics then enters in a second postulate, with the introduction of a “Hamiltonian function” H of p and q, from which equations of motion can be defined. To do this, Born & Jordan needed a few computational preliminaries, which we now briefly review. First of all, Born & Jordan needed a notion of a matricial function of several matricial variables. A t the heuristic level at which they worked, one simply gets by with formal polynomials. Two problems are temporarily ignored. T h e first one is again t h a t one works with unbounded objects; for t h a t we defer again to Sections Two and Three below. T h e second problem is t h a t t h e product AB of two Hermitian matrices A and B is in general n o t Hermitian, unless A and B commute, i.e. unless [A,B]= 0; we shall come back to this problem later on in the present section. Secondly, Born €2 Jordan needed the notion of a partial derivative of a matricial function of several matricial variables, so t h a t they could write a quantum analog for the classical Hamilton equations of motion. Let A be a matrix and “define” tr A = C, A(n, n); here again this presents some mathematical difficulties: in particular, t h e sum has to be absolutely convergent for the sequel to make proper sense. Let us, nevertheless, proceed formally, a n d . . .,, zn. suppose A to be a function (e.g. a polynomial) of t h e n matrices q , ~ The formal partial derivative of A with respect to x k is defined as the matrix
A t first sight this may seem to be a strange definition; it is, therefore, useful to explore some of its formal properties. W i t h X a n d 1.1 two complex numbers; A and B two matrices, we have
The following two properties are verified by inspection from t h e definition (21) and the product rule for matrices. W i t h N a positive integer a n d z a matrix (24) With z1, z2,.. ., X N denoting N (independent!) matrices:
-(ZlZ2. ask
. .XN) = z k + 1 . . .ZNZ1. . .Zk-1
In fact, the reader w h o has checked explicitly t h e above two formulas will recognize t h a t his argument can be generalized to check t h e following property of which these two formulas are particular cases. L e t M a n d N be two positive { i E Zll 2 i I M} a n d J = { j E Zll 2 j 5 N};.t. : a E I H integers; I .f$ E J; {xjlj E J} be a collection of (independent!) matrices; and
i- 1
Note t h a t , together with (22), (26) could be taken as a n alternate definition of the partial derivative. T h e following consequence of (26) will be useful in t h e sequel. For any polynomial A in two matrices x a n d y we have (formally, at least!)
To see this, remark first t h a t t h e linearity (22) makes it sufficient to prove (27) for monomials, i.e. for A of t h e form N
A = n(xrn~yn)) j=l
From (26) one obtains
n N
Aj = From (29a) one then obtains aA [z,3-1 = (304
C (xmff'Aj
- y"fAjP')
j= 1
and similarly from (29b):
j- 1
From (30a), (30b) and (29c), (27) follows for every monomial of the form (28) and thus, as we already remarked, for all polynomial in x and y . Recall now (see Chapter One) t h a t in classical mechanics, t h e Lagrangean L is defined by
and t h a t t h e classical Hamiltonian equations of motion
are obtained from the variational principle consisting in imposing t h a t for all t2
> ti:
be an extremum, a condition written symbolically
In analogy with this classical variational principle Born & Jordan proposed the following (formal) quantum variational principle; the quantum kinematical postulate formulated above is presupposed in the statement of this second postulate. 2. DYNAMICAL WBTULATB. A function H of the matrices p and q 8s said to be a Hamiltonian for the system if the equations of motions can be obtained b y imposing that trL be an extremum, where
Remarka. (i) This postulate could be seen as a definition of t h e Hamiltonian H and of the Lagrangean L; w h a t one has in mind then is t h a t 9 a n d p are observables, so t h a t one is able to determine empirically the differential equation their evolution satisfies, and thus decide whether t h e system is Hamiltonian, i.e. whether a function H exists, which satisfies t h e postulate. W h a t Born & Jordan, however, seem to have had in mind-as one can appreciate by reading t h e examples they gave in their paper-is t h a t a physical system is characterized by its Hamiltonian. For instance, a harmonic (resp. anharmonic) oscillator is characterized by t h e prescription t h a t H ( p , q) = 2fir#+ &w&$ (resp. Zt;ip” hwgq2 &A$), with m, wo and X real numbers.
(ii) This postulate is formal in the sense t h a t , given H , it may very well happen t h a t tr L is not properly defined. Following Born & Jordan, we temporarily ignore this difficulty and proceed to explore the formal consequences of t h e postulates, postponing to Section Three t h e presentation of a mathematically consistent theory. (iii) T h e first formal consequence of t h e dynamical postulate is t h a t , since it is a variational principle, we can compute where t h e extrema of tr L occur by separately equating to zero t h e partial derivative with respect to each matrix element. From (35) a n d t h e form of p and q given by t h e kinematical postulate, we have: (36)
tr L =
p(m,n ) 27riv(n, m) q(n,m ) - t r H m,n
T h e variational principle gives thus
27riv(n, m ) q(n, m ) -
atrH ap(m,n) = O
Recalling now (21) a n d (12) we can rewrite (37) in t h e form
i.e., since these equations hold for all n a n d m (39)
q. = -
aP 39 Hence, t h e quantum equations of motion a r e formally identical with the classical Hamilton equations (32). This formal analogy was, in fact, t h e motivating reason behind t h e a priori mysterious definition (21) of t h e partial derivatives of a matricial function with respect to its matricial variables. In practical applications-such as those which were discussed in t h e early days of this new quantum mechanics-the partial derivatives appearing in t h e R H S of equations (39) are more comfortably computed via t h e alternate definition of the partial derivative stemming from (26); in most of the cases then discussed, t h e particular cases (24) and (25) of (26) were already adequate. We shall see below an even more effective way to compute t h e equations of motion. Nevertheless, t h e dynamical postulate stated above throws some light on t h e original motivation for t h e formalism to which we will arrive. T h e third, and last, building block in t h e Born & Jordan analysis of Heisenberg’s paper was the realization t h a t t h e Bohr-Sommerfeld quantum condition, as used by Heisenberg, amounts to the following prescription.
3. QUANTIZATION POBTULATP. With q and p represented as prescribed b y the kinematical postulate, one has
where [ p , q] = pq - qp and h is the Planck constant. Remarks. (i) With the matrix multiplication rule written explicitly, (40) reads
which is t h e form in which Born & Jordan wrote their postulate. (ii) In the particular, b u t physically important, case where H(p, q) = &p”+ V ( q ) ,(39) gives p = mQ. From the form of q assumed in t h e kinematical postulate, (41) reduces then to
which is t h e original form in which Heisenberg wrote his version of t h e BohrSommerfeld condition. (iii) Born & Jordan recognized immediately t h a t their condition (40) rules o u t the possibility t h a t q and p be finite matrices. Suppose indeed t h a t they were finite matrices, i.e. t h a t t h e cardinality of t h e index set { n } were finite, say N;since tr AB = tr BA, we would then have 0 = tr[p,q] = C,[p, q](n,n) = Nh/27ri. In a footnote, they even made a remark to the effect t h a t p and q could not, moreover, be represented by bounded operators; we shall prove this in Section Three. (iv) The statement of the above “quantization” postulate is free from any explicit reference to classical mechanics, a distinctive improvement over t h e earlier versions of the Sommerfeld quantization rule. (v) We shall see in Section Three t h a t (40) can be interpreted as a consequence of t h e definition of the momentum p as t h e generator of space translations. In t h e present context, however, this quantization postulate must only be regarded as a seminal axiom, the value of which is t o be judged by t h e fruit it will bear. It is nonetheless interesting, from an epistemological point of view, to see how t h e Sommerfeld quantization rule provided an inductive guide for the formulation of this new postulate. I t is, however, to be emphasized t h a t t h e former is less general than the latter, so t h a t no true mathematical derivation of the new quantization postulate can really be presented starting only from the Sommerfeld rule. Here is how Born & Jordan proceeded. The Sommerfeld rule (7.3.19) reads (43)
where h is the Planck constant, and n is a n integer. Classically, one could write p and q as Fourier series (444
and thus (45)
J Ef
d q p = l : d t q p = 21ri k
k qk p-r
Taking stock of (43) and recalling t h a t , via the kinematical postulate, to the classical observables p and q correspond the matrices {p(n,k ) } and {q(n,k ) } , Born & Jordan boldly postulated b y fiat t h a t (41) was to be the quantum formula corresponding to the classical formula (46). They did not give the details, some of which were suggested in Heisenberg’s paper merely by way of analogy to earlier works of Thomas (1925) and Kuhn (1925). For this correspondence, inducing a quantum formula from a classical one, one can only propose some very loose a priori justifications, rooted ultimately in Bohr’s Assumption 5 (see Section 7.3); such arguments, however, are not compelling, and they cannot be, would it only be for the simple reason t h a t (41) is more general than its antecedents: a truly new principle was postulated here. This concludes the remarks we wanted to make specifically on the third postulate of Born & Jordan. We next present some (formal) consequences of the three postulates taken together as the germ of a theory. PROPOWON. Assume the three postulates stated above. Then (i) we have
(4 7)
[p,qj = -itlI
where II = h/21r, h is the Planck constant, and I is the unit matriz {6(n,m)}. (ti) With g any polynomial in p and q, and H of the f o r m where Hi and Hz are polynomials, we have i
P = -[H,gl
(4 9)
(b) H is a constant of the motion (c) H is a diagonal matrix (d) hv(n,m) = H ( n , n) - H ( m , m)
Proof: As before, the argument is only formal: we d o not worry about convergence when we write down t h e infinite sums involved in computing products of infinite matrices; in modern language, this amounts to ignoring all the domain questions which appear when one deals with unbounded operators (see Sections Two and Three). [ p , q] = p q - q p . We have then A = jq pir - qp To prove (i), let A qp = [ p , 41 - [q,p ] . From t h e equations of motion (39), this can be rewritten
We now use (27) to conclude t h a t A = 0. Recall now from (19) t h a t A = 2 n i [@,A].We, therefore, have [ @ , A = ] 0. We now use-for t h e first time in t h e theory-the condition (10) of t h e kinematical postulate, which says t h a t @ is non-degenerate. Since CP is, by its definition (17) diagonal, we conclude from the above argument t h a t A = [ p , q] is diagonal. T h e desired conclusion (47) then follows from (40): we have a diagonal matrix, t h e diagonal elements of which are all equal to one another. From (47) one obtains by recursion [p", q] = -intip"-' [q", p] = +inn$-'
Upon using (24) we can rewrite (52) in the form
With H as in (48) we conclude, by linearity, from (53): (544 and (54b) From (54) and the equations of motion (39) we obtain
Upon using t h e fact t h a t t h e operations g + g and g t h a t they are derivations, i.e. t h a t they satisfy (56)
= % l l )Q2
[H,g ] are linear, and
91 D(&)
we obtain (49) from (55). In t h e particular case where g = H,(49) implies t h a t H = 0, i.e. H is a constant of t h e motion. In t h e course of proving (i), we already showed t h a t every constant of t h e motion is diagonal, so H is indeed a diagonal matrix. As a consequence of this, we can rewrite (49) in the form (57)
27ri v(n,m ) g(n,m ) = - { H ( n , n) - H(m,m ) } g(n,m )
and thus, since g(n, m ) are arbitrary (50) follows from (57). 0 Remarks. (i) T h e conclusions (ii b-d) of t h e proposition confirm Heisenberg’s original interpretation of t h e index set { n } as labelling the stationary energy states, a remark which we will make more precise in Section Two. We should already notice, however, t h a t with W,= H ( n ,n ) one recovers, as a consequence of t h e present postulates, t h e old quantum condition (7.3.10) proposed by Bohr. (ii) Born & Jordan immediately recognized t h e central importance of (47) which they called the “sharpened” or the “exact” quantum condition. Today we refer to this condition as t h e canonical commutation relation (for one degree of freedom), or also t h e “‘Heisenberg commutation relation”; the latter attribution, however, is placed in proper historical perspective by Born (1956) who reminisced: “I shall never forget t h e thrill I experienced when I succeeded in condensing Heisenberg’s ideas o n quantum conditions in t h e mysterious equation p q - q p = h/27ra.” While this condition was derived here upon using explicitly t h e restriction (lo), Born & Jordan properly pointed o u t in their paper t h a t “all further conclusions rest on this condition”, namely (47). T h e subsequent developments of t h e theory fully vindicated this foresight: (47) holds true even when (10) does not. (iii) T h e restriction (48) imposed in t h e statement of t h e proposition is often physically meaningful. Mathematically (49) cannot be true if one takes for H any arbitrary polynomial in p and q. Consider for instance, t h e monomial
= P2q
We have then (59)
dH aP
-[HI a 41 = 2Pq ti
One may immediately object t h a t t h e matrix (58) is not Hermitian; this is easily cured by replacing ( 5 8 ) by symmetrized products
Since the partial derivative is a cyclic operation (see 23) t h e Hamiltonian (61) gives, through (39), the same equations of motion as those one would obtain from the function ( 5 8 ) ; however, the Hamiltonian (61) now satisfies (49). (iv) The above remark suggests immediately t h e following question: W h a t is the matrix representing, in the quantum theory, a given function of t h e classical variables p and q 1 We should warn t h e reader t h a t this question has been t h e object of perennial debates, as it truly lies at t h e core of t h e interpretation of the theory. It is, therefore, interesting to examine here how Born & Jordan went about this problem; in fact, we shall later in this section use some of their computations to give a proof of a "no-go" result. T h e solution which they proposed can be described as follows. One first notices, by recursion from (53), t h a t
m - 1 .._ -
[P? qnl = -
so t h a t
c =-c n-1
Pm-l qk
k=O , m-1 1
prn--l-l Q"-'pL
a = -[Prn,
qnl hmn Born & Jordan proposed then to associate to t h e classical monomial pmqmt h e following Hermitian matrix as its quantum representative:
O n the one hand, since t h e partial derivative is a cyclic operation, we can use (62) to conclude t h a t
T h e RHS of (64) can be computed from (29) and gives m-1
Q = c P
n t
m k
P 4
Upon using again (62) one can rewrite (65) in t h e form
O n t h e other hand, we can use (63) to compute, via the Jacobi identity and (53): i
i 1 tim+l
ti -[W (71 = ,n+l[Prnl
-[H, PI = ------[q", A
qn+ll p"+']
Hence, upon comparing (66) a n d (67): i
Q = -[H,q] ti
p = -[H,p] ti
Finally, by t h e same reasoning as used in t h e proof of t h e proposition, we concludethat t h e Hamiltonian (63) satisfies (49) again. This conclusion extends by linearity to a formal correspondence rule giving t h e quantum Hamiltonian t h a t corresponds to a n arbitrary polynomial function of t h e classical variables p and q. With this generalization, we close our discussion of t h e proposition. Before proceeding any further, let us construct explicitly a n example for t h e matrices p, q and H we are considering. Consider t h e linear space over C,t h e elements of which are the sequences 9 : n E Z+H 9 ( n ) E C where 9 ( n ) = 0 except for a finite number of values of n. A basis {Jlmlm E Z+} for this space is given by t h e sequences of t h e form 9m(n) = 6(m, n). O n this space, define t h e linear operator a by (69)
= [(n+ l)ti]"2Jl(n + 1)
Notice in particular t h a t
and a*n = ( n t ~ ) ’ / ~ ~ ~ ,v- l n E Z+\ (0)
Define similarly the linear operator a* by
Notice also
+ 1)h]1/2*n+1
a*an= [ ( n
E z+
From (69) and (72), or equivalently from (70), (71) and (73) one obtains then [a, a*] = liI
where I is t h e identity operator. From the operators a a n d a* we construct now the linear operators a
p 3 -(a*
fi 1
q 3 -(a*
- a)
From (74) and (75) we then obtain [ p , 41 = -m
Finally for every operator A on our space (of finite sequences) we define t h e {A(n,m ) } by matrix A
(77) We obtain in this manner two matrices p = {p(n, m)}and q {q(n, m)} which satisfy (47) as a direct consequence of (76). T h e reader should write down these matrices explicitly, and verify t h a t neither Ip(n, m)l nor Iq(n, m)l is bounded uniformly in n and m. The physical significance of this representation is t h a t t h e Hamiltonian of t h e harmonic oscillator (78) satisfies
1 H G -(p2 2
+ 8 )= a*a+
-h 2
for all n E ZZ+.(79) states t h a t t h e Hamiltonian is diagonal in t h e basis {qnln E Z+}we have chosen, a n d (80) states t h a t its eigenvalues are nondegenerate. Mathematically, t h e significance of this representation can be seen as follows. Let X be a matrix such t h a t
From this, and from (78) we conclude t h a t
[ X , H ]= 0 Since H is diagonal and non-degenerate (see 79 a n d 80) we already know (see t h e proof of t h e proposition) t h a t X is diagonal. Moreover, (81) implies (and, in fact, is equivalent to)
[X, u] = 0 = [ X ,a*] From t h e fact t h a t X is diagonal, we conclude then, upon making use of (73) (or of 70-71) t h a t all diagonal entries of X are equal, i.e. since X is diagonal, X is a multiple of the identity matrix, t h a t is to say (84)
x = {Xi?(.,
m ) } E XI
for some X E 6. This property expresses t h e fact t h a t t h e representation of p and q, which we j u s t constructed, is irreducible. We shall see in Section Three that: (i) this property is equivalent to t h e fact t h a t every matrix A can be expressed as a “function” of p a n d q, in a sense to be made precise; a n d (ii) up to unitary equivalence, there exists exactly one irreducible representation of p and q, also in a sense to be made precise there. O u r representation is, therefore, canonical; in particular, its relevance extends very much beyond t h e case of t h e harmonic oscillator (78). From this example one gets the feeling t h a t the three postulates of t h e theory are-at t h e core-self-consistent even though some mathematical tightening up still remains to be done before one could claim to have really isolated t h a t essential core. The main achievement realized in t h e formulation of these three postulates was t h a t t h e emerging quantum theory was becoming less dependent o n t h e classical substrate on which it had originally be grafted; in particular, much of the earlier contradictions of the theory, stemming as they were from too close a n adhesion to classical notions, were now losing their virulence.
This progress, however, still left open an important question of principle, namely whether and how one may still speak of a correspondence between t h e classical and the quantum theories. In a series of papers, Dirac (1925, 1926) remarked that there is a strong analogy between t h e quantum expression (49), namely
and the classical expression
This suggested t h a t the quantum commutator (ilk)[.,.] should correspond to the classical Poisson bracket -{ ., .}. Notice in particular t h a t both operations are linear in each of their variables t h a t they satisfy t h e Jacobi identity
and t h a t both [a, .] and { a , .} are derivations:
This analogy suggests t h e following question, known as the Dirac problem. Does there exist two matrices P and & and a correspondence p which, to every polynomial g in the classical variables p and q, associates a matrix p(g) in such a manner that: (i) p(p) = P and p(q) = &; (ii) to t h e unit function 1 : ( p , q) E JR2 H 1, p associates t h e unit matrix I = {s(n,m)};(iii) p is linear; (iv) (i/ti)[p(f),p(g)] = p(-{f,g}) for every polynomials f and g in p and q; (v) the matrices P and Q form an irreducible system, i.e. the only matrices X satisfying [XIPI = 0 = [X, &] are of t h e form X = XI where X E a! and I is t h e unit matrix.
SCHOLKJM. The Dirac problem admits n o solution.
Proof: We proceed by contradiction. Suppose t h u s t h a t such a correspondence cp exists. From { p , q } = -1 we immediately conclude t h a t P a n d Q satisfy [PIQ] = -itiI
which is t h e relation (47) of Born & Jordan. From this relation alone follows (as we have seen above) t h a t
c Qn-l-kpm-lQk c pm-l--LQn-lpL
[p",Qn] = -tXm
[p",Q"] = -aXn
From t h e definition (86b) of t h e Poisson bracket, we have (93)
-{p2,p} =0
-{p2,q} = 2p
-[P2, a Q] = 2P A
From (92) we have in particular (94)
-[P2, a PI = 0 A
T h e putative correspondence cp, together with t h e irreducibility assumption give then, upon comparing (93) and (94): (95)
+ XI
with X E Q:
+ PI
with c1 E (E
lo($) = P2
Similarly, we obtain (96)
p(#) = Q2
From t h e definition (86b) of t h e Poisson bracket, we have (97)
-{?t (I2) = 4Pq
From (92) we have in particular (98)
iti [P2,Q2]= 2 ( P Q + QP)
From (95), (96), (97) and (98) we obtain (99)
We next prove t h a t p, if it exists, must satisfy
Clearly (100) is satisfied, by definition, for n = 1; we can, therefore, proceed by recursion: suppose (100) holds for n - 1 with n > 1. From the definition (86b) of the Poisson bracket, we have (101)
-{p", p } = 0
- {p", q}
-[P", i Q] = nP"-'
= np"-'
From (92) we have (102)
- [P", PI
The putative correspondence p, together with t h e irreducibility assumption, gives then upon comparing (101) and (102): (103)
p(p") = P"
+ X,I
X, E a!
We still have to show X, = 0. To see this, we notice from (86b) t h a t
From (92) we compute (105)
-[P", i(PQ R
+ QP)]= nP"
The desired formula (100) follows then from (103), (104) and (105). We prove similarly t h a t p, if it exists, must satisfy
Finally, the definition of the Poisson bracket (see 86b) gives (107)
q"+'} = ( m
+ l)(n + l)pmqn
from which we conclude, upon using (100) and (106) t h a t p, if i t exists, must satisfy
Notice, incidentally, t h a t (108) coincides with t h e Born & Jordan proposal (63).
Up to this point, everything t h u s seems to be in order. However, we now compute from (86b):
-{PSI 9 9 3{P2% P q 2 ) = 0 (109) T h e putative correspondence p would then give, according to (loo), (106), (108) and (92), when applied to t h e LHS of (109):
One straightforward way to compute t h e R H S of (110) is to use (91) a n d (92) repeatedly, a n d to rewrite each term appearing in t h e commutator expansion as a' sum of ordered monomials of the form Q"P". We then find t h a t t h e coefficients of these monomials cancel, except for t h e lowest monomial which gives, for t h e RHS of (110), the matrix (-3ti21). This differs from t h e result obtained by applying the correspondence p to t h e RHS of (109): p(0) = 0 by linearity. This is t h e desired contradiction. 17 RDMARKB.
(i) A result of this type was first obtained by Groenewold (1946); see also van Hove (1951); t h m s 3.4.9 and 3.4.13 in Abraham & Marsden (1978); and references quoted therein, in particular Chernoff (1981). From these papers one sees t h a t this scholium, stated here in its simplest form, does generalize in two directions briefly described in remarks (ii) a n d (iii) below. (ii) We stated our scholium for one degree of freedom, i.e. for ( p , q ) E R2= T'R. A similar result holds for finitely many degrees of freedom, i.e. for ( p , q ) E R2"= T*R", with n any finite positive integer. (iii) We imposed, in our statement of t h e Dirac problem, t h a t t h e matrices P and Q form a n irreducible system. T h e scholium is still t r u e if this assumption is weakened to the requirement t h a t P a n d Q form a system with finite multiplicity, i.e. to the case where one has a direct s u m of finitely many irreducible representations of the canonical commutation relations. (iv) T h e finite multiplicity condition j u s t mentioned is a necessary condition for the t r u t h of t h e scholium, as was first noticed by van Hove (1951). Consider indeed the m a p p which, to every polynomial g in the classical variables p and q, associates t h e operator (111)
= w%g)aP - W a P g)aq - PPpg) + 9
acting on t h e Schwarta space S(IR2) defined as follows. T h e elements of are Cm-functions Q : R~4Q: satisfying
for all rn, n, k,t!? E Z+; we equip S(R2)with the structure of a prehilbert space dpdq). To make contact with by considering it as a (dense) subspace of L2(R2, the Dirac problem we need to establish t h a t S(R2)contains a n orthonormal basis. For this, and later purposes, it is useful to construct such a basis as follows. Notice first t h a t (113a) (113b)
L2(IR2, dP&) 5z L2(R,d p ) @ L 2(R,dq) L2(IR, dz) g e2
Identify now the sequence Qo = (1,0,0. . .) E ?k with t h e function
Through (113b), we obtain from (73) a n orthonormal basis in L2(R,dz); notice incidentally t h a t this identification produces, via t h e algebraic relation (75), a representation of the canonical commutation relation by t h e operators
With the orthonormal basis {QnlnE Z+}in L2(JR,dz)just obtained, define for every (m, n ) E Z+x Z+
It is then easy to check t h a t these functions Qm,n belong to S(R2)and t h a t {Qm,n[(rn,n) E Z+X Z+}is an orthonormal basis. Upon taking t h e matrix elements of the operators (111)with respect to any orthonormal basis in S(R2)-we just proved t h a t such a n orthonormal basis exists-we obtain a correspondence which satisfies t h e requirements (i)-(iv) of the Dirac problem. The last requirement-namely irreducibility-of the Dirac problem is, however, not satisfied. Indeed, (111)gives in particular (117)
cp(p) = -ilia,
p(q) = ilia,
To see t h a t the corresponding matrices do n o t form a n irreducible system, notice t h a t t h e space S(R2)harbours another representation of t h e canonical commutation relation, obtained by writing
Clearly t h e operators $ ( p ) and $(q) are not scalar multiples of t h e identity operator, and yet they commute with t h e operators ~ ( pa )n d ( ~ ( q ) .
(v) T h e m a p (111) is called t h e prequantization map and it plays an important role in t h e geometric quantization programme of Souriau (1966) and Kostant (1970); see also Simms & Woodhouse (1976), Guillemin & Sternberg (1977), Abraham & Marsden (1978), and Sniatycki (1980). T h e existence of the “other” representation (118) was pointed o u t by Segal (1960) and Streater (1966). T h e mathematical structure underlying t h e simultaneous presence of the two representations (117) and (118) has been investigated by t h e author in connection with the theory of modular algebras; see Emch (1981). (vi) Physically, the negative content of t h e scholium can be interpreted in a variety of ways. A t one extreme one could view Dirac’s remark as a mere mnemonic analogy. At t h e other extreme, one could insist t h a t Dirac’s analogy between the classical Poisson bracket -{., .} a n d the quantum commutator (i/ti)[.,.] must be laid at t h e foundation of quantum theory, even at t h e cost of removing-at least temporarily-one of t h e requirements (usually t h e fifth one) of the Dirac problem; this is in essence t h e starting point of t h e geometric quantization programme which can then be viewed as a geometric prescription to extract irreducible representations from t h e reducible prequantization representation (111). Somewhere between these two extreme views, one finds t h e attitude of most physicists. Recognizing t h a t a true quantization m a p cp, satisfying all five requirements of t h e Dirac problem, does not exist, they work within t h e framework given by t h e irreducible representation (115), a n d they adopt one ordering rule or another to form products of t h e operators p a n d q. One such rule, for instance, consists in writing t h e operators p a n d q in t e r m of the operators a a n d a* one can uniquely define from p a n d q using (75). One then replaces any polynomial in t h e classical variables p and q by the same polynomial in the quantum variables p a n d q; next one expands this polynomial in term of the variables a and a*. Finally one replaces every monomial M in a and a* appearing in this expansion by a monomial of the form where m (resp. n) is the number of times t h e factor a* (resp. a) appeared in the monomial M ;see also Section 10.2. Another “ordering” procedure consists in associating, to a function g of t h e classical variables p and q, t h e operator p(g) obtained by the following generalization of Fourier analysis (119) with (120)
cp(g) =-
JJ dad6 H a , b)E(fi;a, b)
2 and E(A; . , . ) defined by t h e following identities g(p, q)
dadb a(a, b)e-’(ap+bq)
where ( p , q) runs over R2,while E(E;a, b) is defined for every (a, 6) E R2by (121)
E(A;a, b) = exp{-i(h-’/2ap
+~ ” ~ t t q ) )
where p and q are now the operators defined from t h e representation (115). T h e reader will notice t h a t some care should be exercised when writing (119)-(121).
First of all, for the integrals (119) and (120) to make sense, ij should be dad)would do, but one can do better t h a n t h a t ; see tame enough: ij E f '(R2, Segal (1963a) and Grossman, Loupias & Stein (1968). Secondly, t h e operatorexponential in (121) must be properly defined; this can be achieved in L2(R,d z ) by noticing t h a t the operators (ti-*ap f i t b q ) are essentially self-adjoint o n S(IR), so t h a t (121) can be properly defined from t h e spectral theorem for t h e corresponding self-adjoint operators (see Section 2). Equivalently, E(ti;a, b) can be defined explicitly by its action on L2(R,dz):
Notice for completeness t h a t S(R) is stable under the action of E(ti;a, b), a n d t h a t when the physical units are chosen in such a manner t h a t R = 1, E(R;a, b) coincides with the Weyl operator:
With these technicalities out of the way, we can now come to t h e main point of this remark. T h e scholium tells us t h a t if a correspondence cp between classical and quantum observables is chosen in such a manner t h a t the requirements (i), (ii), (iii) and (v) of the Dirac problem are satisfied, then the correspondence cannot be a Lie isomorphism from t h e classical theory, with its Poisson bracket -{., .}, to t h e quantum theory, with its commutator ( i / R ) [ . ,.]. T h e proof of the scholium, nevertheless, already suggests t h a t cp could preserve these Lie structures to first order in ti, so to speak. This can be illustrated with the two correspondences just described. More precisely-see Scholium 8.3.3 and its Corollary 8.3.4 below-one can start from a quantum theory where the RHS of (119), together with (121), becomes a definition of a quantum observable; one can then control mathematically the limit ti + 0 in such a way t h a t (120) follows, together with t h e classical phase space itself, equipped with its symplectic structure. This symplectic structure, so essential to t h e Hamiltonian formulation of classical mechanics appears in t h i s manner as a consequence of the quantum theory. This remark suggests viewing classical mechanics as a derived theory, obtained as a result of an approximation of a more fundamental theory, namely quantum mechanics. This is to be conceptually compared with t h e way Newtonian physics can be viewed as a n approximation of relativistic physics. In both cases, the question then is whether the particular circumstances of a given physical situation d o warrant considering only t h e classical approximation. For this suggestion to be acceptable, however, we still have to give quantum mechanics t h e free-standing structure which would make i t a true theory. This process had been started in t h e work of Heisenberg, Born and Jordan reviewed in this section. Another approach towards t h e same end was proposed by
Schroedinger, as we shall see in Section Two. Building on these two preliminary steps, von Neumann presented a synthesis t h a t qualifies as a well-defined theory for systems with finitely many degrees of freedom; this will be reviewed in Section Three. The extension to more general theories, covering cases where infinitely many degrees of freedom are involved, will be discussed in t h e last two chapters of this book. Section 2. THE SCHROEDINGER WAVE MECHANICS T h e aims of this section are: (a) to review t h e conceptual background behind t h e formulation of the Schroedinger equation; (b) to discuss the connection between this equation and the Heisenberg matrix formalism reviewed in t h e preceding section; and (c) to show how t h e Born statistical interpretation of quantum theory emerged from these premises. The Schroedinger equation comes in two avatars: a n eigenwalue equation
8.rr2mA + V ( X ) ] Q ( X=) E Q ( z )
and a wave equation
h2 8n2m
h a3 + V ( Z ) ] Q ( Xt ), = i 2n --(~, at
In these two equations, h is t h e Planck constant, a n d A is t h e Laplace operator in IR" (the case n = 3 is particularly important in physical applications, b u t t h e theory and its applications are more general t h a n that): (3)
Equation (1) (resp. eqn. 2) is also referred to as t h e time-independent (resp. time-dependent) Schroedinger equation. This nomenclature will be made more precise later on in this section. In t h e third paper of t h e series where he first wrote these equations, Schroedinger (1926) pointed out t h a t his equations could be obtained from-and t h a t their physical content was in fact equivalent to-the Heisenberg, Born & Jordan formalism. This, however was not how Schroedinger arrived at these equations. Perhaps nowhere in this book is it more proper to recall with Klein (1967) a quote from Benjamin Farrington: "History is the most fundamental science, for there is no human knowledge which cannot lose its scientific character when men forget t h e conditions under which it originated, t h e questions which it answered, and the functions it was created to serve." The questions which Schroedinger's theory was designed to answer were of a quite different nature than those addressed by Heisenberg, a n d so were his methods a n d tastes. Schroedinger indeed wrote in connection with t h e
Heisenberg, Born & Jordan approach: “I was discouraged, if n o t repelled by w h a t appeared to me a rather difficult method of transcendental algebra,defying visualization.” O n the positive side, Schroedinger’s direct motivation had its roots in the ideas of Einstein and of de Broglie. A summary of Einstein’s view of the old quantum mechanics can be found in a letter he wrote to Born in January 1920: “I d o not believe t h a t t h e solution to the quanta has to be found by giving up the continuum . . . I believe now, as before, t h a t one has to look for redundancy in determination by using differential equations so t h a t t h e solutions themselves no longer have t h e character of a continuum. But how?” (see Born, 1971). Schroedinger found the answer to t h e “how” of Einstein’s question in t h e Einstein-de Broglie particle-wave duality. While Heisenberg, Born & Jordan used concepts-such as position and momentum-which primarily pertain to particle mechanics, Schroedinger concentrated on t h e wave aspect: if there was to be a wave, there must be a wave equation. In Schroedinger’s words: “Our classical mechanics is perhaps the complete analogy of geometrical optics a n d as such is wrong and not in agreement with reality; it fails whenever t h e radii of curvature and the dimensions of the path are no longer large compared with a certain wavelength . . . Then an undulatory mechanics has to be established, and the most obvious approach to it is the elaboration of the Hamiltonian analogy into a wave theory.” For t h e Hamiltonian analogy Schroedinger is referring to, see Hamilton (1833). With the historical context and motivations now in place, we can proceed to give a derivation of Schroedinger’s equation. We start with the usual wave equation (4)
[A - - - ] 9 ( ~ , t ) = 0 u2 at2
where A is the Laplace operator (3) and u is the velocity of t h e wave. T h e core of t h e argument consists in inserting in (4) t h e following four ingredients. The first ingredient is to focus-temporarily-on monochromatic solutions, i.e. on waves of the form (5)
@(s,t ) = Q(z)e-2nivt
The second ingredient is the de Broglie expression (7.2.35) of t h e particlewave duality which attributes, to a particle of momentum p = mu, a wave of wavelength X (i.e. of frequency u = u / X ) given by
hu U
The third ingredient is t h e Einstein relation (see 7.2.12) between t h e energy E and the frequency u of a quantum wave, namely (7)
= hv
T h e fourth ingredient is t h e classical expression of the energy E of a particle as t h e sum of its kinetic energy p2/2m a n d its potential energy V(z), i.e. 1
E = Gp1+ V ( z )
From ( 5 ) and (7) we obtain
From (6), (7) and (8) we have (10)
v = E[2m(E - V ) ] - ’ / 2
Upon inserting (9) and (10) into (4) and taking (5)into account, we receive t h e eigenvalue equation (l), i.e. the time-independent Schroedinger equation. Notice further t h a t if {En, *,,In = 1 , 2 , . . .} is any (finite) collection of solutions of (4), then \Ir defined by (11)
q ( s ,t ) E Cn\lrn(z)e-2riEnt/h
satisfies t h e wave-equation (2),i.e. t h e time-dependent Schroedinger equation. T h e genius of Schroedinger was to consider t h e two equations (1) a n d ( 2 ) as the fundamental equations of a new theory, where (1) was to describe t h e “stationary states” of t h e system, while ( 2 ) was to describe t h e time-evolution of “arbitrary states”. Three remarks are in order at this point. T h e first remark will precise t h e mathematical form of these equations. T h e second remark will be concerned with t h e predictive value of t h e theory. T h e third remark will address t h e conceptual questions of finding: (a) a physical interpretation for the wavefunction \Ir(z,t), and (b) t h e relations which may exist between this theory and t h a t proposed by Heisenberg, Born & Jordan. Thus, our first remark is t h a t equations (1) a n d ( 2 ) are well-defined mathematical problems only when one agrees o n w h a t would constitute a solution, i.e. when one agrees on an “admissible” class of functions, to which t h e solutions should belong. One usually accepts today t h a t the Schroedinger equation is solved when t h e following steps have been carried out. The first step in t h e solution of the Schroedinger equation is to define t h e differential operator
.Ah2 8r2m
+ V(Z)
on a dense linear subspace of the Hilbert space U = L2(Rn, dnz) in such a manner t h a t it admits a unique self-adjoint extension H. T h e reader must
note here t h a t we distinguish between Hermitian operators a n d self-adjoint operators. Specifically, let D(A) be a linear subspace of M , a n d A be a linear operator A : D(A) --+ N . Let { B , D ( B ) }be similarly defined. A is said to be a n eztension of B , or equivalently B is said to be a restriction of A, if D(A) 2 D(B)and AQ = BQ for all 0 E D(B). Two operators { A , D ( A ) }a n d { C , D ( C ) }are said to be Hermitian conjugate to one another if ( A * , @ )= (Q, C@)for all (Q, 9)E D(A)X D(C).A is said to be densely defined if D(A) is dense in M , i.e. if given any @ E N and any 6 > 0 there exists 9 E D(A) such t h a t 11 9 - Q ((<E ; for instance, the Schwartz space S(IR") (see 8.1.112) is dense in L2(IR", d " ~ ) ,and the operators
with D ( p k ) = D(qh) = s(R"), k = 1 , 2 , . . .,n, are densely defined. Now if { A , D ( A ) }is a densely defined linear operator, one can show t h a t there exists a unique linear operator {A*,D(A*)},called the adjoint of {A ,D(A)}, such t h a t every {C,D ( C ) } Hermitian conjugate to {A, D(A)} is a restriction of {A*,D (A*)}.Finally {A,D(A)}is said to be Hermitian if {A*,D(A*)}is a n extension of {A,D(A)};and in particular, {A,D(A)} is said to be self-adjoint if it is Hermitian and D(A*)= D(A). The second step in the solution of t h e Schroedinger equation is to identify the spectral family associated to H . Here again this statement calls for a definition and an appeal to a general theorem. A spectral family on M is a function
(where B(M) is the algebra of all bounded linear operators from satisfying conditions (15)-(19) below
for all X and p in
R,with X 2 p : PAP,,= P,Pk = PA
for all X E IR: s - lim Pj,+c = PA S-.+O
and finally: s-
lim PA = O
into itself)
lim Pi = 1
Conditions (15) and (16) imply in particular t h a t every PA is a projector, i.e. PA = P f = PE. Conditions (17-19) call for two notational precisions. First, E t +O means t h a t E tends to zero through positive values. Second, s - lim means the limit in t h e strong-operator topology. A basis of neighbourhood in this topology is obtained by considering all sets of the form (20)
N ( A ,S,E)
{ B E B(U)1 )I (B-A)Qk
V *k E S }
where A E B(U), S is a finite set of vectors in U, and E > 0. This strongoperator topology is the weakest topology on B(U) for which t h e maps B E 8(U)H B q E U are continuous when U is equipped with its strong topology (i.e. with the topology of t h e convergence of vectors in t h e norm). As a n example of a spectral family, consider P : X E R H PA E B(N) with PA defined for every 9 E U = L2(IR,dz) by (21a)
( P X W 4
with X(-cO,A](4
1 f
for --oo < x otherwise
For another example, let {UnlnE Z+}be any orthonormal basis in a Hilbert space U, and define
Let us now come back to t h e general case of a n arbitrary spectral family {PAlX E R} on some Hilbert space U. Denote by B ( R )t h e o-algebra of Bore1 subsets of IR. Notice then t h a t for every q E U with 11 9 I)= 1, (23)
Pv A E B ( R )H
~ ( P A9) ~J
is a probability measure on IR. Consider now (24)
D ( H ) = {@ E X I
< m}
One can then prove t h a t there exists a unique self-adjoint operator H,with domain D ( H ) given by (24), such t h a t
Conversely, one can prove t h a t to every self-adjoint operator H corresponds a unique spectral family {P,JX E IR} such t h a t (24) and (25) are satisfied. These two results are known as the spectral theorem for self-adjoint operators. A proof of this theorem can be found in every textbook on functional analysis, e.g. Stone (1932), Riesz & Nagy (1955), Akhiezer & Glaaman (1961), K a t o (1966), Yosida (1971), Reed & Simon (1972), Amrein, Jauch & Sinha (1977), Kadison & Ringrose (1983). The reader who desires concrete examples will check t h a t t h e spectral family (21) defines, through (24), t h e domain (264
D ( q ) = {Ir, E L yIR, dz)(
dz z2J\11(s)12 < 00)
and t h a t (25) defines then the self-adjoint operator q as t h e m a p (26b)
9 : Q E D(q) H 49 E
L2(IR, dz)
Furthermore, this operator is t h e unique self-adjoint extension of its restriction (q[S(IR))to S(R); compare with (13b). Note further t h a t the Fourier transform (27)
( 7 f ) ( k )= (27r)-1/2
J dz e-'kzf(z)
defined originally on ( L 2 n L ')(R, dz), extends uniquely to a unitary operator 3 from L2(R,ds) onto itself; recall t h a t 3 is said to be unitary whenever 33' = I = 3*3. We can now define from (21) a new spectral family
For this spectral family, (24) gives
D(p) = {Ir, E L2(IR, dz))/R dk k21(39)(k)12< w} (25) can then be used to define the self-adjoint operator p as t h e map (29b) with
p : \I1 E D(p) +t
pa E L 2(IR,dz)
Here again, this operator is the unique self-adjoint extension of its restriction (plS(IR)) to S(R); compare with (13a). The two self-adjoint operators p and q just defined constitute together w h a t is called t h e Schroedinger representation of the canonical commutation relation for one-degree of freedom; t h e generalization to n degrees of freedom is straightforward from (13). Notice in particular, t h a t S(R) C D(p) n D(q), a n d is stable under t h e action of p and q. Hence on S(IR) the expression
is mathematically well-defined. In addition Foias, Geher & Sz-Nagy (1960) noticed t h a t t h e operator (31)
1 2
+ q2) : S(IR)
admits exactly one self-adjoint extension H. T h e spectral family of this H is of the form (22), where t h e orthonormal basis { Q n [ n E Z+}is given by recursion as follows. O n S(R)define the operators
From our previous remark, S(R) is stable under a and a*. Let Qo E S(R) be t h e function
Then Qn+1 E S(R) is defined for every n E Z+by
From (30)-(34) one obtains for every n E
(35) with (36)
We have t h u s recovered t h e result (8.1.79-80). From (22) and (24) we obtain now the further information t h a t H is a self-adjoint operator with domain
Moreover, upon using (26c) and (29d), we observe t h a t the restriction of H to S ( R ) C D ( H ) takes the form of t h e Schroedinger operator (12) with V(z) = s2/2. We have, therefore, solved t h e time-independent Schroedinger equation (1) for this particular potential V corresponding physically to t h e harmonic oscillator. In general, we can now state unambiguously w h a t is meant by solving t h e eigenoalue-equation (1): a solution ( E ,Q) is deemed admissible if and only if Q E D ( H ) ,E E R,and If3 = EQ. The harmonic oscillator is particular in t h a t t h e solutions of t h e Schroedinger eigenvalue equation (1)span, by linearity, a dense subspace of L 2(R,dz). This is in general not the case. For instance, for H defined on (384 by (3W
( 3 H Q ) ( k )= l i 2 k 2 ( 3 3 ) ( k )
the eigenvalue equation (1) admits n o solution. Note t h a t H, given by (38), corresponds physically to t h e case V E 0, i.e. to a free particle. In the general case, solving the time-independent Schroedinger equation means more than solving it as an eigenvalue equation: it means determining explicitly t h e spectral family {P,,lXE R} canonically associated to t h e selfadjoint operator H . A s for the eigenvalue problem, this problem is well-posed if and only if the differential operator (12) has been defined on a domain where it admits a unique self-adjoint extension H . Finding such a domain, and then determining explicitly t h e spectral family {RIA E R} of H has been, a n d continues to be a rich field of mathematical research; see e.g. K a t o (1966), Reed & Simon (1972), or Amrein, Jauch & Sinha (1977). We shall see several applications, now, and later in this chapter. The third step in t h e solution of t h e Schroedinger equation is to consider t h e time-dependent equation (2). The main mathematical tool here is the Stone theorem which establishes a one-to-one correspondence between self-adjoint operators { H , D ( H ) } acting in a Hilbert space U, and strongly continuous, one-parameter groups {Qlt E R} of unitary operators acting on U. Several proofs of this theorem are available, see e.g. any of t h e classical texts in functional analysis mentioned earlier in this section. Let us briefly sketch how this theorem comes about in t h e present context. From t h e preceding two steps we obtained t h e self-adjoint operator { H , D ( H ) } and its spectral family {PilX E R}. From the latter we constructed, for every 3 E U with 11 3 I)= 1 t h e probability measure pg, see (23). Clearly t h e function (39)
fv :t E R
is continuous and satisfies
jRexp{-iXt}pr(dX) A
E (E
It further satisfies
for every finite positive integer N,every sequence {tklk = 1 , 2 , . . ., ZV}c JR, and every sequence {aklk = 1,2,.. ., N} C a; i.e. fv is a function of positivet y p e . Note t h a t the classical Bochner theorem claims t h a t the converse is also true, namely every such function can be obtained as t h e Fourier transform of a probability measure. Consider now for every t E R the m a p
Clearly :
From (42) and (44) we conclude, via the Riesz representation theorem, t h a t for each t E IR,there exists a bounded operator Vt from M into itself such t h a t
From this formula, we read immediately t h a t
Finally, from t h e continuity of fur we obtain:
T h e formulas (46) express precisely w h a t is meant by saying t h a t {Utlt E R} is a strongly continuous, one-parameter group of unitary operators acting in
U. We have thus obtained the first part of Stone’s theorem: t h e construction of {Utlt E IR} from the self-adjoint operator H . Conversely given any strongly continuous, one-parameter group of unitary operators acting in U ,consider for every 9 E N the function
These functions are continuous, of positive-type, a n d satisfy I&(t)l 5 11 1Ir [I2= Fv(0).T h e classical Bochner theorem (see above, and in particular eqn. 39) thus allows us to reverse t h e above construction and to obtain a spectral family {PxIXE IR} for which (45) is satisfied. From this spectral family, t h e selfadjoint operator H is constructed by using (24) and (25), thus giving t h e second part of Stone’s theorem. Finally, from the point of view of partial differential equation, it is interesting to notice, and easy to prove, t h a t
and t h a t D ( H ) is stable under {&It E IR}, i.e.
The equality
therefore holds on D(H); and thus, for every 1Ir E D(H)qt zz UtlIr solves the time-dependent Schroedinger equation (2) in a sense now made mathematically precise. The validity of the equality (50) on D ( H ) is t h e reason why t h e self-adjoint operator H is sometimes referred to as the generator of {Utlt E IR}. This name, however, is alternatively used for the antiself-adjoint operator (+HIE) and one writes formally (51)
i ti
Ut = exp{--Ht}
Whenever t h e latter formula is used in this book i t is meant as a shorthand notation for (45): the bounded operator Ut is defined on t h e whole of U whereas the expansion of the exponential as a power series only makes sense when t h e domain of convergence is carefully controlled.
T h e Schroedinger equation being now defined as a well-posed mathematical problem, we can address the question of whether it is a physical theory. We already mentioned t h a t the solution (35-36) of the eigenvalue equation (1) with the potential V(z) = z2/2 coincides with the Heisenberg, Born & Jordan treatment of the harmonic oscillator with Hamiltonian (p2 +$)/2. For a n arbitrary harmonic oscillator, i.e. for V(z) = w2z2/2, one obtains similarly an orthonormal basis {QnJnE Z+}of eigenvectors \Ern E )I corresponding t o the non-degenerate eigenval ue
with Y = w/2n. To make contact with the physics of the “old quantum theory” of Chapter Seven, we first notice t h a t the infinite sums involved in the following expressions converge for every strictly positive number @ > 0 m
from which we compute
< H2 >a
( h ~ ) ~ @ ~ ” ( @1)-2 “”-
For /3 (kT)-‘,this expression coincides, up to the usual factor (8nv2/$), with t h e Einstein fluctuation formula (7.2.26) which itself was seen (in Section 7.2) to contain much of the physics of the Planck radiation law (7.1.22). Recall in particular t h a t the Einstein fluctuation formula (7.2.26) is the most compelling statement of the Einstein particle-wave duality and of the meaning of the classical limit. These were two of the essential conceptual ingredients in Schroedinger’s approach, and it is, therefore, interesting t h a t they can be recovered in (55) from the Schroedinger equation: the baby has not been thrown away with the water of the bath! Moreover, the manner in which (55) has been obtained points the way to the full-fledged quantum theory to be developed in Section Three below, where we will see t h a t (54), through (53), can be interpreted as the dispersion of the energy of the harmonic oscillator in canonical thermal equilibrium at temperature T .
The less compelling part of t h e argument presented so far in this section is perhaps t h e derivation (4)-(11) of the equations (1) and (2). Indeed, Dirac (1961) recalls in his obituary for Schroedinger, quoted in Jammer (1966), t h a t after having derived his equation Schroedinger had abandoned it for a few months, since he could not at first satisfactorily obtain from it t h e energy levels of the (relativistic) hydrogen atom. He only believed in his equation, strongly enough to publish it, when he succeeded in showing t h a t t h e eigenvalues En solving equation (1) for t h e potential (56)
V : z E IR3 H -e2r-’
with r = ( C ; = ~ Z ; ) a~n/d~ e t h e charge of the electron, coincide with t h e treatment of the (non-relativistic) hydrogen atom by Bohr. Since t h e latter was vindicated by experimental verification-except for t h e effect of t h e spin of the electron, which had not yet been recogniaed-a physical theory was born, which could compete with the others. First amongst these was the new theory of Heisenberg, Born & Jordan, presented in Section One. The reaction to Schroedinger’s first paper was mixed, ranging from great enthusiasm (Einstein, Planck) to downright hostility (Heisenberg). Among t h e enthusiastic reactions, a curious anecdote is worth mentioning here, since it points o u t an important property of t h e Schroedinger equation. Having been told about Schroedinger’s work by Planck, Einstein understood Schroedinger’s equation to be of t h e form (574
F(9,E ) = 0
+ h2(EE2- V )14
F ( 4 , E ) = [A
O n April 16, 1926, he wrote to Schroedinger objecting t h a t such a n equation did not satisfy a fundamental prerequisite, namely t h a t for two independent systems, [l]and [2], the solutions (Qi,Ei) of F(@,E) = 0, i = 1,2, should satisfy
which (57b) does not satisfy. Einstein went on to suggest a n alternate form for F , namely (59)
+ s ( E-V ) ] 4
F ( 4 , E ) = [A
which, we know, is Schroedinger’s original equation (l),except for a numerical factor which one can take care of, by adjusting t h e physical units. Einstein
nevertheless added in his letter to Schroedinger: “The idea of your article shows real genius.” Schroedinger was elated by Einstein’s rediscovery of his eigenvalue equation (l),as he wrote to Einstein on April 23, 1926. In the meantime, Einstein had checked Schroedinger’s paper and had sent him a note, dated April 22, 1926, to the effect t h a t his letter “was superfluous”. Not so to us, since this initial letter by Einstein contains (58) which is indeed a n essential property of t h e Schroedinger equation. In a further letter to Schroedinger, dated April 26, 1926, Einstein wrote: “I a m convinced t h a t you have made a decisive advance with your formulation of t h e quantum condition, just as I a m equally convinced t h a t t h e Heisenberg-Born route is off t h e track.” This last comment illustrates t h e fact t h a t , at t h e time of their almost simultaneous publication, the contributions of Heisenberg, Born & Jordan and of Schroedinger appeared to present conflicting views of t h e essence of quantum theory. Heisenberg was “deeply disturbed”. In a letter to Pauli-see Fiera & Weisskopf ( 1 9 6 0 b h e wrote: “The more I reflect on t h e physical part of t h e Schroedinger theory, the more detestable [or disgusting] I find it. Schroedinger really simply throws overboard everything in quantum theory: namely t h e photoelectric effect, the Franck collisions, t h e Stern-Gerlach effect, etc. Then it is not hard to make a theory.” In this climate of heated controversy, Schroedinger (1926) in his paper “On t h e relation of the Heisenberg-Born-Jordan quantum mechanics to mine” established t h a t the two theories were, in act, formally equivalent. He indeed recogniaed--see also C. Eckart (1926)-that t h e operators q and p , with
(for a precise definition of q and p a-s self-adjoint operators see (26) a n d (29) above) satisfy the canonical commutation relation (30) which he compared to t h e Heisenberg-Born-Jordan relation (8.1.47) as follows. Let {*,In E Z+} be an orthonormal basis in L 2 ( I R , d z ) (we should add: with 9, E D(p) n D(q) V n E Z+), e.g. the orthonormal basis (34) consisting of t h e solutions of the eigenvector equation (1) for t h e harmonic oscillator (this basis satisfies 9, E S(R)C D ( p ) n D ( q ) V n E Z+indeed). Then t h e matrices { Q , , ~ I ~ ,m E Z+}a n d {pn,mln,m E Z+}satisfy (8.1.47) which appears t h u s as a special expression of (30). Upon identifying t h e operators q and p with t h e quantum theoretical representative of t h e position a n d momentum, Schroedinger obtained t h a t his differential operator (12) could be rewritten in the form
which is precisely t h e form of the Heiaenberg, Born & Jordan Hamiltonian (8.1.48).
The generalization from n = 1to n(E Z5+) degrees of freedom is straightforward. Thus the Heisenberg, Born & Jordan matrix mechanics now appeared to be formally contained in t h e Schroedinger wave mechanics. T h e fact t h a t t h e two theories are in fact mathemaically equivalent is the content of a theorem proven by von Neumann (1931) to the effect t h a t , up to unitary equivalence, there exists only one irreducible representation of t h e canonical commutation relation (30), subject to some auxiliary technical condition necessary to its proper physical interpretation; see Section Three below. Since two physical theories which are mathematically equivalent are expected to give the same predictions, the controversy subsided. This, however, is a somewhat fallacious argument, and it seems proper to mention here Einstein’s warning: “Momentary success carries more power of conviction for most people than reflections on principle”; letter from Einstein to M. Besso, dated July 24, 1949, and quoted in Pais (1982). O n principle, both theories were genial, but lucky guesses, and very different ones at that! Which of these inductive guesses one prefers is a matter of taste, and on t h a t point t h e controversy could have continued unabated. We shall come back on this in Chapter Nine. A contributing factor to the acceptance of a formal reconciliation was Born’s own attitude on the role of mathematics in physical thinking. First of all, Born was ready for the introduction of linear differential operators in quantum theory; this is documented by a paper he had written with Wiener independently of Schroedinger’s idea. Indeed Born-Wiener (1925-6), considering a space of functions of the time variable t , had introduced the differential operator
D=- d
and had identified it with
where W represented the energy. Now (62a & b) give
Upon comparing this expression with the time-dependent Schroedinger equation, written in the form
.h H = $-at 2n
we notice two differences. T h e first one is the choice of t h e convention (-i) instead of its complex conjugate (+i); being nothing b u t a convention, this
difference is irrelevant. The second difference is essential; in t h e RHS of (63) appears a partial differential operator, indicative of Schroedinger’s intuition t h a t a wave equation was involved. Born & Wiener missed t h a t . Nevertheless, it is remarkable t h a t they computed the commutation relation between a n arbitrary polynomial function (with coefficients in a) of their differential operator D and an arbitrary multiplication operator on their space. From their formula, or directly if one so wishes, one computes in particular, for t h e multiplication operator T formally defined by (Tf)(t) = t f ( t ) :
[D, TI = 1 Born later reminisced-as quoted by Jammer (1966)-that (64) “was absolutely the same as for q and p . B u t we did not see t h a t . And I never will forgive myself, for if we had done this, we would have had the whole wave mechanics from quantum mechanics at once, a few months before Schroedinger.” Their failure to identify (62c) with
.h p = -$-az 27r was, however, fortunate: H and p have in general very different spectral properties, as is in particular the case for t h e harmonic oscillator which Born & Wiener- also solved correctly. Incidentally, we should mention here t h e following corollary of von Neumann’s uniqueness theorem (loc. cit.). L e t H be a self-adjoint operator acting on U = L2(R”,d”z),and {&It E JR} be the unitary evolution group generated by H . Suppose, furthermore, t h a t H - a1 2 0 for some a E JR,as is so often t h e case; e.g. harmonic oscillator, hydrogen atom, etc. Then there exists n o “time-operator” T , i.e. there exists no self-adjoint operator { T , D ( T ) }acting on U and such t h a t U-tTUt = T+tl o n D(T),for all t E R (so t h a t one would have, at least formally [H,T ] = itil), i.e. n o operator T for which anything like (64) would hold. Having thus recognized his oversight, Born was ready for a closer examination of Schroedinger’s theory; in fact he was soon to propose for this theory a probabilistic interpretation which is still very much a part of quantum theory as we know it today. The problem which Born addressed was to elucidate t h e meaning of t h e wave-function q appearing as a solution of t h e Schroedinger wave-equation. Schroedinger himself ascribed, at first erroneously to J I , and then correctly to
t h e meaning of an electric charge distribution; in (66) e is the charge of t h e electron, and lq(z,t)l is t h e absolute value of t h e complex number q ( z , t ) ; recall t h a t Schroedinger’s purpose was to solve t h e problem of t h e hydrogen
atom, where the Hamiltonian H is given by the LHS of (2) with V defined in (56), so t h a t @ was to describe the wave to be associated to t h e electron of this atom. In particular, upon computing the time-derivative of p given by (66) for any solution @ of the time-dependent equation (2), Schroedinger found back t h e Maxwell continuity equation p+
div J = 0
. eh J = -t-{9*
V 9 -( V 9 ) * 9 }
Upon substituting into (68) the form p = --t'tv
of (65), he obtained 1 2
1 m
J = e-{@*(-p@)
+ ( -m1p Q ) * Q }
in close analogy with t h e classical formula J = qeu = qe( -1p ) m
In a series of papers Born (1926) consolidated this tentative result, while reflecting on Einstein's particle-wave duality a n d the experimental d a t a on electron scattering recently obtained by J. Franck, Born's Gottingen colleague. This series of papers is t h e basis of w h a t is called today t h e Born statistical interpretation of quantum mechanics; their lasting influence was recognized by the award of the 1954 Nobel prize to Born. One particular aspect of Born's contribution was t h a t he proposed to interpret l@(z)I2as the probability density for a particle to be at the position z when i t is described by the waue-function @. Notice t h a t t h e requirement t h a t t h e probability density 1@(z)I2,defined through
be a finite measure pv on R,is equivalent to t h e requirement t h a t the wavefunction Q be a square-integrable function of z, i.e. t h a t 1Ir belong to t h e Hzlbert space M = L2(IR",d"z);this gives a physical interpretation to our initial requirement on the class of admissible solutions to t h e Schroedinger equation.
Born, however, went much further, and w h a t he did is best explained using the spectral theorem. We already mentioned (see 23-25 above) t h a t to every self-adjoint operator {A,D(A)}acting in a Hilbert space N, corresponds a unique spectral family {PxlX E IR}. We also pointed o u t t h a t , given this spectral family, one can define for every 9 E N with (1 9 I[= 1 a probability measure on IR, namely (see 23)
pw : A E B(R)
JA d(Px9,9)
We finally remarked t h a t with this probability measure, one has, provided t h a t Q E D(A): (A@,J I ) =
(compare with 25). T h e heart of the Born statistical interpretation of quantum mechanics is to interpret the expression (73) as t h e ezpectation value < A > w of the observable A when the system is described b y the wave function J I . In particular for t h e operator { q , D ( q ) } acting in L 2(IR, d z ) a n d defined by (26)' we obtain from t h e spectral family (21), t h a t the corresponding probability measures pw are absolutely continuous with respect to t h e Lebesgue measure on R and are given by (72) (with n = 1; t h e generalization to n E Z+is straightforward); we have, therefore, recovered t h e particular case with which we started our account of the Born interpretation. Let us now examine the connection of this interpretation with Schroedinger's. T h e interpretation of p (see 66) in Born's perspective is clear; moreover, this also accounts for J (see 68). Let M = 'L2(Rn,d"z),6 denote the Fourier transform of 9,and pj(1 5 j 2 n) be t h e j-th component of t h e momentum, i.e. t h e operator pj = -1Iindj. T h e expression
(754 with (75b)
= { J I E XI / &"k
kj 16(k)l2 < w}
Upon taking t h e inverse Fourier transform of (74), we obtain ( p Q , Q) = 1 8 s 9 * ( z )(-ifiVQ)(z)
/ &"z(--ifiVQ)*(z)
(where we used t h e vector notation V = {ajll 2 j 2 n}). For any (elm)E IR and every 9 E D we have, therefore, t h a t t h e expected value (77) of the current J 9,is given by:
= ep/m, when the system is described by t h e wave-function < &e P > v = / d " z J ( z )
with J ( z ) precisely given by (68). Hence Schroedinger's interpretation appears indeed as a particular case of Born's. Let us now turn to another particular case, also considered by Born. L e t 9 E U with 9 II= 1 , and A be any self-adjoint operator acting in U, a n d such t h a t
A9 = a 9
for some a E IR. Note t h a t such an operator always exists, e.g.
satisfies (79). Notice then t h a t for any A satisfying (79)
i.e. A shows n o dispersion for 9. Conversely, if 9 and A satisfy (81), then they also satisfy (79), and the corresponding probability measure p V ( d X ) is a Dirac measure concentrated at a =< A > v . Up to this point of our presentation of Born's interpretation we only encountered straight, classical probability theory. T h e first indication t h a t something might be amiss is given by the following remark. Let A and B be two self-adjoint operators acting in a Hilbert space U, a n d suppose for sake of simplicity t h a t D(A)= U = D(B). Define then for every
@EM A- < A > V 1 A. AvA f (< Ao2 >v)'
Clearly AwA is to be interpreted as t h e dispersion of A with respect to 9. Define similarly Boand AvB and notice that:
and t h a t :
is a positive definite quadratic function of X which can be rewritten in the form
Some care must be used if one wants to extend this inequality to the case when A or B, or both, are unbounded. Consider for instance t h e case where U = f.2([0, 11, Qe); 0 is the bounded operator (0@)(O) = O@(O); and L is the operator -;Xd/dO defined on the dense subspace D(L) the elements of which are the absolutely continuous functions on [0,1] such t h a t @(O) = @(l) and W E f2([0, 11, d8). It is easy to find a dense subspace D in M, on which [L,01 is well-defined and equal to -iRI; hence [ L , 0 ) admits a unique extension, by continuity, t o a bounded operator on M. Note now t h a t for 9 defined by Q(B) = e x p { 2 d } , both sides of (86) are well-defined and violate the inequality: LHS = 0, R H S = 1/2. A quick survey of the proof will show why. This warning having been sounded, the reader will check t h a t the proof, a s we gave it, does apply to the case where A (resp. B ) is replaced by p (resp. q) defined by (29) (resp. 26), and 0 is restricted t o belong to the dense subspace S(R) C D(p) n D(q), which is stable under both p and q. T h e canonical commutation relation (30) then implies, through (86), t h a t (87)
A V P . A&
This is the so-called Heisenberg uncertainty relation which states t h a t there is no wave-function a(€ S(R))with respect t o which the product of the dispersions of p and q is smaller than R/2. Although (87) is in fact a result which would have naturally belonged to classical Fourier analysis, t h e first time a relation of this type appeared, in the context of quantum mechanics, was in a paper by Heisenberg (1927) where this author wrote b p bq = h/2n A (the equality and the missing factor & are not typographical oversights here). Kennard (1927) pointed o u t t h a t the lower limit in (87) is reached for Gaussian wave-functions 9;the lower eigenfunction of the harmonic oscillator provides a n immediate physical example of this situation; in this case < p > v = 0 = < q > v ; similarly, for every (a,@)E R’ a wave-function 9 E S(R) can be found such t h a t < p > v = a, < q > v = and the equality sign in (87) holds; these are the “Schroedinger coherent states”; they will appear in a more general context towards the end of Section Three. A t Pauli’s suggestion, Weyl
(1928) derived (87) from the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality. T h e proof of (8687) we gave here-which is indeed reminiscent of one of t h e classical proofs of t h e Cauchy-Schwarta inequality-is essentially t h a t of Robertson (1929~). As Kennard had already suggested, (87) soon became recognized as lying at “the core of the new theory” and we find this relation at t h e very beginning of Pauli’s epoch-marking Principles of Wave Mechanics; Pauli (1933). The Born interpretation and outlook-evidently including (86-87)-were part and parcel of t h e lectures given in Gottingen by Hilbert during the Winter 1926-1927; see Hilbert, von Neumann & Nordheim (1927). This first a t t e m p t to present quantum mechanics in a n axiomatic manner most probably played a n important stimulating role in the approach of von Neumann (1932) which we shall review in Section Three. In view of the close connection between Schroedinger’s interpretation of his wave-function, and the more general interpretation given by Born-see in particular (77-78)-it might appear surprising t h a t Schroedinger was n o t satisfied. Nor was Einstein. In a letter to Schroedinger, dated May 31, 1928, Einstein indeed wrote: “The Heisenberg-Born tranquilizing philosophy-or religion?-is so delicately contrived t h a t , for t h e time-being, it provides a gentle pillow for t h e true believer from which he cannot very easily be .aroused. So let him lie there. B u t this religion has . . . damned little effect on me.” Einstein’s lasting dissatisfaction came to focus on t h e claim, made by t h e orthodox “believers”, t h a t the new quantum mechanics is a complete theory, in the same manner as t h e classical mechanics of t h e Nineteenth Century could be considered to be a complete theory. This disagreement has been sharpened into a far-reaching debate on “determinism” and “reality”. As a simple matter of facts, one should notice t h a t in classical mechanics there exists a large class of states which are dispersion-free for all observables simultaneously, namely the Dirac measures on phase space, i.e. on t h e cotangent bundle T’Q of t h e configuration space &, e.g. IF?,”. Even if one does not like t h e use of Dirac measures in classical mechanics, one can at least always approximate t h e m by completely additive, smooth measures in such a way t h a t t h e dispersion of all observables can be made, simultaneously, as small as one wants. This is precisely what seems to be precluded, in quantum theory, by t h e uncertainty relations (86)-(87): this was a hard feature to accept from a “complete theory”. This last statement needs to be made mathematically more precise, and this will be done when we shall have a mathematical structure which is precise enough. Such a structure is provided by the work of von Neumann (1932) to be discussed in the next section. Section 3. VON NEUMANN’S HILBERT SPACE FORMALISM A formal consolidation of the quantum theories presented in t h e previous two sections took place in the late 1920’s and early 1930’s. This development is witnessed by the impressive number of treatises-some of them having now become true classics-which appeared on the subject during this period,
2 96
e.g. Schroedinger (1926), Biggs (1927), Birtwistle (1928), de Broglie (1928), Land6 (1928), Weyl (1928), Frenkel (1929), Sommerfeld (1929), Born & Jordan (1930), Dirac (1930), Wigner (1931), von Neumann (1932), and Pauli (1933). Among these, the mathematical synthesis offered by von Neumann, in his Mathematical Foundations of Q u a n t u m Mechanics, seems t o be the closest t o our purposes here which are: (a) t o present the theory in a form germane to the tastes of a mathematician, and (b) t o open the road to an axiomatic treatment of the subject. The way by which yon Neumann captured t h e mathematical essence of t h e quantum theories known at the time can be summarized as follows-although this concise formulation is not to be found verbatim in von Neumann’s book. VON NEUMANN’S POBTULATDB. (1) A physical system is characterized by a triple { S , A , < .; . >} where: S i s the set of its possible states (or “modes of preparation”); A is the set of its observables (or measurable attributes); and < . ; . > is a prediction rule which associates t o every pair (I#J,A)E S x A a real number < # ; A > t o be interpreted as the expectation value of the observable A when the system is in the state 4. (2) A quantum system is a physical system characterized by a separable Hilbert space U which allows to make the following identifications: S is identified with the set of all positive, trace-class operators p o n U such that t r ( p ) = 1; A is identified with the set B,,(M) of all bounded self-adjoint operators acting o n X; and < p;A > is given by tr(pA).
We already indicated, in the synopsis of this chapter, how t h e physical systems encountered in classical mechanics provide a particular realization of the first postulate. In this section we shall examine the mathematical structures involved in the second postulate, then describe a few consequences of this postulate, and finally point o u t some of its limitations. Earlier in this chapter we have used particular models of separable Hilbert von Neumann realized t h a t , behind spaces, such as .t? and L2(IRn,d”z). Schroedinger’s correct claim t h a t his formalism is equivalent to t h e HeisenbergBorn & Jordan formalism, lies the fact t h a t t h e theory does not depend on the choice of a particular model for the Hilbert space, b u t only on t h e underlying abstract Hilbert space structure. For sake of completeness, we first briefly state the abstract definitions relevant to this structure. An inner product on a vector space )I over C is a map (. , .) : M x N 4 C satisfying:
(1c) (14
(iii) (iv)
(A9 X’O’, Q) = A(@, 9) A‘(@’, Q) for all 9,a’, Q E U, and all X, X’ E R (Q, CP) = (a, @)* for all a, Q E M ( where * denotes the complex conjugation in
(@,a)2 0 (@,a) =0
for all @ E U only when 9 = 0
A prehilbert space { U , (. , .)} over C is a vector space with an inner product (. , .). Note t h a t
U over a, equipped
defines a norm on U. If {N, (. , .)} is complete with respect to this norm, it is said to be a Hilbert space over C. A Hilbert space is said to be separable if it admits a countable orthonormal basis { Q i l a E I } , i.e. a countable collection of vectors @i such t h a t (Si, S j ) = &j (0, Si) = 0
(34 (3b)
for all i , j E I for all i E I + 0 = 0
We should note in passing t h a t quantum theories can be built by replacing, in the above definitions, the field C of complex numbers by t h e field IR of real numbers, or the field Q of quaternions. T h e case of R has been investigated by Stueckelberg (1960) and his collaborators. T h e first suggestion t h a t Q may be used in quantum theory is due to P. Jordan (1934); t h e algebra of operators on a quaternionic Hilbert space as been studied as early as Teichmueller (1936); the possibilities open by a quaternionic quantum mechanics were investigated by Finkelstein e t al. (1959-1963), by Dyson (1962) and, in connection with the classification of the irreducible projective representations of t h e Lorenta group, by Emch (1963). We shall confine ourselves here to the usual case where C is the field over which the Hilbert space U is defined. While the mathematical structures involved in t h e three elements S , A and < . ; . > are intimately linked, we review them here in sequence. a. The states We first t u r n our attention to the set S appearing in von Neumann's postulate for quantum systems. A bounded linear operator A, acting on a Hilbert space U , is said to be positive whenever there exists a bounded linear operator B, acting on N, such t h a t A = B'B (where B' denotes t h e Hermitian adjoint of B). Note t h a t every positive operator A is self-adjoint and admits a unique positive squareroot, denoted All2. Note then t h a t : a bounded linear operator A is positive if and only if (A@,0 2 0 V 0 E U ;A, B positive implies ( A + B ) positive; a n d A positive, X E IR implies (XA) positive. We denote by B ( N ) the set of all bounded linear operators acting o n a Hilbert space U ; B + ( N ) denotes then the set of all positive elements in B(U); we further denote by U(U) = {V E B(U)lU*U = I = UV*}t h e set of all unitary operators acting on W . Note then A E B+(U) and U E (U) implies U'AU E B+( U). be an orthonormal basis in N. T h e m a p Let now {Qi}
tr : A E
a+( U)
Ci(AQi,@i) E [0, W ]
satisfies the following properties
(54 (5b) (54 (54
tr ( A + B ) = t r A + t r B VA,BEB+(U) t r (XA)= XtrA V A E B+(U),V X E IR+ tr (BB’) = tr (B*B) V B E B ( U ) tr (U*AU)= tr A V A E B+(U),V U E U(U)
Note t h a t (5d) is equivalent to the statement t h a t t h e m a p tr, given by (4), is independent of t h e orthonormal basis {Si} chosen to define it. To see t h a t this alternate statement is true, let {@k} be another orthonormal basis in U ; by Parseval equality we have indeed:
tr A &(A*,, Si) Ci 11 AiI2Qi 112 = Xi,kl(Ai’zSi, @k)I2 = Ck,iJ(A”2@k, *i)I2 = Ck 11 A‘/’@k 112= Ck(A@k,@k). This property (5d) shows why we define the trace t r on B + ( U ) and not on B(U) itself. Suppose indeed t h a t B is a self-adjoint operator with (non-degenerate) discrete spectrum consisting of t h e terms of a conditionally convergent series; then on rearranging the order of t h e corresponding (normalized) eigenvectors {Si} of B (which can be achieved by a unitary transformation acting on U), we can make t h e sum in the RHS of (4) converge to any arbitrary real number. Hence, the requirement t h a t the trace be independent of t h e basis chosen to define i t precludes any extension of its domain of definition to t h e whole of B(U); this is one reason behind our choice of t h e domain of tr in (4); there are other reasons as well, e.g.
tr A = 0
A = 0.
A bounded linear operator T is said to be of trace-class whenever
11 T
tr{(T*T)’12}< 00
We denote by
{ T E B(U) 111 T
t h e set of all trace-class (bounded linear) operators o n M. Three properties of T ( U ) are important in connection with von Neumann’s postulate. and X,p E C,the linear operator Firstly, with TI S E 70() (9)
+ pS) : * E U
+ p(SQ) E U
belongs again to T o ( ) ,and this composition law equips T(U)with t h e structure of a vector space over C. Furthermore, the norm (7) then equips T(U)with
the structure of a Banach space; in particular, every Cauchy sequence T ( U )with respect to this norm converges to a n element T E T(U). Secondly, with T E T o ( ) and A E B(U),the linear operator
belongs again to 7 ( U ) , and we have:
Similarly T A E 7(U). Hence T ( X ) is a two-sided ideal in B ( ) o ; it happens also to be a *-ideal, i.e. T E T ( U ) implies T* E 7 ( U ) (where T* denotes t h e Hermitian adjoint of T . Thirdly, with
30()= {F E B(U)1 dim(FU)
< 00)
denoting t h e set of all finite-rank operators acting on U, it is easy to check t h a t T ( U ) is t h e completion of 30() with respect to t h e norm (7). Let C(U) be the Banach space obtained as t h e completion of 7(U)with respect to t h e norm (12); the elements of C(W) are called compact (or completely continuous) operators on U. One can prove-see Schatten (1950)-that
7(U) = C(U)*
T(U)*= B(U)
where X * denotes the Banach space dual to the Banach space X , i.e. X * is t h e set of all bounded linear maps p : X + a, equipped with the natural vector space structure over a, namely
and the norm
It is to be noted-see (174 (17b)
Dixmier (1950)-that
B(U)* = 7 ( U ) @ C ( U ) l C(U)l
where {p E B(U)*l < pix >= 0
vx E C(U)}
Finally-see Schatten (1957)-C(M) is not t h e dual of any Banach space, unless X is finite-dimensional (in which case: 3(M)= T(M)= C(N) = 8(N)= B(M)*). These mathematical preliminaries were n o t all available at t h e time of t h e original formulation of t h e von Neumann postulate; the hindsight they provide allows us, however, to bring in perspective, a n d t h u s better understand, t h e true nature a n d possible limitations of the original formulation. We first notice t h a t the set S of states considered by von Neumann is now mathematically well-defined as (18)
E 7 ( M ) l p positive, and tr p = 1)
In t h e physical literature, t h e elements p of S are referred to as density matrices, or following von Neumann (1927), as “statistical operators”. T h e algebraic structure of S is t h a t of a convex set, i.e. for every p I , p 2 E S and every X E [0,1]
A state p E S is said to be pure if it is a n extreme point of S, i.e. if p cannot be written in t h e form (19) with p i , p2 E S, p1 # p2 a n d X E (0,l). We denote by & t h e set of all pure states. This algebraic structure of S is in line with the interpretation of each element p of S as a summary of a mode of preparation for t h e systems under consideration: a mode of preparation is intuitively characterized by t h e ensemble of all systems which are prepared according to a certain prescription. Then p Xpl (1- X)pz is t h e mode of preparation corresponding to a n ensemble where a fraction X of t h e systems is prepared according to t h e prescription p l , and a fraction (1-X) of the systems is prepared according to t h e prescription p2. So goes, at least, t h e conventional wisdom. Let us now continue with t h e analysis of t h e mathematical structure of t h e set S defined by (18). Topologically, S is a closed subset of T ( U )in t h e 11 . -norm topology. In fact, S is t h e closure, in this topology, of t h e convex set S n 3()0;every p E S can be written in the form
-- +
(204 (20b) (204 (204
p = Ci A, Pwi where Xi E [0,1] with CiXi = 1
Pw, CP E M (a, Jli)Qi E I/ {ai} is a n orthonormal basis in U .
Note t h a t for every Jl E M with 11 Jl II= 1, P\u belongs to t h e set & of all pure states; a n d t h a t every p E & is of t h i s form. Consequently S f 3()0 l is the set of all finite convext combinations of pure states, i.e. S n 3 ( M ) is t h e convex hull of & in T(M). Since S is t h e closure of this set, S is the closed conuez hull of its estreme points in t h e norm-topology of T(I()!We shall see below, however, t h a t this might not be t h e most natural topology with respect
to which one should construct the closed convex hull of E , t h u s pointing to one of the possible limitations of the von Neumann postulate. This topological structure of S is indicative of t h e ways in which von Neumann consolidated, and generalized, the quantum mechanical formalisms of Schroedinger and Heisenberg together with t h e synthesis provided by t h e Born interpretation. Firstly, to every 9 € U with 11 9 [(= 1, i.e. to every Schroedinger wave-function, or to every Born probability amplitude, corresponds the pure state P9 E E C S (see 20c); the pure states p E & being necessarily of t h e form Pa, they are often referred to as uector-states. Secondly, every state p E S can be written as a convex combination of such pure states (see 20a); when this sum is infinite, the topology in which t h e sum converges is made explicit: it is the topology of t h e norm in t h e Banach space T(U). b. The observables The next object appearing in von Neumann’s postulate (2) is the set B,,(U) of all bounded, self-adjoint operators acting on U. One might a priori object to the restriction which consists in considering bounded observables only; we already know indeed some important physical observables which are n o t bounded, such as for instance t h e position Q a n d the momentum P. We also know, however, t h a t every self-adjoint operator A : D(A) + U, bounded or not, determines a spectral family P : X E IR H PA E B ( U ) see (8.2.14-19 and 8.2.25) such t h a t
Upon considering any bounded, continuous, monotonically increasing function f : X E R H f(X) E IR, we can replace a n unbounded, self-adjoint operator A by the bounded self-adjoint operator
Empirically, this corresponds to t h e choice of a new (non-linear) scale in which one would now measure the property considered. No major objection of principle can therefore be raised against our restricting first o u r attention to the set of bounded observables, although we will ultimately want to consider unbounded observables as well since t h e above construction is rather unwieldy in applications. &(U) being t h e set of all t h e observables we want to consider, it is its mathematical structure t h a t we should analyze with a view towards our ultimate aim, which is to extract from this study an abstract axiomatization of quant u m theory. In the perspective of von Neumann’s book, however-namely, t h e formulation of quantum mechanics as a concrete theory of operators acting o n a Hilbert space-B()o is t h e primary object. We thus first analyze some
of its algebraic and topological properties; more will be said on the latter in Subsection d . First of all, the composition laws of operators acting on a Hilbert space U, namely
(23) and (24)
( X A + ~ L B ) : ~ € ) ( I + X ( A J I ) + ~ ( BU\ I I ) € (AB): 9 E U
A ( B 9 )E U
equip 8(U) with the structure of a n algebra. Moreover, the Hermitian conj ugation
B(U) H
A* E B(U)
defined by
satisfies (274 (27b) (274
(A*)*= A (XA pB)*= X'A* (AB)' = B*A*
+ p*B*
i.e. * is a n involution, and i t equips Bo() with the structure of a n involutive algebra. From the topological point of view, the norm
equips B(U) with the structure of a Banach space. Notice further t h a t we have
9 E U, acting as a unit in B(U) where I is t h e identity operator I : 9 E N (i.e. I A = A = AI). These two properties of t h e norm, together with t h e Banach space structure of B(N), characterize t h e fact t h a t B(U) is a Banach algebra with unit. In fact, B(U) is a C*-algebra, i.e. it is a n involutive, Banach
algebra where t h e involution and the norm satisfy t h e additional condition
Note in particular t h a t (31), together with (29), implies
Hence, as a consequence of (29) and (32), the multiplication and the involution are continuous operations in the topology induced by t h e norm. A C*-algebra A which, as a Banach space, is t h e dual of a Banach space X is called a W*-algebra;t h e Banach space X , of which A is then t h e dual, is called the predual of A and it is denoted A,. We already mentioned-see (14)-that B(N) with its norm (28) is t h e dual of the Banach space 7 ( U ) of trace-class operators, equipped with its trace norm 11 T (IT= tr{(T*T)'12}).Hence B(U) is a W-algebra. Another example, and a counterexample, will illustrate these notions. T h e space L"(IR") of essentially bounded functions from R" to C, equipped with its usual vector space structure, the point-wise multiplication, t h e sup-norm and the involution f + f * , defined by f * : z E RnH f(z)* E C, is clearly a C*-algebra. The space L'(R") of absolutely integrable functions from IR" to C, equipped with its natural vector space structure and its L'-norm is a Banach space, the dual of which is L "(R"). Hence L"(R") is a W*-algebra. Note t h a t the product in L"(Rn) trivially satisfies f g = g f , i.e. L"(R") is abelian (one also says "commutative"); B(U) is not, and this is a n essential difference between classical and quantum mechanics. Let us now mention a n example of a C*-algebra which is n o t a W'-algebra. T h e set C(U) of compact operators-which we obtained previously as t h e closure, in the norm (12)r(28), of t h e set 30()of finite-rank operators (see 13)-inherits from B(U) the structure of C*-algebra, b u t i t is n o t a W*-algebra when U is infinite-dimensional since C(U) cannot then be obtained as t h e dual of any Banach space (Schatten, 1957). A W*-algebra with unit, realized as a subalgebra of t h e W*-algebra B(U) for some Hilbert space U, is called a von Neumann algebra. Another characterization of these objects will be given in Subsection d. Let us, nevertheless, note here t h a t a(#) is obviously a von Neumann algebra; so is L "(R", P s ) since it can be realized as t h e algebra of multiplication operators on L 2(IRn,P z ) . The mathematical theory of C*-and W*-algebras is well-developed: see Dixmier (1957 and 1964), Sakai (1971), Emch (1972), Pederson (1979), Bratteli & Robinson (1979 and 1980), Kadison & Ringrose (1983). We shall discuss some applications of t h e general theory in Chapters Nine a n d Ten. We only wanted here to indicate t h a t these structures are already present in t h e physical situations covered by von Neumann postulates. We should add t h a t this very fact played an important stimulating role in t h e development of t h e mathematical theory itself, starting with Murray & von Neumann (1936).
We now want to t u r n our attention to t h e set B,,(X) of t h e observables which appear in von Neumann postulate 2, characterizing t h e quantum physical systems to be considered in this section. The set (33)
{ A E B(X)lA*= A }
inherits canonically from B(U)-which is a Banach space over (C-the structure of a Banach space over R.In fact, B ( X ) is t h e complexification of B,,(X), since every A E B ( X ) can be written uniquely in the form
A = Ai
+ iA2
with Ai,A2 E B,,(N) a n d i = G;indeed these conditions determine uniquely (35)
1 A! = s ( A + A * )
1 A2 = - ( A - A * ) 2i
T h e algebraic structure, however, requires some adaptation since A, B E Bsa(N) does not imply (AB)E B,,(N) unless AB = BA. Notice, nevertheless, t h a t A E B,,(X) does imply A" E & ( X ) for all n E Z+] and t h a t A " . Am = A"+m does make sense within B,,(#) since A" and A" obviously commute with one another. Furthermore] for all A, B E & ( X ) 1
A o B = - { ( A + B)2- A 2 - B2} 2
again belongs to B,,(N) and satisfies (37)
1 A o B G q { ( A B)2- ( A- B ) 2 }
This suggests t h e introduction of t h e following mathematical structure. A n abelian, real, Jordan algebra A is a vector space over IR, equipped with a product o : ( a ,b) E A X A H a o b E A satisfying t h e following four properties for all a , b, c E A and all X E R:
(Aa) o b = A(a o b) a o (b
+ c) = a o b + a o c
aob=boa a2 o ( b o a) = (a2o b) o a where t h e n-th power a" (for n E Z+) of a n element a E A is defined recursively by
The map (43)
{., . , . } : ( a , b , c ) E A X A X A H
(a 0 b) 0 c - a 0 ( b 0 C) E A
{a, b, C }
is called t h e associator of the Jordan algebra A; the latter is said to be associative if { a , b , c } = 0 V a , b , c E A. The name “abelian real Jordan algebra’’ has apparently been coined by Albert (1946) and the study of these algebras, together with some of their generalizations, has become a vigourous field of mathematics, see e.g. Braun & Koecher (1966). A brief review of t h e role and place of Jordan algebras i n t h e general mathematical study of algebras has been written by Paige (1963); it can serve as a good introduction to this field. The concept of a Jordan algebra has its roots in a t t e m p t s to axiomatize quantum mechanics, see in particular Jordan (1934) and Jordan, von Neumann & Wigner (1934). Notice, in connection with the above definition, t h a t from (39), (40) and (42) we obtain trivially: (a
(44) and thus
+ b)2 = a2 + 2~ o b + b2 1
a 0 b = -{(a
+ b)2 - a2 - b2)
which takes the same form as (36). Upon using (38)with X = -1, in (45) we further obtain
(u- b)2 = u2 - 2 u o b + b2
Upon subtracting (46) from (44), we get 1 u 0 b = -{(a
+ b)2 - ( a - b)2}
which takes t h e same form as (37). Upon adding (46) to (44), we further obtain: (a
+ b)2 + (a
- b)2 = 2a2
+ 2b2
T h e role of (48) in the distributivity of t h e product o has been recognized by von Neumann (1936). Let us indeed substitute (a+c) and (a-c) for a in (48), and then subtract t h e resulting equalities from one another; upon using (47), we obtain ( u + ~ ) o c + ( u - ~ ) o c = u~o c
Upon replacing ( a b) and ( a - b) by a and 6 respectively, we then recover the distributive law (39). The relevance of this remark to t h e axiomatiaation
of quantum mechanics comes from the fact t h a t (47) a n d (48) involve only t h e composition laws consisting in taking squares a n d making sums, two composition procedures which are easier to interpret empirically; in particular (47) can be taken as a n empirical procedure to construct the symmetric product o appearing in t h e definition of a Jordan algebra. The reader will now verify t h a t (36),or equivalently (37), equips B,,(X) with the structure of an abelian, real Jordan algebra. In particular, t h e symmetric product o in B,,(X) a n d the ordinary product in B(U) are linked by the relation 1
A0 B = -(AB 2
+ BA)
T h e defining property (41), while straightforwardly satisfied in B,,(X), might still appear somewhat mysterious as a n empirical relation between observables. This property of the symmetric product in Bsa0() is in fact related to another structure also present in this special Jordan algebra, namely t h e commutator (51)
{A,B }
= [A,B]/zX= (AB- BA)/zti
This suggests t h e following definition. A Jordan-Lie algebra A, with structure constant K E R,is a n abelian, real Jordan algebra o n which a product {. , .}: (a, b) f A X A H {a, b} E A is defined and satisfies t h e following five properties for all a, b, c E A and all X E R.
where {. , . , .} is t h e “aBsociator” of the Jordan structure. Note t h a t in every abelian, real Jordan algebra, t h e associator satisfies t h e condition (57)
{ a , b, c )
+ { b , c, + {c, a}
a, b} = 0
for all a , b , c E A. Consequently, in a Jordan-Lie algebra A with structure constant K # 0, t h e product {. , .} satisfies, because of (56), t h e Jacobi identity (58)
{{a,b h 4
+ ( ( 4 4, + a}
so t h a t A is indeed a Lie algebra. Note further t h a t for every a € A, t h e m a p (59)
.} : b E A
{a, b } E A
is linear; moreover, upon replacing 6 by ( b + c) in (55), we obtain { a , 6 o C} = { a , 6) o c
{ a , C}
Hence, { a , .} : A --t A is a derivation with respect to the Jordan structure of A. We shall see later t h a t this result is important for t h e interpretation of observables as generators of one-parameter continuous groups of symmetries and provides a quantum generaliaation of the classical Noether theorem. The relation (60) is also important in t h e following connection. Let X be a n associative algebra (over a field of characteristic different from 2); one can then define on X two bilinear products
Let X + (resp. I-) denote the mathematical object consisting of t h e vector space I equipped with the product [.,.I+ (resp. [.,.I-). The Poincare -Birkhoff-Witt theorem states t h a t every Lie algebra is isomorphic to a subalgebra of some X - . It is known t h a t t h e analog of this theorem is not valid for Jordan algebras; see for instance Jordan, von Neumann & Wigner (1934). For Jordan-Lie algebras, however, the m a p (631
(a,b)EAX A ~ a b = a o b + p { a , 6 }
is clearly bilinear. This fact, together with the relation (60) shows t h a t t h e map (63) is associative, i.e. ( d )-~ a(bc) = 0
(64) if and only if
p 2 ( { { a ,b},
c), a } ) = 0
Whenever the Jacobi identity (58) is satisfied (which, as we saw, is in particular the case when K # 0), t h e condition (65) reduces to
( K 4- p 2 ) { { a ,c}, 6) = 0 V a, 6, c E A
Hence, when K < 0 we can always define on A a product, namely (63) with making A an associative algebra with
The case K = 0 occurs in classical mechanics where the Jordan product on CE(IRzN)is given by t h e point-wise multiplication of functions, while t h e Lie product is given by t h e Poisson-bracket
The case K > 0 occurs in quantum mechanics. Indeed, we already saw t h a t B,,(M) is an abelian, real Jordan algebra; (51) now makes it a Jordan-Lie algebra with structure constant K = h2/4. Condition (66) shows t h a t if we want to imbed B,,(M) in an associative algebra X compatible with its Jordan and Lie structures, we must complexify it. This is precisely w h a t is achieved by embedding Bsa(M) into B(M). With the Jordan-Lie structure now identified on B,,(M) we better understand t h e meaning of condition (41) in t h e definition of t h e Jordan product, namely here
A 2 0 ( B o A ) = ( A 2 0 B ) o A V B E BSa(X) From (56) we see t h a t with A,C fixed in B,,(M)
Upon using this relation with B = F'e : \Ir E run over the unit ball in M, we find: (72)
[A,C] = i X I
(\Ir,@)@E M a n d letting 0
with X E IR
Recall now t h a t B(M) is a Banach algebra with unit. As a consequence of this fact, we will now show t h a t (72) implies (73)
[A,C]= 0
Recall indeed t h a t an element X of a Banach algebra A with unit I is said to be regular if there exists an element X-' E A such t h a t XX-' = I = X - l X . an element Y E A which is not regular is said to be singular. The spectrum o ( 2 ) of an arbitrary element 2 E A is t h e set o(2) = { z E C l z l - 2 is singular }. Note t h a t o ( 2 ) is non-void and t h a t Io(2)l f SUP,^,,(^) IzI 511 2 11. With A as in (72),let a E IR with a > 11 A 11, and form A, = A a l ; clearly A, is a regular element in B(U). For any p E C we have then: I
AaC - P I = A,(CA, - P I ) (A4)-'
so t h a t (75) We further notice, as a consequence of (72) t h a t
= CA, - ( p - i X ) Z
so t h a t (77)
p E a(A,C)
( p - A) E a(CA,)
Together with (75)’ this implies (78)
p E o(A,C)
( p - inX) E a(A,C) V n E Z+
Since a(A,C) is non-void, and bounded (namely by 11 A, 1) . )I C 11) we must have X = 0. Hence (72) implies (73) indeed. Consequently (70) implies (73), a n d in particular we now see t h a t (69) expresses precisely t h a t [ A , A 2 ]= 0. This gives a more immediate meaning to the defining property (41)of the Jordan product in the Jordan-Lie algebra B,,(N) of observables appearing in von Neumann’s postulate. Finally, &(N) inherits canonically the topological structures of 8()0:when equipped with the structure it inherits from t h e C*-algebraic (resp. W*algebraic) structure of B ( N ) , the Jordan algebra Bpo(N) becomes what is called a JB-algebra (resp. a JW-algebra). c. The expectation valuee The last part of von Neumann’s postulates for quantum mechanics is to associate to every pair (p,A)E S x B,,(Y) the expectation value < p;A >= tr(pA) of t h e observable A when t h e system is in t h e state p. We immediately notice t h a t the map (79)
p :A E
satisfies, for all A, B E
Bsa(N) H< p;A >- t r ( p A ) E R
B s a ( N)
and all X, p E R:
< p;A2 > 2 0
Fkom a n axiomatic point of view, these properties of t h e states can be considered as (part of) t h e empirical reasons for equipping t h e set of t h e observables with t h e structure of a JB-algebra. Bsa(N), however, is not j u s t a JB-algebra: it is a JW-algebra. L e t us now see how this additional structure comes about from t h e point of view of t h e states. aA2 of a n We first notice t h a t the canonical decomposition A = A1 arbitrary element A E B(N) with Al,A2E B,,(N) allows to extend p from t h e Jordan-Lie algebra Bsa(N), on which i t is defined, to its complexification B ( N ) . This unique extension of p to B ( ) o is obviously given by:
(84 1
p : A E B ( N ) - < p;A>=tr
and it satisfies, for all A, B E B ( N ) a n d X, p E C (85)
< p;A* > =< p;A >* IIPII = 1
(87) where
< p;A*A> 2 0 (891 These properties suggest to consider the set S*,t h e elements of which are the maps (904
Q :A E B()o
satisfying, for all A, B E
B(N) and
(gob) (904 (904
++<9 ; A > €(I:
X, p E C:
<&A*A> 2 0 < $;XA+pB >=
< 4;I>=1
< + ; A > + p < 4;B >
From t h e fact t h a t B ( N ) is a C*-algebra with unit (where t h a t t h e maps defined by (90 a-d) satisfy: (904 (90f)
< &A* >=< & A >* V A € B(N) < &;I >= sup I < & A > I @ )I= AEB(Y)
and thus (9og)
11 I II=
I < $ ; A > I 511A II v
l), one verifies
Upon comparing now (9Oa-g) with (84)-(89), we see t h a t S C S' C B(U)*. I t is, moreover, clear t h a t every E S' is uniquely determined by its restriction to B,,(W). Moreover, S' shares with S t h e property of being a convex set. For all these reasons, we refer to S' as the set of all C * - s t a t e s o n t h e C'-algebra B(U). Note in particular, t h a t the definition of S* does not involve t h e W*-algebra structure of B ( ) o , nor even the fact t h a t B(U) is an algebra of operators acting on some Hilbert space. From (17) we conclude that, while S C S', we have S # S' exactly when the dimension of X is infinite. While this is a clear-cut mathematical result, the question of whether S' rather than S should be considered as the set of all states on a physical system is debatable. As we shall now see, t h e debate in fact rests on a matter of taste, namely on a choice between two idealizations of the procedures one can actually perform and check in t h e laboratory. The arguments in favor of S' usually involve considering S as a subset of S' C B ( X ) * , with B(X)' equipped with its weak *-topology (abbreviated w'topology); this is the weakest topology such t h a t t h e maps C # J
9 E B(N)'
H< & A >
are continuous for all A E B ( X ) ; a basis of neighbourhoods for this topology is obtained by considering all sets of t h e form (91b)
N ( $ , S , E ) - {$J€ B ( X ) * (
1 < $;A> - < & A > I <
where Q E B(M)*,S is a finite subset of B(U), and E > 0. O n e then argues t h a t this is the correct empirical topology to be put on the set of states of a physical system. In this topology S' is closed, S is not, and in fact S' is t h e w'-closure of S; more specifically (see e.g. T h m 11.1.6 in Emch, 1972) S' is t h e w*-closed convex hull of the set E of t h e extreme points of S, i.e. of t h e set & of vector states on B ( U ) . Note t h a t this result is stronger t h a n t h e result one would have obtained from the Krein-Milman theorem (see e.g. T h m . V.8.4 in Dunford & Schwarta, 1957), namely t h a t S' is the w'-closed convex hull of the set & * of its extreme points. Indeed, provided t h a t dim U = 03, E' is strictly larger than &, a result which can be established as follows (for details, as well as for the general theory behind this, see Kadison & Singer, 1959). Clearly & C E'. Let now A = LOD(IR",d"z).be t h e von Neumann algebra of d?), and let S2 be t h e set of all C*-states multiplication operators on L2(IR", on A ; see (go), with now B ( X ) replaced by A. Again by t h e Krein-Milman of its extreme points; theorem, S: is the w'-closed convex hull of t h e set &I so &*A # 0. With $J E & I , let 3 4 = {+ E S* such t h a t tjIA = $1 # 0 by t h e Hahn-Banach theorem. 34 is convex and w'-compact. From t h e Krein-Milman theorem, once more, one obtains 4 n & * # 0, while 3+n & = 0 trivially. This proves our assertion. T h e above argument shows also how t h e plane-waves of the physicists can be formalized as C*-states belonging to E' and not to &, thus providing an illustration of the kind of idealization involved when one considers states in S' which are not in S.
T h e above argument in favor of S* notwithstanding, most physics texts traditionally restrict their attention to S. W h e n a case is made for this constraint, it usually has to do with the fact t h a t t h e states in S , b u t not those in S* \ S , generalize to the quantum realm a n idealized property often assumed of the measures occuring in classical probability theory, namely complete additivity. We now extend this condition to the present context. Let (92)
P(U)= { P E B(U)IP= P* = P'}
be t h e collection of all projectors acting in
(93) is a closed subspace of (944 whenever (94b) i.e. whenever (944
U. Note t h a t for every P E P(U)
= { P Q p JE U }
U. For P a n d Q in P(U) we write PCQ PU C QX PQ = Q
This relation is clearly a partial ordering of P(U).W i t h respect to this relation P(U) is a complete lattice, i.e. given any collection {Pklk E K} of elements of P(U),there always exists a lowest upper bound (resp. a largest lower bound) for {Pklk E K}, i.e. an element of P ( U ) denoted UPk (resp. n P k )such t h a t , with Q E P(U):
P E P ( U ) H P*
= I -P E P(U)
further equips P ( U ) with t h e structure of a n orthocomplemented lattice, i.e. this m a p satisfies the following four conditions for all P E P ( U ) : (974 (97b) (974 (974
(P*)l= P PUPl=I
Pn@=o Q E P ( U ) and P
c Q implies Q*
This orthocomplementation is canonical in the following sense. For any P, Q E P(U) with P C Q, let
Clearly P(P,Q) canonically inherits from plete lattice; moreover, t h e map
P(N) t h e
property of being a com-
now equips P(P, Q ) with the structure of an orthocomplemented lattice. Two elements P and Q in P(N) are said to be mutually orthogonal whenever P QL (and hence Q 2 P l , see 97a and 97d). Two elements P and Q in P(U)are said to be mutually compatible whenever any (and thus all) of the following equivalent conditions is satisfied:
(100e) (100f)
P o Q _ -(PQ+QP)= 2 [P,Q]= PQ-QP=
PnQ 0
The reader will notice t h a t (100a) only appeals to the structure of P(U) as a n orthocomplemented lattice, whereas (100b) a n d (1OOc) use t h e restriction of the notion of state from €IEa(#) to P(U); (100d) involves t h e vector space structure of Bsa(U), (100e) its Jordan structure, and (100f) its Lie structure. From ( 1 0 0 ~ we ) notice t h a t if {Pklk = 1 , 2 , . . ., N} is a finite collection of mutually orthogonal elements in P(U),then
This relation generalizes to the present context t h e notion of finitely additive measure encountered in classical probability theory. It is, furthermore, easy t o check t h a t for a n y collection {Pklk E K} of mutually orthogonal elements in P(U)we have:
This relation generalizes the notion of completely additive measure. (102) does in general not hold for 4 E S'. Indeed, let {qklk E Z+}be a n orthonorma1 basis in an infinite dimensional Hilbert space U; P k : @ E U H (a, *k)qk;
and 4 E S’ n C(M)* (see 17); then < 4;Pk >= o while Pk = I and thus < 4;UkEz+Pk>= 1. This counterexample can be used to show t h a t (102) in fact characterizes S in S’. For this reason, t h e elements of S are often referred to as normal states. Note t h a t 4 E S is uniquely determined by its restriction
which, itself, is uniquely determined by its restriction to t h e set
of all atoms (i.e. one-dimensional projectors) of t h e lattice P(M). Note also t h a t 4 E S is dispersion-free on a given P E P(M), i.e.
< 4; (P- < 4; P > q2>= 0
if and only if:
(105b) With X E {0,1} and P E
< 4; P > E { 0 , 1 } . P(N), let
We have then
and thus
Furthermore, P and Q in P(M) are compatible (see 100) if and only if t h e sublattice P[P,Q]of P(M), generated by P a n d Q (upon taking all possible intersections, unions and complementations) is a Boolean lattice; this occurs if and only if q5 E S , when restricted to P[P,Q],is a probability measure. The above remarks lead to t h e following interpretation of P(M). T h e elements of P(#) are called “elementary obseruables” or “propositions”. T h e relation P _C Q is interpreted as P implies Q, or more precisely “P true with probability 1 implies Q true with probability 1”. T h e orthocomplementation P -+ P l is interpreted by saying t h a t P l is t h e negation of P.
Finally, 4 E S is pure (i.e. 4 E E ) if and only if there exists a n a t o m P E Po(X) such t h a t 4 E sb; in fact this atom is then unique, a n d the density matrix p associated to 4 coincides with P. This relation establishes a bijective correspondence between l and Po(X). For 4 E & and Q E Po(X) we have
where 9,0E X with 11 Q I/= 1 =I) Q, 11 and P Q = Q , Q0 = 0.In line with the above remarks, < 4, Q > is t h e probability t h a t the system is in t h e pure state Q when it has been prepared in t h e pure state P. For this reason (110) is called the transition-probability between P and Q, and sometimes, by abuse of language, the transition probability between 8 and 0.
d. von Neumann algebras Some other topological characteriaations of S C a(#)* can be given in terms of various topologies on B ( X ) ; since these topologies are also relevant to t h e original definition of a von Neumann algebra, we briefly review these mathematical notions here; for proofs, see Dixmier (1957) or Kadison & Ringrose (1983). The uniform topology is the topology induced on B ( X ) by t h e operator norm (28); it is also referred to as the “operator-norm topology” or t h e “metric topology” of B ( X ) . It is t h e topology we considered when we defined B ( X ) as a C*-alge bra. The strong (operator) topology is defined as t h e weakest topology on B ( X ) for which the maps A E B ( X ) H AQ E X, associated to every \Ir E X, are continuous when X is equipped with its norm-topology. A basis of neighbourhoods for this topology is obtained by considering all sets of the form (111)
N ( A ,S, E )
{ B E B(X)I
11 ( B --A)* [I<
E S}
where A E B ( X ) , S is a finite subset of X, and E > 0. The weak (operator) topologyis defined as t h e weakest topology on B ( X ) for which the maps A E B ( M ) H (A@,JI) E a!, associated to every pair {a,@}E X X X, are continuous. A basis of neighbourhoods for this topology is obtained by considering all sets of the form
where A E B ( X ) , S is a finite subset of couples (0, 8 } E X X X and E > 0. of all To define the next two topologies on B ( X ) we introduce t h e set sequences {Qk} C H satisfying 11 J [I2= E k 11 Q k (I2< 00. This defines a For each A E B(U), we denote by t h e m a p norm, and thus a topology on QE H {AQk} E The ultrastrong topology is defined as the weakest topology on B ( X ) for which the maps A E B ( X ) H Z F E 7,associated to every J E 7, are continuous. A basis of neighbourhoods for this topology is obtained by considering
= x m=
all sets of t h e form
N ( A ,S, E )
= { B E B(N))I 11 m
T I('<
T E S}
where A € a(#), S is a finite subset of 7,and E > 0. The ultraweak topologyis defined as t h e weakest topology on B(N) for which t h e maps A E B(N) H ( A 5 , G ) 3 Ch(A@h,Q k ) E a, associated t o every pair { 5 , G }E X X X,are continuous. A basis of neighbourhoods for this topology is obtained by considering all sets of t h e form
N ( A , S , E ) = { B E B ( N ) I\ ( m q , G ) < l E V {q,G}ES}
where A E B ( N ) , S is a finite subset of couples, q} E X and c > 0. The relations between these topologies on B ( N ) are that t h e weak topology is weaker than t h e ultraweak and t h e strong topologies; t h e latter two topologies are weaker than t h e ultrastrong topology, which i n t u r n , is weaker than t h e uniform topology. The ultraweak and t h e strong topologies are not similarly related. We therefore have, for any subset A C B ( N )
"A c "'3
""3(resp. 57)
where '3 denotes t h e closure of A in t h e topology 7. Finally, on subsets of B ( N ) which are bounded with respect t o t h e norm (28), t h e strong and t h e ultrastrong topologies coincide; and t h e weak and ultraweak topologies coincide. With B fixed in B ( N ) , t h e maps A E B ( N ) H AB E B ( N ) , and A E B ( N ) H BA E B(N) are continuous in all five topologies; however, t h e maps (A,B ) E B ( U ) X B(U) H AB E B(N) are not continuous in any of t h e above topologies, except in t h e uniform topology. Finally, t h e map A E B ( N ) H A' E B(N) is continuous for the uniform, t h e ultraweak and the weak-operator topologies, b u t not for t h e strong-operator and t h e ultrastrong topologies. Let now A be any subset of B(N), and define t h e commutant A' of A as t h e set (116)
{ B E B(N)IAB- BA = 0 V A E A }
Clearly: A' is a subalgebra of B(N); A' contains t h e identity operator I E €I(#); and A is contained in its bicommutant A" = (A')'. Note that if A and B are two subsets of B(N), A B implies 8' A'. Hence A A" implies A"' = (A")' C A' (A')" = A"'., i.e. A' = A"'; thus A" = (A")". Hence the operation of taking t h e bicommutant resembles that of taking t h e topological closure; this is more than a formal analogy, as we shall now see. Since t h e product in B(N) is separately continuous in t h e weak-operator topology, A' is closed in this topology; so is t h e n A". We therefore have, as a consequence of A C A":
Notice further t h a t if A is a *-subalgebra of B(U)-i.e. A is a subalgebra of B ( X ) such t h a t A E A implies A' E A-so is A' a n d thus A". Let now A be a *-subalgebra of B ( X ) satisfying the condition t h a t t h e su bspace (118)
{AJ, (A E A, J , E M} is norm-dense in li
One can then prove t h a t
A" =
Together with (107) and (log), this implies t h a t (120)
fq= ""3= q = " A
and (121)
A" is closed in t h e uniform topology of
for any *-subalgebra of B ( U ) satisfying (118); notice t h a t this condition is always trivially satisfied for a *-subalgebra of B(M) containing t h e identity operator I E B(li). These results justify t h e following definition. A won Neumann algebra i s a *-subalgebra A of B(U)satisfying A = A". Since t h e bicommutant of any subset of B o ( ) contains the identity operator I E a(#), every von Neumann algebra satisfies (118);from (121) we conclude, therefore, t h a t it is a C*-subalgebra of B(U); and from (120), we see t h a t it is closed in the weak-operator topology (and a fortiori in all t h e other topologies defined in this subsection; see 115). Conversely, let A be a (C)*-subalgebra of B ( U ) t h a t contains t h e identity I E B ( ) o and is closed in any one of t h e ultrastrong, ultraweak, strong-operator or weak-operator topologies on BIN). Then t h e above argument shows t h a t A is closed in all these topologies, and t h a t it is a von Neumann algebra. The '{on Neumann algebras are t h e "rings of operators" singled out, studied and classified by Murray & von Neumann (1936). These algebras provide, among other things, t h e most natural setting in which one could possibly present (see, notably, Kadison & Ringrose, 1983) t h e spectral theory of bounded operators acting on a Hilbert space, as well as several interesting aspects of t h e theory of unbounded operators. These algebras also appear naturally in t h e theory of representations of C*-algebras and provide a n effective tool to study systems involving infinitely many degrees of freedom such as those encountered in Statistical Mechanics and Quantum Field Theory (see Chapters Nine and Ten). They already throw some light on some aspects of von Neumann postulates, as we shall see below. Clearly every A in a *-subalgebra A C B(U) can be written uniquely as A = A1 iA2 with Al and A2 self-adjoint elements of A. The spectral theorem for
self-adjoints operators on U (see in particular 8.2.25 which we only need here for D ( H ) = U) shows then t h a t if P { P E A IP = P* = P2}denotes t h e set of all projectors in a von Neumann algebra A, then A = P". Similarly, let U E {U E AIUU' = I = U*U}denote the s e t of all unitaries in a von Neumann algebra A. Let A E A with A = A' and 11 A 11 < 1. Clearly (I- A2) is a positive operator belonging to A. From t h e spectral theorem again, we A ZB. In fact, see t h a t (I - A2)'l23 B belongs to A; so does then U U E U. We conclude from this t h a t A = U", These two results are expressed by saying t h a t a von Neumann algebra is generated by t h e set P (resp. U ) of its projectors (resp. its unitaries). They allow to construct immediately non-isomorphic examples of von Neumann algebras. B ( U ) is trivially a von Neumann algebra, and so is (CI E { X I l X E C}; in fact (CI)'= B(U), and t h u s CZ = a(#)'. A von Neumann algebra A is said to be a factor if A n A' = CI; clearly both 8(U)and CZ are factors. Since a von Neumann algebra is generated by its projectors, we see t h a t a von Neumann algebra is a factor if and only if 0 and I are t h e only projectors in A t h a t commute with all projectors in A. At t h e opposite of factors are the maximal abelian von Neumann subalgebras of B(U), which we are now going to define. Notice first t h a t to say t h a t a subalgebra A of B ( U ) is abelian A'. Notice further t h a t a von Neumann algebra is exactly to say t h a t A is abelian if a n d only if the set P of its projectors is a Boolean sublattice of P(U). We now say t h a t a '-subalgebra A of B(U) is a maximal abelian von Neumann subalgebra of B(U) whenever A = A'. Note indeed t h a t A is then an abelian von Neumann algebra, and t h a t every abelian subalgebra B of B ( U ) t h a t contains A actually coincides with A. In von Neumann's formalism for quantum mechanics, a subset B of B,,(U) is said to be a complete set of commuting (or compatible) obseruables, abbreviated c.s.c.o., whenever 8" is a maximal abelian von Neumann subalgebra of B(U). Typical examples of abelian and maximal abelian von Neumann algebras can be obtained as follows. Let A be an observable in t h e sense of von Neumann, i.e. A E B,,(U) t h e set of all bounded self-adjoint operators acting in a Hilbert space U ; let further {PxlX E R} be t h e spectral family of A. Clearly A = {A}" = {Px~X E R}" and ff A', i.e. A is a n abelian von Neumann algebra. In particular, let {Qk} be an orthonormal basis in U and A be defined, by linearity and continuity, from
= +
Then t h e von Neumann algebra A1 generated by this observable is maximal abelian if and only if k # t implies ah # at. More generally, t h e spectrum of a bounded self-adjoint operator A is said to be simple whenever t h e von Neumann algebra A = {A}" is maximal abelian in B ( U ) . For instance, let f : IR -+ R be a continuous, strictly increasing, bounded function. T h e operator
A defined on U (123)
= L 2(JR,dz) by
(AQ)(z= ) f(z)9(z) V
Then A2 = {A}" g L"(R, dz) is maximal abelian in B ( M ) . Similarly, with again L2(IR, dz), let U : a E R H U ( a )E 80() be defined by (124
(U(a)Q)(z) = 9 ( z - a)
v 9E U
Note U(-a) = U(a)*and U(a)U(b)= U(a+b) V a, 6 E JR. Hence U(a)U(u)*= I = U(u)*U(a). Again the von Neumann algebra A 3 {U(a)la E R}" is maximal abelian in B(M) and isomorphic to LOD(JR,dz).Notice further t h a t A2 n As = (I;rland thus (A2 U A3)" = B(U). These examples show t h a t B ( U ) possesses one more interesting property n o t shared by all von Neumann algebras: the set P(U) of all its projectors is an atomic lattice, i.e. given any P E P ( U ) with P # 0, there exists Q E P(U) such t h a t Q # 0, Q P, and R E P(M)together with R Q implies either R = 0 or R = &. Indeed, for every P E P(U) and P # 0, there exists 9 E U such t h a t 11 9 I[= 1 and P9 = 9 ;then Q : CP E M w (CP, Q)9E X satisfies t h e above conditions. Amongst the three examples of (maximal) abelian von Neumann algebras just constructed, the reader will verify t h a t A1 is atomic, while A2 and A3 are not atomic. These three examples can further be used to illustrate t h e fact t h a t all pure states on a (maximal) abelian von Neumann subalgebra A of B ( M ) can be extended to vector states of B(M) if and only if A is atomic. This remark brings us back to the paper of Kadison & Singer (1959) mentioned in t h e preceding subsection, and thus to t h e topological characterizations of S in S ' , which we promised in the beginning of the present subsection. Let A be a von Neumann algebra, acting o n a Hilbert space M. Let A' be the Banach space dual of A , i.e. A' is t h e set of all linear maps 4 : A E A H < 4;A > € such t h a t 11 4 I[= ~ U P A E A ; I I A I < I < ~# ; A > I < 00. A* t h u s comes equipped with t h e norm 1) . 11; we refer to t h e topology induced on A' by this norm as the uniform topology of A*. A* then enjoys the following three properties. Firstly, for 4 E A* the following three conditions are equivalent: (i) (resp. ii) 4 : A -, (I;r is continuous when A is equipped with t h e weak(resp. strong-) operator topology it inherits from B ( N ) ; (iii) there exist a finite index set K ,{ h k ( k E K} C R+,{@klk E K} C )I, { q k l k E K} C li such
Secondly, for $ E A* t h e following three conditions are equivalent: (i) (resp. ii) $ : A + Q: is continuous when A is equipped with t h e ultraweak (resp. ultrastrong topology it inherits from a(x); (iii) there exist {Qklk E ZZ+} and {Qklk E } such t h a t
(126a) (126b) Thirdly, let A, (resp. A,) be t h e collection of all elements of A' t h a t satisfy (125) (resp. 126). Then A, is the closure of A, with respect to t h e uniform topology of A'. Furthermore, t h e bilinear form ( $ , A )E A' X A H< $ ; A >E C,restricted to A, X A is such t h a t A, when equipped with its norm (28) is t h e Banach space dual of A,, t h e latter being equipped with t h e norm it inherits from A*. Notice now t h a t since A is a C'-algebra, every linear functional $ : A -t Q: t h a t is p o s i t i v e 4 . e . < $;A'A > 2 0 V A E A-necessarily belongs to A'. For such functional, one can assume, without loss of generality, t h a t Q h = @ k in (125) and (126). A positive linear functional $ : A + Q: is said to be a C'-state o n the C'-algebra A with unit I, whenever < $;I >= 1 (see 90). T h e first of the above three properties of the dual A* of a von Neumann algebra A thus tells us t h a t a C*-state on A is weakly (resp. strongly) continuous whenever i t can be extended to a state o n a(#) belonging to t h e (algebraic) convex hull of &, t h e collection of all vector states o n a()(). Similarly, t h e second of these properties tells us t h a t a C*-state o n A is ultraweakly (resp. ultrastrongly) continuous whenever it can be extended to a state o n B ( ) o belonging to S, t h e collection of all normal states on B(N). Finally, the third of the above three properties of t h e dual A' of a von Neumann algebra A tells us in particular t h a t every von Neumann algebra is a W'-algebra. Conversely, upon using t h e G N S construction to be discussed in Chapter Nine, one can prove t h a t every W'-algebra with unit is isomorphic, algebraically and topologically, to a von Neumann algebra, i.e. to a von Neumann subalgebra of B ( U ) for some U. e. Symmetries
We shall close this section by discussing three consequences of t h e von Neumann postulates for quantum theory. These are: the definition of symmetries, the von Neumann uniqueness theorem, and t h e classical limit. This subsection is devoted to t h e concepts of symmetry and of groups of symmetries. Intuitively, a symmetry of a physical system is a transformation of this system t h a t preserves its structure. One of the most economical ways to capture this notion, in the mathematical setting proposed by von Neumann for quantum theory, is first to restrict one's attention to P(N),t h e collection
of “elementary observables” on t h e quantum system considered. Recall from Subsection c (see also d) t h a t P(U) is an atomic, orthocomplemented lattice where the partial ordering P Q is interpreted as P implies Q,and t h e orthocomplementation P + P l is interpreted as the negation. O n e then defines a symmetry of t h e quantum system {S, B(N), < . ; . > } as a bijective map (127a)
: P E P(U)H a[P]E
C a[Q1
a![P*]= .[PI*
It immediately follows from this definition t h a t (127d)
a[O]= 0
a [ l ]= I
compatible with a[Q] iff
P compatible with Q
As a consequence of these properties, we see t h a t a! is uniquely determined by its restriction to Po(U), the collection of all atoms of P(U). Note t h a t the atoms of P ( U ) are one-dimensional projectors and are t h u s in one-to-one correspondence with t h e one-dimensional subspaces of U. Suppose dim U 2 3. One can then use t h e first fundamental theorem of projective geometry (see e.g. Baer, 1952 or Artin, 1957) to prove (see Emch & Piron, 1963) t h a t there exists a bijective map (128a)
u :Q E U H U Q E X
and a continuous automorphism (128b)
x : X E c x[X]E H
such t h a t for all @, 9 E N , all X E a, and all P E (129a) (129b) (129c) (129d)
Since there are only two continuous automorphism of C-the identity a n d t h e complex conjugation--I/ is either unitary or antiunitary; hence
IPQ, U@)I2 = I(@, @)I2
i.e. every symmetry preserves the transition probability (see 110) between pure states. This characteriaation of symmetries is due to Wigner (1931); and t h e associated theorem, asserting t h a t a m a p a! : &(U) + Po(U) t h a t satisfies (130) is necessarily of t h e form (128-129), is known as Wigner’s theorem; for a n elementary, but complete] proof of the latter result, given in t h e spirit of Wigner’s original sketch, see Bargmann (1964) who also mentions somewhat earlier references to other complete, b u t less elementary, proofs of this Wigner theorem. Note next t h a t (129d) allows to extend naturally a symmetry to a m a p (131a)
:A E
a[A]E UAU* E
such t h a t , for all A, B E B8,(N) and X,p E IR,we have (131b) (131c) (131d) Hence every symmetry a! can be extended, without loss of generality to a bijective map of B,,(M) onto itself, t h a t respects t h e Jordan algebra structure of Bsa(M). Another way to say this is to note t h a t t h e Jordan structure of B,,(U) does not allow to distinguish between those symmetries which are unitarily implemented a n d those which are antiunitarily implemented. T h e Lie algebra structure of B,,(U), however, allows to make such a distinction. To see this, note t h a t we can extend a! further to B(U) in two different ways which, a priori, appear to be equally natural. We can indeed either define (132a) or we can define (132b)
:A E B()o
:A E
&[A]= UAU* E B(U)
B ( M ) H a[A]= UA*U* E B(U)
Both of these definitions enjoy t h e following three properties] where A a n d B are arbitrary in B(U):
These definitions, however, differ in t h e following two pairs of properties, where A and B are arbitrary in B(U) and X is arbitrary in a!; a! defined according to
(132a) satisfies (136a) a[AB]= a[A]a[B] (137a) 4XAI = x(X)a[AI while a,defined according to (132b) satisfies (136b) a[AB]= a[B]a[A] (137b) a[XA]= x(X)*a[A] where, in (137 a and b), x is the identity (resp. t h e complex conjugation) on when U is unitary (resp. when U is antiunitary). Let now {. , .} be t h e quantum Lie bracket defined in (51) and naturally extended to B(U) by:
{ A ,B }
(AB - BA)/iti V A, B E B ( 1 ) .
From (136) and (137) we conclude t h a t both definitions of a (see 132 a and b) lead to
a [ { A ,B } ]= + { a [ A ] ,a[B]}if U is unitary .[{A, B } ] = - { a [ A ] , a[B]}if U is antiunitary
(139) (140)
Hence, independently of which of the two definitions (132) one chooses, t h e Lie structure of B,,(U) is preserved (resp. reversed) when U is unitary (resp. when U is antiunitary). Since BC4(U), rather t h a n B(U), is t h e primary object of physical relevance, it is a matter of convention to choose between a linear or antilinear on B(1) (see 133 and 137). If we prefer, for reasons of mathematical convenience, to have a linear, then (136) and (137) imply t h a t a preserves (resp. reverses) t h e order of t h e ordinary product in a(#) when U is unitary (resp. when U is antiunitary). More generally, one can prove-see Kadison (1965)-that if a is a linear, adjoint-preserving map from a C*-algebra A onto a C*-subalgebra B of B(U) for some Hilbert space U, then the following conditions are equivalent: (i) a[AB BA] = a[A]a[B]a[B]cu[A]; and (ii) there exists a projector P E B n 8‘ such t h a t a[AB]P= a [ A ] a [ B ] P and a [ A B ] ( I - P ) = a [ B ] a [ A ] ( I -P ) for all A , B E A. In particular, when a is a bijective map of A onto itself, t h e above conditions can serve as definition of a symmetry; note t h a t condition (i) can then be replaced by the condition a[A2]= a[AI2 V A E A with A = A*. When A is a von Neumann algebra this definition is equivalent to our definition (127) of a symmetry, with P(U) replaced by P = {Q E AIQ = Q2 = Q * } . If, furthermore, A = B(U) note t h a t the P of Kadison’s theorem can only be 0 or I . Upon returning to von Neumann’s scheme for quantum theory, we note t h a t if a is a symmetry
< 4 4 ; P >-<
@;a[P] >
P E P(U)
defines a map
v :4 E s
441 E s
which is affine. This passage from a! to v is referred to, in t h e physics literature, as t h e passage from t h e Heisenberg picture to t h e Schroedinger picture. T h e study of the general equivalence between these two pictures was one of t h e main purposes of the paper by Kadison (1965) mentioned above. Two more remarks o n t h e implementation (129d) of a symmetry are in order here. Firstly, if a! = p o ,8 G p2 where p is a symmetry, then the symmetry a! must be unitarily implemented. This is t h e reason why unitarily implemented symmetries play a paramount role in the study of connected Lie groups of symmetries. Secondly, if U is a unitary (or antiunitary) operator implementing a symmetry a!, then wU, with w E (E and IwI = 1 implements t h e same symmetry. This remark is innocuous when one deals with only one symmetry, but it becomes serious when one has to deal with a n infinite group of symmetries. Let indeed Sym(U) denote t h e group of all symmetries of a quantum system {S,B,,(U), < . ; . >}, a n d suppose t h a t G is a connected Lie group of symmetries of this system, i.e. t h a t a m a p (142a)
:g E
G H a(g)E S Y (X) ~
is given, satisfying for all g , g/ E G,4 E S a n d A E (142b) (142c)
H< 4; a!(g)[A]> E IR continuous
a ( g ) W )= a!(gg/)
If one chooses arbitrarily a representative U ( g ) in the class U ( g ) of unitary operators implementing a(g),one has
with w ( g l l g 2 ) E S' f { z E (El IzI = l}, for all g l 1 g2 E G. If another choice of representative, say 0, is made, we have
T h e question is then whether a judicious choice of (147)
Y :g
v(g)E S'
would be possible in such a manner t h a t (148)
b :g EG
o ( g ) E U(U)
becomes a continuous unitary representation of G, i.e. satisfies for all 9, g' E G, and @ , Q E U: (149b) (149c)
g E G H ( o ( g ) @ , Q) E (E continuous
m&7')h g ' ) =
In other words, is it possible to reduce the study of continuous actions of a connected Lie group, as symmetries on a quantum system, to t h e study of continuous unitary representations of such groups? This problem has been studied systematically by Bargmann (1954). The analysis is done in two steps: one first studies t h e problem locally in G, and then one extends to t h e whole of G the solutions obtained in the first step. Let us sketch the kind of mathematics involved in these two steps. L e t first No(e) be a neighbourhood of t h e identity e in G, and for each g E No(e), select an element U ( g ) in the class U ( g ) of unitary operators implementing a ( g ) . { U ( g ) l g E No(e)}is said to be a local lifting if for every E > 0, every Q E U, and every g E No(e), there exists a neighbourhood N ( g ) of g , with N ( g ) C No(e)such t h a t 11 U(g')Q - U ( g ) Q [I< E for every g' E N ( g ) . From the continuity (142b) of a, one shows t h a t a local lifting always exists. T w o local liftings { U ( g ) I g E No(e)}and ( O ( g ) l g E f i o ( e ) }are said to be equivalent if there exists a continuous function v : N o ( e ) n f i o ( e+ ) S' such t h a t 0 = YU on No(e)n fio(e). T h e local problem thus consists in determining whether there exists one or several equivalence classes of local liftings. We can clearly assume, without loss of generality, t h a t we choose in every equivalence class a local lifting t h a t satisfies U(e) = I. For any such local lifting, (143) now restricted to the pairs { g l , 9 2 ) E G X G such t h a t 91, g2, gig2 E No(e), defines a function w satisfying (150a) (150b) (150c)
w continuous in each of its factors w ( g , e ) = 1 = w(e, g ) V g E N ( e ) 4 g 1 , g2)w(g1!72, g3) = w ( g 1 , g299)w(g2, g s )
with (150c) valid for all pairs { g l , g 2 } E G X G such t h a t g1,g2,gSr g1g2, g2g3, gig293 E No(e). The relations (150) define w h a t is called a local factor. If { U ( g ) I g E No(e)}and { o ( g ) l g E fio(e)}are two local liftings, they are equivalent if and only if their associated local factors w and 3 are linked by t h e relation (146) where now g l , g2, g i g 2 E N o ( e ) n k o ( eand ) Y is a continuous function from No(e)n f i o ( e ) to s'. Consider now for every local lifting { U ( g ) l g E No(e)}the set H {(Y, g)lv E S ' , g E No(e)}equipped with the direct product topology and t h e local group
where w is t h e local factor associated to t h e local lifting considered. As a consequence of t h e solution of t h e fifth Hilbert problem (see e.g. Montgomery & Zippin, 1955), H is a local Lie group; it is, furthermore] a local Lie group extension
of No(e)C G by S'. It is then easy to check t h a t two local liftings {U(g)[q E No(e)}and { o ( g ) / g E fio(e)} are equivalent if and only if their local Lie groups H and ?I are equivalent local Lie group extensions of No(e)n fio(e) C G by S', i.e. if there is a local Lie group isomorphism x between H and fi such t h a t t h e following diagram is commutative. e+
No(e)+ H +
lid e+
fio(e) +
S' + 1
Upon using next t h e usual fonctorial relation between t h e category of local Lie groups with their local morphisms, and t h e category of Lie algebras with their morphisms, the problem of finding all equivalence classes of local liftings is reduced to t h e problem of finding all equivalence classes of Lie algebra extensions of t h e Lie algebra of G by t h e Lie algebra of S'. This extension problem is a particular case of the general theory of extensions and their equivalence classes discussed in C a r t a n & Eilenberg (1956) for all kinds of mathematical structures, including Lie groups and Lie algebras; for t h e latter, see also Bourbaki (1960). One fringe benefit of this reformulation of t h e problem is t h a t if one replaces t h e complex Hilbert space of von Neumann's quantum mechanics by a Hilbert space constructed over t h e (non-commutative!) field of quaternions, one needs only substitute in the final result above t h e Lie algebra of S' by the Lie algebra of S U ( 2 , C ) ;see Emch (1963). In this case, the Lie algebra extension problem admits only one solution and, therefore, it is always possible to arrange things in such a way t h a t t h e "phase" w(gi,g2) = 1 locally. The situation is not so simple in t h e case of interest to us here, namely t h e case where the Hilbert space is constructed over C, i.e. where one has to classify the Lie algebra extensions by S'. This is the problem t h a t Bargmann (1954) solved explicitly for many Lie groups G of interest to physicists. O n e of the general results obtained by Bargmann can be read off directly from the above formulation of t h e problem. Indeed, as a corollary (see Bourbaki, 1960) to the Levi-Malcev theorem every extension of a semi-simple Lie algebra is
inessential, i.e. is equivalent to t h e trivial, direct product, extension. Hence, if the Lie algebra of t h e symmetry group G is semi-simple, t h e "phase" w can always be eliminated locally, to give w(g1,gZ) = 1 on some neighbourhood of the identity e in G. Let, for instance, M"im be the (n,m)-Minkowski space defined at the beginning of Section Two in Chapter Four. Recall t h a t physicists are mostly interested in the cases M"lo = R" with n = 3 or 4, and M"J with n = 3. Let further Pntmbe the group of all isometries of M"1" (see; P:," be T"+" be the group of translations the component of the identity e in PJ"; z E M"lm H 2 =z c E M " J (with ~ < running over M"*"); clearly Tnfm C P:lm. Let finally L"*" be the subgroup of P"J" consisting of all homogeneous H2 Az E Mnlm;and L?" E Lnamn P:*" be t h e transformations z E component of the identity in L"1". For n+ m > 2, L:'" are connected, simple Lie groups. Hence, for these groups, the "phase" w can always be eliminated locally. This result was obtained by Bargmann (1954), and in the particular cases of 0%= L$' and L'l' by Wigner (1931 and 1939). Upon playing with the commutators of t h e Lie algebra of P?", with n m > 2, one can further show that, for these groups again, the "phase" w can be eliminated locally; see Bargmann and Wigner (loc. cit.). Note, in particular, t h a t Pnim3 T"+m. The reader should not surmiae, from t h e above examples, t h a t the "phase" w can always be eliminated locally for groups of physical interest, and we shall give three counterexamples later in this subsection. Suppose for a moment t h a t G is a connected Lie group such t h a t every local Lie group extension of G by S' is inessential, i.e. is locally equivalent to t h e trivial, direct product, extension. For any continuous group action a: : g E G H Q(g) E Sym (M), t h e "phase" w can then be eliminated locally, i.e. one can find a local lifting {U(g)lg E No(e)}of Q such that, for every g1,gz E No(e) with gig2 E No(e),we have:
I t is then easy t o verify, by patching u p neighbourhoods, t h a t (154) can be extended to a continuous unitary representation U of the universal covering group of G in such a manner t h a t U implements a: : G H Sym (U). Hence the study of all continuous group actions a: of such a group G is reduced to the study of the continuous unitary representations of Evidently, if G is, in addition, simply connected i.e. G = 6', then the study of its continuous group actions reduces to the study of its own continuous unitary representations. There are, however, several connected Lie groups, of interest to physicists, where the "phase" w can be eliminated locally, b u t which are not simply connected. The most obvious example is 0%-for which we have already seen t h a t w can be eliminated locally; this group is doubly connected with
covering group
2!= SU(2,C) : 0%N SU(2, C ) / Z 2where Z, is t h e group
T h e Lie algebra su(2, a) of SU(2,C),and t h u s O$,is (156a) with the Lie bracket {. , .} -- [. , .]/i (where [A,B] = AB - BA is t h e and with J k = 0 k / 2 where usual commutator in B(C2)); ul=(;
; ) ; u e ( ;0 -10 ' ) ; u 3 q 1
0 0 -1
are t h e so-called Pauli matrices. Note, in particular, t h a t for all cyclic permutations ( j ,k,t) of t h e indices (1,2,3) we have
(Note in passing, the analogy between (156c) and t h e Poisson brackets {L,, Lk}
= LLwhere Li are the three components of t h e classical angular momentum L = x X p; compare with 8.3.227-8). SU(2, C) is compact, it admits a n invariant measure /A which is Since finite, t h e so-called Haar measure; a n d f2((c, dp) is separable. The Peter-Weyl
theorem (see e.g. Pontrjagin, 1958) then asserts t h a t t h e regular representation of on f 2 ( ( c , d p ) is a direct sum of irreducible continuous unitary representations (or i.c.u.-representations) of which are finite-dimensional, each i.c.u.-representation occuring in this sum with a finite multiplicity equal to its dimension; moreover, every i.c.u.-representation of occurs in this decomposition (i.e. is unitarily equivalent to an i.c.u.-representation appearing in t h e decomposition of the regular representation). In fact, for SU(2, a), one can show (see e.g. Wigner, 1931) t h a t there exists exactly one i.c.u.-representation U, of (c for every n E Z+.Let further u, be the representation of 4 2 , a!) obtained from U,. Then upon writing n = 25 1, one finds t h a t the i.c.u.representation U, is uniquely characterized by the value s(s+l) of t h e Casimir operator
c 3
As for t h e phase reduction problem for t h e continuous actions of O$, the representations {U,ln E Z f } fall in two classes. T h e first (resp. second) class
contains all i.c.u.-representations where n is odd (resp. even), i.e. where s is a n integer (resp. a “half-integer”). The representations of t h e first class are continuous unitary representations of 0%.The representations of t h e second class, however, are only %p to a sign” continuous unitary representations of O;, i.e. for these representations, one cannot eliminate the (‘phase’’ w globally t o better than
In particular, one obtains U(27r)= --I (compare with 155). The same dichotomy occurs, for instance, for t h e proper Poincarh group Eli of special relativity; see Wigner (1939). Before leaving the subject of t h e continuous actions of 0%we want to make one more observation. Let (159)
U : 9 E SU(2,C:)H U(g) E U(U)
be any (i.e. not necessarily irreducible) continuous unitary representation of SU(2, C), and let U(2n) denote t h e unitary operator in this representation corresponding to the element --I E 2 2 C SU(2,a) (see 155). Since, moreover U ( 2 7 ~= ) ~I the identity operator in U ,its spectrum belongs to {-1, +l}, a n d the two closed subspaces U+ and L, defined by (160)
= {Q
E UIU(2R)4J* = +P*}
provide a decomposition of U into two orthogonal subspaces, each of which is stable under {V(g)/gE SU(2,C} since [U(27r),U(g)]= 0 for all g E SU(2, (I!). It is then easy to verify t h a t U , when restricted to U+ (resp. U-) is a continuous, unitary representation (resp. a continuous, unitary, u p to a sign, representation) of 0:; and t h a t (161a)
: g E 0%++ a(g)E Sym
defined by
(through the identification Og 142) of 0%;in particular (161c)
a*(2n)[A]= A
are continuous actions (see
We can evidently extend (161a & b) to a continuous action a : SU(2, (I!) H B # a ( N ) . Let then (162a)
{ A E B,a(N)l~(2r)[A] =A}
I t is easy to see t h a t A E B,, belongs to A if and only if (162b) Hence, if
(A*+, *-) = 0 V {Q+, Q-} E
U+ x U-
U+ # 0 # U-:
A = Bsa(U+) a3 Bsa(U-)
or, equivalently A = A" and A' = {P+, P-)I
# {hZlh E C}
where P+ (resp. P-) is the projector from U to U+ (resp. U-). Since a physical rotation by 27r in R3 is the identity, we should want to impose (162 a) as a condition to be satisfied by every observable. This shows t h a t von N e u m a n n k postulates have to be enlarged to allow for the algebra A of observables not to be necessarily identical with B,,(U). This was first recognized (in a n only slightly different context) by Wick, Wightman & Wigner (1952), and t h e phenomena just described is characterized in the physics literature by saying t h a t there is a superselection rule (or "no observable quantity or coherence") between systems (or "particles") with integer spin s, a n d those with half-integer spin s. A brief axiomatiaation, in the framework of t h e quantum propositioncalculus, can be found in Emch & Piron (1963); for a didactic account, see Jauch (1968). Note t h a t a quantum theory with superselection rules, i.e. where A' # (E and actually A" n A' # CZ,appears as some intermediary between two extremes: on t h e one hand, t h e quantum mechanics defined by von Neumann's postulates, where A = B,,(Y) and t h u s A' = (EI and in particular AfrnA'= CZ; and on t h e other hand, classical mechanics where t h e algebra of observables is abelian, i.e. A C A', a n d thus A" n A' = A". We now come back to the problem of whether t h e "phase" w can always be eliminated, at least locally; t h e answer is negative, even in some cases of physical interest, and we show this by presenting three counterexamples, t h e first of them with all the details necessary to constitute a proof. Let us consider IR2", equipped with its natural structure of abelian, 2ndimensional Lie group; for notational convenience, we identify IR2" with C" = {z = (a,iL)l(a,6) E IR" X IR"}. W i t h h E (0,m) fixed, let {Ex(z)lz E a"} be defined on U = L2(IR",d"z)by (164a)
[Ex(z)Q](z)= exp{-ihiL(z-
where Q runs over z, z' E C": (164b) (164c) (164d) (164e)
U. A straightforward computation shows t h a t for every Ex(z) is unitary Ex(z)Ex(z')= wx(z, z')Ex(z z') wx(z, z') = exp{iX20(z, z')/2} o(z, z') = a . iL' - a' . 21 = -o(z', z)
where . denotes the usual pairing between
R" a n d its dual. Define now
Clearly, ax satisfies (142 b & c), so t h a t ax describes a continuous action of a!" on BS6()O. Moreover, {Ex(z)lzE a!"} is a (local) lifting, a n d wx is a (local) factor. It is, furthermore, easy to check t h a t this local factor is not locally equivalent to the trivial factor w = 1. Hence, there exist group actions ax of a" where t h e "phase" w cannot be eliminated locally. Remark further t h a t two (local) factors wx and w,, obtained in t h e above manner are locally inequivalent, unless X = p. This generalizes from a" to any m-dimensional, connected and simply connected abelian Lie group G, by replacing in (164 d & e) u by any bilinear, antisymmetric (not necessarily nondegenerate) form on t h e Lie algebra of G; see Bargmann (1954), and already Weyl (1931). In the perspective of quantum mechanics, the interest of { E ~ ( z ) lE z a!"}, defined as in (164a), with X = ti''2, is t h a t it generalizes to arbitrary n a formula (see 8.1.122) we obtained for n = 1 in connection with the description of t h e canonical commutation relation for one degree of freedom. Indeed, ( k ) Ik = 1,2,.. ., n } by define the self-adjoint operators { P (Ak ), Qx (166)
a) = exp{-i(a
+ 6.&A)}
Let D ( P f ) ) ,D(Qf)) denote the domain of definition of the operators Pf' a n d Qf). Then there exists a dense subspace D-namely S(R")-of M such t h a t :
with (167 d & e) holding on D.W i t h X2 = R , t h e relations (167) are interpreted as the quantum analog of the classical Poisson brackets between momentum and position coordinates. We shall see towards t h e end of this section t h a t this is more t h a n a mere analogy. Already here, the physics behind these relations (167) can be caught through the following computations. From (164) we define, for every (a, a) E R"x R": (168a) (168b)
Notice t h a t {Ul(a)laE R"} a n d {Vx(h)IhE R"}are continuous unitary representations of IR",and satisfy for all (a, h) E R" x R": (169)
Ux(a)Vx(h)Ux(a)* = e z p ( i a . h/X2)K(h)
from which we read
holding over D ( Q f ' ) ,for all a E IR". To express this relation in t h e framework of von Neumann's postulates, we introduce two objects, namely (171)
(172a) (172b)
f {v,(h)p E IR"})'
ax : a E IR" H ax(a) E Sym (M) ax(a)[A] Ux(a)AUx(a)' V A E &(U)
Notice first t h a t A is t h e von Neumann algebra of multiplication operators in B ( X ) , and thus (173)
A = {Fx(A)lA E B(IR")}"
where B ( R " )is t h e o-algebra of Borel subsets of valued measure defined by
R",a n d F is t h e projection-
(174c) Notice then t h a t ax defines a continuous action of R"on B,,(X) (see 142) and t h a t (see 169), for every a E R":
Finally, for every a E IR" a n d every A E B(R"), denote by a[A] t h e Borel subset of R" defined by:
Then, as an action on A,,,
is determined by
In summary, we have extracted from (164) a projection-valued measure (174) FAon IR", and a continuous action (172) ax of R" on B,,(M) such t h a t (177)
8.3. CCR
is satisfied. With X2 = R , this relation allows to interpret consistently Q as a quantum "position observable" and P as a quantum "momentum observable". For this to make sense canonically, i t is indispensible t h a t t h e factor w ~ ap, pearing in (164)) cannot be changed, and a fortiori eliminated, even locally, by a continuous change of t h e form (144) in the lifting {&(a, &)/(a,iL) E IR" X R"}. This is probably the most fundamental way in which the Planck constant arises in t h e von Neumann formulation of quantum mechanics. We only mention two other cases where the "phase" w cannot be eliminated locally. For the group G of Galilean relativity, Bargmann (1954) has exhibited a continuum of inequivalent local extensions of G by S', parametrized by t h e mass. Finally, the case P:$" with n m = 2 was left open in our previous discussion; Bargmann (1954) has shown t h a t in this particular case, t h e phase can indeed not be eliminated locally.
f. The CCR for n degrees of freedom In the previous subsection, we obtained (see 164-177) special realizations of t h e "canonical commutation relations" for n degrees of freedom. T h e content of von Neumann's uniqueness theorem, to be stated in the present subsection, is t h a t these realizations are canonical in a sense which we are going to make precise. In last analysis, this result of von Neumann (1931), based on a n earlier formulation by Weyl (1928), is t h e mathematical reason behind t h e equivalence of the Heisenberg quantum mechanics (recall Section One of this chapter) a n d the Schroedinger wave mechanics (recall Section Two). Moreover, we shall see t h a t this Weyl-von Neumann formulation allows to understand better t h e relation between quantum and classical theories. First of all, we should notice t h a t , given n and X, t h e realization EX is not unique in an obvious way. Let indeed X be a bijective linear isometry from U = L2(R",dnz) onto some Hilbert space Then {Ex(a,&)} X &(a, 6)X-l / ( a ,a) E R" x R"} satisfies again (164 b-e) and its consequences. We can, in particular, define from this HA and ?&as in (166), a n d these operators will satisfy (167). Similarly, we can define VX(resp. VX)from &, as we did in (168), and these continuous unitary group representations of R" (resp. R")will satisfy (169) and (170). Finally, we can define EX from BX as in (172), and { F ( A ) = XF(A)X-'IA E B(R")};these objects will evidently again satisfy (177), with t h e same physical interpretation. Hence, a theory based o n E will give exactly t h e same physical predictions as those obtained from the original realization E . In particular, for any fixed p E (0, oo), t h e m a p X from L2(IR",P z ) = U onto itself, defined by
(X Q )(Z)= p" Q ( p 2 z )
and interpreted as a consistent change of scale (i.e. of physical units), will give with p-4 = 1 2 = f i : (@")8)(z) = zL
(179a) (179b)
= -zfi(a,q(z)
This is the generalization, to n degrees of freedom, of t h e Schroedinger representation (compare to 8.2.60; and see also 8.2.69 or 8.2.74-75). T h e integral form of (179):
(V(ii))8(z) = exp(--ia. z / f i ) q ( z ) (B(a)*)(z)= *(z - a)
(180a) (180b)
is known as t h e Weylform of t h e Schroedinger reprsentation, for X2 = ti. The above remarks, complementing the discussion of t h e previous subsection, suggest t h e following formalized definition. A representation ofthe CCR f o r n degrees offreedom is a triple { X, F , U )consisting of a separable Hilbert space U over a; a projection-valued measure F : A E B(Rn)H F ( A ) E P ( X ) ; a n d a unitary, continuous, group representation U : a E R"H U ( a )E U ( X ) such t h a t for every a E IR" a n d every A E B(IR"):
U(a)F(A)U(a)*= F ( a [ A ] )
where .[A] = {z E Rnlz- a E A}. This is t h e basic definition, from which everything else will follow. From F , we define for every k = 1 , 2 , . . .,n, the spectral family {Fr)lpE IR} by
Ff) = F(Af)) where ALk)= {z E IR"Iz(') 2 p }
From each of these spectral family, we define t h e self-adjoint operator Q(k)G
1 dFf) p
These definitions, together with (181), imply
= Q(h) - d L ) I
o n the domain D(Q@))of Q ( k ) . We refer to Q = {Q(k)lk:= 1,2,.. . , n } as t h e position, a n d to U ( a )as t h e translation operators for t h e representation V
l Fl
We now choose X E (0,oo)and define t h e self-adjoint operators { H k ) ( k= 1 , 2 , . . ., n } by (185)
U ( a )= exp(-ia
. P/X2)
8.3. CCR
We refer to P = {pk)1k= 1,2, ..., n } as t h e momentum operator for t h e representation {X, F , U} with respect to A. The choice of a particular value for X corresponds to a choice of the physical units for the "momentum" (once the physical units for t h e "position" are fixed). With the same choice of A, we finally introduce the auxiliary objects {V(&)(iL E R"}and {E(z)lz (a, 6) E a!" IR" X R"} by
(186) (187)
~ ( 63) exp(-iiL - Q/X2) ~ ( z ) exp(-iX2a. a/2)U(A2a)V(X28)
Note t h a t V : a E JR" H V ( &E) U ( X ) is a unitary, continuous group representation of IR". Moreover, as a consequence of the defining condition (181) we have: (188)
~ ( a ) v ( h=) e x p ( i a . i i / ~ ~ ) V ( i L ) U ( a ) E ( Z ) E ( Z '= ) exp{iX2(a. 6' - a'. & ) / ~ } E ( zd )
Upon using the continuity of U ,V and E , one can follow again t h e route travelled in t h e previous subsection and show t h a t each of these two relations separately implies (181); the reader will verify indeed t h a t this proof is independent of the identification of X with L2(R",P z ) . Either of t h e two relations (188) or (189) could, therefore, have been used to define a representation of the CCR for n degrees of freedom. We choose (181) for two reasons: first, its direct physical interpretation, and second, the elucidation it allows for the role of A . A representation {U, F , LI} of the CCR for n degrees of freedom is said to be irreducible if {0} and 21 are the only two closed subspaces of X t h a t are stable under the action of the collection of operators { F ( A ) , U ( a ) l AE B(R"),a E
Upon using the tools provided in Subsection d , t h e reader will verify the following three results, where { X, F , U} is a representation of t h e CCR for n degrees of freedom, and N ( X , F ,V )is t h e von Neumann algebra { F ( A ) ,V(a)l A E B ( R " ) ,a E R"}',. Firstly, U ( X ,F , LI) = {U(a),V(iL)(aE R",d E R"}"= {E(z)lzE C"}". Secondly, ( X , F , U ) is irreducible if and only if any (and t h u s all) of t h e following equivalent conditions is satisfied: ( i ) U ( U ,F , U)'= {(Zlf E a!}; (ii) U ( X ,F , U)= €I(#); (iii) every observable A E B,,(U) can be approximated in the weak-operator topology, by finite sums of t h e form & ( k E ( Z k ) with ( k E C and zk E C";(iv) same as (iii) with t h e weak-operator topology replaced by any of the following three topologies: strong-operator, ultraweak or ultrastrong. Conditions (iii) and (iv) are paraphrased by saying t h a t every observable is a "function" of the position and momentum observables. Thirdly, the representation {E~(z)lzE C"} constructed in t h e previous subsection-and thus t h e Schroedinger representation constructed in t h e beginning of the present subsection-is irreducible.
Finally, two representations { U J F , U }a n d {X,FJf7)of the CCR for n degrees of freedom are said to be unitarily equivalent if there exists a bijective, linear isometry X from N onto X such t h a t V a E R" and V A E B(IR") (190)
F ( A )= X F ( A ) X - '
U(a)= XU(a)X-'
~ROPOSITION 1 (VON NDUMANN U N I Q U D N M ~THEOREM). ~ For each n E Z+ there ezists ezactly one (up to unitary equivalence) irreducible representation of the CCR for n degrees of freedom. Proof: This proposition is a statement about {M,F,U}, and thus does not involve A. For the purpose of the proof of this proposition, we are, therefore, free to construct the auxiliary objects V a n d E (see 186 and 187) for any convenient choice of the value of X E ( 0 , ~ )we ; choose X = 1. We next define the map
E : f E L'(aY,d"z) H E ( f )E B ( ) o
(191a) (recall C" = IR"
x R" and
= dna. d"&) by t h e integral
E(f) =
f(4E ( 4
understood in the weak-operator topology. Note t h a t
E(f)belong indeed to
II E(f) IIIII f Ill
From t h e unitarity of E ( z ) a n d t h e relation (189) we obtain (193)
E ( f ) *= E ( f * )with f* : z E C" H f(-z)* E C
E ( ( ) * E ( f ) E (= ()
[d"z exp{i(a&
- a & ) } f ( zE ) (z)
We shall further need t h e fact t h a t (195)
E ( f )= 0
f E L'(V,d"z)
imply f = 0
Clearly if E ( f ) = 0, (194) implies t h a t for any polynomial E C" H P ( z ) E CJof the form
where t h e sum is finite,
JIEU: (197)
: z
= (aJ&)
C C, {(anJ&,)}C (EnJ we have for all @ a n d
8.3. CCR
and thus, upon approximating the characteristic function of any Bore1 subset S C C",we obtain from (197):
d"z f(z) ( E ( z ) Qq , )= 0 .
Consequently, we have for almost all z E a" : ( f ( z ) E ( z ) Q@) , = 0, and t h u s f ( z ) E ( z ) Q= 0. Since E ( z ) is unitary, this proves (195). Consider now in particular the function
and the operator A
= E ( f o ) ;a straightforward computation shows t h a t A E ( z )A = exp(-Izl2/4)
With z = 0, this implies in particular A2 = A. Since fo is real a n d symmetric, (193) implies A* = A. Finally since f o # 0, (195) implies A # 0. Hence A is a non-zero projector. Consequently, there exists at least one Q E U such t h a t (1 Q ((= 1 and A@ = Q . For any vector satisfying these conditions, (200) implies, for all z E V:
Clearly the closed linear span
is a closed subspace of U, stable under the action of the von Neumann algebra N = {E(z)IzE a}". Since {U, F, U}is supposed to be irreducible, this implies t h a t Uo coincides with U, i.e. Q is "cyclic" in li under the action of 1. Let us now repeat this construction for any other irreducible representation { X , F , U }of the CCR for n degrees of freedom; define then t h e m a p
where {ak(k = I, 2 , . . ., K} c a, {Zklk = 1 ~ 2 ,. . ., K} c CC", and K E z+. From the above argument (see in particular (201) and the cyclicity of Q ) , one concludes easily t h a t X extends to a bijective linear isometry from U onto such t h a t E(z) = XE(z)X-' for all z E a". Consequently X implements a unitary equivalence between {U, F, V } and {X,F,If}.This concludes t h e proof of von Neumann's uniqueness theorem. 0
Since t h e Schroedinger representation is irreducible, von Neumann’s uniqueness theorem asserts t h a t every irreducible representation of t h e CCR for n degrees of freedom is unitarily equivalent to the Schroedinger representation (179-180) acting in L2(IRn,dnz), a n d thus gives t h e same physical predictions. In particular, both Schroedinger and Heisenberg assumed-at least implicitlyin their proposals for quantum mechanics, t h a t every observable is a function of t h e position and momentum observables; together with von Neumann’s postulate, this means t h a t both Schroedinger and Heisenberg considered only irreducible representation of t h e CCR. T h u s von Neumann’s uniqueness theorem sets on a firm mathematical foundation t h e equivalence between t h e quantum mechanical formalisms of Heisenberg and of Schroedinger. Upon returning to t h e proof of t h e proposition and applying it to t h e particular case where E = E , one observes t h a t the irreducibility of { E ( z ) l z € C} implies t h a t @ E U with 11 @ I[= 1 is determined by (201), uniquely up to a phase w E C with JwI = 1. Hence t h e projector A is one-dimensional. Upon comparing with 8.2.33, the reader will verify t h a t for every irreducible representation of the CCR, the range of A is spanned by the vector @ corresponding to the ground state of the harmonic oscillator
The above argument on t h e uniqueness of @ can be extended to a proof of the following result on non-necessarily irreducible representations. COROLLARY 2. Every representation { U , F , U} of the CCR for n degrees of freedom i s a direct sum of copies of the Schroedinger representation for n.
Proof: From t h e proof of t h e proposition, we see t h a t t h e definition of A, and t h e fact t h a t it is a non-zero projector, do not depend o n t h e irreducibility of the representation; the only thing we lose by considering a general representation {U, F , U} is t h a t A is not a one-dimensional projector in general. Let t h u s { @ j l j= 1 , 2 , . . .} be an 0.n. basis in A. Then
Uj = Span { E ( z ) @ j l zE C} is invariant under the action of J/ = { F ( A ) ,U ( a ) l A E B(IRn),a E W}”. The proof of the proposition shows t h a t t h e restriction of {U, F , U}to U, is unitarily equivalent to the Schroedinger representation. From (200), one verifies next t h a t U, and Ut are orthogonal for j # t. From this it is easy to conclude t h a t U = @Uj provides the desired decomposition of {N, F , U } . 0 Let us now make a few brief comments on t h e assumptions entering in the above Proposition and Corollary (for details, see Emch, 1972). In our definition of a representation of t h e CCR, we imposed t h a t U be separable. While this condition is used in t h e proof of the Corollary, it is not
necessary to the proof of the Proposition itself. T h e latter can therefore be used to show t h a t if {U, F , U} is irreducible, then U must be separable. Note t h a t if we had started with a n (irreducible) triple {I!, U , V } satisfying (188), the condition t h a t both U and V are continuous representations of IR" is necessary to the proofs; there exists indeed a n irreducible representation of t h a t system (even with n = 1) where U is continuous, b u t V is not, and where U is not separable. Our assumptions guarantee t h a t both U and V are continuous. One could also have been inclined to define a representation of the CCR by assuming only the commutation relations (167) between the operators P(k) and Q(') (k,!. = 1 , 2 , . . ., n). However, a counterexample to t h e Proposition is then easy to produce in L 2 ( [ 0 11, , dz),-see, for a hint, the argument between 8.2.86 and 8.2.87-thereby showing t h a t these commutation relations must be supplemented by some auxiliary conditions such as, for instance, t h e fact t h a t the spectrum of each operator Q(k)covers IR.This condition is guaranteed by our definition of {U, F ,U } (see in particular 184); moreover t h e Proposition then implies t h a t the spectral families of each f l k ) and Q(k)are absolutely continuous with respect t o Lebesgue measure. g. The classical limit
Remembering the difficulties encountered in t h e early formulations of quant u m theories (see Chapter Seven and the first two sections of t h e present chapter) concerning their possible, or necessary, connections with classical mechanics, we find it proper to present some precise comments o n this problem at t h e close of this section on von Neumann's formulation of quantum mechanics. We start with an irreducible representation {U, F , U} of t h e CCR for n degrees of freedom. We know from Proposition 1 t h a t we can assume, without loss of generality, t h a t U is L 2(IRn, rPz) and t h a t EX : (a,a) E IR" X IR" + B(U) is given by (164). We now make use of the freedom we have in choosing X E (O,oo), i.e. in choosing the physical units in which we measure momenta (and positions). For every f E L I ( V , P z ) , we now define the operator (206)
3 = Nf)= / d " z
f(z) J%(z)
(compare with 191-3; see also Segal, 1963a; and for generalizations, Lavine, 1965 and Grossmann, Loupias & Stein, 1968). We further equip
with the structure of *-subalgebra of (208a) (208b)
(XfIA= X i
(3)' = (f')"
; (f
B(N) by defining
+ dAf' i +EP =
E Q:
and t h e product
with wx given by (164 d-e). A norm is further defined on Ax by 11 11 E x ( f ) 11<11 f (Il. A Jordan- and a Lie-structure are defined on Ax by
i \I=
Note t h a t these structures are compatible with t h e Jordan-Lie algebra structure of &,(A') when X2 = R (see Subsection b above); a n d t h a t , for each X E (O,m), A; = B(U),so t h a t Ax is dense in B(N) (see Subsection d above). Upon taking a hint from t h e properties of t h e functions
associated to each state p E S,we define a state on Ax as a continuous function
which satisfies $(O) = 1 and
for all K E z+, all { { k l k = 1 , 2 , . . .,K} c C, and all {Zklk = 1 , 2 , . . .,K} c Cn.We refer to (211b) by saying t h a t c$x is of A-positive type; this condition implies in particular t h a t
is bounded. Note also t h a t for any
6 E L"(C:")
is positive if and only if it is locally almost everywhere equal to a continuous function of A-positive type. A family {q$,lA E (0,m)) is said to be a classical state if, for each A E (0, m), is a state on Ax, and +A converges uniformly on compacta as X -+ 0. This is equivalent to t h e condition t h a t c$A converge, as A + 0, in t h e o(L L1)topology, i.e. in t h e topology of convergence of expectation values. For each classical state {&lA E (0,m)) there exists then a continuous function
:z E
do(z) E c
satisfying q50(o) = 1, (213b) (with
{sk}, {zk}
and K as in (211b)), and + $0
as X
uniformly o n compacta
Since the notion of classical state will play a central role in t h e forthcoming Scholium 3, a few examples are called for. Our first example is the ground state of the harmonic oscillator
In the representation (164) this state is represented by the vector given by
a0E L2(R,dz)
and the corresponding state on Ax is t h e function (see 210) (215b) Clearly {&lX function (215c)
:z E
+ w-'ii2)/4)
E (0, m)} converges, uniformly on compacta, as X + 0, to t h e
:z E
&(z) = 1
Hence {&lX E (0, m)} is a classical state. Note t h a t t h e Fourier transform of 48 is the Dirac measure t h a t is concentrated at t h e origin. Our second example is a generalization of t h e previous one, and is obtained from the remark that, for every 2 = ( f i , ~ E ) RnX R",t h e transformation Ex -,Ek given by (216a)
Ek : z E an H eE(z)EA(z) E U(N)
leads again to a n irreducible representation of t h e CCR. From Proposition 1, we know t h a t there exists a unitary operator Xx(i)such t h a t
Let now p be any density matrix and define
: z E C"
tr(Xx(2) p X~(Z)+E~(Z)}
It is easy to check t h a t (&lX E (0, m)} is a classical state, and t h a t 4; = d . Note again t h a t t h e Fourier transform of 4; = ? is t h e Dirac measure on IR" X IR",now concentrated at 2 = (8,q). In t h e particular case where p is a one-dimensional projector, 4; is called a coherent state in t h e sense of Perelomov (1972). We have indeed for all A E Bca(N): (218)
tr(Xx(2)p X i ( i ) * A }= ( A d ,@f)E< A >! with @f = Xx(i)@, @ E N , 11 @ )I= 1
The further particularization to t h e case where @ = @' (see 215a) and X2 = R gives t h e coherent states in t h e sense of Schroedinger (1926N). These states give (219a) (219b)
< Q >!= q < P >!= 8 < (Q-q1)2 > f . < ( P - P I ) ~>f=tL2/4
These are, therefore, states of minimal quantum dispersion (see 8.2.82-87) centered at i = (8, q) E IR" X R". Our third example generalizes t h e first example in still another direction. With t h e harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian (214) consider the density matrix
Physically the state
is interpreted as t h e canonical equilibrium state for the harmonic oscillator at natural temperature = l / k T (compare with 8.2.53-55). A straightforward computation gives for every z = (a, 6)E IR" x IR" (221b) (221c)
= exp{-X2e!(wa2
ef =
+ w-'ii2)/4)
coth (PwX2/2)
Clearly { + f l ~ E (0, w>}is a classical state for every uniformly on compacta as X -+ 0, to t h e function (222a)
q$ : z E
P E (0, m). I t
+ w-'h2)/2)
the Fourier transform of which is the measure pa on (222b)
dka(P, 4 ) = 2-' exp{--PH($,
IR" X IR" given
4))dv d"(?
(222d) Note t h a t pa is the canonical equilibrium measure, at natural temperature O , for the classical harmonic oscillator (see 222d). All these examples suggest t h a t classical states define distributions on IR" X R".This is indeed the case in general since t h e continuous functions $0 of positive type, obtained as limit of classical states are, by t h e classical Bochner theorem, Fourier transforms of normalized, but not necessarily completely additive, measures on the space R"X R". From this remark, one then obtains the following two results. SCHOLNM 3. To every quantum observable (223)
/ d"z
( 2 ) exp{-i(aPx
+ Qx)}
with f E Li(C",dnz) corresponds a unique function (224)
j ( i )= /
with 2 = (9, q ) running over C" state {AIIX E (0,m)}: lim
f ( z >exp{-i(aP
f : C" + C
given by
+ aq)}
= R"X R")such that for every classical
< A; 3 >= / d p # ( i ) f ( 2 )
where p# is the Bochner measure corresponding to the continuous function $o of positive-type determined by { # x ( X E (0,m)). COROLLARY 4. For every pair ( f , g ) of continuous functions, with compact support, f r o m R"X IR" to a, and for every classical state { h l X E ( 0 ,m)}
< A; 3 ox D >
1-0 lim
< 01;{i,Dh >
/ (7. g)(;) / d P r ( i ) { j ,P)(2> dp+(t)
where f OX ij (resp. 3 ) ~ )is the Jordan-(resp. Lie) product defined on AX by (209); p4 is the measure associated t o {@,,/A E ( 0 , ~ ) )by Bochner's theorem, as in Scholium 3; j (and similarly ij) is the function associated t o (resp. 6) by Scholium 3; 7 . 3 is the usual point-wise product of functions, i.e. (7 . ij)(2) = f(2)#(2); and finally { j ,#} is the Poisson bracket:
These two results can be paraphrased by saying t h a t the phase-space formalism of classical mechanics follows from t h e von Neumann formalism of quantum mechanics. Specifically, the phase-space T*R" N C" = lR" X IRn of classical mechanics appears as t h e space of classical pure space; classical states determine measures o n this phase space; to every quantum observable corresponds a well-defined, essentially bounded, function o n t h e phase-space; this correspondence is known as the Wigner (1932)-Moyal (1949) rule, and it is derived here from first principles; this correspondence is clearly linear; moreover, the Jordan-(point-wise multiplication) and Lie-(Poisson bracket) structures of classical mechanics follow respectively from t h e Jordan-(syrnmetrized product) and Lie-(quantum commutator) structures of t h e algebra of quantum observables. The limit X 0 corresponds to a "macroscopic" choice of physical units to mesure momentum and position: in these units t h e numerical value of the Planck constant becomes arbitrarily small. The detailed proofs of the above results are straightforward and they can be found in Emch (1982 & 1983), where a generalization from R" to curved homogeneous Riemannian manifolds is also indicated. In t h e light of these results, quantum theory can be seen as t h e fundamental theory from which another theory-namely classical mechanics-is derived as a limiting case, where a fundamental constant-namely t h e Planck constant h-is formally let go to zero. This is reminiscent of t h e situation encountered in special relativity where Galilean relativity is obtained as a limiting theory when another fundamental constant-namely t h e inverse c-l of t h e velocity of light c-is formally let go to zero. Upon remembering t h e theory of (local) factors presented in Subsection e above, the reader will notice t h a t , underneath the classical limit h + 0, lies a concept of contraction of Lie groups (or deformation of their group algebra) t h a t is quite analogous to the phenomena discovered by Inonu & Wigner (1953) in their discussion of t h e passage from Einstein's to Galilean relativity; see also Saletan (1961) and for an up-dated review with interesting references, Arnal e t al. (1981). The link just established between quantum and classical mechanics explain the similarity of methods used, in both theories, to solve some specific problems. This is t h e case, for instance, of t h e group theoretical considerations developed, for any Galilean-invariant system of N particles, to show t h a t t h e time evolution is generated by a Hamiltonian of t h e form
with V depending only on the interparticle distances; see e.g. Mackey (1963), Jauch (1968) and Abraham & Marsden (1978). For a comparison between the quantum and classical evolutions corresponding to such Hamiltonians, see Hepp (1974). Section 4. QUANTUM SCATTERING THEORY There are few-if any-areas of mathematical physics where von Neumann’s Hilbert space formalism has been more successful than in its applications to quantum scattering theory. From the early days of atomic and nuclear physics to their current activities around t h e giant accelerators of high energy physics or i n the quantum optics laboratories, physicists have used scattering experiments as a method of choice to probe t h e fundamental interactions between t h e elementary constituents of matter a n d radiation. Mathematically, quantum scattering theory, focusing as it does o n a specific class of partial differential equations, has provided functional analysis with a wealth of precise problems t h a t have helped sharpen our knowledge of self-adjoint operators a n d their spectral properties. A mathematician interested in detailed accounts of w h a t has been accomplished in this field should consult the books by Amrein, Jauch & Sinha (1977) and by Reed & Simon (1979); see also K a t o (1966), Simon (1971), and Amrein (1981). To keep the presentation of the basic ideas at a reasonably elementary level, we shall concentrate here on the particular case of the scattering of a non-relativistic quantum particle by a potential. Note t h a t this particular case also covers another problem of physical interest, namely the mutual scattering of two interacting quantum particles A a n d B described individually in the Hilbert spaces MA = L2(IR3,d3zA)and XB = L2(R3, d3zs). The Hilbert space of t h e joint system is then X = XA @I XB where the joint evolution is described by a strongly continuous one-parameter group U : IR --t U ( X ) of unitary operators. By Stone’s theorem, we have U ( t )= exp{-iHt}. T h e Hamiltonian H is supposed to be of t h e form Ho V with Ho and V defined from
where A denotes the Laplace operator. Informed by classical mechanics, one introduces the new set of canonical observables
t h a t suggests t h e introduction of t h e unitary operator U : MA @ UB Urel [with UCM G L2(IR3, d9X) and Urel = L2(R3,&z)] defined by
This unitary transformation allows to rewrite U ( R ) in t h e form (4)
U ( t )= I ~ c M ( ~@) Urel(t) with U C ~ (= t ) exp{--iHcMt} and Urel(t) = exp{-iHrelt}
HCMand Hrel are defined
Hence, as in classical mechanics, t h e motion of t h e center of mass is free a n d can be factored out, leaving t h e problem of a single quantum particle of mass m moving in t h e potential V. We will assume, throughout this section, t h a t we are given two self-adjoint oeprators Ho and Hi acting in a separable Hilbert space U. We say t h a t ( U , Ho, H I ) is standard if U = L 2(IR3,d'z); Ho is defined as a self-adjoint extension of the second-order differential operator (-AZ/2m); and HI is defined as a self-adjoint extension of (-AZ/2m) V, where V is a multiplication operator. Recall t h a t , to every self-adjoint operator H acting in U is canonically associated a spectral family {Px(X E IR} and a one-parameter group of unitary operators acting on X, continuous in t h e strong-operator topology, namely
~ ( t=) exp{--itit}
d ~ x
Recall further t h a t for every Q E U
defines a probability measure on R. {PxlX E IR} defines a n orthogonal decomposition (8)
= Up(H)63 Uac(H) @ Us,(H)
where Up(H)is the subspace of U spanned by the eigenvectors of H ; Uac(H)is the subspace of H defined by t h e condition \Ir E Wac(H)if a n d only if pO is
absolutely continuous with respect to Lebesgue measure. Note that, for every 0 E Nac(H),the Riemann-Lebesgue lemma implies t h a t
This is interpreted as follows. L e t
U with 1)
@ ))= 1; Qt EE U(t)Q;
be the state of the particle at time t;
be the proposition asserting t h a t the particle is in the state $J; then
is the probability to find the particle in t h e state $J at time t , when we know t h a t it is in t h a t same state at time t = 0. The relation (10) therefore means t h a t for every @ E Nac(H),one has lim p * ( t ) = 0
If, instead of Q E U,,(H), we now assume t h a t Q E Use(H)= [#,(If) @ Nac(H)]L,p l ~is singular continuous-the Cantor measure is a n example illustrating how nasty this situation can be-and t h e best one can guarantee on the behaviour of p $ ( t ) at infinity is t h a t
Even for t h e standard situations of scattering theory, where U = N,,(H0 = N8,(H0) = 0, one of t h e hard questions of t h e theory is to find conditions on V such t h a t U,,(H1) = 0; for a systematic introduction to t h e different techniques deployed for t h e control of this condition, see Reed & Simon (1979). Counterexamples are known, b u t they have been pushed now into a rather contrived corner of the theory; it thus seems better, in an elementary exposition such as t h a t of the present section, to assume U,,(Ho) = 0 = Ngc(H1),unless explicit mention is made to t h e contrary. For instance, these conditions are satisfied for Ho = -A/2m acting in L2(R3,d'z), and - A / 2 m ) , and thus
Hi = Ho
+ V if there exists E > 0 such t h a t
can be written in the form
This result often allows one to control separately the behaviour of V at infinity and its local behaviour, for instance by defining Wl = x, W where x, is t h e characteristic function of a compact A C R3. In its simplest form, scattering theory is concerned with the time-behaviour of pure normal states on 8()0. Let $J be such a state; U : I R + U(U) be a unitary group evolution on U , continuous with respect to t h e strong operator topology; H be its generator; $J* be defined as in (11); Pr be t h e projector defined by
where Xs(r) is t h e characteristic function of t h e ball
denotes t h e probability to find the particle in S ( r ) at time t when we know t h a t it is in t h e state $ at t = 0. We say t h a t $J is a scattering state for U(R) if
Alternate definitions have been considered. For instance, if we had been willing to consider situations where U,,(H) # 0, it would have made sense to replace (19) by the weaker condition
Moreover, situations can be produced analytically-see, e.g. Pearson (1975)where i t is necessary to distinguish in (19) the limits corresponding to t h e remote past (t --* -XI) a n d the distant future (t + +XI). We shall not make this distinction here, and we will mention below a class of standard situations where this is justified. We shall t h u s denote by M,(H) t h e set of
pure normal states on BO() t h a t satisfy (19), and we will refer to its elements as the scattering states for the evolution U(R) generated by H . Similarly, we denote by Mo(H) the set of pure normal states on B(U) t h a t satisfy
and we will refer to the elements of Mo(H)as the bound states for the evolution U(IR)generated by H. Let us further denote by E,(H) [resp. Eo(H)]the linear subspace of M generated by the vectors E M such t h a t the corresponding belong to M,(H) [resp. Mo(H)]. Note t h a t E,(H) and E o ( H )are closed subspaces of )I, t h a t are stable under U(R), and mutually orthogonal. In general, one has only Up(H)C Eo(H) and E,(H) Mp(H)I;the following particular cases should nevertheless be noted. In the standard case (U, Ho, Hl) described earlier, U,,(Ho) = X = E,(Ho) and )(,(Ho)= 0 = Eo(H0); moreover, if U g c ( H ~=) 0 [see e.g. (IS)], and if V can be written in the form (22)
V(Z) = K(x) V,(z) with V, E L 2 ( R 3 , d 3 x ) and V, E Lw(RS,dsz)
then Mac(Hi)= Ea,(Hi) and Up(H1)= Eo(Hi). Additional information on scattering states is obtained upon introducing t h e notion of sojourn time, either in a compact A C IRs or in a state $J,namely
where p * ( t ) is defined in (13). These notions have been studied-see e.g. Lavine (1978)-in connection with t h e concepts of resonances and their line-width. Lavine has further work in progress on finding realistic bounds for t h e situation where a quantum particle is “almost” trapped in a rigid cavity of reasonably general geometric shape; this work is to be distinguished from the asymptotic time rescaling procedures developed for the “tunneling” situations where t h e rigid cavity is replaced by a soft potential-wall of finite but very large height, and where detailed information (of a somewhat different kind) is availablesee e.g. Emch & Sinha (1979), and references quoted therein on t h e related theories of spectral concentration t h a t grew o u t of t h e work by K a t o (1966). The notion of sojourn time should also not be confused with t h e scattering theory concept of time delay to be introduced later on in this section. We now come to the study of scattering situations where we want to compare two unitary group evolutions Uh : IR + U ( U ) (k = O , l ) , continuous with respect to t h e strong operator topology. For convenience, we refer to Uo(lR) as the free evolution [resp. t h e evolution with interaction], [resp. U1(IR)]
keeping in mind the standard situation where the generator Ho [resp. H1]of Uo(lR) [resp. UI(IR)] is defined from - A / 2 m [resp. - A / 2 m V(z)] acting in L2(IR3, d%); the reader will verify t h a t t h e mathematical concepts of t h e theory are more general t h a n this particular interpretation, b u t t h a t t h e role of this specific case comes into play when one starts trying to implement t h e axioms. In a typical scattering situation, the way a n experimenter sees t h e effects of the potential V = Hi - Ho can be intuitively described as follows. Far away from t h e scattering region, i.e. far away from the region where V is appreciably different from Bero, particles behave as if they were free. As such an asymptotically free particle enters the scattering region, it is deflected and ultimately comes o u t of this region in a state which is again asymptotically free. T h e aims of scattering theory are therefore: (a) to establish a correspondence between the scattering states t h a t belong to t h e description pertaining to Uo(lR), and those t h a t belong to t h e description pertaining to Ul(IR); (b) to use this to establish a correspondence between t h e states of t h e incoming and outgoing particles; (c) to relate these correspondences to V itself. A systematic programme to give a n abstract formalization of this situation was started by Jauch (1958); t h e emphasis there was on providing t h e theory with a set of general, mathematically well-formulated axioms, while mathematical existence proofs had already begun to appear for various concrete, b u t special, realiaations; see e.g. Cook (1957). To bring order into w h a t has to be proven, it is convenient to isolate three separate conditions. The first condition is t h a t for every vector @- [resp. in E,(Ho) t h e following limits exist
s - lim Ul(t)'Uo(t)@t-r-m
s - lim Ui(t)*Uo(t)@+ t++w
We denote by R_(Hi,Ho) [resp. R+(HI,Ho)]the linear operator acting from E,,,(Ho) to U defined by (24a) [resp. (24b)l; when no confusion is likely, we Note t h a t simply write R- for $2-(H1,Ho),and similarly $2, for $2+(Hl,Ho). t h e convention to denote by R, [resp. S2-] t h e operator we call $2- [resp. R+] is also used in t h e literature. R* are referred to as t h e wave operators of t h e theory. The second condition, known as weak asymptotic completeness, is t h a t t h e ranges of R+ and R- coincide, i.e. (25)
a+ = Ran R-
When this condition is satisfied, we refer to this subspace as R a n .$2, The third condition, known as asymptotic completeness, is (26)
R a n R, = E,,,(Hl)
The physical meaning of these three conditions can be described as follows. To assume t h a t the wave operator n- exists is to assume t h a t for every asymptotic vector state 3- E E,(Ho) there exists a vector 3 E H, t h e evolution of which through Ui (R)approximates the free evolution of 3- as t + -oo in t h e sense that
A similar meaning can be given to the condition t h a t 0, exists. One could argue t h a t the topology of strong convergence in )I is perhaps not the most natural topology to use on physical grounds; this is a valid objection, and we
shall come back on this point towards the end of this section; for t h e time being, we shall nevertheless conform to the widely accepted usage in t h e field, proceed with this topology, and see w h a t it leads to. Once 61- and n, are assumed to be defined by (24) for every vector in E,(Ho), t h e assumption t h a t R a n QR a n f2, amounts to assuming t h a t for each 3 = 61-Q- with 3- E EW(Ho) there exists 3+ E Ew(Ho),the free evolution of which approximates, as t -t +oo, the evolution of JI through Ui(R) in t h e sense t h a t
A similar interpretation, with the roles of t -+ -oo and of t -+ +oo interchanged, can be given for the condition t h a t Ran n+ C R a n n-. Finally, when (24a) [resp. (24b)J holds, t h e condition t h a t R a n Q- = E,(Hi) [resp. R a n S2+ = E,(H1)] amounts to assuming t h a t n- [resp. n+]is a m a p from Ew(Ho)onto &,(HI), t h u s establishing a m a p from the scattering states for Uo(R) onto t h e scattering states for Ul(IR). From these conditions, it follows t h a t
E,(Ho) : 3+ E E,(Ho)
Q- : 3- E
st+-a -1im Ul(t)*Uo(t)3E Ew(Hi) s - lim Ui(t)*Uo(t)Q+ E E,(Hi) t++m
are isometric bijections, with adjoints
and t h a t they satisfy, for all t E IR, t h e intertwining relations
Mathematically, Q, a n d Q- thus establish spatial equivalences between t h e unitary group obtained as t h e restriction of Uo(R)to Em(&), a n d t h e unitary group obtained as the restriction of Ul(IR)to Em(H1). Hence, t h e three conditions (24-26) together a m o u n t conceptually to t h e desired symmetric statement of the asymptotic equivalence between the two evolutions of &(R)and Ul(R) as viewed from their respective scattering states. A t this abstract level, t h u s starting with t h e one could have exchanged the roles of LIo(IR)and Ul(lR), definition of t h e isometries $2+* instead of a*. T h e reason for t h e traditional formulation presented here is therefore one of technical convenience: in t h e standard scattering situations, the proofs t h a t the conditions (24-26) hold use explicitly t h e information immediately available (e.g. via Fourier transform) o n the Hamiltonian Ho of the free evolution (i.e. essentially on t h e differential operator -A/2m) and its spectral family; n o such information is available a priori on t h e total Hamiltonian H t h a t includes t h e interaction V. In particular, a satisfactory scattering theory-in t h e sense t h a t t h e limits (24) exist and define wave operators and !2+ for which t h e asymptotic completeness condition (26) [and t h u s (25)] holds true-obtains when V belongs to t h e class of so-called Agmon potentials, of which (16) gives a most immediate example. More work is nonetheless still necessary since, even in standard potential scattering theory, explicit situations can be described, t h a t d o not satisfy these conditions. For instance, Pearson (1975) found a short range, spherically symmetric potential such t h a t : (i) it is sufficiently well behaved (it is bounded on compact subsets of R3\ {0}, and has compact support) for H = - A / 2 m V to be well defined as a positive self-adjoint operator, a n d for Q+ to exist; b u t (ii) it is nevertheless sufficiently wild (it is unbounded and oscillates violently as r -+ 0) for R a n n, to be different from R a n Q-. Physically, “states exist which are asymptotically free as t -+ -00, b u t have a non aero probability of absorption into t h e origin as t + +m”, i.e. there are incoming states which, in t h e distant future, break into two pieces, the first of which scatters away freely as expected in less singular situations, while t h e second piece gets trapped near t h e origin: the repulsive part of t h e oscillating potential prevents t h e incoming particle to reach the origin in a finite time, while t h e attractive part of t h e potential prevents the particle to be just reflected away. Even more disturbingly, t h e Coulomb potential V ( r ) = Cr-’ does not satisfy (16) for any 6 > 0. This is n o t a pathology of t h e method but, o n the contrary, it is a n intrinsic feature of t h e Coulomb potential itself: i t decreases too slowly as r -+ 00 for $2, even to exist; see Dollard (1964). We shall come back to this point towards t h e end of this section. For t h e time being, we nevertheless want to explore a few of t h e consequences of (24-26) since they can still serve as a guide for subsequent generaliaations. The existence of wave operators Q, satisfying t h e (weak) asymptotic completeness condition allows one to define t h e scattering operator
s : JI- E E ~ ( HH~ JI+)
= a+*n-a- E E , ( H ~ ) .
The physical significance of this operator is t h a t it ascribes to every asymptotically free, incoming state $J- (associated to q-), the asymptotically free, outgoing state $+ (associated to @+); it thus describes the observable features of the scattering process without any explicit reference to t h e interpolating state $ (associated to a-@- = Q = n+JI+). Note t h a t S is an isometric bijection of Em(Ho) onto itself, and t h a t t h e intertwining relations (31) imply (33)
SUo(t)= s2+'Ul(t)n- = Uo(t)Son Em(Ho).
In particular, for t h e standard scattering situation, where Ho is defined one has Eao(Ho)= U ; consequently S from -A/2m acting on L2(R3,d32), is then a unitary operator on U , commuting with U0(R). If furthermore, V is spherically symmetric-and satisfies some assumptions of smoothness a n d of fast decrease at infinity, which we do not want to detail here beyond saying t h a t they ensure, in particular, t h a t the condition of asymptotic completeness is fulfilled; see Amrein, Jauch & Sinha (1977)-the rotational symmetry of the resulting scattering situation can be exploited to derive from S specific information on quantities of direct physical interest; we briefly indicate a few of them. Recall first t h a t U = L 2(lR3,d3z) supports a unitary representation of t h e group G = 0; of rotations in R3,continuous in t h e strong-operator topology, and defined by
[V(g)Ql(4 = *(s-"zl)
9 EG
U as U = 3 8 5 with
It is convenient to realize (35)
3 = L2(IR+, r2dr) and $ = L2(S2,d j ~ )
where dp is the Haar measure on S2 w.r.t. G. In this realization
V(g)= IF 63 U(g) v 9 E G
where U(G)decomposes $ into a direct sum of mutually orthogonal subspaces {G'Il E Z+}such t h a t : (i) dim 5' = (21 1); (ii) each 5' is stable under the action of U(G); (iii) the restriction U'(G) of U(G) to 5' is irreducible and every irreducible unitary representation of G appears exactly once in this decomposition. One obtains in this manner
k 0
and, for every g E G a0
V(g)= @ V'(g) with V'(g)=- IT @ cl'(g)
The spherical symmetry of the potential V then implies t h a t S, like Uo(IR), commutes with V(G).From (36), (37) and the properties of U(G)just mentioned, one concludes that, for every t € IR
S = @ S' with S'(t) = S'r @ P' 1=0
where P' is the projector from &(R)[see (33)], one has (39)
6 onto 6'. Moreover, since S commutes with
s: U:(t) = U:(t)S:
The principal feature of this decomposition is that, for each I , the von Neumann algebra U:, defined on 3 by
u'r = {V:(t)It E R}"
(404 satisfies
(Uk)' = urI
i.e. it is maximal abelian. Consequently, the spectrum of the generator H'r of U:(R) is simple; moreover it is absolutely continuous and covers R+.This is the starting point of what physicists refer to as "partial wave analysis". Let now (3;IX E R+}be the spectral family canonically associated to H:, and {Pi = 3: @ P'}.As a consequence of (38)-(40) one has immediately (414
~ b ( t= )
s' =
1 1
d ~ vi t E R
S'(X) dPI,
Since, moreover, S' is unitary, there exists a real-valued measurable function Sl(.) on R+ such t h a t
s'(x)= exp{2 ~s'(x)}
@(A) is called the partial wave phase shift for angular momentum I and energy X. These objects are used to compute a quantity of direct experimental significance: the quantum analog of the classical scattering cross-section, namely the energy dependent quantity at&)
= 4A C ( 2 1 + I= 0
Amongst t h e applications of this type of analysis, we should at least mention here t h a t resonance-energies have been identified with t h e values of X where Sl(X) = 7r/2 [and dS1(X)/dA positive and large]; also the behaviour of @(A) as X --t 0 gives precise information on t h e number of bound states of HI; see t h e texts by Newton (1966) and Amrein, Jauch & Sinha (1977). Another quantity t h a t can be linked to the scattering operator is t h e time delay. This is to be defined as the limit, when r -t 00, of t h e difference between the actual and the free sojourn times-see (23)-in t h e ball S, of radius r centered at the origin; specifically, let $- be t h e scattering state given by some 0- E E,(Ho), and $J be t h e corresponding interpolating state, given by @ = 61-@-; one wants to define
dt(Uo(t)*[n%62- - P,]Uo(t)@-, K)
Conditions are known-in particular on the decrease at infinity of a spherically symmetric potential V ; see Amrein, Jauch & Sinha (1977), and references quoted therein-which imply t h a t there exists a dense family of @- € ,!?,(Elo) = li with the following properties: (i) t h e limits involved in (43) do exist; (ii) one can rewrite (43) in the form
and (iii) with the notation issued from (38)-(41)
AT($-) = (AT @-, @-) (44b)
AT = /AT(X)dPk
dS A T @ ) = -iS(X)*-(A) dX
which one can rewrite (44c)
db dX
AT(X) = 2 -(A)
where S(X)= exp{2ib(X))
This formula thus expresses the time delay at energy X as the derivative, with respect to A, of the phase 26(X) of t h e unitary operator S(X), i.e. of t h e “on shell scattering operator”; (44c) is known as t h e Eisenbud- Wigner relation, and it can be given t h e following heuristic interpretation. Suppose a n incoming
spherical wave is described (for t (454
0) by a radial wave packet of t h e form
lrn $(k) dk
+w t ) }
with w
with $(k) strongly peaked around a given value of k, say ko. T h e integral will t h u s differ appreciably from aero only when t h e phase (kr w t ) is stationary at k = ko, i.e. when
a condition t h a t can be rewritten in t h e suggestive form r
+ u(ko)t
~ ( k o )
T h e corresponding outgoing spherical wave is described (for t wave packet of t h e form (46a)
dk $(k) exp{i(kr
+ 26 - w t ) }
with w
>> 0) by a radial
where 6 is the phase-shift for $(k)-recall t h a t t h e latter is strongly peaked at k = ko. By t h e same argument as before one obtains
r - u(ko)[t
- AT(ko)]N
d6 with AT(k0) E -(ko)
Upon comparing (45) and (46) one sees t h a t AT(k0) can indeed be interpreted as a time delay, providing t h u s the heuristic interpretation of (44c) t h a t was looked for. Still another confirmation t h a t t h e time delay AT does capture a n essential aspect of t h e effect of t h e potential V o n t h e motion of a quantum particle was provided by Lavine (1974) who proved, again under smoothness assumptions on V , t h a t if V + 3z-VV is everywhere positive [resp. everywhere negative], then t h e time delay A T is positive [resp. negative]. We finally want to come back to a fact we did mention earlier, namely t h a t t h e asymptotic condition (24) is too strong to be satisfied by some potentials of physical interest such as t h e Coulomb potential V(r) = r-l. T h e question t h u s arises of whether it is possible to weaken this condition without losing its mathematical potency and its physical relevance. Several proposals have been made in answer to this question; see e.g. Dollard (1964); Jauch, Misra & Gibson (1968); Lavine (1970); Amrein, Martin & Misra (1970); Amrein, Georgescu & Martin (1974) and references quoted therein.
Physically, one should only require t h a t a triple { S,(ao), S,(ai), A } be identified, where: SW(ao)[resp. S,(ai)] is a distinguished class of states, called the scattering states with respect to the free evolution ao(R)[resp. t h e evolution al(R)with interaction]; and A is a distinguished class of observables, with &,(ao),&,(al) and A large enough to provide a useful description of t h e scattering process, while still allowing for the following three conditions to be satisfied. Firstly, one would require t h a t
for all $J* E S,(ao), $J E Sao(al)and P, defined by (17). Secondly, one would require t h a t for every $J E Sao(a1)there exist $J* E &(ao)such t h a t VAEA
Thirdly, in view of the way many scattering experiments are conducted, one may want to require t h a t the observbles A in A satisfy
s - lim a ~ ( t ) [ A ] 4
(here, as everywhere else in this section, s - lim denotes a limit t h a t is taken in the strong-operator topology); one may even want to require t h a t A E A are constants of the free motion, i.e.
Mathematically, a condition t h a t implements t h e above physical requirements on pure scattering states, and is still significantly weaker t h a n (24), can be proven to be satisfied in situations of physical interest. Specifically, consider a potential scattering situation where ao(R)is implemented by a unitary group Uo(IR), continuous for t h e strong operator topology, with generator -A/2m; and where a1(IR)is implemented by a unitary group &(IR), continuous for t h e strong operator topology, with generator -A/2rn V. Suppose further t h a t V is spherically symmetric and can be written in t h e form V = V,+ &, where V, is spherically symmetric, and is differentiable with respect to r - 1 1 z 11, with derivative dV,/dr in L'(IR+, dr); and where V, is such that-with H, denoting (-A/2m V,)-one has n*(Hl, Ha) exist, with R a n !&(HI, H,) EZ NaC(H1). In applications, the condition on V, allows the potential to decrease to zero at infinity as slowly as r-€ with E > 0, whereas t h e introduction of t h e term V, allows to control some local singularities; in particular, t h e Coulomb potential V(r) = Cr-' is allowed by these assumptions. Under conditions t h a t
are satisfied for the situations just described, Lavine (1970) proved t h a t the following limits exist s - lim a(t)[A]E,(H1) t+*a
= W* [A] V A
when A is the C'-algebra (524
A E {f(P)lf : R3 + a bounded, continuous }
where the components P l , Pz and Ps of P are the momentum operators defined by (52b)
V(a)= exp{-zP
. a} with [V(a)Q](z) = Q(x - a)
As a direct consequence of (51) and (52) one has V A, €3 E A, V t E V J , p E a:
R and
This leaves open two questions. The first is whether wf are isometries, or equivalently, whether they are injective. For spherically symmetric potentials V, this question has been answered positively by Lavine (1970), provided one has, in addition to (51) on (52), t h a t V(Ho i)-l is compact, a condition which is also satisfied for the Coulomb potential. The second question is: (a) to determine whether W* can be spatially implemented, i.e. whether there exist partial isometries fl, such t h a t
w*[A] = fl*AG?** ;
and (b), when (54) is satisfied, to interpret the meaning of the Hilbert space This question is considered in Amrein, Jauch t Sinha (1977) operators G?,. who present there a synthesis of work done with several of their coworkers. The answer hinges on three technical questions: (i) whether W* are ultraweakly continuous, and thus naturally extend to the maximal abelian von Neumann algebra A"; (ii) whether w*[A"] admit vectors t h a t are cyclic in E,(HI), a condition that is satisfied if the algebras w f [ A " ] , when restricted to the stable subspace Ea(Hi) [see (53b)], have abelian commutant in E,(Hi); (iii) whether there exist cyclic vectors 9"for A" and Qgfor w*[A"] such t h a t (55)
(AQ", Q") = (w*[A]@-, 9%) V A E A " .
Note t h a t even if n , exist in t h e sense of (54), and satisfy all the above conditions, it is still possible t h a t they d o not satisfy t h e original conditions (24). Nevertheless, conditions are known under which there exist two strongly continuous families {U,(t)lt E IR} of unitary operators such t h a t
il - s - lim Ul(tyU*(t)
are satisfied, but not (57) The most interesting case for which: (i) 0, exist in t h e sense of (54), (ii) (56) is satisfied-with U*(t) functions of Ho-and (iii) (57) does not hold, is the scattering theory corresponding to the Coulomb potential V(r) = 0 - l ; this pathology was discovered by Dollard (1964). Notice further t h a t even when 0, exist in the sense of (54), with both (56) and (57) satisfied, it is still possible t h a t the generators K* of the groups U*(R)d o not coincide with Ho; physicists refer to this situation as “energy renormalization”; t h e most trivial example for which this situation prevails is obtained when Hi - Ho V = VO c l where c E IR \ {0} and & satisfies conditions ensuring t h a t (54), or even (24), hold: in this case K+ are evidently given by Ho c l . Finally, we should mention again t h a t we limited our scope in this section to 2-body scattering problems. Progress has recently been made on t h e theory of multi-channel scattering t h a t is required to understand t h e quantum Nbody problem; this work is still in progress, and the reader who desires to familiarize himself with the sophistication involved in treating this type of problems should consult Faddeev (1965); P a r t IV of Amrein, Jauch & Sinha (1977); Perry, Sigal & Simon (1981); Hagedorn (1980-83); Enss (1983); a n d references quoted therein.
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CHAPTER 9. THE ALGEBRAIC FORMULATION OF QUANTUM MECHANICS SYNOPSIS As seen in the preceding chapter, the Hilbert space formulation of quant u m mechanics scored impressive successes when dealing with non-relativistic systems involving only a finite number of degrees of freedom. As t h e years passed, however, quantum statistical mechanics a n d relativistic quantum field theory were grudgingly recognized to lie somewhere beyond t h e reach of this formalism. Moreover, t h e somewhat ad hoc, or a priori, introduction of a Hilbert space on which to build the theory was leaving room for a conceptually tighter approach. Following Jordan, von Neumann & Wigner (1934), Segal (1947) and Haag & Kastler (1964), it is argued in this chapter t h a t a closer adherence to empirically verifiable structural relations between t h e fundamental objects of t h e theory-the observables and the states-suggests t h a t the observables should be constructed from the self-adjoint elements of a C*-algebra, characteristic of the system considered, and t h a t t h e states should be identified as t h e elements of the convex set
The Gelfand-Naimark-Segal theorem allows then to reconstruct a Hilbert space representation appropriate to each given physical situation, i.e. to a class of compatible preparations of the system. In statistical mechanics, for instance, such a class would include those preparations which differ from one another only by quasi-local perturbations of a n equilibrium state at finite temperature; in quantum field theory such a class would include states which differ from one another only in finitely many particles. To verify t h a t “the baby has not been thrown o u t with t h e water of t h e bath”, one checks t h a t in those cases where the system considered has only finitely many degrees of freedom one recovers in this manner t h e formalism of Chapter Eight. Aside from the conceptual satisfaction one may derive from
having t h u s established known things on firmer foundations, the main point is t h a t t h e algebraic formulation is genuinely more general, and precisely so where more generality is needed. Drastically different (in technical terms “disjoint”) representations d o occur in cases of interest both to microphysics (leading to renewed hopes t h a t one might handle elementary particle interactions in a mathematically consistent manner) and to macrophysics. Some aspects of non-commutatiave ergodic theory are presented in Section Two, for use in Chapter Ten. Section 1. T H E FUNDAMENTAL POSTULATE We described, in Section 8.3, von Neumann’s mathematical synthesis of the ideas of Heisenberg, Schroedinger a n d Born o n quantum mechanics. T h e main success of von Neumann’s formulation is t h a t i t captures t h e essential aspects of these earlier theories, while providing quantum mechanics with a reliable and powerful tool to deal with situations, in microphysics, involving finitely many degrees of freedom. We now pursue this sanitation process a step further, with two aims in mind: (i) to increase t h e realm of t h e physical situations which can be mathematically handled; and (ii) to get closer to a n epistemological critique of the physical premises of t h e theory.
THE C*-ALG~BRAIC POSTULATE. A physical system is characterized b y a triple { S * , A , < . ; . > } where: A, the set of its observables (or measurable attributes), is the collection of all the self-adjoint elements A of a (?*-algebra B with identity I satisfying 11 I ((= 1; S*, the set of its states (or modes of preparation), is the collection of all real-valued, positive linear functionals 4 on A, normalized by the condition < 4; I >= 1; and the prediction rule < . , . > which attributes, t o every pair (+,A) E S* x A , the value < 4; A > of 4 at A, interpreted as the ezpectation of the observable A when the system is in the state 4. a. Basic mathematical structures Recall from Subsection 8.3.b t h a t a C*-algebra B is a n involutive Banach algebra over a, satisfying t h e condition 11 BIB 11=11 B (I2 for all B E 8. An element A E B is said to be self-adjoint whenever A = A*. T h e set A appearing in the postulate is t h u s unambiguously defined as a mathematical object. Clearly A inherits from B t h e structure of a linear space over IR. We, therefore, know what it means for a functional 4 : A E A H < $;A >E R to be linear. We next have to say w h a t we mean by t h e condition t h a t be positive: we want to say t h a t this condition is satisfied exactly when 4 takes positive values on t h e positive elements of A; for this condition to be more t h a n a mere tautology, we need to know w h a t we mean by a positive element of A . There are several equivalent ways to define t h e latter concept; the way which is closer to its physical interpretation is to say t h a t A E A is positive exactly when its spectrum u(A) is a subset of IR+. Recall t h a t a n element B
of an involutive Banach algebra B with unit I (satisfying 11 I I/= 1) is said to be regular whenever there exists a n element X E 8 , called t h e inverse of B and denoted by B-', such t h a t BX = I = XB. An element B E B which is not regular is said to be singular. The spectrum a(B)of a n arbitrary element B E B is the set
a(B)= { z E Cl(zZ - B ) is singular }
Recall further t h a t a ( B ) is a non-void, closed subset of C,satisfying
a(B*)= a(B)*
{ z E Clz' E a(B)}
Ia(B)I is called t h e spectral radius of B. In particular, if A E A = { A E BIA* = A } , a(A) is a compact subset of R;we could in fact have defined, for these self-adjoint elements A, a(A) as t h e subset of IR consisting of t h e real numbers a such t h a t (aZ- A ) is singular in A. In t h e particular case of interest to us here, namely when B is, in addition, a C*-algebra, the defining relation 11 B*B IJ=(I B 11' implies for every A E A: 11 A2 1)=11 A 11' and t h u s by induction 11 Am A (Im for every m of the form m = 2" with n E Z+. This implies (see 3):
l4A)I = II A
I1 v
Note t h a t while this relation still holds when A self-adjoint is replaced by N normal (i.e. N*N= NN*), it is not satisfied for a n arbitrary element B E 8 ; a counterexample can already be found in t h e C*-algebra M(2, a). For A E A, the above discussion can be summarized by saying t h a t t h e spectrum a(A) of any observable A E A is a compact subset of IR,containing at least one of t h e two numbers f 11 A 11. All the mathematical terms entering t h e postulate are now defined, and we should comment on the resulting mathematical structures, with an eye to their physical import. SCHOLNM 1. Let A+ = { A E A la(A) C R+} and A - = { A E A I - A E A +}. Then (5) (6)
(7) (8) (9.) (96)
XA E A + V (A, A) E R+ X A + A+ n A- = {o} A + C € A + V (A,C)€A+xA+ IIAI( I f A E A+ V A E A
For A E A the following two conditions are equivalent A E A+ for some a E R with a 211 A 11 : (1 A- a l I[< a
Proof: ( 5 ) follows immediately from t h e definition of t h e spectrum of a n observable, and from the definition of A+. We prove (6) by noticing t h a t A E A + n A- implies o(A) C IR+ n IR- = (0); thus, by (4), this implies 11 A 0, i.e. A = 0. We keep (7) for t h e end of t h e proof, and proceed to prove (8). We have for any A E A : a ( A & 11 A 11 I ) = a(A)f 11 A I)= a(A)f la(A)I C R*, i.e. A) C RC which indeed proves (8). Considering now A E A, A 11 I we have 11 A - a1 [I= la(A- aI)l = la(A)- al; with a E IR such t h a t a 2 11 A I]= la(A)I,we have thus:
T h e condition (9b) therefore reads: sup ( a - z )
which is clearly equivalent to a(A) C IR+, i.e. to condition (9a). We now prove (7). From (9), we know A E A+ and C E A+ imply
Let now a
(1 + (1 C (I. Clearly a >(I
A+ C
W i t h this a, we form
C 11, we can use the equivalence where we have used (12). Since a 2 1) A (9a-b) to conclude t h a t (13) implies ( A C) E A+. 0
COROLLARY 2. Every state 4 belongs t o t h e dual A* of the real B a n a c h space A = { A E B : A = A * } ;moreover
Proof: T h e assertion (8) of Scholium 1 implies for every positive linear functional 4 on A, and every A E A
Consequently I < 4; A > 1 with 11 A 1 15 1 is bounded by < 4; I >; this bound is reached since 1) I I[= 1; hence /I 4 ]I=< 4; I >. T h e corollary then follows from the defining normalization of 4 E S'. 0
The first three statements of Scholium 1 amount exactly to say t h a t A+ is a positive cone in the space B (resp. A ) equipped with t h e partial ordering relation B 2 C defined in B (resp. A ) by (C - B ) E A+. The proof of (7) through the equivalence (9 a,b) as we gave it here, can be found in Kadison & Ringrose (1983) who also prove t h a t our definition of t h e positivity of an observable (through t h e positivity of its spectrum) is equivalent to the two other definitions which are suggested by the following example. Let K be a compact topological space, and C(K) be t h e C*-algebra of all continuous, complex-valued functions on K ;recall t h a t t h e fundamental composition laws in C(K)are, with f,g E C(K)and X E a:
(Xf) : z E K (f 9 ) : z E K (f . 9 ) : 2 E K f* : 2 E K
(W (W (W (W
E (I:
f(4+ 4 2 ) E a f(z)* g(z) E a
H f(2)'
E (I:
To say t h a t f E C(K is positive, in the sense defined above, clearly amounts to say t h a t f ( K )C R ; we shall see t h e abstract version of t h e latter condition later on; we however want now to point o u t t h a t this condition is also equivalent to each of t h e following two conditions: (i) there exists g E C(K)such t h a t f = g*g; and (ii) there exists h E C(K) positive such t h a t f = h2; note t h a t this h is unique: it is called the positive square root of f. These t w o equivalences generalize to the context we are concerned with in this section. Let indeed A = A* E A and recall t h a t o(A) is a compact subset of IR; write K = a(A) and define C(K)as in (16) above. Let P(K)t h e *-subalgebra of C(K),t h e elements of which are t h e polynomials from K to (I: (the same argument goes through if we replace (I: by R).To every p E P of the form
N E Z+, an E a, and
= l ) , we associate N n=O
(with N and a, as in (17), and Ao I ) . Note now t h a t t h e m a p p E P ( K )H p(A) E B is linear and satisfies p*(A) = p(A)*; furthermore, { p ( A ) l p E P ( K ) } is an abelian subalgebra of 8. Moreover,
II P(A) II (19)
= l4P(A))I
= SUP Ip(z)I ZE4-4
SUP s-w))
Since P(K)is dense in C(K) for t h e norm-topology, there exists a unique continuous m a p
f E C(K)
f ( A )E 8
extending t h e m a p p E P(K)H p(A) E 8 . T h e image {f(A)If E C(K)}of this m a p is a closed, abelian *-subalgebra of 8, i.e. is a C*-subalgebra of 8, the smallest one which contains A and I. We denote it by B(A). The isometric *-isomorphism just constructed allows to carry over to B(A) much of the operations one can perform on C(K). For instance] one can use it to show t h a t A E A implies A2 E A+, and conversely t h a t every A E A+ possesses a unique positive square root X (i.e. there exists a unique X E A+ such t h a t X 2= A). Moreover, t h e fact t h a t every real-valued f E C(K)can be written uniquely as t h e sum of its positive and negative parts has i t s counterpart here. For every A E A there is a unique decomposition A = A++A- with A* E A* (and A* E B(A)),satisfying A+A- = 0 = A-A+. Consider now for a n arbitrary element B E 8, t h e element B*B which obviously belongs to A ; we want to show t h a t it belongs to A+. For this purpose, we write
B*B= A = A+ + A -
with A* E A*, A+A- = 0 = A-A+ as just indicated. L e t now C We have
-C*C = -A-B*BA-
E A+
E A+. Note then
since A- E A-, and thus (-A-) (23)
= (-A-)'
= BA-.
u (0)
From ( 2 2 ) and (23) we have then
u(-cc*)c IR+
With (25)
- CC*E A+
+ C * ) / 2 and Y = (C - C * ) / 2 i , we have c*c= 2 x 2 + 2 Y 2 + (-CC*)
Since X , Y E A, and Y 2 belong to A+, and so do 2 X 2 and 2 Y 2 . Upon repeated use of (7) in Scholium 1, we obtain (recall 24): (26)
E A'.
( 2 2 ) and (26) now give, due to (6),C*C= 0, and t h u s (-A-)3 = 0. From (3) we conclude Io(A-)I = 0, a n d t h u s upon using A- E A a n d (4): 11 A- \I= 0 and thus A- = 0, i.e. B*B = A+ E A+. To summariae t h e above argument, we obtain:
(27.1 (27b)
8 , the following conditions are equivalent XEA+ 3 B E B such that X = B*B 3 A E A such that X = A2 3 A E A + such that X = A2
(274 P7d)
When any, and thus all, of these conditions is satisfied, (27d) determines uniquely A E A + . We defined a s t a t e as a m a p # : A -t IR t h a t is R-linear, positive and normalized by < #; I >= 1, where A is the collection of self-adjoint elements of a C*-algebra B ; and we proved t h a t # E A*, with (1 # [I= 1. T h e following result formalizes a mathematically equivalent definition of the notion of state, t h a t will prove extremely useful in t h e sequel. F~OPOSITION 4. Every element # E S* extends uniquely to a linear functional o n B which we denote again b y #. This # is positive o n B and has n o r m 1) ))=1. Conversely if is a positive linear functional o n 8, with < #; I >= 1, then its restriction t o A belongs to S'. Moreover, every such functional on B satisfies
and the map (29)
. >#: (A,B) E B X B H < #; B*A > E
satisfies for all X, p E
and all A, B, C E 8:
Furthermore, for all A, B E B
Proof: Every B E B can be written uniquely in t h e form B = A + iC with A and C in A; specifically A = ( B B*)/2a n d C = ( B - B*)/2i. W i t h t h i s canonical decomposition
4 : B E B H < # ; A > +i< 4;C >
defines clearly a linear functional on 8.Since t h e positive elements of B already belong to A , and are positive with respect to A (see in particular Scholium 3), we have:
<$;B'B> > O
i.e. I$ is positive. To check t h a t , conversely, every positive linear functional o n B with < 4; Z >= 1, when restricted to A, belongs to S' it is sufficient to check t h a t # ( A ) IR (indeed 4 being a!-linear and positive on B, it is trivially IR-linear on A and positive). T h a t < & A > E IR V A E A comes from t h e fact (see t h e proof of Scholium 3) t h a t every A E A can be written in t h e form A = A+ A- with A* E A where A - EE {A E A I -A E A +}; our assertion follows then from the linearity of 4 a n d its positivity. Now (28) follows directly from (33), and (30c) is nothing b u t (34). (30b) follows immediately from (28); and (30a) follows from t h e linearity of 4. T h e three relations (30) express t h a t < , > 6 is an inner product on 8, except for the fact t h a t we do not have < B , B >#= 0 implies B = 0. This, however, does not enter in t h e proof of t h e Cauchy-Schwarta inequality. Hence (31) follows from (30). With B = I, and t h e condition < 4;Z >= 1, (31) now reads, for every
AEB (35)
I < & A > l 2 5 < &A*A >
Since A'A E A+ (see Scholium 3), we have from Corollary 2 (see 15): (36)
< 4;A'A > I11 A*AII
Upon using t h e defining equality of a C*-algebra, namely V A € A, we find t h a t (35) a n d (36) imply (37)
Since < 4;Z t h u s have (39)
>= 1 and 11 I I/=
1, t h e upper bound in (38) is reached, and we
II 4 II=
We still have to prove (32). We note t h a t t h e m a p (40)
&I : A E B H< 4; B*AB > € (I:
is positive and linear. Upon repeating for 4~ the argument which led to (37) and noticing t h a t < 4 ~Z ;>=< 4; B'B >, we obtain (32). 0
In view of these results, we can identify-and we shall do so whenever it is mathematically convenient-the set S* of the states on t h e physical system defined by the C*-algebraic postulate, and the set
which we refer to-when necessary to avoid possible ambiguities-as of states on t h e C*-algebra B .
t h e set
b. Representations and GNS construction The framework defined by t h e C*-algebraic postulate is clearly a genuine generalization of the Hilbert space formalism described by von Neumann’s postulate: the present postulate incorporates the idea, already introduced in Chapter Eight, t h a t a truly fundamental postulate should cover simultaneously the situations encountered in quantum mechanics, in classical mechanics, a n d i n the intermediate case of a theory with superselection rules. The following result shows t h a t t h e mathematical power of t h e Hilbert space techniques is still available in the present extented framework, even though the formulation of the C*-algebraic postulate does not involve any underlying Hilbert space. We will need the following definition. A representation r of a C*-algebra B on a Hilbert space M is a m a p A : B + B ( M ) (where 8(M) is t h e C*-algebra of the bounded linear operators on M ) satisfying, for all A, B E B and all X , p E a!:
The reader will notice t h a t we did not explicitly require A to preserve t h e whole structure of B as a C*-algebra. The reason is t h a t this requirement is in fact automatically satisfied once we impose (42); in particular T is continuous, a fact which follows from the classical assertion t h a t any morphism A from any involutive Banach algebra (here 8) to any C*-algebra (here B(M)) satisfies II x ( B ) IlS11 B I1 V’BE 8. TWOREM5 (GNS CONBTRUCTION). To every state $ on a C*-algebra B corresponds a representation ro of B on a Hilbert space No such that there exists @ E M satisfying the following conditions
= < $;B>
(4 9)
{ro(B)@JB E 8 ) is dense
v BE 8 in No .
Moreover this representation is unique up to unitary equivalence.
Proof: The idea for t h e construction of t h e space X+ lies in Proposition 4; see in particular (29)-(31). Since the m a p < . , . >+defined in (29) does satisfy all the properties of a n inner product, e x c e p t for t h e fact t h a t < B , B >#= 0 does not necessarily imply B = 0, we have to "quotient" this out. Specifically, let
From t h e Cauchy inequality (31), we see t h a t
Together with the continuity and linearity of 4, this implies t h a t Kd is a closed left-ideal of 8. We define then the equivalence relation B' B in B by t h e requirement B' - B = K E K+. For every B E B , we denote by Q(B)the equivalence class of B, i.e. Q ( B )E B / K + . Notice now t h a t , with B' - B = K E K+ and C' - C = L E K+, we have:
Consequently (47)
(Q(B), Q(C))
< B, C > #
defines a prehilbert space structure o n B/K+. M+ is then defined as t h e Hilbert space completion of B / K # . Since K6 is a left ideal of B
defines, for every A E 8, a linear m a p .#(A). Note t h a t this m a p satisfies (see 32):
which we can rewrite, since
B is a C*-algebra
Hence r+(A)is bounded and can t h u s be extended uniquely, by continuity, to a bounded linear operator acting in M,; we denote again by r+(A)t h e operator so obtained. The resulting m a p
is clearly linear (see in particular 48). Moreover, note t h a t for all A , B , C E B (52)
T ~ ( A B ) @ (= C Q((AB)C) ) = Q(A(BC))= T4 ( A ) W C )= “6 (A)“O(B)@ (C)
E 8) is, by definition, dense in 86, and since (.lr#(A)JAE B } C Since {@(B)JB B(U,), (52) (resp. 53) implies t h a t “4 satisfies (42b) (resp. 42c). This completes the proof t h a t ~4 is a representation of B on U4. Since we can assume, without loss of generality t h a t B contains a unit I with 1) I )I= 1, 0 @ ( I ) clearly satisfies (43) and (44). The uniqueness (up to unitary equivalence) of t h e representation A# is established by the following construction. Suppose R‘ : B + B ( V ) is another representation, satisfying (43) and (44) with respect to some 9’E If‘. O n e then checks easily t h a t
extends to a linear isometry from X‘ onto
U Jsatisfying
This construction is named after Gelfand & Naimark (1943) and Segal (1947). A variant of this construction, adapted to the needs of quantum field theory to deal with unbounded operators, is known as t h e Wightman (1956) reconstruction theorem (see e.g. Streater & Wightman, 1964; Jost, 1965; or Emch (1972); we shall come back on this aspect of the G N S construction in Chapter Ten). The property (44) is referred to by saying t h a t 9 is a cyclic vector for T ~ ( B ) or , simply for the representation “4. Note t h a t every vector 9 E U, with @ # 0, is cyclic for B ( M ) ; hence for any pure and normal state Q on t h e von Neumann algebra B ( M ) , the G N S construction gives us a representation r0 unitarily equivalent to B ( M ) itself, i.e. we can identify U, with U ,and with B(U). The following result-Corollary 6-places this remark in proper perspective; we need for this two definitions, which we now proceed to give. We first notice t h a t for a representation T : B + (U)the following conditions are equivalent: (i) (0) and M are t h e only closed subspaces of U t h a t are stable under the action of t h e collection of operators { r ( B ) J BE B } ; (ii) t h e von Neumann algebra “(€I),’, generated by “ ( B j , coincides with B(U); and (iii) the von Neumann algebra “ ( B Y {X E B(U)IXr(B)= r ( B ) X VB E €3) coincides with CI zz { z l ( z E C}. When any (and thus all) of t h e above three conditions is satisfied, we say t h a t the representation A is irreducible.
Secondly, we can generalize from a(#) to a n arbitrary C*-algebra B (with unit I ) the following features of S* discussed in Subsection 8.3.c: S* is a convex set, bounded in the norm topology of B*, and closed in t h e w*-topology of B*. Consequently (again by the Krein-Milman theorem) S’ is the w*-closed convex hull of the set & * of its extreme points. Recall t h a t 4 E E ’ , and 4 is then called a pure state on 8 , whenever: (i) 4 E S* and, in addition, (ii) $,x E S* and X E ( 0 , l ) with 4 = X$ (1 - X)x imply $ = 4 = x. Clearly, E t*if and only if its restriction to A = {A E BIA = A*} cannot be written as a non-trivial convex combination of states on t h e physical system considered. We are now ready for the promised result on t h e role of t h e von Neumann algebra B()O in the theory of representations of an arbitrary C*-algebra B (with unit). COROLLARY 6. With the notations of Theorem 5, T # is irreducible if and only if 4 is pure. Proof: We first prove t h a t 4 pure implies ~4 irreducible. Since r#(B)’is a von Neumann algebra, and hence is a (C)*-algebra, we know t h a t every X E n#(B)’ can be written as X = Y ZZ with Y and 2 self-adjoint in r#(B)’.We also know t h a t every self-adjoint element Y in a C*-algebra, here “ # ( B y , can be written in the form Y = Y+ - Y- with Y* positive in this C*-algebra. It is, therefore, sufficient to prove t h a t every positive operator X E .#(a)’ is a scalar multiple of t h e identity. Let thus X E .#(a)’ and X be positive. Let @ be the cyclic vector corresponding to 4 in Theorem 5. Note t h a t X@ = 0, @ cyclic for ~6 and X E r#(B)’imply X = 0. We can, therefore, assume, without loss of generality, t h a t X@ # 0; and then (1 X@ )I= 1, and 11 X 112< X-’ with X E ( 0 , l ) . Consider now
Moreover (59) (60)
< $; B*B > r#(B)X@ < $ ; I > =I1 X@ 112= 1
Since $ is obviously linear, (59) and (60) imply
Furthermore, since (62)
X E .#(By, (59) can be rewritten as
< Q;B*B >= 11 X r # ( B ) @/I2 2 11 X I ) * . < & B * B > 2 X-’ < $ ; B * B>
From (57) and (62), we conclude
< x ; B * B > 2 0 VBBEB
(63) while (58) and (60) give
B ( X ) is obviously linear, (63) and (64) imply
X E s*
Since 4 is pure, (58), (61) and (65) imply 4 = $ = x . In particular, we have then for all B, C E 8 :
which we can rewrite (see 56) in the form
((X2 - I ) T ~ ( C )T@~,( B ) @ = )0
Since @ is cyclic, this implies X 2 = I ; and since X is positive, t h a t implies X = I and thus ?r4(B)’ = CI. We have, therefore, proven t h a t 4 pure implies ~4 irreducible. We now prove the converse, namely t h a t T~(B)’ = CI implies 4 pure. We proceed by showing t h a t if there exist $,x E S* and X E ( 0 , l ) such that
then $ = 4 = x . From t h e Cauchy inequality (31), we have V B, C E 8:
Since is a state, and, in particular, is positive, thus (69) implies
Consequently, for every B, C E B and K , L E
We can, therefore, define on ( B / K # ) x (€I/&):
- $)
is positive, and
which is a bounded, positive, sesquilinear form on B / & ; i t can, therefore, be extended to a bounded, positive, sesquilinear form (. , .)* o n U,. By Riesa such t h a t , V Qi, Q 2 E U,: theorem, there exists a positive operator X E &I(&)
In particular, we have V A, B, C E 8 :
Since 9 is cyclic for r,, (74) implies
) ’ . we assumed ~ b ( 8 ) = ’ CI,this means X = X I for some i.e. X E ~ ~ ( 8 Since x E C. B u t $ and 4 are states, and thus < $ ; I >= 1 =< 4; I >; with A = B = C = I and X = X I , (74) implies x = 1, i.e. $ = 4, and thus x = 4. Hence 4 is pure. 0 As we have already pointed o u t , t h e Krein-Milman theorem implies t h a t S* is the w*-closed convex hull of t h e set & * of its extreme points. In fact, t h e Krein-Milman theorem allows to refine this statement: the pure states separate the observables, i.e. A , C E A and < & A >=< 4;C > V 4 E &* imply A = C. An even stronger result can be proved, as we shall now see. SCHOLIUM 7 . For every observable A E A and every a E o(A ), there exists a pure s t a t e $ € & * such that < $ ; A > = a and < $ ; ( A - a I ) 2 > = O .
Proof: Recall from the proof of Scholium 3 t h a t t h e smallest C*-subalgebra B(A)of 8, containing A and I , is isometrically *-isomorphic to t h e C*-algebra C(K) of continuous functions on t h e compact subset K = a(A ) C R. The Dirac measure 6,, concentrated at a E o ( A) ,defines on C(K),a n d t h u s on B(A), a pure state
such t h a t
From t h e Hahn-Banach theorem, 6, extends to at least one state on 8. Let S: = {$ E S*I < $ ; B >=< 6,;B > V B E B(A)};this again is a convex set, closed in the w*-topology, and bounded in t h e metric topology of 8’. Hence, by Krein-Milman theorem, S: is the w*-closed convex hull of the set &: of its extreme points. Finally, we prove t h a t &: C &*; let indeed q5 E &:
and suppose t h a t there exist 11, and x E S* such t h a t q5 = X++(l-X)x. Upon restricting this equality to B(A) and using the fact t h a t 6, is a pure state on B(A), we see t h a t $, x E S:. Since q5 is extremal in S:, this implies 11, = q5 = x; hence + € &*. El Note t h a t if B E B and < q5; B >= 0 for all Q E &*, we have < # ; A >= 0 =< 4; C > for all 4 E &*, where A = ( B B*)/2and C = ( B - B*)/2i. From Scholium 7, we conclude o(A)= (0) = o(C), and thus A = 0 = C,i.e. B = 0. Hence & * not only separates A, but it separates B as well. A particular consequence of Corollary 6 and Scholium 7 is t h a t given an observable A, there always exists at least one irreducible representation A of B such t h a t 1) A(A) 11=11 A 11; construct indeed t h e GNS representation associated to a pure state on B t h a t satisfies t h e conclusion of Scholium 7, with a E o(A) n {- 11 A 11, 11 A 11) . Upon making the direct sum (see, e.g. Kadison & Ringrose, 1983) of all GNS representations “0, with 4 running over any subset X satisfying &* X S*,one obtains a faithful representation A of 8 , i.e. a representation A : B E B H n(B) E B(M) such t h a t A(B)= 0 exactly when B = 0. Consequently, Scholium 7 leads directly to a result of fundamental mathematical importance, known as the Gelfand-Naimark theorem, according to which every C*-algebra is a “concrete” C*-algebra, i.e. can be realized as a C*-subalgebra of B(M) for some M. When X = S*,A is called the universal representation of 8 ; every state 4 on B is realized as a vector state in this representation; in a sense we do not need to make precise here, B** can be identified with the von Neumann algebra ~ ( 8 )generated ” by the universal representation A of 8 . Fortunately, faithful representations d o occur in a simpler context; for instance, A@ is easily seen to be faithful when 4 E S * is a faithful state, i.e. whenever A = A* E A and A # 0 imply < 4; A2 > # 0; such states play an important role in Statistical Mechanics.
c c
c. Physical equivalence and quasi-equivalence. Corollary 6 illustrates the fact t h a t t h e GNS construction provides an informative way to associate a specific Hilbert space representation “+(A) of t h e observables on a physical system, given t h e physical situation prescribed by specifying a state (p-i.e. given a “mode of preparation” of t h e system. We already pointed o u t , in the discussion following Theorem 5 , t h a t different “modes of preparation” may lead to the “same” representation; for instance, all states which are pure and normal on A E B,,(M) lead to unitarily equivalent representations. We now want to formalize, and extend, this notion of equivalence; we shall see t h a t this can be done in several ways. Let A : B + B(M,) be an arbitrary representation of our C*-algebra 8 , satisfying n(I) = I. Since A(B) is itself a C*-algebra, we can define t h e collection S: of states o n .(a), i.e. (78)
{4 E ~(B)*lq5is positive, a n d 11 4 )I=
Since A ( B ) is a C’-subalgebra of B( X , ) , we can moreover consider t h e collection S, of all normal states on t h e von Neumann algebra n(B)”,i.e. (79)
{4 E [n(B)”],I4 is positive, a n d 11 9 I[=
where [7r(B)”], is the predual of r(B)”(see Subsection 8.3.d). Finally, we can consider the collection V , of all vector states on ~ ( 8i.e. ) ~ (80)
V, = { A ( B )H (A(B)@, @)I @ E X, a n d
11 CP I/=
We already know (see expressions 8.3.126 a n d the discussion following them) t h a t , to every state 4 E S, corresponds at least one density matrix p, i.e. a positive, trace-class operator, with tr p = 1, acting o n X,, such t h a t < 4 ; X >= t r ( p X ) V X E ~ ( 8 ) ” It. is then clear t h a t every state 4 E V , can be uniquely extended, by ultraweak continuity, to a state in S,, which we denote again by the same symbol 4. Under this identification, we, therefore, have V , C S,. Note t h a t , given 4 E S,, p is unique if a n d only if A is irreducible; when t h e latter condition is realized (see e.g. t h e situation covered by von Neumann’s postulates, Section 8.3; and in a more general context, Corollary 6 above), one clearly has V , # S, (unless evidently dim X, = 1). However, V , = S, can happen in t h e more general context of t h e present chapter (see e.g. Dixmier, 1957, p.233); for the applications to Quantum Statistical Mechanics (see Section One of Chapter Ten), this is in particular t h e case when n(B)’ admits a cyclic vector Q , or equivalently when Q is separating for ~ ( 8 ) (i.e. ” when there exists Q E Xn such t h a t X@ = 0, with X E A ( B ) ” , implies X = 0). Moreover, upon restricting any 4 E S, to .(a), one clearly obtains a n element of S:, which we denote again by the same symbol 4. Under this identification, we, therefore, have S, C S i , and thus:
We can further l i f t (81) to a n assertion on t h e states of 8. Indeed, since r is a representation, we can view every 4 E Sb as a m a p
This m a p is clearly linear, positive, and takes the value 1 at B = I; hence (82) provides an embedding S; S’. In fact: (834
S: = S’ n ( Ker
where we used the notations
Note t h a t Ker A is a closed, two-sided ideal of B and t h a t ?r(B) can be identified with B / Ker A; A(B) inherits from B(U,) the properties t h a t S; (resp. S,) is the w*-closed (resp. norm-closed) convex hull of V,. We can now address the question of what is meant by saying t h a t two representations A : B + B(U,) and v : B + B(Uu) are equivalent. A strict adherence to the spirit of the C*-algebraic postulate (stated at the beginning of this section) requires us t o say t h a t two representations A and v are physically equivalent whenever S: = S t , in which case A(B) and v(B) can be identified as C*-algebras. Attention was drawn to the physical content of this concept of equivalence, by Haag & Kastler (1964); t h e mathematical origin of the concept can be found in Fell (1960). Recall t h a t if is a faithful state o n A, then ~ l r gis a faithful representation of 8 , and thus Ker A,+, = (0). Hence all the representations of B t h a t are obtained, by the GNS construction, from faithful states on A are physically equivalent. The condition t h a t I$ be faithful, while sufficient, is however not necessary. For instance recall, once more, t h a t every state o n B ( U ) , t h a t is pure and normal, gives, via the G N S construction, a representation which is faithful; still such a state is obviously not faithful (unless we have, trivially, dim X = 1). Consequently, the concept of physical equivalence needs to be refined. O n e can for instance require t h a t S, = S, or even t h a t U, = U,. For a review of these conditions, see e.g. Emch (1972); a few remarks will suffice here. Notice first t h a t U, = U, is a very stringent condition. For instance V equivalence singles out, among the normal states of B ( ) o , those which are pure. The condition t h a t S, = S, is more subtle, and its mathematical significance is discussed in Dixmier (1964) under t h e heading of "quasi-equivalence", a concept which is familiar in the theory of group representation (see, e.g. Mackey, 1955). W h a t is involved can briefly be described as follows. A subrepresentation n1 of a representation A : B --t B ( & ) of a C*-algebra 8, is a representation of B , obtained from A by restricting A(B) to a non-zero, closed subspace U1 C X, t h a t is stable under the action of A(B) for all B E 8. L e t Q(A) be t h e set of all subrepresentations of A. Two representations A and u of B are said to be disjoint whenever rl E Q(A) and vl E Q ( v )imply t h a t R~ and vl are not unitarily equivalent. For any two representations R and v of 8 , let us denote by Q ( A , ~the ) set of all subrepresentations of A t h a t are disjoint from v. The representations A and Y are said to be quasi-equivalent whenever Q(A,v) and Q ( v A, ) are empty. One can then prove t h a t A a n d v are quasiequivalent exactly when there exists a n isomorphism OL : A(B)" + ~ ( € 3 ) " such t h a t cr[w(B)]= v(B) for all B E B . This clearly happens if and only if S, = S,. Two representations t h a t are quasi-equivalent are thus physically equivalent. The converse is not true. One even knows situations in Q u a n t u m Statistical Mechanics where two faithful states q5 and $J on A can generate, through t h e G N S construction, two representations R G ~4 and v G R~ t h a t are disjoint.
A remarkable example of this has been constructed by Takesaki (1970 b) where 4 and are equilibrium states (on t h e algebra of quasi-local observables) corresponding to different temperatures; this mathematical result makes more precise t h e physical intuition t h a t such situations ought to be different at t h e level of description provided by the global (or macroscopic) observables; for more details, see Section Two below and Section O n e of Chapter Ten. $J
d. Physical meaning of the C*-algebraic postulate. We opened this section with a statement of t h e “C*-algebraic postulate”, and we then proceeded to describe some of the properties of t h e resulting structures. To close this introductory section, we must now address-at least briefly-the question of t h e status of this postulate in t h e realm of physical theories. Firstly, there should be n o argument on t h e fact t h a t t h e postulate is both concise and mathematically legible. Secondly, it is obtained by induction from t h e von Neumann synthesis of t h e quantum theories of Heisenberg, Schroedinger a n d Born (see Chapter Eight) which the C*-algebraic postulate therefore encompasses. Thirdly,t h e universe of discourse of the (?-algebraic postulate is genuinely more general t h a n allowed by t h e framework delineated by t h e von Neumann postulate: t h e algebras of observables which we can now consider are more general than B,,(U); and t h e states which naturally appear in t h e theory are more general t h a n the density-matrices of ordinary quantum mechanics. Moreover, t h e objects described by t h e C’-algebraic postulate appear in all t h e physical situations so far encountered not only in ordinary quantum mechanics, but also in t h e quantum theories with superselection rules alluded to in Section 8.3, a n d even in classical mechanics. This is a synthesis which, therefore, goes beyond t h a t achieved by t h e von Neumann postulate. Fourthly, t h e GNS construction (Thm.5) allows to bring back into t h e formalism t h e technical powers of Hilbert space representations, on which depended many of the successes of the quantum mechanics described by t h e von Neumann postulate. Hence t h e generality added to t h e von Neumann framework of Section 8.3 is not crippling; quite to t h e contrary, in fact, since the Hilbert space representations, with which we are now prepared to work, correspond precisely to the physical situation in which one takes into account the modes of preparation of t h e systems considered. We shall see, in t h e remainder of this chapter a n d in Chapter Ten, how this flexibility can properly be taken advantage of. Our fifth point has to do with t h e epistemological question of the empirical foundations of the C*-algebraic postulate, beyond t h e inductive a n d pragmatic arguments advanced in the previous four remarks. To focus t h e problem we have in mind, the reader will notice t h a t we could have reproached to the von Neumann postulate of Section 8.3 t h a t it had left somewhat in t h e dark t h e empirical origin of t h e Hilbert space I/ on which t h e theory was built. A
similarly remote role is played, in the C*-algebraic postulate, by t h e C*-algebra B of which only the self-adjoint elements are identified as observables. I t is, therefore, a legitimate question to ask whether one can decide empirically when the observables of a physical system can be identified with t h e self-adjoint part of a C*-algebra. This is a hard question, t h e roots of which can be traced back to the now 50-year old papers of Jordan (1933) a n d Jordan, von Neumann & Wigner (1934). To organize this problem, let us first notice t h a t the argument of Section 8.3 can be extended verbatim to A G &,-where now B is any C*-algebra with unit, and not just B = B(N)-thus leading to t h e conclusion t h a t A is a Jordan-Lie algebra with unit, complete with respect to a norm for which (1 A2 11=11 A [I2 V A E A. Together with Proposition 4 above (see in particular the comments immediately preceding and following t h a t result), this remark suggests to break our problem into two distinct parts. Part (a) will be to analyze the empirical content of the weaker postulate obtained by substituting, in the C*-algebraic postulate, the questioned statement “ A is t h e collection of all t h e self-adjoint elements of a C*-algebra B”, with t h e weaker statement “ A is a JB-algebra”; we will refer to the result of this substitution as t h e JB-algebraic postulate. Note t h a t this postulate postpones the question of whether it is possible or not to equip the JB-algebra A with a consistent Lie structure making it a Jordan-Lie algebra. Part (b) of t h e problem will then be to find a n intrinsic characterization of those JB-algebras which are t h e self-adjoint part of a C*-algebra. This part of t h e problem has recently been solved by Alfsen, Hanche-Olsen & Shulta (1980). They proved t h a t given a JB-algebra A there exists a C*-algebra B such t h a t A is isomorphic to B,, e {B E BIB = B * ) if and only cfthe state space S’ of A possesses the following two properties (which we shall describe below): (i) S* has t h e 3-ball property; and (ii) S* is orientable. To understand the content of these two conditions, recall first t h a t S* is a convex set, compact in its weak*-topology, so t h a t S* is t h e w*-closed convex hull of its extreme points. Recall also t h a t a face F of a convex set K is a convex subset F C K such t h a t #,$ E K ,X E ( 0 , l ) and X4+ (1 - X)$ E F together imply t h a t 4 and $ belong to F . For instance, t h e faces of t h e 3-ball B3 = {x E R31 11 x [I2< 1) are 4, B3 a n d each 4 E &(€I3) = S2 E {x E R31
x [I2= 1). The relevance of this 3-ball in quantum theory stems from t h e fact t h a t 1 1 x3 51 -ax2 X E P H p = 2 21 ax2 1 - 23
is an affine isomorphism from B3 onto t h e state space of t h e JB-algebra M(2, a)#,. Note t h a t , through this isomorphism, the change of orientation (xl,x 2 , x3) E 89 t+ ( X I , -x2, x3) E B3 corresponds to t h e transposition m a p t:!: p + pt with ( p t ) j h = p y = ( p j $ (where * denotes t h e complex conjugation in a).
Recall further, from Subsection 8.3.e, t h a t the symmetries Q of B(N) fall in two classes: the *-automorphism Q : B E B(N) H UBU' E B(N) with U unitary on N , and the *-antiautomorphisms a : B E B ( N ) H UB*U* E B(N) with U antiunitary on N ; in t h e first case a[AB]= a[A]a[B], while in t h e second case a[AB]= a[B]a[A]. Hence a! always preserves t h e Jordan structure of Bbb(U), while a [ { A ,B}]= f{a[A], a[B]} depending on whether Q is a *-automorphism or a *-antiautomorphism. This remark illustrates t h e fact t h a t even when a Lie structure can be superimposed to a Jordan structure, one still has a sign ambiguity. To see how this ties up with the above question of t h e orientation of B3, note t h a t a symmetry Q of M(2, C) is a *-automorphism (resp. a *antiautomorphism) if and only if Q @ ad, (resp. Q @ t z ) is positive, a n d this occurs exactly when a*-the dual action of Q on t h e state space of M(2, a)induces, through the affine isomorphism (84), a n orientation preserving (resp. a n orientation reversing) affine isomorphism of B3. As a further preliminary, notice t h a t if 4 and I) are two distinct, pure, normal I)) of states on B(N) (or equivalently on B8b(N)), then t h e smallest face €I($, the state space S* of B(N) t h a t contains both $ and I) is isomorphic to B', i.e. dim B($,I)) = 3. To avoid misunderstandings, note, however, t h a t if B is t h e C*-algebra C @ C,and 4 and I) are distinct pure states on B (or equivalently on Bsa) then €I(+, I)) is isomorphic to [0,1], i.e. dim B(4,I(r) = 1. We are now ready for the definition of t h e two characteristic properties of the state space of a JB-algebra which is t h e self-adjoint part of a C*-algebra. A JB-algebra A is said to have t h e %ball property if for each pair {4, I)} of distinct pure states o n A , t h e minimal face B($,$) of S*,t h a t contains both 4 and I), is of dimension 3 or 1. Alfsen et al. (1980) showed t h a t t h e state space of every C*-algebra has this property; hence the condition is necessary. I t is, however, not sufficient, and they exhibited a counterexample (see below) of a JB-algebra having t h e 3-ball property while it is not the self-adjoint part of a C*-algebra. The second condition of Alfsen et al. (1980)-namely the orientability of S*-is arrived at as follows. A JB-algebra A with the 3-ball property is supposed to be given. W i t h S' denoting the state space of A , t h e topological space B(S') is defined as follows. Its elements are the maps a : B3 -t S* such t h a t a is a n affine isomorphism from B3 onto a face a(B3)of S*. The topology on B(S*)is t h a t of t h e point-wise convergence. Note t h a t t h e following conditions are equivalent for a, 6 E B(S*): (a) a(B3)= b(B3);(b) b-loa E 03,t h e group of all orthogonal transformations of IR3; and (c) a = bog for some g E 03.Note t h a t O3 acts continuously (from the right) on B(S'). When the above three conditions are satisfied we write a 6 (mode'); this is clearly a n equivalence relation. We further write a M b(mod0;) whenever a 6(modO3) and det(6-' o a) = + l ; this, too, is an equivalence relation. It is now natural to call B ( S * ) / 0 3t h e space of facial 3-balls of S', a n d to call B(S*)/O$t h e space of oriented facial 3-balls of S'. Note t h a t B(S*)/O$ -t
B ( S * ) / 0 3is a locally trivial Z2-bundle. When this bundle is (globally) trivial, we say t h a t S* is orientable. Alfsen e t a1 (1980) showed t h a t t h e state space of every C*-algebra has this property; hence the orientability condition is necessary to t h e conclusion of their main theorem. The reader must notice, however, t h a t the 3-ball property and the orientability are i n t r i n s i c conditions, properly pertaining to the geometry of t h e state space of a JB-algebra: to check whether these conditions are satisfied for a given JB-algebra A no e x t r a structure is needed. For instance Alfsen e t al. (1980) offer the example of the JB-algebra A, the elements of which are that the continuous functions f from S' = {z E El2[11 z [I2= 1) to M(2, ~ E S'; t h e algebraic operations of A are defined satisfy f(-z) = f ( ~ V) z point-wise, and the norm is the sup-norm. While these are compatible with the natural embedding of A in the C*-algebra B of the continuous functions F : S' -+ A4(2,C), A is not the self-adjoint part of 8;its state space satisfies the 3-ball condition, b u t is not orientable; hence A cannot be the self-adjoint part of any C*-algebra. The affine isomorphism (84) gives an intuitive indication o n how t h e 3-ball property and the orientability can be linked to t h e possibility of superimposing, to a JB-structure, a consistent Lie structure. T h e beauty of the paper of Alfsen, Hanche-Olsen & Shulta (1980) is t h a t it shows how such a primitive intuition can, in fact, be raised to t h e level of a full characterization of those JB-algebras which are t h e self-adjoint part of a C*-algebra. This result is an answer to part (b) of the question raised above, concerning the empirical status of the C*-algebraic postulate. The question is then reduced to its part (a):to understand t h e empirical content of t h e JB-algebraic postulate. In an earlier paper, Alfsen & Schulta (1978) had already succeeded to obtain a n intrinsic characterization of the compact convex sets t h a t are t h e state space of a JB-algebra. Their Characterization, however, is rather involved and it did not seem to lend itself to a physical interpretation t h a t would be both simple and compelling; this line of attack, trying to characterize the algebra of observables through t h e properties of its state space, has been pursued in Araki (1980). In view of this situation, the reader may be willing t o settle, at least tentatively, with a n operational description of t h e composition laws and idealiaations involved in the JB-algebraic postulate. A proposal in this direction, involving a step-by-step axiomatization of the m a p (85)
<; >:S'XA+R
has been worked o u t in Emch (1972). We only outline t h e argument below. The first ingredient is to assume t h a t , through the m a p (85), A and S* a r e separating for one another. With this in mind, S' can naturally be equipped,
via t h e maps (86)
< ; A >: $ E S' +<
& A > E IF2
with t h e .structure of a conuez set: t h e convex s u m (Ck X k & ) is interpreted as t h e mode of preparation consisting in preparing, separately for each k, a fraction X k of t h e samples following t h e mode of preparation prescribed by $k. Similarly A can naturally be equipped, via t h e maps 187)
<$; > : A E A + + < d ; A > E R
with t h e structure of a real vector space: t h e linear combination (&akAk) is interpreted as t h e observable, t h e expectation of which is given, for every mode of preparation 4, by Ckak < 4; Ak >. By t h e same token, every $ E S' is t h u s a linear functional on A. Several authors, see e.g. Jauch (1968), seem to have been reluctant to assume, without further ado, t h a t t h e observables form a real vector space A-or, equivalently, t h a t t h e states are linear functionals on A; instead, Jauch first summons a theorem, due to Gleason (1957), according to which every normalized, a-additive positive functional on t h e lattice P(U) of the projectors on a Hilbert space is of t h e form < 4; P >= t r ( p P ) for some p E T ( U )with p positive and tr p = 1; t h a t Characterization, however, is too restrictive for our purpose: we want more general states on more general JB-algebras. We, therefore, keep (87) and its consequence as stated above. The second ingredient, in our operational approach to JB-algebraic structures, is t h e requirement t h a t the collection S> of all dispersion-free states on any given observable A is rich enough so t h a t giving S> a n d the m a p
determines A uniquely. O n e then posits t h a t t h e square of a n observable A is t h e unique observable (A2)such t h a t
T h e Jordan product is then introduced as 1
A 0 B = -((A+ B)2-A2 - B2) 2
Note t h a t (90) does n o t involve any operation n o t previously defined. The third ingredient is the spectrum a(A) of a n observable A; i t is defined by
The spectral radius la(A)I of a n observable A is then defined by
a i d it is shown t h a t this can serve as a norm on A. The aforementioned reference then spells out in detail t h e chain of operational axioms involved when one postulates t h a t A has t h e structure of a JBalgebra. Here again, one could object t h a t t h e resulting axiomatic is not compelling; this is, in fact, not our claim; and we accept t h a t there could possibly exist physical systems t h a t t h e JB-algebraic postulate does n o t capture. T h e claim is, rather, t h a t the formulation presented there is intrinsic and explicit enough so t h a t one can empirically decide whether each one of t h e axioms is a reasonably idealized description of a given physical system. Together with the result of Alfsen e t ad. (1980) reported above, and t h e four remarks presented at the beginning of Subsection d, this concludes w h a t we wanted to say in this section in support of t h e case for t h e C*-algebraic post d a t e . We should, nevertheless, still mention t h a t t h e emphasis placed, in this section, on bounded observables was mostly for axiomatic purposes; i t should certainly not be construed as a denial of the physical relevance of unbounded observables. W h a t the C*-algebraic postulate subsumes in this connection is t h a t the physical systems which it covers are already recognizable from their bounded observables. The postulate also serves as a prototype: one hopes t h a t the techniques developed for t h e study of algebras of bounded observables will be adaptable to the ulterior study of more general algebras. For stimulating accounts of the possibilities open towards a systematic algebraic theory, where unbounded objects play a central role rather t h a n being brought in as some kind of afterthought, see e.g. Borchers (1972, 1975), Lassner (1975), Yngvason (1976), Araki & Jurzak (1981) and Powers (1982). We also will have occasions, later in this book, to address the question of t h e proper handling and role of unbounded observables and fields. Section 2. NON-COMMUTATIVE ERGODIC THEORY An important branch of mathematical research has been devoted to t h e ergodic problems of classical mechanics; see e.g. Arnold & Avez (1968). T h e main purpose of non-commutative ergodic theory is to a d a p t this framework to the needs of quantum statistical mechanics; some of its results are moreover relevant to certain aspects of quantum field theory. The general context is as follows. O n e supposes given the action a! : G + A u t (8)of a topological group G o n a C*-algebra 8, satisfying t h e following three conditions: (i) for every g E G, a(g) is an automorphism of 8 ; (ii) a! is a group homomorphism, i.e. a!(g1)a!(g2) = a(gIg2) for all gI,g2 E G; and (iii) a! is continuous in the weak*-topology of 8, i.e. one assumes t h a t t h e maps g E G H < 4; a!(g)[A] > € IR are continuous for every observable A = A* E 8 a n d
every state r$ E S'. O n e is then typically interested in the following questions: characterize t h e properties of t h e set $2 {r$ E S*l# o a(g) = r$ Vg E G} a n d of its elements; discuss t h e asymptotic properties of cy(g)[A]as g "tends to infinity" (when this makes sense); a n d obtain a description of w h a t it means to average an observable, or a state, with respect to t h e group action a. Several of these questions were already discussed by Eberlein (1949) in the general context where B is a n abstract topological vector space. In this section we explore t h e general answers one can hope to give to these questions in t h e framework of t h e theory of C*-algebraic dynamical systems, to prepare for t h e specific applications t h a t will be dealt with in Section O n e of Chapter Ten. T h e reader should, nevertheless, be warned, already here, t h a t t h e explicit construction of the action (Y : G + A u t (8) relative to a given physical situation is often far from being a trivial matter. We shall, therefore, only deal in this section, with the simplest cases, so t h a t the essential features of t h e theory can be outlined. a. C*-inductive limits.
is a partially ordered set 3, with partialRecall t h a t a directed set (3, order relation such t h a t for every pair {!&, &&} of elements of 3 there exists at least one element E 3 for which ill n and O2 C a. The examples we have in mind in this section are: t h e collection 3 of all finite subsets of 23" (with n fixed), and t h e collection 3 of all bounded open subsets of R" (with n fixed); in both cases t h e partial-order relation is t h e set-theoretical inclusion. Occasionally in this section, b u t mostly in Chapter Ten, we will also consider the case where 3 is t h e collection of all finite-dimensional subspaces of a n infinite-dimensional Hilbert space 7, with again t h e set-theoretical inclusion providing the partial ordering. We will also consider, in Chapter Ten, t h e case in t h e second of t h e above examples, is replaced where the Euclidean space R", by t h e Minkowskian space W J ' . A collection {&(a E 3) of C*-algebras Bn (with unit In), indexed by a directed set 3, is said to be isotonic if for every ordered pair Cll n2of elements of 3, an injective *-homomorphism a21 : Bn, + Bn, is given, satisfying:
(la) (lb)
3 with nl,n2 E 3 with Sal nlJh22,f13 E
C_ !& implies
= i32o i Z i
implies in,(In,) = In,
A C*-algebra B (with unit I) is said to be t h e C*-inductive limit of a collection {&In E 3 ) of C*-algebras Bn (with unit In), indexed-by a directed set 3, if for every E 3 there exists an injective *-homomorphism in : Bn --t B such t h a t
Takeda (1955) proved t h a t every isotonic collection {BnlSa E 3 ) of C*algebras BO (with unit I n ) , indexed by a directed set 3, admits a unique C*inductive limit B . This is the object we will work with in this subsection. To illustrate this structure, we will describe t h e C'-algebra of a quantum lattice. As we proceed, the reader who thinks naturally in t h e terms of classical probability theory will realize t h a t the object we will be constructing is a quantum generalization of a setting in which one could describe t h e Bernoulli schemes associated to infinite sequences of coin tossings, or dice throwings. Other readers, who are used to view Bernoulli schemes as some sort of Ising models, will see t h a t the concept of a quantum lattice encompasses the situation encountered, for instance, in the study of the Heisenberg models in quantum statistical mechanics. We consider a lattice 24" and the directed set ( 3 , C } of its finite subsets, with partial-ordering provided by the set-theoretical inclusion. To every site w E 'IZ" we associate a copy B, of the von Neumann algebra B(X) of all bounded operators on a fixed, separable Hilbert space X . For instance, if U = L '(R", d'z) B, can be interpreted as t h e algebra of observables describing a Ydimensional harmonic oscillator attached to the site w. If, however, dim X = m < 00, i.e. X = am,B, is isomorphic to the algebra M(rn,C) of t h e m X m matrices with complex entries, describing a "spin s = (m - 1)/2 particle" localized at the site w ;t h e particular case s = 1/2 corresponds to t h e original Heisenberg model for ferromagnetism. Classical Bernoulli schemes (of finite entropy, or k i n g models) would obtain if we had associated, instead, to each site w E Z,a copy of t h e diagonal part of M(m,C), i.e. of the abelian algebra C(K)with K = {0,1,. . .,m - 1). To every finite subset s2 C 24' we associate t h e von Neumann algebra (3)
@ B,
B ( @ Xu) ,En
where, for each w E Z", X, is a copy of X . Note in particular, t h a t if dim U = m < m
where Ih2l denotes the number of sites in a. For every ordered pair elements of 3, we write n2as the disjoint union ni U(n2\i&) where {w E 021w # n,). Clearly then Bn, = Bn,
C h22 of n2\611
and the maps (6)
E Bn, H B 8 In2\nl E Bn,
equip {BOln E 3} with the structure of a n isotonic collection of C*-algebras. Its C*-inductive limit B gives a precise meaning to the a priori ambiguous
@ Bw W € Z n
Note t h a t , while each Bn is a concrete C*-algebra acting on a definite Hilbert space Un (see 3), B comes to us as a n abstract C*-algebra, free of any underlying Hilbert space (beyond, evidently, t h e Hilbert space given by its universal representation-see Subsection 9.1.b-which is irrelevant to our purposes). We shall use this freedom, later o n in this section, to define t h e global observables (e.g. t h e magnetization) of our quantum lattice; as we shall see there, these global observables d o not belong to B itself; for this reason, we refer to the self-adjoint elements of B as t h e quasi-local observables, reserving t h e name of local observables to the self-adjoint elements of Bo (see 2b). By extension, B is referred to t h e C*-algebra of quasi-local observables, and Bo as t h e *-algebra of local observables. b. Norm-asymptotic abelianness and observables at inflnity. We now define a n action a : Z"+ Aut(B) of t h e group Z"of translations, o n the quasi-local C*-algebra B of t h e quantum lattice defined in Subsection a. We first define a(a)[B]for every a E Zn, B E Bn and Cl E 3. L e t a[ha]= {w a I w E a}; clearly a [ n ] E 3 and A = Sa U a[n] E 3. Let
denote the injective *-homomorphisms prescribed by t h e isotony relation (6). W i t h B E Bn, we have thus and we can then define a(a)[B]as t h e unique element of Ba[nl such t h a t Note t h a t .(a)
11 a(a)[B]11=11
establishes a *-isomorphism from Bn onto Balnl; in particular B 11. We use now t h e injective *-homomorphisms (see 2)
to lift .(a) to a bijective *-homomorphism from Bo o n t o itself, which we denote again by t h e same symbol .(a). Since 11 a(4)I)= 1, and since by definition Bo is norm-dense in 8,.(a) extends uniquely by continuity to an automorphism of 8. We denote again this automorphism by t h e symbol a(.). It is then easy to verify t h a t
a : a E Z"+ .(a) E Aut(B) (11) defines an action, called the canonical action, of Z"on t h e quasi-local algebra
SCHOLNM 1. Let B be the C*-algebra of the quasi-local obervables of a and let cy be the canonical action of Z"o n 8. Then, quantum lattice o n Z"; for every B and C in B :
lim [B,cy(a)[C]] =0
(where n - lim means limit in the norm-topology of B ) Proof: W i t h B and C in B , and
> 0 all fixed, let 9 > 0 be such that:
Bo is norm-dense in 8 , there exist Boand
BO such t h a t
Since Bo and CObelong t o Bo, there exist R in 3 such t h a t Bn contains both Bo and Co. Since L? is finite there exists K such t h a t (15)
n a[R]= 8
V a with la1
and thus (16)
[Bo, cy(a)[Co]]= 0 V a with la1 > K
We have thus, for all a E
Znwith la( > K:
Clearly K depends only on E , B and C, t h u s proving (12). 0 Remarks. 1) This result implies t h a t o(b)with b E Znand b # 0 cannot be a n inner automorphism of B , i.e. there cannot be any unitary U(b) E B such t h a t cy(b)[B]= U(b)BU(b)*VB E 8. Suppose indeed t h a t such a n element existed;
we would then have:
From t h e scholium, we know t h a t we can choose a large enough so t h a t t h e
LHS of this equality becomes as small as one wishes; since t h e RHS does n o t
depend o n a, this means t h a t 11 a(b)[B]- B I/= 0, i.e. a(b)[B] = B for all B E 8,and thus in particular for all B E BO which is clearly absurd when b # 0. This shows, among other things t h a t the C*-algebra B cannot be realized as t h e algebra of all bounded linear operators o n any Hilbert space. 2) T h e above scholium can trivially be extended to t h e case where 3 is replaced by the set of all bounded open region in IR",where the group Z"is replaced by t h e group IR", a n d where the isotonic family {BnlQ E 3) defined from (3) is replaced by any isotonic collection {BnlQ E 3) of C*-algebras Bn (with unit In), indexed by our new directed set 3, and satisfying the two conditions: (i) Ql n Q 2 = 0 implies [dn,,(B1),inaa(&)]= 0 for Qs = Q 1 U Q 2 and all B1 E B i , B2 E &; and (ii) for every a E IR" a n d every n E 3 there exists a n isomorphism .(a) : Bn + B,,pl. O u r remark 1 extends to this case as well, and should t h u s serve as a warning against any a t t e m p t to try identifying the total momentum as a quasi-local observable. As we shall see in Chapter Ten, this warning carries over to t h e relativistic case where IR" is further replaced and Einstein causality is assumed. by 3) The scholium a n d t h e above remark 2 suggest t h e following definition. W i t h G denoting Z"or IR", a n action a : G -+ A u t ( B ) on a C*-algebra B (with unit I) is said t o be norm-asymptotic abelian if for every pair {B,C} of elements of B and every E > 0, there exists a finite number K ( B ,C,E ) such that M"1'
T h e scholium t h u s asserts t h a t this for all a E G with la( > K(B,C,E). property is satisfied by t h e group of translations of any quantum lattice. While norm-asymptotic abelianness does say t h a t n - lim
[B, cr(a)[C]]= 0,
it does not make, by itself, any statement on t h e existence of t h e limit of a(a)[C]as la1 --t 00. T h e next result (Theorem 2 below) goes in t h a t direction. I t is our first "ergodic theorem" in t h e sense t h a t it characterizes a class of extremal G-invariant states and shows t h a t these states satisfy a certain mixing property. Before we state this theorem, however, we need a few definitions which we now give.
For any action a : G + Aut ( 8 )of a topological group G o n a C*-algebra 8 , we denote by S b the set of all G-invariant states on 8 , i.e.:
Under very mild conditions-see for instance, Subsection c below-one can prove t h a t Sb is not empty. The reader should, nevertheless, realize t h a t some condition, however mild, must be imposed. Let indeed C(U) be the C*-algebra of all compact operators acting on a separable Hilbert space N. Since C(U) is a two-sided ideal in B ( X ) , we have t h a t
C(U) for all C E C(U) and all U ( a ) E U(U). L e t in particular U = L2(R,dz) and U ( a )be defined, for every a E IR, by
belongs to
for all @ in (22)
U . It is then easy to verify t h a t (20) a n d
(21) define a n action
a ! : a E I R + + a ! ( a ) E Aut(C(U))
Recall also t h a t every state on t h e C*-algebra C(U) can be written in t h e form
with p a positive, trace-class operator such t h a t t r p = 1, i.e.
If there were any a(R)-invariant state q5 on C(U) we would have, for t h e corresponding density matrix p and its spectral projectors Pi: (25)
U(a)*p U(a)= p
a E
T h e von Neumann algebra {U(a)la E R}" admits, however, n o finite dimensional projector. Together with (24) this implies p = 0, in clear contradiction with t r p = 1. Hence, t h e action (22) admits no G-invariant state, i.e. S& = 0.
For a quantum lattice on Z",the following construction produces, in an instructive manner, a class of 25"-invariant states, thus establishing, for this case, t h a t S b # 8 (more, and in fact all, Zn-invariant states will be constructed in Subsection c below). Recall t h a t a quantum lattice is characterized by associating, to every w E Z", a copy Bw of the von Neumann algebra B ( ) O . Let r(l be a normal state on B ( U ) , and for each w E Z", let rPW be a copy of r(l on 8,. For each CJ E 3 let
be the unique normal state on Bn such t h a t for every choice {BWE Bwlw E n}: (28)
4 w ; ~ w
The family {$"In E 3) is consistent, in the sense t h a t for every n2and every B E Bn,: with Cll
CJ,n, E 3
This allows to define, without ambiguities, a map
which is linear, positive and of norm 1. This map extends therefore uniquely, by continuity, to a state on 8 , which we denote
This state is clearly En-invariant. Let us now return to the general case of an action a : G H A u t ( 8 ) of a topological group G on a C*-algebra B with unit. We assume henceforth that S& is not empty. One verifies easily t h a t Sk is convex and is closed in the weak*-topology of 8'; since it is bounded i n the metric topology of B', we thus have t h a t S b is a w*-compact convex set. We can, therefore, use again the Krein-Milman theorem t o assert t h a t S b is the w*-closed convex hull of the set && of its extreme points. Hence, there exist extremal G-invariant states whenever Sk is not empty. THDOREM 2. L e t a : G + Aut(B) be a norm-asymptotic abelian action of G ( e . g . Z"or R")on a C*-algebra B (with unit I ) . Let $ be a G-invariant state on B, such that the GNS representation T + of B associated to $ satisfy
B)" n T+(B)'
= CI. Then:
(i) f o r every B E B
w - lim ~ b ( a ( a ) [ B=< ])
(32) (33)
4; B
(id) for every A, B, C E B lim < 4; B * a ( a ) [ A ] C>=< $ ; A > < 4; B*C >
i s extremal G -invariant.
Proofi For an arbitrary representation A : B -P B(U,), let Z J B ) = A(B)" n A(B)'. The commutant Z,,(B)'of Z J B ) is the von Neumann algebra{Ir(B), ~(8)')" generated by A ( B ) and r(B)'.Hence Z,(B)' is t h e closure, in t h e strong operator topology on B ( X , ) , of the set of all finite sums of t h e form
=c7r(Bi)Xi i
with Bi E B and Xi E r(L3)'.Hence, with c > 0 all fixed, there exists y0 = Yi E
Y = Y' E Z,(B)I, Q a n d Q E M, a n d
YO,such t h a t
Write Yo in the form (34); since Xi E r(B)',the norm-asymptotic abelianness condition implies t h a t , at fixed B E 8 , there exists a finite number K(& ,B, E ) such t h a t
for all a E G with la[ > K(&,B, E ) . We have thus:
for all a E G with la1 (374
> K ( 6 ,B, E ) .
We conclude from this:
i.e. since 0 a n d 9 are arbitrary: w - lim
[Y, r ( a ( a ) [ B ]= )] 0
for all B E B and all Y E Z,(B)’, the restriction Y = Y*being easily disposed of here. We now impose t h e condition t h a t r is primary, i.e. t h a t .(a)’’ n ~(8)’ = Z,(B)= CI. In this case, (37) holds for every Y E Z,(B)’ = B(&). L e t @ I and Q2 in Nn, with 11 I)= 1 =)(a211. There exists then at least one unitary operator U ,acting in Nn,such t h a t UQ1 = @ 2 . Let us now define, for k = 1,2:
We have then:
< $1;a(a)[B]> - < $2;a(a)[BI>= (39)
Upon inserting (37b) into (39) we obtain: (40)
lim { < $ 1 ; a(a)[B]> - < 14-J
h;a(a)[B]>} = 0
We finally impose t h a t r = rg be the G N S representation associated to a G-invariant, primary state $ o n 8. L e t 91 = @ be t h e cyclic vector canonically associated to $ and @2 = 9 be any normalized vector in t h e representation space U g . (40) now reads: (41)
lim (rg{a(a)[B]}Q, 9)=< 4; B
By polarization, (41) implies, for every
91,Q 2
which is exactly the assertion (32) of part (i) of t h e theorem. Notice further t h a t t h e assertion (33) of part (ii) of the theorem is only a particular case of (42). Indeed
Therefore, only part (iii) of t h e theorem remains to be proven. To do this, suppose on the contrary t h a t $ is not extremal G-invariant, i.e. t h a t there
exist: X E (0, l),
x E Sb such t h a t
By a reasoning akin to t h a t carried out in the proof of Corollary 9.1.6, we conclude t h a t there exists X E .#(By such t h a t (454
< $J;B >= (.#(B)XO,
9) V B E B
Since 9 is G-invariant, we can rewrite (45a) as: (45b)
< ‘$‘;B >= (T#{a(a)[B]}XQJ 9) v
(a, B) E G X
and thus:
< llr;B >= I lim (.#(a(a)[B]}X@,@) 4-r~ We now use (42) to rewrite (45c) as:
Computed at B = I, this equality gives ( X @ , @= ) 1, and t h u s (46) reads $J = #J. From this definition, we conclude, therefore, t h a t x = 4J as well. So there is no, non-trivial, convex decomposition of t$ into G-invariant states. This is exactly the conclusion (iii) of the theorem. 0 The conclusions of t h e theorem are reminiscent of situations encountered in classical ergodic theory. Compare for instance t h e classical notion of metric indecomposability, and t h e present notion t h a t 4 be extremal G-invariant. T h e latter property was obtained here (see part iii of t h e theorem) o n the strength of a stronger property, namely (33), akin to t h e classical mixing condition. In the physics literature, properties of t h e type (33), are referred to as ‘clustering’ or ‘vanishing of long-range correlations’; we shall see several conditions of this type in this subsection and the next. We already commented-immediately after the definition (17) of norm asymptotic abelianness-on the thrust of conclusion (i) of the theorem: compare (18) and (32). We still, however, have to understand the background for one assumption of t h e theorem, namely t h a t $ be primary, i.e. A#(B)” n a#(B)’ = (El. While t h e full physical meaning of this condition in quantum equilibrium statistical mechanics will be explained in Section One of Chapter Ten, we can already here make a few comments on its mathematical meaning. First of all, i t is obviously a weakening of the condition t h a t the representation be irreducible. Hence, this condition is in particular satisfied when 4J is pure. We are, however, in position to say significantly more, as we shall presently show. For the remarks t h a t immediately follow, t h e essential ingredients are t h a t B is the C*-inductive limit of a n isotonic collection { B” 10 E 3) of C*-algebras Bn
(with unit In), indexed by a directed set 3 satisfying t h e following conditions. A 'local disjunction' 1is defined o n 3 such t h a t , with Sa, Sl1, Sl,, A in 3: (i) Sa, 622 and Sa, 1A imply n1 1A; (ii) Sa1 1A and !& 1A imply t h a t there exists Sa E 3 with Sl1 C Sa, Sl, C $2,a n d Sl 1A; a n d (iii) Sa 1A implies [zn(B),a A ( c ) ] = 0 for all B in Bn and all C in a., We summarize this situation by saying t h a t B is t h e C*-algebra of t h e quasi-local observables for a system where local commutativity holds. These conditions are clearly satisfied for a quantum lattice where Sa 1A is defined to mean Sa n A = 0. They are also satisfied in t h e continuous-space situation described in Remark 2 to Scholium 1, where again Sl 1A means Sl n A = 0. Furthermore, a relativistic version of t h e latter can be worked o u t where R" is replaced by M"il, 3 is t h e directed set of all subsets of Mnil which are bounded a n d open in t h e Euclidean topology of R"+',t h e partial ordering in 3 is the set-theoretical inclusion, and t h e disjointness relation Sa 1A in 3 is defined to mean t h a t 52 a n d A are causally disjoint, i.e. t h a t n o light ray can join any point in Sl to any point in A or vice versa, i.e. g p u ( z - y y ) p ( z - y ) " > 0 for all z E Sa and y E A. Let B be the C*-algebra of t h e quasi-local observables for a system where local commutativity holds. For notational convenience, let us drop again t h e explicit mention of t h e injective *-homomorphisms an : Bn + B . For every Sl E 3, let
3h = { A E 3 1 n l h } Bh B be the norm closure of
u BA
A€ rg
Bh is t h u s the C*-subalgebra of B generated by t h e local observables {C E E 3h}. In the same way t h a t B" is referred to as t h e C*-algebra of local observables relative to Sl, Bh is referred to as t h e C*-algebra of quasi-local observables disjoint from Sl. A state 4 on B is said to be uniformly clustering if, for every B E B and every E > 0, there exists Sl(B,E ) E 3 such that: BAlA
Note t h a t this definition does not require a n y group action to be defined on 8 ; so, even in t h e case of a quantum lattice on Z", where a n action of Tan is defined, we d o not require, yet, t h a t be Z4"-invariant in (48). We now want to give a Characterization of uniformly clustering states 4 in terms of a property of t h e G N S representation r# : B -+ a(&) canonically associated to 4. Let first r : B + B(M,,) be an arbitrary representation of the C*-algebra of quasi-local observables for a system where local commutativity holds. We
define for
the von Neumann algebras
8, is referred to as t h e von Neumann algebra of observables at infinityrelative to the representation K . When K is the GNS representation associated to a state #J on 8 , we write Bo for 8, and we refer to it as the algebra of observables at infinity relative to 4. S C H O L N MFor ~ . every representation T : B + B(&) of the C*-algebra of quasi-local observables for a system where local commutativity holds, B,
2, = R(B)“ n .(BY.
Proof: By definition, we have on t h e one hand
and thus, since
C 1r(B6)”
V S2 E 3
Bh C 8: 8,
c r(B)”
O n the other hand, we have for every bz
E 3 and every A E 3h:
~ ( B AC ) ~(8n)’
and thus (54) Since R is continuous for the norm topologies in B and B ( M n ) , a n d since a von Neumann algebra, here .(an)’, is closed in t h e norm topology of B(N,), we obtain from (54) and (47):
~ ( B f tC) ~(8”)’
and thus (56)
~ ( 8 6 ) ”C .(Bn)’
Consequently (57) and thus since the (58)
RHS of (57) is { T ( B ~ ) ~ SEI 3)’:
c .(BY.
T h e relations (52) and (58) together imply 8, _C 2,.
THDORDM 4. Let B be the C*-algebraof quasi-local observables for a system where local commutativity holds. Then the following conditions on a state 4 of B are equivalent: (i) 4 is uniformly clustering; (ia) the von Neumann algebra B, of observables at infinity relative to 4 is trivial (i.e. B, = CI).
Proof: We first prove t h a t (i) implies (ii). L e t X E B, a n d A, D E 8 . Form D*A. Since 4 is supposed to be uniformiy clustering, we have, at arbitrary > 0, t h a t there exists hl = hl(B,E ) E 3 such t h a t
)<~;BC>-<<;B><~;C>I~EII \J C CI EB Ih
Since X E B,, we have in particular X E B,(hlc) f ag(B6)”. Since .rr,(BA) is a self-adjoint algebra of operators on U,, dense in n#(Bh)”with respect to t h e strong-operator topology, we know from Kaplanski density theorem (see e.g. Kadison & Ringrose, 1983), t h a t there exists C E Bh such t h a t
where E > 0 was chosen in (59), and 0 is t h e cyclic vector associated to the GNS construction. From (59) and (60) we obtain
Since t h e LHS of this inequality is independent of arbitrarily small, and thus conclude: (61)
(“&(B)xQ> )’ -
4 by
we can make t h e RHS
@) =
Recall now t h a t X E B, and thus (see Scholium 3) X E q(B)’,and t h a t B D’A is arbitrary in 8 . We can, therefore, rewrite (61) in t h e form (62)
({X- (XQ, Q)I}R~(A)Q, T#(D)@) =0
Since 0 is cyclic in U, for (63)
V A, D E
(62) implies
x = (X@, @)I
Since X is arbitrary in B,, we conclude indeed t h a t B, = ( E l . We next prove t h a t (ii) implies (i) by contradiction. Let B, = (EI and suppose t h a t 4 were not uniformly clustering. This would imply t h a t there
exist: (a) B E 8; (b) an increasing, absorbing, directed subset {a} of 3; (c) a collection {C, E B& 1 11 C, 1); and (d) a positive number rj > 0, such that
(64 1
Since the unit ball in B ( & ) is compact in the weak-operator topology (see e.g. Kadison & Ringrose, 1983), we can assume without loss of generality t h a t there exists a subnet { C p } of {C,}such t h a t {no(Cp)} converges in t h e weak-operator topology. Since the net is absorbing, this limit must belong to B,. Since Bo = CI,we must therefore have: (65)
w - lim ro(Cp) =X I B
for some X E a!
This implies
which contradicts (64). Hence, when Bo = (XI,our tentative hypothesis, t h a t 4 be not uniformly clustering, is untenable. This proves t h a t (ii) implies (i). 0 To compare this result with t h a t of Theorem 2, notice t h a t Scholium 3 and Theorem 4 together imply t h a t every primary state on B is uniformly clustering, whenever B is the C*-algebra of the quasi-local observables o n a system where local commutativity holds. It is, therefore, a natural question to ask whether one could strengthen t h e conditions on B in such a manner t h a t the converse implication holds as well. T h e following result shows t h a t this is indeed possible.
B be the C*-algebra of quasi-local observables of a quanand assume that for every w E Z", 8, M(m, a!) the t u m lattice o n Zn, algebra of all m X m matrices with complex entries ( m < oo!). T h e n the following conditions on a state 4 on B are equivalent: (a) 4 is uniformly clustering; and (ii) 4 is primary (i.e. Z, = A ~ ( B ) "n AO(B)' = CI). Proof: B is the C*-algebra of the quasi-local observables on a system where COROLLARY 5. Let
local commutativity holds; it is therefore sufficient, by Theorem 4, to show t h a t Z, = B,. We already know from Scholium 3 t h a t Bo C 26;it is therefore sufficient to show t h a t 2, C B,, which we now prove. Let A : B + B ( X ) be a n arbitrary representation of 8 , and let 2 E Zn= ~ ( 8 )fl " A(B)'. Since 2 E A(B)" there exists a net {B,} of elements B, E B such t h a t {n(B,)} converges to 2 in the strong-operator topology; since B is t h e closure, in t h e norm topology, of the union over 3 of t h e local algebras Bn, we can require
t h a t each Ba is a strictly local observable. Hence, we can assume, without loss of generality t h a t , at fixed 61 E 3, there exist: (a) a n increasing, absorbing, directed subset {a} of 3; a n d (b) a collection {Ba E 8,) such t h a t :
nca, v a s - lim 0
We now use t h e fact t h a t Bn E M(mlnl, a) where IS31 is t h e number of sites w E Znbelonging to t h e finite subset Iz. There exists then a finite collection { e j k l l 5 j , k 2 ml"'} of matrices e j k E Bn such t h a t
We have then
Since Z E
we obtain from (67b) and (69):
For every a,we have because of (67a):
Moreover, a straightforward computation using (68) shows t h a t for every B E Bn
Upon combining (71) and (72), we obtain (73) and thus
Since {a} C 3 is absorbing, we conclude from (70) and (74) that:
i.e. since Z was arbitrary in 2, : Z,, 8,. As we saw in t h e beginning of t h e proof, this suffices to prove the corollary. 0 A few bibliographical notes will help situate these results in a larger picture. The concept of the algebra of observables at infinity BN, as in (50), was introduced by Lanford & Ruelle (1969); see also Ruelle (1970). T h e proof of Z, = B,,, which is at t h e heart of Scholium 5 is essentially theirs; see also Powers (1967). So is Theorem 4. For other quasi-local algebras which a d m i t a reasonably general class of states for which Z,, = B6, see e.g. Dell’Antonio, Doplicher & Ruelle (1966) and Ruelle (1967). A sharpening of the cluster property (48) appearing in Theorem 4, valid for every primary state $ on a C*-algebra B which is t h e uniform limit of a n increasing net (8,) of *-subalgebras 8, of 8, has been obtained by Araki & Kishimoto (1976), namely for every B E B and every E > 0, there exists a such t h a t
I < $ ; B C > - < $ ; B >< $ ; C > I 5 (75)
€ { < $;C*C > < &CC* >}1’2 for all C E B such t h a t [C,A] = 0 V A E B,
The notion of uniform clustering itself is t h e generalization to t h e realm of non-commutative C*-algebras of a n idea t h a t originated in study of the Kcascades of classical ergodic theory; see e.g. Sinai (1962, 1963). We shall say more on t h e non-commutative generalizations of Kolmogorov flows in Section One of Chapter Ten. Note t h a t every state of the form (31) is uniformly clustering. L e t indeed B E B and E > 0; there exist then hl E 3 and BOE Bn such t h a t 11 B - Bo 112 ~ / 2 ;for every C E Bh, we have < $; BoC >=< $; BO> < $; C > a n d thus: I < $;BC > - < $ ; B >< & C > I = I < $;(B-Bo)C > - < $ ; B Bo > < $; C > I 5 2 11 B - Bo 11 . 11 C 115 E 11 C 11, which is (48). When B, M(m, a!), Scholium 5 ensures t h a t these states are primary. They provide, therefore, very special, b u t very explicit, examples of states t h a t satisfy t h e assumptions of Theorem 2. These states, in fact, can be used to produce a n interesting variety of “matricial factors” , which we now briefly describe. Recall from Subsections 8.3.c and d, t h a t a von Neumann algebra U is generated by t h e collection P G { P E UlP*= P = P2}of its projectors; a n d t h a t P comes naturally equipped with the structure of a n orthocomplemented lattice. We now say t h a t two elements P and Q in P are equivalent, a relation which we denote P Q, if there exists an element U in U such t h a t UU*= P and U*U= Q. An element P E P is said to be finite if Q E P, Q C P a n d
Q P imply Q = P. An element P E P is said to be infinite if it is not finite. W i t h Q and P in P, we write Q 5 P if there exists R E P such t h a t R Q and R C P. We further write Q < P when Q 5 P and Q is not equivalent to P . The relation 5 has the following remarkable property (see e.g. Dixmier, 1957: 111.1.2, Theorem 1): Given P and Q E P , there exists R E P n N’ such t h a t PR 5 Q R and Q ( l - R) 5 P(I - R). Hence, if N is a factor, i.e. if N is a von Neumann algebra satisfying N n N’ = C1, any two projectors P and Q in N satisfy either P 2 Q or Q 5 P. This is the key for the generalization, to the lattice P of t h e projectors of a factor N , of the notion of dimension familiar for the projectors in a(#). For this, we need a generalization of t h e notion of trace; compare with formulas 8.3.4-6 and 8.3.102. Let N be a n arbitrary von Neumann algebra, a n d N + be t h e cone of its positive elements (see Scholium 9.1.1). A m a p $ : N+ -+ [0,+00] is said to be a trace for N if for every A, B E N+, every C E N and every X E IR+:
A trace $ is said to be faithful if A E N + and $(A) = 0 imply A = 0. It is said to be normal if, for every increasing net { A }C N+ with upper bound A E N+, $(A) is t h e upper bound of {$(A)}. A trace $Jis said to be semi-finite if, for every A E A’+ with A # 0, there exists B E N+ with A - B E A+,B # 0 and $ ( B ) < 00. Another remarkable property of factors which will bear on the forthcoming definition of a dimension-function is (see Dixmier, 1957: 1.6.4, Cor. to Thm. 3): any two semi-finite, normal faithful traces on a factor, if they exist, are necessarily proportional. A von Neumann algebra N is said to be semi-finite if, for every A E N + with A # 0, there exists a semi-finite normal trace $ for N such t h a t $(A) # 0; it is then possible (see Dixmier, 1957: 1.6.7, Prop. 9) t o find a trace $ for such an algebra N ,with $ semi-finite, normal and faithful. For instance, B(N) (with U separable) is semi-finite, and $ : A E B(U)+ H trA E [0, +00] is a semi-finite, normal, faithful trace. Clearly t h e restriction of this trace to P(U) coincides with t h e usual concept of dimension, which we now are ready to generalize to a n arbitrary factor A. A dimension-function for a factor N is the restriction d to P G {P E NIP* = P = P2}of a faithful normal trace $ for N , with $ supposed to be semi-finite whenever N is semi-finite. T h e last restriction in this definition ensures t h a t a dimension-function is uniquely defined up to a multiplicative constant 0 < X < 00; indeed either: N is a semi-finite factor, a n d we already mentioned t h a t two faithful normal traces which are semi-finite must then be proportional; or: < $ ; A >= 00 V A E Ac+ with A # 0 (see e.g. Dixmier, 1957: 1.6.7, Prop. 8). The reader will verify t h a t d satisfies all t h e properties one could reasonably expect for a measure of t h e “dimension” of projectors.
We have in particular: (77a) (77b) (77~) (77d) (77e)
d(P) 2 0 V P E P, and d(P)= 0 iff P = 0 P , Q E P with P 1Q implies d(P &) = d(P) d(Q) P I Q E P with P Q implies d(P)= d(Q) PEP then d(P)= 00 iff P is infinite P, Q E P with P < Q and P finite imply d(P) < d(Q)
Murray & von Neumann (1936), who introduced this notion of dimension, showed t h a t factors can be classified according to t h e range of their dimensionfunctions d. Indeed, t h e following five, disjoint, cases d o occur. A factor is said to be of type I,., (resp. I,, or 111)if one can, by a suitable choice of a multiplicative constant, make d ( P ) coincide with {0,1,2,. . ., n} (resp. Z+, or (0,1]). It is said to be of type IZ, (resp. I I I ) if d ( P ) = [0,+00] (resp. (0, +co}). The following nomenclature is used to characterize t h e factors: discrete (I,.,,loo) vs. continuous (111, II,, and 111);finite (I,.,, 111)vs. infinite (Im, II,, and I I I ) ; semi-finite (I,.,, Im, 111,11,) vs. purely infinite (IZI). Murray & von Neumann (1943) introduced further the concept of an approzimately finite factor, as one which is obtained as t h e strong-operator closure of an increasing sequence of finite, type I factors; the words hyperfinite, or rnatricial are used interchangeably today to refer to these factors. In t h e same paper, Murray & von Neumann proved t h a t all approximately finite factors of type I I i are isomorphic. In sharp contrast with this result, Powers (1967) constructed-from his version of Scholium 5 above-a continuum(!) of non-isomorphic matricial factors of type I I I . Consider indeed the most simple case where B is t h e C*-algebra of quasi-local observables for a quantum lattice on Z,with B, E M(2, a) and 4 is of the form (31) with Qu E 9 . We already saw t h a t 4 is uniformly clustering and thus, by Scholium 5, 4 is primary, i.e. r,(B)" is a factor. This factor is matricial since it is the strong-operator closure of a representation r#(B)of a C*-algebra B which is the uniform closure of an increasing sequence of finite, type I factors, namely {BI-,.,,,.,] =" M(2(2n+'),C)ln E Z}.Note in passing, t h a t B is thus an example of w h a t Glimm (1960) called UHF-algebras, namely of a C*-algebra which is the uniform closure of a n increasing sequence (.N~,,)lnE Z+}of factors NM,.,) of type I,(,.,) with m(n) finite and m(n) -+ 00 as n + 00. The representations of UHF-algebras were studied by Glimm (1961) and by Powers (1967); see also Pukansaky (1956) for some useful preliminary results. As a result of these papers, one can be very precise on t h e type of the matricial factors ro(B)"as $J varies over the possible states of M(2, a!). If is pure, so is 4 and T ~ ( B is ) irreducible; since ## is infinite-dimensional, r#(B)"is a type I , factor. If $J is the normalized trace on M(2,a!), ro(8)" is the unique matricia1 type I I , factor of Murray & von Neumann. In all other cases, one can assume without loss of generality t h a t $J : B, E M(2, a) H trpB, E with p = exp(-pa)/tr{exp(-@a)} with p E ( 0 , ~and ) o is any Hermitian nondegenerate matrix, e.g. assume tr Q = 0 and o2 = I so t h a t o is a Pauli matrix $J
(8.3.156). Glimm (1961) had used a result of Pukanski (1956) to show t h a t , for every /3 E (0,oo),t h e matricial factor .#(a)'' is of type III. Powers (1967) then showed t h a t any two factors obtained in this way are non-isomorphic as soon as they come from two different /3, t h u s establishing indeed t h e existence of uncountably many non-isomorphic matricial factors of type I I I . As we shall see in Section One of Chapter Ten, type I I I factors appear, in quantum statistical mechanics, under rather general circumstances from the G N S representations associated to canonical equilibrium states at finite temperatures. The above Glimm-Powers results will t h u s t u r n o u t to be the most simple, b u t genuine, examples of this phenomenon.
c. Averages over group actions. The purpose of this subsection is to define t h e average of states and of observables with respect to group actions, and to study their properties. For this purpose, we need t h e notion of an amenable group; there are several equivalent definitions of this condition in the literature, and we present here t h e definition which is most directly relevant to our purpose. Moreover, throughout t h i s subsection, we will restrict our attention to locally compact groups; this restriction, although mathematically non-trivial, is natural in the context of this book, since many of t h e groups encountered in physics either are discrete, or are Lie groups, so t h a t they are locally compact. Locally compact amenable groups have been extensively studied; see e.g. Day (1957), Hewitt & Ross (1963), Pier (1965), Effros & Hahn (1968), or Greenleaf (1969); for a brief review, see also Emch (1972). L e t G be a locally compact group, and C(G)be t h e C*-algebra of all bounded, continuous functions f : G + (E, equipped with its usual point-wise composition laws and its sup-norm. A left action g[.] : f E C(G)H g[f] E C(G),and a right action [.]g : f E C(G)H [fg E C(G)of G on C(G) are defined by:
Now, G is said to be amenable whenever C(G) admits at least one state q which is invariant under the left a n d right actions of G o n C(G)j u s t defined. When such a G-invariant state on C(G) exists, it is said to be a n invariant mean on G. Clearly, every compact group is amenable: t h e normalized Haar measure provides the desired mean. One can also prove (see Dixmier, 1950; Greenleaf, 1959; or for a n elementary presentation of t h e argument: Emch, 1972) t h a t every abelian group is amenable. Note also t h a t t h e class 9 of all locally compact amenable groups enjoys t h e following properties: if G E 5, then every closed subgroup H C G is also amenable; if moreover H is normal in G, then G / H is again amenable. Conversely if G is locally compact, a n d if H is a closed normal subgroup of G such t h a t both H and G / H are amenable, then so is G. Hence, lR",Oy,E3 are all amenable.
There are, however, locally compact groups of relevance to physics which a r e not amenable: n o non-compact, semi-simple Lie group is amenable; in particular, t h e (homogeneous) Lorentz group, a n d t h e (inhomogeneous) Poincar6 group of special relativity are not amenable. SCHOLIUM~. Let a : G + A u t ( B ) be an a c t i o n of an amenable group G o n a C*-algebra B w i t h unit. Then, f o r every state 4 o n 8 , and every i n v a r i a n t mean q on G, (79)
74 : B E B
is a G - i n v a r i a n t state o n
< 4; a(.)[B]> E
Proofi By definition of a n action a of G on 8 : (80)
g EG
++<+ ; a ( g ) [ B ] >E
is a continuous function on G, i.e. belongs to C(G). Hence, t h e R H S of (79) is well-defined. Clearly ~4 is linear. If B E B is positive, so is a(g)[B]for all g E G; hence, in this case, t h e function (80) is positive; since 7;1 is a s t a t e o n C(G), we have then t h a t t h e RHS of (79) is a positive number for every positive B E B , i.e. q+ is positive. Moreover, if B = I , t h e function (80) is the constant function 1, a n d t h u s < q $ ; I >= 1. Hence q$ is a s t a t e o n B . Finally, since q is an invariant mean o n G, qr$ is G-invariant. 0 Note in particular t h a t t h e assumptions of t h e scholium ensures t h a t S k is n o t empty. Clearly every G-invariant s t a t e on B can t h e n be obtained in t h i s way, i.e. q ( S * ) f Sb. T h e G-invariant s t a t e q4 is said to be t h e average of the state r$ with respect to the group action a,a n d t h e invariant mean q . PROPOSITION 7. Let a : G t Aut(B) be an a c t i o n of an amenable group G o n a C*-algebra B ( w i t h unit). Let 4 be a G - i n v a r i a n t state o n 8 , and T# : B + B(U4) be the GNS representation of B associated t o 4, w i t h cyclic vector @ = @ ( I ) . Then
extends t o a continuous u n i t a r y representation V g E G andV B E 8:
U# : G t U(&)
such that,
n # { 4 g ) [ B I )= u # ( g ) Q ( m J # ( g ) * -
For every i n v a r i a n t mean q on G, there exists a linear, ‘ - h o m o m o r p h i s m : 76 : B E B
(83) such that, V (84)
and 92 E
qb(B) E
N#, and
(%(B)QI,Q 2 )
n U#(G)’
V B E B:
= 17 (T#{a(.)[B])Ql, Q2)
rl#(B)E#= J%rl#(B)= J % n d B ) 4
where E6 is the projector o n the subspace
{Q E
N+lU+(g)Q= 9 V g E G}.
Proof: T h e notation established in t h e proof of Theorem 9.1.5 is used systematically. Since now I$ is G-invariant, K+ is stable under t h e action of a(g) for every g in G. Consequently
.rr+(B)@ = @(B)H @ ( a ( g ) P I ) = .rrd4g)[BI}@
which is (81), is well-defined as a linear m a p of 0 / K + o n t o itself. Moreover, this m a p is isometric; indeed: (88)
I( @(B)/I2=<4); B'B >=< &a(g)[B*B] >=I/ @(a(g)[BI)112
and, therefore, extends uniquely, by continuity, t o a unitary operator U+(g) acting on N+. This operator satisfies
U+(g).rr+(B)@(C) = Udg)@(BC)= @(4g)PCI)= ~+{~(g>[Bl}~.(~(S>[Cl) = (891 ~4{~(9~[Bl)~+(g)@(C) Since {@(C)lCE 8) = B / K + is dense in N+, this establishes (82). Clearly, U+(gl)U+(g2) = U+(g192)for all 91,g1 E G ; a n d Lr+(g) is continuous in g for t h e weak-operator topology. Hence {U+(g)lgE G} is indeed a unitary representation of G on N4. This establishes t h e first part of the Proposition. Notice now, by polarization, t h a t for every B E B , and every Q1, Qg E &: (90)
9E G
(Q{a(g)[B]}Ql, Q2) E (E
is continuous; it is also bounded, namely by 11 B 11 . 11 Q1 11 . 11 Q1 11 . Hence t h e RHS of (84) is well-defined, and extends uniquely by continuity to a bounded sesquilinear form on U+. By t h e Riesa representation theorem, (84) defines then q+(B)E B ( N 4 ) . Straightforward computations show t h a t B H q+(B)is a linear *-homomorphism. Since rl is an invariant mean, we conclude from (84) and (82) t h a t
and t h u s
and thus
T h e conclusions (92) a n d (95) establish (83). Finally, from t h e definition (86) of E4 as a n eigenprojector of U#(G),we have E# E U+(G)".Together with (92) this implies that
rl#(B)E#= E#r]dB)= J%rl#(B)4
We now compute, for arbitrary
92 E Md:
W m E # = E#T#(B)E#
From (96) a n d (98), we conclude t h a t (85) holds t r u e . 0
We say t h a t t h e self-adjoint operator q#(A)E nU#(G)' is t h e average of the observable A = A* E 8, with respect to: t h e group action a, t h e Ginvariant s t a t e 9, a n d t h e invariant mean r] o n G. While it is true, in general, t h a t q)(A) may depend o n the choice of t h e m e a n q used to define it, t h e r e are nevertheless cases, of importance for quantum statistical mechanics, when q# : B E B + q#(B)E r#(B)"nU6(G)'is in fact independent of q . T h e following result provides such a n example, and we shall see some more, later o n in t h i s subsection. COROLLARY 8. With the assumption of Proposition 7,suppose further that Then, for every invariant mean f 9 is cyclic in with respect t o o n G : (4(B)= q#(B)for every B in 8 .
Proof: From (81) and (86) we have E#@= 9.Together with (85) this gives (99)
M B ) - fdB)}@= E # { W )- Q(mW= 0
Now, 9 cyclic with respect to r#(B)'implies 9 separating for n+(B)",i.e. with X,Y E r#(B)":(X- Y)9 = 0 if a n d only if X = Y. Since 9#(B)a n d
(#(B)belong to f#W 0
(see 83), t h e above relation (99) t h u s implies q#(B)=
The first part of Proposition 7 suggests t h e introduction of t h e notion of a covariant representation of a group action a! : G -+ Aut(B) to be defined as a couple { T , U } formed by a representation T : B + B(U) of the C*-algebra 8 , and a representation U : G -+ U ( U ) of the topological group G satisfying
T h e reader will verify t h a t t h e proof of t h e second part of Proposition 7 only depends of t h e structure t h a t (714, U,} has as a covariant representation of t h e action of an amenable group on a C*-algebra. The structure of covariant representation { R , U } of a group action a! : G -+ Aut(B) is also all one needs to extend a! to a g r o u p action a!, : G --+ Aut{T(B)”}. Indeed since t h e von Neumann algebra .(a)” is the closure of T(B) in topologies for which the product of operators in BO() is separately continuous, we have t h a t , for every g in G: (101a)
a,(g) : X E .(a)“
Similarly, every state
U(g)XV(g)*E n(B)“.
4 on B t h a t can be written i n t h e form
can be uniquely extended to a normal state $ o n r(B)I);and every normal state on .(a)” can be obtained in this way, namely as the unique normal extension of its restriction q5 to r(B).A normal state 3 o n ~ ( 8 )is“ then said to be G-invariant, with respect to the action a! : G --+ A u t (B), whenever $Oa!,(g)=a V gEG. The following theorem a n d its corollaries give, under successively sharper conditions, some characterizations of extremal G-invariant states and of t h e associated averaged obervables.
THDOREM 9. Let a! : G + A u t ( B ) be an action of an amenable group G on a C*-algebra B (with unit). Let 4 be a G-invariant state on 8; 7 be an invariant mean on G; ~4 be the GNS representation of B associated to 4; U,, E# and 74 be as in Proposition 7. Then the implication-scheme (iZ)
Jl (ui)
gives the logical relations between the following nine conditions
(i) v#(B)=< 4 ; B > I v B E 8 (ii) 7 < 4; a(.)[B]C>=< 4; B > < 4; C
V B, C E
( i i i ) 4 is extremal G - i n v a r i a n t ( i v ) is the only G-inwariant n o r m a l state o n a$(B)” ( v ) 4 is the only G - i n v a r i a n t vector state o n ~ r gB( ) ( v i ) r,(B)’ U#(G)’= (El ( ~ i i{r#(B), ) U&(G)}”n rg(B)’ n U$(G)’ = (El’ ( v i i i ) rs(B)” n ro(B)’n U#(G)’= CI ( i x ) dim E# = 1.
Proof: From set-theoretical considerations alone, we see immediately t h a t (vii) implies (viii), and t h a t (vi) implies (vii). From the definition (84) of 96, it is clear t h a t (i) implies (ii). Since a G-invariant vector state $ on .$(a) extends , obtain t h a t (iv) implies uniquely to a G-invariant normal state on A ~ ( B ) ” we (v). To prove t h a t (i) implies (iv), recall t h a t every normal state on t h e von Neumann algebra T$(B)’~can be written in the form
4 : X E .#(a>”
E ( X 3 , ,3,) with i
1) 3, \I2=
In particular, we have for the restriction $ t o T # ( B ) of any G-invariant normal state on r # ( ~ ) ” :
< $; B >= < $; B >= C(V#(B)@i, Qi).
Hence, when (i) holds (103) reduces to < $;I3 >=< 4; B > V B E 8, a n d thus by continuity $ = Hence (i) indeed implies (iv). To see t h a t (ii) is equivalent to (ix), we use Proposition 7 to compute t h e LHS of condition (ii):
< 4; a [ B I c >= rl(~,{.(.>[BI}7v(C)@,@I =
( 1 7 , ( B ) W ) @E,@) , = ( w w m ( C ) @@I ,
The RHS of condition (ii) can be rewritten as (105a)
< 4; B > < 4; C >=
( ~ + ( B ) P @ T ~@) (C)@,
where Pe is the projector (105b)
P* : Q E
( 3 ,@)@ E N,
Upon comparing (104) and (105), we see t h a t condition (ii) reads simply: (106)
Pa = E,
Upon comparing (81) and (86) wih (105b), we see t h a t in general
P@ c E#
Hence condition (ix) is equivalent to (106), i.e. to (ii). We next show t h a t (ii) implies (vi). L e t S E lrg(8)’ n LT#(G)’. Since @ is cyclic for .#(a), it is separating for lr#(B)’. Hence to show t h a t S = X I for some X E C,it is sufficient to show t h a t (S - XI)@ = 0
since (S - 11) E A#(B)’. Since moreover S
U#(G)’, we have
U#(g)S@ = SU#(g)@ = S@ V g E G
i.e. SCP E Eb. Under condition (ii), see (106) above, this is equivalent to S@E Pa) i.e. to (108). Hence (ii) implies (vi) indeed. To prove t h a t (v) and (vi) separately imply (iii), let us assume t h a t there exists X E ( 0 , l ) and $,x E S& such t h a t
4 = A$
(1- X>x
From the second part of the proof of Corollary 9.1.6, we know t h a t there exists
X E n#(B)’ such t h a t
< $J; B >=
T h e G-invariance of (112)
( X T ~ ( B ) @@) ,
t h u s reads:
(XA#(B*)R#(C)@, @)=< $; B*C >= < $; 4 S ) P * C l > = (xn#{CY(g)[B*l}n#{a(g)[Cl}@,@I
and thus, upon using X E .#(a)’:
( X W ) @Q(B)@) , = ( ~ ( S > * X ~ ( S ) Q ( C ) R@# ,( B ) @ ’ )
which is to say X E U#(G)’. Note further t h a t < $; B*B > 2 0 implies X Upon denoting by Y t h e positive square root of X,we t h u s obtain (114)
< $I;
>= (n+(B)Y@, Y@)
V B E B where
Y E r#(B)’nU+(G)’
This relation shows t h a t (v) or (vi) separately imply t h a t $ = 4 a n d t h u s t h a t t h e decomposition (110) is trivial, i.e. t h a t 4 is extremal G-invariant, which is condition (iii). We only have left to prove t h a t (iii) implies (vi). This can be done by a straightforward modification of t h e first part of t h e proof of Corollary 9.1.6, ’ As a result of this consisting in replacing X E n#(B)’by X E ~ ~ ( 8n)U#(G)’. substitution, (9.1.56-57) provide a decomposition of 4 into a convex sum of G-invariant states, which contradicts (iii) unless X = zl. Hence (iii) implies (vi). 0
The ergodic flavour carried by the various conditions of Theorem 9 invites comparison with the results of classical ergodic theory. One notices then t h a t the non-abelianness of B introduces new distinctions between some of t h e notions t h a t d o coincide in the classical theory; compare, for instance, t h e relations we found between our conditions (i), (iii) and (ix) and Definition 7.1, Corollary 7.6 and Theorem 9.7 in Arnold & Avea (1968). A further comparison with the results of Subsection b above does suggest, however, to investigate what happens to t h e relations between t h e nine conditions of Theorem 9 when one assumes, in addition, some kind of asymptotic abelianness in the action a! : G --+ Aut(B). The next three corollaries are results in this direction. With the general assumptions of Theorem 9, the following three supplementary conditions are mutually equivalent: COROLLARY 10.
(1156) (115c)
With = {r#(B),U&(G)}" : E#E# is abelian [E#T#(B)E#, E#Q(C)E#]= 0 v B, c E B 7 < $; [a(.)[B],C] >= 0 v B, c E B whenever 11 : B E B ( r # ( B ) 99) , with 9 E
W h e n any, and thus all, of the conditions (115) is satisfied, the conditions (iz), (aai), (vi), (via) and (ax) of Theorem 9 are equivalent. Proof: Clearly (115a) implies (115b). To see t h a t the converse is also true, we notice first t h a t E,p+(B)E#is abelian exactly when E#r#(B)"E#is abelian, a n d t h a t E# E U#(G)".From (82), we conclude t h a t N4 is the closure, in the strong operator topology, of the set of all finite linear combinations of operators of the form r#(B,)U#(gi) with Bi E B and gi E G. Moreover, from (86), we have Lr,(g)E# = E4 for all g E G. Consequently
Hence (115b) implies (115a). To see t h a t (115b) and (115c) are equivalent, we compute for every 9 E and
The equivalence of (115b) and (115c) follows then readily from (118). This completes the proof of the equivalence of the three conditions (115).
To prove t h e second part of the Corollary, we see from Theorem 9 t h a t it is sufficient to show, under condition (115) t h a t (vi) implies (ix) a n d t h a t (vii) implies (vi). To show t h a t (vi) implies (ix), notice t h a t (vi) can be rewritten equivalently as 1 4 = !(M#). So (115) a n d (vi) together imply t h a t E#B(M#)E#is abelian; this is only possible when E# is one-dimensional. Hence, under (115), (vi) implies indeed (ix). Condition (vii) reads 1 6 n (A,)’= CI,while (vi) reads (N#)’ = CI. It is, therefore, clear t h a t (vii) implies (vi) whenever (I#)’1 6 , i.e. since N# is a von Neumann algebra, whenever (119)
is a n abelian von Neumann algebra
The proof of t h e Corollary will, therefore, be completed when we have proven t h a t (115) implies (119). To prove this, let M # denote E#N$E#when considered as a von Neumann algebra acting within t h e closed subspace C U,. Clearly Q, cyclic for q ( B ) in M4 implies Q, cyclic for M # in . Hence, when (115) is satisfied, is a von Neumann algebra which is abelian and admits a cyclic vector. Consequently (see e.g. Dixmier, 1957, I. 6.3, Cor. 2) M # is maximal abelian, i.e. M # = (M6)’;and t h u s (M6)’is a n abelian von Neumann algebra. Since E# E 1#we have (see, e.g. Dixmier, 1957, 1.2.1, Prop. 1): E#(N#)’E#= (A#)’. Hence:
To prove (119) it is, therefore, sufficient to construct a *-algebraic isomorphism between (A#)’ a n d E+(&)’E#. The m a p
is clearly a *-algebraic homomorphism, since E# E A+,a n d it is surjective. I t and is, therefore, sufficient to show t h a t Y is injective. Suppose X E (1+)’ E#XE+= 0; we have then, for every Y E N4:
Since Q, is cyclic in injective. 0
(122) implies
= 0; and thus v is
Condition (115a), when assumed to hold for all rj5 E Sb, is referred to by saying t h a t the action a is G-abelian. It was introduced in this form by Lanford & Ruelle (1967). Note t h a t (115a) does not require, for its formulation, any invariant mean q on G; in fact it does not even require t h a t G be amenable. When G is amenable, however, t h e equivalence between (115a) and (115c)
shows t h a t if (115c) is satisfied for one invariant mean on G, it is also satisfied for any other invariant mean on G. T h e specific version (115a) used in Corollary 10 is referred to by saying t h a t the action cy is G-abelian on 4. Note further t h a t when G is amenable, and 7) is a n invariant mean on G, t h e equivalent form (115c) of this condition implies t h a t (123)
g f 3
I < 4; [cy(g)[B],C] > I =0
and t h a t t h e latter condition, in itself, does not require G to be amenable. This condition (123) was shown t o be sufficient to ensure (115b); see Lanford & Ruelle (1967) and Doplicher, Kadison, Kastler & Robinson (1967). O n e advantage of (123) is t h a t once it holds for a subgroup H G it obviously holds for G itself, independently of whether G is amenable or not. All these conditions (115) and (123) have in common to state in a precise way that, although B itself does not need to be abelian, t h e action cy of G o n B brings into the picture a sufficient “amount of abelianness”. In particular, they are trivially satisfied if B is abelian, or even if G acts o n B in a normasymptotic abelian manner (compare with t h e results of Subsection b above). For our purpose here, t h e point of conditions (115) is t h a t they, individually, are stringent enough to ensure the equivalences stated in t h e second p a r t of Corollary 10. One should, nevertheless, notice t h a t even when (115) are satisfied, condition (i) still stands alone at the t o p of t h e hierarchical scheme of Theorem 9. This, together with the results of classical ergodic theory, suggests to try for still another notion of asymptotic abelianness on 4, t h a t would n o t only imply G-abelianness on 4, but would also bring (i) in line with the other conditions of Theorem 9. This is achieved by the next result, a n d Corollary 1 2 below will show t h a t the asymptotic abelianness assumed in Corollary 11 is optimal in certain situations which will turn o u t to be relevant in applications to quantum statistical mechanics; see Section One of Chapter Ten. COROLLARY 11. With the
that for all A, B, C E 8 :
general assumptions of Theorem 9, assume further
Then: (1) the conditions (115) of Corollary 10 are satisfied; (2) r#(B)’n U#(G)’ = r@(B)” n U#(G)’; (3) the conditions (i)-(iz) of Theorem 9 are mutually equivalent, and they are satisfied if and only if condition (2) below is satisfied:
(4) when, in addition of (124) and of the general assumptions of Theorem 9, 4 is assumed to be primary: the ten conditions (i)-(2) are satisfied.
Proof: To prove part (1) we show t h a t (124) implies (115b). By polarization (124) implies, for all A, B, C a n d D in 8:
which we can rewrite:
%(a) c .#(a>'
Together with (83), (127) implies:
J12 in Hence v#(B)is abelian. We have, therefore, for every Ql,
Upon using (85),we can rewrite (129a) in t h e form
is abelian. We have thus indeed (124) implies (115). Hence E,T#(B)E# To prove part (2), we first notice t h a t for every B E 8 such t h a t r#(B)E U@(G)',we have v#(B)= x#(B). Hence (127) implies
and thus, by continuity:
which trivially implies (131)
n#(B),, n U#(G)' C_
B)' n U+(G)'
To prove t h e opposite inclusion, we need t h e following result (132)
{n#(B)" n U#(G)'}E#= E#R~(B)"E# .
Since X E T ~ ( B ) " ~ U ~ C ( GU#(G)' )' and E# E U#(G)"t h e LHS of (132) is equal to E#{T#(B)~ nII#(G)'}E#which is trivially contained in t h e RHS of (132). We
have, therefore, (132a)
{NV“n u ~ G ) ’ ) E #G QW“E#
Hence, to prove (132), it is sufficient to prove (132b)
E ~ ~ Y EG ,{ d a ) ”n u#(GY)E#
Note t h a t (85) and (83) imply (132c)
E ~ B ) E=# @)E#
c BY n u#(G)’)%
from which (132b) follows by continuity. We have, therefore, proved t h a t (132) holds. From part (1) of the corollary, we know t h a t (115) is satisfied. Hence, from is abelian, the proof of Corollary 10 (see specifically 119), we know t h a t (N#)’ i.e. (133)
(N,)“= N6 G {T~(B),U#(G)}”
Since E4 E U#(G)” C Jf#, we have
( W E #= E # ( W E #
and thus, upon using (133) and (116) (135)
(&)’E# & E#.M+E# = E#a#(B)“E#
Together with (132), (135) implies (136)
c M a ) ” n WG)”
and thus, upon using (131) (137)
c {W)” n( W w #
which trivially implies (138)
(WJ% = { W Y n (W%
Since O E &+, (138) implies (139)
(N#)’Q = ( ~ ( 8 )n” ( N ~ ) ’ } o
there exists a XOE q(8)“n (Jf#)’ such This means t h a t , for every X E (I#)’, that
Recall now t h a t Q is cyclic in M, for T # ( B ) and thus, afortiori, for {.#(a), U#(G)}” 1 6 . Hence Q is separating for ( 1 6 ) ’ . Since both X a n d X o belong to ( 1 6 ) ’ (140) implies X = XO.This is exactly saying
(A#)’= .#(a)‘‘ n (1,)’ i.e.
(1,)’c ~ ( € 3 ) “
In particular, (141) implies
“&a)’ n U+(G)’ .#(a)” n U#(G)’
Together with (131) this proves part (2) of o u r corollary. To prove part (3), it is sufficient to show t h a t (viii) is equivalent to (x) and t h a t (x) implies (i). From part (2) of t h e corollary, we obtain immediately: (143)
n u~(GY
= ~ ( 8 )n ” .#(a)’
n u#(G)’
Hence (viii) a n d (x) are indeed equivalent. When (x) holds, (128) implies, for every B E €3:
q#(B)= z(B)I for some z(B)E d:
(144) We have then (145)
z(B)= ( s ( B ) @@) , =q
< 4; a(.)[B]>=< 9; B >
(144) and (145) together are t h e condition (i). Hence part (3) is proven. P a r t (4) follows then trivially from (143): when r#(B)“n .#(a)’ = CI, condition (x) is satisfied, and thus, by part (3)) so are (i)-(ix). [7 COROLLARY 12. With the general assumptions of Theorem 9, assume further that the cyclic vector Q, canonically associated to I$ b y the GNS construction, is also cyclic for .#(a)’. If a single one of the eight conditions (i)-(vi), (ix) or (x) is satisfied, so are (124) and each one of the ten conditions (i)-(x). Proof: We already saw, as a trivial consequence of (83), t h a t (x) implies (i). Clearly (i) implies (124). From Theorem 9 and Corollary 11, i t is, therefore, sufficient to show t h a t (vi) implies (i), when we impose the additional condition t h a t r#(B)’Q is dense in 16. We prove this in two steps, namely (vi) implies (ix), a n d (ix) implies (i); both steps use the stated additional condition. For every g E G,define: (146)
&(g) :
x E .#(By
U(g)XU(g)*E .#(BY
T h e reasoning used in the proof of Proposition 7 can now be repeated to define: (147) satisfying (148) (149)
9 :X
E n#(B)’I-+ q ( X )E n+(a)’nU#(G)’
(*(X)Ql,9 2 ) = rl(zL.(*)[X]Ql, 9 2 )
fi(X)E#= E#+j(X)= E#XE#
Jrl, Jr2
E M#
Consequently, for every
X E r#(B)’ E # X 9 = ij(X)9
Together with (147), condition (vi) therefore implies
E67r#(B y 9 = a9
Since 9 is cyclic in N# for n#(B)’, t h e LHS of (151) is dense in E#U# e . Consequently, (151) implies now dim E# = 1
Hence, under t h e supplementary condition imposed in this corollary, we have indeed t h a t (vi) implies (ix). We only have to prove, now, t h a t (ix) implies (i). Recall from (83) t h a t q # ( B ) & .#(a)”. We have, therefore, for every B E B and every X E r#(B)’, upon using (85): (153)
q#(B)X@= Xq+(B)E#@ = X E # r#(B)E#Q,
Since dim E# = 1 and 9 E (154)
imply E4 : 9 E U,
(Q, @)a,(153) reads
V#(B)XQ,=< Cp;B > x9
Finally, since A ~ ( B ) ’ @is dense in I/#, (154) implies q#(B)=< 4; B > I V B E B , which is (i). 0 As a particular consequence of this corollary, notice t h a t t h e assumption r#(B)’@ dense in U# implies the following result: if for any given invariant mean q on G, either one of the two conditions (i) or (ii) is satisfied, then both of t h e m are satisfied for all other invariant means 5 on G, and (124) is independent of t h e particular invariant mean on G used to formulate it. When a n action CY of an amenable group G satisfies (124) i t is said to be q-abelian on Cp. When this condition is satisfied for all 4 in Sh, t h e action is simply said to be q-abelian. A related notion, which we did not use in this section, called q-asymptotic abelianness, has also been introduced in the literature; see, e.g. Doplicher, Kadison, Kastler & Robinson (1967). It is obtained by simultaneously weakening (124) by replacing A by I , a n d strengthening it by requiring it to hold for all Cp in S’. Notice finally t h a t , when B is abelian, t h e condition t h a t be cyclic n o t only for r#(B)b u t also for r,(B)’ is trivially satisfied. T h e relevance of this condition for quantum statistical mechanics-where B cannot be assumed to be abelian-will be discussed in Chapter Ten, Section O n e below, when we introduce t h e KMS condition. The latter condition will also be shown to be instrumental in extending to t h e quantum realm t h e classical theory of Kolmogorov systems.
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CHAPTER 10. SYSTEMS WITH INFINITELY MANY DEGREES OF FREEDOM SYNOPSIS The algebraic formulation of quantum mechanics presented in Chapter Nine encompasses the von Neumann Hilbert space formalism discussed in Chapter Eight. In the present chapter we address two questions, namely: (a) whether the algebraic formulation is a genuine generalization over w h a t was known before; and (b) whether this generalization occurs when i t is needed. We first notice t h a t t h e von Neumann uniqueness theorem on t h e representations of the canonical commutation relations for finitely many degrees of freedom (see Subsection 8.3.f) breaks down for systems with infinitely many degrees of freedom. T h e resulting mathematical flexibility t u r n s o u t to be necessary since t h e most immediate generalization of t h e Schroedinger representation of the CCR, namely t h e Fock space formulation of t h e theory, is insufficient to account for the phenomena we wish to understand. The GNS construction (see Subsection 9.l.b), together with t h e non-commutative ergodic theory developed in Section 9.2, provides t h e necessary guidelines t h a t prevent the newly gained freedom to degenerate into anarchy: it allows, in principle at least, a rational choice-amongst an otherwise baffling multiplicity of possibilities-for t h e Hilbert space realizations best adapted to t h e physical situations considered. This programme has grown into a full-fledged theory of (non-relativistic) quantum statistical mechanics, drawing-mathematically as well as physicallyon the seminal works of Araki & Woods (1963); of Haag, Hugenholtz & Winnink (1967) on t h e Kubo-Martin-Schwinger condition; and of Takesaki (1970) on the Tomita theory of modular algebras. These ideas and the wide variety of developments to which they have led are t h e object of Section 1. Section 2 briefly alludes to the problems one encounters when trying to superimpose the principles of relativistic covariance onto a theory of interacting quantum fields defined on a physical space-time. Section 1. QUANTUM STATISTICAL MECHANICS Statistical Mechanics started-naturally enough-as a study of finite systems. T h e thermodynamical limit is a subsequent idealization; the purpose of this limit is to extract from t h e theory the essential features associated with the idea t h a t the microscopically mechanistic systems to be considered are, in fact, so large as to justify neglecting finite-size effects t h a t distract
4 18
from t h e thermodynamical behaviours one wants to account for. Among the phenomena to be described in this manner, we will discuss: the occurence of phase transitions allowing t h e coexistence of several thermodynamical phases; and t h e empirical fact t h a t many macroscopic systems tend to approach to equilibrium, following laws governed by transport equations.
a. Canonical equilibrium for flnite systems In t h e ordinary quantum mechanics where von Neumann’s postulates hold (see Section 8.3) the canonical equilibrium state p, with respect to a Hamiltonian H , is defined as p = exp(-/3H)/tr{exp(-,BH)}. T h e purposes of this subsection are: (a) to understand t h e conceptual background of this definition; (b) to make this definition mathematically precise; (c) to explore the properties of t h e GNS representation associated to canonical equilibrum states of this type; and (d) to expose some essential limitation of the formalism. According to the von Neumann postulates of Section 8.3, t h e algebra of observables to be considered in the present subsection will be B(U), where U is a separable Hilbert space; we also will restrict our attention to t h e set S of t h e normal states on B(U). We first need a reasonable definition for t h e entropy S(4) of a state 4. A partition of the identity in B( U)-or, more succinctly, a “partition”is a family F = {Fmlm E M} of mutually orthogonal projectors in B(U), adding up to I. A partition G = {Gnln E N} is said to refine a partition F = {Fmlrn E M}, a fact which we denote F G, whenever there exists a partition { N m ( mE M} of t h e set N such t h a t , for every m E M :
Clearly C equips the set 3 of all partitions, with a partial ordering. For every partition F = {FmlrnE M} a n d every state 4 E S, let
p ( F , 4) : B E B(U) H
< 4; FmBFm> E m
Clearly, p ( F , 4) is again a state on B ( ) o , t h e interpretation of which is straightforward when we rewrite (2) i n t h e form
where Am=<
(3b) and
V rnE M
is the state, defined for every m E A4 such t h a t A,
E B(U)
< 4; FmBFm>
# 0, by
Note t h a t each of these states q5m ((sees” only w h a t happens in Um F m U , i.e. is in fact a state on B(Um); note further t h a t p ( F , 4) is a convex combination of these states, with coefficients Am equal to t h e probability for t h e proposition Fm t o be true when the system is prepared in the state 4. To say this in still a different way, note t h a t p ( F , 4) is t h a t state on B o ( ) which coincides with 4 on $mB(Mm) but has no correlation between different subspaces U,. T h e m a p
is referred to as the uon Neumann measurement process. I t satisfies t h e important property t h a t for every 4 E S and every pair F ,G of elements of 3 with F C G
A partition F is said compatible with a state 4 whenever p ( F , 4) = 4. Note t h a t this notion is new to quantum theory: if we were working in a classical context, it would simply be redundant. SCHOLIUM 1. Let F = {Fmlm E M} be a partition of the identity, and 4 : B E B ( U ) H trpB E be a normal state on B ( M ) . Then the following conditions are equivalent:
(9 P(F,4)= 4 (di) [Fm,p] = 0 V m E M (dii) 3 G = {GnlnE N } E 3 such that p(G,4) = 4 , F C G, and dim G, = 1 V n E N . Proofi Upon writing explicitly condition (i), we see t h a t i t reads
which is equivalent to (7)
which, in t u r n is clearly equivalent to (ii). When (ii) is satisfied, there is an orthonormal basis {9nln E N } in U ,diagonaliaing simultaneously all t h e Fm’s and p. {G, : 9 E M I-+ ( J I , Q,,)JIn E U } provides a partition satisfying (iii). T h e converse implication (iii)+(ii) follows then trivially. 0 With F = {Fm(mE M} and 4 E S, t h e map
defines a probability measure on t h e discrete space M . We know from classical probability theory-see, e.g. Khinchin, 1957-that, up to a positive multiplicative constant k , there is only one reasonable expression for t h e informational content of vb. We use it to define t h e entropy S ( F , $ ) of t h e partition F with respect to the state 4, namely:
where h is t h e continuous function
We now define the entropy S(4) of a state # by
# :B E B()o
tr pB E Q: be a normal state o n B ( x ) . T h e n
S(4) = --k
tr { p en p }
Prool: For F ,G E 3 with p ( F , #) = # = p(G,6) and F G, a straightforward computation shows t h a t S(F,$)5 S(G,#). I t is, therefore, sufficient to compute S(G, 4) with G = {G,ln E N} satisfying condition (iii) of Scholium 1 . Note t h a t there is then a n orthonormal basis {\Ilnln E N} in U such t h a t Gn : 9 E H I+ (9,9n)'JJn and p 9 n = An9n. We have then
H be a self-adjoint operator acting on U such that
< 00 f o r all ,B E ( 0 , ~ ) .T h e n for every U E IR such that: inf ( H 9 , J I ) < U
sup ( H Q , J I ) VEX
there exists a unique p E IR such that
maximizes S(#) over {# E S I
< #; H >= U}
Prool: The condition t h a t tr{exp(-PH)} be defined and finite for E ( 0 , ~ ) implies, in particular, that: (i) H is bounded below; (ii) t h e spectrum a ( H ) of H is purely discrete, with no accumulation point; (iii) each En E a(H) E (€0 < €1 < € 2 . . .} has at most finite multiplicity; (iv) if dim M = 00, En + 00 as n -+ 00. Let {Imlm E M } be an orthonormal basis diagonaliring H,i.e. H I , = E m I m V m E M ;let Fm: I H (I,Im)'4Jmj and F {Fmlm E M}. We first show t h a t the maximalisation problem can be solved by restricting one's attention to those 4 E S such t h a t < 4; H >= I/ and 4 : B E B(M) I+ trpB E C with p of the form
Note t h a t for any 4 E S, the corresponding p can be written as
where G = {GnIn E N } is some partition of the identity in B(U) with dimGn = 1 V n E N. For any such p , notice further t h a t t h e density matrix of P(F,4) is
so t h a t (17)
Upon combining (15) and (17), we obtain
We next use the facts t h a t h is convex, and t h a t
to conclude, from (18),t h a t
An immediate computation shows t h a t
< 4; H >= U
< p ( F , 4); H >= U
The relations (20) and (21) show that, indeed, the maximaliaation problem can be solved by restricting 4 t o be of the form (14). O u r problem is thus reduced t o majoriae
subject to the constraints:
The Lagrange multipliers method gives the extrema of S in terms of the solutions of the set of differential equations
- k@U - a k l } = 0
i.e., upon taking into account (22) -hX,
- 1 - Pcm - a = 0
a is then adjusted by imposing CmXm= 1, which gives
and /3 should be determined by the condition
T h a t this determination is unique will be proven if we show t h a t V(p) is a strictly monotonic function of @. A straightforward computation shows t h a t
Since A,
= c V m E M ,i.e. t h a t when dim N = 00, this is also
0, the RHS is strictly positive unless c,,
H = X I which is ruled out by (12)-note ruled out by tr{exp(-PH)}
< 00.
defined by (13) is referred to as the canonical equilibrium The state state at t h e natural temperature P for the Hamiltonian H ;t h e use of t h e words “equilibrium” and “temperature” in this sentence requires us to make a connection between t h e information-theoretical concepts introduced so far, and equilibrium thermodynamics, or thermostatics. We first define the following functions of ,d (27)
= tr{exp(-PH)}
and, in agreement with Scholium 2: (31)
= -k
t r ( p ( 8 )b
where p ( P ) is the density matrix defined in (13). Clearly U ( p ) ,as defined by (29), coincides with the object we previously denoted by this symbol, namely (32)
U(P)= t r { p ( B ) H )
Upon making the change of variables (30), and denoting with a * t h e function F * ( T )= F(P), we obtain from (27)-(31):
(34) (35)
dA* s* = -dT . .-
dU* dS’ -= T dT dT
(i.e. dA* = -S*dT) (i.e. dU*= TdS’)
Since we worked, throughout, with a fixed system, described by a fixed Hamiltonian H , we expect “volume” considerations n o t to enter explicitly into t h e picture. With this in mind, we see t h a t the relations (33)-(35) are precisely t h e relations encountered in thermodynamics-at fixed volume-between t h e Helmholtz free energy A*, the internal energy U*,the absolute temperature T , and the entropy S * . In particular, these relations make explicit the link between t h e informational entropy S of t h e canonical equilibrium state a n d the thermodynamical entropy of t h a t state. For reasons dating back to classical statistical mechanics, Z(P) defined in (27) is referred to as t h e canonical partition function. We should further notice that, with the specific heat defined by
we obtain:
(37) (38)
=< (H- < H
where we used in (38)-compare with (26)-the physicist’s notation < B >< 4; B >; e.g. < H >= U .T h e importance of (38) is t h a t it links the mean square fluctuation-we called it earlier t h e square of t h e dispersion-of t h e mechanical energy H at the equilibrium temperature T , to t h e specific heat Cb. Notice, in particular, t h a t since T # 0 (i.e. \@I# m), and since 4 is a faithful state, Cb > 0, i.e. the internal energy U’ is a strictly increasing function of t h e temperature T-an argument we already used, in a n only slightly disguised form, at the end of t h e proof of Proposition 3 . Relations (27>(38) establish the contact we wanted between thermostatics and quantum equilibrium statistical mechanics, t h u s extending to t h e quantum realm t h e relations established in t h e framework of t h e classical theory. T h e classical and quantum theories give, however, different values for t h e various thermodynamical functions, and in general these values agree only asymptotically as T becomes very large, i.e. as p tends to zero. For instance, if t h e Hamiltonian is such t h a t (compare, e.g. with S p ( H ) = {nhvln E Z+}and is simple, Z(p) = [l - exp(-phv)]-’ a n d U ( p )= hv[exp(phv) 11-l which is where Planck’s intuition made him s t a r t his quantum theory (compare with 7.1.16). We discussed, in Chapter Seven, t h e classical limit (kT >> h v ) of this function. We also gave, for this particular Hamiltonian H, t h e explicit form (8.2.55) of t h e R H S of (38): this is t h e Einstein fluctuation formula (7.2.26), the classical limit of which we also discussed. We now return to t h e general case described by (27)-(38) a n d we finally remark t h a t , for the simple systems considered so far, t h e above thermodynamical functions of p are smooth. In particular, when dim )I < c ~ they , can be continued, through p = 0, to negative temperatures; such temperatures have been realized in the laboratory by optical pumping; see e.g. Kastler (1957). This is one of t h e reasons why we refer to p, rather t h a n T , as t h e “natural” temperature. S C H O L N M 4 . For every faithful normal state 4 on B(x), and e u e r y p E (0, m), there exists a unique self-adjoint operator H acting i n N, with €0 = 0 as its lowest eigenualue, such that is a canonical equilibrium state at t h e natural temperature p f o r the Hamiltonian H .
Proof: Since q5 is a faithful normal state on B(M) there exists a unique partition F = { F m l m E M} of the identity in U such t h a t
4 : B E fl(N) t+ t r p B E (r: with (39)
tr F m = 1, and
v mEM m # n implies A, # A, 0
With XO denoting the largest eigenvalue of p, define
This operator clearly satisfies the two conditions P = exp(-PH)/tr{exp(-PH))
(41) (42)
c0 = 0 is t h e lowest eigenvalue of H
Suppose now t h a t there exists another operator then (43)
fi satisfying (41). We obtain
1 k = H - X I with X = -[en tr{exp(-/lfi)} P
- en tr{exp(-@H)}]
(42) and t h e condition t h a t ZO = 0 be the lowest eigenvalue of fi then imply X = 0 and thus fi = H . 0 The above results seem to indicate t h a t the canonical equilibrium states considered so far are on a path leading to a bridge between t h e realm of microscopic phenomena-namely quantum mechanics-and the kind of macroscopic phenomena encountered in thermodynamics. If, however, one expects t h e ergodic theory developed in Section Two of Chapter Nine to contribute to t h e building of this bridge, t h e following result shows t h a t some essential parts of the picture are still missing. The question thus raised will be addressed in t h e next subsection.
be a canonical equilibrium state o n B(U), and {T&,U,, 0 ) be the GNS triple canonically associated to q5 by Theorem 9.1.5. Then: (a) n&(B(U)}is a factor, and 0 is also cyclic for the commutant T & { B ( U ) ) ~of ~ + { f l ( H ) } ; (6) No action cr of any amenable group G o n a(#), with Cpoa(g) = 4 V g E G, can be 7-abelian o n 4, nor can q5 satisfy any of the conditions (i)(vi), (ix), (x) of Theorem 9.2.9 and Corollary 9.2.11, while (viii) is always satisfied. SCHOLNM 5. Let q5
Proof: Since is a normal state on B ( N ) , : B(N) + B(U4) is normal (see, e.g. Dixmier, 1957, 1.4.3, Prop. l),a n d thus r#{B(N)}is a von Neumann algebra. Since is faithful, is an isomorphism, bicontinuous for t h e ultraweak a n d ultrastrong topologies. Since B(N) is a factor, so is then r#{B(N)} , i.e. r@{B(N)} n ro{B(N)}’= CI. Moreover, the faithfulness of on B(N) trivially i.e. X , Y E r#{B(N)}, XQ = Y Q implies t h a t Q is separating for r#{B(N)}, imply X = Y.Let now P be t h e projector on t h e closure of R ~ { B ( N ) } ’ Q in N4. Clearly P E r#{B(N)}“ = r#{B(N)} since t h e latter is a von Neumann algebra. We have PQ = 0,and thus P = 1. This proves part (a) of t h e scholium. To prove part (b) we first notice t h a t since r#{B(N)}is a factor, condition (viii) of Theorem 9.2.9 is satisfied. By Corollary 9.2.11, this would imply, i n particular, t h a t if t h e action a : G + Aut{B()o} were v-abelian on 4, would be extremal G-invariant. Now every automorphism of B(N) preserves t h e lattice structure of P(N);we have t h u s by Wigner’s theorem (see Subsection 8.3.e), since a is linear on a(#):
a(g)[Bl= WB%7)*
(9,B ) E G
x B(U)
Consequently, o a(g)= 4 V g E G implies p E {V(g)\g E G}’. W i t h p as in (39), this implies Fm E {U(g)lgE G}’. Consequently, t h e states (45) are G-invariant; (46)
Fm/tr Fm
note t h a t p= kmpm with p,,, m
= X,tr
provides a convex decomposition of p into G-invariant states, t h u s contradicting G-extremal invariant. T h e remainder of t h e proof follows then directly from Corollary 9.2.12 and the fact t h a t Q is cyclic for r#{B(N)}’. 0 The fact t h a t Q is cyclic in N# under t h e action of each one of t h e two von and n#(B(N))’is in sharp contrast with w h a t hapNeumann algebras r#(B(N)) pens when is a pure state. This suggests a closer look at t h e representation ~6 just obtained, with t h e purpose of trying to uncover a structure t h a t might generalize to systems for which the “no-go” part (b) of t h e Scholium might be circumvented. T h e general setting in which this structure appears naturally will be presented in Subsection b below; t h e remainder of t h e present subsection is, therefore, only a preview; it is in fact a generalization, to (finite) quantum statistical mechanics, of t h e Hilbert space formalism proposed by Koopman (1931) for (finite) classical statistical mechanics, t h e idea being to represent all (normal) states on the algebra of interest, here B(N), as vectors in an appropriate Hilbert space. The Hilbert space t h a t comes naturally to mind in t h e present context is the “Liouville space” of physicists, i.e. t h e Hilbert space L(N) = {B E B(N)ltrB*B < 00) of Hilbert-Schmidt operators o n N. We now show t h a t L (NO-which is isomorphic to N N-can be viewed as t h e Hilbert space N, of the G N S reprsentation associated to any faithful normal state on B(N).
Let indeed
4 :B E B(U)
tr p B E 6:
be a faithful normal state on B(U). A t p fixed, let { @ k l k = 1 , 2 , . . .} be a n orthonormal basis in X, diagonaliaing p, and for each pair {@, an}of elements of t h a t basis, let
Clearly, t h e linear span of {E,,Jm,n = 1 , 2 , . . .} is dense in B ( U ) for t h e ultraweak-operator topology. Moreover, {Emn= \3r, @I Qn1rnJn = 1,2, . . .} is a n orthonormal basis in L(X)= U @I U. In particular:
, with
>0 v
Consider now
(A(B)@, @)
(52) (53)
=< 4; B > v B E B(U)
A ( E ~ ~ )= @(Xn)'/2JI,
8 9, v
rn, n = I, 2 . . .
Consequently {L(U),A , @}can be identified with t h e GNS representation canonically associated to 4; see Theorem 9.1.5. Consider now t h e action a!
:t E
IR I+ a(t)E Aut(B()o)
defined by
a(t)[B]= exp(iHt) B exp(-tHt)
V B E B(U)
where H is the self-adjoint operator canonically associated to 4 by Scholium 4. Clearly r#~ is invariant under this action; construct then t h e unitary representation
u : t E IR H U(L(U))
associated to (55b)
by Proposition 9.2.7. This is defined by
U(t)A(B)@= .{a(t)[B]}@
we obtain (57)
U ( t )= exp{i(H @ I - I@ H ) t }
which we can rewrite in t h e form (58)
U ( t )= A-it/fl
where t h e self-adjoint operator A is defined by
Notice t h a t A is positive; it is unbounded if U is infinite-dimensional; a n d we can now rewrite (9.2.82) in t h e special form (60)
~ { a ( t ) [= ~A i }- % ( B ) A ~ ~ / ~ ~v B E BO()
This operator A can be made to appear in t h e theory in a more direct manner. Consider indeed t h e antilinear operator, defined on a dense domain of L(U) by
This suggests to introduce t h e antiunitary operator J defined by
This operator allows to write S in t h e “polar form” (64)
~ ‘ 1 2
where A is precisely t h e operator defined, via t h e evolution a(IR),by (59). Moreover, the operator J just introduced satisfies t h e following remarkable properties (65)
J2 = I ; JQ = @ ; JR{B()O}J= r{B(N)}’
Notice t h a t this J is antiunitary; this result confirms w h a t we knew already from Scholium 5, and which we could have established directly from (50-51),
namely t h a t @ is also cyclic, in the representation space Neumann algebra r(B(N))'.Notice further t h a t
L(U),for t h e von
J A J = A-I
(66) so that, in particular:
J U ( t ) J = U ( t ) V t E IR
Hence J , although it is antiunitary, does not reverse t h e direction of time; this is a reflection of the symmetry, around 0 E IR,of t h e spectrum of t h e generator of U(R), a symmetry which is evident from (57). The representation (50-51) was singled o u t only because it allowed a straightforward computation of the operators A, J and S and of their relations. Other realizations of this representation may, however, be used for other purposes. For instance, the GNS representation of a(#), with U = L2(JR,dz), associated to any canonical equilibrium state on B(U), can also be described in L (N) = L 2(R2,dpdq) as the weak-operator closure of t h e representation of the canonical commutation relations (see Subsection 8.3.f) defined by: (68)
(JWw4 4)= e x p { - W
+4 4
To see this, it is sufficient to choose arbitrarily 8 straightforward computations, t h a t t h e function
1 a n d to verify, by
is cyclic in f2(IR2, dpdq) under t h e action of Span {E(z)lzE C}, and t h a t (70)
8 ( E ( z ) @9) , = exp{--(a24
+ b2)} =< 4 ~E;( z ) >
where q$-see (8.3.221), with X = w = l-is t h e canonical equilibrium s t a t e of the harmonic oscillator at natural temperature /3 given by 8 = coth (/3/2). The interest of t h e representation (68) is t h a t its infinitesimal form gives
P = -id,
Q = q+ id,
which is exactly t h e prequantiaation representation (8.1.117). T h e isomorphism (65) between r(B(U)) and T(B(N))' is reflected here in t h e fact t h a t L 2(R2,dpdq) hosts another representation of t h e CCR, commuting with (68), and giving, in its infinitesimal form (72)
which is precisely (8.1.118). The generalization to n degrees of freedom is straightforward, and some of t h e implications of this remark for t h e “geometric quantization” scheme have been explored in Emch (1981). Returning now to a more conventional view of the canonical equilibrium states o n B ( X ) , we review ti version of the results of K u b o (1957)and Martin & Schwinger (1959),the importance of which, for a mathematically rigorous discussion of infinite thermodynamical systems, was recognized by Haag, Hugenholtz & Winnink (1967). TRBORDM 0. Let 4 be a faithful normal state on B ( X ) . With @ E ( 0 , ~ ) fized, let (Y : t E IR H a(t)E Aut(B(X)) be the evolution (54) corresponding t o the Hamiltonian canonically associated to 4 by Scholium 4. Then, for every pair {A, B } of observables in B()O there exists a bounded continuous function f o n the strip
such that f is holomorphic in the interior C l p \anp of the strip, and satisfies the boundary conditions:
Proofi Part (a). Notice t h a t for every A E B(N) and every operator E m n of the form (48), t h e identity (49) a n d the identification of t h e Hamiltonian H provided by Scholium 4 imply:
L e t further B a finite sum of t h e form
Notice now t h a t t h e entire function F : z E (c + (I: defined by
satisfies, for all t in IR:
With f denoting the restriction of F to flp, and an@ denoting t h e boundary of 628, we have from the Phragmen-Lindelof theorem:
Hence the theorem is proven in the particular case where B is restricted to belong to &, the collection of all elements of B(U) satisfying (76). Part (6). & is a *-subalgebra of B ( U ) and &" = B(U). Consequently & is dense in B(U) for the ultrastrong topology. Since R is the G N S representation associated to a normal state, namely 4, we already know t h a t R is ultrastrongly continuous, so t h a t R ( & ) is dense in n(B(U)) for t h e ultrastrong, and hence t h e strong-operator, topologies in B(L(U));note, incidentally, t h a t this conclusion is obvious from the explicit form (51) of this representation. Let now B = B* E BO(). By Kaplanski's density theorem (see e.g. Kadison & Ringrose, 1983, Thm. 5.3.5), B belongs to the closure, in t h e strong-operator topology, of the set of all self-adjoint operators in t h e ball { E E El 11 E llLll B 11) . Since U is assumed to be separable throughout this subsection, L(U) is also separable, a n d thus the ball {C E B(L(U))I 11 C II<(I B 11) is metriaable in the strong-operator topology. Upon bringing together t h e above two facts, we 15 conclude t h a t there exists a sequence {B, = Ba} C & such t h a t 11 B, 1 11 B 11 V n, and R(B,)@converges strongly to R(B)@.W i t h A = A* E a(#), we thus have (804
I < &Aa(t)[&]> - < &Aa(t)[B]> I = I ( W R ( B n ) @ - W W @n(A)@)l , i II mJ@- W @II . II A II
Similar 1y
1 < & a ( t ) [ & ] A> - < # ; a ( t ) [ B ] A> I = (80b)
II R(Bn)@
w @ n ) @
Recall now t h a t we proved that, for each B, there exists a bounded continuous function f, on the strip $28, such t h a t f, is holomorphic in t h e interior of t h e strip and satisfies, for all t E IR:
Note further t h a t the functions f, are uniformly bounded, namely
Moreover, again from the Phragmen-Lindelof theorem
i i.e. {f,,} is uniformly convergent. horn (80)-(83), we conclude t h a t {fn} converges to a function f t h a t is holomorphic in the interior of the strip a,, continuous and bounded o n a,, and takes on atla t h e values required by (74). 0 In closing this subsection, we want to make three brief comments on t h e role played by the discreteness of t h e spectrum of t h e Hamiltonian H appearing in Scholium 4. First: a n unescapable consequence of this discreteness is the undesirable implication stated in part (b) of Scholium 5. Second: t h e discreteness of t h e spectrum of a n operator is very unstable against perturbations and limiting procedures. Third: while it is true t h a t t h e discreteness of the spectrum of H was used in most of t h e proofs presented in this subsection, it is also true t h a t this condition does not appear in t h e definition (61) of t h e operator S and in the statement of t h e conclusion in Theorem 6; one should, therefore, not rule o u t the possibility t h a t some of the positive aspects of t h e structure uncovered in the present particular case, e.g. (60), (64), (65) a n d (66) extend to more general circumstances where part (b) of Scholium 5 can be circumvented. One of t h e major advances in t h e theory was the recognition t h a t this potentiality can indeed be realized; as we shall see in t h e next subsection. b. KMS condition and modular actions The results of t h e previous subsection indicate t h a t t h e framework provided by the von Neumann postulates is too restrictive for t h e formulation of a quantum statistical mechanics with good ergodic properties. O u r purpose now is to present t h e simplest cogwheels of a mathematical apparatus, building selectively on t h e strengths of t h e von Neumann formalism, to bypass some of the shortcomings signalled in t h e previous subsection. T h e physical aspects of the situation will be discussed in the next three subsections. Theorem 6 above suggests t h e following definition. Let a! : IR + Aut(B) be a n action of R on a C*-algebra B (with unit I), and let p E (0,m). A state I$ on B is said to satisfy t h e KMS condition at natural temperature /3 if, for every pair {A, B } of observables in 8 , there exists a complex-valued, bounded, continuous function f on the strip
such t h a t f is holomorphic in t h e interior Sap \ dnb of t h e strip, and satisfies the boundary conditions
In applications, it is often useful to have a slightly different formulation of this condition, which we briefly describe. An element B E B is said to be analytic for a if there exists a function
such that: (a) it extends to
and (b) for every
the function
4 E S'
is analytic. We can clearly replace, in (86c), S' by 8'. Recall (see, e.g. Dunford & Schwartz, 1958, P a r t I, Chap. VII; or Hille, 1972, Chap. 8) t h a t B analytic implies t h a t a(.)[B] is strongly continuous, and strongly differentiable, uniformly on compacta in a. A strongly continuous action a : R + Aut(B) is a group homomorphismi.e. a ( s ) a ( t )= a ( s t ) V s, t E R-such t h a t for every B € 8,t h e m a p t € R H a(t)[B] is strongly continuous. Clearly, then, t E IR H< 4; a ( t ) [ B ]>E (L! is continuous for every (4, B) E S' x 8, and a is an action in the ordinary sense defined in Section 9.2; the converse however, is n o t true in general, unless B satisfies some separability assumption (see, e.g. Hille & Phillips, 1957, Section 10.2, Corollary, p.306).
Let a : R + Aut(B) be a strongly continuous action. a } is then a strongly dense *-subalgebra of B. (b) Let D C B be a strongly dense set of analytic elements for a; then 4 satisfies the KMS condition at natural temperature ,f3[E (0, CQ)] with respect t o a, i f and only ifJf o r every (A,B, z ) E B x D x a: PR~POBITION
= { B E BIB analytic for
(a) 8,
satisfies (87), then 4 is a(R)-invariant.
Proof: With ( B ,n, z ) E B
x Z+X
is strongly continuous, and
is in L'(IR,dt). Hence (see, e.g. Hille, 1972, Chap.7) B,(z,.) is Bochnerintegrable. W i t h
we obtain (91) (92) (93)
B,,(z) E B analytic V n E Z+ a(t)[Bn]= Bn(t) V (t,n) E IR X Z+ V e > O 3 N , < o o s u c h t h a t IIB,- B( J
V n>N,
Hence Ba is strongly dense in 8 . Furthermore, since every analytic function A : z E d: H A ( z ) E B can be written (see, e.g. Hille, loc. cit.) in t h e form (94)
A ( z )=
c(z- zg), A, n
where t h e sum converges in t h e strong topology, we obtain t h a t B, is a *subalgebra of 8 . This proves part (a) of t h e proposition. To prove (b), we first notice t h a t if r#J satisfies t h e KMS condition at p, with respect to a,then (87) is satisfied for all A E B and all B E B,. Conversely, let A and B be arbitrary in 8 . Since D is strongly dense in 8 , we can find {B,,} c D such t h a t B, converges to B in t h e s t r o n g 4 . e . t h e norm-topology on 8; we can assume without loss of generality (1 B, 11 2 I( B 11. L e t now
These functions are analytic; from (87) they satisfy
We now use t h e Phragmen-Lindelof theorem on n p . We have for all z E a,:
Therefore, {f,} converges uniformly on np to a complex-valued function f, bounded and continuous o n np, holomorphic in t h e interior np \ dflp of Q p , and satisfying the boundary conditions (85). Hence, part (b) of t h e proposition is proven.
Finally, note t h a t (87) implies, with A = I (if B does not have a unit, t h e argument works as well with an approximate unit) a n d B arbitrary in Be:
f ( 4=< 4; +)[BI >=
f is an analytic function, bounded i n np, and periodic with period $7; hence f is bounded over C. By Liouville's theorem, it must be constant. We t h u s have, in particular, for all B E 8, and all t E IR:
< 4ocr(t);B>=<
Since 8, is dense in 8 , this implies
4;B >
4 0 a(t)= 4 V t E IF€. I7
a : IR --+ Aut(B) be a strongly continuous action, P E be the collection of all states 4 o n B that satisfy, with respect t o a, the KMS condition at /3. T h e n S i is the w*-closed convex hull of the set t; of its extreme points. Proof: The argument is familiar: by t h e Krein-Milman theorem, it is sufficient to show t h a t S i is w*-compact; since this set is clearly bounded in t h e metric topology on B * , it is sufficient to show t h a t it is closed in the w*-topology. Let thus {$,} C S; be a net converging, in the w*-topology, to some 4 E B'. Clearly E S*. From part (b) of Proposition 7, we have for all A E B and all B E 8,: COROLLARY 8. L e t
( 0 , GO), and
< $ ; A a ( z + i P ) [ B ] > = l i m < 4,;Acu(z+iP)[B] > = lim < 4,; a ( z ) [ B ] A>=< 4 ; a ( z ) [ B ] A>
so t h a t
4 € Si.
THEOREM^. L e t be a state o n a C*-algebra 8 , satisfying the KMS condition at P [ E (0, m)] with respect t o a strongly continuous action a : IR + Aut(L3). L e t r4 : B + B ( & ) be the GNS representation canonically associated t o 4, and 9 be a cyclic vector in M4 f o r r4(B),such that (r#(B)@, a ) =< 4; B > V B E 8 . Then: (a) 9 is cyclic and separating for the v o n N e u m a n n algebra r 4 ( B ) " ; (b) Ker r# = { B E BI < 4; B*B >= 0); and (c) the normal extension of 4 t o ~ ~ ( 0is)a"faithful state o n this v o n N e u m a n n algebra. Proof: Since 9 is cyclic in X, for r,&B),it is a fortiori cyclic for rgl(B)". We have to prove t h a t @ is separating for R ~ ( B ) " ,i.e. t h a t X E r#(B) a n d XQ,= 0 imply X = 0. To see this, let B,, = {B E BIB = B*},and K be in the strong topology in M,. The essential step in t h e the closure of r4(Bsa)@ proof is to show t h a t
n ( i K )= (0)
Let @ be an arbitrary element of K . There exists then a net {A,la E I } in B,,, such t h a t {rb(A,)@la E I} converges to a. Fix now B in B,,. T h e KMS
condition on implies t h a t there exists, for each a in t h e directed set I , a bounded continuous function f a : Cl, a, holomorphic in t h e interior of this strip, and such that: #J
i.e. since
4 is cu(IR)-invariant:
= (U+(tb+(B)@, r+(An)@) v iP) = ( ~ O ( A a ) @U@(t)Q(B)@) ,
(103) fa@
We now use again t h e Phragmen-Lindelof theorem on no,to conclude t h a t t h e net {fala E I } of functions converges uniformly, on a, to a bounded continuous function f ~on, Clp, holomorphic in t h e interior of this strip, and satisfying the boundary conditions:
Let 9' be another element of K; there exists then a net {BblbE J } of elements of B,,, such t h a t {ro(Bb)@lb E J } converges to 9'.Just as before, except t h a t we start now with (104), we can prove t h a t there exists a bounded continuous function f : Clp --+ a, holomorphic in the interior of this strip, and such t h a t
Let now 9 E K n (iK) and 9'E K. From t h e above argument, we know t h a t there exists two bounded continuous functions f and g o n fl,, holomorphic in the interior of this strip, and satisfying t h e boundary conditions
v tER
g ( t ) = -a f ( t )
+ ZP) = +Zf(t
v tE
and thus (108)
g(z) = -if(.)
g ( z ) = +af(z)
z E f$
Consequently f (109)
= 0 = g, and in particular:
(9, 9’) = 0 V 9 E K fl(ZK)
V 9’E K
Since O is cyclic for r+(B), this implies 9 = 0, which indeed proves (101). Notice now t h a t 2 = 2’ E r#(B)“implies 29 E K. For any X = X* E r+(B)” and any Y E 7r6(Bsa), both (XY YX)and {(XY- YX)/i} are selfadjoint elements of r#(B)”. Hence
(XY YX)OE K and (XY- YX)@E ZK .
If now XO = 0, then XYO E K i’l (ZK), and thus we obtain from (101) t h a t XYO = 0. Again from the cyclicity of O with respect to r g ( B ) , this implies X = 0. Finally, for any X E r#(B)”with XO = 0, we have X*X@= 0 and thus, from the result just proven, X*X= 0 i.e. (1 X ( I 2 = 0,i.e. X = 0. This proves part (a) of the theorem. To prove part (b), let B E B such t h a t < 4; B*B 7r+(B)O= 0, and hence, by part (a): r # ( B )= 0. Hence
0. This implies
The opposite inclusion is obvious, and thus part (b) is proven. Finally, part (c) of the theorem is a trivial consequence of part (a), since
and thus < & X * X>= 0 if and only if XO = 0. 0 This result establishes an important bridge from the study of KMS-states relative to (strongly continuous) actions a! of R on a C*-algebra B , t o t h e study of faithful normal states on von Neumann algebras. This bridge can, in fact, be established under technically less stringent conditions. We shall, however, not enter into these technicalities here, although they are sometimes required by certain applications to quantum statistical mechanics-see e.g. Winnink (1972) and references quoted therein. Since this book is concerned with t h e conceptual structures of the theory, viewed from a mathematical vantage point, it is a legitimate preliminary question to ask whether the bridge just established can also be traveled in t h e opposite direction. A major advance in the theory of modular Hilbert algebras made this possible, as we shall now indicate. Let M be a von Neumann algebra acting on a Hilbert space M , and 4 be a faithful normal state on M . Since 4 is normal and faithful, r# : M + r+(M) is an ultraweakly, and ultrastrongly, bicontinuous isomorphism. We can, therefore, assume without loss of generality, t h a t M is presented to us as r#(M),and t h a t there exists a vector O in M, cyclic and separating for
M, a n d such t h a t (M@, @) =< 4; M > for all M in M. The main result of the theory is t h a t , given M,4 as just described, a n d p E (0, w), there exists a unique action o : t E R H o(t) E Aut(M), continuous in t h e topology of pointwise ultraweak convergence-i.e. for every M E M,the m a p a ( . ) [ M ]: t E IR H o ( t ) [ M ]E M is ultraweakly continuous-and such t h a t 4 satisfies the K M S condition at natural temperature ,f3 with respect to o. This o is called the modular action associated to (M,c$,p). It can further be written as: (113)
o ( t ) [= ~ ]A - ~ ~ / ~ ~ M A ' ~ JvP ( ~ , tE )M x IR
where t h e modular operator A is injective, satisfies (114)
Ait@=@ V t E I R ,
and appears in the polar decomposition
s =~
of the closure S of t h e antilinear operator So defined by (116)
so : M@ E x
M*@E x v M E M
the antiunitary operator J appearing in S satisfies moreover (117) (118)
J 2 = I ; J @ = @ ; JMJ=M';
JA'$= A ' ~ J
v t E IR .
This remarkable result was first announced by Tomita (1967). A complete proof, together with several important consequences of t h e theory, was published by Takesaki (1970a; see also 1973) where t h e starting point of the theory is the antilinear, unbounded operator So defined by (116); see also Kadison (1978), and Kadison & Ringrose (1983). A bounded operator approach to t h e theory, t h a t emphasizes t h e role of t h e closure K of t h e real subspace Msa@ in N, has been obtained by Rieffel & van Daele (1977); see also Pedersen (1979). Rather t h a n reproducing here any of t h e available, b u t quite elaborate, proofs of the above result, we prefer to emphasize, in the remainder of this subsection, those of t h e consequences of t h e general theory t h a t we shall use later; for more details, see e.g. t h e texts of Pedersen (1979) and Kadison & Ringrose (1983), which we found most helpful in the preparation of this subsection. LEMMA 10. Let a : IR + Aut(M) be a point-wise ultraweakly continuous action a of IR o n a won N e u m a n n algebra M; M, = {M E M l a ( t ) [ M ]= M V t E R} be the algebra of fixed points of M under a; 4 be a normal state o n M that satisfy the K M S condition at natural temperature P[E (0, w)] with respect to a. Then: (a) M E M, implies < 4; [ N ,MI >= 0 V N E M; (b) 4 as a(IR)-invariant; (c) if 4 is faithful, and if < 4; IN, MI >= 0 V M E M, with N E M, then N E M,; (d) if 4 is faithful, then Z C: M,, where Z = M n MI is the center of M .
Proof: L e t M and N be arbitrary elements of M. Then there exists a I ( 0! 2 Imz 2 complex valued, bounded continuous function on RR { z E ( B } , holomorphic in the interior Rp \ dRp of this strip, and such t h a t
E M a , f is constant on
IR, and thus on
< (6; N M >=
which proves (a). Conversely, if (121)
Qp. Hence, in particular:
f(0)= f(@) =<
9; M N
N E M is such t h a t
< $;",MI >= 0 v
we have, for all t in IR: (122)
< # ; N a ( t ) [ M>=< ]
9;a(t)[M]N >
which, together with (119), gives: (123)
f ( t )= f ( t
+ iP)
v t E IR
Hence f extends to an analytic function on C which is periodic and hence bounded: recall indeed t h a t f is bounded on Rp. Thus, by Liouville's theorem, f is constant. In particular (124)
< 4; N a ( t ) [ M ]>=
f ( t )= f(0) =< 4; N M
Now N = I certainly satisfies (121); in this case (124)reads (125)
< 4; CY(t)[M].>=< 4; M > v
which proves (b). We have then (126)
< 4; a ( t ) [ Na] ( t ) [ M ]>=< 4; a(t)"M] >=< 4; N M >
Together with (124), this gives (127)
< (6; {a(t)"]
>= 0 v M
In particular, this holds for a ( t ) [ M ] *= a ( t ) [ N] N. Hence, if 4 is faithful, (127) implies a ( t ) [ N ]= N, i.e. N E Ma. This proves (c). Finally, since N E M flM' trivially satisfies (121), (d) is a consequence of (c). 0 Much of this lemma could have been obtained in the framework of t h e theory of C*-systems. I t is, however, in t h e von Neumann algebra context t h a t it takes all its value, as we shall presently see. Notice first t h a t , as a consequence of this lemma, if 4 is a faithful normal state on a von Neumann algebra M , then the normalizer M4 {M E MI < 4; [ M , N ]>= 0 V N E A } of M with respect to 4 coincides with the algebra M, f{M E Mlo(t)[M]= M V t E JR} of fixed points of M under t h e modular action o canonically associated to 6.
9 be a faithful normal state o n a von N e u m a n n algebra
M I and let M, denote the fixed point algebra of M under the modular action associated t o 9 for the natural temperature p. If there exists a convex decomposition:
into u(IR)-invariant states 11, and x, then there exists a unique Z E M,, such that, for all M E M
< Q ; M >= x-’ < 9;ZM >
and this Z is a positive element in the unit ball of M,, such that for all MEM (1296)
If, furthermore, the decomposition (128) i s into states that satisfy the KMS condition at the natural temperature fl, with respect t o u, then 2 E M n M ’5 Z . Conversely, for every positive element 2 in the unit ball of M, (resp. Z ) with 0 # Z # I , (129) defines a convex decomposition (128) of 4 into u(R)-invariant (resp. p-KMS w.r.t. u ) normal states o n M . Proof: We first prove the ‘konverse” part of the theorem. L e t Z be a positive element in the unit ball of M,, with 0 # 2 # I . Since 9 is faithful < 9; 2 > € ( 0 , l ) . Since M, is a von Neumann algebra 2’12E M,; and since
= M6, (129a) reads
Hence $ is a vector state on t E R: (131)
M, and
is therefore normal. Moreover for all
x < 4;a ( t ) [ M ]> =< 9; Z a ( t ) [ M ]>= < $ ; u ( t ) [ Z M ]> =< 9 ; Z M >= x < $;A4>
Hence $ is a(IR)-invariant. T h e same argument applies to x. Note t h a t (129a) determines 2 E M uniquely. Indeed, if (132) we have (133)
<&;YM>=<@;ZM> (MQ,{Y*- Z * } Q )= 0
Since 9 is cyclic and separating for M, this implies indeed 2 = Y. If now 2 E Z , we prove t h a t $ satisfies t h e KMS condition at temperature p, with respect to u , as follows. Since 9 satisfies this condition, there exists
for every pair {M, N} of elements of M a complex-valued function f, bounded and continuous on the strip 52p, and holomorphic in its interior, such t h a t , for all t E IR:
which proves indeed t h a t ?I, is P-KMS w.r.t. a. Again t h e same argument applies to x. This proves the "converse" part of t h e theorem. We now prove the "direct" part of the theorem. If $ satisfies (128), we already know from the proof of Corollary 9.1.6 t h a t $ is a vector state, a n d hence, a normal state on M . From t h e first Radon-Nikodym theorem of Sakai (1971)-see his Prop. 1.24.4-there exists a positive element 2 in t h e unit ball of M such t h a t (135)
< $; M >=< & Z M + M Z >
Suppose t h a t there exists an element 2' E M for which (135) holds with 2' substituted for 2. With X = Z - 2' we would then have
In particular, for
M = X*, this gives
Since Q is positive, this is only possible if < Q;X*X>= 0; since Q is faithful, this implies X*X= 0 and thus X = 0. Hence Z satisfying (135) is unique. We now introduce t h e condition t h a t is o(R)-invariant. Eq.(135) then reads, with t arbitrary in IR: $J
where we used the fact-see Lemma lO(b)-that C#J is o(lR)-invariant. T h e uniqueness of 2 then gives, upon comparing (135) and (138), t h a t 2 E M,. From Lemma lO(a), we see t h a t (135) can be rewritten in t h e form (129a), and we already saw t h a t this determines 2 uniquely. (129b) follows then immediately, thus establishing t h e first part of t h e theorem. To prove the second half of t h e direct part of t h e theorem, we first notice t h a t if the decomposition (128) is into P-KMS states w.r.t. 0 , it is also-see Lemma lO(b)-into a(R)-invariant states. We can, therefore, use t h e above
result, and it is sufficient, then, to show t h a t Z belongs to 2 . The KMS condition on 9 reads (139a)
while t h e KMS condition on $J gives (139c)
+ ZP) = X < $ J ; u ( t ) [ M ] >=< N 9; Z a ( t ) [ M ] N>
Upon comparing (139b) and (139c) we obtain, for t = 0, (140)
Since 9 is cyclic and separating for M,we obtain from (140) t h a t Z E M'; since Z E M, this concludes the proof of t h e theorem. 0 We say t h a t a state is extremal P-KMSfor an action a : IR --t Aut(M) when it satisfies the KMS condition, at natural temperature P[E (0,m )]with , respect to a, and it cannot be decomposed into a non-trivial convex combination of states satisfying the same condition. COROLLARY 12. Let q5 be a faithful normal state o n a v o n N e u m a n n algebra M, and u be the modular action of IR o n M canonically associated t o 4 at the natural temperature a[€ (0, m)]. Then: (a) Q is extremal p - K M S for u, exactly when M is a factor; and it is extremal u(lR)-invariant, exactly when the fixed point algebra M u of M, under the action u, is CI; (b) in general 4 extremal p - K M S for u does not imply Q extremal a@)-invariant, unless the action u is q-abelian o n 4; (c) the action u is necessarily q-abelian o n 9 when Q is extremal u(IR)-invariant, and then conditions (1)-(x) in Theorem 9.2.9 and Corollary 9.2.11 are all satisfied.
Proof: P a r t (a) is a n immediate consequence of Theorem 11. To prove, next, t h a t there exist extremal P-KMS states, w.r.t. 0 , which are n o t extremal o(IR)-invariant, it is sufficient to produce one counterexample; Scholium 5 and Theorem 6 of Subsection a above give such a counterexample. Suppose now t h a t o(IR) is a q-abelian action on Q. Corollary 9.2.11 then asserts t h a t conditions (i)-(x) are equivalent. We now have a n additional ingredient, namely Lemma 10(d), asserting t h a t a(IR) leaves t h e center 2 = M fl M' of M pointwise invariant. Consequently, condition (viii) is satisfied, with U+(G) = U,(IR),exactly when 2 is trivial, which we j u s t saw is t h e case when 4 is extremal /3-KMS. In this case, we t h u s have, from Corollary 9.2.11, t h a t (x) is satisfied, i.e. t h a t M, = CZ; we just saw t h a t this is equivalent to t h e condition t h a t q5 be extremal a(IR)-invariant. Hence, part (b) of t h e corollary is proven. To prove part (c), it is sufficient to show t h a t u(R) is an q-abelian action on 4. This follows from Corollary 9.2.12, since q5 is faithful o n M implies t h a t 0 is cyclic and separating for M, and t h u s t h a t 9 is cyclic for M'. 0
Applications of t h e above theorem-and its corollary-to quantum statistical mechanics will be discussed in the next subsections, where we will need two more results of a general character t h a t makes them belong, rather, to t h e present subsection. SCHOLNM 13. Let a be the modular action associated t o a faithful normal state 4 on a von Neumann algebra M, and a E Aut(M) with 4oa = 4. T h e n a, 0 a ( t ) = o ( t ) 0 a, v t E IR.
Proof: For every t in
IR,let a,(t) c a-l
a ( t )0 a,
Given /3 E (0, oo),we know t h a t 4 satisfies the KMS condition w.r.t. u ; hence, for every pair {M, N} of elements of M,there exists a complex-valued function f, bounded and continuous on the strip np, and holomorphic inside this strip, such that:
The uniqueness of the modular action, with respect to t h e KMS condition, implies: a(t) = a ( t ) for all t E IR;with this information, (141) reads a(t) = a,-l o u(t)o a,, which is precisely the conclusion of the scholium. 0 The argument, based on a repeated use of the Pragmen-Lindelof theoremwhich we first presented in the simple case of Theorem 6, and then in various versions later on in the present subsection, see e.g. Theorem 9-can be lifted up to the following general result, t h e detailed proof of which can be found in Kadison & Ringrose (1983). PROPOSITION 14. Let
4 be a faithful normal state o n a von N e u m a n n algebra
M, a, : R -+ Aut(M) be a one-parameter group of automorphisms of M, and 0 be a*-subalgebra of M, dense in M for the strong-operator topology. If, for
every pair { A , B } of elements of 8, there exists a complex-valued function f , bounded and continuous on the strip n p = { z E (E 10 2 Im z 2 /I}, with p fixed in ( 0 ,oo), such that f is analytic on the interior of !&, and: (1.63)
then a coincides with the modular action u canonically associated to 4 at
the natural temperature /3.
Together with results of t h e type of Theorem 9, this Proposition gives the theory t h e resilience necessary for t h e applications we want to consider. c. Canonical Equilibrium for infinite quantum lattices. The concepts of KMS conditions and modular actions, presented in the preceding subsection, offer a mathematical paradigm t h a t fits t h e canonical equilibrium theory of finite quantum systems, as described in Subsection a. The question we now want to address is whether t h e mathematical generality thus added allows to account for situations which are genuinely more general from a physical point of view. Two methodological remarks should be made from t h e outset. T h e first is t h a t we shall proceed from t h e particular to the general; and t h e second is t h a t we will deal with infinitely extended systems. Concerning t h e first of these qualifications, we should sound a warning: while it is true t h a t there exist models, some of which we shall present, t h a t fit t h e KMS scheme most naturally, it is also true t h a t there are several situations, of physical interest, for which modular actions only appear after some rather delicate preliminary analysis has been mastered-as we shall also indicate. The second of the above two qualifications is even more pragmatic, a n d it has some of its roots in the last remarks made in Subsection a. T h e reader may very well object, against the proposal to consider infinitely extended systems, t h a t his ordinary cup of t e a is not a n infinite system, while a truly physical description of i t would require a microscopic account for t h e thermodynamics of the liquid-gas phase transition. To this objection, we answer by arguing t h a t even a finite cup of t e a is a n extremely large system when looked at from a microscopic point of view-it contains more t h a n molecules H20and t h a t bulk properties of matter, such as the possible existence of more than one thermodynamical phase-for which surface effects are expected to play only a triggering, but secondary role-are better modelled with infinitely extended systems, i.e. more effectively than they would be with models of finite extension. This strategy is thus akin to t h e familiar one consisting in searching for the leading term of an asymptotic expansion. T h e recognition t h a t a n explicit “thermodynamical” limit, involving t h e passage from large b u t finite systems to infinite systems, was t h e proper thing to d o did n o t come without pangs; Pais (1979) reports indeed t h e following anecdote: ‘I . . . T h e point is t h a t a sharp phase transition can only occur in t h e so-called thermodynamic limit . . . This view emerged in a morning-long debate which took place during t h e van der Waals Centenary Conference in November 1937. T h e issue was: does the partition function contain t h e information necessary to describe a sharp phase transition? The transition implies t h e existence of analytically distinct parts of isotherms. It was not clear how this would come about. T h e debate was inconclusive and Kramers, the chairman, p u t t h e question to a vote. Uhlenbeck recalls t h a t t h e ayes a n d nays were about evenly divided.
However, Kramers’ suggestion to go to the thermodynamic limit eventually was realized to be t h e correct answer.” The Onsager (1944) solution of t h e Lens (l92O)Ising (1925) model in twodimensions, and zero external magnetic field-which, incidentally, appeared for some time to be quite a baffling tour de force; for reviews, see Schultz, Mattis & Lieb (1964) and Brush (1983)-was the first treatment of a truly infinite system. This treatment, however, focussed exclusively on t h e one macroscopic observable of immediate physical interest: the magnetization. The first model of an infinite system in thermodynamical equilibrium, for which a representation of the algebra of quasi-local observables has been explicitly constructed is t h e free Bose gas. This construction, due to Araki & Woods (1963) is so explicit that, with hindsight, i t is easy to recognize there the essence of the structures discussed in the preceding subsection. With time, and the growing recognition t h a t t h e KMS condition was at t h e core of the subject, simpler models were exhibited, and we shall start with these. We consider a quantum lattice of t h e type discussed in Corollary 9.2.5, with now n = 1; i.e. to every k E 23, we associate a copy B k of t h e algebra M(m, C), with m < 00, of all m x m matrices with complex entries. T h e algebra of quasi-local observables for this sytem is defined, as in (9.2.7) to be (144) Let further (145)
: a E 23
.(a) E Aut(B)
be the action of the translation group ZZ on 8, defined by (9.2.11). We now add a new element to this structure, namely t h e dynamics. We first formalize t h e notion of a n interaction, defining it as a map (146a)
V $2 E 3 H Vn
subject to t h e two conditions:
T h e interaction is said to be translation i n v a r i a n t if
and it is said to be of finite range r if (148)
Vn = 0 unless 3 k E 2Z such t h a t 0 C [k,k
+ r]
Under the composition laws naturally suggested by (146), the collection of all translation-invariant, finite-range interactions becomes a real vector space, which we will denote Yo. As a n illllstration, consider t h e case of nearest neighbour interactions, i.e. r = l,, and assume further t h a t B k M(2, a). L e t { r j l j = s,y,z} be t h e Pauli matrices introduced in (8.3.156b), namely: 0 -1o ' ) ; r q 1 0 0 -1
r q ; ; ) ; T % ( 2
With B, J', J2nY,f fixed in IR,and k running over Z,let yk] E
vfk,k+1] E
-k v$5+1]
-J" TZ @ TZ+1
= -J"J{(l + f ) Tg @ d + 1
+ (1- c ) 4 @
The particular cases of historical interest are: t h e Lenz-king model (JziY= 0,J x > 0), t h e isotropic Heisenberg model (JziY = 'J > 0 , f = 0), a n d t h e s - y model (J" = 0 , J2iY> 0, 0 5 $ < 1). We can now return to t h e general case described by (146-8), i.e. V E Yo, and we define, for every finite interval [j,k]in Z,t h e local Hamiltonian
T h e formalism of Subsection a applies to each of these finite intervals [j,k] separately when it is cut-off from t h e rest of t h e chain. In this manner, we obtain t h e following local objects. The local evolution is:
t h e local Helmoltr free energy is: (152c)
A[j,k](@,v) = --en
t h e local canonical equilibrium density matrix is: (152d)
v, = Z[j,k](@, v)-'
a n d the local canonical equilibrium state is: (152e)
E B[j,k]
tr{P[j,k](/3, v)B}.
A t [j,k]fixed, the expressions (151-2) all belong, by definition, to t h e formalism of Subsection a: they describe a finite system. This, however, is clearly not the case for the collection of all these objects, as [j,k]runs over unboundedly large, although finite, intervals of Z.We now want to indicate how t h e new situation differs from the previous one. For this class of models, specifically for every V E UO,i.e. for every translationinvariant, finite-range interaction V , Araki (1969) proved t h e following results. (i) The limit (153)
lim (k -
exists, is finite, and defines a real analytic function in ,f3 on (0, m), and in V on finite-dimensional subspaces of Uo. (ii) For every local observable B E Bo,the limit (154) exists, and extends uniquely to a state 4 on 8, t h a t is uniformly clustering and a@)-invariant. (iii) For every local observable B E Bo,t h e limit (155) exists, and extends uniquely to a strongly continuous action r~ : t E IR H u(t) E Aut(B); moreover, r$ satisfies t h e KMS condition, at natural temperature ,!?, with respect to u. In this precise mathematical sense, t h e infinite extension limit does indeed exist and is smooth. For reasons which will become clear as we proceed, we refer to this as the thermodynamical limit for t h e quantum lattices considered. The above three properties will now be used to illustrate t h e general results we obtained earlier in this chapter a n d in Section Two of Chapter Nine; we shall indeed conclude, from these results, t h a t the quantum lattices considered so far-one dimensional, infinite extension, interaction V E Uo-possess t h e following properties, already recognized by Araki. (iv) The algebra B4 of observables at infinity, defined by (10.1.50) with respect to the state 4, defined in (ii) above, is trivial since 4 is uniformly clustering-see Theorem 9.2.4. (v) The von Neumann algebra r#(B)”,generated by t h e G N S representation canonically associated to 4, is a factor-see Corollary 9.2.5. (vi) 4 is extremal Z - i n v a r i a n t s e e Theorem 9.2.2-and for all B E B (156)
w - lim lal+-co
r#{a(a)[B]} =< 4; B
Consequently, t h e space average of every B E B is given by
and t h u s 9 is ergodic, with respect to t h e action a of t h e translation group Z,in t h e sense of every one of the conditions (i)-(ix) of Theorem 9.2.9, and condition (x) of Corollary 9.2.11; in fact in each of these results space-averages can be replaced by point-wise convergence since (156) and n o t only (157) holds. (vii) Cp extends uniquely to a faithful normal state 3 o n .rr$(B)”-see Theorem 10.1.9. (viii) The natural extension to ro(B)”of t h e time evolution 6,defined in (iii) above, coincides with t h e modular action 6 o n ro(B)”-see Proposition 10.1.14; and t h e evolution 6 is translation invariant in the sense of Scholium 10.1.13. (ix) Cp is extremal P-KMS for 6-see Corollary 10.1.12b a n d property (v) above. (x) is stationary under the evolution 6-see L e m m a 10.1.10b or Proposition 10.1.7~. Looking back at t h e construction of the Powers’ type I11 factors at t h e end of Subsection 9.2.b, t h e reader will see t h a t these factors are obtained from KMS states t h a t result from an interaction of t h e form (150) with J” = 0 = J z J and B # 0. T h e fact t h a t factors of type 111, acting on separable Hilbert spaces, occur under much more general circumstances in quantum statistical mechanics, was realized soon after Powers’ pioneering paper appeared in 1967. This is t h e combination of t h e works of several authors, a m o n g whom we mention only: Dell’Antonio (1967), Porta & Schwarta (1967), Ruelle (1967), Starmer (1967, 1969), Hugenholta (1967), Hugenholta & Wieringa (1969), Haag, Kadison & Kastler (1970), Takesaki (1970). The main steps in t h e argument are as follows-for more details, see Emch (1972), pp.209-211 and pp.281-283. Let {Mnlhz E 3) be a n isotonic family of von Neumann algebras, indexed by a directed set 3,
and B be the C*-inductive limit of this isotonic family. L e t {Cl(n)ln E Z+} be an increasing sequence, t h a t we assume to be absorbing, i.e. we assume t h a t for every hz E 3, there exists a positive integer N ( Q ) < 00, such t h a t hz C n(n) V n 2 N ( n ) . Suppose further t h a t for each n E Z+, a normal state 4,, is given on M, G Mn(,,)in such a manner t h a t for every B E Bo t h e limit (159) exists. This defines a state Cp on 8. For each n E 3, let Cp” denote t h e restriction of 4 to Mn. Since t h e sequence { n ( n ) } is absorbing, Cpn can be seen as the point-wise limit, as n + 00, of a sequence of normal states $ J ~ o n Mn,
namely the restrictions of 4, to Mn for all n such t h a t n C n(n). This is sufficient-see Sakai (1957) or Dell'Antonio (1967)-to conclude t h a t 4n is a normal state on Mn.T h e state r$ is then said to be locally normal. Let us now introduce the additional assumption t h a t , for each n E Z+, the von Neumann algebra M, acts o n a separable Hilbert space X,. One can then show-upon using a result of P o r t a & Schwarta (1967)-that t h e G N S representation A, of M,, canonically associated to t h e normal state (see above) obtained as the restriction of 4 to M,, acts on a separable Hilbert space M,. Upon using, next, the fact t h a t { n ( n ) } is absorbing, we notice t h a t t h e G N S representation ~g of 8, associated to 4, acts on a Hilbert space N g t h a t is t h e closure of a countable union of separable Hilbert spaces m M,. Hence X, is
separable. Suppose finally-as it is the case, for instance, under the general assumptions of Theorem 10.1.9-that the normal extension & of to M 3 r#(B)''is faithful. We know then, from the general theory of modular actions described in Subsection b, t h a t for E ( O , o o ) , & satisfies the KMS condition for its modular action a; t h a t this condition determines CJ uniquely; and t h a t is extremal P-KMS if and only if M is a factor. From Takesaki (1970) we know t h a t the modular action u canonically associated with a faithful normal state & of a von Neumann algebra M is inner if and only if M is semi-finite. Hence, if M is a factor, either M is of type 111 and Q is not inner, or M is not of type 111 (i.e. is of type I or 11) and u is inner, i.e. for each t E IR,there exists a unitary element U ( t )E M such t h a t o ( t ) [ M ]= U(t)*MU(t)V M E M. Clearly, t h e canonical equilibrium states of the finite systems discussed in Subsection a belong to t h e second term of the above alternative: M 8(M)and Q is given by 10.1.54b. We now want to indicate t h a t , o n the contrary, it is the first term of t h e alternative t h a t is realized, under very general circumstances, for systems of infinite extension. Suppose indeed t h a t a n action a of a n amenable group G is given on M-we have principally in mind here the group G of space translations-such t h a t 4 is extremal G-invariant, and a is q-abelian on 4. If M were of type I or 11, there would exist a semi-finite, faithful normal trace o n M, unique u p to a multiplicative constant. We now show t h a t
Since 4 is G-invariant, a is unitarily implemented (see Proposition 9.2.7), and $J o a(g) is again a semi-finite, faithful normal trace on M. Hence there exists a group homomorphism X : G + IR+ such t h a t o a(g) = X(g)$ V g E G. We thus have to show X(g) = 1 V g E G. Given g E G, we have either X(g) <_ 1 or X(g)-' = X(g-') <_ 1. The proof will t h u s be completed if we can show t h a t X(g) < 1 for some g E G leads to a contradiction. Since M is semi-finite, there exists a finite projector E E M with E # 0. We would t h u s $J
Since 1c, is 'faithful and normal, this would imply s-
lim a(g),[E]= 0
n-r w
and thus in particular lim
< # 0 a(g)"; E >= 0
4 is G-invariant, this would imply < 4; E >= 0, a n d since # is faithful E = 0, which is the desired contradiction. We can t h u s use (160),in conjunction with Corollary 9.2.11a n d our assumption t h a t # is extremal G-invariant, to show t h a t , for any finite projector E E M with E # 0, and t h u s < 4; E ># 0:
Hence < $ ; f >r X < 00, i.e. $ is finite, and thus M is of type 111 or I,. Note further t h a t A-1$ is a G-invariant normal state on M; by Theorem 9.2.9 (iv) this implies A-1$ = # and thus 4 is a faithful normal trace on A . Consequently, t h e uniqueness of t h e modular action implies a(t)= i d V t E lR. This means t h a t t h e dynamics, given by t h e modular action Q associated to # is trivial. This case is of very little interest for a quantum statistical mechanics at finite temperature. We are, therefore, left with t h e other term of the alternative only: M is a type I11 factor and t h e modular action Q is not inner. Note t h a t t h e assumptions, under which we obtained t h e above general results, are all satisfied for t h e states #defined, via (154),for any one-dimensional, infinite quant um lattice with translation- i nvar iant , fi ni te-rang e i nte r actions (see 146-148); they t h u s apply in particular to t h e situation where Powers (1967)constructed his type 111-factors. T h e point of t h e above excursion was two-fold: (a) it indicates t h a t , rather t h a n being a n accident, t h e occurence of type 111-factors, acting on separate Hilbert spaces, is to be expected under general circumstances t h a t one understands; (b) it shows t h a t t h e mathematical structure of t h e quantum statistical mechanics of infinitely extended systems, while still compatible with t h e KMS condition, differs in a n interesting manner from t h a t of finite systems. Having thus established t h a t we now have a mathematically genuine generalization of the formalism discussed in Subsection a, we have to address t h e question of whether this larger framework could possibly help with t h e physical
problems we encountered when we tried-see in particular Scholium 5 , p a r t b-to investigate,the ergodic behaviour of the canonical equilibrium states of finite systems. We already saw t h a t t h e state 4, defined by (154), has good ergodic properties with respect to space translations. However, the question remains open as to whether the dynamics u : R --+ Aut(B), defined by (155), can possibly have similar properties. The interaction (150), with J” = 0 = J2J and B # 0, on which the Powers factors are built, shows t h a t this cannot be the case in general: some conditions-not satisfied by t h a t model-must be imposed on the interaction, if one is to expect t h a t 4 will be ergodic with respect to t h e evolution u . The following discussion is an indication t h a t infinite systems do exist, for which this is not an unreasonable hope. Consider indeed the 2 - y model, i.e. t h e interaction (150) with J’ = 0, > 0, 0 5 f < 1; assume further t h a t B = 0. Notice, first, t h a t for each B k g M(2, a), the linear m a p 7 k : B k -I Bk defined by: Jz1Y
is an idempotent automorphism. For every Ci E 3, let (166a) and note t h a t { 7 n ( h 2 E 7 ) defines an idempotent automorphism (166 b)
of 8 . We introduce now the even algebra
Note, incidentally, t h a t this (?*-algebra is isomorphic to B itself (Stbrmer, 1970). Indeed 7 n is unitarily implemented by
This unitary matrix has exactly two eigenvalues: +1 and -1, with t h e same multiplicity, namely 2ln1-l. Let then En and Fn denote t h e corresponding eigenprojectors, and write Un = En - Fn. We have then Bn n 8, = { B E Bn(B = EnBEn FnBFn} &Z B(EnUn)@ B(FnNa). Upon recalling t h a t Bn is the algebra of the 21nl X 21nl matrices, it is then easy to check t h a t €3, is isomorphic to 8 , thus proving for this particular case a result obtained by
Glimm (1960) for general UHF-algebras. Hence, 8, is quite large, certainly large enough to make the following considerations appear as more t h a n a minute curiosity. From the fact t h a t r2= ad, we have:
on 8 is e v e n if $J o 7 = 4, and notice, from (169), t h a t a n even state $J on 8 is determined by its restriction to 8,. Notice now t h a t 7 leaves invariant the local Hamiltonians
We say t h a t a state
Consequently, we obtain from (152), (154) a n d (155): (171)
4 07 = 4
7 o a(t) = a(t)0 7
Hence 4 is uniquely determined by its restriction 4, to B,, and 8, is stable under a(t)for each t in R;let u, : t E IR H a,(t) E Aut(8,) be t h e action obtained by restricting u to 8,. Similarly 8, is stable under .(a) for each a E 24, and we denote by a, : a E Z H &,(a) E Aut(8,) t h e action obtained by restricting Q to 8,. One then verifies t h a t {4,, 8, Q,, a,} inherits from {4, 8, u , a} t h e properties t h a t t h e state 4, is extremal Z-invariant a n d is extremal ,f3-KMS with respect to 6,. The interest of the 2 - y model, in this general framework, is t h a t t h e dynamics 6, of this infinite system escapes-for details, see Emch & Radin (1971)-the deadlock imposed by Scholium 10.1.5. Indeed, one can transcribe for {8,,0,} an argument, originally due to Narnhofer (1970), a n d prove-see also Abraham, Baruch, Gallavotti & Martin-Lof (1970)-that 6, : t E R H a,(t) E Aut(8,) is a norm-asymptotic abelian action, i.e.
This implies, in particular, t h a t for every invariant mean ( on is (-abelian on $, i.e.
Corollary 10.1.12-4,
IR, this action
is extremal invariant for t h e dynamics
u,, and thus satisfies with respect to this group action all t h e ergodic condi-
tions of Theorem 9.2.9 and Corollary 9.2.11. In particular, with r] denoting an invariant mean over t h e translation group Z, and ( a n invariant mean o n the
evolution group
IR,we have for every B E 8,:
i.e. the space- and time-averages of B coincide, a n d they are given by t h e expectation of B over t h e state 4,. This certainly is a good ergodic result, b u t one can actually say more, since this result only uses the weakened form (173) of (172). Indeed, since 4, is extremal P-KMS, we know-Corollary 10.1.12t h a t the G N S representation of 8, associated to 4, is primary; we conclude then, from Theorem 9.2.2, t h a t (175)
2u -
so that, in particular, property :
=< 4,;
V B E 8,
4, satisfies, for every A , B , C E B,, t h e clustering
This, in turn, implies t h a t for every A E B,, t h e state on B [not 8, only!] defined by (177) satisfies-see
(169) and (176):
i.e. every state $ on t h e full z - y model, provided it is of t h e form (177), approaches t h e equilibrium state 4 as time tends to infinity. This is in particular the case for any state II, obtained from 4 by the following procedure. C u t t h e chain at two points j and k (with 1 < k - j < 00); change the temperature of the piece [j,k], and bring it back in place, switching on again t h e interaction between [ j ,k ] and the rest of the chain: the situation so prepared relaxes back to 4. In this sense, we can say t h a t the infinite dynamical system, described by the z - y model, serves as a thermal reservoir for any of its finite parts. The x- y model is admittedly “rigged just the right way”. Nevertheless, it does provide a proof t h a t certain things are now possible which were rigourously impossible when one only had a formalism limited to the study of finite systems. Recall in particular that, for these systems, any evolution compatible with the existence of a canonical equilibrium state was generated by a Hamiltonian with discrete spectrum; such evolutions are, at best, almost periodic, t h u s ruling o u t taking limits as time tends to infinity. We now have learned t h a t taking the thermodynamical limit first is a well-defined process, and t h a t it
not only makes it possible for such limits to exist, b u t also to converge to t h e result one would expect from thermodynamics. The first technical problem, t h a t one has to master next, is to control the thermodynamical limit in more general circumstances. This is necessary at least o n three accounts: (a) one should be able to deal with interactions t h a t decrease to zero at infinity, b u t do not identically vanish outside a finite range; (b) quantum lattices on Zn(especially with n = 3, b u t also with n = 2 and n = 4) are of physical interest; (c) continuous systemsi.e. systems in which particles are allowed to move on R",or even on more general manifolds-should also be accounted for. Still for quantum lattices o n Enwith n = 1, a n d Bh finite factors of type I, Araki (1975) proved t h a t t h e thermodynamical limit of the evolution again has exactly one P-KMS state if t h e interaction (146) is restricted only by t h e following two conditions. Firstly, one assumes t h a t there exists X > 0 such that: (179)
Secondly, for every
= {Q E 71k E Q}
n E 3, define
= {A E 3 I A n Q # 0 and An Qc # 0)
T h e second condition one imposes o n t h e interaction V is t h a t there exists a n increasing, absorbing sequence {Q(n)ln E Z+}C 3 such t h a t (181)
II Wn(n) II<
T h e physical meaning of this condition, a n d in fact t h e key to t h e abstract formulation of Araki's assumptions, stems from t h e following comparison. O n the one hand, t h e time evolution is defined by its restriction to Bo on which it satisfies (182a)
a(t)[B]= n-m lim a,(t)[B]
with (182b)
on(t)[B]= exp{dH,,t}
- B . exp{--iH,,t}
where n is chosen to be large enough so t h a t B E &(,I, a n d every n E Z+by: (182c)
VA with A€?(")
= {A E 3 I A C Q ( n ) }
H,,i s defined for
O n the other hand, for each n E 22+ a n d every B E &(,I, (183a)
VA with
A€ TI(,)
3’(n)= {A E 3 I A n n ( n ) # 0)
Upon comparing (180), (182) and (183), we see t h a t (184)
Wn(,) = HL - H,
Hence Wq,) appears here as the contribution of interactions across the boundary to the effective Hamiltonian H’n-physicists refer to Wq,), irrespectively of dimension, as a “surface energy” term-for t h e system &(,I embedded in 8. Condition (181) requires, thus, t h a t this physical quantity be bounded in norm, uniformly in n E 22+; this evidently is in sharp contrast with what happens for H,,. The result of Araki (1975) o n one-dimensional quantum lattices is t h u s strongly reminiscent-both in its assumptions (179) and (181), and in its conclusion, namely t h a t there exists exactly one /3-KMS state-of t h e theorems on the absence of phase transitions in one-dimensional classical systems, both discrete and continuous; see van Hove (1950), Dobrushin (1968), Ruelle (1968), Gallavotti & Miracle-Sole (1970); for surveys see Lieb & Mattis (1966), Ruelle (1969), Domb & Green (1972). As for quantum lattices with n > 1 and translation invariant interaction, condition (179) had been known, even before Araki (1969) to be sufficient to ensure t h e existence of the limiting evolution o as a strongly continuous action o n €3-see Robinson (1968), Lanford & Robinson (1968), Manuceau & Trottin (1969); and for surveys Ruelle (1969) or Emch (1972). Under some mild geometric conditions, these authors further show t h a t the limiting equilibrium state q5 exists and satisfies the KMS condition, at natural temperature p, with respect to o. In conformity with t h e expected occurence of phase transitions for systems with even short range interaction, b u t infinite spacial extension in more t h a n one dimension-see already Peierls (1936)-one should n o t expect conditions of the type of (179) to be strong enough to ensure t h a t q5 be t h e unique /3-KMS state for o, nor t h a t /3P(p,V)-see (153)-be real analytic for all p. O n e can nevertheless expect, and in fact prove-see Robinson (1967), and again t h e texts of Ruelle (1969) or Emch (1972)-under the very mild condition
t h a t P ( p , V )exists, is finite, and is continuous in /3, and in V with respect to the norm 11 . [lo. Hence, for infinite quantum lattices, the thermodynamical limit seems to be under control, in the sense t h a t t h e basic mathematical structures have been proven to exist; this is evidently not to say t h a t there are no problems leftparamount among these the question of a genuine qualitative and quantitative understanding of phase transitions.
d. Ideal Fermi and Bose gases This subsection surveys t h e thermodynamical limit for two free gases, each satisfying one of the two fundamental types of quantum statistics: t h e ideal Fermi gas, which we shall discuss first; and t h e ideal Bose gas, t h e first exactly solvable model exhibiting a phase transition. For the description of t h e Fermi gas, we need first to define the C*-algebra of t h e canonical anticommutation relations, or CAR-algebra. This is an object we already know, albeit under another name. Consider indeed {B,lw E Z+} with €I,N M(2,C) for every w E Z+; except for t h e convenience of indexing with Z+instead of Z,this is a familiar object indeed-see Subsection c-and we write:
@ B,. U€Z+
With t h e Pauli matrices {rJlj= z, y, z } as in (149), let (187a) and its adjoint (187b) The elements {a,,aw*lu E Z+}defined in this manner satisfy t h e canonical anticommutation relations
where { A , B } G AB BA. These are t h e mathematical objects we will be dealing with. These objects are approached in a different way by most physicists, although presentations of the CAR akin to (187) go back as far as Jordan & Wigner (1928); for a textbook presentation see e.g. Kramers (1957).
10.1. F E W & BOSE GASES
Firstly, instead of dealing with an abstract algebra, physicists usually prefer
to use a concrete representation by operators acting on some Hilbert space, and they most often s t a r t with a specific irreducible representation, namely the Fock space representation, characterized by t h e existence of a (cyclic!)
vector Qo satisfying a,QO = 0 V w E Z+.This in itself doesn’t change the basic mathematical object under consideration since-as a consequence of (186), and of the fact t h a t M(2, C) is simple-every non-zero morphism r from B into a C’-algebra A is isometric, i.e. B is simple and all its non-zero representations are isometric and thus faithful. However, for reasons which will become clear, the Fock representation is ill-suited for t h e situation of an infinite Fermi gas at non-zero temperature. Secondly, physicists usually interpret the index set Z+as t h a t set which is used to enumerate the elements of a specific orthonormal basis in a separable Hilbert space 7 identified with the “one particle space”. In particular, for the description of an ideal Fermi gas enclosed in a cubic box A C R3,of volume V = L3, 7~is taken to be L 2 ( A , d S x ) ,in which t h e following orthonormal basis {$kJk E Z’}is chosen: (189)
$k(x) = -‘I2 e x p { - 2 ~ i k . x / L }
The main property of this basis is to satisfy (190) HO $k = Ek$k where the free Hamiltonian is 1 h Ho = --(-)2A ; 2 m 2R where h is the Planck constant, m is the mass of t h e particles one wants to consider, A is the Laplacian in R3,and f k , the eigenvalues of HOare Eg
h2 2m
= -.
1-1Lk .
This reinterpretation of the index set Z+N
Z3suggests to consider t h e maps
(193) satisfying the canonical anticommutation relations (194) Note in particular t h a t in the Fock space representation, t h e distinguished vector Go, satisfies (195a)
a(f)@o= 0
v f E TA
{a*(f)@o If E Tn)
spans a Hilbert space isomorphic to t h e one-particle space TAwe started with. Each a(g) separately sends back t h e vectors of t h e form (195b) in t h e space spanned by Q 0 . Similarly {a*(f)a'(g)@olf, 9E
spans a Hilbert space isomorphic to t h e antisymmetric part of G@Gletc. The reader will verify t h a t t h e following words give a picturesque-and consistentis called t h e vacuum of t h e description of what is going o n in Fock space: theory; a*(f)t h e creation operator for a particle of wave-function f; a(f) t h e annihilation operator for t h a t particle; a*(f).a(f)the number operator, counting how many particles are in wave function f; and
HF =
are called the total number operator, resp. the total energy operator. The following two elementary facts will be important for w h a t follows. First, N a n d HF commute with one another. Second, t h e particles created by t h e a*operators satisfy the Pauli exclusion rule; specifically, for each f E 7 A , t h e number operator a*(f). a(f) has exactly two eigenvalues: zero and one, which means t h a t no two of these particles can be found in t h e same wave function
For every p
E IR, consider t h e action o,, of IR on 8 prescribed by defining,
for t (resp. j) running over R (resp. TJ: (197)
o,(t)[u'(f)] = a*(exp{iH,,t}f)
H,, = HO- pZ
where HOis t h e one particle free Hamiltonian entering (189)-(192). T h e P-KMS state $(PIp ) for o,,can be computed as follows. Notice first t h a t is an analytic element for o,,.For t h e two-point correlation < &(PIp ) ; a*(f) ak >, t h e KMS condition reads then: (198)
+ iP)[ak]>=<
< &(PIp ) ; a*(f)op(t
& ( a l p ) ;op(t)[ak]a*(f>
a n d thus: (199)
exp{P(€k - p ) } < &(PIp ) ;a*(f)ak >= < &(P,k);aka*(f) >= (f,'$k)- < +(P,p);a*(f)ak
from which we conclude: (200)
>= ( K ( P , p)fl 9 )
with K(P,P ) = [exp{PH,}
+ 11-l
By a succession of doublings of t h e linear dimensions of t h e cube A, one obtains an absorbing sequence {A,} of cubes in IR’, which allows to control easily the limit: 7 becomes L2(IR3,d9z),and the correlation functionals keep the form they have in (201), except t h a t
where (203)
7 denotes the Fourier transform of f E T , a n d P ( P , P; k)
+ 11-l
b P { P I 4 k ) - 11) with ~ ( k= ) h 2 ) k I 2 / 2 m.
These correlation functionals determine, on 8 , a state $ ( P , k )t h a t satisfies t h e KMS condition, at natural temperature P, for t h e action crl( determined by (197) where now:
The above expressions define, mathematically, t h e ideal F e r m i gas, at natural exp(P1). The meaning of p is obtained by retracing our steps, and noticing t h a t , at finite volume V, we did not really compute the canonical equilibrium state corresponding to the total energy HF.Recall t h a t t h e canonical equilibrium state was obtained, in Subsection a, by maximaliaing t h e entropy, with t h e constraint t h a t the expectation value of t h e energy, here < HF >, be fixed; see Proposition 10.1.3. Mathematically, this brought in t h e Lagrange multiplier P. Physically, this procedure was interpreted by stating t h a t t h e system considered was in contact with a thermal reservoir at natural temperature p. Instead, we computed here what is called the grand canonical equilibrium state. This is obtained by maximaliaing the entropy subject to two constraints, namely t h a t the expectation values of both t h e total energy HF and t h e total number of particle N be fixed. Mathematically, this brings about a second Lagrange multiplier t h a t is conventionally written (Pp). Physically, this procedure is interpreted by stating t h a t the system considered is n contact with a thermal reservoir, with which it can also exchange particles. Since HF and N commute-see (196)-the grand canonical equilibi um state, at finite volume, is given by
temperature P, with chemical potential 1-or fugacity z
4 60
Note t h a t H p - p N , restricted to t h e one-particle subspace of t h e Fock space, reduces to t h e operator H,, appearing in (197). Notice also t h a t the grand canonical partition function Z(@,p ) is given by:
From this, one defines 1
~ a a [ -
en Z'(T, z ) ]
where we wrote Z*(T, z ) = Z(p,p ) with @ = l / k T and z = exp(pp). Note t h a t v-l =< N > /V can be interpreted as t h e expected value of t h e total number of particles per unit volume; stated differently vl/' can be interpreted as the average interparticle distance. P will be interpreted as t h e pressure. In t h e limit V + 00, (206)-(207) give: 1 = 4r 21
(208) i.e. (209a) (209b) where
+ exp{h2p2/2mkT}]-' d p p2 en [I + z exp{--h2$/2mkT}] d p p2z[z
Drawing on a n analogy with the de Broglie wavelength-see 7.2.35a-physicists refer to X as the thermal Wavelength. T h e classical analyst will recognize in (211b) the Appell integral-see, e.g. Whittaker & Watson (1927), p. 280, ex. 7. For every s with IRe(s) > 0, this integral defines a function of z t h a t is analytic in the cut complex plane CC \ [l,00). For z with (21 < 1, and s with IRe(s) > 0, g(s, z ) = z((s, z ) where ((s, z ) is the Lerch zeta f u n c t i o n
c 00
((S, 2) =
+ 1)-
-see, e.g. Erd6lyi (1953), Vol. I, pp. 27-31, or C. Truesdell (1945), where t h e reader will also find historical notes. If z = 1 and IRe(s) > 1, t h e series (211c) is still convergent, and converges to t h e R i e m a n n zeta function ((s). For our study of the ideal Fermi gas, we need only t h e functions g(s, .) : z E (-00,0] H g ( s , z ) E IR for the special values s = and s = 5. Of direct interest to us are the following three facts: (i) I(#, .) : z E IR+ H f(8, z ) E IR+ is a monotonically increasing, real analytic function; in particular, (209a) can be inverted to give z as a uniquely defined function of (X3/u); (ii) z-'f(8, z ) + 1 as z + 0; and (iii) the leading term in t h e asymptotic expansion of f ( 8 , z ) as z + 00 is [ ( 4 / 3 ) ~ - * / ~z () t~n / ~T]h.e following t w o limiting cases are indeed of special physical interest. Firstly, the case (X3/u) < 1 is t h e so-called high temperature/low density limit of t h e physicists. Note that, formally, this limit can be viewed as t h e limit h -+ 0, and we thus expect to find back the classical limit. This is indeed the case: from (209) a n d (211) one finds in t h e limit (Xs/u) + 0
Pu kT
+2-5/2(~3/u)+ : ..
The zeroth order approximation in (212) reproduces t h e formula for the classical ideal gas. The main feature of the first order correction is t h a t it is positive; upon comparing this result with t h e classical virial expansion, one obtains a classical picture of the quantum effects in t h e ideal Fermi gas at high temperature and low density: the Pauli exclusion rule acts in t h e same way as would a small effective repulsion between classical particles. Secondly, the case (X3/u) >> 1 is t h e so-called low temperature/high density limit. Note t h a t in this limit the thermal wavelength X is much larger t h a n the average interparticle distance u1l3; one should, therefore, expect quant u m effects to dominate, and thus t h e Fermi gas to behave, under these circumstances, quite differently from a classical gas. From t h e leading term of the asymptotic expansion of I(#, z ) as z + 00, one finds lim (X"U)+uJ
[z exp(-/%p)]
The most drastic illustration of w h a t happens in this limit is obtained by computing from (203), at u fixed. lim p*(T,z; k) =
if ~ ( k < ) EF if ~ ( k > ) EF
Loosely speaking, this situation can be characterized by saying t h a t all energy levels, up to t h e Fermi energy E F , are occupied while all energy levels above EF are empty. From t h e macroscopic point of view, t h e Pauli exclusion rule has still another consequence. Recall t h a t it prevents any two particles to be in t h e same state; in particular, again speaking loosely, only one particle can be in t h e state of zero momentum; t h e other particles, with non-zero momentum, should t h u s be expected to prevent t h e pressure to vanish, even at zero absolute temperature. Specifically, upon using for t h e infinite Fermi gas, our asymptotic expansions as z -+ 00, we compute from (209):
Hence, at u fixed, t h e pressure P approaches indeed a finite, non-zero value as T + 0, in contrast with what happens for a classical gas. A gas of He3 particles at very low temperature (<- 1°K)would satisfy t h e condition (X3/u) >> 1; a n d so would electrons in metals, under ordinary laboratory conditions-say room temperature (note, however, t h a t such an electron gas is not quite a n ideal Fermi gas). T h e fact t h a t it is t h e limit (X3/u) + 00 t h a t counts, and not t h e limit T + 0 alone, is emphasized by the fact t h a t t h e condition (Xs/u) >> 1 is also realized in white dwarf stars, where t h e central temperature is of t h e order of lo7 OK,whereas t h e electron density u-' is so enormous t h a t TF E ~ - ' E F is of t h e order of 10'l OK,so high in fact t h a t a relativistic treatment of this gas is called for. Note finally t h a t t h e specific heat of the ideal Fermi gas can be proven to be a smooth, monotonically increasing function of t h e temperature for T E (0,00); it approaches t h e classical limit (3k/2)as T -+ m, and goes linearly to zero as T+0. This remark concludes w h a t we wanted to say here a b o u t t h e ideal Fermi gas; for more details, see e.g. Landau & Lifshitz (1958), Huang (1963), or from a point of view more in t u n e with modern mathematical physics, Thirring (1983). We now t u r n our attention to t h e ideal Bose gas. This system is obtained, formally, by replacing t h e canonical anticommutation relations (194) by t h e canonical commutation relations (216)
, [ a ( f ) a, ( d l = 0 = [ a * ( f )a*(g)I [a(f),a"dl = ( 9 ,f)I
where we have [A,B] = AB - BA, instead of {A,B } = AB BA as in (194). There are, however, three difficulties to be attended to when one a t t e m p t s to generalize to (216) t h e analysis previously carried on from (194). These difficulties are: (i) one cannot represent a(f) and a*(f)by bounded operators acting on a Hilbert space; (ii) a phase transition does occur, first evidenced by a breakdown in analyticity; (iii) t h e time evolution for t h e infinite system cannot be obtained by t h e usual limiting procedure. We first take care of some of the domain questions t h a t are associated to t h e fact t h a t we must consider, for our basic objects, unbounded a(f)and a*(f). With 7 f L 2(Rs,d'z), we consider 7") = L2(RsN, d s N z )a n d the operator S acting on 7 Ndefined by
where PN is the group of all permutations of t h e N indices (1,.. .,N}.We now introduce: (218)
= {9E T N I s9 = Q }
Hence 3(N) is spanned by the square integrable functions on (Rs)Nt h a t a r e symmetric in all their arguments 51,. . .,ZN E Rs.With 3(O) C,we define the Fock space o f t h e CCR o n RSas t h e completed direct sum:
Let further
& be the incomplete direct sum a o M
where D denotes the space of all infinitely differentiable functions with compact support. O n t h e dense subspace 70 C 3, we can now define t h e creation operator a*(f)and annihilation operator a(f) with f arbitrary in 7 by: (221a) where over a variable xn means t h a t this argument has been deleted-so is indeed a function of (N- 1) variables; we also define on 6,for t h a t 9(N-1) every f E 7 :
Upon noticing t h a t t h e operator (222)
@(f) = 2-1’2{a*(f) 4f)) self-adjoint on 5,i.e. admits exactly one self-adjoint
is essentially one can introduce t h e unitary operator
Wf)= e x p { W f ) )
We further remark t h a t t h e operators (221) satisfy t h e CCR relations (216) on 30,or equivalently:
Compare with (8.3.189); note further t h a t , for every f E T , EI R H W(Xf) E U(3)
is continuous for the weak operator topology; moreover (226)
{C cn W(fn) I cn E 6, fn E D(R’)) n
is an irreducible ‘-subalgebra of B ( 3 ) . We denote by B t h e C*-algebra obtained as t h e norm closure of &, and we refer to 8 (resp. Bo)as t h e algebra of quasi local (resp. strictly local) obseruables of our system. Note, in particular t h a t a functional
3 : f E D ( I R 3 ) &f)
E Q:
defines uniquely a state t$ on 8, such t h a t (227b) if and only if
$ ; ~ >= )
&f) v f E w’),
6 satisfies the following three conditions: 3(0) = 1 ;
(228a) for all f and g E D(IR’): (228b)
9 ) E Q:
is continuous; for all n C Z+, all { X k l k = 1,.. ., n } C C, and all {fklk = 1,.. ., n } c D(IR’):
Compare with (8.3.211b). For instance:
= exP{-
II f 112 /41
corresponds to the pure state
where 00E 3(O)with 1) @ O /I= 1. We complete the algebraic description of our system by noticing t h a t B is the C*-inductive limit of a n increasing sequence {Bqn)lnE Z+}of local von Neumann algebras namely:
with, L being fixed, and n running over (232)
Z+, and:
= {z E R3(- n-L2 -< zk 5 n-L2 ; k = 1,2,3}.
With A = h(n) fixed, we define 5 , { $ k , c k l k E Z'},HOas we did for t h e Fermi gas-see (189) to (192)-and then t h e actions a,,: IR -+ AUt(BA): (233)
a,,(t)[W(f)l = W(exp{iH,,t}f) with H,, = Ho - p I and
p E (--00,O).
Compare with (197); t h e present restriction of t h e range of p will be made physically transparent in t h e immediate sequel. A simple computation, akin to t h a t performed in t h e case of the Fermi gas, gives t h a t each action a,,has exactly one p-KMS state $(p,p), determined by t h e functional (234)
$(a, * ) : f E D(h) exp{-(e(PI with e ( p , p )= coth {pH,,/2}
p)fJ f)/4}
Compare with (8.3.221), and note in particular t h a t , in contrast with (200), we now have:
Hence the restriction p E (-00~0) is directly interpretable as the condition t h a t , in the state $ ( p , p ) on the CCR-algebra BA, t h e mean value < nk > of the number of particles in the wave function $h be strictly positive a n d finite for all k E Z3. The thermodynamical quantities v-' and ( P / k T ) are again computed as the limit, over the absorbing sequence {A(n)ln E ?Z+} of t h e expressions (207)
where now (206) is replaced by:
Note t h a t (236) satisfies (237) with < nk > given by (235), as it should. In the above limit, we obtain again the thermodynamical quantities u-' and ( P / k T ) in the form of Appell's integrals, namely now
(238) (LJUJ
1 U
00 = dp p2 z[exp{h2p2/2rnkT} - z]-' = 4111 4w I d n p' z[exp{h"p"/2rnkl') - ZJ-'
P P -- 4 ~ kT
dp p2 h h [ l - zexp{--h2p2/2mkT}]
One can rewrite these expressions in the form 1
= P g ( 5, 3 2)
P = 1-y2,z) 5 kT
where g(s, z ) can be expressed-compare (211c)-as:
with the Lerch <-functions defined in
c zn/ng . m
g(s, 2 ) =
The limiting case ( X s / u ) < 1 of (239) is without surprise, and we receive
Pv = 1 - 2-5/2(~s/v) kT
+ . ..
From the defining relation (210) of X, we again interpret this limit as the high temperature/low density limit; the zeroth order approximation of (240) coincides again with the result obtained for the ideal classical gas, as we should expect from the fact that, at fixed temperature T,X is proportional to the Planck constant h. Note that the first order correction in (240) is now negative, in contrast with the result obtained for the ideal Fermi gas-compare with (212) and the discussion following it: the classical picture of the first order correction in (240) is t h a t of a small effective attraction between t h e particles. Upon returning to the general expression (239), we must note t h a t the function g(3, .) : ( 0 , l ) + IR+ is a smooth, strictly increasing function which
10.1. F E W & BOSE GASES
approaches a finite limit as z 4 1, namely conclude t h a t (239) holds only as long as:
~ ( 9= ) 2.612 . . . From
this we
which we can equivalently rewrite as t h e condition: (241b)
> CI
h2(2~mk)-'c(5) 3 -219
or, still in another equivalent form, as the condition (241c)
P v5'3
> c, = h2(2Irm)-*5( -) ( ( 5 -519 ) 2
These three equivalent inequalities characteriae w h a t is called t h e gaseous phase of t h e ideal Bose gas. This leaves open the question of whether the boundary (X3/u) = (($), or Tv2I3 = C1, or Pv5I3 = C, can be physically reached, or even crossed through. Mathematically the answer involves studying whether, and how, t h e limit z = 1 can be reached. To understand what is happening, we return briefly to t h e finite volume expression of v-l. From (235) we obtain
where: < n k > is given explicitly in (235), and C' means t h a t t h e term corresponding to k = 0 is omitted from the summation. Note t h a t each one of the < 7th > with k # 0, is well-behaved as z exp(Pp) + 1. This suggests taking simultaneously the two limits V + 00 and z + 1 in such a manner t h a t the second term in (242) approaches a finite limit, say 6'. If we d o this, we obtain instead of (239):
= x-"(5)3
P = x-"(5)5 kT
These are t h e characteristic equations t h a t link t h e density u-', the pressure P and the temperature T-recall t h a t the latter enters in X through (210)-of what is called the condensed phase of t h e ideal Bose gas; t h e word "condensed" refers to t h e fact that, in t h e course of t h e combined limit (V, z ) + (00,l)t h a t we have taken, we have imposed t h a t the ground state k = 0 be occupied with a finite density v0' =< no > /V. We shall come back to the mathematical meaning of this limiting procedure later in this subsection.
Before doing so, however, we want to complete t h e thermostatic description of t h e model. A typical isotherm through both phases is pictured in Fig. 1 ; the analytic form of this curve is given by (239) and (243), while t h e dashed line represents the coexistence curve Tv2/' = Ci-see (241b). Fig. 2 graphs t h e specific heat at constant u . The reader will verify t h a t c, E (au/aT), is given analytically by: (244a)
for the gaseous phase; and (244b) for the condensed phase. Three qualitative comments are called for here. First, c, approaches the classical value (3k/2) as T + 00; t h u s confirming our earlier remark t h a t (X3/u) + 0 corresponds to t h e classical limit. Second, c,, behaves like T3I2 as T .--t 0; this is to be contrasted to t h e Debye behaviour (7.2.34b), namely T 3 ;this difference is due to t h e difference in t h e behaviour, as Ikl + 0 of the one-particle energy spectrum of t h e ideal gas considered here-where Ek Ik12-and t h a t of the phonon gas-where ek Ikl. A t the critical temperature T,, the derivative of c,, presents a discontinuity, b u t c,, itself is finite. In the laboratory, He4 is a candidate for t h e theoretical model discussed here. W h e n t h e numbers are brought in, t h e critical temperature falls in t h e right ballpark: 2.2"K (experiment) instead of 3.2"K (theory). However, c, diverges as T approaches T, from either side. T h e ideal Bose gas model is not quite sufficient to predict the details of this phase transition: inter-particle interactions have to be brought to bear on the problem.
't \\\ l k 2
* v
Fig. 1
FLg . 2
From the point of view of the conceptual foundations of condensed matter physics, t h e principal lesson to be learned from t h e study of t h e ideal Bosi gas is t h a t a description of phase transitions-across which certain thermodynamical functions show a non analytic behaviour-is within the purview of quant u m statistical mechanics, provided t h e latter is formulated broadly enough to include the description of infinite systems: t h e mathematical investments involved in controlling the thermodynamical limit are warranted by the physics of the problem. The particular history of the investigations of t h e ideal Bose gas is recounted in Brush (1983); see also Pais (1982). Let it suffice here to mention a few salient points to fix the time scale of events. The original theoretical discovery of the existence of a condensed phase-the phenomenon known today as t h e Bose-Einstein condensation-is due to Einstein (1924-5); it seems to be true t h a t , at the time, neither Einstein nor his contemporaries did recognize t h e importance of this contribution for the general theory of phase transitions. For the conceptual difficulties involved in the need to use the thermodynamical limit for a proper description of phase transitions within t h e framework of statistical mechanics, see Uhlenbeck (1927) and Kahn & Uhlenbeck (1938). The interpretation of t h e observed Helium phase transition as a Bose-Einstein condensation was proposed by London (1938). The robustness of t h e BoseEinstein condensation against the inclusion, in t h e theory, of interparticle interactions was recognized by Feynman (1953). To these milestones in t h e discussion of the physical aspects of t h e phenomenon at hand, we should add the following references to its mathematical description: Araki & Woods (1963), Dubin & Sewell (1970) and Cannon (1973). As a result of the work of Cannon (1973)-see also t h e references quoted therein-we know that, in the thermodynamical limit, the canonical and t h e grand canonical equilibrium states converge nicely to states on the quasi local algebra 8, and t h a t their explicit form is as follows. We choose units such t h a t (h/27r) = 1 = m. T h e limits are taken at fixed, but arbitrary, values of the following two thermodynamical parameters: t h e natural temperature /3 E (0, co)and t h e density p = u-* E (0, m). We denote by p,(p) t h e value of p, as a function of p, o n t h e phase separation curvesee (241b), where the inequality is replaced by a n equality. A t fixed p, p p@) corresponds therefore to the gaseous phase, where z is determined, as a function of p and p, through (239a). For the condensed phase, we write po = p - p @ ) . For both phases we denote by $c(fl,p; .) [resp. ag(p,p; .)] t h e functional-see (227b)-corresponding to the canonical [resp. grand canonical] equilibrium state on 8 in the thermodynamical limit. For t h e gaseous phase, the canonical and the grand canonical equilibrium states are identical-in the thermodynamical limit!-and one has:
p(P, z; k)
= z[exp{PE(k)} - 21-'
and z is determined by p a n d P-see (247)
with ~ ( k= ) lkI2/2
(238) or (239)-by
/ d3k
P(P, z; k).
In the condensed phase one has: 1
JgMP; f ) = &a, 1; r>exP{-s
4JP, P; f ) = 4(Pl 1; r>J0"2P01*/2
1; f) is given by (246) at z = 1, a n d where Jo is t h e Bessel function
Araki & Woods (1963) obtained t h e explicit form of t h e GNS representations
~ ( pp;,.) of t h e quasi local algebra 8 associated to t h e canonical equilibrium states &(P, p ) determined by the functionals (245, 246)-for the gaseous phaseand (249)-for t h e condensed phase. These representations are given by exhibiting the explicit form of W ( P , ,p; f ) = @, p; W(f)) for f arbitrary in D(IR3). This is done as follows. We first describe the representations corresponding to t h e gaseous phase. In t h e Hilbert space
where 3 is the Fock space (219), let
9 =9 0 @ 9
where a0 is t h e vacuum vector (229) in 3(O). Consider then t h e unitary operators, defined for all f E D(IRs),by: .
W P , P; 1)= W + f ) @ WKC-f)
where W(.) is defined in (223), and
(S+f)"k) (f-f)-(k)
= [1+ P ( P , z; w 2 m f
MP, k V 2 m m* z;
10.1. F E W & BOSE GASES
where p ( P , z ; k ) as in (246). It is then easy to check t h a t W ( p ,p ; . ) satisfies (224), and determines, therefore, a representation of t h e quasi local algebra 8. Similarly, one checks t h a t , for every f E D(R3) (255)
( W P ,P; f)@, @I = JJP, P; f)
with $JP, p ; .) as in (245). Because t h e linear span of {W(a,p; f)@ E D(JRs)} is dense in X, we have obtained the G N S representation of 8 associated to t h e canonical equilibrium states of the gaseous phase. Since the properties of t h e von Neumann algebra (256)
= {W(P,p;f) If E D ( W ) " ,
generated by any one of these representations, played a seminal role in t h e algebraic approach to quantum statistical mechanics, it seems proper to outline them here. One notices immediately t h a t U harbors another representation of 8, namely: (257)
W P , P; r) = WKS-f) (8W + f )
With -FI denoting the von Neumann algebra generated by this representation, one notices t h a t M M' and t h a t {M,N}"= B(U), and t h u s t h a t M is a factor. Since @ is cyclic for M (for t h e same reason it was for M),it is cyclic for M' and thus separating for M. Consequently, the canonical equilibrium state &(P, p ) extends to a faithful normal state on M. The corresponding modular action-see Subsection b-is determined by: (258a)
p; f)] =
w(aJp; exp{iH@t}f)
with (258b)
(exp{i~,tlf)"(k) = e x p { i I W
I t m
where p is a function of P and pJ determined by z = exp(Pp) and (247); see further discussion of (258) later in this subsection. Since M is a factor, &(PI p ) is extremal P-KMS for 6-see Corollary 10.1.12. Moreover, a n action a of J R' is determined by
with (259b)
a}f)(4 = f(z
This action is clearly norm asymptotic abelian, a n d satifies (260)
P) 0
44 = 4 c ( A PI
Since M is a factor, t$@,p) is extremal R3-invariant and R3-uniformly clustering-see Theorem 9.2.2, Scholium 9.2.3 and Theorem 9.2.4. From these facts we conclude-as we did in Subsection c-that t h e factors M are of type 111. Finally, since .(a) and a(t) leave $@,p) invariant, they are unitarily implemented, and for a # 0 # t , t h e construction described in Proposition 9.2.7 produces operators U ( a ) and V ( t )t h a t do not commute with R, and therefore do not belong to M;this explicitly illustrates results we already knew, on general grounds, from Subsections a and c, to t h e effect t h a t (I! and Q cannot be inner. For t h e condensed phase, t h e situation is somewhat more complicated. Upon using t h e integral representation (250) of the Bessel function appearing in (249), one can rewrite & ( P , p ) as a n integral over a family-parametrized by 0 E S' E [0,2~]-of primary states, described by the functionals: (261)
m,P; f)
= &A 1;f) exP{a
The representation of B corresponding to & ( P , p ) is thus a direct integral of primary representations; in t h a t sense, the condensed phase of t h e ideal Bose gas appears, at the microscopic level of description, as a continuum of pure phases. An understanding of this ambiguity can be gained from t h e following remark. Let us consider the gauge action 7 : S' + Aut(B) defined by:
r(e)[w(f)l = W(eiBf)
(262) and its fixed point algebra (263)
{ B E Blr(O)[B]= B V 0 E S ' }
Compare this to the effect of (165-166) on (193) through (187). Physically, 7(0) is the automorphism implemented by U(0)= exp(i0N) where N is t h e number operator in t h e Fock representation on which B is originally defined; hence, in this representation, 8, is t h e algebra of t h e elements of B t h a t have zero matrix elements between vectors of 3 belonging to different 3"). Notice now, from (249) and (246), t h a t (264a)
P ) = 4c(P, PI
E s'
while we see, from (261) and (246), t h a t (264b)
4s(P, P ) = 4e.=o(P, P ) 0 7(O) v 0 E s'.
Hence, whereas the states 4 e ( p ,P ) are different, a n d
10.1. F E W & BOSE GASES
is thus a genuine decomposition on 8, all these states d o agree on 8,. This is one of the earliest examples of the kind of spontaneous symmetry breaking t h a t can accompany a phase transition. Other examples of this phenomenon will be presented in the following subsection. One of the interests of exactly solvable models in the exploration of the conceptual foundations of a theory is t h a t one can test on them the reasonableness of one's axioms. From the results obtained in Subsection c for quantum lattice systems-see in particular (155)-one might have been led to expect t h a t t h e dynamics a : R --t Aut(B) of an infinite system, say in JR3, could be obtained as a point-wise norm limit of t h e dynamics &(t) defined over an increasing absorbing sequence of bounded regions A(n) C IR3, in the sense t h a t for every t E IR and every B E B one would have
Dublin & Sewell (1970) showed t h a t this is not t h e case for the ideal Bose gas. Their argument runs as follows. Note first t h a t the Weyl form (224) of t h e CCR can be extended to f and g in t h e Schwartz space S(R3)of infinitely differentiable functions such t h a t they and all their derivatives decrease at infinity faster than all inverse powers of z. One then verifies t h a t for every f E S(IR3) t h e generator @(f) of {W(Xf)(X E JR} is an unbounded, self-adjoint operator with continuous spectrum. Consequently, for f E S(IR3):
11 W ( f )- I II=
unless f
With ~ ( k = ) (kI2/2, f E D(IR3), h(n) as in (232), n large enough so t h a t supp(f) C A(n), and t E JR, let (268) (269)
[ W f l ( 4= (21r)3 [d3k
= + Wl)
[u'"'(t)f](z)= XA(n)(z)
Then the dynamics up prescribed by (258) is given by t h e action of t h e unitary group {exp(--ipt)U(t) 1 t E JR} on t h e one particle space 7 ; similarly {exp(--ipt)I/(")(t) I t E JR} gives the dynamics or) in A(n). Moreover, s - Iim [V'")(t)- ~ n-rcn
U(")(t)f has compact support U ( t ) f belongs to S(IRs),but it does not have compact support unless f
Consequently, for f (270b) (270c)
( t ) ]= f o
# 0:
II [ W t )- w n-co lim
r It#
(uc"'(t)fJ u(t)f) =I( f (I2
< 00
Suppose now t h a t (266) were to hold. We would then have in particular, for 0
# f E D(IRS):
(271a) which we can rewrite-upon using (268), (269), the unitarity of W ( . ) ,the Weyl form of the CCR, and (270c)-in t h e form: (271b) From (267) a n d (271b), we conclude t h a t there exists N < 00 such t h a t 11 [U(")(t)- U ( t ) ] f I[= 0 V n > N which contradicts (270b). Hence (266) is not satisfied. As we saw, this does not prevent up to be well defined, as the modular group of the normal extension of t h e state & ( p , p ) to the von Neumann algebra generated by t h e G N S representation of B associated to this state. T h e interpretation of up as the physically meaningful dynamics of the infinite ideal Bose gas is also contained in Dubin & Sewell (1970) who proposed a weakened form of (266), involving only the physically relevant objects, namely the thermodynamical limit of t h e multiple times correlation functions. They then proved t h a t their conditions were satisfied for the ideal Bose gas, and t h a t these conditions are in general sufficient to recover t h e essentials of the KMS theory discussed in Subsection b. The situation is, therefore, now completely under control. e. Spontaneous symmetry breaking a n d stability. Let H($)= 0 denote, symbolically, t h e setting of a problem where H is invariant under a group of symmetries G; a n d let $0 stands for any one of t h e fundamental, or stable, solutions of t h e problem. O n e speaks of a spontaneous symmetry breaking when $0 is invariant only under a lower symmetry group t h a n G. One of the earliest examples of this phenomenon is provided by t h e bucking of a rod under a load; this problem was already addressed, in t h e first half of the Eighteenth Century by Jakob Bernoulli and Leonhard Euler; H ( $ ) = 0 stands there for a variational principle, and one of t h e successes of t h e theory was Euler's classification of t h e equilibrium elastic curves $0; for a brief, b u t insightful overview, see Truesdell (1983). Closer to us in t h e history of mathematical physics, another example can be found in Poincar6 (1913); see in particular pp. LX-LXI, 53-58, a n d 184-189; see also Bertin & Radicati (1976). T h e question discussed there is a tentative explanation for the origin of the Moon/Earth system, or possibly t h e double stars, from the cooling of an homogeneous, rotating, self-gravitating nebulous mass. In the course of time, radiation losses cause t h e temperature to decrease, and thus the fluid to contract; as this happens, the angular velocity increases and t h e following scenario unfolds. At small angular velocities w , one has
the expected result: the stable equilibrium configuration is a rotationally symmetric ellipsoid, flattened along the direction of the rotation axis; these are the so-called MacLaurin ellipsoids, one for each value of w . As the angular velocity increases and reaches a first critical value wc, these configurations become unstable and new solutions develop t h a t are stable b u t rotationally assymmetric: elongated ellipsoids, with three unequal axes; these are t h e socalled Jacobi ellipsoids. As a still higher critical value W M is reached, t h e Jacobi ellipsoids themselves become unstable, and new solutions d o develop t h a t Poincari refers to as pearlike configurations; their stabiliey was discussed by Darwin and by Lyapunov. I t is these pearlike configurations t h a t would ultimately break up into two distinct bodies, thus giving birth to t h e Moon/Earth system, or to a double star. From t h e point of view of a discussion of spontaneously broken symmetries, the sharp transition, at precisely w = W C , from the MacLaurin ellipsoids to the Jacobi ellipsoids, does break the S'-symmetry of the former around the axis of rotation. Note, nevertheless, t h a t this is only a property of individual solutions. For w > W C , t h e original S'-symmetry of the problem still manifests itself in t h e fact t h a t any rotation cp E S' brings any non-rotationally invariant solution onto another solution with t h e same control parameters-compare with (264) valid for the condensed phase of t h e ideal Bose gas. The purpose of this subsection is to explore some of the general reasons t h a t might monitor the occurence of similar phenomena in t h e realm of quantum statistical mechanics, where the compatibility of t h e following t w o facets of t h e theory have to be understood. O n t h e one hand, t h e fundamental microscopic interactions, t h a t enter in t h e Hamiltonian, are invariant under a large group of symmetries, e.g. t h e group E3 of Euclidean transformations in IR3. O n the other hand there exists, in the macroscopic world, forms of matter with a much lower residual symmetry, e.g. magnets and crystals. At least three conceptually different avenues to a solution of this problem have been proposed, each with its own merits. The first avenue is t o approach the situation as if it were a kind of structural instability. One indeed first breaks t h e symmetry by fiat; in t h e symbolic notation used i n the opening sentences of this subsection, one adds explicitly a small, low symmetry perturbation €HI to H, a n d looks for t h e fundamental solution I)€of ( H €HI)+= 0; one then studies t h e limit of $+ as E tends to zero; if this limit exists and has a lower symmetry than t h a t of H, one can claim to have a model with spontaneous symmetry breaking. This programme is difficult to implement, but it corresponds, e.g. to the physicist's intuition on the expected behaviour of a magnetizable substance, where Hi would represent the effect of a magnetic field, constant in both magnitude and direction. The second avenue is to impose, at finite volume A, boundary conditions (BC)t h a t explicitly violate the original symmetry of H ; one then gains enough control on t h e solution $ f C of H f " ( $ ) = 0 (recall t h a t we use this only as a symbolic notation) to be able to compute the thermodynamical limit $J of $f";
one finally examines whether I) depends on the boundary conditions chosen t o reach it. This programme has been implemented successfully with lattice models for ferromagnetism, starting from t h e seminal paper of Peierls (1936); and it has been given a mathematically firm footing in t h e work of Dobrushin (1968), Minlos & Sinai (1967-8); see also references quoted therein, on both this approach t o the problem and on the connection of their method with the programme sketched in the above “first avenue”. The third avenue starts where we left t h e ideal Bose gas-see in particular (264)-and leads to t h e study of t h e decomposition of P-KMS states into their extremal P-KMS components. The intuitive idea behind this approach is this: since t h e KMS condition seems to be a n essential ingredient in t h e make-up of equilibrium states, extremal KMS states should be expected to have something to d o with pure thermodynamical phases. In this approach, one thus assumes t h a t a thermodynamical limiting procedure, t h a t preserves the full invariance G of t h e theory, has produced a G-invariant state q5, satisfying the KMS condition at natural temperature P for some (unique!) evolution o(R); we also assume this limiting procedure to be such t h a t the GNS representation space U+ associated to q5 is separable-see e.g. t h e discussion following (158) and (159). From Corollary 12, we know t h a t q5 is extremal P-KMS on t h e von Neumann algebra M e .+(a)” if and only if Z = M n M’= CI;we, however, d o not want to assume t h a t q5 is extremal P-KMS. To explore w h a t can happen, suppose for an instant t h a t there exists a finite, non trivial, partition { F k } of t h e identity in #+ such t h a t = {&zkFk 1 z k E a}. From Theorem 11, we read t h a t
is a decomposition of q5 into a convex combination of P-KMS states (bk w.r.t a(IR).Moreover, since F k is a minimal projector in Z , t h e restriction M k of ht to H k = F k H + is a factor; with @ denoting t h e cyclic vector canonically associated to 4, note t h a t F k @ is cyclic for M k in &; from this we conclude
t h a t $k are extremal P-KMS states on M , and-see again Theorem ll-that (272) is t h e unique decomposition of into extremal P-KMS states w.r.t a(IR). Note further t h a t for every M E M
From our assumption t h a t #J is G-invariant, i.e. t h a t we a r e given a n action a! : g E G H Aut(B) such t h a t 4 o a(g) = q5 for all g E G , we knowsee Proposition 9.2.7-that there exists a continuous unitary representation U+ : G -t U(U+) defining, through a(g)[M] U#(g)MU+(g)’, a continuous = n#{a(g)[B]} V g EG group of automorphism of M such t h a t a!(g)[lr+(B)]
4 77
and V B E 8. While Z is clearly stable under a(g), we have n o a priori reason to assume t h a t it is point-wise invariant under each a(g). Since Fk is a minimal projector in 2 , so is a(g)[Fk]; consequently 4 k o a ( g ) is again one of the extremal P-KMS states occuring in the decompositon (272) of 4. If G is a discrete group, and if for some g and k a(g)[Fk]# Fk, this scheme could produce a mechanism for spontaneous symmetry breaking. If, however, G is a connected topological group, the continuity of the action a! implies t h a t ar(g)[Fk] = Fk; this suggests t h a t the simplifying assumption t h a t Z is atomic is overly restrictive. Fortunately, the above scheme can be generalized along the following lines, which do not involve this assumption. One learns from Sakai (1965, 1971) and Wils (1968, 1971)-for a didactic presentation, see also Pedersen (1979)-that, to every state 4 o n a C*-algebra 8 (with unit I ) is associated a unique measure p4 on the state space S of 8, such t h a t there exists a a-continuous isomorphism
The measure p4 is moreover concentrated, in the Baire sense, o n t h e set 3 e {$ E Sl$ primary }; for this reason p4 is called t h e central measure of 4. With Q : G + Aut(B), SC = {$ E S l $ o a ( g ) = 11, V g E G } and 4 E SC, we speak of spontaneous symmetry breaking when there is no subset 7 SG such t h a t 4 7 ) = 1. Note t h a t (275) is indeed t h e proper generalization of (273) in t h e following sense. If 4 E S p n SN where Sp {11, E Sl$ is P-KMS w.r.t. a ( R ) }and SN = {$ E Sl$ is locally normal }, then p4 is concentrated, in the Bore1 sense, on &p n SN where Ep is the set of all extremal ,f3-KMS states w.r.t. a@). For details, see Ruelle (1970), Emch, Knops & Verboven (1970), Takesaki & Winnink (1973), and Andersson (1976); much of this study was stimulated by the concept of Choquet simplex-see Phelps (1966)-which already appeared in this context in t h e fundamental work of Takesaki (1970
The spontaneous symmetry breaking mechanism (275) may seem tailored especially to fit the situation (264) encountered in t h e condensed phase of the ideal Bose gas, where the symmetry t h a t is spontaneously broken is t h e invariance, under the action of the gauge group S’ defined by (262), of t h e Hamiltonian from which the canonical equilibrium state was computed. For Fermi systems, one of the best studied examples of a spontaneous breaking of the gauge invariance of the theory is the BCS model for superconductivity; see Bardeen, Cooper & Schrieffer (1957), Haag (1962), Schrieffer (1964), Eaawa (1964), Emch & Guenin (1966), Thirring & Wehrl (1967), Thirring (1968,
1969), Jelinek (1968), Dubin & Sewell (1970). This model being of t h e mean free field variety, t h e convergence of t h e dynamics is a delicate problem. W h a t happens in this type of situations is best illustrated with t h e quintessential mean free field system, namely t h e Weiss model for ferromagnetism. The Weiss model is an infinite quantum lattice-see Subsection c-where the algebra of quasilocal observables is
Bk N
T h e local Hamiltonians are (277) where {r$lcu = z , y , z } are t h e Pauli matrices (149). Let S2 = { n E lR31 11 n [I= l}, S' = [ 0 , 2 ~ and ) 7 : O3 --+ Aut(B) be t h e action defined, for every (n, 0) E S2 x S' and r$ by
r ( n ,O)[rf]
(278) q(n,e)
q(n,0); r f where B
= exp{A(n)e}
, A(n)=
Clearly each H,,is invariant under t h a t action. An even simpler version of this model, t h a t still exhibit the phenomenon we are interested in, is t h e Weiss-Ising model, where (277) is replaced by (279)
For this model, restricting our attention, e.g., to t h e invariance group 2 2 N { 7 ( n ,e)ln = (0,1,0); 0 = 0, T } will serve our purpose. Both models, and variation thereof, have been studied extensively; see e.g. Kac (1968), Siegert & Veaetti (1968), Thompson, Siegert & Vezetti (1970), Emch & Knops (1970), Thirring (1983). T h e thermodynamical limit of t h e canonical partition function can be computed explicitly-for instance by t h e method of steepest descent in t h e classical case (279)-and one obtains t h a t both models have a phase transition at the critical temperature Pc = 1/2 where t h e equation (280) develops a solution $ trivial tracial state
> 0.
= 2 tanh
< PCt h e canonical equilibrium
s t a t e is t h e
P > BE, the canonical equilibrium state becomes
$(PI =
where, for the Weiss model, dp is the normalized invariant measure on S2;and, for the Weiss-Ising model, dp = {S(O, 0,1)+ 6(0,0, -1)}/2; t h e primary states appearing in the decompostion (282a) are given by:
T h e corresponding modular automorphisms are
with 7(n,O) given by (278). Note t h a t this result refers separately to t h e primary representation ~ ( pn;, . ) associated to each $(P, n ) ; in particular, .(PI n; .) depends explicitly on the direction n, a n d on P through the value of 5 given by (280). There is, therefore, no way to obtain each of these dynamics as a point-wise norm limit: the state has to enter t h e limiting process in which these infinite volume dynamics are computed. The spontaneous symmetry breaking (282) again fits the proposed symmetry breaking mechanicsm (275). We should, moreover, mention t h a t these models can still be solved exactly in the thermodynamical limit when one adds to t h e original Hamiltonians (277) or (279) a symmetry breaking term of the form
with n arbitrary in S2for (277) or n restricted to (O,O, &l)in t h e case of (279). After the thermodynamical limit has been taken, one can then take the limit E + +O; one obtains back the tracial state (281) if P < Be, and t h e state $(P,n) if P > P,, thus establishing the desired link with the first avenue to spontaneous symmetry breaking described in this subsection. The spontaneous symmetry breaking mechanism (275) having been tested o n some explicitly solvable models, t h e next steps are to try using it to explore more speculative situations. Among these is the question of whether crystals can be made to occur in a theory where t h e fundamental interactions are invariant under the Euclidean group E3; some progresses in this direction have
been presented in Emch, Knops & Verboven (1970), and in Kastler, Mebkhout, Loupias & Michel (1972); for a comparative review of these two approaches and of their antecedents, see Emch (1980). A complete, group theoretical, classification of the various degrees in which the Euclidean symmetry can be spontaneously broken has been obtained, as well as a list of the spectral and clustering criteria characterizing t h e various states of matter t h a t appear in the classification. This investigation has also led to a confirmation of the Landau argument on t h e absence of critical point in t h e fluid/solid phase transition. Still missing, however, is a full treatment, based on specific (quantum) Hamiltonians, t h a t would determine which interactions are responsible, under specified circumstances, for the actual occurrence of t h e various states of matter present in the classification one has obtained; nevertheless, see Gates (1971), and t h e systematic programme of Radin e t al. (1979-) to get control, mathematically and conceptually, over t h e crystalline states of matter. Moving from the analysis of specific models to the consideration of more abstract general questions, such as t h e classification of all possible states of matter in equilibrium, gives one occasions to pause and reflect on t h e formalism one uses. We accordingly close this subsection with a brief review of the main ingredients t h a t entered the theory. Firstly, we assumed t h a t t h e algebra B of quasilocal observables was t h e C*-inductive limit of a n isotonic family of von Neumann algebras &--e.g. B(Xn)-indexed by an absorbing directed set 3 of bounded open regions n in t h e configuration space r-typically R3. Secondly, we assumed t h a t a n action CY : G + Aut(B) was given, with G containing at least t h e group of isometries of r-typically E 3 . Thirdly, we assumed t h a t t h e states 4 we wanted to consider as equilibrium states were locally normal, i.e. t h a t t h e restriction of 4 to Bn is a density matrix pn acting in Xn. Fourthly, we assumed t h a t these states 4 satisfied the KMS condition, at natural temperature /3, with respect to an action Q : R + Aut(ro(B)”), identified with t h e dynamics. The fourth assumption is t h e one t h a t most needs discussing. O u r use of this assumption was first prompted by t h e fact t h a t it was satisfied for finite systems, where we knew exactly w h a t it meant in terms of first principles. We further noticed t h a t the KMS condition was satisfied for t h e equilibrium states of all t h e particular models of infinite systems t h a t we considered. We also remarked t h a t , in these models, 4 was a faithful normal state on ro(B)”, and t h a t the modular action o : IR -t Aut(r4(B)”), determined uniquely by 4, coincided with the proper limit of the dynamics we obtained from local Hamiltonians. Finally, we took note t h a t t h e measure po, appearing in t h e central decomposition (275) was unique, and was concentrated on t h e primary states of 8 ; stated differently, the set Sp of /3-KMS states on .#(a)’’ was a Choquet simplex. Nonetheless, our fourth assumption, t h a t 4 be /3-KMS, still belongs to t h e realm of plausible analogies, and one would like to have a few more physical reasons marshalled to its support; see Sewell (1980) where t h e following
properties are reviewed, with an emphasis on their physical meaning as equilibrium criteria and their relation to the KMS condition; see also Thirring (1983) for a critical evaluation of these, and related, proposals. The first of these properties is t h e following correlation inequality, valid for all B in the domain Ba of the generator 6 of the dynamics o(IR):
u,u 2 O , u +v
see Sewell (1977), Fannes & Verbeure (1977)) and Araki (1978). The next two properties belong to the thermostatics of infinite systems, a n d their formulation requires a few preliminary definitions. Two locally normal $-if states q5 and $J are said to be locally equivalent-which we write 4 there exists G? E 3 such t h a t < 4; B >=< $ ; B > for all B E BA with A n G? = 0. Let now Pn(4) be the density matrix given by t h e restriction to Bn of the locally normal state 4, and Hn be the local Hamiltonian associated to s2. In line with (33) we define t h e free energy An($) of t h e state 4 for t h e region G?, as
The locally normal state 4 is said to be locally thermostatically stable if for every II, 4, the increment in t h e free energy density due to the transition from q5 to is positive, i.e. $J
(287a) Note t h a t this condition extends to the infinite case t h e fact t h a t , for finite systems, t h e canonical equilibrium states are those t h a t minimize t h e free energy. A more stringent extension of this condition is to require t h a t 4 be G-invariant and minimize the free energy density (287b) When this condition is realized, 4 is said to be globally thermostatically stable. Note, however, t h a t systems with long-range forces are known to support KMS states t h a t are not globally thermostatically stable. The equivalence between the KMS condition and the condition of local thermostatic stability was studied by Araki & Sewell (1977) and by Sewell (1977); its classical equivalent is the D L R condition of Dobrushin (1968D) and Lanford & Ruelle (1969 LR); for the condition of global thermostatic stability, see Ruelle (1969), Araki (1974) a n d
Araki & Sewell (1977). For a comparison between quantum KMS condition and t h e classical equilibrium conditions, see Gallavotti & Verboven (1975), Aiaenman, Goldstein, Gruber, Lebowita & Martin (1977), Pulvirenti (1977), Andersson (1976); see also Demoen, Vanheuverzwijn & Verbeure (1978). The next property is an a t t e m p t to formalize, at the microscopic level, t h e second principle of thermodynamics. Let CA+(IR, Bsa) be t h e set of all continuously differentiable functions, with compact support in IR+,from IR to the self-adjoint part B,, of 8. For every h E Cd+(R,B,,), and t h e given dynamics Q (with generator S), consider t h e family a ! h ( R ) of automorphisms of B defined by:
T h e state q5 is said to be passive if for every h E C f f ( R , SUP 0 E R I h(t)# 0 1
every T
This concept was proposed by Pusz & Woronowicz (1978); they proved t h a t KMS states are passive, and t h a t t h e converse is also true provided 4 is qclustering-see Subsection 9.2.c-with respect to t h e action a! : G t Aut(B) of an amenable group G such t h a t a ( g ) 0 a(t) = o(t)o a(g) V ( 9 , t ) E G X R; t h e translation group is a natural candidate for G. The next condition is boldly stringent, b u t is nevertheless indicative of t h e kind of dynamical stability one may want to expect. Suppose a dynamics a(IR)is given, with generator 6. For every h E B,,, let a ! h ( R ) be the action t h e generator of which is (6 i [ h , A state q5 with q5 o a(t)= q5 V t E IR is said to be locally dynamically stable if for every h E B,,, there exists a neighbourhood V ( h )of 0 in R such t h a t for every X E V ( h )there exists a state &,,A with the following properties
+ .I)
w' - lim X-0
w * - lim
=6 = q5
To prove t h a t such a state satisfies t h e KMS condition, one seems to require some additional assumptions, among which: (i) a condition to t h e effect t h a t 4 is primary, a n d (ii) a condition of asymptotic abelianness on a ( R ) ,namely t h a t there exists a norm-dense, o(IR)-stable, '-subalgebra BO of B such t h a t (291)
see Haag, Kastler & Trych-Pohlmeyer (1974), Haag & Trych-Pohlmeyer (1977), Brattelli & Kastler (1976), Brattelli, Kishimoto & Robinson (1978) and, Araki (1973). Two other types of properties have been examined in connection with t h e search for the conceptual content of the KMS condition for infinite systems, namely: (i) the systems considered can serve as thermal baths for finite systemssee Sewell (1974) and Frigerio, Gorini & Verri (1978); and (ii) these systems are stable under localized interactions with systems satisfying property (i), see Sewell (1980); in addition, this paper also explores t h e concepts of metastability in statistical mechanics. f. Non equilibrium quantum statistical mechanics
In many situations where matter in bulk is studied, one observes a n irreversible evolution t h a t can be described by deterministic equations-e.g. t h e diffusion equation-the form of which is essentially different from the form of t h e reversible equations of classical or quantum Hamiltonian mechanics. While the statistical mechanics of Boltzmann was designed to derive such irreversible equations by matching a mechanistic treatment of the microscopic evolution equations with probabilistic considerations based o n t h e macroscopic character of what is observed, serious conceptual difficulties appeared very early; see for instance t h e critical review of P. & T. Ehrenfest (1911). These difficulties are epitomized in the so-called paradoxes of Thomson (1874)-Loschmidt (1876) and of Zermelo (1896); see e.g. Brush (1983). Work done in the last thirty years, starting with the investigations of van Hove (1955) on the quantum many-body problem, has shown t h a t the mathematical control of various physical limits is necessary t o sort out what is essential. We first summon here a simple, exactly solvable model to help visualize t h e problems at hand; this model has also the interest of having been rigged for the purpose of interpreting an actual experiment, the so-called free induction relaxation; see Lowe & Norberg (1957) and S. P. Heims (1965). A CaFz crystal was placed in a magnetic field $, the direction of which we shall call z , a n d first allowed to reach thermal equilibrium. A radio frequency pulse was then applied with the effect of turning the net magnetic moment in a direction z orthogonal to z . The evolution of the magnetic moment was then observed: it exhibited a n oscillatory decay towards an equilibrium value zero. This is interpreted as the result of the dipolar interactions between t h e spins { ~ k ) of t h e fluorine nuclei; no relaxation via lattice vibrations seems involved: t h e spins system can be considered as a rigid quantum lattice in the sense of Subsection c. The idealizations involved in the model-see Emch (1966), a n d also Thirring (1983)-are: (i) the lattice is taken to be one dimensional; (ii) the spin-spin interaction is supposed to be so anisotropic t h a t it can be modelled by an Ising type interaction; (iii) the interaction is supposed to decrease exponentially with the distance; the latter assumption is not essential, b u t it allows to express t h e
final results in a simple form t h a t is particularly well-suited to our illustrative purpose here. Mathematically t h e model is defined as follows. We consider a chain with ( 2 N 1) sites, and to each of these sites we associate a copy Bk of M(2, a). With { r i } denoting t h e copy, at the site k, of t h e Pauli matrices (149), (k and ~ ( nin) IR, we define t h e Hamiltonian
+ +
where k = -N, --N 1 , .. ., N - 1, N ; k n is similarly defined by identifying N m with -N m - 1; in this way, the variable n appearing in ~ ( nis) the distance between t h e sites k and k n; hence each site interacts symmetrically with t h e sites on its right and on its left. The features t h a t make t h e model immediately tractable are: (i) all t h e terms in HN commute with one another; and (ii), with rf = (rZ irY)/2, we have
is easily computed to give:
W i t h the conditions of the experiment in mind, we compute t h e expectation of these observables on any state of t h e form (296a) k=-N
where (296b)
is a pure state, on Bk, of t h e form:
we find:
n N
Up to this point, the special form of
has not been used. We now impose:
which allows to compute (29713) explicitly, namely
Clearly, at fixed t: (299b) and, therefore, for every
Bk E B k a n d every k E z:
where a0 is the free evolution obtained from (292) with €0 = 0; f t h u s gives the contribution to the evolution brought in by t h e interparticle interactions. From its explicit form (299), we see t h a t we obtain t h e desired oscillatory approach to the equilibrium value given, for every Bk E B k , by:
lim lim
t-rm N-roo
< 4N
a N ( t ) ; Bk
-tr Bk 2
) a pure state, its restriction to any single-spin Note that, although 4~ O Q N ( ~ is algebra B k , approaches the perfectly mixed tracial state when t h e limits (301) are taken (in the order indicated!). More general initial states can in fact be allowed without changing this result. Firstly, we can take, evidently, for +k any mixture of the pure states we considered to far; this is, in essence, t h e situation corresponding to the experimental set-up we had described. If one
further wants to introduce more general pure states
the only change required in (301) is to replace t h e tracial state by t h e canonical equilibrium state corresponding to a magnetic field, in t h e direction z , t h e magnitude $ of which satisfies t a n h = <. In connection with t h e Loschmidt paradox, note t h a t f ~ ( t = ) f ~ ( - t ) and f(t) = f(-t) V t E IR: reversibility shows u p in t h e fact t h a t t h e security of a postdiction is the same as t h a t of a prediction. As for the Zermelo paradox, it manifests itself only in the finite volume case; in fact, we d o have in (299) t h e finite volume correction to thermodynamical behaviour; f N ( t ) comes close again to its initial value only for t N TN = 2 N + 1 ~ / e 0 ;hence, t h e dreaded recurrence time TN grows exponentially with N, while t h e time needed to come close to the equilibrium value is independent of N;compare, for instance, with t h e Ehrenfest “dogs-and-fleas’’ probabilistic model, as discussed by Kac (1959). Notice finally that, in a translation-invariant theory, where t h e magnetic field is h o m o g e n e o u s 4 . e . $k in (292) is independent of k-and where t h e initial f$k N V k-the analysis presented state 4 is translation invariant-i.e. here carries over directly to t h e study of macroscopic observables such as t h e magnetization
Thirring (1983) gives also a semi-qualitative discussion of (mean square) fluctuations in this model, comparing microscopic and macroscopic observables. While a single model does not prove much in terms of w h a t happens in t h e general case, it does nonetheless illustrate why the Loschmidt and Zermelo paradoxes are not anymore t h e pressing issues they once were; together with t h e 5 - y model discussed in Subsection c, the above model does serve as a n indication of where to look for t h e way o u t of the old deadlock. One essential step is to control the thermodynamical limit; a second step is to restrict one’s attention to a privileged set of observables, e.g. one-particle observables, or t h e local observables associated to a finite subsystem, or even a n algebra of macroscopic observables; we shall argue later, on t h e basis of further models, t h a t a third step is involved in solving t h e remaining outstanding problem, namely t h a t t h e approach to equilibrium be governed by a dissipative equation of the desired type. In general mathematical terms, t h e second step involves t h e generalization, to the quantum realm, of the concept of conditional expectation familiar in t h e classical theory of stochastic processes; see t h e characterization given by Moy (1954). One natural candidate for this notion is obtained by considering t h e following situation; see Nakamura & Turumaru (1954), Umegaki (1954-1962),
Tomiyama (1957-1959), and Arveson (1967). Let M be a von Neumann algebra, $ be a faithful normal state on M, N be a von Neumann subalgebra of M;let $ denote the restriction of $ to N. A conditional expectation & : M + N with respect to q5 is defined as a projection onto M, t h a t is of norm 1, is faithful a n d normal, and satisfies T) o & = 4. Takesaki (1972)-see also Golodez (1972)proved t h a t & exists, and is unique, if and only if M is stable with respect to the action of the modular group o(IR) associated to $. For instance, if M = N1@ Nz,$ = dl @ &, and U = 42,& is uniquely defined by E(N1 QD Nz) = < $1; Ni > Nz v N1 @ NZ E NI8 M2. For various reasons, see e.g. Davies (1970), Accardi (1976) or Gudder & Marchand (1977), it has been advocated t h a t the insistence on t h e requirement t h a t & be a projection might be wrongheaded. Accardi & Cecchini (1982) proposed an alternate characterization of classical expectations, generalizing to the non-commutative case, and giving a unique completely positive (see definition immediately below), identity preserving, faithful and normal map & : M + M with $ o & = 4, irrespective of whether Takesaki’s condition on N is satisfied or not; in fact, they remark t h a t { M E M ( & ( M )= M } being the largest subalgebra of N t h a t satisfies Takesaki’s condition, implies t h a t when & is a projection, the two definitions do coincide. We shall not explicitly need this generalization here; it is nevertheless useful to know t h a t it exists, when one wants to consider a general theory of quantum stochastic processes: see Accardi, Frigerio & Lewis (1982) and, for a survey, Accardi & Frigerio (to appear). We mentioned earlier the necessity to consider dissipative equations. T h e simplest non-classical example is t h e Bloch equation for the relaxation of a spin:
-{r”(t) - E } = -p {r”(t)- €} dt d ,r*(t) = ( k i w - A) r*(t)
where r”, rf : R+ + M(2, a);r6(0),rf(0) = (~‘(0)f iru(0)}/2 are defined from the Pauli matrices (149); -1 < E < 1; w , A,p E R with 0 5 p 2X. It is only when X = 0 = p t h a t t h e solution of this equation has t h e form r i ( t ) = a(t)[ri(O)]with a(t) E Aut[M(2, a)] for t # 0. We must, therefore, generalize our concept of dynamics; for this we need the notion of completely positive maps. Recall-see Scholium 9.1.3-that a n element X of a C*-algebra B is said to be positive if there exists B E B such t h a t X = B*B;let thus 8+ = {B’BIB E B } . With B and C two C*-algebras, a linear m a p 7 : B + C is said to be positive whenever 7(B+)C C+. For n E Z+, let M(n,B ) = B QD M(n,a) be the C’-algebra of n X n matrices with entries in 8. A linear m a p 7 : B + C is said to be n-positive whenever 7 QD id, : M(n,8)+ M(n,C ) is positive, a n d it is said to be completely positive (or to be a CP-map) whenever it is n-positive for all n E z+.
This notion was introduced by Stinespring (1955) a n d its mathematical meaning was sharpened by Starmer (1963), Arveson (1969) and Choi (1972); see also Nakamura, Takesaki & Umegaki (1960). Note t h a t , already for B = C = M(2, a!), the transposition m a p is positive, b u t is not 2-positive; this reflects t h e general fact t h a t if every positive linear map from a C*-algebra B to a C*-algebra C is a CP-map, then at least one of these two (?'-algebras must be abelian. The converse is also true; in particular every state on a C*algebra is a CP-map. The notion of CP-map can in fact be considered to be t h e natural mathematical generalization of t h e notion of state in t h e sense t h a t t h e G N S representation generalizes to CP-maps as follows. L e t 7 : B -+ B(X) be a CP-map; then there exists a triple {U',R , V } where U' is a Hilbert space, T : 8 4 B ( V ) is a representation, and V : I/ -+ U' is a bounded linear map, such t h a t 7 [ B ] = V*R(B)V V B E 8 . Conversely, every m a p t h a t can be written in this form is a CP-map. These mathematical preliminaries having been recalled, we can move closer to our main purpose in this subsection. We first note from the above t h a t : (i) t h e class of CP-maps is closed under compositions and positive linar combinations; in particular, we denote by CP(B)t h e collection of all CP-maps of B into itself, equipped with t h e semi-group structure it inherits from composition; (ii) every automorphism a of B is a CP-map; (iii) every conditional expectation & is a CP-map. We are now ready to describe a way in which CP-maps d o naturally occur in the study of dynamical system, in a scheme t h a t emerged from t h e work of Kraus (1971), Kossakowski et al. (1972-1977), Lindblad (1975, 1976), and Davies (1976), t h e latter being recommended for t h e wealth of sharp mathematical results it contains on this and related problems. Although some of the assumptions listed below should be relaxed for certain purposes, we choose t o give the most stringent set of conditions in order to emphasize t h e compatibilities allowed by t h e theory. We thus consider t h e following situation. Let q5 be a state on a C*-algebra B of quasilocal observables, and let us again denote by q5 its unique normal extension to M = R ~ ( B ) " Suppose . q5 is faithful on M,and let D : IR -+ Aut(M) be the unique modular action associated to q5. Let a : IR + Aut(M), with 4 o a(t)= q5 V t E IR, be a dynamics in t h e conservative sense considered in t h e previous subsections. L e t finally U be a von Neumann subalgebra of M, corresponding to a partial description of t h e total system to which M refers. Suppose N is stable under o(R), and let & : M + N be t h e unique faithful normal conditional expectation satisfying o & = q5 where $J denotes t h e restriction of q5 to N . W i t h d denoting the natural embedding of U in M, and t arbitrary in IR,let 7 ( t )= E o a(t)0 i . Upon combining the general results specifically mentioned above, we conclude t h a t 7 ( t ): N -+ U are CP-maps. Note t h a t if, in addition to assuming t h a t N is stable under o(R)-so t h a t Takesaki's condition on the existence of a conditional expectation be satisfied-we were to assume t h a t the dynamics a ( R )coincides with the modu$J
lar action a@), we would obtain t h a t every ~ ( tis) a n automorphism; this would defeat our purpose in this subsection, which is to consider evolutions t h a t are more general t h a n the conservative actions we have grown accustomed to from t h e previous subsections. We will thus take t h e option of allowing a ( R ) to differ from a@); another possible route would be to reject the assumption t h a t N is stable under o(R),and proceed with Accardi’s generalized conditional expectations. We now formalize these motivating remarks. We say t h a t a triple { M , $, 7) is a generalized covariant W*-dynamical s y s t e m (CWDS) if: M is a von Neumann algebra; $J is a faithful normal state on M ; 7 : R+ -+ C P ( N )satisfies 7(O)= i d ; 7 ( t ) [ l= ] I V t E lR+;t E lR+ H < x ; 7 ( t ) [ N ]>E (E is continuous for every normal state x on M and every N E M ; and $J o 7 ( t )= $J V t E R+. A CWDS is said to be conservative if there exists a n action 01 : R H Aut( N ) with o(t) = ~ ( tV) t E R+;when this is not t h e case the C W D S is said to be dissipative. A CWDS is said to be Markovian if it satisfies t h e semigroup law 7 ( s ) o q ( t ) = 7 ( s t ) V s, t E R+;clearly every conservative CWDS is Markovian, by definition of an action a. A CWDS is said to be asymptotically stable if $J is a global attractor in t h e set S of all normal states o n N , i.e. if for every normal state x on N
w - lim t+aJ
x 0 7 ( t )= $
Note t h a t this condition is akin to t h e ergodic behaviour we encountered, in t h e conservative case, when the action a is norm asymptotically abelian; compare with Theorem 9.2.2. For dissipative CWDS t h a t are Markovian, t h e general form of the generator L of $R+)has been investigated-see Lindblad (1976), Gorini, Kossakowski & Sudarshan (1976), Davies (1976), Parravicini & Zecca (1977)-and conditions are known t h a t ensure stability in t h e above sense-see Frigerio (1978); see also Davies (1970) and Spohn (1976). We further say t h a t a CWDS is reversible if there exists Y : IR+ + CP(M) such that, for every t E R+ and every N I , N ~ E N : < $J;7(t)[Nl]Nz >=< $;Nlv(t)[N2] >; in connection with this condition, see Brattelli & Robinson (1976), Kossakowski et al. (1977) and Emch & Varilly (1979). This condition implies t h a t 7(R+) commutes with the modular action associated to $; in particular, the Bloch equation (304) generates a CWDS t h a t is dissipative and asymptotically stable as soon as X > 0, Markovian and reversible. More generally, every conservative CWDS {M,$,a}is obviously reversible: take v(t)= a(-t); moreover, if N is a von Neumann subalgebra of M, stable under t h e modular action associated to $, let E : M + M and i : M + M be the usual conditional expectation a n d embedding, 7 ( t ) G E o a(t)0 i V t E IR+,and $J be the restriction of $ to N ; then { N , $ , r }is a reversible CWDS. However, a CWDS obtained in this manner will not necessarily be Markovian or asymptotically stable, thus raising the question of whether t h e various structures just reviewed are compatible. While the discussion of t h e z--y model presented in Subsection c can be recast in the present scheme t o show t h a t dissipative systems t h a t are obtained in
t h e manner just described can be asymptotically stable, it does not help decide whether the semigroup condition can possibly be also satisfied for dissipative systems obtained in this manner. This question is settled affirmatively by the following model. We consider an infinite quantum lattice Z each site of which is occupied by a harmonic oscillator of fundamental frequency w . Let $ be t h e canonical equilibrium state, at natural temperature ,8, for this non-interacting system, i.e. $ is described by t h e functional
with 8 = coth (,8w/2) and 7 = L2(R,dz). L e t { W ( f ) l f E 7 ) be t h e representation of the CCR associated to $ by the GNS construction, and M be t h e von Neumann algebra generated by this representation. Let {fklk E Z} be an orthonormal basis in 7 ; we identify the algebra of local observables associated to t h e site k E Z with
Since $ is a product state
and its normal extension to M , again denoted by 4, is faithful; Bk is stable under t h e modular group associated to $ a n d acting o n M. T h e faithful normal conditional expectation &k : M + Bk is explicitly given by:
Consider now t h e action
: R -+ Aut(M) defined by
a!(t)[W(f)] = W(exp{iVt}f) with (exp{iV t } f ) ( z = ) exp(izt)f(z)
Compare with t h e modular action associated to (311)
o ( t ) [ W ( f= ) ] W(exp{int}f) with (ex p { int}f )(z) = e x p (iwt ) f (z)
We now choose our orthonormal basis (312)
4, namely
= [X/7r(X2
E Z}in such a manner t h a t
with X
> 0 arbitrary, b u t fixed. We now compute, for z E a:
With q50 denoting the restriction of q5 to Bo,the reader will verify t h a t {Bo,q50, 70) is a dissipative, Markovian, asymptotically stable, reversible, generalized covariant W*-dynamical system, thus proving the compatibility of all the conditions introduced so far. Some insight into the structure of this particular CWDS obtains from t h e following remark. For each z E C with IzI = 1, let X O ( Z )= (W(2zfo)lii E R}". Note t h a t X o ( i ) [resp. X O ( l ) ]is the maximal abelian von Neumann subalgebra associated to the position operator Q0[resp. t h e momentum operator Po]for the harmonic oscillator attached to t h e site k = 0; since for each z E with J z J= 1 there exists t E R such t h a t X O ( Z )= ao(t)[Xo(i)], where oo(IR)is t h e modular action associated to 40, each of these Xo(z) is maximal abelian in Boland corresponds to some operator, of t h e form XO(Z) = a(z)Po b(z)Qo, with absolutely continuous spectrum covering IR. Since moreover each X o ( z ) is stable under vo(IR+)-see (313)-one can describe this dynamics in classical terms by restricting it to X o ( z ) . In particular, for every normal state q0 on €30, we can define a time-dependent probability measure $J,(., t)dps(.) on t h e spectrum IR of Xo(z) by:
where dp,(.) is the probability measure defined by
From (306-308) one computes
K(z) = 2
and s2: E 2(/31~(~8)-' where z w'/2a(z) i ~ - ' / ~ b ( z )
One then verifies t h a t qZ satisfies t h e diffusionequation (316)
{a, - D,[al - /3vb(z)az])$,(z,t ) = 0
where the diffusion constant is given by D, = (Ani~~)/3-' = XlzI28/2, and t h e drift -Vb is computed from the effective potential V, defined in (315b). For
details, see Emch (1976a) where the relation is emphasized between this model and the diffusion model for an assembly of weakly coupled harmonic oscillators proposed by Ford, Kac & Mazur (1965) and studied further by Davies (1972). This model calls for two remarks. We first want to mention t h a t the asymptotic stability of t h e dissipative dynamical system {J/o,$o,70} is a reflection of a n ergodic structure already present in t h e conservative dynamical system {M,$, a} where it is embedded. Let indeed
Then {A& E R} possesses t h e following four properties: (318a) (318b) (318c)
(318d) These properties extend to t h e quantum realm t h e notion of K-system introduced in classical ergodic theory by Kolmogorov (1958); see also Sinai (1963), and for textbook presentations of the classical theory: Arnold & Avez (1968) or Cornfeld, Fomin & Sinai (1982). In the present context, a conservative C W D S {M,d, a} is said to be a (generalized or) extended Kolmogorov flow whenever M contains a von Neumann subalgebra A0 such t h a t { A t a(t)[Ao]It E R} satisfies (318); see Emch (1976b). Like their classical counterparts, which they encompass as particular cases--M is then abelian-the extended Kolmogorov flows enjoy very strong ergodic properties. For instance, t h e generator of t h e unitary group implementing a(IR)has homogeneous Lebesgue spectrum (with infinite multiplicity for instance when $ is n o t a trace); from this, mixing properties follow as in the classical theory. An extension of the Kolmogorov dynamical entropy can also be defined in the present context, to measure quantitatively how much information is lost in t h e course of t h e evolution; this entropy can be shown to be infinite in t h e particular example detailed above: this is done by showing t h a t one can embed in t h e dynamical system {M,4, a} classical Bernoulli shifts of arbitrary large entropy. Other examples of extended Kolmogorov flows have been constructed; see e.g. Emch (1976b), Emch, Albeverio & Eckmann (1978), Evans (1979), Kummerer & Schroder (1982). A further generalization of t h e notion of extended Kolmogorov flows has been proposed by Schroder (1983) under t h e name of W* -K-systems: its main feature is to dispense with (318d) which is Takesaki's condition for t h e existence of a conditional expectation &t from M onto At; it is remarkable t h a t much of t h e ergodic structure of { M,$, a} remains even when t h e expectation hypothesis (318d) is violated; moreover W* -K-systems have been produced
for which t h e dynamics Q! coincide with t h e modular action o, thus violating (318d) maximally. Hence (318d) is independent of (318 a-c), although all four conditions (318) are compatible with one another, as shown by t h e specific model we discussed in detail. This brings us to the second remark prompted by this model. The dynamics a ( R ) on ( A , $ ) t h a t enters, via ro(t) = &O o a(t)o i, in the diffusion equations (316) differs essentially from the modular action a ( R ) canonically associated to 4 : o(R) is periodic, while there exist-for general reasons discussed in Emch (1976b)-two C*-algebras .A+ and A-, both norm dense in M ,such t h a t for every A , E A*: (319) This difference is an indication t h a t $ and o(R)are not obtained by a straight thermodynamical limit of finite Hamiltonian systems; already from Ford, Kac & Mazur (1965) and Davies (1972), who start indeed from finite Hamiltonian systems, we learn t h a t the semigroup 70(IR+),appearing in (313), obtains only in a “weak coupling limit”. It is indeed here t h a t , in addition to t h e thermodynamical limit and the choice of a reduced description {&, $0, &o}, a third ingredient has to be introduced into the conceptual picture we are forming for nonequilibrium statistical mechanics, and this is t h e limiting procedure proposed by van Hove (1955) for the theory of quantum many-body systems. Some intuitive motivation for this limiting procedure can be gained from a heuristic consideration of an idealized classical model due to Lorenta (1905). In this model, very light particles bounce elastically against very heavy, static, randomly distributed, spherical obstacles of radius a; the particles d o not interact with one another, and under their collisions with t h e obstacles, t h e latter are assumed to be recoilless; consequently, t h e speed lul of each particle is constant along its trajectory, and t h e particles evolve independently of one another. We can, therefore, concentrate on the one-particle dynamics, determined by its repeated collisions with the obstacles and its free evolution in between collisions. Its initial position zo and velocity uo at time t o , together with the distribution law of the obstacles, determines then t h e probability G ( z , u , t ; z o ,u o , t o )t h a t it is found, at a later time t , in t h e position z with velocity u . Over a long time interval, the mean free path X, i.e. t h e average length travelled by t h e particle between two successive collisions, is expected to approach the value given by ra2X (R/N) where Sa is t h e total volume in which the system is enclosed, and N is t h e number of obstacles in Sa. Note t h a t the fraction of the total volume, occupied by t h e obstacles is of t h e order of (Na3/Sa),i.e. is of t h e order of (./A). As usual, one first let Sa, N + 00 with p (N/Sa) fixed, to avoid having to consider the effect of t h e boundary of s2. One then considers a limit where (a/X) + 0; this can be achieved in a number of ways: (i) keep X fixed, and thus pa2 fixed, with a -t 0 and p 3 00; (ii) keep a fixed, and thus pX fixed, with X + 00 and p -t 0; or (iii) keep p fixed, a n d
t h u s a2X fixed, with a + 0 and X + 03. One can then argue see e.g. Martin (1979) or Spohn (1980)-that in t h e limit ( a l l ) + 0, G(z, 21, t ; 20,vo, to) should satisfy the dissipative Boltsmann equation; these limiting procedures can be interpreted as rescallings of time and/or space, t h a t allow t h e cumulative effect of many collisions to manifest itself over a macroscopic scale. In quantum mechanical situations, the Hamiltonian for finite systems is often of the form H g ( n )= Ho(n)+gV(Q)where V(Q) represents t h e deviation from the evolution, generated by Ho(n), t h a t does not affect t h e reduced description associated to the observables belonging to a subalgebra U C {exp[ZHo(fl)t]lt E R}'.The typical example is t h a t of a system of N particles enclosed in a cubic volume n with periodic boundary conditions, where Ho(S1) E Cr=I(PP/2m) is t h e free Hamiltonian and is t h u s diagonal in an orthonormal basis of eigenvectors of the momentum operators Pk,while V ( Q )describes an interaction t h a t causes the momenta of the individual particles to change without changing the overall momentum of the total system. The limiting procedures invoked in the classical case suggest t h a t in t h e quantum case one should, in addition to taking t h e thermodynamical limit, consider a limiting process where g + 0 a n d t + 00 while g2t = r where r is t h e time expected to appear in the dissipative equations describing t h e reduced evolution. Whereas the thermodynamical limit would produce an evolution a,(R) and a canonical equilibrium state +g, this additional composite limit would result in an evolution a(IR)t h a t takes into account t h e long-time, cumulative effects of t h e interactions, while only t h e simple limit g + 0 affects the state dg;this state would thus be expected to converge to a a(R)-invariant state +, whose modular group a(R) should, however, not be expected, in general, to coincide with the evolution a ( R ) responsible for t h e approach to equilibrium. We should therefore be prepared to consider conservative dynamical systems {M,4, a} where a is n o t t h e modular action u associated to 4; this is precisely t h e situation we encountered in (310-311). To van Hove (1955) we owe to have shown, albeit at a level of mathematical rigour t h a t younger generations of mathematical physicists would frown upon, t h a t this idea of a combined limit g + 0, t + 00 with g2t = 7 fixed, can be used effectively to sort out, from an infinite perturbation expansion, those terms t h e contribution of which is essential to t h e appearance of dissipative phenomena governed by Markovian transport equations. This van Hove limit, with t h e justification for t h e selection of certain terms in t h e perturbation expansion, and the proof t h a t these terms can be properly re-summed, were first controlled mathematically for a quantum version of t h e classical gas t h a t we described in our motivating remarks; this quantum version of t h e model consists in non-relativistic particles moving, according to the laws of Hamiltonian quantum mechanics, through a three-dimensional lattice on which impurities are distributed in such a manner t h a t they a c t on t h e particles as a static, translation-invariant, Gaussian random potential. T h e van Hove limit for this model results indeed in a Markov master equation, generating
an evolution described by a dissipative semigroup; for details, see Martin & Emch (1975). To communicate the flavour of this result, we first define t h e one-particle Hamiltonian H g ( n )= Ho+gV(62) t h a t we associate to every finite subset 0 C Z'. Let 8 = [-?r,?r]' be the dual space of Z ',and f(.) be t h e we take: Fourier transform of f. E .12(Z3); (320)
.(we)and ( V ( 0 ) f ) n= Xn(fl)@*fn
where w ( e ) = 02, x.(n) is the characteristic function of Gaussian random field hefined by
< an >= 0 , < @n@m >=
and @ is t h e
on which we impose the two conditions
In the notation used by physicists, this model corresponds to a Hamiltonian, quadratic in the creation and annihilation operators, acting in Fock space, t h a t can be formally written as fi = f i 0 gV with
T h e cut-off, represented by x(n) in (320) is introduced in order to have welldefined self-adjoint operators to start t h e analysis with. Note t h a t t h e interaction satisfies the following uan Hove diagonal singularity ; for every operator of the form (Af)(B)= A(O)f(O)we have: lim
< V ( n )> (e,@) = 0 < V(n)AV(h2)> (0,8') =
W i t h Ug(hz; R)[resp. UO(IR)] denoting the unitary group generated by H,(n) = HO g V ( n ) [resp. H O ]one , proves t h a t there exists T < 00 such t h a t for all 7 E [0, TI, and all f , f' E L2(e):
lim g+*
< (I/o(-t)U,(n;t)f,f') >= (S(r)f,1')
where {S(r)lr E R+}is the contractive semigroup of multiplication operators given by S ( T )= exp{-(r
A(O>= P
w(e/,el [w(e‘>- w(e)1-1
(where P denotes the principal part of the integral). Spohn (1977) extended t h e domain where one can use t h e technical considerations t h a t had first led to the mathematical solution of this particular model; see also Dell’Antonio (1982) for a discussion of the technical mathematical differences between the quantum case on t h e one hand, and on the other hand, t h e classical work of Papanicolaou & Varadhan (1973), Donsker & Varadhan (1975), and Kesten & Papanicolaou (1980). T h e rescalings involved when one starts with quantum Hamiltonian equations to derive hydrodynamical equations, say of the Vlasov-type, has been reinvestigated by Narnhofer & Sewell (1981); compare with Braun & Hepp (1977). Spohn (1980) has written a comprehensive review of the general area of Markovian limits in nonequilibrium statistical mechanics, both classical a n d quantum; see also Davies (1976). Three different models are discussed in detail by Martin (1979) to illustrate t h e physical premonitions t h a t have actually been controlled in the mathematical theory of quantum irreversible processes. To conclude this subsection on quantum non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, in which we have tried to hint at t h e conceptual links t h a t exist between the quantum microscopic description and t h e classical macroscopic world, we want to mention briefly a specific application to t h e old, a n d most fundamental, problem of the quantum measurement process; this outline is based on Whitten-Wolfe & Emch (1976); for general reviews, see Hepp (1972), Reece (1973) and t h e commented collection of reprints edited by Wheeler & Zurek (1983). Let {Fn}be a partition of t h e identity in 8(N),a n d consider t h e conditional expectation (325)
E : B E 0(M)- x F , B F , n
E {F,)’
The interpretation of the m a p 4 E S t--t 4 0 & E S as a filtering process was discussed in t h e beginning of this section, under t h e name of von Neumann measuring process. Recall t h a t {F,} was said to be compatible with a given state 4 if 40& = 4, a n d t h a t if B(N) had been replaced by a n abelian algebra 8, with {F,} C 8, then E would have reduced to t h e identity. T h e question we want to address now is whether it is possible to implement & as a dynamical process, i.e. whether i t is possible to find a C*-algebra A, a state on A , a n d a n action a! : R -+ Aut(B(N) @ A ) such t h a t , for every state 4 o n a(#), a n d
every B E B ( X ) :
Moreover, if A is to be considered as t h e description of a measuring apparatus, there are a few more conditions t h a t we would like this measuring process to satisfy, among which we single out t h e following three requirements: (i) a ( R )should be given a Hamiltonian interpretation; (ii) some stability should hold against a sufficiently large class of perturbations of the initial state of the apparatus; and (iii) as the process runs its course some information should be transferred from the microscopic level to a macroscopic level, where the experimenter can collect it with his own senses and have no problem interpreting a filtering process since then such a process does n o t change t h e state of the classical reduced description of the apparatus t h a t is relevant to him. These requirements can be made more precise with the help of a specific model, where their compatibility can be checked; we now present such a model. We take for algebra of the system t o be measured the algebra B = M(2,C). The Pauli matrices 7” (with a = z, y, z ) are defined as in (149); without loss of generality, we can assume the non-trivial partition {F,} to be given by F* = (If 7”)/2. Recall t h a t we interpreted a state 4 on B as a mode of preparation of the system described by its algebra of observable 8;w h a t this means, in connection with the measuring process we are considering now, is t h a t a collection-or beam-of individual systems has been prepared according to some prescription which we do not know, beyond the assertion t h a t it can be summarized by associating to it a state 4 on t h e algebra 8 . For the apparatus, we take in this model
A= @
where A is defined, as usual, as t h e C*-inductive limit of t h e isotonic family of local algebras A(n) associated to each finite subset n C Z+. O u r measuring apparatus is thus an infinite system, so t h a t we have a sharp notion of w h a t we should mean by “macroscopic”. Specifically, we define first the reference state $ on A by: $-
, )T
, )T
: A € A,
W € Z +
= exp(P
fw r5} / tr[exp(P fw 4 if w is odd
The real numbers P , n and (2 are kept fixed; they are arbitrary, except for the conditions P > 0 and fl # f2. We denote by S, t h e set of all normal
states on the von Neumann algebra RJ,(A)",where TJ, is the GNS representation associated to $. Note t h a t for every X E A, t h e state (329)
$JX :
$;X*AX >
/ < $;X*X >E
extends uniquely to a normal state o n TJ,(A)", so t h a t SJ, contains in particular all the states t h a t differ from $J by a (quasi-)local perturbation. For every N E Z + Jlet Q = [1,2N] and
(330a) n= 1
T h e macroscopic observables M* are finally defined by (330c)
E w - op - lim
and can be physically interpreted in terms of sublattice magnetizations. The final step in the construction of the model is to specify t h e dynamics. For every N E Z+, let again Q = [l,2 N ] a n d define now:
F+ @ Ho(Q)E B @ A (Sa)
We denote by cy(n,IR)the evolution defined on B @I A(Q) by (331b)
a(n,t ) [ B@ A] = exp{iH(Q)t} . A @I B . exp{-aH(il)t}
One can then prove t h a t , for every state t$J on 8 , every state $J'E SJ,, and every B E 8 : (332a)
In this sense, we have satisfied our first set of requirements, namely to find a dynamics, implementing the process q5 H 40 & in the sense of (326), interpretable in term of local Hamiltonian dynamics, and stable against a large class of perturbations of the initial state of the apparatus-recall (329). Moreover, one can prove t h a t for every state q5 on 8, and every state E &:
where (333b)
< $k
; Mj
>= 6 k j
with zero dispersion
and Ak determined by t h e state q5 on B by (332b). In this sense, information has indeed been transferred from the microscopic level to t h e macroscopic level represented here by the macroscopic observables Ad*. Again, this result is stable against the same class of perturbations of the initial state of t h e apparatus. However artificial the interaction (331) may be, this model does prove t h a t the conditions we wanted to impose on the von Neumann measuring process can be made precise enough so t h a t one can decide t h a t they are indeed compatible. I t is true t h a t t h e result of the measurement is only achieved asymptotically as ‘time tends to infinity, in fact as t-1/2 in this model. This can presumably be handled in t h e same manner as one handles t h e approach to equilibrium in statistical mechanics, or the approach to t h e free evolution in scattering theory: after a time, the actual state of the system and its final state cannot be distinguished within the arbitrary, but finite, precision of a n actual experiment. There are nevertheless serious problems t h a t still remain to be solved. The first problem is n o t so much a matter of conceptual compatibility, b u t one of making realistic contact with actual experiments. The second problem is conceptual. We have so far adopted the traditional attitude t h a t the state q5 is a summary of the mode of preparation of the system. This is sufficient only as long as one limits one’s attention to expectation values over a collection of systems prepared under identical conditions, at whatever level of description. The problem changes drastically if one asks what happens t o individual systems, in particular i n the course of a measurement process. One has then to face the fact t h a t 8, t h e algebra of observables on a quantum system, being non-abelian implies t h a t the convex set of the states on B is not a simplex. In particular, if 81 and & are two copies of the same non-abelian C’-algebra Bo,e.g. M(2, C),there are pure states on Bl @ 4, the restriction of which to neither Bi nor B2 is pure. When a state 4 on 8, representing a beam of individual systems-e.g. particles or pairs of correlated particles-can
be decomposed into different convex combinations of pure states, it is to be expected t h a t individual measurements would be able t o distinguish between these different decompositions. Even more acutely t h a n with the von Neumann measurement process, the production of conceptually satisfactory dynamical models for this type of measurement process still belongs to t h e cutting edge of contemporary research on the empirical foundations of quantum mechanics. A stimulating query along this line was raised by Einstein, Podolsky & Rosen (1935); among the responses elicited by this so-called paradox, see in particular: Bell (1964); Clauser & Shimony (1978); Mermin (1981); Aspect (1983); and Wheeler & Zurek (1983). Section 2. QUANTUM FIELD THEORY The theory of relativistic quantum fields is a point of confluence for t h e main currents of 20th-Century physics; foremost amongst these, quantum theory and t h e theory of relativity are contributing the basic concepts. A synthesis between these two theories would fulfill a most natural metaphysical desire for a unification of our world views. There are also immediate physical circumstances t h a t require this synthesis: it is indispensable to a consistent discussion of several situations t h a t have persistently presented themselves in the laboratory, ever since the time of inception of these two theories in t h e first third of this Century; among these phenomena are those t h a t involve interactions between matter and electromagnetic radiation, and in particular between electrons and photons. The most urgent theoretical challenge is therefore to produce a quantum theory, allowing for t h e creation and annihilation of particles, in an interaction scheme compatible with t h e four-dimensional Lorenta structure of t h e Minkowski space-time of special relativity; some astrophysical situations would further require t h a t the synthesis be extended to a quantum formalism compatible with t h e tenets of general relativity. The aim of this section is to outline the premises of some of the programmes t h a t have been proposed t o meet this challenge in the case of special relativity. Each one of these programmes has led to t h e development of mathematical methods t h a t are both very powerful and very subtly tuned; and each has contributed in t u r n t o a better understanding of how difficult the problem really is. Since we will present here only the most elementary rudiments of the emerging theories, t h e reader interested in more detailed information should know t h a t some of the best such information has been organized in full-length book form by Streater & Wightman (1964), Jost (1965), Simon (1974, 1979) and Glimm & Jaffe (1981). a. Elementary quantum systems in special relativity
In this subsection we review the classification, by Wigner (1939), of the elementary quantum systems compatible with the special theory of relativity. The fundamental symmetry group of t h e theory is taken to be the proper Poincar6 group G, i.e. the connected component of t h e identity in t h e group
of all transformations (5.1.2) of the Minkowski space M3J. Recall t h a t every g E G can be identified as a pair ( a , A ) described by
The resulting composition law
equips G with the structure of a semi-direct product of the group T T 4 of translations of M3o1,by the group H L3*’of proper homogeneous transformations of M3,’. The topology, defined on G by t h e condition t h a t g H g[z]be continuous, then equips G with the structure of a separable, connected, locally compact topological group; it is in fact a 10-dimensional Lie group. These properties are evidently inherited by T (which is 4-dimensional) and by H (which is 6-dimensional). Moreover, T is simply connected and abelian, while the (non-abelian) group H is doubly connected with universal covering group fi = SL(2, a). G is similarly doubly connected, and its universal covering group 6 inherits from G the structure of a semi-direct product of T by fi. In line with the ideas described in Subsection 8.3.e, an elementary quantum system in special relativity is identified with a continuous action (see 8.3.142)
such t h a t (4)
A E B,,(N) and a(g)[A]= A V g E G imply A = XI with X E IR
As we saw in Subsection 8.3.e, the classification of these actions of G amounts to the classification of t h e irreducible, strongly continuous, unitary representations of 6 . The latter is what Wigner (1939) achieved. His proof was a judicious adaptation, to the Poincari group, of the method of induced representations developed by Frobenius for discrete groups; this method was later generalized by Mackey (1955) t o a much wider class of topological groups, of which the proper Poincar6 group G, and its universal covering 6, are particular representatives. We outline the method for 6, with an emphasis on the fact t h a t 6 is a semi-direct product of two locally compact groups T and fi with T abelian; we omit, however, the measure theoretical trimmings involved in Mackey’s general theory. We first introduce the concept of induced representation. Let L : r + U ( U ) be a strongly continuous, unitary representation of a closed subgroup r of G; p be a quasi-invariant Bore1 measure on &“/I‘; and N L be the Hilbert space, t h e elements of which are t h e functions 9 : 6 + ll t h a t satisfy the following three
Note t h a t (5b) implies t h a t (Q(g), @(g)) is constant on each coset of I' in so t h a t (5c) does make sense, a n d a n inner product o n X L is actually defined by
With pg denoting the Radon-Nikodym derivative dp,/dp, we define, for every the operator UL(g) acting on XL gE
We clearly have t h a t
is a strongly continuous, unitary representation of on X L ; Mackey further showed t h a t U L is uniquely defined, up to unitary equivalence, by t h e equivinduced by alence class of p . We will refer to U L as t h e representation of
L. Let now (7)
denote the character group of T; its elements are t h e maps X:aETHexp{--i} with p E M311 and < p, a
ECC >E gpvppay
Recall now t h a t 6 is a semi-direct product of T by fi. Two characters xi and xz of T are said to be equivalent if there exists A E fi such t h a t x2 = [x1]A, where [.]A is t h e dual action of fi on p defined by
The little group f i x of a character
x is defined
Note t h a t if two characters are equivalent, then their little groups are conjugate t h e semi-direct product of T by to one another in fi. We finally denote by f i x ; and we remark t h a t if L is a strongly continuous, unitary representation
of f i x acting on some Hilbert space (10)
(x,L )
(a,A) E
U ,then
x(a)L(A)E U ( X )
is a strongly continuous, unitary representation of acting o n U. The Frobenius- Wigner-Mackey theorem then makes the following three assertions. Firstly, if L is an irreducible, strongly continuous, unitary representation of f i x for some character x of T , then t h e strongly continuous, unitary representation U(xi’) of G, induced from ( x , L ) is also irreducible. obtained in this Secondly, two irreducible representations U(XliL1)and U(J(x2~L2) manner are unitarily equivalent if and only if x1 and x2 are equivalent, and
is unitarily equivalent to L,,. Thirdly, u p to unitary equivalence, all irreducible, strongly continuous, unitary representations of &‘ can be obtained in this manner. The interest of this theorem is t h a t : (i) it gives a n immediate classification of the irreducible, strongly continuous, unitary representations of &‘,and t h u s a classification of those quantum systems t h a t are elementary with respect to the proper PoincarC group; (ii) it gives an explicit procedure to construct a representative of each class of unitary equivalence. The equivalence classes of characters are parametrized by the value of grvp’”P” - -m2, and when m is real, by the sign of p4. We will restrict our attention to m 2 0 and p4 > 0, treating separately the cases m > 0 and rn = 0. In the first case, a typical representative is the character t h a t corresponds to p = m(0,O,O, 1). Its little group is SU(2, C). The equivalence classes of irreducible, strongly continuous, unitary representations of SU(2,C)have been described in Subsection 8.3.e. Recall t h a t they are parametrized by dim L = (2s 1) E Z+\ (0). The corresponding elementary systems are particles of mass m > 0 and spin s ; e.g. scalar mesons (s = 0), electrons and protons (s = 1/2), etc. Note t h a t whenever (2s 1) is odd, t h e representation U ( X L ) is an ordinary representation of the proper Poincark group G. In the second case, a typical representative is t h e character t h a t corresponds to p = (1,0,0,1). Its little group is isomorphic to t h e Euclidean group acting on R2.This group satisfies again the hypotheses under which t h e F’robeniusWigner-Mackey theorem holds. Two types of representations then appear, leading respectively to particles with discrete “spin” s (again with 2s 1= n E Z+\ {0}), and with “continuous spin”; only particles corresponding to the first type have been identified in nature, e.g. neutrinos (s = 1/2), photons (s = I), etc. The definition of elementary particle chosen in this subsection involves only the proper PoincarC group. One could naturally enlarge this symmetry group
and search for t h e corresponding irreducible representations. T h e most immediate generaliaation is to include the space- and/or time-reflections; this is part of the folklore of theoretical physics, and t h e author first learned about it from an unpublished manuscript by Bargmann, Wigner & Wightman; w h a t amounts’ to a brief summary of t h a t part of this manuscript can be found in t h e appendix of Emch (1963). Several a t t e m p t s have been made in t h e last twenty years to include some internal symmetries as well in the defining group of elementary systems; the reader should consult here a few of his high-energy physics friends, who will surely want to describe t h e latest favorite amongst the apparently limitless variety of ingenious schemes t h a t have been proposed to achieve a fully satisfactory definition of elementary particles and of t h e fields t h a t mediate their interactions. b. The relativistic Fock spaces The aim of this subsection is to generalize to the context of special relativity the non-relativistic Fock space techniques introduced in Section One. to be constructed are to host any arbitrary, b u t finite, The Fock spaces 3m,s number of identical elementary particles of mass m and spin s. T h e one-particle subspace 3k!sof 3m,,is thus identified with t h e Hilbert space on which acts the irreducible, strongly continuous, unitary representation (m,s) of t h e universal covering group of t h e proper PoincarC group. Depending on whether ( 2 s + l ) is odd (boson) or even (fermion) is taken to be t h e completely symmetric with itself. 3m,s is then defined or antisymmetric N-fold tensor product of 3$,?,!s to be
For the sake of simplicity, we shall concentrate on the case of a massive (i.e. m > 0), scalar (i.e. s = 0) meson; and we shall drop from t h e notation the indices m and s whenever they are not indispensable. T h e FrobeniusWigner-Mackey theorem then leads us to realize 3(’)as t h e space of all Bore1 measurable functions Q on t h e “mass-hyperboloidJJ
with 9 square-integrable with respect to t h e Lorentz-invariant measure defined on H 3 by
The representation U(‘)of the proper PoincarC group G acting on 3(’),as constructed from the Frobenius-Wigner-Mackey theorem, extends naturally to a strongly continuous, unitary representation U of G acting on 3.
Let S(IR3) denote the Schwartz space of real-valued C"-functions of rapid decrease at, infinity. For each f E S(IR3) we then define the operators a ( f ) , a*(f),@(f) and W ( f ) by a straightforward generalization of (10.1.217-223). We note that a0E 37(')is in the domain of definition of every polynomial over C' i n the @(f)'s. With P(@) denoting the polynomial algebra, over C,of t h e operators @(f), we have t h a t D f P(@)Qo is dense in 3, and stable under @(f) and U(g) for every f E S(IR3) and every g E G. Moreover, with Uo(IR)[resp. U t ) ( R ) ] denoting the restriction of U [resp. U(')] to the subgroup IR C G of the time translations, we have, on D:
From this, we conclude t h a t the operator-valued distribution defined by (15)
satisfies the Klein-Gordon equation
This manifestly PoincarC-invariant quantum equation establishes a suggestive link with classical relativistic field theory. The classical Lagrangean density
gives indeed the equation of motion
From the classical Lagrangean density (17), we can compute for future reference the momentum-energy tensor
and, in particular, the energy-density Too for which we obtain t h e explicit form
which is non-negative and vanishes only for t h e trivial field p f 0. The Fock space objects which we constructed lend themselves to much combinatorics which is also very suggestive. Let J l o E 3(O)with 11 a,, [I= 1, and denote by < A > o the vacuum espectation value (AJlO,J l o ) of a n operator A defined i n ' 3 . Upon noticing t h a t
denotes the norm with respect to t h e scalar product in we where 11 . can transfer (10.1.229a) to t h e relativistic context of the present section, and obtain
and thus, for all n E Z+ (22b)
< o(f)2n+1 >o
Upon writing f = Ci X i f i with 1, E IR,and using t h e linearity of 0, we further obtain
where the summation runs over t h e (2n - l)!! pairings ( i 1 , j i ) . . . (in,jn)of t h e indices ( 1 . ..2n), and where t h e product runs, for each pairing, over all pairs occuring in t h a t pairing. T h e relations (22) are evidently reminiscent of the situation encountered in classical probability theory when one deals with a collection of random variables t h a t are jointly Gaussian. This Gaussian character is a n essential reflection of the fact t h a t the quantum field @ has been obtained from a system of non-interacting particles. The relations (22) further suggest introducing t h e so-called Wick-ordering : @(f)" : defined recursively for n = 1 , 2 , . . . by
a (23)
: @(f)": = n : @(f)"-l
a@(f1 < : @(f)" :
=0 : =1
This gives explicitly, for t h e Gaussian case considered here n
n! m ! ( n - m ) ! a* ( f)" a( f)"-"
5 07
Hence : @(f)n : differs from 9(f)nby t h e fact t h a t t h e creation operators a*(f) and the annihilation operators a(f) appearing in t h e expansion of
have been reordered in such a manner t h a t all creation operators appear in (24) on the left of all annihilation operators. This property persists when t h e Wick ordering is extended by linearity to arbitrary polynomials in the @(f)'s. For instance, this extension leads to
and to the orthogonality relation n
The Wick-ordering is a convenient computational tool t h a t eliminates from t h e formalism undesirable vacuum expectation values. Its effect is most simply illustrated in the context of the quantum mechanics of a one-dimensional harmonic oscillator; it replaces the Hamiltonian (284
1 2
1 + Q2)= -(a*a + aa*) 2
= -(P2
by the operator H from which the aero-point energy su bstr act ed , i .e . : H : = H-
< H >o= 1/2
has been
< H >o=a*a
In the Fock space context, where dim[3(')] = 00 reflects t h e infinite number of degrees of freedom of the field 9,(23) implies immediately (29)
: = 9(f)2- <
Physically, the Wick-ordering appears naturally in observable quantities. For instance, the free Hamiltonian H, defined as the generator of the evolution Uo(IR) on 3 (see 14), can be written as a n integral over t h e 3-dimensional
space-like hyperplane C 3 {(z,0)lz E R3},namely
/ d3z .‘(.)[(-A + m 2 ) a ] ( z )
where t h e energy-density on C can be rewritten, in terms of the field Q and its canonical conjugate = at@,in the form
1 2
- :
n2 : + - :21( V @ ) 2 :
1 2
which gives t h e quantum analog of the classical energy-density computed in (20). To this corresponds t h e quantum Lagrangean density
t o be compared with (17). c.
Towards a general theory of quantum fields
While Fock space techniques d o accomodate very well free quantum fields t h a t are compatible with t h e Minkowski structure M 3 J of special relativity, serious difficulties appear as soon as one tries to include non-trivial interactions, for instance by introducing polynomial terms of higher degree in t h e quadratic Lagrangean (30c). For these, as well as for all other relativistic interactions involving a n infinite number of degrees of freedom, t h e difficulties manifest themselves by the occurrence of divergences t h a t have plagued the investigations of quantum fields ever since t h e early 1930’s. The amazing success achieved in quantum electrodynamics by formal expansions notwithstanding, t h e disquieting status of t h e theory after some thirty years of efforts was dramatically summarized by Jost (1965): “We s t a r t o u t from equations which do not make sense. We apply certain prescriptions to their solutions and end up with a power series of which we do not know t h a t it makes sense. The first few terms of this series, however, give the best predictions we know.” Many practitioners, in the theoretical physics community, have somehow learned to live with this endemic state of affairs. In t h e last twenty-five years, however, two main lines of attack have been deployed with the purpose to bring t h e symptoms under mathematical control; but it must be recognized t h a t t h e disease itself, in its most virulent forms, has not been eradicated yet. The first line of attack is a systematic reexamination of t h e basic tenets of the theory; it is sometimes referred to as “axiomatic quantum field theory” to distinguish it from t h e second line of attack, known as “constructive quantum field theory”. T h e latter is a sustained effort to understand t h e inner workings of the situation, by building specific models t h a t are exactly solvable, even if at the cost of dealing with a ficticious world where t h e dimension of space-time is
different from the usual d = 4; in two and three space-time dimensions, much success has been achieved, leading to a vindication of the axiomatic schemes elaborated along the first line of attack. Whether the case d = 4 will similarly abide by the rules set forth by the axiomatists is an interesting question t h a t is still open. One sobering indication t h a t M3J might be very special indeed comes from a quite different quarter; it is the recognition of t h e serious challenge t h a t the formulation of a relativistically covariant theory, including interacting systems, already offers in classical particle mechanics. This is illustrated by t h e Currie-Jordan-Sudarshan (1963) no-go theorem asserting, under assumptions one would otherwise be inclined to accept as quite general and natural, t h a t particles may only move along straight lines; see several of t h e contributions collected in Llose (1982), and the references quoted therein. In the remainder of this section, we only briefly indicate some of the most appealing axiomatic schemes t h a t have been proposed for quantum field theory. For the detailed developments, and t h e actual implementation, of these schemes we refer again to the texts recommended at the end of the introduction to this section. The basic object of the Wightman axioms in a triple {U, U, a}. U is a Hilbert space, built over t h e field of t h e complex numbers for t h e purpose of hosting the description of a quantum system to be made precise now. In line with the definition of symmetries presented in Subsection 8.3.e, a n d elaborated in Subsection a above, special relativity is introduced by assuming that
U : G + U(U)
is a strongly continuous, unitary representation of t h e universal covering group of the proper Poincar6 group G for the Minkowski space M"J; one naturally has in mind the case d n 1 = 4, b u t it is sometimes technically advantageous to leave open t h e dimension d of space-time. Let U ( T d )be t h e restriction of U to the group T d of translations in M".'.There exists then a spectral family E on U ,with Lorenta-invariant support in M"ti, such t h a t
= +
where < p , a > denotes the scalar product g,,"pcIa" in M"1'. Two conditions are imposed on t h e joint spectrum of t h e generators { P b ' J p= 1,.. . , d } of U ( T d ) .The first condition is t h a t there exists a unique (up to multiplication by X E a) vector Qo E N with Qo # 0, such t h a t (33)
Note t h a t we have then, V ( a , A )E G: (34) and thus (35)
U(a)U(h)Qo= U(A)U(A-’[a])QO = U(A)Qo
U(A)Qo = X(A)Qo
V A E fi
In case d = 4: k = SL(2, a!); since t h e only one-dimensional, strongly continuous, unitary representation of this group is t h e identity representation, (33-35) read then
T h e second condition one imposes o n the joint spectrum of {Pip = 1, . . . ,d } is t h a t t h e support of t h e spectral measure E defined in (32)satisfy
If one further assumes t h a t t h e eigenvalue 0 is isolated, t h e fact t h a t t h e support of E is a Lorenta-invariant closed subset of M*J implies t h e existence of mo > 0 such t h a t
The third member of the Wightman triplet {U, U , @}is t h e quantum field
a. It is introduced as a map (39)
@ :f E
S(Rd) @(f) E A ( U ) ++
where S(IRd)is the Schwarta space of real-valued COD-functionsof rapid decrease at infinity; and A ( U ) is a *-algebra of (unbounded, b u t densely defined) linear operators acting in U. One assumes t h a t there exists a dense domain D C U, contained in t h e domain of definition of @(f) V f E S(IRd); all conditions stated here on @(f) are tacitly assumed to hold as well for @(f)*. One then assumes t h a t V ( Q l , Q2) E D x D , t h e maps (40)
f E Wd)
+ +
( @ ( f ) Q l ,Q2) E Q:
are tempered distributions, i.e. are linear a n d continuous for t h e Schwarts topology on S(Rd).One further assumes t h a t D is stable under t h e action of each @(f), i.e. (414
@ ( f ) D C D V f E S(Rd)
so t h a t polynomials in the @(f)’sare well-defined o n D; we write P(@) for t h e polynomial algebra over Q: obtained in this manner from t h e @(f)’s;we t h u s
Finally, one requires t h a t the following conditions be satisfied, linking t h e above two structures-i.e. special relativity and quantum field. Firstly, D is assumed to be stable under U ( 6 )i.e.
U(g)D C D V g E e
Secondly, one assumes t h a t , V g E 6 and V f E S(IRd):
Thirdly, one assumes t h a t the invariant vector qo(see 33) belongs to D; as a consequence of (41b), one has t h a t P(@)qo D . O n e then assumes t h a t Qo is cyclic in U under P(@), i.e.
P(@)Qo is dense in U
Fourthly, a locality condition is required which we formulate here only in t h e boson case, i.e. when U is in fact a representation of G itself a n d not only of 6 . Two regions 01 and 02 in M"1' are said to be causally disjoint whenever (45a)
E 01 and
E 02) implies { g p v ( z l
- z2)p(z1- z2)" 2 0)
The locality condition now reads [@(fl), @(f2)] = 0 o n D whenever supp (fl) and supp (fi)are causally disjoint
where [ . , . ] denotes t h e commutator, which is indeed well-defined on D since (41a) is assumed. The list of the Wightman axioms is now complete. The reader will verify t h a t all the axioms are satisfied for t h e free, massive, scalar field constructed on Fock space in Subsection b above. It is equally straightforward to check t h a t the axioms are similarly satisfied for t h e other free, massive (i.e. m > 0), Bose (i.e. 2s 1 odd) fields constructed on their own Fock spaces. If one is willing to give up (38), one can include as well the free, massless (i.e. n = 0) Bose fields. The secalled generalized free fields are also controlled by these axioms; see e.g. Jost (1965). A minor modification of (45b), involving t h e
substitution of anticommutators for t h e commutators, will also allow t h e free Fermi (i.e. 2s 1 even) fields into t h e scheme. Moreover, a n axiomatization is not only interesting for w h a t it explicitly says, b u t also for what it does not assume, i.e. for the distinction it proposes between what is essential and w h a t is to be considered as incidental. T h e Wightman axioms leave open the choice of the Hilbert space U or, more precisely, the choice of the representations U of 6 a n d @ of S(Rd),as long as the conditions set forth by t h e axioms are satisfied. In particular, while the axioms postulate the existence of a unique vector q 0 t h a t is invariant under U ( T d )[or U(G)], this vector JIo is not assumed to satisfy the characteristic relation of the Fock space representation of t h e canonical commutation relations, namely
In contradistinction to t h e case of quantum systems with a finite number of degrees of freedom-where S(Rd)is replaced by a finite-dimensional Hilbert space-there is no von Neumann uniqueness theorem for quantum systems with infinitely many degrees of freedom. N o t only does the proof of Proposition 8.3.1 fail to extend to this case, b u t a n infinite maze of inequivalent irreducible representations of the canonical commutation [and anticommutation] relations has actually been constructed; see G h d i n g & Wightman (1954). Nevertheless, the Wightman axioms imply t h a t t h e so-called vacuum expectations
are well-defined. Moreover, t h e Schwarta nuclear theorem, together with t h e translation invariance of Qo, implies t h a t (47) defines, for every k E Z+, a tempered distribution on S(R(k--')d); these are known as t h e Wightman functions. The Wightman axioms can be reexpressed in terms of t h e Wightman functions only, thus making no explicit mention of an underlying Hilbert space. Now, given these Wightman functions, a n argument akin to t h e G N S construction (see Theorem 9.1.5), and known as t h e Wightman reconstruction theorem, defines a cyclic representation in terms of covariant field operators acting on some Hilbert space, determined uniquely by t h e Wightman functions, and satisfying the Wightman axioms; see Wightman (1956), or Streater & Wightman (1964) and Jost (1965). A very rich variation on t h e theme of t h e Wightman axioms has flourished o u t of t h e remark t h a t t h e Wightman functions can be continued analytically to imaginary times. The resulting Schwinger functions, or alternatively t h e Euclidean Green's functions, retain enough information for their properties to be axiomatiaable in such a way t h a t one can recover from t h e m t h e Wightman theory on Minkowski space. This Euclidean approach is encapsuled in t h e axioms proposed by Osterwalder & Schrader (1973, 1975); see also t h e version
given in Glimm & Jaffe (1981). These axioms have provided mathematical physicists with a workable programme for t h e construction of Bose fields in interaction; the power of this approach derives in part from its making possible t o use, refine, combine and generally strengthen ideas and methods stemming from both t h e theory of stochastic processes, or functional integration, and classical statistical mechanics. In spite of the technical difficulties encountered along the way, rigourous results have been obtained t h a t are spectacular . . . albeit restricted so far to space-time dimensions d # 4; e.g. t h e proof t h a t a relativistic quantum field theory can harbour a non-trivial scattering matrix. The superrenormaliaable models t h a t have been solved allow to cloth with mathematical meaning some of the hitherto heuristic arguments found in t h e traditional physics literature. The reader is referred to Glimm & Jaffe (1981) for a recent, i n depth, panorama of what has been achieved in bridging this gap; and to Simon (1974, 1979) for early presentations of some of the basic mathematical techniques. The locality requirements to be satisfied by t h e theory are emphasized in the approach to the axiomatization of relativistic quantum fields advanced in the papers of Haag (1959), Haag & Schroer (1962), Araki (1962, 1963, 1964) and Haag & Kastler (1964). In this approach one associates to every bounded (open) region 0 C Ad'!' a C*-algebra (with unit) A (O), subject to the following conditions. First, the usual isotony postulate:
Second, the locality postulate:
[Ai,A2]= 0 v (Ai,A2)E A(0i) X A ( 0 n ) whenever 01 and 02 are causally disjoint
Thirdly, let A denote t h e C'-inductive limit of the net of C*-algebras A ( O ) , i.e. (see Subsection 9.2.a) A is the norm-closure of
The compatibility with the tenets of special relativity is then completed by t h e postulate t h a t a n action CY (see Section 9.2) of t h e Poincar6 group G is given on A and satisfies
and every g E G, where, for every region 0 C M311,
The fourth, and last postulate in this scheme, is t h e technical condition t h a t A be primitive, i.e. t h a t A have a faithful irreducible representation. In t h e view of Haag and his coworkers (loc.cit.), some emphasis was p u t on the fact t h a t the postulates should be formulated independently of a concrete Hilbert space realization; this is t h e approach we j u s t followed. If, however, a concrete realization is chosen, one may want to strengthen t h e postulates in two directions. Firstly, one may want to require t h a t t h e action (Y be unitarily implemented; this is automatically the case as soon as t h e realization considered is obtained by the G N S construction from a G-invariant state on A (Proposition 9.2.7). Secondly, one may want to require t h a t , in t h e realization considered, t h e local algebras A(0) be replaced by their weak-operator closures, i.e. t h a t one frames the axioms in terms of local von Neumann algebras; this is the approach sucessfully taken by Araki (loc. cit.). One may then consider strengthening t h e locality condition (49) to read as the duality condition:
A(0) = A(0’)’ where 0‘ denotes the causal complement of 0 in M3s1,A(0’) is t h e global algebra relative to O‘, and A (0’)’ is the commutant of A(0’). A n interesting connection between this duality condition and t h e Takesaki theory of modular algebras is developed in Bisognano & Wichmann (1975, 1976). From the original papers of Araki (1oc.cit.) we know t h a t these axioms are satisfied for t h e standard example of the free, massive scalar field o n Fock space. The other models of relativistic quantum fields so far constructed (see t h e discussion following t h e statement of the Wightman axioms) seem to conform as well. T h e question of the general connections between t h e C* (or W*-) algebraic axioms of Araki-Haag-Kastler and t h e Wightman (or t h e Osterwalder-Schrader) axioms is the object of much contemporary research; for entries into literature on this, and related questions, see Doplicher, Haag & Roberts (1969-1974); Fredenhagen & Hertel (1981); Driessler, Summers & Wichmann (in preparation); and Glimm & Jaffe (1981). As t h e situation now stands, it appears t h a t t h e Araki-Haag-Kastler axioms are more suited t o a discussion of the conceptual relations between general properties of the systems under investigation [see e.g. Emch (1972)], while t h e OsterwalderSchrader axioms reflect more closely t h e structures encountered in the explicit construction of mathematical models. Finally, it would seem t h a t , as long as a theory of quantum fields o n the flat four-dimensional Minkowski space M31* has not been brought under satisfactory control, one can at best dream of a mathematically consistent, unified formulation of the ideas of quantum theory and of general relativity: t h e programme of 20th-Century physics has not run its course yet . . . b u t neither has t h e 20th Century itself.
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abelian, maximal, 318 abelianness, 7, 415 7-on 4, 415 tpasyrnptotic, 415 G-, 410 G- on 4, 411
norm- asy mptotic, 388 aberration (celestial), 153 action, of a group, 383 Lagrangean, 21 strongly continuous, 433 transitive, 108 adiabatic process, 39 aether, 150 algebra (see specific entries) amenable group, 402 Ampere law, 74 analytic element, 433 angular momentum, 9, 328 quantization, 240 Appell integral, 461 Araki-Haag-Kastler axioms, 513 associator, 305 asymptotic completeness, 350 weak, 350 atlas, 102 maximal, 103 atom, Bohr, 233 in lattice, 314 average, of a state, 403 of an observable, 405 Banach algebra, 302 Bianchi, 1 s t identity, 124 2nd identity, 129 bicommutant, 316 black-body, 213 Bloch equation, 487
Bochner theorem, 343 Bohr atom, 233 radius, 237 -Sommerfeld rule, 238 Boltamann equation, 54 function, 54 -Grad limit, 62 Stossaahlansats, 62 theorem, 56 Born interpretation, 291 Bose-Einstein condensation, 469 Bose field, 511 gas, 462 boson, 504 bound state, 349 Boyle-Mariotte law, 35 brachistochrone, 19 Brewster law, 85 Bundle, cotangent, 111 tangent, 110 vector, 110 base of-, 110 fiber of-,110 CAR algebra, 456 C*-algebra, 303 C*-inductive limit, 384 C *-postulates, 362 C*-state, 311, 320 CCR, 253, 264, 282, 333 c.s.c.o., 318 canonical equilibrium, 418, 444 partition function, 423 state, 423 catenary, 13 causal vector field, 163 causally disjoint, 511 Cavendish-Coulomb law, 70, 71 charge (electric), 68, 159 chart (admissible), 102, 103 chemical potential, 459
Christoffel symbols, 116 class c ', 103 classical approximation, 219 limit, 339 state, 340 commutant, 316 condensed phase, 467 conjugate variables, 21 connection, 115 compatible with metric, 118 Levi-Cevita, 118 symmetric, 118 contraction, 130 correspondence principle, 240 cosmological constant, 170 covariant derivative, 116 covariant representation, 406 cross section, 354 curvature operator, 123 Riemann tensor, 124 scalar, 127 sectional, 173 curve, 109 cyclic vector, 371 Debye temperature, 229 density matrix, 300 derivation, 28, 264, 307 diffeomorphism, 102, 103 differentiable structures, 103 diffraction, 81 diffusion equation, 491 dimension function, 400 Dirac problem, 269, 270 dissipative equation, 59 divergence, 29 Doppler shift, 153 tangential, 154 double refraction, 84 dual space, 299 dynamical postulate, 259 dynamical systems, generelixed W', 489 asy mptot ically st able, 489 conservative, 29, 489 dissipative, 489, 491 Markovian, 489 reversible, 489
INDEX dynamics, 4 Eddi ngton-F i n kelstein metric , 177 eigenvalue equation, 276 Einstein, fleld equations, 191 fluctuation formula, 225 space, 170 tensor, 129 Einstein-de Sitter metric, 184 Eisenbud-Wigner relation, 355 electric, charge, 68, 159 dipole, 72 fleld, 68, 71, 186 electromagnetic, Aeld, 138, 186 induction, 76 potentials, 78 electron, 220 electrostatic, energy, 73 potential, 72 electrostatics, 69 elementary observables, 314 energy, 157 flux, 190 internal, 38, 423 kinetic, 16 -momentum, 158 potential, 17 rest, 158 enthalpy, 43 entropy, 45 dynamical, 492 of a state, 420 equations of motion, 12, 14, 19, 26 Euclidean Green's function, 512 Euler equations, 14, 57 Euler hydrodynamics, 15 Euler-Lagrange equations, 19 even, algebra, 451 state, 452 expectation, conditional, 487 value, 292 extended Kolmogorov flows, 492 exterior derivative, 131 external fleld of forces, 12 extremal p-KMS state, 442 extremal of action, 19
INDEX face of convex set, 379 factor, 318 -types, 401 faithful, representation, 375 state, 375 Fermi, energy, 462 field, 512 gas, 456 fermion, 504 fiber, 110 fine structure constant, 242, 246 flow, 166 Fock space, 457, 463, 504 force, body, 14 central, 10 contact, 14 form,closed, 131 exact, 131 k-, 129
one-, 111 free energy, 43, 423, 481 (=Helmoltz function) frequency of wave, 83 Fresnel drag, 156 Frobenius- Wigner-Mackey theorem, 503 fugacity, 459 future, 146, 162 GNS construction, 369 gaseous phase, 467 Gay-Lussac law, 36 Gelfand-Naimark theorem, 375 generator, 285 geodesic, 117, 122 law of, 79 coordinates, 122 geodesically complete, 117 geometric quantization, 274 Gibbs function, 44 grand canonical equilibrium, 459 partition function, 460 state, 459 Hamilton, equations, 26 function, 25 heat, 39 equation, 33
generalired, 58 heating form,40 Heisenberg, model, 446 multiplication, 252 picture, 324 postulates, 255, 259, 261 uncertainty, 294 Hilbert space, 297 pre-, 297 separable, 297 homogeneous manifold, 108 ideal gas, Bose, 462 Fermi, 456 impetus, 6 inner product, 296 instantaneous observer, 136, 137, 164, 186 interaction , 509 fields in, 513 on lattices, 445 intertwining relation, 351 invariant mean, 402 involution (algebra), 302 irreversible behaviour, 59 isotony, 384 JB-postulate, 379 Jacobi, ellipsoids, 475 identity, 28, 118 Jordan algebra, 304 product, 382 Jordan-Lie algebra, 306 KMS condition, 432 kinematic postulate, 255 kinematics, 4 Kruskal space-time, 181 Laplace operator, 72 lattice, atomic, 319 complete, 312 orthocomplemented, 312 quantum, 385 Legendre transforms, 25, 43 Lenz-Iaing model, 446 Lerch xeta function, 461 levers, law of, 8
546 light-like, 145 ray, 145 Liouville theorem, 29 little group, 502 local, commutativity, 394 equivalence relation, 325 factor, 325 Hamiltonian, 446 lifting, 325 observable, 386, 464 locally, compact, 104 flnite covering, 104 normal state, 449 Lorentz, force, 68, 75, 191 manifold, Ill metric, 111 transformation, 137 Lorenta-FitaGerald contraction, 148 MacLaurin, ellipsoid, 475 magnetic, dipole, 75 field, 68, 186 magnetostatic energy, 76 magnetostatics, 69 mass, density, 99 effective, 157 gravitational, 5 inertial, 5 rest, 157, 164 material derivative, 57 Maxwell, distribution, 52 equations, 67 stress-tensor, 191 Maxwell-Boltamann distribution, 55 mean, free path, 63, 493 invariant, 402 square fluctuation, 424 measure, central, 477 completely additive, 313 finitely additive, 313 Merton rule, 4 metastability, 483 metric, 111 Lorentz, 111 Riemann, 111 Michelson-Morley, 149 models for matter, 191
IhDEX modular, action, 438 operator, 438 moment of a force, 8 momentum, 6,9, 157, 190 operator, 335 monochromatic, 224 motion, in relativity, 136, 156 Navier-Stokes equation, 59 negation, 314 neighbour, 166 non-degenerate, 111 normal, coordinates, 122 line, 101 space, 104 state, 314 normalixer, 439 null-line, 98 observable a t inflnity, 395 observer, 136, 138, 164 operator adjoint, 279 annihilation, 458 compact, 299 completely continuous, 299 creation, 458 densely defined, 279 extension, 279 finite-rank, 299 hermitian, 279 conjugate, 279 momentum, 335 number, 458 position, 334 positive, 297 restriction, 279 self-adjoint, 279 trace-class, 298 translation, 334 unitary, 297 wave, 350 Weyl, 275 orientable, manifold, 130 state space, 381 orthochronous, 146
541 paracompact, 104 parallel transport, 116 parallelogramme of forces, 8 particle, elementary, 503 flow, 194 free, 164 test-, 12, 68, 156 -wave duality, 228 partition, of the identity, 418 compatible with a state, 419 reflnement of, 418 passive state, 482 past, 146, 162 Pauli, exclusion principle, 458 matrices, 328 perfect fluid, 200 perihelion of Mercury, 204 phase shift, 354 phase space, 27 phonon, 231 photon, 225 Planck, constant, 217, 333 radiation law, 218 Planck-Einstein relation, 218, 224, 238 Poincark, group, 137, 500 lemma, 131 recurrence theorem, 30 Poisson, bracket, 27 equation, 72 manifold, 28 position operator, 334 positive, cone, 365 element in C*-algebra, 362 map, 487 completely-, 487 n-, 487 operator, 297 type, 284 power density, 190 Poynting vector, 190 predual, 303 prequantization, 274 present, 146 pressure, 15, 199 principle of equivalence, 5 projector, 312 compatible, 313
equivalent, 399 flnite, 399 infinite, 400 orthogonal, 313 partial ordering, 312 probability density, 291 proposition, 314 pure state, 300, 372 quantity of motion, 6 (see also momentum) quantization postulate, 261 quasi-local observable, 386, 464 quasi-static process, 40 red shift, 154 reference frame, 186 reflnement of covering, 104 reflection, 79 refraction, 79 refractive index, 79 regular element, 308, 363 relative, acceleration, 167 velocity, 136, 144, 167 representation, of algebra, 369 CAR, 456 CCR, 264, 282, 334 disjoint, 377 faithful, 375 irreducible, 268, 335,371 physically equivalent, 377 quasi-equivalent, 377 sub-, 377 representation, of group induced, 502 unitary, 325 up to phase, 324 Ricci, flat space, 127 scalar, 127 tensor, 125 Riemann, curvature tensor, 124 manifold, 11 1 metric, 111 zeta function, 461 Robertson-Walker space, 184 scattering, operator, 352
548 standard situation, 346 state, 348 theory, 345 Schroedinger, equation, 276 picture, 324 representation, 282, 334 Schwartz space, 272, 505 Schwarxschild, radius, 175 solutions, 175, 176 Schwinger function, 512 second countable, 104 set, closure, 104 compact, 104 convex, 300 convex hull, 300 directed, 384 open, 104 simultaneous events, 136 singular element, 308, 363 slowing-down of clocks, 149 sojourn time, 349 Sommerfeld rule, 238 source of em field, 141 space-like, 98, 146 space-time, 161 speciflc heat, 40, 230, 423,468 spectral, family, 279 line, 211 radius, 363 theorem, 281 spectroscopy, 211 spectrum, 308, 363 simple, 318 (see also spectral) spontaneous symm. breaking, 477 stable globally thermostatically, 481 locally thermostatically, 481 locally dynamically, 482 stabilizer, 108 state, 300 statics, 7 stress-tensor, 14, 189, 191 structure constant, 306 superselection rule, 330 symmetry, 320 group, 108
INDEX breaking of, 477 symplectic, form, 28 manifold, 28 tangent bundle, 110 temperature, 34 natural, 423 tensor, (r, s)-field, 111 thermal, wave-length, 461 equilibrium, 59,418, 459 see also (grand) canonical thermodynamics, 1st law, 39 2nd law, 45, 47 three-ball property, 380 time-axis, 136 time-delay, 355 time-like, 98, 146 time-orientability, 162 torsion, 123 topology, 104 relative, 104 strong-operator, 280, 315 ultrastrong, 315 ultraweak, 316 uniform, 315,319 weak-operator, 315 weak *- (or w * - ) , 311 trace, 298, 400 faithful, 400 normal, 400 semi-finite, 400 transition probability, 315 ultraviolet catastrophe, 219 uncertainty relation, 294 uniform motion, 136 uniformly accelerated motion, 136 uniformly clustering, 394 unit (in algebra), 302 universal gravitation constant, 12 universe in expansion, 154 vacuum, 458 expectation values, 506 van Hove, diag. singularity, 495 limit, 494
549 vector field, 115 over a curve, 166 vector state, 301 velocity, 157 vis inertia, 5 vis viva, 16 volume element, 29 von Neumann, algebra, 303, 317 measurement process, 419, 496 postulates, 296 uniqueness theorem, 336 W*-algebra, 303 W*-K-systems, 492 wave, equation, 41, 87, 276 function, 291 length, 83 operator, 350 vector, 83 wedge product, 130 Weyl form of CCR, 334 Wick ordering, 506 Wightman axioms, 509 functions, 512 Wigner theorem, 322 work, 17, 37, 72 working form, 40 x-y model, 446
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