• .,
Enlarge these ornaments to make mantel decorations or centerpieces
Shelf Sitters & Mini Gingerbread Houses
Gingerbread Dreams Deborah Milne Grace Publications Contents Let's Get Started Roof Designs Edible Gingerbread Houses Gingerbread Recipes Grandma's Gingerbread Sugar Cookies Royal Icing 2 Story Shelf Sitter Small Shelf Sitter Patterns Wide Shelf Sitter Gingerbread Chalet Harry's Express The Snow's House Santa's Sleigh Birdhouse Ornaments Cookie Ornaments Mine Houses Card And Napkin Holder Table Accessories
Ouakef Gr.y and Whit, acrylic: paint. Squeez. somt SCnbbln Shiny White paint into the gaps between the shingles. Use a toothpick to spread paint around In ttle gaps. Do not fi� gaps. Finish dec:orflting ttl. roof as specifted in the individual project instructions.
ROOF DESIGNS Candy Roof Ptiak, Mool of1t1e houses have candies gtued aJoog lop 01 roof peak. Cui roof pieces and glue es shown In Oiagram3.
Snowy Rool
Dlagrlm 3
peak and require a roof extension. To make a mol extension, cui! roof pieoR as shown on the palte.n and the other piece 114" Ionge. than shown. Assemble as shown in Diagr1lm a.
UTEIISION c.o, ...._
- �.-
".,... .
ChlmntYI Cui the chimney using pattern provided In 1tlt irw:hidual project Instructions. Sand and stain. Paint the top 01 the chimney with Black acrylic paint. When $/lOW Is applied around the top 01 chimney, this will give the appearance 01 a hole. Use F.n1asy Snow or Deco
Not. " W� dItco,..t1ng the roof., '""* OIl "'" .Id. of th. roof ., a tim•. Shingled Roof,· Uso wooden nickels 0( woodlet hearts lor \he shingles. Glue in place as _'0
OiiIgram S.
Paint the slWlQIn White. Let dry. Pounce shingles ....�h • •
Spread some Fantasy Snow on
rooI and � to the candies along roof peak and on
Roof Ext,n,lon, Some oI1t1e houses do no! have candles glued along the roof
500'50 mix 01
DIagram 5
Iront and back edge 01 rool . II the house doesn·t have any "cano;ies" on edges 01 root. ooY9r edgas with Fantasy SrIcM.
Snowy Rool with Candles - Cover tile rool ....ith Fa/ltasy Snow as dHcribed above. While snow Is Itil ....et. use a too!hpIck 10 clear away littIt circles of snow 'Nhere the Ilat gumballl will go. then glua them in place. Repeat on other side 01 root. Snowy Roof with Silver Beads - Spread some FaNasy Snow O'Iar roof 9nd up \0 the round gumbdl andfor peppermints. If tt>e house doesn, have any "candles- on tile front edge 01 roof, cover the edges with Fantasy Snow. While Slill wet, preS$1he �r beadS IntO the snow, making sur. no! to press the belId in &0 lar that it Is COI'enx! with snow. Repeal on ttle other side of mol. Cro.. Hatched Roof" Transre, cross hateh �nes to mol pieces. Squeeze out small balls 01 Snow Wh�e CoIofpoint painl along each c.oss hatch line. Wh�e the paint Is &till wei. place a pearl In each bell. Let dry thoroughty.
�[l)il@ i!lin(j) �(l@ IDn= When selecting a location to attach a house to tilt base, take Inlo consk1era�on the tr89lbulhes. sidewalks and any oItl,r pi_I lllat will be placed in from 01 the house. The house should be centered from left to right an
Most 01 the patterns in this /:look can be made into edible gingerbread houses by following a few simple Instructioos
PREPARE DOUGH" Tr.nsfer the pattern pll'ea$ to sh irt carcboard and cut out. Maka g;ngerbread or cooIUe dough and rol out 10 If." Ihlel<. P� eardboasd patterns on c\oI.Jgh and using . kn�e or pizza cutter. cut out pattern pieces.
Bake IoIowing the recipe Instruc:tlons.
Aemovelrom cookie wei and place 00 II lIa t ....!face. let stand IIntil hard (24 hours lor cookies and.8 hou[$1or gingerb read). PREPARE ICING" Depending 00 the
$Ize 01 the gingerbread house. make a lingle or double recipe 01 "Royal Icing" (�oo page 8). I(eep the icing cowred at aD times. WINDOWS" c...t windoYt' shapes Irom
lelng Mit a bit (Diagram 6e.). You may P
bottom 011l1e rool and pIaee round fI.1 eandies along !he IIntire length. Continue up row b y row until roof III cowred. Some pieces ITIiIY need to be
cllt to lit.
SNOWY ROOF" Apply t/4 cup 0I1eing 10 each aide 01 rooI and swirl with e smeli spatula. Fluff. You may add <:andie s her. and there or teave the rool plain . FINISNINO TRIM· Finish trim ming the h ouse .nd t he rool edQes wittl your choice 01 c andies .
IIsing the Icing as. "glue" to hold the candies in place. Frost lila board surface .nd decorale around thol house with your eI'Ioiel' 01 eandie..
Trim the windows and door IIslng royal Icing and allver cake de cor s. MAKING STAR TRIM" To maka stars. lise a Wilton's decorator!);lg and tip .t6. F�I the bag "11th royal lcir.g. Hold the tip about 1/8" away lrom the surlace and sqlleeze the deoor.Itor bag until. $1.ar is Iormed. Release pressure Met pull away. The Itar win ooly kKm H you release th e pressura before you p.,Il eway. Squeeze out star5 around the perimeter 01 windows and place e silve r decor In each star. Yell must WDfk fast to prevent tn. Icing from drying before adding the silver decors. ASSEMBLING HOUS.S" Assemble
house on a board. Squeez.e royalldng 0010 the edges Dl lhe Irool. back and side wah 01 the houw. Prop them together end hold them steady lor e lew minute s IIntJ the
'- -_.
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... ......
Grandma's Gingerbread Printed courtesy of Witron Enterprises
Sligar Cookies , 112 ..... a....""'r.dSUp
'CUfl __g {I*f butIor II>< _, ZE .. lun_tf�1 1n..p. _ '" "'''' er .rt>op._ lIZ rsp. t_ ",A_lid bI!WI , --- lIZ 109. BllHof ,.. IQ .... _
f '" f 112 cupo AU'IHpo.o."/ow
I rsp. BIIlclng_ ,�� 2 rsp. Mel! GintlK41 � 'fop. Mel! "- ,I ""'_ , <>II' SItortermso ,-, 111_ lktIulp/>IInd 11__ ZE_�I
Preheat the OIIBn 10 375 degrees. Thoroughly mix IIour. baking soda, lilt and spices. Melt shortening In • large saucepan. Cool S/i\t1l1y. AIXI sugar, molasses and eggs. Mix well. Add 4 cups althe dry Ingredients to miKlure and mix well. Turn the mixture onto lightly floured surface. Knead In the remaining dry Ingredients by hand. AOO' a little more lIour if nece5NI)' 10 make a firm dough. Roll out on. lightly fl oored surface 10 114' thid
for 11}-12 minutes and average to small pieces lor 6-8 minutes. ReIllOY8
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Gradually add sugar to shortening, creaming unlillluffy. Beal in eggs one a' II time. Add cream and flavoring. Combine flour, baklrlg soda and salt. Add dry Ingredients 10 creamed mixture. Mix well. Roll OUI on aluminum foH 10 114' thickness. Cut out pattaros. Slide foil onto oooI(je sheet. Bake for 9·11 mlnules UfltJ golden. Slide loll all cookie sheet OfItO ftet surface. Le! cookies cool completely before removing from foil.
gingelbread pieces from cookie __Is and cool completely on I cooImg rack.
Printad courtesy of Wi/tOfl Enterprises
of e..". P"N c_ eon,..,_,..
Wilton Merfllgl.le ...."u.. .. MiK IIIbsp W.te, (I .... /lMp. to< .,m. /cJng) 3 /en! Tbsp.
Beat aD the iflgredients at low speed lor 10 minutes in a stationary miJ(er Of lor 12 m iflutes at high speed II you.re using a portable mixer UfIIiI the Icing forms
peaks. This iciflg cafl be stored in an airtight contai ner and revmipped before using. Make sure while assembling your girl(jerbread house thaI unused icing Is covered at all times.
Piclured on page 39. Patterns on page
Follow detailed assembly
Hou... Accessories· Pop lar 1/4" x 2" x 8" piece Hou... Pine 3/4· x 4'.8· »ieee Sa... ·�· x 5· Oval Plaque
and painting Instructions on pages 4-6.
Preparation Transfer petterns to wood . Gut, sand and stain all pieces. Tr ansfer the location of the windows and the decor ating detajls to wood pieces.
Paint as follows
BITS & PIECES ,,,. Woodon Ballo· 3 ". Wood FUrNlur& BlJIIons - , 5116· Wood Dowel 12" ". Woodle! H&arts 3 "". Woodlet Hearts- 6 "". Primitive Woodlot Hearts· 2 , Primitive Woodle! Hearts· 2 •
WINDOWS· Black rectangles ROUND GUIoIBALLS 112" wooden bells, 2 red, 1 green
4mm Pearl Beads· 1 1 0 ,18" Red Satin Ribbon
PEPPERMINTS 3/4" furniture buttons· Design of your choice PEPPERMINT STICK - 5/16' dowe l (set aside) SIDEWALK - 314" woodlet hea rt
Glue a
TREES & BUSHES · Bolh si�es of prim�ive hearts end two 314· woodlet he ar ts
Ihe front edge
3. House Trim Refer to color ploW" & pettern. e. you worlL Paint holly leaves and berries on front of house.
Door & W i ndow Trim Glue door in p lace on front of house. Paint a ·Dotted Desigrl' down center front
of door.
Paint Ihe trim under the roof eaves (p.4). 7. Decorate Wood Base Use the 3' x 5" oval plaque IDf base. Glue the house to base. about 112" from back edge.
Paint the trim around o utside edge of door and windows using the "Round Ball Trim" technique, attaching pearl beads while paint is still wet
Apply Decora�ve Snow behind the elea whele trees will be plaoed. then glue trees in place.
5. Assembly
Rnish applying Oooora�ve Snow over the top of b a se. Press the Sidewalk pleco into the snow
Glue the roo1 pieces in
place. Measure, cut and glue a peppermint stick 10 e ach side of hous e.
Decorate Roof Shingle the roof us1ng the six 1 112' woodlet hearts. three on e ach side of ro ot. Starting with red and alterna�ng with green. glu e the 112" round gumballs along top of root peak.
of roof.
Apply Fantasy Snow to the bottom ot each shingle and up to gumballs and peppermints.
Paint the ·scal lo ped" design on front of house Iollowing 'Eave Trim" Instructions. Use the 'Round Ba ll Trim" technique, attaching pea ri beads while paint is still wet. ••
peppermint to the front
of roof peak, then glue the rem aining peppermints a long
and !at dry. ,.
FinIshing Touches Apply S pa r1
Pictured on page 39
Follow detailed assembly and painting instructions on pages 4-6,
, . Preparation
Transfer patterns to wood Cut, $Cine! and stain all pieces. Transfer the location of the windows and the decorafing details to wood pieces. .
,. Paint .. follows
WINDOWS & TOP OF CHIMNEY - eradc FLAT GUM8ALLS 114"lumiture btrttos o - 811'800, 18 red ROUND GUM8ALLS 112" wooden t>alls· I green, I red PEPPERMINT 112" furniture ootton - Peppermint design of your
SIDEWALK - 314" woodl e t heart TREES - Paint both sizes 01 primitive hearts
3. Hou .. Trim R.,.,. 10 color picture & pattern' as you wwt. Paint hotly leaves and berries onlront 01 house.
•• Door & Window Trim
Give door in place on front 01 house. Paint a "Dotted Design" down the center I ron t 01 door.
Palnlthe trim around the outside edge 01 door and windows using ttle "Round Ball Trim". ettadling gold beads while paint Is s�II ....-e1.
5. DlICorale Roof
Glue rool pieces in place. Glue the green and red round gurnbans aIoog lOp of root peak. Glue the peppermint to fronl of root peak at lronl oj house. then glue flat gumballs In place aIoog lronl edge 01 root, &IIernating 8 fed and 8 green.
Poplar 1/4" x 2' x 12" piece H(M,IH' Pine 314" � 4" ��" piece Base·3". S" Re<:tangtJlar I'\fIqoe .
BITS" PIECES 1/'" Wood I'wnllur. Buttons 24 ,•. Wooden a..r. 2 •
,•. Wood I'w....... Bunon . , "'. Woodle! HHrI , 1 112" � 'IIo<:dof\ HNrU . 2 ,. PrimiIiw w--., Hearts· 2 •
'I'M'I GaId Be_ ' �
Glue the chimney In place. DecQr8te the rool using the "Snowy Rool with Candies" technique (use 4 nat red gumbalts on each side 01 root). Apply Fanlasy Snow around top 01 chimney. Painl the trim under !he rool eaves (p. 4).
•• o.cont. Wood B... Use the 3" x 5" rettangvlar plaque !of the base. Glue the house to base, about 1/2" lrom back &dOe. Glue the sidewalk piece in place and let dry . Apply Fanlasy Snow behind the erea where trees witt be placed, lhen glue trees "n place. Finish applying Fantasy Snow OYer top of base. ,. Flnl,hlngTouche,
Apply Sparkle Glaze to the
Ironl of Irees and all candies
House CUI 1 Ifom ....
. ,," "" , from popjar
OOOR '" , --
�--I I I I I
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&)[jJ)r,:ill[l &)[hC900 � HOUSE
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, I I OOOR "" , -
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Pictured on page 39
Follow detailed assembly and painting Instructions on pages 4-6.
HOuse ........ ... ... PoPIor
114" x 'Z' x 1'Z' piece HOuse· Pine 3:." x 6" • 6" piece eas. . s· • r o.aJ f'II,QW
BITS & PIECES 114" Wood Furnlrur. Butlons· 26 1/2" WooOen Bals· 3 314" Wood Fumilurf Bunon - I !J1&" Wood Dowel· &' 3.'4' WoodIoto ....�, 2 I 112" f'rirriIio.M Woochl HNrtI- 3 2" PrItnitivII Woochl HNI� - 2 I 112" Tal G� WOOdIets Boy" Girl (I 0/ UCI"l)
1. Preparation Trans!er patterns to wood. C ut , sand and st ain all pieces. Trllnsrer the location of the window and decorating details to wood pieces. 2.
Paint as follows WINDOW" TOP OF CHIMNEY - Black FLAT GUMBAlLS If4' furniture buttons - e green.
arld 6 white.
4mm SiMlr SNCII - 90
12 red
118" Fled $elin Ribbon
!12" wooden balls· 2 green, 1 red PEPPERMINT
3/4" furn iture button - Design of your choice PEPPERMINT STICK - SfIS" doY.reI (set aside) SIDEWALK · 3{4' woodlet hearts. TREES -
Both sizes 01 primitive hearts.
Stain and paint.
3. House Trim Refer to c% r pic/ura & patterns as you worlr. Paint holly iellVllS and berries on front of house. Paint the "scalloped" deSign on front 01 house IoIIowing 'Eave Trim" instructions. U&e!he 'Round Sal Trim" technique, allactting silver beads while palnt is stil weI. 4.
Door & WindowTrim Glue door in place on front 01 house. Paint a 'Ootted Design" doWn Ceflter front 01 door. Paint the trim aro und the outSide edge of door and window using the "Round Ball Trim" technique, attactting silver beads while the paint i$ stil wet
5. Roof Glue the roof pieces In place. Measura. cut and glue a peppermint stick 10 ead'l side 01 house. "
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 6. Decor.te Rool
Starling with green and alternating with red, glue round gumballs along top of roof peak. Glue the peppermint to Itont ot roof peal( at front ot tlouse, then glue flat gumballs in place along front edge of roof, a/temating 8 green, S white andS red.
Glue the chimney in place. Decorate the rool using the "Soowy Rool wilh Candies" tec:hn lque. Use 2 flal red gumballs on chimney side of rool and
7. Decorate Wood Base Use the 5" II 7" oval plaque for the base. Glue the house to base, about 1 114" from back edge. Glue the sidewalk piece In place and let dry. Apply Fantasy Snow behind the area whele trees win be placed, then glue trees In place. Repeat this technique lor the glngertread kids. Finish applying Fantasy Snow over top 01 base. 8, FInishing Touche. Apply Sparkle Glaze to the lront of trees and a. candies on house.
CHIMNEY c..t 1 lrom pine
ROOF �, lrom p
I I I I pI ' I I I
\ ,
HOUSE CUt 1 lrom pine
i " •
® () r, -
000' �,
!rom PQPI.,
Pictured on front COV6f
WOOD NEEDED � " AccIuoriM , PopIw ''' ' x 8'I2'�-2 '''' x e' • 2' pIfJce 11"", 3'. 2' plecl 2' x 2" x e' piece
"".,.".,., 114' I 12". 18" p;eoa
r I 2" I 15" JqIIar
11<1' Wood F\miII.Q Bunons 94 •
3/8' 1/2' 3/4" If.!" :if'"
Wood F'-""'Il.q ButIonI . a7 Wood Fumill>re Bunons· 2 Wood FurnllU'" Buttons· 4 Wooden a,nl' 21 WOOlIe! H8arts . 10
Woodle! Hurts· 9
2112' �_"""." 4mm SiYfi EINdt 40(1 •
Follow detailed assembly and painting Instructions on pages 4-6,
Prepal111lon Transfar patterns 10 poplar wood. Cut, sand and slain all pleoos. Transfer me location of windows and the decorating details to wood pieces.
Paint .. follows WINDOWS & TOP Of' CHIMNEY· Slade FLAT QUMBAllS 1/4' fumllure buttons· 54 green, 40 red :'1/8' furniture buttons· 28 green, 56 red PEPPERMINTS Three 3/S'furnilllre buttons and 112'& 314' furniture buttons · Design of )'Our dloice ROUND QUMBAlLS 1/2" wooden balls· 11 green, 10 red HEART DECORATIONS 3/4' woodlet hearlS" one I' woodlel heart. SIDEWALK · Two I' woodlel hearts TREES .. BUSHES 2 112"" primitive hearts and the remaining I" woodlel hearts
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 3, House Trim Refer to color pIcture & psttems BS you wori', Glue the doof to front of main h ouse .
Glue the '" heart docorat ion to the back of house in place 01 round window. Glue the 3/4" he a rt docorations to house and h ous e additions. Paint the sprigs on each side of heart decorations with Bri ght Green Coiorpoint pa int.
Paint the 'sca IiOped" d es ign on front and oack of house follow ing "Eave Trim' instructions. Use the "Star Trim" technique, attachi ng pearl beads while paste is still weI.
Glue ftat gumballs and peppermints to front and back of main house and to the front 01 ho use additions. On front and back of house, squeeze small balls of Snow White Co!orpoint paint along top edge 01 candies. WitHe still w et use a pai r of tweezers to place a silver bead in the oonter of each paint ball. Repeat this technique around tlte outer edge 01 candies o n ho us e a d ditioos .
"Star Trim" technique. attaching silver beadS while paste is still wet. Pa in t II "Dotted Design"down the
cllnter front of door.
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the trim around the outside ed ge 01 door lind windows using the
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Door 8. Window Trim
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6. Roo! eave.
S. Auembly:
MAIN HOUSE· Paint one side 01 roof pieces with White acrytic paint. When dry. glue the main house pieces toge1t1er. making sure the white side 01 roof pieces are facing up when you glue Ihem in place.
Paint the trim under the maln house's roof eaves using 1t1e 'Star Trim' lectmique. attad'lirlg silWlr beads wtllkl the paste is still wet. 7.
HOUSe AOOInONS . Paint one 6io'e of all roof pieces with White acrylic paint. When dry. glue 1M house add;�on, l(!ge1t1er. making sura Ihe wtllte ,ide 01 roof pieces are facing up when you glue them in place. Glue a house addition to each side 01 main house.
Decorata Rool, MAIN HOUSe· Slarting with groan and a1lernating with red. glue thlrleen 112' round gumballs along lop of rool peak. Gille a 3/4' pepperminl at roof peak on front and back 01 house, \hen glue 3/8"1181 gumballs in place .Iong the edges of roof (a"emato green lind red).
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••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Whan you get the (lesired look, glue the
HOUSE AOOlTlONS - Starting with red aoo altemadng with green, glue bur 112" round gumbal. along top 0I1OOf peak 01 eadl house addition, Glue a 318" peppermint atlront 01 roo peak on each addition, then glll6 t/4" flal gumballs In place along Ironl edge of rOO (alternate green and red). SNOW ON ROOFS - Place the chimney on rool 01 main house (do nol glue). When you get it positioned properly, draw a pencil line IIfOUfId the base 01 chimney and Mt It aside. Using I apatuia and Deeoratiflg Pastl,
"frost" In 3 rooIs, making sura you do 1101
COYer area where chimney wiQ be glued. Work lillY careluly around the candies on peaks and lront edges 01 roof .
dlimney in place. Appty Deoorator Paste
around \he top 01 chimney.
MAIN HOUSE - Press seven 318- red flal gumballs into snow on chimney side 01 rool and nine on the other side 01 roof.
HOUSE AODITIONS - Press two 318" red Iial gtJmballs into snow on each ollha side rools. 8.
Decorate Wood Balle Use the lf4" plywood piece lor the base. Painl the top of base with White acrylic paint. GllJB the house to base. Using Decora�ng Paste and a spatula, apply. 31IS" tt-kk Iayef of "snow". Immediately press the trees. bushes and sidewalk pieces into the SIIOW. Aller the snow has dried. loosen Ind remove trees and bushes, then gtlJB back in place.
I 1
FRONT OF HOUSE ADOmON CuI 2fram poplar
_ 211f- _ Diagram of HOUSE ADDITIONS ,�,
"' . �-_2114" _
a ,,,-
Pictured on front COl1:!f
Follow detailed assembly and painting instructions on pages 4-6.
WOOD NEEDED Train - �ar
114" x 2"" 2' pie<;u 2 114"" 3".2' pieces· 2 _
BITS & PIECES 114" Wood Fumiluf.. Buttons" 24 3/8" Wood Furniture Bullons" 24 112:' Wooden Balls' 10 314" Wood Furnilufe Button -, , '14" Wood Wheels - 16 3/4" Woodle! Huns' 2 '" Woodle! HeariS - 2 ,- WOOdIe! Gingarbread Boys. 4 5/16" Wood D
1. Preparation TrenSfef the p ane r ns 10 popla r wood. In add ilion , measure and mark \WQ 3 112" x 2 112" rectangles lor bases of Cars 2 & 3 and a 4 114" x 2 112" r ectar"lgle /of the base 01 caboose. Cui, S8r"1d Qr"ld stair"l all pieces. Transfellf1e l oca�o n of wimiows
ar"ld Ihe decorating delalls to wood pieces.
Paint as foll o ws
WINDOWS (engine 8> taboo$e only)' Black
FLAT GUMBALLS 114" i1;miture buttons - 20 green, 4 red 31S"lurniture buttons - 12 green, 12 re d
4mm Pearl Beads, 400 11/1G" Screw Eyes· 6 118" Roo S.�n Ribbon" 2 yds
ROUND GUMBALLS 112" w ooden balls
All 10 green
PEPPERMINTS 1 1/4' wood wheels - Method I, btl! make the stripes straight inslead 01 curved.
, ,
, ,
, ,
GINGERBREAD BOYS" Stain and paint
, , , , -, - ,
HEART DECORATIONS" 314' & I" woodlet hearts
314' furniture button " Desigr"l of your c;hoice
PEPPERMINT STICK - 5/16" dowel (set aside)
Train CarTrim Refer to
, ,
cotor picture & patterns as you work.
ENGINE & CABOOSE - Paint the ho lly leaves and berries on eng ine walls.
CAR 2 BACK '" ,
Paint the lrim around the outside edge of the windows on the engine and caboose using the 'Round ean Trim" technique, attaching pearl beads while paint is stn weI. CARS 2 & 3· G lue the \" gingerbread boys in place on all four side s of Car 2.
,- �
, ,
, ,
Glue the 1" heart decorations on all lour sides 01 Car 3. Paint the sprigs on each side of hearts with Bright Green Co lorpoint paint on sides of car o nly. 4.
Assemble Train CII" Refer to
color picture & diagrams as you worlf.
Glue the walls of each car in place on base (walls
should not overlap - see the diagram on page 36).
CD Mitl e
(continlH!d on page 20)
CIII. 2 '12" square Ind
I T lqua,. r'Qm PQPI".
11 1--
pIIirJt 1M door ""_
pitK»_IM ....... M __
D o�
CABOOSE ROOF PIECES "'_2112'0' '1Ir_1n>m�.
_ ..
-01_"" -.-
"" '
e.. I 3 Ill" • 2 lIZ" I)ioce. _:r• 2" I)ioce
I \
\ I
CAR 3 '''''''' • BACK �,
continued Measure, cut and glue peppermint litidu> 10 where walls meet
ENGINE · Glue roof pieces in place. Paint the trim under rool eaves (p.4). Glue the 1 114" 00weI sideways to the lronl ot engine. Paint holly leaves and berries. Glue a 3/4" peppermint to the front 01 eoglne. Encircle the peppermint with eight '14" lIat gumballs, alterna�ng green and red. Paint "Round Ball Trim' between each Ilat gumball, attaching silver beads wt1ile paint Is still weI. Cut a t ' and t 318" long piece of peppermint stick., glue to engine lor smoke stacks, !hen gtue a round green gumbal on top 01 each smoke stack. Glue twelve 318' Ital gumballs around top edge ot engine rool, alternating green and red.
8. Connect Car.
Open up :3 of the screw eyes usirlg a pair 01 needle nose pliera Scfew the 'open' screw ayes Inlo the center lront of base 00 Car 2, Car :3 and the caboose. Screw the 'unopened' screw eyes Into the center back 01 base on engine, Car 2 and Car 3. Attach cars, then use your needle nose pliers 10 close Ihe open screw eyes.
CARS 2 & 3 Glue a green round gumbaR to the lop lour corne.s 01 each car. •
CABOOSE · Glue .oof pieces in place. Paint the Irim under the roof eaves (p. 4). Glue 3/8' Iial gumbatls around lop edge ot osboose rool, alternating green and red. All CARS · Pail'll trim around bottom 01 each car USing 'Round Ball Trim' technique, attaching silver beads wt1ile paill Is still wet. S.
Apply Snow Apply Fantasy Snow to the rools oj the engine and caboose, on !he front pa.1 01 the engine and to !he top edges and down the sides ot Cars 2 and 3. WOtk vary carelully around the 'osndies' - you don't WlnllO COYer !hem up completely.
6. Attsch Wheels
CUi eight 3 114" long pieces of 114" dowel. Glu8 8 114" green flat gum08ll lO the cel'ller hole ot each wheel. then attach a wt1&e1 to each end 01 dowel pieces. ENGtNE · Glue on8 wheel ll&Sembly to lhe bottom ot base about 3/4' from bad< edge. Glue the second wheel assembly about 2' apart from the fitSl. CABOOSE, CAR 2 & CAR 3 . Glue one ...meel asserrtlly to the bottom 01 baH about 3/4' trom front edge. Gtue the second wheel assembly about 2" apart from the tltst. 7.
FlnlshlngTOt.Ichea Apply Sparkle GIa�e 10 all candies. hearts. g�erbread boys and train wheels.
�, ' rT-------"
Pictured on page 2
Follow detailed assembly and painting instructions on pages 4·6.
WOOD NEEDED HoU$e Poplar •
114' x 8" x 2' pieces · 2 Base . Plywood 114' x 14' x 14' pillCe BITS lie PIECES l ' WoocIe! S!a, . 1 3/4' Wood Fumlture 6oJ11ons · 24
lr2' Wooden Balls · 24
5116' 1 1r2' 3/4' 1 1/4'
Wood DaMoI · 24'
Wooden Nid<els . 43 WOO
Woodle! He.rlS - 8 2' Primitive Woodlet Hearts· 13
4mm Pearl Beads
liS' Red Salin Ribbon · 2 � Sheet Roc!< Compound or Plasler SUPPUES FOR SNOWPEOPlE
3 lr2' Wooden Doll Bodies l' Black Fe� Hal Plaid Fabfic Scraps Pink Blush Of Eye Shadow
Round Toothpick Qr Oraf1g8 Amo
Polymer Clay (ma� nose ofyour cI>oice)
Preparation Transfer patterns to poplar wood. Cut. sand end stain all pieces. Transler the locatioo of windows and the decorating details to wood pieces.
Paint as followS WINDOWS - Black WOODlET STAR · Antique Gold PEPPERMINTS
314" furnilure buttons - Design of yom choice ROUND GUMBAllS: 112" wooden balls - 1 2 green, 1 2 red PEPPERMINT STICK - 5/16' dowel (581 aside) SIDEWALK · 3 of lhe 1
112' wooden nickels
mEES 3. BUSHES - 2' prim�ive woodlet hearts and the 1 114' and 314' woodlel hearts
3. House Trim
Refer to color picture " pattern, as YOII work. Glue the peppermints to the front of house and the woodlet star to the back of house. Paint the "scalloped" design on front and back 01 housa following 'Eave Trim' inSln.Jctions. Use the 'Round Ball Trim'techniqua, attaching pearl beads while painl is still wet. Add trim around woodlat star using 'Round Ball Trim' techniqua. Paint the holly leaves and berries on ttle front and sides 01 house.
4. Door & Window TrIm Glue the door in plaoo 011 frQl1t 01 house. Peint the 'Cross-Buck Design & Wreath' on the center . front of door. Paint the trim eroond outside edge of door end windows using the 'Round Ball Trim' technique, attaching pearl beads while Itle paint is still wet. S. Assembly Glue the house pieces together. Lei dry, then glue rool pieces in place. Meesure, cuI end attach a peppermint s�ck to each corr.er of house.
(con�"ued tNI "..., FYfIe) "
continued 6. Decorate Rool Shingle the roof using 40 wooden nickels. Cut lour of the nickels in naH. Starting with green and alternating with rad, glue Iourleen 1/2" round gumbaJis along top of roof peak. Glue a peppermint to Iront of roof peak at !rorl! and back of house, then glue peppermints in place aloog 'roo! and back edge of roof. Apply Fantasy Snow to oot!om of each shingle and up to gumballs and peppermints. Apply Sparkle Glaze to the en�re roof. Paint the trim urlder roof eaves and dowrl front edges of flIlPpermint sticks (p. 4). 7. Snowpeople Paint the doll bodies with While acrylic paint. Blush the cheeks using makeup blush and yoor finger. Dip-dot both people's eyes, buttons and the snowman's mouth wiltl Black. Paint snowlady's mouth Cardinal Red. Paint the eyebrows and eyelashes Black. SNOWMAN · Make a tiny carrot from the orange Fimo clay and bake. GIUB to snowman's face. Glue a 3/8" wide strip of fabric aroond black fall hal for a hatband.
Tie a 6" piece of red saliro ribboro iroto a bow arod glue to hat. Glue hal to snowmarl's
head. Glue a 1/2" wide strip of plaid fabric aroond sroowman'S neck for a scarf. CUI a small "V" at each end Of scarf. SNOWLA DY · Orill a 1/16" hole iro her faca, lI1ero glue a 1/4" piece of toothpick iroto hole for a nose. CUI a triangle of plaid fabric and �e it around her head lor a head scarf. Set sroowpeopte asida. 8. Decorate Wood Base Use the 1/4" plywood piece for the base. Glue the house to base. Using lI1e shaat rock compound or plaster, apply a 1/4" to 3116" thick layer of .snow".
Immediately press the trees, bushes. snowpeople, gumballs and sklewalk pieces into the snow (refer to color picture for
placement kleas). After lI1e snow has dried, Ioosero and ramove trees and bust1es, paint lI1e ·sroow·CQ\ltlred" base Wh�e, then glue pieces back iro place.
9. Flrol,hlngT01,lchn Apply Spar1de Glaze to the base. trees, bushes and all candles.
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 7 "'I"
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Pictured on page 2
WOOD NEEDED Sle;g, - Poplar 114" xl" x2' piece
Follow detailed assembly and painting instructions on pages 4-6"
Sase · Pine 1/2" x 3 112"x ro" piece
Wood Fu.niWfe Buttons . 4 '" Wooclet HesrI · 1 23/4" Tall Woodiet Reindee, · 9 3 112" Doll Pin 318"
4mm Peart Beads · 75 4mm SiMI' Beads · 50 Gold MetaUie CO«! ·1 1/2 yds
1. Preparation Transfer sleigh patterns to poplar wood. Cut, sand and stain all pieces. Transfer the location of the decoraling details to sleigh pieces and reindeer.
2. Paint as fonows FLAT GUMBALLS 31S"lurnilure bl.ittons · All 4 green HEART DECORATION · '" woodlet heart
3" Assemble Sleigh (refer to diagram as YOII work)
Glue the lront, back and side pieces arourld edges of base, then glue Nrlrlel"5 to bottom 01 sleigh.
4. Trim on Sleigh Refer to color picture & pattems as you worlr. Paint holt)' leaves and berries on sleigh's side pieces. Paint the trim around the front edges of sleigh's side pieces (do not apply to top edge) using the "Round 6all Trim" technique, attaching peart beads while the paint is still wet. Glue the heart decoration to the sleigh's front piece Glue a Iial gum ball to the top four corners sleigh. Apply Fantasy Snow to the top edges and down the sides of sleigh. FACE PATTERN
5. Santa
Lightly sketch Santa's face onto doll pin with a pencil. Paint the rest 01 the doll pin with Cardinal Red acrylic paint. Dip-dol the eyes with Black. Transfer the arm/hand pattern to each side oj santa, Oulline arms with Black acrylic paint. Paint the hands with AC Flesh. Let dry, then apply a coat of Spar�e Glaze over his clothing, Apply a little Fantasy Snow to cuff area on each arm. Apply Fantasy Snow to hal, and beard area, framing the entire face. Continue around back of head and down his back to make hair. Squeeze a large ball of Snow White Colorpoint paint on top 01 hat for a pom porn. 6. Reindeer
Make $Ure all reindoor are facing the same direction. Paint the holly leaves and berries on the front of each reindee•.
Paint It1e bridle by making tiny dots with Bright Green Cotorpoint paint. Apply a small dot of Cherry Red Cotorpoint paint where the bridle lines cross.
ideas). Apply Fantasy Snow down the center of base, between the pencil markS. Hot glue the reindeer in place, then glue sleigh in place. Finish applying Fantasy Snow over top of base. Scatter silVer beads in the snow and lighUy press in place. Glue santa into sleigh.
Apply tiny dots 01 Snow While Cdorpoint paint around the perimeter of each reindeer. Dip·dot eyes with Black acrylic paint.
Fotd the gold metallic cord piece in half. Place center of cord around front reindee�s neck and tie a kno1. Making sure you leave some slack in the cord as you work, wrap the cord around each reindee�s neck, tying a knot as you go unlil you get back 10 santa. Tie the cord together into a knot. Trim excess cord, leaving about 2' beyond the knot, then glue the knot to top of sleigh.
Make a small dot nose with Scribbles Black paint on 6 of the reindeer. Apply a small dot nose to remaining reindear (Rudolph) with Cherry Red Colorpoinl paint. 7. Assembly
Lay out the reindeer and sleigh on base, making sure Rudolph is In front, and mark the locations
with a pgncil (refer to color picture lor placement
/ I \
\ I /
. 0 .• ' '... .
.J g
______ ______ __
Cui 9 from poplar �
you can� lind !'"'-<:tIt
reindeer ... a aaH 51<•••.
Pictured en page 38
Follow detailed assembly and painting Instructions on pages 4-6.
ChUl'Ch Birdhouse 1. Preparation
II you are using a wood birdhouse, sand and slain (flO preparation is necessary lor paper mache). Transfer location of decorating details to birdhouse. 2. Paint as follows
FLAT GUMBALLS 114" lurnilure buttons -
1 2 green, B red & B wh�e
PEPPERMINTS 318' lurniture buttons · DesJgn 01 yoor rooice HEART OECORATlON - 314" woodlet heart
3. House Trim Refer to color picture & patterns as you work. Glue the heart decoration to the bad<: of house. Painl lhe sprigs on either side 01 heart with Bright Green CoIorpoint paint. Paint holly leaves and berries on front of birdhouse. 4. Ooor & WindowTrim
Paint the trim around the entrance hole. under the roof, and around Ihe edges of birdhOUse using the "Round Ball Trim' teronique, attaching silver beads while painl is still wet. 5. Decorate Roof Glue a peppermint to lront 01 rool peak at front and
back of house, then glue flat gumbatts in place along front and bad<: edge 01 rool. alternating green, red and white. Decorate the roof using the 'Snowy Roor technique. using Oecorative Soow instead 01 Fantasy Snow.
6. Finishing Touches
Dab some Decorative SflOW on chimney. cross and perch. Let dry. Apply Sparkle Glaze to the att the snowy areas and candies on house. Wrap the center 01 silver cord around the cross, then tie the ends into a knot 10 make a loop hanger.
Schoolhouse Birdhouse
Christmas Birdhouse
WOOD OR PAP ER MAtHE NEEOED 4 112' School House BiI'!Ilouse
BITS. PIECES 1/4' Wood fvrninJ.. ewon.· 48 3/.' Woodle! ....,.. 1
BITS & PIECES 114' Wood ftJrriture I!u!rcr-., . 26
4mrn Gold BNdI · ,00 Saeoo E."e· 1
4mm PeaI1 I1ea$ . ISO ScnwEye - '
3 1 /2" Birtllouse
MMalIic SiIwr CMI . V
Uetdc SiIwr Cote!
1. Pre,w1Itlon
If you are using II wood birdhouse, &and and stain (no prep.Kl1I.tion Is necessary for paper mache). Traruofer location 01 deoorntino details to birdhouse. Attach II screw eye to center lop of birdhouse.
20 green.
FLAT GUMBAllS If"" furniture buIlOl1S ' 14 green,
28 red.
HEART DECORATlON . 314" woodlet heart 3. HouaeTrlm
Ref&r to color picture II you work.
3. HouseTrim
Refer to co/or plcluf8 .s you work.
Glue the hear' decoration to the back of house. Paint sprigs on e�her side of heart with Bright Green �orpoint pain!.
Paint the holly leaves and berrin on front of birdhouse.
Door & WlndowTrlm Paint the trim around the entrance hole. under roots' eaves and around edges of birdhouse using the "Round B3B Trim" techolique, attaching silver beads 'MIlle the paint is slil wet.
Decora1e Roof' Glue a Ilat green gumbaU to Iront 01 each 1001 peak al Il(Inl and back of house, then glue flat gumbalts in place along front and back edge of root, a�efl"latlng red and green. OeconIte roof using "Snowy RooI with CandiEls' techniQue, using 5 flat red gumballs on each side 01 large roof and 1 flat red gumball on each side 01 small roof.
•• Finishing Touchea •
AWly Sparlda Glaza to all the candies on house. Thread tho $liver cord through screw eye, then tie the ends Into a knot \0 make a loop hanger.
12 red
HEART DECORATlON - 314' woodle! heart
Glue the hearl decoration to the back of house. Pair'll 1118 sprigs on either side 01 heart with Bright Green �orpoint paint.
2. Paint as follows
2. PIlnt .s follows
1 . Preparation
II you are using II wood birdlouse, &and and slaln (no prepa/atlon Is necessary !of paper machl). Transfer location of decora�no details 10 birdhouse. Attach II screw eye 10 center top of birdhouse.
FLAT GUMBALLS 114" furniture bunons
Vt'oodel "*,, . ,
Paint tM holly leaves and berries on front 01 birdhouse. 4. Door & Window trim Paint the trim around the entrance hole. under the root. and around the edges of birdhouse uUtg the "Round BaY Trim" technique. attaching pearl beads while paint is slil wet. ••
Decora1e Roof Glue a green gumbal to front 01 roo! peak at front and back 01 house. then glue flat gumballs in place along lront and back edge 01 rooI, alternating red and green. Decorata the roof using the "Snowy Roof" technique.
•• FInishing Touches
Apply Sparlde Glaze to all the candies on house. Thread the silwr cord tlvough screw eye. therl lie the ends Into a kl"\Ot to make II loop hanger.
Pictured on page 38
Follow detailed assembly and painting instructions on pages 4-6. WOOD NEEDI!O Om.."enlS PopIIlI 11.' � 8' . 2' p;ec. •
BITS" PIECES I" WoodIe4 SW· 1 lW Wood F..niIunI Buttons · 11 314" WoodllJl Hun · 1
4..... PHr1 8NOI 250 •
&r.w Eyn · 3 Gold Cord ,. SiIwI, Cord · 18" •
1 . Prep.ration Transfer patterns to poplar wood. Cut, sand and stain a" pilees. Transler the IoeatiO!'1 01 thll decorating details to wood pieces. 2. Paint at follows WOOOLET STAR
Antique Gold
114" furniture bul1O!'1S ' 3 gr86{1, 4 red & 4 blue,
HEART OECORATlOH · .314" woodlet heM
3. Gingerbread Lady Glue heart deeofation ., place. Paint sprigs on each side 01 heart with Bright Green COIorpoint paint Paint lhe trim around Ihu front edges of lady using !he "Round eal Trim" lOChniqoo, attaching peart beads while paint is still wet Usa the same technique to paint !he ayes and mooth. 4. Christmas Trill! Refer to color picture & psttllrn as you WfNk.
Paint tho gartand and trim around fronl edge of tree using "Round Ball Trtm" technique, anacl1ing pearl beads while paint is still wet Glue the flat gumbafls in pLace on tree referring to the color picture on page 38 lIS you work. Glue woodIet star In place.
5. Reindeer Paint the hoi)' leaves and bernes on the relnclaer. Palnl the trim around front edges 01 reindeer USing "Round BaIt Trim". attaching peart beads while paint is soo weL Paint the bridle by making dots with Bright Green CoIofpoint pal'll. Appfy a dol 01 CheffY Red CoIorpoint paint where !he bridle Hoes cross. Dip-dot his eye with Black acryfic pal'll. Mak. a small dot nose with SCribbles Bladl pein\. Till the piec;e of gold cord into a baw around his neck.
6. Auamb!y
Attach a SCf8W aye to the top of each ornament Thread a 6" piece 01 sliver cord through screw eye and tie ends together with a knot for a loop hanger.
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• GIni/OIb
"n . " .. . �m
cut .... __ 1000 .. _.,.--
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ORNAMENTS Cot 1 01 Nell
Pictured Of! page 39
Follow detailed assembly and painting Instructions on pages 4-6,
Gingerbread People House 1. Preparation
Transfer patterns to poplar wood. Cut, sand and stain al pieces. Transfer the location 01 the wiooaws and decoradng details 10 wood pieces. 2. Paint as follows WINDOWS · Black FlAT GUUBAllS 1/4- furniture buttons · 8 green, 40 red 3IS' f1;miture buttons · All 10 green ROUND GUMBALLS 112" wooden balls · 3 green, 4 red SIDEWALK · l' woodlel hurl TREES · 2" primiti� woodIet hearl. GINGERBAEAD PEOPLE · Stain and palnl 3. HouseTlim Refer to colorpicture " pattern. as you 0\'0rlI". Glue a 1" girogeroread boy to Ihe lronl end back 01 house Paint lhe sprigs on eilher side 01 him with Bright Green CoIorpoinl paint. .
Door " Window Trim Glue door in place on Ironl 01 house. Paint a "Dotted Design' down cenler fronl of door. Paint lhe lrim arOlmd the oolside edge 01 door and windows using Ihe "Round Ball Trim" lechnique, attaching pearl beads while paint is still wet.
5. AsNmbly
Glue the house pieces together. Lei dry. then glue roof pieces in place.
Decorale Roof Starti� with red and a�emating with green, glue 1/2' roond gumbalis aloog top of roof peak.
Hou.. PoclI.. 1/." x 4" x 2' pIKe Base· 5"" 1" Deco PIf.QUI •
Brrs " PlI!:CES 1/4" Wood Fumhl.or. Bun"". · 48 3.'8" Wood Futnilu.. Bunon. · 10 117 Wooden 88lI$ · 1 I" WoodIM HMn · t 2" Primlw. Woodle! HMm . 2
1 lIZ' Tal GO'III.,;blead WoocIel!!
Ik¥ &. Girl j! 01_1
I" WoodItI GlngerbrHd Boys . 2 41Mi "-,rl 8H
Glue a 318" green flal gumball l0 front of rool peak al Ironl and badl of house, than glue flat gumballs in place along Iront and back edge 01 rool (refer 10 color picture lor sires and coiofs).
Decorale the fOOl using the 'Cross Hatched' technique (see diagram above). Glue a 1/4' led flal gumball in the cel\ler 01 each block 00 roof using !he color piclure on page 39 as a guide for placement. Paint the trim under roo! eaves (p. 4). 7. Decorate Wood Baae Use the S' � 7" plaque lor lhe base. Glue the house 10 base, about 112" from back edge. Glue the sidewalk piece in place and fet dry. Aw!y Fantasy Snow behind tile area where trees win be placed, then glue trees in place. Repeat this technique lor the glngeroread boy and girl. Finish applying Fantasy Snow
OYer lop 01 base.
B. Flnl.hlngTouchq Apply Sparlde Glale 10 the kont 01 trees, holly leaves an
House wjCandy Roof 1.
Transfer panerns to poplar wood. CuI, &.Inti and Slain II pieces. Transler the location of 1hII 1'I'indow$ and the 0Iea'11ng details 10 wood pieees.
2. PIIIn1 as follow. WINDOWS - 81ack FLAT GUMBALLS 1/4' furniture buttons - All 10 red 318' /urniture buttons · 12 graen, 14 red
ROUND GUMBALLS 1/2" wooden tlalls - 4 green, 3 red
BIl' . S' x
SIDEWALK - '" woodlet heart
TREES · Both siZes of primilil'E! hearts
1/4' x 4' x 2' P'tce
7' Oeco Plaq....
1/4" Wood FUmilure Buttons · 10 318" Wood Fumilure Buttons 26 , 8.oI• • 7 112" 'NoodIo I' '11oode1 Hurt· 1 I" Pr' . , -.; .. Woodlel Heart · 1 1 1/2" Po.,IiIi., � HINlI . 1 :!' PrWn!li\lt WoocIeI Hearts 2 •
Rafer to co/or picture & ".ttem. .. � won:. Paint \he holly IeaYes and berries on the front and back of house.
4. Door & Window Trim GhJe door in place on Iront 01 house.
4mm Pearl BMdIo 200 •
Palm a "Dotted Design' down center front of door.
Paint the trim around the outside edge 01 ooor and windows using the "Round Ball Trim" tKhnique, attaching pearl beads while paint is still wet.
.a....mbly Glue house pie<:es together. let dlY. then glue roof pieces In place. Paint roof with WMe ac� paint
6. Decorate Roof
Slatting with green and alternating with red, � round gumballs along top of roof peak. Glue 8 3/8" red flat gumbail lo lront 01 rool peak .l lront and back 01 house, then glue 318" lla1 gumbal!t m place along front and back edge 01 rool, 8llernatlng green and red. Make a "Snowy Roof with Candies" usJng live 1/4' flat red gumballs on each skle 01 roo!. Paint the trim under roof eaves (p. 4).
1. DecoratlWood Base
Use the S' x 7" plaque for the base. Gfue the house to base. about If.!' from bad< edge. Gtue the sidewalk piece in place and III dry. Apply Fantasy Sr'lOW behind the Ilea whe� trees will be ptaoecl. then gtue trees in place. Fjn�h applying Fantasy Snow OYer top 01 bue.
8. FinllhlngTouches Apply Sparkle Glaze to all candies on hoose.
� ill®mOO0
House w/Silver Bead RooS 1. Preparation
Transfer patterns to poplar wood. Cut, sand and stain all pieces. Transfer the location of the wlrlClows and the decorating details to wood pieces.
2. Paint as follows WINDOWS · B/ad( ROUND GUMSALLS
WOOD NEEDEO Iiouse . Poplar
112' wooden balls · 4 green, 3 red
1/." • •" . 2 ' p;ec. Base 5" x r Deco Plaque
HEART DECORATIONS · 'fINo 3/4" woodlel heart•. SIOEWALK· '" woodlet heart.
TREES - Both sizes 01 primitive hearts.
lt2" Wooden &.lI• • 7
3.'4' WoodIe! ....... . 2
'" WoooIoot Hull · 1 1 112" PI�r".. � Huns · 2 2" Prifrlilio4 'Io'oocIM HNttI 2
3. House Trim R.r.r 10 color picture " prmwns as )'OU wort, Glue the heart de<:oratioos to the front and bade 01 hoose. Paint the sprigs on each side 0 1 heartS with Bright Green Colorpolnt paint.
4mm Si,,-, BHdI . 300
Door & Window Trim Glue door in place on Iront 01 house. Paint II 'Dotted Design' dowfI OOI1ter froot of door. Paint the trim around the outside edge 01 door and windows using the 'Round Ban Trim" tedlnlqoe, eUaching silYer beads while paint is stin wet.
5. Anembty Glue the house plKet together. LeI dry, then glue roof pieces in plaoe. Paint the roo! with White acrylic paint. Let dry.
8. Decorate Roof
Staning wiIt1 green and altemating with ffld. glue the t12" round gumballs along rool peak. Make a 'Snowy Roof with Sitller Beads'. Paint the trim under rooI eaves (p. 4).
Decorate Wood ealMl Use the 5" x r plaque lor base. Glue the ho"se to
base, aboul lf2' from back edge. Glue the sidewalk piece in place and lei dry. Apply Fantasy Snow behind area where trees will be placed. then gl"e trees in place. Finish ewlying Fantasy Snow over top of base. 8. FinishingTouehes
Apply Spar1de Glue to the hearts on the lront and back of house and 10 gumbans on rool.
3 1/2"
Il' ;-,
BACK Cul l lor taoch 1>Ou&e
'. ' ,�
�nl Ihe &erne design above windows on baclc of ""use ... you did on 1""'1.
" -
DOO' �,
I j "
CUI 2 101 eACl1 _ r"" .. < ...._,
3 1 /2"
SIDES CuI 2 lor _h house
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', , ,
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(;) \J (J
1 --- ' I I I I I I door I �""' nl 1 I I I I I I ...
FRONT - HOUSE WITH SILVER BEAD ROOF Cut I using �Qm ._ - replace gingetbre&d � with heart
1 - -- ' I I I I I I I pl.......... .- I I I I I I I FRONT - HOUSE WITH CANDY ROOF �,
I j
Pictured 00'1 back cover
Follow detailed assembly and painting Instructions on pages 4-6,
1 1. . 8 x 2' piece '
Base PtII)Ia, -
'''' l 8 - . r �
I. PrePflr.tlon
eITS & PIECES 1f." Wood F�rnitu,. BI,onons 48 1/2' Wood F....riIure 5uttons 12 :y.' Wood F....niII.n 9u!IoM 2 11'2" Wooden BaIfI 2 " Woodlet Heart 1 1 1/2" PnmiIiYI Wood\eI Hurt 1 2" PrWniti>e Woooiet Hurts 2 2 11'2" Primiliwr Woodet Helrts · 2 1 112" T8� Gingefbte"d WoodIl!$ ' 2
Transfer panerns to poplar wood. Cut. 5alld and stain all pieces. Transfer the location 01 "";ndows and the decorating dotaill to wood pieces.
2. Paint •• follows
FlAT GUMBAUS 1I4' lvmirura buttons - 16 each gr&ef\, red & whHI
PEPPERMtNTS If.!:" & 3/4" Il,lm�ure buttons - Design 01 your choice.
4mm Geld ae.dt 250 .
ROUND GUMBALlS 112' wooden balls · Both ere green StDEWALK
Glue e 3/4' peppermint to froot 01 roo! peak al lroot and back 01 house, then glue 1,,,'llat gumballs and 112" peppermints in place along edge 01 roots (reler to color picture lor colors). Decorate rools using the 'Snowy Roar technique. Fill the gap between roots and chimneys with Fantasy Snow. Appty Fantasy Snow around the lOp 01 chimneys.
I' woodle! heart.
TREES All sizes 01 primitive hearts -
GtNGERBREAD PEOPLE , Stain and paint.
3. HouHTrlm Refer 10 color picture '" pllttemll 115 you worlL Paint me holly leaves and berries on front arJd back of house. Painl lhe 'scalloped"' design on lront and badI 01 house IoIIowing 'Eave Trim" Instructions. Use the 'Star Trim' 18Chrlique, attaching gold beads while paste il slill wet. 4. Door & WlndowTrlm
Glue door in place 00 front of house, Painl the 'Cross-Buell with Wreath' desilJ1 00 fronl """Painl me trim arourJd the outside edge of doot and windoYols using the 'Star Trim" techniqoo. attaching gold beads while paint Is stil wet. S. Assembly
Glue the house pieces together. Let dry, then glue rool pieces and chimneys in place, making sure lhey are "usn al the inside of box.
6. Decorate Rool
Gloo a round gum ball to top 01 each roof peak.
Paint the trim under the roofs' e8V'H using 'Star Trim' technique. attaching gold beads while paste il still weI. 7.
Decorate Wood Base Use the 6" x 9' poplar piece for the base. GII.le the house to ba.se, about 1/2' trom back edge. Glue the sideWalk piece In ptace and let dry. Apply Fantasy Snow behind the area where trees w�1 be placed, then glue treel in place. Repeat !his technique !of the gingerbread boy and gi,t Finish applying Fantasy Snow over lOp of base.
8. Finishing Touches
Apply Spa"'Ie Glaze to the front of trees. holly leaves and all candies.
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Pictured on back cover
Follow detailed assembly and painting instructions on pages 4-6,
Toothpick Holder
Napkin Rings
WOOD NEEDED Toothpick Holder ' Poplar tl4' x 4' x 12' piece
WOOD NEEDED Wooden Napki'1 Rings · 4
BrTS .. PIECES I' Woodlel Gingerbnlad
Brrs .. PIECES
BalJs 4
4mm Pear1 &ads . 175
t' Woodl91 GinQeread
Boy• • 4
0< I' Woodle! Heans . 4 4mm 511"", Beads · 175
Boys 4 •
5Il6' Wood 00MI · e' piece 4mm Pea� Beads · 30
MI' Red Satin Ribbon
1 . Preparation
Transfer patterns to poplar. In addition, measure and mark a 2 112' square for base. CuI, sand and stain ell pieces,
2. Paint one or the other
2. Paint as lollows ROUND GUMBALLS 112' wooden bells · All 4 GINGERBREAD BOYS ·
Preparetion Sand and stain the napkin rings inside and out.
hearts. green
Stain and paint.
PEPPERMINT STICK · 5/16' dowel
(set aside)
3. Assembly Glue the holder walls together on top of base (walls shook:! not overlap, see diagram). Cut four t 112' long pieces of peppermint stick (assembled in step 2) and glue to oomers where walls meet. Gtue a round gumbalt to the top of each peppermint stick, Paint the trim along bottom of each wall using the 'Round 6all Trim' technique, attaching pearl beads while the paint is still wet.
3. Assembly Glue a gingerbread boy or heart to each napkin ring. If you are using gingerbread boys, paint the holly leaves end berries. II you are using hearts, paint sprigs on each side of heert with Bright Green CoIorpoint paint.
Paint 'Round Ball Trim' along the top and bottom groove of each napkin ring, attaching silver or pearl beads while the
paint is still wet.
, ,- ,
4. FlnlshlngTouches
Appty Fantasy Snow to the top edges and down sides of holder (refer to oolor picture on back cover for placement). Apply Sparkle Glaze to ell candies and gingerbreed boys.
TOPVlEW OFWALLS G"' ___ � """""" .. "'" "*"" """" b gIO>o"" Ii"' _ Iom ooco"",*.
" "
WOOD NEEDED Caddy Poplar 114" " 4" x 2' piece Base Poplar: 1/4" x 3 112' x S" piece
Salt a Pepper Caddy 1.
Preparation Transfer patterns to poplar wood. CUI, sand and stein all pieces. Transfer the location 01 windows and deco rating details to wood p�.
114' Wood F�mit�re B<mons - 34 t 112' Tal GO>gerbr""d Woodlels
2. Pain t as follows
Soy & GI� (1 '" each)
SitS- Wood Dowel - 2" pieoe
1/4' furnilure buttons ·
18 green.
I" Primitive Woodlel Hearts
16 rel:l
4mm Pearl Beads -
GINGERBREAD PEOPLE - Stain and paint
4mm Sir.." Beads 40 118' Red Salin Ribbon 1 112" Clamelfl' (maxim"",) _
PEPPERMINT STICK - 511S" dowel (set aside) TREES - t o plimi�ve woodle! heens
Sa" & Papper Shakers
Reier fa e% r picture & paltems as you work. Paint the holly leaves on front and back 01 house.
Door & Window Trim Glue door in place on lront 01 house. Paint II "Dotted Oesign" down cenler front of door.
Paint the trim around outside edge 01 door and windows using "Round Ball Trim" technique, attaching pearl beadS While paint is s1il1 wet.
S. Assembly Glue hoouso together. Glue roof pieces in place. making sure they are flush at the inside of box. Cut peppermint Slick (assemb!ed in step 2) to 1 112' long. then glue between rools for a handle.
S. Decorate Roof Starting with green al roo! peak and alternating w�h red. glue flat gumballs along front edge of roof. Make a 'Snowy Roof with SilVer Beads'. Paint the trim under the
roofs' eaves (p. 4).
7. Decorate Wood Base Use the 5' " 3 1/2' poplar piece for the base. Glue house to base, about !)ftS' tram back edge. Cut one to th ree 2 7/S' x 1 3/8' spacers from poplar (depending on height of salt arld pepper shakers) and glue inside caddy to raise shakers. Apply Fantasy Snow behind area where trees and gingerbread boy and girl will be placed, then glue pieces in place. Finish applying Fantasy Snow over top of base. Press silver beads into the snow.
Finishing Touches
Apply Sparkle Glaze to aU candies.
ROOF Cutlw<> 3' Ion\! orod two 3 1/4" long 1(>" """ ....- tW. 6)
I I I _ 1 0I I I
I I I 1 I I I
FRONT & BACK - Cut 2 _ a"", inOCat... windows on frorO of hous. e_ lin.. _
Gingerbread decorations Christmas Card Holde. Salt & Pepper Caddy Toothpick Caddy Napkin Rings