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Gontents lffi:,l.ii,=::!r-i;i
Jobtittes andtasks A salesmeeting A requisition
Tatking aboutyourjob Talking aboutgoals,objectives, and targets Telephoning [anguage
At a trade fair Relationship building Follow-upemails
Beingpotite Estabtishing contactat a tradefair Smatt-tatk strategies Emailconventions andphrases
A salespitch TheAIDAapproachto sales A requestfor proposal An offer letter
Offers, tenders, andbids Tatking abouta product (orbidding)process Thetendering Activetistening
Tips for successfulnegotiations A companyvisit Negotiatingstyles Win-winnegotiations
Discussing termsandconditions (cond itionalsentences) Agreeing anddisagreeing Startingandendinga negotiation
Telephone orders An onlineorder A changeto an order Numbersandfigures Contracttermsand phrases
Exchanging information Handling orders Referring to numbersin an order
Deatingwith problemsoverthe telephoneand in writing An onlinecomplaintform
Comptaining effectivety Comptaint management withCASH Letters of complaint andapology
eontacts -"r I
22 ""'* I ttesotiations
32 |
42 "'*" I 50
I 't:"",.,.,,, "''t,,,::,:,,,,.. ;ffiffit?1ilitFffi€_*1ii1i|:-1;!i*:::;r,|.r=1y,rr. s8 6o
lest yourselfl Partner files
A-Z word list Usefut phrases and vocabulary
About this book with is for peoplewho needto communicate effectively Englishfor Salesand Purchasing pursuedifferentobjectives Althoughsalesandpurchasing internationatclients andcolleagues. bothrotesrequirefluentbusinessEnglishto achievetheirgoals.Buyersandsales withina business, peoplemanageinternationaI exhibitions, attendinternationa[ clients,dealwithforeignsuppliers, Englishfor Salesand andenquiries. drawup proposals, anddealwith all mannerof complaints presents techniques that will enableyou allthe essential expressions andconversation Purchasing successfutlv in allthesesituations. to communicate presentrealisticsituationsfor salesand Thesix unitsof Engtishfor Salesand Purchasing purchasing. andsales withinthe purchasing Thefirstunit providesan overviewof the coreactivities a newclient Thefollowingunitseachfocuson specificthemes,includingapproaching environment. and of proposals, the preparation anddevelopment the conception or selectingpotentialsupptiers, anddealingwith or makingcomplaints. tyingup ordersanddeliveries, realization of negotiations, readingtexts, the topic.Thisis followedby dialogues, Everyunit beginswith a Starterto introduce designed to aid the learningof important as wel[as a varietyof exercises andauthenticdocuments to the Partner and phrasesin contextual situations.ln eachunityouwitl be referred vocabulary whichenablelearners to practisethe vocabulary Filesin the backof the book.Thesearerole-plays whichconsistof with Output activities, in realistic situations. The units end language of the unit and readingtextsto extendthe unittopicor offerfurtherusefultips,andtheyalsoprovideopportunities at with a fun crossword Whenyou havefinishedallthe units,youcanTestyourselfl for discussion. the backofthe book. At the backof Englishfor Satesand Purchasingthereis an Answerkey so that you cancheckyour Thereis alsoan A-Z word list and a Usefulphraseslist that you canreferto answersindependently. Youwil[alsofind phrasesin this sectionthat whenpreparing to speakto customers andcolleagues. you canuseto makesmalltalk on a varietyof topics. TheMultiROMcontainsall the Listeningextractsfromthe book.Thesecanbe ptayedthroughthe CD-player. In orderto giveyourselfextra or througha conventional audioplayeron yourcomputer, your your practice, it caror download to MP3-player and listenwhenyou are listening listento it in that coverthe essential out and abqut.TheInteractiveexercises[et you reviewby doingexercises particularly your valuableif youareusingthe book fromthe bookon computer; thiswittbe language for self-study.
Jobs and responsibilities
look at the following tasks. Whichdo you do in your job? Whichdo you do in Engtish? Compareyour answerswith a partner's. often
makephonecalts writeemails fifl in forms do Internet searches go on business trips takepartin meetings takeclientsout for meals givepresentations do marketresearch go to tradefairs handlecustomer complaints
Whlchof the tasksabovearetypicalfor peopleworkingln sales?Whicharetypicalfor people Dlscuss with a partner. workingin purchasing? AUDIO
tr\ ll:l 2 -t
bothworkfor Interflights,an air carrlerlocatednearSeoul. CarolSayersandKimDong-Sun Ustento themdescribetheiriobs.lfllhoworksln salesandwhoworksin purchasing?
Jobsand responsibilities
Listenagain and decidewho does the fotlowing as part of his/her job.
-*iffi*-ifi-i i.r',"t _..-*-| *--"---"r*-_
r callsandvisitsclients
._ - ._ _ ._ _ .._ t
z writesemaits
3 collectsa$gryrygy: ____l__
_ ]
products 4 presents
I tr1'rur9'"':1t:!_ ,hfr-^fc
offers 7 makes
I _* _ _:
,i i ,ti
g goesto tradefairs 10 dealswith tenders
-_ _
handles complaints
tl .
--_. - ---*-,,.-)
tlatch the two partsto makephrasesusedby CarolandDong-Sun. a b c d e f
to negotiate to handle market to fitlin delivery to drawup
date tenders orderforms contracts complaints research
ilow matchthe phrasesa-f to the definltionsr-6. r
goodsor services. Towritedownthe informationneededto purchase
z Cotlecting information aboutwhatcustomers buy,andwhy. 3 Towritea formalrequestto suppliersaskingthemto presenttheirproposalsor offers. aboutdetailslike price,quantity,discounts,etc. 4 Totry to reachan agreement 5 Thegoodshaveto be deliveredby this time.
,'--, ii i _- l T---"1 il
llatch the job adsfroma Brltlshnewspaperon the next pageto the fobtlttes below. 1----t
i** I
6 Totakecareof customers'problems.
manager r----l keyaccount
i c ti
i_l supply chainmanager L] purchaser senior
The ideal candidatewill be responsible products for the ordering and salesofthe new of as well as the identification will be business opportunities' He/She able to be will required to be flexible and offer excellentcustomerservice'
Ihis willbea keyposition withinthe production andcommercial operations. to theProduction Director, themain Reporting responsibility ofthisposition isto manage, from contsolandrecordtheflowof products sitBs, ourownandthirdpartyproduction
Jobsandresponsibilities | 7
This is a senior salesrole with a strong focus on improvingkey and strategicaccounts.As a senior member of the team,you will be responsiblefor managingspecificglobal,multinationaland national retailersas well as identifyingand exploitingnew businessopportunities.
The ke)r skills recJuirement,$ ur(! a,sfollou,s: recordin n.goriuriorr,*a *ing, .: )pr"l*T Knotrledge of materials -, usedin lhe manufa"tuie
of fumiture . Ability to create and develop supplier relationships o Skills in sourcing products and services . {bi [i ry ro w ork w i rhi n a proj eer team enyi ronment
below. tlatch the followingiob titles with the descriptions 1 keyaccount manager (orbuyer) 2 seniorpurchaser 3 salesrepresentative 4 supptychainmanager 5 strategicbuyer 6 regionalsalesmanager officer 7 sourcing(orprocurement) 8 customerservicemanager
makessurethatclients'needs aremetand helpscustomers whenthingsgo wrong is responsible for specificsalesaccounts and directclientcontact is responsible for strategicplanning (i.e.makingsurea company haseverything necessary for production, machines including andnewproduction sites) or negotiates with suppliersaboutlong-term framecontracts is in chargeof makingandmaintaining contact with clientswithina specificgeographical area for is responsible for largeclients,especially clientsof strategicinterestto the company g is in chargeof a teamof purchasers o h is in chargeof logisticsandof makingsure suppliers meetdemands
Whatis youriob title? Howwouldyoudescribewhatyoudoin English?
positionin the hierarchy, their are usuallydetermined by the person's Jobtitlesin mostcountries payment,and whetherthey are legallyallowed.torepresent for theircompanyand sign contracts, The Thisis not atwaysthe casein the U.S.,the U.K.and otherEngtish-speaking countries. example. job titlesthereoftengiveyou no clearindicationof the person's responsibilities becauseeach companyhas a differentstructureand operatesunderdifferentrules.Thusa vice president(V.P.) mayhavea verydifferentjob description froma V.P.in anothercompany. in one organization
Youaretaking part in a seminarwlth peoptefromothercompanies.Uselanguagefromthe box to preparea short presentationon your company,the deparlmentyouwork in and,especiatly, youriob andresponsibitities. Thengivethe presentation to a partneror the group.
i Descdblngthe company/department i I wort in the sales/purchasing department of a smalUmedium-sized/ largecompanycalled... produce/setl/... Wedevelop/make/ iw. Ourdeoartment is dividedinto... ]ou Weneedto liaise/work closelywith ... iw( Wealsoare moreactivelyinvolvedin ... My team/groupmakessurethat... lMl
Describing responsibilities My teamis responsible for... I am in chargeof ... My mainresponsibility is... A lot of our/myworkinvolves ... Wehaveto/needto ... I spenda lot of time... Myjob atsoincludes...
Global sourcing(HQ)
Controtling/ Finance
fF.ti"".t I purchasing
R e g i o n ak le ya cco u n ts Regional kevaccounts R e g i o n ak le ya cco u n ts -
Sp a r ep a r ts
I l- nircrattmaintenance I
e q u ip m e n t I Air cr a ft I Offcesuppty |_
@ 4
A fetlowmemberof the salesdepartment at Interfllghtslc fllflng CarolSayeroIn on a meetlng shemissed.Llstenanddecldewhlchtoplcsfromthe agendetheydlseuss. Agenda SalesMeeting5 June,3.00 - 5.00 Room 2.343 Participants:Park Chin-Sun,DanielBerndt,James Falter,Bob Jameson
program- timeline 1.1 Introduction to 'Sales!'clientmanagement and organization 1.2 Trainingrequirements 2.1 Newsalestargets(updatefrom Chin-Sun) 2.2 NewAsianfacilities 2.3 European figuresfor the lastyear 2.4 Newoffersin SouthAmerica 3.1 Nextyear'sholidayplanning
lobsandresponsibilities | 9
Listenagainto the diatogue.Complete thesesentences. r
...firstof all,Chin-Sun hasrevised our by ten percentovera[[.
z Shewantsto 3 Therearealsosome
for the variousregions.
meanswe wi[[be 4 lt certainly
our newtargets,if it allworksout.
present my ideasfor S DidChin-Sun
6 Wewitlalsoneeda
specifically for the region.
7 l'll
that,althoughI'mafraidit might
8 | couldatsocontact the
In my area.
*-*. - ,'iii,
i : i " : '- - ': ; - J - ; i : : j . . . . : J : a . '*. i . " - e ; ; '| ''; ! +: : ; i . i . ] i i : ] . . : . : : : : : :;* - * ,'* '- - - _ _ .- - .- l i .:;i
Thewordsgoa!,objective,and targethavesimilarmeanings.Goalstendto be long-termi andare oftenusedto referto companyplirns,for example.Thewordobjectivesis often usedin moreformalsituations to referto specificthingspeoplewantto achieve (objectives for example). of a meeting, In bothsalesandpurchasing, however, or i whenever moneyor figuresareinvolved, the mostfrequently usedwordis target, Herearesomeexpressions with fargef: to set a torget to be on target to reacho target
to be obove/belowtarget to exceeda target to revisea taroet
Gomplete the sentenceswlth the correctformof the expressionsfromthe box. r
Management shouldbe satisfied. We
z Unfortunately, lastyearwe numberof oursalesteam. 3 Theboardof directors year.
right well
4 Afterthe stockmarketcrashlastyear,we hadto
target,so we hadto cut the
our newsalestargetsfor next
5 Thisyearhasgoneverywetlforus andthewayit looksnow,we should targetsby at leastfifteenpercent. 6 Wehada coupleof bigorders,whichenabledusto Hopefulty, it willcontinue thirdquarter. likethis.
7we that,I'msure.
our profitability targets.HQwittbe happyto hear
10 | UNIT1
Lookat theseexpressionswith the wordsdles. promotion
force i I
, figures
Match the erpressionsabovewith the definitions below. r Theamountof goodssotdby a company. z Thecomplete teamof peopleworkingin sales. for everyitemsold. 3 An amountwhichmustbe paidto the government The leveI of sales that a sales team wants to reach. 4 wherethe membersof a salesteamgettogetherto discussresultsand makeplans. 5 An occasion 6 Theamountwhichhasbeensoldof a product. the salesof a product. 7 A set of activitiesdesignedto increase 8 A manor womanworkingin the salesdepartment. AUDIO
a 5
Kim Dong-Sunfrom Interflights is making a telephonecall to his colleaguefohn, one of the flight crewcoordinators.Listenand completethe two gaps in the reguisitionform.
Description of goods/services:
Clickhereto enterdetails Dategoods/services required: I July 2
Person makingtherequest: Date: Clickhereto enterquotes
20 March
Jobsandresponsibilities | lJ-
Hstenagalnandtick p the correctstatements. Arethe klndsof suggestions llong-Sunmakes typicalof purchasersat your company?Why,or why not? r
in gettingcompanycreditcardsfor the flightcrew. Johnis interested
z Theflightcrewoftenneedto getcashwhenawayon business. hasrequested. 3 Thereareno supplierson the marketfor the creditcardsDong-Sun suggestssomesolutionsthat Johnhad notthoughtof. 4 Dong-Sun of the variousoffersandcomparethem. 5 Johnwill makean assessment 6 Johnis unhappybecause Dong-Sun is takingtoo muchtimeto finda solution.
Complete the tablewlth verbsandnounsfromthe unit so far. i VERB
'T-' i. NOUN
i to agree
1 to specify i_
j to suppty AUDIO
@ 6
aboutthe credltcardissuediscussed in exercise9. fohnls Informinghis department Completethls excerptwith the correctformof wordsfromthe table above.Thenlisten to checkyouranswers. youallonthesituation SoI wanted to update withthevarious for offerspurchasing hasreceived creditcardsfor the international flightcrew.Dong-Sun's teamis currently offers.The atl
' is verytoughat the moment,whichis of coursegoodfor us-Not 3wereableto meetour
offersstraightaway.Theywitt haveto
4,so theywereableto excludesome s the restverycarefu[yand perhapsput in
6 for moreinformation. Butthe peoplein our purchasing department arevery thorough,and I'msurethat theywilt findthe best
- for
.:3s a ndre sp on s ibilit ies
Sayingwho you are Thisis AdamBedserfromXYZLtd. It'sDavidJonesfrompurchasing. Hi Sarah.lt'sFrankhere.
Gettingthroughto the right person Coutd/Can I speakto JohnMurphy,please? : I'dtiketo speakto somebody in yoursales/ i purchasing ptease. department, l l s Mi chel te thereat the moment?
Workwith a partner.Usethe informationin the PartnerFiles to practisea telephone dialoguebetweensomeone in purchasing (PartnerA) and someonein sales (Partner B). Lookat the phrasesabovebeforestarting.
PartnerA Filer, p. 6o PartnerB Filer, p.6z
Readthesecomments that peoplein salesandpurchasing departments havegivenabout workingtogether.Whichdoyouagreewith? VeronicaLu,Headof Sales Whenwe had to streamlineour processeslastyeor we salespeoplehad a terrible time with our purchasers.lt alwaystakesthem too long to do their'shapping', ond thereforeit takesour companytoo long to produceour goods. lt reatlyis a disaster! Marcel Le Maigre,AccountManage Cooperationbetweenbuyersand salespeople within one company?Neverheardof it. Whatever
*o|t!'!"'""d!:::!1,1" "i'| i,!!":,.::,:111 ,,,.,,t
EmmaWild, Sales Representative Buyersbuy.And salesrepssell. Sa buyersand sellersore'natural enemies';they are on oppositesides,haveopposinginterestsond quite a differentmentality.Of course they deol with eachother in sepat'atecompanies,but in the samecompany?No.How could theypossiblycooperote? .s MariaSantos,SeniorPurchaser Salesand purchasingare otl partof producingand deliveing goodsor servicesto o customer.tf the two departmentsdon't cooperatewell in the process,the companywill lose money.lt's as simpleas that.
EdwardMcCoy, ManagingDirector !n ourcompony, are thepeoptein the salesandpurchosing departments They expertsin variousmarketsandtheyall try to stayon topof developments. negotiateaboutquatity,deliverytimeand,mostimportantly, ln aboutpriceS. ourcompany, welearnfromeachAtherthrough regularmeetings. lt works.
. Describe thecooperation between thesalesandpurchasing departments in yourcompany. . Howoftendo youliaisewithpeoplein otherdepartments? Whichdepartments do youdealwith? . Whatcouldbe the benefitsof closecooperation betweenpurchasing, andother sales,production, departments in a company?
lr s
New contacts
Thesentencesbelowwere overheardat a trade fair. Work with a partner to decidewhether the speakerswork in purchasingor sales.Write P or 5 (or both) in the box. a Couldyou tell us aboutthe paymentoptions? :.....] b Wouldyou ptease,give me somebackground aboutyourcompahy? c You'[[findaltourbrochures on the tableoverthere. d Howmuchdoesthis costif we order5oo? e Arethereanyotherquestions we needto talkabout? 't tt'
f,,, Woutdyou need,ny ;laitiooat featuresl g Doesyoursub-contractor alsohavea standhere? , . .. . : .
a presentation of ourproducts foryou?' :, , h Whenfoutdwearrange ,
doyouprovide? ,i Whatguarantees i
Nowdiscussthese questionswith your partner. r Whatis yourexperience of tradefairs? z Doyouthinktradefairsaregoodfor business? Why,or why not? possibitities What other are for there establishing newcontacts or findingnewproducts? 3 DonaldAdams,a sales rep at Aircraft fftaintenanceInc. in Liverpool,has iust finished a presentation of his company's products at Ifte ltointenance, Repairond Overhoul @RO) Servicesand Productstrade fair in Brussels. Listen to this conversationwith a potential customer,Brigitte Dupontof Air South, Brussets,and say whether the following sentences are true p or false f,. r
Donaldhasmet Brigittebefore.
products. z Brigitte thinksthat Donald's hassomeinteresting company 3 Donaldwill catlBrigitteafterthe fairis over.
liewcon tacts
-\-2 UE ,:
: Listen again to the conversation.Completethe sentencesfor how:
a2 7
Brigitteintroduces herself.
. BrigitteDupont. z Brigittesaysthat the presentation wasimportantfor her. Well,I foundit very . ...yours wasdefinitely job. Donaldasksabout Brigitte's CanI ask Brigittesayswhatherjob is. l'm DonaldasksBrigitteaboutherinterestin hiscompany. Do you think that our MROservices Donaldasksaboutsettingup a meeting. Well,if you have time next week, card. 7 Donaldasksfor Brigitte'sbusiness yourcard? 8 DonaldoffersBrigittea catalogue. ln the meontime,
Generally, the lessdirectyousaysomething in English, the morepoliteit sounds.Usingthe structures and belowwiltmakeyou appearfriendlier, language especialty to nativespeakers of English. Askingindirectquestions Whatcompanyoreyou with?+ ConI osk which companyyou are with? Giveme your card.+ Couldyou give me your card? Youhovean office here,right?) Doesn'tyour companyhovean officehereT
Using would/could Look at our new catalogue.+ Wouldyou like to look at our new catalogue? I will cometo your officenext week.+ I could cometo your office next week. Are you interestedin meetingafter the fair? -> Wouldyou be interestedin meetingafter the foir?
Make the following sentencesmorepolite. r What'syourname? z Whatbusiness areyouin? 3 | wantto meetyou nextweek. 4 WaituntilI get my diary. 5 Givemeyourcontactinformation. 5 Youworkat HTElectronics, right? you Do want meet later discussthe details? to to 7 your nameon our mailingtist. 8 Put
uxrr2 nms tatch the sentenceson the left with the responseson the right
Couldwe meetnextweek?Say,Wednesday? 2 I'llsendyouthosedetails. Whendo you needthem exactly? Wouldyou mindgivingmeyourbusiness card? 4 Couldwe meetafterthe fairto discussthis in moredetail? l'll prepareour offerandemailit to you by next Friday. l'll talkto the headof my department and ringyou tomorrow. 7
Greetings andintrod:uctions Goodmorning/afternoon. Hello.Mynameis ... Please callme... myselP May/Can I introduce Nice/Pleased to meetyou(too).
a b
c d e f
No,not at all. Hereit is. Yes,goodidea.Whencouldyou @meb my office? Yes,of course.That'sfine. Howabout rr-m? OK,but l'm only in the officein the moming Canyou callbeforenoon? I reallyneedthem by Tuesdayif possiHe. That'sgreat.I look forwardto gettingiL
Movingonto business Howdidyoulikethepresentation? Whatdoyouthinkof ...? Haveyoufoundanything of interest? Whatlineof business areyouin? Letmegiveyou/Here's my(business) card.
Arrangingto follow-up Wouldit berpossibh to setup/arrange/fix a meeting? CouldI caltyouinthe"next fiv,days/come to seeyou? you I couldsend someinformation. Perhaps Woutdyoubeinterested in meeting afterthefairis over? Couldyousendmeyourpricelists? youa callnextweek. l'll sendyouanemail/give
Workwlth a partnerto practisemeetlngsomeoneat a tradefalr for the ftrst time. Firstlook at the phrasesabw€,then follow the flow chartor makea dialogueto flt your ownsituation.
P=purchaser " S€il
\e", contacts
Two businessmenare having lunch in a prib at the annual trade fair if RO Servicesond Products in Brussels.listen to this excerptfrom their conversationand tick p ttre topics they talk about.
i nterculturaldifferences
Listenagain and tick the sentencesyou hear. 1 a b 2 a b a 3 b a 4 b 5 a b 6 a b
lt remindsmeverymuchof England. lt makesmethinkof England. placeto havea fair. lt'scertainlyan interesting I thinkit'sa niceplaceto havea fair,don'tyou? Doyou tikefootbatl? Areyou interested in footbatt? I seetradefairsas a placeto getto knowpeople... Forme,tradefairsaremoreaboutgetting to knowpeople... Maylask if youalreadyhavesome information aboutmy company? Letmetellyoua bit aboutmy company. Now,let me buyyou anotherbeer. Now,tell me,what'syourfavouriteBetgianbeer?
In manypartsof the wortd,smalltalkis an partof business. essential lt is seenas an important'tool'togetto knowyourbusiness partnerandto establishrapport,whichcanbe the keyto a goodbusiness relationship. Herearesome waysto starta conversation: ls this your first time hereI in Belgium? Whatdo you think of Brusselslthefair? Are you interestedin footballlfilmslwinter sports? Theweatherherehasjust been fantasticI horrible.
goingby askinga Youcankeepthe conversation follow-upquestionof yourown.Also,insteadof just answering questions withyesor no, giving detailedanswerscanoftenleadto otherquestions andcomments. Are you interestedin anyparticularsport? -Yes, I'm reallyinto snowboarding. Howabout you? Haveyou beento Liverpool? - Yes,I've been theremanytimes.I reallylike the atmosphere,and the people arefriendly.
youcanusea sentence Whenyou arereadyto moveon to business, startingwithso or right to signaIthe changeof subject. So, you are looking for suppliers? Right,shall weget down to business?
UNIT2 Newcontacts| 17
Put the words in the right order to makesmall-talk questions,and then matchthem to the responses(a-f). r What think fair trade so you far the do of ? 2 you Have to been Wimbledon ever? : 3 stay Are to whole you the planning week? - , 4 Chicago the at weather in the is moment How? ,-.-l l 5 Do in countries fairs are different you think other? 6 Brusselsyou took to a chance Have had around? a b c d e f
not.I haveto leaveon Wednesday. Unfortunately Yes,l'vebeentwicenow.| lovethe atmosphere there,andI'ma bigtennisfan. Notmuchbetterthanhereactually. Maybea littlecolder,so I'mhappyto be away. I'mreallyenjoyingit. But l'mafraidl'llonlybe ableto seehalfthe standsbeforeI leavetomorrow! Notyet,unfortunately. I'mhopingto havesometimeafterthe fairis over. Well,I thinkmaybethe standsin England area littlemoreentertaining.
Howcan the speakerskeepthe conversationgoing? tlatch these follow-up questionswith the exchangesabove. A B C D E F
Andwhat'sthe weatherlikein Madridnow? l Whataboutyou?Howlongareyou staying? Haveyou everbeento a tradefairin England? ._:. 0h, you'releavingso soon.Whereareyouoff to? i--: Whataboutyou?Areyou interested in anyparticular sport? ; YouknowBrussels wel[.Canyou recommend somethingsfor meto see? j'-l
going. Lookatthesesmall-tatkquestions andthinkofresponsestokeeptheconversation lsn't London great for going to the theatre? ;" t
Do you like this style of architecture? I
Do you visit trade fairs oll over Europe? *t"a_ -{'
-'* J'
4 Haveyou everbeenskiing in America? ?'
Discussthese questionsabout smatl talk with a partner. phrases? Doyou knowanyothersmall-talk Whichonesdo youfind mostusefulto get goingin a business context? conversations questions do you usuallyaskon the telephone? z Whatsmall-talk Howaretheydifferentfromthe onesyou askface-to-face? 3 Haveyou beenin a situationwhereyou hadto makesmalltalkwith a nativespeakerof Engtish? Whatwaseasyor difficult?Shareyourexperiences withthe group. r
Newcon tact s
Lookat the checklistbelowto helpyou pieparefor a conversationat the www.buslness.org tradefair.Workwith a partner.Usethe informationin yourPartnerFileto dothe role-play.
o u r Pa rlner' ingluAing 7 Aemembe r to greely namet' *L exchanqlnq olifr"' '. W" ,^oll+oli'to'o'- "p , , in{ormation ,----^-r-coulAatklor 3 F\ove ontobusinets'You
qutslionS tlaqe lo answer ,r"ro'"A ol so^e o u't v o v r co m?a ny' abovt you rtell a nA ab
Arrono" lht n"'l <,onlo"tl-""lino' '7 SayqooAb|e'
PartnerA Filez, p.6o PartnerB Filez, p.6z
Aftermeetingagainat the tradefair, Brendan fromAircrafttaintenanceInc.andRainerfrom low CostFtightsInternational arenowbackat theirofficesandneedto exchange some information. Complete the emailwlth wordsfromthe box. o ippl,sri3fgd
i Subject:Additional informationabout our products and services
Attachment: products.pdf
t meetingyou last week at the pub in Brusselsand I very much 2 our conversationat your stand. You will find the
.3information about our products and services thal you a to this email,as promised. 5 to visit you soon and present our special package offer
for VIP aircrafts.Could I
.6a meetingat your premisesin Bremen? 7 a meetingand if you need any additional
\:,i r ::-:ac-s | 1 !l
with emailsthanwith letters,but herearea few pointsto remembe!'i Therearefewerconventions Openingsentence Thisshoutdalwaysstartwitha capitalletter.Thefirstsentence is usuallya bit of smalltalk,refursto a previousmessage or meeting,or explainswhyyou arewriting. Hopeyou had a nice weekend.lHoware thingsgoing? It wasnice to meetyou at the conferencelast week. I'm writing to telllask you about ...I I iust wantedto get in touch to ... Salutationsand closes Althoughthereareno rulesaboutwhichsalutation or closeto use,herearesomeguidelines: moreformal DearMF Mrs, Ms RegardslSincerely DearBob BestwisheslKind reoards HellolHi Bob Allthe bestlBest : (nosalutation*) (iustfirstnameor initials*) i teastformal just with colleagues duringlongemailexchanges) andespecially : (* usuatty
Brendanand Rainerhaveexchangedemails to arange to meet,but the paragraphshavebeen mixed up. Sort the paragraphsa-g into the correct emails below. a Thankyouverymuchfor the invitationandthe opportunityto meet.I wouldliketo confirmthe meetingfor 3 Apritat 11a.m.Letme suggestthat I bringour specialist who couldaddmoredetails bothto the presentation andthe discussion afterwards. b Woutd3 Apritat11a.m.at ourofficesbe convenient for you? From: Rainer Noack
We would be very happy to invite you to
ro: Brendan Johnson Sublect: Re: Additional information about
products and services
our ourofficein Bremen, andwouldbe DearBrendan, in a oresentation for fourof us interested (myboss,two colleagues of mine,and 1 l-l mysetf).I suggestaboutan houranda z 1-_1 hall with Iunchto follow 3 i-l d I lookforwardto seeingyou in Bremen. . E From: BrendanJohnson 4 Ll e Thankyou for yourhetp.Lookingforward To: Rainer Noack Bestwishes, Subject: Our presentaf,oto seeingyouon 3 April. Rainer f I wouldalsoliketo takethe opportunity DearRainer, to find out moreaboutyourspecific 5 needsandwishes. Wouldyoumind 6 questions thefollowing answering to helpuswithour 7 preparation? Kindregarcso Whatnumberof aircraftareyou interested in? Brendan r At whichlocations willyourequiretheseservices? . Wittyoualsobe interested in regularoverhauls? g lt wasgoodto meetyou and I alsoenioyedyourvisitto our stand.Thankyo- aisofo' ihe fileyou sentwith yourrecentemaihit wasexactlythe information I needed.Wewouidrireto hearmore your about MROservicesforVIPaircraftsspecifically.
xow findphrasesin thetwo emallson page19to comptete the gapsbelow. meetingor message Introduction/Referring to previous ... Regarding ourconversation of 3 January,
Requestinginformation Couldyousendmesomedetailsabout...
Makingor confirmingan appointment HowaboutThursday at 4 p.m?
Concluding Pleasefeelfreeto contactmeagain.
notesto writeemailsto otherpeopletheymetat the tradefair. UseRainer'sandBrendan's Try to use phrases from thls unit. Brendan 1 Eynail to Moffta
Santosfro rmEuraftights,
Qoodto yt4t&tl4c; it Un" tradefair. Catalag ur, i^t ow ttc way.k wutther better ww? to Kersnw 7 ErvtaLL Jvl*etlPr.What dLdshe t6nk af tho tradefair? I'LLbe iw tho Qrazarea saow.CawvJearrarye a rweet*g?SaY2 hnnrs 5 oi toSePte'vnber? or+
1 Evwailn laila Ktstalasat klandJets' W\LLshebe tw vurtherw GervnanYntxt wetk' i*" tW saLd?Cawshe her to Pre'se'nt corvl?. prodwts, maYbe 'fWusohYdtexvuovtt 2 Eynait ta tvlLhaet O'Brww. Verygood stqnd. plqte send brach,ve and price li.str. Will he ever be ir+ Eremen2 We uulo( visit the.Irkh puh.
UNIT2 Newcontacts| 21
MariikeVeenstrais Headof Salesat lT International, a company basedin the Netherlands. glven Shehas an Intervlewfor the company's in-housemagazine. Doyouagreewith the tips shegives?
Q Marijke, you havebeenin salesfora long time, if I may say sa ll/hat areyour tipsfor peoplejust stailing out? A: I havefour tips.First of all, the focusfor any is building relationships successfulsalesperson with clients.If I can relate to them as people - and not just as clients - I have a better understanding of how they think, what is important for them and how they like to make their decisions.Small talk is an important tool for doing this. I ask my clientswhat they do on vacation,what kind of hobbiesthey haveand I try to remembertheir birthdaysor other details that are important to them. This is directly linked to my secondpoint: I haveto be seento beat my clients'side,to beable to solvetheir problemswith my products and
servicesI needto think from their perspective, their market- In that way I can offer them not only a product. but a benefit - hopefully the exactbenefitthe-rarelooking for. The main task of a salesperson is to 'bu1-'timefrom your client in order to find out about the benefitor benefits thel'erpect-Often that requiresaskingthe right questions The third strategicquestion is: hou'can I that I hare'made an impact'?Here I need to satch m! counterparts reactions - what they say,rtat their bodrr languagesa,vs and sometimesevenx'hat they do not sa1.. There is alwaysa moment when the bulers make the mental decisionto buy. Of coursethey don't say this out loud. But there are lots of subtle hints, like when a client says'we' for the fust time or when he talks about the future. Once I know that the client has said'yes', I needto make fewer concessions. Again, it is the same principle really:understandyour clients'needs, interestsand the benefitthey are seeking. Finally, I would expect any successful salespersonto look for a 'point of contact' or an internal ally in the client organization. That shouldbe a personwho will think of 'me' when the companyneedsa solution, a person who prefers to work with me, rather than my competitors.The basisfor that kind of contact is trust. Tiust in the quality of servicesand goods,trust in our offersand promises.Clients compare what they expect with what they get. Trust increaseswhen that comparison is positive.And that is positivefor us! I
@ . Howmany'personal youworkwith?What things'doyouknowaboutyourclientsor thesuppliers do younormally ask/dotheynormally askyou?Whichquestions 'small-talk'questions aremost good relationship? for establishing a working effective . Howdo youthinkyoucanfinda firm 'pointof contact'in yourclients'organization? r Whatareyourtipsfor beingsuccessful in yourlineof work?
Lookat these commentsmadeby peoplein sales and purchasingabout dealingwith offers. Whichsentencescanyou most identify with? Discusswith a partner. Sales
I havelearnednot to offer a price tag too earlybecausewhen the other side then offerstheirprice, I would haveto meet in the .,,1
Befaresendingan offer, I makesurethat I havetalked to the personin chargeof
lwish salespeople woutoilsrcn rc my neects beforetrying to convince me of their products. ;.
It seemsfromsome of the offerswe get that thiy haven'terrn ,rid: i
our specifi cations. .....
Sometendersare so vague,we don't know whatproduct weshould
Themost important thing is to make it clear when writing up the offer that the customercon't .; do without our product.
-s w
Sometimes I receiveoffersalthough I don't evenneedthe &.
,iiir,,"" -"'"-
Weoftek'haveto pa,Stpone sendingout invifationsfo tender becouseof last-minute changes requestedby other departments in the company. -.- -^.,.
l{ow dlscussthese quastionswlth your partner. Whatarethe procedures for dealing withoffersin yourcompany? Howmuchof yoursalesor purchasing is donethroughopenor invitedtenders? 2 Whatsortof problems haveyouhadwhendealingwithoffers? you How make often do or receiveoffersin English? Arethereanydifferences in termsof content 3 or formatfromthosein yourlanguage? r
UNIT3 0ffers | 23
4ilq,P!D-s E!!gEF5'-9!!-E"tl-r.,.1 whatthe salesperson is wittingto give,andat whatprice. Offeris the generaltermusedto describe post. in Salesperson Wehavesentour offer the Purchaser Wehavereceivedfour offersfrom differentsuppliers. Purchasers sendout on invitotionto Thetermstenderandbid canoftenbe usedinterchangeabty. tender(oftenshortenedto a tender)whentheywantto receiveoffersfromdifferentsuppliers.Thiscan with other fiteor submita tender,oftenin competition alsobe calleda request for prorosal.Salespeople at a specificpriceand whentheymaketheirformalwrittenofferto supplygoodsor services suppliers, c conditions. underspecifi Salesperson Wehavesentin our tenderlbid. Salesperson Wehavebeeninvitedto tenderlbid. Weshould make o coll for tendersI bids for this product. Purchaser Wehavealreadyput out a tenderlbid for thisproduct. Purchaser Wewould like to invite you to moke a tenderlbid. Purchaser
Match the two parts to makesentencesabout offers,tenders,and bids. Havewe received Wehavealreadyput out a to bid, Before we drawup the invitation for filing The deadline 4 in the new 5 Oneof ourclientsis interested productrangeand 6 Weputtheiob out Whenwillthevlet us knowif 7 2
a 9
f,larco Falconeis a sales rep for Vino Rubinetto,a wine distributor locatedin Milan. He is calllng one of his regular customers,Ines Stoll, a purchaserat Clever to Cateringin Copenhagen, product. tetl her about a new Listenand answerthese questlons. a Whatnewproductis Marcotryingto se[[? b HowdoesInesindicate thatshemaybe interested in a possible offerfrom Marco? c Whatwill happenafter the ohoneca[t?
ourbid hasbeenacceoted? b fortendera weekago. ABCSuppty's offeryet? d tenders is 3o March. manager e we needto talkto the project again. f hasaskedus to makean offer. g tenderforthisproject. f
24 | U Nms I
Listen again to the diatogue and complete these sentences. r
Well,this monthwe someof our newproductsin Europe,andwe thought CleverCatering
2 We'realwaysinterested what'snew. of thequatity
3 ...we
of our products,of course,but it's quiteniceto receive
Yes,I sawit mentioned andI readsomething
to youandyourclients?
5 Doyouthinkthiswine
youspecial ratesforyourfirstorder...
6 ...I cantell you nowthat we are 7 AndI'msure
tatch the two parts to nake phrases. 1 to put out 2 to promote 3 special 4 tobe 5 to place 5 hish
a b c d e f
quality of interest a tender our newproduct an order rates
l{ow use the phrases to complete the sentences below. r
As you havebeena clientof oursfor a longtime,we are ableto offeryou for the firsttwelvemonths.
Wewill be looking
, as we needto increasesales.
to accept only 3 It isourpolicy
to you.
4 Weare hopingthis newproductof ourswill
equipment,andwe will thereforebe ready 5 Ourproductiondepartmenthasinstalledthe necessary nextweek. 6 Thiswilt be our largestpurchaseof the year,andwe needto compareas manyoffersas possible, so we thinkwe should
UNITS Offers| 25
Readthis excerpt from an article in the Successful Selling magazine.Howeffective do you think this approachto selting is (from both the seller's and the buyer's point of view)?
AIDA \[hen salespeoplethink about a client's reaction to their offers, they often think of these four steps:
for Attention
They first try to attract their client's attention to their products or services.Here first impressions count so it's important to be narural, honest, and professional.
for Interest
They then try to spark the client's interest so that he/ she wants to find out more about the product or service. The seller needsto convince the client of the advantages of the product or service and its relevance to him/her.
for Desire
If the client has understood the benefits. and also trusrs the seller,he/she will start to develop desire for the product or service.
for Action
Desire results in action, meaning the client makes the decision to find out more or buy. I
llow listen agaln to the dialoguein exercisez (or look at the t]anscript on page7r). Doyou think Marcofollowed this approach?Why, or why not?
Hereare sometypical sentencesfrom conversationsabout offers. First,decidewho says eachof the phrasesand write S for seller or P for purchaserin the box. precisely. r I thinkyou'llfindthatour productmeetsyourspecifications I z Interesting. Coutdyou givemesomebackground information? someof ournewproducts andwe thoughtyoumight 3 Thismonthwe arepromoting be interested. packageis the bestin the industry. You'l[ be pleasedto hearthat our after-sales 4 youwouldbe interested in lookingat ournewproduct. 5 Perhaps 6 So,I'vegot the go-ahead frommy bossandwe'dliketo placethe order... Canyousendus an estimatefor the project? 7 Great,soundsinteresting. you've 8 Once examined the sample, I'msureyou'ilbe impressed withthe qualityanddesign. 9 Thatmightbe exactlywhatwe arelookingfor. 10 OK,I'ltsendyouan offerandwe cantakeit fromthere.
ilow decidewhich of the sentencesabovecan be usedto: getsomebody's Arreurron? b sDarklNrEREsr in or Desrne forthe product?7,
express lrure nEsrin or DesrRE for a product?_ showAcroN,i.e.showthatthe salecould takeplace?
2 6 lUN lT g
Offe rs
Work with a partner to practisea phonecall. First agreeon a productand write somenotes (selter) or guestionsto ask (purchaser).Thenfollow the flow chart below. CattB sayhelloandmakesmalltalk.
I Respond.
yourproduct. Introduce
II Asksomequestions.
I Answerthe questions.ls P interested?
Wouldyou be interested in tryingour...?
Yes.Showinterestandask for moreinformation.
II Arrange for a meeting Respond. or follow-upcall,if necessary. I
I Respond.
S : selter
p: purchaser
rA!Kl!,G,ABOUrA PRODucr Askingif your partneris interested Wouldyou be interested in tryingour...? P er haps I c a nte mp ty o uto s a m p l eo u r...? Doyouthinkyourcompanymightbe interested in . . . ? Doyouthinkthis maybe of interestto youand yourctients? Showinginterest Thatsoundsinteresting. Thatwouldcertainlybe of interestto us. Thatmightbe exactlywhatwe arelookingfor. Couldyou sendmea sample/give mesomemore information?
Beingcautious Wetl,mavbe.But I wouldneedto knowmore about... l'm not so sure. I don'tthinkthat'srealtywhatwe'relookingfor. That(reatty) dependson yourconditions/price. Sayingyou are not interested I' msorrybut... Unfortunately we'renot lookingfor thatat the moment. Thanks,butwe alreadyhavea supplierfor that oroduct. No,thanks.We'renot interested in that at this srage.
UNIT3 Offers| 27
(RFP)for VinoRubinetto. InesStoltfromCleverCateringhasdrawnupa Requestfor Proposal Usethe wordsbelowto completethe gapsin the form.
Request for Propos&l (No.1238 HG) :::'llirl;'jlij.
Ines Stoll, Copenhagen
2 period(until . ..):
l5 October
3 number:
SEC-D 90451t010
(consecutivenumbering for each client designatedby the purchaser, including the year of plrcing the tende!)
Category of product or service:
Sparkling red wine, Prosecco
Sales (Clever Catering; Denmark, Germany, Britain, Belgium, Netherlands)
Bidder/Contractor (incl. contact):
Yino Rubinetto,Milan, Italy
Specffimtion of Prodrrct -orS Kind of oroduct or service:
Sparkling red wine, dry, low alcohol, produced in 2006 Prosecco, medium dry produced in 2009
Specificationof performancelevel:
EU Quality StandardslevelI
a speciflcations: s and other performances (time,conditions,terms of payment,etc.):
Sparkling red wine: €25.50per bottle Prosecco(mediamdry): €24.00per bottle Each category in 3-5 batches to warehouses in Germany, Britain, Belgium, Netherlands between March and May
Necessaryinformation in advance: Provision of materials bv the client:
Standard bottle, 750 ml, glass, clear
Required qualifications of the contractor:
Own production, experience in EU markets
Technicalprovisions(software/hardware/materials): 6.
Replacement of all damaged goods
Product availablefor minimum of 10 years
Other information 6rm ruinir rcrewnt) 7costsareto be includedin the offer and needto be on a fixed-pricebasis
Signature(contretor confirming the offer) Itrformatiotr about tbis tends This dcment des oot constiturean order nor doesit creaLemy Iiabiiitieson tbe parr of CleverCaterioe.
28 | UNIT3 Offers
Thestandardtenderingprocesses arequitesimitarin mostcountries. Theycanconsistof invitedtenders, whereonlya fewvendorsareaskedto submitbids,or opentenders, wherea largenumberof companies mayparticipate withoutpre-screening. Sometimes the contentsof a tendercanevenbe partlynegotiated. Whethera companyca[[sfor tendersor notdependslargelyon the industry, the companypoticy,andthe goods purchasers kindof or services arelookingfor.
Match these words and phrasesfound in the RFPwith their definitions. r
z performance tevel 3 batch 4 provision 5 specifications *-' a.
6 fixed-price basis
Z warranty
!_- - ," .)
supply priceis agreedandcannot b whena particular be changed a writtenagreement to repairor replace if thereis a problem something d the exactdetailsof a product e a description of howhighthe qualitymustbe f a numberof things(e.g.goods)that aredealt withasa singlegroup description ofthe necessary expertise or skill a
Matchtheverbsr-7 with verbsa-g that havea similarmeaning. 1 assure z futfit 3 participate 4 prevent 5 recommend 6 require Z trust
a b c d e f g
neeo hope srop promise suggest take part meet(requirements)
l{ow usethe verbsr-7 to completethe tenderoffer,whichi/larco(VinoRubinetto)haswritten to lnesin response to the RFPon page7,.
UNIT3 Offers| 29
Vino Rubinefto Via Galileo Galilei 6 20161 Mildo Italia TeL +39 2 72524301 Fu+39
2 72524302
Mail: Falcone@vino-robineft
Dear Ms Stoll Your tender (no. 1238 HG) - Offer for sparkling red wine and prosecco Thank you for inviting us to
1 in the above bidding process.
I your requirements in regard to the requested low alcohol I confirm that we can levelof the sparklingred wine.The sparklingred wine will be producedin 2006and the proseccoin 2009and the EU quality levelis l. Both wineswill be availablefor the next five years.
3 our dry prosecco, We strongly which I can dry. We areconfidentthat your connoisseurs will agree.
a you is not excessively
We are currentlyableto deliverboth productsin our standard750ml greenbottles.We will be ableto s that this meetyour specificationsof clearbottlesby the summerof next year.We 6 us from doing businesstogether. minor dilferencefrom your tenderwill not Our pricesare: Sparklingred wine: €26.00per bottle for a minimum purchaseof 10,000bottles €27.00per bottle for a minimum purchaseof 5,000bottles €29.00per bottle for a minimum purchaseof 3,000bottles Prosecco(dry): €24.00per bottle for a minimum purchaseof 10,000bottles €26.00per bottle for a minimum purchaseof 5,000bottles €27.50per bottle for a minimum purchaseof 3,000bottles 7 any further information.
Pleasefeel freeto contactme if vou We look forward to working with you. Yours sincerely
lvlarca Fqlcone
lnes has rece:yedtarco's offer and finds somedifferenceswith the req[irements set out in the tender. Readthrough both documents again,then completeInes's notes.
OfierftoYw Differe*ues ftom Gi-;, Vr* ouu'"u' sprtlfratww ti 11^.Prvu 7)
iw o*r tex/ex: tre abaveow budger
30 | UNIT3 Offers AUOIO
E 11 10
Howlistento this extractfromthe converiationbetweenInesandMarco.Whichpointsdo theydiscuss? listen again and completethe sentences. 1clearbottlesversusgreen?
'Well,I havesomegoodnewson that.
Marco lnes
r, youwitlbe ableto supplybothwinesin
clearbottlesaswe requested. 4,yes.
Well,that'sgood.OK.Thenextthingis the price.
Wett,I did giveyoua rangeof pricesdepending ... on the quantitypurchased
...andz6 eurosreallyis a goodprice.
But l'[[seewhatI cando. z on that?
Ines lnes
Weneedwinesthat areavailable for at leastten vears.
.8Andin our offerwe saidfiveyears,
A C T I V E t I S T El{ ING
Youcancommunicate betterby usingactivelisteningstrategies. lt is veryimportantto continually check you receive to makesureyou haveunderstood correctly. the information Youcando this usingthe followingtechniques: Back-channeling showingthat you are realtylistening Mmmh,good. Yeah,OK. Ah ah. I see. Right.
Prompting- askingfor moreinformation Interesting. Couldyou tell memoreabout that? Yes,couldyou giveme somemoredetaits? Wouldyou be ableto providemorespecific information?
Paraphrasing makingsureyou have understoodcorrectly So you'dlike...,but only if ...ls that right? you So,if I understand you need... correctly, Sony,didyou say...?
Confirmingsayingthat you have understood yes. That'scorrect, That'sright. Yes,I seeyourpoint. So,you'ttget backto meon that.
Workwith a partner.Usethe informationin the PartnerFilesto havea telephoneconyersation. look at yournotes,andtry to useactivelisteningstrategieswhenmakingyourtelephonecall. PartnerA Fite3, p. 6o PartnerB Fite3, p,52
UNITS Offers| 31
@Lookatthefo1lowingopinionsaboutopenvsc1osedbiddingsand|nternetauctions. 0penbiddingsare alwaysthe best because not ontydo we get the full rangeof whatthe markethasto offer,but alsothe sales peoplecompetewith eachotherso we get the best pricel
0pen biddingsarefuntheychallenge my skilts as a salesrep.I get to talk to the client'sreps in orderto findout exactlywhatthey are lookingfor andwhat they are preparedto payfor it. Anythingelse is numbercrunching.
At mycompanywe preferclosedbiddings because we do not needa largenumberof offers.Wehaveclear specifications and'we are lookingfor partners that canmatchour standards.
Closedbiddingsare reallyhard.Youneedto buildtrustandyou needto show consistentqualityto be invitedinto a circleof potentialsuppliers.
Auctionsvia the lnternetaremydaily - andit's business great:no longtalksand negotiations. Justa simplecheckof whethera supplier matchesour specifications andthe resti5 an electronic rankingaccording to the pricethey offer.
Auctionson the Internet area realpainwhen you compare themto otherformsof bidding. Thereis hardtya chance for buildingtrust becauseit is all so remote.Andmostclient specifications arenot as clearasthe clients believethemto be.
@ canyoumostrelateto?Whichprocedure do youpreferto workwith? ' Whichstatement r Whattypesof offersareyouusuallyinvolved in at yourcompany? Woutdyoupreferto changethe wayyourcompany handles offers? . Howdo youthinkyourcounterpart [ikesthewayyourcompany dealswithoffers?
Lookat the tips betow.First,workwith a partnerto addtwo tips of yourown,thenrankthe tlps frommostimportant(r) to teastimportant(ro).
Tips for successfulnegotiations
your partner' a Build a relationship with when dealingwith b Considerthe intercultural aspects people from other cultures' Be flexible: look for alternative solutions' (within companyguidelines)' d Be preparedto compromise
e Look for a win-win solution' I (t
t *
Use active listening strategies' Speakclearly and simPlY'
your partner is looking for' h Ask questionsto find out what i j
r:i :) L*i =
r ::
T =
l{ow discussthese questlonswlth your partner. Howoftendo you negotiatein English? Whatkindof thingsdo you negotiate(price,delivery dates,etc.)?Wherearethe peopleyou negotiate with from(Europe, Asia,etc.)? you phone, person, z Do usuallyagreetermsandconditions overthe in or in writing?Whichdo you findeasiest/most difficult?Why? you you makeon the phone?Doyouwriteconfirmation followup an agreement emailsor 3 Howdo formaIletters? r
UNIT4 Negotiations | 33 AUDIO
GavinBrock,senlor sales managerat GarRental Internationalin Paris,has sent an offer to Gabi Bernstein,senior purchaserat EuroInsurancesLtd in Frankfurt,and is nowvisiting her office to discussthe details. Listento their conversationand decidewhich statementbest describesthe stage of their negotiation. a Theyareestablishing theirobjectives. b Theyarenegotiating specificpartsof the offer. c Theyhavereachedagreement andare next summarizing the steps.
Listenagaln to the dialogueand complete Gavin'snotes from the meetlngwith Gabl. What does Gavinneedto do after the meeting?
Noles - Aeefing with Gabi f)ernsteino{ E,rrolnlurances Lld ' Our offer is {aiAy cOmpetitive 1,bvl overall 2 is loo high' Alte r nativ e oif e r, basi cally sa e c o nditio ns,bu! |o we r pri c e. Aain points{rom 6abi: 3 feesfor carswith righf-hand drive(or [)rifain and
' No _ Ireland.
' Suggeslion, they take the of{erby
4 more cart for that region, we lower
/o (fax aAvanfages).
' ReAucfion in the overheaA
6 lor repairg anA mainfenance.
Syecialre?air i^turance, monthlyfee? ' ExfenAAurationof contractby{ovryears, anofher5To ?rice Aiscounl? 1o/ois ?robablyour 7 New calculation, can we offtr Soh?
Findwordsfromthe dlalogueandGavin'snoteswhichmeanthe following. willlast: 1 thelength oftimesomething 2 the amountof moneyyou haveto payfor a particularservice: that is onlytemporary, not yet final: 3 something 4 the amountof moneythat is takenoff the price: 5 the specificpartsof a contractthat bothpartiesmustagreeto: of usingnumbers to workout an amount: 6 the process
34 | UNIT4 Negotiations
l{ow use the correct form of the words from page 33 to comptetethese sentences. aTheboardofdirectorshasgivenusstrictguidelinesastothe-ofcontracts we makewith our partners. Wecannotagreeto a contractwhichrunsfor morethanthreeyears. b Weoftengive to newcustomers andhopethatwe canthenestablish a [ongtermrelationship withthemwhichwillalsobenefitus in the longterm. c They'veofferedto lowertheirpriceif we buythe firstroo modelswithina month.Nowwe haveto do the
to seewhetherour storagecostswouldincrease as a result.
d Wehaveagreedto altthe makeus a newoffernextweek.
of the contract,exceptthe deliverydates.Theywill
e Theywantto chargeus additional in theoverallprice. believe thisshouldbe included f
for the maintenance of the units.butwe
reportto ourclientso thattheycangiveit theirapproval.
__*,r '.:.,
Conditional sentences areoftenusedin salesnegotiations Thetypeof to discusstermsandconditions. you usedependslargelyon the message youwantto give. conditionaI sentence Todiscussfactsandthingswhicharealwaystrue,suchas yourstandardtermsandconditions: Whenyou order more than rco articles,you get a five per centdiscount. Todiscusstermsandconditions whichyouconsider verypossible: lf you buy more thon zoo articles,we'll give you o sevenper cent discount. lf we buy ftve more cars,we will also need a reductionin the overheadcosts. A salesperson mightusethisformto makethe offermoreattractive for the buyer,or the buyermightuseit to stressa conditiontheyfeelstrongtyabout.
Todiscusstermsandconditions whicharelesslikely,or to showthatyou areiust lookingintopossibilities: If you tookjust five more cars,we could lower our offer by five per cent. lfwe extendedthe contract,would you provide us with a five per cent discount? Thisformis oftenusedto seehowfar the otherpartyis wittingto go in a negotiation, withoutmakingany yourself.lt is lessdirectandthuscomesacrossas morepolite. promises
Listento the followingsentencesanddecidewhichspeakersaretalking about: a conditions whicharefactsor alwavstrue.
b termsandconditions thatareverypossible for bothpartners. c possibilities whichbothpartners are considering.
: I
U N I T 4 N e g o t i a t i o n1s3 5
the fol[owlngconditlonalsentences wlth the correctformof the verbsin brackets. Complete Urethe hintsin the bubbtesto hetpyouchoosethe correctform. Iooking at possibiEtier.
(lease)our entirefleetfromthem,
(receive) a big reductionin the overallcosts.
z lf you
(increase) the orderby just 5o,
(canlower)our offerby fivepercent.
making the offer more attradive
(agree)to yourpaymentschedule,
3lfwe WE
(need)a reductionin the overa[]costs. iii: ?&,'., -
(agree) to alltheotherconditions, thenl'msure
5 Whenyou you
(buy)our inspection servicesfor a monthtyfee, (receive) a discountfor the maintenance fees.
e &
(extend)the durationofthe contractby anotherfour
5lfwe years, lfit
Iooking at possibilities
(beabteto) meetyourdemands forthe delivery times.
stressingon imryftant candition
fteduce)the overallpriceby fivepercent?
(be)alt rightwith you,I
possible youthedraftversion of thecontract byWednesday. *, *.' .-very '-\:_:":::.,---5
Workwlth a partner.Choose somoof the sltuatlonsbelow- or thlnk of yourownfromyouriobandwriteconditionaltenteneesto flt the gltuation. withlong-term fromyouforthelast 7 A Youaremeeting clients whohavenotboughtanything year.Youwantto offerthema discounton theirnextorder. B Youhavefounda newsupplier whois lessexpensive Theycanalso thanA'scompany. guarantee shorterdelivery times. 2A
Youknowthatthissupptier hasdifficutties in detivering on time.Butfor a guaranteed delivery time,youwillpaymore. you andsometimes haveto waitfor yourownsuppliers. Therefore B Youhavestorageproblems, delivery timesto yourcustomers. Canyougetthemto ordermore in do notwantto guarantee orderto reducethe price?
Youaretatkingto an important clientof yours.Offerhimor hera specialpriceor discount on leasingcontract. conditionthat theysigna five-year process, Yourcompanyis in a restructuring andthereforeyou cannotagreeto a long-term get you havefoundanother Youdo, however, wantto a reductionbecause contract. potential supplier.
3 6 lU N| T 4
Ne go tiatio ns
RachelGohen, assistantkeyaccountr"ii"g", at the BuildingRentalSocietnis meetingLaura Vialli,a buyerat Caf6Europa, a franchisingcompany for caf6s.Theyarenegotiatingthe conditionsfor rentlngpropertyin London. Listento the extractandsaywhetherthe foltowingsentences aretruefl or fake f,. a Laurafeelsthat the pricefor leasingthe property is too high. b Rachel refuses to consider a shorterleasingperiod is because there a lot of interestin the property fromotherbuyers. c Rachelis wiltingto offera lowerleasingratein exchange for a percentage ofthe caf6'sturnover.
Listenagainto the dialogueandcompletethe extractswith the missingwordsor phrases. r Well,compared to theotherofferswe'vereceived sofar,it'scertainly to offeryoua betterprice,whichI'msureis inyour
z Yes,I agree.That , isn'tit?
3 Ah, I we 4 Normally q
yourdifficulty. that,but I thinkwe alsoneedto consider ... there,but the leasingperiodis an extremely importantfactorin setting
ourprice. 6 I'msorry. l'm
. Whatexactlyareyou proposing?
we areatthopingfor,it wil[ be 7 lf the caf6is the success
to bothyou andus.
Wouldthat be That
, but I wouldhaveto talkto my bossaboutit andget backto you.
Es !!Ecqllll-l !!G_sJYt Remember that negotiating stytesdiffernot onlyfrompersonto person,but atsoacrosscultures. Thereare manyfactorswhichmayinfluence howyourpartnerbehaves, so be prepared for situations whichmightnot partnersfromBritainor the U.S.A., be typicatin yourcountry.Forexample, whenmeetingbusiness negotiations normallyallowtimefor smatltatkat the beginning. Evenin formalmeetings it is or negotiations, feltthat relationship-building canensurea successfuI outcome. Differences mayalsooccurfromindustryto industry.lT peopleareusuallymuchmorerelaxedin their clothingandbehaviour than,for example, bankers, andthiswilt probabtybe reflected in theirnegotiating style. Whennegotiating with partnersfromothercultures, do yourhomework. withthe customs, Getacquainted manners andconventions as wellas someofthe dosanddon'ts.
UNIT4 Negotiations 137
After the meeting,Laurawrites the following emait to the headof her department.Completethe gapswith the correctform of the verbs below. accept. differ. enabler offer. receive. reduce. suggest t^
: ,
*"" A
Hello F r anc o , As you know, after
1 variousoffers for rental premisesin London,I am
in the negotiation phasewith the better agents.My impressionis that the leasing period in London is quite standard;the terms that they have
One offer was a bit different though. Rachelfrom Building RentalSociety a leasingrate partly basedon our turnover at the premises.Could we _s would
this, depending,of course,on the percentagerate itself?lt 6 u s to 7 th e fi xed pri cequi te consi derabl y.
Puta tick I nextto the oneswhich Lookat thesewaysto agreeor disagreewith someone. anda crossf, nextto thosewhichmeandisagreement. meanagreement a I seeit a tittledifferently.
b I shareyourviewscompletely.
c Thatmaywell be right,but ... d Wecouldgo alongwith that. e Upto a pointwe couldacceptthat,but... f
I rea[[ycan'tagreewith that.
g Yes,I'mabsolutely in favourof thatoption. h I agree. iNormatlywecouldacceptthat,butinthiscase... j
I can'tagreewith youthere. Unfortunately,
3 8 | UN I T 4 Neg otia tion s
{ l{ow usethe erpressionsa-i from page3i to t"rpond to the fotlowlngstatements.tote that sometimesmorethanoneanswerls possible. right. t A Thisis goingto bea verybigordersoit'simportant wegeteverything Bh
. We'l[do the calculations and get backto you.
2 A I think it's importantwe iookat the big picture.Hopefutty we cancreatea win-winsituation. B
.lt reallyis bestfor bothof us if we canestablisha successful long-term
relationship. A
priceis notsucha bigissue. I'msureyou'ilseethattheincreased
. Theoverallpriceis the mostimportantpointfor us.
Letme seeif l'veunderstood. Youwouldactuallypreferto payhigherpricesif we can guarantee the deliverytimes?
B-.|fwecanbesurethatdeliveriesarealwaysontime,thenwecanpas5on5ome extracoststo our clients. practice herein.lapan. 5 A Youknow,thisis the standard B
@ 18
O 7
youto , but in thiscasewe thinkthatthe sizeof our ordershouldconvince changeyourstandardpractice.
GavinBrockfrom Car Rental lnternational is having a secondmeeting wlth his client, Gabi Bernstein, from Euro Insurances Ltd. Listen to the conversation and tick p the sentences you hear.
a Wewouldliketo createa long-termpartnership. is bestfor bothof us. b A long-termpartnership
for us. a Thatis certainlyinteresting That is in our best interests. b certainly a But it is necessary that both partiesbenefitfor that to work. b However, both partieshaveto benefitfor that to work. a I'm happywe'vefounda solution. b I'mgladwe'vebeenableto find a solution.
t: ti L-_,1 t-,,
:.'-'] i-"
i--i l--_l 1-- I
Dothey manageto reachagreementon their contractfor leaslngcompanycars? Whatarethe conditions? Wouldthis conversationcountas a legally bindingagreementln your country? Whn orwhy not?
rytil Youcanusethe phrases bothpartiesarelookingto getthe bestresultfor theircompany. In a negotiation, good for them. belowto showyourpartnerthat whatyou areofferingwitl be We'resure it would also be in your best interest(s). It would be to your odvantogeto ... Youwill be able to reduceoverall costsin the long term. expertshavesuggested that partiesshouldlookfor solutionswherebothwill benefit- this Manynegotiation phraseswhichmayhelpyou achievethis. are some Here is cattedthe 'win-win'situation.
Bothportiesmustbenefitfor thatto work. Thatis bestfor bothof us. Wewouldliketo createa long-termportnership.
Gavin'semailto Gabiwlth wordsfromthe box.Doesthe emailmentioneverything Complete that wasagreed?
DearGabi Thankyoufor ourconstructive yesterday. meeting I
I the opportunity to meetwith
youagain, andI amgladwewereableto 3the pointswe have,discussed so far.
Aspromised, l'm writing ,' agreement.
1' Wewill notinclude additional feesfor thecarswith right-hand drivefor Britainandlrelandif youtakefive morecarsin thatregion. 2. Youwilltakeourspecial insurance offerfor a monthly ?
a.lt includes the annual
overhaul andthemounting of wintertyres. Youagreed to extendthedurationof thecontract byfouryears. s of a thirdof $e annual tumoverwitrin sevendaysof
4. Youagreed to makea signing thecontract.
5. Wewill takeadvantage of the one-dayregistationlarvsin Germany, andofferthe carsto youasusedcars. 6. lf all of the abovepointsareagreed,thenwe will redweouroverallofferby sixpercent. Please contactmeto
.5$at youagreewit'r thesepoints.I will thenget our lawyersto
drafta contractfor yourconsideration. Onceagain,thankyoufor the
7to workwith youon this.I lookforuard
overthe nextfew years. .8ourcooperation
Yours sincerely Gavin Brock
Neg otia tion s
4 0 lUN | T 4
Reviewthe phrasesusedin the unit as wettas the onesin the boxbelow.Thenworkwith a partner.Usethe rolecardsin the Partnertiles or think up yourownsituationto negotiateand try to reachan agreement with your partner.
P artnerA Fi te4,p.6o PartnerB Fite4, p.62
----*,., .-:-ii. i
Startingthe conversation We'revery happyto be meetingyou today. Wehopeto cometo an acceptable solutionfor bothof us. I'd liketo discusssomeof the detailsin the offer. WeUtiketo hearyourproposalsbeforewe tell you whatwe canoffer. Concludingyour arguments Sothat wrapsit up. T hats um su p o u r s i d eth e n . Wearesurethat youwill seethe benefitsfor yourcompanyif youtakeup our offer. Thereyou haveour proposal.I'mafraidthat'sas far as we cango. Finishingthe conversation Thatmaybe a possibitity, but I haveto discussit with my boss. Letme get backto you. I'mhappywe'vefounda solution.l'll sendyou an emaiItomorrowsummarizing ouragr e e m e n t.
Onewordin eachof the lines betowdoesnot go with the itemin botd.Crossout the wordthat doesnot fit, as in the exampte.
r 2 3 4 5 6 7
sffer gK negoti'ate, 'get a discount :ag1ee,to guarantee rqdUce rnoveup a deliverydate .tower extend reduce agfee,to the durationof a contract accept reconsider re.eeire 'Ca[qq.lqte,an offer reduce increase ,exte , 'lo.Wer"tthe price guarantee quatity,de$v.eqrrli.nS6: r*.4rci.S{tir€1,,.ch,eaper,prices negotiate the.price the.q.ql'difioiq;'a,tl.fer- .a:{gtagonship
the tablewlth nounsfromthe unlt. Comptete -l'
Discussthese questions with a partnel. in yourcountryor Howoftendo youplace/take an order?Doyou mostlydealwithcompanies abroad? z Whatarethe stepsinvolved in ptacing/taking Whatformsdo you have an orderfor yourcompany? to complete? fromyoursuperiors to place/take a[[orders,or justfor onesinvolving large 3 Doyou needapproval quantities or significant amountsof money? whatarethe mostdifficuttaspects in placing/taking 4 Whenworkingwithforeigncompanies, orders? r
fean Dubanworks as a satespersonfor the international telecommunicatlonssupplier TEGID (SA) in Lyon,and spendsa lot of time on the phone.Listento two of his phoneconversationsand completethe notes.
fra rnJunkt Hanarnura,JapanCarm tw Quawity: vwdd # Xpk14: ynadel #
3: N0
Dellvery by Frtday m.ornivgto Needto fax
5 codract
Order: Cnstovnr-r fravwNa &etk, Phtva ExroPe,ibflrdd FLrstorabr va.dcrthe Q'vutttty: Ddwery utttl4Lw
6 contract
7 utewi.avt' Ie,ods 8 rnlntlas
Orders | 4it
Llstento the callsagalnandcompletethe sentencesbelow.
Call r rWe
someUSBadapters forournetwork. to ourofficein Osakaby Friday morning?
z Canyou
I'vegot everything downright. a modeIcontractimmediately.
3 So,let me 4*- Fine. Call z 5 ...we're 6 Letmejust finda penso I can 7 Of course.l'll emailit to you
to let you knowhowthingsaregoing.
Whenhandtingorders,it is importantfor the salesperson andthe purchaserto exchangeall relevant information suchas: r Specifications (formateriat,quality,etc) r Quantity . Contactperson o Placeof delivery . Deliverydate r Methodof payment(e,g.cashon delivery(COD),invoice,directdebit) r Othertermsandconditions r Paperworkneeded(signedorder,confirmationby fareetc.) purchaseogreement, Muchof the informationaboveis inctudedin a frame contract.Atso calleda cal!-off thistypeof contractis oftendrawnup whena clientor companyneedsa just-in-time deliveryof standard productsthat theydo not wantto storethemselves. An orderplacedundera framecontractis calleda call-offorder.
Completethe sentenceswlth wordsandphrasesfromthe box.
withthetermsandconditions r We'dliketo placeourfirstorderin accordance of our witlbeourwarehouse nearCoventry.
. The
The to yourfactory.
2 We' e sentthe
is enclosed andshould
be paidwithin3o daysof 3 We'vespokento our productionunit,and I canassureyouthatwe will be ableto meetallthe
of yourorder.
44 | UNIT s O r der s
0ur charges dependon yourchosen canpayfor the goodson ourwebsite. your 5 As soonas we havereceived
. You'llfinddetailsof howvou
(orreturned we will emaitconfirmation),
passyourorderonto theproduction unit.
Workwith a partner.Usethe informationin the PartnerFilesto practisehandlingorders.Tryto usesomeof the phrasesfromthe boxbelow. PartnerA File5, p. 6r PartnerB Fite5, p.63
._-rla!!,PJ!!!G_9}lq8g Placingorders Wewouldliketo order/have ... We'rereadyto makeour firstorderunderthe framecontract. We'dtiketo placea call-offorderfor 3,ooounits. deliveryby Friday. Wewouldappreciate Canyou manageit/that? Takingorders I'ltjusttake/writedownthe details. Let me just write this down/typein your order. So,how manydo you needexactly? Wasthereanythingelseyou'dliketo ordertoday? Checkingand confirming information Letme just check/repeat that. Letme makesureI'vegot everything down right. Yes,that's right/correct. Sorry.Didyou say...? Couldyou saythat again/repeat that, please?
Anna Longworks as a purchaserat Stores International in Leeds.She has iust placedan order under a new frame contractwith their wholesaler Fashion Modes Plc in tlilan. Lookat the web order on the next page,and use the words betow to comptete the gaps. a b c d e f g
VAT Contact Totalvalueof goods Deliveryaddresses Gross lnvoice Placeof delivery
UNITS Orders| 45
You have just completed this order, P/ease check all items before confirming. Client
i Stores International,Leeds, England
Frame contract
i 128qi9978 wc0001-128jh
Order number Authorization (PlN)
T:+44(211)5560-900 e' n. r-o'ngdJr""-Jnternationat.com 2 payable within 30 days upon delivery
Paymentterms Billingaddress
Stores International c/o Anna Long 40 North Street Leeds, England Central warehouses.addresses known
.,:,t, ','.,,...$irlni*d'ffd u (net)
42,750.0O euro
6 (19%)
8 ,1 2 2 .5 0
7 (total price) 50,872.50
Please make sure that all items are accompanied by detailed delivery notes.
After completion of the order you will receive an automatic confirmation via email. Should you not receive this email within one hour, please contact our internationalhotline 1-800-09 111959. :::ff- - ::i- q
ln salesand purchasing, the termspart number,item number,andarticlenumberarc often used interchangeably. A moretechnicalterm is SKU,stock-keeping unit. Likethe othertermsabove,this of numbersand/orlettersis usedto referto andidentifya specificproductfor bothsales sequence purposes. and inventory Notethat the abbreviationfor numberis no. (orsometimes #).
tr -5
0 rde:s
puzzle. Usethe ctuesto completethe crossword Youcanfind alt the answerson the formon page{5. Across of this. z USD,EUR,andGBPareexamples fiilsin andsendswith 5 Theformthatthe supplier thegoods. whoyou 7 lhe personat the othercompany shouldtalkto. Down r Howthe moneyfor thegoodsshouldbe paid. I'll sendwritten... z FCMIONNATRIO: goodsarestored. The buitding where 3 t7.5"/" in the U.K. 4 6 Howmuchthe goodsareworth.
Annanowhasto changeherorder.Shecatlshercontaetat tashlonitodes,the salesrepRoberto Branca.Llstento their conversation6nddecldewhetherthe foltowlngaretrue f; or fake ffi. r
Theonlinetoolfor changing ordersdoesn'tworkyet.
receive the changes. an emailconfirming z Annawillautomatically to the order. 3 Annawantsto maketwo changes
endphraseryou hear. andtlck p the sentences Listenagalnto the convergatlon, r
I needto change the order...
z I'llmakea noteof the changes. aswell. 3 l'[[needwrittenconfirmation intothesystem... 4 l'l[enterthe changes te[[metheordernumber? 5 ...couldyou ptease 6 Coutdyoutell mewhichitemsareincorrect? not Birmingham. 7 lt oughtto be Brighton, 8 ...couldI alsoaskyouto addanotheritemto the order?
t{ow decldewhlch of these s€ntencesyou can ure lor a changean order.1, b accepta changeto an order.2,
U N I T S O r d e r s| 47
Usesentencesfromexercise8 to completethe fotlowingminl-dlalogues. A Whatwitlhappennow?| mean,I needsomesortof confirmation. B Yes,ofcourse. receivea confirmation emai[.
', andyou'llautomaticalty
A Unfortunately oneof the itemsis incorrect, andI needto changeit. Canyoudo thatfor me? 2
B Of course.lt's no problem.Butfirst.
B Of course,I cantakecareof that for you.Whatwouldyou liketo change? A B Yes,of course.l'l[ sendyou an emailstraightawayso you canseewhatwe'vechanged. A l'msorry,but I needto talkto you aboutsomemistakesin our ordernumber07 1345. B Yes,certainly.
B Yes,of course.We'realwayshappyto increase the order.
@ 10 22
Sometimesit canbedifficult to understandnumbersandfiguresgivenoverthe phone.Listento the recordlngs andcompletethe mlsslnginformation. r
. Haveyou got that?
z Saleshavebeengreat.So far thisyearwe'vesolda totalof
increase of 3 Goodnews.Wecansaveup to
eachquarterif we switchsuppliers.
outputfrom 4 l'm pleasedto reportthat thisfacititywasableto increase
lastquarter. 5 I havea questionaboutoneof the itemsyou ordered.lt'sitemnumber the
6 Thenettotalfor yourlatestorderis
. Withthe DutchVATof
thisgivesyou a grosstotalof
Reviewthe phraseson page44tot checkingandconftrmlnginformatlon.l{owworkwith a partner.Usethe lnformationin the PartnerFilesto practisepasslngon figuresoverthe phone. PartnerA File6, p.5r PartnerB File5, p,6l
I Uill5
Herearesomeertractsfroma stanOarCcontract betweenPhoneEuropeIn Sheffleldandthelr Frenchsuppller,TEGID(sA).matchthe two partsto makecontractterms. r z 3 4 5 6 7 8
binding liable due interest invalidate anyotherclauses reserves revoke subjectmatter
a b c d e f g h
andregulations ofthecontract onarrears allrights agreement date thiscontract foranydamages
llow completetheseextractsfiom the contractwlth the contracttermsabove.
t isthedelivery byTEGID(SA) equipnent of electronic The Unless termsaniltlata,seoAppendixA. delivery of conditions, to phoneEurope.(Forspecifications putia.) arebindingto bothcontracting providerl specifications these otherwise 2for thedelivery partic constitutes a Thesipatureof bothcontracting throughtheonlineportalof TEGID(SA).Both articles;call-offorderswill behanrllod of thechosen of TEGID(SA)' termsandconditions standard thegeneral sides accept
rEGID(SA) (SA)isnot dates.TEGID delivery
3to select to moetschsduled logisticalpartners suitable aor lossos incurrodbythelogistical
partners. daysafterreceiptof the phoneEuropeagrees obligationwithin 14calendar to fulfil itspayment 5bymorethentencalendar days, the puty exceeds articles.If thecontracting 6of fourpercentabove thoba.se an TEGID(SA)will charge for eachreminder' CbntralBank.€10wilt bechargod interestrateof theEuropean voiddoesnot beingor becoming clause Anagreement 8in partsor in full if Phone to TEGID(SA)roservesallrighs ontheextentof thedamage ilepends Europeinfringesanyof theagreedpmvisions.Apenalty B). incurredbyTEGID(SA)(fordeailsseeAppendix
U N I T s O r d e r s| 4 9
A colleagueat TEGID(SA)asks questionsabout the contract.Canyou give an ansrfler? 'WhendoesPhoneEuropeneedto payby?Andwhathappens if theypaytate?Witttheyhaveto payinterest?' 2 'Wecan'tacceptthisclause. lf we strikeit out,witttheyhaveto drawup a newcontract, or is it stillvatid?' deliverthegoods? Andwhathappens if a thirdpartycauses to the damage 3 'Whowillactually goods?' 'Under whatcircumstances canwe getout of the contract?' 4 r
Lookat the followingcomments aboutusingintegratedbusinesssoftwarefor processing and you trackingorders.Whichopinion(s)do agreewith?
JudyWelsh,Headof Sales Usingelectronicorderingsystemsis reollygreot. Everythingis so much quickerand easier.I rememberwhen we usedto send ordersby fax. First you had to type up the orde4then print it out, and proy the fax machine was working.Now everythingis done by computer lt's wonderful.
KenFellows,KeyAccountManager Workingwith online orderingsystemsis o poin. Theyare so complicatedand much too detailed.Plus,I preferto deal with realpeople ratherthan websites,emails,ond paper,anywoy. It makesbusinessmorefun and it is also faster.
LeePark"Buyer Whatieally gets on my nervesare websiteswhereI placean order and then t nothing- no ,rttogi, no email- teilliing me thatthe don't getany response, order is actuatlybeing processed.That'swhent reachfor thephone or write an email of my own so I can makesurethot my order hasreaitlybeenreceived.
Annalones,SatesRep Electronictools should be just that: tools. Theyorejust there to makelife easierand shouldn't be used to do the things people con do better.lf you blamethe tool when thingsgo wrong,then you just aren't doing yourjob right.
. Haveyoueverusedan integrated business Whatdo youthinkthe systemto handleorders? anddisadvantages are? advantages . Haveyoueverencountered anyproblems withan automated systemfor placingor takingan order? you probtem Describe whathappened. Howdo thinkthistypeof canbe avoided?
Lookat the followingtist of probtemswhichhavebeenmentionedby peopleworkingin sales Tickfl the oneswhichyou havepersonaltyhadto dealwith. Ganyou addany andpurchasing. otherproblemsto the lists? Whatsalespeople complainabout: Orders areoftencancelled at thelastmoment. paytate(ornotat all). Customers sometimes Customers oftensendincomplete orderforms.
Whatpurchasers complainabout: Thereareoftendelaysin delivery.
Thewronggoodsaresometimes sent. Thequalityof theproductis oftennotasweexpect. ,
Workwith a partner.Choosea problemfromthe lists above.lmaginesomebodyis complainlng to you aboutit. Howmightyou respond? AUDIO
Twocustomersaremakingcomplaints.Listento theseextractsfromthe phonecallsand completethe tabte. Problem Callr
U N I T 6 C u s t o m ecra r e | 51
tlatch the two parts to makesentencesfrom the dialogues.Thenlisten again to checkyour answels. r Thereseemsto be a z Sorry,but I needsomething 3 Canyou managedelivery 4 | canconfirmthat 5 I'mafraidthat shouldhave 6 Somebody get personatty 7 l'[[ 8 Canyou confirmthat
a b c d e f g h
moresoecific so I cantellourcustomers. it's stittnotworkingcorrectly. mistake withthe shipment. wiltbe hereby noon? someone fixedthe problemyesterday. by Friday? on to the service unitimmediately... you'[[receivethe sensorsfirstthingFridaymorning.
!II JIEEL*.$-?:is':.--r,,Ii,...-it is hetpfutto usethe following Whenmakinga complaint, three-step approach: r Describe the problem. z Stateyourrequestclearly(what,when,how,who). 3 Confirmagreements. to makea Weusecertainwordsand phrasesin English personal: complaint[essaggressive and lln ofraid (thot) thereis a problem with ... ThereappearsI seemsto be o mistakeI mix-up... Unfortunotely,we havea slight problem with ... Wecanalsousesentenceswith shouldhoveto explainexactly whatwentwrong: Somebodyshould havefixed the problemyesterday. Theshipmentshould hove been sent to Shanghai, not Seoul. Weshould havereceivedthe delivervlast week.
There geemsto bea mistake. I didn'torder candles.
Listen to the phone calls in exerciser again (or look at the transcripts on pages74-75.) Dothe speakersfollow the three-stepapproachabovewhen making their comptaints?Find examples.
Put the words in the right order to makesentencesusedto makecomplaints.Xote that in each casethere is one word you do not need.
r the invoice with there's I'mafraid a oroblem that seems 2 appears I'm this detay witt afraid cause problems us 3 haven'treceived already shipment We the yet 4 to shipment should The beensent Moscow receivedhave 5 should Unfortunatelyis stitl the program not working 6 for can understand this I is frustrating stight you that 7 you confirm that here unfortunatelysomeone wilt be tomorrow? Can 8 technicianscould yesterday Your should have fixed it 9 mistake to be Unfortunatelymanage seems a the order with there
52 I UNIT 6 c us t om er c a re AUDIO
tr\ U 25
Lindalllatthews,a purchaser at LogistitsInternational,is ringingAtenat{ovik,a salesrepat Paper4 U in Prague.Listento their conversation andtakenotes.Whatis the problemandwhat actionwill Atenataketo fix the problem?
Listenagainto the dialoguebetweenLindaandAlenaandcompletethe sentences. Right,I
z I realizethisis 3
so l'[ seeto it immediately.
youa fewquestions first? by'thewrongpaper'?
4 What
with Production and arrangea specialdelivery...
the shipmentis at yourlocationno laterthanro a.m.tomorrow
6l 7 I'Il
Which of the abovesentencescan be used to: a confirmthat you haveunderstood the client'ssituation? b askfor detailsof the problem?
c suggest solutions to theproblem? d hetpthe clientby confirming whathasbeenagreed? COfriPtAtl{T ||,iAI{AGEMEI|T IflTH CAStt
r Whe.n dealingwith complaints, it is helpfultofollowa four-stepapproach:
: Confirmthat you haveunderstood the client'ssituationandcanseewhy he or sheis angryor frustrated. (Notethat we sometimes saysorryeventhoughsomethingis not our fault.) |m sorry to hear that. I t understandyour situation. t realize this mustbe frustratingfor you.
A s k f or t h e d e ta i l s o fth e p ro b te ma n d fi ndoutw hatthecustomerhasatreadytri edtodotosol vethe probtem. Couldyou tell me exactlywhichitem was damaged? 't . . M ay las k i fy o u ,v e tri e d to u s e th e tra c k i ngfoci Ii tyonourw ebsi te? solutionsthat areas quickandeasyas possible. , $erve yourclientby suggesting '. Youwitt get the missingshipmentwithinz4 hours. : t'llget backto you first thing tomorrowmorningabout compensation. yourcommitments Hetp yourclientby confirming and repeating whatyou agreedto do. personally you get compensation. l'll see to it immediatelyand makesure Are we agreedthat you'll fax me a copy of the invoiceand l'll send you the missingitems today? ,
: l i l i i
UNITG Customercare | 53 i,
Ghangethesetantencesso that they frt the GASHapproachto customercere.Usethe prumpts In brackets. r |stha tr ea 1lysuchaproblemforyou ? (u n d e rs t a n d )I f f it h a t is a p ro b I e mf o ry o u . z I guessthatmustbedifficult.(realize) (exactly) 3 What'stheprobtem? z*-lsthatall rightwithyou?(convenient) S SoI thinkyou'llgetit nextweek.(makesure) (l personally) willsortit outimmediately. 5 Someone (UonFriday) from about the discount. ussoon 7 You'llhear
Completethe sentenceswlth wnl (10 andverbsfiom th bor r zl 3
'll seeto
it immediately. you getthe shipmenton time.
theorderto yourofficesby Friday.
the detailsand our agreementin writing.
6 8
the rightgoodstomorrowat the latesL
Workwlth a partner.Usea situationbelowor thlnk of yu cnr sltuation.Thenusethe flowchartto makedlalogues.Usethe phrasesin tbe rrit so frr to makeandrespondto the complaints.
+ffi'"."sffi )
54 | UNIT6 Customercare
{ linda illatthewshasa problemwith a DuichlT flrm caltedlnstant Solutions,andhasfflted out the complaintform on their website.look at the form andsaywhetherthe followingstatements aretrue@orfabef,. l--t Thereis noframecontract related to thisorder. LI i*t Inekede Bruintooktheorder. L*.J Afterplacing theorder,Lindareceived anemailconfirming date.L-l theshipment anddelivery Fiveitemsweremissing fromtheorder. LI t..-l Inekede Bruinhasagreed to paycompensation.
r z 3 4 5
ComplaintForm Clientdata: Client (@mpany, department):
Shipment data: : LogisticsInternational, I Central PuTlglgj!9j.,
- -
Matthewq Linda
, Type of article: *___-_j
I Glasgoq Scotland
Email address:
Number of items:
[email protected]
Order number: I
I Framecontract:
I Notebook NB 1005511
L _ _ _ _-.-''-'''_ f-thtrt"
r-i t___._ :
N B l 0055l l
I rl
2009 I LIGFC 25230of l0 February
I il
Telephone number: Faxnumber:
+ 44 (0) 34244 5768
I + 44(0) 342M s769
Shipmenttracking number:
Typeof request: &
lnformation aboutscheduled shipment
Delivery ofwrongarticle
Delivered article notfullyfunctioning
Documents incomplete
! Shipmentbehindschedule
Article missing
:' ',Oecei o*: , -:' '' '. ' '' , ' I placed the order two weeksago with Ms Ineke de Bruin. She sent an email a day later confirming the shipment 'as agreed', but there was no written confirmation of the delivery date. We should havereceived30 of your notebooks as specifiedin the order mentioned above.We only received25 notebooks, and they were two days late. To date we havereceivedno information about the missing notebooks. This is the secondtime this has happened!We expect the missing items in the next few days plus compensation for the inconveniencecaused. :1ii*l--.ai:?ti:::t:i
Comptetetha table wlth wordsfromthe onllneform above.
deliver I confirm
s h ip
Customer care | 55
llow use the correct form of words flom the table to complete the sentences. r
Theirwebsiteis futl of useful easyto find.
z We have 3 Canyou please 4 Couldyou 5 I'mafraidwe areunableto 6 Theframecontractorovides
. Everything I wantedto knowwasavailable and
theorderby specialair courier. Youwill receive it in the morning. that in writing? exactlywhatyou havereceived? thatmodeluntilnextweek. if the goodsarenot hereon time.
lnekede Bruinof InstantSolutionshaswrittenthe followingemailto LindaMatthews.What phrasesdoesInekede Bruinuseto: r apologize? z showthatsheunderstands hercustomer's situation? 3 explainwhatcausedthe problem? 4 statewhatwill be doneto fix the problem? 5 offeranotherbenefitto hercustomer? 6 apologize again?
Dear Linda, Pleaseacceptmy apologiesfor the late delirery of lour notebooks.I very much regretthe frustration and problemsthis has causedyou. pleasebe assuredthat we are doing everythineto make surethat the missingnotebooksarrive as soon as possible.The delaywascausedb1'unexpectedcomputerproblemsin our production department,which havesincebeenresoh'ed.The missingitemswill be deliveredby special courier to your officesin Glasgowby Thursdayat the latest' Sincethis has happenedfor the secondtime and also as a sign of goodwill, I would like to offer you a free maintenancecheckof the PCsyou haveleasedfrom us for your officesin Warsaw' Again I regretthe inconvenienceand hope that we will be ableto continueto do business together. Should therebe any further difficulties,pleasecontactme directly so that I can personallytake careof any problems. Bestregards, Ineke de Bruin
PS: I'll call you on Friday to make sureeverythingis as it should be'
uh - 6
Cu sto mer ca re
€hoosethe most suitable word to completethese sentences. r z 3 4 5 6
I apologize/regretlexplain the inconvenience and hopethat we wittbe ableto do business together. lf youdo not compty/obey/follow with the deliverytermsas agreed,we witl be sorry/forced/ happyto findanothersupplier. Pleasebe assured/happy/satisfied that we aredoingeverything we canto fix the probtem. Wewittbe made/forced/required to askfor compensation in this case. Wearewritingto definitely/completety/formalty complain aboutthesituation. Shouldtherebe anyfurtherdifficulties, pleaseinformme directly/first/quickty.
Work with a partner. Readthe following complaints,and discusshow you would deal wlth them. Thenchooseone and write a response.Try to use the phrasesyou havelearnedin this unit.
I'm writing to complainaboutyourlatestdelivery. Not onlyarewestill waitinglor part of our order to arrive,but onceagainwehavereceived components that shouldhavebeensentto another department. Wehaveforwardedthemto thecorrect factory,andof courseweexpectyouto coverthese costs. Thisis not thefirst timethat thiskind of mix-uphashappened. Thesedeliveryproblems are causingusextraworkaswellasdelaysin production. Wecannotaccept this,andwill haveto cancelthecontractif it happens again.
Weregret thatweareobliged to sendyoua yourrepeatedly noteofcomplaint about late payments. youhavenotresponded Unfortunately, toourprevious reminders, nordidwereceive anyreaction tothetelephone messages we leftonyouranswering machine. lf youdonot comply withthepayment termsasagreed in ourframecontract, wewillbeforcedt0 contact ourlawyers. Wewould, however, liketogiveyou onelastchance t0 paytheinvoice inlull(plus charges) bytheendofthisweek.
Ytlorkwith a partner.Usethe informationin the PartnerFilesandlanguagefromthe unit to makeand respondto complaints. PartnerA File7, p. 6r PartnerB File7, p.53
DApoLoGy _-rETrq!!*qI ro_Mp!A!t{rA1{ : Makingcomplaints I l' mwr it in gto y o uto c o m p l a i an b o u t... to the aboveorder. ; I am writingin reference . Unfortunatety, ... , Talkingaboutconsequences , Weexpectyou to coverthesecosts. Weexpectcompensation for the inconvenience ' r
C Z I U S € O.
; Wecannotacceptthisandwill haveto cancelour c ont r a ci tf i t h a p p e nas g a i n . lf youdo not complywiththe deliverytermsas ' ' agreedin ourframecontract, we will be forcedro contactour lawvers,
Offeringapologies Pleaseacceptmy apologies for... Pleasebe assuredthatwe aredoingeverything ... | (verymuch)regretthe inconvenience we have causeo. Referringto futureaction Wewil[,of course,coverthe extracosts/reimburse you/arrange for a newshipment... As a signof goodwill,I woutdliketo offer...
care ls z Customer
Readthe followingtranscriptfroma speechwhichCristinaPimenta,a seniorsalesrepat an gayeat hercompany's internationalcoffee-produclng company, annualsalesconference. Doyou agreewith the pointsshemakes?Why,or why not?
+++ Newsandviewsfromthe annualsalesconference +++ Cristina
Our figures show that we are excellent at convincing new clients of the quality of our products. Yet figures for retaining clients - especially those very critical clients in Southern Europe - are . . . well ,. . poor. We lose too many customers. and we all know what that means: winning a new client is much harder and a lot more expensivethan keeping an existing one. So our goal for the coming year is to improve the quality of our after-sales services. For that purpose we have developed three guiding principles.
problems! 1 Wesolveourclients' That means we try to understand their business needs. We find out what their problems are. We actively search for solutions. \7e surprise them. S(e think from the point of view of their clients - what they expect or will expect, what they want and how our partners can meet those expectations. If we can do that, our clients will love us and our products.
E -
IIT -.I a
2 Wesearchfor the'WE'! Thisis whatwe shouldalwayslook for.\flheneverour clientsthink'we', thel' are sadsfiedwith our products and services.It meansthey are not looking for alternative suppliers. 'We' is the key signal for the quality of our relationship.
3 Weturnourclientsintowinners. \7hen they win, we win. It's as simple as that. Our clients want to be winners and they v/ant to be seen as winners. So we need to help all our partners look good - in the eyes of their customers, their partners, their bosses,their colleagues as well as in the public eye. 'We need to help them to publicize their success. | I
'Arter tne game rs Detoretne gane , So, after the sale is before the sale. Let's put that into pracdce.
@ o Giveonegoodexample andonebadexample of complaint management whichyouhave experienced. Whenyou makea complaint, whatkindof response do youexpect?Howis it differentfromthe you actuallyget?Givesomeexamples. response Discuss severaIwaysin whichcompanies canimprovetheirafter-sales service.
Test yourself! See how much sales and purchasing vocabulary you have learned. Usethe clues to complete the crosswordpuzzle. Across 8 Tosuggestan optionwhichyou believeto be good. in a yearfromthe salesof its goods. 9 Theamountof moneythat a companyreceives t3 An eventwherepeoplewho workin the sameindustrycanmeet.(z words- 5, 4) t6 Whenyou sayyouaresorry,you makean .... t7 Whentwo partiessayyes:to reachon .... r8 A formalofferto supplygoodsat a particularprice. t9 Whenan arrangement is definite,you oftengetwritten.... 27 General termsand.... 22 Theothercompanies in yourindustrywhichperformthe samefunctions. z4 Thecompanywhichprovidesyouwith the goodsyou needto do yourbusiness. 25 Askingsuppliersto makebids:...to bid. Down r A smallbit of thickpaperwith yourname,the nameof yourcompany, andyour contactdetails.(z words- 8, 4) z A reductionin the priceof something. 3 Todescribewhenthe goodswill arrive:...date. 4 Thisis howmuchyou haveto pay. 5 An eventwheregoodsaresoldto the highestbidder. 6 Tomakean offer,norma[[yin a tenderscenario. of howmuchyousel[. 7 Thosecostswhicharefixed,regardless 8 RFPis the shortformof this phrase.$ words- 7, 3,8) 10 Whatyou haveto payif youdo something wrong. 77 Similarto a guarantee, wherethe sellerpromises to repairor replacethe product if thereis a problem. t2 Thebasiccontractunderwhichatlfuturedealingstake place:...contract. t4 Theamountof moneyyou haveto payfor a particularservice. 75 A listofthe goodsyou haveboughtwhichsayshowmuchyou haveto pay. zo Torequestgoodsfroma supplier. z3 A salesteamoftenhasto sella certainamountof goods,that is theirsales....
Testyoursetf!| 59
t t : : , ', '
Partner files Yournameis Kate/Kyle Gorresdal andyouworkat the Norwegian subsidiary of InternationaI Garments Inc.Youneedto talkto somebodyin the purchasing department at HQin Florence who canhelpyou for a tradefair.Firstread ordersomegive-aways yournotes.Thenmakethe call.
Weneed: 5oopens
Youare Petra/PeterNolteof BreadBasket,a largearegoing scalebakerylocatedin yourcountry.You Stotl,a purchaser at Clever to phoneMarie/Mario Catering,to makean offer.Youknowthey offer andyou wouldtike cateringandeventmanagement, to createa contactand hopefullysellthemyournew products.Herearesomenotesyou havewritten:
What we sell: bread, rollr and biscuits
3oo penci[s togo - atlwith our comPanY months - deliverYin 4 - mustfit the moderndesign ofthe stand shouldbe the - the colouring togo sameas the comPanY th.?,ol"t - We neeAgooAquality Pe^t.h o rrtv tei \/e a r We re W e ga V ea Wd y l a s f
Our strenqths ' We have a ra1ge o{ proAucfionlacilifies worldwide. ' We alsohave our own delivery tervicer. Our producfs are alwayrof high quality. We produce locally,thus fhe proAvcts are much fresher. Ovr obiecliver
andyou workfor Deyhle YouareLeslieSorenson TravelGmbH in Austria.Youoffertravelmanagement companies. solutionsfor smallandmedium-sized Youareat yourstandat the internationat fair Talkto a potentialnewclientand ask business.org. questions and background. abouttheirbusiness Inquireabouttheirneedsandspecifications.
' Sellnewgroducfs,e.g.breaA anA biscvits. ProviAeother speci{ieproAuets,e.g.for peoplewith diabetes. Possiblelrialperiod eilherinlhe IJSor inthe AiAdle East
We offer travel management solutions for your company! scheduling flights handling visas booking accommodation arranging international conferences organizing client entertainment abroad
* L.dle Sot€tro Regional Sales Dir&r
*:1i$i'gilili'.K:#,. ,,:;ily":",1fiff @icyhtscom
I Lsoe@en@deyhlc'om
in Yournameis Pauta/Paul andyou area purchaser HanseBusiness Bank.Youhaverequested an offer A branch for NewYear'scardsfromPrintUnlimited. managerhadrecommended thissupplier,but you Also,yoil have thinkthe offeris veryexpensive. deattwiththis companybefore(theyprinted business cardsfor you)andyou arenot surehow retiable theirdeliveries are.Lookat the termsof the offerandyournotes,and ringthe supplier.
Partnerfiles| 61
New Yearos cards - offer from Print Unlimited . 1 0 , 0 0 0c a r d s p e r a n n u m - n e e AG,0 0 06 o td e o n ly . five-year contract - onlyTrepareAto signfwoYear co nlracf, lhen TerhaPs exlenJ a selectionof three designsto - canwe have I o r 5 Ae sig n s? choose lrom each Year
deliveryto centralheadquarters - OK,bulwovlA by 1 December preferdeli'terylosirregiooal b r a n e h e t,n o tju f flQ 2,500 high-quality cards - neeA 7,000 o nly,with e nte lo p .g initial price offer: €1.50 - Triceloo high: per standard card and €3.00 max Pr;ceit €1.00 sfanAard, € L .0 0 p r em ivm ( € 2 .5 0with .n vu lo p e r)
pef premium card.
nporla n+: Reqvi re 7e nalty f o r Iate Aelivery (Loh reAuctionin Price?)
Firstlookat the information belowandaddtwo of yourownfiguresto lines4 and5. Thencal[your partnerandtaketurnspassingon the information youhave. Note:Tryto talk aboutthe figuresin ful[sentences (i.e.don'tjustdictatethe numbers) anduse language for checking information. andconfirming Tellyourpartner: r risein transportcostsofabout$:So,ooo(US) z increase in pricesfor rawmaterials 9.6% (duringthe lastquarterofthe year) with articleno.HJP5o-TTr5 3 deliveryproblems 4
tate notes, o
7 8 Peters, Youare,|oseph/losephine a buyerat the Fifth Yoursis a firstclass SeasonHotelin Manchester. hotelandyouaretookingfor furniturefor the six forVlPs.Youneedtoosuitesthat arereserved quatityfurniturethat reflects yourhote['sminimalist andfunctional design. Youwantto ptacethe followingorderundera frame contractwith MarthaiMartinBestonat Executive Furniture lnc.in Brussels. Usethe notesbelowto makea phonecall.
9 10
Y o uw o r k i n t h e p u r c h a s i n gd e p a r t m e n to f l l l u m i n a t e Inc.,a Britishcompanywhich produceslamps.You have receivedan email from your boss informing y o u a b o u t p r o b l e m sw i t h o n e o f y o u r s u p p l i e r s ,a companyin Madrid that suppliesalt types of promotionatmaterial.Readthe email below from y o u r b o s s ,t h e n r i n g t h e s u p p l i e rt o d i s c u s st h e problems.
Furnitureneeded (for eachof six suites) @ coffeetable
Tu'cawyeLlow lt4
desk/chair dining table/chairs sideboard doublebed bedsidetables wardrobes
Ul U6 I I 2 2
Waad- Alorw rnaple?(MAzSore) Note:goodt recein4gis closed17-2 p.m. QeraLd 01-6-245aa33 Svwirhwtll stgwforgoods.tWabtLe DelLverydate: mtddle of rcxt rnanth, nnt L4ter!;
'n Morewheretheyjust I sawtheemailfromCards confirmed theshipment'as agreed'. Wedon'thave writtenconfirmation notethisfor of the date!Please nexttime. Nowthe penshavearrived- in thewrongcolour. Ihey logo,notthenewone. alsohaveouroldcompany Thisisthesecond timethatwe'vehadoroblems with (nametags)was thissupplier. Lasttimetheproduct rightbutwe gottheshipment a weeklate,almosttoo latefor the conference wherewe needed them! Andthey senta billfor additional charges. Callthemandgetthemto fix theproblem. Alsqinsist on a ten percentreduction onthetotal price- for both shioments !
Afterthe conversation, an emaiI voushouldreceive confi rmi ng w hatw asagreed. Makesurethat is correct, everything andrespondby email.
62 1
Partner files Yournameis Maria/Marco Arcoletti, senior purchaser in the centralpurchasing department of International Garments Inc.,locatedat the company headquarters in Florence. Youareaboutto receive a (oneof the Norwegian callfromKate/Kyte Gorresdal satesrepresentatives). Takethe callandfindout whatshe/hewants.
To: (Brmch Nme or Department) GlobalPurchuing D€partrnent Area 4.5 l{arketing Articles
From: Team:
Headquarters,GroupNo. P 4.5
BranchNo.: NOR 25l01 InternalTelephoneno.:
Ob.\ectives ' We are looking{or a suppher ol bread and cookiegfor our canleenr. We needa broad rangeof Aiefary ipeeifications: Aiabefespafientr in,ome of the hos?ifalswe Aeliverto.
l. Descriptionand businesscase
YouareMarie/Mario Stotl,chiefpurchaser for Clever in Denmark, Catering a company whichoffers cateringandeventmanagement in Europe. Youare nowbranching out intothe MiddteEastandare lookingfor newsuppliers to satisrythe demandsof yourcustomers. Youaregoingto receivea phone cal[fromoneofyoursuppliers, Petra/Peter Nolteat BreadBasket,a [arge-scale bakerywhichsupplies products. high-quality Lookat the notesyou have writtenandtakethe catl.
Yournameis PatThacker andyouworkin the Purchasing Department of AircraftMaintenance Inc., Liverpoo[. Yourcompany's salesrepresentatives travelinternationally andyouareopeninga new production sitein Shanghai laterthisyear.Youwant to outsource travelmanagement, andarevisiting the standofDeyhle(anAustrian-based company) at the international fairbusiness.org. Dotheyhavethe experience in the regionsyou aretookingat?Are theyableto handleyourworldwidebusiness from Austria? Aircroft lrloinhnome Inc,l;' Potfhcker DIRECTOR PURCHASTNG 12 Monor Squore I LiverPoolLl4 6GT TelePhone:+44 (40)539098 I 0 Fox:+44{40)53909811 omlivdPool'com w com P.thocket@om'liverPol
' Requiremenft: conrirlent qualily level; 17,000 rollsin the firsf year anA a6out 15,000biseuitsin fhe {irst year. 6uaranfeeA rightol refurnfor u,lused bread, rollsor cookier. ' Porsi|ility: tesf produclt {irrt on the European market?
Youarea salesrepat PrintUnlimited. Youhave alreadydonebusiness with HanseBusiness Bank (theyorderedbusiness cardsfroma colleague of yours)but that wasa few monthsago.As you are alsotheirclient(youhaveall youraccounts with them),yourbranchadvisorhaspassedyourname on to the purchasing department. Theyarelooking for a newsupplierof NewYear'scards.Lookat these pointsfromyourofferandthe comments you've added,andtakethe phonecal[.
Partnerfiles | 63
Tellyourpartner: Offer for Hanse BusinessBank
6 decrease in proUu.tion, ,r-eZ"f"*t f-rrtV.rO
. 10,000cardsper annum ' rtandard five-yearcontract a selectionof three designsto - stanAard choosefrom eachYear by I December headquarters central to delivery 2,500high-qualitYcards (initialpriceoffer)€1.50 - caa9odowna bit:!30 slanAarA, per standardcard and 2.50 card. premium per €3.00 Trenium(wilhout
Z questionaboutorderno.ATE65g/rlYG
(wlfhenveloPes) .nv"lrp.r), 7110 Needto meqlionthafvte use tecyeleA pa7er only (Aue to contracts with own suTTliers\
YouareMartha/Martin Bestonandworkin the sates Furniture deoartment at Executive lnc.in Brussels. A clientis goingto callyou,andplacean orderfor hotelfurniture. Takedownthe information. Lookat yournotesbelowbeforetakingthe calt.
quALLtY (ulour Spei.f.catuns .and stYLe?) 'of tYP"of waod' u4h'okterY, h2'ar shz be CantactP?xsan|WLLL thereto sgwfor tLwgoods? U"nrt arder7ae-tto facnrY!!
belowandaddtwo of Firstlookat the information yourownfiguresto lines9 and10.Thencallyour partnerandtaketurnspassingon the information you have. Note:Tryto talk aboutthe figuresin full sentences (i.e.do notiustdictatethe numbers) and use andconfirming information. language for checking
8 Totalpricefor order:€3,562.52(inctuding VAT) 9 10
Youworkin the salesdepartment of Cards'n More, a largesupplierof promotional materiallocatedin Madrid.Thisis ontyyourfourthweekon thejob andyourcompany seemsto be goingthrough a crisis.Youhavereceived a numberof emailsand phonemessages - bothfromproduction andfrom oneof yourcustomers, a Britishcompanycalled llluminate Inc.Readthroughthe messages below. Thengetreadyto answerthe phonewhen somebody fromllluminate Inc.caltsto complain abouta oroblem. kom: Melinalr€rirpolo6 (noArction) To:All salesrep Re:Recentfiir-r.F Dearcolleagues in sales I am so.ryto infom youthat we haverecentlyhadquitea few problenr ffilling ordersconecdy,lhiswasdueto our newonline odedng spterll yrhidrwasinstalledlastweek.lt took a while to get it nrnirA aofiecdy,but I am happyto saythat every$ingis now wortfuqfinesorveshouldhaveno moreproblems in thisarea. Pl€as€ mte $at we arecunentlyin a ratherdifficultsituationwith rcgfldb ttr seasonal rushof orders. Asyouknow,thisis thetime of the yearwhenwe haveto processthe mostorders,andwe are havingtouble meetingthedemand Pleae makesurethat: a) dientsunderstand thissituationand b) ynudo notagreeto anydeliverytimeunderfourweeks. Yours Melina
:rut not.r' " ,
Afterthe call,writean emaiIconfirming the solutions you haveagreed.
64 I
Answer key Page11 1
Correct. Correct. Therearesupptiers butDong-Sun wants J Incorrect. to offera betterservice thanjustfulfitling John's specific order. 4 Correct. Dong-Sun willassess andcompare the 5 Incorrect. offers. o lncorrect. Johndoesnotcomplain.
Pagqt,'; :. CaroI worksin sales,Dong-Sun in purchasing.
page6 Car ol: r , 2 ,4 -!l Dong- Su2n,3 : ,5 ,6 ,8 -1 0 ,1 2 r d to fill in orderforms z c marketresearch 3 f to drawup tenders contracts 4 a to negotiate 5 e deliverydate 6 b to handlecomptaints pagpz, keyaccountmanager salesrepresentative seniorpurchaser su pp lychainm anager 41 f 2g 3D 4h
7d 8a
':,Ei$$?::,i:: 1 satestargets 2 increase thesalesvolume 3 specificgoals 4 aheadof sales 5 improving 6 salespromotion ourbudget 7 lookinto;exceed 8 corporate clients
8 r z 3 4
salesvolume salesforce salestax salestargets
5 a55e5s 6 requests 7 solution
are...on were...below have... set revise
comparing competition 3 suppliers 4 specifications 7
6 Theydiscuss: z.t,z.z and2.4.
7 1 2 3 4
6 7 8 9 ro
4 2
purchase requesr to solve specification supplier
agreement aSsesSment to compare + competition 5 complaint
1(' 1
above 5 exceed/be 6 reach 7 are...above
.,,a,|rt,W4 5 6 Z 8
salesmeeting salesfigures salespromotion salesperson
answers) 9 (suggested r Company creditcardsforattftightpersonnel z J ohnM u rp h y
ri*4!Flg,rr' Starter(suggested answers) P :a,d,i S :f,g,h P+S:b, c, e, j r r False t:.,,,a,W
z True
3 True
z r AndI'mBrigitte.BrigitteDupont.Pleased to meet you. z Well,I founditveryinteresting. ...yourswos definitelyoneof themorerelevant for me. youarewith? 3 CanI askwhichcompany at AirSouth,responsible 4 I'ma seniorpurchaser forengineparts. 5 Doyou thinkthat ourMROservicesmaybe of interestto you? 6 Well,if you hovetimenextweek,perhapsyou'd be interested in meetingafterthetradefairis over. 7 Coutdyougivemeyourcord? 8 ln themeontime, wouldyouliketo lookat our newcatatogue? answers) 3 (suggested r Couldyoutellmeyourname,please? youarein? 2 CanI askwhatbusiness in meeting nextweek? 3 Wouldyoube interested 4 Coutdyoujustwaita minutewhileI getmydiary? card/contact 5 Couldyougivemeyourbusiness information? 6 Don'tyouworkat HTElectronics? the 7 Wouldyouliketo meetlaterto discuss detaits? 8 Wouldyouliketo putyournameon ourmailing tist?
66 | Answerkey
iffi r z 3 4
participate fulfit recommeno assure
b Fatse. RacheI is willingto reduce theleasing periodbutwouldhaveto askmorefor the property. Theredoesnotseemto be much competition for the propertyat the moment. c True.
5 trust 6 prevent 7 require
r z 3 4 5 6 7 8
ro (suggested answers) z Productavaitability mustbetenyears(notfive ' years). 3 Wewantclearbottles(notgreen). (notdry). prosecco 4 Wewantmedium-dry
n Theydiscuss thecolourofthebottles, thepriceand the avaitabitity. r 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Starter (suggestedanswers) i Behonestandtrustworthy. j Lookfor weaknesses in youropponent's arguments.
ffi r (suggested answer) b Theyarenegotiating specificpartsofthe offer. price z 55 5 costs 3 additional 4 five 7 limit
duration b discounts c calculations
g{ h{
ix ix
ffi (suggested answers) z b: I shareyourviewscompletely. / h: I agree. I can'tagreewithyouthere./ 3 j: Unfortunately a: I seeit a tittledifferently. / f: I reallycan'tagree withthat. in favourof thatoption. 4 g: Yes,I'mabsolutely that/ i: Normally 5 e: Upto a pointwecouldaccept we couldacceDt that gb zb 4a (See Yes,they'vemanaged to reachagreement. emailon page39 for a summary of the conditions)
4 discount 5 termsandconditions 6 calculation
d termsandconditions e fees f interim
ro Yes,everything wasmentioned. r appreciated 5 downpayment z reach 6 confirm 3 summarize 7 opportunity 8 continuing 4 fee
3 a s peake r3 b s p e a k e rz ,4
c speakerr, 5
ffi 4 r z 3 4 5 6 7
receiving offered differ suggested accept enable reouce
8c)( d/ eX
t.:ffi 7 r 2 3 4 5 6 7
Doyoumean Yes,I seeyourpoint. youcorrectly if I understand That'scorrect Coutdyoube morespecific? Right. So,you'llgetbackto me | see. right
z r duration 2 fee 3 interim
in thebaltpark enablesus;bestinterests understand couldaccept mayhavea point notwithyou beneficiat;acceptable maybe a possibitity
leased;wouldreceive increased; couldlower agree;will need agreed;wouldbe ableto buy;receive extended; wouldyoureduce is;wil[send
ffi 6 a False: shehasno problem withtheprice.Her period. mainobjection is thelong[easing
ffi rz Thefollowingwordsdo notfit: z reduce 3 lower 4 calculate 5 extend 6 a contract 7 a relationship r3 r z 3 4 5
increase discussion benefit difference Summary
6 7 8 9 ro
proposal calculation signature reduction extension
Answerkey | 67
page48 lr::.Plge4e,i 1 1 2 3 4
Tokyo 4OO XPQrz Osaka
5 5 7 8
model frame 73,ooo two
Pag?{l3l Callr r wouldliketo order 2 manage delivery 3 justmakesure 4 l'tIfaxyou Callz 5 readyto place 6 writethisdown 7 straightaway 8 'ttbein touch r z 3 4 5
ptaceof delivery framecontract; invoice; delivery shipment; specifications methodof payment signedorder
t27 e 2n Jl
4c r z 3 4 5 6 7 8
5a 6d 7C 8b
subjectmatterofthe contract bindingagreement reservesall rights liablefor any damages duedate intereston arrears invalidateany otherclausesand regulations revokethis contract
Page49 r3 (modelanswers) r Theyneedto paywithinfourteendaysof receivingthe articles.lfthey pay late,they haveto pay four per centinterest. 2 Thecontractis not invalidifone clauseis deleted. 3 We can selecta third partyto deliverthe goods for but, in this case,the third partyis responsible any oamages. 4 We can get outof the contractif PhoneEurope breaksanv ofthe clauses.
!4salp/4i::'. 51b 2f 3d 4C
5c 6a
' FagGqtf:i.. 6 Across 2 CUrrency note 5 delivery Z contact
Down 1 payment terms z confirmation 3 warehouse 4 VAT 6 value
7 r True. z True. 3 False.Anna wantsto makethree changes(two corrections and one addition).
page 50 r Call r Problem:Theyorderedten sensorsof one model, but got twentyof another. Response: Thesupplierwill deliverthe correct sensorsby Friday. Call z Problem:Computernetworkis not working. Response: Production wit[ senda technicianby noon. Page 51 1c 2a 3f 4h
5 6 7 B
b e g d
8 All exceptz and 6 are in the dialogue. a : y3 ,7,8 b: z, 4 ,5,6
answers) 9 (suggested intothesystem r I'l[enterthechanges tellmetheordernumber? z couldyouplease theorder. 3 | needto change aswett. 4 I'ltneedwrittenconfirmation 5 Coutdyoutellmewhichitemsareincorrect? itemto the 6 CoutdI alsoaskyouto addanother order? 1(, 1 8z\55WR6o 2 a total of 136,587 t3o/o(or per cent) fr8,5oo 4 85o,ooo;r.9 million 3.8 mm 5 item number(or item no.)rTYTE-3SR; 6 €t28,87 6.78; t9"/.; €t53 363 37
followthethree-step approach Yes,thespeakers whenmaking theircomplaints. I'mafraidthatthere'sa problemwiththe invoice. I'mafraidthisdelaywillcauseusprobtems. yet. Wehaven'treceived theshipment Theshipment shoutdhavebeensentto Moscow. is stillnotworking. Unfortunately theprogram foryou. | canunderstand thatthisis frustrating willbehere Canyouconfirm thatsomeone tomorrow? shouldhavefixedit yesterday. 8 Yourtechnicians with thereseemsto bea mistake 9 Unfortunatety theorder. r z 3 4 5 6 7
: Page52., Wrongpapershipped(wrongwatermark 4 Problem: andcolour) paperwillbesentbyspecial Sotution: Correct delivery thenextday 5 r z 3 4 5 6 7 a b
under s ta n d y o u rs i tu a ti o n a priorityfor you MayI iustask do youmean exactly 'ttspeakdirectly 'll makesure personatty \,2 l" q
c 5 d 6 ,z
,:,,.FE#..5il,,, 6 (suggested answers) z I realize thatmustbedifficutt. 3 Whatexactlyis theproblem? foryou? 4 Woutdthatbe/lsthatconvenient 5 I'tlmakesureyougetit nextweek. 6 | wiltpersonally sortit out immediately. aboutthediscount. 7 I'llgetbackto youon Friday 7 z 'll makesure 3 'lt detiver 4 'lt fax
5 'l[ confirm 6 'll receive
.r.-ii*$,€4 Thereis a framecontract:LIG|FC z54o of 9 r False. rc Februaryzoo9. z True. Thedelivery datewasnotconfirmed. 3 False. 4 True. Lindaasksforcompensation, but Inekede 5 False. Bruinhasnotyetresponded. 1 04 o c o e f
description compensation confirmation information delivery s hipme n t
.p89e.55,:: r information z shipped 3 confirm
4 describe 5 detiver 6 compensation
111 Pleaseacceptmyapologies ... z I verymuchregretthe frustrationandproblems you. thishascaused by... 3 Thedetaywascaused itemswill bedetivered byspecial 4 Themissing c our ie r... 5 | wouldliketo offeryou... 6 AgainI regrettheinconvenience ...
;i4ru{**i 121 z 3 a 5 6
regret compty; forced assureo forced formally directty
r3 (suggested answers) EmaiIr Ptease fortheincorrect delivery. acceptmyapologies I realize thatthismustbeveryfrustrating foryou. Please beassured thatwearedoingeverything we cando hereto fixthisproblem, so thatthissituation willnothappenagain. Wewill of coursecoverthe extracosts.Asa signof ourgoodwitt, wewoutdalsoliketo offeryoua ten percentdiscount onyournextorder. Onceagain,I regrettheinconvenience we have please caused. lfyouhaveanyfurtherrequests, speakto medirectty, handtethe andI wiltpersonally situation. Emailz Please acceptmyapologies forthe recentlate payments. instatled Wehavemeanwhile a new youthat system to handleinvoices, so I canassure thiskindof delaywiltnothappenagain.Regarding yourmessages, theremusthavebeena mix-up, whichI wittsortouthere. I willpersonally makesurethattheinvoiceplus charges is paidbeforetheendofthisweek.
:.;"f.*g'Fr'j,+J, .... Testyourself! Across 8 recommend 9 rurnover r3 tradefair 16 apotogy 77 agreement r8 tender t9 confirmation zr conditions 22 competitors z4 supptier z5 invitation
Down r business card z discount 3 delivery 4 price 5 auction 6 bid 7 overheads for proposal 8 request 10 penalty tl warranty 72 frame 74 fee 15 invoice 20 order 23 target
Tlanscripts lames
@ Carol 2
peopleand tetephoning Wetl,firstof alt,I amconstantly contact withyour wfitingemails. Youhaveto maintain Thismeans thatI also clients if youwantto succeed. ourproducts or to make oftenvisitthemto present offers.I go to a lot of tradefairstoo,bothto tookfoi One newcontacts andto keepin touchwitholdclients. you contracts, thing| findquitedifficuttis negotiating ofthesale. know,agreeing thetermsandconditions betricky. Andof coursehandling Thatcansometimes complaints is notmyfavourite taskeither,althoughI try to improve my to seecomplaints asanopportunity relationship withthecustomer.
Carol lames
IntheofficeI spenda lot of timedoingmarketresearch - andalso - thetoolswe havenowadays areexcellent lookingat tendersthatwe maywantto makea bidfor., internal departments, alsoneedto liaisewithvarious R& D andourproduction department. Close especially for making withthemis important sureour contact are company delivers theservice thatourcustomers lookingfor. & \at 3
Dong-Sun A lot of my work involveswriting and checkingwritten information.We haveto fill in order forms,deatwith the correspondence and invoiceswe get,and checkthe details,likedeliverydatesand so on. I spenda lot of time collectingand comparingoffersfromsupptiers, whichmeansquitea lot of analysiswork.And of course I haveto write lots of emails- most of these are in English- and alsodrawup tendersand invitationsto bid. Doingmarketresearchatsomeanswe haveto write totsof reportsfor otherdepartmentsin our company.
But the lob isn'tonlya lot of paperwork;I alsoget out to meetpeople.I enjoyvisitingtradefairs,for example, as it is a chanceto look at the new productson the marketand meet with the suppliersdirectty.I am also with our suppliers.For ofteninvolvedin negotiations this we needto liaisecloselywith the businessunit whichhas placedthe order.Ourdepartmentis basically have for makingsurethat our cotleagues responsible they needto do theirjobs. everything
Carol James Corol
So,what about the salesmeetinglast week? Howdid it go? lt was very good, actuatly.They'restitl workingon the minutesbut lrisaskedme to fittyou in on the mainpoints. Good. Wett,first of atl, Chin-Sunhas revisedour salestargets. Oh, reatty?So how do they took now?
cl g, 5
Wett,the targetsare quitechallenging, actuatly.Shewants to increasethe sales volumeby ten per centoveratt.I thinkshe's underpressurefrom management. Yes,maybeyou'reright. Therearealsosomespecificgoalsfor the variousregions,Forexample,therearegoing to be hvo newfacilities:one in Dubaiand we are planning one in Beijing.Apparently, to makea big pushin theseareas,and management thinksthe time is right. Maybeit's the right attitudeto haveat the moment.lt would be niceto reallyenhance lt certainlymeans our imageinternationally. we'll be aheadof our new targets,if it all works out, that is. So,what else?Indiais goingextremelywell and mostof the otherareasareonlylust betowtarget.The only problemis, as you know,our SouthAmericanbusiness. Right.Did Chin-Sunpresentmy ideasfor improvingsalesthere? Yes,she did. Headquartersagreedthat we shouldoffer more scheduledflights and also start sellingcharterflightsfor some ctients. It won't be easyto turn the situationaround, apparently,but it is possibte. We wi[[ alsoneeda satespromotion specificallyfor the region,perhaps somethingtikean earlybookingdiscount.I'tl look into that, although I'm afraidit might exceedour budget. Maybe,but youle right,we should look into it. We definitetyneedto pull in moreorders overal[. OK.I coutdalsocontactthe corporateclients in my areaand presentour newoffersto them.Thatway we'l[bringin neworders,I'm sure, Goodidea.I'ttdo the same.Oh, [ookat the time. I'm sorry but I've got to run. Perhapswe can talk more later. OK,no problem.Thanksa lot,James.See you later. Bve.
Hetto. Interflights. lohn Dong-SunHello. lt'sKimDong-Sun frompurchasing please? here.CouldI speakto JohnMurphy, Hi,Dong-Sun. Speaking. John Dong-SunAh,goodmorning, John.Doyouhavea
for moment to talkaboutyourrequest company creditcards? Ah,yes.Right.Thanksfor gettingbackto me. lohn youwantall Dong-sun Noproblem. So,I understand flightpersonneI to beableto drawcashin foreignlocations.
7O I Transcripts
Yes,that'sright.ls therea problem? | tyFed attthe specifications intothesystem yesterday. Arethereno suppliers for that kindof service? Dong-SunNo,that'snot it. Asyouknowwe havesome newpolicieshere.Wewantto offera better servicethaniustfutfittingyourspecificorder. It is ourgoattosolveyourproblems bywhat we purchase. Socouldyouhelpme understand thereason fortheorder?| understand the crewsneedto stayovernight a lotandin someplaces theyneedsome cash. That'sright.Ourpeoplefly to differentplaces John aroundtheworld.Sometimes theymight alsohavea stop-over wheretheyneedcash fora drinkor a paperor evenlocal transportation. Dong-Sun OK,in thatcasetherecouldbea numberof solutions. Wecouldorovide themwith speciat debitcards.Orwecouldgiveour partnerhotetsthefacitity to paya limited amountofcashto ourcrewandthenclaim thisbackfromus. Interesting. I mustadmitI hadn'tthoughtof lohn thatoption. Dong-Sun OK,whatI'tldo thenis contacta coupleof possibte suppliers andarrange to getsome offers.WecanthencomDare themto see whichgivesusthebestsolution. Also,I can talkto different kindsof supptiers - notjust for the creditcardsolution- thereby increasing thecompetition. lt shouldmean wecanfindanevencheaper solution. good.ls thereanything youneed Sounds lohn fromme? Dong-Sun Notat the moment. Thanksfor yourtime. Bye,John. Right,tatkto youlater,then. lohn lohn
Brigitte Donald
Donald Brigitte Donald
That'sgoodto hear.I triedto givea good overview of our rangeof products. CanI ask youarewith? whichcompany Ofcourse. I'ma seniorDurchaser at Air South,responsible for engineparts. Air5outh,right.That'sveryinteresting. Do youthinkthatourMROservices maybeof interestto you? Welt,that'swhy I wantedto talkto you.We're actuatlylookingfor newpartnersat the moment. lwouldneedmoredetailsabout whatyoucanoffer,of course. Yes,I canunderstand that.Thisis perhaps notthebestplaceto discuss details, though. Doesn't AirSouthhaveanofficeherein Brussels? Yes,that'sright.I'mactualtybasedherein Brussels, I'mquiteoftenon the although road. I see.Well,if youhavetimenextweek, perhapsyou'dbe interested in meetingafter thetradefairis over.l'd reatly[iketo hear moreaboutyourcompany andcouldgive youa moredetaited presentation of whatwe offer. Yes,that'sa goodidea.Nextweekwould workwell.Thensomeof mycolleagues could betheretoo. Right. Coutdyougivemeyourcard? ThenI canringyouon Friday to setup an appointment for nextweek. Good.Andmeanwhile l'll speakto my colleagues andseewhattimeis bestfor us. So,hereyouare. Andherel mine.Great,Brigitte, I'ltringyou assoonasthefairis over. Good,l'mlookingforward to hearing from you. Inthemeantime, woutdyoutiketo lookat ournewcatatogue? lt hasshortdescriptions of attthenewproducts we're[aunching. Thanks. I'vealready takenone.lt wasniceto meetyou,Donald. Goodbye. Goodbye,Brigitte.Talkto yousoon.
Brigitte SoI wantedto updateyouatlon thesituation withthe purchasing variousoffers hasreceived for creditcards Donald fortheinternational ftightcrew.Dong-Sun's teamis currently comparing theseoffers. Thecompetition is verytoughat themoment, whichis of coursegood for us.Notallsuppliers wereableto meetour @ Brendan Sorryis thisseattaken? specifications, sotheywereableto excludesomeoffers 8 Rainer No,no.Please, feelfree. straightaway.Theywill haveto assessthe restvery BrendanThanks. putin somerequests carefully andperhaps for more Rainer Nicepub,isn'tit?lt reminds meverymuchof information. Butthepeoptein ourpurchasing Engtand. department areverythorough, andI'msuretheywilt BrendonYes,metoo.ls thatwhereyou'refrom? findthebestsolution forus. Rainer No,I'mfromGermany, but I oftengo to Engtand on business. Brendon Reatty? l'mactually fromLiverpool, andthis sortof pubmakesmefeelrightat home. you Brigitte Hello, MrAdams. uh, Do have minute? a @ Rainer Yes,I canimagine. Haveyouhada chance to certainly. Butplease callmeDonatd. 7 Donald Yes, look around Brussels whileyou'vebeen Brigitte AndI'mBrigitte.BrigitteDupont.Pleased to here? meetyou. Brendan Wel[,yes,a tittle.I thinkit's.aniceplaceto Donald Pleased to meetyoutoo,Brigitte. So,how havea fair,don'tyou? didyoutikethepresentation? Rainer Yes, I likecomingherea lot.Therearequitea Brigitte Welt,I foundit veryinteresting. l'velistened few pubswithvery of thesecomfortable to manypresentations thisweek,asyoucan goodbeerandlivefootballmatches on W. imagine, andyourswasdefinitely oneof the you Um ... interested are in football? morerelevant for me. BrendanYes,I amactuatty. Liverpool's myteam. A Gf 6
Transcripts lz t
Rainer Thatmakessense.AndWerderBremen's myhometown. mine.Bremen's Bytheway, I'mBrendan-Brendan BrendanOfcourse. Inc., I'mwithAircraft Maintenance Johnson. in Liverpool. I'malsoin theairline Rainer That'sa coincidence. myname.l'ma industry. RainerNoack's in buyerat LowCostFlightsInternational . Bremen. Brendan Niceto meetyou.So,how'syourfairso far? Rainer Good.I'vebeentryingto findnewsuppliers so I'vebeenquitebusy. for speciaIoverhauts Brendan I knowwhatyoumean.Youknow,there companies here. certainly area lot of German mehowmuchin-depth It always amazes peopleprovide information German business at thesefairs.Theyatwaysseemto getright downto business. wantto deliversoliddata, Rainer True.WeGermans Wedon't withlotsof factsandspecifications. wantto wastetimeon a lot of unessential tatk. Formethe'unessential BrendanThat'sinteresting. I seetrade talk'isoftenthemostinteresting. fairsasa placeto getto knowpeople,to andnotiustto discuss the makecontacts, product. You of a particular specifications canalwaystatkaboutdetailsandthe nittygrittylater. Rainer Yes,I seeyourpoint, MayI askif BrendonSo,you'relookingfor supptiers. youalreadyhavesomeinformation aboutmy company? Rainer No,I don'tthinkI do. in our BrendanYouknow,youmightbe interested Wittyoubestayingat thefairlong? brochure. Rainer Yes,till Friday. I couldcomebyyourstand BrendonGood.Perhaps sometimeandI couldbriefyouonour products. I thinkwecouldhavewhatyou're lookingfor. Rainer Thatsoundsfine.Howabouttomorrow afternoon? BrendanThatsoundsgreat. card,andl'lljustwrite Rainer Here'smybusiness At around3 p.m., downourstandnumber. say? BrendanThatsoundsgood.Now,tell me,whatbyour favouriteBelgian beer?...
@ 9
Ines Marco lnes
Marco Ines Marco
CleverCatering,PurchasingDepartment. InesStottspeaking. Goodmorning,Ines.ltb MarcoFalconeof Vino Rubinettohere.Do you havea moment? Yes,of course,Marco.lt's niceto hear from you. How haveyou been? Fine,but busy.You know how it is. Yes,sometimesit all seemsto comeat once. Anyway,what can I do for you? Wetl,this month we are promotingsome of our new productsin Europe,and we thought CleverCateringmight be interested. Yes,of course.We'reatwaysinterestedin findingout what'snew.
Marco lnes Marco
lnes Marco
Marco lnes
But,firstof a[[,didyouhearthatwewonan international awardin Romelastmonth? Yes,I did,actually. Congratutations. I mean,we Thankyou.Wewereverypleased. areconvinced of thequalityof ourproducts, of course,butit'squiteniceto receive recognition. Theawardwewon international wasfor ournewvarietyof sparkling redwine, Rossofrizzante. Haveyouheardof it? Yes,I sawit mentioned in yournewbrochure andI readsomething onyourwebsite. Great.lt'sanexcitingproduct,isn'tit?Doyou thinkthiswinemaybeof interest to youand yourclients? Well,asyouknow,Marco,wearealways looking fornewhigh-quatity wines.ButI'm notsurewe'rerea[[ytookingfor thistypeof wine.lt maybea littletoo,let mesay,exotic, for ourcustomers. yourpoint.I admitit is Yes,I canunderstand wine,butwe'reveryconfident an unusua[ thatpeoplewiltenioyit, andit is perfectfor seasons. theforthcoming springandsummer Hmm.Youhavea point.Bytheway,Marco, wewillbeputtingouttenders soonforthe nextseason, soyourcallislustin time. That'sgreat.Wewill definitely wantto putin a bid.Youknow,Ines,I cantellyounowthat wearein a positionto offeryouspecialrates for yourfirstorder,but I wouldpreferto cometo yourofficeanddiscuss thedetaits withyou.ThenI couldalsote[[youabout someof ourotheroroducts. lU be happyto meetyou,Marco.Justlet me haveourexpertslookat the Rossofrizzante wecould firstand,if wearestiltinterested, meetafterthat. Thatwouldbegreat.I will sendsomebottles wecould todayfor themto check.Perhaps meetin abouttwoweeks.lsthatenough time? It shouldbe.I'tlgiveyoua catlwhenwe're ready. Thanks. | lookforwardto hearingfromyou. AndI'msureyou'ilbe impressed withthis wine,Ines. OK,Marco.Thanksforthecall.Byenow. Goodbye.
Marco,I'mafraidtherearesomedifferences yourofferandwhatwe askedfor in between the RFP. Doyoumeanclearbottlesversusgreen? Youknow, Yes,that'soneof thedifferences. with wejustdon'ttiketheideaof starting greenbottlesandchanging to clear,asyou in youroffer. suggested Yes,I seeyourpoint.Welt,I havesomegood newsonthat.We'vespoken to oursupplier theycandeliver theclear againandit seems bottleseartierthanexpected. youcorrectly, youwill be So,if I understand ableto supplybothwinesin clearbottlesas we reouested.
Zl I Transcripts
Marco lnes
Marco Ines Marco lnes Marco
lnes Marco lnes Marco lnes Marco Ines Marco
$ tt
Gavin Gabi
Gavin Gobi
Gavin Gabi
Gavin Gabi
Gavin Gobi
yes. That'scorrect, Wett,that'sgood.OK.Thenextthingis the price. Theprice? Couldyoube morespecific? Well,especially for thesparkling redit'squite high,anddefinitely notwithinourbudget. Wett,I did giveyoua rangeof prices depending purchased onthequantity ... Right. ...andz6 eurosreallyis a goodprice. Remember, it'sa high-quatity wineandquite unique. ButI'ltseewhatI canoo. So,you'ttgetbackto meon that? Yes. Good.OK.Nextthere'stheavaitabitity. Excuse me,thewhat?| didn'tcatchthat. Availability. Weneedwinesthatareavailable for at leasttenyears. I see.Andin ourofferwesaidfiveyears,right? That'scorrect. Wetl,that'sa bit morecompticated. The problem is that...
HeltoGabi.Goodto seeyouagain. Youtoo,Gavin. Howwasyouriourney? You drovedownfromHamburg thismorning, didn'tyou? Yes,that'sright.Everythingwas fine.The German highways reallyareexceltent if there Gabi arenotrafficjamsof course. You'reluckyyoumissedthe rush-hour traffic -that'stheworst.CanI offervouteaor coffee? Tea,please. ...Thankyou. Andhere's sugarandmitkif youneedit. OK, tet'sgetstarted,shallwe?I'dfirsttiketo summarize what'shappened sofar,if that's all right? 1 Yes,goodidea. t2 A Theproduct is exactlywhatyoute lookingfor,isn't Right,wett,asyouknow,we'vedecidedto it? leasea newfleetof carsforourmanagement. B Yes,we'rehappywiththeproduct, butthepriceyou You've seenourspecifications, andl've offeredis a litttehighat the moment.ls thereany youroffer. received wayyoucouldreduce theprice,saywitha discount? Yes,andwhatisyourreaction? A Wett,if youboughtanother 1o,ooo, wewoutd Welt,in general, it seemsfairlycompetitive, reconsider ouroffer. butwefeeltheoverall priceistoohigh.You know,we'vereceived an alternative offerwith & 2 atmostthesametermsandconditions, and dates,perhaps? r3^ Wecouldthinkaboutthedelivery for a verygoodprice. Whatdo youmean? CanI askwhatthey?eoffering? A Wetl,maybewecanagreeto ordertheitemsin the Wel[,onemalorpointis thatif weleased nextfewweeksif youthinkyoucancomedowna bit fromthem,wewoutdreceive allthetypesof ontheprice. carsthatweneed,withoutanyadditional Wewiltcertainly reduce ourpriceif youbuybefore feesforspecial cases. Forexample, they theendofthemonth. wouldnotchargeusextraforthe fouror five carswith right-hand drivethatwe needfor Britainandlretand. Weobviously wantto createlong-term relationships r 4A Right,I see.Maybewecoulddosomething withourcustomers. there.Howaboutthis?lf youtookjustfive B Yes,but l'msureyouagreethatwe alsoneedsome morecarsin thatregion, wecouldlowerour benefits fortherelationship to continue. Canyou offerby fivepercent. guarantee pricesifwe continue uscheaper to order Howis thatpossible? fromyou? Witha highernumber of cars,wecouldpass getdiscounts Certainty. Ourclients atways whenthey ourtaxadvantage onto you. staywith usovertime.
Gabi Gavin
OK,soundsgood.Butif wedo that,if we orderfivemorecars,wewitlalsoneeda reduction in theoverhead costsfor repairs andmaintenance. Whatyouhavein ourofferis alreadya very competitive fixedpricefor eachrepair. Yes,wett,but I wasthinking,if yougaveme ptusthemounting theannualoverhau[s of wintertyresfreeof charge, wecouldshift thesecostssothattheycomeunderthe budgetfor leasing morecarsin theUK. Aha,if I hadknownof thatpossibitity, I would youourspecial haveoffered repair insurance. Yousee,whenyoupaythe monthly feeforrepairinsurance, wecoverall costsforinspections andrepairs dueto wear andtear.Withtheadditional winterpackage, everything wouldbecovered. Thatsounds verygood.I wittobviousty have to do thecalculations Thereisiustone again. lastthing.lfweextended theduration ofthe contract byanother fouryears, wouldyou provide uswithanother fivepercent price? discount ontheoverall Hmm,fivepercentsounds a titttehigh.I woutdsayfourpercentis thelimitthere,but letmegetbackto you.Inthemeantime, l'tl sendyoutheconditions fortheinsurance andan interimsummary of ouragreements bytheendofthisweek. Thatwiltbefine.I'ttcallyouearlynextweek, andletyouknowhowthecalculations work out. Good,Hopefulty we'tlbeableto signthe contract nextweek.Meanwhile, Gabi,I hada question aboutsomething else...
Transcripts| 73
rs A We'vereallygonedownto thelowestpossible price now,I'mafraid. B Butit'sstillnotasgoodastheofferin termsof the provided. Andwe'vealready service discussed the factthattherepaircosts,forexample, wit[reatty be veryminimal. A Thatis correct. Ofcourse we'reconvinced of the qualityaswell,so I'llinctude repaircostsin ouroffer ifyouaccept thepriceasit is.
€ )5 16A
We'vebeenmostlyhappywiththeproduct sofarbut, weareatways looking of course, at ouroptions. So, in thiscase,in orderto continue ordering fromyou, wewouldneedthesesmallchanges to thecontract. for B Butwe'renotsurethatthiswittstittbe orofitable usif weagreeto thesechanges. A l'msorry,butwereatlyhavenochoice. Wecouldonly if youagreed extend thecontract to alltheterms.
#a 7
So,as you know,I'd [iketo discusssomeof the termsin the offeryou sent. Rachel Yes,what is your overatlimpression? Welt,comparedto the other offerswe've Laura receivedso far, it's certaintyin the ball park. But,as I said,we needto discusssomeofthe details. Rachel OK,wherewould you like to start? Lauro Perhapswith the leasingperiod,lt is very rong. Rachel Yes,I agree.That enabtesus to offer you a betterprice,whichI'm sureis in your best interests.isn'tit? not in Laura Normaltyit is, yes,but unfortunately this case.Yousee,the maximumleasing periodwas fixedby our boardofdirectors. Rachel Ah, I understandyour difficutty.However,the periodwe are offeringis the standardterm here in London.lf you want to differ from that,we witl haveto increasethe leasing rate. Laura
Laura Rachel
Normalty wecouldaccept that,butI thinkwe alsoneedto consider has thatthebuitding beenemptyforthepastthreemonths and thereseemto benootherinterested oarties. Youmayhavea pointthere,buttheleasing periodis anextremely important factorin settingourprice.Maybewecouldseta dynamic rate,basedonyourturnover at theseoremises. I'msorry.I'mnotwithyou.Whatexactlyare youproposing? Well,wecoutdfix a basicratethatis lower thanourcurrent offer.Butthenwewould receive a percentage of yourturnover. lf the caf6isthesuccess weteal[hopingfor,it witl bebeneficial to bothyouandus.Woutdthat beacceotable? Thatmaybea possibility, butI wouldhaveto tatkto mybossaboutit andgetbackto you. 0n thenextpoint,...
Gavin Gobi Gavin
Gabi Gavin Gabi
Gabi Gavin
A\ g 19
Caltr Jeon Junko Jeon lunko Jean Junko Jean
ThewayI understand at the thesituation moment isthatyouaregeneratty happywith allthetermsof thecontract; it'siusttheprice whichremains a problem. That'sright,Gavin. Wewouldtiketo create a partnership. Thatis certainly in our long-term bestinterests. Butin orderto startthat,we reallyneeda lowerprice. I canunderstand thepriceissueis important foryou,Gabi,andwearealsolooking at your[ong-term partner becoming here. However, bothpartieshaveto benefitfor thal to work.Don'tyouagree? Yes,of course. Butwhatcanyouofferus in relation to theprice? Well,wecanreduce thetotatpricebyfiveper centif we receive a downpayment of at least a thirdoftheannuaI turnover withinseven daysof signing thecontract. Youknow,Gavin,thatwe expecied sixper cent,notjustfivepercent. Unfortunately wereallycan'tgoanyfurther withtheoverall orice. Yetyouarestit[abovetheotheroffers,ifthat is yourlastword. Hmm.Thereis onelastpossibitity. Sofarwe havenottalkedaboutone-day registration. Thatmeans wewouldregister thecar formally it underGerman lawandderegister thenextday.Thuswecouldofferthemto you as usedcarsat a lowerorice. youwoutdthenreceive lsthatbecause state subsi di es? Yes,that'sright.Thatshouldenabte usto offeryouthesixpercentyouneed. Wett,it sounds fineto me.I'ttcheckit interna[[y andgetbackto you,butI don'tsee at themoment. a problem Allright,I guessthat'sit, then.Attother detaits witthaveto bedeattwithonthebasis of ourstandard termsandconditions. Agreed? Thatshouldbefine.I'llcheckwithour lawyersandconfirmit for youaswet[. I'mhappywe'vefounda solution, Thanks. Gabi.I'ttsendyouanemailtomorrow Thenour summarizing ouragreement. lawyerscandraftthe contract.
TEGID, JeanDubanspeaking. in Hetto, lt'sJunkofromJapanCom Jean. Tokyo. Howareyouthismorning? Andyourself? Ohfine,Junko, thanks. Notbad.At leastthesunis shining today. Yes,heretoo- a niceimprovement. So,what canI do foryoutoday? Wewouldliketo ordersomeUSBadapters - boththeXPRra forournetwork andXPQrz model s. 0K.Letmeiustwritethisdown.So,model number XPRr4: howmanydo youneed?
74 | Transcripts
Junko lean
Junko lean
lunko lean lunko
€ 20
$ 2a
: Weneed4oo.Andthenfor modelXPQrz, z5o.Canyoumanage detivery to ourofficein Osakaby Fridaymorning? Yes,of course. That'sno problem. So,let me down iustmakesureI'vegoteverything right.So,that'smodelXPR14, 4oounits,and XPQrz,z5ounits,to be delivered by Friday morning to Osaka. Yes,that'sright. Fine.l'ttfaxyoua modeIcontract immediatety. Assoonaswegetthatback withyoursignature, wecansendoffthe shipment. fine.Thanks, 0K.Thatsounds Jean. Mypteasure, lunko.Bye. Bye.
Anno Oh, absotutety. Roberto So, first, couldyou pteasetell me the order number? Anna Yes,it's WCooor-rz8ih. Roberto OK,one moment.Right,here it is. So, what do you needchanged? Anna First,I havetwo corrections,0ne is the place of deliveryfor item numberseven.lt oughtto be Brighton,not Birmingham. Roberto Brighton.OK,I've got that. And the second change? The women'sT-shirtsshould be light green, Anna not tightblue. Roberto Right.That'sarticle numbersix- I've changedthat to light green. Anna Wonderful.And finatty,coutd I also ask you to add anotheritemto the order? Roberto Certainty. Anna Canwe havezooowomen'sleans,black... Roberto Btack,did you say?Not btue like those for the men? Anna No, no, blackis correct.That'smodelnumber Theyshoutdbe detiveredon 9 JM-rSK. Novemberto Leeds. Robefto OK.ls thereanythingelseI cando for you? Anna No, that's all for now.Thanks,Roberto. Roberto My pleasure.And as I said,you shouldbe ableto do this kind ofthing onlineby the end of nextweek.And if it still doesn'twork then, iust let me know. Anna Great,Roberto.I realtyappreciateit. Thanks again.Bye.
Cattz Alex lean
PhoneEurope. AtexBeckspeaking. Hello, Alex.lt'sJeanDubanatTEG lDin Lyon. yourmessage. I'veiustreceived Alex Hi,Jean. Yes,thanksforgettingbackto me. As I saidin mymessage, wearereadyto placeourfirstorderundertheframe contract. That'sgreat,Atex.Letmejustfinda penso I lean canwritethisdown.OK,go ahead. AIex OK,we'd[iketo haver3,oooextension leads. Sorry,Alex.Didyousay13,oooor 3o,ooo? lean Alex Thirteen. Onethree. OK,r3,ooo. Yes,thatwittbefine.Obviously lean weneedto talkaboutthedelivery date.lf I remember we promised correctly, wewould detiver thatquantity withintwomonths. AIex Yes.that'scorrect. Haveyougotthat? @ r Theordernumberis 8z\55WR6o. Good.I knowourproduction unitis readyso lean great.50 farthisyearwe'vesold z The sales have been 22 pass you l'lt theorderonto them.But witl a totalof 136,587 units.That'sanincrease of r3 per emaiIustheformasrequired, right? centoverlastyear. I'ttemailit to youstraight AIex 0f course. away. 3 Goodnews.Wecansaveupto f18,5ooeachquarter That'sgreat,Atex.I'ltbe in touchto let you leon if weswitchsupptiers. know howthingsare going. to reportthatthisfacitity wasableto 4 I'mpleased Alex Thanks,Jean.Havea niceday. increase its from r.9 miltionlast output 85o,ooo to Youtoo, Atex.Bye. lean ouarter. aboutoneoftheitemsyouordered. 5 | havea question It'sitemnumber rTYTE-38R, the3.8mmcable. noberto Fashion Mode.Roberto Branca speaking. 6 Thenettotalfor yourlatestorderis €t28,876.78. HowcanI hetpyou? Withthe DutchVATof r9%,thisgivesyoua gross Anno Hello,Roberto. AnnafromStores totatof€r53,363.37. InternationaI here.Howareyou? in Leeds Roberto Hi,Anna.I'mfine,thanks. Youtoo,I hope. So,I sawyourfirstordertwo daysago. Caltr Anna Yes,that'sactually whyI'mcalling. I needto 21 Buyer Thereseems withthe to bea mistake change theorder,butI'mnotsureifthe shipment. onlinetoolfordoingthatis readyyet. Seller Oh,sorryto hearthat.Whatexactlyis the Sorry, Anna.Unfortunatety that'sright.lt probtem? shouldbeavailable nextweekassoonasa[[ Buyel We[[,weplaced anorderfortensensors, thefeatures ofyourclientaccess havebeen model number fZzo,but instead wehave instalted. Butit'sno problem. I cantypethe received I'mafraidthis twentyTZlosensors. changes intothesystem here. detayis goingto causeus probtems. Anno OK,thanks. Butl'il needwrittenconfirmation Seller Yes, I canunderstand. Wewillofcourse send aswell. thecorrect models assoonaspossibte. Roberto Yes, of course. I'llenterthechanges intothe Buyer Sorry, butI needsomething morespecific so systemandthesoftware wiltautomaticalty I cantellourcustomers. Canyoumanage generate a confirmation emait. Woutdthatbe detivery Thatwouldbeour by Friday? OK? absotute deadtine.
Transcripts lzs Seller
ei g 24
a 25
Yes,of course.I canconfirmthatyouwitt receive firstthingFriday thesensors m or n i n g .
Callz Wecatledyouyesterday Customer morningaboutthe youinstatted. network l'mafraidthatit'sstitt notworkingcorrectly. Sales 0h, that'sstrange.I askedourserviceteam to senda technician to takecareof it immediatety. Somebody shouldhavefixed the problemyesterday. Wetl,I haven'tseenanytechnicians, Customer andI mustsayI'mgettingratherannoyed. Our mailorderunitstitlcan'taccess thesystem, andit'scosting us money. for you.How Sales I realizethismustbefrustrating canI besthelpyou? hereby noonor elsewewill customerI needsomeone haveto consider switching to a different syslem. Sales Bynoon? Thatshoutdbeno probtem. I'll personally getonto theservice unit immediately andmakesuretheytakecare of it. customerCanyouconfirmthatsomeone will be here by noon?Wecan'taffordanymoredelays. youthatthe I canassure Sales Yes,I understand. technician willbeonvourpremises before twelvdo'clock. OK,thanks. Customer
AIena Linda Alena Linda Alena Lindo
Linda Alena
Linda Alena
Hetlo. AlenaNov6k speaking. Hetlo,Alena.lt'sLindaMatthews at Logistics lnternationaI here. HettoLinda. Howarethingsin Glasgow? Well,notso good.Unfortunatety, there'sa problem withthelatestshipment. Oh,I'msorry,Linda. Whatseems to bethe problem? yourspecial premium paperfor Weordered ourcopiers andprinters a weekago,but we'vereceived thewrongpaper,andwe have someveryurgentorderscomingup. yoursituation. Right,I understand 0f course youcan'tsendoutyourmaterial withthe wrongpaper. Nowecan't,andourdeadlines are approaching. OK,Linda,I realize thisis a priority foryouso I'tlseeto it immediatety. MayI iustaskyoua first? fewquestions Yes,sure. Whatexactty do youmeanbythewrong paper? | mean,is it thethickness, thesize, or thequality? thecolour, themaiorproblem is thatthepaper Actualty, hasa watermark that'snotours.Also,the paper'sstandard whiteinsteadof cream whiteasordered. Right, andcanI justaskonemorething? I seefrommydocuments thatyoualso shipments ordered of standard whitepaper. lsthatcorrect? Yes,that'susedforinternal documents. But weordered theothertypeof paperlastweek.
Linda Alena Linda Alena
I indo Alena
Linda Aleno
Ofcourse. Theremusthavebeena mix-up. I'llspeakdirectty withProduction and arrangea speciat deliveryto youby ro a.m. tomorrow. Woutdthatsuityou? That'sfine.I thinkwecanwaituntiIthen. Canyouguarantee thatdetivery time? Yes,absolutety! Werealtycan'taffordanymoreproblems. I understand. is I'llmakesuretheshioment at yourlocation no laterthanro a.m. tomorrow. I'llalsofaxyoua copyof the youplease original order. Coutd faxit backto meimmediately withyoursignature for confirmation? Yes,that'sno problem. Thanks, Linda. I'mreallysorryaboutthisand I'ltpersonalty makesureyougettheright papertomorrow. Thanks, Alena.Bye. Bye,Linda.
76 1
A-Z word list Translation in accordancewith [rn e'kcldenswr6] to actrieve lCtsr.^q acquainted, to get - with [get e'kwerntrdwrd] apology [e'poled3i] appointment [e'pcrntment] to appreciate [e'pri:Jiertj approval [e'prurvl] to approve [e'prurv] assessment Ie'sesment] to assure [o'Jue] to attach [e'tetj] attention [e'tenJn]
to enabte [r'nerbl\ to enhance [rn'horns] to estabtrsh lt stabtrll to exclude [rk'sklurd] executive board Irg'zekjetrvbcrd] expertise [,ekspsr'tirz] to exploit ftk'splcrtl to extend a contract Irk,stende 'kontrekt] facility [fe'srleti] faulty ['fcrlti] to file a tender lfarl e'tende] to fix a meeting [,fiks e 'mirtr4] fued-price basis [,fikst prars'bersrz] flow [fleu] frame contract ['frerm kontrekt] franchisingcompany [,frentJarzr4'k,rmpeni]
batch [betJ] benefit ['benrfrt] bid [brd] board of directors [,bc:dev de'rektez] to build a relationship [,bild e rr'lerJnJrp] calculation [,kelkju'1erJn] call-off ['kol of] cautious,to be - [bi 'kc:Jes] challenging ['tfrehndsrr:] circumstance ['serkemstens] to collect [ke'lekt] commercial [ke'msrJl] commitment fke'mrtment] to compare [kam'pee] compensation [,kompen'serJn] competltor [kem'petrte] concession [ken'seJn] condition [kan'drJn] to confirm [ken'fsrm] consistent [ken'srstent] convention [ken'venJn] to convince [ken'vrns] to cooperate [keu'operert] correspondence [,korr'spondens] counterpart ['kaunteport] customerservice [,k^stome's3lvrs] to deal with ['diil wrdj designed,to be - to [bi dr'zarndte] desire [dr'zare] distributor [dr'strrbjera] to draft [drorft] draft (version) ['drorft v:rJn] ... ........ to draw up l,drc:',rpl _
to get out of [get'autev] to get the go-ahead [getde ,geue'hed] goal [geul] gross [grous] guarantee [,geron'ti:] to handle a complaint [,handle kem'plernt] headquarters [,hed'kwcrtez] in-depth information [rn,dep0rnfe'merJn] inconvenience [,rnkan'virniens] indication [,rndr'kerJn] inventory ['rnventri] invoice ['rnvcrs] involved, to be - in [bi rn'volvd rn]
K key account [,kir e'kaunt] t
to liaise with [li'erzwr6] logistics [e'd3rstrks]
to maintain [mern'tern] to make sure [,merk 'Jua] to manage ['menrd3] manners ['manez] market research [,morkrtrr'ssrtJ] to moveup [,murv'.r,p]
A-Z wordlist J 77
to negotiate[nr'geuJiert] to numbercrunch
strategic account e'kaunt] Istre,tird3rk to streamline ['stri:mlarn] structure ['str ktJe] sub-contractol [,s,rbken'trakta] supptier Ise'plare] suppty chain [se'plartJern] to switch [swrtJ]
['nrr.mbekrirntJ] obiective [eb'dsektrv] offer ['ofe] to operate ['operert] overal[ [,euver'cr1] overhead ['auvehed] to overhear [,euve'hre] to paraphrase ['perafrerz] to passon to [,pors'on ta] penatty ['penlti] performance [evel [pe'fcrmenslevl] pitch [prtJ] to place an order [,piersan'o:do] pre-screening[prir'skrirnr4] to Prevent [prr'vent] pricetag ['prarstag] procedure [pra'si:d3e] Procurement Ipre'kjuement] profitability [,pmfite'brleti] project team ['pmd3ekttirm] to promote [pre'meut] promotion [pre'meuJn] to prompt [pmmpt] provision [pre'vr3n] to publicize ['p,rbhsarz]
quarter ['kwc:te]
ranking ['reqkr4] raPPoft [r€'pc:] rate lrert] to reconsider [,ri;ken'srde] to referto [n'fs: te] to reimburse [,ri:rm'bsrs] requirement [rr'kwarement] requisition [,rekwr'srJn] to resolve [rr'zolv] responsibility [rr,sponsa'brleti] tetailer ['ri:terle] to retain [rr'tern] to sample ['sormpl] schedule ['Jedju:U to see to ['si: ta] service ['s::vrs] to set up a meeting [,setrp e'mirtr4] shipment ['Jrpmant] to sign for ['sarnfe] sign of goodwill [,sarnev gud'wrl] to source [sc:s] to submit a tender [seb,mrte'tende] sp€cialist ['speJelrst] specification [,spesrfi'kerJn] stock market ['stok mo:krt]
target ['torgrt] to tend to [tend ta] tender ['tenda] terms and conditions [,tslmzendken'drJnz] thorough ['O,rra] tough [trfl to track [trek] trial period [,trarel'preried] vague [verg] vendor ['vende] volume ['volju:m]
wananty l'woranti] win-win [,wrn'wrn] to wrap it up [,rap t',rp]
78 I
Useful phrases and vocabulary yourcompany/department Describing I workinthesales/purchasing department of a smatl/ medium-sized/large company catled ... Wedevelop/make/produce/sett/... Ourdepartment is dividedinto... Weneedto liaise/work closelywith... Wealsoaremoreactivelyinvolvedin... Myteam/group makessurethat... Describingyourresponsibitities Myteamis responsible for... I amin charge of ... Mymainresponsibility is... A totof our/myworkinvolves ... Wehaveto/needto ... I spenda lot of time... Myjobatsoincludes ...
Askingindirectquestions youarewith? CanI askwhichcompany Doesn'tyourcompany havean officehere? Don'tyouworkat HTEtectronics? Using wouldlcould ptease? Couldyoutellmeyourname(again), Coutdyougivemeyourbusiness card/ contact information? Woutdyouliketo lookat ournewcatalogue? Wouldyoube interested in meetingnextweek? I couldcometo yourofficenextweek.
Sayingwhoyou are Thisis AdamBrownfromXYZLtd. It'sDavidDietrich frompurchasing here. HiSarah.lt's Frankhere. Gettingthroughto the right person Couldyouputmethrough to yourpurchasing please? department, please? Could/Can I speakto JohnMurphy, I'dliketo speakto Jill,ptease. l'dtiketo speakto somebody in yoursales/purchasing ptease. department, ls Michette thereat themoment?
Greetingsandintroductions Goodmorning/afternoon. Hetto. Mynameis... Please callme... May/CanI introduce myself? Nice/Pteased to meetyou(too). Movingon to business Howdidyou[ikethepresentation? Whatdo youthinkof ...? Haveyoufoundanythingof interest? Whatlineof business areyouin? Letmegiveyou/Here's my(business) card. Arrangingto fotlow-up Wouldit be possibte to arrange/fix/set up a meeting? CouldI cometo seeyou? CoutdI callyouin the nextfewdays? Perhaps I coutdsendyousomeinformation. Wouldyoube interested in meetingafterthefair? Couldyousendmeyourpricelists? youa callnextweek. I'tlsendyouan emait/give
Startinga conversation lsthisyourfirsttimehere/inBelgium? Whatdoyouthinkof Brussels/the fair? Areyouinterested in footbatt/films/winter sports? Theweatherherehasjust beenfantastic/horrible. going Keepingthe conversatlon Areyouinterested in anyparticular sport? - Yes,I'mrealtyintosnowboarding. Howaboutyou? Haveyoubeento Liverpool before? - Yes,I'vebeentheremanytimes,actually. I reattytike the atmosphere, andthe peoplearefriendty. Movingon to business So,areyoulookingfor suppliers? Right,shouldwegetdownto business?
Salutationsand closes DearMr,Mrs,Ms Regards/Sincerety DearBob Bestwishes/Kind regards Hetlo/Hi Bob Attthebest/Best
phrases UsefuI andvocabulary lz g Openingsentence It wasniceto meetyouat theconference lastweek. I'mwritingto tetl/askyouabout.../ lustwantedto get in touchto ... Hopeyouhada niceweekend. Howarethingsgoing? Requesting information Couldyousendmesomedetailsabout...? I wouldalsoliketo taketheopportunity to findout moreabout... questions Wouldyoumindanswering thefollowing to hetpuswithourpreparation? Wewouldliketo hearmoreabout... Makingor confirming an appointment HowaboutThursday at 4 p.m? Woutd3 Aprilat11a.m.at ouroffices beconvenient for you? I woutdliketo confirm themeeting for3 Apritat 11a.m. Concluding Please feelfreeto contactmeagain. youin London. I lookforward to seeing Looking forwardto seeingyouon 3 April.
Back-channeling - showingthatyouarereally listening Mmmh,good. Yeah,OK. Ahah.I see. Right. Prompting- askingfor moreinformatlon Interesting. Couldyoutellmemoreaboutthat? Yes,couldyougivemesomemoredetails? Woutdyoubeableto providemorespecific information? Paraphrasing-makingsureyou haveunderstood corectly Soyou'dlike...,butonlyif ....ls thatright? youcorrectly, youneed... So,if I understand Sorry, didyousay... Confirming- sayingthat you haveunderstood yes. That'scorrect, That'sright. Yes,I seeyourpoint. So,you'ttgetbackto meon that.
Agreeing I shareyourviewscompletely. Wecouldgo alongwiththat. Yes,I'mabsolutety in favourofthatoption. I agree.
Disagreeing I seeit a littledifferentty. Thatmaywellberight,but... Upto a pointwecouldaccept that,but... I realtycan'tagreewiththat. Normally wecouldacceptthat,but in thiscase... Unfortunately, I can'tagreewithyouthere.
Askingifyour partneris interested Wouldyoubeinterested in tryingour...? Perhaps I cantemptyouto sample our...? Doyouthinkyourcompany mightbeinterested in ...? Doyouthinkthismaybeof interest to youandyour clients? Showinginterest Thatsounds interesting. Thatwouldcertainlybeof interestto us. Thatmightbe exactty whatwearetookingfor. Couldyousendmea sampte/give mesomemore information? Beingcautious Well,maybe. ButI woutdneedto knowmoreabout... I'mnotsosure, I don'tthinkthat'sreallywhatwe'relookingfor. That(really) depends onyourconditions/price. Sayingyou arenot interested I'msorrybut... Unfortunately we'renotlookingforthatat the moment. Thanks, butwealreadyhavea supplierfor thatproduct. No,thanks.We'renotinterested in thatat thisstage.
Startingthe conversation Weteveryhappyto be meetingyoutoday. Wehopeto cometo anacceptable solution forboth/all of us. I'dtiketo discusssomeof the detailsin theoffer. We'dtiketo hearyourproposals beforeweteltyou whatwecanoffer. yourarguments Concluding Wearesurethatyouwill seethe benefitsfor your company ifyoutakeupouroffer. Thereyouhaveourproposal. I'mafraidthat'sasfar as wecango. Sothatwrapsit up. Thatsumsuo oursidethenFinishingthe conversation Thatmaybea possibitity but I haveto discussit with myboss. Letmegetbackto you. I'mhappywe'vefounda solution. I'llsendyouanemail tomorrow summarizing ouragreement.
andvocabulary 80 | Usefutphrases
Ptacingorders Wewouldtiketo order/have... We'rereadyto makeourfirstorderundertheframe contract. We'dliketo placea catl-offorderfor ... Wewouldappreciate deliveryby Friday. Canyou manage it/that? Takingorders I'ltiusttake/write downthedetails. Letmeiustwritethisdown/typein yourorder. So,howmanydo youneedexactly? Wasthereanythingelseyou'dliketo ordertoday? andconfirminginformation Checking Letmejustcheck/repeat that. Letmemakesurel'vegoteverything downright. Yes,that'sright/correct. David.Didyousay...? Sorry, Couldyousaythatagain/repeat that,please?
with... I'mafraid(that)thereis a probtem Thereappears/seems to bea mistake/mix-up ... Unfortunately, we havea stightproblemwith ...
Confirmingyou haveunderstoodthe client'ssituation yoursituation. I'msorryto hearthat./ | understand I realizethis mustbefrustrating for you. Askingfor the detailsof the probtem whichitemwasdamaged? Couldyoutellmeexactty MayI askif you'vetriedto usethetrackingfacilityon ourwebsite?
Servingyourctientby suggestingsolutions Youwillgetthemissing shipment withinz4 hours. I'ltgetbackto youfirstthingtomorrow morning about compensation. Helpingyourctientby confirmingyour commitments makesureyou I'llseeto it immediately andpersona[[y getcompensation. Arewe agreedthatyou'tlfaxmea copyof the invoice andI'llsendyouthemissing itemstoday?
Makingcomptaints I'mwritingto youto complain about... I amwritingin reference to the aboveorder. Unfortunately, ... Talkingaboutconsequences Weexpectyouto coverthesecosts. Weexpectcompensation fortheinconvenience caused. Wecannotaccept our thisandwillhaveto cancel contract if it happens again. lf youdo notcomply withthedelivery termsasagreed in ourframecontract, wewill beforcedto contactour tawyers. Offeringapologies Please acceptmyapologies for... Please beassured thatwearedoingeverything... | (verymuch)regretthe inconvenience we havecaused. Referringto futureaction Wewill,of course,covertheextracosts/reimburse you/arrange fora newshipment... Asa signof goodwill,I wouldliketo offer...
Translation to buitda retationship It is vitalto builda goodrelationship withthoseyoudo business with. to convince I will needsomemoreinformation beforeyoucanconvince meto buy. to fite/submit a tender Thectosingdatefor filingthetenderis Friday. I'mafraidyourproduct to futfil doesn'tseemto futfilourrequirements. a complaint It is important to handte to handlecomptaints wetlif wewantto keep ourclients. to makesure Wemustatways makesurewelistento ourclients'needs. to negotiate I amsurewewitl beableto negotiate termsthat arebeneficial to us bothialtof us. to placean order I ptacedan ordertastmonthandit'ssti[[notarrived. to present TodayI wantto presentour latestproductto you. youfor thecostof reptacing to reimburse Wewoutdtiketo reimburse the faultyproduct. to setup a meeting Weshouldsetupa meeting yourproduct to discuss further.