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Oxford Umversity Press Great cra-eeooe Street, Oxford 0)(2 6DP Oxford New von.. Auckland Bangkok Buenos Aires Cape Town Chennai Oar es Salaam Delh i Hong Kong Istanbul xerecm Kolkat a Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Mumbai Nillfobi S30 Paurc Shanghai Taipei Tokyo Toronto Oxford and Oxford Englis h are tr ade marks of Oxford University Press ISBN 0 19 45 7065 7 C Oxford Univers ity Press First published 1997 EIghth Impression 2004 No unauthorized pnoto<:op)'lng
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Language focus Time expressions and tenses Past time
The past sim ple
sometime ago lastyear in tl,('past
Th e pa st simple is u sed to indicat e fini shed t ime:
back ill 1978
Sizejoined the company in 1994. Regular verbs for m the past sim ple by add ing -ed to the verb stem. T he -ed end ing can be pronounced in th ree different ways:
It / announced
/Id/ started
Id ! ordered
Irregu lar vcr bs form the past simp le in a number of ways. It sometimes helps to gro up t hem by so und:
buy - bOllght
oucb - caught
te,/Ch - taught
Recent time
Th e present perfect
overtile lastfew years recently since 1992
T he present p erfect is used when the t ime is unfi nished or not sta ted . lt is formed with 'law/has + t he past pa rt iciple: He }lIl S resigned.
They haveretired. Th e au xiliary have/hasw usually co n tr acted in spoken En glish:
'He's just started: 'They'veulready left .'
Present tim e
The present simple
currently at tile momi"'1t now at present
The present simp le is used to report on current status:
It currently stands at 180. He is retired 'IOW. Don't forget to pronou nce the -s in the thi rd person:
It stands. He lives.
Com plete th ese sent ences. Use th e time exp ression to hel p yo u choose the cor rect tense of th e ver b: past simp le, presen t perfect, or p resen t sim p le. Chec k yo ur answe rs in the key on page 58. a Some t ime ago, we b Recently, we
(sell) the company. (invest) a lot in new equipment.
c T he cur rent head co un t d Since last yea r, we e In 1985, he
(stand) at 2S0. (increase) o ur P R bu dget.
( retire) fro m th e com pany.
Language knowledge
•Hello awl welcome to Standard
Electronics. I'm GeojJMaxweil, the Factory Afa nl lger if! chargeoft},e piant you'llbe seeing foliay.'
Language focus Introducing yourself and your tal k Greet ing, name, posi tion Good morning. My IIlI mc's (•.. ). I'm the Flew Finance Manager. Ladies and gentlemen, It's a ll honour to have rile opportu nity to mlclresssuch d distinguishe d audience. Good morning. Let me start by sayiflgjllsr a few words about ",YOl\l/l background. l started Ollt in ...
\fe/come toStandardElectronics. I know l've mersome of yOIl, bill justfor thebm cfit of thosc 1haven't, my 1IlTme's ( .. . ).
Title/Suhject I'll like to ttllk (to YOIl ) today about .. . I'm goil/g to present the recent ...
Length I shall only take (.. . J minutes afyour time. Tplan tobebrief This sho/lld 01l1y I,l st (... J minutes.
Outline/Main parts J've di, ·idt,d my presentation into[our ptlrfs/seetio1lS. They are . .. TIre subject can be looked at WIder tile fol/owing hmdings: . .
We ca" bmll.; this drea dOM' it/to the fol/owitlgfie/ds: Firstly/first of111/ ... Secotltlly/t1Jell/",'xt _.. Thinlly/alld then we come to ...
explain ollr position 011 ... briefyou 0 11 ..•
Finally/lastly/last ofall."
inform )'/lllll/mllt . ..
describe ...
Fd be g/tld to allSwer any questions at tile end ofmy talk. If)'01/ '1IH'£' tllly questions. pft'tlse feel fn'e to interrupt. Pleaseinterrupt tilt' if then's sometlli"g w1lich needs clarifying. O ther wise. there'Il be ti me filr discussion at
subject ofmy t,lik presentation focus paper (academic ) topk
specch ( lIsllully tcl pllblic a ll/ t iel/Cl.')
Reference to the a ud ience
We are here today to decide .,.
Ilgret'... learn about ...
The purpose of this talk is to updatey OIl 011 Pllt YOII ill the picture about . ..
gi\'e yOIl the baccground to ...
Istarf fht' /lIlll rolling.
This talk isdesigned fo act as 11 sprillgl"'llrdfor discussion.
call SCt' "WIly of }'OII arc . .. I know YOII"'e all travelled a IOllg "'ay. rOil at/look as "lOlIgll you'l't·/reani this before.
Yo u are going to hear twelve extracts from the int roduction s to two presentations-one internal, one external. As yo u listen , decide which presentation each extract comes fro m and complete the table. The first on e has bee n d one for you. Check your answers in the key on page 59. Pre sentation
Internal: to collea gues ,11 a budget meetin g
Externa l: to delegates at a professiona l conference
Co mplete thi s present atio n in trod uction with word s fro m the list. Check you r ans wers in th e key on page 59. talk abo ut q uestio ns hear
loo k at b rief act as
po ints of view finally go alo ng
Good afternoon and th an k yo u for ma king th e effor t to be here with us
today. My na me's Ruche! Rawlins and I'm responsible for p ublic affairs. Wh at I'd like to do today is a
our recent co rporate talk will hopefully ,,
cam paign. Thi s b
a sp ringboard for d iscussio n. I' m going to d corporate campa ign from three e secondly, the finan cial insti tutio ns; and f sha reholders. If yo u have any g h
to I
_ the
: firstly, th e custo me rs;
, the
. jusr in terr upt me as I
, Your poi nt of view may well be d ifferent, and we'd like
fro m you .
Language knowledge
'Ami that brings me to thefinal part
ofthis short introduction,
T he items on the left are extracts fro m Geoff"s pr esen tation. Mat ch each o ne with a sentence o n the right whi ch mean s the same. The first o ne has been done for you. Check you r ans wers in the key on page 59. a OK, let's start with th e• • In passing. let me tell r ou abo ut a
b Anyway. I'U leave the histor y there. c So, let's turn now to a brief overview of our main markets.
cl By the way, you may have seen the story in the news. e Anyway, let me get back to wha t I was saying about ne w markets.
f And that brings me to the fina l part of th is short introd uction.
g So, before I go on, are there any question s?
cutt ingCo st s ~
healthy margins not the only ones point -of-sale competition launch new packet size initiatives have failed
• LoS1
(U1 fl!l ~
3.,0 r.M.
U S I T TtlRf f
3 To start wit h the h istory th en .
4 That covers the histor y. 5 To come back to the poi nt I was making. 6 Let's stop here and see if there are any questions. 7 So, we can go on to a survey of ou r principal markets.
You are going to hear six extracts from another presentation about cutting costs. The speaker uses a variety of words and phr ases to link the po ints he is making. As )'ou listen, identify the linked ideas. The first one has been don e for you. Check your answers in the key on page S9. a b c d e f
press repor t. 2 So, we come to the last part of my introduction .
I 2 3 .. 5 6
raise salesin major outlets no change in sales losing money competitor has dosed plant over-hasty reaction s aggressived iscounting
Language focus Linking ideas Sequenci ng/Ordering
Digressi ng
firstly secondly.. . thirdly ... then next finallyllastly. iet's start with .
similarly in thesame way
by the way in passing
Contradicti ng
Giving exam ples
infact actually
forcxample for instance
let's move/go on to... now wecome to . that brings us to . let's leave that...
that covers... let's get back to...
such as
tosum up
Giving reasons/ca uses
in brief in short
therefore so asa result
that's why
in conclusion toconclude
Cont rasting
High lighting
but however
in particular
generally as a rule
especially 3
Link t he ideas in these sentences by add ing an app ropriate wor d or phrase. Com pa re your answers with the key on page 60. a That was a good meeting. (By the way ... ) Did I tell you about the ma tch last night? b Our competitors are becoming stronger. One o f them, Falcon, has a joint venture wi th a Japan ese firm . c I've divided th is into two parts. Th e issue of profit-sharing. The ques tion of share option schemes. d This rear we have lost ma rket share. We expec t to rem ain No. 1 in the market.
e There are some vital factors to conside r. The risk of a take-over bid . f Falcon has reduced its costs by relocati ng. \Ve must consider cu tti ng the cost of our prem ises. g We've had a difficu lt year. We've still made a healthy profit. h We expected to lose money in th e Far East. Th is was our most profitable market. The yen dropped against th e dollar. \Ve made considerable profits on the exchange ra te. There have been some failures on occasions. \Ve have been very successful. LINKING THE PARTS
Language knowledge
[Version I] 'Nex t slide. In the American part of DN. lIN U EN
the surveyit was[ound that... '
UR L1l'1o' OES
(Version 2)
'Ho'e am sec in this /lext slidt' the results from thv American part of thesun'er.'
l ook at the d ifferences between writt en and spo ken lan guage. Th en read the ext racts from Dr Lind en's presenta tions, a-clbelow, and deci de which are written language and wh ich are . . po ken lan guage. Find examples in each ext ract to su ppo rt yo ur an swers. C heck yo ur an swers in the key on pageel . Written language
Spoken langua ge
long sentences
sho rter sentences simpler vocabu lary sim pler arguments personal style
complex vocabulary com plex argument s im person al style
a You can see here, 35% o f th e group uf managers classified as particip ative reach ed sen ior mana gem ent posit ion s. On the o ther hand. 74% of th e more indivi d ualistic ma nagers achieved senior man agem ent status. b An individualistic style appears to be closely associated with rapid car eer path progression. whereas a group or parti cipat ive st yle, despit e its evident attractiveness 10 all members of staff. is correlated with a relati vely slow career progression . c Although lip service is paid 10 th e co ncept o f participative man agement . th eir real perc eptions of lead ership qualities co m pletely contradict this view. 11 can be further seen that such surveys .. . d So, we find th ere is a massive contradiction . Good managers arc supposed to be participative-. to ma ke sure th ey consult und discuss. Good leaders are supposed to be stro ng individuals - able to make dec ision s on th eir own.
You arc go ing to hear a point from ano ther pr esentation. delivered in three diffe rent styles. As )'ou listen . complete the tabl e. Check yo ur an swers in the keyon page et .
a read or spo ken? distan t or human? spon taneous or prepared! personal or impersonal?
Language focus Personal and impersonal styles Active and passive forms The passive is formed with the verb to be + the past participle. It is less personal than the active. Tense
Pass ive
present simple
I think
it is thought
present continuous
we arc discussing
it is being discussed
present perfect
the boss has said
it has been said
past simple
John called a meeting
a meeting was called
I will refer to this later
this will be referred to later
Personal pronouns
Active verbs use more personal pronouns:
Using slang and everyday expressions can make an im pact on the audience an d add d rama: H.'here's the caring side ofemploymentgone? I'll tellyou where. It'shiding behind a damned set oftargetsand objectives- that's where it is.r
I think... Weareworkingon.. . Be careful not to overuse 1. We is a good alternative for talking about companies: We will launch theproductill June.
Referen ce to th e audience
You need to know your audience very well to use this kind of language.
As I'm su re you know.. . We have al/ experienced.. . You may remember. . .
As I'm surewe'd allagree...
Make these sentences more personal by us ing the active not the passive. Check your an swers in the keyon page 61. a The issue of restructuring was discussed.
b Money is being directed into the wrong accounts. The Finance Manager
c The agreement will be signed later this month. Both companies
cl It has been found to be rather unreliable.
e It is reported that shares are due to rise. The press
Make these sentences tr ansitive. The first one has been done for yo u. Check your answers in the key o n page 62. a Our salaries have remained constant for five rea rs. The company
salaries et the same level.
b The temp erature in the building has fallen. The caretaker
the temp erature in the building.
c Interest rates have risen over the last two weeks. Banks
their interest rates.
d Produ ct ion has stayed the same for some tim e. The co mpany
prod uct ion at the same level.
e The average age has decreased in the company. Recruiting policy 4
the average age.
Weoften use noun phrases instead of verbs to describe trends. For exampl e: Prices haverisen considerably. There has been a considerable rise in prices. Cha nge the following sentences to includ e a noun phr ase. Compare your answers with the key on page 63. a b c d e f
The market has expa nded slightly. Prices are going to fall d rama tically. Ou r export sales collapsed suddenly. Sales are increasing steadily. Salaries have dropped grad ually. Profits will certainly rise significantly.
'Ourexport sales collapsed sl/ddenly.' H
Presentation practice 1
Design and present some effective visuals on the information below.
Nike Inco rp ora ted Foundation: 1972 Em ployee s: 45 ( 1972); 6,500 ( 199 2) Sales: $3.2 million ( 19 72) ; $3.4 billion ( 1992) Share price: $5.50 (1980) ; $fi5.00 a share ( 1992 ) 199 1: profit increase ~ 15% , sales increase - 13°/(1
Total world-wide revenu e foo twea r: $2.62 b illion (77(¥o) appa rel: $628 millio n ( 18%) other: $ 162 million (5%)
Design and present visual s to communicate the following me ssages. a An employer's desire to introduce TQM (Total Q uality Management ). b A decisio n to b an smo king throug hout the build ing. c An an no uncement of a competition for the most successful sales person.
\' ISl]A L A I DS
Language knowledge JOAN~A
'So, before wemoveon todiscuss these matters, let me just summarize the main issues. Firstly . .. secondly. ..
t!lirdly... So, I suggest we take things
in that order.. . Beforewestart, are there allY questions you'd liketo ask?'
You are going to he ar the fina l part offour different p resentations. As you listen , decide whic h presen tati on each extract comes from, and comple te th e table. Check your an swers in the key on page 65. Extract
Pre sen tati on The Sales Presentation (by a salesman to a group of prospective customers) The Welcome Presen tation (to a group of visitors to a plant )
The New Idea Presen tation (to a group of m anagers) Th e Mot ivation Prese ntation (by a Perso nnel Director to a gro up of new employees )
Language focus Endings Signalling the end
Recom mending
That brings me to the endof my presentation. Thatcompletes my presen tation. Before I stop/finisll. let mejustsay... Tuat covers all 1 wantedtosay today.
50, 1wouldsuggest that we... I'dliketopropose... (m ore formal) In my opinion, theorlly wayforward is.. .
Summarizing Letmejust run overthe key pointsagain. I'll briefly summarize the main issues. To swn up.. . Briefly·· .
Concluding As you can see. there are some verygoodreasofls.. . 111 conclusion ... I'd like to leave yOll with thefollowing thought/idea.
Closing Thank youforyourattention. Thank youfor listening. I hope you willhavegained an insight into...
Inviting questions I'dbegladto try and answer any questions. So. let's throw it open to questions. AllY questions?
Language focus Asking and answering questions Direct quest ions Do you have any plans fora flewp roduction plant ? Where do you plan to locate it?
Polite questions and answers Q UESTIONS
Do Would
you mind
A negative stateme nt question is loo king for the answer'no': H.,e haven't won the contract, have we?No, it doesn't look like it. I wasn't a success? Not much ofone. We aren't going to make it on time, arewe?I'm afraid not. lf t hc answer contradicts t he statement, t he wor d actually is often used: The plant'sgoing to close, isn't it?Well, actually, I've j ust heard the company is employing more staff.
if I ask you telling me if/whether.. .
what/where/elc. . . Could/Ca n you tell me... about. .. I'm interested to know. . I'd like to know.
Clarifying a quest ion
That's interesting.
If I understand you correctly, you are sayitlg/asking... I didn't quite catch tha t. Could you go over that again? I'm not sure what you 'regetting at.
Statement qu estions and answers
Avoid ing giving an answer
Go ahead/Please do/Certainty.
That's agood question.
Perhaps we could deal with that later. Can we talk about that on another occasion? I'm afraid that's not my field. I don't have the figures with me. I'm sure Mr (... ) could answer that question. That '5 interesting, but I'd prefer not to answer that today.
All the space was booked for an October launch .. ? (question in tonation) It worries me that we don't have allY replacements in the pipeline. {)ncsn'r it w()fry you lOO? AN SWER S
A positive statement questio n is looking for the answeryes': It'sgoing to be late, isn't it? I'm afraidso. YlHI've got problems with the assembly? Yes,a few. The suppliers have done their job. /s that right? Yes, asfar as I know.
Checking the quest ioner is sat isfied Does that answer your question? Is that clear? May we go on?
You are going to hear six questions. Listen and choose the bes t response to each question. Che ck your answers in the key on page 65. a 1 No, of course not. 2 Please do. 3 No, that's a prohlem.
b 1 Well, actually, it's confident ial. 2 Yes, I do.
3 Certainly.
c 1 You co uld say so. 2 That's right. 3 I'd prefer not to.
cl 1 I need a break. 2 I don't need a break. 3 That's a go od idea.
e I No, they aren't. 2 You're wrong. 3 Actua lly, some are at headquar ters .
f I Any moment. 2 That' s a d ifficult question . 3 That's interesting. QUES TIO N TIME
Answer Key Unit 1 What is the point? Communication skills
Overall Awareness o f your audience (Who are th ey? Wh at are t heir ne eds or interests? What do th ey expect fro m yo u?) Clea r objectives (10 inform, persuad e, welcome, ctc.) System Planning - have a dear st ruc ture an d a sense of tim ing Organization - have clear co nnect ions between th e differen t parts or ideas Information - ma ke sure what you say is interestin g and relevant to your audience Impact - make sure you have a strong int ro duct ion an d conclusio n
Delivery Clea r, simple, and fluent Use of nat ural spoken language Use of pauses for emphasis Body language Use of strong, clear gestures for em phasis Good eye contact with the audience Positive, confident, and relaxed ma nner No distracting gest ures Visual aids Clear and simple rnesssages Efficient, professional use ofequipment
Overall She doesn't seem aware of the needs or interests of her au die nce . Her objectives are not dear.
System She is obviously not prepared. Her presentation is unstructured an d confusing. The information is not organized logically, or linked clearly. She does not give much useful in for ma tion. She has not thought about timing. T here is no strong introduction or conclusion.
Delivery She hesitates a lot. She reads from a paper (badly). She refers to herself negatively. She uses specialist language.
[peges e-c]
Hod}' language
Her gestures are not linked to he r speech. She does not m aintain eye contact with her audience . She does not ap pear con fident. She ha s so me di stract ing gestu res.
v isual aids She ha s a scree n bu t does not use it.
Language knowledge
a back in 1982 (fin ished) b since that date {uu finished} c some time ago (finishe d ) d over th e last few yea rs (u nfin ished) e no w ( presen t) f over the sa me per iod (u nfin ished ) g last yea r (finished) h ten years ago (fin ished ) in 1985 (fin ished ) since the n (u nfinished )
a b c d
a back in th e cigluics b at th e moment c since Jan uary d last m onth e over the last few yea rs
l'd've liked to spea k for lon ger o n this subject, but I'm afrai d I haven't got eno ugh t im e. However, l'dtlike to say a few words abo ut future prospect s. This year, we've had some major problems; next year, we'll face even more severe ones. This is ce rt ain, as th e ma rket's beco m ing eve n more co m pet it ive.
sold have invest ed stands have increased e ret ired
• , would like can be used here for em phasis.
[pages Scro ]
Unit 2 Making a start Communication skills
Geoffonly includ es a referen ce to the aud ience.
Geo ffi nd udes all the items in th e checklist.
Language knowledge
Intern al presen tation : a, d . f. g. i, I External presentat io n: b, c, c, h. j , k 2
a b c cl e
talk abo ut bri ef act as lookat points of view
f fina lly g questions h go along hear
a b c d
2 3 2 3
e I f 3 g 3 h 3
a I'm deligh ted f sect ions g don't hesitate b I take care c My pu rpose is h a chance in mo re depth d go th rough e divid e
Unit 3 Linking the parts Communication ski lls
It is not at all clear what Geoff is talki ng abo ut and th ere seems to be no o rganiza tion beh ind his talk.
Point 1: Histor y Point 2: Main m arkets (and Mauton news sto ry) Poi nt 3: People
Language knowledge
a 3 b 4 c 7 d 1
e 5 f 2 g 6
d 1
a 3 b 6
e 2
c 4
f 5
[pages 13-20 )
(other answers are possible) a Tha t was a good mee tin g. By the way, did I tell yo u about the match last n ight? b Our compet itors are becomi ng stro nger. For example/In particular, one of them, Falcon, has a join t ven ture with a Ja pa nese firm.
c I've di vid ed t his into two parts: firstly, the issue of profit -sharing; secondly. the qu estion of sha re option sc he mes.
cl This year we have lost market sha re. However, we expec t to remain No . 1 in the market. e There arc some vital factors to co ns ider. for example/in particular. the fisk ofa take-over bid.
f Falcon ha s reduced its cos ts by relocat in g. Sim ilarly. we must consider c utt ing the cost of our premises. g We've had a difficult year, b ut we've still ma de a healt hy pro fit. h We expected to lose money in th e Far East. In fact/Actually, this was our most profitable market. The yen dropped against th e dollar. As a result, we made cons id erable profits on the exchange rate.
J There have been so me failures on occasions. However, as a rule, we ha ve been ver y successfu l.
Unit 4 The right kind of language Communication skills
Advantages ofreading It presentation • Ther e is little hesitatio n • It m ay be easie r la follow the topic because ther e are fewer dist raction s • Th e speaker feels more co nfident Disadvantages ofrending a presentation • No eye con tact with t he audience • Writte n Eng lish is more complex and often difficult to understa nd • Th e ton e is mo re impersonal • T he delivery is less spo ntaneous • Th e p hras ing is less na tural, so it's di fficult to listen to • The reader often speaks too qu ickly
VasimJ 1
Eye contact - no eye contact with th e audience Language - complex (w ritte n), lo ng sen te nces, few pa uses, impersonal Ma nner -. closed, unin tere sted
Vers ;"" 2 Eye co ntact - good eye co ntact with aud ien ce Language - simpler lan guage. shorte r sen te nces, more pauses, more personal Manner - open , int er ested
A N SW f.II. KfY
[pa ges 21-5 1
Language knowledge
Spoken language: a, cl Written lan gua ge: b, c
a read; d istant; p rep ared; impersonal
b spoken; distant; prepared; imp ersonal c spoken; human; spontaneous; persona l
we d iscu ssed the issue of restructuring. The Fina nce Ma nager is directing money into th e wrong accoun ts. Both co mpa nies will sign the agreement later th is mon th . I have foun d it rat her unreliable. T he press reports th at shares are d ue 10 rise.
a b c cl e
a A reduct ion in wo rking hour s is favoured . h He was forced to resign.
c The money has been transferred via the bank. cl An aut u m n sales campaign is b eing planned. e The new Research Depart me nt will be reorgan ized by Susa n. 5
1 cl 2 f 3 g 4
5 h
Presentation practice
6 c 7 a 8 9 e
10 b
(ot her versions are possi ble ) I'd like to tal k today about t he costs and benefits o f introduc ing job sharing. What I aim to do is to provide the necessary in form ation for us to make a dec ision within the next two months. I have d ivid ed my talk int o t he following parts: firstly, we'll look at th e financial im plications; th en , we'll turn to working practices; an d finally, we'll loo k at socia l effects.
So. let's start with t he finan cial im plications. We have ca rr ied out a detailed st udy o f personnel and associated costs. And we have seen that, from a payroll point of view. 10% of staff choos ing to job sha re will m ean no act ua l increase in direct salary cos ts. Ho wever, we need to be aware that there will be additional costs in administer ing salaries.
[pages 26-9 ]
a b c cl e f
There has been a slight expans io n in th e market. There is go ing to be a dra mat ic fat! in prices. There was a sudden co llapse in expor t sales. There is a steady inc rease in sales. Ther e ha s been a gradual drop in sala ries. Ther e will cert ai nly be a significan t r ise in p rofits.
Unit 6 Body language Commun ication skills
Eye contact Main tain good eye co ntac t w ith d ifferent people in the audi ence. Don't just look at o ne perso n.
Facial expression Use facial exp ressions (e.g . smi les) to em phasize yo ur feelings.
Hands Use you r hands to emphasize w ha t )'OU say. It is safer to keep hands out of pock ets - in some cult u res this shows disrespect. Hold a pen or pointer if yo u fed more co mforta blc -. hut don't pla y wit h it.
Movement Don't sta nd co m pletely still c- a little movem e nt bet ween ta ble an d boa rd , or between notes a nd au d ience , is more in te resti ng . Don 't move a ro u nd too mu ch , o r th e audie nce may wa tch you instea d of listening to yo u! Posture Tr y to keep yo ur po st ure upright bu t relaxed . Look st raight ahead , not down at th e floo r or up at th e ceiling. 4
Version 1 Gen er al appearan ce: Stance and posture: Ha nds - position: Hands - gestures: Eye contact: Facial exp ress ion: Move men t:
scruffy hun ched in pockets no helpfu l gestu res none depressed static- several nervous gestu res
Version 2 Ge ne ral appearance: Sta nce and postur e: Hands - posit ion : Hands - gestu res: Eye co ntact: Facial exp ressio n: Movement:
sma rt upr ight visible an d act ive clea r, hel pfu l gestu res a lot co nce rned, e nthusiast ic dynam ic
[pages j a-z]
a Th ese cost cu rs are goi ng 10 ca ux considerable pain.
b We need to draw up a plan o f actjon. 1 have pu t so me ideas o n th e boa rd. c ~ are~ of the measures we cou ld consider. There are bro ad ly three ap proaches. d Eirst, we co uld accept th e gill and ~ staff drastically. Secondly, we co uld fight an d hope to ach iew Mlmeredu ction in th e level of th e cuts. O r thirdly, and ~ is what 1support, we coul d pu t forward an alte rna tive proposal. Now. thi s wou ld ...
Language knowledge
Emphasize: c. d. c. h Minimize: a, b, f g 2
(ot her answers are possible) a This has been an ext rem ely/a very good year. b We have had a fairly difficult tim e/q uite a difficult time. c We have seen an abso lutely/a totally disas trous decline in our profits. d It was quite/fairly easy to achieve our objectives. e The ann o un cement was completely/ tot ally unexpected. f I've got so me very/ex t remely bad news.
(othe r an swers arc po ssible ) a We tend to sec thin gs differentl y. Maybe your experience is a little bit limited. b To som e extent , you' re righ t. But perhaps we m ight co ns ide r th e long-term view. c Th ere's just a little bit of tim e. Perhaps we might d iscuss this q uestion now.
Presentation practice
(other versions are possib le) T he trouble \...-ith busin ess today is that nobody has any tim e at all. Co m panies ha ve drastically redu ced their wo rkforccs so that far fewer people have to do th e same amo unt o f wo rk. To some exte nt, th is mean s that managers don't see what is happening aro und them . T hey need th eir tim e to just work through th eir regular tasks, and they have absolutely no time to take on new initiatives. Time for reflection is very important . Decisions taken now not onl y affect toda y's bu sin ess, th ey can also ha ve a significan t influence o n business in th e long term. It seems that st rategy is too o ften the co nce rn of jus t senior mana gem ent . when it need s to be th e conce rn ofeverybody in the com pany.
Unit 7 Finishing off Communication skills
[pages jz-ao]
Tti e firwl part oflilt' presentation sho uld inclu de: • a clear signal that )'O U are about to end • a b rief, clear su m mary of what yo u have said • a conclusion or recommendation (if appropriat e) • an invi tation for questions, to mak e comments, or star t a discussion.
\ 't'rsion I
A signal to end Version 2
A signal to end A summar y A reco m me ndatio n An in vitation for qu estions
Language knowledge
Signal to end: Su mmar y: Recommendat ion : Invitation fo r q ues tio ns:
So, before we move on to discuss ". 3 personnel
To follow the same orde r in discussion. Before we star t, are there any questions you'd like to ask?
a T he Mot ivation Presentat ion b The New Idea Presentation c The Welcome Presentat ion cl The Sales Present at ion
d. b.c.c;a
a n b 5 c I
d 3 c 4 f 2
Unit 8 Question time Communication skills
Hatltiling questions Welcome the question Listen ca refully tu the quest ion - don't int er rupt Take tim e to th ink befo re yo u answe r Check yo u have understood the qu estion - reph rase o r clari fy if necessar y
Reply positively - be brief and clear Accept cr iticism positively After your answ er, check that the qu estioner is satisfied
Language knowledge
a any real future? b not such great sales c are n't }'o u worried? cl new products in other areas e when will it be read}'? f ask Ton)' g will it be ready for launch date? h yes
" 2
h I c 2
cl 3 e 3 f I
[pages 40-71
• A: Excu se me, could I in terrupt? B: Of course. A: I'd like to ask )'O U about nex t year 's promotion cam paign. B: Sure. what exactly would you like to know? A; Well, could yo u tell me at this stage ,...hethcr you have fixed a budget ? 8: We've got a meeting next week to decide. l'Illet you know straight away. if that's OK. A: Sure, that'll be li ne.
b A: May I ask a qu..'slion? B: Go ahead. A: w ould yo u mind tellin g us w hen you're going to retire? H: Not at all. I'm plan nin g to stop work just after Ch rist ma s. A: Oh good! We'd like to in vite y O Ll to our Ch ristmas party, Can yo u come? H: when is it? A: It's 011 t he 24th fro m seven onwards. 8: T hat so unds fine. I'll loo k fo rward to it.
c A: Are there any ques t ions! B: Yes, I wo nder if you have considered any other options! A: I'm not sure wha t you're getting at . B: Well, you know, other possibilities such as relocating to a chea per area. A: I see what you mean . Yes,of course we've looked at all the options an d we think th is is the bes t one. K: But sur ely relocation would be better for t he stam A: I'm afraid th at's all we have time for now. Perhap s you 'd like to talk abo ut that later.
Unit 9 Putting it all together Language knowledge
a The first thin g 10 be said about t hese product s is that t hey' re I'cry divers e. \Vdl, let 's lake o ur premium expo rt lager, Hohenbrau. Now thi s product has always been positioned at the-top end of the market. It ha s a high price an d it's on ly availabl e th rou gh selec ted retai l outlets. Altogeth er. it's IllIiteexclus ive.
0 " tile OIlier hand, our Rut tcr 's hitter has an CtItirdy d ifferen l personality. It's br ewed in a t radit io nal way. We put a lot of ma lt in to it, which gives it a rich golden colour. As far as I know, it's always been sold at a medium price and is available through most supe rm arkets. So, as you can see. th ese are two verj-differem products. One an up-market Ccrrnan-r ype Pilsener, the other a w ry English bitter. One point for discussion . then , is whe the r we should ma inta in such diffe rent products in o ur range. Let's 11101'1:' on to marketing, and I onl y wan I to ra ise one issue.
{pages 48- 531
b The third elem ent is the people / ... and primarily here, I mea n the brewery workers IUlIlthe managemen t. / One of the th ings that shocked me when I first jo ined \Vestwood was th is ... / organization chart. It's like something from the last century. / Do you rea!izethere are ten layers between the shopfloor workers and the Managing Director? I ln my view,this makes the company slow and unresp onsive. / I hwwthere are many good things about wcstwood, I but our image is much the same as it was in, say, the times of Queen viaoria-. a very traditional, paternalistic employer. I Well, the very least we need to do is discuss whether th is image is appropriate for the late 20th century, / let alone the2l st.
A:-/S\v ER KEY
[pagc sj ]
Unit 1 What is the point? Language knowledge
As yOll all know, the brewery was bought back in 1982 an d, as I'm sure you're all aware, thcre've been some major cha nges since th at date. I'd like to focu s on some of th ese changes and the effect they've had on th e way the brewery works.
Some ti me ago, the new owners an nounced a new st rategy fo r grow t h. This stra tegy had some specific ta rgets - bo th tu rnover and p rofits had to increase a lot. These objectives have led to some very majo r cha nges, especially in the areas of production and marketing. On the prod uc t ion front, we sta rted by red ucing the workfor ce by 5
Unit 2 Making a start Language knowledge
a My name's Cordon Macrcaughton. I'm the new Finance Manager and I hope you won't give me too hard a time! b Ladie s a nd gentlemen. It's an h onour to have the o ppo rtunity of address !ng suc h a dis t inguished audience. c The subject of my pap er today is a critical analysis of the effects of a low carbohydrate diet o n ... d I'd like to tel l you today a bout the im plicat ions of our rece nt survey in to po tent ial cost sav ings.
e Myaim is to update you on recent research findings and to draw some tentative conclusions. f This talk should serve as the springboard for a d iscussion of the benefits and drawbacks of these savings. g I plan to take on ly ten minutes of your t 'le this morning. h During the next half-hour, you will hear about a wide range of research. I've divided up my presentation int o three pa rts; firstly, we'll loo k at the level of savings which we need to make; secondly, I'll run through the options open to us; an d, finally, I'll be presenting my recommended course of action. The subject can be looked at under two headings: firstly, the defin ition of this kind of diet; and second ly... k Wc have ten minutes allotted for questions following the presentat ion. I
Feel free to interrupt me at any time.
Inte rnal presentation: a, d, f, g, i, I External presentation: b, c, e, h, j, k
Unit 3 Linking the parts Language knowledge
a There are some very good reasons for cutting costs. In particular, the fact that we are actually losing money at the moment. b Now, as a rule, we operate o n healthy ma rgins of around 20-25%, but recently we've been forced into aggressive discounting.
c Now, I'm not saying we're the only ones who are suffering. For example, our ma in competitor, Triton's, has already closed down one of its plants . d Let's consider the recent poin t-of-sale competition . The main aim here, by the way, was to raise sales in ou r major outlets. e The marketing department launched a new packet size a few months ago. However, sales have hard ly taken offat all. f Both these initiatives have failed. So, in brief, we have been over-hasty in our reactions to the harsher economic climate.
Unit 4 The right kind of language Language knowledge
a The research indica tes a failure to recognize the importance of psycholog ical factors on the pa rt of many ofour members. It is highly significant that mos t managers failed to identify this as a critical clement in both the making an d im plementation of decisions. b It may come as a shock to you to realize that many managers fail to recognize the psycho logical factor as important. In my view, it is highly significant that we, as a profession, have no t really understood how im portan t this factor is in ho th short-term and long-term success.
c Th e prob lem is we've forgo tten tha t ou r employees are human. We treat them like machines. We give them targets and expect them to get on with it. Where's the caring side of employment gone? I'll tell you where . It's hiding behin d a damned set of targets and objectives - that's where it is! TA P E SC RI P T
Unit 5 Visual aids Language knowledge
I th o ught it would be useful to look at so me figures for a moment. Let's sta rt with turnover. As you can see on th is graph, I've plotted two lines. The solid one represents the group's turnover, an d the bro ken one the sales generated by our subsid iary in Germany. T he figures have been converted into dollars and are shown on this axis in thousands. O K, let' s look at the group's turnover first of all. Five years ago, it stood at $1.1 million. It rose steadily over the following five years and now stands at S 1.45 m illion. Now, we have done some forecas ts for the next five years and we anticipate a flauening out at around s 1.5 million as pr ice compet ition becomes more and more fierce. Fortunately, the figures for our German subsidiary are even better. we started this subsidiary nearly ten years ago. In the early years, growth was gradual and we reached sales of$400,UOU five years ago . This rep resented just under 30% of the group's turnover. Over the last five years, the Ge rman market has continued to grow steadily and our turnover is now around 5600,000. Unlike our group forecasts, we anticipate some further significant growth and have projected sales of$750,000 in another five years, represent !ng 50%) of the group's to tal turnover. So, as you can see, the German operation is vita l to our future.
Unit 6 Body language Language knowledge
a I think we have to get this into perspective. It's just a minor problem. It's nothing serious. b I'd like to make a suggestion . Perhaps we cou ld consider moving our production northwards. c I'm afraid we can't get away from it. Our pitifully low quality levels are threatening the future of this company.
cl I've got to say that l've never heard such a ridiculous argument. There is no way we can consider taking this sort of action.
c There's one more point I'd like to make. It's absolutely essential we make money on this product. f We've got a litt le bit of a problem here. Perhaps it's not central to our business, but I tend to think we should ta lk about it briefly. g ln a way, I would say th is is quite important. On the other hand, I rea lize we've got quite a full agenda today. h Before we go any fur ther, let me say this has been an extraordinary year, and we've seen some truly remarkable achievements.
Unit 7 Finishing off Language knowledge
a Well, thank you for listening. That brings me to the end of this presentation. Before I leave you to get on with your work, I'd just like to say how glad we are to have you with us, and I wish you a very successful and happy time here at Sin ton's. Thank you. b So, before I stop, let me just run over the key benefits. Firstly, flexibility: it'll work anywhere. we've triallcd it extensively and the results arc excellent. Secondly, price: as you've seen, it's going to be highly competitive. And lastly, innovation : this is really a breakthrough in the field. Now, I'm sure you've got lots of questions, so fire aW
Unit 8 Question time Language knowledge
So that brings me to the end of my presentation. I'd be glad. to answer any questions. QUESTIONER 1
I was interested to hear what you had to say about our medium-range product. Do you think it has any real future? SAI'>IANTIIA O'NETLL
Certainly I do. However, we can't expect the same level of sales as we've generated over the last ten years. wouldn't you agree? QL'ESTTONER I
r suppose so, It worries me that we don't have any replacements in the pipeline. Doesn't it worry you too? SAMANTHA O 'NEILL
well, that's difficult to say. It's true we haven't come up with a replacement for the 843. On the other hand, as I pointed. out, we have new products in the pipeline in other areas. QUESTIONER 2
On that subject, I'd like to ask you about the CII product. Can you tell us how much longer before it's ready for production? SA.\1ANTHA O'1\EIL1.
That's not really my field. Tony should be able to give you an idea about that. QUESTIO:-lFR 2
Right, I'll talk to him after the meeting. 3 Sarnantha, could I ask you about the production delays on our new AIS product?
Please go ah ead . 3 Well, as you know, we've p ut together a fairly large-scale advertisi ng campaign. Allthe space was booked for an October lau nch ... ?
Don't worry. w e'll be ready fur th e launch dale. There an: one or two technical problem s, h UI they won't delay us much longer. QUES TIONER 3
T hat's good 10 hear. 2
a b c d c f
May I ask yo u a q ues tio n! Do yo u mind telling m e w here yo u go t those figu n.' s? I suppose you're in town for ,I week. Is th at right? Don't yOll think we need to take a break? All the job losses arc in the plant, aren't the y? Cou ld I ask yo u whe n you're going to leave?
Unit 9 Putting it all together Language knowledge
The first th ing to be said about th ese p rod ucts is tha t they're very di verse. Well, let's take our premium export lager, Hoh enbrau . Now this product has always been positioned ar the top end of the rnarket.It has a high price and it's only available through selected retail outlets. Altogether, it's quite exclus ive. O n th e othe r ha nd, ou r Rutter's bitter has an entirely diffe rent personality. It's brewed in a traditional way. We put a lot of malt into it wh ich gives it a rich go lde n colou r. As far as I know, it's always be en sold at a medium price and is available through most supermarkets. So, as you can sec, th ese ar e Iwo very diffe rent produ cts. O ne an up-market Germ an -t ype Pilscncr, the other a very Engli sh bitt er. One point for discussion then, is whe ther we should mainta in such different products in our ra nge. Let 's move on to marketin g, and I only want to raise on e issue.
Th e th ird clement is th e peo ple ... and pr imarily here, I mean th e br ewer y wor kers and th e mana gement. One of th e things tha t shocked me when I first jo ined westwood was this ._. organi zati on cha r t. It's like somet hing from th e last centu ry - do you reali ze there are ten layers between the sho p-floor wor kers and t he Managin g Director! In my view, this m akes the company slow and unresponsive. I know there are many good thin gs a bo ut \ \ 'C'Stwood, but our image is much the same as it was in, say, the t imes of Queen Victoria - a very tr adi tional, patern alist ic employer. Well, th e very least we need to do is discuss w het he r th is image is a ppro priate for th e late 20t h cen tury, let alo ne the zlsr.
Video Transcript
Unit 1 What is the point? JOANNA BROOKES
l'm sorry I'm a bit late ... um ... I'm not exactly sure how 10 start this ... urn ... I suppose I should start by telling you something about the brewer y ... It's old of course, very old, and ... urn ... And it was founded in 17, 1778, yes, I think that's right. So it's a very old brewery and ... urn ... we use traditional prod uction methods and the products themselves are very, very old ... urn ... as you can see, and we have an im per ial stout which is very, agai n vcry t radit ional, and it's described as dark, immense, rich with a depth ofburnt fruit iness, this beer is anidea l nightcap. Imperial stout is 50% stronger than any of th e othe r beers in the export premium range ... the re ... urn ... Oh, we also do a lager, we also make a lager whic h is Euro pean, a European type beer and, well, sales have increased a lot over t he last year. Of course, we were a fami ly firm well, in fact, we still are a fam ily firm. As you know t he presen t owner is Ben wcstwood ... urn ... There was a take over bid ... urn ... I'm not exactly sure when, but it was resisted, and ... urn ... we con tinue to ru n as a family firm and this is im portant for the corporate image. well, in fact this is why we're here to day to discuss the corporate image and decide if we, well, it needs to ch ange. We also have horses ... you may have seen them del ivering the beer to th e local pubs? Yes? Yes, yes ... urn ... production has actually dropped a little over the last few years, although profits have actually held up and that's someth ing we need to discuss ... I mean can we actually continue as a sma ll, indepe ndent brewery? Anyway, that's about it. So ... um ... tha t is the ma in question today. So I don't know whet her that helps at all, b ut it's all I can think of really, so I, I'll leave ... I'll leave ... I think that's that, so I'll leave it there, OK?
Unit 2 Making a start Version :l
Right , the tour. I've got some overheads here to give you a pict ur e of ... Oh well, never mind, we'll manage with out. Anyway, I' ll tell you somethi ng about th e pla nt we'll be hav ing a look around. [ don't know how much you know about us. Perha ps some of you have been he re befo re? Anyway, I'll start by telling you a bit about the plant so that later you can ... urn ... ask ques tions ... and it shou ld help to u nders tan d the process. So, here we are in the main bui lding ...
Version 2
Hello and welcome to Sta ndard Electronics. I' m GeoffMaxwell, t he Factory Manager in charge of th e pla nt you'll be seeing today. I know some of you have come a lo ng way today so we aim to ma ke you r tour bo th interesting and worthwhile. Before we start t he lo ur, I'd like to give you a brief presentation about the company - th is will help to put th e production side of the business into context. My tal k will last about 15 m inutes an d I'll be using the flip chart. Now th ere's qui te a lot to cover, so I'd be gra teful if you'd ho ld any questio ns until the end of my talk.
As you ca ll see, I've divid ed up my presentat ion into th ree main parts. Firstly, we' ll fu n briefly through the h isto ry of the com pa ny. Secon dly, I'll tell you something about our ma in markets - this is im portan t in understand ing th e prod uction process. An d finally, I'll come to th e peo ple ou r mo st imp orta nt asset. OK? Let's start with th e history. Sta ndard started out as a private limited com pany wh en it was first established in 1935 ...
Unit 3 Linking the parts Version :t
In any case, I' ll ... um ... I' ll tell you something ab out the plant so that later you can ... ask questions ... an d it should help to understand the process ... so, here we are in the main b uilding. Not much of a buil ding. Anyway, we've been based here for more than fifty years, one ofthe country's best -loved engineering firms. Anyway, it sta rted back in 1943 when there was a nee d fo r high quality connections. You know, the sor t Britain's famous for. What we use is a process called pre-pr iodine electrostatic coating. In this process we apply ...
Version 2
... im portant in u nde rstanding the p rod ucti on process. And fina lly, I'll come to t he peopl e - our mos t important asset. OK, let's start with t he h istory. Now don't worry! I'm not go ing to give you a histo ry lesson . just a few key dates. Stan dard started o ut as a pri vate lim ited ... .. went p ublic. So we've had a pr ett y eventful 60 years or so. Anyway, I'll leave the history there. If you're interested, you'll find more about Standard in this pretty brochure. You should find one of th em amon gst all th e othe r bits of paper our PR people love to give out. So, let's turn now to a b rief overv iew of our main markets. If you look at t his chart, you' ll see our slice of th e pie, which in the European ...
Bythe way, you may have seen the story in the news today about our main competitor, Manton. It seems they're going to bring out a new product which could seriously infringe the copyright ... So, we'll have to wait and sec how the market reacts. Anyway,let me get back to what I was saying about new markets for Standard. I think wc have to say that ... Nobody really knows what the next century will bring. What's for sure is yOll need people who can adapt quickly. And that brings me to the final part of this short introduction to Standard, and that is to talk about our people. As 1said, they arc our most important asset. Our total world-wide headcount ... We've even sponsored a group to sail around Britain. So, before I go on, are there any questions about our personnel policy?
Unit 4 The right kind of language Version 1
DR Ll'!':DES
The significance of these figures incorporating data from multicenrre studies cannot be underestimated. Next slide. In the American part of the survey it was found that success in business can be correlated directly with leadership styles. An individualistic style appears to be closely associated with rapid career path progression, whereas a group or participative style, despite its evident attractiveness to all members of staff, is correlated with a relatively slow career progression. Next slide. This is further illustrated in my next slide which shows the results of another survey into senior management attitudes. Although lip service is paid to the concept of participativc management, their real perceptions of leadership qualities completely contradict this view. It can he further seen that such surveys ...
Version 2
We can't really afford to ignore these results. The survey was one of the most extensive of its kind and covers a wide range of corporations ... \Ve can see in this next slide the results from the American part of the survey. This survey was based on interviews carried out with senior managers in 200 corporations. Youcan see here ... 35%) of the group of managers classified as participativc reached senior management positions. On the other hand, 74% of the more individualistic managers achieved senior management status. So, I think the conclusion is self-evident. If you want to reach the top of American companies, you have a much better chance if you adopt a fairly autocratic, top-down approach. What is important here is not to dismiss the last ten years. Ten rears in which the value of participative management has been preached ... No, what we must do is to better understand the motivation of senior management.
If we look at thi s next slide. we can sec the results from an other survey into sen ior man agement att it udes. Th is shows how man agers firstly evaluate the quali ties o f a goo d manager ... and seco ndly, how th ey evalua te the q ua lities o f a goo d leader. What is q uite dear is that managers are suppose d to be sens itive, adapta ble, an d cooperati ve while lead ers need to be decisive, dynam ic, an d single-mi nde d. So, we find there is a ma ssive co nt radic tio n. Goud mana gers are suppose d be participati ve -. to make sure they co nsult and disc uss. Go od lead ers art' supposed to be st ro ng indi viduals - able to make decisions on their own. 10
Unit 5 Visual aids Version 1.
So, we need to think about the products. Our premium export lager is descr ibed as a German -b rand,..d Pilscncr with an above average alcohol content ... urn ... it's positioned at the top end of the ma rke t and is only available through selected me rchants and retailers. Anywa y, I'm sure yo u're all familiar with that prod uct ... urn ... Our high m alt bottled b itter. Rutter 's. is described as a t radit ional west Cou ntry bitter wit h a very dark colour and thick consistency ... urn ... It has a h igh price for a bottled bitter ... um ... and is ava ilable through all major su pe rmarke t cha ins an d offl icences. As yo u can see, production in 1984 was aro und the 245.000 bottles and th en during th e next five years men..a scd steadily ... fi ve years ago th e an nual outp UI reach ed 480,000 bottles there. as yo u can sec ... an d as yo u can see the figures stayed at that sort offigure until last year whe n th ey d ipped to 460,000 the re, as you can sec.
Version 2
A very im portant . perhaps Ihe most im portan t, clem ent in our co r po rate ident ity, is our pro duct ran ge. Th e first thing to ht' said about this product range is that it's wry diverse. w ell, let's tak e our p rem ium export lager, Hohcnbrau. Now this product has always been pos itioned at the top end of th e market . lt has a very high pri ce, and is on ly availabl e through specialist retail outlets. Altogct her, it's q uite exclusive. On th e other hand , o ur Ruu cr's bit ter has ,111 entircly different pc rso nalit y. It's b rewed in a traditional way. Wt' I'll! a lo t of malt in it wh ich gives it a rich go lden co lour. And, as far as I kno w, it's at a me di um price and sold through mo st supe rma rkets. So. as you can see, th ese are two very different products. One an up-market Gerrnan -t ype Pilsen cr, the ot her a very English bitter. Our problem is we' re 110 lo nge r su re about what sort of brewer y we are ... Anyway, let's leave the products for a mom en t, and tu rn to o ur recent reco rd o n th e product ion side.
To make sure we're all in the picture, I've prepa red a graph wh ich illustrates our production record over the last twelve years. As yo u can sec, we're o nly going to be look ing at bottled beer p rod uct io n. Now, twelve years ago, we had an annual output of 245,000 bo ttles - as you can see. Over the next six to seven years, prod uct ion grew stead ily and reached 480,000 way back in 1990. Those were the easy years. It seemed all we had to do was to turn up at work, produce the beer, and the beer would sell itself. The last five years have been quit e different. Pro duc tion flatte ned ou t to around 4HO,OOO for four years, an d th en , more worryingly, dropped to 460,000 last year. So, thi s is th e background to our mee ting today. we can no longer sit back and let the well-establis hed na me ofwesrwoo d do the work for us ...
Unit 6 Body language Version 1
These cost cuts are going to cause considerable pa in. we need to draw up a plan of action. I have put some ideas on the board ... These are some of the measures we could consider. There are bro adly three approaches. First, we cou ld accept the cuts and reduce staff dras tically ... Secondly, we could fight and hope to achieve some red uctio n in the level of the cuts. Or th ird ly, an d this is what I su pp ort, we co uld put forward an alternative proposal. Now, th is would mean we have to or gan ize ...
Version 2
[H t llN D E N
These cost cuts arc going to cause considerable pain. Wc need to draw up a plan of action. I have p ut some ideas on the b oard ... These arc some of the measures we cou ld cons ider. Th ere are broadly th ree approaches. First, we cou ld accept the cuts and reduce staff d rastically. Secondly, we could fight and hope to achieve some reduction in the level of the cuts. Or th ird ly, and this is what I support, we cou ld put forward an alternative proposal. Now, this would mean ...
Unit 7 Finishing off Version 1
Yes, yes ... urn ... pro duction has actu ally dropped a littl e over the last few years, although profits have actua lly held up ... urn ... an d that's something we need to di scuss ... I mean, can we actually con tinue as a small independent b rewery? Anyway, that's about it, so ... um ... th at is th e m ain question today ... urn ... so ... I don't kn ow whet her that helps at all, but it's ali i can think of realty, so I, I'll leave ... I'Illeave ... 1th ink that's that ... so ... l'lllcave it there, OK?
Version 2
10,.\:'>1"-,\ BIH)OKES
SO, before we move o n to discuss these ma tters, let me just su m ma r ize the main issues as I see them. First ly,on the product side. there's the question of
diversity of product range. Second ly.on the marketing front, we need to review our d istrib ut io n networ k. And thirdly. on the personnel side, we nee d to look at the sort of em ploye r we are, and want to become. So. 1 suggest \\'C look a t things in that order: product. dis tr ibu tio n, an d people. Hopefully th is will help LIS to agree o n a clear way fo rwa rd. Right . be fo re we start, are th ere any questions yo u'd like to ask?
Unit 8 Question time Version 1
You seem to have com plete ly igno red the q uestion of male domin at ion of top management post s. Do n't you thi nk yOU T results a rc almost ent irely d ue to the fact that there are practically no women in senior positions in American companies! OR L1:-OD EN
I di d not address the q uestio n of gender becau se it was not my purpo se to address it, No doub t it wo uld be in teresti ng to discuss it on an other occasion. Q UES TI O NE R 2
Dr Linden ! If YOLl don't mind me aski ng, co uld you tell us ho w the res ponde nts assessed difficult co ncep ts suc h as indiv id ua lism? IlR UN PEN
Well it is not important, but if you wa n t to kn ow, just a mo ment, ... yes, as I thought ... we used the Belb in persona lity tes t to position res pondents. J Dr Linden. could I ask you how th e sun'eys were set up? Ynu know, d id rbcy use a cont rol group?
P R Ll XD F.:-J
! believe they used a con tro ! gro up. Th ese weren' t m y su rveys, yo u know, I can' t tell you the details.
Version 2
You seem to have completely igno red the question of male domination of to p management posts. Don 't yo u th ink you r results a rc almost e nt irely du e to the fact tha t there are practica lly no women in sen io r posit ions in American compan ies? UR L1NIHN
I thin k that's a very interesting point. I'm afraid I d id n't have time to add ress t he question of gender itse lf, beca use I was mainly co nce nt rat ing on the question of management sty le. However , I feel sure th at th is aspect wo uld be worth d iscuss ing at len gth o n anothe r occasion .
QU ES T I O :-.l E R 2
Dr Linden! If yo u don't m ind me asking . cou ld rou tell us how the respondents assessed difficult concepts such as indi vid ualism? IlR ( .I SD E S
O f co urse. I suppose yo u're referring to the second survey I mentioned? Well. I'll just check. if! mar ... yes ... as I thought. we used the Rclbin person alit y test in ord er to positio n responden ts. I think th at yo u' ll find th at th is is a fairly standard psychologi cal test with such management su rveys. Arc there any more quest ions you would like to ask about the trial? QU E S T I O N E R
Dr Lindcn , could I ask you how the surveys were set up ? Youknow, did they use a control gro up? I) R lIS U E:"l
I thi n k I see what you mean. You're interested in the procedu re followed for the surveys? Q Ul'S TlONF.R
That' s righ t. HR I.ISDEN
I'm afraid that's really outside my field, I mysclfwas not invo lved in carrying out the surveys. However, I can give you the references afterw ard s, if the y would be helpful. QUFS Tl O N E R
Th an k yo u.
Unit 9 Putting it all together JOASNA BKOOKF.S
Good mo rni ng. Some ofyou m ay know me better than others, so let me just b riefly introduce myself. M y name's loanna Broo kcs. and I'm in charge of Pub lic Relation s for westw ood Brewery, As yo u may kno w, this is a relatively new post, and its creation reflects the Board's conce rn over our po sition and image in the market . So, on e of my first tasks is to define a d ear company identity for wcstwood . one that wilt carry us forward into the next century, For th is reason , I ha ve asked you all to join me here tod ay tu hear you r views on a way forward for Westwoo d. So me of yo u have been with the brewery for many years, othe rs no t at all, so before we start I'd like to ou tlin e three main aspec ts which I sec con tr ib uting sign ificantly to the brewe ry's ident ity. The first aspect is the products, the second ou r ma rkets and distribution in part icular, and the thi rd key clement is our people. So, let's just spend the next few minutes reviewing these th ree elements ... and please, in terrupt me if you have any q uestio ns or po int s yo u'd like to ra ise as we go along. So, th e products. Arguably.the mo st im po rtant elem ent in o ur cor porate identity is our product range. The first thing to be said abo ut these products is that they're very diverse, Well, let's take our prem ium export lager, Hohcnbrau. Now this pro du ct has always been po sitioned at the top end of the mar ket. It has a high price and it's onl y available th ro ugh selected retail outlets. Altogether, it's q uite exclusive. V IU l:() T RASSC R I I'T
On th e othe r han d. ou r Rutter 's b itter has an en tirely d ifferent persona lity. It's b rewed in a t raditional way. We p ut a lot o f malt into it whic h gives it a rich golden colour. As far as) know. it's always been sold at a medium price and is available through most supermarkets. So, as yo u can see. these arc two very d ifferent prod ucts. One an up-market Germa n- type Pilsene r. tbc o the r a very Engl ish bitt er, On e poin t fo r disc uss ion the n. is whet her we should maint ain suc h different products in ou r ran ge. Let's mo ve on to m arketing. and I onl y want to raise one issue. It's connected with th e products really. It seems to me it's going to be ver y d ifficult strengt heni ng westwocd 's identit y in the market when some of o ur beers are o nly available th ro ugh specialist ou tlets. QUF.STlONEK I
Excuse me, if you do n't mind me saying. J th ink you'll find t here are very good reasons fur restricting the channels for some of our beers. 10AK"'-A
Tha t's interesting you should say so and I look forwa rd to hea ring more about th at in o ur d iscussion s. Perh aps .....e ca n leave it that the re arc pro ba bly \'Cry good prod uct reason s why. but th at these may con flict with th e p romotio n of the tota l com pany image, Would you ag ree? QU ES TI O :-< ER I
Th at's certa inly tr ue. IOA~"'A
So. that covers two o f th e elemen ts which I th ink we need to disc uss. Th e th ird clem ent is the people ... and primarily here. l mean the brewery workers and the management. One of the things that sho ...ked me whe n I first joined Westwood was this ... organization chart. Ifs like something from the last (CnIUr)' - do you realize there are ten layer-, bet wee n th e shopfloor w orkers and the Man aging Directo r! In my vie w, th is ma kes th e co m pany slow and u n responsive. I know there arc man )' goo d t hings about West wood, hu t o ur image is much th e same as it was in. say. the tim es o f Queen Victoria - " very trad itional . pat ernalistic employer.
well. the ver y least we need to do is discu ss wheth er thi s image is appropriate for the late 20th cent ur y, let alone th e 2 Ist. So, before we move on to discu ss these matters.J et r nc just su m marize th e main issues as I see the m. Firstly. on the product side. there's the qu estio n of diversity o f prod uct range. Secondly. o n the marketing fro n t. we need to review our dist ribut ion network. And thi rd ly,on t he personnel side. we need to loo k at the sor t of employer we are and want to become. 50, I suggest we loo k at things in that order: prod uct , dist rib ut io n. and people. Hopefully this will help us to ag ree on a clear way forward. Right, before we start. are there any questions you'd like to ask?