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List of Reviewers Dedication
xix xxi
Part I
Advances in the Structure and Chemistry of Sepiolite and Palygorskite 1. The Structures and Microtextures of the Palygorskite-Sepiolite Group Minerals
Stephen Guggenheim and Mark P.S. Krekeler 1.1 Introduction
1.2 Part 1. Structure-Related Topics
1 .2.1
Structural Characteristics of the Palygorskite-Sepiolite Mineral Group
1 .2.2 Species and Nomenclature
4 6
1 .2.3 Structure of the Palygorskite-Sepiolite Mineral Group
and Related Minerals 1 .2.4 Substitutions in Palygorskite and Sepiolite
7 14
1 .2.5 H20, OH2, and OH Positions in Palygorskite and Sepiolite
1 .2.6 Genetic and Synthesis Relations
1.3 Discussion of Structure-Related Topics 1 .3.1
Structure Parameters Described
18 18
1 .3.2 Structure Parameters and Tetrahedral-Octahedral Misfit
1 .3.3 If Not Misfit, Why Do Polysomes Form?
1.4 Part 2: Microstructure-Related Topics 1 .4.1
Polysome-Width Disorder and the Transformation of Palygorskite to Smectite
1 .4.2 Open Channel Defects
1 .4.3 Stacking Errors and Planar Defects
2. Advances in the Crystal Chemistry of Sepiolite and Palygorskite
Mercedes Suarez and Emilia Garda-Romero 2.1 Introduction
2.2 Chemical Composition of Sepiolite
2.3 Chemical Composition of Palygorskite
2.4 Is there a Compositional Gap between Sepiolite
and Palygorskite?
2.5 Possible Structural Arrangements of the Intermediate Minerals
2.6 Open Questions
Part I I
Palygorskite-Sepiolite Geochemistry, Genesis and Deposits 3. Environmental Influences on the Occurrences of Sepiolite and Palygorskite: A Brief Review
Blair F. }ones and Kathryn M. Conko 3.1 Introduction
3.2 Spain
3.3 Turkey
3.4 Kenya
3.5 Morocco
3.6 Tunisia
3.7 Senegal
3.8 South Africa
3.9 Somalia
3.10 Argentina
3.11 United States
3.12 Summary
4. An Introduction to Palygorskite and Sepiolite Deposits- Location, Geology and Uses
Haydn H. Murray, Manuel Pozo, and Emilio Galan 4.1 Introduction
4.2 United States
South Georgia-North Florida Deposit
4.2.2 Amargosa Deposit, Nevada 4.3 Spain 4.3.1
87 89 90
Vallecas-Vicalvaro-Yunclillos Deposit (Tagus Basin)
Con tents
4.3.2 Mara Deposit (Calatayud Basin)
4.3.3 Bercimuel Deposit (Duero Basin)
4.3.4 Torrejon Deposit (Torrejon el Rubio Basin) 4.4 Senegal 4.4.1 Theis Deposit 4. 5 Turkey 4.5.1
Eskisehir Deposit
4.6 Other Worldwide Deposits 4.6.1
4.6.2 Greece
93 93 93 94 95 95 95 95
4.6.3 Ukraine
4.6.4 Other Occurrences
4.7 Summary
5. Palygorskite Clays in Marine Sediments: Records of Extreme Climate
1 01
Medard Thiry and Thomas Pietsch 5.1 Introduction
1 01
5.2 History of Deep-Sea Palygorskite Research
1 02
Palygorskite Clay in Continental Environments
1 02
5.2.2 Discovery of Palygorskite Clay in Marine Deposits
1 02
5.2.3 Widespread Palygorskite Clay in Deep-Sea Formations
1 02
5.2.4 Deep-Sea Palygorskite Clay Formation in Relation
to Palaeoceanography 5.3 Cretaceous Palygorskite Clay in the Central Atlantic 5.3.1
Occurrence of Palygorskite
1 03 1 04 1 OS
5.3.2 Clay Mineral Assemblage Distribution
1 08
5.3.3 Significance of Palygorskite
1 09
5.3.4 Geochemistry of Cretaceous Deep Water
1 09
5.3.5 Palaeoceanography and Palaeogeography
5.3.6 Conclusions
5.4 Early Eocene Palygorskite Clay in Gulf of Guinea and
Sargasso Sea 5.4.1
Gulf of Guinea
112 112
5.4.2 Sargasso Sea
5.4.3 Distribution of Early Eocene Palygorskite Clay
5.4.4 The Palaeoenvironment
5.4.5 Conclusions
5.5 Perspectives for Marine Palygorskite Research
6. Palygorskite and Sepiolite Deposits in Continental Environments. Description, Genetic Patterns and Sedimentary Settings
Emilio Galan and Manuel Pozo 6.1 Introduction
1 25
6.2 Genetic Conditions
1 30
Experimental and Natural Evidence of Sepiolite Formation
1 31
6.2.2 Natural and Experimental Evidence of
Palygorskite Formation
1 35
6.3 Main Genetic Characteristics of the Worldwide Deposits
and Occurrences of Sepiolite and Palygorskite in Continental Sedimentary Environments 6.3.1
1 37 1 37
6.3.2 Turkey
1 54
6.3.3 Other Deposits and Occurrences
1 57
6.4 Final Remarks 6.4.1
1 59
Continental Sedimentary Environments for Sepiolite and Palygorskite Formation
1 59
6.4.2 Origin of Deposits with Sepiolite and Palygorskite:
Lithological Associations
1 63
1 66
1 66
7. Sepiolite-Palygorskite Occurrences in Turkey
1 75
Hi.iseyin Yalc;in and Omer Bozkaya 7.1 Introduction
1 75
7.2 Geology and Mineralogy
1 75
Marine Sepiolite-Palygorskite Occurrences
1 77
7.2.2 Lacustrine Sepiolite-Palygorskite Occurrences
1 78
7.2.3 Hydrothermal Sepiolite Occurrences
1 84
7.2.4 Pedogenic Palygorskite Occurrences
1 85
7.3 Geochemistry
1 87
7.4 Genesis
1 87
7.5 Economy
1 94
7.6 Conclusions
1 94
1 97
1 97
8. Genesis and Distribution of Palygorskite in Iranian Soils and Sediments
Saeid Hojati and Hossein Khademi 8.1 Introduction
8.2 Palaeogeography and Palaeogeology of Iran
8.3 Climate of Iran
Con tents
8.4 Palygorskite in Western Iranian soils
8.5 Palygorskite in Central Iranian Soils and Sediments
8.6 Palygorskite in Southern Iranian Soils and Parent Rocks
8.7 Palygorskite in North-Eastern Iranian Soils
21 3
8.8 Conclusions
21 4
8.9 Direction for Future Research
21 5
21 6
21 6
9. Evidence for the Biogenic Origin of Sepiolite
jaime Cuevas, Santiago Leguey, and Ana I. Ruiz 9.1 Introduction 9.1.1
The Processes of Biomineralization
21 9 221
9.2 Biomorphs in the Dolomite-Sepiolite Sediments from the
Miocene in the Madrid Basin 9.2.1
Recognition of Structures Reminiscent of Microorganisms
9.3 Recognition of Mineral Formation Processes 9.3.1
Mineralization of Biomass
9.3.2 From Microfibrils to Sepiolite
223 224 228 228 230
9.3.3 Geochemical Evidence of the Biogenic Context of
Sepiolite Formation
9.4 Sepiolite Mineralization Hypothesis: Passive
Organomineralization of Sepiolite
10. Overview of Chinese Palygorskite Clay Resources-Their Geology, Mineralogy, Depositional Environment, Applications and Processing
Huitang Zhou and Haydn H. Murray 10.1
10.2 Previous Work in the Area
10.3 Geology
1 0.3.1
1 0.3.2 Regional Geotectonic and Volcanic Setting 10.4 Mineralogy 10.5 Depositional Enviornment of the Guanshan Palygorskite 1 0.5.1
Source Material
1 0.5.2 Depositional Environment 10.6 Processing of Chinese Playgorskite Clay 1 0.6.1
Gel Grade
1 0.6.2 Absorbent Grades
243 244 246 247 247 253 256 256 257
10.7 Industrial Uses of Guanshan Palygorskite Clays
10.8 Summary
11. Amargosa Sepiolite and Saponite: Geology, Mineralogy, and Markets
William }. Miles 11.1 Introduction
11.2 Geographic and Geologic Settings
11.3 Mineralogy, Chemistry, and Functional Properties
of Amargosa Sepiolite and Saponite 11 .3.1
Sorptive Properties of Sepiolite
1 1 .3.2 Dispersal Properties of Sepiolite 11.4 Uses and Markets of Amargosa Sepiolite 1 1 .4.1
269 270 271 272
Markets for Sepiolite, and Blends of Sepiolite and Saponite
1 1 .4.2 Future and Present Markets for Saponite
272 275
11.5 Studies Related to Health and Sepiolite
Part Ill
Applications: Industry Environment, Advanced Materials, Others 12. Current Industrial Applications of Palygorskite and Sepiolite
Antonio Alvarez, julio Santaren, Antonio Esteban-Cubillo, and Patricia Aparicio 12.1 Introduction
12.2 Physico-Chemical Features
12.3 Special Industrial Operations to Enhance Properties and
uses: The Most Relevant Market 1 2.3.1
First Generation Products
286 287
1 2.3.2 Second Generation Products
1 2.3.3 Third Generation Products
1 2.3.4 Fourth Generation Products
1 2.3.5 Fifth and Sixth Generation Products
12.4 Health and Safety Issues
12.5 Conclusions
13. Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Uses of Fibrous Clays
Alberto L6pez-Calindo, Cesar Viseras, Carola Aguzzi, and Pilar Cerezo
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Mineralogy, Chemistry and Habit
Copyrighted Material Contents
13.3 Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Nomenclature and Specifications 303 13.4 Use as Active Substances
13.4.1 Antidiarrhoeals and Antacids
13.4.2 Adsorbents and Protectors
13.5 Use as Excipients
13.5.1 Solid Dosage Forms
13.5.2 liquid and Semi-solid Dosage Forms
310 312
13.6 Drug Interactions 13.7 Use of Fibrous Clays in Cosmetics
H.ll Health Risks of Fihrous Clays
13.9 Concluding Remarks
14. The Effects of Palygorskite on Chemical and
Physico-Chemical Properties of Soils
Alexander Neaman and Arieh Singer 14.1 Introduction
14.2 Magnesium Chemistry of Palygorskite-Containing Soils
14.3 Point of Zero Charge of the Palygorskite Surface
14.4 Rheology of Standard Palygorskite Suspensions
14.5 Rheology of Palygorskite-Containing Soil Clay Suspensions
14.6 Flocculation of Palygorskite-Containing Clays
14.7 Effect of Palygorskite on D isaggregation and Colloid 340
Migration in Soils 14.8 Palygorskite-cemented Crusts (palycretes)
14.9 Mechanisms of Metal Sorption on Palygorskite
14.10 Use of Palygorskite for Metal Immobilization in Soils
14.11 Research Needs
15. Adsorption of Surfactants, Dyes and Cationic
Herbicides on Sepiolite and Palygorskite: Modifications, Applications and Modelling
Uri Shuali, Shlomo Nir, and Giora Rytwo 15.1 Introduction
15.2 Surface-Related Physico-Chemical Properties 15.2.1 Form ulae and Chemical Analyses
351 351
15.2.2 Crystal lography
15.2.3 Surface Area and Porosity
15.2.4 Adsorption Sites and lon Exchange Capacity
15.2.5 Thermal Analysis
15.2.6 Infrared Spectroscopy
15.3 Surface Modifications of Sepiolite by Surfactants-literature Survey
15.3.1 Cationic Surfactants
15.3.2 Anionic Surfactants
Copyrighted Material
Copyrighted Material
15.3.3 Neutral Surfactants
15.3.4 Pesticide Formu lations
15.4 Model Equations
15.5 Results of Model Application
367 369
16. Sepiolite and Palygorskite as Sealing Materials for the
Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide
Emilio Galan, Patricia Aparicio, and Adolfo Miras 16.1 Introduction
16.1.1 The Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide
16.1.2 C02 Reactivity and I ntegrity of the Cap Rock
16.1.3 Characteristics of Palygorskite and Sepiolite
16.2 Interaction of Sepiolite and Palygorskite with Supercritical C02 379 16.2.1 Material Characterization and Methodology
16.2.2 Potential of Sepiolite and Palygorskite for the Physical and Geochemical Trapping of C02 16.3 Modelling the Role of Sepiolite and Palygorskite in the
Geological Storage of C02: A Task for the Future
16.4 Concluding Remarks
Acknowledgemen t
390 390
17. Advanced Materials and New Applications of
Sepiolite and Palygorskite
Eduardo Ruiz-Hitzky, Pilar Aranda, Antonio Alvarez, julio Santaren, and Antonio Esteban-Cubillo 17.1 Introduction
17.2 Use of Sepiolite and Palygorskite as Nanoclays
17.2.1 Preparatio n of Organoclays from Sepiolite and Palygorskite
17.2.2 Sepiolite and Palygorskite Nanocomposites Based on Thermoplastic and Thermosetting Polymers 17.2.3 Mechanical, Thermal and Fire Retardancy Propert ies 17.3 Sepiolite-Based Functional Materials: Hybrid Nanomaterials
396 405 409
17.3.1 Sep iolite-Organic Compound I nteractions
17.3.2 Biohybrids and Biomimetic Materials Based on Sepiol ite
17.3.3 Sepiolite-Carbon Materials
17.3.4 Sepiolite as Support of Nanoparticles
17.4 Conclusions
Copyrighted Material
18. The Maya Blue Pigment
Manuel Sanchez del Rio, Antonio Domenech, Marfa Teresa Domenech-Carb6, Marfa Luisa Vazquez de Agredos Pascual, Mercedes Suarez, and Emilia Garda-Romero 18.1 History of Maya Blue
18.2 Experimental Techniques
Diffraction Studies
1 8.2.1
1 8.2.2 Infrared Spectroscopies
1 8.2.3 Raman
1 8.2.4 Optical Spectroscopies
1 8.2.5 Voltammetry
1 8.2.6 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
1 8.2.7 Computer Modelling
18.3 The Syntheses, Properties and Nature Of MB
1 8.3.1 The Synthesis of MB
1 8.3.2 The Chemical Resistance of the Pigment
1 8.3.3 The Hue of MB
1 8.3.4 Structural Aspects: The Attachment of Indigo to the Clay
1 8.3.5 The Nature of the Palygorskite-Indigo Association
18.4 MB Research in Relation with the Archaeological and
Historical Contexts 1 8.4.1
Historic Relevance of Indigo
470 470
1 8.4.2 Palygorskite in Contemporary and Ancient Mesoamerica
1 8.4.3 Sepiolite and MB
1 8.4.4 The Production and Use of MB in Ancient Times
1 8.4.5 Trade and Distribution and of MB in Ancient Times
1 8.4.6 Chronology and Distribution of MB
1 8.4.7 Symbology of MB
Subjet Index
Numbers in Parentheses indicate the pages on which the author’s contributions begin.
´ lvarez (281, 393), Technological Innovation Department, Tolsa, S.A., Antonio A Carretera de Madrid a Rivas de Jarama, 35. 28031 Madrid, Spain Carola Aguzzi (299), Departamento de Farmacia y Tecnologı´a Farmace´utica, Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad de Granada, 18071 Granada, Spain Patricia Aparicio (281, 375), Departamento de Cristalografı´a, Mineralogı´a y Quı´mica Agrı´cola, Facultad de Quı´mica, Universidad de Sevilla. C/ Prof. Garcı´a Gonza´lez 1, 41012 Seville, Spain Pilar Aranda (393), Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid, CSIC, C/ Sor Juana Ine´s de la Cruz Juana de la Cruz 3. 28049 Madrid, Spain ¨ mer Bozkaya (175), Department of Geological Engineering, Cumhuriyet University, O Sivas, Turkey Pilar Cerezo (299), Departamento de Farmacia y Tecnologı´a Farmace´utica, Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad de Granada, 18071 Granada, Spain Kathryn M. Conko (69), US Geological Survey, National Research Program, Reston, Virginia, USA Jaime Cuevas (219), Departamento de Geologı´a y Geoquı´mica, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Auto´noma de Madrid, Cantoblanco s/n, Madrid, Spain Marı´a Teresa Dome´nech-Carbo´ (453), Departament de Conservacio´ i Restauracio´ de Bens Culturals, Institut de Conservacio´ del Patrimoni, Universitat Polite´cnica de Vale`ncia, Camı´ de Vera 14, Vale`ncia, Spain Antonio Dome´nech (453), Departament de Quı´mica Analı´tica, Universitat de Vale`ncia, Dr. Moliner, 50, Burjassot, Vale`ncia, Spain Antonio Esteban-Cubillo (281, 393), Technological Innovation Department, Tolsa, S.A., Carretera de Madrid a Rivas de Jarama, 35. 28031 Madrid, Spain Emilio Gala´n (85, 125, 375), Departamento de Cristalografı´a Mineralogı´a y Quı´mica Agrı´cola, Facultad de Quı´mica, Universidad de Sevilla, Professor Garcı´a Gonza´lez 1. 41012 Seville, Spain Emilia Garcı´a-Romero (33, 453), Departamento de Cristalografı´a y Mineralogı´a, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Geologı´a, and Instituto de Geociencias (UCM-CSIC), Ciudad Universitaria, 28003 Madrid, Spain Stephen Guggenheim (3), Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Saeid Hojati (201), Department of Soil Science, College of Agriculture, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Khuzestan, Iran Blair F. Jones (69), US Geological Survey, National Research Program, Reston, Virginia, USA Hossein Khademi (201), Department of Soil Science, College of Agriculture, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran Mark P.S. Krekeler (3), Department of Geology, Miami University Hamilton, Hamilton, Ohio, USA Alberto Lo´pez-Galindo (299), Instituto Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra, IACT, CSIC—Univ. Granada, Avda. Palmeras, 4. 18100 Armilla, Granada, Spain Santiago Leguey (219), Departamento de Geologı´a y Geoquı´mica, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Auto´noma de Madrid, Cantoblanco s/n, 28049 Madrid, Spain William J. Miles (265), Miles Industrial Mineral Research, Denver, Colorado, USA Adolfo Miras (373), Departamento de Cristalografı´a, Mineralogı´a y Quı´mica Agrı´cola, Facultad de Quı´mica, Universidad de Sevilla, Profesor Garcı´a Gonza´lez 1. 41012 Seville, Spain Haydn H. Murray (85, 239), Department of Geological Sciences, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA Alexander Neaman (325), Facultad de Agronomı´a, Pontificia Universidad Cato´lica de Valparaı´so, Quillota, Chile, and Centro Regional de Estudios en Alimentos Saludables, CREAS, Regio´n de Valparaı´so, Chile Shlomo Nir (351), Department of Soil Science, The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel Thomas Pletsch (101), Bundesanstalt fu¨r Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, Stilleweg 2, Hannover, Germany Manuel Pozo (85, 125), Departamento de Geologı´a y Geoquı´mica, Universidad Auto´noma de Madrid, Cantoblanco, 28049 Madrid, Spain Eduardo Ruiz-Hitzky (393), Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid, CSIC, C/ Sor Juana Ine´s de la Cruz 3, 28049 Madrid, Spain Ana I. Ruiz (219), Departamento de Geologı´a y Geoquı´mica, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Auto´noma de Madrid, Cantoblanco s/n, 28049 Madrid, Spain Giora Rytwo (351), Department of Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Tel-Hai Academic College, Upper Galilee, and MIGAL, Galilee Technology Center, Kyriat Shmona, Israel Manuel Sa´nchez del Rı´o (453), European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, BP220, Grenoble Cedex, France Julio Santare´n (281, 393), Technological Innovation Department, Tolsa, S.A., Carretera de Madrid a Rivas de Jarama, 35. 28031 Madrid, Spain
Uri Shuali (351), Department of Soil Science, The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel Arieh Singer (325), Seagram Center for Soil and Water Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel ´ rea de Cristalografı´a y Mineralogı´a, Departamento de Mercedes Sua´rez (33, 451), A Geologı´a, Universidad de Salamanca, 37008 Salamanca, Spain Me´dard Thiry (101), Mines ParisTech, Centre des Ge´osciences, 35 rue St Honore´, Fontainebleau, France Marı´a Luisa Va´zquez de Agredos Pascual (453), Departament de Histo`ria de l’Art, Universitat de Vale`ncia, Passeig al Mar, Vale`ncia, Spain Ce´sar Viseras (299), Instituto Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra, IACT, CSIC—Univ. Granada, Avda. Palmeras, 4. 18100 Armilla, Granada, Spain, and Departamento de Farmacia y Tecnologı´a Farmace´utica, Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad de Granada, 18071 Granada, Spain Hu¨seyin Yalc¸in (175), Department of Geological Engineering, Cumhuriyet University, Sivas, Turkey Huitang Zhou (239), MinTech International, Inc., 3803 Commodore Trail, Bloomington, Indiana, USA
List of Reviewers
Faiza Bergaya, Centre de Recherche sur la Matie´re Divise´e, CNRS, University of Orleans, Orleans, France Juan Cornejo, Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiologı´a, C.S.I.C., Seville, Spain Joe Dixon, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA Ray E. Ferrell, Louisiana State University, Louisiana, USA Richard L. Folk, University of Texas at Austin, Texas, USA Emilio Gala´n, University of Sevilla, Seville, Spain Steve Guggenheim, University of Illinois at Chicago, Illinois, USA Alberto Lo´pez-Galindo, Instituto Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra, CSIC – University of Grenade, Granada, Spain Luigi Marini, Universita` di Genova, Genova, Italy Alexander Neaman, Pontificia Universidad Cato´lica de Valparaı´so, Quillota, Chile Manuel Pozo, Auto´noma University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain Mercedes Sua´rez, University of Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain Benny K. G Theng, Landcare Research, Manawatu Mail Centre, New Zealand Chris Vasconcelos, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland Jiaxin Yan, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, Hubei Province, P.R. China
IN MEMORY OF ARIEH SINGER (1934–2010) This book that you have in your hands is a tribute to the memory of Prof. Arieh Singer. We started working together on its content 3 years ago, but unfortunately, he will never see it published. Prof. Arieh Singer was born in 1934. He held a master of science in agriculture and a Ph.D. in soil science from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Since 1968, he occupied different positions at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. In 1989, he was nominated as full professor of soil science (1989– 2002), and after his retirement, he was nominated professor emeritus. His research interests were focused on pedology with emphasis on soil mineralogy, clay minerals in the context of soil formation, soil distribution and weathering phenomena, ecological effects on soil mineralogy, interrelationships between clay mineralogy and soil properties, atmospheric dust deposition, etc. He also developed other researching works on the origin of clay minerals in non-edaphic environments: sediments and marine/lacustrine deposits. His very last and remarkable contribution to the field of knowledge was the book entitled Soils of Israel (Springer, 2007), which describes and relates soils in desert landscapes and the geological history of Israel. Arieh was a tireless traveller. He spent sabbatical and other long stays in CSIRO, Adelaide, Australia; at the University of Sakatchewan, Canada; Institute for Soil Research of Pretoria, South Africa; University of Colorado in Boulder, USA; University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, and University of Heidelberg, Germany, etc. as a visiting scientist. Due to his restless personality, he participated in missions in Nicaragua and China during the 15 years he acted as the consultant for Soil Survey, Evaluation and Land Use Planning, Water Planning of Israel. As a result of these stays, Arieh was able to speak English, German, Spanish, and maybe Chinese. He was a brilliant scientist and a cultured man. He was in a permanent state of excitement and wakefulness, learning from anything and publishing to share his knowledge. He published more than 300 papers, book chapters and whole books. Out of his works, I would like to point out a couple of papers on palaeoclimatic interpretation of clay minerals in soils and weathering profiles, and on sediments. Both were published in the journal Earth Science Review and became fundamental reference key works for clay geologists. His book Palygorskite-Sepiolite: Occurrences, Genesis and Uses (Elsevier, 1984), which we edited, deserves a particular mention. We both xxi
worked together on that book though the technology at that time did not allow us to be in touch so easily. It was a bit more complicated to edit each contribution. However, that was the reason why Arieh had to spend some time in Seville and so we tightened our friendship. The last time I met him was the 19th of November of 2009. We were together in Madrid because of his nomination as honorary member of the Spanish Clay Society, and I had the pleasure to introduce him. During that meeting, we had opportunity to update the content of the book and distribute the edition work. On the following days, we exchanged a lot of ideas through e-mail and we gave shape to the whole project. On December 31st, after he wished me and my family Merry Christmas and a happy New Year, he told me he had a cancerous tumour in his lungs. However, he was hopeful that the doctors would surgically remove it without secondary consequences. On January 2010, he was still actively working though he was receiving chemotherapy treatments. On March 6th, Kamy, Arieh’s son, sent me the following note, as he dictated: “Dear Emilio, I think I ought to update you on the state of my illness. Right now I am in the hospital for all kinds of interventions. I underwent two chemotherapeutic treatments and I ought to start the third one next week. This all leaves me completely exhausted and incapable of any normal activity . . ..” Unfortunately, 20 days later, on March 26th, Prof. Shlomo Nir informed me that he passed away. As I promised Arieh’s family, I continued the work we started together to finally edit this volume. I am sure that Arieh would be happy about the outcome and the willing that led all of us to complete it. Many of the authors particularly wanted to contribute to the book as a tribute to him, sharing their knowledge the way he did, taking part of his work, being part of it, being part of him. I keep many memories of him . . . among them I still have in my office a beautiful handmade parchment he gave me in 1984 showing a picture of Jerusalem. Thank you, Arieh, for your friendship and teaching. Seville, June 2011 Emilio Gala´n
Prof. Arieh Singer receives the Diploma of Honorary Member of the Spanish Clay Society from the President, Prof. Eduardo Ruiz-Hiztky, in presence of the President of Spanish Academy of Science (left) and the President of the Spanish Mineralogical Society (right) (19th November, 2009).
The 7th International Clay Conference held in Italy in 1981 was the spawning ground for a compendium edited by Arieh Singer and Emilio Gala´n devoted to a review of information on the distribution, genesis and industrial applications of palygorskite and sepiolite. Eight papers from the conference were supplemented by 10 additional contributions and published by Elsevier in 1984 as Developments in Sedimentology v. 37: Palygorskite–Sepiolite; Occurrences, Genesis and Uses. The volume is partially responsible for increasing the awareness of the clay science community of the importance of these unique geological and industrial materials. According to entries in the Web of Science database, scientific publications on palygorskite and sepiolite increased from 18 and 17, respectively, in 1984–1985 to 55 and 95 in 2009–2010. The diversity of journals containing articles on palygorskite and sepiolite also expanded. This increased interest encouraged Gala´n and Singer to propose this volume dedicated to “advances” in our understanding of the distribution, genesis, and state of the art of industrial applications of this important clay mineral group. The new volume, Developments in Palygorskite–Sepiolite Research: A New Outlook on These Nanomaterials, containing 18 chapters authored by prominent clay scientists, provides new insights on crystal structure and chemistry, an expanded description of palygorskite and sepiolite genesis and occurrences, and much more on present and predicted uses of these nanomaterials. Peer review by a group of equally distinguished scientists ensures the quality of the presentation. This volume promises to become an important source of information for future research. The first chapter by Guggenheim and Krekeler provides a thought-provoking summary of the crystal structures and microstructures of the palygorskite– sepiolite group minerals, including palygorskite, sepiolite, falcondoite, kalifersite, loughlinite, raite, tuperssuatsiaite, and yofortierite. The relationship between crystal structure variability (revealed by X-ray powder diffraction and transmission electron microscopy) and industrial application is the chief focus of the presentation. Open channel defect (OCD) structures and wide polysomes in palygorskite and sepiolite may explain why some samples absorb large molecules and others do not. A major question concerning the continuity of chemical variations among mostly trioctahedral sepiolite and the almost dioctahedral palygorskite is addressed in the presentation by Sua´rez and Garcı´a-Romero. Their analysis
of chemical composition determined by analytical electron microscopic (AEM) techniques provides particle-specific data on palygorskite–sepiolite that reduces interparticle interference affects common in bulk mineral analysis methods. Magnesic palygorskite and Al-sepiolite can have very similar chemical compositions and all the intermediate compositions between pure palygorskite and sepiolite can be found. The observed range can be explained by a mixed polysome model involving intergrowths of sepiolite and palygorskite ribbons or polysomes. Nine reports on occurrences of palygorskite–sepiolite comprise the second section of the book. Murray, Pozo and Gala´n point out the Spanish and U.S. dominance of sepiolite and palygorskite production, respectively, and comment on world reserves, particularly in China. The overview of terrestrial deposits in Spain, Turkey, Greece, China, Kenya-Tanzania and other countries by Gala´n and Pozo summarizes the main genetic conditions leading to the formation of fibrous clays in the continental environment. Six lithologic associations observed in Spain, China, India, Greece and elsewhere create a pattern for lithologic control of fibrous clay genesis and a general genetic model based on the interaction between silica- and magnesium-bearing solutions in an environment with suitable physicochemical conditions (mostly high pH and high salinity), and on the activity of aluminium in solution or the presence of reactive Al-bearing phases in the case of palygorskite. Cuevas, Leguey and Ruiz add that microorganisms may play a role in the genesis of some Madrid Basin sepiolites. Mg-rich lithologies play an important role in the most prominent Turkish localities described by Yalc¸in and Bozkaya. Miles details the special Mg-rich groundwater conditions leading to the precipitation of sepiolite and saponite in the Amargosa valley of Nevada, USA. As reiterated by Jones and Conko and the other authors in Part 2 of the book, sedimentary neoformation (direct precipitation from solution) and diagenetic transformation of other Mg-rich phyllosilicates rather than inheritance of detrital materials are generally invoked to explain the origin of palygorskite and sepiolite in continental and peri-marine settings. Environments of formation may be sedimentary, hydrothermal or pedogenic. Peri-marine types generally form in the shallow-coastal lagoonal environment. Vein occurrences develop within volcanics and are mostly regarded as hydrothermal in origin. Pedogenic deposits, often rich in palygorskite, occur in modern soils, palaeosols, caliches (calcrete) and crusts. More details concerning palygorskite occurrences in soils of Iran are contained in the chapter by Hojati and Khademi. The palygorskite in the world’s largest deposit from the Guanshan area of China is reported by Zhou and Murray to have formed in a fluvial– lacustrine environment from the alteration of basalt or basaltic ash. They also provide new details on other fibrous clay occurrences in China that were unknown when the first palygorskite–sepiolite volume was published.
Thiry and Pletsch describe a unique deep-sea origin for almost pure palygorskite clays in Middle Cretaceous and Early Eocene deep sea deposits. Warm, highly saline waters present on the seafloor during this long-lasting, extreme greenhouse period stimulated the authigenic formation of palygorskite clay, but since palygorskite contains about 10% Al2O3 and Al is poorly soluble in this type of solution, strict authigenesis is not likely. These marine palygorskite deposits developed mainly by transformation of former clay minerals, an origin consistent with formation conditions in terrestrial environments. The most expanded section of the new volume is devoted to industrial applications. The overview of the markets and applications for sepiolite and ´ lvarez, Santare´n, Esteban-Cubillo and Aparicio stresses palygorskite by A the importance of particle shape and active surface area in current and predicted uses. The organization of their chapter with respect to six generations of increasingly more complex mining and processing procedures provides a useful basis for illustrating how the products have developed and suggestions for modifications to create new nanomaterials. The contribution by Lo´pezGalindo, Viseras, Aguzzi and Cerezo provides a new summary of special properties of fibrous clays in cosmetic and pharmaceutical applications. The need to conduct more field research on disaggregation potential and migration ability of palygorskite and associated minerals and organics in heavily irrigated soils is strongly recommended by Neaman and Singer. A well-organized review of sepiolite and palygorskite adsorption of surfactants, dyes and cationic herbicides by Shuali, Nir and Rytwo follows. Their emphasis on the role of modeling in assessing applications should be useful to many readers. Implications and future research directions concerning the use of sepiolite and palygorskite as sealing materials for the geological storage of carbon dioxide are presented by Gala´n, Aparicio and Miras. Both clays may sequester carbon dioxide by physical adsorption and mineral reactions, but their long-term stability remains unanswered. The keywords fibrous clays, nanostructured materials, polymer-clay nanocomposites, bionanocomposites, supported nanoparticles, adsorbents, catalysts, sensor devices, magnetic materials, and the title, “Advanced Materials and New Applications of Sepiolite and Palygorskite” of the contribution by Ruiz-Hitzky, ´ lvarez, Santare´n and Esteban-Cubillo say it all. This summary Aranda, A should be required reading for all those interested in the present and future industrial uses of palygorskite and sepiolite. Part 3 concludes with a chapter devoted to one of the most ancient applications of fibrous clays, the production of the organoclay pigment, Maya Blue. Sa´nchez del Rı´o, Dome´nech, Dome´nech-Carbo´, Va´zquez de Agredos Pascual, Sua´rez and Garcı´a-Romero present new, modern analytical data on the adsorption mechanisms and discuss the archaeological significance of this historic material.
This volume covers many topics that provide up-to-date information on the occurrences, genesis, and industrial use of palygorskite and sepiolite. It is obvious that the clay science community has learnt a lot in the intervening years since the publication of Volume 37. This book is a useful compendium, full of challenging new research ideas. It should be on the library shelves of individual clay scientists, corporations, research institutions and universities. Ray E. Ferrell Louisiana State University
Chapter 1
The Structures and Microtextures of the Palygorskite–Sepiolite Group Minerals Stephen Guggenheim* and Mark P.S. Krekeler{ *Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA { Department of Geology, Miami University Hamilton, Hamilton, Ohio, USA
1. INTRODUCTION Although palygorskite–sepiolite minerals are closely related to chain silicates or represent transitional phases between chain silicates and layer silicates (e.g. the biopyriboles, Zoltai, 1981), their affinities to the (layer) phyllosilicates are a valuable asset in comparative crystal chemistry. Bailey (1980), and to a much lesser extent Guggenheim and Eggleton (1988), made comparisons of palygorskite and sepiolite to ideal phyllosilicates or modulated phyllosilicates, respectively. Since this earlier work, additional members of the palygorskite–sepiolite group or related minerals have been discovered and their atomic structures have been refined by single-crystal techniques. Authors of these single-crystal studies recognized and commented on the relationships of these structures to phyllosilicates in general and palygorskite and sepiolite in particular. However, they did not analyze in detail the relationship of these minerals as a group to relate crystal chemistry, structure, and geologic origin. This chapter, although limited by length, develops an initial cogent comparison of the palygorskite– sepiolite group minerals to modulated phyllosilicates by considering these relationships. In addition, a summary of the literature on the microstructure of palygorskite and sepiolite is included. Portions of this chapter were presented in abstract form by Guggenheim (2010).
Developments in Clay Science, Vol. 3. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-444-53607-5.00001-3 # 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
2. PART 1. STRUCTURE-RELATED TOPICS 2.1. Structural Characteristics of the Palygorskite–Sepiolite Mineral Group Like all ideal phyllosilicate minerals containing 2:1 layers where there is an octahedral sheet between two opposing tetrahedral sheets, the palygorskite– sepiolite minerals have continuous planes of tetrahedral basal oxygen atoms ˚ apart (e.g. Bailey, 1980). However, unlike the ideal 2:1 approximately 6.6 A phyllosilicates, the apical oxygen atoms point away from the basal oxygen atom plane in opposing directions to form ribbons of joined pyroxene-like chains (e.g. Figure 1, details of specific species given below). The apical A
[100] H2O2 H2O1
T1 T2 OH2 OH M2 M2 M3
M1 M3 M4
T1 T2 T3
H O2 x 2 x
H2O3 x
H2O4 H2O1
Structures/Microtextures of Palygorskite-Sepiolite Group
T1 M3 M2 T2
[010] FIGURE 1 Projection of the monoclinic palygorskite (A) and sepiolite (B) structures along the [001] direction. The box in the centre of (A) illustrates a polysome. All figures show polyhedral representations. Octahedral metal cations (commonly Mg, Al) are shown as dark-fill octahedra (grey for online version), and Si-containing tetrahedra are shown as lighter-fill triangles (yellow for online version). Octahedral cation sites (M) and tetrahedral cation sites (T) are labelled. In (A), the M1 site (not shown) is located between and in front of the two labelled M2 sites in this projection; see (C) for additional site identification. Open circles are zeolitic H2O. In sepiolite (B), M2 is slightly behind M1, which is slightly behind M3 in this projection. Open circles are zeolitic H2O, with those marked “x” being labelled. (C) Projection of palygorskite along the [100] direction. The tetrahedral sheet, with sixfold rings, is an essential feature in the palygorskite–sepiolite mineral group. Coordinates from Post and Heaney (2008) and Post et al. (2007). Plotting programme ATOMS (Dowty, 2005) was used to create all figures.
oxygen atoms of the tetrahedra partially form the coordination unit of the octahedral sheet. Therefore, there is a region of the structure where a channel may form adjacent to the basal oxygen planes between two 2:1 layers, for example, in palygorskite and sepiolite. Guggenheim and Eggleton (1988) proposed a ‘modulated’ phyllosilicates classification scheme, with palygorskite and sepiolite as members because of the inverted tetrahedral arrangement and the formation of the channel where the octahedral sheet becomes discontinuous. This classification scheme was extended and adopted by the Clay Minerals Society (Martin et al., 1991) and included in a summary of recommendations of nomenclature committees relevant to clay mineralogy presented by Guggenheim et al. (2006, Table 3). The essential features of the palygorskite–sepiolite mineral group are apparently (1) the continuous tetrahedral basal oxygen planes, (2) the inverted tetrahedral arrangement that forms ribbons of joined pyroxene-like chains, and (3) the discontinuous octahedral sheet. The description of the palygorskite–sepiolite mineral group has, in the past, involved the minerals palygorskite and sepiolite as model structures because there was no need to consider other possible models. Since 1991, several minerals closely associated to palygorskite and sepiolite have been described and their structures were determined, for example, intersilite (Khomyakov, 1995; Yamnova et al., 1996), kalifersite (Ferraris et al., 1998), raite
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
(Khomyakov, 1995; Pluth et al., 1997), and tuperssuatsiaite (Ca´mara et al., 2002; Karup-Mller and Peterson, 1984). Tuperssuatsiaite and raite have all the essential features of the group, and they are clearly members. Because a structure refinement is unavailable, it is unclear if kalifersite (Ferraris et al., 1998) merits membership, but provisional analysis by Ferraris et al. (1998) suggests that it should be tentatively assigned to the group. For intersilite, the configuration of the chains is not “pyroxene-like”, and thus this mineral should be considered a “related” mineral. This chapter includes intersilite for comparison where possible, but the different chain geometry makes many comparisons difficult.
2.2. Species and Nomenclature The palygorskite–sepiolite group (Table 1) consists of palygorskite, sepiolite, falcondoite, kalifersite, loughlinite, raite, tuperssuatsiaite, and yofortierite. Intersilite is given in the table for comparison. Each mineral of Table 1 is trioctahedral, except for palygorskite and its Mn analogue, yofortierite, which are dioctahedral. “Attapulgite” was a name introduced by de Lapparent (1935) for a fibrous clay found near Attapulgus, Georgia, USA, but the name was subsequently discredited by the International Mineralogical Association
TABLE 1 Palygorskite–Sepiolite Group Minerals and Intersilite. Mineral
(Ni8y zR3þy□z)(Si12xR3þx) O30(OH)4(OH2)4R2þ(x-yþ 2z)2(H2O)8
Modified from Springer (1976)
(Na0.80K0.45□0.75)Na5Mn(Ti0.75Nb0.25) [Si10O24(OH)](O,OH)(OH)24H2O
Yamnova et al. (1996)
Ferraris et al. (1998)
Fahey et al. (1960)
(Mg5y zR3þy□z)(Si8-xR3þx) O20(OH)2(OH2)4 R2þ(x yþ 2x)/2(H2O)4
Drits and Aleksandrova (1966)
Pluth et al. (1997)
(Mg8y zR3þy□z)(Si12xR3þx) O30(OH)4(OH2)4R2þ(x yþ 2z)/2(H2O)8
Bailey (1980)
Na1.87Fe2.14Mn0.48Ti0.14 (Si8O20)(OH)2n (H2O)
Ca´mara et al. (2002)
(Mn5y zR3þy□z)(Si8xR3þx) O20(OH)2(OH2)4R2þ(x yþ 2x)/2(H2O)4
Modified from Perrault et al. (1975)
The □ symbol denotes vacancy.
Structures/Microtextures of Palygorskite-Sepiolite Group
(IMA) because palygorskite, which was reported from the Palygorsk Range, Ural Mountains, Russia, in 1862 (Ssaftschenkow, 1862), has precedence. Robertson (1962) suggested the name “hormite” for the palygorskite–sepiolite group, but this name was not accepted by the IMA. Unfortunately, the terms “attapulgite” and “hormite” are still commonly used in industry journals. The name “palysepioles” was introduced by Ferraris et al. (1998) in reference to a “palysepioles polysomatic series” with the “palysepioles” as members of the palygorskite–sepiolite series, but this name was rejected by the Association Internationale pour l’Etude des Argiles (AIPEA) Nomenclature Committee as unnecessary.
2.3. Structure of the Palygorskite–Sepiolite Mineral Group and Related Minerals Single-crystal X-ray analyses of palygorskite and sepiolite are not available, but the overall structures have been obtained from powder-data studies. These studies (Artioli et al., 1994; Chiari et al., 2003; Chrisholm, 1992; Christ et al., 1969; Drits and Sokolova, 1971; Giustetto and Chiari, 2004; Post and Heaney, 2008) confirmed the basic structure of Bradley (1940) for palygorskite (for summaries of previous models, see Bailey, 1980 and Jones and Gala´n, 1988). The known structural modifications are monoclinic (C2/m) and orthorhombic (Pbmn); these modifications are commonly intergrown. Rietveld refinement procedures were applied to palygorskite by Artioli et al. (1994), Chiari et al. (2003), Giustetto and Chiari (2004), and Post and Heaney (2008). Like the ideal phyllosilicates, the palygorskite–sepiolite group has an overall structure where there are infinitely extending tetrahedral sheets involving sixfold rings of tetrahedra. These tetrahedral sheets have a continuous basal oxygen atom plane but, unlike the ideal phyllosilicates, the palygorskite–sepiolite group has apical oxygen atoms pointing along either the [100] or the [ 100] direction, that is, in opposing directions (Figure 1). The apical oxygen atoms form a strip or ribbon pattern such that the strip extends along the [001] direction; the width of the apical oxygen atom strip consists of a tetrahedral ring (or two pyroxene-like chains) in palygorskite, tuperssuatsiaite, and raite, and 1.5 rings (or three pyroxene-like chains) in sepiolite. Strips with apices pointing in one direction link to metal cations (typically Mg or Al in palygorskite and sepiolite) to form a portion of the octahedral coordination. The remaining part of the coordination unit is completed by apical oxygen atoms of an opposing tetrahedral strip and by two OH groups (or by OH2 groups in special cases, see below). Thus, two apical oxygen atoms are obtained from one strip, two additional apical oxygen atoms are from the opposing strip, and two OH groups complete most octahedra. Strips that are eight octahedra wide link to tetrahedra via apical oxygen atoms in sepiolite, and strips that are five octahedra in width occur in palygorskite. Thus the octahedra do not form continuous sheets. The
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
combination of an octahedral strip and adjacent strips of tetrahedra form a “polysome” which, when compared to an ideal phyllosilicate, resembles the 2:1 layer, although more limited in lateral extent (Figure 1). The basal ˚ , which oxygen atom plane to basal oxygen atom plane spacing is about 6.5 A is similar to that found in mica. Structural information from Rietveld refinements (Table 2) is generally less precise than single-crystal refinements (see Post and Bish, 1989), and the lack of such precision is commonly observed in the reported bond distances, with associated errors about a magnitude larger than those reported from a typical single-crystal refinement; bond lengths are paramount in determining site occupancy and distortions. In part, obtaining a reasonable result in Rietveld refinements often involves fixing (or limiting the variation of) atomic parameters, which may establish the size and shape of polyhedra, and this was done to some extent for all Rietveld refinements (constraints are noted in Table 2). Although the lack of precision of individual bond distances and angles inhibits detailed interpretation of structural data, average polyhedral sizes from Rietveld refinements tend to be similar to those obtained from single-crystal data, even for polyhedra that are not constrained. Thus, consideration of structural parameters, which generally involve averaging, is probably more fruitful than direct comparisons of individual distances and angles. Single-crystal X-ray studies (Table 3) have been performed on raite (Pluth et al., 1997) and tuperssuatsiaite (Ca´mara et al., 2002). Both minerals have palygorskite-like Si tetrahedral frameworks, and both contain Na, Mn, and Ti, but tuperssuatsiaite is Fe rich. The octahedral backbone in raite (Figure 2) consists of a continuous strip of Mn octahedra (Mn1, Mn2) along the [001] direction with appendages of Na octahedra (Na1) on either side of the strip to form the octahedral part of the polysome. Polysomes are weakly connected laterally by channels containing vacant regions, isolated Na octahedra (Na2), and partially occupied (1/9 occupancy) distorted Ti octahedra linking the Na2 and the Mn2 and Na1 octahedra. Like palygorskite, strong polysome connectivity is obtained by the cross-linking tetrahedral rings with apical oxygen atoms that belong also to the coordination of the M1 and M2 octahedra. Intersilite (Yamnova et al., 1996) is similar to the members of the palygorskite–sepiolite group in that there are continuous planes of basal oxygen atoms which form polysomes involving an octahedral strip (Mn, Na, and Ti þ Nb) and coordinating tetrahedra (not illustrated). In contrast, however, the tetrahedral configuration within the polysome is composed of both six- and eightfold rings normal to the [100] direction, with polysomes connected by fivefold rings. Also, there are regions of partially occupied (with K, Na) seven- and eight-coordinated polyhedra that alternate with polysomes along both the [010] and [100] directions. Although this polysome configuration is similar to that of the palygorskite–sepiolite group minerals, the
Space group
Final Rwp (m, multiphase)a
apolysome (o)
ainterpolysome ( )
1. Sepiolite
Post et al. (2007)
2. Palygorskite
Post and Heaney (2008)
3. Palygorskite
Giustetto and Chiari (2004)
0.043 (m)
4. Palygorskite
Chiari et al. (2003)
5. Palygorskite
Artioli and Galli (1994)
0.130 (m)
6. Palygorskite
Giustetto and Chiari (2004)
0.043 (m)
7. Palygorskite
Artioli and Galli (1994)
0.130 (m)
Average bond distances (A˚)
coctahedron ( )
Oct. thickness (A˚)
t ( )
Tet. thickness (A˚)
b/2 (A˚)c
1. Sepiolite
M1: 2.077
T1: 1.634
M1: 58.2
M1: 1.192
T1: 111.3
M2: 2.062
T2: 1.635
M2: 58.8
M2: 2.137
T2: 113.3
M3: 2.084
T3: 1.620
M3: 58.3
M3: 2.157
T3: 110.7
M4: 57.8
M4: 2.224
M4: 2.085 2. Palygorskite
M1: 2.158
T1 1.622
M1: 61.3
M1: 2.075
T1: 110.4
M2: 1.873
T2 1.624
M2: 57.0
M2: 2.041
T2: 112.9
M3: 55.6
M3: 2.360
M3: 2.087
Structures/Microtextures of Palygorskite-Sepiolite Group
TABLE 2 Powder (Rietveld) Refinements and Derived Structural Parameters.
TABLE 2 Powder (Rietveld) Refinements and Derived Structural Parameters.—Cont’d 10
Average bond distances (A˚)
coctahedron ( )
Oct. thickness (A˚)
t ( )
Tet. thickness (A˚)
b/2 (A˚)c
3. Palygorskite
M1: 2.497
T1: 1.644
M1: 64.7
M1: 2.136
T1: 106.7
M2: 2.128
T2: 1.649
M2: 58.3
M2: 2.239
T2: 106.9
M3: 57.8
M3: 2.290
M3: 2.151 4. Palygorskite
M1: 2.219
T1: 1.648
M1: 63.9
M1: 1.951
T1: 113.9
M2: 2.133
T2: 1.665
M2: 59.8
M2: 2.146
T2: 107.2
M3: 64.0
M3: 2.027
M3: 2.312 M1: 2.235
T1: 1.647
M1: 61.1
M1: 2.162
T1: 119.4
M2: 2.097
T2: 1.661
M2: 57.2
M2: 2.272
T2: 106.7
M3: 62.1
M3: 2.162
M1: 2.263
T1: 1.635
M1: 58.7
M1: 2.349
M2: 2.053
T2: 1.635
M2: 58.9
M2: 2.121
T2: 100.3
M3: 57.4
M3: 2.281
M3: 2.311 6. Palygorskite
M3: 2.116 7. Palygorskite
M1: 1.724
T1: 1.629
M1: 70.1
M1: 1.174
T1: 98.7
M2: 1.941
T2: 1.631
M2: 67.7
M2: 1.475
T2: 108.8
M3: 66.6
M3: 1.637
M3: 2.064
a Constraints/procedures used during refinement: 1 and 2, T O bonds, “soft” constraints, but not fully removed at end of refinement; 3 and 6, soft constraints (¼ constraints removed at end of refinement) on TO and MO bonds, refinement matrix uncoupled to lower correlations, hard constraints on thermal (displacement) parameters; 4, soft constraints on TO, M O bonds and angles, refinement matrix uncoupled to lower correlations; 5 and 7, constraints, if any, not given. b Includes OH, but not the oxygen atom on special position 1/4, 1/4, z, or OH2. c Sepiolite value normalized to 4 tetrahedra per polysome. Value for falcondoite, normalized to 4 tetrahedra per polysome, is 8.967; the value for yofortierite, assuming that the 4.41 diffraction line is indexed as the 040 is 8.82; and the value for loughlinite is 8.90 A˚, assuming that the 4.45 diffraction line is the 040. d M sites redefined from Post and Heaney (2008), M1 is the vacant site.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
5. Palygorskite
Chapter 1
TABLE 3 Single-Crystal Refinements and Derived Structural Parameters of Palygorskite-like Minerals. Reference
Space group
# obs. reflections
Final R1
apolysome ( )
ainterpolysome ( )
Ca´mara et al. (2002)
Pluth et al. (1997)
Average bond distances (A˚)
coctahedron (o)
Oct. thickness (A˚)
t (o)
Tet. thickness (A˚)
b/2 (A˚)
Average Tuperssuatsiaite
M1: 2.063
T1: 1.615
M1: 58.2
M1: 2.174
T1: 111.5
M2: 2.038
T2: 1.610
M2: 57.3
M2: 2.204
T2: 111.6
M3: 62.6
M3: 2.214
M3: 2.406 Raite
M1: 2.074
T1: 1.623
M1: 57.0
M1: 2.259
T1: 112.4
M2: 2.154
T2: 1.622
M2: 57.2
M2: 2.337
T2: 112.8
Na1: 2.400
Na1: 58.9
Na1: 2.482
Na2: 2.401
Na2: 60.06
Na2: 2.397
Ti: 2.291
Ti: 58.84
Ti: 2.371
Structures/Microtextures of Palygorskite-Sepiolite Group
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
T2 Ti +
[001] Na2
Ti +
FIGURE 2 Raite (atomic data from Pluth et al., 1997) projected down the [001] direction in (A) and down [100] direction in (B). Light-filled triangles (yellow for online version) are Si tetrahedra, dark-fill octahedra (grey for online version) are Mn, cross-hatched, dark-fill octahedra (purple for online version) contain Na, and line-hatched, dark-fill (green for online version) octahedra contain Ti (0.45 per cell) and vacancies (0.55 per cell, signified in the label as a box). Part (B) better illustrates the discontinuous nature of the octahedral sheet because Na2 resides in the centre of the channel, and it is poorly linked to the octahedral ribbons via a site that contains mostly vacancies and some Ti.
topology of the tetrahedral connectivity is sufficiently different that this mineral is not considered in detail here. Kalifersite is believed to be composed of two polysomes: a palygorskite- and a sepiolite-like polysome. Ferraris et al. (1998) used a distance least-squares refinement procedure to show that the palygorskite–sepiolite polysome topology is consistent with the cell dimensions of kalifersite. This procedure optimized a set of atomic coordinates to match ideal bond distances, but the refinement process did not adjust atomic coordinates to fit a calculation with observed diffraction data. Comparison of the resultant atomic coordinates to powder X-ray data was poor, and Ferraris et al. (1998) attributed this result to poor crystallinity and preferred orientation of the sample in the X-ray beam.
Structures/Microtextures of Palygorskite-Sepiolite Group
However, an incorrect structure model could also explain a poor fit. Although a detailed X-ray study is probably not possible with the sample, a high-resolution transmission electron microscope study is likely to be useful. In palygorskite and sepiolite, exchangeable cations, zeolitic H2O, and vacant regions may reside in the channels in natural samples. Possible exchange reactions with organic molecules show that this exchange is dependent on the size of the organic cations because of steric constraints of the channels. One synthetic pigment (Maya Blue, used extensively by the Maya civilization because of its bright blue colour) involves the adsorption of the (organic) indigo molecule in palygorskite or sepiolite. Larger molecules also may be adsorbed by the structure, probably because of the existence of defects, which are discussed further below. In palygorskite and sepiolite, the octahedral strips are terminated at the channel by four OH2 per formula unit to form a part of the octahedral coordination polyhedron around Mg or Al (see details below). Raite is more complex and also has OH2 (and H2O) associated with octahedra and partially occupied octahedra in or next to the channel. In contrast, in tuperssuatsiaite, the octahedra at the strip edge contain Fe, Mn, or Na, and half the terminations involve OH groups and half involve OH2 (Ca´mara et al., 2002). Bailey (1980) related the two varieties of stacking (monoclinic, orthorhombic) of the palygorskite–sepiolite structures to the atomistic approach he used to derive the standard polytypes for the 2:1 layer phyllosilicates. Chisholm (1992) proposed atomic coordinates and space groups for these derived models. Within a polysome, the direction of shift of the upper tetrahedral strip may be either þ c/3 or c/3, depending on whether set I or set II octahedral cations occupy possible sites (the reader is referred to Bailey, 1980, p. 8, for the definition of set I and set II). The direction of shift or stagger of the upper tetrahedral strip in the polysome relative to the lower tetrahedral strip is based on closest packing within the polysome. Where the same set of octahedral cations is occupied from polysome to polysome (regardless if it is set I or set II), the direction of shift always remains the same and a monoclinic structure results (with an ideal b ¼ 105.2 ). Where alternation of shift directions occurs because set I alternates with set II in adjacent strips, an orthorhombic structure results (b ¼ 90 ). Because of the lack of precision of a Rietveld refinement over a single-crystal study, obtaining a reasonable structure with multiphase samples of closely related structures is especially difficult. For example, the three Oapical–T–Obasal angles describing the shape of a tetrahedron in the Giustetto and Chiari (2004) monoclinic palygorskite model vary between 83.1 and 119.8 . This is crystal chemically unreasonable because a large deviation from near 109.5 implies that the SiO bond lacks significant covalent character. In contrast, however, the average of 106.9 is reasonably close to the ideal value of 109.5 . Similar problems exist for the orthorhombic palygorskite model.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
2.4. Substitutions in Palygorskite and Sepiolite Cation sites in the palygorskite–sepiolite group minerals are commonly defined from the centre of the octahedral strip, where there is often a special position such as a mirror plane, to the outer edge. For example, M1 is the central octahedral site on the special position, with M2 adjacent to M1, and M3 adjacent to M2 but further from the special position, etc. Tetrahedral cation sites are defined in a similar fashion. In general, sepiolite is Mg rich and palygorskite has a ratio of Mg to R3þ cations from 3:1 to 1:3 and significant numbers of vacancies. Martin-Vivaldi and Cano-Ruiz (1955) and Drits and Aleksandrova (1966) surveyed the available (early) analytical data for palygorskite and found the data consistent with an octahedral sheet with a vacant site (one site vacant per five octahedra). Thus, sepiolite is primarily trioctahedral and palygorskite approaches dioctahedral. Because samples often contain impurities, obtaining accurate analyses are difficult (e.g. Smith and Norem, 1986). However, Gala´n and Carretero (1999) have shown that sepiolite can obtain near Mg endmember trioctahedral compositions of Mg8Si12O30(OH)4(OH2)4(H2O)8 and that palygorskite is intermediate between dioctahedral and trioctahedral with one of five octahedra vacant and the other octahedral sites occupied by Mg, Al, and Fe with R2þ/R3þ near 1.0. Although impurities may be an issue, Newman and Brown (1987) found that octahedral occupancy varied from R3 þ2. 5 þ R2 þ1. 5 for Al-rich specimens to R3 þ0.5 þ R2 þ4.25 for Mg-rich palygorskite. Tetrahedral occupancy is very Si rich with Al substitutions limited from Al0.12 to Al0.66 per eight T sites. Serna et al. (1977), using infrared spectroscopy, and Heller-Kalai and Rozenson (1981), using infrared and Mo¨ssbauer spectroscopy, concluded that vacancies are ordered into M1 in palygorskite, and that Mg (and Fe) preferentially orders into M3. Chryssikos et al. (2009), also using infrared analysis, found that regions of the palygorskite structure were dioctahedral (with AlAlOH, AlFe3þOH, Fe3þFe3þOH interactions) and trioctahedral (MgMgOH) regions, with these interactions implying that Al and Fe3þ order into M2. Based on average bond distances (see Table 2), Post and Heaney (2008) found vacancies ordered in M1, Al in M2, and Mg in M3, in accord with the spectroscopy studies and other Rietveld refinement studies (Artioli and Galli, 1994; Chiari et al., 2003; Giustetto and Chiari, 2004). Although sepiolite is generally considered trioctahedral, sepiolite shows some octahedral vacancies (without ordering) where R3þ content is high with octahedral sums from 7.0 to 8.0 (Newman and Brown, 1987), with cations of mostly Mg and minor Mn, Fe3þ, Fe2þ, and Al. Tetrahedral content varies from (Si11.96Al0.05) to (Si11.23Fe3þ0.53Al0.24), although R3þ content has been reported to be as high as 1.3 atoms per 12 sites (Bailey, 1980). Santaren et al. (1990) found a small substitution (1.3 wt.%) of F for OH ( 25% of the OH groups) in a sepiolite from Spain.
Structures/Microtextures of Palygorskite-Sepiolite Group
2.5. H2O, OH2, and OH Positions in Palygorskite and Sepiolite Hydrogen positions cannot be determined precisely from powder (Rietveld) X-ray data because the scattering efficiency of H is low for X-rays, even for higher quality material. Although this is not the case for neutron experiments, H positions may still be difficult to obtain accurately if the sample is poorly crystalline, as is generally the case for these minerals. Therefore, to determine the positions of the OH and OH2 groups, only the oxygen atom location is used in most studies. For palygorskite, there is general agreement that the OH groups are part of the octahedral anion coordination of the M1 and M2 sites, which occur well within the octahedral strips (Figure 1). The OH2 is part of the coordination unit around the M3 site along the edges of the octahedral strips, where the two hydrogen atoms are required for charge balance. For sepiolite, the OH groups are part of the inner octahedral strip coordinating to M1, M2, and M3, whereas the OH2 groups are along the edges of the octahedral strip coordinating to M4, and this pattern is similar to that of palygorskite. In contrast, locations for the zeolitic H2O may vary depending on the Rietveld refinement being considered, and this may be a result of poor crystallinity, limitations of the refinement, and/or differences in chemical composition, including relative humidity. For (monoclinic) palygorskite, Post and Heaney (2008) found locations for two zeolitic H2O molecules (or four H2O per eight tetrahedral sites), which are consistent also with the molecular modelling results of Fois et al. (2003). One of these sites (H2O2) is occupied only half the time (site locations are defined in Figure 1 and the zeolitic H2O labels do not necessarily correspond to the labels in the original paper cited), based on both the refined occupancy factor of 0.5 and because adjacent H2O2 ˚ ) together to be occupied fully. This H2O site is sites are too close (1.03 A ˚ ) of the OH2 site. The other within hydrogen bonding distance (2.79, 2.93 A H2O molecule (H2O1) resides on the mirror plane and shows significant positional disorder. In contrast, Giustetto and Chiari (2004) also located a third H2O molecule in the channels of (monoclinic) palygorskite in a neutron Rietveld study of a deuterated sample containing both orthorhombic and monoclinic polytypes. They also found a more random network of hydrogen bonded H2O molecules between the two polytypes. In summary, all refinements indicate a loosely held network of zeolitic H2O molecules which account for the low temperatures of dehydration (e.g. < 191 to < 247 C) and higher temperatures ( 354–510 C) that account for OH2 and OH loss (thermal data from palygorskite, Florida, CMS Source clay PFl-1, Guggenheim and Koster van Groos, 2001). Dehydration (zeolitic H2O loss) and dehydroxylation and OH2 loss may partially overlap in temperature. For sepiolite, Post et al. (2007) found four zeolitic H2O molecules in a powder (Rietveld) synchrotron X-ray study. Two of the H2O sites are approximately at full occupancy (H2O1, H2O2), one at near 0.5 occupancy
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
(H2O3), and one (H2O4) at about 0.3 occupancy, which produces about 15.6 zeolitic H2O per 24 T sites (per unit cell). Hydrogen bond distances can vary considerably depending on the number of oxygen acceptor atoms linking to the hydrogen. However, the H2O4 site, occupied at 0.3, is too close ˚ ) to adjacent H2O4 sites to be occupied fully. This site, along with (1.64 A ˚ ) to the OH2 sites to be the H2O2 site, is sufficiently close (2.41, 2.71 A ˚ ) to a hydrogen bonded. The H2O4 site is also sufficiently close (2.61 A framework oxygen atom to allow for hydrogen bonding.
2.6. Genetic and Synthesis Relations The occurrences of palygorskite and sepiolite are discussed throughout this volume and are only summarized briefly here for the purposes of discussion below. Palygorskite and sepiolite are characterized as crystallizing from solution (e.g. Jones and Gala´n, 1988; Weaver, 1984) either in lacustrine (e.g. Chahi et al., 1997) or in perimarine (e.g. Singer, 1979; Velde, 1985; Weaver and Beck, 1977) environments. Additionally, crystallization may occur during diagenesis (e.g. Couture, 1977), or hydrothermally (e.g. Imai and Otsuka, 1984), although alteration from precursors such as smectite is also known (e.g. Singer, 1979; Yaalon and Wieder, 1976). Deep-ocean authigenic palygorskite and sepiolite near active ridge zones were described by Bowles et al. (1971). Jones and Gala´n (1988) summarized the occurrences of palygorskite and sepiolite in soils. They also tabulated a summary of the favourable environmental conditions of formation for palygorskite and sepiolite as compared to trioctahedral smectite (Table 4). At lower pH, palygorskite may form from amorphous silica and dioctahedral smectite, whereas at slightly higher pH, sepiolite, amorphous silica, and palygorskite can precipitate. Sepiolite is favoured over palygorskite at higher pH in silica-poor solutions (Birsoy, 2002). As expected, with high values of Al, Mg, and Si activity, palygorskite is favoured over sepiolite, but temporary variations in chemistry relating to changes in environmental conditions such as evaporation, rain, freshwater flow, etc. affect the formation of palygorskite and sepiolite (Garcia-Romero et al., 2007). The rare members of the palygorskite–sepiolite group have more limited environmental conditions of formation. The type locality for kalifersite is the Khibina massif, Mt. Kukisvumchorr, Kola Peninsula, Russia, where the mineral is associated with hyperagpaitic (excess alkali) hydrothermally altered pegmatites (Ferraris et al., 1998). Ferraris et al. (1998) described the occurrence as “crystallization from residual peralkaline liquids during the hydrothermal stage of the pegmatic process”. Raite occurs in pegmatite veins crossing an agpaitic nepheline syenite at Lovozero alkaline massif, Karnasurt Mountain, Kola Peninsula (Khomyakov, 1995; Pluth et al., 1997). These veins contain mineral assemblages that crystallized during early to late hydrothermal stages and epithermal stages, with raite found in cavities believed to
Structures/Microtextures of Palygorskite-Sepiolite Group
TABLE 4 Summary of Chemical Environments of Formation (after Jones and Gala´n, 1988) for Palygorskite (P), Sepiolite (S), and Trioctahedral smectite (TS). Environmental conditions
pH, alkalinity
pH < 8.5
þP, 0S, TS
PH ¼ 8–9.5
0P, þS, 0TS
PH > 9.5
P, S, þTS
High (Mg þ Si)/Al
0P, þS, TS
High (Mg þ Fe)/Si
P, S, þTS
P, S, þTS
þP, þS, TS
P, S, þTS
0P, þS, 0TS
þP, 0S, TS
Major element ratios
P(CO2) of sediment water
Alkali salinity
Symbols: þ, favourable; 0, less favourable; , absent.
originate from the last epithermal stage (Pluth et al., 1997). Tuperssuatsiaite was described from the Ilı´maussaq alkaline complex in South Greenland (Karup-Mller and Peterson, 1984) and in other alkaline intrusive and extrusive rocks (Ca´mara et al., 2002). Falcondoite (Springer, 1976) was found in laterite deposits derived from a serpentinic harzburgite massif in the Dominican Republic, with veins primarily consisting of garnierite and sepiolite and limited falcondoite. In contrast, loughlinite occurs in veins in dolomitic oil shale replacing shortite, northupite, and searlesite (Fahey et al., 1960) in the Green River Formation, Wyoming, USA. This latter paragenesis suggests that loughlinite is an alteration product of the dolomitic marlstone from the saline zone of the Green River Formation. Yofortierite was described in agpaitic pegmatite veins (Perrault et al., 1975) in nepheline at Mont St. Hilaire. If intersilite (Yamnova et al., 1996) is included in the discussion for comparison, this mineral was described by Khomyakov (1995) from agpaitic–hydrothermal residual differentiates of an ultra-alkaline magma in the Lovozero alkaline massif, Kola Peninsula. Experimental studies (La Iglesia, 1977; Siffert and Wey, 1962; Wollast et al., 1968) on palygorskite and sepiolite indicate that the conditions for synthesis involve a high activity of Si and Mg and high pH, with the availability of Al, favouring palygorskite over sepiolite (Hay and Wiggins, 1980; Singer and Norrish, 1974). Sepiolite (and kerolite) tends to form at lower Al activities, whereas palygorskite (and saponite) forms at higher Al activities
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
(Birsoy, 2002). Birsoy, using equilibrium activity diagrams, determined that direct precipitation of palygorskite and sepiolite is favoured at low values for log [aAl/(aHþ)3], and he noted that palygorskite and sepiolite are more likely to be directly precipitated from solution in the presence of amorphous silica rather than quartz.
3. DISCUSSION OF STRUCTURE-RELATED TOPICS 3.1. Structure Parameters Described To develop a context for the discussion of the palygorskite–sepiolite group minerals, structure parameters (Figure 3, Tables 2 and 3) are used here much like those used to describe phyllosilicate structures. The tetrahedral rotation angle, a, quantitatively describes the in-plane rotation of adjacent tetrahedra in opposite directions around the sixfold tetrahedral ring (Radolovich, 1961; Zvyagin, 1957). Tetrahedral rotation effectively reduces the lateral dimensions of an overly large Al-rich silicate tetrahedral sheet (in palygorskite–sepiolite minerals, these tetrahedra are Si rich only) to allow a fit for the apical oxygen atoms to coordinate the octahedral cations within a layer (or polysome). For palygorskite–sepiolite group members, there are two types of rings: those that are within the polysome, have tetrahedral apices pointing in one direction, and fit onto the continuous octahedral strip along the [001] direction (“polysome a”), and those that connect polysomes and involve the reversal of tetrahedral apices such that three tetrahedra point in one direction and three tetrahedra point in the opposite direction (“inter-polysome a”). The a value can be determined directly by measurement of relevant angles between tetrahedra. Bailey (1980) described phyllosilicate structures as being composed of semi-elastic sheets. In addition to tetrahedral rotation, tetrahedral sheets further adjust their lateral dimensions either by thickening or by thinning. The value of 109.47 represents the ideal value for t (¼ OapicalTObasal): t > 109.47 (thickening) reduces the apical oxygen atom to apical oxygen atom distance and t < 109.47 (thinning) increases the lateral dimension. Likewise, an octahedral coordination around a cation, M, has a comparable set of angles designated as c (ideal 54.73 ) which is defined as the angle between the vertical (¼ octahedral thickness) and the octahedral body diagonal. Thus, cos c is calculated from (octahedral thickness)/[2(MO, OH)], where MO,OH is the average value of the bond distance for the octahedral site. The octahedral sheet is thinned, where c is greater than the ideal.
3.2. Structure Parameters and Tetrahedral–Octahedral Misfit Modulated phyllosilicates, especially those with continuous octahedral sheets, are often described in terms of a misfit that originates because the lateral dimensions of the octahedral sheet are larger than the lateral dimensions of
Structures/Microtextures of Palygorskite-Sepiolite Group
A a 120⬚ a a
T site
Obasal Obasal
b b (ideal)
Obasal C
FIGURE 3 Structure parameters are used to quantify how a tetrahedral sheet or an octahedral sheet may adjust lateral dimensions to fit together. Panel (A) shows how an in-plane rotation of adjacent tetrahedra in opposite directions can reduce the lateral dimensions of an overly large tetrahedral sheet by deforming from hexagonal symmetry to a ditrigonal shape, in this case showing a reduction along b. The angle, a, can be measured directly from the atomic structure as shown. An a of zero implies that the tetrahedral sheet is at a maximum size. In (B), the angle, tau or t, is defined. This angle is defined as the average of the three Oapical–T–Obasal angles. The ideal value in a perfect tetrahedron is 109.47 . Therefore, as this angle becomes larger than the ideal, the tetrahedron thickens (i.e. increases in height, as measured from the basal plane to Oapical). In (C), the angle, psi or c, is defined as between the octahedral body diagonal and the vertical (line with the arrow); the ideal value is 54.73 . Where this angle is greater than the ideal, the octahedron is thinner than ideal.
the adjacent (and linked) tetrahedral sheet (e.g. Bates, 1959; Guggenheim and Eggleton, 1987). As previously noted (Bailey, 1980; Guggenheim and Eggleton, 1988), misfit between these sheets does not seem to be a requirement for the tetrahedral inversions (modulations) in palygorskite and sepiolite. For example, if the channel occupancy is not considered, palygorskite (Post and Heaney, 2008) has a (weighted) average octahedral cation MO bond
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
˚ and an average tetrahedral distance, including the large vacant site, of 2.016 A ˚ cation TO bond distance of 1.623 A. These values are consistent with those ˚ , T: 1.632 A ˚ , a: 7.3 , Guggenheim, 1981; found in the micas (e.g. M: 2.019 A ˚ M: 2.063, T: 1.625 A, a: 1.4 , Toraya et al., 1976), which do not have modulations. The parameter, b/2, represents the lateral size of the polysome (and the channel) or the width of the octahedra ribbon in palygorskite or sepiolite (where b is the cell dimension). This parameter (b/2) is not as strong an indicator of octahedral composition as a, for example, see Sua´rez et al. (2007). However, this ribbon width dictates the span of tetrahedra along the direction perpendicular to the ribbon direction. For palygorskite and similar structures, the ribbon width represents a span of four tetrahedra, and for sepiolite, the span is six tetrahedra. Thus, the magnitude of b/2 is a rough estimate of misfit (assuming all tetrahedra are Si rich). A b/2 value smaller than ideal implies that an outof-plane tilt of tetrahedra occurs, in addition to any other structural compensation, such as tetrahedral rotation or sheet thinning or thickening. Palygorskite ˚ , and the structure appears to has a very uniform b/2 value, at 8.921–8.940 A have a planar basal oxygen atom plane. Tuperssuatsiaite is similar, with a b/2 ˚ . In contrast, sepiolite is slightly less compressed (at 9.005 A ˚ value of 8.921 A when the value is normalized to four tetrahedra), and raite has the greatest ˚ ) and the greatest amount of out-of-plane tilt. compression (8.800 A Although some misfit occurs in raite, it does not appear that a maximum strain (misfit) has been reached. The rotation angle in the polysome is 5.09 and the rotation angle between polysomes is 3.70 , and these values do not suggest fully extended tetrahedral rings to minimize overly large octahedra and a too small tetrahedral sheet. The c values for those octahedra linked to tetrahedral apices (M1, M2) are considerably larger than the ideal (at M1: 57.0 , M2: 57.2 ), which indicates thinning, rather than the expected thickening, and t values are larger than the ideal (at T1: 112.4 , T2: 112.8 ), which indicates thickening, rather than the expected thinning, if misfit is being minimized. In tuperssuatsiaite, the rotation angle in the polysome is 1.99 and the interpolysome rotation angle is 1.57 , and both these angles are close to the limits of fully extended rings, as noted by Ca´mara et al. (2002). However, the b/2 value is similar to that of palygorskite (no tetrahedral out-of-plane tilting), and the average octahedral size for octahedra that are linked to tetrahedral apices ˚ ), considerably smaller (M1, M2) is relatively small (M1, M2 average: 2.046 A ˚ than the relevant octahedra in raite (2.127 A). Ca´mara et al. (2002) noted that M1 and M2 show substantial substitutions of R3þ cations (¼ Fe, Mn) and M2 may also contain Ti4þ, which explains the relatively small size of these sites. The t angles (at T1: 111.5 , T2: 111.6 ) are smaller than those found in raite and therefore more ideal (tetrahedra not as thick), although the tetrahedra are certainly not thin. The c values for octahedra linked to tetrahedral apices are larger than the ideal (at M1: 58.2 , M2: 57.3 , indicating thinning), and these values in tuperssuatsiaite are larger than that in raite.
Structures/Microtextures of Palygorskite-Sepiolite Group
In summary, palygorskite and sepiolite octahedral and tetrahedral sizes (i.e. effects of composition) are not much different than some micas which do not show modulations involving tetrahedral inversions. Even for the well-determined structures such as raite and tuperssuatsiaite, which are structurally similar to palygorskite, but compositionally different, structural parameters are not at their limits, which suggests that misfit does not play an important role in the formation of these minerals.
3.3. If Not Misfit, Why Do Polysomes Form? In an early publication, Martin-Vivaldi and Cano-Ruiz (1955) suggested that the palygorskite–sepiolite structure may be favoured at certain ratios of octahedral cations to vacancies, that is, 4:1 in palygorskite and from (7 to 8): (1 to 0) in sepiolite, based on the idea that there may be structural discontinuities between dioctahedral and trioctahedral phyllosilicates. However, micas are now known to readily accommodate vacancy contents between dioctahedral and trioctahedral compositions, for example, see discussion in Guggenheim (1984, pp. 72–75). Thus, the argument that vacancy content is the reason for the palygorskite–sepiolite structure is without support. Without the view that inherent differences in the lateral extent of the octahedral and tetrahedral sheets are responsible for these structures, there is no prevailing view for why the palygorskite–sepiolite structure occurs instead of more traditional phyllosilicates, such as the smectite or mica group minerals. Milton (1977) pointed out the similarity between the mineralogy of salt lakes (e.g. sepiolite and loughlinite in the Green River Formation) and alkalic igneous assemblages. Thus, the environment of formation (see above) of palygorskite–sepiolite group minerals ranges from low-temperature aqueous solutions (e.g. lacustrine and perimarine) to high-temperature hydrothermal (agpaitic). For lacustrine environments, palygorskite often forms in salt lakes from detrital material rich in aluminium, whereas sepiolite tends to precipitate further away from shore (Meunier, 2005). In a relatively Al-poor, hightemperature hydrothermal environment, the rare minerals (e.g. kalifersite, raite, tuperssuatsiaite) of the group are associated with agpaitic intrusions. These conditions indicate an alkali-rich [(Na þ K)/Al > 1] aqueous environment at near-surface to hydrothermal (< 350 C) temperatures. In support of Milton (1977), Khomyakov (1995, p. 47) stated in reference to the agpaitic post-magmatic environments and soda lakes “. . .that the crystallization of minerals during the final stages of formation of the agpaitic nepheline syenites and the salt-bearing sediments took place under quite similar physicochemical conditions, in particular, with markedly increased alkalinity of the mineralforming medium.” Although Khomyakov (1995) stresses the similarities of the “physicochemical” conditions, a more precise statement may be that there is a continuum of environments, where the activity of (the components comprising) the polysomes, apolysome, is similar.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
Two important characteristics of the palygorskite–sepiolite group minerals are the continuous basal oxygen atom plane forming the tetrahedral linkages and the octahedral strips that forms polysomes. Of particular interest is that the octahedral strips are terminated by OH and OH2 for anion completion of the octahedra at the polysome-channel interface. These terminations are consistent with an aqueous environment with a high aOH. In contrast, trioctahedral smectite, either stevensite (Mg) or saponite (Al), forms also in aqueous environments at conditions similar to but not necessarily identical to palygorskite and sepiolite (Table 4, also see below). Clearly, the formation of smectite requires a high value of aOH also. This suggests that unknown chemical parameters may affect the continuity of the octahedral sheet to produce either a palygorskite–sepiolite polysome or a traditional layer structure like smectite. This parameter may relate to aalkali, aSiO2, and/or aOH. In addition, aMg may be important because the activity of Mg affects and is affected by OH and Cl. To resolve these issues, more detailed experimental studies are required to define the conditions for polysome formation in the palygorskite–sepiolite group.
4. PART 2: MICROSTRUCTURE-RELATED TOPICS Microtexture is a critical property of clay-sized materials because it strongly influences sorption behaviour, solubility, density, and many other fundamental properties involved in environmental interactions and industrial applications. Three broad types of defects occur in palygorskite, sepiolite, and yofortierite, and these are categorized as stacking errors, variation in the width of polysomes (and by extension transformation to montmorillonite), and omission of polysomes. These defects can be directly observed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) techniques and to a lesser extent by atomic force microscopy (AFM) techniques. TEM of palygorskite–sepiolite group minerals for microtexture study is challenging owing to the high H2O content and the small crystallite size of most of these minerals, which make imaging and acquisition of selected area electron diffraction (SAED) data in the [100] direction difficult. Even with rapid (0.3– 0.7 s) image capture by a charge-coupled device, beam damage of the sample is common. TEM data must be acquired with very low illumination.
4.1. Polysome-Width Disorder and the Transformation of Palygorskite to Smectite Variation in the width of polysomes can commonly be observed from heavily streaked SAED patterns. Direct TEM imaging of variable width polysomes has been problematic owing to beam sensitivity of the sample. Krekeler and Guggenheim (2008) reported variable width in a sepiolite from Helsinki where quadruple-chain width polysomes were observed. Various widths of polysomes were also observed in yofortierite. Figure 4 shows images along
Structures/Microtextures of Palygorskite-Sepiolite Group
F FIGURE 4 (A) TEM image of yofortierite along the [100] direction with significant beam damage in the right portion of the image. A parallelogram-like lattice is present where each side is ˚ , and the angles of the lattice are 72 and 108 . This spacing approximately approximately 10.5 A ˚ spacing of the (011) as determined by X-ray diffraction by Perrault corresponds to the 10.5-A et al. (1975). (B) TEM image of a single fibre in the [100] direction. The image shows parallelogram-like cleavage that is commonly observed in yofortierite. A parallelogram-like lattice is visi˚ with angles of 71.3 and 108.7 . (C) TEM image showing a ble with a spacing of 10.94 A ˚ parallelogram-like lattice is apparent with two similar but unequal spacings of 11.4 and 10.9 A with angles of approximately 107 and 73 . (D) TEM image showing structural detail along the
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
the [100] direction of yofortierite with (A)–(C) showing images interpreted as being of dominantly regular polysome widths and image (D) showing a region interpreted as comprising irregular polysome widths. Although variations in polysome widths can be seen, it remains unclear whether these features are common in the palygorskite–sepiolite mineral group and correlate to geologic environments. Variation in polysome width may impact industrial mineral performance, and a better understanding of the nature of such variation is required for both mineralogical and applied reasons. The transformation of palygorskite to smectite is related to polysome width disorder and has been studied or discussed by Golden and Dixon (1990), Merkl (1989), Golden et al. (1985), Gu¨ven and Carney (1979), and Randall (1956), and the transformation of smectite to palygorskite was identified in a TEM study by Chen et al. (2004). Transformations of palygorskite to and from smectite are further evidence of the importance of chemical parameters in affecting the continuity of the octahedral sheet rather than purely structural parameters (e.g. misfit, see above). Golden and Dixon (1990) showed a close textural association of smectite and palygorskite from a series of experiments using TEM data. Their work indicated that palygorskite readily converts to smectite above 100 C, although the reaction was sluggish at room temperature (22 C). They showed that at conditions near a pH of 12, the palygorskite to smectite transformation occurs over a period of several months. Merkl (1989) investigated textural relationships of palygorskite, smectite, and kaolinite, in material from the Meigs Member and the Dogtown Clay Member of the Hawthorne Formation in southern Georgia (USA) using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) techniques. This work suggested that a transformation between palygorskite and smectite may exist in these sediments; however, the SEM data were insufficient in spatial resolution to definitively identify a transformation. Golden et al. (1985) conducted experiments with solutions at 150 C which produced smectite from palygorskite. TEM data from grain mounts showed clear alteration textures of palygorskite fibres [100] direction. The lower right portion of the image is a grain boundary between the yofortierite fibre and amorphous carbon film. The extreme upper left of the image is a beam-damaged yofortierite particle not in the same orientation as the central portion of the image. Structural information in the image is most pronounced in the upper central portion. A parallelogram-like lattice ˚ and angles of 73 and 103 . Widths pattern is present with a spacing of approximately 10.6 A of white regions in the image vary, which may be related to widths of either channels or poly˚ wide feasomes. (E) TEM image along [100] of sepiolite from Helsinki showing a strip of 18.4 A tures consistent with quadruple-chain width polysomes. (F) Image approximately along the [100] direction of a yofortierite fibre. This image has a rhombus-like lattice fringe contrast with a ˚ , a value consistent with the (011) spacing from X-ray diffraction spacing of approximately 10.8 A (Perrault et al., 1975). OCD regions (labelled O) are rhombus- and parallelogram-like in shape and vary in cross-sectional area from approximately 16 to 75 nm2. The limited selected area electron diffraction (SAED) data suggest that this is a single crystal.
Structures/Microtextures of Palygorskite-Sepiolite Group
and an intimate association of smectite with reacted palygorskite fibres, and these observations suggest a dissolution–reprecipitation process. Gu¨ven and Carney (1979) found in hydrothermal experiments that NaCl increased the rate of formation of stevensite at temperatures below 260 C, and from 260 to 316 C sepiolite transformed to stevensite independent of ionic strength of the solution. This body of work clearly defines a process, although details on the specific nature of the structural transformation were not provided. The transformation of palygorskite to smectite was investigated in detail using AFM and TEM techniques on natural samples by Krekeler et al. (2005) using materials from a paleohydrologic horizon from the Meigs Member of the Hawthorne Formation, southern Georgia, USA. AFM investigation indicated that palygorskite fibres in this horizon were commonly altered. Many AFM images of the altered fibres showed an oriented overgrowth of platy morphology, which was interpreted as smectite. This latter mineral forms along the length of the palygorskite crystals with an interface parallel to {010} of the palygorskite. The resulting grains have an elongate “wing-like” morphology. TEM imaging shows smectite lattice-fringe lines that are intergrown with 2:1 layer ribbon polysomes of fibres (Figure 5). The polysomes involved in these textures commonly are of variable widths ˚ ), triple-tetrahedral that are consistent with double-tetrahedral chains (10.4 A ˚ ˚ chains (14.8 A), quadruple-tetrahedral chains (21.7 A), and quintuple˚ ). These lattice-fringe lines indicate an epitaxial tetrahedral chains (24.5 A overgrowth of smectite on palygorskite fibres. They also illustrate the structural relationship between platy overgrowths on fibres observed in AFM data. This epitaxial relationship may be described as {010} [001] palygorskite k {010} [001] smectite. The transformation of palygorskite to montmorillonite and the resulting intergrowths are expected to cause variations in bulk physical properties of palygorskite-rich clays, which may have important crystal chemical (and industrial) and geologic implications. For example, the variable widths of the polysomes would be expected to accommodate organic molecules of corresponding size. Hence, the sorptive properties of palygorskite may be affected by large molecules that are accommodated in (larger) defect interstices (see below also). Therefore, the sorptive properties may not be limited to molecules that fit only in the ideal palygorskite structure where the polysomes are two pyroxene-like chains wide. If future research shows that defects affect sorption properties significantly, then industrial applications such as pesticide carriers, filtering, cleaning products, etc. may be enhanced. The transformation may also account for the very low abundance of palygorskite found in Mesozoic and older sediments. An implication of the transformation is that palygorskite deposits may have existed in abundance in Mesozoic and perhaps even older sedimentary systems.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
5 nm
Region of Polysomes
10.4 14.8 21.7.4 24.5 16.9
Region of Smectite
c a
c b
FIGURE 5 TEM images of palygorskite–smectite intergrowth. (A) Unlabelled image with parallel to sub-parallel lattice fringes (montmorillonite) surrounding rectangular blocks arranged in a regular or nearly regular manner (ribbons) in the centre right portion of the image. (B) Enlargement of the transition zone between a region of smectite and a region of polysomes with variable ˚ ngstro¨ms. The image is approximately along the [100]. (C) AFM ribbons widths labelled in A image (height data) of particles dispersed on a mica substrate. Acicular crystals are interpreted as palygorskite with “wing-like” overgrowths of montmorillonite. (D) Structural schematic of the epitaxial relationship between palygorskite and smectite overgrowths; {010} [001] palygorskite k {010} [001] smectite. Figure from Krekeler et al. (2005) and reprinted with permission of The Clay Minerals Society, publisher of Clays and Clay Minerals.
4.2. Open Channel Defects In addition, open channel defects (OCDs) were commonly observed in sepiolite from Helsinki and yofortierite from Mont St. Hillaire. These defects consist of omission of single or multiple polysomes in a fibre (hereafter referred to as OCDs), both as isolated occurrences in single fibres (Figure 6) and as dense groups. The cross-sectional area of OCDs varies greatly from approximately 3.9 nm2 for a single omission to as much as 75 nm2 for multiple polysome omission in yofortierite. The specific cause of OCD formation is currently unclear; however, structures may result from rapid crystallization. OCDs may possibly arise by changes in direction of crystal growth where (011) faces coalesce during
Structures/Microtextures of Palygorskite-Sepiolite Group
FIGURE 6 (A) TEM image of yofortierite along the [010] direction showing examples of stacking disorder of polysomes. Inset SAED pattern shows streaking along the c axis. (B) TEM image of a palygorskite fibre from the Hawthorne Formation exhibiting a planar-angular defect near the centre of the crystal. The image is taken approximately along the [010] direction. (C) TEM image of palygorskite fibre from the Hawthorne Formation along the [010] direction showing a planarangular defect at a palygorskite fibre edge. Figure from Krekeler and Guggenheim (2008).
crystallization to produce large channels several tens of nanometres wide. Krekeler and Guggenheim (2008) interpreted this as a possible mechanism for the formation of OCDs occurring in the fibrous sepiolite from Helsinki. Progressive stages of OCD formation were observed. The presence or absence of OCDs is expected to have a strong control on the variations in H2O content in palygorskite and sepiolite. For example, differential thermal analysis (DTA) techniques show variations commonly of 2–7 wt.% H2O from palygorskite and sepiolite (e.g. Jones and Gala´n, 1988). The H2O molecules residing in OCD structures may account for this variation, and palygorskite and sepiolite with anomalously high H2O content may be rich in OCD structures.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
Conflicting reports exist regarding the nature of sorption and interaction of large organic molecules, such as cationic dyes and aromatic hydrocarbons, with the channels of palygorskite and sepiolite (e.g. Jones and Gala´n 1988; Ruiz-Hitzky, 2001). The primary issue is whether large organic molecules can fully exchange and replace cations and H2O in the channels. The organic molecule exchanged in palygorskite and sepiolite requires a seemingly ordered transfer in the linear geometry of the confined channels along the [100] direction. An efficient mechanism for transport of large organic molecules and expulsion of at least some zeolitic H2O molecules through a ˚ ngstro¨ms, fibre length (a minimum of several hundreds to thousands of A Jones and Gala´n, 1988) of channels seems problematic. However, large organic molecules have been reported to exchange in the channels of palygorskite and sepiolite (e.g. Jones and Gala´n, 1988; Ruiz-Hitzky, 2001; Serna and Fernandez-Alvarez, 1974). The determination of this exchange is primarily based on infrared spectroscopy, DTA, and other related techniques (e.g. Ruiz-Hitzky, 2001). The presence of OCD structures in palygorskite and sepiolite may partly explain why some samples absorb large molecules and others do not. OCD structures or channels resulting from the occurrence of wide polysomes would enable geometric configurations consistent with exchange. Further, OCD structures and wide channels may enable zeolitic H2O molecules to be more mobile during exchange with organic molecules, potentially affecting the kinetics of exchange.
4.3. Stacking Errors and Planar Defects Defects relating to orientation of 2:1 ribbons are very common in palygorskite and sepiolite and fall into two broad groups: stacking errors and planar defects. Stacking errors are 180 rotations of 2:1 ribbons with respect to each other along the c axis, and these errors may be observed along the [010] of fibres often as cross-fringes in the TEM. Figure 6A shows stacking errors indicated by arrows. These cross-fringes are interpreted to represent the orientation of groups of 2:1 layer ribbon polysomes. Four regions in the fibre are shown, left to right with groups of 3, 4, 1, and 3 coherently oriented polysomes. The inset SAED pattern shows streaking in the stacking direction parallel to the c* axis. Planar defects such as these are common in palygorskite and sepiolite fibres and are characterized by 2–5 offsets normal to [001]. Common lengths are 75–125 nm along the [100] direction, and displacements generally are one to four lattice fringes. These defects are most common in fibres that are 50–100 nm in width. Palygorskite fibres from the Miocene Hawthorne Formation have larger angular deviations being approximately 8–16 normal to [001]. Planar defects of this type are common and occur in approximately 10–15% of these palygorskite fibres. Figure 6C is a TEM image of an edge of a palygorskite fibre approximately along [010] with lattice-fringe spacings
Structures/Microtextures of Palygorskite-Sepiolite Group
˚ . Near the centre of the image, lattice fringes of approximately 11.3 and 3.2 A indicate a planar defect, and these fringes are oriented approximately 16 from the lattice fringes of the fibre interior. Such defects are common in palygorskite fibres from the Hawthorne Formation, occurring in approximately 3–5% of fibres in the Pittman quarry samples. Establishing a more detailed understanding of the nature of defects is critical for refining and developing industrial applications. More detailed TEM investigations of the palygorskite–sepiolite group are needed for comparative study.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank P. Heaney, Pennsylvania State University, A. F. Koster van Groos, University of Illinois at Chicago, and an anonymous reviewer for comments on the chapter.
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Chapter 2
Advances in the Crystal Chemistry of Sepiolite and Palygorskite Mercedes Sua´rez* and Emilia Garcı´a-Romero{,{
*A´rea de Cristalografı´a y Mineralogı´a, Departamento de Geologı´a, Universidad de Salamanca, 37008 Salamanca, Spain { Departamento de Cristalografı´a y Mineralogı´a, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Geologı´a, Ciudad Universitaria, Madrid, Spain Instituto de Geociencias (UCM-CSIC), Ciudad Universitara, 28003 Madrid, Spain { Instituto de Geociencias (UCM-CSIC), Ciudad Universitara, 28003 Madrid, Spain
1. INTRODUCTION The structure and chemical composition of sepiolite and palygorskite are known from the first half of the twentieth century based on work by Caille`re (1936, 1951), Bradley (1940), Nagy and Bradley (1955), Brauner and Pressinger (1956), Martin Vivaldi and Cano Ruı´z (1953, 1955, 1956a,b), Drits and Aleksandrova (1966), and others. Later, studies on the structure and chemical composition of both minerals have found many different aspects, and logically, as more cases are studied more differences are found. Recently Mg-rich palygorskites, Fe-rich palygorskites and Al-rich sepiolites have been reported and it seems that the compositional limits accepted until now could be too narrow. The aim of this chapter is define the limit of chemical composition of both minerals, if it exists, using the data from the literature available today. Sepiolite and palygorskite are modulated phyllosilicates. The modulated components are the octahedral sheets (Guggenheim et al., 2006). Both minerals can be described as 2:1 type ribbons running parallel to the c-axis. Ribbons are connected by oxygen atoms. There are continuous oxygen planes, but the periodical inversion of the apical oxygen (each two tetrahedral chains in palygorskite and each three in sepiolite) limits the lateral dimensions of the octahedral chain (Figure 1). Ideal palygorskite has a dioctahedral character (80% of octahedral position occupied) and sepiolite is a pure trioctahedral mineral. A great number of sepiolite and palygorskite references (159 sepiolites and 216 palygorskite analyses) were compared and studied to obtain this general Developments in Clay Science, Vol. 3. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-444-53607-5.00002-5 # 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
review of their composition. The number of articles offering chemical data on the fibrous clay minerals is more numerous than those used in this report, since the number of studies made on the genesis, properties and application is very abundant and is increasing yearly. However, we only consider analyses coming from pure or almost pure samples in this chapter.1 In general, sepiolite and palygorskite, as do most clay minerals, appear in natural occurrences as mixtures with other clay minerals and with impurities like carbonates, feldspar and quartz. The presence of small amounts of other clay minerals on the final data of composition could change significantly the results of analyses. As an example, palygorskite frequently has illite and montmorillonite impurities containing 30 wt% of Al2O3, that is, approximately twice of the fibrous mineral and, consequently, lower amounts of silica. If the whole sample analysis is considered, and the structural formula is fitted from it, the formula of palygorskite obtained could have more tetrahedral substitutions than it really does.
1. Akbulut and Kadir (2003), Aqrawi (1993), Pe´rez et al. (1989), Argast (1989), Arranz et al. (2008), Artioli and Galli (1994), Artioli et al. (1994), Bonatti and Joenssu (1968), Bonatti et al. (1983), Botha and Hughes (1992), Boules et al. (1971), Bradley (1940), Brauner and Pressinger (1956), Caille`re (1936, 1951), Caille`re and Henin (1957, 1961, 1972), Caille´re and Rouaix (1958), Cetisli and Gedikbey (1960), Chahi et al. (1993, 1997, 2002), Chen et al. (2004, 2008), Corma et al. (1987), Dahab and Jarjarah (1989), Drits and Aleksandrova (1966), Dromashko (1953), Ece (1989), Fahey et al. (1960), Fersmann (1913), Fleischer (1972), Frank-Kamenetskiy et al. (1969), Fukushima and Okamoto (1987), Gala´n (1987), Gala´n et al. (1975), Gala´n and Carretero (1999), Gala´n and Castillo (1984), Gala´n and Ferrero (1982), Galopim De Carvalho et al. (1970), Garcı´a-Romero and Sua´rez (2010), Garcı´a-Romero et al. (2004, 2006), Gibbs et al. (1993), Gionis et al. (2006), Giusteto et al. (2006), Gonzalez et al. (1993), Gu¨ven (1992) Gu¨ven and Carney (1979), Haji-Vassiliou and Puffer (1975), Hathaway and Sachs (1965), Hay and Stoessell (1984), He et al. (1996), Heystek and Smidh (1953), Hoe and Hayashi (1975), Huertas et al. (1971), Huggins et al. (1962), Imai and Otsuka (1984), Imai et al. (1966, 1969), Inukai et al. (1994), Jamoussi et al. (2003), Kadir et al. (2002), Kamineni et al. (1993), Kauffman (1943), Komarneni et al. (1986), Krekeler et al. (2004, 2005), Krekeler and Kearns (2008), Kulbicki (1959), Leguey et al. (2010), Li et al. (2007), Linqvist and Laitakari (1981), Lapparent De (1935, 1936), Long et al. (1997), Lo´pez Aguayo and Gonza´lez Lo´pez (1995), Lo´pez-Galindo (1987), Lo´pez-Galindo et al. (1996, 2008), Lo´pez-Galindo and Sa´nchez Navas (1989), Magalhaes et al. (2009), Maksimovic and Radukic (1961), Martı´n Pozas et al. (1983), Martin Vivaldi and Cano Ruı´z (1953), Mayayo et al. (1996), McLean et al. (1972), Midgele (1964), Millot et al. (1977), Minato et al. (1969), Muchi et al. (1965), Muraoka et al. (1958), Nagata and Sakae (1975), Nagy and Bradley (1955), Neaman and Singer (2000), Otsuka et al. (1966), Paquet (1983), Post and Heaney (2008), Post (1978), Post and Crawford (2007), Post and Janke (1984), Pozo and Casas (1999), Preisinger (1957), Rautoureau et al. (1972, 1979), Robertson and Stot (1974), Robertson (1961), Rogers et al. (1954, 1956), Santaren et al. (1990), Shannon (1929), Serna (1973), Shimosaka et al. (1976, 1980), Siddiki (1984), Singer (1976, 1981), Singer and Norrish (1974), Singer et al. (1998), Smith and Norem (1986), Starkey and Blackmon (1984), Stoessell and Hay (1978), Stphen (1954), Sua´rez et al. (1991, 1994, 1995), Sua´rez and Garcı´a-Romero (2006a, 2006b), Tauler et al. (2009), Takahashi (1956), Tien (1973), Torres-Ruı´z et al. (1994), Verrecchia and Le Coustumer (1996), Vicente Rodriguez et al. (1994), Watts (1976), Weaver (1984), Weaver and Polland (1973), Wiesma (1970), Yalc¸in and Bozkaya (1995, 2004), Yeniyol (1986), Zaaboub et al. (2005), Zheng (1991, 1997).
Advances in the Crystal Chemistry of Sepiolite and Palygorskite
The chemical composition of the two pure dehydrated minerals calculated from the theoretical formulae is very simple: 69.1 wt% SiO2 and 30.9 wt% MgO for sepiolite; 72.47 wt% SiO2, 15.37 wt% Al2O3 and 12.5 wt% MgO for palygorskite. The deviations from these values are due to three different possibilities: (1) isomorphic tetrahedral and octahedral substitutions; (2) contamination by impurities of other minerals in the sample analysed mainly other clay minerals like illite, smectites and quartz or zeolite; and (3) A
Ribon or polysome Unit cell M3
Coordinated water Hydroxil Oxygen Mg Al
M1 M2
M2 M3
a c
FIGURE 1 Structural schemes of palygorskite and sepiolite. (A and B) Tetrahedral sheet of palygorskite and sepiolite, respectively, projected on (001), black and grey mean tetrahedrons with apical oxygens pointing in opposite directions. (C and D) Tetrahedral sheet of palygorskite and sepiolite, respectively, projected on (100), grey shadow corresponds to the octahedral sheet. (E and F) Octahedral sheet of palygorskite and sepiolite, respectively, projected on (001). (G and H) Schematic view (from Sa´nchez del Rio et al., 2005) of a 1 1 2 supercell of palygorskite and sepiolite, respectively.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
instrumental errors. In the past decades, the use of transmission electron microscopy to obtain analyses (AEM) of very small particles makes it possible to obtain more accurate data from the individual particles and to avoid the influence of impurities. Bound or structural water is used in many different ways in the literature; so in this chapter, most of the reported chemical data have been recalculated on an anhydrous basis to compare them. The objective of this chapter is to establish the variations in the chemical composition of natural sepiolites and palygorskites from the ideal composition which correspond to pure and “perfect” minerals of sepiolite and palygorskite without any type of isomorphic substitutions. The range and type of isomorphic compositions in the two fibrous minerals can be obtained by analysing already published data of pure or almost pure sepiolites and palygorskites. Therefore, it is possible to look for the compositional limits between the two minerals, taking into account the existence of recently reported Al-sepiolite and Mg-palygorskite.
2. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF SEPIOLITE Ideal sepiolite, Si12O30Mg8(OH)4(OH2)4(H2O)8, is a pure trioctahedral mineral, and the four possible octahedral positions (Figure 1) are occupied by Mg. The earliest experimental references about chemical composition of sepiolite or palygorskite are from the early decades of the twentieth century (Fersmann, 1913; Kauffman, 1943; Lapparent De, 1935; Shannon, 1929). However, the most outstanding works are those of Caille`re (1936, 1951), Bradley (1940), Nagy and Bradley (1955) and Brauner and Pressinger (1956) or the review of chemical analyses for both sepiolite and palygorskite done by Caille`re and Henin (1961). We must not forget, in this review, a special mention to the pioneer works of Martı´n Vivaldi and collaborators. In 1953, Martı´n Vivaldi and Cano Ruı´z reported a chemical characterization of five different Spanish sepiolites. They compared the analyses with others from the bibliography and defined the SiO2/MgO ratio for an ideal, wholly magnesian sepiolite. In 1956 (Martı´n Vivaldi and Cano Ruı´z, 1956c), the same authors did a detailed study of the dehydration of sepiolite. In addition in Martı´n Vivaldi and Cano Ruı´z (1956b), they suggested that the minerals of the palygorskite–sepiolite group occupy the region of discontinuity between dioctahedral and trioctahedral minerals. They affirm that there is a series of minerals. Martı´n Vivaldi and Linares found fibrous clays with intermediate properties between sepiolite and palygorskite in the Cabo de Gata (Almerı´a, Spain) in 1962. They interpreted that this structure could be a random intergrowth. Later, Martı´n Vivaldi and Fenol Hach-Ali (1970) and Martı´n Vivaldi and Robertson (1971) made an excellent revision about both fibrous fillosilicates. The first comparative study on the composition of sepiolite and palygorskite by scanning electron micrsocopy (SEM) was done by Paquet et al. (1987)
Advances in the Crystal Chemistry of Sepiolite and Palygorskite
studying 145 individual particles from palygorskite–smectite and sepiolite– smectite assemblages. They conclude that the octahedral composition fields of the smectites and fibrous clays partly overlap. The sepiolite field is clearly in the trioctahedral domain, whereas the palygorskite field is both in the dioctahedral and between the trioctahedral and dioctahedral domains. Nowadays, the ideal structural formula for sepiolite based on the model of Brauner and Pressinger (1956) is (Mg8-y-zRy3þ□z)(Si12xRx3þ) O30(OH)4(OH2)4R2þ(xyþ 2z)/2(H2O)8, where the number of octahedral cations lies between 6.95 and 8.11. The cations are mainly Mg with some Al, Fe3þ, Fe2þ, Ti and occasional Cr3þ and Ni. Mg varies between 4.96 and 8.1. According to the review by Newman and Brown (1987), tetrahedral occupancy ranges from (Si11.96Al0.05) to (Si11.23Fe0.533þAl 0.24) and the total number of octahedral cations ranges from 7.01 to 8.01 (Table 1). Afterwards, Jones and Galan (1991) affirm that the theoretical SiO2/MgO ratio of sepiolite is 2.23 with SiO2 ¼ 55.6 wt%; MgO ¼ 24.99 wt%. But usually, SiO2 falls in the range of 53.9 1.9 wt%, and MgO between 21 and 25 wt%. Gala´n and Carretero (1999) evaluated compositional limits for sepiolite and palygorskite and concluded that sepiolite is a true trioctahedral mineral, with negligible structural substitutions and eight octahedral positions filled with magnesium (Table 1). The most recent study about chemical composition of sepiolite was made by Garcı´a-Romero and Sua´rez (2010), from a study of more than a thousand AEM analyses. They concluded that “some octahedral substitutions of Mg by Al and/or Fe are possible, which produces an increase in the number of octahedral vacancies. Sepiolite can contain large proportions of Al and be considered as Al-rich sepiolite”. They affirm that the mean MgO content in sepiolite varies greatly between 30.57% and 18.58%, and the largest proportion of Al2O3 that they found was 8.35 wt%. The content of other oxides like TABLE 1 Compositional Ranges Found for Sepiolite by Different Authors. Tetrahedral Positions Si Brauner and Pressinger (1956) Newman and Brown (1987)
Gala´n and Carretero (1999)
Octahedral Positions Number of Cations
7.01–8.01 8
Garcı´a-Romero and Sua´rez (2010)
This study
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
TiO2, K2O and Na2O is generally very low or zero. Exceptionally, there are mean contents somewhat greater ( 1 wt% TiO2 or 0.94 wt% Na2O), but in these cases, the standard deviation is similar to the mean value which indicates the high variability of these oxides in the spot analyses. From the published literature, SiO2 and MgO are the only essential oxides in sepiolite (Figure 2), and the other oxides could appear in different amounts or be absent. Sepiolite from Eskisehir (Turkey) is one of the purest sepiolite taking into account the isomorphic substitutions. It has been studied by different authors and they all agree that this is the ideal chemical composition (Cetisli and Gedikbey, 1960; Ece, 1989; Garcı´a-Romero and Sua´rez, 2010; Yalc¸in and Bozkaya, 2004 among others). In general, SiO2 in sepiolite ranges from 57.96 to 74.67 wt%, but most of the data show less dispersion. In fact, 66 wt% of the references reported sepiolites with SiO2 between 68 and 71 wt% ( 2% over the theoretical content; Figure 3). The mean value is 67.59 wt%, very close to the theoretical amount of SiO2 for sepiolite. For AEM data, SiO2 ranges between narrower extremes due to the presence of impurities in the other raw samples. MgO, the most important oxide with SiO2, ranges from 13.48 to 32 wt%, but most of the data are grouped within narrower limits, 17% of the analyses have less than 20 wt% of MgO (Figure 3). The mean value is 25.57 wt%. The sepiolites with lower amounts of Mg are richer in Al2O3 and Fe2O3. Al2O3 is present in most sepiolites. Only a few references report sepiolite with no Al (Arranz et al., 2008; Imai and Otsuka, 1984; Mayayo et al., 1996; Muraoka et al., 1958). This oxide could reach as much as 8.9 wt% (Rogers 0.00 1.00
0.75 O3 e2 +F O3 AI 2
Mg O
0.75 0.25
1.00 0.00
0.00 0.25
0.50 SiO2
FIGURE 2 Proportions of the main oxides in sepiolite from the references.1
Advances in the Crystal Chemistry of Sepiolite and Palygorskite
40 Frequency
0 55
70 SiO2
40 Frequency
0 20
20 AI2O3
60 SiO2
0 0
20 Fe2O3
20 Fe2O3
20 MgO
0 10
25 MgO
FIGURE 3 Variations of the main oxides in sepiolites (left column) and palygorskites (right column) from the references,1 the double arrows show the compositional range founded by AEM of individual particles by Garcı´a-Romero and Sua´rez (2010).
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
et al., 1956). However, 88% of bibliographic data have less than 4 wt% of Al2O3, and 40% of analyses have less than 1 wt% (Figure 3). Among the Al-rich (Al2O3 > 7 wt%) are those in the Ninetyeast Ridge, Indian Ocean (Argast, 1989) and those in Polatti, Turkey (Garcı´a-Romero and Sua´rez, 2010). The richest Al-sepiolite occurs (Mclean et al., 1972) in a lacustrine deposit of the Southern High Plains. This sepiolite has an Al2O3/MgO ratio 0.5, but it might have a minor amount of illite as impurities. After Al, Fe is the main element substituting for Mg in the octahedral sheet, and it can appear in different proportions. As can be seen in Figure 4, there are certain sepiolites that have no Al and are plotted on the MgO– Fe2O3 axis. There are eight locations where sepiolite has been cited with more than 10 wt% of Fe2O3 and a ratio of Fe2O3/MgO is greater than 0.5. Several of them are from Japan and they appear in dolomitic rocks. The most Fe-rich sepiolites are from Middle Atlas of Morocco (Arranz et al., 2008) and from Tyrol (Brauner and Pressinger, 1956; Preisinger, 1957). In both locations, the Fe2O3/MgO ratio is greater than 1 and the Fe2O3 content is 20 wt%. This high amount of Fe2O3 means that more than two octahedral positions are occupied by Fe. The name xylolite had been used for Fe-rich sepiolite (Brauner and Pressinger, 1956), and also for Fe-rich minerals for the serpentine group (Caille`re, 1936) however; nowadays, it is not accepted by the IMA (International Mineralogical Association). In Garcı´a-Romero and Sua´rez (2010), the Fe2O3 ranges between 3.22 and 0.07 wt%, although 70% of the samples have less than 2 wt% of this oxide. That is in agreement with the references used here. Although Al and Fe are the main cations substituting for Mg, other elements can appear in the octahedral sheet of the sepiolite. Ni-rich sepiolite can exist, varying from Ni-sepiolite to falcondoite (nickel analogue with Ni > Mg; Springer, 1976). Falcondoite is a rare mineral species that has been found in the Dominican Republic in Ni laterite deposits (Lewis et al., 2006; Proenza et al., 2007). The chemical compositions of Central Dominican Republic cover a large interval of falcondoite–sepiolite solid solution (Fal3 and Fal70). These compositions suggest a complete miscibility along the sepiolite–falcondoite join. The maximum NiO content is 30.42 wt% and the (Ni þ Mg)/Si ratio varies from 0.6 to 0.73 (Tauler et al., 2009). In addition, Ni-sepiolites are common constituents of garnierite mineralization in hydrous silicate-type lateritic nickel deposits (Brand et al., 1998; Freyssinet et al., 2005). Ni-sepiolite has been described in the weathering profile of the Cerro Matoso silicate Ni laterite deposit in northwest Colombia with 10.6 wt% NiO (Gleeson et al., 2004), and in garnierites from Poro Mine nickel ore deposit in New Caledonia with 12.8 wt% NiO (Manceau et al., 1985). Sepiolite with up to 1.5wt% Ni occurs in millimetre-thick veins and has a thin coating on the slickensided surface of fractures in the lateritic deposits at Nickel Mountain, Oregon (Hotz, 1964). Sepiolite can have other elements like Ti or Mn. Very small amounts of TiO2 have been reported for around half of
Advances in the Crystal Chemistry of Sepiolite and Palygorskite
O3 AI 2
Mg O
0.75 0.25
1.00 0.00 0.00
Fe2O3 0.00
O3 AI 2
0.75 0.25
1.00 0.00 0.00
0.50 Fe2O3
FIGURE 4 Proportions of the oxides of the three main octahedral elements in sepiolite and palygorskite from the data: (A) from the references,1 (B) from AEM analysis (Garcı´a-Romero and Sua´rez (2010).
the data considered herein, but most of them have less than 0.5 wt%. Only three sepiolites, all of them Al-rich sepiolites and studied by AEM, those from Polatty, Turkey, and Batallones, Spain (Garcı´a-Romero and Sua´rez, 2010) and from Oum El Kaheb, Tunisia (Zaaboub et al., 2005), contain between 1 and 2.2 wt% TiO2. MnO is rarer, appearing in the chemical analyses of only a
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
few sepiolites. It reaches a maximum of 3.7 wt% in the sepiolite from Akatani, Japan (Imai and Otsuka, 1984). Sepiolite usually has small amounts of Ca, K and/or Na, but they are always scarce, the first is frequently related to small amounts of calcite impurities. The sum of these atoms rarely reaches 0.5 atoms per half unit cell. As suggested by Newman and Brown (1987), “it is possible that part of the Ca, K and Na reported in some analyses may be enclosed within the channel frameworks and cannot be readily exchangeable”. There is a Na analogue named louglhinite which has four atoms of Na p.h. u.c. (Fahey and Axelrod, 1948; Fahey et al., 1960; Kadir et al., 2002). These references describe a fibrous mineral, similar to sepiolite, with the main X-ray ˚ and 8 wt% of Na2O which powder diffraction (XRD) reflection at 12.9 A means the Na/Mg ratio ¼ 2/3. However, they do not explain whether Na could be both in octahedral positions and inside the channels or only in the latter position. Preisinger (1963) proposes that loughlinite has two Na substituting for two Mg at the edges of the ribbons, with two Na in the channels. Regarding the sepiolite structural formulae, the number of Si atoms referred to in the literature ranges from 11.16 to 12.05 (Table 1), a little wider than the range from 11.50 to 12 found by Garcı´a-Romero and Sua´rez (2010). This study, as said before, was made by AEM on a score of samples, and the results are not influenced by impurities. They conclude that only a few samples of sepiolite have very few atoms (< 0.04) of tetrahedral Fe(III). The number of total octahedral cations ranges from 6.87 to 7.96. These values correspond to 0.5–14% octahedral vacancies. Clearly, Mg is the main octahedral cation in sepiolite (4.88–7.92 p.h.u.c.), but most have more than seven atoms of Mg p. h.u.c. The new data indicate that sepiolite contains only minor amounts of Al (0.01–1.24 atoms p.h.u.c.) and Fe(III) (0.01–0.43 atoms p.h.u.c.) and very small amounts of Ti. These elements can occupy M1, M2 and M3 positions in sepiolite (Figure 1). Ca is always present as exchangeable cation, and Na and K appear in most samples. In general, all studies have found that the structural formulae of sepiolites can be affected by the presence of small amounts of impurities or by the accuracy of the method employed, and as a consequence, the dispersion of the data is higher than in AEM analyses. The number of octahedral cations reported in former studies ranges from 6.7 to 8.03 with a mean value of 7.63 (Table 1). The main octahedral cation is the Mg, which ranges from 4.28 to 8 atoms per half unit cell, with a mean value of 7.11. Sixty-six percent of the formulae have seven or more Mg atoms. The rest of the octahedral positions are filled by Al and even by Fe3þ in some occasions (<15% of samples). These samples have the same distribution of Fe contents. The octahedral Al can reach 1.49 atoms per half unit cell although there are numerous samples that do not have that quantity ( 30% of samples). Half of the data considered here have more than 0.5 atoms per half cell. The mean content of octahedral Al is 0.22. There are only four sepiolites that have more than
Advances in the Crystal Chemistry of Sepiolite and Palygorskite
one Al atoms per half cell. They come from China (Lieyang), Turkey (Polattli and Eskisehir) and South Australia (Tintinara) (Cetisli and Gedikbey, 1960; Garcı´a-Romero and Sua´rez, 2010; Rogers et al., 1956). This last study demonstrates the existence of sepiolite so rich in Al that several of them could be fitted as palygorskite obtaining very acceptable results of the occupancy of the positions and the balance of the charges. The composition of Al-rich sepiolites is so similar to the Mg-rich palygorskite that it points to the possibility of a certain degree of polymorphism. Al-rich sepiolite had been referred to several times, first by Rogers et al. (1956), as we said before. Zaaboub et al. (2005) studied by AEM the sepiolites from Selja and Oum El Kcheb (Tunisia) which have 0.91 and 0.73 octahedral positions occupied by Al and only 75% of the octahedral positions occupied by Mg. Garcı´a-Romero et al. (2007) found a very Al-rich sepiolite in the Allou Kagne deposit (Senegal) related to a Mg-rich palygorskite. Garcı´a-Romero and Sua´rez (2010) affirm that the most Al-rich sepiolites have only between 85% and 61% of the octahedral position occupied by Mg, and they concluded that sepiolite can be classified into two types: sepiolite and Al-sepiolite. A limit for these two types can be established from the octahedral occupancy, and Al-sepiolites are those that have more than 10% of octahedral positions vacant and more than 0.5 VIAl atoms. The data obtained in this review support the data of previous reviews made by other authors. The little differences are due to more data taken into account; different analytical techniques and some of the samples may not have been very pure. There are very few references (Bonatti et al., 1983; Torres-Ruı´z et al., 1994; YalC¸in and Bozkaya, 2004; Zaaboub et al., 2005) regarding trace elements and/or rare earths. Usually, the variations between them are high and related to the procedence of the mineral (detritical, formed in the depositional basins, or formed by transformation processes). A few researchers (Cuevas et al., 2003; Santaren et al., 1990; Torres-Ruı´z et al., 1994) have studied F in sepiolite. The Vallecas-Vicalvaro samples contain higher values of this element than any other Spanish sepiolites (Torres-Ruı´z et al., 1994). Santaren et al. (1990) studied sepiolites of the same locality by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and found that this sepiolite contains 1.3 wt% of fluorine, and that this element is located in the interior of the sepiolite structure, probably substituting for OH groups bound to Mg. Sepiolite contains different types of water in its structure (Figure 1): zeolitic, coordinated (or bound) and structural water (OH groups). These have been described dating back to the first studies on this mineral. The number of OH groups, structural water and coordinated water is well constrained in the procedure for the calculation of the structural formula, but the amount of zeolitic water is not constant, and probably it is not the same for all sepiolites. From the first sepiolite studies (Preisinger, 1963), eight molecules of zeolitic water (p.h.u.c.) have been considered. However, the most recent data based on thermal studies and synchrotron XRD (Frost and Ding 2003; Post et al., 2007 among others) show that the amount of zeolitic water is lower than this value.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
3. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF PALYGORSKITE The most widely accepted model for palygorskite is the one proposed by Drits and Aleksandrova (1966), which is based on the model by Bradley (1940). After this, ideal palygorskite Si8O20(Al2Mg2)(OH)2(OH2)4H2O)4 has dioctahedral character. Al atoms occupy the M2 positions, Mg the most external M3 and M1 is vacant (Figure 1). Isomorphic substitutions can occur and the approximate structural formula is (Mg5-y-zRy3þ□z)(Si8-xRx3þ) O20(OH)2(OH2)4R2þ(xyþ 2z)/2(H2O)4. Weaver and Polland (1973) reported that tetrahedral occupancy for Al ranges from (Si7.99Al0.01) to (Si7.31Al0.69) (Table 2), and after Newman and Brown (1987), tetrahedral occupancy ranges from (Si7.88Al012) to (Si7.34Al0.66). They also report two cases in which the occupancies are 8.06 and 8.09, more than the eight available sites. However, they confirm that this could be possible within normal limits of accuracy. Gala´n and Carretero (1999) suggest that palygorskite is intermediate between di- and trioctahedral phyllosilicates and that the octahedral sheet mainly contains Mg, Al and Fe with an R2/R3 ratio close to 1, and four of the five octahedral sites were occupied. The M3 position (Figure 1) is always occupied by Mg (Gu¨ven et al., 1992; Sua´rez and Garcı´a-Romero, 2006a), and M2 can be occupied by Al or Fe3þ, mainly. In a pure dioctahedral palygorskite M1 is vacant. The sum of octahedral cations lies between 3.74 and 4.64 with a mean value of 4.00, indicating that the minerals should be classified as dioctahedral. Octahedral cations range from about 2.5, trivalent plus 1.5 divalent for samples with much Al, to 4.5 for the highly magnesian samples.
TABLE 2 Compositional Ranges Found for Palygorskite by Different Authors. Tetrahedral Positions Si
Octahedral Positions Number of Cations
Weaver and Polland (1973)
Newman and Brown (1987)
Gala´n and Carretero (1999)
Garcı´a-Romero and Sua´rez (2010)
This study
Advances in the Crystal Chemistry of Sepiolite and Palygorskite
From published data,1 we can summarize that SiO2 ranges between 42.1 and 76.3 wt%, although 95% of values are between 60 and 75 wt% SiO2 (Figure 3), with a mean value of 75 wt%. Al2O3 ranges between 2.41 and 24.4 wt%, with a mean value of 13.17 wt%. MgO is between 2.33 and 22.9 wt% and its mean is 11.65 wt%. Logically, these two oxides vary inversely. The amount of Al2O3 and MgO in palygorskite depends on the type of palygorskite (Garcı´a-Romero and Sua´rez, 2010). According to these authors, the limits are narrower with SiO2 ranging between 72.93 and 68.90 wt%, the oxides of the main octahedral cations. Al2O3 ranges between 15.88 and 7.52 wt% and between 19.82 and 10.75 wt% for MgO. The whole sample data support the idea that most palygorskites have Mg in excess of the theoretical composition as can be seen in Figures 3, 5 and 7. For more than 200 chemical analyses of palygorskite from different localities, 75% have MgO/(Al2O3 þ Fe2O3) > 0.5. That is to say, the majority are a few richer in Mg than the ideal palygorskite. In addition, Mg-palygorskite has been described. Magnesic palygorskites are those from Spain, in Esquivias and Los Trancos (Garcı´a-Romero and Sua´rez, 2010; Garcia-Romero et al., 2004), Russia (Drits and Aleksandrova, 1966), Eastern China (Zheng, 1997), Pacific Ocean (Gibbs et al., 1993) and Silver Bell Mine (Post and Crawford, 2007). All of them have large amounts of Mg and are similar in composition to the Al-rich sepiolites. Garcı´a-Romero et al. (2007) found samples very rich in Mg-palygorskite together with Al-rich sepiolite in the Allou-Kagne deposit.
9 8 7
6 5
4 3 2 6.0
S O.C. FIGURE 5 From Garcı´a-Romero and Sua´rez (2010). Mg content (p.h.u.c.) versus total octahedral content in sepiolite, for data from the literature (○) and from AEM data (). The two kinds of data are projected in the same region of the plot.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
e 2O +F O3 AI 2
1.00 0.00
0.50 SiO2
0.00 1.00
FIGURE 6 Proportions of the main oxides in palygorskite from references.1
T-III 2.5 T-II
T-I 1.5 PAL
1 3
4 S O.C.
FIGURE 7 From Garcı´a-Romero and Sua´rez (2010). Mg content (p.h.u.c.) versus total octahedral content in palygorskite, for data from literature (○) and from AEM data (). The two kinds of data are projected in the same region of the plot. T-I, ideal palygorskite; T-II, common palygorskite; T-III, magnesic–palygorskite; and T-IV, aluminic-palygorskite.
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Fe substituting for Al in M2 position (Figure 1) is common in palygorskite. We found only three references to analyses where Fe2O3 was not present (Drits and Aleksandrova, 1966; Fersmann, 1913; Haji-Vassiliou and Puffer, 1975). As can be seen in Figure 4, almost all points are separated from the Al2O3–MgO axis indicating the presence of Fe. The Fe2O3 content can reach 14.8 wt%, with a mean value of 4.35 wt% in the references considered, but only seven samples had over 10 wt% (Figure 3). Fe2O3 can also appear as impurities of oxides or other clay minerals, but the presence as octahedral cation in most palygorskites is unquestionable based on the results of AEM analyses and IR spectroscopy (Chryssikos et al., 2009; Frost et al., 1998, 2001; Gionis et al., 2007; Sua´rez and Garcı´a-Romero, 2006a). Although Fe is almost always present in palygorskite, Fe-rich palygorskites are scarce. The term Fe-rich palygorskite is used when Fe > Al. This type has been reported by different authors (Chryssikos et al., 2009; Gionis et al., 2006, 2007; Imai and Otsuka, 1984; Stathopoulou et al., 2011). Garcı´a-Romero and Sua´rez (2010) found that all samples studied by AEM contain Fe2O3 and it can reach 5.54 wt%, with a standard deviation equal to 0.51. Fe is almost always considered to be ferric, and there are a few studies in which FeO was analysed. Taking into account that palygorskite is a supergenic mineral formed in oxidizing conditions ferrous Fe cannot be abundant, although Botha and Hughes (1992) and Drits and Aleksandrova (1966) have reported it to be a major oxide in palygorskite. Almost half of the references to palygorskite contain a small proportion of TiO2. This element could be related to impurities, but it could also be an octahedral cation in palygorskite because it was found by AEM analyses of isolated fibres (Krekeler et al., 2004; Sua´rez and Garcı´a-Romero, 2006b). The richest TiO2 palygorskite found is the one studied by Krekeler et al. (2004) in the sediments from the Hawthorne Formation which contains 3.5 wt%. MnO is even scarcer than TiO2 but appears in palygorskite from Georgia (Krekeler et al., 2004) and from Atlantic Ocean (Boules et al., 1971). A manganoan variety has been called yofortierite (Perrault et al., 1975) and is a fully trioctahedral mineral with four positions occupied by Mn(II). Na2O, K2O and CaO appear, as in sepiolite, as minor components; the latter, in all samples studied, is clearly related to carbonate impurities. In certain analyses of palygorskite (Weaver and Polland, 1973), K2O can be over 3 wt% due to small amounts of illite and smectite. Influence of these impurities in the analyses of palygorskite is greater than in sepiolite because they are more frequently found in the rock and cause the dispersion of the data in the central region of Figure 4B. The dependence of cell parameters in palygorskite on the octahedral composition was studied by Sua´rez et al. (2007) using high-resolution X-ray diffraction (HRXRD) with synchrotron radiation. They propose a very simple way to produce a good approximation of the palygorskite structural formula
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(octahedral sheet) that depends on the d-spacing of the 200 reflection: Al(VI) ¼ 49.1617 7.4401 * d200 and octahedral vacancy ¼ 24.0047 3.6065 * d200. In their work, a classification of the palygorskites into three types is proposed: (Type I) Ideal palygorskite with an octahedral composition near to the ideal palygorskite, similar contents of Al and Mg and negligible substitutions. (Type II) Common palygorskite where VIAl content is less than in the ideal formula and as a consequence the Mg content is higher, but the number of octahedral cations is close to 4 (vacant octahedral positions ¼ 1). Although Al may be partially substituted by Fe(III) and/or Mg, this type of palygorskite has dioctahedral character. (Type III) Magnesic palygorskite is the most trioctahedral extreme. The number of octahedral cations is greater than 4 (vacant octahedral positions < 1), and M1 position (Figure 1) is partially occupied. Recently, Garcı´a-Romero and Sua´rez (2010) from a study of more than a thousand AEM analyses of 22 very pure palygorskites from different localities corroborated the validity of this classification and showed that the most abundant are Type II varieties with an excess of Mg related to the theoretical content (Figure 7). In the same work, a new type of palygorskite was proposed for the minerals which have Al/Mg > 1. Thus Type IV or Aluminic-palygorskite is defined by a total number of octahedral cations (p.h.u.c.) < 4, with Mg < 2 and consequently (Al þ Fe3) > Mg. Gionis et al. (2007) and Chryssikos et al. (2009) proposed a more complex structural formula for palygorskite taking into account that most palygorskites have, as a result of the substitution of Al in M2 position by Mg, an excess of Mg which produces trioctahedral domains in the mineral. The structural formula has two parts, the trioctahedral fraction is represented by the coefficient y, and the content in Fe occupying M2 position in the dioctahedral component is indicated by x. The formula is yMg5Si8O20(OH)2(1 y) [xMg2Fe2(1 x)Mg2Al2] Si8O20(OH)2. Later, this same group (Stathopoulou et al., 2009) demonstrated from near infrared spectroscopy that the trioctahedral entities in palygorskite are not pure trioctahedral palygorskite but sepiolite polysomes intergrown with palygorskite. Therefore, the Mg-rich palygorskites are described by the formula yMg8Si12O30(OH)4(1 y) [xMg2Fe2(1 x)Mg2Al2] Si8O20(OH)2, where y indicates the content in sepiolite polysomes (0 < x < 0.7 and 0 < y < 0.33). There are few palygorskites with structural formulae close to the ideal, that is to say, corresponding to Type I (Garcı´a-Romero and Sua´rez, 2010). One of them is from Palygorskaya (Russia), the type locality of the mineral. In general, both tetrahedral and octahedral substitutions can be found in the structural formulae. The number of Si atoms ranges from 7.20 to 8.13 atoms for half unit cell (Table 2), but the mean value is close to 8 (7.91). Eighty percent has values between 7.5 and 8 atoms per half unit cell. The number of octahedral cations ranges from 2.86 to 4.66 atoms per half unit cell, but most of them have values close to 4, thus the mean value is 3.96 p.h.u.c. The main octahedral cations are Al (0.12–2.35 p.h.u.c.) and Mg (0.00–3.91 p.h.u.c.). In the theoretical formula, both atoms have the same
Advances in the Crystal Chemistry of Sepiolite and Palygorskite
values (close to 2) although analyses in the older literature show slightly higher values of Mg. The mean value of Mg atoms per half unit cell is 2.1 and 1.47 the Al mean. Palygorskite has minor proportions of octahedral Fe(III). It could be as high as 1.31 atoms per half unit cell, with a mean value of 0.36. About 75% of them have less than 0.5 Fe(III) atoms per half unit cell. Only some samples have high Fe content. The most Fe-rich samples come from Maderuelo, Spain (1.31 and 1.16 atoms of Fe(III)) (Torres-Ruı´z et al., 1994), from Western Macedonia, Greece (1.12 Fe(III)) (Gionis et al., 2006), from Serinhisar-Acipayam Basin, Denizli, SW, Turkey (1.05 Fe(III)) (Akbulut and Kadir, 2003) and from Mayaosan, Eastern China (0.04) (Li et al., 2007). As with sepiolite, the AEM analyses of palygorskite found narrower limits (Garcı´a-Romero and Sua´rez, 2010; Garcia-Romero et al., 2004; Krekeler et al., 2004; Zheng, 1997, among others). Si ranges from 7.88 to 8.06 and the total octahedral cation content ranges from 3.35 to 4.40 atoms for palygorskite. These values correspond to between 12% and 23.6% octahedral vacancies for palygorskite. Palygorskite shows greater octahedral variability than sepiolite: Mg (1.79–3.34), Al (0.92–1.99), Fe(III) (0.02–0.47). There are also very small amounts of Ti, never exceeding 0.17 atoms. Ca, Na and K appear in most samples as exchangeable cation. As with sepiolite, references about trace elements and/or rare earths in palygorskite are scarce (Jamoussi et al., 2003; Kamineni et al., 1993; Lo´pez-Galindo et al., 1996; Torres-Ruı´z et al., 1994; Zaaboub et al., 2005), and the variations are a consequence of the origin of the mineral. Sa´nchez del Rı´o et al. (2009) found that the contents in rare earths present in palygorskite from the Yucatan Peninsula vary according to the deposition environment. Just like sepiolite, palygorskite also contains zeolitic, coordinated and structural water. As the palygorskite channel width is lower than that in sepiolite (Figure 1), the number of zeolitic water molecules is also lower and generally four molecules of zeolitc water (p.h.u.c.) are considered. However, the most recent studies based on thermal analyses and synchrotron XRD (Frost and Ding, 2003; Post et al., 2007 among others) show that the amount of zeolitic water is lower than this value. Attention was placed on the dehydration, folding and rehydration processes of palygorskites (Frost and Ding, 2003; Giustetto et al., 2005; Kuang et al., 2004; Van Scoyoc et al., 1979). However, the number of zeolitic water molecules is not considered. Only a few studies, as Hirsiger et al. (1975), quantify this type of water. They find minor amounts of zeolitic water (3.9 molecules p.h.u.c.) than in the theoretical formula studying palygorskite from Bu¨rgenstock (Switzerland).
4. IS THERE A COMPOSITIONAL GAP BETWEEN SEPIOLITE AND PALYGORSKITE? The existence of Al-sepiolite and Mg-palygorskite is unquestionable, taking into account the data presented here. As a consequence, two questions can be proposed: first, is there a compositional gap between the two minerals, as suggested in the earliest studies on the composition of sepiolite and
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palygorskite (Martin Vivaldi and Cano Ruı´z, 1956a,b,c) and second, what is the compositional limit for both minerals? If the content in the oxides of the three main octahedral cations (Mg, Al and Fe) is taken into account (see Figure 4), there is no compositional gap and all possible compositions between the two ideal minerals exist. As stated before, small amounts of impurities can exist and influence the chemical analysis. However, the raw data confirmed which obtained by Garcı´a-Romero and Sua´rez (2010) from more than 1300 AEM analysis. Both mineral data groups coming from different deposits with different origins exhibit the same trends, and it is possible to find all the intermediate compositions between the two extremes corresponding to the two pure minerals. Palygorskite can be so rich in Mg and sepiolite so rich in Al that the projections of the compositions of the two groups of minerals overlap, and a continuous trend is obtained when all samples are considered. Due to the presence of iron in most samples, the points in Figure 4 are separated from the axis MgO–Al2O3. Only the iron-rich sepiolites separate of this trend and they project on the Fe2O3–MgO axis. If we project all data considered here1 into the plot used by Martin Vivaldi and Cano Ruı´z (1956b) in which moles of MgO are plotted, versus XO moles (Al2O3 þ Fe2O3 expressed as MgO moles), the continuity of the plotted points can be observed (Figure 8) and no compositional gap can be observed. Al-rich sepiolites and Mg-rich palygorskites are not very frequent. In earlier papers, only two references to Mg-palygorskites and Al-sepiolites could be found (Rogers et al., 1954, 1956). The more samples studied, the more variability observed. If whole rock data and AEM analyses are taken into account, the existence of minerals with an intermediate composition is unquestionable. Garcı´a-Romero and Sua´rez (2010) show the overlap of the composition of intermediate palygorskites and sepiolites (Figures 9 and 10). They establish that a range of compositions between the two structures is possible. If the bibliographic data (SiO2/MgO and Al2O3 þ Fe2O3/MgO ratios) are plotted in the same way that those AEM analyses, the same kinds of curve are obtained. In both cases, sepiolite and palygorskite overlap in a very wide range of compositions. Although bibliographic data are influenced by the presence of impurities, the intervals of composition in which sepiolite and palygorskite are possible are similar to that obtained from AEM analyses of particles. Both sepiolite and palygorskite are possible for SiO2/MgO between 3.5 and 5 and Al2O3 þ Fe2O3/ MgO between 0.2 and 1. In consequence, there are sepiolites so rich in Al, that they could be almost fitted as palygorskites, and Mg-palygorskites that overlap sepiolite. These authors call these minerals, which have a composition between the two ideal sepiolite and palygorskite, intermediate. Intermediate mineral could be interpreted as both Al-sepiolite and Mg-palygorskite but only if chemical data are taking into account. Horizontal lines in Figures 9 and 10 define the compositional ranges for intermediate minerals. XRD data indicate that intermediate composition samples are either sepiolite or palygorskite.
Advances in the Crystal Chemistry of Sepiolite and Palygorskite
Palygorskites Ideal palygorskite Sepiolites Ideal sepiolite
XO mol
0.00 0.00
0.40 MgO mol
FIGURE 8 Moles of MgO versus moles of XO for sepiolites and palygorskitesfrom references and ideal values.
The existence of a large amount of samples, with all possible intermediate compositions between sepiolite and palygorskite (Figures 4 and 8–10), shows that not only is there no compositional gap, but on the contrary, a continuous series exists.
5. POSSIBLE STRUCTURAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE INTERMEDIATE MINERALS Mumpton and Roy (1958) pointed out that “in nature there does not seem to be any evidence of a continuous solid solution series between the two, although this might be expected from the postulated similarity of their structures”. Half a century later, with numerous studies performed, and the possibility of studying the chemical composition of individual particles, allows us to affirm that a continuous composition series exists. As can be seen in Figure 8, sepiolite and palygorskite overlap, and there are compositions for which both minerals are possible (Figures 10 and 11). First of all, one must make sure that the data are not influenced by impurities. When data come from a reference, it is not possible to be sure about sample purity. However, by using AEM, the composition of individual crystals is obtained. Sua´rez et al. (2007) studied several palygorskites, some
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
6 5 Palygorskite Sepiolite
4 3
2 0
Palygorskite Sepiolite
2 0
FIGURE 9 SiO2/MgO ratios ordered from the largest to the smallest values: (A) from the References 1 and (B) from AEM analysis (Garcı´a-Romero and Sua´rez, 2010).
(AI2O3 + Fe2O3)/MgO
AI2O3 + Fe2O3/MgO
1.0 Palygorskite
0.00 0
1 Palygorskite Sepiolite
0 0
FIGURE 10 Al2O3 þ Fe2O3/MgO ratios ordered from the largest to the smallest values: (A) from the references1 and (B) from AEM analysis (Garcı´a-Romero and Sua´rez, 2010).
Advances in the Crystal Chemistry of Sepiolite and Palygorskite
Polysome of palygorskite Polysome of sepiolite FIGURE 11 Structural scheme for the sepiolite–palygorskite polysomatic continuous series. (A) palygorskite, (B) palygorskite with a small proportion of sepiolite polysomes, (C) palygorskite with sepiolite polysomes, (D) sepiolite with palygorskite polysomes, (E) sepiolite with a small proportion of palygorskite polysomes, (F) sepiolite.
of them very rich in Mg, both by HRXRD and by AEM, and found no evidence of impurities, especially sepiolite, in the diffraction patterns. If there are no impurities in the sample, the high Al or Mg content has to be explained due to its crystallochemical features. References to Mg-rich palygorskite are more frequent than Al-sepiolite, and the arrangement of octahedral cations has been studied by IR spectroscopy. Chahi et al. (2002) proposed a trioctahedral arrangement of Mg based on the 3680 cm1 peak in the FTIR spectra. However, Garcia-Romero et al. (2004) did not find this peak in the very rich in Mg palygorskite from Esquivias. They proposed a possible distribution of the excess of Mg without Mg3–OH bonds but with local excess of the octahedral charge. A later and more detailed study of this and other palygorskites (Chryssikos et al., 2009) showed that most palygorskites have a trioctahedral fraction that can be expressed by using the formula suggested by Gionis et al. (2007). The possibility of polysomatism in sepiolite–palygorskite was referred to by
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
Ferraris et al. (2005). In addition, Krekeler et al. (2005) proposed the existence of polysomes with different widths (2, 3, 4 or 5 tetrahedral chains) in order to explain the transformation of smectite into palygorskite. Therefore, a polysome of one of these minerals could contain a 2:1 ribbon, and it is to say half unit cell (Figure 1). Taking into account the possibility of the existence of sepiolite polysomes intergrowth in the palygorskite structure, a small portion of sepiolite polysomes produces a high portion of Mg, causing a small loss of crystallinity. If this polysomatic model, which was suggested for palygorskite with an excess of Mg, is taken into account, then, in the same way, the existence of Al-sepiolite could also be explained with the presence of palygorskite polysomes in the sepiolite structure. It is feasible to wonder about the existence of all possibilities in the continuous series, from the purest and the most exclusive magnesic sepiolite, to the purest palygorskite, with all intermediate compositions. These compositions could include palygorskite with different portions of sepiolite polysomes grading into sepiolite with all possible portions of palygorskite polysomes, as shown in the simplified scheme in Figure 11. This structural scheme for the sepiolite–palygorskite polysomatic continuous series could explain all the compositions found and all of the types of the two minerals. Type I palygorskite is a pure palygorskite without sepiolite polysomes (Figure 11A). Type II, the most common palygorskite, with a small excess of Mg, corresponds to a palygorskite with a small amount of sepiolite polysomes (Figure 11B). Type III, the Mg-rich palygorskite, is a palygorskite with a high proportion of sepiolite polysomes (Figure 11C). The Al-rich sepiolite is a sepiolite with a high proportion of polysomes palygorskite (Figure 11D). On the other hand, a small portion of palygorskite polysomes in the sepiolite (Figure 11E) is almost a pure sepiolite from chemical data because it causes a small effect on the chemical composition of the crystal. The existence of a “certain type of transition” between the two minerals has been considered since the first studies were performed on the chemical composition of these minerals. Martin Vivaldi and Linares Gonzales (1962) did not use the term polysome but referred to it when they pointed out the possible existence of a mineral formed by a random intergrowth of the two types of structures. They found a mineral “that has intermediate properties ˚ between those of attapulgite and sepiolite. . . a broad line in the 10–12 A ˚ region with a central value at 11 A. It seems, then, logical to imagine that the rotation of tetrahedra suitable to give sepiolite or attapulgite structures is produced at random, thus giving about 50 percent of each structure for the ˚ and the b axis mineral. This would account for the 110 reflections at 11 A having an average value between those for sepiolite and attapulgite”. This is ˚ , which would the only reference found to a mineral with a reflection at 11 A imply periodicity for the 2 þ 3 silicate chains unities, or polysomes, like in Figure 12A, to produce the diffraction peak. If polysomes are random, as suggested in Figure 11 B–E, the only expected effect in the XRD patterns is
Advances in the Crystal Chemistry of Sepiolite and Palygorskite
FIGURE 12 Structural schemes for (A) the regular sepiolite–palygorskite intergrowth. (B) Clusters of sepiolite and palygorskite polysomes in a crystal.
a broader peak corresponding to the loss of crystal perfection. Another possibility for the arrangement of the polysomes is to occur in clusters with discrete domains of the two minerals (Figure 12B). They would appear in XRD patterns as a mixture of the two minerals because the two regions of the crystal would diffract separately. Therefore, the overlapping chemical compositions could be considered as intergrowths of the two minerals in all possible proportions.
6. OPEN QUESTIONS All of the previously stated points to the complexity of the sepiolite and palygorskite crystallochemistry and some questions regarding the chemical composition of these minerals remain open. First, the polysomatic model before exposed has to be supported by HRTEM and electron diffraction data. In addition, Al-rich palygorskite, or palygorskite Type IV, is not uncommon in nature (Garcı´a-Romero and Sua´rez, 2010; Sua´rez et al., 2009), and could be explained from the point of view of its composition, by intergrowth of pure dioctahedric polysomes in palygorskite. These new types of polysomes could be formed by units of more than three tetrahedral chains as shown by Krekeler et al. (2005). The possibility of intergrowth with laminar structures or close relationships with the inosilicates remains yet to be studied in detail.
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Advances in the Crystal Chemistry of Sepiolite and Palygorskite
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Advances in the Crystal Chemistry of Sepiolite and Palygorskite
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Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
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Advances in the Crystal Chemistry of Sepiolite and Palygorskite
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Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
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Advances in the Crystal Chemistry of Sepiolite and Palygorskite
Sa´nchez del Rı´o, M., Sua´rez, M., Garcı´a-Romero, E., Alianelli, L., Felici, R., Martinetto, P., et al., 2005. Mg K-edge XANES of sepiolite and palygorskite. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B. 238, 55–60. Sa´nchez del Rı´o, M., Sua´rez, M., Garcı´a-Romero, E., 2009. The occurrence of palygorskite in the Yucata´n Peninsula: ethno-historic and archaeological contexts. Archeometry 51 (2), 214–230. Santaren, J., Sanz, J., Ruitz-Hitzky, E., 1990. Structural fluorine in sepiolite. Clays Clay Miner. 1, 63–68. Serna, C., 1973. Naturaleza y propiedades de la superficie de la sepiolita. Tesis Doctoral. Universidad de Madrid. Shannon, E.V., 1929. Tschermigite, ammoniojarosite, epsomite, celestite and palygorskite from Southern Utah. U.S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 74 (13), 12. Shimosaka, K., Kawano, M., Sudo, T., 1976. New occurrence and mineralogical properties of iron sepiolite. Appl. Clay Sci. 5, 31–41. Shimosaka, K., Suzuki, S., Tatematsy, H., Otsuka, R., 1980. Iron sepiolite from the Seikan Tunnel, Japan. J. Jpn. Assoc. Miner. Petrolog. Econ. Gel. 75, 164–171. Siddiki, M.K.H., 1984. Occurrence of palygorskite in the Deccan Trap Formation in India. In: Singer, A., Gala´n, E. (Eds.), Palygorskite–Sepiolite: Occurrences, Genesis and Uses. Developments in Sedimentology. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 243–250. Singer, A., 1976. Dissolution of two Australian palygorskites in dilute acid. Clays Clay Miner. 25, 126–130. Singer, A., 1981. The texture of palygorskite from the Rift Valley, Southern Israel. Clay Miner. 16, 415–419. Singer, A., Norrish, K., 1974. Pedogenic palygorskite occurrences in Australia. Am. Mineral. 59, 508–517. Singer, A., Stahr, K., Zarei, M., 1998. Characteristics and origin of sepiolite Meerschaum from Central Somalia. Clay Miner. 33, 349–362. Smith, D.G.W., Norem, D., 1986. The electron-microprobe analysis of palygorskite. Can. Mineral. 24, 499–511. Springer, G., 1976. Falcondoite, nickel analogue of sepiolite. Can. Mineral. 14, 407–409. Starkey, H.C., Blackmon, P.D., 1984. Sepiolite in pleistocene lake Tecopa, Inyo County, California, (1984) sepiolite in the Amboseli Basin of Kenya: a new interpretation. In: Singer, A., Gala´n, E. (Eds.), Palygorskite–Sepiolite: Occurrences, Genesis and Uses. Developments in Sedimentology. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 137–147. Stathopoulou, E.T., Sua´rez, M., Garcı´a-Romero, E., Sa´nchez Del Rı´o, M., Kacandes, G.H., Gionis, V., Chryssikos, G.D., 2009. Composition dependence of the unit cell dimensions of palygorskite. In: Fiore, S., Belviso, C., Giannosi, M.G. (Eds.), XIV International Clay Conference Italy 2009, Book of Abstracts, I, p. 351. Stathopoulou, E.T., Sua´rez, M., Garcı´a-Romero, E., Sa´nchez del Rı´o, M., Kacandes, G.H., Gionis, V., Chryssikos, G.D. 2011. Trioctahedral entities in palygorskite: Near-infrared evidence for sepiolite-palygorskite polysomatism. Eur. J. Mineral. doi: 10.1127/0935-1221/2011/00232112. Stoessell, R.K., Hay, R.L., 1978. The geochemical origin of sepiolite and kerolite at Amboseli, Kenya. Contrib. Miner. Petrol. 65, 255–267. Stphen, I., 1954. An occurrence of palygorskite in the Shetland Isles. Mineral. Mag. 30, 471–480. Sua´rez, M., Garcı´a-Romero, E., 2006a. FTIR spectroscopic study of palygorskite: influence of the composition of the octahedral sheet. Appl. Clay Sci. 31, 154–163. Sua´rez, M., Garcı´a-Romero, E., 2006b. Macroscopic palygorskite form Lisbon Volcanic Complex. Eur. J. Mineral. 18, 119–126.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
Sua´rez, M., Flores, L., An˜orbe, M., Dı´ez Torres, J.A., Navarrete Lo´pez, J., Martı´n Pozas, J.M., 1991. Mineralogical and textural characterization of the Bercimuel palygorskite (Segovia, Spain). In: Proceedings of the 7th Euroclay Conference, p. 91. Sua´rez, M., Robert, M., Elsass, F., Martı´n Pozas, J.M., 1994. Evidence of a precursor in the neoformation of palygorskite. New data by analytical electron microscopy. Clay Miner. 29, 255–264. Sua´rez, M., Flores, L., Martı´n Pozas, J.M., 1995. Mineralogical data for palygorskite from Bercimuel (Segovia, Spain). Clay Miner. 30, 161–266. Sua´rez, M., Garcı´a-Romero, E., Chryssikos, G.D., Gionis, V., Kakandes, G., Sa´nchez del Rı´o, M., 2009. Structure and properties of palygorskite with excess Al. In: Fiore, S., Belviso, C., Giannosi, M.G. (Eds.), XIV International Clay Conference Italy 2009, Book of Abstracts, I 352. Sua´rez, M., Garcı´a-Romero, E., Sa´nchez del Rio, M., Martinetto, P., Dooryhe´e, E., 2007. The effect of the octahedral cations on the dimensions of the palygorskite cell. Clay Mine. 42, 287–297. Takahashi, H., 1956. Occurrence of sepiolite from the Karasawa Mine, Tochigi Prefecture. J. Jpn. Assoc. Miner. Petrolog. Econ. Geol. 56, 187–190 Miner, Abstrs, 18, 242. Tauler, E., Proenza, J.A., Galı´, S., Lewis, J.F., Labrador, M., Garcı´a-Romero, E., et al., 2009. Nisepiolite-falcondoite in garnierite mineralization from Falcondo Ni-laterite deposit, Dominican Republic. Clay Miner. 44, 435–454. Tien, P.L., 1973. Palygorskite from Warren Quearry Enderby, Leicestershire, England. Clay Miner. 10, 27–34. Torres-Ruı´z, J., Lo´pez- Galindo, A., Gonza´lez-Lo´pez, J.M., Delgado, A., 1994. Geochemistry of Spanish sepiolite–palygorskite deposits: genetic considerations base on trace elements and isotopes. Chem. Geol. 112, 221–245. Van Scoyoc, E.G., Serna, C., Ahlrichs, J.L., 1979. Structural changes in palygorskite during dehydration and dehydroxylation. Am. Mineral. 64, 215–223. Verrecchia, E.P., Le Coustumer, M.N., 1996. Occurrence and genesis of palygorskite and associated clay minerals in a Pleistocene calcrete Complex, Sde Boqer, Negev Desert, Israel. Clay Miner. 31, 183–202. Vicente Rodriguez, M.A., Lo´pez Gonza´lez, J.D., Ban˜ares, M.A., 1994. Acid activation of a Spanish sepiolite: physicochemical characterization, free silica content and surface area of products obtained. Clay Miner. 29, 361–367. Watts, N.L., 1976. Paleopedogenic palygorskite from the Basal Permo-Triassic of the Northwest Scotland. Am. Mineral. 61, 299–302. Weaver, C.E., 1984. Origin and geologic implications of the palygorskite deposits of S.E, United States. In: Singer, E., Gala´n, E. (Eds.), Palygorskite-Sepiolite: Occurrences, Genesis and Uses, Developments in Sedimentology, Amsterdam, 39–58. Weaver, C.E., Polland, L.D., 1973. The chemistry of clay minerals. Developments in Sedimentology. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 213pp. Wiesma, J., 1970. Provenance, Genesis and Paleo-Goegraphyical Implications of Microminerals Occurring in Sedimentary Rocks of the Jordan Valley Area. Publication of Physical, Geography, Bodemkunde Laboratory, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam. Yalc¸in, H., Bozkaya, O., 1995. Sepiolite–palygorskite from the Hekimhan region (Turkey). Clays Clay Miner. 32, 705–717. ¨ ., 2004. Ultramafic rock hosted vein sepiolite occurrences in the Ankara Yalc¸in, H., Bozkaya, O ophiolitic me´lange, Central Anatolia, Turkey. Clays Clay Miner. 52 (2), 227–239. Yeniyol, M., 1986. Vein-like sepiolite occurrence as a replacement of magnesite in Konya, Turkey. Clays Clay Miner. 34, 353–356.
Advances in the Crystal Chemistry of Sepiolite and Palygorskite
Zaaboub, N., Abdeljaouad, S., Lo´pez-Galı´ndo, A., 2005. Origin of fibrous clays in Tunisian Paleogene continental deposits. J. Afr. Earth Sci. 43 (5), 491–504. Zheng, Z., 1991. Palygorskite in China. In: Sto¨rr, M., Hening, H., Adolin, P. (Eds.), Proc. 7th Euroclay Conf., Dresden, 91, Greinfswald. pp. 1209–1210. Zheng, Z., 1997. The chemistry of palygorskite clays. In: Zheng, Z.L., Song, J.X. (Eds.), Palygorskites of China. Geological Press, Beijing, pp. 26–45 (in Chinese).
Chapter 3
Environmental Influences on the Occurrences of Sepiolite and Palygorskite: A Brief Review Blair F. Jones and Kathryn M. Conko US Geological Survey, National Research Program, Reston, Virginia, USA
1. INTRODUCTION Sepiolite and palygorskite are classified within phylosilicates because they contain two-dimensional tetrahedral sheets but, differ from other layer silicates in lacking continuous octahedral sheets. The structure can be described as containing ribbons of 2:1 phylosilicate structures, one ribbon linked to the next by inversion of SiO4 tetrahedral with silica (Si) bonds. These minerals are relatively rare in nature but they have been used by man for centuries because of their diverse and useful properties. The Mg:SiO2 ratio of pure sepiolite is 2:3 and that of palygorskite ranges between 1:2 and 1:5. Other Mg-clay minerals that are commonly associated with sepiolite (and their Mg:Si ratios) are kerolite (ratio 3:4), and the Mgsmectites saponite (ratio 2:3) and stevensite (ratio 1:2). Carbonate minerals are also usually found in association with sepiolite and palygorskite, most commonly dolomite, but also calcite and even magnesite. Table 1 lists the stability relations for the sesquioxide-free hydrous magnesium silicates, showing the probable geochemical reactions of Mg2þ and SiO2 and the associated mineral phases of sepiolite and palygorskite. Millot (1964) in his early work in North Africa presented the now classic chemical scheme for closed basin clay distribution. The most Al- and Fe-rich phases tend to be at the periphery and are succeeded basin-ward by more siliceous and magnesian smectite clays, with sepiolite in the central area (Figure 1). Further refinement of this model by Eugster and Hardie (1975) described the formation of sepiolite as more likely to be found in lacustrine sediment transition facies leading to evaporate minerals, with, crystalline rocks of bordering mountain ranges providing the major source of detritus and soluble silica, along with fluctuating brackish to saline waters the primary contributors of Mg. The most effective environment for the production of Developments in Clay Science, Vol. 3. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-444-53607-5.00003-7 # 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
TABLE 1 List of the Stability Relations for the Sesquioxide-Free Hydrous Magnesium Silicates, Showing the Probable Geochemical Reactions of Mg and Si and the Associated Mineral Phases of Sepiolite and Palygorskite.
2Mg2þ þ 3SiO2 ðaqÞ þ 5:5H2 Osolution ¼ Mg2 Si3 O7:5 ðOHÞ 3H2 O þ 4Hþ sepiolite
3Mg2þ þ 4SiO2 ðaqÞ þ 5H2 Osolution ¼ Mg3 Si4 O10 ðOHÞ2 H2 O þ 6Hþ kerolite ðtalcÞ
4Mg2 Si3 O7:5 ðOHÞ 3H2 O þ Mg2þ þ 2OHsepiolite ¼ 3Mg3 Si4 O10 ðOHÞ2 H2 O þ 9H2 Okerolite ðtalcÞ
1:33Mg2 Si3 O7:5 ðOHÞ 3H2 O þ 0:33Naþ þ 0:66OHsepiolite ¼ Na0:33 Mg2:67 Si4 O10 ðOHÞ2 þ 4H2 Ostevensite
Mg3 Si4 O10 ðOHÞ2 H2 O þ 0:33Naþ kerolite ðtalcÞ ¼ Na0:33 Mg2:67 Si4 O10 ðOHÞ2 þ 0:33Mg2þ þ H2 Ostevensite
Environmental Influences on the Occurrences of Sepiolite
Snow and rain Perennial alkaline springs
Perennial mountain streams
Block Fault Mountains
Exposed mudflats
uv All
Surface flow
Shallow lake
Groundwater flow
Calcitecemented gravels
Dolomitic playa muds
Cyclical playa-lake deposits
FIGURE 1 Block diagram of representative intermountain saline basin (after Eugster and Hardie, 1975) illustrating the depositional environment of playa-lake deposits.
sepiolite, particularly containing a low concentration of impurities, is associated with somewhat saline (> 2000 ppm) groundwater discharging under semi-arid climatic conditions (Mayayo et al., 1998). Examples of deposits illustrating the principle features of sepiolite occurrence as discussed above are presented here according to country of location. Details are discussed in reference to the most accessible and comprehensive reports for each area. With the exception of the United States, primarily papers published since 1988 (Jones and Gala´n, 1988) were used. Here, we review briefly some selected examples of sepiolite–palygorskite deposits in Spain, Turkey, Argentina, USA, and the African countries of Kenya, Morocco, Tunisia, Senegal, Somalia and South Africa.
2. SPAIN Some of the best developed accumulations of sepiolite are in the intermontane continental Tertiary strata of Spain. Probably, the most significant by size and extent are from lacustrine sediments, particularly those of the Madrid Basin, as described in detail by Gala´n and Castillo (1984). Additional descriptions have been offered by Calvo et al. (1986) focusing on the sepiolite and sediment facies and Leguey et al. (1989) on the petrography of the sepiolite. Mineralogy of many of the Spanish basins comprises a complete set of authigenic clay minerals ranging from sepiolite to illite, reflecting octahedral dominance from magnesium to aluminum. Particularly noteworthy was the work of Garcia-Romero et al. (2004) from the Esquivias locality, which demonstrated the most Mg-rich palygorskite material recorded at that time.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
These clays neatly filled a compositional gap that had been earlier proposed to exist between end-member sepiolite and palygorskite compositions (e.g., Paquet et al., 1987). Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analyses by Garcia-Romero and Sua´rez (2010) indicated that no compositional gap exists between sepiolite and palygorskite, and that Al-rich sepiolites and Mg-rich palygorskites can have nearly identical chemical compositions (Figure 2) despite the differences in atomic structure. In the Madrid and several other Spanish basins, the authigenic clay spatial distribution is related to the sedimentary facies typically developed in an intermontane closed basin. This distribution is arkosic alluvial fans at the periphery, finer-grain transition facies towards the fan toes, and evaporitic materials in the central basin. Bedded sepiolite occurs primarily in transition facies but locally is also recognized in fracture fillings in the arkosic facies (Calvo et al., 1986). A number of chemical parameters have been used to determine the nature of the clay-forming environment. Differences in the concentrations of transition elements (TE) and rare earth elements (REE) have been used to distinguish detrital from precipitate phases (Torres-Ruı´z et al., 1994). Deuterium and oxygen isotopes of water, and carbon and oxygen isotopes of carbonate, have also proved useful in demonstrating evaporative concentration of pore fluids to produce elevated salinities in the sepiolite-precipitating environment. Deuterium, carbon and oxygen isotopes increase in concentration during evaporation.
B illite
Beidellite Palygorskite Ditrioct smectite Saponite
Stevensite Sepiolite
FIGURE 2 Diagram showing the (A) principal octahedral cation compositions of idealized 2:1 clay mineral types from the Mara Basin of NE Spain (modified from Mayayo et al., 1998). (B) A worldwide suite of TEM analyzed samples of sepiolite and palygorskite (Garcia-Romero and Sua´rez, 2010). Reproduced with kind permission of The Clay Minerals Society, publisher of Clays and Clay Minerals. This figure shows how the representative compositional mineral ranges compared with actual compositional data from sepiolite and palygorskite samples. Note that there is no physical separation between the mineral compositions.
Environmental Influences on the Occurrences of Sepiolite
An excellent example of a sepiolitic-bearing basin illustrating the full range of mineral–chemical processes and related assemblages is the deposit of Mara. This deposit occurs in the marly-carbonate transitional facies of the Calatayud Tertiary lacustrine basin (Mayayo et al., 1998). The sepiolitebearing intervals consist of alternating strata of clays, marls and carbonates. The mineral assemblages are made up of detrital phases (illite, interstratified illite-smectite, quartz, feldspars, dioctahedral smectite, chlorite and kaolinite); neoformed phyllosilicates (sepiolite, trioctahedral smectite and palygorskite); and carbonates (calcite and/or dolomite). Sometimes heulandite–clinoptilolite, apatite and opal were also reported, the presence of these minerals indicating a source of excess silica and an alkaline environment. In this deposit palygorskite, derived from post-depositional transformation of detrital aluminosilicate minerals, has higher TE and REE concentrations that clearly distinguish it from the sepiolite and/or Mg-smectite. Low trace element data suggest that the sepiolite and/or Mg-smectite are primary phases originating by direct precipitation in a lacustrine environment. Oxygen isotope data from Mg-smectite and silica nodules indicate that the precipitating solutions were meteoric. For other Spanish sediments of a similar geologic setting to those just described, Torres-Ruı´z et al. (1994) showed that carbonates, stevensite, and sepiolite contained low TE and REE concentrations, which they attributed to direct precipitation from solution. The low REE content is in contrast to samples rich in palygorskite, which are high in REE concentration. As in the Mara deposits, detrital transformation is especially favoured when the proportion of sediment to water is high and there is considerable solute content. Such is the case in typical saline lakes or playas, where an increase of Si and Mg can occur towards the centre of the basin, reinforcing the compositional trend proposed by Millot (1964), and favouring the chemical precipitation of sepiolite. The diagenetic transformation of detrital minerals would also have been encouraged by the precipitation of carbonates, causing a decrease in permeability of the sediments, preventing colloidal transport and thus immobilizing the Al required for palygorskite formation. Oxygen isotopic data have confirmed that palygorskite and dolomite formed in equilibrium with isotopically heavier and, therefore, more evaporated solutions than the sepiolite (Torres-Ruı´z et al., 1994). Additional information on the Spanish continental deposits of sepiolite is presented in Chapter 6.
3. TURKEY One of the unique features of clay deposits in Turkey is the Mg-rich environment associated with the presence of ultramafic bedrock (Gurel and Kadir, 2006; Kadir, 2007). Clay mineral occurrence in Turkey includes sepiolite veins in ultramafic rocks (Yalc¸in and Bozkaya, 2004), smectites formed by
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
weathering of volcanics, claystones with sepiolite that are precipitated directly from solution, and directly precipitated palygorskite during dolomitization. Locally, the formation of authigenic clay in the lacustrine environments of Turkey is by transformation of magnesite to Mg-rich clay. So, in the Hirsizdere magnesite deposit in south-west Turkey (Kadir and Akbulut, 2001), sepiolite is formed either by this transformation process or by direct precipitation from meteoric water. Akbulut and Kadir (2003) have described sepiolite intercalated with saponite, precipitated either from alkaline lake water or from interstitial pore water in dolomitic sediments. Kadir et al. (2002) noted that in this lacustrine environment with varying water depth and salinity, sepiolite and loughlinite (soda sepiolite)—both chain-structure phases—formed authigenically, but independently in different physicochemical environments (as a function of different salinities). In the Eskis¸ehir lacustrine basin, Sariiz (2000) described the main mineral assemblages to be sepiolite plus dolomite or opal, suggesting that these mineral assemblages formed at a pH range between 8 and 9 under moderately saline lake conditions. An older stratigraphic section, made up of the alternation of dolomites and dolomitic marls, had been described previously by Yeniyol (1992). The general character of sedimentation in the Eskis¸ehir and other basins in western Turkey can be illustrated in a block diagram (Figure 3). The sepiolite beds consist of sepiolite-rich layers (as much as
Basement rocks (source rocks) River
Fluviatile facies
Marginal facies 0 Plant
Dolomitic limestone Dolomitic marl Dolomitic limestone
Alkaline lake inter
swam p nal fa
Dolomitic marl Sepiolite Dolomitic marl Siltstone Silty limestone Conglomerate
FIGURE 3 Block diagram illustrating depositional environment for bedded sepiolite occurrences in the Mio-Pliocene strata of the Eskisehir basin, north-west Turkey (Sariiz, 2000).
Environmental Influences on the Occurrences of Sepiolite
90% of the mineral) and mixed clay. These layers formed at the shallow margins of an alkaline lakes or ponds, and in marshlands. In the Neogene lacustrine basin of Konya in south-west Turkey (Karakas and Kadir, 1998) observed in scanning electron microscopy (SEM), sepiolite– palygorskite fibres and fibre bundles cover calcite and dolomite and occur as meniscus-type cement indicative of vadose solutions. Clay mineral precipitation occurred over wide-ranging climatic conditions but predominantly semi-arid. Chain-structure clay authigenesis was attributed to calcrete formation on carbonate units. In the Hekimhan region of the east, ophiolitic rocks were the detrital source of Mg for the clays (Yalc¸in and Bozkaya, 1995). Sepiolite was formed by diagenetic replacement of dolomite and transformation of palygorskite or by direct crystallization from solution. Cyclical variations in mineral distribution in the Yagca formation, for example, were inconsistent with the homogenous paragenesis in other units. The cycles can be explained only by decided changes in environmental conditions: sepiolite plus dolomite when Mg/Ca was high, or Mg-clay (palygorskite, smectite) and/or calcite when the ratio was lower, as shown by variations in the vertical distribution in the Hekimhan stratigraphic sections. Irkec and Unlu (1993) report on the Kibriscik sepiolite, in the Gallation Volcanic Belt (north central Turkey), formed by hydrothermal alteration of vitric tuff. The differential thermal analysis (DTA) and infrared (IR) analysis of this sepiolite were similar to palygorskite, most likely because of its high Al composition. The source of the Mg is in the leaching of basaltic and andesitic volcanics in the area. Additional information on the Turkish occurrences and deposits is collected in Chapter 7.
4. KENYA According to Stoessel and Hay (1978) and Hay and Stoessel (1984), a massive white sepiolite (meerschaum) deposit at Amboseli, Kenya, has precipitated as a result of excess Mg and silica from an earlier lacustrine deposit. In addition, kerolite (hydrous talc) formed adjacent to the massive sepiolite body by an alteration of the sepiolite when the pH fell below 8. Supersaturation with respect to sepiolite and kerolite resulted from high concentrations of Mg and SiO2 released by the weathering of alkaline olivine basalts at the foot of nearby Mt. Kilimanjaro. Nodules of carbonate with disseminated stevensite were formed by evaporation of groundwater both at or above the water table and within the pre-existing sepiolite beds (Stoessel and Hay, 1978). With fluctuating water tables, fractures and continuing carbonate crystallization, dome-shaped masses of caliche breccia formed. Next, meerschaum filled space between dolomite blocks and fractures in folded clays. This space filling occurred after growth and uplift of the caliche breccias and deformation of the clays.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
5. MOROCCO One of the most interesting and well-studied occurrences of sepiolite in the world is within the Tertiary lacustrine sequence of the Jbel Rhassoul in Morocco. Ancient lake deposits containing dolomite-rich Mesozoic carbonates and silica beds were the source of the Mg and Si for the sepiolite beds. In this alumina-poor lacustrine environment, sepiolite is characteristic of the dolomitic facies and is commonly associated with stevensite. The younger of two sedimentary stages is a fan–delta complex that pro-graded into a fresh or brackish water lacustrine (perennially wet) environment (Chahi et al., 1997). Sepiolite, stevensite and chert are confined to marly dolomitic deposits. Microscopic textures of the deposits indicate diagenetic replacement of lacustrine dolomite by stevensite. The sepiolite strata occur between palygorskite- and stevensite-rich beds. Sepiolite is typically formed during drier climatic periods, when the Mg to Si ratio is low (owing to the conservative nature of the SiO2 in the lake inflow). Wet conditions led to the formation of pure mineable beds of stevensite without any trace of sepiolite. The subsequent drier climate cycle destabilized stevensite, leading to the re-formation of sepiolite. As indicated by Chahi et al. (1999), reactive alumina, even if not abundant, may inhibit the formation of sepiolite.
6. TUNISIA Jamoussi et al. (2003) have indicated that the clay fraction of Tunisian Eocene continental sediments is dominated by aluminosilicate and can contain up to 96% palygorskite. The average chemical analysis of these clays is intermediate between dioctahedral and trioctahedral. The REE and TE concentrations of pure palygorskite are intermediate between authigenic clays (sepiolite, stevensite) and detrital clays, such as illite, mixed layers and Al-smectite. Jamoussi et al. (2003) suggested that the fibrous clay (palygorskite) originated during the first stage of diagenesis and formed by the destabilization of preexisting aluminosilicates. This dissolution–precipitation reaction may have resulted from increased solute magnesium concentration during postdepositional carbonation processes. Zaaboub et al. (2005) in an intensive study of the minerals chemistry of Paleogene sediments in central and southern Tunisia found good and widespread evidence demonstrating the negative association of REE concentrations with authigenic sepiolite and the positive correlation with detrital mineral components.
7. SENEGAL The Allou Kagne deposit in western Senegal (Garcia-Romero et al., 2007) is characterized by varying proportions of sepiolite and palygorskite. These fibrous clay minerals usually occur in horizontal beds interbedded with calcite
Environmental Influences on the Occurrences of Sepiolite
and dolomite. The layers consist mainly of palygorskite mixed with lesser amounts of sepiolite. These beds were generated by sedimentation in an epicontinental marine environment. Textural and microtextural features indicate that the fibrous clays were formed by direct precipitation from solution. The relative proportions of chain-structural clays are presumably a result of chemical precipitation as solution composition evolved. Temporal shifts in solution composition, probably at the level of fine colloids, and sometimes close to ideal formulas for the authigenic minerals, precipitated sepiolite and palygorskite so closely that the two fibrous minerals sometimes form a single bundle. When palygorskite forms, Al activity is reduced and the new conditions favour the precipitation of sepiolite. Sepiolite precipitation removes Mg from the solution and increases Al activity and a new cycle begins with precipitation of palygorskite. Both minerals could have formed in the same cycle due to the proximity of the two phases in stability relations. The precipitation of a particular chain-structure clay depended on climatic changes such as evaporation, rainfall and other freshwater in-flows.
8. SOUTH AFRICA Singer et al. (1995) examined sepiolite (and palygorskite) containing soils in gently sloping landscapes formed by aeolian sands or heavily weathered pedisediments in the Namaqualand area of western South Africa. The unconsolidated sands were in various stages of calcretization (upper soil carbonate cementation). Most of the soils were shallow, and non-saline, with a pH ranging between 7.2 and 8.2. Carbonate contents generally were low, but they increase towards calcretized horizons. The clay fractions were dominated by sepiolite and palygorskite not derived from parent material but accompanied by the precipitation of illite and mixed-layer phases. The sepiolite was Fe-rich and contained organic material within the structure. The highest concentration of fibrous clay was in the basal soil horizons. It is hypothesized that the fibrous clays formed pedogenically from silicates and Mg-rich carbonates of aeolian origin, as indicated by the decrease in Mg/Ca of carbonates with soil depth. A second Mg source was sea spray. Watts (1980) held that low-Mg calcite precipitation, with the resulting relative increase in solute Mg compared to Ca, induces precipitation of authigenic palygorskite, sepiolite and minor dolomite. In the western Kalahari (Namaqualand) sepiolite has been reported (Kautz and Porada, 1976) precipitating from ground water close to the surface in a salt pan. TEM of the Namaqualand sepiolite aggregates suggested a close resemblance to a sheet clay mineral. The sepiolite laths seemed to form from, or aggregate into, smectite-like sheets, recalling the proposal by Bigham et al. (1980) that sepiolite was degrading into smectite on the Texas High Plains, under humid climatic conditions. Thus, it is suggested that Namaqualand sepiolite is, presently in a state of alteration towards a mixed layer or smectite clay, related to climatic shifts influencing calcretization.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
9. SOMALIA Singer et al. (1998) described nearly pure sepiolite clay body cropping out in a playa-like depression near El Bur, Somalia. The overall deposit includes limestone, dolomite, and gypsiferous marls, extensive anhydrite and various other evaporate phases. The soils and soil solutions are moderately to highly saline. Both sepiolite and palygorskite occur in the clay fraction. The climate is semi-arid to arid, with rainfall restricted to two short seasons. The geomorphological setting of the El Bur sepiolite resembles the Tertiary lacustrine basins of Spain and Turkey. Contrary to the Millot (1964) model, most sepiolite does not occur in the centre of the basin, but at the margins. In contrast to the paleolacustrine environments of Turkey and Spain, sepiolite may be forming at present. The absence of any detrital clay minerals indicates a lack of overland flow. This lack of a detrital precursor also supports the idea that the sepiolite formed by chemical precipitation and not by transformation of precursor minerals. An alternative and more likely source for the necessary chemical constituents, supporting this hypothesis, is groundwater. The purity of the El Bur sepiolite supports the observation that the purest sepiolite is the result of evaporative precipitation from dominantly groundwater-fed shallow water lacking reactive clay detritus (Singer et al., 1998).
10. ARGENTINA Soil-landscapes in north-east Patagonia contain fibrous clay minerals in petrocalcic horizons developed on fluvio-glacial plains (Bouza et al., 2007). The clay mineralogy is related to the age of pedogenetic periods associated with the formation of distinct geomorphic surfaces. At the present surface, the dominant clay mineral is illite, often interstratified with smectite. An older pedogenic episode was identified that contains argillic and calcic horizons, in which smectite was the dominant clay. This earlier (?) soil formation period was recorded in calcic or calcic-gypsic horizons, where palygorskite was the dominant clay mineral. Pedogenetic carbonate in the younger soils was low-magnesium calcite. The precipitation of the low-magnesium calcite resulted in increased Mg in the soil solution that in turn favoured the transformation from smectite to palygorskite. The petrocalcic horizons represent the oldest pedogenetic period, where sepiolite was the dominant clay mineral. During the calcretization processes, sepiolite precipitated from the soil solution following the formation of palygorskite. Fluorite precipitation was associated with calcite and sepiolite formation under alkaline conditions during evaporation processes.
11. UNITED STATES Some of the Pliocene–Pleistocene deposits of the Amargosa Desert in southwest Nevada are strikingly similar to those of Amboseli (Hay and Stoessel, 1984). The Amargosa area hosted an ephemeral lake basin, springs were
Environmental Influences on the Occurrences of Sepiolite
the principal water supply and caliche breccia masses comparable in size to Amboseli are widespread in two parts of the area. The carbonate in the breccias is dolomite, calcite or both. The carbonates contain an average of about 10% disseminated Mg-silicate clay, principally sepiolite and stevensite, with small amounts of interlayered kerolite. Most of the clays were deposited in playa and marsh environments. The Amargosa and Amboseli caliche breccias differ principally in the amount and composition of the interstitial Mg-silicate clay. This probably reflects the difference in contributed solute composition, from volcanics versus carbonates, or perhaps the amount and nature of fine detritus (Jones, 1986). Concerning palygorskite, Weaver and Beck (1977) studied the formation in the shallow, lagoonal, peri-marine Miocene environments of Georgia and Florida, USA. Here, the Si was attributed to continental weathering and/or organisms, whereas Mg and alkalinity were ultimately derived from seaspray.This scenario has also been thought to apply to basins in France, North Africa and South Australia. Because of the large area and the mineralogical interest, the review by Jones and Gala´n (1988) devoted considerable attention to the investigations by McGrath (1984) of the extensive indurated calcic sediments of the Llano Estacado of west Texas. McGrath (1984) showed that the dominant chainstructure clay was palygorskite whose abundance increased with increasing calcite induration of surface soil. The subordinate sepiolite and opal content likewise increased with increasing calcite induration. In contrast, the youngest poorly indurated calcretes had no chain-structure clay at all. Sepiolite dominance in one area where it occurred was most readily attributed to the lack of solute or colloidal alumina from suitable parent material. McGrath (1984) endorsed two principle controls on the formation of the chain-structure clays originally proposed by Jones (1983): (a) direct precipitation of sepiolite by evaporative concentration of vadose solutions and (b) sepiolite formation from the absence, or immobilization, of solute or colloidal alumina. In contrast, sepiolite and palygorskite were found by McLean et al. (1972) to commonly be the major clays of the calcareous lacustrine deposits on the southern High Plains of Texas. Of particular interest were the findings of Webster and Jones (1994) in the ephemeral Double Lakes sediments (Figure 4). Here, the layered sediment mineralogy identified climate cycles in the Mg-rich clays, for example, sepiolite, Mg-smectite and palygorskite.
12. SUMMARY Based on the author’s experience and illustrated by the field examples described three major influences on the occurrences of sepiolite and palygorskite are recognized:
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
Angstroms (Å) 2.6 3.0
Sm Sp
Elevation CE10
Cyclic repetitions Sp P
I Sm
P Sp K
P Sp Sm
Borehole location
cycle 4
3092 3088
Brackish cycle 3
Saline cycle 2
3076 3071
cycle 1
3066 3064
Degrees 29 FIGURE 4 X-ray diffractograms of sediment layer samples from Double Lakes, Lynn County, West Texas, USA. Locations of hand dug boreholes are found in Webster and Jones (1994). Sediment separations were made at < 2 mm. This figure illustrates the cyclic nature of clay deposition and may be similar to deposits in other areas of West Texas and Turkey.
(1) Source material: The sources of sepiolite appear to require solutions providing solute Mg and Si in proportion of 2:3 to the near exclusion of other constituents. In the case of palygorskite inherited Al-rich clay minerals and Mg/Si ratios of 1:2–1:5 are also required. Common sources may include detrital facies of granitic to ultramafic parent rocks, as well as vadose zone and/or lacustrine sediment.
Environmental Influences on the Occurrences of Sepiolite
(2) Climate: An arid to semi-arid climate with rainfall amounts restricted depending on the regional temperature (mild to hot). (3) Physico-chemical parameters: The optimal pH for fibrous clay minerals formation is 8–9 for sepiolite and lower than 8.5 for palygorskite. There are two major mechanisms or principal controls on the occurrence and distribution of sepiolite and palygorskite, direct precipitation from solution, and the transformation of precursor phases by dissolution–precipitation. Sepiolite is most commonly found as a result of the former, whereas palygorskite is often characterized as a product of the latter. Thus, sepiolite is typically associated with lacustrine, often somewhat saline, strata, while palygorskite most commonly is found in conjunction with soils, alluvium or calcretes.
REFERENCES Akbulut, A., Kadir, S., 2003. The geology and origin of sepiolite, palygorskite, and saponite in Neogene lacustrine sediments of the Serinisar-Acipayam basin, Denizli, SW Turkey. Clays Clay Miner. 51, 279–292. Bigham, J.M., Jaynes, W.T., Allen, B.L., 1980. Pedogenic alteration of sepiolite and palygorskite on the Texas High Plains. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 44, 159–167. Bouza, P.J., Simo´n, M., Aquilar, J., del Valle, H., Rostagno, M., 2007. Fibrous-clay mineral formation and soil evolution in aridisols of NE Patagonia, Argentina. Geoderma 139, 38–50. Calvo, J.P., Alonso, A.M., Garcı´a del Cura, M.A., 1986. Depositional sedimentary controls on sepiolite occurrence in Paracuellos de Jarama, Madrid Basin. Geogaceta 1, 25–28. Chahi, A., Fritz, B., DuPlay, J., Weber, F., Lucas, J., 1997. Textural transition and genetic relationship between precursor stevensite and sepiolite in lacustrine sediments (Jbel Rhassoul, Morocco). Clays Clay Miner. 45, 378–389. Chahi, A., Duringer, P., Ais, M., Bouabdelli, M., Gauthier-Lafaye, F., Fritz, B., 1999. Diagenetic transformation of dolomite into stevensite in lacustrine sediments from Jbel Rhassoul, Morocco. J. Sed. Res. 69, 1123–1135. Eugster, H.P., Hardie, L.A., 1975. Sedimentation in an ancient playa-lake complex: the Wilkins Peak member of the Green River Formation of Wyoming. Bull. Geol. Soc. Am. 86, 319–334. Gala´n, E., Castillo, A., 1984. Sepiolite–Palygorskite in Spanish tertiary basins: genetic patterns in continental environments. In: Singer, A., Galan, E. (Eds.), Palygorskite–Sepiolite, Occurrences, Genesis and Uses. Developments in Sedimentology, vol. 37. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 87–124. Garcia-Romero, E., Sua´rez, M., 2010. On the chemical composition of sepiolite and palygorskite. Clays Clay Miner. 58, 1–20. Garcia-Romero, E., Sua´rez Barrios, M., Bustillo Revuelta, M.A., 2004. Characteristics of a Mg–palygorskite in Miocene rocks, Madrid Basin. Clays Clay Miner. 52, 484–494. Garcia-Romero, E., Sua´rez, M., Santare´n, J., Alvarez, A., 2007. Crystallochemical characterization of the palygorskite and sepiolite from the Allou Kagne deposit, Senegal. Clays Clay Miner. 55, 606–617. Gurel, A., Kadir, S., 2006. Geology, mineralogy, and origin of clay minerals of the Pliocene fluvial-lacustrine deposits in the Cappadocian volcanic province, central Anatolia, Turkey. Clays Clay Miner. 54, 555–570.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
Hay, R.L., Stoessel, R.L., 1984. Sepiolite in the Amboseli basin of Kenya: a new interpretation. In: Singer, A., Galan, E. (Eds.), Palygorskite–Sepiolite, Occurrences, Genesis and Uses. Developments in Sedimentology, vol. 37. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 125–136. Irkec, T., Unlu, T., 1993. An example of sepiolite formation in volcanic belts by hydrothermal alteration: Kibriscik (Bolu) sepiolite occurrence. Bull. Miner. Res. Explor. 115, 49–68. Jamoussi, F., Ben Aboud, A., Lo´pez-Galindo, A., 2003. Palygorskite genesis through silicate transformation in Tunisian continental Eocene deposits. Clay Miner. 38, 187–199. Jones, B.F., 1983. Occurrence of clay minerals in surficial deposits of Southwestern Nevada. Sci. Ge´ol. Me´m. 72, 81–92. Jones, B.F., 1986. Clay mineral diagenesis in lacustrine sediments. In: Studies in Diagenesis, U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1578, 291–300. Jones, B.F., Gala´n, E., 1988. Sepiolite and palygorskite. In: Bailey, S.W. (Ed.), Hydrous Phyllosilicates (Exclusive of Micas). Reviews in Mineralogy19, Mineralogical Society of America, Washington, DC, pp. 631–674. Kadir, S., 2007. Mineralogy, geochemistry, and genesis of smectite in Pliocene volcanoclastic rocks of the Doganbey formation, Beysehir Basin, Konya, Turkey. Clays Clay Miner. 55, 402–422. Kadir, S., Akbulut, A., 2001. Occurrence of sepiolite in the Hirsizdere sedimentary magnesite deposit, Bozkurt-Denizli, SW Turkey. Carbonate Evaporite 16, 17–25. Kadir, S., Bas, H., Karakas, Z., 2002. Origin of sepiolite and loughlinite in a Neogene volcanosedimentary lacustrine environment, Mihaliccik-Eskis¸ehir, Turkey. Can. Mineral. 40, 1091–1102. Karakas, Z., Kadir, S., 1998. Mineralogical and genetic relationships between carbonate and sepiolite–palygorskite formations in the Neogene lacustrine Konya Basin, Turkey. Carbonate Evaporite 13, 198–206. Kautz, K., Porada, H., 1976. Sepiolite formation in a pan of the Kalahari. Neues Jb Miner. Monat. 12, 545–559. Leguey, S., Pozo, M., Medina, J.A., 1989. Paleosuelos de sepiolite en el Neo´geno de la cuenca de Madrid. Estud. Geol. 45, 279–291. Mayayo, M.J., Torres-Ruiz, J., Gonza´lez-Lo´pez, J.M., Lo´pez-Galindo, A., Bauluz, B., 1998. Mineralogical and chemical characterization of the sepiolite/Mg-smectite deposit at Mara (Calatayud basin, Spain). Eur. J. Mineral. 10, 367–383. McGrath, D.A., 1984. Morphological and Mineralogical Characteristics of Indurated Caliches of the Llano Estacado. M.S. thesis. Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, 123pp. McLean, S.A., Allen, B.L., Craig, J.R., 1972. The occurrence of sepiolite and attapulgite on the southern High Plains. Clays Clay Miner. 20, 143–149. Millot, G., 1964. Geologie de argiles. Masson and Cie, Paris, 510 pp. Paquet, H., Duplay, J., Valleron-Blanc, M.M., 1987. Octahedral compositions of individual particles in smectite–palygorskite and smectite–sepiolite assemblages. In: Proceedings of the International Clay Conference, Denver. pp. 73–77. Sariiz, K., 2000. The geology, mineralogy, and occurrence of bedded sepiolite deposits in the Akcayir-Yurukakcayir (Eskis¸ehir) lacustrine basin, central Turkey. Explor. Min. Geol. 9, 265–275. Singer, A., Kirsten, W., Buhmann, C., 1995. Fibrous clay minerals in the soils of Namaqualand, South Africa: characteristics and formation. Geoderma 66, 43–70. Singer, A., Stahr, K., Zarei, M., 1998. Characteristics and origin of sepiolite (Meerschaum) from central Somalia. Clay Miner. 33, 349–362. Stoessel, R.K., Hay, R.L., 1978. The geochemical origin of sepiolite and kerolite at Amboseli Kenya. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 65, 255–267.
Environmental Influences on the Occurrences of Sepiolite
Torres-Ruı´z, A., Lo´pez-Galindo, A., Gonza´lez-Lo´pez, J.M., Delgado, A., 1994. Geochemistry of Spanish sepiolite–palygorskite deposits: genetic considerations based on trace elements and isotopes. Chem. Geol. 112, 221–245. Watts, N.L., 1980. Quaternary pedgenic palygorskite from the Kalahari (South Africa): mineralogy, genesis and diagenesis. Sedimentology 27, 661–686. Weaver, C.E., Beck, K.C. (Eds.), 1977. Miocene of the SE United States. A Model for Chemical Sedimentation in a Peri-Marine Environment. In: Developments in Sedimentology. 22, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 234pp. Webster, D.M., Jones, B.F., 1994. Paleoenvironmental implications of lacustrine clay minerals from the Double Lakes formation, southern High Plains, Texas. In: Renaut, R.W., Last, W.M. (Eds.), Sedimentology and Geochemistry of Modern and Ancient Saline Lakes, SEPM Special Publication No. 50, pp. 159–172. ¨ ., 1995. Sepiolite–palygorskite from the Hekimhan Region (Turkey). Clays Yalc¸in, H., Bozkaya, O Clay Miner. 43, 705–717. ¨ ., 2004. Ultramafic-rock hosted vein sepiolite occurrences in the Ankara Yalc¸in, H., Bozkaya, O ophiolitic me´lange, central Anatolia, Turkey. Clays Clay Miner. 52, 227–239. Yeniyol, M., 1992. Geology, mineralogy and genesis of Yenidog˘an (Sivrihisar) sepiolite deposit. Miner. Res. Explor. Bull. Turk. 114, 51–64. Zaaboub, N., Abdeljaouad, S., Lo´pez-Galindo, A., 2005. Origin of fibrous clays in Tunisian Paleogene continental deposits. J. Afr. Earth Sci. 43, 491–504.
Chapter 4
An Introduction to Palygorskite and Sepiolite Deposits— Location, Geology and Uses Haydn H. Murray*, Manuel Pozo{ and Emilio Gala´n{ *Department of Geological Sciences, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA { Departamento de Geologı´a y Geoquı´mica, Universidad Auto´noma de Madrid, Cantoblanco, 28049 Madrid, Spain { Departamento de Cristalografı´a Mineralogı´a y Quı´mica Agrı´cola, Facultad de Quı´mica, Universidad de Sevilla, Profesor Garcı´a Gonza´lez 1. 41012 Seville, Spain
1. INTRODUCTION The name palygorskite was used in 1862 by Ssaftschenkov (1862) to describe a mineral from the Palygorsk Range, Ural Mountains, Russia. Lapparant (1935) proposed the name attapulgite for clays from Attapulgus, GA, and Mormoiron, France because he thought them to be different from palygorskite. Bailey et al. (1971) proved that the two attapulgites were the same as palygorskite. The name sepiolite was first used in 1847 by Glocker and is derived from the Greek for “cuttlefish” the bone of which is light and porous. The term palygorskite is preferred by the International Nomenclature Committee because it predates the term attapulgite (Bailey et al., 1971). However, the name attapulgite is so well entrenched in commercial circles that it continues to be used. Another complication is the use of the term “fuller’s earth”. This term is applied to any natural earthy material which will decolourize mineral or vegetable oils enough to be of economic importance. The name has no genetic or mineralogical significance. The name fuller’s earth came from its use for cleaning or fulling wool in England in the eighteenth century to remove lanolin and dirt. Palygorskite and sepiolite are surface mined in open pits, similar to bentonite. The processing involves crushing, drying, pulverization, classifying, bagging and loading. According to Murray (2002), the world production of palygorskite (attapulgite) was estimated to be about 1,000,000 tons and sepiolite about 400,000 tons. By far, the largest producer of attapulgite is the United States, which in 2000 produced 725,000 tons, or 76% of the world’s production. Developments in Clay Science, Vol. 3. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-444-53607-5.00004-9 # 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
Spain is the largest producer of sepiolite and accounted for about 95% of the world’s annual production. The total world production of all fuller’s earth clays including attapulgite, sepiolite and calcium montmorillonite is estimated to be in excess of 3.3 million tons. In 2010, the annual tonnage of palygorskite was estimated to be 1,300,000 tons and sepiolite 850,000 tons. Of all the clay mineral deposits, palygorskite and sepiolite are the least common. The deposits described in this chapter are located in United States, Spain, Senegal, Turkey, Greece, Australia, Somalia, India, Ukraine, Russia and China (Figure 1). The details of the large deposits of palygorskite in China are described in Chapter 10 and those from Spanish sepiolite are described in Chapter 6. Additional information about the Eskisehir and Amargosa sepiolite is presented by Chapters 7 and 11, respectively. The major uses of palygorskite and sepiolite are in drilling muds, paints, liquid detergents, adhesives, car polish, flexiographic inks, cosmetics, floor absorbents, potting mixes, oil-spill cleanup material, carriers for fertilizers, pesticides, or hazardous chemicals, decolorize various mineral, vegetable and animal oils, as a receptor coating on carbonless copy paper, binder for pelletized animal feed, additive in cement and for pet litter. Traditional and new applications of palygorskite were discussed by Murray (2000), but in this book, there are two chapters devoted to these topics (Chapters 12 and 17).
8 6 1 5
13 12 3
Sepiolite Palygorskite
Sepiolite deposits: 1 Amargosa, Nevada (USA); 6. Vallecas-Vicálvaro-Yunclillos District and Mara (Spain); 9. Eskisehir (Turkey); 10. El-Bur (Somalia). Palygorskite deposits: 2. Meigs-Attapulgus-Quincy District, South Georgia-North Florida (USA); 3. Guatemala; 4. Theis and Nianming (Senegal); 5. Torrejón and Bercimuel (Spain); 7. Ventzia, Grevena (Greece); 8. Cherkassy (Ukraine); 11. Timsampalli-Maripalli, Andhra Pradesh, and 12 Bhawnagar, Gujarat (India); 13. Guanshan, Anhui (China); 14. Ipswich (Queensland) and15 Lake Nerramyne (Australia).
FIGURE 1 Map showing the deposit location cited in this chapter.
An Introduction to Palygorskite and Sepiolite Deposits
2. UNITED STATES 2.1. South Georgia–North Florida Deposit This area is known as “The Meigs-Attapulgus-Quincy District” (Patterson, 1974). In 1893, the Owl Cigar Company attempted to manufacture bricks from some local clays near Quincy, FL. A German workman who had come from Alsace-Lorraine observed that the clay resembled fuller’s earth which he had seen in Europe. Subsequently, tests were made and the clay proved to have exceptional absorption properties. The use of fuller’s earth in the refining of oils was the major application for many years until it declined after activated bauxite was found to be a more effective substitute in 1937. The Meigs-Attapulgus-Quincy District (Georgia–Florida) is a clay-rich region chiefly of palygorskite (Weaver, 1984). Its importance justifies that this district supplied 66% of the production of fuller’s earth in the United States (Harben and Kuzvart, 1996; Patterson, 1974). The estimated resources of this area are over 3,000,000 tons. The palygorskite deposits are located in the Gulf Trough-Apalachicola embayment, an north-east–south-west trending linear structure in Southern Georgia and the eastern panhandle of Florida (Figure 2). The palygorskite
FIGURE 2 Location of the Gulf trough-Appalachicola Embayment.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
European Stage
N Florida
S Georgia
Miccosukee Fm.
deposits are Early to Middle Miocene in age and are part of the Hawthorn formation. A typical stratigraphic section is shown in Figure 3. According to Weaver and Beck (1977), the palygorskite formed mainly by montmorillonite alteration in shallow waters of a perimarine–lagoon environment. The paleoenvironmental interpretation has been confirmed in later, more detailed studies (Krekeler et al. 2004). Salinity, pH and temperature have been critical factors in the formation of the fibrous clay mineral (Weaver, 1984). The Gulf Trough-Apalachicola embayment was filled with sediments during the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous time and by the end of the Early Cretaceous, the filling was completed. This sediment filled the Gulf Trough so that the marine current was blocked and highly saline lagoons and embayments formed with a high magnesium content which accounted for the formation of palygorskite. In the Attapulgus–Quincy area, there are generally two strata containing palygorskite. The lower strata averages about 2 m in
Altamaha Fm.
Sand and Clay Unit Dogtown Clay Mbr.
Torreya Fm.
Spochoppy Mbr.
20 m.y.
FIGURE 3 Section of Georgia–Florida palygorskite deposits.
Hawthorn Group
Hawthorn Group
Coosawhatchle Fm.
CPS 44.14
An Introduction to Palygorskite and Sepiolite Deposits
% 100
90 80
316.4 276.9
10 0
0.0 2
FIGURE 4 X-ray diffraction pattern typical of the South Georgia–North Florida Palygorskite.
thickness and the upper layer is 1 m thick. Separating these layers is a carbonate and silty clay zone 6 m thick. The mineral content of the palygorskite beds consists dominantly of palygorskite with minor quantities of smectite, sepiolite, kaolinite, quartz and dolomite. Trace amounts of clinoptilolite occur as small euhedral crystals in association with opal-CT (Zhou, 1996). Figure 4 is an X-ray diffraction pattern typical of the South Georgia–North Florida palygorskite. Annual production is of the order of 1,000,000 metric tons. Until 1950, most of these clays were used to clean and to purify oils, but now the granular absorbents are the principal product made by palygorskite. Also, they are used in thickening, drilling muds, copy paper, light aggregates, insecticides and fungicides carriers, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, pet litter, etc.
2.2. Amargosa Deposit, Nevada The presence of sepiolite has been identified in the sedimentary filling of grabens in the southwestern U.S. Basin and Range Physiographic Province. The most interesting and exploitable deposit is located in the Amargosa Desert along the California–Nevada border (Eberl et al. 1982; Khoury et al. 1982) of Late Pliocene to Pleistocene age. Sepiolite occurs in beds as much as 1.2 m thick. In this area, there are large deposits of Mg-rich smectites (saponite) and kerolite/stevensite. In addition to these minerals, dolomite, calcite and local occurrences of detrital mica are identified.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
Based on textural evidence, Khoury et al. (1982) indicates that the sepiolite could have been formed not only as the result of direct precipitation but also from kerolite/stevensite dissolution. A secondary solution, for instance, groundwater with lower pH and sodium activity than the waters in which the kerolite/stevensite precipitated, may have been the origin of secondary sepiolite. From this deposit, bentonite (sepiolite) is used for drilling muds in freshwater, sepiolite for drilling muds in salty water, both bentonite and sepiolite for sealing joints. Amargosa sepiolite is presently mined with an annual production of more than 50,000 metric tons. Further information regarding the Amargosa deposit is included in Chapter 11.
3. SPAIN In Spain, exceptional deposits of sepiolite and palygorskite occur (Casas Ruiz, 1990; Gala´n and Castillo, 1984; Gonzalo Corral, 1993). The production of sepiolite is the largest in the world. Palygorskite and fuller’s earth clays (mixture of palygorskite and smectite) are also produced. These deposits are mainly located in large Tertiary continental basins (Tagus Basin, Duero Basin) or even in other smaller and narrow basins (Calatayud Basin, Torrejo´n el Rubio Basin), also Tertiary in age (Figure 5). A detailed description of occurrences and deposits of sepiolite and palygorskite in Spain is included in this book (see Chapter 6).
3.1. Vallecas-Vica´lvaro-Yunclillos Deposit (Tagus Basin) The largest known sepiolite deposits are located between Madrid and Toledo. The reserves are over 20 Mt although some authors have reported up to 45 Mt (Sa´nchez Rodrı´guez et al., 1995), which is 70% of the world deposits. The annual production is over 600,000 tons. The most important deposit is that of Vallecas-Vica´lvaro on the outskirts of Madrid City. The sepiolite was formed mainly by neoformation in a continental environment of Miocene age (Gala´n and Castillo, 1984). This deposit occupies approximately 7 km2 and consists of two main lacustrine beds associated with arkosic sand facies. Sepiolite occurs forming sub-horizontal beds lenticular in shape and thickness ranging between 2 and 12 m. The beds are composed mainly of sepiolite (> 80%), smectites (15%), calcite and dolomite (2%), quartz (< 2%) and feldspars (< 1%). The sepiolite is relatively rich in Al, K, V and Ti but low in Fe. A representative chemical analysis is as follows: SiO2 (63.1%), Al2O3 (1.08%), Fe2O3 (0.27%), MgO (23.80%), CaO (0.49%), Na2O (0.09%), K2O (0.21%) and H2O (10.9%). Additionally, sepiolite has been mined together with Mg-rich bentonites associated with marginal facies in contact with alluvial arkosic deposits in
An Introduction to Palygorskite and Sepiolite Deposits
1-Torrejón El Rubio deposit (Pk) 2-Vicalvaro-Yunclillos deposit (Sp) 3-Bercimuel deposit (Pk) 4-Mara deposit (Sp) FIGURE 5 Map of Spain showing the principal sepiolite and palygorskite deposits. For details see Figure 6 in Chapter 6.
the Yunclillos-Caban˜as de la Sagra sector (Garcia-Romero et al., 1990; Pozo et al., 1999). Yunclillos sepiolite is very pure (Figure 6). Sepiolite associated with Mg-rich bentonite (saponite, stevensite) and kerolite–stevensite-rich clays have also been exploited in the innermost zones of the basin associated with mudflat deposits (Pozo and Casas, 1999). The sepiolite has diverse uses in granular form, depending on the size of the granule (support catalysts, pet litter, absorbents, insecticides, supplements for food, among others). For granular absorbents, the sepiolite must be about 70% in purity. High purity sepiolites are used for special products (size between 40 and 60 meshes) for catalysts, rubber fillers, paints, suspensions for fertilizers, thixotropic agents and other rheological applications. Applications of the Vica´lvaro sepiolite were reported by Gala´n (1987). Over 90% of the world’s sepiolite usage comes from the deposit at Vica´lvaro.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
Q. Quartz Do. Dolomite
Pk 400
Pk Pk Pk
Q Q Pk Pk
0 3600
Sp 1600
Sp Sp SpSp Sp
Sp Sp
0 10
Position [⬚2Theta]
FIGURE 6 X-ray diffraction patterns typical of sepiolite from Yunclillos (Spain) and palygorskite from Theis (Senegal).
3.2. Mara Deposit (Calatayud Basin) At Mara, Calatayud Basin (Province of Zaragoza) a sepiolite deposit is located. In this Neogene Basin, Mg-rich clay deposits (primarily sepiolite, with varying proportions of palygorskite and Mg-rich smectite) are located in a transitional marly-carbonatic facies, between fluvial detrital sediments on the edges and carbonatic-gypsiferous facies in the centre of the basin. The sepiolite bed consists of alternations of clays, marls and carbonates, with thicknesses between 10 cm and 1 m, and average values of 50–60 cm. The mineralogical associations in the sepiolite beds are complex (Mayayo et al., 1998). Both the sepiolite and the trioctahedral smectite are interpreted to have been formed by precipitation in the lacustrine basin. The palygorskite is interpreted as post-depositional resulting from the transformation of aluminosilicate phases. This deposit is presently mined with a production of more than 150,000 metric tons per year.
3.3. Bercimuel Deposit (Duero Basin) The Bercimuel (Segovia) palygorskite deposit is located in an intracratonic depression running south-west–north-west (Sepu´lveda-Ayllo´n) within the Duero Neogene Basin. This palygorskite deposit has been studied by Sua´rez et al. (1989). A horizontal clay unit with an average palygorskite content of 60–70% overlying a carbonate bed (crust) was commercially exploited in past years. The deposit measures more than 1500 m in length and 500 m in width. The palygorskite is associated with quartz, illite and kaolinite as detrital
An Introduction to Palygorskite and Sepiolite Deposits
minerals, and with smectites and interstratified minerals (smectite-illite) as transformation minerals. According to Sua´rez (1992), the origin of the palygorskite is associated with the weathering of phyllosilicates and the dissolution of the quartz present in the sediment. The diagenesis producing the palygorskite formation consisted of the transformation of the original sediment in the alluvial fan. Palygorskite production can reach up to 90,000 metric tons per year.
3.4. Torrejo´n Deposit (Torrejo´n el Rubio Basin) The palygorskite deposit is located in a small basin filled with Tertiary sediments which has a length of 37 km and a width of 12 km (Gala´n et al., 1975) and is a western continuation of the Tagus Basin. The palygorskite bed has a maximum thickness of 8 m but the average thickness is 3 m. The highest concentration is in the centre of the basin, between 75% and 85%. The impurities consist of quartz, calcite, dolomite, chlorite, montmorillonite, kaolinite and mica (Gala´n et al., 1975). The formation of palygorskite in the Ca´ceres deposit was direct precipitation from silicon, aluminium and magnesium solutions coming from alteration of the basement chlorite-rich slates. A detailed description of the Ca´ceres palygorskite deposit is reported in Gala´n and Castillo (1984). Palygorskite production ranges between 2000 and 3000 metric tons per year.
4. SENEGAL The deposits of palygorskite clays are located in the so-called basin of Senegal—Mauritania (Africa), where during the Paleogene formed in an epicontinental marine environment (Wirth, 1968). The sedimentary process of the clays began in the Lower and Middle Eocene with a period of tropical humid climate that favoured the strong weathering, with accumulation of lateritic products in the continental areas and supplying of dissolved products to the sedimentary basin. In this basin by means of chemical precipitation, carbonates, silica and palygorskite formed. The exploitable deposits are located in the western zone of the country, and near to the coast, principally in the areas of Theis (NE of Dakar) and Nianming (in southern Senegal).
4.1. Theis Deposit Palygorskite is mined near the town of Theis, which is about 100 km east of Dakar. The palygorskite overlies an aluminium phosphate deposit which is also mined (Figure 7). The Senegal palygorskite is Early Eocene in age and ranges from 2 to 6 m in thickness (Wirth, 1968). The stratigraphic sequence consists of clayey marls and limestone at the base passing upward to a glauconitic phosphate bed and overlaying clays where palygorskite occurs.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
FIGURE 7 Photograph of the palygorskite and Al-phosphate deposit near Theis (Senegal).
The major mineral present is palygorskite with minor amount of quartz, dolomite, chert and sepiolite (Figure 6). The coexistence of Mg-rich palygorskite and Al-rich sepiolite has been observed by Garcia Romero et al. (2007) suggesting a possible epitactic growth. The palygorskite beds extend south–south-west from Theis to the southern border of Senegal, a distance of about 100 km. The palygorskite is mined and processed near Theis, and is transported to Dakar where it is loaded on ocean going vessels and shipped mainly to Europe. Production is higher than 200,000 metric tons per year. The palygorskite is used essentially for drilling muds in saline waters, and as additives in mortars and cements. Other applications include absorbents, catalysts, binders and feeding additives.
5. TURKEY The Turkish sepiolite deposits are important because of their extensive distribution and quality, with special mention made of the Eskisehir Basin deposits. Taking important towns as references, three sectors can be established with sepiolite deposits; Eskisehir-Konya, Denizli and Sivas. The Eskisehir–Konya sector is located as a band of lacustrine deposits running in a north-west–south-east direction in the west-central area of Turkey. The northern area contains the deposits of Eskisehir (Ece and Coban, 1994). A detailed description of occurrences and deposits of sepiolite and palygorskite in Turkey is included in this book (see Chapter 7).
An Introduction to Palygorskite and Sepiolite Deposits
5.1. Eskisehir Deposit Ece and Coban (1994) have described the presence of sepiolite in beds and as nodules (meerschaum) in the Eskisehir Basin (Turkey). The bedded sepiolite exhibits different colours (from black to white) ranging from pure sepiolite and sepiolitic dolomite and up to 4 m in thickness. The deposit is lacustrine and dates from the Miocene, filling a graben of extensional origin (rifting). The sepiolite was formed by direct precipitation in the saline–alkaline waters of the lake with supersaturation of silica. The environment was alkaline– saline in arid to semi-arid climatic conditions with possible wet intervals owing to seasonal fluctuations. Loughlinite (sodium-rich variety of sepiolite) is currently mined at Eskisehir, where according to Yeniyol (1997) the loughlinite-bearing layers can have a thickness up to 5 m. The total reserves for meerschaum sepiolite are about 17,000 metric tons (DPT, 2001) with production up to 40 tons/year. The estimation for bedded sepiolite and dolomite-rich sepiolite reserves is around 1–2 million metric tons. The production is about 50,000 metric tons/year.
6. OTHER WORLDWIDE DEPOSITS 6.1. China According to Zhang et al. (1985) and Yang and Xu (1987), the main sepiolite deposits are located in Liling and Luiyang (Hunan Province) and Pingxiang (Jiangxi Province). The stratigraphic sequence is Permian in age and consists of marine carbonates (limestones and dolostones) with siliceous facies at the top. Sepiolite occurrences are lenticular-shaped thin beds with siliceous limestones, and both carbonate and silica nodules and talc are common. The environment inferred is perimarine where sepiolite formation by precipitation takes place. A low-grade metamorphism is responsible for the presence of talc. The sepiolite content is about 50%, up to 2 m in thickness. On the borders of Jiangsu and Anhui Provinces, more than 20 palygorskite deposits have been reported (Liu and Cai, 1993). The Guanshan palygorskite deposit in Anhui Province seems to be the most important (up to 6 m thick); the palygorskite content is higher than 50% (commonly more than 90%). A transformation from components of basaltic flows and tuffs is the genetic process inferred. The reserves are about 22 million metric tons. Further information regarding the palygorskite occurrences in China is included in Chapter 10.
6.2. Greece A large palygorskite deposit was discovered in Western Macedonia, Greece (Kastritis et al., 2003). The Ventzia Basin is north-east of the city of Grevena. The basin has a maximum width of 6 km, a length of 22 km, and an area of about 70 km2.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
The basin represents a small section of a much larger continental basin that developed during the Late Pliocene/Early Pleistocene time. The palygorskite rich beds contain concentrations ranging from 60% to 95%. The thickness of the palygorskite beds ranges between 10 and 18 m. The reserves of palygorskite are estimated to be about 6 million tons. The rheological properties of the palygorskite have been measured by Christidis et al. (2010). The palygorskite from the Ventzia Basin, Grevena, develops suspensions of high viscosity which meet API specifications even at concentrations of 5%. These suspensions are not affected by the addition of electrolytes.
6.3. Ukraine Palygorskite was discovered by Fursa in 1953, in the basin of the Gurnyitikich and Gniloitikich Rivers. This palygorskite deposit covers an area larger than 120 km2. The deposit is situated along the borders of the Cherkassy and Kiev Regions and is located in the central part of the Ukrainian crystalline massif. The age of the palygorskite beds is Tertiary and Quaternary (Fursa, 1958). The third layer in the basin consists of palygorskite (Kirichenko and Kovalenke, 1960) and is characteristically 4–5 m thick. The coarse fractions contain quartz, opal, feldspars, mica, ilmenite and hematite. Fursa (1958) believes that the palygorskite resulted in the replacement of amphiboles in the relatively high alkaline medium. The estimated reserves are 10 million metric tons (Heivilin and Murray, 1994). The Ukrainian palygorskite is used as a drilling fluid when salt bearing strata are encountered, as a plasticizer in porcelain materials, as a binder in moulding sands and as an adsorbent.
6.4. Other Occurrences Palygorskite occurs in Queensland, Australia near Ipswich and in a surface deposit at Lake Narromyne 160 km north-east of the port of Gerldton in Western Australia. The deposit is 23 km long and 55 km wide. The palygorskite is used for absorbents, insecticides, pet litter, oil refining and cosmetics. Palygorskite occurs near Kutch and Bhavnagar, Gujarat in India (Industrial Minerals Directory, 1995) with reserves of 800,000 metric tons. Dolomite is almost the only contaminant mineral. According to Siddiqui (1984), large palygorskite deposits occur in Andhra Pradesh, 80 km west of Hyderabad. The reserves in the Timsanpalli–Marepalli deposit are about 14 million metric tons. Palygorskite is used mainly for drilling muds, absorbents and pet litter (Clarke, 1985). Sepiolite occurs in Central Somalia at El-Bur, which is 120 km from Hobyo, a port on the Indian Ocean. The deposit is large and currently is used mainly for handcrafted souvenirs. There is a sizeable palygorskite deposit in Guatemala which has not yet been developed. The location is on the east coast just south of the Belize border.
An Introduction to Palygorskite and Sepiolite Deposits
Recently, Base Investments Company in Russia discovered a palygorskite near Bay and Aevasdeve, which according to their analyses, contains 95% palygorskite and 5% quartz and dolomite. The grit content is very low 1.3%. The samples contain 7.4% MgO, 4.9% Fe2O3 and 58% SiO2. According to their tests, the drilling mud viscosity is high. The company started mining this palygorskite in 2010.
7. SUMMARY In the United States, large palygorskite deposits occur in South Georgia–North Florida. A small sepiolite deposit is located in the Amargosa desert along the Nevada–California border. The largest sepiolite deposit in the world occurs between Madrid and Toledo in Spain. Palygorskite deposits mixed with smectite are located in the Duero (Bercimuel) and Torrejo´n Basins (Spain). A large palygorskite deposit is mined near Theis and Nianming in Senegal. Several small sepiolite deposits are mined in Turkey. Both sepiolite and palygorskite deposits are mined in China. The Guanshan palygorskite deposit in Anhui Province is the largest with reserves of about 22 million metric tons. A large palygorskite deposit is mined in Western Macedonia in Greece. This deposit was discovered in 2000. Palygorskite deposits are mined in the Ukraine and in Russia. Other occurrences of palygorskite are located in Australia, India and Guatemala. A large sepiolite deposit occurs in Central Somalia but is used mainly for handcrafted souvenirs. The deposits are surface mined and dry processed to produce granular and pulverized products. The major uses are for pet litter, agricultural chemical carriers, floor sweep compounds, drilling fluids, paint thickeners and tape joint compounds.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work has been partially supported by Project CGL-2008-05813-CO2-02 and the Andalusian Government (PAI-RNM-135).
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Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
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An Introduction to Palygorskite and Sepiolite Deposits
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Chapter 5
Palygorskite Clays in Marine Sediments: Records of Extreme Climate Me´dard Thiry* and Thomas Pletsch{ *Mines ParisTech, Centre des Ge´osciences, 35 rue St Honore´, Fontainebleau, France { Bundesanstalt fu¨r Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, Stilleweg 2, Hannover, Germany
1. INTRODUCTION Palygorskite clay is a natural enrichment of the minerals palygorskite and sepiolite. These magnesium-bearing, fibrous clay minerals are rare and inhomogeneously distributed, except in arid-climate soils and lacustrine deposits, where they are common (Callen, 1984; Millot, 1970; Singer, 1984, 1989; and references within this volume). Palygorskite clay is often associated with smectite clay, with which it shares several beneficial sorptive, rheologic and catalytic properties (Gala´n, 1996). Current palygorskite clay production is almost entirely provided from lacustrine or lagoonal deposits that are rarely older than of Miocene age (25 Ma). These deposits have been intensively studied in recent years. Other occurrences, notably those formed in the early Eocene ( 55–49 Ma) and in the middle to late Cretaceous ( 100–65 Ma) times, have received much less attention. Therefore, the focus of this study is on palygorskite clays in deep-marine sediments of mid-Cretaceous to early Eocene age from Atlantic Ocean drill cores, originating from the Deep-Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) and the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP). The data are regarded in the context of the physicochemical conditions of the deep ocean during these time periods. We propose that palygorskite clays were formed authigenically, in relation to (WSBW) circulation on the seafloor.
Developments in Clay Science, Vol. 3. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-444-53607-5.00005-0 # 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
2. HISTORY OF DEEP-SEA PALYGORSKITE RESEARCH 2.1. Palygorskite Clay in Continental Environments During the 1950s and 1960s, the time of the earliest clay mineral studies, palygorskite clay was mainly described from recent and ancient continental environments; first in lacustrine deposits (Millot et al., 1957; Trauth, 1977) and later in soils (El Prince et al., 1979; Mashhady et al., 1980; Paquet, 1970; Singer and Norrish, 1974). The development of palygorskite clay in continental deposits has been related to an evaporative palaeomilieu under dry palaeoclimate by virtue of their analogies with present-day palygorskitebearing deposits (Blanc-Valleron and Thiry, 1997; Colson et al., 1988; Paquet, 1983). Here, terrestrial palygorskite is only stable under arid conditions with less than 300 mm precipitation/year (Paquet, 1970; Singer, 1984).
2.2. Discovery of Palygorskite Clay in Marine Deposits Among the first to describe palygorskite in marine environments, there are Slansky et al. (1959) who studied the Eocene phosphate-bearing deposits of West African coastal basins. Similar occurrences have been described during the 1970s from several peri-marine phosphate deposits (Boujo, 1976; Kauwenbergh et al., 1990; Millot et al., 1960; Weawer and Beck, 1977). During that time, the first publications on palygorskite occurrences in the deep ocean emerged (Berger and von Rad, 1972; Bonatti and Joensuu, 1968; Chamley and Millot, 1970; Esteoule et al., 1970; Heezen et al., 1965; Timofeev et al., 1977). Although these deposits were often explained as being redeposited from confined peri-marine environments, the prevailing hypothesis was that palygorskite clays formed by some authigenic process within the deep ocean (Bowles et al., 1971; Church and Velde, 1979; Couture, 1977; Nathan and Flexer, 1977; Stoffers and Ross, 1974; Timofeev et al., 1977).
2.3. Widespread Palygorskite Clay in Deep-Sea Formations Palygorskite clay in deep-sea deposits was regarded as an uncommon feature, until about the 1980s. Several hypotheses were suggested as to its formation (Figure 1). The first palygorskite discovered in deep-sea deposits was interpreted as hydrothermal in origin (Bonatti and Joensuu, 1968; Karpoff et al., 1989). In the following, as numerous other occurrences were described, the hydrothermal hypothesis became less prevalent. Several authors suggested the development of fibrous clay minerals during early diagenesis (Berger and von Rad, 1972; Couture, 1977). The need for a Mg- and silica-rich environment often led authors to invoke alteration of volcanic materials (Kurnojov et al., 1977; Lomova, 1975; von Rad and Ro¨sch, 1972).
Palygorskite Clays in Marine Sediments
FIGURE 1 Schematic sketch showing the different hypotheses for explaining the occurrence of palygorskite clay in the deep-sea realm.
Inheritance from continental evaporitic deposits and arid soils have also been evoked by some authors (e.g. Beck and Weaver, 1978; Chamley, 1989; Robert, 2009), either by fluvial or aeolian pathways. The latter interpretation relies on the idea that clay minerals provide information about continental climate and marine dispersal, rather than on oceanic environments, which are considered as relatively inert with respect to clay minerals. It has often been argued that the marine deposits of palygorskite are detrital, inherited from land, and that the presence of palygorskite in deep-marine sediments could been used as proxy evidence for an arid continental climate (e.g. Beall et al., 1973; Chamley et al., 1977; Coude´-Gaussen and Blanc, 1985; Debrabant et al., 1991; Sirocko and Lange, 1991; Weser, 1974). The major occurrences of palygorskite clay, however, are difficult—if not impossible—to explain with terrestrial formation and detrital transport to the deep ocean. Alternatively, it has been proposed that these palygorskite clay deposits formed on the deep seafloor in areas with reduced sediment accumulation rates, elevated ambient temperatures, high magnesium and silica contents, and high alkalinity (Kastner, 1981; Lo´pez Galindo, 1987; Pletsch, 1998, 2001). Non-detrital palygorskite clay has been described mainly from distal locations in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans (Bonatti and Joensuu, 1968; Bowles et al., 1971; Church and Velde, 1979; Karpoff, 1992), but both, their age dating and genetic interpretation, were rarely convincing. As a result, the origin and the relevance of marine palygorskite and sepiolite authigenesis remain a matter of an ongoing debate (Beck and Weaver, 1978; Callen, 1981; Couture, 1978; Singer, 1979; Thiry and Jacquin, 1993).
2.4. Deep-Sea Palygorskite Clay Formation in Relation to Palaeoceanography Because the physical and chemical conditions of the oceans in the past were transitory, any record of those conditions must be checked. Analyses of stable carbon and oxygen isotopes in the calcareous tests of microfossils have become a routine tool in palaeoceanographic research, because these isotopes
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are intimately related to some of the most important properties of seawater, such as productivity, temperature and salinity. However, the interpretation of isotope data is often difficult or impossible due to secondary alteration or dissolution of the tests. Silicate minerals, including clay minerals, in contrast, are thought to be more stable in the water column and at moderate burial depths. Recent studies of mid-Cretaceous to Eocene ( 120–40 Ma) climate and palaeoceanography have shown that ancient ocean circulations were quite different from the cold and ion-depleted settings of the present-day deep ocean waters. The extended Cretaceous/Palaeogene greenhouse period was punctuated by several drastic changes in oceanic circulation and some of the warmest periods in the geologic record. Frequently cited examples of these events are the early Eocene Climatic Optimum (EECO), the Palaeocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) and some of the Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Events (OAEs; Douglas and Savin, 1975; Kennett and Stott, 1990; Schlanger et al., 1987; Shackleton, 1986; Zachos et al., 2001). Stable isotope studies of these ‘periods of extreme warmth’ (Kroon et al., 2000) have revealed the existence of unusually warm deep-water temperatures and indications of an oceanic circulation pattern that was very different from that of the present oceans. These intervals were characterised by the formation of deep water in low latitudes in marginal shallow seas where ion concentrations by evaporation were so high as to reduce the buoyancy of surface water, in spite of its elevated temperature. Eventually, these brines were transported down the continental slope to become the WSBW that is required to explain the isotopic patterns typical of warm water environments (Brass et al., 1982; Huber et al., 2002, Kennett and Stott, 1990; Pak and Miller, 1992; Wilson et al., 2002; Woo et al., 1992). Strikingly, marine sediments from the periods of extreme warmth frequently contain palygorskite clay (Pletsch, 1998, 2001). In the following, we present two case studies of marine palygorskite clay formation and their relation to the contemporaneous oceanic environment: in the Central Atlantic during the mid-Cretaceous (Thiry and Jacquin, 1993; Pletsch, 1997), and in the Gulf of Guinea and Sargasso Sea during the early Eocene (Pletsch, 1998, 2001, 2003).
3. CRETACEOUS PALYGORSKITE CLAY IN THE CENTRAL ATLANTIC Palygorskite is frequently present in the Cretaceous sediments of the Atlantic Ocean. Here, we will examine palygorskite clay distribution in Albian and Aptian sediments in three DSDP drill sites (370, 417 and 105) that are situated on an approximately East–West transect through the Central Atlantic Ocean (Figure 2).
Palygorskite Clays in Marine Sediments
FIGURE 2 DSDP sites (triangles) in the Central Atlantic Ocean for which clay mineral assemblages were analysed. The East–West transect comprising Sites 370 and 105 is the reference section for the setting of the mid-Cretaceous oceanography.
3.1. Occurrence of Palygorskite 3.1.1. DSDP Site 370 DSDP Site 370 (Lancelot et al., 1978) was drilled off Morocco, at 4214 m water depth, on the foot of the African continental slope. The sediments show a typical mineralogical succession of the Cretaceous Atlantic series (Brosse, 1982; Thiry and Jacquin, 1993) and provide information on depositional environments (Graciansky et al., 1987). The Cretaceous series are relatively thick (Figure 3). Two main sedimentary series can be distinguished. The lower unit, up to the early Albian, consists mainly of detrital deposits. The upper unit, from Albian to Cenomanian, consists of nannofossil-bearing claystone, black shale and dark gray marlstone. Black shales show thin laminations, without any bioturbation and with only few foraminifers and radiolarians. Glauconite grains are present in all of these facies. The black shales were deposited under severe anoxic conditions, in a lower bathyal environment and below the carbonate compensation depth (CCD). The clay minerals are grouped into three distinct assemblages (Figure 3). Hauterivian–Barremian detrital deposits predominantly contain illite and illite–smectite (I–S) mixed-layer minerals, with minor amounts of kaolinite, and sporadically smectite in the clay size fraction. Within the upper Albian (Vraconian) section, palygorskite forms up to 50% of the clay minerals, together with I–S minerals and chlorite. In the upper Cretaceous section,
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FIGURE 3 Whole rock and clay size fraction of Cretaceous sediments from DSDP Site 370, off Morocco. Palygorskite occurs with a sharp onset and constitutes the main clay mineral in the middle/late Albian. The stratigraphy is adapted after Mu¨ller et al. (1983).
smectite makes up almost the entire clay fraction. Dolomite appears with the palygorskite association and is also present during the early Cenomanian.
3.1.2. DSDP Site 417 DSDP Site 417 (Donnelly et al., 1979) lies on the southernmost part of the Bermuda Rise, at 5482 m water depth. The mid-Cretaceous section was deposited on basaltic basement. There are two main sedimentary units: black and greenish siltstones in the lower part including some black shales and upper Cretaceous variegated claystones. Both units are nearly carbonate-free, which implies a deposition below the CCD. Again, the clay minerals are grouped into three distinct assemblages (Figure 4). Aptian detrital and volcanoclastic deposits predominantly contain illite and I–S minerals. Smectite appears in the lower Albian and increases in importance until comprising almost the only clay mineral in upper Albian
Palygorskite Clays in Marine Sediments
FIGURE 4 Whole rock and clay size fraction of Cretaceous sediments from DSDP Site 417, on the southern flank of the Bermuda Rise. Palygorskite occurs only in a narrow interval during the middle Albian. The stratigraphy is adapted after Mu¨ller et al. (1983).
(Vraconian) and lower Cenomanian. Palygorskite occurs only in a very narrow, middle Albian interval. Opal-CT appears together with cristobalite in the lower Cenomanian.
3.1.3. DSDP Site 105 DSDP Site 105 (Hollister et al., 1972) is located in the Cap Hatteras Basin, on the foot of the American continental slope, at 5251 m water depth. The midCretaceous section is made up of black and greenish claystones, typical for black shale facies deposited below the CCD. The mineralogical composition is very monotonous (Figure 5). The clay fraction is almost exclusively formed by smectite. Additional illite and kaolinite constitute less than 10% of the assemblage. As at many other drill sites on the western margin of the Central Atlantic, the abundance of opal and clinoptilolite (zeolite), together with the lack of palygorskite, are the characteristic features (Berger and von Rad, 1972).
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FIGURE 5 Lithology and mineralogy of the Cretaceous formations from DSDP Site 105 at the foot of the North American continental slope. No palygorskite was observed, in contrast, opal-CT and clinoptilolite are abundant at this site. Stratigraphy after Mu¨ller et al. (1983).
3.2. Clay Mineral Assemblage Distribution The sharp onset of palygorskite appearance during the Albian is known from several DSDP sites off-shore Africa and Spain (Sites 137, 369, 370, 386, 417, 545, 598 and 641; Figure 6). It has to be emphasised that the diagrams of Figure 6 give mean values of the clay mineral assemblages. Short intervals and individual samples may reach even higher values. This is particularly the case for Albian strata at DSDP Sites 386, 137 and 417. Correlative sections on the western and northern sides of the Central Atlantic Ocean (DSDP Sites 105, 387, 391 and 549) do not display any palygorskite. In these latter sites, above the basal detrital paragenesis (with illite and I–S mixed layers), smectite is nearly the only clay mineral, together with clinoptilolite and opal-CT (radiolarians) that may reach 30% of the bulk sediment (Thiry and Jacquin, 1993). Palygorskite- and the opal-CT/clinoptilolite-bearing assemblages exclude each other in appearance. Coeval deposits in continental basins around the Atlantic display entirely different clay mineral assemblages: no palygorskite was detected in the Paris and Aquitanian basins (Debrabant et al., 1992; Louail, 1984; Sladen, 1983), Spanish (Berthou et al., 1982; Floquet, 1991), Moroccan (Daoudi et al., 1989) and Senegalese basins (Chamley, 1989). Kaolinite and illitic minerals
Palygorskite Clays in Marine Sediments
FIGURE 6 Clay mineral distribution in mid-Cretaceous deep-sea and in platform deposits of the Central Atlantic. Diagrams display mean values of the clay mineral assemblages. Short intervals and individual samples may reach even higher palygorskite percentages. Note the contrast between deep-sea assemblages dominated by smectite and palygorskite versus platform assemblages in which illite and kaolinite are dominant.
are dominant in these basins and result from continental inheritance during this period (Thiry and Jacquin, 1993).
3.3. Significance of Palygorskite The opposition between palygorskite occurrence in the deep-sea and its lack in correlative peri-Atlantic marine and continental deposits does not argue in favour of a detrital origin in the mid-Cretaceous of the Central Atlantic. Occurrence of individual layers with high palygorskite content at sites far away from the continents, such as in DSDP Site 417, cannot be explained by detrital input. In this latter case, palygorskite would have been much stronger diluted. In situ, development of palygorskite in the Atlantic Ocean during this period has to be taken into consideration. This would require a silica- and Mg-rich palaeoenvironment, as is often testified to by the presence of dolomite within the same, palygorskite-bearing deposits.
3.4. Geochemistry of Cretaceous Deep Water Oxygen isotopes and the distribution of certain nannofossils reveal that, during the middle/late Cretaceous period, the bottom water of the Atlantic Ocean has been warm and hypersaline (WSBW; Brass et al., 1982; Hay, 1988; Huber
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et al., 2002; Woo et al., 1992). According to the low oxygen solubility in such waters (Weiss, 1970), they are probably partly responsible for the development of the Cretaceous anoxic events. Such brines are also thought to be related to the dolomitisation of the Jurassic substratum off-shore Portugal during the same period (Haggerty and Smith, 1988). The hypersaline bottom water of this period had geochemical characteristics similar to those in evaporitic environments, where palygorskite and dolomite usually develop in continental and marginal marine environments. Under these peculiar conditions, palygorskite and dolomite can develop in deep-sea environments. According to the fact that palygorskite holds about 10% of Al2O3 and that alumina is poorly soluble in this type of solution, a strict authigenesis is practically excluded. Palygorskite is more likely to have developed by transformation of former clay minerals. Exchange with the oceanic brines is necessary, and transformation has to occur at the water/sediment interface or during early diagenesis, before compaction has restricted exchange with ocean water. The magnesium was supplied for both palygorskite and dolomite by the hypersaline bottom water fed from the evaporative platform. The origin of silica remains to be determined. Organic productivity is an obvious source for the western sites, where radiolarians are frequently preserved (Brosse, 1982). The eastern area had also a high organic productivity, as testified by the thick black shales (Graciansky et al., 1987); the biogenic silica bound to this organic productivity contributed probably to the development of palygorskite. In this way, both palygorskite–dolomite and clinoptilolite-opal-CT paragenesis reflect silica-rich environments: The first system is Mg-rich, the second one is Mg-depleted. Such a geochemical environment, with increased water temperatures during the Cretaceous and biogenic silica, was presented as early as the 1970s for the palygorskite and zeolite occurrences in Pacific Ocean (Couture, 1977) and southern Israel (Nathan and Flexer, 1977).
3.5. Palaeoceanography and Palaeogeography The salinity of the WSBW is thought to result from the outflow of dense brines towards the deep-sea. The brines developed on evaporative platforms and tropical seas (Brass et al., 1982; Busson, 1989; Roth, 1986; Woo et al., 1992). During the mid-Cretaceous, the Central Atlantic Ocean was relatively narrow, restricted ocean basin. Its north-eastern rim was dominated by a wide, shallow platform that covered northern Africa from Morocco to Libya. Dolomitic and gypsiferous deposits on this platform testify to evaporitic environments, but these have not led to the final halite or other salt deposits. Huge volumes of brines (rich in Cl, Na, K and Mg), with a density of about 1.2, must have been generated on this platform and were most probably exported to the Atlantic Ocean (Busson, 1984a,b). The Bermudas formed a natural barrier restricting the outspreading of these brines fed from the Sahara platform
Palygorskite Clays in Marine Sediments
FIGURE 7 Schematic sketch of the palaeoceanography of the North Atlantic Ocean during the mid-Cretaceous. (A) Brine flow from the Sahara evaporitic platform towards the Atlantic Ocean and the Bermuda Rise formed a ridge that restricted the out spreading of the WSBW. (B) It resulted in a geochemical differentiation between the eastern and western regions according to availability or not of Mg. These WSBW environmental conditions have no present analogue.
(Figure 7). This barrier also coincided with the geographic extension of the anoxic black shales to the West (Graciansky (de) et al., 1982). The palaeogeographic arrangement explains the mineralogical and geochemical differences between the eastern and western Cretaceous deposits. Biogenic silica production occurred in the surface water all over the Central Atlantic Ocean. In the West, on the Blake Plateau, and in the absence of Mg-rich brines, this silica production led to opal and clinoptilolite formation. In the East, where WSBW spread out, the Mg-rich brines with the addition of silica led to the development of dolomite and palygorskite. In the eastern region, silica has been fully exhausted by the development of palygorskite.
3.6. Conclusions (1) Huge amounts of palygorskite exist in the mid-Cretaceous (Albian) deepsea deposits of the Central Atlantic. (2) Palygorskite is unlikely to be inherited from neritic, peri-marine or continental formations, because the deposits of the surrounding basins are usually devoid of palygorskite. The majority must have developed in situ in the deep sea. (3) Palygorskite developed at the contact with hypersaline and warm brines which formed the bottom waters of the Atlantic Ocean during the midCretaceous. They likely result from transformation or aggradation of inherited clay minerals at the seafloor and from early diagenesis, before compaction prevented further exchange with the oceanic brines.
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(4) Palygorskite distribution is restricted to the eastern part of the Central Atlantic Ocean. This corresponds to the maximum outspreading of the brines generated on the evaporitic Saharan platform, this westerly flow stopped again the Bermuda Rise.
4. EARLY EOCENE PALYGORSKITE CLAY IN GULF OF GUINEA AND SARGASSO SEA 4.1. Gulf of Guinea ODP sites 959 through 962 in the Gulf of Guinea are situated along the Marginal Ridge of the Coˆte d’Ivoire-Ghana Transform Margin (Mascle et al., 1996). Lower Eocene sediments were recovered at burial depths ranging between 60 and 800 metres below the seafloor (mbsf; Figure 8). Sedimentation rates are
FIGURE 8 Generalized stratigraphy of palygorskite clay intervals (grey shade) from selected drill holes in the Gulf of Guinea. Depth in section is given in mbsf (¼ metres below seafloor). Biostratigraphic data given as nanno (¼ calcareous nannofossil) zones. Note different burial depths but correlative stratigraphic position of palygorskite clay intervals.
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high landwards (Sites 959 and 960) and strongly decrease towards the basin, at the foot of the ridge (Site 962). Palygorskite and sepiolite were detected in various concentrations in sediments ranging from mid-Cretaceous to early Eocene age. Particularly, pure (only minor admixtures of smectite, opal, clinoptilolite and rarely calcite) blue palygorskite clay containing with intercalated chert, barite sand and barite nodules of early Eocene age was recovered at Sites 960 and 961 (Pletsch, 1998). The two sites lie on an elongate sedimentary basement high about 200 km off the African shelf at water depths of approximately 2000 and 3300 m. Palaeo-water depths were shallower but certainly in the range of several thousands of metres (Mascle et al., 1996). The palygorskite clays are underlain by limestone (Site 960) and siliceous marl (Site 961) and overlain at both sites by Eocene to Miocene chert and porcellanite. It is important to note that the purest palygorskite clay is limited to a narrow stratigraphic interval of about 3 My in the middle part of the lower Eocene (calcareous nannofossil zones CP9b to CP10). There are no signs of reworking of the underlying sediment or of contemporaneous detrital input at any scale. Rather, the palygorskite clay consists of a microscopic mesh of delicate elongate fibres, some of which pierce calcareous nannofossils, that indicates post-depositional crystal growth. The purity of the blue palygorskite clays also argues against a detrital origin, because it is difficult to conceive how an almost monomineralic sediment could be deposited at such a short distance from the African continent. Moreover, geochemical reconnaissance and stable oxygen isotopes from the palygorskite intervals of ODP Leg 159 are compatible with formation of palygorskite clay under conditions of elevated temperature and alkalinity, sufficient Mg and Si supply, and the incorporation of seawater into the authigenic silicate structure (Pletsch et al., 1998).
4.2. Sargasso Sea Additional evidence, supporting the widespread occurrence of authigenic palygorskite clay deposited during the early Eocene extreme warmth period, comes from a regional study of palygorskite clay in the Sargasso Sea (Figure 9). Three localities were chosen to represent different palaeowater depths and rates of sediment supply. During ODP Leg 171B, a palaeoceanographic drilling transect was sampled along the crest of Blake Nose, which projects into the western Central Atlantic. Minor palygorskite clay showing fragile, authigenic microstructures was found at 2670 m water depth in lower Eocene calcareous nannofossil ooze containing intercalated volcanic ash at the deepest ODP Sites 390 and 1049. No relationship was observed between the palygorskite clay and the ash layers (Pletsch and Reicherter, 2001). Palygorskite clay was not found at any of the drill sites landward of ODP Site 1049. Significant amounts of palygorskite clay containing authigenic microstructures were only detected at basinal DSDP Site 417, where terrigenous sediment accumulation was very low. In contrast, virtually no palygorskite clay was
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FIGURE 9 Generalized stratigraphy of the palygorskite clay intervals (grey shade) of selected Sargasso Sea drill holes. Palygorskite occurrences in the Eocene formations from DSDP Sites 386, 390 and 417, and ODP Site 1049 are restricted to a short interval of early Eocene deposits. For explanations see Figure 8. Modified from Pletsch (2001).
found in coeval sediments at basinal DSDP Site 386, which received abundant terrigenous material from the American continental rise, in spite of its position on a ridge in this basin. In only one sample from this section, the X-ray diffraction pattern did show any weak indication of palygorskite clay. The stratigraphic age of palygorskite clay in the Sargasso Sea sites is slightly younger than at the sites in the Gulf of Guinea but lies still entirely
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within the early Eocene. The maximum abundance in the Gulf of Guinea is 1–3 million years earlier than in the Sargasso Sea. Whether this difference reflects variations in the intensity and/or distribution of WSBW, and hence, whether peak WSBW conditions in the western Central Atlantic were reached later than in the Gulf of Guinea, remains to be explored.
4.3. Distribution of Early Eocene Palygorskite Clay A compilation of palygorskite clay occurrences in the early Eocene helps us to understand the processes that controlled the distribution of the constituent minerals. For this reason, the DSDP/ODP literature and ancillary sources with an adequate stratigraphic and mineralogic treatment were checked for the occurrence of palygorskite and sepiolite in early Eocene sediments (Figure 10). The compilation is still preliminary and is biased towards sediments in and around the Atlantic and western Tethys Oceans. No conclusions should be drawn at this stage from distribution data for the Pacific and Indian Oceans, because sampling density is poor and the stratigraphy of several palygorskite-bearing deposits is vague at best. In spite of these restrictions, the distribution map reveals several patterns in the Atlantic and Tethyan realm that may be extrapolated to other regions once the database becomes more complete. Palygorskite clay has been found in lower Eocene oceanic sediments in a belt between about 30 North and 30 South of the palaeoequator. This general latitudinal distribution pattern of palygorskite clay in the early Eocene
FIGURE 10 Distribution of lower Eocene palygorskite clays plotted on a palaeogeographic map for the Eocene (53 Ma). Note that lack of palygorskite clay in terrigenous deposits adjacent to studied locations in the Gulf of Guinea and in the Sargasso Sea. Palygorskite clay occurrences along the Iberian continental margin are located at suspected outflow of warm, saline bottom water masses from Tethys Ocean. Modified from Pletsch et al. (1998).
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may at the first glance fit with a model in which palygorskite clay formed in desert soils, coastal sabkhas, or lagoons and was reworked and deposited in deep-sea realm. However, this model cannot explain a number of small-scale distribution patterns. Most strikingly, the studied occurrences in the Gulf of Guinea and in the Sargasso Sea are seaward of terrigenous sediments in which palygorskite clay was not detected. The Guinean coastal region is known for its Cretaceous to Eocene bauxite deposits (Valeton, 1999) which are incompatible with the formation and the preservation of palygorskite clays (Paquet, 1970; Singer, 1984). The overall west Africa shield was at Eocene time almost covered with thick kaolinitic soil profiles (Beauvais et al., 2008; He´nocque et al., 1998). In a similar way, palygorskite clay was neither found at any of the drill sites landward of the Blake Nose transect, nor is it known to occur in the (particularly well studied) sediments on the eastern U.S. seaboard. Further to the continental source areas, kaolinite is a main component of the Palaeocene/ Eocene neritic deposits of north-western U.S. margin (Gibson and Bybell, 1994), and kaolinite was the predominant clay mineral in the palaeosols and continental deposits of early Tertiary in the Gulf Coastal Plain of North America (Gordon et al., 1958), where several economic kaolin deposits relate to early Tertiary (Al Sanabani, 1991; Cramer, 1974). Palygorskite clay minerals are never quoted in early Eocene continental and margino-marine deposits, and thus detrital origin of palygorskite clay is unlikely at any of the studied drill sites. Several other occurrences of palygorskite clay are situated outside the areas indicated by the climate model to have suffered from the strongly arid conditions that are required to form and preserve palygorskite clay on land, such as for the sites just north of South America, and along the western and southern Iberian margin (Figure 10). The case of the palygorskite clays in marine deposits North of South America can be argument further. Bauxitic and kaolinitic deposits are well known in Suriname (Aleva, 1979) as well as deep lateritic (kaolinitic) weathering profiles dating back to lower Tertiary in Guyana (The´veniaut and Freysinnet, 2002) and on the Amazonian shield (Ruffet et al., 1996; Vasconcelos et al., 1994). During early Eocene, the hinterland of the palygorskite clay deposits North of South America was covered by kaolinitic soils and thus palygorskite cannot be inherited from land areas. A similar situation exists with palygorskite clay deposits off the west European continent. Early Eocene continental deposits of the Spanish, English, German and French basins are predominantly formed of kaolinite along with Al-smectite (Blanc-Valleron and Thiry, 1997; Brosius and Gramann, 1958; Dubreuilh et al., 1984; Garcia-Talegon et al., 1994; Isaac, 1983; Molina and Blanco, 1980). Palygorskite clay deposits appear only after the middle Eocene and become widespread only during the late Eocene in these continental deposits.
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4.4. The Palaeoenvironment The palaeoclimate simulations for the end of the Palaeocene ( 55 Ma) show that the zones of net evaporation fall mostly into marine areas rather than into land areas (O’Connell et al., 1996). Marine regions have the highest rates of evaporation, which in turn favours the formation of warm, saline brines. These brines are thought to have been the driving force of the early Eocene bottom water circulation. Many of the palygorskite clay occurrences in the Atlantic and western Tethys Ocean are close to these potential sources of WSBW. The palygorskite occurrence on the Iberian margin may have formed during the warm inflow of deep-water masses into the Atlantic from the Tethys Ocean, similar to the present-day injection of warm, saline Mediterranean water into the Atlantic (Tomczak and Godfrey, 1994). Lower Eocene deep-marine palygorskite clay deposits often occur distally to correlative deposits on land or in shallow-marine environments, especially at subtropical latitudes. These deposits were supplied, at least partly, from continental and proximal marine environments via detrital input. However, the lack of landward continuity, the remarkable purity and the microscopic textures of palygorskite from several localities suggest that authigenesis at the seafloor is the origin processes of a large part of the palygorskite clay formed during the early Eocene. The acceptance of the authigenic formation of palygorskite clay at the seafloor compromises a straightforward use as a proxy parameter for aridity on land. But, the acceptance of deep-sea authigenic palygorskite clay formation is hampered by the absence of unequivocal examples from the present time and by the lack of a satisfactory thermodynamic model (Jones and Gala´n, 1988; Kastner, 1981). These arguments can be neglected if the WSBW is taken into account. Although palygorskite clay may be formed diagenetically by the conjunction of saline brines providing Mg, inherited clay minerals supplying Si and Al, and addition of biogenetic silica (Badaut and Risacher, 1983; Michalopoulos et al., 2000). Actualism cannot be applied here, as there is no WSBW in the present-day oceans, and thermodynamic models have to be tested by taking into account geochemical characteristics of the WSBW.
4.5. Conclusions The formation of lower Eocene palygorskite clay in the deep-sea correlates in time with the wide distribution of WSBW during the EECO. Elevated temperatures, alkalinity and ion concentrations were all favourable for the formation of these particular silicates at the seafloor. Palaeontological and isotopic evidence indicate that early Eocene bottom water was 8 C warmer than today (Zachos et al., 2001). At places where this warm water entered the deep-sea, temperatures and ion concentrations may have been even higher, which lowered the kinetic restrictions that prevent the formation of palygorskite clay on
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the present ocean floor. Authigenic deep-sea palygorskite clay may therefore be considered as a vestige of past greenhouse oceans that have no modern analogue.
5. PERSPECTIVES FOR MARINE PALYGORSKITE RESEARCH Palygorskite clays developed in the deep ocean at specific time intervals throughout geologic history. The discrepancy between the clay mineral assemblages of these deep-oceanic deposits and those of the correlative neritic, peri-marine and continental deposits are not in favour of a detrital supply of palygorskite from the continental evaporative environments to the deep ocean. Authigenesis of palygorskite clay in oceanic environments has to be taken in account. Palaeontological and isotopic evidence indicate that bottom water of the Atlantic Ocean has been warm and hypersaline (WSBW) during mid-Cretaceous (Brass et al., 1982; Hay, 1988; Huber et al., 2002; Woo et al., 1992) and early Eocene (Zachos et al., 2001) periods, during which palygorskite clay has developed in the Atlantic Ocean. The hypersaline bottom waters, issued from brines formed in evaporative areas, had geochemical characteristics similar to those in evaporitic environments, where palygorskite usually develops in continental and marginal marine environments. Under these peculiar conditions, palygorskite can develop in deep-sea environments. The case study of the mid-Cretaceous palygorskite clay in the Atlantic Ocean points out that biogenic silica addition to the brines may be a major contribution to the development of these clays. More regional studies along transects from ancient continental to deepmarine settings are needed to investigate the geochemical environments. It has to be questioned why only palygorskite develops during the midCretaceous WSBW episode in the Atlantic, whereas palygorskite plus sepiolite develop during the early Eocene episode? This may be due to the Mg/Si ratio or any other geochemical characteristic (salinity, concentration, temperature, etc.) of the saline bottom water. As these clay minerals appear as authigenic, the study of their stable isotope composition may help to specify the geochemical characteristics of these palaeoenvironments. Moreover, these palygorskite clays may be a major proxy for tracing occurrence and palaeogeographic distribution of WSBW during these specific climatic periods.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS For this project, samples were provided by the Deep-Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) and the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP). The German Research Council (DFG) and the Conseil National de Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) provided funding to the authors and to their institutions.
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Chapter 6
Palygorskite and Sepiolite Deposits in Continental Environments. Description, Genetic Patterns and Sedimentary Settings Emilio Gala´n* and Manuel Pozo{ *Departmento de Cristalografı´a Mineralogı´a y Quı´mica Agrı´cola, Facultad de Quı´mica, Universidad de Sevilla, Professor Garcı´a Gonza´lez 1. 41012 Seville, Spain { Departamento de Geologı´a y Geoquı´mica, Universidad Auto´noma de Madrid, Cantoblanco, 28049 Madrid, Spain
1. INTRODUCTION On the basis of their origin, two main types of clays are differentiated in the sedimentary environment: detrital and authigenic clays (Figure 1). Detrital clays are composed of inherited clay minerals as a result of exogenic processes including weathering, erosion, transport and clastic deposition. Authigenic clays are formed in situ through direct precipitation from solution (neoformation), reaction of amorphous gels, or by transformation of precursor minerals, mainly pyroclastics and detrital clays (Jones, 1986). The most important processes forming authigenic clays are neoformation and transformation. Neoformation is commonly the crystallization of a new mineral structure from simple or complex ions, in which there is no inheritance of a pre-existing mineral structure. However, transformation is the formation of a new mineral in which part or all of the pre-existing structure is inherited. In the sedimentary environment, transformation is mostly related to diagenesis, whereas neoformation can take place in both syngenetic (depositional) and diagenetic environments. Sepiolite and palygorskite are two excellent examples of authigenic clays. Palygorskite and sepiolite are relatively rare in nature; however, their origins have been studied frequently owing to the unique conditions required for their formation and stability, and the need to find new commercial deposits. According to Callen (1984), major deposits of these minerals were formed Developments in Clay Science, Vol. 3. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-444-53607-5.00006-2 # 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
SEDIMENTARY (depositional)
DIAGENETIC (post-depositional)
Clayey Sediment (detrital or chemical)
(direct precipitation from ionic or colloidal solutions)
(dissolution-precipitation from previous phases or epitaxial growth)
FIGURE 1 Sketch showing the origin of authigenic clays and their relationship with detrital clays in sedimentary and early diagenetic environments. Evaporative conditions commonly provoke the sedimentary neoformation (precipitation) of sepiolite. On the other hand, the early diagenesis of fine-grained sediments is often related to palygorskite formation by means of transformation of inherited Al-bearing clays. Under subaerial exposure Mg-clay paleosoils or reworked deposits can occur.
in three different environments: (1) in epicontinental and inland seas and lakes as chemical sediments or by reconstitution of former sedimentary clays; (2) in the open ocean in association with fore-arc basins and ocean ridges by hydrothermal alteration of basaltic glass, volcaniclastic sediments or existing clays; and (3) in calcareous soils by direct crystallization. With respect to their geotectonic setting, neoformed palygorskite and sepiolite are predominant in shallow shelf basins on passive margins or intraplate basins. Continental rift basins, continental “sag” basins or some perimarine basins, tend to contain significant deposits of these minerals, commonly formed in saline or hypersaline conditions (Figure 2; Merriman, 2005).
Palygorskite and Sepiolite Deposits in Continental Environments
Neoformed ± Inherited clays Inherited + Neoformed clays Neoformed clays
Continental ‘Sag’ Basin
Mid-ocean ridge and abyssal plain
Passive Margin
Continental Rift Basin
FIGURE 2 Neoformed clays at shallow shelf basins on passive margin, continental rift basins and continental “sag” basins (Merriman, 2005).
In soils of arid regions, palygorskite and sepiolite are common neoformed minerals (Singer, 1979), but traces of palygorskite in some arid soils may be inherited (Mackenzie et al., 1984; Shadfan and Dixon, 1984). The instability of these minerals in wet climates favours their preservation in dry or semi-arid climates. According to Singer (1984), palygorskite in soils is associated with one of the following conditions: (i) modern soils that, at present or in the past, were affected by rising groundwater of pH 7–8 and high salinity; (ii) in soils with distinct and sharp textural transitions because these minerals accumulate in the coarse fraction (this group includes many palaeosols); and (iii) in calcretes (caliches). In all these cases, palygorskite (and very rarely sepiolite, when Al is absent or immobilized) is precipitated by evaporation of the vadose water (Jones and Weir, 1983). Soils (duricrusts) can be cemented by palygorskite (palycretes; Rodas et al., 1994). Palygorskite is more readily formed in weathering environments than sepiolite, or else sepiolite is less stable under supergene conditions and, hence, is rarer. In the sedimentary environment, palygorskite of detrital origin can be found in oceans, having come from the continent, as in the case of palygorskite in the Atlantic close to Morocco, which was transported by SW winds from near-shore. Additionally, palygorskite may occur by recrystallization during diagenesis (e.g. Couture, 1977), or transformation of smectite in the marine environment (Lo´pez Galindo, 1986), sometimes in association with marine phosphorites (Chahi et al., 1999). However, these minerals can crystallize directly from solution (e.g. Jones and Gala´n, 1988; Weaver, 1984), either in lacustrine (e.g. Chahi et al., 1997; Gala´n and Castillo, 1984) or in perimarine (e.g. Singer, 1979; Velde, 1985; Weaver and Beck, 1977) environments. In this environment, sepiolite can also be of diagenetic origin through the transformation of magnesite at pH 10.5–11.5 in silica-rich lake waters (Ece, 1998).
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
Jones and Gala´n (1988) summarized the occurrences of palygorskite and sepiolite and tabulated a summary of the favourable environmental conditions for palygorskite and sepiolite formation as compared to trioctahedral smectite (Table 1). As expected, with high values of Al, Mg and Si activity,
TABLE 1 Environmental Conditions of Formation of Magnesian Clays (Modified After Jones and Gala´n, 1988). Palygorskite
Moderate pH < 8,5
Intermediate pH ¼ 8–9.5
High pH > 9.5
Major constituent ratios
High MgþSi/Al
High MgþFe/Si
Sediment-water pCO2
Alkali salinity
Siliciclastic or arkosic matrix
Carbonate or mafic matrix
Groundwater input dominant
Surface runoff dominant
Lagoon or tidal
Deep sea
Chemistry pH and alkalinity
Environment Pedogenic calcrete or alluvial
Closed basin lacustrine
þþþ, favoured; þþ, less favoured; , not favoured.
Palygorskite and Sepiolite Deposits in Continental Environments
palygorskite is favoured over sepiolite. However, besides the presence of Al-rich clay phases (e.g. smectites), temporary variations in chemistry related to changes in environmental conditions such as evaporation, rainfall, freshwater flow, etc. affect the formation of palygorskite and sepiolite. Palygorskite originates in many cases from the transformation of smectite via a dissolution–precipitation process (Chen et al., 2004; Gala´n and Ferrero, 1982; Jones and Gala´n, 1988; Lo´pez-Galindo et al., 1996; Sa´nchez and Gala´n, 1995; Sua´rez et al., 1994). In some shallow restricted basins with evaporitic conditions, fibrous clay minerals and Mg-rich smectites (saponite, stevensite and kerolite) form as authigenic minerals, usually together with sulphate and carbonate minerals (Pozo and Casas, 1999). Sepiolite has also been formed in Japan from low-temperature hydrothermal solutions (Imai and Otsuka, 1984) and by the hydrothermal alteration of ¨ nlu¨, 1993). Vein-type sepiolite formed by hydrothermal volcanics (I˙rkec¸ and U processes is abundant in ophiolite complexes in Turkey (Yeniyol, 1986). The stability of palygorskite and sepiolite is mainly a function of pH. The transformation of palygorskite to smectite has been suggested by Golden and Dixon (1990), Merkl (1989), Golden et al. (1985), and Gu¨ven and Carney (1979). Golden and Dixon (1990) used transmission electron microscopy (TEM) data to show a close textural association of smectite and palygorskite in a series of experiments. Their work indicated that palygorskite readily converts to smectite above 100 C, although the reaction was sluggish at room temperature (22 C). They showed that at conditions near a pH of 12, the palygorskite to smectite transformation occurs over a period of several months. The transformation of palygorskite from the Meigs Member of the Hawthorne Formation, in southern Georgia, USA to smectite was analysed in detail using atomic force microscopy (AFM) and TEM techniques by Krekeler et al. (2005). AFM analysis indicated that palygorskite fibres in this horizon were commonly altered. Many AFM images of the altered fibres showed an oriented overgrowth on particles with platy morphology, which were interpreted as smectite. This transformation to smectite also accounts for the very low abundance of palygorskite in Mesozoic and older sediments. An implication of the transformation is that palygorskite deposits may have existed in abundance in the Mesozoic and perhaps even older sedimentary systems. However, Tertiary sedimentary rocks have different proportions of palygorskite. Orogenic activities, which resulted in the Tethys Sea being cut off during the late Cretaceous, gave rise to the development of shallow saline lakes during the Tertiary that were chemically favourable for the formation of fibrous clay minerals. In an evaporative environment, these conditions promoted the formation of gypsum and resulted in an increase in the Mg/Ca ratio that brought about the authigenic formation of a large amount of palygorskite, particularly in Neogene sediments. The positive correlation between the occurrence of palygorskite/sepiolite and gypsum and carbonates in sediments supports this hypothesis.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
The geochemistry of the post-Tethys Sea environment, which was significantly affected by climatic conditions and orogenic events during the Tertiary, controlled the formation of palygorskite and sepiolite. The present-day arid to hyper-arid environments prevailing in many areas have caused the preservation of these minerals (Singer, 1984). The deep-sea environment of the Tethys Ocean (geological formations older than Cretaceous) does not appear to have been suitable for the formation of palygorskite and sepiolite. The possible environments for palygorskite and sepiolite formation range from soils to marine and lacustrine deposits, hydrothermal veins in serpentinite and dolostone and the weathering of volcanic rocks. The primary question addressed by Singer (1979)—that is, whether these minerals owe their origin to transformation of precursor clay minerals or to precipitation directly from solution—continues to be the most controversial aspect in concerning the origin of these minerals. Nevertheless, their formation from a dissolution–precipitation mechanism that incorporates components (primarily sesquioxides) of pre-existing detrital material seems to be inescapable. These phases can therefore contain significant geochemical information regarding the precursor and the formation environment (Millot, 1970). Studies of sepiolite and palygorskite occurrences and origin in continental deposits are well supported by abundant literature. However, studies about their genetic relationships with other Mg-clays including saponite, stevensite, kerolite and associated mixed layers are relatively scarce, although fibrous and non-fibrous Mg-clays have been recognized, in the same deposit, suggesting a genetic relationship. Within sedimentary deposits, sepiolite and palygorskite occur commonly in beds, but locally also intrasedimentary (e.g. minerals that have precipitated within the sediment from the pore water after evaporation or because of transformation during diagenetic process) or forming clay clasts levels, the late as a result of reworking of desiccated and bioturbated beds (Bellanca et al., 1992; Trauth, 1977). The main aim of this contribution is to model the pathways leading to sepiolite–palygorskite (and other Mg-clays) formation based on worldwide continental occurrences. Also to establish the sedimentological models and related lithological associations, summarizing and updating the available experimental and geological data. For this purpose, the main characteristics of the most important sepiolite and palygorskite deposits of continental origin will be reviewed.
2. GENETIC CONDITIONS From a sedimentological perspective, the best conditions for the formation of fibrous clay minerals seem to occur in lacustrine evaporative environments where pre-existing sediments become exposed and diagenetic and soil
Palygorskite and Sepiolite Deposits in Continental Environments
processes alter the materials as described in a number of reviews (Calvo et al., 1999; Gala´n and Castillo, 1984; Jones, 1986; Jones and Gala´n, 1988; Singer, 1979). Palygorskite and sepiolite are common in lacustrine environments in arid or semi-arid climatic conditions when the interstitial and overlying fluids are alkaline solutions with high Si and Mg activity. The high Mg and Si may be the result of groundwater concentration near the surface, or of cyclical flooding and subsequent concentrations of the solution by evaporation. The fibrous clay materials are associated with carbonates (dolomite in particular), evaporites (gypsum, halite, thenardite) and chert. They are also often associated with other Mg-rich clays such as saponite, kerolite and stevensite. Depending on the regional geology, the source of Si, Al and Mg may be volcanic tuff (McLean et al., 1972; Starkey and Blackmon, 1984) or weathering of igneous and sedimentary rocks (Gala´n and Castillo, 1984; Hay and Stoessel, 1984). Direct precipitation and the transformation of precursor phases (by dissolution–precipitation) have been proposed as formation mechanisms in this setting (Table 2).
2.1. Experimental and Natural Evidence of Sepiolite Formation Experimental synthesis of sepiolite has been carried out under various conditions and the results generally agree (Couture, 1977; La Iglesia, 1978; Siffert and Wey, 1962; Wollast et al., 1968). Wollast et al. (1968) were able to produce sepiolite by evaporating seawater while controlling the pH and silica content. Sepiolite precipitates at pH > 8.2, and the activity of Mg2þ, OH and SiO2 is governed by the equilibrium constant k ¼ (a16Hþ)/(a8Mg2þ þ a12SiO2(aq)) ¼ 10 75.12. In other words, sepiolite can be formed at high aMg2þ/a2Hþ ratios when the SiO2 activity is
TABLE 2 General Criteria for Discriminating Between Neoformation and Transformation. Neoformation
Low content in trace element (F is an exception) especially REE and TTE
Moderate to high content in trace elements (depending of the transformed previous phases)
Commonly detrital minerals are absent or in low content
Detrital minerals are common both in clay and higher grain-size fractions
Generally precursor minerals absent
Precursor minerals present
Clean textures in thin section
Often dirt textures in thin section
Locally lamination
Lamination absent or inherited
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
low, while sepiolite is formed at low aMg2þ/a2Hþ ratios when SiO2 is high. They also observed that aluminium must not be present in solution or in reactive phases, a requisite later stressed by other authors (Birsoy, 2002; Jones, 1983; Starkey and Blackmon, 1979; Webster and Jones, 1994). Experiments performed by Siffert and Wey (1962) by evaporating solutions with fixed chemical ratios and varying pH were very productive. Sepiolite begins to precipitate at a pH of 8.5, although if pH is held at 9, smectite and talc can precipitate. In other words, an increase in Mg2þ is observed in precipitated solid phases when pH is increased, even leading to the formation of brucite at a pH of 10. Similar tests were carried out by La Iglesia (1978) where sepiolite was synthesized by homogeneous precipitation, with the observation that “crystallinity”, particle size and stability are greater when pH is increased, depending on the silica activity. The stability diagram produced by Jones (1986) shows that sepiolite, stevensite and kerolite equilibria depend on salinity (Na), pH and Mg concentration (Figure 3). High salinity favours stevensite formation, while sepiolite and
Talc (Kerolite)
ed Mix
ers lay
log a Mg2+/a 2H+
14 Sepiolite
10 Solution
4 −2
log a Na+/a H+ FIGURE 3 Stability of hydrous magnesium silicates as estimated from thermodynamic data and natural occurrences. Labels indicate fields of supersaturation of the appropriate mineral phase (adapted from Jones, 1986). The diagram explains the formation of kerolite at higher Mg/Si than sepiolite so as the predominance of stevensite at higher salinities.
Palygorskite and Sepiolite Deposits in Continental Environments
kerolite are formed in less saline conditions, with high Si/Mg ratios favouring sepiolite formation. Sepiolite stability is limited to solutions with log aMg/ a2H between about 12.5 and 16.1 and log aNa/aH ratios between 2 and 1. According to Jones and Gala´n (1988), the formation of sepiolite is controlled by several physico-chemical parameters including pH (alkalinity), pCO2 and salinity. A pH between 8 and 9.5, moderate salinity and low pCO2 seems to be the most favourable. More recently, Birsoy (2002) produced numerous stability diagrams for palygorskite and sepiolite and their associations with other minerals at 25 C in a system containing seven components (Figure 4; MgO–CaO– Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–CO2–HCl). She pointed out that when a solution has insignificant or very low aluminium activity (log [aAl3þ/(aHþ)3] < 7.5), direct precipitation of sepiolite occurs, diminishing as the activity ratio increases. Direct sepiolite precipitation was enhanced in solutions that were very rich in silica (log[aH4SiO4] 4.75), while in silica-poor solutions, sepiolite requires a higher pH for its formation than that required by palygorskite. In nature, sepiolite may precipitate from a water mass that is evaporating, but it may also precipitate from interstitial fluids in sediments subject to evaporation, or it may even be formed from magnesian-silicate substrates or pre-existing minerals during diagenesis. Leguey et al. (2010) recently proposed a relationship between dolomite biomineralization and sepiolite formation. They suggested a general process for dolomite dissolution as source of Mg favouring the fibrous clay neoformation.
B 21
log [aMg2+/(aH+)2]
17 brucite talc
16 15
palygorskite dolomite
13 12 11 10 9
18 log [aMg2+/(aH+)2]
chlorite palygorskite
17 brucite 16 15
talc magnesite
14 13
solution dolomite
12 11
amorphous Mg-mont silica −8 −7 −6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 log [aH SiO ] 4
10 9
Mg-mont −8 −7 −6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 log [aH SiO ] 4
FIGURE 4 Representative 25 C and 1 bar phase diagrams of a seven component system (MgO– CaO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–CO2–HCl) with log aH2O ¼ 1, log aCO2 ¼ 3.5 and log[aCa2þ/ (aHþ)2] ¼ 13.06. Figures A and B show the stability fields of sepiolite and palygorskite for log [aAl3þ/(aHþ)3] ¼ 4.5 and log[aAl3þ/(aHþ)3] ¼ 9.2, respectively (adapted from Birsoy, 2002).
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
Indeed, the most widely accepted interpretation for sepiolite formation is that of direct precipitation from a solution containing dissolved ionic species (silica and magnesium; Jones and Gala´n, 1988; Trauth, 1977). Sepiolite may also form from colloidal silica in a Mg2þ-rich environment, giving rise to a hydrated magnesium silicate precursor being deposited on a mineral support that would form sepiolite in periods of desiccation (Leguey et al., 1985; Pozo et al., 1990; Williams et al.; 1985). The role of aqueous CO2 in the precipitation of magnesium silicates under evaporative conditions has been reported by Deocampo (2005). Model calculations show that pCO2 is an important control on pH, thus affecting Mg-clay mineral stability. Geochemical analysis applied to water and sediments of African lakes indicates that a minimal evaporative concentration is required for Mg-silicate supersaturation, and a strong correlation (R2 ¼ 0.7, p < 0.001) is found between pCO2 and its solubility, independent of brine evolution. Obviously, initial supersaturation of water with respect to Mg-clays generally requires elevated pH, and subsequent pH suppression due to biotic or abiotic CO2 can prevent mineral precipitation (Jones, 1986). The influence of salinity as an inhibitor for sepiolite formation was described by Darragi and Tardy (1987). Aragonite and stevensite formed in alkaline salt lakes but not sepiolite. When pH and ion activity in solution are controlled by carbonate precipitation (calcite, dolomite), only limited evaporation is necessary for sepiolite to be formed from groundwater springs (Khoury et al., 1982). A d18O isotopic investigation of Mg-rich clays showed that the highest ratios are observed when stevensite is predominant, and the lowest are reached when kerolite predominates (Hay et al., 1995). The conclusion reached was that high salinity favours stevensite and low salinity favours kerolite. Values obtained for sepiolite (meerschaum type) are midway between the two. Sepiolite genesis may also be associated with the dissolution of Mg-rich clay minerals such as stevensite, saponite and kerolite. In this case, variations in salinity may give rise to ideal thermochemical and kinetic conditions for the formation of the fibrous mineral by means of a dissolution–precipitation transformation process (Chahi et al., 1997; Eberl et al., 1982; Khoury et al., 1982; Post and Janke, 1984; Pozo, 2000; Pozo and Casas, 1999). In laboratory dissolution experiments of sepiolite and kerolite (Stoessell, 1988), sepiolite is favoured in solutions in equilibrium with, or oversaturated with quartz, and that it is metastable with regard to kerolite at lower silica concentrations. In summary, according to the experiments and calculations cited, the physico-chemical conditions for sepiolite precipitation under normal conditions of temperature and pressure require relatively high alkalinity (low pCO2), with pH ranging between 8 and 9.5, medium salinity (brackish) and sufficient silica (log[aH4SiO4] 4.75), and magnesium activity. It is also essential
Palygorskite and Sepiolite Deposits in Continental Environments
that aluminium should be absent in solution (log[aAl3þ/(aHþ)3] < 7.5) or in reactive phases in the described conditions.
2.2. Natural and Experimental Evidence of Palygorskite Formation The models for palygorskite formation have been reviewed and discussed by different authors (Isphording, 1973; Jones and Gala´n, 1988; Paquet, 1983; Singer, 1979). Palygorskite is commonly formed in lacustrine–palustrine environments (Millot, 1970; Sa´ez et al., 2003; Trauth, 1977; Webster and Jones, 1994). However, unlike sepiolite, the largest number of references to the distribution and genesis of palygorskite is in association with palaeosols and carbonate crusts (Paquet, 1970; Singer, 1984; Sua´rez et al., 1993). There have been considerable differences of opinion regarding palygorskite formation, with two models being established. One considers palygorskite to have originated from aluminous precursors (Trauth, 1977; Weaver and Beck, 1977), while the other considers it to be the result of direct precipitation from solution (Singer, 1979, 1984; Singer and Norrish, 1974). According to Trauth (1977), the mineral precursor for palygorskite is an aluminous-magnesian smectite in basic environments rich in Mg2þ and silica. Weaver and Beck (1977) in turn proposed montmorillonite as the aluminous precursor. For these authors, palygorskite occurs in environments with sufficient silica and Mg2þ in solution as well as a pH range between 8 and 9. Under these conditions, Mg2þ would migrate to the octahedral layer in the smectite, producing a distortion that would force the inversion of the tetrahedra, producing palygorskite. The stability relationships of palygorskite–smectite reported by Weaver and Beck (1977) show that for a fixed concentration of aluminium (log[Al(OH4)-)] ¼ 5.5), the stability of one phase or the other at 25 C depends on the activity of silica and Mg2þ, and pH. Velde (1985) explains that the reactions between silicates containing alumina and the elements in solution, particularly silica and Mg2þ, play a very important role in the genesis of palygorskite. Thus, if the solubility of an ionic species is low (as occurs with aluminium), and the activities of silica and Mg2þ are high, a rapid process of transformation by dissolution–precipitation is possible. In other words, the aqueous dissolution of the precursor phase (smectite) would be enhanced so that a new phase (palygorskite) could be generated in a short time. Numerous researchers interpret the formation of palygorskite from a smectite precursor, both in soils (Abtahi, 1977; Yaalon and Wieder, 1976) and in sediments (Couture, 1977; Decarreau et al., 1975; El Prince et al., 1979; Giresse, 1980; Jamoussi et al., 2003). More recently, experimental studies by Birsoy (2002) show that the system MgO–CaO–Al2O3–SiO2– H2O–CO2–HCl (Figure 4), at a temperature of 25 C with high silica activity
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
(either in the form of quartz or in the form of amorphous silica), does not easily form palygorskite by direct precipitation from solution. Rather, it does so by the transformation of certain aluminous precursors such as dioctahedral smectite. She also observed that palygorskite formation is favoured when the solution has an increasing aluminium activity (log[aAl3þ/(aHþ)3] from 4.5 to 9.2). Different investigators have shown the existence of a precursor in palygorskite formation by means of TEM (Sua´rez et al., 1994; Tazaki et al., 1986, 1987). The precursor phase generally proposed is montmorillonite, but beidellite (Sautereau and Decarreau, 1973), mica (Gala´n and Ferrero, 1982), chlorite (Gala´n et al., 1975) and primary silicates (Paquet, 1983) have also been implicated. As previously described, a model of direct precipitation from solution has also been proposed for palygorskite genesis. The work by La Iglesia (1977) demonstrated that palygorskite can be obtained experimentally by homogeneous precipitation. Singer (1979, 1984) also supports the precipitation model, while ruling out the previous transformation model based on crystal-chemical criteria and on the absence of an intermediate structure. This author states that the stability of palygorskite in solution depends on pH and Mg2þ and silica activity. For fixed Al and Fe activities, palygorskite can even be stable at a pH of 6, if silica and Mg2þ activities are high. However, when Mg2þ is scarce, high pH (> 8.5) and high silica concentrations are required. This model has also been proposed by Vanden Heuvel (1966), Singer and Norrish (1974), Watts (1976, 1980), Callen (1977), Hutton and Dixon (1981) and Este´oule-Choux (1984), mostly in calcretes. In conditions of high alkalinity, direct palygorskite precipitation would be inhibited, as the aluminium would coordinate tetrahedrally instead in octahedra as required by the mineral (De Kimpe et al., 1961), unless the octahedrally coordinated aluminium was inherited directly from the smectite precursor. Current investigators suggest that the main mechanism for palygorskite formation is transformation by dissolution–precipitation, given the abundance of fine detrital materials supplying aluminium. But, they have not ruled out that local neoformation by direct precipitation also takes place under more restricted conditions. The phase diagrams prepared by Birsoy (2002) show that precipitation of palygorskite can take place but only for log[aAl3þ/ (aHþ)3] value around 5.5 and a log[aMg2þ/(aHþ)3] value between 11 and 13. In the review by Jones and Gala´n (1988), it was established that the most favourable conditions for palygorskite formation were produced at pH < 8.5 with high Mg2þ, silica and aluminium activity and moderate salinity. Controversy exists concerning the most favourable salinity for palygorskite formation since against moderate salinity, Webster and Jones (1994) have proposed ephemeral-playa conditions.
Palygorskite and Sepiolite Deposits in Continental Environments
3. MAIN GENETIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE WORLDWIDE DEPOSITS AND OCCURRENCES OF SEPIOLITE AND PALYGORSKITE IN CONTINENTAL SEDIMENTARY ENVIRONMENTS The main characteristics of the worldwide sepiolite and palygorskite deposits of continental origin are summarized in Tables 3 and 4, respectively. Concerning sepiolite the most important deposits are in Spain and Turkey, thus special attention will be paid to sepiolite in these two countries. On the contrary, the most important palygorskite deposit (Georgia–Florida, USA) will be not described here because of its perimarine origin. In relation with the Guanshan (China), probably the present biggest deposit of palygorskite is only briefly cited because it is described in detail in Chapter 10. Therefore, only some smaller deposits but of particular genetical features will be cited. Some X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of sepiolite and palygorskite from Vica´lvaro (Spain), Eskisehir (Turkey), Guanshan (China) and Torrejo´n (Spain) are shown in Figure 5. Sepiolite samples show a high purity (only traces of calcite in Eskisehir sepiolite) and high ordering. Palygorskite from Torrejo´n exhibits higher ordering than Guanshan sample, both with traces of associated minerals. Some representative chemical analyses from 10 most deposits cited in this section are displayed in Table 5. Sepiolite samples from Eskisehir and Vicalvaro are the purest samples showing the lowest Al2O3 and K2O content. Palygorskite samples display variation of MgO and Al2O3 content, being noteworthy the higher Fe2O3 and K2O percentages in the sample from India.
3.1. Spain Sepiolite and palygorskite are widely distributed in continental deposits in Spain (Figure 6), with special concentrations in the Tagus and Duero basins. However, the most noteworthy deposits are those located in the Tagus Basin.
3.1.1. Tagus Basin Geological Setting The Tagus Basin is an intracratonic basin that was formed as a result of differential tectonic strains within the Iberian microplate during the Alpine orogeny. The lithostratigraphy of the Miocene epoch of the Neogene period is divided into three major units: Lower, Middle and Upper, which are separated by regional disconformities (Alberdi et al., 1984; Junco and Calvo, 1983). The Altomira Range (Mesozoic) divides the basin into two sub-basins named the Madrid Basin and Loranca Basin, located in the west and east of the Tagus Basin, respectively. The geological map of Madrid Basin and a representative lithological section are shown in Figure 7.
TABLE 3 Summary of Worldwide Sepiolite Deposits. Deposit (Country, Age)
Fibrous Clay Minerals (Thickness)
Lithofacies Assemblage
Mineralogical Association
Vicalvaro-VallecasCaban˜as de la Sagra (Spain) Miocene
Sepiolite Lower Unit. 1–5 m Upper Unit. Up to 10 m Two main beds
Arkose, clayey arkose, Mg-clay Sepiolite,dolomite, calcite, chert
Sepiolite (> 95%) (saponite, stevensite, illite, calcite, dolomite, quartz, feldspar)
Depositional neoformation Diagenetic
Batallones (Spain) Miocene
Sepiolite Lower Unit. Up to 9 m Upper Unit. Up to 2 m Two main beds
Sepiolite, sepiolite– palygorskite clay, Mgsmectite clay, calcrete, chert
Sepiolite (palygorskite, saponite, illite, quartz, feldspar, calcite)
Depositional neoformation Diagenetic
Eskisehir (Turkey) Miocene
Sepiolite 0.5–5 m Beds and nodules
Calcareous and gypsiferous clay, sepiolite,dolomite, conglomerate, magnesite, tuff, gypsum
Sepiolite (up to 90%): (dolomite, quartz, illite, feldspar, VFR)
Depositional neoformation Diagenetic
Eskisehir (Turkey) Miocene
Loulinghite 0.6–5 m
Lutite, tuff, bentonite, chert
Loulinghita (sepiolite, analcime, smectite, illite, calcite, feldspar, palygorskite, opal)
Mara-Orera (Spain) Miocene
Sepiolite 0.5–0.6 m (up to 1 m) Inserts
Carbonate, dolomitic marl, sepiolitic marl, chert
Sepiolite: (palygorskite, Mg-smectite, calcite, dolomite, zeolites, opal)
Palustrine– lacustrine
Depositional neoformation
Amboseli (Kenya–Tanzania) Pleistocene
Sepiolite 1–3 m One bed and nodules (meerschaum)
Sepiolite, dolomite
Sepiolite (dolomite, kerolite-stevensite, calcite, feldspar)
Lacustrine (margin)
Depositional neoformation
Amargosa (USA) Pliocene–Pleistocene
Sepiolite: Up to 1.5 m Two beds
Silt, silty clay, sand
Sepiolite (saponite, illite, kerolitestevensite, dolomite, calcite)
Lacustrine (playa)
Depositional neoformation Diagenetic
TABLE 4 Summary of Worldwide Palygorskite Deposits. Deposit (Country, Age)
Fibrous Clay Minerals (Thickness)
Lithofacies Assemblage
Mineralogical Association
Bercimuel (Spain) Miocene
Palygorskite 1–1.5 m Two beds
Silt, clay, calcrete
Palygorskite (illite, kaolinite, quartz, smectite, mixed layers)
Diagenetic (dissolution– precipitation), Al-smectite
Torrejo´n el rubio (Spain) Paleogene
Palygorskite 0.5–4 m One bed
Marl. Palygorskitic clay,arkose, gravel
Palygorskite (illite, sepiolite, chlorite, dolomite, saponite, quartz, feldspar)
Lacustrine– palustrine (alteration profile)
Diagenetic (dissolution– precipitation), chlorite
Andhra Pradesh (India) (Paleogene)
Palygoskite 0.5–3 m
Limestone, chert, marl, sandstone
Palygorskite (?)
Diagenetic (dissolution– precipitation), Illite Depositional neoformation
Lake Nerramyne (Australia) Garford Paleochannel (Australia) (Miocene)
Palygorskite 4–9 m Palygorskite Up to 2 m
Clay, dolomite
Palygorskite (?) Palygorskite (illite, smectite, dolomite)
Lacustrine Lacustrine
No data
Guanshan (China) (Miocene)
Palygorskite 3–6 m
Clay, basaltic ash
Palygorskite (smectite > quartz sepiolite, mica, dolomite)
Lacustrine–fluvial (alteration profile)
Diagenetic (basaltic ash and basalt))
Grevena (Greece) (Pliocene– Plesitocene)
Palygorskite 10–18 m
Clay, sand
Palygorskite (?)
Diagenetic (saponitic sands, ultramafic rock)
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
S = Sepiolite C = Calcite
12.06 Å
100 0
S 12.01 Å
1600 S S
0 10
30 40 Position [⬚2theta]
P 900
Q P 10.47 Å
P 400
P = Palygorskite Q = Quartz D = Dolomite
10.49 Å
0 10
30 40 Position [⬚2Theta]
FIGURE 5 XRD patterns of sepiolite and palygorskite from representative deposits.
Sepiolite is commonly found in the Madrid Basin (Brell et al., 1985; Calvo et al., 1999; Gala´n and Castillo, 1984; Ordon˜ez et al., 1991). Although not as common as sepiolite, the presence of palygorskite in the Neogene lacustrine and alluvial sequences of the Madrid Basin has often been reported (Gala´n and Castillo, 1984; Garcı´a-Romero et al., 2004; Leguey et al., 1985; Pozo et al., 1985). The sedimentological analysis of the lacustrine deposits and their lateral relationship with alluvial facies that border the basin margin suggests that the lake systems underwent significant changes throughout the Miocene (Calvo et al., 1989).
TABLE 5 Representative Chemical Analysis of Sepiolite and Palygorskite from Selected Worldwide Deposits. Sepiolites
Vallecas (Gala´n and Castillo, 1984)
Amboseli (Hay and Stoessel, 1984)
Mara (Arauzo et al., 1989)
Batallones (Pozo et al., 2010b)
Eskisehir (Ece and C ¸ oban, 1994)
Andhra Pradesh (Siddiqui, 1984)
Guanshan (Zhou and Murray, chapter 10 of this book)
Bercimuel (Castillo, 1991)
Torrejo´n (Gala´n et al., 1975)
10.88 8.79
11.93 14.43
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
FIGURE 6 Tertiary basins in the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal).
The Mg-clay deposits (sepiolite, Mg-bentonites and kerolitic clays) are located in a transition zone between alluvial and marginal lacustrine facies within the Miocene Middle Unit (Ordon˜ez et al., 1991). According to Doval et al. (1985) and Garcı´a et al. (1990), the distribution of Mg-rich clays in the Madrid Basin follows a pattern in which sepiolite is present in the marginal zones closest to detrital inputs, while Mg-rich smectites are found in the central areas. This palaegeographical distribution of clay minerals is not in accordance with the Millot’s model (Millot, 1970), that is, the most magnesian clays do not occur at the centre of the basin, as Millot proposed, but mostly in marginal sites. The facies bearing Mg-clays was named “Magnesian Unit” by Pozo and Casas (1995) in reference to its anomalous Mg content. A relationship between
50 100
200 m
Legend K 5
100 m
drid TAJO
C 0m
sepiolite AI-smectite Mg-smectite illite kaolinite
Deposit ER
30 km
Main clay occurrence Sepiolite Sepiolite Kerolite-stevensite Bentonite Bentonite
FIGURE 7 Geological map and representative lithological section and mineralogy of Neogene units at the Madrid Basin (LU, Lower Unit; IU, Intermediate Unit; UU, Upper Unit). The location of Mg-clay deposits including sepiolite, Mg-bentonite and kerolite-stevensite mixed layers is also showed (modified after Brell et al., 1985).
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
occurrences of Mg-clays, source areas and depositional systems has been suggested by Doval et al. (1985) and Calvo et al. (1989). The mineralogical assemblages are composed of both detrital (inherited) and authigenic minerals. Authigenic silicate minerals include sepiolite, Mg-smectite (stevensite, saponite), mixed-layer kerolite/Mg-smectite, quartz (nodules) and zeolites (clinoptilolite–heulandite). Calcite, dolomite and barite were also detected. The Magnesian Unit facies are interpreted as alluvial-related, dry mudflat or palustrine deposits formed in a saline-alkaline lake margin. In this environment, alternating expansion/contraction episodes of detrital input (sand intervals) and sub-aerial exposure (palaeosols) can be determined. Granitic and metamorphic rocks from the bordering Central System and Toledo Mountains are the major source of inherited minerals, colloids and silica-laden waters. Fluctuating brackish to saline lake waters are the principal contributors of Mg, probably recycled from Mesozoic evaporitic successions. According to Castillo (1991), the sepiolite deposits present in the Madrid Basin are in two main palaeogeographic situations, one associated with the distal facies of the alluvial fans (e.g. Vica´lvaro-Caban˜as de la Sagra; Figure 7) and another associated with predominantly palustrine conditions (e.g. Cerro de los Batallones). A third, highly subordinated type is associated with the central lacustrine facies where it occurs with carbonates and is not suitable for exploitation. Several authors have also described sepiolite palaeosols in the Madrid Basin, both in marginal areas influenced by arkosic deposits (Calvo et al., 1986; Leguey et al., 1989) and in shallower internal areas of the basin (Leguey et al., 1985; Martı´n de Vidales et al., 1988). The existence of sepiolite with deposits of other Mg-rich clays is very common in the Madrid Basin (Martı´n de Vidales et al., 1991). According to Pozo (2000), the diversity of these Mg-clay occurrences and their geochemistry can be interpreted as a result of genetic processes controlled by the existence of precursor clay phases (inherited and/or authigenic), water sources (runoff, groundwater, lake water) and their hydrochemistry (e.g. Esquivias Mg-clay deposit). The geochemical variability of Mg-rich clays in the Madrid Basin has been described by a number of different authors (Pozo et al., 1999a,b; Torres-Ruı´z et al., 1994). These authors observed generally significant geochemical differences between sepiolite and magnesium smectite with respect to palygorskite, justifying the differences by the type of mineral genesis. The different types of clays can be clearly separated by F-Mg and Li-Mg ratios (e.g. Vicalvaro and Maga´n Mg-clay deposits). More recently, Pozo et al. (2005, 2010a) studied the geochemistry of sepiolite from different environments in the Madrid Basin, including alluvial fan facies (Vica´lvaro, Caban˜as de la Sagra), a palustrine complex (Cerro de los Batallones) and mudflat environments (Esquivias, Maga´n). The results allow sepiolites to be differentiated by the abundance of trace elements, or on the
Palygorskite and Sepiolite Deposits in Continental Environments
basis of whether they originated through precipitation from solution or under diagenetic conditions. In the case of diagenetic origin, the geochemistry of authigenic sepiolite would be related to the Mg-clay/carbonate support involved and the composition and pH of the groundwater input. The abundance of palygorskite in the Madrid Basin is much lower than sepiolite (Pozo et al., 1985). Until now, the most important occurrence of palygorskite is at Tabladillo (province of Guadalajara), in Miocene beds belonging to the so-called Loranca Basin, between the fluvial (detrital) and lacustrine (evaporitic) facies (Martı´n Pozas et al., 1981). The palygorskite beds are 0.4–2 m in thickness, intercalated between detrital, marly and gypsiferous facies. The palygorskite can reach a proportion of 70%, accompanied by sepiolite, mica, quartz, calcite, dolomite and opal. This has been interpreted as the result of transformation from precursor aluminous phases. Vallecas–Vica´lvaro and Yunclillos Deposits These sepiolite deposits, the world’s most important, are associated with alluvial deposits in a band running in a NE–SW direction. The Vallecas-Vica´lvaro deposits, close to Madrid, are located at the northern, and the Caban˜as-Yunclillos deposits, in the province of Toledo, are at the south (Figure 7). The sepiolite occurs in two stratigraphic levels that are topped by arkosic filling materials originating in distal alluvial facies (Figure 8). In the exploitation of the Vallecas-Vica´lvaro area, two lacustrine units with sepiolite mineralization are distinguished (Figure 9). They form lenticular subhorizontal layers with thicknesses varying between 2 and 12 m (Castillo, 1991; Gala´n and Castillo, 1984). These units are separated by arkosic sands forming coarsening-upward sequences of alluvial origin with the absence of erosive bases or channels, and with a thickness varying between 10 and 50 m (Baltuille et al., 1996). The sepiolite-rich beds mostly consist of sepiolite (> 80 wt%) and smectites (15 wt%), with traces (< 5 wt%) of calcite, dolomite, quartz and feldspars. The first sepiolite-bearing unit (lower lacustrine sequence) is formed by a main bed of poorly ordered sepiolite (XRD; 1–5 m thick) with a lenticular morphology and with intercalations of dolomitic carbonates, Mg-smectite clays and silex on the margins. The unit ends locally in a laminated bed of marly smectite-rich clays. The second sepiolite-bearing unit (upper lacustrine sequence) has at its base a bed of laminated sepiolite that is rich in detrital minerals (quartz and feldspar) and reddish in colour. The sepiolite bed has a lenticular morphology and presents carbonate, smectite and silex intercalations at its margins. It becomes separated into two exploitable layers, reaching a thickness of 10 m, high purity (up to 95 wt%) and good XRD ordering (see Figure 5). Towards the top and laterally, it grades into smectite-rich clays, calcareous marls and marly limestone finishing in a laminated clay bed formed by
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
10 m.
0 m.
E. Vertical
2 Km.
E. Horizontal
Mg/AI Semectite
Mg-Smectite, Sepiolite
Lutite/Sepiolitic arkose
Chert nodule
Black clay
FIGURE 8 Block diagram showing the Madrid Basin sedimentary environments during Neogene and representative cross section of the Vicalvaro sepiolite deposit. The main sepiolite beds are labeled A and B. Roman numbers indicate boreholes position (adapted from Gala´n and Castillo, 1984 and Sa´nchez Rodrı´guez et al., 1995).
smectite and/or sepiolite. The stratigraphic succession ends with an interval of up to 20 m of arkose in fining-upward sequences, with thin inserts of clays and a basal bed of gravel. The primary mechanism for the formation of the sepiolite seems to be neoformation by precipitation. The differences in the mineralogical associations between the two established sepiolite-bearing beds have been related to the locally greater availability of magnesium and higher pH, which would explain the greater presence of Mg-rich smectites in the lower sepiolite-bearing unit (pH close to 9) and the better ordering of the fibrous mineral in the upper sepiolite-bearing unit (Gala´n and Castillo, 1984). A detailed study of the beds containing smectite phases in the Vica´lvaro sepiolite deposit (Cuevas et al., 2003)
Palygorskite and Sepiolite Deposits in Continental Environments
2 m.
12 m.
A 15 m.
20 m.
20 m.
B 25 m.
33 m.
FIGURE 9 Representative lithological sections from the Yunclillos and Vicalvaro sepiolite deposits. The main sepiolite beds are labelled A and B (adapted from Gala´n and Castillo, 1984).
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
reviews a mixture of stevensite, saponite and a micaceous mineral. Sepiolite is interpreted as the result of a diagenetic alteration in the Mg-rich smectites. At Yunclillos-Caban˜as de la Sagra area (province of Toledo), a sepiolite deposit of truly great economic interest (Gala´n and Castillo, 1984; Pozo et al., 1999a,b) is associated with Mg-rich bentonites. In this deposit, two sepiolite beds can be defined (see Figure 9). The upper bed has smectites and chert nodule impurities, while the lower one is thicker (3 m) and of higher purity. The sepiolite occurs in a unit of fine-grained sands with chert and carbonates (Garcı´a et al., 1990). The sepiolite-bearing beds can also contain Mg-rich smectite (saponite) in varying proportions, although the sepiolite bed can reach several metres thick and with high purity. The sepiolite is considered to be authigenic. The general sedimentary environment for the formation of the sepiolite would have been related to flooding events over the fringe facies between distal alluvial fan deposits and those corresponding to lacustrine mudflats of a saline–alkaline lake (Figure 10). In this situation, the sepiolite also occurs in sediments of the alluvial fringe and associated with calcretes (Calvo et al., 1986). Batallones Deposit Sepiolite associated with palustrine environments appears to be well represented in the Valdemoro-Esquivias sector. The sepiolite-bearing unit extends in a NE–SW direction for over 20 km. Only one mineralized bed is recognized where sepiolite is the major mineral; however, it can be accompanied towards the top of the unit by palygorskite. The Batallones sepiolite deposit is located near the villages of Torrejo´n de Velasco and Valdemoro (province of Madrid; Figure 7). Both mapping and sedimentological analysis allow three main lithological units to be distinguished (Pozo et al., 2004): (I) mudstones, dolomitic mudstones and Mg-bentonites; (II) sepiolite and opal-CT; and (III) limestones, marls and siliciclastic sediments (Figure 11). Mudstones from Unit I are interpreted as mudflat deposits associated with a Mg-rich lake margin. The sepiolites and opals of Unit II are interpreted to represent thick polyphasic sepiolite palaeosols developed in a similar alkaline lake margin environment undergoing periods of prolonged sub-aerial exposure and groundwater inputs. Deposited in disconformity, the Unit III comprises associated siliciclastic and carbonate deposits forming sequences that are interpreted to represent deposition in a freshwater palustrine to shallow lacustrine environment. The sepiolite unit in Batallones consists of three sedimentary sub-units forming sequences II.1, II.2 and II.3, each with distinct mineralogical characteristics. Sequence II.2 contains sepiolite of the highest purity and XRD ordering (Pozo et al., 2010b). A noteworthy fact of these sequences is the existence of at least three main textures: laminated, massive and brecciated-intraclastic.
Lake margin
Open lake
Alluvial Groundwater recharge
Evaporation Oscillation of lake water level
Carbonate facies
Clay mineralogy Carbonate mineralogy
Massive bedded Calcretes/ Nodular Nodular Stromatolites, Bedded limestones dolostones and dolostones, dolocretes limestones dolostones tepees gypsum molds Mg-smectites Polygorskite/ Sepiolite (stevensite, saponite) Illite sepiolite Kerolite/stevensite Calcite/ Calcite Dolomite Dolomite Calicite/dolomite dolomite
FIGURE 10 Idealized sketch of marginal to open lake environments (palustrine–lacustrine) in the Madrid Basin during Miocene. The whole clay minerals displayed are authigenic and commonly associated with carbonate facies (adapted from Calvo et al., 1999).
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
Limestones, chert,
U.3 mudstones, marls and sandy clays
U.2 Sepiolites and opal Green mudstones
U.1 and bentonites
Mudstones and gypsum
Lithological sections
200 m m 1
FIGURE 11 Geological map and representative lithological section of the Batallones sepiolite deposit (modified after Pozo et al., 2004).
The appearance of these textures both in optical microscopy and in scanning electron microscopy is shown in Figure 12. Massive texture shows a chert-like groundmass locally with detrital grains and bioturbation features. Under the scanning electron microscope (SEM), sepiolite randomly oriented fibre bundles are displayed. Laminated texture exhibits thin lamination, sometimes containing intraclasts and/or detrital grains. Under the SEM, laminar microfabric with orientation of fibre aggregates is observed. Brecciated-intraclastic texture (Figure 12) shows several degree of brecciation sometimes forming intraclasts. Under the SEM, the intraclasts are commonly groundmass-supported indicating at least two sepiolite genetic stages. Pozo et al. (2009) suggest that the sepiolite was formed from the destabilization of Mg-rich smectite (saponite) by means of an intrasedimentary mechanism with the subsequent action of neoformation processes from solutions or Si–Mg gels. A reduction in the salinity and silica input from groundwater would have favoured these processes. In fact, an association between groundwater discharge and sepiolite formation was reported by Pozo et al. (2006) in the vicinity of the Batallones deposit. In contrast to sepiolite formation, the presence of palygorskite in sequence II.3 would have been the result of the transformation of inherited clays from the input of surface waters and detrital sediments in an environment favouring the formation of calcretes (Pozo et al., 2010c).
Palygorskite and Sepiolite Deposits in Continental Environments
FIGURE 12 Thin section (crossed polars) and SEM images of main textures in the Batallones sepiolite deposit (Madrid Basin). Massive and brecciated-intraclastic textures are the most common often forming sequences. Laminated textures are more subordinated and have been observed mainly at the base of sepiolite unit.
3.1.2. Other Spanish Deposits Sepiolite and palygorskite are also found in the Duero Basin and in small basins, particularly those of Torrejo´n el Rubio, Calatayud, As Pontes and Campo de Calatrava and locally in a brackish lacustrine environment of perimarine origin, in the Guadalquivir basin (Lebrija) (Figure 6). Most of the occurrences of palygorskite and sepiolite in the Duero Basin correspond to materials included in the Cuestas Facies composed of marls, dolostone, limestone, clays and gypsum (Armenteros et al., 1989; Pozo, 1987) in the central areas of the basin. The only significant accumulation is located on the south-eastern edge of the basin in the Bercimuel palygorskite
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
deposit where the fibrous clay mineral is associated with fine-grained detrital alluvial fan deposits and carbonate crusts (Armenteros, 1986; Martı´n Pozas et al., 1983). Sepiolite and palygorskite content in the Cuesta Facies can reach 28 and 73 wt%, respectively, accompanied by illite, smectite and traces of kaolinite (Pozo and Carame´s, 1983). Their formation in the carbonate-rich lacustrine environments has been interpreted as the result of neoformation from silica and magnesium gels both by intrasedimentary and by evaporitic processes. The palygorskite formed from silico-aluminous precursor phases (Pozo et al., 1990). Vivar (2010) recently studied different outcrops and cores of this facies establishing sequences starting with inherited mineral associations (illite, smectite and kaolinite) and finishing with neoformed minerals (Mgsmectite, palygorskite and sepiolite). Sepiolite was mostly neoformed, while palygorskite and magnesium smectite would be the result of transformation processes. The Bercimuel palygorskite deposit is associated with Neogene detrital materials deposited by alluvial fan systems that change laterally to lacustrine facies. This palygorskite deposit has been studied by Sua´rez et al. (1989, 1993) and Sua´rez (1992). A horizontal clay unit with average palygorskite content of 60–70 wt% overlying a carbonated bed (crust) is commercially exploited in Bercimuel. The unit consists of two beds 1–1.5 m thick. The palygorskite is associated with quartz, illite and kaolinite as inherited minerals, and with smectites and interstratified minerals (smectite–illite) as transformation minerals. According to Sua´rez (1992), the origin of the palygorskite is associated with the weathering of phyllosilicates and the dissolution of the quartz present in the sediment and by the action of solutes dissolved in surface runoff resulting from the weathering of pre-Neogene silicate and carbonate rocks. The palygorskite deposit at Torrejo´n el Rubio (province of Ca´ceres, Spain) contains Paleogene palygorskite-rich marls overlying the basement made of Cambrian slates. This deposit is located in a small Tertiary fault basin limited by quartzite and granite outcrops to the west of the Tagus Basin (see Figure 6). According to Gala´n and Castillo (1984), the maximum thickness of the clay unit ranges between 6 and 50 m. The detrital-clay unit has two mineralized beds of which only the lower one (0.5–4 m thick), overlying the slate basement, is exploited (Figure 13). The palygorskite content can reach 70 wt% and is associated with illite and varying quantities of sepiolite, chlorite, dolomite, smectite (saponite), feldspars and quartz. The lower bed is the result of weathering of the slate basement in a lacustrine–palustrine environment. The fluvial–alluvial conditions would have originated with the exposure of slate areas that were previously weathered and exposed as the consequence of movement by the faults limiting the basin. Thus, the continuity between slates and palygorskite-rich clays observed at a number of points suggests the formation of palygorskite in association with weathering of the metamorphic
Palygorskite and Sepiolite Deposits in Continental Environments
N Sra.
S-274 S-365
ST-385 ST-301
340 319
ST-289 ST-266
351 322
389 356 347 ST-415
0 5 10m
FIGURE 13 Geological map and correlation of cores from the Torrejo´n el Rubio Basin. It is noteworthy the thickness variability of the palygorskite-rich bed.
rock in an acidic environment. Weathering of chlorite contained in the slate would have provided the necessary input of components required for the formation of palygorskite (Gala´n and Castillo, 1984; Gala´n et al., 1975). Other authors (Fernandez Macarro and Blanco, 1990) suggest the palygorskite would have originated from smectite in palaeosols formed on a stable alluvial plain. The Mara sepiolite deposit located in the Calatayud Basin province of Zaragoza (see Figure 6) originated during the upper Miocene in a palustrine– lacustrine environment (Arauzo et al., 1989). The sepiolite bed consists of alternating clays, marls and carbonates, with thicknesses between 10 cm and 1 m, and average values of 50–60 cm. The mineralogical associations in the sepiolite beds are complex: detrital minerals (illite, interstratified illite-smectite, quartz, feldspars, dioctahedral smectite, chlorite and kaolinite); neoformed phyllosilicates (sepiolite, trioctahedral smectite, palygorskite); carbonates (calcite and/or dolomite); and, also occasionally, heulandite– clinoptilolite, opal-A and opal-CT (Mayayo et al., 1998). Both the sepiolite and the trioctahedral smectite formed by precipitation in the lacustrine basin. The palygorskite is post-depositional resulting from the transformation of aluminosilicate phases. The volcanic region of Campo de Calatrava is located in the south-central zone of the Iberian Peninsula (province of Ciudad Real) and belongs to the Cenozoic Manchegan Basin (see Figure 6). The presence of palygorskite in
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
this basin has been reported by Pozo et al. (1986), Pozo and Martı´n de Vidales (1989), and Sa´nchez and Gala´n (1995). The genesis of the palygorskite is a result of dissolution–precipitation phenomena at the expense of the dioctahedral smectites and/or illite during retractive stages of the marginal lacustrine system. The origin of the Mg is interpreted as the result of hydrolytic alteration of chloritic slates from the basement, from which this element would have been released. The weathering of volcaniclastic materials, however, would have been responsible for releasing Mg, Ca and silica into the aqueous phase. The main characteristics of the Spanish sepiolite–palygorskite deposits are summarized in Tables 3 and 4.
3.2. Turkey 3.2.1. Geological Setting References to the presence of sepiolite and palygorskite in continental deposits in Turkey have grown notably in recent years. Although there is a common presence of both fibrous clay minerals, the sepiolite deposits acquire special relevance owing to their extensive distribution and their quality, with special reference to the Ezkisehir Basin deposits. Three sectors can be established with sepiolite deposits or containing sepiolite: Eskisehir–Konya, Denizli and Sivas (Figure 14). The Eskisehir–Konya sector is a band of lacustrine deposits running in a NW–SE direction in the west-central area of Turkey. The northern area contains the deposits of Eskisehir (Ece and C¸oban, 1994) and Yenidogan (Yeniyol, 1992), both in the Neogene Eskisehir Basin. Because of the economical interest of the first one, it will be described in Section 3.2.2.
FIGURE 14 Geographic map showing the main zones with sepiolite deposits in Turkey. 1. Eskisehir-Konya sector, 2. Denizli sector, 3. Sivas sector.
Palygorskite and Sepiolite Deposits in Continental Environments
Sepiolite and palygorskite have also been reported in the Neogene Konya Basin to the southeast, but the presence of sepiolite is less significant in the Konya Basin than in the other sector. Here, three types of sepiolite associated with carbonates have been identified (Karakaya et al., 2004). The first is a brown sepiolite, rich in organic material with common occurrences of bioclasts; another is poor in organic material with associated dolomite (50 wt%); and the third type with only 5–20 wt% sepiolite is present in light-coloured carbonates (dolomite, calcite). The presence of chart is common as nodules or lenses. The presence of palygorskite together with sepiolite has also been recognized in nearby areas (Asagi Pinarbasi Basin) in carbonate units (calcite and dolomite; Karakas¸ and Kadir, 1998). The Denizli sector is located southwest of Eskisehir–Konya with sepiolite having been discovered in the Neogene Serinhisar-Acypayam Basin. Akbulut and Kadir (2003) describe the presence of sepiolite, palygorskite and saponite in the Neogene lacustrine deposits of the basin. The deposits occupy the depression formed by a graben resulting from extensional stress. The sedimentary filling is mainly clayey material deposited in fluvio-lacustrine environments. The alkaline lake palustrine environments favoured the periodic development of sepiolite, palygorskite, saponite and dolomitic sepiolite. At some points, the sepiolite predominates but with intercalated saponite. At other points where there is evidence of volcanic activity, the saponite accompanies palygorskite. In all cases, the contact between the fibrous clay minerals is clear, which can be interpreted as rapid changes in the physicochemical conditions in the environment. The source of Fe and Al is inferred to be synsedimentary basaltic volcanism, while the SiO2 and Mg would have originated in the surrounding lithological units including ultrabasic rocks, detrital rocks and perhaps volcanic rocks. The conclusion reached is that the Mg-rich clays were formed either through the direct precipitation in the alkaline waters of the lake or in the pore water existing between the dolomite crystals. The Sivas sector is located to the east of the previously described sectors. The presence of sepiolite and palygorskite has been cited for the Neogene Kengal Subbasin that is a part of the Sivas Basin (Yalc¸ın et al., 2004). These authors describe the presence of sepiolite and palygorskite in lacustrine facies (20–60 m in thickness) consisting mainly of carbonates (calcite, dolomite and magnesite) with alternating layers of clays and chert. The palygorskite, sepiolite and dolomitic sepiolite are present in layers with varying thicknesses of 0.1–1 m. A detailed description of occurrences and deposits of sepiolite and palygorskite in Turkey is included in this book (see Chapter 7).
3.2.2. Eskisehir Deposit The presence of sepiolite in beds and as nodules in the Eskisehir Basin (Turkey) has been described by Ece and C ¸ oban (1994) (see Figure 14). The sedimentary record is complex and is represented by calcareous clays, clayey carbonates,
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
dolomite, gypsiferous calcareous clays, siliceous tuffs, sepiolite, sepiolite-bearing dolomite and ultramafic conglomerates. The basement is an ophiolitic complex, and intercalations of weathered bentonitic tuffs are common occurrences in the stratigraphic succession. Four types of sepiolite are distinguished: one nodular and three bedded. The nodules appear in a bed (50–100 cm) of poorly sorted conglomerate from ultramafic rocks that overlie the ophiolitic basement. The sepiolite-bearing beds can be black (0.5–2 m); passing upward to brown (0.5–3.5 m); or white dolomitic sepiolite (4–5 m). The deposit is lacustrine and dates from the Miocene, filling a fault basin or graben of extensional origin (rifting). The existence of accumulations of stockwork magnesite very near the lacustrine deposits acted as the source for the formation of the sepiolite nodules (meerschaum), which would have formed as the result of diagenetic alteration of magnesite blocks under alkaline conditions. The sepiolite formed by direct precipitation in the saline–alkaline waters of the lake, with supersaturation of silica. The environment would have been alkaline–saline in arid to semi-arid climatic conditions with possible wet intervals owing to seasonal fluctuations. Yeniyol (1992) studied the geology, mineralogy and genesis of the Yenidogan sepiolite deposit, near Eskisehir (50 km to the SE) in the same basin. According to this author, this is the most important deposit in the Neogene Eskisehir Basin. The stratigraphic record shows a thickness of about 200 m in three lithological associations, of which the third contains the sepiolite deposit. The sepiolite occurs in two beds in the upper interval of the Pliocene sequence, which consists of an alternation of dolostone and dolomitic marls. The lower bed (3 m thick) is formed of sepiolite and dolomitic sepiolite. The upper bed has a thickness of up to 10 m and a broad lateral extension. It is formed by an alternation of sepiolite with sepiolite-rich layers and lenses. The sepiolite (up to 90%) is accompanied by quartz, feldspar, illite and grains of pumice. Dolomitic sepiolite is particularly abundant in the upper bed, but it does not exceed 50%. The formation of the sepiolite is associated with the shallow margins of an alkaline lake, ephemeral flooding events and wetlands (marshes), resulting from direct precipitation of the lake water. A diagenetic origin from solutions circulating through the intergranular porosity and along the desiccation cracks is also suggested. The primary source of Mg would have been the weathering of ultramafic rocks (serpentinite), common in the basement. Loughlinite (sodium-rich variety of sepiolite) is currently mined at Eskisehir. According to Yeniyol (1997), the loughlinite-bearing layers are present in Miocene deposits where layers can have thickness of 0.6–5 m, intercalated with lutites, volcanic tuffs, chert and bentonites. The loughlinite beds can be accompanied locally by analcime, smectite calcite and illite. Kadir et al. (2002) associate loughlinite in the same area to a lacustrine-volcano-sedimentary unit of highly variable sediment composition (clastic,
Palygorskite and Sepiolite Deposits in Continental Environments
clayey, evaporitic, dolomitic and siliceous sediments) and volcanic tuff deposits. In sharp contact with the sepiolite, the loughlinite contains dolomite, opalCT and analcime, especially in weathered tuffs and yellow or green lutites. At other times, the loughlinite is intercalated as lenses in the sepiolite. In this case, the associated materials are palygorskite, analcime, feldspar, opal-CT and calcite. According to Yeniyol (1997), loughlinite formed by the reaction of Naþ and Mg-rich waters with the vitreous components of pyroclastic deposits.
3.3. Other Deposits and Occurrences 3.3.1. Amargosa Desert Deposit (USA) Khoury et al. (1982) described the presence of Mg-rich clay deposits of economic interest in the Amargosa desert of southern Nevada. Sepiolite (up to 1.2 m in thickness) is associated with extensive kerolite/stevensite deposits and travertine accumulations of Plio-Pleistocene age (Eberl et al., 1982). The sepiolite is present in two main stratigraphic intervals and overlies a unit formed by sepiolite and Mg-rich smectites. In addition to trioctahedral smectite (kerolite/stevensite) and sepiolite, the minerals identified are dolomite, calcite and local occurrences of detrital mica. Based on textural evidence, Khoury et al. (1982) indicate that the sepiolite could have been formed not only as the result of direct precipitation but also from kerolite/stevensite dissolution. According to Hay et al. (1986), these deposits were deposited in the lacustrine environment of a playa-lake, with caliche, in areas influenced by groundwater infiltration. The review by Miles, Chapter 11, presents complementary information on the Amargosa deposits in Nevada, USA. 3.3.2. Amboseli Deposit (Kenya–Tanzania) According to Stoessel and Hay (1978), the Amboseli sepiolite deposit is located in the Pleistocene formation known as the Sinya Beds, characterized by the common occurrence of elongated mounds or domes. Lithologically, the deposit consists of massive white dolostone conformably overlain by green sepiolitic clays ending with a level of clays and silts with calcrete. Hay and Stoessel (1984) differentiate the sepiolite from the deposit into two varieties: waxy (green) sepiolite and meerschaum type (massive, light and porous) in cavities. Dolomite is brecciated in layers 1.5–5 m in thickness, and it is overlaid with 1.3 m of waxy green sepiolite accompanied by calcite, dolomite and potassic feldspar. Most of the meerschaum is located in the dolomitic breccia and this is the sepiolite of economic interest. The carbonate and sepiolite beds formed by deposition in marshland, or shallow lakes or ponds (palustrine). The aSiO2/aMg2þ ratio of the pore fluids would have been the main control on precipitation of sepiolite and kerolite (Hay et al., 1995).
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
3.3.3. Guanshan Deposit (China) In China, there are more than 20 palygorskite deposits on the border of Jiangsu and Anhui provinces. The Guanshan palygorskite deposit in Anhui province seems to be the most important. This palygorskite is present in a unit varying in thickness between 18 and 54 m overlying the Miocene Huaguoshan Formation. The base of this unit consists of volcanic rocks (olivine basalt and basalt ash), transitioning to palygorskite-rich clays towards the top with a thickness varying between 3 and 6 m. The palygorskite content ranges from 55 wt% to more than 90 wt% accompanied by low quartz content (< 10 wt %) and traces of sepiolite, mica and dolomite (Liu and Cai, 1993). A model is proposed explaining the formation of the palygorskite as the result of the transformation of components of the volcaniclastic deposits in a lacustrine environment. Further information regarding the palygorskite occurrences in China is included in Chapter 10. 3.3.4. Ventzia Basin Deposit (Greece) In Greece, Kastritis et al. (2003) describe the existence of a deposit of palygorskite and palygorskite and saponite-rich clays in the Ventzia Basin. This basin is located in the vicinity of Grevena in the Greek region of Macedonia. The basin is 22 km in length, has a maximum width of 6 km and was formed at the end of the Pliocene and beginning of the Pleistocene. The palygorskite is present in beds with thicknesses varying between 10 and 18 m, with 60– 90% purity. The formation of the palygorskite would have been associated with the diagenetic transformation of saponite-rich sands resulting from the weathering of ultramafic rocks (Vourinos ophiolitic complex), which would justify the high iron content (up to 11% Fe2O3) of this palygorskite (Kastritis et al., 2005). 3.3.5. El Bur Deposit (Somalia) Singer et al. (1998) describe the abundant presence of sepiolite (meerschaum) in central Somalia (El Bur). The sepiolite is associated with limestone, dolostone, gypsiferous marls and evaporites (gypsum and anhydrite) facies. Mineralogically, the sepiolite shows a high grade of purity with traces of associated minerals: calcite, quartz and halite, and traces of illite in the clay fraction. According to these authors, the characteristics of the deposit are similar to those of Spanish and Turkish deposits. The exception is its age (Quaternary), which links them in time with the Amboseli (Hay et al., 1995) and Amargosa Desert (Hay et al., 1986) deposits. The environment is interpreted as an ephemeral lacustrine and evaporitic one, where groundwaters play an important role. Based on the absence of other phyllosilicates, they conclude the formation of the sepiolite to be due to chemical precipitation.
Palygorskite and Sepiolite Deposits in Continental Environments
4. FINAL REMARKS 4.1. Continental Sedimentary Environments for Sepiolite and Palygorskite Formation A schematic sedimentary model for palygorskite formation is given in Figure 15. The image shows a cross section where the transition from an alluvial fan environment to a palustrine–lacustrine one can be observed, taking into account the presence of a source area comprised igneous and metamorphic rocks and the interaction of three water types: groundwater, runoff and lacustrine water. The rocky substrate of the parent area is fundamental in order to justify inputs of Mg or Si (Figure 16; Table 6). The silica input can come from any magmatic rock, particularly those with a felsic composition, or from silica-rich metamorphic rocks and siliciclastic or biosiliceous (diatomite) sedimentary rocks. The Mg source can be any type of rock containing Mg-rich minerals, including magmatic rock (basalt, gabbro and peridotite), metamorphic rock (slate, serpentinite) or sedimentary rock (dolomite, magnesite and magnesian clays). The Si and Mg released in these zones can travel distances and accumulate in flooded lacustrine zones. As previously mentioned, given its low solubility except with very alkaline pH levels, aluminium
+ + +
Alluvial fan system
+ +
Runoff waters
Lake waters
Lacustrine deposits Fine-grained alluvial fan facies Medium-grained alluvial fan facies
Coarse-grained alluvial fan facies Parent rock (igneous) Parent rock (metamorphic)
Al-smectite illite Palygorskite Weathered clays from the parent rock
FIGURE 15 Sketch of palygorskite deposit formation in continental sedimentary environments. The transformation of Al-bearing clays to palygorskite can take place close to the parent rock supplying Mg2þ, Si(OH)4 and Al-rich colloids but also related to marginal alluvial–palustrine–lacustrine environments.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
DIATOMITES Si-rich sediments
Al from Al-clays
SEPIOLITE Mg-rich silicates
FIGURE 16 Scheme showing some lithological sources delivering Mg2þ and Si(OH)4 in the sedimentary environment. The presence of inherited Al-rich clays favoured palygorskite over sepiolite formation.
TABLE 6 General Sources of Magnesium and Silica in the Sedimentary Environment. Si(OH)4 Sources
Mg2þ Sources
Runoff waters
Runoff and lake waters
Alteration/dissolution of detrital minerals (quartz, feldspars, micas)
Mineralizing fluids from calcite and gypsum formation (Mg/Ca increase)
Alteration of clay minerals (both detrital and authigenic)
Alteration/dissolution of Mg-rich minerals (silicates, carbonates)
Dissolution of biosiliceous facies (diatomites)
will tend to be less mobile and remain in the vicinity of its parent rock area, or it may be transported as sediment in aluminous clay particles or colloids. Phenomena occurring in the parent rock area can favour the formation of aluminous clay minerals and the release of Mg and Si, which would favour palygorskite formation in lacustrine conditions, mainly by transformation. Detrital aluminous clay minerals are abundant in distal alluvial fan facies. Palygorskite may be formed there as the result of the transformation of the inherited aluminous clays in the vicinity of a lacustrine environment, particularly during periods of exposure. This process favours calcite precipitation.
Palygorskite and Sepiolite Deposits in Continental Environments
In areas nearest to a lake, more specifically in the zone containing intertidal mudflats where the water is more alkaline, the transformation of aluminous smectite into saponite would be favoured instead of forming palygorskite. The starting sedimentary model for sepiolite genesis is similar to that for palygorskite (Figure 17). Nevertheless, sepiolite in this case is formed in the water column or in the pore fluids in a lacustrine wetland, where inputs of silica-bearing groundwater would play a significant role. The type of magnesian clay formed will be conditioned by the pH, salinity and Si/Mg ratio. Consequently, in conditions of high salinity, pH equal to or higher than nine and relatively low Si/Mg ratios, the formation of magnesian smectite is favoured. If there is moderate salinity and the pH is between 8 and 8.5, the magnesian phase formed will depend on the Si/Mg ratio, with kerolite precipitated where this is low and sepiolite the result of a high ratio. In other words, environments that are very rich in Mg will favour the formation of kerolite or magnesian smectite depending on the pH and salinity of the environment, with transitions from one to the other by means of kerolite–smectite interstratified minerals. Sepiolite is precipitated with moderate salinity and slightly alkaline pH in a Si- and Mg-rich environment.
+ + +
+ + +
Alluvial fan system
+ + +
+ +
Runoff waters
Lake waters
Lacustrine deposits Fine-grained alluvial fan facies Medium-grained alluvial fan facies Groundwaters Basement (igneous and metamorphic rocks) Coarse-grained alluvial fan facies
high salinity, pH ³ 9 Lower salinity, pH = 8–8,5 Si/Mg¯
SYNGENETIC (evaporative neoformation)
Transformation Sepiolite (kerolite, Si/Mg¯) Mg-smectite, kerolite-stevensite
Groundwaters (SiO2)
DIAGENETIC (replacement and/or diagenetic neoformation)
FIGURE 17 Sketch of sepiolite deposit formation in continental sedimentary environments. Salinity, pH and Mg/Si ratio play an important role in the syngenetic formation of sepiolite, kerolite or stevensite. A drastic change in salinity–pH (freshening) during early diagenesis of Mgclays favours the intrasedimentary formation of sepiolite.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
During diagenesis, changes in the hydrochemistry of runoff, lacustrine and groundwater, can cause sepiolite formation by transformation at the expense of other magnesian clays. Likewise, it could precipitate directly from solution in pores. This can give rise to the formation of several generations of sepiolite. In exposed sedimentary environments, intrasedimentary sepiolite can form in fine-grained dolomitic facies (dolomicrites). On occasions, after the dolomitization process, sepiolite can be arranged by covering the dolomite crystals or by cementing the intercrystal porosity. Sepiolite can also be formed in the presence of silica as the result of dedolomitization processes with the development of calcite crusts and the release of Mg. Palygorskite can also be formed by these processes but only if there are particles of aluminous clays mixed with the dolomite. Representative field photographs of quarry faces with sepiolite beds and nodules deposited in different continental sedimentary environment are shown in Figure 18.
FIGURE 18 Representative field photographs of sepiolite deposits in different sedimentary environments from the Madrid Basin. Sepiolite is associated to other Mg-clays (saponite, kerolite–stevensite, stevensite) well bedded (1) or intrasedimentary (3, 4) in palustrine and mudflat facies, respectively. Associated to alluvial fan deposits sepiolite occurs inserted between detrital facies (2).
Palygorskite and Sepiolite Deposits in Continental Environments
4.2. Origin of Deposits with Sepiolite and Palygorskite: Lithological Associations In lacustrine environments, fibrous clay minerals can occur near to or overlying materials supplying the elements and particles required for their formation, or faraway from them through the involvement of a sedimentary transport system. Near parent rocks the development of palygorskite will be rather more favourable than for sepiolite. This is because there will be a high proportion of Al-rich particles in weathering profiles, which would favour its formation over that of sepiolite. This occurs in the deposits at Torrejo´n (Spain), on a slate substrate, or Guanshan (China) and Andhra Pradesh (India) over a mafic volcanic substrate. Obviously, if the bedrock lacks Al and is rich in Mg, the fibrous mineral that could be formed is sepiolite, provided that pH and salinity conditions and Si/Mg ratio are adequate as in the nodular sepiolite at Eskisehir. After transport, Al-clay particles accumulate in alluvial or lacustrine deposits where, in the presence of Mg, they can form palygorskite, with post-depositional calcretes (e.g. Bercimuel, Spain). Palygorskite was developed by diagenetic transformation. The arrival of Si and Mg in swamp environments will enable sepiolite formation to take place in different sub-environments within an alluvial–palustrine–lacustrine setting. With regard to distal alluvial deposits, sepiolite will form during ephemeral flooding events where inputs of silica-bearing groundwater play a significant role. The result can be thick accumulations (> 10 m) of sepiolite mainly produced through precipitation (neoformation). The most noteworthy example of this is the sepiolite deposit at Vica´lvaro (Spain). The importance of groundwater in the formation of nodular sepiolite has also been proposed for El Bur (Somalia) and Amboseli (Kenya–Tanzania). In zones near to a palustrine–lacustrine wetland with fluctuations in the lacustrine water mass, mudflat deposits may contain sepiolite beds alternating with detrital facies, carbonates and even evaporites (mainly gypsum). The sepiolite beds have moderate thicknesses (1–3 m), in cyclical sequences in correlation with the evolution of the lake. Precipitation in conditions of evaporation would be the cause for their formation under suitable physico-chemical conditions. Exceptionally, in extensional tectonic regimes, sepiolite could also be formed in deeper water where the presence of organic material would indicate anoxic conditions. The sepiolite deposits of the Eskisehir Basin (Turkey), Mara (Spain) and Amargosa (USA) are examples of the previously mentioned environments. At other times, sepiolite can be formed in palustrine conditions, that is, wetland zones subject to frequent flooding and frequent exposure episodes. In this case, an overlapping with edaphic processes is produced. Owing to amalgamation of the sepiolite beds, important thicknesses (up to 10 m) are achieved. The Batallones (Spain) sepiolite deposit would be representative of this type.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
As previously indicated, sepiolite and palygorskite can be formed between dolomite crystals during diagenesis. The presence of intrasedimentary sepiolite and/or palygorskite associated with dolomitic facies is common in the Tertiary basins of Spain and Turkey, associated in some cases with sepiolite deposits. On the basis of the above, six different lithological associations have been established that are representative of sepiolite–palygorskite deposits (Figure 19).
4.2.1. Bedrock: Fibrous-Clay Mineral Association (LA-1, LA-2, LA-3) The fibrous clay mineral is present in the vicinity of or overlying the parent rock area supplying the basic components. This is particularly interesting in the case
Sp Ke/stev
Dolomite Sp
Detrital facies
Sedimentary rocks
Detrital facies
Chemical facies (Mg–clays) Slate/serpentinite
Metamorphic rocks Detrital facies
Pk Mudstones
Detrital facies Gypsum
Tuff/lava flow
Chemical facies (carbonate–gypsum)
Volcanic rocks
FIGURE 19 Idealized sketch of stratigraphic sections showing the different lithological associations (LA) established. LA-1 and LA-2 show the occurrence of palygorskite in palustrine–lacustrine conditions near or overlying the parent rock source of Si, Mg and Al. In the case of LA-3, the presence of sepiolite is the result of replacement of magnesite in a silica-rich medium. Relatively far away from parent rock supplying elements, the formation of sepiolite and palygorskite can be related to marginal lacustrine facies where detrital input from alluvial fan deposits should take place, playing groundwaters an important role. Lithological association LA-4 displays the presence of sepiolite and palygorskite associated to sandy and muddy facies, respectively. LA-5 and LA-6 show the occurrence of sepiolite as a consequence of chemical precipitation and diagenetic replacement of previously formed Mg-clays (saponite, kerolite-stevensite).
Palygorskite and Sepiolite Deposits in Continental Environments
of palygorskite, where situations can be differentiated depending on whether the bedrock is mafic magmatic rock (basalts, tuffs), as is the case of the Guanshan (China) and Andhra Pradesh (India) deposits, or metamorphic rock (slate), as occurs at Torrejo´n (Spain), or ultramafic rocks and saponitic sands, as at Grevena (Greece). In all of these cases, the bedrock and the palygorskite are in direct contact and can reach thicknesses of up to 6 m, although thicknesses of up to 18 m have been reported in Greece (possibly referring to the unit containing the palygorskite). With sepiolite, only the Eskisehir (Turkey) nodular sepiolite deposit would fall within this lithological association.
4.2.2. Detrital Facies: Fibrous-Clay Mineral Association (LA-4) The sepiolite layers occur between carbonate-poor detrital facies. This is the case of the Vica´lvaro (Spain) deposit. Palygorskite can also form deposits associated with the clayey detrital facies of alluvial deposits, as occurs at the Bercimuel (Spain) deposit. Finally, with regard to detrital mudflat facies, sepiolite can also form in carbonate-poor palustrine conditions but with abundant chart nodules and beds, as is the case of the Batallones (Spain) sepiolite deposit. 4.2.3. Carbonatic Chemical Facies: Fibrous-Clay Mineral Association (LA-5) Sepiolite predominates in these facies associations, intercalated between dolomite, dolomitic marl, limestone and gypsum and showing certain cyclicity. Typical examples of this are the Eskisehir (Turkey) and Mara (Spain) sepiolite deposits. 4.2.4. Clayey Chemical Facies: Fibrous-Clay Mineral Association (LA-6) Sepiolite is formed more locally as the result of diagenetic replacement of other magnesian clays, leading the sepiolite to form nodules or discontinuous beds in a lateral transition (towards the lake) to non-fibrous magnesian clays. This is the case of the sepiolite occurring at the Maga´n and Caban˜as (Spain) bentonite deposit and the Esquivias (Spain) kerolite–stevensite deposit. To summarize script, sepiolite and palygorskite are the result of the interaction between silica- and magnesium-bearing solutions in an environment with suitable physico-chemical conditions (mostly pH and salinity), and in the presence of aluminium in solution or reactive phases in the case of palygorskite. The physico-chemical conditions of the environment control the formation of the magnesian clay mineral, also determining its fibrous or laminar nature and, consequently, its composition. As seen throughout this chapter, these conditions occur in specific continental sedimentary environments where they give rise to sepiolite and palygorskite deposits of commercial interest. The lithological characteristics of the parent area supplying Si, Mg
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
and aluminous phases, and the hydrochemistry of the participating water (runoff, groundwater and flooding events), play an important part in the formation of these fibrous clay minerals and in the complexity of their deposits.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work has been partially supported by the Project CGL-2008-05813-CO202 and by the Government of Andalusia through the Research Group Applied Mineralogy (RNM135). We would like to thank Prof. Ray E. Ferrell for his revision, discussion and comments of this chapter, which improved the manuscript.
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Chapter 7
Sepiolite–Palygorskite Occurrences in Turkey ¨ mer Bozkaya Hu¨seyin Yalc¸in and O Department of Geological Engineering, Cumhuriyet University, Sivas, Turkey
1. INTRODUCTION Ophiolitic units of mainly Cretaceous age are widespread in Turkey (Figure 1), and the North and South-east Anatolian Ophiolite Belts extend 100 km (Go¨ncu¨og˘lu et al., 1997). Therefore, various industrial minerals such as sepiolite, magnesite, phlogopite, talc and/or serpentine-asbestos together with metallic mineralizations (mainly Fe, Cr, Ni, PGE) could be developed relating to pre-/syn- and/or post-serpentinization processes of ultramafic rocks (e.g. Bas¸ıbu¨yu¨k et al., 2009; Ece et al., 2005; Yalc¸ın and Bozkaya, 2006). Upper Cretaceous serpentinite-hosted sepiolite occurrences appear to have a limited economic potential for now due to a few and small outcrops, but they have yet to be effectively prospected throughout the ophiolitic bodies in Turkey. Further, new occurrences can probably be expected within the siliciclastic-clayey carbonate rocks of basins adjacent to serpentinized ultramafic rocks which commonly provide Mg-rich materials to the Tertiary marine and continental environments as notably reported by Yalc¸ın et al. (2004) and Yalc¸ın and Bozkaya (2006). In addition, sepiolite, loughlinite and/or palygorskite clays may be found in the volcano-sedimentary basins and the hydrothermalized volcanic systems as well as in deposits of zeolite (Yalc¸ın, 1997), kaolin (Yalc¸ın and Bozkaya, 2003) and bentonite (Yalc¸ın and Gu¨mu¨s¸er, 2000). The objective of this chapter is to serve as a useful, basic reference on the topic of Turkish sepiolite–palygorskite occurrences including geological setting, mineralogical and geochemical features, usage and genesis.
2. GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY The stratigraphic successions and lithological variations of Turkish sepiolite– palygorskite formations are given in detail and explained below by grouping on the basis of the sedimentary environment. Developments in Clay Science, Vol. 3. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-444-53607-5.00007-4 # 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
176 Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
FIGURE 1 Geographic distribution of ophiolitic rocks and sepiolite–palygorskite-bearing basins and areas (modified from 1:500.000 maps of MTA, 2002).
Sepiolite–Palygorskite Occurrences in Turkey
2.1. Marine Sepiolite–Palygorskite Occurrences In Turkey, there is only one example of this type that is found in a conformable sequence of Upper Cretaceous–Lower Miocene sediments from Hekimhan district, located in north-west Malatya (Bozkaya and Yalc¸ın, 1991; Yalc¸ın and Bozkaya, 1995). Upper Cretaceous is represented by clayey limestone with palygorskite (Figure 2(IIa)) and it also includes economic iron oxide and carbonate mineralization at the lower part of the section. Palygorskite occurs concentrated in the uppermost parts of the Upper Cretaceous unit where it is associated with other phyllosilicates (smectite, chlorite, serpentine and illite), calcite and feldspar. Palaeocene deposits, where fibrous clay minerals are most abundant, consist of evaporative facies containing gypsum, dolomite, dolomitic marl/ claystone, limestone, cherty dolomite or limestone and minor celestite deposited in a shallow marine-coastal lagoon environment. Pure sepiolite levels are only found at the Mezgi ridge in the south of the basin (Figure 2(IIb)) that occurs in three zones 15–20 cm thick, intercalated with siliceous dolomite units reaching up to 40–50 cm thickness. Pure palygorskite clay fractions are observed in the south of the basin that rests on 5 m of a sepiolite level within the dolomitic marls (30 cm) intercalated with dolomites (1 m). These are also associated with the pinkish-orange coloured dolomitic marls intercalated with cherty dolomite. Variable proportions of carbonate (dolomite,
50 m
Clayey limestone
Sandy limestone
Cherty limestone
Fossiliferous limestone
Cherty dolomite
Claystone/ marl
Dolomitic marl
Conglomerate Sandstone
lld Kumgedik hill
Upper Oligocene–Lower Miocene
Lower Paleocene
Lower Paleocene
llc Gelnek ridge
Upper Eocene–Lower Oligocene
llb Mezgi ridge
lla Uzunkaya hill
Dolomitic limestone
30 m
40 m
Gypsum Sandy dolomitic marl
Celestite bands
Clayey dolomite
Sepiolite/ palygorskite
Pure clay levels
FIGURE 2 Representative vertical sections of marine sepiolite- and/or palygorskite-bearing lithologies from central eastern Anatolia.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
calcite), sulphate (gypsum, celestite), clay (sepiolite, palygorskite, smectite, minor amounts of serpentine and chlorite) and silica (quartz/chalcedony) minerals, as well as plagioclase and Fe-oxide minerals of detrital origin were determined in the evaporite facies. The Eocene to Miocene units that contain palygorskite are composed of limestone–dolomitic limestone–cherty dolomite, clayey limestone–limestone and sandstone–conglomerate–dolomitic limestone–marl (Figure 2(IIc and d)). In all places of the basin, pure palygorskite clay fractions were obtained from the greyish-green laminated dolomitic marl occurring in these units. These formations contain carbonates (mostly calcite and minor dolomite) and clay minerals such as palygorskite, smectite, chlorite and serpentine.
2.2. Lacustrine Sepiolite–Palygorskite Occurrences Western and Central Anatolian continental basins, especially Eskis¸ehir, Konya, Denizli, Ankara and Sivas surroundings, cover world’s largest sepiolite–palygorskite occurrences as beds and nodules extending over large areas. These deposits display similar stratigraphy, lithology and mode occurrence, and their type localities are presented as follows. In the areas of about 20–60 km south of Sivrihisar, from Eskis¸ehir city ¸ oban, 1994), three different types of sepiolite beds (Figure 3(IIIa): Ece and C are recognized within clayey–cherty–carbonate rocks with a thickness of 32–40 m in the central parts of the basin: (1) organic matter-rich black sepiolite with up to 2.75% total organic carbon; (2) organic matter-poor brown sepiolite containing about 5% dolomite; (3) white, cream, pale yellow dolomitic sepiolite with 20–40% dolomite. Black sepiolites were deposited in the deeper part and are relatively thinner (0.5–2.0 m) than the other types. These are overlain by brown, discontinuous dolomite laminae bearing sepiolite beds. White sepiolite beds are commonly associated with dolomites (20–40%) and opal lenses (2–20 cm), and rarely gypsum crystals. Opal-cristobalite/tridymite (Opal-CT) levels are distributed irregularly and discontinuously in and overlying the sepiolitic clay beds. The sepiolite nodules, pebbles and concretions are known as ‘lu¨letas¸ı’ in Turkey meaning pipestone in Turkish (meerschaum ¼ cuttle-fish ¼ seafoam) within the strata of about 0.5–1.0 m thick. They are found in poorly sorted conglomerate beds that are composed of gravels and small blocks of ultramafics, and matrix is made up of brown and strongly altered ultramafic rocks. However, palygorskite is the second most common clay mineral, and pure palygorskite lenses occur in the northern area of Sivrihisar that are associated with smectite and rarely illite (Genc¸og˘lu and ˙Irkec¸, 1994). Meerschaum sepiolite and palygorskite occurrences are also located at ¨ c¸kuyular which is 150 km south-east of Eskis¸ehir and 9 km north-east of U Konya–Yunak (Yeniyol, 1995). The sepiolite deposits are observed in a conglomerate unit with predominantly serpentinite clasts (5–50 cm in size)
Claystone/marl Sandy claystone
llle SE Denizli (Kadir and Akbulut, 2004)
20 m
llld E Konya (Karakaya et al., 2004)
lllc N Konya (Karakaş and Kadir, 1998)
Upper Miocene–Lower Pliocene
lllb SW Eskişehir (Yeniyol,2011)
Lower Pliocene
Middle to Upper Miocene
llla SE Eskişehir (Ece and Çoban, 1994)
20 m
Sepiolite–Palygorskite Occurrences in Turkey
Upper Miocene–Pleistocene
Upper Miocene–Pliocene
Clayey dolomite
10 m
Clayey limestone Sandy–clayey limestone
Iron oxide
Nodular chert
FIGURE 3 Representative vertical sections of lacustrine sepiolite- and/or palygorskite-bearing lithologies from western Anatolia.
extending for more than 50 m along. The conglomerate bed in which meerschaum sepiolite occurs is at the base of the sequence. Its visible thickness is nearly 4 m and it can be traced for over 500 m horizontally. Besides rock fragments, this bed also involves abundant sepiolite together with magnesite pebbles. Palygorskite is one of the principal clayey cementing materials in the sepiolite-bearing bed as well as along the entire sequence. It occurs alone or together with dolomite. Calcite, quartz and chalcedony are also cementing materials. About 20 km south-west of Eskis¸ehir (Figure 3(IIIb): Yeniyol, 2011), the Lower Pliocene sediments containing sepiolite–palygorskite overlie in unconformity with the Miocene conglomerate unit. In the Yo¨ru¨kakc¸ayır Village, the sediments are represented by an alternation of clays, dolomite bearing clays, dolomitic marls and dolomite. Sepiolite–palygorskite occurs as lenses and relatively continuous layers, in alternation with dolomitic marls and dolomites. At the top of Miocene unit, reddish-brown clay beds with fine-grained detrital material occur as thick beds (up to 10 m). These consist predominantly of palygorskite, minor
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
dolomite and small quantities of kerolite and detrital quartz. In addition, some sepiolite beds contain irregular opal-CT inserts. In the Kepeztepe area, thick clay-rich beds occur in colours varying from light to dark green along an approximately 14 m thick succession at base. They are massive in appearance, but in some levels, fine even submicroscopic rounded or subangular detrital clay or dolomite fragments occur. In this part, rare dolomitic marl and tiny dolomite layers with light beige colour occur in alternation with clay-rich beds. Except a 40 cm thick layer at bottom which contains sepiolite together with palygorskite, the clay beds at the lower part consist only of saponite, or even both saponite and palygorskite in varying proportions. Dolomite content is found in low amounts throughout this part; however, it increases in dolomitic marls and in thin dolomite layers. Minor kerolite as authigenic mineral and low amounts of quartz, illite, chlorite and serpentine as detrital minerals are found in some beds as well. In the middle part of the sequence, clay beds are beige, light brown and even green coloured, and they appear in alternation with more frequent dolomite and clayey dolomite layers. The clay-rich beds with 0.3–1 m thicknesses contain sepiolite or sepiolite and palygorskite in high quantities with accessory kerolite and/or detrital quartz and feldspar. The upper part contains mainly thick massive dolomite beds in which a few thin clay layers are also found that consist of sepiolite, or both sepiolite and palygorskite. Loughlinite, a Na-rich variety of sepiolite subgroup, has been reported in the north-east of Mihalic¸c¸ik, Eskis¸ehir (Yeniyol, 1997). Loughlinite-bearing beds comprise a 110 m thick part of the Middle–Upper Miocene sequence, covering an area of more than 3.5 km2. The thickness is ranging from 0.6 to 5 m, interbedded with claystone, tuff, chert and bentonites. Some beds contain loughlinite, smectite and analcime as the chief mineral constituents in varying proportions. Other beds also contain calcite, illite and probably soluble Nacarbonates in lesser amounts. In the other study in the same area (Kadir et al., 2002), it has been reported that the Middle to Upper Miocene lacustrine volcano-sedimentary units are generally composed of clastic, clayey, dolomitic, tuffaceous, evaporitic and silicified sediments. The yellowish-green or darker green altered tuff and claystone units are dominated by sepiolite and loughlinite. The contact between sepiolite and loughlinite bearing claystones is sharp. Sepiolitic claystone is generally widespread and characterized as pale yellowish-green, hard, friable and occasionally plastic. Sepiolite is associated with dolomite, opal-CT and analcime. However, loughlinite appears as greenish, massive, soapy lenses and layers within the sepiolitic claystone in the Killik area. In this case, loughlinite is mainly associated with calcite, opal-CT, analcime, feldspar and palygorskite. In the Polatlı area, south-western Ankara, the volcano-sedimentary rocks are generally composed of clastic, clayey, dolomitic and calcitic calcareous rocks and tuffaceous, evaporitic and silicified sediments (C¸elik Karakaya
Sepiolite–Palygorskite Occurrences in Turkey
and Karakaya, 2008). The cyclic sedimentation of green and yellow illitic and smectitic facies with different sized gypsum (1–10 cm) crystals and limestone bands is alternately exposed at the base in general. Black and organic matterrich sepiolite beds are overlain by brown dolomite layers. White sepiolite beds are commonly associated with dolomites that range from 20% to 40%, and irregular shaped opal-CT lenses (2–20 cm) and nodules (up to 3 cm in size). The composition of the samples is relatively homogenous, although the mineral phases are found in extremely variable proportions that can be classified in three groups (1) detrital silicates: illite, smectite, I-S, kaolinite, quartz and feldspar; (2) neoformed phyllosilicates: mainly sepiolite and rarely palygorskite and saponite; (3) carbonates: dolomite and/or calcite and rarely aragonite. Opal-A, gypsum and strontianite may also appear sporadically in a few samples. In the Beypazarı trona deposits of western Ankara, sedimentary sequence with a thickness of 345–780 m integrates Middle to Upper Miocene siliciclastic, carbonate, evaporitic and pyroclastic rocks that include authigenic minerals such as pirssonite, nacholite, dolomite, calcite, magnesite, K-feldspar, searlesite, analcime, clinoptilolite, pyrite, saponite, Al-smectite, sepiolite, kaolinite and illite besides trona (Gu¨ndog˘du et al., 1985). Sepiolite occurrences are found within the carbonate-laminated claystone intercalations of the trona-bearing unit (100–150 m thick). The Neogene lacustrine basin in the As¸ag˘ı Pınarbas¸ı of northern Konya is an area where sepiolite and palygorskite are found associated with carbonates with a thickness of 25–85 m, although their distribution varies significantly in both vertical and horizontal directions (Figure 3(IIIc): Karakas¸ and Kadir, 1998). Stratigraphic section begins with conglomerates and laminated finegrained sandstones that alternated with mudstones. The upper lithologies are white to cream coloured limestone, dolomitic limestone, clayey limestone, sandy limestone and claystones. All the facies include sepiolite–palygorskite, associated clays (smectite, chlorite, illite) and non-clay minerals (calcite, dolomite, quartz, feldspar). Three types of sepiolite–carbonate beds are recognized in the sediments (79–117 m) of the Upper Miocene to Pleistocene at the Karapınar area of the western Konya basin (Figure 3(IIId): Karakaya et al., 2004): (1) organic matter-rich brown sepiolite (with gastropods, ostracods and plant fossils) overlain by light-brown, discontinuous dolomitic layers; (2) organic matterpoor sepiolite (with about 50% dolomite) and (3) white–cream-coloured carbonate layers (with generally dolomite and/or calcite and lesser amounts of sepiolite (about 5–20%)). These sepiolite-carbonate beds have been observed in the upper parts of the sequences and contain opal lenses (5– 120 cm) or silica nodules of various shapes. The rims of the silica nodules and opal lenses are composed of thin (0.5–1 cm) coatings of carbonate minerals, mainly dolomite. The silica-rich layers are 10–80 cm thick. Palygorskite and aragonite occur in some layers.
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The Serinpınar-Acıpayam basin from the Denizli province is filled with fluvial and lacustrine sediments, fan delta, shallow littoral and open lake and/or swamp sub-environments, of the Upper Miocene–Lower Pliocene, where three facies with lateral and vertical transitions are observed (Akbulut and Kadir, 2003): The green claystone facies, the dolomitic-claystone and sepiolite–palygorskite facies and the red mudstone–palygorskite facies. The first facies is brown locally, and becomes sandy mudstone that tends to be dominated by saponite and contains a small amount of dolomite and intercalated conglomerate, sandstone and dolomite layers. Locally, Chara remains and root imprints were observed. The second facies is intercalated with conglomerate, sandstone and dolomite. A few sections of brown-beige sepiolite–palygorskite occur as distinguishable layers. Saponite and, in some places, palygorskite and sepiolite are the dominant clay minerals. Saponiterich dolomitic claystone locally containing white dolomitic palygorskite is exposed at Kocapınar area and continues upwards as greenish-white dolomitic claystone, pale purple dolomitic sepiolite and brown, nodular sepiolite–palygorskite. Finally, these facies continue upwards as a pure, green saponite bed and white dolomitic claystone and dolomite bed. Basaltic and vitric tuff and syn-sedimentary volcanic emanations cut and enclose sepiolite, dolomite and dolomitic claystone clasts. The third facies start with a few accumulated oncolitic mounds of partially siliceous clayey dolomite and continue with an alternation of red mudstone, clayey sandstone and conglomerate, which change laterally into dolomitic claystone–clayey dolomite and palygorskite facies. Palygorskite predominates in the dolomitic claystone, while red, soapy saponite-rich claystone appears as brown and green–brown clay inserts with root marks in these facies. The existence of a magnesite deposit containing sepiolite is found in the Upper Miocene–Lower Pliocene lacustrine formations in the Denizli–Bozkurt area (Figure 3(IIIe): Kadir and Akbulut, 2001). The sedimentary section is divided into four different lithofacies: Rare blocky and pebbly marl, conglomerate–sandstone; a small amount of dolomite and dolomitic marl levels intercalated with conglomerate, sandstone and mudstone; alternation of dolomite, dolomitic marl and magnesite, sandstone and claystone of the lower carbonate facies and dolomite and magnesite dominated upper carbonate facies. Sepiolite is found in the last facies, which show lateral and vertical transitions with marls. The fibrous clay consists of 3–5 cm thick, yellow to greenish-brown coloured veins, but also as thin films lining parallel to vein axis within the magnesite unit. The Middle Miocene–Pliocene aged sedimentary sequence in the Kangal sub-basin of Sivas basin containing palygorskite and sepiolite beds has been divided into three facies from bottom to top according to the main lithological features and depositional environments (Figure 4(IVa–c): Yalc¸ın et al., 2004): Fluvio-lacustrine clay facies, playa coaly tuffite facies and lacustrine carbonate facies. The first facies vertically and laterally grades to the second facies,
Sepiolite–Palygorskite Occurrences in Turkey
Middle Miocene–Pliocene
Middle Miocene–Pliocene
Upper Miocene
Middle Miocene–Pliocene
50 m
10 m
10 m
10 m
Conglomerate Sandstone
Clayey dolomite
Clayey limestone
Sandy–clayey Claystone/ limestone marl
Sepiolite/ palygorskite
FIGURE 4 The typical vertical sections of lacustrine sepiolite- and/or palygorskite-bearing lithologies from central eastern Anatolia.
and each facies is locally made up of sub-facies. Fluvio-lacustrine clay facies is composed of red–brown to green claystone and marl with subordinate channel filling sandstones and conglomerates, and carbonate rock intercalations with a total thickness of about 200 m. Playa coaly tuffite facies consists of four zones that can be observed only in open pits. Tuffaceous claystones bearing abundantly mollusc shells are the dominant lithology in all zones. Rhizolitic and pisolitic limestone intercalations (1–5 m) are also encountered in the upper tuffite zone. Lacustrine carbonate facies mainly consist of yellow to white carbonate rocks with partly clayey, cherty and/or fossiliferous (limestone, dolomite and magnesite) horizons with thickness varying from 20 to 60 m. Pure palygorskite, nearly pure sepiolite and dolomitic sepiolite beds are observed as intercalations with 0.1–1 m thickness. The magnesites occur as nodular (1–20 cm) and beds (0.5–1.5 m). The main minerals found in the clayey–calcareous rocks are clay, carbonate (calcite, aragonite, dolomite, magnesite) and to a lesser extent, quartz, opal (both A and CT) and feldspar. Clay fractions consist of palygorskite, serpentine, Al–Fe saponite, sepiolite, illite and chlorite in order of abundance. Mixed-layers C-S and I-S, and talc are also detected in some samples. The Upper Miocene lacustrine sequence around Kızıldag˘ between Sus¸ehri and ˙Imranlı to the 120 km north-east of the Sivas city (Figure 4(IVd): Yalc¸ın
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et al., 2006), which is composed of an alternation of thin-medium bedded, white to yellow limestone–dolomite–claystone/marl including grey coloured sandstone intercalations with a 50–210 m thickness. Considering the magnesite, silicified magnesite, dolomite with sepiolite and palygorskite-rich claystone beds, the thickness is ranging from 1.5 to 10 m. The diagnostic minerals for serpentinite-fed basins are calcite, aragonite, dolomite, magnesite, opal-CT, sepiolite and palygorskite. However, for volcanic-fed basins, the representative minerals are hematite and goyazite, kaolinite, C-S and I-S.
2.3. Hydrothermal Sepiolite Occurrences 2.3.1. Volcanic-Hosted Occurrences Differing from the sedimentary sepiolite deposits, mostly associated with the carbonate/evaporite sequences, volcanic-related sepiolite formations are located at the district of the Us¸akgo¨l plain, about 25 km south of the Kıbrıscık town, 70 km south-east of Bolu city, occurs in the Gallatian Volcanic Belt and has formed by the hydrothermal alteration of the vitric tuff unit of Middle ¨ nlu¨, 1993). Miocene volcanites (I˙rkec¸ and U Tuffs of the Deveo¨ren volcanites bear significance, considered the occurrence of sepiolite within them. Thickness of the unit ranges around 40–80 m. Volcanites are composed of basalt, andesite and dacitic lava, tuff and agglomerate. Tuffs are white to pinkish, and agglomerates reddish in colour. Volcanoclastics show a sequence of crystalline and vitric tuffs, resedimented tuff/tuffite transported by small braided streams, in ascending order. Vitric, ash and pumiceous tuffs are slightly compacted and show yellow, dirty white and whitish colours. Argillization is common in millimetric scale along fractures. Zeolitization, recognized by its pale green colour is also common. Pumice fragments (< 1 cm), unevenly shaped and white silica nodules of variable size, are occasionally identified. Angular chert fragments may sometimes reach coarse block size. Sepiolite occurrences are observed within the vitric tuff where it is associated with quartz, opal-A/CT, zeolites (clinoptilolite/heulandite, mordenite), montmorillonite, plagioclase and K-feldspar. They are irregularly distributed showing gradation into tuff, mostly discontinuous and occasionally silicified with variable dimensions. Within the sepiolite occurrences, manganese dendrites and staining are also observed. 2.3.2. Serpentinite-Hosted Occurrences The outcrops of vein-type sepiolites are expected to be abundant and they must be researched deeply. Some examples in the ophiolitic suites of Turkey are given below. A vein-like formation of sepiolite is located in the C¸ayırag˘zı magnesite deposit, 20 km south-west of Konya (Yeniyol, 1986). The magnesites in the serpentinites are microcrystalline types and occur as veins ranging from a few millimetres to 30 cm in thickness. There is a gradual transition
Sepiolite–Palygorskite Occurrences in Turkey
from magnesite to sepiolite in these veins. Sepiolite is also present in intersection monomineralic veins that vary in thickness from a few to 15 cm and that cross-cut the magnesite. All veins have a sharp contact with the host serpentinite; however, no alteration of the serpentinite was noted. A 2-m-thick brecciated zone containing magnesian minerals is present at the Elmadag˘ area, 15 km east of Ankara (Yalc¸ın and Bozkaya, 2004). An alteration zone with vein-type bedding comprises four different levels; from bottom to top, they are (1) green–brown serpentinite with dolomite (0.9 m), (2) light greenish-white dolomite with serpentine (0.5 m), (3) white dolomite with sepiolite (0.4 m) and (4) greenish-white dolomite with smectite–chlorite (0.2 m). The first level has a mineral association of serpentine þ dolomite calcite aragonite; the second level consists of dolomite þ serpentine calcite or dolomite þ magnesite þ serpentine; the third level comprises dolomite þ sepiolite and the fourth level is made up of dolomite þ chlorite þ smectite þ serpentine. Dolomite is the main mineral of the alteration zone, occurs as coarse crystals in fractures and as small crystals in the matrix. Sepiolite has developed at the edges and surfaces of dolomite and as fibrous aggregates in voids. The second and third levels are possibly lateral transitions to serpentine magnesite with dolomite. Commercial magnesite deposits in the region are hosted by serpentinites and occur as fracture fillings and masses. Another sepiolite occurrence in the ophiolitic series of Turkey is as joint infillings (up to 1 cm) in the serpentinites (Bas¸ıbu¨yu¨k et al., 2009; Yalc¸ın et al., 2006). In the ophiolitic belt around Sivas, the layered serpentinites have numberless veins with millimetres to 15 cm thick that are usually parallel to each others and crosswise in places. They contain the assemblages of ophisilicates such as serpentine, pectolite, xonotlite, quartz, opal-CT, talc, chlorite and/or smectite; ophicarbonates such as calcite, dolomite, aragonite, magnesite and/or hydromagnesite; and oxides (brucite and hematite).
2.4. Pedogenic Palygorskite Occurrences Ever sepiolite could not be detected whereas palygorskites could be commonly identified in a wide variety of soils such as modern soils, palaeosols and sediments and caliches and crusts in Turkey, which are given below. The sepiolite and/or palygorskite minerals are not easily encountered although soils formed on volcanic parent material in Turkey are quite common (Kılıc¸ and Yalc¸ın, 2009). In spite of this, in the Central Anatolian terrestrial regions adjacent to ophiolitic suites, red to brown coloured soils and sediments of Upper Pliocene to Quaternary age contain significantly palygorskite and associated minerals such as calcite, dolomite, quartz, feldspar and almost all other clay species (Yalc¸ın et al., 1994, 2000). The superficial deposits of the Adana basin mostly comprise Holocene alluvial smectite-rich soils to Pliocene marine smectitic soils as well as
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
Pleistocene-aged basalts (Kapur et al., 1989). They form smectitic vertisols on the west, whereas the eastern coast is mostly surrounded by Holocene alluvial smectitic soils as well as minor parts of regosols on Mio-Pliocene materials and Plio-Pleistocene red soils. The land and marine surface sediments of the Iskenderun Bay and also the ancient terrace and former mouth of the Ceyhan River are characteristics from the point of the presence and distribution of palygorskite (Kapur et al., 1989; Yalc¸ın et al., 2001). Caliche in various forms, namely powdery, nodule, tube, fracture-infill, laminar crust, hard laminated crust (hardpan) and pisolitic crust, is widespread in the Mersin area in southern Turkey (Eren et al., 2008; Kadir and Eren, 2008). It generally occurs within and/or over the reddish-brown mudstone of the Upper Miocene and alluvial red soils of the Quaternary. In the caliche profiles, calcite is the most abundant mineral associated with minor amounts of palygorskite, whereas smectite is prevalent mainly in the reddish-brown mudstone and alluvial red soils of the caliche parent materials and is associated with appreciable amounts of palygorskite. These minerals are also accompanied by trace amount of illite, quartz, feldspar and a poorly crystalline phase. Siliciclastic red mudstones within alluvial-fan deposits of the Middle Miocene locally contain dolocretes in various forms (powdery, nodular and fracture filling) and scarce matte-brown, authigenic clay lenses in the C ¸ anakkale region in north-western Turkey (Kadir et al., 2010). The dolocretes are indeed predominantly dolomite, coexisting with variable amounts of palygorskite. A section at Kızıldere in the Misis-Adana basin of Turkey reveals relations among mature massive caliche and palaeosolic immature caliche and the Tertiary clay and colluvial deposits (Kapur et al., 1993). It also defines a gradational sequence from unweathered Tertiary clay deposits to massive caliches. From older to younger, the section comprises Tertiary clays, palaeosolic caliche, colluvial material, massive caliche and lenticular caliche. The two massive caliche beds have similar assemblages of carbonate minerals, whereas the palaeosolic caliche contains more clay minerals and most probably represents an earlier stage of massive caliche formation. The variability of types of calcite, the quantity and crystallization state of palygorskite and the presence of kaolinite and degraded smectite support that the massive caliche is the end product of a degradation sequence from the Tertiary clay deposit to palaeosolic caliche and the lenticular caliche is the well-known petrocalcic horizon. The most typical toposequences representing the Quaternary landscape evolution in/on calcretes are located in the south-Adana, and west I˙zmir of Anatolia (Kapur et al., 2000). The calcretes are formed on the Pliocene clay materials, Pleistocene conglomerates and Lower Mid-Miocene glacis with karstic features and sandstones in the Adana region and on the mudflow deposits transported from Neogene in the Bornova-I˙zmir. The smectite,
Sepiolite–Palygorskite Occurrences in Turkey
palygorskite and kaolinite suite are typical for calcretes and column horizons. Rhombohedral calcite is also determined as aggregates cemented with palygorskite in calcite columns. Pure palygorskite develops into bundles of wedges or interwoven mats together with smectite in between the rhombohedral or micrite matrix of the calcite columns.
3. GEOCHEMISTRY The bulk chemical compositions of sepiolite–palygorskite clays with different genetic types in Turkey are selected and summarized in Table 1. The negligible numbers of samples analysed in the literature seem to be admixtures of minerals such as other clays, feldspars and/or carbonates with trace or minor quantities (< 2%). By a direct comparison, it is apparent that excess CaO, Na2O and K2O come from the contaminating minerals associated rather than to structural features of sepiolite–palygorskite. The following assessments could be made despite of these impasses. Bedded sepiolites and particularly palygorskites contain notably Al2O3 and Fe2O3 (Figure 5A). Taking the tetrahedral and octahedral cations into account, sepiolites are very close to those of the theoretical composition, whereas tetrahedral and expressly octahedral substitutions of Mg, Al and Fe atoms in palygorskites are partly high (Figure 5B). On the basis of the compositions of the octahedral sheets of sepiolite– palygorskite on the binary diagram by adding the discrimination lines proposed by Foster (1960), Weaver and Pollard (1973) and Paque´t et al. (1987; Figure 6), sepiolites are present within the trioctahedral domain, but palygorskites are intermediate between dioctahedral and trioctahedral domains, as previously reported by Galan and Carretero (1999). In this study, discrimination limits can be declared as VI[R2þ/(R2þþ R3þ)] ¼ 0.75 for intermediate-trioctahedral and VI[R3þ/(R2þþ R3þ)] ¼ 0.50 for intermediatedioctahedral in the half unit cell.
4. GENESIS Sepiolites and palygorskites in Turkey comprise different occurrences and genesis that have been documented by X-ray diffraction, optical and scanning electron microscopies and chemical analyses in the literature. A geologic model (Figure 7) is proposed to explain the deposition environments, source terranes and rocks, origin and evolution of these minerals, on the basis of all the reported data concerning the sepiolite–palygorskite occurrences in Turkey. In all the facies of the marine and lacustrine environments, it is suggested that occurrences of sepiolite and palygorskite and associated minerals (smectite, magnesite, dolomite, calcite and aragonite) were controlled by pH, salinity and/or alkalinity, cation relationships (Si/(Al þ Fe), Ca/Mg and Mg/H) and
TABLE 1 Major Element Compositions (wt%) of Sepiolites and Palygorskites from Turkey. Oxide
Sepiolites MS (n ¼ 3)
LNS (n ¼ 6)
Palygorskites LBS (n ¼ 26)
SHS (n ¼ 4)
MP (n ¼ 4)
LP (n ¼ 6)
6.72–10. 07
n, Sample number; MS, marine sepiolite (Yalc¸ın and Bozkaya, 1995); LNS, lacustrine nodular sepiolite (Ece, 1998; Yalc¸ın and Bozkaya, 1995); LBS, lacustrine bedded sepiolite (Akbulut and Kadir, 2003; Kadir et al., 2002; Yalc¸ın et al., 2004; Yeniyol, 2010); SHS, serpentinite-hosted sepiolite (Yalc¸ın et al., 2006; Yalc¸ın and Bozkaya, 2004; Yeniyol, 1986); MP, marine palygorskite (Yalc¸ın and Bozkaya, 1995); LP, lacustrine palygorskite (Akbulut and Kadir, 2003; Yalc¸ın et al., 2004; Yeniyol, 2011).
Sepiolite–Palygorskite Occurrences in Turkey
TiO2 + Al2O3 + tFe2O3
AIVI 60%
60% Pl
Marine sepiolites Nodular sepiolites Bedded sepiolites Serpentinite-hosted sepiolites Marine palygorskites Lacustrine palygorskites
FIGURE 5 Ternary diagrams for chemical compositions of sepiolites and palygorskites from Turkey, (A) major oxides, (B) octahedral cations.
Marine sepiolites Nodular sepiolites Bedded sepiolites Serpentinite-hosted sepiolites Marine palygorskites Lacustrine palygorskites
Dioctahedral domain
Weaver and Pollard (1973) 1.3
Paquét et al. (1987) This study
Intermediate domain 0.5
0 0
Trioctahedral domain
Foster (1960)
(AI + Fe)VI/half unit cell
MgVI/half unit cell
FIGURE 6 Octahedral compositions of sepiolites and palygorskites from Turkey (discrimination lines proposed by Foster, 1960; Paque´t et al., 1987; Weaver and Pollard, 1973).
activities and concentration of H4SiO4 in the solution (e.g. Birsoy, 2002; Yalc¸ın and Bozkaya, 1995, 2004). The cyclical variations in the vertical distributions of sepiolite, palygorskite and/or smectite with carbonates in almost all the sedimentary units can be explained by changes in the physicochemical conditions of the environment. In other words, the variation of Mg/(Al þ Fe) ratio may be responsible for the formation of sepiolite, palygorskite or smectite. These elements (Si, Mg, Al and Fe) may have been derived in solution from ophiolitic suites (chiefly peridotites and rarely volcanic products) as a result of hydrolysis of ferromagnesian minerals (especially serpentine) in the basic environment (pH > 8.5). Silica availability is sourced by the dissolution of diatom tests (Ece and C¸oban, 1994) and of volcanic glasses in the palaeo-lakes. Occurrences of chert in the carbonate rocks indicate that the environment was silica saturated.
Intra-continental lac ust
rine basins Shallow marine env
2 3 4
Metamorphites Conglomerate
Clayey dolomite
Claystone/ marl
Reefal limestone
Magnesite and sepiolite nodules
Clayey limestone
Cherty limestone/dolomite
Magnesite and sepiolite veins
FIGURE 7 Schematic model for various sedimentary environments of sepiolite–palygorskite occurrences in Turkey (1: Malatya–Hekimhan/Marine type, 2: Eski¨ c¸kuyular and Konya–Yunak/Meerschaum type, 3: Eskis¸ehir–Sivrihisar, Konya–Karapınar, Denizli–Bozkurt and Sivas–Kangal/Lacustrine type, 4: Bolu– s¸ehir–U Kıbrıscık/Volcanic-hosted type, 5: Ankara–Elmadag˘ and Konya–C ¸ ayırag˘zı/Serpentinite-hosted type).
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
Sepiolite–Palygorskite Occurrences in Turkey
In the detrital phyllosilicates-free samples, pure sepiolite beds may have been formed by direct crystallization, as previously stated by many writers working in several environments (Ece and C¸oban, 1994; Millot, 1970; Torres-Ruiz et al., 1994; Yalc¸ın and Bozkaya, 1995), formulized in the next (1: Jones, 1986): 8Mg2þ þ 12H4 SiO4 þ 16OH ! Mg8 Si12 O30 ðOHÞ4 ðOH2 Þ4 8H2 O þ 18H2 O
The evidence of fibrous aggregates of sepiolite coating carbonate grains that seem to have partially formed by displacement of dolomite was also observed by many authors (Ece and C ¸ oban, 1994; Este´oule-Choux, 1984; Hassouba and Shaw, 1980; Karakas¸ and Kadir, 1998; Karakaya et al., 2004; Yalc¸ın and Bozkaya, 1995). Reaction of pore waters rich in silicic acid with dolomite suggests the diagenetic transformation as shown below (2: Yalc¸ın and Bozkaya, 1995): 8CaMgðCO3 Þ2 þ 12H4 SiO4 ! Mg8 Si12 O30 ðOHÞ4 ðOH2 Þ4 8H2 O þ 2H2 O þ 8Ca2þ þ 16HCO3 ð2Þ In the vein- and stockwork-type magnesite deposits within the ophiolitic complex, magnesites are the source materials of the sepiolite nodules in the conglomerates and they partially or even totally replacement took place in the shallow lake environment, under alkaline and saline conditions during the diagenesis (Ece; 1998; Ece et al., 2005; Ece and C ¸ oban, 1994; Yeniyol, 1995), according to the following volume expansion reaction (3) reported by Ece and C¸oban (1994): 8MgCO3 þ 12H4 SiO4 ! Mg8 Si12 O30 ðOHÞ4 ðOH2 Þ4 8H2 O þ 8H2 CO3 þ 2H2 O
The sepiolite þ palygorskite sample without other clay minerals suggested that sepiolites may have been formed from palygorskites. This mechanism should have taken place as a diagenetic transformation (4: Yalc¸ın and Bozkaya, 1995): Mg2 ðAl, Fe3þ Þ2 Si8 O20 ðOHÞ2 ðOH2 Þ4 4H2 O þ 4H4 SiO4 þ 6Mg2þ þ 6OH ! Mg8 Si12 O30 ðOHÞ4 ðOH2 Þ4 8H2 O þ ðAl, Fe3þ Þ2 ð4Þ Vein sepiolites in the ultramafic rocks are epigenetic in origin. The serpentinization of forsterite by the action of water is the first stage in the alteration process (5). Sepiolite is the late mineral phase that develops in a weathering environment under basic conditions. The dissolution of serpentine by means of meteoric and/or groundwater (containing carbon dioxide or carbonic acid) moving along thrust and shear planes during or after
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
me´lange formation is the second stage of the alteration process. The occurrences of various carbonate and/or sepiolite associations are the third stage of the alteration process (6, 7, 8, 9, 10). From that fact, the following equations can be deduced easily (Yalc¸ın and Bozkaya, 2004): 2Mg2 SiO4 þ 3H2 O ! Mg3 Si2 O5 ðOHÞ4 þ Mg2þ þ 2OH
Mg3 Si2 O5 ðOHÞ4 þ 6H2 O þ 7CO2 þ 4Ca2þ ! 3CaMgðCO3 Þ2 þCaCO3 þ 2H4 SiO4 þ 8Hþ
Mg3 Si2 O5 ðOHÞ4 þ 4H2 O þ 5CO2 þ 2Ca2þ ! 2CaMgðCO3 Þ2 þMgCO3 þ 2H4 SiO4 þ 4Hþ
3Mg3 Si2 O5 ðOHÞ4 þ 6H4 SiO4 þ H2 O þ 6CO2 þ 3Caþ2 ! 3CaMgðCO3 Þ2 þ Mg8 Si12 O30 ðOHÞ4 ðOH2 Þ4 8H2 O þ 8Hþ 8CaMgðCO3 Þ2 þ 12H4 SiO4 ! Mg8 Si12 O30 ðOHÞ4 ðOH2 Þ4 8H2 O þ16CO2 þ 2H2 O þ 16OH þ 8Ca2þ
ð8Þ ð9Þ
6Mg3 Si2 O5 ðOHÞ4 þ 2H2 O þ 10CO2 ! 10MgCO3 þ Mg8 Si12 O30 ðOHÞ4 ðOH2 Þ4 8H2 O ð10Þ Unlike vein sepiolites, joint infilling type of sepiolite occurrences within the serpentinites seems to be developed from serpentines rather than carbonates (11): 6Mg3 Si2 O5 ðOHÞ4 þ 12Hþ ! Mg8 Si12 O30 ðOHÞ4 ðOH2 Þ4 8H2 O þ 10Mg2þ þ 8OH ð11Þ Loughlinites in the volcano-sedimentary basins developed as a network of fibres on the inner surfaces of dissolution voids in domains of volcanic glass, in contrast to sepiolite, which occurs as bridging fibres between crystallites of dolomite, indicating that these minerals are formed authigenically under different physicochemical environmental conditions rather than resulting from a transformation process from one to the other (Kadir et al., 2002). In other words, glassy pyroclastic products are the parent material of loughliniteand smectite-bearing clays and analcimic zeolites that were probably formed by the reaction of Mg2þ- and Naþ-rich lake water with volcanic glass during diagenesis (Yeniyol, 1997). Hydrated silicate gel forms clays or zeolites in highly basic environments (e.g. Gu¨ndog˘du et al., 1996; Yalc¸ın and Gu¨mu¨s¸er, 2000). In other words, Na-clays (loughlinite, searlesite, Na-smectite) should be formed instead of Na-borate and -carbonate minerals in the volcano-sedimentary basins of
Sepiolite–Palygorskite Occurrences in Turkey
western Anatolia. An aqueous environment is required for hydration of ash or tuff and the chemical reaction related to their occurrence is given as follows (12): 12SiO2 6MgO 2Na2 O þ 30H2 O ! 2Na2 O6MgðOHÞ2 12H4 SiO4 ! Na4 Mg6 Si12 O30 ðOHÞ4 12H2 O þ 16H2 O ð12Þ Volcanic-hosted sepiolites occurred from volcanic glass passing into an interphase of hydrated Mg-silicate gel as similar to that of loughlinite (13): 12SiO2 8MgO þ 32H2 O ! 8MgðOHÞ2 12H4 SiO4 ! Mg8 Si12 O30 ðOHÞ4 ðOH2 Þ4 8H2 O þ 18H2 O ð13Þ The samples containing dolomite þ palygorskite showed that palygorskite commonly occurs as mats of interwoven fibres coating dolomite rhombs (1) and in the matrixes (2) corresponding to replacement and authigenic or direct precipitation mechanisms, respectively (Yalc¸ın et al., 2004; Yalc¸ın and Bozkaya, 1995). In the association of palygorskite þ saponite in some lacustrine beds, palygorskite is formed by diagenetic transformation from precursor saponitic smectites (Singer, 1984; Yeniyol, 2010) (3), according to the following equations (14, 15, 16): 2CaMgðCO3 Þ2 þ 8H4 SiO4 þ 2OH þ 2ðAl, Fe3þ Þ ! ðAl, Fe3þ Þ2 Mg2 Si8 O20 ðOHÞ2 ðOH2 Þ4 4H2 O þ 4CO2 þ 8H2 O þ 2Ca2þ ð14Þ 2Mg2þ þ ðAl, Fe3þ Þ2 þ 8H4 SiO4 þ 10OH ! Mg2 ðAl, Fe3þ Þ2 Si8 O20 ðOHÞ2 ðOH2 Þ4 4H2 O þ 12H2 O
NaCaðMg4 FeAlÞ½Si8 O20 ðOHÞ4 H2 O þ 5H2 O ! Mg2 ðAl, Fe3þ Þ2 Si8 O20 ðOHÞ2 ðOH2 Þ4 4H2 O þ 2Mg2þ þ Ca2þ þ Naþ ð16Þ Palygorskite fibres and fibre bundles were developed authigenically on euhedral or subhedral calcite crystals of the caliche units and at the edges of smectite flakes in the caliche host rocks or sediments (Kadir and Eren, 2008). Intense, continuous evaporation of subsurface soil–water resulted in an increase in pH and the dissolution of detrital smectite within the red mudstones and alluvial red soils that enclose the isolated caliche forms, and caused an increase in the Al þ Fe and Mg/Ca ratio, favouring the formation of palygorskite under alkaline conditions. The calcium required for caliche formation may have originated from eolian dust, detrital carbonate minerals and/or other caliche materials, which are dissolved by carbonic acid.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
Finally, due to very complicated processes, palygorskites are frequently the in situ formed minerals from the other clay and/or carbonate aggregates and in the micropores by neoformation and transformation mechanisms in the weathering conditions as in the similar pedogenic environments (Kadir et al., 2010; Kapur et al., 1993, 2000; Singer, 1979, 1989).
5. ECONOMY The application and uses of sepiolite–palygorskite clays have attracted much attention in the world due to their suitability of structural features and physicochemical behaviour (Galan, 1996). Sepiolite nodules have been exploited in the Eskis¸ehir province since the time of Roman Empire, and considerable progress has been made in many phases of industrial and agricultural technology in Turkey since 1990s. The total reserves for nodular sepiolite only in the Eskis¸ehir province are about 17,000 tons (DPT, 2001). Approximately 1.5 million tons of reserves of the bedded pure and dolomitic sepiolites (> 50% sepiolite) are determined, and several million tons of dolomites with sepiolite (< 50% sepiolite) are the estimated amounts in the central Anatolia. The pure and nearly pure nodular sepiolites are produced as 20–40 tons/ year and are consumed as the making of pipe, pipe lining and work of arts, ornaments and press materials (e.g. Is¸ık et al., 2010). As for the bedded sepiolites, their productions vary from year to year and reached roughly 20,000–60,000 tons/year in 1990s and they are used in limited amounts as pet-litter, absorbent and petrochemical industry. Sepiolite exports are variable for each year and are around 1–30 tons. In Turkey, today there is no production and consumption of palygorskite, although many outcrops are present in the Central Anatolian lacustrine basins.
6. CONCLUSIONS Turkish sepiolite/palygorskite occurrences can be concluded under genetic types whose principal features are summarized in Table 2. Sepiolite–palygorskite minerals as pure and/or mixed with other components are commonly found in the clayey-carbonate rocks and deposited in the closed lacustrine basins and shallow marine environments. The thickness of sepiolitic and/or palygorskitic beds ranges from centimetre to decimetre dimensions within the total sections of few decimetre to a few hundred metres thick. They are also seen as veins (millimetre–centimetre) in the ophiolitic and volcanic sequences. Unique palygorskite in the soils of Upper Pliocene–Holocene age along the Mediterranean coast is widely available. The chemical compositions of sepiolites are generally very close to ideal formulas, except for some samples, but the octahedral occupants in the palygorskites have variable quantities of Mg, Al, Fe, Ti, Cr and Ni in order of abundance.
Thickness of sequence (m)
Mineralogical assemblage
Malatya– Hekimhan
Upper Cretaceous– Lower Miocene
Shallow marinecoastal lagoon
Clayey carbonate Evaporative
Sep þ Dol Sep þ Pal/Cal/ Dol/Sm Pal þ Cal/Dol/ Sm
Diagenetic neoformation and transformation of dolomite and/or Mg clay
Yalc¸ın and Bozkaya (1995)
Eskis¸ehir– ¨ c¸kuyular U Konya– Yunak
Middle– Upper Miocene
Saline– alkaline lake and/or playa
Stratified conglomerate
Sep þ Mgs
Hydrothermal transformation of magnesite
Ece and C¸oban (1994), Yeniyol (1995)
Eskis¸ehir– Sivrihisar
Middle– Upper Miocene
Cherty clayey dolomite Evaporative
Sep þ Dol Sep þ Dol/Cal/ Sm/O-CT
Diagenetic neoformation and transformation of dolomite and/or Mg clay
Ece and C¸oban (1994)
Eskis¸ehir– Yo¨ru¨kc¸ayır– Kepeztepe
Lower Pliocene
Clayey dolomite
Sep þ Dol Sep þ Pal/Dol/ Cal/Sm/O-CT
Yeniyol (2011)
Konya– As¸ag˘ı Pınar
Upper Miocene– Pliocene
Clayey dolomite
Sep þ Dol Sep þ Pal þ Cal/ Dol
Karakas¸ and Kadir (1998)
TABLE 2 A Summary Description of the Representative Sepiolite–Palygorskite Occurrences in Turkey.
Sepiolite–Palygorskite Occurrences in Turkey
A Summary Description of the Representative Sepiolite–Palygorskite Occurrences in Turkey.—Cont’d
Konya– Karapınar
Thickness of sequence (m)
Mineralogical assemblage
Upper Miocene– Pleistocene
Cherty clayey carbonate Evaporative
Sep þ Dol Sep þ Pal þ Cal/ Dol/ O-CT
Karakaya et al. (2004)
Denizli– Bozkurt
Upper Miocene– Lower Pliocene
Clayey carbonate
Sep þ Dol Sep þ Pal þ Sm/ Cal/Dol/Mgs
Kadir and Akbulut (2001)
Sivas– Kangal– Sus¸ehri
Middle Miocene– Pliocene
Clayey carbonate
Sep þ Dol Sep þ Pal þ Sm/ Cal/Arg/Dol/ Mgs/O-CT
Yalc¸ın et al. (2004, 2006)
Bolu– Kıbrıscık
Middle Miocene
Sep þ OCT þ Zeo
Hydrothermal transformation of volcanic glass
˙Irkec¸ and ¨ nlu¨ (1993) U
Ankara– Elmadag˘
Upper Cretaceous
Sep þ Dol Sep þ Sm/Cal/ Arg/Dol/Mgs
Hydrothermal transformation of dolomite and/or serpentine
Yalc¸ın and Bozkaya (2004)
Konya– C ¸ ayırag˘zı
Upper Cretaceous
Sep þ Mgs
Hydrothermal transformation of magnesite and/or serpentine
Yeniyol (1986)
Sp, sepiolite; Pal, palygorskite; Sm, smectite; Cal, calcite; Arg, ragonite; Dol, dolomite; Mgs, magnesite; O-CT, Opal-cristobalite/tridymite; Zeo, zeolite.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
Sepiolite–Palygorskite Occurrences in Turkey
These clays occurred as sedimentary and diagenetic neoformations (precipitation from solution) and partly diagenetic and hydrothermal transformations of precursor materials, such as phyllosilicates (clay and serpentine) and carbonate minerals (dolomite, magnesite), and volcanic glass in the highly basic environments. The dissolved volcanic glass shards and pumice fragments contributed additional silica in the palaeo-lakes as well as diatoms. Serpentine and Mg-bearing carbonates are the only significant source of Mg available. Turkey supplies sepiolites in the limited production, consumption and use, though a commercial activity is not yet about palygorskites.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This study is reviewed by using the papers selected from national and international journals, and unpublished reports of current authors relating to sepiolite–palygorskite occurrences in Turkey. We are deeply indebted to Arieh Singer and Emilio Gala´n for their editorial suggestions that greatly encouraged us to write our chapter of this book. The authors are also grateful to anonymous reviewers for careful and constructive comments.
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Chapter 8
Genesis and Distribution of Palygorskite in Iranian Soils and Sediments Saeid Hojati* and Hossein Khademi{ *Department of Soil Science, College of Agriculture, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Khuzestan, Iran { Department of Soil Science, College of Agriculture, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran
1. INTRODUCTION Palygorskite is a widely distributed fibrous clay mineral in soils and sediments of arid regions (Singer, 1989). When chronological and geographical distribution of palygorskite and sepiolite are taken into consideration, the quantities of these minerals appear to increase in the Upper Cretaceous and especially in Tertiary-aged sediments (Akbulut and Kadir, 2003; Aqrawi, 1993; Kadir and Eren, 2008; Namik Cagatay, 1990; Shadfan and Dixon, 1984; Shadfan and Mashhady, 1985; Singer, 1981; Singer et al., 1995; Yalcin and Bozkaya, 1995), in zones as wide as 30 to 40 N and S latitudes (Yalcin and Bozkaya, 1995). These minerals are stable only under alkaline conditions with high Mg activity (Singer, 1980). Palygorskite is unstable in areas with more than 300 mm of mean annual rainfall and may be weathered to other clay minerals such as smectite (Paquet and Millot, 1972). Palygorskite in soils and sediments in the Middle East generally occurs in areas once covered by the post-Tethyan intermontane shallow lagoons (Callen, 1984). Identifying the origin and distribution pattern of this mineral is, therefore, essential for the reconstruction of the environments of the post-Tethyan era. Iran is located in the mid-latitude belt of arid and semi-arid regions of the earth (Modarres and Silva, 2007). The Iranian plateau is located in the ancient Tethys Seaway (Krinsley, 1970). This seaway was cut off from the ocean in the late Cretaceous (Sengo¨r et al., 1988). As a result, shallow intermontane lakes and lagoons evolved during the Tertiary (Zahedi, 1976). These shallow Developments in Clay Science, Vol. 3. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-444-53607-5.00008-6 # 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
hypersaline water bodies appear to have been chemically suitable for the formation of palygorskite. Palygorskite affects soil properties when it constitutes a significant component of the soil clay fraction. When palygorskite-containing soils are irrigated, Mg is released from palygorskite into the soil solution. Palygorskite has the strongest disaggregation potential and the highest ability to migrate in the soil among the common phyllosilicates such as smectite and kaolinite. Its particles are thus likely to move preferentially over smectite and kaolinite downwards in the soil profile (Neaman and Singer, 2004). Palygorskite and sepiolite have unique colloidal properties. They do not easily flocculate even at high concentration of electrolytes. The elongate shape and small size of these minerals (from about 1 to 10 mm) result in their high surface area and also high porosity when thermally activated (Murray, 2007). This review aims (i) to summarize previous studies that have been carried out on the occurrence and genesis of palygorskite in Iranian soils and in associated sediments and rocks and (ii) to identify the priorities for future research required on fibrous clays in Iranian soils and sediments.
2. PALAEOGEOGRAPHY AND PALAEOGEOLOGY OF IRAN The geology of Iran and its tectonic style, in particular, were highly influenced by the development and history of the Tethyan region including the Iranian Plate, and the adjacent areas underwent three major evolutionary stages. The first stage, the Gondwana break-up, was associated with tensional basins and basement highs. The central Iranian segment was separated from the Arabian Plate along the line of the present high Zagros zone (Alsharhan et al., 2001; Figure 1). The result of this process was the opening of the Neo-Tethys. The second stage, closure of the Neo-Tethys, started in the late Cretaceous and proceeded into Cenozoic times. The final orogenic phase was due to the Arabia–Eurasia convergence and took place first in southern Iran at the end of Eocene (Hessami et al., 2001). This process affected the Arabian and Iranian Plates and resulted in the Zagros orogenic phase of late Miocene to Pliocene age. The latest Tertiary to Holocene events included strong uplift processes, magmatism and volcanism, erosional processes, and the associated deposition of extensive alluvial fans from the uplifted mountains (Alsharhan et al., 2001). As a result of uplift and folding, Tethys Sea, which once covered the entire Iran, was closed. With frequent uplifting, a large number of shallow water bodies were created. Weathering at higher elevations in the surrounding area released elements essential for the formation of evaporite minerals. Due to the warm and arid climate of the Tertiary period, evaporation of closed lakes caused more soluble minerals such as gypsum and carbonates to crystallize, which increased the Mg/Ca ratio and pH values in the host water
Palygorskite in Iranian Soils and Sediments
Namak (Salt) Desert
Kavir Desert
Ahvaz Abadan 30N
Shiraz Bushehr
Bandar Abbas
Lut Desert
200 km
FIGURE 1 Map of Iran showing Elburz and Zagros mountains (adapted from www.geoexpro.com).
bodies and, therefore, encouraged the formation of palygorskite (Khademi and Mermut, 1998).
3. CLIMATE OF IRAN Iran is located in the mid-latitude belt of arid and semi-arid regions of the Earth. Eighty-five per cent of the total area in Iran is characterized by an arid to semi-arid climate (Banaei et al., 2005). Arid and semi-arid regions of Iran lie approximately between 50 and 64 E longitude and between 25 and 37 N latitude (Modarres and Silva, 2007). Most of the relatively scant annual precipitation falls from October to April with yearly averages of 250 mm or less in most parts. The major exceptions are the higher mountain valleys of the Zagros and the Caspian coastal plain, where precipitation averages at least 500 mm annually. In the western part of the Caspian, rainfall exceeds 1000 mm annually and is distributed relatively evenly
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Caspian Sea
Fars Pe rs i
Arid FIGURE 2 Distribution of arid and hyper-arid areas in Iran (adapted from Food and Agriculture Organization, country pasture profiles in Iran).
throughout the year. This contrasts with some basins of the Central Plateau that annually receive 100 mm or less precipitation annually (Figure 2). Temperature in Iran is related to latitudinal position, the distribution of land surfaces relative to altitude and to the importation of air masses which are warmer or colder than those of Iranian Plateau. The annual range of temperature generally increases with latitude and distance from large water bodies (Krinsley, 1970). The present arid to hyper-arid environment prevailing in the most parts of Iran (Figure 2) has led to the preservation of palygorskite in the soils and sediments of these areas.
4. PALYGORSKITE IN WESTERN IRANIAN SOILS Henderson and Robertson (1958) were the first researchers who reported the occurrence of palygorskite in Iran. They showed that the insoluble fraction of an Eocene limestone from west of Kermanshah and the Asmari dolomite in west of Khorramabad, Luristan, are rich in palygorskite. Burnett et al. (1972) also reported the occurrence of palygorskite in limestones of Kermanshah. However, they did not find any traces of this mineral in the associated alluvial soils in their study area.
Palygorskite in Iranian Soils and Sediments
Amirinejad and Baghernejad (1999) reported the co-occurrence of palygorskite, smectite, illite and chlorite along a toposequence in Kermanshah, west of Iran. They showed higher amounts of palygorskite in old plateau and piedmont alluvial soils, compared to the amounts of alluvial and colluvial fans. Pedogenic alteration of illite and chlorite was proposed as the main mechanism controlling the formation of palygorskite and smectite in the soils studied. No evidence for such transformation was shown. Salehi et al. (2003) reported pedogenic formation of palygorskite in soils of Farokhshahr area in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province, west of Iran. The main reasons they provided to support the pedogenic origin of palygorskite were (i) lack of palygorskite in nearby rock formations, (ii) elongate morphology of palygorskite fibres observed by transmission electron microscope (TEM) and (iii) coexistence of palygorskite with pedogenic calcites. They proposed palygorskite formation through direct precipitation from soil solution.
5. PALYGORSKITE IN CENTRAL IRANIAN SOILS AND SEDIMENTS Khademi and Mermut (1998) investigated the source of palygorskite in gypsiferous Aridisols and associated sediments in central Iran. They found palygorskite, sepiolite and an appreciable amount of mica and smectite in the clay fractions of Oligocene–Miocene limestone but only traces of palygorskite in Cretaceous limestone. Palygorskite was found to be highly associated with gypsum in the gypsiferous soils studied (Figure 3). They suggested that palygorskite probably formed after the initial precipitation of gypsum which created a high pH and Mg/Ca ratio. Both pedogenic and in herited origins were suggested for the occurrence of palygorskite in these soils. Using acid dissolution and electron microscopic examinations, Khademi and Mermut (1999) proved that 8–19% of impurities present in secondary carbonates of selected Iranian Aridisols consisted of palygorskite bundles (Figure 4). While neogenesis of palygorskite during the development of calcic horizons was reported to be a possible mode of formation, illuviation of geologically formed palygorskite was proposed as a more likely reason for the presence of palygorskite in the soft pedogenic carbonate nodules in central Iranian Aridisols. Eftekhari and Mahmoodi (2002) reported large amounts of palygorskite in gypsiferous and calcareous soils of Salafchegan Plain in Qom Province, but the origin of this mineral was not discussed. Farpoor et al. (2002) found a close relationship between palygorskite morphology and geomorphic positions of two transects in Rafsanjan area. Upper geomorphic surfaces (rock pediments) were reported to contain palygorskite crystals greater in size and number than those in lower positions where palygorskite fibres could only be observed by electron microscope. They reported an inherited origin for palygorskite in soils of lower positions including mantled pediments and playas but a pedogenic origin for those formed on upper geomorphic surfaces.
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1 mm
1 mm
1 mm
0.5 mm
1 mm
1 mm
FIGURE 3 Transmission electron micrographs showing the distribution of palygorskite in the surface and subsurface soils from different landforms in central Iran. (A and B) Fine clay fraction of the A and Btky1 horizons from the colluvial fan; (C and D) clay fraction of the Ay and By horizons from plateau and (E and F) fine clay fraction of the Azy and Bw horizons from the alluvial plain (Khademi and Mermut, 1998).
The clay mineralogy of gypsiferous soils developed on different landforms in eastern Isfahan including piedmont plains, old river terraces and alluvial fans was investigated by Karimzadeh et al. (2004). Palygorskite was present in all the soils studied. This clay mineral was found to increase with depth in the alluvial fans, whereas, in the old terraces, it decreased with depth. Based on the finding that a large amount of palygorskite was present in the upper horizons, they concluded that palygorskite in the old terraces must have
Palygorskite in Iranian Soils and Sediments
0.5 mm
0.5 mm
FIGURE 4 (A and B) Transmission electron micrographs of the ultramicrotome cut of pedogenic carbonate from the Btky horizon of a Typic Gypsiargid soil in the Isfahan Province, central Iran, showing the association of palygorskite with pedogenic carbonates (Khademi and Mermut, 1999).
been mostly detrital and of eolian origin. They claimed that palygorskite in alluvial fan soils formed authigenically when the basin was covered with shallow hypersaline lagoons towards the end of the Tertiary. Farpoor and Krouse (2008) found large amounts of palygorskite in Neogene sediments of Loot Desert, central Iran (Figure 5). In this study, palygorskite crystals were observed covering gypsum crystals. They suggested the formation of palygorskite after the crystallization of gypsum particles. Tertiary sediments are widely distributed in central Iran and, to a large extent, in other parts of the country (Llewellyn, 1973; Manouchehri, 1987; Samadian, 1996; Zahedi, 1976, 1993). Khademi and Hojati (2010) examined the distribution of this mineral in selected Tertiary sediments of central Iran. They showed that palygorskite was absent in Palaeocene, Eocene and Oligocene samples collected in Isfahan Province. In contrast, large amounts of this mineral were found in samples belonging to Miocene and Pliocene ages (Figure 6). Palygorskite was found to be highly associated with smectite in the sediments studied. The stability diagrams depicted for palygorskite– smectite system showed that in Neogene samples, smectite was unstable and theoretically transformed into palygorskite. However, no textural evidences of solid–solid transformation of palygorskite were observed in this study. Based on electron microscopy examinations and geochemical analyses of the sediments, the authors proposed the in situ formation of palygorskite in the studied sediments. Hojati et al. (2010) studied the effects of a saline and alkaline groundwater on the formation of palygorskite along a calcareous catena in the Great Kavir Basin in central Iran. They found higher quantities of smectite in the near surface horizons (lacking palygorskite), but plenty of palygorskite in partially or permanently submerged horizons that contained a much lower quantity of smectite (Figure 7). Palygorskite was, therefore, reported to be partly
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A Palygorskite
Acc.V Spot Magn Det WD 20.0 kV 4.0 13010x SE 10.2
5 mm
500 mm
500 mm
500 mm
FIGURE 5 (A) Scanning electron micrograph showing palygorskite bundles around gypsum crystals; (B–D) transmission electron micrographs showing palygorskite bundles in different layers of yardangs in central Iran (Farpoor and Krouse, 2008).
inherited from the Miocene sediments as the main soil parent materials. Growth of palygorskite fibres on halite and calcite crystals observed by scanning electron microscope (SEM) clearly indicated that palygorskite was pedogenic within the groundwater zone (Figure 8). They, therefore, concluded that palygorskite must be a stable mineral in the groundwater zone and form, pedogenically perhaps at the expense of smectite which is unstable in the same zone. This suggests the weathering of smectite and the neoformation of palygorskite in the groundwater zone.
6. PALYGORSKITE IN SOUTHERN IRANIAN SOILS AND PARENT ROCKS Salt-affected soils are widely distributed throughout arid to semi-arid regions of Iran where they occupy about 15% of the land area, almost equal to the total arable land. These soils occur in flat to depressional landform positions under the influence of a fluctuating groundwater table (Dewan and Famouri,
Palygorskite in Iranian Soils and Sediments
20 mm
10 mm
2 mm
5 mm
5 mm
5 mm
FIGURE 6 Scanning electron micrographs showing the distribution of palygorskite in selected Tertiary sediments of central Iran. (A–C) Lack of palygorskite in Palaeocene, Eocene and Oligocene samples, respectively, (D) long palygorskite fibres in Oligocene–Miocene sediments, (E) interwoven bundles of palygorskite covering aggregates of Miocene-aged sediments and (F) delicate networks of palygorskite fibres in Pliocene sediments (Khademi and Hojati, 2010).
1964). Abtahi (1977) studied the effects of a saline and alkaline groundwater on soil genesis in semi-arid regions of southern Iran. Two soil series, namely Marvdasht and Korbal, developed along a toposequence in southern Iran were studied. He showed a clear difference in the relative abundance of palygorskite and smectite as palygorskite is replaced by smectite in the drier climatic zones of the toposequence studied. A pedogenic origin was proposed for the
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1 mm
1 mm
2 mm
FIGURE 7 Selected transmission electron micrographs of carbonate-free clay fraction of a Typic Aquisalid in the Great Kavir Basin in central Iran. (A–C) Refer to the Az, Bz and Bzg horizons, respectively (Hojati et al., 2010).
occurrence of palygorskite in the soils studied. Similarly, Givi and Abtahi (1985) reported the pedogenic formation of palygorskite under the influence of rising groundwater in Marvdasht area. However, Abtahi and Khormali (2001) reported the formation and dominance of palygorskite in well-drained soils of Darab Plain but found smectite to be the dominant clay mineral in poorly drained soils. The nature and genesis of some salt affected soils in southern Iran were studied by Mahjoory (1979). He proposed that part of palygorskite and smectite in the Natrargids of southern Iran likely formed due to the high electrolyte content in the solutions of the soils studied. Abtahi (1980) reported a clear gradation in the relative content of palygorskite and smectite along a chronosequence in Sarvestan intermontane basin in Fars Province. Higher amounts of palygorskite were found in older soils where lower amounts of smectite were observed. The highest amount of palygorskite was found in a petrocalcic horizon (> 70%). However, calcic (50–60%) and cambic horizons (< 50%) had lower amounts of palygorskite. The origin of palygorskite in this study was mainly attributed to pedogenic processes. Baghernejad (2000) studied the variation in soil clay mineralogy of semiarid regions of Fars Province, southern Iran. The soils they studied had developed on limestones of late Tertiary and Quaternary ages. Different physiographic units including alluvial–colluvial fans, plateaus, piedmont alluvial plains, flood plains, upper terraces, river terraces and lowlands were sampled and studied. Results indicated the occurrence of illite, chlorite,
Palygorskite in Iranian Soils and Sediments
10 mm
10 mm
10 mm
5 mm
FIGURE 8 (A) Growth of palygorskite fibres showing the neoformation of this mineral in the Bzg horizon of a Typic Aquisalid soil in the Great Kavir Basin, central Iran, (B and C) calcite and halite grains of the Bzg horizon covered by palygorskite fibres, (D) formation of palygorskite fibres in pore spaces between aggregates of the same soil (Hojati et al., 2010).
smectite, vermiculite, palygorskite and interstratified illite–smectite and chlorite–smectite in the soils studied. The higher physiographic units contained more illite and chlorite, whereas the lower ones had more smectite and palygorskite. Illite and chlorite were found to be of inheritance origin, but which transformed pedogenically to smectites. This study reported the neoformation of palygorskite by precipitation from Mg-rich solutions. Jamshidi and Abtahi (2001) studied the genesis of calcic, gypsic and salic horizons in selected soils of arid and semi-arid regions in Fars Province. They found a positive correlation between the amount of palygorskite and those of gypsum and calcite. They proposed palygorskite to have formed due to the transformation of other clay minerals but they failed to provide relevant data to support this idea. Khormali and Abtahi (2001) studied the clay mineralogy of soils and of the main calcareous sedimentary parent rocks of arid and semi-arid regions in southern Iran (Fars, Bushehr and Khuzestan Provinces) to determine their origin and the factors controlling their distribution pattern in the soils studied. They found an inverse correlation between palygorskite and smectite with soil available moisture (Figure 9). Palygorskite was found to be scarce and
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A 80
R 2 = 0 .56**
Palygorskite (%)
70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0.2
0.4 P/ET⬚
B 70
R 2 = 0 .73**
Palygorskite (%)
60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0
30 Smectite (%)
FIGURE 9 Percentage of palygorskite versus P/ET (A), and versus percentage of smectite (B) in selected soils and sediments of Fars Province, southern Iran. **Statistically significant at P 0.01. (Khormali and Abtahi, 2003).
unstable when the ratio of mean annual precipitation to mean annual reference crop evapotranspiration (P/ET) exceeded 0.4. Khormali et al. (2005) studied the late Mesozoic–Cenozoic clay mineral successions in part of Zagros orogenic area in southern Iran. Results showed a large amount of kaolinite but the absence or rare occurrence of chlorite, smectite, palygorskite and illite in the lower Cretaceous sediments. Towards the beginning of Tertiary, the gradual disappearance of kaolinite coincided with an increase in smectite and palygorskite in the sediments studied. They suggested that the occurrence of palygorskite and smectite in the late Palaeocene sediments was probably due to the increase in aridity which has continued until the present time. Results also showed that detrital input was possibly the main source of kaolinite, smectite, chlorite and illite in the study area. However, in situ neoformation of palygorskite was proposed for the occurrence of this mineral (Table 1).
Palygorskite in Iranian Soils and Sediments
TABLE 1 Most Likely Origin of Clay Minerals in the Parent Rocks of Southern Iran Reported by Khormali et al. (2005). Clay Mineral
Detrital (Inherited)
In situ Neoformation
þþþ, Major importance; þþ, moderate importance; þ, minor importance; , no importance.
Fars Province in southern Iran is also known to be the largest area with Vertisols in the country. Heidari et al. (2008) reported that the fine and total clay fractions of southern Iranian Vertisols were dominated by palygorskite as a low activity clay mineral. They proposed an inherited origin from the neighbouring Tertiary sediments for the occurrence of palygorskite in these soils. Owliaie et al. (2006) reported the neoformation of palygorskite as a result of calcite and gypsum precipitation in south-western soils of Iran. Compared to calcareous soils, gypsiferous soils were found to have more pedogenic palygorskite. Three morphological arrangements of palygorskite were identified in terms of degree of weathering: bundles or sheaves, split bundles and sharp-pointed crystals and individual bundles with rounded tips (Figure 10).
7. PALYGORSKITE IN NORTH-EASTERN IRANIAN SOILS Few studies have reported the presence of palygorskite in soils and sediments of north-eastern Iran. Haghnia (1982) was first to report the occurrence of palygorskite in soils of Mashhad, north-eastern Iran. The presence of palygorskite in these soils was mainly attributed to the alkaline conditions provided by large amounts of gypsum and carbonates in the studied soils. Recently, Karimi et al. (2009) investigated the occurrence of palygorskite and its formation conditions along a transect covering granitic and marly hilly lands in southern Mashhad. Based on formation conditions, amount and morphology of palygorskite in the soils studied, three kinds of this mineral were identified: (1) palygorskite in the basal part of saline loess deposits, (2) palygorskite associated with calcic and gypsic horizons and (3) detrital palygorskite in unaltered loess deposits. To the best of our knowledge, no other study has reported palygorskite occurring in this region.
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2 mm
1 mm
0.5 mm
0.5 mm
FIGURE 10 Transmission electron micrographs showing different forms of palygorskite. (A) Bundles of palygorskite in the Bk horizon, (B) sharp-pointed palygorskite in the Bk1 horizon of an Aridic Calciustept, (C) individual fibres with rounded tips in an A horizon of an Aridic Calciustept, (D) short and broken fibres of palygorskite in the Ay horizon of an Aridic Ustorthent developed on colluvial fan (Owliaie et al., 2006).
8. CONCLUSIONS Palygorskite is a widely distributed clay mineral in soils and sediments of Iran. Most of previous studies have been focused on the distribution and genesis of palygorskite in central and southern Iranian soils and sediments. Only few studies reported occurrence of palygorskite in other parts of the country. Cretaceous or older formations contain none or only rare occurrences of detrital palygorskite. However, sedimentary rocks of Tertiary ages have different proportions of authigenically formed palygorskite. These results agree with those reported in similar studies, especially those focusing on the Middle East and the neighbouring areas which are characterized by palygorskite in their Tertiary rocks and sediments. The deep sea environment of the Tethys Ocean (geological formations older than Cretaceous)
Palygorskite in Iranian Soils and Sediments
does not appear to have been suitable for the formation of palygorskite. Orogenic activities during the Tertiary, as a result of which the Tethys Sea was cut off during the late Cretaceous, gave rise to the development of shallow saline lakes during the Tertiary which were chemically favourable for the formation of fibrous silicate clays. These conditions led to the formation of gypsum and resulted in an increase in the Mg/Ca ratio which, under an evaporative environment, brought about the authigenic formation of a large amount of palygorskite especially in Neogene sediments. This hypothesis is supported by the positive correlation between the occurrence of palygorskite and the gypsum/carbonate contents in Iranian soils and sediments. Palygorskite in the studied soils seems to be both pedogenic and inherited. Transformation from smectite, direct precipitation from Mg-rich solution and formation under the influence of rising ground water have been reported as likely causes for the pedogenic formation of palygorskite in Iranian soils. It is proposed that the geochemistry of post-Tethys sea environment which was significantly affected by climatic conditions and orogenic events during the Tertiary controlled the formation of palygorskite. The present arid to hyper-arid environment prevailing in the most parts of Iran must have preserved this mineral in Iranian soils and sediments.
9. DIRECTION FOR FUTURE RESEARCH 1. Despite the numerous studies about the distribution and genesis of palygorskite in Iranian soils and sediments, more detailed studies are needed to identify the areas predominantly characterized by the occurrence of palygorskite. 2. More detailed studies are needed focusing on the chronostratigraphic distribution of palygorskite in western, south-western and north-eastern Iranian parent rocks and soils. 3. Despite the fact that salt-affected soils are widely distributed in Iran (about 15% of the total area), the genesis of palygorskite in saline and alkaline environments in Iran is not well understood. 4. Palygorskite is a predominant mineral in clay fractions of many soils in central and southern Iran. However, no report is available on the effects of this clay mineral on soil properties. 5. Although deposits of fibrous clay minerals have been reported in Iran, there are no detailed studies about the genesis, distribution and characteristics of these deposits. 6. The contribution of eolian processes to the occurrence of palygorskite in Iranian soils needs to be investigated. Besides, information about the contribution of Iranian soils and sediments to fibrous clays in the atmospheric dust would be greatly needed by both pedologists and environmental scientists.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Comments on an earlier version of this chapter by an anonymous reviewer are greatly appreciated.
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Chapter 9
Evidence for the Biogenic Origin of Sepiolite Jaime Cuevas, Santiago Leguey and Ana I. Ruiz Departamento de Geologı´a y Geoquı´mica, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Auto´noma de Madrid, Cantoblanco s/n, 28049 Madrid, Spain
1. INTRODUCTION The formation of various authigenic minerals, such as dolomite, magnesite, barite, celestine, Fe-oxides, pyrite and chert, has been described in the lacustrine and fluvio-lacustrine Miocene sediments of the Madrid and Duero Basins (Sanz-Montero and Rodrı´guez-Aranda, 2008; Sanz-Montero et al., 2009a,b). The mineralogical, textural and geochemical data collected for these previous studies have provided evidence of the role of microbial activity in the formation of these authigenic minerals. Leguey et al. (2010) also found indirect evidence of sepiolite formation by biogenically related mechanisms in the dolomite–sepiolite materials that were formed in shallow lacustrine environments from the intermediate unit of the Miocene in the north-eastern area of the Madrid Basin. These sediments contain dolomite aggregates that are reminiscent of mineralized microorganisms with barrel-like or doubledumbbell-shaped morphologies and spherical to tubular voids (termed biomorphs). Additionally, fibrous sepiolite–dolomite intergrowths have been frequently observed to integrate these biomorphs. The aim of this study was to determine similarities between sepiolite or sepiolite–dolomite aggregation morphologies at the micro-nanometre scale and to distinguish biologically originated microstructures. For example, in Figure 1, fossilized cyanobacteria outer membranes (OMs) and sheats are compared to living counterparts with several layers of heteropolymer envelopes (Golubic et al., 2006). The parallel arrangement of sepiolite and dolomite microcrystalline coatings is similar in size and shape to biological structures (Leguey et al., 2010). We cannot take this as definitive proof of the biogenic origin of these minerals, but this similarity can be used, together with additional morphological and chemical data, to contribute to the discussion of the biogenic origin of the studied clay sediments.
Developments in Clay Science, Vol. 3. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-444-53607-5.00009-8 # 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
10 mm C
30 mm
10 mm
FIGURE 1 Comparison of fossilized cyanobacteria envelopes (A) and living cyanobacteria heteropolymer sheets (B), both shown by Golubic et al. (2006; Decastronema kotori gen); (C and D) representative biomorphs found in dolomite–sepiolite Miocene sediments in Madrid Basin (Leguey et al., 2010).
Previous studies have suggested a relationship between sepiolite and palygorskite minerals and biological activity (Folk and Rasbury, 2007). Several morphological and biogeochemical signatures had already been determined, including a rosary-like chain of beads forming palygorskite filamentous and tubular forms of silica, the precipitation of sepiolite by the reaction of Mg ions in interstitial water with biogenic silica (Yan et al., 2005) and the sepiolitefilled boxwork textures in coccolith-laminated aggregates that are found in mid-ocean ridge environments (Hathaway and Sachs, 1965). These minerals can be classified as Phanerozoic minerals (Callen, 1984), suggesting that they developed parallel to the diversification of life (Nealson and Conrad, 1999). Considering that ageing and recrystallization change the order and morphology of such minerals, it is not easy to associate these minerals with biological activity. Further, their crystal structure results in a fibrous form that is similar to hairy, organic forms. Therefore, recognition of fossil structures in biomorph arrangements is not simple.
Evidence for the Biogenic Origin of Sepiolite
Sepiolite rock has remarkable strength-to-weight properties and the versatility to perform diverse functions, including absorption-structured support or filtration (Galan, 1996; Ruiz-Hitzky, 2001). These features are often significantly enhanced by an assemblage of polysaccharides, proteins and other biopolymers (Darder et al., 2007). Dove (2010) stressed that this synergistic organization is a unique feature of biominerals. To determine the biogenic origin of sepiolite, we focused on the Mg–Si precipitates in microbial environments. First, we had to assess how bacteria and other microorganisms activate mineralization.
1.1. The Processes of Biomineralization Mineral synthesis by living organisms can be grouped as biologically induced mineralization (BIM; Frankel and Bazylinski, 2003) or biologically controlled mineralization (BCM; Lowenstam, 1981). The BCM process is mainly linked to the ability of organisms to synthesize skeletons and functional biominerals (Dove, 2010), whereas the BIM process is related to the uncontrolled consequences of metabolic byproducts that are primarily produced in prokaryotes. The BIM process has been recently referred to as ‘organomineralization sensu lato’ (Dupraz and Visscher, 2009; Dupraz et al., 2009). This term provides a clearer distinction between BIM and BCM, or ‘biomineralization sensu stricto’. Organomineralization can be (1) active, when microbial metabolic reactions are responsible for the precipitation (BIM) or (2) passive, when mineralization within a microbial organic matrix is environmentally driven (e.g. through degassing or desiccation). In this sense, the direct role of specific biomolecules, such as exopolymeric substances or cell-wall constituents, in mineralization has been recently emphasized (Bontognali et al., 2010). Bacterial surfaces present a complex arrangement of macromolecules. Bacterial cell walls are based on a peptidoglycan (PG) scaffold, with a repeating disaccharide (N-acetyl glucosamine (NAG)–N-acetyl muramic (NAM)) that has a pentapeptide branch attached to each NAM (Meroueh et al., 2006). This macromolecule shows a periodic array of carboxylic and amino functional groups and, in general, is negatively charged (Douglas, 2005; Hunter and Beveridge, 2008). This polymer builds a multilayer envelope from the inner cytoplasmic membrane, whose thickness varies from 20–40 nm in Gram (þ) to 1–3 nm in Gram () bacteria. Porins, made of polypeptides across the PG layer, become the channels for the uptake of nutrients. Cyanobacteria, the most diverse group of bacteria that are adapted to every terrestrial environment, posses a cell envelope that is a combination of these Gram (þ) and Gram () cellwall multilayers (Hoiczyk and Hansel, 2000). The PG layer is overlain by a lipopolysaccharide (LPS)/protein layer OM, which is often covered with S-layer glycoproteins. In response to environmental factors (e.g. UV light, dehydration), many bacteria produce diverse external carbohydrate structures, exopolysaccharides and other extracellular heteropolymers. These exopolymeric
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
substances (EPS) are the main ‘cement’ for these cells, forming biofilms with a majority of polyanionic constitutive macromolecules (Sutherland, 2001). Negative charges in bacterial cells and EPS can result in cation binding by non-specific electrostatic interactions, contributing to the catalysis of dissolution–precipitation reactions as a result of reduced energy barriers for nucleation (Beveridge, 1989). The degradation of such macromolecular arrays that are full of binding sites, or the change in their chemistry in response to dryness, drives periodic events of cation release and supersaturation. Wright and Wacey (2005) described this situation in the Australian Coorong lagoons in relation to dolomite mineralization by means of sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB). Such situations can be generally defined as passive biomineralization processes as long as the ionic properties of these biomass materials are maintained in living and dead cells (Hunter and Beveridge, 2008). In contrast, active mineralization generally occurs by the direct redox transformation of surface-bound metal ions and by the formation of anionic byproducts of metabolic activities on the bacterial surfaces. SRB bacteria oxidize soluble organic compounds via sulphate respiration (sulphate acts as the electron acceptor), thus producing H2S and CO2. The inhibition of MgSO40 pair formation and the increase of carbonate anions in solution favour dolomite or Mg-calcite precipitation (Sanchez-Roman et al., 2008; Van Lith et al., 2003; Vasconcelos and McKencie, 1997). Organomineralization patterns are mediated by the stabilization of a biofilm community distributed in organomineral layers called microbial mats. Phototrophs are located near the surface because they require light for metabolic activity. They provide organic carbon in the form of SRB or methanogens for heterotrophs or strict anaerobes located in subsurface environments (Visscher et al., 2010). This layered community is responsible for stromatolite formation by progressive lithification due to the precipitation of fine-grained minerals in association with cells and heteropolymer substances. Carbonates (mainly calcite) are the minerals that form modern microbialites situated in tropical marine, quasi-marine or extreme environments, such as alkaline or hypersaline lakes and thermal springs (e.g. Lo´pez-Garcı´a et al., 2005). Magnesium–silicate mineral phases are seldom related to cyanobacterial mats or benthic communities in saline or saline alkaline wetlands, but they are closely related to EPS material (Benzerara et al., 2010; Bontognali et al., 2010). Magnesium–silicate layers (kerolite) and amorphous coatings remain in carbonate microbialites (Arp et al., 2003; Le´veille´ et al., 2002) and have been localized in association with extracellular polymeric substances during the fossilization of green algae and cyanobacteria cell walls (Pacton et al., 2009; Souza-Egypsy et al., 2005). Moreover, the concentration of Mg and Si in solution drops dramatically during the organomineralization of Mg-carbonates (Power et al., 2007). Previous studies have suggested that the presence of these Si–Mg coatings within carbonate precipitates is a signature of microbiological activity (Souza-Egypsy et al., 2005). In conclusion,
Evidence for the Biogenic Origin of Sepiolite
these precipitates, under certain circumstances, can drive precipitation and the concentration of Mg-silicates as sepiolite or palygorskite minerals.
2. BIOMORPHS IN THE DOLOMITE–SEPIOLITE SEDIMENTS FROM THE MIOCENE IN THE MADRID BASIN Leguey et al. (2010) studied two sepiolite layers that represented an alternating sedimentary sequence of clastic detrital sediments that were mainly composed of lutites (fine-grained illite–smectite, quartz and feldspars) overlain with either a black chert or a dark green lutite (Figure 2). These materials are rich in organic debris and were interpreted to have formed in palaeosoil environments. Above these layers, dolomitic (stoichiometric dolomite) sediments, corresponding to ephemeral lake environments, are overlain on the
Mineralogy 556 44°N
z (m) 555
552 38°N
550 upper level
N 8°O
3 550
Sep > 80
2 1
sepiolite 545 smectite
cota (m)
lllite di-, tri 540
sepiolite clay
536 lutite 535 lower level 530
quartz marl chert dolostone
Ephemeral lakes
1 530
Gypsum–dolomite sediments
Sep60 -D30
Clastic sediments: mud flat/floodplain
0 20 40 60 80 100%
FIGURE 2 Lithology and mineralogical features from a sedimentary sequence sampled from boreholes in the north-eastern region (Barajas, Madrid) of the intermediate unit of the Miocene in the Madrid Basin. Cenozoic Basins are marked with yellow in the Iberian Peninsula map (Alonso-Zarza et al., 2004). Sepiolite (Sep > 80), dolomitic marls (Sep60-D30) and lutitic sediments (brown regions in figure) alternate in the sequence (from Leguey et al., 2010). Photographs outline the contrast of black or dark green chert and lutites, respectively, to pale brown sepiolite materials. Photographs are taken from hand specimens. 1, 2 and 3 refers to the sequence of clastic sediments (1), palaeosoils (2) and ephemeral lakes (3).
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
sepiolitic sediments, which are ultimately buried by illite–smectite lutites (mainly dioctahedral) and capped by fine sands or arkosic sediments. There is evidence that the dolomite sediments from lacustrine sediments in Spain experienced biological activity. This evidence is based on the identification of domal stromatolitic structures, the presence of nanometre-scale spheroids (Pacton et al., 2010; Sanz-Montero et al., 2008) and the relatively low d13C values in the dolomite replacing the gypsum (Sanz-Montero et al., 2006). The microbial origin of dolomite in modern lacustrine sediments from La Roda (Albacete, Central Spain) has been documented by Garcia del Cura et al. (2001). Dolomite–gypsum associations in Miocene evaporitic lake deposits from the Madrid Basin have attributed to microbial communities (Sanz-Montero et al., 2006). However, the possible link between Madrid sepiolite deposits and biological activity has not been investigated.
2.1. Recognition of Structures Reminiscent of Microorganisms The base of the sedimentary sequence starts with a dolocrete–gypsum evaporitic sediment (Figure 2). The first locus that shows sepiolite within a typical microbial-mediated mineral system is the interface between gypsum fibrous crystals and dolomitic mud relicts. These mud-filled pores break the fibre alignment of crystals, indicating that the pores are produced by dissolution of gypsum (Figure 3). At the gypsum-pore interface, a small fibrous net, identified as magnesium silicate (sepiolite), can be observed. The formation of dolomite at sulphate-reducing interfaces (sulphides and organic matter) in the presence of SRB has been previously demonstrated (e.g. Douglas, 2005; Van Lith et al., 2003) and is connected with the development of slightly alkaline media. The presence of sepiolite could be based on the anomalous association of a clay-rich environment and an evaporitic environment. These environments are not commonly held together in actual dolomite evaporitic environments (e.g. Wright and Wacey, 2005 in Coorong, Australia; De la Pen˜a and Marfil, 1986 in saline lakes from La Mancha, Spain). The first layer in which sepiolite was concentrated at above 50% of the weight in the studied sediments was located above a black chert layer (10 cm in thickness) that lies over a clastic biotitic silt bed. The chert, crossed by chalcedony recrystallized veins (submillimetric), includes cavities (centimetres in size) with sepiolite coatings. In contrast, the chert nodules are inserted in a massive sepiolite matrix in higher layers. We recorded several singular microtextures and biomorphs in the chert–sepiolite interface. Microquartz rosary bead chain fabrics were observed in some chert surfaces at the cavities (Figure 4A). Silica–sepiolite hollowed cylinders or worm-like aggregates (< 10 mm size; Figure 4B) were commonly found. Additionally, barrel-like forms made of oriented quartz crystals of micron sizes were grouped randomly in the chert pores (Figure 4C). These crystals were composed of pyramidal quartz, with intergrowths of sepiolite filaments
Evidence for the Biogenic Origin of Sepiolite
FIGURE 3 Si–Mg filaments at the gypsum–dolomite interface. The SEM device was a PHILIPS-XL 30 electron microscope equipped with an energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) analyzer. Samples were coated with Au in a vacuum device for 30 s at 1.5 kV.
terminating in nanometric silica caps (Figure 4D). Magnesium and Si mapping at the microcrystal scale confirmed the presence of sepiolite. This diversity of crystal growth styles is related to the presence of selective chemical inhibitors, micro-textured substrata (presumably organic) or skeletal biomineralization (i.e. Xu et al., 2007). The formation of exotic self-assembled filament forms (dendritic to helicoidal) in carbonate–silica chemical environments was documented by Garcı´a-Ruiz et al. (2009). The presence of diatoms in nearby sediments was documented by Calvo et al. (1988) and Pozo and Lo´pez (2004). The formation of extensive micro-networks of EPS chitinbased heteropolymers has been found in barrel-like diatoms (Brunner et al., 2009). Although all these possibilities can occur in this silica-rich environment, specific common morphological features were found in the sepiolite– dolomite marl located above the chert. Hollow or not, cylindrical biomorphs, similar to the microquartz barrels (Figure 5A), were located above the chert in the sepiolite–dolomite marl. In these samples, the biomorphs were composed of stoichiometric dolomite and filled a subparallel network of white veinlets. The biomorphs consisted of micron- to submicron-sized dolomite crystals. Some showed structures of layers with sepiolite coatings resembling concentric blankets (Figures 1D and 5B). We found a predominance of ovoid aggregate forms (Figure 5C)
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
FIGURE 4 Biomorphs at the chert–sepiolite interface: (A) quartz rosary bead chains intercrossed, (B) hollowed cylinders and worm-like forms wrapped by sepiolite, (C) barrel-like microquartz aggregates and (D) detail of the barrel surfaces. Images (C) and (D) were taken from samples that were observed using FESEM NOVA NANOSEM 230 equipment at low-voltage conditions. Samples were coated with Au in a vacuum device for 30 s at 1.5 kV.
in the sepiolite matrix and found wavy parallel coatings of sepiolite (shown in Figures 1 and 5D). The cylinder or barrel-like biomorphs were often isolated in the sepiolite matrix of the sepiolite layer on top of the studied sedimentary sequence. All of the biomorphs were hollowed, sometimes preserving the microcrystalline oriented structure of dolomite (Figure 5E) or filled with tiny sepiolite networks, but always showing evidence of the recrystallization of dolomite in the outer envelope (Figure 5F).
Evidence for the Biogenic Origin of Sepiolite
FIGURE 5 Biomorphs found in the sepiolite layers: (A) dolomite aggregates in double-barreldumbbell forms, (B) sepiolite-parallel coating in the dolomite biomorph, (C) ovoid sepiolite aggregates in the sepiolite upper layer (SUL), (D) parallel accumulation of sepiolite nets in SUL, (E) the recrystallized surface of dolomite biomorph in lutites near the SUL and (F) hollowed, altered and recrystallized biomorph within the SUL. The elongated, white crystals corresponding to Sr-rich barite in (B) were in agreement with similar forms recorded by Sa´nchez-Pastor et al. (2006). Samples were coated with Au in a vacuum device for 30 s at 1.5 kV.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
The oriented growth of individual micron-sized crystals, structured as ‘mesocrystals’, is typically found in processes in which organic polymers control the growth direction and shape of individual crystals (Co¨lfen and Antonietti, 2008). These crystals are not structured as spherical peloids, in which concentric mineral rims are expected (Bosak et al., 2004). In contrast, they maintain a cylindrical (barrel-like or dumbbell-like) shape, regular size and the shape of biomorphs with submicron platy dolomite crystals (surface area of dolomite: 20–30 m2/g; Cuevas, J., unpublished data) with internal cellular textures. This organization is clearly more ordered than a random assembly of organomineral coatings. These morphologies are typical of oriented intergrowths of carbonates combined with EPS (e.g. Mg-calcite and dolomite, Van Lith et al., 2003; vaterite, Rodriguez-Navarro et al., 2007; and calcite– aragonite, Yin et al., 2009). The existence of previous structured substrata, such as a bacterial colony (filamentous) or EPS extracellular envelopes, could cause the bioreminiscent arrangement. Evidence for this may be the relative non-specificity of nucleating silica or carbonates to produce similar aggregation morphologies. In contrast, the sizes of individual quartz or dolomite crystals and internal pores in the biomorphs are compatible with microorganism sizes (< 2 mm). In dolomite, interwoven fibres of sepiolite are displayed linearly or resemble the extracellular material lining that has been observed to form around cyanobacterial extracellular envelopes (Si–Mg coatings, Souza-Egypsy et al., 2005).
3. RECOGNITION OF MINERAL FORMATION PROCESSES 3.1. Mineralization of Biomass In this study, we were searching for organics or biomass relics to determine the role of biomass degradation in the biomorph-forming process. The sediments located near the upper sepiolite layer (> 90% Sep in Figure 2) contained abundant particles of organic debris, most in the form of fibrous strands. More than 100 scanning electron microscope (SEM)–energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) analyses were performed on filament-like fibres and related organic relics (Figure 6). Organic particles have a complex chemistry, and significant contributions of Na, Ca, K, Cl, S and Fe need to be determined. Alkaline elements, together with chloride and sulphate, were the signatures of the saline mineralizing fluids that were present in the lacustrine environment. In contrast, most filaments were made of sepiolite compositions, but Si/Mg in the biomass was significantly higher than in the sepiolite filaments. The surface of the fibrous organic strands was structured as parallel microfibrils, similar to the cellular walls of algae or plants (Figure 7). The surface of this organic material contained groups of a few individual crystals of dolomite, which included a microfibril matrix during their growth. The formation of dolomite during the degradation of organic matter is a typical signature of bacterial mineralization (e.g. SRB).
Evidence for the Biogenic Origin of Sepiolite
Biomass Weight% of elements as oxide components
Filaments 60
0 Na2O MgO Al2O3 SiO2 SO42–
TiO2 Fe2O3 PO43–
FIGURE 6 Average composition of EDX analyses taken from biomass relics and surrounding filament or fibrous forms. Analysis results are expressed as weight percentage of oxide components or salt anions Leguey and Cuevas, 2010.
FIGURE 7 Biomass strands and dolomite nucleation, with details of the microfibrils within the dolomite crystals. Punctual analysis showed stoichiometric dolomite with small quantities of Si (<2 wt%). Samples were observed using FESEM NOVA NANOSEM 230 equipment at low-voltage conditions. Samples were coated in Au in a vacuum device for 30 s at 1.5 kV.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
3.2. From Microfibrils to Sepiolite The presence of a microfibril network in dolomite crystals is better observed in highly degraded dolomite biomorphs, as shown in Figure 8A (Figures 8B and D provide surface detail). Calcium and Mg (close to 1/1: stoichiometric dolomite) dominated the surface (Figure 8C), even when the microfibril network formed on every surface of the aggregate. The results showed low silica concentration, which indicates that fibrils may have low density and that the dolomite matrix dominates the solid surface. TEM observations (Figure 10; Leguey, S. unpublished data) have shown the presence of silica-rich nanotubes associated with these materials. Altered biomorphs were separated from the sepiolite materials in sepiolite–dolomite marl located in the lower sepiolite level (Sep60Dol40; Figure 2). This process was performed by repeated ultrasonic dispersion to separate the sepiolite matrix. During the process, some matrices remained as very small, A
quantitative results Element Wt% At%
C .4k
.0k O Ka MgKa
9.48 25.19 11.58 1.58 33.93 18.24
22.39 44.68 13.52 1.60 4.89 12.92
AuMa .8k C Ka
CaKa AuMz SiKa
Ca AuMg
CaKb 3.00
FIGURE 8 SEM–EDX aspects of an altered dolomite biomorph taken from lutites near the main sepiolite layer studied: (A) altered biomorph, (B) detail of the fibrous texture surface and (C) detail of a micronetwork of microfibrils. Samples were observed using FESEM NOVA NANOSEM 230 equipment under low-voltage conditions. Samples were coated with Au in a vacuum device for 30 s at 1.5 kV.
Evidence for the Biogenic Origin of Sepiolite
quantitative results Element Wt% At%
2.0 k
1.6 k
O Ka
C Ka
31.85 23.07 2.58 12.11 0.68 28.66 0.25 0.78
46.44 25.26 0.81 8.73 0.44 17.87 0.11 0.34
1.2 k
0.8 k
Ca 0.4 k
CaKa K Kb
K Ka 0.50
CaKb 4.00
FIGURE 9 Altered biomorph separated from the sepiolite–dolomite marl: (A) biomorph aspect, (B) detail of dense fibre alignments wrapping the dolomite biomorph and (C) detail of fibre alignment. Samples were observed using FESEM NOVA NANOSEM 230 equipment under low-voltage conditions. Samples were coated with Au in a vacuum device for 30 s at 1.5 kV.
white floating particles. These particles were similar to silica and dolomite barrels or hollowed cylinders (Figure 9A; details in B and D), but they were wrapped internally with sepiolite fibres (Figure 9C) of higher thickness than the microfibrils observed in the lutitic sediments near the sepiolite upper layer (Figure 8). Sepiolite wires showed parallel unions, and they were dense enough to yield a typical analysis of sepiolite under SEM–EDX examination (Figure 9C). They were determined to be sepiolite crystals rather than silica-rich nanotubes.
3.3. Geochemical Evidence of the Biogenic Context of Sepiolite Formation We have highlighted the morphological and textural evidence for biogenic signatures found in the sepiolitic sediments studied by Leguey et al. (2010). In addition, this study used a SEM and was aided by the EDX analysis tool. Additional biogeochemical evidence supports the biogenicity of sepiolite sediments. At the base of the sepiolite layers, sediments are rich in biotite
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
and iron-rich illites. The formation of the sepiolite materials occurred by a depletion of potassium. As the microcline was selectively depleted, mica and illite also became scarce. Nealson and Conrad (1999) stated that in many cases, it is possible to recognize life by gradients of reactants and products produced during growth and metabolism. Potassium (K) is an important nutrient for heterotrophic bacteria and may favour biomass production (Chorover et al., 2007; Valsami-Jones and McEldowney, 2000). A K decrease in soil profiles has been related to faster biologically induced weathering of biotite in comparison with other minerals (Banfield et al., 2001 and references herein). Thus, the depletion of K within the sepiolite-rich sediments can be considered to be a signature for biological activity. An attempt was made to extract organic compounds from sepiolite–dolomite samples using methanol at ambient temperature and by soaking 2.5 g of sample in 1 L of solvent for 24 h. Approximately 3% of organic material was extracted from the initial solid and was then studied by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. This method isolates the lipid fraction, carboxylic acids, alcohols, ketones, aldehydes and related compounds (Meyers and Ishiwatari, 1993). Our preliminary results on the composition of lipidic organic matter in the sepiolite indicated a reduction of N and S as well as alkanoic acid derivatives with nC 18, which is typical of aquatic algae and bacteria. The third and last geochemical marker that supports the existence of biological activity in the sepiolite formation environment is the light source for carbon in dolomite associated with sepiolite. The d13C values within a range of 7.1% to 7.8% are indicative of an isotopically light source of carbon, such as organic matter or the atmosphere (Bustillo et al., 2002; Wacey et al., 2007). Values ranging from 7% to 8% have been previously determined to designate a microbial origin of dolomite (Garcia del Cura et al., 2001; Sanz-Montero et al., 2006).
4. SEPIOLITE MINERALIZATION HYPOTHESIS: PASSIVE ORGANOMINERALIZATION OF SEPIOLITE We hypothesized that the nanotubes or fibrils found in sepiolite–dolomite interfaces are related to biomass relics or biomorphs and were the precursors of sepiolite. As a first approach to search for a biogenic origin of sepiolite, we analysed the geochemical and textural characteristics of the mineralized biomass found in the sediments. Hydration–desiccation cycles occur in the sediments and favour the biomass degradation and the dissolution–precipitation processes. In this environment, the sepiolite, dolomite or opal can be concentrated. The proposed organomineralization process occurs in two steps related mainly to a biologically influenced process. In a first step, the passive mineralization occurs on extracellular or cellular wall heteropolymers that sometimes adhere to degraded vegetal remains. Primarily Ca and Mg, and minor
Evidence for the Biogenic Origin of Sepiolite
quantities of K and Na, become absorbed in the polyanionic organic matrix (K and Na salts remain trapped within the biomass components). At this stage, biologically influenced carbonate precipitation can occur (Dupraz and Visscher, 2005; Dupraz et al., 2009). Bacterial EPS adsorbs Mg selectively from the solution and is attached to negatively charged sites, thereby simultaneously acting as a silica precipitation support (Bontognali et al., 2010). The carboxyl group-rich proteins (e.g. porins), LPSs and pectin fibrils are the most effective cation-binding macromolecules and are considered to be the molecular ‘glue’ of choice for biominerals (Gilbert et al., 2005). In the lacustrine saline environment, the changes in carbonate alkalinity result in the preferential precipitation of calcite, but dolomite also precipitates both in oxic or anoxic environments (Sanchez-Roman et al., 2008). SRB bacteria (on the lake or pond subsurface) are fed by cyanobacteria biomasses (at lake margins or surface). In this case, a reduction of sulphate and the production of carbonate alkalinity favour dolomite precipitation. Silica can be found as nanotubes templated by a microfibril-structured biomass. Because silica is not a cationic species, it may nucleate by special organomineralization mechanisms in this neutral to slightly alkaline environment. Wallace et al. (2009) found that under mildly acidic conditions (e.g. pH ¼ 5), sites on the organic matrix that have anionic species, such as carboxyl or phosphoryl groups, in close proximity to amines could be potential points of initial silica deposition. Moreover, under certain circumstances, microbially produced EPS may create local environments for silica deposition that closely resemble the BCM process on diatoms. In fact, we found that biomass relics or nanotubes on dolomite aggregates had silica contents in excess of the sepiolitic compositions. In the second step, the Mg that was previously concentrated on EPS generated by microorganisms or mineralized as dolomite is liberated during the desiccation process. A large increase in Mg is produced during the desiccation of microbial mats in lake margins. A pH decrease from 8 to 6.5 has been observed (Wright and Wacey, 2005). For sepiolite or silica to prevail (instead of carbonates) in the deposition media, a periodic acidic stage is needed during the lake dynamics. This results in a decrease in the silica solubility and causes carbonate dissolution. The presence of clay colloids is critical to ensure that silica is available from the solution. The reaction of Mg with the biogenic silica may lead to the nucleation of sepiolite crystals using the fibrous organic support. When the concentration of Mg is low, or when the organic support is scarce, biogenic silica predominates and is later transformed into quartz during diagenesis. Diagenetic processes favour the migration of soluble precipitated salts and also favour organic matter degradation, which facilitates the growth of sepiolite fibres. This preserves the structure of microfibres and intergrowths of pre-existent nanotubes. There are still many remaining issues and experimental studies required to document the biologically influenced process of sepiolite. There is no unique
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
FIGURE 10 Comparison of titania templated on bacterial cellulose nanofibrils (A) (from Zhang and Qi, 2005) and a microfibril net shown in Figure 8 (B). (C) TEM photograph shows the internal nanotube structure of filaments similar to those in Figure 8. This sample was observed in a JEOL 200 FX equipment and was prepared by means of the settlement of a diluted ultrapure aqueous suspension (<1 mg/L) in a carbon-coated copper grid.
path for the synthesis of sepiolite, but there is sufficient evidence to consider the biogenic path as a significant path for explaining the sepiolite formation in lakes. The environmental cycling changes in lakes that result in the periodicity of acidic and alkaline or oxic and anoxic conditions remain to be documented in most cases. However, some acidic–saline natural lake systems with opaline
Evidence for the Biogenic Origin of Sepiolite
silica mineralization have been documented in Western Australia (Mormile et al., 2009). The identification of organic templates for silica in a biologically influenced process is also important. In this context, we have found similarities between bacterially synthesized cellulose microfibril structures and the nanotube networks observed inside altered dolomite crystals. Figure 10 shows the texture of the titania template on bacterial cellulose (Zhang and Qi, 2005), and the texture of silica nanotubes is shown in Figure 8. The understanding of the role of natural biopolymers in the organomineralization of sepiolite is important for the determination of the biological origin of sepiolite. This eventually will aid progress in the recognition of biosignatures in the geological record.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors are grateful for the improvements in the discussion facilitated by an anonymous referee and to the editor of this book (E. Gala´n). This research has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. Projects: CYCYT: BTE-2003-05757-C02-01, CGL2008-03183/BTE.
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Chapter 10
Overview of Chinese Palygorskite Clay Resources— Their Geology, Mineralogy, Depositional Environment, Applications and Processing Huitang Zhou* and Haydn H. Murray{ *MinTech International, Inc., 3803 Commodore Trail, Bloomington, Indiana, USA { Professor Emeritus, Indiana University, 1001 E. 10th Street, Bloomington, Indiana, USA
1. INTRODUCTION Palygorskite clays are very important industrially and have more than 100 applications (Jones and Gala´n, 1988). However, they are relatively rare in nature. The name palygorskite was first used by Von Savchenkov in 1862 in reporting the first occurrence of the mineral from Palygorsk in Russia. The name attapulgite was first given by Lapparent (1935) to a clay mineral found in deposits in Attapulgus, Georgia, USA and Mormoiron, France. According to Bailey et al. (1971), the name palygorskite has priority over attapulgite and is adopted through this chapter. There are several varieties of palygorskite: Mg palygorskite, Mn palygorskite, Mn ferro-palygorskite (Semenov, 1969), Na–Fe palygorskite (tuperssuatsiaite) and Mn–Zn palygorskite (yofortierite; Perrault et al., 1975). The most common variety is Mg palygorskite. At present, the best characterized and most exploited deposit of palygorskite clays is the Meigs–Attapulgus–Quincy deposit in Georgia and Florida, USA (Merkl, 1989). Palygorskite deposits have also been reported in other countries, some of which could be of great interest economically, for example, the Cherkassk palygorskite deposit in Russia (Ovcharenko and Kukovsky, 1984), the Hyderabad palygorskite deposit in India (Siddiqui, 1967), the palygorskite deposits in Torrejo´n el Rubio and Ciudad Real, Central Spain (Gala´n et al., 1994, Gala´n and Castillo, 1984) and the palygorskite deposit in Western Australia (Hudson Resources Limited, 2009), South Australia (Hodge et al., 1984) and Senegal (Garcı´a-Romero et al., 2007). Developments in Clay Science, Vol. 3. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-444-53607-5.00010-4 # 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
In China, more than 20 palygorskite-containing clay deposits (sites) have been found near the provincial boundary between Jiangsu and Anhui, mainly in Liuhe, Xuyi, Jiashan, Laian and Tianchang counties (Figure 1). Currently, over 20 sizable local companies are mining and processing the palygorskite clays in Mingguang and Xuyi. This chapter uses the Guanshan deposit in Mingguang, Anhui Province, as an example to discuss many aspects of palygorskite clay in China because it is typical and the largest in the area. High quality palygorskite clay has been identified in this deposit. The proven reserves in this deposit are 22 million metric tons. Harbin Urumqi
Beijing Xi’an Nanjing
Guangzhou Hong Kong
Guanshan Qingmingshan
Huangguoshan Huangnishan Xiaozhushan
Luozhishan Baitushan
20 km
FIGURE 1 The location of study area and the palygorskite deposits at the border area of Anhui Province and Jiangsu Province, PR China.
Overview of Chinese Palygorskite Clay Resources
Palygorskite was first found in 1980 by faculty and students from the Geology Department of Nanjing University, who have since undertaken various geological investigations on the deposit. Extensive core drilling has been done in this deposit by Geologic Brigade No. 312 of the Anhui Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources with studies concentrating on the geology and mineralogical characterization of the palygorskite. However, little fundamental work has been done to evaluate the physical properties and potential industrial uses of the deposit. To understand in detail about the deposit, the purpose of this chapter is to (1) characterize the deposits geologically and mineralogically, (2) propose a depositional environment of the palygorskite clays, (3) discuss the applications of Chinese palygorskite clays and (4) present the processing of the Chinese palygorskite clays.
2. PREVIOUS WORK IN THE AREA The Geological Brigade No. 312 of the Anhui Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources has investigated the Guanshan deposit in significant detail. A 10 km2 area was mapped at a scale of 1:10000. A 4 km2 area was mapped at the scale of 1:5000. They drilled total cores of 15,262 m. Unfortunately, their detailed geological report of this deposit is not available because the report is confidential. A less detailed report has been made available to the public (Geological Brigade No. 312, 1986). Based on the work done by them, the Laboratory of Anhui Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources and other companies’ research and test results, the summarized composite stratigraphic column of the Guanshan palygorskite deposit is shown in Figure 2. Almost all the drilling reports, research reports and published papers that discuss the Guanshan deposit have focused on the mineralogy of the palygorskite and smectite clays. The faculty and graduate students from Nanjing University have greatly contributed to the study of the clay mineralogy of Guanshan and adjacent areas. Fang et al. (1990) discussed the general geology, mineral composition and depositional environments of the palygorskite clays. Based on chemical, XRD, IR, DTA, TEM and SEM data, they concluded that the Guanshan clays mainly comprise short length Fe-rich palygorskite fibres, smectite, dolomite, quartz and opal. They suggested that the clays are derived as weathered products of basaltic rocks and were deposited in an alkaline hydrous medium rich in Si and Mg ions. Other studies include similar type of data (Liu and Cai, 1993), the identification of palygorskite by using the glycol method (Gao, 1987), a phase transition study of pressed palygorskite (Wang, 1987), systematic SEM and EDAX studies (Xi, 1985) and the infrared absorption spectral features of the palygorskite minerals (Zhang and Tian, 1990). A simplified geological drilling report (Geological Brigade No. 312, 1986) discussed the industrial uses of palygorskite clays from Guanshan.
Medium- and fine-grained olivine basalt Lenticular shale and siltstone inclusions Purple shale
7–30 m
Medium- and fine-grained olivine basalt Angular glassy basalt inclusions Mixed clay and palygorskite clays
18–54 m
MEMBER Upper member Lower member Upper member
Gray medium–fine grained vesicular olivine basalt
32–56 m
Middle member
Dark dense olivine basalt Purple shale Gray/green, gray yellow bentonite
Gray shale and siltstone
8–29 m
Sandy conglomerate
Lower member
FORMATION Guiwu Formation Huaguoshan Formation Zhangshanji Fm
SYSTEM Paleocene
Lower Tertiary
Upper Tertiary
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
Gray fine-grained olivine basalt, interlayered with lenticular bentonite Gray sandy shale and siltstone Sandy conglomerate
Reddish gray, brown shale and siltstone
FIGURE 2 Summarized composite stratigraphic column of Guanshan deposit.
They showed that the saturated salt mud yield for the raw material varies from 7.5 to 22 m3/ton with an average of 11.58 m3/ton. The processed material could attain values as high as 17.5 m3/ton. The water absorption after 4% HCl activated varied from 94 to 401 ml/100 g with an average of 193 ml/ 100 g. They concluded that the palygorskite clays from Guanshan could be used in many applications including catalysis in the petroleum refining industry, deep sea drilling, water treatment, paint, oil absorbent and as a pesticide carrier.
Overview of Chinese Palygorskite Clay Resources
Shi (1986) summarized the various methods used to evaluate the industrial applications of Guanshan palygorskite clays. The methods and results covered in his report include cation exchange capacity (methylene blue method), salt-resistant mud yield, water and oil absorption, dispersion viscosity and activation of clays. These tests were also done in the current study using accepted procedures. Both Xiang (1990) and Wang (1993) studied the absorption of palygorskite clays on composite materials and the effect of these clays on the mechanical properties of the composites. Their experimental results indicated that the Guanshan palygorskite clays have a strong absorptive affinity for organic materials, especially on those that possess polarity or polar groups. Xiang (1990) concluded that this property was attributable to both the electrical unsaturation at the surface of the palygorskite crystal and the channel of zeolitic water within its special structure.
3. GEOLOGY As the geology in the Guanshan deposit is typical in the area, the geological description is based on it, given that it is the only one that has been drilled and studied in detail among more than 20 deposits.
3.1. Stratigraphy A composite geological section is shown in Figure 2. The palygorskite clays are contained in the Huaguoshan Formation that was formed during the Miocene. The underlying and overlying units are the Palaeocene Zhangshanji Formation and the Pliocene Guiwu Formation, respectively. A brief description of each formation is as follows: Zhangshanji Formation: Composed of reddish grey, brown shale and siltstone. Huaguoshan Formation: It includes three members (lower, middle and upper) which have been further classified mainly based on lithology. Lower Member: From bottom to top, it is made up of sandy conglomerates, grey sandy shale, siltstone and grey fine-grained olivine basalt. Lenticular bentonite is developed at the top. The thickness of this member ranges from 8 to 29 m. Middle Member: This member comprises a lower grey shale overlain by a siltstone and sandy conglomerate and a 15–20 m thick grey-green to grey-yellow bentonite. At the top overlying the bentonite, there is a 1.5 m layer of purple shale. The total thickness of this middle member ranges from 32 to 56 m. Upper Member: The upper member consists of a grey, medium-fine-grained vesicular olivine basalt in the lower part and palygorskite-containing clay in the upper part. The palygorskite-containing
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
clay bed is underlain and overlain by a clay of variable composition which is mainly smectite. Lenticular basalt may be locally present. Dark dense olivine basalt is at the bottom of the member. The total thickness of this member is from 18 to 54 m. This member contains the most commercially valuable palygorskite clay. The thickness of the palygorskite clay bed varies from 3 to 6 m. Various fresh water fauna fossils were found in the palygorskite clay bed, such as Sciuridagehet. Sp. inded, Rodentiagehet, Sp. indet, Artiodactogiagen, et. Sp. indet, Rninocerondengenet Sp. indet, Anchigheriam. Sp., Leporidaegenet. Sp. indet and Ceruideindet. Guiwu Formation: It is divided into lower and upper members. Lower Member: This member mainly comprises medium- to fine-grained olivine basalt overlain by a thin purple shale layer and underlain by 0.5 m thick angular basalt. The total thickness of the lower member ranges from 7 to 30 m. Upper Member: The upper member consists of vesicular medium- to fine-grained olivine basalt. A lenticular bedded shale and muddy siltstone are included locally in the basalt. Large crystallized inclusions, such as pyroxene, are included in pyroclastics. The total thickness of this member is from 43 to 76 m.
3.2. Regional Geotectonic and Volcanic Setting All palygorskite deposits (more than 20) found in the border area between Jiangsu and Anhui provinces are associated with basalt. The formation of these deposits was controlled by the regional geotectonic setting and volcanic activity. The geotectonic setting of the Guanshan deposit and adjacent areas is shown in Figure 3, which shows that all deposits are located in a fracture zone oriented at NW–SE. This fracture zone is characterized by later Miocene volcanic eruptions, and it was controlled by a large scale and deep fracture (Tan-Lu). The Tan-Lu Fracture is a huge fracture that extends from NE China to north of Nanchang, Jiangxi Province. The distribution of basalt along the east coast of China is probably related to the movement of the Pacific Ocean plate. According to Shi (1986), there are two major eruption cycles of basalt. The basalt in the Huaguoshan Formation and in the Guiwu Formation represents an earlier cycle and a later cycle, respectively. Huaguoshan basalt cycle: This is divided further into lower and upper subcycles. The lower (early) subcycle was developed in a fluvial–lacustrine system. This was the first eruption in the study area and adjacent areas during the Cenozoic period. The thickness of basalt ranges from 1.5 to 12.8 m. It comprises light grey to dark grey fine-grained olivine basalt. The top of the basalt is a vesicular type. On top of the basalt, fluvial–lacustrine deposits (30–50 m) and bentonite (8–15 m) were developed. The upper subcycle
Overview of Chinese Palygorskite Clay Resources
Up lif
Ji an hu
pr es
si on
Benbu Uplift
100 km
Q n-
Cretaceous depression
Tertiary depression
s re
u sh
g Up
Dingyuan n Ding ha yuan as Dep i J ress ion
r ep
Late Tertiary basalt eruption zone
FIGURE 3 Regional geotectonic map.
comprises 17–38 m thick, grey to dark grey, medium- to fine-grained olivine basalt. Vesicular basalt was developed on top. An angular basalt flow was observed at the bottom. This subcycle represents a larger eruptive event. The palygorskite clay bed was formed in a lacustrine environment during or immediately after this eruption cycle. Guiwu basalt cycle: The basalt eruption in this cycle is the largest in the region. The eruption is changed from an early fissure flow type to a late central eruption type. The craters are distributed along a NW–SE fracture zone. The basalt comprises grey to dark grey medium to fine-grained olivine basalt, interbedded with vesicular basalt. Large inclusions of olivine and pyroxene were found in the adjacent area of craters. The thickness of the basalt ranges from 48 to 105 m. One to three thin beds of red basaltic mudstone are interbedded with the basalt. The thickness of a single bed ranges from less than 0.5 m to 1.5 m. These interbedded thin beds of mudstone imply that there were short quiet periods during this eruption cycle.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
According to Shi (1986), the alkalinity of basalt becomes higher upwards. The basalt changes from a tholeiite series to a calc-alkaline series upwards vertically and from SE to NW horizontally.
4. MINERALOGY All samples were semiquantitatively analysed on a Philips XRG 3100 computer-controlled XRD unit and analysed with a Jade program. A small portion of each raw sample was dried and ground in a coffee grinder and analysed as a random powder mount by X-ray diffractometer to determine the bulk mineral composition. The major mineral in all samples is palygorskite which varies from around 55% to more than 90%. Only a few samples have a palygorskite content of less than 50%. Montmorillonite (both Ca and Na) is the second most common mineral, ranging from less than 10% to more than 80%. Quartz is present in all samples, ranging from less than 1% to more than 8%. Other minerals that occur in minor amounts in the samples include sepiolite, illite, dolomite and opal. Table 1 reveals a comparison of selected palygorskite X-ray diffraction peaks from Chinese palygorskite clay samples to those from Attapulgus, Georgia and Quincy, Florida. This table shows that the major peaks of the sample from the study area are very similar to the peaks found in samples from other areas.
TABLE 1 Comparison of d-Spacings and Intensities of X-Ray Diffraction Pattern from Study Area to Those from Attapulgus, Georgia and Quincy, Florida, USA. Guanshan Deposit, China
Attapulgus, Georgia and Quincy, Florida, USA
Overview of Chinese Palygorskite Clay Resources
5. DEPOSITIONAL ENVIORNMENT OF THE GUANSHAN PALYGORSKITE Palygorskite has been identified in various depositional and chemical environments. Palygorskite has been reported frequently in marine environments (Bonatti and Joensuu, 1968; Bowles et al., 1971; Couture, 1977; Hathaway and Sachs, 1965; Singer, 1979; Timofeev et al., 1977). Many studies report the formation of palygorskite in continental environments which include Millot (1964), Heuvel (1966), McLean et al. (1972), Paquet and Millot (1972), Singer and Norrish (1974), Bachman and Machette (1977), Carmouze et al. (1977), Millot et al. (1977), Pedro et al. (1978), Eugster and Jones (1979), Al Droubi et al. (1980), Bighan et al. (1980), Gala´n and Ferrero (1982), Gala´n and Castillo (1984), Gala´n et al. (1994), Spencer (1982), Jones and Weir (1983), McGrath (1984), Singer (1984), Jones and Spencer (1985), Velde (1985), Gala´n (1985) and Fassi et al. (1988). Palygorskite has also been reported in hydrothermal veins (Furbish and Sando, 1976; Tien, 1983; Velde, 1985). This chapter proposes mechanisms for the formation of the Guanshan palygorskite based on the transformation of volcanic ash and basalt to palygorskite.
5.1. Source Material The determination of source material of the Guanshan palygorskite is made chemically and mineralogically. In Table 2, a comparison is made between the components of the basalt and various samples at different stages of alteration. This table shows that (1) the major oxides in the palygorskite are SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, MgO, CaO and K2O, which is similar to those of basalt; (2) the contents of SiO2 and MgO in palygorskite are higher than those of basalt whereas the contents of Al2O3, Fe2O3, CaO, Na2O, K2O, TiO2, P2O5 and MnO in palygorskite are lower than those of basalt. SiO2 and MgO are necessary for palygorskite formation. During basalt alteration at low temperature, Si, Mg and other ions are released (Velde, 1985). The recombination of these ions, especially Si4þ and Mg2þ, forms the palygorskite, whereas alkaline ions were lost from the system. Chen (1986) carried out a study of the adjacent Huangnishan palygorskite deposit. This deposit is less than 10 km from the Guanshan deposit, so we presume that it may be similar in composition and origin to Guanshan deposit. Trace element analyses from his study are shown in Table 3. It must be pointed out that: (1) the content of Rb, Cs, U and Th is higher than in basalt; (2) the content of Sr and Ba is much lower than in basalt; (3) other elements such as Th, Ta, Zr, Cr, Co, Ni and Zn are slightly lower than basalt; (4) elemental ratios of Ni/Co, Zr/Hf and Th/U are similar to those of basalt. The interpretation of the chemical data is made by the following statement: when the basalt weathered, the active metal ions are released from
TABLE 2 Selected Chemical Analysis Result on Water Free Basis. Results
Guanshan deposit
Section No.
SiO2 (%)
Al2O3 (%)
MgO (%)
CaO (%)
Na2O (%)
K2O (%)
TiO2 (%)
P2O5 (%)
MnO (%)
Cr2O3 (%)
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
Fe2O3 (%)
Chapter 10
Adjacent sites
Overview of Chinese Palygorskite Clay Resources
Quincy, Florida, USA
TABLE 3 Trace Elements of Palygorskite and Basalt from Huangnishan Deposit (Taken from Chen, 1986). Sample no.
54.80 430.00
Overview of Chinese Palygorskite Clay Resources
the structure of silicates into solution; Cs, Rb and U (UO22þ) are easily absorbed on the clay; Sr and Ba are involved in the epidiagenesis; Th4þ remains in the weathered crust; rare earth elements (REE) are stable chemically. They can be recorded and well preserved geologically. These elements are very good indictors of the extent of alteration. To further examine the relation of palygorskite clay with the source material, an in situ sample taken at the top of the palygorskite layer was analysed in more detail. The sample has three zones from hard core to the soft clay-rich outer rim. To study the progressive stages of alteration, three samples were taken from the unaltered core of a basalt pebble to the clay-rich rim. The three zones from the core to the rim of the pebbles are well identified by colour. These three zones are termed the core, middle zone and rim (Figure 4). The colour changes from dark brown in the core, light brown in the middle zone and to yellow grey in the rim.
Rim zone
Middle zone
Core (basalt) 0
2 cm
FIGURE 4 Photo (A) and its sketch (B) of weathered basalt showing the weathering zones.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
TABLE 4 Chemical Analysis Result for the Zones of Weathered Basalt. Samples SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 MgO CaO Na2O K2O TiO2 P2O5 MnO LOI Core
46.8 15.9
47.5 14.8
48.3 15.8
These three zones were analysed chemically and mineralogically. The chemical compositions of different zones are given in Table 4. This table shows a systematic variation of various elements except for Al2O3, which is related to the nature of the host primary minerals; the mobility of these elements once they are released by the weathering of these minerals; and the susceptibility of elements to retention in new phases in their immediate environment (Bain, 1980; Singer, 1973). 1. Considerable evidence exists to show that TiO2 is relatively stable during basalt weathering. Ti is slightly soluble and is mobile over limited distances (Hutton, 1977); however, it is quickly reprecipitated in situ (Bain, 1976, 1980). The net overall effect is no change in the total TiO2 content. 2. Other workers have concluded that alumina is stable (Singer, 1970), while TiO2 is soluble and removable under certain conditions. According to Singer (1973), there are two reported cases of Ti depletion during basalt weathering: (a) mobility of Ti is possible at low pH values (< 5) if the element is present in silicates (Craig and Loughnan, 1964) and (b) mobility of Ti is possible, if preceded by reduction to a lower valence state, as evidenced by an example in Hawaii where the high concentrations of titania in some soils are derived from basalt (Sherman, 1952). As Table 4 shows there is a significant loss of TiO2 during weathering while Al2O3 remains relatively immobile. It is possible to interpret the removal of titania environmentally. Part of the Ti in the Guanshan basalt was probably present in the trivalent form in silicates like pyroxenes. Titanium from these silicates could have been depleted, together with some divalent iron, during a weathering cycle which included a low Eh environment, like that created by the subaqueous lacustrine environment which formed during the palaeohistory of the study area. A question is whether or not this environment could have been conducive to a Ti depletion relative to that of Al. According to Codell (1959), the solubility product for Ti (OH)3 is lower than that for alumina. However, the Al3þ could have been more easily incorporated in the clay lattice compared to titanium; thus, the alumina shows no overall change, whereas titanium could have been removed.
Overview of Chinese Palygorskite Clay Resources
The content of MgO is much lower than host minerals, such as olivine basalt. This is because magnesium has a high mobility once it is released from the host rock; Mg may be used in the crystal structure of neoformed clay minerals of palygorskite, sepiolite or the smectite group. Mg content increases from core zone to rim zone, accompanied by an increase in the clay minerals, identified by using XRD. It is believed that a large proportion of Mg has been used in the formation of palygorskite in the Guanshan deposit. Mineralogical compositions in each zone are changed as determined by X-ray diffraction. The minerals in each zone are: Core: feldspar, ferromagnesium minerals and minor smectite Middle zone: smectite and illite Rim: smectite and palygorskite The sequence of mineral compositions from the core to the outside zone shows the degree of weathering and the transformation of minerals.The weathering sequence can be stated as basalt ! smectite ! smectite þ palygorskite. In summary, both major and trace elements and the core sample analysis in this chapter and other studies confirm that palygorskite has a very close relationship with the basalt. It is believed that the source material of the Guanshan palygorskite is the basalt, or basaltic volcanic ash.
5.2. Depositional Environment The analysis of depositional environments in this study is based on lithologic descriptions from other studies (Fang et al., 1990; Shi, 1986) because no cores were available from the underlying strata in the current study. A generalized lithologic column profile and brief description of the lithology are shown in Figure 5. This figure shows the intervals from the bottom of the Huaguoshan Formation to the lower Guiwu Formation. The Guanshan palygorskite clay is located in the upper part of the member of the Huaguoshan Formation. The lower member and lower part of the middle member of the Huaguoshan Formation show two upward fining sequences, comprising bottom conglomerate, sandy conglomerate, middle siltstone and upper shale. The top of the upper member is a grey smectite. These two sequences are interpreted as evidence of a fluvial–lacustrine depositional system. About 20 m of basalt with lenticular bentonite overlies the lower member and underlies the middle member. This unit is interpreted as a basalt flow and volcanoclastic deposit. It is this volcanic event that interrupts the continuous development of a fluvial–lacustrine system which include ponding and formation of lakes. The upper part of the middle member comprises about 20 m of grey-green and grey-yellow smectite, which may be transformed from volcanic ash. Thus, the upper part of the middle member may represent another volcanic event. The volcanic ash was deposited in a lacustrine environment. As represented by the upper member of the Huaguoshan Formation, the volcanic
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
Formation Guiwu Fm
Huaguoshan Formation
Upper Member
Lithological Column
Brief Description of Lithology Basalt Palygorskite + montmorillonite (volcanic ash)
Interpretation of Environments Volcanic eruption
Volcanic eruption
Basalt flow
Gray green, gray yellow montmorillonite
Middle Member
Fluvial–lacustrine system Siltstone Sandy conglomerate
Basalt flow Vocanoclastics
Lower Member
Gray light gray shale, Siltstone and sandy conglomerate
Volcanic eruption
Fluvial–lacustrine system
FIGURE 5 Generalized column profile showing the vertical sequence of lithology and environmental development.
event continued to dominate the development of strata. Vesicular basalt, olivine basalt, pyroxene olivine basalt and dense basalt were well developed in the lower part of the upper member. Above the basalt, the volcanic ash (represented by the present palygorskite) was deposited, which was then overlain by basalt. The presence of Sporo-Pollen fossils in the palygorskite clay (Shi, 1986) confirms that the volcanic ash was deposited in a lacustrine environment. The proposed model of the palygorskite formation is illustrated in Figure 6. This figure shows that the volcanic ash was originally deposited in a lacustrine environment. The volcanic ash was then transformed to palygorskite. The overall depositional system is fluvial–lacustrine, which was interrupted by volcanic events. The volcanic activity became stronger later in the sequence. It should be noted that there are angular basalt gravels located at the bottom of the palygorskite clay in the northern part of the Guanshan deposit. The diameter of these gravels varies from less than 10 cm to tens of centimetres (Shi, 1986). This angular basalt may have been brought in from adjacent weathered basalt in the highland, or it may be a volcanic ejecta or breccia now partly weathered.
Overview of Chinese Palygorskite Clay Resources
A 11
6 10
5 4
B 13 6 3
5 4
FIGURE 6 Idealized depositional environment for the volcanic ash that was then transformed to palygorskite: (1) basement clastic deposits, (2) earlier formed basalt, (3) weathered basalt (clastic), (4) weathered basalt (clay), (5) weathered basalt (clay but burn by above basalt), (6) active volcanic crate, (7) newly basalt, (8) volcanic ash, (9) volcanic ash in the basin, (10) water surface of the basin, (11) weathered zone, (12) deposition zone, (13) last formed basalt in the area.
Fang et al. (1990) suggested that the palygorskite clays from the Guanshan and adjacent deposits were derived from weathering products of basaltic rocks that were deposited in an alkaline hydrous medium rich in Si and Mg ions. Shi (1993) concluded that the weathered basalt was transported into the lacustrine basin, deposited and transformed to palygorskite and smectite. Shi’s conclusion is similar to that made by Fang et al. (1990), in that the weathered basalt materials were transported into and deposited in the lacustrine basin. However, Shi (1993) considered that palygorskite was transformed from the weathered material after deposition in the basin, and not chemically precipitated. Because the Guanshan palygorskite has an earthy appearance with no apparent bedding, it is considered that the originally deposited material (volcanic ash) must have undergone alteration or transformation. Evidence found in this study therefore favours the in situ transformation of basalt to both smectite and palygorskite.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
6. PROCESSING OF CHINESE PLAYGORSKITE CLAY There are two groups of palygorskite clays processed in China. Group one is gel grade with many different viscosity ranges and particle sizes. Group two is absorbent grade, and it can be further divided into general absorbent grade and bleaching grade. Each group will be discussed separately below.
6.1. Gel Grade Generally, it is very similar to the process of other similar clays. The process flow would be simplified as selective mining ! drying ! pulverizing ! packaging ! warehousing or shipping. However, after many years of the trials, it was found that a special process is needed to enhance the Chinese palygorskite clays, especially for gel grade. The main purpose of this special process is to make better separation of individual elongates with less damage to these elongates. Extrusion is used quite often in the united states for the processing of gel palygorskite clays, but this does not work well for Chinese palygorskite clays. During highenergy extrusion, the individual elongates are separated, but at the same time, the elongates are damaged to some degree. Overall Chinese palygorskite clays have a length of about 3–5 mm, while U.S. palygorskite clays have longer individual elongates. So the use of the extrusion method causes the length of the short elongates of Chinese palygorskite clays to become even shorter. This would cause the viscosity to drop rather than increase. But for U.S. palygorskite clays, the elongates are longer before the extrusion. After the extrusion, the length of the elongates gets shorter but they are still long enough to show good viscosity. Therefore, extrusion is more effective for U.S. palygorskite clays than Chinese palygorskite clays. To make separation of the elongates and at the same time to have less damage, a unique process is used for the Chinese palygorskite clays. This unique process step is to use two rollers against each other causing the wet palygorskite clays to form thin flakes. The elongates in the flakes are better separated than the non-pressed clays. This preparation makes the clay have a higher viscosity. This seems very simple by just adding rollers. But to make it work, other considerations need to be made, such as the wetting of clays. The water content and the time of the wetting are important. With the roller press process step, the complete process flow of Chinese palygorskite clays is shown in Figure 7, which include the following steps: selective mining ! hauling to crude storage site ! crushing ! wetting in wet pit ! roller press ! drying ! pulverizing ! classification to a fine grade ! packaging ! warehousing or shipping. After the above process steps, a series of products can be obtained. These products are widely used in paints and coatings, adhesives, sealants, molecular sieves, ceiling tiles, tape joint compound, NPK compound granular fertilizer, suspension fertilizer, liquid pesticides, etc.
Overview of Chinese Palygorskite Clay Resources
Samplling /Testing
Selective mining
Hauling to crude storage site
Crude storage site
Roller press
Samplling /Testing
Samplling /Testing
Samplling /Testing
Classification Finely ground
Samplling /Testing
Product storage
FIGURE 7 Complete process of gelling grade of Chinese palygorskite clays.
6.2. Absorbent Grades As mentioned above, there are two lines for the production of absorbent grades: general absorbent and bleaching grade. General absorbent grade is fairly simple to make. Figure 8 shows the following typical process flow of absorbent grades of Chinese palygorskite clays: selective mining ! hauling to crude storage site ! regular drying ! crushing (jaw crusher or hammer mill) ! screening to various sizes ! (further drying or calcinations if needed ! further screening) ! packaging ! warehousing or shipping. The popular sizes are 6–16, 16–30, 30–60 and 60– 90 mesh. It should be pointed out that further drying or calcination in the
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
Samplling /Testing
Crude storage site
Hauling to crude storage site
Selective mining
Samplling /Testing
Regular drying (Regular voltile matter)
Samplling /Testing Samplling /Testing
Samplling /Testing
Calcined (low voltile matter)
Product storage Shipping FIGURE 8 Complete process of absorbent grade of Chinese palygorskite clays.
above process is for special grades that have extremely low moisture after drying, and the products are for special applications. In the united states, these products are designated as LVM (low volatile matter) type. The brand product for the general absorbents out of Chinese palygorskite clays are PalySorb R series and PalySorb L series. PalySorb R is a product type of regular volatile matter, while PalySorb L is the type of LVM. Bleaching grade is produced with naturally mixed palygorskite and montmorillonite. The pure palygorskite does not work as well as the natural mixture of palygorskite and montmorillonite because of the ion exchange capacity difference. The natural mix type of palygorskite and montmorillonite
Overview of Chinese Palygorskite Clay Resources
is very effective for purification of common oils such as soybean oils, rapeseed oils and especially good for palm oils. Acid enhancement to this natural mixed clay is not needed in most cases. If it does need acid enhancement, normally the dry process works fine, which is very economical in the commercial production of such a product. Here, the dry process means that the acid (preferably sulphuric acid) is sprayed on the dry clay uniformly. In contrast to the general absorbent grades, the bleaching grade is in powder form or very fine granular form so the contact between clay and oil is more effective. The process flow of the bleaching grade is selective mining ! hauling to crude storage site ! drying ! crushing ! (acid addition if needed) ! grinding to powder or fine granules ! packaging ! warehousing or shipping. Guanshan palygorskite deposit can be industrially used as both gelling grade and absorbent grade clays. For example, gelling grade palygorskite can be used in salt formation drilling, paints, fertilizer binding, molecular sieves, etc. Absorbent grade palygorskite clay can be used in refining of crude petroleum oils, decolouration of oils, pesticide carriers, cleaning products to remove water, oil, dirt from floors, butcher shops, pharmaceutical applications, etc. The products from MinTech’s Chinese Joint Venture Company are currently being used as a suspension and thickening agent for paints and coatings, molecular sieves and ceiling tile binders, and animal litters, etc.
7. INDUSTRIAL USES OF GUANSHAN PALYGORSKITE CLAYS The evaluation of industrial applications of Chinese palygorskite includes all basic tests and the tests for industrial uses. Grit, water and oil absorption, dispersion viscosity and American Petroleum Institute (API) yield are especially critical for the evaluation of industrial applications. Both gelling grade and absorbent grade palygorskite clays were identified in the Guanshan deposit on the basis of the tests performed in this study. Gelling grade specifications are based on API requirements for drilling mud. The API’s minimum viscosity requirement for drilling mud is reading 30 when the rotation of viscometer is at 600 rpm (or API yield at minimum of 102 bbls/ton). The API yield of 17 samples varies from 102 to 150 bbls/ ton, with an average of 118 bbls/ton. The measured dispersion viscosity for these 17 samples varies from 900 to 5200 cps. The thixotropic varies from 6.7 to 8.9, with an average of 7.6. To better evaluate the Guanshan deposit, a total of 16 samples from Floridin Company’s open pit mines at Quincy, Florida, where a world class palygorskite is currently mined and processed, were collected and tested. Table 5 shows the comparison of test results of the Guanshan palygorskite clay with those of Florida. From this table, it can be concluded that the properties of the Guanshan palygorskite deposit are comparable to the Florida deposit.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
TABLE 5 Comparison of the Test Results of the Guanshan Palygorskite Deposit to Those of Quincy, Florida. Guanshan, China Tests
Absorbent Grade
Gelling Grade
Quincy, Florida
5:37:0 6:19ð60Þ
5:77:0 6:39ð18Þ
6:77:6 7:15ð16Þ
Grit (200 mesh)
0:0344:95 4:80ð60Þ
0:2525:82 3:55ð18Þ
1:127:23 8:07ð16Þ
Grit (325 mesh)
0:0553:94 8:84ð60Þ
1:0735:69 7:35ð18Þ
2:0430:05 9:16ð16Þ
Bulk density (g/cm3)
0:40:92 0:59ð60Þ
0:40:58 0:51ð18Þ
0:510:73 0:58ð16Þ
Bulk density (lb/ft3)
24:6257:31 36:54ð60Þ
24:6235:66 31:21ð18Þ
32:0245:48 36:35ð16Þ
Water absorption (ml/100 g)
60:0120:0 76:9ð43Þ
68:0120:0 84:4ð15Þ
72120 97ð6Þ
Oil absorption (ml/100 g)
24:072:0 43:9ð40Þ
30:086:0 49:0ð18Þ
34:054:0 42:9ð16Þ
Dispersion viscosity (cps)
9003950 2394ð17Þ
21505200 3884ð16Þ
API yield (bbls/ton)
102150 118ð17Þ
100142 125:6ð13Þ
Thixotropic index
6:78:9 7:6ð17Þ
5:08:4 7:1ð16Þ
5:37:0 6:24ð78Þ
Minimummaximum ¼ Average ðno: of samplesÞ :
8. SUMMARY From discussions of previous sections in this chapter, it is believed that the Chinese palygorskite clays were formed in a fluvial–lacustrine depositional system with interruptions of volcanic activities. Interbedded with fluvial– lacustrine deposits, there are basalt flows and volcanoclastic deposits. With the proper process, the Chinese palygorskite clays can be used as both gelling grade and absorbent grade for various industrial applications. Similar to the development of Chinese economy, the development of Chinese palygorskite and the demand for the products of Chinese palygorskite clays have shown strong growth in recent years. The demand for Chinese palygorskite clay products is even higher now because the availability of high-quality raw material has declined in the world’s largest production area along the boundary between Florida and Georgia, USA. Chinese palygorskite clay products are exported to more and more countries. The products made in MinTech’s Chinese plant alone were exported to over 35 countries in 2009. Based on the current rate of mining and production, the reserve can last for over 100 years. Chinese palygorskite clays play an important role for the applications and supplies of palygorskite clay products for the world markets.
Overview of Chinese Palygorskite Clay Resources
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Overview of Chinese Palygorskite Clay Resources
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Chapter 11
Amargosa Sepiolite and Saponite: Geology, Mineralogy, and Markets William J. Miles Miles Industrial Mineral Research, Denver, Colorado, USA
1. INTRODUCTION The commercially valuable Mg clays currently being mined in the Amargosa Valley, Nye County, state of Nevada, USA are sepiolite and saponite. Generally speaking, on a worldwide basis, such large commercial deposits of sepiolite and saponite are infrequent. For instance, presently, there are only commercial deposits of sepiolite mined and processed in Spain, Turkey, and China. With regard to commercial applications, when clays absorb water, are adsorbed with water, or are dispersed into water, the Amargosa sepiolite and saponite demonstrate commercial application characteristics. For sepiolite, this is true no matter whether the water is fresh or saline. In contrast, bentonite clays do not demonstrate commercial application characteristics in saline water. The last part of this chapter lists the major commercial, industrial, and consumer markets for sepiolite and saponite.
2. GEOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SETTINGS The Amargosa Valley has a unique environment that contains soluble silica and magnesium (Hay et al., 1986; Khoury et al., 1982; Papke, 1972). Geological processes formed several trioctahedral clay minerals, including sepiolite and Mg smectite clays. The term for the Mg smectite clay discussed herein is saponite. In addition to sepiolite, Eberl et al. (1982) described a mixed-layer kerolite–stevensite clay that also occurs in large deposits in the Amargosa Valley. Dudley and Larson (1976) reported that a large continental lake covered the intramontane Amargosa valley during the late Pliocene and Pleistocene Developments in Clay Science, Vol. 3. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-444-53607-5.00011-6 # 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
(for at least 3.1 million years). Indeed, water intermittently discharged from the Amargosa Valley lake system into Death Valley in California. Further, as the lake fluctuated in volume due to climatic changes, it was divided into smaller lakes. This explains why there are separate deposits of sepiolite in the shallow central basin or playa of the Amargosa Valley (Khoury et al., 1982). Hay et al. (1986) state that the Amargosa Valley had, and currently has, a spring-fed structural basin of Pliocene carbonate rocks, which may explain the source of soluble silica and soluble magnesium required for precipitation of sepiolite. In the Amargosa Valley, Winograd and Thordarson (1975) found Ash Meadows water to currently be a calcium–magnesium– sodium bicarbonate type with a pH of 7.4, and an alkalinity of 5.04 meqiv./ l. Pahute Mesa water is characterized by high silica and sodium contents. Its silica content is 60 ppm in the central part of the Amargosa Valley and may be as much as 82 ppm elsewhere (Naff et al., 1974). In addition, Dudley and Larson (1976) summarized the chemistries of current well water and springs in the Ash Meadows System and the Pahute Mesa system of the Amargosa Valley. This unique Amargosa Valley environment has been described by several researchers. Papke (1970) reported the finding of clay deposits of late Pliocene to Pleistocene eras at Ash Meadows and Amargosa Flat. At first, he just reported the presence of saponite and suggested it was formed by the alteration of volcanic glass in an alkaline lake. Subsequently, Papke (1972) reported sepiolite deposits and indicated that they formed by precipitation from an evaporating saline lake. Post (1978) supported this precipitation theory. In contrast, Regis (1978) proposed that such sepiolite formed because tertiary sediments were altered by hot magnesium-rich water. Nevertheless, Khoury et al. (1982) showed that the sepiolite and Mg smectites precipitated from a spring-fed non-salinewater lake in the huge closed basin of the Amargosa Valley about 3.1–2.2 million years ago. In contrast to the sepiolite, the Mg smectite was precipitated with increased evaporation of the lake water and increased alkali activity. Even today, in some areas, the Mg smectite contains halite that also precipitated as the lake evaporated. However, precipitation of mixed-layer kerolite/stevensite may have required a more saline environment (Eberl et al., 1982). In addition, modern spring water in the area can precipitate sepiolite, dolomite, and calcite. Hay et al. (1986) reported both sepiolite and Mg smectite in the Amargosa deposits. Later still, Miles (2010) identified sepiolite, saponite, and Mg mixed layers in commercial deposits in the Amargosa Valley. Figure 1 depicts a large playa in the south-eastern portion of the Amargosa Valley. Here, the major sepiolite deposits are located at the lowest elevation in the Eastern Dry Lake playa of the Amargosa Valley. Saponite occurs in the northern and western portions of such area. Sepiolite is found in several locations in the Eastern Dry Lake playa and Ashenbrenner deposit. The sepiolite beds are essentially horizontal. With some exceptions, the sepiolite-rich bed is continuous, with no internal bedding. It is as
Amargosa Valey Sepiolite and Saponite
FIGURE 1 Geographic location of Amargosa sepiolite and saponite deposits.
much as 6.5 m thick with an average thickness of 1.5 m. The average thickness of the overburden is about 5 m. The overburden consists of unconsolidated alluvial silts and fine sands washed down from the adjacent mountains. Except in a transitional area in the north and northwest parts, the sepiolite-rich layers seldom contain saponite. As currently mined by IMV Nevada, their stockpiles contain three grades of sepiolite: high grade with 88–97% sepiolite, medium grade with 77–81% sepiolite, and low grade with 69–76% sepiolite. Each grade also contains minor quantities of dolomite and/or calcite (Figure 2), neither of which affects its marketability. The fibrous length of Amargosa sepiolite is 1–2 mm as showed in Figure 3 (Miles, 2010). Saponite is found in the southern part of the Amargosa Valley at the Eastern Dry Lake playa, Ashenbrenner, and Ash Meadows deposits. This saponite is currently being mined by IMV Nevada, LLC. The saponite-rich deposits are exposed in the northern part of the Eastern Dry Lake playa. Such deposits appear to be nearly continuous with no interruption by faulting. The saponite layers average 1.5 m in depth but are as much as 6 m in some areas. The overlying material consists of fine sands and alluvial silts washed down from the adjacent mountains to the east. Except in transition areas, these saponite beds seldom contain sepiolite. The impurities in these grades consist of dolomite and calcite, with lesser amounts of quartz, feldspar, and illite. Quartz and feldspar are of detrital origin (Papke, 1999). The dolomite and
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
X-ray diffraction pattern of Amargosa sepiolite
Sepiolite, calcite
Sepiolite, calcite
Sepiolite (1,9,1), (3,7,1)
Sepiolite (0,8,0), quartz Sepiolite (3,3,1) Sepiolite (2,6,1), calcite Dolomite
Sepiolite (2,6,0)
Sepiolite (0,4,0)
Sepiolite (0,6,0) Sepiolite (1,3,1)
Sepiolite (1,1,0)
Counts per second
0 5
35 40 2q
FIGURE 2 X-ray diffraction pattern for Amargosa sepiolite.
FIGURE 3 Scanning electron microscope image of Amargosa sepiolite at 30,000 magnification.
calcite are about 2 mm in diameter and are believed to be chemical precipitates, like the sepiolite and saponite are (Hay et al., 1986). But none of these impurities affect the saponite’s marketability. Only occasionally, detrital fragments of volcanic glass are found; these too do not affect the saponite’s marketability.
Amargosa Valey Sepiolite and Saponite
3. MINERALOGY, CHEMISTRY, AND FUNCTIONAL PROPERTIES OF AMARGOSA SEPIOLITE AND SAPONITE The marketability of the Amargosa sepiolite and saponite is discussed in the next section of this chapter. But first, this section discusses the mineralogy, chemistry, and functional properties that make these two clays in demand in the United States’ industrial and consumer markets. The typical chemical compositions of Amargosa sepiolite and saponite are listed in Table 1. These chemistries are comparable to those reported by Grim (1968) for each clay mineral. In Figure 2, an X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern for Amargosa Sepiolite illustrates the dominant concentration of sepiolite with less than 5% calcite and dolomite accessory minerals. A trace of quartz may be present; however, its two strongest peaks overlap strong sepiolite peaks while other strong quartz peaks are not detected. The Amargosa sepiolite peaks match those of JCPDS sepiolite standards. Each XRD peak has been assigned to sepiolite, calcite, dolomite, and quartz. In Figure 3, a JEOL scanning electron microscope (SEM) microphotograph depicts Amargosa sepiolite fibres at a magnification of 30,000. The sepiolite was subjected to ultrasonic dispersion to avoid the laths from being mechanically broken. Individual sepiolite laths and bundles of several laths are present. The measurement bar below the photograph is 100 nm in length.
TABLE 1 Typical Chemistry of Amargosa Sepiolite and Saponite. Sepiolite
Loss on ignition 1000 C
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
TABLE 2 Functional Properties of Amargosa Sepiolite and Saponite. Sepiolite
Specific gravity (g/cm )
Mohs hardness
BET surface area (m /g)
Water absorption (g/100 g)
ASTM D-281 oil absorption (g/100 g)
Colour % Moisture
Loss on ignition (1000 C) 3
Cation exchange capacity (meqiv./100 g) 2
Typical industrial viscosity Brookfield RVT viscosity at 10 rpm (cps)
Typical American Petroleum Institute Viscosity Characteristics Water type
Saturated salt water
Distilled water
% Solids
Fann 600 rpm dial reading
Plastic viscosity
Yield point
API fluid loss at 100 psi
Barrel yield (bbl/ton)
Laths and lath bundles approach 1–2 mm in length. The circles shown in this SEM image are pores in the matrix support. The functional properties of the Amargosa sepiolite and saponite are listed in Table 2. These pertinent properties will be discussed with each commercial application.
3.1. Sorptive Properties of Sepiolite Absorption is the incorporation of molecules of liquids into the substance of a material. In contrast, adsorption is the adhesion of an extremely thin layer of molecules of liquids and gases to the surfaces of the material with which the molecules are in contact. Both absorption and adsorption are included in the
Amargosa Valey Sepiolite and Saponite
term ‘sorption’. Whether a material is sorptively functional in a practical sense depends upon its capillary structure, surface area, negative charge, and active sorptive sites such as silanol groups. Further, the nature of the liquid to be absorbed or adsorbed importantly affects the sorptive function of the clay. For instance, the surface tension, viscosity, and density of a liquid may affect such sorptive function. Absorption and adsorption of sepiolite and saponite are two properties related to the surface areas and chemistries of these clays. In particular, sepiolite not only has a large external surface area due to its lath shape, but also it has an even larger internal surface area due to the voids, that is, channels, within the lath structures. However, saponite has large interlayer spaces between its sheet layer structure. In relation to the valuable sorptive properties, the following characteristics of the solid play major roles: particle-size distribution, microporosity, capillary structure, surface area, and active sorption sites (especially silanol groups; Galan, 1996). As a result of the sepiolite structure, the voids, that is, open ˚ , running parallel to the lath length, reduce unoccupied channels of 3.6 10.6 A its specific gravity to 2.2 g/ml. These channels absorb liquids that have the appropriate chemistry and polarity. The void/channel volume is about 10% of the total volume of a checkerboard bundle of laths (Miles, 2010). Thus, each bundle can absorb (hold) a proportionately substantial amount of liquid. Water molecules invade these channels to hydrate the silicate surfaces. In the case of adsorption, the size, shape, and polarity of the liquid’s molecules strongly influence the sorptive function of sepiolite (Galan, 1996). Any charge balance, which results from defects in the structure, is neutralized along the channel by protons, coordinated water, and a small number of exchangeable cations Galan (1996). Indeed, a low polarity of the liquid molecules means that a liquid will not be absorbed into the sepiolite or saponite because such molecules are not sufficiently attracted to the charges located within these clays but will only be adsorbed onto the external surfaces of these clays.
3.2. Dispersal Properties of Sepiolite Sepiolite demonstrates certain, respectively, variant commercial application characteristics no matter whether dispersed in saline water or fresh water. So, an important industrial property of sepiolite derives from this fact that it disperses in saline, as well as fresh water and other solvents, as lath bundles and individual crystallite laths. This dispersion results in the laths taking on the valuable marketable properties of viscosity and suspension. Amargosa sepiolite slurries develop viscosity characteristics as illustrated for salt water in Table 2. Similarly, dispersal in saline water gives saponite an important industrial property. For, although both bentonite and saponite will disperse as crystallite sheets when dispersed in fresh water, only saponite will do so in saline water.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
Thus, Amargosa saponite is also used in drilling markets where the presence of saline water is a factor.
4. USES AND MARKETS OF AMARGOSA SEPIOLITE The worldwide market demands ever more clay having the properties found in the Amargosa clays: sorptive, colloidal–rheological, and catalytic properties.
4.1. Markets for Sepiolite, and Blends of Sepiolite and Saponite Firstly, the Amargosa sepiolite and saponite are, respectively, found in large relatively pure deposits. These deposits are highly economical to mine. Secondly, certain markets do not require such purity. Even where, in other deposits, Amargosa sepiolite and saponite clays are, respectively, stratified with, or intermixed with, other clays, the sepiolite or saponite are still in such dominant proportions that they are commercially valuable. Note that these stratified or intermixed deposits may also contain concentrations of quartz, mica, illite, and feldspars in the 1–3% range. Calcite and dolomite may appear in the 2–10% range. And, caliche sometimes occurs as a cap above the clay depositions. With particularity as to the saponite, gypsum and halite occasionally appear in the 1–3% range (Miles, 2010). These stratified or intermixed clay deposits may be selectively mined to avoid certain of these unwanted concentrations. Concerning the mixed-layer kerolite/stevensite reported by Eberl et al. (1982) in the Amargosa Valley, though both components are trioctahedral phyllosilicates, kerolite is a disordered talc and lacks cation exchange capacity and swelling characteristics. Thus, economically speaking, at this time, such mixed-layer stevensite/kerolite lacks the physical properties required for a viable deposit. In terms of markets for sepiolite, the pet litter market is huge. It consumes about three quarters of the total world annual production of sepiolite. However, with regard to the United States of America specifically, granules of blended Amargosa sepiolite and saponite are used to readily absorb cat urine because the urine hydrates the saponite component which clumps, allowing the urine to be easily disposed of while the consumer can still use the rest of the litter remaining in the cat box. In addition, Amargosa sepiolite absorbs the cat urine in its void channels. With regard to the further market uses of sepiolite, its high liquid-absorption capacity, thermal stability, chemical inertness, and incombustibility make this clay a hard working partner in industry. Sepiolite is used for absorbing greases, oils, water, and chemicals from work surfaces. And in these applications, when removal is imperative, sepiolite is coarsely crushed and sieved to create granules having the hardness, abrasion resistance, and compressive strength necessary to absorb and abrade, where necessary, the
Amargosa Valey Sepiolite and Saponite
offending grease, etc. Moreover, absorbent sepiolite granules of various size fractions are used as pharmaceutical, cosmetic, pesticide and herbicide carriers. Additionally, the medical and veterinarian markets use sepiolite as an absorbent for bacteria, toxins, and intestinal viruses. Sepiolite can be used in certain pharmaceutical products because of sepiolite’s high surface area, where medicinal drugs can be retained, through absorption or adsorption, and then released at a controlled rate during use in human or animal treatment. However, a cautionary note is significant here, as sepiolite may also absorb enzymes, vitamins, and other essential substances from the human or animal body, and therefore in some applications, sepiolite may not be the agent of choice. A market example of the importance of these properties of viscosity and suspension involves the dispatch with resulting in sepiolite disperses in fresh or saturated salt water to make a slurry, which results in the sepiolite taking on the characteristics of viscosity, thixotropy, suspension of cuttings—and also gel formation when the slurry is at rest. All these characteristics are very useful as components in formulating drilling fluids. Therefore, in saline drilling fluid formulations, sepiolite is preferred to the smectite clays such as montmorillonite, that is, sodium bentonite, that flocculate when exposed to saline water and consequently do not disperse. Another advantage of sepiolite is that, in drilling fluids, it maintains greater thermal stability, while at like temperatures, the structure of montmorillonite breaks down. Also, sepiolite continues to disperse into individual laths during drilling use, while palygorskite breaks across its crystal structure into shortened laths, thereby losing viscosity as drilling continues. Since sepiolite has greater thermal stability at higher temperatures than montmorillonite does, sepiolite is preferred also for drilling geothermal wells. In 1979, the American Petroleum Institute (API) issued specifications for the use of sepiolite in drilling fluid in salt water systems. The physical properties of Amargosa sepiolite exceed these requirements. Typical API viscosity characteristics are listed in Table 2. For this salt water application, as well as high temperature drilling, Amargosa sepiolite is marketed under the trade name Sea-MudÒ. In addition, certain sepiolite/saponite blends have been designed for other specialty drilling applications, such as horizontal drilling. Blends of these two clays are presently being developed for geothermal uses as well. Blends of sepiolite and saponite are also used for stabilizing holes and trenches drilled or dug in sandy soils that have a high water table. Thus, these blends have civil engineering applications. For example, as commercial or residential building foundations are dug, a slurry of these blended clays is pumped into the trench to stabilize it before the cement is then laid into the trench. Also, because of its colloidal properties of viscosity, gelation, and stabilization, Amargosa sepiolite is used in paint formulations to prevent sagging
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of the applied paint, as well as to maintain suspension of the pigments and other solids in the paint when at rest in a container during inventory and storage. These viscous and suspensive properties of Amargosa sepiolite have found a place in other markets including adhesives, asphalt emulsions and roof coatings, automobile undercoatings, caulk formulations, fire retardant binders (as a replacement for asbestos additives), joint cements, mastics, mortar mixes, spackling, stucco, and joining tapes. Recently, Amargosa sepiolite has replaced sodium bentonite in asphalt emulsion sealcoats. Sepiolite reinforces the dry film, and since sepiolite is non-swelling, it improves the water resistance of the applied sealcoat. With regard to the cosmetic industry, the thixotropic properties of sepiolite prevent liquid foundations and rouges from sagging. Sepiolite also acts as an opacifier and a colourant-carrier in various beauty products. Further, sepiolite’s absorptive properties support formulations meant to absorb facial oils in darker complected women without affecting the matte finish and colour of the beauty product. Then too, sepiolite’s adsorptive properties support formulations that adhere to variant skin types while forming a flexible film, over which further cosmetics may be applied. The suspension properties of sepiolite have found favour in the market. For example, when Amargosa sepiolite is dispersed in water, sepiolite laths suspend fertilizer components and components of liquid feed supplements for agricultural applications. The inertness of the dispersed sepiolite to the fertilizer chemicals means that they maintain their important characteristics while in suspension and use. There is also a good market for decolorizing agents. And, sepiolite selectively retains coloured molecules during filtration and then catalyses these coloured molecules into colourless substances. In the beverage industry, sepiolite not only bleaches wine, but also clarifies it; and, may also do the same for beer. In its natural state, sepiolite is more effective as a decolorizing agent with mineral oils than vegetable oils. This is because, mineral oils contain coloured compounds that are more readily adsorbed by sepiolite than the more complex organic molecules in vegetable oils, such as the colourful chlorophyll, carotenes, and xanthophylls. However, putting sepiolite through an acid treatment or an acid activation process increases the surface area, porosity, and active sites of sepiolite, rendering it more effective as a decolorizing agent, even in the case of vegetable oils. With regard to animal feed applications, sepiolite has free-flowing, anticaking, and non-toxic properties. In feed binding and pelletizing formulations, sepiolite minimizes food particle dust and allows for transportation without breakdown of the fungible feed products. Meanwhile, sepiolite in these feeds acts as a carrier for growth additives and other supplements. Moreover, the addition of sepiolite increases protein digestibility by slowing the transport of nutrient materials through the digestive tract.
Amargosa Valey Sepiolite and Saponite
Indeed, when sepiolite concentrations in feed range from 0.5% to 3% in cattle, pig, and poultry feeds, increased weight gains are observed in these animals. The markets interested in animal waste control purchase sepiolite because its channel structure, as a dry solid, absorbs the unpleasant odours and ammonia associated with the vast animal waste resulting from factory farming. Granular sepiolite is also used as a herbicide/pesticide carrier. The lower specific gravity of sepiolite granules, in comparison to bentonite granules, and the difference in granule disintegration when exposed to moisture of sepiolite granules versus bentonite granules make Amargosa sepiolite a welcome tool for formulating unique granular herbicides/pesticides. In certain industries, granular sepiolite is being used as a catalyst carrier because of its high surface area, mechanical strength, and thermal stability, and also because sepiolite’s surface area can be coated with an active metal compound. Then too, the magnesium atoms on the edges of the octahedral layer structure of sepiolite can be exchanged for catalytically active metal atoms. And further, silanol groups on the surfaces of sepiolite are slightly acidic and can act as catalysts at reaction sites. For example, in the petroleum industry, sepiolite is used as a cracking catalyst for oils, creating various grades of fuels. In addition, sepiolite is used to clean aviation fuel prior to use.
4.2. Future and Present Markets for Saponite Presently, Amargosa saponite, because of its sheet structure and capacity to gel, yet dry without shrinkage, is used in stucco formulations to aid pumpability and to improve workability. During application, these properties speed application and prevent slumping of the wetly applied stucco. An Amargosa saponite/bentonite blend replaces Wyoming bentonite for oil and gas drilling in the local region. During drilling and at rest, this blend provides viscosity and suspension of weighting agents and cuttings. It also coats and seals the drill hole from loss of drilling fluid into the formation. In addition, where fluid loss control is needed, the greater thermal stability of saponite is used for high temperature and geothermal drilling. Because of the low permeability of saponite when exposed to water, it is competitive with bentonite as a pond sealant, a lining for leaking surfaces, and a sealant for porous surfaces where permeability reduction is required. In addition, saponite’s greater tolerance than bentonite for hydration in saline water gives saponite an advantage in certain industrial sealant applications. Amargosa saponite is also used as an absorbent of pollutants in waste water treatment. When saponite is initially dispersed before addition to waste water, the anionic charges of individual sheet structures absorb certain toxic metals from the treated water. After initial dispersion, saponite flocculates macro-proteins suspended in the waste water, thereby removing them by sedimentation.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
5. STUDIES RELATED TO HEALTH AND SEPIOLITE In the United States of America, sepiolite mining began in the 1970s. Therefore, because of the lack of decades of medical history about such mining activity, and because of the minimal size of such mining cohort, epidemiology studies have not been carried out. Nevertheless, 1978 studies by the Medical Research Council, Pneumoconiosis Unit, at Penarth, United Kingdom, later followed by the Medical and Hygiene Institute at the University of Dusseldorf, concluded that samples of Spanish sepiolite were outside the risk range for carcinogenicity. Santaren and Alvares (1994) carried out epidemiology studies on animals involving inhalation, intrapleural injection, and intraperitoneal inoculation of Vallecas sepiolite. Their results showed low intrinsic biological activity of this sepiolite and no exposure related diseases. Vallecas sepiolite is not presently considered to be carcinogenic. However, other sepiolites with greater ‘crystallinity’ and longer laths may have a high intrinsic biological activity in animals. This is consistent with the hypothesis that fibres shorter than 5 mm are not fibrogenic (EPA, 1982; International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1997). The 1–2 mm lath length of Amargosa sepiolite is important because when lath lengths exceed 5 mm, the laths may develop unmarketable toxic properties per EPA standards. Indeed, sepiolite has gained a strategic place in the market for those industries that need to replace the former long-fibre-length asbestos applications, which the EPA now recognizes as disease inducing. International Agency for Research on Cancer (1997) reviewed the literature and studies, concluded the following: There is inadequate evidence in humans to determine the carcinogenicity of sepiolite. There is limited evidence in experimental animals for the carcinogenicity of long sepiolite fibres (> 5 mm). There is inadequate evidence in experimental animals for the carcinogenicity of short fibres (< 5 mm). IARC’s overall evaluation concluded that ‘sepiolite cannot be classified as to its carcinogenicity to humans (Group 3)’. For occupational exposures, sepiolite is regulated by the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) (1995) under the inert or nuisance dust standard. Its permissible exposure limits are 15.0 mg/ m3 total dust and 5.0 mg/m3 respirable particles. Presently, neither Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) nor OSHA treats sepiolite as a toxic material.
REFERENCES Dudley, W.W., Larson, J.D., 1976. Effect of Irrigation Pumping on Pupfish Habitats in Ash Meadows, Nye County, Nevada. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 927, pp. 1–52. Eberl, D.D., Jones, B.F., Khoury, H.N., 1982. Mixed layer kerolite/stevensite from the Amargosa Desert, Nevada. Clays Clay Miner. 30, 321–326. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 1982.
Amargosa Valey Sepiolite and Saponite
Galan, E., 1996. Properties and applications of palygorskite–sepiolite clays. Clay Miner. 31, 443–453. Grim, R.E., 1968. Clay Mineralogy, second ed. McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York. Hay, R.L., Peston, R.E., Teague, T.T., Kyser, T.K., 1986. Spring-related carbonate rocks, Mg clays, and associated minerals in pliocene deposits of the Amargosa Desert, Nevada and California. Geol. Soc. Am. Bull. 97, 1488–1503. International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1997. IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans, Silica, Some Silicates, Coal Dust and Para-Aramid Fibrils. World Health Organization, Lyon, France, pp. 1–508. Khoury, H.N., Eberl, D.D., Jones, B.F., 1982. Origin of magnesium clays from the Amargosa Desert. Clays Clay Miner. 30, 327–336. Miles, W.J., 2010. Unpublished data. Naff, R.L., Maxey, G.B., Kauffmann, R.F., 1974. Interbasin Ground Water Flow in Southern Nevada. Nevada Bureau of Mines Report. 20, p. 1–28. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), 1995. General Industry - Safety and health Standards (29 CFR 1910). Papke, K.G., 1970. Montmorillonite, bentonite, and Fuller’s earth deposits in Nevada. Nevada Bur. Mines Bull. 76, pp. 1–48. Papke, K.G., 1972. A sepiolite-rich playa deposit in Southern Nevada. Clays Clay 20, 211–215. Papke, K.G., 1999. Site Geology and Mineral Deposits. Notes and data not published. Post, J.L., 1978. Sepiolite deposits of the Las Vegas, Nevada area. Clays Clay Miner. 26, 58–64. Regis, A.J., 1978. Mineralogy, physical, and exchangeable chemistry properties of bentonites from the Western United States, exclusive of Montana and Wyoming. U.S. Bur. Land Management Tech. Note 315. Santaren, J., Alvares, A., 1994. Assessment of the health effects of mineral dusts. The sepiolite case. Ind. Miner. 319, 101–114. Winograd, I.J., Thordarson, W., 1975. Hydrogeologic and hydrochemical framework, SouthCentral Great Basin, Nevada-California with special reference to the Nevada test site. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper.
Chapter 12
Current Industrial Applications of Palygorskite and Sepiolite Antonio A´lvarez*, Julio Santare´n*, Antonio Esteban-Cubillo* and Patricia Aparicio{ *Technological Innovation Department, Tolsa S.A., Carretera de Madrid a Rivas Jarama, 35. 28031 Madrid, Spain { Departamento de Cristalografı´a, Mineralogı´a y Quı´mica Agrı´cola, Facultad de Quı´mica, Universidad de Sevilla. C/ Prof. Garcı´a Gonza´lez 1. 41012 Seville, Spain
1. INTRODUCTION The various uses of sepiolite are suggested in Figure 1 from Robertson (1957). This ‘wish-list’ of varied uses (not all were actually realized at the time of compilation) is mostly dependent on the sorptive, optical, rheological and molecular sieve properties of the mineral. The applications were divided into two broad categories, colloidal and non-colloidal, by Haden (1963). Colloidal properties result when the particles are dispersed in a liquid medium to the extent that the individual elongated needles are capable of more or less independent motion relative to one another. In the non-colloidal case, the needles form rigid particles, each of which comprises many discrete needles. ´ lvarez (1984) indicated that with the appropriate pretreatments, sepiolite A could be useful in many applications: absorbents, environmental deodorants, catalyst carriers, polyesters, asphalt coatings, paints, pharmaceutical uses, discolouring agents, filter aids, anticaking agents, phytosanitary carries, cigarette filters, plastisols, rubber, animal nutrition, detergents, cosmetics, agriculture (soil conditioning, fluid carriers for pre-germinated seeds, seed coating, fertilizer suspensions), grease thickeners, NCR paper, drilling fluids, etc. Table 1 provides a recent summary of the many uses of palygorskite and sepiolite (Gala´n, 1996; Murray, 2005). During the last part of the twentieth century and the beginning of this century, the applications usually required special pretreatments to improve their properties and develop new applications. The aim of this chapter is to give an overview of the applications and markets of the products that are currently manufactured with sepiolite and to a lesser extent palygorskite, with special emphasis on the new applications and those that are being developed and are expected to become a reality in Developments in Clay Science, Vol. 3. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-444-53607-5.00012-8 # 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
Purifying petroleum products, viz, lubricating oil, transformer and other electrically insulating oils, shale oil, waxes, used lubricating oil
Glucose refining. sugar refining including Desiccant, waste sugar recovery, e.g, for wine and cyder fining, coccooning, vinegar, gelatine laboratory and glycerine balances, purifying food packages, sweet jars Conditioning Aqueous Non-aqueous agent for media media salt, polyMoistSolvent are phosphates, recovery Aerogels vapour fertilisers, Adsorptive and etc. Organic aerosols Pesticides, Sorptive vapours especially AbsorptSeparation of waxy types ive gases and vapours Sieving of Tobacco Massive including SEPIOLITE molecules and types hydrocarbons, toughen ions Epoxy and ions from -ing Rheologi Filtration, resins solution -cal flocculation & Suspending etc. Opticlarification Removal of cal Chemical Pharmaceutinickel and colour and Gelling cals cosmetics from hardened oils Pigmentary thermal paints Removal of pitch end flatting inks from paper stocks properties polishes Holder of chemicals in no-carbon paper and other copying systems
Paints Wax polishes
Refractory and ceramic bodies Insulating blocks
FIGURE 1 Utilization diagram for sepiolite (Robertson, 1957).
the near future. In this report, a review of principal physico-chemical properties will be presented and the most important applications of sepiolite and palygorskite will be classified in six categories according to the type of industrial processing required to prepare them for market. The last part of the chapter will be devoted to health and safety issues.
2. PHYSICO-CHEMICAL FEATURES Sepiolite and palygorskite are considered to be ‘special’ clays as a consequence of their modulated, fibrous structures. This unusual crystal structure is mainly responsible for their unique physico-chemical properties (Table 2), and important characteristics related to surface area, porosity, dehydration and high-temperature phases and sorption active centres. The wide range of industrial applications of sepiolite and palygorskite can be classified as sorptive, rheological and catalytic.
Current Industrial Applications of Palygorskite and Sepiolite
TABLE 1 Applications of Palygorskite and Sepiolite. Pet Litter
Drilling Muds
Industrial and floor absorbents
Fluid suspension fertilizers
Agricultural carrier
Liquid animal feeding
Catalyst supports
Filler for polymers and elastomers
Animal feed binders
Free flowing agent
Paints and coatings
Anticaking additive
Mineral greases
Premix carrier
Tile adhesives
Bleaching earth
Gypsum compounds
Moisture control
Joint compounds
Waste treatment
TABLE 2 Properties of Palygorskite and Sepiolite. Particle Shape
Needle Like
Length (mm)
Width (A˚)
Thickness (A˚)
Channels dimensions (A˚)
Palygorskite: 3.7 6.4 Sepiolite: 3.7 10.6 2
Specific surface, BET N2 (m /g)
Palygorskite: 150 Sepiolite: 320
Specific gravity (g/cm )
Cation exchange capacity (meqiv./100 g)
Melting point ( C)
Brookfield viscosity of a suspension at 6% in water at 5 rpm (cP)
Palygorskite: 10.000–12.000 Sepiolite: 30.000–50.000
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
Sepiolite is almost structurally and chemically identical to palygorskite except it has a slightly larger unit cell. Sepiolite differs from palygorskite in that some of the magnesium cations have been replaced by aluminium or iron. The structural formula of sepiolite is [(OH2)4Mg8(OH)4Si12O30]8H2O and palygorskite is [(OH2)4(Mg,Al,Fe)5(OH)2Si8O20]4H2O. The distinctive crystal structure of these minerals can be described as an arrangement of blocks separated by parallel channels composed by two layers of SiO2 tetrahedral enclosing a layer of MgO octahedral. These silica tetrahedral are linked forming three pyroxene-type (SiO3)2-chains like amphibole (Si4O11)6 in sepiolite and two linked chains in palygorskite Brigatti et al. (2006). The structure of these minerals has been described with details in other chapters of this book (i.e. Guggenheim and Krekelere). Krekeler and Guggenheim (2008) used transmission electron microscopy to describe defect structures contained within individual fibres of palygorskite and sepiolite minerals. Defects are common, and three major types were observed: omission of groups of 2:1 layer ribbon modules (polysomes) that create open channel defects (OCD), planar defects and stacking disorder observed as 180 rotations of entire polysomes. These defects may enhance crystallization rates of fibres, and some defects apparently seal parts of channels within a fibre and probably block exchange of cations, H2O and organic molecules. OCD appear to be common. These defects may explain variations in a number of properties of palygorskite–sepiolite minerals, such as exchange properties involving large organic molecules, and chemical composition. Omission defects may explain the occasional occurrence of samples with anomalously high contents of H2O and the ability of some samples to absorb large organic molecules, both of which have been observed by others (Krekeler and Guggenheim, 2008). Wide channels resulting from the presence of OCD structures in a palygorskite–sepiolite mineral may in part explain sorption of large organic molecules. OCD structures or channels resulting from the occurrence of wide polysomes would enable geometric configurations consistent with exchange. Further, OCD structures and wide channels may enable zeolitic water molecules to be more mobile during exchange with organic molecules (Krekeler and Guggenheim, 2008). Thermal or acid treatments produce important structural changes which modify the properties of these clays, particularly the surface area and porosity which mainly affect to the sorptive properties as are summarized in Table 3 (Alkan et al., 2004; Esteban-Cubillo et al., 2008; Gala´n, 1996; Jime´nez-Lo´pez ¨ zdemir and Kipcak, 2004; Vicente-Rodrı´guez et al., 1996). et al., 1978; O Palygorskite and sepiolite may also be used as a natural bleaching earth, which does not require acid activation. It is used as a purifying and decolourizing agent in petroleum refining by percolation processes. These clays show a high density of silanol groups (-SiOH) on the external surface in the edges of the structural blocks, which explains their marked
Current Industrial Applications of Palygorskite and Sepiolite
TABLE 3 Summary of Effect of Thermal and Acid Treatment on Sepiolite and Palygorskite.
Thermal treatment
Change Produced on the Structure
Effect on BET (m2/g)
Effect on the Porosity
200 C
Loss of absorbed water on the external surface and zeolitic water in the intercrystalline channels
Maximum values
No modification
300– 400 C
Rotation of alternate ribbons and particle folding due to the loss of coordinated water to the octahedral magnesium
Decrease from 300 to 125 in sepiolite and 150 to 125 in palygorskite
Loss of microporosity
500 C
Intercrystalline channels collapse folding the structure due to the loss of coordinated water, which are strongly bound
Acid treatment
Leaching of the magnesium cations and production of amorphous material
Micropores disappear
Sepiolite: 549
The micropore volume increases from 16% to 20%
Palygorskite: 286
More surface acid centres
hydrophilicity. The channels in the palygorskite and sepiolite structure, the high-surface area and the charge on the particles give them a high capacity to absorb a great variety of compounds that make them very effective in many industrial applications. In contrast with bentonitic (smectite-rich) clays, these fibrous clays are non-swelling and their structure is stable even in systems with high salt concentrations. Because of their elongate shape, these minerals are excellent suspension aids in systems with a high electrolyte content, which causes smectites particles to flocculate. Palygorskite and sepiolite particles do not flocculate because the elongate crystals hinder settling (Murray, 2007). An important parameter to take into account with respect to industrial applications of these clays is the tendency for particles to agglomerate. In this regard, properties vary depending on the state of agglomeration. Palygorskite and sepiolite can be used as bundles or individual needles according to the required properties.
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Bundles are made up of many discrete needles which are attached to each other to produce rigid particles. As a result of this packing of the needles, a highly porous material is obtained which is widely used because of its high absorption capacity in application such as industrial absorbents, environment deodorant, decolourizing agent, anticaking agents, pharmaceutical uses, carriers for agricultural chemicals, catalysis carriers, etc. Rheological properties are important in applications such as drilling fluids, construction, asphalt and bitumen, liquid suspension fertilizers, adhesives, emulsion paints or grease thickener. In these applications, it is very important to have palygorskite or sepiolite fibres separate into individual needles. In this case, attractive forces between the needles are appreciable so that high shear mixers are required to ensure an effective dispersion. Individual needles show a high-thixotropic behaviour in water with a high apparent viscosity at low shear. This viscosity is reduced at high shear because the three-dimensional network present at low shear produced by the high degree of interaction between needles is not strong enough to resist high shear forces. Dehydration processes complicate the defibrillation of the bundles. When most of the water is removed, the possibility to obtain an effective dispersion is almost nil.
3. SPECIAL INDUSTRIAL OPERATIONS TO ENHANCE PROPERTIES AND USES: THE MOST RELEVANT MARKET Both palygorskite and sepiolite are augered and core drilled in the exploration phase to determine the size of the deposit, the thickness of the overburden and general quality. If the deposit is thought to be useable, then it is drilled more extensively to determine the detailed lateral and vertical variability. After the deposit is considered to be mineable, then the overburden is removed, with conventional open pit stripping methods. Once a substantial area of clay has been uncovered, then closely spaced core drilling is done for mine quality control. The cores are taken to the laboratory and tested to determine the most suitable applications for the finished products. Based on these tests, the palygorskite or sepiolite deposit is blocked out and selectively mined, stockpiled and processed through the plant (Oulton, 1963). The clay is mined with power shovels and backhoes and loaded into trucks for transportation to plant crude clay storage stockpiles. The crude clay contains from 40 to 50 wt% volatile matter which is principally free and combined water. Figure 2 shows a typical processing flow sheet. The crude clay is first crushed and either goes directly to the driers or is extruded. Extrusion brings about a marked modification and imparts properties which are highly desirable for certain applications. Sometimes MgO is added at the extruder to enhance the viscosity. The extrusion separates the bundles of the raw material into separate particles.
Current Industrial Applications of Palygorskite and Sepiolite
Flow sheet for producing palygorskite clays Clay breaker
Rotary kiln
Roll crusher Oversize Dust
High-heat dryer
Coarse granules
Medium granules
Bulk loading
Fine granules
FIGURE 2 Palygorskite flow diagram (Murray, 2007).
Palygorskite and sepiolite dried at moderate temperatures retain colloidal properties, while higher temperature drying enhances useful absorptive and other properties. A typical process for palygorskite (Figure 2) includes two driers that are regulated at a relatively low (200 C) or a higher temperature (600 C). After drying, the clay goes to roll crushers and then to screens where granular products are separated. The dry, coarse lumps can go directly to pulverizers to produce extra fine products. The granular products are coarser than 100 mesh, and the most common granular grades are 15/30, 30/ 60 and 60/90 mesh. Medium and fine grades range from 100 to 325 mesh. Still finer grades are pulverized to a particle size of 95% finer than 10 mm. The properties of sepiolite (and palygorskite) may be improved by increasing the severity and types of processing procedures applied to the raw material. Six generations of treatment for applications of various types are indicated in Table 4.
3.1. First Generation Products The first generation of products is obtained with traditional industrial processes illustrated in Figure 2: conventional crushing, grinding and sieving.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
TABLE 4 Increasing Complexity or Severity of Industrial Procedures Produces Six Generation of Products. Generation Product
Industrial Treatments
Conventional crushing, grinding and sieving
Absorbent products, carriers
Micronization processes
Fillers and rheological additives for water-based system
Organic surface treatment
Rheological additives for solvent-based system
Synergistic combinations with additives
Enhanced adsorbents and rheology modifiers
Chemical modification of the structure to enhance physico-chemical characteristics
Fibrous silicas and high CEC sepiolites
Sepiolite-based nanomaterials
Sepiolite nanoclays and functional sepiolites
The results are absorbent products and carriers used for pet litter, bedding for poultry, absorbents for greases, oil, water and other chemicals, floor and industrial absorbent, carriers of agricultural chemicals and catalysts, binders and freeflow agents for animal feeds, moisture control and filtration of fuels and oils. The most important markets for these first generation products are cat and other pets litter, including linings for the floors of bird cages. The characteristics of palygorskite and sepiolite that make them suitable for pet litter are long-lasting, high absorbing capacity, eliminate unpleasant odours, free of dust, bacteriostatic effect and the ability to accommodate proprietary additives, such as odour inhibitors. The large surface area and their resistance to chemical reaction make the products based on sepiolite the perfect carriers for scents, oxidizing agents, catalysers, and being an excellent product for filtration to purify organic liquids. Sepiolite and palygorskite can be advantageously used for the purification of petroleum distillates such as kerosene due to their special characteristics. They are able to eliminate water traces, suspended impurities, resinous or asphaltic substances, residues of metals (arsenic, lead, vanadium and others), nitrogen compounds, oxygenated compounds, some sulphur compounds and even adsorb preferentially some hydrocarbons (olefins). Likewise, they absorb
Current Industrial Applications of Palygorskite and Sepiolite
the ‘coating amine’, surface-active agent that in certain cases is added to avoid pipe corrosion by the impure kerosene. In general, the most widely used method for purification is percolation through the clay. In practice, clays with different granule size distributions can be used. Percolation filters are cylindrical, with a diameter proportional to the quantity of hydrocarbons to be purified and a variable height depending on the degree of purification that is needed. In some cases, a salt filter is used as a pretreatment to decrease the kerosene humidity, thus enlarging the life of the adsorbent and increasing the capacity for impurity retention. The life of the sepiolite and palygorskite filters depends on the quantities of kerosene filtered, as well as on the amounts of impurities. After saturation, the clay residue must be treated as an industrial waste and sent to an Industrial Waste Treatment Plant due to the wide diversity of impurities that could be adsorbed. Fibrous clays have the advantage of being easily manipulated and usually do not present any leaching problem, as the contaminants are, to a certain degree, immobilized. As a consequence of the large surface area of these clays, sepiolite and palygorskite are widely used as an industrial absorbent. Their three-dimensional microcrystalline structure is rigid during the process of absorption as no changes in the dimensions of the particles occur. This rigidity also implies that each particle maintains its mechanical strength even when saturated with liquids. Absorption can be used to control pollution and clean up spills of potentially dangerous liquids, as well as increasing the safety of handling them. These clays efficiently absorb spilled liquids of any density and of practically any nature (except hydrofluoric acid), including natural and synthetic oils, fats, automobile lubricants, hydrocarbons, paints, solvents and organic fluids such as blood, vomit, garbage leachate, etc. In general, these absorbents are used in any place where there is a risk of spillage which is advisable to remove effectively. Besides treating spills of industrial products, these clays are useful for the absorption of bad odours derived from these liquids, as well as from garbage, tobacco or shoes. First generation industrial absorbents should possess the following characteristics: (a) Mechanical strength, which means resistance to compression and abrasion as well as the ability to resist disintegration in a dry state and the guarantee of an non-slippery character even when saturated with liquid. (b) Chemically inert to restrain reactions with the absorbed liquids. (c) Non-combustible and non-flammable to permit their use to control combustible and inflammable liquids. (d) High specific surface implying the existence of large internal and external surface areas for the absorption of molecules. (e) High porosity which increases molecule absorption due to the large number (volume) of voids available.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
These clays are also used as phytosanitary carriers where active ingredients are supported on the clay allowing its gradual release. This additive simplifies the application of liquid additives, transforming them into solids and reducing the dangers when using them in the field. The incorporation of sepiolite increases the total available water fraction for the plants because sepiolite slows down water loss by evaporation and increases the time that available water is maintained into the soil, thus decreasing the frequency of watering. Sepiolite at 5 wt% into the soil decreases suction pressures in the soil, and for this reason, it increases water availability. Sepiolite is a very well-known additive in feed for animals. Additives of sepiolite have the ability to agglomerate the feed ingredients, as well as to absorb existing moisture. Sepiolite increases nutritional benefits, reduces contamination in beds and contributes to health improvement. Addition of sepiolite to feeds and supplements supplies the following benefits: (a) In granules, pellet durability and handling quality are increased, moisture addition is easier and production performance is improved. (b) In mash, fluidity is increased, addition of fat molasses and liquid additives is easier, caking and sedimentation are avoided, mix homogeneity is improved and fungus contamination is reduced. (c) In premixes, suitable base for supplements and additives, chemically inert, moisture is absorbed and caking is avoided. Sepiolite can be used in any feed and is valued for its nutritional effects on swine, poultry and ruminants; other recognized advantages include gastroesophagus protection, reduction of soft faeces and of intestinal transit, improvement of the consistency of faeces, increased digestion time and intestinal viscosity.
3.2. Second Generation Products The second generation products, obtained after a micronization process, are used for fillers and water-based rheological additives. Some specific applications include filler for rubber and for water-proofing and sound-dampening sheets, stabilizer for non-ionic bitumen emulsions. They are also used for rheological additives employed in paints and coatings, bitumen anionic emulsions, modified asphalt for roads, liquid animal feeds, mortars, dry and wet shotcrete, fluid fertilizers and processing aids. In rubber, the polyfunctional additive manufactured from sepiolite has been revealed to be efficient as filler. These additives control dimensional stability of extruded profiles and reduce swelling after die. They also improve filler distribution and organic and inorganic fibre distribution. Moreover, they provide reinforcing characteristics with polar polymers. In agriculture, use as rheological additives provides improved suspension properties in fluid fertilizer systems. In this sense, these clays allow a maximum suspension efficiency using minimum energy for dispersing clay.
Current Industrial Applications of Palygorskite and Sepiolite
Additives can be used in hot and cold mix processes in which either ammonium polyphosphates are suspended (cold mix) or when polyphosphates are obtained from phosphoric acid and ammonia solutions in the same plant (hot mix). Moreover, it is possible to prepare pesticide-treated suspensions without settling problems. Sepiolite is also used as a suspension capacity enhancer in liquid feeding systems due to its rheological properties and great surface area. It improves soup quality and homogeneity. Thus feed is maintained in suspension and settling is avoided. Blockages in ingredient distribution are reduced by means of this additive. Moreover, fats are emulsified, and food in the trough is optimized, reducing stress and its resulting negative effects (tail biting). Microbial contamination in pipes, tubes and troughs is reduced while diarrhoea is prevented and faeces consistency is increased making it possible to reduce expenses on such things as lactation medications by 50%. Sepiolite is used in combination with smectite to obtain a mycotoxin sequestering agent that fixes mycotoxins and reduces their intestinal absorption, helping excretion and improving the health and well-being of animals. This combination multiplies the properties of cationic exchange and specific or accessible surface, maximizing mycotoxin absorption in the intestine of animals of all ages and species. It is particularly effective in dairy cattle, poultry and swine. Animal production performance is enhanced, and reproductive problems are reduced by adding this mix to feeds. Mycotoxin levels in milk, meat and eggs and their transfer into the food chain are reduced. Sepiolite used in water-based compositions is especially stable even at high electrolyte concentration. Its rheological behaviour is stable in a broad pH range and at high temperatures. This clay keeps a high absorption capacity and a high degree of interaction with polymers. These additives are used in water-based paints, anti-corrosion coatings, foundry coatings and epoxy adhesives. In construction, second generation clays are used as self-dispersing suspension agents for non-asbestos fibre reinforced cement. In this case, it is possible to improve the interlaminar bonding of the sheets, obtain an excellent surface finishing, improve fines retention efficiency and obtain a good compatibility with flocculants of different ionic charge and molecular weight. This additive can be used in corrugated and flat non-asbestos fibre reinforced cement sheets and in pre-cast pieces (downspouts, eaves and elbows). Sepiolite is typically used as a rheological additive for mortar, plaster and concrete to improve their properties in both the fresh and the hardened state. Sepiolite acts as a thixotropic and an anti-sagging/anti-slipping agent improving workability, adherence to the substrate, pumpability and surface finish. Moreover, this additive gives homogeneity and cohesiveness of the finished product decreasing bleeding and segregation. This product is also used as a rheology modifier to give thixotropy in pre-cast concrete to improve extrusion behaviour while giving at the same time high green strength to hold the shape
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
of the element. The improvement of extrusion behaviour is accomplished without the introduction of bubbles of air in the concrete; therefore, early and final strength is not impaired. This additive substitutes for air entrainers, while reducing water content and increasing mechanical strength of the precast concrete piece, notably. Some applications of this rheology modifier are in pre-stressed elements, slabs (hollow core) and hollow beams. Sepiolite and palygorskite are used as water-retaining additives in mortar for masonry work. They provide the appropriate amount of entrapped air and, at the same time, plasticize and modify the rheological performance. Additives improve the surface finish, the durability to freeze–thaw cycles and provide control of cracking in masonry and rendering mortar. In ceramic tile adhesives, these clays are used as a water-dispersible additive with organic and inorganic components to improve workability of the adhesive as well as tile anti-sagging performance. With this additive, it is possible to regulate consistency. As a thixotropy additive, they act as a waterretaining agent increasing bacterial safety through a synergistic effect with most normal bactericides used in formulations of ready-to-use ceramic adhesives based on dispersed resins. The product is an economical substitute for the cellulose derivative usually used as a thickener. In addition to providing an appropriate consistency and rheology to the final formulation, it has a marked positive effect on the sliding control of the formulation so that the use of other silicate-type thickeners is not necessary. Sepiolite and palygorskite additives form part of several water treatment processes. They are widely used as absorbents together with cementitious materials in stabilization and immobilization processes. Sepiolite is also used, in the recovery of copper wires from used cables, when it is necessary to separate the inner copper wire from the external insulator coverings, mainly petrolatum or mineral waxes, and polymeric materials, such as PVC. Some sepiolite-based products are used to treat other liquid wastes. Additives based on palygorskite and sepiolite can be conveniently used in the solidification and immobilization of toxic waste liquids or sludges. With the shear effect accompanying micronization, the dissociation of the clay particles is enhanced, thus achieving a greater effectiveness in the solidification process. The type of wastes that are usually treated with these additives are aqueous liquids containing heavy metals, inorganic or organic soluble compounds (salts, acids and bases) and organic compounds with heteroatoms such as nitrogen, sulphur and phosphorous. Other groups of liquid wastes that can be treated are water-soluble organic liquids, like those used in the pharmaceutical industries, in the production of detergents, non-oily lubricants (glycols and polyols), mixtures of solvents, paints, etc. Finally, liquids with high contents of toxic compounds, such as chlorinated hydrocarbons, PCB’s, dioxins, can also be treated. In immobilization processes, it is used with cementitious agents (Portland cement, flying ash, lime, kiln dust, puzzolanes, gypsum or mixtures of them).
Current Industrial Applications of Palygorskite and Sepiolite
3.3. Third Generation Products The third generation of processing is used to produce organically modified products such as solvent-based paints, primers, greases, solvent asphalt coatings, inks, adhesives, foundry washes, epoxy systems and plastisols. When used as a sepiolite-based organophilic thixotropic additive for solvent systems, the sepiolite surface is modified according to the polarity of the system (Figure 3). In this application, sepiolite provides thixotropic, suspension and sagging resistance properties to systems based on low (aliphatic-type solvents and mineral or synthetic oils), intermediate-low (white spirit solvents), intermediate (aromatic and unsaturated polyester-type solvents) and high polarity (alcohol-, glycol- and ketone-type solvents) fluids. The additives provide a strongly pseudoplastic character, producing high-consistency levels at low shear rate, preventing settling of pigments during storage and sagging after application, and low viscosity at higher-shear rate improving application. Particularly, it exhibits its greatest effectiveness as an anti-settling additive in formulations with high solid contents. Modified sepiolite can also be used in coatings and paints to prevent settling of pigments and fillers, control sagging without compromising levelling and increase the stability during transportation and storage. In printing inks, it improves consistency and prevents settling of pigments, while in paint strippers, it improves stability and facilitates stripping action. Organically modified palygorskite products are also used as selective adsorbents of organic pollutants for waste treatment.
3.4. Fourth Generation Products The fourth generation products are obtained from synergistic combinations with gums, polysaccharides and other additives to prepare enhanced adsorbent and rheology modifier products. For example, the synergistic effect between cellulose ethers and sepiolite reduces gelling time and increases thickening capacity. One of these products is CIMSILÒ, a new range of modified sepiolite additives manufactured by Tolsa for construction applications (Figure 4). These special additives are used for tile adhesives, rendering, projected, repairing, water proofing and self-levelling mortars. These additives act as water-retaining agent, enhance the workability of the mortar, avoid the sliding of the ceramic tiles and improve the properties of tile adhesive mortar while fresh, during its application and when hardened. While fresh, the additive improves homogeneity and allows a great adherence to support, and when hardened, it gives a high adherence and improvement of open times. The thixotropic water-retaining additive is also used for rendering, monolayer and projection mortar improving the properties of both rendering and monocoat mortars while fresh, during application and when hardened. In these systems, additives based on sepiolite and palygorskite clays provide excellent
Low polarity
Mineral oil Aliphatic
Medium polarity
White spirit*
Solvent naphtha
Odourless white spirit**
Heavy solvent naphtha
Pangel B10
Ethyl acetate
Methano l
Methyl ethyl ketone
Ethylen e glycol
Butyl acetate
Methyl isobutyl ketone
Amyl acetate
Dibutyl phthalate
Pangel B20
Pangel B40
FIGURE 3 Examples of organic systems where different organically modified sepiolite commercial products are used (PangelÒ B products manufactured by Tolsa).
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
Polyamide Dioctylphthalate
Pangel B5
Vegetable oil
High polarity
Current Industrial Applications of Palygorskite and Sepiolite
Made of functionalized sepiolites and a variety of chemical compounds, provides a set of properties that makes possible tailor-made construction additives Workability
Water retention
Sag control antisliping
FIGURE 4 Properties of CIMSILÒ.
finishes, control of internal curing, facilitate pumping of mortar, avoid segregation and notably improve the workability of the mortar with low- or high water demand.
3.5. Fifth and Sixth Generation Products The fifth generation products produced by chemical modifications are characterized by increases of the surface area, porosity, sorption properties, cation exchange capacity (CEC), the incorporation of other cations on the surface of sepiolite and higher sepiolite surface acidity. Some examples of fifth generation products are (a) special fillers and carriers for catalysts obtained from fibrous silica derived from sepiolite and (b) additives for Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC) processes such as aluminium-exchanged synthetic loughlinite (a variety of sepiolite) obtained from natural sepiolite. The process to obtain aluminium sepiolite involves a hydrothermal reaction to obtain a high CEC sodium sepiolite to which other cations may be added through exchange reactions. When aluminium is used as cation, surface acidity is significantly increased. Nanoadditives for polymers and sepiolite functionalized with nanoparticles are the chief sixth generation products. These new additives that are more extensively discussed in Chapter 17 include palygorskite and sepiolite nanoclays used as nanofillers in thermoplastics and thermosets as well as hybrids nanomaterials such as sepiolite-based functional materials. The additives for polymers present better mechanical properties, better thermal properties (heat resistance HDT, thermal degradation of the polymer), better dimensional stability (warpage and shrinkage), reduced flammability, better appearance, enhanced barrier properties, lower filler load (2–7%), better processing, lower density and recyclability. The applications of nanoclays are (a) automotive industry (mechanical properties, lower weight, better appearance), (b) cables, PE Foams, E&E (fire retardancy) and (c) packaging (barrier).
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
A new process has been patented to control the size and stability of monodispersed metal and metal oxide nanoparticles supported on sepiolite. This novel material shows new properties as a consequence of the supported nanoparticles, where a variety of metals and metal oxides can be supported. These nanoparticles supported on sepiolite avoid agglomeration and minimize health problems of other substitutes. The applications of these functional materials include to name just a few photocatalytic additives for self-cleaning materials and coatings, biocides for hygienic coatings and surfaces, magnetic nanoparticles for magneto-rheological fluids, nanoparticle additives for enhanced scratch resistance or additives with optical properties for new aesthetic effects.
4. HEALTH AND SAFETY ISSUES The serious health effects produced by asbestos fibres have cast doubt on the possible health hazards of other fibrous minerals. Because of this reason, different investigations have been carried out with palygorskite and sepiolite. Spanish sepiolite from the sedimentary deposits of Vallecas–Vicalvaro has ´ lvarez, been extensively studied using different approaches (Santare´n and A 1994), ranging from an epidemiological investigation to different in vivo studies including inhalation, intrapleural and intraperitoneal inoculation studies. No association has been found between inhalation of sepiolite dust and lung diseases, and no increased incidence of tumours has been observed in animal studies carried out with sedimentary sepiolite of short fibre (< 5 mm). Sepiolite deposits that are exploited commercially occur in sedimentary formations. This sepiolite is generally considered as safe, and it is authorized by the EU as animal feed additive under registry number E-562. In 1997, the IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) published a monograph on silica, where the effects of sepiolite and palygorskite in animals and humans were evaluated. Sepiolite was classified in Group 3 (not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans). IARC only found some concerning results with long highly crystalline fibres of sepiolite from non-sedimentary (probably hydrothermal) deposits in Finland and China with no commercial interest. This hydrothermal sepiolite can be contaminated with amphibole asbestos because of its geological origin. IARC has also evaluated palygorskite and classified short palygorskite fibres (< 5 mm) in Group 3 (not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans), meanwhile long palygorskite fibres (> 5 mm) are classified in Group 2B (possibly carcinogenic to humans) because of sufficient evidence in experimental animals. The most important commercial palygorskite deposits have a sedimentary origin and occur in ancient soils, lakes or shallow seas associated mainly with semi-arid to Mediterranean-type climates. The most important deposits are located in the Meigs-Attapulgus-Quincy district of Southwestern Georgia and Northern Florida, USA, followed by the deposits located in
Current Industrial Applications of Palygorskite and Sepiolite
Se´ne´gal. Palygorskite from these deposits have a short fibre length (< 5 mm). This type of palygorskite with short fibres has not produce any increased incidence of tumours in animal studies (IARC, 1997). Palygorskite is used in several countries for the treatment of diarrhoea (Engle, 1994). In France, preparations containing palygorskite are used for the treatment of the symptoms of gastroduodenal ulcer or gastritis (Vidal, 1996).
5. CONCLUSIONS Sepiolite has generated over the past years a growing family of unique and interesting minerals additives. The shape of the particles and the large and active surface area are a source of physico-chemical and rheological characteristics useful in a wide variety of systems. The particular surface of this silicate influenced by six generations of processing methods opens new windows for applications that provide new solutions for industrial problems. The wish list compiled in 1957 by Robertson has become a reality by the incorporation of new industrial treatments. Sepiolite is still now, more than ever, a versatile raw material that will continue to play an important role in the decades ahead. New materials based on palygorskite and sepiolite, such as nanoclays, hybrids, bio-hybrids, biomimetic and functional materials, are being developed and studied for different uses that require new and better performance advanced materials.
REFERENCES ¨ ., Celikcapa, S., Dogan, M., 2004. Sorption of acid red 57 from aqueous Alkan, M., Demirbas, O solution onto sepiolite. J. Hazard. Mater. B116, 135–145. ´ lvarez, A., 1984. Sepiolite: properties and uses. In: Singer, A., Galan, E. (Eds.), PalygorskiteA Sepiolite: Occurrences, Genesis and Uses. Elsevier, New York, pp. 253–287. Brigatti, M.F., Gala´n, E., Theng, B.K.G., 2006. Structures and mineralogy of clay minerals. In: Bergaya, F., Theng, B.K.G., Lagaly, G. (Eds.), Handbook of Clay Science. Developments in Clay Science, vol. 1. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 19–86. Engle, J.P., 1994. OTC advisory: antidiarrheal products. Am. Drug. 8, 48–50. Esteban-Cubillo, A., Pina-Zapardiel, R., Moya, J.S., Barba, M.F., Pecharroma´n, C., 2008. The role of magnesium on the stability of crystalline sepiolite structure. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 28, 1763–1768. Gala´n, E., 1996. Properties and applications of palygorskite-sepiolite clays. Clay Miner. 31, 443–453. Haden Jr., W.L., 1963. Attapulgite: properties and uses. In: 10th National Conference on Clays and Clay Minerals, pp. 284–290, NRC-NAS Monograph No. 12. IARC, 1997. Silica. IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans, vol. 68, 24 pp. Jime´nez-Lo´pez, A., Lo´pez-Gonzalez, J.D., Ramirez-Saenz, A., Rodrı´guez-Reinoso, F., Valenzuela-Calahorro, C., Zurita-Herrera, L., 1978. Evolution of surface area in a sepiolite as a function of acid and heat treatments. Clay Miner. 13, 375.
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Krekeler, M.P.S., Guggenheim, S., 2008. Defects in microstructure in palygorskite–sepiolite minerals: a transmission electron microscopy (TEM) study. Appl. Clay Sci. 39, 98–105. Murray, H.H., 2005. Current industrial applications of clays (Abstract). In: Proceedings of the 13th International Clay Conference, Tokyo, Japan, p. 55. Murray, H.H., 2007. Applied Clay Mineralogy: Occurrences, Processing and Applications of Kaolins, Bentonites, Palygorskitesepiolite, and Common Clays. Developments in Clay Science, vol. 2. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 188 pp. Oulton, T.D., 1963. Commercial production and uses of attapulgite clay products. Georgia Miner. Newsl. XVI (1–2), 26–28. ¨ zdemir, M., Kipcak, I., 2004. Dissolution kinetics of sepiolite in hydrochloric acid and nitric O acid. Clays Clay Miner. 52, 714–720. Robertson, R., 1957. Sepiolite: a versatile raw material. Chem. Ind. 16, 1492–1495. ´ lvarez, A., 1994. Assessment of the health effects of mineral dusts. The sepiolite Santare´n, J., A case. Ind. Miner. 1–12, April. Vicente-Rodrı´guez, M.A., Suarez, M., Ban˜ares-Mun˜oz, M.A., Lopez-Gonzalez, J.D., 1996. Comparative FT-IR study of the removal of octahedral cations and structural modifications during acid treatment of several silicates. Spectrochim. Acta A 52, 1685–1694. Vidal, 1996. Dictionnaire Vidal, 72nd Ed., Paris, Editions du Vidal, pp. 7, 673, 1041.
Chapter 13
Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Uses of Fibrous Clays Alberto Lo´pez-Galindo*, Ce´sar Viseras*{, Carola Aguzzi{ and Pilar Cerezo{ *Instituto Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra, IACT, CSIC—Univ. Granada, Avda. Palmeras, 4. 18100 Armilla, Granada, Spain { Departamento de Farmacia y Tecnologı´a Farmace´utica, Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad de Granada, 18071 Granada, Spain
1. INTRODUCTION Clays are substances found throughout the Earth’s crust. Given their ubiquity and special characteristics, man has used some of them since very ancient times for their therapeutic effects, in particular, talcum, kaolinite, smectites and fibrous clays (see reviews by Carretero, 2002; Carretero et al., 2006; Cornejo, 1990; Gala´n et al., 1985; Lo´pez-Galindo and Viseras, 2004 and references therein). The main pharmacopoeias (British Pharmacopoeia (2009); EP 6.0, 2008; USP 32—NF 27, 2009) and the best recognized treatises on pharmaceutical excipients and cosmetic manuals (Braun, 1994; Rowe et al., 2006; Sweetman, 2007; Wenninger et al., 2000) all contain references to these phyllosilicates, and the journal Applied Clay Science recently published a monographic edition dealing with various matters concerning clays and health (Carretero et al., 2007). The applications of clays are favoured by their colloidal size and crystalline structure. The specific function they have in any formulation depends on both their physical properties (particle size and shape, specific surface area, texture, colour and brightness) and their chemical features (surface chemistry and charge). Phyllosilicates can be used in their natural state or after treatment by various physical or chemical processes designed to enhance a particular property. For use in pharmaceutical products and cosmetics, clays must fulfil a number of requirements regarding their chemical properties (stability, chemical purity and inertia, i.e. not reacting with any of the other components in the formulation or the conditioning materials), physical properties (texture, water content, particle size), toxicological properties (atoxicity, microbiological Developments in Clay Science, Vol. 3. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-444-53607-5.00013-X # 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
safety and purity) and organoleptic properties (colour and taste, affecting patient’s acceptance), all of which are generally met by fibrous clays. These clay minerals occur as odourless and tasteless, fine, white-coloured powders free from grittiness. The tests included in the various pharmacopoeias do not usually distinguish between the ultimate use to be made of a product, and clays used for pharmaceutical (treatment) or cosmetic (care and beauty) purposes are usually taken as one. However, their intended usage should be specified, as it determines both technical aspects of their preparation and questions regarding code of practice and legal matters. In fact, there are numerous directives, reports and regulations and norms on clays for pharmacological or cosmetic use (see Lo´pez-Galindo et al., 2007). Specialists in fields such as geology, mineralogy, geochemistry, pharmacy or medicine should collaborate on the correct characterization of the physical and chemical properties of clays used in formulations and correlate them with their biological effects. Among the phyllosilicates used in pharmacy, sepiolite and palygorskite, often known as attapulgite, particularly in trade circles, present special characteristics (antidiarrhoeic or antacid, for instance) that make them ideal for use as excipients in pharmaceutical technology and dermopharmacy, and as substances with suitable pharmacological activity (Table 1). The elongated shape and small particle size of these two minerals give them unique colloidal properties, with a large surface area and high porosity when naturally or thermally activated, and special resistance to high concentrations of electrolytes. When used as excipients, these minerals facilitate the administration of the active agents, improve their efficiency and ensure stability until the expiry date for use by the patient. Due to their biological activity, fibrous clays are also used as active agents in formulations requiring absorbent, sterilizing, anti-inflammatory or detergent products. They are therefore found in forms of administration that are solid (pills, capsules, granules and powders), liquid (suspensions and emulsions) and semi-solid (ointments, balms, creams, etc.), either for topical application or for oral administration.
2. MINERALOGY, CHEMISTRY AND HABIT Unlike other clay minerals, sepiolite and palygorskite have a fibrous morphology as the result of the 180 inversion occurring in every 6 or 4 silicon tetrahedra, respectively, creating a structure of chains aligned parallel to the a axis, each of which has a 2:1 type structure. This particular three-dimensional ˚ (palygorskite) and ordering also creates open channels with 3.7 6.4 A ˚ 3.7 10–6 A (sepiolite) cross sections containing both ‘zeolitic’ and crystallization water. The fibrous crystalline habit and the presence of zeolitic channels are the main reasons why sepiolite and palygorskite have such notable rheological properties as well as adsorbent properties. These characteristics
TABLE 1 Fibrous Clay Minerals Used in Health Care Preparations.
Mineral Name
Empirical Formula
(Mg, Al, Fe)5 (Si, Al)8 O20 (OH)2 (OH2)4 (H2O)4
Mg8 Si12 O30 (OH)4 (OH2)4 (H2O)8
General Chemical Denomination, and CAS and EINECS Numbers Hydrated magnesium aluminium silicate
Pharmaceutical Name Attapulgite Activated attapulgite
Definitions Purified native hydrated magnesium aluminium silicate
12174-11-7; 12174-286; 1337-76-4; 3718950-7; 302-243-0
Colloidalactivated attapulgite
Heat-treated magnesium aluminium silicate
Hydrated magnesium aluminium silicate
Magnesium trisilicate
MgO (20%) and SiO2 (45%) with warying proportion of water/ Mg2Si3O8H2O with MgO (29%) and SiO2 (65%)
18307-23-8; 1319-21-7; 12639-43-9; 14987-043; 15501-74-3; 3936587-2
Other Usual Brand Name
Commercial Products for Health Care
Attapulgite, Activated Attapulgite, Attaclay, Attacote, Attagel, Attapulgus clay, ttasorb, Diluex, Permagel, Pharmasorb-colloidal, Zeogel
AttaclayÒ, AttagelÒ, etc.
Magnosil, Meerschaum, Parasepiolite, Petimin, Silicic acid, Hydrated magnesium salt, Sea foam, Milcon, Hexal, Pangel, Pansil, Quincite
Alenic, AlkaÒ, RecipÒ, etc.
Pharmasorb colloidalÒ
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
make them clearly different from the other phyllosilicates and give them significant economic value. Sepiolite and palygorskite of industrial interest usually are found in sedimentary rocks and are very well represented in some Tertiary continental basins, especially in Spain, USA, Turkey and Senegal. They are often associated with carbonates (calcite and/or dolomite), quartz, mica and smectites. Accessory amounts of amorphous silica, feldspars, kaolinite, gypsum, zeolites, apatite and halite are also found. Layers containing sepiolite can be up to 95 wt% pure, whereas it is unusual to find layers with more than 75% palygorskite. The chemical composition of sepiolite is usually stoichiometric, while palygorskite composition varies widely in the octahedral layer, with very frequent substitution of Mg by Al and Fe, leading Galan and Carretero (1999) to suggest that this mineral is intermediate between di- and trioctahedral phyllosilicates. It is likewise frequent to find small amounts of CaO (up to 2.3 wt%), K2O (up to 0.8 wt%) and Na2O (up to 0.7 wt%). Trace element contents also differ between the two minerals and are usually lower for sepiolite (total content less than 100 ppm in sepiolite and around 500 ppm in palygorskite, Torres-Ruiz et al., 1994). Post and Crawdord (2006) recently showed that in some cases, there can be hazardous amounts of As in palygorskite and As, Pb and Cd in sepiolite. Textural analyses have shown that sepiolite and palygorskite fibres vary considerably in shape and size from one deposit to another and even among samples from the same deposit (Nolan et al., 1991; Torres-Ruı´z et al., 1992). Normally, the elongated particles vary in length from about 1 to 10 mm and are approximately 0.01 mm in width. The most common morphology in sepiolite is that of fibrous aggregates as straw bundles or piles. Average fibre length ranges from 1 to 2 mm, with only a very small proportion (< 1%) of > 5 mm fibres (Bellmann et al., 1997). However, palygorskite crystals form planar or ball-like aggregates, less than 5 mm long, although they can occasionally reach up to 100 mm in length. Although in samples of hydrothermal origin, it is common to find fibre lengths over 20 mm, in sedimentary deposits, which are those usually exploited commercially, 95% of the particles are less than 1.5 mm in length (Lo´pez-Galindo and Sa´nchezNavas, 1989). The air-dried BET-specific surface area of sepiolite is approximately 300 m2/g, and that of palygorskite is 120–180 m2/g, which can increase with heating as the adsorbed and zeolitic water evaporate. Above 300 C, it decreases drastically due to the folding of the crystals and the disappearance of the micropores on the surface. This high specific surface area allows the minerals to absorb over 100% of their own weight of water and liquids of differing polarity. Moreover, the active adsorption centres on the surface (O atoms, water molecules and silanol groups) also allow selective adsorption of different types of molecules. In addition, when the fibre bundles are
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micronized, the resulting particles are easily dispersible in water and other polar liquids, forming a large volume network of interlacing fibres that traps all the fluid, creating highly viscous suspensions.
3. PHARMACEUTICAL AND COSMETIC NOMENCLATURE AND SPECIFICATIONS The various pharmacopoeias, which establish the composition and properties that any particular substance must fulfil for use in pharmaceutical applications, and cosmetics manuals are not uniform in their nomenclature for fibrous minerals, and some ambiguities between mineralogical, chemical and pharmaceutical names can be observed (cf. Lo´pez-Galindo et al., 2007). Specifically, in the British Pharmacopoeia (2009), palygorskite is defined as ‘attapulgite, a purified native hydrated magnesium aluminium silicate, basically consisting in the clay mineral palygorskite’, and ‘activated attapulgite’ is the same product, carefully heated to increase its adsorptive capacity. The USP also includes a monograph for ‘colloidal-activated attapulgite’, and several databases and manuals on the use of ingredients in cosmetic formulations also include ‘attapulgite’ (European Commission, Decision 96/335/EC; Wenninger et al., 2000). In turn, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA, USA) has recently reclassified activated attapulgite from proposed category I to a nonmonographic condition, because of insufficient data on effectiveness for antidiarrhoeal use, and it was not included as a monograph ingredient in the final rule of 2003 (FDA, 2003). The last European Pharmacopoeia (EP 6.0, 2008) has no entry for ‘attapulgite’ either. Sepiolite does not appear under that name in any pharmacopoeia or treatise, appearing invariably as ‘magnesium trisilicate’. Although this product can be prepared artificially, it is stated that it ‘occurs in nature as the mineral sepiolite’ (Anonymous, 1998; Rowe et al., 2006) and main treatises (Sweetman, 2007) or databases consulted on the web used ‘magnesium trisilicate’ and ‘sepiolite’ as synonyms (e.g. the Comparative Toxicogenomics Database or the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety). In short, while sepiolite and palygorskite are well-known names of minerals, other names continue to be used for exclusively commercial reasons, as is the case of ‘attapulgite’, derived from De Lapparent’s (1936) description of palygorskite at the Attapulgus deposit (Georgia, USA). Consequently, throughout this text, we use those terms used by the various authors in their various scientific articles or treatises. The various pharmacopoeias describe the tests required to characterize all substances listed. In the case of fibrous clays (Table 2), specific tests are mentioned for their correct identification, as well as for control of powder fineness, contents of acid- and water-soluble substances, carbonates, volatile matter, MgO, SiO2, As, Pb, heavy metals, chlorides and sulphates, loss on drying, loss on ignition, microbial contamination, pH and adsorption power.
TABLE 2 Pharmacopoeial Specifications as Indicated in EP 6th and USP 32 (and Also BP 2009 for Attapulgite). Attapulgite (Palygorskite) USP 32
Magnesium Trisilicate (Sepiolite) BP 2009
Coloidal Act.
EP 6th
USP 32
Impurities Acid-soluble substances Water-soluble substance
Organic volatile impurities
Residual solvents
Loss on ignition
Loss on drying (105–110 C)
Volatile matter (600 C)
Water content 17–34%
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
Fineness of powder
Chemical limitations
2 ppm
8 ppm
4 ppm
8 ppm
10 ppm
(1) 20 ppm
40 ppm
30 ppm
500 ppm
550 ppm
Heavy metals
Adsorption power
Microbial contamination Technical properties
Acid-absorbing capacity YES: there is a specific test to be done or a mention to this characteristic. (1) It meets the requirements.
100 mL/g
140–160 mL/g
Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Uses of Fibrous Clays
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These specifications often overlap others used for cosmetic products (Nikitakis and McEwen, 1990; Wenninger et al., 2000). As clays can be contaminated during processing, they may be sterilized by heating at over 160 C for not less than 1 h. Besides, they should be stored in airtight containers in cool, dry locations. Usual and common brand names for palygorskite are Actapulgite, Attaclay, Attacote, Attagel, Attapulgite, Activated attapulgite, Attapulgus clay, Attasorb, Diarrest, Diasorb, Diatrol, Diluex, Donnagel, Florex, Gastropulgite, Mucipulgite, Permagel, Pharmasorb regular, Pharmasorb-colloidal, Zeogel. Those for sepiolite are Aid Plus, Hexal, Hydrated magnesium salt, Magnosil, Meerschaum, Milcon, Pangel, Pansil, Parasepiolite, Quincite, Sea foam, Silicic acid, Talcum Plasticum. There are, in addition, several CAS numbers for these two minerals; the most usual are 12174-11-7 for palygorskite, and 18307-23-8, 15501-74-3 and 63800-37-3 for sepiolite.
4. USE AS ACTIVE SUBSTANCES 4.1. Antidiarrhoeals and Antacids Palygorskite and sepiolite can act as adsorbents for toxins, bacteria and even viruses in the intestine. In addition, they act as a protective coating for the stomach and intestine. Purified native palygorskite (colloidal-activated attapulgite) and heat-treated palygorskite (activated attapulgite) are used as active components in the management of acute and chronic diarrhoea (Auzerie, 1999), with recommended manufacturer’s oral daily doses of up to 9 g in adults (Sweetman, 2007), and they are present in several medicinal products and patents (Hu et al., 2006; Sweetman, 2007; Zhang et al., 2004). Palygorskite has high potential for use as an antidiarrhoeal because of its ability to adsorb toxins (Diphtheria toxin) and pathogenic bacteria, and to increase the volume and consistency of the gastrointestinal contents (Fulayyeh et al., 1981). Ogbeide (1987) studied the efficacy of capsules containing palygorskite and homatropine methylbromide in 107 patients between 15 and 65 years of age affected by mild diarrhoea, finding a synergic effect between the actives in reducing the number of depositions and increasing the consistency of intestinal contents. DuPont et al. (1990) compared the activity of palygorskite with other drugs commonly used in the symptomatic treatment of diarrhoea, finding that palygorskite is able to adsorb both toxins and high quantities of water. However, efficacy studies of attapulgite were found to be insufficient by the FDA, and as a result, attapulgite was not included as a monograph ingredient in the April 17, 2003, final rule (FDA, 2003). Despite recent rule changes by the FDA (2003), the majority of the medications at present on the market maintain palygorskite as the active antidiarrhoeal agent, and only one (Kaopectate#) changed its formulation to replace attapulgite by bismuth subsalicylate as the active ingredient in US-marketed products.
Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Uses of Fibrous Clays
Moreover, in a study carried out in France on the treatment of acute diarrhoea, Uhlen et al. (2004) found that 26% of paediatricians prescribed Mormoiron attapulgite because of their clinical experience with this substance. Attapulgite is an active ingredient in combination with bismuth subcarbonate and kanamycin sulphate in approved animal drug products (FDA, 2008), including both suspensions and veterinary oral tablets (AmforolÒ). The official method for evaluation of the non-specific antidiarrhoeic capacity of an adsorbent is based on its capacity to adsorb methylene blue (‘adsorptive capacity;’ USP 32—NF 27, 2009). The major limitations of this test are associated with the chemical characteristics of the dye and the complex nature of the adsorbents. Water uptake measurement has recently been investigated as a potential complementary test to the methylene blue adsorption assay (Cerezo et al., 2001). They concluded that water uptake capacity and velocity permit a quantitative evaluation of the effectiveness of the studied clay minerals for the non-specific treatment of diarrhoea. Magnesium trisilicate (USP 32–NF 27, 2009; EP 6.0, 2008) possesses antacid properties. When given orally in doses of up to about 2 g (Sweetman, 2007), it reacts with hydrochloric acid in the stomach to form magnesium chloride and silicon oxide. It is often given with aluminium-based antacids to counteract its laxative effect. For example, pH-dependent disintegrating matrices based on magnesium trisilicate and aluminium hydroxide have been recently formulated, using Eudragit E PO as a matrix former and sodium bicarbonate as a disintegrant (and third antacid component), in different proportions (Bajdik et al., 2009). Such formulations are insoluble if the pH of the stomach is less acidic and rapidly disintegrate if necessary (when high levels of acidity are achieved). Jovanovic et al. (1988) examined the effects of binders and disintegrants in wet granulation, as well as those of compression strength on the antacid activity of magnesium trisilicate. They determined a maximum pH value of 5.9 in the artificial gastric juice after 35 min at 8 kN compression and 5% binder concentration. Recently, Iwuagwu and Agidi (2000) examined the disintegration time of magnesium trisilicate tablets, prepared by wet granulation with modified (bleached) and unmodified starches, finding that tablets containing bleached starches disintegrated faster than those containing the unbleached ones. Antacid preparations containing magnesium trisilicate are also available as liquid suspensions. Fritz and Riehl (1989) studied the stabilization (flocculation) of sepiolite aqueous suspensions, finding satisfactory flocculation and improved redispersibility in presence of peptising salts (MgCl2, KOAc, Na tartrate) without cellulose ethers as viscosity-increasing additives. Despite the foregoing, it should be noted that the acid reactivity of magnesium trisilicate powder was reduced by concomitant administration with different drugs, such as digoxin, dexamethasone acetate, diazepam, nitrofurantoin, xytetracycline hydrochloride, ferrous gluconate, ampicillin
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trihydrate and tolbutamide (Al-Gohary, 1990). In particular, all drugs decreased the acid absorption power and buffering capacity of the antacid, while the neutralization effect was reduced.
4.2. Adsorbents and Protectors Muller and Kline (1964) proposed a topical formulation with 20 wt% of Attagel 20 and other components (resorcinol, hexachlorophene and zinc oxide) for the treatment of acne. Palygorskite is also used alone or in combination with other components to adsorb residual active antibiotics, metabolites, bacterial or other toxins and drugs which cause side effects in the gastrointestinal tract (Huguet and Andremont, 2007). Other uses of palygorskite as drug include the treatment of chronic leg ulcers, because of its capacity to adsorb exudates (Fang, 1988) and treatment on inflammatory bowel disease, because of its carbohydrate adsorption capacity (Farmer and Lefkowitz, 2005). Recently, palygorskite has also been proposed for the treatment of renal failure (Zhang et al., 2009). In this case, palygorskite absorbs and fixes various toxins and metabolic products in the alimentary tract and is then discharged by intestinal peristalsis, thus reducing or avoiding bodily injury. Finally, magnesium trisilicate also has a high adsorption capacity and has been proposed as alternative treatment for ciprofloxacin overdose or toxicity (Ofoefule and Okonta, 1999).
5. USE AS EXCIPIENTS Palygorskite and magnesium trisilicate are used worldwide as inactive components in non-parenteral licenced medicines, being regarded as essentially nontoxic, non-irritant materials (Table 3). They are also included in the FDA Inactive Ingredient Guide as excipients for oral solid dosage forms (powders and tablets) (FDA, 2009).
5.1. Solid Dosage Forms Viseras and Lo´pez-Galindo (2000) reported some useful properties (angle of repose, tapped density and Carr index) of fibrous clay powders as excipients for oral solid dosage forms. These clays can fulfil several functional categories when applied as diluents (Mathew et al., 2009), glidants (Gonza´lezPe´rez et al., 2009; Nunes et al., 2007; Yendamuri et al., 2009), disintegrants (Viseras et al., 2001a) and adsorbents (Rowe et al., 2006). Diluents are fillers used to increase the bulk volume of a tablet or capsule. By combining a diluent with the active pharmaceutical ingredients, the final product will have adequate weight and size to assist in production and handling. Glidants (or anti-caking agents) are aimed to improve flow properties of powders,
Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Uses of Fibrous Clays
TABLE 3 Uses of Fibrous Clay Minerals in Pharmaceutical Products. Pharmacopeial Name
Dosage Form
Functional Category
Adsorbent, glidant, binder and disintegrant
Conventional and modified release tablets
Suspending and anticaking agent
Oral and topical suspensions
Solid/ liquid
Antidiarrhoeal suspension formulations and immediate release tablets
Solid/ liquid
Antacid suspensions
Solid/ liquid
Antacid suspensions and tablets
Excipients Magnesium trisilicate
Active principles Attapulgite
Magnesium trisilicate
facilitating uniform die filling in tablet manufacture. They are thought to act by lodging in the surface irregularities of solid particles, forming more rounded structures and reducing interparticle friction. Disintegrants are agents added to tablet or capsule formulations to promote the break-up of such dosage forms into smaller fragments in an aqueous medium, thus increasing the available surface area and promoting more rapid release of the drug substance. Palygorskite has been proposed as adsorbent to retain and release cations in solid preparations used in the treatment of infections (Castela et al., 1998) and to prepare antiseptic silver-loaded nanoparticles by sulfhydrilation of the clay surface (Liu and Wang, 2008). It is also used to adsorb liquids in a multiphase composition to assist in producing a solid dosage formulation (Shenoy et al., 2008). Magnesium trisilicate is mainly used as a glidant but can be also used as an adsorbent in pharmaceutical solid dosage forms, for instance, to retain povidone–iodine, an antibacterial drug, thus producing a new pharmaceutical product with satisfactory antibacterial effect for the prevention of infections in hospital wards and buildings (Ohta et al., 1999). Due to their adsorbent
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capacities, both palygorskite and magnesium trisilicate have been proposed as carriers for preventing or reducing surface absorption or for delayed percutaneous delivery of pharmaceutical compounds (Kostyniak and Giese, 2003). In some cases, and depending on the chemical composition of the clay, adsorbent properties can provide protective effects. For example, sepiolite has been considered as a stabilizer for drugs subject to oxidative degradation (Hermosin et al., 1981), whereas palygorskite increased oxidation of hydrocortisone because of its Fe3þ ion content (Cornejo et al., 1980). However, palygorskite has been used as a stabilizer to inhibit hydrolysis, isomerization, elimination, oxidation and/or re-crystallization of reductase inhibitors in oral tablets (Karavas et al., 2008). Because of its hygroscopic nature, the clay swells in the presence of water, providing excellent storage stability caused by the reduction of free water in the composition, protecting drugs (such as statins) against hydrolysis, oxidation and isomerization. Among solid dosage forms, oral tablets are the most commonly used products. Some functional characteristics of oral tablets obtained by direct compression of Spanish palygorskite and sepiolite were studied by Viseras et al. (2000). Recently, the use of magnesium trisilicate in vaginal tablets has been also described (Biradar et al., 2009). Such formulations, based on a cubic phase precursor dry powder obtained by spray drying the clay with glyceryl monooleate (Shah et al., 2006), showed potential patient compliance, compared to conventional vaginal tablets and gels and sustained release of progesterone for 14 h in simulated vaginal fluid. Use of fibrous clays as support for active agents in modified drug delivery systems was recently reviewed by Aguzzi et al. (2007). They concluded that, even if naturally occurring fibrous clay minerals may be suitable to effectively modulate drug release, it is usually necessary to use modified or synthetic clay minerals and/ or polymeric additives to obtain technologically advanced drug products.
5.2. Liquid and Semi-solid Dosage Forms Palygorskite and sepiolite are used as suspending agents in complex mixtures of components to prevent settling and separation in certain liquid medications and to keep the compounds in suspension and uniformly distributed. Dispersed systems have a variety of applications both in pharmaceutical and in cosmetic areas, including liquid (suspensions and emulsions) and semi-solid products (ointments, pastes, creams, gels and rigid foams). In these systems, one discontinuous or internal phase is dispersed in a medium called vehicle or external phase (Russel et al., 1995), and both phases may be solid, liquid or gas. Solid-in-liquid (coarse suspensions and colloidal dispersions) and liquid-in-liquid (emulsions) disperse systems are thermodynamically unstable, and the phases tend to separate with time, requiring accurate rheological and stability controls.
Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Uses of Fibrous Clays
In aqueous media, fibrous clays form three-dimensional structures (gels) composed of interconnecting fibres. Clay minerals are frequently used to avoid instability in liquid and semi-solid formulations, as it has been recently reviewed by Viseras et al. (2007). Fibrous clay gels retain their stability in the presence of high concentrations of electrolytes, thus making them ideal as thickeners and emulgents in liquid or semi-solid formulations (Eriksson et al., 1990; Fadat et al., 1988; Parkhomenko et al., 1987). Little research has focused on the effects of hydrodynamic factors such as particle size and shape on the final product properties. Viseras et al. (1999) assessed the effects of shear history on the rheology of laminar and fibrous clay mineral dispersions, concluding that the degree of dispersion and the structural changes resulting from differences in particle shape significantly affect the rheological properties of the systems. A linear relation was found between mixing energy and apparent viscosity of the laminar clay minerals, while apparent viscosity was related to mixing power (a measure of the energy used during suspension preparation) for fibrous clays. A subsequent study examined the filtration behaviour of some Spanish fibrous clay–water dispersions, the results of which were compatible with the rheological properties of the systems (Viseras et al., 2001b). Clay-gels exhibit intermediate characteristics between liquid and solid systems and have interesting rheological behaviour, including dilatant or, more frequently, pseudoplastic flows, yield point, thixotropy and high viscosities (Mewis and Macosko, 1994). In particular, thixotropy is an important feature for pharmaceutical products, as apparent viscosity decreases as shear rate rises and then increases again on standing, requiring a certain time for the structure to rebuild. Clay minerals are therefore used in liquid and semi-solid dispersed systems both as stabilizers (suspending and anti-caking agents) and to adjust the rheological patterns of the preparations. Magnesium trisilicate is described as a suspending and anti-caking agent (Rowe et al., 2006), useful to prevent drastic changes in dispersion properties, retarding sedimentation or producing flocculated systems easily re-suspended by mild agitation. Palygorskite can be used to prepare stable aqueous suspensions of sparingly soluble to insoluble drugs, most preferably from about 0.2 wt% to about 0.6 wt% (Namburi et al., 2008). It is also applied in semi-solids to increase skin adhesion and the pharmaceutical effects of water and alcohol-based suspensions and ointments for the treatment of chilblain and frostbite (Shifang et al., 2008a–c). As rheological modifier, magnesium trisilicate is used in suspensions to increase the viscosity of the external phase, reducing the rate of sedimentation of the dispersed particles (Rowe et al., 2006). Fibrous clays can also be used as emulsifying agents in emulsions due to their ability to be wetted by the two liquid phases located at the liquid–liquid interface and to act as a physical barrier to prevent coalescence of the liquid droplets (Viseras et al., 2007). Palygorskite is used as emulgent at around 2–5% (w/v) (Wenninger et al., 2000). The clay is first suspended in water
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under intense agitation, and the resulting smooth gel is used to incorporate the remaining components and emulsify with the oil phase.
6. DRUG INTERACTIONS Absorption of many oral drugs is reduced by co-administration of clay-based gastrointestinal agents (antidiarrhoeals, antacids) or by the presence of clay stabilizers in liquid formulations, so that the interval of administration between these preparations and other active substances should be as long as possible. In particular, absorption of promazine decreased when the drug was administered in association with antidiarrhoeal mixtures containing palygorskite (Sorby, 1965; Sorby and Liu, 1966). Since these studies, many authors have reported a decrease in bioavailability of several drugs due to co-administration with magnesium trisilicate and palygorskite (Babhair and Tariq, 1983; Daabis et al., 1976; Gokhale and Bhalla, 1981; Khalil, 1974; McElnay et al., 1982a,b; Said and Abdullah, 1981). Research interest in clay adsorption of active substances continued and Thona and Lieb (1983) reported strong adsorption properties of magnesium trisilicate and palygorskite (among other agents) for various drugs. Similarly, it was found that some antibiotics (Khalil et al., 1984) and anti-gout agents (Naggar, 1985) are adsorbed by palygorskite and magnesium trisilicate. Qawas et al. (1986) studied the extent of adsorption of chlorhexidine acetate in palygorskite, kaolin and other solids commonly used in the formulation of suspensions for oral or topical administration, and the effects of adsorption on the bactericidal activity of the active ingredient. Cimetidine and propranolol were also studied (Moustafa et al., 1986), and a decrease in bioavailability of the drugs was revealed. Khalil et al. (1987) investigated human bioavailability of riboflavin when given before or in association with palygorskite. In both cases, the observed reduction in urinary excretion of riboflavin was attributed to the retention of the drug by the adsorbent. Other drugs exhibiting reduced efficacy were hyoscine (Ozdemir et al., 1986), quinidine sulphate (Moustafa et al., 1987a), propranolol hydrochloride (Al-Gohary et al., 1987), phenothiazines (Moustafa et al., 1987b), mebeverine hydrochloride (Al-Gohary, 1991; Mohamed et al., 1989), folic acid (Iwuagwu and Jideonwo, 1990), paracetamol and cloroquine (Iwuagwu and Aloko, 1992), erythromycin (Arayne and Sultana, 1993) proguanil (Onyeji and Babalola, 1993), cimetidine and ranitidine (Vatier et al., 1994). Finally, a remarkable inhibiting action of magnesium trisilicate on some antibiotics (Aggag et al., 2004; Arayne et al., 2005; Hussain et al., 2006; Okor et al., 2004) and chlorpheniramine maleate (Tella and Owalude, 2007), an antihistamine agent, has recently been demonstrated, suggesting that the concomitant administration of the drugs and antacid formulations containing clays should be discouraged. On the contrary, in the case of the hypoglycemic agents,
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glibenclamide and gliclazide, bioavailability of the drug was enhanced by magnesium trisilicate (Arayne et al., 2003, 2004). As a result of these studies, it was realized that the effects of such interactions in the concomitant administration of clay minerals with active substances might not be purely negative but could also be used to achieve technological and biopharmaceutical benefits. This was the starting point in the use of clays in modified drug delivery systems, which is a recent development with great potential (Aguzzi et al., 2007).
7. USE OF FIBROUS CLAYS IN COSMETICS Palygorskite and sepiolite are frequently used in different cosmetic products to give the skin opaqueness, eliminate shine and cover up imperfections. Because of their sorption capacities, they are employed as deodorants in powders and creams (Ueda and Hamayoshi, 1992); in dry shampoos to eliminate scalp grease; and in bath powders and baby powders to absorb humidity and odours, avoiding skin irritation. Palygorskite is also used with other components in toothpastes, because of its ability to adsorb and eliminate odours in the mouth, preventing gingivitis and gingival bleeding (Changbing et al., 2008a–f; Jian et al., 2008a–f). Palygorskite is also used in skin moisturizing facial mask powders (Shengying and Qinghua, 2006). Some depilatory creams for humans and animals use this clay as the main component because of its strong adhesive properties, thus remaining well adhered to the surface of skin, increasing the contact area between the depilatory cream and the hair or fur and enhancing the effectiveness of the depilatory cream (Fan et al., 2009a,b). Several Chinese patents propose the use of palygorskite with other components in shampoo formulations. These include green tea (Jian et al., 2009a), providing multiple water-miscible nutrients for the hair, maintaining the balance of grease secretion and penetrating deeper into the hair stem hydrating the hair and making it silky; angelica (Qinghua et al., 2009a), capable of adsorbing sweat, dust and microorganisms; aloe (Jian et al., 2009b); black sesame (Qinghua et al., 2009b); laminaria Japonica (Qinghua et al., 2009c) and other Chinese medicines (Jian et al., 2009c–e; Qinghua et al., 2009d). In some cases, the palygorskite-formulated shampoos are not only for cleaning purposes but also to protect against hair-related disorders such as alopecia (Qinghua et al., 2009e) or dandruff (Qinghua et al., 2009f), improving blood circulation in the scalp, increasing elasticity and tenacity of the hair, inhibiting sebum extravasations, dispelling scurf and preventing itchy scalp. Palygorskite-based shampoos can also be formulated to modify hair colour (Qinghua et al., 2009f), promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, activating hair follicle cell viability, inhibiting sebum exudation and enhancing the metabolic capability of hair to make it black and shiny. Palygorskite has been also formulated with other
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components to obtain anti-parasite products, including pulicidal powders (Shifang et al., 2008d), pediculicide ointments (Shifang et al., 2008e) and alcohol-based louisicide (Shifang et al., 2008f,g). Palygorskite is used with several traditional Chinese active agents (angelica root, salvia root, liquorice, mint, lonicera flower, carthamus flower, wild chrysanthemum flower and others) to prepare face masks and mud bath for external application to clean the skin and obtain various cosmetic effects (Qinghua, 2006a–c). Other suggested applications include the use of sepiolite complexes as ultraviolet radiation filters in sun creams (Hoyo del et al., 1998). The interaction products showed improved protection capacity especially in the so-called C range (290–190 nm). It has also been proposed in depilatory creams, with similar actions to those described for palygorskite (Tindal and Mangassi, 2008).
8. HEALTH RISKS OF FIBROUS CLAYS Contact with or inhalation of mineral dust in high concentrations can have harmful effects on human health, as many studies have examined in depth (for instance, Derbyshire, 2005; Elmore, 2003; Guthrie, 1992), the most common associated illnesses being asbestosis and silicosis. Generally speaking, the effects of the manipulation and processing of fibrous clays are not different from other non-fibrous dust (Carretero et al., 2006) and commercial sepiolite is regarded as non-toxic (Santare´n and Alvarez, 1994). Consequently, sepiolite and palygorskite should be handled in a well-ventilated environment and dust generation should be minimized. Like most other dusty materials, they can cause mechanical irritation to the eyes, and mucous membrane and respiratory irritation after inhalation. Normal precautions such as eye protection, gloves and a dust mask are recommended. In any case, the permissible exposure limits for respirable (5 mg/m3) and inhalable (10 mg/m3) sepiolite or palygorskite dust are far above the minimal quantities reached by normal manipulation of medicines or creams by the end customer. Given the variability of geological context in which fibrous clay deposits are found, with different types and proportions of associated minerals, as well as differing grain sizes (Bellmann et al., 1997; Nolan et al., 1991), insistence should be made on the importance of carrying out specific tests to control the compositional purity of the clay samples, which is often not very high, the crystallinity of the variety of silica present and the particle size of the fibrous clays. Several studies have been made on the pathogenicity of inhaled fibrous clays (Anonymous, 2003; Baris et al., 1980; Governa et al., 1995; McConnochie et al., 1993; Ross et al., 1993; Santare´n and Alvarez, 1994), although the results are contradictory. Nonetheless, no pharmacopoeia suggests any specific test or requisite for control of the grain size of these clays. Studies carried out on humans exposed to sepiolite or palygorskite seem to suggest that
Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Uses of Fibrous Clays
such exposure does not increase the risk of pulmonary disease, with no evidence of pleural plaques or mesothelioma (Governa et al., 1995; McConnochie et al., 1993), so that contact with these minerals does not appear to represent any risk. As mentioned above, the most common grain sizes of sepiolite and palygorskite (Viseras and Lo´pez-Galindo, 1999) are significantly smaller than what is generally accepted as defining a particle as a fibre, that is, to be over 5 mm in length and with a > 3:1 ration of length to diameter. Some studies give even more exact figures, reporting that intrapleural tumours increase with inhalation of particles of 0.25 mm in diameter and > 8 mm in length (Stanton et al., 1981), that lung cancer can be caused by particles < 0.8 mm in diameter and lengths of 10–100 mm, and that mesothelioma is encouraged by particles < 0.1 mm in diameter and lengths of 5–10 mm (Harrington, 1981; Lippmann, 1988). In general, experimental studies on animals suggest that carcinogenicity is dependent on the proportion of long fibres (> 5 mm) in the samples (Bellmann et al., 1997; Be’gin et al., 1987; Jaurand et al., 1987; Stanton et al., 1981; Wagner et al., 1987). The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) indicates that in humans, there is inadequate evidence for the carcinogenicity of palygorskite, and that in experimental animals, there is sufficient evidence for the carcinogenicity of long palygorskite (> 5 mm) fibres and inadequate evidence for short palygorskite (< 5 mm) fibres. Consequently, IARC (1997a) classifies long palygorskite fibres as Group 2B (possibly carcinogenic to humans) and short palygorskite fibres as Group 3 (they cannot be classified as to their carcinogenicity to humans). Concerning sepiolite, there is inadequate evidence in humans of the carcinogenicity of this clay and limited evidence in experimental animals of long sepiolite (> 5 mm) fibres. So, sepiolite is also included in Group 3 (IARC (1997b)). Quite frequently, particularly in the case of palygorskite, fibrous clays are accompanied by quartz and other less crystalline or amorphous varieties of silica. Crystalline silica should be controlled and avoided as far as possible, as it is classified by the IARC as a product with sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in laboratory animals and limited evidence in humans (Group 1, IARC (1997c)). In case of a relatively high quartz content, the product requires labelling and other forms of warning in the safety information. Amorphous silica is not classifiable as carcinogenic to humans (Group 3). Apart from As and Pb, whose contents must expressly be controlled following the indications of the various pharmacopoeias, there are others that are potentially dangerous, such as Cd, Hg, Te, Tl, Sb and Se. In view of the results obtained in various clays on the mobility of hazardous chemical elements (Mascolo et al., 1999, 2004; Tateo et al., 2001), it is recommended that both the total content and the mobility and bioavailability of potentially toxic substances in the products should be established by appropriate methodologies (biological membrane absorption test) when clays are used for medical and cosmetic purposes (Adamis and Williams, 2005).
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Finally, in some cases, abuse of antacids containing magnesium trisilicate has been associated with the formation of renal calculi (Matlaga et al., 2003). Caution in the administration of magnesium-based antacids should be used with patients suffering impaired renal function, when concentrations of magnesium above 50 meq can produce hypermagnesaemia.
9. CONCLUDING REMARKS Fibrous clays are frequently used in the preparation of various pharmaceutical and cosmetic products on the basis of their particular physical and chemical properties. Apart from their traditional applications, new uses have been developed in recent years as vehicles for systems with modified release of active agents. The development of new applications will require the collaboration of specialists in different areas, including mineralogists, pharmacists, chemists, biologists and doctors.
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Chapter 14
The Effects of Palygorskite on Chemical and Physico-Chemical Properties of Soils Alexander Neaman*,{ and Arieh Singer{ *Facultad de Agronomı´a, Pontificia Universidad Cato´lica de Valparaı´so, Quillota, Chile { Centro Regional de Estudios en Alimentos Saludables, CREAS, Regio´n de Valparaı´so, Chile { Seagram Center for Soil and Water Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel
1. INTRODUCTION Palygorskite is a clay mineral characterized by a microfibrous morphology, low surface charge, high magnesium content, and high specific surface area (Singer, 2002). Palygorskite-containing soils occur almost exclusively in arid and semi-arid areas of the world. Palygorskite-containing soils can be cultivated profitably only by using irrigation, where management practices have to take account on the effects of water on soil properties. Singer (2002) reviewed the basic mineral characteristics of palygorskite, as well as the means of its identification, and discussed its origin, as well as its environmental significance. The author emphasized, however, that very little is known about how palygorskite affects soil properties when it constitutes a significant component of the soil clay fraction. This constitutes an impediment for the proper management of palygorskite-containing soils under irrigated agriculture. Following the above-mentioned review, some studies have been performed and progress has been made in understanding the effects of palygorskite on chemical and physico-chemical properties of soils. The present chapter summarizes these recent studies on how palygorskite affects soil properties when it constitutes a significant component of the soil clay fraction. It also discusses future research required in this area.
Developments in Clay Science, Vol. 3. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-444-53607-5.00014-1 # 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
2. MAGNESIUM CHEMISTRY OF PALYGORSKITECONTAINING SOILS Palygorskite has been shown to be rather unstable in humid areas of the world. According to Paquet and Millot (1973), palygorskite weathers into smectite when the mean annual rainfall exceeds 300 mm. According to Singer and Norrish (1974), palygorskite is stable only at relatively high Si and Mg activities and alkaline pH. Palygorskite is the most magnesium-rich among the common clay minerals (Singer, 2002; Weaver and Pollard, 1973). Although sepiolite contains more Mg than palygorskite, sepiolite in soils has been reported from only a few locations (Singer, 2002). Based on acid leaching of palygorskite, Mg appears to be preferentially released into solution over Fe and Al (Corma et al., 1987, 1990; Singer, 1977). The aggressive environment created by acids, however, can hardly serve as a model for the soil medium in which palygorskite occurs. Neaman and Singer (2000a) conducted batch experiments with dilute salt solutions under neutral conditions in the presence of cationic resin to study the kinetics of palygorskite dissolution. The presence of the cationic resin was intended to prevent equilibrium being attained, and dilute salt solutions were considered to be a better approximation to soil solution than deionized water. The rates of mineral dissolution differed significantly among five standard1 palygorskite samples of different origins with different chemical compositions. The surface area-normalized rates of Mg release were in the range from 2.0 10 15 to 1.6 10 14 mol Mg/(m2 s), using clay surface areas determined by EGME (ethylene glycol monoethyl ether) adsorption. When clay surface areas determined by nitrogen absorption (BET, Brunauer–Emmet–Teller method) were used for normalization, the rates of Mg release were in the range from 1.0 10 14 to 5.5 10 14 mol Mg/ (m2 s). The differences in release rate of Mg among the palygorskite samples were due to differences in chemical composition. The release rate of Mg increased with Mg content in the clays (Figure 1). A question arises on what surface area is important for the reaction kinetics of palygorskite dissolution and thus for the rate normalization. The BET method determines only external surfaces of palygorskite because N2 molecules do not penetrate significantly into the intracrystalline channels. However, EGME molecules can partially penetrate into the tunnels and channels in a manner similar to their penetration between smectite layers. The surface area of palygorskite obtained by EGME adsorption, however, is still much lower than the theoretical value (Neaman and Singer, 2000a).
1. Herein and below, ‘standard palygorskite (or smectite or montmorillonite or kaolinite or illite) clays’ are defined as clays obtained from deposits, in which palygorskite (or smectite or montmorillonite or kaolinite or illite, respectively) is the major mineral phase and differs from ‘soil clays’, which contain a mixture of minerals.
The Effects of Palygorskite
Mg release rate (mol Mg/(m2 s) ´ 10−14)
Surface area determined by EGME 1.5
1.0 Mg-rich montm.
0.0 2
Mg content in the clay, % B
Mg release rate (mol Mg/(m2 s) ´ 10−14)
Surface area determined by BET
4.0 Mg-rich montm. 2.0
0.0 2
6 Mg content in the clay, %
FIGURE 1 Release rate of Mg from palygorskite (black squares) and Mg-rich montmorillonite (open squares). Rates are expressed on the basis of the clay surface areas determined by (A) ethylene glycol monoethyl ether (EGME) adsorption and (B) nitrogen absorption (BET, Brunauer– Emmet–Teller equation). After Neaman and Singer (2000a).
With regards to the dissolution mechanism of palygorskite, Gonzalez et al. (1989) suggested that dissolution starts at the openings of the channels and propagates inside the fibres. Corma et al. (1987), however, argued that palygorskite dissolution takes place mostly at the external surfaces with practically no dissolution inside the channels. However, these arguments were based on indirect evidences. We are unaware of a study on direct observation of the dissolution mechanism of palygorskite using modern techniques, such as atomic force microscopy in the study of Bickmore et al. (2001) on the dissolution mechanism of smectites. Thus, it is difficult to decide on what surface area is important for the reaction kinetics of palygorskite dissolution and thus for the rate normalization.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
Since smectite is always present in the clay fraction of palygorskitecontaining soils and may also release Mg into soil solution, Neaman and Singer (2000a) examined the dissolution of Mg-rich montmorillonite as well. The release rate of Mg from this montmorillonite was of 1.9 10 15 mol Mg/ (m2 s) when normalized by the EGME surface area and of 1.5 10 14 mol Mg/(m2 s) when normalized by the BET surface area. Thus, Mg release rate from the Mg-rich montmorillonite was lower than that from palygorskites (Figure 1). Again, a question arises on what surface area is important for the reaction kinetics of smectite dissolution and thus for the rate normalization. The BET surface area of smectite represents external surface only (Tournassat et al., 2003) while the EGME surface area represents both external and interlayer surfaces (Rather-Zohar et al., 1983). However, direct observation of the dissolution mechanism of smectites using atomic force microscopy (Bickmore et al., 2001) indicates that smectites dissolve mainly at the edges while the basal (001) surfaces remain unreactive. Therefore, it may be more appropriate to normalize the dissolution rate of smectite to the edge surface area, which is represented neither by the BET nor by the EGME surface areas and needs to be determined by other methods (Tournassat et al., 2003). Thus, it is difficult to compare accurately the release rate of Mg from the Mg-rich montmorillonite with that from palygorskites. Another question that arises is whether the Mg release rate from standard palygorskite clays is applicable for that from palygorskite-containing soil clays. To elucidate this question, Neaman and Singer (2000b) determined Mg release from some palygorskite–smectite–kaolinite-containing soil clays from which carbonates, iron oxides, and organic matter had been removed. Palygorskite was suggested to be the only significant source of Mg released from the soil clays studied. The release rate of Mg from soil clays was in the range from 2.2 10 15 to 7.5 10 15 mol Mg/(m2 s) when normalized by the EGME surface area. In other words, it was similar to that from standard palygorskites. Thus, when palygorskite-containing soils are involved in irrigation practices, release of Mg will occur from palygorskite into soil solution. Magnesium as an exchangeable cation, in turn, is known to decrease aggregate stability and to enhance the dispersivity of the soil clay fractions (Dontsova and Norton, 2002; Keren, 1991; Shainberg et al., 1988; Zhang and Norton, 2002), which is not desirable for soil management under irrigation. However, magnesium as a dissolved cation is known to reduce phosphorus (P) fixation on calcite, increase desorption of P sorbed on calcite, and inhibit formation of Ca–phosphates (Shariatmadari and Mermut, 1999). The authors suggested that the inhibitory effect of Mg on the sorption of P by calcite results mainly from its interference with the formation of Ca–phosphates complexes and, therefore, the precipitation of Ca–phosphate.
The Effects of Palygorskite
Shariatmadari and Mermut (1999) also reported that desorption of P from sepiolite–calcite mixture far exceeded that from montmorillonite–calcite mixture (Figure 2). The authors attributed it to a high concentration of Mg in the solution due to Mg release from sepiolite. Although sepiolite contains more Mg than palygorskite, sepiolite in soils has been reported from only a few locations (Singer, 2002). The presence of palygorskite as a slow-release source of Mg can improve P availability in calcareous soils. However, if dolomite would be present in the soil, presence of palygorskite would be of less importance with regard to Mg release into soil solution. This is because the release rate of Mg from dolomite [5 10 8 mol Mg/(m2 s), at pH 7, Chou et al., 1989] exceeds greatly that from palygorskite.
3. POINT OF ZERO CHARGE OF THE PALYGORSKITE SURFACE Point of zero charge (PZC) is the measure of relative affinity of Hþ and OH for amphoteric mineral surfaces. The PZC is the pH at which surface negative charge equals surface positive charge. At the PZC, not only cation and anion exchange capacities are equal in magnitude, but also the ability of the surface to adsorb ions of either charge is at a minimum (McBride, 1994). Also, aggregation of soil particles may also be sensitive to the PZC. Colloidal particles tend to disperse when possess relatively high surface charge, either positive or negative. Palygorskite carries a negative charge on the basal surface of the fibres resulting from isomorphous substitution (Singer, 2002). The degree of the isomorphous substitution is low, so the magnitude of the permanent surface 4
Desorbed P (cmol kg−1)
Sep–CaCO3 3
0 0
Equilibrium P concentration (mg L
FIGURE 2 Desorption of P from sepiolite–calcite and montmorillonite–calcite mixtures. After Shariatmadari and Mermut (1999).
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
negative charge and the cation exchange capacity of palygorskite are quite low. Because this charge is intrinsic to the layer structure, its sign and magnitude are independent of pH. Structurally, palygorskite consists of alternation of blocks and tunnels that grow along the length of the fibre. Each structural block is composed of a central octahedral sheet sandwiched between two discontinuous tetrahedral sheets of silica. Due to the discontinuity of the silica sheets, silanol groups (SiOH) are present on the surface of the fibre. These groups are located at the edges of the tunnels acceding to the external surface of the silicate. Silanol groups are formed as a result of broken SiOSi bonds at external surfaces balancing their residual charge by accepting either protons or hydroxyl groups to form SiOH groups (Gala´n, 1996). The silanol groups at external surfaces of palygorskite can be protonated and deprotonated under acid and alkaline pH conditions, respectively. At the PZC, the surface is essentially uncharged, while at pH values above and below the PZC, it will be negatively and positively charged, respectively. The plots of electrophoretic mobility versus pH at different concentrations of electrolyte intersect at pH 4.1 (Figure 3). This intersect represents the PZC of the palygorskite surface. The change of electrophoretic mobility per pH unit is greater under alkaline than that under acid conditions. The magnitude of the positive charge under acid conditions is relatively low. As discussed below, these charge characteristics of palygorskite surface have important implications of particle arrangement in palygorskite suspensions and its rheological properties.
1.0 PZC Electrophoretic mobility (10–4 cm2 V–1 sec–1)
0.0 0
Electrolyte concentration DW 0.001 N NaCl
0.01 N NaCl −3.0 −4.0 pH
FIGURE 3 Relationship between pH and electrophoretic mobility at different electrolyte concentrations for Na-palygorskite from the Negev. The intersect at pH 4.1 represents the point of zero charge (PZC) of the palygorskite surface. After Neaman and Singer (2000c).
The Effects of Palygorskite
4. RHEOLOGY OF STANDARD PALYGORSKITE SUSPENSIONS Hydraulic conductivity—the ability of soil to conduct water within its volume— is an important factor in soil management under irrigation. Hydraulic conductivity is not a property of the soil alone but rather depends on both the soil pore geometry (permeability) and the fluidity of the permeating phase (Hillel, 1998). When the electrolyte concentration in the percolating solution in the soil is below the clay flocculation value (FV), clay dispersion occurs and flow of solution in the soil changes to flow of clay suspension. Under such conditions, hydraulic conductivity of the soil decreases sharply (Keren and Ben-Hur, 2003; Pupisky and Shainberg, 1979). This decrease in soil hydraulic conductivity is related to the change in the attributes of both the soil and the permeating phase. On one hand, some of the dispersed clay particles can be trapped into the pores and thus change the soil pore geometry (Keren and Ben-Hur, 2003; Lado et al., 2007). On the other hand, clay particles increase significantly the viscosity of the flowing suspension (Keren, 1988; Shainberg and Otoh, 1968) and, therefore, decrease its fluidity (which is the reciprocal of viscosity). Rheology is a science of flow of matter. Knowledge of factors affecting rheological properties of soil clay suspensions is, therefore, essential for understanding of mechanisms of water and solid-particle transfer through the soil profile. The rheological characteristics of clay suspensions can be used to evaluate particle–particle interactions. When particle–particle interactions occur, causing non-Newtonian flow, the suspension viscosity undergoes changes with flow velocity. Although there have been many studies on the rheological behaviour of suspensions of standard clays, studies on the rheology of suspensions of mixed clays and soil clays remain limited. The rheological properties of mixed clay and soil clay suspensions are, therefore, not yet fully understood. Neaman and Singer (2000c) investigated the rheology of aqueous suspensions of six standard palygorskites of different origins with different particle morphologies. Suspensions of 3% (w/v) Na-saturated palygorskites at pH 7 exhibit non-Newtonian flow that is characterized by a change in viscosity with changes in shearing rate (Figure 4). Specifically, there was a progressive decline in viscosity as shear rate increased that is characteristic of pseudoplastic behaviour (van Olphen, 1977). Pseudoplastic flow of colloid suspensions can be described by the Bingham model (Gu¨ven, 1992). According to this model, the slope of the linear part of the flow curve is referred to as ‘plastic viscosity’, and the intercept of the linear portion of the curve with the stress axis is referred to as ‘Bingham yield’. For all studied palygorskite samples, the flow curves become linear at shearing rates 250–1000 s 1. Another rheological characteristic is ‘apparent viscosity’ that is defined as shear stress/shear rate ratio at any shear rate. Here, apparent viscosity was obtained at a shear rate of 1000 s 1.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
14 Sample location
Shear stress (Pa)
Georgia Florida
Negev Yucatan
Mt. Flinders 6
Mt. Grainger
4 2 0 0
400 600 Shear rate, s–1
FIGURE 4 Flow curves of 3% (w/v) suspensions of Na-palygorskites at pH 7. After Neaman and Singer (2000c).
The differences in flow curves between different samples (Figure 4) are related to the ellipticity of individual palygorskite fibres. The ellipticity of fibres is defined as L/W ratio where L is the length and W is the width of the fibres. Plastic viscosity, Bingham yield value, and apparent viscosity of palygorskite suspensions are linearly related to the ellipticity of the fibres (Figure 5). The rheological characteristics of the Georgia and Florida palygorskite suspensions, however, are much higher than would be predicted from the ellipticity, due to the presence of smectite impurities. Ellipsoids are oriented during the flow with respect to the flow direction (Gu¨ven, 1992). The amount of dissipated energy required for orientation, and hence, the viscosity of the fluid, increases with the ellipticity of the particles. As discussed below, individual fibres of palygorskite in suspension are associated to each other by faces. The intimacy of association, and hence, Bingham yield value, increases with fibre length due to an increase in the area of the contact. Neaman and Singer (2000c) concluded that the models developed to explain the rheological behaviour of platy clay minerals did not always account for the behaviour of palygorskite, because of differences in particle morphology and surface structure. These differences are exemplified below. The particle arrangement in palygorskite suspensions at low pH values deviates from that in kaolinite and montmorillonite suspensions. The concept of faceto-face, edge-to-face and edge-to-edge type associations in suspension of platy clay minerals (such as montmorillonite and kaolinite) was first proposed by Hofmann and Hausdorf (1945) and developed further by van Olphen (1977). Electrostatic attractive forces between the positively charged edges and negatively charged faces result in edge-to-face particle associations in kaolinite suspensions at pH values below the PZC (Rand and Melton, 1975, 1977).
Plastic viscosity (mPa s)
The Effects of Palygorskite
5 Georgia
y = 0.052x + 0.7472 R 2 = 0.9296
2 1 0 0
B 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bingham yield value (Pa)
Georgia Florida
y = 0.1489x – 1.6733 R 2 = 0.9622
C 14 Apparent viscosity (mPa s)
12 Florida
10 8 y = 0.1986x – 0.9246 R 2 = 0.9723
6 4 2 0 0
Ellipticity (L/W) of the fibers FIGURE 5 Effect of ellipticity of fibres on plastic viscosity (A), Bingham yield value (B) and apparent viscosity (C) of 3% (w/v) suspensions of Na-palygorskites at pH 7. After Neaman and Singer (2000c).
In montmorillonite suspensions, in turn, edge-to-edge association is the primary mode of particle interactions at low pH values (Keren, 1988, 1989). In contrast, domains of parallel-oriented fibres were arranged by face-to-face contacts (Figure 6A and B) in palygorskite suspension at pH 3, a value that is below the PZC of the mineral surface. This particle arrangement may be due to low magnitude of net electrostatic charge of the surface at pH 3 (Figure 3) that allows the van der
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1 µm
1 µm
1 µm
1 µm
FIGURE 6 Scanning electron micrographs of Na-palygorskite from the Negev showing differences in arrangement of fibres in suspension between low and high pH values. (A) and (B) pH 3 at different magnifications, (C) and (D) pH 10 at different magnifications. After Neaman and Singer (2000c).
Waals attraction to predominate over electrostatic repulsion. Thus, at low pH values, the models of particle arrangement in the suspension of platy clays do not account for the behaviour of palygorskite suspensions because of differences in surface structure and particle morphology. At high pH values, however, the particle arrangement in palygorskite suspension was similar to that in montmorillonite and kaolinite suspensions. The net electrostatic charge of palygorskite surface is high at pH 10 (a value that is well above the PZC of the mineral surface). Under these conditions, the single palygorskite fibres repel each other and no domains are formed in the suspension (Figure 6C and D), similar to kaolinite and montmorillonite suspensions.
The Effects of Palygorskite
Palygorskite has a wide range of industrial applications, one of which is its usage as drilling muds. Palygorskite muds have the advantage over other clays (such as smectite) in being less sensitive to salts, remaining relatively constant even at high electrolyte concentrations (Gala´n, 1996). In agreement with this industrial experience, plastic viscosity and Bingham yield value of palygorskite suspensions were only slightly affected by electrolyte addition in the pH range below 7. The same characteristics, however, were significantly influenced by electrolyte addition at pH > 9 (Figure 7). At pH 7, palygorskite fibres form micro-aggregates because the magnitude of the negative surface charge is low and van der Waals attraction predominates over electrostatic repulsion. The addition of electrolytes
Plastic viscosity (mPa s)
Electrolyte concentration
DW 0.001 N NaCl 0.01 N NaCl 0.1 N NaCl
0 0 B
Bingham yield value (Pa)
4 Electrolyte concentration 3 DW 0.001 N NaCl 0.01 N NaCl 0.1 N NaCl
2 1 0 0
−1 pH FIGURE 7 The effect of electrolyte addition on plastic viscosity (A) and Bingham yield value (B) of 3% (w/v) suspensions at different pH values for Na-palygorskite from the Negev. DW = distilled water. After Neaman and Singer (2000c).
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increases the plastic viscosity and the Bingham yield value by compressing the electrical double layers, thus lowering the energy barrier to van der Waals attraction. The influence of electrolyte addition is slight, because the initial magnitude of the negative surface charge is low and electrostatic repulsion is weak (Figure 3). At pH 9, the fibres of palygorskite tend to repel each other since the magnitude of the negative surface charge is high. As a result, individual fibres of palygorskite can move independently under flow. The addition of electrolyte to palygorskite suspensions at pH 9 significantly increases the plastic viscosity and Bingham yield value due to coagulation of the system.
5. RHEOLOGY OF PALYGORSKITE-CONTAINING SOIL CLAY SUSPENSIONS A question arises if models of particle–particle interactions proposed for standard palygorskite clays are applicable for palygorskite-containing soil clays. Since smectite is always present in the clay fraction of palygorskitecontaining soils, Neaman and Singer (2000d) studied the rheology of mixed palygorskite–montmorillonite suspensions. Addition of montmorillonite to palygorskite suspensions did affect the rheological behaviour of the system. The degree of interaction between palygorskite and montmorillonite particles depended on the montmorillonite concentration in the mixture (Figure 8). Small (up to 10%) montmorillonite additions increased the rheological parameters (plastic viscosity and Bingham yield value). Increased additions (10–20%) of montmorillonite, however, decreased the rheological parameters. At even larger montmorillonite additions, in the range of 20–40%, the suspensions showed nearly Newtonian flow, with a plastic viscosity equal to the initial value of pure palygorskite suspension. Thus, at montmorillonite concentrations of 20–40% in the mixture, the interactions between palygorskite and montmorillonite particles were negligible, possibly because palygorskite and montmorillonite prevent each other from forming a three-dimensional network structure in the suspension. Additions of montmorillonite over 40% increase sharply the rheological parameters of the suspensions. The rheology of some palygorskite–smectite–kaolinite-containing soil clays also was studied (Neaman, 2000). Although soil clays differ considerably from each other in clay particle morphology and predominant clay mineral composition, no significant differences were found in the rheological behaviour of the suspensions among the clays. All suspensions exhibited Newtonian flow even at high (10% w/v) suspension concentrations suggesting that the number of linkages between clay particles was negligible. These results suggest that a three-dimensional network structure does not form in suspensions of soil clays, possibly because different clay minerals prevent each other in doing it, analogous to palygorskite–montmorillonite mixtures. The presence of primary minerals (such as quartz and feldspar) in
The Effects of Palygorskite
Plastic viscosity (mPa s)
9 Sample location
8 7
Mt. Grainger Mt. Flinders Yucatan
6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0
Bingham yield value (Pa)
3 2.5 Sample location 2 Mt. Grainger Mt. Flinders Yucatan
1.5 1 0.5 0 0
Percentage of montmorillonite in the mixture FIGURE 8 Effect of montmorillonite concentration on plastic viscosity (A) and Bingham yield value (B) of mixed suspensions of Na-saturated palygorskite and montmorillonite at a total clay concentration of 3% (w/v) and pH 7. After Neaman and Singer (2000d).
the clay fraction of the soil may also play some role in preventing the network structure formation in the suspension. Zhao et al. (1991) reported that the particle arrangement in three suspensions of soil clays, in which kaolinite, montmorillonite and illite were predominant clay minerals, was similar to that in suspensions of standard kaolinite, montmorillonite and illite, respectively. Above-mentioned results of Neaman (2000) show, however, that the rheological behaviour of soil clay suspensions is complex and cannot be predicted from that of suspensions of standard clays that appear in the soil clay fraction. In the particular case of the studied soils, the flow of clay suspensions in the soil profile is not expected to affect significantly the hydraulic conductivity of the soils, as the clay suspensions have low viscosity and exhibit Newtonian flow even at high (10% w/v) solid concentrations in the suspension.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
6. FLOCCULATION OF PALYGORSKITE-CONTAINING CLAYS Flocculation of clays has received much attention because of its effect on the physical behaviour of soil. FV is the minimum electrolyte concentration necessary to flocculate a given colloid dispersion in a given time (van Olphen, 1977). Neaman and Singer (1999) investigated flocculation of standard palygorskites, palygorskite–montmorillonite mixtures and palygorskite-containing soil clays. The flocculation of the clays was determined visually by settling after 24 h of standing in a series of test tubes (Figure 9A). The FV of Na-saturated palygorskites at near neutral pH was found to be significantly lower than that of Na-saturated montmorillonite from Wyoming. The FVs of four standard palygorskites of different origins were in the range from 0.2 to 2.5 cmolc/L NaCl, and the FV of Na-montmorillonite was 13.3 cmolc/L NaCl at near A Palygorskite, Florida (PF1-1), 0.066% (w/v) suspensions 1
B Palygorskite, Florida (PF1-1), 0.666% (w/v) suspensions 1
FIGURE 9 Flocculation test shows the Florida palygorskite suspensions after 24 h of standing and effect of clay concentration on settling of clay particles. Clay concentration: (A) 0.066% and (B) 0.666%. NaCl concentrations: (1) 0, (2) 0.3, (3) 1.7, (4) 3.3, (5) 6.7, (6) 8.3 cmolc/L. After Neaman and Singer (1999).
The Effects of Palygorskite
neutral pH values. The low FV of palygorskite is related to its low degree of isomorphic substitution and to its low negative surface charge (Figure 3). FVs of palygorskite–montmorillonite mixtures at near neutral pH values increased with montmorillonite percentage in the mixture. At a specific concentration of montmorillonite in the mixture (in the range of 40–60%), the FV of the system attains the FV of pure montmorillonite and does not change with further montmorillonite addition. FVs of three palygorskite– smectite–kaolinite-containing soil clays (from which carbonates, iron oxides and organic matter had been removed) at near neutral pH values were the same as FV of standard montmorillonite. Studies by Goldberg and Glaubig (1987) for kaolinite–montmorillonite mixtures as well as the above-mentioned results of Neaman and Singer (1999) indicate that smectite has a dispersive effect on both kaolinite and palygorskite. Thus, presence of palygorskite in the clay fraction of soils that also contain smectite does not influence the FV of the soil clay. The industrial experience of less sensitivity to salts of palygorskite drilling muds in comparison to smectite muds (Gala´n, 1996) suggests that the FV of palygorskite is higher than that of smectite. Above-mentioned data indicate, however, that the FV of palygorskite at near neutral pH is significantly lower than that of montmorillonite. This apparent contradiction can be explained by the difference in the sedimentation rates of palygorskite particles at different clay concentrations. Only very diluted suspensions (< 0.1%) can be used for FV measurements of palygorskite using flocculation series tests. Settling in the suspension of 0.066% was observed after 24 h of standing, but this did not occur in the 0.666% suspension (Figure 9). Likewise, Dixon and Golden (1990) described the problem of dewatering and sedimentation of palygorskite–smectite suspensions that are waste products in phosphate mining areas in Florida. The sedimentation of these clays proceeds at a very slow pace even in saline environments. Two parts of the flocculation process can be distinguished: (1) association between the individual particles and formation of flocculi (coagulation) and (2) settling of flocculi formed, under gravity. Although coagulation also occurs in concentrated (> 0.1%) palygorskite suspension with salt addition, the flocculi formed cannot settle down under gravity (Figure 9B) due, most probably, to formation of a three-dimensional network structure or ‘scaffolding structure’ throughout the mass of the suspension (van Olphen, 1977). In industrial applications, concentrated palygorskite suspensions are used. Electrolyte addition to such suspensions causes coagulation of the fibres that, in turn, increases viscosity of the suspension. At pH < 7, the influence of electrolyte addition on the viscosity of palygorskite suspensions is slight (Figure 7), because the initial magnitude of the surface charge is low and electrostatic repulsion is weak (Figure 3).
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
Thus, low FVs of dilute palygorskite suspensions and low rheological susceptibility of concentrated palygorskite suspensions to salts known from industry are not contradictory. This apparent contradiction can be explained by the difference in the sedimentation rates of palygorskite particles at different clay concentrations.
7. EFFECT OF PALYGORSKITE ON DISAGGREGATION AND COLLOID MIGRATION IN SOILS The forces leading to particle disruption can be of physical and/or chemical nature. The resistance of aggregates to mechanical stress depends on the intensity of the forces between the particles. Mechanical action will release soil components that are aggregated by very loose bonds only or not at all. Chemical dispersion, however, will disrupt firm bonds. For chemical dispersion to be effective, the exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) value should exceed 5, and the electrolyte concentration of the solution should be lower than the FV of the clays (Sumner, 1993). Disaggregation is defined as the separation of an individual particle from an aggregate and its lack of re-aggregation within a short time-interval. Disaggregation, accordingly, is a response to a predominantly physical disruptive process and differs from dispersion, which arises predominantly from chemical factors (Bu¨hmann et al., 1996). Neaman et al. (1999) examined the influence of clay mineralogy on disaggregation in some palygorskite–smectite–kaolinite-containing soils of the Jordan and Bet-She’an Valleys, Israel. The soils used in that study had low ESP values (< 5). The disaggregation potential of different minerals in the soil clay fraction was investigated by determining the differences in the mineral composition between the bulk and the disaggregated clay fractions. By shaking the soil with distilled water, calcite, dolomite, feldspar and palygorskite were disaggregated preferentially. Palygorskite was found to be the most strongly disaggregated mineral among the phyllosilicates that appear in the soil clay fraction. The differences in the disaggregation potential between various clay minerals can be explained in terms of the degree of clay aggregation in soils and the intensity of the binding forces between different clays. Smectite and kaolinite, when saturated with Ca, are known to form aggregates (Banin and Lahav, 1968; Dixon, 1977), which are stable to mechanical action, at least at ESP < 5. Scanning electron microscopy observations indicate that palygorskite fibres did not associate into aggregates in soils and suspensions, even when saturated with Ca ions (Figure 10). As a consequence, palygorskite was easily disaggregated following mechanical stress. Observations in the above-mentioned study of Neaman et al. (1999) can be applied to rain-fed agriculture or irrigation with high quality water, which has a low sodium adsorption ratio (SAR). In most cases, however, water used for
The Effects of Palygorskite
FIGURE 10 Scanning electron micrographs showing the aggregation of palygorskite in suspension of Ca-saturated soil clays at pH 8. (A) Bulk clay fraction, (B) clay fraction released by a disaggregation test. Fibrous particle up to 1.5 mm long and 0.25 mm wide can be identified. The average length and diameter of palygorskite fibres are known to be in the range of 1–2 and 0.1–0.25 mm, respectively. The fibrous particles observed can be, therefore, defined as individual palygorskite fibres. After Neaman et al. (1999).
irrigation in arid areas has relatively high SAR. For this reason, Neaman et al. (2000) have investigated the migration of fine particle within columns of Na-saturated soil–sand mixtures (containing 10% or 20% of soil). Again, palygorskite was found to be the most mobile mineral among the phyllosilicates. The observation that palygorskite has the strongest disaggregation potential and the highest ability to migrate within the soil among the phyllosilicates suggests that palygorskite particles are likely to move preferentially over smectite and kaolinite downwards in the soil profile, and eventually to clog soil pores. Khademi and Mermut (1999) also reported the eluviation of palygorskite from topsoil and its entrapment by the pedogenic carbonate in the subsurface horizons. Disaggregation and migration of palygorskite from the surface-soil during rainfall and/or irrigation may have an effect on the degree of erosion as well.
8. PALYGORSKITE-CEMENTED CRUSTS (PALYCRETES) Duripan (Soil Survey Staff, 1999) is among the most common surface phenomena that affected ancient and modern landscapes. Essentially, duripans are composed of course-grained mineral material cemented together by matrix materials such as carbonates, silicates or iron oxides. Common duripans in dry
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
areas are calcretes and silcretes. Duripans, in which the cementing material was dominantly composed of palygorskite, have been described recently by Meyer and Pena dos Reis (1985), Wright et al. (1993), Rodas et al. (1994) and Stahr et al. (2000). These duripans were tentatively named palycretes. Stahr et al. (2000) suggested that palycretes were formed under a semi-arid, seasonal climate, where strong evaporative processes were active. The authors reported that palygorskite has been eliminated from modern soils developed on the palycrete, indicating that conditions favourable for palygorskite stability had been mainly confined in time when the palycrete had been formed. Palycretes act the way other duripans do in negatively effecting agricultural cultivation practices. Where palycretes occur close to the surface, growth of trees is severely impeded. Palycretes also reduce water permeability of the soils, creating conditions of water-logging that necessitate drainage installation.
9. MECHANISMS OF METAL SORPTION ON PALYGORSKITE Metal contamination of soils has become a worldwide concern because of its potential effects on plant growth and human health. Sorption and desorption of metals on/from soil constituents are of particular interest because these processes determine the mobility and bioavailability of metals in the environment. Sorption is a general term used when the retention mechanism at a surface is unknown (Sparks, 2003). Adsorption and surface precipitation are examples of sorption. In order to elucidate the mechanism involved in the sorption process of Cd on palygorskite, Shirvani et al. (2006a) determined the amounts of magnesium and proton released to the equilibrium solution during the sorption process.
7.6 y = −0.0202x + 7.4812 R2 = 0.958
Equilibrium pH
7.2 0
Cd sorbed (µmol g−1) FIGURE 11 Effect of Cd sorption on the equilibrium pH of the palygorskite suspension. After Shirvani et al. (2006a).
The Effects of Palygorskite
22 y = 0.9819x + 11.315 R 2 = 0.941
Mg released (µ moles g−1)
20 18 16 14 12 10 0
4 6 Cd sorbed (µ moles g−1)
FIGURE 12 Effect of Cd sorption on the Mg release from palygorskite. After Shirvani et al. (2006a).
The increase observed in the amounts of Mg2þ and Hþ released with the increase in the amount of Cd sorbed (Figures 11 and 12) suggests two possible sorption mechanisms. The first mechanism is replacement of Mg2þ at the edges of the octahedral layer by Cd2þ. The second mechanism is inner-sphere adsorption of Cd2þ by the functional groups of the mineral and subsequent release of Hþ. However, the authors stated that surface precipitation is another possible mechanism of Cd sorption on palygorskite. In order to elucidate further the mechanism of Cd sorption on palygorskite, Shirvani et al. (2006b) studied isotherms of Cd sorption–desorption on/ from palygorskite. The sorption and desorption reactions did not provide the same isotherms (Figure 13). The authors suggested that inner-sphere adsorption and nucleation might have caused the observed hysteresis. In adsorption, isolated site binding is the dominant sorption process. Nucleation refers to a metal loading on the surface greater than in adsorption. Further increase in metal loading results in surface precipitation (Sparks, 2003). The observed sorption irreversibility (Figure 13) is generally the result of incomplete desorption experiment due to the slow kinetics involved. Shirvani et al. (2006b) suggested that the extent of desorption irreversibility largely depends on the mechanisms involved in the sorption process. The sorption irreversibility observed by the authors is of particular interest because desorption of the sorbed metal ions from the solid phase actually controls the availability and leachability of these ions in soils.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
Cd sorbed (µ mol g−1)
10 8 6 4 2 0 0
Cd in solution (µM) FIGURE 13 Cadmium sorption isotherms (♦) and desorption isotherms at three initial Cd loads of 40% (D), 70% (□), and 100% (◊) of the mineral maximum sorption capacity. Lines are Freundlich model predictions of sorption and desorption. After Shirvani et al. (2006b).
10. USE OF PALYGORSKITE FOR METAL IMMOBILIZATION IN SOILS A number of techniques have been developed to remediate metal-contaminated soils. In situ immobilization (or fixation) of metals can be defined as a reduction of the metal concentration in the soil solution by adding an amendment to the soil, leaving the soil porous structure intact (Oste et al., 2001). Thus, the metals are not removed from the soil but are transformed to a less soluble form. Reduction of solubility, in turn, reduces the metal mobility in the soil and its availability to plants and soil organisms. ´ lvarez-Ayuso and Garcı´a-Sa´nchez (2003) evaluated the effectiveness A of palygorskite to reduce the mobility of Pb, Cu, Zn and Cd in a soil contaminated by mining activities. The authors kept palygorskite-amended soils and an unamended soil at 70–80% of their water-holding capacity for 4 weeks. Then, they determined the water-soluble and the NH4NO3extractable metal fractions in these soils. Palygorskite showed an immobilizing effect on the metals in the soils. At the palygorskite dose of 4%, the water-soluble Pb, Cu and Cd concentrations turn out to be almost completely immobilized while that of Zn decreased 60.4% with respect to the unamended soil (Figure 14). At this same palygorskite dose, the NH4NO3-extractable concentrations decreased to 91.7% for Pb, 77.0% for Cu, 76.4% for Zn and 47.5% for Cd. When lower palygorskite
The Effects of Palygorskite Water 100
98.1 100
100 100 100
% Immobilized
80 60.4
60 42.2
40 15.6
20 0
NH4NO3 100
91.7 81.3 73.1
% Immobilized
47.5 41.8 36.0
20 0
Cu 1%
Zn 2%
FIGURE 14 Effect of palygorskite addition to a metal-contaminated soil on the metal extract´ lvarez-Ayuso ability. The percentage of retention is with respect to an unamended soil. After A and Garcı´a-Sa´nchez (2003).
doses were applied (1% and 2%), the metal concentrations were also greatly ´ lvarez-Ayuso and reduced (Figure 14). The column studies performed by A Garcı´a-Sa´nchez (2003) also showed a high reduction in the metal leaching (50% for Pb, 59% for Cu, 52% for Zn and 66% for Cd) when a palygorskite was applied at dose of 4%. Thus, palygorskite appeared as an effective amendment to immobilize metals in contaminated soils in this laboratory experiment.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
11. RESEARCH NEEDS Although some progress has been made recently in understanding the effects of palygorskite on chemical and physico-chemical properties of soils, much research remains to be done. Performing some additional studies on disaggregation potential and migration ability of palygorskite under conditions close to those in the field (e.g. soil monoliths with undisturbed structure, using a rain simulator) is strongly desirable. Scanning electron microscopy observations on possible changes in aggregation of palygorskite in soils following intensive irrigation might be useful. Studies of the rheological behaviour of soil clays with different mineralogical composition, and palygorskite-containing soil clays in particular, are strongly encouraged. These studies are expected to be beneficial for improving the understanding of the behaviour of palygorskite in a porous soil environment under irrigated agriculture. The sorption of various organic molecules has been studied on monomineralic and homoionic palygorskite specimens (e.g. Shariatmadari et al., 1999 and references therein), and important information on the sorptive properties of palygorskite has been obtained from these studies (Singer, 2002 and references therein). Likewise, palygorskite can adsorb metal irreversibly and appeared as an effective amendment to immobilize metals in contaminated soils in a laboratory experiment. Further studies would be required to confirm these findings under field conditions. Also, little information is available on how the sorptive behaviour of palygorskite translates into soil properties, when palygorskite constitutes a significant component of the soil clay fraction. Therefore, there is a need to study the fate of various contaminants (both organic and inorganic) in palygorskite-containing soils.
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The Effects of Palygorskite
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Chapter 15
Adsorption of Surfactants, Dyes and Cationic Herbicides on Sepiolite and Palygorskite: Modifications, Applications and Modelling Uri Shuali*, Shlomo Nir* and Giora Rytwo{{ *
Department of Soil Science, The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel { Department of Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Tel-Hai Academic College, Upper Galilee, Israel { MIGAL, Galilee Technology Center, Kyriat Shmona, Israel
1. INTRODUCTION In 1984 was published the book ‘Palygorskite—Sepiolite: Occurrences, Genesis and Uses’ (Singer and Galan, 1984). While working on an update version of the book, Prof. Arieh Singer passed away prematurely. This chapter is dedicated to commemorate his contribution to the sepiolite/ palygorskite research and his legacy. The current chapter focuses on the adsorption of organic molecules, such as surfactants, and the modelling of the adsorption of cationic and neutral surfactants by these clays.
2. SURFACE-RELATED PHYSICO-CHEMICAL PROPERTIES 2.1. Formulae and Chemical Analyses It was suggested that the ideal structural formulae of sepiolite are represented by two models: Si12Mg9O30(OH)6(OH2)46H2O (Nagy and Bradley, 1955) Si12Mg8O30(OH)4(OH2)48H2O (Brauner and Preisinger, 1956) Developments in Clay Science, Vol. 3. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-444-53607-5.00015-3 # 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
More recently, Santaren et al. (1990) suggested a formula based on the Brauner and Preisinger (1956) model: Si12O30Mg8(OH,F)4(H2O)4 8H2O. The ideal structural formula of palygorskite is represented by: Si8Mg5O20(OH)4(OH2)44H2O (Bradley, 1940) These clays are characterized by a porous structure, resulting from repeated inversions of the silicate layer, in which the SiOSi tetrahedrons serve as bridging groups between the alternating ribbons of the alumino–Mg silicates. The SiO bond in the bridging SiOSi group has a double-bond character (Yariv, 1986). The two minerals differ in the frequency of this inversion sepiolite having wider channels than palygorskite (0.37 1.06 vs. 0.37 0.64 nm), respectively (Singer, 1989); Kitayama and Michishita (1981) found in sepiolite pore dimensions of 0.56 1.1 nm. Representative data of chemical analysis are given in Table 1. Recently, Garcia-Romero and Suarez (2010) investigated the chemical composition of the two clays using analytical electron microscopy (AEM). In contrast to the accepted claim that a compositional gap exists between them, in which sepiolite occupies the most magnesic and trioctahedral extreme and palygorskite occupies the most aluminic–magnesic and dioctahedral extreme, their findings show that all intermediate compositions may exist between the two pure extremes.
2.2. Crystallography The cell-unit crystallographic data for these clays are summarized in Table 2. Sepiolite is characterized by a strong X-ray reflection in the 110 plane at ˚ ; the ˚ and a back reflection towards the b axis at d ¼ 27 A d ¼ 12 A ˚ corresponding values for palygorskite are 10.5 and 18 A. The information concerning the X-ray spectra of the two clays was gathered and reported by Caillere and Henin (1972) and Bailey (1980).
2.3. Surface Area and Porosity Based on the models for sepiolite and palygorskite, the calculated specific surface areas are 900 and 815 m2/g, respectively (Serna and van Scoyoc, 1979). The experimental values are significantly smaller than the theoretical ones; they depend on the nature of the test agents and the mathematical model for calculations (Del Rey et al., 1985; Fernandez-Alvarez, 1978), and on the degree of dehydration of the clays (Fernandez-Alvarez, 1978; Jimenez-Lopez et al., 1978). Representative values of measured surface areas are: Sepiolite: 230–320 m2/g. (Dandy, 2006; Radojevic et al., 2002; RuizHitzky and Fripiat, 1976; Serratosa, 1978). Palygorskite: 125–195 m2/g. (Barrer et al., 1954; McCarter et al. 1950).
Adsorption of Surfactants
TABLE 1 Chemical Analyses (%) of Sepiolite and Palygorskite. Palygorskite, Quincy, Florida
Sepiolite, Vallecas, Spain Galan and Castillo (1984)
Campelo et al. (1987)
Shuali (1991)
Nathan (1969a)
Nathan (1969b)
Shuali (1991)
H2O (a)
H2O (b)
n.d, not determined; –, traces, not found. Remarks: H2O (a) corresponds to weight losses at 100 C (Shuali’s results: 180 C); H2O (b) corresponds to weight losses at high temperatures (Shuali’s results: 1000 C).
Shuali (1991) measured their specific surface area at various dehydration temperatures; his results are shown in Table 3. The porosity spectrum of sepiolite or palygorskite is attributed to the contribution of two sources: (a) External porosity resulting from the inter-fibres/bundles spaces; the ˚. effective diameters of these pores are > 15 A (b) Structural porosity resulting from the repeated inversions of the silicate layer: The two minerals differ in the frequency of this inversion, sepiolite having wider channels than palygorskite (0.37 1.06 vs. 0.37 0.64 nm, ˚. respectively; Singer, 1989). Their effective diameters are < 15 A
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
TABLE 2 Cell-Unit Crystallographic Data.
c or c sinb
Nagy and Bradley (1955)
Brauner and Preisinger (1956)
Brindley (1959)
Zvyagin et al. (1963)
Bailey (1980)
Galan (quoted by Jones and Galan, 1988)
Bradley (1940)
Zvyagin et al. (1963) Christ et al. (1969)
5.22 5.24 5.24
Bailey (1980)
18.06 17.87 17.83 17.90
12.72 12.78 12.70
Space Group
95.78 90.96 107
TABLE 3 Specific Surface Areas (m2/g) at Various Dehydration Temperatures. T ( C)
141.5 9.3 213.4 15.8 269.0 21.9
Palygorskite 92.3 6.9
275.3 18.7
220.4 17.3 127.4 6.1
139.4 7.1
158.3 8.3
141.6 7.8
117.2 5.6
108.3 5.6
67.4 5.1
60.8 4.9
T ( C)
176.0 9.9 152.0 8.7
Palygorskite 81.4 6.3
74.5 5.2
Although several authors considered that the internal surface areas of the structural pores are not accessible to branched molecules, it has been shown that intra-pore adsorption of small- and short-branched molecules like pyridine and trimethylpyridine (Shuali, 1991; Shuali et al., 1989) or acetone (Kuang et al., 2006) does occur. Ovarlez et al. (2009) showed that dye molecules as large and hydrophobic as indigo can be incorporated inside sepiolite thus changing dramatically the thermal stability of sepiolite and preventing nanoclay folding.
Adsorption of Surfactants
Based on these findings, Yariv and Cross (2002) suggested a new terminology for the structural porosity which differs between channels and pores: the term ‘pores’ is attributed to vacancies crossing along the clay crystal (boarded by the inverted TOT units and open at the edges), whereas the term ‘channel’ is attributed to vacancies at the edges/broken parts of the clay crystal.
2.4. Adsorption Sites and Ion Exchange Capacity The silanol groups (SiOH) present at external surfaces of the tetrahedral sheet are usually accessible to organic species, acting as neutral adsorption sites (designated N). The ‘N sites’ content of Vallecas–Vicalvaro sepiolite is estimated to be in the order of 0.60 mmol/g (Ruiz-Hitzky, 1974; Ruiz-Hitzky and Fripiat, 1976; Rytwo et al., 1998). Isomorphic substitutions, such as Al3þ for Si4þ, are responsible for the charged adsorption site (P sites) and the cation exchangeability. The reported values for the cation-exchange capacity of palygorskite or sepiolite vary between 0.03 mmol/g (palygorskite) and 0.1– 0.15 mmol/g sepiolite. According to Grim (1968) it is difficult to determine exact values for palygorskite because of existence of montmorillonite impurities. Galan (1987) reported for sepiolite (Vallecas, pangel) CEC of 0.095 meqiv./g clay. Shuali (1991) reported the values 0.061 and 0.076 meqiv./g. (ammonium acetate method) for sepiolite (Vallecas) and palygorskite (Quincy Florida), respectively. Lemic et al. (2005), who studied the modification of sepiolite with various quaternary amines, found that their adsorption capacities, calculated by fitting experimental data to the Langmuir–Freundlich equation, were 324%, 278% and 258% of the CEC for stearylbenzyldimethylammonium (SBDMA; octadecylbenzyldimethylammonium), distearyldimethylammonium (DDA; dioctadecyldimethyl) and hexadecyltrimethylammonium (HDTMA; cetyltrimethylammonium), respectively.
2.5. Thermal Analysis The thermal behaviour and stability of sepiolite and palygorskite were intensively investigated, and results were summarized in several surveys (for instance, Fenoll Hach-ali and Martin Vivaldi, 1968; Singer, 1989). During the heating process, the following changes occur: (a) Loss of adsorbed, bound and zeolitic water. The desorption of bound water occurs in two stages, in which the first one is reversible, and at its end, the clays pass a structural folding (into sepiolite- or palygorskite-anhydride) (b) Dehydroxylation of the clays (c) Collapse of the lattice and transformation into meta-clay state (d) Crystallization into new phases
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
The first three stages are endothermic while the last is exothermic. Shuali (1991), using DTA-TG-DTG-MS and DSC techniques, found in the DTA curve of sepiolite (Vallecas, Spain) four endothermic peaks which were associated with water loss: (a) (b) (c) (d)
135 C 315 and 360 C (two small peaks) in air or 345 C in nitrogen atmosphere 515 C and 825 C
The last endothermic peak was followed by an immediate exothermic peak at 825 C. For palygorskite (Quincy, Florida), he reported the existence of three endothermic peaks which were associated with water loss: (a): 150 C; (b): 265 and 285 C in air and nitrogen atmospheres, respectively; (c): 465 C.
2.6. Infrared Spectroscopy IR spectral data of sepiolites from different sites were reported by van der Marel and Beutelspacher (1976): the characteristic peaks are 503, 534, 784, 1025, 1074, 1200, 3245 and 3620 cm 1. The characteristic peaks for palygorskites are 482, 513, 648, 987, 1037, 1190, 3265, 3540 and 3620 cm 1. Zeolitic water gives rise to absorption bands at 1670, 3250, and 3420 (sepiolites) and 1660, 3290 and 3400 cm 1 (palygorskites). Absorption peaks for bound water in sepiolites or palygorskites are at 3568 and 3625 cm 1 and at 3550 and 3585 cm 1, respectively (Hayashi et al., 1969; Mendelovici, 1973; Prost, 1973, 1975; Serna et al., 1975, 1976, 1977; Serna and van Scoyoc, 1979). Prost and Serna et al. explain that the appearance of two stretching bands in the spectra of bound water is due to the fact that the two water molecules, which are bound to the octahedral cation exposed to the pores, are not identical. The clayey properties of sepiolite and palygorskite (relatively high surface area, existence of the ‘N’- and ‘P sites’ and the thermal stability) together with, acidic nature and molecular-sieving ability due to the structural pores/ channels, enable their use as excellent substrates for adsorption of neutral organic molecules and organic cations (Alvarez, 1984; Shuali, 1991).
3. SURFACE MODIFICATIONS OF SEPIOLITE BY SURFACTANTS—LITERATURE SURVEY The interactions between clay minerals and surfactants (e.g., quaternary amines, organic dyes, silanes), which change the chemical nature of the clayey matter, have been widely investigated and reviewed during the past two decades (e.g., Yariv and Cross, 2002). Sepiolite and palygorskite, which
Adsorption of Surfactants
have large surface areas, zeolitic-like porous structure and a moderate cationexchange capacity (0.03–0.15 meqiv./g clay), have been found suitable for such treatments. A representative list of studies dealing with the modifications of these two clays, and their utilization in slow-release pesticide-formulations or remediation of polluted water, is given in Tables 4 and 5. The formation of organically modified sepiolite or palygorskite is carried out by applying the surfactants as monomers, micelles or liposomes, using the same techniques employed for the treatment of other clays, (e.g., Arrma¨ zcan et al., 2007; O ¨ zdemir et al., 2007; gan et al., 2003; Lemic et al., 2005; O Rytwo et al., 1998; Sanchez-Martin et al., 2006; Yildiz and Gu¨r, 2007). Rytwo et al. (2000, 2002) found that the adsorption on sepiolite of divalent organic cations (e.g., paraquat, diquat, methyl green) was between 100% and 140% of the CEC, and adsorption of monovalent organic cations (Rytwo et al., 1998) reached more than 400% of the CEC. They proposed that in the case of the divalent organic cations there is almost no interaction with the neutral sites. In contrast monovalent organic cations are mainly bound to the ‘N sites’. Arrmagan et al. (2003) who investigated the adsorption of negatively charged azo dyes on natural sepiolite and hexadecyltrimethylammonim (HDTMA) modified sepiolite, found that the adsorption on the natural clay occurred through electrostatic attraction of the dye molecules onto oppositely charged sites while the adsorption onto the modified clay is governed initially by electrostatic attraction onto the head groups of the already adsorbed quaternary amine. Modified sepiolite yields adsorption capacities of 169, 120 and 108 mg/g for ‘reactive yellow’, ‘reactive black’ and ‘reactive red’, respectively.1 The molecular weights of these dyes were not provided and therefore it is difficult to express the adsorbed amounts in units such as moles per gram for the estimation of the degree of coverage; yet, the adsorbed amount can imply adsorption above the ion exchange capacity (IEC) even if taking values of 800 Da. Characterization of the modified clays was carried out by means of XRD (Dogan et al., 2008; Tartaglione et al., 2008), SEM (Tartaglione et al., 2008) HRTEM (Tartaglione et al., 2008), zeta potential measurements (Alkan et al., 2005a,b; Demirbas et al., 2007; Dogan et al., 2008; Sabah et al., 2007) FTIR (Alkan et al. 2005b) and thermal analysis (Dogan et al., 2008; Lemic et al., 2005).
3.1. Cationic Surfactants Examination of the adsorption of cationic surfactants revealed that the molecules are sorbed in multilayers, with the first layer formed by cation exchange between magnesium and surfactant cations, whereas the other layers are 1. These azo dyes (manufactured by Everlight Chemical Industrial Corporation, Taiwan) are known to contain anionic sulphonate groups.
TABLE 4 Sepiolite Modification by Surfactants. Surface-treatment agents
Dodecylammonium (DDA, DA)
Akc¸ay and Yurdakoc¸ (2000)
Removal of phenoxyalkanoic acid herbicides
Dodecylethyldimethylammonium (DDEDMA)
¨ zcan et al. (2005) O
Adsorption of nitrate ions
¨ zcan (2008) ¨ zcan and O O
Adsorption of Yellow 99
Go¨k et al. (2008)
Adsorption of naphthalene
Cationic surfactants
Dodecyltrimethylammonium (DDTMA)
Hexadecyltrimethylammonium (HDTMA)
Rodriguez-Cruz et al. (2008)
Sorption of fungicides (penconazole and metalaxyl); significance of the long-chain organic cation structure
Sabah and Celik (2002a)
Adsorption mechanism
Arrmagan et al. (2003)
Adsorption of negatively charged azo dyes
Li et al. (2003)
Removal of anionic contaminants Adsorption mechanism
Hexadecyltrimethyl ammonium (HDTMA)
Lemic et al. (2005)
Adsorption capacity and isotherm
Yildiz and Gu¨r (2007)
Adsorption of phenol and chlorophenols
Dihexadecyldimethylammonium (DHDDMA)
Rodriguez-Cruz et al. (2008)
Sorption of fungicides (penconazole and metalaxyl); significance of the long-chain organic cation structure
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
Hexadecylpyridine (HDPy)
Sabah and Celik (2002a)
Adsorption of pesticides, isotherms
Lemic et al. (2005)
Adsorption capacity and isotherm
Rodriguez-Cruz et al. (2007, 2008)
Sorption of fungicides (penconazole and metalaxyl); significance of the long-chain organic cation structure
del Hoyo et al. (2008)
Physico-chemical study
Lemic et al. (2005)
Adsorption capacity and isotherm
¨ zdemir et al. (2007) O
Effect of adsorption parameters
del Hoyo et al. (2008)
Physico-chemical study
Sanchez-Martin et al. (2008)
Studying the effect of clay structure on adsorption capacity
¨ zdemir et al. (2007) O
Effect of adsorption parameters
del Hoyo et al. (2008)
Physico-chemical study
Rytwo et al. (1998), Shariatmadari et al. (1999)
Calculations estimate the contribution of different adsorption sites capacity
Sanchez-Martin et al. (2008)
Effect of clay structure on adsorption capacity
Rytwo et al. (1998), Shariatmadari et al. (1999)
Calculations estimate the contribution of neutral adsorption sites
Anionic surfactants Sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS)
Sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate (SDBS)
Adsorption of Surfactants
Sanchez-Martin et al. (2003, 2006)
Dioctadecyldimethylammonium (DODDMA)
Octadecyltrimethylammonium (ODTMA)
Neutral Surfactants Triton 100
15 Crown ether 5 (15 C-5)
TABLE 4 Sepiolite Modification by Surfactants.—Cont’d Surface-treatment agents
Rytwo et al. (1998)
Shariatmadari et al. (1999)
Calculations estimate the contribution of different adsorption sites capacity
Eren et al. (2010)
Adsorption, kinetics, thermodynamics
Rytwo et al. (1998)
Calculations estimate the contribution of different adsorption sites capacity
Shariatmadari et al. (1999)
Modelling, contribution of different adsorption sites
Methyl green (MG)
Rytwo et al. (2000, 2002)
Adsorption, modelling
Thioflavin-T (TFT)
Casal et al. (2001)
Photo and thermal stabilization of pesticides (trifluralin, TFT).
Dimethyloctadecylchlorosilane (DMODCS)
Alkan et al. (2005b)
Modification, FTIR, z potential
Dimethyldichlorosilane (DMDCS)
Alkan et al. (2005b)
Modification, FTIR, z potential
Alkan et al. (2005b)
Modification, FTIR, z potential
Demirbas et al. (2007)
Modification, adsorption of ions, electrokinetics
Turan et al. (2008)
Characterisation by FTIR, XRD, thermal analysis
Tartaglione et al. (2008)
Thermal and morphological characterisations, (TGA, SEM, HRTEM)
Cationic Dyes Crystal violet (CV)
Methylene blue (MB)
Triethoxy-3-(2-imidazolin-1-yl) propylsilane
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
Surface-treatment Agents
TABLE 5 Modifications of Palygorskite with Surfactants.
Tetramethylamine (TMA)
Chang et al. (2009)
Anion–cation premodification by quaternary amines and SDS, sorption of p-nitrophenol
Hexadecylpyridine (HDPy)
Rodriguez-Cruz et al. (2008)
Sorption of fungicides (penconazole and metalaxyl); significance of the structure of long-chain organic cation
Hexadecyltrimethylammonium (HDTMA)
Li et al. (2003)
Removal of anionic contaminants
Chen and Zhao (2009)
Removal of congo red
Chang et al. (2009)
Anion–cation modified, sorption of p-nitrophenol
Rodriguez-Cruz et al. (2008)
Sorption of fungicides (penconazole and metalaxyl); significance of the structure of long-chain organic cation
Chang et al. (2009)
Anion–cation modified, sorption of p-nitrophenol
Sanchez-Martin et al. (2003, 2006, 2008)
Sorption of pesticides, isotherms
Rodriguez-Cruz et al. (2007, 2008)
Sorption and retention of pesticides
Huang et al. (2008)
Selective adsorption of tannin from flavonoids
Shariatmadari et al. (1999)
Estimates of the contribution of different adsorption sites
Sanchez-Martin et al. (2008)
Studying the effect of clay structure on adsorption capacity
Shariatmadari et al. (1999)
Studying the contribution of different adsorption sites, modelling
Cationic surfactants
Dihexadecyldimethylammonium (DHDDMA)
Octadecytrimethylammonium (ODTMA)
Adsorption of Surfactants
Neutral Surfactants Triton X
15 Crown ether 5 (15 C-5)
TABLE 5 Modifications of Palygorskite with Surfactants.—Cont’d Surface-treatment Agents
Sanchez-Martin et al. (2008)
Influence of clay structure and surfactant nature
Shariatmadari et al. (1999)
Calculations estimate the contribution of different adsorption sites capacity
Al-Futaisi et al. (2007)
Adsorption isotherms, kinetics
Shariatmadari et al. (1999)
Calculations estimate the contribution of different adsorption sites capacity
Al-Futaisi et al. (2007), Shariatmadari et al. (1999)
Adsorption isotherms, kinetics
Chen and Zhao (2009)
Removal of anionic dye, adsorption kinetics, isothems
Anionic Surfactants Sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS) Cationic Dyes Crystal violet (CV)
Anionic Dyes Congo red
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
Methylene blue (MB)
Adsorption of Surfactants
formed by hydrophobic bonding between surfactant molecules [Lemic et al. (2005) who studied the modification of sepiolite by octadecyltrimethylammonium (applied as monomers or as micelle species), by dioctadecyldimethylammonium and by hexadecyltrimethylammonium]. The large amount of released magnesium ions, compared to the CEC of sepiolite, was attributed to some dissolution of the minerals present. A kinetic study of the adsorption process showed that the adsorption process reached equilibrium in less than 1 h. The thermal behaviour of the modified sepiolite provided evidence for the multilayer adsorption. Similar behaviour was reported by Sabah and Celik (2002a).
3.2. Anionic Surfactants Adsorption isotherms of anionic surfactants exhibit three regions having different slopes. The first region is characterized by the complexation of the anionic surfactants with Mg2þ ions at the octahedral sheet or hydrogen bonding between the oxygen groups of anionic head groups of surfactant and Hþ of the bound or zeolitic water. The second region is characterized by the release of Mg2þ ions and their precipitation; the third region marks both the ¨ zdemir beginning of a plateau and micellar dissolution of the precipitate. (O et al. (2007) studied the modification of sepiolite by sodium dodecylsulphate (SDS) and sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate (SDBS)).
3.3. Neutral Surfactants Adsorption of neutral surfactants (Triton X-100) on sepiolite occurred both on the surface and in the structural channels (del Hoyo et al., 2008 XRD, FTIR and TA techniques). Changes observed in the wave numbers of the OH vibration modes of the clay mineral indicated interactions of surfactant with the silicate through the functional groups of organic compound and the water coordinated to the exchangeable cations of the clay minerals, by ion-dipole or hydrogen bonding. Absorption bands corresponding to CH2 stretching and bending modes of hydrocarbon chain groups of Triton X-100 exhibit shifts to higher wave numbers. These displacements were related by del Hoyo et al. (2008) to a reorganization of the organic molecules when interaction with the adsorbent was established.
3.4. Pesticide Formulations The efficiency of palygorskite and sepiolite, modified with a cationic surfactant (hexadecyltrimethylammonium, ODTMA), in the adsorption of pesticides (penconazole, linuron, alachlor, atrazine and metalaxyl), was compared to that of kaolinite, montmorillonite, muscovite- or illite- modified by ODTMA. Sanchez-Martin et al. (2006) concluded that the efficiency of the ODTMA–clays
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
for adsorption of pesticides depends on the degree of saturation of adsorption of the organic cation. Depending on the clay content soils saturated with ODTMA provide natural barriers for decreasing the mobility of non-ionic pesticides, depending on the degree of hydrophobicity of the pesticides. The significance of the structure of long-chain organic cation in the sorption of pesticides was also investigated by this group of researchers; they compared the efficiency in sorption of the fungicides penconazole and metalaxyl by the above listed clays, modified by ODTMA, hexadecylpyridinium (HDPy) or the two-chain cationic surfactant dihexadecyldimethylammonium (DHDDMA; the bromide salt is also designated in literature as DDAB; Rodriguez-Cruz et al., 2008). The results obtained showed that the DHDDMA clays increased the sorption of the fungicides, depending on the type of clay (i.e., higher for layered than for non-layered clays), and on the fungicide hydrophobicity (higher for penconazole with Kow ¼ 3.72 than for metalaxyl with Kow ¼ 1.75). Modelling of adsorption was studied, for instance, by Rytwo et al. (1998), Shariatmadari (1998), Shariatmadari et al. (1999), Sabah et al. (2002a,b), ¨ zcan et al. (2007). This topic is treated intensively in the next part of the curO rent review.
4. MODEL EQUATIONS The model presented here was developed by Rytwo et al. (1998) for sepiolite. The same approach was described by Shariatmadari et al. (1999) for both sepiolite and palygorskite. In developing the model for adsorption of cations and neutral molecules to sepiolite the guiding information was that, it has an open structure exhibiting a microfibrous morphology with a high specific surface area (ca. 340 m2/g) and a large micropore volume (around 0.44 cm3/ g) due to the existence of intracrystalline cavities (tunnels). Sepiolite with Si12O30Mg8(OH,F)4(H2O)48H2O as unit cell formula (Brauner and Preisinger, 1956; Santaren et al., 1990) is structurally formed by an alternation of blocks and tunnels that grow up in the fibre direction (c axis). Each structural block is constructed by two tetrahedral silica sheets enclosing a central magnesia sheet similarly to other 2:1 silicates, such as talc, albeit in sepiolite there are discontinuities of the silica sheets that give rise to structural tunnels. Such arrangement determines that some silanol groups (SiOH) are present at the border of each block located at the ‘external surface’ of the silicate (Alrichs et al., 1975). These SiOH groups are usually accessible to organic species, acting as neutral adsorption sites (designated as N). The N sites content for the Vallecas–Vicalvaro (Spain) sepiolites can be estimated at about of 0.60 mmol/g (Ruiz-Hitzky, 1974; Ruiz-Hitzky and Fripiat, 1976). Certain isomorphic substitutions in the tetrahedral sheet, such as Al3þ instead of Si4þ, are responsible for the exchangeable cations that are needed to compensate for the electrical charge and constitute the charged
Adsorption of Surfactants
adsorption sites (P sites). The cationic exchange capacity (CEC) for the considered sepiolites is in the range of 0.10–0.15 molc/kg. The model employed (Rytwo et al., 1998) is an extension of that described by Nir (1986) Margulies et al. (1988) and Rytwo et al. (1995), which accounts for the ability of charged organic monovalent cations to adsorb to neutral binding sites on the silicate layer. The rationale for such adsorption stems from analysing results by Alvarez et al. (1987), where adsorption of the neutral molecule Triton X-100 did not release exchangeable Mg2þ to the solution. Consequently, it was deduced that TX-100 adsorbs to neutral sites denoted by N. Let Xiþ denote a monovalent cation that binds to a singly charged negative site, P, on the surface of the silicate, creating the neutral complex PXi: P þ Xiþ , PXi
with a binding coefficient, Ki, which satisfies: Ki ¼
½PXi ð½P ½Xiþ ð0Þ Þ
in which [Xi(0)þ] is the concentration of the cation at the surface. The adsorption of another organic monovalent cation to the neutral complex creates a charged complex P(Xi)2þ: PXi þ Xiþ , PðXiÞþ 2
with a binding coefficient ¼ Ki
½PðXiÞþ 2 ð½PXi½Xiþ ð0Þ Þ
Such reaction was essential to explain adsorption at amounts higher than the CEC of montmorillonite, or its charge reversal (Margulies et al., 1988). When several organic monovalent cations interact with the clay, we can also have the formation of mixed complexes, but this consideration was not essential in this case. The calculations employed the relation: Xið0Þ ¼ XiY0 Zi ;
where Xi(0) is the molar concentration of cation i in its monomeric form close to the mineral layer, Xi is the molar concentration in the equilibrium solution (at infinite distance from the clay), Zie fis the valence of the given ion, Y0 is a 0 Boltzmann factor defined as Y0 ¼ e kT in which the energy is given by the product of the surface potential (’0) by the absolute magnitude of an electronic charge (e). For a negatively charged surface Y0 > 1, and the concentration of the cation at the surface, Xi(0) may be significantly larger than Xi. When charge reversal
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
occurs, the surface potential is positive and Y0 < 1, reducing significantly the concentration of non-adsorbed cations in the double layer region below their equilibrium solution concentration. The excess concentration of cation i in the double layer region above the equilibrium concentration is calculated. The intrinsic binding coefficients, in Equations (2) and (4), were determined for MB (Methylene Blue) and CV (Crystal Violet) in the case of montmorillonite (Rytwo et al., 1995) from adsorption data. The extension of the model for sepiolite is required to consider the reaction N þ Xiþ ¼ NXiþ
with a binding coefficient, Kn, Kn ¼
½NXiþ ð½N½Xiþ ð0Þ Þ
Some organic cations (i.e. MB) can form dimers, trimers and even higherorder aggregates in solution (Cenens and Schoonheydt, 1988; Spencer and Sutter, 1979). Expressions for the general distribution of aggregates (Nir et al., 1983) yield that the total concentration of primary molecules in solution Xit, is given by ½Xit ¼
½Xi ð1 Kag½XiÞ2
in which Kag is the corresponding coefficient (M 1) for aggregation in solution. Aggregation of dye molecules reduces the concentration, Xi, of dye monomers. The adsorption of dimers or higher-order aggregates was ignored, in order to reduce the number of parameters and was not needed for the simulation of the adsorption results. It may be noted that dye aggregation in solution can only have an influence when its total added amounts are above the CEC of the clay, since below the CEC, essentially all the dye is adsorbed (Rytwo et al., 1991, 1995; and results on sepiolite).The total site concentration, PT, equals the sum of concentrations of all sites, free and complexed. In Equation (9) below, the sum on PX0 is the sum of concentrations of all neutral complexes. P P s P PXþ NXþ ¼ P 20 P þ ð9Þ sini P þ PX þ PX2 The Gouy–Chapman equation yields: ekT X 1X s2 ¼ n1 ðY0Zi 1Þ ¼ XiðY0Zi 1Þ 2p G
Adsorption of Surfactants
where e is the dielectric constant of the medium, n1 is the number of molecules of each ion per unit volume in the equilibrium solution, and G depends on T, the Avogadro number, and the system of units (Nir, 1984). For the case of 1, 2, 3 and 4 valent cations, and mono and divalent anions, the combination of Equations (9) and (10) gives a polynomial equation for Y0. The solution has been obtained by numerical procedures. In certain limiting cases of no binding, where all ions have the same valency, analytical solutions are also available. The equations shown form a closed set. Thus, the mass balance of ion i may yield the values Xi, if Y0 and P are known. Equations (9) and (10) may yield P, if the different Xi, complexes and Y0 are known. By introducing the values of the binding coefficients, the equations can be solved iteratively by the following procedure: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
An initial value for Y0 and P is assumed. The values of Xi are calculated by using Equations (1)–(7). A new value of Y0 is obtained by using Equation (9). A new value is obtained for P, by subtracting from PT the bound sites. Another iteration starts from stage 2.
The iteration steps may be continued until the desired degree of convergence is reached. The determination of the binding coefficients that give the best fit of the calculated adsorbed amounts to the experimental values has been described in Nir et al. (1986), Hirsch et al. (1989), Rytwo et al. (1995, 1996b) and Rytwo et al. (1996a). Only one parameter, Kn was employed, fixing the values of other parameters from the adsorption of CV and MB by montmorillonite. The concentration of neutral binding sites was determined by analysis of the adsorption to sepiolite of two neutral molecules, TX100 (Triton X 100) and 15C5 (15-Crown-5) according to the Langmuir equation.
5. RESULTS OF MODEL APPLICATION Unless specified, we refer to results of Rytwo et al. (1998). In order to minimize molecular aggregation in solution and at the same time reach large adsorbed amounts relative to the CEC of the clay the concentration of the clay was reduced to 0.2% (2g/l), which was still within the limits of sensitivity of the measurements. Indeed, the largest adsorbed amount of TX100 was 0.315 molc/kg, that is, 25% more than the value in Alvarez et al. (1987). The largest adsorbed amount of MB was 0.57 molc/kg clay which was 25% more than in Aznar et al. (1992). The largest adsorbed amount of CV was 0.64 molc/kg, that is, 4.57-fold of the CEC of sepiolite. The study of the adsorption of the neutral molecules to sepiolite was also intended to provide an estimate for the amount of neutral sites, N, which was required for calculating the adsorbed amounts of the organic cations
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
MB and CV. In calculations according to Langmuir equation, the experimental values were used to obtain the values of the binding constants, k, by assuming a wide range of N values. The value of N which gave the smallest variation of k-values was chosen. Next, the value of k that gave the best fit to all the experimental values was determined. TX 100 adsorption yielded N ¼ 3.4-fold of the CEC. In comparison, Shariatmadari et al. (1999) deduced that N was about fourfold of the CEC of sepiolite but their assumed value of the CEC was about 0.786-fold of that in Rytwo et al. (1998) which amounts to a similar estimate of N. In both cases, the results imply that the simplest binding model, which assumes no cooperativity in the binding of the neutral molecules to sepiolite, can adequately explain the experimental data. The value of N for palygorskite was about twofold larger than the CEC of palygorskite, which was interpreted to reflect smaller surface area in the latter case, that is, 222 versus 384 m2/g for sepiolite. Interestingly, the adsorbed amounts of MB and CV by sepiolite and palygorskite showed a similar pattern; the adsorbed amounts to palygorskite were about 10–15% smaller than to sepiolite. Shariatmadari et al. (1999) found that no reduction of pH accompanied the adsorption of the neutral molecules, but there was one unit decrease following MB or CV adsorption, indicating some release of Hþ. In both cases, it could be deduced that the neutral adsorption sites become more important as the dye adsorption approaches saturation. In all cases, the model accounted well for the adsorbed amounts. In both cases, FTIR results contributed to the interpretation of the experimental adsorption studies and their modelling, and vice versa. The band representing the external neutral sites of sepiolite, OH vibrations of silanol groups at 3716 cm 1 (Rytwo et al., 1998) or 3720 cm 1 (Shariatmadari et al., 1999) decreased in intensity due to sorption of the neutral molecules as well as MB and CV. The band at about 3680 cm 1 which corresponds to OH vibrations of hydroxyl groups linked to Mg ions located in the interior of sepiolite blocks remained unperturbed by the adsorption of MB or CV. Shariatmadari et al. (1999) observed some perturbance of this band. In conclusion, the organic cations mostly adsorbed to neutral sites in the outer surface, and to sites where large structural defects occur. Rytwo et al. (2002) determined experimentally adsorption of the divalent organic cations paraquat (PQ), diquat (DQ) and methyl green (MG) on sepiolite and performed analysis with the adsorption model described above. The largest amounts of DQ, PQ and MG adsorbed were between 100% and 140% of the CEC of sepiolite. Those amounts were considerably lower than reported for the adsorption of monovalent organic cations. This outcome led to the hypothesis that these divalent organic cations do not interact with the neutral sites of sepiolite. This assumption was confirmed by infrared spectroscopy (IR) measurements, which did not show influence in the peaks arising from the vibrations of external Si OH groups of the clay, when the divalent organic cations were added, unlike changes which were clearly observed
Adsorption of Surfactants
when monovalent organic cations were added to the mineral. The model could adequately simulate the adsorption of the divalent organic cations DQ and PQ, without considering interaction of those ions with the neutral sites. The model also yielded good fit for the results of competitive adsorption between the monovalent dye MB and DQ. In competitive adsorption experiments, when total cationic charges exceeded the CEC, monovalent organic cations were preferentially adsorbed on the clay at the expense of the divalent cations. A similar effect was observed in other clays, such as montmorillonite. Interestingly, in an earlier study by Rytwo et al. (2000), it was shown that the divalent organic cation, methyl green (MG) undergoes a slow transformation (6 h) to a monovalent cation, carbinol (MGOHþ) upon dilution of its solution (10 mM), or upon addition of a buffer at neutral pH. Adsorption of MG on sepiolite raised the possibility that a certain fraction of MG2þ transformed into the monovalent form during the incubation period. The maximal adsorbed amounts of MG2þ and MGOHþ were 0.09 and 0.30 mol/kg sepiolite, respectively. In passing, we note that recent studies (Rytwo et al., 2009) indicate that at least a small part of the large amount of CV adsorbed on sepiolite undergoes partial degradation to Arnold base, whereas the products of the process remain bound to the clay. Such a process was more extensively observed in Texas vermiculite, but IR measurements indicate that it also occurs partly in sepiolite.
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Adsorption of Surfactants
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Chapter 16
Sepiolite and Palygorskite as Sealing Materials for the Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide Emilio Gala´n, Patricia Aparicio and Adolfo Miras Departamento Cristalografı´a, Mineralogı´a y Quı´mica Agrı´cola, Facultad de Quı´mica, University of Sevilla, Professor Garcı´a Gonza´lez 1. 41012 Seville, Spain
1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. The Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide Atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases (e.g. carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxides) have increased significantly as a result of human activity since the pre-industrial era (AD 1000–1750). Fundamentally, carbon dioxide (CO2) has increased from a pre-industrial level of 275–285 ppm to 379 ppm in 2005 (Solomon et al., 2007). This increase has been caused mainly by fossil fuel consumption and, to a lesser extent, concrete production and changes in land use. The increase in average global temperatures since the mid-twentieth century may be ascribed to increased emission of anthropogenic greenhouse gases (Metz et al., 2005). International concern about climate change led to the establishment in 1992 of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The ultimate objective of UNFCCC is the ‘stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that prevents dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system’. One mean for reducing net greenhouse gas emissions is ‘Capture and storage of CO2’. Carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) include technologies to capture, transport and store CO2. The storage of CO2 may be effected through a number of mechanisms, including ex situ mineral carbonation, oceanic storage, underground injection for enhanced fossil fuel recovery and injection into saline aquifers or other geological reservoirs, an approach known as in situ mineral carbonation (Giammar et al., 2005; Metz et al., 2005; Xu et al., 2005). Developments in Clay Science, Vol. 3. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-444-53607-5.00016-5 # 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
The subsurface constitutes the largest reservoir of carbon on Earth. The vast majority of the world’s subsurface carbon is held in the form of coal, oil, gas, organic-rich shales and carbonate rocks. Geological CO2 storage has occurred naturally in the Earth’s upper crust for hundreds of millions of years. Carbon dioxide derived from biological activity, igneous activity and chemical reactions between rocks and fluids accumulates in the natural subsurface environment as carbonate minerals, in solution, or in a gaseous or supercritical state, either as a gas mixture or as pure CO2. Geological storage of anthropogenic CO2, as a greenhouse gas mitigation strategy, was first proposed in the 1970s. No significant research, however, was done until the early 1990s, when the idea gained credibility through the work of individuals and research groups (Bachu et al., 1994; Baes et al., 1980; Gunter et al., 1993; Holloway and Savage, 1993; Kaarstad, 1992; Koide et al., 1992; Korbol and Kaddour, 1994; Marchetti, 1977; van der Meer, 1992). Geological CO2 storage in sedimentary basins may be achieved within a variety of geological settings, the most suitable formations being oil fields, depleted gas fields, deep coal seams and saline formations. To this end, CO2 gas must first be compressed to a dense fluid state known as ‘supercritical’. Depending on pressure and temperature increases with depth, the density of CO2 increases to a depth of 800 m or more. At this point, the injected CO2 will be in a dense supercritical state (Figure 1). According to Hitchen (1996), the geological storage of CO2 through injection into deep reservoirs involves three different processes: (i) hydrodynamic trapping as a gas or supercritical fluid below a cap rock of low permeability; (ii) solubility trapping, through dissolution of CO2 in aqueous solutions; (iii) mineral trapping, through the precipitation of secondary carbonates formed by dissolution of primary silicates and Al silicates upon injection of CO2 into aquifers. Other authors (e.g. Metz et al., 2005) have differentiated between physical and geochemical trapping: (i) physical trapping, comprising both the stratigraphic and the residual trapping. The former occurs below low-permeability seals or cap rocks, whereas the second takes place in saline formations, where fluids migrate very slowly over long distances even in the absence of closed traps; (ii) geochemical trapping, encompassing solubility trapping and mineral trapping. Mineral trapping is especially attractive because CO2 is permanently ‘fixed’ (as stable carbonate minerals) in relatively deep geological formations, preventing its return to the atmosphere.
1.2. CO2 Reactivity and Integrity of the Cap Rock When CO2 is injected in a sedimentary basin, it has a strong tendency to react with rocks.
Sepiolite and Palygorskite as Sealing Materials for CCS
100 0 20 11 0.5
Depth (km)
3.8 3.2
Assuming a geothermal gradient of 25 ⬚C/km from 15 ⬚C at the surface, and hydrostatic pressure
2.7 2.5
600 400 Density of CO2 (kg/m3)
FIGURE 1 Variation of CO2 density with depth, assuming hydrostatic pressure and a geothermal gradient of 25 C km–1 from 15 C at the surface (based on data of Angus et al., 1973). Carbon dioxide density increases rapidly to a depth of 800 m when CO2 reaches a supercritical state. The cubes represent the relative volume occupied by CO2. To a depth of 800 m, this volume dramatically decreases with depth. At depths below 1.5 km, the density and volume become nearly constant (Metz et al., 2005).
Much research effort has been focused on the mineral trapping of CO2, through carbonate precipitation. A prerequisite for carbonate precipitation is the availability of aqueous metal cations, derived from non-carbonate minerals, and their ability to combine with dissolved CO2. The dissolution of metalbearing silicate minerals is a very important potential source of these cations. The dissolution rate of such minerals is mainly controlled by the pH and temperature of the medium in contact with the mineral surfaces, whereas the influence of hydrodynamic conditions is nil, at least for surface-controlled processes. Kaszuba et al. (2005) attempted to replicate the active processes in a typical CO2 sequestration site by reacting a mixture of quartz, feldspar, biotite and shale with a CO2-rich NaCl brine at 200 C. Magnesite and siderite (FeCO3) were precipitated validating their potential for mineral trapping. They observed that shale actively participates in coupled dissolution/precipitation processes, indicating the potential of CO2-rich fluids for decreasing rock integrity. Substantial amounts of aqueous Si were released into solution, which could serve as a source for cement in sandstones or Si mineralization
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
in veins. More recently, Kohler et al. (2009) have investigated the mineralogical and chemical changes in clays (as possible clay-rich sealing cap rock) after exposure to partial CO2 pressure. The principal alterations were illitization of clay minerals combined with formation of anhydrite, dolomitization and an increase in dissolved CO2 in the porous media. Xu et al. (2005) have examined the effects of injecting carbon dioxide into a common sedimentary basin sequence, a shale-bounded sandstone. The total amount of CO2 trapped in carbonate minerals depends mainly on the composition of the rock. For a representative rock composition, 90 kg/m3 of CO2 can be trapped during 100,000 years, mainly in sandstone. A great deal of CO2 trapping is a consequence of the presence of an adjacent shale unit, providing many of the cations that form trapped secondary carbonates. The interaction of acidic CO2-rich fluids with shale, however, tends to be a two-edged sword. Although it provides the essential metals for trapping CO2 in carbonate minerals, the leaching of these metals may increase shale permeability, favouring the release of CO2 into the atmosphere as Moore et al. (2005) have suggested. In developing reactive transport models for the interaction between CO2rich solutions and cap rock of the Sleipner sequestration site, Gaus et al. (2005) came to a similar conclusion. They found that the porosity and permeability of the cap rock can be either increased or decreased depending on the exact composition of the rock. Marini and Accornero (2009) have identified several drawbacks in the geochemical modelling of reactions occurring during the geological storage of CO2. The main target of the geological storage of CO2 is represented by sedimentary basins where brines are commonly present. Thus, it is necessary to describe specific interactions among solute species at the pertinent salinities, compute correct activity coefficients and extrapolate these interaction parameters to the temperature and pressure conditions of the aquifer of interest. Unfortunately, the computer-stored thermodynamic and kinetic databases, required for describing chemical reactions of CO2 with the aqueous solution and aquifer solid phases, are incomplete (Marini and Accornero, 2009). Consequently, the geochemical evolution of the system, following injection of pressurised CO2, cannot be precisely described using computer-based models. Nevertheless, geochemical modelling is the only available tool to evaluate the long-term reactive effects of geological CO2 storage. This is because the duration of laboratory and field experiments and their duration cannot be extended up to multiples of the life time of human beings. In contrast, computer experiments have no time limitation and are open to future improvements. The sealing rock must be capable of preventing the escape of CO2 that forms when low-permeability rocks are dissolved by local reaction with acidic CO2-rich fluids. The aim of this contribution is to evaluate the potential of sepiolite- and palygorskite-rich rocks to serve as sealing materials in the cap rock for the geological storage of CO2. Because of their structural characteristics, such
Sepiolite and Palygorskite as Sealing Materials for CCS
rocks would be capable of trapping CO2 physically. However, the Mg ions present in their structures, and the exchangeable cations, could react with CO2 to form carbonates.
1.3. Characteristics of Palygorskite and Sepiolite Palygorskite and sepiolite contain ribbons with a 2:1 type layer structure, each ribbon being linked to the next inverted SiO4 tetrahedral sheet along a set of Si—O bonds. Thus, tetrahedral apices point in opposite directions in adjacent ribbons. The ribbons are aligned parallel to the X-axis and have an average width along the Y-axis of three linked pyroxene-like single chains in sepiolite and two linked chains in palygorskite. In this framework, rectangular channels run parallel to the X-axis between opposing 2:1 ribbons. As the octahedral sheet is discontinuous at each tetrahedral inversion, oxygen atoms in the octahedra at the edge of the ribbons are coordinated to cations on the ribbon side only, while coordination and charge balance are completed along the channels by protons, coordinated water and a small number of exchangeable cations (Brigatti et al., 2006). For details on the structure, see Chapter 1. Sepiolite and palygorskite can take up extraneous liquids, gases and vapours into their microporous channels. These minerals also contain macropores when individual (unit) particles combine to form aggregates (Gala´n, 1996) Because of their extensive surface area and porosity, these minerals have found useful applications as absorbents of gaseous toxic compounds, decolourizing agents of oils and solid supports of enzymes and anaerobic bacteria (Gala´n, 1996).
2. INTERACTION OF SEPIOLITE AND PALYGORSKITE WITH SUPERCRITICAL CO2 2.1. Material Characterization and Methodology Sepiolite (SEP) from Vica´lvaro, Madrid basin (Spain) and palygorskite (PAL) from Theis (Senegal), both commercialized by TOLSA, S.A., were selected for this study. The mineralogical composition of the raw materials was determined by X-ray diffraction (D8 Advance model, Bruker) and the chemical composition performed by X-ray fluorescence (Axios model, Panalytical). The elemental carbon content was measured using an elemental analyser (LECO CHNS 932). The sepiolite sample is composed of sepiolite (75%) together with quartz and calcite. The palygorskite sample contains about 50% palygorskite, together with carbonates (calcite and dolomite), minor amounts of quartz and traces of sepiolite and smectite. The chemical composition of the samples is consistent with their mineralogy (Tables 1 and 2). Elemental carbon contents are 0.45 wt% for sepiolite and 1.91 wt% for palygorskite.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
TABLE 1 Mineralogical Composition (wt%). Sample
To evaluate the reactions of sepiolite and palygorskite with CO2, several experiments were made in a high-pressure and high-temperature Paar reactor. Depending on the water content of the material, temperatures between 50 and 150 C were used to give pressures commensurate with supercritical conditions (Figure 2, Table 3). We also determined the specific surface area of the samples (before and after reaction with CO2) by adsorption of N2 and applying the BET equation (Gemini 2360 equipment). In addition, soluble ions were measured by ICPOES (Horiba Jobin Yvon, mod ultima2). The mineralogical composition of reacted materials was also investigated by XRD, and their content of total elemental carbon was evaluated by the elemental analyzer above mentioned. A profile-fitting peak decomposition program, part of MacDiff 4.1.2 by Petschick (2004), was used to assess changes in the main representative peaks in the XRD patterns. A Pearson VII function was used to obtain the following parameters: peak position, height above the baseline, full width at half height and the mixing parameter for the function. The initial fit results were iterated until the difference between the experimental and decomposed patterns was < 5%.
2.2. Potential of Sepiolite and Palygorskite for the Physical and Geochemical Trapping of CO2 The results of experiments, carried out for a maximum of 5 days reaction time, indicated that physical CO2 trapping occurred on the surface of sepiolite and palygorskite, causing the BET–N2 surface area decreased by about 50% for both minerals. To evaluate the influence of reaction time on CO2 trapping, we carried out a series of experiments over a period of 43 days. The results indicate differences between sepiolite and palygorskite in their behaviour towards CO2 (Table 4). The BET–N2 area of sepiolite increased (the increase for SEPSCH45d is not as much as for SEPSC46d), suggesting mineral decomposition by carbonic acid. The increase in porosity after prolonged reaction in the presence of water (Figure 3A) lends further support to this suggestion. However, palygorskite can apparently trap CO2 physically, as the BET–N2 area decreases by
Chapter 16
Sepiolite and Palygorskite as Sealing Materials for CCS
TABLE 2 Chemical Composition (wt%).
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
liquid and d i l So
Pressure (MPa)
CO2 liquid
CO2 solid
Triple point (−56.6 ⬚C, 0.51 MPa)
Critical point d gas(31.1 ⬚C, 7.38 MPa) id an u q i L
Supercritical CO2
CO2 gas
s ga
So lid
0.01 0.001 0.0001 −140
Temperature (⬚C) FIGURE 2 Phase diagram of CO2 (Schu¨tt et al., 2005).
TABLE 3 Pressure, Temperature, Humidity and Reaction Time for the Experiments. Sample
Pressure (MPa)
Temperature ( C)
Relative Humidity (%)
Reaction Time (h)
more than 70% and the porosity changes significantly after prolonged contact with CO2 with a reduction of pore volume (Figure 3B). There was a marked increase in the concentration of soluble ions after prolonged exposure of sepiolite to CO2, particularly in the presence of water. The content of soluble Mg and Si was almost twice that of the original sample (Table 5). The content of soluble Ca, however, decreases significantly (from 1370 to 377 mequiv./100 g). These observations may be ascribed to chemical degradation of sepiolite by carbonic acid. The increase in the width-at-halfheight (H) of the XRD reflections of sepiolite (Figure 4) provides further
Sepiolite and Palygorskite as Sealing Materials for CCS
TABLE 4 Changes in BET–N2 Surface Area of Sepiolite and Palygorskite Following Long-term (> 43 days) Reaction with CO2. Sample
BET (m2/g)
Original sample
4 MPa, 60 C, 1104 h
6 MPa, 50 C, 20% RH, 1080 h
Original sample
3.5 MPa, 150 C, 1032 h
8 MPa, 20 C, 20% RH, 1032 h
1.00 SEP
0.75 0.50 0.25 0.00 0.0 B
0.45 P/P0
1.00 PAL
0.75 0.50 0.25 0.00 0.0
0.45 P/P0
FIGURE 3 N2 adsorption isotherms for sepiolite (A) and palygorskite (B) before and after CO2 treatment (P/P0: Relative Pressure; V/V0: Relative Volume).
TABLE 5 Soluble Ions (mequiv./100 g) for the Samples Before and After CO2 Treatment. Ca (mequiv./ 100 g)
K (mequiv./ 100 g)
Mg (mequiv./ 100 g)
Na (mequiv./ 100 g)
S (mequiv./ 100 g)
Si (mequiv./ 100 g)
Sr (mequiv./ 100 g)
Al (mequiv./ 100 g)
Starting sepiolite
Starting palygorskite
Note: In bold are the results with show significant changes.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
Sepiolite and Palygorskite as Sealing Materials for CCS
evidence for this process. The sepiolite degradation is confirmed by the XRD fitting procedure that indicated the presence of new reflections, especially in the presence of water during the reaction (Table 6, Figure 5). Figure 4 also shows that the intensity of the peak due to calcite increases after CO2 treatment in the presence of water. This observation is consistent with the increase in elemental carbon content from 0.451 wt% for the original sample to 0.569 wt% for the material after treatment with CO2 in the presence of water. In the absence of water, the elemental carbon content of the treated sample is practically identical with that of the original sample. These results would indicate that physical trapping of CO2 does not occur with sepiolite because this mineral decomposes in an acid medium, releasing Ca ions to form calcite (mineral trapping). But released Mg did not enter a carbonate lattice, evidently because formation of calcite is favoured over precipitation of magnesite and dolomite. Hence, no magnesite or dolomite was precipitated. Concerning palygorskite, we can say that a significant increment of soluble cations (Ca, Mg) was detected after carrying out several experiments in the same conditions adopted for sepiolite Table 5. These values were associated with a decrease on soluble K, Na and Si. We can interpret these chemical variations as due to the effect of carbonic acid, which destroys palygorskite. The XRD fitting procedure confirmed the destruction of palygorskite, because the intensity of the reflections decreased significantly and new reflections appeared in the presence of water (Table 7, Figure 6).
1300 Sep
H = 0.488
Lin (counts)
1100 1000
H = 0.531
H = 0.466
H = 0.830 H = 0.771
Q Sep
H = 0.576
After 46d CO2 reaction
700 600 500 Sep Sep
After 42d CO2+ H2O
300 200
100 0 4
40 2-Theta - scale
FIGURE 4 XRD patterns of sepiolite before and after reaction with CO2. Sep ¼ sepiolite; Q ¼ quartz; Ca ¼ calcite (H: width-at-half-height).
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
TABLE 6 Summary of XRD Peak Fitting Results for Sepiolite. I
dhkl Original sepiolite (Figure 5A)
After CO2 reaction without water (Figure 5B) 12.722
After CO2 reaction with water (Figure 5C) 12.335
I, intensity; H, width-at-half-height.
FIGURE 5 XRD patterns and peak fitting results for sepiolite: (A) original sample, (B) after CO2 reaction without water, (C) after CO2 reaction with water.
However, the elemental carbon content increases from 2 to 4 wt% after prolonged exposure to CO2. The XRD patterns indicate a parallel increment in carbonates (calcite and dolomite; Figure 7, Table 8). These results indicate that palygorskite is capable of trapping CO2 both physically and geochemically. In fact, secondary carbonates formed immediately with partial destruction of the mineral structure through attack by carbonic acid.
Sepiolite and Palygorskite as Sealing Materials for CCS
TABLE 7 Summary of XRD Peak Fitting Results for Palygorskite. I
Original palygorskite sample (Figure 6A) 10.855
After CO2 reaction without water (Figure 6B) 10.978
After CO2 reaction with water (Figure 6C) 10.686
I, intensity; H, width at half height.
2 3
1 3
1 4 1
FIGURE 6 XRD patterns and peak fitting results for palygorskite: (A) original sample, (B) after CO2 reaction without water, (C) after CO2 reaction with water.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
800 700
Lin (counts)
600 Pa Ca H = 0.488 Pa Q
Ca Ca
Ca After 46d CO2 reaction Do
H = 0.368
After 42d CO2+ H2O
200 H = 0.359
0 3
30 40 2-Theta-scale
FIGURE 7 XRD patterns of palygorskite before and after CO2 reaction. Pa ¼ palygorskite; Q ¼ Quartz; Ca ¼ calcite; Do ¼ dolomite.
TABLE 8 Variation of Carbonates Content on Palygorskite Samples Before and After CO2 Reaction in Relation with Quartz. Calcite Area/ Quartz Area
Dolomite Area/ Quartz Area
After CO2 reaction without water
After CO2 reaction with water
To determine if mineral carbonation also occurs at room temperature and humidity, several experiments were carried out in situ using a D8 Advance diffractometer equipped with an Anton Par Reaction Camera. The experiments were run for a week in the presence of water. No changes in the XRD profile were detected for either sepiolite or palygorskite after treatment with CO2, indicating that high pressures and temperatures are required to promote chemical reactions with CO2.
Sepiolite and Palygorskite as Sealing Materials for CCS
3. MODELLING THE ROLE OF SEPIOLITE AND PALYGORSKITE IN THE GEOLOGICAL STORAGE OF CO2: A TASK FOR THE FUTURE The sepiolite material used here has a BET–N2 surface area of 108 m2/g (Table 4). This value can increase up to twofold after treatment with CO2 possibly due to the formation of amorphous phases through the following reaction: Sepiolite þ H2 CO3 ! sepiolite þ }amorphous sepiolite} þ amorphous silica þ CaCO3 Prolonged attack by carbonic acid can lead to: (a) a reduction in the volume of structural micropores (radius < 1.5 nm), that are those contributing to generate a higher specific surface; (b) an increase in the concentration of surface silanol (SiOH) groups through rupture of SiOSi bonds on the sepiolite surface, which to compensate their residual charge accept either a proton or a hydroxyl ion (protonation and hydroxylation) and (c) a progressive destruction of the sepiolite structure. Thus, sepiolite can become amorphous when it reacts with supercritical CO2 in the presence of water, including surface-adsorbed water and zeolitic water within the channels of the sepiolite structure, while Mg carbonate precipitation is inhibited probably by kinetic reasons (Saldi et al., 2009). Although amorphous sepiolite and amorphous silica might be expected to hold CO2 physically because of their extensive surface area, this was not borne out by experiment. It can therefore be predicted that when sepiolite and sepiolite-rich rocks are used as sealing materials, these minerals would decompose within a short time, at least in the very first few metres of the cap rock overlaying the geological reservoir where CO2 is stored in supercritical conditions. The resultant variations in volume and decreased mechanical resistance of the cap rock would cause operational problems. In the case of palygorskite, the BET–N2 surface area decreased after treatment with CO2. This might be because the carbonic acid produced led to the formation of amorphous phases, partial destruction of the structure and reduction in micropore volume. The exchangeable cations and the Mg ions released into solution induce precipitation of dolomite and calcite. The overall process may be visualized by the following reaction: Palygorskite þ H2 CO3 ! palygorskite þ }amorphous palygorskite} þ amorphous silica þ dolomite þ calcite Thus, palygorskite behaves similarly to sepiolite, but the presence of calcite in the original material acts as a pH buffer. Supposedly, if palygorskite is destructed, calcite is destructed as well and the Ca released together with the Mg that comes from the destroyed palygorskite, are both used to form
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
dolomite. Hence, there is a CO2 physical adsorption that occurs together with the precipitation of dolomite, which is relatively more resistant to an acid ambient. The formation and relative stability of dolomite will offset problems related to volumetric variations or mechanical resistance of the cap rock overlaying the geological reservoir of CO2. Thus, palygorskite and palygorskiterich rocks could be used as sealing materials for the storage of CO2. Further research and data testing, however, are required for the development of mathematical models (both reaction path and reactive transport models), based on the experimental evidence and the conceptual model presented here, describing the reactions that may occur over a specified period of time.
4. CONCLUDING REMARKS Our research suggests that sepiolite and palygorskite are capable of sequestering CO2 through both a physical and a mineral mechanism. At the same time, these minerals are subject to attack by CO2 in either a dry or a wet environment, leading to partial decomposition of their structure together with a reduction in volume and mechanical resistance. This attack may lead to the partial destruction of the cap rock and possible loss of CO2. In the case of palygorskite, however, the carbonates formed during reaction with CO2 can precipitate. Thus, a portion of the CO2 is chemically bound (trapped). More importantly, the structural integrity of palygorskite is largely preserved, and CO2 release is inhibited. A mathematical model needs to be developed to describe the sequence of reactions between CO2 and sepiolite- and palygorskite-rich rocks (reaction path and reactive transport) and then validated by experimental measurements for long-term reactive effects.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This research was granted by INSTALACIONES INABENSA SA under the Project ‘Estudio y Modelado de la Interaccio´n entre el CO2 supercrı´tico y las arcillas del subsuelo’, with the collaboration of Ings. Enrique Moreno and Marı´a Pe´rez. Diffraction patterns and chemical analysis were performed using the facilities of the General Research Centre at the University of Seville (CITIUS). Authors want to thank Profs. Theng and Marini, their comments which improved the manuscript.
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Sepiolite and Palygorskite as Sealing Materials for CCS
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Chapter 17
Advanced Materials and New Applications of Sepiolite and Palygorskite Eduardo Ruiz-Hitzky*, Pilar Aranda*, Antonio A´lvarez{, Julio Santare´n{ and Antonio Esteban-Cubillo{ *Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid, CSIC, C/ Sor Juana Ine´s de la Cruz 3, 28049 Madrid, Spain { Technological Innovation Department, Tolsa S.A., Carretera de Madrid a Rivas de Jarama, 35. 28031 Madrid, Spain
1. INTRODUCTION The particular structural and textural features of the fibrous clay minerals, sepiolite and palygorskite, determine their special behaviour in the development of advanced materials. In particular, the presence of structural cavities (tunnels and channels) of silanol groups on the external surface and of different types of water molecules associated to these fibrous silicates determines their surface properties and therefore their ability to interact with many compounds forming nanostructured materials. Briefly, the most salient structural feature of both clay minerals (Figure 1) is related to the talc-like ribbons (structural blocks) parallel to the fibre axis. The alternation of these structural blocks defines the structural cavities named tunnels associated to the internal surface (Ruiz-Hitzky, 2001), while the external surface is delimited by open tunnels (named channels). Moreover, the silanol groups (SiOH) at the edges of the exterior blocks determine a regular distribution of hydroxyl groups along the fibre (c* axis) that can be involved in the interaction with many diverse compounds. The zeolitic and coordinated water molecules are present in both tunnels and channels. The width of the structural blocks and, consequently, the width of the tunnels and the channels are different in both clay minerals. The dimensions of the channels are for sepiolite 1.06 0.37 nm, whereas for palygorskite, they are 0.64 0.37 nm (Ruiz-Hitzky et al., 2004). Therefore, both are nanoporous microcrystalline solids exhibiting elevated specific surface area and pore volume, leading to a high and selective adsorptive capacity. This property, combined with other characteristics such as their exchange capacity behaviour, the reactivity of Developments in Clay Science, Vol. 3. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-444-53607-5.00017-7 # 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
Silanol groups (Si–OH) at the edges of the exterior blocks
Mg situated at the interior of the blocks in octahedral coordination.
Mg situated at the edges of the octahedral layers, coordinated to two water molecules
Si O Mg MgOH SiOH H2O (coord.) H2O (zeol.)
Channel Specific surface area of ca. 300 m2/g Micropore volume ca. 0.4 cm3/g
Structural tunnels: 1 ´ 0.4 nm2
FIGURE 1 Schematic representation of structural and textural features of sepiolite (based on Ruiz-Hitzky, 2001).
silanol groups and their fibrous morphology, derives in multiple industrial applications of both these clay minerals. The molecular accessibility of tunnels that was questioned in earlier works (Barrer and Mackenzie, 1954; Barrer et al., 1954) has been clearly demonstrated for sepiolite by Ruiz-Hitzky (2001) from the Howarth–Kawazoe (HK; Hovarth and Kawazoe, 1983) analysis of the argon adsorption isotherms, showing the gas penetration into the tunnels for samples previously degassed at 120 C. In good agreement with the nanopore dimensions deduced from the crystal structure, the HK analyses show a predominance of pores with a 0.6–0.7 nm diameter. HK analyses of sepiolite heated at 350 C under dynamic vacuum indicate the elimination of these nanopores in agreement with the folding of the sepiolite structure due to the loss of coordinated water (Serna et al., 1975). These characteristics represent singular surface behaviours that are determinant for the current and future applications of sepiolite and palygorskite (Gala´n, 1996). In fact, these clays are being used as nanofiller in polymer matrices and as a template to obtain nanoparticles because of their particular structure. In this regard, it is well known that encapsulation of small amounts of clays in a polymeric matrix improves their mechanical, chemical, rheological or barrier properties providing a thermal stabilization effect on a wide variety of polymer matrices so that these can enlarge the operating temperature window, which is particularly advantageous if that means a cost-effective solution for extending the use of commodities, such as low-density polyethylene (LDPE). However, these additives are not
Advanced Materials and New Applications
chemically incorporated into the polymer structure, leading to the possibility of loss from the polymer during either high temperature processing by migration to the surface or in the early stages of combustion. Additionally, the transition of additives to the gaseous phase can cause the smoke from the burning material to become loaded with toxic compounds. These disadvantages may be eliminated with nanolevel dispersion of the additive due to its high specific surface and nanoscale interactions with the polymer matrix. Even at very low filler concentration, nanocomposites reveal remarkable improvement of mechanical, thermal and barrier properties as well as flame retardancy compared to virgin polymer and conventional microcomposites (Toldy et al., 2007). In other way, sepiolite and palygorskite have revealed to be efficient carriers to obtain homogeneous and well-dispersed nanoparticles. These special clays enable the support of a large variety of metal and metal oxide nanoparticles on their surface, avoiding the strong tendency of these nanoparticles to coalesce, improving the chemical stability against oxidation of the metal nanoparticles like iron, cobalt or nickel and minimizing the health problems related with the production and manipulation of nanoparticles.
2. USE OF SEPIOLITE AND PALYGORSKITE AS NANOCLAYS 2.1. Preparation of Organoclays from Sepiolite and Palygorskite It is well known that the advantages associated to the use of clays like additives are more noticeable when they are used in a nanometric size. In this regard, sepiolite and palygorskite have been widely used as nanofiller in the preparation of polymer/clay nanocomposites. However, these clays show a lack in affinity for hydrophobic organic polymers; they are incompatible with the commonly used polymers in industrial applications because of their hydrophilic properties. To obtain a homogeneous dispersion of these nanoclays in the polymer, it is necessary to modify the sepiolite and palygorskite surface using organic cations (e.g. ´ lvarez et al., 1987) or by grafting with suitable species, leadammonium salt) (A ing to the formation of organomodified nanoclays (Ruiz-Hitzky and Van Meerbeek, 2006). Sepiolite and palygorskite surface can be modified organically according to the polarity of the system in order to reduce the surface energy of these natural silicates and enhance their miscibility within the polymer matrix. In this regard, additives based on sepiolite and palygorskite have proven to be efficient to control dimensional stability of the polymeric matrix. Moreover, they provide reinforcing characteristics with polar polymers. Quaternary ammonium salt and silane are agents commonly used to modify the surface of sepiolite and palygorskite depending on the properties of the polymer matrix. When the polymer is processed at high temperature (> 250 C), a silane coupling agent is needed. These agents can also be used effectively to prepare nanocomposites, since they make the clay mineral surfaces organophilic (Ruiz-Hitzky, 1974). Organosilane coupling agents
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
contain SiX groups (X ¼ OR, Cl) and are able to react with silanol groups on the clay mineral surface, giving stable siloxane bridges. In contrast to other clay mineral groups, such as smectites and vermiculites, sepiolite and palygorskite have a large quantity of silanol groups as a consequence of their special structure (Ahlrichs et al., 1975). The silanol groups located on the external surface, at the edges of the structural channels, are directly accessible to reagents. After grafting with organosilanes (Ruiz-Hitzky and Fripiat, 1976), the hydrophilic surface becomes organophilic and sepiolite can be then easily dispersed in low-polarity compounds including polymers (Ruiz-Hitzky, 1974). Organosilanes containing unsaturated groups (vinyl and methacryloxy) or thiol functions (3-propylmercapto) give organic derivatives of sepiolite capable of further copolymerization reactions. The treatment of clays by epoxides with unsaturated groups such as allylglycidyl ether, 2,3-epoxypropyl methacrylate or 3-vinyl-7oxabicycle (4,1,0) heptane (Casal and Ruiz-Hitzky, 1977, 1984) gives rise to materials that can be used as reinforcing fillers for elastomers and thermoplastics. The grafted groups are very stable and are eliminated only by burning.
2.2. Sepiolite and Palygorskite Nanocomposites Based on Thermoplastic and Thermosetting Polymers Polymer–clay nanocomposite materials have attracted considerable interest since the pioneering work carried out by Toyota Central Research Laboratories on nylon 6-montmorillonite (MMT) nanocomposites, obtained by an in situ polymerization method, and the first fundamental studies by Giannelis and co-workers (Billotti et al., 2008). The result of these experiments demonstrated the possibility of improving significantly the Young’s modulus and heat distortion temperature (HDT) at low nanofiller content without compromising tensile strength, impact strength or optical transparency significantly. Following up on the initial success of polyamide-6 (PA-6) based nanocomposites, a wide range of polymers have been evaluated. Nanocomposites are an emerging group that received a great deal of attention not only because of their potential in industrial applications but also from a fundamental point of view (Alexandre and Dubois, 2000; Ruiz-Hitzky, 2003, 2004; Ruiz-Hitzky and Van Meerbeek, 2006; Ruiz-Hitzky et al., 2004; Sinha Ray and Okamoto, 2003). Recently, attention has been devoted to the use of sepiolite and palygorskite as inorganic nanofillers for polymeric matrix taking into account their fibrous habit with dimensions at the nanometric scale (Sangerano et al., 2009). Polymer chains not only interact with the external surface of sepiolite, but it can also penetrate into the structural tunnels of this silicate (Inagaki et al., 1995; Ruiz-Hitzky, 2001; Ferna´ndez-Saavedra et al., 2009), displacing irreversibly water molecules filling the tunnels. Since these cavities are organized as nanostructured pores, the resulting materials are considered as clay–polymer nanocomposites. There are other cavities of nanometric dimensions along the fibre axis, mainly attributed to defects in particle growth that are accessible to organic species (Kuang et al., 2003).
Advanced Materials and New Applications
Surface treatments of sepiolite with specifically designed organic surfactants were found to enhance sepiolite compatibility with polymers (Tartaglione et al., 2008). The advantages obtained are mainly attributed to the large concentration of surface silanols, spaced every 0.5 nm along the length of sepiolite needle, that are easily available for coupling reactions with both polymers and organic surfactants. Moreover, this very high density of silanol groups (2.2 groups/nm2) suggests that also other forces such as hydrogen bonding and van der Waals interactions are largely involved in the adsorption phenomena at the interface. This excellent adhesion/compatibility with polymeric matrices and the strong anisotropy of this mineral account for the excellent reinforcing effect on polymers, producing an increase of the elastic modulus. Unfortunately, recent studies on thermal stability of polymer/sepiolite systems have shown a strong catalytic effect on the degradation of polyolefins, underlining the drawbacks of the large presence of hydroxyl groups on sepiolite surface. Nanocomposites can be obtained following one of the three preparation methods (Ruiz-Hitzky and Van Meerbeek, 2006): (i) direct incorporation of the polymers, (ii) in situ polymerization of the monomers and (iii) template synthesis of clay minerals. In this sense, nanocomposites based on sepiolite and palygorskite can be incorporated directly in polar polymers like poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA), poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG), poly(N-vinyl pyrrolidone) (PVP), poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) and chitosan from solution of the polymers in polar solvents (water, alcohols, nitriles, etc.) or from the melt as a consequence of the interaction between the functional groups of the polymer (hydroxyl groups in PVA, PEG, oxyethylene groups in PEO, PEG or nitrogen heteroatoms in PVP) with the surface of the clay. Moreover, other polymers like PEO can be adsorbed on sepiolite either from a solution or from the melt by MW (microwave) irradiation (Ruiz-Hitzky, 2001). In situ polymerization takes place when the polymer chains are grown from the surface of the particle or via conventional radical polymerization which can be combined with dispersion, suspension and emulsion polymerization methods (Liu et al., 2008). In this way, molecules such as pyrrole and thiophene are adsorbed on sepiolite surface or in the structural channels as an example in the polymerization of the unsaturated monomers (Inagaki et al., 1995). In the literature, there are some examples of nanocomposites with sepiolite obtained by (i) in situ polymerization method (polyurethane, poly(hydroxyethyl acrylate) and poly(sodium acrylate); (ii) solution dispersion (chitosan, epoxy resin, poly(dimethylsiloxane), poly(ethyl methacrylate) and poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate); (iii) melt intercalation (Nylon-6, polypropylene); and (iv) supercritical CO2-assisted mixing (polypropylene) (Alkan and Benlikaya, 2009). The fundamental concept of nanocomposites is based on the high aspect ratios and large interfaces provided by the nanofillers and hence a substantial reinforcement achieved at small loadings. However, the peculiarity of
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nanofillers to have very high specific surface areas and small dimensions simultaneously leads to a preference for agglomeration in micrometric stacks or bundles due to van der Waals interactions, ionic interaction and/or hydrogen bonds. Therefore, the ability to control the dispersion of nanofillers in a polymeric phase is the key issue that affects the performance of the final material and the possibility itself to obtain nanocomposite (Billiotti et al., 2007). In this regard, the best results in sepiolite dispersion have been obtained with polar polymers, thanks to the existence of specific interactions between the inorganic surface and the functional groups of the matrix (Garcı´a et al., 2009). The good mechanical strength and thermal stability of the sepiolite and palygorskite make them ideal for reinforcement of elastomers, thermoplastic and thermoset polymers (Sangerano et al., 2009).
2.2.1. Thermoplastic Polymers–Clay Nanocomposites Sepiolite and palygorskite nanoclays have been used principally like nanoadditive to improve the mechanical properties, thermal properties, barrier properties and flame retardancy in thermoplastic polymers. Polyamide-6 Polyamide-6 (PA-6) resin is one of the most widely used polymeric materials, which has abundant applications in aerospace, communication, engineering and commodity industries (Shen et al., 2006). Many inorganic materials at the nanometric size, such as spherical particles (silica and titanium) or layered phyllosilicate (MMT and mica), have been introduced into PA-6 matrix to improve its properties (low thermal stability and low mechanical strength). Polyamide nanocomposites based on sepiolite and palygorskite have also been widely studied because the structural properties of these nanoclays make them an ideal candidate for reinforcing this type of matrix. These nanoclays are dispersed homogeneously in the PA matrix at the nanometer scale and formed a percolation network structure (Shen et al., 2006; Figure 2). In the PA-6/palygorskite nanocomposites synthesized via in situ polymerization, the presence of palygorskite modified with cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) and toluene-2,4-diisocyanate (TDI) provokes the melt of the nanocomposite that shows solid-like behaviours and slower relaxation as a consequence of its grafting-percolated fibrous-silicate network structure (Shen et al., 2005). The addition of fibrous silicate has a profound influence on the long-time relaxation of the nanocomposites and exhibits ‘strongly associated particles’ effect. In contrast to nylon-6/MMT nanocomposite, sepiolite facilitates the formation of a-phase crystals of nylon-6 (Xie et al., 2007). Sepiolite is nanodispersed in nylon-6 matrix because of the strong interaction of the nylon-6 chains with the SiOH groups present on the whole external surface of sepiolite, together with the high shear stress during compounding that tends to destroy agglomerated
Advanced Materials and New Applications
FIGURE 2 TEM micrograph of PA-sepiolite nanocomposite.
structures. Sepiolite exhibits higher level of reinforcement on the Young’s modulus of nylon-6 than MMT due to the strong interaction between nylon-6 molecules and sepiolite. Considering the strong interaction between the nylon-6 molecules and the SiOH groups on sepiolite, the direct stress transfer between sepiolite and nylon-6 molecules during the deformation may play a critical role in its higher level of reinforcement than that of nylon-6/organomontmorillonite (OMMT), where one part of the stress transfer may depend on the low-modulus intercalated organic molecules used in the preparation of OMMT. Polypropylene Another important issue in nanocomposites is the variation of properties of the polymer matrix induced by nanofillers. In fact, semi-crystalline polymers, like isotactic polypropylene (iPP), can be relevantly affected in their crystalline structure as well as in their total crystallinity, as a consequence of the presence of fillers, and that can result in differences in properties. In this way, sepiolite changes the kinetics of crystallization of PP considerably, acting as heterogeneous nuclei and increasing the crystallization temperature (Morales and White, 2009). Moreover, although sepiolite did not alter the crystalline structure and crystal polymorphism, it did seem to promote an orientation of the a-phase crystals. These nanofillers have high-energy surfaces and adsorb the polymer preferentially along their crystal structure. However, when the filler surface is covered with an organic substance, the surface free energy is decreased, thus also the nucleating efficiency. The modification of sepiolite surface allows a good adhesion with polymer matrices like PP and an interesting compatibilizing effect on polymeric alloys (Tartaglione et al., 2008).
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Sepiolites, either pristine or organically modified by adsorption of ammonium salts and amine or by silane grafting, have been added to PP and poly(butylene terephthalate) (PBT; Tartaglione et al., 2008). Also in the case of PBT, there is a nucleating action of sepiolite, but there are no significant variations on both morphology and thermo/oxidative degradation of the matrix by the presence of sepiolite (organically modified or not). The presence of sepiolite in PP results in a catalysed degradation process. This catalytic process is less effective in sepiolite once grafted with mercaptosilanes. Despite the catalytic effect induced by sepiolite on PP thermal degradation, a higher stability towards thermo-oxidation is achieved, thanks to an efficient shielding to oxygen provided by the adequate dispersion of the filler. Bro¨nsted acid sites located on sepiolite act in the cracking process of the alkyl fragments generated during PP degradation and play an efficient protective role towards oxygen initiation of polymer volatilization. Sepiolite catalytic sites in the inner part of the zeolitic pores justify why pyrolysis of polymers with higher steric hindrance than PP, such as polystyrene (PS) and ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA), was not affected by the presence of sepiolite, whereas PP and polyethylene were the most sensitive. This kind of steric selectivity, due to the structure of the molecules involved, is a typical feature of zeolites, and it is possible that sepiolites, because of their ‘zeolitic’ channels, show similar properties. Polyethylene Sepiolite and palygorskite nanofillers have been found to give enhanced mechanical and thermostability into polyethylene (PE) matrix and show a strong stabilization effect in the thermo-oxidation of the polymer (Garcı´a et al., 2009). This is an important result because the thermo-oxidation of polyolefins determines the degradation mechanisms. These nanoclays produce peculiar crystallization effects in PE which, together with the presence of the clay mineral itself, modify the dielectric properties of the polymer and in the case of some specific modifications, a soft interface between the particle and the polymer is produced. The enhancement in properties has been attributed precisely to the occurrence of chemical changes that improve the interfacial adhesion between the polymer chains and the sepiolite. Thus, the fibrous silicate forms a thick inorganic layer on the degraded surface protecting the polymer matrix against thermal degradation and showing a similar effectiveness as a lamellar silicate which a priori possesses the most favourable geometry and orientation for this purpose. Poly(ethylene terephthalate) The addition of palygorskite in poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) matrices enhances the thermal stability and the crystallization rate of PET, producing an increase in the flexural modulus of these nanocomposites compared with those of pure PET. The presence of palygorskite in the nanocomposites could
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act as heterogeneous nuclei of PET, which accelerated the rate of crystallization of PET greatly (Yuan et al., 2007). However, in order to improve the dispersion of the nanoclay in the polymer and the adhesion of the PET chains to this fibrous silicate, it is necessary to modify the palygorskite surface. In this context, while silane coupling agent with epoxy groups used as clay surfactant react with PET to improve adhesion between the inorganic phase and the polymer matrix, modifiers such as compounds containing amino groups, decrease the thermal stability of the organoclay and accelerate the degradation behaviours of the PET composite (Yuan et al., 2008). The decomposition of surfactants containing amino groups in organoclays may cause the polymer matrix degradation during preparation of nanocomposites because these amino groups begin to decompose at 170 C and the PET melt processing temperature is about 270 C. The release of some decomposition products decreases greatly the thermal stability of PET/amino-palygorskite composites. In this case, the silane end groups can covalently bond onto the surface hydroxyl functional groups of palygorskite by means of condensation reactions. It is an essential treatment to make the clay sufficiently organophilic to enable the organic polymer to insert between clay particles. Polyacrylamide Hydrogel nanocomposites based on sepiolite grafted with acrylic acid (AA) and acrylamide (AM) are obtained by solution copolymerization. They show excellent absorbing properties resulting from a synergistic effect in sepiolite/poly(AA-co-AM) composites (Zhang et al., 2005). As a reactive additive, sepiolite disaggregates and disperses at the nanometer scale in the copolymer substrate. A good dispersion explains the improvement of the absorbent properties of the nanocomposites with respect to traditional composites. Poly(methyl methacrylate) Palygorskite needles have been encapsulated by soapless polymerization in poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA), pre-treating nanoclay with CTAB so that the introduced organic chains have more affinity for the monomers, facilitating encapsulation (Liu et al., 2008). The morphology of these nanocomposites varies depending on the palygorskite length/diameter ratio. In this way, a bead–string structure is obtained when long palygorskite needles are not encapsulated entirely and a core–shell structure appears in short encapsulated palygorskite needles. Polyvinyl alcohol Sepiolite can be incorporated into the highly hydrophilic polymer PVA without need of any pre-treatment just by simply dispersing the two components in water (Alkan and Benlikaya, 2009). The addition of sepiolite or heated sepiolite into the PVA matrix resulted in a rise of both, the char
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yield and the melting temperature. However, the addition of these nanoclays decreases the thermal decomposition temperatures of the nanocomposites because of the fact that sepiolite (or heated sepiolite) facilitates the elimination of water and acetate groups from the PVA. Therefore, the heat treatment of sepiolite causes lower thermal stability and more influenced optical clarity when filler loading is added to the PVA, at the same filler levels. Polyaniline Sepiolite has been used as a template to disperse nanoscaled polyaniline (PANI) in EVA obtaining a conductive composite (Yu et al., 2009). Nanostructures were obtained from PANI-coated sepiolite via in situ oxidative polymerization after the surface modification of the sepiolite with ammonium and anilinium salts. PANI polymerized onto the nanoclay surface to form well-dispersed conductive nanorod into aqueous medium. The use of paste PANI nanoclay promotes the dispersion of the conductive nanofibre in the matrix. The formation of a PANI–nanoclay network in the EVA matrix leads to enhanced electrical properties. Polyvinylpyrrolidone Nanocomposites based on polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) have been prepared by using palygorskite modified by grafting in order to immobilize reactive end functional groups of silane coupling agents on the surface, followed by chain growth via radical polymerization of N-vinylpyrrolidone (NVP). They form grafted polymers with different molecular weight, showing an enhancement of the thermal stability with the increasing molecular weight of polymer grafted at palygorskite surface (Yuan et al., 2009). Poly(acrylonitrile) Poly(acrylonitrile) (PAN) nanocomposites obtained from palygorskite have shown that the presence of a small amount of this nanoclay improved the fluidity of the PAN solutions under low shear rate, whereas large amount of palygorskite reduces its aspect ratio due to the aggregation and constrain of the polymer segment motion in the solutions (Yin et al., 2009). The relaxation and disentanglement behaviours of the PAN chains in nanocomposite solutions indicate that well-dispersed and oriented palygorskite reduces interaction among macromolecules. The corresponding homogeneous dispersion of the nanoclay accelerates the disentanglement and the segments movement of PAN molecular chains in the system. However, in high clay loading samples, the aggregation effect and the development of a local percolated network structure between polymer matrix and clay by physical absorption and limited chemical interactions may hinder the disentanglement and increase the difficulty of polymer segments movement.
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403 Poly(butylene succinate) The environmental impact of plastic waste is increasing; however, the disposal methods are still limited. Biodegradable polymers can be degraded to lower molecular weight compounds due to water or the action of microorganisms. Aliphatic polyesters, such as poly(butylene succinate) (PBS) and poly(b-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB), are known to be easily decomposed by the cleavage of ester bond linkage in an acidic or basic condition (Chen, 2008). Addition of palygorskite nanoparticles in PBS has a nucleation effect decreasing the spherulitic size of the polymer. However, a modified nanoclay produces insignificant changes of crystallinity and crystallite size due to the improvement in miscibility between the inorganic material and the polymer. This variation in number and size of spherulite has a strong effect on the impact strength and flexural modulus. The HDT of modified nanocomposites enhances compared to the unmodified system because of the improvement of compatibility between nanoclay and PBS. Further, compared to pristine PBS and unmodified palygorskite/PBS composites, the modified nanoclay/PBS nanocomposites show an elevated Young’s modulus. Poly(e-caprolactone) Poly(e-caprolactone) (PCL) is a biocompatible and a biodegradable polymer currently investigated for medical applications, pharmaceutical controlled release systems and biodegradable packaging materials. As this is a semi-crystalline polymer, its lower crystallization temperature and the lower crystallization rate make PCL difficult to be solidified from a melt state, which is essential in melting processing such as melt spinning in the industrial production. In this way, the addition of palygorskite can be used as an effective nucleating agent and has effects on the growth of crystallites in the crystallization process of PCL matrix (Liu and Chen, 2008). Sepiolite provokes a significant improvement in the mechanical properties of the PCL matrix without affecting morphological properties (Duquesne et al., 2007). Indeed, the presence of covalent bonds between the polyester chains and the well-dispersed nanofiller allows for a strong enhancement of the interfacial adhesion as well as the overall stiffness of the nanocomposites materials. Well-dispersed modified sepiolite with amino-propylsilane in PCL leads to a significant increase in Young’s modulus. Poly(lactic acid) Poly(lactic acid) (PLA) is also a widely studied biocompatible and biodegradable polymer. PLA nanocomposites prepared by adding organically modified sepiolite have shown high thermo-mechanical improvements probably because of higher polymer/filler compatibility (Fukushima et al., 2009). The incorporation of sepiolite increases the temperature of cold crystallization (about 10 C) and the enthalpy of the process (ca. 10 J/g). In PLA composite, the formation of a predominant a-form crystalline structure is
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observed probably due to an annealing effect of the oriented sepiolite nanofibres on the PLA crystallization. In the case of the glass transition temperature (Tg), the Tg increased by about 14 C which could be attributed to highly restricted segmental motions at the organic–inorganic interface due to the presence of nanofibres on the polymeric matrix. Moreover, the thermal stability of the PLA matrix in nitrogen is significantly improved by the presence of sepiolite nanoparticles. This behaviour is generally attributed to a barrier effect of the clay towards polymer decomposition products ablation.
2.2.2. Thermosetting Polymer–Clay Nanocomposites The influence of adding sepiolite nanoparticles in a thermosetting polymer to improve their properties has also been tested. Epoxy Epoxy are among the most commercially successful thermosetting materials, especially as adhesives, coatings, encapsulation of electronic components and matrices of composite materials, etc. The use of nanoclays is expected to give novel and improved performances from a synergistic combination of individual organic/inorganic component properties. Sepiolite has been used in the design of nanocomposites due to special morphology and because this nanoclay induces a high-potential interaction level between both nanofillers/nanofillers and nanofillers/matrix components (Franchini et al., 2009). In this way, the interactions developed between the sepiolite and the epoxy matrix are responsible for the magnitude of the shear thinning effect and are related to the morphology of the nanocomposites. When the sepiolite surface is functionalized, it induces changes in the type and strength of interactions existing between the nanoparticles and the monomers, which can favour the breaking up of the sepiolite aggregates and the dispersion of sepiolite needles. It has been found that the surface functionalization of the sepiolite modifies the rheological behaviour in epoxy dispersions. As a result, sepiolite modified with glycidylsilane shows more homogeneous dispersions than amino-silane sepiolite. Sepiolite-based epoxy systems show that the presence of sepiolite nanoparticles led to a reduction of the gelation time, which depends on the type of sepiolite used, either functionalized or not because silanol groups can catalyse the epoxy–amine reaction. Sepiolite nanofiller used in epoxy coating as inorganic reinforcement following a UV-induced polymerization has shown improved properties of the cured coatings such as higher Tg, modulus and surface hardness, because of the strong and extensive interfacial interactions between the organic and inorganic phases (Sangerano et al., 2009). The high density of the surface silanol group can interact with the carbocation growing chain acting as cross-linker between the filler and the polymer networks. As a consequence of the strong
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interaction between the nanofiller and the polymeric matrix, strength, stiffness and hardness of the composite increase. Polyurethane Polyurethane (PU) is extensively used due to its excellent physical properties (flexibility at low temperature, abrasion resistance, variable hardness, etc.). However, PU has drawbacks of low thermal stability and low mechanical strength. These properties are improved by addition of sepiolite and palygorskite nanoparticles as nanofiller (Chen et al., 2007; Lei et al., 2009; Wang et al., 2008; Xu et al., 2009), which is a consequence of the good dispersion and the strong interface interaction between sepiolite and the matrix. Due to sepiolite transferring stress and limiting the expansion of cracks, the organosepiolite can improve the mechanical properties of PU matrix. Moreover, the addition of this nanoclay results in the higher thermal stability than that of pristine PU because acts as a ‘cross-linking agent’ retarded the motion of the polymer chains (Chen et al., 2007). In a similar case, palygorskite has been used to enhance the mechanical properties of a shape-memory PU (Xu et al., 2009). However, the mechanical and thermal properties of PU-based shape-memory nanocomposites significantly depend on the pre-treatment of the nanoclay. In fact, untreated palygorskite decreases significantly the Tg and the hardness of the nanocomposites due to the presence of moisture and surface hydroxyl groups. Conversely, heated palygorskite increases the nanocomposite hardness as the nanoclay content increases because the loss of moisture and most surface hydroxyl groups provided a crystallized and bundled structure. In this regard, the hardness reaches a 60% improvement compared to that of the pure PU with a 30-wt% content of the treated clay. Nanocomposites synthesized with modified palygorskite exhibited increases in the degree of crystallinity, thermal stability and mechanical strength in comparison with the neat PU because the modification of the clay led to suitable surface compatibility and reactivity with the polymer. The chemical modification of palygorskite also facilitates the development of the nanocomposite network. Modified palygorskite has been added into interpenetrating polymer networks (IPNs) of PU to obtain PU/epoxy/clay nanocomposites (Lei et al., 2009; Wang et al., 2008). As a result, the mechanical properties and thermal stability of the PU/epoxy IPN nanocomposites improve with increasing nanoclay content. The cross-link density of the PU/epoxy IPN gradually increased with the palygorskite content leading to the chains becoming more rigid and dense.
2.3. Mechanical, Thermal and Fire Retardancy Properties Clay nanoparticles when individualized and properly dispersed in polymer matrices are known to contribute to the enhancement of properties such as thermal, mechanical, resistance to the permeation of gases or fire resistance.
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Chemical modification of the clay minerals enables its uniform dispersion with a considerable reduction of the loading rate as the interfacial area between the polymer and the nanofiller is greatly increased creating a strong adhesion by chemical bonding between dispersed and continuous phases (Wang et al., 2008). Sepiolite has been used to reinforce different polymers (Kurt, 2004; Morales and White, 2009) such as PA, PP, poly(hydroxyethyl acrylate), epoxy, nylon-6, PU, PAA, natural rubber, etc. Results indicate that the incorporation of low concentrations of sepiolite leads to an improvement in flexural modulus and strength and in the Young modulus, with a decrease in impact strength, and tensile strength. Increasing filler concentration leads to a continuous decrease in the impact strength, while the tensile strength increases up to a value higher than that obtained for unfilled polymer. Sepiolite and palygorskite nanocomposites show a high module because the modified nanoclays restrict mobility of amorphous polymer chains that results from the physical cross-link induced by crystallization (Ruiz-Hitzky and Van Meerbeek, 2006). As a consequence of its high modulus, nanocomposites can be used in automotive, aerospace, communication, engineering or commodity industries (Shen et al., 2006). As an example, in a PE nanocomposite, sepiolite or palygorskite nanoparticles reinforce the matrix increasing the stiffness with clay concentration (Sarkissov et al., 2005). However, elongation at break of the fibrous clay nanocomposites reduces with the increase of the filler content and yield stress decreases with the highest fibrous clay load in the nanocomposite (> 20%). Young’s modulus and HDT are also increased using sepiolite as nanofiller in a PA-6 nanocomposite compared with neat nylon-6 due to the reinforcement effects of the high-aspect-ratio nanofillers (Xie et al., 2007; Table 1). In contrast to MMT/PA nanocomposites, sepiolite exhibited the highest level of reinforcement on the Young’s modulus, which may be due to the more efficient interfacial stress transfer. However, PA/palygorskite nanocomposites exhibit reinforcement in thermal and mechanical properties with increasing nanoclay loading and slower relaxation in segments mobility compared with neat polyamides because of the grafting of the polymer chains to the nanoclay (Shen et al., 2006). In the case of the thermal properties, nanocomposites based on sepiolite and palygorskite nanoparticles increase the decomposition and glass transition temperature (Td and Tg) of the polymer matrix which could be due to the good interfacial adhesion between the matrix and silicate fibres or to the restriction of molecular mobility of polymeric segments near the silicate surface (Shen et al., 2006; Wang et al., 2008). Other important application of these materials is the introduction of nanoclays in a polymer in order to improve their fire resistance and avoid the production of corrosive or toxic gases and smoke during combustion allowing to extend their use to most applications (polymers like PP are limited
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TABLE 1 Thermo-Mechanical Properties of PA-6 Nanocomposites. Nanoclay (%)
D Young Modulus (%)
D HDT (%)
Sepiolite YV
Sepiolite Y
Sepiolite T1
Sepiolite Y
Nanomer I.24 TL
PA-6 Nanomer I.24 TL
Nanocor: Nano effect in situ Nylon-6 Nanocomposites. Ying Liang et al. (in situ polym.) http://www.nanocor.com/tech_papers/antec2001.asp. SCP: Cloisite Application Data. http://www.nanoclay.com/testdata.asp#.
by its high combustibility in automotive, electricity and electronic, construction and other industries) (Laoutid et al., 2009). Nowadays, the most used flame retardants are based on halogeneous compounds in conjunction with antimony trioxide. However, directives and regulations (EU: EN 135501; CDP 89/106/EEC; EN 45545) restrict the use of these halogeneous compound as flame retardant because of the large amount of smoke and toxic gases produced during burning (Marosfoi et al., 2008). Inorganic fillers can be an alternative to substitute these halogeneous compounds. According to the literature, additions of inorganic filler like sepiolite can be used to inhibit or to stop the polymer combustion process because these additives reduce the content of combustible products and modify the thermal conductibility and the viscosity of the resulting material depending on the nature and chemical structure of the polymer. The incorporation of a relatively low quantity of these flame retardant additives acts physically formatting a protective layer during combustion (Lewin, 2006; Zanetti et al., 2002). In this process, the viscosity of the polymer/silicate nanocomposite decreases with increasing temperature and facilitates the migration of the fibrous sepiolita to the surface providing a consistent and durable char (Jang et al., 2005; Song et al., 2007). This char acts as a protective barrier that limits heat transfer into the material, volatilization of combustible degradation products and diffusion of oxygen needed to produce and maintain combustion
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in the material. However, some industrial applications, like cable insulation, need the addition of other flame retardant additives to achieve the wanted properties (Ca´rdenas et al., 2009). In fact, metal hydroxides (aluminium and magnesium, especially) are the mineral flame retardants most commonly used. However, as a consequence of their high loading level in the polymer, the synergist effect with other additive like sepiolite or MMT is being studied. Sepiolite has been tested in combination with magnesium hydroxide in PP. The combination of these microand nanofillers used together decreases the maximal heat realize rate and reduces the time to ignition compared to the pure PP and the magnesium hydroxide and MMT combination. These effects are attributed to the heat absorption mechanism via water release of metal hydroxide and the formation of the barrier layer due to the sepiolite. In a similar case, fumed silica and sepiolite nanoparticles have shown a synergist effect with a high thermal stability and a high amount of inorganic residues. However, it is well known that the dispersion, chemical structure and geometry have a considerable influence on the flammability (Pastore et al., 2004). In this way, combination of fibrous sepiolite and a layer silicate like MMT have been tested to improve the barrier layer formed during combustion. As a result, the use of these nanoclays increases the time to ignition and decreases heat release rate because the combination of these nanofillers stabilizes the char formed and leads to increased strength of the residue. Moreover, the use of two types of nanoparticles with different morphology enhanced the degree of nanodispersion during processing. This is in agreement with the results obtained in PP where the mixture of sepiolite and MMT provides the largest improvement in the physical stability. The synergistic effect between both clay minerals has also been observed with reactive amine flame retardant (Toldy et al., 2007). Moreover, sepiolite has shown to be an effective flame retardant in bituminous emulsions improving the stability and controlling system flow and consistency at high temperature (100 C) avoiding sagging (Figure 3).
FIGURE 3 Flame resistance test of two bituminous emulsions with and without sepiolite.
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3. SEPIOLITE-BASED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS: HYBRID NANOMATERIALS Hybrid nanomaterials based on sepiolite and palygorskite are known since several centuries ago, as it is the case of the Maya blue pigment, although its true nature has been studied only in the past years. Diverse aspects on this wonderful pigment are treated in depth in this book, but it must be remarked here that it is in fact a very stable nanostructured hybrid material based on palygorskite and the indigo natural dye (Figure 4) (Berke, 2007; Chiari et al., 2008; Sa´nchez del Rı´o et al., 2006, 2009). Indigo was able to penetrate into the nanosized pores of palygorskite, which is supposed to accede inside the structural tunnels of the clay mineral fused with melted copal (Arnold et al., 2008). In view of advanced applications, some recent examples on dye-sepiolite nanomaterials that are systematically studied on the basis of the modern techniques and scientific knowledge are introduced below. Actually, sepiolite and palygorskite behave as many clay minerals in their ability for assembling organic species to produce organic–inorganic hybrid materials. From the mechanistic point of view (Table 2), the special structural features of these microfibrous silicates determine differences in the clay–organic interactions with respect to those of smectites and other clay minerals (Ruiz-Hitzky et al., 2004). In this section, we introduce an overview of organic–sepiolite hybrid materials with emphasis on our own results to illustrate the versatility and impact in new applications of this type of nanostructured hybrid materials. The assembling of organic species to sepiolite has as major interest in the introduction of
FIGURE 4 Detail of a piece decorated with the ancient Maya blue pigment (from http://www.dailygalaxy.com/my_weblog/2008/03/ancient-mystery.html).
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TABLE 2 Mechanisms of Clay–Organic Interactions in Charged Layered Silicates (Smectites and Vermiculites) and Sepiolite and Palygorskite Fibrous-Clays. Nature of the Interactions
Characteristics in Charged Layered Silicates
Characteristics in Sepiolite and Palygorskite
High ion-exchange capacity associated to interlayer cations: penetration of positively charged species into the interlayer region
Low ion-exchange capacity with a nonclear location of charge
Clay–organic interactions through water molecules from the interlayer cations hydration shell
Clay–organic interactions through
Hydrogen bonding and water bridges
Organic cations assembled to external surface and penetration in tunnels discriminated by molecular size
1. Silanol groups on the external surfaces 2. Water molecules (zeolitic and coordinated) at the external surfaces or in the tunnels discriminated by molecular size
Covalent bonding
No applicable
Chemical reactions with silanol groups
Van der Waals forces
Specially applicable to interlayer region
Applicable to external and internal surfaces discriminated by the molecular size of the organic molecule
Other mechanisms – Ion dipole and coordination – Proton transfer – Electron transfer
Governing clay– organic interactions due to the charge surface, nature of interlayer cations and water polarization.
Mainly limited to Mg bonded to coordinated water
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functionality to enlarge the applications of the raw clay. Other alternatives to develop sepiolite functional nanostructured materials refer to the preparation of biohybrids and sepiolite-nanoparticles composite materials.
3.1. Sepiolite–Organic Compound Interactions As indicated in Table 2, several mechanisms can be ascribed to explain the nature of sepiolite and palygorskite interactions with organic species to give hybrid nanostructured materials. Electrostatic interactions are related with a low electrical deficit in the charge balance that can be attributed to the existence of isomorphous substitutions as, for instance, Mg2þ by Al3þ in the octahedral layers, similar to smectites and other layered charged silicates. From these substitutions, sepiolite behaves as a cation exchanger of low cation exchange capacity (CEC), typically in the order of 10–20 mEq/100 g, which is about five times fold lower than smectites. However, this capacity allows the uptake of organic cations being the basis of the development of commercial sepiolite-based organoclays, as well as other hybrid nanomaterials based on sepiolite. The presence of different types of water molecules drives to diverse modes in sepiolite–organic interactions. For instance, coordinated water molecules could be involved in hydrogen bonding (water bridges) or can be replaced by organic molecules giving rise to direct coordination to Mg2þ ions in the border of the structural blocks (channels and tunnels). Surface SiOH groups may also participate in the assembling of organic species through low-energy hydrogen-bonding interactions or by strong covalent bonding when sepiolite interacts with certain reagents as, for instance, organo-chlorosilanes. Organic species can interact with sepiolite mainly at the external surface and in some cases also within the internal surface by penetration into its structural tunnels. In fact, sepiolite and palygorskite act as molecular sieves discriminating the adsorption of species by its molecular size (Barrer and Mackenzie, 1954; Barrer et al., 1954; Ruiz-Hitzky, 2001). The channels on the external surface of sepiolite and palygorskite also contribute to adsorption of organic adsorbates whose molecular size and shape closely match the dimensions of the open channels at the exposed crystal faces (Ruiz-Hitzky et al., 2004). In this way, good separation of components in binary mixtures of n-paraffins (n-pentane) from branched paraffins (isopentane or neopentane) by passing them through palygorskite columns, in agreement to Barrer and co-workers (Barrer and Mackenzie, 1954; Barrer et al., 1954). These authors reported a comparable behaviour in sepiolite but its selectivity is different from that of palygorskite, due to the larger channel width of sepiolite. However, in addition to the appropriate size, it is necessary to have a polar character for the molecules to be able to penetrate into the tunnels, as occurs, for instance, with ammonia, methanol, ethanol, acetone, ethylene glycol and pyridine (Ruiz-Hitzky, 2001; Ruiz-Hitzky et al., 2004). Infrared spectroscopy is a useful tool to confirm the penetration of adsorbed molecules, such as
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methanol or acetone (Serna and VanScoyoc, 1979), into the tunnels by the shift of absorption bands associated with H2O coordinated to Mg2þ ions. Solid-state NMR techniques also support the penetration of this type of molecules inside the tunnels (Facey et al., 2005; Kuang et al., 2006). Pyridine and pyrrole among other aromatic and heterocyclic compounds are also able to penetrate into the intracrystalline tunnels of sepiolite (Glen et al., 2005; Inagaki et al., 1990; Kuang et al., 2003; Ruiz-Hitzky, 2001). One of the most salient features in the adsorption of pyridine on sepiolite and palygorskite is the remarkable stability of the resulting nanohybrid materials, which is related to the direct coordination of pyridine to the edge Mg2þ sites at the border of the ribbons inside the tunnels (Kuang et al., 2003). In sepiolite, pyridine molecules sequestered in the tunnels become directly coordinated to Mg2þ in the hybrid nanomaterial (Scheme 1) when heated above 140 C, being stable up to 450 C.
3.1.1. Dye-Sepiolite Nanostructured Hybrids The presence of molecules inserted into the sepiolite and palygorskite tunnels can determine a shift in the crystal folding temperature above 300 C. This stability is also applicable to hybrid materials based on dyes included into the tunnels of the silicates, as could be the case of indigo in Maya blue. In this last case, the dye inside the tunnels of palygorskite cannot be extracted with solvents, resists hot concentrated mineral acids and persists upon heating to about 250 C. Analogous stable pigments have been prepared from palygorskite or sepiolite with indigo (Hubbard et al., 2003; van Olphen, 1966). Certain cationic dyes that exhibit molecular dimensions compatible with the geometry of the tunnels are able to penetrate inside these nanopores. This is the case of methylene blue (MB) of 1.7 0.76 0.32 nm3 dimensions that is adsorbed by sepiolite from aqueous solutions showing H type isotherms corresponding to a high affinity of the dye towards the silicate surface (Aznar et al., 1992a; Rytwo et al., 1998). Taking into account the tendency to form molecular aggregates, this dye is impeded to penetrate into the structural tunnels except when it is present in diluted solutions (< 10 3 M) (Ruiz-Hitzky, 2001). The IR modification of bands associated with the coordinated water molecules mainly located inside the tunnels supports the access of MB and other cationic dyes of comparable molecular dimensions such as acridine orange and thioflavine-T (Casal et al., 2001) to those nanopores in sepiolite. H
H O Mg
O Mg
– H2O
Mg : N
+ H2O SCHEME 1 Reaction scheme showing direct coordination of pyridine to Mg2þ by replacing coordinated water molecules.
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In the case of acridine orange, the highly specific directional binding of the dye to sepiolite, the molecules being arranged with their long axes parallel to the sepiolite fibre axis, has been shown (Ridler and Jennings, 1980). Cationic dyes are also adsorbed at the external surface of sepiolite giving rise to nanohybrid materials that have been investigated for their possible use in the photostabilization of coadsorbed labile pesticides (Casal et al., 2001), in a similar way to the cationic dye-MMT compounds studied by Margulies et al. (1985). Diverse applications can be derived from the confinement of organic dyes into the structural tunnels of sepiolite and palygorskite. In this way, the same strategy than in Maya blue pigment has been applied to prepare colourful and resistant organo-inorganic hybrid additives compatible with aqueous formulations for high-performance paints based on the entrapment of organic dyes into inorganic solids (Ga´ndara et al., 2006, 2009). In this way, direct adsorption of methyl red, MB, auramine O and Alcian blue (pyridine variant) dyes on sepiolite gives hybrid materials that are of particular interest as they show improved photostability when compared to the dye alone or containing dye plus sepiolite subsequently added in a post-addition process (Ga´ndara et al., 2009). These stabilized pigments are also more resistant towards photodegradation than those based on pigments prepared by the ‘bottle-around-a-ship’ procedure, recently applied for the synthesis of dye-containing zeolites (Figure 5) (Ga´ndara et al., 2006). In addition, the confinement of photoactive species in the sepiolite tunnels is of interest for the potential development of materials for microlaser applications, in the same way than reported for the encapsulation of Rhodamine FIGURE 5 Encapsulated organic dyes acridine orange (left) and crystal violet (right) encapsulated by bottle-around-a-ship synthesis in a SiAl zeolite and MB (left) and methyl red (right) adsorbed in the pores of sepiolite, before (A) and after (B) 10 h of weathering treatment (UV irradiation under saturated moisture) (data from Ga´ndara et al., 2009).
Zeolitedye A
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dyes in the structural cavities of aluminophosphate (AlPO) single crystals (Bockstette et al., 1998; Braun et al., 2000). From collaboration between TOLSA and the Materials Science Institute of Madrid, a novel procedure for easy detection of thiols or mercaptans (R SH) has been recently patented (Aranda et al., 2006b). The research concerns a sensorial system that by means of changes of colouration allows the detection of the presence of certain thiols, which can be considered as model molecules for unpleasant odours. The denominated Michler’s hydrol is an organic reagent dye of the diphenylcarbinol type that can be adsorbed on the sepiolite micropores generating stable pigments of bluish colour. This indicator system changes its colour in the presence of thiols, which can react with sulphydryl groups (SH) producing a colourless adduct compound as the reaction progresses (Figure 6). The sepiolite acts as a substrate supporting the Michler’s hydrol as well as the reaction medium, facilitating the visual colour changes produced during the reaction. This system can be used to develop optical sensors for the detection of the present molecular agents responsible for unpleasant odours in general, as well as those originating from industrial waste, wastewater treatments, halitosis, animal breeding and domestic animals (Aranda et al., 2006b).
3.1.2. Grafted Organic Derivatives of Sepiolite by Covalent Bonding Organic derivatives of clay minerals are formed by grafting organic groups onto the silicate surfaces through covalent bonds. Sepiolite offers the possibility to act as a privileged substrate for this purpose due to the presence of surface SiOH groups allowing reaction with different compounds. The most
+ [H ]
FIGURE 6 Scheme showing the detection mechanism of thiols by reaction with sepiolite-Michler’s hydrol hybrids, which change colour after reacting with RSH compounds (results based on Aranda et al., 2006b).
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stable hybrid organic–inorganic compounds derived from sepiolite are obtained by reaction with organosilanes containing SiX groups (X ¼ OR, Cl), yielding siloxane bridges (SiOSi) (Equation 1). ½sepiolite surfaceSi OH þ X SiR3 ! ½sepiolite surfaceSi O SiR3 þ XH
The number of silanol groups necessary to react with the organosilanes reagents could be produced by acid treatment following the so-called cohydrolysis procedure (Ruiz-Hitzky and Van Meerbeek, 1978), which can be applied to sepiolite (Fripiat and Mendelovici, 1968; Ruiz-Hitzky and Fripiat, 1976; Van Meerbeek and Ruiz-Hitzky, 1979; Zapata et al., 1972). Octahedral cations (e.g. Mg2þ) belonging to the octahedral silicate sheet are extracted by acid (e.g. HCl) giving fresh silanol groups that can be involved in further reactions with silanes. In these cases, the synthesis of organic derivatives of sepiolite is characterized by a significant structural and textural alteration of the silicate, although the organic derivatives of sepiolite obtained by cohydrolysis with alkyl- and alkenyl-silanes preserves the microfibrous morphology typical of the parent clay (Ruiz-Hitzky and Fripiat, 1976). As already reported, the grafting of functionalized organosilanes on sepiolite gives different organo-sepiolites of interest in various fields of applications (Ruiz-Hitzky, 1988). In this context, the presence of unsaturated grafted species can be employed in further copolymerization processes giving rise to nanocomposites in which the polymer is covalently bonded to the modified silicate (Ruiz-Hitzky, 1974). Arylsilanes, such as Cl2Si(CH3)(CH2)2Ph grafted on sepiolite, produce very stable phenylethyl derivatives that treated in a further process with chlorosulphonic acid are transformed into arylsulfonic species (Aznar and Ruiz-Hitzky, 1988; Aznar et al., 1992b). These materials show strong acidic character useful for applications as heterogeneous catalysts in alcohol dehydrogenation and in Beckman rearrangement reactions (Gutierrez et al., 1991). Following a similar approach, grafting of organosilanes bearing thiol groups ( SH), as, for instance, 3-mercaptopropyltrimethoxysilane (3-MPTMS), originates modified sepiolites showing ability for the uptake of heavy metals from aqueous solutions. For instance, the resulting derivatives can be used to complex Cd2þ ions via thiol–cation interactions (Celis et al., 2000). Other heavy metals such as osmium can be introduced by grafting on sepiolite, following a procedure involving the addition of OsO4 to unsaturated grafted groups (Barrios-Neira et al., 1974). After controlled hydrogenation (Barrios et al., 1981), the resulting Os-derivatives act as effective oxidation catalysts for the production of free hydrogen from water photodecomposition (Casal et al., 1985).
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Less stable covalently bonded species to sepiolite can be prepared via SiOC links. For instance, 1,2-epoxides have been used for anchoring diverse organic groups to sepiolite either in the vapour phase or in organic solvents (Casal and Ruiz-Hitzky, 1977, 1984) (Equation 2). Si-OH + CH2CH-R O
In the same way, diazomethane reacts with surface silanol groups of sepiolite and palygorskite (Hermosı´n and Cornejo, 1986) through SiOC bonds (Equation 3). Si OH þ CH2 N2 ! Si O CH3 þ N2
The use of isocyanates (R N¼¼C¼¼O) in reactions with silanols of sepiolite gives rise to organic–inorganic hybrid materials, in which aliphatic or aryl groups remain attached to the mineral surface through silyl urethane bridges (SiOCO NHR) (Equation 4) (Ferna´ndez-Herna´ndez and RuizHitzky, 1979). Si OH þ R N ¼ C ¼ O ! Si O CO NH R
In this case, the organic groups (R) also remain covalently attached to the sepiolite surface through Si OC bonds, their stability being dependent on the nature of the R substituent (Ruiz-Hitzky et al., 2004). In any event, attachment to the silicate surface through covalent Si OC bonds is of low stability since they are very sensitive to water molecules, the more stable hybrid organic–inorganic compounds being obtained by reaction of the silicates with functionalized organosilanes as indicated above.
3.2. Biohybrids and Biomimetic Materials Based on Sepiolite Bio-nanohybrid materials are an emerging class of organic–inorganic hybrids resulting from the assembling of molecular or polymeric species of biological origin to inorganic substrates through interactions at the nanometric scale (Ruiz-Hitzky et al., 2007). Diverse species such as lipids, carbohydrates, proteins and even fragments or entire biological bodies such as viruses or cells can be combined with different inorganic solids to form biohybrids presenting synergistic characteristics from the integrating components. In Nature, nacre, ivory and bones are typically biohybrids formed by assembling of inorganic solids and biopolymers, produced by living organisms and showing an amazing hierarchical arrangement of their organic and inorganic components from the nanoscale to the macroscopic scale (Darder et al., 2007; Ruiz-Hitzky et al., 2005). By mimicking the exceptional features of natural biohybrids, different research teams have developed the so-called biomimetic materials (Darder et al., 2007; Dujardin and Mann, 2002). Clay minerals, including
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sepiolite, have been used as inorganic moieties in the assembling to biopolymers to prepare bio-nanocomposites (Darder et al., 2008; Ruiz-Hitzky et al., 2005, 2008a, 2009c,e). Lipids such as phosphatidylcholine (PC) are long-chain surfactants of biological origin that have been recently assembled to sepiolite, the resulting biohybrids (bio-organoclays) being characterized by a homogenous coverage of the external surface in mono- or bilayer arrangement (Wicklein et al., 2010a). These biohybrids can be considered as supported lipid membranes that are associated to the sepiolite core by electrostatic bonds resulting from the cation-exchange processes, and also through hydrogen bonding of the lipid head-group moieties with the SiOH groups and the coordinated water molecules located at the channels on the external surface of this silicate. The versatility of bio-organoclays as immobilization hosts for diverse biological species was demonstrated in a mycotoxin retention study demonstrating a superior aflatoxin B1 sequestration capacity as compared to that of commercial alkylammonium organoclays (Wicklein et al., 2008, 2010a). The obtained bio-organoclays have been also tested as support of various enzymatic systems, such as urease, observing that the bioactivity of the enzymes can be effectively maintained for long periods of time (Wicklein et al., 2010b). It must be noticed that these bio-organoclays are ecomaterials less harmful to the environment than the corresponding conventional organoclays based on clay-long chain alkylammonium species. Bio-nanocomposites result from the combination of clay minerals and naturally occurring polymers (biopolymers), having a great scientific and industrial interest, since they are derived from abundant, cheap and ecological sources, and offer biocompatibility and biodegradability, as well as, in some cases, good mechanical and barrier properties. Because of these characteristics, they are receiving a great attention in view to potential applications in areas so diverse than ranges from adjuvants of viral vaccines to reinforced bioplastics for food packaging (Ruiz-Hitzky et al., 2009e). Sepiolite is able to give bio-nanocomposites by assembly with different types of biopolymers. The interaction mechanisms governing the formation of sepiolite-based bionanocomposites can be mainly ascribed to hydrogen bonding between the silanol groups and the water molecules at the external silicate surface with the hydroxyls, amino, carboxylic and other groups belonging to the biopolymers. It can also interact through electrostatic bonds with positively charged polymers, such as chitosan, the negatively charged surface of sepiolite being balanced by the protonated amino groups of the biopolymer (Darder and Ruiz-Hitzky, 2007; Darder et al., 2006). Multilayer coverage of chitosan can take place at high equilibrium concentrations of the biopolymer adsorbed as polymer aggregates. Sepiolite becomes strongly integrated within the biopolymer structure providing nanohybrids that show good mechanical properties, with elasticity modulus superior to those of the components measured separately, in agreement with the characteristic synergistic effect
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reported for structural polymer–clay nanocomposites. In addition to the good mechanical properties, these bio-nanocomposites show the interesting feature of being easily processed as self-supporting films (Darder et al., 2006). These properties show their potential interest in uses as membranes for different processes related to separation of ions and gases, or as components of electrochemical devices. Further, chitosan–sepiolite bio-nanocomposites could be used as substrate for the assembly of more complex materials of biological origin, including nucleic acids and living bodies such as algal cells and viruses. Similar to sepiolite, palygorskite is able to assemble biopolymers following the same approaches. For instance, it can be combined with polysaccharide derivatives, such as starch modified by the grafting of polyacrylamide giving rise to bio-nanohybrids with extraordinary superabsorbent properties (ca. 500 g of water per g of bio-nanocomposite) (Li et al., 2005). However, hydroxyethyl- and hydroxypropyl-cellulose can be associated to this silicate with a strong modification of the rheological behaviour of the clay dispersions (Chang et al., 1991). A complex composite formed by mixing dry biomass powder obtained from Ulva sp. microalgae and sepiolite has been reported as adsorbent of uranium (VI) in aqueous solutions (Donat et al., 2009). These materials cannot be classified as nanocomposites but are interesting as they open the way to new approaches for the uptake of toxic and/or radioactive pollutants by using sepiolite–algae compounding. In sepiolite bio-nanocomposites involving fibrous proteins such as collagen, the interaction results in an exceptional arrangement of the biopolymer oriented in the same direction as the sepiolite fibres (Pe´rez-Castells et al., 1987). Further treatment with glutaraldehyde confers to the composites a strong improvement in mechanical properties, the materials being positively tested for bone repair applied to in vivo assays (Olmo et al., 1996). Strongly related with collagen, gelatine–sepiolite bio-nanocomposites has been prepared recently mainly in view of potential structural applications (Fernandes et al., 2009, 2011). This approach was addressed to develop biocompatible formulations showing at the same time good mechanical properties. In fact, these bio-nanocomposites exhibit an increase of the elastic modulus up to 250% with respect to the starting gelatine matrix. It must be remarked that subtle changes introduced into sepiolite by grafting reactions or by thermal treatments resulted in dramatically different mechanical properties of the bio-nanocomposites, although at the present moment absolute knowledge of the interactions nature between sepiolite and gelatine has not yet established. Other structural protein is zein, an abundant storage biopolymer present as one of the major components in corn. It is a hydrophobic protein with a high content of non-polar amino acids that confers it interesting properties from the point of view of its compatibility with organophilic media. Its combination
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with different clay minerals and organoclays in view to produce biohybrids has been recently investigated and patented by the Ruiz-Hitzky’s group (Alcaˆntara et al., 2008; Ruiz-Hitzky et al., 2009b). Zein is adsorbed from ethanol/water mixtures on organoclays derived from MMT (Closite 30B) and on unmodified sepiolite and palygorskite microfibrous clays (Alcaˆntara et al., 2008). Zein–clay biohybrids can be employed as fillers in biopolymer matrices, resulting in bio-nanocomposites of interest as bioplastics (green nanocomposites) useful among other applications as films for food preservation and packaging (Ruiz-Hitzky et al., 2009b). Interestingly, the use of the zein–clay biohybrids as reinforcing agents in biopolymer matrices gives materials that can be easily processed in different ways, as for instance, films, rigid foams or microbeads. Zein–clay reinforced biopolymers processed as films by casting procedures result in bioplastics showing improved gas and water vapour barrier properties in comparison to the uncharged biopolymers. Current investigation is addressed to process these materials as foams, by means of freeze-drying techniques, or as microbeads for slow-release systems of bioactive molecules (drugs, pesticides, etc.) and other different applications. Due to their biocompatibility and non-toxicity, they can be also interesting materials for biomedical applications in controlled drug delivery and tissue engineering (Ruiz-Hitzky et al., 2010c). Bio-nanocomposites based on sepiolite and different types of water soluble biopolymers can be prepared as hierarchically organized macroporous materials (cellular structure) by means of freeze-drying processes (Figure 7B) (Darder et al., 2007). Bio-nanocomposite foams (Figure 7A) based on microfibrous clay minerals (sepiolite and palygorskite) in combination with diverse polysaccharides (starch, agarose, guar gum, locust bean gum, chitosan, alginate, xanthan, carrageenan) or structural proteins (gelatine, collagen) can exhibit enhanced mechanical properties (Ruiz-Hitzky et al., 2009d). These foams are light- or ultralight-weight materials with density
FIGURE 7 (A) Polysaccharide–sepiolite bio-nanocomposite processed as a foam prepared by the procedure described by Ruiz-Hitzky et al. (2009d) and (B) SEM image showing the macroporous structure of a chitosan–poly(acrylamide)–sepiolite bio-nanocomposite processed by freezedrying (picture from Darder et al., 2007; Copyright Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. Reproduced with permission).
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
values, even below 0.05 g/cm3. They show improved mechanical properties than analogous materials based on layered silicates, and interestingly, they behave as fireproof and even, in some cases, as self-extinguishing materials. Therefore, these bio-nanocomposite foams could receive numerous applications in the fields of thermal and acoustical insulation, as well as in the packaging industry. Another remarkable property of these foams is the combination of macroporosity and biocompatibility making them potentially interesting for their use as biomaterials. For instance, chitosan–sepiolite foams can act as support of microalgae such as Chlorella vulgaris and Anabaena sp. PCC7120, which colonize the bulk of the bio-nanocomposite showing long time periods (> 1 month) of cells viability (Darder et al., 2010). However, Ruiz-Hitzky et al. (2009a) reported on the use of sepiolite–xanthan gum polysaccharide bio-nanocomposites for immobilization of viral particles. This is the case of viruses interacting via mucosa, such as the Influenza virus, which is homogenously dispersed on the bio-nanocomposite. The xanthan gum is an anionic polysaccharide that offers binding sites to immobilize the positively charged viral particles through electrostatic interactions (Figure 8). In contrast, unmodified sepiolite is not able to retain viral particles, the virus being agglomerated and segregated in large clusters. Remarkably, these sepiolite-based biohybrids show bioactivity as demonstrated by the formation of specific antibodies and the protection against Influenza virus in experiments carried out in mice. Moreover, these systems can be both intramuscularly and intranasally delivered, inducing mucosal immunity at the site of virus entry and enhancing its effectiveness by about fivefolds compared to vaccines prepared from the virus alone (Ruiz-Hitzky et al., 2009a).
FIGURE 8 TEM image of virus/bionanocomposites based on xanthan–sepiolite biohybrids (image from Ruiz-Hitzky et al., 2009a. Copyright Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. Reproduced with permission).
200 nm
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3.3. Sepiolite–Carbon Materials Clay minerals of different topologies, from layered silicates such as MMT or taenolite to porous sepiolite or pillared clays, have been used as porous substrates to produce nanostructured carbonaceous materials using molecular and polymeric organic precursors, such as pyrene, safranine, styrene, propylene, acrylonitrile or sucrose, submitted to controlled thermal treatments that produce highly oriented or disaggregated carbon–clay mineral or carbonaceous materials (Bakandritsos et al., 2004; Bandosz et al., 1996; Darder and Ruiz-Hitzky, 2005; Duclaux et al., 2000; Ferna´ndez-Saavedra et al., 2004; Kyotani et al., 1988; Sandı´ et al., 1996; Sonobe et al., 1990, 1991; Zhu et al., 1999). The use of sepiolite may result in materials that show microfibrous or nanofibre morphologies depending on the nature of the organic molecule used as source of the carbon, for instance, ethylene and propylene (Sandı´ et al., 1999) or acrylonitrile (Ferna´ndez-Saavedra et al., 2004), respectively. In the case of acrylonitrile, the monomer accedes to the tunnels of sepiolite where it can be thermally polymerized to PAN. Thermal heating of the nanocomposite to a relatively low temperature (ca. 750 C) under an inert atmosphere transforms the polymer in a graphite-like conducting material (Ferna´ndez-Saavedra et al., 2004). In situ SAXS studies show the existence of a delay of the sepiolite folding that occurs at temperatures above 530 C instead of 487 C, corroborating the presence of the molecules into the tunnels of the mineral (Ferna´ndez-Saavedra et al., 2009). After elimination of the silicate substrate, it is possible to recover carbon nanofibres of ca. 1 mm by 20 nm dimensions (Ferna´ndez-Saavedra et al., 2004). Interestingly, the resulting graphite-like materials show higher electrical conductivity than other carbon-based materials prepared from PAN–zeolites (Enzel et al., 1992) or PAN–MCM41 mesoporous silica (Wu and Bein, 1994), being in the order of 10 6 S/cm for the carbon–sepiolite nanocomposite at room temperature (Aranda et al., 2006a). This behaviour has been interpreted on the basis of the formation of graphene units that show electronic conjugation and the intermolecular condensation of ladder-like carbon structures during the pyrolysis treatment (Ferna´ndez-Saavedra et al., 2008). Carbon–clay nanocomposites are, in general, prepared as source of nanostructured carbonaceous materials in view to be applied as electrodes of lithium batteries and supercapacitor devices (Aranda, 2007; Aranda et al., 2006a; Sandı´, 2001). It is remarkable that carbonaceous materials derived from sepiolite show a better behaviour as electrode for rechargeable Li-batteries than those prepared from smectite templates (Sandı´ et al., 1999). This is the case, for instance, of templated carbons prepared from PAN–clay nanocomposites in which the efficiency for reversible Liþ insertion was higher for the sepiolite-based nanostructured carbon even though the electrical conductivity of the precursor was higher in the MMT derivative than in the sepiolite one (Aranda, 2007). These nanostructured carbons can be also used as
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electrode of supercapacitors showing specific capacitance values of 22.4 and 50.2 F/g for the carbons templated using MMT and sepiolite clay minerals, respectively. In this case, the higher capacitance value for the nanostructured carbon prepared from sepiolite has been ascribed to a higher active surface associated with a lower content in micropores that are not accessible to the electrolyte molecules (Ferna´ndez-Saavedra et al., 2008). Comparing carbons prepared from propylene and ethylene templated on sepiolite samples of different textural characteristics, Sandı´ et al. (2003a) observed that porosity of the resulting carbons plays an important role in the diffusivity of lithium ions. Moreover, these carbons apart from application as electrodes of lithium batteries (Sandı´ et al., 2003b) can be also used for hydrogen storage (Sandı´ et al., 2003c). Conducting carbon–MMT nanostructured materials can be also prepared from cheap and abundant sources, such as sucrose, without (Darder and Ruiz-Hitzky, 2005) or in the presence of sulphuric acid (Bakandritsos et al., 2004). The use of sepiolite instead of MMT is especially interesting because, besides the fact that the resulting carbon–sepiolite nanocomposites show good electrical conductivity (around 10 2 S/cm at room temperature) (Go´mezAvile´s et al., 2007), it can be directly used as electrode of rechargeable lithium batteries (Ferna´ndez-Saavedra et al., 2008; Go´mez-Avile´s et al., 2010). The presence of sepiolite in this conducting nanocomposites offers the possibility to be further functionalized by grafting of organosilanes in an easy way (Figure 9), allowing the preparation of multifunctional materials that simultaneously are provided of conductivity and specific organic functions (Go´mezAvile´s et al., 2007, 2010). In this way, it has been reported the preparation of carbon paste electrodes (CPEs) based on multifunctional carbon–sepiolite materials in which amino and sulphonic groups have been incorporated
Carbon–sepiolite nanocomposite
Si O O O
O Si O O
Functionalized carbon–silicate nanocomposite (conducting solid polyelectrolyte) FIGURE 9 Scheme of the synthetic route employed for the preparation of functional and conducting carbon–sepiolite nanocomposites by grafting of organosilanes. In this case, the grafted silane is amino-propyltriethoxysilane that procures the incorporation of amino-functionalities (based on Go´mez-Avile´s et al., 2007).
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(Go´mez-Avile´s et al., 2007, 2010). The resulting CPEs show a high selectivity due to the discrimination on the size of the monovalent ions (anion or cation) probably due to the special nanoporosity of the nanocomposites (Go´mezAvile´s et al., 2007, 2010). Another way to prepare conducting carbon–clay nanostructured materials refers to the direct assembly of CNTs to sepiolite and palygorskite as recently patented (Ruiz-Hitzky and Fernandes, 2009). The role of fibrous silicate is to procure a coadjuvant effect allowing to keep CNTs in homogeneous colloidal aqueous suspensions that are stable during long periods of time (> 6 months) attributed to a synergistic effect between the two components. One of the main interests of these CNTs–sepiolite systems is to take profit of the presence of both nanofillers to prepare polymer and biopolymer nanocomposites to which procure simultaneous structural reinforcement and tunable electronic conductivity.
3.4. Sepiolite as Support of Nanoparticles Sepiolite has been used as support of nanoparticles of different origin, such as metals, metal oxides, hydroxides and oxyhydroxides. Nowadays, the term nanoparticle is commonly employed but the first reports on the preparation of nanoparticle-sepiolite materials refer to the formation of metal clusters on the surface of sepiolite. The term cluster was coined by Cotton in the early 1960s, as accounted by Mingos (1990), and refers to compounds containing metal–metal bonds. In another definition, a cluster compound contains a group of two or more metal atoms where direct and substantial metal–metal bonding is present (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cluster_chemistry). In the present section, nanoparticles and clusters will be regarded as two names for the same concept that refers to a group of bonded atoms that are intermediate in size between a molecule and a bulk solid, that is, showing nanometric dimensions. In Table 3 are collected various representative examples of nanoparticle-sepiolite materials prepared in view to applications that include ion exchangers, adsorbents of pollutants, supported catalysts and photocatalysts, antibactericide action or active phases of magnetic sensors. Some of these examples will be described in more depth in the following paragraphs in order to show the variety of strategies applied for the preparation of such nanomaterials and the versatility in their applications. The structural, textural and surface characteristics of sepiolite allow different strategies for the generation of nanoparticles on the surface, chemically bonded or even templated on the pores of the mineral. For instance, Cu nanoparticles have been formed on the surface of sepiolite incorporating first [Cu(NH3)4]2þ species by an ion-exchange reaction. The stabilization of Cuþ species determines interesting properties of these materials in methanol dehydrogenation to methyl formate (Sun Kou et al., 1992). In the same way, [Pd(NH3)4]2þ species can be incorporated to sepiolite by ion exchange
TABLE 3 Some Examples of Nanoparticles Supported on Sepiolite. Preparation
Grafting through vinylsilanes
Clusters of homogeneous nanometric dimensions
Photocatalytic decomposition of water
Barrios-Neira et al. (1974) and Casal et al. (1985)
Ni acetate thermal decomposition
Nanoparticles of ca. 5 nm
Microwave decomposition of pesticides
Salvador et al. (2002)
Homogeneous nanoparticles of ca. 6 nm
Photocatalytic decomposition of pollutants
Aranda et al. (2008)
Nanoparticles of ca. 10 nm
Photocatalytic decomposition of pollutants
Aranda et al. (2008)
[Mg2Al(OH)6 Cl]nH2O
AlCl3; MgCl2; NaOH
Nanoparticles of variable size
Cationic/anionic exchange. Catalysis
Ruiz-Hitzky et al. (2008b)
Adsorption from ferrofluids in sepiolite and organo-sepiolites
Superparamagnetic behaviour
Adsorption of species, water treatment, magnetic nanofiller, etc.
Ruiz-Hitzky et al. (2010b)
Precipitation and reduction of Ni nitrate
Nanoparticles of ca. 100 nm
Hydrogenation of toluene
Zhai et al. (2005)
Ion exchange with [Cu (NH3)4]2þ
Cuþ predominant species
Methanol dehydrogenation to methyl formate
Sun Kou et al. (1992)
Ion exchange with [Pd (NH3)4]2þ
Metal clusters from 2 to 7 nm
Suzuki coupling reaction in water
Shimizu et al. (2004)
Soot combustion
Gu¨ngo¨r et al. (2006)
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
Nature of Nanoparticles
Au, Ag, Fe, Co
Acid treated sepiolite þ metal salt and reduction
3–6 nm nanoparticles
Potential use due to their optical and magnetic properties
Pecharroma´n et al. (2006)
Acid treated sepiolite þ metal salt and reduction
6 nm nanoparticles
Antibacterial activity
Esteban-Cubillo et al. (2006b)
Acid treated sepiolite þ metal salt
Nanoparticles < 15 nm
Humidity sensor
Esteban-Cubillo et al. (2007)
Fe and Fe3O4
Acid treated sepiolite þ metal salt and reduction
Superparamagnetic and ferromagnetic behaviour
Magnetic applications
Esteban-Cubillo et al. (2008a)
Acid treated sepiolite þ metal salt and reduction
Superparamagnetic and ferromagnetic behaviour
Magnetic applications
Esteban-Cubillo et al. (2010)
Acid treated sepiolite þ metal salt and reduction
3–6 nm nanoparticles
Optical properties
Pecharroma´n et al. (2009)
Advanced Materials and New Applications
Catalytically active AgOx phases
Ag nitrate impregnation on sepiolite–Zr–K–O
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and after reduction is detected the presence of metal clusters of 2–7 nm that are active in the Suzuki coupling reaction in water (Shimizu et al., 2004). Alternatively and as described in Section 3.1.2, chemical modification of the external surface of sepiolite with covalently bonded unsaturated organic groups allows the incorporation of metal oxide particles, such as osmiate groups (Barrios-Neira et al., 1974), with activity to participate in the photocatalytic decomposition of water (Casal et al., 1985). In other cases, the so-called impregnation methods in which metal oxyhydroxides are first precipitated on the surface of sepiolite and further transformed in metal or metal oxide nanoparticles have been employed. This is the case, for instance, of nickel oxyhydroxides precipitated from nitrate solutions in which further reduction drives to the formation of Ni nanoparticles of ca. 100 nm that can be active in the hydrogenation of toluene (Zhai et al., 2005). However, it has been shown by XPS that the preparation method strongly influences the nickel–sepiolite catalysts (Anderson et al., 1993). In other cases, it is possible to form NiOx by thermal decomposition of precipitate nickel acetate to generate nanoparticles of the oxide of about 5 nm diameter by thermal heating at 400 C for 2 h. These nanoparticles are very active in pesticide (e.g. lindane) decomposition under MW irradiation (Salvador et al., 2002). To stabilize the support, in certain cases sepiolite is thermally treated at temperatures even close to that of sepiolite dehydroxylation (ca. 840 C) before the impregnation process. This is the procedure used by Watanabe and co-workers (2000) to prepare highly stable Pt/Fe catalysts for hydrocarbon oxidation. The formation of iron oxide particles with diameters of 2–5 nm on the surface of heated sepiolite that also contains Pt particles procures a synergistic action to assure the complete oxidation of hydrocarbons with simultaneous suppression of SO2 oxidation, which could be specially useful for diesel engines. A similar effect has been observed on sepiolite modified with ZrO2 and further impregnated with silver nitrate to stabilize silver nanoparticles for soot combustion (Gu¨ngo¨r et al., 2006). The high external surface of sepiolite makes it very attractive as support of TiO2 nanoparticles for the development of photocatalysts. In this way, Aranda and co-workers (2008) recently reported an innovative route to produce TiO2 anatase nanoparticles of about 4–8 nm on the external surface of sepiolite fibres. TiO2 is generated by controlled hydrolysis of titanium tetraisopropoxide incorporated in a sepiolite previously modified with a cationic surfactant (e.g. cetyltrimethylammonium ions) (Figure 10). This approach is related to that previously reported for the preparation of inorganic–inorganic nanocomposites in which the generation of a silica network in the interlayer region of smectites and vermiculite provokes the delamination of the phyllosilicate (Letaı¨ef and Ruiz-Hitzky, 2003; Letaı¨ef et al., 2006). Anatase nanoparticles are stabilized after calcination at 500 C for 1 h in N2 atmosphere and 5 h in air flux in a process in which the organic matter is removed. The incorporation of thiourea to the initial colloidal system allows the stabilization of the
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Si O Mg MgOH SiOH H2O (coord.) H2O (zeol.)
TiO2 nanoparticles
100 nm
Sol–gel Alkoxide D/[O2] Calcination Nanoparticles
Oxide coverage
200 nm
FIGURE 10 (A) Schematic representation of the procedure reported by Aranda and coworkers (2008) to prepare TiO2–sepiolite materials by controlled hydrolysis of titanium alkoxides on the surface of organo-sepiolite. (B) TEM and (C) FE-SEM images showing the presence of the TiO2 nanoparticles covering sepiolite fibres. (Scheme and images reproduced from Aranda et al. (2008) with permission from the American Chemical Society.)
anatase phase at temperatures above 400 C due to the incorporation of S traces into the titanium dioxide crystal lattice during the thermal treatment. The TiO2–sepiolite nanocomposites show high efficiency in the phenol photodegradation that can reach more than 90% of conversion (Aranda et al., 2008). The simultaneous treatment with titanium and silicon alkoxides (e.g. titanium isopropoxide, Ti(PrO)4, and tetrametoxisilane, TMOS) allows the formation of TiO2–SiO2 nanoparticles on the surface of the fibres. As also observed in TiO2–SiO2/smectite and TiO2–SiO2/vermiculite prepared by a related colloidal route (Manova et al., 2010), the activity as photocatalysts of these supported mixed oxides is significantly lower than for the TiO2–clay materials (Aranda et al., 2008). Although this seems a drawback, Jung and Grange (2004) demonstrated by in situ diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (DRIFTS) that the direct assembling of hydroxyl groups of sepiolite and Ti(OH)4 occurs via SiOTi bonds and can be responsible for generation of acidity. Therefore, the presence of protons able to act as Bro¨nsted acid sites in the TiO2–SiO2 mixed oxide nanoparticles generated on the surface of sepiolite can be of interest for use of these materials as acid catalysts. Sepiolite is used to improve the rheological properties during the extrusion process of the ceramic paste used in the preparation of ceramic monolithic catalysts, improving also the porosity and mechanical strength of the heattreated composite (Sua´rez et al., 2005). These monoliths or honeycomb catalysts can be employed as support of TiO2 nanoparticles for use in the
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photocatalytic degradation of pollutants such as trichloroethylene (Sua´rez et al., 2008). In the same way, TiO2 Degussa P25 nanoparticles have incorporated monolithic pieces of macroporous structures assembled from sepiolite and a silica sol using a cryogenic process called ISIA (ice-segregation-induced self-assembly) (Nieto-Sua´rez et al., 2009). Monodispersed metallic nanoparticles and their precursors can be also synthesized following wet chemical route within the framework of sepiolite (Pecharroma´n et al., 2006). In this case, the preparation method is initiated with an acid attack to an aqueous sepiolite dispersion under high shear mixing. Sepiolite is previously purified and micronized by a wet process to obtain a final product more than 95% content of sepiolite. As a result, magnesium cations are leached from the phyllosilicate matrix, and consequently, silanols are formed into the tetrahedral layer (Herna´ndez et al., 1985). In this regard, sepiolite is treated in acid to leach a sufficient amount of magnesium cations without collapsing the structure by the formation of siloxanes (Jime´nez-Lo´pez et al., 1978), and subsequently, a solution of the required metal is added to the suspension. After an elapsed time to homogenize the suspension, the metallic cations are exchanged in the sepiolite matrix. Mg8 Si12 O30 ðOHÞ4 ðH2 OÞ4 8H2 O þ Hþ >Mg8x H2x Si12 O30 ðOHÞ4 ðH2 OÞ4 8H2 O Mg8x H2x Si12 O30 ðOHÞ4 ðH2 OÞ4 8H2 O þ xM2þ >Mg8x Mx Si12 O30 ðOHÞ4 ðH2 OÞ4 8H2 O
The ionic exchange takes place after the addition of NaOH to increase the pH of the solution under high shear mixing. Cationic metals will preferentially occupy the octahedral sites (Corma et al., 1985; Sabah et al., 2002; Vico, 2003) in substitution of the Mg2þ because they have solubility constants smaller than that of magnesium (Ersoy and Celik, 2002). The obtained precursors following this procedure are treated at different temperature depending on the metal in an air or a reductor atmosphere to obtain metallic or metal oxide nanoparticles, respectively. Although the thermal process induces a double dehydration process in natural sepiolite corresponding to the loss of two pairs of water molecules and a structural folding (Preisinger, 1959), in the case of metal-substituted-sepiolite only a single dehydration process can be found by differential thermal analysis. This single thermal step can be assigned to a coupling of dehydration process to the reduction of the metallic cations following the scheme of a Hedvall effect (Hedvall, 1966). After this treatment, nanoparticles appear disperse and their size distributions are remarkably narrow with an average particle size ranging from 3 to 6 nm. The nature and location of the different metallic species within the sepiolite structure (Figure 11) are dependent on the conditions of the wet chemical preparation and, specifically, on the initial acidic treatment of the sepiolite because the amount of the vacancies available to incorporate a foreign cation depends on the magnesium cations leached from sepiolite during the acid treatment (Esteban-Cubillo et al., 2008a). So, a moderate acid treatment
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FIGURE 11 Transmission electron micrographs of nickel (A), copper (B), iron (C), silver (D), cobalt (E) and gold (F) in sepiolite with their corresponding metal particle size distributions (insets). (Pictures from Pecharroma´n et al., 2006; Copyright John Wiley and Sons. Reproduced with permission.)
(pH ¼ 2 for 1 h) only removes the magnesium cations corresponding to the particle surface, while a stronger acid treatment (pH ¼ 0 for 1 h) is able to leach the Mg2þ cations located at the edges of the octahedral layer both into the channels and at surface (Esteban-Cubillo et al., 2008b). The fraction of magnesium cations leached by acid treatment appears to be crucial because it has been shown that a short treatment is unable to remove enough Mg2þ cations located at distal positions while a more prolonged one removes all the Mg2þ cations from the sepiolite framework to give place to the formation of porous silica (Gonza´lez et al., 1984). In this sense, during the raising of pH
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process, metallic cations are incorporated into the sepiolite magnesium vacancies (Corma et al., 1985; Vico, 2003) forming a variety of stable metalliccontaining sepiolites which are found to be naturally occurring and that are known as ferricsepiolite or xylotile (Preisinger, 1959), nickeliferous sepiolite ´ lvarez, 1984), aluminous sepiolite or manganese sepiolite or falcondoite (A (Semenov, 1969). Once all the magnesium vacancies have been occupied and in case that the aqueous solution would contain an excess of metallic cations, they would precipitate on the sepiolite surface as poorly crystallized metal oxides or oxyhydroxides. The main advantage of this matrix is the large quantity of metallic nanoparticles that can be easily obtained. Additionally, as a consequence of the fact that nanoparticles are supported on silicate microparticles, manipulation becomes easier and health risks, recently reported (Oberdo¨rster, 2004; The Royal Society, 2004), are considerably reduced. Moreover, these nanoparticles have been revealed to be remarkably stable against oxidation because the transformed sepiolite matrix becomes a diffusion barrier for oxygen. It should be noted that unprotected metallic nanoparticles are very sensitive to oxidation, especially iron nanoparticles. The advantage of preparing nanoparticles in a sepiolite matrix is their resistance to oxidation because most of them remain completely embedded into a silica matrix formed by the thermal decomposition of sepiolite. In fact, Esteban-Cubillo et al. (2008a) have found that iron nanoparticles remain non-oxidized even under a thermal treatment of 2 h at 250 C in air. Moreover, Ni nanoparticles present a similar behaviour. In this case, samples which have been stored in air for a period of 1 year only present a 20% reduction of the X-ray diffraction peak corresponding to (111) planes, while its half width increases (Esteban-Cubillo et al., 2010). Metallic nanoparticles present suitable properties to be used for biocide, optical, magnetic applications or humidity control. In case of the biocide properties, it is well known that some kind of metallic nanoparticles, such as silver, copper and zinc, have antibacterial capabilities (Horiguchi, 1980) and they are being used in biomedical (Hu¨tten et al., 2004; Tartaj et al., 2003) and biological (Sondi and Salopek-Sondi, 2004) applications. Several research about the use of these nanostructured materials as bactericides are being developed because these metal nanoparticles show a higher efficiency against microorganisms than conventional materials due to their larger specific surface, which allows the same biocide activity reducing the dose of metal and improving its biocompatibility. Moreover, there is a special interest to substitute the traditional organics bactericides with their limited applications (low heat resistant, high decomposability and short life) by new bactericides based on inorganic materials in order to increase the effectiveness decreasing their cost (Li et al., 2002). Other reason to develop new bactericide agent is that microorganisms are developing an important resistance to multiple antibiotics.
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In fact, the inorganic biocides market ($10 billions) increases at an average annual rate of 6% (Esteban-Tejeda et al., 2009a). This kind of biocides has a large spectrum of applications in different fields such as medical instruments, medical implants, water treatment, food processing, public areas and agriculture. In this regard, copper and silver monodispersed nanoparticles (< 20 nm) supported on a sepiolite matrix have been tested as antibacterial agent versus two different microorganisms, a Gram-positive bacterium (Micrococcus luteus) and a Gram-negative bacterium (Escherichia coli), following the Flash Shake Method (ASTM E 2149-01). Antimicrobial test for antimicrobial activity (Table 4) has revealed that copper and silver nanoparticles supported in sepiolite are an excellent antibacterial agent on Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria (Esteban-Tejeda et al., 2009a,b). As it can be seen from Table 4, a concentration of 0.036 wt % of silver nanoparticles and 0.054 wt% of copper reduces significantly the number of Gram-positive and Gram-negative colonies. The high effectiveness of these nanoparticles in sepiolite could be due to the combination of a large specific surface of metallic nanoparticles along the sepiolite fibres and to the intrinsic large specific surface area of sepiolite (ca. 100 m2/g). Sepiolite acts as an effective scaffold, where copper and silver nanoparticles are perfectly monodispersed avoiding agglomeration of nanoparticles and acting as an accessible surface enhancer of these nanoparticles. Copper nanoparticles have been compared with Triclosan (Levy et al., 1999; McMurray et al., 1998), a commercial broad-spectrum antibacterial/ antimicrobial agent. As a result, copper supported on sepiolite shows a strong bactericide activity similar to Triclosan (Esteban-Cubillo et al., 2006b). According to the literature (Chang et al., 2007; Lan et al., 2007; Page et al., 2007), the mechanism followed by these metallic nanoparticles against the E. coli and M. luteus microorganism is based on the amount of metal cation leached to the solution (Feng et al., 2000). In this regard, sepiolite allows a controlled lixiviation and a safe disinfestation. Moreover, copper, silver and gold particles in a nanometric size display light absorption maxima in UV–vis spectrum corresponding to surface TABLE 4 Antibacterial Activity of Copper and Silver Nanoparticles Supported on Sepiolite. Microorganism
Log Reduction (24 h)
Log Reduction (48 h)
Micrococcus luteus
Escherichia coli
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plasmon resonances. These phenomena are associated to large increases of the local electromagnetic field (Flytzanis et al., 1991; Hache et al., 1986; Shalaev, 1996) and only take place when metallic nanoparticles have a particle size smaller than 10 nm and they are perfectly monodispersed, so that the size is much smaller than the incident wavelength in order to avoid light scattering. These metallic nanoparticles have been embedded in a sepiolite matrix to obtain monodispersed particles along the sepiolite fibres with sizes smaller than 10 nm and intensive colours associated to the resonance of the surface plasmon (Pecharroma´n et al., 2009). In fact, these metallic nanoparticles show vivid colours in contrast to most of the metallic colloids that are dark (Freestone et al., 2007; Maxwell-Garnett, 1904; Pe´rez-Arantegui et al., 2001). The UV–vis spectra of Ag, Au and Cu nanoparticles embedded in sepiolite have been reported in the literature. These metallic nanoparticles have shown the characteristic maxima absorption indicating their nanometric size and homogeneous dispersion. The position of these absorption peaks gives information about the local environment of the metallic nanoparticles, size, shape and concentration of nanoparticles (Bohren and Huffman, 1983; Pecharroman et al., 2006; Ung et al., 2001). In this regard, optical measurements such as permittivity values allow to confirm that metallic nanoparticles are embedded into a low-porosity matrix and the position and shape of the light absorption maxima indicate a narrow size distribution of nanoparticles in sepiolite with a spherical shape. Concerning the magnetic properties of the nanoparticles, there is a huge interest to synthesize stable and monodispersed nanoparticles of Fe, Ni and Co due to their potential applications. These magnetic nanoparticles can be used in a large variety of applications such as high-density recording media, contrast enhancement in magnetic resonance imaging, hyperthermia, magnetic carriers for drugs targeting, separation and selection, catalysis, magnetic refrigeration systems, magnetic and magnetooptical sensors or catalysis. Magnetic behaviour of metallic particles such as iron, cobalt, nickel and metal oxide as magnetite or maghemite embedded or supported in sepiolite and palygorskite have been characterized in the literature because the great interest that this kind of nanoparticles present as a consequence of their specific properties associated to their finite size effects, size distributions and interparticle interactions. In fact, sepiolite and palygorskite have a huge potential to modify the magnetic behaviour of these nanoparticles associated to size, shape and their distributions because these clay minerals allow the control of the location of the metallic cations during the synthesis process. Particle size, stability and magnetic behaviour of the metallic nanoparticles have revealed to be strongly dependent on the location of the nanoparticles in the matrix. By controlling the acid treatment, it is possible to incorporate metallic cations into the octahedral site of the structural channels or to deposit them onto the sepiolite surface (Esteban-Cubillo et al., 2008a). Thus, metal or metal oxide nanoparticles can be
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obtained with a superparamagnetic behaviour when they have a size smaller than 10 nm and are embedded in the sepiolite structure or as single domain when they are larger and deposited on the surface of this clay minerals. According to experimental results, nanoparticles obtained after a weak acid attack have a large and broad particle size distribution laying on the surface of sepiolite fibres while those obtained in a strong acid attack are monodispersed, very small and embedded along the fibres. These embedded nanoparticles show a single-magnetic-domain behaviour in case of iron and cobalt metallic nanoparticles and a superparamagnetic behaviour in nickel nanoparticles at room temperature. Additionally, it is possible to obtain different metallic species by modifying the thermal treatment of sepiolite. Therefore, magnetic oxides such as magnetite or maghemite have been obtained with a superparamagnetic behaviour at room temperature. Moreover, sepiolite matrix presents another important advantage: the embedded nanoparticles have been revealed to be remarkably stable against oxidation because the transformed sepiolite matrix becomes a diffusion barrier for oxygen. The chemical stability of the metallic nanoparticles in the collapsed matrix also has a strong influence in their magnetic properties. In fact, metallic nanoparticles such as Ni, Fe and Co are susceptible to be degraded by oxidative or corrosive environments due to their large specific surface area. Intensive research has been carried out to stabilize these metallic nanoparticles by coating, core–shell coupling or nanocomposites based on metallic particles embedded in a silica matrix. As an example of their high reactivity, a simple exposure of non-passivated Ni nanoparticles to air is enough for their complete oxidation (Park et al., 2005). Contrarily, these metallic nanoparticles embedded in sepiolite have shown to be strongly resistant to oxidation even at high temperatures. In this regard, Ni and Fe metallic nanoparticles remained unaltered even after a thermal treatment of 2 h at 250 C in air. This large range of stability would allow the use of this magnetic material for applications in extreme conditions (high temperatures and oxidizing environments). According to the magnetic properties described before, the opportunity to modify the magnetic behaviour of the nanoparticles in sepiolite during the synthesis process and the stability of these to remain non-oxidized opens the possibility to use these nanocomposites in different applications where magnetic corrosion resistant nanoparticles are required, as it is in the case of ferrofluids. More sophisticated inorganic particles, such as those of layered double hydroxides (LDHs), have been recently prepared on fibres of sepiolite (Ruiz-Hitzky et al., 2008b). Firstly, the use of sepiolite as support of the LDH particles procures an increase in the silicate specific surface area. Moreover, the formation of the supported LDH particles has the interest to combine two solids with opposite ion-exchange capacity originating a new material with synergistic properties towards the simultaneous ion exchange and adsorption of cations and anions. The assembly of both particles occurs via
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interaction of hydroxyl groups of the LDH solid and the silanol groups of sepiolite as corroborated by NMR studies (Ruiz-Hitzky et al., 2008b). The potential interest of this type of materials includes their use as adsorbents of gases and pollutants in aqueous media, ion exchangers or support of catalysts among others. Other synthetic routes imply the incorporation of already formed nanoparticles by using an adequate carrier. This is the case of the treatment of sepiolite or organo-sepiolites, for instance, exchanged with cetyltrimethylammonium, with a ferrofluid that contains Fe3O4 nanoparticles of ca. 10 nm recently patented by Ruiz-Hitzky and co-workers (2010b). The resulting modified sepiolite samples show superparamagnetic behaviour maintaining the sorption properties of the silicate. In this way, they can be used for adsorption of different species in water, for instance, the MB dye, with the possibility of being easily recovered from it with the help of an external magnetic field (Ruiz-Hitzky et al., 2010b).
3.4.1. Functionalized Materials by Assembling Metallic Nanoparticles to Sepiolite Nanoparticles embedded in sepiolite allow to disperse them in an inorganic matrix in order to obtain diverse functionalized materials. These assembled nanoparticles have been used to functionalize matrices like glaze or glass, but can be also used to obtain nanocomposites based on sintered or compacted nanoparticles in sepiolite. The use of nanoparticles has been limited in a ceramic or glass matrix up to now due to the problems associated with the nanometric character of the particles like their tendency to aggregate or the oxidation of the metallic particles but the principal problem is the necessity to manufacture large quantities. Sepiolite allows to solve these problems because it is possible to obtain large quantities of nanoparticles in this matrix according to the process described before, avoiding the agglomeration of these particles. For ceramics, sepiolite has a composition compatible with the glaze. In fact, nanoparticles embedded in a sepiolite matrix have been used to develop new multifunctional nanostructured glazes (Jaquotot et al., 2009). These developed glazes possess a nanostructure which is responsible for different properties like metallic aspect, hydrophobic response, bactericide and fungicide properties, and self-cleaning characteristics. The obtained glazes with nanoparticles in sepiolite display a nanostructure along the layer deposited on the tile where the metallic cations are located. Two principal mechanisms take place to obtain the different properties, a spinodal decomposition and diffusion process in the glaze due to the major interface energy between solid–liquid than solid–gas. As a consequence, metallic nanoparticles rise to the glaze surface where redox reactions produce different effects and a superficial cellular structure with a nanotexture like lotto flower
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is formed. Glazes with self-cleaning surfaces are obtained because of this nanotexture. Other advantage due to these nanoparticles embedded in sepiolite is that nanoparticles stay monodispersed in a glaze even after heating them at high temperatures. In this context, it is possible to stabilize nanoparticles like silver or copper to give antibacterial or antifungal properties and obtain new aesthetic effects in the glaze. According to the optical properties described, materials based on silver, copper and gold metallic nanoparticles in a sepiolite matrix display intensive colours as a result of the surface plasmon resonance. These metallic nanoparticles in sepiolite can be used as inorganic pigments. The efficiency of the supported nanoparticles allows the use of the nanoparticles technology to obtain multifunctional glazes and powered the innovations into the tile product with added value, reducing the environmental impact of the metal and metal oxide nanoparticles due to the low amount required and because these nanoparticles are embedded in a sepiolite matrix. The surface plasmon resonance observed in silver, copper and gold nanoparticles embedded in sepiolite and in glasses doped with them opens the possibility to use these materials in electromagnetic field amplifier (SERS and SEIRA) devices or in optoelectronic applications (optical storage devices), where this kind of nanoparticles is being used due to its very large values of the third order non-linear susceptibility effects. Moreover, other interesting aesthetical effects have being obtained because of the nanometric size of the particles. These nanoparticles in sepiolite are being used to develop new glazes with innovative characteristics for the tile industry. As a consequence of the dispersion and protection of the nanoparticles in sepiolite, this is the first case where nanoparticles are used in the ceramic sector following conventional ceramic process according to Jaquotot et al. (2009). In this sense, new glazes show a similar behaviour to the standard glazes. Different aesthetical effects such as colours, coloured glazes with intensive shine and reflection, metallic shine aspects or matt finish have been obtained by changing the amount of nanoparticles in sepiolite and the thickness of the glaze layer. Moreover, these are the first glazes with metallic aspects based only on inorganic materials. However, soda lime glass powder containing silver and copper metallic nanoparticles has been obtained following a ‘bottom-up’ route starting from Ag-sepiolite and Cu-sepiolite as the source of metal. Doped glasses obtained following the procedure carried out by Esteban-Tejeda et al. (2009a,b) show a narrow size distribution and a homogeneous dispersion of metallic nanoparticles. Similar to the glaze, the nanostructured character of the silver particles is preserved even after a high-temperature thermal treatment when glasses are sintered at 800 C. Metal nanoparticles have a strong tendency to aggregate when they are embedded into a soda lime glass. However, the tendency of silver and copper nanoparticles supported on sepiolite to coarse is limited because the starting
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metal nanoparticles are embedded into sepiolite fibres so that sepiolite matrix forms a higher-viscosity phase (silica rich) in its neighbourhood during the melting process which avoids this aggregation. In this sense, the nanometric size and dispersion of the metal nanoparticles were confirmed because doped glasses display a surface plasmon resonant in the UV–vis spectrum corresponding to silver and copper nanoparticles. Antibacterial and antifungal effect of both glasses coating silver and copper nanoparticles were tested according to the Flash Shake Method (ASTM E 2149-01) against three different microorganisms: E. coli JM 110 (Gram-negative bacteria), M. luteus (Gram-positive bacteria) and Issatchenkia orientalis (yeast). As a result, the presence of nano-Ag-doped glass at a concentration of 0.036 wt% of silver reduces the number of colonies of E. coli, M. luteus and I. orientalis more than five orders of magnitude. In the case of glass doped with copper nanoparticles, it is necessary to increase the concentration of copper nanoparticles from 0.036 to 0.054 wt% to achieve an antibacterial and antifungal activity similar to that of the glass doped with silver nanoparticles (Table 5). According to the literature, the mechanism for the silver against the E. coli and M. luteus is well known and it depends on the amount of metal cations leached in solution while the mechanism to I. orientalis varies (Droby et al., 1997; Holmes et al., 1991; Tian et al., 2002). The role of the glass matrix is extremely relevant because it allows a quick acting of the metal nanoparticles to obtain a safe and fast disinfection. So, doped glasses (Figure 12) increase the antibacterial activity with respect to Ag or Cu sepiolite powder while in case of the yeast I. orientalis, these glasses show a higher antifungal activity. The different biocide and fungicide activities between the doped glasses and nano-Ag- and nano-Cu-sepiolite can be explained considering the lixiviation of calcium from the glass matrix which by itself inhibits the growth of
TABLE 5 Antibacterial and Antifungal Activity of Nanoparticles Supported on Sepiolite. Microorganism
Log Reduction (24 h) Glass Doped Nano-Cu–Sep 0.036 wt%
0.054 wt%
M. luteus
E. coli
I. orientalis
Glass Doped Nano-Ag–Sep 0.036 wt%
Log Reduction (48 h) Glass Doped Nano-Cu–Sep
Glass Doped Nano-Ag–Sep 0.036 wt%
0.036 wt%
0.054 wt%
> 10
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n-Cu glass
n-Cu glass t = 30 min
0.6 mm B
t = 30 min
0.2 mm
n-Cu glass
t = 90 min n-Cu
0.2 mm FIGURE 12 Transmission electron micrographs of a glass doped with copper nanoparticles in sepiolite and E. coli after (A) 30 min and (B) 90 min of biocide test (from Esteban-Tejeda et al., 2009a; reproduced with permission of IOPScience).
microorganisms. In this sense, the combined effect of metal nanoparticles with the Ca2þ lixiviated from the glass may present a synergistic effect with very high biocide efficiency as it has been previously reported in the literature with different chemical agents. In summary, nanoparticles embedded in sepiolite and glasses doped with this material facilitate the nanoparticle handling reducing health risks and present a high antibacterial and antifungal activity. Its high efficiency is due to the large specific surface, which is inversely proportional to their reduced particle size. The other advantages of these materials are their low toxicity, chemical stability, long-lasting action period and thermal resistance versus organic antibacterial agents which allow these materials to be used in different applications such as paint or plaster (Lee et al., 2003) for coating hospital equipment, as well as in fittings for public places, public transport, toys and kitchen, school and hospital utensils. Moreover, nanocomposites based on sepiolite as matrix have also been obtained after different treatment such as spark plasma sintering (SPS) or uniaxial pressure in order to obtain a compacted material. As it has been seen before, gold nanoparticles on sepiolite display an intensive colour because of the surface plasmon resonance. As a consequence
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of its reduced size (< 10 nm), spherical shape and concentration, this nanostructured material may present high values of the non-linear dielectric susceptibility (Ballesteros et al., 1999; West et al., 2003). However, in order to measure these optical properties, it is necessary that nanoparticles are dispersed in a transparent and dielectric matrix because powdered samples cannot be done. One way to obtain gold nanocomposites with optical transparency and non-linear optical response consists in sintering gold nanoparticles embedded in sepiolite by SPS at low temperature. SPS process allows to prepare, to handle, to conform and to sinter nanostructured composites avoiding the coalescence phenomena of these nanoparticles. Moreover, the possibility to reduce the sintering temperature allows us to preserve the nanometer size character of gold particles. Compacted discs of gold/clay nanocomposites have been obtained by SPS at 815 C and 50 MPa using gold nanoparticles embedded in sepiolite (8 wt%) as raw material. These cylindrical dense compacted pellets (Figure 13) with a density of 2.5 0.2 g/cm3 and a hardness of 2.0 0.2 GPa presented a Bordeaux-red colour indicating the presence of gold nanoparticles non-agglomerated. According to Pecharroma´n et al. (2009), the shape and symmetry of the peak obtained in the visible absorption spectra associated with the surface plasmon resonance indicate that no coarsening of the gold particles seems to be produced during sintering. In fact, sepiolite preserves the nanostructured character of the metallic nanoparticles even after the sintering process. Following this sintering process, it has been possible to obtain high values of the effective non-linear susceptibility (w3 ¼ 2 10 10 esu) in samples with a Au content of 8 wt%. This value compare satisfactory with systems in which the nanocomposite is obtained directly from nanoparticles (Del Coso, 2004). However, the concentration used (8 wt%) is quite far from the percolation threshold, where optimal values of w3 have been obtained (Okada et al., 2004). It can be remarked that this nanocomposite based on gold nanoparticles
FIGURE 13 Pellet of gold nanoparticles in sepiolite obtained by spark plasma sintering (from Pecharroma´n et al., 2009; reproduced with kind permission of Springer Science and Business Media).
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embedded in sepiolite can be applied to different metallic nanoparticles such as copper, silver or even palladium, nickel, iron and several others. Compacted material from nanoparticles in sepiolite has also been obtained by a simple pressure method to take advantage of the unusual properties of nanoparticles. In this case, iron oxide nanoparticles in sepiolite were selected as a consequence of their interesting properties like humidity sensors. Nowadays, the knowledge of relative humidity (RH) value is of crucial importance in a large amount of applications. In this regard, humidity sensors are being widely used in different industrial applications such as production of paper, fibres, materials for electronics, fabrication of precision instruments as well as for the end-user market in air conditioners, dryers, dehumidificators, MW ovens or electrical household medical equipment such as apparatus for assisted respiration, sterilizers, incubators. These sensors are used in agriculture systems to programmed irrigation for water saving and control of the hothouse cultivation and for safety and environmental control systems. Porous ceramics have been widely investigated as humidity sensors because of their structures with open pores which tend to favour water and gases adsorption and condensation. Humidity sensor based on electrical properties is largely related to the porosity and the pore size distribution of the open pores. Therefore, a porous matrix with a high specific surface area like sepiolite and a nanostructured material improves the sensibility of the different sensors. Metal oxide nanoparticles such as iron oxide, zinc oxide, aluminium oxide, titanium oxide or tin oxide are normally used as active phases of humidity sensor devices. A special role is played by iron oxides such as a-Fe2O3 and Fe3O4, as a consequence of their functional properties. These types of nanoparticles are normally used in combination with other oxides having different oxidation states or doped with different cations (Neri et al., 2001, 2003; Zucco et al., 2002). Electronic and/or ionic conductivity of these oxides can change significantly with grain size and with its microstructure. In fact, the variation of the RH response drastically enhance when a metallic oxide is prepared as nanoparticles. However, in order to avoid agglomeration problems, the nanometer-size phase must be dispersed into a porous matrix. In this way, sepiolite is one of the optimum candidates to be the host for oxide nanoparticles. This silica matrix allows us to obtain a compacted disc of iron oxide nanocomposites by pressure and heat, avoiding the agglomeration of the nanoparticles (Esteban-Cubillo et al., 2007). According to this, iron oxide nanoparticles (hematite) supported on sepiolite were compacted as pellets by uniaxial pressure and heated at 520 C for 1 h to measure their response as humidity sensor. In this case, two pellets with an iron oxide nanoparticle content in sepiolite of 10.73 and 46.76 wt% were obtained. These pellets with their corresponding interdigitated metallic electrodes were found to be very appropriate to operate as humidity sensors
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
FIGURE 14 Humidity sensor obtained with different content of iron oxide nanoparticles in sepiolita with integrated electrodes (from Esteban-Cubillo et al., 2007; reproduced with permission of Elsevier).
(Figure 14) over a wide RH range. These humidity sensors presented a strong decrease of their resistance over an RH range between 5% and 98%, depending on the iron oxide nanoparticles content. The response of these sensors can vary with the content of iron oxide in sepiolite because the water condensation in the microporosity of the sepiolite pores is governed by hematite additions and the hematite content can be adjusted so that the resistance decrease happens in the desired RH range in function of the application. Sensor with a hematite content of 10.73 and 46.76 wt% shows a huge resistance variations between 5–55% and 5–20% of RH, respectively, and a very fast response time even after 1 min of measurement. The response of these sensors varying the RH from 0% to 80% by alternating cycles with different steps during 2.5 days was so fast that it just needed 3 min to detect a variation and no hysteresis processes were presented. The fact that a-Fe2O3 particles have nanometre size and appear monodisperse plays an important role in the ability of the adsorbents as humidity controller due to their large specific surface area. According to these results, sepiolite retains water vapour in air at high RH and reacts by large variations in the amount adsorbed, whereas this variation occurs for iron oxide nanoparticles at low-medium RH, as a function of the iron oxide concentration. In this way, a mixture of different iron oxide concentrations on sepiolite produces differences in the variation of the resistance and widens the range of the application of sepiolite as humidity device.
4. CONCLUSIONS As pointed out by Robertson (1957) several decades ago, sepiolite and palygorskite are versatile raw materials deserving many diverse applications. Both silicates exhibit unique textural and structural characteristics and therefore exclusive properties of interest in application fields as diverse as thickener for paints or support of pesticides.
Advanced Materials and New Applications
The incoming era of nanotechnology is affecting all the materials that surrounded us. Clays and clay minerals are not out of this situation and sepiolite and palygorskite are more and more regarded as nanomaterials. In this way, their future uses are very promising for advanced applications as diverse as nanofillers in polymer–clay nanocomposites, support of nanoparticles for sensor devices and high-performing catalysts or to build clay-biological interfaces for tissue engineering, new adjuvants for vaccines and bioreactor devices.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was partially supported by the CICYT, Spain (MAT2009-09960), and the CSIC, Spain (PIF08-018).
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Chapter 18
The Maya Blue Pigment Manuel Sa´nchez del Rı´o*, Antonio Dome´nech{, Marı´a Teresa Dome´nech-Carbo´{, Marı´a Luisa Va´zquez de Agredos Pascual#, Mercedes Sua´rez} and Emilia Garcı´a-Romerok,} *
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, BP220, Grenoble Cedex, France Departament de Quı´mica Analı´tica, Universitat de Vale`ncia, Dr. Moliner, 50, Burjassot, Vale`ncia, Spain { Departament de Conservacio´ i Restauracio´ de Bens Culturals, Institut de Conservacio´ del Patrimoni, Universitat Polite´cnica de Vale`ncia, Camı´ de Vera 14, Vale`ncia, Spain # Departament de Histo`ria de l’Art, Universitat de Vale`ncia, Passeig al Mar, Vale`ncia, Spain } ´ Area de Cristalografı´a y Mineralogı´a, Departamento de Geologı´a, Universidad de Salamanca, 37008 Salamanca, Spain k Instituto de Geociencias (UCM-CSIC), Ciudad Universitaria, 28003 Madrid, Spain } Departamento de Cristalografı´a y Mineralogı´a, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Geologı´a, 28003 Madrid, Spain {
1. HISTORY OF MAYA BLUE Maya blue (MB) is a pigment that was extensively used in ancient times in Mesoamerica, covering today Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Belize. This ‘standard’ blue was invented during the first Millennium AD in the Maya area. The MB use extended to nearly all Mesoamerican cultures. Examples of its use are in Figures 1–3. Merwin (1931) described a blue paint found on remains of a Maya wall painting at the Temple of the Warriors in Chiche´n Itza´. He recognized the blue colour as a new pigment (Gettens and Stout, 1942). Early workers described MB as an unknown material because of its resistance to chemical and thermal treatments: “. . . the color is not discharged by boiling nitric acid nor by heating much below redness. The conclusion seems justified that this is an inorganic color.” Although Merwin stressed one of its most peculiar characteristics, its resistance to acids, he thought it resembled a clay mineral. Gettens and Stout (1942), coined the ‘Maya blue’ name. Gettens (1962) analysed several samples of MB and recognized their similarity with the blue described by Merwin, which differs from any blue used elsewhere. He gave physical and chemical properties and reviewed earlier studies that “suggested that it might be derived from, or related to, silicates
Developments in Clay Science, Vol. 3. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-444-53607-5.00018-9 # 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
FIGURE 1 Fragment of the Mural of the Battle (photo: Christophe Morisset). This fragment shows a warrior of high rank, with one of them vanquished. The murals in Cacaxtla have details typical from Teotihuacan, while the figures possess characteristics of the end of the Mayan Classic period. Although these murals have been dated very early (AD 650–750), the fact that the MB pigment is used indicate that it should come after the ninth or tenth century AD. (Reyes-Valerio, 1993).
of the chlorite group which are colored blue or greenish-blue by ferrous iron”. However, they did not identify MB as any known material. X-ray data showed that MB gave a distinct pattern, in agreement with samples of palygorskite from Attapulgus (Georgia, USA). Thus, MB was confirmed as an apparent mixture of palygorskite with other clays, but the mixture did not explain the colouration, as palygorskite is white. Experiments mixing palygorskite with indigo reduced with sodium hydrosulfite produced a blue pigment that was not resistant to nitric acid. Gettens (1955) described samples not only from the Maya area but also from other areas in Mexico and Central Mexico, Veracruz and Oaxaca. Gettens stressed the importance of MB: (i) tracing Maya trade routes, (ii) historical aspects of preparation and (iii) that MB may have been continued in native communities until now. Gettens also remarked the presence of sepiolite in some samples and suggested “that Maya blue is an artificial blue, and that more than one kind of clay could be used in its preparation”. Shepard (1962; Shepard and Gottlieb, 1962) suggested that a blue organic colourant was present in MB, in addition to palygorskite. The optical properties and the behaviour of the pigment when heated may indicate an organic complex. In addition, the intensity of the colour is independent of the grain
The Maya Blue Pigment
FIGURE 2 A Warrior figurine from the Jaina Island (photo: Thomas Aleto). It is remarkable the good conservation of the MB pigment as compared to other colours that are degraded.
size. Grains with low colouration may indicate an incomplete penetration of the colourant. When MB is heated to 300–400 C, it turns to grey and then white which may be related to degradation of organic substances. Although failing to identify the organic complex, Shepard argued: “I fully agree with Gettens that it cannot be a dye coating the surface of the clay particles. But there is another relation between the clay and organic matter complex—the so-called clay organic complex—that should be considered”. Tae Young Lee, from Gettens team, first identified indigo in MB. See Shepard and Pollock (1971) and Torres et al. (1976) for additional details. van Olphen (1966) studied the synthesis of indigo–clay complexes. He found that to achieve stability to acids, the pigment must be heated at moderate temperatures. van Olphen, heating to 75 C for several days or at 105–150 C for shorter periods, produced stable pigments using fibrous clays (Figure 4) with a tunnel structure (palygorskite and sepiolite) and failed to obtain stable pigments using clays neither with plate-like structures (e.g. kaolinite, nontronite) nor with mordenite (a zeolite with a cage-type structure). van Olphen noted that “the indigo molecules are undoubtedly too big to enter the channels of attapulgite or sepiolite, and the relatively small adsorption capacity of the minerals for indigo suggests that the dye is indeed adsorbed
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research FIGURE 3 Colonial wall decoration at the Oaxtepec Convent (Morelos, Mexico, sixteenth century) in black and blue (MB) tonalities (photo: Manuel Sa´nchez del Rı´o).
on only the external surfaces of the particles. . .. Yet the precise mechanism of the stabilization of the complexes by heating is not clear; if one assumes that the heated indigo–attapulgite complex is indeed the synthetic equivalent of Maya blue, the solution of this puzzle has created a new one”. This new puzzle has not yet been solved after more than 40 years. van Olphen did not argue that the Mayas prepared the pigment in the same way, just that a pigment with the same characteristics can be synthesized in a laboratory. Kleber et al. (1967) studied archaeological samples and considering fixating indigo onto palygorskite. They created a resistant pigment by mixing palygorskite with a solution of leucoindigo and then heating at 150 C for 20 h. They also prepared MB by mixing indigo powder (0.5–50 wt%) with palygorskite subsequent heating (120 or/and 150 C for 5, 20 or 25 h) and removing the excess of indigo by sublimation at 130 and 190 C at 1 Torr. The pigments heated at 190 C were resistant to boiling nitric acid but not for those heated at 120 C, in partial contradiction to results of van Olphen. Kebler et al. unambiguously detected indigo only in synthetic samples with > 15% indigo. With infrared absorption spectroscopy, indigo was detected where samples were prepared with > 3% indigo. The indigo-characteristic lines at 1485, 1460, 1380 and 1305 þ 1290 cm 1 were detected in seven archaeological samples. Kebler et al. suggested that the irreversible fixation of indigo is related to loss of zeolitic H2O at 150–200 C (hygroscopic H2O is lost near 100 C and structural OH2 at 375–425 C). They suggested that based on steric considerations, the penetration even of indigo molecules in the tunnels is possible.
The Maya Blue Pigment
Arnold and Bohor (1975) published a seminal work on materials used by the Mayas to fabricate MB. More recently, Littmann (1980) disagreed with earlier theories, suggesting the importance of montmorillonite. Littman studied experimentally indigo–palygorskite complexes, some using indigo from Indigofera tinctoria, and some samples were resistant to nitric acid. He suggested the importance of the heat treatment to stabilize the pigments and suggested complex mechanisms that the Maya may have used in preparation of MB. Torres (1988; Torres et al., 1976) has provided overviews of the geographic and chronologic distributions of MB, as well as possible fabrication techniques. In 1990, Tagle et al. (1990) reported the presence of MB in Cuban colonial wall paintings (1750–1860). In 1993, Reyes-Valerio (1993) suggested a fabrication technique that may have been used by the Mayas to produce the pigment. Jose-Yacaman et al. (1996) published an scanning electron microscopy (SEM) study that suggested the presence of superlattices and nanoparticles, which were later rejected. They are discussed below.
2. EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUES 2.1. Diffraction Studies Diffraction studies provide direct information on the crystal structure of mineral phase in MB. High resolution diffraction may be sensitive to clay’s changes in the hydration state and lattice parameters due to the interaction with indigo. Solid state indigo is crystallized (Susse et al., 1988) but losses its crystallinity when combined with palygorskite in MB. Residual peaks of indigo can be found in MB (Arnold, 1971; Kleber et al., 1967; Sa´nchez del Rı´o et al., 2006a, 2009a) but may only indicate an excess of indigo. The palygorskite crystal structure was refined using synchrotron powder diffraction (Chiari et al., 2003) and neutron diffraction (Giustetto et al., 2006). Chiari et al. (2003) and Giustetto et al. (2006) examined synthetic MB and concluded that the indigo molecules enter in the tunnels of the orthorombic or monoclinic palygorskite. They suggested that both indigo and zeolitic H2O coexist in the tunnels. Indigo resides in the middle of the tunnel with the centre of the molecule in the centre of a triple cell. The disposition of the zeolitic H2O is more disordered in MB than in palygorskite. The affinity of indigo is greater for orthorhombic palygorskite (30% occupancy) than for monoclinic (19%). Sa´nchez del Rı´o et al. (2006a) studied the effects of acids on MB. The results (see Figure 5) looked to pigment decolouration and destruction of the clay structure, as revealed by X-ray diffraction. They showed that palygorskite- and sepiolite-based pigments do not decolour when immersed in concentrated nitric or hydrochloric acids at room temperature for 5–15 min. However, sepiolite pigments are more degraded than palygorskite pigments, with the former destroyed with long treatments (several hours to a few days)
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research FIGURE 4 TEM images for palygorskite crystals. (A) Pristine palygorskite from Sacalum (Yucata´n, Mexico); (B) MB sample from the archaeological site of Mayapa´n (Yucata´n, Mexico), post-classic period. TEM examination reveals fibrous crystals of palygorskite. In MB samples the fibres exhibit a corrugate surface, associated to the evacuation of water during the preparation of the pigment (Dome´nech et al., 2006, 2007a,b)
50 nm
50 nm
in concentrated acids at room temperature. No changes are observed by palygorskite pigments after long (greater than 1 week) acid submersion at room temperature.
2.2. Infrared Spectroscopies Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy was used for identifying the organic component in MB. Kleber et al. (1967) identified a few indigo bands in archaeological samples spectra. Indigo and palygorskite modifications under thermal treatment were used to try to unveil the nature of the clay– colourant interactions (Giustetto et al., 2005; Leona et al., 2004; Sa´nchez del Rı´o et al., 2009a; Figure 6). The mid-infrared (MIR) spectrum of MB, like in palygorskite, can be analysed in three parts: (1) A zone with wave numbers to 1200 cm 1, which corresponds to the vibrations of the tetrahedral (SiOSi in 950–1250 cm 1) and octahedral (AlAlOH at 913 cm 1, AlFeOH at 865 cm 1 and MgMgOH at 650 cm 1) sheets. (2) The 1200–2000 cm 1 range, indigo bands minimally overlap with palygorskite bands. Bands in the range of 1290–1485 cm 1 zone were used
The Maya Blue Pigment
120 Untreated palygorskite (scaled by 1/6)
Intensity (counts/s)
100 HNO3 90 °C 5 h 80 HCl 90 °C 5 h 60 HNO3 90 °C 30 h 40 HCl boiling 30 h 20
2q (deg) FIGURE 5 XRD spectra of palygorskite pigments, where it can be appreciated the destruction of the palygorskite structure for several strong acid attacks: (from top to bottom) untreated palygorskite, 1% indigo–palygorskite pigment treated with 7N HNO3 for 1.5 h at 90 C, the same for 6N HCl, 3% indigo–palygorskite pigment treated with 6N HNO3 for 30 h at 90 C and 3% indigo– palygorskite pigment treated with 6N HCl for 30 h in ebullition. The diffractograms are shifted vertically for clarity. (Sa´nchez del Rı´o et al., 2009b).
by Kleber et al. (1967) to identify MB. A broadband around 1652 cm 1 is related to the zeolitic H2O (also producing two broadbands in the 3200–3400 cm 1) and is always present in MB, indicating that fully H2O dehydration never occurs. In Figure 6, the ATR–FTIR spectra of indigo, MB and indigo–montmorillonite (a non-stable clay–indigo mixture) are compared between 1400 and 1600 cm 1. The absorption bands are essentially the same for indigo and the montmorillonite mixture. In contrast, the number of indigo bands increases in MB with palygorskite. The complex, multiple-band spectra of MB suggest the presence of different topological isomers of indigo and, possibly, of other indigoid molecules attached to different sites in the palygorskite matrix. The 1650–1750 cm 1 bands are attributed to the superposition of the d(H2O) mode of structural OH2 associated with indigo and n(C¼¼O) antisymmetric stretching mode of palygorskite-associated indigo and dehydroindigo molecules (Dome´nech et al., 2006, 2007b,c). (3) The zone with wave numbers higher than 3500 cm 1 includes the vibrations of the hydroxyl groups of palygorskite linked to cations: AlMg OH at 3540 cm 1, AlFeOH at 3580 cm 1 and
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research FIGURE 6 ATR–FTIR spectra in the 1400–1600 cm 1 region of indigo, indigo– montmorillonite and indigo– palygorskite (MB). The richness of structures in the MB spectra is a proof of the complexity of the indigo–palygorskite interactions. (Dome´nech et al., 2009c).
Indigo + montmorillonite
90 Indigo + palygorskite 1600
1500 cm-1
AlAlOH at 3613 cm 1 (Sua´rez and Garcı´a-Romero, 2006). The latter is very sharp and was proposed as an indicator for palygorskite in archaeological MB (Sa´nchez del Rı´o et al., 2008). The 3613 cm 1 band of palygorskite (AlAl OH) shifts to higher wave numbers ( 10 cm 1) with increasing temperature in palygorskite and palygorskite–indigo compounds (Sa´nchez del Rı´o et al., 2009a). This shift is explained by the dehydration process, although Manciu et al. (2007) and Polette-Niewold et al. (2007) assigned these changes to interaction of the indigo with Al. Near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy has been used to investigate palygorskitecontaining clays (Chryssikos et al., 2009; Gionis et al., 2006, 2007) because the anharmonic coefficients of the stretching modes for the structural OH groups are typically smaller than those of H2O. Thus, NIR offers a good separation of the OH and H2O modes compared to MIR. This separation is enhanced using second derivative analysis that eliminates broad features and background effects. When a palygorskite–indigo mixture is heated to produce MB, the surface silanols dehydrate and then fully rehydrate when returning to room temperature. This effect is analogous to the case of palygorskite, thus manifesting that indigo does not obstruct the clay surface to rehydrate (Sa´nchez del Rı´o et al., 2009a).
The Maya Blue Pigment
Therefore, MB is not a surface compound, contrary to the proposal by Chiari et al. (2008), Fuentes et al. (2008), Manciu et al. (2007) and Polette-Niewold et al. (2007). Moreover, the NIR technique is sufficiently sensitive to detect minimum penetration of H2O in the MB tunnels.
2.3. Raman Raman spectroscopy can be used to correlate bands in archaeological pigments with those of well-characterized references (Vandenabeele et al., 2005) to identify MB. In addition, Raman spectroscopy is used to study the chemical interaction occurring during heat treatment to obtain acid resistant pigments (MB). An advantage of Raman over FTIR is that palygorskite is not seen in Raman unless NIR frequencies are used (McKeown et al., 2002). Raman spectra of MB were first published, using 442 and 632.8 nm excitations (Grimaldi, 2000) and 1064 nm (Andreev et al., 2001). Witke et al. (2003) compared the spectrum (excited with 514.5 nm) of indigo to a spectrum from a Maya clay bead and reported, in addition to the bands of indigo, additional bands at 1017, 1128 and 1380 cm 1. Also, the intensity increase for bands at 1253, 1593 and 1633 cm 1, which occur because of activation of Raman-inactive modes at 1299, 1592 and 1627 cm 1. This activation may be a consequence of perturbations in the planarity of the indigo molecule resulting by the interaction with the clay. Differences between the Raman spectra of indigo and MB using a 785 nm laser (Leona et al., 2004) suggested (i) modifications affecting the charge distribution of the indigo during fixation on palygorskite, (ii) disappearance of possible vibrational coupling owing to inter-molecular indigo– indigo interactions and (iii) different hydrogen bonding conditions between C¼¼O and NH in pure indigo and in the indigo–palygorskite complex. Giustetto et al. (2005) measured synthetic and archaeological MB with 325 nm excitation. They found the Raman spectra of MB coalescenced indigo bands at 1576 and 1586 cm 1 into a single peak, the disappearance of indigo bands at 1189 and 1370 cm 1 and the shift of indigo bands at 1315 and 1703 to 1325 and 1688 cm 1. Calculations (Giustetto et al., 2005) predicted the shift in vibrational frequencies when going from isolated indigo to indigo interacting with two formula units of the clay, displaying a moderate shift (13 cm 1) in the C¼¼O stretch at 1692 (coupled with C¼¼C stretch) and important shifts ( 26 cm 1) in some vibrations including the NH group. Sa´nchez del Rı´o et al. (2006c) found that most features present in the spectrum of MB, which are not present in indigo, are not exclusive to MB and they cannot relate to resistance to chemicals (Figure 7). Montmorillonite and kaolinite produce similar spectral features in Raman spectra to palygorskite– and sepiolite–indigo spectra. Ab initio vibrational calculations that allow the assignment of bands of the indigo spectrum also indicate that a single loss of planarity (a few degrees rotation of half molecule around the C¼¼C axis) is not sufficient to explain the acid resistance observed in indigo–clay mixtures.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
Raman intensity/Arbitr.units
(5) 300 (4)
(1) 0 400
1000 1200 1400 Wavenumber (cm–1)
FIGURE 7 Experimental Raman spectra (excitation laser at 532 nm, green light) of indigo (1%) mixed with different clays (99%). From bottom to top: (1) synthetic indigo, (2) palygorskite and indigo, (3) sepiolite and indigo, (4) montmorillonite and indigo and (5) kaolinite and indigo. The Raman spectrum of the indigo changes when indigo interacts with clays. Vertical dash-dotted lines mark the position of the changes from Witke et al. (2003), (Sa´nchez del Rı´o et al., 2006c).
Recently, Manciu et al. (2007) described the peaks at 425 and 1395 cm 1, accompanied by an intensity increase of a peak at 606 cm 1 and concomitant decrease in intensity of peaks at 635 and 1701 cm 1 with an increase in heating time for synthetic MB specimens prepared with 6–16% indigo and palygorskite. The peaks at 425 and 606 cm 1 were assigned to band owing to Al N and AlO bonding, respectively. These attributions should be taken with caution. The peak at 606 cm 1 has been also observed in the indigo spectrum, whereas the 425 cm 1 peak may correspond to a Raman-inactive vibration mode of symmetry Au (Tomkinson et al., 2009) activated by planarity perturbation. Sa´nchez del Rı´o et al. (2009a) studied changes in the Raman spectra (excitation at 785 nm) of a indigo (1%) palygorskite adduct during thermal treatment to produce MB. Raman spectra showed changes in the temperature interval of 70–130 C owing to vibrations involving the double bonds C¼¼C and C¼¼O. In the same temperature interval, XRD showed a reduction of ˚ owing to loss of zeolitic H2O. This suggests the a cell parameter by 0.16 A that the modification of the indigo chromophore correlates with a reduction in the tunnel width in palygorskite.
The Maya Blue Pigment
Raman spectra support the suggestion by Dome´nech et al. (2006) that dehydroindigo, an oxidized form of indigo, occurs with dye in MB. The enhancement of the Raman peak at ca. 1635 cm 1 observed in MB by Sa´nchez del Rı´o et al. (2006c) and Witke et al. (2003) can be attributed to the activation of the Raman-active vibration mode at 1627 cm 1 as a consequence of perturbations in the planarity of the molecule (Witke et al., 2003), or to the presence of imino units (C¼¼N) whose stretching mode appears typically at 1639 cm 1. Recently, Tomkinson et al. (2009) analysed the vibrational spectrum of indigo and found that the mid-frequency bands corresponding to the g(NH) and g(CH) modes are better indicators for the dye because they are sensitive to local bonding environment. Because solid indigo possesses intramolecular hydrogen bond between carbonyl and NH groups, attachment of indigo to the clay matrix in MB should break the intramolecular hydrogen bond system of indigo. Accordingly, the Raman band at 750 cm 1 will disappear as a result of the replacement of indigo by dehydroindigo (Tomkinson et al., (2009); Dome´nech et al., 2011a), in agreement with the observations reported by several authors (Giustetto et al., 2005; Manciu et al., 2007; Sa´nchez del Rı´o et al., 2006c).
2.4. Optical Spectroscopies Reinen et al. (2004) studied by UV–vis spectroscopy complexes of palygorskite– indigo and palygorskite plus other organic colourants and considered changes in colour after heating. They observed an irreversible shift of the absorption bands when heating the palygorskite–indigo mixture, with colour shifts to green–blue hues. These results indicate an interaction between palygorskite and indigo during the heating process. They also showed that MB-like stable pigments with different colours can be synthesized using indigoderivates. Leona et al. (2004) compared the UV–vis spectra of indigo and MB, and other studies (Fuentes et al., 2008; Tilocca and Fois, 2009) compared quantum chemistry calculations and optical spectroscopy. The differences in the spectral features of MB as compared with reference compounds (indigo and dehydroindigo) are attributed to: (i) additional absorbing compounds (Rondao et al., 2010), (ii) different palygorskite–dye associations (i.e. different topological dye isomers) and (iii) the appearance of dye–dye associations (Dome´nech et al., 2009a).
2.5. Voltammetry The voltammetry of microparticles considers the voltammetric response of a micro- or nano-solid non-conducting sample on a surface of an inert electrode (usually graphite) immersed in a suitable electrolyte (Grygar et al., 2003; Scholz and Meyer, 1998; Scholz et al., 2005). Dome´nech et al. (2006, 2007b,c, 2009a,b) obtained the electrochemical response of solid indigo and MB samples attached to graphite electrodes in contact with aqueous electrolytes. Figure 8 compares the voltammetric response of two archaeological
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
MB samples in contact with aqueous sodium acetate buffer. Here, two indigocharacteristic peaks at potentials of þ450 and 300 mV vs. AgCl/Ag are recorded. These peaks are assigned, respectively, to the oxidation of indigo in dehydroindigo, and the reduction of indigo to leucoindigo via two-proton, two-electron processes (Figure 9). The variation of peak potentials and peak current ratios for the above peaks on the timescale of the electrochemical experiment (potential scan rate, square wave frequency) differs significantly from indigo to MB. Additionally, MB specimens frequently show peak splitting. The analysis of these voltammetric parameters indicates that indigo and dehydrodingo are strongly attached to the palygorskite whereas temperature-variable experiments indicate that enthalpy and entropy values associated in the process of dye attachment to the clay matrix vary (Dome´nech et al., 2006). Chemometric analysis of MB samples from Campeche and Yucata´n archaeological sites permits a classification of such samples into different ‘electrochemical types’ and suggests that various preparation procedures were used by the ancient Maya people (Dome´nech et al., 2007a, 2009d).
2.6. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Hubbard et al. (2003) used 29Si CP/MAS to determine that indigo is not located in tunnels of sepiolite in contrast to what happens to smaller organic molecules, such as acetone or pyridine. This is in contrast to recent works (Dejoie, 2009; Ovarlez et al., 2009; Giustetto, 2010). A dramatic change is observed in the 13 C CP/MAS spectra for pure indigo compared to indigo crushed with sepiolite, suggesting the alteration of indigo. The altered indigo coexists with unaffected FIGURE 8 Square wave voltammograms for MB samples from (A) Kuluba´ (Yucata´n, Me´xico), (B) Dzibilnocac (Campeche, Me´xico), both dated in the Classical Period, attached to paraffin-impregnated graphite electrodes immersed into 0.50 M aqueous sodium acetate buffer at pH 4.75. Potential scan initiated at 0.75 V in the positive direction. Potential step increment 4 mV; square wave amplitude 25 mV; frequency 5 Hz. Peak I corresponds to the oxidation of indigo to dehydroindigo, while peak II corresponds to the reduction of indigo to leucoindigo.
1 µA
0.6 0.2 –0.2 Potential (V vs. AgCl/Ag)
The Maya Blue Pigment
Indigo N H
–2H+, –2e–
+2H+, +2e–
FIGURE 9 Scheme for the electrochemical oxidation of indigo to dehydroindigo and the electrochemical reduction of indigo to leucoindigo.
pure indigo in the unheated mixture but is the only molecule present in heated sepiolite with indigo (20 wt%) after rinsing with nitric acid. They suggested a model where the carbonyl and amino groups of the indigo are anchored by hydrogen bond interactions with edge silanol groups of the clay (not with the internal surfaces of the tunnels), thus blocking tunnel entrances. 1H MAS NMR data on indigo, palygorskite and newly synthesized MB were published by Giustetto et al. (2005). New features in the NMR spectra (at 13.0 and 17.8 ppm) of MB and not present in the spectra of the reactants suggested the presence of hydrogen bonds (NH O and C¼¼O HO, respectively). The 1H13C CP MAS, 27Al, 29Si NMR spectra for palygorskite and indigo plus palygorskite synthetic specimens were studied by Dome´nech et al. (2009a). The 27Al MAS NMR spectra have an intense peak close to 4 ppm, accompanied by a weak peak near 60 ppm. The 4 ppm peak is assigned to sixfold coordinated aluminium to oxygen atoms, and the 60 ppm is attributed to a small amount of fourfold coordinated aluminium. The close similarity between the spectra of palygorskite and MB suggests that there are no significant modifications in the environment of the Al3þ centres upon attachment of indigo to the palygorskite matrix. These results suggest that aluminium is structurally stable and that direct interaction with the dye does not exist. In contrast, 29Si NMR spectra for palygorskite and MB are significantly different. The 29Si NMR signals are shifted to stronger fields and became broader as a consequence of dye incorporation in palygorskite. The observed features suggest an increase in the electronic density close to (SiO4)4 tetrahedra.
Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
2.7. Computer Modelling Chiari et al. (2003) calculated energies and forces as well as structure optimization concluding (i) the adsorption of indigo on dehydrated (hydrated) palygorskite is exothermic (endothermic), (ii) the displacement of water if slightly favoured for the orthorhombic polymorph as compared to the monoclinic, and the absorption energy for indigo is similar and (iii) the C¼¼O of indigo form hydrogen bond with structural OH2. They concluded that indigo is stabilized by irreversible encapsulation into the tunnels by high temperature diffusion, after the zeolitic H2O is lost. Fois et al. (2003) modelling also suggested that indigo molecules are trapped into the tunnels by a strong hydrogen bonds, stressing the role of the tight fit of the sorbate in the tunnels because only related guest–host interactions are not sufficient to explain pigment stability. Giustetto et al. (2005) calculations, also including vibrational frequencies, also supports this model, suggesting that C¼¼O H bonds, the dye and the clay exist, but not NH O bonds. Tilocca and Fois (2009) calculated electronic excitation spectra of the carbonyl group in indigo and dehydroindigo interacting with several clay sites, and concluded that the direct interaction indigo–cation is more important than the H bond indigo–OH2, being the Al interaction responsible for the change in colouration. Indigo and dehydroindigo may coexist, but dehydroindigo better matches the experiment. Chianelli et al. (2005) and Polette-Niewold et al. (2007) regarded that MB is a ‘surface compound’ compatible with their DFT calculations and ab initio model of the visible MB spectrum. In this model, the indigo bonds to the aluminium surface defects in the palygorskite, which holds metallic impurity ions at a silicon site. Fuentes et al. (2008) used the same structural model with Al replacing Si in palygorskite for reproducing the features of the MB visible spectrum and explaining the unusual stability of MB. The impact of quantum chemistry computations in the search for a reasonable structural and interaction model in MB is at present limited by the complexity of palygorskite. The models used for palygorskite are quite simplified: for example, the use of a fully magnesian (Fois et al., 2003) or magnesiumless (Ferna´ndez et al., 1999) palygorskites. The suggested interaction of indigo with Al3þ rather than with Mg2þ (Tilocca and Fois, 2009) is opposite to the idea that the external octahedral sites are occupied by Mg2þ (Chryssikos et al., 2009; Sua´rez and Garcı´a-Romero, 2006). Also, the fundamental role assigned to tetrahedral Al3þ (Fuentes et al., 2008; Polette-Niewold et al., 2007) does not seem consistent if one considers that almost 100% of Al is octahedrally coordinated. Moreover, the simulation of palygorskite with tunnels empty from zeolitic H2O contradicts the experimental evidence that only a mild heating (less than 100 C for 20–30 min; Reyes-Valerio, 1993), unable to evacuate the whole zeolitic H2O (as revealed by FTIR), is sufficient to stabilize the complex.
The Maya Blue Pigment
3. THE SYNTHESES, PROPERTIES AND NATURE OF MB 3.1. The Synthesis of MB We distinguish between two kinds of synthesis procedures of MB: methods used by the Mayas and other Mesoamerican people with natural indigo, and the syntheses performed with synthetic indigo, under controlled conditions. Laboratory synthesis (van Olphen, 1966) used three techniques: (i) soaking palygorskite with indoxylacetate; (ii) vat dyeing, where leucoindigo is soaked with palygorskite in a water suspension with prolonged stirring and (iii) crushing indigo with powdered palygorskite. Mixtures are then heat treated from a few minutes (Reyes-Valerio, 1993) to hours or days (van Olphen, 1966) for different temperature ranges [90–100 C (Reyes-Valerio, 1993), 190 C (Kleber et al., 1967) or even 250–300 C (van Olphen, 1966)]. Specimens prepared from indigo and sepiolite (Hubbard et al., 2003; Ovarlez et al., 2009; Sa´nchez del Rı´o et al., 2006a; van Olphen, 1966) and in colloidal suspensions (Yasarawan and van Duijneveldt, 2008) were reported. Variations of these modern recipes were proposed in Littmann (1982). The properties of MB are influenced by parameters during the synthesis, such as pH, temperature, duration of the heating process, indigo concentration and morphology of the clay (after a more or less intensive crushing). Post-treatments are applied to remove the excess of reactant: washing in acetone, acid washing, Soxhlet extraction, etc. Ageing or light resistance test has been employed. Although palygorskite is not available in synthetic grade, MB-like pigments using sol–gel or crystallization of the mineral phase with indigo are being studied.
3.2. The Chemical Resistance of the Pigment MB is remarkably stable to chemical attacks, as noted by Merwin and Gettens (Gettens, 1962): many workers used this stability as ‘quality control’ for wellprepared MB. ‘Gettens’ tests’ (Gettens, 1962; Littmann, 1980) consist of using concentrated reactants (nitric, hydrochloric, sulfuric acids, aqua regia, sodium hydroxide) at room temperature during 18 h, and then heating to test the chemical stability. With few exceptions, the tests are neither quantified by concentration, temperature or duration of the attack, nor are they compared to the indigo and clays contained in MB. Results are derived from a visual inspection of the loss of pigment colour, not correlated to the molecular or crystallographic structures changes in the indigo and clay (chemical change is not always accompanied by a change in colour). Sa´nchez del Rı´o et al. (2006a) studied palygorskite–indigo and sepiolite–indigo pigments by applying acid attacks of different intensity (varying concentration, duration and temperature). They showed the relationship of colour change and crystallographic structure of the synthetic MB pigment. Total destruction is possible at room temperature for sepiolite pigments but requires intense heating (e.g. boiling in hydrochloric acid for 30 h) for palygorskite pigments.
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Chemical stability between palygorskite–indigo and sepiolite–indigo pigments together with the common use of palygorskite in archaeological MB suggest that the name ‘Maya blue’ should only be applied to the palygorskite–indigo pigment (Arnold et al., 2008; Sa´nchez del Rı´o et al., 2006a). Noneless, sepiolite–indigo interactions are sufficiently close to those of palygorskite–indigo to suggest that indigo molecules attach to the clay matrix in a similar way for palygorskite or sepiolite when forming MB-like materials (Dome´nech et al., 2009a). However, the fact that indigo links to sepiolite only at one side of its molecule also contribute to the weakness of sepiolite-based pigments with respect to MB (Giustetto, 2010).
3.3. The Hue of MB MB has a characteristic hue, a pale blue, with tonalities that may change from greenish to turquoise. The colour is bright and thus attracts considerable attention by archaeologists and researchers. The first hypothesis attributed the colour to an unknown blue mineral of the palygorskite group. Then, the presence of indigo in the MB was demonstrated, although Jose-Yacaman et al. (1996) reported iron metal and iron oxide nanoparticles in MB. They suggested (see also Ferna´ndez et al., 1999; Polette et al., 2002) that Mie-type light dispersion in nanoparticles should produce the characteristic hue of MB. This hypothesis was later discarded (e.g. Chiari et al., 2003; Fois et al., 2003; Giustetto et al., 2005; Hubbard et al., 2003; Ovarlez et al., 2006; Reinen et al., 2004; Sa´nchez del Rı´o et al., 2004, 2005) and it is now agreed that the MB colouration is caused by bathochromic shift of the indigo absorption bands resulting from the dye having an inorganic support. Colour may also be related to the presence of secondary indigoid products, namely leucoindigo (Dome´nech et al., 2007b; Vandenabeele et al., 2005), and indirubin in several MB samples (Dome´nech et al., 2007b). Recent results from Dome´nech et al. (2011b) suggest that the ancient Mayas could have prepared yellow pigments with dye plus palygorskite association similar to MB containing isatin, dehydroindigo and/or ochre and possibly other minor organic compounds. In the research of new MB-inspired pigments, Giustetto et al (2011) made a stable red pigment encapsulating methyl red in palygorskite, and Dejoie et al. (2010) demonstrated that indigo stabilizes when it is encapsulated in Silicalite. The peculiar hue of MB and its variability are understood comparing the visible spectra of MB specimens with indigo and dehydroindigo. In Figure 10, the visible spectrum of MB from Mayapa´n (Yucata´n, Mexico) shows two maxima at 425 and 570 nm. Indigo in ethanolic solution yields an absorption band in the visible region at lmax ¼ 605 nm, whereas dehydroindigo produces a band at lmax ¼ 440 nm. The spectrum of MB contains the superposition of indigo and dehydroindigo absorption, both affected by a bathochromic shift attributable to the interaction of the dyes with palygorskite. The variability in the colour of MB specimens probably results from the different dehydroindigo/indigo ratio in the palygorskite, which is controlled by the heating
The Maya Blue Pigment
FIGURE 10 Visible spectra for indigo (diamonds), dehydroindigo (squares) and for a Maya blue sample (triangles) from Acanceh (Yucata´n, Mexico), late classic period. (Dome´nech et al., 2009d).
70 60
Abs. u.a.
50 40 30 20 10 0 350
550 650 Wavelength (nm)
temperature (Dome´nech et al., 2006, 2007a). The formation of dehydroindigo by aerobic oxidation of indigo (Dome´nech et al., 2006, 2007b) is favoured with increasing temperature. The hue of archaeological MB varies geographically and along the history. The blue in the Aztec zone is darker than in the Maya zone. Moreover, the green pigment used in the Maya zone, like in Bonampak paints, contains palygorskite.
3.4. Structural Aspects: The Attachment of Indigo to the Clay van Olphen (1966) suggested a structural mechanism of complex formation, by indigo molecules attaching to surface channels of the clay. Kleber et al. (1967) suggested that indigo penetrates (partially or deeper) into the tunnels in the clay structure. Papers often support Kleber et al. (e.g. Chiari et al., 2003; Fois et al., 2003; Giustetto et al., 2005, 2006; Tilocca and Fois, 2009) or van Olphen (e.g. Chianelli et al., 2005; Chiari et al., 2008; Fuentes et al., 2008; Manciu et al., 2007; Polette-Niewold et al., 2007). Hubbard et al. (2003) proposed that indigo attaches to the entrance of the tunnels blocking the entrance. Vibrational and diffraction data (Sa´nchez del Rı´o et al., 2009a) support this model. The three possibilities, penetration of the molecule, covering the nanotunnels and attaching to the surface, may coexist depending on preparation. However, what is the cause of MB chemical stability? Palygorskite and sepiolite may differ in the attachment of indigo. Pigments made with these two clays present different resistance to acids (Sa´nchez del Rı´o et al., 2006a), and they have different tunnel sizes. The dimensions of the sepiolite tunnel, which are larger than in palygorskite, may allow for greater diffusion. Palygorskite has tunnels of nearly the same width as the
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indigo molecule. Steric arguments are compatible with the idea that indigo penetrates in sepiolite (Dejoie, 2009; Giustetto and Wahyudi (2011); Ovarlez et al., 2009) but blocks the entrances of the tunnels in palygorskite (Dejoie, 2009; Hubbard et al., 2003; Sa´nchez del Rı´o et al., 2009a).
3.5. The Nature of the Palygorskite–Indigo Association The proposed models for the interaction that anchors indigo to palygorskite include (i) formation of hydrogen bonds between the C¼¼O and N H groups with edge silanol units of the clay (Hubbard et al., 2003), (ii) formation of hydrogen bonds between indigo molecules and structural OH2 groups (Chiari et al., 2003; Giustetto et al., 2005), (iii) hydrogen bond formation between indigo carbonyls and structural OH2 (Fois et al., 2003), (iv) direct bonding between the clay octahedral cations and the dye molecules without H2O nor OH2 (Chiari et al., 2008; Tilocca and Fois, 2009), (v) specific bonding to Al substituted Si sites in tetrahedral centres (Chianelli et al., 2005; Fuentes et al., 2008; Polette-Niewold et al., 2007). The possibility of significant Van der Waals interactions was introduced by Fois et al. (2003) and further considered by Dome´nech et al. (2007c) There are serious arguments against a direct dye–Al3þ interaction in MB. The first is the possibility of forming stable aluminium-free MB-type pigments with sepiolite. Additionally, 27Al MAS NMR data suggest that the coordination of Al3þ in palygorskite is not affected by indigo (Dome´nech et al., 2009a). Consistent with NMR data, NIR data on AlAlOH stretching band at ca. 3620 cm 1 in MB probes do not find evidence of Al–indigo interaction (Sa´nchez del Rı´o et al., 2009a). In contrast, the 29Si NMR spectrum of MB differs significantly from that of palygorskite. The 29Si NMR spectrum suggests that electronic density increases near to (SiO4)4 tetrahedra, thus indicating adsorption of indigo near silicon atoms. This dye–silicon interaction may occur through surface SiOH groups of clay and p bonds of dye. This particular bonding does not seem crucial for inducing chemical stability to MB, and it may also be present in indigo attached to laminar clays, explaining some similar features in their Raman spectra compared to MB (Sa´nchez del Rı´o et al., 2006c). MB can be regarded as a hybrid organic–inorganic material with polyfunctional characteristics where different topological isomers of indigoid molecules coexist attached to palygorskite (Dome´nech et al., 2009a,c).
4. MB RESEARCH IN RELATION WITH THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL CONTEXTS 4.1. Historic Relevance of Indigo Indigo is a natural blue dye formed by indigotin (3H-indol-3-one, 2-(1,3-dihydro3-oxo-2H-indol-2-ylidene)-1,2-dihydro), a quasi-planar molecule of approximate ˚ , containing a slightly elongated central CC bond and dimensions 4.8 12 A two elongated CO bonds.
The Maya Blue Pigment
The technique of dyeing with indigo was discovered and extensively applied independently by several cultures using plants from the Indigofera family: Indigofera tinctoria in India, Indigofera indigotica or tein-cheing in China, Polygonum tinctorium in the Far East. In Europe, woad (Isatis tinctoria) was cultured from the twelfth to the seventeenth century, having an important economic, political and cultural role (Harry, 1930). In the late seventeenth century, the woad industry in Europe initiated the decline because woad plant produces less indigo than the Indigofera plants, which were available at lower price from India and America. The synthesis of indigo from isatin was developed by Baeyer in 1870 (Baeyer and Emmerling, 1870) but a more economical method was devised by Heumann in 1890 (Heumann, 1890a,b). Commercialization of synthetic indigo displaced indigo production from plants in the late 1890s (McKee and Zanger, 1991). The recipes used by the ancient Mesoamericans for dyeing with plants (Herna´ndez, 1959) are related to water solutions. The Mesoamericans obtained indigo from a maceration of leaves of plants (mainly Indigofera suffruticosa) generically termed an˜il (in Spanish) or xiuquitlitl (in Nahuatl, the Aztec language), followed by a prolonged aeration/stirring process termed batido (Dome´nech et al., 2007c, 2009c). Indigo was traded in Mesoamerica during the conquest, and great quantities of indigo were sent to Spain (Sarabia Viejo, 1994). Indigo was prepared in pre-Columbian times for being used as a dye, but there are no references of its trade for the fabrication of MB pigment. Possibly, a similar preparation with the addition of clays was used by the ancient Mayas for the production of MB (Reyes-Valerio, 1993). Electrochemical monitoring of indigo during preparation by traditional procedures suggests that the hydrolysis of the indigo precursors may involve two competing reaction pathways, via intermediate formation of leucoindigo or isatin (Dome´nech et al., 2007b). For Indigofera leaves and a suspension of palygorskite, leucoindigo should be favoured with the use of an alkaline quick-lime suspension, because this product, contrary to indigo, is slightly soluble in alkaline media (Dome´nech et al., 2009d).
4.2. Palygorskite in Contemporary and Ancient Mesoamerica The use of MB disappeared after the Spanish conquest, and there is no written record describing its fabrication and use. It has been argued that MB continued to be used in contemporary communities. Moreover, some aspects of the use and significance of MB may have been transmitted orally. The link between palygorskite and Maya culture was first established by the ethnographic work of Arnold in Yucata´n (Arnold, 1967, 1971). Palygorskite was mined, used and traded among the contemporary Yucatec Maya in Ticul and Sacalum (Arnold, 1967, 1971; Arnold and Bohor, 1975; Folan, 1969) for pottery temper and for medicinal purposes. Two probable ancient mines for the mineral were suggested, one at the cenote in Sacalum (Arnold, 1967;
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Arnold and Bohor, 1975; Folan, 1969) and a second at Yo’ Sah Kab near Ticul (Arnold, 2005). Palygorskite occurs elsewhere in the Yucata´n peninsula (Arnold et al., 2007; Sa´nchez del Rı´o et al., 2009b), but not beyond, except in samples from Pete´n (Guatemala; Arnold et al., 2007). Arnold et al. (2007) described two hypothesis for palygorskite provenance in MB: (i) The Shepard/Arnold/Bohor hypothesis, where MB was widely traded from the Yucata´n Peninsula because of its widespread use on pottery intended for household rituals. Sacalum and Yo’ Sah Kab could be the sources of palygorskite. (ii) The Littmann hypothesis: MB was derived from local palygorskite deposits and the synthesis technique moved rather than the pigment itself. Sa´nchez del Rı´o et al. (2009b) found palygorskite of great purity in several sites 40 km around Uxmal, suggesting that palygorskite is a frequent mineral in the area as discussed in Arnold et al. (2007) and Littmann (1982). Palygorskites within this area have similar crystallographic characteristics, but variation in trace element concentrations may be used to obtain chemical fingerprints of the different sources (Arnold et al., 2007). Krekeler and Kearns (2009) found palygorskite ca. 200 km from Uxmal in the south-eastern Yucata´n Peninsula. Arnold collected samples with the cultural characteristics of palygorskite, suggesting a source of palygorskite in Guatemala. Cecil (2010) determined that pigment from Ixlu (El Peten, Guatemala) has the MB structure, but suggesting a local manufacture from clays in central Peten. Although pigments found in Guatemala are MB, no XRD studies on the pristine clays have been done. Thus, the occurrence of palygorskite in Guatemala has not been fully demonstrated yet.
4.3. Sepiolite and MB Sepiolite has occasionally been reported in Yucata´n (Isphording and Wilson, 1974; Stinnesbeck et al., 2004), but not in surface outcrops. Recent studies using Yucatecan palygorskites (Chiari et al., 2003; Pablo-Gala´n, 1996; Sa´nchez del Rı´o et al., 2009b) did not identify sepiolite. However, sepiolite may occur with palygorskite in archaeological MB (Gettens, 1962; Shepard and Gottlieb, 1962). Shepard (1962) found a related mineral in Aztec MB, probably sepiolite. Ortega Avile´s (2003) found palygorskite together with sepiolite in a sample from The Great Temple in Tenochtitlan. Sepiolite is only found in archaeological samples from the MexicoTenochtitlan area, corresponding to the Aztec Empire, in agreement with Shepard (Shepard and Gottlieb, 1962): “It is noteworthy that sepiolite has not yet been found in any Yucatecan or Mayan sample.”
4.4. The Production and Use of MB in Ancient Times Indigo may have been used as an intermediate ingredient from Indigofera leaves, then mixed with palygorskite to obtain MB. Alternatively, MB may
The Maya Blue Pigment
have been processed directly with palygorskite and Indigofera leaves (ReyesValerio, 1993), a recipe proposed from interpretations of historical documents. Reyes-Valerio demonstrated that a pigment with the characteristics of MB can be obtained by macerating Indigofera leaves in a clay–water solution, and this method may have been used by the Maya. Cabrera Garrido (1969) suggested other possible preparations: (i) direct dyeing of palygorskite using the colourant from the Indigofera plant, (ii) heating a mixture of palygorskite and indigo, (iii) heating indigo with water vapour for fixation on palygorskite, (iv) using a vat-dyeing technique, (v) burning Indigofera leaves and mixing the ashes with other ingredients, (vi) mixing indigo with palygorskite and heating to adulterate indigo and (vii) ritual ceremonies by burning ingredients like Copal. Copal is a resin widely used in Prehispanic times. Cabrera detected copal in a sample from Tlatelolco and determined that fabrication involved heating, which may have been related with rituals like burning Copal. This idea was recently developed by Arnold et al. (2008). Dome´nech et al. (2007a) compared the electrochemical response, composition (from SEM/EDX) and UV–vis spectral properties of samples from 12 archaeological sites of Yucata´n and Campeche. The electrochemical responses provide dehydroindigo/indigo ratios, and mineralogy and textural properties of the samples can be correlated with spectral and compositional signatures. Samples are categorized into ‘electrochemical types’ that suggest (i) different procedures for the preparation of MB were used; (ii) these procedures evolved from not using thermal treatment, to moderate and more intensive heating; (iii) ochre and other pigments were possibly used during the crushing/thermal treatment process; (iv) the variation of MB types along time corresponds to an evolution of fabrication technique, where new processes were incorporated progressively showing a ramified scheme as a function of time. The fabrication of MB and use of colours, as well as all the arts, and nearly all social life in Mesoamerican civilization were under strict religious control (Reyes-Valerio, 1993). The artist that created codices, sculptures, temples and pyramids was educated in the different institutional centres. The possibility that MB production was done in a ritual context was developed by Cabrera Garrido (1969) and Arnold et al. (2008). It is unclear how artists managed to obtain the different tonalities and hues. Optical microscopy examination of cross sections of paint layers shows each MB layer as an apparently homogeneous blue or greenish-blue layer. According to Dome´nech et al. (2006, 2007a, 2009c), the modulation of the hue of the pigment from dark blue to more or less greenish-blue could be obtained by varying the dehydroindigo/indigo ratio upon varying the temperature treatment during the preparation of the pigment. In several samples, yellow aggregates were added to MB pigment to obtain a more greenish colour (Dome´nech et al., 2007a, 2009d). The Mg concentration in a mural sample
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from Cacaxtla with two blue hues indicates the probable mixing of the pigment with other products (lime water, i.e. calcite; Sa´nchez del Rı´o et al., 2004). Another control of the tone is the depth of the pigment layer (one or several layers). Layers of different colours are often visible in mural paints (Reyes-Valerio, 1993). However, multilayers of the same pigment cannot be excluded, but they are more difficult to detect because there are no compositional differences.
4.5. Trade and Distribution and of MB in Ancient Times Gettens (1962) gave several reasons to the study of MB: (i) “Maya blue might have been an important item of trade among the preconquest Maya”, (ii) “the source, preparation and use of Maya blue are of importance to the history of technology”, (iii) “it is not yet certain that the Maya blue disappeared after the conquest”. In addition, if MB is to be used as evidence that artefacts are true antiquities, then the history of MB must be known. If MB was traded (Littmann, 1980), then MB “is archaeologically significant not only in demonstrating trade or cultural contacts, but also in determining whether these contacts consisted of trade in a material substance or the transmission of a technique. The difference represents the distinction between discovery and invention”. There is crystallographic evidence that MB from Central Mexico used a palygorskite that differs from the Yucatecan palygorskite (Sa´nchez del Rı´o et al., 2009b). This is based on the fact that Yucatecan palygorskite is nearequal mixture of monoclinic and orthorhombic palygorskite (Chiari et al., 2003; Sa´nchez del Rı´o et al., 2009b). In contrast, diffractograms from archaeological MB from Central Mexico indicate mostly orthorhombic palygorskite (Sa´nchez del Rı´o et al., 2009b). In addition, MB from Central Mexico may contain sepiolite. Interestingly, Zaachila blue, a variety of MB found in a tomb explored in 1962 by the archaeologist R. Gallegos in Oaxaca, produces a diffractogram (Christ et al., 1969) in good agreement of palygorskite used in Aztec MB (Sa´nchez del Rı´o et al., 2008). From these data, it appears that the Aztecs exploited a palygorskite mine different from those of Yucata´n (Sa´nchez del Rı´o et al., 2009b).
4.6. Chronology and Distribution of MB The mural paintings of Bonampak (Classic period, eighth century) are considered the oldest accurately dated artworks containing MB (Reyes-Valerio, 1993). MB is abundant in archaeological finds from the beginning of Maya Late Classic (ca. sixth century) in the Usumancinta, Puuc and Peten regions, as well as in Guatemala (Cecil, 2010). Outside the Maya area, MB has been found in Mexico in El Tajin (Veracruz, Totonac culture), Cacaxtla (Tlaxcala, Olmec-Xicalanca culture, see Figure 1), Tamuin (San Luis Potosı´, Huastec culture), Zaachila (Oaxaca) and is very abundant in the Aztec area. However, MB
The Maya Blue Pigment
has not been found in important sites like Teotihuacan, Monte Alban or Xochicalco, indicating the late arrival in the Mexican plateau (Reyes-Valerio, 1993). The age of MB has been revised recently, with a possible earlier use in Yaxchilan (Torres et al., 1976) or possibly earlier, in different locations in the archaeological site of Calakmul, belonging to the Late Preclassic (Dome´nech et al., 2006; Va´zquez de Agredos et al., 2011) and Early Classic (Garcı´a Moreno et al., 2008). MB was used in Colonial times for decorating convents and churches (Reyes-Valerio, 1993), at least until the end of the sixteenth century (see Figure 3). Noteworthy, occurrences include Actopan (Hidalgo), Tecamachalco (Puebla), Epazoyucan (Hidalgo), San Pedro Tezontepec (Hidalgo) and Jiutepec (Morelos). Comparative studies of Precolumbian MB and Colonial MB (Sa´nchez del Rı´o et al., 2006b) may be of importance to determine how pigment technology was transferred during the Conquest. Reyes-Valerio showed that Spanish monks used Indian artists for the decoration of chapels. Juan Gerso´n, an Indian artist, made numerous paintings in Tecamachalco (Puebla; Reyes-Valerio, 2000) in 1562. Because MB pigment was used frequently during the first century of the Conquest in religious decorations of the three important Monastical orders (Augustinians, Dominicans and Franciscans), the monks probably could know how to fabricate MB. Possibly, the technology was controlled by a few Indian artists, but the number of convents and the total painted surface (> 400 m2) suggested that the technology had been acquired by the religious hierarchy. A variety of MB, known as La Havana blue, decorated civil buildings in Colonial Cuba (Tagle et al., 1990) during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. MB was last used in Mexican colonial mural paints around 1580. It is unclear if the Cuban MB came from Mexico, or if it was fabricated in situ. MB probably came from Mexico, because of the small distance that separates Yucata´n from Cuba, and because palygorskite is unknown in Cuba. X-ray data of Cuban blue (Tagle et al., 1990) are identical to Yucatecan palygorskite (Sa´nchez del Rı´o et al., 2009b). The time of first import to Cuba is unknown, and how MB evolved from religious to civil decorations is uncertain. Because MB must have coexisted in Mexico and Cuba suggests that either it was used in Mexico after the end of the sixteenth century, or it was imported to Cuba earlier. It is probable that Cuba obtained the recipe in colonial times, where it is known that slave markets and trade exist between Cuba and Yucata´n.
4.7. Symbology of MB Colours were essential in the Prehispanic world. However, the colour symbology is different for the Maya than for the cultures in the valley of Mexico (Reyes-Valerio, 1993). The Maya associated the blue to several meanings, among them, the sacrifice. Based on Landa (1566), this is noted by Thomson (Gan and Thompson, 1931) “Before being sacrificed the victim was stripped
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of his clothing and painted with a blue unguent, blue being the sacrificial color”, and lately by Gettens (1962). Blue is associated also with water and rain, and therefore related to several deities, for example, god of rain for both Mayas (Chaac) and Aztecs (Tlaloc). Colours are also related to the Cardinal Points by the peoples of Central Mexico, and blue is sometimes related to West (Reyes-Valerio, 1993).
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS MSR dedicates this work to the memory of Constantino Reyes-Valerio (1922– 2006), historian, chemist, photographer, who made great contributions to the study and popularization of MB. His guidance and dedication were essential for the accomplishment of several of the works cited here. S. Guggenheim is acknowledged for a pertinent review and useful editing. Financial support by CICYT (project CGL2009-10764) is acknowledged.
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The Maya Blue Pigment
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Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research
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Subject Index
Note: The letters ‘f ’ and ‘t’ following the locators refer to figures and tables respectively.
A Acid EDTA, 358t PLA, 403–404 treatment, 284, 285t, 428, 429f Active organomineralization, 221, 222 Adana basin, 185–186. See also Misis-Adana basin Adsorption, surfactant fibrous clay pharmaceutical uses for, 308 model application results, 367–369 model equations, 364–367 palygorskite surface modifications, 361t sepiolite surface modifications, 356–364 surface-related properties, 351–356 Advanced materials conclusions about, 440–441 hybrid nanomaterials biohybrids and biomimetic, 416–420 carbon, 421–423 clay-organic interactions mechanisms, 409–411, 410t dry-sepiolite nanostructured, 412–414 functionalized, 434–440 grafted organic derivatives by covalent bonding, 414–416 MB pigment, 409, 409f, 412–413 overview, 409–440, 410t sepiolite support of nanoparticles, 423–440 sepiolite-organic compound interactions, 411–416 nanoclays, 395–408 fire retardancy properties, 405–408, 408f mechanical properties, 405–408, 407t organomodified, 395–396 thermal properties, 405–408, 407t thermoplastic and thermosetting based nanocomposites, 396–405 nanocomposites, 396–405 background about, 396 gold pellet, 438f preparation methods, 397
in situ polymerization, 397 overview, 393–395 structural blocks and, 393–395, 394f thermoplastic and thermosetting polymersclay nanocomposites, 396–405 Agglomeration, 285 Agriculture, 274, 290–291 Allou Kagne deposit, 76–77 Aluminous precursors, 135 Amargosa, 78–79 applications, 90 deposit, 89–90 mineral content of, 89 origin, 90 overview about, 157 Amargosa saponite chemical composition, 269–272, 269t dispersal properties, 271–272 functional properties, 269–272, 270t geographic settings, 265–268, 267f geologic settings, 265–268 markets, applications, 272–275 overview, 265 sorptive properties, 271 Amargosa sepiolite chemical composition, 268f, 269–272, 269t dispersal properties, 271–272 fibrous length, 266–267, 268f, 269–270 functional properties, 269–272, 270t geographic settings, 265–268, 267f geologic settings, 265–268 grades, 266–267, 268f health and, 276 markets, applications, 272–275 overview, 265 sorptive properties, 270–271 Amboseli chemical analysis, 141t deposit, 157 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane, 358t Andhra Pradesh Siddiqui, 141t Animal feed, 274, 290, 291 Anionic dyes, 361t
484 Anionic surfactants, 358t, 361t, 363 Antacids, 306–308 health and, 316 palygorskite and, 309t sepiolite and, 307, 309t Antibacterial applications, 431, 431t Antibacterial effect, in glass, 436, 436t Antibacterial glazes, 435 Antidiarrhoeals, 306–308, 309t Antifungal effect, in glass, 436, 436t Antifungal glazes, 435 Applications absorbent grade Chinese clays, 259 absorption characteristics, 289–290 chemically inert, 289 high porosity, 289 large surface area, 289 mechanical strength, 289 non-combustible and non-flammable, 289 Amargosa. 90, See also Amargosa saponite and Amargosa sepiolite antibacterial, 431, 431t biomedical, 430 Chinese palygorskite clay, 256, 259 conclusions about, 297 fifth generation products, 295–296 first generation products, 287–290 absorption and, 289–290 animal feeds, 290 chemical reaction resistance and, 288 filtration and, 288–289 pet litters, 288 phytosanitary carriers, 290 processing, 287–288 soil evaporation retardation, 290 fourth generation products, 293–295 CIMSILÒ, 293, 295f mortar, 293–295 synergistic combinations, 293 gel grade Chinese clays, 256, 259 health and safety issues, 296–297 humidity sensors, 439 overview, 86, 281–282, 282f, 283t physico-chemical features, 282–286 agglomeration, 285 defects, 284 needles, 286 rheological properties, 286 stability, 285 thermal/acid treatment effects, 284, 285t unique properties, 282, 283t
Subject Index processing flow sheet and, 286, 287f properties enhancements, 286–296 second generation products, 290–292 agriculture, 290–291 animal feeds, 291 ceramic tile adhesives, 292 concrete, 291–292 construction, 291 examples, 290 mortar, 292 mycotoxin absorption, 291 rubber, 290 suspension capacity enhancement, 291 toxic waste, 292 water treatment, 292 water-based compositions, 291 six generations of, 288t sixth generation products, 295–296 South Georgia-North Florida deposit, 87, 89 Theis, 94 third generation products, 293 examples, 293 organophilic thixotropic additive, 293, 294f waste treatment, 293 Turkey and, 194 Ukraine and, 96 Vallecas-Vica´lvaro-Yunclillos, 91 Argentina, 78 As¸ag˘i Pinarbas¸i, 179f, 181 Attapulgite, 6–7. See also Palygorskite nomenclature and, 85, 303 Australia, 96 Authigenic clays, 125, 126f
B Basalt cycle, 245, 245f as source material, 247–253 Basalt pebble weathering zones, Chinese palygorskite clay resources, 251, 251f chemical analysis, 252, 252t core, 251, 251f, 252t, 253 magnesium and, 253 middle zone, 251, 251f, 252t, 253 rim, 251, 251f, 252t, 253 titanium depletion and, 252, 260t Batallones deposit, 148–150 deposit chemical analysis, 141t lithological units, 148, 150f sepiolite unit in, 148–150, 151f
Subject Index Batteries, 421–422 BCM. See Biologically controlled mineralization Bedrock LAs and, 164–165, 164f ultramafic, 73–74 Bercimuel deposit, 91f, 92–93, 152 deposit chemical analysis, 91f, 92–93, 141t BET-nitrogen, 380, 383t BIM. See Biologically induced mineralization Bingham model, 331 Biogenic origin of sepiolite biomineralization process, 221–223 dolomite-sepiolite Miocene biomorphs and, 223–228, 223f hypothesis, 232–235, 234f mineral and biological similarities, 219, 220f mineral formation recognition, 228–232 biomass mineralization, 228–229, 229f geochemical evidence, 231–232 from microfibrils to sepiolite, 230–231, 230f, 231f, 234f overview, 219–223 Phanerozoic minerals and, 220 Biohybrids and biomimetic materials, based on sepiolite, 416–420 bio-organoclays, 417 biopolymers, 417–418 collagen and, 418 foams, 419–420, 419f gelatine and, 418 Nature and, 416–417 xanthan gum and, 420, 420f zein and, 418–419 Biologically controlled mineralization (BCM), 221 Biologically induced mineralization (BIM), 221 Biomass mineralization, 228–229, 229f Biomedical applications, 430 Biomimetic materials, based on sepiolite, 416–420 bio-organoclays, 417 biopolymers, 417–418 collagen and, 418 foams, 419–420, 419f gelatine and, 418 Nature and, 416–417 xanthan gum and, 420, 420f zein and, 418–419 Biomineralization process, 221–223 active and passive, 221, 222
carbonates and, 222–223 macromolecules and, 221–222 microbial mats and, 222 Biomorphs, dolomite-sepiolite Miocene, 223–228, 223f Bio-organoclays, 417 Biopolymers, 417–418 Bleaching, 258–259, 258f Blocks structural, 393–395, 394f tunnels and, 330 Bottle-around-a-ship procedure, 413–414, 413f
C Cadmium, 342–343, 342f, 343f, 344f Calatayud basin. See Mara Calatayud Tertiary lacustrine basin, 73 Campo de Calatrava, 153–154 C¸anakkale region, 186 Cap rock reactivity and integrity, 376–379 Carbon, hybrid nanomaterials, 421–423 batteries and supercapacitors and, 421–422 CPEs and, 422–423 graphite-like, 421 organosilanes grafting and, 422–423, 422f Carbon dioxide (CO2) aqueous, 134 atmospheric concentrations, 375 biomineralization process and, 222–223 supercritical compression of, 376, 377f Carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) cap rock reactivity and integrity, 376–379 concluding remarks about, 390 geochemical trapping, 376 geological, 375–376 injection processes, 376 modeling, 389–390 naturally occurring, 375–376 overview regarding, 375–379 palygorskite and sepiolite characteristics concerning, 379 physical trapping, 376 research background, 376 in sedimentary basins, 376 supercritical CO2/palygorskite and sepiolite interaction study, 379–388 supercritical compression and, 376, 377f technologies, 375 Carbon paste electrodes (CPEs), 422–423 Carbonatic chemical facies, 164f, 165 Carcinogenicity, 315 Cat litter, 272
486 Cationic dyes, 358t, 361t Cationic surfactants, 357–363, 358t, 361t C ¸ ayırag˘zı magnesite deposit, 184–185 CCS. See Carbon dioxide capture and storage Ceramic tile adhesives, 292 Ceramics antibacterial or antifungal glazes and, 435 humidity sensors and, 439 multifunctional glazes and, 435 nanoparticles assembled to sepiolite in, 434 particle size and, 435 self-cleaning glazes and, 434–435 Channel, 355. See also Open channel defects structural blocks and, 393–394, 394f Chemistry absorption characteristics regarding, 289 Amargosa saponite, 269–272, 269t Amargosa sepiolite, 268f, 269–272, 269t Amboseli and, 141t Andhra Pradesh regarding, 141t basalt pebble weathering zones, 252, 252t Batallones and, 141t Bercimuel and, 91f, 92–93, 141t carbonatic chemical facies, LAs, 164f, 165 central Atlantic Cretaceous, 109–110 chemical reaction resistance and, 288 Chinese palygorskite clay resources, 247–251, 252, 252t clayey chemical facies, LAs, 164f, 165–166 continental environments and, 137, 141t continuous composition and, 51, 51f, 52f cosmetic uses of fibrous clays and, 300–303, 315 deviations in purity of, 35–36 environmental influences and, 81 Eskisehir and, 141t Guanshan basalt pebble weathering zones, 252, 252t deposit chemical analysis, 141t depositional environment data interpretation, 247–251 health and, 315 impurities and, 33–34 of indigo, 470 intermediate minerals structural arrangements, 51–55, 53f, 55f introduction, 33–36 magnesium and, 328, 329f Mara and, 141t marine sediments, 109–110 MB and, 467–468
Subject Index open questions regarding, 55 overview, 351–352, 353t of palygorskite, 44–49, 44t, 45f, 46f, 302 palygorskite and sepiolite compositional gap, 41f, 49–51, 51f, 52f pharmaceutical uses and, 300–303, 315 phosphorus and, 328, 329f physico-chemical features, 282–286 polysomatic clusters and, 54–55, 55f polysomatic continuous series and, 53–54, 53f pure composition calculations, 35–36 of sepiolite, 36–43, 37t, 38f, 39f, 41f, 132, 302 Spain and, 72 surface-related properties and, 351–352, 353t Turkey, 187, 189f Chert-sepiolite interface, 224–225, 226f China, 95, 158. See also Guanshan Chinese palygorskite clay resources applications, 256, 259 basalt pebble weathering zones, 251, 251f conclusions about, 260 depositional environment, 247–255, 254f geology, 243–246 regional geotectonic and volcanic setting, 244–246, 245f Guiwu formation, 242f, 244 Huaguoshan formation, 242f, 243 locations of, 239–240, 240f mineralogy, 246, 246t overview, 239–241, 240f previous work regarding, 241–243 processing, 256–259 absorbent grades, 257–259 gel grade, 256 stratigraphic column of Guanshan, 242f Zhangshanji formation, 242f, 243 CIMSILÒ, 293, 295f Clayey chemical facies, 164f, 165–166 Clay-organic interactions, 409–411, 410t Clays, fibrous drug interactions of, 312–313 as excipients, 300 health risks, 314–316 Iran and, 215 overview about, 299–300 requirements of, 299–300 used in health care, 301t
Subject Index Climate. See also Carbon dioxide capture and storage environmental influences and, 81 Iran and, 203–204, 204f UNFCCC and, 375 CO2. See Carbon dioxide; Carbon dioxide capture and storage Cohydrolysis procedure, 414–415 Collagen, 418 Colloid migration, 340–341, 341f Common palygorskite, 47–48 Computer modeling, of Maya blue, 466 Concrete, 291–292 Congo red, 361t Construction, 291 Continental environments Amargosa, 157 Amboseli deposit, 157 arid regions and, 127 El Bur deposit, 158 favorable conditions and, 128–129, 128t final remarks, 159–166 on LAs, 163–166 on sedimentary environments, 159–162 genetic conditions, 130–136 characteristics and occurrences, 137–158 lacustrine environments, 130–131 palygorskite deposits summary, 138t palygorskite formation evidence, 135–136 selected deposit chemical analyses, 137, 141t sepiolite deposits summary, 139t sepiolite formation evidence, 131–135 geotectonic settings and, 125–126, 127f Guanshan deposit, 158 neoformation vs. transformation discrimination and, 131t other deposits in, 157–158 overview, 125–130 pH and, 129 research history and, 101–102 sedimentary environments, 159–162 soils and, 127 Spain, 137–154, 142f Batallones deposit, 148–150 other deposits, 151–154 Tagus basin, 137–150 Vallecas-Vica´lvaro-Yundlillos deposits, 145–148 Turkey, 154–157 Eskisehir deposit, 74–75, 74f, 95, 155–157 geological setting, 154–155, 154f Ventzia basin deposit, 158
weathering environments and, 127 XRD patterns, 140f Controlled hydrolysis, 426–427, 427f Cosmetic uses of fibrous clays, 313–314 as excipients, 300 health risks and, 314–316 liquid and semi-solid dosage forms, 310 markets and, 274 mineralogy and chemistry related to, 300–303 nomenclature, 303–306 overview about, 299–300 requirements regarding, 299–300 specifications, 303–306, 304t Covalent bonding, 410t, 414–416 CPEs. See Carbon paste electrodes Cretaceous, central Atlantic, marine sediments clay mineral distribution, 108–109, 109f conclusions about, 111–112 DSDP site 105, 105f, 107, 108f DSDP site 370, 105–106, 105f, 106f DSDP site 417, 105f, 106–107, 107f geochemistry, 109–110 occurrence, 105–107 palaeoceanography and palaeogeography, 110–111, 111f Crystal violet (CV), 358t, 361t Crystalline silica, 315 Crystallography, 352, 354t CV. See Crystal violet
DDA. See Dodecylammonium DDEDMA. See Dodecylethyldimethylammonium DDTMA. See Dodecyltrimethylammonium Decolorizing, 274 Deep-Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) central Atlantic Cretaceous, 104–112 clay occurrence, 105–107 site 105, 105f, 107, 108f site 370, 105–106, 105f, 106f site 417, 105f, 106–107, 107f clay mineral distribution and, 108–109, 109f Defects open channel cause of, 26–27 H2O content and, 27 microtexture and, 26–28, 27f sorption and, 28 yofortierite, 26, 27f physico-chemical features and, 284 planar, 28–29 Denizli sector, 154f, 155
488 Denizli-Bozkurt area, 182 Depositional environment, Guanshan, 247–255, 254f chemical data interpretation, 247–251 Huangnishan and, 247, 250t lithologic column profile, 253–254, 254f model of formation, 254, 255f oxides, 247, 248t source material as basalt, 247–253 Deposits. See also specific deposit Australia, 96 China, 95, 158 conclusions about, 97 Greece, 95–96, 158 Guatemala, 96 India, 96 Kenya, 157 locations overview, 86, 86f other occurrences, 96–97 other worldwide, 95–97 overview, 85–86 palygorskite deposits summary, 138t Russia, 97 Senegal, 93–94 sepiolite deposits summary, 139t Somalia, 96, 158 Spain, 90–93, 145–150, 151–154 Turkey, 94–95, 155–157 Ukraine, 96 United States, 87–90 Detrital clays, 125, 126f Detrital facies, 164f, 165 DHDDMA. See Dihexadecyldimethylammonium Diffraction studies, on Maya blue, 457–458, 459f Dihexadecyldimethylammonium (DHDDMA), 358t, 361t Diluents, 308–309 Dimethyldichlorosilane (DMDCS), 358t Dimethyloctadecylchlorosilane (DMODCS), 358t Dioctadecyldimethylammonium (DODDMA), 358t Direct precipitation, 136 Disaggregation, 340–341, 341f Disintegrants, 308–309 Dispersal properties, Amargosa saponite, 271–272 sepiolite, 271–272 Dissolution-precipitation transformation, 136 Divalent organic cations, 357 DMDCS. See Dimethyldichlorosilane
Subject Index DMODCS. See Dimethyloctadecylchlorosilane DODDMA. See Dioctadecyldimethylammonium Dodecylammonium (DDA), 358t Dodecylethyldimethylammonium (DDEDMA), 358t Dodecyltrimethylammonium (DDTMA), 358t Dolomite, 69 dolomite-sepiolite Miocene biomorphs, 223–228, 223f chert-sepiolite interface, 224–225, 226f gypsum-dolomite interface, 224, 225f microorganism recognition, 224–228, 225f, 227f sepiolite-dolomite marl, 225–226, 227f Morocco and, 76 Dolomitic facies, 164 Doped glass, 436–437, 437f Double Lakes, 79, 80f Drilling. See also Deep-Sea Drilling Project Amargosa Drug interactions, of fibrous clays, 312–313 absorption inhibition, 312 Dry-sepiolite nanostructured hybrids, 412–414 DSDP. See Deep-Sea Drilling Project Duero basin, 151–152. See also Bercimuel Duripans, 341–342
E Economy, Turkey and, 194 EDTA. See Ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid El Bur, 78, 158 Electrolyte flocculation and, 335f, 339 Iran southern soils and, 210 rheology and, 335–336, 335f Electrostatic interactions, 410t, 411 Elmadag˘ area, 185 Emulsifying agents, 311–312 Environmental influences in Argentina, 78 climate and, 81 closed basin clay distribution and, 69–71, 71f favorable, 128–129, 128t in Kenya, 75 in Morocco, 76 overview about, 69–71 pH and, 129 physico-chemical parameters and, 81 in Senegal, 76–77 for sepiolite production, 69–71
Subject Index Environmental influences (cont.) sesquioxide-free hydrous magnesium silicates and, 69, 70t soils, 127 in Somalia, 78 source material and, 80 in South Africa, 77 in Spain, 71–73, 72f summarized, 79–81 in Tunisia, 76 in Turkey, 73–75, 74f in United States, 78–79 weathering, 127 Eocene marine sediments, 112–118 clay distribution, 115–116, 115f conclusions about, 117–118 Gulf of Guinea, 112–113, 112f palaeoenvironment, 117 Sargasso Sea, 113–115, 114f Turkey marine occurrences, 177f, 178 Epoxy, 404–405 Eskisehir chemical analysis, 141t deposit, 74–75, 74f, 95, 155–157 lacustrine basin, 74–75, 74f loughlinite and, 156 meerschaum and, 95, 156 mineral content, 95 Eskisehir-Konya sector, 154, 154f Ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid (EDTA), 358t Excipients, fibrous clay pharmaceutical uses as, 300, 308–312, 309t liquid and semi-solid dosage forms, 309t, 310–312 solid dosage forms, 308–310, 309t Extrusion process, 427–428
F Falcondoite formation conditions, 16–17 as group member, 6–7, 6t Fars Province, 210, 213 Fibres ellipticity, 332, 333f Fibrous clays. See Clays, fibrous; Cosmetic uses of fibrous clays; Pharmaceutical uses of fibrous clays Fibrous length, Amargosa sepiolite, 266–267, 268f, 269–270 15 Crown ether 5, 358t, 361t
Fifth generation products, 295–296 Filtration and, 288–289 Fire retardancy properties, 405–408, 408f First generation products, 287–290 Flocculation, 338–340 Flocculation value (FV), 338 Flooding events, 148, 149f Florida. See South Georgia-North Florida Flow curves, 331, 332f Foams, 419–420, 419f Fourth generation products, 293–295 Fuller’s earth, 85 Functional properties, Amargosa, 269–272, 270t FV. See Flocculation value
G Gallation Volcanic Belt, 75 Gel grade, Chinese clay processing, 256 applications, 256, 259 roller press, 256 steps of, 256, 257f Gelatine, 418 Genesis, Turkey and, 187–194, 190f Genetic conditions, continental environments, 130–136 characteristics and occurrences, 137–158 lacustrine environments, 130–131 palygorskite deposits summary, 138t palygorskite formation evidence, 135–136 selected deposit chemical analyses, 137, 141t sepiolite deposits summary, 139t sepiolite formation evidence, 131–135 Genetic relations, 16–18 Geochemistry. See Chemistry Georgia. See South Georgia-North Florida Geotectonic settings, 125–126, 127f, 244–246, 245f Glass aggregation and, 435–436 antibacterial or antifungal effect in, 436, 436t doped, 436–437, 437f soda lime glass powder, 435 Glazes antibacterial or antifungal, 435 multifunctional, 435 nanoparticles assembled to sepiolite in, 434 particle size and, 435 self-cleaning, 434–435 Glidants, 308–309 Gold nanocomposite pellet, 438, 438f
490 Gondwana break-up, 202–203 Grafted organic derivatives of sepiolite, by covalent bonding, 414–416 cohydrolysis procedure, 414–415 organosilanes and, 415 Graphite-like hybrid nanomaterials, 421 Great Kavir Basin, 207–208, 210f, 211f Greece deposits, 95–96, 158 Ventzia basin deposit, 158 Guanshan basalt pebble weathering zones, 251, 251f deposit, 158 deposit chemical analysis, 141t depositional environment, 247–255, 254f geology, 243–246 Guiwu formation, 242f, 244 Huaguoshan formation, 242f, 243 mineralogy, 246, 246t previous work about, 241–243 stratigraphic column of, 242f Zhangshanji formation, 242f, 243 Guatemala, 96 Guiwu formation, 242f, 244 Gulf of Guinea clay distribution and, 115–116, 115f Eocene, 112–113, 112f Gulf Trough-Apalachicola embayment, 87–88, 87f Gypsiferous soils, 213 Gypsum-dolomite interface, 224, 225f
H2O. See Water HDPy. See Hexadecylpyridine HDTMA. See Hexadecyltrimethylammonium Health. See also Cosmetic uses of fibrous clays; Pharmaceutical uses of fibrous clays carcinogenicity and, 315 chemical elements and, 315 crystalline silica and, 315 fibrous clays and, 301t, 314–316 issues, 296–297 mineral dust and, 314–315 risks of fibrous clays, 314–316 sepiolite and, 276 Heating process changes, 355–356 Hekimhan region, 75, 177, 177f Herbicide, 275 Hexadecylpyridine (HDPy), 361t Hexadecyltrimethylammonium (HDTMA), 358t, 361t
Subject Index Hirsizdere magnesite deposit, 74 Hole stabilization, 273 Hormite, 6–7 Huaguoshan formation, 242f, 243 Huangnishan, 247, 250t Humidity, 325–326 Humidity sensors, 439 Hydraulic conductivity, 331 Hydrodynamic trapping, 376 Hydrogen bonding, 410t, 411 Hydrothermal sepiolite occurrences, Turkey, 184–185 serpentinite-hosted, 184–185 volcanic-hosted, 184 Hydroxide (OH), 15–16 Hypothesis, passive organomineralization of sepiolite, 232–235, 234f
I Ice-segregation-induced self assembly (ISIA), 427–428 Impregnation methods, 426 India, 96 Indigo chemistry of, 470 to clay attachment, 469–470 historical relevance of, 470–471 palygorskite association with, 470 sources of, 471 trade, 471 Infrared (IR) Maya blue spectroscopies, 458–461, 458f, 460f spectroscopy of surface-related properties, 356 Injection processes, 376 Intermediate minerals compositional ranges of, 50, 52f continuous composition and, 51, 51f, 52f open questions regarding, 55 polysomatic clusters and, 54–55, 55f polysomatic continuous series and, 53–54, 53f structural arrangements, 51–55, 53f, 55f Intersilite, 5–6 formation conditions, 16–17 group comparison with, 6–7, 6t single-crystal X-ray studies of, 8–12 Ion exchange capacity, 355 Ion-exchange reaction, 423–426 iPP. See Isotactic PP IR. See Infrared
Subject Index Iran central soils and sediments, 205–208 chronostratigraphic distribution and, 215 climate, 203–204, 204f conclusions about, 214–215 fibrous clay and, 215 future research directions, 215 Gondwana break-up, 202–203 Neo-Tethys, 202–203 north-eastern soils, 213 overview, 201–202 palaeogeography, 202–203, 203f palaeogeology, 202–203 southern soils and parent rocks, 208–213 Tethyan region, 202–203 western soils, 204–205 Zagros orogenic phase, 202–203 Iron, humidity sensors and, 439, 440f Isfahan Province, 206–207, 209f ISIA. See Ice-segregation-induced self assembly Isomorphous substitution, 329–330 Isotactic PP (iPP), 399
J Jbel Rhassoul, 76
K Kalifersite, 5–6 formation conditions, 16–17 as group member, 6–7, 6t single-crystal X-ray studies of, 12–13 Kangal sub-basin, 182–183, 183f Kaolinite, 213t, 336–337 Karapinar area, 179f, 181 Kenya Amboseli deposit, 157 environmental influences in, 75 Kepeztepe area, 180 Kerolite, 69, 70t Amargosa saponite/sepiolite and, 272 genetic relationship, 130, 131 Kenya and, 75 kerolite-stevensite deposit, 143f, 157, 167 precipitation, 157, 161 sepiolite, 134 stability diagram, 132–133, 133f syngenetic formation, 161f Kizildag˘, 183–184, 183f Kizildere, 186 Kleber, R, 456 Konya basin, 155
L Lacustrine environments, 130–131 Calatayud Tertiary lacustrine basin, 73 LAs and, 163 Turkey, 178–184 LAs. See Lithological associations Layered double hydroxides (LDHs), 433–434 Light absorption maxima, 431–432 Liquid and semi-solid dosage forms cosmetic uses, 310 emulsifying agents and, 311–312 gels, 311 pharmaceutical uses, 309t, 310–312 Lithologic column profile, Guanshan, 253–254, 254f Lithological associations (LAs) bedrock, 164–165, 164f carbonatic chemical facies, 164f, 165 clayey chemical facies, 164f, 165–166 detrital facies, 164f, 165 dolomitic facies and, 164 lacustrine environments and, 163 palustrine conditions and, 163 palustrine-lacustrine wetland and, 163 sedimentary environments and, 163–166 six types of, 164f swamp environments and, 163 Llano Estacado, 79 Loot Desert, 207, 208f Loughlinite Eskisehir and, 156 formation conditions, 16–17 as group member, 6–7, 6t
M Madrid basin, 72 dolomite-sepiolite Miocene biomorphs in, 223–228, 223f geological setting, 134, 140, 143f Magnesian Unit and, 142–144 during Neogene, 146f palygorskite in, 145 Spain and, 72, 134, 140, 143f Tagus basin and, 134, 140, 143f Magnesic palygorskite, 47–48 Magnesium chemistry and, 325–329, 329f Chinese palygorskite clay resources and, 253 palygorskite effects on soil, 325–329
492 Magnesium (cont.) sources in sedimentary environments, 159–160, 160t stability relations regarding, 69, 70t Magnesium trisilicate. See Sepiolite Magnetism, 432, 433 NMR and, 464–465 superparamagnetic behavior, 397–398, 433 Mara, 72f, 73, 91f deposit chemical analysis, 141t deposits, 92, 153 Marine occurrences, Turkey, 177–178 Eocene to Miocene, 177f, 178 Palaeocene, 177–178, 177f Upper Cretaceous, 177, 177f Marine sediments, Palygorskite clays in central Atlantic Cretaceous clay mineral distribution, 108–109, 109f conclusions about, 111–112 DSDP site 105, 105f, 107, 108f DSDP site 370, 105–106, 105f, 106f DSDP site 417, 105f, 106–107, 107f geochemistry, 109–110 occurrence, 105–107 palaeoceanography and palaeogeography, 110–111, 111f Eocene, 112–118 clay distribution, 115–116, 115f conclusions about, 117–118 Gulf of Guinea, 112–113, 112f palaeoenvironment, 117 Sargasso Sea, 113–115, 114f overview, 101 research history, 101–104 research perspectives, 118 significance of, 109 Markets Amargosa saponite, 272–275 Amargosa sepiolite, 272–275 Marl, sepiolite-dolomite, 225–226, 227f Mashhad, 213 Maya blue (MB) chemical resistance, 467–468 chronology regarding, 474–475 dry-sepiolite nanostructured hybrids and, 412–413 experimental techniques, 457–466 history of, 453–457, 454f, 455f, 456f hue of, 468–469, 469f hybrid nanomaterials and, 409, 409f, 412–413 indigo to clay attachment, 469–470
Subject Index palygorskite-indigo association, 470 research ancient production and use, 472–474 ancient trade and distribution, 474 archaeological and historical context regarding, 470–476 structural aspects, 469–470 symbology, 475–476 synthesis, 467–470 MB. See Maya blue; Methylene blue Meerschaum, 75, 95, 156 Meigs-Attapulgus-Quincy District. See South Georgia-North Florida Mersin area, 186 Mesoamerica, 471–472 Metal immobilization, 344–345, 345f Metal sorption, mechanisms on palygorskite, 342–343 cadmium, 342–343, 342f, 343f, 344f irreversibility and, 343, 344f Methylene blue (MB), 358t, 361t. See also Maya blue Methylene green (MG), 358t Mezgi ridge, marine occurrences, 177–178, 177f MG. See Methylene green Michler’s hydrol, 414, 414f Microbial mats, 222 Microfibrils, 230–231, 230f, 231f, 234f Microtexture introduction to, 3 OCDs and, 26–28, 27f palygorskite to smectite transformation and, 22–25, 26f planar defects and, 28–29 polysome-width disorder and, 22–25, 23f related topics, 22–29 stacking errors and, 28–29 Mid-infrared (MIR), 458–460, 460f Mihalic¸c¸ik, 180 Mineral dust, 314–315 Mineral trapping, 376. See also Carbon dioxide capture and storage Mining, processing flow sheet, 286, 287f Miocene, 28, 88f, 90, 95, 101, 113, 137, 138t, 139t, 140, 142, 145, 149f, 153, 156, 158, 177–184, 186, 195t, 196t, 202, 205, 206, 208, 209f, 219, 220f, 242t, 243–244 dolomite-sepiolite biomorphs and, 223–228, 223f peri-marine, 79 Turkey marine occurrences, 177f, 178 MIR. See Mid-infrared
Subject Index Misis-Adana basin, 186 Monovalent organic cations, 357 Montmorillonite, 336, 337f palygorskite transformation to, 25 palygorskite-containing soil clay suspensions and, 337 Morocco, 76 Mortar, 292, 293–295 Mycotoxin absorption, 291
N Namaqualand area, 77 Nanoclays, 395–408 fire retardancy properties, 405–408, 408f mechanical properties, 405–408, 407t organomodified, 395–396 thermal properties, 405–408, 407t thermoplastic based nanocomposites, 396–405 thermosetting based nanocomposites, 396–405 Nanocomposites, 396–405 background about, 396 gold pellet, 438f preparation methods, 397 in situ polymerization, 397 thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers-clay, 396–405 Nanoparticles, sepiolite support of, 423–440 acid treatment and, 428, 429f antibacterial applications, 431, 431t biomedical applications, 430 clusters and, 423 controlled hydrolysis and, 426–427, 427f extrusion process and, 427–428 functionalized materials from, 434–440 impregnation methods, 426 ion-exchange reaction and, 423–426 ISIA process and, 427–428 LDHs and, 433–434 light absorption maxima and, 431–432 magnetism and, 432, 433 superparamagnetic behavior, 397–398, 433 overview of, 423, 424t oxidation and, 430, 433 wet chemical route and, 428 Near-infrared (NIR), 460–461 Needles, 286 Neoformation, 125, 131t Neogene lacustrine basin, 75 Madrid basin during, 146f
Neo-Tethys, 202–203 Neutral surfactants and, 358t, 361t, 363 NIR. See Near-infrared Nitrogen adsorption isotherms, 380–382, 383f NMR. See Nuclear magnetic resonance Nomenclature history regarding, 85 overview of, 6–7, 6t pharmaceutical and cosmetic, 303–306 Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), 464–465
OCDs. See Open channel defects Octadecyltrimethylammonium (ODTMA), 358t, 361t, 363–364 Octahedral cations, 189f Octahedral sheets, 33, 35f Octahedral-tetrahedral misfit, 18–21, 19f ODTMA. See Octadecyltrimethylammonium OH. See Hydroxide OH2. See Water Open channel defects (OCDs) cause of, 26–27 H2O content and, 27 microtexture and, 26–28, 27f sorption and, 28 yofortierite, 26, 27f Ophiolitic units, 175, 176f Optical spectroscopies, 463 Optical transparency, using SPS, 438 Organomineralization active and passive, 221, 222 passive hypothesis of, 232–235, 234f Organomodified nanoclays, 395–396 Organophilic thixotropic additive, 293, 294f Organosilanes, 415, 422–423, 422f Orogenic area, Zagros, 212 Orogenic phase, Zagros, 202–203 Owl Cigar Company, 87
PA-6. See Polyamide-6 Paar reactor experiments and, 380, 382f, 382t Paint, 273–274 Palaeoceanography, 103–104 Palaeocene, 177–178, 177f Palustrine conditions, 163 Palustrine-lacustrine wetland, 163 Palycretes, 341–342 Palygorskite. See also Chinese palygorskite clay resources; Marine sediments, Palygorskite clays in; Soils, palygorskite effects on; specific subject
494 Palygorskite. See also Chinese palygorskite clay resources (cont.) antacids and, 309t antidiarrhoeals and, 306–307, 309t applications overview, 281–282, 283t brand names, 306 in central Iranian soils, 205–208 chemistry of, 44–49, 44t, 45f, 46f, 302 common, 47–48 compositional ranges, 44, 44t, 50, 52f crystallography, 352, 354t essential features, 4–5 formation conditions, 16, 17t formation environments, 125–126 formation evidence, 135–136 aluminous precursors, 135 direct precipitation, 136 dissolution-precipitation transformation, 136 smectite precursor, 135–136 H2O, OH2, and OH positions in, 15–16 ideal, 44, 47–48, 352 Kenya and, 75 Madrid basin and, 145 magnesic, 47–48 in Mesoamerica, 471–472 minerals associated with, 69, 70t to montmorillonite transformation, 25 Morocco and, 76 overview about, 239 oxides in, 39f, 41f, 44, 45f, 46f properties, 282–286, 283t pure composition of, 35–36 Rietveld refinements of, 7–8, 9t sedimentary environments and, 159–160, 159f, 160f, 160t Senegal and, 76–77 sepiolite compared to, 284 sepiolite compositional gap with, 41f, 49–51, 51f, 52f to smectite transformation, 22–25, 26f soils associated with, 127 Somalia and, 78 South Africa and, 77 Spain and, 71–73, 72f species and nomenclature related to, 6–7, 6t, 303 specifications, 303–306, 304t structural characteristics, 4–6, 5f substitutions in, 14 surface area of, 302–303 synthesis conditions, 17–18
Subject Index tetrahedral and octahedral sheets of, 33, 35f textural analyses on, 302 trace elements and, 49, 302 Tunisia and, 76 varieties, 239 water in, 49 weathering environments and, 127 in western Iranian soils, 204–205 Palysepioles, 6–7 PAN. See Poly(acrylonitrile) PANI. See Polyaniline Passive organomineralization, 221, 222 of sepiolite hypothesis, 232–235, 234f PBS. See Poly(butylene succinate) PBT. See Poly(butylene terephthalate) PCL. See Poly(e-caprolactone) PE. See Polyethylene Pedogenic carbonate, 205, 207f Pedogenic palygorskite occurrences, Turkey, 185–187 Peri-marine Miocene, 79 Pesticide, 275, 363–364 PET. See Poly(ethylene terephthalate) Pet litter, 272 pH electrophoretic mobility vs., 330, 330f environmental influences and, 129 palygorskite suspension values of, 334, 334f sepiolite chemical ratios and, 132 Phanerozoic minerals, 220 Pharmaceutical uses of fibrous clays as active substances, 306–308 adsorbents and protectors, 308 antidiarrhoeals and antacids, 306–308 drug interactions, 312–313 absorption inhibition, 312 as excipients, 300, 308–312, 309t liquid and semi-solid dosage forms, 309t, 310–312 solid dosage forms, 308–310, 309t health risks and, 314–316 mineralogy and chemistry related to, 300–303 nomenclature, 303–306 overview about, 299–300, 301t requirements regarding, 299–300 specifications, 303–306, 304t Phosphorus chemistry and, 328, 329f magnesium chemistry and, 328, 329f Phyllosilicates, ideal 2:1, 4–6, 5f Physical trapping, 376
Subject Index Phytosanitary carriers, 290 PLA. See Poly(lactic acid) Planar defects, 28–29 Platy clay minerals, 332 PMMA. See Poly(methyl methacrylate) Point of zero charge (PZC), palygorskite soil effects and, 329–330 blocks and tunnels, 330 electrophoretic mobility vs. pH, 330, 330f isomorphous substitution, 329–330 Polat area, 180–181 Poly(acrylonitrile) (PAN), 402 Poly(butylene succinate) (PBS), 403 Poly(butylene terephthalate) (PBT), 400 Poly(e-caprolactone) (PCL), 403 Poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET), 400–401 Poly(lactic acid) (PLA), 403–404 Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA), 401 Polyacrylamide, 401 Polyamide-6 (PA-6), 398–399, 399f Polyaniline (PANI), 402 Polyethylene (PE), 400 Polypropylene (PP), 399–400 Polysome formation open questions regarding, 55 polysomatic clusters and, 54–55, 55f polysomatic continuous series and, 53–54, 53f structure and, 21–22 Polysome-width disorder microtexture and, 22–25, 23f TEM of, 22–24, 23f Polyurethane (PU), 405 Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), 401–402 Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), 402 Pores, 355 Porosity, 289 external, 353 pores and channels and, 355 spectrum, 352–355 structural, 353, 355 PP. See Polypropylene Processing flow sheet, 286, 287f Processing of Chinese clays, 256–259 absorbent grades, 257–259 gel grade, 256, 259 Production, world, 85–86 Protectors, 308 PU. See Polyurethane PVA. See Polyvinyl alcohol PVP. See Polyvinylpyrrolidone PZC. See Point of zero charge
Q Quaternary ammonium salt, 395–396
R Rafsanjan area, 205 Raite, 5–6 formation conditions, 16–17 as group member, 6–7, 6t rotation angle in, 20 single-crystal X-ray studies of, 8, 11t, 12f Raman spectroscopy, 461–463, 462f Rheological properties, 286 Rheology defined, 331 palygorskite-containing soil clay suspensions, 336–337 kaolinite-montmorillonite-illite and, 337 montmorillonite and, 336, 337f smectite-kaolinite and, 336–337 standard palygorskite suspensions, 331–336 Rietveld refinements, 7–8, 9t Roller press, 256 Rotation angle, 20 Rubber, 290 Russia, 97
S Safety issues, 296–297 Salafchegan Plain, 205 Salinity, 132–133, 132f, 134 Salt lakes, 21 Saponite, 69 Saponite, Amargosa, See Amargosa saponite Sargasso Sea clay distribution and, 115–116, 115f Eocene, 113–115, 114f Sarvestan intermontane basin, 210 SDBS. See Sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate SDS. See Sodium dodecylsulfate Sealant, 275 Sea-MudÒ, 273 Seawater evaporation, 131–132 Second generation products, 290–292 Secondary carbonates formation, 386, 388t Sedimentary environments calcareous, 211–212, 212f CCS and, 376 continental, 159–162 LAs and, 163–166 magnesium and silica sources in, 159–160, 160t
496 Sedimentary environments (cont.) palygorskite formation in, 159–160, 159f, 160f, 160t sepiolite formation in, 161, 161f, 162f Self-cleaning glazes, 434–435 Semi-solid and liquid dosage forms cosmetic uses, 310 emulsifying agents and, 311–312 gels, 311 pharmaceutical uses, 309t, 310–312 Senegal deposits, 93–94 environmental influences in, 76–77 formation history, 93 Theis deposit, 93–94 Sepiolite. See also Amargosa sepiolite; Biogenic origin of sepiolite; Biomorphs, dolomite-sepiolite Miocene; Drysepiolite nanostructured hybrids; Grafted organic derivatives of sepiolite; Hydrothermal sepiolite occurrences; specific subject antacids and, 307, 309t applications overview, 281–282, 282f, 283t brand names, 306 chemistry of, 36–43, 37t, 38f, 39f, 41f, 302 closed basin clay distribution and, 69–71, 71f compositional ranges, 37, 37t, 50, 52f crystallography, 352, 354t effective production environment for, 69–71 essential features, 4–5 formation conditions, 16, 17t formation environments, 125–126 formation evidence, 131–135 aqueous CO2, 134 chemical ratios and pH, 132 salinity, 132–133, 132f, 134 seawater evaporation, 131–132 stability diagrams, 132–133, 132f, 133f H2O, OH2, and OH positions in, 15–16 ideal, 35f, 36, 37, 351 Kenya and, 75 MB and, 472 minerals associated with, 69, 70t Morocco and, 76 palygorskite compared to, 284 palygorskite compositional gap with, 41f, 49–51, 51f, 52f properties, 282–286, 283t pure composition of, 35–36 Rietveld refinements of, 7–8, 9t
Subject Index sedimentary environments and, 161, 161f, 162f Senegal and, 76–77 Somalia and, 78 South Africa and, 77 Spain and, 71–73, 72f species and nomenclature related to, 6–7, 6t, 303 specifications, 303–306, 304t structural characteristics, 4–6, 5f substitutions in, 14 surface area of, 302–303 synthesis conditions, 17–18 tetrahedral and octahedral sheets of, 33, 35f textural analyses on, 302 trace elements and, 302 Tunisia and, 76 water in, 43 weathering environments and, 127 Sepiolite support of nanoparticles, 423–440 acid treatment and, 428, 429f antibacterial applications, 431, 431t biomedical applications, 430 clusters and, 423 controlled hydrolysis and, 426–427, 427f extrusion process and, 427–428 functionalized materials from, 434–440 impregnation methods, 426 ion-exchange reaction and, 423–426 ISIA process and, 427–428 LDHs and, 433–434 light absorption maxima and, 431–432 magnetism and, 432, 433 superparamagnetic behavior, 397–398, 433 overview of, 423, 424t oxidation and, 430, 433 wet chemical route and, 428 Sepiolite-organic compound interactions, 410t, 411–416, 412 dry-sepiolite nanostructured hybrids, 412–414, 413f, 414f grafted organic derivatives by covalent bonding, 414–416 hybrid nanomaterials and, 410t, 411–416, 412, 413f, 414f Serinpınar-Acipayam basin, 182 Serpentinite-hosted occurrences, 184–185 Sesquioxide-free hydrous magnesium silicates, 69, 70t
Subject Index Silanes, 358t, 395–396 Silica, 159–160, 160t Single-crystal X-ray studies of intersilite, 8–12 of kalifersite, 12–13 of raite, 8, 11t, 12f structure revealed by, 8, 11t, 12f of tuperssuatsiaite, 8, 11t Sivas sector, 154f, 155 Sivrihisar, 178 Sixth generation products, 295–296 Smectite flocculation and, 339 magnesium chemistry and, 328 palygorskite transformation to, 22–25, 26f, 129 palygorskite-containing soil clay suspensions and, 336–337 precursor, 135–136 in southern Iran, 213t Soda lime glass powder, 435 Sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate (SDBS), 358t Sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS), 358t, 361t Soils continental environments and, 127 evaporation retardation, 290 Iran central, 205–208 Iran north-eastern, 213 Iran southern, 208–213 Iran western, 204–205 Soils, palygorskite effects on disaggregation and colloid migration, 340–341, 341f flocculation, 338–340 magnesium chemistry and, 325–329 metal immobilization, 344–345, 345f metal sorption, 342–343, 344f overview, 325 palycretes and, 341–342 PZC and, 329–330 blocks and tunnels, 330 electrophoretic mobility vs. pH, 330, 330f isomorphous substitution, 329–330 research needs, 346 soil clay suspensions rheology, 336–337 kaolinite-montmorillonite-illite and, 337 montmorillonite and, 336, 337f smectite-kaolinite and, 336–337 standard suspensions rheology, 331–336
497 Solid dosage forms diluents, glidants and disintegrants and, 308–309 pharmaceutical uses, 308–310, 309t Solubility trapping, 376 Soluble ions, 382–385, 384t Somalia deposits, 96, 158 El Bur deposit, 158 environmental influences in, 78 Sorption, OCDs and, 28 South Africa environmental influences in, 77 Namaqualand area in, 77 South Georgia-North Florida applications, 87, 89 deposit, 87–89 Gulf Trough-Apalachicola embayment in, 87–88, 87f history, 87 mineral content of, 89, 89f mineralogy compared to Guashan, 246, 246t stratigraphic section, 87–88, 88f Spain, 137–154, 142f Batallones deposit, 148–150 Bercimuel deposit, 91f, 92–93, 152 Calatayud Tertiary lacustrine basin and, 73 Campo de Calatrava, 153–154 chemical parameters and, 72 deposits, 90–93, 145–150, 151–154 Duero basin, 151–152 environmental influences in, 71–73, 72f Madrid basin and, 72, 134, 140, 143f Mara, 72f, 73, 91f, 92, 153 other deposits, 151–154 other settings in, 73 overview about, 71–72 palygorskite and, 71–73, 72f production quantities, 85–86 Tagus basin, 137–150 Torrejo´n deposit, 91f, 93, 152–153, 153f Vallecas-Vica´lvaro-Yunclillos deposits, 90–91, 91f, 145–148 Spark plasma sintering (SPS), 437 gold nanocomposite pellet using, 438, 438f optical transparency using, 438 Species overview, 6–7, 6t SPS. See Spark plasma sintering Stability, 69, 70t, 285 diagrams, 132–133, 132f, 133f Stacking errors, 28–29 microtexture and, 28–29
498 Stacking varieties, 13 Stevensite, 69, 70t Amargosa saponite/sepiolite and, 272 formation, 25 Morocco, 76 genetic relationships, 130 kerolite/stevensite deposits, 89, 91, 143f, 157, 165, 272 salinity, 132, 132f, 134, syngenetic formation, 161f Stratigraphy, 87–88, 88f, 215, 242f, 243–244 Structural blocks, 393–395, 394f Structure characteristics, 4–6, 5f discussion, 18–22 genetic and synthesis relations, 16–18 H2O, OH2, and OH positions, 15–16 introduction to, 3 parameters described, 18 polysome formation, 21–22 related topics, 4–18 Rietveld refinements revealing, 7–8, 9t salt lakes and, 21 single-crystal X-ray studies revealing, 8, 11t, 12f species and nomenclature related to, 6–7, 6t stacking varieties, 13 substitutions and, 14 tetrahedral-octahedral misfit and, 18–21, 19f vacancy content and, 21 Stucco, 275 Supercapacitors, 421–422 Supercritical compression, 376, 377f Superparamagnetic behavior, 397–398, 433 Surface area absorption characteristics and, 289 Amargosa sepiolite and, 275 BET-nitrogen, 380, 383t magnesium chemistry and, 326–327, 328 measurements, 352–355, 354t of palygorskite and sepiolite, 302–303 Surface-related properties, 351–356 Suspensions. See also Rheology capacity enhancement, 291 Swamp environments, 163 Symbology, Maya blue, 475–476 Synthesis MB, 467–470 palygorskite conditions of, 17–18 sepiolite, 131, 132 structure and, 16–18
Subject Index
Tagus basin, 137–150. See also VallecasVica´lvaro-Yunclillos geological setting, 137–145 Madrid basin within, 134, 140, 143f Tanzania, 157 TEM. See Transmission electron microscopy Tethyan region, 202–203 Tetrahedral sheets, 33, 35f Tetrahedral-octahedral misfit, 18–21, 19f Tetramethylamine (TMA), 361t TFT. See Thioflavin-T Theis applications, 94 deposit, 93–94 mineral content, 93–94, 94f acid treatment analysis of endothermic peaks, 356 heating process changes, 355–356 of surface related properties, 355–356 Thermal properties, of nanoclays, 405–408, 407t Thermal/acid treatment effects, 284, 285t Thermoplastic and thermosetting based nanocomposites, 396–405 Thermosetting polymer-clay nanocomposites, 396–405 Thioflavin-T (TFT), 358t Third generation products, 293 Titanium depletion, 252, 260t TMA. See Tetramethylamine Torrejo´n deposit, 93, 152–153, 153f deposit chemical analysis, 141t Toxic waste, 292 Trade ancient, 474 indigo, 471 Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) challenges of, 22–24 of palygorskite to smectite transformation, 24–25, 26f polysome-width disorder and, 22–24, 23f Trapping potentials, 380–388 Triethoxy-3-(2-imidazoline-1-yl) propylsilane, 358t Trioctahedral smectite (TS), 16, 17t Triton X, 361t Triton x 100, 358t TS. See Trioctahedral smectite Tunisia, 76
Subject Index Tunnels blocks and, 330 structural blocks and, 393, 394–395, 394f Tuperssuatsiaite, 5–6 formation conditions, 16–17 as group member, 6–7, 6t rotation angle in, 20 single-crystal X-ray studies of, 8, 11t Turkey Adana basin, 185–186 applications from, 194 As¸ag˘ı Pınarbas¸ı, 179f, 181 C ¸ anakkale region, 186 C ¸ ayirazi magnesite deposit, 184–185 Denizli sector, 154f, 155 Denizli-Bozkurt area, 182 deposits, 94–97 economy and, 194 Elmadag area, 185 environmental influences in, 73–75, 74f Eskisehir deposit, 74–75, 74f, 95, 155–157 Eskisehir-Konya sector, 154, 154f Gallation Volcanic Belt in, 75 genesis and, 187–194, 190f geochemistry, 187, 189f geological setting, 154–155, 154f geology and mineralogy, 175–187 Hekimhan region of, 75 Hirsizdere magnesite deposit in, 74 hydrothermal sepiolite occurrences, 184–185 serpentinite-hosted, 184–185 volcanic-hosted, 184 Kangal sub-basin, 182–183, 183f Karapinar area, 179f, 181 Kepeztepe area, 180 Kizilda, 183–184, 183f Kizildere, 186 Konya basin, 155 lacustrine occurrences, 178–184 marine occurrences, 177–178 Eocene to Miocene, 177f, 178 Palaeocene, 177–178, 177f Upper Cretaceous, 177, 177f Mersin area, 186 Mihalic¸c¸ik, 180 Neogene lacustrine basin in, 75 ophiolitic units in, 175, 176f overview, 175 pedogenic palygorskite occurrences, 185–187 Polatli area, 180–181 SE Eskisehir, 178, 179f
Serinpinar-Acipayam basin, 182 Sivas sector, 154f, 155 Sivrihisar, 178 summary of occurrences in, 194–197, 195t SW Eskisehir, 179, 179f three sectors of, 94 ¨ c¸kuyular, 178–179 U ultramafic bedrock in, 73–74 Uakgo¨l plain, 184 Yo¨ru¨kakc¸ayir Village, 179–180
¨ c¸kuyular, 178–179 U Ukraine applications and, 96 deposits, 96 mineral content, 96 Ultramafic bedrock, 73–74 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), 375 United States Amargosa deposit in, 89–90 Double Lakes in, 79, 80f environmental influences in, 78–79 Llano Estacado in, 79 peri-marine Miocene and, 79 South Georgia-North Florida deposit, 87–89 Upper Cretaceous, 177, 177f Uakgo¨l plain, 184
V Vacancy content, 21 Vallecas-Vica´lvaro-Yunclillos applications, 91 composition of, 90, 92f chemical analysis, 141t deposits, 90–91, 91f, 145–148 flooding events and, 148, 149f formation, 90 lithological sections from, 145, 147f Neogene and, 146f reserves, 90 Van der Waals forces, 410t Ventzia basin, 158 Vertisols, 213 Vica´lvaro. See Vallecas-Vica´lvaro-Yunclillos Volcanic Belt, Gallation, 75 Volcanic setting, Guanshan, 244–246, 245f Volcanic-hosted occurrences, 184 Voltammetry, of Maya blue, 463–464, 464f, 465f
Subject Index
W Water, 15–16 bridges, 410t OCDs and, 27 treatment, 275, 292 Water-based compositions, 291 Weathering environments, 127 Weathering zones, basalt pebble, Chinese palygorskite clay resources, 251–260, 251f
X Xanthan gum, 420, 420f X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns. See also Single-crystal X-ray studies of continental samples, 140f South Georgia-North Florida, 89, 89f supercritical CO2/palygorskite and sepiolite interaction study palygorskite patters in, 385, 387f, 388f
palygorskite peak fitting results in, 385, 387f, 387t sepiolite patterns, 382–385, 385f, 386f sepiolite peak fitting results in, 382–385, 386f, 386t
Y Yofortierite formation conditions, 16–17 as group member, 6–7, 6t OCDs, 26, 27f Yo¨ru¨kakc¸ayir Village, 179–180 Yunclillos. See Vallecas-Vica´lvaro-Yunclillos Yunclillos-Caban˜as de la Sagra area, 147f, 148
Z Zagros orogenic area, 212 orogenic phase, 202–203 Zein, 418–419 Zhangshanji formation, 242f, 243