NORTH-HOLLAND MATHEMATICS STUDIES 179 (Continuation of the Notas de Matematica)
Editor: Leopoldo NACHBIN
Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and University of Rochester New York, U.S.A.
R. K. SINGH J.S. MANHAS Department of Mathematics University of Jammu Jammu, India
ELSEVIER SCIENCE PUBLISHERS B.V. Sara Burgerhartstraat 25 P.O. Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands
L i b r a r y of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication
S i n g h . R . K. C o m p o s i t i o n o p e r a t o r s on f u n c t i o n s p a c e s R.K. S i n g h . J.S. Manhas. p. c m . -- north-Holland F a t h e m a t i c s s t u o i e s , 1791 I n c l u d e s b i b l i o g r a p h i c a l r e f e r e i c e s and i n d e x e s . ISBN 0 - 4 4 4 - 8 1 5 9 3 - 7 l a c i a - f r e e 1 1 . Comoosition c o e r a t o r s . 2 . :-nction spaces. :. M a n n a s . J. S. I:. T i t l e . 111. S e r i e s . 0A329.2.S563 I993 515'.7246--dc20 93-2874'
ISBN: 0 444 81593 7
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There are several ways of producing new functions under certain conditions when two functions f and T are given, and one of them is to compose them, i.e., to evaluate the old function f at the new points T(x) whenever the range of T is a subset of the domain off. This new function, as is well known, is called the composite off and T and is denoted by the symbol f o T. If f varies in a linear space of functions on the range of T with pointwise linear operations, then the mapping taking f into f o T is a linear transformation. This correspondence is known as the composition transformation induced by the function T and we denote it by the symbol C, . Under certain conditions on T and the linear space on which C, acts it turns out that C, is a nice and well behaved operator. Another way of producing a new function when two functions IE and f are given is to multiply them whenever it makes sense. This gives rise to a linear transformation known as the miiltiplication transformation induced by x . The multiplication transformations and the composition transformations under suitable situations breed another class of transformations, known as the weighted composition transformations ~ define as which we denote by W z ,and W z , T ( f )=
This monograph presents a study of these operators on different spaces of functions. So far as we think, the study of the composition operators was initiated with two goals in mind, namely, to have concrete examples of bounded operators on Hilbert spaces or Banach spaces of functions, and to attack the “Invariant Subspace Problem” of functional analysis from a different angle. These goals, as I think had their origin in the thinking of P.R. Halmos and were grasped by E.A. Nordgren who started a systematic study of these, operators in 1968. During the last 25 years or so quite a bit has been achieved in respect of the first goal; many concrete examples of the composition operators on LP-spaces, HP-spaces or topological vector spaces of functions have been obtained giving a place to these operators in 1991 mathematics subject classification of Mathematical Reviews (47B38). It is interesting to note that in certain situations this class of operators possesses a distinct identity different from several known classes of operators, like the multiplication operators and the integral operators. No composition operator on l2 is
compact, but every composition operator on L2 has a non-trivial invariant subspace. Similarly, the general invariant subspace problem of operators on a Hilbert space H is linked with the minimal invariant subspaces of an invertible composition operator CT on H2(D) [257]. This has been a step forward in the direction of achieving the second goal and much more still is to be achieved. Whenever a study is undertaken with some specific aims in mind, a lot of other things crop up as byproducts having connections with other branches of knowledge. This has happened with the study of the composition operators too. These operators are being used in statistical mechanics, distribution theory and topological dynamics besides their earlier applications in ergodic theory and classical mechanics. If we look back at the works done on these operators, then it becomes evident that the most of the study has been concentrated on LP-spaces, HP-spaces or the locally convex spaces of continuous functions. An endeavour has been made in this monograph to present most of the results obtained so far. We have been a little prejudiced in presenting the materials in chapter I1 and chapter IV due to our special interest in the composition operators on LP-spaces and on the weighted spaces of continuous functions. In order to contain the monograph wilhin the limits some of the results arc stated without proofs with appropriate references for the proofs. The background materials are not presented, and hence the readers are expected to have some knowledge of measure theory, analytic function theory and functional analysis to have a smooth sailing through the monograph. Besides being a reference book for researchers, this book may be used for a topic course to the advanced post-graduatestudents. Chapter I starts with a broad and unified definition of the composition operator and the weighted composition operator and introduces the concrete spaces of functions on which the study of these operators is carried out in the subsequent chapters. A historical development of the theory of these operators is also presented in this chapter. Chapter I1 deals with the composition operators on LP-spaces. The composition operators on LP-spaces are characterised and many examples are presented to illustrate the theory. Invertibility. compactness and different types of normality of these Operators are studied in this chapter. The composition operators and the weighted composition operators on functional Banach spaces are the subject matter of chapter 111. H P-spaces and PP-spaces are concrete examples of functional Banach spaces and results pertaining to the composition operators on these spaces are reported in this chapter, In chapter IV of this monograph we have studied the composition operators and the weighted composition operators on some locally convex spaces of continuous functions and cross sections. These spaces are broad
enough to include many nice spaces which are used in analysis. The composition operators and the weighted composition operators are employed in characterizationsof isometries and homomorphisms on some spaces of functions. They have been utilised in the dynamical systems to study different types of motions. The ergodic theory and topological dynamics make use of the composition operators in devclopement of their theories. Some of these applications of these operators are presented in tlic last chapter of this book. We have tried our best to collect and present many known results about these interesting operators, but still many results might not have found their place in this monograph. They can be found in the cited references which we have tried to keep as updated as possible. There will probably be some more references which are not included ; this is because we might not have seen them. We would like to apologise u) those whose papers are not listed here. Most of the symbols used are standard ones, like HP-spaces, LP-spaces etc., for Hardy spaces, Lebesgue spaces etc., and they are introduced in chapter I. The number 2.4.5 indicates the fifth item of section 4 of chapter I1 and a reference such as [94] refers to the entry at No. 94 of the bibliography. The work on this monograph began in the Fall of 1985 when I visited the University of Arkansas, U.S.A., as a Fulbright Faculty Fellow under Indo-U.S. fellowship programme. My several visits to the University of Massachusetts at Boston provided me opportunity to continue my work on this book. Thus five agencies have been involved in the support of the preparation of this monograph, they are : the University of Jammu, the University of Arkansas, the University of Massachusetts, the Council for International Exchange of Scholars and the University Grants Commission. I express my deep sense of thankfulness to each of them. Normally, behind every work there is some one who gives inspiration. encouragement and motivation ; in this case there has been a man who is a mathematician, has been my teacher and is a trusted friend of mine. His name is V.L.N. Sarma. He introduced me to mathematics, taught me mathematics and inspired me to work in mathematics. I have no words to record my indebtedness and gratitude to Professor Sarma. I am thankful to many colleagues of mine and some of my Ph.D. students who contributed directly or indirectly towards the preparation of this book. They are : Dr. D.K. Gupta, Dr. Ashok Kumar, Dr. B.S. Komal, Dr. S.D. Sharma. Dr. T. Veluchamy, Dr. D. Chandra Kumar, Mr. Bhopinder Singh, Mr.Romesh Kumar. Dr. J. S. Manhas deserves a special thanks as he has collaborated with me in preparation of the last two chapters of the monograph. Professor William Summers of the University of Arkansas worked as the faculty
associate during my visit under Indo-U.S. fellowship programme and collaborated with me in writing some research articles on composition operators. Professors Herbert Kamowitz and Dennis Wortman of the University of Massachusetts at Boston have read the manuscript of the monograph. They encouraged and inspired me to complete the work whenever I visited them in Boston. I intend to record my deep sense of gratitude and thankfulness to all these three mathematicians. I am indebted to my wife, Krishna whose patience, endurance and encouragementcontributed a lot towards the completion of this work.
I am thankful to Professor L. Nachbin of the University of Rochestcr for inviting me to write this monograph for the series Mathematics Studies. Our thanks are due to the publisher for his co-operation in bringing out this book. The manuscript was typed by Mr. Ranjit Singh and Mr. Manjit Singh of our department and the Camcra-ready manuscript was prepared by Mr. Dalip R. Mohun of M/s Shiroch Reprographics, Allahabad. We arc thankful to each of them for their excellent job and sincere work pertaining to the manuscript. Errors and mistakes still remaining in the book would be due to our negligence.
May, 1993
R.K. Singh
Chapter I
Chapter I1
Chapter III
1.1 Definitions and Historical Background
1.2 LP-spaces
1.3 Functional Banach Spaces of Functions
1.4 Locally Convex Function Spaces
2.1 Definitions, Characterizations and Examples
2.2 Invertible Composition Operators
2.3 Compact Composition Operators
2.4 Normality of Composition Operators
2.5 Weighted Composition Operators
3.1 General Characterizations
3.2 Composition Operators on Spaces lP(D),@(On) and p ( D J
3.3 Composition Operators on @(P+)
3.4 Composition Operators on P S p a c e s
Chapter IV
Chapter V
4.1 Introduction, Characterization and Classical Results
4.2 Composition Operators on the Weighted Locally Convex Function Spaces
4.3 Invertible and Compact Composition Operators on Weighted Function Spaces
4.4 Weighted Composition Operators on Weighted Function Spaces
5.1 Isometries and Composition Operators
5.2 Ergodic Theory and Composition Operators
5.3 Dynamical Systems and Composition Operators
2 14
5.4 Homomorphismsand Composition Operators
DEFINITIONS AND HISTORICAL BACKGROUND Let X be a non-empty set and let Fx be a vector space over the field
K = R or Q= ) for every x E X. Then the Cartesian product
of the family
(F, : x E X ) is a vector space under linear operations defined pointwise. Any element
q F x is known as a cross-section over X, and the family (F,
: x
X ) is known
as a vector-fibration over X. By L(X) we denote a topological vector space of the crosssections over X. Let T : X f
be a mapping such that f
L ( X ) . Then the correspondence f + f oT
L ( X ) to
Fx whenever rJ: is a linear transformation from o
Txand it is called the composition transformation induced by T. This
transformation is denoted by C T . If 5c.f
is a mapping defined on X such that
whenever f E L ( X ) , then the correspondence f
is a linear transformation from L ( X ) to
+ 5c.f
q F x . This transformation is called the
weighted composition transformation induced by TC and T, and we denote it by Wn,T.
~ elements of L ( X ) into Our interest lies in the case in which CT and W n , take elements of L ( X ) and CT : L ( X ) + L ( X )
and W n , :~ L ( X ) + L ( X ) are
~ composition operator and the continuous. In this case we call CT and W n , the weighted composition operator on
L ( X ) induced by T
respectively. In case Fx = K for every x
and the pair
Fx turns out to be the space of all
scalar-valued functions on X and L ( X ) is a topological vector space of complexvalued or real-valued functions. If Fx = E for every x vector space over
X, where E is a topological
is the vector space of all vector-valued (E-valued)
functions on X and L ( X ) is a topological vector space of vector-valued (E-valued)
I Introduction
functions. In this monograph an attempt is made topresent a theory of these operators, (in particular of composition operators) on different topological vector spaces of functions based on the work done during the last two decades or so. In order to have a mathematically fruitful and interesting theory of these operators it is desirable to have some structures (algebraic, topological, or a combination) on X and some conditions on the inducing mappings T and x . The following are three major situations occuring in the study of these operators : (i)
The underlying space X is a measure space and the inducing maps are measurable transformations,
(ii) The underlying space X is a region in C or C" and the inducing maps are holomorphic functions, (iii) The underlying space X is a topological space and the inducing maps are continuous functions. In the first situation L ( X ) is taken to be a topological vector space of measurable functions such as LP-spaces; in the second case L(X) is taken to be a topological vector space of analytic functions, like a Hardy space or a Bergman space or a Dirichlet space: and in the third case L(X) is taken to be a topological vector space of continuous functions. There is quite a bit of overlap between these three cases and study becomes more interesting on the overlapping portion as it can be viewed from several angles. In the first situation in which L ( X ) is an LP-space the theory of the composition operators establishes a contact with ergodic theory, entropy theory, and classical mechanics; in the second case the theory touches differentiable dynamics, statistical mechanics, and the theory of distributions; and the third situation appears in topological dynamics, transformation groups, and in study of the continuous functions (see [1361, [1711, W71, W81, P701).
So far as we know, the earliest appearance of a composition transformation was in 1871 in a paper of Schroedcr [302], where it is askcd to find a function f and a number a such that
for every z in an appropriate domain, whenever the function T is given. If z varies in the open unit disk and T is an analytic function, then a solution has been
1.1 Definirions and Historical Background
obtained by Koenigs [183] in 1884. In 1925 these operators were employed in Littlewood's subordination theory [221]. In the early 1930's the composition operators were used to study problems in mathematical physics and classical mechanics, especially worth mention is the work of Koopman ([199], [200]) on classical mechanics. In those days these operators were known as the substitution operators or translation operators. Banach used these operators to characterise isometrics on Banach spaces of continuous functions [80]. In the 1940s and 1950s composition operators appeared in the work of Von Neumann and Halmos ([136], [140]) in the study of ergodic transformations. In 1966 Choksi 1681 studied unitary composition operators and continued the study in later years. The history of a systematic study of the composition operators is not that old. It was started in 1968 by Nordgren in his paper [253] though it had its appearance in 1966 in a paper of Ryff [297]. In his paper Nordgren studied composition operators on L2 of the unit circle induced by inner functions. In 1969 Schwartz [303] and Ridge [278] wrote their Ph. D. theses on composition operators on HP-spaces and composition operators on LP-spaces, respectively. In 1972 Singh [324] completed his doctoral dissertation on composition operators under the supervision of Professor Nordgren. After this a group of mathematiciansincluding Boyd 1411, Caughran ([60], [61]), Cima ([73], [741), Kamowitz ([1601, [1611), Shapiro [3091, Swanton ([3811, [385]), and Wogen ([731, [74]) plunged into the study of composition operators on different function spaces. A series of lectures on composition operators by Nordgren at the Long Beach Conference on "Hilbert Space Operators" in 1977 ([254]) gave a further boost to the study of the composition operators and several more mathematicians such as Cowen (1833, [841), Deddens [911, Iwanik [1511, Roan [281], Whitley [399], etc., started their explorations of the properties of composition operators. In this way the 1970s had been a very fruitful decade so far as the study of composition operators on LP-spaces and HP-spaces is concerned. A group of research workers led by Singh had been engaged in studying composition operators at Jammu since 1973. The systematic study initiated in the 1970s has been continued and cxtended in several directions during the last decade. Worth mention are some new names such as Gupt3 [127], Komal [187], Kumar [202], Lambert [147], MacCluer ([228], [2291, [2301), Mayer ([237], [238]), Sharma [311], Stanton [72], Summers [3681, Takagi [3871, Veluchamy [396], etc., joining the earlier group in exploration of the properties of the composition operators on different function spaces. In the later half of the last decade the study of these operators on spaces of continuous functions initiated by Kamowitz [1641 picked up momentum. Feldman [109], Jamison and Rajagopalan [153], Singh and Summers [368], Singh and Manhas 1352,3541,Takagi [388] made systematic studies of these operators on several spaces of continuous functions. Much has been known about
I Introduction
this interesting, simple, but rich class of operators, but still there is much more to be explored. This monograph aims at presenting a more or less consolidated and unified account of the systematic work done on the composition operators and related topics. Most of the results presented in this monograph are published in different mathematical journals; still there are many results which are either unpublished or in the process of publication. Particularly, Chapter IV contains many unpublished results which the authors have obtained recently. Before proceeding to the next chapter, we would like to introduce the underlying spaces of functions on which the composition operators have been studied. We can divide these spaces into three broad categories : (i) LP-spaces. (ii) Functional Banach spaces of functions. (iii) Locally convex function spaces. Thc next three sections of this chapter aim at inuoducing these spaces to the readcrs.
(X, 9’.m) be a measure space and let p
be a real number such that
1 I p c 00. Let $fp(m) denote the set of all complex-valued measurable functions on X such that f is m-integrable. -Then gP(rn)is a complex linear space under the operations of pointwise addition and scalar multiplication. If NP(m) denotes the set of
I Ip
all null functions on X, then N P ( m ) is a subspace of gP(rn).Let LP(m) denote the quotient space 9 ? ( m ) / N P ( m ) . An element in L P ( m ) is a coset of the type f + N P ( m ) , whcref belongs to $fp(m). The coset f + N P ( r n ) is denoted as [ f l . Thus two functions g and h of
belong to the same coset if and only if
g = h almost everywhere. On LP(m) we define a norm as 1
Using the Minkowski inequality it can be shown that LP(m) is a normed linear space under the above norm. Under this norm LP(m) is complete. Thus LP(rn) is a Banach
space. The conjugate space of Lp(m) is L4(m), where p and q are conjugate indices. For p = 2, LP(m) is a Hilbert space under the inner product defined as
( [f
[gl ) =
I f z dm.
has a non-empty subset of measure zero, then it is evident that the elements of L P ( m ) are not functions on X but they are equivalence classes of functions on X. Two elements of SfP(rn) are equivalent if they agree almost everywhere. Under this identification we regard Lp(m) as a Banach space of functions. We shall take f as an element of L P ( m ) instead of taking [ f ] as an element of LP(m).This function f represents all those functions of g ( m ) which are equal to f a. e . If X
If X = N, the set of natural numbers, Y = P ( N ), the power set of
N and
the counting measure, then we denote the corresponding LP(m) by L p . This C p is the classical sequence space. A sequence (an)of complex numbers belongs to d p if m
The space C2 is the classical example of a Hilbert space given by Hilbert
himself. If w = ( w n } is a sequence of non-negative real numbers, and if the measure m on P ( N ) is defined as
then thc corresponding L P ( m ) is denoted by Cp(w). This is called the weighted sequence space with was the sequence of weights. A complex valued measurable function f on X is said to be essentially bounded if there exists an M > 0 such that the measure of the set (x : x
X and If(x)I > M ]
]If ,1
we denote the smallest such M , which is called the essential supremum of f. Let gem( m ) denote the set of all essentially bounded functions on X . Then Sfm(m) is a linear space. By L -(m) we denote the quotient space C$,(m)/N", where N is the subspace of null functions. With the essential supremum norm L -(m) becomes a Banach space. The symbol 1" stands for the Banach space of all bounded sequencesof complex numbers. is zero. By
A measurable space (X,93) is said to be a standard Borel space if X is a Borel
I Introduction
subset of a complete separable metric space and 93 is the a-algebra of Borel sets. Many measure theoretic pathologies in the study of composition operators are avoided if the underlying space is a standard Borel space. Most of the nice and useful examples of measurable spaces are standard Borel spaces. 1.3
Let X be a non-empty set and let H ( X ) be a Banach space of complex-valued functions on X with pointwise addition and scalar multiplication. Let x E X. Let 6, be the mapping on H ( X ) takingf into f ( x ) . Then it is obvious that 6, is a linear functional on H(X); it is called the evaluation functional induced by x. The space N ( X ) is said to be a functional Banach space if each evaluation functional 6, is continuous i.e., if ~ , E H * ( X ) for every x E X, where H * ( X ) denotes the dual space of H ( X ) . There are some Banach spaces of functions which are not functional Banach spaces, but there are quite a few which are functional Banach spaces. We shall introduce them later in this section. In case H(X) is a functional Hilbert space, using the Riesz-representation theorem for every x E X we can find a unique f, E H ( X ) such that &?(XI = S,(g)
= (8. f,
for every g E H ( X ) . The function f, is called the kernel function of X induced by x . Let K(X) = I f x : x E X}. Then K(X) is a subset of H ( X ) . The complex valued function K defined on X x X as
is called the reproducing kernel of H(X). It is clear that K"(.GY) = 8 x ( f y ) =
and R ( x , y ) = 6 ) ? ( f , )= f x b ) for every x and y in X . If ( e j : j E J } is an orthonormal basis for H ( X ) , then the rcproducing kernel K of H(X) is given by
1.3 Functional Banach Spaces of Functions
K(x,y)= ze,(x)e,(y)
The following are some of the familiar examples of functional Banach spaces. (1.3.1)
t y - SPACES
Let X be any (countable) set and let m be the counting measure defined on the power set of X. Then L P ( m ) , denoted as I p ( X ) is a functional Banach space for 1S p 5 The continuity of the evaluation functionals follows from the fact that 00.
IMf)I = If ( x ) I 5 If CI In particular the unitary space C" and the classical sequence space t P are functional Banach spaces. In case p = 2, L p ( X ) is a functional Hilbert space and the reproducing kernel of L2( X) is given by
Thus the reproducing kernel of L2 is the characteristic function of the diagonal of
NxN. (1.3.2)
Let X = D , the open unit disk in the complex plane and let 1 Ip c HP(D) denote the vector space of holomorphic functions f on D such that
Then it is well-known that H ( D ) is a Banach space under the norm defined as 1
I Introduction
If f E t l P ( D ) and z E D, then we know from [99] that
Hence 6, is continuous for every z E D. Thus Hp(D) is a functional Banach space. In case p = 2, Hp(D) is a functional Hilbert space and the reproducing kernel of t12(D), known as Szego kernel, is given by
where x and y vary in D [137]. Let n E N and let X = D", the Cartesian product of n copies of the disk D. Let H p ( D " ) denote the vector space of all those holomorphic functions f on D" such that
where m,, is the normalized Lebesgue measure on (aD)", aD denoting the boundary of D. Then H p ( D " ) is a functional Banach space since
for z = ( q , z z,....z , ) E D " . For details see Rudin [287], and Singh and Sharma [359]. 1t2(D") is a functional Hilbert space. Similarly, if X = D n r the unit ball of C", then space f I p ( D n ) of all those holomorphic functionsf on D,, for which
where (T is the rotation invariant Bore1 probability measure on the boundary aD,, of D,, is a functional Banach space. We refer readers to Rudin [289] for further details about these spaces. Let X = ,'P the upper-half plane and llp(P+) denote the vector space of all those holomorphic functions f on P+ for which
1.3 Functional Banach Spaces of Functions
If Then with this norm H P ( f 3 is a functional Banach space since
where w = x + i y ~ P + .For details see Duren [99] or Hoffman [146]. H 2( f + ) is a functional Hilbert space and the reproducing kernel K is given by ~ ( wu ,) = i
/ 2 x ( w - ti).
Note. All these spaces given in the set of examples are known as Hardy spaces and have very rich structures on thcm. More general Hardy spaces have been studied, but they are not presented here as we are not studying composition operators on them in this monograph.
Let X = G , a non-empty open connected subset of Q= and let m be the area Lebesguc mcasure on G . Let AP(C) be the linear space of all holomorphic functions f on G such that
With the above norm AP(C) becomes a functional Banach space and for p = 2, AP(C) is a funclional IIilbert space, whcre the inner product is given by
(f,g) =
I f g dm .
These spaces A P ( G ) for 1 I p c 00 are known as Bergman spaces. In case G = D , 1he reproducing kernel of A2(D) is given by
for x , y
D . This kernel is known as the Bergman kernel.
I Introduction
Let H b ( X ) denote the vector space of all complex-valued bounded functions on X. For f E H ~ ( X wedefine ) f as
1 1
Then with this norm H b ( x ) is a functional Banach space since
Let X be a topological space, let E be a topological vector space, and let A ( X , E) be the vcctor space of all functions from X to E with linear operations defined pointwise. Then by a locally convex space of functions on X we mean a subspace F ( X , E) of A ( X , E) together with a family of seminorms making it into a scminormed linear space. If E = K, then we write F(X) for F(X, K). Every Banach space of functions is a locally convex space of functions, but there are many locally convex spaces of functions which are not Banach spaces, nor even normed linear spaces; for example the space C(X, E) of all continuous E-valued functions with compact-open topology, where X is non-compact and E is a locally convex space, is a locally convex space which is not normable.
If F ( X ) is a locally convex space of functions on X, then functional S, dcfincd on F ( X ) as S,(f) = f(x), lies in the algebraic dual F ’ ( X ) of F ( X ) and the mapping taking x into
6, is an embedding of X into F’(X) and in this way X can
be vicwed as a subset of F ’ ( X ) . In case S, is continuous for every x E X, it is clcar that the topology of F ( X ) is fincr than the topology of pointwise convergence on F ( X ) . There could be many interesting locally convex topologies on F ( X ) bctwccn these two topologics. In case X is a compact Hausdorff space and F ( X ) = C(X), thc
space of continuous functions with supremum norm, we know that C(X) is a Banach algebra and X turns out to be the maximal ideal space of C(X). All examples given in Section 1.3 of this chapter are locally convex spaces of functions. In case of lP-spaces, we just endow N with discrete topology.
1.4 Locally Convex Function Spaces
Now we shall define the weighted spaces of continuous functions and the weighted spaces of cross-sections which are also locally convex spaces of functions, and cover a widc range of function spaces. A real-valued function f on a topological space X is said to be upper semicontinuous, abbreviated as U . S . C . if the inverse image of (- 0 0 , a ) is open for every real number a; equivalently, if the inverse image of [a, w) is closed in X for every a E R. If the inverse image of ( a , =) is open for every a E R, then the functiion f is said to be lower semicontinuous. Every continuous function is both U . S . C . and 1.s.c. : it is clear that if a real-valued function f is both U . S . C . and l.s.c., then it is continuous. If f is a characteristic function of a non-empty proper closed subset of X , then f is U . S . C . but not continuous.
A mapping v : X + R+ is called a 'weight' on X if it is u.s.c., where R+ is the set of all positive reals..wilh usual topology. If V is a set of weights on X such that given any x E X , there is some v E V for which v ( x ) > 0. we write V > 0. A set V of weights on X is said to be directed upward provided that for every pair u1. u2 E V and a > 0, there exists v E V so that aui I v (pointwise on X ) for i = 1, 2. By a system of weights we mean a set V of weights on X which additionally satisfies V > 0. Let W ( X ) denote the family of all systems of weights on X . Lct U and V be in W(X). Then we say that U I V if for every u E U , there exists v E V such that u I v . This relation on W ( X ) is reflexive and transitive. If U I V and I' 5 U , then we say that U and V are equivalent systems of weights on X and we write it as U I:V . Let X bc a completely regular Hausdorff space and let E bc a Hausdorff locally convex topological vector space over C. Let cs(E) be the set of all continuous seminorms on E. By C(X, E) we mean the collection of all continuous functions from X into E . If V is a system of weights on X , then the pair ( X , V ) is called a weighted topological system. Associated with each weighted topological system ( X , V ) we have the weighted spaces of continuous E-valued functions defined as : CVo(X,E ) = { f
C(X,E ) : v f vanishes at infinity on X for each v E V}.
CV,(X, E ) = { f
C ( X ,E ) : v f ( X ) is precompact in E for all v
CVb(X,E ) = {f
C(X, E) : v f ( X ) is bounded in E for all
Obviously, CVo(X,E),CVp(X,E) and
CVb(X,E) are vector
v E V}.
spaces and
I htroduciion
CV,(X,E) c cvb(X.E) while the upper semicontinuity of the weights yields that CVo(X,E) 4 CVf ( X , E ) . Let v E V , q E cs(E) and f E C ( X , E ) .If we define
I f l v,q then
11 . 1 v,q
(wq ( f ( 4 )
: x
can be regarded as a seminorm on either
CVo(X,E) and the family
{[I . II,,
CV,(X, E ) or
: v E V , q E cs(E)] of seminorms defines a
Hausdorff locally convex topology on each of these spaces. This topology will be denoted by wv,and the vector spaces CVo(X,E), CVf ( X , E ) and c v b ( x , E ) endowed with
wv, are called the weighted locally convex spaces of vector-valued continuous functions. It has a basis of closed absolutely convex neighbowhoods of the origin of the form Bv*q -
1 f 1 v,4
We also note that CVo(X,E) is a closed subspace of cvb(x,E). In case E = C , we will omit E from our notation and write CVo(X), CC',(X) and cvb(x) in , CV,,(X. C) and cvb(x,C) respectively. We also write 1 . 11 in place of C V ~ ( XC). place of 11 . 1 v,4 for each v E V , where q(z) = z 1, z E @. Moreover, if E = (E, q) is any normed linear space and v E V , we write 1 . 1 instead of 1 . 1 ",,. If U and V are two systems of weights on X such that U 2 V , then clearly cvo(x,E ) C c U o ( x , E), cv,(x, E ) C cI/,(x,E ) and cvb(x,E ) C c U b ( x , E), as well as the inclusion map is continuous in all cases.
The spaces C\t(X) and cvb(x) were first introduced by Nachbin [246], and the corrcsponding vector-valued analogues c V o ( X , E ) , C V f ( X , E ) and cvb(x,E) were subsequently studied in detail by Bierstedt [30] and Prolla [272]. For more details and examples of these spaces we refer to Bierstedt ([30], [31], [32]), Nachbin [246], Prolla ([272], [2731, [2741) and Summers [380]. Besides examples, many standard spaces of continuous functions can be realized in this general setting and we shall list hcre certain instances for future reference. Let X be a completely regular Hausdorff space. We dcnotc by x , , thc characteristic function of a subset S of X. We have the following four systems of weights on X : V' = (ax,
: a > 0, K c X , K compact},
V 2 = C,'( X ) , the set of all positive continuous functions on X V 3= K + ( X ) ,the set of all positive constant functions on X , and
with compact supports,
1.4 Locally Convex Function Spaces
V 4= C,'(X), the set of all positive continuous functions on X
vanishing at infinity.
Further, if E is a locally convex space, then we define C,(X, E ) = {f
C ( X , E ) : f vanishes at infinity on X } ,
c,,(x,E) = {f E C ( X ,E ) Cb(X,E) = {f
: f ( x ) is precompact in E},
C ( X , E ) : f ( X ) is bounded in E}.
Example 1.4.1. Let X locally convex space. Then
be a locally compact Hausdorff space, and let E be a
(i) CV,'(X, E ) = CVd(X, E ) = CV,'(X, E ) = (C(X,E), k ) , where k denotes the compact -open topology : (ii) C V , ~ ( XE, ) = C V , ~ ( XE,) = C V , ~ ( XE, ) = (c(x, E), k); (iii) c v , 3 ( x , E j = ( c ~ ( x , E ) , ~ ) , C V z ( X , E ) = ( C , , ( X , E ) . u ) . and C V ; ( X , E ) = (Cb(X,E),u),where u denotes the topology of uniform convergence on X , and.
(iv) C V { ( X , E ) = C V i ( X , E ) =CV:(X,E)= (Cb(X,E),p), where strict topology.
denotes the
In order to introduce the weighted spaces of cross-sections, we need the following definitioins. Let {F, : x E X } be a vector fibration over X . Then by a weight on X we mean a function w defined on X such that w(x) is a seminorm on F , for each x E X. For our convenience, we shall use the notation w, for the seminorm w(x) for each x E X . By w I w' we mean that w, I w',, for every x E X . Let W be a set of weights on X . Then W is said to be directed upward, if, for every pair w ,w' E W and h > 0, there exists w" E W such that h w I w" and h w' Iw". We hereafter assume that each set W of weights is directed upward. We write W > 0 if, for given x E X , and y E F,, there is some w E iV for which w,(y) > 0. If a set W of weights on X additionally satisfies W > 0, then we shall refer W as a system of weights on X . If f is a cross-section over X and w is a weight on X , then we will denote by w If], the positive-valued function on X which takes x into
I Introduction
w x [f ( x ) 1. The weighted spaces of cross-sections over X with respect to the system of weights W are defined below :
LWo(X) = {f
L(X) : w [ f ] is upper semicontinuous and vanishes at infinity on X
foreach w E W}
and LWb(X) = {f E L(X) : w [ f ] is a bounded function on X for each w E W}. It is clear that LWo(X) and Lwb(x) are vector spaces and LWo(X)c Lwb(x). Now, for w E W and f E L( X). if we define
1 . [Iw
can be regarded as a seminorm on either LWb(X) or LWo(X) and the family
: w E W} of seminoms defines Hausdorff locally convex topology on each of
these spaces. We shall denote this topology by ZW, and the vector-spaces LWo(X) and LWb(X) endowed with zw are called the weighted locally convex spaces of crossscctions. It also has a basis of closed absolutely convex neighbourhwds of the origin of the form
For more details and examples of these weighted spaces of cross-sections we refer to ([32], [234], [247],[248], [274]). For the illustrationsof these weighted spaces of cross-sections we are presenting the following examples : Example 1.4.2. The weighted spaces CVo(X,E) and C V b ( X , E ) which have been defined earlier, can be written as weighted spaces of cross-sections, e.g., C V o ( X , E ) is certainly a weighted space L f i o ( X ) of cross-sections f =(f(x)),, with respect to the vector-fibration {F' : x E X}, where F x = E for each x E X , and the set @ = ( G J , , ~: v E V, p E cs(E)) of weights on X defined by
[y] = v(x)p(y), for each x E X and y E E.
In the same way C V b ( X , E ) can be represented as a weighted space of cross-sections.
1.4 Locally Convex Function Spaces
Example 1.4.3. Let B(LWo(X)) denote the space of all continuous linear operators on LWo(X ) , the weighted space of cross-sections. Prolla [274] has representcd the space B(LWo(X)) as a weighted space of cross-sections over X with fibers B(LWo(X),F’). The representation is given as follows :
For each x E X . let 6 , : LWo(X) + F, be the point evaluation at x . i.e., S,(f) = f ( x ), for all f E LWo(X). For A E B(LWo(X)). 6, 0 A E B(LWo(X), F,), and R : A -+ = (6, o A ) x E X represents B(LWo(X)) as a weighted space of cross-sections over X with fibers B(LWo(X),Fx). A complete illustration of this example is given in [274]. For more examples of the weighted spaces of cross-sections wc refer to Bierstedt 1321.
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In this chapter we will concentrate on the study of the composition operators on LP-spaces for 1 Ip I=. These spaces, known as Lebesgue spaces, often occur in several branches of mathematical physics. A characterization of measurable transformations inducing composition operators is given first and then the operators on Lp which are composition operators are characterized ; several examples are presented to illustrate the theory. The invertibility and compactness of these operators are studied in sections 2 and 3, respectively. The last section of this chapter studies different kinds of normality of the composition operators. 2.1
Let (X, Y,m) be a measure space. Then a mapping T from X into X is said to be a measurable transformation in case T ' ( S ) E 3' for every S E Y.A measurable transformation T is said to be non-singular if m ( T 1 ( S ) )= 0 whenever m(S) = 0. If T is non-singular, rhen the measure m T 1 ,defined as mT-l(S) = m ( T 1 ( S ) ) for every S E Y , is an absolutely continuous measure on 3' with respect to m. If m is a a-finite measure, then by the Radon-Nikodym theorem there exists a non-negative function fT 1 in L ( m ) such that ntT-'(S)
=I f T d m S
for every S E Y.The function fT is called the Radon-Nikodym derivative of m T 1 with respect to m. Every non-singular transformation T from X into itself induces a linear transformation CT on LP(m) into the linear space of all measurable functions on X, defined as
II Composition Operators on LP-Spaces
for every fE LP(m). In case CT is continuous from LP(m) into itself, then it is called a composition operator on LP(m) induced by T .
Note. The non-singularity of T guarantees that CT is well-defined, which may not be true in case T is not non-singular. For example, let X be the unit interval [0,1] with Lebesgue measure and let T take x to 2x when 0 I x I and to 1 whenever < x I 1. Then clearly T is not non-singular. Let f be the characteristic function of the half-open interval [0,1) and g be the characteristic function of [0,1]. Then f and g represent the same element of LP(m) whereas f o T and g o T do not do so (ix.,f = g a. e., but CT f 1; CTg ax.). Thus CT is not well-defined. It has become clear now that the non-singularity of T is a necessary condition for it to induce a composition operator on ~ ~ ( r n ) .
In case of Lm(m) it is not difficult to check that this condition of non-singularity is both necessary and sufficient for T to define a composition operator. If T is nonsingular, then clearly f 0 T E Lm(m) whenever f E L"(m) and
Thus CT is a contraction. It is an isometry on Lm(m) if and only if m and m T ' are equivalent, i.e. m c< mT' and m T ' << m. (
0 such that mT-'(S) I b m(S)
for every S E 9.
2.1 Definitions, Characterizations and Examples
Proof. Suppose CT is the composition operator induced by T . If S E Y such that m (S) < 0 0 , then x s E LP(m) and
Let b = CTII’.
Then mT-l(S) I b m(S>.
If m(S) = 00, then inequality is trivial.
Conversely, suppose that the condition is true. Then mT-’ << m; and hence the Radon-Nikodym derivative fT of mT-’ with respect to m exists and
This shows that CT is a bounded operator on LP(m). This completes the proof of the theorem. Corollary 2.1.2. A measurable transformation T .-X + X defines a composition operator on Lp(m) (1 5 p < 00) if and only if mT-’ << m and fT E L”(m). In this case
The proof follows from the above theorem.
Example 2.1.3. Let X be a locally compact abelian group and let m be the Haar measure on a-algebra of Bore1 sets. Let y E X . Then define Ty : X + X as Ty(4 = Y X
for every x E X . Then C T ~ is a composition operator on LP(rn) for 1 I p I -, In particular let X be the real line with usual topology and with addition as the group
11 Composition Operators on LPspaces
operation. Then TJx) = x + y. The corresponding composition operators C are known TY as the translation operators and they have appeared in the work of Koopman [199] on classical mechanics.
Example 2.1.4. Let (X, 3’. m ) be any a-finite measure space and let T be a measure preserving transformation. Then C, is an isometry on LP(m). In case T i s invertible and p = 2, CT is unitary operator. These operators have been used in ergodic theory and entropy theory [270]. Let X = Z, the set of all integers. and let w = {wi : i E Z} be a Example 2.1.5. doubly infinite sequence of positive real numbers. Let S c Z . Then define the measure m as
The LP-space of this measure m will be denoted by L P ( H w ) , which is called a weighted doubly infinite sequence space. If the mapping T :Z 4Z is defined by T(i)=i-1, then the corresponding C, is a weighted bilateral shift operator on l P ( Z w ) . In case m is the counting measure and p = 2 the operator C, is the classical bilateral shift operator on L2(Z). If
= N
with the counting measure, then the mapping
T (i) = i + 1 induces the adjoint of the unilateral shift on 1’. shift operators, see Shields [320].
For a detailed study of
Example 2.1.6. Let T : Z + H be defined as T (i) = -i. Then CT is the for symmetry operator on L2(Z) which takes the ih basis vector ei into e-i every i E Z.
Example 2.1.7. If X is the real line with the Lebesgue measure and T is a monotonic function such that 1/T‘ is essentially bounded, then CT is a continuous operator on LP(--,-), where T’ denotes the derivative of T. In particular, if Q > 0 and T(x) = ax,then CT is a composition operator on Lp(-=,=) [3291. Example 2.1.8. Let X be the unit circle in the complex plane with the normalized Lebesgue measure and let T be a non-constant inner function. Then it has been shown in [253] that CT is a composition operator on L2(m) and the norm of C, is given by
2.1 Definitions, Characterizations and Examples
Example 2.1.9. Let X = N with the counting measure. Then every injective map T from N to N induces a composition operator on l pand 1 C, 1 = 1. The details can be obtained from [336]. Example 2.1.10. Let ( X , Y , m ) be a measure space and let Y be a measurable subset of X , i.e., Y E Y . Let T : Y + X be measurable transformation. Let f
tP(m). Then define CT f as cTf ( x ) =
f(T(x)) , 9
if x E Y if x e X \ Y .
If it is continuous on LP(m),then it is called the generalized composition operator induced by T and Y. It is clear that every composition operator is a generalized composition operator ; in this case Y = X. We can view the unilateral shift on l 2 as a generalized composition operator. Let X = Z, the set of all non-negative integers with the counting measure. Let Y = N c Z,. Let T : N + b, be defined as T(i) = i-1. Then C, is exactly the unilateral shift operator on t2.
Example 2.1.11. Let X = R with Lebesgue measure and let T : R + R be a rational function. Then C, is a composition operator on Lp(w,w) if and only if deg P > deg Q and T' f 0 whenever it exists, where T = PIQ, P and Q being polynomials. In particular if T is a polynomial, then C, is a composition operator on Lp(-, w) if and only if P' f 0. For details see [329].
We have seen that Theorem 2.1.1 characterizes the mappings T which induce (generalizcd)composition operators on LP(nt) in terms of the absolute continuity of the measure mT-' and their Radon-Nikodym dervative fT. Now we plan to characterize those operators (bounded) on LP(m) which are the composition operators. If an operator is a composition opcrator, it takes the characteristic functions of LP(m) into the characteristic functions, which are in a way building blocks for LP(m).This is clear bccause C,xS = This condition of taking the characteristic functions of LP(m) into the characteristic functions turns out to be a sufficient condition for a continuous operator to be a composition operator on LP-spaces of certain nice measure spaces. These nice spaces arc standard Borel spaces which are defined to be isomorphic to Borel subsets of complete separable metric spaces. Most of the measure spaces which we encounter in
11 Composition Operators on LP-Spaces
analysis are standard Borel spaces. We need to develop some machinery before we prove the theorem. Let ( X , 3’ ,m) be a a-finite measure space. Then the o-algebra Y of measurable sets is a ring under the algebraic operations of symmetric difference and intersection as addition and multiplication respectively. Let 2 denote the collection of sets of measure zero, i.e., 2 = (S : S E Y and m(S)= 0) Then 2 is an ideal of the ring 9. Let Y / 9 denotc the quotient ring which is also a Boolean ring, since Y is so. A mapping h : Y + Y is called a a-endomorphism if it preserves the operations of symmetric difference and intersection, countable unions and the maximal element. Every a-endomorphism h on Y gives rise to a a-endomorphism h’ on Y / % defined by h’ (s A s)= h (s) A 9 . If T .-X + X is a measurable transformation , then the mapping defined by
hT :
Y +Y
h T ( s ) = T-’(S)
is a a-endomorphism on Y and hence hi is a a-endomorphism on Y / 2. Thus every measurable point transformation induces a-endomorphisms on Y and Y / 2. More generally, if (X‘,Y ” ,m ‘ ) is a measure space and T : X’ + X is a measurable transformation, then it induces a-homomorphism h~ : Y + 9’ and h’, : Y / 2 + Y’/2’.where 2’ denotes the ideal of sets of measure zero in 3”. The converse of the above statement is not true in general measure spaces. But if X is a standard Borel space, then it is shown by Sikorski in [323] that every a-homomorphism from Y / 2 to Y’/ 9’ is induced by a measurable transformation from X ’ to X. This result we shall record in the following theorem. Theorem 2.1.12. Let ( X , Y , m ) be a standard Borel space, let ( X ’, 9’,m’) be a measure space. and let @ be a a-homomorphism from Y / 2,-) Y’/ 9’. Then there exists a measurable transformation T : X ’ + X such that
The proof of this theorem uses the rich structure of the Borel sets.
Let X denote the family of all characteristic functions of the members of Y, i.e.,
2.1 Definitions,Characterizationsand Examples
= {Xs
s E Y).
Let Yip = YC n LP(m). Then the following theorem presents a characterization of (generalized)composition operators in terms of the invariance of YCP . Theorem 2.1.13. Let (X,Y , m ) be a standard Bore1 space and let A be an operator on LP(m). Then A is a (generalized) composition operator if and only if X p is invariant under A, i.e., A X P c YCp. Proof. Suppose A is a (generalized) composition operator on tP(m).Then there exists a measurable set Y E Y and a measurable transformation T from Y to X such that A = C,. Let xS E YCp, then A xS E LP (m). But A X s = CT X s = X + ( S )
Thus A x s
Conversely, suppose A SCp c 3Cp. Let S E Y be of finite measure. Then x S E X p . Hence A xS E X p . Thus there exists W E Y such that A x s = Let us define Q0 ( S ) = W. Thus $o is defined on the collection of sets of finite measures. If S, and S2 are disjoint measurable sets of finite measures, then
This shows that
m (Wl n W2) = 0 and
It can be shown that $0 preserves intersection and difference. Since m is a a-finite of pairwise disjoint measurable sets of finite measure, there exists a sequence measures such that
($1 x
(J si. i=l
11 Composition Operators on Lp-Spaces
Let X i = $o(Si), i.e., A
xsi = x X i
for i E N, and let X’ =
u Xi.
If S i s
any arbitrary member of
Y,then we can write
It can be shown that $0 : Y + 3” is a a-homomorphism, where 9” is a o-algebra of measurable subsets of X ’. This o-homomorphism gives rise to a o-homomorphism Cp : Y / 5 2 + Y’/ ‘3’ defined as
4 (S A %) = $o(S) A 9. Hence by Theorem 2.1.12 there exists a measurable transformation T : X’ that = hlT If m (S) c 00, then
Thus A and C, agree on 3Cp and hence on Lp(m). This shows that A = C,. This completes the proof of the theorem.
Corollary 2.1.14. Let ( X , Y , m) be a standard Borcl space. Then an operator A on LP(m) is a generalized composition operator if and only if A ( f i g ) = Af. Ag, whenever f,g and f . g belong to LP(m). Proof. If
x s E 3CP
, then
This shows that A x s composition Operator.
3 f p . Hence by Theorem 2.1.13, A is a generalized
Note. From the proof of Theorem 2.1.13 it is evident that if A 3Cp c 3Cp and
X‘ = X , then A is a composition operator on Lp ( m ) , rather than a generalized composition operator. If A is an injective operator with A X p c X p , then it can be deduced that X‘ = X and hence A is a composition operator. This argument together with Theorem 2.1.13 gives the result of Von Neumann [251],. which states that a unitary operator on Lp (m) is a composition operator if and only if it is multiplicative. The invertible operators on l p taking basis vectors into basis vectors are composition operators. This we record in the following corollary.
2.2 Invertible Composition Operators
Corollary 2.1.15. If A is an invertible operator on t P ,then A is a composition operator if and only if the set (en : n E N} is invariant under A, where en is the sequence defined as en ( k ) = 6& ,the Kronecker delta. INVERTIBLE COMPOSITION OPERATORS
From now on in this chapter we shall restrict our study of the composition operators on L2 ( m ) which has Hilbert space structure. Some of the results may be carried over to general Lp-spaces with minor changes in the proofs. If x is an essentially bounded complex -valued measurable function on X, then the mapping M, on L2 (m), defined by M, f = x. f , is a continuous operator with range in L2 (m). This operator M, is known as the multiplication operator induced by x . If CT is a composition operator on L2 (m), then it turns out that C; C, is a multiplication operator and CT C; is close to a multiplication operator. The following theorem presents these results.
Theorem 2.2.1. Let C, be a composition operator on L2 ( m ) . Then
(i) C; (ii)
~ h .
CT C; = MjT TP, where P is the projection of L2 ( m ) on the closure of the range of CT.
(iii) CT has dense range if and only if Cr C; = Mh
Proof. (i) Let f , g E L2 ( m ) . Then
= ( M h f, 8)
Thus C; CT = MI,. (ii) Let f E L2 (m). Then P f belongs to the closure of the range of C,. Hence there exists a sequence {C, fn} in the range of C, converging to P f in norm. Thus
11 Composition Operators on LP-Spaces
Since f - P f belongs to the orthogonal complement of the range of CT which is equal to the kernel of Ci ,wetan conclude that CT C: f = CTC i P f.Thus CTC; f = M ~ . T Pf for all f E L2(m).
Hence CTCT = M ~ . T P. (iii) If CT has dense range, then by (ii) P = I , the identity opcrator. Hence CTC; = M,,-,..TP . Conversely, suppose CTC; = M ~ . T P. Since
T f 0 at., C T C ~ is an injection. Since C: and CT Ci have the same kernel, we have the desired result. This completes the proof of the theorem. fT
Note. Although the results in the above theorem look very simple, they have many useful applications, as will be seen in this section and several other later sections. The results of this theorem were obtained within a time span of about ten years by Singh [325], Singh and Kumar [go], and Harrington and Whitley [144].
The following theorem characterizes injective composition operators in several ways.
Theorem 2.2.2. Let CT be a composition operator on L2 (m). Then the following are equivalent : (i) (ii)
C, is an injection ; f and J o T have the same essential range for every f
m << m o T-';
E L2 (m) ;
is different from zero almost everywhere.
Proof. (i) 3 (ii) : Assume CT is an injection. The essential range of f o T is always contained in the essential range of f for every f in L2 (m). To prove the reverse inclusion let a belong to the essential range of f. Let G be a neighbourhood
2.2 Invertible Composition Operators
of a. Then m (f-'( G ) ) # O by definition of essential range. Since CT is an injection, we can conclude that m (T-'( f (G)))# 0. Thus a belongs to the essential range of f oT.
(ii) * (iii) : Let S E 9 such that m T-' (S) = 0. Then the essential range of CTX, is equal to the singleton set (0). Hence by (ii) the essential range of x S is equal to (0). This implies that m ( S ) = 0. Thus m cc m o r ' . (iii)
(iv) : This implication follows from the following equation :
(iv) -(i) : Suppose fT is different from zero almost everywhere. Then it is wellknown that the corresponding multiplication operator MfT is an injection. Hence by C CT is an injection. Therefore, CT is an injection. This part (i) of Theorem 2.2.1, : completes the proof of the theorem. Note. By the equality of two measurable sets m (Sl A S,) = 0.
and S ,
we mean
A measurable transformation T on a measure space (X,Y,rn) is said to be left invertible (or one-to-one) if there exists a measurable transformation T I such that T , o T differs from the identity transformation atmost on a set of measure zero. Similarly, if T 0T2 differs from the identity transformation on a set of measure zero for some measurable transformation T2 ,then T is said to be right invertible (or onto). T is said to be invertible if ( T o U) ( x ) = (U o T ) (x) a.e.,
for some measurable transformation U.
The following corollaries anxonsequences of Theorem 2.2.2. Corollary 2.2.3. If CT and only if f is so. Corollary 2.2.4. if T is onto.
is an injection, then CT f is a characteristic function if
A composition operator C, on 1, is an injection if and only '
11 Composition Operators on Lp-Spaces
Corollary 2.2.5. Let CT be a composition operator on L2 (m). Let T be right invertible, and let a right inverse of T be non-singular. Then CT is an injection.
Let 3'1 and 3'2 be two o-subalgebras of 9'. Then Y1 and 9'2 are said to be equivalent (written as 1 ' 3 = 3'2) if for every S, E 3'' there exists S2 E 9, such that S1 = S2 and vice versa. If T is a measurable transformation, then T'( 3') is a o-subalgebra of Y,where
T-' (Y) =
(S) : s
The L2-space with respect to the a-subalgebra T-' ( Y) , which we denote as 2 L (X,T-' (Y), m ) , is a subspace of L2 ( m ) and the range of every composition operator is a subspace (not necessarily closed) of this space. It turns out that the range of 2 every composition operator is dense in L (X,T-' (9').m). This we shall show in the following theorem. If CT is a composition operator on L2 ( m ) , then the range of
Theorem 2.2.6. 2
CT is dense in L (X,7'-' (Y'), m). Proof. In case X is of finite measure and obtainan S2 E Y such that
Thus 2
L (X,T-l 2
belongs to the range of C T
(Y), m)
L2 (X,T-' ( Y ) ,m), we can
and hence all simple functions of
belong to the range of C,
L (x,T-' (91,m). In case
x s1
. Thus the range of
is dense in
is a o-finite measure space the proof follows from the Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem.
In the following theorem we characterize surjectivecomposition operators. Theorem 2.2.7. A composition operator CT on L2 ( m ) is a surjection if and only if fT is bounded away from zero on its support and T'(9) = 9. (BY the support of fT we mean the set of all those points of X where fT is non-zero).
By using the Hilbert space theory it can be proved that C, has closed Proof. range if and only if Ci C, has closed fange. But by part (i) of Theorem 2.2.1,
2.2 Invertible Composition Operators
Ci C, = MjT . Thus CT has closed range if and only if MfT has closed range. But we know that a multiplication operator has closed range if and only if the inducing function is bounded away from zero on its support [340].Thus CT has closed range if and only if fT is bounded away from zero on its support. Now to prove the theorem, suppose CT is a surjection. Hence fT is bounded away from zero on its support. Let S E 9’ be of fiiite measure. Then, since CT is onto, there exists a function f E L2 (m)such that
Let S, = ( x : x E X and f ( x ) = 1). Then
and hence T-’ (S,) = S. Thus S E T-’ (9’). This shows that 3’ c T-’ (9’). Since T’(Y’) is a subalgebra of Y,we can conclude that 3’ = T’(3’). On the other hand, suppose T’(3’) = 9’ and fT is bounded away from zero. Then by Theorem 2.2.6 and the argument given in the beginning of the proof we can conclude that the range of CT is equal to L2 (m). Thus CT is a surjection. This completes the proof of the theorem.
Now the following results follow from the above theorem and some earlier results. Corollary 2.2.8. A composition operator CT on L2 ( m ) has dense range if and only if z-’(Y) = Y. Corollary 2.2.9. If T is left invertible, then CT has dense range. Corollary 2.2.10. A composition operator CT on i2 has dense range if and only if T is left invertible.
Now the following theorem gives a general characterization of invertibility of composition operators in terms of the properties of the Radon-Nikodym derivatives fT and the subalgebra T-’(Y). Theorem 2.2.11.
A composition operator CT on L2 (m) is invertible if and
11 Composition Operators on Lp-Spaces
only if fT is bounded away from zero (almost everywhere) on X and T ' ( Y )= Y. Proof. The proof follows from Theorem 2.2.2. and Theorem 2.2.7. Note. It is clear from the work presented in this section so far that the underlying o-algebra Y of the measurable sets plays a very important role in the invertibility of the composition operators. For example, if Y = {+, X}, then every composition operator on L2(m) is invertible. On the other hand, if we take the a-algebra of all subsets of X, then the chances of invertibility of the composition operators are not that bright. The invertibility of CT does not in general imply the invertibility of T, and vice versa. We shall quote the following examples to illustrate this observation.
Example 2.2.12. Let X = [0, 11 with the Lebesgue measure m on the Borel subsets. Let T ( x ) = 6 for all x E X. Then C, is a composition operator on L2 ( m ) by Example 2.1.7. It is clear that T is invertible ; U ( x ) = x 2 is an inverse of
T. But since
1 C,
~ ~ , is~equal , ~to ~lln
for every natural
number n, we can conclude that CT is not bounded away from zero, and hence it is not invertible. Let X be the same as in the above example, let C be the Example 2.2.13. Cantor ternary set, and let h be the Cantor function. Let 1
T (x) = 5 x
+ z1 h ( x )
Then T is a monotone function with T' ( x ) =
for x
i; and hence it defines a composition
operator on L2 (m). It can be proved that the characteristic function of T(C) belongs to the kernel of CT. Since m (T (C)) = the kernel of CT is non-trivial. This shows
that CT is not invertible, although, T is so.
Now it is evident from the above theorem, note and examples that invertibility of a composition operator in the general case cannot be characterized in.terms of invertibility of the inducing functions. However, if the underlying measure space is a standard Borel space, then this characterization is possible to some extent. This we shall prove in the following theorem. Theorem 2.2.14.
Let (X,
Y ,m )
be a standard Borel space and C T be a
2.3 Compact Composition Operators
composition operator on L2 ( m ) . Then C, is invertible if and only if T is invertible with an inverse which induces a composition operator on L2 ( m ) . Proof (outline). In case T is invertible and U is an inverse of T which induces a composition operator Cu on L2 ( m ), it is clear that
CT Cu = C O T= I = Cu CT,
where I is the identity operator on L2 ( m ) . Thus CT is invertible. Conversely, suppose C, is invertible. Then by Corollary 2.2.3, CF1 (the inverse of CT ) carries X 2 into X2. Hence by Theorem 2.1.13 and the subsequent note, we conclude that C;' is a composition operator' on L2 ( m ) . Thus there exists a measurable transformation U such that Cil = C, . Since CFICT= CuCT= CTou= I, we conclude that f o T o U = f for every function f in L2 ( m ) . From this it can be deduced that T o U(x) = x a e . Similarly, U o T(x) = x a e . Thus U is an inverse of T defining the composition operator C., This takes care of the proof of the theorem. Note. From the above theorem it is evident that if CT is invertible, then Cf* is a composition operator. In general, this may not be true. We did not discuss the invertibility of generalized composition operators because they are not surjective in case Y #X. The above theorem holds form all measure spaces where a-homomorphisms are induced by point mappings. 2.3
An operator A on a Banach space is said to be compact if the image of the unit ball under A has compact closure. For an operator on a Hilbert space to be compact it should have compact image since the image of the unit ball is closed. In the case of a separable Hilbert space, compactness of an operator is equivalent to saying that it takes weakly convergent sequences into norm convergent sequences, i.e.. if x , + x weakly, then Ax, + Ax in the norm of the Hilbert space. In this section we shall study compact composition operators on L2 ( m ) . It turns out that there is a dearth of compact composition operators. Actually no composition operator on L2 of a nonatomic measure space is compact. Even on P2 , which is the L2-space of an atomic measurc space, no composition operator is comapct. But there are some weighted sequence spaces which do have compact composition operators. Let (X,Y,m ) be a measure space, let
> 0, and let
be a complex-valued
II Composition Operators on LP-Spaces
measurable function on X
. Then the set
( x : x E X and
I x ( x ) I > E) is denoted
by X,". Let Z," bedefinedby
Then Z," is a subspace of L2 ( m ) . An element of L2 ( m ) belongs to Z," if it x vanishes outside X, . The following theorem characterizes compact multiplication operators on L2 ( m ) in terms of the dimension of Z," . Let M, be a multiplication operator on L2 ( m ) . Then M, is Theorem 2.3.1. compact if and only if Z," is finite dimensional for every E > 0 . x
Proof. Let M, be compact. Then since Zc is invariant under M,, we can conclude that the restriction of M, to Z," is also compact. Since x is bounded away x from zero on X, , we conclude that M, is invertible on Z," [137].Thus Z," is finite-dimensional.
Conversely, if Z," is finite-dimensional for every E , then in particular ,,Z; finite-dimensionalfor every n E N. Let x, be defined as
Then M,, is a finite rank operator and M X n + M, compact operator. This completes the proof.
in norm. Hence M
,is a
The following well-known result follows from the above theorem. Corollary 2.3.2. If ( X , Y , m ) is a non-atomic measure space, then no non-zero multiplication opcrator is compact.
Now the following theorem characterizes the compact composition operators on L2(m). Let C , be a composition operator on L2 ( m ) . Then Theorem 2.3.3. compact if and only if Z$ is finite-dimensionalfor every E > 0.
C, i s
2.3 Compact Composition Operators
C, is compact. Then
C; C, is compact. Hence, by
Theorem 2.1.15, M f T is compact. Thus by Theorem 2.3.1. Z,fT is finite-dimensional. The converse follows from Theorem 2.3.1, and the fact that C; C, is compact if and only if C, is compact. This completes the proof of the theorem. Corollary 2.3.4. [Ridge [279]]. If ( X , Y,m) is a non-atomic measure space, then no composition operator on L~ ( m ) is compact. Proof. If C, is a compact composition operator on L2 ( m ) , then M is compact. fT Thus by Corollary 2.3.2, M f , is the zero operator. Hence C, is the zero operator. This completes the proof, since no composition operator is the zero operator.
If ( X , Y ,m ) is a o-finite measure space, then we can write X = X , u X 2 , whcre X I and X 2 are non-atomic and atomic parts of X, respectively. Without loss of generality we can assume that atoms are points. In the following theorem we record necessary conditions for the compactness of the multiplication operators and the composition operators on L2 ( m ) . We assume that X has non-trivial non-atomic and atomic parts, i.e., m( X , ) # 0 and m ( X 2 ) # 0.
Theorem 2.3.5.
(i) A multiplication operator M, on L~ ( m ) is compact only if Xl
= o a.e. on
(ii) If M, is an injective multiplication operator on L, ( m ) , then M , is compact implies that ( X , Y , m ) is an atomic measure space. (iii) if CT is a composition operator on L2 ( m ),then T-' ( X , ) = X whenever CT is compact. (iv) If m(X) = 00, then the compactness of a composition operator C , implies that m(Xz) = 00.
Proof. (i) Let m 2 be the restriction of the measure m . on X2 and let ml = m - m2 [342]. It is clear that L2(m1) is an invariant subspace of M,; and hence IC = 0 a.e. on X1 by Corollary 2.3.2. (ii)
In case M , is compact, the kernel of M, includes L2(m1). Since M , is
II Composition Operators on LP-Spaces 2
one-to-one, L ( M I )= (0). Hence m1 = 0. Thus m = m2. (iii) If C T is compact, then M j T is compact. Hence by part (i), fT is zero almost everywhereon X I . Hence rnT-I(X1) = f T dm = 0 . Thus Xl
= T-yX2).
(iv) In case CT is compact and m(X2 ) < 0 0 , by part (iii) and Theorem 2.1.1 we get a contradiction.
From the above theorems it is evident that the hope for existence of the compact composition operators lies in the case when the underlying measure space is atomic. The sequence spaces are examples of L2-spaces of atomic measure spaces. In the rest of this section we shall study compact composition operators on Hilbert spaces of sequences. Let T : N 4 N be a mapping and let
n :n
0. Then define the set NE as
N and rnT-'((n}) > E m({n})}.
The following theorem characterizes compact composition operators on . t 2 ( w ) , which is defined in chapter I.
Theorem 2.3.6, Let CT be a composition operator on f 2 ( w ) . Then C T is compact if and only if N, is a finite subset of N for every E > 0. Proof. Suppose (fi) is a sequence in I 2 ( w ) converging weakly to zero and let E > 0. Suppose N, is finite with k elements. By Theorem 2.1.1, there exists b > 0 such that rnT-l((n)) 5 b(rn((n))) for every n E N. Thus
where lfi(nr)l = max{lh(n,)l : n,
vi )
Since we have
N,} and m ((ns)) = max {m((n,]) : n,
tends to zero pointwise, for
> 0 we can find j
E N,)
N such that for i > j
2.4 Compact Composition Operators
Since every weakly convergent sequence is norm bounded, we can conclude that the sequence { IlCrfill] converges to 0. This shows that CT is compact. Conversely, suppose N,
contains infinitely many elements for some
> 0.
Then CT is bounded away from zero on the closure of the span of {e, : j E NE>. Thus the range of the restriction of CT is a closed infinite dimensional subspace contained in the range of CT , Thus by Problem 141 of [137], CT is not compact. This completes the proof of the theorem.
The following corollariesare immediate consequencesof the above theorem. A
Corollary 2.3.7. only if the sequence
{ Corollary
composition operator C T on f 2 ( w ) is compact if and
rnT-'( {i})
tends tozeroas i
tends to
No composition operator on f 2 is compact.
If a > 0 is a real number, and wi = a' for i E N, then the corresponding C2( w ) is denoted by f i . The following theorem characterizes composition operators 2 on f a. Theorem 2.3.9. 2
(i) Let 0 c a c 1. Then a composition operator CT on fa is compact if and only if the sequence ( i - T ( i ) ) tends to infinity as i tends to =. 2 (ii) Let a > 1. Then a composition operator CT on I, is compact if and only if the sequence ( T ( i )- i ) tends to infinity as i tends to OQ.
It is computational and follows from Corollary 2.3.7.
Examples 2.3.10. (1) Let
0 c a < 1 and let T : N + N be defined as
11 ~omposirionOperators on LP-Spaces
T(i) = 3
if j
-2 I
i I j,
where j is a multiple of 3. Then T induces a composition operator on 1:. Since nzT-l( { i } ) / m ( { i}) =
+ u”) ,
which tends to 0 as i + 00, we conclude that CT is compact. (2) Let T : N + N be defined as T ( i ) = j 2 for j - 2 I i I j , j 2 of 3. Then CT is a compact composition operator on 1,.
being a multiple
(3) Let T : N + N be defined as T(i) = 2i for i E N. Then
Thus CT is compact on 1,2 for 2.4
> 1.
An operator A on a Hilbert space is said to be normal if it commutes with its * adjoint A * ; it is said to be quasinormal if it commutes with A A . In case * A*A - A A is a positive operator, A is said to be a hyponormal operator. If either * A or A is a hyponormal, then A is said to be seminormal. A is said to be unitary * if A*A = A A = I . The main aim of this section is to throw some light on these types of composition operators on L2(m). Singh and Kumar [341] and Whitley [399] studied these types of composition operators simultaneously, but independently, and obtained almost identical results characterising normal, quasinormal, and unitary composition operators. These results are presented in the next few theorems of this section. Theorem 2.4.1.
Let CT be a composition operator on L 2(m). Then
(i) C T is normal if and only if the range of C T is dense in L 2 ( r n ) and f T O T = f T (1.e. (ii) CT is quasinormal if and only if f T 0 T = f T u. e.
2.4 Normality of Composition Operators
Proof. (i) Suppose C T is normal. Then C; CT = CT C;. Hence kerCT = kerC;CT = kerMfT = kercTc; = kerC; = (ranCT )I. Let E = ( x : f T ( x ) = 0). Then it can be proved that m(E) = 0. Hence ker M f T = (0). Thus ker CT = (0). Thus (ran C T ) * = ( O ) . Hence the range of CT is dense in L2(m). By Theorem 2.2.1 we have Mjj. = M f f o T P ,
where P is the projection of L 2 ( m ) on the closure of the range of C T . If X is of finite measure, then CT x x = x T - l ( x l = x x . Hence x x belongs to the range of CT . Thus MfT
x x = M f T o T p x x = MfToT x x
is of infinite measure, .it can be proved by Hence fT = f T o T a.e. In case X writing X as a countable union of measurable sets of finite measures. Conversely, suppose CT has dense range and f T o T = f T a . e. part (iii) of Theorem 2.2.1, we have C;CT =
Then by
ivfT= MfToT = CTC; .
Hence CT is normal. (ii) Suppose CT is quasinormal. Hence CT commutes with C;CT. Thus by part (i) of Theorem 2.2.1, CT commutes with M f T . Hence 'TMfT
From this we can deduce that f T = f T 0 T . 2
Conversely, suppose f T = f T 0 T a. e. Then for f E L (m), C T C k T f = C T ( f T f ) = fT
Thus cTc;cTf = f T 0 T . f 0 T = f T . f 0 T = c;cTcTf. This shows that CT quasinormal. This completes the proof of the theorem.
II Composition Operators on LP-Spaces
It turns out that in case of a finite measure space every normal composition operator is unitary and every quasinormal operator is an isometry. This we shall prove in the following theorem.
Theorem 2.4.2. Let (X,Y , m) be a finite measure space and let C T be a composition operator on t2(m).Then (i) CT is normal if and only if CT is unitary. (ii) CT is quasinormal if and only if CT is an isometry. Proof.
(i) Suppose CT is normal. Then by part (i) of Theorem 2.2.1, CTC; = C;CT = M f T . Thus to show that CT is unitary it is enough to show that f T = 1 a. e. By part (i) of Theorem 2.4.1, fToT=fT a. e. Let s = ( x : x E x and fT(X) 2 I}. Then
s = (X Since m ( x ) < 0 0 ,
: x
xS E L2(m).
and ( f T
( x ) 2 11 = T - ' ( S ) .
Thus f ; = f T on S. This shows that fT = 1 a.e. on S. BY a similar argument it can be shown that fT = 0 ax. on the complement of S. Now
m ( X ) = m ( T - I ( X ) ) = fTdm = JJTdm = m ( S ) .
Thus the complemnt of S has measure zero. Hence f T = 1 a. e. This proves that CT is unitary. The converse is true in general. (ii) Suppose CT is quasinormal. Then fT o T = fT a.e. by part (ii) of Theorem 2.4.1. Hence f T =1 a. e. as proved above. Since C;CT = M j T = I , we conclude that CT is an isometry. The converse is true in general. Note. From the proof of the above theorem it is apparent that in case of a finite measure space, normality or quasinormality of CT implies that T is measure preserving which is equivalent to quasinormality of CT. In case CT has dense range, the normality of CT is implied by the measure preserving property of T. If the underlying measure space is infinite, then normality does not imply that T is measure preserving.
2.4 Normality of Composition Operators
Examples 2.4.3. (1) Let X = R with Lebesgue measure and let T ( x ) = ax + b , a CT is a normal composition operator, but T is not measure preserving.
1, 0. Then
(2) For i
N, let X i = ( l i , 2 i , 3 i,...) and let X = u X i . Let the measure m be
defined as m({ni>)=
r-2i 12
1 inI2
Let T : X + X
i= 1
is odd
is even.
bedefinedas (n + 2)i ,
, - 2)i ,
when n is odd when n = 2 when n is even and greater than 2 .
Then it can be checked that f T ( n i ) = 1 / i for ni E Xi and fT = f T 0 T . Since T is an injection, CT has dense range, and hence we can conclude that CT is normal. For a fixed n,
Hence CT is not bounded away from zero. Thus it is not unitary.
The following corollary contains the results which can be obtained from Theorem 2.4.1 and some earlier results. Corollary 2.4.4. (i) A composition operator CT on .f2 is normal if and only if T is invertible.
(ii) If w = ( w l , w 2 , w 3 ....) is a strictly increasing (or strictly decreasing) sequence of positive numbers, then a composition operator CT on L2(w) is normal if and only if T is the identity map.
II Composition Operators on Lp-Spaces
There are not many multiplication operators which are composition operators. Actually there is only one and that is the identity operator. It can be proved that if CT = M , , then 5c = 1 a. e. We may need this result in the following theorem which characterizes unitary composition operators on L2 of a standard Borel space.
Theorem 2.4.5. Let ( X ,Y , m ) be a standard Borel space and let CT 2 be a composition operator on L (m). Then the following are equivalent : (i) CT is unitary, (ii) T is an injection and f~ = 1 a. e., (iii) CT is invertible and f T = 1 a. e., (iv) C;
is a composition operator.
Proof. (i) 3 (ii) If CT is unitary, then
Hence M f T = I. Thus f T = 1 a. c. Since CT is invertible by Theorem 2.2.14, the transformation T is an injection. (ii) 3 (i) I f f T = 1 a. e., then CT is an isometry and hence has closed range. If T is injection, then CT has dcnse range by Corollary 2.2.9. Hence CT is invertible. (iii) a (iv)
* (i)
Since CT is invertible and f~ = 1 a. e., we have
Suppose C; = Cu for some measurable transformation U. Then
Thus by the argument given bcfore the theorem we have
f~ = 1 a.e. This shows that CT is an isometry. If CT has dense range, then it would be unitary. To prove that CT has dense range it is enough to prove that T-'(Y) = Y . Let S E Y be of finite measure. If x s E ran CT , then there exists an h E L2(m)
2.4 Normality of Composition Operators
Since CT is an injection, by Corollary 2.2.3, h = x,, for some S = T-'(S2)
T-'(Y). If
S2 E
Y . Hence
does not belong to the range of CT, then we can write x s = CTg i-f
where f~ (ran CT)'.
Now from this we have
Thus g = xu-l(s).It can be proved that
x s = xT-~(u-l(s)).
Hence S E T-'(Y). It
can be proved that S E T-'(Y) for every S E Y. Hence Y c T 1 ( Y )c 9. Thus
Y = r * ( y.) This proves the theorem.
If X is a locally compact Abelian group, then the mapping Tr taking x to y x defines unitary composition operators on L 2 ( m ) . In particular, all translates of R define unitary composition operators on L 2(--, -). If the underlying measure space is an atomic measure space of finite measure, then it turns out that normal, unitary, and isometric composition operators coincide. We shall record this result in the following theorem. Theorem 2.4.6. Let (X, Y , m ) be a finite atomic measure space and let CT be a composition operator on L2(m). Then the following are equivalent :
(i) CT is nonnal, (ii) CT is unitary, is an isometry,
C, is quasinormal,
11 Composition Operators on LP-Spaces (v) CT is a co-isometry.
Corollary 2.4.7. If (X, 3'. rn) is a finite atomic measure space such that different atoms have different measures, then all five classes of composition operators on L2(rn) given above coincide with the singleton set containing the identity operator. Corollary 2.4.8. A composition operator on L2(w) is normal if and only if it is unitary if and only if it is an isometry if and only if it is quasinormal if and only if it is an identity operator, where w, = an, n E N for some 0 c a c 1. Let H be a Hilbert space, Let B ( H ) denote the C*-algebra of all bounded linear operators on If, let C ( H ) denote the ideal of all compact operators, and let h be the canonical epimorphism from B ( H ) to the Calkin algebra B ( H ) / C ( H ) . Then an operator A is said to be Fredholm if h(A) is invertible in the Calkin algebra. A is said to be essentially normal, essentially unitary, or essentially isometric if h(A) is a normal, unitary, or isometric element of B(H) / C(H). A is said to be quasiunitary if A*A - I and AA* - I are finite rank operators.
In [202j Kumar has shown that the class of Fredholm composition operators on
L2[0,1]coincides with thc class of thc invertible composition operators, and Singh and Veluchamy [369] has characterised Fredholm composition operators on L2 of atomic measure spaces. We shall record a general characterization of Fredholm composition operators in the following theorem.
Theorem 2.4.9. A composition operator CT on L2(m) is Fredholm if and only if T - * ( X 1 )= XI, T-'(X2) = X2,CT / t 2 ( X , ) is invertible and CT / L2(Xz) is Fredholm, where X1 and X 2 are the non-atomic part and the atomic part of X respectively.
The class of Fredholm composition operators on L2 coincides with the class of essentially normal composition operators and with several other classes of the composition operators. This was proved by Singh and Veluchamy in [369]. We shall record the results in the following theorem.
Theorem 2.4.10. Let CT be a composition operator on L 2 . Then the following are equivalent :
2.4 Normality of Composition Operators
(i) CT is Fredholm, (ii) CT is essentially normal, (iii) CT is quasi-unitary, (iv) CT is essentially unitary, (v) CT is essentially isometric.
If ( X , Y . m ) is a a-finite measure space and T : X + X is a measurable transformation, then T O T is also a measurable transformation which we shall denote by T 2 . If m T - l is absolutely continuous with respect to m , then m ( T 2 ) - ' is denote the absolutely continuous with respect to both mT-' and m . Let g, Radon-Nikodym derivative of m(T2)-l with respect to mT-'. Then it is an cssy exercise to show that fT2 = g T f T
(Recall that f T is the Radon-Nikodym derivative of mT' with respect to m).
In the following theorem we give results concerning the hyponormal composition operators. The first two parts of the theorem are due to Harrington and Whitley [ 1441. Theorem 2.4.11. Let ( X , Y , m ) be a a-finite measure space and let CT be a composition operator on L 2(m). Then (i) CT is hyponormal if and only if f E L2<m>.
IK fII 2 IK T Pfll o
for every
(ii) C; is hyponormal if and only if f T 0 T 2 f T a. e . and the completion of the a-algebra generated by set of type S n X g for S E Y is contained in T-*(Y). where X& = { x : f T ( x ) > 0). (iii) CT is quasi-hyponormal if and only if fT2 S g, a.e.
Proof. (i) CT is hyponormal if and only if C;CT- CTC; 2 0. Thus CT hyponormal if and only if
11 Composition Operators on Lp-Spaces
In light of Theorem 2.2.1, CT is hyponormal if and only if
From this we conclude that Cr is hyponormal if and only if
This proves (i) (since P is the projection of L2(m) on ran CT, P 2 = P and p ( f ~0 T f ) = f T
T Pf [1441).
(ii) Suppose C; is hyponormal. Then the kernel of C; is contained in the kernel of C,. Suppose S is a set of finite measure such that S c X$, and S is not in T-'(Y). Then x s does not belong to the closure of the range of CT. Thus there exists a function f in the orthogonal complement of the closure of the range of CT such that ( f , x s ) # 0 . Since f E ker C; c ker CT = ker M f T , we have fTf
Thus we arrive at a contradiction. Hence S Sl = ( x
=o* E
T-' (3'). Let
T , ( x ) < fT (x)} *
S, E T - l ( Y ) . Using the hyponormality of C ,; it can be proved that m(Sl) = 0. Hence f T 0 T 2 f T a. e . For the converse, suppose conditions are true. Let f E L2(m). Then f can be written as
= f l + f2,
where f1 belong to the closure of ranCT and f 2 to its orthogonal complement. It can be proved that
Since fT 0 T 2 f T , we get the hyponormality of C;.
2.4 Normality of Composition Operators
In particular,
for sets S1 of finite measure. Thus
Hence f T 2 2 f T2 a.e. on S1, and hence a. e. on X. Thus g, 2 f T a.e. The converse is easy.
The following corollary can be deduced from the above theorem.
Corollary 2.4.12. (i) If CT is hyponormal, then gT 2 f,
(ii) If (X, Y,m ) is a finite measure space, then CT is hyponormal if and only if f T = 1 a.e. 2 (iii) If CT is a composition operator on L induced by an injective map T, then CT is normal if and only if CT is hyponormal if and only if CT is quasi-
hyponormal. Note. In case of L2 the classes of normal, quasinormal, hyponormal, and quasihyponormal operators are distinct and inclusions are proper. This can be seen in [334].
'. m ) is a measure space and T :X + X is a measurable transformation, If ( X , 9 thcn p :X + X is also a measurable transformation for every n 2 1, where I", as mentioned earlier is the composition of T with itself n times. If the measure m T ' is absolutely continuous with respect to m , then rn(?)-' is also absolutely continuous with respect to m ; by f ; we denote the Radon-Nikodym derivative of rn(p)--'
11 Composition Operators on Lp-Spaces
with respect to m. By Y , we denote the a-algebra
If d is a
a-subalgebra of Y such that T'd c d and ( X , d , m ) is also a-finite, then for f E L2(X, Y , m), there exists a unique &measurable function g on X such that
for every S
d of finite measure. This function
is called the conditional
expectation of f with respect to d and we denote it by Ed (f) which is written as
E(f '/d) in Statistics and Probability theory. Since each f;! is bounded, the conditional expectation E d ( f ) is well defined, where d = (?)-I@'),
and in this case we denote
it by E n ( f ) . As an operator E, is the orthogonal projection of L2(X, 9,m ) onto
L 2 ( X , Y , , m), where Y , = (T")-'(3'). An operator A on a Hilbert space is said to be subnormal if it has a normal extension on a larger Hilben space. A sequence of the
I " d p ( t ) } is called a moment sequence over the interval [O,u],where p is a
Borel measure on [O,a]. It was proved by L'mbert [206] that an Operator A on a Hilbert space is subnormal if and only if the seqiicnce {lknxlf}
is a moment sequence for every
x in the Hilbert space. A sequence a = (a,,)of positive real numbers is moment
sequence if and only if for some interval I , the linear functional space P ( l ) of polynomials by
defined on the
is positive. This result is used
by Lambert [207] to prove that CT is subnormal on L2(rn) if and only if the linear transformation L : P ( I ) + L"(m) defined as L(
is positive.
He has made use of this result to give several characterizationsof subnormal composition operators in terms of moment sequence which we shall present in the following theorem.
Theorem 2.4.13. Let ( X , Y , r n ) be a measure space and let composition operator on L2(m). Then the following are equivalcnt :
be a
(i) CT is subnormal operator. (ii) For every
L2 (rn), there exists a Borel measure mg on the interval
[0 9 ~ ~ f * ~such ~ , ] that
2.4 Normality of Composition Operators
(iii) For every measurable set S of finite measure the sequence (m(T")-l(S)) is a moment sequence on 0, IIfTII,].
( f ; ( x ) ) is a moment sequence for almost every x
Proof. (i)
* (ii)
Let CT be subnormal and let g E L2(m). Then
is a moment sequence, there exists a measure mg such that
jxt"dm,(t) = jxf (ii)
in X.
M d m
(iii) Let S E 9 ' be of finite measure and let g = xs E L2(m). Since
we conclude by (ii) that (m(T")-'(S)) is a moment sequence. (iii) a (i) If g = xs is a characteristic function of a set of finite measure, then by (iii)
is a moment sequence. If g is a simple function, then
moment sequence. Since simple functions are dense,
is a
is a moment sequence.
Hence CT is subnormal. Lct P , ( I ) denote the set of all polynomials with rational (i) * (iv) complex coefficients and let P:(I) denote the set of all positive polynomials in P,(I),where I = [0,11f~II,]. If p E P : ( l ) , then L(p) 2 0. Let X , , = { X E X : L(p)(x)20). Then m(X\X')=O, where X' = u ( X , : p E P,?(I)). Since P:(I) is dense in P + ( I ) , it follows that L ( p > ( x ) 2 0 for x E X' and p E P + ( I ) . Thus by the statement preceding the theorem, we conclude that ( f ; ( x ) ) is a moment sequence for every x E X'. (iv) a (i) : Let ( f(; x ) ) be a moment sequence for every x E Y , where m(X \ Y) =
11 Composition Operators on LP-Spaces
0. If p E P + ( I ) , then L ( p ) ( x ) 2 0 on Y and hence L is a positive linear transformation. Thus it follows that CT is subnormal. This completes the proof of the theorem.
Lambert has made a detailed study of the expectation operators and their relations with the composition operators. Even though T is not invertible, the functions
are well defined since ET-l('s) g = h 0 T for some Y-measurable function h which is uniquely determined on F, the support of fT. The adjoint C; = fr(ET-'(qg)
is given by
For details we refer to [54]. The following theorem gives a rclation between some reducing subspacesof CT and the expectation operators induced by some o-algebras.
Theorem 2.4.14. Let (X,Y, rn) be a a-finite measure space and let CT be a composition operator on L2(rn). Let S E Y and let d be a a-finite subalgebra of Y. Then (i)
L2(S) is a reducing subspace of CT if and only if T-'(S) = 3.
(ii) L2(X, d ,m) is a reducing subspace of CT &measurable and E T - l ( q E d = ET-l(d).
if and only if fT
(A subspace of a Hilbert space which is invariant under A and A* is called a reducing subspace of A). Proof. (i) If P is the orthogonal projection on L 2 ( S ) , then L*(S) reduces CT if and only if PCTg = CTPg for every g E L 2 ( m ) . From this we have xs.g
r = (xs.g)
T = xT1(s).g
Thus P commutes with CT if
for every g
x s = x ~ - ~ ( Let ~ ) . (Xn)
be a sequence of sets of
finite measure such that X =
n =1
Let g = C T ~ , Then from above we have x,
2.4 Normality of Composition Operators
xs = This is true for all n E f+J.Hence
a.e. on X,.
xs = x T - l ( S ) .
(ii) Suppose L ( X , d ,rn) is a reducing subspace of CT and let g E L2(rn). Then %(fT
g) = fT E d k )
Let ( X , ) be an increasing sequence of measurable sets and let g, = xx,. Then (g, ) converges to 1 pointwise and hence ( E d ( & ) ) converges to 1 pointwise. Since fT.ESa(g,) is d-measurable, we conclude that f~ is d-measurable. By reducibility of CT wehave ET-'(Y)Ed = Ed ET-'(Y)*
If g E L2(X,T-'(Y)nd ,rn), then we can write g = h o T , where h is a measurable function such that h is zero off the support of fT. Now since 2 G h E L2( m), and L ( X , 8 ,rn) reduces CT, we conclude that
Thus ESa(JSTh)oT=&oT.hoT.
on the Support Of fT From this we conclude that E d ( fT.g) = &.g is 8-measurable and g is T'(d)-measurable. Thus ET-'(Y"d) 5 ET-'(d)*
and hence
and hence h
11 Composition Operators on Lp-Spaces
Conversely, if X , E L ( X , d ,m), then
Since ET-l(d)x,is function h. Hence
T-'(d)-measurable, it can be written as h o T for d-measurable
C;X, = fT.h E L2(X.d ,m)
Since the span of the characteristic functions of the sets of finite measures is dense, we conclude that L2(X,d ,m) is invariant under CT and C;, and hence it is a reducing subspace of CT.This complctcs the proof of the theorem.
An operator A on a Hilbert space is said to be centered if the set (A*nA",AkA*k; n,k E Z,) is commutative. In the following theorem we record a recent result of Lambert characterising the centered composition operators in terms of the
measurability of Radon-Nikodym derivative with respect to a particular a-subalgebra of Y .
o( )"
Theorem 2.4.15. Let CT be a composition operator on L2(X,Y,m) and let
Y- =
9. Then C, is centered if and only if the Radon-Nikodym derivative
fT of mT-'
is Y , -measurable.
Outline of the proof. ug =
6T 0
and Pg =
is a composition operator on
0. g for
g E L2, then
is a partial
isometry, CT = UP is the polar decomposition of CT and the polar decomposition of
C; is UnPn,where Png = f i g
8 Ung = 0 T" for every n
CT is centered if and only if U,,= U" for every
fT nE
2.5 Weighted Composition Operators
is centered if and only if f f o T" =
f T 0 T'.
Ym-measurable, then Enf T = fT for every n E Z,. Using induction on n it can be proved that
cT is centered and x
Ux k , k=l
is a painvise disjoint sequence of sets
of finite measure, then it can be shown that
and hence EnfT = f T a.e. for every n Ym-measurable. Note
This will show that
If Ym = (Q,X}, then CT is centered if and only if it is a constant multiple
of an isometry; if
Ym = 3' 2
then CT is centered. Now CT / L ( X , Y m , m ) is
centered, and CT / L ( X , Y , m ) Ym-measurable. 2.5
is centered if and only if EY
vT) is
We know that a weighted composition operator W x , ~ on a function space H ( X ) over a set X is a continuous linear transformation from H(X) to itself defined by W,,T( f ) = R . f 0 T , where x is a function in X and T is a self map of X . If x induces the multiplication operator M , on H Q defined as M,f = x. f and T induces the composition operator CT on H ( X ) , then clearly W x , =~ M&T. But it may happen that pair ( x , T ) induces the weighted composition operator W,,T while T may fail to do so. For example, if x ( x ) = 0 for every x E X and T : X 4 X is any map, then W x , ~is a weighted composition operator whether T induces an operator or not. It is evident that the function Wx,T(f ) is obtained by multiplying by R the composite function f o T . If we multiply first by x and then compose the function Ic.f with T , we get the operator f + (R.Bo T ,
II Composition Operators on LP-Spaces
which we denote by W T , ~ . It is clear that W T , =~ W r r O ~ , In ~ . this section we are interested in presenting some results on the weighted composition operators on L2-spaces. A more general study of these operators with vector-valued or operatorvalued weights on some spaces of continuous functions and cross sections is presented in section 4.4. The study of the weighted composition operators on L2-spaces was initiated by Parrot in [261], where he studied the weighted translation operators, Peterson [269] explored the spectrum and commutant of the weighted translation operators, while Bastian [I71 studied their decomposition. Embry and Lambert [103], and Hoover, Lambert and Quinn [ 1471 further explored the properties and applications of these operators. Dharmadhikari [94] and Kumar [204]studied these operators in detail in their Ph.D. dissertations. The spectra and commutant of some weighted composition operators on i2(Z)were obtained by Carlson [57]. Takagi [389] made a study of compactness of the weighted composition operators on LP-spaces, and Kamowitz and Wortman studied them on Sobolev type spaces. Some of the recent results we shall present in this section. We assume that R : X + C is an essentially bounded measurable function and T : X + X is a non-singular measurable transformation (to have more generalised weighted composition operators we can take the support of IC as the domain of T ). Nowdefinethemeasure on Y as
G(S)= 0,
we conclude that
denote the Radon-Nikodym derivative of m;
with respect to
Since m(S) = 0 implies mT-'(S) = 0 and hence x
mT << m . Let :f m and let
0 = ($f'P.
We know that if fT is essentially bounded, then wx,T is
a bounded operator on Lp( m) , but the converse is not true. The boundedness of W r r , ~ is characterised in terms of boundedness of
Theorem 2.5.1 I$ E
in the following theorem.
W r r , ~is a bounded operator on
Proof. Let g E L2(m). Then
if and only if
2.5 Weighted Composition Operators
From this equality the proof of the theorem follows. This completes the proof of the theorem. Theorem 2.5.2. Let W n , ~be a weighted composition operator on #(m). Then the following are equivalent : (i)
W R , is ~ compact,
(ii) M$ is compact, (iii) Z:
is finitc dimensional for every
E > 0.
Proof. The equivalcnce of (i) and (ii) follows from the above theorem, and equivalence of (ii) and (iii) follows from Theorem 2.3.1. Note.
Theorem 2.3.1. is m e on every LP-space for 1 5 p cm.
As before let X = X1 u X2 be the decomposition of X into non-atomic and atomic parts. Without loss of generality we can write X2 = (xi : i E N}, where each xi is a point with non-zero finite point mass. Let ai= m ((xi)). Then the following theorem of Tagaki [389] characterises the compactness of W x , ~, which is in a way generalization of Theorem 2.3.5. 2
Theorem 2.5.3. A weighted composition operator W x , on ~ L (m) is compact if and only if mT-1 (XI ) = 0 and
((xi}) + O ai
where this limit is taken to be zero if X, is finite.
11 Composition Operators on LP-Spaces
XO = { x E
XI : ~ x > )0).
from which it follows that mT-'(Xl) = 0 if and only if m ( X o ) = 0 i . e . , @(x) = 0 a.e. on X1 ifand only if x(x) = 0 ae. on T-1 (XI). Now, ai+P(Xi) =
= mF({Xi})
and hence
Thus W x , ~is compact if and only if m(Xo) = 0 and Jim + ( x i )= 0. If rn ( X , ) = 0 I+-
and @(xi)+ 0, then for each
the set Xt is union of finitely many atoms and
a set of measure zero. Thus Z t is finite dimensional, and hence by Theorem 2.5.2 (iii) , W x , ~is compact. On the other hand, if m(X0) # 0 or
@(xi)$, 0, then we get
> 0 such
that m ( { x E X , : $ ( x ) > e } ) f 0 or the set {xi E X2 : $ ( x i ) > E} has infinitely many atoms. In each case Z t is infinite dimensional and W n , is ~ not compact. This completes the proof of the theorem.
In the following theorem we record some results which are easy to prove Theorem 2.5.4.
Let (X,Y, m) be a a-finite measure space. Then
(a) W x , =~ 0 if and only if n vanishes on T ' ( S ) a.e., whenever m(S) c 00, (b) W T , ~is an isometry on L2(m) if and only if
f ~ lx I2 = 1
(c) W T ,is~unitary on L2.(m) if and only if rrC'(Y) = Y and
I x I 2 f ~= 1
(a) If T A is a transitive algebra of bounded linear operators on L2 containing W x , ~such that x(n) + 0 as n 0 0 , then TA = B ( L 2 ) , the algebra of all
2.5 Weighted Composition Operators
bounded linear operators on L2.
Let k E Z, and 1 Ip 5 00. Then by S/ we denote the vector space of all functions f on the interval [0, 11 such that f,f,.....,f'k-'' are absolutely continuous and fk) E Lp (0,l). If f E S/ thendefine
S With this norm [
is a Banach space.
Kamowitz and Wortman [ 1691 have characterised some compact weighted S and computed the spectrum of these operators. We shall composition operators on [ present these results in the following theorem without proof. Theorem 2.5.5.
(i) Let T be a self map of [0,1] such that T E SL n C' [0,1] and T is of N-bounded variation for some N E N. Let tt E S F . Then W x , ~is a weighted composition operator on S;, (ii) Let Wn,T be the weighted composition operator induced by tt and T as given in (i). Then W n , ~is compact if and only if tt.7" = 0.
(iii) If the weighted composition operator W x , ~is compact, then o(W,,~) = [z E C :
Z" =
x ( c ).....x(Tn-'(c)) for some
n E Z, and for
some fixed point c of order n U (0). ( a ( W n , ~ )as usual denotes the spectrum of
The spectrum of a weighted composition operator on a general LP-space has not been found so far. But the spectra in certain special cases have been computed by Carlson [57], Komal [189], Ridge [279], and recently by Takagi [389]. Let YO = X and let 5 = ( x E YO : x(x)
0) , Inductively, define
11 Composition Operators on LP-Spaces
for every k E z, . Clearly { Y k } is a decreasing sequence of the measurable subsets of X. An atom c in X is called a fixed point of T of order k, k 2 1, if X E Y k , T k ( x ) = x and T i ( x ) # x for 1 S j S k - 1 . If xEX2nYk, then ( x , T(x), ,T k ( x ) ) is a subset of X2. In the following theorem of Tagaki [389] the spectrum of a compact weighted composition operator is computed using the techniques of Kamowitz ([164]. [1691). Theorem 2.5.6.
If W x , ~is a compact weighted composition operator on Lp(rn),
Proof. Suppose h
0 andforevery k
for every fixed atom c of order k. Let g E LP(m) such that Wx.T g = k
Let X = XIu X2 be the decomposition of X into non-atomic and atomic parts, and
uYk, x 0
let x
X2. Then, since X =
Yk for some k. Using (1). by induction
we have
hkg(x) = x(x)x(T(x))......x(T'-'(x))g(Tk(x)) for every k
Z,. In case
x E Yk and x E Y k + l , we have x ( T k ( x ) ) = 0, and
hence hg( T k ( x ) )= 0. From this it follows that hk"g(x) = x ( x ) ...... 7t(Tk-'(x))wx,Tg(Tk(x)) = 0.
Since h # 0, we conclude that g(x) = 0. Let x E Yk for every k E Z, and let orb(x) = ( T k ( x ) : k E Z+)be the positive orbit of x . In case orb@) is finite,
2.5 Weighted Composition Operators
T i ( , ) is a fixedatom of T. If k is theorder of T j ( x ) * then “g
(Ti(x ) ) = .(Ti( x ) ) ......
Ti(x ) ) ) . g( T i (x ) ) .
From this we conclude that g( T ’ ( x ) ) = 0. Since &(x)
= R(X)
......ft(Ti-’(x)) g(Tj(x)) = 0 ,
we get g(x) = 0. Now, suppose orb(x) is infinite. For
If this set is infinite for some
E > 0,
> 0 consider the set
> 0, then since
for infinitely many
Theorem 2.5.3. Thus for every
i E Z+,which is impossible by
there exists ko such that
If k 2 ko, then by a simple computation it can be shown that
From this inequality taking E = * we can conclude that g ( x ) = 0 . This shows that g ( x ) = 0 for x E X2. Now we shall show that g is zero almost everywhere on
11 Composition Operators on LP-Spaces
XI. Let x e XI such that
IC ( x )
= 0. Then
and hence g ( x ) = 0. If x E X I n T - I ( X 2 ) . since T ( x ) E X 2 , we conclude that g(T(x)) = 0, and hence h&) = 0. Thus g ( x ) = 0 since h z 0. Since
m( X1 n T - I ( X 1 ) ) = 0, we conclude that g ( x ) = 0 a. e. on XI. This shows that g(x) = 0 a. e. on X, and hence h
e a(W n , ~u) (0). This shows that
O(W,,J) u (0) c (h : hk = n(c)re(T(c))
for some fixed atom c of order k
} u (0).
The reverse inclusion can be obtained in the same way as done by Kamowitz [la,Proposition 31. This completes the proof.
If 1 < p < 0 0 , then LP(m) is reflexive and hence W n ,is~weakly compact. In case p = 1, the class of the weakly compact weighted composition operators coincide with that of the compact weighted composition operators. This result we shall record in the following theorem. Theorem 2.5.7 [389]. Let W n , ~ be a weighted composition operator on L*(m). Then the following are equivalent :
(i) W . , J is weakly compact,
(ii) WQ
is compact. 2
Note. Some results on the weighted composition operators on f are also given in section 3.4.
This chapter is a study of the composition operators on the functional Banach spaces and functional Hilbert spaces which include among others the well known p-spaces of the unit disc, the unit polydisc, or the upper-half plane and LP-spaces. In the beginning of the chapter a characterization of the composition operators is presented in the general case and in the subsequent three sections composition operators on some special functional Banach spaces (Hilbert spaces) are studied. Most of the work on the composition operators on Hardy spaces was done during the last fifteen years or so. Most of the mathematicians like Cima and Wogen [74], Cowen ([84], [851, [861), Deddens 1901, Kamowitz ([161], [162], [163], Nordgren ([2531,[2541, [257]), Roan ([282], [283]), Ryff [297], Schwartz [303], Shapiro and Taylor ([3061, [309]) and Swanton [384] studied the properties of the composition operators on H(D), where D is the unit disc of the complex plane. Singh and Sharma ([3591, [3601, [3611) studied these operators on Hp(D") and Hp(Pt), where D" is the unit polydisc and Pt is the upper-half-plane. During the middle of the last decade MacCluer ([228], [229], [230]) made an intensive study of the composition operators on Hp(Dn), where Dn denotes the unit ball of C". Recently Jafari [152] characterised those composition operators on Hp(D") and weighted Hardy spaces, which are bounded or compact, and Zorboska ([411], [413]) studied these operators on weighted Hardy spaces, while Sharma and Kumar [314] explored some of their properties on Hardy Orlicz spaces. An extensive work on these operators on Lp-spaces has been done by Singh and Gupta ([332], [3341), Singh and Komal([3361, [3371,[3381,[3391)and recently by Carlson (1571, WI). 3.1
If X is a non-empty set and H(X) is a functional Banach space of complex-valued functions, then we know that the evaluation functionals S,, defined as 6, (f)=f (x ), * are continuous and hence belong to H the conjugate space of If T :X +X
111 Composition Operatorson Functional Banach Spaces
is a mapping such that f oT belongs to H ( X ) wheneverf belongs to H(X), then the mapping taking f into f oT is a linear transformation from H ( X ) into itself. By the closed graph theorem this linear transformation is continuous (bounded). This transformation is denoted by CT and is called the composition operator on H ( X ) inducedby T. If A is an operator on H ( X ) , then A*, the adjoint of A is an operator on H * ( X ) defined as
for every F E H * ( X ) and f E H ( X ) . It is evident that A* is the composition operator on H*(X) induced by the operator A . If CT is a composition operator on H(X) and A = {6, : x E XI. then clearly A is invariant under C;; actually C; 6 , = 6T(xl. It turns out that this condition is also sufficient for an operator A on H(X) to be a composition operator. This is evident from the following theorem. Theorem 3.1.1. Let H ( X ) be a functional Banach space over a non-empty set X and let A be an operator on H* Q . Then A is a composition operator if and only if A is * invariant under A ( i. e., A ( A ) c A ). Proof.
Suppose A = C T
(G 6 , ) (f)=
for some T. Let 6 x ~ Aand
f e H ( X ) . Then
6 x ( C T f ) = 6 r ( f O T ) = f ( T ( x ) ) = s T ( x ) ( f ) . Thus &,=6,(,)EA*
Conversely, suppose A is invariant under A * . Let x E X. Then 6, E A and hence A * ~ , E A . Thus there exists a T ( x ) E X such that A * S , = 6 T ( x ) . The mapping T taking x to T(x) is well defined. Now
This shows that CT = A . This completes the proof of the theorem.
If H ( X ) is a functional Hilbert space and x E X, then by Riesz-representation theorem there exists a unique f , H~( X ) such that
f(4 = %(f) = (f*f x ) Let K(X)= [f, : x
for all
E H(X)
XI. Then K ( X ) is a subset of H ( X ) and the invariance of
3 .I General Characterizations
K ( X ) under A* is a necessary and sufficient condition for A to be a composition operator on H(X). This we record in the following theorem the proof of which is similar to that of Theorem 3.1.1
Theorem 3.1.2. Let H ( X ) be a functional Hilbert space and let A be an operator on H ( X ) . Then A is a composition operator on H ( X ) if and only if K ( X ) is invariant under A* . In this case A*f = f T ( x ) . Corollary 3.1.3. An operator A on L p , p 2 1 is a composition operator if and only if the set ( ei : i E N ] is invariant under A* . Proof. Since L p is a functional Banach space and 6i = ei for all i E N, the proof follows from Theorem 3.1.1.
In case H ( X ) is a functional Hilbert space, the kernel function K of H ( X ) is defined as
+ X is a map and {xl,x2,...,x,} is a finite subset of X, then by the symbol f(x1,x2,...,x,) we denote the matrix whose (i, j]th entry is K ( x i , xi). Now the following theorem of Nordgren [254] characterises the mappings 7 which induce composition operators on HQ. If T : X
Theorem 3.1.4. A mapping T : X + X induces a composition operator on H ( X ) if and only if there exists an M > 0 such that
for every finite subset
( ~ 1 . ~ 2 x,}
of X.
Proof. Since K(xl,x2,...,x,) is a Gram Matrix, it is a positive matrix. Suppose CT is the composition operator induced by T. Then by Theorem 3.1.2 C; f, = f+) for i =1, 2,.. .,n. If a1,a2,...,a, are n complex numbers, then
I11 Composition Operators on Functional Banach Spaces
Computing the norm in H ( X ) we see that the above inequality is equivalent to the following inequality
which is equivalent to the condition given in the theorem. 3.2
In this section we plan to present results on the composition operators on a very nice class of functional Banach spaces of analytic functions,namely, Hardy spaces, which have very rich algebraic and topological structures. The period of the last fifteen years or so had been very productive so far as the study of these operators on Hardy spaces is concerned, and due to some restrictions and necessity we would not be able to present all the results obtained so far. But a comprehensive bibliography is given and most of the omitted results can be found in the references cited there. Most of the works during the period concentrated on the study of the composition operators on Hp(D). Singh and Sharma ([361], [317]) attempted to study these operators on Hp(D"). In her papers ([229], [230]) MacCluer studied composition operators on Hp(D,). The definitions of Hardy spaces Hp(D),Hp(D")and @(On) are given in chapter-I. For further details about these spaces the readers should see Rudin ([287], [289]). In case n = 1, Hp(D") = Hp(D,) = Hp(D). and it is known that every holomorphic map T :D + D induces a composition operator on Hp(D). This result does not carry over to the case of several complex variables. MacCluer [229],and Cima and Wogen [75] have produced examples of holomorphic mappings taking D , into Dn and not inducing composition operators on $(On) for n > 1; and Singh and Sharma [361] and Jafari [152] produced exmples of unbounded composition operators on Hp(D"). In case of Hp(D") if each component of the map T :D" + D" is a holomorphic map from D to D. then T induces a composition operator. Thus every automorphism induces a composition operator on Hp(D"). A characterisation of holomorphic mappings inducing composition operators on l f p ( D " ) has recently been given by Jafari [ 1521 in terms of a measure associated with T. The following theorem contains some results on the composition operators on Hp(D). most of which are due to Schwartz [303].
3.2 Composition Operators on H (D ), H
(D " ) and H (D,,)
Theorem 3.2.1. (i) Every holomorphic map T from D into itself induces a composition operator CT on Hp(D)for 1 I p 5 00 and
(ii) If f n ( z ) = zn for n E Z, and A is non-zero bounded operator on Hp(D), then the following are equivalent : (a) A is a composition operator, (b) A f,,= (Afl)"
for every n E Z, ,
(c) A(f.g) = Af . Ag in H ~ ( D ) .
for every bounded analytic functions f and g
(iii) A composition operator CT on Hp(D) is invertible if and only if T is a conformal automorphism of D .
Proof. (i) By a result of Rudin ([286], [287]) an analytic functionf on D belongs to Hp(D) if and only if has a harmonic majorant, and if y p is the least harmonic ) . if T :D + D is analytic and f E I I p ( D ) , majorant of f, then ~ ~ f ~~ ~~ p( =0 Now then f o T is analytic on D and
Thus y j o T is a harmonic majorant for f 0 T and hence f o T E H p ( D ) . This shows that T induces the composition operator CT. In this case
Hence by Harnack's inequality we have
(ii) Suppose Af,=(Afl)"
Z+. wehave
for n E h+. If T = Af1, then T belongs to Hp(D). Now
111 Composition Operators on Functional Banach Spaces
Taking limits of both sides as n + =, it can be shown that
where f denotes the radial limit of T which exists almost everywhere on the unit circle. Thus by the maximum modulus principle T maps D into D and it can not be a constant function of unit modulus. Thus T induces the composition operator CT which agrees with A on f ; s and hence A = C T . Conversely, if A is a composition operator, then Af,, = (Afi)" follows trivially. This proves the equivalence of (a) and (b). The equivalenceof (a) and (c) follows easily from this. (iii) Suppose A is the inverse of CT and suppose f and g functions in Hp(D). Then
are bounded analytic
CT A ( f g ) = A(fk?)oT= f . g = (CTAf )(CTAg)
Thus ( A ( f g ) - A f . A g ) o T = O . Since T is non-constant as C T conclude that the range of T is an open set. Hence
is invertible, we
A ( f 4 = Af .A& Thus by (ii) there exists an analytic function U from D into itself such that A = Cu. Since
(cVcTfi)(z) = (T
u)(z)= z = (U o T ) ( z )
for a11 z E D,
we conclude that T is invertible with analytic inverse. Hence T is a conformal automorphism. The converse is easy to prove.
Note. In case of I I m ( D )every holomorphic T induces a contraction i.e., CT I 1. If T is an inner function, then it has been shown by Nordgren [253] that the inequality in part (i) of the theorem is equality and if 0 is a fixed point of T , then CT is an isometry. In part (iii) invertibility of CT implies that T is invertible in analytic sense which is the same as saying that T is a Mobius transformation. Not every holomorphic map from D" to D" induces a composition operator on I I P ( D R )for n > 1 as was shown by Singh and Sharma in [361]. For example,
3.2 Composition Operators on H (D ), H
(D " ) and H (Dn)
T ( q , z 2 )= ( ~ 1 ~ 1does ) not induce a composition operator on H 2 ( D2 ), But certain nice mappings always induce composition operators on H p ( D " ) . Such some mappings are given in the following theorem which is a partial generalization of part (i) of Theorem 3.2.1.
Theorem 3.2.2. Let t1,t2,...,t,, be n itself andlet T : D" -) D n bedefinedas
holomorphic functions from D
Then T induces a composition operator CT on H p ( D " ) for 1 Ip c
and in this
Proof. If f E H P ( D " ) , then has an n-harmonic majorant (see Rudin [287]). Thus p r f o T is an n-harmonic majorant of lfoTIp and hence f o T E I f p ( D " ) .Thus T induces a composition operator on H p ( D " ) . The inequality can be obtained after some computation (see [361] for details).
Corollary 3.2.3. (i) Every automorphism T ofD" operator on H ~ ( D " ) .
induces a composition
(ii) Every proper holomorphic map from D" to D" induces a composition operator on ~ ~ ( 0 " ) .
Proof. The proof follows from the above theorem because every automorphism as well as every proper holomorhic map is of the type given in the statement of the theorem (see [250]for details). Note. In the definition of T in the statement of Theorem 3.2.2 any pcrmutation of { ~ 1 . 2 2 ,...,zn} can bc taken.
If T = (q,T2,...,Tn) is a holomorphic map from D" to D" such that all but one Ti are constants, then T induces a composition operator on IIP(D"). For details we refer to [361]. The problem of characterization of holomorphic mappings inducing composition
I11 Composition Operators on Functional Banach Spaces
operators on H p ( D " ) remained unsolved until the end of the last decade. In 1990 Jafari [152] presented a characterization in terms of the measures induced by the mappings. By 30" we denote the distinguished boundary of D" and mn denotes the n-dimensional normalised Lebesgue area measure on aD" . If R is a rectangle on aD" , then S(R) denotes the Corona associated to R . If R = I I x 1 2 x...x l , c a D " , where I j
is the interval on aD of length
and centre at exp
j = 1,...,n, then
S ( R ) = S ( l i ) X S ( l z ) X ...X S ( l , ) , i0
~ D : l - u . < r < l and O j J
If G is any open subset in 30". then S(G) is defined as S(G) =
If T : D"
+ Dn
u (S(R) : R a reclangle in G}.
is a holomorphic map, then define
P(5) = ljzit T(r 6) for 5 E 80" , whenever the limit exists. Define the measure pT on D" as
where F is a Borel subset of
0"; Then it is clear that
If i%
d p ~ =f o f dm, for
p is any finite, non-negative Borel measure on D" and if A is the
identity operator taking Hp(D") into L p ( p ) for 1 < p < 00, then it has been recordcd by Jafari [152] that A is bounded if and only if p(S(C)) Ic m,(G) for every open connected subset G of 30" i.e. p is a Carleson measure on D". He further showed that the boundedness of CT on a dense subset of H p ( D " ) is equivalent to boundedness of CT on H p ( D " ) for 1 < p < 00. These results are used in the proof of the following theorem which characterises mappings inducing composition opcrators on H p ( D " ) and gives a sufficient condition for unbounded composition operators.
3.2 Composition Operators on H (D ), H
Let T : D"
Theorem 3.2.4. 1 < p c 00. Then
+ Dn
(D " ) and H
be a holomorphic function and let
(i) C r is a composition operator on H p ( D " ) if and only if ~ T ( S ( G ) ) C C ~ , ( G ) for every open set G in 80" and for some constant c > 0. (1- l z i r )
(ii) If sup
1 - lq(2)l
is infinite, then T does not induce a composition
operatoron H p ( D " ) ,where T ( z ) = ( q ( 2 ) , T 2 ( z ,..., ) Tn(z)) .
Proof. (i) Since
( 7 c(.").
functional on C D
E Hp(Dn)
f dpT =
, we conclude that p~
gives rise to a continuous linear
is a well-defined measure. If
If p~ is a Carleson measure, then it follows from the statement preceding this theorem is continuous on H
that C T
and hence on H p ( D " ) , since
is dense in H p ( D " ) . If CT is bounded, then again by above argument p is a Carleson measure. This outlines the proof of part (i). (ii) It is sufficient to consider p = 2. Let z E D " . Define g, : D n +C
Then g,
I I 2 ( Dn ), and hence
We also have
I11 Composition Operators on Functional Banach Spaces
From this it follows that
This is true for all z E D" ; hence
This takes care of the proof of part (ii). Note. Using the theory of Carleson measures it follows that an analytic map T :D" + D" induces a composition operator if and only if p . ~ is a Carleson measure on D" . If T ( z ~ , z ~ (zl,zl), )= then T is an analytic self map of D" and
1- z
is infinite, and hence T does not induce a composition opcrator on H p ( D " ) as reported earlier. For more such examples we refer to [ l l l ] and [152].
MacCluer produced several examples of analytic self-maps of D , which do not induce composition operators on H P ( D , ) for n > 1. Let a = (al,a2, ...,a,) E a:
3.2 Composition Operators on H
(D ), H
(D " ) and H
(D, )
such that aif 0 for atleast two i' s and let p ( a ) be the product of the numbers of type
where ai f 0. Let q(a)= l a ~ ~ For 1 2 .2 = (21,22,... , I , )
E D,
, define
Then it turns out that T : D, + D, is analytic. MacCluer [228] has produced a sequence {g,] in H p ( D " ) such that llgnOTII tends to infinity as n does. Thus T 2 0 ) , then T is a does not induce a composition operator. If T(zl, z2) = (zl 2 + z2, sclf map of D2 which does not induce a composition operator either. Similarly, if T1 and T2 are inner functions on D , and a, b > 0, then the map
does not induce a composition operator on H p(D2). MacCluer has given a characterization of holomorphic self maps of D, inducing composition operators on Hp(D,) in terms of the measures induced by self maps. The characterization is similar to one given recently by Jafari in [152] for H p ( D n ) and recorded in the last theorem. We shall need some definition to present the characterization given by MacCluer. Let m be the probability measure on the boundary aD,, of D,, which is rotation invariant ([see Rudin [289]). If T : 0,-) D, is a holomorphic map and 6 E a D,, then define f(()=limT(rc), r-1
which exists a.e. with respect to m . Thus T can be regarded as a map from defined as into itself. This map f induces a Borel measure p~ on
for every Borel subset F of
0,.Let 77 E D,
and let t > 0. Then define the set Sk as
I11 Composition Operators on Functional Banach Spaces
The following theorem characterises the mappings inducing composition operators on HP(Dn).
Theorem 3.2.5. are equivalent : (i)
Let T : R,,+ R,, be a holomorphic map. Then the following
CT is a composition operator on H ~ ( D , , ) ;
(ii) there exists a constant b > 0 such that h , , ( t ) l b t " t > 0; (iii) pT is an rn-carleson measure on
for every ?'l E D,, and
Proof. It is based on a characterization of m-Carleson measures on in [2301.
One of the interesting classes of operators on any Banach space is the class of compact operators. We are interested here in reporting about the compact composition operators. In case of LP-spaces there is scarcity of compact composition operators as we have seen in section three of chapter 11. But in case of HP-spaces there are many compact composition operators. For example, if T maps R into a polygon inscribed in the unit circle, then CT is a compact composition operator on Hp(D) as is shown by Shapiro and Taylor in [309]. A similar sufficient condition in terms of a geometric property of the range of the inducing function has been obtained by MacCluer in [230] in case of Hp(D,,). Recently Jafari [152] presened a characterization of compact operators on H p ( D " ) ,and Sharma and Singh [317] studied such operators on H 2 ( D " ) . While a suitable characterizationof compact composition operators on functional Banach spaces of analytic functions is still awaited, it has been settled for most common spaces. In the following theorem we present some known results on compact composition operators on If P(D).
Theorem 3.2.6. (i)
Let CT be a composition operator on H p ( D ) . Then
CT is compact if and only if for every norm bounded sequence {f,,} in Hp(D) which converges to zero uniformly on compact subsets of the unit disc, the sequence {f,,0 T } converges to zero in norm.
I- I
(ii) CT is compact implies that T (e ) < 1 a.e. je
3.2 Composition Operators on H (D ), H
(D " ) and H
(iii) CT is not compact if T possesses an angular derivative at some point of 80. (iv) C T is Hilbert-Schmidt if and only if 1/ (1 respect to Lebesgue measure on 20,p = 2. (v)
CT is a trace class operator on inscribed in the unit circle.
I f I ) is integrable with 2
H p ( D ) if T takes D
into a polygon
Proof. (i) This result is true in several Banach spaces of analytic functions and the proof is not difficult. It can be found in [303]. (ii) Since T maps D into D , it is obvious that let f n on D
be defined as f n ( t ) = z n . Then
If 1
(eie) c 1 a . e . Let n E N and
is a norm bounded sequence
converging to zero uniformly on compact subsets of D . If
I- I
T (e ) = 1=1 on a set
of non-zero measure, then
as n + 00. Hence by (i), CT is not compact. (iii) Suppose T has angular derivative at e i e which can be assumed to be 1 without any loss of generality. By definition of the angular derivative it is clcx that there exists a constant k > 0 such that
Then it can be shown that { f n } is a weak null sequence in H 2 ( D ) and the sequence ( f n o T } is bounded away from zero. Hence CT is not compact (for details see 12541). OD
-, (iv) CT is Hilbert-Schmidt if and only if X l l C ~ f ~ l r c where defined in (ii). Since n=l
is same as
I11 Composition Operators on Functional Banach Spaces
we conclude the result. (v) See [309] for the proof.
Note. Results (i) and (ii) of the above theorem are due to Schwartz who has shown that the condition in (ii) is not sufficient. If T takes z to
for z E D , then T
touches D at 1. But T does not induce a compact composition operator. This follows from part (iii) of the above theorem. Parts (iii) through (v) are due to Shapiro and Taylor [309] which are m e for every 1 I p S 00, not necessarily p = 2 as taken in the theorem. On H"(D) a composition operator is compact if and only if 1 T ,1 < 1. Cowen in his paper [841 has shown that compactness of CT implies that I a I < 1, where a is the Denjoy-Wolff point of T, a non-elliptic Mobius transformation. The result of (iii) is extended to weighted Dirichlet spaces and H p ( D n )by MacCluer and Shapiro 12331.
In the following theorem we record the characterizations of compact cornposition operators on H p ( D n )and H p ( D n ) given by Jafari [152] and MacCluer [230] respectively. Proofs can be found in the cited reference. Theorem 3.2.7. only if
(i) A composition operator CT on H p ( D n )is compact if and
lim m,,(G)-m
sup P T ( S ( G ) ) = 0. GcaD"
(ii) A composition operator CT on H p ( D n ) is compact if and only if uniformly in q as t + 0.
= O(t")
Now we shall describe the spectra of composition operators on some Hardy spaces. From the known results so far, it is evident that in exploration of the spectra of composition operators the fixed points of the inducing functions play very important roles. The first result in this direction was obtained by Nordgren [253] who computed the
3.2 Composition Operators on H (D ), H
(D ) and H
spectra of composition operators induced by linear fractional transformations from D onto D . Then Kamowitz ([160], [1611) made a deep study of the spectra of composition operators induced by analytic mappings taking D into D with a condition that they are analytic in an open region containing D . Deddens [90] also obtained some results in special cases. Cowen [841 made a thorough study of the spectral properties of composition operators in terms of the behaviour of the inducing functions in vicinity of the Denjoy-Wolff points. The results are quite deep and computational; and hence we will content ourselves with their statements. For the proofs the readers can see the cited references. In several variables case Figura [I121 and MacCluer ([2281, [229]) reported the results about the spectra of composition operators. In this case too,the fixed points play very crucial roles. If T :D + D is an inner function with a fixed point in D , then we can define a linear fractional transformation L : D + D such that L is onto and it takes the fixed point to 0. If U = L o T o G ' , then U has a fixed point at 0, and hence by a result of [253], C,IJ is an isometry. Thus CT is similar to CIJ . If T : D + D is a linear fractional transformation, then the fixed points of T determine the behaviour of T . If T has one fixed point inside the unit circle and one outside, then it is called elliptic. In this case the function U has the form U ( z ) = e i e z for some 8. If two fixed points of T are on the unit circle a D , then T is called hyperbolic. It is known that the derivative T' of T takes a positive value k > 1 at one fixed point. If T has one fixed point on JD, then T is called parabolic. We shall record some known results about spectra in the following theorems. By ~ ( C T ) we , denote the spectrum of CT.
Theorem 3.2.8 [Nordgren [254]]. Then
Let CT be a composition operator on H p ( D ) .
(i) b ( C T ) = D ,if T is an inner function which is not a linear fractional transformation and has a fixed point in D. (ii) a(CT)=closure of the set {e" : n E H , } , if T is elliptic. 1 is hyperbolic. L E C : z 5 , if
(iv) ~ ( C T= )a D , if T is parabolic. Theorem 3.2.9 [Kamowitz [l6l]]. Let T : D + D be an analytic map such that T is also analytic on and CT is a composition operator on H p ( D ) for 1 5 p c w . Then
I11 Composition Operators on Functional Banuch Spaces
o(cT)= { ( ~ ’ ( z o ) ) ” :
u (0,1>, if C;
is compact for some
n E Z, (zo is a fixed point of T in D ) [61].
(ii) If C;! is not compact for every n E H, and T is not surjective linear fractional transformation having no fixed point in D , then by Brouwer fixed point theorem, there exists a unique fixed zOEaD such that O < T ’ ( z o ) S l . Let b = T ’ ( z o ) . Then if point b c 1, o(CT) = ( z
(iii) Suppose F =
Let k
C :
I L I Ib-’”}
andif b = 1, C T ( C T ) C D .
T has a fixed point Z O E D and T
is not inner.
T“(aD) is a finite subset of aD and T : F + F is a permutation.
be the order of permutation, and let c = min[(T*j(z)
: z
Then c > 1 and
o ( C T )= ( z
E C :
I z I S 1 / ~ ” ’ t )u { ( T ’ ( z o ) ) I
: n
Theorem 3.2.10 [Cowen [84]]. Let T :D + D be an analytic non-elliptic linear fractional transformation and let a be the Denjoy-Wolff point of T i . e . T ( a ) = a, T’(a)I I 1 and a I 1. Then
(i) y(CT)=l if la1 < 1 and y ( C ~ ) = l / @ ( a ) denotes the spectral radius of CT.
if la1 = 1 where ~ ( C T )
(ii) If T is an inner function which is not a linear fractional transformation, then
o(CT)= [ z
C :
I z I 5 (T’(a))”’’]
in case Ia I = 1.
Theorem 3.2.11 [Figura [112], MacCluer [229]]. Let T : D, + D n holomorphic map such that CT is a composition operator on If p( Dn). Then (i) If
is then
o (CT)= ( z
and z o E
C :
is L
= ha(zo) : a
be a
point of T
Z : ) U (0) , where
h(zO)=(hl,hz, ...,h,} is the set of all eigen-values of the operator dT(z0) : C” + C” defmedbythederivativeof T at 50.
3.2 Composition Operators on H (D ), H
(D " ) and H (D, )
(ii) If T is an automorphism with a fixed point on aD, , then O(CT) = all,,
(iii) If T is an automorphism fixing the point Y ( c T )= *
(1,O.O.O ...,0) only, then
(iv) If A : @" + C" is a linear transformation with T : D, +D, is defined as T ( z)= Az.
1 A 11=1
) the point spectrum of where h={h,,h,,...,h,}=a(A) and a p ( C ~denotes
CT * (v)
If T ( w ) = A w + b for W E D , where IIAlI+lbl c 1 then CT isauaceclass operator and
where h = { hl,h2,...,h,} = a(A) .
The range of any operator is a linear manifold which is not necessarily closed or dense. But in some cases the range is closed or dense; for example if operator is an isometry, then the range is closed. In the following theorem, we give two results pertaining to the range of a composition operator; the first result is due to Cima, Thomson and Wogen [73] and the second due to Roan [283]. The first result has been generalised for the composition operators on LP-spaces by Singh and Kumar [340].
Theorem 3.2.12. Let T :D + D be an analytic non-constant map, let be the boundary function of T, and let fi: be the Radon-Nikodym derivative of the measure mf-' on LID with respect to the normalised Lebesgue measure m on LID. Then (i) CT has closed range in H 2 ( D ) if and only if fF is bounded away from 0 a.e. on 3 0 . (ii)
If T is a weak* generator on H"(D), then the range of CT is dense in N ~ 1,c p <=.
I11 Composition Operators on Functional Banach Spaces
Proof. (i) Suppose f T is bounded away from zero and let f E H p ( D). Then
Hence CT is bounded below and therefore has closed range. Converse-], if f T is not bounded away from zero, then for every k E N , the set
is of non-zero
I jk I
measure. Let
= 1 on Fk and
I sk I
Let f k E H m ( D ) such that
of aD-Fk. Thenitcanbeshownthat
Thus CT is not bounded below and hence the range of CT is not closed since T is non-constant. (ii) For proof the readers are refered to [283].
Now we shall state the following theorem from [73] without proof which characterizes Fredholm composition operators on If@). Theorem 3.2.13. Let T : D +D be an analytic map. Then CT is Fredholm on H2(D) if and only if CT is invertible if and only if T is a conformal automorphism of D .
The study of operator algebras is linked with the invariant subspace problem of operator theory. The reflexive algebra problem, the transitive algebra problem and the reductive algebra problem have connections with the invariant subspace problem. As mentioned in the introductory chapter, the second aim of the study of the composition
3.2 Composition Operators on H (D ), H
(D " ) and H (D, )
operators has been concerned with establishing a link of composition operators with this outstanding problem. It has been shown that every composition operator on L2 has a non-trivial invariant subspace [336]. In 1987 Nordgren, Rosenthal and Wintrobe [257] showed that every operator on a Hilbert space has an invariant subspace if and only if the minimal invariant subspaces of a composition operator CT on H 2 ( D ) induced by a hyperbolic surjective linear fractional transformation are one dimensional. Thus the study of invariant subspaces of a particular composition operator CT, like T(r) = (22-1)/(2-2) may lead towards a solution of the invariant subspace problem. This follows from the study of algebras generated by composition operators. Cima and Wogen [74] proved that the weakly closed algebra generated by the group of all invertible composition operators on H 2 ( D ) is reflexive. If f is a non-constant function in H p ( D ) , then it turns out that the set (CTf : T automorphism of D) has dense span. From this it follows that (0), C and H 2 ( D ) are the only subspaces of H 2 ( D ) which are invariant under every invertible composition operator CT. This result together with a result of Radjavi and Rosenthal [276] gives the reflexivity of the weakly closed algebra generated by all invertible composition operators. In [257] these results of Cima and Wogen are extended besides giving a nice structure theorem for invertible composition operators showing the reflexivity of such operators. Several consequences are dcrived including a link between general invariant subspace problem and minimal invariant subspaces of a hyperbolic composition operator on H 2 ( D ) . In the following theorem we shall record the main results of [257].
Theorem 3.2.14. Let CT be a composition operator on H.2(D). 1 5 p Then
< m.
(i) Every strongly closed algebra of operators on H 2 ( D ) containing CT is reflexive if T is an elliptic automorphism of D of an infinite order. (ii) If T is inncr and T (0) f 0, then the common invariant subspace of CT and thc adjoint of the unilateral shift are the subspaces of the type I/ 2 (D) 0 z g / f 2 ( D ) ,where g is inner and g o T is a divisor of g. (iii) Let T : D +D be an automorphism such that either T is parabolic with 1 as the fixed point or T is hyperbolic with 1 and -1 as the fixed points. Let b ( z ) be the Blaschke product with zeros at T(,)(O) , n and let K O be the subspace spanned by
: n E Z].
KO = (z.b(z)H2(D))' = U2 Be,and the compression of C, similar to a bilateral weighted shift.
to 2
I11 Composition Operators on Functional Banach Spaces
(iv) If T : D+ D is a parabolic or hyperbolic invertible linear fractional transformation, then C, is super-reflexive. (v) If T : D + D is a hyperbolic automorphism of D and h is an interior point of o(CT), then the operator C, - hr is universal. N o t e . There are some more results on composition operators on the Hardy spaces of the disc, the polydisc and the unit ball. Due to compactness of the monograph it would not be possible to list them all in this section of chapter 111. They can be seen in the cited references. For example, Shapiro [306] computed the essential norm of composition operators using the Nevanlinna counting functions and Cowen [86] computed the adjoint
of some composition operators and used it to characterise subnormal and hyponormal Some of the semi group properties of these operators composition operators on ~'(0). studied by Siskakis ([373], [374]) are presented in the last chapter of this book.
The composition operators on several functional Banach spaces of analytic functions other than Hardy spaces have also been studied during the last two decades or so. Boyd [42] studied them on Bergman spaces; MacCluer and Shapiro [233] explored their properties on weighted Dirichlet spaces; Zorboska [414] studied them on S, spaces; and Chan and Shapiro [651 on Hilbert spaces of entire functions. In [385] Swanton studied compact composition operators on Banach spaces of bounded analytic functions on a domain of C, where as Mayer ([237], [238]) studied them on Banach spaces of analytic functions on a domain of C" and used the results in the study of statistical mechanics. Now in the next section we shall report the results obtained on the composition operators on the Hardy spaces of the upper half plane. 3.3
Let P+ denote the upper half plane i.e., P = {w : w
C and
Im w > 0},
where Im w denotes the imaginary part of w. Then the Hardy space If p ( P + ) for 1 Ip < 00 is defined as
3.3 Composition Operators on H (P+)
Under the pointwise vector space operations and the norm defined as
C f p ( P + ) becomes a functional Banach space. The main aim of this section is to study composition operators on H p ( P + ) . In the case of several variables Figura, Jafari and
MacCluer have given examples of the holomorphic mappings from D" to D" or from 0, to D, which do not induce composition operators on Hardy spaces. Here too, though the case is of one variable, there are analytic functions mapping P+ into P+ without inducing composition operators on H p ( P + ) . A study of the composition operators on H p ( P + ) was started by Singh and Sharma ([359], [360]). Actually, Sharma studied them in detail in his Ph.D. thesis [3111. Cowen 1851 made a study of a particular 2 + type of the composition operators on H (P ) and employed them to explore some properties of Cesaro operators. We need some terminology to proceed further in this section. i(l+z)
Let L ( z ) = - 1 - 2 L-l given by
. Then L
maps D onto P+ and aD onto the real line, with 1 w-i L- ( w ) = w+i'
Let Q bedefinedas
Then Q
is a well known isometric isomorphism of LP(rn) onto L p ( - - , - ) . Let l-t(z) for Z E D . t : D + D beananalyticmapandlet T = L o t o L - * . Let b ( z ) = 1-2
Then using the Poisson integrals in the disc and in the upper half plane, it has been proved in [327] that CT is a composition operator on H p ( P + ) if and only if M PC, is a bounded operator on H p ( 0 ) . Let A(P+) denote the set of all analytic mappings T taking P+ into itself such that the only singularity that T can have is a pole at -. In the following theorem we present some results on composition operators on M 2 (P+ ). Theorem 3.3.1.
(i) Let T
A ( P + ) . Then T induces a composition operator on If (P ) if and
I11 Composition Operators on Functional Baruch Spaces
only if T has apole at
(ii) If CT isacompositionoperatoron H 2 ( P + ), then
(iii) If CT is induced by some T E A ( P + ) , then CT is invertible if and only if T is a conformal automorphism of .'P
Proof. (i) Suppose T has a pole at m. Then T is analytic in a neighbourhood of is analytic in a neighbourhood of 1 and m, and hence the function t = L-loTo L i ( l ) = l . Thus T
induces a composition operator CT on H ( P ) by an earlier 2
( P ) for every f E H ( P ), then ( f o T ) ( w ) statement. Conversely, if f ~ T E H tends to zero as w + 0~ within each half-plane Im w 2 6 > 0. Since the function
taking w to
1 belongs to
Thus T
H (P ), we conclude that
(i + T b ) )
tends to zero as
(ii) The reproducing kernel K for H 2 ( P+ ) is given by K(w,u)=
We a~soknow that C;
i 274w-ii)
= f T ( w ) for all w E P+
Hence (iii) If T is a conformal automorphism, then T-' is analytic and has a pole 2 + at 00 since T has a pole at 00. Thus C f l is a composition operator on H (P ) and is the inverse of CT. Conversely, suppose CT is invertible. We know that
M~ c, = PQ-'P cTBQP-',
3.3 Composition Operators on H (P+)
where t =
1- t(z)
6' T L, p(z) = 1-2 , P, the Poisson integral in the disc and k 0
is the Poisson integral in the upper half plane (see [327]). Thus MpC, is invertible. Since MP is subnormal and surjective we can conclude that it is invertible. Thus C , is invertible, and hence t is a conformal automorphism. Thus T is a conformal automorphism. This completes the proof of the theorem.
Example 3.3.2.
(i) Let a > O and
P+. Thendefine
T ( W ) = U W + ~ for ~ WE
Then T induces a composition operator on H 2 (P+ ) which follows from part (i) of the above theorem. Cowen [85] later studied this composition operator and computed its norm which came out to be
(ii) Let n be a positive integer and
i((w+i)"+'+w(w - 1)") T (w )=
( w i)"+l- w( w - i)"
for w E P+. Then T maps P+ into P+ and induces a composition operator on 112(P+). (iii) Let T be a linear fractional transformation given by
aw+b T(w)=-
where a, 6 , c, d are real numbers such that ad - bc > 0 and c f 0. Then T maps P+ into P+ but does not induce a composition operator on H 2(P+) since the point at 00 is not a poleof T. N o t e . Example 3.3.2 (iii) shows that there are many analytic mappings taking P+ into itself, but not inducing composition operators on H 2(P+). Theorem 3.3.1 part (i) characterises a particular type of mappings which induce composition operators. There are mappings which do not fall in this type and induce composition operators on H 2(P+). Thus a complete characterization of mappings inducing composition operators on H p(P+) is an open problem.
I11 ComposirionOperators on Functional Banach Spaces
In case of composition operators on Hardy spaces of the disc or the unit ball of C" we have seen in section 2 of this chapter that compactness or non-compactness depends heavily on the boundary behaviour of the ranges of the inducing functions; for example, if the range of T touches aD too frequently, then chances for CT to be compact become remote. A similar type of behaviour is visible in case of compact composition operators on H p ( P + ) . This we shall see in the following theorem.
Theorem 3.3.3. Let T : P + + P + be a holomorphic mapping inducing the composition operator CT on H 2 (P+ ). Then (i) CT is not compact if li T(x+iy) exists a.e. and is a real number for every Y 3 real number x.
(ii) CT is not compact if there exists a k > 0 such that (i+nT(w))/(i+nw) I l k for every w E P+ and" n E N. (iii) Suppose li T(x+iy) exists a.e. and belongs to P'. Let this limit be denoted
Y 3
by T,(x). Then CT is a Hilbert-Schmidt composition operator if and only if
Proof. (i) For n~ Z+, definethe function fn on P+ as f , ( w ) = ( 1 / f i ) ( ( w -i)"/(w
+ iln+').
Then f, is a weak null sequence in H 2(P+ ). After a computation it can be shown that
Thus {CTf,} does not converge to zero in norm. Hence CT is not compact. (ii) For n E N, let f, on P + be defined as
Then If,) is a pointwise null sequence which is norm bounded, and hence it is weak null. Now for w E P', we have
3.3 Composition Operators on H (P+)
1 CTf 112 2 k-2 x ,
1 f n 1 =&,
for n E N. Thus CT is notcompact.
(iii) Let n be a non-negative integer. Then define the function
on P+ as
Then we know that the family {f o, fl, f 2,. ..) is an orthonormal basis for H 2(P+ ) . The 0
1 C, 12 c =.
composition operator is Hilbert-Schmidt if and only if
A simple computation yields that C T is Hilbert-Schmidt if and only if Jm Tl(x))-'dr < . This completes the proof of the theorem.
Note. If CT is a composition operator on H 2 (P+ ) and t = L-' o T o L,then it can be proved that C, is not a compact composition operator [360].Thus as an application of the results of this section we can conclude that there are many non-compact composition operators on H p ( D). The analytic mappings inducing composition operators on H p ( D ) are not necessarily carried to the analytic mappings from P + to P + inducing composition operators on H p ( P t ) . For example, if compact composition operator on H p ( D ) . T : P+ 4 Pt and t = 2
i+z 2i
then Ct is a non-
( i - 3) w - 3i + 1 T(w)= (i-I)w+i-l ,
L-' o T o L. But T does not induce a composition operator
on I1 (P ) since T ( W ) + =
as w
Thus the transforms under L of the
mappings inducing composition operators on II 2 (P+ ) induce non-compact composition operators on H p ( D ) , but the converse is false as is evident from the above example. It would be worthwhile to find all those analytic mappings from D to D whose
I11 Composition Operators on Functional Banach Spaces
transforms induce composition operators on H 2(P+ ). 3.4.
Let w = (w,) be a sequence of non-negative real numbers. Then the weighted sequence space Lp(w), for 1 5 p c 00 was defined in chapter I as the Banach space of
ZW,~ a, Ipc=. n=l 0
all sequences (a,) of complex numbers such that
In case the
sequence (w,) of weights consists of non-zero terms, the space lp(w) is a functional Banach space. Thus such an tp(w) falls in the category of LP-spaces as well as in the category of functional Banach spaces. If p = 2, then Lp(w) is a Hilbert space. In case w, = 1 for every n E N, Lp(w) denoted as l p ,which are classical examples of sequence spaces. P2 is a Hilbert space which was studied by Hilbert himself. In this section we shall present some results on composition operators on these sequence spaces. In case of abstract LP-spaces as well as functional Banach spaces sometimes it becomes difficult to have a complete feeling of what is going on in the study of composition operators. In case of sequence spaces one can have a better feeling of the behaviour of composition operators and inducing functions which are sequences. This provides a concrete base for abstract thinking. In this section we shall assume that weights w; s are non-zero. The following theorem contains some preliminary results. Theorem 3.4.1.
Let T : N
N be a function. Then
(i) T induces a composition operator on lp(w) if and only if there exists k > 0 such that
wi for every n E N. In this case
1 CT 1’
= inf of such k ’ s.
(ii) T is an injection if and only if T induces an isometric composition operator on
(iii) T induces invertible composition operator on L p if and only if it is invertible. Proof.
(i) Let S beasubsctof N. Thendefine
3.4 Composition Operators on
ep- Spaces
Then m becomes a measure on the a-algebra of all subsets of N and t p ( w ) is just LP(m). Since each singleton set ( n ) has non-zero measure, the proof follows from Theorem 2.1.1. (ii) From (i) it is clear that T induces a composition operator on t P if and only if there exists k > 0 such that # T-'((n)) I k for every n E N , In case T is an injection, # T-'((n)) is either 0 or 1; hence if we take k = 1, the above inequality is satisfied, It is clear that 1 is the infimum of such k ' s satisfying above inequality. Hence CT = 1. The converse is obvious.
1 1
(iii) Suppose T is invertible. Then there exists U : N N such that (ToU) ( n ) = ( U o T ) (n) = n for every n E N. Thus U is an injection and hence Cv is an isometric composition operator on t p and CT Cu = Cu CT = I . Hence CT is invertible. Conversely, suppose CT is invertible. If T is not an injection, then T(n) = T(m) for distinct n and m. Hence every sequence (ai) in the range of CT has a,,= G.Then CT is not onto, which is a contradiction. Hence T is an injection. Similarly, if T is not a surjection, then the kernel of CT is non-trivial, which is also a contradiction. Thus T is onto. This proves that T is invertible. This completes the proof.
The following theorem computes the adjoint of a composition operator on the filbert space t 2 ( w ) and presents some additional results. Theorem 3.4.2. Let T : N 4 N be a map such that CT operator on eL(w). Then
is a composition
(i) The adjoint C; is given by
for every x E t 2 ( w ) and n E
(ii) C; is a composition operator on t2 if and only if CT is invertible if and only
I11 Composition Operators on Functional Banach Spaces
if CT is unitary.
Proof. (i) Let x and y bein l 2 ( w ) . Then
wi x(n>r(i) ie
r- ( ( n ) )
denotes the sequence with value 1 on S and zero elsewhere. Thus
U-*(( n ) ) = (T(n)). Hence U is invertible and therefore Cu is invertible. This shows that CT is invertible. In case CT is invertible, for x E L2 it is true that x and x oT have the same ranges. Hence
Thus CT is unitary and hence C; = CT-l. This completes the proof of the theorem.
In the following theorem we shall record the results characterising compact and
3.4 Composition Operators on
ep- Spaces
Hilbert-Schmidt composition operators on C2 ( w ) . Theorem 3.4.3. Let T : N operator on L2(w).Then
+ N be a function such that CT
is a composition
CT is compact if and only if
f Wn
7 w i + 0
i E T- ( ( n ) )
(ii) CT is Hilbert-Schmidt if and only if the sequence
belongs to C2(w).
Proof. The proof of (i) is obvious from Corollary 2.3.7. Actually (i) is a re-statement of the corollary in terms of the weights. (ii) Since the functions fn=-
,for n E Z+ form an orthonormal basis for L2(w),
the result can be obtained by wing definition of the Hilbert-Schmidt operator to this basis.
One of the outstanding problems in operator theory is the invariant subspace problem: Does every bounded operator on an infinite dimensional separable Hilbert space have a non-trivial invariant closed subspace. During the last 30 years or so it has been proved that every well known operator like normal, compact or shifts etc. has an invariant subspace. An operator which commutes with a compact operator has an invariant subspace. In case of C2 we know that no composition operator is compact, but it turns out that every composition operator on f 2 has a non-trivial invariant subspace. We shall prove this in the following theorem. Theorem 3.4.4.
Let CT be a composition operator on C2. Then
(i) CT has an invariant subspace.
(ii) CT has a reducing subspace if there exists two distinct elements in N which are not in the same orbit of T. (two elements of N are said to be in the same orbit of T if each can be reached by composing T and T' sufficiently many times). Proof. (i) If CT is invertible, then by Theorem 3.4.2 (ii) it is unitary and hence
I11 Composition Operators on Functional Banach Spaces
normal. Thus it has an invariant subspace. If CT is not invertible, then CT is either not surjective or not injective. If CT is not surjective, then the range of CT being a closed subspace of f2 (see [340])is an invariant subspace of CT . If CT is not injective, then the kernel of CT is an invariant subspace of CT . This completes the proof of part (i). (ii) Suppose mo and no are two distinct elements of N which are not in the same orbit of T. Let F = (n : n E N, and n and no are not in the same orbit of T ) . Let M be the span of e; s, where n E F : en being the sequence whose 'n entry is 1 and rest 0. Then M is a proper (closed) subspace of f2 which is invariant under CT and C;. Thus M is a reducing subspace of CT . This completes the proof of the theorem.
In the following theorem we record some more results without proofs which can be found in [3371. Theorem 3.4.5.
(i) Let T : N + N be a one-to-one map which is not onto. Then ~ ( C T =D ), (ii) Let CT be invertible on f2 and suppose for every n E N, there exists m E N
such that F = (m,
m,, = inf(m : T"(n) = n) and let
: n E N}. Then o(CT)= U 4E
: hq = I].
(iii) If CT is invertible and if for some n E N, there does not exist any m E N such that T"(n) = n , then ~ ( C )T= 30. (iv) A composition operator CT on f2 is centered if and only if for every k E N, f; is constant on (TP)-'((n)), for every n E N and p E N ,whcre f; is the function on N defined as f;(i) = # (Tk)-'((i)).[In terms of measure theoretic terminology f; is the Radon-Nykodym derivative of p(Tk)-' with respect to the counting measure p on N].
Now we shall report some results on the weighted composition operators on f2. Theorem 3.4.6.
Let WqT be a weighted composition operator on f2. Then
3.4 Composition Operators on
ep- Spaces
(i) W,,T is normal if and only if TIN, is an injection and
I 44 1” = I x(n’) 12
where n’ E N , fl T-’({n})
if N,n T-’({n}) = Dl
where N , = {n E N : x(n) # 0)
(ii) W,,T is Hilbert-Schmidt if and only if x E L2. (iii)
WKT is compact if and only if ( x ( n ) ) + 0 as n + =.
Proof. (i) Suppose W,,
is normal. Then by Theorem 3.4.2, we have
From this, we have
If T- * ( ( n) )n N , = 0, then E(n) x(n) en = 0 and hence x ( n ) = 0. If T ’ ( ( T ( n ) ) )n N , # 0, then it is a singleton set containing n and hence TIN, is an injection. Thus
I x(n) f=l x(n3 f, TO
prove converse, let f E 12. Then
n ’ ~ ~ , n~ - 1 ( ( n ) ) .
I11 Composition Operators on Functional Banach Spaces
Using the condition of the theorem, we have WlT WqT = Wx,T wi,T *
Hence W n , ~is normal.
(ii) W&T is Hilbert-Schmidt if and only if
From this the result follows.
3.4 Composition Operators on (iii) Suppose W n , is~ compact. Now en
ep- Spaces
weakly and thus
The hyponormal and quasinormal weighted composition operators on t 2(Z)have recently been studied by Carlson in [%I.
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In this chapter we shall undertake the study of the composition operators on the weighted locally convex spaces of continuous functions and cross-sections. The first section of this chapter is devoted to some classical results pertaining to these operators. In section 2 we shall concentrate on the study of composition operators on the weighted spaces of scalar-valued, vector-valuedcontinuous functions and cross-sections, whereas the invertibility and compactness of these operators are presented in the third section. Finally, in the fourth section of this chapter we shall investigate some properties of the weighted composition operators on the weighted locally convex spaces. 4.1
In chapter 111 we have presented a study of the composition operators on some Banach spaces of functions equipped with the norm topologies. There are atleast two ways of generalising the theory of composition operators: Qneis to enlarge the domain of the composition operators, like taking spaces of continuous functions instead of just spaces of analytic functions; and other is to equip the domain spaces with different topologies, like on tw one can have compact-open topology, strict topology besides the norm topology. This chapter is an attempt in the direction of generalizing the theory of the Composition operators on broader and larger function spaces with locally convex topologies. We shall study composition operators on locally convex spaces of functions on topological spaces. This class of spaces certainly includes all Banach spaces of continuous functions and hence all Hardy spaces and LP-spaces that we discussed in the last chaptcr. One of the most important examples of the locally convex spaces of continuous functions is C(X), the space of all continuous complex-valued functions on a compact topological space X with the supnorm topology; actually it is a C*-algebra. If T is any continuous self map of X, then f oT E C ( X ) for every f E C(X),and
IV Composition Operators on Weighted Function Spaces
hence the transformation CT taking f to f o T is a continuous operator on C(X) with llcTll< 1 and CT(fg) = C T f . C T g for every f and g in c(x). Thus every continuous T induces a composition operator CT on C(X) which is multiplicative. In some cases the converse is also true. We shall record all these results together with some more results later in the section. In order to have a rich supply of continuous functions, from now on in this chapter we shall assume that X is a completely regular Hausdorff space. By C(X) we denote the vector space of all complex-valued continuous functions on X. The symbols Cb(X), Co(X) and C,(X) are used for the vector spaces of bounded continuous functions, of continuous functions vanishing at infinity and of continuous functions with compact supports respectively. It is clear that C,(X) c Co(X) c C,(X) c C(X): in case X is compact, these spaces coincide with C(X) , By a locally convex space of continuous functions on X we mean a subspace S(X) of C(X) with a family of seminorms making S(X) a topological vector space. The main aim of this chapter is to study composition operators on such spaces. x
Let S(X) be a locally convex space of continuous functions on X and let X. Then the evaluation functional 6, on S(X) is defined as
6 , ( f ) = f ( x ) , forevery f
E S(X).
It is clear that 6, is linear. But this may not be continuous for every x E X. Actually, there are even filbert spaces of continuous functions where some evaluation functionals are discontinuous [137]. In case 6, is continuous it lies in S*(X), the dual space of S(X). If 8, is continuous for every x E X, then the set A defined as * A = (6, : x E X) is a subset of S (X). If A is any continuous operator on S(X), then the adjoint A’ of A , defined as ( A ’ F ) ( f ) = F ( A f ) , for F E S ’ ( X ) and f E S ( X ) , where S‘(X) denotes the algebraic dual of S(X), is a linear transformation from S’(X) into itself. In case S(X) is a normed linear space, the restriction of A’ to S*(X) is a continuous operator with the same norm as that of A . Since every evaluation functional 6, is linear, the set A of all evaluation functionals is contained in S*(X). The following theorem which is a generalization of Theorem 3.1.1 characterises the operators on S(X) which are composition operators.
Theorem 4.1.1. Let S(X) be a locally convex space of continuous functions on X and let A be a continuous opeitor on S(X). Then A is a composition operator if and only if A‘(A) c A , where A = (6, : x E X).
4.1 Xntroduction, Characterizationand Classical Results
Proof. Suppose A = CT for some T. Let 6, E A. Then for f E S ( X ) ,
Thus A’6, = E A. Conversely, suppose A ’ ( A ) c A . Let 6, E A. Then A’ 6, E A . Hence there exists y E Y such that A’ 6, = 6,. Let us define the map T :X + X as T(x) = y . Then T is well defined. Let f E S(X). Then for x E X, = f ( T ( x ) )= 6 T ( x ) ( . f )
= 6,(f 1 =(A’6Af
=U A f ) = ( A f )(XI.
Thus f 0 T = Af , for every f E S(X). Hence CT = A . Thus A is a composition operator. This completes the proof of the theorem. Note. In the proof of the above theorem we have not used the topology of the space S(W. Thus this theorem is true for any topological vector space of functions on X.
After this general theorem let us consider some special cases, where function spaces have definite topologies. Some known results in the case of Cb(X) with the supnorm topology arc given in the following two theorems.
Theorem 4.1.2. Let X be a completely regular Hausdorff space, and let C,(X) have the supnorm topology. Then
(i) Every continuous map T : X -) X induces a composition operator CT on C b ( X ) such that CT = 1 and the set of all constant functions is invariant under CT .
1 1
Let T : X
be continuous. Then CT
is an injection if and only if
IV Composition Operators on Weighted Function Spaces ranT is dense in X. where ran T denotes the range of T. (iii) If T and S are continuous maps taking X into X then T = S .
such that CT = C,,
Proof. (i) If f E C b ( X ) . then clearly f 0 T E C b ( X ) and llCTfll .5 llfll. Hence llC~ll< 1. Since uCTjl = 1, we conclude that llC~ll= 1; (here I denotes the constant one function i.e., I ( x ) = 1, for all x E X ) . It is clear that each constant function goes to itself under CT .
(ii) Suppose ran T = X. Let .f,g E C b ( X ) such that CTf = C T g . Thus f o T = g 0 T. This implies that f and .g agree on the range of T which is dense in X ; hence f = g. This proves that CT is an injection. If ran T # X , then using the complete regularity of X we can find a non-zero function f in C b ( X ) ' such that f ( x ) = 0, for every x E ran T. Thus CTf = 0. Hence CT is not an injection. This completes the proof.
(iii) Suppose CT = CS. Then (f 0 T)(x) = (f o S ) ( x ) , for all f E c b ( x ) and X . Thus by the complete regularity T(x) = S(x), for all x E X . Hence T = S.
Note. (ii) and (iii) are true even if we replace Cb(X) by C ( X ) with just vector space structure. For details see [ 1221. Corollary 4.1.3. Every map T : N + N defines a composition operator on f". In general, if X is any discrete space, then every map from X into X defines a composition operator on Cb(X) ,which we shall denote by f "( X)
Let B c X . Then by B z ( X ) we denote the set of all those functions on X which vanish on B , i.e.,
Bl(X) stands B z ( X ) = (f I f : X + C such that f ( x ) = 0, for all x E B}. for B z ( X ) n C b ( X ) . In the following theorem we record some more results on the composition operators on Cb(X).
Theorem 4.1.4. Let CT be a composition operator on Cb(X) induced by a continuous map T. Then (i) ran CT is a closed self-adjoint subalgebra of Cb(X).
4.1 Introduction, Characterization and Classical Results
(ii) ker CT = (ran T)i(X). (iii) ran CT is isometrically isomorphic to c,(x) / ker CT. (iv) C ~ S , = ST(,), for every x
(v) CT is an isometry if ranT is dense in X. Proof. (i) Clearly ran CT is a subalgebra. If g E ran CT ,then g =f o T. Hence
- -
g = f o T = f O T = C T j E ran
Thus ran CT is self-adjoint. The closedness of ran CT will follow from (iii). (ii)
Let f E ker CT. Then f 0 T = 0 , i.e., f(T(x)) = 0,for all x E X. Thus (ran T ) ~ ( x ) . Similarly the converse.
(iii) Let yt : cb(x)/kerCT 4 c,(x) be defined as w ( g + ker C T ) = C T g . This map w is well-defined and is linear, c,(x)/ ker CT is a Banach space under the norm
1 g + ker CT 1 = inf(l1g + h 1
: h E ker CT).
g E cb(x). If It can be shown that Ilw(g + ker CT)II 5 llg + ker CTll, for everyh E (g + ber C T ) , then by (ii) h coincides with g on ran T. If ran T = X , then llcTgll = IIg 0 TI1 = Ilgl; and hence is an isometry. If ran T # X , then by the complete regularity there exists h E c,(x) such that llhll = llCTgl1 and h ( y ) = g(y), for all y E ran T. Thus h E g + ker CT, and hence
Ilw(?! + ker cT)[= l c T g l = !hll 2 118 Thus Ilw(g + ker CT)I = llg + ker CTII. Hence ran CT is a closed subalgebra of Cb(X). (iv) Let f
cb(x). Then
(v) It follows from the proof of part (iii).
ker CT]].
is an isometry. This shows that
IV Composition Operators on Weighted Function Spaces
Montador in [2431 studied composition operators on C[O,l] and computed the spectrum in different cases. 4 . 2 COMPOSITION OPERATORS ON THE WEIGHTED LOCALLY CONVEX FUNCTION SPACES
The main aim of this section is to study composition operators on CVo(X), cvb(x),cVo(X, E ) , CV,,(X,E), LWo(X), and L w b ( x ) which are defined earlier in the fourth section of chapter I. We shall complete this study of the composition operators in two phases. In the first phase we intend to initiate a study of these operators on the weighted spaces of scalar-valued and vector-valued continuous functions, and the second phase includes a study of the composition operators on the weighted spaces of crosssections. Throughout the first phase we shall assume the following : (4.2.a) X : a completely regular Hausdorff space; (4.2.b) V : a system of weights on X ; (4.2.c) E : a non-zero locally convex Hausdorff space; (4.2.d) for each x E X , there exists f, E CVo( X ) (CVo( X , E ) ) such that fx( x ) # 0. Let T :X + X be a continuous map, and let V-,. = (v o T : v E V ) . Then it can be easily seen that VT is also a system of weights on X . We note that the condition (4.2.d) is trivially satisfied if X is a locally compact space. The following theorem gives a necessary condition for T to induce a composition operator on c V b ( a . Theorem 4.2.1. Let T :X -+ X be a map such that Cr : CVo(X) + CV,(X) is a composition operator. Then T is continuous and V 5 VT. Proof. In view of (4.2.d). moreover, it readily follows from [246, Lemma 2, p. 691 that if T :X + X is any map for which the corresponding composition map CT induced on CVo(X) has its range contained in C(X), then T is necessarily continuous. We shall show that V 5 VT. Let v E V . Then, by continuity of CT,there exists u E V such that CT(B,) c E,. We claim that v 5 2u 0 T. Fix xo E X and sct y = T ( x 0 ) . In case u(y) > 0, G = ( x E X : u(x) < 2u(y)) is an open neighbourhood of y. Therefore, according to [246, Lemma 2, p. 693 there exists g, E CVo(X)
such that 0 5 g, 5 1, g,(y) = 1 and g , ( X - G ) = 0. If we put g = (2u(y))-'gy, then it is clear that g E Bu and CTg E B,. Thus (g 0 T ) ( x ) v ( x )5 1, for all x E X . Hence v ( x o ) 5 2(u 0 T ) ( x o ) . Now, suppose u(y) = 0, and v ( x 0 ) > 0. Let
4.2 Composition Operators
v ( x o ) / 2 . Then the set G, = ( x E X : u(x) c E] is an open neighbourhood of y and hence by [246, Lemma 2, p. 691 there exists hy E CVo(X) such that 0 I hy I 1, hy(y) = 1 and hy(X - GI)= 0. Now, if we put h = €-'hY, then clearly h E Bu and CTh E B,. Thus, it follows that v ( x ) ( h 0 T ) ( x ) I1, for all x E X. Hence v(x0) S v ( x 0 ) / 2, which is a contradiction. Thus our claim is established. E =
This completes the proof of the theorem.
In case of CVb(X) the condition in the above theorem turns out to be a sufficient condition also. This we prove in the following theorem. Theorem 4.2.2 Let T : X + X be a map. Then CT is a composition operator on CVb(X) if and only if V 5 VT and T is continuous. Proof. The necessity of the condition follows from Theorem 4.2.1. Now, we suppose that T is continuous and V IV,. Let v E V and f E CV'(X). Then there exists U E V suchthat v I u o T and IICTfH,
= sup(V(x)lf S
T(x)(: x
sud(u 0 T)(n](f 0 T)(x)l : x
= sup{(u 0 Pl)(T(x)): x
I sud(u 0 W ) ( x ) : x
x) = lkllu.
This proves that CT is continuous and hence a composition operator on Cvb(m.
Now, we shall present some examples of spaces and mappings which induce or do not induce composition operators.
Example 4.2.3. (i) Every mapping T : N + N induces a composition operator on em(= CVb(fW),V being the system of positive constant sequences). In this case
v = v,.
(ii) Let V = (AX, : F a finite subset of N and h 2 0). Then every map T : N -+ N induces a composition operator on cvb(N).This follows from the fact
IV Composition Operators on Weighted Function Spaces
that for every finite subset F of N,there exists a finite subset K of N such that F c T - ' ( K ) , and hence hx, 5 hx, 0 T. This shows that V 5 VT, and hence by Theorem 4.2.2, CT is a composition operator on CVb(N). (iii) Let v : N + R+ be defined as v ( n ) = n for all n E N . Let V = (hv : h 2 0), and let T : N + N be a constant map. Then VT is the set of all constant maps on N and clearly V g VT. Thus T does not induce a composition operator on CVb(N). (iv) Let X = 08' \ (0) with the usual topology and let v : X + !R+ be defined as v ( x ) = f ; , forevery X E X . L e t V = ( h v : h 2 0 ) , andlet T : X + X bedefined by T ( x ) = x 2 , for all x E X. Then V g VT.Hence T does not induce a composition operator on cvb(x). (v) Let X = N with discrete topology and let V be the system of constant weights. Then CVo(N) = co, the Banach space of null sequences of complex numbers. Let T ( n ) = 2, for all n E N. Then V 5 VT but C T is not even an into map. If f(n)= then f E C O , but CTf e CO.
From Example 4.2.3 (v) it is clear that V 5 VT is not a sufficient condition for T to induce a composition operator on CV,(X); we need something more. In the following theorem we shall characterise the continuous mappings inducing composition operators on CVo(X). First of all we need a definition. For each v E V and 6 > 0, define the set F(v, 6) as F(v,6) = ( x E X : v(x) 2 6 ) . It is clear that F(v, 6 ) is a closed subset of X . Theorem 4.2.4.
If T :X
is any function, then the following are equivalent :
(a) T induces a composition operator on CVo(X): induces a composition operator CT under CT;
(b) T
cvb(x)and CVo(X)
is invariant
(c) (i) T is continuous, (ii) V IVT, and (iii) for each v E V, 6 > 0 and compact set K c X , T - ' ( K ) n F ( V , 6) is compact;
(4 (i)
T is continuous, (ii) V 5 VT, and (iii) for each v E V , 6 > 0 and u E V such that v < u o T , T - ' ( K ) n F ( v . 6 ) is compact whenever K is a compact
subset of F ( u , 6).
4.2 Composition Operators
Proof. (a) * (c). If CT is a composition operator on C V o ( X ) , then by Theorem 4.2.1, T is continuous and V IV,. Now, let v E V , 6 > 0 and K be a compact subset of X. Then by [246,Lemma 2, p. 691 there exists hK E CVo(X) such that 0 IhK I 1 and hK(x) = 1 for all x E K . Let H = ( x E X : v(x)(CThK)(x)2 61. Then, since CThK E CVo(X), H is a compact
subset of X . It is clear that T-'(K) n F(v, 6) c H . Since T - l ( K ) n F(v, 6 ) is closed, we conclude that it is compact. (c) 3 (d).
This follows easily.
(d) 3 (b). If (d) holds, then by Theorem 4.2.2, CT is a composition operator on CVb(X). Let f E CVo(X). We would show that C T f E CVo(X). For this, let Y E
V and ~>O.LetthesetY bedefinedas Y = { x c X : v(x)I(C,f)(x)I2~).
If Y is empty, then Y is compact and hence we are done. Suppose Y is non-empty. Let us take u E V such that v Iu oT. Let y E Y . Then
Let K = ( x E X : u(x>lr(x>l 2
E). Then
K is compact, K c F ( u , ~ / l l f l l ~and )
. This shows that Y c F(v, E/II f llK) .
T ( y ) E K. Further v(y) 2
E/I~[ I K ) .
Thus Y c T-l(K)n F(v, f This proves that Y CTf E CVo(X). Thus C V o ( X ) is invariant under CT.. (b) 3 (a).
is compact. Hence
This is evident. This completes the proof of the theorem.
The results given in the following corollary follow from the above theorem.
Corollary 4.2.5.
is a homeomorphism, then CT is a composition operator on CVo(X) if and only if V 5 VT .
(i) If T : X
(ii) Let X = N, and T : N + N be a map. Then CT is a composition opcrator on CVo(N) if and only if V 5 VT and T-'((n)) n F(v, 6 ) is finite set for every n E N, v E V and 6 > 0.
IV Composition Operators on Weighted Function Spaces
(iii) CT is a composition operator on co if and only if T-'( [n)) is a finite subset of N for every n E N. Thus every injective map induces a composition operator on c o . (iv) If V = (hx, : h > 0 and F c N, finite), then every T : N composition operator on CVo(N)
Example 4.2.6. (i) Let X = N , and v ( n ) = n . for n V = ( h v : h > O ) , andlet T : N + N bedefinedas
N induces a
6, if n n
isaperfectsquare , otherwise.
Then T is a surjection and T-'((n)) is finite for every n T does not induce a composition operator on CVo(N).
N. Since V i VT,
(ii) Let x = R, the set of real numbers with the usual topology. Let v : R + R+ be defmedasv(x)=M, f o r a l l x E R , andlet V = { h v : h 2 0 } . Let T : R + R be defined as T(x)= x - 1, for n E R. Then T is a homeomorphism, but does not induce a composition operator on CVo(R).
Remark 4.2.7. From the theorems and the examples given above it is clear that there are four variables playing important roles in determining the continuity of CT; they are the underlying topological space X, the system of weights V, the space of continuous functions cvb(x) or CVo(X) and the continuous mappings T :X + X. Mostly in our study of composition operators we fix the first three variables and characterise the mappings which induce composition operators. A study can be made by fixing the first and the last coordinates because we have seen the examples of mappings which do not define composition operators for one system of weights V but do define composition operators for another system of weights. This is in a way natural because the system of weights give the topology on the function spaces with respect to which we discuss the continuity of CT. It would be worthwhile to characterise the system of weights for which every continuous mapping induces a cornposition operator on cvb(x) or CVo(X). We do not know if it may be easy or it may be difficult,
In the following theorem we shall give a descripion of the continuous composition maps from CVo(X) into cvb(x) which parallels a standard result for functional Hilbert spaces (see [254, page 461). For each x E X, the point evaluation ax defines a continuous linear functional on either CVo(X) or cvb(x). If we put
4.2 Composition Operators
A(X) = (6 : x E X ) , then f or CV,(X) .
A(X) is a subset of either the continuous dual CVo(X)'
Theorem 4.2.8. Let @ : CVo(X) + CV,(X) be a linear transformation. Then there exists T : X + X such that @ = CT if and only if the transpose mapping @' from CVb(X)' into the algebraic dual CVo(X)' leaves A ( X ) invariant. In case W ( A ( X ) )c A(X), moreover, T is necessarily continuous, and @ = C T is continuous if and only if V 5 VT. Proof. Suppose that f E CVo(X). Then (.''x)(f)
@ = CT
= ('x
for some T : X
@)(f) = 'x(@(f))
+X .
Let x E X
= 'x('Tf)
= f (T(4) = 'T(x)(f)
This implies that = i3T(x). Conversely, let us suppose that @'(A(X)) c A(X). For x E X , if we define T ( x ) to be the (unique) element of X such that @'(tix) = 6T(xl.Let f E CVo(X). Then
@(f)(4 = ',(@Cf>)
(% @ ) ( f ) O
= @'(',)f) = 'T(x)(f) = f (TM) = cT(f
Thus 0 = CT We also note that T is continuous since the range of CT is contained in C(X). In view of Theorem 4.2.1 and Theorem 4.2.2, @ = CT is continuous when
v < VT. Remark 4.2.9. If CVo(X) is everywhere replaced by cvb(x) in the statement of Theorem 4.2.8, this yields a companion result which can be established by (essentially) the same argument.
IV Composition Operators on Weighted Function Spaces
One description of these continuous linear operators on CVo(X) which happen to be the composition operators follows immediately from Theorem 4.2.8. From several points of view, however, a characterisation entirely in terms of the operator itself would be preferable. We next give a deeper result which will serve to resolve the problem in a manner reflecting the classical work in this direction (for example, see [ 122, page 1421). Theorem 4.2.10. Let @ : CVo(X) + CV,(X) be a continuous linear operator. Then there exists T :X + X such that @ = CT if and only if the following two conditions are satisfied :
(i) for each x
X, there exists g E CVo(X) such that
(ii) Qcfg) = O(f)@(g), whenever f,g
@(g)(x) # 0,
CVo(X)n C,(X).
Proof. The conditions (i) and (ii) are obviously necessary and therefore we shall prove only the sufficient part. Assume that (i) and (ii) are satisfied. If we put A = CVo(X)n c b ( x ) , then clearly A is a self-adjoint subalgebra of Cb(X) which separates the points of X . Now, we fix x E X , and put
W, = {f
A : @ ( f ) ( x ) = O}.
Then clearly W, is a vector subspace of CVo(X), and the condition (ii) implies that W, is a module over A. Further, the condition (i) implies that is a proper subset of CVo(X). As we have an instance of the bounded case of the weighted approximation problem, it follows from [246, Theorem 1, p. 1061 that there exists y E X such that f(y) = 0 for every f E W, . If we suppose that there exists yo E X with yo # y such that f(y0) = 0, for all f E W , , then taking g E A so that g ( y 0 ) = 1, we also choose h E A such that h(y0) = 0 and h(y) = 1. In this case since @(g)(x) # 0, we put
From this it follows that f E W, and f(yo) = 0, since f~ A and Cgcf)(x) = 0. Further, it implies that O(h)(x) = 0 , which certainly does not hold, and so we see that there is a unique element T ( x ) E X such that f ( T ( x ) ) = 0 for every f E W,. Consequently, another application of [246, Theorem 1, page 1063 even yiclds that = {f E
cv,(x) : f ( T ( x ) ) = 01.
To show that Ocf)(x) = f ( T ( x ) ) for every f E CVo(X), let us fix g
A such that
4.2 Composition Operators
g(T(x)) = 1. If we put
then h E W, and the fact that h(T(x)) = 0 implies that O(g)(x) = 1. Now, given any f E CVo(X), let us put h = f - f(T(x))g. Then clearly h E since h(T(x)) = 0, and thus @(h)(x) = 0. From this, it follows that O ( f ) ( x ) = f ( T ( x ) ) . This completes the proof of the theorem.
In particular, Theorem 4.2.10Serves to distinguish the composition operators among all continuous linear operators on CVo(X). Example 4.2.12 will demonstrate that a continuous linear operator @ : CV,(X) + CV,(X) which satisfies (i) and (ii) of Theorem 4.2.10 can fail to be a composition operator on CV,(X) . Hence something more is needed in this case. Theorem 4.2.11. Let 0 : CV,(X) + CV,(X) be a continuous linear operator. Then there exists T :X + X such that @ = CT if and only if, the following two conditions are satisfied : (i) for each x
X , there exists g E CVo(X) such that O(g)(x). z 0,
(ii) @cfg) = @cf)Q(g). whenever f E CV,(X) and g E CVo(X) n C,(X)
Proof. The necessary part is obvious. Suppose that the conditions (i) and (ii) are true. Then by Theorem 4.2.10,there exists T : X X such that @cf) = f o T , for every f E CVo(X). We fix y E X and consider any f E CVb(X). Then G = { x E X : If(x>l < Lf(T(y)>l+ l} is an open neighbourhood of T ( y ) and so there exists g E cVo(X) n C,(X) such that g ( T ( y ) ) = 1 and g ( x ) = 0 for all x E x\G. Since g2 E CV~(X)n c~(x), in view of (ii), it now follows that
Also, since f g 2
CVo(X). it implies that 0 (fg2) (y) = (fg2) (TO)) = f (T(y)).
With this the proof of the theorem is completed.
Now, we shall give two examples of which the first shows that condition (ii) of Theorem 4.2.1 1 cannot be replaced by the corresponding condition from Theorem 4.2.10,
IV Composition Operators on Weighted Function Spaces
while the second demonstrates that (i) of Theorem 4.2.1 1 cannot be rephrased in terms of functions belonging to c v b ( x ) .
Example 4.2.12. Let X = !R+ with the usual topology induced by R. Define v : X + R t as v ( x ) = e J forall EX. Let V = { h v : h > O } . F o r ~ E P X \ X , wedefiieanoperator 0 on c v b ( x ) as
@U)(x)= f (4+ PvY)
where f E m b ( x ) , x E X and P v v ) denotes the Stone extension of fv to the Stoneech compactification PX of X . Then clearly @ is a bounded linear operator on C V o ( X ) . Moreover, given x E X , there exists g E c V o ( X ) such that @(g)(x) = g(x) f 0. Since c b ( x ) c C V o ( X ) , it follows that
@(fg)(x)= f (x)g(x) = @ ( f )(x)@(g)(xX
for every x E X whenever f , g E c b ( x ) = c b ( x ) n C V o ( X ) . However, @ is not a composition operator on c v b ( x ) . To see this, let us suppose that there does indeed exist some T : X + X such that @ ( f ) = f o T , for every f E c v b ( x ) . Setting f ( x ) = e x , for all x E X , since f E c v b ( x ) and f ( T ( 0 ) ) = o ( ~ ( o )= 2 it would then follow that T(0) = log 2. Thus, for any g E c b ( x ) , we would have that
2) = @(g)(O) = g(O),
and this contradiction serves to establish our claim. Example 4.2.13. Let X = (0) u [1,-) with the relative topology induced by R. Define v(x) = 1, for every x E X . Let V = {hv : h > 0). Again for y E PX \ X , we define
C V o ( X ) = C b ( X ) and pcf, the Stone extension of f to P X . Then @ is obviously a bounded linear operator on m b ( x ) such that 6cfe)= w ) @ ( g ) , for every f , g E c v b ( x ) . Moreover, v E c v b ( x ) and @(v)(x) = 1, for each x E X , but cp(g)(O) = 0 for every g E CV,(X) = C o ( X ) , whereby @ is not a composition operator on c v b ( x ) .
where f
4.2 Composition Operators
Now, we shall discuss some basic properties of the composition operators on the weighted spaces under consideration. If T : X + X is a continuous map and C, : C(X) + C(X) is a composition transformation, then it is obvious that ker C, = {f E C(X) : N ( f ) c X \ T(X)), where N u ) = ( x E X : f ( x ) # 0) and T(X) = ran T. It is immediate that CT is injective if T(X) is dense in X since N(f) is open and f E C(X). In view of condition (4.2.d), it follows that if the restriction
CT~CV,(X) of C T
to some
CV,(X) is injective, then T(X) is dense in X. We shall record these observations in the following theorem.
Theorem 4.2.14. If a continuous function T :X -+ X induces a composition map C, : C(X) + C(X), and if V is any system of weights on X for which (4.2.d) is satisfied, then the following are equivalent : (a) T(X) is dense in X; (b) CT is injective;
In the following theorem we study the range of a composition operator on CV,(X)
Theorem 4.2.15. Let V be a system of weights on X for which (4.2.d) is satisfied. Let U be a system of weights on X such that U 5 V, and assume that T : X + X induces a composition map C , : CV,(X) + CU,(X). Then T is injective if and only if C,(CV,(X)) is dense in CV,(X). Proof. We first suppose that C,(CV,(X)) is dense in CU,(X). Let x , y E X be such that x #y. Then there exists a function h E CV,(X) such that h(x) = 1 and h(y) = 0. Choose u E V such that u(x) 2 1 and u(y ) 2 1. Since h E CUo(X) and
ran CT is dense in CU,(X), there exists f E CV,(X) such that Thus Lf(T(x)) - 4 < Thus T
and If(T(y)>(<
T - hll, <
From this, it is clear that T ( x ) # T ( y ) . is an injection. Conversely, suppose that T is an injection. Let
IV Composition Operators on Weighted Function Spaces
W = r a n C , = [ ~ O T : ~ E W ~ ( andlet X ) ) A = ( f o T : f ~ C , ( X ) ) . T h e n W is a vector subspace of cV,(X) and A is a self-adjoint subalgebra of C,(X) which separates the points of X. Actually W is a submodule over A and W is everywhere different from zero. Since we again have an instance of the bounded case of the weighted approximation problem, the density of C,(CVo(X)) = W in CUo(X) now follows as an immediate consequence of “6, Theorem 1, page 1061. This completes the proof of the theorem.
Given any closed subset F of X, the characteristic function of F is then a weight on X. Ifwe put 9 = B ( X ) = hx {
: F c X. F finite, h 2 0
then 9 is a system of weights on X, and
where w(B) denotes the topology of pointwise convergence on X. Thus (4.2.d) is trivially satisfied, while 9 is the smallest system of weights on X in the sense that 9 S U for any system U of weights on X.
, : C(X) + C(X) be the composition map induced by a Theorem 4.2.16. Let C continuous function T : X + X, and let V be any system of weights on X for which (4.2.d) is satisfied. Then the following are equivalent : (a) T is injective: (b) C,(CVo(X)) is w(%)-densein C(X);
(c) C,(CV,(X))
is w(9jdense in C(X);
(9 C,(C(X)) is w(B)-dense in C(X). Proof. Since B S V, if T is injective, then (b) holds by Theorem 4.2.15. The implications (b) (c) and (c) j (d) are obvious, while another application of Theorem 4.2.15, this time taking U = V = 9, shows that (d) j (a).
4.2 Composition Operators
Remark 4.2.17. One additional consequence of Theorem 4.2.15 is the fact that CVo(X) is always w(%)-dense in C ( X ) , which follows by setting U = 9 and T(x) = x , for all x E X.
T :X + X happens to induce a composition map C, : CVo(X) + CVo(X), then taking U = V in Theorem 4.2.15 gives us that T is injective if and only if C, (CVo(X)) is dense in CVo(X). Furthermore, even if T only induces a composition map C , : CV,(X) + CV,(X), it is still the case that T will be injective when C,(CV,(X)) is dense in CV,(X), indeed: (c) of Theorem 4.2.16
In case
would then be satisfied in view of the preceding remark. However, as we next demonstrate, the converse assertion can fail to hold in this case.
Example 4.2.18. Let X = R with the usual topology. Define v :X + R+ as v(x) = 1, for all x E X. Let V = {hv : h > 0). Then CV,(X) = C,(X). Now, if we define T :X + X as T(x) = tan-' x , x E X , then V IV,, T is injective and certainly induces a composition map C, : CV,(X) + CV,(X). Let f ( x ) = sin x , x E X. Then f E C,(X). Suppose there exists g E C,(X) such that llg 0 T - fll, < Since b ( T ( h ) ) (< for each k E N , we have that k(n / 21 S Similarly,
however, we would also have that Ig(n / 2) - 11 5 C,(CV,(X)) is not dense in CV,(X).
which is a contradiction. Thus
Turning to the question as to when a composition map C , : CV,(X) say, will actually be surjective, we begin with the following proposition.
+ CV,(X),
Proposition 4.2.19. Let C, : C(X) + C(X) be the composition map induced by a continuous function T : X + X , and let V be any system of weights on X for which (4.2.d) is satisfied. If CVo(X) c C,(C(X)), then T : X + T ( X ) is a homeomorphism. Proof. From Theorem 4.2.16, it follows that T is injective. Now, given any g E CVo(X), since there exists f E C ( X ) such that g = f 0 T , g o T-' = f l T ( X ) is continuous on T ( X ) . Again, in view of condition (4.2.d), it follows that T-' : T ( X ) + X is continuous. This completes the proof.
IV Composition Operators on Weighted Function Spaces
Let T : X + T ( X ) c X be a homeomorphism and let V be a system of weights on X . Let VT-1 = (v 0 T-' : v E V). Then it can be easily proved that VT-l is a system of weights on T(X) for which (4.2.d) is satisfied. Now the following theorem characterises surjective composition transformations which is a generalisation of [122, Theorem 10.3(b), page 1411.
Theorem 4.2.20. the function T : X (i) T : X (ii) given
Let CT : mb(x)- mb(x) be a composition map induced by -) X . Then CT is surjective if and only if
+ T(X) is a homeomorphism, and g E c(v*-~ ) b ( ~ ( ~ ) there ) , exists f E c v b ( x )
such that
Proof. Suppose that CT is surjective. Then (i) follows from Proposition 4.2.19. Further, given g E C(VT-l)b(T(X)),v E V , andany x E X , g o T E C ( X ) , and
T(x)lv(x) = C(T(x))lvO T - l P ( x ) ) 5 11&Il,.T-1.
This implies that g o T E cvb(x) and so there exists f E mb(X) such that f oT = g oT, which is to say that = g . Conversely, let us assume that (i) and (ii) are both satisfied. If we fix g E cvb(x), then g 0 T-' E c(T(x)). NOW, for given v E V and x E X , we have that
which implies that g 0 T-' f E cvb(x) such that theorem is completed.
c ( v + ) b ( T ( x ) ) . Thus, according to (ii). there exists = go T-', and hence f o T = g. The proof of the
Remark 4.2.21. If T : X + T ( X ) c X is a homeomorphism, then the preceding argument also shows that O(f) = f o T-' for each f E CV,(X) actually defines a topological isomorphism between cvb(x) and c(v+)b(T(X)) and it readily follows that ~ ( C V o ( X )=) C(VT-i)o(T(X)).
There is a functional analytic approach to surjectivity, however, which can sometimes offer a way around this problem while simultaneously providing additional information. According to Ptak's open mapping theorem (see [301, page 1631), if
4.2 Composition Operators
CVo(X) say, happens to be B-complete (or fully complete), and if T :X + X induces a nearly open composition operator C, : c V , ( X ) + CV,(X) such that C,(CVo(X)) is dense in CVo(X), then CT is necessarily an open surjection. Consequently, when V is a system of weights generated by a single continuous weight on X , for example, CT will be (open and) surjective as soon as CT : CVo(X) + CVo(X) is a continuous nearly open operator with dense range. In the following theorem we shall characterise those composition maps CT : CVo(X) CVo(X) which are nearly open in the following sense : given any v E V , there exists u E V , such that B, c CT(B,).
Theorem 4.2.22. If T : X + X induces a composition map C, : c V o ( X ) CV,(X) , then CT is nearly open if and only if T is injective and VT I V .
Proof. Suppose that CT is nearly open. Let v E V and f E CVo(X).Then there exists u E V such that E,, c CT(Bv). If we put h = + 1 then there exists g E B ,such that g o T E h-'(f+ By). Further, it implies that cT(hg) = hg 0 T E f + B,. This proves that CT(CVo(X)) is dense in CVo(X). From Theorem 4.2.15, it follows that T is injective. In order to show that V, I V , let us fix v E V, x E X . and E > 0. Since CT is nearly open, there exists u E V such that B,, c CT(Bv). Let G = { y E X : u(y) < u(x) + E / 2). Then G is an open neighbourhood of x , and therefore, by [246, Lemma 2, p. 691 there exists g E CVo(X) such that 0 I g 5 1, g ( x ) = 1 and g(X\G) = 0. Let a = (u(x) + &/2)-' and Y E X . Then
ag(Y)u(Y)< 1. E B,,. Choose w E V such that w(x) 2 1 and let f T - agll,,, 5 m[2(v(T(x))+ 11-l. From this, we get
Hence org
B, such that
Since this gives us that v(T(x)) 5 a-1 + E / 2 = u(x) + E, we see that v(T(x)) I u(x), for all x E X. Thus VT I V . Conversely, suppose that T is injective and VT I V . Let v E V . Then there
IV Composition Operators on Weighted Function Spaces
exists u E V such that v o T 5 u . Choose f E CVo(X) such that Ilf 0 ql,, < 1. Since T is an injection, from an application of Theorem 4.2.15, it follows that C,(CV,(X)) is dense in cVo(X). In order to show that Bu c CT(Bv), it is enough to f o T E CT(Bv). To this end, given w E V, we put show that K, = { x E X : Lf(T(x)]w(x) 2 1) and K2 = { x E X : Lf(x]v(x) 2 Then K1 and K2 are both compact. Since If(T(x)$(T(x)) 5 Lf(T(x))(U(x)< 1, for every x E X, we have that T ( x ) Q K 2 . Also, since T is continuous, T ( K 1 ) is compact and T ( K l )n K2 = 0. We choose g E c b ( x ) such that 0 Ig 5 1, g(K2) = 1 and g(T(Kl))= 0. If we put h =f- gf, then h E CV,(X) and
Ih(x)(v(x)= (1 - s(x)lp(x)(v(x) < 1,
for all x E X . This implies that h E E,. Also, for any x E X ,
and this yields the desired argument.
The following corollary is an immediate consequence of Theorem 4.2.22 taken together with Theorem 4.2.4. Corollary 4.2.23. Let T : X -B X be a map. Then CT is a nearly open composition operator on CVo(X) if and only if (i) T i s a continuous injection, (ii) V, = V , and (iii) for each v E V , 6 > 0 , and compact set K c X , T - l ( K ) n F(v, 6 ) is compact. Remark 4.2.24. If C , : cvb(x)-B cvb(x) is a nearly open composition map induced by the function T : X -) X , then the necessity argument from the proof of Theorem 4.2.22 can be adapted (by using Theorem 4.2.16 in place of Theorem 4.2.15) to as well show that T must be injective and V T S V . However, Example 4.2.18 makes clear that the converse assertion is false. Example 4.2.18 also shows that condition (iii) cannot be omitted from the statement of Corollary 4.2.23.
Now our efforts are to extend the theory of composition operators obtained so far, to the weighted spaces of vector-valued continuous functions, especially on CVo(X,E) and CV,(X. E ) . We begin with the following theorem.
4.2 Composition Operators
Theorem 4.2.25. If T : X + X induces a composition operator C, : CVo(X, E ) + CV,(X, E ) , then T is continuous, VT is a system of weights on X , and for every v E V and p E cs(E), thereexist U E V and q E cs(E) such that v(x) p ( y ) I u(T(x))q(y) , for every x E X
and y E E
Proof. The continuity of T follows from the same remark as given in Theorem 4.2.1. It is clear that VT is a system of weights on X . Now, it remains to show that for every v E V and p E cs(E), there exist u E V and q E cs(E) such that v(x)p(y) Iu(T(x))q(y), for all X E X and Y E E . Now, fix v E V and P E cs(E). Then there exist u E V and q E cs(E) such that C,(Bu,J c B,,,. We claim that v(x)p(y) I 2u(T(x))q(y), for all x E X and y E E. Take xo E X and yo E E . Let T ( x o ) = s and u(s)q(yo) = E. If E > 0, then the set G = ( x E X : u(x) c 2&/ q(yo)} is an open neighbourhood of s. It follows from [246, Lemma 2, p. 691 that there exists f E CVo(X) such that 0 I f I1, f ( s ) = 1, and f ( X \ G) = 0. If we define g ( x ) = f ( x ) yo for all x E X, then g E CVo(X. E ) .
Let h = (2~)-'g. Then clearly h
B , , and h o T E B,,,. From this, it follows that
On the other hand, if E = 0, then we can establish the inequality by proceeding analogously. For detailed proof see [352, Theorem 2.11. Theorem 4.2.26. A map T : X + X CT : CV,(X,E) + CV,(X,E) if and only if
induces a composition operator
(i) T is continuous,
(ii) for every v E V and p E cs(E), there exist u E V and q E cs(E) such that v(x)p(y) I u(T(x))q(y), for all x E X and y E E. Proof. The necessary part follows from Theorem 4.2.25. To establish the sufficient part, assume that both (i) and (ii) hold. Let ( f a > be a net in CV,(X. E) such that for + 0. Then every v E V and p E cs(E), llfall V,P
IV Composition Operators on Weighted Function Spaces
This completes the proof. Remark 4.2.27. If we take E = Q= in the above theorem, then this reduces to Theorem 4.2.2. Again, if both conditions (i) and (ii) of Theorem 4.2.26 hold, then T can induce a composition operator CT on CVo(X,E ) if only CV,(X, E) were to be invariant under the composition operator C, : CV,(X, E ) + CV,(X, E ) . A generalised version of Theorem 4.2.4 is presented in the following theorem.
Theorem 4.2.28.
Let T : X
be a map. Then the following are equivalent :
(a) T induces a composition operator CT on c V o ( X , E); (b) T induces a composition operator CT on invariant under CT ;
and CVo(X,E) is
(c) (i) T is continuous, (ii) for every v E V and p E c s ( E ) , there exist u E V and q E cs(E) such that v(x)p(y) 5 u(T(x))q(y), for all x E X and y E E, (iii) for each v E V, 6 > 0 and compact set K c X , T - ’ ( K ) n F(v, 6) is compact;
(4 (i) T is continuous, (ii) for evey v E V and p
c s ( E ) , there exist u E V and q E cs(E) such that v(x)p(y) 5 u(T(x))q(y), for all x E X and y E E, (iii) for each v E V ,p E c s ( E ) , 6 > 0 and u E V , q E cs(E) such that v(x)p(y) S u(T(x))q(y), for every x E X and y E E , T - ’ ( K ) n F(v, 6 ) is compact whenever K is a compact subset of F(u, 6). E
Proof (a) 3 (c). From Theorem 4.2.25, it follows that the conditions c(i) and c(ii) are true whenever (a) holds. To establish c(iii), let v E V , 6 > 0 and K c X be a compact subset. In light of [246, Lemma 2, p. 691 there exists f E CV,(X) such that 0 If I 1 , f ( K ) = 1. Since E is a non-zero locally convex Hausdorff space, there exists a non-zero vector yo E E and p’ E cs(E) such that p’(yo) # 0. If we put g ( x ) = f ( x ) y o / p ’ ( y o ) for every x E X , then g E CVo(X,E) and g0T
CV,(X, E ) . Let H = ( x E
: v(x)p’(g(T(x)))2 6}. Then H is compact
4.2 Composition Operators
and it readily follows that T - l ( K ) n F(v, 6 ) c ff, and hence it is compact. (c) * (d).
In this case (d) is an obvious consequence of (c).
(d) * (b). In this case, it follows from Theorem 4.2.26 that T induces the composition operator CT on CV,(X,E). To complete the proof of (b), it remains to prove that CVo(X, E) is invariant under CT . Let f E CVo(X, E), v E V , p E cs(E) and 6 > 0. Consider the set S"= ( x E X : v(x)p(f (T(x)))2 61. In case S is empty, compactness follows obviously. Assume that S is non-empty. Let us take u E V and q E cs(E) such that v(x)p(y) 5 u(T(x))q(y), for every x E X and y E E . Now, if we set H = { x E X : u(x)q(f(x))2 &}, then H is a compact subset of X and T(S) c H . Let r = p + q and let M, = sup(rCf(x)) : x E H ) . Then M , > 0 and I1 c F(u, 6 / M,).
Thus from d(iii), it follows that
T - l ( H ) n F(v, 6 / M,) is
compact. Since S c T - l ( H ) and S c F(v, 6 / Mr),it follows that S is a compact subset of X . This proves that C, f E CVo(X,E ) . Finally, (a) Clearly follows from (b). This completes the proof of the theorem.
Now, we plan to characterise the linear transformations which are composition bperators from CVo(X, E) into CV,(X, E) and this generalises our Theorem 4.2.8. We xgin with the following notations and definitions. Let F(CVo(X,E), E) be the vector space of all linear mappings from CV,(X, E) into E and let L(CVp(X,E), E) be a vector subspace of F(CVo(X,E), E ) consisting of all continuous linear mapping from CV,(X, E) into E . For each x E X , we define a mapping 6, : CVp(X,E ) + E as 6,cf) = f ( x ) , for all f E CV,(X, E ) . Clearly, it is linear, we claim that 6, is continuous. Let
cs(E). Since for x E X ,
= pcf(x)) 5
there exists v E V such that v ( x ) > 0, we have that for all f E CV,(X,E). This proves that 6, is a
continuous transformation. Let A(X) = (6, : x E X ) . Then A ( X ) is a subset of L(CV,(X, E ) , E l .
Theorem 4.2.29. Let @ : CVo(X,E) + CV,(X,E) be a linear transformation. Then there exists T : X + X such that Q, = C, if and only if the composition transformation C, : L(CVp(X,E ) , E ) + F(CVo(X,E ) , E ) induced by the linear transformation @, leaves A(X) invariant. In caSe C (A(X)) c A ( X ) , and T is 0,
IV Composition Operators on Weighted Function Spaces
continuous, @ = CT is continuous if and only if for every v E V and p E cs(E), thcre exist u E V and q E cs(E) such that v(x)p(y) Iu(T(x))q(y), for all x E X and Y E E.
Proof. Suppose @ = C,, for some T : X Then
+X .
If x E X , and f E C V , ( X , E ) .
This proves that Co6, = 6T(x).Conversely, let us suppose that C O ( A ( X ) ) c A ( X ) . For x E X , if we take T ( x ) to be the unique element of X such that CQ(SX)= 6T(x)rand consider any function f E CVo ( X , E ) , then
@(fb)= 6%(#(f)) = (6,
= C&%)(f)
= 6T(x)(f) =
= CT (f
This shows that @ = C,. As noted earlier, T is continuous, while CT is continuous exactly when for every v E V and p E cs(E), there exist u E V and q E cs(E) such that v(x)p(y) Iu(T(x))q(y), for all x E X and y E E , in view of Theorem 4.2.25 and Theorem 4.2.26 proved earlier.
In the following results we shall carry the basic properties of composition operators discussed so far to the weighted spaces of vector-valued continuous functions. The following theorem is a straight forward extension of Theorem 4.2.14. Theorem 4.2.30. Let CT : C ( X , E ) + C ( X , E ) be a composition map induced by a continuous function T : X + X , and let V be any system of weights on X for which (4.2.d) is satisfied. Then the following are equivalent :
4.2 Composition Operators
(i) T(X) isdensein X ; (ii) CT is injective; (iii) c T l c v P ( x ,E )
is injective;
(iv) c T l c v 0 ( x , E ) is injective.
Now, we shall present the vector-valued analogue of Theorem 4.2.15 in which we discuss the range of a composition operator.
Theorem 4.2.31. Let V be a system of weights on X for which (4.2.d) is satisfied, let U be a system of weights on X such that U 5 V and assume that T : X + X induces a composition map C, : CVo(X,E ) -) CUo(X,E). Then T is injective if and only if CT(CVo(X,E)) is dense in CU,(X, E).
Proof. Suppose that C,(CV,(X, E)) is dense in CUo(X,E), and let x l , x2 E X be such that x1 f x 2 . Choose g E CVo(X,E), p E cs(E) and u E U such that g(xl) = 0, p(g(x2)) = 1 and u(xl).u(x2) 2 1. Since g E CUo(X, E), there exists f E CVo(X,E) such that
From this it follows that p(f(T(x1))) <
3 and I p ( f ( T ( x 2 ) ) )- 1 I c 3 and this yields
that T ( x l ) z T ( x 2 ) . Conversely, if T is injective and A = {f 0 T : f E C b ( X ) } is a self-adjoint subalgebra of C,(X) which separates the points of X, then the vector subspace Y = CT(CVo(X,E)) is a module over A and the density of Y in CUo(X,E) now follows from the vector-valued analogue of the bounded case of the weighted approximation problem [383, Theorem 4.1, page 1811. This completes the proof.
Let K be a closed subset of X , and Then we define
(AxK : 3L > 0, K
xK t
be the characteristic function of K.
X , K finite].
Then clearly % is a
system of weights on X , and CQ(X, E ) = CoUp(X,E ) = ( C ( X E), WQ),
denotes the topology of pointwise convergence on X.
IV Composition Operators on Weighted Function Spaces
Now we shall present the following theorems which are the vector-valued analogue of Theorem 4.2.16, Theorem 4.2.19 and Theorem 4.2.20. For the proof of these results we refer to [352]. Theorem 4.2.32. Let CT : C(X, E ) + C(X, E ) be a composition map induced by X , and let V be any system of weights on X for a continuous function T : X which (4.2.d) is satisfied. Then the following are equivalent :
(i) T is injective; (ii)
CT(CV,(X, E)) is wq-dense in C(X, E ) ;
CT(CVp(X,E) is wq-dense in C(X, E) ;
(iv) CT(C(X,E) is wq-dense in C(X, E) . Theorem 4.2.33. Let CT : C(X, E ) + C(X, E ) be a composition map induced by a continuous function T : X + X , and let V be any system of weights on X for which (4.2.d) is satisfied. If CV,(X,E) c CT(C(X,E)), then T : X + T ( X ) is a homeomorphism. Theorem 4.2.34. Let T : X + X be a function such that C, : CV,(X,E) + CV,(X,E) is a composition map. Then CT is surjective if and only if (i) T :X
+ T(X) is a homeomorphism, and
(ii) given g E CV(T-'),(T(X).E), there exists f E CV,(X,E) such that flT(X) = g'
In the following theorem, we shall give a generalisation of Theorem 4.2.22 which characterises those composition maps CT : CV,(X, E ) + CV,(X, E ) which are nearly open in thc sense that given any v E-V and p E cs(E),- there exist u E V and q E cs(E) such that Bu,q c CT(Bv,p).
Theorem 4.2.35. Let T : X + X be a function such that CT : CV,(X, E ) CV,(X, E ) is a cornposition map. Then CT is nearly open if and only if
(i) T is injective,
4.2 Composition Operators
(ii) for every v E V and p E cs(E), there exist u E V and q E cs(E) such that v(T(x))p(y) I u(x)q(y), for all x E X and y E E.
Proof. Suppose that CT is nearly open. Let v E V and p E cs(E). Then there exist u E V and q E cs(E) such that Bu,q c Cr(BV,,). To show that T is injective, in view of Theorem 4.2.31, it is enough to show that Cr(CVo(X,E ) ) is dense in
l ~ l l u , q + 1.
Then a-'f E Bu,q and there
g o T E a-'Cf+ B
). Further, it implies that
CVo(X,E ) . Let f E CVo(X,E ) and a =
such that
ag o T E f
This proves that CT(CVo(X.E)) is dense in CVo(X,E). Now,
we establish the condition (ii). Fix no E X and yo E E . We claim that
Set u(xo)q(yo)=
In case
> 0, the set G = ( x
X : u(x) <
w) 3E
is an open
neighbourhood of xo. Therefore, according to [246, Lemma 2, p. 691, there exists g E CVo(X) such that 0 5 g S 1, g(xo) = 1 and g ( X \ G) = 0. We define for all x E X . Then 4 E CVo(X,E ) . Let p = ( 3 /~2)-' and h = phi. Then h E Bu,q. Let w E V be such that w(xo) 2 1 and p' E cs(E) such
q ( x ) = g(x)yo,
that p f = 2p with $(yo) 2 1. That is, p ( y o ) 2 such that
Further, it implies that
Consequently,we have that
From (I), we have
4.Therefore, we can find
f E
IV Composition Operators on Weighted Function Spaces
Further, using (3) in (2), it follows that 1 2
p b m x o m o o ) - E / 21
Thus we have
Hence in this case our claim is established. Similarly, we can establish our claim in casc u(x0)q ( y o ) = 0 . For details of proof see [3521. With this the proof of the theorem is completed.
Now, we define some notations which are needed to state the following corollary which is an immediate consequence of Theorem 4.2.35 taken together with Theorem 4.2.28. Let V x cs(E) = ( ( v ,p ) : v E V , p E c s ( E ) ) , where (v, p) : X x E + R+ is defined as (v, p)(x, y ) = v(x)p(y), for all x E X and y E E. We write V x cs(E) 5 U x cs(E), whenever given v E V and p E cs(E), there exist u E U and q E cs(E) such that (v. p) I(u,q) i.e., v(x)p(y) Iu(x)q(y),for every x E X and y E E. If V x cs(E) 5 U x cs(E) and U x cs(E) 5 V x cs(E), then they are equivalent and we denote it by V x c&(E)= U x cs(E). Corollary 4.2.36. Let T : X + X be a function. Then CT : CVo(X,E ) + CVo(X,E ) is a nearly open composition operator if and only if
(i) T is a continuous injection, (ii) VT x cs(E) = V x cs(E), (iii) for every v compact.
V, E > 0 and compact set
K c X, T - ' ( K ) fl F(v, E),
Finally, we begin with a study of composition operators on the weighted spaces of cross-sections which is the second phase of our study in this section. In this phase of study we shall characterise the self-maps T : X + X which induce the composition operators on the weighted spaces Lwb(x) and LWo(X) defined in section 4 of chapter I. Besides, an algebraic criterion for distinguishing the composition operators among all
4.2 Composition Operators
continuous linear operators on these weighted spaces, we give some basic properties of these operators. Most precisely, this study presents a unification and a very broad generalisation of the theory of these operators on the weighted spaces of functions. We begin with the following characterizationof composition operators.
Theorem 4.2.37. Let T : X + X be a map such that for every x E X , FTcx, c Fx. Then CT : LWJX) + LWb(X) is a composition operator if and only if W 2 W o T , where W o T = ( w o T : w E W ) . Proof. Let W 5 W o T . Then for given w E W, there exists W ' E W such that w 5 W ' O T . Thus w x ( y ) 5 w;(,,(y), for every x E X and y E FTcx,. Let { f a > be a net in LWb(X) such that Ilfall
+ 0 , for every
W. Then
This shows that CT is a composition operator on LW,(X). Conversely, suppose CT is a composition operator and let w E W. Then there exists W ' E W such that CT(Bw,)c Bw. Now, we claim that w I 2 W' o T. Fix xo E X and yo
Then g
Set w i ( , ) ( y o )
= E.
In case
> 0, we define the function
Bw, and g o T E Bw. This gives us that Wxo(Y0)
2 w;(xo)(Yo).
On the other hand, suppose that E = 0 and w (yo) > 0. Let XO dcfine the function h : X + Fx as
X € X
wxo( y o )
. Then wc p=7
IV Composition Operators on Weighted Function Spaces
Clearly h
Bw, and h 0 T
Bw. This implies that w (yo) S
2, which is an
impossibility.With this the proof of the theorem is completed.
Now, we shall see that the map T : X + X with the condition that W IW o T does not induce a composition operator on LWo(X). To see this, let (F, : n E N) be the vector-fibration over N, where for every n E N, F, = R" with the usual norm. Let v be the function on N defined as v(n) = 1 1), for every n E N , and let
W = [hv : k > 0). Then W is a system of weights on N. We define the map T : N + N as T ( n ) = 1, for every n E N. Then clearly for every n E N, Fn as FTo c F, and W I W o T . If we define the function f : N +
f 0 T E LWo(N). So, this motivates us to look for some more conditions on the map T to induce a composition operator on LWo(X). This we shall establish in the following theorem. f ( n ) = (0,0,...,1/ n ) , then clearly f
LWo(N). But
Theorem 4.2.38. Let T : X + X be a continuous function such that for every x E X , FTcx, c F,. Then the following are equivalent :
(a) T induces a composition operator CT on LWo(X); (b) (i) W 5 W 0 T , (ii) for each f E L ( X ) such that w [ f ] is upper semicontinuous for every w E W and given w E W , E > 0 and compact set K c X , T-'(K) n ( x E X : wx[f(T(x))]2 E) is compact,
(c) (i) W 5 W o T , (ii) for each f E L ( X ) such that w [ f ] is upper semicontinuous for every w E W , and given w E W , E > 0 and W'E W such that w I w'o T , T-'(K)n(x E X : w,[f(T(x))] 2 E) is compact, whenever K is a compact subset of ( x E X : w i [ f ( x ) l 2 E), (a) T induces a composition operator CT on LWb(X) and LWo(X) is invariant under CT .
Proof. If condition (a) holds, then (b) (i) follows from Theorem 4.2.37. Now, let w E W and f E L(X). If E > 0 and K c X is a compact subset, then we define the function g : X + U Fx as XE
4.2 Composition Operators
This implies that the set E X : w,[f(T(x))l 2 E) is compact as it is a closed subset of F. (c) is an immediate consequence of (b). Now, if condition (c) holds, then from Theorem 4.2.37 it follows that CT is a composition operator on LWJX). To show that LWo(X) is invariant under CT , let g E LWo(X). w E W and E > 0. Let S = [ x E X : w,[g(T(x))] 2 E). Now, we choose w' E W such that w I w' 0 T . Then clearly the set G = ( x E X : w;[g(x)] 2 E) is compact and T ( S ) c G . Since S c T-'(G)n(x E X : w,[g(T(x))] 2 E) and in view of (c) (ii). it follows that the set T - ' ( G ) n ( x E X : w,[g(T(x))] 2 E) is compact. Thus CTg E LWo(X). Finally, (a) is an immediate consequence of (d). This completes the proof of the theorem. Clearly
g E LWo(X)
g o
T E LWo(X).
= ( x E X : w,[g(T(x))) 2 E) is compact. Thus T - ' ( K ) n ( x
Example 4.2.39. Let x = (0, c-1 = R+, the set of positive reals with the usual topology, and let L p ( X . p ) (1 Ip < =) be the Banach space of all complex-valued measurable functions whose p'*-power is integrable on X with respect to the measure p. Let H p ( D ) (1 I p c =) be the Hardy space of analytic functions on the open unit disc D . Let [F' : s E R+) be the vector-fibration over R+, where
Let v be the function defined on R+ such that
v(s) =
1< s c { ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ ; s0, c
s < 1,
11. [Is is the usual norm of Ls(X, p), II.Illls is the usualnorm of H'''(D).
Let W = (hv : h 2 0). Then W is a system of weights on t E [ l p ) , we define the mapping 3 : R+ + R+ as
Now, for each
We note that as the positive reals increase the corresponding fibre spaces defined by these : R+ + R+ satisfies the reals form a nested sequence and therefore the map requirement that for every s E R', FqCr, c
5. In view of Theorem 4.2.37, it follows
IV Composition Operators on Weighted Function Spaces
that C
is a composition operator on LWb(W').
Example 4.2.40. Let X = Z', the set of positive integers with the discrete topology, and let (F' : n E Z+) be the vector-fibration over Z+, where for every n E Z', F, = C". Let v be the mapping defined on Z+ as v(n) = II.Iln , for all
II.II,, is the norm of C". Let W = (hv : h 2 0). Then W is a system of weights on Z+ . Define the mapping T : Z+ + Z+ as T ( n ) = n-1, for all
n E Z+ where
n E h+\( 1 ) and T ( l ) = 1. Then clearly for every n E Z+, FT0 c F,
W I W 0 T . Thus by Theorem 4.2.37, T induces a composition operator on LWJX).
In thc following theorem we shall give a description of the continuous composition operators from LWb(X) into itself which parallels a standard result for functional Hilbert spaces proved by Caughran and Schwartz [61]. For each x E X , we define the mapping 6 , : LW,(X) + F, as for every f E LW,(X). Clearly 6 , is linear. For each x E X , F(LWb(X),F,) the vector space of all linear mappings from LW,(X) S(LW,(X), F,) denotes a vector subspace of F(LW,(X), F,) containing
6,Cf) = f ( x ) , we denote by to F,, whereas 6,.
Theorem 4.2.41. Let 0 : LW,(X) + L w b ( x ) be a linear transformation. Then there is a map T : X + X such that 0 = C, if and only if for every x E X , the composition transformation C , : S(LWb(X),F,) + F(LWb(X),F,) induced by 0 satisfies C,(S,) = a)(., In case C,(6,) = 6T(x), 0 = C, is continuous if and only if W I W 0 T.
If 0 = C,, for some T : X
, then for x
and f E LW,(X),
we have
Thus C,(S,) = 6,(,). Conversely, if x E X , then let T(x) bc the unique clement of X such that C,(S,) = 6,(,). To show that 0 = C,, let f E LW,(X). Then
4.2 Composition Operators
Thus @ = C., From Theorem 4.2.37, it follows that @ = CT is continuous if and only if W I W o T . This completes the proof of the theorem.
Finally, we wind up this section by characterising those composition maps C, : LWo(X) + LWo(X) which are nearly open in the sense that given any w
there exists W ' E W such that Bw, c CT(Bw). Also, the open mapping theorem of Ptak's [301] says that LWo(X) is B-complete (or fully complete), and if T :X + X induces a nearly open composition operator C, : LWo(X) + LWo(X) such that CT(LWo(X))is dense in LWo(X), then CT is necessarily an open surjection. Now, if the vector fibration (F, : x E X ) is such that each fibre space F, is a Banach space, and W is a system of weights on X generated by a single weight v on X defined by v(x) = 11 . /Ix, for all x E X , where 1 , 1, is the norm of the Banach space F, , then CT will be open surjection if C, : LWo(X) -+ LWo(X) is continuous nearly open operator with dense range. First of all, we shall establish the following proposition which characterises the self maps for which the corresponding composition maps CT : LWo(X) + LWo(X) have dense range. We shall work with the following requirements while establishing remaining results of this section. (4.2.41a) For each x E X , there exists f , E LWo(X) such that f , ( x )
(4.2.41b) If given any vector subspace 2 of LWo(X), then for all f E L(X) and xo E X , given w E W and E > 0, there exist g E 2 and neighburhood N of xo in X , such that w , [ f ( x ) - g ( x ) ] < E , for all x E N [247, page 307(b)l. Proposition 4.2.42. Let W ' be a system of weights on X such that LWi(X) satisfies the condition (4.2.41b), and let W be a system of weights on X such that W' IW . Let T : X + X be a continuous map such that for every x E X, FTcx, c F, and for given x l , x2 E X , there is w E W such that w , ( ~ )Iw5 on F&, and w , ( ~ , )S w5 on FTcX2,, and T induces the
composition map C,
: LWo(X) + LWd(X).
CT(LWo(X)) is dense in
IV Composition Operators on Weighted Function Spaces
LWi(X) if and only if T is injective.
Suppose that CT(LWo(X)) is dense in LWi(X). Let x l , x 2 E X be such
that x1 z xz. Choose h E LWi(X) and w E W’ such that h ( q ) = 0 and h ( q ) # 0,
From this, it follows that
Now, if T ( x l ) = T ( x 2 ) , then it contradicts (1) and (2). and therefore T ( x l ) f T ( x 2 ) , Conversely, if T is injective. then A = (f 0 T : f E C b ( X ) ) is a self-adjoint subalgebra of cb(x) which separates the points of X. Since the vector subspace 2 = (f 0 T : f E LWo(X)) is a module over A and LWi,(X) satisfies the condition (4.2.41b), the density of CT(LWo(X))= 2 in LWo(X) now follows from [247, Theorem 111 as it is the bounded case of the strict weighted approximation problem. This completes the proof. Theorem 4.2.43. Let W be a system of weights on X such that LWo(X) satisfiesthe condition (4.2.41b). Let T : X + X be a continuous map such that for every x E X , FTCx,c F, and for given xl,x2 E X , there is w E W such that wT(5) 5 w5 on FTC5, and wT(xz)5 wx2 on FT(zL),and T induces a composition map CT : LWo(X)
+ LWo(X). Then
CT is nearly open if and only if
(i) W o T S W ;
(ii) T is injective. Proof. Suppose that CT is a nearly open composition operator, and let w E W. Choose w’ E W such that B,, c CT(Bw). To show that T is injective, in view of Theorem 4.2.42, it is enough to establish that CT(LW,(X))
4.2 Composition Operators
1 . ,1 + 1.
is dense in LWo(X). Let f E LWo(X) and let h = f
Then h-lf E B,,,,.
Further, there exists g E B, such that h-lf = g 0 T. This implies that C,(hg) E f + B,. Thus C,(LWo(X)) is dense in LWo(X). Now, we shall show that
W oT w
I W.
Let w
W. Choose w’ E W such that Bw, c CT(Bw). Claim that
T I2wf, i.e., ~ ~ ( ~ 5) (2wi(y), y ) for every E
X and yo E FT(xo,. Put wf (yo) = E . In case E
UF* as x
and y E FT0.
0, we define the function
f : ~ +
x = xo
Obviously, f E Bw#. Choose w” E W . Wecan find g E Bw so that
? ‘
such that w I; wff and wT(xo)I w% on
Further, it implies that -1
xo [&-‘Yo - g(T(xo))] 5 3(wT(xo)(ro) + E).
Consequently with the choice of w”, we have
Sincc g E B,,
we have
5 2wi0(y0).
Further, it implies that and wT(xo,(yo)> 0 . Put
On the other hand, suppose
, ( ~ ~ /) 4( and y ~ define ) the function f : X
u E
IV Composition Operators on Weighted Function Spaces
x = xo
otherwise. Clearly f E B,. Again, we can choose w” E W can find g E B,
such that Ilf
w k [ p - ’ y o - g(T(xo))] I 2 .
- g o
in the same way so that we
From this, it follows that
Further it implies that
1 yo
- g(T(xo))]S 2 .
Also, since g E B, , we have
which is a contradiction. Thus our claim holds in both the cases. Conversely, suppose T is injective and W 0 T 5 W . Let w E W . Then choose w’ E W such that w o T 5 w ‘ . Let f E LWo(X) be such that llfo
TII,, c 1. Since CT(LWo(X)) is dense in
that f
T E CT(Bw).For any
and K2 = ( x x E X,w
LWo(X), it is enough to show
W , if we put
E X : w , [ f ( x ) ] 2 1), then
K1 and
K1 = ( x E X : w,”[f(T(x))]2 1)
are compact sets. Since for every [ f ( T ( x ) ) ]I w l [ f ( T ( x ) ) ] c 1, T ( x ) e K,. Since T is continuous, T(K1) K2
is compact and T ( K l ) n K2 = 0. Choose g E C,(X) such that 0 5 g I 1, g ( K 2 ) = 1, g ( T ( K l ) ) = 0 . Let h = f - af. Then h E LWo(X). Now. for every x
X, we have w,[h(x)] = 11 - g(x)(w,Lf(x)]< 1. This implies that h E Bw . Then
for w“
W , we have w,”Lf(T(x)) - h(T(x))]= b(T(x))(w:[f(T(x))]< 1,
x E X. This implies that
T - h o TII,” S 1. Thus f
for all
T E CT(Bw).Hence the
proof of the theorem is completed.
The next theorem is an immediate consequence of Theorem 4.2.38 and Theorem 4.2.43.
Theorem 4.2.44. Let W and T be as in the hypothesis of Theorem 4.2.43. Then CT : LWo(X) + LWo(X) is a nearly open composition operator if and only if (i) T is an injection; (ii) W = W
(iii) for each
T; f E L(X)
such that w I f ]
is upper semicontinuous for
4.3 Invertible and Compact Composition Operators
every w E W , and given w E W , E > 0 and compact set K c X , T - ' ( K ) ncx E x : w,[f(~(x))lr Ej is compact. 4.3
In this section we plan to characterise invertible and compact composition operators on the weighted locally convex spaces of functions. We shall complete the study of this section in two phases. In the first phase we endeavour to obtain invertible composition operators on CVo(X), CVo(X,E) and LWo(X). Compact composition operators on C(X,E) and CVo(X,E) are studied in the second phase. For more details of these results we refer to ([356], [358], [367]). The characterizationsof invertible composition operators are based on the invertibility criterion established in [356] and which is based on the new concept of a bounded below operator on a Hausdorff topological vector space. For our convenience, we shall present this new invertibility criterion and the definition of a bounded below operator. Defintion 4.3.1. Let E be a Hausdorff topological vector space, and let A : E + E be a continuous linear operator. Then A is said to be bounded below if for every neighbourhood N of the origin, there exists a neighbourhood M of the origin such that A ( N C ) c M C , where the symbol 'c' stands for the complement of a
The following elementary properties of a bounded below operator are proved in [356, Theorem 3.31. (4.3.h)
A is bounded below
A, B are bounded below
is oneone.
so is their composition A o B,
(4.3.1~) A , B are such that A o B is bounded below
B is bounded below.
Theorem 4.3.2. Let E be a complete Hausdorff topological vector space and let A : E + E be a continuous linear operator. Then A is invertible if and only if A is bounded below and has dense range. Proof.
If A is invertible, then ran A = E and hence A has dense range. Let N
IV Composition Operators on Weighted Function Spaces
be a neighbourhood of the origin. Then there exists a neighbourhood M of the origin y E A ( N C ) . Then such that A'l(M) c N . Claim that A ( @ ) c M C . Let A-'y E NC.This implies that A-'y e N. Thus it follows that y E MC.
Conversely, suppose that A is bounded below and has dense range. First we claim that ran A is a closed subspace of E. Let (AX,) be a Cauchy net, and let N be a neighbourhood of the origin. Then there exists a neighbourhood M of the origin such that A ( N C )c M C . Since (AX,) is a Cauchy net, for given neighbourhood M of the origin, there exists a0 such that Ax, - AxB E M for every a,P 2 ao. Further, it
implies that A(x, - xp) e M C Thus it follows that xu ( 1 , )
is a Cauchy net in E
- xp E N .
This proves that
and hence it converges. Let x = limx,. a
lim Ax, = Ax is in the range of A . This proves that ran A is a closed subspace of E, and hence ran A = E. Thus A-' is well defined. Finally, we shall show that A-'. is continuous. To this end, let N be a neighbourhood of the origin. Then there is a neighbourhood M of the origin such that A(#) c M C . Claim that A-'(M) c N . Let y E A - l ( M ) . Then Ay E M , This means that Ay e M C . Thus it follows that y e N C and consequently y E N . This completes the proof of the theorem.
In order to have the characterization of invertible composition operators, the completeness of the underlying weighted spaces is an essential requirement as wc are using the invertibility criterion proved above. The completeness of the weighted spaces has been studied in detail by Summers [381], Prolla [272] and Bierstedt [31]. Some of the results regarding completeness we shall state below. The following result is a comparison test for completeness in weighted spaces proved by Summers [381, Theorem 3.61. Theorem 4.3.3. Let U be a system of weights on X such that CUo(X) is complete, and let V be a system of weights on X such that U 5 V. Then C V o ( X ) is complete.
If E is a complete locally convex Hausdorff space, then the vector-valued analogue of [381, Theorem 3.61 is proved by Prolla [272, Theorem 31. Further, Bierstedt [31, Proposition 221 has obtained a sufficient condition for completeness in weighted spaces which is presented below. Proposition 4.3.4.
Let X be a Vw-Space. Then cVo(X, E) and CV,(X, E)
4.3 Invertible and Compact Composition Operators
are complete for each complete locally convex space E. In the following theorem we shall establish the characterisation of invertible composition operators on the weighted space CVo(X)
Theorem 4.3.5. Let V be a system of weights on X such that c V o ( X ) is complete, and let T : X + X be a map such that CT is a composition operator on CVo(X). Then CT is invertible if and only if (i) T(X) is dense in X ; (iij T is injective;
(iii) VT IV
Proof. From Theorem 4.3.2, it follows that CT is invertible.if and only if CT is bounded below and has dense range. Suppose that the conditions (i) to (iii) hold. Let v E V . By (iii), there exists u E V such that v 0 T 5 u. We claim that CT(B;) c B,". Let f E CV,(X) be such that f E B:. Then we have 1 <
1 1 1 1 "=
sup{v(xQ(x)( : x
I sup[u(x]f
T(x)( : x E X } = IICT41,.
Thus CTf E B,". This proves that CT is bounded below. Also, since T is injective, it follows from Theorem 4.2.15 that CT has dense range. Conversely, suppose that CT is invertible. Then CT is bounded below and has dense range. Since CT is one-one, it follows from Theorem 4.2.14 that T(X) is dense in X . The injectivity of T follows from Theorem 4.2.15 as CT has dense range. To establish the condition (iii). let v E V . There there is u E V such that CT(B:) c B:. We claim that v 0 T I2u. Fix xo E X and let u(xo) = E . If E > 0, then the set G = (x E X : u(x) < 2 ~ is) an open neighbourhood of XO. Therefore, according to [246, Lemma 2, p. 691, there exists f E CVo(X) such that 0 I f I 1, f(xo) = 1 and f ( X \ G ) = 0. Let g =
(2~)-'f.Then g
B,. Again, there exists h E CVo(X) such that h o T = g
because CT is onto. This implies that h 0 T e E,". Further, we have h Q By". Thus v(x]h(x)( I1, for all x E X. This yields that v(T(xo)) I 2u(x0). On the other hand, if E = 0 and v(T(xo)) > 0. then we put p = v(T(xo)) / 2 and G, = (x E X : u(x) < p) . Clearly C1 is an open neighbourhood of xo. Thus according to [246, Lemma 2, p. 691, there exists f E o / , ( X ) such that 0 If I 1, f ( x o ) = 1 and f(X \ G,)= 0. Let
IV Composition Operators on Weighted Function Spaces
Then g
B,, and there exists h
CVo(X) such that h o T = g .
It now follows that h o T e B: and h e B $ . Further, it implies that v(7'(xo))I v(T(xo)/ 2, a contradiction. Thus our claim is established. This completes the proof of the theorem. Corollary 4.3.6. Let V be a system of weights on X such that c V o ( X ) is complete, and let T : X + X be a map such that CT is a composition operator on CVo(X).Then CT is invertible if and only if CT is nearly open and T(X) is dense in X . Proof. It follows from Theorem 4.3.5 and Theorem 4.2.22.
In the following theorem we present a characterization of invertible composition operators on the weighted spaces of vector-valued continuous functions. Theorem 4.3.7. Let E be a complete locally convex Hausdorff space, and let V ba a system of weights on X such that c V o ( X . E ) is complete. Let T : X + X be a map such that CT is a composition operator on CVo(X,E). Then CT is invertible if and only if (i) T(X) is dense in X; (ii) T is injective;
(iii) for every v E V and p E cs(E), there exist u E V and q E cs(E) such that v(T(x))p(y) I u(x)q(y), for every x E X and y E E.
Proof. Suppose that the conditions (i) through (iii) are true. Let v E V and p E cs(E). Then there is u E V and q E cs(E) such that v(T(x)p(y) S u(x)q(y), for every x E X and y E E. Claim that CT(E$,,)c E&. Let f E CVo(X, E ) be
such that f
B:,p. Then we have
This proves that f o T
Eyq.Thus CT is bounded below. Also, CT has dense
4.3 Invertible and Compact Composition Operators
range, which follows from Theorem 4.2.31. From Theorem 4.3.2 it follows that CT is invertible. Conversely, if CT is invertible, then we conclude that CT is bounded below and has dense range. Again from Theorem 4.2.30 and Theorem 4.2.31, it follows that T(X) is dense in X and T is oneone. To establish the condition (iii), let v E V and p E cs(E). Then there are u E V and q E cs(E) such that CT(B;,J c Bi,q. Claim that v(T(x))p(y) I 2u(x)q(y) for every x E X and y E E. Fix xo E X and yo E E . Let u(xo)q(yo) = E . If E > 0, then the set G = [ x E X : u(x) c 2~ / q(yo)) is an open neighbourhood of X O . According to [246, Lemma 2, p. 691 there exists f E CVo(X) such that 0 If I 1, f ( x o ) = 1 and f(X \ G) = 0. Define the function x E X. Then g E cVo(X, E). Let g : X + E as g ( x ) = f(x)y,,. for every h = (2~)-'g.Then h E Bu,q. Now, there exists a function k
CVo(X, E) such that
k T = h. Then k T e BC and k e B;,p. From this, we conclude that u,4 0
On the other hand, if
E = 0, hen
4x0) =
d Y 0 ) = 0,
4x0) =
dY0) =
the following three cases arise :
0 9
Assume the case (a) and suppose that v(T(xO))p(yo)> 0. Let
p = v(T(xo))p(yo)/2.
Then the set G = ( x E X : u(x) c -) P is an open neighbourhood of xo. Therefore, 4(Yo) according to [246, Lemma 2, p. 691 there exists f E cVo(X) such that as 0 I f I 1, f ( x o ) = 1 and f(X \ G) = 0. Define the function g : X + E g ( x ) = f ( x ) y o , for every
h E Bu,q and there exists
x E X . Then g E CVo(X, E). Let h = p-'g. E
CVo(X, E) such that
$ T 0
h . Thus h, o T e Bc
and h, e B:,p. Further it implies that v(T(xo))p(yo)I v(T(xo))p(y0)/2, which is a contradiction,Hence in this case our claim is established. Similarly, we can establish our claim in both cases (b) and (c). For detailed proof see [356].
The following corollary is an immediate consequence of Theorem 4.3.7 and Theorem 4.2.35.
IV Composition Operators on Weighted Function Spaces
Corollary 4.3.8. Let E be a complete locally convex Hausdorff space, and let V be a system of weights on X such that CVo(X, E) is complete. Let T : X + X be a map such that CT is a composition operator on CVo(X,E). Then CT is invertible if and only if CT is nearly open and T(X) is dense in X.
Finally in the first phase of our study we endeavour to extend the theory of invertible composition operators to the weighted spaces of cross-sections. The self-maps inducing composition operators on LWo(X) and LWb(X) have been characterised in section 2 of this chapter. From now onwards we assume the following condition . (4.3.8a) For each
X, there exists f,
LWo(X) such that fx(x)
Theorem 4.3.9. Let T : X + X be a continuous map such that for every E X, FTcx1c F, and T induces a composition operator CT on LWo(X). Then
CT is bounded below if and only if T is onto and W o T 9 W. , i.e., for every w E W, there exists W’E W such that wT(,)(y) I w:(y), for every x E X and FT(x)’
Proof. Supposc that the conditions hold. Let w E W. Then there is W’E W for every x E X , and y E FTcX,.Claim that such that wT(,)(y) 5 w:(y), CT(f3:) c E:,.
Let f
LWo(X) be such that f
B i . Then we have
Conversely, suppose that CT is bounded below. Assume This proves that CTf E on the contrary that T is not onto. Then there is y E X such that for every x E X , T(x) # y . Choose f E LWo(X) such that f(y) f 0. Define the function g : x + as
Then g
x = Y
LWo(X) and g T = 0 , which contradicts the fact that CT is one-one. To 0
show that W o T I W, let w E W . Then there exists w‘ E W CT(B:) c I?:,. Claim that w o T I2w’. Fix xo E X and yo
such that E FTc.o,. Let
4.3 Invertible and Compact Composition Operators
wk(yo) =
. In case
> 0, we define the function g : X
Fx as
Then g 0 T
e E:,.
This implies that
Thus, it follows that
(y ) 5 2w' (yo). On the other hand, suppose E = 0 and wT(xo)(yo) > 0. Let
T(X0) 0
/3 = w T(xo) (yo)/ 2. Then we define the function h : X h(x) =
Fx as
x = T(x~)
h0Te and h C B i . Further, it implies that w T(xo)(y0 ) S W~(~,,(Y~) / 2, a contradiction. This completes the proof of the theorem.
Theorem 4.3.10. Let W be a system of weights on X such that LWo(X) satisfies the condition (4.2.41b). Let T : X + X be a continuous map such that for every x E X , FTcx,c Fx and for given x 1 , x 2 E X , there is w E W such that w < w on and wT(x2)S w on FT(x2,. and T induces the T(*J -
composition operator CT on LWo(X). Then CT
has dense range if and only if T
is injective.
Proof. It follows from Proposition 4.2.42.
The following result is an immediate consequence of Theorem 4.3.9, Theorem 4.3.10 and Theorem 4.3.2.
Theorem 4.3.11. Let W be a system of weights on X
such that LWo(X) is
complete and satisfies the condition (4.2.41b). Let T : X + X be a continuous map such that for every x E X , F c'F and for given x l , x2 E X there is w E W T( x ) such that w and wT(%) 5 wrz on F and T induces a
T(3) w3
composition operator CT on LWo(X). Then CT is invertible if and only if T is
IV Composition Operators on Weighted Function Spaces
bijective and W 0 T S W .
Corollary 4.3.12. Let W and T be as in the hypothesis of Theorem 4.3.11. Then CT is invertible if and only if CT is nearly open and T is onto. Proof. It follows from Theorem 4.3.11 and Theorem 4.2.43.
Under the second phase of the study in this section we shall characterise compact composition operators on the weighted spaces of vector-valued continuous functions. By a compact operator we mean a linear transformation A from a topological vector space E into itself such that the image of every bounded subset of E under A is relatively compact in E. Let B be a subset of cvb(x,E) (or CVo(X,E ) ) . Then B is bounded if for each v E V and p E cs(E), there exists a constant m > 0 such that V.P
l .fl v,p
for every f E B . If A
is a compact operator on CVb(X,E) (or
CVo(X,E)) and (f,) is a bounded sequence in CVb(X,E), then there exists a subsequence (jJ and g E CVb(X,E) such that (AQ converges to g . If X is a
compact Hausdorff space, V consists of constant weights and E = K, then CVb(X) = CV,(X) = C(X) with the topology of uniform convergence on X . In this Singh case compact composition operators have been characterised by Kamowitz [la]. and Summers [367] generalised the result of Kamowitz to the spaces of vector-valued continuous functions on a completely regular Hausdorff space. The main theorem which
characterises compact composition operators on the weighted spaces m b ( x ,E) ( or CVo(X,E) ) is a generalisation of a result presented in [168]. First we present the
following propositions without proofs which are used in the proof of the main theorem. For details of proof of these propositions we refer to [358]. Proposition 4.3.13. For any system of weights statcmcnts are equivalcnt :
(a) Every v
on X , the following
V isboundedon X ;
(b) For every y E E, ly E CVb(X,E ) , where ly : X given by 1 ( x ) = y, for every x E X ;
denotes the constant map
(c) Every constant function on X induces a composition operator on CV,(X. E ) . Proposition
4.3.14. For any system
V of weights on X , the following
4.3 Invertible and Compact Composition Operators
statements are equivalent : (a) Every v E V vanishes at infinity on X (i.e., for given v E V and a > 0, the set N ( v , a)= ( x E X : v ( x ) 2 a) is compact in X ) ; (b) For every y
E, l,
CVo(X,E ) ;
(c) Every constant function on X induces a composition operator on CVo(X,E).
Proposition 4.3.15. Let V be a system of weights on X and let x there exists an open set containing x on which each v E V is bounded.
X . Then
Now, we shall prove the main theorem which shows that the collection of compact composition operators on the weighted spaces is not too large if the undcrlying topological space is connected and dim E < =.
Theorem 4.3.16. Let E be a non-zero finite dimensional locally convex Hausdorff space and let V be a system of weights on a connected completely regular Hausdorff space X such that every constant function on X induces a composition operator on CVJX, E) (or CV,(X, E ) ) . Let T :X -> X be a map such that CT is a composition operator on CVJX, E). Then CT is compact if and only if the inducing function is constant. Proof. First suppose that CT is compact on C V , ( X , E ) . Let x l , x z E X and let y, = T ( x l ) f yz = T ( x 2 ) . Then by Proposition 4.3.15, there exists an open set G containing y1 on which every v E V is bounded and y2 e G. Since X is completely regular, there exists a continuous function f : X + [0,1] such that f(y,) = 1 and f ( x ) = 0 , for every x e G. Let z E E and 4 E cs(E) be such that q ( z ) f 0. Now, we define f, : X + E as f , ( x ) = f ( x ) z / &), for every x E X. Then CV,(X,E). Let g , ( x ) = f"-'(x)f,(x), for every n E N, where f" is the product of f with itself n-times. Let F = (g, : n E N). Then clearly F is a bounded subset of CVJX, E). Since CT is compact, there exists a subsequence (g ) of (g,)
and g v
CV,(X, E ) such that (CTg ] converges to g. Thus it follows that for every 'k
1 gnk
T -g
v(x)p(g ( T ( x ) ) - g(x)) + 0, for every x
l v,p
+ 0.
This implies that
From this, it follows that
q o g n k ( T ( x ) )+ q 0 g ( x ) . for each x
X . Further, it implies that q o g
is a
IV Composition Operators on Weighted Function Spaces
characteristic function with q o g ( X I ) = 1 and q o g (x2) = 0, a contradiction since q o g is continuous and X is connected. Thus T ( x l ) = T ( x 2 ) , for every xl, x2 E X. This proves that T is a constant function. The converse is obvious. This completes the proof of the theorem.
Remark 4.3.17. If E is infinite dimensional, then the constant functions do not always induce compact composition operators. 4.4
The main objective of this section is to characterise weighted composition operators on the weighted spaces of continuous functions and the weighted spaces of cross-sections, and then obtain some results pertaining to invertibility and compactness of these operators. Let X be a compact Hausdorff space, and E be a Banach space. Then clearly C(X,E ) is a Banach space under the supremum norm defined as
Now, we say that an operator S on C ( X , E ) has the disjoint support property if Ik(x]l Ilg(xJ11= 0 , for every x E X implies that IS f ( x ) I11 Sg(x) I= 0 , for every x E X. The weighted composition operators W,,T on C ( X , E ) defined by (Wn,Tf)(~) = x(x)f(T(x)), where T is a self-map of X and for each x , ~ ( x is ) a bounded linear operator on E, are characterised in term of the disjoint support property. Kamowitz [164] has studied weighted composition operators in the C(X) setting. Jamison and Rajagopalan [153] has extended the results of Kamowitz [la]in two ways. Firstly, by weakening his hypothesis on the self-map T and secondly, by extending his results to the setting of vector-valued functions. In particular, Jamison and Rajagopalan do not require that the map T be continuous everywhere. This is stated as a h v t h e s i s in the paper of Kamowitz [164] and Uhlig [394]. Examples are given in [1531, illustrating as to why this continuity is not necessary. One of the examples is as follows : Take X = [0, 13, E = C, and x(x) = 0, for every x E X, and let T(x) = 1 on the rationals and 0 on h e irrationals. The resulting operator Wn,Tis continuous and even compact but T is discontinuous at every point. In the lattice setting such operators have been studied by Feldman and Porter [110] as well as by Arendt and Hart [121. However, in [153] the authors do not assume any lattice structure. In the scalar case,
4.4 Weighted Composition Operators
characterisation of such operators do need lattice structure as is shown in [ 1 11 that if S is a bounded linear operator on C(X) with the disjoint support property, then Sf = h.f(T), where h = S(l) and T is a self map of X which is continuous on ( x E x : h(x) f 0).
Now, we shall present a characterisation of weighted composition operators obtained by Jamison and Rajagopalan [153],which generalises the results of Kamowitz [la] and Arendt [ 111.
Theorem 4.4.1.
Let S : C(X,E )
C(X,E ) be a bounded linear operator. Then
S has the disjoint support property if and only if there is a self-map T of X and a
strongly continuous operator-valued function a defined on X with values in B ( E ) such that T is continuous on the set X W, where N = ( x E X : n(x) = 0) and S f ( x ) = x ( x ) f ( T ( x ) ) , for every f~ C(X, E) .
Proof. If S is a bounded linear operator on C(X,E) with the given conditions, then clearly it satisfies the disjoint support property. On the other hand, suppose that S is a bounded linear operator on C(X,E) that satisfies the disjoint support property. Let y E E and f E C(X,R). Define the function f y ( x ) = f ( x ) y , for every x E X. Then fy E C(X,E). By 1, we mean the function defined by 1, (x) = y, for every x E X. * * Now, we fix y E E and y E E . We define the map S’ on C(X,W) as S ’ f ( x ) = y*((Sfy) ( x ) ) , for every x E X. Clearly S’ is a bounded linear operator on C(X,R) such that it satisfies the disjoint support property. From the scalar case [l 11, it now follows that there exist a self map T,,,.
and a scalar-valued function h,,,’
that for each f E C(X,R),
If we put f = 1 (the constant one function), then we see that for every
x , h,,,+(x) = y ((Sl,)(x)). Thus hY,,+ is weak -continuous for fixed x and y.
E* be fixed and for fixed x E X and y E E, we define n(x)y = (Sly)(x).
Thus for each x. n(x) is a linear operator such that
+ n(x)
1 ~ ( x 1 ) 511 S 1
and the map
is continuous in the strong operator topology. The proof can be completed by showing that T,,,. is independent of y and y * . and is continuous on the set
IV Composition Operators on Weighted Function Spaces
(x E X : x(x)
0). For details of proof we refer to [ 1531.
In the following example it is made clear that the map x to be continuous in the strong operator topology.
+ x(x)
is only required
Example 4.4.2. Let E be a separable infinite dimensional Hilbert space and let X = (0,l , i , ..) with subspace topology. Let (ei) denote an orthonormal basis for the Hilbert space E. For x E X , we define the linear transformation n(x) as follows :
x(0) = 0 and x(1/ k)y = ( y , e,)e,.
Take T as the identity map i.e., T(x) = x. for every x E X. Now, if f the weighted composition operator is given by
C(X.E) then
x = o
for x = 1 1 k.
It is clear that the map x + ~ ( x )is continuous in the strong operator topology. But 11n(1/ n]I = 1 for all n and x(0) = 0 implies that the mapping x + n(x) is not continuous in the uniform operator topology.
Now,we shall present a generalization of Theorem 4.4.1 which is obtained by Singh and Singh [365]by taking E to be a locally convex Hausdorff space. In this case C(X,E ) becomes a locally convex Hausdorff space with respect to the topology induced by a family [l[.II,, : p E cs(E)) of seminorms on C ( X ,E ) , where
Ilfl ,
= sup(p(f(x)) : x
X). By B ( E ) we mean the locally convex space of all
continuous linear operators on E equipped with the strong operator topology. Let f and g E C ( X , E). The we say that f and g have the disjoint support property if p(f(x))p(g(x)) = 0 , for each x E X and p E cs(E) and we write f Ig . We say that a linear transformation S : C(X,E ) + C(X, E) has the disjoint support property if f I g implies that Sf I Sg. Example 4.4.3.
For any k E N, define en,
0 ,
n S k
4.4 Weighted Composition Operators
where en = (0.0,
f, I g,
... ,i, 0, ...),
for each
Sf(n) = f ( n + 1) for each f
cap denotes the n h place. Then f k , g ,
N . If we define E
C(N, 1 2 ) and
S : C(N, 12) + C(N,.t2)
C(N, 12) and n E N, then S has the disjoint support
Theorem 4.4.4. Let S : C ( X , E ) C ( X , E ) be a continuous linear operator. Then S has the disjoint support property if and only if S = Wn,T, for some self map T on X and IC E C ( X , B ( E ) ) such that T is continuous on the set N X = ( x E x : K ( X ) # 0).
Proof. Suppose that S = Wlr,T, for some IC and T. Let f , g E C(X, E ) be such that f I g . Then for every x E X and p E cs(E), we have
Thus Sf I Sg whenever f Ig . This shows that S has the disjoint support property. Conversely, if S is so, then for z E E and z' E E', we define tlic opcrator A,,,+ on C(X) as (Az,,*f)(x) = z'((S',)(x)), wherc f , is defined by f , ( x ) = z , for every x E X. From [365,Proposition 3.21, it follows that A,,,' has the disjoint support property and further Proposition 3.3 of [365] gives the existence of x E C(X,B(E)). Again, from Proposition 3.1 of [365] we have a self map Tz,z+ on X and h,,,+ E C ( X ) such that (A,. ,*f)(x) = h,, ,*
( x V ( T,, ,* (4).
Now, if we take f = 1 (the constant one function), then (A,,,*l) ( x ) = h,,,*(x).
for every x
Further, it implies that Z'(IC(X)Z)
= z*((Sl,)(x)) = hZ,,+(x), for every x E X.
IV Composition Operators on Weighted Function Spaces
From Proposition 3.4 of 13651 and the last equation, it follows that (AZ,Ztf ) ( x ) = h , z+ ( x )f ( T ( x ) ) ,where T(x) is the value of Tz,z+ ( x ) for all x E X as Tz,z+ is independent of z and z*. Thus for each f E C(X), z E E, z* E E* and x E N C ,wehave
Thus it implies that
where x E C(X,B(E)) and the self map T is continuous on the set N '. Also, the above equality is valid for every f E C(X,E) because the closed linear span of the set : L E E, f E C(X)) is dense in C(X,E ) . This completes the proof of the theorem.
From the results proved so far in this section it is clear that the characterisations of continuous linear operators which are weighted composition operators on C(X) and C(X, E) have been presented by different authors. But in case of the weighted spaces of continuous functions characterisation of such operators has not been obtained so far. We are continuing our efforts in this direction. However, we have characterised weighted composition operators on the weighted spaces of continuous functions and the weighted spaces of cross-sections in terms of the inducing functions. Before establishing the desired characterisations, we shall present the following theorem of [353]. Theorem 4.4.5. Let E be a locally convex algebra and let x : X + E a continuous function. Then M n : cV,(X, E ) + CV,(X, E) is a multiplication operator if and only if for every v E V and p E cs(E), there exist u E V and 4 E cs(E) such that v(x)p(x(x)y)5 u(x)q(y) for every x E X and y E E. Proof. Let v E V and p E cs(E). Then there exist u E V and 4 E cs(E) such that v(x)p(x(x)y) I u(x)q(y), for every x E X and y E E . Let { f a ) be a net in CV,(X. E) such that for every v E V and p E cs(E), ~ ~ a ~ + ~ v0., pThen
4.4 Weighted Composition Operators
This proves that M, is continuous at the origin. Hence M z is a multiplication operator on CVo(X,E). Conversely, suppose that M n is a multiplication operator on CVo(X,E). Let v E V and p E cs(E). Then there exist u E V and q E cs(E) such that MZ(Bu,J c B . Now, we claim that v(x)p(x(x)y) 5 2u(x)q(y), for every v, P x E X and y E E . Fix xo E X and yo E E. Set u(x0)q (yo) = E. In case E > 0, the set G = ( x E X : u(x)q(yo) < 2 4 is an open neighbourhood of XO. According to [246, Lemma 2, p. 691 there exists f E cV,(X) such that 0 S f 5 1, f ( x o ) = 1 and f(X \ G) = 0. Now, we define the function g : X + E as g(x) = f ( x ) y o , for every x E X. Then clearly g E CVo(X,E). If we put h = (2&)-'g, then h E Bu,4 and nh E Bv,p. Thus it follows that v(x)p(x(x)h(x)) < 1, for every x E X.
Further, it implies that
On the other hand, suppose u(xo)q(yo) = 0. Then thc following three cases arise :
u(x0) = 0, d Y 0 )
(ii) 4 x 0 )
0, q(y0) = 0,
(iii) u ( x 0 ) = 0, q(y0) = 0
Assume that case (i) holds. On the contrary suppose that v(xo)p(x(xo)yo) > 0. Put E = v ( x o ) p ( ~ ( x o ) y o/ )2 . Consider the set G = ( x E X : u(x)q(yo) < E). Then G is an open neighbourhood of XO. Therefore according to [246, Lemma 2, p. 691 there exists
CVo(X) such that 0 S f S 1, f ( x o ) = 1 and f(X \ G) = 0. Define the function + E, as g(x) = f(x)yo for every x E X . Then g E CVo(X,E). Let
g :X
h = E-'g. Then h E B
and xh E Bv,p. From this, it follows that
which is impossible. Thus in this case our claim is established. We can easily settle our claim by putting iVl = (x E X : u ( x ) < E + u ( x o ) ) and N2 = ( x E X : u ( x ) < E]
IV Composition Operators on Weighted Function Spaces
as the neighbourhoods of xo in case of (ii) and (iii) respectively. The proof can be completed in the same way as we did in case (i). Remark 4.4.6. In Theorem 4.4.5, if we replace the weighted space CVo(X, E) by CV,(X,E) even then the result is true. In case E = C, Theorem 4.4.5 reduces to Theorem 2.1 of [348]. Now, we shall characterise those mappings T : X induce weighted composition operators on CV,(X, E).
and x : X
+ E , which
Theorem 4.4.7. Let E be a locally convex algebra with identity el let T : X + X and x : X -+ E be continuous functions. Then Wn,T : CV,(X, E ) 3 CV,(X. E ) is a weighted composition operator if and only if for every v E V and p E cs(E), there exist u E V and q E cs(E) such that v(x)p(x(x)y) 5 u(T(x))q(y), for every X E X and y E E. Proof. The proof is analogous to the proof of Theorem 4.4.5.
Remark 4.4.8. In Theorem 4.4.7 if we take x : X + E as the constant function defined by x(x) = e, for every x E X , then it reduces to Theorem 4.2.26 which characterises composition operators on CV,(X, E) induced by T . Again, in the above theorem if we take T : X -+ X as the identity map, then Thorem 4.4.7 reduces to Theorem 4.4.5 which characterises multiplication operators on CV,(X, E) induced by x . In case E = @, Theorem 4.4.7 characterises weighted composition operators on CV,(X) [3641. Remark 4.4.9. Let T : X + X and IT :X 3 62 be continuous mappings. Then the pair ( x , T ) induces a weighted composition operator W,,T on CVo(X,E ) only if the following conditions are satisfied :
(i) for each v E V and p E cs(E), there exist u E V and q E cs(E) such that v(x)(x(x)(p(y)5 u(T(x))q(y), for all x E X and y E E ; V , E > 0 and compact set K c X , T - ' ( K ) n N(vl x compact, where N ( v x 1, E) = ( x E X : v ( x ) x(x) 2 E),
(ii) for each v
1 E)
Also, note that we are still investigating the necessary and sufficient conditions for the continuous maps T : X + X and x : X + E to induce weighted composition operators on CVo(X,E ) . In case E = C, we have the solution in the following theorem
4.4 Weighled Composition Operators
which we shall record without proof. Theorem 4.4.10 [364]. Let T : X + X and x : X mappings. Then the following are equivalent :
Q= be continuous
(a) x and T induces a weighted composition operator Wn.T on CVo(X); (b) z and T induces a weighted composition operator Wz,T on
CV,(X) and
CVo(X) is invariant under Wx,T;
(c) (i) V I x I 5 VT , and (ii) for each v E V , E > 0 and compact subset K of X , the set T - ~ ( Kn ) ~ ( I zv 1, E) is compact;
(d) (i) V l R 5 VT and (ii) for each v E V, E > 0 and u E V such that v x S u 0 T , the set T-'(K) N(v x E) is compact whenever K is a compact subset of N ( 4 E).
I 1,
Now, we shall present the characterisation of weighted composition operators on CV,(X, E ) induced by operator-valued functions x on X and self-maps T on X . Theorem 4.4.11. Let E be a locally convex Hausdorff space such that each convergent net in E is bounded. Let x E C(X,B(E)) and T E C(X, X ) . Then Wx,T is a weighted composition operator on CV,(X, E) if and only if for every v E V and p E cs(E), there exist u E V and 4 E cs(E) such that v(n)p(xcx(y))I u(T(x))q(y), for every x E X and y E E.
Proof. It follows from Theorem 3.2 of [363]. Remark 4.4.12. If x E C(X,B(E) and T E C ( X , X ) satisfy the (sufficient) condition of Theorem 4.4.1 1, then Wz,T is a weighted composition operator on CVo(X.E) if only CVo(X,E) happens to be invariant under WII,T. But this is not the case as can be seen from the example preceding Theorem 2.3 of [368]. So, we need to have some more conditions on x and T so that Wz,T is a weighted composition operator on CVo(X,E) . These conditions are still under investigation.
In the Tollowing theorems we shall present very broad generalisations of these operators on the weighted spaces of functions. In particular, we shall characterise the self
IV Composition Operators on Weighted Function Spaces
maps T :X
and the operator-valued maps x : X
(L(Fx))which induce
the weighted composition operators on the weighted spaces of cross-sections LWo(X)
and LW,(X). Here x : X
(L(Fx)) is a map such that x(x)
L(F,), for every
x E X , where L(Fx) denotes the vector space of all linear transformations from F , to itself.
Theorem 4.4.13. Let T : X -) X be a map such that for every x E X , FTcx) c F, and x : x + u ( L ( F x ) ) let x : X + (L(F,)) be a mapping
xex xcx such that for every x E X , x(x) E L(Fx). Then Wff,T: LWb(X)+ LWb(X) is a weighted composition operator if and only if W IC 5 W 0 T , i. e., for every w E W ,
there exists w'
W such that w,(tt,(y))
S ~ & ~ ( y ) ,for
x E X
Proof. It is analogous to the proof of Theorem 4.2.37. Theorem 4.4.1.). Let T :X + X be a continuous map such that for every x E X , FTo c F,, and let x be the same map as in Theorem 4.4.13. Then the following are equivalent : (a)
and T induces a weighted composition operator Wz,T on LWJX);
W.x .5 W 0 T , (ii) for each f E L(X) such that w v ] is upper semicontinuous for every w E W and given w E W , E > 0, and compact set K c x , T-'(K) E x : ~ , [ R ~ C ~ ( T (> ~ )E)) I is compact;
(b) (i)
(c) (i) W.x 5 W o T , (ii) for each f E L(X) such that w v] is upper semicontinuous for every w E W and given w E W ,E > 0, and w' E W such that w.11: 5 wt 0 T , T-'(K) ncx E x : w , [ ~ c ~ C f ( T ( x )2) ] E) is compact whenever K is a compact subset of (x E X : w:cf(x)l 2 E); (d) x and T induces a weighted composition operator Wff,T on LWb(X) and LWo(X) is invariant under Wx,T.
The proof is analogous to the proof of Theorem 4.2.38.
Remark 4.4.15.
If we define the function x : X
U ( L ( F , ) ) as x(x) = I . the xcx
identity transformation, for every x E X , then Theorem 4.4.13 and Theorem 4.4.14
4.4 Weighted Composition Operators
reduce to Theorem 4.2.37 and Theorem 4.2.38 respectively. In case we define T :X + X as the identity map, then both Theorem 4.4.13 and Theorem 4.4.14 reduce to the following result which characterises the multiplication operators on LWo(X). Let x : X
Theorem 4.4.16 [350, Theorem 3.41.
u ( L ( F x ) ) be a map such xex
that for every x E X , R ( X ) E L(F,). Then multiplication operator if and only if W x I W .
M , : LWo(X) + LWo(X) is a
Remark 4.4.17. We note that if x E C(X,B(E)) induces a multiplication operator on CVi(X,E) and T E C(X,X ) induces a composition operator CT on CVi(X,E),
then the pair ( x , T) induces a weighted composition operator Wn,T on C V i ( X , E ) , where i E (0, b). But the converse argument may not be true. For example, take x ( x ) = 0, for each x E X and T to be any self-map on X which does not induce composition operator on CV,(X, E) (or CVo(X,E)), then obviously Wn,Tis a weighted composition operator on CV,(X, E) as well as on c V , ( X , E ) . So, it is remarkable to observe that even if one of x or T does not induce the corresponding operator, x and T taken together may still induce a weighted composition operator. This we shall further illustrate in the following examples :
Example 4.4.18. Let X = N with the discrete topology, and let V = (hv : 3c. 2 0). where v(n) = n, for every n E N. Let E = 12,the Hilbert space of all square summable sequences of complex numbers. Define x : N + B(e2) as x(n) =
-nI U", for every
n E N, where U
denotes the unilateral shift operator on
1 2 . Then x is a continuous bounded operator-valued function and hence it induces a
multiplication operator M, on cV,(X, E). Let T : N + N be defined as
T(n) =
if n is a perfect square otherwise.
Obviously T does not induce a composition operator on CV,(X, JZ). Since for every
v E V, there is u E V such that v(n) x n ( y )
1 1,
I u(T(n)) y
for every n E N
and y E P2. Thus in view of Theorem 4.4.7, it follows that Wn,T is a weighted composition operator on c V , ( X , E).
IV Composition Operators on Weighted Function Spaces
Example 4.4.19. Let X , V and E be the same as defined in Example 4.4.18. Let x : N + B(12) bedefinedas x(n) = nu", for every n E N. Let T : N + N be
defined as T(n) = n2, for every n E N. Then x does not induce a multiplication operator M R on CV,(X, E) and T defines a composition operator CT on CVb(X,E). But the pair ( x , T) induces a weighted composition operator Wn,T on CV,(X, E l .
Now our efforts are to present the characterisations of invertible weighted composition operators on the weighted spaces of continuous functions and the weighted spaces of cross-sections. The following theorem characterises the invertible weighted composition operators induced by the vector-valued mappings and the self-maps on the weighted spaces of vector-valued continuous functions. Theorem 4.4.20. Let E be a complete locally multiplicatively convex commutative algebra, let c s m ( E ) be the set of all continuous submultiplicative seminorms on E, and let V be a system of weights on X such that CVo(X,E) is complete. Let IC : X + E and T : X + X be continuous mappings such that WR,T E B(CVo(X,E ) ) . Then WR,T is invertible if and only if
0, for every x
(ii) T is injective; (iii) T(X) is dense in X ; (iv) for every v E V and p E csm(E), there exist u E V and q E csm(E) such that v(T(x))p(y) I u(x)q(x(x)y), for every x E X and y E E. Suppose that the conditions (i) to (iv) are true. In view of Theorem 4.3.2, it is enough to show that the weighted composition operator Wn,T is bounded below and has dense mnge. Since WR,T(CVO(X, E)) is a vector subspace of CVo(X, E) which is a module over the self-adjoint algebra Cb(X) which separates the points of X and in view of (4.2.d), Wn,T(CVO(X,E)) is everywhere different from zero, the density of Proof.
WR,T(CVo(X,E)) in c V o ( X , E ) now follows from the vector-valued analogue of the
instance of the bounded case of the strict weighted approximation problem [383]. Let v E V and p E csm(E). Then by (iv), there exist u E V and q E csm(E) such that v(T(x))p(y) 5 u(x)q(x(x)y), for every x E X and y E E . Claim that WR,T(BS;p) c B:,q* Let f E CVo(X,E) be such that f E B:,,. Then we have
4.4 Weighted Composition Operators
This shows that Wn,Tf
E i q . Thus Wn,T is bounded below. Conversely, if W,,T is
invertible, then we conclude that Wx,T is bounded below and has dense range. To establish the condition (i), assume on the contrary that for some xo E X , x(xo) = 0. Choose g E CVo(X,E) such that g(xo) # 0. Again, we choose v E V and p E csm(E) such that v(xo) 2 1 and p(g(x,)) = 1. Since g E CVo(X, E ) , there exists f
1b.f o T - gllv,p < 3.
CVo(X,E ) such that
This further implies that
v(x)p(x(x)f(T(x))- g ( x ) ) < , for every x E X . Thus we have v(xo)p(x(xo)f(T(xo)) - g(xo)) < which is impossible. Hence x(x) # 0, for every x E X . To show that T is injective, let xl, x2 E X be such that x1 # x 2 . Then x(xl) # 0 and x(x2) f 0. Choose g E CVo(X,E) such that g(xl) = 0 and g(x2) # 0. Further we choose v E V and p E csm(E) such that v(xl) 2 1, v(x2) 2 1 and p(x(xl)) f 0, p(x(x2))# 0, and p(g(x,)) # 0. Let 1 Then h E CVo(X, E ) . E = p ( x ( x l ) )+ p(x(x2)), and let h = P(Nx1))P(g(xJ) g.
Now, there exists f E CVo(X,E) such that l[Wn,T f
< &. Further, it implies
that v(x)p(n(x)f(T(x))- h(x)) < &, for every x E X . From this it follows that
that P ( N x 2 M 1 ) f ( 7 - ( x 1 ) N c and IP(x(x1)Nx2If(T(x2)))- 11 < Thus we conclude that T ( x l ) # T ( x 2 ) .Since Wn,,. is one-one, therefore if f E CVo(X, E ) is such that Wn,Tf = 0 , then f = 0. Thus f o T = 0 implies that f = 0. From Theorem 4.2.30, it follows that T ( X ) is dense in X. Now, we shall establish the condition (iv). Let v E V and p E csm(E). Then there exist u E V and q E csrn(E) such that Wn,T(B:,p) c B:,q. Now, we claim that v(T(x))p(y)I2u(x)q(x(x)y), for every x
X and y E E.
Fix xo E X and yo E E.
E = u(xo)q(x(xo)yo).
If E > 0, then the set G = { x E X : u(x) < 2~/q(x(x0)y0)) is an open neighbourhood of X O . Therefore according to [246, Lemma 2, p. 691. there exists f E CVo(X)
IV Composition Operators on Weighted Function Spaces
such that 0 S f S 1, f ( x o ) = 1 and f ( X \ G) = 0. Define the function g : X + E as g ( x ) = f ( x ) y o , for every x E X. Then g E CV,(X,E). Let g,(x) = sc(xo) (2&)-'g(x), for every x E X. Then obviously g1 E BYq. Since WE,,.
is onto, there exists h E CVo(X,E) such that sc. h 0 T = g,. sc . h 0 T
This yields that
e B:,q. From this it follows that h e Bi,p. Thus we have v(x)p(h(x)) < 1,
for every x E X. Now, it readily follows that
On the other hand, if
E = 0,
then the following three cases arise :
(4 d x o ) = 0,
4x0) #
4("(XO)YO) = 0,
= 0,
4(Nxo)Yo) = 0.
Suppose that case (a) holds. On the contrary assume that v(T(xo))p(yo) > 0. Let
p = v ( ~ ( x , ) p ( y , /) 2 . Then the set G = [ x E x
: u(x) < p/q(x(xo)yo)) is an open neighbourhood of xo. According to [246, Lemma 2, p. 691, there exists f E CV,(X) such that 0 < f S 1, f ( x o ) = 1 and f ( X \ G ) = 0. Again, define the function g : X + E as g ( x ) = f ( x ) y o , for every x E X . Then g E CVo(X,E ) . If we put g, = p-'sc(x,)g,
then obviously g,
Eu,q. Also there exists h
h = g,. Thus we have x . h o T e Bi,q and
conclude that v(T(xo))P(yo) 5
h Q B:,p.
CV,(X, E ) such
From this we
v(T(x,))P(Yo) 2, which is a contradiction. Thus our claim
is established in this case as well. In the same way we can establish our claim for other cases. With this the proof of the theorem is completed. Remark 4.4.21. In the above theorem if we take T :X X as the identity map, then it reduces to Theorem 4.9 of [355] which characterises invertible multiplication operators on c V o ( X . E) . In case E = C, the above theorem reduces to [355, Theorem 3.53 which characterises invertible weighted composition operators on CV,(X) . '
Now, our efforts are to generalize the theory of invertible weighted composition operators on the weighted spaces LWo(X) and LWb(X) of cross-sections. For the following results we assume the requirement that for each x E X there exists
4.4 Weighted Composition Operators
f x E LWo(X) such that f x ( x ) f
Theorem 4.4.22. Let T : X + X be a continuous map such that for every x E X , FTCx,c Fx and let x : X + Q= be a map such that Wz,TE B(LWo(X)). Then W,,,. is bounded below if and only if T is onto and W o T S W.X. i.e., for every w E W , there exists W ' E W such that wT0(y) 5 w : ( x ( x ) y ) , for every x E X and FT(x)'
Proof. Suppose that the conditions hold, and let w E W . Then there exists W ' E W such that W,.,,(y) 5 w : ( x ( x ) y ) , for every x E X and y E FTcx,. We claim that W,,,.(B:) c B i , . Let f E LWo(X) be such that f E B:. Then we have
Thus W,,,. f E B:, . This proves that W,,T is bounded below. Conversely, suppose that the weighted composition operator W,,T is bounded below. Let w E W . Then there is W ' E W such that W,,,.(B:) c B:,. We claim that wTcx)(y)< 2 w : ( n ( x ) y ) , for every x E X and y E Frcx,. Fix xo E X and yo E FT(xo,. Let E =
w i o ( x ( x o ) y o ) . In case
E > 0, we define the function
g :X
c B:,
g c B:.
From this, we conclude that
~ , . ( ~ , ( y5~ 2) w ~ o ( ~ ( x o ) y o.)On the other hand, if
we set
p = wT(xo,(yo)
/ 2 . Define the function h : X
= 0 and wT(xo)(yo) > 0, then
uxFx as
h(x) =
x = T(x0)
otherwise. Clearly Wz,,.h e B:, and h e: B:. Thus it follows that w ~ ( ~ ) ( y
IV Composition Operators on Weighted Function Spaces
This is a contradiction, and hence our claim is established. Assume on the contrary that
T is not onto. Then there exists y
choose f E LWo(X) such that f(y)
X such that for every x #
E X,
T(x) # y . Now, we
0. Define the function g : X
F, as
x = y otherwise.
Then clearly 0 # g E LWo(X). Since g 0 T = 0 implies that x.g o T = 0, which contradicts the fact that Wn,T is one-one. Thus T is onto. This completes the proof. Theorem 4.4.23. Let W be a system of weights on X such that LWo(X) satisfies the condition (4.2.41b).Let T : X + X be a continuous map such that for every x E X , FTcx> c Fx and for given x l , x2 E X , there is w E W such that w ~ ( I;~w5, on FTC4, and
WqX2) 5
on FTcs,, and x : X
that Wn,T E B(LWo(X)).Then Wn,r has dense range if and only if x ( x )
bc such #
0, for
every x E X and T is injective. Proof. Suppose that the weighted composition operator Wn,*has dense range. On the contrary we assume that for some xo E X , x(xo) = 0. Then there is f
LWo(X) such that f ( x o ) # 0. Choose w E W
such that
w v(xo)] # 0. *O
I I W , &-I
g E LWo(X). Now, there exists h E LWo(X) such that
41 < 4.From this, we conclude that W
which is a contradiction. To show that T is one-one, let x l , x 2 E X be such that Then
x1 # x 2 . E
+ b(x2$
x ( x z ) # 0.
p = b(xlj b ( x 2 j
Then choose f E LWo(X) such that f ( x l ) = 0 and 0 . Again, we choose w E W such that w,,[f(x2)] f 0, w ~ ( , ~5 ) wXl on
= Ix(xl)(
f(x2) #
4.4 Weighted Composition Operators
and therefore, there exists h
LWo(X) such that l1Wz,~h- gllw <
follows that w [x;(xl)h(T(xl))l< 5 it implies that
z P and 1
wT(.+[h(T(xl))l < 7
z. From this, it
wx2[rc(x2)h(T(x2)) - g(x,)1 <
z P. Further,
I I w ~ ( ~ ~ ) [ h ( T ( x 2 ) )<1 -2. In case
T ( x l ) = T ( x 2 ) , it is a contradiction. Thus T is an injective map. Conversely, suppose that the conditions hold. Then the range of Wz,T is a vector subspace of LWo(X) such
that it is a module over the self-adjoint algebra Cb(X) which separates the points of X and also under the condition (4.2.41b), the density of the range of Wz,Tin LWo(X) now follows from the bounded case of the strict weighted approximation problem [247, Proposition 2 and Theorem 101.
The following theorem immediately follows from Theorem 4.3.2, Theorem 4.4.22 and Theorem 4.4.23. Theorem 4.4.24. Let W be a system of weights on X such that LWo(X) is complete and satisfies the condition (4.2.41b). Let x; : X + C and T :X + X be the same as in Theorem 4.4.23. Then the weighted composition operator Wz,T is invertible if and only if (i)
n(x) $0, forevery
T is bijective ;
(iii) W o T IW n
Finally, we shall discuss compact weighted composition operators on certain spaces of continuous functions. From the known information, we observe that a little development has been made in this direction. Feldman [109], Jamison and Rajagopalan [153], Kamowitz [ l a ] , Singh and Summers [367], Takagi ([388], [390]) are some of mathematicians who have characterised compact weighted composition operators on C ( X ) , C ( X , E) and certain subspaces of C(X,E). But their generalisations to the weighted spaces of functions are not obtained so far. Here our efforts are to present the results obtained so far by differentresearchers with brief descriptions. In [ l a ] , Kamowitz characterized compact weighted endomorphisms of C(X), the
IV Composition Operators on Weighted Function Spaces
Banach algebra of continuous functions on a compact Hausdorff space X. It is easy to see that every non-zero endomorphism H of C(X) has the form Hf =f o T for some continuous function T : X + X. Consequently, the weighted endomorphisms of C(X) have the form f ( x ) + x ( x ) f ( T ( x ) ) for some x E C ( X ) and continuous function T :X + X. We have denoted this map by Wx,T. We say that a linear operator S on a Banach space B is compact if S ( ( B ) l ) is relatively compact in B, where is the unit ball in B. Now, we shall record without proof in the following thcorem the main result of [la]. Theorem 4.4.25 : Suppose X is a compact Hausdorff space, x E C(X), and T is a continuous function from X into X. Then the map W,,T: C(X) + C(X) is compact if and only if for each connected component K of ( x : x ( x ) f 0 ) , there exists an open set C =I K such that T is constant on C.
In [387], Takagi defines a weighted composition operator on a function algebra as a generalisation of a weighted endomorphism, and characterise compact weighted composition operators on a function algebra satisfying a certain condition. This generalisation includes Kamowitz's results as corollaries and have applications to compact weighted composition operators on the Hardy class H m ( D ) . We begin with some definitions. Let F be a function algebra on a compact Hausdorff space X, that is, a uniformly closed subalgebra of C(X) which contains the constants and separates the points of X. Let MF be the maximal ideal space of F , and let MF be the union of M F and the zero functional on F . Since MF is a subset of the dual of F , it is equipped with the relative w*-topology and norm topology respectively. For each f~ F , we define j(0) = t$o, for every @ E MF , and supt f = ( x E X : f ( x ) f 0). Clearly supt f is open. If H is an endomorphism of a function algebra F , then H has the representation H f ( x ) = j ( ~ x ) ) x, E X, f E F , for some continuous map 0 from x into M;, which is given by @(x) = If*@),
where H' is the adjoint of H and 2 is the evaluation functional at x, i x . , ;(f) = f ( x ) for each f E F . Note that when H(l) = 1.4 maps X into M F . Thus a weighted endomorphism of F has the form f(x> + x(x)j(Mx)), x
x, f
for some x: E F and some continuous map @ from X into MF. In [387], Takagi
4.4 Weighted Composition Operators
defined the weighted composition operators, which involve weighted endomorphisms and this we give in the following definition. Definition 4.4.26. Let A be a linear operator from F to F. Then A is a weighted composition operator on F if there exist an element ~tin F and a continuous map T fromsuptx into MF suchthat Af(x) =
x \ supt It,
for each f E F . We write Wn,T for A . Theorem 4.4.27. Let Wn,T be a weighted composition operator on F.Then Wn,T is compact if and only if T is a continuous map from supt x into MF with respect to the norm topology. Proof. Suppose that Wx,T is a compact weighted composition operator on F, and let (x,) be a net in supt n converging to x . We note that if K = cf E F : llfll Il), then the compactness of Wn,T implies that Wn,T(K) is relatively compact in F, and so is in C(X). According to the Ascoli-Anela theorem, it is equivalent that W&(K) is equicontinuous,i.e.,
as x,
in X. Now, for any x, xu
Using the continuity of
supt IF, it fcllows that
(l), we have
IF(,) - T(x{ + 0 as
+ x.
is a compact Conversely, assume that T is a continuous map. To show that converging to x . operator, it is enough to establish (1). Let (x,) be a net in X If x E supt IC, then we can assume that (x,) c supt x, since supt 1c is open. Further, it implies that
IV Composition Operators on Weighted Function Spaces
as x,
If x
supt x , then we have
Thus ~ u p { ) ( W ~ ,(x,) ~ f ) - (Wz,Tfl(xl]
f EK
+ 0 as xa + x . This completes the proof of
the theorem.
Now, we shall present relations between compact weighted composition operators and Gleason parts established by Takagi [3871. For this, we need some definitions. Note that MF is divided into Gleason parts (Pa)for F, as follows : MF =
The part P containing mo
U pa, pa n 4 = 0 (az P) . a
M, isdefined by
Obviously, each part is open in M F with the norm topology and is therefore open in MF with the norm topology. Since (0) is so, we consider (0) as a part of F. Thus MF is divided into parts, and each part is open and closed in MF with the norm topology. Now, we have the following results proved by T h g i [387]. Theorem 4.4.28. Let Wn,Tbe a weighted composition operator on F. If W,,T is compact, then for each connected component K of supt n, there exist an open set G c supt n and a part P for F such that
K c G, T ( G ) c P. Proof.
Let K be a connected component of supt n, and let xo
K . Then
4.4 Weighted Composition Operators
T(xo) is in some part P for F. If we set G = ( x E supt x : T(x) E P ) , then
clearly G is open and closed in supt x because T is a continuous map from supt x into MF with the norm topology, and P is open and closed in MF with the norm topology. Also K c G , if not, then the disconnection K = (K n G)u (K n (supt x \ G)) induces a contradiction. The following theorem is the converse of the above theorem. Theorem 4.4.29. Let Wx,T be a weighted composition operator on F. Suppose that for each connected component K of supt x , there exist an open set G c supt x and an element m e MF such that
K c G, Proof. Let xo
TIG = m.
Then W x , ~iscompact
supt x , and let K be a coniiected component containing XO. Now,
choose an open set G satisfying (2). Then xo E G and IlT(x) - T(xo)(l = 112 . - mll = 0 and, for every x E G. Thus T is a continuous map from supt x into MF with the norm topology. The proof follows from Theorem 4.4.27.
According to Theorem 4.4.29, when each part for F is a onepoint part for example, when F = C(X),the converse to Theorem 4.4.28 is true. If there exists a nontrivial part, does the converse to Theorem 4.4.28 hold ? Let P be a non-trivial part. Then P satisfies the condition (a)if P has the following property : (4.4.29a) For any m E P, there are some open neighbourhood N,,, of m in P and a homeomorphism p from a polydisc D" (a disc if n = 1, n depends on N,,J onto N, such that o p is an analytic function on D" for all f~ F. This condition was introduced by Ohno and Wada 12601.
Now, we have the following main result which characterises compact weighted composition operators on F [387, Theorem 21. Theorem 4.4.30. Suppose that every non-trivial part for F satisfies (4.4.2900. Let Wx,T be a weighted composition operator on F. Then WXT is compact if and only if for each connected component K of supt x , there exist an open set G c supt x and a
IV Composition Operators on Weighted Function Spaces
part P for F such that
K c C,
T ( G ) c P.
Proof. If Wn,T is a compact weighted composition operator on F, then the conditions follows from Theorem 4.4.28. On the other hand, to prove that Wn,T is compact, it is enough to show that T is a continuous map from supt x into M; with the norm topology. Fix xo E supt x . Then there is an open G c supt x such that xo E G and T(G) c P, where P is a part for F . Now, if P is a one-point part, then it is proved in Theorem 4.4.29 that T is continuous at xo with respect to the norm topology. So, we assume that P is non-trivial. From the definition of weighted composition operators, it follows that T is a continuous map from supt x into MF with the weak*-topology. The proof can be completed by showing that the identity map I from P with the weak*-topology on P with the norm topology is continuous at T ( x o ) . For detailed proof we refer to [3871.
Kamowitz [I641 has proved a theorem which characterises compact weighted endomorphisms of C(X), This theorem immediately follows from Theorem 4.4.30 as each part of Mccx,(=X) is a one-point part. This we present in the following corollary. Corollary 4.4.31 [164, Theorem A]. Let Wn,T be a weighted endomorphism of C ( X ) . Then Wn,T is compact if and only if for each connected component K of supt x, there exists an open set G ZJK such that T is constant on G. Remark 4.4.32. In [387],Takagi has given a counter example LOthe question : does the converse to theorem 4.4.28 hold? If every part for F satisfies (a),Theorem 4.4.30 answered "yes". But for the general case, the answer is "no". Indeed, there exist a function algebra F and a weighted composition operator Wn,Ton F such that
(i) for each connected component K of supt x , there are open set G c supt x and a part P for F such that K c G, T ( G ) c P ; (ii) Wn,T is not compact.
In [153],Jamison and Rajagopalan generalised some of the results pertaining to compact weighted composition operators of C(X) to vector setting of C(X,E), where
4.4 Weighted Composition Operators
E is a Banach space. Here we shall give a brief description of these operators on C(X,E). Also, note that the weighted composition operators Wz,r on C ( X , E ) take the following form :
where T is a self map of X and for each x , x(x) is a bounded linear operator on E. To obtain the main result of compact weighted composition operators on C(X,E), we need the following definitions. We denote by N = ( x E X : x(x) = 0, the zero operator on E). By GI, we denote the cardinality of a set G. A sequence cf,) is said to be &-uniform Cauchy on G c X if given E > 0, there exists N , such that Ikn(x) - fm(xjI < E. for all rn, n > N E and x E G. It is well-known that a sequence cf,) converges in C(X,E) if and only if it is &-uniform Cauchy on X for every E > 0. Theorem 4.4.33. Let Wz,r be a weighted composition operator on C(X,E).Then the following conditions are necessary and sufficient for compactnessof Wz,r.
(a) T is continuous in X \ N, (b) x
x ( x ) is continuous in the uniform operator topology,
(c) If K is a compact subset of X\N, then IT(K] < m , (c') If K is a connected component of X \N, there exists an open subset G of X, such that G c X \ N, K c G and IT(G)(< 00, (d) If [ e n ) is a sequence in E, e > 0 and K is a compact subset of X \ N , then there exists a subsquence (e ) such that [x(x)e ) is &-uniformly Cauchy "k
on K, (e) If cf,) is a bounded sequence in C(X,E) and subsequence for every x
) and a neighbowhood N,
> 0, then there exists a
Z such that llWn,j-fnk(X)ll cE N,, where 2 = [x E X : Wn,Tcf,)(x)= 0 for every n ) . "k
Proof. Assume that the conditions from (a) to (e) are true. The continuity of Wx,T
follows from condition (a) and (b). Now, it remains to show that Wx,Tis compact. Let E
> 0 and let
be a sequence in C(X, E) such that
5 1. Then
by condition (e)
IV Composition Operators on Weighted Function Spaces
there exists a subsequence for every x F(KEIc
v;)and a neighbourhood N,
N such that IITf:(xjl c
NE.Let KE = X \ NE.Then KE is compact and by condition (c), Now, there exists xl, x *,...,x such that T ( K E )= (xl, x2, ...,x p ) . If P
we put F;. = T-'(xi) n K,, then clearly the set Fi is compact and IT(c)( = 1. Without loss of generality, the original subsequence can be relabeled as &). Now,if x E 5. then Ifj(T)) is a sequence of constant vectors in E. According to condition (d), there
exists a subsequence of (f,) such that ( x ( x ) f i k ( T ) )is &-uniform Cauchy on F1. Since the sequence Vl,(T)) is again a sequence of constant vectors in E, condition (d) implies that there is a subsequence If,,) of Ifl,,) such that (n(x)f2,(T)) is &-uniform Cauchy on u F2. This process gives a sequence (j) such that
(n(x)fpk(T))is E-uniform Cauchy on &-uniform Cauchy on all of X because
KE. Further, it follows that (Tfpk)is
lb( x ) f TfpkI<+ Pk
is complete, there exists g E C(X,E ) such that
NE.Since C(X, E) This proves that W,,T is a
for x
compact weighted composition operator. Conversely, we show that these conditions are necessary. Condition (a) follows from the continuity of Wn,T.To establish (b), suppose that the map x + x ( x ) is not continuous in the uniform norm at some xo E X. Then there exists a
6 > 0 such that for each open set G containing X O . there exists an xc such that Iln(xc) - n(xod > 6. Further, it implies that there is a net (e,) such that
5 1 and Iln(xG)ec - ~c(xo)e,[ > 6 for all G in S2, where R denotes the class of all neighbourhoods of xo. For each compact neighbourhood G of xo, let g, be the constant function defined by g,(x) = e,. Then (Wn,+)( x ) = n(x)e,, for each x E X. Since Wn,T is comDact, there is a subnet of (gG) which can be labelled (without loss of generality) as (&), and a function h E C(X,E) such that
along S2
I I w ~ . ~ ~ -~ ( ~ ~ +) h(xojl
Again, we have lkx,Tg,(x,) - h(xc)(l
0 along
a. ~ 1 ~we0 have ,
-~ ~ , ~ g ~ ( x ~ j l
~~n(xG 'c(x0)e,ll ~, > 6, which is a contradiction. Thus it follows that the map x
+ x(x)
is continuous in the uniform operator topology. Now, for establishing
condition (c), suppose that K .is a compact subset of X \ N and that xo claim that there exists a neighbourhood G of xo such that IT(G)( < xo
X \ N , n(xo) f 0. Assume that z E E such that
E 00.
K. We Since
1 z 1 = 1 and lln(xo)zll > 0.
4.4 Weighted Composition Operators
Also, there exists an E > 0 and a compact neighbourhood G of x g such that G c X \ N and Ib(y)dI> 0, for all y E G because the map x + x(x) is continuous in the strong operator topology. If IT(C>l were not finite, then there would exist a sequence Ifn) containing no convergent subsequence. For x E G , define hn(x) = f,(T(x)). Let ( g n ) be a (norm preserving) Tietze extension of the his to all of X. The functions g,(x)z E C(X,E)and clearly (Wn,,.(gnz)) contains no convergent subsequence. This contradicts the compactness of Wn,T. To show that condition (d) is also necessary, let K be a compact subset of X\N and let (en) be a sequence in E. Then there is a function g E C(X) such that g(x) = 1 on K and 0 c g c 1. Define the function f n ( x ) = &)en. Then there exists a subsequence
such that (W,,,.fnCk,) converges in C ( X , E ) because < 00. Thus the subsequence W,,Tfn(kI(x)= Ic(x)e is E-uniformly Cauchy on K. Finally, for n(k) proving (e) let be a bounded sequence. Then by the compactness of W,,T, there exists a subsequence cf ) such that (W.,,. f n k ) converges to some g E C(X,E). Also
g ( x ) = 0 for x E
2. Thus, if E > 0, then there exists an open set Ne 2 Z such that
> Ilg(y) - g(x]l = llg(y]l ,for every y
N c . This completes the proof of the theorem.
At the end of this chapter, we shall outline the generalisation of compact weighted
composition operators on certain subspaces of C(X,E> obtained by Takagi [388] in the function algebra setting using Gleason parts technique. These spaccs are defined as follows. Let F be a closed subalgebra of C(X)which contains the constants and separates points of X. Let F ( X , E ) = {f E C(X,E ) : e* o f
F, for aU e* E E l ) 9
where E* is the dual space of E. Then clearly F ( X , E) is a Banach space relative to the same norm. For example, as a generalization of the disc algebra A@) on the closed unit disc 5, consider the space (f E C ( 5 ,E ) : f is an analytic E-valued function on the open unit disc D ) . Here f is said to be analytic on D when it is differentiable at each point of D, in the sense that the limit of the usual differencequotient exists in the norm topology. It is known that this space coincides the following space, [f
C(D, E> : e+ 0 f E A(D) for all e* E E * )
IV Composition Operators on Weighted Function Spaces
(see [63, p. 1261). We shall record the following result without proof. Theorem 4.4.34 13881. (A) Let Wx,T be a weighted composition operator on F ( X , E) . If W,,T is compact, then
(a) for each connected component K of S(x) = ( x E X : x(x) f 0), there exists an open set G containing K and apart P for F such that T(G)c P ; (b) the map x : X ll.(Xa)
+ B(E)
- x(XjlacE,
(c) for any x
is continuous in the uniform operator topology. i.e., 0 as xu + x;
S(n), x(x) is a compact operator on E;
@) In addition, we assume that every non-trivial part for F has the property (4.4.29 a). If a weighted composition operator W on F ( X , E) satisfies the above conditions n,T (a) to (c). then Wn,T is compact.
Remark 4.4.35 From the above theorem we observe that if F = C ( X ) then F ( X , E ) = C(X,E ) . Note that every part for C(X) is one point. Theorem 4.4.34 yields the following corollary, which says that the condition (e) in Theorem 4.4.33 is removable. Corollary 4.4.36. Let W,,T be a weighted composition operator on C(X, E ) . Then W,,T is compact if and only if (i) for each connected compact K of S(x) = ( x E X : x ( x ) f 0). there exists an open set G containing K such that T is constant on G.
(ii) the map x is continuous in the uniform operator topology, and (iii) for each x
S(x), x(x) is a compact operator on E.
In the above corollary, if we consider E = C, then the space F(X, C) is a function algebra F on X , and we obtain results of [387] as the conditions (b) and (c) in Theorem 4.4.34 are trivially satisfied. Let fE be the identity operator on E, and let x ( x ) = IE for every x E X . Then the weighted composition operator W,,* on F ( X , E) induced by this map x turns out to be a composition operator. If E is an infinite dimensional Banach space, then IE is not compact, and so the above map x does not satisfy the condition (c) in Theorem 4.4.34. Thus the following corollary immediately follows from the part (A) of Theorem 4.4.34 13671.
4.4 Weighted Composition Operators
Corollary 4.4.37 [388]. If E is infinite dimensional, then there is no compact composition operator on F(X, E ) .
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In the chapters I1 through IV we have presented a study of the composition operators on different function spaces. These natural type of operators have been appearing in explicit or implicit form in different areas of mathematical sciences, like classical mechanics, ergodic theory, dynamical systems, Markov processes, theory of semigroups, isometries and homomorphisms etc. Some of these interactions and applications we shall present in this chapter. Isometries play very important roles in the study of some mathcmatical structures. Most of the isometrics on suitable function spaces are related to the composition operators. We have presented characterizations of isometries on some function spaces of different categories in the first section of this chapter. The second section concentrates on thc applications of the composition operators in ergodic theory and topological dynamics. The translations-induced composition operators are very important for the study of different types of motions. Applications of the composition operators in dynamical systems are il1ustr:ited in the third section. The last section of this chapter is devoted to show the involvement of the composition operators in the study of the algebra homomorphisms on some function algebras. 5.1
In the present section we have made an effort to report some known results on the isometries bctween some function spaces, which illustrates the employment of the composition operators in the study of the isometries. For our convenience, we shall present these resulls in this section in two phases. In the first phase we shall be dealing with the isometrics on the spaces of continuous functions and LP-spaces and in the second phase ffP-spaces and Bergman spaces are taken for the study of the isometries in terms of composition operators. We begin with the classical Banach-Stone theorem. If X and Y are compact Hausdorff spaces and T : X + Y is a continuous map, then it is well-known that the
V Some Applications of Composition Operators
composition operator CT : C(Y) + C ( X ) is an isometry if and only if T is surjective, and CT is a surjective isometry if and only if T is a homeomorphism. Further, if T : X 4 Y is a homeomorphism and 5t : X + Q: is a continuous function with In(x>I= 1 for all x E X , then the weighted composition operator Wz,.. : C(Y) + C ( X ) is a surjective isometry. The converse of the foregoing remark is the Banach-Stone theorem which says that every surjective isometry from C(Y) to C(X) is a weighted composition operator. To establish the Banach-Stone theorem we need to give some definitions. Definitions 5.1.1. If E is a vector space and x 1 . x 2 , ~E , then the set (fxl + (1 - t)x2 : 0 < I < 1) is called the open line segment between x1 and x2. In case x1 f x2 this line segment is called proper, If K is a convex subset of E, then a point y E K is said to be an extreme point of K if there is no proper open line segment that contains y and lies entirely in K. By the symbol ext K we denote the set of all extreme points of K. If E is a normed linear space, then (E)1 denotes the closed unit ball of E.
If X is a topological space, then by M ( X ) we denote the normed linear space of all complex-valued regular Bore1 measures on X with the total variation norm. If X is a compact Hausdorff space, then one can prove that the set of all extreme points of l1 = 1 and x E X ) and the set of all extreme points of P ( X ) , ( M ( X ) ) l is (a 6 x : a the set of probability measures on X, is (6x : x E X ) (For details see [801). Theorem 5.1.2. [Banach-Stone Theorem]. Let X and Y be compact Hausdorff A : C(Y) + C ( X ) be a surjective isometry. Then there is a spaces, and let homeomorphism T : X + Y and a function x in C(X) such that In(x>I= 1 for all X E X and
(Af)( x ) = z ( x ) f(T(x)), for all f and every x
X ( i x . . A = WE,,.).
Proof. Suppose A : C(Y) + C ( X ) is a surjective isometry. Then the adjoint operator A* : M ( X ) + M ( Y ) is also a surjective isometry. Now, it is straightforward to check that A* is a weak*-homeomorphism of ( M ( X ) ) I onto (M(Y))l that distributes over convex combinations. Further, it implies that
5.1 Isometries and Composition Operators
A * (ext ( M (X))l) = ext(M(Y ) ) l .
From the remarks preceding this theorem, it follows that for every x uniue
T ( x ) in Y
A*(Sx) =
and a unique scalar
Thus by the uniqueness, x : X
X there is a
such that
and T : X
= 1 and
well-defined functions. First of all we show that the function IC is continuous. Let
+ x . Then clearly 6 + SX (weak*) in M ( X ) . xu have A*@%) + A*(&) (weak*) in M (Y). That is, In particular, n(xU)= ~ * ( 6 )(I) -+ A * ( ~ ~ ) = ( I x(x). ) K(X@T(x). *a
(x,) be a net in X such that xu
Further, we n(Xa%(xa)
This proves that x T :X
is a continuous map. Now, we shall show that the map
is a homeomorphism. To this end, let (x,)
be a net in X such that
+ x . Then K ( X , ) G ~ ( ~+ ~ ) R(X)S,(~)(weak ) in M(Y). Since x is continuous, x(x,) + n(x) in C. Thus it follows that 6,(xa) + 6,(x). Since the map x + Sx x,
is a homeomorphism from X into (A(X), wk*), we conclude that T(x,)
+ T ( x ),
This proves that T is continuous. To show that T is an injection, let xl, x2 E X be
such that x1 f x 2 . Then n(xl) 6 f x(x2) 6 and hence T ( x l ) f T(x2). Now, we 5 52 fix y E Y. Then by the surjectivity of A* there exists p E M ( X ) such that A*(p) = Ziy. In view of (1). it follows that p E ext(M(X))l. Thus p = p iSX, for
x E X
SY = A*@
Thus T : X
such that
p x ( x ) 6,(x). Further, it
I =l.
implies that
This implies that
p = x(x>
and T(x) = y .
is a continuous bijection and hence must be a homeomorphism. Let
f E C(Y) and x E X . Then
Thus (Af)(x) = ~ ( x ) f ( T ( x .) )This completes the proof of the theorem.
The classical Banach-Stone theorem has been extended in various directions; for example, Nagasawa [2491 extended it to function algebras: Amir [81, Cambem [47] and
V Some Applications of Composition Operators
Cengiz [621 to regular subspaces; Cambern and Pathak [53], Pathak [263] and Pathak and Vasavada [2651 to spaces of differentiable functions: Pathak [264], Vasavada [395] and Rao and Roy [2771 to the spaces of absolutely continuous functions. In most of the above-mentioned papers the following situation was considered. Let S be a subspace of the Banach space C(X), which separates points of X, and let Ls be a linear map from S into a Banach space E. Assume that the norm on S is given by one of the following formulas : (F1)
1 f 1 = max [I[ f llm,II Ls f normon C(X),
(F2) (F3)
for f
S, where
I f I = I f [Im + 1I Lsf 1. for f E s* 1 f 1 = sup[[ f ( x ) I + I Ls f ( x ) I : x E X I . assume that
E S,
1 .1 ,
is thc usual supremum
where in this case we
E = C(X).
For example. Ls : C'[O,l] + C[O,l] can be defined as L s ( f ) = f ' or Ls : AC[O, I] + L1[O, 11 can be defined as L s ( f ) = f ' , where AC[O, 11 denotes the space of all absolutely continuous functions on [0, 11. Next assume that M is a subspace of C(Y), which separates points of Y, and that the norm on M is given by a map LM : M + E, via the same formulas as the norm on S. Then the question arises whether any isometry A from S onto M is of the canonical form
where T is a homeomorphism from Y onto X and TC is a scalar-valued function defined on Y such that b ( y ] = 1, for all y E Y. A simple technical scheme to verify the above mentioned problcm has been given by Jarosz and Pathak [156]. This scheme covers all the results of the references mentioned after the proof of the Banach-Stone thcorcm. Now, we shall highlight thc rcsults of this scheme. In this effort, we nccd some definitions and notations. Let
and let
be a normed subspace of the Banach space
C(Z) with the usual supremum norm. Then it is clear that every extreme point of
(s*),is of the form
h6,, where y
E Z and
1h1 = 1. Further, we note that if the
norm on S is defined by the formula (Fl), then there is an isometric embedding yt : S + given by y t c f ) = j , for every f E S , where j is defined by f ( x ) = f ( x ) , x E X , and f ( e * ) = e*(Lsf ) , e* E Hence any extreme point of
5.1 Isometries and Composition Operators
(S*)l is of the form
where x E X
and a E aD, or of the form
f + e* 0 Ls(f),where e* E e x t ( E * ) I . Again, if is a normed subspace of C(X x ( E * ) l ) , and if the norm on S is given by the formula (F2), then there is an isometry A : S + 3 defined as A(f) = ?, for every f E S, where 7 is given by f < x , e * ) = f ( x > + e * ( L s f ) . ( x , e * ) E x x ( E * ) ~ . In this case any extreme point of (S*)l is of the form f + a f ( x ) + e* 0 Ls(f), where x E X. e* E exr(E*)1 and a E 6’0.Also, if the norm on S is given by the formula (F3), then a suitable choice is Z = X x 6’D and f ( x , A) = f ( x ) + A(Lsf)(x), x E X , h E 6’0. Thus in this case any extreme point of (S*)l is given by f + a f ( x ) + P(Lsf) ( x ) , where x E X and a , P E aD. Let S be a subspace of C(X), where X is a compact Hausdorff space. We say that S is Fl-subspaceof X, F2-subspaceof X or F3-subspace of X if thereisa Banach space E and a linear map Ls : S + E such that the norm on S is given by the formula (Fl), (F2) or (F3) respectively. for any x l , x2
X , the evaluation functionals 6
6 are linearly 5
independent. and if the correspondingassumptions listed below are satisfied :
XO = ( x
X : 6,
ext(S*)1) is a dense subset of X,
there is an e i E ext(E*)1 such that
is a dense subset of X, X, = ( x
X : for all
E aD,
as, + PS,
E ext (S*)l)
is a dense
subset of X, if a&, + e*
+ e*
L =a 6 O xo
+ Poei
where e * , e i
exr(E*)1, x , x,
ao,Po are scalars, then
x = x,
a = a,, if
a 6,
a SX + 6, a = a,.
+ 6x
L, = ao6xo+ po6xo 0 L,,
E ext(S*)1
are scalars, then
x,x, E x = x,
V Some Applications of Composition Operators
In the following theorem we shall record the results without proofs which are due to
Jarosz and Pathak [156]. Moreover, these results provide a scheme which is under investigation.
Theorem 5.1.3. (i) Let S and M be F1-subspaces of C ( X ) and C ( Y ) , respectively. Let XO = ( x E x : 6 , E exr(S*)1), 2 = {as, : x E x,, a E 801, YO = (y E Y : 6 , E exr(M*),) and f = (a6 : y E Yo, a E 80). Then an Y isometry A from S onto M is of the canonical form (2) if and only if A*(f) =
(ii) Let S and M beF2-subspaces of C ( X ) and C(Y), respectively. Then an isometry A from S onto M is of the canonical form (2) if and only if for any aiSyj+ e: 0 LM E ext(M*),, i = 1,2, the following two implications hold : (a)
y, = y, if and only if x1 = x2 and
(b) e: 0 L, and ei 0 L, are proportional if and only if G, 0 L, and G, o L, are proportional, here by xi and Gi we denote the elements of X and ext(E*)1, respectively, such that + ef 0 L M ) = pi6, + Gi 0 Ls. for some scalars p i , i = 1.2.
(iii) Let S and M be F3-subspaces of C ( X ) and C ( Y ) . respcctivcly. Then an isometry A from S onto M is of the canonical form (2) if and only if the following two conditions hold : (a) for any + pisyi 0 LM E ext(M*)I, i = 1,2, we have y, = y, if and only if = x 2 , where we denote an element of X + p$, 0 L,, for some scalars such that A* ai6,: + pi6yi 0 ori, , pi. , i = 1,2;
(b) A * ( ( a 6, : y E Y,a E 80))n ((16, 0 Ls : x E X, a E 8D) = 0 .
For the verification of the assumptions of the scheme, it is necessary to have at least partial description of the extreme functionals in the unit ball of the dual spaces. Hence in some cases it is easier to apply the following theorem, which is an immediate consequenceof a theorem of [1551.
5.1 Isometries and Composition Operators
Theorem 5.1.4.
Let S be a subspaceof C(X) such that
(i) S is supnormdensein C(X), (ii) the norm on S is given by a map Ls : S
+ E,
via the formula (F1) or (F2),
(iii) S contains the constant function 1 and LJl) = 0. Assume next that M is a subspace of C(Y) which satisfies the analogous assumptions (i) - (iii). Then any surjective isometry A from S to M , such that A(l) = 1 is of the form
A(f) = f T, for f 0
where T is a homeomorphism from Y onto X.
Jarosz and Pathak [ 1561 have given various examples to illustrate the above scheme. Example 5.1.5. Let S = C'(X) and M = C'(Y) be the algebras of continuously differentiable functions defined on the compact subsets X and Y of the real line R, respectively. Here it is not assumed that the sets X and Y do not contain isolated points but the derivative of a function f E C'(X) is defined only on the set of nonisolated points of X. Suppose that the norms on S and M are given by
Then it is shown [156, Example 13 with the help of Theorem 5.1.3 that any isometry A from c'(x) onto c'(Y) isofthe form
where x E C'(Y), x ( y ) I = 1, for all y E Y and T is a homeomorphism from Y onto X. Moreover, this example holds for arbitrary subsets of the real line not necessarily bounded and closed. In that case S is considered as a subspace of C@X) and the proof is slightly more technical. The general form of the isometrics of C'(X) spaces, defined on a compact subset X of the real line, without isolated points, was
V Some Applications of Composition O p e r a m s
investigated by Pathak and Vasavada [265]. If the spaces S = C'(X) and M = C'(Y) of this example are provided with the norm given by the formula (F2), i.e., the norm is given by
then it is proved in [156] that any isometry from S onto M is of the canonical form (2). The isometries of C'[O, 11 with the above (F+norm were characterised by Rao and Roy [277].
Example 5.1.6. Let S = AC(X) be the space of all absolutely continuous scalar valued functions defined on a compact subset X of the real line, such that X = int X . Define thenormon S by
1 1'
jx I I
where f = f f dm and m is the Lebesgue measure. Then Jarosz and Pathak [156, Example 21 have shown that any isometry from A C ( X ) onto A C ( Y ) is canonical. The isometries of the space AC[O,l] have been described by Cambern [47] and by Rao and Roy [277], where as the isometries of C'(X) spaces with the (Fg)-norm have first been considered by Cambern [47] for X = [0,1] and then by Cambern and Pathak [53] for any compact subset X of the real line without isolated points.
Example 5.1.7. define
Let X be a compact subset of the real line. For 1 S p S 0 0 , we
and define the norm on A C P ( X ) by
I f I = I f ,I I f' Ilp+
Rao and Roy [277] proved that any isometry from ACP([O.11) onto itself is canonical in case p = 1 or p = and asked whether the same holds for 1 < p c M. The answer is positive and it is an immecliatc consequence of the following theorem which is due to J m s z and Pathak [ 1561.
5.1 Isometries and Composition Operators
Theorem 5.1.8. C(X) such that
Let X be a compact Hausdorff space, and let S be a subspace of
(i) S is supnorm dense in C(X), (ii) the norm on S is given by a map L, : S
via the formula (F3).
(iii) S contains the constant function 1 and LJl) = 0 , (iv) dim(L,(S)) 2 2, (v) E is strictly convex, (vi) for any unimodular function 0 E S such that Ls(8) = 0, the map f is a well-defined isometry of S onto itself.
+f /8
Assume next that M is a subspace of C(Y), Y a compact Hausdorff space, which also satisfies assumptions (i) through (vi). Then any isometry A from S onto M is of the form A ( f ) = 0. f o T ,
where T is a homeomorphism from Y onto X function such that L M ( 8 )= 0.
and 0
is a unimodular
In view of Theorem 5.1.4 and by assumption (vi) it is enough to show that Y such that LM(A(l))= 0. We say that an element g E S has the P-property if 1 g = 1 and if for any f E S there is a p E aD such that Proof.
A ( l ) is a unimodular function on
I1 8 Pf I = I II I f II +
It is clear that this property is preserved by the isometry A. Let f E S and p E a 0 be such that 1 f [Im = sug Re(Pf(x)). Then by the definition of the norm on S we XE have
To complete the proof we have to prove that if g E S has the P-property, then g is a unimodular function on A’ and L,(g) = 0. First of all we prove that I g I = c on X for some constant c and then from the definition of the norm on S wc get such that c = 1) g ,1 = )I g 1 = 1. Suppose that there exists an xo E X
V Some Applications of Composition Operators
Hence g I = constant. If L ( g ) # 0, then by assumption (iv) there is an f E S such that ts(f) and LS(g) are not proportional. Since E is strictly convex, for any h,h' E E we have 1 h + h' 1 = I] h II+II h' 1 if and only if h and h' are proportional and hence for any P E all, we have
This proves that Ls(g) = 0. Hence the proof of the theorem is completed.
Besides the above general scheme, the classical Banach-Stone theorem has been generalised in another direction to the spaces of the form C(X,E) consisting of continuous vector-valued functions from the compact Hausdorff space X to a Banach space E. In 1950 Jerison [157] started investigation of the problem of determining geometric conditions on a Banach space E which would allow generalizations of the classical Banach-Stone theorem to the spaces of the type C(X,E). In particular, Jerison showed, among other things, that if E is strictly convex, then for any isometry A from C(X,E) onto C(Y, E) there exists a homeomorphism T from the space Y onto X, a continuous function y 0 0 ) from Y into the space of bounded linear operators on E (given its strong operator topology) such that for each y E Y, 0(y) is an isometry on E and
Further, in 1989 Fleming and Jamison [116]presented another generalised version of the classical Banach-Stone theorem using the theory of hermitian opcrators. We recall that a bounded linear operator A 0n.a Banach space E is norm hermitian if [Ax,x] is real
5.1 Isometries and Composition Operators
for every x E E, where [ . ] is a semi-inner product on E with the property that [x, XI = 1 x There are other equivalent definitions of hermitian operators but here we are not in need of them and for more details of these things the reader is referred to [226]. A Banach space E is said to have trivial hermitians if the only hermitian operators are real multiples of the identity operator. Some well-known Banach spaces have this property: for example, H P ( D ) for 1 s p < 00, the space c'[o,11 of continuously differentiable functions, and AC[O,l], the space of absolutely continuous functions [26,28]. Fleming and Jamison [116, Proposition 6.11 have shown that if X and Y are compact Hausdorff spaces and E and F are Banach spaces with trivial hermitians, then an operator A from C ( X , E) into C(Y,F) is a surjective isometry if and only if there exists a homeomorphism T from Y onto X , a continuous function y + 0 ( y ) from Y into the space of bounded linear operators from E to F (given its strong operator topology) such that for each y, 001) : E + F is a surjective isometry and
A more detailed account on the Banach-Stone theorem can be found in the monograph of Behrends [ 191 which contains Behrends's own results. The most recent results known to the authors are due to Cambern and Jarosz [50] who described the isornetries of the spaces * C(X, E * ) , where X is a compact Hausdorff space and E is equipped with weak*topology. In fact, Cambern and Jarosz [50, Theorem 2,3,4] have shown that if E* and F* have trivial centralizers (for the definition and properties of the centralizer of a Banach space the reader is referred to [19]) and satisfy a topological condition, namely that the weak and norm topologies coincide on the surface of the unit ball, then for every C(Y,F*),there exists a homeomorphism T from surjective isometry A : C ( X , E * ) Y onto X, an operator-valued mapping y + €I@), and a dense set G in Y on which
In addition, if the spaces E* and F* are separable, then the operators 0 ( y ) are surjective isometries and the map y + 001) is continuous. Moreover, when X and Y are metric spaces then the representation (4) holds on whole of Y.
Now, we shall present the characterizations of isometries of LP-spaces. In the beginning, the isometries of Lp[O,l], 1 5 p c 00, p f 2 were described by Banach [16], and then Lamperti [214] carried these results to the spaces Lf(Q for any o-finite measure space (X,Y,p). Further, Cambern [49] and Sourour [378] have investigated the surjective isornetries of Lp(X, H) and Lp(X,E), 1 I p < 00, p # 2 , for a separable Hilbert space H and a separable Bariach space E, respectively. Here we are
V Some Applications of Composition Operators
presenting some of the results on the isometries of these spaces. If (X, Y, p) is a measure space, then we recall that a set isomorphism is a map 0 of 3' into itself, defined modulo null sets, such that $(X\S)=@(X)\@(S),
u m
= ' [ g s n )
@(Sn), and p(NS))=O if and only if
p(S)=O, for all sets S and
sequence {Sn}
in 3'. A set isomorphism induces a linear transformation, also
denoted by 0, on the space of measurable functions, which is characterised by hS= x ~ ( .~ ) Also, we note that if 1 .S p -c ., p # 2 and f,g are in tp(p), OQ
I f + IIP + I f - g IIP = 411 f IIP + I 8 IIP)
if and only if f.g = 0, a. e. The proof of the foregoing remark can be established by using Lemma 14 of [285, p. 3311. Theorem 5.1.9. Let 1 I p < p # 2, and let A : Lp[O,l] + Lp[O,l] be an isometry. Then therc is a Borel measurable mapping T from [0,1] onto itself and a function 8 E Lp[O,l] such that OQ,
Af = W ~ , f,J for every f
The function 8 is uniquely determined (within a.e. equivalence) and T is uniquely determined (within a.e. equivalence) on the set where 8 # 0. For any Borel set S, we have
Proof. Let f ~tp[O,l].Then supt f, the support of f, is an element in 3'19, the o-algebra of Borel sets modulo sets of measure zero. Now, we define a map @ : Y + Y / Z by @(S) = supt A X , ,
for S
Also, if S1 and S2 are disjoint sets, then by the foregoing argument (5). it follows that
5.1 Isometries and Composition Operators
since A is norm preserving. From this we conclude that I $ ( S ~ ) . $ ( S ~ ) = Oa.e.. This shows that $ takes disjoint sets to disjoint sets. Again, we note that if S1 and S2 are disjoint then
Thus +(Sl u S2) = @(Sl)+$(S2), for any pair of Borel sets. Also, for +([0,13) = Y ,we have @([0.1]\S] = Y \@).
This proves that $ is a homomorphism of
into the algebra of Borel subsets of Y.
If S = U S n where {Sn} is a sequence of disjoint sets, then n=l
q x s n is in m
xs =
L"[o, 11 ,
and by the continuity of A, A
. Thus we have
u m
$(S) =
Hence $ is a a-homomorphism.Therefore, there exists a Borel measurable mapping T of Y into [0,1] such that + ( S ) = T - ' ( S ) . The map T must be onto all of [0,11 except for a set of measure zero because $ can only take sets of measure zero into sets of measure zero. Now extend the map T on all of [0,1] by setting T ( t ) = 0 for t E Y. Consider the function 1 = x[o,ll and set 0 = A(1). Then 0 belongs to Lp[O,ll and supt 8 = Y. Let S E 9. Then we have 1= xs +x~o,ll,s and 0 = A x s + A x[o,*]\s * Since the functions on the right side of the equality have disjoint supports, we have A x s = 0.xys) = e.(xs 0 T)'
V Some Applications of Composition Operators
This representation is also true for simple functions. Since the set of simple functions is dense in Lp[O,ll,it follows that Af = e.f
Thus Af = Wer f . Finally, for S E
for d l f E L ~ " o11. ,
Y, we have
This completes the proof of the thoerem.
Lamperti [214] has generalised the above theorem and determined the isometries of L p ( X ) for any o-finite measure space (X, Y, p). He has shown that an operator A : L p ( X ) 4 L p ( X ) , p f 2 is an isometry if and only if there exists a set isomorphism Cp and a function 8 : X + Q= such that
(Af )(x> = e(x>(Mf)>(x>,
PIP= d P V '
In [491 Cambern has further generalised the above result to the LP-spaces of vector-valued functions. Moreover, if (X, Y, p) is a finite measure space and L p ( X ,H) is the Banach space of all measurable functions f defined on X and taking values in a separable Hilbert space H, such that 1f ( x ) 1 " is integrable, then Cambem has shown that an operator A : L p ( X , H ) + Lp(X,H ) , 1 I p < p f 2, is a surjective isometry if and only if A is of the form (A(f))(x)=\y(x)O(n)(@((f))(x), where Cp is a set isomorphism of 3' onto itself, \y is a weakly measurable operatorvalued function such that ~ ( x is ) ( a . e.) an isometry of H onto itself. and 8 is a scalar function which is defined by through a formula involving Radon-Nikodym derivatives. In order to have a touch of the proof of the above statement, it will be more 00,
5.1 Isometries and Composition Operators
suitable to present the proof of the results on the surjective isometries of Lp(X, E) spaces, where E is a separable Banach space. This result has been obtained by Sourour [378] using the properties of hermitian operators. We shall present the characterization in the following theorem. Theorem 5.1.10. Let (X, Y,p) be a finite measure space, let A be an operator on L p ( X , E ) , 1 I p c 0 0 , p # 2 and assume that E is not the lP-direct sum of two nonzero Banach spaces (for the same p ) . Then A is a surjective isometry if and only if
where @ is a set isomorphism of the measure space onto itself, w is a strongly measurable map of X into B ( E ) with ~ ( x a) surjective isometry of E for almost all X E X, and O=(du/dp)"P where u=po@-1.
In order to prove this theorem we shall present some propositions and preliminary results. If @ is a set homomorphism of the measure space (X, Y , p), then there is a maximal element X o E Y for which @ ( X o ) is a null set. The set X O is maximal in the scnse th3L if @ ( S ) is a null set, then SWo is a null set. The existence of X O follows from Zorn's lemma. If (S,) is an increasing chain of sets for which p(@(S,))= 0 , then there &ireonly countably many essentially different
SA s and hence p(W Sa)) = 0. This set X o is called the kernel of @. Also, note a
that @ restricted to subsets of X WO is a set isomorphism. If homomorphism and if XO is its kernel, then define the measure u by u(R) = p(@-'(R) \
I$ is a set
Note that @-'(S) is not unique, but @-'(R)\X0 is unique upto a null set. The measure u is absolutely continuous with respect to p and let
0 = ( d u / d p)'". Also, we say that E is thc lP-direct sum of two Banach spaces E l and E2 if E is isometrically isomorphic to El e pE2, where the norm on the direct sum is
given by
V Some Applications of Composition Operators
In what follows (X, Y , p) will be a finite measure space.
(i) Let E be a Banach space, and let t$ be set homomorphism on ( X , Y , p). Let f be a E-valued measurable function and let v;I) be a sequence of simple functions converging to f in measure. Then ( $ ( f , ) } is a Cauchy sequence in measure and hence converges in measure to a measurable function N f ) . . Furthermore, t$( f ) depends only on f and not on the particular sequence
(ii) $( f( . )
1 ) = 1 $(f) ( . ) 1
for every measurable function f.
1 df)1 I1 f 11.
(iii) Let f c L P ( X , E ) .Then e $ ( f ) E L P ( X , E ) and 8 holds for all f if and only if $ is a set isomorphism.
Proof. (i) We observe that
Also, the measure p(+(.)) is absolutely continuous with respect to p and therefore is p-continuous [97, p. 1131. That is, given E > 0, there is 6 > 0 such that p(t$(S))c E whenever p(S) c 6. Let a > 0. Then choose no such that
p[x : f n ( x ) - f m ( x )
1 > a}
for n,m 2 no
This implies that p{x : (@(f,,))(x) - (@(fm))(x) > a} < E, for n , m 2 n 0 . Thus is a Cauchy sequence in measure and hence it converges in measure to a function which will be denoted by $(f ) [97,p. 1451. Now, we shall show that f ) is well-defined. For this, it is sufficient to prove that if is a sequence of simple functions such that f,, + 0 in measure and Nf,) + g in measure, then g = 0. Again in light of [97, p. 1451, we may assume, by taking a subsequence if necessary, that and ( $ ( f , ) ) converge almost uniformly. Fix E > 0 and select 6 as above. Then choose a set SO E Y such that p(So) < 6 and f n + 0 uniformly on X \ S o . Now it is easy to see that N f , ) + 0 uniformly on NX)\ +(So)
5.1 Isometries and Composition Operators
and p(@(So)) < E . This implies that
g = 0 use. on N X ) . Since @(fn) =
0 on X \ NX), therefore we have g = 0 a . e.
almost uniformly on @ ( X ) and hence
This completes the proof of (i). (ii) Let g be the function defined as
Then 1 f ( . ) 1 is the scalar function g. We observe that the result follows easily for simple functions and hence holds for all measurable functions because if fn + f in measure then f n ( . ) + f(.)1 in measure.
1 1
Let X O be the kernel of I$ and let f E L p ( X , E ) . We set fo =
g ( x ) = 1 f ( x ) 11 and g l ( x ) = f i ( x > for all x E X . Then L p ( X ) . Since $ restricted to X \XO is a set isomorphism, in view of
fi = f - fo, g,g,
Further, from the above part Lamperti's result [2141 it follows that 110 +(gl)II = llgl (ii), we get 110 @(fl)II = IlfiII. Since Nf,)= 0 , we have the desired result. With this the proof of the proposition is completed.
Proposition 5.1.12. Let A be a bounded linear operator on L p ( X , E ) , 1 I p < 00 such that A maps functions of (almost) disjoint supports into functions of (almost) disjoint supports. Then there is n set homomorphism $ of Y and a strongly measurable map y~ from X into B ( E ) such that
Proof. Let (en) be a countable linearly independent subset of E such that linear span of (en), denoted by K , is dense in E. Let K O be the set of all linear combinations of (en) with complex rational coefficients and suppose that A satisfy the hypothesis of the proposition. Now, we fix S E 3'. Then define the set function @ : 9'4 Y as
It know straightforward that A(Xqen) and A(X%e,,,) n and m in case S1 and S2
are almost disjoint for every
are disjoint sets. Thus $ ( S l ) and I$(S2) are
almost disjoint and the equation A(Xslen)+ A(xS2en)= A
~ implies ~ ~ ~that~
V Some Applications of Composition Operators
@(S, u S2)
= NS1) u NS2) within a null set. Further it can be extended to countable
unions of disjoint sets because A is continuous. Also the extension to countable unions of any sets easily follows. This shows that I$ is a set homomorphism. Let XO be the kernel of 6. Since the null space of A is the space of functions vanishing (a.e.) on X\Xo, therefore @ is a set-isomorphism if and only if A is one-to-one. Assume that u and 8 are as in (6) and (7). We can choose O(x) > 0 for every x E N X ) and O(x) = 0 for every x e N X ) . Set f, = A(len), where 1, is the constant function on X taking values en. We may assume that f n ( x ) = 0 for all n and x e NX). For every x
X, we define y(x)e, = fn(x).
for every n E N .
After extending ~ ( x )linearly to K, we get
( y ) = A(1,) a.e. Now we shall show Thus it implies that for every y E K, that W(x) is a bounded opcrator on E. Let S E Y, S1 = S \ X , , and y E KO. Then
and En is the linear span of el, ...,en, then the restriction
of ~ ( x to ) En is a linear map between two finite dimensional spaces and hence is bounded. Also the norm 1 ~ ( x1 )I1 A 1 O(x) since KO n En is dense in Em. This
5.1 Isometries and Composition Operators
proves that (8) holds for all y E K and thus ~ ( x can ) be extended to a bounded linear operator on E and 1 ~ ( x1 )9 1 A e(x) for x c So. Finally, we show that : X -+ B(E) is strongly measurable. To this end, let y E E and let (y,) c K be
w( . )yn = A(lyn)a.e., we conclude from the continuity of w(x) and of A that w( . )y = A ( l y ) and hence w is measurable. Now, if
such that y, almost all we set
y. Since
(+f><.>= w(.)(Nf))(.)
This shows that A1 is a bounded linear opcrator on Lp(X,E). It is already proved that A1 agrees with A on constant functions. Also, since +,)I)
= X@(,&)
w( ’ ) X @ ( S ) Y = AI(XsY)
we conclude that A agrecs with A1 on simple functions and this yields that A = A l . This completes thc proof of‘the proposition. Proposition 5.1.13. Let A , 4, is an isometry if and only if
and 8 be as in Proposition 5.1.12. Then A
(i) 4 is a sct isomorphism from Y into itself, , ~ ( x is ) an isometry from E into itself for almost all (ii) ~ ( x =) X ( X ) ~ ( X )where x. Furthermore, A is onto if and only if 4 and almost all A(X) are onto.
Proof. Suppose (i) and (ii) hold. Then Proposition 5.1.11 (iii) gives that A is an isometry. Conversely, we assume that A is an isometry. Then A is oneone and this further implies that the set XO, the kernel of @, is a p-null set. This proves (i). Now, define n(x) = w(x) / e(x), for x E @(X) and ~ ( x =) I, the identity operator, otherwise. Let S E Y and f = xsy . Then it follows that
V Some Applications of Composition Operators
d x ) y = 1 y 1 for almost all x E N X ) as the above Further, it implies that equality holds for all S. Note that the same equality is also true for x tz MX). Let (y,)
1 1 1
be a countable dense set in E and let SO be a null set such that x(x)y, = y,, for all n and all x tz So. From the boundedness of ~ ( x )it, follows that 1 x(x)y 1 = 1 y 1 for all y and almost all x. This establishes (ii). Now, if we suppose that I$ and ) onto, and if we set A1f = e(.)(@o)(J and A,f = x(.)f (J, then it almost all ~ ( xare is easy to show that both A1 and A2 and hence A are surjective. On the other hand if A is onto, then I$ is clearly onto and thus A2 must be surjective. In particular, the E)). Thus there exist functions f, E L p ( X , E ) and a null functions 1 E A,(Lp(X, yn
set SO such that n(x)f,(x) = y , for all x e. So. This implies that K c x(x)(E) for x e So. Since x ( x ) is an isometry, therefore it has a closed range. That is sc(x)(E) = E, for almost all x E X . This completes the proof of the proposition.
Proposition 5.1.14. Let A : Lp(X,E ) + Lp(X,E) be an operator 1 5 p c 0 0 , p # 2. Then A is hermitian if and only if (An(.) = w(.)f(.) for a hermitian valued strongly measurable map from X into BQ.
Proof. For the proof the reader is referred to [3781.
Proof of Theorem 5.1.10. First of all we show that A is an isometry whenever A is of the given form. We set (4f ) ( x ) = B ( x ) ( W ) ) ( x ) and f ) ( x ) = yr(x)( f ( x ) ) . Then A = Ap$ and it is immediate that A2 is an isometry from L p ( X , E) onto itself. Also Proposition 5.1.11 (iii) gives us that A1 is norm preserving. To show that A1 is onto, it suffices to do that for the scalar-valued case since this implies that the range of A1 contains (g(.)y : g E Lp(X), y E E ] which is dense in Lp(X, E). The scalar-valued case can be proved by showing that 0 is the only function in L q ( X ) , l/p + l/q = 1 which annihilates : f E L p ( X ) ) . Now suppose that A is an isometry of Lp(X,E) onto itself. We note that if J is a hermitian operator on L p ( X , E) then so is MA-'. Let S E 3 ' . Then define J1 by = xsf Thus AJ1A-' is a hermitian projection. In view of Proposition 5.1.14, it follows that
(J,n(.) .
(M1A-'f)(x)= P ( x ) f ( x ) , f E Lp(X, E), where P(x) is a hermitian projection for almost all x E X. Thus (A(xsg))(.) = P(*)(Ak#.)
LP(X,E )
5.1 Isometries and Composition Operators
where Q(x) = I - P ( x ) . Let A.1 and Jcc2 be the subspaces of functions in L p ( X , E ) vanishing on X \S, and S respectively. Also, set N, = (P(.)f(.) : f E Lp(X, E ) ) and N2 = (Q(.)f(.) : f E L p ( X ,E ) ) . Further, it implies that AAi = X i for i = 1, 2. = fi + f2 for any fi E Nl and Now it is immediate that fi + f2 f 2 E N2 since the same holds for any fi E A, and f2 E 4. Fix y E E and S E 9’.Let A(.) = P(.)xs(.)y and f2(.) = Q(.) xs(.)y. Then we have 4 E N,.and
1 1’ 1 11”
Is1 W Y Is1 Q ( ~ Y [ ’ d ~+
Y Il’d144
Since the above equality holds for any S E Y , it follows that
Therefore, there exists a null set So such that the above equality holds for all x e So and all y in a countable dense set; and hence the same is true for x t So and all y E E. Thus E is the PP-direct sum of P(x)(E) and Q(x)(E), and hence for almost all x, P ( x ) = 0 or I. That is, P(.) = x,(.)I a. e., for some S E Y . Thus it follows that A maps A.1 onto the space of functions which (almost) vanish on X\S and maps A2 onto the space of functions which (almost) vanish on S. Now Proposition 5.1.12 and Proposition 5.1.13 implies that A is of the desired form. This completes the proof of the theorem. Remark. In a recent paper [218] Lin has considered the isometries of L2(X, E) under certain conditions on E . In fact, he proved that if E is not one dimensional and if E is separable with trivial L2-structure and ( X , Y,p) is a-finite, then the hermitian operators and isometries on L2(X,E) have forms like the hermitian operators and isometries on L”(X,E ) .
Now, we shall present some results on the isometries of some Hp-spaces which falls in the second phase of study presented in this section. The theory goes back to the papers of Deleeuw, Rudin and Wermer [92], and Nagasawa [249] in which they have described the isometries of H’(D) and H”(D) whereas the isometries of HP(aD) for 1 < p < 0 0 , p f 2, have been investigated by Forelli [ 1181. Since then the efforts have
V Some Applications of Composition Operators
been made by many mathematicians to generalise the obtained results to the spaces of vector-valued functions. In [48] the isometries of H"(D) were generalised to the context of H"(D, H) for a finite dimensioinal Hilbert space H and very recently in 1990 Lin [219] has extended the results on isometries of H"(D, H) to the spaces H"(D, E) for certain infinite dimensional Banach spaces E. On the other hand Cambern and Jarosz [52] have been able to carry the results of H1(D) to the spaces H'(D, H ) for a finite dimensional Hilbert space H, and in the same paper an open question has been raised for infinite dimensional range spaces. In case of Hp(aD), 1 < p < m, p # 2, Forelli's result is still in the scalar case and there is no generalization to the spaces of vectorvalued functions as far as we know. We note that in each of the cases mentioned above the composition operators are employed to characterise the isometries. In particular these isometries are like the weighted composition operators. For a comprehensive account of these results on H1(D) and H"(D) we refer the book [146] by Hoffman. Here we are demonstrating the application of composition operators in characterizing the isometries of H P , 1 < p c 00, p # 2 . In this direction, we need to write some notations and results which are used in characterising the isometries of Zf-spaces. Let p be the Lebesgue measure on the unit circle aD with J d p = 1 and consider the space Lp of complex-valued p-measurable functions f such that If lPdp is finite. Also, note that H p is the closure in Lp of the algebra of analytic polynomials qcnzn,
z E aD.
For p 2 1, H P has a clear alternative description as the subspace in Lp of functions whose Fourier Coefficients vanish for negative indices. If T is a non-constant inner function and if u is the Borel measure on the unit circle induced by T i.e., u(S) = p(T-*(S)), for Borel subsets S of the unit circle, then
Ifdu =
where f is a Borel-measurable function, and the Fourier-Stieltjes coefficient of n is
As averaging with p is a multiplicative linear functional on H",
5.1 Isometries and Composition Operators
when n > 0, and thus the Fourier-Stieltjes coefficient of u at n > 0 is
Therefore V = P b
where P is the Poisson kernel given by
where a = T d p . We say that P is the Poisson kernel induced by T. Now, since u is absolutely continuous with respect to p, in view of the definition of u it follows that T' takes subsets of the unit circle with p measure zero into sets of the same kind. Here by Y we denote the collection of p-measurable subsets of the unit circle, and by YT, thecollection of sets S1 A S2, where Sl = T-'(S) with S E 9 ' and S2 E Y with p(S2) = 0. Thus Y'T c 3'. Also,we say that an inner function T is a conformal map of the unit disk onto itself if T is (awe.)the restriction of such a function to the unit circle. Furthermore, we shall record some results without proofs in the following proposition which are due to Forelli [118]. Proposition 5.1.15. (i) Assume that
fi E Lp@i),
i = 1,2 and that for all
(ii) Let A be a subalgebra of Lm(pl) that contains constants, and let A be a linear transformation of A into Lm(p2) with A(l) = 1. Suppose that p f 2 and
V Some Applications of Composition Operators
for all f E A. Then A is multiplicative. Theorem 5.1.16.
(i) Let p # 2 and let A be an isometry of H P into H P . Then there is a non-constant inner function T and a function y in Hp such that
T and y arerelatedby
where P is the Poisson kernel induced by T. Conversely, when a non-constant inner function T and a function y in H p are related by (1 1). (10) defines an isometry of H p into Hp . (ii) Let p
2 andlet A bean isometryof H p onto H p . Then (12)
Af = b ( d T / d ~ ) ” ~ C ~ f ,
where T is a conformal map of the unit disk onto itself and b is a unimodular . complex number. Conversely, (12) defines an isometry of H p onto
Proof. (i) Assume that A is an isometry of H p into H p and let = A(1). Then y E H P such that y # 0 and cannot vanish on any set of positive p-measure. Let u be the measure such that du = y 1’dl.l. Then u and p are mutually absolutely continuous. If a linear transformation L : H P + Lp (u) is then L is an isometry of H p into Lp (u) with L(1) = 1. defined by Lf = Af 1 Let f o be the inner function defined as f o ( z ) = z. Then
Further, in view of Proposition 5.1.15 (i), we get
5.1 Isometries and Composition Operators
This implies that L( f:) = 1 as p # 2. Thus L takes the algebra generated by f o into L"(u). From Proposition 5.1.15 (ii) we know that L is multiplicative on this algebra, therefore for a polynomial g we have L(gcfo)) = A(g(f0)) = wC,g,
where T = Lfo.
Since y~ E H P , we have y = F.G, where
is an inner
function and G is an outer function in Hp. Further (13) implies that F.T" is an inner function for n 2 0. Now, we shall show that T is an inner function. Let A be the closed subspace of L2 spanned by f / T k ( j ,k 2 0). Then Jcc is invariant under multiplication by f o , but not by
= e ( H 2 ) , where 18 [ = 1. Now
jo as F(A) is contained in H2. Thus f / T k B is in Jcc for j , k 2 0, and 8 can
be approximated by polynomials in f o and T. Thus O2 E Jcc and B2 = Bg, where g E H 2 . This further implies that 8 E H 2 and Jcc = H2. Thus T is an inner function because T E A. Since the algebra generated by f o is dense in HP and A is bounded, it follows that Af = urf o T ,
for all f
where y.t E H P and T is a non-constant inner function. Also, for f E Hp , we have
. T I P d P = l l f IPdCL.
Let S = T-'(S,), where Sl E 3'. From (14) it follows that
because the characteristic function of S1 can be approximated by the moduli of functions in H p , and we get from (9) that
Thus (15) and (16) imply the desired form (11). Conversely, if T is a non-constant inner function and y~ E @ and they are related by ( 1 I), then (15) is an outcome of (1 1) and (16). Further, if A is restricted to simple functions, then (15) shows that A , defined by (10). is an isometry of Lp into itself. Thus A is an isometry of Lp . Since A takes the algebra generated by f o into Hp, it is immediate that A takes I f p
V Some Applications of Composition Operators
into Hp. This completes the proof of (i). (ii) Since A and A-'
are isometries, therefore we have Af = yff A-'f = 11 f
T and
Thus from the relation AA-'f = A-'Af = f , it follows that
mf(m) rlw($)f(T($)) =
Now, taking f = 1, we get
Further, it implies that
This proves that T is a conformal map of the unit disk onto itself. Now, since is a conformal map of the unit disk onto itself, we have Y T = Y a n d T IdT / dzl = 1/ P(T), where P is the Poisson kernel induced by T. Thus (1 1) reduces to
where S E Y . This shows that y~ and (dT/ d ~ ) " have ~ the same modulus. w is an outer function, for otherwise the non-constant inner factor of w would divide every function in H P , and as (dT / d ~ ) ' ' ~is also an outer function and has the same , b is a unimodular complex number. With modulus as w, w = b(dT / d ~ ) ' ' ~where this the proof of the theorem is completed. Remark. As we have already pointed out that the above result is not obtained in the setting of vector-valued functions whereas the isometries of H'(D) and Hm(D) are settled for the vector-valued case. If E is a uniformly convex and uniformly smooth Banach space, then Lin [219] has shown that every isometry A of H"(D, E) onto H"(D, E ) is of the form Af = W(CTf),
where y~ is an isometry from E onto E and T is a conformal map of D onto itself. In case E is a finite dimensional Hilbert space, Cambern and Jarosz have investigated the isometries of the Banach space H'(D, E) onto itself and proved that
5.2 Ergodic Theory and Composition Operators
every such an isometry A is of the form
where T is a conformal map of D onto itself and y is a unitary operator on E. For the details of these results the reader is referred to [2191 and [52]. Also note that the composition operators are employed in characterizing the surjective isomevies of the Bergman spaces and for thisdetail we refer to [ 1851 and [240]. 5.2
The ergodic theory interacts with the problems arising in the physical sciences and the theory of the composition operators interacts with the ergodic theory. Some of these interactions are highlighted in this section. be a non-empty set. Let G be a group with the identity e and let X Let u : G x X + X be a mapping such that u(e, x ) = x and u(sr,x ) = u(s, u(r, x ) ) for every x E X and for every s, t E G. Then u is called an action of G on X or a motion on X induced by G. If x E X, then the function ux : G + X defined as u x ( t ) = u(r,x ) is called a motion through the point x and the range of this function is called the orbit of x which we denote by the symbol orb@). If I E G, then the function u, : X + X defined as u,(x) = u(t, x ) is a bijection and @,)-I = u,-l. If G is a topological group, X is a topological space and the mapping u : G x X + X satisfies an additional condition of continuity, then the triple (G, X,u) is called a transformation group. The transformation group ( & X , u ) is known as a discrete dynamical system and (03, X,u ) is called a dynamical system, where Z is the group of integers under addition with the discrete topology and R is the group of real numbers under addition with the usual topology. If we replace Z and R by Z+ and !R+ respectively, then we have semidynamical systems. For a detailed study of the transformation groups and the dynamical systems we refer to [lo21 and [397]. If (X, 9'. p) is a a-finite measure space and T : X + X is a non-singular measurable transformation such that the Radon-Nikodym derivative of pT-' with respect to p is essentially bounded, then by Theorem 2.1.1 we know that T induces the composition operator CT on for p 2 1. If % : E+ x X + X and ui : Z+ x L p ( p ) t p ( p ) are defined as uT(n,x ) = T"(x) and u; (n,f) = C $ f , then thcse are discrcte actions induced by T on X and Lp(p) respectively. If T is a measure preserving transformation, then we know from Example 2.1.4 that CT is an isometry on L p ( p ) , and if T is also invertible, then CT is a unitary operator on the
V Some Applications of Composition Operators
Hilbert Spaces L2(p).Thus every measure preserving transformation gives rise to discrete motions on X and L p ( p ) . More, generally, if 8 =(3 : t E R) is a group (or semigroup) of measure preserving transformations X under the operation of composition of mappings such that To = I and Ts+I = Ts o 7 and for every measurable function f :X DB the function t$ : R x X + R defined by @(t,x ) = f(T,(x)) is measurable, then the family SF induces motions u and u' of R on X and LP@) respectively, given by u(t, x ) = T,(x) and u'(t, f ) = CTf for x E X , f E L p ( p ) and t E R. If T : X + X is an invertible measure prekrving transformation, then the discrete actions u~ and ui come from the families 9= (T" : n E Z) and 8' = (Cf: n E q. The motions induced by such families of measure preserving transformations and the corresponding composition operators are known as the measurable dynamical systems and play very important roles in ergodic theory, Markov processes and measurable and topological dynamics. The theory of the composition operators induced by the measure preserving transformations interacts with ergodic theory. Some of the results of this interaction are presented in this section to have some flavour of the applications of the composition operators. Definition 5.2.1. Let (X, Y, p) be a probability measure space. Then an operator A on L'@) is said to be doubly stochastic if (i) Af 2 0, when f 2 0,
(iii) Af =f , when f
is a constant function.
(equality and inequality here are taken to be almost everywhere).
It is clear that if T : X + X is a measure preserving transformation, then C, f dp = fdpT-' = f a , and hence CT is doubly stochastic. It turns out
that in case of the standard Borel spaces the composition operators are the only doubly stochastic isometric operators in some cases. This we shall present in the following theorem. Theorem 5.2.2. Let (X,Y ,p) be a standard Borel probability measure space, and let A be a doubly stochastic operator on L'(p) which is an isometry on L2@). Then
5.2 Ergodic Theory and Composition Operators
there exists a measure preserving transformation T : X Proof.
Let S E
Y. Then
Axs 2 0 and
Jx Axs&
such that A = CT. =
= p(S) 5 1.
Hence 0 IAxs I 1. Since A is an isometry on L2@), we have
From this we conclude that
and hence Axs is a characteristic function. Thus the set K of all characteristic functions of L'W) is invariant under A. Hence by Theorem 2.1.13, A = CT for some measurable transformation T. Since
for every S E Y,we conclude that T is measure-preserving. This completes the proof of the theorem. Note. If CT is unitary on L2(p),then the doubly stochastic operator A gives rise to a discrete measurable dynamical systems on X and on Lp(p),p 2 1.
If T : X + X is a measure preserving transformation, then the family (T" : n E Z') gives rise to a discrete measurable semidynamical system. It turns out that the orbit of almost every point of a measurable subset S of X has non-empty intersection with S. This is shown in the following classical theorem of Poincare.
Theorem 5.2.3. [Poincare Recurrence Theorem]. Let T be a measure preserving transformation on a finite measure space (X, Y, p) and let S E 3'. Then for s E S , there exists n E Z+ such that T"(s) E S ( i . e . almost every orb(s) n S f 0).
Suppose the conclusion of the theorem is not true. Then the set
V Some Applications of Composition Operators
F = (s E
: ~ " ( se )S,
for every n E
has non-zero measure and F = SnT-'(X\S)nT-2(X\S)n
...... .
If x E F , then T"(x) e F for every n E N. Hence F n T-'(F) = 0, for every n E N. Since T is measure preserving and p ( X ) c we get a contradiction. With this contradiction the proof of the theorem is completed. OQ,
Note. If T is measure preserving, then T
is also measure preserving for every
n E N. If F, is the set of points of S which never return to S
under T
, then
S \ (nyNFn) then T"(x) E S for infinitely many n 's. Thus almost every point of S returns to S undcr T infinitely
by the above theorem
p(F,) = 0. If
many times. This is a stronger version of the above theorem.
Examples of Measure Preserving Transformations : (i) Let X = R, p be the Lebesgue measure, and for every t E R, let T, : W + R be defined as T,(x) = x + t, x E R . Then the family (T, : t E W) is a group of measure preserving transformations and gives rise to measurable dynamical systems on W and L P @ ) for p 2 1.
(ii) Let X = [0, 11, Y be the a-algebra of all Bore1 sets. Let 0 < a c 1 and Ta(x) be the fractional part of x + a . Then T, : X + X is a measurepreserving transformation. (iii) Let X = ( I E Q= : IzI = 1) = aD with the normalised kbesgue measure and let 0 c a < 1. Then the mapping T, : X + X defined as T'(z) = e2"z is a measure preserving transfonnation on the unit circle 80.
(iv) Let X = [0, 11. Define T : X
+X *
2 x - 1,
as 1
for O S x c z for
z1 5 x c 1.
Then T is a non-invertible measure-preserving transformation.
5.2 Ergodic Theory and Composition Operators
(v) If X is a compact group with the Haar measure, then every automorphism of
X is a measure preserving transformation. (vi) If X = [0, 11 x [0, 11 with the area measure and T ( x , y ) = (T,(x),y), T, given by (i), then T is a measurepreserving transformation. 1 (vii) If T : W x R + W x W is defined by T(x,y ) = (2x, y ) , then T preserves area measure on R x R
(viii) Let X be a locally compact group with a left invariant Haar measure and c E X. Then the mapping T, : X + X defined as Tc(x) = cx is measure preserving.
(ix) If X is the torus and
mapping T : X preserving.
is a unimodular matrix of integers, then the
defined as
T ( x , y ) = (x'yb,xcyd) is measure-
There have been implicit applications of the theory of the composition operators in several types of ergodic results. We shall give only representative samples to illustrate the involvementof these operators in earlier results in ergodic theory. If T is a measure preserving transformation on (X,Y ,p), then we know that the composition operator CT is an isometry on Lp(p), p 2 1, and hence u : Z+ x LP@) + Lp@), defmedas u(n, f ) = Cff = f 0 T " ,
is a semidynamical (discrete) system on LP(p). If f E Lp(p), then the orbit of f consists of the functions f , cTf, ,... ,c;tf,.... These elements of the orbit of f give rise to the sequence (g,,) in Lp@) given by
The study of the convergence of the sequence ( g n ) comes under the realm of the ergodic theory. A limit of this sequence is called a time mean of f and fdp is called the X space mean of f. For some suitable transformations the time mean and the space mean are equal (a.e). The convergence of the sequence (gn) in almost everywhere sense was proved by Birkhoff, which we shall present in the following theorem.
Some Applications of Composition Operators
Theorem 5.2.4 [Birkhoff Ergodic Theorem]. Let (X,9,p) be a finite measure space and let T : X + X be a measure preserving transformation. Then for every f E L'@)s
(i) the sequence
[i xc;f]
converges a.e. to a function g
(ii) CTg = g.
In order to prove this theorem we need the following results which we shall present without proof. We refer to [44]for details. Theorem 5.2.5.
Let A be a contraction on L1@) taken as real Banach space. For
L1@), let Anf ( x ) =
Akf(x) and for a E R, let
= {x E
X : supA,f(x) > 0}, 1
S*(f,a)= { x E X : sup-A,f(x) n n
and 1
S*(f,a)= { x E X : inf n -Anf(x) n
Then (i)
k, f&
2 0 (Maximal Ergodic Theorem).
(ii) Forevery a,P E R,
5.2 Ergodic Theory and Composition Operators
Proof of Theorem 5.2.4.
f ( x ) = lim sup g,(x).
Let f E L1@) such that f isrealvaluedandlet
f ( x ) = lim inf gn(x),
f * ( x ) = sup g,(x)
f*M= i;f For
p < a, let
f ( T ( x ) ) = j ( x ) and f ( T ( x) ) = f ( x ) , T maps ! S into itself. If 0 , then T preserves the measure p/X on !S with relative o-algebra. Applying result (ii) of the last theorem and using the fact that
p(S!) =
S*(f ' a) = S * ( f , p) = s.:
we gct
which is a contradiction. Thus p(S!) = 0. S=
u , ! S a
S = (x E X : f-( x ) < f ( x ) ) ,
being rational numbers. Thus
p(S) = 0.
then Hence
f ( x ) = f-( x ) a x . This shows that the sequence ( g n ) converges a.e. Since
llf Ill'
we can conclude by Fatou's lemma that
.f E L1(p). Let
f. Then
lim g,(x) = g(x) a.e. If f
is a complex-
valued L' -function, then we can prove the above result for real and imaginary parts of f.
V Some Applications of Composition Operators
Hence it is true for every f E L1@). Since
f o T = f , we have
CTg = g . This.
k proves (ij and (ii). To prove (iii), let Xi = x E X : n If(x) < n , where k E Z and n E M. Let e > 0 be an arbitrarily small number. Then it can be seen that
and hence
From this we get
I,?&5 7P(X)+ I X f & . This is true for every n, and hence
jxfdcl IJx fdcl. Since
-f a t . , taking
-f at the placeof f we have
Jx gdcl= Jx f a This completes the proof of the theorem.
In the following corollary we present the LP-ergodic theorem proved by Von Neumann.
5.2 Ergodic Theory and Composition Operators
Corollary 5.2.6. Let T be a measure preserving transformation on a probability measure space (X, Y,p) and let f E U'(p),Then there exists a 'g E Lp@) such that the sequence ( g n ) converges to a g in Lp-norm and g is a fixed point of CT, Where
Outline of the proof.
l f - f'l
Let 1
c & / 4 . Let gL=
> 0. Then there exists an f'
such that
; &C; -
convergence theorem the sequence ( g;) f'(x) = lim sup g; (x). Now
By Theorem 5.2.5 and the bounded converges to
in the LP-norm, where
for suitable choice of n. Thus (8,) is a Cauchy sequence, and hence there exists a g E Lp(p) such that gn + g in LP-norm. It can be proved that CTg = g.
There is a relation between a minimal measurable dynamical system on (X,3'. p) and the set of fixed points of the composition operator. We need the following definition to present this relation. Let T be a measure preserving transformation on a measure Definition 5.2.7. space (X, Y , p). Then T is said to be ergodic if T-'(S) = S implies that either p(S) = 0 or p(X \ S) = 0. A doubly stochastic operator A on L'@) is said to be ergodic if the constant functions are the only fixed points of A (ix.,Af = f, f~ ~'(p)implies that f is a constant function ax.). Note. If T-'(S) = S, then x E S if and only if T n ( x )E S for every n E N. This means that S is an invariant subsystem under the motion induced by T. In case of ergodic transformation X is the only non-trivial invariant system. The following theorem presents a connection between the ergodicity of T and the
V Some Applications of Composition Operators
ergodicity of CT. Theorem 5.2.8. Let T be a measure preserving transformation on a probability measure space (X,9,p). Then T is ergodic if and only if the composition operator CT is ergodic. Proof. Suppose that the composition operator CT is ergodic and suppose that T-'(S) = S, where S E Y . Then x ~ - I ( ~=) xS, and hence CTx, = x,. Thus xs = c a . e . , for some constant c. From this it follows that p(S) = 0 or p(X \ S) = 0. This shows that T is ergodic. Conversely, suppose T is ergodic. Assume CTf = f for f E L'(p). Let k E Z and n E Z ' . Let X E X
T - 1 (Xn) k = X,". Hence either
X =
: k 2
p(X,") = 0 or
p(X \Xi) = 0.
X,k , for each n , there exists a unique k n such that p
X' = g X , " n . Then p(X') = 1 and f is constant on X'. This completes the proof of n=
the theorem.
(i) If T
is ergodic, then for every measurable set S of non-zero = 1 , and for every pair of measurable sets S1 and S2 of
non-zero measures, there exists n E N such that p(T-"(S1)n S2) # 0. (ii) If T is an invertible measure preserving transformation, then T is ergodic if and only if 1 is a simple eigen value of CT. If T is ergodic, then the absolute value of every proper function of CT is constant and the set of all proper values of CT is a subgroup of the unit circle. (iii)
If T is ergodic, then the sequence (gn) converges to the constant c a e . ,
1 n-1
where c =
fdp and g,, = ; ;
5.2 Ergodic Theory and Composition Operators
Let T be a measure preserving transformation on (X, Y ,p).
Definitiion 5.2.9. Then
1 n-1
(i) T is said to be weak-mixing if lirn
v ( T - ~ ( S )n W )- cL(S)p(W) = 0,
for every S , W E 3'. (ii) T is said to be strong-mixing if every S, W E 3'.
i$mp(T-k(S) n W )= p(S) p(W) for
In the following theorem we shall present the characterizationsof ergodicity, weakmixing and strong-mixing in terms of the behaviour of the composition operator on the Hilbert space L2(p). Theorem 5.2.10. Let T be a measure preserving transformation on a probability measure space (X, Y ,p) and let CT be the composition operator induced by T on L2(p). Then 1 n-1
(i) T is ergodic if and only if ,,lin i &(C; f E L2(P).
f,f) = (1, f ) (f,I), for every
1 n-1
(ii) T is weak-mixing if and only if
for every f
nlim - w fl
f,f) - (f,1) (f,1)1 = 0.
(iii) T is strong-mixing if and only if f E L2W. Outline of the proof. We shall prove only (iii) to give the ideas about the proofs of (i) and (ii). Suppose T is strong-mixing and suppose S and W arc measurable sets. Then xs and xw arein L2@), and
V Some Applications of Composition Operators
(c; x p x,)
(xs91) (1, x,). (C;fhh) + (1. h)(h, 1) for every simple functions. +
From this we can conclude that Since the set of all simple functions is dense in L 2 @ ) , using Schwartz inequality and the fact that C;f is an isometry on L2@) for every n E N we conclude that
(c;f9f ) + (1, f ) (f,I),
for every f
Conversely, suppose ;lm (C;f. f) = (f,1) (1, f), for every f E L2@). Let H f be the smallest invariant subspace of CT containing f and all constant functions. Let
Then H' is an invariant subspace of L2@) containing f and all constant functions, f and hence Hf c H i . Let g E H ; . Then (C;f f , g ) = 0 and (1, g) = 0. Hence If' = L2@). Thus
lip (c; f ,g) = (f,1) (1. g). for every f
g E L2(cI).
Let S and W be measurable sets and let f = xs and g = x,.
Then we have
lim P(T-"(S) n W) = p(~)p ( ~ ) This shows that T is strong-mixing.
Using the spectral theorem we get the following theorem which we shall present without proof. Theorem 5.2.11. Let T be an invertible measure preserving transformation on (X,Y,p). Then T is weak-mixing if and only if 1 is the only eigen value of CT and the only eigen functions are the constant functions in L2@).
Let T be a measure preserving transformation on a measure space (X,9 '. p). Then we know that CT is an isometry on L2@), and hence it is injective. In case (X,Y,p)
5.2 Ergodic Theory and Composition Operators
is a finite measure space, then it follows from Theorem 2.4.2 that CT is unitary if and only if T induces an automorphism of Y E Definition 5.2.12. Let T1 and Tz be two measure preserving transformations on a measure space (X,Y ,p). Then T1 and Tz are said to spectrally isomorphic if there exists a unitary operator A : L2@) + L2@) such that
Let T be an invertible measure preserving transformation on a probability measure space (X,Y ,p). Then we say that T has countable Lebesgue spectrum if there exists a in L2@) such that sequence
= 1,
: k
H+] is an orthonormal basis for L2@).
The following theorem is easy to prove. Theorem 5.2.13. If T1 and T2 are two measure preserving transformations with countable Lebesgue spectrum, then they are spectrally isomorphic.
Outline of the Proof.
U ( Cf k~ : k Ez+)
n d
: k
] ' Z
be two orthonormal basis of L2@). Let us define
n d
as A v o ) = go and A(Ct f k ) = Cf2gk. We can extend it linearly on L2@) as a unitary operator. It is clear that A C = C A. Hence T1 and T2 A :
are spectrally isomorphic. Theorem 5.2.14. If T1 and T2 are spectrally isomorphic measure preserving transformations on a probability space (X,Y ,p), then
(i) T1 is ergodic if and only if T2 is ergodic. (ii) T1 is weak-mixing if and only if T2 is weak-mixing.
(iii) T1 is strong-mixing if and only if Tz is strong-mixing.
V Some Applications of Composition Operators
Proof. Just to illustrate we shall prove (i). Suppose is ergodic. Then by Theorem 5.2.8 constant functions are the only fixed points of C Suppose
L2@) and C
f = f , Since T1 and T2 are spectrally isomorphic, there
exists a unitary operator A such that C
= A-'C
Hence A-'Cq A f = f.
cq Af = 4.f. Hence Af is a constant function in L2@). Thus f is a constant function since the closed subspace of all constant functions has dimension 1. Thus T2 is ergodic. Similarly, we can show that the ergodicity of T2 implies the ergodicity of TI. Similarly (ii) and (iii) can be proved. A measure preserving ergodic transformation T is said to Definition 5.2.15. have discrete spectrum if there exists an orthonormal basis for L2@) consisting of eigen functions of CT. Two measure preserving transformations T I and T2 are said to be conjugate if there exists a a-algebra automorphism 0 on Y / % such that 0 hq = h~~ 0,where $ is a-homomorphism induced by T (see section 2.1). 0
We shall record the following theorem due to Halmos and Von Neumann [398]. The properties of the composition operators are employed to prove it. Theorem 5.2.16. Let T I and T2 be two measure preserving ergodic transformations on a probability measure space having discrete spectrum. Then the following statements are equivalent : (i) T1 and T2 are spectrally isomorphic,
(ii) T1 and T2 are conjugate transformations,
5.2 Ergodic Theory and Composition Operators (iii) The point spectrum of C
is same as the point spectrum of C
T2 *
Note. Ergodic properties of non-measure preserving transformations and Markov processes induced by the composition operators and the weighted composition operators have been studied by Hoover, Lambert and Quinn [1471, Lambert [2093and Quinn [2751. A relation between composition operators and expectation operators is presented in section 2.4. Some spectral properties of the composition operators are used in statistical mechanics [237].
The composition operators also play an important role in establishing a relation between measurable dynamics and topological dynamics. We shall present this relation in the following few pages. Let X be a compact Hausdorff space and let T :X + X be a continuous map. Then we know from Theorem 4.1.2 that CT : C(X)+ C(X) is a continuous algebra homomorphism and IICTI(= 1. The mappings T and CT give rise to a discrete semidynamical systems on X and C(X) respectively. If T is a homeomorphism, then the discrete dynamical systems are induced by T and CT . A study of the actions induced by T and CT comes under the realm of topological dynamics. As earlier
p E M ( X ), then 1 p 1 = p I (X),where Ipl denotes the total variation of p. By the Rieszrepresentation theorem we know that the dual space of the Banach space C ( X ) is isometrically isomorphic to M(X) and the representation is given by M ( X ) denotes the normed linear space of all (signed) Bore1 measures. If
FP(f)= Ixfdp, where p The correspondence p
M(X) and
+ FP is an isometric isomorphism.
If T: X +X is a continuous map, then CT : C ( X ) + C(X) and Ci : M ( X ) + M ( X ) are bounded linear operators. The adjoint C; of CT is given by
V Some Applications of Composition Operators
(iv) If T is an injection, then
1 ~ ; p1 =
(v) If T is a homeomorphism, then CT and C; are invertible operators and
The following theorem shows that every topological semidynamical system is a semi measurable dynamical system. Theorem 5.2.17. Let X be a compact Hausdorff space and T : X + X be a continuous map. Then there exists a probability measure p on the Borel subsets of X such that T is a measure preserving transformation with respect to p.
1 1
Proof. (outline) Let P = {p E M ( X ) : p 2 0 and p = 1). Then by the Banach-Alaoglu theorem, P is w*-compact. It can be shown that P is a C; -invariant non-empty convex subset of M Q . By Kakutani-Markov fixed point
theorem [97] there exists a p E P such that C& = p. Now, for f
From this it follows that P(T-YS)) = PL(S)
for every Borel set S. This shows that T is a measure preserving transformation wilh rcspcct to measure p. With this the outline of the proof is completed. Note. A measure preserving transformation is essentially a surjection. Thus, if T in the above theorem is a constant map, then the fixed points of C; should concentrate at a single point like Dirac delta measures. Definitions 5.2.18. Let X be a compact Hausdorff space and T : X + X be a continuous map. Let (Z’, X, UT) denotes the (discrete) semidynamical system induced by T, where uT(n,x) = T ” ( x ) for n E Z+ and X E X. Then
5.2 Ergodic Theory and Composition Operators
(Z',X, u ~ )is said to be minimal if X invariant subset of itself.
is the only non-empty, closed
(Z', X, UT) is recurrent if for every open subset U of X and for every x E U there exists n E Z+ such that T"(x) E U.
is uniquely ergodic if there exists a unique p E M ( X ) such that
(Z', X, c;p = p.
(h', X, u ~ is) strictly ergodic if it is uniquely ergodic and minimal.
(v) If T is a homeomorphism, then the discrete dynamical system (Z X, UT) is said to be equicontinuous if the family (T" : n E Zj is equicontinuous.
In the following theorems we present some results in which composition operators have been used implicitely.
Theorem 5.2.19. Let (Z',X, uT) be a semidynamical system induced by a continuous map T on a compact Hausdorff space X . Then (i) The system X E
X, UT) is minimal if and only if orb(x) = X ,
for every
(ii) If (Z', X, ur) is minimal, f E C(x> and CTf =f , then f is constant.
(iii) (Z', X, u ~ )has a minimal subsystem.
Proof. (i) If X E X , then orb(x) is non-empty, closed invariant subset of X and orb(x) = X in case X is minimal. If X is not minimal, then it has a nonempty, closed, proper invariant set X O . If x E X O , then orb(x) c X O . Thus orb(x) # X . This proves (i) (ii)
Proof is similar to that of Theorem 5.2.8.
be the collection of all non-empty closed, invariant subsets of X. If S, W E %, then we say that S IW if S 3 W , This relation turns '& into a partially ordered set. Use Zorn's lemma to get a maximal element X o E %. Then (Z', XO,uT) is a minimal subsystem.
Theorem 5.2.20. Let T : X
be a homeomorphism inducing the dynamical
V Some Applications of Composition Operators
system (Z, X,U T ) . Then we have the following : (i) If (Z, X, UT) is minimal and equicontinuous,then it is strictly ergodic. (ii) (Z, X,UT) is uniquely ergodic if and only if the sequence
;{ p
f }
converges uniformly to a constant function for every f E C(X). Proof. We shall prove just part (i). Let f E C ( X ) . Then (T" : n E Z) is equicontinuousand hence [C;
: n
Z is equicontinuous. By the Arzela-Ascoli
theorem there exists a subsequence of [f o T"> which converges uniformly to a function g
C(X). Now
= g.
Thus g is a fixed point of CT and hence by Theorem 5.2.19 (ii), g is a constant If p is any normalised Bore1 measure on X such that C;p = p, function, say then
Since pcf 0 T n k )+ p(g), we conclude that p(f) = h(f) for every f E C(X). Thus p = h. This shows that the system is strictly ergodic. (ii) (Outline of the proof). Suppose (Z, X,UT) is uniquely ergodic with invariant measure p. Let Y = (g - CTg : g E C(X)}.Then it follows that the subspace of measures in M ( X ) which vanish on Y is one dimensional. This mcans = {f - p(f) : f E C(X)}. Thus for any f E C(X) and any E > 0, there is gE
C(X) such that
From this it follows that
5.2 Ergoa’ic Theory and Composition Operators
It follows from this that 1
c;f + pu)
uniformly. Conversely, suppose
-” poC;J + hCf) =
uniformly, where k(t) is a constant depending on f.Let p be any
measure such that C;p = p, Since
C i f } is uniformly bounded sequence,
using bounded convergence theorem it can be concluded that
l4f) = Vf). This shows that
p = k.* This completes the proof of the theorem.
The discrete semidynamicalsystems or the discrete dynamical systems on a compact Hausdorff space X are actually special cases of a more generalised system on X which is called a flow. A flow on X is a triple (S, X, u ), where S is a semigroup and u : S x X + X such that us : X + X defined as u,(x) = u(s, x ) is continuous for every s E S and u(sr, x ) = u(s,u(t, x)) for every s, t E S and for every x E X. In case S is a topological group and u is jointly continuous we say that flow (S, X,u) is a transformation group in case u(e, x ) = x for every x E X. Transformation group we have defined in the beginning of this section. In case S is a semitopological group, we have a semitransformation group. If (S, X,u) is a flow on X, then the enveloping semigroup of this flow is by definition the closure in X x of the semigroup (us : s E S), where X x denotes the set of all functions from X to X with product topology. This semigroup is denoted by C(S, X). Let ( S , X ,u) and (S, X’, u’) be two flows with the same phase semigroup S. Then a continuous mapping Q : X + X’ is said to be a (flow) homomorphism from flow (S, X, u) into flow ( S , X ’ , u’) if
for every s E S and x
E X.
If the homomorphism 4 is a bijectiion, then it is called
V Some Applications of Composition Operators
an isomorphism. If (S, X , u ) is a flow, then C., : C(X) + C(X) defined as Cu,f = f o us is a bounded linear operator on C(X). In the following theorem we record some results which employ the theory of composition operators. Theorem 5.2.21. Let (3,X,u ) and (S, X’, u’) be two flows and let
0 : X + X’
be a surjective flow homomorphism. (i) Then there exists a unique 8 : (S, X) + (S, X’) such that
for every x E X and for every f E C(S, X ) . (ii) The mapping h : S + B(C(X)) defined as h(s) = C , is an antirepresentation of the semigroup by the bounded linear operators on C ( X ) , where B(C(X)) denotes the Banach algebra of all bounded linear operators on
C(X>. (iii) If h : S + B(C(X)) is an anti representation of S by operators on C(X) such that under h(s) the constant functions are fixed and h(s) is multiplicative for every s E S, then there exists an action u : S x X + X such that h(s) = C ,
for every s E S.
Some of the theory of semidynamical systems can be generalised to the flows. We refer to [22] for details. The semigroup of operators (linear or non-linear) have an intimate relation with the dynamical systems and with the solutions of different types of evolution equations arising out of physical situations. A detailed theory of the semigroups of operators has been given in [267] and [397]. In recent years the ergodic theorems have been extended in several directions including the semigroup of operators. The theory of the composition operators contributes directly or indirectly in these generalizations and extensions. Definition 5.2.22. Let E be a metric space. Then by a Co-semigroup of operators on E we mean a family {A[ : E R+) of continuous mappings A, : E + E such that
(i) A0 = I, the identity mapping,
5.2 Ergodic Theory and CompositionOperators
(ii) A,+, = A,
1,s E
(iii) for every x E E, the mapping ux : R+ continuous.
defined as ux(t) = A,(x), is
If (AI : r E R') is a Co-semigroup of operators on E , then the mapping u : R+ x E + E defined% u(t, x ) = A,(x), t E
R+ and x E X ,
is a motion and hence gives rise to a semidynamical system (R', X,u). The converse is also true. That is every motion of R+ on E gives rise to a Co-semigroup of operators on E . If E is a topological vector space and At is linear for every t E R', then Co-semigroup (A, : t E R') gives rise to a linear semidynamical system which has been the subject matter of study for the last several decades. If (A, : r E R') is a Co-semigroup of (linear) operators on a Banach space, then the real valued function t llAtII is dominated by the function t + MeW' for some o E R i.e.,
1 A, 1 5 MeW
for every
t E
For details see [397]. The group (semigroup) of translations-induced composition operators on nice function spaces on R ( or R+) is a very useful group (semigroup) of linear operators and it is employed in the study of different types of periodic motions in some state spaces. If E is a Banach space, then for every t E R the translation : R + R, dcfined as T,(s) = s + z for s E R gives rise to the composition operator CT, : Cb(R, E ) + Cb(R,E ) , where Cb(R,E ) denotes the Banach space of all bounded continuous functions from R to E with supnorm. Thc family (CT, : t E R) is a group of bounded linear operators, and gives rise to a dynamical system on C,(R, E). We shall denote CT, by C,. If R is replaced by R', then the family {ct: t E R+) gives rise to a Co-continuous semigroup of operators on c~(R+,E ) . A function f E Cb(R, E ) is said to be almost periodic (a. p) if the set (CJ : r E R) is relatively compact in C b ( R , E ) i.e., the orbit of f under the motion induced by (C, : t E R) has compact closure in the supnorm topology of Cb(R, E ) . A function f E c~(R+,E ) is asymptotically almost periodic (a.a.p) if the set (C,f : t E R+) is relatively compact in the space Cb(R+,E ) . A function f E Cb(W', E) is Eberlein weakly almost periodic (E-w.a.p) if the set (C, f : t E R') is relatively compact in the weak topology of Cb(R+, E). The spaces of all almost periodic functions, all
V Some Applications of Composition Operators
asymptotically almost periodic functions and Eberlein-weakly almost periodic functions will be denoted by M ( R , E), AAP(R+, E) and W(R+,E) respectively. The symbol Wo(R', E) stands for the subspace of W(R+,E) consisting of the functions f such f : t 2 0). The space that the zero function belongs to the weak closure of [C, M ( R , E) is a C*-algebra and hence it is isometrically isomorphic to C(Y) for some compact Hausdorff space. For details we refer to [97]. These functions are further introduced in the next section and their generalizations to topological semigroups is reported. If K is a (closed) subset of a Banach space E, T : R+ K is a function and Y is a Banach space, then for every function f : K + Y, f o T is a function from R+ to Y and the mapping f + f 0 T is a linear transformation from F(K,Y) to F(R+ ,Y), where F(K,Y) as mentioned earlier denotes the vector space of all functions from K to Y with pointwise linear operations. If T : R+ + K is continuous and f : K + Y is continuous, then f o T E C(R+, Y). If T and f are suitably chosen such that the vector-valued function f 0 T : R+ + Y is integrable on [o, a] for every a E R+ , then the study of convergenceof
in different topologies of Y or B(Y) comes under the realm of the generalised ergodic theory of the flows. In the recent years many results have been obtained in this direction. We refer to [97,292,295,296] for further details. If [A, : r E R') is a Co-semigroup of operators on a closed subset K of a Banach space E, then for every x E K the mapping T, : R+ + K defined as T'(t) = A,(x) is continuous and it is known as the motion through x . If E = Y, and f : K + E is the inclusion map, then
1 a o (f
T,)(t)dt =
d ;1
The study of the convergence of this type of time averages was started by Baillon [ 151 in 1975 where he proved that l a+=a
a 0
exists for an odd contraction semigroup [AI : t E R') of operators on real Hilbert spaces. Many Mathematical Scientists extended the results of Baillon to different types of flows on some special Banach spaces. Some of these results we shall present here without
5.2 Ergodic Theory and Composition Operators
proof. We shall need some definitions. Definitions 5.2.23. Let (AI : t E R') be a semigroup of operators on a closed subset K of E. Then a function f E C(R+,K) is said to be an almost orbit of ( A :~ t E R+) if
If x E E , then the R-limit set of the function f : R+ + K is the set ( y E K : there is a sequence 0 < t, + 00 such that f ( t , ) + y in norm), The R-limit set of f is denoted by o ( f ) .The R-limit set of u" is denoted by o(x). Similarly, taking convergence of V(tn))in weak topology we can define weak R-limit set of f,which we denote by o,(f). A function F : W+ x R+ + W is called strongly regular if 1
(i) (F(s,.) : s E R+) is a bounded subset of L (R ),
We shall conclude this section with the following theorem in which we record some recent ergodic results of [295] pertaining to flows induced by the semigroup of operators. Theorem 5.2.24. (i) If
(A, : f 2 0) is a contraction semigroup of operators on a closed convex
subset K of a uniformly convex Banach space E, and if f : R+ + K is a bounded almost orbit of (A, : t 2 0) such that I+lin#(t + h) - f(t>ll exists uniformly in h E , 'R o,(f)
then there exist a unique z in the closed convex hull of
such that s+lim I>(s, t ) f ( t + h)dt = z in norm topology and 0
convergence is uniform over h E R', where F : R+ x R+ + R is a strongly regular kernel function. The point z is a fixed point of the motion inducedby (A, : t 2 0) . (ii) Let K be a weakly closed subset of a Banach space E, let (A, : f 2 0) be a
V Some Applications of Composition Operalors Co-semigroup of operators on K and let f E W ( R + , K ) such that f is an almost orbit of (AI : r 2 0) and restriction of A, to the weak closure of the range of f is weak to weak continuous for t E R+. Then (a) f = uy + +, for unique y
and unique 9, E Wo(R+,E).
(b) uy is the restriction of a function g
m(R, E ) .
(c) The &limit set w(y) of uy has the structure of a compact abelian group. If p is the normalised Haar-measure on w(y), K ' is the w-closure of the range of f with relative weak topology and Y is any Banach space, then
g(f (t
+ h))dt
in weak topology as a + 0 0 , function g : K'+ Y . Also
in norm topology for every g
converges to
gdp 001)
for every weak to weak continuous
C(K', Y).
(both limits exists uniformly over h 2 0). 5.3
In the beginning of this section we obtain (linear) dynamical systems induced by some composition operators and multiplication operators on the weighted spaces of functions and then give an asymptotic behaviour of motions of dynamical systems on these spaces. A study of semigroups of composition operators on Hardy spaces as well as on Bergman spaces is presented in this section. Finally, we wind up this section by giving some details of weighted com osition semigroups and weighted translation semipups on Hardy spaces and L2(RIP respectively.
Let w E R, let To : R -+ R be the translation defined as T,(t) = I + w for t E R, and let v(t) = e-1' 1, t E R. Let V : R x CVo(W) -+ CVo(R) be defined as V (w,f) = f o T,, where V = {hv : h > 0). Then by Example 3.2 of [2931, (R, CVo(R), V) is a linear dynamical system. For the sake of simplicity we say that V is a dynamical system on CV,(R) . There are systems of weights for which CVo(R) is not translation-invariant and hence in such cases w c do not get translation-induced
5.3 Dynamical Systems and Corngosirion Operators
dynamical systems: for examples see [3621. Recently Singh and Summers in [368] characterised some systems for which the translations T, induce dynamical systems on CVo(W). Let v : W + R be any continuous strictly positive weight function let V = {hv : A > 0). In view of Corollary 4.2.5, it follows that each translation T, : W + W, induces a composition operator on CVo(R) if V is V o T,. Thus V I V o To is a necessary condition for V to be a dynamical system on CVo(R). Now, we show that this condition is also sufficient. We shall present this result in the following theorem. Theorem 5.3.1. Let v E C(W) be such that v(r) > 0, for every t E R, and let V = {hv : h > 0). Consider the function V : R x CVo(R) + C(W) defined by V(w,f) = f o T,, for o E R and f E CVo(R). Then the following are equivalent: (a) V is a (linear) dynamical system on CVo( W) , (b) V I VoT,,
forevery W E R ,
(c) CT,(CVo( W)) c CVb(W), for each o E R.
In order to give the proof of the above theorem, we need to prove the following two lemmas. Let V 5 V o T,, for some w E R. Then define
h(w) = inf{h 2 o : v
hv o T,},
which is the same as setting
Let V is V o T,, for every o E R. Then there exists e > 0 and Lemma 5.3.2. F : R + W+ such that, given o E R, h(r)S F(o)whenever z E R with
a function 12- w
Proof. For each n E N, we set Kn = (zE R : h(2)5 n). Since K, is closed in R m
for every n E N and
W = u K n , by the Bake category theorem there exists
mE N
such that int(K,) # 0. Now, we choose G E K,,, and e > 0 such that ( a - ~ , a + ~ ) c K , . Fix ~ E andset R F(o)=mh(w-a).For Z E R such that
V Some Applications of Composition Operators
l o - z l < e and t c R , wethenhavethat v(t) 4) 'q-q= v(t+z-o+
+ z - 0 + 6) v(t + z)
h(z - 0 + a) h (0 - 0 ) I F(o).
Thus it follows that h(z)5 F(o). Lemma 5.3.3. Let V I VoT, for every O E R , and let V : RxCVo(R)+C(R) bethefunctiondefinedby V ( o , f ) = f o T , , for O E R and f E CVo(R). Then V is a (linear) dynamical system on CVo(R).
Proof. We note that if V S VoT' for each ~ E R , then V(w,f) = f 0 T, E CVo(R) for every o E R and all f E CVo(R). Also, the required group properties are satisfied by V , In order to show that V is a (linear) dynamical system on CVo(R). in view of Theorem 1 of [a]. it is enough to show that V is a separately continuous map. Fix o E R, and let be a sequence in CV,(R) such that f , f in CVi(R). Then for v E V we have
f9 n )
f ) 1,
( 0 ,
1 fn
= sup(v(t) fn(t + w) - f ( t
5 ~uP(v(~) fn(t)
=I1 f n - f II,+o
+ w)
: t
: t E R)
as n + = .
This proves the continuity of V in the first argument. Now we fix f E CV,(R) and show that the function V (,, f ) : R + CVo(R) is continuous, For this, we fix w E R and E > 0. Then by Lemma 5.3.2 there exist 61 > 0 and F(o)> 0 such that h(z)I F(o) for all z E R with z - 0 61. Since vf is a continuous function vanishing at infinity on R, there exists 62 > 0 such that
I v ( s ) f ( s )- v ( t ) f ( t )I< E / 2 ~ ( o )for, s,t E R such that I s - t I< 82, and there also exists to E R+ so that
R and
I t I> t o .
Now we put q = inf{v(t)
I t I I t o } . There exists
5.3 Dynamical Systems and Composition Operators
Take 6=min(61,62,63,1). Let 'FER be such that 1 ~ - 0 1 < 8 . Then for any t E Iw, it follows from either (1) or (2) that
Further, it implies that
Thus it follows that V is continuous in the second argument. This completes the proof of the lemma. Proof of Theorem 5.3.1. The implication (b) 3 (a) is an immediate consequence of Lemma 5.3.3 whereas assertion (c) obviously follows from (a). To complete the proof we need to prove the implication (c) 3 (b). Suppose on the contrary that (b) does not holds. Then there exist w E R and a sequence ( t , ) in R such that v ( f , ) 2 n 2 v ( t ,+o) for each n E N. Further, we may suppose that there exists g~Co(Iw)for which g(t, + w) = l / n , n E N. Now, if we put f = g / v , then f ECVO(R). Since v(tn)
it follows that f 0 T, the theorem.
If ( t , + w) I2 n2g(t, + w) = n, for each n E N,
E CVb(R),
which is a contradiction. This completes the proof of
Now. we give two examples which help to illustrate the above situation. Example 5.3.4. Let v : R 4 R+ bedefinedas v ( t ) = e i ' I , for r E R. If we takeany O E R , then V s V o T , since v ( t ) I e l u l . v ( t + w ) forall t E R (see [2931, Example 3.2). Exampie 5.3.5. only if w = 0.
If v(t)= e-12, for
R , then it is obvious that V I V o 7'
V Some Applications of Composition Operators
Now our efforts are to present some results on dynamical systems induced by the multiplication operators on the weighted spaces of continuous functions and the weighted spaces of cross-sections. Let E be a commutative Banach algebra with unit element, and let cb(R, E) be the Banach algebra of all bounded continuous functions from R to E, and let V be a systrm of weights on R. Then clearly CVb(R,E) is a locally convex Hausdorff space with the weighted topology w y . For g E Cb(R,E) and for each t E R , we define the map IF, : R + E as 7cf(w)= e' for every w E R . It is easy to see that n f is a continuous bounded map from R to E, and hence by Corollary 3.8 of [353], x f induces a multiplication operator ME, on the weighted locally convex space c v b ( R , E ) for any system of weights V on R. Theorem 5.3.6. Let g E c b ( R , E ) , and let V , : R x CVb(R, E ) C(R, E ) be the function defined by v,(t,f)= Mzlf , for t E R and f E c v b ( R , E ) . Then V , is a dynamical system on m b ( R ,E) .
Proof. Since for every t E R, Mnr is a multiplication operator on m b ( $ E ) , we can conclude that v,(t,f)= MElf belongs to CVb(W,E) whenever t E R and f € m b ( R . E ) . Also, we can easily see that v,(O , f) = f and V , ( t + s , f ) = V , ( t , V , ( s , f ) ) , for every t , s E R and f E CVb(R,E). In order to show that V, is a dynamical system on CVb(R,E), it is enough to establish that V, is continuous. To this end, let ( ( t a , f a ) ) be a net in R x c v b ( R , E ) such that ( t a - f a )-) ( t , f ) in RxCVb(R,E). We shall show that V g ( t a , f a )+ v(t,f) in CVb(R,E). Let v E v . Then
5.3 Dynamical Systems and Composition Operators
This proves that V, c v b ( R ,E ) .
is continuous and hence V,
is a (linear) dynamical system on
Remark 5.3.7. If 9 = (MZI : t E R) is the family of multiplication operators on CVb(R,E) defined above, then it satisfies the following :
(i) M,,+, f = M n I ( M , f), for all t , s E R and f E c v b ( w , E ) . (ii) MZo f = f, for all f E C V ~ ( R , E ) . (iii)
/ i q M Z , f = f, forall f ~ C v b ( l 3 . E ) .
Thus the family 9 is a CO-group of multiplication operators on the locally convex space c v b ( R , E ) which turns out to be locally equicontinuous under certain conditions on the system of weights V on R. To show that the family 9 is locally equicontinuous, it is to be established that for any fixed S E R , the subfamily ss= (Mn,: - s It Is) is equicontinuous on CVb(R,E). Let V be a system of weights on R such that for each compact subset K of R, there exists a weight v E V such that ,izL v(t) > 0. Let U be a countable set of non-negative upper semicontinuous functions on R such that W = (ow : 01 2 0, u E U) is a system of weights on R with W = V . Then clearly the weighted space cvb(R,E) is metrizable. In case E = C, the metrizable weighted space c v b ( R ) is a special case of the result proved by Summers [380, Theorem 2.101. Completeness of the weighted space CVb(R,E) follows from Proposition 4.3.4 and a remark following Proposition 7 in [32].Thus the weighted space m b ( R , E ) is completely metrizable. For each s E R, the family %s = (MZ,: - s It Is) is a bounded set in B(Cvb(R,E)) since the map t+M,, is continuous, where B ( m b ( R , E ) ) is the locally convex space of all continuous linear operators on CVb(R,E) with strong operator topology. Also, for each f E c v b ( R , E ) , the set 9s= (Mxlf : - s < t < s) is bounded in CVb(R,E). From a corollary of the Banach-Steinhaus Theorem [288, Theorem 2.61 it follows that
V Some Applications of Composition Operators
the family 9 is locally equicontinuous.
Let B(E) be the Banach algebra of all bounded linear operators on a Banach Space E and let V be a system of weights on R such that the weighted space mb(R,E) is metrizable. Fix g E cb(R) and A E B(E). Then for each t E R , we define the mapping IC, : R + B ( E ) as X I (0)=
for every o E R.
Thus IC, is a continuous bounded operator-valued mapping and hence by Remark 2.2 (ii) of [349] it follows that Mnt is a multiplication operator on c v b ( R , E ) . Now, for g E cb(R) and A E B(E) if we define the function V A , :~R x CVb(R,E) + C(R,E) as VA,B(I,f ) = M n t f , for I E R and f E c v b ( R , E ) , then V A , ~is a dynamical system on mb(R,E) (see [349, Theorem 3.11). Let (4 : t E R) b the vector-fibration over R, where each F, is a Banach space over the field Q= with the norm denoted by 1 1, and by B(F,) we mean the Banach algebra of all bounded linear operators on Ft with the operator norm 111 . 111,. By Fb(R) we denote the normed linear space of all bounded functions on R with supnorm. Fix g E Fb(R). For each t E R, if we define the linear transformation
4 ( y ) = g(t)y, for every y E 4 ,
1 4 ( Y ) U, = 1 &)Y 1, = I g(l) I 1 Y 1,
where 5 M 1 y 1, for every y E 4 Thus it follows that each A, is a bounded linear operator on F, and hence A, E B(F,). Also, note that 111 A, 111, 5 M , for every t E R. If w is the function defined on R such that w(t) = 1 . 1, for every t E R, then w is a weight on R and the set W = (hw : h > 0) is a system of weights on R. Let L ( R ) be a vector space of cross-sections over R. Then it readily follows that the weighted space LWo(R) is a normed linear space with respect to the system of weights W on R. then
1 . ,1
= g
For s E R , define the operator-valued mapping x, : R +
n,(t) = esA, for every t E R. Now, it can be easily seen that each IC,induces a multiplication operator Mn, on LWo(R)
5.3 Dynamical Systems and Composition Operators
In the following theorem we shall obtain a (linear) dynamical system on the weighted spaces of cross-sections.
Theorem 5.3.8. Let g E Fb(R) and let V, : R xLWo(R) + L(W) be the function defined by V,(s, f ) = Mn8f , for s E R and f E LWo(R), Then V, is a dynamical system on LWo(W). Proof. Since M , is a multiplication operator on LWo(R) for each s E R, we can conclude that Vg(s,f) belongs to LWo(R), whenever s E R and f E LWo(W). Thus V, is a function from R x LWo(R) + LWo(R). One can easily show that V,(O, f) = f , for every f E LWo(R) and V,(s+ r , f ) = V,(s,V,(t, f)), for every s,t E R and f ELWO(R). Now, we shall show that V, is continuous. Let ((s,, f,)) be a sequence in RxLWo(R) such that (s,,, f,)+(s, f ) in RxLWo(R). Let W ’ E W. Then w ’ = hw, h > 0. Now
- vg(s,f)
I w,
= SUP{
1 nsm(ofn(o- ns(t)fn(t)
+ Xs(t)fn(r)
I s,
: t E
f, - f
-+ 0.
This shows that the map V, is continuous and hence V, is a (linear) dynamical system on LWo(R). This completes the proof of the theorem. Remark 5.3.9. Let 3;= (Ma : s E R) be the family of multiplication operators on the weighted space LWo(W) as defined earlier. Then we have the following straightforward observations :
(9 M,,+ff
= M.,(Mlrf
f), for
f E LWO(W.
(ii) Mnof = f , for every f E LWo(R). (iii)
all f E L W ~ ( R )
V Some Applications of Composition Operators
Also, by the same argument as used in Remark 5.3.7 we can conclude that the C~-group 3;
is locally equicontinuous.
Ruess and Summers [290, 2943 have studied asymptotic behaviour of motions of dynamical systems that occur in the context of the abstract Cauchy problem. While making this study one cannot ignore the significanceof the composition operators. which we shall outline here as under.
T, : R + R is defined as Recall that for a fixed o E R, the mapping T , ( t ) = t + o , for every t € R . Let V = (hx, : h 2 0, K c R, K compact) U = K + ( R ) be the system of constant weights on R . Then from and Example 1.4.1 we observe that CV()(R,E ) = cvp(R,E ) = CV@, E ) = (C(R, E), k)
where k and u denote the compact-open topology and the topology of uniform convergence on R respectively. From Theorem 4.2.26 and Theorem 4.2.28, it follows that each translation T, : R + R induces a composition operator CT, on either
(C(R,E), k),
(C,(IW, E), u) or
(Cb(R,E), u), In [290], Ruess and Summers derive a
complete solution of the following problem : Problem 5.3.10.
Characterise those f € C b ( R + , E ) for which the family of
functions 3;' = (CT, f : w E R+) is relatively compact in (Cb(R+,E), u) where
CT, is the composition operator on (C,(R+, E), u) induced by T,
In this problem if we take the range space E as a Banach space and R+ is replaced by R, then the solution is obtained by Bochner [36]. That is, if f E C(R,E), then the family of mappings 9 = (CT, f : o E R) , is relatively compact in (cb(R,E), u) if and only if f is almost periodic. In order to present Bochner's result we shall need the
5.3 Dynamical Systems and Composition Operators
following definitions. Let G c R be a set of real numbers. Then G is said to be relatively dense if there exists a number m > 0 such that any interval (a,a+ m ) c R of length m contains at least one member from G. Let E be a Banach space. Then a number z is called an e-almost period of f : R + E if Definition 5.3.11.
f(t++-f(t) 1
Definition 5.3.12. Let f : R + E be a continuous function. Then f is said to be almost periodic if it has a relatively dense set of &-almost periods for each E > 0, contains at i.e., if there is a number p = HE) such that each interval (a,a+ p) c least one number z = z, satisfying (1). Theorem 5.3.13 [Bochner’s Theorem]. Let E be a Banach space and let f : R + E be a continuous function. Then f is almost periodic if and only if the family of functions %= (CT, f : o E R) is compact in ( C b ( R , E ) , u ) , where CT, : Cb([w,E ) + Cb(R,E) is the composition operator induced by T,.
Suppose that f is an almost periodic function. We denote by Q, the set Proof. of all rational points on R. Let (CT,, f ) be an arbitrary sequence in $. By applying the diagonal process, we can choose a subsequence of (CT,, f) and label it again by (CT,, f ) which converges for any r E Q since the closure of the range of f is compact. We shall show that the sequence (CT f) converges in (Cb(R, E), u). % Fix E > 0 and let p = p, be the corresponding length. Since f is uniformly continuous, we choose 6 = 6, > 0 and subdivide the segment [0, p l into psegments Ak(k = 1,2,. ..,p ) of length not greater than 6; and further we choose rational point rk from each Ak . Suppose that n = nE is choosen so that
for n.m 2 n, and k = 1,...g.For every to E R, we find a z = T O such that O I t o + z l p ifandonlyif
Suppose that the number ti = to + z falls in the interval A h and that rb E A h is the rational point choosen earlier. Then by the choice of 6 we have
V Some Applications of Composition Operators
From (2), (3) and (4), it follows that C ~ ~ , f ( t o CT-, )f ( t 0 ) < 5e. Since 10 E R was arbitrary, the inequality implies that the sequence (CTanf] converges in (Cb(W, E), u). Thus the family 9 is compact in ( c b ( W , E), u). Conversely, we suppose that the family 9 = (CTOf : 61 E W) is compact in (cb(w, E), u). Now, it is clear that the function f is bounded. From the boundedness of f we conclude that the family is contained in Cb(R.E), Further, by a cntenon of Hausdorff, it follows that for every a? > 0, there are numbers, ...,sp such that for all S E R there is k = k ( s ) such that
Further, it implies that
Thus the numbers s -sk(k = 1, . . . , p ) are &-almost periods for f. To complete the is relatively dense. Lct proof, we need to prove that the set of numbers s-sk M = max sk . Then s - M I s - sk I s + M . Since s is arbitrary, the last incquality KkqJ
implies that every interval of length 2M contains an a?-almost period for f. This completes the proof of the theorem.
Using the composition operators induced by translations the theory of different types of periodic functions has been extended to functions on semitopological semigroups. If S is a semitopological semigroup, then by definition left translation L, :S S and the right translation R, : S + S are continuous. A function f E C ~ ( S ) is said to be almost periodic if the closure of the set (CR,f : s E S) is compact in the norm topology of cb(s), where CRs:c b ( S ) -+ cb(s) is the composition operator induced
5.3 Dynamical Systems and Composition Operators
by R,. If S is a compact topological semigroup (i.e., multiplication is jointly continuous), then Cb(S)= AP(S). Thus every function on the unit circle is almost periodic. It is well known that the space A P ( S ) of all almost periodic functions on S * is a translation invariant C -subalgebra of c b ( s ) containing all constant functions. The following theorem shows that AP(S) is invariant under the composition operators induced by continuous homomorphisms.
Theorem 5.3.14. Let S1 and $2 be two semitopological semigroups and let T :S1 + S2 be a continuous homomorphism. Then
is a bounded operator, we conclude that the set (CR, CTf : s E S1) Since C, has compact closure in cb(S1). Hence CTf €AP(S1). This shows that CT W(S2)) = W S l ) . Note. (i) If S1 is a subsemigroup of S2, then taking T as the inclusion map it can be seen that if f E A P ( S 2 ) . then f / S 1 E AP(S1). (ii) Taking weak topology on cb(s) we can define weakly almost periodic functions on S. The space of all weakly almost periodic functions on S is denoted by
V Some Applications of Composition Operators
WAP(S). With the help of finite dimensional unitary representation of S the strongly almost periodic function has been defined and studied (see [22] for details).
(iii) Vector-valued almost periodic functions and weakly almost periodic functions on S can be defined taking the space C,(S,E), where E is a Banach space or a locally convex space. We have introduced these functions on R+ (or R) in the last section. If S is a compact semitopological semigroup and E is a Banach space, then it is not difficult to see that C b ( S , E ) = WAP(S,E).
If T :S1 + S2 is a continuous homomorphism, then CT(WAp(S2,E)) c WM(S1,E ) *
After some years of the Bochner's result, Frechet [119. 1201 obtained an analogous result for subintervals of R of the form [a, 00). a E R and the range space E restricted to finite dimensional space. Here we shall present an account of some of these results and related ideas obtained by Ruess and Summers [290] in the general setting of an arbitrary locally convex range space. In order to proceed further, we need the following definitions. Definition 5.3.15. Let a E R, and let I, = ( t R ~ : t 2 a ) . Then a subset G of I , is said to be relatively dense in I, if there exists m > 0 such that for each t E Ia, the closed interval [I, I + rn] -containsat least one member of G. Definition 5.3.16 [119, 1201. Let a E W and let E be a locally convex space. Then a continuous function f : I, + E is said to be asymptotically almost periodic ( a . a . p ) if for any E > 0 and q E c s ( E ) , there exists p = P(E,q)2a and a relatively dense set G = G(E, q) in I,, such that q(f (t + '5) - f(t)) I E , for each z c G and each ( € I , , with t + r 2 p . Definition 5.3.17. Let a E R and let E be a locally convex space. Then a subset H of C(I,,E) is said to be equi-asymptotically almost periodic if for E > 0 and q E cs(E), there exist p 2 a and a relatively dense set G in I,, such that q(h(t + z) - h(r))I E for each z E G and every t E I,, with t + z 2 p; and for all he H .
5.3 Dynamical Systems and Composition Operators
Now we state the following theorem which is the extension of Frechet's theorem and serves to resolve Problem 5.3.10 completely. Theorem 5.3.18 [290, Theorem 3.11, Let a E R and let f E C ( I , , E ) , where E is a locally convex space. Then the family P+= {cT, f : w 2 0) of mappings is a precompact subset of (Cb(Ia,E), u) if and only if f is asymptotically almost periodic.
Indeed, we shall present here the proof of a stronger result which is stated below. Theorem 5.3.19. Let X = R (respectively, X = I,, where a E W), and let E be a locally convex space. Then for a subset H of C ( X , E ) , the following are equivalent :
(a) (i) H is aprecompact in (C(X,E),k), and (ii) H is equi-almost periodic (respectively, equi-asymptotically almost periodic): (b)
family % ( H ) = (CT, h : h E H , w E W) (respectively, 9' (H) = (CT, h : h E H , w E R')) of mappings is a precompact subset of (Cb (XI El, 4.
Before attending the proof of the above theorem we shall outline the proof of the following proposition which is to be used in establishing Theorem 5.3.19. Proposition 5.3.20. Let X = I,, a E W (respectively, X = R) and let E be a locally convex space. Assume that H is a precompact subset of (C(X,E),k). If H is equi-asymptotically almost periodic (respectively, equi-almost periodic), then H is uniformly equicontinuous on X and N ( X ) is precompact in E.
We shall outline the proof for the case when X = I, and H is Proof. (outline) equi-asymptotically almost periodic. For the almost periodic case the proof follows exactly on the same line with slight changes. To show that H is uniformly equicontinuous, we fix E > 0 and p ~ c s ( E ) . Then by Definition 5.3.15 and Definition 5.3.17 there exist p 2 a, m > 0, and a relatively dense set G in I p
V Some Applicalions of Composition Operators
such that, for each z E G and every t E I,, with t + 7 2 p, p ( h ( t + z ) - h ( t ) ) c ~ / 3 for all h E H, while [ t , t + m] n G #0 for any t E I,,. Set N = max (p,m). Choose zk E [M,(k+ 1)N]nG , k = l,2,.. .,. From Theorem 2.1 of [290],it follows that H is equicontinuous on I, and hence H is uniformly equicontinuous on the closed interval [a, 94. Thus there exists 6 E (0, N / 2 ) such that p(h(t1) - h(t2)) c ~ / whenever 3 h E H and tl,t2 E [a,5Nl with tl - 12 < 6 . On the other hand, suppoe that r1,t2 > 4 N with 11 - t2 c 6. Then, we choose k E N such that r1,t2E [WV,(k+2)Nl. Let si = ti - z k - 2 , i = 1,2. Now, since s1,s2 E [ N , 4 N ] and s1 - s2 < 6, it follows that p(h(t1) - h(t2))c E for all h E H. This implies that H is uniformly equicontinuous on all of I,. Now, we shall show that H(I,) is precompact in E. We start from the equicontinuity of Ii to obtain a
finite (open) cover (Gi)Y=, of [a, 3N] and ti E Ci,i = 1, ...,n, such that, for every h ~ N , p ( h ( t ) - h ( t i ) ) < ~ /for 2 t E G i , i E ( l ,...,n). On the other hand, if 1 > 3 N , then after some computation we have that p(h(t) - h(ti))c E , for any h E H.. Thus we have proved that H ( I , ) c
6[ H ( t i ) + aq).This shows that
H(I,) is precompact
in E since for each i E (1,. ..,n) ,H ( f i ) is precompact in E in view of Theorem 2.1 of [290]. Proof of Theorem 5.3.19. (a) 3 (b). Assume the case X = Io, where a E R. By Proposition 5.3.20, it follows that H(I, ) is precompact in E and also we have the inclusion 9' (El) c (CJI,, E), u). For each t E I,, the set 9' (H) ( I ) is precompact in E because H(I, ) is precompact in E. To show that the set ' 8 (H) is precompact in (Cb(1,. E), u). it suffices to establish the precompactness of this set in (CJI,, E), u). For this, it is enQughto settle the finite covering condition 3(ii) of p ~ c s ( E ) and E > O . As in the proof of Theorem 2.2 of [ 2 9 0 ] . Fix Proposition 5.3.20. we choose p 2 Q, m > 0 and a relatively dense set G in I, such that, for each z E G and each I E I,, with t + z 2 p, p(h(t + z) - h(t)) c E / 2 for all h E H , while [t. I + m] n G #0, for any t E I,. Further, we set N=max(p,m), zo=O and also fix z k ~ [ h V , ( k + l ) N ] n Gk,= 1 , 2,.... Since by Proposition 5.3.20, H is uniformly equicontinuous on I, , we conclude that the set g+(H) is also uniformly equicontinuous. Thus we obtain a finite cover (fi)y=, of [ N , 3N] by (relatively open) subsets of I,, and si E 4, i, .. ,n, such that, for every
h~ t I and W E R ' , ~ ( h o T , ( s ) - h o T , ( s i ) ) < & / 2 whenever s OD
fi, i
Letusfix G i = U { f i + z k } , i = l , ..., n . Thenbytaking ~ E G for ; k=O
we choose s E fi
N u (0) such that
1 =s
+ zk.
...,n ) . i E ( 1 ,...,n ) , E (1,
Thus from the above
5.3 Dynamical Systems and Composition Operators estimates, it follows that p(h 0 T,(t)
T,(s;)) < E , for every h E H and for all n
o E Iw'. Also, an obvious computation shows that IN c U C i . This further implies i=l
: i = 1, ,..,n covers IN, where for each i E (1,...,n),
bsi(p (tl),v, p, E)
XSi(F'(H), v, p , E) = [t
x : sup(p(v(t)h(t) - V(Si)h(Si))
: h
5+ (H))s E]
and of course here v(t) = 1 for each t E fa. Since the equicontinuity of ' 9 (H) makes it possible to trivially cover [ a , NI by finitely many sets of the same prescribed form, we conclude that the finite covering condition 3(ii) of Theorem 2.2 of [2901 is saisfied. Thus the family 9 + ( H ) = (CT, h : h E H , o E Iw') of mappings is precompact in (Cb(Ia,E ) , u ) . For the case X = R w i t h H as precompact and equi-almost periodic, the precompactness of the family 9 (H) = (CT, h : h E H , o E R) in (Cb(X,E), u) can be obtained by the same argument as adapted in the first case. (b) 3 (a) If (b) holds, then (a) (i) follows easily. Further, according to [290, Theorem 2.11 it follows that the family 9 ( H ) (respectively, 9+(H))is a precompact subset of (C,(W, E), u)) (respectively, (Cp(fa, E), u)). Now, we can use Theorem 2.2 of [290]
to show that H is equi-almost periodic (respectively, equi-asymptotically almost periodic). Let p E cs(E) and E > 0. Then by 3(ii) of Theorem 2.2. of [290], there
exists a finite cover (4)7=1of Iw (respectively, l b , where b = max (a,1) and 4 c I b , i = 1,..., n ) and ti E 4, i = 1,..., n, such that for all h E N and (respectively, all O E R'), p(hoT,(t)-hoT,(ti))<e whenever t E 4, i E (1. ... ,n) . At this moment, let us consider the case X = l a .Then setting p=m=max(tl,t2,...,t , ) , we note that p 2 a and m > 0. Consider the set OE
G = u(&-ti) [i:l
" I p . Forany
some i E (1,. ..,n), while
I,,. For
t E
I,, and
t + m > b , suchthat
+ m) - ti It + m, and hence G is relatively dense in T E G , wechoose i e ( 1 ,...,n) and S E E such that z = s - t i . t I(t
Since t - ti 2 0, it follows that
for all h E If. This proves that N is equi-asymptotically almost periodic. For the case
V Some Applications of Composition Operators
X = 88, we fix
1, ...,I rn I}
and set G =
u(& n
Then G is
relatively dense in R. Now, for given t E R and any z E G, it readily follows by the same argument used in the preceding case that p(h(r + 7)- h(t)) < E, for all h E H . Thus we conclude that H is equi-almost periodic. This completes the proof of the theorem.
Now, we shall present the following theorem without proof which states that almost periodic and asymptotically almost periodic functions can be factored through a reflexive Banach space so as to maintain the respective periodicity properties. Theorem 5.3.21 1290,Theorem 3.51. Let X = R (respectively, X = fa, where a E R), and let E be a Frechet space. Then the following are equivalent for a subset H of C ( X , E ) .
(a) (i) H is relatively compact in (C(X, E ) , k ) , and (ii) H is equi-almost periodic (respectively, equi-asymptotically almost periodic); (b) there is a compact disk K in E such that
(i) the Banach space EK is reflexive, where EK denotes the linear span of K in E under the norm defined by the p a g e of K, (ii) H ( X ) c EK, and F%(H) = (CT, h : h E H , o E R) (respectively, 9 (H) = (cT, h : h E H , o E w+)) of mappings is relatively compact as a subset of (C,(X,E K ) ,u ) ;
(iii) the family
(c) there is acompact disk K in E such that (i) EK is a reflexive Banach space, (ii) H ( X ) c E K , ( 5 ) H is relatively compact as a subset of C(X, E K ) , k) , and (iv) H is equi-almost periodic (respectively, equi-asymptotically almost periodic) as a subset of C(X,E K ) .
5.3 Dynamical Systems and Composition Operators
Let E be a locally convex space. Then E under its associated weak topology a ( E , E * ) is denoted by E,. Let a E R. Then a function f :Iu + E is called weakly asymptotically almost periodic ( w . u . u . ~if) f : la + E , is asymptotically almost periodic. If E is a Banach space, then it has been shown in [7,p. 451 that a weakly almost periodic (w.a.p) function f : R + E is almost periodic if and only if the range of f is relatively compact in E. This version holds in general as is shown by Ruess and Summers [290, Thorem 3.61 and this we record here without proof. Theorem 5.3.22. Let X = R (respectively, X = I , , , where a~ R) and let E be a locally convex space. Then a function f : X -+ E is almost periodic (respectively,asymptotically almost periodic) if and only if f is weakly almost periodic (respectively, weakly asymptotically almost periodic) and fo is precompact in E.
It is remarked in [290] that a function f : R + E is weakly almost periodic if f : R -+ E, is almost periodic. According to Theorem 5.3.19, it is equivalent to requiring that the family 9 = (CT, f : w E R) of mappings be precompact in (Cb(R,E,),u). So if f : R + E is weakly almost periodic, then under what conditions the family 9 will be relatively compact in (cb(R, E,), u). For favourable situation, the quasi completeness of E , is to be taken as hypothesis. In fact, E , is quasicomplete if and only if E is semkeflexive [186, p. 2991. However, it is clear that if the family 9 is relatively compact subset of (cb(R, E,), u ) , then f : R + E is a weakly almost periodic function and the range f(R) is weakly relatively compact in E. The converse assertion is also true and this we shall record in the following theorem. Theorem 5.3.23. Let X = R (respectively, X = Iu, where a € R), and let E be a locally convex space. For a function f : X + E , the following are equivalent :
(a) (i) f is weakly almost periodic (respectively, weakly asymptotically almost periodic),and (ii)
fo is weakly relatively compact in
(respectively, $+= (cT, f : w E R+I of mappings is relatively compact as a subset of (cb(x, Ew), u) .
(b) the family 3;= ( c T , ~ : w E 08)
(b) follows from (a) as it is an immediate consequence of Theorem 5.3.19 Proof. and the fact that for each t E X, the point cvaluation 6, is a continuous map from (Cb(X,E,), u ) into E,. For the converse assertion, we shall deal with the case when
V Some Applications of Composition Operators
X = R and f : R + E is weakly almost periodic because the argument is same for the other case. From Theorem 5.3.19 it is known that the family SF is precompact in (cb(W,E,), u). Therefore, for a net f.( 0 TUa) in 9 , there is a subnet cf o 7&), say, which is a Cauchy net in (Cb(R, E w ) , u ) . Let us put F = ((E*)’, a(@*)’, E * ) ) , where (E*)’ is the algebraic dual of E* . Therefore (Cb(R, F),u) is complete since F is complete. Thus the net (f 0 T,,) converges in (Cb(W,F), u) to some g E (Cb(W,F),u ) . From (a) (ii), it follows that f (W) is relatively compact in E , with respect to o ( E , E * ) . Let K = f(R). Then it is also a(@*)’, E*) compact and this yields that g(W) c K. This proves that g E (Cb(W, E,), u). With this the proof of the theorem is completed.
We know that the set of semigroups of bounded linear operators on a Banach space E is in o n e t o o n e correspondence with the set of (linear) semidynamical systems on E. So, to know the behaviour of the (linear) semidynamical systems induced by the composition operators, it is desirable to make a study of the semigroups of composition operators and weighted composition operators. The theory of semigroups of composition operators and weighted composition semigroups on Hardy spaces and Bergman spaces has been studied by Aleman [5], Berkson [24], Berkson and Porta [28], Cowen [85], Embry and Lambert [103. 104, 1051. Evard and Jafari [107], Konig [198] and Siskakis [372, 373, 374, 375, 3761. We are presenting here some of the significant results obtained by them. Before proceeding in this direction, we shall recall some basic definitions and examples. Definition 5.3.24.
Let E be a Banach space. Then
(i) a one-parameter family (S, : 0 I t e -) of bounded linear operators from E into itself is said to be a semigroup of bounded linear operators on E if (a) So = I , the identity operator on E, (b) S,
= S, 0 S,,
for every t , s 2 0 .
The axioms (a) and (b) are called the identity axiom and the semigroup property respectively. (ii) a semigroup of bounded linear operators (S, :
continuous if
2 0) is said to be uniformly
5.3 Dynamical Systems and Composition Operators
(iii) a semigroup of bounded linear operators (S, : t 2 0) on E srrongly continuous semigroup of bounded linear operators if
is said to be
(d) lim S,(y) = y , for each y E E. r~ o + If (S, : t 2 0) is a strongly continuous semigroup of bounded linear operators on E, then by [407, p. 2331, axiom (d) is equivalent to the condition
/ls S,(y) = S,(y),
for each s 2 0 and y E E.
A strongly continuous semigroup of bounded linear operators on E will be called a
semigroup of class CO or simply a Co-semigroup.
Some examples of strongly continuous semigroups of bounded linear operators are given below. Example 5.3.25. Let C:(R) denote the Banach space of all bounded uniformly continuous complex-valued functions on R with the supremum norm. For t > 0, we define
which is the Gaussian probability density. For any as
(SJ) ( x ) = =
1 S,f 1 511 f 1
N , ( x - w ) f ( o ) d o,
> 0,
t =
it follows that each S,
N , ( x - o)do = 1 f
+ C,”(R)
2 0, define S, :C:(R)
is continuous because
From the definition of S,,SO = I , the identity
operator. The semigroup property S,, = Sf o S,, for any t , s 2 0, follows from the well known formula concerning the Gaussian probability distribution : 1
-- 1 -
- r1 e
-(o-p)2 /21 .e-p
Some Applications of Composition Operators
Now, we shall show that the semigroup (S, : that
Thus (SJ) ( x ) - f ( x ) = r - N , ( x variable
1 0) is strongly continuous. Note
- 0 )V(w) - f ( x ) ] d o ,
which is, by the change of
X - 0
Spliting the integral of the right hand side, we get
By h e uniform continuity of f, for any E > 0, there exists a number 6 = 6 (E) > 0 such that f (xl) - f ( x 2 ) I E whenever x1 - x2 5 6 . Thus, we have
The second term of the right hand side tends to zero at rmNl(z)dz
converges. This shows that
since the integral
lim S,f = f . Also lim S,f = S,f, for each s 1 0 and each f
lim+ sup ( S , f ) ( x ) - f ( x ) = 0. 1+0
E C,”(W).
Thus This
5.3 Dynamical Systems and Composition Operators
proves that the family (S, : t 2 0) is a C6ontraction semigroup of bounded linear operator on C; (R) . Example 5.3.26. Let h > 0 and S, : C,U(R) + C;(R), as
p > 0.
For any
t 2
0, we define
and each x E R. From the definition, it is clear that SO = I, the identity operator. For the semigroup property and the strong continuity of (S, : t 2 0) we refer to [299, p. 51. Thus (S, : t 2 0) is a contraction semigroup of bounded linear operators on c,"(R). Example 5.3.27. For t 2 0, let
for each (i)
: D
D. Then TI satisfies the following properties.
TO= I, the identity map on D.
(ii) T , + s = q o T s , for t , s 2 0 . (iii)
lim q(z)=
I +s
for each Z E D andeach s 2 0.
Thus the family [c : t 2 0) is a semigroup of analytic functions of D . Further, in view of Littlewood's subordination theorem [99, Theorem 1-71, each T I induces a composition operator CT, on H p ( D ) (1 I p 5 w). Further, let h,(z) = T , ( z ) / z , for z E D. Then hl is a bounded analytic map for each t 2 0. For any t 2 0, we define S, : H p ( D ) + H p ( D ) as S, (f)= h, .CT(f).for each f
Thus the family H~(D).
E Hp(D).
: t 2 0) is a Co-semigroup of bounded linear operators on
In the following examples we present Ccsemigmups of composition operators.
V Some Applications of Composition Operators
Example 5.3.28. Foreach tER+, wedefine T, : R+ 3 R+ as T , ( s ) = s + t , for every s E R+. Each T , induces a composition operator CT, on C,”(R+). Further, for each t E R+, define S, : C,”(R+) + C,”(W+) as S, f = CT,f , for . clearly the family (S, : t 2 0) is a Co-contraction each f E C ~ ( R + ) Then semigroup of composition operators. In this example if we replace R+ by R, then for each t 2 0 , T, : R+R,definedby T , ( s ) = s + f , foreverysER,stillinducesa composition operator CT, on Cl(R). Therefore the family (S, : t 2 0) as taken above is a Ceontraction semigroup of composition operators. Example 5.3.29. Let H 2 (P+ ) be the Hardy space of the upper half plane. For t 2 0, we define T, : P+ + P+ as T,(w) = w + two, where wo E P+. Then each T, induces a composition operator CT, on H2 (P+ ) 1359, Example 11. It is easy to see that the family (CT,: t 2 0) is a Co-semigroup of composition operators on 2 + (P ). In this example, if we define for each t 2 0 , T, : P + + P + as T,(w) = e-‘(w - i ) + i , for each w E P + , then again each T I induces the composition operator CT,on lt 2 (P+ ), and therefore the family (CT,: t 2 0) is a Crsemigroup of composition opcrators on H 2 (P+ ) . Example 5.3.30. Consider the Lebesgue space Lp(p), 1 5 p c 00, where p is the Lebesgue measure of R. For each t 2 0, we define T, : R + R as T,(s) = s + t , for every s E R. Then each translation T, induces the composition operator CT, on LP@) and hence the family {CT,: t 2 0) is a Co-semigroup of composition operators on ~ ~ ( p ) .
Now, we are presenting a oneto+me correspondence between (linear) semidynamical systems on a Banach space E and Co-semigroups of bounded linear operators on E. Let (3, : f 2 0) be a Co-semigroup of bounded linear operators on a Banach space E. Then we define a map V : R+ x E E as V(t,y) = S,(y), for each t E R+ and y E E , Clearly V is continuous in each variable and hence by [66,Theorem 11, V is jointly continuous. Also, V(0, y) = So(y) = I ( y ) = y , for each Y E E, and
for each s,t E R+ and every y E E. This proves that (R+, E, V)
is a semi-
5.3 Dynamical Systems and Composition Operators
dynamical system. To show that Then
V is linear, let a,P E C, x , y E E
Conversely, suppose that (R', E , V ) is a linear semidynamical system. For any t E , 'R we define S, :E E as S,(y) = V ( t , y ) , for every y E E. Then So(y)= V ( O , y ) = y = I ( y ) , for each y E E . The linearity of S is obvious. Now, for each t , S E R', we have S,+,(y) = V(t + s , y ) = V ( t ,V ( s , y ) ) = V(t,S,(y)) = S,(S,(y)>, for each y E E. Thus S,, = S, o S,, for each t , s 2 0. Also, the strong continuity of S,, for t 2 0, follows from the continuity of the map V . Thus we have shown that (S, : t 2 0) is a Cesemigroup of bounded linear operators on E.
Now, our aim is to present a one-to-one correspondence between the set of oneparameter semigroups of composition operators on Hardy spaces of the unit disc and set of one-parameter semigroups of holomorphic mappings of the unit disc into itself; and also to characterise the infinitesimal generators of these semigroups. For the details of this study we refer to the recent works of Berkson and Porn [28]. In order to write these results, we need to add some more definitions and notations. Let G be an open set in the complex plane C. Then by a one-parameter semigroup (T, : t E R+) of holomorphic mappings of G into itself we mean a homomorphism t + T of the additive semigroup of positive real numbers R+ into the semigroup (under composition) of all analytic mappings of G into G such that TO is the identity map of G and T , ( z ) is continuous in ( t , z) on R+ x G. Also, write T(t, z) for T(z) anddenote aT(t,z)/at by G ( t , z ) . By 3 ( G ) we denote the family of all such one-parameter semigroups on G. Theorem 5.3.31. Let G beanopen set in C, andlet (TI : z E R') be a o n e parameter semigroup of holomorphic mappings of G into G. Then there is a holomorphic mapping H : G + Q= such that -= aT(ts at
iI(T(t, z)),
t E
R', z E G.
Let K be a compact convex subset of G. For a suitable a E (O,l),
V Some Applications of Composition Operators
compact set U(T,(K) : 0 5 t I a) has its convex hull, which is compact and contained in G. Thus, there exists q E (0,aI such that
I 7 ” f ( z ) - ~ T , ( z+) I S (1 / 10) I T(z)- z 1, 0 I t I q, Indeed, the minorant in ( 2 ) is the absolute value of the integral of
z E K.
d d~ [ &(€,) - 6 ]
along the line segment from z to T , ( z ) , and (by virtue of Cauchy’s integral formula) this integrand has modulus less than 1/10 for sufficiently small t . In view of (2). we find that ~ ~ ( ~ ) - z ~ I ( 1 0 / 1 9 ) ~ T ~ ~ for ( z ) -ZzE~ K, , O I t I q . For convenience, replace 10/19 by 2-2/3 in this last inequality. Then a straight forward argument shows that there exists a constant c (depending on K ) such that I ~ , ( z ) - z I s c t ~ for / ~ ,~ E K Ostsl. ,
Cover the convex hull k of U(T,(K) : 0 I t I a) by a finite collection of closed discs, each of which is contained in a closed disc contained in G having the same center and a strictly larger radius. Now, by applying the last inequality to each of the larger discs (with a suitable constant c in each case), and using Cauchy’s integral formula for d [ T,&) - 5 I , we get a constant c‘ such that for 0 I t I 1, the modulus of this derivativedoes not exceed c‘ l 2 l 3 on k , Again by the same argument as employed in establishing (2), it follows that for 0 S t Ia , and z E K ,
I T’f ( z ) - 2 T , ( z ) + z II c‘ t2’3 I T,(z)- z I< c‘
Further. we have
From this, it follows that lim 2”(T(2-”, 2)- z ) = H ( z ) exists uniformly on G. In particular, H is analytic on G. For zo E G compact subsets of and t > 0, (TJzo) : 0 I s I t ) is a compact subset of G . Thus 2”[T(s + 2-”, ZO) - T(s, ZO)] tends uniformly to H(T(s,zo)) for s E [O. t ] . From calculus, we deduce that 1
&(z)=z+l,H(<(z))ds, for Z E G , t E R + .
5.3 Dynamical Systems and Composition Operators
This completes the proof of the theorem.
Definition 5.3.32. Let G and (q : t E W') be as in Theorem 5.3.31. Then the function H :G + C satisfying (1) is uniquely determined as T,(O,.) and is called the infinitesimal generator of (1; : t E R').
The infinitesimal generators of semigroups of holomorphic mappings of the right half plane into itself are described as follows. Let :P = (z problem
has a solution on
: Re z > 0). If
H ::P
is analytic and if the initial value
R+ x P,!, then it follows from the analyticity of H and the
convexity of P;' , that for every zo E P: and every z > 0, the initial value problem -dw- - H(w), w(0) = zo has a unique solution on the interval 011 l z . In dt particular, (3) has a unique solution T on W+ x P:, and (since the initial value problem is autonomous) T,,, = T, o T, on P;', for zo
EP,! and
> 0,
the problem
t , s E R'.
- H(w), dt
Now, it is clear that for
w(s) =
has at most one
solution on the interval 0 5 t I s. Thus it follows that for each t E R', TI is one-toone. Standard techniques (such as the method of proof of [76, Theorem 4.11 with suitable modifications) show that T(.,.) is continuous on R+ x c'. Further, the method of proof of [ 150, Theorem 91, with obvious modifications, now shows that for t 2 0, &( .) is analytic on P :,
and its derivative with respect to the complex variable is given by
The foregoing remarks are summarized in the following theorem.
Theorem 5.3.33 [28, Proposition 2.21 Let WP;') be the set of all infinitesimal generators of one-parameter semigroupsof holomorphic mappings of P,! into itself, and
V Some Applications of Composition Operators
let 9(P:) be the set of all such oneparameter semigroups. Then %(P;') consists of all analytic functions H on :P such that the initial value problem (3) has a global solution T on R+ xP,!, The correspondence which assigns to each member of 9(P,') its infinitesimal generator is one-to-one, and for each H E '?3(P:), the corresponding semigroup is the unique solution on R+ x:P of the initial value problem (3). If (T, : t E R+) E %(P:), then T, is univalent for all t E R+.
Now, we shall record somr: more results of the non-trivial generators (without proofs) with additional notations.
:, not identically zero, Let %$(P:) be the class of all analytic functions on P which map P,? into its closure in C, and let $(P,') be the class of all analytic functions ti on P ,' of the form
where F E q(P:), and b is a real constant. Let %(P:) functions H on P,! ofthe form
where F E %(P:),
be the class of all analytic
is a constant belonging to P;'.
Theorem 5.3.34. %(P,')\(O) is the disjoint union of q(P;'),$(P,') and (& (P,'). If 12 E q ( P , ! ) (respectively, H is of the form (4)), and if (5 : t E W+) is the semigroup corresponding to H, then for each z E , :P T , ( z ) + (respectively, T,(z) + ib) as t 4 + -. If H is of the form ( 5 ) with corresponding semigroup (T : t E W+), then : (i) T,(z) -) 4 as t + for each z E P,' if and only if F(P,?)cP:, and (ii) T,(t)=t, for ~ E R ' .
Remark. It is clear from the limiting behaviour of semigroups (as f + + -) that if H has a representation in either of the forms (4), (5). then such a representation is unique.
5.3 Dynamical Systems and Composition Operators
24 1
Let 9 be the class of all analytic functions F on the open unit disc D such that Re F 2 0, and F is not the zero function. Let d be the class of all functions H on D of the form H(z) =
F ( z ) (z - a) ,
where a I= 1, F E 9. Let 3 be the class of all functions H on D of the form H ( z ) = F ( z ) (PZ - 1) ( z
- P).
and F E 9.
In the preceding notabon, Theorem 5.3.34 and the remark immediately following it can be rephrased as follows. Theorem 5.3.35. %D)\(O) is the disjoint union of d and 93. If H has h e form (6). then its corresponding semigroup (q : t E R+) satisfies T , ( z ) + a as t ++ for each z E D. If H has the form (7). then for its corresponding semigroup (TI : t E R+) we have : (i) T , ( z ) + P as t + + for each z E D if and only if Re F > 0 on D ; and (ii) T,@) + p for all t E R'. A representation in either of the forms (6),(7) is unique. OQ
Let T : D + D be an analytic map. Then it is well known that T induces the composition operator C, on H p ( D ) , 0 < p S 00 [99, p. 291. Since T = C,fi, where the function fn is defined by f n ( z ) = z n , n = 0,1,2,..., we see that for fixed p , the correspondencebetween analytic maps of D into itself and the composition operators they induce is one-to-one. Theorem 5.3.36. Suppose 1 I p < 0 0 . There is a one-to-one correspondence between %(D) and the strongly continuous oneparameter semigroups of composition operators on H p ( D ) . For (TI : t E R+) belongs to S ( D ) , the corresponding semigroup of composition operators is given by CT,f = f o T , ,
t E
V Some Applications of Composition Operators
{T, :
Proof. Let
t E
t E
R+) E S(D). Then we shall show that the semigroup
defined by (8) is strongly continuous on H p ( D ) . For each
qn,be the Maclaurin series expansion for TI. By applying Theorem 5.3.33 00
to D because each 1.11 that
is univalent, we conclude from the area theorem [145. Lemma
Further, it implies that the family H 2 ( D ) . Let
be a sequence in
and an f
E H2(D)
(T, :
t E
+ s. Then there exists a qn(&) - f + 0. This implies that
R+ such that
such that
for each z E D , T , n ( k ) ( z ) + f ( z ) . Since T,(z) therefore have
R+) is a totally bounded subset of
is a continuous function of
1 qn(&]- T, I,+0. This proves that the map
+ T,
is continuous
). the map t + T, is continuous from W+ into H P ( D ) from R+ into ~ ~ ( 0so, as we can use the Lebesgue bounded convergence theorem whenever we go out to the boundary I z I = 1 . Moreover, for each polynomial P, the map t + CTP is
continuous form R+ into H p ( D ) . Since for each Theorem 3.2.1 (i) that
t E R+,
we have in view of
is uniformly bounded on compact subsets. Thus we conclude that {Cq : t E )'W Since the polynomials are dense in H p ( D ) . it follows that (CT,: t E W+) is strongly continuous. Conversely, suppose {cT : t E R+) is a strongly continuous semigroup of composition operators on H p ( D ) , and let {T, : r E )'W be the family of holomorphic mappings satisfying (8). From the strong continuity, it follows that the map t + is continuous from R+ into H p ( D ) . Also, Cauchy's integral formula implies the continuity of T ( . , .) on R+ x D . This completes the proof. Theorem 5.3.37. Let {T, : t E R') belong to S(0) and let 1s p < = . Let H be the infinitesimal generator of (TI : t E R'), (CT : t E ) 'W be the
5.3 Dynamical Systems and Composition Operators
semigroup of composition operators as in (8), and r, the infinitesimal generator of (CT, : t E 64'). Then the domain 9(r) of r, consists of all f E H p ( D ) such that Hf'E H p ( D ) , and rU)= Hf', for f E 9(r). Proof. If T, = fi, for t E R', where f1 is given in the remark preceding Theorem 5.3.36, then the assertion is trivial. Thus, we assume that H E %(D)\ (0).
Also, since CT, fo = fo. CT, > 1, for t E 64'. Further from [97, Lemma VIII 1.4 and Theorem VIII 1.1 11 we see that 00 = lim t-l log CT, exists, 0 < 00 < =. I++Also, if Re h > wo, then h is in the resolvent set of r. The description of 9(r)
1 1
in the statement of the present theorem certainly defines a linear manifold M in H p ( D ) , and hence the linear transformation L : M + H p ( D ) defined by Lf = H f , clearly extends r. Let us first suppose that H has the form (6). In particular, on I M I > o on D . Let h be a primitive on D of (I/H). Then for t E R+, z E D , h(T(t, 2 ) ) = t
[ I
+ h(z) .
For r > max coo, log (1 + T(1,O) (1 - T(1,O)
we show that (L - r ) is
one-to-one. Let f E H p ( D ) , and let Hf' = rf on D . Then there exists a complex constant k such that f = k exp(rh). From this and (10) it follows that f (T,) = errf , for
64'. Thus we have
If f is not the zero function, then by taking t = 1 in this last inequality, we get a contradiction to the choice of r. Since (L - r ) is one-to-one and extends (r - r ) , while the range of the latter is H p ( D ) , it follows that L = r. Finally, suppose that H has the form (7). If f is an analytic function on D such that f is not the zero function and h is a complex number such that Hf' = If on D , then select r such that I P l < r < l , and f hasnozeroson l z i = r . Now,wehave.
Some Applications of Composition Operators
In view of the argument principle, we conclude that the set of eigenvalues of L is countable in this case. Moreover, we can choose a real number h < wo such that (L - h) is one-to-one. Thus L = r as in the previous case. This completes the proof.
The following corollary is an immediate consequence of Theorem 5.3.37. Corollary 5.3.38. If lip<- and (CT,: t E W') is a strongly continuous one-parameter semigroup of composition operators on H p ( D ) , then (CT : t E R') has a bounded infinitesimal generator if and only if Cq is the identity operator for every t E R'.
Further Siskakis [373] has discussed the strong continuity and the infinitesimal generator of the weighted composition semigroups on Hardy spaces. In this setting, the study of the weighted composition semigroups includes the study of semigroups of composition operators. So, we shall write here some of the results of [373] which generalise the previous results. We have already observed in Theorem 5.3.36 that a one-parameter semigroup (T, : t E ) ' W of holomorphic mappings of D into itself, induces a strongly continuous semigroup (c& : t E w+) of composition operators on H p ( D ) , 1 S p < 0 0 . Let 8 : D + 6 beananalytic functionand for t E W+, let
We,q bc the map defined by
We,q(f) = 8 f 0 T,,
for f E H p ( D > .
Then after imposing certain conditions on 8, we shall see that We,q : t E }'W is a semigroup of weighted composition operators on H p ( D ) . Further, we shall show that under certain conditions on the weight funchon 8, the weighted composition semigroup (We,? : t E R') is strongly continuous. In case 8 = 1, this study reduces to [28]. Also it should be noted here that weighted composition operators defined by (12) include the one-parameter groups of isometrics of H P (0) studied in [26].
In Theorem 5.3.35, it is shown that the infinitesimal generator H has the unique
5.3 Dynamical Systems and Composition Operators
where I p I< 1 and F is analytic with Re F 2 0 on D . The distinguished point p Further, if onein (13) is called the Denjoy-Wolff (OW) point of (& : t E 8'). parameter semigroup [? : t E R') is with D W point p, and 0 : D + C is analytic with no zeros in D - [P) , then for analytic function f on D , the function We,q(f) defined by (12) is analytic on D except possibly when p E D and 0 has a zero at p. In this case 0 ( T , ( z ) ) / O ( z ) becomes analytic on D if we assign it p at p, where n is the order of the zero. the value
Theorem 5.3.39. Suppose o c p c =, (q : t E R+) is a semigroup of analytic functions with D W point p, and 0 : D + C is analytic with no
zeros in D - [p). Then
I120 1 We,T (f) - f I l p
= 0 for each f
if either
of the following two conditions is satisfied :
Proof. In view of conditions (a) and (b), 0 o ? / 0 E H = ( D ) for sufficiently small I. Let t > 0. Then there exists a small 6 and an integer n such that t = n 6 . Thus the equation
shows that
00& E lZm(D). Hence for each 0
t E
W q
is a bounded linear
operator on H p ( D ) . Also, for f E H p ( D ) , we have
Thus the set
{ 1 We,qII
: t E [0,1]
is bounded. Suppose condition (a) holds and
V Some Applications of Composition Operators
consider the case 1 < p < 00. Fix p > 1, f E H p ( D ) and a sequence
+ 0.
Since H p ( D ) is a reflexive Banach space, the inequality (14) and the fact that We T (f)(z) + f ( z ) for each z E D show that We,Tn(f) converges weakly to f ' In in I f p @ ) . From this and [97, Lemma 11.3.271, it follows that I,
1I f . ,1
This implies that We,Tn (f) + 1 f 1, as n + 0 0 . This together with the weak convergence of We T cf) to f and the uniform convexity of H p ( D ) for ' tn 1 < p < 00 implies that We,qn(f) - f = 0. Now, consider the case 0 < p I 1. In this case the metric on H p ( D ) is f - g .;1 Fix q, 1 c q < 00. and g E H 4 ( D ) , and consider the triangle inequality.
We have
5.3 Dynamical Systems and Composition Operators
where M is a common bound of We.7 for t E [0, 11. From this inequality and the first part of the proof, together with the fact that H4(D) is dense in H p ( D ) , we get the desired conclusion. Now suppose that condition (b) holds. Since
{I1 We.7 1 : 0
S t 5
bounded, and the polynomials are dense in H p ( D ) , it is enough to show that for each polynomial P, /ir+q We,T(P)- P = 0. Further, this is equivalent to showing that
1 We,T(fn)- f, I l p
n 2 0, where f n ( z )
for each
= 0,
We shall
= zn.
consider the case n = 1 (the proof for other values of n is similar). On the contrary we suppose that there is a sequence
tending to zero such that
Choosing 8 = 1 in the proof under condition (a), we have ,l$n for each f E H p ( D ) . In particular,
= 0,
Thus there is a subsequence (tk) such that
aD ,
where &(eie) denotes the boundary function of TI. Now 8 E Hq(D) with 4 > 0, therefore
Hence there is a further subsequence,which we may label as
(e TI,) (eie) + e(eie) 0
It follows that the boundary function
such that
ao. O(T(z)) / O(Z)
V Some Applications of Composition Operators
a t . on 8 0 . ~urthm,it implies that
(eie)qm(eie) - eie
- eie + 0 S
T, / 8
a.e. on
I+ 1,
by applying the bounded
convergence theorem we have
From this, it follows that
which is a contradiction to the original choice of ( t k ) . This completes the proof.
Now, we shall record the following theorem without proof which gives the infinitesimal generator of (We,? : t E R+). Theorem 5.3.40 [373, Theorem 21. Suppose 1 I p c- and (T, : t E R') is a semigroup of analytic functions with infinitestimal generator H and DW point p. Also, let 8 : D + C be analytic with no zeros in D - ( p ) , and suppose that condition (a) or (b) of Theorem 5 . 3 . 3 9 is satisfied. Then the infinitesimal generator Ap of (We,q : t E R') on H p ( D ) hasdomain 9 ( A p ) = {f
H H p ( D ) : H f ' + 8'8 f E H p ( D ) } ,
H A , ( f ) = H f ' + O t T f , for each f E B ( A P ) .
In [375] Siskakis has continued the above study aid presented the results in the
5.3 Dynamical Systems and Composition Operators
setting of Bergman spaces. In particular, he has proved that semigroups of composition operators on weighted Bergman spaces are continuous in the strong operator topology but not in the uniform operator topology, and also identified the infinitesimal generators of such semigroups. For details of these results we refer to [375]. Evard and Jafari [lo71 has investigated the properties of semigroups of weighted composition operators on Hardy spaces which are related to the properties of the weight functions, called multipliers. They gave a necessary and sufficient condition for a oneparameter semigroup of holomorphic mappings of a region G in the complex plane into itself which generate a multiplicative semigroup of operators when it is applied to a one-parameter semigroup of composition operators. Under an additional hypothesis on the family of multipliers they prove that the semigroups of weighted composition operators generated from the semigroups of composition operators by these multipliers is strongly continuous on Hardy spaces. Now, we shall need additional notations to present the proofs of some of the results of [107]. Let G be a region in C, let A(G) be a Banach space of analytic functions on G. Let (0, : r E W') be a family of analytic functions in A ( G ) , and let Me, be the operator of pointwise multiplication by Of on the Banach space A ( G ) . Consider a one-parameter semigroup (TI : t E R') of holomorphic mappings of the region G into itself and let (Cq : I E ]'W be the corresponding semigroup of composition operators on H p ( G ) , 1 5 p < 00 as given in Theorem 5.3.36. Now, we set
We,,q = MelCT and 6'e,,q = CqMe,. Then in the following theorems we shall characterise multipliers that generate semigroups. Theorem 5.3.41. The family (&,,T,
only if the family (0, : t
Proof. In
case (We,,? :
: t
w') is a semigroup of A(G)
if and
R'} satisfy the condition
t E}'W
= {0}, then
Of =0,
for every t E.'W
Thus condition (15) is vacuously satisfied. Without loss of generality we assume that (WOJ : f E R') is a non-zero semigroup. Fix f EA(G). By definition of We,,q, we have
V Some Applications of Composition Operators
it follows that the family
{We,,T : t E R+]
forms a semigroup if
O,(z)8,(Ts(z))= 8s+r(z). Thisproves the sufficient part. On the other hand suppose that
: t E
w+) is a semigroup. Then
We,+,,q+,f(z)= We,,qWe,,r,f ( 2 ) for every
: r E}'W
isa semigroupand To = I, the identity mapping, T,
non-constant for every r E R+. By the open mapping theorem, since T,(C) is open for every t E R+, f 0 Ts+, is constant for nonconstant f E A(C). Since the zeros of a non-zero holomorphic function are isolated, we have e s + r ( z ) = es(z)e,(~s(z)),
Since 8, are pointwise multipliers of a holomorphic function space, 8, are holomorphic for every t E R+ . Thus condition (15) holds.
Theorem 5.3.42.
The family
the family of multipliers
{$Q,,T : t E R'} t E)'W
is a semigroup if and only if
satisfy the condition
5.3 Dynamical Systems and Composition Operators Proof. Without loss of generality suppose that the family (*e,,q is a non-trivial semigroup. Fix I, s E W+ and f~ A(G). Then
251 :
On the other hand,
Thus if condition (16)holds, then the family (@Of, : t E}'W of Operators forms a semigroup. The converse can be established by the same argument as we gave in Theorem 5.3.41.This completes the proof. Note . Many examples of multipliers satisfying the necessary and sufficient conditions
of the above theorems are given in [lo71 to illustrate the theory. These examples give the general form of the multipliers (Or :
(We,, r, : t
4 :
R'}. Further, an interesting relationship
between the one-parameter groups of operators
{K& q
that generate the semigroups
{We,,q : t E R'}
: t E R'} has been obtained.
Let G be a simply connected region in C, and let p denote the Lebesgue measure on the boundary of G. Let 8* denote the non-tangential limits of 8 at the boundary of G. In [356,360]Singh and Sharma demonstrate that if G is the upper half plane in C, then for CT to be a composition operator on H2(G), the inducing self map T must have a pole at infinity. Of course, the Hardy spaces of this domain for pc do not contain the constant functions. In addition to the other results here we shall record a sufficient condition for a simply connected region G whose Hardy spaces contain the constant functions to be mapped into themselves under composition with all holomorphic self maps of the region G into itself. Theorem 5.3.43 [ 1071.
Let 1 S p 5 = and suppose G is a simply connected
V Some Applications of Composition Operators
proper subset of the complex plane functions. Then
C such that H p ( G ) contains the constant
Me is a multiplicationoperator on H p ( G ) if and only if 8* is essentially bounded i.e., H p ( G ) remains invariant under multiplication by 8 if and only if 0 E H" (G). Let T be a biholomorphic map of a region G onto the unit disk D. A necessary and sufficient condition for CT to be a composition operator from H P ( D ) into H P ( C ) is that ( T - ' ) ~E H" (0). A sufficient condition for H p ( G ) to remain invariant under all holomorphic maps of the region G into itself is that there exists a biholomorphic map T mapping the region G onto the unit disk D such that T' E H"(G) and (TI)' E H" (D).
For t 2 0, Me, is a multiplication operator on H p ( G ) if and only if the inducing function 8, E H"(G). Let 8, E H"(G)
t E}'W
for every
w+. Then the oneparameter semigroup
of weighted composition operators is uniformly bounded
on H p ( G ) , for each compact subset of
In the following theorem we show that under an additional necessary boundedness hypothesis on each of the multipliers 8,. the semigroup (We,,T : t E R+} of weighted composition operators is strongly continuous on H p ( G ) for 1 I p c
Theorem 5.3.44. of
If {Of :
t E
R+} is a oneparameter family of multipliers
H p ( G ) generating a semigroup ( W ~ J : r E R+} and 9, E H"(G), then the
family of operators
t E R+)
operatorson H p ( G ) for 1 5 p c
Fix 1 5 p c
continuous, we need to show that if
is a strongly continuous semigroup of
To show that (I,)
( W O , , ~: t E R+) is strongly
is a sequence in
R+ tending to
5.3 Dynamical Systems and Composition Operators
1 we,,,,?,,- we,,? 1 + f
for every f E H P ( C ) . In view of meorem 5.3.43
(iv), since the biholomorphic maps from G onto D having bounded derivatives map H p ( D ) onto H p ( G ) boundedly, the strong continuity of the oneparameter semigroup of composition operators on the unit disk (see Theorem 5.3.36) implies the strong continuity of the oneparameter semigroup of composition operators on H p ( G ) for 1 I p c 0 0 , In particular, if (1), is a sequence in W+ such that tn + 0, since
Cq f = f , forevery f E H p ( G ) , lim JCTnf - f
y =o. P
In view of triangle inequality, we have
Since for each
t E
Me, is a multiplication operator on H p ( C ) , by the
Banach-Steinhaus theorem and an argument similar to that of Theorem 5.3.43 (vi). it follows that the family {Me, :,, t E R+} is uniformly bounded on compact subsets of R'.
Therefore, it is enough to establish that
1 Me,,, - I + f
as c,,
+ 0.
Also, for every f E H p ( G ) , lim Me,,, f(z)= f(z), for every z E G,
eta tends to the constant one function pointwise as
{Me,,,: n E N}
(17) t,, + 0.
is uniformly bounded, Theorem 5.3.43 (v) implies that the
multipliers €I,,are , uniformly bounded. Then by the dominated convergence theorem we conclude that
V Some Applications of Composition Operators
From statements (17) and (18) we shall deduce that lim
To show (19), let f
Me,,, f - f
= 0.
1 f up
= 1 and E > 0 be fixed. The boundary
aG of the region G has finite measure since the constant functions belong to H p ( G ) .
I Ip
Thus in view of Egoroff 's theorem there exists a set K c aG such that f c E, K and on the complement of K , Me f converge uniformly to f. Further, by C
Fatou's theorem, since
for some constant a. Thus
1 (Wo,,
I +o
Me,f t,
+ 0.
H(r) =
: t E R')
is a semigroup, if
+ 0.
This proves that
+ t and
we,,q f. NOW, since
= t,
-t ,
This shows that the function H ( t ) is strongly right continuous. It can be shown that For details we refer to [107]. This H ( t ) is strongly continuous for all t E 08'. completes the proof of the theorem.
Finally, we wind up this section by giving some details of weighted translation semigroups which are continuous analogues of the weighted unilateral shifts where as it 2 + is well known that the semigroup of translations on L (Iw ) is in many ways a continuous analogue of the unilateral shift. The semigroups under investigation in some
5.3 Dynamical Systems and Composition Operators
sense are special cases of the semigroups of weighted composition operators. The weighted translation semigroups and some of their properties have been dealt with in detail by Embry and Lambert [103, 104, 1051. Here we shall present some of the basic structure of the semigroups under investigation. Let L2(W+) be the Hilbert space of square integrable measurable functions from R+ into C. For ~ E R +let , & : R+-,R+bedefinedas & ( x ) = x - t for x 2 t and zero otherwise, and let Cq be the corresponding composition operator on 2
L (R ). Clearly the family
t E
is a semigroup of composition
operators on L (W ). Let 8 : W+ + C be a measurable, almost everywhere nonzero function such that for each fixed I , the function e,, defined by 2
is essentially bounded. This defines the multiplication operator Me, on Now, for
R+, we define We,, T , ~ ( x =) e , ( x ) ( C ~ , f ( x ) ) . It is easy to see that
the family (Wef,? : 2
L (R ),
t E )'W
of weighted composition operators is a semigroup in
B(L (W )). From now onwards we shall assume that 0 is continuous on all expressions involving a symbol such as g(x - t ) are zero fox x < t
W+ and
Theorem 5.3.45. The semigroup (We,,q : f E R+) IS stmngly continuous if and only if there exist numbers M and m in R such that for each r E R+,
Proof. From [97,page 6191, it follows that if
(Wef,? :
t E
R+) is strongly
continuous, then there exists M and m such that (20) holds. Conversely, we first suppose that (20) holds with m = 0. That is, the family (0, : I E R+) is uniformly boundcd in L"(W+). Simple computations show that the family (We,,q :
t E
IWe,,TI I= 1 0 !Im,
R+} is uniformly bounded. So, in order to show that the
semigroup is strongly continuous it suffices to show that ,b+--We,,&f = f , for all f
V Some Applications of Composition Operators
in a dense subset of L2 (88+ ). Let f be a continuous function with compact support. Then
Forany t and x , wehave
Also, for each fued x,
?% Thus by the bounded convergence theorem,
liq 1 we,,q f - f
1 = 0.
Now, we suppose that (20) holds for M and m in R. If we define y on R+ as w(x) = e - ? I ( x ) . then for all t and x 2 t, we have
5.3 Dynamicar systems and Composition Operators
Hence the semigroups (St : t E R')
and (W~,,T, = ems, : t E 02') are strongly
continuous. This completes the proof of the theorem. Note. The semigroups
: tE R
defined above can be seen as8 continuous
analogue of unilateral weighted shifts, and for general information about weighted shifts the reader is referred to [137, 1731. The semigroups appearing in Theorem 5.3.45 are
referred as weighted translation semigroups with symbol 8. Theorem 5.3.46. Let {We,,?: t E)'W translation semigroups with symbols 8 and is unitary equivalent to (WY,,q:
t E
and (W&T, :
w respectively. Then
t E)'W
be weighted
(W~,,T, : t
if and only if the function I8/yr
constant on R+.
Proof. First suppose that I8/y = c for some constant c. Now, if we define an operator A on L2 (R+ ) by (Af)(x)= c(w(x) / B(x))f(x), then clearly A is a unitary operator. Moreover
For the converse part we refer to [ 1041.
V Some Applications of Composition Operators
(We,,& : I
be a semigroup with continuous symbol 8. Then we
say that this semigroup is hyponormal, subnormal. quasinormal or normal if each Wel,q has the given property. Each of these properties is preserved under unitary
equivalenceand hence by Theorem 5.3.46 we may assume 8 to be positive. Let M, be the closed linear span of the functions 8 xi), where
is the characteristic function
of the interval [nt, (n + l)t]. In the following theorem, we shall record the results without proofs which are due to Embry and Lambert [104]. Let
Theorem 5.3.47.
[We,,q :
t E) 'W
be a semigroup with continuous
symbol 8. Then (i) (We,,& :
t E
is subnormal if and only if
{We,,qI~, :
t E
w+} is
t E
R+} is
subnormal. (ii)
(Wel,q : t E}'W
is hyponormal if and only if We,,&
hyponormal. (iii) {We,,., :
t E
R'} is hyponormal if and only if log 8 is convex.
(iv) Assume that 8 is a C'-function on (0, =) and 8 ' / e E L w ( R + ) . Then the
infinitesimal generators (Wit,&
t E)'W
(a) 9 ( H ) = {f : f
(W~,,T, : t E R+) and tf *
are given by E
f absolutely continuous, f'
f ( 0 ) = o}
S ( H *=) f : f
L2(W') ,f absolutely continuous, f'
and H*
u)= f ' + w e )
L2 (R'
5.4 Homomorphisms and Composition Operators
(v) Assume that
8 is a C'-function and
{We,,T, : t E R+)
is hyponormal if and only if its infinitesimal generator H
is hyponormal. Note. For a more general characterization of subnormal weighted translation semigroups we refer to Embry and Lambert [103]. In [103], it is shown that a weighted on L2(W+) with symbol 8 is translation semigroup {W~,,T,: r E)'W subnormal if and only if O2 is a product of an exponential function and the Laplace Stieljes transform of an increasing function of total variation one. 5.4
If we have an algebra of functions on a set X with pointwise operations, then we know that every composition transformation is an algebra homomorphism. In many function algebras the converse is also true under suitable conditions. In this section we shall present some results which will illustrate the application of the composition operators in the characterization of algebra homomorphisms. Some partial results we have already given in chapters I11 and IV. For example, see Theorem 3.2.1 and Theorem 4.2.10. If X and Y are two compact Hausdorff spaces, then we know that C(X) and C(Y) are Banach algebras of the continuous complex-valued functions on X and Y respectively with supremum norm topology. They are also C*-algebras and the maximal ideal spaces of C(X) and C ( Y ) are homeomorphic to X and Y respectively. We refer to [96] for details. If T : Y + X is a continuous map, then we know that it induces the composition operator CT : C(X) + C(Y) which is a *-homomorphism. It turns out that every non-zero *-homomorphism from C(X) to C(Y) is a composition operator. This result we shall present in the following theorem. Let X and Y be two compact Hausdorff spaces and let A : C(X)-+ C(Y) be a non-zero algebra homomorphism such that A(fi = A(f), for every f E C(X). Then there exists T E C(Y,X) such that A = C,. If A is a bijection, then T is a homomorphism, (consequently A is continuous). Theorem 5.4.1.
and let $y :C(Y)+ C be defined as
QyCf)=f(y), C(Y). Let
f E C(Y). Then 9, is a bounded multiplicative linear functional on wY:C(X)4 C be defined as
V Some Applications of Composition Operators
Thcn is a bounded multiplicative linear functional on C(X). Since the maximal ideal space of C(X) is homeomorphic to X under the homeomorphism defined by the point evaluations [96],there exists a unique x E X such that w y ( f ) = u f ) = f ( x ) ,f E C ( X ) .
Let T : Y + X
bedefinedas T ( y ) = x , where x E X such that
w y ( f )= f ( x ) , for every f E C(X). Then it is clear that
This shows that A is abounded operator. Let yo E Y , let no =T(yo) and let U be an open set containing xo. Since X is completely regular, there exists a function f E C(X) such that f ( x o ) = 1 and f ( x ) = 0 for every x E X \ U. Since A f E C(Y), the set W = (y E Y : ( Af ) (y) f 0) is an open set containing yo. Let y E W. Then ( A f ) ( y ) = f ( T ( y ) ) # O . Hence T ( ~ ) E UThus . T(W)cU. This proves the continuity of T at yo and hence everywhere in Y. Thus T E C(Y,X). Since ( A f ) ( y ) = f ( T ( y ) ) for every y E Y and f EC(X), we conclude that A = C,. In case A is a bijection, A-l :C(Y) + C(X) is a *-homomorphism and hence there is a E C(X, Y) such that A-' = Cq i . e . , (A-' f)( x ) = f (7i ( x ) ) , f E C(Y) and x E X It is clear from this that
f(x) = f(T(Tl(x))),
x E
x, f
From this we conclude that T 0 5 is the identity function on X and similarly, 7i o T is the identity function on Y. Hence T is a homeomorphism. This completes the proof of the theorem.
Notes. (i) From the above proof it is evident that the evaluation functionals play an
5.4 Homomorphisms and Composition Operators
important role in creation of the mapping T : Y + X. If a self-adjoint Banach algebra B ( X ) of complex-valued functions on X is such that every non-zero multiplicative linear functional is a point-evaluation, then every non-zero homomorphism on B(X) preserving the complex conjugation will be a composition operator. (ii) If X and Y are completely regular spaces, then every non-zero ring homomorphism A : C(X, W) + C(Y,R) is CT for some T E C(Y,X) provided A takes the constant one function on X to the constant one function on Y and Y is real compact (see[ 1221 for further details). (iii) If X and Y are completely regular Hausdorff spaces, T E C ( Y , X ) and is the Stone extension of T , then CT : cb(x)+ cb(r) is an : PY + P X algebra homomorphism and Cf : C@Y) + C@X) is an algebra homomorphism and
they have several common properties. (iv) Let E be any commutative Banach algebra and let X be the maximal ideal space of E. Then for every non-zero homomorphism A : E + E there exists a mapping T : X + X suchthat A
Af ( x ) = j(T(x)), for every x
X and f
denotes the Gelfand transform of f. We refer to [167] for details.
Definition 5.4.2. Let M(C) denote the set of all finite regular (signed) Bore1 measures on the complex plane C and let M,(C) = (p E M ( C ) : jc elRe "dlpl< 0).
Let EA[-1, 11 = : f(x) = j c ex f E EA[-l,l], then define
' dp(h),
for some p E M,(C),x
E [-1,1]).
This norm makes E A [-1,11 into a semi-simple Banach algebra with the maximal ideal space [-1, 11. The dual space of EAI-1.11 is isometrically isomorphic to D [-1, 13, the Banach algebra of entire functions @ such that 11 @ 1 = sug{ @(h) < 00, X€ If $~D[-1,11, then the functional yt+ : EA [-1,11 + Q= is given by ygu) = @)dp(h), where. p~ M,(C) complete details we refer to [37].
such that f ( x ) =
' @(A).
V Some Applications of Composition Operators
In the following theorem we shall show that if T : [-1,1] + [-1,1] is a non-linear polynomial, then it does not induce a composition operator on EA [-1,1]. Theorem 5.4.3. Let T : [-1,13 is not an operator on EA [-1,1].
be a non-linear polynomial. Then CT
Proof. Suppose CT is an operator on EA [-1,1]. x ~ [ - l , l ] . Then u~EA[-l.l] and C , u = T . $,,(z) = feue-hT(x)&. -1
Let u(x)=x, for every Let n > 0 and let
Then $, is an entire function such that
Thus I$,,E D [-l,l] for every n > 0. It follows from a result of [37] that e-hT(x) &
Since the set 1
(ezu : Z E ~ ) generates
y4n~ f= )- f(x). e-inT(x)cix, for every f
E EA [-1,11.
won(fn) = 2.
Let f, =C~(e'"')=einT(x) . Then f E EA [-1, 13 and since CT is a bounded operator on EA [-1,11, we have
But if T is non-linear polynomial, then the right hand side approaches to zero as n approaches to 00. This is a contradiction. Hence T does not induce a composition
5.4 Homomorphisms and Composition Operators
operator on EA [-1. 4. This completes the proof of the theorem. We shall present the following theorem without proof. This theorem resembles a theorem of Beurling-Helson given in [172]. Theorem 5.4.4. If T : [-1, 4 + [-1, 11 induces a composition operator on EA [-1,1], then there exists an interval I c [-1,1] such that T is a linear function on I. (See [ 1701 for details of the proof).
Let a , P E R with the condition that I a + I p I S 1 and let T! :[-1,1] + [-1,1] be defined as T!(x) = ax + P, x E [-1.11. Then C d is an operator on E A [-1,1] and we shall denote it simply by CE. The following theorem characterizes the non-zero algebra endomorphisms of E A [-1,1] in terms of the composition operators induced by the linear functions. Theorem 5.4.5. Let A be a non-zero endomorphism of A = C t for some a, P E R such that I a 1 + I p I 5 1.
Proof. Let A be a non-zero endomorphism. Then A = CT for some T : [-1.11 + [-1.11 as the maximal ideal space of E A [-1,1] is homeomorphic to [-1, 11 and T can be produced. We shall prove that T = TaB By the last theorem T on I. That is, there exists U,PE R and an interval I such that T = :
T ( y ) = a y + P for ~ E I .
Let k be a natural number and let
1e 1 ikT(u)
Ill CT
M J C ) such that
1 we can conclude that
Let pk(h)= e-ikpp;(h + ik a) . Then the sequences {el Re are uniformly bounded. Also
‘I d p k } and
V Some Applications of Composition Operators
Let q ( y ) = T ( y ) - a y - p . Then q(y)=O ey
if ~ € and 1
' dpk(h)
= eikTl(Y)
A( -
1 "
Let a, = 2"
t)pk. Then a,, is a Borel measure on Q= and
and (6" : n 2 0) is a bounded subset of C [-1,1] with supremum norm. Since M ( C ) is the conjugate space of Co(C), there exists a Borel measure 0 on Q= such that for f E C&),
I,f(h) el 'I da,(h) Re
tends to
I do(h)
where a, b E [-1, 13 such that a < b . Then f eCO(Q=).Also
Let J = ( y : q(y)=O).
for every y
E [-I, 11.
5.4 Homomorphisms and Composition Operators
the Lebesgue Dominated ConvergenceTheorem we can conclude that
for every a, b E [-I, 11 such that a c b. Thus
From this we can conclude that
Since the interval I c J and 6 is continuous, we conclude that 601)= 1 for every y E [-1, 11 and thus J = [-1, I]. Hence T(y) = ay + p for every y E [-I, 13. Since T is a self map on [-1, 11, we conclude that I a I + p 15 1. This completes the proof of the theorem.
is an automorphism on E A [-1, 11 if and only if a = 1 or -1 and
Let X be a compact metric space with a metric d and let Lip (X,6) denote the Banach algebra of all complex-valued functions f on X such that
1 f [ I D o,
as usual denotes the sup norm of f . If f
Lip ( X , d), then
Lip ( X , d ) is a commutative semi-simple Banach algebra and it is called a Lipschitz algebra. It has been shown in [318] that the maximal ideal space of Lip ( X , d ) is homeomorphic to X and every non-zero endomorphism of Lip (X,d ) is a such that composition operator C, induced by a map T : X + X
V Some Applications of Composition Operators
d(T(x),T(y))SM d(x.y) for some M > 0 and every x , y ~ X . A mapping T : X + X iscalledasuperconlractionif
Clearly every constant map is a super contraction. There are compact metric spaces which have non4onstant super contraction. For details we refer to [1663.It turns out that every non-zero compact endomorphism on Lip ( X , d) is induced by a super contraction. This we shall present in the following theorem. Theorem 5.4.6. Let A be a non-zero endomorphism of Lip ( X , d) induced by the map T :X + X . Then A is compact if and only if T is a super contraction. Proof. (outline) Suppose T : X + X E > 0 and xn,yn E X such that
is not a super contraction. Then there exist
N and let
is compact, then there exists a subsequence (f,,) CT fnk
in the norm of
and g E Lip(X, d) such that Lip(X, d)
Since fnk + 0 (uniformly), we conclude that g = 0. It follows that
~(z;;~y)) I
for large k and x, y E X, n ?t y. From this we get
5.4 Homomorphisms and Composition Operators
for some t depending on k such that 0 c t c d(T(xnk).T(ynk)). Since T : X + X induces the composition operator CT, there exists M > 0 such that d(T(x), T(y) IM d(x, y) for x , y E X . Thus
for O c f 1 If k tends to infinity, we get contradiction. Thus T is a super contraction.
O < & S & / 2 , which is a
Conversely, if T :X -) X is super contraction and is a bounded sequence is equicontinuous, and by Arzela-Ascoli theorem fnk + g in Lip ( X , d), then for some g E C ( X ). It can be shown that the sequence (CTfnk) is a Cauchy sequence in Lip ( X , d). Hence there exists an f E Lip ( X , d) such that C T +~f . ~ This ~ shows that CT is compact and f = CTg . This completes the proof of the theorem.
Notes. (i) If C, is a non-zero compact endomorphism of Lip ( X , d), then the spectrum of C, is the set (0, 1). (ii) If 0 c a I 1 and ( X , d) is a compact metric space, then d' :X x X + W+ defined as d " ( x , y ) = ( d ( ~ , y ) ) ~ is a metric on X . Let Lip,(X, d ) = Lip(X, d"). Let
Then lipa(X, d) is a closed subalgebra of Lipu(X, d ) and the second dual of lip,(X, d) is isometrically isomorphic to Lip,(X, d). Every non-zero compact endomorphism of lipu(X, d) is also induced by a super contractive mapping and spectrum in this case is also (0.1 ) . (iii) If
(X1,dl) and (X2,d2) are compact metric spaces, and A : Lip(X1,dl) + Lip(X2. d2) is a non-zero algebra homomorphism, then
V Some Applications of Composition Operators
there exists a map T : X 2 + X I such that dl(T(x), T(y))5 M &(x,y), for some M > 0 and A = C,. See [318]for details. (iv) Let
Then E is a semi-simple commutative Banach algebra with [O, 11 as the maximal ideal space and E admits a non-trivial compact endomorphism. If T : [0,1]+ [0,11 is defined as T(x)= x / 2 , then the composition operator CT induced by T is a non-trivial compact endomorphism of E . Details can be looked into [1701.
In the recent years the lattice homomorphisms and the disjointness preserving operators have been characterised in terms of the weighted composition operators. Feldman and Porter in [110]characterized lattice homomorphismson real Banach lattices having locally compact representation spaces. Jamison and Rajagopalan in [ 1531 have characterised operators on C ( X , E ) with the disjoint support property. Recently Chan [64]generalised this result to operators on spaces of cross-sections over X . We shall present the result in the general setting. Let X be a compact Hausdorff space, let (Ex : x E X ) be a family of Banach spaces and let L(X) be a closed subspace of the cross-sections over X i.e., L(X) is E x . The space L(X) is said to be a function a closed subspaceof the product space module if (a) h . f E L(X) for every f E L(X) and h E C(X);
(b) the function uf :X + R+ defined as uf ( x ) = f ( x ) for every f~ L(X);
I is upper semicontinuous
(c) E, = ( f ( x ) : f E L(x)} for every x E X ;
{ x : Ex # (0)) is dense in X .
An operator A : L(X) + L(X) is said to have disjoint support property if A f ( x ) Ag(x) = 0, for every x E X whenever f ( x ) g(x) = 0, for every
11 1
5.4 Homomorphisms and Composition Operators
x E X , for f , g E L(X) . In the following theorem it is shown that every continuous operator on a function module L(X) having disjoint support property is a weighted composition operator W n ,induced ~ by a pair (x, T') where x : X + B(Ex)
is an operator-valued map such that x(x) E B(Ex), for every x E X self map of X. Theorem 5.4.7.
Let L ( X ) be a function module in
A : L ( X ) + L(X) be a continuous operator. Then A
property if and only if X ( X ) E B ( E ~forevery )
A = W n , ~for some XE
and T
is a
and let
has the disjoint support x : X + B(Ex) such that
X, and for some T : X + X.
This shows that A has the disjoint support property. Let x E X such that A&) # O for some g e L(X). Let Px= (K c X : K is non-empty and compact, f E L(X), f ( k ) = 0, for every k E K implies A f ( x ) = 0). Under set inclusion 3;, is a partially ordered set. Using property (b) of the function module L(X) it can be shown that %x has a minimal element. If KO E Px is a minimal clement, then using Riesz-representation theorem it can be concluded that there exists unique y E X such that KO = (y) . Now define T ( x )= y and x(x) (z) = ( A f ) ( x ) , where z E Ex and f is any element of L(X) such that f(y) = z. For other x E X, let x(x ) = 0 and T ( x ) be any arbitrary element. Thus we have ( A f)(4= nb)(4 = d x ) ( f ( T ( 4 )
for every f E L(X) and x
X. This shows that A = Wn,~.
This completes the outline of the proof. For detailed proof we refer to 1641.
V Some Applications of Composition Operators
Remark 5.4.8. If Ex = E for every x E X and L ( X ) = C(X,E), then L(X) is a function module and the characterisation given by Jamison and Rajagopalan follows from the above theorem (see Theorem 4.4.1).
The following theorem of Feldman and Porter [1 101 presents a representation of the lattice homomorphisms between Banach lattices using the theory of the weighted composition operators. We shall just state this theorem without proof. Theorem 5.4.9. Let El and E2 be Banach lattices having locally compact representative spaces X1 and X2 respectively, and let A : El + E2 be a lattice homomorphism. Then there exists a function x : X2 + R+ and a continuous function T : P, -+ X1 such that X ( Y ) f ( T ( Y ) )s
if Y E pn if y isaninteriorpointof Z,;
Let X be an open subset of the complex plane C, and let H(X) denote the algebra of all holomorphic functions on X. Then it turns out that the evaluation functionals are the only non-zero multiplicative linear functionals on H(X). This we shall prove in the following theorem. If O : H(X) + C is a non-zero multiplicative linear Theorem 5.4.10. functional, then there exists a zo E X such that @ = 6,. Proof. Let a € Q= and let a, denote the constant function a,(z) = a. If @ : H(X) -) C is a non-zero multiplicative linear functional, then @(lc)=@( Thus w1,) is equal to zero or one. In case @(1,) = 0, we have @ ( f ) = O(f.1,) = 0, for every f E H(X). Hence @ = 0. Thus O(1,) = 1. Now @(a,) = @(a,.l,) = a w l , ) = a. Let u(z) = z be the identity function. Let zo = O(u). Then zo E X . For, if zo e X , then the function 1 belongsto HQ. Thus I,, :X + 43 defined as f,, (z) =
5.4 Homomorphisms and Composition Operators
for some
(u - zoc) g = I,,
g E H(x).
Hence @(1,) = @(u - zoc). @(g) = (ZO - ZO) @ (g) = 0 , which is a contradiction to the fact that @(I,)= 1. Thus zo E X . Let f E H ( X ) and let g : X + Q: be defined as
Then g E H ( X ) . Thus
(-.20,) Hence @((u
8 = f -f k o ) ,
- zoc). g) = @ cf - ~ ( Z O ) , ) .
@(f) = 6, (f). This shows that
= tjZO.
If X and Y areopen subsetsof C and T : Y + X is a holomorphic map, then C, : H ( X ) -) H(Y) is a non-zero algebra homomorphism. It turns out that every non-zero algebra homomorphism from H(X) to H(Y) is a composition transformation if Y is connected. We shall prove this result in the following theorem. Theorem 5.4.11. Let X and Y be two open subsets of the complex plane and suppose that Y is connected. Let A : H ( X ) + H ( Y ) be a non-zero algebra homomorphism. Then there exists a holomorphic map T : Y + X such that A=CT.
Proof. Since 1, E H ( X ) and A(1,) = A(1,). A(lc), using connectedness of Y we can conclude that A(1,) = 1,. From this we get A(a,) = a, for every a E Q: . Now, if y E Y , then define @,Cf) = ( A f)(y), Then OY is a multiplicative linear functional on N(X), and hence by the last theorem, there exists a z E X such that @y(f)
= f ( 4’
If u(z)= z, for z E X , then ay(u)=u(z). Hence (Au)(y)= z. Thus (A f)(y) = f ( z ) = f(A u) (y), y E Y. Let T = A u. Then clearly A f = C , f , for
V Some Applications of Composition Operators
every f E H ( X ) , This completes the proof of the theorem, Notes. (i) The above theorem need not be true in case of holomorphic functions of several variables: see [225] for derails.
(ii) An algebra homomorphism from H ( X ) to H ( Y ) is continuous with respect to compact-open topology on H(X) and H(Y). (iii) H ( X ) and H ( Y ) are isomorphic as algebras if and only if X and Y are conformally equivalent,
If X is an open subset of C, then a function T : X + C is said to be antiand Y are said to be conformal if is conformal. Two regions X anticonformallyequivalent if there exists an anticonformal map T : X + Y
If T : X
is an anticonformal onto map, then f o T E H ( X ) for every + f T is a ring-isomorphism from H ( Y ) to H ( X ) . In the following theorem of Bers [29] we record the representation of a ring isomorphism from H ( X ) to H ( Y ) . f E H ( Y ) and the mapping f
Theorem 5.4.12. Let X and Y be two regions in C. Then H ( X ) and H ( Y ) are ring-isomorphic if and only if X and Y are either conformally or anticonformally equivalent. Every ring-isomorphism A from H ( X ) to H ( Y ) is induced -by a conformal mapping or an anticonformal mapping i.e., A f = C, f or A f = CTtf for some conformal map T or some anticonformal map T ’,
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This Page Intentionally Left Blank
Symbol Index
6, 115
ex! K
EA[-1, 11
26 1
26 1
26 1
25 1
Fx {Fx : x E XE
Symbol Index
1, 51
This Page Intentionally Left Blank
Absolutely continuous measure
Algebraic dual
Almost orbit
E -Almost
Almost periodic function
Anticonfonnally equivalent
Asymptotically almost periodic function
Banach space with trivial hermitiam
BanachStone theorem
Bergman kernel
Bergman space
Bilateral shift operator
Birkhoff Ergodic theorem
Bochner's theorem
Bounded below operator
Calkin algebra
Carleson measure
Centced operator
Compact operator
31, 136, 154
Composition operator
Subject Index
Conditional expectation
Conjugate transformations
Countable Lebesgue spectrum
Discrete dynamical system
Discrete spectrum
Disjoint support property
138, 140
Doubly stochastic operator
Dynamical system
Eberlein weakly almost periodic
Elliptic transformation
Enveloping semigroup Equality of measurable sets
Equi-asymptotically almost periodic
Equicontinuousdiscrete dynamical system
Equivalent salgebras
Equivalent systems of weights
Ergodic doubly stochastic operator
Ergodic measure preserving transformation
Essential supremum
Essentially bounded measurable function
Essentially isometric operator
Essentially normal operator
Essentially unitary operator
Evaluation functional Extreme point
6 166
Subject Index
Fixed point
Flow homomorphism
Flow isomorphism
Fredholm operator
- almost periodic
- asymptotically almost periodic
- Eberlein weakly almost periodic
- essentially bounded measurable - lower semicontinuous
211 5
- space mean of
- strongly regular
- support of - time mean of
28 195
- upper semicontinuous
-weakly almost periodic
- weakly asymptoticallyalmost periodic
23 1
Function algebra
Function module
Functional Banach space !2 -limit set
Generalised composition operator Gleason parts
213 21 156
Subject Index
P-spaWS Hermitian operator
7 174
Hyperbolic transformation
Hyponormal operator
Invertible measurable transformation Invertible operator
Kernel function Kernel of homomorphism
27 129
6 179
ep -spaces
lp-direct sum of Banach spaces
Lp-ergodic theorem
Left invertible measruable transformation
Linear fractional transformation
Lipschitz algebra
Locally convex function spaces
Lower semicontinuous function
Measurabledynamical system Measurable transformation Minimal discrete semidynamical system Moment sequence Motion Multiplication operator
192 17 207
46 191 25
Subject Index
Nearly open operator
118. 125
Non-singular transformation
Normal operator
One-to-one measurable transformation
Onto measurable transformation
Operator -bilateral shift
- bounded below
- centered
- compact - composition -doubly stochastic
50 31, 136, 154 1 192
- essentially isometric
- essentially normal
- esentially unitary
- Fredholm
- generalised composition
- hermitian
- hyponormal, - invertible - multiplication - nearly open
- normal - quasinormal - quasiunitary - seminormal - subnormal
174 36 129 25 118, 125 36
36 42 36 46
Subject Index
- unilateral shift - unitary
- weighted bilateral shift
- weighted composition
Parabolic transformation Poincare recurrence theorem
73 193
Quasiunitary operator
Radon-Nikodym derivative
Recurrent discrete semidynamical system Reducing subspace Relatively dense Reproducing kernel Right invertible measurable transformation
207 48 223,226 6 27
Semigroup of operators
- co
- strongly continuous
- uniformly continuous
Seminormal operator
Space mean of function
Spectrally isomorphic measure preserving transformations
StandardBore1 space
Shjecr Index
3 13
Strictly ergodic discrete semidynamical system
Strongly regular function
Strong-mixingmeasure preserving transformation
Subnormal operator Super contraction Support of a function
System of weights Szego kernel
28 11, 13
- Banach-Stone
- Birkhoff ergodic
- Bochner's
- U-ergodic
- Poincare recurrence
Time mean of function
- conjugate - elliptic - ergodic measure preserving
204 73 199
- hyperbolic
- invertible measurable
- left invertible measurable - linear fractional - measurable
- non-singular
- one-to-one measurable
- onto measurable
- parabolic
73 17
Subject Index
3 14
- right invertible measurable
- strong mixing measurable preserving
- spectrally isomorphic measure preserving
- weak mixing measure preserving
Transformation group
ma uniform Cauchy sequence
Unilateral shift aperator Uniquely ergodic discrete semidynamical system
21 207
Unitary operator
Upper semicontinuous function
Vanishes at infinity
Vector fibration
Weak SZ-limit set
Weakly almost periodic
Weakly asymptoticallyalmost periodic
23 1
Weak mixing measure preserving transfamation
20 1 11, 13
Weight Weighted bilateral shift operator Weighted composition semigroup Weighted composition operator Weighted doubly infinite sequence space
20 244 1 20
Weighted endomorphism
Weighted sequence space
Weighted translation semigroup
- hyponormal
- normal
Subject Index
- quanninormal - subnormal
3 15 258 258