Cognition, 8 (1980) 111 143 @Elsevier Sequoia S.A., Lausanne
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in the Netherlands
Polite responses to polite requests*
Abstract Indirect requests vary in politeness; for example, Can you tell me where Jordan Hall is? is more polite than Shouldn’t you tell me where Jordan Hall is? By one theory, the more the literal meaning of a request implies personal benefits for the listener, within reason, the more polite is the request. This prediction was confirmed in Experiment 1. Responses to indirect requests also vary in politeness. For Can you tell me where Jordan Hall is?, the response Yes, I can - it’s up the street is more polite than It’s up the street. By an extension of that theory, the more attentive the responder is to all of the requester’s meaning, the more polite is the response. This prediction was confirmed in Experiments 2, 3 and 4. From this evidence, we argued that people ordinarily compute both the literal and the indirect meanings of indirect requests. They must if they are to recognize when the speaker is and isn ‘t being polite, and if they are to respond politely, impolitely, or even neutrally. When people make requests, they tend to make them indirectly. They generally avoid imperatives like Tell me the time, which are direct requests, in preference for questions like Can you tell me the time? or assertions like I’m trying to find out what time it is, which are indirect requests. The curious thing about indirect requests is that they appear to have one meaning too many. Can you tell me the time?, as a request, has the indirect meaning “I request you to tell me the time”. Yet it also possesses the literal meaning “I ask you whether you have the ability to tell me the time”. If the speaker *This research was supported in part by Grant MH-20021 from the National Institute of Mental Health, the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, and a National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship. We thank Eve V. Clark and Ellen M. Markman for their helpful advice in the writing of this paper *and Susan L. Lyte for carrying out most of the experiments. Dale H. Schunk is now at the University of Houston. Requests for reprints should be sent to Herbert H. Clark, Department of Psychology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, U.S.A.
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is merely requesting the time, why the extraneous question about ability? How does it figure in the listener’s understanding of that request‘? It was these two questions that prompted the present study. These questions suggest two general kinds of processes by which an indirect request might be understood. The first kind, which we will call idiomatic processes, creates one and only one meaning - the indirect meaning. 0111 J’OU tell me the time.?, used as a request, would be understood directly and solely as “Please tell me the time”. At no point would the listener create and use the literal meaning “Do you have the ability to tell me the time?” The second kind of process, which we will call multiple-meaning processes, creates both the literal and the indirect meanings, though not necessarily one after the other. By this kind of process Can you tell me the time? would be understood as involving both a question (“Do you have the ability?“) and a request (“Please tell me the time”). Each kind of process is needed in certain clear cases. An idiomatic process is probably required for Ilow do you do.?, which is a question indirectly used as a greeting. Although the historical vestiges of the literal question (“How are you?“) are still present, the question no longer has any force; it isn’t answered sensibly by Fine, thank you. On the other hand, a multiple-meaning process is probably required for the use of It’s late, isrz ‘t it? to request the time. There seems to be no way of figuring out the request without knowing what the speaker meant literally. However, on the continuum from frozen idioms like fIo\v do J’OUdo? to novel requests like It’s late, isrz ‘t it ,? there are intermediate cases in which a sentence is conventionally used for an indirect purpose. For these, either kind of process might apply. For conventional indirect requests like Curl _~‘ozltcfl me tile time:?, which kind of process is used? Within linguistics, the earliest proposals by Sadock (1970) required an idiomatic process, but more recent ones, by Searle (1975) and Morgan (1978) for example, require a multiple-meaning process. Within psychology, Schweller (1978) and Gibbs (1979) have proposed idiomatic processes, but Clark & Lucy (1975) and Clark (1979) have proposed two different processes of the multiple-meaning variety. Thus, there is an issue here to be resolved. The feature that makes the multiple-meaning processes distinctive is their assumption that literal meaning plays a role in comprehension. But if it does, what is that role? For indirect requests, one answer has been offered by Lakoff (1973, 1977) and by Brown & Levinson (1978): The literal meaning is important in conveying politeness. As requests for the time, Ma)’ I ask you what time it is.7 is ordinarily more polite than Won’t J’OU tell me what time it is? Since the two requests have the same indirect meaning, the reason must lie in their literal meanings. The literal meaning of the first, roughly “1
Polite responses to polite requests
request permission to ask you what time it is”, presumes very little on the requestee and offers him the power to grant permission. The literal meaning of the second, roughly “I ask you if you do not intend to tell me what time it is”, presumes a good deal on the requestee and expresses a not-so-hidden criticism. By this logic, conventional indirect requests get their politeness rather directly from the literal meanings. In a roundabout way, responses to indirect requests may get their politeness from the literal meanings too. When Ann asks Bob Gzrz you tell ~2e the time?, Bob might ordinarily respond with a single “move”, It’s six. But if he wanted to be especially polite, it is our intuition that he would add a first move, as in Yes, 1 can - it’s six. Let us call Yes, / cuyl the literal move, and It’s six the indirect move. If we assume that Bob couldn’t give the literal move without computing the literal meaning, then he must have taken in Ann’s request by a multiple-meaning process. But are responses with both moves actually more polite, and if so, why? In this paper, then, we will investigate two issues jointly. The first is comprehension. Does literal meaning play a role in the understanding of indirect requests, and if so, what? The second issue is politeness: What makes some indirect requests, and some responses, more polite than others? In the first half of the paper, we will take up the politeness of indirect requests, and in the second half, the politeness of their responses.
The politeness of indirect requests In a request and its response, two people coordinate an exchange of goods. For convenience, let us assume the requestor is a woman called A, and the requestee a man called B. In her turn, A requests B to do something for her, and in his turn, B commits himself, or refuses to commit himself, to do what she wanted. When she requests information, as in all the requests we will consider, B ordinarily gives the information instead of merely committing himself to give it. The problem with requests is that, on the surface, they are inequitable. While A benefits from the information she receives, it costs B some effort to give it to her. In Goffman’s (1955, 1967) terms, requests threaten B’s “face”. For Goffman, face is the positive social value people claim for themselves. It consists of two particular wants - the want to be unimpeded, free from imposition by others, and the want to be approved of in certain respects. People ordinarily act to maintain or gain face and to avoid losing face. Clearly A’s requests, by imposing on B, are potentially threatening to B’s face. Brown and Levinson (1978), following up work by Lakoff (1973,
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1977), have incorporated this idea in a general theory of politeness whose basic tenet is this: people are polite to the extent that they enhance, or lessen the threat to, another’s face. In our case, A will be polite to the extent that she can reduce or eliminate the threat to B’s face caused by her request. We will look at only a few of the linguistic devices by which A could reduce or eliminate the threat to B’s face ~-~for example, Gun _J’OU,or Couldn’t you, or Will J’OU tell me the time.7 These devices differ in how much they benefit or cost B. Ordinarily, if a device benefits B, it simultaneously costs A, although the benefit to B may not equal the cost to A. For simplicity, we will assume that the benefit or cost to B actually does equal the cost or benefit to A. So A will be polite to the extent that the linguistic device she selects benefits B or lowers the cost to B (at least within limits). Table 1.
Examples of the 18 request types used in Experiments
I, 3, and 4
Descriptive category _____
1. Permission
May I ask you where Jordan Hall is? Might I ask you where Jordan Hall is? Could 1 ask you where Jordan Hall is?
2. Imposition
Would you mind telling me where Jordan Hall is? Would it be too much trouble to tell me where Jordan Hall is?
3. Ability
Can you tell me where Jordan Hall is? Could you tell me where Jordan Hall is? Can’t you tell me where Jordan Hall is? Do you know where Jordan Hall is?
4. Memory
Have I already asked you where Jordan Hall is? Did 1 ask you where Jordan Hall is? Have you told me where Jordan Hall is? Do I know where Jordan Hall is?
5. Commitment
Will you tell me where Jordan HalI is? Would you tell me where Jordan Hall is? Won’t you tell me where Jordan Hall is? Do you want to tell me where Jordan Hall is?
6. Obligation
you tell me where Jordan
Hall is?
The Linguistic devices we have selected are ones in which A asks B a literal question answerable by yes or no, and by virtue of that question she requests from him a relatively slight piece of information. Example: Will you tell me who is coming to dimmer tonight? From the literature on indirect requests (e.g., Gordon & Lakoff, 1971 ; Green, 1975; Heringer, 1972; Sadock, 1972, 1974; Searle, 1975), we selected the 18 types listed in Table I. These requests vary from polite to impolite; some of them take a
Polite responses to polite requests
literal yes answer for compliance, and others take a no. We will use the first few words of each request as its abbreviation, like May Z ask you? for May I ask you where Jordan Hall is? Since all 18 requests have the same indirect meaning, their differences lie in the literal meanings. Indeed, these requests can be ordered, on a priori intuitive grounds, for how much their literal meanings, if taken seriously, would benefit B or reduce the costs to B. Note that all of them have one cost in common. They impose on B by asking a question he must answer with yes or no. Otherwise, the requests can be sorted into six broad categories (see Gordon & Lakoff, 1971; Searle, 1975), as shown in Table 1. These categories can be ordered approximately for their benefit to B. 1. Permission. With the literal meaning of May I ask you where Jordan Hall is?, A is offering B the authority to grant her permission to make her request. This is obviously a great benefit to B. He now has a higher status, or authority, than he had the moment before, and the status entitles him to give permission to A even to make a rather trivial request. Such a benefit makes this and the other two requests in this category particularly polite. 2. Imposition. With the literal meaning of Would you mind telling me where Jordan Hall is?, A is no longer offering B the full authority to permit her to ask him for the wanted information. Still, she is offering him the authority to say that her request imposes too much. This benefits B. A is thereby admitting that she is imposing on him, and the admission benefits B too. So Would you mind? should be relatively polite too, although not as polite as May I ask? and its kind. The authority to grant permission, on the face of it, benefits B more than the mere chance to say that the task is too imposing. 3. Ability. When A says C&I you tell me where Jordan Hall is?, she is literally asking B to say whether or not he has the ability to tell her where Jordan Hall is. By giving him the opportunity to deny this ability, the question both benefits and costs B a little bit. It benefits him by allowing him to avoid the embarrassment of being asked a request he couldn’t comply with. But it costs him a little by suggesting that he may not be competent to comply. Compared to May I ask? and Would you mind? with their great benefits to B, Gzn you tell me? should be less polite. In so far as the other three ability requests reflect the same rationale, they should be similar in politeness. We will take up this qualification later. 4. Memory. The literal meaning of Have /already asked you where Jordan Hall is? makes a subtle demand on B. It asks him whether or not he can remember whether A asked him earlier for the location of Jordan Hall. Most of the time he won’t find this literal demand easy to fulfill, and anyway, why should he be expected to keep track of what he has told her
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when she is in as good a position to remember as he is? So this question, if anything, costs B something, which works against politeness. The same goes for the other three requests in this category, especially Do I know? These requests should be less polite, generally, than those of permission, imposition, or ability. 5. Commitmetzt. With the literal meaning of Will you tell me where Jordan Hall is.?, A is asking B whether or not he will commit himself to tell her the wanted information. Commitments, of course, are quite the opposite of permissions. In commitments, B obligates himself to A to carry out an action. This gives her the authority later to demand the fulfillment of his obligation, and that puts him in a position inferior to her. This should cost B a great deal - probably as much as or more than the memory requests. If so, Will you tell me? and its kind should be less polite even than the memory requests. 6. Obligatiorl, The last request, Shouldn’t you tell me where Jordun Hall is?, should be the least polite of all. By using should, A is literally asking B whether or not he is under some obligation to tell her the wanted information. By using shouldn ‘t, she further implies that B has failed in his obligation. Her request, then, costs B in two ways. It implies that he is obligated to tell her something; he has no choice in the matter. The obligation here is more severe than in the commitment requests. And it scolds him for already having failed in his duties. With such onerous costs to B, this request should be relatively impolite. As this discussion shows, the ways in which the literal meaning can be used to benefit and cost B involve many factors. The ordering of these six categories of requests is our best judgment of how these factors combine for a net amount of politeness. Yet three factors that cut across these six categories and lead to subsidiary predictions are conditionality, negativity, and strength. The difference between Muy I ask you.3 and Might I ask you? is one of conditionality. The subjunctive might ordinarily indicates that what is being said is conditional on something. For Might I ask?, Brown and Levinson (1978), among others, speculate that the implicit condition is if you please. If so, might should benefit B and increase the politeness of the request, since it makes explicit that B can do as he pleases. The same contrast is found between Gzrr you tell me? and Could you tell me?, and between Will you tell me? and Would you tell me? In each case, the conditional request should be the more polite of the two. The second factor is negativity, the difference between Carl and calz ‘t and between will and won’t. The literal question GM you tell me? doesn’t express any opinion pro or con about what the answer is likely to be. Can’t
Polite responses to polite requests
you tell me?, however, does (Bolinger, 1975, pp. 528-529). In some contexts, it indicates that A expects a yes answer, supposing that B really can tell her the information. This is the so-called conducive reading. In other contexts, it indicates that A supposes that B cannot tell her the information and what she is questioning is whether or not her supposition is correct. This is the so-called plain reading. Either interpretation should be costly to B. The first presumes on B since it indicates that A already knows what his answer will be. And the second expresses a negative opinion about B - he doesn’t have the ability to tell her the wanted information. Similar arguments go through for Will you tell me? and Won’t you tell me? In both pairs, the negative should lead to less politeness. The final factor is strength. Compare Z willgo and I want to go. Although they differ in other ways too, they differ in the strength of the implied desire to go. Will indicates an intention to go; want indicates a more positive desire. For A to ask B to want to tell her something is therefore to ask for a stronger commitment. Since that is more costly to B,Do you want to tell me? should be less polite than Will you tell me? Also, there is a difference in strength of imposition implied between Would you mind? and Would it be too much trouble? With the first, A doesn’t suggest that her imposition on B is very great, whereas with the second, she does - it may be too much trouble. Since the second benefits B more than the first, it should be more polite. These predictions assume requests among peers who are acquainted but not intimate. Among other people, the same factors should come into play but with different consequences. It would be very odd for a general to ask a private May / ask you what time it is? That would put the general in an inferior position that is inconsistent with his rank. The literal meaning still benefits B. It is just that it is inappropriate for a general to defer to a private. This suggests that politeness, as defined by costs and benefits, can be studied somewhat independently of appropriateness, whether or not it is appropriate to be so polite, or impolite. In this paper we will avoid this complication and stick to politeness among acquainted but not intimate equals.’
‘In all our experiments we used Stanford University undergraduates, who are drawn from all over the United States. While there may be dialectal variations in the phenomena we are studying, our data should be fairly representative of middle class American speech. In any case, our general conclusions, especially those about comprehension, shouldn’t be affected by any variations that do exist.
118 H. H. Clark arzdD. H. Schutlk
Method Thirty Stanford University undergraduate students rated the politeness of 54 requests, three of each of the 18 types of requests in Table 1. The 54 sentences used each requested different information. The information was ordinary, but fictitious everyday information of a relatively simple kind about who someone was, what something was, or where or when something happened. There was one each of these three kinds of content for each of the 18 types of requests. Examples: May Zask you where you bought your jacket? and Did you tell me who went to the party last /ziglzt.T These 54 requests were typed in random order, 18 to a page, on three mimeographed sheets, which were stapled in random order for each student. The students wrote their ratings next to each request. The students were instructed to rate each request on the following scale: 1 ~ very polite; 2 - fairly polite; 3 - somewhat polite; 4 ~ neither polite nor impolite; 5 ~ somewhat impolite; 6 - fairly impolite; and 7 ~ very impolite. They were either paid $2.50 or given credit for a course requirement, and were the same students who participated in Experiment 4. They completed Experiment 4 first and then Experiment 1, all within an hour. Results The ratings of politeness turned out very much as predicted. This can be seen in Table 2, which lists the mean rating for each type of request and for each category. These means were submitted to an analysis of variance in which both subjects and items were random effects (Clark, 1973). It showed that the means differed reliably from one another, F’ (17,7 1) = 15.66, p < 0.001. The mean ratings for the six categories of requests were expected to order themselves from permission to obligation, and except for a minor reversal, they did: 2.16, 3.04, 3.85, 3.80, 4.20 and 5.77. These ratings are significantly correlated with the predicted rank order (Abelson & Tukey, 1963), F’ (1,7 1) = 166.08, p < 0.001. The predicted rank order accounts for 57%~of the variance among the 18 means. If instead of taking all the means we consider only the two most polite forms within each category, the ordering is still as predicted, except for a different minor reversal: 1.94, 3.04, 2.92, 3.50, 3.82, and 5.77. The three subsidiary predictions were also generally upheld. Conditional modal verbs raised politeness an average of 0.54 units, F’ (1,7 1) = 5.87, p < 0.001. The increase was 0.17 units for may/might, 0.59 units for can/
Polite responses to polite requests
Table 2.
Mean politeness ratings for 18 types of requests (Experiment 1)
_ Category -_____
_____ Request ___-
type _______
____ Mean _______
_____Category __-
May I ask you? Might I ask you? Could I ask you?
2.00 1.87 2.62
Would you mind? Would it be too much?
3.31 2.77
Can you tell me? Could you tell me? Can’t you tell me? Do you know?
3.22 2.63 5.58 3.98
Have I already asked you? Did I ask you? Have you told me? Do I know?
3.48 3.51 3.99 4.24
Will you tell me? Would you tell me? Won’t you tell me? Do you want to tell me?
4.24 3.39 4.41 4.76
Obligation __I_
Note ~ 1 is “very polite”,
you tell me?
and 7 is “very impolite”.
could, and 0.85 units for will/would. As for negativity, an added negative lowered politeness an average of 1.26 units, F’ (1,7 1) = 23.32, p < 0.001. The decrease was 2.36 units for can/can’t, although only 0.17 units for will/won’t, so this finding isn’t nearly as consistent. Finally, strength was important. WiIl you? was 0.50 units more polite than Do you want?, and Would it be too much trouble? 0.54 units more polite than Would you mind?, together F’ (1,7 1) = 4.06, p < 0.05. If we combine the rank order of the six categories, conditionality, negativity, and strength, we account for 80% of the variance among the 18 means with only 4 degrees of freedom. The variance left over, however, is sizable and significant, F’ (13,71) = 7.04, p < 0.00 1, suggesting that we haven’t identified all of the factors that affect politeness. Discussion The costs and benefits theory of politeness is strongly supported by these results. It says that the more A’s request benefits B, within limits, the more polite A is. On this basis we identified six broad categories of requests, and
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they were ordered in politeness as predicted. And we identified three other negativity, and factors that should affect politeness ~~ conditionality, strength -- and they turned out roughly as predicted. But are these requests understood by an idiomatic process, or by a multiple-meaning process? About this question, the results are less clear. At first, they appear to offer incontrovertible evidence for a multiple-meaning process. Since all 18 requests have the same indirect meaning, by an idiomatic process they should be identical in politeness. Since they weren’t, they must have been handled by a multiple-meaning process. This makes good sense. To judge politeness, people had to figure out the costs and benefits of each request. These were present only in the literal meaning, and so people must have computed both meanings. The idiomatic processes could be saved, however, if we assumed that the 18 requests weren’t really identical in their indirect meanings. We could assume, rather, that each request had an indirect meaning with two parts: “I request you to tell me where Jordan Hall is” and “I am hereby being polite to degree p”. Each request in Table 1 would have a different politeness value p conventionally associated with it. Thisp would be conventional in the sense that it would be a permanent value associated with the request’s form itself and would not be computed from the literal meaning. Crudely put, May I ask you.? would have a p of 2.00, and Do I know? a p of 4.24. When people judged politeness. they would merely retrieve these p’s and select the corresponding scale values. In this view, the politeness of each request is conventional. It is retrieved, not computed, each time the request is understood. The mystery in this position is why there is such a tight fit between the benefits and costs implied by the literal meaning and the conventional politeness values, the p’s. The fit could hardly have come about by accident. One explanation might be historical. At one time, people computed the politeness of May I ask you? from its literal meaning, just as the theory claims. Over the years, however, its particular value, say 2.00, became dissociated with the literal meaning and began to be learned as a conventional and therefore arbitrary value. This is not entirely implausible. Morgan (1978) has traced just such a historical process for such expressions asgooclbye, and Clark and Clark (1979) have done so for such denominal verbs as in to boyco tt grupes.
There are at least two problems with this historical explanation. First, the fit between literal meaning and politeness seems altogether too tight. In the cases Morgan, and Clark and Clark, brought up, there were certain quirks of meaning. As the meaning of an expression became partially or fully dissociated with its historical origins, it became partly or fully specialized, or it
Polite responses to polite requests
12 1
changed altogether. There is little evidence of that sort of specialization in the requests of Table 1. The more serious drawback is that there would have to be too many p’s. For an idiomatic process to work right, May Iaskyou? would have to have a lower p than Won’t you.7 regardless of context. Yet, as offers, May I ask you to take a piece of cake? appears to be less polite than Won’t you take a piece of cake? If this is so, May Iask you? would require one p for its use as a request and another p for its use as an offer. Each of the other forms would have two p’s too. By the multiple-meaning hypothesis, on the other hand, this inversion is quite predictable. Requests are for things B didn’t intend to do, and offers, for things B wants to do, so it is more imposing on B the more obligated he is to carry out a request, but less imposing the more obligated he is to accept the offer. It is more parsimonious to assume that the politeness of these forms is based on the relation between the literal meaning and what is being requested or offered. By this argument, a multiple-meaning process is necessary after all.
The politeness
of responses
Just as there are many ways of making requests, so there are many ways of responding to them. For A’s request Gzn you tell me the time?, B could respond in any of these ways, among others: six: six o’clock; it’s six; it’s six o’clock,. yes, six; yes, it’s six; sure, it’s six; and yes, I can, it’s six. How does B choose? One way is by the seriousness of A’s literal meaning (Clark, 1979). If B understands A to have intended the literal meaning of her request to be taken seriously, then to be cooperative he should include a literal move such as yes or sure or yes, 1 can. If the literal meaning was intended merely pro forma, he needn’t include such a move. Another way is by how polite he wants to be. Some of these responses seem more polite than others. These differences, we propose, reflect the costs and benefits theory of politeness as applied to responses. The more B’s response raises the benefits or lowers the costs. to A, within limits, the more polite B is. The question is how A is benefitted by B’s response. We propose an attentiveness hypothesis: The more attentive B is to all aspects of A’s request, within reason, the more polite B is. For indirect requests for information, there are at least four ways B can benefit A. (1) Precision: B should provide the requested information as precisely as required. In the time example, It’s six would be more polite in most contexts than It’s late afternoon. (2) Clarity: B should express the requested information clearly. It S six o’clock, for example, is clearer without being
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unnecessarily wordy or redundant than Six, where ellipsis could interfere with A’s comprehension of the information. (3) Completeness: B should take seriously the literal meaning, as well as the indirect meaning. Ordinarily, that means including a literal move, making Yes, it’s six more polite than a mere It’s six. Other times, including a literal move may lead to less politeness, as we shall show. (4) Znformdity: B should put A at ease by not being too formal, or too informal, for the occasion. In casual conversations among acquainted peers, Sure, it’s six might well be more polite than Yes, it’s six. B should ordinarily be much less polite when he doesn’t comply with A’s request. To be attentive to A’s request is, ideally, to comply with it. There are, however, several ways in which B can mitigate the negative consequences of not complying. (5) Apologies: B should apologize for not complying. In the time example, I’m sorry, Z,can ‘t would be more polite than a simple I cun ‘t. (6) Explanations: B should explain why he is not complying. Responses that contain a good reason, like I can ‘t, I don’t have a watch, would be more polite than ones without, like I can’t. Apologies and explanations benefit A in different ways. Apologies place B in a deferential position and give A the benefit of increased status. Explanations tell A that B isn’t refusing to comply merely to snub, put down, or otherwise do in A. Explanations lower the cost to A of B’s refusal. Experiments 2, 3, and 4 test several aspects of the attentiveness hypothesis. Experiment 2 explores the range of factors involved, while Experiments 3 and 4 examine more closely how politeness is related to literal meaning.
Met hod Students were asked to rank order for politeness three to five alternative responses to each of eight requests. The eight requests are shown in Table 3. For each we composed two sets of three to five responses. One set consisted of compliant responses, and the other set of refusals to comply. These sets are also listed in Table 3. In composing the responses we tried to find ones that sounded as natural as possible. We constructed two different questionnaires. Each one contained the eight requests typed four to a page in random order on two mimeographed sheets. Under each request were three to five responses also in random order. For one questionnaire, four of the requests were followed by compliant responses, and the other four by non-compliant responses. For the other questionnaire, that assignment wasreversed. For each response set separately,
Polite responses to polite requests
Table 3.
Mean politeness
ranks for alternative responses to indirect requests (Experi-
ment 2)
Request ._____-
1. Can you tell me who the guest speaker will be?
Yes, it’s Tom James. Yes, I can. It’s Tom James. It’s Tom James. Tom James.
1.63 1.94 2.56 3.75
No, I’m sorry, I can’t. I don’t know. No, I can’t. I don’t know. I don’t know. No.
1 .Ol 1.93 3.07 3.93
Certainly. It’s around the comer. Yes, I can. It’s around the corner. Yes. It’s around the corner. It’s around the corner.
1.13 2.00 2.87 4.00
No, I’m sorry, No, I can’t. No.
I can’t.
1.00 2.00 3.00
Sure, here. Yes, I can. Here it is. Yes, here it is. Here it is. Here.
1.81 2.19 2.31 3.94 4.15
Sorry, I don’t have any money. No, I’m sorry, I can’t. No, I can’t. No.
1.60 1.60 2.93 3.87
Sure, Yes, Yes, Tom
1.61 2.27 2.33 3.73
2. Can you direct Found?
me to the Lost and
3. Can you lend me $S.OO?
Could you tell me who will be here for dinner tonight?
Tom and Janet. I could. Tom and Janet. Tom and Janet and Janet.
No, I’m sorry. No, I couldn’t. No. 5. Could you tell me what time you close?
I couldn’t.
Mean rank
1.25 1.94 2.81
Yes. I could. We close at 9:O0. Yes; at 9~00. We close at 9:O0. 9:oo
1.87 2.07 2.07 3.80
No, I don’t know. No, I couldn’t. No.
1.13 2.00 2.88
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3 (continued)
Mean rank
6. Would you tell me your name?
Yes, my name is Sheila King. Yes, 1 am Sheila King. Sheila King.
1 .40 1.87 2.13
No, 1 wouldn’t. No, I won’t. No.
2 .oo 2.00 2.06
No, not at all. It’s around the corner. Sure, It’s around the comer. No, it’s around the corner. It’s around the comer.
I .07 2.20 2.93 3.80
No, I’m sorry. I don’t know where No, I don’t know where it is. I don’t know where it is. No.
1.06 2.19 2.81 3.94
7. Would you mind telling me where the bathroom is?
8. Do you have the time?
it is.
Yes, I do. It’s 6: 10. Sure, it’s 6:lO. Yes, it’s 6:lO. It’s 6:lO.
1.69 1.81 2.50 3.81
No, I’m sorry, I don’t. No, I don’t. I don’t. No.
1.07 2.07 3.33 3.53
the students ranked each response for politeness by writing “1” next to the most polite response, “2” next to the next most dolite response, and so on was down to, at most, “5”. They were not to give ties. One questionnaire completed by 15 students and the other by 16 students, all Stanford University undergraduates who were either paid or given course credit. The task took less than 15 minutes.
Results The mean rank for each response is shown in Table 3. Within each set the responses are listed from most to least polite. The differences within each set were tested by the Friedman analysis of variance by ranks (Siegel, 1956). Of the 16 analyses, 14 were significant at the 0.001 level and one at the 0.01 level. The only set not significant was the set of noncompliant responses to Would you tell me your name? We will take up the most robust
Polite responses to polite requests
of these findings without further statistical justification and leave the more subtle comparisons to Experiments 3 and 4. The factor of completeness turned out to be highly influential. The compliant responses were of two types. The first, called answer-plus-information reponses, included a literal move like Sure or Yes, Ican or Certainly, and the second type, called information-only responses, did not. The answer-plusinformation responses averaged 1.98 ranks, and the information-only responses 3.54 ranks, suggesting that the literal move added in a full 1.56 ranks worth of politeness. Its influence appears even more substantial if we compare wherever possible each answer-plus-information response with the information-only response that was identical in every respect except for the lack of the literal move. Then the literal move added in 1.66 ranks worth of politeness. Within each response set, every answer-plus-information was ranked more polite than every information-only response, except for one tie. Clarity was an important factor too. This can be seen first in the information-only responses. They were sometimes expressed as complete sentences, like It’s Tom James, and sometimes in elliptical sentences, like Tom James. For Requests 1, 3, and 5, where these two forms could be compared, the complete responses were judged more polite by an average of 1.24 ranks. Clarity also showed up in the literal moves. They were sometimes expressed as “full” answers, like Yes, 1 cuy1, and other times as “half” answers, like Yes. For 12 of the response sets, there were pairs of responses that differed only in whether they contained full or half answers. In all 12 sets, the full answer was judged more polite than the half answers. The average difference in ranks was 0.58. Another factor, informality, showed up too. Among the compliant responses, the literal move sometimes contained yes and other times the less formal certainly or Sure (see Clark, 1979, Experiment 2). Three pairs of responses differed in this respect alone, and for each the more informal response was more polite. Informality won out by an average of 1.02 ranks. In the refusals the additional factors of apologies and explanations were both influential. There were six pairs of responses that differed only in that one contained the apology I’m sorry. For all six pairs, the apologetic response was more polite, an average difference of 1.OO ranks. As for explanations, every response with an explanation was rated more polite within its set than every response without one. Note that the full literal moves are often explanations themselves. For Grn you direct me to the Lost and Found?, the response No, 1 can’t explains briefly that B doesn’t have the requisite ability. This response was more polite than the simple No, which can readily be taken as a refusal even to consider the request. In five such comparisons, the explanatory responses were always more polite, and by an
H. H. Clark and D. H. Schunk
average of 1.03 ranks. When the two other pairs of responses with and without explanations are included in this comparison, explanations had an edge of 1.25 ranks.
Discussion The attentive response, these data tell us, is a polite response. For Gzn you tell me what time it is?, B could reply simply Six. He will be more polite, however, if he: (1) makes his information clearer with It’s six; (2) answers the literal question with Yes, or more clearly with Yes, I can; and (3) softens the formality of this literal answer with Sure. If he intends not to comply, he will be more polite if he: (4) apologizes with I’m sorry; and (5) gives an explanation with I don’t have a watch. Each added move signals more concern with A’s full request. Some of them are attentive to the indirect meaning, and others to the literal meaning. If to be polite B has to be attentive to A’s literal meaning, then he must be computing both the literal and the indirect meaning. He must be using a multiple-meaning process, not an idiomatic process. Is this conclusion justified? Not completely. It might be argued that just as there are conventional ways of making indirect requests, there are conventional ways of responding to them politely. The link between the two is historically based but by now entirely conventional. By this argument, B could be using an idiomatic process. However, in Experiment 1, we found reasons for doubting such an idiomatic hypothesis for indirect requests, and the same reasons should make us suspect the idiomatic hypothesis for responses. Experiments 3 and 4 were designed to dissect this argument more incisively.
The politeness of a response need not work the same way for every indirect request. For example, while a literal move may add politeness for one indirect request, it may not do so for another. In this experiment we will take up two factors that should affect response politeness. We will use the 18 request types in Table 1. The first factor is conventionality. Indirect requests, according to Clark (1979), Morgan (1978), and Searle (1975), differ in how conventionally they are used for making requests. Although Gzn you tell me the time.? and Is your watch still working? can both be used in the right circumstances for requesting the time, the ordinary, usual, or conventional form for that pur-
Polite responses to polite requests
pose is Cizn you? and not 1s your watch? These two indirect requests differ in conventionality, and so do the 18 requests in Table 1. The politeness of a response should depend on conventionality. According to Clark (1979), the conventionality of an indirect request is one piece of information B uses in deciding whether or not to take that utterance as a request. Because Gzn you? is highly conventional as a request, B can be fairly confident that it is indeed being used to request the time and not merely to ask a question, and hence that he is expected to comply. By the attentiveness hypothesis, it would be impolite of him not to comply. But because IS your watch? is not conventional as a request, he cannot be so confident that it is being used as a request and that he is expected to comply. This utterance may not be a request at all, so it would? be so impolite to answer it literally and do nothing more. The prediction, therefore, is this: The more conventional the indirect request, the more polite B is to provide the requested information. This prediction is tested in Experiment 3. The second factor is the politeness of the literal move of the response. For each request in Experiment 2, a response with a literal move (e.g., Yes,’ I can) was more polite than a response without. But how much politeness should a literal move add? That depends, we propose, on what the literal move asserts. Compare Cizn you tell me? and May 1 ask you? from Table 1. In response to the first, the literal move Yes, 1 can is really an abbreviation of the assertion / can tell you where Jordan Hall is. In response to the second, the literal move Yes, you may is an abbreviation for You may ask me where Jordan Hall is. Of these two assertions, the first would ordinarily be more polite among peers. The second presumes B has the authority to permit or forbid A’s asking where Jordan Hall is, whereas the first doesn’t presume much at all. When the literal moves to the 18 requests in Table 1 are each spelled out this way, they will vary in how polite they are judged as assertions. We propose that the more polite the assertion, the more politeness that literal move should add to the response as a whole. This prediction is also tested in Experiment 3. Experiment 3 is therefore divided into three parts. In Experiment 3a, people were asked to rate the 18 requests in Table 1 for conventionality. In Experiment 3b, other people were asked to rate the assertions corresponding to the literal moves in responses to these same requests for politeness. And in Experiment 3c, still other people rated the full responses themselves for politeness.
H. H. Clark and D. H. Schurzk
Experiment The
18 requests
in Table 1 were each typed on a separate file card with in place of Jordalz Hall. The deck of cards was shuffled and presented to each of ten Stanford University students with the instruction: “On each card there is a different way of asking where Candlestick Park is. Some of these requests represent usual, ordinary, and conventional ways of asking for information, while others represent ways that do not seem usual, ordinary, or conventional. We would appreciate your rank ordering these 18 requests from most to least conventional. Just put the cards in the order you think is most to least conventional.” Cundlestick
Table 4.
Mean ranks of 18 requests judged for comverl tionality Category
Mean rank
Category means
_~___ Permission
May I ask you? Might I ask you? Could I ask you?
8.6 8.5 7.6
Would you mind? Would it be too much?
1.2 9.6
Can you tell me? Could you tell me? Can’t you tell me? Do you know?
2.2 2.5 13.3 3.8
Have I already asked you? Did I ask you? Have you told me? Do I know?
15.0 11.3 13.7 17.3
Will you tell me? Would you tell me? Won’t you tell me? Do you want?
6.8 3.4 12.4 12.6
Note - Rank
you tell me?
1 is most conventional,
and rank
18 least conventional.
The mean ranks of the 18 requests are listed in Table 4. The student raters were highly consistent in their rankings. Kendall’s coefficient of concordance W was 0.76, p < 0.001. There was an average rank order correlation of 0.73 between any two student raters. The most conventional of the requests in Table 4 are Can you?, Could you?, Would you.7, and Do .~‘ou know:‘, in which the category of ability dominates. These requests are of middling politeness of Experiment 1. This suggests that even though these mean ranks correlate 0.51 with the polite-
Polite responses to polite requests
ness ratings of Experiment 1, conventionality is distinct from politeness. Recall that in Experiment 1 our hypothesis about the order of the six categories correlated 0.75 with politeness. Once that factor is partialled out, the correlation between conventionality and politeness is 0.28, which accounts for less than 8% of the variance. In short, conventionality appears to have a somewhat independent status.
Experiment 3b Corresponding to the literal moves in the responses to the 18 requests in Table 4 are the 13 assertions in Table 5. As we stipulated in Experiment 3c, May I? and Might I? both had the literal move Yes, you may; Gzn you?, Could you? and Gm’t you? all had Yes, I can; and Will you?, Would you?, and Won’t you? all had Yes, I will. That is why there are five fewer assertions than requests. Each assertion was typed on a separate file card, and the deck was shuffled and presented to each of ten Stanford University students with these instructions: “On each card there is a different statement a person might make in the middle of an ordinary conversation. Some of these statements are polite things to say to someone in the middle of a conversation and others are not so polite. We would appreciate your rank ordering these 13 statements from most to least polite. Just put the cards in the order you think is most to least polite to say to someone in the middle of a conversation.” Table 5.
Mean ranks of 13 assertions judged for politeness Category
Mean rank
You may ask me where CP is. You can ask me where CP is.
10.5 9.6
I wouldn’t mind telling you where CP is. It wouldn’t be too much trouble to tell you where CP is.
I can tell you where CP is. I know where CP is.
3.6 6.1
You haven’t yet asked me where CP is. You didn’t ask me where CP is. I haven’t told you where CP is. You don’t know where CP is.
I will tell you where CP is. I want to tell you where CP is. I should tell you where CP is.
Obligation Note - Rank
1 is most polite,
and rank
13 least polite.
6.1 11.4 3.2 12.1 1.6 7.1 7.8
130 H. H. Clark and D. H. Schunk
The mean ranks of the 13 assertions are listed in Table 5. The raters were highly consistent in their rankings. Kendall’s coefficient of concordance W was 0.73, p < 0.001; there was an average rank order correlation of 0.70 between any two students. These rank orders make good sense. The more an assertion benefits and doesn’t cost A, the more polite it ought to be. So when B says that he has the ability to provide the wanted information, or that it wouldn’t bedifficult for him to do so, that should benefit A a great deal without any cost. These indeed were the two most polite categories. On the other hand, telling A that he intends to give the information regardless of her wishes, or that he is obligated to give it to her, or that she has his permission to ask him for it, or that she has forgotten to ask for it - all these cost A, and the assertions should be correspondingly less polite. Indeed, they were.
Method Thirty students were each given 54 pairs of requests and responses and were asked to rate the politeness of each response on a 1 to 7 scale. The 54 requests were the same as those used in Experiment 1, with three examples for each of the 18 types of requests in Table 1. For each request we composed three plausible responses. One had a full literal move followed by the requested information; a second had only a half literal move, either yes or 110, whichever was appropriate for compliance; and a third consisted of the requested information alone. The three responses to Could Iask you who ute all the eggs.? were: (1) Yes, you CUII. It was my boyfriend. (2) Yes. It wus my boyfriend. (3) It was my boyfriend. These will be called the full, half, and null literal responses, respectively. As mentioned earlier, we used the indicative CUIZ,will, and may instead of the subjunctive could, would, and might for the literal moves, except for Would J’OU mind? and Would it be too much trouble.:‘. where we retained would. The 54 responses each student rated consisted of one full, one half, and one null literal response to each of the 18 types of request in Table 1. The assigntnent of the full, half, and null responses to the 54 requests was counterbalanced in a Latin square design over three groups of ten subjects each. The 54 requests paired with their responses were typed in random order 18 to a page, the request on one line and its response on the next, and the pages were shuffled for each student.
Polite responses to polite requests
The 30 students, Stanford University undergraduates, were told to think of each request as having been made by Speaker A and its response as having been made by Speaker B. They were to rate the politeness of B’s response. They used the same rating scale as in Experiment 1 on which 1 was “very polite”, 4 “neither polite nor impolite”, and 7 “very impolite”. Results The politeness ratings came out much as predicted. They are listed in Table 6 by request type and response type. There are two main findings of interest, the differences among the request types and the politeness added by the literal move. Table 6. Category
Mean politeness ratings for responses to 18 types of requests (Experiment 3c) Request
Category means
May I ask you? Might I ask you? Could I ask you?
2.61 2.80 2.93
3.30 2.90 3.21
3.83 3.63 3.60
3.18 3.11 3.27
Would you mind? Would it be too much?
2.80 2.70
3.51 3.20
4.03 4.00
3.47 3.30
Can you tell me? Could you tell me? Can’t you tell me? Do you know?
2.53 2.83 2.87 2.87
3.30 3.13 3.20 3.21
3.90 4.20 4.13 3.13
3.16 3.39 3.40 3.29
Have I already asked you? Did I ask you? Have you told me? Do I know?
3.17 3.23 2.93 4.07
4.30 4.10 3.93 4.13
Will you tell me? Would you tell me? Won’t you tell me? Do you want?
2.90 2.80 3.10 3.10
3.60 3.67 3.80 3.90
3.68 3.58 3.50 3.96 3.22 3.17 3.31 3.39
3.57 3.40 3.63 3.67 3.17 3.03 3.03 3.17
you tell me?
Overall means
As predicted, the mean response politeness for the 18 request types (column 4 in Table 6) correlated very highly with the mean conventionality for the same 18 requests (Table 4). The correlation was 0.72, min F’ (1,76) = 19.40, p < 0.00 1. The variance in response politeness not accounted for by conventionality was not significant, min F’ (16,76) = 1.13. Although the
H. H. Clark and D. H. Schmk
correlation between response politeness and request politeness (Table 2) was a moderate 0.42, when conventionality was partialled out, this correlation reduced to a negligible 0.09. There was virtually no correlation, 0.19, between response politeness and the politeness of the literal assertion (Table 5). The main predictor of response politeness was conventionality : the more conventional the request, the more polite it was for B to provide the wanted information. Overall, the half and full literal moves - for example, Yes and Yes, Ican ~ each added politeness to the response with no literal move. The half literal moves added an average of 0.67 units, and the full literal moves another 0.29 units. Both increases were significant, min F’ (1,75) = 16.9 1, p < 0.001, and 2.97, p < 0.05, respectively. These data reinforce Experiment 2 in showing that the more complete the literal move in general, the more polite the response. The politeness added by the full literal move, however, varied from 0.06 units for Do I know.7 to 1.37 units for Can you tell me? and Could you tell me? As predicted, this variation was highly correlated with the politeness of the assertion made by the literal move (see Table 5). The correlation was 0.73, which is highly significant, F (1,17) = 19.39, p < 0.001. The conventionality of the request, however, was also moderately correlated, 0.43, with the increase in politeness from the literal move, F( 1,17) = 3.48, ns. With both assertion politeness and conventionality as predictors, the multiple correlation is 0.8 1. Which part of the full literal move accounts for these variations in added politeness - the affirmation or denial _r’es or no, or the elliptical assertion I carz, You muy, or whatever? Let us call these two parts “yes/no” and “assertion fragment”. The increase from the yes/no alone correlated a negligible 0.22 with assertion politeness. But the increase from the assertion fragment correlated 0.70 with assertion politeness. This correlation is only slightly less than the 0.73 correlation for the increase from the full literal move. The correlations for conventionality follow the same pattern, being 0.12 and 0.42, respectively. It is the assertion fragment, then, that seems to account for how much politeness is added by the full literal moves. Discussion According to these results, the politeness of responses to indirect requests fits the attentiveness hypothesis. First, the more conventionally a sentence is used for making requests, the clearer it should be that A wants certain information, and the more polite B should be to provide it. That was confirmed. For example, giving the requested information was more polite for the
Polite responses to polite requests
conventional Can you tell me? than for the less conventional Have Ialready asked you? Second, the more polite it is to assert what is literally being asked, the more polite it should be to add the literal move. This too was confirmed. Adding a pleasant Yes, I CUMin response to Gzrz you tell me? increased politeness more than did adding an insulting No, you don’t in response to Do I know? Literal moves like Yes, I Carl and No, you don ‘t, we noted, divide into two parts - the yes/no and the assertion fragment. It was largely the assertion fragment that governed how much politeness was added. There are two possible reasons for this. The most obvious is that I can and You don’t are clearer than the bare yes or no about what B is asserting with the literal move. A less obvious reason is that yes and no alone may be ambiguous. Yes in response to Cizn you tell me? might indicate either “Yes, I can tell you”, which is the assertion fragment, or “Yes, I’ll tell you if you like”, which is not. The second sense indicates a mere intention to comply, which shouldn’t vary so much from one request to the next. These findings implicate literal meaning even more than before. If B wants to respond to A’s indirect request politely, he must “hear” at least the literal form of her request. Without that, he has no way of figuring out which literal move to include. But to account for Experiment 3, he must truly understand her literal meaning. He needs this in order to decide whether or not it would be polite to include the literal move. In short, he is required to use a multiple-meaning rather than an idiomatic process.
What we have shown so far is that B’s response to A’s indirect request will ordinarily be judged more polite when it contains a literal move -- a move that deals explicitly with the literal meaning of the request. How much politeness is added depends on what that move means as an assertion. But do people trying to make themselves polite think of using this device, the literal move? This was the question that led to Experiment 4, in which people were given a request together with a response with no literal move, like Do you know where Jordan Hall is? and Up the street, and were asked to revise the response - Up the street - to make it more polite. By examining these revisions, we could test certain hypotheses about the conventionality of the request, the politeness of the literal move, and the elliptical nature of the response. For certain requests, B is expected to include the literal move. According to the Clark (1979) proposal, when A uses a conventional form for making a
H. H. Clark and D. H. Schnk
request, like Can you tell meP, she is very likely signalling that she doesn’t intend the literal meaning to be taken seriously - it is merely pro forma ~ and so B isn’t expected to deal with it explicitly. But when she uses a less conventional form, like Have I already asked you.?, she may well intend the literal meaning to be taken seriously, and if B is to be polite, he ought to deal with it explicitly. This theory leads to a straight-forward prediction: The less conventional the request, all other things being equal, the more likely B will take the literal meaning seriously and the more likely he will include the literal move. But as we showed in Experiment 3, it isn’t always so polite to include the literal move, since this may make B sound presumptuous or superior. It wouldn’t be particularly polite to tell A that she doesn’t know where Jordan Hall is, which is what the literal move for Do I know? would do. Accordingly, the more polite the literal move is, the more likely it should be included. But these considerations come into play when B is thinking of including the literal move anyway. That is, the predictions based on politeness of the literal move should merely modify the predictions based on conventionality that we just presented. Finally, there is the ellipsis of the response. A complete sentence like It is up the street is ordinarily deemed more polite than an incomplete one like Up the street (see Experiment 2). If people trying to be polite know this, then they ought to turn incomplete sentences like Up the street into complete ones like It is up the street. Method Thirty Stanford University undergraduates were paired with responses that provided only the Example: A. Can you tell me where your parents B. They’re in the front row.
each given information
54 requests requested.
are sitting’?
For half the students, all of B’s responses were expressed in complete sentences, as in this example. For the other half, all of them were expressed in fully appropriate but incomplete sentences, such as In the front row. The students were asked simply to revise each response to make it more polite and to write their revision on the blank line below B’s response. The 54 requests were the same as those used in Experiments 1, 3a, and 3c. They were typed, in the format just given, six to a page on nine mimeographed sheets in random order, and the nine pages were given to each student in a random order.
Polite responses to polite requests
Results and Discussion
The most obvious outcome was that there was an almost universal tendency to fill out the information requested. Fully 92% of the incomplete sentences given to the one group of students were turned into complete sentences. And although the complete sentences given to the other group of students could have been turned into perfectly acceptable incomplete sentences (by revising, for example, They’re in the front row to In the front row), only 2% of them were. Indeed, the sentences for both groups of students tended to be filled out with material that was redundant with the request. Pronouns tended to be turned into complete noun phrases, as when They’re in the front row was revised to My parents are in the front row, and missing verb phrases tended to be filled in, as when My roommate did was revised to My roommate cut my hair. There was a strong consensus that to be more polite, one should be clearer and more explicit about the information provided. Otherwise, the two groups of students didn’t differ reliably, and so for the remaining discussion they will be lumped together. Table
The most frequent literal moves and the percentage of people supplying a literal move in responding to 18 types of requests (Experiment 4) Request
Most Frequent
Literal Moves
Percentage Literal Moves __.
May I ask you? Might I ask you? Could I ask you?
Sure. Sure. Yes.
Yes, you may. Yes, you may. Yes, you can.
49 56 41
Would you mind? Would it be too much?
Not at all. Not at all.
No, I wouldn’t. Of course, it wouldn’t.
51 82
Can you tell me? Could you tell me? Can’t you tell me? Do you know?
Sure. Yes. Sure. Yes.
Sure Yes, Sure Yes,
I can. I can. I can. I do.
48 33 68 52
Have I already asked you? Did I ask you? Have you told me? Do I know?
No. No. No. Yes.
No, you haven’t. No, you didn’t. No, I haven’t. Yes, you do.
64 66 61 54
Will you tell me? Would you tell me? Won’t you tell me? Do you want?
Yes. Sure. Sure. Sure.
Yes, Sure, Sure, Yes,
41 48 52 56
Yes, I should.
you tell me?
I .will. I could tell you. 1’11tell you. I do.
136 H. H. Clark and D. H. Schunk
Although the bare responses presented to the students did not contain literal moves, many of their revisions did. Each of the 1620 revisions was checked for this feature, and the percentage for each request type is shown in Table 7. These percentages provide rather striking confirmation of our predictions. First, there was a 0.57 correlation between the percentages of literal moves in Table 7 and the conventionality ranks of each request type from Experiment 3a (Table 4). This correlation accounted for a highly significant proportion of the variance among the percentages in Table 7, F’ (1,42) = 11.72, p < 0.005. Second, there was a -0.24 correlation between these percentages and the politeness ratings of the corresponding literal moves from Experiment 3b (Table 5). This correlation, however, is spuriously low because of the correlation between conventionality and politeness themselves. With conventionality partialled out, as our prediction requires, the correlation between the percentages in Table 7 and the politeness ratings of the literal move rises to -0.50. This too accounts for a significant proportion of the variance, F’ (1,42) = 6.08, p < 0.05. The variance not accounted for by these two factors is not significant, F’( 15,42) = 1.23. In short, the less conventional the request, the more literal moves were added, and then the more polite the literal move, the more often it was added. There was other evidence that the students were sensitive to the literal meanings of the requests, some of it so obvious that it hardly needs to be pointed out. In Table 7 are listed the most frequent half and full literal moves that turned up in the revisions. These show that the literal moves the students selected were selected because they were appropriate to the literal meanings of the requests. Consider the half moves first. Most of the requests - 13 of them - were answered with yes or sure. The five that were answered no were just the ones for which a negative answer was appropriate. And among these five, only Would you mind.? and Would it be too much trouble? were provided with Not at all, which wouldn’t have been appropriate as literal answers to the other three. Then consider the full moves. In them the use of can, ma)‘, will, do, didn ‘t, haven 7, wouldn’t, and shouldn’t were always appropriate to the literal question asked. May / ask you.7 was answered with you ma)’ and not I will, while Will you tell me? was answered with I will and not you may. Yet the auxiliary verb in the question - can, may, haven’t, and the like - is not always appropriate for a literal move of compliance. Accordingly, Might I ask you? was answered with you rnaJ>, not you might, and Would you tell me? with I will, not I would. The students didn’t turn the literal questions into answers by a mechanical algorithm. They chose literal moves appropriate to what they intended to convey.
Polite responses to polite requests
This conclusion is even more evident in the literal moves not listed in Table 7. Consider those for the permission requests. Generally, it isn’t terribly polite to assert “You may ask me where Jordan Hall is”. To soften its authoritarian tone, the students used marks of reassurance - of course, certainly, and sure - fully 64% of the time. Nor is it very polite, for the memory requests, to assert “I haven’t told you where Jordan Hall is”. To soften this move, the students often used such hedges as I may have forgotten to, I don’t think I have, and I’m not sure. These relieve the implicit criticism that is otherwise conveyed by a bald ~10. For the imposition requests, on the other hand, it is all right to assert “It wouldn’t be too much trouble to tell you where Jordan Hall is”, but even better to be more insistent, as many students were in such moves as No trouble at all, Certainly not, and Of course not. The critical point is that there are several ways of hedging, softening, and strengthening literal moves, and they are not interchangeable. Which way is appropriate depends on the meaning of that particular literal move. These findings argue even further for a multiple-meaning process, since the literal meaning of the request was used in so many ways. It was used initially by the students in deciding whether or not to make a literal move. Then it was used in selecting the right form of that move and in deciding how to strengthen or soften that move appropriately. It seems difficult to account for this constellation of decisions with a process that used the indirect meaning and nothing more.
General Discussion It is time now to draw out the three main threads that have been running through these experiments: the politeness of requests, the politeness of responses to requests, and understanding indirect requests. The politeness
of indirect
The politeness of an indirect request, we have argued, springs principally from its literal meaning. The theory we have drawn on, Brown and Levinson’s face-work theory of politeness, predicts that a request is polite to the extent that it increases the benefits, or lowers the costs, to B. The request itself costs B something, since he is being asked to do something for A. A can compensate by various symbolic means. She can subordinate herself to B by asking permission to make her request, as in May I ask you? She can offer B the authority to say that the request is too imposing, as in Would
138 H. H. Clark a&D. H. Schmk
JQU ?nindP She can give B the chance to say that he is unable to carry out the request, as in chn JYIU tell me? And so on. These devices are graded in their costs and benefits, and their politeness follows suit.* This neat picture is complicated by conventionality. If literal meaning were the sole determinant of politeness, then Cm you tell me.7 and Are you able to tell me?, whose literal meanings are roughly synonymous, ought to be equally polite. But they aren’t. While both of them ask B whether or not he has the ability to give the wanted information, Are you uble to tell me? signals that A more likely intends the question to be taken seriously and expects B to respond with a literal move (Clark, 1979, Experiment 3). A’s literal meaning is a deliberate request for another piece of information, which should cost B something. So Are you able to tell me,7 should be slightly less polite than Cizn J’OU tell me? Similar logic applies to the other categories of request types too. In an informal experiment similar to Experiment 1, we asked ten students to rank order for politeness the following indirect requests (each of which was completed with where Cadlestick Park is): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
May I ask you? (2.2) Will you permit me to ask you? (3.4) Would you mind telling me? (2.3) Would you object to telling me? (4.7) Can you tell me? (3.5) Are you able to tell me? (4.9) Shouldn’t you tell me? (7.0) Aren’t you obligated to tell me? (8.0)
The mean ranks, shown in parentheses next to each request, confirm that conventionality matters: 1 was more polite than 2; 3 more polite than 4; 5 more polite than 6, and 7 more polite than 8. For the last three pairs, nine out of ten students agreed on the ordering; for the first pair, seven out of ten did. As predicted, Can you? was more polite than Are JVU able? So in the limited domain in which we have been working, politeness is determined by at least two factors: (I) the literal meaning of the indirect request, and (2) the seriousness with which that literal meaning was intended.’ Although seriousness is determined in our last examples by how conventional
2The request forms we used, of course, can take on ironic, sarcastic, or even impudent meanings when uttered in just the right contexts. In assuming requests among acquainted peers, the students in our experiments appear also to have assumed ordinary contexts in which the requests have their usual meanings. It is an important question, however, when and how these requests take on ironic, sarcastic, or impudent meanings.
Polite responses to polite requests
the request is, it is more generally determined by a number which conventionality is only one (Clark, 1979). The politeness
of factors
of responses
The politeness of a response to a request, we have argued, is governed by the attentiveness hypothesis, which is itself derived from Brown and Levinson’s face-work theory. It is this: The more attentive B is to all aspects of A’s request, within reason, the more polite he is. The two main aspects he should be attentive to are the indirect meaning and the literal meaning. The indirect meanings we have examined have all been requests for information, like “I request you to tell me where Jordan Hall is”. To be particularly polite B should do these things. (1) Precision. He should give as precise information as A requires, as in Up the street instead of Nearby. This is a factor we didn’t study. (2) Clarity. B should express this information fully enough to be comprehended with certainty. Complete sentences like It’s up the street are generally more polite than incomplete ones like Up the street (Experiments 2 and 4). On the same grounds, fully spelled out expressions, as in Jordan Hall is up the street, are generally more polite than their abbreviated forms, at least within reason (Experiment 4). (3) Seriousness. B should be more certain to supply the wanted information the clearer it is that A is making a request - that is, the more conventional a form the request takes (Experiment 3). (4) Apologies. If B won’t provide the information, he should apologize, as with I’m sorry (Experiment 2). (5) Reasons. If B won’t provide the information, he should explain ‘why (Experiment 2). All these, and there are probably more, are ways B can show his concern with what he is actually being requested to do. It is the literal meaning that we have been most concerned with. When A makes her request with, say, Do you know where Jordan Hall is.‘, she literally means “I ask you whether or not you know where Jordan Hall is”. To be particularly polite then, B should do these things. (1) Completeness. He should deal explicitly with the literal meaning too, as in Yes, it’s up the street (Experiments 2 and 3). (2) Clarity. He should express this literal move clearly, to show that he is explicitly responding to the literal meaning, as in Yes, / L1’o- it’s up the street. (3) Seriousness. He should give the literal meaning more attention, responding to it oftener, the more clearly A intended it to be taken seriously, as when she uses a less conventional form of request (Experiment 4). (4) Implications. Nevertheless, he should make the literal move less often, or he should soften or hedge it more often, the more it would cost A if he made it (Experiments 3 and 4). In response to Do Zkrlow where Jordan Hall is?, he will be more polite if he omits the literal
H. H. Clark and D. H. Schunk
move, as in It’s up the street, Lou ~ it’s up the street.
or if he hedges
it, as in O/z! I forgot
to tell
Clark (1979), in a study of indirect requests, proposed a model of how B selects his response to a particular request. According to that model, B’s choice depends on how conventional the form of the request is, how transparent what is being requested is, whether special markers like please are present, how plausible the literal meaning is, and what A’s plans and goals are thought to be. The factors we have just introduced are meant to complement this model. Understanding
What about understanding indirect requests? In the introduction we laid out two broad classes of comprehension processes - the idiomatic processes, which create the indirect meaning and nothing more, and the multiplemeaning processes, which create both the literal and the indirect meaning. The indirect meaning is computed in both types, so the question was whether the literal meaning is computed. Mounting evidence suggests that it is, at least in a significant proportion of situations. The first evidence turned up in Experiment 1. There politeness varied from request to request, not arbitrarily, but according to the literal meaning as predicted by the face-work theory. It might be proposed, as an alternative, that associated with the form of each request, as part of its indirect meaning, there is a conventional value for politeness. This alternative isn’t plausible for several reasons. First, the fit between politeness and literal meaning seems too exact. Second, offers that take the same form as our requests appear to convey quite different amounts of politeness. The rest of our evidence, in Experiments 2, 3, and 4, was that people consistently took account of literal meaning in judging or composing responses to indirect requests. In Experiment 2, they preferred as polite responses ones that included literal moves. In Experiment 3, they generally preferred literal moves that were explicit over ones that were incomplete full over half literal moves. However, they modulated these judgments by what the literal moves -- responding to the literal meaning ~-- would actually mean when asserted. In Experiment 4, to be polite, they created literal moves, but held back on them, or hedged them, when they would exact too much cost from the requester. In all three experiments, people kept close track not merely of the literalforrn of the indirect request, but also of its literal meaning. Not all of this evidence, however, seems to require a multiple-meaning process on each and every occasion. In Experiment 4, it could be argued that the revisions without literal moves ~~~45% of the total ~ were at least some-
Polite responses to polite requests
times composed by people who had not computed the literal meaning. On these occasions, the requests were understood in the same idiomatic way we suggested How do you do? is ordinarily understood. The critical question for indirect requests, then, is under what conditions could an idiomatic process be used. Such a process requires two things. First, it requires the form of the indirect request to be conventional enough to be recognized as a request. This requirement is satisfied by many indirect requests (see Clark, 1979). Indeed, the same requirement is needed in a multiple-meaning process to account for how seriously the literal meaning is to be taken. Second, it requires that, on the occasion on which the request is uttered, politeness and other things associated with the literal meaning do not matter to the listener. For indirect requests, it isn’t obvious whether this second requirement is ever satisfied. Politeness almost always matters - if only by default. In our experiments, it mattered a great deal since that was what the students were asked to judge. But in ordinary circumstances, it matters too. People appear to have strong expectations in each kind of circumstance about the forms of request A would ordinarily use. When asked for the time, for example, B might expect the highly conventional f%z you tell me the time?, which asks about his abilities. When A uses a form he does not expect, regardless of how conventional it is, he takes her as signalling, by her contrast in form, a contrast in meaning. If she had used Would you tell me the time?, querying his conditional intentions instead, he should see that she had perhaps expected him to tell her the time and was wondering why he hadn’t. Unlike the contrast in meaning between the idioms Hi and How do you do?, the contrast here is signalled by the difference in literal meaning. Our conjecture is this: Any contrast with the default, or expected, form of request indicates a contrast in meaning; if B is ever to recognize that contrast, it must be on the basis of the literal meaning via a multiple-meaning process. Even aside from politeness, highly conventional forms of indirect requests are not interchangeable from one situation to the next. In asking B for his middle name, for example, A could use the highly conventional Could you tell me your middle name? but not the equally conventional Do you know your middle name? The second request is odd because of its literal meaning, which supposes that B might not know his middle name. There are probably subtle contrasts like this between virtually any two indirect requests that can be made in a particular circumstance. To show that B uses an idiomatic process in any of these circumstances, we would have to show that he is indifferent to subtle distinctions conveyed by the literal meanings - for example, that he isn’t stopped for even the slightest moment by the oddness of Do you know your middle name? Such a hypothesis should be difficult to prove.
H. H. Clark and D. H. &hunk
Thus, the idiomatic processes, however promising they look at the outset, should not be assumed too readily. In one field experiment (Clark, 1979, Experiment l), 50 merchants were telephoned and asked Could you tell me the time you close tonight? Only four of them, or S%, included a literal move in their response. One might be tempted to conclude that the other 92% had used an idiomatic process. Yet in another field experiment (Munro, 1977), students on the UCLA campus were approached and asked Could you tell me the time?, virtually the same request. Of these, 57% included a literal move, presumably because the face-to-face situation led them to be more polite. One might now be tempted to conclude that people use an idiomatic process except when they anticipate they will have to be particularly polite. But if politeness is an inherent part in every interchange of this sort, as it seems to be, it is more parsimonious to conclude that people use a multiplemeaning process regardless.
References Abelson, R. P., & Tukey, J. W. (1963) Efficient utilization of non-numerical information in quantitative analysis: General theory and the case of simple order. Annals of Mathematical Statisfics, 34, 1347-1369. Bolinget, D. L. (1975) Aspects of language (2nd ed.). New York, Harcoutt Brace Jovanovich. Brown, F., & Levinson, S. (1978) Universals in language usage: Politeness phenomena. In E. Goody (Ed.), Questions and politeness. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 56-324. Clark, E. V., & Clark, H. H. (1979) When nouns surface as verbs. Lang., 55, 767-811. Clark, H. H. (1973) The language-as-fixed-effect fallacy: A critique of language statistics in psychological research. J. verb. Learn. verb. Behav., 12, 3355359. Clark, H. H. (1979) Responding to indirect speech acts. Cog. Psychol., 1 I, 430-477. Clark, H. H., & Lucy, P. (1975) Understanding what is meant from what is said: A study in convetsationally conveyed requests. J. verb. Learn. verb. Behav., 14, 56-12. Gibbs, R. W. (1979) Contextual effects in understanding indirect requests. Discourse Processes, 2. l-10. Goffman, E. (1955) On face-work: An analysis of ritual elements in social interaction. Psych., 18, 213 -231. Goffman, E. (1967) Interaction ritual: Essays on face-to-face behavior. Garden City, NY, Anchor Books. Gordon, D., & Lakoff, G. (1971) Conversational postulates. In Papers from the Seventh Regional Meeting, Chicago Linguistic Society, pp. 63 -84. Green, G. M. (1975) How to get people to do things with words: The whimpetative question. In P. Cole and J. L. Morgan (Eds.), Syntax and semantics, Vol. 3: Speech acts. New York, Seminar Press, pp. 107-141. Hetinget, J. (1972) Some grammatical correlates of felicity conditions and presuppositions. Working Papers in Linguistics (The Ohio State University), 11, l- 110. Lakoff, R. (1973) The logic of politeness; ot minding your p’s and q’s, In Papers from the Ninth Regional Meeting, Chicago Linguistic Society, pp. 292-305. Lakoff, R. (1977) What you can do with words: Politeness, ptagmatics, and petfotmatives. In A. Rogers, B. Wall, and J. P. Murphy (Eds.), Procedings of the Texas Conference on Performanfives, Presuppositions, and Implicatures. Arlington, Va., Center for Applied Linguistics, pp. 79105.
Polite responses to polite requests
J. L. (1978) Two types of convention in indirect speech acts. In P. Cole (Ed.), S~nrux and semantics, Vol. 9: Pragmatics. New York, Academic Press, pp. 261-280. Munro, A. (1977) Speech acf understanding in context. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of California at San Diego. Sadock, J. (1970) Whimperatives. In J. Sadock and A. Vanek (Eds.), Studies presented to Roberr B. Lees by his students. Edmonton, Ill., Linguistic Research, Inc., pp. 223- 238. Sadock, L. (1972) Speech act idioms. In Papers from the Eighth RegionalMeetitzg, Chicago Linguistic Society, pp. 329- 339. Sadock, L. (1974) Toward a linguistic theory of speech acts. New York, Academic Press. Schweller, K. G. (1978) The role of expectation in the comprehension and recall of direct and indirect requests. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Searle, J. R. (19.75) Indirect speech acts. In P. Cole and J. L. Morgan (Eds.), Synrux and semantics, Vol. 3: Speech Acts, New York, Seminar Press, pp. 59-82. Siegel, S. (1956) Nonparametric statistics for the behavioural sciences. New York, McGraw-Hill. Morgan,
R&sum6 Les demandes indirectes peuvent etre formulees de facon plus ou moms polie. Par exemple “Can you tell me where Jordan Hall is?” (P ouvez-vous me dire oi se trouve Jordan Hall?) est plus poli que “Shouldn’t you tell me where Jordan Hall is?” (Ne devriez-vous pas me dire oti se trouve Jordan Hall?). Une approche theorique propose que plus le sens litt&a_l de la demande implique d’avantages personnels pour I’auditeur, dans les limites du raisonnable, plus polie est la demande. Cette p&diction est confirm&e par I’Experience 1. Les reponses aux demandes indirectes varient aussi en politesse. Pour “Can you tell me where Jordan Hall is?” (Pouvez-vous mc dire oti se trouve Jordan Hall?) la reponse “Yes, I can - it’s up the street” (Oui, je peux vous le dire, il se trouve en haut de la rue) est plus polie que “It’s up the street” (C’est en haut de la rue). Une extension de la theorie permet de predire que plus celui qui rtpond fait attention i tous les sens impliques par la requete, plus la reponse est polie. Les Experiences 2, 3 et 4 contirment cette prediction. Avec ces preuves, nous proposons que les gens calculent les sens directs et indirects des demandes indirectes. Cela est necessaire pour reconnaitre quand le locuteur est poli’ ou ne l’est pas, et pour pouvoir repondre poliment, impoliment ou de facon neutre.
Cognition, @Elscvier
8 (1980) 145 - 174 Sequoia S.A., Lausanne
- Printed
in the Netherlands
How big is big?* Relative and absolute properties in memory LANCE J. RIPS University
of Chicago
Fraser University
Abstract Previous studies of semantic memory have overlooked an important distin& tion among so-called “property statements”. Statements with relative adjectives (e.g., Flamingos are big) imply a comparison to a standard or reference point associated with an immediate superordinate category (a flamingo is big for a bird), while the truth of statements with absolute adjectives (e.g., Flamingos are pink) is generally independent of such a standard. To examine the psychological consequences of this distinction, we asked subjects in Experiment 1 to verify sentences containing either relative or absolute adjectives embedded in either predicate-adjective (PA) constructions (e.g., A tlamingo is big (pink)) or predicate-noun (PN) constructions (e.g., A flamingo is a big (pink) bird), where the predicate noun was the immediate superordinate. Reaction times (RTs) and errors for relative sentences decreased when the superordinate was specified, but remained constant for absolute sentences. These data also suggest that the truth value of relative sentences depends, not just on the superordinate, but also on a more global standard for everyday, human-oriented objects. Experiment 2 extends these results in showing that ratings of the truth of relative sentences are a function of the difference in size between an instance and its superordinate standard (e.g., between the size ofaflamingo and that of an average bird) and the difference between the instance and the standard for everyday objects. Experiment 3 replicated these findings using reaction time as the dependent measure.
*We would like to thank J. Angiolillo-Bent, F. Conrad, J. Galambos, G. Garvey, M. Hickmann, J. Huttenlocher, G. Kahn, 1. Lanin, S. Leehey, F. Lui, J. McCawley, S. Schacht, and D. Stephens for their advice and assistance. We also acknowledge support from National Science Foundation Grant No. BNS76-03377 and Public Health Service Grant No. K02MH00236. Correspondence should be addressed to Lance Rips, Department of Behavioral Sciences, University of Chicago, 5848 S. University Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637.
J. Ripsand W. Turrzbull
Two major views have evolved about the way we remember the properties of common objects. On one hand, most theories ‘of semantic memory (e.g., Anderson, 1976; Collins & Loftus, 1975; and Kintsch, 1974) represent properties as unitary mental predicates. According to such theories, we are for example, that flamingos are pink ~~ able to recall property information because a predicate for pink is attached to the concept flamingo in longterm memory. A predicate may not be stored directly with every concept to which it applies, and in these cases, recall of the property may require memory search. Nevertheless, the predicates themselves are atomic, having no underlying semantic structure. On the other hand, theories of mental comparison (e.g.. Moyer. 1973; Paivio, 1975) imply that property information is calculated rather than simply stored and retrieved as a unit. For example, these theories claim that in order to decide whether a flamingo is larger than an eagle, we compare their respective values along a mental scale for size. While we could store the complex predicate is-lurger-than-an-eagle with flamingo, this possibility is seen as unlikely for both empirical and theoretical reasons. (Consider the flamingos enormous number of comparative statements we know to be true are also larger-than-turnips, larger-than-clothes-pins, and so on.) Although some comparison theories allow relations to be stored intact (see Banks, 1977), property information is generally computed rather than pre-stored (in the terminology of Smith, 1978). There are several factors that could account for this difference in the way properties are characterized. First, different constructions are involved since in semantic memory experiments subjects are asked to verify sentences containing simple (one-place) predicates such as f+mingos ure pink, while in mental comparison experiments subjects verify two-place relations (Humingos are lurger than eagles). It may be that one-place predicates are prestored, and two-place predicates computed. But a second, and perhaps more important, difference is the type of properties that have been employed. Semantic memory has focused on absolute adjectives (e.g., those denoting color, such as pink), while mental comparison has employed relutive adjectives such as lurge (Katz, 1972, pp. 254- 26 1). To see why the relative/absolute distinction might be important, we begin by describing some linguistic and logical differences between these adjective types. Next, we consider possible psychological mechanisms for representing this distinction. Finally, we report three experiments whose goal is to examine these mechanisms. While the experiments are solidly in the semantic memory tradition in using sentences of the form S-V-Adj, we explore the differences between relative and absolute properties in Experiment 1 by varying the adjective (e.g.. Flatningos are pink versus Flamingos are large).
Relative properties in memory
In Experiments 2 and 3 we show that symbolic distance effects, like those found in studies of mental comparison, can also be obtained in a semantic memory context.
Relative versus Absolute Adjectives Large
and pink are representative of two broad classes of English adjectives. Relative adjectives include those like large, small, wide, narrow, tall, short, thick, and thin that are based on an underlying ratio scale of physical measurement (volume, width, height, and so on), as well as those like safe, dangerous, strong, weak, happy, and sad that depend on ordinal judgments (Huttenlocher & Higgins, 197 1). Absolute adjectives, by contrast, describe more qualitative properties of their referents such as color (red, blue, or pink), shape (square, round, or triangular), physical composition (metallic, wooden, or plastic), nationality (Chinese, African, or Canadian), and many others. In discussing these adjective types, we will use large and small as typical relative adjectives and color terms like pink and green as typical absolute adjectives. The distinction between relative and absolute adjectives appears most clearly when we examine inferences from sentences that contain them. For example, consider the logical relations between ( 1a) and (1 b) and between (2a) and (2b): ( 1) (2)
a. b. a. b.
grasshopper grasshopper grasshopper grasshopper
is is is is
a a a a
large large green green
insect. animal. insect. animal.
Despite the fact that grasshoppers are insects and insects animals, being a large insect does not mean being a large animal; the attribution of a relative property like large does not automatically generalize to superordinates (Vendler, 1968, p. 96). However, absolute adjectives like green do permit generalization of this sort, so that (2a) entails (2b) and, in addition, any other sentence in which a more inclusive superordinate (e.g., object) is substituted for the predicate noun. One possible way to explain this difference is to assume that relative adjectives convey an implicit reference to a norm or standard associated with the modified noun. (This idea is traceable to Leibniz - see Wierzbicka, 1972 - and appears in the work of many modern semanticists, e.g., Bierwisch, 1967; Fillmore, 197 1; Katz, 1972; Langford, 1942; Ross, 1930; Sapir, 1944; Vendler, 1968). Large insect in (la) means that the designated insect is larger
L. J. Rips and W. Turnbull
than some normal size for insects. Since what is the normal size for insects will be different from the normal size of animals and other objects, a creature that’s a large insect (i.e., large for insects) may be small relative to other animals or objects. For this reason, (1 b) does not follow from (1 a). On the other hand, standards for absolute adjectives do not shift (or do not shift as much) from one noun class to another. So while objects may be more or less green, what is green about insects will be green with respect to other things as well. This means that (.2b) will be true on the basis of (2a). For convenience in discussing relative adjectives, let’s call the implicit norm the “reference point”, and the associated category the “reference class” with respect to the adjective in question. For example, in the phrase large insect, insect provides the reference class and the normal size of insects provides the reference point from which “largeness” is determined. We note that the reference class is not always explicitly mentioned when a relative adjective is used. To see how the reference class is determined in such situations, we can examine the sentences in (3) and (4): (3) (4)
a. b. a. b.
This insect Insects are This insect Insects are
is small. small. is a small insect. small animals.
When a singular term is the sentence subject, as in (3a), the noun itself provides the appropriate reference class for the predicate adjective, so that (3a) is synonymous with (4a). This is not true, however, when the subject is an unmodified plural noun, as in (3b), as is clear from the fact that (3b) is not equivalent to Insects are small insects. According to a proposal by Bierwisch (1971) and Katz (1972), the appropriate reference class in this situation is the immediate superordinate of the subject. Assuming animal to be the immediate superordinate of insect, we predict that (3b) means the same as (4b). Since this proposal for determining the implicit reference class will be important in what follows, we will label it the “Immediate Superordinate” hypothesis. This account of relative and absolute adjectives skims over many details that would be required by a formal semantic theory (see R. Clark, 1970;. Cresswell, 1976; Kamp, 1975; Parsons, 1972; Wallace, 1972; and Wheeler, 1972, for attempts at such a theory). For example, it may be an oversimplification to assume a strict dichotomy between relative and absolute adjectives, since it is difficult to tell for many items in which class they belong (“extreme” adjectives like gigantic and miniscule provide examples - see Higgins, 1976; Huttenlocher & Higgins, 1971). Intuitively, there appears to be a continuum between relative and absolute types (Miller & Johnson-
Relative properties in memory
Laird, 1976, pp. 356-357). But while we believe that this intuition is correct, there are nevertheless enough clear cases of relative and absolute adjectives to allow us to pursue the differences between them. We return to the more subtle borderline cases in the General Discussion where we can bring some new facts to bear on them.
Relative Adjectives and Semantic Memory There seem to be two ways to handle relative properties in semantic memory. On one alternative, relative facts are pre-stored directly with the concepts to which they apply; on the other, relative properties are not stored as such, but are computed from more basic data. We need to explore these Prestorage and Computation theories in more detail, and in doing so, we will pay particular attention to the way they account for verification of sentences like Insects are small. In the simplest type of Pre-storage model, concepts like insect are associated with a list of predicates denoting both relative properties (e.g., small, light-weight) and absolute properties (e.g., six-legged, egg-laying). Verifying sentences like Insects are small or Insects are six-legged is accomplished by locating the corresponding predicate in the property list of the subject concept. However, in this unelaborated form, the Pre-storage model runs into problems in connection with inference rules of the type discussed above. As the pairs in (1) and (2) illustrate, absolute predicates can participate in inferences that relative predicates cannot, and we must therefore find a way to mark this relative-absolute difference in order to avoid drawing obviously fallacious conclusions like (1 b). While there are several ways to do this in a Pre-storage framework, we will simply assume for the time being that predicates can be tagged as relative or absolute and that the inference rule embodied in (1) and (2) contains a restriction limiting its application to absolute predicates. The main alternative to the Pre-storage idea is a Computational model in which no relative information is stored at all. Along these lines, let’s assume that concepts can include an indication of the normal size (height, weight, etc.) of their instances (Smith, Rips, & Shoben, 1974). For example, insect might be marked as having a size of say a quarter inch and animal as say 12 inches. We can then determine the truth of the sentence Insects are small by retrieving the size of insect, retrieving the size of its immediate superordinate (animal), and comparing these two values. Of course, the indication of size need not be numeric. Any analogue or digital quantity will do as long as these quantities fall on a common scale that allows direct comparison.
L. J. Rips and W. Turnbull
Verification of sentences with absolute adjectives (e.g., Insects are six-legged) will proceed as in the Pre-storage model, that is, by retrieval of predicates stored with the subject concept. The Computational model also handles the problem raised in connection with (1) and (2) by restricting inferences of this kind to stored properties. The inference goes through for stored size information just as it does for predicates like green, since it follows from Grasshoppers m-e two-inch insects that Grasshoppers are two-inch animals. However, the deduction will be blocked for predicates like large in (1) since such “higher order” properties are computed, not stored. An experimental comparison of the Pre-storage and Computation models can be based on differences in the way they verify sentences containing the two adjective types, and in this respect, the Computation model provides the key prediction. As we have just noticed, this model requires a threestep process (retrieving the value of the instance, retrieving the value of the superordinate, and comparing the values) before it can confirm a sentence with relative adjectives. However, only a single retrieval step is needed for sentences with absolute adjectives, so the Computation model should predict longer verification times for Sentence (5a) than for (Sb): (5)
a. An insect is small. b. An insect is six-legged.
The Pre-storage model, on the other hand, verifies both sentences in the same way (by retrieving predicates of insect) and therefore does not predict a difference in time to confirm them. Unfortunately, though, differences in frequency, imageability, and the like confound the comparison of absolute and relative adjectives in sentences such as (5a) and (5b), so a more indirect approach is necessary. One possible test of the models that gets around this problem makes use of sentences of the form An S is an Adj P, where the predicate noun P is the immediate superordinate of the subject noun S. For example, corresponding to the predicate-adjective sentences in (5), we have the following predicate-noun sentences: (6)
a. An insect is a small animal. b. An insect is a six-legged animal.
To see why sentences of this type are helpful, consider first the Computation model. According to this approach, verifying both (5a) and (6a) means retrieving the reference class animal. The two sentences differ only in that (6a) specifies this class explicitly, while (5a) does not. Reading time for (6a) will be longer than for (Sa) because of this extra word. But this disadvantage
Relative properties in memory
for (6a) may be offset if mentioning the reference class decreases the time needed to access it. However, verification of (Sb) or (6b) does not require a reference class since the adjective six-legged is absolute. Adding the superordinate in (6b) merely increases the number of words to be processed, so (6b) provides no advantage over (5b). Thus, the Computation model predicts an interaction between the syntactic form of the sentences (predicateadjective versus predicate-noun) and adjective type (relative versus absolute).’ By way of comparison, the Pre-storage model does not predict an interaction for the sentences in (5) and (6). According to this model, retrieval of the superordinate is not needed to determine the truth of either (5a) or (5b) since both the relative predicate (small) and the absolute predicate (six-legged) are stored with insect. Consequently, adding the superordinate in (6a) and (6b) is redundant and should slow processing by an equal amount. Since these predictions are independent of factors like frequency, they seem worth testing, and we proceed to do so in the following experiment.
To provide a test of our predictions, we employed two groups of subjects: a PA group who verified predicate-adjective sentences (e.g., (5a-b)) and a PN group who verified the corresponding predicate-noun sentences (e.g., (6a-b)). Before we could construct the sentence stimuli, though, two preliminary studies were needed to select the subject and predicate noun pairs and to establish the truth value of the resulting sentences. A fair test of the Computation model requires that the predicate nouns are indeed the immediate superordinates of the subject nouns. For this reason, we gave a separate group of subjects a set of nouns and asked them to produce the superordinate category for each. On the basis of these responses, we chose superordinates for which there was substantial agreement among subjects, and we assume that these superordinates provide the ‘More explicitly, let a equal the base reaction time for reading a predicate-adjective sentence containing a relative adjective, executing a response, and other background tasks. Let P’ be the corresponding base time for absolute predicate-adjective sentences. Predicate-noun sentences will require an extra time increment, b, for reading the final word. Lastly, verification of relative sentences will entail time to access the superordinate, which should be faster when the superordinate is provided (c msec) than when it must be inferred (c + d msec). Total time for relative sentences will then be II + c + d msec for predicate-adjective constructions and a + b + c msec for predicate-noun constructions. Similarly, absolute adjectives will take II’ msec when they occur in predicate-adjective sentences and u’ + b msec in predicate-noun sentences. The interaction follows when b (superordinate reading time) is small with respect to the remaining parameters.
L. J. Rips and W. Turnbull
reference class for relative sentences like (5a). Although they may not be the most direct superordinates in a scientific taxonomy, nevertheless, they appear to be the ones subjects would naturally use in verifying relative statements. This assumption seems to us to preserve the spirit of the Immediate Superordinate hypothesis. To decide whether such sentences were true or false, we need to know whether the normal value of the subject noun exceeds that of the superordinate with respect to the given adjective. We determined this by asking another group of subjects to compare the referents of the two nouns along a set of relative properties including size, width, thickness, height and length.
Method Superordinate
In the first preliminary study, we presented subjects with a list of nouns and asked them to write below each a one-word category in which objects of that type belonged. Subjects were told that for the word water they might write liquid, and for steak, meat or food (neither of these examples appeared in the experimental list). To compose the lists, we began with a set of 426 nouns, most of them drawn from Battig and Montague’s (1969) category norms. Nouns were chosen from 24 of the Battig-Montague categories (e.g., birds, flowers, vehicles, etc.) that could plausibly be modified by both absolute and relative adjectives denoting physical properties. In addition to the items from the norms, we used nouns from four categories of our own: building (e.g., skyscraper), car (e.g., Cadillac), rodent (e.g., rat), and road (with the instances drawn from the local area). We sampled from 3 to 3 1 items from each category, attempting to eliminate unfamiliar or ambiguous items and to maximize the range of properties among the items represented. Because of the large number of items, we divided them randomly into two lists of 213 each. The items on each list were themselves randomly ordered and typed in an eight-page booklet. A blank line appeared beneath each item on which the subject wrote his response. We tested 22 subjects in a single group, half of them receiving one of the booklets and half the other. Subjects were asked to complete the task in an hour, and to help them keep pace, a signal was given after each eighth of an hour had elapsed. The subjects were recruited by an advertisement in the University of Chicago student newspaper and were undergraduate or graduate students or nonstudents of comparable age. All of them were native
Relative properties in memory
speakers of English, and each received two dollars for his participation. (Subjects in the remaining parts of the experiment were drawn from the same subject pool, but none was involved in more than one part.)
Rating task
As a second step, we asked a new group of subjects to compare a series of items (e.g., grasshopper, mosquito) to the average member of its superordinate category (insect) on certain physical dimensions. The items and their superordinates were taken from the results of the production task, and all items were ones for which at least nine of eleven subjects produced the same superordinate term (or produced close synonyms of the same superordinate category - e.g., fabric and cloth). In all, we selected 173 items from 15 of the original categories. Each of these categories was then assigned to a pair of polar relative adjectives for purposes of the rating task: tree and jlower to tall-short; vegetable, fish, and cloth to thick-thin; bird, weapon, and vehicle to long-short; city, insect, and animal to biglittle; fruit and (musical) instrument to large-small; and tool and state (of the U.S.) to wide-narrow. Subjects decided whether each item was greater than or less than the average member of its superordinate category with respect to the assigned dimension. For example, the subjects determined for each insect item whether it was bigger or littler than the average insect. These judgments were given as ratings on an 1 l-point scale, with 0 designated as much littler (narrower, thinner, etc.) than average, 5 as average, and 10 as much bigger (wider, thicker) than average. Items from a given category were listed in random order on a separate sheet along with instructions specifying the superordinate category and the dimension on which they were to base their decision. The 15 sheets were then assembled in a booklet, using a new random order of the sheets for each subject. Thirteen subjects participated in a group in this phase of the experiment. One hour was allotted for the ratings, and subjects received two dollars for their time.
On the basis of the ratings, we constructed a set of 96 predicate-adjective (PA) sentences, which were presented in a tachistoscope to the PA group for verification. An equal number of predicate-noun (PN) sentences were formed by adding the appropriate superordinates, and these were presented to the PN group.
L. J. Rips and W. Tumbull
The experimental procedure was identical for the P4 and PN groups. A subject initiated a trial by pressing the central button of a three-button response panel with his right index finger. This button-press brought a fixation point into view on the left side of the tachistoscope field where it remained for two seconds. At the end of this interval, the stimulus sentence appeared automatically with its first letter in the position previously occupied by the fixation point. We had instructed the subject to read the sentence and to decide whether it was true or false. To register his decision, he pressed one of the two outer buttons of the response panel with his right index finger. For half the subjects in each group, the right-most button was labeled True and the left-most button False, while for the remaining subjects these positions were reversed. Subjects were instructed to execute their response as quickly as possible, but without making any mistakes. The second button-press ended the sentence presentation and stopped a clock that had been activated by the onset of the sentence. In the interval between trials (approximately 10 seconds), the experimenter informed the subject of his reaction time and of the accuracy of his response. The experimenter then recorded this information, replaced the stimulus card, and signaled that the subject could begin the next trial. At the very beginning of the experimental session, the subject was given 12 practice trials (6 true and 6 false ones) to acquaint him with the procedure. The practice sentences were of a variety of syntactic types, some similar to those of the experimental sentences; however, there was no overlap in the semantic content of the experimental and practice sentences. Half the PA and half the PN sentences contained relative adjectives, taken from the six pairs of polar adjectives listed above. For each pair (e.g., hrgesmall), we selected two of the superordinates (e.g., instrument and fruit) that had been rated with them, and for each superordinate, two items (e.g., flute and xylophone for instrument, and plum and grapefruit for fruit), one of which had been rated greater than the average and the other less than the average category member. We created an octet of sentences by combining these items with the two adjectives in both PA and PN form (e.g., A plum is (al small (fruit), A plum is (a) hrge (fruit), A grapefruit is (a) small (fruit), and A grapefruit is (a) [urge (fruit)). There were a total of 12 octets, and within each, four of the sentences were PA and four were PN. Within these two syntactic types, two of the sentences were true and two were false. On the 1 l-point scale, the mean rating for the greater-thanaverage items was 6.5 and the mean for the less-than-average items was 3.5, SE = 0.10 (recall that 5.0 had been designated as the size of an average member of the category). Median word frequency was 3.5 and 2.5 tokens per million words for the greater-than-average and less-than-average items,
Relative properties in memory
and 212 tokens per million for the relative adjectives (KuEera & Francis, 1967). The remaining sentences were formed in a similar way from the absolute adjective pairs fragran t-odorless, airborne-flightless, dark-pale, curved-straight, shiny-lusterless, and hilly-flat. The same 12 superordinate categories were employed with the absolute adjectives as with the relative adjectives, two of them being assigned to each adjective pair (e.g., tool and instrument were assigned to curved-straight). As before, two items were chosen from each category so that one item was true of the first member of the adjective pair and the other item was true of the second (e.g., pliers was chosen as the curved tool and screwdriver as the straight tool, while tuba was the curved instrument and piccolo the straight one). Octets of sentences were again generated by combining the two instances in each category with the two adjectives (e.g., A piccolo is (a) straight (instrument), A piccolo is (al curved (instrument), A tuba is (a) straight (instrument), and A tuba is (a) curved (instrument)). Though drawn from the same categories, the individual items were different from those used with the relative adjectives. The median word frequency of these nouns was 5.5 tokens per million words, and the median frequency for absolute adjectives was 5.0. Each sentence was typed in lower case Orator letters on a white 6 X 9 inch card. The length of the PA sentences varied from 32 to 65 mm (2.0 to 4.1 degrees of visual angle) while the length of the PN sentences varied from 55 to 85 mm (3.4 to 5.3 degrees). The sentences measured 3 mm (0.2 degrees) vertically. PA and PN sentences were separately randomized at the beginning of the experiment, and each set was reshuffled after it had been presented to a subject. Forty-eight subjects participated in the sentence verification task, half in the PA and half in the PN group. All of the subjects were right-handed members of the subject pool described above. The experiment took about 45 minutes to complete (including a short break after the first 48 sentences), and subjects were paid two dollars each.
Results and Discussion Relative
versus absolute adjectives
Our principal interest is in mean correct RTs and error rates for relative and absolute adjectives. Figure 1 presents these data separately for the PA and PN groups. We note first of all the large error rates in this experiment, averaging 19.3%. An error rate of this size is, of course, unlikely to be caused
L. J. Rips and W. Turnbull
merely by low-level processing mistakes, and we th,erefore use the term “error” advisedly. As we will see, these responses provide an important clue as to how subjects comprehend relative adjectives. For purposes of analysis, RTs from trials on which subjects made an error were replaced according to the procedure described by Winer (197 1, p. 487). Figure 1.
Reaction time and error rate as a function type, Experiment 1. 2100,
of syntactic form and adjective
54 2050
30. B : E F g
The Computation model predicts that the difficulty in verifying sentences with relative adjectives should be greater for PA than PN constructions. In line with this prediction, error rates increased from 21.3% for relative PN sentences to 28.6% for relative PA sentences. At the same time, errors were very nearly constant for absolute adjectives across the PN condition (13.3%) and the PA condition (14.1%). The RTs exhibited a similar trend. With relative adjectives, subjects took 1920 msec to verify PN sentences, but 1980 msec to verify PA sentences. However, with absolute adjectives, RTs were about equal: 1958 msec for PN sentences and 1955 msec for PA sentences. To assess these effects, we carried out analyses of variance on the errors and RTs with both subjects and sentence octets serving as random effects (H. Clark, 1973; Winer, 197 1, p. 375). In these analyses, the interaction between
Relative properties in memory 15’7
syntactic form and adjective type was significant in the error data, but not in the RTs. (For errors, SE = 1.5%, F’ (1,3 1) = 5.35, p < 0.05, where F’ is the quasi-F ratio -Winer’s F’. For RTs, SE = 3 1 msec, F’ (1,24) = 1.36, p > 0.10). Error rates were larger for sentences with relative adjectives (24.9%) than for those with absolute adjectives (13.7%), SE = 1.6%, F’( 1,13) = 12.96, p < 0.01. The Computation model easily accommodates this difference since it employs a more complex (and, presumably, a more error-prone) process in handling relative properties. However, as we remarked earlier, this difference is confound.ed by imagery and other variables. Moreover, no comparable difference appeared in the RTs. Subjects took 1950 msec to verify relative adjectives and 1956 msec to verify absolute adjectives, SE = 30 msec, F’ < 1. There was no significant main effect of syntactic form in either the error data (SE = 1.9%, F’( 1,5 1) = 2.5 1, p > 0.10) or the RTs (SE = 85 msec, F’ < 1). Neither dependent measure showed a reliable effect of the sentences’ truth (SE = 0.9%, F’ < 1 for the errors, and SE = 13 msec, F’( 1,27) = 1.70, p > 0.10 for the RTs) nor any interaction of truth with syntactic form or adjective type. Although the Computation model is consistent with these data, the high error rates are grounds for suspicion, and they prompt us to take a closer look at the relative items, where most of the errors arise. One cause of the errors becomes apparent if we put ourselves in the place of subjects verifying the following sentences: (7) a. A spruce is tall. b. A dogwood is tall. c. A poinsettia is tall. d. A petunia is tall. Since a spruce is taller than the average tree and a poinsettia taller than the average flower (as determined by our ratings), (7a) and (7~) should be true according to Bierwisch’s and Katz’s theory (the Immediate Superordinate hypothesis), which we used to construct our stimuli. Similarly, since dogwoods are shorter than average trees and petunias are shorter than average flowers, (7b) and (7d) should be false. But while this analysis seems quite reasonable for (7a) and (7d), there is something odd about affirming that poinsettias are tall while denying that dogwoods are tall. To put this another way, the Immediate Superordinate hypothesis stipulates that the truth value of the examples in (7) should be the same as that of the corresponding PN sentences in (8): (8) a. A spruce is a tall tree. b. A dogwood is a tall tree.
L. J. Rips and W. Turnbull
c. d.
A poinsettia is a tall flower. A petunia is a tall flower.
But intuitively, the truth value of (8b) and (8~) is more clear-cut counterparts in (7b) and (7~). Consistency
and the anthropomorphic
than their
These observations suggest that the large number of “errors” for relative PA sentences may have been due to faulty linguistic analysis rather than to subjects’ mistakes.’ One possible source of difficulty for (7b) is that while dogwoods are shorter than average trees, they’re nevertheless taller than the size of most objects with which people typically interact (including the size of people themselves). In the same way, poinsettias in (7~) are tall flowers, but are short for most everyday objects. If subjects apply this alternative reference point in deciding on the truth of (7b-c), we would expect their decision to differ from the experimentally defined answer. In (8b-c), however, the reference class is explicitly provided, and subjects’ responses should coincide with our appointed answer. Use of a human reference point for relative adjectives has been discussed by Suzuki (1970), who notes that a sentence like Giraffes have long necks is often understood to mean that giraffes have longer necks than people. A similar “anthropomorphic” standard may apply to the relative adjectives in our own PA sentences (see also Miller & Johnson-Laird, 1976, p. 324). In the remainder of the paper, we refer to this standard as the “object” reference point, meaning the normal size of everyday, human-oriented objects. Sentence sets like (7) allow us to examine our data for the effects of this alternative reference point. For Sentences (7a) and (7d), a decision based on the immediate superordinate will be the same as one based on average objects, since spruces are tall and petunias are short with respect to both standards. We will therefore label such instances as “consistent” items. However, as we have seen, dogwoods and poinsettias are tall with respect to one reference point and short with respect to the other, and we will call instances of this type “inconsistent” items. For sentences containing relative adjectives, 11 of 12 octets in our experiment contained one consistent and one inconsistent item (where consistency
‘Feedback during the experiment may have caused subjects to change their response criteria in the direction of the Immediate Superordinate hypothesis. Thus, the obtained error rates may be conservative estimates of the proportion of trials on which subjects’ judgments differed from the experimentally defined “correct” answers. Underestimates, however, are unlikely to affect the conclusions that we draw from these data. (See Experiment 3 for a different approach to the feedback problem.)
Relative properties in memory
was determined by ratings to be described in Experiment 2). Figure 2 exhibits RTs and error rates for these relative octets, with consistent and inconsistent items plotted separately. Looking first at the error rates, we find an increase for inconsistent items from 24.8% in PN sentences to 36.9% in PA sentences. Errors on consistent items increase only slightly from 17.6% for PN sentences to 19.9% for PA sentences. Although this interaction is not significant (SE = 3.3%, F’( 1,22) = 2.59, p > O.lO), these data suggest that the PA-PN difference observed in Figure 1 for relative adjectives is largely attributable to inconsistent items. The same conclusion can be drawn from the RTs. Inconsistent items exhibit an increase from 1934 msec (PN sentences) .to 2074 msec (PA sentences), while consistent items increase from 1896 msec (PN) to only 1905 msec (PA), SE = 40 msec, F’( 1,49) = 3.17,0.05
Reaction time and error rate far sentences containing relative adjectives as a function of syntactic form and consistency, Experiment I. 21001 50-
! w
& ;
Predicate Adjective
Predicate Adjective
Predicate Noun
Predicate NOUll
for the models
In the light of the consistency effects, our brief for the Computation model appears weaker than at first. Relative PA sentences were indeed difficult to
in this experiment. but the difficulty was largely due to inconsistent items. Sentences with consistent items resemble sentences with absolute adiectives in showing little, if any. difference in errors or RTs between their PN and their PA versions (compare the slopes for absolute sentences in Figure 1 to those for consistent relative sentences in Figure 2). The Computation model has trouble explaining this resemblance. Of course, these results are also no comfort to the Pre-storage model, although the problem with this theory is of the opposite sort. Since this model treats relative and absolute adjectives identically, it can predict the data for consistent relative and absolute sentences, but founders in explaining the inconsistent items. Our results suggest that a revised Computation model should incorporate two comparisons in handling relative sentences, one to the superordinate and the other to the object reference point. The simplest assuInption is that both comparisons are carried out for PA sentences, while only the superordinate comparison is executed for PN sentences. But in most serial or parallel models, this would predict faster RTs for PN than for PA sentences, a difference that amounts to only 9 msec for consistent items in Figure 2. A second possibility is that both comparisons are performed for PA and PN sentences alike. With respect to consistent items, these two comparisons would produce the same outcome (a consistent item, by definition. exceeds both reference points or falls short of both), and no further processing would be needed for either syntactic form. But for inconsistent items, the outcomes differ, forcing a subiect to choose between them or to combine them according to some decision rule. We can imagine that such a decision is easier for a PN sentence, since its superordinate signals that the result of the object comparison can be ignored. If so, this would account for the PA-PN difference for inconsistent items. Of course, this modified Computation model is little more than a description of the data. but as we shall see, it yields predictions that will prove useful in the following experiment.3 Multiple reference points can also help us bail out the Pre-storage model. Along these lines, we can continue to assume that the property list of a consistent item contains a single predicate for each relative property (e.g.,
3The consistent items are something of a problem for this second model as well. We earlier assumed that the superordinates in PN sentences facilitate access to the corresponding concept. To explain the data for consistent items, we must either assume that this advantage is canceled by superordinate reading time Cb = d > 0 in Footnote 1) or that both effects are nil (b = d = 0). Alternatively, we could posit a compromise Computation-Pre-storage model in which absolute and consistent relative information is stored and inconsistent relative information computed. But if anything, this latter model is more ad hoc than the one outlined above. and we stick to the former alternative in the discussions that follow.
Relative properties in memnrv
will be labeled short). However, inconsistent items will possess two such properties, marked with respect to the alternative reference points: for example, poinsettia will be listed as tall-for-flowers and short-for-averageobjects. Both predicates will have to be checked in verifying inconsistent PA sentences, and a choice made between them, yielding slow and errorprone responses. But with PN sentences, only the superordinate reference point is considered, producing faster, error-free decisions. This modified Pre-storage model, like its Computation rival. can therefore account for the results of Figures 1 and 2, but at the expense of some ad hoc assumptions. In short,. our findings are sufficient to reject both of the models in their original form. However, both can be revived by including the distinction between consistent and inconsistent items. To differentiate these modified theories, we need to explore variables other than syntactic form. petunia
Experiment 2 The main feature that distinguishes the Computation model from the Prestorage model is its extra comparison step. Previous studies have identified factors that affect this step, and if we can show that these factors also affect verification of sentences with relative adjectives, we will have obtained some prima facie support for the Computation model. This is the strategy that we pursue in the experiments reported below, using symbolic distance as the critical factor. In Experiment 2 we look for evidence of this effect in ratings of the truth of relative sentences, while in Experiment 3 we use reaction time data. Symbolic
distance predictions
Symbolic distance is the subjective difference in the size of two objects (Moyer & Bayer, 1976), and in general, it determines the speed with which objects can be mentally compared, with greater distance producing faster comparison times. For example, subjects take less time to decide that a horse is larger than a rabbit than that a horse is larger than a deer (Banks & Flora, 1977; Holyoak, 1977; Jamieson & Petrusic, 1975; Moyer, 1973; and Paivio, 1975). The mechanism responsible for this effect is a matter of current dispute (see Banks, 1977, and Moyer & Dumais, 1978, for reviews), but in most of the theories proposed to date, the size values of the two objects are retrieved from the relevant concepts in semantic memory and are compared to determine which is larger. This process is clearly similar to that of the Computation model and suggests that we look for symbolic distance effects in relative sentences.
L. J. Rips and W. Turrzbull
However, in this case, the critical distance will be between a subordinate item and its superordinate category, rather than between two coordinate categories. For example, consider the true PN sentences Airplanes are large vehicles and Trucks are large vehicles. According to the Computation model, these sentences are verified by comparing the size of an airplane or truck to that of a normal-sized vehicle. Assuming that the symbolic distance between airplane and vehicle is greater than that between truck and vehicle, it should be easier to confirm the first of the two sentences above. This symbolic distance prediction can be elaborated in view of the results of Experiment 1. In explaining the consistency findings of that experiment, we were led to assume that the Computation model performs two comparisons in verifying relative sentences. If this hypothesis is correct, we should also expect to find two symbolic distance effects: one of them will depend on the difference in size between the subject category and the superordinate reference point, while the other will depend on the difference between the subject category and the object reference point. To put this a bit more precisely, let I denote the normal (subjective) size of instances in the subject category, S the reference point for the immediate superordinate, and 0 the reference point for objects. The difference 1 - S then represents the amount by which instances of the subject category exceed the superordinate reference point, and I 0 represents the amount by which the instances exceed the object reference point. For a given subject category, we will call I - S its “superordinate size” and Z 0 its “object size”. In these terms, the Computation model predicts that the perceived truth of a sentence containing an adjective like big will increase as superordinate size increases. For example, Airplanes are big (vehicles) should be given higher truth ratings than Trucks are big (vehicles) since airplanes are bigger vehicles than trucks. In the same vein, the model predicts that rated truth will increase with increasing object size. For although both airplanes and elephants are large members of their respective categories, Airplanes are big (vehicles) should receive higher ratings than Elephants are big fanimals) since airplanes are bigger than elephants. These effects, however, may depend on whether or not the superordinate is specified. The superordinates vehicle and animal indicate that the truth of the sentence should be judged relative to these categories. So while the effect of superordinate size may be greater for predicate-noun than predicate-adjective constructions, the effect of object size should be greater for the predicate adjectives. Of course, all of these predictions are peculiar to the Computation model. Since the Pre-storage model has no comparison stage, it does not predict variations in ratings with changes in distance.
Relative properties in memory
Method We began with 172 of the items from Experiment 1 for which there had been good agreement about immediate superordinates (one noun from the original set was inadvertently omitted). For each of these items, separate groups of subjects were asked to provide ratings of the following variables. (a) the size of the items with respect to an average member of their immediate superordinate (e.g., the size of apples with respect to the average fruit); (b) the size of the items with respect to average objects; (c) the truth of PA sentences of the form I’S are big (e.g., Apples are big); (d) the truth of PN sentences of the form I’s are big S’s (e.g., Apples are big fruits). The first two of these measures were used to determine symbolic distance. The truth ratings in (c) and (d) serve as dependent variables. For the size ratings of Task (a), we followed the procedure described in Experiment 1 (see the section entitled Rating Task). The procedure for Task (b) was somewhat similar; however, in this case, subjects received a dittoed set of instructions together with a computer-generated list consisting of noun-adjective pairs (e.g., apple-big). The instructions asked subjects to compare each item to an object of average size with respect to the indicated property. The subject used an 1 l-point scale for his response, with 0 designated much less than average, 5 average, and 10 much more than average. All of the 172 nouns were paired with the adjective big, but a number of these nouns were repeated with other relative adjectives. These additional pairs were used to examine the consistency of the items in Experiment 1, as described in the previous Results and Discussion section. Altogether the list contained 306 pairs. Order of the pairs on the list was randomized in a new order for each subject. (This was true as well for the lists associated with Tasks (c) and (d) below.) In the remaining tasks, subjects evaluated the degree of truth for a set of PA sentences (Task (c)) or PN sentences (Task (d)). All 172 nouns appeared with the adjective big, but as in Task (b), some of the nouns were repeated with other adjectives. The ratings were made on the usual 1 l-point scale, with 0 denoting definitely false and 10 denoting definitely true. Forty-eight subjects provided these ratings, twelve in each task. The subjects were part of the same population as those in Experiment 1, but had not taken part in the earlier study. They were tested in groups of from I to 12 individuals and were paid $2.00 for an hour-long session.
I.. J. Kips at& W. Turnbull
Results and Discussion in order to assess our predictions statistically, we performed a regression analysis on the mean truth ratings with superordinate size, object size, and sentence construction as independent variables. This choice of method was motivated by the continuous nature of the two size variables and the correlatron between them (r = 0.65 for these data). All effects were estimated usmg the procedure for repeated measures described by Cohen and Cohen (1975, Ch. 10). The truth and size ratings were first re-expressed to compenbate for the upper and lower bounds of the scale using the logit transformatron Y = log X -~ log( 10 X), where X is the rating on the original U to 10 scale and Y is the transformed variable (Mosteller & Tukey, 1977, Ch. 5). The construction factor was coded +l for predicate-noun sentences and -- 1 tar predicate-adjective sentences. The results of this analysis were in good agreement with the predictions of the Computation model. First, the rated truth value of a sentence increased as the superordinate size of the subject noun increased (b = 0.70, SE = 0.034, J( 1,169) = 424). indicating that subject judgments were sensitrve to average size within the immediate superordinate category. This effect is larger for predicate-noun constructions where the superordinate is mentioned, than for predicate-adjective sentences where it is not (b = 0.28, SE = 0.02 1, F( 1, 169) = 180). More interestingly, object size had an independent effect on truth ratings (17 = 0.44, SE = 0.040, F( 1, 169) = 116), suggesting that subjects also made use of a standard associated with everyday objects. Object size also interacted with sentence construction, exerting a larger influence on predicate-adjective than predicate-noun sentences (b = --0.19, SE = 0.025, F( 1, 169) = 59). So while superordinate size dominates for predicate-noun constructions, object size is more important for predicate-adjective items. Superordinate size, object size, and their interactions with sentence type together account for 85.8% of the variance among the mean truth ratings, and the success of the Computation model in predicting these ratings encourages us to look for similar effects in a reaction time task like that of Experiment 1. The ratings collected in the present study stand us in good stead in this regard, since they allow us to partition the stimulus instances into those high and low along both size continua. Moreover, the truth ratings can be used to assign a truth value to individual sentences rather than relying on the now suspect Immediate Superordinate hypothesis.
Relative properties in rrwrwty
The predictions of the Computation model are slightly mure cornplicareci for reaction times than for truth ratings. The perceived truth of the sentence X’S urc big should increase as the X’s increase in size, bur verifica’iion time for such a sentence should instead follow an mverred U-shaped f’uncrion. As the X’s get larger, X’S are big goes fi-om being detlmreiy false (e.g., Hummingbirds are big) to dubiously false (e.g.,Spurrows are big) 50 dubiously true (Pigeons ure big) to definitely true (Flamzngos are big), with slower verlfication rmle for the dubious cases. This means that our superorciinate sir,e and object size variables should interact with the truth of Ihe srimuius sentences. For true sentences, verification time should decrease with superordirlate (or ObJect) size, while for false sentences, verification time should increase with size. The results of Experiment 2 also prompt us to expect an inferaction of the size variables with sentence construction, superordinate SIK having a larger effect on predicate-noun sentences and object size having a larger effect on predicate-adjective sentences.
Method We again used the adjective big to test the above predictions. To one group of subjects (analogous to the PA group of Experiment 1) we presented plural nouns (e.g., apples) singly on a CRT. On each trial, the subject was to decide whether the sentence frame “_ are big” would be true if the noun was substituted in the blank. A second, PN, group viewed the same nouns this time accompanied by their immediate superordinates, (e.g., apples-jkuits), and they were asked to determine the truth of the sentence L‘____ are big __” when the instance filled the first slot and the superordinate the second (the frames themselves did not appear during the trial). To select the stimuli, we employed the ratings collected in Experiments 1 and 2. From the pool of 172 nouns used in the second experiment, we selected 1 12 according to the following criteria. First, for each item, both the predicate-adjective and predicate-noun sentences that contained it received a mean truth rating greater than 5.00 (True items) or both received a mean rating less than 5.00 (False items). This rule was adopted to simplify the analysis of the results, since the truth of a given item is fixed across PA and PN groups. The True items and False items were then separately classified as large or small with respect to rated superordinate and objecr size. This classification produces eight categories (e.g., true, small superordinate size, large object size; false, large superordinate size, small object size; etc.),
L. J. Rips and W. Turnbull
and the final set of items was chosen with an equal number of instances (viz., 14) in each category. For the True instances, mean superordinate size was 8.24 for large items and 6.26 for small ones; mean object size was 6.52 for large and 4.72 for small items on the 0 to 10 scale (SE = 0.24). For False instances, mean superordinate size was 4.38 for large and 2.52 for small items, while object size was 3.56 for large and 1.77 for small items (SE = 0.23). Median word frequency for the True instances was 9.5 tokens per million words for small superordinate size, 5.5 for large superordinate size, 4.5 for small object size, and 26 for large object size. The corresponding frequencies for False instances were 0, 2, 0, and 3.5 tokens per million. To these critical items we added 34 fillers so that for most (9 of 16) superordinate categories, half of the instances in each were True and half were False. Over the entire set of 146 items there were also an equal number of True and False instances. This set of instances was presented to subjects four times in successive blocks of trials, two during a first day’s session and two on a following day, with stimulus order randomized anew at each presentation. The procedure during a trial was similar to that of Experiment 1, but with a few minor changes. The subject was seated this time at a CRT terminal with a response apparatus that consisted of a button at his left and three buttons about 18 mm apart on his right. He initiated the trial by pressing the left-hand button with his left index finger, and for a 2 set interval thereafter he saw the word “ready” presented on the screen about 400 mm away. At the end of the warning interval, the ready signal was replaced by either a single instance (for the PA group) or a superordinate-instance pair (for the PN group) with the superordinate just above the instance. The subject made his true or false decision by moving his right index finger from the center of the three buttons on the right to one of the neighboring buttons. The position of the True button was at the right of center for half the subjects in each group and at the left for the other half. The response terminated the display and was followed by a 2 set period in which the reaction time for that trial (but no indication of accuracy) was presented to the subject as feedback. At the end of a session (i.e., two blocks of trials) the experimenter informed the subject of both his mean reaction time and error rate. Delaying accuracy feedback until the end of the session was intended to discourage rote learning of the assigned truth value, while at the same time encouraging correct responses. The experiment was preceded by a 20-trial practice session during which subjects were asked to press the appropriate button in response to the word “true” or “false”. The PA and PN groups consisted of eight subjects each. These subjects were right handed and belonged to the same subject pool as those of Experi-
Relative properties in memory
ments 1 and 2; however, none of them had been involved in the previous experiments. They received $4.00 apiece for participating, plus a 50 cent bonus for each block in which their error rate was less than 10 per cent. Subjects received an average of $4.47.
Results and Discussion The main reaction time and error data are shown in Table 1. Perhaps the most obvious fact about them is the very fast times for the PN group, a difference that may be due to the way we presented the stimuli. PN subjects saw the superordinate noun above and slightly before the instance, and the superordinate may have given them a headstart in processing the following word (Meyer & Schvaneveldt, 197 1). In most respects the data bear out the predictions of the Computation model, and to see this, consider first the results of the superordinate size variation. If we combine, for the moment, data from the PA and PN groups, we find that mean correct verification time for True items decreases from 906 msec for small instances to 840 msec for large ones. However, verification time for False items increases with size from 861 to 9 13 msec, producing the predicted interaction of superordinate size and truth; SE (subjects) = 21 msec, SE(items) = 22 msec, min F’ (1,41) = 4.79, p < 0.05 (for the min F’ statistic, see H. Clark, 1973). The error rates also conform to this pattern, decreasing with size from 21.5% to 9.2% for True items and increasing with size from 9.2% to 15.2% for False items (SE(subjects) = 1.3%, SE(items) = 2.0%, min F (1,46) = 11.33,~ < 0.01). The effect of object size is at least equally strong in Table 1. The interaction with truth value is evidenced by decreasing verification time with size for True items (from 9 12 msec for small instances to 834 msec for large ones) and increasing times for False items (from 828 msec to 946 msec). Error rates again echo the reaction times, dropping from 19.4% for small True items to 11.2% for large Trues, and rising from 7.0% for small False items to 17.5% for large False ones. This interaction is once again significant for reaction times (SE(subjects) = 19 msec, SE(items) = 22 msec, min F’ (1,63) = 10.6 1, p < 0.01) and for error rates as well (SE(subjects) = SE (items) = 2.0%, min F’(1,52) = 11.2,p < 0.01). We can also check the way the above effects differ for the PA and PN groups. On the basis of Experiment 2, we would expect larger effects of superordinate size for predicate-noun constructions, but larger object size effects for the predicate-adjective items. In the context of the present experiment, these predictions imply that the interaction of superordinate size and
L. J. Rips and W. Turnbull
Table 1.
Mean Reaction Time (msec) and Percent Errors (in ParenthcsesJ for Prediute Adjective (PA) and Predicute Noun (PN) Sentences in Experiment 3, b.v Truth, Superordinate Size, and Object Size.
SUpUordinate Size
True PA Sentences
..__~~~~~ Object
PA Sentences
True PN Sentences
PN Scntenccc
1175 (31.U)
1CD.)3 (Y.6)
922 (2.0)
1142 (1 X.5)
135 (27.2)
112 (18.1)
6Y1 (3.8)
688 (12.7)
10x0 (13.6)
988 (1 1.6) ~__ __-
984 (5.6)
1189 (17.8)
656 (6.0)
634 (5.6)
716 (16.5)
763 (2 1 SJ) _
truth. examined above, should be larger for the PN than for the PA group, while the object size by truth interaction should show the reverse effect. Turning to the data, we find that the relevant difference in reaction time for superordinate size is not reliable, though it shows a trend in the predicted direction (S&subjects) = 29 msec, SE(items) = 24 msec, min F’ < 1). The errors show a somewhat stronger effect, with the interaction increasing from 4.6Yc for the PA group to 13.7% for the PN group; however, this effect is only nlarginally significant by the min F’ test (XQsubjccts) = 2.6(,%, SE(items) = 2.0%, nzin I;‘( 1.34) = 3.73, 0.05 < p < 0.10). The object size predictions, however, are clearly confirmed since the size of the interaction is 172 msec for the PA group and only 22 msec for the PN group (SE(subjects) = 27 msec, SE(items) = 24 msec, min F’( 1,38) = 9.32, p < 0.01). The error rates show a parallel difference, though in this case not a significant one (SE(subjects) = 2.8%, SE(items) = 2.0’S, min F’( 1,31) = 2.15, p > 0.10). Taken together, the above results provide rather strong support for the Computation model. Moreover, by partitioning the items, we have been able to show effects of both superordinate and object size when these factors vary orthogonally.
versus Pre-Storage
The Computation model evolved from the basic idea that the truth of sentences with relative adjectives is determined by mental comparison. For the
Relative properties in memory
sentence Spruces are tall, this would mean comparing the stored height of spruces with that of its immediate superordinate tree. However, the results of Experiment 1 led us to modify this assumption by suggesting that two comparisons were involved - one to the normal value of the superordinate and the other to a normal value for everyday objects. Experiments 2 and 3 lent some support to this prospect. RTs, errors, and truth ratings all showed effects of symbolic distance to both the superordinate value, and to the object value as well. The Pre-storage model stacks up less well against the evidence. While it was able to explain the results of the first experiment on the assumption that two relative properties are stored, it ran into difficulties in accounting for the symbolic distance effects in Experiments 2 and 3. Of course, our results do not imply that relative properties are never pre-stored; what the evidence rules out is pre-storage for all relative properties of common object concepts. Although the results favor a Computation approach, there are a number of residual problems with such a model that we should consider carefully. One of these concerns the inefficiency of Computation, for it seems redundant to calculate the truth of a relative sentence in the elaborate manner that the model dictates. Why not store the result of an initial computation once and for all so that it can be referred to as needed? The question of efficiency, however, depends on the relative costs attached to storage and processing. If storage consumes a large share of the system’s resources, it may prove more efficient to store a minimal amount of information. By analogy, mental arithmetic would be computationally easier if one memorized the multiplication table for all pairs of numbers less than 100. The fact that few of us do so indicates that computational simplicity must trade against storage economy. Furthermore, while storage is not out of the question for the kinds of sentences considered here, we should remember that relative information is used in other ways as well - for example, to compare two instances (A spruce is taller than a refrigerator) or to compare an instance to a metric reference point (A spruce is more than six feet tall) or to a contextually established reference point (Spruces are the tallest trees on this block). Since there is an unlimited number of such propositions, not all of them can be pre-stored. Given that computation is needed in these cases, it would not be surprising if a similar process were applied to sentences such as those considered here. One can grant the plausibility of a computation process, however, and still object to the model outlined above. In particular, the idea of two distinct comparisons seems odd, since in functional terms a single comparison would be easier to perform and would simplify communication about relative facts. It may be possible to formulate the Computation model in a way
L. J. Rips and W. Turnbull
that omits the object comparison and that is still consistent with the experimental results. For example, we can suppose that instead of the double comparisons, a subject weights the result of a single superordinate comparison by the absolute size of the instance, with instances at the extremes of the size continuum receiving high weight. But of course in these terms, the question then becomes why any weighting is needed in determining the sentence’s truth value. Note, too, that something akin to an object reference point is still required in this alternative model to decide what constitutes the upper extreme of a dimension like size that is unbounded above. A second possibility is that the object comparison be explained away as an artifact of the experimental situation. In all of the studies reported here, subjects received a randomized set of instances drawn from a variety of categories, and the range of instances may itself provide a context against which any given instance will appear big (tall, thick, and so on). We can think of this as a type of adaptation level that could be absent in more naturalistic settings. While we have no firm evidence against the adaptation theory, Experiment 3 provides some suggestive data. If the effect of object size is due to adaptation, we should find that this effect increases over the four blocks of trials. But in fact, the opposite trend appears in the results: the crucial interaction of object size and truth decreases steadily (though not significantly) across blocks. Moreover, there are independent reasons why an object reference point might be important. First, for very atypical instances, the immediate superordinate may be uncertain or inaccessible. Second, even if the immediate superordinate is obvious, its reference point may not be. For example, the superordinate size of a category like weapon will vary greatly depending on which instances we are willing to include in this category (the size will be quite large if such things as missiles are included). Both problems can be avoided by using the object reference point. Properties
in Semantic
While our experiments have tried to determine the status (pre-stored or computed) of relative properties, we have simply assumed that absolute properties are pre-stored. However, it is possible to challenge this assumption, and in fact, there are several good reasons for doing so. First, if we consider properties like being non-pink or being-a-resident-ofa-state-beginning-with-l, then it becomes clear that not all absolute properties can be pre-stored. Non-pink is an absolute property if pink is, but it is unlikely that concepts such as gruss and snow contain non-pink in their pro-
Relative properties in memory
17 1
perty lists. While we could memorize the fact that grass is non-pink, we need not do so, but can infer it from other sources of information. Second, it is easy to imagine how even common absolute properties could be computed rather than stored. In answering the question Is a banana yellow? we may compare the hue of bananas with some prototypical yellow in much the same way as we would compare the size of a banana in determining whether it is big. Te Linde and Paivio (1979) have obtained clear distance effects when subjects must determine the similarity between color chips and a named color. Stephens (Note 1) has also found distance effects for absolute properties of named objects (by asking questions like Which is more yellow - a Iemon or a banana?) that parallel those for relative properties. These possibilities suggest that the substantive difference between relative and absolute adjectives may depend, not on whether they are computed or pre-stored, but on the kind of computation involved. In this respect, the notion of two reference points provides one way that this difference might be framed. As a first approximation, we can suppose that adjectives vary in the importance attached to the superordinate and object points during the comparison. Relative adjectives would depend most on the superordinate point, but for reasons described above, influenced to a lesser extent by the object point. Absolute adjectives, on the other hand, would be dominated mainly by the object point so that judgments would be indifferent to category membership of the modified noun (cf. Wheeler, 1972). In this way, we can account for the logical distinctions proposed by Katz (1972) and Vendler (1968) and, at the same time, explain our intuition of a continuum between absolute and relative adjectives, as discussed earlier. However, viewing adjectives in this way leads us to a number of difficult questions. Clearly, not all properties can be computed, since if this were true there would be nothing for the comparison process to operate on. But while some core of data must be present to make the computations possible, it appears to be a very difficult task to get at these core properties. Perhaps there is some underlying level of analysis in which all properties are prestored. But it is equally possible that pre-storage occurs with just a few landmark instances. For example, in determining whether an object X is big, we could try to recall its relation to some other object Y that we have already determined to be big. If X and Y share the same superordinate, and if we can show that X contains Y, or that Y is a part of X, or that X completely occludes Y when X is immediately in front of Y, then we can deduce that X is also big. Such a process may be less elegant than a simple comparison, but it is not out of the running (see Banks, 1977). Another question concerns the ultimate grounds for the distinction between relative and absolute adjectives. Why, for example, are color terms
L. J. Rips and W. Turnbull
absolute and dimensional adjectives relative? The difference apparently does not lie in our ability to distinguish variation in the corresponding qualities, for we can certainly discern degrees of yellowness. Number of underlying dimensions is also immaterial since big, which depends on three dimensions, is no less a relative adjective than tall, which depends on one. One possibility is that the difference has less to do with the type of attribute than with its distribution among objects. For relative adjectives, variability of the corresponding property may be greater between superordinate classes than within them, so that a comparison to the superordinate reference point will convey valuable information. For absolute adjectives, variability may be equally great within as between superordinates, so that such a comparison is irrelevant. This question is far from settled, however, and the distinction may depend also on the integrality of the property (Garner, 1974), the salience of its component dimensions (Kamp, 1975), or the way in which the reference point changes with exposure to new instances (Wheeler, 1972). Finally, it is important to realize that absolute and relative adjectives do not exhaust the range of adjectives in English. For example, we have not considered “fictionalizing” adjectives like mythical that map real entities like fake or pseudo that signal noninto imaginary ones or “negators” membership in a given category (R. Clark, 1970). Adjectives like these probably call for a very different kind of analysis than the one offered above. However, these items take us further from the traditional view of adjectives as properties stored with the nouns they modify, and in this way, they echo the message of the preceding studies.
References Anderson, J. R. (1976) Language, memory, and thought. Hillsdale, N.J., Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Banks, W. P. (1977) Encoding and processing of symbolic information in comparative judgments. In G. H. Bower (Ed.), The psychology of learning and motivarion (Vol. 1 I), New York, Academic Press. Banks, W. P., and Flora, J. (1977) Semantic and perceptual processes in symbolic comparisons. J. exp. Psychol.: Human Perception and Performance, 3, 278-290. Battig, W. F., and Montague, W. E. (1969) Category norms for verbal items in 56 categories. A replication of the Connecticut category norms. J. exper. Psychol. Mono., 80, (3, Pt. 2). Bierwisch, M. (1967) Some universals of German adjectivals. Found. Lang., 3, 1-36. Bierwisch, M. (1971) On classifying semantic features. In D. D. Steinberg and L. A. Jakobovits (Eds.), Semantics: An interdisciplinary reader in philosophy, linguistics, and psychology. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Clark, H. H. (1973) The language-as-fixed-effect fallacy: A critique of language statistics in psychological research. J. verb. Learn. verb. Behav., 12, 335-359. Clark. R. (1970) Concerning the logic of predicate modifiers. Nous, 4. 31 l-355. Cohen, J., and Cohen, P. (1975) Applied multiple regression/correlation analysis for the behavioral sciences. Hillsdale, N.J., Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
in memop
A. M.. and Loftus. E. F. (1975) A spreadin?-activation theory of semantic processing. ps,vvrhol. Rev., 82. 407-428. Cresswell. M. J. (1976) The semantics of degree. In B. H. Partee (Ed.).Monfa4regrammar. New York, Academic Press. Fillmore. C. J. (1971) Entailment rules in a semantic theory. In J. F. Ronenbere and C. Travis (Eds.), Readings in the philosophy of language. Englewood Cliffs. N.J.. Prentice-Hall. Garner, W. R. (1974) 7’he processing of information and structure. Potomac. Md.. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Higgins, E. T. (1976) Effects of presuppositions on deductive reasonine. J. verb. Learn. verb. Rehav., U-,419-430. Holyoak, K. J. (19773 The form of analog size information in memory. Cog. Psychol.. 9. 31-51. Huttenlocher, J., and Higgins, E. T. (1971) Adjectives. comparatives, and sylloeisms. P.sychol. Rev.. 78. 487-504. Jamieson, D. G,, and Petrusic, W. M. (1975) Relational judgments with remembered stimuli. Percep. Psychophys.. 18, 373-378. Kamp. J. A. W. (1975) Two theories about adjectives. In E. L. Keenan (Ed.), Formal semantics of natural language. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Katz. J. J. (1972) Semantic theory. New York, Harper and Row. Kintsch. W. (1974) The representation of mean{ng in memory. Hillsdale, N.J., Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Kuzera, H., and Francis, W. N. (1976) Computational analysis of presentdav American English. Provi: dence, R.I., Brown University Press. Langford, C. H. (1942) Moore’s notion of analysis. In P. A. Schilpp (Ed.). The philosophy of G. E. Moore. Chicago, Northwestern University Press. Meyer, D. E., and Schvaneveldt, R. W. (1971) Facilitation in recognizing pairs of words: Evidence of a dependence between retrieval operations. J. exper. Psychol., 90, 227-234. Miller, G. A., and Johnson-Laird, P. N. (1976) Langua,qe and perception. Cambridge. Mass. Belknap Press. Mosteller, F., and Tukey, J. W. (1977) Data analysis and regression. Reading, Mass., Addison-Wesley. Moyer, R. S. (1973) Comparing objects in memory: Evidence suggesting an internal psychophysics. Percep. Psychophys., 13, 180-184. Moyer, R. S. and Bayer, R. H. (1976) Mental comparison and the symbolic distance effect. Cog. PsychoI., 8, 228-246. Moyer, R. S., and Dumais, S. T. (1978) Mental comparisons. In G. H. Bow& (Ed.), The ps.ychoZogy of learning and motivation (Vol. 12). New York, Academic Press. Paivio, A. (1975) Perceptual comparisons through the mind’s eye. Mem. Cog., 3, 635&647. Parsons, T. (1972) Some problems concerning the logic of grammatical modifiers, In D. Davidson & G. Harman (Eds.), Semantics of natural language. Dordrecht, Holland, D. Reidel. Ross, W. D. (1930) The right and thegood. Oxford, Clarendon Press. Sapir, E. (1944) Grading: A study in semantics. Philos. Sci., II, 93--116. Smith, E. E. (1978) Theories of semantic memory. In W. K. Estes (Ed.), Handbook of learning and cognitive processes (Vol. 6). Hillsdale, N.J., Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Smith, E. E., Rips, L. J., and Shoben. E. J. (1974) Semantic memory and psychological semantics. In G. H. Bower (Ed.), The psychology of learning and motivation (Vol. 8). New York. Academic Press. Suzuki, T. (1970) An essay on the anthropomorphic norm. In R. Jakobson and S. Kawamoto (Eds.), Studies in general and oriental linguistics. Tokyo, TEC Company. Te Linde, J. and Paivio, A. (1979) Symbolic comparisons of color similarity. Memo Cog., 7, 141-148. Vendler, Z. (1968) Adjectives and nominalizations. The Hague, Mouton. Wallace, J. (1972) Positive, comparative, superlative. J. Pbilos., 69, 773-782. Wheeler, S. C. (1972) Attributives and their modifiers. Nous, 6, 310-334. Wierzbicka, A. (1972) Semantic primitives. Frankfurt, Athenaum. Winer, B. J. (197 1) Statistical principles in experimental design. New York: McGraw-Hill.
L. J. Ripsand
W. Turnbull
Reference Notes 1. Stephens, D. (1978) Processing of pictures versus words in a comparative judgment lished manuscript, University of Chicago.
task. Unpub-
Des etudes anterieures sur la memoire semantique ont omis une distinction importante parmi ce que I’on a appeld les “assertions de proprietes”. Les assertions avec des adjectifs i caractere relatif (Ex. les flamants sont grands) impliquent une comparaison avec un point de reference ou une norme standard associee i la categoric superordonnee (Ex. un flamant est grand en tant que oiseau). La valeur de v&it6 des assertions avec des adjectifs absolus (Ex. les flamants sont roses) est g&&alement indipendante de ce type de reference. Les consequences psychologiques de cette distinction ont et6 ktudiees dans 1’Experience 1. Les sujets ont pour tache de verifier des phrases in&ant soit des adjectifs absolus soit des adjectifs i caractere relatif dans des structures de type predicatadjectif (Ex. un flamant est grand (rose)) ou dans des structures de type pridicat-nom (Ex. un flamant est un grand oiseau (oiseau rose)). Dans ce cas le nom ‘predique est le superordonne immediat. Les temps de reaction et les erreurs sont moindres pour les phrases a caractere relatif lorsque le terme superordonne est specific. Pour les phrases absolues il n’y a pas de difference. Ces donnees suggerent que la valeur de v&it6 des phrases a caractere relatif ne depend pas seuiement du terme superordonne mais aussi de normes plus g&kales pour les objets familiers. Dans 1’Experience 2 on montre que le classement des valeurs de &rite des phrases a caractere relatif est fonction de la difference entre I’exemple donne et le superordonne standard (par exemple, la taille du flamant par rapport i celle d’un oiseau ordinaire), et de la difference entre I’exemple et la norme des objets familiers. Dans 1’Experience 3 on retrouve ces resultats en utilisant comme mesure dependante le temps de reaction.
Cognition, @Elsevier
8 (1980) 175-185 Sequoia S.A., Lausanne
3 - Printed
in the Netherlands
Very long term memory for tacit knowledge*
The Graduate
ARTHUR Brooklyn
Center of CUNY
S. REBER College of CUNY
Abstract Very long term memory for abstract materials was examined by recalling subjects who had served in a synthetic grammar learning experiment two years earlier. In that study (Reber & Allen, 1978) we differentiated among several cognitive modes of acquisition, their resultant memorial representations, and their associated decision processes. Two years later and without any opportunity for rehearsal or relearning, subjects still retain knowledge of these grammars to a remarkable degree. Although some differences have become blurred with the passage of time, the form and structure of that knowledge and the manner in which it is put to use remain strikingly similar to the original. That is, differences traceable to acquisition mode and conditions of initial training can still be observed. As in the original study, these results are discussed within the general context of a functionalist approach to complex cognitive processes. This paper is a report of rather remarkably persistent long term memory for highly abstract and complex materials; specifically, the knowledge of the grammatical structure of two artificial languages after a two year hiatus.’ In researching the area of very long term memory we were struck by the lack of attention which has been paid to memories of this kind. For the most part, the study of long term memory has dealt with real world knowledge
*This research was conducted while the senior author was supported by a doctoral fellowship from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. **Requests for reprints should be sent to Rhianon Allen, Developmental Psychology Program, The Graduate Center of CUNY, 33 West 42nd Street, New York, NY, 10036, USA. ‘The original study was reported two years ago in this journal (Reber & Allen, 1978). Although we provide a synopsis below of the major findings of that experiment, the interested reader should refer to that paper for details on procedure and results as well as a full discussion of the theoretical issues which underlie the learning of complexly structured, rule-governed stimulus domains.
R. Allen and A. S. Reber
which is both highly codable and likely to be either rehearsed or refreshed by day to day activities and events. The few studies that we found which used arbitrary stimuli, however, suggested that human memory is certainly quite robust (Wickelgren, 1972; Burtt, 1941; Kolers, 1976). In this experiment we take these notions of arbitrariness and nonrehearsability of the stimulus materials to previously unexplored extremes. First, we are focusing on very long term memory for knowledge of a complex stimulus domain which was specifically selected to be as remote as possible from normal day to day activities. ’ Second, the knowledge of grammatical structure which resulted from the original learning was largely unconscious so we shall be looking at the longevity of implicit knowledge, not explicit. Third, during the original experiment the subjects did not know that there was to be this later follow-up and we can be quite confident that our subjects have not rehearsed the material in the interim. Indeed, it is far from clear, given our understanding of memorial strategies, how one can rehearse abstract information which is tacitly coded.3 Before proceeding, it seems prudent to review briefly some of the basic findings from the original study so that the kinds of memorial residues we are looking for can be specified. In that experiment, subjects learned about the underlying grammatical structure of two different artificial languages under two different training conditions. On one occasion a paired associate (PA) procedure was used where exemplary letter strings from one artificial language were paired with the names of cities; on the other occasion an observation (OBS) procedure was used in which the same subjects attended to a series of exemplars from the other language. Knowledge of each synthetic language was assessed using a well-formedness test in which subjects had to judge the “grammaticality” of a large number of novel letter strings. The results revealed that subjects have available three basic cognitive modes for acquiring knowledge of such complex stimulus environments. 2The decision to use stimulus materials whose structure was dictated by finite-state grammars was motivated by theoretical issues concerning acquisition of tacit knowledge. They seemed a reasonable choice because they are arbitrary and can be made arbitrarily complex; they are organized and deeply so; and they have structural forms that are most unlikely to be amenable to the typical subject’s bank of heuristic devices for learning about rule-governed systems. These points are discussed in more detail in Reber and Click (forthcoming). 3This issue of unconscious rehearsal or unconscious “work” has received some attention in the area of problem solving. The so-called “incubation” period during which solutions to problems are often achieved certainly suggests that some kind of long term unconscious cogitation takes place. A nice discussion of a number of mechanisms which could be operating to produce the incubation effect may be found in Posner (1973). However, we suspect that there are fundamental differences here since the problem solver is aware that he is a problem solver; our subjects are unaware that they were later to be memorially responsible for the material learned.
Vety long term memory for tacit knowledge
Each acquisition mode results in a particular form of memorial representation and an attendant set of operations for making decisions. Let us review each. (a) Explicit
rule induction
This procedure consists of the overt formation and testing of hypotheses about aspects of letter order and the establishment of consciously held rules. We found this mode appearing to a limited extent in both the PA and OBS training procedures. Typically, these rules were correct reflections of the letter order constraints although they were not particularly sophisticated. They consisted almost entirely of relatively simple notions about short letter groups (primarily bigrams) which occur in initial and terminal positions of letter strings. Even at this simple level, however, subjects reported using them on only about 40% of the test trials. Generally speaking, this explicit mode can be identified with the phenomena which have been extensively studied in the literature on concept formation, problem solving, pattern learning, etc. (b) Individuated
and the analogic strategy
This procedure consists of attending to and memorizing specific items and/or discriminable differences between items during learning - operations which result in a fairly concrete memorial space. The PA task, by its very nature, invited such a mode and hence it was associated almost entirely with that learning procedure. Decisions about the acceptability of test strings tended to be made by searching for an analogy between the to-be-judged item and the contents of this individuated memory (see Brooks, 1978, for a general theoretical discussion of this procedure). Not surprisingly, this strategy led to high accuracy in the assignment of grammaticality to the few “old” test items which had also been part of the learning set. It was, however, also associated with a relatively poor knowledge of structure and a high rate of erroneous rejection of novel grammatical test strings. These “omission” errors were frequently based on a tendency to reject any item for which no acceptable analogy could be recalled. (c) Implicit
learning and the abstraction
This acquisition mode consists of the unconscious abstraction of the underlying rule system inherent in the exemplars presented during learning. Characteristic of this mode is that little or no specific concrete information
R. Allen and A. S. Reber
about the actual learning items is retained, and decisions about the wellformedness of test strings are made largely on an intuitive basis. Although there was evidence that some learning of this kind accompanied the PA procedure, the abstraction strategy was strongly associated with the OBS training procedure which, unlike PA, has no specific task demands. The advantage in dealing with “old” strings found with the analogy strategy was totally absent here; all strings from the learning set are dealt with as if they were novel strings. In this study, then, we are looking for evidence with respect to three important issues in the study of very long term memory. First, can a body of unconscious knowledge be retained for an extended period of time without the opportunity for rehearsal? Second, how important is the mode of acquisition of original knowledge in determining what is retained? Third, how closely does the form of two-year-old knowledge resemble that of original knowledge?
Method Subjects
Of the ten subjects in the original experiment, we were able to recall eight. The two unavailable ones were typical of the group as a whole and, since each was from a different order condition in the original design, there are no reasons to suspect that any systematic biases were introduced by the failure to corral all ten. For reasons explained in the original paper, these subjects were hand-picked advanced undergraduates and graduate students who agreed to serve without pay or other remuneration. Stimulus
The stimuli used were the letter strings from the two tests for well-formedness in the original study. In that experiment, the knowledge of grammatical structure acquired during learning was evaluated by presenting each subject with a set of 100 strings of letters (actually only 50 distinct items were used, each being presented twice), one-half of which conformed with the rules for letter order (the grammatical strings) and one-half of which contained one or more violations of those rules (the nongrammatical strings). Details of these test items are given in Reber and Allen (1978). For our purposes here note that five of the grammatical strings had been used as part of the original
Very long term memoy for tacit knowledge
learning occurred
stimuli (the “old” items) and the other only during testing (the “novel” items).
20 grammatical
Procedure Prior to testing, subjects were told which grammar they would be responsible for and asked in all cases to respond “yes” or “no” depending upon whether or not, as best as they could recall, each item conformed to the rules of that grammar. All subjects were reminded that half of the items were acceptable and half were not. There was no opportunity for relearning or refamiliarization with the materials. No other information about the materials or the task was given; no mention was made of the repetition of test items or about the existence of the old items; no feedback about the correctness of their responses was given; and no reference was made to the fact that these test strings were the same ones which had been used two years ago. Both grammars were tested in exactly the same manner, each time reminding the subject about the procedure used to learn that particular grammar two years ago. After completing the well-formedness test, subjects were asked to provide an estimate of how well they thought they had done by estimating how many of the 100 items they classified correctly. Counterbalancing and notation The order of running was counterbalanced with four of the subjects first tested with the strings based on the grammar learned by the PA procedure two years earlier (denoted as PA-1st subjects) and the remaining four subjects beginning testing with the one learned with the OBS procedure (OBS1st subjects). Following testing on the first grammar, subjects proceeded directly to the task for the other grammar (denoted as PA-2nd and OBS2nd). Note that subjects referred to as OBS-2nd are the same subjects as PA-I st and similarly for the PA-2nd and OBS-1st subjects. All subjects were run in the same order condition as two years ago. For example, PA-1st subjects here are the same subjects as those who were described as PA-1st in Reber and Allen (1978). This point will be important later since we will report on some effects that can be traced back to the order of running in the initial training sessions.
R. Allen and A. S. Reber
Results Introspections At the outset, only one or two subjects thought that they were now capable of performing above chance on this task. However, as testing continued all reported that they were, to their surprise, becoming more and more aware of their ability to make accurate decisions and all but one of the subjects estimated their performance to be above chance. However, unlike two years ago, the overall correlation between estimated and actual performance was not significantly different from zero:.our subjects knew they were performing above chance but they had no accurate sense of just how well they were doing. The pattern of justifications offered two years ago had revealed some strong differences in the types of reasons given for making decisions following the two learning procedures. Here, no differences were observed. For both grammars we received a mixture of justifications like, “I’m just guessing”, “This one somehow feels right (or wrong)“, “I think I remember this one”, and so forth. However, the frequency of such justifications was very low. Unlike two years ago where roughly 40% of all responses could be justified, a concrete reason for a decision in this follow-up was a relatively rare event. This apparent loss of conscious contact with at least some sense of what is known probably accounts for the lack of confidence that subjects had in their knowledge and the generally poor ability to assess actual performance. Finally here, virtually all subjects felt that the task became easier as testing proceeded and they thought their performance improved consistently. Although there was a trend in this direction over the full course of testing, it failed to reach significance, F(3, 21) = 1.68. The sense of increased performance over trials probably has more to do with a refamiliarization with the task than with an actual increase in the amount of recalled knowledge. Probability of a correct response (PC) Table 1 gives the mean P, values for the grammatical and non-grammatical items for the grammars learned under each condition in both the original experiment and the follow-up. The single most interesting value in this experiment is the overall P, for the follow-up of 0.667. With chance at 0.5 and P, > 0.6 needed for significance for an individual subject, this value demonstrates that sufficient knowledge of these grammars has survived the two year hiatus for our subjects to reliably distinguish well-formed from
Very long term memory for tacit knowledge
18 1
non-well-formed strings. However, it is also clear that there has been a decrease in overall performance; the difference between the P, values from the original and follow-up testing sessions is significant,4 F( 1,7) = 26.2, p < 0.005. Table 1. Item Status
Grammatical Nongrammatical Means
Probability of a Correct Response (P,) on the Two Well-formedness Tasks Original
Paired Associates
Paired Associates
0.845 0.775 0.808
0.710 0.780 0.740
0.778 0.778 0.778
0.678 0.690 0.684
0.650 0.650 0.650
0.664 0.670 0.667
In the original experiment the OBS procedure produced better overall performance than PA and there was an item status by training procedure interaction. These effects are no longer statistically detectable. Although on the surface this suggests that there has been a significant loss of knowledge of the grammar learned using the OBS procedure relative to the amount lost from the PA acquired grammar, the interactions which would reflect such an effect (the training procedure by time of testing and the training procedure by time of testing by grammatical status) were not significant, F( 1,7) = 4.88 and 5.43 respectively, p’s > 0.05. Two years ago subjects were better at detecting non-grammatical items which contained multiple errors than those with but a single violation. This effect emerges intact two years later, P, = 0.80 and 0.65 for multiple and single letter violations respectively. Two years ago subjects were also better at detecting non-grammatical items with single violations in the initial position than in any other position. This effect is no longer present; no particular violation location shows an advantage over any other. This result is probably due to the loss of explicit knowledge about letter position constraints. As mentioned above, a large proportion of the justifications which subjects supplied in the initial testing concerned initial letters and initial bigrams. Once this concrete information is lost from memory the detection advantage accruing to first letter violations goes with it.
4Wherever statistical comparisons are drawn between the original and follow-up studies, the data from the two subjects not recalled have been discarded. All tests to follow, therefore, utilize a completely within subjects design with eight subjects. The deletion of these two original subjects seems not to have resulted in any systematic loss of data.
182 R. Allen and A. S. Reber
The issue here concerns the extent to which subjects’ knowledge of structure is an accurate reflection of grammatical structure as displayed in the original learning stimuli. We had noted two kinds of non-representativeness in the original experiment: the explicit rule induction strategy occasionally led subjects to articulate rules which were simply incorrect and the analogy strategy often led subjects to consistently misclassify items on the grounds that candidates for analogy-by-similarity were not in memory. The existence of non-representativeness is detemrined by analyzing the pattern of responses to the two presentations of each test item, comparing (by a x2 test) the number of repeated misclassifications (EE) to the number of single misclassifications (CE and EC). Table 2 shows all four possible patterns from each learning procedure and order of running. Table 2.
Patterns of Responding to Successive Presentations on the Follow-up Wellformedness Task Pattern
Run 1st
.~~ Run 2nd
109 24 36 31
104 35 26 35
Paired Associates Run 1st
Run 2nd
93 20 32 55
106 29 40 25
The overall EE rate here is significantly higher than would be expected if errors were simply a result of guessing when an item’s grammatical status is not determinable given a representative knowledge base, x’(3) = 12.0, p < 0.01. This effect, as it was at the time of original testing, is contained entirely in the PA-1st subjects, x*(l) = 10.43,~ < 0.01. This result raises the question of whether subjects are still using the same inappropriate strategies and hence consistently misclassifying the same items on the follow-up. Since exactly the same test items were used both times, the overall pattern of classification responses can be easily traced through all. four separate presentations. The proper test here is to compare the EEEE rate with the mean of the other 14 combinations of correct and error responding to ensure that the most conservative test is being applied. As before, only the PA-1st subjects show a significant tendency to commit repeated errors, x*(l) = 6.13, p < 0.01, with three of the four subjects in this con-
very long term memow for tacit knowledge 183
dition reaching significance. Interestingly, fully 88% of these consistent misclassifications were rejections of items which were actually grammatical. This is the reverse of all other conditions where the modal error was to accept non-grammatical items. The tendency for PA-1st subjects to consistently err on grammatical items thus seems to result from their persistent use of the analogic strategy - a strategy which gets one into difficulty when a test item does not sufficiently resemble the letter strings in memory. “Old” versus ‘novel “grammatical
test items
After original learning all subjects had performed equally effectively when assigning grammatical status to “old” test items and to novel grammatical items. In the follow-up, however, we now observed a significant learning procedure by old/new status interaction, F( 1,7) = 10.62, p < 0.025. Specifically, PA subjects now perform significantly poorer on novel grammatical items than they do on old items, F( 1,7) = 6.15, p < 0.05; OBS subjects show no significant difference. This result clearly indicates that there is retention of specitic learning set materials after a two year lag, and that it is associated with the acquisition mode that most strongly directed subjects’ attention to the physical features of the stimulus material. In summary, there is no doubt that knowledge of these grammars has survived remarkably well. Some of it is in an abstract form and some in reasonably concrete form, and these memorial forms correspond quite closely with the memory systems of two years ago. Moreover, as indicated by the analysis of the response patterns to old and novel items and by the emergence of non-representativeness in the PA-1st subjects, both the beneficial and detrimental impacts of these memorial forms can still be felt.
Discussion To return to the original questions of robustness, form and mode of acquisition, it seems quite remarkable that information gained over the course of a 10 to 15 minute exposure to an artificial language can be retained for as long as two years without intervening exposure or rehearsal. Even two years after learning, all subjects are significantly above chance at assigning grammatical status to test items. But it is not the case that all types of knowledge are equally robust. Explicit, conscious knowledge in particular appears to be relatively fragile in nature.s From a “levels of processing” point of view as ‘Rather, we should say that explicit knowledge is fragile without rehearsal. It seems an obvious point that if a rule (e.g., a chess move) is rehearsed periodically, it will be remembered - perhaps indefinitely. The important notion here is that the other two modes are robust without rehearsal.
R. Allen and A. S. Reber
put forward by Craik and his co-workers (Craik & Lockhart, 1972; Craik & Tulving, 1975) one is led to the surprising implication that knowledge gained from conscious, analytic procedures is less deeply processed than knowledge achieved by alternative means. Knowledge acquired in an implicit mode, on the other hand, can still be detected after the two year hiatus; subjects continue to be able to make accurate judgments in the absence of verbalizable knowledge. What is known here is still abstract in nature; no advantage accrues to old items and it remains an accurate reflection of the underlying structure of the grammar. While some blurring of structure knowledge comes with time, and subjects report that immediate intuitive apprehension of grammaticality is somewhat harder to come by, knowledge gained in the implicit mode is persistent in both form and quality. A surprising result was the persistence of individuated memories in the PA-1st subjects. Although few could consciously recall learning set items, they continued to perform at a high rate on “old” letter strings. While these subjects perform well, their reliance on concrete memory and analogy carries some disadvantages. First, holes in memory are not going to be patched in the course of time. Consequently, there is a high likelihood that items initially rejected on the grounds that they do not resemble anything in concrete memory will be repeatedly rejected. Second, the individuated memory space seems to be established at the expense of structural knowledge, resulting in subjects emerging from the PA training session with little aside from concrete memories of letter strings and fragments thereof. From the functionalist point of view which we favor, the level of processing necessary for very long term memory can be attained by either implicit processing or memorization of exemplars. That is, both abstract structural knowledge and concrete individuated memories are processed deeply enough to result in knowledge that is resistant to the passage of time. Yet, pragmatic distinctions can be drawn between these two modes. The abstraction strategy encouraged by the OBS procedure confers an advantage in identification of underlying grammaticality, in the recognition of that which is structurally regular. The memorize-and-analogize strategy optimized by the PA procedure yields an advantage in identification of specific stimuli, in the recognition of that which has been confronted previously. Our original data suggested that strategies of acquisition are tailored to immediate task demands, task expectations, and stimulus parameters. These learning strategies resulted in distinctive types of memorial representations which are still detectable two years after learning. Very long term memory appears not to be uniform in nature. That is, knowledge can be represented
Vev long term memory for tacit knowledge 185
in either abstract or concrete form and it seems to the time of initial entry or formation. While two of their attendant decision processes are remarkably themselves adaptive to different kinds of ecological their application and deployment.
maintain its form from the memorial forms and robust, they may find niches when it comes to
References Brooks,
L. R. (1978) Nonanalytic concept formation and memory for instances. In E. Rosch and B. B. Lloyd (Eds.), Cognition and categorizntion. Hillsdale, N.J., Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Burtt, H. E. (1941) An experimental study of early childhood memory. J. gener. Psychol., 58, 435439. Craik, F. I. M. and Lockhart, R. S. (1972) Levels of processing: A framework for memory research. J. verb. Learn. verb. Beh., 11, 671-684. Craik, F. I. M. and Tulving, E. (1975) Depth of processing and the retention of words in episodic memory. J. exper. Psychol.: General, 104, 268-294. Kolers, P. (1976) Pattern analyzing memory. Science, 191, 1280 -1281. Posner, M. I. (1973) Cognition: An introduction. Glenview, Ill., Scott, Foresman and Co., Chap. 7. Reber, A. S. and Allen, R. (1978) Analogic and abstraction strategies in synthetic grammar learning: A functionalist interpretation. Cog., 6, 189-221. Reber, A. S. and Glick, J. A. Implicit learning and stage theory. Int. J. Beh. Devel., in press. Wicketgren, W. A. (1972) Trace resistance and the decay of long term memory. J. math. Psychol., 9, 418-455.
Cette recherche Porte sur la memoire i long terme pour un materiel abstrait. Les sujets de I’experience avaient participe, deux ans auparavant, i une experience d’apprentissage de grammaire synthitique. Au tours de cette recherche (Reber and Allen, 1978) on avait degagk plusieurs modes d’acquisition cognitive, les representations en memoire qu’ils induisaient et les processus de decisions qui y ktaient associes. Deux ans plus tard sans qu’il y ait possibilite de repetition ou de reapprentissage, les sujets se souvenaient remarquablement de ces grammaires. Si certaines nuances etaient att&mees avec le temps, la forme et la structure des connaissances et leurs modes d’utilisation restaient t&s cornparables avec les originaux. Les variations remarquekes dans le mode d’acquisition dam I’entrainement initial s’observaient encore. Comme pour la premiere etude, ces resultats sont discutks dans le contexte general d’une approche fonctionnaliste des processus cognitifs complexes.
Cognition, @Elsevier
8 (1980) 187 207 Sequoia S.A., Iausanne
4 -- Printed
in the Netherlands
The acquisition of homonymy” ANN M. PETERS University
of Hawaii
ERAN ZAIDE L University
of California,
Los Angeles
and California
Abstract The growth in children S ability to perform the task of separating the sounds of words from their meanings was investigated by asking children between 3;3 and 6;3 to select homonyms from pictures. The results show a growth in ability with age, with a jump at 4;4. An investigation of the developmental changes in the strategies employed shows that the task is cognitively complex. Performance in the younger children is more hampered by a resource-limited inability to cope with many cognitive factors all at once than by lack of ability to do the linguistic aspects of the task. These cognitive factors include access to vocabulary, rehearsal o’f intermediate results, and implementation of a search strategy.
Introduction In English, with its phonologically-based writing system (as opposed, for example, to the Chinese ideographically-based system), reading readiness must depend in part on an ability to separate the sounds of words from their meanings. At what point in their linguistic development are Englishspeaking children able to effect this separation? Is there a clearly marked *We thank Deborah Burke for advice on test design, Leslie L. Wolcott for drawing of the test materials, Susan Fischer and Danny Steinberg for help in statistics, and the All Saints Day Care Center for making subjects and facilities available. Thanks are also due to H. and V. Wayland for support of the first author during this study. This work was also supported by NIMH grant MH-03372 and NSF grant BNS76-01629 to Prof. R. W. Sperry, by USPH awards MH-00179 and RR07003,land by NSF grant BNS7 8-247 29 to E. Zaidel.
A. M. Peters and E. Zaidel
point at which such an ability appears? In order to be able to separate the sound of a word from its meaning, a child has to be able to operate on language metalinguistically. That is, both cognitive and linguistic development must have progressed to the point where the child is able to manipulate the pieces of language as if they were objects unrelated to any immediate need to communicate. Even very young children can, to some extent, separate the sounds of words from their meanings, but the circumstances under which this can happen seem to be very limited. Thus, children as young as 2;4 years have been observed to play with the sounds of their language in noncommunicative contexts (e.g., Chao, 195 1; Keenan, ms.), and Iwamura (1977) has observed 3-year-olds discussing the pronunciation of words in the context of an ongoing conversation. If, however, children are to have enough control of their phonological systems to make use of them, for instance, in learning to read they must be able to do such metalinguistic tasks whenever it is necessary and not just when the circumstances are optimal. It seems that this ability is still developing past age 3. Thus, it has been shown that although 4-year-olds seem to be able to use phonemic information to recall labels of pictures (they recall more rhyming labels than non-rhyming ones) (Locke, 1971), for 3-year-olds the semantic aspects of labels are still more important since they recall significantly more words in semantically similar ensembles than in phonemically similar control lists (Locke and Locke, 1971). The Lockes observe that their “young Ss were respectful of the symbolic value of language. They treated words as words, as units of reference and meaning, rather than nonrepresentational phonemic strings”. (ibid, p. 189) In our culture, phonological awareness seems first to be introduced to children through the vehicle of rhyme, especially through nursery rhymes and children’s jingles. That is, words are (more or less consciously) juxtaposed which share a partial phonological similarity: they have the same sounds at the ends. Reading readiness exercises go on to introduce another kind of partial phonological similarity: the idea of words which begin with the same sound (alliteration). Total similarity of sound between two words (homonymy) is, however, rarely explicitly brought to children’s attention. Whether this is because homonymy is rarer in the language than rhyme and alliteration, because it is considered too confusing, or because homonymy does not allow access to single phonological units in the way that partial similarity does is unclear and yet it seems as if it should be a simpler task to determine whether there is total phonological similarity (homonymy) between two words than only partial similarity (rhyme or alliteration). In this study, therefore, we ask whether there is an age before which children cannot (in general) separate the sound of a word from its meaning,
The acquisition of homonymy
as measured by their ability to find pictures representing two homonymous words from a given set of four pictures. We further ask how the linguistic strategies which children bring to bear in solving such a problem develop with age. In particular, we will look at the errors they make to see whether younger children tend to make more semantically-based errors while older children make more phonologically-based mistakes.
Method Subjects
Thirty middle class children of normal intelligence attending a private day care center in Pasadena, California, participated in the study: there were- 5 boys and 5 girls from each of three age groups. The mean ages for these groups were 3;lO years (range 3;3 to 4;5, s.d. 4 mo.), 4;9 years (range 4;3 to 5;1, s.d. 3 mo.), and 5;8 years(range 5;l to 6;3, s.d. 5 mo.). Materials
Twelve sets of picturable homonym pairs were chosen with a fairly wide range of vocabulary difficulty. ’ Three sets of homonyms were reserved for training; the other 9 pairs were used for testing. For, each of the test sets, four picturable distractor items were found: two semantic associates (one for each member of the pair), a rhyme, and an alliteration, thus making sets of six items. See Table 1 for the entire list of words depicted. For each such set of 6, eight line drawings were made, similar to those in the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test: one for each of the four distractor items and two different pictures for each of the homonyms. The pictures were arranged in sets of four, each set containing a target word, its homonym, its semantic associate, and either its rhyme or alliteration (chosen randomly). An attempt was made to pick the easier meaning of a homonym pair as the first target word, and these first sets were presented on the first pass (underlined items in Table 1). The second set (with semantic focus on the other word of the ‘Vocabulary difficulty was not easy to estimate ahead of time, partly because most of the homonym pairs are also homographs and the relative frequencies of the two meanings are not separated out in e.g., Thomdike-Lorge, and partly because with the spoken language of preschool children, Thomdike-Lorge and similar sources which are based on written materials seem inappropriate anyway. There was indeed a clear range of vocabulary difficulty which can be inferred from the children’s performance on the tests, but it does not correspond to the Thomdike-Lorge vocabulary ratings, nor does it uniquely predict ability to recognize homonymy.
A. M. Peters and E. Zaidel
Homonym sets”
Table 1.
ring (jewel) glasses (drink) nail (metal)
ring (bell) glasses (specs) nail (finger)
necklace cups hammer
bat (baseball) bow (arrow) horn (instrument) trunk (elephant) tie (cravat) bear night palm (hand) spring (metal) -_
bat (mammal) bow (ribbon) horn (animal) trunk (chest) tie (package) bare knight palm (tree) spring (season)
Repeat order
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
mitt gu” drum hippo jacket lion day foot screw
swing glad/girl
hat hoe corn skunk
spider knot tusk suitcases sew clothes queen bush fall
cry pear kite bomb ring
back bone horse train tire barrel knife P_OJ
2. 6. 5. I. 1. 4. 3. 9. 8.
aThe order indicated on the left is the original order of presentation. The order indicated on the right is the order for the repetitions. The underlined items appeared in the first presentations, the other items (plus the homonyms) in the repeats.
pair and using the other phonological associate) was presented on a second pass. The pictures were arranged in rectangular formation and the positions of the four elements were varied so that the homonym pair fell equally often in each of the 6 possible positions. with the positions of the other elements also being randomized. Either all 4 pictures of a set were colored or none was. For example: first pass flying-bat baseball-bat Figure
1 illustrates
repeat pass
mitt hat
baseball-bat back
flying-bat spider
these two test sets.
Testing Procedures
The children were tested one at a time in a small room or office at the school (whichever happened to be free at the time). Sessions took varying lengths of time depending on the ages of the children: some of the younger children took 45 minutes while some of the older children finished in 15. All sessions were tape recorded.
T?zeacquisition of homonymy
Figure 1.
19 1
Sample items from the homonym test: “Find hvo pictures that sound the same but mean different kinds of things. ” Left: first pass; right: repeat pass (see text).
I. Prenaming
Since many of the pictures could be labelled in a number of different ways (e.g., horn/trumpet, palm/tree) an attempt was made to associate the desired label with each picture by means of a preliminary “prenaming” task. Thus, a second set of pictures, identical to those made for the homonym test but excluding the repeat pictures of the homonym words was again arranged in groups of 4 with care now taken that pictures from any given homonym set did not appear in the same group. The child was asked Can you point to X? for each of the 4 labels depicted in each set of pictures. On some of the less obvious items (e.g., bare, finger-nail), the child was warned This one is tricky. If the child couldn’t find a particular picture, the investigators pointed it out and made sure the child could recognize it, also giving a verbal association such as bare like bare feet or nail like on your finger. Any vocabulary difficulties, including hesitations, were noted. This task, then, in addition to helping to associate the desired label with each picture, also gave an estimate of each child’s passive (receptive) vocabulary.
192 A. hf. Peters and E. Zaidel
2. Homo~~yms
a. Traitzhg. Three sets of homonyms were reserved for pretraining (see Table 1). The child was shown the first set of 4 pictures and told, This is a game about words that have the same sound but meal1 different kinds of thillgs. I want ~~ozr to show me two pictures that sound just the same but mean different kirlds of things. Like this: ring, ring. A ring that you put on your finger and rirlg the bell. The)> soured exactly the s&e: ring, ring. But the], mean different kinds of things. The child was then given two practice sets to do before testing was begun. b. Testing: first pass. The first 9 homonym sets were then presented one at a time. All pointing responses were recorded on a preprinted score sheet along with response times as measured by a stopwatch. The child was first asked (Task l), Find two pictures that sound just the same but mean different kinds of things. For each pair that the child pointed to, s/he was asked What’s the word? if the word was not spontaneously given. If the wrong pair was pointed to, the child was encouraged to continue searching. If a rhyme or alliteration was chosen the child was asked, Do those sound exactly the same.?, whereas when a semantically associated pair was chosen, the mvestigator said, Yes, but that’s the same kind of thing. I want two pictures that sound the same but meat1 different kinds of things. If the child gave up or the right pair was not found after several responses or about 30 seconds on Task 1, the investigator pointed to one of the homonym pictures and asked (Task 2), Curl JWU find arlother picture that sounds exactly the same as this one? If s/he still could not find the homonym pair, or seemed to have found it on Task 1 or Task 2 but refused to say the word, s/he was asked (Task 3), Can you point to X.? And can you poitlt to another kirld of X? If the child did this correctly after having silently pointed to the right pair in Task 1 or Task 2, s/he was given credit for knowing the homonym passively. c. Repeat set. After the first 9 homonym sets, the child was shown the prenaming pictures for the distractor items that would appear in the repeat set of homonyms. (Now we’ll play the first pointing game a little more.) As mentioned above, the homonym pictures were also changed on the repeat sets but the new pictures were not shown in either prenaming. The purpose of administering the repeat set was to see whether the children transferred learning from the original task when new pictures depicting the same concepts were shown, or whether performance on the repeats was indistinguishable from that on the original presentations. The repeat sets were administered in a different order (see Table 1) with the placement of the target pairs changed for each homonym. Otherwise, the administration was the same as on the original pass.
The acquisition of homonymy
Scoring As soon as possible after testing, the tapes from each session were reviewed and any verbal comments made by the child were transcribed onto a new score sheet along with a copy of the pointing responses and timing information noted at the time of testing. Each child’s responses were scored according to the following rules: 1. Correct responses. a) overt: if the correct pair was indicated and the child could say the word. b) passive: if the correct pair was pointed to and, although the child would not say the word, s/he did Task 3 correctly. 2. Errors a) semantic (S) b) phonological (P), including ( 1) rhyme (RI (2) alliteration (A) c) random association (X), if the child pointed to a pair that was neither correct nor S nor P (i.e., association between the phonological and semantic distractor items, or between the non-target homonym and the semantic distractor). d) no response (-), when the child refused to point to a pair and either said nothing or said I can’t or I don ‘t know. e) phonological “inventions” (I), where the children either tried to invent rhymes or alliterations that were not words used in the prenaming or else tried to force homonymy through neutralization or by “brute force relabelling” (see “Discussion” under “Development of strategies for finding homonyms”). 3. Errors were scored as originally designed unless a verbalization indicated that some other strategy was being used, e.g., Knight (with sword), krzife was scored as A (alliteration), but if the child said knife, sword, it was scored as S (semantic). 4. No response (-) was counted as an error only on the first request for each task, but refusal to make another try after a child had made at least one response was not counted as a further error (since it was assumed that after one overt attempt, no further response simply indicated that the child had no better guess to offer). 5. Any given pair was only counted once even if it was pointed to more than once. 6. If a child indicated a pair but rejected this choice himself, it was not counted. There are several possible ways of assessing each child’s basic “homonym ability” due to the facts that (1) each child was encouraged to keep
A. M. Peters and E. Zaidel
searching for each homonym pair until either s/he found it or gave up, (2) when a child did fail at Task 1 the problem was made easier by shifting to Task 2, and (3) “passive” answers were noted. The measures that have been used in this study are: H, = number of overt homonyms found on Task 1, first tries only. H, = number of overt homonyms found on Task 1, all tries. Hz = number of overt homonyms found on Tasks 1 and 2, all tries. H, = number of overt and passive homonyms found on Tasks 1 and 2, all tries. Thus, HO gives a very conservative estimate of homonym finding ability, being restricted to overt first tries only. H, shows how well a child did on Task 1 while H2 reflects performance on both homonym finding tasks. H, is tlie most generous estimate of homonym ability since it also includes passively correct answers.
Results and Discussion Homonym
and Age
I. Results
The group means for the four homonym scorings are given in Table 2. Significant main effects for age were found when separate 2 X 3 (sex X age) analyses of variance were run for each scoring. Post hoc correlated-sample t-tests showed that the differences between scores on first tries only (H,) and all tries (H,) on Task 1 reached the greatest level of significance for Table 2.
Age group means for the 4 homonym scorings (maximum for each = 18). Significant differences between scorings computed from correlated-sample t-test.
Oldest Middle Youngest All
10.7 9.0 2.5
* **
13.7 10.5 3.5
* ** **
15.6 13.4 6.6
* *
16.5 15.1 8.4
* p < 0.01. **p < 0.001. Ho HI Hz HP
= = = =
overt overt overt overt
homonyms homonyms homonyms and passive
found on Task 1, first tries. on Task 1, all tries. on Tasks 1 and 2, all tries. homonyms on Tasks 1 and 2, all tries
The acquisition of homonymy
the middle group (p < O.OOl), a lesser level for the oldest group (p < 0.01) and were not significant at all for the youngest group. Increases in scores from Task I (H,) to Task 2 (H,) were significant for all three groups, whereas adding in passive scores made significant differences only for the two younger groups (p < 0.0 1) (see Table 2). Even though most of the youngest children could find at least one or two homonyms, there was a clear jump in ability at the boundary between the youngest and middle age groups (4;4 years). This was indicated by a maximum in the value of F [F = 42.6, df = (1,28)], signalling a maximum of certainty in a score difference when the children were ranked by age, and oneway analyses of variance were performed on the H, scores of “older” versus “younger” age groups when the boundary between the two groups was systematically increased. A second maximum value for F [F = 19.2, df = (1,28)] occurred with the boundary between the two groups set at 5;2 years, setting off the 8 oldest children as the most able group. Since a one-way analysis of variance on the differences in scores between Pass 1 and Pass 2 (originals versus repeats) was not significant [F = 1.43, df = (1,58)], these scores have been combined into a total score for each child (maximum = 18). The lack of change from originals to repeats shows that the children evoked the names of the concepts rather than having learned to associate them by rote with specific pictures. The children were not told that the second set of homonyms involved the same words as the first set. 2. Discussion Since the children were always asked to verbalize the homonyms for each pair they chose, it was very clear whether or not they really had found a pair and thus their scores were not compared to chance. Even for the children who had the hardest time, most of them were able to find at least one or two homonym pairs and in each case it was very clear that they understood what their goal was and were aware that they had solved that particular problem. The expected increase with age in ability to find homonyms was clearly indicated by every statistical test we made. More interesting is the relationship between age and scoring that can be seen in Table 2 and which was supported by the t-tests: the older the children, the better they did on their first try (H,), while the younger the children, the more they benefited from more tries and passive scoring. In particular, the oldest children did best within Task 1 with their biggest increase in scores from Ho to H1, while the younger two groups profited most by moving to Task 2 with their biggest increase from H, to Hz. Although no significant interaction between homonym ability and sex was found for any score separately, it is worth noting that while the girls
A. M. Peters and E. Zaidel
did better than the boys on Task 1, particularly, Task 2 (Hz) their performance was almost identical; counted the boys did better than the girls. Development 1. Results:
of Strutegies
on first tries (Ho), on and when passives were
for Findirzg Homonq,ms
By Age Group
Three 3-way analyses of variance were performed to look at the effects of age and sex on the strategies used by the children, as reflected by the types of errors they made. In the first analysis, the errors examined were limited to the most common types: phonological and semantic (P and S). In the second, the phonological errors were further investigated by separating them into rhymes and alliterations (R, A, S). Finally, in the third analysis, random choices and refusals to answer were added (P, S, X, -). In all three analyses, significant main effects were found for age (p < 0.01) and errors (p < 0.05 for the first two analyses and p < 0.01 for the third), as well as a significant interaction between age and errors (p < 0.05 for the first and third analyses and p < 0.01 for the second). The interaction effects are the result of each group of children having clear strategy preferences: the youngest children used S and X more than the older two groups, the middle group used P the most, and the oldest children used no response (() the least. When P was broken down into R and A, it was found that while all three groups used rhymes about equally, the oldest children used alliterations only about half as much as either of the younger two groups. The lack of any effect of sex on strategies was taken as a justification for combining the boys with the girls in the subsequent analyses on strategies. Table 3 summarizes for each of the age groups the means for each of the possible responses on first tries for Task 1. Since only first tries are tabulated, each row sums to 180. (C, = number passively correct.) Post hoc t-tests on the group mean scores show that the differences in use of individual strategies between the oldest and middle groups were never significant, but the youngest group differs significantly from both the middle and oldest groups in number correct (p < O.OOl), number of passive homonyms (p < O.OS), number of semantically related choices (p < O.Ol), and number of unrelated pairs (p < 0.05 for middle versus youngest, p < 0.01 for oldest versus youngest) (see Table 3). The percentages of each strategy are graphed in the top of Figure 2, giving a strategy profile on first tries for each age group. The differences between strategies by age groups change very little from first tries to all tries. At first glance, it seems reasonable that, although the youngest children make many more S and X tries, neither on first tries alone nor on all tries is there a significant difference between age groups in phono-
The acquisition of homonymy
Table 3.
Age group means for strategies on Task I, first tries. Significant differences in each strategy are shown between youngest and middle groups and youngest and oldest groups (bottom row) as computed by i-tests.
Oldest 5;1-6;3 Middle 4;3-5;l Youngest 3;3-4;5
107 (59%)
(Z%, **
Cl”%) (*)
25 (14%) **
:3y,) (*)
39 (22%)
::O%, *
& (*)
$983 *
(2:2%) *
42 (23%) 43 (24%)
*p < 0.01. **p < 0.001. (*)p < 0.05. Ho = number of overt homonyms C, = number found passively. P = phonological errors. S = semantic errors. X = random associations - = no response.
logically-based guesses (P). This, ceiling effects in the oldest group.
12 (7%) 22 (12%)
may be artifactual
and due to
2. Results: By Ability Groups During the testing, it became evident that homonym finding ability did not vary strictly with age: some of the children in the middle group were clearly much better at the task than some of the older children. Not only did they find the homonyms quickly and efficiently (using few tries) but the few errors they did make seemed to be qualitatively different from those of the older children who had more difficulty. In order to investigate this observation, the children were divided into three “ability groups” based on their Ho scores. The most able group (A) was comprised of 7 children from the oldest group and 3 from the middle group (including one of the youngest from that group, aged 4;s). The second group (B) contained 7 children from the middle age group, 2 from the oldest, and 1 from the youngest. The least able group (C) contained the remaining 9 of the youngest children and one child from the oldest group. The ability group means for each strategy on Task 1, first tries, are summarized in Table 4, while the bottom of Figure 2 gives a strategy profile for each ability group. Comparing the top and bottom of Figure 2, we see that the strategy differences between ability groups are more marked than those between age
A. M. Peters and E. Zaidel
Figure 2.
Percent responses for each strategy used on Task 1, first tries. Top: by age group; bottom: by ability group. Symbols as in Table 3.
ocp Oldest
s x (A)
s x -
s x -
s x (B)
s x (C)
groups. The original observation that ability did not vary strictly with age was verified: the middle group (B) used 2.4 times as many extra guesses after the first try as did the best group (A). In addition, we see that with this grouping there is a significant difference in phonologically-based choices between A and B. In fact, group B made 3 to 4 times as many such errors as group A. Semantically-based guesses remain significantly greater for the bottom group as do passively correct guesses. While refusal to respond (-)
The acquisition of homonymy
Table 4.
Ability group means for strategies on Task I, first tries. Significant differences in each strategy are shown between best and middle groups, middle and worst groups, and best and worst groups (bottom row) as computed by i-tests. Symbols as in Table 3. P
A: best 4;s6;3
129 (72%) **
8: middle 4;3-5;6
69 (38%) **
58 (32%)
C: worst 3;3-5;2
24 (13%) **
12 (7%) (*)
49 (27%) (*I
19 (11%)
fF2%) (*I 46 (26%) *
7 (4%) *
:122%) *
is fairly evenly distributed across all groups, random be concentrated in the bottom groups.
(X) tend to
3. Discussion There were several other readily observable strategy differences between the groups. In both the youngest (Fig. 2, top) and least able (Fig. 2, bottom) groups, “passive” responses were extremely common: not only when these children picked correct pairs, but also when they picked phonologically and semantically associated pairs, they tended not to want to say any words aloud when asked What’s the word? In fact in Task 1, 8 1% of the passive responses were made by children in the youngest age group. (For further discussion of passive vocabulary, see below.) Another clear developmental difference was a shift in the type of semantic responses given. The youngest children not only indicated many semantically associated pairs for which they refused to verbalize, but when they did say the words, they tended to label the individual members of a class rather than giving a single superordinate class label (for instance, pointing to Zion and bear and saying lion, bear rather than animal which would at least have used the same word for both pictures). 77% of such class membership responses were made by the youngest group whereas superordinate class responses were quite evenly distributed across the age groups (youngest 31%, middle 35%, oldest 35%). A cognitively-based difference that separated one group from another was apparent in the type of searching strategy employed. Thus, while the most able children tended to scan each array of 4 pictures silently (though often subvocalizing, as evidenced by lip movement), smile, point to the right
A. M. Peters and E. Zaidel
pair and say the words, the youngest seemed to just pick two pictures. If these were wrong, they often picked the other two pictures and then gave up. The intermediate children, however, seemed to be on the way to developing a systematic search strategy without having quite gotten there. First, they tended to want to name all 4 pictures aloud without making any choices. Then they often seemed to pick out one picture which served as a focus for their comparisons and would systematically pair it with each of the other 3, indicating that each such pairing was a guess at the right answer. If they happened to choose one of the homonym pictures as their focus, this strategy was often successful. If, however, they picked a non-homonym as focus, they often could not find the homonym even though they applied the correct labels to the pictures: although they said the correct words aloud, they seemed not to be able to carry the sounds over from one comparison to the next. A shift to Task 2, however, in which one of the homonyms was indicated by the investigator, seemed to help these children get unstuck from that first choice of focus. This phenomenon was much more common among the older two groups of children, occurring only rarely among the youngest. It may reflect local rigidity associated with flexibility in another cognitive locus. It is as if the child has a limited resource for flexible open-ended search which s/he can apply to the search for focus or to the search for identical labels but not simultaneously to both. (See Norman and Bobrow, 1975, for a discussion of resource limitations.) An increase in ability to deal with the phonological nature of the problem was also evident, being more pronounced in the ability grouping than in the age groups. The children acted very much as if there was a hierarchy of strategies at their disposal, and if a higher strategy didn’t work they would fall back on a lower one. The apparent sequence was: get it right, make a phonological choice, make a semantic choice of the inclusive kind, make a semantic choice of the associative kind, guess randomly. (Giving up could occur at any point - how soon a child refused to try any more seemed to depend on the individual’s personality.) The older children had more control over the higher end of the sequence - the most able children almost always found the right answers and when they had trouble they would fall back on P or S almost equally often (see Fig. 2, bottom). The least able children, who had great difficulty, seemed also to use P and S about equally often, but the middle group used P much more often than S (again, see Fig. 2, bottom). This is because, aware of the phonological nature of the problem. some of them used every trick they could muster to find two words that sounded alike, including hunting for rhymes (by means of both real words and invented nonsense words) and “forcing” identity of sound between two words (“invention” (I) errors). For example, K.B. (5;l) was a prolific
The acquisition of homonynzy 201
arrowlbrarrow, horselmorse and suggesting mitten/kitten, among others. There were two different ways in which identity of sound was “forced”: through “brute force relabelling” and through phonological neutralization. “Brute force relabelling” occurred when a child pointed to two non-homonymous pictures and applied the word for one of them to both. E.N. (4;3) did this some 10 times, e.g., pointing to hoe, bow-and-arrow, but saying
arrow, arrow.
A somewhat more subtle strategy involved taking advantage of the near phonological identity of some of the phonological associates and pronouncing such pairs “halfway between” so that the phonological contrast was neutralized. Thus A.J. (5; 1) asserted that pear and bear sounded exactly the same by devoicing the /b/ in bear, producing [ ph Er], [pErI. She also pronounced palm and bomb identically. And A.D. (4;O) tried to pronounce bat and back the same, producing batk. A developing ability to manipulate the phonological aspects of words, divorced from their meanings, is thus apparent among the intermediate children. There is now substantial evidence that the left cerebral hemisphere is specialized for processing phonological information in speech (Zaidel, 197&). If it also controls the recognition of homonymy, we would have evidence for a rather early onset of cortical lateralization of language, at about 4;6. Consequently, we wanted a developmental estimate of the abilities of the adult right and left hemispheres to recognize homonymy. In a separate study (Zaidel and Peters, 1979), we administered an extended version of the homonym test separately to the right (RH) and then the left (LH) hemispheres of two patients who had undergone complete cerebral commissurotomy to alleviate intractable epilepsy (Bogen and Vogel, 1975). First tries of Task 1 are precisely comparable across these two studies. The LHs obtained perfect scores, far superior to the corresponding RH scores which themselves fit quite well within the developmental progression found for the children. Thus, the RH of patient N.G. (a 45-year-old woman who had surgery at age 30 and first signs of epilepsy at age 17) had scores quite similar to those of the lowest ability children (Table 4) with 11% correct responses (13% for the children), and with the 36% phonological errors only slightly outnumbering the 34% semantic errors (27% and 26%, respectively, for the children). The RH of patient L.B. (a 25-year-old man who had surgery at age 13 and first epileptic symptoms at age 3) scored similarly to the middle ability group: 59% correct first tries on Task 1 (38% for the children) and many more phonological than semantic errors (about a 4 to 1 ratio for L.B., 3 to 1 ratio for the children). Comparison of the adult with the child data thus suggests a rather early LH specialization for phonological
A. M. Peters and E. Zaidel
encoding and individual differences in RH processing ability. Furthermore, the data are consistent with the hypothesis of a developmental arrest for the RH in the acquisition of the skill. This is not a universal result - other tasks show slightly higher equivalent mental ages for RH competence (e.g., in receptive syntax) and divergent error patterns as well as performance styles between the RHs and children who had obtained the same total score on the test (Zaidel, 1978). Vocahuhry
and Homonym
Since the vocabulary items involved in the various pairs were of varying degrees of difficulty, it seemed likely that some children were better at finding homonyms because they had a greater vocabulary proficiency. Therefore, two prenaming scores were calculated for each child based on the number of items for which difficulty was encountered in the prenaming task: (1) a total prenaming score, P,, based on the 54 items used in the 9 test sets, and (2) a homonym prenaming score, Ph, based on the subset of 18 homonym words used in the test sets. When calculated for the whole group, correlations between P, and each of the 4 homonym scorings (H,, H,, Hz, HP) were significant at the 0.001 level as were correlations between Ph and each of the 4 homonym scorings (see Table 5). When, however, these correlations were calculated for the individual age groups, prenaming scores turned out to be the most highly correlated with homonym performance for the oldest group, significantly correlated only with Task 1 performance for Table 5.
Group correlations between prenaming scores and homonym scores. a
Whole Group Pt Ho
PO.78 **
m-o.70 **
i PO.80 I * 1 PO.82 ; I
, ,
Youngest Ph
-0.67 (*)
-0.72 (*)
-0.71 (*)
-0.80 * _
-0.77 *
-0.76 (*) \ ,
-0.85 *
%ignificant differences: **p < 0.001; *p < 0.01; Pt = prenaming score on total set of pictures. Ph = prenaming sco*e on set of homonym pictures. Other symbols as in Table 2.
-0.69 (*) -0.4;
0.76 -0.58 (*)
, ,
(*I p < 0.05.
_! PO.13
1 0.47
The acquisition of homonymy
the middle group, and not correlated at all for the youngest group except for P, with H, (Table 5). Thus, although prenaming proficiency has something to do with homonym finding ability, it does not tell the whole story, especially for the youngest children. It is as if vocabulary proficiency releases resources for searching and matching. When all of the component prerequisites for the task (searching, matching, vocabulary proficiency) are mature enough, growth in ability in any one area releases cognitive resources to improve perfomance in the whole task. It also seemed likely that if a child did not know one or both of a given pair of homonym words at the prenaming stage, s/he would have difficulty finding that particular pair in the homonym test. Therefore, we looked at how well the three age groups did at finding homonyms contingent upon whether they did or did not have prenaming success with the homonym words. This analysis showed that the oldest children did quite well even when they had vocabulary difficulty (91% of the homonyms in this case). Both the oldest and middle groups did well when they had no vocabulary difficulty (95% and 96%, respectively, of these homonyms). The youngest children only got 58% of items where they had no vocabulary problems, 42% when such problems existed. And again, when there was no vocabulary difficulty, the older 2 groups had few passives (1% and 4%) while the youngest had 19%. When, however, there had been vocabulary problems, the middle group went up to 17% passives and the youngest to 24%. Thus, the youngest children seem to be relatively unable to take advantage of exposure to difficult vocabulary items at the prenaming stage as shown by their increase in homonym errors for just those words (23% to 34%). The middle children, on the other hand, could utilize at least some of the prenaming information as evidenced by the increase in passive responses (4% to 17%). And the oldest children seem to have taken such good advantage of their prenaming problems that their homonym performance dropped very little when they had vocabulary difficulty (96% to 91%). The fact that the youngest children did find 42% of these homonyms where prenaming difficulty occurred shows that mastery of vocabulary as measured by success in prenaming is by no means necessary for success in homonym finding. Although the prenaming scores do correlate fairly well with the homonym scores, the interaction between the two tasks seems much more complex. Indeed, the prenaming task was designed to associate particular labels with particular pictures in the minds of the children before they were confronted with the homonym sets, and judging from the children’s homonym scores on those items for which they had vocabulary difficulty, the prenaming task seems to have functioned much as it was intended to (although it did not work perfectly since the children did not always remember the desired
204 A. M. Peters and E. Zaidel
labels). In particular, any vocabulary items which a child knew to some extent but had temporarily forgotten were likely to be reinforced, often to the point where finding the homonym was a possibility, passively if not actively. In addition, the pressure to perform well probably further enhanced this reinforcing effect. An interesting phonological difficulty arose for some of the children when the alliteration happened to phonologically contain the whole target word as its first part. This happened with the words tie and tire, and bear/bare and barrel. Somehow these were much more confusing than minimal pairs such as bat and back, horrz and horse, or night/knight and knife. A final question that needs to be discussed with respect to the effects of vocabulary on homonym performance is that of homonymy versus polysemy. That is, is there any evidence that any of these pairs of words were stored in the children’s lexicons as two sub-meanings to a single entry rather than as two separate entries which happened to sound alike? Of all the homonym pairs, only tie (a string) and necktie seemed to be at all polysemous. (One child, age 4; 10, spontaneously remarked, You tie something around your neck an’you tie OH your shoe, too.) This did not, however, seem to be the case for all the children. The ability to find homonym pairs depends then, not only on an understanding of the nature of the task involved, but also on having access to the phonological representations of the critical words in order to be able to compare them for identity. Active (productive) versus passive (only receptive) knowledge of words probably has its effect here - in the case of “passively correct” choices the children seemed to be able to hear enough of the relevant words in their heads to make their decisions but were not sure enough of the words to want to say them out loud. The tendency of the middle children to want first to name all 4 pictures aloud before making any choices also seems to relate to the need to be able to hear the words in order to compare them. When a child’s control over pronunciation is not fully developed, it is unclear whether his difficulties with pronunciation will tend to carry over into his phonological comparisons or not. The child who had the least success in finding homonyms was a boy (4;O) whose phonological development was very slow. According to his teacher, this trait ran in his family and was always eventually outgrown. How much of his difficulty with homonyms was due to this developmental characteristic is unclear, but probably the effect was not negligible. The homonym test calls for the coordination of a number of cognitive prerequisites. These include the ability (1) to understand the task, i.e., what “sound the same” means, (2) to conduct an exhaustive search through the set of alternative pictures, (3) to access the phonological representations
The acquisition of homonymy
of the critical words, (4) to rehearse a label while searching for others to match with it, (5) phonologically to match two labels once found, (6) to cycle through alternative labels for a picture in cases of phonological mismatch.’ Inefficient processing or immaturity in any of the component processes or in the ability to coordinate them could result in failure to perform the task. Maturation of some component processes can release resources for processing others. Thus, the younger children were particularly limited by mastery of vocabulary - a problem which hardly affected the older children. That improvement in ability to find homonyms is a function of maturation rather than learning is shown by the fact that exposure to one exemplar of a homonym (Pass 1) did not result in improved performance on exposure to a second exemplar of the same homonym pair (Pass 2 - viz. the fact that the overall scores on the two passes were not significantly different). And yet there is a sharp improvement in recognizing homonyms at age 4;4 without any special training. Thus, the resource limitations affecting performance on this task would seem to be biologically determined rather than learning-dependent.
Summary In our investigation of pre-school children’s ability to find homonyms, we have found not only that children over 4;4 years of age had considerably more success than their juniors, but also that successtat solving this problem depended on a complex interaction of cognitive and linguistic development. Thus, even though children were able to deal with the linguistic aspects of the problem, the fact that they had not yet developed an efficient search strategy could, if they were unlucky in their choice of a focus for comparisons, cause insurmountable problems. And, on the other hand, even if a search strategy was well developed, linguistic problems could cause a particular pair to be missed. The youngest children had both cognitive and linguistic problems; the middle children were learning to deal with both sometimes difficulties arose in one area, sometimes in the other. The most able children had their searching strategies well developed and only rarely had linguistic difficulties. a As noted in “Homonym Performance and Age”, even the children who had the hardest time were able to find one or two homonym pairs and in these cases it was clear that they knew they had solved the problem and found two words that sounded the same. Thus, when they had difficulties with the other pairs, it was not because of problems with component (1) alone, but rather mainly with the cognitive components of search (2) and rehearsal (4) and/or the linguistic components of access to and phonological representation of vocabulary (3), (S), and (6).
206 A. M. Peters and I?. Zaidel
The linguistic abilities needed for finding these homonyms were of two kinds: lexical and phonological. If a child had no lexical access to a particular vocabulary item, s/he could not use it in the task. If such access was only passive (receptive), it might be sufficient to allow the child to find the homonym but insufficient for the child to want to risk producing the word. Such passive success was most common among the youngest children. The oldest children were the most lexically facile - if they happened to forget the particular label associated with a picture at prenaming, they were able to try out several names for each picture. Phonological ability here refers to the capability of separating sound from symbol and then manipulating that sound by comparing it with the sounds of other words. The youngest children showed relatively little evidence of having developed such abilities - they tended to fall back on semantic association as a criterion for similarity. The intermediate children, however, had developed a fair repertory of phonological manipulations they could perform. Since they were not as efficient as the most able group, they made numerous guesses, looking for rhymes and alliterations, inventing them if they had to, or trying in some way to force identity of sound. The ability to recognize phonological similarity would seem to be a necessary if not sufficient prerequisite for learning to read via phonological decoding. Indeed, the disconnected left hemisphere is proficient in both recognizing homonymy and in translating graphemes to phonemes, whereas the right hemisphere is not proficient in either. The improvement in ability to recognize homonyms between 4 and 6 years apparently reflects left hemisphere maturation (Zaidel and Peters, 1979) - if so, then age 5 seems a natural biological (rather than purely cultural) starting point for learning to read. And yet the fact that the oldest group in our experiment did not precisely consist of the most able homonym finders should be kept in mind: some children simply “had their act together” (both cognitive and linguistic) at an earlier age than others.
References Bogen,
J. E. and Vogel, P. J. (1975) Neurologic status in the long term following complete cerebral commissurotomy. In F. Michel and B. Schott (Eds.), Les Syndromes de Disconnexion Cufleuse chez I’Homme. Lyon. Hopital Neurologique. Chao, Y. R. (1951) TheCantian idiolect: an analysis of the Chinese spoken by a twenty-eight-monthsold-child. Reprinted in A. BarAdon and W. Leopold (Eds.1, Child Language: A Book of Readings. En&wood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall. Iwamura, S. J. (1977) Games and other Routines in the Conversation ofPreschool Children. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Hawaii. Keenan, E. 0. (n.d.) Evolving discourse ~ the next step. Ms.
The acquisition of homonymy
Locke, Locke,
J. L. (1971) Phonetic mediation in four-year-old children. Psychon. Sci 24, 409. J. L. and Locke, V. L. (1971) Recall of phonetically and semantically similar words by 3-yearold children. Psychon. Sci. 24, 189. Norman, D. A. and Bobrow, D. G. (1975) On data-limited and resource-limited processes. Cog. Psychol. 7, 44-64. Thorndike, E. L. and Lorge, I. (1944) The Teacher’s Word Book of30,OOO Words. New York, Teachers College Press. Zaidel, E. (1978) Lexical organization in the right hemisphere. In P. Buser and A. Rougcul-Buser (Eds.), Cerebral Correlates of Conscious Experience. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Zaidel, E. and Peters, A. M. (1979) Phonological encoding and ideographic reading by the disconnected right hemisphere: Two case studies. Submitted for publication.
Les auteurs etudient le developpement de la capaciti des enfants i dissocier sons et sens des mots. La tache consiste, pour des enfants de 3 ans 3 i 6 ans 3 i choisir des homonymes i partir de dcssins. Les resultats montrent que le developpement de cette capacite subit une brusque acceleration i 4 ans 4. L’etude longitudinale des strategies ‘utilisees indique une tache cognitivement complexe. La performance des jeunes enfants est limitde plus par leur incapacite fondamentale i faire face i plusieurs facteurs cognitifs i la fois, que par une incapacitd a traiter les aspects linguistiques de la &he. Les facteurs cognitifs incluent I’accks au vocabulaire, l’enumkration dcs r&ultats intermediaires et l’etablissement d’une strategic de rechcrche.
Cognition, @Elsevier
8 (1980) 209-225 Sequoia LA., Lausanne
Discussion - Printed
in the Netherlands
The ATN and the Sausage Machine : Which one is baloney ?
ERIC WANNER* Sussex University
In a recent issue of Cognition, Lyn Frazier and Janet Dean Fodor proposed a new two-stage parsing model, dubbed the Sausage Machine (Frazier and Fodor, 1978). One of the major results which Frazier and Fodor bring forward in support of their proposal concerns a parsing strategy which, following Kimball (1973), they call Right Association. The center-piece of their argument concerns an interaction between this parsing strategy and another one, which they call Minimal Attachment. Frazier and Fodor (henceforth FF) provide interesting evidence that the language user makes tacit use of both strategies to resolve temporary syntactic ambiguities that arise during parsing. FF then proceed to argue that the existence of these strategies, as well as the apparent interaction between them, can be fully explained if we assume that the language user’s parsing system is configured along the lines of the Sausage Machine. In FF’s view, the Augmented Transition Network (ATN) runs a very poor second to the Sausage Machine, for according to FF’s argument, it is impossible even to describe the two parsing strategies within the ATN framework. In effect then, FF are claiming that the Sausage Machine achieves explanation adequacy in this case while the ATN fails to reach the level of descriptive adequacy. These are strong and potentially important claims. If correct, they obviously provide grounds for pursuing parsing models built along the lines of the Sausage Machine rather than the ATN. However, when FF’s arguments are examined at close range, the comparison between parsing systems comes out rather differently than they claim. In particular, it appears that the Sausage Machine explanation of Right Association and its interaction with Minimal Attachment is empirically incorrect. The inadequacy of this explanation completely cancels the Sausage Machine’s ability to describe the interaction between strategies that FF have observed. This follows because *Reprint Cambridge,
requests should be sent Mass. 02138, U.S.A.
to Eric Wanner,
79, Garden
Eric Wanner
FF aspire to an explanation that renders independent description of the parsing strategies unnecessary. The Sausage Machine contains no apparatus for describing strategies. Hence, the failure to achieve explanatory adequacy automatically entails descriptive failure as well. In contrast, and in contradiction of FF’s negative claim, the ATN can provide a perfectly general description for each strategy in terms of scheduling principles that constrain the order in which arcs in an ATN grammar are attempted. Moreover, when these scheduling principles are coupled with an ATN version of the grammar FF tacitly employed to generate their pivotal cases, FF’s observations about the interactions between strategies are completely accounted for. Thus, although the ATN framework does not provide an explanation for either parsing strategy, it appears to achieve descriptive adequacy. Moreover, the descriptive framework of the ATN makes it possible to discern just what phenomena require explanation and to speculate in a reasonable way about the explanatory principles that underlie the parsing strategies FF have discovered.
The Sausage Machine As advertized, the Sausage Machine has two very distinct stages. According to Frazier and Fodor’s proposal, “... the human sentence parsing device assigns phrase structure to word strings in two steps. The first stage parser (called the PPP) assigns lexical and phrasal nodes to substrings of roughly six words. The second stage parser (called the SSS) then adds higher nodes to link these phrasal packages together into a complete phrase marker” (p. 29 1). Although FF do not provide a detailed characterization of how the Sausage Machine works, they do supply the following sketch: The PPP has a “‘viewing window”’ which “shifts continuously through the sentence and accommodates perhaps half a dozen words” (p. 305). The PPP uses the rules of the grammar to assign each input string within the window “it’s lower lexical and phrasal nodes” (p. 296). It is important to understand that in making these structural assignments, the PPP can only take account of the six words within its current window plus any low level structure it may have already assigned to the words within the window. Given the severe “shortsightedness” of the PPP, the SSS “can survey the whole phrase tnarker for the sentence as it is computed, and it can keep track of dependencies between items that are widely separated in the sentence and of long term structural commitments which are acquired as the analysis proceeds” (p. 292). The SSS works only on the output of the PPP. The low level phrasal packages assembled by the PPP are deposited “in the path of the SSS which
The A TN and the Sausage Machine
2 11
is sweeping through the sentence behind it” (p. 306). As it sweeps along, the SSS also uses the grammar to assemble the phrases left to it by the PPP into a complete phrase marker for the input sentence. Although this description is somewhat vague, it is precise enough for FF’s purposes. According to their argument, there are only three features of the Sausage Machine which provide it’s explanatory power. These are also the features which most notably distinguish it from the ATN: (A) The existence of 2 separate stages of parsing. (B) The PPP’s limitation to a six word viewing window. (C) The SSS’s ability to appraise the whole phrase marker as it develops and therefore to make decisions contingent upon the geometry of the entire parse tree.
Can the Sausage Machine Cut the Mustard? In FF’s terms, a parsing strategy is a rule that governs situations in which the grammar permits the parser to attach a constituent in more than one possible way to the developing parse tree. So, for example, both sentence (1) and (2) are ambiguous because the final word in each can be attached at two possible points in the phrase marker: (1) (2)
Tom said that Bill had taken the cleaning out yesterday. Joe called the friend who had smashed his new car’up.
In (l), yesterday can be attached as an adverbial modifier either to the topmost S in the phrase marker (Tom said . ..) or to the embedded S (Bill had taken . ..). Similarly, in (2), up can be attached as a particle to the verb in the topmost S (called) or to the verb in the embedded S (smashed). In both sentences, the lower of the two possible attachments seems to be preferred by most people and Frazier (1978) has provided experimental evidence for the reliability of this preference. According to FF, this type of bias can be adequately described by Kimball’s principle of Right Association, which dictates that an ambiguous constituent should be “attached into the phrase marker as a right sister to existing constituents and as low in the tree as possible” (p. 294). The Right Association strategy applies in the obvious way to make the correct predictions about the language user’s preferences in sentences (1) and (2). But what explains the existence of this particular strategy? Why should the language user be uniformly biased toward low right attachment as opposed to (say) high right attachment? According to FF, the Sausage Machine can supply the answer. Their story begins with the observation that “the ten-
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dency towards low right association of an incoming constituent sets in only when the word is at some distance from the other daughter constituents of the higher node to which it might have been attached” (p. 299). Sentences (3) and (4) provide the evidence for FF’s claim that Right Association “sets in only . . . at some distance”. (3) (4)
Joe bought Joe bought
the book that I had been trying to obtain for Susan. the book for Susan.
In (3) there are two possible attachments for the final prepositional phrase for Susarz: it can be attached either to the object noun phrase (the book that I had been trying to obtain for Susan) or the main clause verb phrase (bought the book for Susnn). Right Association correctly predicts the preference for the first of these attachments, which is at the lower right margin of the phrase marker. Notice, however, that in sentence (4), this preference seems to be reversed. The preferred attachment is to the verb phrase, not the noun phrase; and as phrase markers (5) and (6) demonstrate this is clearly the higher of the two possible attachments:
‘1 N
I Joe
I book
I for
FF argue that the preference for (5) over (6) is a special case of the general parsing strategy they call Minimal Attachment. This strategy also governs situations where the grammar permits more than one possible attachment
The A TN and the Sausage Machine
2 13
for a given constituent and it stipulates that the ambiguous item “is to be attached into the phrase marker with the fewest possible number of nonterminal nodes linking it with the nodes that are already present” (p. 320). Comparison of (5) and (6) will show that noun phrase attachment involves one more non-terminal node than verb phrase attachment; hence the Minimal Attachment principle correctly predicts the language user’s preference for (5). But why does Minimal Attachment prevail over Right Associaticm in sentence (4)? And why does Right Association appear to set in only at a distance? Here FF offer an ingenious explanation based exclusively on the architecture of the Sausage Machine: us suppose for the sake of argument that the first stage parser has the capacity to retain six words of the sentence, together with whatever lexical and phrasal nodes it has assigned to them. Then in processing (4), it will still be able to ‘see’ the verb when it encounters for Susan. It will know that there is a verb phrase node to which the prepositional phrase could be attached, and also that this particular verb is one which permits a for-phrase. But in sentence (3), where a long noun phrase follows the verb bought, the first stage parser will have lost access to bought by the time for Susan must be entered into the structure; the only possible attachment will be within the long noun phrase, as a modifier to trying to obtain (p. 300). Notice that according to this account, there need be no independent statement of Right Association anywhere in the Sausage Machine. The PPP simply makes whatever attachments it can. In long seritences like (3) the low right attachment of for Susan is the only attachment the PPP can make
because its limited window prevents it from “seeing” the higher attachment possibility. Note also that this account automatically explains why Minimal Attachment prevails over Right Association in (4). Since there is no independent statement of Right Association in the parser there is no conflict to be explained. In short sentences like (l), the PPP will “see” both attachment possibilities. Therefore, there will be no bias towards low right attachment and the Minimal Attachment strategy prevails by default.’ On the basis of this demonstration, FF claim to have achieved, at least in one important instance, their announced goal of showing that “the parser’s decision preferences can be seen as an automatic consequence of its structure” (p. 297).
‘FF also offer a structural account for Minimal Attachment which is quite irrelevant to the interaction between the two strategies. Here it is sufficient to note that on FF’s account, Minimal Attachment is insensitive to distance effects in the manner putatively characteristic of Right Association. Hence, Minimal Attachment continues to operate in contexts where Right Association does not.
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There are, however, serious problems with this claim. If the preference for low right attachment “sets in . .. at some distance” just because of the PPP’s limitation to a six word window, then this limitation ought to operate uniformly in all cases. Just as the preference for low right attachment dissolves as sentence (3) is shortened into sentence (4), so it should also dissolve as sentences (1) and (2) are shortened. But it does not. Sentence sets (7) and (8) represent progressive shortenings of sentences (1) and (2): (7)
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)
Tom said Tom said Tom said Tom said Tom said Tom said Joe called Joe called Joe called Joe called Joe called Joe called
that Bill had taken the cleaning out yesterday. that Bill had taken it out yesterday. that Bill had taken it yesterday. that Bill took it yesterday. that Bill died yesterday. Bill died yesterday. the friend who had smashed his new car up. the friend who had smashed his car up. the friend who had smashed it up. the friend who smashed it up. everyone who smashed it up. everyone who smashed up.
Notice that as these sentences shrink, there is no noticeable tendency for the preference for low right attachment to diminish. Indeed, informants to whom I have given just the (f) versions uniformly report a preference in favor of the analysis in which the final word is attached to the lower of the two clauses.* But neither (f) version is more than six words long. Both (f) sentences can fit comfortably within the PPP’s window. Hence the PPP could readily “see” both clauses as candidates for possible attachment. Therefore, the structure of the PPP cannot provide any explanation of the language user’s continued preference for low right attachment in these short sentences.3 *Some informants find the higher attachment in (80 ungrammatical, presumably because it requires an intransitive interpretation of “smashed”. However, these informants all prefer the low right attachment in (8e) where there is Rio possible confounding from ungrammaticality of either attachment. 3Thc same sort of argument can be brought to bear upon some of FF’s other arguments for the explanatory power of the PPP’s limited window. For example, FE‘ argue that the multiple embedded sentence (a) is easier than the identically embedded sentence (b) because its major constituents (marked here by brackets) are approximately the length of the PPP’s window: [The very beautiful young woman] [the man the girl loved] [met on a cruise ship in Maine] (a) [died of cholera in 19721. The woman the man the girl loved met died. (b) But again it is possible to construct an equivalent sentence which is short enough to fall entirely within the PPP’s window yet is very difficult to comprehend: Women men girls love meet die. (c)
The A TN and the Sausage Machine
2 15
One might hope to save the Sausage Machine by somehow incorporating the Right Association strategy within the PPP itself. It might be possible to stipulate, for example, that the PPP tries to fashion the longest possible phrases from the words within its window. But this move would leave us without an explanation of why Minimal Attachment appears to prevail over Right Association in sentence (4). Moverover, it would necessarily entail the abandonment of FF’s goal of explaining Right Association exclusively in terms of Sausage Machine architecture. For as FF point out themselves, there is nothing about the division of labor between the PPP and SSS which might explain why the PPP should strive to build maximally long phrases: Trying to squeeze extra words into the current package could also be counterproductive, for it might happen that the limits of the PPP’s capacity are reached at a point which is not a natural phrasal break in the sentence. In such circum.stances it would have been better for the PPP to terminate the current package a word or two sooner, and start afresh with a new phrase as a new package (p. 312).
To summarize, it now appears that contrary to the Sausage Machine prediction, Right Association is not limited to cases of distant attachment. Moreover, the Sausage Machine offers no explanation of why the language user appears to follow the Right Association strategy in some short sen-tences (7f and Sf, but not others (4). Accordingly, it seems clear that the Sausage Machine’s putative explanation of the behavior of Right Association strategy is simply incorrect. There is nothing about FF’s observations which would require a parser with properties (A) and (B). However, it remains to be seen whether a parser like the ATN, which has neither two stages nor a limited input window, can give a satisfactory account of the behavior of Right Association and Minimal Attachment, as well as their somewhat puzzling interaction.
Is the ATN in the Same Pickle? According to FF, IMinimal Attachment and Right Association cannot be described within the ATN framework. The problem, as they see it, is that the ATN lacks property (C) - the ability to make structural assignments contingent on the geometry of the developing phrase marker. In FF’s words, An ATN parser could certainly be designed so that it would make exactly the same decisions at choice points as the Kimball parser. But because its decisions are determined by the ranking of arcs for specific word and phrase types, rather than in
2 16 Eric Wanner
terms of concepts like ‘lowest rightmost node in the phrase marker’, the parser’s structural preferences would have to be built in separately for each type of phrase and each sentence context in which it can appear. Evidence that the human sentence parser exhibits general preferences based on the geometric arrangement of nodes in the phrase marker indicates that its executive component does have access to the results of its prior computations. Its input at each choice point must consist of both the incoming lexical string and the phrase marker (or some portion thereof) which it has already assigned to previous lexical items (p. 294). It is difficult to determine in general, whether the ATN will eventually require the addition of something like property (C). However, it is quite clear that no such property is required to give a perfectly general description of the two parsing strategies that FF have proposed. The structural preferences involved in these strategies would not have to be “built in separately for each type of phrase and each sentence context”. On the contrary, it appears to be possible to fonnulate scheduling principles for the ATN that completely capture the structural preferences involved and that do so without explicit appeal to the geometry of the phrase marker. Moreover, when these principles are combined with an ATN grammar for FF’s crucial sentences, the residual mysteries concerning the interaction between Right Association and Minimal Attachment are completely resolved. To see this, recall first that a scheduling rule in an ATN, as described by Kaplan (1975, 1972) and by Wanner and Maratsos (1978), is essentially a specification of the order in which the ATN processor considers the arcs leaving a state in an ATN grammar network. Recall also that the ATN network includes at least 5 types of arcsp ~ WORD arcs that analyze specific grammatical morphemes such as that orto, -- CAT
arcs that analyze grammatical categories such as Noun (N) or Verb (V), - SEEK arcs that analyze whole phrases or clauses such as NP, VP, or S; - SEND arcs which terminate a network; - JUMP arcs which provide a free transition between states, thus expressing the optionality of certain sub-paths through a network. Given this enumeration of arc types, we can formulate two general constraints on ATN scheduling rules which provide a general description of Right Association and Minimal Attachment:
4For a more detailed
of these arc types see the ATN sources
cited above.
The A TN and the Sausage Machine
2 17
Right Association: Schedule all SEND arcs and all JUMP arcs after every other arc type. (Since SEND arcs and JUMP arcs never leave the same state, there is no ambiguity here with respect to the relative ordering of these two arc types.) Schedule all CAT arcs and WORD arcs before all (10) Minimal Attachment: SEEK arcs.
Consider Minimal Attachment first. Basically this strategy stipulates that the parser should never add an additional non-terminal node to the parse tree unless it is forced to by the grammar. Scheduling rule (10) enforces this strategy by providing that any input element will be analysed as a category or a word of the current phrase before any SEEK to a lower phrase is attempted. Suppose, for example, that our ATN grammer includes the following network level that analyzes X phrases (XP): CAT Y
Note first that because CAT Y arc is ordered before SEEK ZP arc, the constituent XP will always be completed by means of categorical nodes rather than phrasal nodes, if such a completion is possible. This ordering guarantees Minimal Attachment. To see this, imagine that our hypothetical ATN also includes a network for Z phrases (ZP), one path through which begins with a CAT Y arc, as in: CAT Y
Suppose that the parser is in state XP, at the moment that it encounters a word in the input string that belongs to the syntactic category Y. At this point, two analyses of Y are possible, roughly those corresponding to the following attachment possibilities:
2 18
Eric Wanner
(11) ... . ‘XP
.... \
1 .. .. Y
XP .
Obviously, (11) is the minimal attachment of Y to XP and it is just this possibility which will be tried first so long as arc 1 is ordered before arc 2. Now consider Right Association. Basically, this strategy requires the parser to add as many nodes to the current constituent as possible. In an ATN this is enforced by postponing the network-final SEND arc as long as possible. To see this, suppose that the parser is in state XPfinat when it encounters a word in the input string that can be categorized as Q. So long as arc 4 is always ordered before arc 5 at this state, as it must be in order to obey the Right Association scheduling principle (lo), the Q node will be attached as the right sister of the current constituent XP. To see how this guarantees Right Association, suppose our ATN also includes a network for U phrases (UP) which contains a path including a SEEK XP arc followed by a CAT Q arc, as in: SEEK XP
Suppose also that the SEEK XP on arc 9 has been issued and the parser has completed the partial path through the XP network to state XPnnat by finding a Y in the input. Now suppose the next word falls in the Q category. Here again, two attachments are possible. Either Q can be attached directly to the X constituent via arc 4 to yield (13) or Q can be attached to the UP constituent via arcs 5 and 10 to yield (14). (13)
Obviously Right Association favors (13), and so long as arc 4 precedes this is the analysis that the ATN will favor as well.
arc 5,
The A TN and the Sausage Machine 2 19
Finally, notice that the JUMP on arc 3 must be ordered last since it leads to the SEND on arc 5. If the JUMP were ordered earlier at state XP,, it could lead the parser to violate Right Association by executing the SEND at arc 5 before trying the CAT and SEEK on arcs I and 2. Given the ATN restatement of Right Association and Minimal Attachment provided by scheduling principles (9) and (lo), we can now consider the way in which these principles apply to FF’s crucial cases. Figure 1 presents an ATN grammar which will handle sentences (l), (4), and (7a-7f). The grammar was constructed by restating in ATN terms all the phrase structure rules that FF implicitly used to construct the phrase markers given in their paper. Corresponding to every context free phrase structure rule in FF’s generative grammar, there is a level of the ATN network which expresses the identical analysis of each phrase. ’ For simplicity, however, we have ignored irrelevant grammatical details pertaining to verbal auxiliaries, verb particles, and deleted complementizers in the grammar of Figure 1. None of these omissions has any bearing upon the interesting aspects of the ATN analysis of FF’s sentences. To illustrate the way in which principle (9) captures Kimball’s principle of Right Association, consider first the analysis of sentence (7e), repeated here alongside the arc sequence (15) which gives its analysis path through the grammar of Figure 1: (7e) (15)
Tom said that Bill died yesterday. l(17, 22), 2(5, 8(13, 14(1,(17, 22), 2(5,9, 11, 12),4.
11, 12) 3,4),
In constructing arc sequence (IS), the arcs in the analysis sub-path that fulfill a SEEK have been listed in parenthesis after the number of the SEEK arc that caused the SEEK to be attempted. Thus the analysis of sentence (7e) begins with a SEEK for a NP on arc 1, which is completed when the proper noun “Tom” is analyzed on arc 17 and control returned to arc 1 by the SEND on arc 22. This arc sequence is represented in (IS) as I( 17, 22). Following the analysis from this poin_t, we see that said is analyzed on arc 5, and a SEEK for the complement S is issued on arc 8. The complementizer
‘In adopting this principle for constructing the ATN grammar, I am following Bresnan’s (1978) proposal for relating ATN and phrase structure grammars. ATN grammars constructed according to this principle provide a well formed labelled bracketing of the input sentence directly by means of the sequence of transitions made in accepting the sentence. This avoids the use of LISP functions to build phrase- markers thereby reducing the expressive power of the ATN. A limited set of additional actions is required to label grammatical functions and handle moved constituents. However, with one exception (the HOLD action) I have deleted these actions from the Figure 1 grammar since they play no part in the description of Minimal Attachment and Right Association.
220 Eric Wanner
Figure 1,
An ATN grammar for sentences (3), (4) and (7).
that is analyzed on arc 13, followed by a SEEK S on arc 14. The SEEK S is pursued along arc 1 which analyzes the subject noun phrase Bill and arc 2 which analyzes the verb phrase died. At this point there is a choice between analyzing the adverb yesterday as a modifier of the complement clause on arc 3 or terminating the complement clause via the SEND on arc 4. However,
The ATN and the Sausage Machine
22 1
since the SEND arc must be ordered after all other arcs according to principle (9), this choice must be resolved in favor of arc 3. Hence, yesterday is attached to the complement clause, thus insuring the low right attachment of the adverb. Notice also that this attachment will be preferred no matter how long or short the complement clause is. So long as the complement clause terminates at state Snnat, the fact that arc 3 precedes arc 4 will guarantee low right attachment. Since each complement clause in sentence set (7) terminates at just this state, the ATN successfully captures our intuitions that the lower attachment of yesterday is preferred throughout the entire set of sentences in (7). (Anyone with sufficient scepticism and stamina can prove this by tracing through the ATN analysis of the full set.) Principle (9) also insures the low right attachment offir Susan in sentence (3), although here the principle applies at state VP,, where the JUMP on arc 11 must be ordered after the SEEK PP on arc 10. To see the effect of this ordering, consider the following analysis path for sentence (3) by the grammar of Figure 1: (3) (16)
Joe bought the book that I had been trying to obtain for Susan. 1(17,22), 2(5, 7(19(18, 20,22), 26(13, 14(l(i6, 22), 2(5,6, 27(5, 7(28,22), lO(23, 24(17, 22), 25), 12) 12) 4) 15,22), 11, 12), 4.
The parser works its way to state VP, by SEEKing an S at arc 26 in order to process the relative clause (that I had been trying...). As this SEEK is executed, the head noun phrase (the book) is put on HOLD in accordance with the ATN procedure for processing relative clauses (for details, see Wanner and Maratsos (1978)). The relative clause is then processed as an ordinary declarative clause until the parser reaches state VP,, having just analyzed the infinitival complement to obtain. Since obtain requires an object noun phrase, the book will be removed from HOLD at this point and assigned as direct object on arc 7. Then, at state VP,, the parser must attempt to find a prepositional phrase on arc 10 to complete the complement clause. Since for Susan is available at this point in the input string, it is automatically attached as the indirect object of the complement clause. This is, of course, just the low right attachment that language users prefer in this case. The only way for the ATN to make the higher attachment would be to reverse the order of arcs 10 and 11 in violation of principle (9). But now what about sentence (4)? Why doesn’t Right Association operate there as well and come into conflict with Minimal Attachment? This is a natural question if one considers just the geometry of the alternative phrase markers for (4): in phrase marker (5),for Susan is minimally attached to the VP; in (6), for Susan is low right attached to the NP. However, the question
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disappears given the ATN formulation of the two parsing strategies. When the two parsing strategies are implemented by ordering arcs according to principles (9) and (lo), the left-to-right operation of the ATN automatically establishes the priority of the Minimal Attachment analysis of sentence (4). One way to see this is to trace through the analysis of sentence (4) which is given below in arc sequence (17) (4) 17)
Joe bought the book for Susan. l(17, 22), 2(5, 7(18,20, 22), lO(23, 24(17, 22). 251, 12),4.
The subject
phrase Joe is analyzed
successfully apply to the book. At this point, the book has been minimally attached to the verb phrase. In effect the CAT-before-SEEK arc ordering at state NP, has selected partial structure ( 18) over structure ( 19) :
Once this structure has been selected, there is only one possible attachment for the prepositional phrase for Susan and that is the direct attachment to the verb phrase. The ATN accomplishes this attachment on arc 10 once control returns to state VP3 after the successful SEEK for an NP on arc 7. Notice that the conflict between the minimal attachment and the low right. attachment for Susan never arises in the ATN analysis because the ATN never considers structure (19), and it is only in terms of a comparison between structures (18) and (19) that there appears to be a conflict between Minimal Attachment and Right Association. Therefore, it appears that the ATN resolves the apparent conflict in (4) between Minimal Attachment and Right Association in the psychologically appropriate way specifically
The ATNand the Sausage Machine 223
because it does not appraise the geometry of the two possible parse trees. This is, of course, just the reverse of FF’s claimed advantage for the Sausage Machine’s ability to survey the structural details of the developing phrase marker. To summarize then, I hope to have shown, contrary to FF’s claims, first that the ATN can provide a general statement of Minimal Attachment and Right Association; second, that the ATN can do so without explicit appeal to the geometry of the developing phrase marker; third, that a careful formulation of the two parsing strategies coupled with a detailed ATN grammar can account for the otherwise puzzling interactions between parsing strategies noted by FF simply by appeal to left-to-right processing and without any assumption of a limited input window.
Explanation If the ATN analysis of the interaction of Minimal Attachment and Right Association in sentence (4) is correct, then there is no need to explain why Right Association sets in only at a distance in some cases (4) but not others (7 and 8). Evidently, Right Association operates uniformly across all sentences although it may be preempted by another strategy if the preemptive strategy operates at an earlier point in the sentence and eliminates the opportunity for low right attachment. Thus the ATN analysis explains FF’s observations about the interaction of the two strategies but it leaves us with the problem of explaining the strategies themselves. Why does the parser employ these strategies as opposed to others? To answer this question within the ATN framework will require a theory of scheduling which provides some means of selecting psychologically appropriate scheduling principles and dismissing psychologically inappropriate scheduling principles. Although it is difficult to specify such a theory at present, it is possible to speculate, given the results in hand, about the eventual character of such a theory. The basic idea is that a scheduling theory should choose scheduling principles which minimize computation during parsing. In different ways both the Minimal Attachment principle (IO) and the Right Association principle (9) appear to have this effect on ATN processing. Thus, by ordering CAT arcs before SEEK arcs, the Minimal Attachment principle guarantees that the attachment requiring the fewest number of arcs will be tried first. This follows because a CAT arc makes an attachment directly, while a SEEK arc requires the implementation of at least one additional arc (within the network invoked by the SEEK) to complete the attachment. Minimal Attachment also minimizes the number
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of SEEKS per parse and this also reduces the memory demands involved in implementing SEEKS (for details see Wanner and Maratsos, 1978). Right Association minimizes computation in a different way.6 This strategy guarantees that the parser will continue to include input elements -within the scope of the current constituent for as long as possible. Shifts between constituents will be minimized. Since syntactic structure is generally more predictable within constituents than across constituent boundaries, this strategy should insure that the parser will minimize garden paths. In the ATN, garden paths inevitably inflate the number of arcs which the parser must traverse while pursuing dead-ended analysis patlls.7 Therefore, Right Association, like Minimal Attachment, will have the effect of reducing to a minimum the average number of arcs traversed for any large and representative set of sentences input to the parser. This suggests that a theory of scheduling might ultimately be constructed around a metric based on ATN performance measured in arc counts. Such a theory would rank scheduling principles according to their effects on average arc count, with the highest ranking scheduling principles producing the lowest average count. The theory could be tested by determining whether the highest ranking principles were also those employed by the language user.* These brief suggestions are obviously far from the sort of explanatory theory of scheduling that is required to account for FF’s observations about parsing strategies. Nevertheless, they should serve to demonstrate that such a theory is by no means unobtainable within an ATN framework. References Bresnan,
J. (1978) A realistic transformational grammar. In M. Halle, J. Bresnan and C. A. Miller (Eds.) Linguisfic Theory and Psychological Reality, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. Frazier, L. (1978) On comprehending sentences: syntactic parsing strategies. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Connecticut. Frazier, L. and Fodor, J. D. (1978) The sausage machine: a new two-stage parsing model. Cog.. 6. 291-325.
‘1 am indebted to Ronald Kaplan for pointing out this property of Right Association. 7See Wanner, Kaplan and Shiner (1975) for evidence that garden paths have a measurable effect on comprehension time. *This procedure for ranking scheduling principles need not be identified with the child’s procedure for learning scheduling principles. The child might reconstruct the ranking by means of tacit statistics performed over its own parsing history. But it might also be innately equipped with biases in favor of the highest ranking strategies. Conceivably, such biases might evolve to permit the child to perform efficient parsing from the outset. Note, however, that if so, the explanation of the preferred scheduling principles does not lie in the child’s innate bias but in the efficiency ranking to which that bias conforms. Explanation need not always be rooted in constraints on acquisition as is sometimes assumed.
The ATNand the Sausage Machine
Kimball, J. (1973) Seven principles of surface structure parsing in natural language. Cog., 2, 15-47. Kaplan, R. (1972) Augmental transition networks as psychological models of sentence comprehension. Artific. InteN.. 3, 77-100. Wanner, E. and Maratsos, M. (1978) An ATN approach to comprehension. In M. Halle, J. Bresnan and G. A. Miller (Eds.) Linguistic Theory and Psychological Reality, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.
Reference Kaplan,
R. (1975) Transient processing load in sentence comprehension. Unpublished doctoral tation, Harvard University. Wanner, E., Kaplan, R. and Shiner, S. (1975) Garden paths in relative clauses, unpublished Harvard University.