Now we consider the case when v is not a constant. Assume to the contrary that
m=maxv>0. a Then, applying the strong maximum principle (cf. Appendix, Theorem A.1) to the operator A, we obtain that there exists a point xo of r such that
v(xo) = m, {
Furthermore, it follows from an application of the boundary point lemma (cf. Appendix, Theorem A.2) that
av(xo) > 0. Since we have
Bv(xo) = a(xo)n- (xo) + b(xo)v(xo) < 0,
it follows from condition (H.1) that
a(xo) = 0,
b(xo) = 0.
This contradicts condition (H.2).
5.3. Existence Theorem for Problem (*) The next theorem asserts that the operator A is surjective:
Theorem 5.7. Lets > 1 + 1/p where 1 < p < oo. Assume that conditions (H.1) and (H.2) are satisfied:
(H.1) a(x') > 0 and b(x') > 0 on r.
(H.2)b(x')>0onI'o={x'er:a(x')=0}. Then, for any f E Hs-Z'P(SZ) and any cp E B*-1-"P'P(F), the boundary value problem
(Av=f (*)
jl aav+bvlr=y on r
has a solution u in the space H''P(SZ).
5.3A Proof of Theorem 5.7. First, by Theorem 4.10, we know that ind A = ind T,
where the operator
T : BB-1/P,P(r) _, Bs-ilr,n(r) is defined as follows:
(a) The domain D(T) of T is the space
D(T) =
Tip E B3-11P,P(r)I .
(b) Tip = Tip, V E D(T).
But Theorem 5.5 tells us that the operator A (or equivalently the operator T) is injective. Hence, in order to prove the surjectivity, it suffices to show the following:
Proposition 5.8. The index of the operator T is equal to zero. Proof. (1) We replace the operator A by the operator A - A with A > 0, and consider instead of problem (*) the following boundary value problem:
(A - A)u = f
in Sl,
Bu=aau+bulr=yo on r. We associate with problem (*)A a linear operator
A(A) = (A - A, B) : H',P(cZ) ,)
H'-2,P(c) x
We remark that the operator A(A) coincides with the operator A when A = 0.
We reduce the study of problem (*)A to that of a pseudo-differential operator on the boundary, just as in the proof of Theorem 5.1. We can prove that Theorem 4.1 remains valid for the operator A - A. That is, we have the following: (a) The Dirichlet problem
( (A - A)w = 0 in St,
has a unique solution w in Ht'P(1l) for any a E Bt-1/P,P(r), where t E R. (b) The Poisson operator P(A) :
-> Ht,P(1),
defined by w = P(A)cp, is an isomorphism of the space Bt-1L"(F) onto the space N(A - A, t, p) = {u E Ht,P(52) : (A - A)u = 0 in Q} for all t E R; and its inverse is the trace operator on r. Let T(A) be a classical pseudo- differential operator of first order on the boundary r defined as follows:
T(A) = BP(A) = an(A) + b,
A > 0,
where 17(A) : C°°(r)
gyp' BP(A)cp.
Since the operator T(A) : C°°(r) -> C°°(r) extends to a continuous linear operator T(A) : Bt,P(r) > Bt-',P(r) for all t E R, one can introduce a densely defined, closed linear operator T(A) : Bs-1IP,P(r)
, B`11P,P(r)
as follows.
(a) The domain D(T(A)) of T(A) is the space D(T(A)) =
E B'- /P,P(r) : T(a)i E Bs- /P,P(r)}
(Q) T(A)co = T(A)p, V E D(T(A)). We remark that the operator T(A) coincides with the operator T when A = 0. Then we can obtain the following results (cf. Theorem 4.10): (I) The null space N(A(A)) of A(A) has finite dimension if and only if the null space N(T(A)) of T(A) has finite dimension, and we have
dim N(A(A)) = dimN(T(A)). (II) The range R(A(A)) of A(A) is closed if and only if the range R(T(A)) of T(A) is closed; and R(A(A)) has finite codimension if and only if R(T(A)) has finite codimension, and we have codim R(A(A)) = codim R(T(A)).
(III) The operator A(A) is a Fredholm operator if and only if the operator T(A) is a Fredholm operator, and we have ind A(A) = ind T(A).
(2) To study problem (*)A, we shall make use of a method essentially due to Agmon (cf. [Ag], [LM] and also [Ta2, Section 8.4]). This is a technique of
treating a spectral parameter A as a second-order differential operator of an extra variable and relating the old problem to a new one with the additional variable.
We introduce an auxiliary variable y of the unit circle
S = R/21rZ, and replace the parameter -A by the second-order differential operator a2
That is, we replace the operator A - A by the operator 2
A + aye,
and consider instead of problem (*)A the following boundary value problem:
Au := (A+a )u= f inQxS, 1 Bu = as +bulrs = `P on r x S.
We can prove that Theorem 4.1 remains valid for the operator A = A + 52 /8y2.
(a) The Dirichlet problem
in52xS, wlrxs = b on r x S
( Aw=O Sl
has a unique solution w in Ht>P(f2 x S) for any cp E Bt-1/1'P(r x S), where t E R. (b) The Poisson operator P : Bt-1/P,P(r x S) ---) Ht,P(12 x S),
defined by w = Pcb, is an isomorphism of the space Bt-lIP°P(r x S) onto the space N(A, t, P) = {u E Ht,P(1 x S) : Au = 0 in ci x S} for all t E R; and its inverse is the trace operator on IF x S. We let
T:c°°(rxs)-ic°°(rxs) BPS
Then the operator T can be decomposed as follows:
T=a17+b, where
The operator II is a classical pseudo-differential operator of first order on the boundary r x S, and its complete symbol is given by the following: [Pi (x', C', y, 77) + V_-_1 41(x', 6', y,11)]
+ [Po(x', 6', y, 77) + / 4o (x', e', y, y)] + terms of order < -1, where (cf. (4.13)) (5.11)
P, W, C', y, y) > co
on T*(r x S) \ {0}.
I'12 + y2
For example, if A is the usual Laplacian 'A = a2/ax2 +
+ a2/Ox2, then
we have
Pl(x',S',y,17) = Thus we find that the operator
IS'I2 +712.
T=alt+b is a classical pseudo-differential operator of first order on the boundary r x S and its complete symbol is given by the following: (5.12)
a(x) [Pi (x', C', y, 77) +
41(x', ', y, q)]
+ [(b(x') + a(x')po(x', e', y, 71)) + ia(x')4o(x', C', y, ii)]
+ terms of order < -1. Then, by virtue of assertions (5.12) and (5.11), it is easy to verify that the operator t satisfies conditions (3.7a) and (3.7b) of Theorem 3.19 with t = 0, p = 1 and S_= 1/2, just as in the proof of Lemma 5.2. Hence there exists a parametrix S in the class L° 112(F x S) for the operator T. Therefore we obtain the following result, analogous to Lemma 5.2: Lemma 5.9. Assume that conditions (H.1) and (H.2) are satisfied. Then we have for all s E R
E D'(r x s), Tip E B''P(r x s)
E B3'P(r x S).
Furthermore, for any t < s, there exists a constant Cs,t > 0 such that (5.13)
PI9,P < O9,t OT'I9,P + I'It,P)
We introduce a densely defined, closed linear operator
T : B'-i"P,P(r x s)
B3-,/P,P(r x s)
as follows.
(&) The domain D(T) of T is the space
D(T) = {, E Bs-i/p,p(r x s)
x S)} .
D(T) Then the most fundamental relationship between the operators T and T(A) (A > 0) is the following:
Proposition 5.10. If ind T is finite, then there exists a finite subset K of Z such that the operator T(A') is bijective for all A' = £2 satisfying
2EZ\K. Granting Proposition 5.10 for the moment, we shall prove Theorem 5.7.
(3) End of Proof of Theorem 5.7 (3-1) We show that if conditions (H.1) and (H.2) are satisfied, then we have
ind T < oo.
To this end, we need a useful criterion for Fredholm operators (cf. [Ta2, Theorem 3.7.6]):
Lemma 5.11 (Peetre). Let X, Y, Z be Banach spaces such that X C Z is a compact injection, and let T be a closed linear operator from X into Y with domain D(T). Then the following two conditions are equivalent: (1) The null space N(T) of T has finite dimension and the range R(T) of T is closed in Y. (ii) There is a constant C > 0 such that IIxIIx < C(IITxIIy + IIxIIz),
x E D(T).
Now, estimate (5.13) gives that (5.15)
Cs,t (IT;aI8-11P,P + PIt,p)
where t < s - 1/p. But it follows from an application of Rellich's theorem that the injection B3-I/P,P(P x S) -> Bt'P(P x s) is compact (or completely continuous) for t < s - 1/p. Thus, applying Lemma 5.11 with X = Y = B9-i/P,P(r x S),
Z = B',P(r x s),
T=T, we obtain that the range R(T) is closed in Bs-I/P,P(r x S) and dim N(T) < oo.
On the other hand, by formula (5.12), we find that the symbol of the adjoint T* is given by the following (cf. Theorem 3.12): a(x') (Pi (x', 6, y, 77)
- / 41(x', C, y, ii)) 2
+ ([b(x') + a(x')o(x', ', y,
(a(xe)-5E; 41(x',E1,y,71))
j=1 2
axj (a(x')-Oi11(x',e',y,rl)) 11
+ terms of order < -1. But, by virtue of Lemma 5.4, it follows that
C9xia(x)=0onro={x'EI':a(x')=0}. Thus one can easily verify that the pseudo-differential operator T* satisfies conditions (3.7a) and (3.7b) of Theorem 3.19 with a = 0, p = 1 and 6 = 1/2. This implies that estimate (5.15) remains valid for the adjoint operator of T: 101-.'+1/P'P' C Cy,T
I T* 4' I -s+11P,P' + I W I
Y E D(T * ),
where r < -s + 11p and p' =\ p/(p - 1), the exponent conjugate to p. Hence we have by the closed range theorem (cf. [Yo, Chapter VII, Section 5]) and Lemma 5.11 (5.17)
codimR(T) = dimN(T*) < oo,
since the injection B-s+1/P,P'(r x S)
Br,P'(r x S) is compact for r <
Therefore, assertion (5.14) follows from assertions (5.16) and (5.17). (3-2) By assertion (5.14), we can apply Proposition 5.10 to obtain that the operator T(Q2) : B9-1/P,P(r) , B9-1/P,P(r) is bijective if f E Z \ K for some finite subset K of Z. In particular, we have (5.18)
indT(Ao) = 0 if ao = 22, £ E Z \ K.
But it is easy to see that the symbol t(x', e'; A) of the operator
T(A)=all(A)+b, A>0, has the following asymptotic expansion: (5.19)
q, (x, c')]
t(x', e'; A) = a(x') [P1(x',C') +
+ [(b(x') + a(x')Po(x', )) + a(x')go(x', ')] + terms of order < -1 depending on A. Thus we can find a classical pseudo-differential operator K(Ao) of order -1 on the boundary r such that
T = T(Ao) + K(Ao) Furthermore, Rellich's theorem tells us that the operator K(Ao) :
is compact. Hence we have ind T = ind T(Ao ).
Therefore, Proposition 5.8 follows from assertions (5.18) and (5.20).
Theorem 5.7 is proved, apart from the proof of Proposition 5.10.
5.3B Proof of Proposition 5.10. (i) First we study the null spaces N(T) and N(T(A')) when A' = 0 with .£ E Z: N(T) = {So E Bs-1/p,p(r x s) : Ty, = 0}
N(T(A')) = {Ip E
T(A')sv = o}
Since the pseudo-differential operators T and T(A') are both hypoelliptic, it follows that
N(T)_{y1EC°°(rxS):T, =o}, N(T(A')) = {gyp E C°°(F) : T(A')
Therefore, we can apply [Ta2, Proposition 8.4.6] to obtain the following most
important relationship between the null spaces N(T) and N(T(A')) when A' = £2 with .£ E Z:
Lemma 5.12. The following two conditions are equivalent: (1) dim N(T) < oo. (2) There exists a finite subset I of Z such that dim N (T(22)) < oo
if f E I,
dimN(T(f2)) = 0
Moreover, in this case, we have
N(T) _ ®N(T(/2)) 0 eily, 1Ez
dim N(T) = E dim N(T(t2 )). 1EI
(ii) Next we study the ranges R(T) and R(T(A')) when A' = f2 with f E Z. To do so, we consider the adjoint operators T* and T(A')* of T and T(A'), respectively. The _next lemma allows us to give a characterization of the adjoint op-
erators T* and T(A')* in terms of pseudo-differential operators (cf. [Ta2, Lemma 8.4.8]):
Lemma 5.13. Let M be a compact C°° manifold without boundary. If T is a classical pseudo-differential operator of order m on M, we define a densely defined, closed linear operator
T : B9,P(M) -f B9-m+1,P(M) (s E R) as follows.
(a) The domain D(T) of T is the space
D(T) = {cp E H',P(M) : Tcp E H'-'+',P(M)I. (b) Tip = T
: T*b E B-",P (M)}
where p' = p/(p - 1) and T* E L i (M) is the adjoint of T. (d) T*4 = T*,b, 0 E D(T*). We remark that the pseudo-differential operators T(A)* and t* also sat-
isfy conditions (3.7a) and (3.7b) of Theorem 3.19 with u = 0, p = 1 and S = 1/2; hence they are hypoelliptic. Therefore, applying Lemma 5.13 to the operators T and T(7'), we obtain the following:
Lemma 5.14. The null spaces N(T*) and N(T(A')*) are characterized respectively as follows:
N(T*)={bEc-(rxs): N(T(A')*) = { V ) E C°°(r) : T(A')*b = 01.
By Lemma 5.14, we find that Lemma 5.12 remains valid for the adjoint operators T* and T(A')* (cf. [Ta2, Lemma 8.4.10]):
Lemma 5.15. The following two conditions are equivalent: (1) dim N(T*) < oo. (2) There exists a finite subset J of Z such that
( dimN(T(f2)*) < oo
if f E J,
t dimN(T(t2)*) = 0
if 2 V J.
Moreover, in this case, we have
dim N(T*) =
dim N (1-(f2)*). eE J
Hence, combining Lemma 5.15 and the closed range theorem, we obtain
the most important relationship between codimR(T) and codimR(T()')) when .A' = f2, f E Z (cf. [Ta2, Proposition 8.4.11]):
Lemma 5.16. The following two conditions are equivalent: (1) codim R(T) < oo. (2) There exists a finite subset J of Z such that codim R (T(f2)) < 00 { codim N (T(f2)) = 0
if f E J,
if f J.
Moreover, in this case, we have
codimR(T) =
codimR (T(f2)) QE J
(iii) Proposition 5.10 is an immediate consequence of Lemmas 5.12 and
5.16, with K=IUJ. Now the proof of Proposition 5.8, and hence that of Theorem 5.7, is complete.
PROOF OF THEOREM 2 In this chapter we prove Theorem 2. More precisely, we prove a generation theorem for analytic semigroups (Theorem 6.8) for the operator 2t from LP(Sl) into itself defined by the following: (a) The domain of definition D(2t) of 2t is the set
D(2t)_{uEH2°p(St):Bu=a1%+bu (b) 2tu = Au, U E D(2t). Once again Agmon's method plays an important role in the proof of the
surjectivity of the operator 2t - AI (Proposition 6.7).
6.1 A Priori Estimates In this section we study the operator 2t, and prove a priori estimates for the operator 2( - AI (Theorem 6.3) which will play a fundamental role in the next section. In the proof we make good use of Agmon's method (Proposition 6.4). First, we have the following:
Lemma 6.1. Assume that conditions (H.1) and (H.2) are satisfied: (H.1) a(x') > 0 and b(x') > 0 on r.
(H.2)b(x')>0on I'o={x'EI':a(x')=0}. Then we have the a priori estimate IIu1I2,p < CIIAuIIp,
U E D(21).
Proof. Estimate (6.1) follows immediately from Theorem 1 with s = 2
andcp=0. 0
Corollary 6.2. The operator 2t is a closed operator. Proof. Let {uj} be an arbitrary sequence in the domain D(21) such that
Jui-;u Auk -> v
inLP(1l), in LP(fl). Typeset by AMS-TIC
Then, applying estimate (6.1) to the sequence {uj}, we find that {uj} is a Cauchy sequence in the space H2'P(fl), so that u E H2'p(S2) and
in H2''(1).
Hence we have
Au = lim Au j = v in LP(1), j 00 and also by Proposition 4.8
Bu = jlim00 Buj = 0 in B*-11P'P(I') This proves that u E D(2t) and 2(u = v.
The next theorem is an essential step in the proof of Theorem 2:
Theorem 6.3. Assume that conditions (H.1) and (H.2) are satisfied. Then, for every -7r < 9 < ir, there exists a constant R(8) > 0 depending on 8 such that if A = r2eie and IAl = r2 > R(8), we have for all u E H2'P(Sl) satisfying Bu = 0 on P (i.e., u E D(21)) (6.2)
1u12,P + IA1112 . lull,P + IAl - IlullP
C(8) II(A - A)ullP,
with a constant C(O) > 0 depending on 0. Here I
(j = 1, 2) is the
seminorm on the space H2'P(Q) defined by 1/p
lulj,P = f E IDau(x)IPdx I1=j Proof. (1) We replace the operator A - A by the operator z
A + e 'B y2
-7r < 0 < 7r,
and consider instead of the problem
( (A - A)u = f (*)''
in S2,
Bu=as--+buI=O onl'
the following boundary value problem:
_ (*)
A(6)u:_ (A+ezeaye)u= f inSlxS, Bu:=aa-.+bulrxs=0 onl'xS.
We remark that the operator A(8) is elliptic for -7r < 8 < 7r. Then we have the following result, analogous to Lemma 6.1:
Proposition 6.4. Assume that conditions (H.1) and (H.2) are satisfied.
Then we have for all ii EH2'P(SlxS)satisfying Bu=0on rxS IIuII2,P <- c(8)
with a constant C(O) > 0 depending on 0.
Proof. We reduce the study of problem (*) to that of a pseudo-differential operator on the boundary, just as in problem (*). We can prove that Theorems 4.3 and 4.4 remain valid for the operator A(0) = A + e:ea2/8y2, -ir < 0 < ir: (a) The Dirichlet problem
(A(0)iv=0 inQxS, wlrxs=gyp on rxS has a unique solution w in Ht,P(1 x S) for any cp E Bt-1/P,P(r x S), where t E R. (b) The Poisson operator P(0) :
Bt-i/P,P(r x S) ---> Ht,P(S2 x S),
defined by w = P(0)ep, is an isomorphism of Bt-1/P,P(r x S) onto the space
N(A(0),t,p)={uEHt,P(S2xS):A(0)u=0in SlxS}for all tER;and its inverse is the trace operator on r x S. We let
T(0) : C°°(r x S) -i C°°(r x S) BP(e)(p.
Then the operator T(0) can be decomposed as follows: T(0) = a17(0) + b
a (P(Bv)
The operator 17(6) is a classical pseudo-differential operator of first order on the boundary r x S, and its complete symbol is given by the following (cf. [Ta2, Section 10.2j):
+ (Po(x', ', y, z1; 9) + v I 1 qo(x', e', y, i; 8)) + terms of order < -1,
where (cf. (5.11)) Pi (x', i', y, 71; 0) ? cB
-F+ 77 2 Ib'
on T*(r x s) \ {0}.
For example, if A is the usual Laplacian A = 192/ax2 +
+ a2lax2, then
we have PI W, 6', y,'1; 9) ( [[hI2+coso.2)2+sin2.4J
Therefore, the operator t(O) = aft (0)+b is a classical pseudo-differential operator of first order on the boundary r x S and its complete symbol is given by the following: (6.5)
a(x') (PI (x', ', y,71; 9) + v 91(x', C', y,71; 8))
+ ([b(x') + a(x')Po(x', 6, y, y; B)) + \Ta(x')4o(x', ', y, 71; B))
+ terms of order < -1.
Then, by virtue of assertions (6.5) and (6.4), one can verify that the operator T(O) satisfies conditions (3.7a) and (3.7b) of Theorem 3.19 with
p = 0, p = 1 and 6 = 1/2, just as in the proof of Lemma 5.3. Hence we obtain the following result, analogous to Lemma 5.2:
Lemma 6.5. Assume that conditions (H. 1) and (H.2) are satisfied. Then we have for all s E R
E D'(r x s), T(e)d E B9'P(r x s) ==*
E B8'P(r x s).
Furthermore, for any t < s, there exists a constant Cq,t > 0 such that I'Is,P <- Cs,t (IT(evI9,p + I'vlt,P) .
The desired estimate (6.3) follows from estimate (6.6) with s = 2 - 1/p and t = -1/p, just as in the proof of Theorem 4.12. (2) Now let u be an arbitrary function in the domain D(2t):
uEH2''(1) and Bu=0 on r.
We choose a function (E C°°(S) such that
0<(<1 onS, supp(C [3 sr ' ((y)=1 f o r 2
t and let
vn(x,y) = u(x) ®((y)eZny,
y > 0.
Then we have vn E H2'p(1l X S), 492
A(9)vn = CA
_ (A - ?12de)u ® (e:ny + 2(i,y)e:eu ® ('e'ny + eieu ®("eFey,
and also
Bvn=Bu 0Ce'ny=0 on F x S. Thus, applying inequality (6.3) to the functions vn = u ®(e'ny, we obtain
that (6.7)
IIu ®(etny112,p C C(O) (11x9u®(e'ny)
We can estimate each term of inequality (6.7) as follows: (6.8) 1/ p
IIu ® (e`nyllp =
Uf xS
ju(x)IP (y)jp dx dy)
_ I1(IIp -
A(9)(u ® (etny)ll p C II(A - 772e:e)u ®(e`nyll p +2iIIu0('e'nyllp+llu®("e:nyllp
II(Ilp . II(A - ri2ete)ullp + (2zII('Ilp + II("Ilp) Ilullp. (6.10)
ll u ®(e'ny II2,p
JxS I Dx,y(u(x) ®((y)e'ny)Ip dxdy 37r/2
fJD,y(u() ® e)I dxdy /2
3 1r/2
= k+E
ykD'eu(x) l p dxdy
7r E f0 IDOu(x)I' dx I,a1=2
E J I DQu(x)IP dx 1131=1
+ 772pJ u(x)Ipdx) UuI2,P
+77Plull,p +?12Pllullp)
Therefore, carrying these inequalities (6.8), (6.9) and (6.10) into inequality (6.7), we have with a constant C'(9) > 0 independent of i > 0: Iu12,P +
IUI1,P + g2IIujl P < C'(8) (II(A - i72eie)ul )P + 71 IlullP) .
If 71 is so large that 77 > 2C'(9),
then we can eliminate the last term on the right-hand side to obtain that Iu12,P + 77 Iu11,P +77211 UII P
< 2C'(0) II (A -
This proves inequality (6.2) if we take A_772eie
R(9) = 4C'(9)2, C(O) = 2C'(9).
The proof of Theorem 6.3 is now complete.
6.2 Generation of Analytic Semigroups In this section we prove that the operator 2( generates an analytic semigroup on the space LP(SI). First we prove part (i) of Theorem 2:
Theorem 6.6. Assume that conditions (H.1) and (H.2) are satisfied: (H.1) a(x) > 0 and b(x') > 0 on r.
Then, for every 0 < E < it/2, there exists a constant r(e) > 0 such that the resolvent set of 2t contains the set E(e) = {A = r2eie : r > r(e), -ir+e < 0 < 7r - e}, and that the resolvent (2t - AI)-1 satisfies the estimate (6.11)
)A E E(E),
1 Al'
where c(e) > 0 is a constant depending on s.
Proof. (1) By estimate (6.2), it follows that if A = r2e'B, -7r < 9 < 7r and 1Al = r2 > R(9), then we have for all u E D(2t) lul2,p +
- lull,p + lA - Ilullp < C(9)II(2t - AI)ullp.
But we find from the proof of Theorem 6.3 that the constants R(9) and C(9) depend continuously on 0 E (-ir, 7r), so that they may be chosen uniformly in 9 E [-7r + e, it + e], for every e > 0. This proves the existence of the constants r(E) and c(s), that is, we have for all A = r2e'B satisfying r > r(e)
and-7r+E<9<7r+E (6.12)
lul2,p + 1x1112 .
lull,p +
Ilullp S c(E)Il(2t - AI)ull p.
By estimate (6.12), it follows that the operator 2t - AI is injective and its range R(21 - Al) is closed in LP(Sl), for all A E E(E). (2) We show that the operator 2t - AI is surjective for all A E E(E): (6.13)
R(2t - AI) = LP(Sl),
A E E(e).
To do so, it suffices to show that the operator 2t - Al is a Fredholm operator with (6.14)
ind (2t - AI) = 0,
A E E(e),
since 2t - AI is injective for all A E E(E). (2-1) We reduce the study of the operator 2t - Al (A E E(E)) to that of a pseudo-differential operator on the boundary, just as in the proof of Theorem 1.
Let T(A) be a classical pseudo-differential operator of first order on the boundary r defined as follows:
T(A) = BP(A) = an(A) + b,
A E E(E),
17(A) : C°°(r) - C' (IF)
r Since the operator T(A) : C°°(r) -a C°°(r) extends to a continuous linear operator T(A) : B°'P(r) -* B°-1°P(r) for all a E R, one can introduce a densely defined, closed linear operator
7(A) : Bs-l/P'P(r)
> B9-11p,P(r)
as follows.
(a) The domain D(T(A)) of T(A) is the space D(T(A)) = {V E
: T(a)i E
Bs- /P,P(r)} .
(a) T(A)MP = T(a)w, W E D(T(A)) Then we can obtain the following results (cf. Theorem 4.10):
(I) The null space N(2( - AI) of 2t - AI has finite dimension if and only if the null space N(T(A)) of T(A) has finite dimension, and we have
dimN(21- Al) = dimN(T(A)). (II) The range R(2( - AI) of 2t - AI is closed if and only if the range R(T(A)) of T(A) is closed; and R(21- AI) has finite codimension if and only if R(T(A)) has finite codimension, and we have codim R(2l - AI) = codim R(T(A)). (III) The operator 21-AI is a Fredholm operator if and only if the operator T(A) is a Fredholm operator, and we have
ind (2t - AI) = ind T(A). Therefore, assertion (6.4) is reduced to the following assertion:
indT(A) = 0, A E E(e). (2-2) To prove assertion (6.14'), we shall make use of the method of Agmon just as in Section 5.3. Let T(9) be the classical pseudo-differential operator of first order on the boundary r x S introduced in Section 6.1: (6.14')
T(O) = BP(O) = all(O) + b,
-1C < 0 < 0,
c°°(r x s)
17(o): c°°(r x s)
a (P(e)g) rxs We define a densely defined, closed linear operator Bs-1/P,P(r x S)
7(9) :
-> Bs-'IP,P(r x S)
as follows.
(a) The domain D (T(9)) of T(9) is the space D (T(9))
B'-1/v,n(r x S) : T(9)y3 E
B9-1/P,P(r x
S)} .
(Y(0)). Then we can prove the the most fundamental relationship between the (Q) T (B)HP =
operators T(9) and T(A), analogous to Proposition 5.10:
Proposition 6.7. If indT(8) is finite, then there exists a finite subset K of Z such that the operator T(A') is bijective for all A' = 22eie satisfying
(3) End of proof of Theorem 6.6 (3-1) We show that if conditions (H.1) and (H.2) are satisfied, then we have ind T(8) < oo.
Now, estimate (6.6) with s = s - 1/p gives that (6.16)
PI s-1/p,p
(IT(0)so1s-1/p,p +
E D(7(e)),
where t < s - 1/p. But it follows from an application of Rellich's theorem that the injection Bs-1/p'p(I' x S) -> Bt'p(I' x s) is compact for t < s -1/p. Thus, applying Lemma 5.11 with
X = Y = B9-1/p,P(F x S),
Z = Bt'p(P x S), T = T(8),
we obtain that the range R (T(8)) is closed in Bs-1/1 1(P x S) and dim N (T(B)) < oo.
On the other hand, by formula (6.5), we find that the complete symbol of the adjoint T(8)* is given by the following (cf. Theorem 3.12): a(x') (Pi (x', ', y, 71; 8) - / 91(x', 6', y,17; 8)) n-1
+ ([bx1) + a(x')Po(x', C', y, q; 8) - E axj (a(x') . afj 41(x', C', y, ?I; 0))] j=1
axj (a(x') . afj P, (x', 6', y, 71; e))1
la(x')4o (x', 6', y, 71; 8) +
+ terms of order < -1. But, by virtue of Lemma 5.4, it follows that
axja(x')=0onFo={x' EF:a(x')=0}. Thus one can easily verify that the pseudo-differential operator T(0)* satisfies conditions (3.7a) and (3.7b) of Theorem 3.19 with y = 0, p = 1 and 6 = 1/2.
This implies that estimate (6.16) remains valid for the adjoint operator T(9)* of T(9): W I-s+1/p,p,
< Cs,r
E D (T(0)*)
where r < -s + 1/p and p' = p/(p - 1), the exponent conjugate to p. Therefore, assertion (6.5) can be proved just as in the proof of Proposition 5.8.
(3-2) By assertion (6.15), we can apply Proposition 6.7 to obtain that the
operator T(t2e`e) : Bs-1/p,p(r) -+ B3-1/P,P(h) is bijective if f E Z \ K for some finite subset K of Z. In particular, we have indT(f2eiO) = 0 if .£ E Z \ K.
Thus, just as in the proof of Proposition 5.8, we can prove assertion (6.14') and hence assertion (6.13). (3-3) Summing up, we have proved that the operator 2( - AI is bijective for all A E E(c) and its inverse (21- AI)-1 satisfies estimate (6.11). The proof of Theorem 6.6 (part (i) of Theorem 2) is complete. Part (ii) of Theorem 2 may be proved as follows. Theorem 6.6 tells us that, for pE > 0 large enough, the operator 2I - ,u I satisfies condition (1.1) (see Figure 6.1).
Figure 6.1
Thus, applying Theorem 1.2 (and Remark 1.3) to the operator 21 - ttj, we obtain part (ii) of Theorem 2:
Theorem 6.8. If conditions (H.1) and (H.2) are satisfied, then the operator 2l generates a semigroup U(z) on L'(1) which is analytic in the sector
z#O,1 argzJ <7r/2-e}
for any 0 < e < ir/2, and enjoys the following properties: (a) The operators 2IU(z) and J (z) are bounded operators on LP(1) for each z E and satisfy the relation
dU(z) = %U (Z),
z E OE.
(b) For each 0 < e < r/2, there exist constants Mo(e) > 0, Mi(e) > 0 and a, > 0 such that IIU(z)II <_
II2U(z)II <_
zEA,, zELX.
(c) For each uo E LP(Sl), we have as z -* 0, z E zA,
U(z)uo --p uo
in LP(1l).
The proof of Theorem 2 is now complete.
PROOF OF THEOREMS 3 AND 4 This chapter is devoted to the semigroup approach to the following semilinear initial boundary value problem: Given functions f and uo defined in S x [0, T) x R x RN and in S2, respectively, find a function u in St x [0, T) such that (**)
(at - A)u(x, t) = f (x, t, u, grad u)
in S2 x (0, T),
Bu(x',t) = a(x')a--(x',t)+b(x')u(x',t)lrx[o,T) =
u(x, 0) = uo(x)
on r x [0,T), in Q.
By using the operator 2l, one can formulate problem (**) in terms of the abstract Cauchy problem in the Banach space LP(S2) as follows: (**,)
L = %u(t) + F(t, u(t)), 0 < t < T, u1t=o = u0.
Here u(t) = t) and F(t, u(t)) = f t, u(t), grad u(t)) are functions defined on the interval [0, T), taking values in the space LP(S2).
Our semigroup approach can be traced back to the pioneering work of Fujita and Kato [FK]. For detailed studies of semilinear parabolic equations, the reader is referred to Friedman [Fr] and Henry [He].
7.1 Fractional Powers and Imbedding Theorems By Theorem 6.6, one may assume that the operator 2l satisfies condition (1.17).
(1) The resolvent set of 2( contains the region E shown in Figure 7.1.
(2) There exists a constant M > 0 such that the resolvent R(.\) = (2l AI)-' satisfies the estimate (7.1)
A E Z.
Thus we can define the fractional powers (-21)" for 0 < a < 1 on the space LP(52) as follows (cf. formula (1.19)): sin a7r
j Typeset by AM5-TX 148
a > 0.
(-2t)a = the inverse of
Recall that the operator (-2t)a is a closed linear operator with domain D((-2t)a) D D(2t).
Figure 7.1
In this section we study the imbedding characteristics of the spaces D((-2t)a), which will make these spaces so useful in the study of semilinear parabolic differential equations. We let
Xa =the space D((-2t)a) endowed with the graph norm
lla of
(-2t)a Here
Hull. = (Ilullp + II(-2t)aull P)
u E D((-2t)a).
Then we have the following (cf. Proposition 1.17): (1) The space Xa is a Banach space. (2) The graph norm Ilulla is equivalent to the norm II(-2t)auIIp (3) If 0 < a < ,Q < 1, then we have Xp C Xa with continuous injection. The next theorem gives the imbedding properties of the spaces Xa into the Sobolev spaces (cf. [He, Theorem 1.6.1]):
Theorem 7.1. Let 1 < p < oo. Then we have the following continuous injections:
The proof of Theorem 7.1 is based on the following two results which characterize the imbedding properties of Sobolev spaces:
Theorem 7.2 (Sobolev). Let SZ be a bounded domain in R' with boundary r of class C2. Then: (1) If 1 < p < n, we have 1
H2,p(Q) c Hl,q(Q),
1 p
< 1, p
with continuous injection.
(ii) If n/2 < p < oo and p # n, we have
0 < v < 2 - n,
H2,p(1l) C C'(1l),
with continuous injection. Part (i) of Theorem 7.2 follows by using Corollary 2.22 and Theorem 2.25
with m = 2, j = 1 and r := q, while part (ii) of Theorem 7.2 follows from Theorem 2.18 and Theorem 2.25 with m = 2 (cf. [Ad, Theorem 5.4]).
Theorem 7.3 (Gagliardo-Nirenberg). Let 52 be a bounded domain in R" with boundary of class C2, and 1 < p, r < oo. Then:
(i) If p #n and if
then we have for all u E H2,p(Sl) n Lr(1?) (7.2)
IIuI11,q < C1IluII2,pllullr_0,
with a constant C1 = C1(f , p, r, 0) > 0.
(ii) If n/2 < p < oo, p#n and if
then we have for all u E H2'p(Sl) n Lr(1l) (7.3)
with a constant C2 = C2(Sl, p, r, 8) > 0. Part (i) of Theorem 7.3 follows by using from Theorem 2.15 and Theorem
2.25 with m = 2, j = 1, q := r and r := q, while part (ii) of Theorem 7.3 follows from Theorem 2.18 and Theorem 2.25 with m = 2, j = v, q := r and r := oo (cf. [Fr, Part I, Theorem 10.1]).
Proof of Theorem 7.1. First, by estimate (7.1) with A = 0, it follows that (7.1')
IIUII2,p -< Mll2tullp,
U E D(2t).
(i) For each 9 E (1/2,1), we let
11 r and 1
29-1+e- 191 121+(1-9)1 n n \ p n /// r
Then it follows from inequalities (7.2) and (7.1') that C1llull2,pllullr-e
Ilulli,q <
Hence we have for all b > 0 (7.4)
Ilulll,q s MC1(b-Bll ull p +
bl-bll2tullp) ,
u E D(2t).
But, if we let
B1 = the identity operator on the space H1'q(Sl), then, by part (i) of Theorem 7.2, it follows that D(2t) C H2,p(1) C Hlq(Q) = D(B1), since we have 1
Further we can write inequality (7.4) as follows: (7.4')
IIBlulll,q <_ MC1 (b-BIIuIIp
U E D(2t).
Therefore, applying Lemma 1.13 to our situation, we obtain that
X, = D((-2t)«) C D(BI) = Hl,q(c ),
9 < a < 1,
This proves part (i).
K. II(-2()"ullp ,
u E X.
(ii) For each 0 E (n/2p,1), we let
r=p, and
Then it follows from inequalities (7.3) and (7.1') that C
< MC2II2tnII Hence we have for all S > 0 (7.5)
II UII c-(i) <- MC2
u E D(2t).
But, if we let
B2 = the identity operator on the space C"(S2), then, by part (ii) of Theorem 7.2, it follows that D(2t) C H2,p(SI) C C°(n) = D(B2),
since we have
IIB2uIIc-(ff) <- MC2 (6-0IIuII p + 51-0II2uIIp)
u E D(2t)
Therefore, applying Lemma 1.13 to our situation, we obtain that
X. = D((-2t)') C D(B2) = C°(SZ),
0 < a < 1,
K' II(-2t)'ullp This proves part (ii). The proof of Theorem 7.1 is complete.
7.2 Semilinear Initial Boundary Value Problems This final section is devoted to the proof of Theorems 3 and 4.
7.2A Proof of Theorem 3. We verify that all the conditions of Theorem 1.18 are satisfied; then Theorem 3 follows from an application of the same theorem. Since p > n, one can choose a constant a such that 2
so that
1<2a-n. p
Then, by part (ii) of Theorem 7.1 with v = 1, we have (7.6)
Xa C C1(S2)
and X,,, C H1'P(Q),
with continuous injections. Thus we find that the function F(t, u) := f (x, t, u(x), grad u(x))
is well defined on [0, T] x X. Furthermore, since the function f (x, t, u, ) is locally Lipschitz continuous, in view of assertion (7.6) it follows that, for all t, s E [0, to ] and for all u, v E Xc. with Il u - uo II c. < R, 11v - uo 11 ,. < R, (7.7)
IIF(t, u) - F(s, v)llp < II F(t, u) - F(t, v)II P + II F(t, v) - F(s, v)IIP
x. (u - v)
+ It - sI
Here C = C(to, R) > 0 is a (local) Lipschitz constant for the function f, and C' > 0 is an imbedding constant for the imbedding Xa. C H1'P(SZ). By inequality (7.7), we obtain that the function F(t, u) is locally Lipschitz continuous in t and u. The proof of Theorem 3 is complete. 0
7.2B Proof of Theorem 4. The proof is similar to that of Theorem 3; we verify that all the conditions of Theorem 1.18 are satisfied.
Since n/2 < p < n and 1 < ry < n/(n - p), one can choose a constant a such that (7.8)
max(n, 2p
1+ n y-1))
so that 0<2a-n
1-2a- 1< 1 <1
P p n p'Y P Then, by Theorem 7.1 with v = 0 and q = pry, we have
Xa C L-(S2) and Xa C H1°P-I(SZ),
with continuous injections. We let
F(t, u) := f (x, t, u(x), grad u(x)),
t E [0, T], u E Xa
Then we have by condition (a) of Theorem 4 IIF(t, u)II P < 2P-1P(t, IIuII.)P
j(i + gradu) dx 1
< 2P-1P(t, IIuII.)P (I1I + IluIli n7)
Here and in the following, IS2I denotes the volume of the domain Q. By assertion (7.9), it follows that the function F(t, u) is well defined on [0, T] xXa for all a satisfying condition (7.8). (1) First we verify the local Lipschitz continuity of F(t, u) with respect to the variable t. By condition (b) of Theorem 4, it follows that II F(t, u) - F(s, u) IIP
If (x, t, u(x), grad u(x)) - f (x, s, u(x), grad u(x)) IP dx
< 2P-1P(t, IIuII-)PIt - SIP
f(i + graduI) dx z
< 2p-1P(t, IIkII-)P (III + It - SIP. Ilull1P7) In view of assertion (7.9), this proves that
IIF(t,u) - F(s,u)IIP
C1(Ilulla) It - sI,
where C1(I I u I l a) > 0 is a constant depending on the norm I I u I I a
(2) Next we verify the local Lipschitz continuity of F(t, u) with respect to the variable u. To do so, we remark that (7.11)
II F(t, u) - F(t, v) II P
if (X, t' U(x), grad u(x)) - f (x, t, v(x), grad v(x)) IP dx SZ
r <2P-1J If(x) t,u(x),grad u(x))- f (x, t, u(x), grad v(x))IP dx sI
J sI
f(x,t,u(x),gradv(x)) - f (x, t, v(x), grad v(x))IP dx.
We estimate the two terms on the right of inequality (7.11). (2-1) By condition (c) of Theorem 4, it follows that (7.12)
I f (x, t, u(x), grad u(x)) - f (x, t, u(x), grad v(x))IP dx 3P-1p(t,
f (1 +
IgraduIP(7-1) +
- v)IP dx.
But, by Holder's inequality, it follows that (7.13)
Igrad(u - v)IPdx <
- vlll,Pry
and also - v)IP dx
\ (7-1)/7 / r (graduIP-1 I
\ Jsz
<- IIUII11'Pti 1)IIu -
\ 1/.Y
Igrad(u-v)IP-1 dx J
Igrad(u - v)IP dx < IIvll1(P- 1) IIu - vlll,n7
Thus, carrying inequalities (7.13), (7.14) and (7.15) into inequality (7.12) we obtain that (7.16)
if (x, t, u(x), grad u(x)) - f (x, 1, u(x), grad v(x))IP dx < 3P-1P(t, 11U11-)P
1) + ilvIl1'l ry 1)) IIu - vlip1,P7
(2-2) By condition (d) of Theorem 4, it follows that (7.17)
If(x,t,u(x),gradv(x))- f (x, t, v(x), gradv(x))IP dx
< 2P-1P(t, Hull.
+ 11v11-)p f (1 +
lu - vlP dx
< 2P-1p(t, Hull. + 11v11-)Pllu - vIIp.
(1 + 1gradvlP-1) dx
< 2P-1 P(t, Hull. + 11v11 -)p (lcl + Ilvlli P-) Ilu - vll..
Therefore, combining inequalities (7.11), (7.16) and (7.17), we obtain that JIF(t, u) - F(t, v) II y C
11 U11 o)P
+ Hull 'p7
+ 11VII
1)) flu - v111,
+4P-1p(t, Hull. + hull-)r (1921 + Ilvlli P') Hu - vllP.
In view of assertion (7.9), this proves that (7.18)
JI F(t, u) - F(t, v)llp C C2(IIuIla, Ikvlla) 1ju - v1Ja,
where C2(jjujj., Ilvll ) > 0 is a constant depending on the norms llull& and ll'IIaSumming up, we find from inequalities (7.10) and (7.18) that the function
F(t, u) is locally Lipschitz continuous in t and u. The proof of Theorem 4 is now complete.
APPENDIX: THE MAXIMUM PRINCIPLE Let SZ be a bounded domain of Euclidean space Rn, with boundary r, and let A be an elliptic second-order differential operator with real coefficients such that 2
axiaxj +
i, 7=1
a axe
+ c(x)
(1) a'3 E C(R'), a'3 = a)', 1 < i,j < n and there exists a constant ao > 0 such that n
lS l2,
x E Rn,
r , 52, " . _ (1 tt
Sn) E R'Z. rr
(2) bi c C(Rn).
(3) cE C(Rn) andc<0inQ. First we have the following strong maximum principle:
Theorem A.1 (The strong maximum principle). Assume that
(uEC2(Sl), Au>0 in St, m=max?u>0. If the function u takes its maximum m at some point xo of the interior St, then u - m in the connected component containing xo. Now assume that S2 is a domain of class C2, that is, each point of the boundary r has a neighborhood in which r is the graph of a C2 function of n-1 of the variables x1, x2i , xn. We consider a function u E C(St)f C2(1 ) which satisfies the condition
Au>0 inQ, and study the exterior normal derivative au/av at a point where the function u takes its non-negative maximum. The boundary point lemma reads as follows: Typeset by AA4S-TX 157
Theorem A.2 (The boundary point lemma). Let S2 be a domain of class C2. Assume that a function u E C(S2) fl C2 (f2) satisfies the condition
Au>0 in Q, and that there exists a point x'0 E I' such that u(xo) = maxxEff u(x) > 0, { u(x) < u(xo), x E Q. Then the exterior normal derivative an (x'o) of u at x'o, if it exists, satisfies
n(xo) > 0.
For a proof of Theorems A.1 and A.2 and a general study of maximum principles, the reader might refer to [PW, Chapter 2] and [Ta2, Chapter 7].
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INDEX a priori estimate 118, 137 abstract Cauchy problem 5, 148 adjoint operator 105, 133, 135, 145 Agmon's method 129, 137, 138 amplitude 101, 102 analytic semigroup 4, 12 Ascoli-Arzela theorem 78 asymptotic expansion 99 Banach space 2, 3, 8, 95, 112 Banach's closed graph theorem 122 Bessel potential 95, 96 Besov space 3, 96 Besov space boundedness theorem 107 bijective 122 boundary condition 2, 112 boundary point lemma 127, 158 boundary value problem 1, 114, 127, 138 Cauchy problem 31, 38 Cauchy's theorem 9, 16, 17, 18 classical pseudo-differential operator 105, 108, 116, 123, 129, 131, 139 classical symbol 99 closed graph theorem 27, 122 closed linear operator 8, 28, 116, 128, 129, 132, 137, 144 closed range theorem 133 coercive 2
compact operator 97, 132, 145 complete symbol 104, 123, 131, 145 completely continuous 97, 132 composition 105 conormal derivative 1 contraction mapping theorem 43 cotangent bundle 106 densely defined operator 8, 28, 116, 129, 132, 144 Typeset by AMS-TX 161
density 93, 109 diagonal (set) 103, 107 Dirichlet condition 2, 109 Dirichlet problem 109, 110, 128, 130, 139 divergence theorem 120 domain of definition 4, 8, 128, 129, 132, 137, 144
of R- 86, 157 double 93
elementary symmetric polynomial 89 elliptic boundary value problem 109 elliptic differential operator 1, 109, 138, 157 elliptic pseudo-differential operator 106, 108 elliptic symbol 99 existence theorem 33, 127 existence and uniqueness theorem 31, 39 extension operator 91 fixed point 43 formulation of a boundary value problem 111 Fourier integral distribution 101 Fourier integral operator 102 Fourier transform 94 fractional power 19, 25, 148 Fredholm integral equation 115 Fredholm operator 117, 129, 132, 143, 144 Frechet space 94, 98 Fubini's theorem 10, 20, 24 function rapidly decreasing at infinity 94 function space 2, 93 Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality 150 generalized Sobolev space 93, 95 generation of analytic semigroups 142 generation theorem for analytic semigroups 8, 146 graph norm 38, 149 Holder continuous 33, 36, 37, 39, 40, 43, 47 Holder space 47 Holder's inequality 49, 54, 58, 61, 63, 65, 67, 69 homogeneous principal symbol 105, 108 hypoelliptic 108, 134, 135 imbedding theorem 74, 148
index of an operator 117, 128, 145 initial boundary value problem 5, 28, 148 injective 127 interpolation inequality 121 interpolation theorems 48 inverse Fourier transform 94 isomorphism 4, 95, 104, 110, 111 L"-space 2 Laplacian 110, 123, 131, 140 Lebesgue's dominated convergence theorem 16, 24 linear Cauchy problem 31 local existence and uniqueness theorem 39 locally Holder continuous 33, 36, 37, 39 locally Lipschitz continuous 5, 39
maximum norm 40 maximum principle 126, 157 moment inequality 26 Neumann condition 2, 111 Neumann problem 111, 115, 118 Newtonian potential 110 non-homogeneous Cauchy problem 32, 44 norm 2, 3, 46, 47, 48, 91, 95, 96, 112 normal coordinate 93 normal derivative 157 null space 117, 129, 132, 134, 144 oscillatory integral 101
parametrix 106, 124, 131 Peetre's lemma 132 phase function 99 Poisson kernel 110 Poisson operator 111, 128, 130, 139 positive density 93, 109 positively homogeneous 98, 99 principal part 99 principal symbol 120 properly supported 103 pseudo- differential operator 102, 107 pseudo-local property 103 range 117, 129, 132, 133, 144
reduction to the boundary 115 regularity property 117 regularity theorem 122 regularizer 103, 107 Rellich's theorem 97, 132 145 residue theorem 10, 16, 22 resolvent 4, 8, 19, 23, 138, 142 resolvent set 4, 8, 19, 142 restriction 91, 96 restriction map 97 Riemannian metric 120 semigroup 9 semilinear Cauchy problem 39 semilinear initial boundary value problem 5, 148 semilinear parabolic equation 28, 148 seminorm 46, 47, 94, 98, 138 singular support 101 Sobolev imbedding theorem 74, 150 Sobolev space 2, 46, 47, 93 solution 31, 39 space of bounded linear operators 9, 13, 24 strictly positive density 93, 109 strong maximum principle 127, 157 strongly elliptic 120 surface potential 110 surjectivity 128 symbol 98 symbol class 97
tempered distribution 94 trace 111 trace map 112
trace operator 129, 130, 139 trace theorem 112 transpose 105 uniformly Holder continuous 47 uniqueness theorem 31, 39, 126
Vandermonde determinant 89 volume potential 110