For my elder son. James. who at the age of t\\ Cnl)'-clghl rcars had...
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For my elder son. James. who at the age of t\\ Cnl)'-clghl rcars had thlrt)'-Iwo dlffcrent :urcrafl t)PCS 10 hIs pllot's log book.
ThIS rC\'lscd. ncwly Illustratcd and rcdesigncd cdllion first pllbhshcd m 1999 by Cassell tSt Co. WellmglOn House. 125 Smmd London WC2R OBB w",,,, Texi cop)'righl Cl Alan Clark. 1973, 1999 Flrsl Publishcd b)' Weidcnfctd tSt Nicolson, 1973.
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Designed by: Hugh Adams and Frank Barron, AB3 Jackct Designed b)': Kale Shackleford Origlllal Picture Research b)': Bruce Bernard Additional PiclUre Research by: Claire Wedderburn-Maxwell and Brad KlIlg Illustrations colour cnhanced by: Arcadia Sci in: Berkeley Old Slyle Printed
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All phOiographs () Imperial War Museum excluding: p.9. 10 Mu.sec dc L.:.·lir. p.11 Science Museum. p.12 Uniled Scrvice and RO)'al Aero Club, p.13 Musec de [.ur. p.l-+ Roger Viollet, p.15 United $en'lct and Royal Aero Club, 1'.20 Camera Press. pp.21. 23 Roger Viollel. p.5 Bibliothek fur Zeitgesch, p.26 P. Endsleigh CasilelProfile Publications,
p.27 H. Roger Viollct. p.30 Ian FrimSloni Shuulcworlh Colleclion. p.31(I) Ulisiem Bilderdicllsl. pp.31 (b). 3-+ Roger Viollet. p.38 P. Endsleigh CasLie/Profilc Pubhcations. pp.39,43, 46 Michael Turner. p.-+7 Endslelgh CastleIProrHe
Publicalions. p.50 Michael Turner, p.51 Roger Viollel. p.53 Suud Verlag, p. 57 Bibliothek rur Zeilgesch. p.69 Kne
gaarchi\' Wien, p.75 SUlid Verlag, p.80-81 Roger Viollel. pp.S3. 86(b) Michael Turner. p.87 P. Endsleigh CastleIProfile Publications. p.89(1) Suud Verlag. p.91 Michael Turner. p.94(1) Ullstem Bilderdlenst. p.95 P. Endsleigh CaslieIProrHe Publications. p.98 US Signal Corps. p.IOI UIlslein Bilderdienst. p.102 Michael Turner, p. lo-I US Signal Corps, p.110(t) Bibliothek fOr ZCilgesch, p.IIO(b) Suud Verlag. p.111 Jarrett Collection. p.116 Bellmann Archive. p.117(t) Chaz Bowyer. p.120 Wcidenre1d & Nicolson. p.125(1) Roger Viollet. p.130(t) Ste\'cnJcffersonlShulllcwonh Collcc· tion, p.130(b) Ian FmnslonlShulIleworth Colleclion. p.131 Endsleigh Castle. pp.I 3-+(b). 135 Michael Turncr. pp.137. 13�9, HI US Signal Corps. p.H2James GouldinglProrHe Publications. p.l-+3
S Signal Corps. p. H6(b) Muste de
Uir. p.147 James GouldinglProfile Publicalions. PI>. 150 Smilhsonian Institute. p.151, 152, I 53(1tStb) Musee de L.:.1ir.
p.1 H-5 Michael Turner. p.159 P. Endsleigh Castle/Profile Publications. p.l60 US Signal Corps. p.163 (t&b) Michael
Turncr. p.I 6-+ US Signal Corps. p.l66 �'Iichael Turner, pp.171. 173 Ste\'en JcffersonlShullleworih Collection, p.175 P. Endsleigh CastlelProfilc Publications. p.182 (I) Michael Turner. p.IS3 Ullstein Bilderdiensl. her}' erfor! has been made b)' Ihe Publishcr to find the cop)r ' ight holder. Endpapers: Officers and SE5A Scouts of No. I Squadron al Clalrnlarais Aerodrome. ncar Ypres. 3Ju1r 1918.
The War in th€ Air over the � tern
ront 1914-18
Pan One: The Opening Shots Background 1914-15
Airmen TIle life of the pilots ill the first year of the war
Pan Two: The Weapons are Forged Background 1915-16
Machines The evollllioll of aircraft
Tactics The developmellt of flyillg sl'ills
Dealh HO.Tors of aerial wa1are
Part Three: The Killing Time Background 1917
Aces The qualilies that made the greatest airme"
Circuses The period of Gen"all supremacy
Squadrons The Allies' reeovflY
Braves The Escadrille Americaine
Storks The Frellch Escadrilles
Pan Four: The End of the Battles Background 1918
10 Vapour Trails The last mOllths of the
154 WQI'
Appendices Comparative chan showing when leading combat
aircraft were in operation during the First World War
Comparative weights and performance
of leading combat aircrafl of the First World War
Left: Captain Albert Ball VC.
D50, Me. twenty years old at the tIme of his death.
Picture if you can what it meant for the first time when all the world of aviation was young and fresh and untried, when to rise at all was a glorious adventure, and to find oneself flying swiftly in the air, the realization of a life-long dream. COMTESSE DE LANDLOT
the engine. Then the instructor would step
young, the dashing, the adventurous,
down and the pupil would be on his own. He
wamed to learn to Or But who would
would open the throllie and make the aircraft
teach them? Each individual who knew some
'taxi' about on the grass trying (but with little
thing about Oying (and they were not many)
effect for there was
had his own theories about tuilion. Some were
their surfaces) to gel some reaction from the
sound, others criminally dangerous.
controls. At a nod from his instructor, he
verybody who
was anybody,
proper airflow over
The most popular technique - the 'French
would increase the throllie opening and the
School' - was like learning to swim, starling at
tail would lifl. The aeroplane would travel at a
the shallow end. First, the would-be pilots
considerable speed and perhaps, for brief
would sit in their aircraft running up the
seconds with the more adventurous, the
engine and looking around the cockpit in
wheels would leave the turf; although in
eager bewilderment at the controls while the
theory it was intended that taking off should
inSlfUCLOr or some expert well-wisher leaned
be saved for the follo\\�ng dar
over their shoulder, blown by the wind, shouting out facts and 'hints' above the roar of
An American pupil at the French School gives a vivid account of his experience:
Major F. l. Gerrard flying a Farman Biplane past General Sir H. l. Smith Dorrien at the Perham Down Review, May 1 9 1 3 . The horses are unperturbed.
Royal Naval Air Service (RNAS) cadet climbing Into the observer's seat of a traimng aircraft for his first flight. Note the pupil's 'sports' attire.
When a student was first learning to
compounded his problems, and gradually as
crow-hop up and down a field, he'd take
he gained altitude, moving into and above the
orr, rise about ten or twenty reet and then
clouds, strange, hidden mysteries emerged.
bring the ship down almost Oat, hardly
The imporLance or wind and air current
peaking at all, by blipping the motor on
revealed themselves. Air pockets, caused by
and oIT. About rour or five reet orr the
sudden fluctuations in atmospheric tempera
ground, the amateur eagle just let her
tures, seized the aeroplane and carried it
drop ker-wham.
without warning and despite the eITorts or the
The sound was the general eITect or an
pilot via the engine or ailerons. In the depths
earthquake in a hardware store, but the
or the Salisbury Plain training area, a narrow,
miracle was that the ship seemed to
wooded cleft, some nine miles rrom Upavon
surrer no particular ill efrects. A tire here or
aerodrome, came to be known as 'the valley or
a couple or wires there would go, or
death'. Between 1909 and 1 9 1 3 seven aircrart
perhaps a shock-absorber cord, but nothing
crashed there, seized on nne summer evenings
render the ship unfit ror
by its peculiar, spiralling air currents and
rurther use.
IThe science or airrrame
dashed to pieces in the trees. You can visit the
inspection, being at the lime, rudimentary I
place today, unaltered since that time and
curiously redolent or its victims' aura. Graduall)' the pupil would progress. The
And, then, in still air there was another
aeroplane would be in the air ror longer and
phenomenon. The most rrightening or all, and
longer period at a time, and slowly, by trial
one which ror the first two years or the war
and error, the pilot would discover how the
only a rew brave men had mastered, was that
plane responded. Mechanical waywardness
or constraining the airman's inclination to
'stunt' his plane. When a pilot went to make a
PR O LOGU E + turn and banked the aircraft over, it would
hard to remember exactly what lhey had done.
lose speed very rapidly. As the airnow over lhe
The 'spin' was the mOSl dreaded plight that
wing surfaces declined - or indeed vanished
could befall an airman - when the aeroplane
altogelher - the cOl1lrols became lighter and
was no longer technically aerodynamic but
the aircraft's response diminished, speed fell
was a large gyrating kite of metal, wood and
off very rapidly and a slall followed. Then the
canvas, doomed to hit the eanh with the force
whole feeling of night changed: the noise
of gravity because il was heavier lhan air, the
died away, the sound of wind in the strulS and
element in which it had so insolel1lly tried
rigging remained but lOok on a new and
LO move.
sinister quality. Over the side of his cockpil
As there was no cure it was necessary
lhe pilot could see the fields, lanes, copses and
simply lO eschew the lhoughl. For lhree
Slreams, all the happy panorama of the eanh
lhousand years the only manner in which
going round, and round, and round. Opening
humans had been able to move independently
the throttle, making the engine scream,
and al a grealer speed lhan their own legs
pushing the stick this way or that was to no
would carry lhem was on horseback. The
avail. Some pilols, very few, discovered quile
railway engine ('lhe iron horse') had given
lhem a confined mobility, and lhen had come
technique, and lived. BUl even lhey found it
the motor-car, which also allowed them
The wreckage of a Bleriot Monoplane at Rheims in 1909. Note the (undamaged) engine casting - far too heavy for the flimsy airframe.
10 + A C E 5
independence. Analogies and comparisons
minds to it (which was seldom), they thought
with chivalry and the horse had been applied
only in terms of 'observation'; for which
lO the mOlOr-car at every stage of its develop
requirement, any deviation from straight and
ment. If anything, the aeroplane - with its
level flight was lO be deplored.
strange and variable personality, its response
Yel it is in the naLUre of man to press into
lO the rider's hands and its temperament -
the unknown. The very fact that certain
seemed more analogous lO the horse than its
manoeuvres were forbidden or fatal lured
pilots into allempting them. The first man
depended on the internal combustion engine.
to fly inverted and survive was a (pOSSibly
Chalakoff. Word spread of his feat among the aero clubs that had mushroomed throughout Europe, and keen and extravagant competi tion followed among those who \vished to claim the same achievement. Flying exhibitions became the smartest thing. Many of the wealthy sportsmen who had spent the previous three or four years avidly follO\ving the great inter-city auto mobile races and trying their thunderous Benz and Napier cars down the dusty and deserted
ROllles Natiollales of France, now turned avidly lO this new medium. Weekly, it seemed, new feats and experiments were reponed. Every step forward was a 'record', a target for those who followed to aim at. Air displays and races became popular social occasions in the pre-war years. Here. fashionable spectators are attending the Rhelms exhibition.
No cavalryman would allow his horse to lie
In Britain, the link with automobile racing
down and roll while he was in the saddle; a
was emphasized by the proximity of the Royal
lOuch of the whip (pushing the noise down)
Aero Club (who grallled would-be avialOrs
would cure an incipielll stall. Equally, it was a
their certificates of proficiency) to the great
sign of the grossest incompetence - which
banked track at Brooklands, Surrey. The
might have fatal results - if the 'horse' should
young bloods, who fought their l l -Iitre Benz
take the bit between its teeth and gallop,
and Peugeot mOlOrs down the Railways
heedless of its rider, in a long and steepening
Straight and across the Byfleet Banking, would
dive. Steady disCiplined flight was the ideal.
gather at the Blue Anchor pub and exchange
'Stunting' was regarded as dangerous and
stories with this strange, new, yet enviable
breed - the avialOrs.
obody was quite clear about the real
purpose of flight - certainly it was not speedy
establishment began to lay plans for a flying
travel, for an express train, or even a
component, which came into existence as the
good Rolls-Royce lOurer, was conSiderably
faster. When the military men devoted their
Flying Corps the
191 2,
Significantly it was accorded only the status of
Royal Flying Corps had first to qualify for the
a corps (comprising a Military Wing, a Taval
Royal Aero Club pilot cenificate by taking a
Wing and a Cemral Flying School) , thus
civilian course at their own expense (no easy
ensuring that those charged with both il5
task on a subaltern's pay and leave schedule).
administration and its [actical deplo)rment
Senior regimental officers discouraged their
would be kept in a properly subordinate
favourites from applying for a transfer, and
position and rank. Indeed, it is likely that the
there was an unspoken implication that those
army was prompted by its nalUral rivalry with
who tried for the RFC were unconventional -
the Admiralty, who at the instigation of
a serious offence in the military code - or, still
Winston Churchill and others had been quick
worse, 'unsatisfactory',
off the mark in establishing the
aval Air
After the ballies of the Marne and the
Service, which had been placed under the
Aisne, where the airmen had proved their
autonomy of the Admiralty on 23 June 1914
wonh but their 'wastage' rate had increased
and competed for funds from the Treasury.
alarmingly, the army undenook to train
Unlil the outbreak of war candidates for the
volunteers to Oy ab iTTiLio. But, still, the second
. .......
Poster for a flying exhibition at Rheims in 1909.
12 + A C E S
question in the interview could fail the candidate. The first (LO which there could be only one answer) was ,;Vhy do you want a transfer?' The second was 'Can you ride?' Military instruction was, if anything, less comprehensible than in the old civilian schools. The chosen mount was the Maurice Farman Biplane with a Renault engine known as a 'Shorthorn'. The Shorthorn had certain basic design defects, but knowledge of aero dynamics was still in its infancy and the instructors were too busy or too ignorant to analyse or report on those defects. By trial and error it had been found that some manoeuvres induced disaster, but it was assumed that the fault lay in the manoeuvre not in the aeroplane. The unfortunate result was that a large number of pilots were 'passed out' with an inbred re istance to attempting certain kinds of aerobatics, regardless of what their subsequent aircraft might be. The Shorthorn, at least, had the advantage of dual-controls, but verbal instruction in the air was impossible. The pupil rested his hands and feet gently on joystick and rudder bars and learned to 'feel' the impulses of his instructor's movement. Some instructors were intelligent and sympathetic; but as more and more instructors crashed to their death following a pupil's blunder, others came quickly to resent over-confidence or 'ham handedness' and would nurture their pupils to the solo stage by the simple expedient of seldom relaxing their own grip upon the controls. One recruit gave a \�vid de cription of his first night: The nacelle was half-way up the interplane struts. A shallow side panel hinged down to simplify the g)�nnastic feat of entering it. When seated I lifted the panel and An early attempt to mount a gun on a flying machine.
secured it with ordinary door bolts. I was
thought he had done enough he paused
in the nose, well ahead or the wings. The
and called to the pilot: 'Contact, sir.'
instructor sat behind, perched between the upper and lower wings' rront edges. Wooden bearers, running art rrom the
Mter the sWitching
pilot had his
nacelle's structure, supponed pan or the
hopefully and lustily heaved the propeller
engine between the wings and pan behind
a quaner-turn round, while the pilot
them where the pusher propeller could
twirled a hand staner magneto to boost the
revolve. A mechanic stood within the
spark at the plugs. Usually the Renault
booms and the wires behind the propeller.
rattled into lire aher one or twO heaves and
I t was his unenviable task to help to stan
the mechanic could emerge rrom his cage.
the engine rrom his encaged position.
This air-cooled VB's pistons had ample
Before doing anything he [jrst assured
clearances. One could always hear them
himselr by question and answer that the
slapping against the cylinder walls, loudest
pilot's ignition was switched orr and the
when the engine was cold. With no device
gasoline turned on. Then he primed the
to compensate ror cylinder expansion and
engine rrom the carburettor. He did this
contraction, its valves and tappets chattered
by manually rotating the two-blade wood
incessant ly. Its propeller revolved on an
propeller as ir he were himselr a staner
extension or the crankshart at haIr engine
speed and the reduction gear was noisy.
It was hard work.
When he
responded by
Henri Farman, one of the greatest of the french aVIation designers, photographed at the controls of one of his planes at the Rheims exhibition.
14 + A C E 5
Maurice Farman Btplane before the war.
The fuel lank, bel ween lhe rear seal and
keep lhe aeroplane in the air; second, to
lhe engine, was in a nasly place should a
observe and report back what he had seen. The
crash occur. The hOl engine could break
aeroplane was a 'fiying horse' and lrealed by
away rrom its mounting, rupture the
most of lhe officers on lhe Slaff Wilh some
gasoline lank, ignile ilS contents, and lhe
contempt ror the vcry reason that it was
burning mass mighl fall on lhe aircrew.
unanned and also because il could not be prop
Fortunately for their peace of mind, few, if
erly drilled or 'dressed'. There was also a certain
any, pilots or pupils lhoughl about the
resentment among the more orthodox and
several features of the Shorthorn thal
conservalive (always lhe majority in any amlY)
lowered ilS safety level below par. Enough
LO lhis noisy, dirty machine, which frightened
that they were nying! For what more
real horses when it came too close and which
should lhey ask'
was already showing the power or attracting a somewhal 'undesirable' t)'pe of officer as pilot.
The distinction between military and civilian
Certainly lhe 'aviaLOrs' had much in lheir
fiying was ignored - if its exislence was
make-up to irritate the conventional military
admiLLed at all. Even lhe great German
mind. Young, full of zest, queslioning, wilh a
General Slaff, a body less hostile to new ideas
less lhan reverent allilude lO pomp and
lhan ilS English and French couIllerparts,
discipline, lhey shared one common characler
had reported in September of 1 9 1 4 lhat:
iSlic (which is ofLen regarded wilh suspicion by
'Experience has shown lhat a real combal in
lhe mililary hierarchy, who prefer discipline) -
the air such as journalists and romancers have
an unqueslioned physical courage.
described, should be considered a myth. The duty of lhe aviaLOr is to see, nOl LO fight.'
For lhe first few mOIllhs of lhe war lhe rival aviaLOrs would greel each olher, on lhe
Of lhe lOlal of lhirty-seven aeroplanes lhat
rare occasions when they mel, with a wave or
went to France as lhe advance guard of lhe
lhe hand or perhaps some liLLIe piece of
Royal Flying Corps nine days afler lhe declara
display lO illuslrale lheir prowess, a fiick of
tion or the war, none carried armament as part
lhe wings or a difficull half-roll. The bond lhal
of its specificalion. The pilOl'S firsl lask was LO
lhey shared - of being heavier than air and yel
moving rreely in it by virtue or their own skills
the hapless German. Unable to comprehend
- was stronger than the hostility that they
what was going on, the unrortunate German.
were expected to display as soldiers or nations
pilot put his Taube down in the nearest Held.
at war. But then, even ir the hostility was to
Harvey-Kelly and his brother orncers immedi
remain dormant for a few more weeks or
ately landed themselves, to see the Gennan
months, a kind or sporting rivalry began to
running headlong to the shelter or a nearby
gather momentum. And, as is the case where
wood. The unarmed Englishmen rollowed
sport and national prestige run in harness, it
him in and prowled about in the undergrowth
for a few minutes without success, then
o. 2
returned to the Held where they put a match
Squadron or the Royal Flying Corps Sighted a
to the Taube and took off, having recorded the
Single German in a Taube observing the
Hrst aerial victory or the war.
increasingly embittered.
August, three aeroplanes rrom the
French lines or battle. Lieutenant H. D .
How innocent and playrul this episode
Harvey-Kelly, the flight leader, dived on the
seems when one looks back on it across the
enemy and closed right up on his tail. The
headstones or all those graves that were to
rollowl A rising crescendo ror the next rour
proximity or this English madman \vith his
years or all those pilots who were to die \vith
threshing propeller rour reet rrom the Taube,
blasphemy on their lips; that were burned,
dived to get away rrom him. Harvey-Kelly
smashed, mutilated, or driven to insanity in
remained glued to the adversary's rudder. The
a combat that was to become increaSingly
other two pilots or the flight caught on and
ruthless and degraded with every month
joined in the game, one flying on either side or
tha t passed.
E +
Lieutenant Harvey-Kelly on his way to France in August 1 914. He was forced to land short of his destination on his first anempt.
THE OPENING SHOTS BACKGROUND 1914-15 When the First World War started in August 1914, each of the major powers involved possessed an air force of sorts. Without exception, each was to be shown that the precepts on which they had built a force of aeroplanes had been not so much wrong as misguided. The most powerful air force was that of Germany, followed closely by France - Great Britain's meagre force was a considerable way down the list.
ach of these three powers, who were
very small, and the carriage or anything more
to contest the mastery or the air over
than the crew was a severe impediment to the
the Western Front ror the rest or the
perrormance or the machine. In this respect
war, considered the role or the aeroplane to be
then, senior officers,
one of reconnaissance, and in a way this was
controlled the air forces, were correct in
true. Although the world's first heavier-than
slaling reconnaissance as the aeroplane's role.
air, powered and controlled aeroplane had
But in the long term they were incorrect -
flown more than len years previously, and the
they had railed to take into account the rapid
science or flight had advanced rapidly, the
rate or growth in the science or flying. Soon
aeroplane was still in its early inrancy. The
aircrart would be capable or longer and raster
loads that aeroplanes could carry were still
flight with increased loads, and weapons,
A BE2C over the forward trench line.
in all
Above: Parade for Lord
Roberts's Inspection In 1914. From left to nght: 7 Henn Farman Biplanes; 4 Blenot Monoplanes; 2 Avro 500 Biplanes and 1 Blenot; 3 Maurice Farman S1 1 Biplanes; 8 BE2s or BE2As; 7 BE2, or BE2As and 1 RE4. left: Aircraft of the Eastchurch Squadron of the Royal Naval Air Service at Dunkirk In 1 914. The airship In the background IS Astra Torres No. 3.
offensive or defensive. could be installed.
ments is the fact that the pioneers of aviation
Cenainl), the most valuable purpose fulfilled
had done so. And they had not done this in the
by aircraft in the First World War was tactical
seclusion of crackpot allempts at night, but in
and strategic reconnaissance; but each side
the full glare of publicity allendant on the
should have realized that the other side would
enormously popular pre-war air shows at
stan arming its machines as soon as it could
Hendon, Brooklands and Rheims. Here were
for the very purpose of denying its opponents
prophetic competitions in air allack, as bags of
the chance lO spy Oul troop dispositions,
nour, Simulating bombs, were dropped on the
defences and the like from the air. From this,
outline of a dreadnought ballieship laid out on
it should have been deduced that each
the airfield. In addition, machine-guns were
machine would require some form of defen
taken into the air in attempts to arrest the
sive armament, and that an arms race in the
attention of the military - in Britain Major H .
air would begin. And from spying out an
R . M. Brooke-Popham was censured b y his
enemy's dispositions it was only a small step
commanding officer for endangering his
lO the first allempts to do something about
Bleriot by allempting lO fit a machine-gun on
them from the same machine as that from
it; in the United States, Colonel Isaac
which they were spied; soon from the bomber
Le,vis had experimented with his famous air
purpose-built for its ta k.
cooled machine-gun in a Wright Biplane. but
What makes it all the more remarkable that
had been so discouraged by the authorities'
commanders had not foreseen these develop-
lukewarm reception of the idea that he had
I 9 I -+
1 5
Two of the three Avro 504s of the RNAS make ready to depart on the historic raid on the Fnednchshafen Zeppelin hangars on 2 1 November 1914. The mechanics are about to swing the propellors for take-off.
20 + A c E S
The Roland 'Taube', a two-seater monoplane used by the Germans mainly for reconnais sance. Although superseded by faster and more manoeuvrable biplane types. the Taube continued in service up to 1 916. The Taube (German for dove) was so called because of the shape of its wings.
left his native land and started up his own
These appealed LO the military: partly for
patriotic reasons, as Germany led the world in
Belgium in 1 9 1 3 . In France, the more far
the development of this kind of machine;
sighted army had let the aircraft manufacturer
partly as a sop LO the enormous enthusiasm
Raymond Saulnier borrow a machine-gun to
engendered in the German people for the type
experiment with an interrupter gear to allow a
as a result of Graf von Zeppelin's early tribula
stream of bullets to pass through the disc
tions and later success with lighter-than-air
swept by the propeller without hitting the
craft; but mostly to the Zeppelin's enormous
blades; and in Germany Franz Schneider of
potential as a strategic reconnaissance craft
the LVG was conducting experiments along
with very large range and considerable ceiling.
the same lines. In the last lwo cases, the author
This ignored the basic failing of the airship,
ities lost interest after a few early reverses.
however: extreme vulnerability because of its
No maller what more imagination might have revealed, the air forces of 1 9 1 4 were
very nature - an elongated balloon filled with highly innammable hydrogen gas.
geared almost exclusively to reconnaissance.
The most common heavier-than-air type in
The largest air force was that of Germany,
service with the German Air Force was the
which had 246 aircraft and seven Zeppelin
Taube, a shoulder-winged monoplane of
airships, with a LOtal air crew of 525. This
Austrian invention made in large numbers by
comprised the Imperial German Military Avia
tion Section. ( I t is worth noting at this point
comprised about half the aircraft owned by
that the Imperial German
avy Air Service
the German Air Force, the rest being made up
had thirty-six aircraft and two Zeppelins.)
mostly of biplanes of the LVG , Aviatik and
With considerable forethought, the German
Albatros types. These aircraft were formed
High Command had instituted a sizeable
expansion programme, but this was geared to
sections) - the basic Gennan unit for aircraft.
too great an extent LO lighter-than-air craft.
Each Abtei/llllg had a nominal strength of six
Right: Firing above the arc of the propeller.
Cavalry and planes on manouevres in 1914. Although most naval and military departments were slow to realize the possibilities of flying, the majority had set up experimental departments of military aviation by the outbreak of war.
machines, and of the forty-one sections,
Saulnier, Farman and Deperdussin types. The
thirty-four were Feldjliegerabreilungen (Flabr)
basic organization was into Escadrilles, or
or field flight sections, assigned to the
squadrons, of six aircraft each in two-seater
units and four aircraft in Single-seater units.
commanders, while seven were Festungs
Command was exercised by the Directorate of
jliegerabreilungen or fortress flight sections,
Aeronautics at CQG, the French Anny High
assigned to the protection of the seven major
Command. Head of the I nspectorate was
German fortress towns along her borders.
These last had a strength of four aircraft.
Commandant du Peuty.
of army
later succeeded
Control of equipment and personnel was
One of the handicaps suffered by the
exercised by the (nspelllion der Fliegertnlppen
French Air Force derived, perversely, from
(ldjlieg) or I nspectorate of Flying Troops
France's pre-eminent position as producer of
under Major Wilhelm Siegert. The growth of
most of Europe's aircraft. There were thus so
the importance of the air force was reflected
many types in service that maintenance was a
by the establishment of the office of the Chef
very severe problem. Luckily for Britain, this
des Feldjlieg, on 1 1 March 1 9 1 5, whose first
strength in manufacturing capability enabled
occupier was Major Hermann Thomsen.
France to sell many machines to her ally at a
The French Air Force, or Avialion Militaire,
time when Britain's own aircraft industry was
had a strength of 160 aircraft and fifteen
still trying to gear itself to the production
airships at the beginning of the war. The
needs of a long war.
airships were mostly of the Lebaudy type and
I t is worth noting two major differences in
the aeroplanes of the Bleriot, Voisin, Morane-
design theory between the French and the
Germans, derived from the basic power units
favoured light, agile machines with a good
available in each country. The French had
rate of climb. It must be pOinted out, however,
been the inventors of the best pre-war type of
that the best French fighter of the war was an
engine, the rotary, and in the two forms of the
inline-engined t)'Pe, the Spad XIII, and that
Gnome and Le RhOne it powered the majority
some of Germany's most imponalll fighters,
of France's best early machines. Its advantage
notably the Fokker El, Fokker Drl and Fokker
lay in an excellent power-to-weight ratio, and
DVll I ,
its light weight was combined with compact
Gnomes or Le RhOnes salvaged from crashed
ness. However, its development potential was
French machines.
Military nying in Great Britain was in the
Germans, the water-cooled inline. This type
hands of two bodies at the beginning of the
was at a disadvantage vis-a-vis the rotary in
war. The force that travelled to France with
lhe first two years of the war, but with a few
the British Expeditionary Force was pan of
exceptions proved to be the beuer power
the Royal Flying Corps, an anny formalion.
plant in the long run, as it was capable of
Left behind to guard Britain's shores was
greater development.
the Royal Navy's air force, the Royal Naval
German aircraft deSign, for the most pan,
not as good as that of the type favoured by the
Derived from this,
1914-1 5
Air ervice.
concelllrated on well-streamlined, strong,
The basic RFC unit was the squadron of
heavy and fast machines, whereas lhe French
three nights of four aeroplanes each, higher A Voisin about to depart in 1914. Note the early and extempore fitting of a gun (which affected the handling in flight).
A C E 5
H [ G H
Blenot XI·2 Senes 2.
80 h.p. Gnome engine.
Two·seat military monoplane. Note the central 'mast' with stress wires running out to the wlng·tips.
unils being the wing and the brigade. R AS
French superiorily was made abundantly
basic unilS were flighlS, squadrons and wings.
clear when aircraft soared into action in 1 91 4,
Al the beginning o[ the war Brilain could call
[or ilS was French machines lhal scored all lhe
on 1 1 3 aeroplanes and six airships; o[ lhese,
'firsts' in strategic reconnaissance, properly
sixly-lhree flew LO France wilh the BEF in
organized bombing and air fighling. The firsl
Augusl 1 9 1 4. The main lypes were the BE2
happened on 3 Seplember, when French
series, Avro 504s, Farmans of various marks
airmen spolled the increasing gap belween lhe
and several Bleriol Xis. The whole force was
German FirSl and Second Armies approaching
under the command o[ Major-General Sir
lhe Marne, which led LO the Allied vicLOry lhal
David Henderson who was succeeded on
hailed the German advance. (Brilish airmen
1 9 Augusl 1 9 1 5 by Hugh Trenchard, lhen a
had achieved a nOlable coup, however, in lhe
field o[ lactical reconnaissance, spolling lhe
These lhen were the air forces available LO
German oUlflanking movement during lhe
the fighting powers in the western theatre in
Ballie o[ Mons on 22 AuguSl, and also lhe
1 9 1 4. The Germans had a numerically slrong
French wilhdrawal.) The second LOok place
air force, wilh an enormous pOlential. The
on 14 AuguSl when French Voisins allacked
French were numerically weaker, bUl had a
lhe Zeppelin sheds al Melz; and the lhird
beller long-lerm manu[acluring capabilily.
occurred on 5 October, when a mechanic
The Brilish were in the worsl posilion. Their
named Louis Quenauh, in a Voisin piloled by
manu[acluring capabililies were in the shon
Joseph Frantz, shol down a German Avialik
lerm poor, and many machines had lO be
two-seater with the Hotchkiss machine-gun
imponed [rom France. Apan [rom lhal,
mounled in the nose o[ his 'pusher' type. The
machines were in shon supply and LO a greal
firsl example o[ bombs in the war was when a
eXlent oUldaled (as were many Gennan types)
German Taube dropped some over Paris on 1 3
and the force was slan'ed o[ funds. I n opera
Augusl, bUl the missiles in lhis inSlance were
only [or propaganda. The firsl successful
recognizing the lhree dislincl needs o[ recon
instance o[ anillery co-opera lion, however,
naissance, anillery co-operalion and bombing
was by the Brilish, during the Ballie o[ lhe
long berore the Brilish and Germans.
Aisne in mid-Seplember.
So, the aeroplane had quickly proved its
machine-guns - if they could be
worth in warfare. The French immediately set
obtained - on home-made mountings. The
about organizing a strategic bomber force
trouble with the first four, even if they had
equipped with Voisins, and all three nations
been practical, was that there was no adequate
realized fully the need for a fighting aircraft
way of aiming them; and with machine-guns
that could prevent enemy machines coming
there was no way of firing directly ahead of
across to observe behind one's own lines, and
the aircraft. Moreover, the weight of the gun
also protect one's own machines when on
made it probable that the enemy machine
reconnaissance flights. The first attempts to
would escape before the pursuer got into
produce such a machine had been made as
range, if it ever did so. Another problem was
'private enterprise' inventions within the
that posed by the design of the aircraft. Most
ranks of the squadrons' more enterprising
two-sealers were tractor biplanes, with the
pilots, but later these gave way to properly
observer's cockpit forward of the pilot's,
designed fighters. Initially, though, the absence
of adequate interrupter or synchronizer gears
propeller and other impediments to both lhe
was an almost in uperable handicap. The
handling and the firing of the gun. The only
early efforts utilized whatever any particular
other sort of two-seater, the 'pusher', gave the
pilot or observer could lay his hands on -
observer a much beller view from the front of
pistols, rifles, shotguns, grenades (suspended
the nacelle, and also gave him an unimpaired
below the aircraft and intended to detonate on
forward field of fire, but performance was so
contact with one's opponent's machine) and
hampered by the design, however, that the
Lieutenant Jacobs, Fokker-Staffel West. 7 Army. standing in front of hIS Fokker EIII in 1916.
B A C K G R 0 U N D
enemy had an excellent chance or escaping
with the protection arrorded by their Morane
before his pursuer came in range.
Saulnier Ns, Nieuport lOs, Bristol Scouts and
It has been claimed, with some justinca
Sopwith Tabloids. Soon arterwards, in the
tion, that the worid's nrst nghter was a British
spring or 1 9 1 5 , the Germans were introdUCing
machine answering to the above description -
a new class or aeroplane, the C class, which
the Vickers FB 5 'Gunbus', the nrst or which
was to remain in service for the rest of the war.
arrived in France on 5 February 1 9 1 5. It was
The requirement for this class was for an
also this type that rormed the equipment or
armed two-seater biplane or more than 1 50
the nrst nghter squadron to be supplied
h.p. to rulm the general-purpose role. This class
o. 1 1 , which
eventually included great machines such as the
arrived ror service in France on 25 July 1 9 1 5 .
Albatros CI, DFW CV, Rumpler CIV and
Previously, because the squadrons had all
been intended as reconnaissance units, they
displayed considerable rorethought and decided
had been equipped with a miscellany or
to build rour classes or nghting machine. These
general-purpose types, squadrons receiving
classes were to rulm the tasks or bombing, aerial
twelve examples or a single type wherever
fighting, ground support, and reconnaissance
supplies permilled. But with the advent or
and artillery spotting. In this respect, they were
nghting machines, it was deemed advisable to
rar in advance or any Allied planning.
unirormly with the same type,
l 91 4
1 5
allach to each squadron one or two 'Scouts',
However, more momentous changes were
single-seaters whose function it was LO protect
in the ornng. The nrst true Single-seat nghter,
as best they could their more cumbersome
the Fokker EI, was about to emerge, and with
two-seater brethren. The day or air rorces
it the 'Fokker Scourge'.
made up or entirely homogeneous squadrons, though, was still a long time orr. For the time being, the British and French had to make do ThiS view of an 'Aero mitrailleuse Deperdussin' shows one of the French attempts to fire a machine·gun around and over the arc of the propeller.
28 + A c E S
1 A ir m e n
F lying alone !
othing gives such a sense of mastery over
mechanism, mastery indeed over space, time, and life i tself, as this.
hundred miles, north, south, east, west. Thirty
thousand square miles
of unbroken cloud-plains !
traveller in the desert, no pioneer to the Poles had ever seen such an expanse of sand or snow. Only the lonely threshers of the sky, hidden from the earth, had gazed on it. Only we who went up into the high places in the shadow of wings ! CECIL LEWIS
Right: British airman weanng a protective sheepskin over his Jacket.
Far right: A new recrUit arnves for training with the RFC. What was his life expectancy?
he romantic isolation or the airmen was somelhing real and exalting. They were separale and above lhe
verminous squalor of the
prolonged ordeal lhal lhey louched occasion ally when nying low over the lines, or when being broughl back from a forced landing al the fronl. Hearsay and rumour magnified the horrors of perpelual siege warfare, living underground, the bUlchery of the 'Pushes', the reek of elher and gangrene in the hospilals. There were very few cases of officers opting for a lransfer back lO their regiments once lhey had served in the RFC. BUl for this very reason the FI>�ng Corps was lOlally neglecled by the High Command in terms or amenity and recreation. The
By 1916 aircraft design. on both sides. was becoming more homogeneous. This Avro 504 served with the RAF until 1931. (It IS held by the Shuttleworth Trust and IS flown regularly.)
'indiscipline' of the flyers was a source of
gun-fire and the eastern sky flickered white
continual irritation LO the Staff - the more so
and violet. Leave schedules were arbitrary and
since Squadron Commanders tended
those lucky enough to survive in combat
seemed) to connive at it. In tacit recognition
could be kept in station for months at a time.
of the
freemasonry that grows between
Of recreation there was lillIe variety - only
aviators, it was thought preferable that the
the forced jollity and maudlin aftermath of
senior officer responsible should be someone
the 'binge', which would begin at dusk
who did not fly and as a result many interest
and continue often until those taking part
ing technical innovations, particularly in the
were insensible.
field of gunnery, which the pilots allempted to
introduce from their own experience, were
Regimental tunics, RFC 'maternity jackets',
forbidden as being against regulations.
sweaters, silk scarves, woolly scarves, leather
Those forward airfields were bleak, lonely
flying coats bUlloned up or falling loose,
places - cinder runways cut through acres of
sheepskin boots, knee-length flying boots of
beet and kale. Fire-fighting and medical
fleece-lined leather with suede LOps, slacks
services were minimal, and the returning
and shoes, or breeches and pUltees - all these
injured or those who suffered from accidents
were worn on operations or about the mess to
at landing or take-off would have LO endure a
the fury of inspecting 'brass'.
ride in a Crossley tender to the nearest field
There was very little entertainment in the
hospital, often as much as thirty minutes
evenings. No radio or 'shows'; only what
away. At night the ground shuddered from
music the squadron itself could make or
A I R M E N + 31
extract from clockwork gramophones that
It was in these early months of 1 9 1 5 that
had to be cranked by hand between each 78
the first generation of aces emerged. The team
r.p.m. disc. Musical taste varied from one unit
and title really belongs to 1 9 1 7 , the year of the
to another, selling its own conditions. Some
circuses and the great mass dog-fights that
preferred hits from the London shows whose
would break down into individual contests of
Lunes evoked glimpses of home and leave;
skill, judgment and bravery. But in 1 9 1 5,
others sang the bawdy or tragic ballads of the
when men like Major L1noe G. Hawker, Lieu
RFCs own songs; while a few established a
tenant Max Immelmann and Oswald Boelcke
tradition of 'classical only'. It wa expected of
made their mark, the machine itself was still
every squadron member who went on leave
suspect; its fickleness was still the fir t enemy.
that he should return with at least one gramo
Gunnery - whether from the ground or
phone record for the mess.
from hostile aircraft - was occasional and or church
erratic. Combat tactics were nebulous and
parades. They new every Single day, weather
experimental. It was the frailty of the airframe
permitting, and lost count of weeks and week
and the unreliability of the engine that were
ends. Dn1llkenness varied from one unit to
the prime restraints on a pilot's enterprise.
another and with the fortunes of battle.
Manoeuvres that, in theory, the pilots could
During a bad run, aircrew on dawn palrol
work out for themselves as being ideal for
would sometimes not go to bed at all or only
evasion were nevertheless avoided for fear of
for a shon period of stupor, with ill effects on
stripping the fabric, or tearing out the stay
their nying ability (although pilots soon
wires at their roots. Few men who sheared
discovered that a hangover could be tempor
their wing struts or lost a rudder lived to tell
arily cured by ascending over 8,000 feet).
the tale. Practical experience in the true sense
no padre,
Above: German
propaganda postcard commemorating Max Immel mann, one of the first generatIOn of aces who emerged In 1 9 1 5. He JOined an air untt In November 1 9 1 4 and In March 1 9 1 5 passed as a pilot. After hiS second encounter With an enemy aircraft on 3 June he receIVed the Iron C roSS. He went on to score fifteen victories, earning the title of 'Eagle of llile' before h� death In June 1 9 1 6.
left: A French aViation section Bessonneau hangar set up outSide Rhelms, 1 9 1 5. AU runways were In fact grass or Cinder strips.
32 + A C E 5
Vickers FB9 of 1 9 1 5116. The gunner sat In front of the pilot. The engine was a French Gnome Monosoupape.
of the tenn was unobtainable, and rumour of
by the internal combustion engine and
a particular aeroplane's strange failings and
responded naturally to its vagaries. But for all
weaknesses would spread quickly through the
those young cavalry officers who joined the
squadrons and deter all but the most intrepid
Flying Corps in preference to a dismounted
from putting it to the test. It was possible that
posting in the trenches, oil temperature,
an aeroplane which was seen to break up in
compression ratios, valve overlap and such
the sky had already been weakened by enemy
tenns were pure double-dutch and best left to
bullets. No one could know for certain. It was
the 'troops' (as the mechanics were called).
only in the heat of combat when a few brave
At this time squadron equipment was not
men discarded prudence that these things
uniform - each unit was a hotchpotch of
could be established.
different types of aircraft suited (if the word is
Often it was the case that pilots who were
not too ironic) to different tasks. In the
the least skilful or intrepid were hardest on
squadron, the most glamorous and desirable
their engines. Long pursuit dives after an
were the Single-seater Scouts, now beginning
escaping foe would allow engine revolutions to
to make their appearance.
build up over the safety limit, ultimately with
In due course, No. 6 Squadron, in which
critical results - over-heating, damage to
one of the earliest experiments in mounting a
valves and pistons and sometimes total failure.
machine-gun on an aeroplane (a Fannan) had
Few early aircraft were fitted with more than a
been tried by Lieutenant Louis Strange in
fuel supply gauge and an oil pressure indicator.
1 9 1 4, received its first Single-seater, a Martin
Pilots had to rely on their own sensibilities,
syde Scout. Major Gordon Shepherd, the
ears, nostrils and 'feel' to tell them of their
Commanding Officer, acceded to Strange's
engine's health. Some of them, of course, were
fervent plea that he should be allowed to ny
grounded in mechanics. They were fascinated
the plane.
A I R M E 1'-1
Strange was an experienced pilot (and, as
speed to less than 60 m.p.h. in its shallow
will be seen, a very brave man as well) and
climb. When the observer of the Aviatik
he soon found that the Maninsyde had a
alened his pilot it too struggled to gain alti
combination of several vices, which, although
tude. Soon Strange found that his adversary
often found individually in aircraft of this
was dr3\ving away from him. The Maninsyde
period, were usually accompanied by some
had reached its ceiling and could climb no
compensating vinues. It was slow, unstable
more. Dr3\ving the joystick back, Strange
and yet lethargic in its response to the
lifted the machine's nose and fired a long
controls - in other words the very opposite of
deflecting burst at the enemy, emptying the
what was required in combat against another
Le\vis gun. Serenely the Aviatik flew on.
aircraft. Its only vinue was that it had a
Strange was angry and disappointed; now
forward-firing Lewis gun on a fixed mounting
he began LO feel afraid LOO. The chase had led
above the upper \ving.
him far behind the enemy lines and it had
Undeterred by the Maninsyde's tricky
brought home LO him how useless the Manin
handling, Strange headed due east and was
syde was in combat; the magazine of the Lewis
soon well inside enemy territory. After some
gun was empty and he was effectively defence
time he spolled his prey, an Aviatik flying
less. Strange put up one hand LO unclip the
above and to the nonh of him. But to close
magazine so that he could reload. He was now
with his enemy took an age. The weight and
in a gentle dive back LOwards the front line
drag of the Lewis gun cut the Maninsyde's
twenty miles to the west, with an air speed of
bad and dangerous aircraft.
BE2C c. 1915. A
34 + A C E S
Mechanics in an aircraft-repairing shed in France. The engine In the foreground IS a Gnome Rotary.
some 75 m.p.h. and could expect to be over friendly territory in a quarter of an hour. But the drum was stuck and the pressure of the wind made it very difficult for Strange to grip it firmly with his gloved hand. He throttled Oswald Boelcke, one of the first and greatest of the German aces. He had already scored forty victories by October 1916. He took full advantage of being chosen to fly one of the first of the Fokker E series Monoplanes.
right back and lifted the nose to reduce air speed.
obstinately stuck to the breech. Strange removed his gloves, then stood up in the cockpit cursing with all his might and strain ing with both hands to twist the magazine against its spring-load. But then the Martinsyde, which had
inside the upper (now the lower) wing of the
slowed almost to stalling speed, performed
Martinsyde. At the third attempt he succeeded
one of its most objectionable antics: the port
in doing this, but his violent shifting of weight
wing dropped sharply. Strange lost his balance
and the slowly declining air speed had caused
and fell against the joystick, giving instant full
the Martinsyde to go into a spin.
left nap, which exaggerated the aeroplane's
At this early stage in the techniques
turned the
of aerobatics, the spin was regarded as
machine upside down. In the space of two
virtually incurable - as a long but inevitable
seconds Strange found that he was hanging
prelude to certain death. For Strange it was
like a trapeze artiste with both hands still on
particularly and immediately objectionable in
the magazine of the Lewis gun while the
that while he was trying to haul himself back
Martinsyde new heSitantly above him in an
into the cockpit against the force of gravity, he
inverted position.
ow his curses that the
had also to fight against the horrible giddiness
drum should free itself changed to prayers
that builds up in the spin and that was, of
that it should hold. The thread (only one and
course, aggravated by the fact that he was
a half circuits of 360 degrees) had crossed. All
upside down.
spontaneous manoeuvre and
that was holding Strange's weight of 1 50 Ibs 1/4
By now the Martinsyde had lost some
mm width of low-tensile steel that
7,000 feet of its original altitude of 9,000 feet.
surrounded the magazine attachment. If this
How Strange managed to hook his feet back
broke or if the drum freed itself, as he had
into the rudder controls remains incredible -
been trying so hard to make it do for the last
still more amazing was how in the remaining
ten minutes, Strange would have fallen, still
1 ,500 feet or so he managed to correct the
clutching the empty magazine, some 9,000
spin and right the aircraft, a feat little short of
feet to his death. By an incredible feat of
miraculous. In a very shaken condition he
physical prowess - which involved putting
new the Martinsyde back to the aerodrome at
even greater strain on the jammed magazine -
tree-top level, and on landing was charged by
Strange hauled himself up the distance of his
the Commanding Officer with causing 'unnec
elbows and started a series of desperate
essary damage' to the instruments and seat (by
kicking them with his feet while trying to
was a
any one
of which
dislodged the drum, to try and hook his legs
climb back into the cockpit).
PART T w o :
THE WEAPONS ARE F ORGED BACKGROUND 1915 -1 6 The winter of 1 9 1 5- 1 6 was the 'Fokker Scourge'. I t began when F okker,
the summer o f 1 9 1 5 ,
delivered his
Eindekker with i ts single Parabellum machine-gun mounted on the cowling. No Allied aircraft could stand up to the Eindekker because of its fire-power.
he aeroplane itself was structurally
rest of the German Air Force, made such an
weak and possessed an indifferent
attempt and formed three Kampjeillsitzer
performance, because it was, even
IlOmmalldo, or Single-seat fighter units. Two of
the pilots in the second of these were Oswald
fortunately for the Allies, the Germans issued
Boelcke and Max Immelmann. These two
it in ones and twos lO reconnaissance and
were ponrayed as rivals in the German press,
other squadrons much as the British issued
and though they may have been so, Boelcke's
Scouts. Had the Germans formed homoge
importance was rar greater than Immelmann's.
neous units of the E types in 1 9 1 5-16, they
For while I mmelmann's greatness lay in being
would surely have driven the air forces of the
one of the first fighter aces, that was his only
Allies from the skies.
achievement as he was killed after scoring
This is not to say, though, that some
fifteen victories. Boelcke, on the other hand,
enterprising individuals had not made the
achieved forty victories, but much more than
attempt to gather together enough to make a
that, he was the father of aerial warfare.
particularly devastating weapon. I n the late
He taught, developed tactics and laid the
summer of 1 9 1 5, an officer in the Bavarian Air
foundation of the science of aerial fighting in
Force, which was partially independent of the
every way.
Max lmmelmann poses beside an easy Victim - a British BE2.
Fokker Monoplane E I I I
The place where Boelcke and Immelmann
To lhe north, lhe Brilish were also making
rose to fame was Verdun, where the Germans
headway against German air power. Even at
were lrying 'lo bleed lhe French army lo
lhe heighl of lhe Fokker Scourge, Trenchard
Inadvertently, lhey produced lhe
had insisted on sending out as many aircraft as
world's firsl large-scale fighler unil - on lhe
possible on offensive palrols; lhis proved
French side - lhe CigOglles, lhe elile French
enormously expensive in terms of lives and of
fighler force of lhe FirSl World War. In lhe
machines. This laClic has been severely crili
early summer of 1 9 1 6 lhey were equipped
cized, as lhe Brilish machines were decidedly
wilh lhe lillie Nieupon II Btbt fighler, whose
inferior lo lheir German counlerparLS, and lhe
Lewis gun, firing over lhe lOp wing, wenl part
piiOlS, a large percentage of lhem slraighl from
of lhe way lo wresling control of lhe air from
nying school wilh no combal experience,
lhe Fokkers. I t was laler joined by lhe Spad
were unable lo cope Wilh lhe radical change of
VII, which had a synchronized Vickers gun,
laClics needed lO cope Wilh lhe E series. Those
and the combination soon wrested superiority
who did nOl come back had become 'Fokker
from lhe Germans over lhe soulhern part of
Fodder'. On 27 February 1 9 1 6, however, No.
lhe Weslern Front.
24 Squadron arrived in France.
Il was
A DH2 from 29 Squadron manoeuvres for position in an encounter with a Fokker Elndekker dunng the $omme offenSIVe of 1 9 1 6.
40 + A C E S
The Infamous Fokker EI fighter fitted with a Spandau machlne·gun on top of the fuselage and fired with the Fokker Interrupter gear. With this plane, the German Air Force obtained superiority over the Alhed air forces In the winter of 1 91 5/16.
equipped with the first British single-seat
February before
fighter, the De Havilland 2, and was under
operational, a BE2C on a reconnaissance
the command or the third airman LO win a
sonie had had to receive an escon of no less
Victoria Cross, Major Lanoe G. Hawker. The
than twelve other machines. RFC doctrine
DH2 was a 'pusher', as Britain still had no
still stated that fighters should defend general
synchronizing gear, but it was agile, and so
purpose machines from a position of close
more than a match for the Fokker. The tide
escon, but enterprising pilots realized that it
was beginning to tum. Fighting alongside the
was more efficient to go and 'look for the
DH2 was the cumbersome but immensely
enemy than wait for him to find you'. Thus
strong FE2, which also proved itself capable of
were born the offensive fighter tactics that
dealing with the Fokker. And from May the
took the Allies over the German lines during
French staned supplying Britain with the
the rest of the war. Even when the tide was
ieupon I I in small numbers, when they
turning against it, the RFC was to be found on
could afford to release them.
o. 24 Squadron had become
the east of the lines.
With the arrival of these new fighters, the
As the year progressed, the superiority that
RFC staned to develop offensive tactics as a
the Allies now enjoyed was further enhanced
means or derending two-seat reconnaissance
by even beller machines. On the British side,
machines, which were still a very ineffectual
the excellent Sopwith 1 '12 'Struller' two-seat
breed on the Allied side. For example, early in
fighter/reconnaissance machine, equipped
B " C
G R 0 U N O
1 9 1 5
1 6
+ 41
with a synchronized Vickers for the pilot and a Lewis for the observer appeared early in the year - easily the best two-seater on either side so far. It was joined in September by the delightful Sopwith Pup, a scaled-down single 'pup' of the I 'll Strutter. And the French supplemented the Bebes of their Escadrilles de
Chasse with an updated version, the N ieuport 1 7 , from March onwards. The Germans were also developing new types, notably the Halberstadt D series in autumn 1 9 1 5 and spring 1 9 1 6, the Fokker Dl in the summer and the Albatros Dl and II with its new twin-gun armament, in the autumn. With the last, Germany once again began to gain the ascendancy over the Western Front. Not only German machines, but also German organization and tactics had under gone changes in the summer and autumn of 1 9 1 6. First of all, the lessons of the KalllpJeill
sitzerllOlIllllalldo had been digested. Then, in
commander, or KogellluJt, was General Ernst
August, a new tactical fighter unit of fourteen
von Hoeppner, with Hennann Thomsen, now
aircraft, the jagdstaJJel
(jasw) or fighter
a colonel, as Chief-of-Staff and Wilhelm
squadron, was introduced. Boelcke had long
iegert as /djlieg. Returning to the tactical
been in favour of this, and he was given
aspect of the Gennan reorganization, it is
command of the first one to be formed,jasLa 2.
worth noting that an event overshadowed by
This became operational in September 1 9 1 6
the arrival of the Fokker, but hardly less
and by April 1 9 1 7 thirty-seven had been
important, was the development of German
formed. But on 28 October 1 9 1 6, Boelcke
infantry support tactics, or contact patrols. In
himself, the father and mentor of the idea, was
the absence of any type of 'walkie talkie' radio
killed in an air accident, when he collided with
in the First World War, divisional corps and
another member of his jasta, which was later
army commanders found it very difficult to
renamed jasta Boelelle in his honour. Boelcke's
keep track of the position of their forward
lessons had been well learnt, however, as the
troops during an attack, and consequently in
original members of his jasta 2 were soon
gun-laying or any form of support by other
commanding successful jastas of their own.
ground troops or artillery. Thus, aircraft came
One of these was the youthful Manfred von
to be used for the task of establishing contact
Richthofen, who commandedjasta I I .
with forward units, as in the Battle of Verdun.
Another event of importance for the
An elaborate system of visual codes was
German effort in the air was the establishment
of the Deutschell LuJtstreit!"aJte or German Air
FliegerableilulIg IIIJallterie. At first, ordinary C
Force. Set up on 8 October 1 9 16, its first
class machines such as the DFW CV and LVG
The end of Immel man. His personal Fokker after his fatal crash in June 1 9 1 6.
DH2 'pusher' Biplane of 32 Squadron taking off from Ven Galand airfield In Nonhern France. Above: A
Left: Flieg"",bteilung
62, Doual, 20 January 1 9 1 6. In centre, Oswald BoelcKe, Hermann Kastner and Max lmmelmann.
B A C K G R 0
"I 0
CII were used, but their extreme vulnerability
and while the new generation of Allied
to ground fire soon led to armour-plate being
fighters (the SE5, Sopwith Camel and Spad
filled around the engine, fuel tanks and crew
XIII) was being developed, the Germans put
compartment, while proper armoured contact
the sleek, shark-like Albatros DI and II into
patrol aircraft (the J class) were designed. The
service, and were about to introduce the even
idea was soon copied by the Allies.
The scene was now set for the next major development in aerial fighting. The Fokker Scourge had risen and eventually been beaten,
'Vee-Struller, which was to bring
about the decimation of the RFC during 'Bloody April'.
1 9 1 5
+ 43
The ZeppelinS were highly Inflammable and defenceless against fighter aircraft. Here a BE2C flown by lieutenant Sowrey Intercepts a Zeppelin l32 on 23 September 1 9 1 6.
.... + A C E S
2 M a c h i ne s
Take the cylinder out of my kidneys, The connecting rod out of my brain, my brain, From the small of my back take the camshaft And assemble the engine again. RFC MESS SONG
Morane Monoplane fitted with a deflector airscrew. The major problem of fitting a machine-gun on the fuselage in a position where it could easily be aimed by the pilot was that at the same time it was In a poSition to strike the propeller blades. One solution was to fit strengthened metal blades which, It was hoped, might deflect the bullets.
n those days designers were still inhibited
under the maximum stresses that a skilled
by the development of the engines that
pilot could impose upon them in the air. Long
drove their craft. The majority looked
dives would strip the fabric from the wing
upon their product as a sailplane with its own
surfaces; tail planes would shear in a zoom or
motive power, rather than as a projectile
too tight a !Urn; undercarriage gear would
containing a man and a gun. An aeroplane is
snap on contact with the ground if the angle
by definition something heavier than air. The
of approach were misjudged.
designers were at pains to keep this disparity
But as compensation for these failings, the
as low as possible and the results were two
aeroplanes did possess a delightful buoyancy.
fold: while the human body is so constructed
Their take-off and landing from rough and
that it cannot sustain fatal injury in a collision
sloping grass fields were, by today's standards,
at any speed up to the maximum of which it is
quite incredible. They could glide a consider
capable under its own motive power, this was
able distance if starting from some altitude
very far from the case with the early aircraft.
and this saved many lives. Even though the
Of course they could never be expected to
engines were unreliable, the majority of pilots
resist collision with other objects, but they did
became profiCient at handling their aeroplane
not even have the strength to hold together
nearest grass patch
in a
- ------
being used by 98 Squadron to train pilots for day-bombing duties. prior to departure for France.
Avro 504Ks
'dead-stick' condition. Often at the end of a
indicated what were, strictly speaking, single
day's mission, pilots would turn off the engine
set fighters. The aeroplanes were in most cases
at a great height after crossing their lines and
unarmed and if by chance they should meet in
gUide the aeroplane down, gently losing
the sky they would ignore each other. Their
height through the evening sunlight with only
enemies were the weather, the imperfect skill
the sound of wind in the spars and rigging.
of the pilots, and the craft's structural weak
nes es, and a long way behind these three,
evolution of the aeroplanes passed through
occasional bursts of inaccurate groundfire
four distinct stages, and with each develop
from hostile (or friendly) soldiers.
of military technology,
whichever side had anticipated it.
very qUickly
enthusiasm of the pilots began to extend the
At first the aeroplane was used solely for
role of the aeroplane into the second stage of
intelligence Scouts - a description that later
its evolution. The crews would take up
DH 2
48 + A c E S
Right: lewIS gun mounted In the forward nacelle of an FE Biplane. The lewis gun was Invented by an American, Colonel Isaac Newton lewiS, and was mounted on the early fighter planes. It had serious drawbacks on single-seater planes: the gun wasn't within easy reach of the pilot If It developed a blockage dUring flight; or to replace an empty drum the pilot had to stand up In the cockpIt. Below: German two seater observation plane showing a Parabellum machine-gun and mounting.
revolvers or stalking rines and take pot-shots
combine a forward-firing machine-gun and a
either at hostile aircraft or at enemy soldiers
high-speed Single-seater aircraft would enable
on the ground. Some of them would take up
the squadrons thus eqUipped to establish an
hand grenades or eighteen-pounder shells
fined with makeshift fins, and when they had
unwieldy two-seaters with lheir restricted fire.
crossed the enemy lines they would lean over
One of the chief difficulties in designing an
the side of the aeroplane and drop the missiles
interrupter gear was that ordinary machine
by hand. It was only a maner of time before
gun ammunition did not have a preCisely
machine-guns began to find their way into
uniform period of ignition; hand-fire rounds
aeroplanes, though initially only as the
would occur unpredictably, and if the pilot
observer's weapon on two-seaters.
was out of luck these would strike his
But the machine-gun was a heavy weapon
airscrew. As early as 1 9 1 3, a German, Franz
and it consumed a lot of ammunition. More
Schneider of the LVG, had deSigned an inter
over, its field of fire was severely restricted by
rupter mechanism and taken out a patent.
the structural outline of the aeroplane itself,
However. for some reason the German mili
particularly by the airscrew, which, in front
tary authorities refused to supply him with a
engined planes, made it impossible to use a
machine-gun on which to run field tests. I n
machine-gun except in the three-quarter rear
the meantime, Raymond Saulnier had been
field. Plainly the first deSigner who could
conducting parallel experiments in France.
An FE8 from 41 Squadron crosses the Allied hnes after a patrol over the Somme battle· field In October 1916.
Saulnier had become impatient with hang-fire
propeller moves into its line of fire, a series of
failures and had circumvented this by fitting
steel deneclion plates on the propeller blade
propeller interrupts the aClion of the gun until
where its arc crossed the line of the gun; and
the propeller blade is out of the line of fire. In
this device, though clumsy, was none the less
the synchronizer, when the lrigger is pressed,
a great advance. But, as in Germany, the mili
nOlhing occurs until the propeller is safe, and
tary authorities losl interest at the oUlbreak of
then the engine-driven gear, either mechani
war and made Saulnier return his gun.
cally or hydraulically, completes the circuil
Gears lO allow a machine-gun to fire
opera led
necessary to make the gun fire.
through the disc swept by the propeller fall
After three months of war, the pilols were
into two categories - the interrupter and lhe
unanimous in their desire for freedom to fire
synchronizer. The former works on lhe
fixed machine-guns in the direction of nighl.
follOWing prinCiple: when the trigger is
For lhey had soon realized that it was difficult
pressed, the machine-gun fires, and when lhe
enough to ny the aeroplane at all, and keep
OUI of lrouble in combal, withoul having 10
fighters from Ihe Fokker faclory. The
manoeuvres al Ihe bidding of the 'gunner' who
Crown Prince of Bavaria visited our aero
was trying
gel Ihe enemy aeroplanes in his
see Ihese new fighling machines
sights. If Ihe pilol by aiming Ihe aircraft could
and inspecled us and Section 20. Direktor
also be aiming Ihe gun, his task would be
Fokker, Ihe construClOr of this fighler, was
greatly simplified and his speed of reaction
Ihus doubled.
Parschau gave demonslralion flights for
Lieulenant Roland Garros, who had been a famou
tunl pilol before the war in Morane
him. Fokker and a lelllllallt
him and fired al ground targets from Ihe air. Fokker amazed us with his abilily.
Saulnier in December of 1 9 1 4 and arranged
And by Ihe firsl week of July eleven of Ihe
have his own aeroplane fiued oul with Ihe
leading German pilots were flying Fokker EI
new device for a forward-firing machine-gun.
Single-seaters, derived
The interrupler gear was nOI fiued, Garros
equipped with Ihe forward-firing Parabellum.
relying on the defleclion plates only
Their effect was as dramatic as that of Garros's
off the bullets thaI would otherwise have struck his airscrew. The work proceeded al a
- only multiplied lenfold. In these early days of aerial combat, pilots
leisurely pace and it was not unlil Ihe end of
had been conditioned
March thaI Garros look
were immune from enemy bullets when their
the air. BUI his
believe that they
success was immediale and eleclrifying. I n
adversary was bearing down on them. For
jusl over a fortnight he had shol down five
many their last visual memory on earth was of
German aeroplanes - an unprecedented score
the liule orange flickering that appeared
for Ihal period. BUl an 1 9 April he was broughl
above and very slightly to the right of the
down by ground fire while strafing a column
Fokker's propeller boss as it opened fire.
of enemy infantry on a road near Counrai. Garros's auempts
sel fire
his aeroplane
were un uccessful and the Germans immedi ately sel aboul copying and modifying it. On Ihe evening of Ihe day following Garros's downfall his armoured airscrew was already in Anthony Fokker's workshop being rna led
a brand new Parabellum machine
gun. By 20 May Ihe Fokker team's adaptation of Ihe device inlO a lrue interrupler gear had been fiued
IWO of their new single-sealer
monoplanes (Fokker M 5K) and these were then sent on a demonstration tour of opera tional unilS. Max Immelmann.
lhal lime an unknown
squadron pilol at Douai, wrOle:
We have just gOl two small one-seater
aller Iheir course and execule
ES +
Roland Garros. the French aViator who was the first to fit hiS plane With Saulnier's new device for a forward· firing machine-gun.
52 + A C E 5
Anthony Fokker, the bnlhant young Dutch pilot and designer, who Invented the synchronized machine-gun (with the help of Saulnier's deflector airscrew which had fallen Into German hands).
The appearance of the Fokker transformed
overcoming it. (Moreover, the date of this
the balance of power in the air. For some
particular escort, 7 February 1 9 16, is not
months there was literally no answer save that
associated with any particular incident or
of swamping the enemy by sheer numbers -
period of activity on the ground and it is
the counterpart of 'stopping bullets with
unlikely that the reconnaissance was of more
bodies' on the ground - or, in rare cases, pilots
than routine importance.)
utilizing superior flying skill to evade pursuit. For example, the log of
Had the Fokkers been more numerous and
o. 1 2 Squadron
had the Germans deployed them in greater
shows that an escort for one reconnaissance
concentration, the RFC would probably have
BE2C was made up of three other BE2Cs, four
been faced with annihilation. Fortunately for
FE2Bs, four REBs and one Bristol Scout. This
the British, however, the bulk of the Fokker
was an extraordinarily cumbersome and waste
strength was drawn south to the battlefields of
ful way of operating the air arm, because all
Verdun and the RFC was allowed a breathing
these aircraft except the FE2B, which had a
space while it awaited the arrival of a new
lewis gun for the observer in the front of the
generation of aircraft.
nacelle, were virtually incapable of engaging in
The Fokker's strength lay in its unique
combat ,vith the Fokker, much less actually
ability to fire through the propeller; the
M A C H 1 N E 5 +
aeroplane itselr was somewhat rrail and
aircraft. However, the Fokker's success at the
underpowered. The LOrsional strength or a
rront was so marked that the ldjlieg was
single wing was dangerously inrerior LO that or
compelled to allow the resumption or training,
a trussed biplane, and the wires and the upright
but they stipulated that it was to be done at the
upper and lower pylons on the ruselage with
Fokker flying school at Schwerin. The first
which Anthony Fokker had tried LO brace the
group of trainees were sent there from Doberitz
wing surraces were vulnerable to hostile fire and
in OCLOber 1 9 1 5 .
to the exceptional buffeting that might rollow a violent manoeuvre or pulling out or a dive.
Furthermore, t h e 100 h . p .
engine could only just drive the Fokker at 80
These characteristics gave the Fokker an
m.p.h. and the production or the 160 h.p.
awesome reputation among the German
engine which raised its maximum to 100
pilots. In July 1 9 1 5 some or the production
m.p.h. was very slow. Several Fokkers were
aircrart were sent to the flying school at
filled with captured 92 h.p. Le Rhone engines,
Doberitz ror use as training aircrart. On 27
which greatly improved their perrormance
July one crashed ratally, and a second Fokker
(and emphasized the somewhat theoretical
pilot was killed on the 3 1 st. After a third
quality or the Oberursel's claimed 100 h.p.).
Fokker ratality on 29 August the ldjlieg
In the spring or 1916 the Fokker myth
disbanded the Doberitz Fokker unit, sent the
began LO disintegTate. The first or the Nieupons
aircrart back to the Fokker works at Schwerin
(the Nieuport 1 1 , or 8ebe) had made their
and grounded the monoplanes as service
appearance in the skies over Verdun and as
German pilots In front of their Albatros OVs at a briefing before take-off.
54 "' A c E S
The machine·gun arrangement of the Fokker EIII used by Oswald Boelcke. Note the curvature of the ammunition belt.
their numbers rose so the Fokkers become
The third stage of evolution coincided with
more and more chary of battle. In the north the
the Battle of the Somme, through the long,
British had captured one and found that:
baking hot summer of 1 9 1 6 . British output of aircraft had increased in spectacular fashion,
.. .it was perfectly orthodox, and there
as had recruitment into the RFC. Although
remained only to put it up against a British
still hampered by lack of a powerful purpose
to judge its performance. The
built engine, the Royal Aircraft Establishment
Morane Bullet was chosen, and the two
had managed to purchase a consignment of
machines were run out on the aerodrome,
second-hand French engines, which they
side by side. All the General Staff assem
fitted to their new airframe, the DH2. The
bled to watch the test. Both machines took
DH2 was a 'pusher' of the old box-kite
off together, and it was immediately clear
configuration that had killed so many trainees
that the Morane was all over the Fokker. I t
in Shorthorn form and was soon to become
climbed quicker, it was faster on the level,
obsolete; it acquired an evil and somewhat
and when the two machines began a mock
fight over the aerodrome, the Morane had
squadrons as the 'spinning incinerator'. But
everything its own way. A cheer went up
for a few months the DH2 did attain a kind of
from the ground. The bogey was laid. A
ascendancy. Its rear-mounted engine allowed a
description of the machine, its size, power,
clear field of fire for the Lewis gun in the nose
capabilities, was circulated at once to
and, more important, an unrestricted rate of
everyone in the Corps. I t did a great deal to
fire. (For all interrupter and synchroniZing
raise the morale and prepare the way for
devices greatly restricted the gun's rate.) The
the Allied air supremacy later that year.
tactics of the RFC during this summer were,
M A C H I N E S + 55
in aerial terms, the counterpart of Sir Douglas
be developed to lift two machine-guns, the
Haig's repetitive frontal assaults on the ground.
'pusher's' faster rate of fire would be more than
But thanks to the diversion of the Fokkers
southwards, the symbolic victory of an FE2B
A few lucky RFC pilots, among them such
gunner named Corporal j. H. Waller over
future aces as Albert Ball and James McCud
lmmelmann on 18 June 1 9 1 6, the dash and
den, managed to get their hands on the latest
courage of units such as Lanoe Hawker's No.
French Scout built to this principle, the
H Squadron, they did succeed in establishing
port 1 7 . Almost as fortunate were the flyers in
a transient supremacy - although at a high cost
the RNAS who were being issued with the tiny
in lives.
but phenomenally agile Sopwith Pup fighter.
Vet the principles of the DH2 design were
The first British aeroplane to carry a
obsolete before it was even put into service
forward-firing gun with a synchronized device
(and indeed were to remain so until the
was another Sopwith - the 1 '12 Strutter. This
advent of the jet engine, which applies its
also had a rearward-firing gun for the
power in 'thrust' from the rear instead of 'pull'
observer, as it was a reconnaissance fighter.
from the front). The French had already seen
The 1 '12 Strutter had only a short life as
the importance of a front-mounted engine
a dominant weapon before the arrival of the
first true
of view
of speed
manoeuvrability; once sufficient power could
two-gun fighter, the
Albatros D l , which completely outclassed it.
The $opwith 1 '/2 Strutter, the first British aeroplane to carry a forward-firing gun with Ross interrupter gear. FIring at 300 rounds per minute It was outclassed by the Albatros, whose twin guns had a firing rate of 2.000 rounds per minute.
56 + A c E S
The Nleuport 1 7, an updated version of the Nleuport Bebe, was brought into the service In the summer of 1 91 6. Its chief distinction over the Bebe was that It was armed with a synchro nized Vickers gun In addition to the Lewis on the top wing. The British Nleuports, however, retained the Lewis gun as the only standard armament. T. O. M. Sopwith would soon adopt this configuration to produce the famous 'Camel'.
The Struller was then relegated to bombing
Charm, sweetness, agility, all these quali
and reconnaissance roles, but the pilot loyalty
ties were possessed by the Sopwiths and the
it inspired was intense: 'They were delightful
Nieuports and made them beloved of their
aeroplanes to ny and beautiful to look at. On
pilots. But in a fighting machine these
the ground when taxi-ing to take-off, they
qualities are not entirely pre-eminent. I n
looked like brown butternies; in the air they
Germany a perfect fighting machine - the
were alive and
Albatros D - was under development, and
of grace, charming
companions of the clouds.'
from the date of its first appearance it naunted
The 1 '/2 Struller had a Single machine-gun
an absolute superiority, until, nearly a year
fitted with the Ross interrupter gear that
later, the antidote had been contrived. This
restricted its rate of fire to 300 rounds per
Albatros marked the beginning of the fourth
minute (compared with over 1 ,000 rounds per
stage in the evolution of fighting machines.
minute from the Albatros's twin Spandaus). I n
The Albatros D series machine was a
addition, the Ross gear was very prone to
beaUliful and deadly biplane. Developed from
jamming. However, the earlier examples left
the normal ground trigger on the Vickers so
reconnaissance machines and some special
that in a really tight comer the pilot could
plywood-covered racing planes of the pre-war
squeeze this and double his firepower at the
era, it was filled with the 160 h.p. water-cooled
risk of shallering his airscrew.
Mercedes engine, which allowed better stream
Perhaps the plane's gliding and handling
lining (and thus higher speed in dive and
ability encouraged this drastic expedient.
climb) at the expense of some slight reduction
The messes of 1 '12 Strutter squadrons were
in manoeuvrability. Its twin Spandau machine
plentifully adorned with whole and sheared
guns gave it the highest rate of fire of any
aeroplane in senrice at lhat time. Furthermore,
laminated walnut or mahogany, was often
the impact of the Albatros was magnified by the
carved into ornaments, tobacco jars, mounts
way in which the Germans deployed it. Instead
for clocks and barometers.
of distributing them a few at a time all along the
M A C H 1 N E 5 + 57
front, they were grouped in Jagdstaffelll (abbre viated to Jastas) or 'hunting squadrons' whose express purpose was LO seek Oul and destroy enemy aircraft - that is, without the conslraint of escort, reconnaissance. and other missions. The double impact of this deadly new aero plane and the manner in which it had been entrusted LO picked groups of elite nyers was LO cut a \vide swathe through the ranks of the Royal Flying Corps in the months that followed. Many of its bravest pilots, the gifted and imaginative pioneers of its early fonnation, officers who might have played critical parts in its expansion, were to perish under the guns of the Albatros. If the passing of the Fokker's ascendancy was symbolized by the death of Immelmann, then it is still more true to say that the lethal Manfred von Richthofen: 'When I have shot down an Englishman my hunting passion is satIsfied for a quarter of an hour.'
advent of the Albatros was marked by the long and
Manfred von Richthofen, the man destined to be ace of aces of the First World War with eighty vicLOries, and Lanoe Hawker.
hear that single, fatal crack above the roar of
Of all the early fighting pilots, it was Lanoe
their own engines and the sound of adjoining
Hawker who had the supreme mastery of his
combat. By the time that the second genera
machine. He was a superlative shot and in the
tion of 'pusher' aeroplanes arrived that were LO
earliest days had mounted a Westley Richards
sweep the Fokker Monoplane from the sky
.300 ingle-shot deer-stalking rine on a rigid
over the Somme, word had spread through the
bracket outrigged LO clear the airscrew, and
whole German air service of this remarkable
with this antiquated weapon had managed LO
Englishman with the moustache who could
score several confirmed destructions. So
make his aeroplane perfonn such prodigies of
perfect was Hawker's aim and so beautifully
manoeuvre and evasion.
co-ordinated were his LOuch and judgment at
But time passed, development advanced,
the controls of the aircraft, that he could fire a
the sleek and speedy Albatros arrived on
Single denection shot ,vith the deer-stalker
the scene in ever increasing numbers. The
that would wound a vital pan of the enemy
DH2s had to fight ever harder and their
engine or penetrate the skull of its pilot. His
obsolescence became daily more appareot.
victories against machine-gun-armed planes
Only Hawker's incredible nying skill saved
had LO the enemy a mysterious and terrifying
him from death when cornered by groups of
quality, for their planes seemed just to fall out
Gennan pilots nying new machines. Twice he
of the sky for no reason. Used LO the deadly
was shot down and once wounded. With each
claller of machine-gun fire, they could not
week that passed the strain increased. The
58 + A c E S
The gradual decimation of Hawker's valiant o. 24 Squadron and his own ultimate fate are still less excusable when it is recalled that the instruments that might have allowed them lO survive, namely the new Sopwith Triplane (or even the agile little Pup itself) were being flown by the R AS in the northern seClOr of the front where the Germans respectfully gave them a wide berth. Hawker's fame among the enemy was such that all the pilots of the newly forming Jastas were eager to pit their skill against him (though whether they would have been so keen had he been known as the pilot of a Triplane is another question). During the winter months of 1 9 1 6, several had the opportunity and some did not survive the encounter. But then on 1 6 November, Hawker fell in with Richthofen - a man cunning enough lo avoid, even for a split second, the kind of error that would give Hawker the opportunity either lo exploit his brilliant aim or to escape the clutches of the Albatros. Again and again the two aircraft turned in near vertical banks. Each time Hawker's skill and delicacy in throttling back at the apex of the turn and allowing the DH2 lo side-slip for brief seconds, caused him to slide out of the German's sights at the critical moment. Then, briefly, Hawker could put the nose of the DH2 down in a dive, and seize a few precious yards Major Lanoe Hawker, the first and one of the greatest of the Bntlsh aces, who fell to Rlchthofen's guns on 23 November 1 9 1 6.
moment from which there could be no escape
of direct flight homeward. But sickeningly
drew nearer.
soon the superior power of the Albatros
How unbelievable it is that this brave and
allowed it to catch up and the deadly turning
talented man should have been condemned to
process was repeated. For each time that
fly one patrol after another in machinery that
Hawker weaved his way out of Richthofen's
had become totally outclassed - the very
sights, he lost precious altitude, and each time
counterpart in the air of that extravagant and
that he lost altitude he used up his reserve of
obstinate butchery that was repeatedly being
speed and distance for the bolt home.
ordered on the ground, where brave men were
After what seemed an age - fifteen
being sent to certain death in pointless and
or twenty minutes - lhe duellisLS were al
repetitive attacks on the same strongpoint.
ground level, the DH2 could tum no more.
M A C H 1 N E S -fl
Lieutenant w. C. Cambray Me demonstrates the technique needed to protect this fE2d of 20 Squadron in 1 9 1 7. The pilot has a forward-firing Lewis gun, as does Cambray. To protect his tail he had to stand and use this pole-mounted weapon. In a pitching, rolling dog-fight his feet are just below the rim of the cockpit and he has no seat belt. Note the camera on the left of the nacelle and the bomb racks underneath. The object on the top of the wing - and in danger of being shot off - is the gravity-feed fuel tank.
Desperately Hawker weaved and soared round
his nose round and meet his enemy head on.
tall trees and over farm buildings. Once an air
But Richthofen opened his thronle and the
pocket wafted the DH2 vertically some
enormous margin of power in the Mercedes
precious hundred feet and Hawker could dive
engine drew the Albat�os on top of its target,
again. But the last seconds of his life were
now at maximum exposure and almost
ebbing away. The Albatros stood off at a
motionless in its steep bank. One long burst
distance of about sixty yards, waiting. This
raked across the engine and on Hawker's head,
time there would be no escape. As the
shoulders and knees. The DH2 fell like a
Albatros closed in for the kill Hawker gave full
SLOne, bursting into names as it hit the ground.
left rudder in a last despairing effort to bring
60 + A c E S
3 Ta c t i c s
I f by some delightful chance, When you're flying out in France, Some old Boche machine you meet, Very slow and obsolete, Don't turn round to watch your tail, Tricks like that are getting stale; Just put down your bally nose, And murmur, 'Chaps, here goes ! ' (TO TIlE TUNE OF 'TONIGIlT'S
In 1 9 1 8 the RFC started to Issue illustrative diagrams to help new pilots to anticipate the sort of tactics deployed in combat. Far too often In previOus years pilots had gone to the Front not knowing what to expect. This diagram shows three German planes pursuing a British 'Scout', reinforcing the cautionary verse at the head of this chapter.
ven the most experienced pilot could
two-seater it was different. Heavier, more
stable and slower, their response was less agile
attention had been absorbed by a
and usually their pilots were less experienced
target on the ground or by stalking another
in combat, having been trained ror ground
enemy at a lower altitude. In that Hrst instant
when the hammer blows or a Spandau burst
protection they depended upon the observer
rocked his ruselage, only immediate rudder,
and his ring-mounled machine-gun (lewis or
joystick and thronle rorward in a steep diving
Parabellum). But the observer,
llIrn could save his lire. It had to be a renex
to perrorm - duties that were at their most
aClion. The inexperienced would 'freeze' in
pressing when the aircrart was over the target
terror or waste precious mths or a second
area, that is, when the danger or interception
looking round lert and right to see where the
was also at its most critical.
enemy was coming from.
had duties
For a high-altitude interception the most
The pilolS or the single-seaters could thus
ravoured tactic was to approach the two
save themselves even arter being surprised
seaters from below and to the rear where the
and come back 10 Hght again (though with the
'blind-spot', particularly when the plane was
disadvantage or a lower altitude). But ror the
in straight and level night, would errectively
r.=l �
.-..uA L
WHEAE nt E SPEED lS "I". ,..,_n. _ _ _ ..-u. ......
� ,...;:.: � :... of�;r
Diagram showing good and bad looping techniques.
mask the assailant. When the Scouts attacked
or less at will.
Funhermore, lhe
in pairs the technique was for one to dislract
majority of lwo-sealer crews were relatively
the observer's attention. usually by a broad
inexperienced. and had received only a brief
side attack, opening fire at very long range.
theoretical background to the finer points of
while the killer approached from below
air-to-air combat. Yet the fact remains that a
closing the distance to the optimum figure of
team of skilful pilots and gunners with steady
thirty metres.
nerves could be formidable. Many of the
Where a Single-seater was attacking by
highest-soaring aces - Guynemer. Richthofen.
itself. it would normally do so in a dive out of
Lufbery - fell victim to a resolute rear gunner.
the sun. although accurate positioning of this
Tactical skill was a composite of many
kind LOok considerable flying experience and a
things: awareness of clouds and wind; private
high degree of concentration. Towards the end
deceptions and bluff; cool nerves and speed of
of the war the habit spread among rear gunners
reaction; but above all. flying skill. sensitivity
of mounting a sheet of mirror lO swing in
to the aircraft's response (which involved
parallel with the gun ring and if this could be
complete knowledge of acceleration. rate of
focused accurately even for a split second. it
roll, climb and turn and height-holding
would completely dazzle the attacking pilot.
ability) and keen vision. This last was as much
The extra speed and agility of the single
a matter of experience and intuition as of pure
seaters should have made it easy for a skilled
phYSical efficiency. There was a certain way of
pilot to pick off his cumbersome adversary
looking at the ground or sky. a manner of
T A C T l c s + 63
focusing that allowed experienced pilots to
for a sudden change of course. Pilots learned
notice the minute and menacing specks of
to estimate the strength of clouds, their size
hostile aircraft; and until this had been
and direction, and whether they were growing
mastered, all novices were at risk.
or diminishing.
Spring and early summer of 1 9 1 7
On three days out of five the west wind
period when the RFC suffered the most
prevailed, and fights that started at altitude
grievously under the flail of the Albatros
would, as the contestants lost height, gradu
Circuses - were marked by much cloud.
ally work their way over the fighting zone and
To the early airmen cloudland was a new
deep into German-held territory. Speeds, even
world; to the imaginative few, it became an
at maximum, were low and the differentials
enchanted land, the fairytale of childhood
correspondingly small. In level flight, few
dreams come true.
aircraft had a margin of more than ten or
To the fighting airmen clouds were signifi
fifteen m.p.h. over their enemy. Anyone who
cant above all else. They meant the chance to
has driven a car fast over an empty, undulating
stalk and trap, but also, carried from within
road and tried to catch and overtake another
their soft and towering cliffs, the threat of
of similar performance some little distance
being taken by surprise. Skilled pilots learned
ahead, will have an idea of the closing pace in
how to fly just within the c1oudfringe.
aerial combat in
Invisible from below and yet able to scan the
Judgment and experience were vital i n
sky beneath them, it was important to know
determining the angle o f dive in a pursuit; i f
in evasion how soon a cloud would give cover
too steep, the allacker might pass below his
First World War.
Diagram showing the dangers of an enemy plane attacking 'out of the sun' working in partnership with a decoy plane.
6� + A c E S
Diagram showing what not to do In case of engine failure.
intended victim and lose precious time in
By lhe lime Bloody April of 1 9 1 7 came
climbing again; if too shallow, he mighl alen
round, lhe very high casual lies lhal lhe lwo
his prey before closing wilhin range and il too
sealers were suffering had lefl few crews
would have lime in which to Slan diving.
Wilh proper combal experience. The arm)"s
A number of lhe German Jasra piiOlS
insistence on continuous 'orrensive' patrols
including LOlhar von Richlhofen (lhe brolher
and lhe lOlal obsolescence of lheir equipmem
of Manfred) and Werner Voss had slaned lheir
were causing squadron casuallies of approxi
careers as observers and knew lhe kinds of
malely lhiny per cem per week. For example,
lricks lhal would upsel a lwo-sealer crew. If he
Manfred von Richlhofen's log for 1 3 April
1 9 1 7 shows a cenified claim for an FE2B al
would open fire early, in shan burslS, and
8.58 a.m., 1 2.45 p.m. and 7.35 p.m. on lhal
the nervous two-seater pilot would start a
day - lhal is, on each of his lhree palrols. Yel
in his lOlal score, Richlhofen included only
slowing his own plane and allowing lhe
lhree SE5A Single-sealers, nol claiming lhe
enemy to close lo a proper slriking dislance.
firsl one umil 30 November 1 9 1 7 , more lhan
lhoughl his enemy mighl escape, Richlhofen
T A C T I C 5 +
six months after they became operational. The Germans could not understand the
just after the laller had been issued with one of the new Fokker Triplanes:
way in which the British aeroplanes daily came over the lines lO be shot down. 'il is
I saw the triplane curve in behind his tail
bener if the customers come to the shop', was
I McMaking, another pilot in Macmillan's
Richthofen's dry commenl. 'Certainly they are
Sopwith Camel Squadron I
brave, but it is bravery that has a touch of
instantly at il. Before my Sights were
foolishness about il.' Combat against the
centred I fired a brief burst because I knew
French he dismissed lightly: 'In a Frenchman,
most Huns reacted to the warning sound of
bravery is quite exceptional and if you do
bullets Oying near them. This fellow,
meet it, it is like a glass of lemonade and very
however, was of a different breed. He
soon goes Oal.'
looked round at me and I saw his black
and dived
'j:,.:::.�.:::, . •
Diagram showing the dangers of a 'pancake' landing from too great a height.
With every adversary against whom a pilot
leather helmeted and begoggled face above
actually duelled (as distinct from surprising
his left shoulder as he swerved slightly lO
out of the blue and killing at one stroke)
one side then looked ahead again and
Richthofen established a kind of personal
followed the Camel's tail.
relationship - the shape of his head, his
I think McMaking must have been
grimaces under stress (many of the best piiolS
wounded by the triplane's first fire, because
wouldn't wear goggles for they restricted the
he did not use his Camel lO manoeuvre as he
eye's nalUral field of vision at the corners),
might have done. He went down straight in
how strong was the nerve, how merciful or
a steepish dive, with no attempt at evasion.
deserving mercy - and there is lillie doubt that
I increased speed and pulled close lO
this contributed to the neuroses of remorse or
the triplane. I was now below the main
vindictiveness that unbalanced the aces.
Hun formation and
Norman Macmillan has given a vivid account of his first meeting with Werner Voss,
heard the splaller
of Hun bulielS ralliing round my ears. GlanCing back and upward
saw two
66 + A C E S
Albatros coming down upon me, bUl above
I saw McMaking's Camel still below
them, Moody, in another IitLle Camel, was
him, falling steeply in a gemle curve. If he
treating them just the same and driving
were already badly wounded (as I believe)
them off.
why did his opponem not leave him LO his I
was almost dead upon the buff
fate and tum LO duel with me? We were at
coloured triplane's tail. Its pilot looked
an advantageous height for the Fokker
round again. Possibly the sound of the
Triplane for both climb and manoeuvre.
bullets his comrades aimed at me had
Did he think the Camel ahead of him
was close enough LO see (and
might escape across the lines? Or was it his
almost read the expression in) his keen
policy to butcher him right LO the ground
blue-grey eyes behind his goggle glasses
in order to claim his scalp? I was alone no\\�
and as much of his face as was left
our odds were even, and we were on his
uncovered; nose, mouth, chin and shape of
side of the lines, an advantage LO him.
cheek. Had I been able to meet them I
Surely he ought LO have rounded LO engage
could have picked him out from among his
me? I have never undersLOod his tactics,
fellow pilots.
why he did not take me on . . .
alened him.
He saw I was dead on his tail and
Pilot offIcer firing at a fixed target from a 'cockpit' moving along ralls at an RAF gunnery school In France In July 1 9 1 8. In the air, of course, the target would also have been moving.
instamly banked and curved to the right
In the last reson, flying skill a t the limit of
while he looked at me just as my bullets
feasibility was critical. For it was this, above
spewed fonh. My tracers passed close over
all else, on which the pilot's life depended.
his cemral left wing, just outside his
Tactics worked out in theory, demonstrated
cockpit and in line \vith his head, missing
on a blackboard, practised in the still and
it by inches because of his outward
friendly air of Salisbury Plain, broke down in
swerve. When my brief burst ceased he
the stress and turmoil of combal. Then the
looked ahead again. He was a clever pilol.
pilot's reflexes, the sixth sense that led him LO respond LO his aircraft'S whims and protests, were everything. When the wing surfaces or the fuselage were damaged or the engine was misftring, the joystick sluggish - especially when
perforated fuel lines began to lick round the engine cowling - when the pilot had only a few minutes, perhaps only a few seconds, to put his aircraft on the ground, then all depended on his individual skill. Ami-aircraft fire (flail in the Second World War) was known as 'Archie' from a famous pre-war music
whether the shell-bursts were Allied or hostile. Without radio communication or ground control, searching pilots used the clusters of AA shell-bursts as a location for
o{o 67
German anti-aircraft guns. Known as Archie, their shells gave off black smoke, the British gave off white.
homing on to hostile aircraft. The Allied shells
they could reach their combat altitude. And so
(British 3-in, or French 75-mm) had a white
the first minutes of the dawn were spent i n
smoke. The German was black cordite and
gave off an unpleasant, toxic smell that
clusters of orange fire, which showed Archie
lingered, even at altitude in still air long after
bursting around some early spoLler plane,
the fighting had passed over. Returning pilots
could make it worth the hazard of a diversion.
would sometimes traverse a belt of this vapour and look uneasily round the sky, banking
This is the worst moment of the day.
their wings to one side and another in a
You don't usually sleep very well if you are
conditioned reflex.
down for a Dawn Patrol. The batman calls
At dawn, when the first patrols were flown
at 4.30 a.m. with cocoa and biscuits.
and the sky was a pale hemisphere of
always wide awake then. When it actually
cinnamon or grey, it was impossible to detect
comes to the point - warming up, take-off,
aircraft below you against the black carpet of
gelling into formation and so on - you find
the land. But this safety at low altitudes was
yourself doing these things automatically.
ephemeral, for with every minute that passed
But then, when you see Archie below! I t
the air lightened and with i t grew the risk that
looks much worse i n the dark, you can see
the patrolling Scouts would be spotted before
the flames and this reminds you ...
68 + A C E S
4 De a t h
There were few flyers with any experience of aIr fighting who were not obsessed to some degree, though usually secretly, with the thought of being shot down in flames. ARTHUR Go
Onlookers stand at a respectful distance from a dead airman.
o wrote one of the survivors, Arthur
Gould Lee, who subsequently rose to
screamed curses, others would jump and fall,
lhe rank of Air Vice Marshal - yet it
arms oULStretched, clothing alight, from seven
took thirty years berore he could bring himself
thousand feel. Still others (Bert Hall and
to commit this view to paper. So deep·seated
James McCudden among them) carried a
was the obsession that no mention of it can be
pistol, nominally for self-defence 'in case of
forced landing in enemy territory'. It had only
accounts (although privately, in diaries and
six rounds and only one purpose. Just a very
lellers, it is found in profusion).
few had the cool nerves and the nying skill to
their hands, others stood
up and
This was the paramount horror, the
retain control of an aeroplane on fire, to try to
recurring nightmare, the insistent spectre that
handle it down or deliberately go into a stall
penetrated sleep and caused men to lie awake
to extinguish the names with the back
for hours before the dawn.
one who had
draught, although many perished in turning
nown in combat could have failed to see that
to this last resort. Richthofen's own combat
terrible sight, an aircraft spiralling downwards
log shows that out of eighty victories, fifty
in the black smoke of a gasoline fire. And it
four were gebralllll (burned).
was only a matter of time before they saw one
On eilher side the piloLS' allegorical names
close enough to notice the last frenzies of the
for gasoline - Infernal Liquid, The Hell-brew,
crew. Some would try to beat out the names
Orange Death, Witches Water - underlined
70 + A C E 5
and perpetuated this phobia. Even after the
wire rope, where the crew hung their head
ignition had been switched off the peril
phones and binoculars. Many gunnery officers
remained. The airscrew would continue to
had made three or four jumps in escaping
rotate with its own inertia and the force of the
certain death by burning. The question of
wind: it was locked in direct drive to the
issuing parachutes to the pilots of the RFC was
magneto, which continued to emit sparks and
raised at Staff level several times during 1916
these would ignite any fuel or vapour from
and 1917, but the general view was that
broken feed pipes.
' ... possession of a parachute might impair a
Sometimes, where serious engine damage had resulted in total seizure, the magneto stopped; or for some other miraculous reason Right: A British aero
plane brought down in the Ypres Salient, 1 9 1 7 . The fire is I n its last stage. Below: Lieutenant
Quentin Roosevelt, son of the former President of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt, lying beside his aircraft, a Nieupon 28. He belonged to the 95th PUrsUit Squadron AEF and is buried on the exact spot where he feU. Today it is marked by a star set in a stone CIrcle.
pilot's nerve when in difficulties so that he would make improper use of his parachute'. The Superintendent at Farnborough had
there would be no outbreak. But even in these
cases pilots could have their nerve shattered,
parachutes and dummies, but when Major
and perhaps lose their reason altogether
General Sir David Henderson, GOC of the
during the long ordeal of bringing a damaged
RFC, was minuted as to whether he wished
aircraft in to land with their clothing soaked
the experiments to continue, he scrawled on
in gasoline. On nearly every aircraft the fuel
the text in his own hand, 'No, certainly not!'
tank was mounted in the nose as close to the
General R. M . Groves committed himself to
engine as possible to simplify the feed and
the view 'that smashed aircraft generally fall
pump. This meant that the draught from the
\vith such velOcity that there would hardly be
airscrew, even if the airscrew had stopped
time to think about the parachute'.
from fonvard flight, blew flames back into the pilot's face.
Death lingered in the sky even as it does on land. There is no such thing as 'instantly'. One
Parachutes were issued to men in lhe
hundred and sixty pounds of flesh and blood,
gunnery observation balloons, tethered by a
a complete nervous system, brain, heart,
lieutenant· Colonel Audaln. wearing a parachute harness. about to ascend in an observation balloon. The High Command refused to allow pilots to wear parachutes, justifying this action With the claim that It might 'impair a pilot's nerve'. But they were issued to the crews of observation balloons. Above:
Right: Early testing of
parachute apparatus In France. Neither partICipant looks especially confident.
lungs, kidneys: heart pumping seventy-two
stricken aeroplane that could no longer answer
times a minute (or more likely 1 25 in the stress
to the controls but dived or yawed, or spun, or
and terror of combat), all these things do not
slipped and fell with long deliberation like an
surrender life however grievously stricken
autumn leaf before finally breaking against the
without a struggle. Only very occasionally
solidity of earth and stone.
when the first cluster of bullets smashed the
For most pilots with minimal imaginalion
pilot's skull did he pass into the beyond
their first Sight of a death in combat was
without an ageless and agonized period of
traumatic. Repeated in close succession it led
resistance. Sometimes, more than half the
to nighunares, depression, withdrawal -
time, it was against the names. At others, terri
symptoms that were ignored by a medical
ble pain and numbness, recurrent nausea and
service that had no psychiatric branch. Still
fainting in a cockpit where the blood sluiced
deeper was the impression made by the first
audibly as the aircraft rolled from side to side.
direct 'kill'. One pilot wrote the whole account
Some men went to lhelr deaths unhanned in a
to his fiancee on the same evening:
I got my first hun LOday! At las t ! . . . Coming back, the formation split u p and we made our separate ways. I t was a lovely evening, very clear, with a pale blue sky, and I thought it was LOa nice to go straight back, I'd have another look at that incredible morass east of Ypres. I was half sliding down, nonhwards, just this side of the Hun balloon lines when I saw an RES approaching on my left front, about 500 feet below. And tracers were spitting out from the observer's gun. I t was then that I realized that he was being followed and allacked by an Albatros V-Struller from 1 50 yards' range, also firing shon bursts. Before I could react, the Hun ceased firing, and turned east. I assumed he'd broken off because he'd spolled me. The RE whizzed past below, the observer waved, and the Albatros continued on a level course eastwards. I dropped into a wide sweeping curve that brought me dead behind the Hun, and 200 feet above him. He was still nying level, due east, but not going nat out. I t seemed incredible that h e hadn't seen me when he turned aside from the RE. I t looked s o easy I suspected a trap, and searched carefully around, but there was no other machine in Sight. I came down closer and closer, holding my fire. My hean was pounding, and I was trembling uncontrollably, but my mind was calm and collected. I closed LO ten yards, edged out of his slipstream, drew nearer still until I saw that if I wasn't careful I'd hit his rudder. His machine was green and grey, and looked very spick and span. He had a dark brown nying helmet, with a white goggles-strap round the back of his head. I aimed carefully through the Aldis between his shoulders just below where The parachute of an officer descending from an observation balloon caught In the branches of a tree. ThiS one was fortunate on two (ounts: the parachute opened and the landing was soft.
o E A T H + 75
A German pilot bemg fitted with his parachute.
o E A T H
+ 77
Far left: A German
DFWCV wrecked at Pilkem Ridge on the first day of the battle, 3 1 July 1 9 1 7 . Left: A crashed BE2C.
they showed above the fairing. It was
To the crew of this one aircraft, life and death
impossible to miss. I gently pressed the
would be in perfect equilibrium. If it was only
trigger, and at the very first shots his head
the engine that had suffered, and if it had
jerked back, and immediately the plane
given out on account of some mechanical
reared up vertically. He must have clutched
failure of its own, their chances were good.
the joy-stick right back as he was hit. I
Given reasonable height and cool handling,
followed upwards, still firing, until in two
the aeroplane could glide on to friendly terri
or three seconds he stalled and fell over to
tory. At worst its crew would finish as
the left, and I had to slew sharply aside to
prisoners of war. Even if they were seen by an
avoid being hit. He didn't spin, but dropped
enemy and their plight detected, there was a
into a near-vertical engine-on dive.
convention on both sides that persisted at
went after him, throllie wide open,
least until 1 9 1 8 that 'dead-stick' aeroplanes
firing in long bursts, but he gradually
were left to their fate. Yet was not this conven
left me behind. I followed, still firing
tion honoured many times in the breach? The
through the Aldis, until he was 300 yards
novices, the vindictive, the cold blooded, those
stopped, there was no
eager to add cheaply to their score, could not
point in pumping any more lead into
resist the easy target which was alTered to them.
distant, then him. But
stayed in the dive and saw that
he didn't pull out . . .
On return there would be no inquiry concerning those who were missed once the de-briefing was over. The subject was not
A few pilots lived t o tell the tale o f that fatal
referred to. The policy of Trenchard, the RFC's
moment in a dog-fight when the engine
Commander in France for 1 9 1 5-17, of 'no
empty chairs' kept the messes full, even though it meant offering up the inexperienced and the
I nstantly there was silence. And for a few
partly trained as human sacrifice . I t was the
seconds this
i1ence Cas it seemed by
deaths of the wounded, those who had made
contrast with what had preceded it) would
it back over the line, in field hospitals and
be total. Then, first to intrude because it
dresSing stations, that made the biggest impact,
was nearest, the song and moaning of the
and for that reason many pilots were reluctant
wires in the rigging. And hard on its heels
to visit the hospitals even when their closest
the exhausts of other engines: the rallle, on
friends were detained there. Everyone dreaded
every side, of other guns.
the funerals, the silent crowd around an earth
78 + A c E S
Reputed to Illustrate the last flight of Captain Albert Ball, VC, 050, MC t 7 May t 9 1 7 .
grave in some humble comer of a French
lhousand feel lO lhe ground. It lOok aboul
village churchyard, marked by lhe while
five minutes. He and his observer were
painled crossed blades of a shallered airscrew.
silling lhere, wailing for dealh, for lhal time.
There is no beller descriplion of lhe
The machine fell JUSl lhis side of lhe
agonizing speclacle lhal dealh provided and
lines. They say a man in the lrenches heard
lhe proleclive callousness lhal il produced,
shouts, as il mighl have been for help, come
than Cecil Lewis's account of Lieutenant
from lhe machine JUSl before il slruck lhe
Roberts's crash afler his lail was damaged:
ground and smashed lO a pile of wreckage.
The observer was killed, for lhe fuselage Roberts was a crack pilOl, and if human
broke in half: bUl Roberts escaped. He was
skill could have gal lhal machine OUl, he
badly smashed up, bUl brealhing. They
would have done it. His elevalOrs and
got him on to a stretcher and sent him to
ailerons were slill inlacl, and by shulling
hospilal. He had been oul all lhrough lhe
off his engine he almost managed to avert
Somme battle wilhout leave, his nerves
disasler - bUl nOl quile.
were righl on lhe edge, and we heard,
He could nol SlOp lhe machine spin
with what truth I never knew, that this
ning: bUl he could SlOp il going inlO a veni
fearful experience PUl him OUl of his
cal diving spin. He lried every combinalion
mind. As far as we were concerned he was
of elevaLOr and bank.
gone - lhe dead or wounded never came
a good. The machine
wenl on slowly spinning, round, and round,
back lO us - and in lhe swiftly changing
and round, all lhe way do\Vn from eighl
pallern of lhe days we forgol him. The burning cadavers of two British airmen brought down by Baron von Richthofen at MericQurt. 1 9 ' 8.
P A RT T H R E E :
By the beginning of 1 9 1 7 , the German Air Force had without a shadow of doubt gained the ascendancy over the Allies in the air over the Western Front. This had started with the introduction of the Albatros DI and I I in the previous year.
in span than the upper and conSiderably
superior to contemporary Allied types
narrower in chord. These two wings are
in performance, had a clear advantage
connected to each other by a pair of V-shaped
in firepower, being equipped with two belt-fed
struts, which led to the RFC's nickname for
and synchronized machines to the Allied
the 0\11, and its later development the OV and
types' Single belt- or drum-fed type. Now the
Va, as the 'Vee-strutter'. The advantages
Germans were introducing their latest fighter,
inherent in this platform, increased manoeu
the Albatros 0111. This was a development of
vrability and a much better downward view for
the earlier Albatri Cas machines of this marque
the pilot, were to a certain extent offset by its
were known generically in the RFC), but was
one major disadvantage, the structural weak
fitted with an up-rated engine and a new form
ness of the lower wing. This was caused by its
of wing, derived from that of the French
narrowness, meaning that the structure had to
Nieuport, which had achieved such marked
be built up around a Single spar, which in turn
success against German machines in the
left the \ving weak in torsion. There were
previous year.
several instances of Vee-strutters developing
This new wing platform was the sesqui
-flutter' in their lower wings and having them
plane type, in which the lower wing is shorter
break off, normally with fatal consequences.
lieutenant Mernard seated in a Nleuport In 1 9 1 7.
. -,:,�,
"" "
. '.
Despite this, however, the Albatros was in
launch a large-scale offensive around Arras to
every way superior to Allied types at the
draw German reserves away from the sector
outset of 1 9 1 7.
slightly to the south, where the French were April
to launch yel anal her offensive inlended to
numbered thirty-seven, were almost invari
drive the Germans out of the war. When it
ably passive in their defence of the skies over
slaned, the French, under General Raben
the Western Front, very seldom crossing over
George Nivelle, suffered enormous reverses
to the weSl of the lines. This gave them a
and casualties. This so shattered the morale of
decided tactical advantage, though it lost
lhe French army, still suffering from lhe
them the strategic initiative in the air. With
titanic struggle for Verdun in the previous
lhese lactics lhey were able to climb into the
year, that Widespread mutinies occurred, and
German jas/as,
sun over their own lines and wait, in numbers
the army ceased to be able to lake pan in any
of considerable superiority, for the inevitable
major offensive action for over a year. The
Allied reconnaissance and anillery observa
British offensive at Arras, though successful
tion machines that would cross the lines.
on the ground, albeit with herculean casual
Their task was made easier by the two-seaters
ties, was a disaster in the air.
in use \\�lh the Allies - the old Moranes and
The RFC was decimaled. Casualties were
the new Sop�th 1 '12 Strutters just coming
something in the order of a third. These were
into service \vilh the French Air Force, and
the highest losses suffered by the RFC in the
the 1 '12 Strutters, BE2s and REBs of the RFC.
course of the whole war, and Trenchard
April 1 9 1 7 was set for the first big Allied
received considerable criticism for insisting
offensive of the year, when the British were to
that the RFC continue to ny offensive patrols
1 9 1 7 + 83
Sopwith 1'/1 Strutters from 70 Squadron, based at Vert Garand, leave for a patrol.
Facing page: A German aircraft, Irrecoverably on fire, at a great height over Arras, northern France.
84 + A c E S
a front line squadron, varied from eleven days to three weeks. The Allies suffered grievous losses, and it was the German Air Force's high summer. During April, the Allies' only successful aircraft had been the new fighter from the Sopwith stable, the Triplane. Still underarmed by German standards, it was able to hold its own by virtue of its phenomenal rate of climb and
anything the Germans could put up against it. This Triplane was operated only by the RNAS A Sopwith 1 1n Strutter, with a 1 1 0 h.p. le Rhone engine, IS servIced at Luxeuil in 1 9 1 7.
in inferior aircraft against an enemy admirably
units serving on the Channel coast around
prepared to take advantage of such a situation.
Dunkirk, although it had also been intended
The RFC suffered losses, particularly i n
for the RFC. This did not occur, however, as
aircrew, that were t o take more than a year to
the Admiralty and the War Office agreed in
recover. But it was not the numbers that were
July 1 9 1 6 that the RNAS should receive the
the most important loss, tragic as they were,
'Tripehound', as it was nicknamed, then under
but the skill and experience of the pilots and
development for the RFC, in exchange for the
gunners who had learnt how to cope with the
Spad Vlls, which the R AS agreed to transfer
new conditions of aerial warfare in the second
to the RFC during the crucial days of the
half of 1 9 1 6 . These were lost in great
Battle of the Somme. In the crisis of the Battle
numbers, and the long-term effects included
of Arras and Bloody April, the RFC requested
that naval units eqUipped with the Triplane
casualties among the inexperienced pilots
should be sent south to aid the sorely pressed
who had to be posted straight from fiying
RFC. The Admiralty sent No. 10 Squadron.
school to a front-line squadron, even after the
The Triplane's success was immediate and
Battle of Arras had ended. The life expectancy
considerable, a fact testified to by the number
of a subaltern, from the time of his posting to
of triplane deSigns originated in Germany
Right: A squadron of
French Nieuport Scouts line up in the snow at the aerodrome in Bailleul, 27 December 1 9 1 7. Above 3,000 feet the wind chill would have been insufferable.
B A C K G R 0 U N O
1 9 I 7
+ 85
arter the arrival or the Sopwith original, but it could not halt the slaughter or RFC machines and men. All it could do was point to better things in the ruture. There was no let-up in the RFC's orrensive tactics arter the end or the Battle or Arras, though the scale was considerably dimin ished.
During the
breathing space
arrorded, a new generation or Allied fighters, destined to overcome the dominance or the Albatros, appeared. These took over rrom the now badly outclassed Sopwith Pup, outnum bered Sopwith Triplane (only 140 were ever built) and outgunned Spad VII and Nieuport 1 7 . The first or the new generation to arrive was the SE5, designed by the Royal Aircrart Factory. This was a rugged, angular biplane, very rast, equipped with two machine-guns (though one or these was a Lewis gun
proved to be amongst the best Allied fighters
mounted on the top wing rather than a second
or the war, continuing in production right up
belt-red weapon in the ruselage) and possess
to the end or hostilities.
ing a rair measure or the inherent stability to
The eclipse or the Albatros began with the
be round in all production RAF types. In the
arrival or the SE5 in late April and or the Spad
SE5 and its successor, the up-engined SE5A,
XI\I in late May, and was made certain in July
this inheritance was not a drawback, instead,
on the arrival or the first or the Allies' most
it was a positive advantage, as it made the SE5
successrul fighter, the Sop\vith Camel. Unlike
one or the best gun platrorms (which is really
its contemporaries the SE5A and the Spad
all a fighter is) or the war. The other Allied
XIII, the Camel had a rotary engine and also
fighter to enter service at about the same time
had a distinct ramily likeness to the Pup. But
was the French Spad XlII, an up-engined and
its strength lay in an adequate perrormance,
up-gunned development or the Spad VII. In a
two Vickers guns and a superlative aerobatic
way, the fighters were similar, both possessing
capability, excelled possibly only by the Pup
excellent perrormance and having the same
and the Fokker Triplane, the D r l . Although it
sort or angular lines and strength, but the
was being replaced by the Sop\\�th Snipe and
Spad had the advantage in armament, \vith
Dolphin in the closing months or the war, the
two Vickers guns in the ruselage.
Camel remains the classic rolary-engined
Both, though, had teething troubles when
fighter or the First World War.
they entered service, and the SE5 also surrered
The Germans, confident or continued
rrom wrong tactics in the hands or pilots who
success \vith the Albatros DIll arler April,
had flown only light, sensitive, rotary-engined
railed to press on \vith the planning or a
fighters berore. But once these initial difficul
successor. So when the Albatros supremacy
ties had been overcome, the two machines
began to crumble in the race or the Spad XlII
The observer gets a heaVier punch. Twin machme4guns in the rear cockpit of a Breguet 14A2 Biplane, 1 6 December 1 9 1 7.
86 + A C ( S
Right: 2nd lieutenant Gontermann (on fight) In a British FE2D Biplane that he had forced down behind the German hnes. ThIrty-nine vlctones stood to thiS officer's credit at the date of his death on 31 October
1 9 1 7.
Below: A pair of SESAs from 56 Squadron on dawn patrol near Valheureux, France.
I , , ,! t1
, 1
Al batros OI-D I II
88 + A c E S
and SE5A, they had to have recourse to a
ineteen-seventeen also proved to be the
hurried programme to update lhe Dill. This
great turning point in the field of tactics and
resulted in the introduction of the DV at about
organization. The arrival of true fighters in
the time lhe Camel was making ilS debut on
1 9 1 6 had led to their introduction in small
the Allied side. But the improvemenls made in
quantities initially, and this had resulted in the
the Albatros in the way of streamlining and
fighter pilot being for the most pan a lone
increased engine power were offset by the
nyer, using stealth to stalk and dispatch his
increase in weight: the later mark was no
opponent. The tactical counter to this was the
beller than ilS predecessor. The only other
introduction of the jasta, and the homoge
German fighter to appear in any number at
neous fighter squadrons and Escadrilles de
about this time was the Fokker Dr1 Triplane,
Chasse, and the year had ended with a presen
which owed ilS inspiration to the Sopwith
liment of what was to come, as more and more
Triplane. The Dr1 entered service in August
unilS took to the skies in formation. The reply
1 9 1 7, during the period that the obsolescence
to this first counter was thought of and put
of the Triplane had become embarrassing to
into practice first by the Germans. This was
the R AS. Allhough its design was anachro
the jagdgeschwader or fighter wing. The first
nistic in comparison with the Allied designs
of these, No. 1 , was formed under Manfred
entering service in autumn 1 9 1 7, the Drl
von Richthofen's command on 26 June 1 9 1 7 .
obtained considerable success as a result of
BaSically i t was a n amalgam of jastas 4, 6, 1 0
its enormous manoeuvrability and good fire
and 1 1 , and was provided with many lorries
power. In addition, it was issued only to the
and other mobile equipment, so that it could
best of the German pilolS, who enjoyed the
be shullled up and down the line to provide
air superiority wherever
conferred on
at any
defensive tactics and prevailing westerly wind,
particular moment. Thus the Germans, who
of being able to fight over their own lines and
by now could not hope to attain an overall air
glide towards their airfields with the aid of the
superiority, could gain a local and necessary
wind if they received any damage.
one by the dispatch to that sector of a large
Finally, as far as the aircraft thelTlSelves were
and elite unit. The aircraft of such unilS were
concerned in 1 9 1 7, one must take note of the
often painted in garish colours, since camou
arrival of the superb Bristol F2A and B in the
spring of 1 9 1 7 . With the introduction of this
recognition between members of the same
two-seater, the Allies at last had a reconnais
unit, and led to the Allies dubbing the
sance and general purpose machine as good
jagdgeschwader 'Flying Circuses'. The only
as, if not beller than, anything the Gernlans
other jagdgeschwader, Nos. 2, 3 and 4, were all
had. As with lhe SE5, ilS entry into front-line
formed in 1 9 18.
service was not particularly auspicious, but
The other new type of German unit to be
soon ilS crews realized that, although it was a
formed was the jagdgnlpl'e or fighter group,
two-seater, it had the performance, firepower
and manoeuvrability to take on fighters at
Geschwader in size, usually made up of two or
was between
the jasta
their own game. From then on, its success was
three jastas. Twelve were formed eventually,
assured, and it went down in hiStory as the
but these were not established unilS, rather ad
most versatile aircraft of the First World War.
hoc forces drawn together for a speCial
had been
fulfilled, the jagdgruppe was disbanded.
lhe individual ace, such as Albert Ball and
Above: A German
Georges Guynemer.
bomber IS loaded prior to a miSSion.
The mOSl important organizalional change
jagdgesc/I\vader and jagdgn'ppe was the Wing,
of the year was the decision by the Brilish
which mighl contain anylhing up lO five
Government lO sel up the Royal Air Force,
squadrons lo deal wilh an emergency. The
lhough lhis only came inLO being on 1 April
French, unlike the Brilish, had elile unils,
1 9 1 8 . The summer of 1 9 1 7 had been marked
such as Les Cigognes or Les Sportijs, and
by the periodic arrival of German bombers
lhough lhese were composed of several
over the skies of soulhern England, and
smaller units, the various component pans
such was the polilical and popular furore,
did nOl oflen serve LOgelher. BUl in the event of an emergency, the Escad,-illes could be called LOgelher LO provide local air superiorily. The syslem of calling LOgelher large numbers of aircrafl under a unified control for a special purpose was slill galhering momenlum in 1 9 1 7 , and although a few large-scale baltles LOok place LOwards the end of the year, lhey were small in comparison with what 1 9 1 8 was lo bring. Wilh a few eXlraordinary exceplions, however, the increasing systemization or aerial fighling had sounded the dealh knell of
Below: The Bristol F2B fighter, a two-seat reconnaissance and bomber biplane. Introduced in March 1 9 1 7, it had a 275 h.p. Rolls-Royce Falcon III engine. By this stage Bntlsh designers were re asserting their superiority.
• •
Above: A Sopwlth Camel attacking a German Hanoveraner Biplane. Right: A Sopwlth Tnplane.
a single-seat fighting Scout operated by the RNAS. Although brilliantly manoeuvrable. Inter-servICe rivalry prevented It being deployed In any quantity.
B A C K G R 0 U N D
the United States. The aerial programme had
retribution on the Germans. that the govern
also 10 fit in \vith the OHL (German Army
ment had set up a commiuee under General
High Command) strategy. which was for a
Jan Christiaan Smuts. the South African
knock-out blow on the Western Front in the
statesman and soldier, 10 investigate means of
spring of 1 9 1 8 - this also being calculated on
satisfying both these demands. In the short
the necessity of striking before the American
term. two of the RFC's best squadrons were
scale of reinforcement became LOa great.
brought back from France (where they were
Programm, had to be complete in all i15
the long term. the commiuee found that it
aspects by I March 1 9 1 8 and provided for: 1)
would be best to amalgamate the RFC and
Enlargement of the thirteen existing nying
RNAS. whose equipment requiremen15 had
training schools; 2) Formation of a second
led 10 a wholly uneconomical priorities
jasla training school; 3) Aircraft production to
system in the British aircraft manufacturing
be doubled 10 2.000 per month; 4) Engine
trade. under a ministry independent of the
production to be increased from 1 .250 10
War Office and the Admiralty. Such was the
2.500 per month; 5) The reallocation of 7.000
increase in production anticipated from this
skilled workers from other branches of the
rationalization of resources (an expectation
armed forces; 6) Machine-gun production to
that proved entirely unjustified) that the
be increased to 1 .500 per month; 7) Aviation
committee also recommended that the new
fuel production 10 be raised from 6.000 to
Royal Air Force. when il came into being.
1 2.000 IOns per momh. There were a number
should set up a stralegic bombing force along
of other provisions relating 10 the necessary
the lines of the French one thaI had been
machine LOals and raw materials, especially
operating since 1 9 1 5 . This force, which
Force. finally comprised British. French, Italian and American squadrons. However, it was a year before these plans came to fnlilion. With the American declaration of war on Germany on 6 April. both sides foresaw huge American rcinforcemen15 for the Allied war effort. and
instituted a major
programme of re-armament to beat the Allies before the weight of American production and manpower could make i15elf fell. As early as 3 June 1 9 1 7 there was a conference auended by all senior officers of
Kogellluft al which lhe situation was reviewed in the light nO! only of the mounting threat from the RFC but of the longer-term menace (in fact considerably overrated) of American industry follo\ving the declaration of war by
sadly missed) to provide a IOken defence. In
became the Independent Air Force. Royal Air
1 9 1 7
An 1 1 Squadron Bristol Fighter of Lieutenant McKeever and Sergeant Powell encounters an enemy formation in poor weather on 30 November 1 9 1 7. shooting down four of the nine aircraft In the ensuing actIOn.
92 + A C E 5
H 1 G H
5 A ce s
One must first overcome the inner schweil1ehul1d. MANFRED VON RlClITHOFEN
Manfred von Rlchthofen with his dog Moritz, who sometimes flew as a passenger and 'looked round Intelligently'. He once wrote, 'The most beautiful thing In all creation IS my Danish Hound, MOritz.'
great dIvide separated the novIce
There have been two changes in the bunk
from the experienced I t was a gulf
next to me since April Fool's Day (last
that separates those who are gOing to
week! ) . I wouldn't sleep in it for all the tea
die from those who may survive.
in China.
The new faces, nervous, enlhusiaslic, with their playing-field grins, were ignored, or
Poor old B - caught it yesterday, down in
almost. They arrived, unloaded their kit; often
names over Menin. He had been acting
the previous occupant's effecLS and possessions
strange for the last few days, wandering
were still strewn about. They had the worst
about speaking to himself.
tenLS, the surliest batmen. I t was recognized that their stay would be only temporary. In
FROM A DIARY: Turned back again today
1 9 1 7 the life expectancy of a subaltern in the
,vith mag failure (ha hal. In a blue funk
RFC from posting until death was eleven days.
in case Sgt. Mellish 'told' on me. But he
Cowardice was a deadly sin. The veto was
dutifully took the whole thing to bits and
absolute. In discussion fear was masked by
reassembled it and kept mum.
bravado - 'Chaps, here goes!' Only in the privacy of diaries, very occasionally in letters
Garett has been moved to a room of his
to relatives, do these forebodings emerge:
own. He had been kicking up such a shindig
94 + A C E '!)
in lhe night with his dreams of burning,
observers who had survived many critical
spinning and such like that we three
battles, and whose nerves cannot have gone
complained and got him billelled solo.
unaffected, refused to put their fate in the hands of a young pilot fresh from England
Squadrons varied in their altitude to new
whose combat ability was completely untried.
There were many bad inSlances in that terrible
comers. Some commanders took great care
nurture their replacements and avoid expo
spring of 1 9 J 7 when new piloLS new at the tail
sing them to serious risks in their first days.
of the squadron because they were ordered
They were taken on personally conducted
there. At the first sign of combat the hardened
tours of the ballle area, were changed round
tip would break off huslling iLS way down and
with experienced crew members (new pilot
home in the first hectic minUles of lhe dog
wiLh experienced observer and vice versa) and
fight and leaving the apprentices to be cut up
were pOSitioned second and third in the
by the enemy. 'Missing' was a more comfort
standard tactical formation, known as lhe Vee,
able definition of a casualty than 'seen to go
on offensive palrols so that they could take
down in names'.
lheir cue from the leader (for one of the
Some, very few, could make lhe lransition
beginner's most serious defects was his
from novice to ace. Oswald Boelcke, one of
inability to sec the enemy).
the first and falher of fighter tactics and
But in olher uniLS they were left to fend for themselves.
Oswald Boelcke was the first and greatest of the German aces. He had already scored fony victOries by October 1 9 1 6. HIs skill lay not only In his evaluation of aircraft and application of combat tactics, but also In his far-sighted Ideas on fIghter unit organization. The effect of the war on Boelcke IS shown by the drastiC change In hiS appearance over less than twelve months.
organization, had achieved this and, as he was
much photographed, it is possible to trace in
disliked the idea of pUlling themselves al risk
his features the scars of lhat experience. First
by taking up a raw observer. Hardened
lhe early pictures; shaven head, penetrating
Fokker Dr1
96 + A c E S
blue eyes, the confidence and tellu of a chivalrous young Prussian. But then, frighten ingly soon, the shadows form; the eyes enlarge but are hollow in their sockets. The nesh falls away
accentuating the line of bone and sinew. In group pictures those round him are eVidently pleased to be in his company and renect his glory, some are even smiling. But never Boelcke. Already he has seen too many planes burning. It was the practice of the Germans to visit the site of their opponent's crash in order LO confirm their combat repon and only the final question concerned Boelcke - would his own death be 'Jerellt oder getmcl1l1et' (literally 'wet or dry', that is burned or mutilated to death). It was 'Jerellt' following a collision in combat on 28 OCLOber 1 9 1 6. This same expression can be seen in the eyes of Georges Guynemer, the French ace of
les Cigoglles, France's elite fighter unit. There is a picture of him taken towards the end of his life, showing a man razor thin, hollow eyed, bedecked with medals and honours, staring not at, but beyond the phoLOgrapher, with his eyes unfocused as if in a trance. Guynemer had been right through the ballle of Verdun where the Cigoglles were based at Nancy. I n June of 1 9 1 7 when he was appOinted an officer of the legion of Honour, his score of kills sLOod at fony-five.
ow he
had LO bring the Cigoglles nonh LO help the RFC clear the unfamiliar skies of Flanders while fir t the Ballle of Messines and then of Passchendaele were fought out below. He was gramed three precious days' leave. His father begged him LO retire and take a position as an instructor and technical adviser. The old man was shocked by his son's appearance and knew, intuitively, that if Guynemer returned LO combat, he would never see him again. But Guynemer was a victim of his own publiCity Georges Guynemer, bedecked with medals, but now weighing less than nine stone, shortly before his death In September 1 9 1 7.
A C E S + 97
left: Baron von Richthofen landing his Fokker Or1 Tnplane, whICh was painted red all over. Very few Allied flyers survived If they saw this particular aircraft from this angle. Below: Manfred von
Rlchthofen with members of lastd 1 7 in 1917: (from left to right) Sebastian Festner, Emil Schaefer, lothar von Rlchthofen (Manfred's brother) and Kurt Wolff. Montz IS In the foreground.
claimed that he could not retire from combat for fear of what would be said. 'a" dim', he told his father, 'that I have ceased to fight because I have won all the awards.' In vain his father argued that he could always return, that he would be stronger and more ardent, and that when he did so everyone would under stand. In vain he reminded his son of all the crashes, the forced landings and wounds that he had sustained and how providence could not look after him for ever. There is a limit to human strength', Guynemer's father told him. BUI
experience, was unacceptable. Before he went back to the front, Guynemer told his father,
98 + A c E S
talking to himself, or go and rouse his mechanics to swing the prop of his aircraft and run up the engine under the light of the moon. He believed that there was a whisper ing about him in the mess, that he was deliberately avoiding combat because of his inferiority at the controls of worn out aero planes .. .'such as the ordinary pilot has to Oy'. Word got back to Paris and two emissaries were dispatched to investigate. Capitaine Felix Brocard, the Cigoglles' Commanding Officer, and Commandant Jean du Peuty, commander of the French Air Force Aviation Staff at GWL (the French General Head quarters), arrived at St Pol at nine o'clock on Rene Fonck. the Allied as well as the French ace of aces.
the morning of 1 1 September. The sky was overcast and a light drizzle was falling. All the 'Indeed there is a limit. But it is only there to
Cigoglles were grounded with the exception of
be excelled. I f one has not given everything,
Guynemer and a sOlis-lieutenant, Benjamen
one has given nothing.'
When Guynemer arrived at St Pol-sur-mer where the Cigoglles were now based, he
ordered to accompany him on an interception Oight that had taken off at B.30 a.m.
learned that one of his closest friends,
While the delegation from the Air Ministry
Capitaine A. Heurtaux had been seriously
waited impatiently at St Pol, Guynemer and
wounded the day before. His own favourite
Bozon had located an enemy two-seater over
Spad was unserviceable (it had been brought
Poeleapelle and staged a conventional three
to St Pol from Nancy by an inexperienced
o'clock and six o'clock anack (one coming in
from the quarter and one from the rear). But it
Incredibly, Guynemer was forced to Oy his
was a trap. Three Albatri escorting the two
sonies in second-rate aircraft - those awaiting
seater behind and 3,000 feet above it, dived on
replacement pilots or, worse still, in the queue
the two
for workshop allention. On one day three
turned to anack head-on, escaping in the 1Il;;lee.
different aeroplanes had engine or structural
But Guynemer was never seen again. A few days
failure while he was Oying them; in each case
he brought off a forced landing. A less skilful
pilot would have been killed. Twice his guns
had jammed in combat. For four consecutive
aircraft was ever found. The special Spad, which
days he Oew five patrols of two and a half
du Peuty had had delivered that day from the
hours each, but without scoring a victor),
factory at Buc, was already second-hand.
pads. Bozon saw them in time and
Germans down 0
announced a
trace of Guynemer's body or
Guynemer was now fast becoming a victim of
With the possible exception of Manfred
a paranoiac condition. At night he could not
von Richthofen, none of the aces preserved
sleep but would pace the Ooor of his bedroom,
their initial sallgfl'O id.
Above: Members of
Jasta 7 7 In March 1 9 1 7:
(seated In aircraft) Manfred von Richthofen; (seated on wing) Karl Emil Schaefer; (standing from left to right), Karl Allmenroeder, Hans Hlntsch, Sebastian Festner, Kurt Wolff, Georg Simon, Otto Brauneck; (kneeling) Esser, Constantin Krefft; (seated In front) lothar von Rlchthofen.
Right: Parade of RFC recrUits stili in their civilian clothes. Sometimes new arrivals were broken in gently, but all too often they were given little help and abandoned by the more experienced pilots to fend for themselves.
100 + A C E 5
Rlchthofen's room decorated with serial numbers cut from the wreckage of aircraft that he had shot down. The ceiling lamp IS a Gnome Rotary wired up to the light bulbs in the cylinder heads.
Richthofen was totally cold-blooded,
had no intimate friends - although lhere
incapable of any close personal relationship,
were many who idolized him without their
and his very aloofness gave him a special
affection being relurned. 'The most beautiful
strength and heightened the devotion that his
lhing in all creation is my Danish Hound,
colleagues and subordinates paid him. He
Moritz', wrote Richthofen. Moritz slept on
never relaxed, seldom smiled, disapproved of
Richthofen's bed, and even new on occasion
any slackening of discipline or protocol. He
although he must have weighed over a hundred pounds. On these nighlS Richthofen said thal Moritz .. quite enjoyed himself and ·
looked about intelligenLly'. But wilh this one exception Richthofen had no weaknesses. From his earliest youth he had found satisfaclion only in killing things. He was a crack shot and kept theJasla in game wherever they were stationed. A Prussian by binh, he had served with the Uhlans al the outbreak of war, lransferred to the air service and flown as an observer, serving for several momhs under a mad consumplive pilot called Zeuner, who wanted to die and used to close the
prox-imity in combal. Richthofen's nerve held and
nothing could ever have seemed quile as bad. He retained his cavalry breeches and always wore them with high boots, a fur cap wilh ear naps and a thin leather, hip-length jacket, belted and with a wide fur collar. After his victory
adopted the practice of bringing back trophies from every plane that he had shot down, just as formerly he had filled his mOlher' house wilh lUsks and heads and antlers. All the aces were kepl, or kept themselves, in
the firing line far too
long (indeed
Richthofen's own equanimily was undoubt edly helped as much by his frequent lay-offs as by his mastery of 'the inner schweilleillllld'). All could count and see how, slalistically, lheir own death was a measurable happening. Superstition was intense and widespread. No pilot would go into a dive after his enemy
A C E 5 +
without touching wood or some private
That evening the curious incident was the
talisman. Each narrow escape would be attrib
subject of excitable discussion, when the
uted to a particular piece of luck or propitiation
news came through that the BE2C had made
of the fates, just as friends and colleagues who
a perfect landing in a field thirty miles inside
had suffered death from chance shots or aircraft
the German lines. The petrol tank was bone
breaking up were remembered on reflection to
dry and both members of the crew were dead
have nouted the
Once jasla 1 1
of superstition.
with over fifty bullets in their bodies. A
suffered a particularly
unnerving experience. On
report from another jasta indicated that the
1 7 September
BE2C had been aLlacked and damaged (but
1 9 1 6 , a BE2C emerged from a cloud bank and
not seen to crash) some minutes before it Hermann Goering, one of the bravest German fighters of the first World War. He took over command of RlChthofen's Jasta In 1 9 1 8 and went on to achieve political prominence, becoming 5e{ond only to Hitler In the Third ReICh, commanding the whole luftwaffe In the Battle of Britain in 1 940.
new straight into their formation. The jasLa
had nown through Richthofen's formation.
broke up and took it in turn to aLlack the
One of the Circus has described how 'there
lumbering two-seater, whose crew made no
was a distinct feeling of uneasiness at the
effort to defend themselves, each pilot filling it
news; there was something eerie about
with lead. The German pilots closed the range
shooting at a crew of dead men. Was there
shorter and shorter, firing until their guns
an omen in the way they had ignored
jammed. Pieces new off the BE2C, but it
our bullets?'
continued to ny a level course due east, finally disappearing
alto cwmdltS.
But Richthofen was equal to the situation. At the end of the meal he hammered on the table and called for a toast:
A C E 5 + [03
A glorious dealh! Fighl on and ny on lO
never saw his mOlher. His falher desened lhe
lhe lasl drop of blood and the lasl drop of
home when the lillie boy was six years old.
pelrol - lO the lasl beal of the hean and lhe
lasl kick of the mOLOr; a dealh for a knighl
neighbours, Lufbery focused all his love and
- a LOaSl for his fellows, friend and foe.
ambilion on the absent figure of his falher and
by the age of nineleen had saved enough As the aces looked back over lheir own
money lO allempl the journey lo the Uniled
escapes and ordeals - panicularly when lhey
Slales LO lry lO find him. Lufbery did nOl have
had suffered wounding and laler relurned LO
enough money lO cross the Allanlic from
aClive dUly - deep neuroses began LO build up.
France and his attempt to SlOw aW3)' was
Their effecl was compounded by renecHve
discovered and brulally punished. He changed
guill concerning all lhose piioLS whom lhey
direclion and made his way around lhe
had burned or shol, and a dark cenainty lhal
Medilerranean down lhrough the Balkans and
retribution awaited them.
across Turkey \\�lh groups of ilineranl labour
One of his colleagues has described lhe
ers and vagrants, crossing
onh Africa in
nighlly ordeal of Read Chambers, an Ameri
Arab caravans and finally laking a lramp
can ace who had been in continuous combat
Sleamer from Casablanca. Lufbery arrived in
for three months. He was:
New York on the very day lhal his falher, who had now become prosperous, sailed for
. . . LOrmented by a nighlmare: a face. The
Europe wilh the intention of finding his only
face would appear vague and dislanl, and
son - and the two never met again. In despair
would slowly come nearer until it seemed
lhe young Lufbery conlinued round lhe
as if the face and Chambers were Iilerally
world, eking OUl a living wherever he could.
nose LO nose, slaring al each olher. ThaCs
He did a spell as a soldier of fonune in Indo
all, JUSl slaring. Then Chambers would
China and lhen mel up wilh one of the earliesl
wake up, his sleep spoiled. Who was il?
'stunt' Oyer
Chambers was not superstitious, but it was
leaching himself the lheory of engineering.
a torment not La know to whom this
eXl Lufbery laughl himself lo ny and finding
disembodied face belonged. Was il a man
himself back in France afler the oUlbreak of
he had killed? Or was il the man wailing
lhe war, he enlisled and soughl dealh in lhe
for him in the sun?
clouds. For a year he laughl American
and enlisted as his mechanic.
volunteers umit, almost aCcidentally, he was Some of the aces, men like Alben Ball or
shot down auacking a two-seater in low cloud
Oswald Boelcke, did indeed slan as carefree
over his own aerodrome, with his own score
personifications of their country's youth; their
slanding al sevenleen kills.
metamorphosis was a maller of weeks and
Werner Voss, Richlhofen's c10sesl rival,
monlhs. BUl in olhers the dealh-wish was
sLOod in marked contrasl LO the Prussi""
lalenl from the slarl. A miserable childhood, a
nobleman. Of humble origin, he had enlisled
lonely and introspeclive life, the handicaps of
in the Hus ars when slill under age. He had a
physical frailty or poor health, found relea e
passion for machinery and mOlorcycles, and
in the endless viSla of the skies and the privale
gradualed nalurally inlo the Air
lrial of individual combal. Raoul Lufbery
where he new as an observer lhrough the flrsl
A paIr of 29 Squadron's Nleuport 17 Scouts take off from Popennghe for an evening patrol In the summer of 1 9 1 7
l O� + A c E S
Above: Raoul Lufbery
in an American uniform wearing a major's Inslgma. He was one the most brilliant stars of the Escadrille Lafayette who transferred to the American Air ServICe when the USA entered the war.
Right: Baron Manfred von Richthofen.
A C E S · I OS
months of the Battle of the Somme before being
September. When he left his old unit, Voss recorded that not one single member of its strength who had been present on the day that he joined was still alive. His experience there left him with a lasting compassion for two seater crews - the poor devils (verachtlil,en) as he called them - and he always made a practice of shooting down enemy two-seaters by a burst of fire into the engine compartment so that the pilot might have a sporting chance of bringing the aeroplane down alive. Voss had crossed swords with James McCudden (the man who a year later was to lead the formation that killed him). McCudden was nying with three others in DH2s and Voss managed
escape by his superior aerobatics.
At the time McCudden recorded the incident: '. . . a really clever Hun IOday. He knew his business alright, turning far tighter than we could manage. Last time he was within fifty feet of me and I swear he was grinning all over his face.' Voss soon graduated
Albatri and became
a night leader in jasta 2, Boelcke's old jasta, which had already lost two of its commanders. In January and February, Voss raised his score 10
twenty-two - uncomfortably close
that of
von Richthofen (at that time twenty-seven). Then he was switched south
clear the skies
of French aeroplanes during the Nivelle offensive of April 1 9 1 7 . Voss did not return
the British sector until July by which time the first of the SE5s, Camels and Bristol Fighters were beginning 10 crack the domination of the Albatri. Voss was given command of jasla 1 0 and, like Richthofen and the other leading aces, appropriated Fokker Triplanes
10 10
himself one of the first be delivered. It was
painted light olive-green with Maltese crosses on a white tailplane and a white ring on the Major Mlck Mannock Vc. Mannock was to become an inspirational leader to his comrades. HIS VC was awarded posthumously after petitioning from those who had served with him.
106 + A C E 5
Combat report of 2nd Lieutenant A. P. F. Rhys-Davlds. MC 23 Seplember 1 9 1 7.
fuselage. The wheel discs and wing under
If one were to nominate the lhree primary
surfaces were coloured light blue and the front
aces of the Royal Flying Corps it would have to
of the nacelle housing the Oberursel rotary
be Lanoe Hawker, Albert Ball and 'Mick'
engine was painted to depict a terrifying
Mannock. There are many other claimants,
grimace around the two eyes of the air intake,
in the manner of a totem pole. Although
Bishop, Raymond Collishaw, James McCudden
he led Jasca 1 0 with great success, Voss's
- all made their contributions in their own
preference was still for solitary patrols at dawn
individual terms and typified a whole strain of
and dusk and, ultimately, it was on one of
pilots that idolized them. But the first three
these that he met his death.
A. P. F. Rhys-Davids, William
moustachioed, elderly by comparison with the nedglings that followed him; a crack shot, a • • •
classic example of a type that the Great War
was to extinguish for ever - the chivalrous,
Combats in tbe Air. •
Sheet; lIo.l
Edwardian gentleman of private means. Orate;
TmJe; Datr
23/r1/17 !5.�
Mannock: Hawker's very opposite; of humble
ot't'en.1'1'e PatrQ). 8,000
birth, burning \vith social indignation, ruth less in battle, a man who had no time for the horseplay or posturings of the officers' mess; who refused to anend his enemies' funerals or drop wrealhs or messages over enemy aero dromes; who jumped a German nying training school, killed the instructor and had no scruples about pursuing his five pupils in their unwieldy Aviatik trainers and sening light to them one by one. He was killed in 1 9 18, \vith at least seventy-three victims to his credit, and the lasting reputation as the war's greatest patrol leader and mentor of novices. And Ball: no hero of the First World War combines so strongly those national charac teristics which F. Scon FitzGerald identified in
Telldel' is the Night as the root cause of its incredible ferocity, of why ' . . . it could only be fought once in five generations'. Ball was a perfect public schoolboy. He had the enthusiasms and all the eager intelligence of that breed. But of course he had joined at eighteen; he had no experience of life, he had no outlet for his affections (he wrote only to his mother, thanking her for cake and provisions in much the same way as he must
A C E 5 +
have done from school), he was in every sense
award of the MC and his founh narrow
immature. These are the ingredients of a
escape, Ball's score sLOod at thirty-two enemy
perfect killer, where a smooth transition can
planes. He wrote LO his mother: 'I just feel
be made between the motives that drive a boy
absolutely through, all in. I am going LO ask
LO 'play hard' at school and then LO 'fight hard'
them for a rest. I don't think they can refuse
against the King's enemies.
me. I have flown a patrol every day this year.' o. 1 3
I ncredibly, the authorities did refuse this
Squadron and with them he flew many
request. Worse, Ball was lransferred back to
hundreds of hours on observation in the
o. 13 Squadron where he had to resume the
elderly and vulnerable BE2C before the Baule
most dangerous task of all, namely flying as a
of lhe Sam me. But in lhose days squadrons
sitting target in BE2C observer planes. His
were not uniform in their equipment and Ball
nerves at breaking point, Ball applied for a
coveted and, whenever possible, showed his
transfer back to his old squadron. ' . . . that made
prowess in lhe Iiule single-seater BrisLOI Scout
you see sense, eh l' said his Corps Commander
that was auached LO the squadron. He was
(who did not fly).
At first Ball was auached LO
Ball remained in the line, and survived, for
exclusively fighter squadron, which by good
a further three months. Then proVidentially
fortune was being re-equipped with French
he was sent back LO England, there being
Nieupons. Ball qUickly realized that the
assigned to a training school and remaining
Nieupon had such a margin of superiority
until February of the following year, when he
over all other aircraft at that time that he made
was appointed Flight Commander in the new,
a practice of taking on enormous formations
crack Squadron
to take on Richthofen with the SE5s.
1 1,
knowing that unless luck was against him he would be able lo shoot down al least one German aeroplane while the enemy came LO lheir senses, and thereafter lhe speed and manoeuvrability of the Nieupon would allow him LO escape. Throughout June and July 1 9 1 6, Ball's score accumulated. Each time he sent
German down in flames he felt, as he
put it in his letters ' . . . utterly rotten'. But dUly was inexorable. Many times his own aero plane was riddled so badly by machine-gun fire lhat it had LO be scrapped on return. Three times he crashed, once being saved only by a miracle. Statistically, Ball must have known that his life was coming LO a close, and that same distant look that haunts the gaze of all those aces who allowed themselves LO be photographed late in their career , can be discerned in the photographs of Ball. After his
o. 56 that was being formed
Albert Ball, eager and Intense. He was a youthful contrast to the hardened aces of Jasta 1 1 who. In the end, were to kill him.
108 + A C E 5
6 C ir c u s e s
I am a hunter. My brother, Lothar, is a butcher. When I have shot down an Englishman my hunting passion is satisfied for a quarter of an hour. MANFRED
Albatros Dills of Richthofen's lasta 1 1 at Douai in France just before the Arras offensive of March 1 9 1 7. Richthofen's plane is the second from the front. painted all red and thus without the Iron Cross on the tail.
t was a panicularly unfortunate coinci
officer, at the Jasta airfields. In June of 1 9 1 7 ,
dence that the decline of the RAF from
the principle o f concentration was carried still
exhaustion in the Battle of the Somme
coincided with the arrival of the Albatros.
amalgamate Jastas into JagdgeschlVader (jG).
Throughout the winter of 1 9 l 6/ 1 7 , their
For example, Jas ta s 4, 6, 1 0 and 1 1 were amal
numbers multiplied al a frightening rate. After
gamated into JG 1 under Richthofen with
instructions 'to attain air supremacy in sectors
losses and
wastage (accident damage, unserviceability), German operational strength, in Albatri alone,
of the front as direcled'. Now
had risen from 7 in September, to 78 in
attained superiority in equipment, in numbers
November, 270 in January and 305 in March.
(by virtue of his concentration), in skill (the
By May of 1 9 l 7 , il was to sland at 434. A
Jasta pilots were all picked) and, resulting
from these, in morale.
separate Jastas
fourteen aircraft each controlled through the
The brief period of superiority - which the
Flugmeldediellst - the Flight Report Service
RFC had enjoyed during the early days of the
that liaised by telephone, from the ground
Somme offensive and which had been largely
troops and observation through to the duty
due to its enomlOUS numerical preponderance,
l lO + A c E S
the H2 fighter and to the dash and courage of a few picked groups, notably that led by Hawker - was gone. The skill and bravery of those experienced pilots were useless against the superior speed, armament and rate of climb of the Albatros. Only the Sopwith Triplane could give the Germans a fair fight. And the enemy always avoided the Triplane formations - which was not difficult as they were all grouped in the far North under R AS command. One other aeroplane had a chance. The tiny Sopwith Pup could still, on account of its light weight and perfect manoeuvrability, get the better of the Albatros at extreme altitudes. Nos. 54 and 46 Squadrons had a song of their own sung to the lUne of We've COllle lip
From Somerset: Oh, we've come up from Fifty-four, We're the Sopwith Pups, you know, And wherever you beastly Huns may be The Sopwith Pups will go. And if you want a proper scrap, Don't chase BEs any more, For we'll come up and do the job, Because we're Fifty-fourl Above: Hauptmann Schleich (left) in conversation with Lieutenant Roth. Right: A Fokker Triplane, based on the successful - but neglected Sopwith design.
C I R C U S E S +
There, at 1 7 ,000 feet and over, the pilots
admit I began lO quake, as we didn't seem
gasped for lack of oxygen as they stntggled
lO have a hope in hell, but I managed lO
with the controls. I t was an unknown land
find a spare second lO lOuch wood, and I
whose lOwering banks of freezing cloud and
also put in a snatch burst whenever a Hun
biller temperatures denied entry lO any but
whizzed past my nose. We Pups all lost
the bravest in the winter months. The Pup
height quickly, with DVs buzzing over and
took nearly an hour lO climb lO its maximum.
among us like a swarm of wasps, to the
During that period, or when descending, it
tune of a continuous rallie of guns, with
was prey lO the more powerful German
tracer criss-crossing all over the sky.
single-seaters whose twin machine-guns had
It was incredible that we escaped, and
nearly three times the rate of fire of the Pup's
the main reason was lhat there were so
single Vickers.
many of them they got in each other's way,
but somehow it all ended and we weren't A few minutes later, at 1 7,000, SCOll dived
even badly shot about, thanks lo the Pups'
on a group of five (Albatros) DVs aboUl
amazing manoeuvrability. Two of the
1 ,000 feet below, and the eight of us might
Flight types were driven down to 300 feet
have knocked them inlO a cocked hat but
and had lo slither westwards lo safety
for one small thing. Fourteen - yes, 1 4 ! -
among the tree-tops. SCOll and I were also
more Albatri rushed along and joined in.
lucky lo get away, as he had a gun jam,
We learned the number afterwards from
and my engines started to miss and
Armitage. whose engine cut out in a dive,
vibrate badly. . .
and who watched them swooping on us as he glided westwards. When we dived, I picked out a red-and grey Hun, and followed him round as he lOok avoiding action, but kept above him while waiting my chance for a burst. It was a free-far-all as usual, with planes nashing like fireworks, and I was concentrating on gelling a bead on my Hun while in a very tight vertical tum, and had just sent in one burst, which weill in half-way up his fuselage, when - rak-ak-ak-ak! Tracers spilling past my head. Joystick right back, full right rudder, a twist of a spin, dive and zoom, and suddenly I realised that the sky was crowded with aeroplanes, all Alba troses, all thirsting for our blood. I had a maniacal two minutes, skidding to left, to right, diving, zooming, and generally throwing the poor old Pup around like a dntnk on skates. I must
A German postcard shOWing the winners of the coveted Qrdre pour Ie Merite or Blue Max The French were the first to introduce the 'ace' system but the Germans refined it with several gradations. The Blue Max was the hIghest award that a German flyer could gain.
1 12 + A c E S
The much-loved Sopwith Pup. On account of its lightweight construction, the Pup was the most manoeuvrable of all the First World War fjghters, but only had a single gun with a slow rate of fire.
The Pup needed special skills to get the best
of the war. They perished in out-classed and
out of its manoeuvrability. Although Mc
clumsy aircraft.
Cudden had found that: 'The Sopwith could
Arrogant in their immunity, the German
out-manoeuvre any Albatros no matter how
aces decorated their aircraft in ever more
good the German pilot was . . . when it came to
namboyant colour schemes. It was the last
manoeuvring, the Sopwith could turn twice to
example of the tribal application of war paint
the Albatros' once.' There were few pilots of
- to identify the chiefs and to strike terror in
McCudden's ability. The majority were trained
the hearts of the enemy. The lower surfaces of
and had experienced only the slow and stable
the Albatri were kept sky blue to conceal them
observation aircraft that made up the mass of
while they climbed to dive from the sun, but
RFC equipment. Flick-turns, side-stepping,
the fuselage and the tops of the wings were
nying (and shooting) inverted, were still an
streaked gold, purple, green and adorned
unknown world to the majority of RFC
with ancient or symbolic hieroglyphs. Karl
pilots. And during the winter those few who
Allmenroder of jasLa 2 was the first to paint
had the experience and courage to force their
his aircraft completely red; Hermann Goering
obsolete aircraft into these attitudes, were
ofjasta 27 all black with a white tail fin; Ernst
gradually worn down by jastas. Cruickshank,
Udet gold with yellow spinner; Bruno Lorzer
gold with a black tail and a white spinner.
officers whose names never entered the role
Other pilots adorned their engine cowlings
of aces that was a feature of the later years
with hideous faces or printed their names in
C I R C U S E S +
enormous leners on the upper-wing surfaces
sophisticated. The British were tied lO the
so that their opponents should remember and
requirements of Corps and Army HQ. The
quail. Kempf of Jasra 12 emphasized his by
Army Staff persisted in seeing the Flying
printing under his name 'Kellllseht mi noeh?'
Corps as an adjunct of their own intelligence
(,Do you not remember me?').
and artillery branches, and where bombers or
Now throughout the RFC a general decline
reconnaissance nights failed to achieve the
in nying standards and tactics set in. The
objectives set them, their escorts were blamed.
effects were felt all the way back lO the
Thus the British fighter strength was tied to
training schools where pupils were being
prO\�ding cumbersome escorts nying on slow
rushed through without a proper grounding
and steady courses at medium altitude while
so that they could fill the depleted ranks of
the German Circuses were able to roam free in
the squadrons in
stepped-up tiers reaching to 1 5,000 feet.
Many of the
replacements sent to squadrons in the spring
But to use the word 'fighter' i n any
of 1 9 1 7 arrived with less than twenty hours'
deSCription of RFC equipment in 1 9 1 6- 1 7
solo nying in their log books, and often with
was a misnomer. The fast Single-seater 'scout',
only two or three hours on the type of aircraft
of which the Albatros was the prime example
that they were expected to ny in combat.
but which had its counterparts in the R AS
Many lOa had contrived to get through their
Pups and Triplanes, was a design concept not
passing-out test without executing the more
wholly appreciated by the RFC Staff. The RFC
difficult of the basic manoeuvres - like the
'brass' still regarded the proper role of the
right turn (when the response of the controls
nying machine as that of an extension of
was severely affected by the nywheel effect of
cavalry reconnaissance that, like a cavalry
the rotating engine components and the
squadron, should have the ability to raid or
airscrew). They were prone lO such beginners'
defend itself, but whose raisoll d'el,.e was
errors as letting the machine's nose fall during
collecting information. For this purpose what
a turn or allowing the air speed to sink to
was reqUired - namely a stable, two-man
stalling point in a climb.
aircraft that could be nown 'hands off' while
Squadron commanders testing the new
the crew examined the ground, wrote notes,
recruiLS in mock combat as they arrived were
drew maps and leaned over the side to change
horrified to find that they would even forget
plates in the mahogany box-camera - was the
the transition of rudder to aileron effect in a
antithesis of what was needed to contest for
steep bank. I n these mock combats, staged
mastery of the skies in close combat.
deep behind the lines in the long spring
evenings. the recruits would sometimes spin
(Mervyn O'Gorman) was, like so many
out of control and crash lO their deaths without
energetic civil servants, an ambitious Empire
even haVing heard their guns fired in anger.
builder. 'at only did he confine the work of
As the days of 1 9 1 7 lengthened, the
the draWing offices strictly to this obsolete
Germans with their stricter training schedules
concept of deSign, but was also at pains to
and the rigid nying discipline of their tightly
ensure by the placing of contracts and other
knit formations increased their dominance of
means that no other aspirant manufacturer
the air space over the whole length of the
could produce a design - still less an aero
British sector. German tactics also were more
plane - whose merits might rival or eclipse
J J3
1 14 + A C E 5
H I G Ii
to be so hated by its pilots that they would
Fortunately, the chaotic state of this new
deliberately try and 'crack them up' on
industry, together with the vigour and long
landing or delivery, even though this meant
sightedness of the Admiralty and its First
long spells with worn out, obsolete equipment.
Lord, Winston Churchill, did allow, in these
The RES embodied practically every major
early years, firms such as Short, Sopwith,
body design fault that had already been
Bristol and De Havilland to survive and
idemified and for which the cure was known.
produce rival designs. None the less, O'Gor
The fin area was small and had to undergo
man was tenaciolls in his hostility, doing his
sllccessive modifications in service to make it
best to restrict the output of rivals through the
safe; and the undercarriage was set too far back
Supply Directorate (which was answerable to
relative to the aircraft's centre of gravity and it
him) and, wherever possible, recommending
was easy to 'put the nose in' when landing on
against their adop-tion for squadron service.
rough ground - with highly disagreeable
Werner Voss's Fokker Tnplane decorated with a face on the engine cowling. Voss was an expert with the Tnplane, a very manoeuvrable but difficult plane to fly, and in it he shot down twenty-two British planes In twenty-one days.
A i rcraft
Now, in February of 1 9 1 7 , the 'new' aircraft
consequences; and the plaCing of the large air
product of the Royal Aircraft Factory's design
scoop just above the engine severely curtailed
staff was about to enter service. This was the
the pilot's forward view and gave the machine
RES, an ugly and perverse aircraft that came
dangerous stalling characteristics.
C I R e U S E 5 + 115
Flight sergeant in a BE2C fitted with a camera for aenal photography. As late as 1 9 1 7 General Haig considered that the chief function of the RFC was the collection of Information (although he seems to have made little use of it).
With the first deliveries of the RES in
the emergency and petrol tanks so that the
France, its evil reputation, magnified by
whole of the spirit flowed over the engine,
disappointment among crews who had pinned
and in the fires which resulted, many pilots
their hopes on its arrival, spread rapidly
and observers perished.
through the RFC: No. 52 Squadron, mainly composed of relative novices, were the first to
The Commanding Officer of 34 Squadron
receive the aeroplane and lost four of their
issued some 'notes for the guidance of pilots'
pilots from uncontrollable spins set off by the
and their text has survived:
minimal fin area. Morale sank so low that an exchange was ordered between 52 and 34 (a
The chief thing to remember is that the
more experienced squadron still flying the
machine gives very liLLIe indication of
BE2Es). Soon another unpleasant characteris
losing its speed until it suddenly shows an
tic of the RES emerged:
uncontrollable tendency to dive which cannot be corrected in lime if you are near
When a bad landing threw an aircraft
the ground. You will find the rudder
on LO its nose, there was almost a certainlY
control in every case of spinning or swing
of fire. The engine was pushed back into
ing tail will become very stiff, and you may
1 16 + A C E s
BUilding Wings In an aeroplane factory dunng the First World War. The preferred wood was ash, box and (like the medieval bowmen) yew.
not be able to get it very central but you
the extra resistance caused by the rudder is
should aim (without pUlling on sufficient
sufficient to bring down the pace. . .
pressure to break anything) to do this.
One more point a s regards losing speed.
With the engine off the thing to avoid is
Observers must be cautioned that when an
gliding too slowly. At 65 m.p.h. or below,
aeroplane is gliding down from work over
when gliding, the machine suddenly loses
the lines they must not stand up in order to
speed. This is particularly the case when
look over the pilot's shoulder for the fun of
making a turn to enter the aerodrome as
the thing, as the extra head resistance
Above: The RES
reconnaissance machine was introduced late in 1 9 1 6 and remained in service in large numbers until the Armistice, despite being greatly inferior to the Bristol Fighter. Left: An REB of No. S2 Squadron about to set out on a mission. Few crews liked this aircrah and many died in it.
11 8 + A c [ �
caused may lead
lhe aeroplane falling
HO h.p. at 1 ,-100 r.p.m., yel weighed only
below ilS crilical gliding speed, and so
330 Ibs. One was installed experimentally in a
bring aboul an accidenl.
BE2C, transforming the speed and rate of
climbs of that sleepy aircrafl. But the aero It was bad enough in roUline flying, bUl
dynamiC characterislics of the BE2 made it
in combal lhe RES wa
completely unsuitable for dog-fighting no
a dealh lrap. NOI
ulllypical was lhe experience of 59 Squadron,
matter how much power the engine devel
newly equipped in April of 1 9 1 7, which sem
oped and il was plain lhat the airframe would
oul six of ilS RESs al S. 1 5 a.m.
have to be radically modified. At firsl draw
lhe Drocoun-Queant SWilCh line; caughl by
ings (designated FElO) were for a 'pusher'
jasla J J over Vielrie. All six were ShOl down
aircraft like lhe BE9 bUl lhis was plainly obso
and len of lhe piiOlS and observers were killed.
lete before it reached even the prototype stage.
Anolher deSign, a bomber from lhe privale
A second design, designated E5, was more
De Havilland concern, lhe DH4, was going
promising. II was for a rakish, square-rigged,
into service at almost the same moment and
Single-seater, neither as streamlined nor a
yel anolher lwo-sealer, lhe BrislOl Fighler, was
aesthetically pleasing as the Albatros, but light
on lhe way. BUI lhe DH4 had been deSigned
and rugged-looking, offering an excellent pilot
round a RoilS-Royce engine and demand for
view. The 'new' design was still recognizably
lhis superb engine was so high lhal the De
from the lineage of the BE2 and the RES,
Havilland airframes had
be filled wilh an
lacking the in lant agility of the Sop\vith
engine deSigned by lhe Ro)'al Aircraft FaclOry.
single-seaters. But O'Gorman's design slaff
This had a lower power OUlPUl and had been
were inspired by a different design philosophy
rushed inlO produclion by O'Gorman in ilS
original form (in spile of the engineer slaff
fonnerly offered as being essential for observa
recommending some fifty-seven differenl
lion, would now pay dividends in making the
modification to such major items as pistons
new design a steady 'gun plalfonn'.
and valve gear).
Under constalll pressure from the RFC
ThaI winler, lhen, lhe Brilish Air Slaff were
staff, the deSign, development and production
faced \vilh a lhreefold problem. In addition to
slages merged dangerously close. On 20
reviving the flagging morale of lhe squadron
ovember 1 9 1 6 the prolotype was submilled
in lhe field, they had lo evolve and produce a
for final inspection and the approved note was
Single-seat fighter \vith speed, manoeuvra
issued at 2 1 .30 hours lhat evening. Detail
bility and annament superior lo lhe enemy;
developmenlS and inlermillent flighl lrials
and lhey had lo ensure that the impact thaI
continued at Famborough for lhe next lhree
this machine would make on its first arrival
weeks and on Christmas Eve lhe test pilOl,
should not be wasled by unskilled or incom
Major F. W. Goodden, took lhe second
pelent piiolS.
prototype across to France where it was tried
The previous year lhe first of a new and technically highly advanced engine had been
by selecled piiolS from lhe
ieupon and Spad
squadrons of the RFC.
delivered lo lhe RFC. This was the Hispano
Goodden brought the aeroplane back
Suiza SA, a VS with aluminium monobloc
England on 4 January and made one more
caslings and lhreaded steel liners that gave
flight on lhe twenty-sixth. That Sunday he
lurned up al i i a.m. for a 'j o)' ride and lOok off from the
lill frosl), runwa), al 1 1 . 1 0 a.m.
mOSl skilful, mOSl experienced and mOSl aggressive
Eight minutes later, having made two circuits,
nucleus of a new RFC fighler
when he was approaching lO land from lhe
arm built round this new
soulh-ea l, the aircrafl broke up in the air and
Goodden losl his life. An official inquiry
Alben Ball, were
blamed the airscrew and lhese find
Some, like off
ings were published. BUl
investigation or the wreckage continued while the production examples were being buill and il emerged lhal lhe
A Fokker DVII
airscrew was 110t to blame, but thal the
drawing had lefl oul the web elements for lhe
like Cecil Lewis, off Moranes and
wing so lhal afler a cenain nying lime, lhe
olhers like Anhur Rhys-Davids, off the Spad.
SlruLS pulled oul of the wing surface.
All were recalled lo England and conslilllled
In March, the firsl of lhe produclion series
as a new squadron, No. 56, slalioned al
SE5s arrived al Manlesham for sen�ce lesling.
London Colney. Here lhe)' were confined for
The report was pessimistic:
six weeks to familiarize themselves with each olher, lheir individual nying skills and laClics
Laleral conlrol insufficienl, especially poor
and lheir new aeroplane.
at low speeds. The machine manoeuvred
To begin wilh il was unpopular. All agreed
poorly, and was almosl unconlrollable
lhal the cumbersome 'greenhouse' - a mulli
below 70 m.p.h. in gusts, causing a crash
sided windscreen of celluloid and melal frame
on lake-off on 29. 3 . 1 7 . The windscreen,
- obslrucled the pilot's view and quickly
unnecessarily large, hindered the pilot's
became scralched and covered in oil. The
landing view.
Lewis gun moumed on the upper plane was virtually impossible lo reload owing lo
These commenlS, lOgelher wilh dala for
gravilalional pull and wind resislance. Ball
turning time and other manoeuvrability
was panicularly outspoken;
faclors, did nOl augur well for the SE5's firsl encounler \\�lh the enemy.
onelheless, lhe
The SE5 has LUrned Oul a dud. Its speed is
plan and the aircrafl itself had gone loO far for
only aboul half
any draWing back. In March of 1 9 1 7, lhe
nOl so fasl in gelling up. II is a greal shame,
whole of the RFC had been combed for its
for everybod), lhinks lhey are so good and
ieupon speed and il is
which has been preserved and stili occasionally flies from Duxford aerodrome.
l20 + A C E S
H 1 G H
expects such a lot from them. Well, I am
in the immunity of the Kenlish sky. Each got
making Ihe best of a bad job. I am laking
his filler to modify his own aeroplane as it
one gun off in order to take off weight.
suited him. Some removed Ihe 'greenhouse'
Also I am lowering the windscreen in order
altogether. Ball, always obsessed with speed,
LO take off resistance. A great many things
removed not only the 'greenhouse' but also
I am taking off in the hopes that I shall get
the LOp Le\vis gun and lowered his sealing
a little beller control and speed. But it is a
position by eight inches.
rOllen machine . . .
Every day there were at least four hours' nying practice:
to be one of the most successful fighter planes of the war.
Had the pilots o f 5 6 Squadron remained in
combat manoeuvres and follow-my-leader.
France, it is probable that all would have been
The maximum speed of the SE5 was 1 20
killed in that spring. The average life of a
m.p.h. at 6,500 feet, falling below 100 m.p.h.
fighter pilol had been reduced LO less than a
at 15,000 feet. (Ball was wrong - the SE5 was
fortnight and, between March and Mal', 1 ,270
faster than his
m.p.h.) The pilots found thaI the aircraft
deslroyed. The SESA, which proved
lieuport 1 7 by nearly 1 5
could climb to 6,500 feet in eight minUles and
As the terrible weeks of 'Bloody April' went
LO 10,000 feel in under fifteen minutes (both
by, the individual pilots at London Colney
these figures were superior to the Albatros,
gradually came to terms with the new aircraft
although, naturally, this was not known at the
C I R e U S E S +
A group 01 No. 56
Swan at Radlett and, on the way back, Captain
endurance or two and a hair hours - nearly
, Foot, the leader, had crashed in a Metal
one hour more than the Albatros, so that 56
lurgique car and broken three ribs so the flight
left to right G. J. C.
Squadron would have
to their aerodrome at Vert Galand was to be
Maxwell, N. B. Melville,
maximum altitude ror their enemy to appear
led by Cecil Lewis the MC and rormer Morane
below them. They round, too, that the stabil
pilot, who had celebrated his nineteenth
ity or the aeroplane had several advantages,
birthday a month before.
particularly in those last critical seconds when
There was a small group or parents and
the enemy was in your gunsight. Confidence
rriends and a rew or the girls who had been at
spread and with it an impatience to return to
the Black Swan to wave them goodbye. Lewis
France. While they waited, the pilots would
taxied across to the eastern corner of the
amuse themselves with ever more hair-raising
airfield with the other ten rollowing behind
aerobatics - a ravourite trick was to roll the
him in Single rHe. Turning into the wind, they
wheels on the sloping roor or number 3
took orr, banked and roared back over the
hangar on the run-in in order to get a
sheds ror a last wave at the little group on the.
smoother landing.
tarmac. Then, climbing into V-rormation, 56
On 7 April, at 1 1 a.m., the Squadron were
Squadron headed ror the Channel coast. The
ranged in line on the turr or London Colney
day or the great encounter with Richthoren's
warming up their engines. The night before, a
Circus was but four weeks away.
rarewell party had been staged in the Black
Squadron officers in April 1 91 7. Back row,
H. M. T. Lehmann,
C. R. N. Knight, t. M.
Barlon and K. T. Kraggs. Front row, left to right:
C. A. Lewis, J. O. Leach, R. G. Blomlield, A. Ball and R. T. C. Hoidge.
122 + A C E S
H 1 G H
7 S qua d ron s •
I hope he roasted the whole way down. MICK M ANNOCK ON HEARING OF RICIITHOFEN'S DEAT H
hile the Royal Flying Corps
and put under No. 1 1 Wing RFC, being
suffered under the nail of the
stationed at Droglandl. On their first day of
Albatros Circuses in the early
action, they shot down two Albatri. Further
pan of 1 9 1 7, there was one sector where the
encounters followed on 5th, 6th, 14th, 1 5th,
Germans hesitated to venture. In the far nonh
1 7th and 18th and in every one of them the
of Flanders the naval squadrons equipped
Triplanes had the measure of their opponents.
with the Sopwith Triplane dominated the
, aval
skies. The various administrative and design
spectacular. Its core was the five Canadian
Pilots R. Collishaw,
W M.
Alexander, G .E.
superiority in equipment that the Navy held
Nash, E.
over the RFC have been mentioned already.
the 'Black Flight', painting their engine cowl
But in the spring of 1 9 1 7, the paradox had
ings, metal fuselage panels and wheel covers
resulted that the airspace over the quietest
in black gloss and carrying the name embla
sector of the front was dominated by the
zoned in white, Blach Maria, Blach P,illce,
English while that over the most active was
Blac/, Sheep, Blach Roger and Blac/, Death.
the province of the German Circuses. Finally, the slaughter of the regular RFC
Reid and). E. harman who formed
Word had spread rapidly among the German pilots of these extraordinary little
had become so serious that after much
depanmental obstruction a single squadron of
silhouette and their unnatural ability to climb
Triplanes, 'Naval Ten', was moved on 4 June
and weave. A disturbing rumour arose that the
Triplane could not be engaged by the normal
deputy who had been awarded the 'Blue Max'
tail approach - to do so was certain death for
only ten days before. His Albatras was identi
it could out-manoeuvre any other plane in
fied by his white engine cowl and spinner and
level flight, sliding round to sit on its
white painted elevators. The encounter that
adversary's rudder as if attached by a tow-line.
followed was brief. The jasta found that every
But surely there was one unit that could cow
thing they had heard about the Triplane was
these insolent newcomers? The all-red aero
true. Only Allmenroder himself scored a
planes of Richthofen's jasLa 1 1 were given
victory, shooting down Blac/, Sheep (Nash)
priority orders to seek out the Black Flight.
and then leading the jasta away in a long dive
For five days the Circus ranged up and
that could outstrip the slower Triplanes.
down across the Ypres salient searching for
For two days the German pilots anxiously
their enemy. All the German anti-aircraft
discussed tactics. Allmenroder decided to split
crews had been alerted to scan for the
the jasta in two, flying one half at maximum
Triplanes and contact jasta 1 1 by telephone,
altitude, the other lower than was normal in
but identification from the ground was
order to draw the Triplanes down. If the
difficult, as the silhouette was much like that
timing was right, the upper formation should
of the Sopwith Pup. Finally, on 25 June, the
be able to choose their own targets in the
two teams met over Quesnoy. On this patrol
ensuing dive and rescue their comrades before
jasta 1 1 was commanded by Karl Allmen
the Triplanes 'locked on'. The matter was put
to the test on 27 June. But something went
The Officers' Mess.
124 + A C E 5
wrong, because the upper rormation did not spot the attacking Triplanes until too late. Black Flight, again led by Collishaw, made one pass at the lower jasla and then disappeared to the east. Observers on the ground saw the Albatri regain rormation and start climbing with the exception or one aircrart with a white spinner and cowl, which was gliding slowly westwards. Gradually the glide steepened and the Albatros rell into a vertical and uncon trollable dive. jas[Q 1 1 had lost its deputy. On the same day the Black Flight claimed three more victims, two of them going down under the guns or Collishaw's Blac/, Maria; and ror the first three weeks in July it continued to wreak havoc among the now thoroughly disconcerted Circuses. On 6 July 1 9 1 7 Richthoren attacked a combined
or FE2s
escorted by the Black Flight. Collishaw got one or the Albatri. Richthoren himselr broke through the escort and attacked a 'Fee' head on, crewed by Captain D. C. Cunnell (killed a rew days later) with gunner Lieutenant A. E. Woodbridge. Woodbridge kept his nerve and filled the Albalros with lead. Richlhoren, temporarily blinded, just managed to put the aeroplane down right side up and then rainted with a head wound, remaining in hospital ror a month. But no five men, however brave, could stand up indefinitely to the rull weight or the angry jaslas. Blach Death was sel on fire on 22 July and Shannan was killed. Blach Roger went down with Reid on the 28th. On the 30th, Blach Maria was also shol down, although Collishaw had already been recalled to England to serve ror a period as an instructor (he ended the war with Sixty-three victims). The gallant little company was disbanded. By this time the Hrst or the Sopwith Camels (in essence a more powerrul The Canadian ace, Major Raymond Collishaw. He was the leader of the famous 'Black Flight', composed entirely of Canadians, all of whom flew Sopwlth Triplanes, and one of the most successful fighter units of the war.
g delivered lO and robUSl Pup ) were bein lhe Triplane, with lhe naval squadrons and s, was bei ng its crit ical servicing problem phased OUl .
career of lhe The brie f and bril lian l iron ic legacy: when 'Tripehound' did \eave one ped lhe ir own lhe Ger ma ns had dev elo CbOlh Richthofen lriplane, lhe Fokker Drl record with lhe and Hoeppner had gone on lane was lhe besl belief thal lhe Sopwilh Trip , many RFC crews English fighler of lhe war) eved) its friendly recognized Cas lhey beli and allowed lhe silhouelle, withheld lheir fire il lOO lale lO save enemy lO close lhe ran ge unl (heir lives . . .
Above: Hangars at Sommesous In 1 9 1 8. Left: Manfred von Rlchthofen prepanng for a flight. He is wearing the sheepskin boots that pilots found so necessary, fighting at
altitudes where the temperatures could be many degrees below zero, even In June.
L26 + A C E S.
H [ G H
I t soon became apparent that the Sopwith Camel: although very difficult for a novice to
discipline. On this subject James McCudden, coolest of all the British aces, wrote:
ny, could be mastered by any of the more
The SOpw1th Camel, first
experienced pilolS, and was so agile and quick
I consider it a patrol leader's work to pay
in combat that it had to be ordered in quantity
more auention to the main points affecting
for the RFC as an alternative to the SE5.
the fight than to do all the fighting himself.
However, during the summer or 1 9 1 7, Camel
The main poinlS are: ( 1 ) arrival of more EA
deliveries were slow and the only hope of
who have tactical advantage, i.e. height;
dealing with the Albatros Circuses was
(2) patrol drifting too far east; (3) patrol
the SE5.
getting below bulk oT enemy formation. As
On 7 April, 56 Squadron had arrived at
soon as any of these circumstances occur,
their base at Vert Galand and spent two weeks
it is time to take advantage of the SE's
on navigation nighlS, gunnery testing and
superior speed over EA SCOUlS and break
tuning their machines. Proressionalism was
off the fight, rally behind leader and climb
now at ilS peak and combat tactics a formid
west of EA until you are above them before
able synthesis of individual nair and group
attacking them again.
brought Into service In the mIddle of 1 9 1 7.
*The Camel e\'enlually bt:came the mOSt successful fighter of the war. with Camel pilotS shootmg down 1.194 enemy machines,
Although It had some
It was the first British fighter (0 have twin Vickers guns. and it was the hump made b)' the cowhng o\'er their breeches that led
Idiosyncrasies, once they
to the nickname of Camel. which bt:came .so prevalenl that
had been mastered It
componentS were gathered into the forward seven feet of the fuselage. which ga\·c the Camel a remarkable agility, as the
was adopted as the machmes official name. All the major weight
was found to be the
momentS of inertia were so small. But this, combmed with the torque of itS rotary engine. ga\·e the Camel its most famous quality
most manoeuvrable of
- the ability to turn to the right in onl), half the lime it took other fighters. Delivery began m July 1 9 1 7 and ended after 5.490
all fighting planes.
had been built.
Right: James McCudden, who JOined the RFC In
1 9 1 3 and made hiS first operational flight as a pilot In July 1 9 1 5 He scored fifty-seven vldones before hiS death In July 1 9 1 8 at the age of twenty-two. He won more decorations than any other member of the RFC. RNAS or RAF dunng the war.
Below: lieutenant Geoffrey Bonnell, an American volunteer with No. 32 Squadron, seated In the cockpit of a DH2 with a lewis gun mounted
nose. The DH2 was not an outstanding fighter plane, being neither partICularly fast nor manoeuvrable, but It was a match for the Fokker Elndekker
128 + A c [ \
H [ G II
O n 2 2 April, the Squadron new their first offensive sonic on a trail that was to bring them lO their quarry, and disaster, within less than three weeks. The first encounter was highly successful. Alben Ball shot down two Albatri and other members of the
quad ron got two more. For
the rest of April and the first week in May, 56 Squadron cut a fine swath in the German Air Service. As the pilots' confidence grew, they became accustomed to attacking against odds of up to three-to-one. Ball was indefatigable, he still kept his old
ieuport and would sonie
alone in this when the SE5 was being serviced, being over four hours a day in the air. A t fighting altitudes the S E 5 was still outclimbed by the Albatros, but the very high quality of the pilots and the consternation that
created among their enemy, who had been enjoying such lOtal superiority up lO that lime, gave them an advantage. They must have clashed several times with j(l5l(l
memion of 'all red scouts' can be traced many limes in lhe Squadron log, but they never found Richthofen himself at full strength until their second patrol on 7 May. It was a still evening, but the sky was heavy with threatening masses of cumulus cloud lOwering from 4,000 to 1 2,000 feet; 56 Squadron new at full strength - eleven machines in fonnalion, two fours and a three, and found their enemy at 1 8,000 feet behind the German lines. How far this was a deliberately comrived ambush, how far an accidem arising from the Squadron's over-confidence, will never be known. The fact remains that McCudden lOok the whole Squadron into a dive follo\\�ng six Albatri of a different jasta nying east, 3,000 feet below. But Richthofen himself and two jastas of jG 1 were nying at the same altitude some one to three miles distant and followed Armourer fitters of No. 22 Squadron filling lewIS drums
Right: Albert Ball, seated In hIS 5E5. On 7 Apnl 1 9 1 7 he
and Vickers belts at the 'Armoury' at Vert Galand
went to France With No. 56 Squadron, the first unit to be
Aerodrome, 1 Apnl 1 9 1 8
equipped With the SE5, and It was In thiS plane, exactly one month later, that he would meet his death.
1 30 + A C E S
A Sopwlth Pup just after take-off. This one has SUrviVed and is In the care of the Shuttleworth Collection, Blggleswade. The Bnstol Fighter.
56 Squadron down. The batlle broke up into
separated from his fellows. For over an hour
individual contests and \vithin minutes each
the Squadron struggled to save itself, fighting
of the highly skilled pilots of 56 Squadron
down from 1 5 ,000 feet to 600 before, in fading
was fighting for his life, turning ever tighter
light, the survivors ducked and weaved their
and more desperately losing altitude, and
way individually back to Ven Galand. Of the eleven SE5s that had gone out on that evening patrol on 7 May, only five returned. Ball himself, the indestructible,' was missing \vith his score standing at fony-three - by far the highest at that time, of any pilot in the RFC. There is a strange irony in that 56 Squadron, forged as the head of the lance that was to break the power of the Albatros Jasta and, in particular, to kill Richthofen, should have been the instrument that eliminated Richthofen's closest rival. At 1 8.00 hours on the evening of 23 September 1 9 1 7 , the day of the autumnal equinox, cloud base was at an altitude of
The exaCt manner of his death is still a mystery. as wuh SO many other aces of the war. Hc was last seen divlI1g after an Albatros. Some days latcr the Gemlans
claimed that he had been shot down by the brother of Manfred \'on Richlhofen. Lothar. who had a meleoric career at the front shooling down four Allied aircraft. But on that day Lother claimed a Triplane, and was supponed by several of his comrades.
132 + A C E 5
9,000 feet. Werner Voss's Jasra had flown ilS
- R. T. C. HOidge, A. P. F. Rhys-Davids. R. A.
last patrol of the day under his leadership and
Mayberry, V P. Cronyn, and K. K. Muspratt,
he was up in his own triplane, eyes focused
led by James McCudden, vc. Although fast in
on the red glow of the sunset that would
a climb triplanes were no match for the SE5A
silhouette any stragglers who
in a dive, and the six Englishmen rapidly
might be
making for the safety of the British lines.
A. P. F. Rhys-Davlds, one of the several experienced pilots who were drahed to No.
56 Squadron. It was his guns that brought down Voss's triplane In September
gained on Voss before he could get within
A few minutes after reaching operational
shooting distance of his selected victim. Rhys
altitude, Voss spotted his prey and dived after
Davids and McCudden split to put themselves
it, but above him and invisible against the
either side of Voss's triplane so that one or the
darkening sky of the east was a flight from 56
other would catch him if he tried to bank out
Squadron of six of ilS most experienced piiolS
of trouble , Muspratt and HOidge parted
vertically so that either a climb or a dive by
HOidge's tail. For a few seconds the English
Voss would offer a target, while the other two
strained eyes against the failing light, then the
SE5As hung back as guards. Yet before the
orange stab of name from the triplane's twin
leaders could open fire, some sixth sense had
Spandaus showed Voss's position as he filled
warned Voss, and he straightened out of his
HOidge's fuselage with bullets.
dive, performing at the same time an incred
The SE5As, perfectly diSciplined and with
Werner Voss was commander of Jasta 70 of Rlchthofen's Circus. He was killed in September 1 9 1 7 in an encounter with a flight from No. 56 Squadron. McCudden said of Voss In hiS last battle: 'His
the advantage of speed built up in their dive,
flYing IS wonderful, hiS
face-to-face with his four converging enemies.
climbed and banked again to position them
courage magnificent and
For split seconds the adversaries confronted
selves in the lethal 'box' from which this time
bravest German airman
each other at a closing speed of 180 m.p.h.
there would be no escape. Yet again the
whom It has been my
Startled, the English all opened fire, but none
triplane turned before the British could open
of the bullets struck their target and even as
fire and, raising his nose, Voss slipped through
the SE5As passed above and below him and to
the descending formation, this time riddling
his right and left, Voss was giving his triplane
McCudden's aircraft and turning immediately,
right rudder, which brought him round on
put himself on the tail of Muspratt, the last
in my oplOIon he is the
pnvilege to
see. '
left: Captain BiShop, ve. RFe. who had brought down 37 German planes at the date this picture was taken. Below: Werner Voss's last fight with the 'aces' of No. 56 Squadron, 23 September 1 9 1 7. He fought an amazing single·handed action against at least nine aircraft before succumbing to the guns of twenty·year-old Arthur Rhys-DaVlds.
man in the night. Three times the sequence
sighlS. Hardly believing his luck, Rhy -Davids
repeated ilSelf until the British discarded their
closed the range while Voss's figure in the
advantage in numbers and formation and
cockpit enlarged to fill the ring-sight. Still the
challenged Voss individually and in pairs.
triplane new straight and level. Somewhere, at
By now most of the SE5As had emptied
some point, Voss had been badly wounded
their Lewis guns and few of the pilots had
and had either fainted or was incapable of
found the time to re-Ioad, continuing to rely
working the controls. Rhys-Davids fired a
on the single belt-fed Vickers that fired
long burst on denection raking the whole
through the airscrew. The light was failing and
length of the triplane's fuselage. For a second
an easterly breeze, which had risen in the
the German aircraft wobbled and then the
evening, carried the fight back over the lines.
nose fell, engine full on, screaming vertical
There was still time for one more pass at this
and then over-vertical, until against the velvet
indomitable foe.
of the darkened landscape below a dark
Rhys-Davids, tense with the effort of anti
red nash exploded, brighter than any shell
cipating the triplane's next evasion, found in
burst as Voss's triplane smashed into a
one magic instant thal it remained in his
thousand fragmenlS.
Above: 46 Squadron
Sopwlth Pups engaging enemy 'scouts' near MesSlnes In 1 9 1 7.
136 -1- A C E S
8 B r a ve s •
Elijah was reputed to be the patron saint of aviators, but as he went to Heaven in a chariot of fire, this was something we weren't too keen about. KIFFIN ROCKWELL
f all the units that lOok part in the
Norman Prince, one of the few American
dog-fights over the Western Front
citizens lO earn a pilot's licence before the
none had such individual character
outbreak of war. Prince had travelled to
as the Escadrille Altlericaille of the French Air
France in the \vinter of 1 9 1 4 with the inten
Force. It was the creation and the club of a
tion of forming a unil for American volunteer
number of widely different, yet i n their
nyers. In Paris he had teamed up with
varying ways typical, Americans, having in
Edmund Gros, a rich doctor who had built up
common only bravery, a taste for adventure
the American Ambulance Field Service. The
and a United States passport. Playboys,
two men set aboUl combing all the various
soldiers-of-fortune and professional avialOrs
units lO which American volunteers had been
came and went in its ranks. They new
drawn in those romantic opening months of
ieuports and then Spad Single-seaters that
the war (and where in most cases they were by
displayed an Indian brave's head as their
now thoroughly disillusioned and miserable).
unit's insignia.
the French authorities were
The squadron had originated in the minds
obstructive. But \vith the deadlock on the
of a number of adventurous Americans, but
ground and the increasing propaganda value
the driving idea was that of a New Englander,
of the personal side of aerial welfare, their
B R A V E S + 137
Americans were enlisted and given the acting
nine were killed and two were invalided out with wounds.
rank of NCO in a squadron commanded by
The first posting for the Squadron was at
two French officers. The Escad,·i lle was
Luxeuil in the Vosges. The French authorities
officially formed on 16 April 1 9 1 6. In addition
could not decide on the balance between
to Prince there was William Thaw, who had
tactical deployment and propaganda. The
owned a hydroplane while still at Yale; Kimn
American flyers were given every luxury.
Rockwell, a medical sLUdent from North
I n spite of their StaLUs as 'other ranks' and
Carolina; and Victor Chapman, a Harvard
minuscule pay scale, money nowed freely, in
graduate who had been at the Ecole des Beaux
grants and from their private incomes. They
Arts in Paris and had joined the Foreign
were quartered in a sumptuous villa next to
Legion as a private when war broke oul. (Both
the Roman Baths and messed \vith their
these two had grandfathers who had been
officers at the best hotel in the town. For
officers in the Confederate Army.) There were
many weeks the Escadrille was carefully
also two from the Ambulance Service, James
nursed and commiued to action only when
McConnell and Elliot Cowdin, and a LOugh
the dice were heavily loaded in its favour. All
Texan, Bert Hall, who had made his name as a
the time the French propaganda machine
pre-war SLUnt nyer and had already acquiued
dwelt on their achievements. The pilots'
himself valiantly in the French Air Force,
spirits found vent in extravagant and destruc
having captured a Halberstadt two-seater by
tive sackings of the local inns and in repeated
forcing it to land behind French lines. Of
'blow-outs' in Paris.
these original seven, only three survived.
One of the earliest members of the unit,
Altogether thirty-eight American nyers passed
James McConnell (who was later LO die in
through the ranks of the Escadrille, of whom
baule), wrote with foreboding: 'I thought of
Edward Rickenbacker, America's ace of aces. He jOined the 94th Aero Squadron on 4 March 1 9 1 B and by the end of the war had scored twenty-six victories. With Raoul tufbery and Douglas Campbell he made the first patrol over enemy lines by an American flight.
\38 - A c E S
the luxury we were enjoying; our comfortable beds, baths, and motorcars, and I recalled the ancient custom of giving the man selected for the sacrifice a royal time of it before the appOinted day.' And indeed that day was not far away. The fall of Fort Vaux at Verdun in June 1 9 1 6
caused tremors that threatened t o bring down the whole of the Verdun system. In this dreadful battle of attrition, the long-range artillery piece was king, and whosoever could give it eyes and lengthen its range would win the day. The Escadrille was a Nieuport squadron and only the
ieuport could cope
with the Fokker, which, in tum, was protect ing the Gennan artillery-spotting balloons. Its commitment became inevilable. It was here, over the blackened earth of the Verdun trench system, with its permanent haze of sulphur and cordite fumes, that the elite of the Gem,.n air strength, led by Oswald Boelcke and Max immelmann, was engaged. On the evening of 24 May, the machine of one of the pioneers of the
Escadlille, William Thaw, who had started the war \vith the Foreign Legion, was shot to pieces in a duel \vith three Fokkers and he crash-landed with his pectoral artery cut open, to survive in hospital. On the 25th, another original member, Bert Hall, was badly wounded.
1 7 June Victor Chapman
narrowly survived a duel with Boelcke, being wounded in the head. On 1 8 June Thaw's replacement, Clyde Balsley, was struck in the thigh by an incendiary bullet and taken to a field hospital where he contracted gangrene. The same week, Chapman - still nying, though \vith his head in bandages - was caught in failing light by five Fokkers and shot down, the first American ainnan to be killed in the war.
ow only Kiffin Rockwell,
Elliot Cowdin and the founder,
orillan Sioux head, the insignia of the Escadrille Americaine, the American volunteer unit that joined the French Air Force In April 1 9 1 6.
B R A V E 5 +
140 + A C E 5
Prince, remained. Within a month the carefree
onset of Bloody April and the decimation of
mood had gone sour. The pilots were forcing
the RFC squadrons, this small band of gallant
themselves beyond their capabilities and new
volunteers had allowed themselves to be
arrivals were swept up mercilessly into a back
dashed to pieces against an enemy far better
breaking routine of four or five patrols a day,
trained, and many times their number.
stopping only in the ten o'clock twilight and
The attitude of the French Command then
starting again at dawn. After Chapman's death,
Rockwell wrote to his brother: 'Prince and 1 are
husbanding the Americans in case the death of
going to ny ten hours tomorrow and we'll do
one of them should cause a reaction, they seem
our best to kill one or two Gennans for Victor.'
to have decided that a pronigate expenditure
The following day, Rockwell, blinded by
of American lives was a surer guarantee of a
fatigue, was shot down by a German who
deeper commitment. Before the war when Sir
dived on him from the noon sun. Less than a
Henry Wilson (later Chief of the Imperial
week later Prince stayed out too long and
General Staf£) had asked General Joffre how
crashed into a high tension cable in the
many English soldiers he desired in the expe
evening light as he followed the ground
ditionary force, the reply came back: 'Only
contours back to base.
one, but I will make sure that he is killed.' This
Thus ended the first phase in the history of the Lafaywe Escad" ille* Cas it had come to be known}, and those who decry the importance
philosophy seems for a time to have pervaded the French attitude to American nyers. The
Escadrille was expanded. Some
of the American contribution to the air war
hardened nyers like Raoul Lufbery and James
and point to the low scores of their 'aces', as
Hall and Charles Nordhoff joined their
well as the manner in which their first regular
compa-triots along with many others who had
squadrons were so carefully husbanded and
to learn from scratch.
kept out of combat, should not forget the reckless heroism and devotion of those first
French training schools were no bed of
pilots in the Lafayette. Two years were to pass
roses. We were up every morning before
before any other American airmen came even
dawn, with only a cup of lukewarm
close to matching the deeds of this gallant unit
chiCOry, masquerading as coffee, to sustain
- and even then the US's latter-day aces, Frank
us till the first meal at eleven o'clock.
Luke, Edward Rickenbacker, Joseph Wehner
Daylight found us shivering at our various
and the like, had to be trained in tactical
fields, awaiting our turns on that fearful
matters by the French, who had learned from
and wonderful contraption known as the
the Lafayette, examples, and were equipped
Bioriot Monoplane.
from the same source.
Its construction was a source of never
Before the advent of the Albatros and the
only a
Circuses and the prophetic duel between
exaggeration, it seemed as if they were
Richthofen and Lanoe Hawker, before the
merely gathered-up odds and ends of
*The initial tide of Eswdlille Amelicaine was dropped follOWing German pressure exercised through isolationist circles i n the -
N (Nieuport) IN. of 'laJaycuc' and this tide stayed with the unit until 18 February 1918,
at this time allegedly neutral - United States. The French then deSignated it by the simple code number Claude Genet lhen had the idea of fixing on the name
when it was officially incorporated in the United States air arm.
B R A V E 5
+ 141
majority went through the training school at Buc. learning on the clipped-wing Bleriots (the Pillgouills) and graduating lo a twin engined Caudron RIV whose whole wing warped in a tight turn. But of these 209. only thirty-one actually found their way inlO the exclusive Lafayelle squadron and the remain der served. until America joined the war. with other French frolll-line units. After its brutal mauling at Verdun. the
Escadrille was taken out of line for resting and re-equipped with the new
pad VII single
seater with a V8 Hispano-suiza engine. At first there was a wide gulf between those who had been through the deadly Fokker battles of the summer and the brash young arrivistes. In the words of the official historian 'there was wood. discarded matchsticks and the like.
considerable disharmony at various times'.
which were wired together. catch-as-catch
More. perhaps. than any other front-line unit.
can fashion. with bailing wire lO form the
the Lafayette seems lo have been racked by
fuselage. Then old handkerchiefs were
fads and superstitions. There was a great craze
sewed lOgether. lo cover the wings and that
for collecting golden medals and bracelets -
part of the fuselage around the pilot's seal.
but with the proviso that they had lo be
The remainder of the fuselage was left
' presented by one of the girls in Paris; then
naked. which gave the ship a sort of half
there was a wave of addiction to black velvet
finished appearance. We were undoubtedly
cats - which had lo emanate from the same
wrong in thinking it was left naked because.
source - without whose company in the
with true French thrift. they wanted lo save
cockpit it was dangerous even lo take off.
on fabric. More likely it was lo facilitate
Every pilot carried a girl's silk slOcking under
replacement of brace wires. which had an
his flying helmet: .. .if anything happened to
uncomfortable habit of snapping when any
you it was a sure sign the girl didn't love you."
panicular strain was put on them.
For nearly a year after the United States'
The landing gear was fairly solid. with
entry inlO the war the Lafayelle Escadrille
junior bicycle wheels at the end of each
continued lo fly under French colours. In the
axle. wrapped with a couple of turns of
latter months of 1 9 1 7 the policy of conserva
light rubber cord.
tion seems lo have returned. although the publicity did not diminish.
Of the 209 American nationals who volun
In February of 1 9 1 8 the Escadrille was
teered for service in the French Air Force the
formally absorbed into the United States Air
*h is possible thal this practice came from some of the French
where i t had originated with the French ace, Jean
Na\'3rre. who new in "inter lime with a girl's stocking actually pulled over his head as a protection agamst the cold.
Major John W. F. M Huffer and Raoul lufbery in Toul. France, April 1 9 1 8. Note the InsignIa of
94 Squadron on the plane.
N i e u port 1 7
B R A V E 5 +
Service and was redesignaled lhe I 03rd Aero
out and continue to try and operate the
quad ron. Allhough Thaw, who had urvived
joyslick while silling on lhe head-fairing; lhen
his earlier wounding, remained commander,
he crawled back along lhe fuselage towards
most of the first alumni were dispersed to
lhe lail and lei go, falling lhree lhousand feel
sliffen olher unilS. The squadron's maSCOl, a
10 his dealh.
lion cub called Whisky, was senl 10 lhe zoo,
All lhose characlerislics of lhe FirSI World
the French uni[onns were thrown away and
War aircrew who new and foughl wilhoUI
orders wcre given that the slackness and
parachules, who knew lhal dealh from
indiscipline 'for which the unit was notorious'
wounds would occur four limes out of five,
should be reclified.
who saw their comrades comc and go and
Three monlhs laler lhe lasl link wilh lhe
measured lheir own exiSlence by lhe hour, all
old days of lhe Escadrille were severed when
lhese were personified in lhe members of lhe
Raoul Lufbery's
LafayeHe Escad,·ille.
ieupon caughl fire during
combat in full view of hi ncw command, the
In addilion, they were expatriales; they
941h Aero Squadron al Maron, who were
foughl wilhoUI a counlry, surrounded by
walching from lhe ground. Lufbery, who had
people who spoke a different langauge and
always sworn lhal he would never burn, ShUI
whose altaChmenLS and values wcre alien.
off lhe malar and coolly lried to eXlinguish
Like lhe Polish squadrons in lhe Bailie of
lhe names by sideslipping firsl to lhe lefl and
Britain twcnty-three years laler, this seems to
lhen 10 lhe right. In a Spad il mighl have been
have heighlened lheir ardour, bUI broughl
possible, bUI wilh lhe shon-nacelled rolaries
with it too a certain melancholy that is
like lhe
exemplified in lheir favourile mess song:
ieupon and lhe Camel, names from
lhe engine companmenl would make lhe cockpil intolerable wilhin a few seconds.
We meel 'nealh lhe sounding raflers,
Horrified, lhe onlookers saw Lufbery climb
The walls all around us are bare; They echo lhe peals of laughler; II seems lhal lhe dead are lhere.
Frank luke Jr, the second highest scorer of the American aces, WIth the Spad In whIch he blazed
So sland by your glasses sleady, This world is a world of lies. Here's a toaSI 10 the dead already; Hurrah for lhe nexl man who dies.
a name for himself. He was known as the 'Balloon buster' because of hiS remarkable success In destrOYing balloons; he 'busted' fifteen before hiS death In
CUI off from lhe land lhal bore us, Belrayed by lhe land lhal we find, The good men have gone before us, And only lhe dull left behind. So sland by your glasses sleady, The world is a web of lie . Then here's to the dead already, And hurrah for lhe neXI man who dies.
September 1918.
A C E 5
H [ G H
9 S t or k s
. . . will remam the purest symbol of the qualities of his race. Indomitable tenacity, ferocious energy, sublime courage: animated by the most resolute faith in victory, he bequeaths to the French soldier an imperishable memory which will exalt the spirit of sacrifice. GUYNEMER MEMORIAL
Sous·Ueutenant Maurice Boyau, Legion of Honour, Medaille
he inscription above is taken from the
assembled hosts as did the chevalier of
marble plaque on the Guynemer
olden time.'
memorial at the Pantheon in Paris.
The French were the first to institute
The sentiments expressed, while wholly
the 'ace' system (which was of course never
Escadrille No. 77 as a
suitable to Georges Guynemer's own tortured
officially recognized in Britain, though in
Corporal pilot. At the
and mystic heroism, were less appropriate to
Germany it was further refined with several
year he was
the majority of his colleagues, among whom a
gradations and the coveted POUI" Ie Me,ite or
commissioned as a
kind of cynical despair gradually lOok root -
'Blue Max' at the summit). The rules of
nowering with tragic consequence in 1940.
scoring were strict but if a pilot had five
Militatre, Croix de Guerre. In February 1 9 1 7 he joined
end of August that
Sous·lIeutenant. He was shot down In flames on 1 6 September 1 9 1 8 by seven enemy aircraft after destroYing a kite balloon. In total he had destroyed thirty·
The French had been the first to realize the
confirmed viclOries (in May of 1 9 1 7 this limit
immense propaganda value of the air war and
was raised lo ten) he qualified for the title of
the manner in which, by presenting it in
'As' and was mentioned by name in official
personal terms as a series of individual
five German aircraft,
contests, public attention could be distracted
An immediate and unfortunate growth of
including twenty kite
from the futile carnage of the trenches. 'The
class differentiation set in. It was virtually
Knights of the air', wrote one commentator,
impossible for a pilot or gunner of a two
'sally forth lO do baltle before the eyes of the
seater to reach this score and among the
Above: A Spad VII.
Single-seaters it was far easier for the
Powered by a Hispano-
5U1za engine, It was the
re-equipped with the Spad from the early autumn of 1 9 1 6.) Almost
most famous of the French
encouraged the di\� ion by grouping the best
Inhne-englned fighters. The
ieuport pilots in one Escadrille. The original
chanced on the most effective system of
aircraft and was flown by
Escadrille selected was N.3 and every pilot in
tactical deployment of their Single-set fighter
it identified himself as being one of that select
strength - putting inlO practice a conclusion
company by painting a white slOrk in night on
that was reached somewhat later and on
the side of his fuselage. As the aces multiplied
purely tactical grounds by Oswald Boelckc
propaganda had a snowball effecl. More of
and General von Hoeppner. There is no doubt
the CigogJles Escad,illes were formed and
that the strength and gallantry of the Cigoglles
balloons between January
became a magnet lo allract outstanding nyers
group was of critical importance during the
1 9 1 7. when he JOined the
from other units. (It is worth noting that
Battle of Verdun. During May Boelcke, whose
the CigogJles were among the first to be
Fokkers were still operating in threes, was
Spad was an outstanding air forces of nearly
every Allied power.
Below: Michel COlffard. France's most successful 'balloon buster'. He destroyed twenty-elght
Flying Corps, and his death In October 1 9 1 8.
urging that larger JagdslaffelJl (the first use of the 'hunting pack' term) should be started. Had this been done there is little doubt that the CigogJles would have suffered the fate that was later lo befall them over the Somme. But Max Immelmann's death on 18 June led lo a personal order from the Kaiser that Boelcke should be grounded lest he too were lo be lost LO Germany. I nstead, the German ace was sent on an inspection lour of the Prussian front. Probably the only unit in the French Air Service that could rival the CigogJles in reputation
known as les Sporrijs on account of the number of sportsmen and playboys who
5 ! ; , t , I
Sopwith Camel
1-+8 + A C [ 5
passed through its ranks. One o[ its most
patrols their favourites could be hurried back
famous was Maurice Boyau, captain o[ the
to Paris in time for the night's festivities. Paris
French International Rugby team in 1 9 1 4 , and
was the very hub o[ the alliance, her society
another Georges Boillot, the racing driver,
uniquely sel[-important, overflowing with
who had [ought so valiantly and lost to the
money and unlimited pleasures available:
three white Mercedes o[ the German team in the last Grand Prix berore war was declared.
Mistinguett was drawing huge crowds at
The Escadrille N.77 was an exclusive club
the Folies-Bergeres: the great Bernhardt,
where the private incomes o[ the members
though aged and ailing, was still as
lavishly supplemented their pay [rom the
seductive as ever,
Republic. They brought their own servants
between the theatre and her hospital [or
and motor cars and quartered their ladies in
the wounded at the Odeon: at the Opera
the most expensive hotels in the area. Their
comique ManDl! was all the rage, and in
contacts and influences, particularly that o[
May, when the Germans were hammering
their way 011 to COte 304, there was a glit
Orncer, ensured that both their equipment
tering mm premiere o[ Salallllllb6 and the
and their publicity were the best. However, a
Spring Flower Show was reinstated in all
critical examination o[ the score recorded by
its pre-war glory.
dividing her
its members seems to indicate that although there were exceptions, the Sportijs seem to
In such a selling the glamorous airmen were
have spent most o[ their time shooting
prestigious toys to be courted and shown on
down balloons. *
every occasion.
contrast, the Cigognes were more
During the autumn and winter o[ 1 9 16/17
desperate men and among them rivalries and
the Cigognes Escadrilles were being re
loyalties burned fiercely. Some o[ them were
equipped \\�th the Spad Single-seater and their
poor and had to subsist on their income as
numbers (3, 26, 73, 103 and 167) now carried
orncers, but the system o[ grants [rom private
the prefix 'SP' instead 0[ ' '. The change [rom
sources, which the Michelin brothers had
the Nieuport symbolized their altered status.
started, was an extra incentive to raise their
The little rotary-engined sesquiplane, nimble,
tallies. The pace o[ living was furious: the
delicate, dependent on the pilot's skill [or its
Cigognes were always surrounded by touts,
errectiveness, was infinitely rewarding to
pimps and salesmen o[ all kinds who set up
those who could excite its response, but
quarters in the vicinity o[ their aerodromes.
would not tolerate clulllsiness or cowardice.
They were lionized in Parisian Society and
The Spad with its inline liqUid-cooled engine
was [aster, but
less agile;
its orthodox
limousines to wait beside the hangars so that
construction made it stronger, but heavier.
when the pilots landed [rom the afternoon
The storks on the side o[ the [uselage were
"Dating from the earliest period when observation was regarded as the pnmary role of the Air Arm, the dcstruction of a balloon was classified as a 'victory' and allowed to stand in a pilots score sheet, and thiS was never altered. Although a balloon could not evade gunfire in a way an aircraft could,
was by way of compensation very well defended from the ground - a measure of its
importance. 'Balloon busting' was an extremely hazardous business, and allracted its own extraordinary aces, Stich as Heinrich Gontermann of Germany (18 balloons), Willy Coppens of Belgium (28), Frank Luke of the United
Coiffard of France (28).
tales (15) and Michel
5 T O R K 5 +
Georges Guynemer
now painted black,' and, like the change from
arms of death than any other nyer of the First
red to black on the Rolls-Royce, a legend arose
World War. After six adventurous months
that could be neither proven nor denied that it
with a reconnaissance squadron in the north
was an expression of mourning for (heir
of France, his fire and courage brought him a
patron, Gu}'nemer.
transfer to a Nieuport Escadrille at
Flouting the superstitions that were rife
dedicated and obsessive hero (see Chapter 5).
But more typical is the rough and glamorous
adorned his
figure of Charles Nungesser. Seconded from
omen. A coffin, two lighted candles, the
the Hussars in 1 9 1 4, he had already packed a
skull-and-crossbones over a black heart. He
lifetime into his youth. He was a champion
did not believe in the efficacy of the French
swimmer and boxer and had taken up motor
roundel after being attacked by a British
cycling and automobile racing with ardour.
Camel, and so added a tricoleur 'V' to his
He successfully new an aeroplane solo on the
upper \ving.
very first occasion that he tried to break the
N ungesser
ieuport with the symbols of ill
On the day that he reported to the
controls and then decided to design his own.
The outbreak of war put a stop to this, but in
Nancy in a most spectacular fashion, nying in
the first few weeks Nungesser distingUished
and out of church steeples and tall buildings,
himself, as a hussar, by waylaying a German
looping over the place and charging up and
Staff car behind the enemy lines, shooting the
down the boulevard at an altitude of thirty feet.
occupants and driving it across
'. 65 Nungesser first 'beat-up'
man's land
By the time he landed at his aerodrome, an
under nre from his own side. He was allowed
official complaint from the townsfolk had
to keep the car and was awarded the Mtdaille
already been
Militai"e, but scorning both these he declared
Officer's desk. The latter, somewhat aCidly,
that his greatest wish was to be transferred to
told his newest recruit to confine his aero
the Air Service.
batics to enemy territory.
laid on
othing daunted,
For the next three years this extraordinary
Nungesser had his aircraft refuelled and
man went closer and more frequently into the
forced several of his colleagues to accompany
*Although it
s i
Widely belic\'cd that the stork was adopted as the mascot of the Cigogllcs Escadrilles because of their Hispano
engines. in fact the reverse: is Ime. The stork was the group mascot even when they were nying Nieupons with Le RhOne engines and was retained after the switch to Hispano-engmed Spads. After the war, when Hispano-SUlza were marketing mOlor-cars, the)' adopted the stork as their trade mascot.
standing In front of hiS Spad. The stork on the Side of the plane was the symbol of the Cigognes Escadrille.
5 T O R K 5 +
him to the nearest German airfield where,
he flew and fought, but his strength was
tpuist. Unlike Guynemer who was also on the
his performance.
threshold of a nervous collapse,
In January of 1 9 1 6 Nungesser was the
allowed himself to be sent back to Paris on
victim of a serious accident when testing a
sick leave. On his flight home he was set on by
new aeroplane. The joystick went through his
a solitary Halberstadt. For over half an hour
mouth, dislocated his jaw and perforated his
the two planes fought Single-handed. Perhaps
palate; in addition both his legs were broken.
it was Nungesser's poor health, perhaps it was
Yet within two months he was flying again,
the exceptional skill of his opponent, but
although he could move to and from his
neither could gain the advantage. Finally, his
ieuport only on crutches. Throughout April,
fuel almost exhausted, N ungesser landed at Le
ungesser had to return to hospital for
Touquet airfield and was surprised to see his
periodic treatment of his injuries. But while
he was flying fresh wounds accumulated. His
towards him. When the two were side by side,
lip was slashed by an explosive bullet; his jaw
the German waved gleefully, then opened his
was again broken when he inverted a damaged
throule and took off again. Curiously, this
aircraft making a forced landing; and in
sporting gesture, so t)'Pical of the earlier days
standing beside his
another crash in
of aerial combat, was seen by
Nleuport. He was called
a man's land, he dislocated
ungesser as a
his knee. In December he had to return to
terrible humiliation and he was to spend
hospital to have all his fraclUres broken and
hundreds of hours of his future flying life (for
reset, and was forced into a two-month rest.
by now
But in May 1 9 1 7 - the peak period of Albatros
and his auachment to
domination -
nominal) searching for that same Halberstadt
ungesser returned again to the
fray in his personal Nieuport, now fiued with
ungesser had a roving commission
so that he could retrieve his honour. That winter
a C1erget engine of greater power.
.65 was no more than
ungesser skidded his Mars
left: Charles Nungesser
'the Indestructible' because he survived so many crashes, but after the war he was unable to adjust to peace-time conditions. In 1927 he disappeared during a flight across the Atlantic and no trace of him was ever found.
touring car on the icy road while driving back
Below: Nungesser In hiS
Allied opposition was frail, and sometimes
from Paris in the middle of the night. The car
Rolls-Royce 'Alpine
overturned and Nungesser was thrown out,
accidents which most
Germans. On 1 2 May a lone Albatros dropped
once again breaking his jaw as well as suffer
affected him occurred
a message challenging Nungesser to Single
ing other injuries. But his faithful mechanic,
combat that afternoon over DouaL Yet when
Soldat Pochon, who was responsible for the
he arrived at the appOinted rendezvous,
maintenance of all Nungesser's planes, was
ungesser found not one, but six of the
trapped in the car and killed. Nungesser went
ungesser's return, in a period when was immediately noticed by
enemy were waiting for him. But still he could not be killed; in the dog-fight that followed this betrayal, Nugnesser shot down two of his enemy (Paul Schweizer and Ernst BiuorO, and the rest scauered. His health continued to deteriorate. Now two mechanics had to carry N ungesser into his cockpit for he could no longer manage even with his crutches. Throughout August
Eagle'. One of the
when he was returning by car to Paris With his faithful me<:hanic Pochon: Pochon was killed and Nungesser broke hiS Jaw.
152 + A C E 5
back to hospital and for the remainder of the
the anniversary of his greatest achievement, the
war his nying periods were punctuated by
Single-handed defeat of the Gennan ambush
long spells in the care of doctors. While he
over Douai,
was nying he struggled desperately to raise
Oiseatl into lhe Atlantic haze. The seaplane new
his score above that of his great rival, Rene
due west until its engines could be heard no
Fonck, but in fact the highest that he could
more. Like Guynemer, Nungesser disappeared
a serious wound In
manage by Armistice was forty-five compared
without a trace.
September 1 9 1 7
with Fonck's seventy-five (which made Fonck
Alfred Heurtaux, a famous member of the Cigognes group and a close friend of Georges Guynemer. He scored twenty-one vlctones until
rendered him unable to fly again dUring the war.
the Allied ace of aces), and the fifty-four
ungesser took orr and painted the
Nungesser and Guynemer, was a man of very different mellle. He served in S P. 1 03 , an other wise relatively undistinguished member of the
Cigoglles group, and was credited with three quarters of lhe Escadri lle's kills. The secrel of Fonck's success was different from those of his two nearest French rivals, and the reason is plain to see after an analysis of each man's temperament. Nungesser and Guynemer were highly strung, emotional and impulSive, and their victories were achieved in tempestuous nights, with the result often being very much in the balance. Fonck's victories were achieved in an altogether different way. He was a conceited,
painstaking pilot, and a superlative shot. Most of Fonck's later victims succumbed after Fonck
had fired an absolute minimum
number of rounds. This was made possible by Fonck's constant practice \vith machine-guns and carbines, and a careful analysis of German that Guynemer had managed before his
tactics, machines and how best to beat them
own death.
both. By these means Fonck achieved the
Although he survived, Nungesser, like so
highest Allied score of the war, at minimum
many of the aces, was diminished by his experi
risk to himself, and also pulled off a unique
ences and could not live in contentment
feat: twice he shot down six German machines
without the stimulation of mortal danger. I n
in a day, on 9 May and 26 September 1 9 1 8 .
search of his early inspiration he had built for
And o n the second o f these occasions, but for
himself, by Levasseur, a seaplane with which he
a jam in his machine-guns, he might well have
intended - or so he claimed - to ny the Atlantic.
despatched eight German machines. But
Known as the Oiseau Blanc it was painted white
despite his enormous success, Fonck never
gained the popularity Guynemer enjoyed.
Nungesser's war-time
insignia. The Oiseau was filled with enough fuel for the 4,000 mile night and on a May morning,
5 T O R K 5 +
left: Ren� Fond:, the Allied as well as the French ace of aces. Although he scored seventy·five victories, he was a cautious and conceited man who had none of Guynemer's charisma. Below: Felix Brocard, the Commanding Officer of the famous Cigognes group.
THE END O F THE BATT LES BACKGROUND 191 8 The year 1918 opened with a clear Allied superiority in the air; the British SE5As and Sopwith Camels and the French Spads had done their work well. Over the whole Western Front the Allied Air Forces maintained their tactical air offensive, overwhelming the German machines on their own side of the lines and allowing their own reconnaissance and observation machines to go about unhindered.
he one bright spot for Germany was
Brilish sec lor, and only 367 againsl lhe
the fact that the Kogelllufl could wrest
French. This was partly a result of large
air superiority from the Allie locally
portions of the French frolll being 'quiet
by moving in a 'Circus', bUl lhis was coslly in
area ', partly the more aggressive ground
machines and
personnel as the
policy displayed by the Brilish, bUl partly also
German fighlers were slill oUlcla sed al lhis
lhe failing of the French laclical doclrine. like
lime. Although the French held the grealer
lhe Germans the French had grouped LOgelher
length of line on the ground, in the air il was
lheir besl pilolS in elite fighler unilS - leaving
lhe Brilish thal were the Germans' main
olher fighler squadrons and all reconnais·
opponenLS, as an examination of the forces
sance and observalion unilS berefl of good
arrayed againsl the Brilish and the French
pilolS and of all the experience and morale
seclOrs clearly shows. Al the end of March
lhey could have provided. This lefl olher
1 ,680 Gennan aircrafl were operaling in lhe
squadrons so unaggressive and ineffeclual lhal
27 Squadron DH4s releasing their 1 1 2·lb bombs over the enemy lines dunng the battle for Amlens In March 1 9 1 8
1 56 + A c E S
a few good German units sufficed to keep
second half of the Ballie of Cambrai in 1 9 1 7,
them in check, allowing most of the strength
the world's first large-scale tank offensive,
to be deployed against the British in the north.
when the German ground forces had been
More important, however, was the devel
taken entirely by surprise and pushed back
opment of German offensive tactics in the
several miles; although they later had been
field of army co-operation. We have already
able to regain much of the lost ground with
the help of the Seh/aslas.
of SChlllzsta!!elll
(Protection flights) and Fliegerableilllllgell
Throughout the winter and spring after
III!alllelie (Infantry contact patrol), equipped
the Ball/e of Cambrai, the Sclllaslas were
at first with modified C types, pending the
developed, strengthened, trained and brought
arrival of the J class machines. In the autumn
as near as possible up to full complement with
of 1 9 1 7 , the Air Force authorities had foreseen
the latest equipment, the Halberstadt CLII
the need for a lighter version of the J class, in
and the Hannover CLII and III series. Just as
fact something between the C and the J
the German Air Force had laid contingency
classes, and ordered the CL class. This model
plans against the arrival of huge American
was to be able to act as escort for C class
forces in France, so had the Gennan army.
Rickenbacker. October
machines on reconnaissance flights, but also
Five large offensives for the spring and early
1 9 1 8 (seated In the front
to fly ground allack missions. With the
summer of 1 9 1 8 had been planned, to drive
growing need for ground allack formations, a
the Allies out of the war before America could
special title was introduced for the new units
make her weight felt. The Sell/aslas were to
Seh/aehlslaffelll (Ballie flights) and later,
play a very important role in these offensives,
when such units had grown in size and
the first of which, on the Somme, started on
20 March. The German tactics had been care
wings). The first major victory of the Seh/aslas
fully worked out. It had been realized that the
(as they were abbreviated) was during the
old style of offensive, preceded by a massive
Pilots of the 94th Aero Squadron, American Air Force, in front of a German plane recently brought down by 1 st Lieutenant E. U.
row second from left).
lieutenant J. H. Snyder receiving a French 1 824 size camera that could photograph from 25,000 feet. August 1 9 1 8.
158 + A C E !)
A DH2 twln-englned bomber.
commander could control his unit personally bUI slill have a powerful offensive force, and Ihal each seclion of lhe fronl be palrolled by a group, wilh a conslant stream or replacements moving up
Ihose Ihal had exhausled Iheir ammunilion or artillery bombardmenl, which Ihrew away any
fuel. The Schlaslas, Iherefore, fulfilled the
chance or obtaining surprise, and carried OUl
roles of airborne Iighl artillery in direci
by slow-moving infantry, was useless. The
support of Ihe ground lroops, and as aerial
new style was to have some or the clements or
liaison officers for Ihe High Command.
Blilzhrieg in it: Ihe artillery bombardmenl was 10
be short and sharp, jusl
Ihrow Ihe enemy
off its balance. Al H-hour, Ihis was
The plan worked brillianlly in Ihe firsl offensive, Ihough Ihe British were finally able 10
hall Ihe advance afler il had oulrun its
a creeping barrage, wilh swiftly moving
services. But the rour subsequent orrensives
'storm troopers' moving in its wake. pressing
were less successful as Ihe Allies worked oul
on as fasl as possible, ignoring slrongpoints
plans of Iheir own
Ihal could not be taken immedialely,
air orrensives. On the ground, ddences were
keep him off
prepared in grealer deplh and wilh grealer
Ihe enemy's artillery and
balance; behind Ihe slormlroopers were
hall bOlh ground and
elaslici ly, while offensives were spoiled
mop up and
bdore they started - now that it was known
consolidale. Over Ihe whole Sehlaslas would
whal to look for. In Ihe air, Ihe Allies were
operale harrying Ihe enemy wilh machine
forced to keep Iheir fighlers aloft even under
gun fire and Iighl bombs, and keeping Ihe
the mOSI hazardous condilions
High Command informed of Ihe progress of
Gemlans by shoo ling down Iheir aircrafl and
come Ihe ordinary infanlry,
check Ihe
the ground lroOpS. In Ihis way Ihe barrage
harrying Iheir ground lroops, learning in
could be speeded up if necessary in Ihe even I
combal Ihe lessons thai Ihe Germans Ihem
of Ihe slormlroopers' advance being fasler
selves had been able
than anticipated. It was essential that aircrart
lime and Ihought. BUI finally the offensives
of the Sehlaslas operate in groups of aboul
were haIled, Ihe Germans were exhausled,
prepare wilh grealer
Fokker DVII
160 + A C E 5
H [ G H
Above: From left to
and it was time for the Allies themselves,
fight: Lieutenant Eddie
now with American aid, to go over on to
Rlckenbacker, Lieutenant Douglas Campbell and Captain Kenneth Marr, 14 June 1 9 1 8. Right: The fox cub mascot of No. 32
the offensive. This year, too, saw the impact of America on the air war. At the outbreak of the First World War in Europe in 1 9 1 4, only sixty-five
Squadron RF( on the
citizens of the United States held pilot's
fuselage of an SESA
licences, and only thirty-five of these were
aircraft at Humieres, near St Pol, May 1 9 1 8.
actually in the Army. There was no air force worthy of the name, no machines,
operational theory no command structure, no industrial specialization. Even more surpris ing, the tremendous enthusiasm that had kept aviation in a state of constant ferment in Europe was completely absent in the country of its origin.
B A C K G R 0 u N D
The military value of aeroplanes had been
Fortunately for the United States, Glen
lOtally discounted - it seemed - as a result of
Curtis continued to operate his private school
their performance in the Mexican War of
at San Diego, California, using the T or Jenny'
1 9 1 3 . The ten frail and unreliable Curtis
- that was lo be standardized as the Army's
Biplanes that had accompanied the soldiers on
basic trainer in years to come.
that occa ion had proved more of a liability
In 1 9 1 5 the Chief of the Signals section,
than a help, breaking down, suffering forced
General Scriven, recommended a force of
landings and diverting soldiers and cavalry on
eighteen squadrons (each of twelve planes).
the ground from their traditional tasks lo aid
BUl no action was taken, and even two years
the stranded pilots. This episode effectively
later when the United States actually entered
closed the minds of the military who were
the war, the Aviation Section had only thineen
naturally delighted lo have their preconceived
officers and 1 ,000 enlisted men. In its lOtal of
theories confirmed. As a result there had been
250 aircraft there were none that could be
absolutely no forward planning of aircraft
rated as proper combat types by the standards
design and development. Aeroplanes might fly
of European fighting. There were only two air
the Channel (in one direction) but they were
officers on the General Staff in Washington.
never going lo fly the Atlantic. They could be ignored.
Within a few weeks of entering the war the American altitude to the Air Arm had changed
In July of 1 9 1 4 an Act was passed by
completely, and the first steps were taken
Congress to create the Aviation Section of the
that were to secure for the United States a
Signal Corps and authorized a strength of
pre-eminence in the aero-industrial field that
sixty officers and two hundred and sixty
they have held until lOday. A programme was
enlisted men. This was lillIe more than formal
drafted calling for the production of 22,625
recognition that the aeroplane existed and
aeroplanes and 44,000 engines backed by an
might pOSSibly have a military use. But its
eighty per cent spares invenlOry. On 24 July
status, as an ancillary of a subordinate branch,
Congress voted S640 million for military aero
was emphaSized by the tiny grant and the fact
nautics, the largest sum ever appropriated for
that only two commissioned ranks were
a Single purpose at that time. The humble
envisaged in the pay scale. The previous year,
Aviation Section was scheduled for expansion
flying training had taken place at the airfield
to 345 combat squadrons with supporting
at College Park in Maryland - styled the
formations. The American aircraft industry
Signal Corps Aviation School. But of the
barely existed at this time. Its total production
twenty-eight aircraft attached to the school,
for the past ten years had been less than 800
nine became lotal losses and over a quarter of
aeroplanes. But its response was characteris
the forty men who had received flying instruc
tic. The standard aero-engine, the Liberty, was
lion lost their lives in accidents. By the time
designed by Jesse Vincent and J . G. Hall in five
war broke out in Europe the eleven remaining
days. The prolOtype engine was complete with
Curtis-Wright 'pusher' aircraft at the school
all accessories for testing in twenty-eight days.
had been condemned on safety grounds and
By the end of the war this engine was coming
the Army had only five aeroplanes left, all in a
off the production line at 4,200 a week. The
highly suspect condition. Flying training was
performance of Vincent and Hall, and of
discontinued and recruitment discouraged.
Douglas who adapted the DH4 lo take the
1 9 I 8
162 + A C E S
Liberty engine in a single weekend, makes one
were operational, although the first Aero
regret that the United States had not the expe
Squadron had been in France since 1 9 1 7 and,
rience in designing aircraft that they had in
equipped with Breguets, had been flying
de igning machinery. Unfonunately, produc
reconnaissance missions since the early spring
tion plans were, as ever, optimistic, and very
of 1 9 18. The French and British commanders
little of American manufacture saw combat in
Europe. Even the DH4, already mentioned,
squadrons piecemeal, as they were formed,
proved to have many shortcomings when
into existing Allied units.
tested in Europe, and was funher delayed
The American commander , on the other
from its combat debut while modifications
hand, wished to preserve their independence
were carried out. Even then it acquired an
and looked forward to the day when their Air
unenviable reputalion as the 'flaming coffin'.
Force and Anny could operate together as a
The United States' industrial capacity was
whole. With this in mind, the first arrivals
more easily capable of tackling its enormous
were kept in the Toul ector, in the Vosges - a
programme than the Air Service was in
region that had seen no serious fighting at any
training the necessary crew. Predictably there
time since spring 1 9 1 5 . The pilots of these
was a flood of recruits, but ground schools,
first two squadrons (the 94th and 95th) had
airfields, instructors and training aircraft were
been subjected to a variety of delays and
woefully shon. The authorities' requirements
obstructions by the authorities. The French
for a pilot would cenainly have excluded
had put them through a whole sequence of
many of the European aces:
advanced flying, gunnery and combat schools, and when they were finally issued with their
The candidate should be naturally athletic
new Spad Single-seaters they found that these
and have a reputation for reliability, punc
tuality and honesty. He should have a cool
Undaunted, the reckless Americans began to
head in emergencies, good eye for distance,
fly their patrols unarmed - a practice that
keen ear for familiar sound ,
would have led to disaster in any other sector
teady hand
and sound body with plenty of reserve; he hould be quick-witted, highly intelligent
of the front. By the middle of June the American 10
and tractable. Immature, high-strung, over
strength had risen
confident, impatient candidates are not
possible to constitute both an observation
group and a pursuit group; and these, together
a level where it was
with some French units, moved north to the A funher twenty-seven flying fields were
Chiiteau-Thierry sector. For a number of
constructed in the United States to handle the
historic reasons - notably the connection via
training programme (only three had existed at
the LaJayelle Escadrille and the Americans
the outbreak of the war) but for advanced
already sen'ing in French units (who had been
training aircrew had to go to Europe where, in
re-posted to all-American squadrons), and the
France, the United States
influence on the French purchasing commis
et up its own
airfields and Aviation Instruction Centers. It was not until the spring of 1 9 1 8 that the American Single-seater 'Pursuit'
sions - the United States Air Force was chiefly influenced by the French and largely ignored by the British. This was regrettable because at
Right: The crew of an RE8 of No. 1 6 Squadron RFC prepare to set off on a dawn patrol over the enemy Imes In 1918. Below: A Sopwlth Snipe, flown by Major William Barker, engaged In the dog-fight won his Vldona Cross.
October 1 9 1 8 In whICh he
A C E 5
this stage the French Air Service was suffering a decline in morale. Now with their move to Chateau-Thierry, the Americans found them selves nying against hardened professionals who enjoyed the advantages of experience and superior aircrafl. Just as the Lafayette squadron had first enjoyed a period of 'phoney war' so the regular American units made the most of the Crillon Bar, the Chateau landings and the showy traditions of dress and behaviour that the nying community had established. But there were harsher lessons that could only be learned in combat: recognized decoys; allow ing for wind drift; Vigilance against surprise; the proneness of guns
jam and controls
bind at freezing altitudes - these things took their toll of Americans as they had of others before them. The 'Scarlet Scouts' and the 'Checkers' with their 'solid crimson leader' (presumably jaslas 1 1 and 34) soon burned their
squadrons and losses mounted alarmingly. But the jastas moved up and down the front. Sometimes they would be absent for up 10
ten days at a time, and throughout the
summer of 1 9 1 8 the American strength mounted. By the time of the Saint Mihiel offensive
Mitchell, the American Commander, had over 1 ,500 aeroplanes under his control. (Not all of these were exclusively U n i ted States formations and they included nine bomber squadrons from the RAE) In the closing weeks of the war the American scores increased dramatically, and when the Armistice was Signed there were over forty-five American combat squadrons at the front \\�th a strength of 740 aircraft. Against losses of 289, they claimed to have destroyed 78 1 Germans - a kill ratio of almost 3: 1 . The IOtal strength of the American Air Force had already risen lieutenant Douglas Campbell. 5 May 1 9 1 8 .
B .\ C K G R O U N D
' ..
1 9 1 8
.: . ',
The funeral of Manfred von RlChthofen was held at Bertangles on 22 April 1 9 1 8 with full military honours. Officers of 33 Squadron Australian FlYing Corps are lowering the coffin Into the grave.
166 + A C E S
H I G Ii
A pilot climbs aboard a Sopwlth Dolphin for a delivery flight as a pair of Tnplanes pass overhead.
B A C t..:. G R
over 1 4,000 aeroplanes and lhere is lillie
·lhe Black Day or lhe German army') lhe RAF
doubl lhal il would have malched lhal or lhe
had 1 ,782 aircrarl (lhis figure rose to 1 ,799,
Royal Air Force in 1 9 1 9 and carried lhe major
including 7-+7 fighlers, by the lime or lhe
burden or air fighling rrom lhal lime onward.
Armislice), lhe Americans 740 and lhe French
The American Air Force achievement is
over 3,000 or all lypes. From 8 Augusl 10 the
comparable only 10 the scale or lheir Space
dale or lhe Armislice, 1 1
ovember, lhe Allied
Programme in
the sixties. Starting from
armies rolled rorward, covered in lhe air by
nothing - or indeed from a minus factor when
rorces modelled on lhe Seh/aslas or lhe spring.
compared Wilh lheir compelitors - lhey
There was nOlhing lhe Germans could do.
developed produclion, personnel, command
only were lhey outnumbered, lhey were also
and design structures on a scale and with a
desperalely shorl or ruel and lubricanls, good
rapidily lhal lowered over all others. Their
quality linen to cover their machines, dope to
contribulion in lhe closing months or lhe war
tauten and air-proor lhem and skilled aircrew
was Significant nOl only in lenns or morale,
10 make lhe best use or whal lhey had. For all
bUl also in the way in which the hard-pressed
except the last the Gennans had lhe unrelenl
Jaslas were taxed beyond lheir slrenglh by
ing Allied blockade to lhank, and ror lhe lasl
these brave new arrivals. Gennan air cover at
the orrensive taclics pursued by Trenchard and
crilical points or lhe rront lhen became
olher Allied Air Force leaders. II is ironic lhat
increasingly imperrect and unpredictable.
il was during I his period or dereal thaI
1 9 1 8 had
Gennans besl fighter or the war, lhe Fokker
been 4,050 aircraft or all lypes, bUl waslage
DVlI, was available in its grealesl numbers. BUI
had been severe during lhe five German
not even this magnificenl fighlers perrormance
orrensives. For example, lhey had 10Sl 659
could cope with lhe ever increasing and
improving swarms or Allied aircrarl, bOlh
belween 20 March, lhe beginning or lhe
fighlers and lwo-sealers, crossing lhe retreal
Second Bailie or the om me, and 29 April, lhe
ing German lines.
German slrenglh in March
dale or lhe end or lheir second orrensive, lhe
The war did nOl end with a climactic final
Bailie or lhe Lys. More imporlant, however,
baltle in which the Gemlan Air Force was
was the wastage in personnel, especially as
wiped OUl, bUl in ilS gradual decline and death
many or lhose los I were irreplaceable men
such as Manrred von Richlhoren and lhe
numbers. Arter years or struggle, al times
leaders and developers or lhe Seh/aslas. Even
against a foe superior in numbers and
ir the German n)�ng schools had been able 10
equipmenl, lhe Allied rorces could rove wilh
lurn oul lhe numbers needed as replacements,
they could not provide the skills thaI years or
German armies. The German Air Force had
active service had produced. On 8 June 1 9 1 8
lost 5,853 men killed, 7,302 wounded and
lhe Gemlan Air Force had only 2,551 piiOlS
2,751 missing and prisoner, togelher wilh
on its rolls.
3 , 1 28 aeroplanes, 546 balloons and 26
Two months laler, when lhe final Allied
airships. The Royal Flying Corps, Royal
orrensives or the war starled \vith lhe Baltle or
aval Air Service and Royal A i r Force
Amiens on 8 Augusl (which Erich von Luden
logelher had 10Sl 6, 1 66 men killed, 7,245
dorrr, lhe German army's Chid-or-Starr, called
wounded and 3,2 1 2 missing and prisoner.
L' l\ 0
J 9 1 8
A C E �
1 0 Va p our Tr a ils •
And two things have altered not Since first the world began The beauty of the wild green earth And the bravery of man. CAMERON WilSON (KILLED IN ACTION 1 9 1 8)
Bnstol Fighters setting off on a flight over the German lines In June 1 9 1 8.
ith the shortening of the days in
exceptions on the Allied side, it is probably
the late autumn of 1 9 1 7, the
true LO say that the general level of tactical
hectic pace of aerial activity
skill and nying expertise was higher in the
slackened and the Germans took sLOck of their
closed fraternal societies of the Jagdstaffelll.
position. Twice in the war a technical inno
Here the pilots were true specialists, their task
vation, an aircraft far ahead of its adversaries,
LO seek out and destroy enemy planes free
had given them the means to achieve LOtal
from the encumbrance of escort or ground
Yet, from a combination of
support roles; the manner in which they were
secondary facLOrs, this had eluded them each
rotated over different sectors of the front
time. And just as the reign of the Fokker
widened their experience; the way in which
Eindekker \\�th its synchronized Parabellum
they were concentrated often gave them a
had been cut short by the arrival in the nick of
local superiority of numbers in batlle that did
time of the 'Fees' and the
ieuports, so the
not renect the overall strengths of the two
domination of the Albatros had been first
sides; off-duty discussion of techniques and
shaken and then eclipsed by increasing
innovations was encouraged and there was a
numbers of SE5As, Camels and Spads.
free and ready traffic of ideas between design
Although there were brilliant individual
staffs and the pilots in the field.
But it was now becoming apparent that
spun. This shooting appeared to me a
their squadron equipment was a handicap and
waste of ammunition. The Hun eventually
1 91 8 when the Fokker
leading LO an unnecessary wastage of good
pulled out; Mick was fast on his tail - they
DVII was displayed.
either the Albatros DV, which entered
were now down LO 4,000 feel. The Pfalz
Seckatz of the fokker
service in mid- 1 9 1 7 , nor the Pfalz Dill of
now started twisting and turning. which
works, Bruno loerzer.
autumn 1 9 1 7 could match the developing
was a sure sign of 'wind-up'. After a sharp
lothar von Rlchthofen,
SE5A \\�th a good pilot (in this case, Britain's
burst close up, Mick administered the coup
Hans Klrschsteln,
top ace, with seventy-three vicLOries, 'Mick'
de grace, and the poor fellow went down
headlong and crashed.
German airmen In Berlin during the military aircraft trials of January
From left to right Herr
Hermann Goering.
Constantin Kreftt. Fnednch Malhnckrodt and
Fntz Schubert.
This was a remarkable exhibition, a . .. he had a fine set-LO, while his patrol
marvellous show. I felt sorry for the poor
watched the master at work. It was a
Pfalz pilot, for he put up a wonderful show
wonderful sighl. First they waltzed around
of defensive fighting. Had he only kept
one another like a couple of turkey-cocks,
spinning right down LO the ground, I think
Mick being tight on his adversary's tail.
he would have got away \\�th il.
Then the Pfalz { piloted by Lieutenant Van Ira] half-rolled and fell a few hundred feet
The Jascas needed a new Single-seater and
beneath him. Mick followed, firing as soon
they needed it urgently. As with the birth of
as he got into position. The Hun then
the SE5A the key element in the equation was
looped - Mick looped LOa, coming out
the engine. The Mercedes 1 60 h.p. with
behind and above his opponenl. The Pfalz
then spun - Mick spun also, firing as he
narrower frontal area and reduced drag)
Right: Anthony Fokker (centre) WIth Hermann Goering (right) and Bruno loerzer (left), Below: An FE2B.
p o
would, it was confidently expected, give this
the rival products. The autocratic Manfred
third generation of fighter planes climbing
von Richthofen would preside.
Testing compression on a Rolls-Royce 'Eagle' engine, salvaged from
In spite of the biting \vinds and sub-zero
significantly beller than Allied equipment.
temperatures, there was a considerable aura of
chic about the affair. Fashionable ladies stood
specifications were sent to the rival airframe
about dutifully on the tarmac, hands deep in
manufacturers with instructions to tender for
their fur muffs, or held court on the back
Left: Photograph of an
a new design to be built round the Mercedes
seats of their Mercedes Landaulelles, while
(unnamed) REB observer
160 h.p. There was lillIe time for the deSign
directors and executives of the various busi
ers to develop their ideas. The Flugzeug
ness houses whose interests were at stake,
WelleIVe IX ( Evaluation Trials) had been fixed
busily ingratiated themselves with all those,
for the last ten days of January 1 9 18 and the
notably the pilots, whose influence was criti
competing aircraft were to present themselves
cal. Exquisite food sent by Anthony Fokker in
at the Adlershof airfield at Berlin, where they
a special train from Holland (the blockade was
were to be tried for 'general flying qualities,
biting deeply in Germany at this time and
manoeuvrability, diving ability, pilot's view,
basic foods were strieLly rationed), quantities
combat qualities' and other factors. A number
of champagne looted from Rheims and, of
of the leading aces were withdrawn from the
course, the company of all those ladies from
lastas to take part in mock combats between
the Opera House were pressed on the pilots.
T R A I L S + 173
a damaged plane, at the aircraft repair depot, Rang du Fleurs, July
1 9 1 8.
taken by the pilot.
174 +
But while they may have enjoyed these things,
light. Maximum speed was US m.p.h; climb
their decision seems to have been reached on
to 1 0,000 feet was 9 1/2 minutes compared \vith
strictly realistic grounds.
the SE5As 10 minutes 20 seconds and the Camel's S minutes 10 seconds. The DVlI's
Of course we took favours from them all. It
most vital asset, however, was its ability to
was no more than our due; what we had to
hang on its propeller at altitude, where the
give in return we had already paid and
Allied machines would have stalled or have
would pay again. All this luxury and soft
had to lose height.
ness reminded us that soon we would
Production orders followed at once with
return to the bitter reality of blood and
only minor modifications to fuselage lengths
iron where so many of our comrades had
and fin. Nine weeks later the first allocations
already paid the price in full. What we had
were made to jagdgeschwader
to decide was a matter of life and death -
began to spread of the new Fokker's outstand
our own and those of our brothers who
ing qualities.
had remained behind fighting.
and word
Rudolph Stark of jasta 35 told how:
Designs had been submitted by AEG, Alba
Six Fokkers. . .great rejoicing throughout
tros, Aviatik, Fokker, Konder, Pfalz, Roland,
Rumpler, Schutle-Lanz and Siemens Schuck
and three Rolands are wheeled out for
en, but the aeroplane that stood out from all
others was the new Fokker design, the DVII.
question, who is to ny the new machines
A handsome Single-seater with a lean nanked,
I decide the last to join the Staffel must be
'razor-edge' fuselage, square wings and a very
the ones to wait. I repon to the Technical
clean, although somewhat sinister silhouette,
emphasized by its slender braCing, which was
documents to make us the happy owners
almost invisible from some angles against the
of six Fokkers that are waiting in the
Albatros, comes
A De Havilland 9A Instrument board. June 1 9 1 8.
Sopwith Tri plane
176 + A C E S
Captain Wilhelm
We got into a dog-fight this morning with
Reinhard After the
the new brand of Fokkers and they
death of Manfred von
certainly were good. They had big red
RlChthofen he took command of Jasta 1 on
stripes on the fuselage diagonally so they
22 April 1918. He scored twenty victOries before
must have been von Richthofen's old
being killed testing a
Circus. There were five of us and we ran
new aircraft in Berlin on
into five Fokkers at 1 5 ,000 feet. We both
3 July 1 9 1 8.
started climbing of course - and they out climbed us. We climbed up to 20,500 feet and couldn't get any higher. We were prac tically stalled and these Fokkers went right over our heads and got between us and the lines. They didn't want to dog-fight, but tried to pick off our rear men. Inglis and Cal were getting a pretty good thrill when we turned back and caught one Hun napping. He half rolled slowly and we got on his tail. Gosh, it's unpleasant fighting at hangar. I climb into the cockpit, which
that altitude. The slightest movement
wears an unfamiliar aspect; the engine
exhausts you.
roars; the ground rushes away from under
Your engine has no pep and splutters;
me. Swiftly we rise. The machines climb
it's hard to keep a decent formation, and
wonderfully and answer to the slightest
you lose 500 feet on a turn. The Huns
movement of the controls. We land and
came in from above and it didn't take us
put our treasures safely away in the
long to fight down to 1 2 ,000 feet. We put
hangars. The painter marks them with the
up the best fight of our lives, but these
SWf{el badge, the arrowhead on the wings,
Huns were just too good for us. Cal got a
then paints the fuselages with the coloured
shot in his radiator and went down and
bands that identify the individual pilots.
Webster had his tailplane shot to bits and
He takes particular care with my machine
his elevator control shot away. He managed
embellishing my lilac stripe with narrow
to land with his stabiliser wheel, but
black edges. Only then do the machines
cracked up.
really belong to us.
happened if some Dolphins from 84 hadn't
don't know what would have
come up and the Huns beat it. I think we It was not long before that stark, square
got one that went down in a spin while Cal
rigged outline became an object of foreboding
was shooting at it, but we couldn't see it
to the RFC. Cases of turning away and
crash. I got to circling with one Hun, just
avoiding combat, of 'suspected engine failure'
he and I, and it didn't take me long to find
or 'guns jamming' came to be recorded with
out that I wasn't going to climb above this
increased frequency as they had in the first
one. He began to gain on me and then did
days of the Albatros:
something I've never heard of before. He'd been circling with me and he'd pull around
V A P 0 U R
and point his nose at me and open fire and
T R A [ l 5
second convalescence after wounding, found
just hang there on his prop and follow me
around with his tracer. All I could do was
tapestry which has been darned and patched
keep on turning the best I could. I f I'd
until, though it hangs in the same pallern,
straightened out he'd have had me cold as
few fragments of the original cloth can be
he already had his sights on me. If I tried
recognized' .
. . . deep changes in the SrajJel, like an ancient
lO hang on my prop that way, I'd have gone
Their bravery was unquestioned. but
right inlO a spin. But this fellow just hung
billerness and cynicism multiplied as the
right there and sprayed me with lead like
fighting front contracted and the pressure of
he had a hose. All I could do was lo watch
his tracer and kick my rudder from one
Richthofen had died on 2 1 April 1 9 1 8, shot
side lo the other lo throw his aim off. This
down by a Canadian, Captain A. R. Brown
war isn't what it used lo be. (Account by
of 208 Squadron, Oying a Sopwilh Camel. The
Lieutenant John M. Grider.)
Commander of the Jagdgeschwader rang with
Issuing lewis guns and lewis and Vickers ammunition to observers
But if their equipment had been up-graded,
the names of aces - Wilhelm Reinhard, Erich
and pilots of No. 22
the human element in the jaslas was now in
Loewenhardt and Hermann Goering. Their
Squadron at the armoury
decline. Frankenberg, returning from his
life expeclancy was measured in days. The
at Vert Galand airfield, 1 April 1 9 1 8.
178 + A C E 5
H 1 G H
Circuses still daubed their old warpaint (after
Barker stayed in Italy until the end of the
Richthofen's death jagdgeschwader 2 switched
summer, by which time the war in that theatre
from red to royal blue fuselages and these
had effectively ended. He then returned to the
were boldly emblazoned - lightning for
Flying Combat School at Hounslow, to which
Graven, an arrow for Kurt Wolff, skull-and
he had been appOinted Commander.
crossbones for Georg von Hantelmann, a
But although the war in Italy was over and
the Western Front now saw the German army
Beaulieu-Marconnay). But used again and
in decline, the enemy air force remained
again, driven to the point of exhaustion, the
extremely formidable. In all-round terms the
Circuses now fought without either mercy
new Fokker DVIl was the best fighter in the
or hope.
sky. The German Air Force, though smaller in
branding iron
for Oliver,
It is fitting to close these accounts with the
terms of general quality, was still superior to
epic story of the last flight of Major William
that of the Allies. It is probably also true that
Barker who had survived in the Royal Flying
men recruited into the RFC were below the
Corps since 1 9 1 5 , when he had transferred
standards of 1 9 1 5 and 1 9 1 6, just as was the
from the machine-gun section of the Canadian
case in the army itself, and the casualty figures
Mounted Rifles. Barker had served on the
remained disturbing. Using this excuse, but
ground in the Battle of Ypres, when the
doubtless from a private nostalgia for the
Germans had used poison gas for the first time
thrills of combat, Barker arranged to become
on the Western Front and the Canadian
temporarily attached to No. 201 Squadron.
soldiers held the breach, when the French ran
Although 201 was equipped with Camels,
away, by standing on the parapet of their trench
Barker himself brought out the latest fighter,
line (where the gas was thinnest) with no more
the Sopwith Snipe, which was intended to
protection over their mouths than hand
out-perform the Fokker DVII.
kerchiefs dipped in a solution of chlorate and
For the first three weeks of October, Barker
water. Barker's first post was as observer in a
BE2C, and here his skill and accuracy with a
sortieing in their company and sometimes
machine-gun quickly proved their worth and
flying as a lone wolf, and in this period he
he shot down an Albatros on his fourth flight.
brought his total score up to forty-six planes.
He was then sent for training as a pilot and
But on 26 October he was ordered home,
again showed exceptional aptitude, soloing
taking off the following day with his tanks full
after only fifty-five minutes of dual instruction.
for the flight to England.
Barker's first charge was the dangerous and
After about twenty minutes' flying time,
unwieldy REB and he was nearly killed stand
Barker noticed a Rumpler two-seater at 2,000
ing one on its nose after making a damaged
feet to his north-end and diverted from his
landing. Transferred to Camels he brought his
homeward course to intercept it. He had been
score up to nine aircraft before being posted
lured, as so many of the aces ultimately were,
back to England as an instructor, but with the
by the prospect of one more vulnerable two
collapse of the Italian front at Caporetto there
seater to add to his score. And, just as in their
was an urgent need for British reinforcements
cases, Barker allowed his concentration to be
and the flying schools were gleaned for volun
deflected for seconds too long. As he followed
teers to accompany the expeditionary army.
the shattered Rumpler down to its death,
T R A I L S +
William Barker, a Canadian soldier who transferred to the RFC in 1 9 1 5 and became one of the most skilful pilots. On 27 Odober 1 9 1 8 he fought his epic single handed battle against more than SIXty enemy aircraft.
A C E 5
Barker suddenly felt himself under fire, and
had first attacked him, and latched on to the
tail of another, which exploded in flames after
practically severed his right thigh, smashing
the second burst. But once the Gennans had
the bone. Giving full left rudder (excruciating
satisfied themselves that there were no other
pain preventing him using the right pedal, he
English aircraft in Sight and that Barker was
was thus limited to turning one side only)
truly alone, they fell into an attack technique
Barker banked round and found himself
that could only have one end: they took it in
flying head-on into the full strength of
turns to attack him from different sides in
jagdgesclnvader 3 whose four Jastas (2, 26, 27,
clusters of five with one above and one below
and 36) were in stepped-up formation from
so that each time the Snipe evaded, it would
Captain Barker's Sopwith
8,000 feet - i n all some sixty Fokkers,
offer a target either in a loop or a dive. After a
Snipe. It was hoped that
all DVIIs!
few minutes, during which time his aircraft
this plane would be the answer to the Fokker
OVII. It was slightly larger
than the Camel, which It was designed to replace, and more stable.
There could be no escape. For an instant
was hit by over three hundred bullets, Barker
Barker's audacity in flying straight through
was wounded again, this time in the left leg,
them seems to have surprised the Germans;
so that he was almost incapable of operating
he succeeded in shooting down the plane that
the rudder controls and had to manoeuvre the
V A P 0 U R
T R A I l S +
aircraft on the joystick and thronle alone. He
Barker had now given up any thought of
had now lost so much blood from the original
coming out of the fight alive, and half
wound in his right thigh that he fainted and
delirious with pain and loss of blood would
of , 5 Squadron,
the Snipe went into a spin. However, lhe rush
try and ram his enemies when they came close
receIVes reports from
of air and unfamiliar gyrating motion must
enough. The Snipe still had some ammunition
have revived Barker for after falling some
in iLS guns and Barker managed to shoot down
6,000 feet, he instinctively pulled the Snipe
one more Fokker before his left elbow was
out of the spin, allhough lhere could be no
shanered and he became unconscious for the
escape from his pursuers who were following
second time. Again the crazy spin that
him down and whose numbers had indeed
followed made it difficult for the Fokkers both
been increased by the lowest of lhe four Jastas
to follow him down and to shoot straight.
Uas!a 27), which had been flying at 8,000 feet.
Miraculously, and almost at ground level,
A de·briefing session.
Major H. V. Stammers
MC (with scarf), CO
hiS RES crews after flying over the German lines on 25 March 1918.
Above: Sopwlth Camels from No.
65 Squadron attacking an enemy observation balloon In September 1 9 1 8.
Right: A bomb Wlth a message to the enemy being dropped from a British airship.
V A P 0 U R
T R A I l S
Barker managed to straighten out for the last time.
conscious and without control through any limb except his right wrist. Still travelling at almost maximum speed Barker tried to put the Snipe down in a field behind the British trench line. IL hit the turf at 90 m.p.h., tore off its undercarriage, slid and bounced, shedding fabric and spars for two hundred yards and then turned over. Providentially, it did not catch fire, and the Highland light lnfaOlry who pulled Barker from the wreckage were aston ished to find that his heart was still beating, although the cockpit was awash \vith blood and both legs were held on by sinew alone. Barker was unconscious for ten days but ultimately recovered the full use of his limbs in time to attend the parade at which he was awarded the Victoria Cross by King George V With the exception of Mannock's slaughter of the Aviatik Training flight in 1 9 1 7 , Barker's performance had produced the highest score (four aircraft) in the shortest lime (forty minutes) of any COOlest in the First World War. I t was an act of incredible heroism and a fitting finale to the war in the air, which came to an end twelve days later. With what were the flyers left? Memories and nostalgia of an extraordinary power, that could never be deleted; a special bond that united all, even friend and foe, who had flown without a parachute, with the dive-wind on their cheeks, to the harsh rattle of machine gun fire. Some or those who survived went on to achieve eminence in the Second World War. Arthur Gould Lee and
onnan Macmillan,
both of whose memoirs have been quoted in this book, held high positions; Ernst Udet became Chief of the Technical Office of the
Luftwaffe where he was responsible for developing the dive-bomber and (ironically) Ernest Udet, the second highest sconng German ace. DUring the Second World War he rose to be the Chief of the Technical Office of the Luftwaffe. ploneenng the use of Jet-rocket powered aircraft.
184 + A C E S
'Mick' Mannock, the highest scorer of the British aces. Ruthless in battle, he once shot down five pupils on a training flight with their instructor.
retarding the jet fighter; Goering rose to be the second most powerful man in Germany under Hitler. The summer or 1 9 1 8 took a grievous toll or the old aces. wolrr died in Richthoren's own plane. Mannock was lured to his death by an apparently defenceless two-seater. McCudden, whose elder brother had been killed in May 1 9 1 5 , and his younger brother in March 1 918, was himselr killed in a take-orr crash a rew weeks berore the Armistice.
Lothar von
Richthoren sun'ived the war but was killed in a civilian aircrart at Fuhlsbuttel in 1 922. 'Moritz' had been bequeathed by Richthoren to Gesten berg, who looked arter the dog, and arter the war he survived in Holland to a ripe old age. Civilian accidents claimed many among those adventurous spirits who could not settle down but rollowed their calling in worn-out and unserviceable aircraft, stunting and mail-nying in remote parts or the world. William Barker's ninth lire came up, and was rorreit in a take-orr accident at Onawa in 1 930, twelve years arter his single-handed duel with the Circus. Jean
avarre, taken out
or a mental home to participate in a French victory parade, killed himselr practising ror a display where he intended to ny through the Arc de Triomphe. Cecil Lewis went as rar as China,
protected him since 1 9 1 5 continued to do so and he survived to rerry Spitfires in the Second World War, leaving us one sentence that epitomizes all those memories and evocations that conjure up the bitter romance or the dog-fighting:
The way Ihe earlh lool<ed, falling; swallowing to stop deafness al alWllde; Ihe scream of wires; stars between wings; grass blown down when engines were 11m liP; Ihe smell - of dope, alld castor oil and vantish ill lIew cochpits; moon lighl shillillg 011 machine-gulls.
Ihe gasps before Ihe dive;
T R A I L 5 +
l86 + A C E 5
A p pe n d i x
Comparative chart showing when leading combat aircraft were in operation during the First World War.
• British
• Prototype
• French • German Fokker
• Operational
- ' ,np
Bristol Scour
1914 J
• • • • •
a N D
� F IM
s a N D
BE2 De Havilland DH 2 Sol"' lith 1 112 Strutter (RNAS) Nieuport 1 7 (RNAS)
Albatros DJ-DIII Sopwith Pup (RNAS) Spad XIII CI REB De Havilland DH4 Gotha G I l l B nsro ' I
r ''0"'" _L
SE5 De Havilland DH5 Albatros DV SE5A S':-I"' ;�' Camel Pfalz DIll Fokker Triplane SUI"" ,;u, nnlnh:n Siemens Schuckert Fokker DVII Fokker DVI II Pfalz DXII <;,
[. • • •
Roland ClI Sopwith Tr:'
• • •
A P P E N 0 I
+ 187
188 + A C E 5
A p pe n d ix
Comparative weights and performance of leading combat aircraft of the First World War.
M aximum speed (m.p.h.)
Weight (Ibs) Empty
Ground level
80 h.p. EI
80 h.p. Le Rhone
70 h. p. Renault
IIO h.p. Clerget
130 h.p. Clerget
130 h.p. Le Rhone
220 h.p.
140 h.p. RAF 4A
190 h.p. Falcon I
160 h.p. Mercedes
200 h.p.
Sopwith Camel
130 h.p. Clerget
160 h. p. Mercedes
Fokker Monoplane EI 1915-16
Brisrol Scout C and 0 1915-16
BE2, 2A and 2B 1914-16
Sopwith 1 1 /2 Strutter 1915-17
Sopwith Triplane 1916-18
Sopwith Pup 1916-17
Bristol Fighter 1916-18
Albarros DV 1916-18
Fokker DVII 1917-18
Pfalz DXII
130· 170 h.p. DIIIA
1917-18 . Later marks
A P P E N 0 I X
Maximum speed (m.p.h.)
Time taken to climb
At 10.000 feet
to 10.000 feet
Service ceiling (feet) -
Over 40 minutes
Number built
(hours) 1 0.
ApptOx 6 5
2 0.
Approx 180
21 minutes 20 seconds
29 mins 30 sec
Approx 5.990
II mms 50 sec
2 0.
Approx 150
14 mms 25 sec
Approx 1.800
8 mins
22 mJns
4 0.
Approx 4.300
14 mms 30 sec
3 11'4
Approx ),528
14 mins 8 sec
3 0.
Approx 526
12 mins 30 sec*
10 mins 20 sec
Approx 5.000
10 mms 3 5 sec
Approx 5.500
14 mlns
9 mins 20 sec·
2 0."
Approx 950.
11 mms
Approx 850
Approx 1.200·
Approx 400
190 + A C E S
I n de x Barker, William, VC 163, 178,
ace system 144 Admiralty 1 1 , 1 1 4 aircraft production 1 1 6. 189; Britain 22, 24, 54, 1 1 4;
1 79, 180, 180-1, 183, 185 BE aircraft 16; BE2 18, 24, 36, 83, 186-7,
USA 161-2, 167 airships 18, 22, 182; Zeppelin 20, 24, 43
BE2A and B 18, 26, 188-9; BE2C 18, 33, 40, 43, 52, 77, 101, 103, 1 1 5, 118
Aisne, Baule of the 1 1 , 24
Beaulieu-Marconnay, Oliver,
AlbalTos aircraft 20, 174;
Freiherr von 178
CI 27;
BEF 14, 23, 24
D stries 56-7;
Bishop, William, VC
Dl and 11 4 1 , 43, 55-6, 8 1 , 87,
Bittorf, Ernst 1 5 1
106, 134
FE2B 52, 55, 64, 1 71 ;
insignia 146, 148-9, 149, 153
FE2D 59, 86;
'Circuses, Flying' 88 Collishaw, Raymond 106, 122, 124, 124 Coppens, Willy 148 Cowdin, Elliot 137, 138 Cronyn, V P. 132
DlII 'Vee-Struller' 74, 77, 8 1 , 87, 109, (supremacy) 43, 8 1 , 83, 85, 88, 108;
DV 53, 88, I l l , 168, 170, 186-7, 188-9
XI series 24, 24
170, 173-4; De Havilland aircraft 1 1 4; DH2 39, 40, 42, 47, 54, 58-9,
1 1 0, 125, 186-7,
Boelcke, Oswald 3 1 , 35, 37, 39,
47, 55, 57, 58, 127;
(Richthofen's) 97, 105,
Anteriha-Programm 91
effect of war 94, 94, 96, 103;
Amiens, Battle of 167
tactics and organization 37,
hand guns 25, 46, 48;
Dr! Triplane 23, 85, 88, 95,
1 10, 127, 186-7, (design) DH4 1 18, 1 6 1 , 162, 1B6-7;
unofficial adaptations 12, 19-
DVlll 23, 186-7;
Blue Max 1 1 1 , 123, 144
DH5 186-7;
ami-aircraft fire 66-7, 67
178, 186-7, 188-9, (selection of design) 1 70,
death 4 1 , 96;
armaments 25, 27, 46-54;
173 Fokker aircraft 25, 53; DVlI 159, 167, 1 74, 176-7,
Curtis aircraft 1 6 1
54, 138;
Fokker, Anthony 5 1 , 52, 1 7 1 ,
Dl 4 1 ;
Allmenroder, Karl 1 1 2, 123, 124
Alexander, W.M.
Factory Festner, Sebastian 97, 99
Cruickshank, G.L. 1 1 2
Bltnot aircraft 22; Monoplanes 9, 18, 140- 1 ;
FE8 50 Famborough see Royal Aircraft
Cunnell, D.e. 124
Black Flight 122-4
108, 186-7;
FE2 40;
COiffard, Michel 1 46, 148
Germany 9 1 ;
Cigognts, Lts 39, 89, 96, 146,
4 1 , 146 Boillot, Georges 148 bombing 24, 25, 27, 46, 89, 9 1 , 182
DH9A 1 74 decoration of aircraft: Black Flight 122; German pilots' 88, 105-6, 1 1 2- 1 3 , 1 1 4, 1 2 3 , 176, 1 78;
see also insignia
(Voss's) 105, 1 1 4; E series (Eindekker) 37, 38, 39, 39, 52, 53-4, 55, 168; EI 23, 27, 40, 5 1 -4, 186-7, 188-9; Elll 38,54; M 5K 5 1 Fonck, Renf 98, 152, 153
20, 2 1 , 23, 25, 27, 30, 48,
Boyau, Maurice 145, 1 48
denector airscrew 45, 5 1
Foot, Captain 1 2 1
Bozon·Verduraz, Benjamen 98
Deperdussin aircraft 22, 27
forcing down o f aircraft 1 5
see also interrupter gear;
Breguet aircraft 85, 162
design 22-3, 1 1 3-20, 167, 168;
machine-guns; synchronizer
Bristol aircraft 1 14;
gear Arras, Battle of 82, 83, 84 artillery 24, 83, 1 1 3; anti-aircraft 66-7. 67
Astra Torres No.3 airship 1 8 Audain, Lt-Colonel 72
Fighter 9 1 , 105, 130, 1 69, 186-7, 1 88-9; Scout 27, 52, 107, 186-7, 188-9
Aviatik aircraft 20, 33, 106, 1 74,
Brooke-Popham, H.R.M. 1 9 Brown, A.R. 1 77
Avro aircraft: 500 18;
Ball, Albert, VC 4, 55, 103, 106-7, 107; death 78, 130, 185; in 56 Squadron 107, 1 1 9-20, 1 2 1 , 1 28, 129, 130 balloons, observation 70, 72, 74; 'balloon busting' 143, 1 45, 146, 148, 1 82
composition and organization 22-3, 83; von Richthofen on bravery 65;
d u Peuty, Jean 22, 98
strategic bomber force 25. 9 1 ; strength 24, 167; tactics 155; training 140·1;
engines 22-3, 31-2, 55, 188; see
also individual makes Escadrille Americaine 136·43, 162
504 24, 30;
Frantz, Joseph 24 French Air Force 144·53;
Douglas aircraft company 1 6 1
23, 24 Brocard, Felix 98, 153
504K 46
DFW CV aircraft 27, 43, 76 displays, air 10, 10, 1 1 , 19
British Expeditionary Force 14,
Australian Flying Corps 165 183
see also individual aircraft
US connection 103, 136-43, 162, 164;
see also Escadrilles de Chasse French squadron in RAF 9 1
Escadrilles de Chasse 4 1 , 88, 89, C Class aircraft 27, 1 5 6
146, 149; see also Cigognes,
Cambrai, Ballie o f 1 5 6 Cambray, w. e . 59
Les; Escadrille Americaine;
Garros. Roland 5 1 . 51
Sportifs, Les
Genet, Claude 140
Campbell, Douglas 1 3 7 , 160,
escort duties 1 J 3, 156, 168
German Air Force: ace system 144 ;
164 Canadians see Barker; Black Flight; Brown casualties, total 167
communications 109, 123; Farman. Henri 1 3 Farman aircraft 6 . 22. 24. 32;
Caudron RlV 1 4 1
Henri Farman Biplane 18;
Central Flying School, RFC I I
Maurice Farman Biplane.
Chalakoff, Count 10 Chambers, Read 103
Balsley, Clyde 138
Chapman, Victor 137, 138
Bares, Commandant 22
Churchill, Winston 1 1 , 1 1 4
'Shorthorn' 12-14, 14; Maurice Farman 51 1 Biplane 18 FE aircraft 49, 168;
composition and organization 20, 22, 37, 4 1 , 88-9, 109, 1 1 3, 156, (see also
Jagdstaffe l); equipment 20. 22·3; strength 24, 167; tactics 27, 4 1 , 43, 83, 88, 1 1 3, 156, 168;
[raining 9 1 , 1 1 3, 167 German High Command 14, 20. 9 1 , 158
jasla I I 4 1 , 97, 99, 1 0 1 , 103, 122-3, 128, 130, 164
Perham Down Review ( 1 9 1 3 ) 6
mascots 143, 160
Gnome engines 23, 32, 34
Joffre, Joseph Jacques Cesaire
Mayberry, R.A. 132
medical services 30, 72, 77. 79, 136, 137
Gontermann, Heinrich 86, 148 Goodden, F.W 1 18-19
Kirschstein, Hans 1 70
Gotha Gill aircraft 186·7
Knight, C.R.N. 121
Grider, John M. 176-7
Kraggs, K.T. 121
Gros, Edmund 136
Krefft, Lieutenant 99, 1 70
Pochon, Soldat
Powell, Sergeanl 91
1 73-4, 188
Prince, Norman
Allleticaillf Landlol, Comtesse de 7
Messines, Battle of 96
psychiatric problems 70, 72, 79, 92, 94, 98, 107;
CV 27;
Lehmann, H.M.T. 121
CLII 156;
Lewis, Cecil 28, 79, 1 19, 1 2 1 , 1 2 1 , 185
Hall, Bert 68, 137, 138
Lewis, Isaac Newton 19-20, 48
Hall, J.G. 1 6 1
Lewis gun 19-20, 33, 35, 48, 49,
Hall, James 140
128, 1 77;
Hannover CUI and III aircraft
on DH2 54, 127;
156 Hanoveraner Biplane 90 HanteJmann, Georg von 178 Harvey-Kelly, H.D. 1 5
Hawker, Lanoe G . 3 1 . 40, 57-9, 58, 100, 106, 1 10
on Sopwith 1 1/2 Strutter 41
avarre, Jean 1 4 1 , 185
offensive patrols 39, 40, 52,
Nieuport aircraft 107, 80, 84,
1 48;
1 1 8tbt 39, 40, 53-4; 17 4 1 , 55, 55, 85, 1 02, 142,
Ludendorff, Erich von 167 Lufbery, Raoul 62, 103, 104, 137, 140, 143
Hoidge, R.T.C. 1 2 1 , 132, 133
Luke, FrankJr 140, 143, 148
Hotchkiss machine-gun 24
LVG 20. 48; CII 43
186-7; 28 70 ivelle, Robert 83, 105 Nordhoff, Charles 140 ungesser, Charles 149, 150, 151, 151-2
37, 39, 5 1 , 1 38; death 55, 57, 146 insignia: Cigognfs 146, 148-9. 149, 153;
Escadrille Americail1f 136, 1389; Nungesser 149. 150 interrupter gear 25, 40, 48, 50, 5 1 , 54, 56 Italian squadron in RAF 9 1
McCudden, James, VC 55, 68, 106, 1 1 2, 126, 127, 185; in combat 105, 1 28, 132, 133 machine-guns 48. 50-4; experimental mounting of 1920, 24, 25, 27, 32; see also lewis, Parabellum, Spandau
and Vickers guns
pilots trained as 64, 100, 103, 107, 1 78;
see also reconnaissance offensive tactics 39, 40, 52. 64-5, 83-4, 85, 167 O'Gorman, Mervyn 1 1 3-14, 1 1 5, 1 1 8
Ordre pour I e Mtrile see Blue Max
McKeever, lieutenant 91
J Class aircraft 43, 156
jagdgeschwader 88-9, 109 jagdgnlppe 88-9 jagdslaffel UaSla) 4 1 , 56-7, 88,
Mallinckrodt. Friedrich 1 70
Parabellum gun 37, 48, 5 1-4,
122, 170, 183, 184, 185
parachutes 70, 72, 73 , 74, 75
Mannock, 'Mick', VC /OS, 106, manoeuvres a-la. 12, 61-5, 85, 1 10-12, 126 Marne, Battle of the 1 1 , 24
recruits 29, 5 4 , 9 2 , 94, 99 Reid, E.V 122, 124
Reinhard, Wilhelm 1 76, 177 RFC Sf< Royal Flying Corps Rheims air displays 9, 10, 1 1 , 13, 19 Rhys-Davids, A . P. F. , MC 106, 1 06, 1 1 9, 132, 132, 1 3 5 Richthofen, Lothar von 64, 97,
99, 1 04, 125; aircraft 97, 105, 1 09; on Allies 64-5, 125; combat 57-9, 79, 100, 1 24, 1 28; combat log 64-5, 68; commands 4 1 , 88, 109; dealh 62, 122, 165, 167, 177; dog, Moritz 93, 97, 100, 185; and Fokker DVII 173; .as observer 100; psychology 65 , 92, 98, 100, 103, 108;
Macmillan, Norman 65-6, 183
Jacobs, Lieutenant 25
17, 19, 20, 46, 1 1 3 recreation 28, 30·1, 100, 107
99, 108, 130, 1 70, 185
observers 60, 64, 1 18, 1 72; McConnell,James 137-8
64-5, 83-4, 85, 167; as sole role of aircraft 10, 14,
Richlhofen, Manfred von 57, 97, Oberursel engine 5 3
Immeimann, Max 3 1 , ] 1 , 36,
162; balloons 70, 72, 74;
life expectancy 84, 92, 120, 1 7 7
LOrzer. Bruno 1 1 2, J 71
reconnaissance 20, 24, 27, 1 56,
Royal Navy Air Service
10 27;
loewenhardt, Erich 1 7 7
naval air services 20; see also
Liberty engine 1 6 1
Hertaux, Alfred 98, 152
Hoeppner, Ernst von 4 1 , 125,
163, 1 72, 178, 186-7, 188-9 Nash, G.E. 122, 123
French Escadrilles 136, 146,
ieuporlS 39, 55; on SE5
RE aircraft: RE4 18; RE8 52, 83, 1 1 4-17, 1 1 7, 1 18,
I'Hermite, Capitaine 148
1 4 1 , 149
132, 133
128, 168;
85, 1 19, 135;
Quenault, Louis 24
93, 97, 100, 185 Muspratt, K.K.
on FEs 49, 52, 59;
Henderson, Sir David 24. 70 Hispano-Suiza company 1 18,
54 Moritz (von Richthofen's dog)
Lebaudy airships 2 2
neuroses 65, 100, 103 'pushers' 24, 25, 27, 40, 54, 55
Morane aircraft 45, 83; Bullet
Leach, J.D. 1 2 1 Lee, Arthur Gould 68, 183
o series 41
Mons, Battle of 24
Morane·Saulnier aircraft 22, 27
Halberstadt aircraft 137, 1 5 1 ;
136, 1 38, 140
propaganda 3 1 , I l l , 1 3 7 , 144
Le RhOne engines 23, 53, 188 Haig, Douglas, 1st Earl 1 1 5
Memard. Lieutenant 80
Mitchell, William 164
96, 149, 149, l S I, 152;
Pilkem Ridge, batLle of 76
Melville, N.B. 121
Groves, R.M. 70
memorial 144
DXII 186-7, 188-9 photography, aerial 1 1 5, 157
Mercedes engines 56, 170,
Metz 24
Lafayette Escadrille see Escadrille
Dill 170, 186-7;
Piltgouills (Bleriot trainers) 1 4 1
ground support 27, 4 1 , 43, 168 Guynemer, Georges 62, 96-8,
Pfalz aircraft 174;
Maxwell, G.j.c.
Marr, Kenneth 160
Jenny', Curtis, trainer 1 6 1
1 70, 1 71 , 177, 185
Martinsyde Scout 32·5
Gerrard, FL 6 Goering, Hennann 1 0 1 , 1 1 2,
54, 168
Lrophies 100, 100 Rickenbacker, 'Eddie' 137, 140, 160
Paris 24, 1 4 1 , 144, 148
RNAS see Royal Naval Air
Parschau, Lieutenanl 5 1
Passchendaele. Battle o f 96
Roberts, Lieutenanl 79
1 92 + A C E 5
Rockwell, Kimn
\36, \ 37, 138,
Roland aircraft 174; CII
Saulnier, Raymond 20, 48, 50 Schaefer, Emil 97, 99
140 186-7;
Taube 20 Rolls-Royce engines 89, 1 1 8, 1 73 Rooseveh, Quentin 70
Spandau gun -fa, 56
Spor/ifs, Les
89. l-I6, 147
Schleich, Hauptmann 1 1 0
Slark, Rudolph I H, 176
Schneider, Franz 20, 48
Strange. Lt Louis 32-5
Schubert, lieutenant
superstition 1 00-1, I l l , 1 4 1 ,
1 70
Schweizer, Paul 1 5 1 SCOUIS (aircrafl) 27, 32, 52, 62,
1 35 Vincent , J esse 1 6 1 Voisin aircraft 22, 24, 25 Voss. Werner 64, 65-6, 103, 1 05-6, 1 1 4, 133; dealh 130, 132-3. 1 35
Supply Directorate 1 14 synchronizer gear 25, 39. 4 l .
Ross interrupter gear 56
1 1 3;
ROth. lieUienant 1 1 0
Martinsyde 32-5;
50, 5-1. 55, 8 1 , 1 68
Waller, j.H. 55
Royal Aero Club 10, I I
see also Bristol aircraft (Scout);
Wehner, Joseph
Royal Air Force: establishment
Nieuport aircraft (17)
\Vilson, Cameron 1 68
89, 91 ;
Scriven, General 1 6 1
Flying Combal School 178;
SE5/SE5A aircraft 43, 64-5, 85,
Independent Air Force 91 ; strength and casualties 24, 1 67;
86, 88, 1 18-21, 120, 1 26-35,
design 1 3 1 ;
208 Squadron 177
introduction 85, 105;
70, 1 1 3-14, 1 1 8 Royal Aircraft Factory 85, 1 18 Royal Flying Corps: and BEF
Wissemann, Kurt 98
German 37, 41 , 43, 83, 88,
Wolff, Kurt 97, 99, 178, 1 85
homogeneous units and 27,
success 155, 1 68. 170; time in operation 186-7; weight and performance
see also ground support; Taube aircraft 1 5 , 20, 20, 24 Thaw, William 137, 1 38, 143
Thomsen, Hermann 22, 41
Shepherd. Gordon 32
creation 10- 11 ;
'Shorthorn' biplane 1 2-1 4, 1 4
1 78;
composition and organization
Siegert, Wilhelm 2 2 , 41
German 53, 91 , 1 1 3, 106,
I I 27, 9 1 , 1 0 7 ;
1 3 107;
122, 124
Siemens Schuckert aircraft 1 74, Smuts,Jan Christian 9 1 Snyder, JH. 157 Somme, BalLles of the: first 50, 54, 84, 105,1 09;
20 59;
second 1 56, 1 58,1 67
24 39-40, 55, 58; 29 39, 1 02; 32 1 60; 34 1 15 , 1 16, 1 18; 41 50;
songs, mess 31 , 44, 60, 1 10,
l 'n StrulLer 40- 1 , 55-6, 55, 83, 83, 84, 186-7, 188-9; Camel 43, 85. 90,1 24-6. 126, (introduction) 85, 105,
54 1 10;
(manoeuvrability) 85, 126,
56 86, 107, 1 1 0, 1 1 9 1 21 ,
155, (time in operation) 186-7, (weighl and performance)
65 182;
Dolphin 85, 166, 186-7;
70 83;
Pup 4 1 , 58, 85.1 1 0- 12, 1 1 2,
98 46 casualties 167; composition and organisation 1 1 , 23-4, 9 1 ; creation 1 1; equipment 55, 58, 84, 88. 1 1 0, 1 1 3, 1 22-4; squadrons: Eastchurch 18, (1 0) 84, 1 22-4; training 8 Rumpler aircraft 174, 178; CIV 27
triplanes 84-5; see also unde,.
Fokker and Sopwith aircraft
Sopwith aircraft 1 14;
52 l i S, 1 1 7;
Royal Naval Air Service:
Trenchard, Hugh, 1st Viscount
147,1 68, 1 7 7 , 182,
1 21 , 1 26-135;
1 1 2, 1 1 3, 1 20;
2-1, 39, 77, 83-4,1 67
46 134, 135;
59 1 18;
in laClics 6 1 , 62, 63, 64, 65
1 6 163;
22 128, 1 77;
training 7-8, 46. 66, 140-1, 162,
Royal Flying Corps 1 1-14,
134, 135, 186-7, 188-9, (RNAS 55, 58, I \ 3 ; Snipe 85, 163, 1 78, 1 79,
Udel, Ernsl 1 1 2, 183, 183,1 85 United States of America: Air Service 70, 1 41 , 1 43, 162, 164, 167; aircraft production 1 61 -2, 167; Ambulance Field Service 136, 137; impact on war 91 , 1 60-2, 164,1 67; Signal Corps Aviation Section 161; volunteers 91 , 103, 1 04, 136-13, 1 62. 164
186-7; Tabloid 27; Triplane 58, 84-5, 90, 122-5, 166, 1 75, 186-7, 188-9,
Van Ira, lieutenant 170 Verdun, Bailie of 4 1 , 83, 96,
(RNAS) 58, 84, 88, 1 1 0,
138, 1-10, 146;
1 1 3, 1 22-4
German Air Force 39, 52, 54,
Sowrey, lieutenant 43 Spad aircraft 136.1 46, 148-9,
55, \38 Vickers aircraft FB 5 'Gunhus'
155, 1 62; VII 39, 84, 85, H I ,
146; XIII 23, 43, 85, 168,
PS9 32
186-7, 1 88-9
Ypres salienl 70, 7 1 , 123, 178
offensive tactics
casualties 83-4, 167;
6 Squadron 32-5 ;
\\'right Biplane 1 9
Vee formation 94;
Sharman, JE.
Woodbridge, A.E. 1 24
37, 39, 56-7, 88, l-I6;
1 4, 23, 24;
10-1 1 , 18, 23-4, 89, 9 1 ;
Wilson, Sir Henry 140
French 146. 1 5 5 ; 1 1 3, 146, 1 56, 1 68;
1 60; armament 85, 11 9, 135;
201Squadron 177,1 78; Royal Aircraft Establishment: 54,
laclics 3 1 , 60-7, 88-9;
Vickers gun 39, 41 , 55, 85, 128,
Zeppelins 20, 24; L32 -!3