Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series Apr., 2005, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 289–302 Published online: Feb. 18, 2005 DOI: 10.1007/s10114-004-0490-4 Http://
A Biordered Set Representation of Regular Semigroups
Bing Jun YU College of Mathematics and Software Science, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu 610066, P. R. China E-mail:
[email protected]
Mang XU Department of Applied Mathematics, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, P. R. China E-mail: mangxu@ Abstract In this paper, for an arbitrary regular biordered set E, by using biorder-isomorphisms between the ω-ideals of E, we construct a fundamental regular semigroup WE called NH-semigroup of E, whose idempotent biordered set is isomorphic to E. We prove further that WE can be used to give a new representation of general regular semigroups in the sense that, for any regular semigroup S with the idempotent biordered set isomorphic to E, there exists a homomorphism from S to WE whose kernel is the greatest idempotent-separating congruence on S and the image is a full symmetric subsemigroup of WE . Moreover, when E is a biordered set of a semilattice E0 , WE is isomorphic to the Munn-semigroup TE0 ; and when E is the biordered set of a band B, WE is isomorphic to the Hall-semigroup WB . Keywords Biordered set, Biorder-isomorphism between ω-ideals, NH-semigroup WE , Full symmetric subsemigoup MR(2000) Subject Classification
Introduction and Preliminaries
It is well known that the following two theorems due to, Munn [1] and, Hall [2] are milestones in the development of the theory of regular semigroups. Munn Theorem (Cf. [1]) Let E be a semilattice. For each e ∈ E the set Ee = {f ∈ E | f ≤ e} is a subsemilattice of E called the principal ideal generated by e. The uniformity relation U on E is given by U = {(e, f ) ∈ E × E | Ee ∼ = Ef }. For each (e, f ) ∈ U define Te,f to be the set of all isomorphisms from Ee onto Ef . Let TE = {Te,f | (e, f ) ∈ U }. Then we have (1) TE is a fundamental inverse semigroup whose semilattice of idempotents is isomorphic to E. TE is called the Munn semigroup (of the semilattice E) ; Received September 20, 2002, Accepted March 16, 2004 This project is supported by the Key Research Foundations No. [1999]127 and No. [2002]48 of the Education Department of Sichuan Province and the Fundamental Application Research No. [01GY051-64] of the Department of Science and Technology of Sichuan Province
Yu B. J. and Xu M.
(2) For every inverse semigroup S with semilattice of idempotents E there is a homomorphism from S to TE whose kernel is the greatest idempotent-separating congruence on S and the image is a full inverse subsemigroup of TE . Hall Theorem (Cf. [2]) Let B be a band. For each e ∈ B the set eBe = {f ∈ B | f ≤ e} is a subband of B called the principal ideal generated by e. The uniformity relation U on B is given by U = {(e, f ) ∈ B × B | eBe ∼ = f Bf }. For each (e, f ) ∈ U , the set of all isomorphisms from eBe onto f Bf is denoted by We,f . If α ∈ We,f , define 1–1 partial transformations α ∈ I (B/L ) and αr ∈ I ∗ (B/R) by the formulae Lx α = Lxα , αr Rx = Rxα , x ∈ eBe. Moreover, for each e ∈ B define transformations ρe ∈ T (B/L ) and λe ∈ T ∗ (B/R) by Lx ρe = Lexe and λe Rx = Rexe , x ∈ B. Finally define WB = {(ρe α , αr−1 λf ) | α ∈ We,f , (e, f ) ∈ U }. Then we have (1) WB is an orthodox semigroup with band of idempotents B ∗ = {(ρe , λe ) | e ∈ B} isomorphic to B. WB is called the Hall semigroup (of the band B); (2) For every orthodox semigroup S with band of idempotents B there is a homomorphism from S to WB whose kernel is the greatest idempotent-separating congruence on S and the image is a full orthodox subsemigroup of WB . (3) When B is a semilattice, WB ∼ = TB . It is also well known that in 1974, Nambooripad established the theory of regular biordered sets and gave globally the structure of general regular semigroups in the sense of equivalence of categories (cf. [3, 4]). But up to now there has not been any analogue of TE or WB for general regular semigroups. This is somehow a strange lack in the development of the Theory of Regular Semigroups. In this paper, we attempt to fill the gap in the development of the theory of regular semigroups. The analogue semigroup for general regular semigroups is denoted by WE (see the next section), where E is an arbitrary regular biordered set. We call WE the NH semigroup of E in memory of the pioneering work contributed by Nambooripad and Hall. Before giving the construction of WE , we recall some definitions and preliminaries. Let E be a non-empty set, DE ⊆ E × E. If there exists a mapping p from DE to E, then E = (E, p) is called a partial 2-algebra and the p is called the basic product of E. ∀ (e, f ) ∈ DE , the product p(e, f ) is usually denoted by ef . If ∀ e, f, g ∈ E, the existence of both (ef )g and e(f g) implies (ef )g = e(f g); then E is called a partial semigroup. Let E be a partial 2-algebra. The following binary relations on E will play a central role. ω = {(e, f ) ∈ DE |ef = e}, κ = ω ∪ ωr ,
ω = ω ∩ ωr ,
−1 ω r = {(e, f ) ∈ DE |f e = e},
L = ω ∩ (ω )−1 ,
R = ω r ∩ (ω r )−1 .
For any e ∈ E, the sets ω (e) = {f ∈ E|f ω e},
ω r (e) = {f ∈ E|f ω r e},
are called left, right and ω-ideals generated by e respectively.
ω(e) = {f ∈ E|f ω e}
A Biordered Set Representation of Regular Semigroups
If P is a statement expressed by the relations above, the statement P ∗ obtained by replacing ω with ω r and the left factors with right factors in all the basic products in P is called the dual of P . Definition 1.1 (Cf. [4, Definition 1.1]) Let E be a partial 2-algebra. E is called a biordered set if the following six axioms and their duals hold, where e, f, g etc are any elements in E. (B1) Both ω and ω r are quasi-orders (i.e., reflexive and transitive), and DE = κ ∪ κ−1 . (B21) f ω r e ⇒ f R f e ω e. (B22) g ω f, f, g ∈ ω r (e) ⇒ ge ω f e. (B31) g ω r f ω r e ⇒ gf = (ge)f . (B32) g ω f, f, g ∈ ω r (e) ⇒ (f g)e = (f e)(ge). (B4) g, f ∈ ω r (e), ge ω f e ⇒ there exists g1 ∈ ω r (e) such that g1 ω f and g1 e = ge. Moreover, the set M (e, f ) = ω (e) ∩ ω r (f ) is called the M-set of (e, f ). Define a binary relation ≺ on M (e, f ) by: ∀ g, h ∈ M (e, f ), g ≺ h ⇐⇒ eg ω r eh and gf ω hf . The set S(e, f ) = {h ∈ M (e, f )|∀ g ∈ M (e, f ), g ≺ h} is called the sandwich set of (e, f ). A biordered set E is called regular, if the following regularity axiom holds: ∀ e, f ∈ E, S(e, f ) = ∅.
Definition 1.2 (Cf. [4, Definition 1.2]) Let E and E be regular biordered sets, a mapping θ : E −→ E is called a bimorphism (biorder-morphism), if the following axiom holds ∀ (e, f ) ∈ DE , (eθ, f θ) ∈ DE and (ef )θ = (eθ)(f θ).
The bimorphism θ is called regular, if S(e, f )θ ⊆ S (eθ, f θ), (∀ e, f ∈ E), where S (e , f ) denotes the sandwich set of (e , f ) in E . When bimorphism θ is a bijection and θ −1 is also a bimorphism, θ is called a biorderθ isomorphism or simply isomorphism if there is no danger of ambiguity and denoted by E ∼ = E . Obviously any biorder-isomorphism is a regular bimorphism. Definition 1.3 (Cf. [4, Definition 1.11]) Let E be a biordered set. A subset E ⊆ E is called a biordered subset of E, if the restriction to E of the basic product of E makes E be a biordered set. Moreover, a biordered subset E is called relatively regular in E, if the inclusion is a regular bimorphism. We list some results about biordered sets needed later. Theorem 1.4 (Cf. [4, Theorem 1.1]) Let S be a semigroup with non-empty set of idempotents denoted by E(S). Letting DE(S) = {(e, f ) ∈ E(S) × E(S)|{ef, f e} ∩ {e, f } = ∅}, then the restriction to DE(S) of the operation on S makes E(S) be a biordered set called the idempotent biordered set of S. For any e, f ∈ E(S), letting S1 (e, f ) = {h ∈ M (e, f )|ehf = ef }, S2 (e, f ) = M (e, f ) ∩ V (ef ), we have (1) S1 (e, f ) = S2 (e, f ) ⊆ S(e, f ). (2) ef is a regular element of S if and only if S1 (e, f ) = ∅ and in this case S1 (e, f ) = S(e, f ). (3) If S is a regular semigroup, then E(S) is a regular biordered set. Proposition 1.5 (Cf. [4, 5])
Let E be a biordered set. We have
Yu B. J. and Xu M.
(1) ∀ e ∈ E, ω (e), ω r (e) and ω(e) are all relatively regular biordered subsets of E. (2) E is a partial semigroup: ∀e, f, g ∈ E, if (ef )g, e(f g) exist, then (ef )g = e(f g). Proposition 1.6 (Cf. [5, Proposition 1.27]) Let E be a partial 2-algebra satisfying the axioms (B1)–(B32) and their duals. Then E is a biordered set if and only if the following axiom also holds : (A5) (∀ e, f, g ∈ E), {e, f } ⊆ ω r (g) ∪ ω (g) ⇒ gS(e, f )g = S(geg, gf g). Proposition 1.7 (Cf. [4, Propositions 2.2, 2.5, 2.12]) Let E be a biordered set. For any e, f, g ∈ E, the following results and their duals hold : (1) (e, f ) ∈ DE =⇒ ef ∈ S(f, e). (2) e L e , f R f =⇒ S(e, f ) = S(e , f ). (3) g ∈ S(e, f ) and h ω r f =⇒ S(g, h) ⊆ S(e, h) ; moreover, S(g, h) = ∅ ⇔ S(e, h) = ∅. (4) If α : ω(f ) −→ ω(f ) is a biorder-isomorphism, h1 ∈ S(e, f ), h2 ∈ S(f , g), h1 = (h1 f )α, h2 = (f h2 )α−1 , then S(h1 , h2 ) ⊆ S(e, h2 ), S(h1 , h2 ) ⊆ S(h1 , g), and (S(h1 , h2 )f )α = f S(h1 , h2 ). Proposition 1.8 (Cf. [4, 5]) τ r (e), τ (e) on E as follows :
Let E be a biordered set, e ∈ E. Define partial transformations
τ r (e) : ω r (e) → ω(e), x → xe;
τ (e) : ω (e) → ω(e), y → ey. τ (f )| ω(e) if e L f, Moreover, for any (e, f ) ∈ L ∪ R, define τ (e, f ) = We have τ r (f )| ω(e) if e R f. (1) τ (e)[τ r (e)] is a regular bimorphism from ω (e)[ω r (e)] onto ω(e). (2) For any (e, f ) ∈ L ∪ R, τ (e, f ) is a biorder-isomorphism from ω(e) onto ω(f ) with (τ (e, f ))−1 = τ (f, e). (3) If e L f L g or e R f R g, then τ (e, f )τ (f, g) = τ (e, g). Derfinition 1.9 (Cf. [5, Definition 1.32]) Let E be a biordered set, I, Λ two non-empty sets. A subset A = {eiλ |i ∈ I, λ ∈ Λ} of E is called an E-array, if ∀ i, j ∈ I, λ, µ ∈ Λ, eiλ R eiµ , eiλ L ejλ . Moreover for any I ⊆ I, Λ ⊆ Λ, the subset A = {eiλ |i ∈ I , λ ∈ Λ } is called a subarray e f . of A. When |I| = |Λ| = 2, A is called an E-square, denoted by A= g h e f An E-square is called τ -commutative, if τ (e, f )τ (f, h) = τ (e, g)τ (g, h); an E-array g
A is called τ -commutative, if each E-square in A is τ -commutative. In order to simplify the proofs we will employ “arrow diagrams” created by Easdown in [6–10] to express the biorders and corresponding properties in a biordered set E. They are defined by −→= ω r , > = ω and ←→=−→ ∩(−→)−1 , > < = > ∩ (> )−1 etc. Lemma 1.10 Let E be a regular biordered set, (e, f ) ∈ DE . For any g ∈ S(e, f ), we have eg ←→ ef, gf> <ef . Proof The proof is divided into four cases: (i) e −→ f , (ii) f> e, (iii) e> f and (iv) f −→ e. We prove cases (i) and (iv). Cases (ii) and (iii) can be proved dually.
A Biordered Set Representation of Regular Semigroups
(i) e −→ f . In this case we have the left diagram below. From e ∈ M (e, f ), g ∈ S(e, f ), we have e −→ eg, ef> gf . Since g> e, we have eg>-e. Hence eg = e ←→ ef . Moreover, by (B22) g> e and g e ∈ ω r (f ) imply gf> ef . Hence gf> <ef . (iv) f −→ e. In this case we have the right diagram below. From f −→ e, e −→ e and Proposition 1.6, S(e, f e) = S(e, f )e = S(e, f ), we have g ∈ S(e, f e). Since f e ∈ M (e, f e), we have f e ≺ g in M (e, f e). So f e = (f e)(f e)> g(f e). Moreover g ∈ S(e, f e), g −→ f e together imply g(f e)> - f e. Hence f e = g(f e), g ←→ f e. Furthermore f −→ e implies f ←→ f e by (B1), so g ←→ f, gf = f = ef . Finally g ←→ f e > - e, g > e induce g > - e, thus eg = g ←→ f = ef . ef @ @ @ R @ f 6
fe I 6@ @ @ @ @ R @ f = ef 6
e 6 @ @ @ ∧ ∧ eg > < g - gf 2
e 6 @ @ @ ∧ ∧ eg > < g - gf
Construction and Properties of WE
Throughout this section, E always denotes an arbitrary regular biordered set, E/> < and E/←→ are the sets of all L - and R-equivalence classes respectively. Let A be a non-empty set. The right [left] transformation semigroup on A is denoted by T (A) [T ∗ (A)] with composition from left [right] to right [left]. Similarly, the semigroup of all 1-1 partial right [left] transformations on A is denoted by I (A) [I ∗ (A)]. For e ∈ E, we define ρe by Lx ρe = Lhe (∀ Lx ∈ E/> <), where h ∈ S(x, e). By Proposition 1.7(2), y ∈ Lx implies S(x, e) = S(y, e). By the definition of sandwich set he> < ke for all h, k ∈ S(x, e) = S(y, e), so we have ρe ∈ T (E/> < ). Dually, if we define λe by λe Rx = Reh (∀Rx ∈ E/ ←→), where h ∈ S(e, x), then λe ∈ T ∗ (E/←→).
The uniformity relation U on E is given by U = {(e, f ) ∈ E × E | ω(e) ∼ = ω(f )}, where ∼ = α ∼ is a biorder-isomorphism between ω-ideals. For (e, f ) ∈ U let We,f = { α | ω(e) = ω(f ) }. Lemma 2.1
For any e, f, g ∈ E, if g ∈ ω(e), α ∈ We,f , then α|ω(g) ∈ Wg,gα .
Proof It is sufficient to prove ω(g)α = ω(gα). For x ∈ ω(g)α, there exists h ∈ ω(g) such that x = hα = (ghg)α. Since ghg is a basic product we have x = (gα)(hα)(gα) ∈ ω(gα). Conversely for y ∈ ω(gα) ⊆ ω r (gα), since biorder-isomorphism weakly reflects ω r , there is z ∈ ω(e) such that zα = y and z −→ g. Thus, y = (gα)y(gα) = (gα)(zα)(gα) = (gzg)α ∈ ω(g)α, which completes the proof. For g ∈ E, let Lω(g) = {Lx | x ∈ ω(g)} and Rω(g) = {Ry | y ∈ ω(g)}. From axiom (B1) and its dual one easily sees that ρe [λe ] is a mapping from E/> <[E/ ←→] to Lω(e) [Rω(e) ]. For α ∈ We,f ((e, f ) ∈ U ) we define α ∈ I (E/> <) and αr ∈ I ∗ (E/ ←→) as follows: α : Lω(e)
Lω(f )
αr : Rω(e)
Rω(f )
Rxα .
Yu B. J. and Xu M.
One can easily check that α [αr ] is a bijection from Lω(e) [Rω(e) ] onto Lω(f ) [Rω(f ) ] and that (α )−1 = (α−1 ) , (αr )−1 = (α−1 )r . Now define WE by WE = {(ρe α , αr−1 λf ) | α ∈ We,f , (e, f ) ∈ U }. (Here the multiplication of ρe in T (E/> <) and α in I (E/> <) takes place in the common “supersemigroup” PT (E/> <) and results in an element of T (E/> <); a similar note is true for the product αr−1 λf ). We call WE the NH-semigroup of the biordered set E. The following theorem justifies the word “semigroup” in the above term. WE is a subsemigroup of T (E/> <) × T ∗ (E/ ←→).
Theorem 2.2
Proof By the definition ρe is a mapping from E/> < to Lω(e) . So ρe α ∈ T (E/> < ). Similarly αr−1 λf ∈ T ∗ (E/ ←→). This proves WE ⊆ T (E/ > < ) × T ∗ (E/ ←→). Now suppose (ρe α , αr−1 λf ), (ρg β , βr−1 λh ) ∈ WE , where α ∈ We,f , β ∈ Wg,h , (e, f ), (g, h) ∈ U , and k ∈ S(f, g). Let (f k)α−1 = i, (kg)β = j and δ = α|ω(i) · τ (f k, k) · τ (k, kg) · β. By Lemma 2.1 and the fact that τ (f k, k), τ (k, kg) and β are all biorder-isomorphisms, we have δ ∈ Wi,j . It is enough to prove that (ρe α , αr−1 λf )(ρg β , βr−1 λh ) = (ρi δ , δr−1 λj ). For x ∈ E from Lx ρi δ = L(hi)δ , h ∈ S(x, i), (hi)δ = (hi)(α|ω(i) · τ (f k, k) · τ (k, kg) · β) = (k · (hi)α · (kg))β and Lx ρe α ρg β = L(ne)α ρg β = L(mg)β , n ∈ S(x, e), m ∈ S((ne)α, g), the equality is true for the first component if we find out elements h0 ∈ S(x, i), m0 ∈ S((ne)α, g) such that k · (h0 i)α · kg = m0 g. Indeed, from Proposition 1.7(4) we have S(n, i) ⊆ S(x, i) by n ∈ S(x, e), i> - e. Dually, S((ne)α, k) ⊆ S((ne)α, g) by k ∈ S(f, g), (ne)α>- f . Applying the Axiom (A5) of biordered sets in Proposition 1.6, we have (S(n, i)e)α = (S(ne, i))α = S((ne)α, iα) = S((ne)α, f k) = f S((ne)α, k). Thus there exist h0 ∈ S(n, i) ⊆ S(x, i) and m0 ∈ S((ne)α, k) ⊆ S((ne)α, g) such that (h0 e)α = f m0 . Now k · (h0 i)α = k · (h0 (ei))α = k · (h0 e)α · iα = k(f m0 )(f k) = ((kf )m0 )(f k) = m0 (f k) = (m0 f )k = m0 k, k · (h0 i)α · kg = (m0 k)(kg) = (m0 k)g=(m0 g)(kg).
(since m0> (ne)α>-f ) (since m0 → k → g)
(The associativity of above multiplications comes from the fact that the biordered set E is a partial semigroup). Because m0 ∈ M (f, g), k ∈ S(f, g), m0 g > kg, then k · (h0 i)α · kg = (m0 g)(kg) = m0 g. Hence, Lx ρe α ρg β = Lx ρi δ . Similarly, αr−1 λf βr−1 λh = δr−1 λj . Corollary 2.3
For (ρe α , αr−1 λf ), (ρg β , βr−1 λh ) ∈ WE , we have (ρe α , αr−1 λf )(ρg β , βr−1 λh ) = (ρi δ , δr−1 λj ),
where i = (f k)α−1 , j = (kg)β, k ∈ S(f, g), δ = α|ω(i) · τ (f k, k) · τ (k, kg) · β. Lemma 2.4 In WE , (ρe α , αr−1 λf ) = (ρg β , βr−1 λh ) ⇐⇒ e ←→ g, f>
A Biordered Set Representation of Regular Semigroups
τ (e, g) ? ω(g)
- ω(f ) τ (f, h)
? - ω(h).
Proof Necessity. If (ρe α , αr−1 λf ) = (ρg β , βr−1 λh ), we have Lω(f ) = imρe α = imρg β = Lω(h) . So there exist x, y ∈ E such that f> <x>- h, h>
- f which imply f> -f> -f we have tα ∈ S(f, tα) = S(h, tα) and Rt = R(tα)α−1 = αr−1 λf Rtα = βr−1 λh Rtα = R(h(tα))β −1 , so (tα)τ (f, h)β −1 = (h(tα))β −1 ←→ t ←→ tτ (e, g) (for t> - e ←→ g). Since β is a biorderisomorphism, we have (tα)τ (f, h) ←→ tτ (e, g)β. Hence (tα)τ (f, h) = tτ (e, g)β. Sufficiency. For any t ∈ E, h ∈ S(t, e) = S(t, g), we have Lt ρg β
= L(hg)β = L(h(eg))β = L((he)g)β = L(he)τ (e,g)β = L(he)ατ (f,h) = L(he)α
= Lt ρe α . Hence ρe α = ρg β . Similarly, αr−1 λf = βr−1 λh . This completes the proof. In the following lemma, the symbol ≤r [≤ ] means inclusion relation between right [left] principal ideals of a semigroup S. Obviously ≤r [≤ ] is a partial order on S/R [S/L ]. Lemma 2.5 For any a = (ρe α , αr−1 λf ), b = (ρg β , βr−1 λh ) ∈ WE , a ≤r b ⇐⇒ e −→ g; a ≤ b ⇐⇒ f > h. Hence as partially ordered sets, WE /R ∼ = E/ ←→, WE / L ∼ = E/> <. Proof We prove a ≤r b ⇐⇒ e −→ g. The dual result can be proved dually. If a ≤r b, then ∃ u = (ρi δ , δr−1 λj ) ∈ WE such that a = bu. Let k ∈ S(h, i); by Corollary 2.3 and Lemma 2.4 e ←→ (hk)β −1> -g. Hence e −→ g. If e −→ g, then e ←→ eg > - g, (eg)β >- h. Let γ = β −1 |ω(eg)β τ (eg, e)α. One easily verifies that γ ∈ W(eg)β,f . By Corollary 2.3 (ρg β , βr−1 λh )(ρ(eg)β γ , γr−1 λf ) = (ρi δ , δr−1 λj ), where we take i = eg = (h(eg)β)β −1 , since from (eg)β >- h we have (eg)β ∈ S(h, (eg)β). Now j = ((eg)β(eg)β)γ = (eg)ββ −1 τ (eg, e)α = ((eg)e)α = eα = f , and δ = β|ω(eg) · τ (h · (eg)β, (eg)β) · τ ((eg)β, (eg)β · (eg)β) · γ = β|ω(eg) · β −1 |ω(eg)β · τ (eg, e)α = τ (eg, e)α. The following diagram is commutative: δ - ω(f ) ω(eg) τ (eg, e) ? ω(e)
1ω(f ) α
? - ω(f ).
Yu B. J. and Xu M.
By Lemma 2.4 (ρi δ , δr−1 λj ) = (ρe α , αr−1 λf ), that is a ≤r b. Lemma 2.6 For any a = (ρe α , αr−1 λf ) ∈ WE , the H -class containing a is Ha = {(ρe β , βr−1 λf ) : β ∈ We,f }. Proof From Lemma 2.5 we have (ρe β , βr−1 λf ) H (ρe α , αr−1 λf ), for any β ∈ We,f . Suppose (ρg β ; βr−1 λh ) ∈ Ha ; by Lemma 2.5 again, e ←→ g, f>
τ (h, f )
? ω(e)
? -ω(f ).
This proves (ρg β , βr−1 λh ) = (ρe γ , γr−1 λf ), so Ha = {(ρe β , βr−1 λf ) : β ∈ We,f }. Theorem 2.7 ∼ = E.
WE is a fundamental regular semigroup with idempotent biordered set E(WE )
Proof For a = (ρe α , αr−1 λf ) ∈ WE , let a = (ρf α−1 , αr λe ). We have aa = (ρe , λe ) so that aa a = a and a aa = a . This proves that WE is regular. To prove E(WE ) ∼ = E, we first prove E(WE ) = {(ρk , λk ) | k ∈ E}. Let a = (ρe α , α−1 λf ) ∈ r
E(WE ), k ∈ S(f, e). Since a2 = (ρ(f k)α−1 δ , δr−1 λ(ke)α ) = a, where δ = α|ω((f k)α−1 ) · τ (f k, k) · τ (k, ke) · α, by Lemma 2.4 we have (f k)α−1 ←→ e, (ke)α> -e, (ke)α > - f , we have (f k)α−1 = e, (ke)α = f , that is, f k = eα = f, ke = f α−1 = e, so that f> k, e −→ k. Now k ∈ S(f, e) implies e ←→ k>
1ω(e) ? ω(e)
- ω(f ) 1ω(f )
? - ω(f )
τ (e, k) ? ω(k)
- ω(f ) τ (f, k)
? -ω(k).
Define θ : E −→ E(WE ) by e −→ (ρe , λe ) which is surjective by the above argument. If (ρe , λe ) = (ρf , λf ), from Lemma 2.4, e ←→ f, e> < f , so e = f . Thus θ is bijective. Lemma 2.5 tells us that for any e, f ∈ E, e −→ f [e> f ] if and only if (ρe , λe ) −→ (ρf , λf ) [(ρe , λe )> (ρf , λf )] in E(WE ). So (e, f ) ∈ DE ⇐⇒ ((ρe , λe ), (ρf , λf )) ∈ DE(WE ) . (i) If e −→ f , then (ρe , λe ) −→ (ρf , λf ) and e = f e ∈ S(e, f ), ef ∈ S(f, e). From Corollary 2.3, we have (ρe , λe )(ρf , λf ) = (ρe (τ (e, ef ))l , (τ (e, ef ))−1 r λef ) = (ρef , λef ), (ρf , λf )(ρe , λe ) = (ρe , λe ) = (ρf e , λf e ).
A Biordered Set Representation of Regular Semigroups
(ii) If e> f , then (ρe , λe )> (ρf , λf ) and e = ef ∈ S(f, e), f e ∈ S(e, f ). From Corollary 2.3 again we have (ρe , λe )(ρf , λf ) = (ρe , λe ) = (ρef , λef ), (ρf , λf )(ρe , λe ) = (ρf e (τ (f e, e))l , (τ (f e, e))−1 r λe ) = (ρf e , λf e ). These prove that θ is a bimorphism. By Lemma 2.5 θ −1 is obviously a bimorphism. Thus θ is a biorder-isomorphism. In order to prove WE is fundamental. Suppose (a, b) ∈ µ ⊆ H , where µ is the greatest idempotent-separating congruence on WE and from Lemma 2.6 a = (ρe α , αr−1 λf ), b = (ρe β , βr−1 λf ), (e, f ) ∈ U . Taking a = (ρf α−1 , αr λe ) ∈ V (a), b = (ρf β−1 , βr λe ) ∈ V (b) with a H b . According to the description of µ in [11] and the fact E(WE ) ∼ = E, we have a · (ρg , λg ) · a = b · (ρg , λg ) · b, ∀ g ∈ ω(e).
Noting that g ∈ S(e, g), α−1 |ω(gα) · α = 1ω(gα) , by an easy computation, formula (∗) is just (ρgα , λgα ) = (ρgβ , λgβ ). Since θ is injective, we have gα = gβ, ∀ g ∈ ω(e), that is, α = β. Then a = b, and this completes the proof. 3
Biordered Set Representation of Regular Semigroups
In this section, we will prove that, for general regular semigroups, the NH semigroup WE is an analogue of TE or WB for inverse or orthodox semigroup respectively. Lemma 3.1 Let S be a regular semigroup and E the idempotent biordered set of S. For any x ∈ S, x ∈ V (x), define τx ,x : ω(xx ) → ω(x x), e → x ex. Then τx ,x ∈ Wxx ,x x with τx−1 ,x = τx,x . Proof For any e ∈ ω(xx ), (x x)(x ex)(x x) = x ex = (x ex)(x ex), so x ex ∈ ω(x x). For e, f ∈ ω(xx ) with ef ∈ E(S), one easily sees that ef ∈ ω(xx ) and (eτx ,x )(f τx ,x ) = (x ex)(x f x) = x (ef )x = (ef )τx ,x , so τx ,x is a bimorphism. Similarly, τx,x is also a bimorphism. Now ∀ e ∈ ω(xx ) and f ∈ ω(x x) we have eτx ,x τx,x = x(x ex)x = e, f τx,x τx ,x = x (xf x )x = f. This proves τx ,x ∈ Wxx ,x x with τx−1 ,x = τx,x . For a regular semigroup S with idempotent biordered set E, define
Theorem 3.2
ρ:S a
→ T (E/L ) →
ρa :
E/L Le
→ La ha ,
where e ∈ E, a ∈ V (a), h ∈ S(e, aa ). Then ρ is a representation of S. Proof First, for any a ∈ S, ρa is a mapping. If e, f ∈ E(S), e L f , a , a∗ ∈ V (a), then aa R aa∗ , so S(e, aa ) = S(f, aa∗ ). If h, k ∈ S(e, aa ), obviously, haa , kaa , haa∗ , kaa∗ ∈ E, and by the definition of sandwich sets, haa L kaa , haa∗ L kaa∗ . From these we have (a∗ ha)(a ka)
= a∗ (haa )(kaa )a = a∗ (haa )a = a∗ ha;
(a ka)(a∗ ha) = a (kaa∗ )(haa∗ )a = a (kaa∗ )a = a ka. Thus, we have a∗ ha, a ka ∈ E and a∗ ha L a ka, so ρa is indeed a mapping. Secondly, ρ is a homomorphism. Suppose Le ∈ E/L , Le ρa = La ha , with a ∈ V (a), h ∈
Yu B. J. and Xu M.
S(e, aa ) and La ha ρb = Lb kb with b ∈ V (b), k ∈ S(a ha, bb ). Let g ∈ S(a a, bb ). Since h ∈ S(e, aa ), aga > - aa , from Lemma 1.7(4) we have S(h, aga ) ⊆ S(e, aga ). Similarly g ∈ S(a a, bb ), a ha> - a a together imply S(a ha, g) ⊆ S(a ha, bb ). From the fact h −→ aa , aga −→ aa and the Axiom (A5) in Proposition 1.6 we have S(h, aga )aa = S(haa , aga ). Similarly a aS(a ha, g) = S(a ha, a ag). Since τa ,a is a biorder-isomorphism, we have (S(h, aga )aa )τa ,a
= S(haa , aga )τa ,a
= S(a haa a, a aga a)
= S(a ha, a ag)
= a aS(a ha, g).
Thus for each m ∈ S(h, aga ), there exists n ∈ S(a ha, g) such that (maa )τa ,a = a an, that is, a ma = a an. Now, since n ∈ S(a ha, g) ⊆ S(a ha, bb ), we have Le ρa ρb = La ha ρb = Lb nb . Then we have aga R (ab)(ab) : (ab)(ab) (aga ) = (ab)(ab) (a(bb g)a ) = (ab)(ab) (ab)(b ga ) = (ab)(b ga ) = a(bb g)a = aga ; (aga )(ab)(ab) = (aga a)b(ab) = (agb)(ab) = (ab)(ab) . So S(h, aga ) ⊆ S(e, aga ) = S(e, (ab)(ab) ). But a ∈ V (a), b ∈ V (b) and g ∈ S(a a, bb ), which imply that b ga ∈ V (ab). So for m ∈ S(h, aga ), a ma = a an, n ∈ S(a ha, g) ⊆ S(a ha, bb ), we have Le ρab = L(ab) m(ab) = L(b ga )m(ab) = Lb g(a ma)b = Lb g(a an)b = Lb (ga a)nb = Lb gnb = Lb nb = Le ρa ρb . This completes the proof. The following theorem can be proved dually. Theorem 3.3
For a regular semigroup S with idempotent biordered set E, define λ:S a
→ T ∗ (E/R) →
λa :
E/R Re
→ Raha ,
where e ∈ E(S), a ∈ V (a), h ∈ S(a a, e). Then λ is a representation of S. Theorem 3.4 Let S be a regular semigroup, E the idempotent biordered set of S, and ρ, λ be the same as in Theorems 3.2 and 3.3. Define ξ:S a
→ T (E/L ) × T ∗ (E/R) → (ρa , λa ).
Then ξ is a homomorphism with Kerξ = µ, the maximal idempotent-separating congruence on S. Moreover we have im ξ ⊆ WE . Proof It is a consequence of Theorems 3.2 and 3.2 that ξ is a homomorphism. If (e, f ) ∈ Ker ξ ∩ (E × E), then λe Re = λf Re . Since e ∈ V (e) ∩ S(e, e), we have λe Re = Re . Since e(f e) f ∈ S(f, e), (f e) ∈ V (f e), we have λf Re = Rf (e(f e) f )f = Rf e(f e) f . Hence e R f e(f e) f , so that f e = (f e)(f e) (f e) = ((f e)(f e) f )e = e. Moreover, we have Lf ρf = Lf ρe , Lf ρf = Lf , and e(f e) f ∈ S(f, e), thus Lf ρe = Le(e(f e) f )e = Le(f e) (f e) . Hence f L e(f e) (f e), and f e = (f e)(f e) (f e) = f (e(f e) (f e)) = f . This proves f = e which implies Kerξ ⊆ µ. For any (a, b) ∈ µ ⊆ H , there exist a ∈ V (a), b ∈ V (b) such that a H b . In S/µ, a µ, b µ are the inverses of aµ = bµ in the same H -class, so a µ b . Since µ is a congruence,
A Biordered Set Representation of Regular Semigroups
axa µ bxb , a xa µ b xb, ∀ x ∈ S. Since a H b, we have S(a a, e) = S(b b, e); then for any h ∈ S(a a, e), we have h> a a, h> b b. Hence both aha and bhb are idempotents. But since aha µ bhb , then aha = bhb , λa Re = Raha = Rbhb = λb Re . Similarly, if S(e, aa ) = S(e, bb ), then for any k ∈ S(e, aa ), we have k −→ aa , h −→ bb . Hence both a ka and b kb are idempotents, so a ka = b kb by a ka µ b kb. Hence Le ρa = La ka = Lb kb = Le ρb . This proves (a, b) ∈ Kerξ. Thus we have proved Kerξ = µ. For all a ∈ S, a ∈ V (a), let e = aa , f = a a. We have τa ,a ∈ We,f . For any x ∈ E, Lx ρe (τa ,a ) = Lehe (τa ,a ) = La ehea = La ha = Lx ρa ,
h ∈ S(x, e) = S(x, aa ),
−1 (τa ,a )−1 r λf Rx = (τa ,a )r Rf kf = Raf kf a = Raka = λa Rx ,
k ∈ S(f, x) = S(a a, x).
This proves im ξ ⊆ WE . Definition 3.5
A subsemigroup T of the semigroup S is called full, if E(S) ⊆ T .
Definition 3.6 A subsemigroup T of WE is called symmetric, if for any (ρe α , αr−1 λf ) ∈ T , we have (ρf α−1 , αr λe ) ∈ T . Theorem 3.7
Let S be a regular semigroup and E the idempotent biordered set of S. Define ϕ:S a
→ WE → (ρaa (τa ,a ) , (τa ,a )−1 r λa a )
, where a ∈ V (a).
Then ϕ is a representation of S, Kerϕ = µ is the maximal idempotent-separating congruence on S, and Sϕ is a full symmetric subsemigroup of WE . Proof The first part of this theorem comes from Theorem 3.4. Employing the proof of Theorem 3.2, we have E(WE ) = {(ρe , λe ) | e ∈ E} = Eϕ ⊆ Sϕ, so Sϕ is full. If (ρaa (τa ,a ) , (τa ,a )−1 r λa a ) ∈ Sϕ, where a ∈ V (a), then −1 (ρa a (τa ,a )−1 , (τa ,a )r λaa ) = (ρa a (τa,a ) , (τa,a )r λaa ) = a ϕ ∈ Sϕ.
So, Sϕ is a symmetric subsemigroup of WE . Theorem 3.8 A regular semigroup S is a fundamental semigroup if and only if S is isomorphic to a full symmetric subsemigroup of WE . Proof Necessity. If S is fundamental, by Theorem 3.7 Kerϕ = µ = 1S , that is, ϕ is a monomorphism, so S ∼ = imϕ, a full symmetric subsemigroup of WE . Sufficiency. We only need to prove that a full symmetric subsemigroup T of WE is fundamental. For any a = (ρe α , αr−1 λf ) ∈ T , by the symmetry a = (ρf α−1 , αr λe ) ∈ T ∩ V (a). This shows T is a full regular subsemigroup of WE . The fundamental property of T can be proved in the same way as in the proof of Theorem 2.7. Corollary 3.9 The regular biordered set E is a band [semilattice] biordered set if and only if WE is an orthodox [inverse] semigroup. Proof From the Hall–Easdown representation, E is a band [semilattice] biordered set if and only if there exists a semigroup S which is a band [semilattice] and E(S) = E(cf. [12]). From Theorem 3.7 E(WE ) ⊆ Sϕ ≤ WE , so E(WE ) ≤ Sϕ (where ≤ denotes ‘ is a subsemigroup ’,
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and E(WE ) denotes the subsemigroup generated by E(WE )). Since Sϕ is a band [semilattice], E(WE ) = E(WE ) is also a band [semilattice]. Theorem 3.10 If E is the idempotent biordered set of a semilattice E0 , then WE ∼ = TE0 , where TE0 is the Munn-semigroup of E0 . Proof Denote by ≤ the partial order on the semilattice E0 . We have E0 = E as sets and ≤=−→= > = > -, > < =←→= 1E . For any e ∈ E = E0 , the principal ideal E0 e = {f ∈ E0 | f ≤ e) is also the ω-ideal ω(e) generated by e. Let (e, f ) ∈ U . We first prove Te,f = We,f . Te,f ⊆ We,f is obvious, since a semilattice (semigroup) isomorphism is clearly a biorder-isomorphism. Let α ∈ We,f . For any x, y ∈ E0 e, since xy ≤ x ≤ e, xy ≤ y ≤ e, in the biordered subset ω(e), we have xy> -x>-e, xy>-y> -e. From the fact that α is biorder-isomorphism, we have (xy)α>- xα>- f, (xy)α>- yα> - f . Thus in the principal ideal E0 f , we have (xy)α ≤ xα, (xy)α ≤ yα. Moreover for any a ∈ E0 f with a ≤ xα, a ≤ yα, since E0 f = ω(f ) is the image of α, there is z ∈ ω(e), a = zα. Now zα> - xα, zα> - yα and α is a biorder-isomorphism, we have z>- x, z> - y. That is, in the subsemilattice E0 e, z ≤ x, z ≤ y, so z ≤ inf{x, y} = xy (where, inf denotes ‘ taking the infimum or the greatest lower bound ’). So in the biordered subset ω(e), z> - xy, and in ω(f ), a = zα> - (xy)α, i.e., a ≤ (xy)α in the principal ideal E0 f . We have proved (xy)α = inf{xα, yα} = (xα)(yα). Thus We,f = Te,f . Now let ψ : TE0
→ WE
α → (ρe α , αr−1 λf ),
α ∈ Te,f .
Then ψ is surjective. If α ∈ Te,f and β ∈ Tg,h , then αβ ∈ T(f g)α−1 ,(f g)β . By the operation on WE we have (ρe α , αr−1 λf )(ρg β , βr−1 λh ) = (ρ(f k)α−1 δ , δr−1 λ(kg)β ),
where k ∈ S(f, g), δ = α|ω((f k)α−1 ) · τ (f k, k) · τ (k, kg) · β. Since E0 is a semilattice, we have k> -g, k> -f, k ≤ g, k ≤ f . Moreover, if x ∈ E such that x ≤ f, x ≤ g, then x ∈ M (f, g), so f x −→ f k, xg> kg, and x> -k, x ≤ k. Hence k = inf{f, g} = f g. Now, the right side of the formula (∗) is (ρ(f g)α−1 δ , δr−1 λ(f g)β ), δ = α|ω((f g)α−1 ) · β = αβ. So ψ is a homomorphism. Finally, if (ρe α , αr−1 λf ) = (ρg β , βr−1 λh ), then e ←→ g, f>
A Biordered Set Representation of Regular Semigroups
Indeed for any x, y ∈ e and k ∈ S(x, y), according to Lemma 1.10 we have the left two diagrams below. xk ∨ ∧ k
- xy ∨ ∧ - ky
xα · kα ∨
∧ kα
- (xy)α ∨
xα · kα ∨
∧ - kα · yα
∧ kα
xα · yα ∨ ∧ - kα · yα.
Noting that S(x, y) ⊆ e and α is a biorder isomorphism, we have S(x, y)α = S(xα, yα), so kα ∈ S(xα, yα). From Lemma 1.10 again, we have also the third diagram (on the right) above. These three diagrams together imply (xy)α = xα · yα, i.e., α is a band isomorphism. Now letting ψ: WB → WE (ρe αl , αr−1 λf )
→ (ρe αl , αr−1 λf ), α ∈ We,f ,
then ψ is bijective. Note that in WB , (ρe αl , αr−1 λf )(ρg βl , βr−1 λh ) = (ρ(f gf )α−1 δl , δr−1 λ(gf g)β ), where δ = α|(f gf )α−1 · θgf g · β|gf g, θgf g : f gf −→ gf g, x −→ gf gxgf g, while, in WE , (ρe αl , αr−1 λf )(ρg βl , βr−1 λh ) = (ρ(f k)α−1 γl , γr−1 λ(kg)β ), where k ∈ S(f, g), γ = α|ω((f k)α−1 ) · τ (f k, k) · τ (k, kg) · β. fk
In the band B, f k ←→ f g −→ f , so f k ←→ f gf, (f gf )α−1 ←→ (f k)α−1 . At the same time, kg> g, so kg> <(kg)β.
∀ x ∈ ω((f gf )α−1 ), we have xα> - f gf>- f. ∨ ∧ gf Hence we have xτ ((f gf )α−1 , (f k)α−1 ) · γ
= (k · (x · (f k)α−1 )α · kg)β = (k · xα · f k · kg)β = (k · xα · f g)β = (k(xα)g)β = (k(f gf )(xα)g)β = ((kg)(xα)g)β;
xδ · τ ((gf g)β, (kg)β) = (kg)β · ((gf g)(xα)(gf g))β = ((kg)(gf g)(xα)(gf g))β
= (((kg)(gf g))((xα)(gf ))g)β = ((kg)(xα)g)β. That is, the following diagram is commutative. ω((f gf )α−1 )
- ω((gf g)β)
τ ((f gf )α−1 , (f k)α−1 ) ? ω((f k)α−1 )
τ ((gf g)β, (kg)β)
? - ω((kg)β).
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So (ρ(f gf )α−1 δl , δr−1 λ(gf g)β ) = (ρ(f k)α−1 γl , γr−1 λ(kg)β ). This proves ψ is an isomorphism. Combining Theorems 3.7, 3.10, and 3.11 above, we obtain the main theorem of this paper as follows. Theorem 3.12 Let E be a regular biordered set. For each e ∈ E the set ω(e) = {f ∈ E | f > - e} is a relatively regular biordered subset of E called the ω-ideal generated by e. The uniformity relation U on E is given by U = {(e, f ) ∈ E × E | ω(e) ∼ = ω(f )}, where ∼ = means biorder-isomorphism. For each (e, f ) ∈ U , the set of all biorder-isomorphisms from ω(e) onto ω(f ) is denoted by We,f . If α ∈ We,f , define 1-1 partial transformations α ∈ I (E/> <) and αr ∈ I ∗ (E/ ←→) by the formulae Lx α = Lxα , αr Rx = Rxα , x ∈ ω(e). Moreover, for each e ∈ E define transformations ρe ∈ T (E/> <) and λe ∈ T ∗ (E/ ←→) by Lx ρe = Lhe , h ∈ S(x, e), and λe Rx = Reh , h ∈ S(e, x), ∀x ∈ E. Finally define WE = {(ρe α , αr−1 λf ) | α ∈ We,f , (e, f ) ∈ U }. Then we have (1) WE is a fundamental regular semigroup with idempotent biordered set E(WE )= {(ρe , λe ) |e ∈ B} biorder-isomorphic to E. WE is called the NH semigroup of E; (2) For every regular semigroup S with idempotent biordered set E, there is a homomorphism from S to WE whose kernel is the greatest idempotent-separating congruence on S and the image is a full symmetric subsemigroup of WE . (3) When E is the idempotent biordered set of a semilattice E0 , WE ∼ = TE0 . (4) When E is the idempotent biordered set of a band B, WE ∼ = WB . References [1] Munn, W. D.: Fundamental inverse semigroups. Quart. J. Math., Oxford (2), 21, 157–170 (1970) [2] Hall, T. E.: Orthodox semigroups. Pacific J. Math, 39, 677–686 (1971) [3] Nambooripad K. S. S.: Structure of regular semigroups I, Fundamental regular semigroups II. The general Case, Semigroup Forum, 9, 354–372 (1975) [4] Nambooripad, K. S. S.: Structure of regular semigroups I. Mem. Amer. Math. Soc., 224, (1979) [5] Yu, B. J.: The Theory of Biordered Sets for Semigroups, Science Press (in Chinese), 2003 [6] Easdown, D.: A new proof that regular biordered sets come from regular semigroups. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, 96(A), 109–116 (1984) [7] Easdown, D.: Biordered sets are biordered subsets of idempotents of semigroups. J. Austral. Math. Soc. (Series A), 37, 258–268 (1984) [8] Easdown, D.: Biordered sets of bands. Semigroup Forum, 29, 241–246 (1984) [9] Easdown, D.: Biordered sets of eventually regular semigroups. J. London Math. Soc., 49(3), 483–503 (1984) [10] Easdown, D.: Biordered sets of some interesting classes of semigroups, Proc. International Symposium on Theory of Regular Semigroups and Applications, University of Kerala, 1986 [11] Hall, T. E.: On regular semigroups I. J. Algebra, 24, 1–24 (1973) [12] Easdown, D., Hall, T. E.: Reconstructing some idempotent-generated semigroups from their biordered sets. Semigroup Forum, 29, 207–216 (1984)