М и ни сте р ство о б р а зо ва ни я Ро сси йско й Ф е де р а ци и В о р о не ж ски й го суда р стве нный уни ве р си те...
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М и ни сте р ство о б р а зо ва ни я Ро сси йско й Ф е де р а ци и В о р о не ж ски й го суда р стве нный уни ве р си те т
Ф а куль т е т ро м а но -ге рм а нско й ф ило ло гии
К о нт ро л ь ны е ра б от ы по а нгл ийско м у язы ку Спе ци а льно сть 021400 ж ур на ли сти ка ГСЭФ . 09 и но стр а нный язык
В о р о не ж 2003
У тве р ж де но на уч но -ме то ди ч е ски м со ве то м фа культе та РГФ 18 де ка б р я 2002 г.
Со ста ви те ли : Т.Н. Сте пки на В .В . Бур яч е нко
У ч е б но е и зда ни е по дго то вле но на ка фе др е а нгли йско го языка фа культе та РГФ В ГУ . Ре ко ме ндуе тся для студе нто в 2 кур са за о ч но го о тде ле ни я фа культе та ж ур на ли сти ки .
О т со ст а вит е ле й Ко нтр о льные р а б о ты со ста вле ны в со о тве тстви и с тр е б о ва ни ями , пр е дъявляе мыми к ур о вню по дго то вки выпускни ко в не языко вых фа культе то в вузо в. По за ве р ше ни и кур са о б уч е ни я студе нтыдо лж ныуме ть: - ч и та ть со сло ва р е м те ксты (стр а но ве дч е ско го , о б щ е на уч но го со де р ж а ни я, а та кж е те ма ти ч е ски связа нные с б удущ е й пр о фе сси е й студе нта ); - ч и та ть б е з сло ва р я те ксты стр а но ве дч е ско го и о б щ е о б р а зо ва те льно го со де р ж а ни я с це лью и звле ч е ни я о б щ е й и нфо р ма ци и ; - и ме ть уч а ство ва ть в б е се де на те мы, ка са ю щ и е ся по все дне вно й ж и зни , уч е б ы и б удущ е й пр о фе сси о на льно й де яте льно сти , со б лю да ть пр а ви ла р е ч е во го эти ке та ; - уме ть выр а ж а ть сво и мысли , и спо льзуя пр а ви ла а нгли йско й гр а мма ти ки и усво е нный ле кси ч е ски й за па с; - по луч и ть пр е дста вле ни е о культур ных тр а ди ци ях (о б щ а я и пр о фе сси о на льна я культур а ) и пр а ви ла х р е ч е во го эти ке та в стр а на х и зуч а е мо го языка . В ыпо лне ни е и о фо р мле ни е ко нтр о льных р а б о т до лж но пр о во ди ться сле дую щ и м о б р а зо м: 1. Пи сьме нные ко нтр о льные за да ни я сле дуе твыпо лнять в о тде льно й те тр а ди . На е е о б ло ж ке студе нт до лж е н на пи са ть сво ю фа ми ли ю , но ме р ко нтр о льно й р а б о ты и на зва ни е уч е б ни ка (-о в), по ко то р о му (-ым) о н за ни ма лся. 2. Ко нтр о льные р а б о ты на до пи са ть а ккур а тно и ч е тко , о ста вляя по ля для за ме ч а ни й и ме то ди ч е ски х ука за ни й р е це нзе нта . 3. В ыпо лне нные р а б о ты не о б хо ди мо о тпр а влять для пр о ве р ки и р е це нзи р о ва ни я в уни ве р си те т, стр о го со б лю да я уста но вле нные ср о ки .
Control work 1 1. Read the following words and expressions. topic – те ма topical – 1) а ктуа льный, ж и во тр е пе щ ущ и й; 2) те ма ти ч е ски й priority – 1) пр и о р и те т, пе р ве нство ; 2) по р ядо к о ч е р е дно сти background – 1) за дни й пла н; 2) ки но о б ста но вка , ме сто де йстви я; 3) по до пле ка agency – а ге нтство , пр е дста ви те льство correspondent – ко р р е спо нде нт news-gatherer – р е по р те р newsworthy – до сто йный о све щ е ни я в пе ч а ти to select / gather / collect news – со б и р а ть и нфо р ма ци ю , но во сти the art of news-gathering – и скусство сб о р а и нфо р ма ци и a staff correspondent – шта тный ко р р е спо нде нт a district correspondent – р а йо нный ко р р е спо нде нт a roving correspondent – р а зъе здно й ко р р е спо нде нт news agency – и нфо р ма ци о нно е а ге нтство wire news agency – те ле гр а фно е а ге нтство background noise – по сто р о нни й шум What’s his background? – Ч то о н со б о й пр е дста вляе т? to look up somebody’s background – на во ди ть спр а вки о ко м-ни б удь (пр о и схо ж де ни е , связи , мо р а льный о б ли к) educational background – по дго то вка , о б р а зо ва ни е , ква ли фи ка ци я to have the right background for the job – и ме ть хо р о шую по дго то вку для р а б о ты the background of the event – пр е дысто р и я со б ыти я the background of the deal was easy to explain – по до пле ка это й сде лки б ыла ле гко о б ъясни ма to stay in the background – о ста ва ться в те ни first priority – пе р во о ч е р е дно сть of high priority – пе р во о ч е р е дно й, не о тло ж ный priority number one – са мо е ва ж но е to give priority to something – пр и да ва ть пе р во сте пе нно е зна ч е ни е ч е муни б удь a topical article on medicine – ста тья на ме ди ци нскую те му to be of topical interest – пр е дста влять зло б о дне вный и нте р е с a topical question – зло б о дне вный во пр о с the topic of the day – зло б о дне вна я те ма the topic of conversation – те ма б е се ды
2. Read the text and answer the questions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
What is a favourite subject of discussion among journalists? What does it mean “to be of general interest”? What other qualities must news possess? Why must the journalist have a wide acquaintance with men and affairs? Why is it essential to be aware of what the great mass of people is thinking? 6. Is the collection of news a highly organized business? Why? 7. Who gathers information about provincial and foreign life? 8. Who employs the foreign correspondents? What is news? 1. The nature of news is a favourite subject of discussion among journalists. Some place the emphasis on one aspect, some on another but it is generally agreed that the essence of news is topicality, novelty and general interest. To be news an item of information must have a bearing on the affairs of the moment, it must be new for those who hear or read it, and it must arouse the interest of a considerable number of those hearers or readers. Items which possess these qualities to a marked degree are often spoken of as “hard” news, and are given priority by those who select and arrange the contents of the paper. 2. The art of news-gathering calls for a highly developed sense of news values. To acquire this sense the journalist must have a wide acquaintance with men and affairs, a sound educational background and a very considerable stock of general knowledge. For it is only thus that he will be able to distinguish what is new from what is already known, and what is of topical interest from what is of little concern to the majority of his readers. And this knowledge he must keep constantly up to date by being himself an assiduous reader of newspapers and magazines. 3. Above all, he must have his finger on the pulse of current thought and public opinion. He must be aware of what the great mass of people around him are thinking and feeling. He must never lose “the common touch”, for although he himself may move in a circle whose interests are specialized, what he writes must appeal to the man in the street. The collection of news has a highly organized business. There is hardly a corner of the world today which is not covered by the gigantic network of newsgatherers employed by the local national newspapers and the great news agencies. 4. Very briefly, the system operates thus. Local news is collected by the reporters and district representatives of provincial newspapers, and by the local staff correspondents of the national dailies. Events of national importance are covered by staff reporters of the national dailies and by special correspondents of both the national and provincial press.
5. In addition, home news is reported by district correspondents of the news agencies, notably the Press Association, the Exchange Telegraph and Central News. Foreign news is gathered by Reuters news agency and by the foreign correspondents employed by the national dailies and some of the larger provincial papers. Items of interest to particular sections of the community (e.g. trade and technical news) are gathered by a number of smaller news agencies operating in different parts of the country. 3. Give Russian equivalents for the following. To place the emphasis on something, topicality, novelty, the essence of news, to have a bearing on the affairs, to possess some qualities, to a marked degree, to give priority to something, to select and arrange the contents of the newspaper, to acquire a highly developed sense of news values, a sound educational background, a considerable stock of knowledge, to be of little concern, to appeal to, above all, district representatives of provincial newspapers, local staff correspondents of the national dailies, home news, foreign news. 4. Translate parts 1 and 2 into Russian in the written form. 5. Discuss the following topics using given words and expressions. 1. The nature of news. Phrases to be used: a favourite subject of discussions, to place the emphasis on, topicality, novelty and general interest, to have a bearing on the affairs of the moment, to arouse interest, to give priority, to select and arrange the contents of the paper. 2. The art of news-gathering. Phrases to be used: a highly developed sense of news values, a wide acquaintance with men and affairs, a sound education background, a very considerable stock of general knowledge, to be able to distinguish, to be of interest to, to be of little concern to, to keep up to date, to have one’s finger on the pulse of current thought and public opinion, to be aware of, to appeal to the man in the street. 3. The collection of news. Phrases to be used: a highly organized business, to be covered by the gigantic network, local and national newspapers, news-gatherers, news agencies, local news, provincial newspapers, local staff correspondents, national dailies, district correspondents, foreign correspondents, items of interest to particular sections of the community. 6. Grammar Find the infinitive and explain its function in the following sentences. Translate the sentences.
1. He can’t help you. 2. My son likes to read books. 3. I wanted to answer the letter but then I forgot. 4. The captain was the last man to leave the ship. 5. It’s necessary for you to know the truth. 6. To save the child he rushed into the burning house. 7. Tom seems to be writing something. 8. He seems to have been writing for an hour already. 9. We saw guests enter the house. 10. He is considered to be a clever man. 11. My sister seems to enjoy her trip very much. Change the sentences using the infinitive as an attribute or adverbial modifier of purpose. He was the first man who arrived. – He was the first man to arrive. 1. He was the first who broke the silence. 2. There’ re a lot of things that need repairing. 3. Would you be so kind and lend me your umbrella? 4. He wished he had the younger brother with whom he could play. 5. There was no place where he could sit. 6. I can’t go to the party, I have nothing that I can wear. 7. It’s convenient that you have a balcony in your flat. Control work 2 1. Read the following words and expressions. to arrange for a formal interview – до го во р и ться о б о фи ци а льно м и нте р вью to think up questions to ask - пр о дума ть во пр о сы, ко то р ые на ме р е ны за да ть the person to be interviewed – ч е ло ве к, ко то р о го пр е дсто и т пр о и нте р вью и р о ва ть to announce in advance – о б ъявлять за р а не е the subject matter of the interview (article, news item) – со де р ж а ни е и нте р вью (ста тьи , за ме тки ) write-up – о тч е т, ма те р и а л to handle the matter (subject) – о б р а б а тыва ть ма те р и а л to play up – о б ыгр ыва ть remark – за ме ч а ни е ; зд. о тве тына во пр о сы 2. Read the text and answer the questions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
How are formal interviews usually arranged? Why is such interview undesirable from the standpoint of the reporter? What is the advantage of the formal interview? What does the person to be interviewed announce in advance? What does the procedure permit the reporter and the interviewee to do? Why do you think it is possible to write some exclusive material after a formal interview?
7. Who usually writes the best story? 8. What different methods of handling the subject can be used? 9. How can one get a quick answer to an exclusive question? Press conference 1. Persons who know they are to be interviewed by the press often arrange for formal interviews at which representatives of all the newspapers in the community are present. From the standpoint of the reporter, such an interview is undesirable because none of the information he obtains is exclusive. An advantage of the formal interview, however, lies in the fact that there are several minds thinking up questions to ask. Frequently the person to be interviewed announces in advance that these questions must be prepared in writing and submitted some time before the hour of the interview. The procedure permits the reporter to know exactly what the subject matter of the interview is to be, but it also allows the interviewee to prepare guarded answers to questions which, if presented spontaneously, might bring forth answers more to the reporter’s liking. 2. Even when interviewing the person in the company of other reporters, it is possible to obtain material on which to write a different story from those which the others shall write. The keenest listener and the sharpest wit present write the best story. Comparison of several write-ups based on a joint interview often discloses different methods of handling the subject. One reporter plays up one statement and the other reporter picks an entirely different one for his feature. Still a third writer concentrates on the personality of the interviewee rather than upon his remarks. Sometimes it is possible to loiter for a minute or two at the end of a group interview to get a quick answer to an exclusive question. 3. Give Russian equivalents for the following. Formal interview, representative, standpoint, undesirable, obtain, exclusive, announce in advance, submit some time, procedure, interviewee, guarded questions, spontaneously, forth answers, keenest, sharpest wit, joint interview, disclose. 4. Translate parts 3 and 4 into Russian in the written form. 5. Grammar Change the sentences using the infinitive as a) a complex object and b) a complex subject. a) Everybody considers he is a clever man. – Everybody considers him to be a clever man. I saw as he crossed the street. – I saw him cross the street.
1.I know she is a good teacher. 2. Everybody believes he is right. 3. I have never heard how she plays the piano. 4. The student expects that the article will be published. 5. I saw as the driver opened the window and threw a box into the bushes. 6. I felt as somebody looked at me. 7. Nobody watched as he spoke on the telephone. b) They say that he lives in Warsaw. – He is said to live in Warsaw. 1. They say he is the best doctor at the hospital. 2. People say this place will be built in three years. 3. The newspapers report that the president will arrive in Minsk tomorrow. 4. Everybody knows him as the prominent public figure. 5. They say that paper has been invented in China. Unite the following sentences using the proper infinitive form. We must speak quietly. We don’t want to wake him up. – We must speak quietly not to wake him up. 1. It’s very cold. We can’t bathe. 2. The boy is very young. He can’t have a front-door key. 3. It was too dark. We couldn’t see the car. 4. I sent the son out of the room. I wanted to discuss his progress with the headmaster. 5. He sent his children to his sister’s house. He wanted to have some peace. 6. Don’t let the baby play with my glasses. He may break them. 7. We must take our gloves. We don’t want to get frozen. Control work 3 1. Read the following words and expressions. simultaneously – о дно вр е ме нно interaction – вза и мо де йстви е promote understanding – со де йство ва ть по ни ма ни ю controversial topics – спо р ные те мы unless – е сли … … … не extremely newsworthy – кр а йне и нте р е сно е (со б ыти е ) handle – и ме ть де ло с rare occasions – р е дки е случ а и appropriate – по дхо дящ и й, со о тве тствую щ и й assure success – о б е спе ч и ть успе х site – ме сто по ло ж е ни е time the conference – на зна ч и ть вр е мя ко нфе р е нци и accommodate – пр и ве сти в со о тве тстви е , со гла со ва ть deadline – кр а йни й ср о к make certain – уб е ди ться handout material – р а зда то ч ный ма те р и а л
visuals – на глядные ср е дства poster – пла ка т logo – ло го ти п rented facility – а р е ндо ва нно е о б о р удо ва ни е reminder – на по ми на ни е refreshments – за куски и на пи тки a nice touch – хо р о ши й штр и х executive – до лж но стно е ли цо touchy question – щ е пе ти льный во пр о с proprietary information – и нфо р ма ци я о со б стве нно сти (фи р мы) for public disclosure – для ши р о ко го о све щ е ни я cultivate attitude – р а зви ва ть о тно ше ни е resent – не го до ва ть stage manager – р е ж и ссе р cordial – се р де ч ный, и скр е нни й in the heat of questioning – в р а зга р е о пр о са obvious – о ч е ви дный get out of hand – ста ть не упр а вляе мым beneficial – выго дный, по ле зный survey – о б зо р data search – по и ск да нных judiciously – р а зумно content – со де р ж а ни е backfire – по луч и ть пр о ти во по ло ж ный о ж и да е мо му р е зульта т 2. Read the text and answer the questions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
What opportunities do news conferences offer? When should they be used? What topics are covered at news conferences? What are the first steps in organizing the news conference? What must you prepare before the meeting with media? How can you help the executives prepare for journalists’ questions? Why is it so important to cultivate a pleasant and cooperative attitude of the interviewee? 8. What are the recommendations you can add? 9. How must PR practitioners work during news conferences? 10. What things are PR practitioners advised not to do? 11. How can positive relations between journalists and PR practitioners be developed? 12. What are essential aspects of successful media relations?
News conferences 1. News conferences are structured opportunities to release news simultaneously to all media. They should be used only when the news is important and when interaction is required to promote understanding of complex or controversial topics. Unless the event is extremely newsworthy and simple cannot be handled through releases, or unless there is someone newsworthy to interview, do not call a news conference. For those rare occasions when news conferences are appropriate, the following guidelines will help assure success. 2.Plan the event carefully. Invite all representatives of all media that may have an interest far enough in advance for editors to plan to send reporters and photographers. Select an appropriate site close to the event being covered and convenient for major media (hotel, press club, airport, boardroom – never PR office). Check for enough electrical outlets and telephones. Time the conference to accommodate major media deadlines. Make certain you prepare enough handout material for everyone. Prepare any visuals that may be used so that they will photograph well from any place in the room. Prepare a poster of the organization’s logo or name to go over the one on the speaker’s stand if you use a rented facility. Plan to phone major media the morning or afternoon before the conference as a reminder. Simple refreshments are generally a nice touch. 3.Prepare executives and others to be interviewed. Make certain they understand the topics that will be discussed. Help them anticipate for difficult and touchy questions. If they don’t know an answer, they should say so and offer to find out. If the answer to the question is considered proprietary information, they should state that it is not for public disclosure. Cultivate a pleasant, cooperative attitude among those who will be interviewed. If they are afraid of or resent the media, it will show. Advise them to avoid off-the-record comments. 4.Public relations practitioners are the directors and stage managers. Keep the meeting moving and interesting, but don’t take over the jobs of the media. Try to keep relationships cordial and professional even in the heat of questioning. Never take obvious control of the meeting unless things get out of hand. Public relations practitioners increasingly are using social science techniques in their work. They are expected to know about surveys, data searches and content analysis and how to conduct telephone and personal interviews. 5.The relationship between journalists and public relations practitioners is a difficult one. If practitioners understand the media and the reporter’s role, however, positive relationships can be developed that are beneficial to all. Once positive relations are established, several steps should be taken to use them effectively. Developing appropriate attitude, setting goals, planning, and performing adequate research are essential aspects of successful media relations. Specific techniques for communicating with the media include publicity releases, news kits, newsrooms, interviews, and news conferences. All of these approaches must be used judiciously – for publicity may backfire. Inappropriate
publicity efforts can injure the relations that have been built over time with the media and the public. 3.
Give Russian equivalents to the following words and expressions.
Interaction is required, there’s someone newsworthy to interview, call a conference, event being covered, check for, anticipate and prepare for, find out, cooperative attitude, avoid off- the- record comments, keep the meeting moving and interesting, take control of, setting goals, essential aspects, inappropriate efforts, injure. 4. Translate parts 1 and 2 into Russian in the written form. 5. You are going to call a news conference. What points should you take into consideration? What arrangements will help you assure success? (write 8 or 10 sentences). 6. Grammar Change the sentences using the gerund as a) an attribute or b) adverbial modifier. a. The man who is reading a book is my father. – The man reading a book is my father. 1. I took the newspaper which was lying on the table. 2. The house which is being built opposite my house is a modern nine-storeyed building. 3. The books which have been written by Picul are read with interest. 4. The pupil who is being asked my teacher is Pavlov. 5. The car which is parked in front of the house is mine. b. As he was busy he refused an invitation. – Being busy he refused an invitation. 1. I new he was poor. I offered him my room. 2. She didn’t want to listen to the story again. She had heard it before. 3. She entered the room suddenly. She found them smoking. 4. I had looked through the fashion magazines. I realized that my fashion was out of date. 5. She turned on the light. She was surprised at what she saw. 6. I fed the dog. I sat down to my own dinner. 7. I sat in the front row. I saw everything beautifully. 8. She was singing a song. I heard it.
Control work 4 1. Read the following words and expressions. outline – пр е дста ви ть в о б щ и х ч е р та х reconcile to – пр и во ди ть в со о тве тстви е , со гла со выва ть legitimacy – за ко нно сть, за ко но ме р но сть monitoring the performance – упр а вле ни е р а б о то й adversarial – вр а ж де б ный relationship of mutual trust – о тно ше ни е вза и мно го до ве р и я particular – ко нкр е тный defuse antagonistic encounters – пр е до твр а ти ть сто лкно ве ни е , ко нфли кты challenge – вызо в overcome – пр е о до ле ва ть spotlight – по ста ви ть в це нтр е вни ма ни я feedback – о б р а тна я связь essential – о б яза те льный, не о б хо ди мый get psyched up about – пе р е ж и ва ть sensitive issue – се кр е тный develop the proper set of attitudes – со зда ть пр а ви льно е о тно ше ни е defensiveness – о б о р о на appropriate – по дхо дящ и й intimidated – за пуга нный worthy – сто ящ и й fund raising campaign – ка мпа ни я по сб о р у ср е дств positive mental attitude – по ло ж и те льный на стр о й broad term – ши р о ко е по няти е purchase – по купа ть appeal – зд. пр и вле ка те льно сть credibility – пр а вдо по до б но сть is not likely to perceive – ско р е е не во спр и ме т be suspicious of – о тно си ться по до зр и те льно к standing plan – те кущ и й пла н occur – случ а ться, пр о и схо ди ть originate from – пр о и схо ди ть, во зни ка ть emergency situation – ч р е звыч а йна я си туа ци я conscious effort – со зна те льно е уси ли е lay-off – а м. пр е кр а щ е ни е р а б о ты(пр е дпр и яти я), уво льне ни е (вр е ме нно е ) contemplate – зд. о б суж да ть
2. Read the text and answer the questions. 1. Do you agree that the media’s role in monitoring the performance of the organizations and their leaders is legitimate? 2. Is adversarial relationship between manages and the media normal? 3. What is the best advice in dealing with the media? 4. How can one defuse potentially antagonistic encounters? 5. Does a meeting with the media represent a critical challenge to the organization? 6. How does the company official usually feel before meeting the media? 7. What may the first step in the case of the university’s fund-raising campaign be? 8. What should the attitude of the interviewee towards the journalist be? 9. What should the interviewee decide? 10. Why is positive mental attitude essential? Working with the media 1. With a basic understanding of the complex relationships between PR practitioners and journalists, we can outline few general principles for working with the media. In the first place, managers must reconcile themselves to the legitimacy of the media’s role in monitoring the performance of their organizations and leaders. Managers and institutions must understand and accommodate the unique position of the media, realizing that, on one level, an adversarial relationship is normal. 2. The best advice in dealing with the media is to give journalists what they want in the form and language they want. Respond quickly and honestly to media request for information. By working to establish a relationship of mutual trust with particular journalists, you can defuse many potentially antagonistic encounters. 3. Opportunity offered by media contact. A meeting with the media represents a critical challenge to the organization. Some organizations see such challenges as problems to be overcome. It is more constructive, however, to view them as opportunities. Publicity can not replace good works or effective action, but it can gain attention for issues, ideas, or products. It can spotlight an organization’s personality, policies, or performances. It can make something or someone known. 4. Every media contact is an opportunity to get feedback, to tell your story, to create a positive response to your organization. Of course there are dangers – but what opportunity presents itself without risk? And what opportunity can be taken without preparation? Preparation strategies. Preparation to meet the media is essential for both individuals and organizations. Preparation means more than getting psyched up about a particular interview, because when the opportunity comes, there may be little time to prepare. A company official may have only two hours to gather
information and prepare strategy to deal effectively with some very sensitive issues. 5. Before anyone in the organization meets with the media, the first step is to develop the proper set of attitudes. Meeting the media is an opportunity, not a problem; therefore, defensiveness is not appropriate. There is no need to feel intimidated – particularly if your objective is worthy. Is the case of the university’s fund-raising campaign, the purpose of the press conference must be kept firmly in mind. The PR director should refuse, in a friendly way, to be dragged by reporters’ questions into subjects other than the donation and campaign. 6. The attitude of the interviewee toward the journalists should be of hospitality, cooperation and openness. At the same time, the interviewee should decide what needs to be said and say it – no matter what the reporter’s questions may be. A positive mental attitude is essential. Once this attitude is established among everyone in an organization who may be called upon to be interviewed, it becomes much easier and less dramatic to prepare for specific interviewers. 3.
Give Russian equivalents to the following words and expressions.
Mental attitude, less dramatic, hospitality, openness, dragged by reporters, objective, preparation strategies, donation, develop the proper set of attitudes, a company official, organization’s personality, a positive response. 4.
Translate parts 2 and 3 into Russian in the written form.
Give your opinion about the following questions. Write 2 or 3 sentences per each one.
The ways to establish the relations of mutual trust; Adversarial relationship with the media is normal; How to defuse potentially antagonistic encounters; Meeting with the media presents a critical challenge to the organization; Opportunity and risk. 6.
Finish the sentences using the gerund for the Russian words in parenthesis. 1. There are a lot of ways (сде ла ть это ). 2. What is your idea (о б суди ть это т во пр о с се йч а с)? 3. Do you have the opportunity of (по се ти ть эту выста вку)? 4. The film is worth (по смо тр е ть). 5. I don’t like (на по ми на ть е му о б это м). 6. It’s no use (пла ка ть). 7. Do you remember (ч то о ни уж е р а сска зыва ли о б это м)? 8. He’s busy (по дго то вко й к до кла ду). 9. There was no other way of (пр е дупр е ди ть е го ).
Change the sentences using the gerund instead of the infinitive. I like to read. – I like reading. 1. I start to skate. 2. I like to read detective stories. 3. I began to write poems very early. 4. I remember to tell you about it. 5. They stopped to smoke. 6. They prefer to stay at home every evening. 7. He continued to speak to his friends. 8. I hate to write letters. Control work 5 1. Read the following words and expressions. bygone – пр о шлый, пе р е ж и то й, выше дши й и з мо ды bygone days – б ылые вр е ме на advertising – р е кла ма depend on – за ви се ть doubt – со мне ни е merchant – купе ц wares – и зде ли я, то ва р ы existence – сущ е ство ва ни е immemorial – не за па мятный, да вни й oral skills – на выки устно й р е ч и medium – ср е дство , спо со б crier – то р го ве ц-за зыва ла hawker – р а зъе здно й то р го ве ц Phoenician – фи ни ки е ц refined over the centuries – усо ве р ше нство ва нно е с ве ка ми carry down – пр е да ва ть, о ста влять по то мка м roam – б р о ди ть, ски та ться, стр а нство ва ть make pleas – де ла ть пр е дло ж е ни я, р е кла ми р о ва ть dairy – пр о и зво дство мо ло ч ных пр о дукто в, мо ло ч ный ма га зи н decline in importance – ста но ви ться ме не е зна ч и те льным relic – сле д, о ста то к, пе р е ж и то к craft – р е ме сло forerunner – пр е дте ч а , пр е дше стве нни к brand name – то р го ва я ма р ка 2. Read the text and answer the questions. 1. When did the advertising begin? 2. How did the earliest advertising take place? 3. What did a goat signify? 4. What can be found on some ancient walls? 5. What were early advertisements about?
6. How old is the first written advertisement? 7. Where was it found? What was it about? 8. Why did the advertising decline in importance? 9. What was the early English advertising? 10. What did Johann Gutenberg invent in 1438? 11. Who invented paper and when? 12. Who introduced it to Europe? 13. Why is William Caxton famous? Advertising in bygone days 1. Ancient advertising. Just when advertising began depends on how one wishes to define the term. In this History of advertising, published in 1875, Henry Sampson says of the beginning of advertising: … There is little doubt that the desire among tradesmen and merchants to make good their wares has had an existence almost as long as the customs of buying and selling, and it is but natural to suppose that advertisements in some shape or form have existed not only time immemorial, but almost for all time. Because oral skills developed before reading and writing did, it is only natural that the earliest advertising medium was the spoken word. There is evidence that criers and hawkers were shouting their wares as far back as the days of the early Greeks, Romans, and Phoenicians. This primitive advertising, refined over the centuries, has carried down to the present day. Although hawkers do not often roam the streets with their cries, they have entered the home to make their pleas on radio and television. 2. Before long, competition and the need for identification necessitated signs. Signs used for identifying shops, with such appropriate illustrations as a goat (for a diary) or a mule driving a mill (for a baker), were unearthed in the ruins of Pompeii. (At the door of a schoolmaster there was a sign depicting a boy receiving a whipping!) There is also evidence of announcements painted on walls during this period. These included notices for theatrical performances, sports and gladiatorial exhibitions, advertisements of houses for rent, and appeals to tourists to visit local taverns. Perhaps the first written advertisement, however, was this three-thousand-year-old one inscribed on papyrus and found by an archaeologist in the ruins of Thebes: The man-slave, Shem, having run away from his good master, Hapu the Weaver, all good citizens of Thebes are enjoyed to help return him. He is Hittite, 5.2 tall, of ruddy complexion and brown eyes. For news of his whereabouts, half a gold coin is offered. And for his return to the shop of Hapu the Weaver, where the best cloth is woven to your desires, a whole gold coin is offered. There is no doubt that advertising flourished in this period, but with the fall of the Roman Empire and the onset of the Dark Ages, advertising temporarily declined in importance to Western civilization. 3. Early English advertising. Perhaps the oldest relic of advertising among English-speaking people is family names referring to the various specialized
crafts. The earliest of these designations was Smith. Names like Miller, Weaver, Wright, Tailor and Carpenter were the earliest means of product identification – the forerunner of the brand name so essential to modern advertising. 4. Beginning of printed advertisements. One of the most significant events in the development of advertising was the invention of a system of casting movable type by the German, Johann Gutenberg, in 1438. Paper had been invented more than a thousand years earlier by the Chinese and was introduced to Europe by the Turks in the twelfth century. Now all the necessary components were available for mass printing. At the same time, literacy was increasing. William Caxton, an early English printer, made advertising history in 1478 when he printed a handbill now regarded as the first known printed English advertisement. It advertised a book he had printed, the Salisburi Pye, rules for the clergy at Easter. The advertisement read: If it please ony man spirituel or temporel to bye ony pyes of two and thre comemoracios of Salisburi use enpryntid after the forme of this present letter whiche ben wel and truly correct, late hym come to Westmonester in to the almonestrye at the reed pale and he shal have them good chepe. Supplico stet cedula The Latin phrase at the end translates, “Let this notice stand.” 3. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and expressions. Handbill, was introduced to Europe by the Turks, was available for mass printing, literacy, specialized crafts, clergy, the forerunner of the brand name, system of casting moveable type, regard, Dark Ages, temporarily, means of identification, whereabouts, brand name, whipping, complexion, essential. 4. Translate parts 1 and 3 into Russian in the written form. 5. What up-to-date media are used in advertising today? Are there still any media that came down from the bygone days? Give your own opinion in five – seven sentences. 6. Grammar Put the verb into the correct form, gerund or infinitive. Mind that after some verbs we use only gerund and after the other verbs we use infinitive, and there are verbs that can be used with both, gerund and infinitive. They denied stealing the money. They decided to steal the money. 1) I don’t enjoy… … … very much.(drive) 2) I don’t want… … … out tonight. I’m too tired.(go) 3) I can’t afford… … … out tonight. I haven’t got enough money. (go) 4) Has it stopped… … … yet?(rain) 5) Can you remind me… … … some
coffee when we go out?(buy) 6) Why do you keep… … … me questions? Can’t you leave me alone?(ask) Join two sentences to make one using the gerund. Carol was in the bar. She was having a drink. – Carol was in the bar having a drink. 1) Emma was sitting in an armchair. She was reading a book. 2) Sue got home late. She was feeling very tired. 3) Sarah went out. She said she would be back in an hour. 4) Linda was in London for two years. She worked as a tourist guide. 5) Mary walked round the town. She looked at the sights and took photographs. Control work 6 1. Read the following words and expressions. major types – о сно вные ти пы objective – це ль vehicle – ср е дство пе р е да ч и qualitative selectivity – ка ч е стве нна я и зб и р а те льно сть segment – до ля, со ста вна я ч а сть о тце ло го ad – р е кла ма consumer – по тр е б и те ли discriminate – р а зли ч а ть, о тме ч а ть р а зли ч и я, выб и р а т brand – ка ч е ство , со р т promotional strategy – сти мули р ую щ а я стр а те ги я, стр а те ги я р о ста entrenched habits – уко р е ни вши е ся пр и выч ки be aware of – о со зна ва ть purchase – по купка switch – пе р е клю ч а ть (мысли и т.д.) в др уго е р усло , и зме нять(ся) circumstances – о б сто яте льства 2. Read the text and answer the questions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
What are the major types of advertising media? What do the vehicles of advertising depend on? Explain the meaning of qualitative and geographical selectivity. Why do advertisers want to use the knowledge of learning theory? Why is it so difficult to get consumers to switch brands? What is the importance of discrimination? Can you give any example of your own of this? 7. When is entrenchment an advantage?
Select the advertising media 1. Advertisers must select media through which to send their messages. The major types of advertising media are: 1) print, 2) broadcast, 3) direct, 4) location. Furthermore, the advertiser also has to decide which particular vehicles within each medium to use. For example, if the selected medium is magazines, which vehicle(s) (Time, TV Guide, etc.) should be selected? These decisions must take advertising objectives, information to be communicated, and funds available for advertising into consideration. 2. The more alike members of a vehicle’s audience are in one or more characteristics that are important to the advertiser, the greater the qualitative selectivity. Thus, a dress manufacturer that wants to advertise to larger-sized women should consider BBW (formerly Big Beautiful Women) magazine to be more qualitatively selective than Cosmopolitan. The greater the vehicle ability to reach people in selected areas, the greater its geographical selectivity. Southern Living offers more geographical selectivity than Better Homes and Gardens. But using highly selective vehicles can be dangerous if the marketer has not defined the target market clearly. The ads could miss (not reach) important market segments. 3. More frequently, advertisers want to use the knowledge of learning theory that shows that consumers can learn to discriminate between brands. Therefore, the promotional strategy may be based on positioning the brand so that consumers will differentiate it from the competition. 4. In many instances, learning becomes so entrenched that a habit develops and the consumer buys the same brand without even being aware of the learning experience that originally led to the purchase. Under such circumstances, it is extremely difficult for advertising to get consumers to switch brands. To counter strongly entrenched buying habits, significant innovation and a heavy level of promotion are usually needed. 3. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and expressions. Learning experience, entrenched habits, switch brands, heavy level of promotion, without being aware of, get somebody to do something, discriminate
between brands, more frequently, differentiate from the competition, in many instances, available. 4. Translate parts 2 and 3 into Russian in the written form. 5. What is the importance of “generalization” in advertising? Can you think of any other examples of campaign copying? Write 5 – 10 sentences. 6. Grammar
Translate the sentences into English using the infinitive. 1. Ч то б ы по луч и ть хо р о шую о це нку, вы до лж ны упо р но р а б о та ть. 2. С не й тр удно и ме ть де ло . 3. На ч не м с то го , ч то о н б о ле н. 4. Ч то б ы ч и та ть Д и кке нса в о р и ги на ле , на до хо р о шо зна ть язык. 5. По пр а вде го во р я, о н не со все м пр а в. 6. В и де ть зна ч и тве р и ть. 7. Не мо ж е тб ыть и р е ч и о по купке ма ши ныв это м го ду. 8. В на ше й се мье ма ма все гда вста е тпе р ва я. Change the sentences using complex subject like in the example: We heard that a car stopped outside the door. – A car was heard to stop outside the door. 1. We know Bernard Shaw to have been a very witty man. 2. People consider the climate there to be very helpful. 3. It was announced that the Chinese dancers were arriving next week. 4. It is expected that the performance will be a success. 5. It is said that the book is popular with both old and young. 6. It is supposed that the playwright is working at a new comedy. Put the verbs from parenthesis in the form of the gerund and translate the sentences into Russian. 1. They accuse him of (have robbed) the house. 2. He never agreed to their (go) on that dangerous voyage. 3. He didn’t approve of her (drink) so much coffee. 4. The teacher of maths didn’t approve of his pupil’s (dream). 5. All the happiness of my life depends on your (love) me. 6. I don’t feel like (see) him. 7. I insist on (be) told the truth. 8. I object to his (borrow) money from you. 9. I stretched out my hands to prevent her from (fall).10. My friend succeeded in (translate) this difficult text.
С писо к испо ль зо ва нно й лит е ра т уры 1. Те ле нь Э.Ф . А нгли йски й язык для ж ур на ли сто в / Те ле нь Э.Ф . – М .: ТЕ И С, 2000. – 214 с. 2. З а ха р о ва У .И . Пр и гла ша е м в ми р Па б ли к Ри ле йшнз: У ч е б . по со б и е для студ. высш. уч е б . за ве де ни й / З а ха р о ва У .И ., У льяни щ е ва Л .В . – М .: И М ПЭ и м. А .С. Гр и б о е до ва , 2001. – 126 с. 3. Кур ьяно в Е.И . А нгло -р усски й сло ва р ь по ср е дства м ма ссо во й и нфо р ма ци и / Кур ьяно в Е.И . – М .: М о ско вска я ме ж дуна р о дна я шко ла пе р е во дч и ко в, 1993. – 597 с. 4. И ва но ва К.А . А нгло -р усски й сло ва р ь по р е кла ме и па б ли к р и ле йшнз / И ва но ва К.А . – СПб .: По ли те хни ка , 1998. – 705 с. 5. Schrank G. Understanding Mass Media / Schrank G. – Lincolnwood: National Textbook Company, 1998. – 427 p. 6. Mascull B. Key Words in the Media: Helping with Real English / Mascull B. – Harper Collings Publishers, 1995. – 399 p. 7. Baskin O., Public Relations: the Profession and the Practice / Baskin O., Aronoff C. – Dubuque, 1988. – 483 p. 8. Melbin M. Basic Media Writing / Melbin M. – Oxford, 1993. – 428 p. 9. Harris S. Human Communications / Harris S. – Oxford, 1993. – 450 p.
Со ста ви те ли : Сте пки на Та тьяна Ни ко ла е вна Бур яч е нко В а ле нти на В ла ди ми р о вна Ре да кто р : Буни на Т.Д .