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DARK ENERGY Theory and Observations Dark energy, the mysterious cause of the accel...
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DARK ENERGY Theory and Observations Dark energy, the mysterious cause of the accelerating expansion of the Universe, is one of the most important fields of research in astrophysics and cosmology today. Introducing the theoretical ideas, observational methods and results, this textbook is ideally suited to graduate courses on dark energy, and will also supplement advanced cosmology courses. Providing a thorough introduction to this exciting field, the textbook covers the cosmological constant, quintessence, k-essence, perfect fluid models, extradimensional models, and modified gravity. Observational research is reviewed, from the Cosmic Microwave Background to baryon acoustic oscillations, weak lensing, and cluster abundances. Every chapter ends with problems, with full solutions provided, and any calculations are worked through step-by-step. luca amendola is Professor of Physics at the University of Heidelberg, Germany. He is also an astronomer at the Italian National Institute for Astrophysics, Rome, and has authored more than 100 papers in international journals and conference proceedings. shinji tsujikawa is Associate Professor at Tokyo University of Science in Japan, where he teaches cosmology and relativity. He has published more than 80 papers in international refereed journals and has over 60 collaborators worldwide.
DARK ENERGY Theory and Observations LUCA AMENDOLA Institut f¨ur Theoretische Physik, Universit¨at Heidelberg/ Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma
SHINJI TSUJIKAWA Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Tokyo University of Science
Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo, Delhi, Dubai, Tokyo Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York Information on this title: © L. Amendola and S. Tsujikawa 2010 This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provision of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. First published in print format 2010 ISBN-13
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Preface List of frequently used symbols Overview Expansion history of the Universe 2.1 Friedmann equations 2.2 Hubble’s law 2.3 Matter species in the Universe 2.4 Cosmic distances 2.5 The equation of state of dark energy 2.6 Problems Correlation function and power spectrum 3.1 The correlation function 3.2 The n-point correlation function 3.3 The power spectrum 3.4 From the power spectrum to the moments 3.5 Problems Basics of cosmological perturbation theory 4.1 Perturbing General Relativity 4.2 The Newtonian gauge 4.3 Single-fluid model 4.4 Scales larger than the horizon 4.5 Scales smaller than the Hubble radius 4.6 Two-fluid solutions 4.7 Velocity field 4.8 The redshift distortion 4.9 Baryons, photons, and neutrinos 4.10 The matter power spectrum
page ix xiii 1 7 7 12 13 18 22 26 27 27 30 31 37 39 40 40 42 46 51 51 53 56 58 62 70
4.11 Perturbed photon propagation 4.12 Problems Observational evidence of dark energy 5.1 The age of the Universe 5.2 Supernova observations 5.3 Cosmic Microwave Background 5.4 Baryon acoustic oscillations 5.5 Large-scale structure 5.6 Problems Cosmological constant 6.1 Einstein equations with the cosmological constant 6.2 History of the cosmological constant 6.3 The fine tuning problem 6.4 The coincidence problem 6.5 Supersymmetric models 6.6 Cosmological constant and the anthropic principle 6.7 The decoupling of the cosmological constant from gravity 6.8 Problems Dark energy as a modified form of matter I: Quintessence 7.1 Quintessence 7.2 Dynamical system approach 7.3 Early dark energy 7.4 Quintessence potentials in particle physics 7.5 Reconstruction of quintessence from observations 7.6 Problems Dark energy as a modified form of matter II 8.1 k-essence 8.2 Phantoms 8.3 Coupled dark energy 8.4 Chameleon scalar fields 8.5 Dark energy models with scaling solutions 8.6 Unified models of dark energy and dark matter 8.7 Future singularities 8.8 Problems Dark energy as a modification of gravity 9.1 f (R) gravity 9.2 Scalar-tensor theories 9.3 Gauss–Bonnet dark energy models 9.4 Braneworld models of dark energy 9.5 Problems
76 83 84 84 87 93 102 106 108 109 110 111 113 114 116 124 129 133 134 135 138 149 153 163 171 172 172 186 189 205 215 225 230 233 234 234 257 269 277 283
10 Cosmic acceleration without dark energy 10.1 Void models 10.2 Backreaction 10.3 Problems 11 Dark energy and linear cosmological perturbations 11.1 Perturbations in a general dark energy cosmology 11.2 Perturbations of a scalar field 11.3 From dark energy to dark force 11.4 A massive dark energy field 11.5 Sound speed of a scalar field 11.6 Perturbations in modified gravity models 11.7 Problems 12 Non-linear cosmological perturbations 12.1 Second-order perturbations 12.2 The bispectrum and the higher-order correction to the power spectrum 12.3 Spherical collapse 12.4 The mass function of collapsed objects 12.5 Dark energy N -body simulations 12.6 Problems 13 Statistical methods in cosmology 13.1 The likelihood function 13.2 Model selection 13.3 Fisher matrix 13.4 The Fisher matrix for the power spectrum 13.5 Principal component analysis 13.6 Problems 14 Future observational constraints on the nature of dark energy 14.1 Dark energy and the CMB 14.2 Large-scale structure 14.3 Growth function 14.4 Cosmic shear 14.5 Cluster abundances and baryon fraction 14.6 Other probes 14.7 Problems 15 Conclusion and outlook 16 Answers to the problems 17 Mathematical Appendix References Index
285 286 292 295 296 296 306 309 313 314 317 335 336 336 341 347 351 353 355 356 356 363 367 376 379 381 383 383 391 398 403 409 415 426 427 430 455 457 485
Perhaps the first recognition that the matter composing the universe may be different from the one we touch and experience every day has been put in writing by early Greek philosophers and by Aristotle in particular. In his work On the Heavens, Aristotle argues that the nature and movement of the stars and planets is so fundamentally different from Earth-like elements that a new substance is required, a “bodily substance other than the formations we know, prior to them all and more divine than they.”1 Later on this cosmic element came to be called quintessentia, or fifth element, and drawing on Plato’s classification of the elements a dodecahedron’s figure was associated with it. More than two thousand years later, astrophysicists have begun to pile up evidence that a new form of matter pervades our Universe. This idea is based on observations that reminds one of Aristotle’s thoughts: the global movement we observe in distant reaches of our cosmos is unexplainable by ordinary matter. All the matter we see on Earth, in the solar system, inside our Galaxy or in similar structures across the Universe has a small or negligible positive pressure and clumps under the influence of gravity. An expanding Universe filled with this form of matter would by necessity slow down. But in 1998, astronomers studying the global expansion by the use of supernovae found that their observed luminosities can be explained only by an accelerated expansion of the Universe. After a full decade of more observations, more analyses and more interpretations, we still cannot find a better explanation than invoking something new, a new force or a new matter, that acts “on the heavens.” This new form of matter, called dark energy, is what this book is about. We do not know the nature of dark energy yet. We are beginning to characterize its properties in several ways, from its abundance to its dynamics, but we know still very little about it. The simplest explanation, an energy associated with the 1
Aristole, On the Heavens, I, 2.
vacuum, was already proposed on a totally different basis by Einstein under the name of universal (Einstein’s original term) or cosmological constant2 . But the freedom still allowed by observations has unleashed theorists’ imagination and many interpretations of dark energy have been advanced. Dark energy is indeed a general label for what we do not know about the large-scale properties of our Universe, its history and its geography. So why a book on dark energy? One of the immediate consequences of the discovery of the cosmic acceleration and the hypothesis of dark energy has been that astrophysicists and particle physicists, both theorists and experimentalists, have been drawn together into this new field of research, with their own languages and methods. We believe that this has created the need for a resource that allows scholars and students to apprehend the basis of dark energy research in an interdisciplinary way. This book introduces the main theoretical ideas on dark energy and at the same time the basics of the observational methods and results. There are several reviews that cover parts of the dark energy research but not a book that could be used as a starting point to advanced and more topical material. This book can be used as a companion text for an advanced cosmology course, covering several areas that complement modern cosmology textbooks or as a standalone text for graduate or post-graduate courses on dark energy. It is also addressed to newcomers in the field that wish to identify the main lines of the current research. Finally, we have in mind also researchers in the dark energy field who need to explore other sides of the discipline and would like to have a handy reference for many results and topics scattered in the literature. For most of the book we assume knowledge of General Relativity and basic cosmology at the graduate level and little more. Some more advanced sections (especially Sections 6.5 and 7.4) require also a background in quantum field theory but they can be left aside without prejudice. Whenever possible we give a fairly comprehensive review of the tools required for further material, for instance we introduce the concepts of statistics and of cosmological perturbation theory that are needed for understanding the subsequent chapters. We provide 44 fully solved problems with some detailed calculations, which will help the reader to test his/her understanding. The immense impact on cosmology of the dark energy concept is witnessed by the many projects around the world aiming at collecting more and more data, from large-scale galaxy surveys to weak lensing surveys, from cosmic microwave observations to gamma-ray bursts. The very nature of the issue at stake, the study of a component that determines to a large extent the present and future cosmic dynamics, has generated a great diversity of theoretical and observational approaches. One 2
As a curious coincidence, Aristotle first proposed his eternal and incorruptible “cosmic substance” in the book (i.e. the twelfth book) of the Metaphysics. “The Lambda Book,” as it was called in the middle ages, was singled out as the highest point of Aristotle’s metaphysics.
can attack the problem from the point of view of an exotic matter component, or of a non-Einsteinian gravity force, or invoking multidimensional effects. Similarly, one can employ a very diverse array of observations, from standard candles to standard clocks, from supernovae to quasar multiple images. Many of the hypotheses and methods will have a strong impact on cosmology even beyond the dark energy problem. This book tries to extract from this variety the core teachings: methods, suggestions, hypotheses, and techniques that are shaping our knowledge of the cosmos. Many of these, we reckon, will remain with us for many years. Although the diversity of approaches is one of the hallmarks of dark energy research, we could not possibly cover all the ideas discussed so far. Up to 2009 the number of papers that include the words “dark energy” or “cosmological constant” in the title has been over 3700. We tried to discuss all the driving ideas but not all possible implementations. In doing so we certainly missed some interesting contributions; we apologize in advance to our colleagues. We thank all our collaborators on the topics in this book, namely, Carlo Baccigalupi, Amedeo Balbi, Marco Baldi, Kazuharu Bamba, Riccardo Barbieri, Bruce A. Bassett, Silvio Bonometto, Stefano Borgani, Robert Brandenberger, Carlo Burigana, Paolo Cabella, Gianluca Calcagni, Gabriela C. Campos, Salvatore Capozziello, Daniela Carturan, Christos Charmousis, Edmund J. Copeland, Pier Stefano Corasaniti, Stephen C. Davis, Antonio De Felice, Cinzia Di Porto, Stephane Fay, Fabio Finelli, Radouane Gannouji, Mohammad Reza Garousi, Maurizio Gasperini, Chao-Qiang Geng, Emanuele Giallongo, Fabio Giovi, Burin Gumjudpai, Zong-Kuan Guo, Soo A. Kim, Martin Kunz, Maxim Libanov, Andew R. Liddle, Roy Maartens, Andrea Macci`o, Kei-ichi Maeda, Roberto Mainini, Elisabetta Majerotto, Martin Makler, Matteo Martinelli, Alessandro Melchiorri, Shuntaro Mizuno, Bruno Moraes, David F. Mota, Tapan Naskar, Savvas Nesseris, Shin’ichi Nojiri, Sergei Odintsov, Junko Ohashi, Nobuyoshi Ohta, Sudhakar Panda, Eleftherios Papantonopoulos, David Parkinson, Alessandro Pasqui, Valeria Pettorino, Yun-Song Piao, Federico Piazza, David Polarski, Miguel Quartin, Claudia Quercellini, R. R. R. Reis, Rogerio Rosenfeld, Valery Rubakov, M. Sami, Domenico Sapone, Parampreet Singh, Alexei Starobinsky, Takashi Tamaki, Takayuki Tatekawa, Reza Tavakol, Domenico Tocchini-Valentini, Alexey Toporensky, Peter V. Tretjakov, Roberto Trotta, Kotub Uddin, Carlo Ungarelli, Ioav Waga, David Wands, John Ward, Christof Wetterich, Jun’ichi Yokoyama, and Xinmin Zhang. Apart from collaborators, we are grateful to many other people with whom we have discussed a lot about dark energy. We also thank Graham Hart and the editorial staff at Cambridge University Press for giving us the opportunity to write this book. Finally we are grateful to our families: Emanuela, Davide, Yasuko, and Masato for their support and love. L.A. and S.T.
I wish to honor the memory of Franco Occhionero, long-time friend and teacher: you opened to me the magic lamp of cosmology. I also thank the staff and colleagues at the Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma and the Director Emanuele Giallongo, for support, patience, collaboration, help, friendship, and everything that makes work possible, pleasant and productive. Thanks to the University of Heidelberg for the new exciting opportunities they are offering to me. Special thanks to Silvio Bonometto, Roberto Buonanno, Roberto Scaramella and Christof Wetterich for collaboration, advice, support, and friendship. Special thanks to Claudia Quercellini, Ioav Waga, Miguel Quartin, Fabio Finelli, Cinzia di Porto for comments on the draft and for the long-term friendship and collaboration. Thanks also to Adam Amara, Enzo Branchini, Francisco Castander, Gigi Guzzo, Tom Kitching, Rocky Kolb, Martin Kunz, Roberto Maoli, Anais Rassat, Alexandre Refregier, Yun Wang, Jochen Weller, and all the other DUNE/Euclid and NASA/SWG collaborators, too many to be listed here, from whom I learned a lot in terms both of science and of scientific collaboration. L.A. I am grateful to Kei-ichi Maeda for giving me a chance to work as a cosmologist, in spite of the fact that I was majoring mathematics before entering a master course of physics in 1996. This was a correct decision because I witnessed enormous progress of observational and theoretical cosmology from the late 1990s, especially in the field of dark energy. I am also thankful to the members of Tokyo University of Science and Gunma National College of Technology, especially to Antonio De Felice, Hitoshi Fujiwara and Junko Ohashi, for their kind support and help. I also thank Bruce A. Bassett and Roy Maartens, who kindly helped me in many aspects during my stay in Portsmouth in 2003. I am grateful to M. Sami for a long-term collaboration about dark energy. S.T.
Frequently used symbols
G mpl Mpl κ a t η N ˙
−8 3 −1 Gravitational constant (G g sec−2 ) √ = 6.67 × 10 cm 19 Planck mass (mpl = 1/ G = 1.2211 √ × 10 GeV) Reduced Planck mass (Mpl = 1/ 8π G = 2.4357 × 1018 GeV) √ 8π G Scale factor of the Universe (with the present value a0 = 1) Cosmic time Conformal time: η = a −1 dt Number of e-foldings: N = ln a Derivative with respect to t Derivative with respect to η (or N = ln a in Chapters 11 and 12) Redshift: z = a0 /a − 1 Angular diameter distance, luminosity distance ˙ Hubble parameter: H = a/a, conformal Hubble parameter H = aH Present Hubble parameter: H0 = 100 h km sec−1 Mpc−1 Hubble parameter normalized by H0 : E(z) = H (z)/H0 (Energy) Density Pressure Equation of state: w = P /ρ Effective or total equation of state: weff = −1 − 2H˙ /(3H 2 ) Curvature of the Universe Ricci scalar Density parameter at the present epoch (z = 0) Sound speed η Sound horizon: rs (η) = 0 dη˜ cs (η) ˜ Gravitational potentials Temperature
z dA , dL H, H H0 , h E(z) ρ P w weff K R (0) cs rs , T
Frequently used symbols
k P (k) C R δ D b S gµν Gµν Tµν φ V (φ) U (φ) L λ λˆ X Q ωBD 2 RGB
Temperature perturbations: = δT /T Comoving wavenumber Power spectrum of perturbations Spherical harmonic multipoles Multipole power spectrum CMB shift parameter Density contrast Growth function Bias (ratio of galaxy to total matter perturbations) Cosmological constant Action Metric Einstein tensor Energy-momentum tensor Scalar field Scalar-field potential in the Einstein frame Scalar-field potential in the Jordan frame Lagrangian density (also log-likelihood) Slope of the potential defined by λ = −V,φ /(κV ) Dimensionless perturbation scale λˆ = H/k Kinetic energy: X = −(1/2)g µν ∂µ φ∂ν φ Coupling between a scalar field φ and non-relativistic matter Brans–Dicke parameter Gauss–Bonnet term
1 Overview
From the observational data of Supernovae Type Ia (SN Ia) accumulated by the year 1998, Riess et al. [1] in the High-redshift Supernova Search Team and Perlmutter et al. [2] in the Supernova Cosmology Project Team independently reported that the present Universe is accelerating. The source for this late-time cosmic acceleration was dubbed “dark energy.” Despite many years of research (see e.g., the reviews [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]) its origin has not been identified yet. Dark energy is distinguished from ordinary matter species such as baryons and radiation, in the sense that it has a negative pressure. This negative pressure leads to the accelerated expansion of the Universe by counteracting the gravitational force. The SN Ia observations have shown that about 70% of the present energy of the Universe consists of dark energy. The expression “dark energy” may be somewhat confusing in the sense that a similar expression, “dark matter,” has been used to describe a pressureless matter (a non-relativistic matter) that interacts very weakly with standard matter particles. The existence of dark matter was already pointed out by Zwicky in the 1930s by comparing the dispersion velocities of galaxies in the Coma cluster with the observable star mass. Since dark matter does not mediate the electromagnetic force, its presence is mainly inferred from gravitational effects on visible matter. Dark matter can cluster by gravitational instability (unlike standard dark energy) so that local structures have been formed in the Universe. In fact it is observationally known that dark matter has played a crucial role for the growth of large-scale structure such as galaxies and clusters of galaxies. The energy fraction of dark matter in the present universe is about 25%, whereas that of baryons is about 4%. The black body radiation, which dominated over the other matter components in the past, shares only about 0.005% of the present total energy density. In modern cosmology it is believed that another cosmic acceleration called “inflation” occurred in the very early Universe prior to the radiation-dominated
epoch. The idea of inflation was originally proposed in the early 1980s by a number of people [8, 9, 10, 11] to solve several cosmological problems such as the flatness and horizon problems. Inflation also provides a causal mechanism for the origin of large-scale structure in the Universe. The temperature anisotropies of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) observed by the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) in 1992 [12] showed that the fluctuation spectrum is nearly scale-invariant.1 This is consistent with theoretical predictions of the power spectrum of density perturbations originated from quantum fluctuations of a scalar field generated during inflation. After 2003, the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) group has provided high-precision observational data of CMB anisotropies [13, 14, 15]. This has given strong support for the existence of an inflationary period as well as dark energy. After the end of inflation the Universe entered the radiation-dominated epoch during which light elements such as helium and deuterium were formed. Since the energy density of radiation decreases faster than that of non-relativistic matter such as dark matter and baryons, the radiation-dominated era is eventually followed by the matter-dominated epoch around the redshift z = 3000. The temperature anisotropies observed by COBE and WMAP occur on the last scattering surface at which electrons were trapped by hydrogen to form atoms. After this decoupling epoch photons can freely move to us without experiencing Thomson scattering. The decoupling corresponds to the redshift z 1090. According to the WMAP 5-year data [15], the energy components at the decoupling epoch are dark matter (63%), radiations (25%) [photons (15%) and neutrinos (10%)], and baryons (12%) with at most a tiny amount of dark energy. We will often make reference to the cosmological parameters measured by WMAP in the course of this book. The formation of structure (galaxies, clusters) started in the matter-dominated epoch, i.e. when the pressureless dark matter began to dominate the total energy density of the Universe. Baryons also contribute to the formation of large-scale structure to some extent. During the matter era the energy density of dark energy needs to be suppressed compared to that of dark matter in order to allow sufficient growth of large-scale structure. If dark energy couples to dark matter with some interaction (as in the coupled quintessence scenario [16, 17]), then dark energy also affects the past expansion history of the Universe as well as the structure formation. It is possible to place bounds on the strength of such couplings from the observations of CMB and of galaxy clustering. In addition to the experiments of direct and indirect dark matter search (see e.g., [18, 19, 20, 21]), like those at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN and in underground, ground, and space 1
J. Mather and G. Smoot won the Nobel Prize in 2006 for the measurement of the black body spectrum and the discovery of the temperature anisotropy of CMB.
facilities, cosmological observations will shed light on the relation between dark matter and dark energy. While the energy density of dark matter evolves as ρm ∝ a −3 (a is the scale factor of an expanding Universe), the dark energy density is nearly constant in time (ρDE ∝ a −n with n probably close to 0). Hence the latter energy density eventually catches up with the former. The onset of the cosmic acceleration occurs around the redshift z ∼ 1, although there is still uncertainty for its precise value because of the model-dependence. We live then in a special epoch of the cosmic acceleration in the long expansion history of the Universe. The problem why the accelerated expansion of the Universe started around today is often called the “coincidence problem.” The standard radiation- and matter-dominated eras are sandwiched by two periods of cosmic acceleration – inflation and dark energy. The simplest candidate for dark energy is the so-called cosmological constant , whose energy density remains constant [22]. Originally the cosmological constant was introduced by Einstein in 1917 to realize a static Universe in the framework of General Relativity [23]. In fact the Einstein equations allow the freedom to add the constant term. The cosmological constant works as a negative pressure against gravity so that the two effects can balance each other. However, after the discovery of the expansion of the Universe by Hubble from the measurement of recession speeds of distant galaxies, Einstein abandoned the idea of adding the term to the Einstein equations. At the late stage of his career, he regretted having introduced as his “biggest blunder” (or so is told by George Gamow). In fact, there was nothing to regret: after 1998 the cosmological constant revived again as a form of dark energy responsible for the late-time acceleration of the Universe. From the viewpoint of particle physics, the cosmological constant appears as vacuum energy density. If we sum up zero-point energies of all normal modes of some field and take the cut-off scale of the momentum at the Planck scale, the vacuum energy density is estimated to be ρvac 1074 GeV4 . This is much larger than the observed value of dark energy: ρ 10−47 GeV4 . If vacuum energy with an energy density of the order of ρvac 1074 GeV4 was present in the past, the Universe would have entered an eternal stage of cosmic acceleration already in the very early Universe. This is of course problematic because the success of the big bang cosmology based on the presence of radiation and matter epochs is completely destroyed. Hence the problem of the large vacuum energy density was known long before the discovery of dark energy in 1998. If the cosmological constant is responsible for the present cosmic acceleration, we need to find a mechanism to obtain the tiny value of consistent with observations. A lot of efforts have been made in this direction under the framework of particle physics. For example, the recent development of string theory shows that it is possible to construct de Sitter vacua by compactifying extra dimensions in the
presence of fluxes with an account of non-perturbative corrections [24]. The fact that there is a huge number of different choices of fluxes gives rise to the so-called “string landscape” with more than 10500 vacua [25]. Some scientists argued that only the vacuum whose energy density is of the order of the present cosmological density can sustain life or complexity and this explains why we live in a low- world. This anthropic argument is, to say the least, highly controversial. If the origin of dark energy is not the cosmological constant, one may seek for some alternative models to explain the cosmic acceleration today. Basically there are two approaches to construct models of dark energy other than the cosmological constant. The first approach is to modify the right-hand side (r.h.s.) of the Einstein equations given in Eq. (2.8) by considering specific forms of the energy-momentum tensor Tµν with a negative pressure. The representative models that belong to this class are the so-called cosmon or quintessence [26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41], k-essence [42, 43, 44], and perfect fluid models [45, 46]. The quintessence makes use of scalar fields with slowly varying potentials, whereas in k-essence it is the scalar-field kinetic energy that drives the acceleration. The perfect fluid models are based on a perfect fluid with a specific equation of state such as the Chaplygin gas model [45] and its generalizations [46]. There have been many attempts to construct scalar-field models of dark energy based on particle physics (see Refs. [47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52] for early works). In the context of inflation, since the associated energy scale is high, it is natural for scalar fields to be responsible for the acceleration of the Universe. The situation is different for dark energy – its energy scale is too low compared to typical scales appearing in particle physics. Moreover, the field potentials need to be sufficiently flat so that the field evolves slowly enough to drive the present cosmic acceleration. This demands that the field mass is extremely light (mφ 10−33 eV) relative to typical mass scales appearing in particle physics. It would be expected that this light scalar field should mediate long-range forces with ordinary matter [36]. Such couplings need to be suppressed in order to be consistent with a number of local gravity experiments. In spite of the above-mentioned difficulties it is not hopeless to construct viable scalar-field dark energy models in the framework of particle physics. The second approach for the construction of dark energy models is to modify the left-hand side (l.h.s.) of the Einstein equations (2.8). The representative models that belong to this class (that we denote “modified gravity”) are the so-called f (R) gravity [53, 54, 55], scalar-tensor theories [56, 57, 58, 59, 60], and braneworld models [61, 62]. The cosmological constant scenario (in other words, the “-ColdDark-Matter (CDM) model”) corresponds to the Lagrangian density f (R) = R − 2, where R is the Ricci scalar. A possible modification of the CDM is described by a non-linear Lagrangian density f in terms of R, which is called
f (R) gravity. Scalar-tensor theories correspond to theories in which the Ricci scalar R couples to a scalar field φ with a coupling of the form F (φ)R. They include Brans–Dicke theory [63] and dilaton gravity [64] as specific cases. In the braneworld models proposed by Dvali, Gabadadze, and Porrati (DGP) [61] the late-time acceleration of the Universe can be realized as a result of the gravitational leakage from a 3-dimensional surface (3-brane) to a 5-th extra dimension on Hubble distances. Generally we require that modified gravity models satisfy local gravity constraints as well as conditions for the cosmic acceleration preceded by the matter-dominated epoch. In this sense modified gravity models are typically more strongly constrained than modified matter models from gravitational experiments and cosmological observations. It is important to realize however that the two approaches, which we denote as modified matter and modified gravity, are not fundamentally different, at least if for a moment we do not consider their quantum field implications. From the viewpoint of classical General Relativity (which is all that matters for most of cosmology), one can always rephrase one into the other by defining a suitable conserved energy-momentum tensor that equals the Einstein tensor. In order to distinguish this variety of models of dark energy, it is important to place constraints by using observational data such as SN Ia, CMB, and large-scale structure (LSS). Usually the equation of state of dark energy, wDE ≡ PDE /ρDE , where PDE is the pressure and ρDE is the energy density, is a good measure to describe the property of dark energy at background level. In the case of the cosmological constant we have PDE = −ρDE and hence wDE = −1. In other models of dark energy the equation of state wDE generally varies in time. Perhaps the first task of dark energy research is to detect deviations from the value wDE = −1 in order to find whether dark energy can be identified with the cosmological constant or not. The SN Ia observations have provided information of the cosmic expansion history around the redshift z 2 by the measurement of luminosity distances of the sources. The presence of dark energy leads to a shift of the position of acoustic peaks in CMB anisotropies as well as a modification of the large-scale CMB spectrum through the so-called integrated Sachs–Wolfe effect. Although the CMB data alone are not sufficient to place strong constraints on dark energy, the combined analysis of SN Ia and CMB can provide tight bounds on the equation of state wDE and the present energy fraction (0) DE of dark energy [15]. The distribution of large-scale clustering of galaxies in the sky also provides additional information on the properties of dark energy [65, 66, 67]. In 2005 the detection of a peak of baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) was reported by Eisenstein et al. [68] at the average redshift z = 0.35 from the observations of luminous red galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. This has also given us another independent test of dark
energy. From the combined analysis of SN Ia, CMB, and BAO, the WMAP group [15] obtained the bound −1.097 < wDE < −0.858 at the 95% confidence level assuming a constant equation of state. The cosmological constant (wDE = −1) is well consistent with the current observational data while some dark energy models have been already excluded from observations. In future observations it is expected that other observational data such as weak gravitational lensing and gamma ray bursts will shed light on the nature of dark energy. Confirming CDM or detecting deviations from it would be an extremely important step towards understanding the origin of dark energy. Units and conventions Throughout this book we use units such that c = = kB = 1, where c is the speed of light, is reduced Planck’s constant, and kB is Boltzmann’s constant. We reinsert these symbols when the discussion needs it. In these units everything can be expressed in terms of a single unit, e.g., time, length, or energy. The gravitational constant G is related to the Planck mass mpl = 1.2211 × 1019 GeV via G = 1/m2pl and the reduced Planck mass Mpl = 2.4357 × 1018 GeV via κ 2 ≡ 8π G = 1/Mpl2 , respectively. We adopt the metric signature (−, +, +, +). We list frequently used symbols after the Table of Contents.
2 Expansion history of the Universe
Standard hot big bang cosmology is based on the cosmological principle, which states that the Universe is homogeneous and isotropic at least on large scales. This is supported by a number of observations, such as the CMB photons coming from different parts of the sky with almost the same temperature. The past cosmic expansion history is recovered by solving the Einstein equations in the background of the homogeneous and isotropic Universe. Of course we observe inhomogeneities and irregularities in the local region of the Universe such as stars and galaxies. These inhomogeneities have grown in time through gravitational instability from a matter distribution that was more homogeneous in the past. Then the inhomogeneities can be regarded as small perturbations evolving on the background (homogeneous) Universe. In this chapter we provide the basic tools to understand the expansion history of the Universe. We also introduce a number of cosmic distances often used to put observational constraints on dark energy.
2.1 Friedmann equations The line-element that describes a 4-dimensional homogeneous and isotropic spacetime is called Friedmann–Lemaˆıtre–Robertson–Walker (FLRW) spacetime and is given by ds 2 = gµν dx µ dx ν = −dt 2 + a 2 (t)dσ 2 ,
where gµν is a metric tensor, a(t) is a scale factor with cosmic time t, and dσ 2 is the time-independent metric of the 3-dimensional space with a constant curvature K: dσ 2 = γij dx i dx j =
dr 2 + r 2 (dθ 2 + sin2 θ dφ 2 ) . 2 1 − Kr 7
Expansion history of the Universe
Here K = +1, −1, 0 correspond to closed, open, and flat geometries, respectively. We have used polar coordinates (x 1 , x 2 , x 3 ) = (r, θ, φ) with γ11 = (1 − Kr 2 )−1 , γ22 = r 2 , and γ33 = r 2 sin2 θ . In Eq. (2.1) the Greek indices µ and ν run from 0 to 3, whereas in Eq. (2.2) the Latin indices i and j run from 1 to 3; the same convention applies to the whole book except when indicated otherwise. We follow Einstein’s convention that the terms with same upper and lower indices are summed over. See the book of Weinberg [69] for the derivation of the metric (2.1) from a maximally symmetric spacetime. In addition to the cosmic time t, we also introduce the conformal time η defined by (2.3) η ≡ a −1 dt . The dynamical equations of motion in the expanding Universe can be derived from the Einstein equations by the following steps. From the metric gµν we obtain the Christoffel symbol: 1 µ νλ = g µα (gαν,λ + gαλ,ν − gνλ,α ) , 2
where gαν,λ ≡ ∂gαν /∂x λ . Note that gαν satisfies the relation g µα gαν = δνµ , where δνµ is Kronecker’s delta (δνµ =1 for µ = ν and δνµ =0 for µ = ν). The Ricci tensor is defined by β
α α α α β − µα,ν + µν αβ − µβ αν . Rµν = µν,α
The contraction of the Ricci tensor gives the Ricci scalar (scalar curvature) R = g µν Rµν .
We can then evaluate the Einstein tensor 1 Gµν ≡ Rµν − gµν R . 2
The cosmological dynamics can be obtained by solving the Einstein equations Gµν = 8π GTνµ ,
where Tνµ is the energy-momentum tensor of matter components. The l.h.s. of Eq. (2.8) characterizes the geometry of spacetime, whereas the r.h.s. describes energies and momenta of matter components. In the cosmological setting the cosmic expansion rate is determined by specifying the properties of matter in the Universe.
2.1 Friedmann equations
For the FLRW metric (2.1) the non-vanishing components of Christoffel symbols are i = ji 0 = H δji , ij0 = a 2 H γij , 0j
Kr 1 1 , 22 = −r(1 − Kr 2 ) , 33 = −r(1 − Kr 2 ) sin2 θ, (2.10) 1 − Kr 2 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 = − sin θ cos θ , 12 = 21 = 13 = 31 = , 23 = 32 = cot θ, r (2.11)
1 11 = 2 33
where ˙ H ≡ a/a.
A dot represents a derivative with respect to cosmic time t. The quantity H , called the Hubble parameter, describes the expansion rate of the Universe. The Christoffel symbols given in Eqs. (2.10) and (2.11) correspond to those for the three-dimensional metric (2.2) with the curvature K. From Eqs. (2.5) and (2.6) the Ricci tensor and the scalar curvature are R00 = −3 H 2 + H˙ , R0i = Ri0 = 0 , R = 6 2H 2 + H˙ + K/a 2 .
Rij = a 2 3H 2 + H˙ + 2K/a 2 γij , (2.13) (2.14)
From Eq. (2.7) together with the relation Gµν = g µα Gαν , the Einstein tensor is G00 = −3 H 2 + K/a 2 ,
G0i = Gi0 = 0 ,
Gij = − 3H 2 + 2H˙ + K/a 2 δji . (2.15)
In the FLRW spacetime the energy-momentum tensor of the background matter is restricted to take the perfect fluid form: Tνµ = (ρ + P )uµ uν + P δνµ ,
where uµ = (−1, 0, 0, 0) is the four-velocity of the fluid in comoving coordinates, and ρ and P are functions of t. The (00) and (ij ) components of Tνµ are T00 = −ρ and Tji = P δji . Then ρ and P have the meaning of an energy density and a pressure, respectively. Since we are using the unit c = 1, the density ρ is not particularly distinguished from the energy density ρc2 . From the (00) and (ii) components of the Einstein equations (2.8) we obtain H2 =
K 8π G ρ− 2, 3 a
K 3H 2 + 2H˙ = −8π GP − 2 . a
(2.17) (2.18)
Expansion history of the Universe
Eliminating the term K/a 2 gives a¨ 4π G =− (ρ + 3P ) . a 3
Multiplying Eq. (2.17) by a 2 , differentiating and using Eq. (2.19), we find ρ˙ + 3H (ρ + P ) = 0 .
The Einstein tensor satisfies the Bianchi identities ∂Gµν µ α ∇µ Gµν ≡ + αµ Gαν − νµ Gµα = 0 , (2.21) ∂x µ where ∇µ denotes the covariant derivative. Sometimes we use also the symbol “;µ ” to represent the covariant derivative. From the Einstein equations (2.8) it follows that ∇µ Tνµ = 0, which gives the same equation as (2.20) in the FLRW background (see problem 2.1). Hence Eq. (2.20) is called the conservation or continuity equation. Equation (2.17) can be written in the form: M + K = 1 ,
where M ≡
8π Gρ , 3H 2
K ≡ −
K . (aH )2
We often refer to the present values of the density parameters. For relativistic particles, non-relativistic matter, dark energy, and curvature, we have, respectively (0) r =
8π Gρr(0) , 3H02
(0) m =
8π Gρm(0) , 3H02
(0) DE =
(0) 8π GρDE , 3H02
(0) K =−
K . (a0 H0 )2 (2.24)
When we wish to identify the electromagnetic radiation, rather than all the relativistic particles, we use the subscript γ . When we need to distinguish between (cold) dark matter and baryons we use the subscripts c and b, respectively.1 When we refer to the cosmological constant, we also use the subscript ∧ instead of DE. Finally, sometimes we use M to denote a generic matter component. If the expansion of the Universe is decelerated (i.e. a¨ < 0) then the curvature ˙ decreases), apart term |K | continues to increase (because the term aH (= a) from the case where the Universe is exactly flat (K = 0) from the very beginning. The WMAP 5-year data [15] constrain the curvature of the present Universe to be −0.0175 < (0) K < 0.0085 at the 95% confidence level. We need a phase of 1
See Section 2.3 for the definition of cold dark matter.
2.1 Friedmann equations
cosmic acceleration (a¨ > 0) to reduce |K | in the past cosmic expansion history, unless the initial state of the Universe is extremely close to the flat one. In order to realize the present level of flatness of the Universe, we require, prior to the radiation-dominated epoch, a phase of cosmic inflation during which the scale factor changes by more than e70 times [70]. Let us consider the case in which the Universe is dominated by a single component with an equation of state defined by w ≡ P /ρ .
If w is a constant, one can analytically find the evolution of ρ and a for the flat Universe (K = 0). Solving Eqs. (2.17) and (2.20) in this case, we obtain the following solutions ρ ∝ a −3(1+w) ,
a ∝ (t − ti )2/(3(1+w)) ,
where ti is a constant. Since from statistical mechanics we know that radiation has the equation of state w = 1/3 (as we will see later), it follows that the cosmic evolution during the radiation-dominated epoch is given by ρ ∝ a −4 and a ∝ (t − ti )1/2 . Non-relativistic matter corresponds to the case with a negligible pressure relative to its energy density, i.e. w 0. Then the evolution during the matterdominated era is given by ρ ∝ a −3 and a ∝ (t − ti )2/3 . In order to give rise to the cosmic acceleration we require a¨ > 0 in Eq. (2.19), i.e. P < −ρ/3
w < −1/3 ,
where ρ is assumed to be positive. The fact that the negative pressure leads to the cosmic acceleration may look counter-intuitive. In Newtonian gravity the pressure is related to a force associated with a local potential that depends on the position in space. In the homogeneous and isotropic Universe such a local potential is absent, which means that there is no Newtonian-analog pressure. In other words, the time-dependent pressure P (t) in the FLRW spacetime appears only in General Relativity. The mechanisms that generate this negative pressure and the cosmic acceleration are the main topic of this book. When w = −1, i.e. P = −ρ, it follows from Eq. (2.20) that ρ is a constant. This case corresponds indeed to the so-called cosmological constant. Since H is constant in the flat Universe (K = 0), the scale factor evolves exponentially: a ∝ exp(H t). The cosmological constant cannot be responsible for inflation in the early Universe because otherwise the accelerated expansion would not end. However, it is possible that the cosmological constant is responsible for dark energy because the current cosmic acceleration might indeed continue without end.
Expansion history of the Universe
2.2 Hubble’s law In the 1920s Slipher and Hubble found that the observed wavelength λ0 of absorption lines of distant galaxies is larger than the wavelength λ in the rest frame [71]. This is due to the fact that the wavelength is stretched in proportion to the scale factor in an expanding Universe. In order to quantify this effect, we introduce the redshift a0 λ0 −1= − 1, (2.28) z≡ λ a where the present epoch corresponds to z = 0. In the following we take the present scale factor a0 to be unity unless otherwise stated. As we go back to the past, z gets larger. As long as the recessional velocity v of an object is much smaller than the speed of light c we have λ0 (1 + v/c)λ from the Doppler effect, giving z v/c .
In an expanding Universe a physical distance r from an observer (at the origin) to an object is given by r = a(t)x, where x denotes the comoving distance. For objects moving with the Hubble flow, the comoving distance remains constant. Taking the derivative of the equation r = a(t)x with respect to t, we obtain r˙ = H r + a x˙ .
The velocity v H ≡ H r appears because of the presence of the cosmic expansion. On the other hand, the velocity v p ≡ a x˙ , called peculiar velocity, describes the movement of an object with respect to the local Hubble flow. The speed of the object along the direction from the observer to the object is given by v ≡ r˙ · r/r = H r + v p · r/r ,
where r ≡ |r|. In most cases the peculiar velocity of galaxies does not exceed 106 m/s. Under the condition that the term v p · r/r is negligible relative to the term H r, we obtain v H0 r .
Here we have replaced H for the present value H0 , which is justified in small redshift regions (z 1). In 1929, Hubble reported the law (2.32) by plotting the recessional velocity v versus the distance r. His data were scarce, shallow, and noisy, but Hubble concluded correctly that the universe was expanding. The Hubble parameter H0 (Hubble constant) is usually written as H0 = 100 h km sec−1 Mpc−1 = 2.1332h × 10−42 GeV ,
1 Mpc = 3.08568 × 1024 cm = 3.26156 × 106 light years .
2.3 Matter species in the Universe
Note that h describes the uncertainty on the value H0 . The observations of the Hubble Key Project constrain this value to be [72] h = 0.72 ± 0.08 .
Originally Hubble derived a much larger value, H0 ∼ 500 km sec−1 Mpc−1 , due to the uncertainty of the measurement of distances at that time. We define the Hubble time tH ≡ 1/H0 = 9.78 × 109 h−1 years ,
which is a rough measure of the age of the Universe. The present Hubble radius is defined by c DH ≡ = 2998 h−1 Mpc , (2.37) H0 which corresponds roughly to the largest scale we can observe now. It is also convenient to introduce the critical density 3H02 = 1.88 h2 × 10−29 g cm−3 , ρc(0) ≡ (2.38) 8π G which represents the averaged cosmological density in the Universe today. Note that we have used Eqs. (2.33) and (2.34) together with the value G = 6.67 × 10−8 cm3 g−1 sec−2 to obtain the numerical value in Eq. (2.38). The critical density (2.38) is very small compared to densities in the local structure of the Universe (ρ 5 g/cm3 for Earth and ρ 10−24 g/cm3 for the homogeneous baryon/dark matter density in our Galaxy). An even smaller fraction is responsible for the present accelerated expansion of the Universe. 2.3 Matter species in the Universe Let us consider matter species in the Universe. They are broadly classified into relativistic particles, non-relativistic matter, and dark energy. Another component, presumably a scalar field, dominated during the period of inflation in the early Universe. In the following we shall first review the equilibrium thermodynamics of relativistic and non-relativistic particles and then proceed to the brief thermal history of the Universe. Let us consider a particle with momentum p and mass m. From Special Relativity the energy of this particle is E = p 2 + m2 , where p ≡ | p|. The phase space occupancy f ( p) in equilibrium at temperature T is given by the following distribution function 1 f ( p) = , (2.39) exp[(E − µ)/T ] ± 1 where µ is the chemical potential of each species. The plus and minus signs represent the Fermi–Dirac distribution and the Bose–Einstein distribution, respectively.
Expansion history of the Universe
Generally the distribution function f depends on the position x of the species, but Eq. (2.39) only depends on p ≡ | p| because of the homogeneity of the Universe. Since the minimum volume of phase space in terms of x and p is given by (2π )3 due to Heisenberg’s principle, the number of phase space elements is d3 x d3 p/(2π )3 . Then the energy density ρ and the pressure P with g∗ internal degrees of freedom are [73, 74] ∞ d3 p g∗ (E 2 − m2 )1/2 E(p) f (p) = dE ρ = g∗ E 2 , (2.40) (2π )3 2π 2 m exp[(E − µ)/T ] ± 1 d3 p pv d3 p p 2 f (p) = g f (p) P = g∗ ∗ (2π )3 3 (2π )3 3E ∞ (E 2 − m2 )3/2 g∗ dE = . (2.41) 6π 2 m exp[(E − µ)/T ] ± 1 Note that there is no integral over d3 x because ρ and P are defined as quantities per unit volume. In the first equality of Eq. (2.41) we have used the fact that the pressure per unit number density of particles is given by pv/3 (where v is the speed of the particle), and in the second equality of Eq. (2.41) the relation v = p/E has been used in unit of c = 1 (recall that the energyand the momentum 2 in Special Relativity are E = mc / 1 − v 2 /c2 and p = mv/ 1 − v 2 /c2 , respectively). In the final expressions of Eqs. (2.40) and (2.41) we have adopted the unit = 1. In what follows we consider relativistic and non-relativistic particles separately. (i) Relativistic species The relativistic limit corresponds to T m, i.e. taking the limit m → 0 in Eqs. (2.40) and (2.41). For non-degenerate particles (T µ) we obtain 2 (Bosons) (π /30)g∗ T 4 , (2.42) ρ= 2 4 (7/8)(π /30)g∗ T , (Fermions) P = ρ/3 , (2.43) ∞ 3 3 x ∞ where we have used 0 d x x /(e − 1) = π 4 /15 and 0 d3 x x 3 /(ex + 1) = 7π 4 /120. The result (2.43) shows that the equation of state of relativistic particles without degeneracies is given by w = 1/3. The photons are bosonic species and it is also known that the chemical potential µ for the CMB photons is much smaller than the temperature T (µ/T < 9 × 10−5 [75]). Since the photon has two spin states (g∗ = 2), its energy density is ργ =
π2 4 T . 15
2.3 Matter species in the Universe
The COBE satellite measured the present temperature of CMB photons to be T = 2.725 ± 0.002 K [12]. On using the conversion 1 K4 =1.279×10−35 g cm−3 , the energy density of CMB photons in the present Universe is ργ(0) = 4.641 × 10−34 g cm−3 . This corresponds to the density parameter (0) γ ≡
8π Gργ(0) 3H02
ργ(0) ρc(0)
= 2.469 × 10−5 h−2 .
−5 If we take the value h = 0.72, then (0) γ = 4.763 × 10 . Since the energy den−4 sity ργ evolves as ργ ∝ a (see Eq. (2.26) with w = 1/3), the comparison with Eq. (2.44) gives the relation T ∝ 1/a (= 1 + z). Hence the temperature is inversely proportional to the scale factor. Neutrinos also behave like relativistic particles provided that their masses are small. They are fermionic particles with zero chemical potentials and there are three types of species in standard models (electron neutrino νe , muon neutrino νµ , and tau neutrino ντ ). Each species has one spin degree of freedom. Note also that neutrinos have anti-particles (anti-neutrinos). Using Eq. (2.42) in the fermionic case, the energy density of neutrinos, including anti-particles, is given by
ρν = Neff
7π 2 4 T , 120 ν
where Neff is the effective number of neutrino species and Tν is the temperature of neutrinos. Note that Neff = 3 for standard models of neutrinos, but in the fermionic case we have introduced the effective number Neff in order to allow for other relativistic degrees of freedom. The Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) occurred around the energy scale ∼0.1 MeV to form light elements such as deuterium and helium. The decoupling of neutrinos from the rest of the cosmic plasma, immediately followed by the annihilation of electrons (e− ) and positrons (e+ ), occurred earlier than the BBN epoch. The presence of extra relativistic degrees of freedom changes the amount of the light elements predicted by the BBN, which allows to put a bound on Neff . The current standard value is Neff = 3.04 [76], which is slightly larger than 3. The neutrino temperature Tν is linked to the photon temperature Tγ via the relation Tν /Tγ = (4/11)1/3 . This comes from the conservation of entropy before and after the annihilation of electrons and positrons (see the problem 2.2). From Eqs. (2.44) and (2.46), the relation between the neutrino density and the photon density is ρν = Neff (7/8)(4/11)4/3 ργ . Hence the present density parameter of radiation, which is the sum of photons and relativistic neutrinos, yields (0) r =
ργ(0) + ρν(0) ρc(0)
= (0) γ (1 + 0.2271Neff ) ,
Expansion history of the Universe
where (0) γ is given in Eq. (2.45). If we take the values h = 0.72 and Neff = 3.04, −5 then we obtain (0) r = 8.051 × 10 . (ii) Non-relativistic matter In the case of non-relativistic particles (T m), Eqs. (2.40) and (2.41) reduce to mT 3/2 exp [−(m − µ)/T ] , (2.48) ρ = g∗ m 2π mT 3/2 T P = g∗ T (2.49) exp [−(m − µ)/T ] = ρ , 2π m which are valid for both bosonic and fermionic particles. See problem 2.3 for the derivation of (2.48) and (2.49). Equation (2.49) shows that the pressure P is suppressed relative to the energy density ρ by the factor T /m 1. Hence the equation of state for non-relativistic matter is w 0, as expected. The above result shows that the energy density ρ is not described by a function of the temperature T only (unlike the case of photons). Hence we need to measure the density of non-relativistic particles (baryons and dark matter) directly from observations. Let us consider baryons first. During the BBN epoch the light elements such as deuterium and helium were formed from neutrons and protons. Most of the neutrons decayed to protons (through the β-decay) before the formation of deuterium, while neutrons that did not decay to protons were eventually trapped in helium. If we increase the baryon density, the process of the BBN occurs faster and hence more neutrons remain without decaying to protons. This leads to an increase of the abundance of helium, whereas the abundance of deuterium decreases. Thus the amount of light elements produced during the BBN epoch is sensitive to the baryon density. The abundance of deuterium is known by observing absorption lines in the high-redshift quasars. According to the measurement of distant quasars, Tytler and his collaborators derived the primeval deuterium abundance relative to the hydrogen to be D/H = (3.0 ± 0.4) × 10−5 [77]. From this bound, Burles, Nollett, and Turner [78] obtained the following constraint on the present density parameter of baryons: 2 (0) b h = 0.020 ± 0.002
(BBN constraint),
at the 95% confidence level. The CMB observations also place tight bounds on the density parameter (0) b . If we increase the baryon density ρb , this leads to a smaller sound speed cs for the combined fluid system of baryons, photons, and electrons [see Eqs. (4.180) and (4.173)]. Crudely speaking the perturbations in CMB anisotropies with comoving 2 wavenumber k satisfy the equation for the harmonic oscillator, ddηx2 + k 2 cs2 x = 0, with some corrections [see Eq. (5.16)]. For smaller cs , the frequency kcs decreases
2.3 Matter species in the Universe
so that the height of the first CMB acoustic peak gets larger (because the amplitude of the harmonic oscillator with a smaller spring constant gets larger). One can constrain the amount of the baryon density by using this property. From the WMAP 5-year data combined with SN Ia and BAO data, the constraint on the present density parameter of baryons is [15] +0.00058 2 (0) b h = 0.02267−0.00059
(WMAP 5 year constraint),
at the 68% confidence level. If we take the value h = 0.72, then we have (0) b = 0.0437 for the central value in Eq. (2.51). This means that the baryonic contribution is only 4% in the present Universe. In addition to baryons, astrophysical observations require the existence of dark matter as another non-relativistic component in the Universe. Since dark matter interacts very weakly with standard model particles, its existence can only be probed by gravitational effects on visible matter. More specifically, if dark matter was non-relativistic at the time it decoupled from photons, it is called Cold Dark Matter (CDM). Alternatively, dark matter that was relativistic at the photon decoupling epoch is called Hot Dark Matter (HDM), whose representative candidate is the neutrino. The present paradigm of structure formation is based on the gravitational clustering of CDM. The baryonic matter alone is not sufficient to lead to structure formation consistent with observations of galaxy clustering [74]. Also the pure HDM model is ruled out as a viable model. This comes from the fact that neutrinos tend to stream out of any overdense region so that the CMB spectrum in the neutrino-dominated Universe has an insufficient power on small scales to be consistent with observations. In the mixed dark matter models of CDM and HDM, the observations limit the amount of hot dark matter to at most a few percent. In the following we shall focus on the pure CDM model (plus dark energy) unless otherwise stated. The CMB anisotropy data show that the present abundance of dark matter is about 5 times larger than that of baryons. The WMAP 5-year data constrain the density parameter of the CDM to be [15] 2 (0) c h = 0.1131 ± 0.00034
(WMAP 5-year constraint),
at the 68% confidence level. For the value h = 0.72 we have (0) c = 0.2182 for the central value in Eq. (2.52). The origin of dark matter has not been identified yet. There are basically two classes of dark matter – (i) the astrophysical candidates, or (ii) the particle candidates. Examples of class (i) are black holes, neutron stars, and white dwarfs. However, since these originate from baryons, it is not possible to explain all dark matter components without taking into account non-baryonic dark matter.
Expansion history of the Universe
Class (ii) is of the non-baryonic type. Some examples of this class are axions and Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs, including neutralinos). The axion was originally introduced by Peccei and Quinn [79] as a solution to the strong CP problem in quantum chromodynamics (QCD). It has a weak coupling with a small mass ma = 10−6 –10−2 eV. The initial momentum of the axion when it gains a mass through non-perturbative QCD effects is of the order of pa = 10−9 eV ma . Hence the axion can be a good candidate for CDM. The WIMPs are usually motivated by supersymmetric theories. For example, neutralinos are formed as four eigenstates of a mass operator as a result of the mixing of superpartners of Z-bosons, the photon, and the neutral higgs (zino, photino, and higgsino, respectively). The lightest of the four neutralinos turns out to be the lightest supersymmetric particles with typical masses mn = 100 GeV–1 TeV. The lightest neutralinos couple to other particles with the strength characteristic of the weak interaction and hence they can be a good candidate for CDM. Direct or indirect dark matter searches and future LHC experiments will hopefully detect dark matter from space or from high-energy collisions of particles (see Refs. [19, 20, 21] for recent reviews). (iii) Dark energy From Eqs. (2.47), (2.51), and (2.52) the sum of the density parameters of radiation, baryons, and dark matter does not exceed 0.3 in the present Universe. Since present observational bounds on the spatial curvature are very strong, |(0) K | 0.01, we still need to identify the remaining 70% of the cosmic matter. This unknown component, called dark energy, is supposed to be responsible for the present cosmic acceleration. The combined data analysis using WMAP, SN Ia, and BAO have provided the following constraint for the present density parameter of dark energy: (0) DE = 0.726 ± 0.015
(WMAP 5-year constraint).
In Chapters 5 and 14 we will discuss observational constraints on dark energy in great detail. The theoretical attempts to identify the origin of dark energy will be discussed in Chapters 6–10. 2.4 Cosmic distances In order to discuss observational constraints on dark energy, it is important to introduce cosmic distances directly related to observations in the FLRW spacetime (2.1). In fact, a large part of the evidence for dark energy comes from measurements of cosmological distances. Setting r = sin χ (K = +1), r = χ (K = 0), and r = sinhχ (K = −1) in Eq. (2.2), the 3-dimensional space line-element is expressed as dσ 2 = dχ 2 + (fK (χ ))2 dθ 2 + sin2 θ dφ 2 , (2.54)
2.4 Cosmic distances
sinχ fK (χ ) = χ sinhχ
(K = +1) , (K = 0) , (K = −1) .
The function (2.55) can be written in a unified way: √
1 fK (χ ) = √ sinh −Kχ , −K
where the case of the flat universe is recovered by taking the limit K → −0. 2.4.1 Comoving distance Let us first compute the comoving distance dc . The light traveling along the χ direction satisfies the geodesic equation: ds 2 = −c2 dt 2 + a 2 (t)dχ 2 = 0, where we have recovered the speed of light c for clarification. Let us consider the case in which light emitted at time t = t1 with χ = χ1 (redshift z) reaches an observer at time t = t0 with χ = 0 (corresponding to z = 0). Integrating the equation, dχ = −c dt/a(t), the comoving distance reads χ1 t1 c dt . (2.57) dχ = − dc ≡ χ1 = 0 t0 a(t) From Eq. (2.28) it follows that dt = −dz/[H (1 + z)]. Then the comoving distance is given by z c d˜z dc = , (2.58) a0 H0 0 E(˜z) where
The function, z 0
z 0
E(z) ≡ H (z)/H0 .
d˜z/E(˜z), can be expanded around z = 0:
d˜z E (0) 2 1 2 =z− z + 2E (0) − E (0) z3 + O(z4 ) , E(˜z) 2 6
where a prime represents a derivative with respect to z. For a redshift z much smaller than unity, the comoving distance is approximately given by c z , for z 1 . (2.61) dc a0 H 0 On using the relation (2.29), we find v (a0 H0 )dc .
Expansion history of the Universe
This shows that the recessional velocity v of the object is proportional to dc with the proportionality constant a0 H0 . For the physical distance r = a0 dc we find r (c/H0 )z v/H0 , which means that Hubble’s law (2.32) is satisfied. Hubble’s law written as in Eq. (2.32) is valid therefore only in the low-redshift region z 1. For z 1 the higher-order terms in Eq. (2.60) become important so that Hubble’s law is subject to be modified. 2.4.2 Luminosity distance As we will see in Section 5.2, the luminosity distance dL is used in SN Ia observations in order to link the supernova luminosity with the expansion rate of the Universe. It is defined by Ls , (2.63) 4π F where Ls is the absolute luminosity of a source and F is an observed flux. Note that the observed luminosity L0 (detected at χ = 0 and z = 0) is different from the absolute luminosity Ls of the source (emitted at the comoving distance χ with the redshift z). The flux F is defined by F = L0 /S, where S = 4π (a0 fK (χ ))2 is the area of a sphere at z = 0. Then the luminosity distance (2.63) yields dL2 ≡
dL2 = (a0 fK (χ ))2
Ls . L0
We need now to derive the ratio Ls /L0 . If we write the energy of light emitted at the time-interval t1 to be E1 , the absolute luminosity is defined by Ls = E1 /t1 . Similarly the observed luminosity is given by L0 = E0 /t0 , where E0 is the energy of light detected at the time-interval t0 . Since the energy of a photon is inversely proportional to its wavelength λ we have that E1 /E0 = λ0 /λ1 = 1 + z, where we have used Eq. (2.28). Moreover, the constancy of c = λ/t implies λ1 /t1 = λ0 /t0 , where λ1 and λ0 are the wavelength of light at the points of emission and detection respectively. This leads to the relation t0 /t1 = λ0 /λ1 = 1 + z. Hence we find Ls E1 t0 = = (1 + z)2 . L0 E0 t1
From Eqs. (2.64) and (2.65) the luminosity distance reduces to dL = a0 fK (χ)(1 + z) .
Recall that the function fK (χ ) is given in Eq. (2.56) with the comoving distance z d˜z c χ = dc = . (2.67) a0 H0 0 E(˜z)
2.4 Cosmic distances
Then dL can be expressed as c(1 + z) sinh dL = H0 (0) K
(0) K
z 0
d˜z E(˜z)
(0) 2 2 where (0) K = −Kc /(a0 H0 ) . Note that this definition of K is identical to the last one given in Eq. (2.24) in the unit c = 1. It is clear that the luminosity distance is directly related to the expansion rate of the Universe. Expanding the function sinh(x) in the form sinh(x) = x + x 3 /6 + O(x 5 ) and using Eq. (2.60), we find that dL can be expanded around z = 0 as follows: E (0) 2 c dL = z+ 1− z H0 2 1 2 (0) 3 4 + 2E (0) − 3E (0) − E (0) + K z + O(z ) . (2.69) 6
In the small-redshift region (z 1) we have dL c z/H0 . Using Eq. (2.29) we obtain v H 0 dL ,
z 1.
This shows that Hubble’s law holds for the luminosity distance as well. 2.4.3 Angular diameter distance The angular diameter distance dA is defined by x , (2.71) θ where θ is the angle that subtends an object of actual size x orthogonal to the line of sight. This distance is often used for the observations of CMB anisotropies. Since the source lies on the surface of a sphere with radius χ with the observer at the center, the size x at time t1 in the FLRW spacetime (2.1) with (2.54) is given by dA ≡
x = a(t1 )fK (χ )θ . Hence the diameter distance is
z c d˜z (0) , (2.73) sinh K z) 0 E(˜ H0 (0) K z where we have used fK = c/(a0 H0 (0) ) sinh ( (0) z/E(˜z)) and z = K K 0 d˜ a0 /a(t1 ) − 1. Comparing Eq. (2.73) with Eq. (2.68), we notice the 1 a0 fK (χ ) = dA = a(t1 )fK (χ) = 1+z 1+z
Expansion history of the Universe
following relation dA =
dL . (1 + z)2
This is called reciprocity or duality or Etherington relation [80]. Its validity extends far beyond the FLRW metric: it is valid in fact for any metric as long as flux is conserved. In the limit z 1 all the distances discussed above reduce to the Euclidean distance in the Minkowski spacetime. 2.4.4 Degeneracy of the distance–redshift relation All the distance definitions given above z depend on the cosmological parameters through the integral χ = (c/(a0 H0 )) 0 d˜z/E(˜z) in flat spaces and on fK (χ ) in curved spaces. It is therefore clear that all the measures of expansion that we can obtain through measurements of distances, from standard candles to the CMB acoustic peaks, will constrain only the cosmological parameters contained in E(z) and only in those particular combinations that appear in χ and in fK (χ ). If we had distance information only for a given z then all the combinations of cosmological parameters that produce the same fK (χ ) would be equally acceptable: the constraints would therefore be fully degenerate along lines (or surfaces) of constant fK (χ ). For instance the closed CDM cosmological model defined by (0) (0) (0) ((0) , m ) = (1, 1) and the open model defined by ( , m ) = (0.1, 0.6) give practically identical distances at z = 1. In Fig. 2.1 we plot the lines of constant (0) fK (χ) in the plane ((0) , m ) for redshifts that roughly correspond to a typical distant supernova and to CMB. If we have information only in a small range of redshifts the degeneracy will be partially broken but still the constraints will appear elongated along the lines of equal distances, as we will see in the next sections. It is only by combining measures at widely different redshifts or by employing indicators other than distances that we may hope to pin down the cosmological parameters. 2.5 The equation of state of dark energy Let us consider the Universe filled by radiation (density ρr and pressure Pr = ρr /3), non-relativistic matter (density ρm and pressure Pm = 0), and dark energy (density ρDE and pressure PDE ). Since ρr and ρm evolve as ρr ∝ a −4 and ρm ∝ a −3 , respectively, they can be expressed in the forms ρr = ρr(0) (a0 /a)4 = ρr(0) (1 + z)4 ,
ρm = ρm(0) (a0 /a)3 = ρm(0) (1 + z)3 .
2.5 The equation of state of dark energy 3
1 0.0
bi g
ba ng
ba ng
z 1100
bi g
z 1 2
1 0.0
0 m
0 m
Figure 2.1 Contours of constant fK (χ ) for z = 1 and z = 1100. The straight line represents the flat model. In the left panel the contours range from 1400 to 2800 h−1 Mpc in steps of 200, from right to left. In the right panel they range from 300 to 5100 h−1 Mpc in steps of 600, from top to bottom (the last two contours are for 15 000 and 30 000 h−1 Mpc, respectively).
The redshift zeq that corresponds to the radiation–matter equality (ρr = ρm ) is 1 + zeq =
ρm(0) ρr(0)
(0) m (0) r
(0) where (0) r is given by Eq. (2.47) with Eq. (2.45). The density parameter m (0) is the sum of the baryon contribution b and the CDM contribution (0) c , i.e. (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) = + . The WMAP 5-year constraints on and are given by m c c b b Eqs. (2.51) and (2.52), respectively. For the effective number of neutrino species Neff = 3.04 we obtain 2 1 + zeq = 2.396 × 104 (0) m h .
2 If we take the value (0) m h = 0.136, we have zeq = 3258. Note that the CMB decoupling epoch corresponds to zdec 1090 [15], therefore later than the radiation– matter equality. Let us consider dark energy with an equation of state wDE = PDE /ρDE , satisfying the continuity equation
ρ˙DE + 3H (ρDE + PDE ) = 0 .
Integrating this equation by using the relation dt = −dz/[H (1 + z)], we obtain z 3(1 + wDE ) (0) ρDE = ρDE exp d˜z , (2.80) 1 + z˜ 0
Expansion history of the Universe
which can also be written by introducing an average wˆ DE as z 1 wDE (˜z) (0) −3(1+wˆ DE ) d˜z . (2.81) , wˆ DE (z) = ρDE = ρDE (a/a0 ) ln(1 + z) 0 1 + z˜ From the Friedmann equation (2.17) we have H2 =
K 8π G (ρr + ρm + ρDE ) − 2 . 3 a
From Eq. (2.82) we see that the present density parameters defined in Eq. (2.24) obey the following relation (0) (0) (0) (0) r + m + DE + K = 1 .
Then Eq. (2.82) can be written in the form 2 2 4 (0) 3 H (z) = H0 (0) r (1 + z) + m (1 + z) + (0) DE
exp 0
3(1 + wDE ) (0) 2 d˜z + K (1 + z) . 1 + z˜
Differentiating this equation with respect to z, we find that the equation of state of dark energy can be expressed as (0) 4 2 (1 + z)(E 2 (z)) − 3E 2 (z) − (0) r (1 + z) + K (1 + z) , wDE (z) = (0) (0) 4 3 2 3 E 2 (z) − (0) r (1 + z) − m (1 + z) − K (1 + z)
where E(z) is defined in Eq. (2.59) and a prime represents a derivative with respect to z. From Eq. (2.68) the quantity E(z) can be written in terms of dL : 2 2 H d (z) (1 + z)2 c2 (1 + z)2 + (0) L K 0 . (2.86) E 2 (z) = [(1 + z)H0 dL (z) − H0 dL (z)]2 For the flat Universe ((0) K = 0) this relation reduces to the following simple form d dL (z) −1 c E(z) = . H0 dz 1 + z
If the luminosity distance dL (z) is measured observationally, we can determine the evolution of E(z) from Eq. (2.86) and hence wDE (z) from Eq. (2.85). The cosmic expansion history for the redshift z O(1) can be reconstructed from the SN Ia observations. In this regime the energy density of radiation is negligible compared to those of non-relativistic matter and dark energy. The present
2.5 The equation of state of dark energy
observational bound on the cosmic curvature is −0.0175 < (0) K < 0.0085 [15], showing that the Universe is close to the flat geometry. In the flat Universe with a negligible contribution of radiation, Eq. (2.85) reduces to wDE (z) =
(1 + z)(E 2 (z)) − 3E 2 (z) . 3 3 E 2 (z) − (0) (1 + z) m
This relation is often used when we place observational constraints on the equation of state of dark energy. While the effect of the cosmic curvature on the estimate of wDE (z) can be negligible in the region z 1, a small uncertainty on the curvature can produce a significant bias in wDE in the high-redshift regime z 1 [81, 82]. In such a case we need to use the relation (2.85) rather than (2.88). It is important to remark however that the basic observable quantity is E(z), not wDE (z). In fact, wDE (z) cannot be determined entirely from E(z), i.e. from measurements of the background expansion. From Eq. (2.88) it appears in fact that one needs (0) m , i.e. the present density of pressureless matter, and this can only be obtained from large-scale structure methods. However one must notice that the density parameter obtained from e.g., the cluster mass estimation does not necessarily coincide with the quantity (0) m in Eq. (2.88), since in general clustered matter and pressureless matter do not need to be the same. This is particularly important to notice in coupled dark energy models [17] in which matter acquires an effective pressure through an interaction with dark energy. Of course if wDE (z) is assumed to be constant or is parametrized in some form, as is usually done, then the knowledge of E(z) at several z’s can fix both the equation of state and (0) m . Finally, let us notice that the bound on the equation state of dark energy from the WMAP 5-year data combined with other observational data is −1.097 < wDE < −0.858 at the 95% confidence level [15]. Hence we cannot rule out the possibility that wDE is smaller than −1. These cases are generally called “phantoms” or “ghosts” [83]. Since P + ρ < 0 in this case, Eq. (2.20) shows that ρ increases with time. From Eq. (2.17) the Hubble parameter H grows toward the future. When wDE is constant and smaller than −1, the solution of the scale factor corresponding to the expanding Universe is given by a ∝ (trip − t)2/(3(1+wDE )) ,
where t is smaller than the constant trip . As t approaches trip , the scale factor goes to infinity. One can easily show that the scalar curvature R and the Hubble parameter H also diverge at t = trip . The Universe ends up with a finite-time singularity in the (distant!) future (see problem 2.4). This finite-time singularity is called the big-rip singularity [84].
Expansion history of the Universe
2.6 Problems 2.1 Derive the continuity equation, ρ˙ + 3H (ρ + P ) = 0, from the continuity equation ∇µ T0µ = 0 .
2.2 Let us consider the entropy conservation before and after the annihilation of electrons and positrons when the cosmic temperature was of the order of the electron mass. The entropy density for a particle with density ρ, pressure P , and temperature T is defined by s ≡ (ρ + P )/T . Before the annihilation there were photons, neutrinos, anti-neutrinos, electrons, and positrons with the same temperature, whereas after the annihilation there were photons, neutrinos, and anti-neutrinos with different temperatures. By using the entropy conservation as well as the fact that the neutrino temperature scales as Tν ∝ a −1 , show that the relation between the photon temperature Tγ and the neutrino temperature Tν is given by 1/3 4 Tν = . (2.91) Tγ 11 2.3 Derive the density (2.48) and the pressure (2.49) in the non-relativistic limit (T m). 2.4 Show that the scalar curvature R diverges at the big-rip singularity by using the solution (2.89). For the dark energy equation of state wDE = −1.5, estimate the time trip − t0 by neglecting the contribution of non-relativistic matter.
3 Correlation function and power spectrum
The models of dark energy we will introduce later on are linked to the observations by a precious tool, statistics. Since this world is complicated, we have to average the ups and downs of everyday life to get a sense of the underlying substance. In this chapter we present basic tools of statistics in order to confront dark energy models with observations. Statistics itself is often divided into descriptive statistics, i.e. how to condense the data in a compact and useful way, and estimation (or inferential, inductive) statistics, i.e. how to derive information on model parameters. We start here with the statistics needed for cosmological perturbation theory, essentially descriptive statistics such as correlation function and power spectrum, and postpone parameter estimation statistics to Chapter 13. A note on notation is in order here. When there is no real need, we will not use separate notation for an estimator (say, the correlation function) and its expected value. Similarly, when there is no risk of confusion, we will denote vector quantities like position x and wavevector k with unbolded fonts x, k, especially to denote the argument of functions: δ(x) will in general mean the density contrast at a position x. Finally, when an integration, even a multiple one, is extended to the whole space we simply write dV or dx. When the domain of integration really matters, then it will be specified. 3.1 The correlation function Our first task is to describe a random distribution of particles in a compact way, to be identified with astrophysical sources (galaxies, quasars, etc.). If there are N points in a volume V , the first interesting descriptor is the average numerical density ρ0 = N/V . Clearly this is utterly insufficient to discriminate among say N points clustered near the same spot and N points evenly distributed across the volume, so we need to find more useful descriptors. Let us focus then on some 27
Correlation function and power spectrum
small volume dV chosen randomly inside the volume V . Then ρ0 dV is the average number of particles in the infinitesimal volume. If dNab = na nb is the average number of pairs in the volumes dVa and dVb (i.e. the product of the number of particles in one volume times the number in another volume), separated by rab , then we define the next important descriptor, the 2-point correlation function ξ (rab ), as dNab = na nb = ρ02 dVa dVb [1 + ξ (rab )] .
We have implicitly assumed that rab > 0, i.e. the two volumes do not coincide. The word “average” (and the symbol we will use to denote it) may have two meanings. One can average by taking many realizations of the distribution, all of them produced in the same way (e.g., by an N -body computer code or by throwing particles at random), selecting in each realization the volumes dVa , dVb at the same locations and then averaging the pair number na nb . This is the ensemble average. Alternatively one can take the pairs at different spots within the same realization, separated by the same rab (sample average). If the spots are so distant that they are uncorrelated, then we can consider them as coming from different realizations and the two averaging methods coincide. The problem with the approach is that we do not know a priori whether the spots really are uncorrelated until we can compare them with an ensemble of realizations. This issue is particularly acute in astrophysics since we are given a single Universe. The sample correlation function does not in general coincide with the one we would obtain from an ensemble. This problem is of course more important for distributions that are inhomogeneous at very large scales. The estimation of the correlation function on scales smaller than the scale of (approximate) homogeneity will not coincide with the ensemble value. See problem 3.1 for an example. Even in those cases, however, the correlation function is a useful descriptor (although a survey-dependent one) and it makes sense to use it. However here we will always assume that the properties of the sample distribution are a good approximation of the ensemble ones. If the distribution has been obtained by throwing the N particles at random (i.e. without any preference with respect to the place), then there is no reason for dNab to depend on the location. Therefore the average number of pairs is exactly equal to the product of the average number of particles in the two volumes, na nb = na nb = ρ02 dVa dVb , and the correlation ξ vanishes. Conversely, if ξ is non-zero, we say that the particles are correlated. Then the correlation function can be written as a spatial average of the product of the density contrast δ(ra ) = na /(ρ0 dVa ) − 1 at two different points: ξ (rab ) =
dNab 2 ρ0 dVa dVb
− 1 = δ(ra )δ(rb ) ,
3.1 The correlation function
where we have used δ(ra ) = δ(rb ) = 0. If this average is taken to be the sample average, then it means we have to average over all possible positions: 1 (3.3) ξ (r) = δ( y)δ( y + r) dVy . V A bit of jargon: when ξ (r) depends only on the separation r and not on r a and r b individually, the system is said to be statistically homogeneous (i.e. it possesses the same statistical properties everywhere), although strictly speaking for this property to be true all the higher-order statistics should also be independent of location. If moreover the ensemble average coincides with the sample average, then the system is said to be ergodic. However the latter term refers historically to time processes, not to spatial ones. The term most often used in astrophysics is that the system is a fair sample of the Universe. In practice it is easier to derive the correlation function as the average density of particles at a distance r from another particle, i.e. by choosing the volume dVa so that ρ0 dVa = 1. Then the number of pairs is given by the number of particles in the volume dVb : dNb = ρ0 dVb [1 + ξ (rb )] .
Operationally therefore one evaluates the correlation function as follows: ξ (r) =
ρc dN (r) −1= − 1, ρ0 dV ρ0
i.e. as the average number of particles at distance r from any given particle (or number of neighbors), divided by the expected number of particles at the same distance in a uniform distribution, minus 1 (sometimes this is called conditional density contrast). In a finite volume with N = ρ0 V particles one clearly has an integral constraint on ξ (r) due to the fact that the average density is calculated within the volume itself: dN N 1 dV − V = − V = 0. (3.6) ξ (r)dV = ρ0 dV ρ0 If the correlation ξ (r) is positive, there are more particles than in a uniform distribution. In this case the distribution is said to be positively clustered. Quite often one is interested only in the dependence on the modulus r, so the volume at distance r is chosen as a shell around each particle. One could generalize this definition by introducing the anisotropic correlation function as the number of pairs in volumes separated by the vector r. This is useful whenever there is some reason to suspect that the distribution is indeed anisotropic, as when there is a significant distortion along the line of sight due to the redshift.
Correlation function and power spectrum
The estimator (3.5) requires the knowledge of the number density ρc inside a shell of thickness dr at distance r from every particle. In other words, it requires the estimation of the density in every shell. In practice, a direct estimation of the shell density is difficult because of the complicated boundary and selection procedure that a real survey often has. The simplest way to measure ξ is to compare the real catalog to an artificial random catalog with exactly the same boundaries and the same selection function. Then the estimator can be written as ξ=
DD − 1, DR
where DD means the number of galaxies at distance r counted by an observer centered on a real galaxy (data D). This is divided by the number of galaxies DR at the same distance but in the random catalog (if to reduce the scatter the random catalog contains α times more galaxies than the real one then DR has to be divided by α). In other words, instead of calculating the volume of the shell (which is a difficult task in realistic cases), we estimate ξ by counting the galaxies in the Monte Carlo realization. In this way all possible boundaries and selection function can be easily mimicked in the random catalog, which will affect DD and DR in the same way. Following these considerations, similar estimators with numerically more robust properties have been proposed [85].
3.2 The n-point correlation function The average number density ρ0 can be called a one-point estimator of a random field, since it is estimated by averaging an ensemble over the same location. The correlation function we have just seen is a two-point estimator because it requires averaging over two small volumes. It is clear that one can extend these definitions to higher orders. For instance, the three-point function is defined as ςabc (ra , rb , rc ) = δ(ra )δ(rb )δ(rc ) .
In terms of the counts in infinitesimal cells, we can write na nb nc ςabc (ra , rb , rc ) = −1 −1 −1 ρ0 dVa ρ0 dVb ρ0 dVc =
na nb nc 3 ρ0 dVa dVb dVc
− ξab − ξbc − ξac − 1 ,
where ξij ≡ ξ (rij ). We then obtain the following useful relation na nb nc = ρ03 dVa dVb dVc (1 + ξab + ξbc + ξac + ςabc ) ,
3.3 The power spectrum
where ςabc is called the “disconnected” part of the third-order correlation function. A random field is said to be Gaussian when ςabc = 0 (and the same for all disconnected higher-order moments). In this case the two-point correlation function (or its Fourier version, the power spectrum, see the next section) completely describes the statistical properties of the field.
3.3 The power spectrum As we will see in the next chapters, in particular in Chapter 4, the linear perturbation variables contain important physics, both for dark energy and cosmology in general. A convenient way to study perturbation variables is to decompose fluctuations into orthonormal modes because at the linear level they evolve independently. Since by definition the average of a perturbation variable is zero, the simplest non-trivial statistics corresponds to a quadratic function of the variables. In Fourier space, any real quadratic function of a perturbation variable is called a power spectrum. Examples are Pδ (k) = A|δk |2 ,
P (k) = B|k |2 ,
where δk and k are the Fourier coefficients of the density contrast and the gravitational potential, respectively, with A and B being some constants. If the quadratic form is composed of two different variables, e.g., |δk θk |, then we have a crosscorrelation power spectrum. If we average over directions, the power spectrum will depend only on the modulus k. The power spectrum is by far the most common descriptor of clustering in the linear and mildly non-linear regime and plays a central role in cosmology and in this book. As we will show soon, the power spectrum is the Fourier-space version of the correlation spectrum. Unless otherwise specified, the normalization convention for the 3-dimensional (3D) Fourier transformation is V f (x) = (3.13) fk eik·x d3 k , (2π )3 1 f (x)e−ik·x d3 x . (3.14) fk = V With these conventions, f (x) and fk have the same dimensions. Remember however that for the normalization of the Fourier transformation the only important property is that the product of the pre-integral factors in 3 dimensions amounts to (2π )−3 . For all theoretical manipulations the factor of V can well be replaced by unity and often for convenience we will do so. Dirac’s delta function δD (x) is
Correlation function and power spectrum
defined as −3
δD (x) = (2π )
eik·x d3 k .
Analogous definition holds for Dirac’s function in Fourier space (which is not the Fourier transform of δD (x)) −3 (3.16) eik·x d3 x , δD (k) = (2π ) and their normalization is such that 3 δD (k)d k = δD (x)d3 x = 1 .
For the density contrast of a density field δ(x), the Fourier transform is 1 (3.18) δk = δ(x)e−ik·x dV . V The power spectrum is defined as P (k) = V |δk |2 = V δk δk∗ .
Notice that the power spectrum has the dimension of a volume. It follows that 1 P (k) = δ(x)δ( y)e−ik·(x− y) dVx dVy . (3.20) V Setting r = x − y, the spectrum (3.20) reduces to P (k) = ξ (r)e−ik·r dV , where ξ (r) is defined in Eq. (3.3): 1 ξ (r) = δ( y + r)δ( y) = V
δ( y + r)δ( y)dVy .
Therefore, the power spectrum is the Fourier transform of the correlation function (Wiener–Khinchin theorem). The converse property is −3 (3.23) ξ (r) = (2π ) P (k)eik·r d3 k . Notice that here and in the following the Fourier volume factor is not included, as in most literature. Assuming spatial isotropy, i.e. that the correlation function depends only on the modulus r = |r|, the spectrum depends only on k = |k|: π 2π sin kr 2 2 −ikr cos θ P (k) = ξ (r) r dr e sin θ dθ dφ = 4π ξ (r) r dr . kr 0 0 (3.24)
3.3 The power spectrum
The integral constraint (3.6) implies P (0) = 0 in k-space: in any finite survey, the spectrum vanishes at large scales. A more general definition of the power spectrum can also be given, but this time we have to think in terms of ensemble averages rather than volume averages. Consider in fact the ensemble average of V δk δk∗ : 1 V δk δk∗ = δ(x)δ( y)e−ik·x+ik · y dVx dVy V 1 = (3.25) δ( y)δ( y + r)e−i(k−k )· y−ik·r dVr dVy . V In order to perform ensemble averages, one has to think of fixing a position and taking the average over the ensemble of realizations. Then the average can enter the integration and acts only over the random variables δ. Then we obtain 1 V δk δk∗ = ξ (r)e−i(k−k )· y−ik·r dVr dVy V 1 −i(k−k )· y e = dVy e−ik·r ξ (r)dVr V =
(2π )3 P (k)δD (k − k ) . V
The definition (3.26) shows that modes at different wavelengths are uncorrelated if the field is statistically homogeneous (that is, if ξ does not depend on the position y but only on the separation r). Since δ(x) is a real function, δ(k) = δ ∗ (−k) and therefore the form V δk δk = (2π )3 V −1 P (k)δD (k + k ) can also be employed. In our cosmological applications we often wish to study a continuous underlying field, for instance the gravitational potential or the dark matter density contrast δm . We think of the galaxies as a mere discrete tracer of this field, as sand particles trace the wind in a sandstorm. The galaxies form therefore a discrete sampling of the underlying field. The only way to get information on the underlying field is to study this discrete sampling. Although we may assume by and large that “more galaxies” mean also “larger dark matter density contrast,” i.e. that the average of the galaxy density contrast δg is everywhere equal to δm , we need to take into account possible departure from the ideal case. The simplest case is when the number of galaxies in a given location follows a Poissonian distribution with the expected mean value δm . This would be the case if the galaxy formation process were indeed a Poissonian process: the outcome of many independent factors each with the same, small probability to occur. We do not know yet if this is an accurate description of what happens but at least it is a reasonable starting hypothesis.
Correlation function and power spectrum
To investigate the discreteness, we assume as field a collection of N particles of dimensionless unitary masses at positions x i , in a volume V . In the following we will make use of the window function W (x), a function that expresses the way in which the particles are selected. A typical selection procedure is to take all particles within a given region, and no particles elsewhere. In this case, the function will be a constant inside the survey, and zero outside (top-hat window function). We will always consider such a kind of window function in the following, and normalize it such that W (x)dV = 1 . (3.27) With this normalization, W (x) = 1/V inside the survey. The density contrast field we have in a specific sample is therefore the field times the window function (times the sample volume V because of the way we have normalized W ): δs = δ(x) V W (x) .
Let us now express the field as a sum of Dirac functions ρ(x) = i δD (x − x i ) so that ρ(x) V − 1 V W (x) = wi δD (x − x i ) − V W (x) , (3.29) δs (x) = ρ0 N i where wi = V W (x i ) and as usual ρ0 = N/V . The Fourier transform is V 1 1 δk = wi δD (x − x i ) − V W (x) e−ik·x dV = wi e−ik·x i − Wk , V N i N i (3.30) where we have introduced the k-space window function (3.31) Wk = W (x)e−ik·x dV , normalized such that W0 = 1. The spherical top-hat function corresponds to W (x) = 1/V ,
inside a spherical volume V of radius R ,
W (x) = 0 ,
outside .
We then have
3(sin kR − kR cos kR) r sin kr dr = , k (kR)3 0 V (3.33) where in the second equality we have integrated out the angular part as we did to derive Eq. (3.24). Notice that the function declines rapidly as k → π/R. Now Wk = V −1
e−ik·x dV =
3 R3
3.3 The power spectrum
squaring and averaging δk in Eq. (3.30) by separating the i = j terms from the others, we have 2 (k) ≡ V δk δk∗ = P (k) + Pn ,
where the “true” spectrum P (k) and the pure noise spectrum are given, respectively, by V wi wj e−ik·(x i −x j ) − V Wk2 , (3.35) P (k) = 2 N i=j Pn =
V 2 V , wi = N2 i N
where the last equality holds if wi equals 0 or 1. In order to derive Eq. (3.34) we have used the relation δ−k = 0 1 −ik·x i = Wk . wi e (3.37) N i The noise spectrum, negligible only for large densities, ρ0 = N/V → ∞, is the power spectrum of a distribution with no intrinsic correlation, i.e. obtained by throwing the particles at random. More exactly, it is the power spectrum of a Poissonian distribution. Since the galaxy distributions are often sparse, the noise is not always negligible and has to be subtracted from the estimate if we want to detect the underlying correlation. Therefore the estimator of the “true” power spectrum P (k) can be taken as Pˆ (k) = 2 (k) − Pn .
As for the correlation function, the power spectrum does not characterize a distribution completely, unless we know the distribution has some specific property, e.g., Gaussian, or Poisson, etc. In particular, if we assume the fluctuations to be Gaussian, we can derive the variance of the power spectrum, defined as σP2 ≡ [Pˆ (k) − P (k)]2 = 4 (k) − 2 (k)2 ,
where P (k) ≡ Pˆ (k) = 2 (k) − Pn . To evaluate 4 (k) we proceed as follows. Neglecting the window term (i.e. in the limit of a large volume) the continuous fluctuation field in Fourier space can be written in a compact way as gi δk = e−ik·r i , (3.40) 1/2 V i where by assumption gi are Gaussian random variables (the volume factor is only for convenience). The power spectrum is 2 (k) = V δk δk∗ = i gi2 . We want to
Correlation function and power spectrum
evaluate 2 (k)2 (k ) = V 2 δk δk∗ δk δk∗ =
gi gj gm gn e−i(k·r i −k·r j +k ·r m −k ·r n ) .
ij mn
(3.41) Now, the oscillating terms in the sum are negligible except when i = j = m = n or when the indices are equal in pairs. Then we can write gi4 + gi2 gj2 1 + e−i(k+k )·(r i −r j ) + e−i(k−k )·(r i −r j ) . 2 (k)2 (k ) = i
j =i
(3.42) Since gi is a Gaussian variable, all odd moments are zero and even moments can be written in terms of the variance; in particular, we have gi4 = 3gi2 2 . This is exactly what is needed to supply the sum for j = i with the missing terms j = i . Moreover, the oscillating exponential terms average out except for k close to k (or equivalently −k ). Then for k ≈ k we can neglect the k + k term since its faster oscillations are averaged over and therefore suppressed relative to the k − k term. Then we have 2 (k)2 (k ) = (3.43) gi2 gj2 1 + e−i(k−k )·(r i −r j ) , i
which amounts to 2 (k)2 (k ) = 2 (k)2 (k ) + V 2 δk δk∗ 2 .
From Eqs. (3.39) and (3.34) it follows that σP2 (k) = V 2 δk δk∗ 2 = (P (k) + Pn )2 .
We obtain finally for the fractional variance of the power spectrum with top-hat filtering a very simple and useful result 2 σP2 (k) 1 , (3.46) = 1+ P 2 (k) nP (k) where n = N/V is the number density. This tells us that, if the fluctuations are Gaussian, the error of the root mean square (rms) on the power spectrum is of the order of the power spectrum itself (including the shot noise). In general we consider the shell-averaged spectrum, i.e. the spectrum for all modes whose wavenumber modulus k lies within the shell k of volume Vk : 1 P (k )d3 k . (3.47) P (k) = Vk k
3.4 From the power spectrum to the moments
If the survey has a volume Vs = L3 , the lowest wavenumber we can safely construct is kmin = 2π/L. Then the number of independent k-modes in a volume Vk is Nk =
Vk V k Vs = . 3 kmin (2π )3
Therefore the error on the shell-averaged spectrum P (k) is reduced by the factor 1/Nk and we obtain 1 2 σP2 (k) (2π )3 1+ . (3.49) P 2 (k) Vk Vs nP Another way of looking at this equation is to say that the effective k-volume 3 3 degrades due to the shot noise to kmin (1 + 1/nP )2 , so that there are resolution kmin effectively less independent k-volumes to average over. A more complete derivation including an arbitrary density field and selection function is given in Ref. [86]. The general formula is (2π )3 Vs d3 r n4 w 4 [1 + 1/(nP (k))]2 σP2 (k) = , (3.50) P 2 (k) Vk [ Vs d3 r n2 w 2 ]2 where n = n(r) is the average density and w = w(r) is an arbitrary weight that might be modulated to minimize the variance itself. If n and w are constants, this expression reduces to Eq. (3.49). Finally one should be aware of the problem hidden in the result above. In order to evaluate the variance σP , the spectrum itself should be known. In practice, this means that one has to guess a spectrum before its variance can be evaluated. More consistently, in the likelihood method procedure of Chapter 13, we will take into account the fact that the variance depends on the model itself. 3.4 From the power spectrum to the moments Since the power spectrum is often the basic outcome of structure formation theories, it is convenient to express all the other quantities in terms of it. Here we find the relation between the power spectrum and the moments of the counts in random cells. Consider a finite cell. Divide it into infinitesimal cells with counts ni either zero or unity, so that for any positive power m we have nm (3.51) i = N0 , i
where N0 = ρ0 V is the count average. We have by definition of ξ for i = j : ni nj = ρ02 (1 + ξij )dVi dVj .
Correlation function and power spectrum
P(k) [(h/Mpc)3]
P(k) [(h/Mpc)3]
10000 7000
0.05 0.1 k [h/Mpc]
0.05 0.07 k [h/Mpc]
Figure 3.1 (Left) The power spectrum inferred from the SDSS galaxy power spectrum (data points from [65]) is compared to the predicted power spectrum based on the range of parameters consistent with the WMAP parameters (continuous lines). The galaxy power spectrum is normalized by weak lensing measurements [87]. (Right) The predicted power spectrum is compared to the mass power spectrum inferred from the 2-degree Field (2dF) Galaxy Redshift Survey [88]. From Ref. [14].
The count in the cell is N = then given by
ni . The variance (the second-order moment) is
M2 = N0−2 (N)2 = N0−2 (N 2 − N02 ) ,
where N = N − N0 . The expectation value N 2 is 2 2 2 ni ni + ni nj = N0 +N0 Wi Wj (1 + ξij )dVi dVj , nj = N = i
(3.54) where Wi is the window function and ξij ≡ ξ (|r i − r j |). We define the following integral (by definition Wi dV = 1 for any window function) 2 σ = W1 W2 ξ12 dV1 dV2 . (3.55) Then Eq. (3.54) reduces to N 2 = N0 + N02 (1 + σ 2 ) .
Since ξ12
= (2π )−3 P (k)eik·(r 1 −r 2 ) d3 k from Eq. (3.23), we have σ 2 = (2π )−3 P (k)eik·(r 1 −r 2 ) W1 W2 d3 k d3 r1 d3 r2 ,
3.5 Problems
where the integral dV1 dV2 in Eq. (3.55) is replaced by d3 r1 d3 r2 . For spherical cells of radius R, integrating over the angles, this reduces to 1 2 σR = P (k)WR2 (k)k 2 dk , (3.58) 2π 2 where we have used WR2 (k) = eik·r 1 W1 d3 r1 e−ik·r 2 W2 d3 r2 . If the cells have a radius of 8 h−1 Mpc, it turns out that σR is close to unity. Conventionally the normalization of the power spectrum is therefore given by quoting σ8 . Substituting Eq. (3.56) into Eq. (3.53), we find that the second-order moment M2 has the following relation with the power spectrum amplitude σ 2 : M2 = N0−1 + σ 2 .
The first and the second terms correspond to the noise and the count variance in the continuous limit, respectively. For the third-order moment we proceed in a similar fashion and we obtain (see problem 3.3) M3 = N0−2 + Wi Wj Wk ςij k dVi dVj dVk . (3.60) Of course similar relations can be found at any order. Non-zero higher-order moments are useful to quantify the deviation from Gaussianity of the matter and galaxy distribution. 3.5 Problems 3.1 Find the 3-dimensional correlation function of points distributed randomly on the equatorial plane of a sphere. 3.2 Using Eq. (3.23), find the isotropic correlation function of a distribution whose isotropic power spectrum is Gaussian with k ≥ 0 peaked at k = 0 with variance σk2 . 3.3 Derive Eq. (3.60).
4 Basics of cosmological perturbation theory
In this chapter we present the basics of linear perturbations in cosmology. After a general introduction of cosmological perturbation theory, we work out several cases: (i) single pressureless perfect fluid, (ii) single general perfect fluid, and (iii) two fluids: matter and radiation. We also discuss a number of topics such as the velocity field, the redshift distribution, Boltzmann equations, the matter power spectrum, and the perturbed photon propagation. These provide us with important tools when we confront dark energy models with observations of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) and large-scale structure (LSS). In this chapter the treatment and notation are fairly standard and the topic is covered in most modern textbooks on cosmology. Readers familiar with cosmological perturbation theory may skip this chapter.
4.1 Perturbing General Relativity In Chapter 2 we have outlined the cosmic expansion history in the homogeneous and isotropic FLRW background. However, our Universe is far richer than this simple picture. A metric that deviates from the FLRW spacetime can be written as the sum of an unperturbed FLRW part plus something else, that we can generally call “perturbed” metric. If the perturbed part is assumed to be small, in a sense to be defined later, then this splitting of the full metric into a background part and a perturbed one leads to extremely useful results. As we all know, physics is to a large extent described by a Taylor expansion to some low order, and cosmology is not an exception. To perturb the relativistic equations one must first of all perturb the metric, writing at first order (0) + δgµν , gµν = gµν
4.1 Perturbing General Relativity
where all the entries in the perturbed metric δgµν have to be small with respect to the 0-th order part. In this chapter we write the metric directly in terms of the conformal time η = a −1 dt. We consider cosmological perturbations about the flat FLRW metric given by (0) dx µ dx ν = a 2 (−dη2 + δij dx i dx j ) . ds 2 = gµν
We will also use the conformal Hubble quantity H≡
1 da = Ha . a dη
In General Relativity the field equations are invariant under a general coordinate change. This means that the split between a background metric and a perturbed one is not unique. However, although it is often a great simplification to choose some special coordinate frame, it would be very confusing if we change in the process also the unperturbed (or background) metric. We would like for instance to keep the FLRW metric as “the” background whenever we make a general transformation. (0) as it is, Therefore we select a class of infinitesimal transformations that leaves gµν while the perturbed metric δgµν is subject to change. Following general physics usage, this class of transformations is called gauge transformations. In the unperturbed Universe, we have already defined comoving coordinates in such a way that the matter particles expanding with the Universe remain at fixed (comoving) coordinates. When perturbations are added, we can either use the same coordinates, or set up a new set of coordinates that free-fall with the particles in the perturbed gravitational field, or even adopt a totally different frame not related to matter particles. That is, for instance, we can choose to attach the observers to the points in the unperturbed frame or to the perturbed particles. In the former case, to be called the Newtonian or longitudinal gauge, the observers will detect a velocity field of particles falling into the clumps of matter and will measure a gravitational potential. This choice is in fact the most intuitive one and reduces easily to the Newtonian case. On the other hand, when the wavelengths of perturbations are larger than the horizon, to attach observers to an invisible background is not a convenient choice. In the second case, called the comoving proper-time gauge, the observers are attached instead to the free-falling particles, so they do not see any velocity field (unless there are other non-gravitational forces, like pressure gradients) and, being always free falling, do not measure a gravitational potential. This gauge, therefore, does not have a straightforward Newtonian limit. One can also define quantities that are gauge-invariant, but this does not necessarily simplify the understanding and often leads to cumbersome mathematics. Although a gauge transformation is expressed as a change of coordinates, it is important to observe that (unlike ordinary coordinate transformations) it does not
Basics of cosmological perturbation theory
link different observers in the same spacetime but it links two different spacetimes, the background and the perturbed one, seen by the same observer. This is the reason, for instance, why scalar quantities change under a gauge transformation but not under a coordinate transformation. For a detailed discussion of gauge choices, see Refs. [70, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94]. 4.2 The Newtonian gauge Let us start then with the Newtonian gauge. The most general perturbed metric can (0) + δgµν , where be written schematically as gµν = gµν wi 2 −2 . (4.4) δgµν = a wi 2δij + hij Here and are spatial scalars, wi is a 3-vector, and hij is a traceless 3-tensor. All the perturbation quantities (, , wi , etc.) depend on space and time although we will not necessarily indicate this explicitly for simplicity of notation. For instance, it is easy to show that g00 is a spatial scalar. If x˜ µ = f (x µ ) is a general transformation, the metric tensor transforms as g˜ µν =
∂x α ∂x β gαβ . ∂ x˜ µ ∂ x˜ ν
If we perform a purely spatial transformation, x˜ 0 = x 0 , x˜ i = f (x i ), we have immediately that g˜ 00 = g00 , as requested for a spatial scalar. (0) + δgµν , the condition that If we write the perturbed metric as gµν = gµν γβ β gαγ g = δα imposes the following relation at first order: δg µν = −δgαβ g (0)αµ g (0)βν .
That is, the inverse of the perturbed metric is minus the perturbed metric with indices raised by the unperturbed metric. A decomposition analogous to gµν can be done for any rank-two tensor as e.g., the energy-momentum tensor. From Helmholtz’s theorem one can decompose the vector wi into a longitudinal and a transverse component
wi = wi + wi⊥ ,
where by construction
∇ · wi⊥ = ∇ × wi = 0 .
The longitudinal component, wi , being curl-free, is the gradient of a scalar quantity ws , i.e. wi = ∇ws . When we derive the Einstein equations for the (0i) components, we will have therefore longitudinal and transverse terms, both in G0i and in T0i .
4.2 The Newtonian gauge
Taking the curl of the equations, we are left with only the transverse equations. On the other hand, taking the divergence, we are left with the longitudinal ones. Therefore, the two components completely decouple from each other and evolve independently, and therefore can be treated separately. Since the density perturbation δ is a scalar quantity, only the longitudinal terms, which can be derived from a scalar quantity, couple to the density perturbations. A similar argument holds for the traceless spatial part hij . This tensor can be written in general as a sum of three traceless terms:
T hij = hij + h⊥ ij + hij ,
where the divergences ∂ i hij , ∂ i h⊥ ij (which are vectors) are longitudinal and transverse, respectively, and hTij is transverse, that is
ij k ∂i ∂k hij = 0,
∂i ∂j h⊥ ij = 0 ,
∂i hTij = 0 .
Here the Levi-Civita tensor ij k is +1 for even index permutations (123,312,231), −1 for odd permutations, and 0 for repeated indices. This means that the curl of T ∂i hij as well as divergences of ∂j h⊥ ij and hij vanish. Now, since ∂i hij is curl-free, it can be written in terms of a scalar function B, and it is easy to verify that ij k ∂i ∂k hij = 0 if 1 2 (4.11) hij = ∂i ∂j − δij ∇ B ≡ Dij B , 3 where the traceless operator Dij is defined implicitly. On the contrary, the perturT bations h⊥ ij , hij cannot be derived from a scalar function. The first one is a vector giving rise to rotational velocity perturbations, whereas the second one is a tensor giving rise to gravitational waves. Both decouple completely from the scalar terms and can be treated separately. The terms which are intrinsically vectorial couple to pure rotational modes, while tensorial terms represent gravitational waves, coupled to matter only for anisotropic perturbations. Furthermore, it can be shown that if initially the rotational, or vorticity, modes are zero, they remain zero throughout (unless there are entropy gradients). If they are present initially, they decrease as a −1 . Since they are not of much interest in current dark energy research we will not further deal with vector or tensor perturbations. Therefore, we need to take into account only the part of wi and hij derived from scalars. This may be done by introducing two new scalar functions, E and B, that produce the vector E,i and the tensor Dij B, in analogy to the electromagnetic forces. Then the perturbed metric is given by E,i 2 −2 . (4.12) δgµν = a E,i 2δij + Dij B
Basics of cosmological perturbation theory
Out of the four scalar functions , , E, B, one can construct gauge-invariant quantities, that is, combinations that remain invariant at first-order under a general coordinate infinitesimal transformation, x˜ µ = x µ + ξ µ . As we have already mentioned, the situation can be much simplified if one works in a specific gauge. This can be done by imposing up to four conditions on the metric, which corresponds to the four gauge coordinate transformations. Here we choose them to be wi = 0 (from which E = 0) and B = 0. This finally leaves the perturbed metric in the Newtonian or longitudinal or shear-free gauge: ! ds 2 = a 2 (η) −(1 + 2)dη2 + (1 + 2)δij dx i dx j .
Beware of the signs: many authors choose opposite metric signature and/or opposite signs for and , which can lead to a great deal of confusion. We follow the choice of Dodelson’s textbook [74]. In order to derive the first-order Einstein equations, we decompose the Einstein tensor Gµν and the energy-momentum tensor Tνµ into background and perturbed parts: Gµν = Gµ(0) + δGµν and Tνµ = Tνµ(0) + δTνµ . The background cosmological ν = evolution is obtained by solving the zero-th order Einstein equations, Gµ(0) ν 8π G Tνµ(0) . The first-order Einstein equations are given by δGµν = 8π GδTνµ .
The l.h.s. of Eq. (4.14) can be computed by the following procedure. We first need µ to calculate the perturbed Christoffel symbols δνλ by using the formula: 1 1 µ δνλ = δg µα (gαν,λ + gαλ,ν − gνλ,α ) + g µα (δgαν,λ + δgαλ,ν − δgνλ,α ) . 2 2 (4.15) For the metric (4.13), the non-vanishing components of perturbed Christoffel symbols are ! δij0 = δij 2H ( − ) + ,
0 = , δ00
0 i δ0i = δ00 = ,i ,
δji 0 = δji .
Note that in this chapter a prime represents the derivative with respect to the conformal time η apart from the use for dummy integration variables such as k and r .
4.2 The Newtonian gauge
The next step is to derive the perturbations in the Ricci tensor and in the Ricci scalar: β
α α α α α β α β δRµν = δµν,α − δµα,ν + δµν αβ + µν δαβ − δµβ αν − µβ δαν ,
(4.20) δR = δg µα Rαµ + g µα δRαµ .
Finally the perturbed Einstein tensors are derived by 1 1 δGµν = δRµν − δgµν R − gµν δR , 2 2 δGµν = δg µα Gαν + g µα δGαν .
(4.22) (4.23)
For the metric (4.13) we obtain
! δG00 = 2a −2 3H(H − ) + ∇ 2 , δG0i = 2a −2 − H |i ,
! δGij = 2a −2 (H2 + 2H ) + H − − 2H δji + a −2 ∇ 2 ( + )δji − ( + )| i j ,
(4.24) (4.25)
where the subscript “| ” represents a covariant derivative with the spatial 3-metric ;µ and ∇ 2 f ≡ f;µ . If the matter source is specified, the perturbed energy-momentum tensor δTνµ is determined accordingly. We then obtain the linear perturbation equations from Eq. (4.14). We also recall that the energy-momentum tensor satisfies the µ continuity equation Tν;µ = 0. The first-order part of this equation, µ = 0, δTν;µ
also gives a number of useful equations, as we will see later. In order to evaluate the perturbed energy-momentum tensor, we need to perturb µ the four-velocity uµ ≡ dxds . Neglecting the perturbations higher than the first order, we obtain vi 1 µ (1 − ) , , u = a a uµ = gµν uν = [−a (1 + ) , avi ] , uµ uµ = −1 , i
where v i = dx = a dx is the matter peculiar velocity with respect to the general dη dt expansion. A note about the definition of the peculiar velocity is in order here. From Eq. (2.58) the comoving distance at redshift z is given by (after setting c = 1
Basics of cosmological perturbation theory
and a0 = 1)
dc (z) = 0
d˜z . H (˜z)
However, due to the peculiar velocity of the source, the redshift is the sum of cosmological expansion and peculiar velocity Doppler effect, vp z = zc + zp = zc + (zp zc ) , (4.30) a where vp = azp is the projection of the peculiar velocity vector along the line of sight. Then we have zc zc zc +zp zp (1 + zc )vp d˜z d˜z d˜z dcˆ (z) = + = + . (4.31) H (˜z) z) H (zc ) z) H (zc ) 0 0 H (˜ 0 H (˜ The extra apparent distance induced by the peculiar velocity is therefore (1 + z)H (z)−1 vp . This can be always neglected, except when one is interested in the properties of the redshift space/real space conversion, see Section 14.3.
4.3 Single-fluid model Let us consider a single-fluid model with an energy-momentum tensor Tµν . For a general fluid the energy momentum tensor is given by ! Tµν = (ρ + P )uµ uν + P gµν + qµ uν + qν uµ + πµν , (4.32) where, beside the familiar symbols ρ, P , uµ for the energy density, the pressure and the four-velocity vector, we meet the heat flux vector qµ and the viscous shear tensor πµν . The terms inside square brackets in Eq. (4.32) are important only for fluids whose internal energy is a sizable fraction of the total energy density. We have qµ = 0 and πµν = 0 for perfect fluids. In the following we limit ourselves to perfect fluids. We also assume that the perturbed fluid remains a perfect fluid. This implies that ji ≡ δTji = 0 (i = j ), a condition that will be used below. The notation for the perturbed quantities is δ≡
δρ , ρ
θ ≡ ∇i v i ,
where δρ/ρ ≡ (ρ(x) − ρ)/ ¯ ρ¯ is the density contrast (ρ(x) is the density field and ρ¯ is the spatial average) and θ is the velocity divergence. In general there are several pairs δi , θi , one for each perfect fluid composing the Universe. All of the perturbed quantities are functions of space x and time t. A simple observation can avoid much confusion later on: we will often speak loosely of δ(x) as if it were a deterministic quantity and we will say that δ grows
4.3 Single-fluid model
or decays. However δ(x) is in reality a random field which by definition has a zero mean value δ = 0. What we mean is that in the linear regime the value of δ(x) at any point x grows or decays so that δ(x, t) = D(t)δ(x, 0), where D(t) is the growth (or decay) function. In the linear regime the spatial part is always factored out and its properties are assigned by initial conditions. We will always assume Gaussian initial conditions as predicted in standard inflationary models. From Eq. (4.32) the perturbed energy-momentum tensor for a perfect fluid with the equation of state w = P /ρ can be written as δTνµ = ρ[δ(1 + cs2 )uν uµ + (1 + w)(δuν uµ + uν δuµ ) + cs2 δ δνµ ] ,
where δνµ should not be confused with the density contrast δ. Here we have introduced the sound velocity, cs2 ≡ δP /δρ. If P , even when perturbed, depends on ρ alone (which is the case called barotropic fluid) then cs2 ≡
P˙ δP dP = = . δρ dρ ρ˙
The last passage is valid only in the FLRW metric where at background level everything depends on time alone (cs is calculated at zero-th order since it will always appear as a factor of first-order variables). Since cs , just as w, depends at first-order only on background quantities, in this case the perturbation equations do not introduce any new free function. In general, however, the pressure P can depend on internal degrees of freedom of the fluid, say, entropy s. Then one has cs2 =
δP (ρ, s) ∂P ∂P ∂s 2 2 + cs(na) , = + = cs(a) δρ ∂ρ ∂s ∂ρ
where cs(a) ≡ P˙ /ρ˙ is called the adiabatic sound speed and cs(na) is, guess what, the non-adiabatic sound speed. The non-adiabatic sound speed in general will depend on microphysical properties of the fluid and appears as a new free function only at the level of perturbations. The gravitational equations at first-order are then completely specified only if we give for each fluid the equation of state w(a) and the total sound speed cs (a) or, equivalently, if we assign to the fluid a function P (ρ, s) which determines both. The components of the energy-momentum tensor are δT00 = −δρ ,
δTi0 = −δT0i = (1 + w)ρv i ,
δT11 = δT22 = δT33 = cs2 δρ .
Basics of cosmological perturbation theory
Then the perturbed Einstein equations (4.14) lead to 3H(H − ) + ∇ 2 = −4π Ga 2 δρ ,
∇ 2 ( − H) = 4π Ga 2 (1 + w)ρθ ,
= − ,
+ 2H − H − (H2 + 2H ) = −4π Ga 2 cs2 δρ .
Note that Eqs. (4.40)–(4.43) come from the (00), (0i), (ij ), and (ii) components. Equation (4.42) follows from the property δTji = 0. One can also derive some useful equations by using the continuity equation (4.27). Recall that the operation of covariant divergence of a tensor Tνµ is µ µ α α = Tν,µ − νβ Tαβ + βα Tνβ . Tν;µ
Then the ν = 0 component of Eq. (4.27), i.e. δT0;µ = 0, reads β
α α α α Tαβ − 0β δTαβ + δ0α T00 + βα δT0 = 0 , δT0,µ − δ0β
which reduces to (δρ) + 3H(δρ + δP ) = −(ρ + P )(θ + 3 ) ,
where we have employed Eqs. (4.16)–(4.19). Using the unperturbed conservation equation ρ + 3H(ρ + P ) = 0 together with the relations w = P /ρ and cs2 = δP /δρ, we find that Eq. (4.46) can be expressed as δ + 3H(cs2 − w)δ = −(1 + w)(θ + 3 ) ,
which is called the (perturbed) continuity equation. For non-relativistic matter with w = 0 and cs2 = 0, this equation reduces to δ = −θ − 3
(for non-relativistic matter).
This equation tells us that the density at position x increases if there is a velocity divergence in the same place, that is, if there is more matter coming in than going out. The term, absent in Newtonian dynamics, is negligible at small scales and, of course, for a slowly varying gravitational potential. µ The equation δTν;µ = 0 for ν = i leads to δq + 3Hδq = −aδP − (ρ + P )a ,
where δq ≡ a(ρ + P )v and v is a velocity potential related to v i via v i = ∇ i v. Writing Eq. (4.49) in terms of v i and taking the divergence ∇i , we obtain 2 cs w 2 θ = −∇ δ+ . (4.50) θ + H(1 − 3w) + 1+w 1+w
4.3 Single-fluid model
For non-relativistic matter, this reduces to θ + Hθ = −∇ 2 − ∇ 2 (cs2 δ)
(for non-relativistic matter) ,
where now we have included the ∇ 2 (cs2 δ) term. This is called the Euler equation in the Newtonian context. It says that the (peculiar) acceleration depends on the sum of the potential and pressure gradients. We go now to the Fourier space. This means that all perturbation quantities will be Fourier expanded (we do not need to bother with pre-factors here): ik·r 3 = e k d k, = eik·r k d3 k , (4.52) ik·r 3 (4.53) δ = e δk d k , θ = eik·r θk d3 k . The subscript k represents a Fourier mode for each wavenumber k. Note that k is a comoving quantity that remains fixed. In the following we drop the subscript k as long as no confusion arises by doing so. In Fourier space we assume that the perturbation variables (δ, θ, , etc.) are the sum of plane waves δk eik·r . Since the equations are linear, each plane wave obeys the same equations with a different comoving wavenumber k. Throughout the linear evolution, the physical scale λp of the perturbation expands with the cosmic expansion as λp = (2π/k)a. Of course, if the perturbation enters a non-linear regime, then this treatment breaks down and the perturbation decouples from the Hubble expansion and starts collapsing. When we calculate the perturbation equations with an algebraic manipulator it is very convenient to introduce from the beginning all perturbation variables as Fourier modes, e.g., δ(x, y, z, t) = δk (t)eik·r . Since we are always interested in the direction-averaged equations (i.e. the equations √that depend only on the modulus k), we could simply put k · r = k(x + y + z)/ 3. In practice, each perturbation quantity φ and its derivatives can be substituted as follows φ(x, η) → eik·r φ(η) ,
∇φ(x, η) → ieik·r k φ(η) ,
∇ 2 φ(x, η) ≡ ∇i ∇ i φ(x, η) → −eik·r k 2 φ(η) .
Notice that when there are two repeated spatial indices we sum over them without the help of the metric coefficients gij (more exactly, we use the induced 3-dimensional spatial metric which for spatially flat spaces is just the Euclidean metric). Furthermore, the Fourier modes eik·r can be simply dropped out, since the equations are linear and therefore decoupled between different modes.
Basics of cosmological perturbation theory
From Eqs. (4.40)–(4.43), (4.47), and (4.50) we obtain the following equations for each Fourier mode: k 2 + 3H( − H) = 4π Ga 2 ρδ ,
k 2 ( − H) = −4π Ga 2 (1 + w)ρθ ,
= − ,
+ 2H − H − (H2 + 2H ) = −4π Ga 2 cs2 ρδ ,
δ + 3H(cs2 − w)δ = −(1 + w)(θ + 3 ) , 2 cs w 2 θ =k δ+ , θ + H(1 − 3w) + 1+w 1+w
θ = ik · v .
where now
Although the six equations above are not independent they are all useful. Let us remark again that we are considering here the fluctuations of a Universe composed of a single fluid. In the next sections we will solve the general set of equations (4.57)–(4.62) in several different regimes: during the epochs of radiation and matter eras, and both at large and small scales. Finally, one can combine Eqs. (4.57) and (4.58) to get the relativistic Poisson equation k 2 = 4π Ga 2 ρ[δ + 3H(w + 1)θ/k 2 ] = 4π Ga 2 ρδ ∗ ,
where we define the total-matter variable: δ ∗ ≡ δ + 3H(w + 1)θ/k 2 .
Notice that in our conventions an overdensity δ ∗ > 0 generates opposite gravitational potentials, > 0 and < 0, on small scales. Combining Eqs. (4.57), (4.59), and (4.60), we can get an equation for alone: + 3H(1 + cs2 ) + (cs2 k 2 + 3H2 cs2 + 2H + H2 ) = 0 .
Similarly, using the relativistic Poisson equation (4.64), this becomes an equation for δ ∗ : 3 2 ∗ 2 ∗ 2 2 2 2 (δ ) + H(1 + 3cs − 6w)(δ ) − H (1 − 6cs − 3w + 8w) − cs k δ ∗ = 0 , 2 (4.67)
4.5 Scales smaller than the Hubble radius
where cs , w are arbitrary functions of time and where we have employed the useful relation 1 H = − (1 + 3w)H2 . (4.68) 2 4.4 Scales larger than the horizon Now that we have derived the perturbation equations, we can begin wondering how to solve them. As a first example we work out the simplest case, the large-scale limit k H = aH . This corresponds to the scale on which the physical wavelength λp = (2π/k)a of perturbations is much larger than the Hubble radius H −1 , i.e. super-horizon scales (although notice that the horizon corresponds approximately to 1/H only for some particular case). If the pressure depends only on the energy density and the equation of state w is a constant then we have cs2 = w, which is valid both for matter and radiation. In this case Eq. (4.66), using Eq. (4.68), reduces to + 3H(1 + cs2 ) = 0 .
Then = 0 is a solution. Equation (4.57) becomes 3H2 = 4π Ga 2 ρδ .
Using the Friedmann equation, 3H2 = 8π Gρa 2 , it follows that δ = 2 .
Hence = constant at large scales implies that δ = constant. One easily finds that the result (4.71) is consistent with the other Einstein equations. Equation (4.69) is second-order, so we must have two solutions. It appears immediately that = constant is a growing mode or a dominating solution (at least for cs2 > −1). Thus we have shown that the gravitational potential remains constant for scales outside the Hubble radius whenever cs2 = w for the total fluid. During the transition from radiation to matter eras this condition is violated and as we will see in Section 4.10 the gravitational potential changes. 4.5 Scales smaller than the Hubble radius Next, we work out the opposite case, k H, i.e. scales deep inside the Hubble radius (sub-horizon scales). The fluctuation of a pressureless fluid can grow indefinitely because there is no counteracting force. In general, however, the pressure of the fluid resists gravity and stops the collapse. It is then instructive to derive the equations for a fluid which is pressureless (w = 0) in the absence of perturbations,
Basics of cosmological perturbation theory
but has a small sound speed: cs2 =
δP 1. δρ
Then Eq. (4.58) tells us that − H 0, so that Eq. (4.57) corresponds to the Fourier transformed Poisson equation 3 (4.73) k 2 = 4π Ga 2 ρδ = H2 δ . 2 Taking the derivative of Eq. (4.73) and substituting it into Eq. (4.61), we obtain H 9 H2 δ δ = −θ − −θ . (4.74) δ 2 + 2 k2 H δ Hence this equation reduces to the energy conservation equation in the Newtonian limit. Then the perturbation equations in the sub-horizon limit become δ = −θ ,
θ = −Hθ + cs2 k 2 δ − k 2 ,
and Eq. (4.73). Differentiating Eq. (4.75) with respect to η and using Eq. (4.76), it follows that 3 2 2 2 (4.77) δ + H δ + cs k − H δ = 0 . 2 In the Minkowski limit, H → 0, this equation reduces to the classical fluid wave equation δ + cs2 k 2 δ = 0, where cs is indeed the sound velocity. Equation (4.77) shows at once that the perturbation does not grow if 3 (4.78) cs2 k 2 − H2 > 0 , 2 i.e. if the physical wavelength λp = (2π/k)a is smaller than the Jeans length, " π . (4.79) λJ = cs Gρ For scales smaller than λJ the perturbations undergo damped oscillations. For the CDM particles the velocity dispersion is always negligible, at least√in the regime of validity of our linear treatment. For the photons we have cs = c/ 3, so that λJ ≈ H −1 .
Hence the growth of perturbations is prevented on all scales smaller than the Hubble radius. For the baryons, the sound velocity is comparable to the photon
4.6 Two-fluid solutions
velocity before the decoupling epoch, so that baryon perturbations are damped out (more precisely they drop rapidly to a comoving scale of less than 1 Mpc just after decoupling). Then the baryons are free to fall inside the dark matter potential wells, and their perturbation spectrum catches the dark matter one (more on this in the next section). When cs k H, the perturbations grow freely because gravity overcomes the pressure: this is the all-important regime of gravitational instability. The subhorizon equation for a single pressureless fluid becomes 3 δ + Hδ − H2 δ = 0 . (4.81) 2 It is often useful to employ the number of e-foldings N = ln a. Then Eq. (4.81) can be written as d2 δ 1 dH 3 dδ + +1 − δ = 0. (4.82) 2 dN H dN dN 2 We can rewrite Eq. (4.68) as 1 dH 1 3 = − − w. H dN 2 2 For a pressureless fluid (w = 0), Eq. (4.82) then reduces to d2 δ 3 1 dδ − δ = 0. + 2 dN 2 dN 2
The direct substitution δ = AeλN gives the solution λ = 1, −3/2. Then the evolution of growing and decaying modes during the matter era is given by δ+ = Aa,
δ− = Ba −3/2 .
In terms of the cosmic time t, the growing solution evolves as δ+ ∝ t 2/3 . The pre-factor is of course fixed by the initial conditions, ultimately established during inflation. The decaying solutions (or in general the slower one) become soon negligible with respect to the growing ones and we will systematically neglect them throughout this book. Inserting δ+ into the Poisson equation (4.73), we see that ∝ a 2 H 2 δ+ ∝ a 2 a −3 a 1 ∝ constant. Hence the gravitational potential remains constant during the pure matter-dominated epoch.
4.6 Two-fluid solutions We generalize the single-fluid case to the more realistic case in which both matter (wm = cs2 = 0) and radiation (wr = cs2 = 1/3) are present. We introduce the matter
Basics of cosmological perturbation theory
perturbation variables δm , θm and the radiation perturbation variables δr , θr (here radiation means all the components which are massless or relativistic, in particular the neutrinos). Since we are considering dark matter as a dominant matter component, there is no explicit interaction term between matter and radiation. The baryonic fraction is also effectively decoupled after z ≈ 1000, while before this epoch it can be considered as a part of a relativistic photon–baryon plasma. In Fourier space we then have a system of gravitationally coupled equations for the perturbations on sub-horizon scales: = −(θm + 3 ) , δm
θm = −Hθm − k 2 ,
4 δr = − (θr + 3 ) , 3 2 3 2 c δr − , θr = k 4 s
(4.88) (4.89)
k 2 ( + H) = −4π G(1 + weff )a 2 ρt θt ,
k + 3H( + H) = 4π Ga ρt δt . 2
(4.90) (4.91)
The subscript t represents total perturbation variables, i.e. ρt = ρm + ρr ,
ρr /3 , ρm + ρr (1 + wm )m θm + (1 + wr )r θr , θt = 1 + weff δt = m δm + r δr .
weff = r wr + m wm =
(4.93) (4.94) (4.95)
Here the total effective equation of state weff = Pt /ρt is given by weff = −1 −
2 H˙ , 3 H2
which follows from Eqs. (2.17)–(2.18) and K = 0. We remind the reader that m and r are functions of time. These should be (0) distinguished from their present values (0) m and r . In the sub-horizon limit, Eq. (4.91) gives 3 k 2 4π Ga 2 (ρm δm + ρr δr ) = H2 (m δm + r ρr ) . 2
4.6 Two-fluid solutions
Following the derivation similar to Eq. (4.77), we obtain the following equations for sub-horizon perturbations 3 + H δm − H2 (m δm + r δr ) = 0 , δm 2 2 k δr + δr = 0 . 3
(4.98) (4.99)
During the radiation-dominated epoch we have m 0 and r 1. Moreover the second equation shows that the radiation density contrast oscillates rapidly around zero (since we are considering sub-horizon modes, k H). The same is true for the coupled baryon–photon plasma. Therefore, we can average over the radiation oscillations and put δr 0 in the first equation. It then follows that m δm + r δr 0 and δm + H δm 0.
The solution of this equation is given by δm = C1 + C2 dη/a. During the radi ation era the integral dη/a gives only a logarithmic correction, so the matter perturbations evolve only mildly. During the matter era we have |m δm | |r δr | in Eq. (4.98), so that the evolution of matter perturbations is described by δm ∝ a as we have explained in the previous section. If we consider cold dark matter (perturbation δc ) and baryonic matter (perturbation δb ) instead of matter and radiation, Eq. (4.98) can be generalized as 3 δc + Hδc − H2 (c δc + b δb ) = 0 , 2 3 δb + Hδb − H2 (c δc + b δb ) = 0 . 2
(4.101) (4.102)
Since baryons correspond to a small fraction of the total matter fluid, we can assume |b δb | |c δc |. This shows that Eq. (4.101) decouples from δb and reduces to the standard equation for matter perturbations. At the same time the baryon equation is “forced” by the term c δc . For such coupled differential equations the asymptotic solution of δb will approach the forcing term δc . In other words, the perturbations in baryons will catch up with those in dark matter. This expresses mathematically (in the linear regime) the common expression according to which the baryons fall into the dark matter potential wells. Analogously, if we consider the sum of pressureless matter and the cosmological constant instead of matter and radiation, we get the term δ in addition to m δm . However ρ is constant by definition and δ = 0, so that we have a slight
Basics of cosmological perturbation theory
modification of Eq. (4.81): 3 + H δm − H2 m δm = 0 . δm 2 This equation can be rewritten in terms of the derivative N : dδm 3 d2 δm 1 dH +1 − m δm = 0 . + 2 dN H dN dN 2
If we assume that m = constant, then the solution is given by δm ∼ a λ± with
1 (4.105) −1 ± 1 + 24m . λ± = 4 This case occurs when the fraction 1 − m is into some form of energy density which has w ≈ 0 but contrary to ordinary CDM it does not cluster on sub-horizon scales. The major example of this is massive neutrinos after they become nonrelativistic. Supposing for a moment we could apply it also for CDM, this would show that the cosmological constant slows down the perturbation growth. In the limit m → 0 we have λ+ → 0 from Eq. (4.105), which is qualitatively correct. However, the density parameter m =
ρm ρ (0) a −3 = (0) m ρm + ρ ρm a −3 + ρ
is obviously not a constant. A much better approximation, obtained by an empirical fit, is given by defining the growth rate f of matter perturbations [95]: f ≡
d ln δm = γm , d ln a
that is
δm (a) = δm (ai ) exp
da˜ ˜ m (a) a˜ γ
where the growth index γ is ≈ 0.55 for the CDM model (see Section 11.1 for the derivation and for a generalization to dark energy). With this behavior we realize that the term H2 δm in the Poisson equation is no longer constant and therefore the gravitational potential on sub-horizon scales is not constant. For the CDM model the gravitational potential is almost constant during the matter era, but it begins to decrease after the universe enters the dark-energy-dominated epoch. 4.7 Velocity field The mass power spectrum can be studied also by analyzing the peculiar motion of the galaxies. It is intuitive, in fact, that a more clustered distribution of matter will
4.7 Velocity field
induce stronger peculiar velocities. The importance of this is that the velocity field depends on the total mass distribution, including any unseen component. Let us start from Eq. (4.75) with θ = ∇i v i . In Fourier space this can be written as δk = −iki v i .
In this section we recover the subscript k for Fourier modes. This equation applies to each pressureless component such as baryons and CDM separately. However, due to the gravitational coupling, each component will be driven by a dominating density contrast, as we have seen explicitly for the baryons. We also assume that the velocity field v can be represented by the galaxy velocity field, v g . This of course assumes that the galaxy velocities are not biased with respect to the dark matter velocity field, an expectation based on the fact that galaxies move because of the common gravitational field. Strictly speaking, this only implies that the acceleration, not the velocity, is the same, and only if all matter components share the same equation of state and sound speed. Assuming similar initial conditions, universality of the gravitational interaction, and identical equation of state and sound speed, however, the galaxies can be seen as test particles of a universal peculiar velocity field. Under these assumptions, observing the peculiar velocity field v g of galaxies gives information on the total density contrast. So in this section we take v to refer to the velocity field of galaxy “test particles” and δk to refer to the total mass. Consider Eq. (4.51) for cs = 0:
v i = −Hv i + ik i k .
Since we are dealing only with scalar perturbations, the velocity can be written as the gradient of a velocity potential v, i.e. v i = ∇ i v → ik i v. Then it is clear that v i is parallel to k i and we can look for solutions of Eq. (4.109) in the form v i = F (k, a)k i . This gives immediately from Eq. (4.109) the relation between the peculiar velocity field v i and the density fluctuation δk in linear perturbation theory (in the Newtonian regime): v i = i H f δk
ki , k2
where f is the growth rate defined in Eq. (4.107). Substituting Eq. (4.111) into Eq. (4.109), one can easily confirm that the relation f = δk /(Hδk ) = d ln δk /d ln a follows. During the standard matter-dominated era we have already seen that δk ∝ a and hence f = 1 while more in general f = m (a)γ .
Basics of cosmological perturbation theory
Let us consider the present epoch (and motion on a local scale, say, less than 100 Mpc). Since a = a0 = 1 and hence H = H0 , we have k . (4.112) k2 The peculiar velocity v(r) at location r can be obtained by Fourier antitransformation: k V v(x) = iH0 f (4.113) δk 2 eik·r d3 k . 3 k (2π ) v = iH0 f δk
Here we implicitly assumed f to be k-independent. As we have seen this is true in CDM but not necessarily in other models. The average in a volume VR of radius R is k ik·r k V V 3 3 δ δk 2 W (kR)d3 k . v R = iH0 f e W (r)d k d r = −iH f k 2 0 3 3 k k (2π ) VR (2π ) (4.114) Here W (kR) is the Fourier transform of the window function, defined as 1 (4.115) W (r)e−ik·r d3 r . W (kR) ≡ VR Therefore, the average of the square of the velocity is 2 2 2 2 V ∗ k k δk δk 2 2 W (kR)W (k R)d3 kd3 k v R = H0 f 6 k k (2π ) H 2f 2 k k = 0 3 P (k)δD (k − k ) 2 2 W (kR)W (k R)d3 kd3 k k k (2π ) H 2f 2 = 0 2 (4.116) P (k)W 2 (kR)dk , 2π where in the second line we have used the definition in Eq. (3.26) and in the last line we integrated over the solid angle 4π . The square root of v 2 R is the magnitude of the peculiar flow on the scale R and is called bulk flow. Estimates of the bulk flow can be used to constrain or normalize the mass power spectrum (see e.g., Refs. [96, 97]). On the other hand, independent measures of P(k) and v 2 R can 2γ give f 2 m . 4.8 The redshift distortion The galaxy distances are mostly measured through their redshifts. However, the redshift includes the peculiar velocity of the galaxies themselves, so that there is an error in the distances we assign to galaxies. On very small scales, i.e. in the
4.8 The redshift distortion
cluster cores, the peculiar velocity of a galaxy is more or less randomly oriented, so that the error in the distance is statistical, and can be taken into account along with the experimental errors. On redshift maps, the small scale peculiar velocities cause the fingers-of-god effect: galaxies in a cluster acquire an additional random redshift that distorts the cluster distribution, making it appear elongated along the line of sight. On large scales, however, the galaxies tend to fall toward concentrations, so that the velocity field is coupled to the density field. This correction is systematic and can be accounted for in the following way [98]. Given a peculiar velocity v of a source at position r, one can define the line-ofsight component u(r) ≡ v ·
r , r
where r = |r|. The coordinate transformation from real space (r) to redshift space (s) is given by u(r) − u(0) . s = r 1+ r
Here we express velocities in Megaparsecs through division by H0 . If dVs and dVr are the volume elements in the two coordinates with number densities n(s) and n(r), respectively, we have n(r)dVr = n(s)dVs .
The volume element dVs can be written in terms of the r coordinate as u(r) 2 u(r) 2 |J | (r 2 sin θ )drdθ dφ = 1 + |J | dVr , (4.120) dVs = 1 + r r where u(r) ≡ u(r) − u(0). The Jacobian |J | is given by the derivative of s = r[1 + (u(r) − u(0))/r] with respect to r: # # # ∂s # du . |J | = ## ## = 1 + ∂r dr
Using the average density n0 , the density contrast in s-space is δs =
n(s)dVs n(r)dVr n(r) −1= −1= − 1, n0 dVs n0 dVs n0 (1 + u(r)/r)2 |J |
Basics of cosmological perturbation theory
where we have used Eq. (4.120). To first order, this yields u(r) du n(r) −1 1−2 − δs n0 r dr = δr − 2
u(r) du − , r dr
where in the last line we have employed the fact that to first-order we can approximate n(r) to be n0 . Therefore, we see that the density contrast is different in the two spaces. As a consequence, the correlation function and the power spectrum measured in redshift space will have to be corrected to be expressed in real space. To do so, we have to take the velocity field from the linear perturbation theory. However what we observe is the galaxy density contrast δg , which is different from the total density contrast δm . The two quantities can be assumed to be related by a bias factor b defined by b≡
δg , δm
so that instead of f δk we have δ(g)k f/b in Eq. (4.112). In other words, wherever we write f , we should in fact write β ≡ f/b. If we assume b to be scale-independent, then Eq. (4.113) can be written as k (4.125) v = iH0 β δ(g)k eik·r 2 d3 k ∗ , k where the Fourier factor V / (2π )3 is included in the differential d3 k ∗ . Notice the apparent oddity: in this equation we have both the total δ (in β) and the galaxy δ(g) . In general however b can depend on scale and time. Notice that if b depends on space then Eq. (4.124) in real space is different from the analogous relation in Fourier space. An immediate consequence of Eq. (4.124) written in Fourier space is that for the power spectra we have Pg (k) = b2 Pm (k) .
One should take note however what this standard procedure is assuming. If linear gravity were the only force at work, then any bias in δ should induce a bias in v due to the continuity equation, while here we are implicitly assuming that biased galaxies possess an unbiased velocity field. In other words, a value b = 1 implies that galaxies violate the linear continuity equation, while dark matter still obeys it. This could only occur if some additional force acts on baryons but not on dark matter. If gravity does not violate the equivalence principle (see Section 11.2 for an example of this), one needs to invoke some non-gravitational effect, e.g.,
4.8 The redshift distortion
the hydrodynamical effect, that makes the galaxies “appear” or “disappear” and therefore breaks continuity. Examples of these are merging processes or evolutionary processes that render galaxies brighter or dimmer and therefore visible or invisible to our telescopes. We can say that the whole idea of a simple biasing scheme tries to capture glimpses of physics beyond the purely linear gravitational treatment. Ultimately, its validity can only be judged against N -body simulations and observations. In problem 4.1 you can work out an example of constant bias. Using Eq. (4.125), the line-of-sight component (4.117) in Megaparsec units (H0 = 1) is (we drop now the subscript g in δ but we add a subscript r to remind ourselves that this quantity is in real space) k·r u(r) = iβ δrk eik·r 2 d3 k ∗ , (4.127) k r while its derivative is du = −β dr
δrk e
k·r kr
d3 k ∗ ,
where we have used the relation d ik·r k·r ik·r =i e e . dr r Finally, from Eq. (4.123), we have k·r 2 3 ∗ du ik·r δ s = δr − = δr + β δrk e dk , dr kr
where we have neglected the second term in (4.123) because it is negligible for large r. Now, we can multiply Eq. (4.130) on both sides by V −1 e−ik ·r d3 r and integrate it. We then obtain from Eq. (3.14) the Fourier transform of (4.130) as (4.131) δsk = δrk + β δrk I (k, k )d3 k , (we switched k, k ) where
I (k, k ) = (2π )
i(k −k)·r
k · r kr
2 d3 r .
The redshift distortion then introduces a mode–mode coupling. This coupling can be broken in the useful limit of surveys of very small angular scales. In fact, if we can assume that the cosine µ=
k·r kr
Basics of cosmological perturbation theory
is almost constant (that is, the survey spans a small solid angle), then we have I (k, k ) = µ2 δD (k − k) and δsk = δrk (1 + βµ2 ) .
The power spectrum defined in Eq. (3.19) reads 2 Ps (k) = V δrk (1 + βµ2 )2 = Pr (k)(1 + βµ2 )2 .
If we average it over angles, we get (4.136) Ps (k) = Pr (k)(1 + 2βµ2 + β 2 µ4 ) , π 2π 1 where the average f (µ) = (4π )−1 0 f (µ) sin θdθ 0 dφ = (1/2) −1 f (µ)dµ gives 1 1 2 1 1 1 4 1 2 4 µ = (4.137) µ dµ = , µ dµ = . µ = 2 −1 3 2 −1 5 We then obtain [98] Ps (k) = Pr (k)(1 + 2β/3 + β 2 /5) .
The power spectrum is then boosted in redshift space, because the velocity field is directed toward mass concentrations. As a result, galaxies seem more concentrated when seen in redshift space. Remember that we have dropped the subscript g but both Pr and Ps refer to the galaxies. As we anticipated, at very small scales, on the other hand, the velocity orientation can be assumed to be random. Then, on these scales, the net effect is that galaxies in redshift space seem distributed over a larger volume and the power spectrum is therefore decreased. Empirical studies have shown that an approximation valid both at small and large scales is given by the following correction [99]: Ps (k) = Pr (k)G(β, y) ,
where e−y 2 π 1/2 erf(y) 2 2 4 (3β + 4βy + 4y ) − [β (3 + 2y 2 ) + 4βy 2 ] , G(β, y) = 5 4 8 y 4y (4.140) −1 and y = kσv H0 with σv being the cloud velocity dispersion along the line of sight. On small scales the effect is to change the slope by a factor k −1 , whereas on large scales the effect is to raise the amplitude as in Eq. (4.138). 2
4.9 Baryons, photons, and neutrinos So far we have considered only perfect fluids which do not possess anisotropic shear (i.e. Tji = 0) and do not interact except gravitationally. Because of this,
4.9 Baryons, photons, and neutrinos
their perturbation dynamics has been completely described by functions of the wavenumber modulus k alone, the density contrast, and the gradient of velocity field. However, the cosmic mix contains imperfect fluids for which such a description is insufficient. When the interaction terms or the energy-momentum tensor depend on the full momentum vector P, the fluid needs to be described by its full distribution function f ( P, x, t). Radiation, baryons, and neutrinos are such fluids and in the following we discuss their full perturbation equations. This section is only meant to summarize the main results that will be used elsewhere. We urge the reader to familiarize themselves with the full treatment in standard cosmology textbooks (e.g., [74], whose notation we follow closely). We shall take the perturbed metric (4.13) with the cosmic time t = adη, i.e. ds 2 = −(1 + 2)dt 2 + a 2 (t)(1 + 2)δij dx i dx j .
Given a distribution function f ( P, x, t), the energy-momentum tensor for a fluid in the full general relativistic framework is √ P µ Pν gi dP dP f( P, x, t) , (4.142) dP Tνµ (x, t) = 1 2 3 −g (2π )3 P0 where P 0 ≡ dt/dλs , P i ≡ dx i /dλs (λs is a parameter that characterizes the particle’s path), and gi are the internal degrees of freedom. For a particle of mass m one has P µ Pµ = −m2 . From the expression (4.142) we can derive the usual energy density −T00 and pressure Tii /3. We see that the term that contributes to the shear Tji is proportional to dx i dxj P i Pj = = v i vj , (P 0 )2 dt 2
which is a second-order quantity and therefore is negligible in linear perturbation theory. For massless particles, however, this is not the case. Photons and neutrinos (massless or massive but relativistic) therefore contribute to the shear term. Because of the mass constraint on P µ there are only three momentum degrees of freedom. We can choose the spatial magnitude p 2 ≡ gij P i P j ,
pˆ i ≡ P i /|P | ,
and the unit direction vector
such that δij pˆ i pˆ j = 1. Plugging P i = |P |pˆ i into Eq. (4.144), we find p 2 = a 2 (1 + 2)(δij pˆ i pˆ j )P 2 = a 2 (1 + 2)P 2 ,
Basics of cosmological perturbation theory
which gives |P | = p(1 − )/a at first-order. Hence the spatial vector P i can be written as Pi =
1− i p pˆ . a
The photons satisfy the relation gµν P µ P ν = 0, which translates into the following condition − (1 + 2)(P 0 )2 + p2 = 0 .
We then obtain the time-component of P µ : P 0 = p(1 − ) .
The process of collisions between particles can be described by the Boltzmann equation df ∂f ∂f dx i ∂f dp ∂f dpˆ i = + i + + dt ∂t ∂x dt ∂p dt ∂ pˆ i dt = C[f ] ,
(4.150) (4.151)
where f (p, pˆ i , x i , t) is the distribution function and C[f ] describes a collision term. The r.h.s. of Eq. (4.150) should be evaluated up to the first-order for the line element (4.141). The last term in Eq. (4.150) vanishes at the linear level, since both ∂f/∂ pˆ i and dpˆ i /dt are first-order terms. The collision term in Eq. (4.151) is different depending on the kind of matter species. For photons we need to compute it for the process of Compton interaction between protons and electrons (i.e. baryons). Dark matter interacts very weakly with other particles so that the collision term is set to zero. Let us consider the Boltzmann equation (4.151) for the photons. From Eqs. (4.147) and (4.149) it follows that dx i Pi 1−+ i = 0 = pˆ . dt P a
0 From the time component of the geodesic equation dP 0 /dλs = −µν P µ P ν , we obtain the following relation [74] ∂ pˆ i ∂ dp . (4.153) = −p H + + dt ∂t a ∂x i
Then the l.h.s. of the Boltzmann equation (4.151) yields ∂ pˆ i ∂ df ∂f ∂f pˆ i ∂f H+ . −p = + + dt ∂t a ∂x i ∂p ∂t a ∂x i
4.9 Baryons, photons, and neutrinos
Note that we have neglected the product of ∂f/∂x i and () because ∂f/∂x i is a first-order term (f does not depend on x i at zero-th order). Recall that in the unperturbed background the photons with the temperature T obey the Bose–Einstein distribution function !−1 f (0) (t, p) = exp(p/T ) − 1 , (4.155) where we have neglected the chemical potential µ. Note that in this background the temperature T depends on the time t only: T ∝ 1/a(t). In the perturbed Universe we can define the temperature perturbation: (t, x, pˆ i ) ≡ δT /T ,
which is chosen as a perturbation variable of photons instead of δγ = 4δT /T (recall that ρr ∝ ργ ∝ T 4 ). We assume that does not depend on the magnitude p since in a Compton scattering this is approximately conserved. The distribution function is given by −1 p ˆ = exp −1 . f (t, p, x, p) T (t)[1 + (t, x, pˆ i )]
If 1, one can expand this about the background value f (0) by using the relation T ∂f (0) /∂T = −p∂f (0) /∂p: f = f (0) − p
∂f (0) , ∂p
which is valid at first-order. Plugging Eq. (4.158) into Eq. (4.154) and collecting the first-order terms, we obtain ∂f (0) ∂ pˆ i ∂ ∂ pˆ i ∂ df (1) = −p + + . (4.159) + dt dp ∂t a ∂x i ∂t a ∂x i In Fourier space, we expand as 1 (r) = (2π )3
d3 k k eik·r ,
where the time dependence on the l.h.s. is implicit. Instead of the unit vector pˆ , we can use the direction cosine µ=
k · pˆ , k
where k = |k| is the magnitude of the wavevector k.
Basics of cosmological perturbation theory
It turns out convenient to integrate out the angular dependence of (k) by defining the multipoles 1 dµ 1 ≡ P (µ) (µ) , (4.162) (−i) −1 2 where P is the Legendre polynomial of order . The first polynomials are P0 (µ) = 1, P1 (µ) = µ, and P2 (µ) = (3µ2 − 1)/2. So = 0 defines the monopole 0 , which is simply the angular average of , while = 1 gives the dipole term. The next step is to evaluate the collision term C[f ] for the photons, determined mainly by the Compton scattering process e− + γ ↔ e− + γ . The interested reader may wish to consult the textbook [74], since its complete derivation requires several pages. The final result is however pretty simple: C[f ] = −p
∂f (0) ˆ + pˆ · v b ] , ne σT [ 0 − (p) ∂p
where ne is the electron density, σT is the Thomson cross section, and v b is the velocity of the electrons (here classified as usual in cosmology among the “baryons”). In the absence of v b , a strong coupling (i.e. the limit of large ne σT ) means that ≈ 0 , i.e. that the perturbation is fully described by its monopole term. Equating (4.159) and (4.163) we obtain ∂ pˆ i ∂ ∂ pˆ i ∂ ˆ + pˆ · v b ] . + + + = ne σT [ 0 − (p) ∂t a ∂x i ∂t a ∂x i
In Fourier space we have that ∂ /∂x j → ikj , and as usual we omit the subscript k for Fourier-transformed quantities. Moreover, since we always assume the fluid to be irrotational, v b is directed along k so that vbi = vb k i /k ,
where vb is the velocity modulus. Then Eq. (4.164) can be written as ∂ ikµ ∂ ikµ ˆ + µvb ] . + + + = ne σT [ 0 − (p) ∂t a ∂t a
In terms of the conformal time η, this equation reduces to ˆ + µvb ] , + ikµ + + ikµ = −τop [ 0 − (p)
where we have introduced the optical depth τop defined as η0 τop ≡ ne σT a dη˜ . η
4.9 Baryons, photons, and neutrinos
Note that a prime represents a derivative with respect to η (with η0 being the conformal time today). The optical depth is small when the free electron density ne is small, i.e. at late times. In the limit τop → 0, the photon fluctuations decouple from the baryons. In this limit, i.e. putting the r.h.s. of Eq. (4.167) to zero, the equation can be applied as well to massless neutrinos. On the contrary, when ne is large such that τop 1, i.e. before the recombination epoch, the photons and baryons are tightly coupled. Now we should redo the calculations for massive particles, in order to derive the Boltzmann equation for baryons. Instead of the momentum magnitude p, we introduce the energy E = p 2 + m2 . For non-relativistic matter, all terms of order v 2 = (p/E)2 or higher can be neglected. This allows us to write the Boltzmann equations for the distribution fm in terms of the first and second moments, i.e. of the number density and velocity nm ≡
d3 p fm , (2π )3
i vm ≡
1 nm
d3 p p pˆ i fm . (2π )3 E
Recall that in Section 4.3 we have derived the set of perfect fluid equations (4.48) and (4.51) for the pressureless matter component. For the baryons, however, there is again a collisional term on the r.h.s. of the Boltzmann equation. This term contributes only to the velocity equation (4.51), i.e. the first moment of the baryon distribution fb , since both Compton scattering (that couples electrons and photons) and Coulomb scattering (that couples electrons and protons) conserve the number of “baryons.” Therefore the velocity equation acquires an additional term coming from the scattering process. In Fourier space the full set of coupled photon–baryon equations reads ( 0 − + µvb ) , = − − ikµ( + ) − τop
δb = −ikvb − 3 ,
vb = −Hvb − ik +
(3i 1 + vb ) ,
3 ρb . 4 ργ
where Rs ≡
Note that we have used the relation θb = ikj vb = ikvb to convert θb to vb in Eqs. (4.171) and (4.172). The cold dark matter does not have an electromagnetic interaction so that the perturbations are not affected by the collision term unlike the baryons. Hence the
Basics of cosmological perturbation theory
CDM perturbations δc and vc obey the following equations δc = −ikvc − 3 ,
vc = −Hvc − ik ,
which are of course identical to the matter equations we derived in Eqs. (4.86) and (4.87) (with = −). Now we can derive an equation for the monopole term 0 that will be useful later on. Multiplying P0 (µ) and P1 (µ) for Eq. (4.170) and integrating them in terms of µ in the range [−1, 1], we obtain 0 + k 1 = − ,
k i 1 − v b 1 − ( 0 + ) = τop 3 3
where we have neglected the term 2 (see problem 4.2). In the tight coupling regime 1 | | 1 | in Eq. (4.177). Then the second term, (k/3) 0 , (τop 1) one has |τop ∼ (kη/τop ) 0 . in Eq. (4.177) is the same order as the r.h.s., giving 1 ∼ k 0 /τop In the tight coupling limit (τop 1) this means that 1 0 for the modes around the Hubble radius (kη ∼ 1). This property generally holds for the multipole moments , i.e. +1 / ∼ kη/τop . Hence it is a good approximation to neglect the moments ( ≥ 2) compared to monopole and dipole moments in the tight coupling regime. )[vb + Hvb + ik], If we rewrite Eq. (4.172) in the form vb = −3i 1 + (Rs /τop then the term (Rs /τop )[vb + Hvb + ik] is suppressed relative to others by a factor of 1/τop , giving the relation vb −3i 1 at the lowest order. Substituting this relation into Eq. (4.172), we get Rs k vb −3i 1 − 3i 1 + H 1 − . (4.178) τop 3 Plugging Eq. (4.178) into Eq. (4.177) and taking the η derivative of Eq. (4.176) to eliminate the term , we find (see the problem 4.3) 0 +
Rs Rs k2 H 0 + k 2 cs2 0 = − − H − , 1 + Rs 3 1 + Rs
where cs2 ≡
δPγ 1 = δργ + δρb 3(1 + Rs )
is the effective sound speed squared of the coupled baryon–photon plasma. Recall that Rs is defined in Eq. (4.173). The last equality in Eq. (4.180) holds by using the relations δPγ = δργ /3 and δργ /ργ = (4/3)δρb /ρb (the second one comes from
4.9 Baryons, photons, and neutrinos
ργ ∝ a −4 ∝ T 4 and ρb ∝ a −3 ∝ T 3 ). In the absence of baryons the sound speed √ reduces to that for a relativistic fluid: cs = c/ 3, where we have recovered the speed of light c. When baryons are present, the sound speed decreases because the fluid becomes heavier. Equation (4.179) is very convenient because it shows how the direction-averaged temperature anisotropy 0 responds to gravity, i.e. to and . In Section 5.3 we shall discuss the solution of this equation to confront the predicted temperature anisotropies with CMB observations. The gravitational potentials and are determined by the combined action of all the matter fields, baryons (b), cold dark matter (c), photons (γ ), neutrinos (ν), and dark energy (DE). If we neglect the contribution of dark energy, the (00) component of the Einstein equation (4.57) reads (4.181) k 2 + 3H( − H) = 4π Ga 2 ρm δm + 4ρr r,0 , where ρm δm ≡ ρb δb + ρc δc , ρr r,i ≡ ργ i + ρν Ni ,
(4.182) (i = 0, 1, 2, . . .).
Here 0 and N0 are the monopoles of photons and massless neutrinos, respectively, which are related to the energy momentum tensors via (γ ) T00 = −ργ (1 + 4 0 ) and (ν) 0 T0 = −ρν (1 + 4N0 ). From Eqs. (4.58) and (4.181) it follows that 3H 2 2 (iρm vm + 4ρr r,1 ) , k = 4π Ga ρm δm + 4ρr r,0 + (4.184) k where we have used the fact that the velocity vr for radiation is related to the dipole r,1 via vr = −3i r,1 [74]. There is also another relation that relates the sum of the gravitational potentials and with the anisotropic stresses of photons and neutrinos: k 2 ( + ) = −32π Ga 2 ρr r,2 .
If the quadrupole r,2 is negligibly small, it follows that −. Equation (4.185) assumes a particularly simple form during the radiation-dominated era and for super-horizon scales. During the radiation-dominated era we can use the Friedmann equation (2.17) in flat space to rewrite it as k 2 ( + ) = −12H2 fν N2 ,
where fν =
ρν . ρν + ργ
Basics of cosmological perturbation theory
In fact, the dominant term in the quadrupole r,2 is the neutrinos since the photon– baryon plasma behaves almost as a perfect fluid. Note that fν ≈ ν ≈ constant during the radiation-dominated era but not afterward. For adiabatic initial conditions the large-scale fluctuations in radiation equal the fluctuations in the neutrino component since they are both relativistic. Therefore we can put r,0 = N0 . Now from Eq. (4.181), assuming k H and constant (i.e. discarding the first and second term on the l.h.s.) and negligible ρm , we obtain 3H2 = −16π Ga 2 ρr r,0 .
= −2 r,0 = −2N0 .
It then follows that
This replaces Eq. (4.71) when we cannot assume = −. For the neutrinos we can use Eqs. (4.176) and (4.177) with N0,1 instead of 0,1 and no coupling to baryons. However the quadrupole N2 that we neglected in Eq. (4.177) is no longer negligible. Multiplying Eq. (4.170) by P2 (µ) and integrating it with respect to µ, we obtain an equation for N2 . Neglecting N3 for k H and eliminating N1 , one finds 2k 2 ( + N0 − 2N2 ) . 15 Equation (4.186) can be written as N2 =
N2 = AH−2 ,
where A = −k 2 ( + )/(12fν ) is approximately constant since the potentials are constant on super-horizon scales. Differentiating Eq. (4.191) twice with respect to η (notice that H /H2 −1 = constant in this regime) we obtain N2 = 2A = −k 2 ( + )/(6fν ) .
Combining Eqs. (4.189), (4.190), (4.192) and taking the limit k H, it follows that 2 (4.193) = − 1 + fν . 5 This sets the initial condition for the relation between the potentials at early times. 4.10 The matter power spectrum The large-scale structure of the Universe started to grow after the epoch of the radiation–matter equality. Since non-relativistic matter has a negligible pressure relative to its energy density, the gravitational attraction becomes stronger than the
4.10 The matter power spectrum
pressure repulsion in the matter-dominated epoch. The perturbations of pressureless matter, especially the CDM perturbations, are responsible for the formation of galaxies. We can quantify the matter distribution in the Universe by measuring the correlation function or the power spectrum of the galaxies we observe in the sky. In order to derive the spectrum of matter perturbations today, we need to know the evolution of (k, t) from the early Universe to the present epoch. The cosmic inflation in the early Universe that is needed to solve the problems of flatness and horizon is believed to have generated the seeds of anisotropies through the quantum fluctuations of a scalar field (called “inflaton”) [70] . In the simplest version of the single-field inflation scenario the perturbations are “frozen” after the scale λp = (2π/k)a of perturbations leaves the Hubble radius (H −1 ) during the accelerated expansion (we are considering the perturbations whose wavelengths are smaller than the Hubble radius at the onset of inflation). The perturbations in the super-horizon regime (characterized by k H = aH ) evolve only adiabatically after the first Hubble radius crossing (k = H). After inflation the comoving Hubble radius, H−1 , begins to increase as long as the Universe undergoes a decelerated expansion (a ∝ t p with p < 1). During radiation and matter eras, the perturbations cross inside the Hubble radius again (k H). The epoch of this second Hubble radius crossing (k = H) depends upon the wavelength of perturbations. The crossing occurs earlier for smaller scale perturbations. During inflation nearly scale-invariant density perturbations are generated from the quantum fluctuation of a scalar field with a potential, which sets up initial conditions for the gravitational potential. Inflation generally predicts nearly scaleinvariant density perturbations, which are consistent with the CMB anisotropies observed by COBE and WMAP. The initial power spectrum of generated during inflation is given by 50π 2 k ns −1 2 (i) 2 P ≡ |(k, ai )| = δH , (4.194) 9k 3 H0 (conventionally there is no factor of volume in this definition of power spectrum) 2 where ns is the spectral index and δH represents the amplitude of the gravitational potential (see Refs. [70, 74, 94] for the derivation of Eq. (4.194)). The WMAP 2 5-year observations constrain these values to be ns = 0.960+0.014 −0.013 and δH 3.2 × 10−10 [15]. Note that ns = 1 corresponds to the scale-invariant spectrum with k 3 |(k, ai )|2 = constant.1 1
Although in mathematics “scale-invariant” means generally a power-law behavior, cosmologists use this term (i) to denote a flat spectrum k 0 . In the context of inflation the power spectrum is usually defined by Pˆ ≡ 3 2 2 k /(2π )|(k, ai )| , but we adopt the definition (4.194) to match with the standard notation used to evaluate the matter power spectrum.
Basics of cosmological perturbation theory
In order to obtain the gravitational potential today, we need to solve the equation for (k, t) from the beginning of the radiation-dominated epoch to the present. The evolution of the gravitational potential during the early cosmological epoch depends on the modes k. The wavenumber keq that characterizes the border of “large-scale” and “small-scale” modes corresponds to the one that entered the Hubble radius at the radiation–matter equality, i.e. keq = aeq H (aeq ). Using Eq. (2.78) together with 3 1/2 H (aeq )/H0 = [2(0) , we find m /aeq ] $ 2(0) m 2 −1 = 0.073 (0) . (4.195) keq = H0 m h Mpc aeq Let us first consider the large-scale modes with k keq . In Section 4.4 we have already seen that there is a solution with = constant for a single-fluid system. However it remains to see what happens during the transition from the radiation era to the matter era. In the following we shall neglect the contribution of baryons as well as the quadrupole r,2 . Under the super-horizon approximation (k H), we obtain the following approximate equations from Eqs. (4.181), (4.174), and (4.176): 3H( + H) = 4π Ga 2 (ρc δc + 4ρr r,0 ) ,
δc = −3 ,
r,0 = − .
In Eqs. (4.196) and (4.198), r,0 includes the contributions of both radiation and neutrinos. From Eqs. (4.197) and (4.198) it follows that δc = 3 r,0 + C, where C is an integration constant. As we have already mentioned in the previous section, the radiation perturbations δr = δρr /ρr are related to the matter perturbation δm = δρm /ρm via δr = (4/3)δm by noting that ρr ∝ T 4 and ρm ∝ T 3 . This translates into δm = 3 r,0 , which is called the adiabatic condition (applied to both dark matter and baryons). This shows that C = 0 for CDM as long as the adiabatic initial condition is respected. Plugging r,0 = δc /3 into Eq. (4.196) and introducing the variable y ≡ a/aeq = ρc /ρr , we find y
d 3y + 4 += δc , dy 6(y + 1)
where we have used the relations dy/dη = Hy and 3H 2 = 8π Gρc (1 + 1/y). Taking the y-derivative of Eq. (4.199) and using Eq. (4.197), we obtain d2 21y 2 + 54y + 32 d 1 + + = 0. 2 dy 2y(y + 1)(3y + 4) dy y(y + 1)(3y + 4)
4.10 The matter power spectrum
This has the following analytic solution [90] √ y+1 9y 3 + 2y 2 − 8y − 16 + c , (y) = c1 2 y3 y3
where the integration constants c1 and c2 are determined by imposing the initial conditions i = (0) and (d/dy)i = 0. This gives c1 = 16c2 = (8/5)(0), so that the solution is √ 9y 3 + 2y 2 − 8y − 16 + 16 y + 1 (y) = (0) . (4.202) 10y 3 In the limit that y = a/aeq → ∞, the gravitational potential approaches → (9/10)(0). Hence, for super-horizon perturbations, the gravitational potential decreases by 10% during the transition from the radiation era to the matter era. Let us next consider the evolution of during the deep radiation-dominated epoch. Since cs2 1/3, H −H2 , and H 1/η in this regime, Eq. (4.66) gives 4 k2 + + = 0 . η 3
The solution of this equation satisfying the initial conditions = I and d/dη = 0 at η = 0 is √ √ √ sin(kη/ 3) − (kη/ 3) cos(kη/ 3) . (4.204) (k, η) = 3I √ (kη/ 3)3 For the modes outside the Hubble radius (k H, i.e. kη 1) we have (k, η) ! 2 I 1 − (kη) /10 , which means that the gravitational potential is nearly constant, as we know already. The modes with k keq crossed inside the Hubble radius (kη > 1) before the radiation–matter equality. These small-scale perturbations started to decay after the Hubble radius crossing. Asymptotically (kη 1) the gravitational potential decreases as 1/(kη)2 with oscillations (during the radiation era). For larger k this decay started earlier, which implies that the amplitude of the resulting gravitational potential is suppressed for perturbations on smaller scales. After the Universe enters the matter-dominated epoch, the amplitude of approaches a constant value. Thus we have shown that the evolution of the gravitational potential depends on the scales of perturbations. In order to describe its evolution for each wavenumber k during the transfer epoch (from the radiation era to the epoch at a = aT ), we introduce the transfer function T (k) ≡
(k, aT ) , LS (k, aT )
Basics of cosmological perturbation theory
where LS (k, aT ) is the large-scale solution decreased by an amount 9/10 compared to the primordial value (k, ai ) generated during inflation: 9 (4.206) LS (k, aT ) = (k, ai ) . 10 The typical value of aT is around aT ∼ 0.03. Note that for a > aT the evolution of becomes independent of k (i.e. = constant during the matter era). In general, the transfer function has to be derived numerically by integrating the equations for each k mode. A popular fit has been given by Bardeen, Bond, Kaiser, and Szalay (BBKS) [100]: T (x) =
!−1/4 ln(1 + 0.171x) 1 + 0.284x + (1.18x)2 + (0.399x)3 + (0.490x)4 , 0.171x (4.207)
where x ≡ k/keq . On large scales characterized by the condition x = k/keq 1 the BBKS transfer function reduces to T (x) 1, which means that (k, aT ) = (9/10)(k, ai ) as expected. On small scales with x = k/keq 1 the transfer function has a k-dependence T (k) ∝ (ln k)/k 2 , which means that the gravitational potential (k, aT ) is suppressed for increasing k. Note that the logarithmic correction comes from matching two solutions of dark matter perturbations during the radiation and matter eras. When a > aT the gravitational potential remains constant during the matter era at least in standard General Relativity, but after the Universe has entered the epoch of cosmic acceleration is expected to vary. In order to quantify this, we introduce the growth function D(a): (a) D(a) = (aT ) a
(a > aT ) .
In Fig. 4.1 we illustrate the evolution of the quantity D(a)/a in both CDM and CDM models. In the CDM model the gravitational potential is constant for a > aT and hence D(a) = a. In the CDM model, the constant evolution of (a) is followed by its decay around the end of the matter era. This is associated with the decreases of both m and the growth rate of δm . This variation of leads to the integrated Sachs–Wolfe (ISW) effect in the CMB temperature anisotropies, as we will see in more detail in Sections 4.11 and 5.3. Combining Eqs. (4.205), (4.206), and (4.208), we find that the gravitational potential today is given by 9 (4.209) (k, a0 ) = (k, ai )T (k)D(a0 ) , 10 where we have used a0 = 1. After the Universe enters the matter era, the radiation perturbation r,0 is negligible relative to the matter perturbation δm . For the CDM model or the models
4.10 The matter power spectrum
D(a) / a
0.70 0
z Figure 4.1 The evolution of the quantity D(a)/a versus the redshift z for the (0) CDM model with (0) m = 0.28 and the CDM model with m = 1.0. Since the gravitational potential does not vary in time during the matter-dominated era, the quantity D(a)/a remains constant for the CDM model. However, in the CDM model, the decrease of the gravitational potential at late times leads to the variation of D(a)/a.
in which dark energy does not cluster, we can also ignore the dark energy perturbation compared to the matter perturbation. Under the sub-horizon approximation (k H), Eq. (4.181) then reduces to k 2 = 4π Ga 2 ρm δm .
2 (0) Using the relations ρm = ρm(0) /a 3 and (0) m = 8π Gρm /(3H0 ), Eq. (4.210) can be expressed as
δm (k, a) =
2k 2 a 2 3(0) m H0
(k, a) .
Using Eqs. (4.194), (4.209), and (4.211), the power spectrum of matter perturbations at the present epoch is ns k 2π 2 δ 2 T 2 (k)D 2 (a0 )H0−3 . (4.212) Pδm ≡ |δm (k, a0 )|2 = (0) H 2 H 0 (m ) On large scales characterized by x = k/keq 1 the matter power spectrum has a scale-dependence Pδm ∝ k ns , which grows for increasing k. On small scales (x = k/keq 1) one has Pδm ∝ k ns −4 (ln k)2 , which decreases for increasing k. Therefore there is a peak for the matter power spectrum, whose wavenumber is
Basics of cosmological perturbation theory
determined by keq given in Eq. (4.195). As we will see in Section 5.5, the matter power spectrum is important in measuring dark energy properties.
4.11 Perturbed photon propagation So far we have studied the evolution of matter density perturbations. However, what we really observe in cosmology is radiation emitted from sources. It is then time to face the question of the propagation of radiation in a perturbed Universe. That is, what happens to photons (their energy, their path) when they propagate through a perturbed space time? The general answer is provided by the two equations of light propagation (we do not consider polarization here). If k µ = dx µ /dλs is the photon momentum, then the null condition and the geodesic equation read k µ kµ = 0 ,
dk µ µ + αβ k α k β = 0 , dλs
where λs is an affine parameter that plays no explicit role because we can always use the µ = 0 geodesic equation to convert λs to the conformal time η. Solving these equations in the perturbed metric (4.13) gives the general equations of photon propagation. The solution will give the variation in the photon’s frequency and path due to the inhomogeneous metric. By observing the inhomogeneities in frequency and in the angular direction, we can constrain the perturbations that the photon went through during its long cosmic ride. We will see in Chapter 14 that these effects, in particular the ISW effect and the weak lensing, are very useful cosmological probes. Let us start by splitting the momentum vector k µ = dx µ /dλs into a background and a perturbed value k µ = kˆ µ + δk µ .
We consider a photon that, in the unperturbed metric, propagates along the direction r, so that the background propagation equation in flat space is dη = dr. In this section the perturbed quantities are in real space, not in Fourier space, since we need to deal with physical trajectories. Also we use the explicit derivation symbol ∂/∂η instead of the prime because we want to distinguish carefully between partial and total derivatives. At background level, the geodesic equation (index 0) gives simply dkˆ 0 = −2H(kˆ 0 )2 , dλs
4.11 Perturbed photon propagation
0 where we have used 00 = H for the flat FLRW metric with the conformal time η. Equation (4.216) is integrated to give
dη kˆ 0 = ∝ a −2 . dλs
This is all we need to convert λs to η. Since the photon frequency is ν ≡ dt/dλs = adη/dλs , we see that the frequency redshifts in proportion to 1/a, as it should. We also need the perturbed null-geodesic condition δk µ kˆµ + kˆ µ δkµ = 0 .
For radial trajectories the null path condition ds 2 = 0 gives (1 + )dη = (1 + )dr ,
dr dη = (1 + − ) , dλs dλs
kˆ 0 + δk 0 = (1 + − )(kˆ r + δk r ) .
which gives
We obtain kˆ 0 = kˆ r from the zero-th order equation. The first-order terms give δk 0 = δk r + kˆ 0 ( − ) .
Now we may be tempted to derive the first-order perturbed µ = 0 equation (4.214) straightforwardly as dδk 0 /dλs = −4Hkˆ 0 δk 0 − (kˆ 0 )2 (∂/∂η + ∂/∂η + 2,r ). However, that would be wrong, since the affine parameter λs needs to be perturbed as well. We cannot take it to be the same as for the zeroth-order case. The way to proceed is then to derive the full expression up to first-order: ∂ ∂ dk 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 (4.223) + + 2,r , = −2H[(kˆ ) + 2kˆ δk ] − (kˆ ) dλs ∂η ∂η where we used Eq. (4.222) and where k 0 = kˆ 0 + δk 0 , so there is only one affine parameter for the full momentum k 0 . The situation is simplified if we “complete” the expression (kˆ 0 )2 + 2kˆ 0 δk 0 with an extra second-order term (δk 0 )2 to obtain (k 0 )2 and similarly substitute (k 0 )2 for (kˆ 0 )2 . This is allowed because we are adding second-order terms that will be automatically discarded later on. Then we obtain dk 0 ∂ 0 2 0 2 ∂ (4.224) = −2H(k ) − (k ) + + 2,r . dλs ∂η ∂η
Basics of cosmological perturbation theory
Dividing Eq. (4.224) with respect to k 0 = dη/dλs , we can rewrite it in the form 1 d(a 2 k 0 ) ∂ ∂ (4.225) =− + + 2,r . a 2 k 0 dη ∂η ∂η Now we split the momentum k 0 to be k 0 = kˆ 0 + δk 0 . Using the fact that Eq. (4.216) is equivalent to d(a 2 kˆ 0 )/dη = 0, it follows that 1 d(a 2 k 0 ) d(δk 0 /k 0 ) → , a 2 k 0 dη dη
where, at first-order, we can put equivalently k 0 or kˆ 0 at the denominator. We then obtain the following equation d(δk 0 /k 0 ) ∂ ∂ (4.227) =− + + 2,r . dη ∂η ∂η For the spatial equations we need to derive only the two directions x 1 and x 2 orthogonal to the propagation direction r. For i = 1, 2, using the geodesic condition dη2 − dr 2 = 0, we find from Eq. (4.214) dη dx i dη 2 d2 x i + 2H = (,i − ,i ) . (4.228) dλ2s dλs dλs dλs Here we do not need to worry about the unperturbed λs because there is no unperturbed propagation along the directions x 1 and x 2 . We write this equation explicitly in terms of the perturbed coordinates x i (λs ) of the light ray instead of k i since this will be useful in the weak lensing observation. Notice that in several derivations at this stage one encounters additional terms proportional to k i ,i which are then eliminated by invoking the so-called thin-lens approximation. Since we are considering first-order quantities, these terms are automatically canceled from the beginning. Now the problem splits neatly in two: (i) the solution to Eq. (4.227) leads to the discussion of the Sachs–Wolfe effect, i.e. the change of a photon’s redshift in passing through a gravitational potential, (ii) the solution to Eq. (4.228) leads to weak lensing, i.e. the deviation of a light ray passing through the same.
4.11.1 The Sachs–Wolfe effect Let us begin with Eq. (4.227). First we notice the following relation ˆk 0 ∂ + ,r = ∂ dη + ∂ dr = d → ∂ + ,r = d , ∂η ∂η dλs ∂r dλs dλs ∂η dη (4.229)
4.11 Perturbed photon propagation
where we have used kˆ 0 = dη/dλs and also dη = dr along the unperturbed light ray. We then find that Eq. (4.227) can be written as d d(δk 0 /k 0 ) = −2 − dη dη
∂ ∂ − ∂η ∂η
which is integrated to give # O δk 0 ##O ∂ ∂ O − dη , = −2| − E k 0 #E ∂η ∂η E
where “O” and “E” represent the instants of observation and emission, respectively, O and |O E ≡ O − E . Notice that the last term does not integrate to ( − )E since the potentials must be calculated along the light-ray null path r(η) and the integral contains the partial, not total, derivative with respect to η. This is our first result. The frequency shifts by an amount that depends on the difference between the potential at emission and at observation and on the lineof-sight integral of − . The first effect is referred to as the Sachs–Wolfe effect (although often another term gets counted as Sachs–Wolfe, see below) and the second as the integrated Sachs–Wolfe effect. The most important application of this result is the calculation of the CMB temperature anisotropies. The temperature of a black body distribution of photons is proportional to their average frequency νˆ . More exactly, for photons propagating with four-momentum k µ and emitted by a body moving with respect to us with velocity uµ , the temperature we measure is proportional to −k µ uµ = νˆ . The same applies if uµ is our own velocity with respect to the source. Therefore if a photon is emitted at E and observed at O, the emission temperature TE and observed temperature TO are related with each other via TO (k µ uµ )O = µ . TE (k uµ )E
The observed temperature fluctuation is # # # # δT ## δT ## δ(k µ uµ ) ## δ(k µ uµ ) ## = + µ − µ . T #O T #E k uµ #O k uµ #E
As usual we assume a radial propagation along the coordinate r, i.e. dη = dr. Recall that the four-velocity is given by uµ = [−a(1 + ), avi ] for the perturbed metric (4.13). Notice that at zero-th order we have k µ uµ = k 0 u0 . Let us consider
Basics of cosmological perturbation theory
the second term on the r.h.s. of Eq. (4.233). The non-zero first-order elements are δu0 k 0 δu0 = =, µ k uµ u0
k i δui ki k i δui = = − vi = ei vi , k µ uµ k 0 u0 k0
where ei ≡ −k i /k 0 is the unit direction vector, and the term (δk 0 )u0 /(k µ uµ ) = δk 0 /k 0 is given in Eq. (4.231). We can now put the pieces together. We find # # O ∂ ∂ δT ## δT ## i O O dη . (4.236) − = + e v | − | + i E E T #O T #E ∂η ∂η E The term |O E = O − E can be further simplified since the temperature distortion induced by the local gravitational potential O is unobservable (it affects equally the whole CMB). Then we are left with four other terms in Eq. (4.236), which in turn are called the intrinsic temperature fluctuation (δT /T |E ), the Doppler Sachs–Wolfe (SW) effect (E ), and the integrated Sachs–Wolfe shift (ei vi |O E ), the O (ISW) effect ( E (∂/∂η − ∂/∂η)dη), respectively. When we discuss photons coming from the last scattering surface of the CMB, the intrinsic temperature fluctuation is also counted as the SW effect (the separation between these effects is in fact gauge dependent). As we have mentioned in Section 4.10 the adiabatic initial condition of the baryon–photon fluid system in the tight coupling regime corresponds to δm = 3δT /T |E , where δm is the matter perturbation. From Eq. (4.71) the matter perturbation satisfies the relation δm = −2 on scales larger than the Hubble radius as long as the matter dominates the overall fluctuations and the anisotropic stress is neglected such that = −. So finally one arrives at the (adiabatic, large-scale, shear-free) familiar result # δT ## 2 1 = − E + E = E , (4.237) # T SW 3 3 where the subscript E refers to the epoch of last scattering. Since the dark energy density in most models is negligible at early times, E is hardly affected by it. In contrast, the last term in Eq. (4.236), the ISW term, is a line-of-sight term and does therefore contain potentially much information on the recent Universe. Moreover, we have already seen that the gravitational potential is constant for a matter-dominated Universe and therefore yields no ISW signal. This shows that the ISW effect is a direct diagnostic of something which is not ordinary pressureless matter, just as we are looking for. The constraint on dark energy models through the ISW effect will be further discussed in Section 14.1.1.
4.11 Perturbed photon propagation
4.11.2 Weak lensing Let us now tackle the spatial part of the geodesic equations. Using Eqs. (4.228) and (4.217), we obtain the propagation equation for i = 1, 2: d2 x i = ψ,i , dr 2 where ψ is the lensing potential defined by ψ ≡−.
In standard General Relativity with ordinary matter, ψ = −2. Since the displacement vector x = (x 1 , x 2 ) is small, we can put x i = rθ i and hence Eq. (4.238) is written as d2 (rθ i ) = ψ,i . (4.240) dr 2 If the light ray reaches the observer located at r = 0 through the direction θ0i = (θ01 , θ02 ) the integration of Eq. (4.240) twice leads to (here and in the rest of this section we use primes to denote dummy integration variables, not derivatives) 1 r r i i θ = θ0 + dr dr ψ,i (r θ01 , r θ02 , r ) , (4.241) r 0 0 where the integration constant is to be equal to the observed angle θ0i so that the angle remains the same in the absence of metric perturbations (ψ = 0). The region of the integral with respect to r and r is restricted to be in the region 0 < r < r, 0 < r < r , or in other words, r < r < r, 0 < r < r. Carrying out the r integral of Eq. (4.241) in the latter region, it follows that r r i i ψ,i (r θ01 , r θ02 , r ) . θ = θ0 + dr 1 − (4.242) r 0 Two light rays separated by a small interval x will obey the equation r r j r ψ,ij (r θ01 , r θ02 , r ) , dr 1 − (4.243) θ i = θ0i + θ0 r 0 where the term r ψ,ij arises by taking the variation of ψ,i with respect to θ0 (j = 1, 2). Therefore, if the separation θ i is taken on the source plane at r = rs , we have an equation that connects the source plane with the observation plane at r = 0. The entire phenomenon can be described by the symmetric transformation matrix (see Fig. 4.2) j
Aij ≡
∂θsi j
= δij + Dij ,
Basics of cosmological perturbation theory
qS Source plane
q0 Image or Lensing plane
Figure 4.2 The geometry of the weak lensing.
where Dij =
dr 0
r 1− rs
r ψ,ij =
−κwl − γ1 −γ2
−γ2 −κwl + γ1
is the distortion tensor. The parameter r 1 rs r (ψ,11 +ψ,22 ) , dr 1 − κwl = − 2 0 rs
is called the convergence and describes the magnification of the source image. The quantities γ1 , γ2 are the two components of the shear field r 1 rs r (ψ,11 −ψ,22 ) , dr 1 − (4.247) γ1 = − 2 0 rs rs r γ2 = − r ψ,12 , dr 1 − (4.248) rs 0 and describe the distortion of the source image. Although in principle both magnification and shape distortion could be used as cosmological tools, the noise in the former (i.e. the large intrinsic variation of galaxy luminosities) has not allowed so far a practical use of the magnification in cosmology. In Section 14.4 we will study how to employ the distortion as a test of cosmology.
4.12 Problems
4.12 Problems 4.1 Let the distribution function of the density contrast δx be given by the Gaussian 1 δx2 (4.249) exp − 2 . Px (δx ) = (2π σ 2 )1/2 2σ Suppose that the fluctuations δx , δy at any two given points x, y separated by r are distributed as a two-dimensional Gaussian field with the probability distribution 1 1 −1 δ , (4.250) Pxy (δx , δy ) = exp − C δ i j ij 2 1/2 2 2π(σ 4 − ξ12 ) where δi = (δx , δy ) and the covariance matrix is 2 σ ξ12 (r) . Cij ≡ δi δj Pxy (δx , δy )dδx dδy = σ2 ξ12 (r)
Let us now cut the field so that we consider only fluctuations above a given threshold. r (1) Find the general expression of the probability of having δ > νσ given that x δy > νσ at a distance |x − y| = r, where ν is a positive parameter that defines a threshold in units of σ . r (2) Suppose that we divide a galaxy distribution into many small equal-volume regions above threshold (δ > νσ ) and below threshold. Find the expected value of the fraction of regions above threshold within a distance r of a region above threshold, divide this for the fraction of regions above threshold and interpret this as the correlation function 1 + ξ>b of regions above threshold. r (3) Find the limit of ξ 1 and ν 1 and interpret b = ν/σ as the bias of regions 12 above threshold with respect to the general field. (From Ref. [101].) Useful relations are: ∞ x2 ν 1 1 erfc √ e− 2σ 2 dx , (4.252) ≡ √ 2 2π σ νσ 2 e−x erfc(x) √ , x π 2
x 1,
2 2 erfc[x(1 + ε)] erfc(x) − √ εxe−x , π
(4.253) for
ε 1.
4.2 Derive Eqs. (4.176) and (4.177) from Eq. (4.170) by neglecting the contribution of the quadrupole moment 2 . 4.3 Confirm that Eq. (4.179) follows from Eqs. (4.176)–(4.178).
5 Observational evidence of dark energy
The existence of dark energy is supported by a number of observations. This includes (i) the age of the Universe compared to oldest stars, (ii) supernovae observations, (iii) Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB), (iv) baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO), and (v) large-scale structure (LSS). Even before 1998 it was known that in a CDM Universe the cosmic age can be smaller than the age of the oldest stars. Dark energy can account for this discrepancy because its presence can make the cosmic age longer. The first strong evidence for the acceleration of the Universe today came however by measuring the luminosity distance of the type Ia supernovae (SN Ia). The CMB observations are also consistent with the presence of dark energy, although the constraint coming from the CMB alone is not so strong. The measurements of BAO have provided another independent test for the existence of dark energy. The power spectrum of matter distributions also favors a Universe with dark energy rather than the CDM Universe. In the following we shall discuss this observational evidence for dark energy. The statistical method used to constrain cosmological parameters will be discussed in Chapter 13. More details on present and future observational aspects to detect dark energy will be presented in Chapter 14.
5.1 The age of the Universe As we already mentioned, the inverse of the Hubble constant H0 is a rough measure of the age t0 of the Universe. Here we shall compute t0 more precisely and compare it with the age of the oldest stars. For simplicity we assume that the equation of (0) (1 + z)3(1+wDE ) state of dark energy is a constant, in which case we have ρDE = ρDE from Eq. (2.81). Taking into account radiation, non-relativistic matter, and dark energy as components of the Universe, Eq. (2.84) gives the Hubble parameter H (z)
5.1 The age of the Universe
normalized by H0 : 1/2 (0) (0) 4 (0) 3 3(1+wDE ) 2 (1 + z) + (1 + z) + (1 + z) + (1 + z) . E(z) = (0) r m K DE (5.1) On using the relation dt = −dz/[(1 + z)H ], the age of the Universe is expressed as ∞ dz −1 . (5.2) t 0 = H0 E(z) (1 + z) 0 The integral (5.2) is dominated by the terms at low redshifts. Since (0) r is of the order of 10−5 –10−4 from Eq. (2.47), radiation becomes important only for high redshifts (z 1000). Hence it is a good approximation to neglect the contribution from radiation when we evaluate Eq. (5.2). Let us consider the case of the cosmological constant (wDE = −1). Then the age of the Universe is given by ∞ dx t0 = H0−1 (5.3) 1/2 , (0) 3 (0) (0) 2 1 x m x + DE + K x (0) (0) where x ≡ 1 + z and (0) m + DE + K = 1. (0) For the flat Universe (K = 0), Eq. (5.3) is integrated to give (0) −1 1 − 1 + m H , ln t0 = 0 (0) (0) 3 1 − m 1 − 1 − m
(0) (0) where we have used the relation (0) m + DE = 1. In the limit DE → 0 we have
2 (5.5) t0 = H0−1 . 3 On using the value (2.36) together with h = 0.72 ± 0.08, the age of the Universe in the absence of the cosmological constant is in the range 8.2 Gyr < t0 < 10.2 Gyr. Carretta et al. [102] estimated the age of globular clusters in the Milky Way to be 12.9 ± 2.9 Gyr, whereas Jimenez et al. [103] obtained the value 13.5 ± 2 Gyr. Hansen et al. [104] constrained the age of the globular cluster M4 to be 12.7 ± 0.7 Gyr by using the method of the white dwarf cooling sequence. In most cases the ages of globular clusters are larger than 11 Gyr. Then the cosmic age estimated by Eq. (5.5) is inconsistent with the ages of the oldest globular clusters. This problem can be circumvented by taking into account the cosmological constant (or dark energy with an equation of state wDE close to −1). Equation (0) (5.4) shows that t0 gets larger for decreasing (0) m . In the limit m → 0 we have t0 → ∞. In Fig. 5.1 we plot the cosmic age (5.4) versus (0) m together with the
Observational evidence of dark energy
Flat universe with Λ
H0 t 0
The WMAP bound 1.0
The allowed region from oldest stars
Open Universe without Λ 0.60 0
Ωm(0) Figure 5.1 The cosmic age t0 in the unit of H0−1 versus (0) m . The thin-solid curve describes a flat Universe in the presence of the cosmological constant with the (0) relation (0) m + DE = 1. The dashed curve corresponds to an open Universe without the cosmological constant. The thick-solid line is a minimum age allowed from the ages of oldest globular clusters (> 11 Gyr). We also show the bound coming from the WMAP 5-year data with h = 0.70. The flat Universe with the cosmological constant is consistent with the WMAP bound for 0.271 < (0) m < 0.289.
boundary allowed from the oldest stellar ages. In order to satisfy the condition t0 > 11 Gyr we require that 0 < (0) m < 0.55. The WMAP 5-year constraint on the cosmic age (assuming the CDM model) is given by t0 = 13.73 ± 0.12 Gyr [15]. Under this bound we find that the density parameter of non-relativistic matter is constrained to be 0.245 < (0) m < 0.261 for h = 0.72. Of course this bound changes if different values of h are chosen. When h = 0.70 the constraint becomes 0.271 < (0) m < 0.289 (see Fig. 5.1). In the open Universe ((0) K > 0) it is also possible to make the cosmic age larger −1 than (2/3)H0 even in the absence of dark energy. Setting (0) DE = 0 in Eq. (5.3), we obtain (0) −1 (0) 1 − 1 − m H0 1 + m , ln (5.6) t0 = (0) (0) (0) 1 − m 2 1 − m 1 + 1 − m (0) (0) where (0) m + K = 1. In the limit m → 1 we recover the value (5.5) in the −1 flat Universe. Meanwhile, in the limit (0) m → 0, we have t0 → H0 . The cosmic
5.2 Supernova observations
age in the open Universe does not become so large compared to the case of the flat Universe with the cosmological constant. Since the curvature |(0) K | has been constrained to be much smaller than unity from the WMAP measurements [15], it is not possible to satisfy the condition t0 > 11 Gyr for h = 0.72 ± 0.08 in the open Universe without dark energy. The above discussion shows that the existence of dark energy is crucially important to solve the cosmic age problem. 5.2 Supernova observations In 1998 Riess et al. [High-redshift Supernova Search Team (HSST)] [1] and Perlmutter et al. [Supernova Cosmology Project (SCP)] [2] independently reported the late-time cosmic acceleration by observing distant supernovae of type Ia (SN Ia). Up to 1998 Riess et al. had discovered 16 high-redshift SN Ia together with 34 nearby supernovae, while Perlmutter et al. had found 42 supernovae in the redshift range z = 0.18–0.83. The explosion of supernovae is extremely luminous and causes a burst of radiation. The supernovae can be classified according to the absorption lines of chemical elements. If the spectrum of a supernova includes a spectral line of hydrogen, it is classified Type II. Otherwise it is called Type I. If a supernova contains an absorption line of singly ionized silicon, it is further classified Type Ia (note that Type Ib contains a line of helium, whereas Type Ic lacks the lines of both silicon and helium). The explosion of Type Ia occurs when the mass of a white dwarf in a binary system exceeds the Chandrasekhar limit [105] by absorbing gas from another star. Since the absolute luminosity of Type Ia is almost constant at the peak of brightness, the distance to a SN Ia can be determined by measuring its observed (apparent) luminosity. Thus the SN Ia is a kind of “standard candle” by which luminosity distance can be measured observationally. In reality things are more complicated than this simple view. The intrinsic spread in absolute magnitudes is actually too large to produce stringent cosmological constraints. However, at the end of the 1990s, a high-quality sample of “local” (i.e. z 1) supernovae allowed the absolute magnitude to be correlated with the width of the light curve [106]: brighter supernovae have a broader light curve. By measuring at the same time the apparent magnitude and the light curve it is possible therefore to predict the absolute magnitude. Although in the following we refer to a universal SN Ia absolute magnitude, we always mean the magnitude corrected for the light curve width. The apparent magnitude, m, is often used as a measure of brightness of stars observed on Earth. Let us consider two stellar objects whose apparent fluxes are given by F 1 and F2 . The apparent magnitudes of those stars (m1 and m2 ) are related
Observational evidence of dark energy
to the fluxes according to
F1 5 . m1 − m2 = − log10 2 F2
This implies that a star with m1 = 1 is about 100 times brighter than one with m2 = 6. From the definition (5.7) the apparent magnitude is smaller for brighter objects. Choosing an appropriate reference flux, for Sun and Moon we have m = −26.7 and m = −12.6, respectively. We define the absolute magnitude M of an object in terms of an apparent magnitude m and a luminosity distance dL : dL . (5.8) m − M = 5 log10 10 pc If the distance is expressed in Megaparsec then the relation can be written as m − M = 5 log10 dL + 25 .
In other words the absolute magnitude corresponds to the apparent magnitude the object would have if it were located at the luminosity distance dL = 10 pc from the observer. An additional correction, denoted as K-correction, is due to the fact that as the redshift increases we observe different parts of the source spectrum: we always assume that this correction has been already included in the estimation of m. The absolute magnitude of SN Ia is known to be around M = −19 at the peak of brightness. If we consider two SN Ia whose apparent magnitudes are m1 and m2 with luminosity distances dL1 and dL2 , respectively, we obtain the following relation from Eq. (5.9): dL1 . (5.10) m1 − m2 = 5 log10 dL2 Since the observed flux F is proportional to dL −2 from Eq. (2.63), we find that Eq. (5.7) is consistent with Eq. (5.10). Since the (corrected) peak absolute magnitude M is the same for any SN Ia under the assumption of standard candles, the luminosity distance dL (z) is obtained from Eq. (5.9) by observing the apparent magnitude m. The redshift z of the corresponding SN Ia can be found by measuring the wavelength λ of light [see Eq. (2.28)]. The observations of many SN Ia provide the dependence of the luminosity distance dL in terms of z. Comparing observational data with the theoretical distance (2.68), it is possible to know the expansion history of the Universe for the redshift z O(1). Let us consider the case in which the Universe is dominated by a non-relativistic fluid and dark energy with an equation of state wDE . In this case the Hubble parameter H (z) is given by Eq. (2.84) with (0) r 0. Using the expansion (2.69)
5.2 Supernova observations
8.0 Flat with ΩD E = 0 Open with Ω K = 0.0085, ΩD E = 0
Flat with ΩD E = 0.7
H0 d L / c
0.0 0
z Figure 5.2 The luminosity distance dL versus the redshift z for three cases: (a) a flat Universe without dark energy, (b) an open Universe ((0) K = 0.0085) without dark energy, and (c) a flat Universe with the cosmological constant ((0) DE = 0.7 and wDE = −1). The presence of dark energy leads to a larger luminosity distance relative to the case without it. In the open Universe the luminosity distance also gets larger than that in the flat Universe.
around z = 0 we find that the luminosity distance, in the region z 1, is given by
1 c (0) (0) 2 3 z+ (5.11) dL (z) = 1 − 3wDE DE + K z + O(z ) . H0 4 In the flat Universe without dark energy we have dL (z) = (c/H0 )[z + z2 /4 + O(z3 )]. In the presence of dark energy (wDE < 0 and (0) DE > 0) the luminosity distance gets larger (see Fig. 5.2). Especially for smaller (negative) wDE and for larger (0) DE this tendency becomes more significant. In an open Universe (K < 0) the effect of the cosmic curvature also leads to a larger luminosity distance compared to the flat Universe. Since the curvature of the Universe is constrained to be 2 2 close to the flat one (−0.0175 < (0) K = −K/(a0 H0 ) < 0.0085 [15]) from WMAP 5-year data, it is difficult to give rise to a significant difference relative to the flat Universe without dark energy. This property can be seen in Fig. 5.2, which shows that the difference is small in the region z < 1.5. In 1998 Riess et al. [1] and Perlmutter et al. [2] released observational data of the apparent luminosity of high-redshift Type Ia supernovae (0.2 z 0.8). The data of low-redshift regions (z < 0.1) reported previously was also used in their analysis.
Observational evidence of dark energy
Let us pick up a few examples of data to understand how the luminosity distance is known observationally. First, consider two data of the apparent magnitudes in the low-redshift region of SN Ia: (i) 1990O: m = 16.26 (z = 0.03) and (ii) 1992bg: m = 16.66 (z = 0.036). Since the luminosity distance in the region z 1 is well approximated by dL cz/H0 from Eq. (5.11), the absolute magnitude M is known from Eq. (5.9). We take the value h = 0.7 for the Hubble constant given in Eq. (2.33). We then obtain M = −19.29 and M = −19.28 for 1990O and 1992bg, respectively. This shows that the absolute luminosity of SN Ia is nearly constant (M −19), as we already mentioned. Let us next use the high-redshift data reported by Perlmutter et al. [2]. Consider the two SN Ia data of the apparent magnitudes: (a) 1997R: m = 23.83 (z = 0.657), (b) 1995ck: m = 23.57 (z = 0.656). Employing the value M = −19.15 for the absolute magnitude, we find from Eq. (5.9) that the luminosity distance is given by H0 dL /c = 0.920 for 1997R and H0 dL /c = 0.817 for 1995ck. Notice that the approximation, dL cz/H0 , is no longer valid in the high-redshift regime. Let us consider a flat Universe with a dark energy equation of state wDE = −1 (i.e. (0) 1/2 3 in this case, the the cosmological constant). Since E(z) = [(0) m (1 + z) + DE ] luminosity distance (2.68) reads d˜z c(1 + z) z dL (z) = , (5.12) (0) 1/2 H0 ˜ )3 + (0) 0 [(1 − DE )(1 + z DE ] which can be evaluated numerically for given (0) DE . In order to satisfy the observational data (H0 /c)dL (z = 0.657) = 0.920 for 1997R, we require that (0) DE = 0.70. = 0.38 from the 1995ck data. Both data indicate the existence Similarly we get (0) DE of dark energy. Since observational data are prone to statistical and systematic errors, a few data are not enough to conclude that the present Universe is accelerating. Using 42 high-redshift SN Ia at redshifts between 0.18 and 0.83 together with 18 low-redshift SN Ia data from the Calan/Tololo Supernova Survey [106], Perlmutter et al. [2] showed that the cosmological constant is present at the 99% confidence level. They also found that the open Universe without the cosmological constant does not fit the data well. From Eq. (5.9) the apparent luminosity m gets larger for increasing luminosity distance dL . Figure 5.3 shows that the observational data in the highredshift regime favor the luminosity distance larger than the one predicted by the (0) CDM model ((0) m = 1 and = 0). From the likelihood analysis of the SN Ia data accumulated by the year 1998, Perlmutter et al. found that the density parameter of +0.09 non-relativistic matter is constrained to be (0) m = 0.28−0.08 (1σ statistical) in the flat Universe with the cosmological constant [2].
5.2 Supernova observations
91 (0)
(0.5, 0.5) (0, 0) (1, 0) (1, 0) (1.5, –0.5) (2, 0)
Supernova Cosmology Project
effective m B
Calan/Tololo (Hamuy et al., A.J. 1996)
14 0.02
redshift z Figure 5.3 The effective apparent luminosity mB versus the redshift z for 42 highredshift SN Ia from the SCP [2] and 18 low-redshift SN Ia from the Calan/Tololo Supernova Survey [106]. Note that mB involves the corrections of both sets for the SN Ia light-curve width-luminosity relation to the apparent luminosity m. The inner and outer error bars represent the uncertainty of measurements and the total uncertainty when the luminosity dispersion, 0.17 mag, of light-curve-widthcorrected SN Ia is added in quadrature, respectively. The horizontal error bars show the assigned peculiar velocity uncertainty of 300 km s−1 . The solid curves are the theoretical prediction for mB for a number of cosmological models without (0) the cosmological constant: ((0) m , ) = (0, 0) (top), (1, 0) (middle), and (2, 0) (bottom). The dashed curves correspond to a number of flat cosmological models: (0) ((0) m , ) = (0, 1) (top), (0.5, 0.5) (second from top), (1, 0) (third from top), and (1.5, −0.5) (bottom). From Ref. [2].
Observational evidence of dark energy 0.0 Union08 Riess Gold
Union08 Davis 07
Union08 Union08 w/o NB99
(0) m
-1.5 0.0
(0) m
Figure 5.4 68.3%, 95.4%, and 99.7% confidence level contours on ((0) m , wDE ) from the SN Ia observations only for constant wDE . In each column the filled contours correspond to the results coming from the Union data by Kowalski et al. [112]. The empty contours in the left and middle columns represent the constraints from the Gold sample [108, 109] and the ESSENCE data [110, 111], respectively. The right column shows the impact of the SCP nearby 1999 data. From Ref. [112].
After 1998 more SN Ia data have been collected by a number of high-redshift surveys – including SuperNova Legacy Survey [107] (SNLS), Hubble Space Telescope [108, 109] (HST), and “Equation of State: SupErNovae trace Cosmic Expansion” [110, 111] (ESSENCE) survey. The SNLS project, which is based on the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope, consists of two components: (i) a large imaging survey to detect about 2000 supernovae and monitor their light curves, and (ii) a large spectroscopic survey to obtain supernovae identification and redshift. The HST survey is based on the image subtraction to search the SN Ia data in the high-redshift region z > 1 by including search depth, efficiency, timing, and falsepositive discrimination. These data have been classified as the “Gold” data sets [109]. The ESSENCE project is a ground-based survey designed to detect about 200 SN Ia in the redshift range z = 0.2–0.8 to measure the equation of state of dark energy to better than 10%. In Fig. 5.4 the observational contours on ((0) m , wDE ) are plotted from the SN Ia data by Kowalski et al. [112]. Note that the equation of state of dark energy is assumed to be constant. While the SN Ia data alone are not yet sufficient to place tight bounds on wDE , Fig. 5.4 clearly shows the presence of dark energy responsible for the late-time cosmic acceleration (wDE < −1/3). If the equation of state of dark energy varies in time, we need to parametrize wDE as a function of the redshift z. If the SN Ia data are accurate enough to measure the luminosity distance dL (z) in terms of z, it is possible to determine the evolution of
5.3 Cosmic Microwave Background
wDE by using Eqs. (2.86) and (2.88). However the error bars in the SN Ia data are still too large to determine wDE (z) without assuming some form of parametrization with respect to z. In particular, there is very little information on wDE at z > 0.5 [112]. The parametrization of wDE (z) will be discussed in Section 7.5. 5.3 Cosmic Microwave Background The observations of temperature anisotropies in the CMB provide another independent test for the existence of dark energy. The oldest sky we can see is the so-called last scattering surface at which electrons are trapped by hydrogen to form atoms (dubbed “decoupling” or “recombination”). The photons were tightly coupled to baryons and electrons before the decoupling epoch at z 1090, but they could freely move to us after that. In 1963 Penzias and Wilson [113] first detected the CMB photons thermalized to an almost uniform temperature across the sky. The temperature anisotropies of the CMB were first measured at large angular separations by the COBE satellite in 1992 [12]. The precise measurement of temperature anisotropies by high-precision experiments like BOOMERanG [114], MAXIMA [115], and especially WMAP [13] opened up a new opportunity to determine cosmological parameters to high precision. All of the matter components in the Universe (dark matter, neutrinos, . . . ) are coupled to gravity through the Einstein equations. The scalar part of the perturbations is the main source for the CMB temperature anisotropies. As we already mentioned the vector perturbations decay in the expanding Universe, whereas the tensor perturbations contribute to the CMB anisotropies as gravitational waves [90, 92]. However the amplitude of gravitational waves is suppressed relative to that of scalar perturbations if they originate from inflation (see Ref. [94]). Since the main feature of the CMB anisotropies is determined by scalar metric perturbations, we focus on scalar perturbations in the following discussion. Numerical simulations are required to derive the complete spectra of temperature and polarization anisotropies because the Einstein and Boltzmann equations for photons as well as other matter components are coupled to each other. In spite of this complexity, Hu and Sugiyama [116, 117] obtained many fitting formulae which are very helpful to understand the CMB physics and also derived analytic solutions under some approximations. In the following we shall discuss how the presence of dark energy affects the CMB anisotropies. The first effect is the change of the position of acoustic peaks coming from the modification of the angular diameter distance. The second effect is the so-called integrated Sachs–Wolfe (ISW) effect caused by the variation of the gravitational potential [118] (see Section 4.11.1). Since the latter is limited to very large scales, the first effect is typically more important.
Observational evidence of dark energy
We have already derived in Section 4.9 the first-order equation for the directionaveraged (i.e. monopole) temperature anisotropy 0 in the tight coupling regime (τop 1): 0 +
Rs Rs k2 H 0 + k 2 cs2 0 = − − H − , 1 + Rs 3 1 + Rs
where the sound speed squared is given by cs2 = 1/3(1 + Rs ) with the baryon-tophoton density ratio Rs = 3ρb /4ργ . This ratio evolves as Rs =
3ωb 1 , 4ωγ 1 + z
where we have defined 2 ωb ≡ (0) b h ,
2 ωγ ≡ (0) γ h .
If we take the value ωb = 0.02267 and ωγ = 2.469 × 10−5 we have Rs = 2.7 × 104 /(1 + z), which is much smaller than unity for redshifts larger than 105 (corresponding to the regime of tight coupling between photons and baryons). Taking the derivative of Rs with respect to η and using the definition of the redshift (2.28), we obtain the relation Rs = HRs . Then Eq. (5.13) can be written as 2 1 d Rs d k2 2 2 + − . (5.16) + k cs ( 0 + ) = dη2 1 + Rs dη 3 1 + Rs The second term on the l.h.s. of Eq. (5.16) is of the order of (Rs /η2 )( 0 + ) ≈ Rs H2 ( 0 + ), whereas the third term is of the order of k 2 cs2 ( 0 + ). Hence the second term can be neglected under the condition Rs cs2 (k/H)2 . In the tightcoupling regime (Rs 1) this condition is well satisfied for the modes inside the solution to Eq. (5.16) can be Hubble radius (k > H). Hence the homogeneous described by the sum of the solutions exp(±i kcs dη), i.e. ( 0 + )(hom) (k, η) = c1 f1 (k, η) + c2 f2 (k, η) ,
where f1 (η) = sin[krs (η)], f2 (η) = cos[krs (η)], and rs is the sound horizon defined by η dη˜ cs (η) ˜ . (5.18) rs (η) ≡ 0
It is clear from Eq. (5.17) that the homogeneous solution leads to oscillations in CMB anisotropies with a time-dependent frequency ωk (η) = krs (η).
5.3 Cosmic Microwave Background
The general solution to Eq. (5.16) can be obtained by the usual Green’s function method. In the tight-coupling regime (Rs 1) it is given by ( 0 + )(k, η) = c1 f1 (η) + c2 f2 (η) ˜ 2 (η) − f1 (η)f2 (η) ˜ k2 η f1 (η)f + . dη˜ [(η) ˜ − (η)] ˜ 3 0 f1 (η)f ˜ 2 (η) ˜ − f1 (η)f ˜ 2 (η) ˜ (5.19) We take the initial conditions 0 = 0 and = 0 at η = 0, which determine the coefficients c1 and c2 . Then Eq. (5.19) reduces to ( 0 + )(k, η) = [ 0 (0) + (0)] cos(krs ) η k dη˜ [(η) ˜ − (η)] ˜ sin [k(rs (η) − rs (η))] ˜ . +√ 3 0
Using Eqs. (4.176) and (5.20), the solution to the dipole moment is given by 1 1 (k, η) = √ [ 0 (0) + (0)] sin(krs ) 3 k η − dη˜ [(η) ˜ − (η)] ˜ cos [k(rs (η) − rs (η))] ˜ . 3 0
The first term on the r.h.s. of Eq. (5.20) shows that there is a peak for the homogeneous solution of 0 + at the position satisfying the relation krs = nπ ,
where n are integers. The peak position is subject to change by the presence of the last term in Eq. (5.20). The dipole solution (5.21) also contributes to the CMB spectrum. Recall that Eqs. (5.20) and (5.21) have been derived in the tight-coupling limit (τop 1). In order to obtain the CMB anisotropies observed today, we need to take into account the evolution of perturbations after the photons began to stream freely. (i.e. the epoch in which the tight coupling approximation is no longer valid). Moreover the contribution of higher-order moments ( with ≥ 2) and the ISW effect modifies the shape of the power spectrum. Hu and Sugiyama [116] derived the following semi-analytic expression for the present temperature field (see also
Observational evidence of dark energy
[74] for the derivation): (k, η0 ) [ 0 (k, η∗ ) + (k, η∗ )] j [k(η0 − η∗ )] ( + 1)j [k(η0 − η∗ )] + 3 1 (k, η∗ ) j−1 [k(η0 − η∗ )] − k(η0 − η∗ ) η0 ! dηe−τop (k, η) − (k, η) j [k(η0 − η)] , (5.23) + 0
where j (x) are spherical Bessel functions (see the Mathematical Appendix in Chapter 17) and η∗ is the time at which the visibility function −τop g(η) ≡ −τop e
takes a peak value. At the early stage much before the decoupling epoch (where the optical depth τop is much larger than 1), the visibility function g(η) is nearly ) zero. It takes a peak value roughly around z ∼ 1000. The scattering rate (−τop decreases rapidly after the decoupling epoch and hence g(η) approaches 0 again. The analytic solution (5.23) reproduces numerical solutions within 10% accuracy. The first term on the r.h.s. of Eq. (5.23) comes from the integral η0 dη g(η) [ 0 (k, η) + (k, η)] j [k(η0 − η)]. This carries the information of the 0 monopole solution (5.20) derived under the tight-coupling approximation. The effect of free streaming of photons appears in the visibility function g(η) whose main contribution to the integral comes from the value at η = η∗ [note that g(η) η defined in Eq. (5.24) satisfies the normalization condition 0 0 dη g(η) = 1]. The position of acoustic peaks estimated by Eq. (5.22) is shifted toward larger scales by the effect of free streaming of photons [74]. The second term in Eq. (5.23) coming from the dipole contribution 1 also leads to the modification of the CMB power spectrum. The third term in Eq. (5.23) is responsible for the so-called ISW effect, which is induced by the variation of the gravitational potentials and . While and remain nearly constants during the matter-dominated epoch, the dominance of dark energy at late times gives rise to their variations. We have already discussed this issue in Section 4.11.1. In the limit 1 the spherical Bessel function j (x) has a dependence j (x) (1/)(x/)−1/2 , which is suppressed for large . Hence the dominant contribution to the ISW effect corresponds to the low modes ( = O(1)). When we confront the predicted temperature anisotropies with CMB observations, we expand the perturbation in terms of spherical harmonics: (x, η) =
ˆ , am (x, η)Ym (n)
=1 m=−
where the subscripts and m are conjugate to a real space unit vector nˆ representing the direction of incoming photons. The spherical harmonics Ym satisfies the
5.3 Cosmic Microwave Background
Multipole moment l 10
4000 3000 2000 1000
0 90°
Angular size Figure 5.5 The CMB power spectrum ( + 1)C /2π versus the multiple moment and the angular size θ . The relation between and θ is θ = π/. The curve shows the theoretical prediction of the power spectrum, whereas the black points present the WMAP 5-year data. From the webpage of WMAP:
normalization condition
ˆ ∗ m (n) ˆ = δ δmm . d Ym (n)Y
The coefficients am in Eq. (5.25) are assumed to be statistically independent. This means that the mean value of am ’s is zero (am = 0) with a non-zero variance defined by C ≡ |am |2 .
The variance C can be expressed in terms of the temperature field (k) in Fourier space (this equation will be derived in Section 14.1.1): 2 ∞ C = dk k 2 | (k)|2 . (5.28) π 0 In Fig. 5.5 we show the predicted CMB temperature anisotropies ( + 1)C /2π versus the multipole moment together with the WMAP 5-year observational data [15]. The theoretical power spectrum agrees with the observational data with flying colors. The measured angle θ has a relation θ = π/ [rad] with the multipole .
Observational evidence of dark energy
Hence the larger scales correspond to lower values of . The large-scale power spectrum ( 10) is dominated by the monopole mode 0 , which inherits the information of nearly scale-invariant density perturbations generated during inflation. The reason why the quantity ( + 1)C /2π is plotted instead of C itself is that the former is constant for scale-invariant perturbations on large scales, 2 2 , where δH is the amplitude of curvature perturbations i.e. ( + 1)C = (π/2)δH generated during inflation [74]. Equation (5.22) shows that the comoving wavelength corresponding to acoustic peaks can be approximately estimated as λc = 2π/k = (2/n)rs . We then define the following characteristic angle for the location of peaks: θA ≡
rs (zdec ) dA(c) (zdec )
where zdec is the redshift at the decoupling epoch and dA(c) is the comoving angular diameter distance defined by dA(c) (z) ≡
dA (z) = (1 + z)dA (z) . a
The physical (proper) diameter distance dA (z) is given by Eq. (2.73). The multipole corresponding to the angle (5.29) is A =
π d (c) (zdec ) . =π A θA rs (zdec )
From Eqs. (2.73) and (5.30) the comoving angular diameter distance dA(c) (zdec ) is expressed as dA(c) (zdec ) =
1 c R, H0 (0) m
where R is the so-called CMB shift parameter defined by . (0) zdec . m dz . R = / (0) sinh (0) K E(z) K 0 From Eqs. (4.180) and (5.18), the sound horizon rs (zdec ) is ∞ dz c . rs (zdec ) = √ √ 3a0 H0 zdec 1 + Rs E(z) For the redshift zdec there is a fitting formula by Hu and Sugiyama [117] g2 zdec = 1048 1 + 0.00124ωb−0.738 1 + g1 ωm ,
5.3 Cosmic Microwave Background
2 where ωm ≡ (0) m h and
g1 = 0.0783ωb−0.238 / 1 + 39.5ωb0.763 ,
g2 = 0.560/ 1 + 21.1ωb1.81 . (5.36) The bounds coming from the WMAP 5-year data correspond to ωb = 0.02265 ± 0.00059 and ωm = 0.1369 ± 0.0037. Taking the values ωb = 0.02265 and ωm = 0.1369, we obtain zdec = 1090.98 from Eq. (5.35). Since the contribution of dark energy to E(z) in Eq. (5.34) is negligible for √ 2 z > zdec , one can estimate this quantity to be E = ( a + aeq /a ) (0) m , where −1 aeq = (1 + zeq ) is the scale factor at the radiation–matter equality [see Eq. (2.78)]. Then the integral (5.34) can be written as adec 1 1 1 c rs (zdec ) = √ da , (5.37) √ √ 1 + Rs (a) a + aeq 3H0 (0) 0 m where Rs (a) = (3ωb /4ωγ ) a . Equation (5.37) is integrated to give " (eq) (dec) (dec) ωγ 4 ch Rs + Rs + 1 + Rs ln rs (zdec ) = , 3 H0 ωm ωb (eq) 1 + Rs
where Rs(dec) ≡ Rs (adec ) and Rs ≡ R(aeq ). From Eqs. (5.32) and (5.39) the multipole A in Eq. (5.31) is −1 (eq) (dec) (dec) " 3π ωb Rs + Rs + 1 + Rs A = R ln , 4 ωγ (eq) 1 + Rs
which shows that A is proportional to R. The CMB shift parameter defined in Eq. (5.33) is affected by the cosmic expansion history from the decoupling to the present. The presence of dark energy leads to a shift of R compared to the CDM model, thereby changing the value of A . Hence the CMB shift parameter can be used to place constraints on dark energy. The bound on R according to the WMAP 5-year data is given by R = 1.710 ± 0.019
(68% confidence level) .
For example, let us compute the multipole A for R = 1.710, ωb = 0.02265, ωm = 0.1369, and ωγ = 2.469 × 10−5 . Using Eqs. (2.77), (5.35), and (5.38) we obtain the value A = 299. This is different from the location of the first acoustic peak
Observational evidence of dark energy 2.0
CMB shift parameter R
wDE = −1 1.8
WMAP bound 1.6
wDE = −0.5 1.2
1.0 0
Ω DE(0) Figure 5.6 The CMB shift parameter R versus (0) DE for wDE = −1 and wDE = −0.5 in the flat Universe. We also show the bound coming from the WMAP 5-year observational data. For the cosmological constant (wDE = −1) the observational (0) constraint on (0) DE coming from the CMB shift parameter is 0.72 < DE < 0.77.
which is located around 1 = 220 (see Fig. 5.5). As we already explained, this shift comes from several effects such as the free streaming of photons and the dipole contribution. We write the general relation for all peaks and troughs of observed CMB anisotropies as m = A (m − φm ) ,
where m represents peak numbers (m = 1 for the first peak, m = 1.5 for the first trough, . . . ) and φm is the shift of multipoles. It is known that φm depends weakly on ωb and ωm for a given cosmic curvature (0) K . According to the fits by Doran and Lilley [119] the shift of the first peak is about φ1 = 0.265, which gives 1 = 220 for A = 299. In the flat Universe the CMB shift parameter (5.33) reduces to zdec dz , (5.43) R = (0) m E(z) 0 (0) 3 (0) 4 3(1+wDE ) 1/2 where E(z) = [(0) ] for the conm (1 + z) + r (1 + z) + DE (1 + z) stant dark energy equation of state. In Fig. 5.6 we plot R versus (0) DE for the cases wDE = −1 and wDE = −0.5 together with the WMAP bound (5.41). For larger
5.3 Cosmic Microwave Background
−2.0 0.4
0.6 (0) Ω DE
Figure 5.7 Observational contours (68% and 95% confidence level) on the constant dark energy equation of state wDE and the present dark energy density (0) DE for the flat Universe. The WMAP 5-year data alone do not provide strong constraints on wDE and (0) DE . This is slightly improved by adding the measurement of H0 from the Hubble key result. The observational contours coming from WMAP+BAO, WMAP+SN Ia, and WMAP+BAO+SN Ia are also shown. The combined analysis of WMAP+SN Ia data provide a tight constraint −1.098 < wDE < −0.841 at the 95% confidence level. From Ref. [15].
(0) DE the CMB shift parameter (5.43) gets smaller. When wDE = −1 the density parameter is constrained to be 0.72 < (0) DE < 0.77 from the bound (5.41). From Fig. 5.6 we find that the observationally allowed values of (0) DE become smaller for increasing wDE . Since the CMB shift parameter depends only weakly on wDE , the equation of state wDE is not strongly constrained by the CMB data alone. In Fig. 5.7 the combined observational bounds on (0) DE and (constant) wDE are plotted in the flat Universe. This is the joint analysis derived by using the observational data of WMAP 5-year, SN Ia, and BAO. As expected, the WMAP 5-year data alone do not provide strong constraints on wDE , although the evidence for the accelerated expansion (wDE < −1/3) can be seen in Fig. 5.7. Notice that the WMAP bound in Fig. 5.7 is consistent with the bound coming from the CMB shift parameter discussed above. For decreasing wDE the observationally allowed range of (0) DE shifts to larger values. The prior on the Hubble constant H0 = 72 ± 8 km sec−1 Mpc−1 from the Hubble Key Project [72] improves the constraint a bit: −1.47 < wDE < −0.58 at the 95% confidence level. Adding the
Observational evidence of dark energy 3 0.04
0.03 0.02
0 0.1
−0.01 50
0.04 0.02 0.00 −0.02
50 100 150 Comoving separation (h−1 Mpc)
Figure 5.8 The large-scale redshift-space correlation function of the SDSS sample. The inset shows an expanded view with a linear vertical axis. From top to bottom (0) 2 2 each curve corresponds to (0) m h = 0.12, 0.13, 0.14 with b h = 0.024 and a (0) 2 pure CDM (no baryons) model with m h = 0.15. The observational data clearly show the existence of an acoustic peak around the comoving separation scale 100 h−1 Mpc, in agreement with the predictions except for the pure CDM model. From Ref. [68].
“Union” SN Ia data by Kowalski et al. [112] significantly improves the constraint: −1.098 < wDE < −0.841 at the 95% confidence level. This shows the importance of combined analysis using independent observational data. In the next subsection we shall proceed to the constraint coming from baryon acoustic oscillations.
5.4 Baryon acoustic oscillations Since baryons are tightly coupled to photons before the recombination epoch, the oscillations of sound waves should be imprinted in the baryon perturbations as well as the CMB temperature anisotropies. Eisenstein et al. [68] found a peak of baryon acoustic oscillations in the large-scale correlation function at 100 h−1 Mpc separation measured from a spectroscopic sample of 46,748 luminous red galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), see Fig. 5.8. This detection of baryon oscillations provided another independent test for constraining the property of dark energy, which contributes to breaking residual degeneracies in the CMB data [121].
5.4 Baryon acoustic oscillations
At the tight coupling epoch in which baryons are strongly coupled to photons the perturbations in baryons, δb ≡ δρb /ρb , satisfy the following equation of motion δb +
Rs 3Rs Hδb + k 2 cs2 δb = −k 2 − H − 3 . 1 + Rs 1 + Rs
If we substitute the relation δb = 3 0 into Eq. (5.44), we obtain the same equation as Eq. (5.13) for the temperature field 0 . Since 0 = (1/4)δγ , this corresponds to 3 δb = δ γ , 4
which is the adiabatic condition we have already mentioned after Eq. (4.198). This is also associated with the fact that the ratio nb /s of the number density of baryons (nb ) to the entropy density (s = (ρ + P )/T ) does not vary in time. During the radiation era the entropy density is dominated by the contribution of relativistic 3/4 particles, which gives s ∝ T 3 ∝ ργ . Using the relation ρb ∝ nb , we find δnb δ(nb /s) δs 3 = = δb − δ γ , − nb /s nb s 4
which vanishes under the condition (5.45). Since the baryon–entropy ratio is independent of the temperature T , it takes a constant value at different spatial positions when the perturbations are generated. Hence the condition δb = (3/4)δγ sets the (adiabatic) initial condition for baryon perturbations. This relation is preserved in the tight-coupling era so that baryons and photons evolve as a single fluid. The sound horizon at which baryons were released from the Compton drag of photons plays a crucial role to determine the location of baryon acoustic oscillations. This epoch, called the drag epoch, occurs at the redshift zdrag . The sound horizon at z = zdrag is ηdrag rs (zdrag ) = dη cs (η) , (5.47) 0
where cs is given in Eq. (4.180). We caution that the drag epoch does not coincide with the recombination epoch at which photons were released from electrons. For the redshift zdrag there is a fitting formula by Eisenstein and Hu [120]: zdrag =
0.251 1291ωm 1 + b1 ωbb2 , 0.828 1 + 0.659ωm
where −0.419 0.674 b1 = 0.313ωm 1 + 0.607ωm ,
0.223 . b2 = 0.238ωm
Observational evidence of dark energy
The WMAP 5-year data constrain the values of zdrag and rs (zdrag ) to be zdrag = 1020.5 ± 1.6 and rs (zdrag ) = 153.3 ± 2.0 Mpc [15]. We observe the angular and redshift distributions of galaxies as a power spectrum P (k⊥ , k ) in the redshift space, where k⊥ and k are the wavenumbers perpendicular and parallel to the direction of light respectively. As we will show in more detail in Section 14.2, it is possible to measure the following two ratios [122] rs (zdrag ) , (1 + z)dA (z) rs (zdrag )H (z) , δzs (z) = c
θs (z) =
(5.50) (5.51)
where the denominator in Eq. (5.50) corresponds to the comoving diameter distance dA(c) (z) = (1 + z)dA (z) defined in Eq. (5.30). The angle θs (z) is completely analogous to the CMB acoustic peak angle introduced in Eq. (5.29) and corresponds to observations orthogonal to the line of sight. The quantity δzs is instead measured by identifying in the fluctuation spectrum the oscillations along the line of sight. So far the BAO data have not been accumulated sufficiently to measure the two distances θs (z) and δzs (z) separately [123]. However it is possible to obtain a combined distance scale ratio from the spherically averaged spectrum: !1/3
θs (z)2 δzs (z)
[(1 +
rs (zdrag ) 2 z) dA2 (z)c/H (z)]1/3
or the related effective distance [68] cz 1/3 2 2 , DV (z) ≡ (1 + z) dA (z) H (z)
obtained from the combination of two spatial dimensions orthogonal to the direction of sight and one dimension along the direction of sight. The current constraint from SDSS data is DV (z = 0.35) = 1370 ± 64 Mpc at a typical redshift z = 0.35 [68]. Another observational constraint comes from the 2-degree Field (2dF) Galaxy Redshift Survey. Defining the relative BAO distance rBAO (z) ≡ rs (zdrag )/DV (z) ,
we have at the two redshifts (z = 0.2 and z = 0.35) [124] rBAO (z = 0.2) = 0.1980 ± 0.0058 ,
rBAO (z = 0.35) = 0.1094 ± 0.0033 . (5.55)
5.4 Baryon acoustic oscillations
r BAO (z)
0.0 0
z Figure 5.9 The BAO distance ratio (5.54) versus the redshift z in the flat Universe (K = 0) with the cosmological constant (wDE = −1) for three different cases: (0) (0) (i) (0) DE = 0.75, (ii) DE = 0, and (iii) DE = 0.95. We choose the values ωγ = −5 2.469 × 10 and ωb = 0.02265. We also show the most likely observational values of rBAO (z) at z = 0.2 and z = 0.35 as black points. The observational data favor the dark energy density around (0) DE = 0.75.
The sound horizon rs (zdrag ) can be obtained by replacing Rs(dec) in Eq. (5.39) for (drag) Rs ≡ Rs (zdrag ), whereas the angular diameter distance dA is given in Eq. (2.73). This gives the explicit form for rBAO (z):
rBAO (z) =
(0) sinh K
1 (0) K (drag) (drag) (eq) Rs + Rs + 1 + Rs . × ln (eq) 1 + Rs 4 3
(0) m ωb
z E(z)
z 0
d˜z E(˜z)
In Fig. 5.9 we plot rBAO (z) versus z for the CDM model in the flat Universe (wDE = −1 and K = 0). This shows that the CDM model with (0) DE = 0.75 is favored over the CDM model from the BAO data at z = 0.2 and z = 0.35. If the equation of state of dark energy wDE is not −1 but a constant, the models with wDE < −1, dubbed “phantoms,” are favored by the present BAO data. This
Observational evidence of dark energy 105 ACDM CDM
102 0.001
Figure 5.10 The predicted matter power spectra Pδm in the flat Universe for (0) the CDM model with (0) m = 0.28 and the CDM model with m = 1.0. We 2 = use the expression (4.212) of the power spectrum with model parameters δH −10 (0) 3.2 × 10 , ns = 0.96, and h = 0.7. For smaller m the position of the peak is shifted toward smaller k.
can be seen in the combined analysis of WMAP 5-year and BAO data in Fig. 5.7, which shows that even the equation of state such as wDE = −1.5 can be allowed. However the addition of the SN Ia data provides a tight constraint: −1.097 < wDE < −0.858 at the 95% confidence level. This constraint is not much different from the joint analysis of the WMAP+SN Ia data without the BAO data (−1.098 < wDE < −0.841 at the 95% confidence level). The non-linear evolution of baryon acoustic oscillations was extensively studied in Refs. [125, 126] by comparing N -body simulations with analytically estimated spectra for the CDM model.
5.5 Large-scale structure The observations of large-scale structure such as the galaxy clustering provides another test for the existence of dark energy. The wavenumber at the peak position of Pδm corresponds to keq given in Eq. (4.195). This shows that keq decreases for smaller values of (0) m . In Fig. 5.10 we plot the predicted matter power spectrum for (0) the flat CDM model ((0) m = 0.28) and for the CDM model (m = 1.0). In the presence of dark energy the peak position shifts toward larger scales (i.e. for smaller
5.5 Large-scale structure
LRG Main
Power spectrum P(k) [(h−1Mpc)3]
k [h Mpc−1]
Figure 5.11 Measured power spectra with error bars for the full luminous red galaxies (LRG) and main galaxy samples of the 2dF survey. The solid curves show the theoretically predicted spectra for the CDM model obtained in the linear perturbation theory with galaxy bias b = 1.9 (top) and b = 1.1 (bottom) relative to the z = 0 matter power spectrum. The dashed curves include the non-linear correction to the matter spectrum by Cole et al. [88]. The non-linear effect becomes important for the scales k 0.09h Mpc−1 . From Ref. [127]. (0) −1 k). For (0) and m = 1 and m = 0.28 with h = 0.7 we have keq = 0.051 h Mpc −1 keq = 0.014 h Mpc , respectively. Hence the scale of the peak position can be used as a probe of dark energy. As we have seen in Section 4.8 the matter spectrum Pδm is related to the observed galaxy power spectrum Pδg via the relation
Pδg = b2 Pδm ,
where b is the bias parameter. In Fig. 5.11 the galaxy power spectra of luminous red galaxies (LRG) and main galaxy samples of the SDSS are plotted [127]. The position of the peak, around the scale 0.01 h Mpc−1 < k < 0.02 hMpc−1 , shows that the CDM model is favored over the CDM model. Although the galaxy power spectra alone do not provide tight bounds on the density parameter (0) DE as well as wDE , the important point is that the observations of LSS are consistent with the existence of dark energy. Notice that the linear spectrum plotted in Fig. 5.10
Observational evidence of dark energy
is modified for the scales k 0.09 h Mpc−1 because non-linear effects become important on smaller scales [88]. 5.6 Problems 5.1 Integrate Eq. (5.12) numerically for four different values (0) DE = 0, 0.3, 0.7, 1 and plot −1 the luminosity distance dL (in units of cH0 ) in the flat Universe as a function of z. (0) 5.2 Plot the BAO distance ratio (5.56) versus the redshift z for (0) DE = 0, DE = 0.75, and (0) DE = 0.95.
6 Cosmological constant
The simplest candidate for dark energy is the cosmological constant , which is so called because its energy density is constant in time and space. In fact the CDM model has been systematically proved consistent with a large number of observations. The Lagrangian density for the CDM model is simply given by the linear term in R plus , see Eq. (6.2). Despite its simplicity it is generally difficult to explain why the energy scale of the cosmological constant required for the cosmic acceleration today is very small relative to that predicted by particle physics. As we already mentioned, the vacuum energy density evaluated by summing the zero-point energy of a scalar field is about 10121 times larger than the observed dark energy density (for a momentum cut-off around the Planck scale). The problem of a large value of was present long before the observational discovery of the late-time cosmic acceleration. In fact, even if we had no observational evidence of dark energy we would still need to understand why the cosmological constant vanishes. Models of dark energy alternative to CDM are based on the assumption that is zero or negligible. So the problem of the cosmological constant is to find some mechanism that either makes it vanish or renders it a very small value compatible with the present cosmological density. In the former case the origin of dark energy needs to be explored further, but in the latter case the problems of the cosmological constant and dark energy are solved at the same time. In this chapter we first present the action for the CDM model and show that the Einstein equations follow from this by the action principle. We then proceed to the history of the cosmological constant and its fine-tuning problem. We review a number of attempts to solve the cosmological constant problem in the framework of supergravity and superstring theories. We also discuss several topics related to the cosmological constant – such as the anthropic selection, and the decoupling of from gravity.
Cosmological constant
6.1 Einstein equations with the cosmological constant The energy-momentum tensor Tµν on the r.h.s. of the Einstein equations (2.8) obeys the conservation law Tµν ;ν = 0. Since the metric gµν satisfies the relation gµν ;ν = 0, it is possible to add the term gµν to the Einstein equations: 1 Rµν − gµν R + gµν = 8π GTµν , 2
where is the cosmological constant. It is interesting to note that these are the most general equations of second-order in the metric in four dimensions. In scalartensor metric theories an additional term coupled to a Gauss–Bonnet term is also allowed. The Einstein equations (6.1) can be derived by the action principle. It is based on the linear action in terms of the Ricci scalar R = g µν Rµν and the matter action Sm : √ 1 S= d4 x −g (R − 2) + Sm . (6.2) 16π G Let us derive the Einstein equations (6.1) from the action (6.2). It is important to understand this procedure because similar steps are taken when we consider modified gravity models in Chapter 9. The variation of the action (6.2) with respect to g µν gives √ 1 δS = d4 x δ( −g)(g µν Rµν − 2) 16π G ! √ √ + −g δg µν Rµν + −g g µν δRµν + δSm . (6.3) α α α ν );α − (δµα );ν we have g µν δRµν = (g µν δµν − g µα δµν );α Since δRµν = (δµν and hence √ 4 √ µν α ν d x −g g δRµν = d4 x −g(g µν δµν − g µα δµν );α = 0 , (6.4)
where we have employed Gauss’s theorem in the last equality. This shows that the last term in the square bracket of Eq. (6.3) vanishes. Now we also use the relation √ √ δ( −g) = −(1/2) −ggµν δg µν . This can easily be derived by differentiating with respect to g µν the determinant g written as gµν M(µν) where M(µν) is the determinant of the cofactor matrix, which does not depend on the element gµν itself, and then replacing M(µν) = gg µν . Then Eq. (6.3) reads 1 1 4 √ (6.5) δS = d x −g Rµν − Rgµν + gµν δg µν + δSm . 16π G 2
6.2 History of the cosmological constant
The energy-momentum tensor Tµν is defined from the variation of δSm in terms of g µν : √ 1 (6.6) δSm = − d4 x −g Tµν δg µν . 2 Then Eq. (6.5) reduces to 1 1 4 √ d x −g Rµν − Rgµν + gµν − 8π GTµν δg µν . δS = 16π G 2
The Einstein equations (6.1) follow from the action principle, δS = 0. 6.2 History of the cosmological constant After Einstein constructed General Relativity in 1915–1916 [128], he tried to apply his theory to the Universe in 1917 [23]. In the absence of the cosmological constant it is obvious from Eq. (2.19) that the scale factor a can dynamically change in time (except in the case of a fluid at rest with a specific equation of state: w = P /ρ = −1/3). In the 1910s, however, Einstein believed that the Universe was static and introduced the cosmological constant to realize such a Universe. For the FLRW metric (2.1) the Einstein equations (6.1) read K 8π G ρ− 2 + , (6.8) 3 a 3 a¨ 4π G =− (ρ + 3p) + . (6.9) a 3 3 From Eq. (6.9) it is clear that works as a repulsive force against gravity at the background level. In the Universe dominated by a pressureless matter (P = 0), we find that the static Universe (a˙ = a¨ = 0) corresponds to H2 =
K , = . (6.10) 4π G a2 This equation, the first relativistic cosmology ever, shows that the density ρ in the Universe is determined by . Einstein believed that this solution (a “crazy idea” according to his own words in a letter to de Sitter) was a way to embody Mach’s idea of linking mass (ρ) to inertia, here represented by space-time geometry gµν . He thought that he could eventually show that matter was necessary to define a non-Minkowskian metric. However, the above static solution is unstable against perturbations of the density ρ as was later demonstrated by Lemaˆıtre. In fact, if /3 > (4π Gρ)/3, Eq. (6.9) shows that the Universe departs from the static point given in Eq. (6.10) with the growth of a. If /3 < (4π Gρ)/3 the Universe is also away from the static point with the decrease of a. Einstein did not realize ρ=
Cosmological constant
this instability since he did not write down the differential equation for a(t). Shortly after, in the same year 1917, de Sitter [129] found his accelerated solution √ H = /3 in empty space, paving the way to the dismissal of Mach’s principle in cosmology. At the same time, from 1910 to the mid 1920s, Slipher was observing the spectra of galaxies (spiral nebulae) and found most of them to be red-shifted. In 1922 Friedmann found the evolving solution that represents the expanding Universe [130]. In 1927 Lemaˆıtre [131] studied the relation between the observed results of the redshift and the homogeneous Universe dominated by a pressureless dust. In Lemaˆıtre’s model there are three distinct periods for the evolution of the Universe: r (i) A period of cosmic expansion (a ∝ t n with 0 < n < 1) from a point source during which the basic elements were formed. This corresponds to the expanding Universe dominated by matter (either the pressureless matter or the radiation). r (ii) A period of a very slow expansion (a ∝ constant) during which nebulae were formed. This resembles the static Universe proposed by Einstein. r (iii) A period of a fast expansion (a ∝ t n with n > 1) during which the recession of the √ nebulae is accelerating. This period can be realized by the de Sitter solution (H = /3) in the presence of the cosmological constant.
Lemaˆıtre’s model is the first “hot Big Bang” model, in which the matter density ρ goes to infinity as a → 0. Apart from the existence of the period (ii) Lemaˆıtre’s model describes well the evolution of the Universe even in the modern context. The loitering period (ii) should be replaced by a short transient period from the matter era to the accelerated epoch during which the system crosses the point a¨ = 0, while the nebulae formed during the matter-dominated epoch [the period (i)]. The period (iii) is exactly the phase of the late-time cosmic acceleration realized by the presence of . We can say that Lemaˆıtre, influenced by de Sitter’s accelerated solution, produced the first consistent dark energy model. In 1929 Hubble formulated Hubble’s law (2.32) by combining his measurements of galaxy distances with Slipher’s measurements of the redshifts associated with the galaxies [71]. This was the first direct quantitative evidence for the expansion of the Universe. The existence of the cosmological constant was clearly not required to give rise to a (decelerated) cosmic expansion. In the book “The Meaning of Relativity” written by Einstein in 1945 [132], he stated that “if Hubble’s expansion had been discovered at the time of the creation of the general theory of relativity, the cosmological member (the cosmological constant) would never have been introduced.” In 1970 Gamov [133] recalls that “when I was discussing cosmological problems with Einstein, he remarked that the introduction of the cosmological term was the biggest blunder he ever made in his life.” In spite of Einstein’s regret, the cosmological constant returned at the end of the century to account for the late-time cosmic acceleration.
6.3 The fine tuning problem
6.3 The fine tuning problem In order to realize the cosmic acceleration today, we require that the cosmological constant is of the order of the square of the present Hubble parameter H0 [see Eq. (6.8)]: ≈ H02 = (2.1332h × 10−42 GeV)2 .
If we interpret this as an energy density, it is equivalent to ρ ≈
m2pl 8π
≈ 10−47 GeV4 ≈ 10−123 m4pl ,
where we have used h ≈ 0.7 and mpl ≈ 1019 GeV. Suppose that the energy density (6.12) comes from the vacuum energy ρ of an empty space. The zero-point energy of√ some field of mass m with momentum k and frequency ω is given by E = ω/2 = k 2 + m2 /2 (in the units of = c = 1). Summing over the zero-point energies of this field up to a cut-off scale kmax ( m), we obtain the vacuum energy density kmax 3 d k 1 2 ρvac = k + m2 . (6.13) 32 (2π ) 0 Since the integral is dominated by the mode with large k ( m), we find that kmax k4 4π k 2 dk 1 2 2 ≈ max . k + m (6.14) ρvac = (2π )3 2 16π 2 0 General Relativity is believed to be valid up to the Planck scale mpl . Taking the cut-off scale kmax to be mpl , the vacuum energy density can be estimated as ρvac 1074 GeV4 .
This is about 10121 times larger than the observed value (6.12). Note that this situation is not improved much by taking other energy scales appearing in particle physics. For the QCD scale kmax ≈ 0.1 GeV we have ρvac ≈ 10−3 GeV4 , which is still much larger than ρ . The above problem was present even before the observational discovery of dark energy in 1998. At that time most people believed that the cosmological constant was exactly zero and tried to explain why it was so. The vanishing of a constant usually implies the existence of some symmetry. In supersymmetric theories, for example, the bosonic degree of freedom has its Fermi counterpart that contributes to the zero-point energy with an opposite sign. If supersymmetry is unbroken, there exists an equal number of bosonic and fermionic degrees of freedom such that the total vacuum energy vanishes [134] [see Eq. (6.22) in Section 6.5]. However it is known that supersymmetry is broken at sufficient high energies (around the scale MSUSY = 103 GeV if it is relevant to the hierarchy problem of gravitational
Cosmological constant
0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 − 10
log10 (a) Figure 6.1 Plot of d /dN versus log10 a, assuming flat space with (0) = 0.7. The spike is very close to the present epoch: this is the coincidence problem.
interaction and weak interaction). Hence the vacuum energy is generally non-zero in the world of broken supersymmetry. Nevertheless, it is not impossible to obtain a vanishing or a tiny amount of even if supersymmetry is broken. We shall address this problem in Section 6.5.
6.4 The coincidence problem The second problem of the cosmological constant as dark energy is that its value is not only at odds with all possible fundamental energy scales and requires therefore fine tuning, but also that this particular value is almost identical to a totally unrelated number, the present matter energy density. In other words, (0) is doubly unlikely: because it is too small in absolute terms and because its value coincides (to a factor of two or three) with (0) m , for no obvious reason. The matter density ρm = ρm(0) (1 + z)3 coincides with the cosmological density ρ(0) at 1/3 (0) zcoinc = − 1, (6.16) 1 − (0) which, for (0) = 0.7, amounts to zcoinc ≈ 0.3. This problem is called the coincidence problem. To illustrate the issue, we plot the evolution of the derivative d /dN (where N = ln a) in Fig. 6.1. We find that the only epoch in which this quantity is not close to zero is the present.1 If ρ(0) /ρm(0) was just 10 or 100 times smaller, we would not see any accelerated expansion. If it were a few orders of magnitude larger than 1
We note, however, that the choice of a natural time scale to define the coincidence problem is matter of debate, see e.g. Ref. [135].
6.4 The coincidence problem
unity, the spike would occur at a large redshift and probably we would not call it a coincidence at all. The coincidence problem is not specific to the cosmological constant. Almost all acceptable dark energy models we will see in the next chapters behave similarly to the cosmological constant and their zcoinc also turn out to be very close to zero. Therefore we discuss this problem in terms of a general dark energy density ρDE . Barring the case that this coincidence is after all just a coincidence, or that all the observational evidence in favor of acceleration is systematically wrong, cosmologists have proposed several ways out of this problem. The first class of explanations is based on models in which ρDE responds to the trend of ρm and catches up with it irrespective of the initial conditions of ρDE . In this case DE is non-zero for a considerable duration and this alleviates the coincidence problem. However, the acceleration starts very recently and therefore a coincidence arises again. The problem is in fact that this behavior is based on attractor-like solutions such as the so-called tracker models, see Section 7.2.3. The second class of explanation argues that there is no coincidence and in fact m and DE have always, or most of the time, been similar. In principle this is not difficult to realize: it is sufficient to postulate two components, one that clusters, the other that does not because of a large sound speed, and to regulate their equations of state so that they are always similar. The main problem here is that either (i) the common equation of state always satisfies the condition for cosmic acceleration and hence it is difficult or impossible to be consistent with many observations such as the growth of large-scale structure, or (ii) the equation of state changes right when it is needed, i.e. today, and therefore another coincidence arises – this time between the epoch of acceleration and the present. Models that belong to this class are for instance the scaling attractors, which will be discussed in Section 8.5.3. A related possibility is to build a model with several epochs of acceleration; it is then just a matter of reasonable chance to be witnessing one. Here again the difficulty is to realize a sufficient period of structure formation. The third class is the anthropic one. According to it we live in a Universe with ρDE ≈ ρm because this is the highest dark energy density allowed by the requisite of sufficient structure formation and, in general, higher energy vacua are more likely than lower ones. So our Universe is the most likely among the “life-sustaining” universes. We discuss anthropic arguments in Section 6.6. The fourth class is the “backreaction” argument. The coincidence between ρDE and ρm may appear as a by-product of another more fundamental one, the coincidence between acceleration and structure formation. This can be explained if one causes the other: in particular, if the growth of structures causes acceleration through cumulative non-linear effects. We discuss these models in Section 10.2. A related way out is that actually there is no real acceleration and no dark energy. The acceleration is only an apparent consequence of adopting the wrong background
Cosmological constant
cosmological model, the FLRW spacetime. If instead we interpret observations with a strongly inhomogeneous model like the Lemaˆıtre–Tolman–Bondi void, the acceleration of the recession rate between nearby and distant sources becomes a distance-dependent, but practically always decelerated, Hubble rate. We discuss this interpretation in Section 10.1. A quick summary of this section is that the coincidence problem is far from solved. It is difficult to imagine a convincing explanation of the nature of dark energy which does not at the same time provide a solution to the coincidence problem. Until then, we can use the coincidence problem, just as the fine-tuning problem, as a guide to select interesting directions of research. 6.5 Supersymmetric models From here to the end of this section we discuss the status of the cosmological constant in supersymmetric models. This material is more advanced than most of this book and requires knowledge of quantum field theory and supersymmetry. However it is not a necessary prerequisite for the subsequent chapters. Supersymmetric theoretical models consist of a set of quantum fields having a symmetry between bosons and fermions (see Ref. [136] for introductory review). In particular a supersymmetric model covariant under general coordinate transformations (or a model having local supersymmetry) is called a supergravity model. Supergravity aims to unify the gravitational force with other interactions. When we quantize gravity, the problem of renormalizability is crucial. In renormalizable theories the divergence of integrals which appears in the perturbative expansion for physical processes can be avoided by redefining a finite number of theoretical parameters. Unfortunately supergravity is a non-renormalizable theory and hence it should not be regarded as “a theory of everything.” Superstring theory is the only known theory containing gravity that is renormalizable. Supergravity can be regarded as an effective low-energy theory derived from more fundamental string theory. In the following we shall briefly review supersymmetric theories and then proceed to possible solutions to the cosmological constant problem. The readers who are interested in the details of supergravity and superstring theories may consult the books of Bailin and Love [137] and Green, Schwarz, and Witten [138]. The transformations of supersymmetry are based on quantum operators Qs which change bosonic states into fermionic ones and vice versa, Qs |boson = |fermion ,
Qs |fermion = |boson .
From this definition the Qs ’s change the spin of states. The Qs ’s are identified as spinor operators transforming like tensor operators of spin 1/2. It is known that the Qs ’s are invariant under coordinate translations. More technically, the Qs ’s commute with the four generators P µ of the translation group. We use the
6.5 Supersymmetric models
Hermitian generator for P µ = (E, P), so that E and P correspond to the energy operator and the momentum operator, respectively. Then the commutation relation is given by [Qs , P µ ] ≡ Qs P µ − P µ Qs = 0 .
(6.18) †
The anti-commutator of a generator Qs with its Hermitian adjoint Qs is a linear combination of energy and momentum operators: {Qs , Q†s } ≡ Qs Q†s + Q†s Qs = αE + β P .
If we sum up all supersymmetry generators, then the β P terms cancel whilst the αE terms add up. This then gives the following dependence {Qs , Q†s } = cE . (6.20) all Qs
Here the proportionality factor c is positive for a physically meaningful theory with energies bounded from below. The state corresponding to the lowest energy is called a vacuum and is denoted as |0. Supersymmetry is unbroken if the following condition is satisfied: Qs |0 = 0 ,
and Q†s |0 = 0 ,
for all Qs ,
which means that the vacuum is symmetric under the transformation by the Qs ’s. Under the condition (6.21), Eq. (6.20) shows that the vacuum has a vanishing energy E|0 = 0 .
If supersymmetry is broken, the vacuum state is not invariant under all super† symmetry transformations. This means that Qs |0 = 0 and Qs |0 = 0 for some operators Qs . Hence the energy of the vacuum is not exactly zero. If the vacuum energy is the only contribution to the cosmological constant , the above discussion shows that = 0 in the world of broken supersymmetry. Note, however, that this result is based on a globally supersymmetric theory without including gravity. If we take into account gravity, any globally supersymmetric theory becomes a locally supersymmetric supergravity theory. In supergravity theory an (effective) cosmological constant is given by an expectation value of the potential V for chiral scalar fields ϕ i [137]: ! 2 ∗ V (ϕ, ϕ ∗ ) = eκ K Di W (K ij )(Dj W )∗ − 3κ 2 |W |2 , (6.23) where κ 2 = 8π G, K and W are the so-called K¨ahler potential and the superpo∗ tential, respectively, which are functions of ϕ i and ϕ i∗ . The quantity K ij is the
Cosmological constant
inverse of the following derivative Kij ∗ ≡
∂ 2K , ∂ϕ i ∂ϕ j ∗
whereas the derivative Di W is defined by Di W ≡
∂W ∂K + κ 2W i . ∂ϕ i ∂ϕ
The four-dimensional effective supergravity action is given by 1 4 √ i µ j∗ ∗ R − Kij ∗ ∂µ ϕ ∂ ϕ − V (ϕ, ϕ ) , S = d x −g 2κ 2
where the second term represents the kinetic term of chiral scalar fields. The supersymmetry is preserved under the condition Di W = 0. This gives rise to an anti de Sitter (AdS) minimum for the potential (6.23): VAdS = −3κ 2 eκ
|W |2 ,
which is negative. If the conditions Di W = 0 and W = 0 hold for all i in lowest order of perturbation theory, it follows that the theory possesses a supersymmetric configuration with V = 0 to all orders of perturbation theory [139].
6.5.1 Vanishing cosmological constant under broken supersymmetry The breaking of the supersymmetry corresponds to the condition Di W = 0. In this case it is possible to find scalar field values giving a vanishing potential (V = 0), but this is not in general an equilibrium point of the potential V . Nevertheless there is a class of K¨ahler and superpotentials which give a stationary scalar-field configuration at V = 0 (see Ref. [140] for an early work). Consider, for example, the gluino condensation in E8 × E8 superstring theory [141]. The reduction of the 10-dimensional action to 4 dimensions gives rise to a so-called modulus field T . This field characterizes the scale of the compactified 6-dimensional manifold. There exists another complex scalar field S of 4-dimensional dilaton/axion fields. The fields T and S are governed by the K¨ahler potential [141] K(T , S) = −
1 3 ln (T + T ∗ ) − 2 ln (S + S ∗ ) , 2 κ κ
where (T + T ∗ ) and (S + S ∗ ) are positive definite. Here the factor 3 comes from the compactification on a complex manifold with (10 − 4)/2 = 3 complex dimensions. The field S couples to the gauge fields, while T does not. An effective superpotential
6.5 Supersymmetric models
for S can be obtained by integrating out the gauge fields under the use of the Rinvariance [142]: ! W (S) = Mpl3 c1 + c2 exp(−3S/2b) , (6.29) where c1 , c2 , and b are constants. Substituting Eqs. (6.28) and (6.29) into Eqs. (6.24) and (6.25), it follows that ∗
(DT W )K T T (DT W )∗ = 3κ 2 |W |2 ,
for the modulus field T . This cancels out the last term in Eq. (6.23), thereby yielding the field potential V =
1 (T +
T ∗ )3 (S
S ∗)
(DS W )K SS (DS W )∗
# #2 # # 3 ∗ # # c1 + c2 exp(−3S/2b) 1 + (S + S ) # . = # ∗ 3 ∗ (T + T ) (S + S ) 2b Mpl4
The kinetic term in Eq. (6.26) is given by Lkin ≡ −Kij ∗ ∂µ ϕ i ∂ µ ϕ j
κ 2 (T
1 3 ∂µ T ∂ µ T − 2 ∂µ S∂ µ S . ∗ 2 +T ) κ (S + S ∗ )2
For the real scalar fields T and S this reduces to the standard canonical kinetic term, µ ˜ µ˜ 2 ln T and S ˜≡ ˜ ˜ ˜ L = −(1/2)∂ 3/2κ T ∂ T − (1/2)∂ S∂ S, by redefining T ≡ µ µ kin 2 1/2κ ln S. The potential V in Eq. (6.31) is found to be positive because of the cancellation of the last term in Eq. (6.23). The stationary field configuration with V = 0 is realized under the condition DS W =
W ∂W − = 0. ∂S S + S∗
Note that the derivative, DT W = κ 2 W
3W ∂K =− , ∂T T +T∗
does not necessarily vanish. When DT W = 0 the supersymmetry is broken with a vanishing potential energy. Hence it is possible to obtain a stationary field configuration with V = 0 even if supersymmetry is broken. Note that the field S is fixed at the potential minimum, while the field T is undetermined. The latter appears only for the overall scale of the potential, see Eq. (6.31). Hence such models are called “no-scale” models.
Cosmological constant
In the above discussion the existence of the term (−3/κ 2 ) ln(T + T ∗ ) is important to get a positive potential V by canceling out the −3κ 2 |W |2 term. The appearance of this term is natural in superstring theory after the compactification from 10 to 4 dimensions [137]. In order to get a stationary minimum with V = 0 in the world of broken supersymmetry, the fact that the superpotential W depends on the field S is also important. For example, Witten found a model in which W depends on a chiral field C but not on S and T after the compactification of 10-dimensional supergravity on Calabi–Yau manifolds, i.e. W = W (C) [143]. The K¨ahler potential in this model is given by K=−
1 3 ln(T + T ∗ − 2CC ∗ ) − 2 ln (S + S ∗ ) . 2 κ κ
In this case we require that DS W = 0 and DC W = 0 to obtain a vanishing potential V . Since W does not depend on S, the condition DS W = 0 leads to W = 0 and hence DT W = 0 (see problem 6.1). Then the field configuration with V = 0 does not correspond to a broken supersymmetry in this model. This argument shows that the superpotential W is required to have a dependence on S as in the model (6.29) to realize a non-supersymmetric field configuration with V = 0. We caution that the discussion above is based on the lowest-order perturbation theory. It is not guaranteed that this picture is valid to all finite orders of perturbation theory because the non-supersymmetric field configuration is not protected by any symmetry. Moreover some non-perturbative effect can provide a large contribution to the effective cosmological constant. As we will see below, the so-called flux compactification in type IIB string theory allows us to realize a metastable de Sitter vacuum by taking into account a non-perturbative correction to the superpotential (coming from Euclidean D-brane instantons) as well as a number of anti D3-branes in a warped geometry [24]. Hence it is not hopeless to obtain a small value of or a vanishing even in the presence of some non-perturbative corrections. See Refs. [144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150] for other interesting works that aim to solve the cosmological constant problem.
6.5.2 de Sitter vacua in string theory Before the observational discovery of dark energy the main interest of cosmologists was to find a mechanism to render the effective cosmological constant zero. After 1998 the interest shifted to finding de Sitter vacua to realize the late-time cosmic acceleration. In the context of superstring or M-theory, the no-go theorem by Gibbons [151] and Maldacena and Nu˜nez [152] states that when the 6 or 7 extra dimensional space is a time-independent non-singular compact manifold without
6.5 Supersymmetric models
boundary a scalar field with a positive potential does not exist at least in the lowestorder action. However the higher-order corrections to the leading-order action or the presence of extended objects like D-branes [153] allow the possibility to realize de Sitter (dS) vacua by invalidating the no-go theorem. Kachru, Kallosh, Linde, and Trivedi (KKLT) [24] constructed dS solutions in the type II string theory compactified on a Calabi–Yau (CY) manifold in the presence of flux. The construction of the dS vacua in the KKLT scenario consists of two steps. The first step is to freeze all moduli fields in the flux compactification at a supersymmetric anti de Sitter (AdS) vacuum. Then a small number of the anti D3-brane is added in a warped geometry with a throat, so that the AdS minimum is uplifted to yield a de Sitter vacuum with broken supersymmetry. Let us consider the effective 4-dimensional action derived from the flux compactification of type IIB string theory on the CY manifold. There exist the so-called volume (radial or K¨ahler) modulus ρ and the complex structure moduli zα as well as the dilaton field τ . Here the complex structure moduli are associated with the structure of an orientifold in CY theory. In the so-called F -theory compactified on an elliptic CY fourfold, the complex structure moduli zα of the fourfold can be completely fixed, leaving only the volume modulus ρ. The dilaton field τ , which characterizes the strength of a string coupling gs , is also fixed under this compactification scheme. For a single volume modulus ρ, the K¨ahler potential following from the 10-dimensional action is given by ! K(ρ) = −3 ln −i(ρ − ρ ∗ ) ,
where we use the unit κ 2 = 1. Note that this is equivalent to the first term on the r.h.s. of Eq. (6.28) by setting ρ = iT . The K¨ahler potential for the dilaton and the complex structure moduli is ∗
K(τ, z ) = −ln −i(τ − τ ) − ln α
where is a holomorphic three-form on the CY space M. The expression (6.38) follows from the so-called Weil–Petersson metric, see Ref. [154] for details. The fluxes generate the following superpotential [155] W0 =
∧ G(3) ,
where G(3) is defined by G(3) ≡ F(3) − τ H(3) with F(3) and H(3) the Ramond– Ramond (R-R) flux and the Neveu–Schwarz (NS)-NS flux, respectively, on the 3-cycles (non-contractible 3-sphere embedded in the compact manifold) of the
Cosmological constant
internal CY manifold.2 Note that the superpotential (6.39) is independent of ρ. KKLT [24] considered a non-perturbative correction to the superpotential (6.39), which is given by W = W0 + Aeicρ ,
where A and c are constants. This correction is related to the effect of Euclidean D-brane instantons [156]. Since the dilaton τ and the complex structure moduli zα can be fixed for a suitable choice of flux, we focus on the effective field theory for the volume modulus ρ. We set ρ = iσ and take A, c, and W0 to be real with W0 < 0. For the K¨ahler potential (6.37) and the superpotential (6.40) the supersymmetric vacuum, Dρ W = 0, corresponds to 2 −cσc 1 + cσc , (6.41) W0 = −Ae 3 where σc is the field value at which the potential V has an AdS minimum. From Eq. (6.23) the field potential is given by cAe−cσ 1 −cσ −cσ . (6.42) Acσ e + W0 + Ae V = 2σ 2 3 The AdS minimum corresponds to the potential energy VAdS = −
c2 A2 e−2cσc . 6σc
In Fig. 6.2 we plot the potential (6.42) versus σ for A = 1, c = 0.1, and W0 = −10−3 as a dotted curve. As estimated by Eq. (6.41) the potential has a negative minimum at σc 88.3. This minimum corresponds to a supersymmetric AdS vacuum with all moduli fixed (including the dilaton). KKLT introduced a supersymmetry breaking by adding a few anti D3-brane in a warped background with a throat. The branes as well as fluxes serve as the sources for a warp factor, which allows the possibility to have an exponentially large warping [157]. The Einstein frame metric describing the warped compactification is given by 2 = e2A(y) gµν dx µ dx ν + e−2A(y) g˜ mn (y)dy m dy n , ds10
where y characterizes the compact dimension and g˜ mn is the unwarped metric on M. Note that the factor eA(y) can be computed in the region close to a conifold 2
The sectors corresponding to periodic boundary conditions and anti-particle boundary conditions are called the Ramond sector and the Neveu–Schwarz sector, respectively. For both left and right moving fermions there are four possible sectors: R-R, NS-NS, NS-R, and R-NS. The spacetime bosonic excitations arise from the RR and NS-NS sectors, whereas the fermions arise from the R-NS and NS-R sectors.
6.5 Supersymmetric models
1.0 (a) (b)
−0.50 70
Figure 6.2 The potential of the KKLT model (multiplied by the factor 1012 ) for the model parameters A = 1, c = 0.1, W0 = −10−3 , and D = 3.0 × 10−7 . The dotted curve (a) illustrates the potential (6.42) derived from the K¨ahler potential (6.37) and the superpotential (6.40). The solid curve (b) shows the potential (6.47) including the D/σ 3 correction to the potential (6.42).
singularity of M. In Ref. [157] it was shown that the warp factor at the tip of the throat is given by 2π N , (6.45) eAmin exp − 3gs M where M and N are the numbers of R-R and NS-NS three-form fluxes, respectively. While the warp factor is of the order of one at generic points in the y-space, the minimum value eAmin can be extremely small for a suitable choice of fluxes. The addition of the anti-D3 brane does not give rise to additional moduli because the background fluxes generate a potential for the world-volume scalars to be frozen [158]. Meanwhile the anti-D3 brane provides an additional energy to the potential (6.42): δV =
2b04 T3 1 , gs4 (Im ρ)3
where T3 is the brane tension and b0 is the warp factor at the location of the anti-D3 brane. The anti-D3 brane energetically prefers to sit at the tip of the throat and
Cosmological constant
hence b0 = eAmin . The total potential is the sum of Eqs. (6.42) and (6.46), D cAe−cσ 1 −cσ −cσ + 3, Acσ e + W0 + Ae V = 2 2σ 3 σ
where D = 2b04 T3 /gs4 . For suitable choices of D (i.e. by tuning the flux integers M and N ) the AdS minimum given in Eq. (6.43) is uplifted by the additional energy (6.46) to give rise to a dS minimum, see the solid curve in Fig. 6.2. There is a local maximum separating the dS minimum from the potential at infinity. As long as D is not chosen to be large, the existence of this local maximum prevents the field σ from evolving toward infinity. If we want to use the dS minimum derived above for the present cosmic acceleration, we require that the potential energy VdS at the minimum is of the order of VdS 10−47 GeV4 . Although a fine-tuning of the flux integers M and N is needed, it is in principle possible to obtain a tiny amount of the effective cosmological constant. The above discussion shows that many de Sitter vacua can be present depending on the flux integers. The question why the vacuum we live in has a very small energy density among many possible vacua has been sometimes answered with anthropic arguments. We discuss some of these ideas in the next section.
6.6 Cosmological constant and the anthropic principle The anthropic principle is based on the idea that physical theories need to take into account the existence of life on Earth. The expression “anthropic principle” was first used by Carter in 1973 in his contribution to the IAU Krakow symposium [159]. Carter proposed two variants for the anthropic principle. r (i) Weak anthropic principle (WAP): The WAP states that the spacetime position of life in the Universe is privileged to the extent of being compatible with our existence as observers. r (ii) Strong anthropic principle (SAP): The SAP states that the Universe and fundamental physical constants must be such as to admit the creation of observers within it at some stage.
Barrow and Tipler [160] applied the WAP to fundamental physical constants by stating that “The observed values of all physical and cosmological quantities are not equally probable but they take on values restricted by the requirement that there exist sites where carbon-based life can evolve and by the requirements that the Universe be old enough for it to have already done so.” According to the definition of Barrow and Tipler, the very low value of the cosmological constant is associated with the WAP rather than SAP unlike the definition of Carter.
6.6 Cosmological constant and the anthropic principle
Let us discuss the cosmological constant problem in association with the WAP. The formation of large-scale structure needs to be completed before a positive cosmological constant dominates the Universe. Also, a negative cosmological constant leads to the collapse of the Universe if it dominated before the present epoch. Both conditions can be employed to put limits on the anthropically acceptable . In 1987 Weinberg placed the bound on the vacuum energy density to be [161] −10−123 m4pl ρ 3 × 10−121 m4pl .
The upper bound comes from the requirement that the vacuum energy does not dominate over the matter density for redshifts z O(1), whereas the lower bound comes from the condition that ρ does not cancel the present cosmological density. Of course the present dark energy density (6.12) lies within Weinberg’s bound (6.48). Even before Weinberg’s paper, there had been a number of works about the anthropic principle related to the cosmological constant problem. In the Proceedings of the Nuffield Symposium held in 1982, Linde proposed possible implications of the anthropic principle in inflationary cosmology [162]. This was motivated by the fact that the phase transition in the “new” inflationary scenario [163, 164] can lead to many possible mini-universes isolated from each other. In 1984 Linde suggested an anthropic solution to the cosmological constant problem, which is related to quantum cosmology [165]. The idea is as follows. Let us assume that quantum creation of the Universe is not suppressed if it is created at the Planck energy density. A scalar field φ with a potential energy V1 (φ) can appear by the quantum creation of the Universe. Also there should exist some classical fields of the type of the anti-symmetric tensor field Aµνλ . The vacuum energy density V (φ, F ) is the sum of V1 (φ) and the energy density V2 (F ) associated with the field strength Fµνλσ ≡ ∂[µ Aνλσ ] of the anti-symmetric tensor field, i.e. V (φ, F ) = V1 (φ) + V2 (F ). The equation of motion for F µνλσ in √ the absence of sources is given by ∂µ ( −gF µνλσ ) = 0, which has the solution F µνλσ = c µνλσ .
Here c is an arbitrary constant and µνλσ is a unit totally anti-symmetric tensor. The square of the 4-form field strength is F µνλσ Fµνλσ = 24c2 . This gives rise to the energy density V2 (F ) =
1 c2 F µνλσ Fµνλσ = , 2 · 4! 2
which remains constant. The Universe is created most probably in a state with V (φ, F ) m4pl . After the field φ rolls down to its potential minimum at φ = φ0 ,
Cosmological constant
the vacuum energy takes a completely different value = V1 (φ0 ) + V2 (F ) .
Note that V1 (φ) can take any initial value such that V1 (φ) + V2 (F ) m4pl . Then the final value of the cosmological constant appears with approximately the same probability. This may provide a possible anthropic solution to the cosmological constant problem. In 1987–1988 Brown and Teitelboim tried to find a mechanism to make the effective cosmological constant variable by using the 4-form field F µνλσ [166, 167] (see also Ref. [168]). This anticipated the work of Bousso and Polchinski in 2000 [169] as well as the landscape of string theory [25]. In string theory there are “electric charges” (membranes) sourcing the 4-form field dual to “magnetic charges” (5-branes). The constant c appearing in Eq. (6.49) can be quantized in integer multiples of the membrane charge q: c = nq .
Then the energy density (6.50) for the 4-form field yields V2 (F ) =
n2 q 2 . 2
Let us consider a bare cosmological constant b in addition to the flux energy density (6.53). Then the effective cosmological constant is given by = b +
n2 q 2 . 2
This is similar to Eq. (6.51) apart from the fact that the constant c is discrete because of the quantization. As in the KKLT model, let us consider the AdS minimum (b < 0) in the presence of the flux energy density n2 q 2 /2. The membranes can spontaneously appear by a quantum tunneling effect (which is similar to the appearance of an electron and a positron from the tunneling effect out of the vacuum). The field strength of the 4-form field is slowly discharged by such a Schwinger pair creation of field sources [nq → (n − 1)q]. This leads to the decrease of the vacuum energy of the 4-form field by a discrete amount δ = [n2 q 2 − (n − 1)2 q 2 ]/2 = (n − 1/2)q 2 .
In order to get the smallest value of in Eq. (6.54) we need to take the flux integer √ √ n0 nearest to 2|b |/q. Then the step size near = 0 is (n0 − 1/2)q 2 q |b |. From the requirement that this is of the order ρ 10−123 or smaller in Planck
6.6 Cosmological constant and the anthropic principle
units (mpl = 1), this relation provides the constraint q 10−123 |b |−1/2 .
Since the bare cosmological constant cannot be taken so small, Eq. (6.56) shows that the membrane charge q is constrained to be unnaturally small. The anthropic principle may state that such a small charge is selected for our existence, but the problem is that there is no consistent mechanism to obtain such a tiny charge in string theory. Bousso and Polchinski [169] tackled this problem by considering J (> 1) 4-form fields together with J membrane species with charges q1 , q2 , . . . , qJ . The configuration with J of the order of 100 naturally appears in the context of string theory. µνλσ = ni qi µνλσ , the effective cosmological Using the quantized field strength, Fi constant is given by 1 2 2 nq , 2 i=1 i i J
= b +
which is the generalization of Eq. (6.54) to multiple 4-form fields. It is possible to obtain the value 10−123 if there exists a set of integers ni such that 2|b | <
n2i qi2 < 2(|b | + ) ,
where 10−123 . Let us consider a J -dimensional grid with axes corresponding to ni qi . The displacement of the 4-form field is given by discrete grid points with integers ni . The region described by Eq. (6.58) corresponds to a thin-shell with √ √ radius r = 2|b | and width r = / 2|b |. When J = 2, for example, the thin-shell has an area with VS = 2π rr = 2π . For general J the thin-shell has a volume VS = J −1 r J −1 r = J −1 |2b |J /2−1 ,
where J −1 = 2π J /2 / (J /2) is the area of a unit J − 1 dimensional sphere ((x) is the Gamma function). The volume of a grid cell is given by VC =
J 4
qi .
There is at least one value of if VC < VS , i.e. J 4 i=1
qi <
2π J /2 |2b |J /2−1 . (J /2)
Cosmological constant
When J = 100, |b | = 1 and V = 10−123 with equal charges (qi = q, for i = 1, 2, . . . , J ), we find that the condition (6.61) can be satisfied for q < 0.035. Since √ the charge q has the dimension of mass from Eq. (6.57), this condition translates √ into q < 0.19 in the unit of the Planck mass. Hence the natural values of the charge q are allowed by considering multiple 4-form fields. In string theory, 6-dimensional compactified manifolds (such as Calabi–Yau manifolds) have hundreds of different 3-cycles. A 5-brane wrapping a 3-cycle can be viewed as a 2-brane (membrane) to a macroscopic observer. The 5-brane can wrap any of these 3-cycles, which gives rise to hundreds of different membranes in four-dimensional spacetime. The charges qi are determined by the 5-brane charge, the volume of compactified manifolds M, and the 3-cycle volume. Generally the charges qi are slightly smaller than unity, which is consistent with the discussion above. Since the volumes of the 3-cycles are in general different from each other, the qi s also differ from each other. The number of vacua appearing in string theory can be enormously large. If we consider 500 3-cycles with each cycle wrapped by up to 10 fluxes, then there will be 10500 vacua. The fact that there is a large number of possible de Sitter vacua in string theory has led to the so-called string landscape [25]. This landscape includes so many possible configurations of local minima, among which our Universe corresponds to at least one of them. Then, the argument goes on, it should be possible to find a vacuum with a very small energy density among 10500 vacua. In this way the landscape of string theory can be used as a concrete implementation of the anthropic principle. Each vacuum with flux configuration (n1 , . . . , ni , . . . nJ ) is stable at least at the classical level. At the quantum level the spontaneous creation of a membrane can change the number of fluxes. As we have discussed in Eq. (6.55), the cosmological constant will jump by the amount (ni − 1/2)qi2 after the spontaneous creation of membranes. Since this tunneling process is generally exponentially suppressed, the discrete vacua have sufficiently long lifetimes. Note that the KKLT model also has a large amount of such metastable vacua. In Ref. [24] it was shown that the lifetimes of the KKLT vacua are much larger than the cosmological time scale given in Eq. (2.36). The picture of string landscape has changed our way of thinking how string theory makes other predictions. Each vacuum in the landscape has different matter and coupling constants. The standard model is not predicted uniquely in this picture. We need to perform a statistical prediction for our vacuum relative to the abundance in the landscape. Some people have studied landscape statistics by considering the relative abundance of long-lived low-energy vacua [170, 171]. In the context of eternal inflation (producing different vacua in widely separate regions of the Universe) some vacua are selected preferably compared to others, whose properties
6.7 The decoupling of from gravity
enter in the statistical predictions [172, 173, 174]. These statistical approaches are still under study, but it will be interesting to pursue the possibility to obtain high probabilities for the appearance of low-energy vacua. Ultimately all these approaches make use of Weinberg’s bound or something similar to select values of compatible with life or observers or simply sufficient complexity. One has to notice however that Weinberg’s argument assumes a standard scenario of structure formation. A much faster growth of perturbations could be compatible with a much larger since then structures have the time to form before the -domination. This reflects a general problem with anthropic arguments, namely that often they are applied to a single parameter while fixing all the others (instead of marginalizing over them, using the Bayesian language of Chapter 13). A parameter value that is “ruled out” in one case could be acceptable if something else is changed at the same time. Since “intelligent life” is a very complex phenomenon, it is likely to be related to a vast number of parameters and it is hard to see how one could consider all possibilities.
6.7 The decoupling of the cosmological constant from gravity Whether or not the vacuum energy we have evaluated in Eq. (6.14) really contributes to dark energy is still a debatable problem. Usually this energy can be eliminated by the normal ordering prescriptions in quantum field theory or it can be normalized to any value. If we really try to link the vacuum energy with dark energy, the theory should be enlarged to include gravity. Usually the gravitational field equations are obtained from the variation of the action ! √ (6.62) S = d4 x −g Lgrav (gµν ) + Lm (gµν , i ) , by varying the metric gµν , where Lgrav (gµν ) is a gravitational Lagrangian which depends on the metric and Lm (gµν , i ) is a matter Lagrangian dependent on both the metric gµν and the matter fields i . The resulting gravitational field equations are of the form Eµν = κ 2 Tµν , where Eµν is some geometric quantity (in Einstein theory Eµν = Gµν ) and Tµν is the energy-momentum tensor. The theory is not invariant under the shift of the energy-momentum tensor: Tµν → Tµν + gµν . This gives rise to the additional contribution from to the Friedmann equation (2.17). Note that in the absence of gravity the equation of motion for matter is invariant under such a transformation. In this case the value of is undetermined. This means that gravity breaks the symmetry which is present in the matter sector without gravity. The root of the cosmological constant problem is intimately related
Cosmological constant
to the fact that the conventional gravitational theory derived by the variation of the metric gµν does not allow a symmetry under the shift Tµν → Tµν + gµν [175]. If we obtain a theory in which such a symmetry is respected, then the vacuum energy can be decoupled from gravity. This means that the bulk cosmological constant is gravitationally inactive, which allows the possibility to explain why the bulk gravitational constant is irrelevant and may be taken to be zero. A realization of this possibility called degravitation of the vacuum has been discussed by a number of authors. In one of them, known as cascading gravity [176, 177], gravity is shut off for large-scale density perturbations, whereas another possibility is to introduce an incompressible gravitational Aether fluid to degravitate the vacuum [178]. In a series of works Padmanabhan [175, 179, 180] has shown how to construct a theory which has a symmetry under the shift Tµν → Tµν + gµν . In the following we shall focus on this latter possibility. Instead of taking the metric gµν to vary the action, we take normalized vector fields na (x) in the spacetime with a norm fixed at every event, i.e. na na = (x) where (x) is a fixed function. This is motivated by the analogies with the ordinary solids in elasticity – the macroscopic elastic dynamics is described by a displacement vector field which occurs in the equation x µ → x µ + ξ µ (x). As in the displacement vector ξ µ (x), the vector na (x) captures the spacetime macroscopic description for gravity. The general action to describe the effective description of a D-dimensional spacetime is [179, 180] S = Sgrav + Sm , where
Sgrav = −4 Sm =
√ dD x −g Pab cd ∇c na ∇d nb ,
√ dD x −g Tab na nb ,
where V is a spacetime volume, Tab is an energy-momentum tensor of matter, and Pab cd is a geometric tensor specified later. We vary the action (6.63) with respect to na and derive the equations of motion according to δS/δna = 0. Such a procedure is possible if (i) the tensor P abcd has algebraic symmetries (such as P abcd = −P abdc ) similar to the Riemann tensor R abcd and (ii) the tensor P abcd satisfies the relation ∇a P abcd = 0 [179]. An explicit form of P abcd should be determined by the macroscopic limit of some microscopic theory, but such a theory is absent so far. Alternatively, we expand P abcd in powers of derivatives of the metric (0)
P abcd (gij , Rij kl ) = c0 P
(gij ) + c1 P
(gij , Rij kl ) + · · · ,
6.7 The decoupling of from gravity
where c0 and c1 are constants. The zero-th-order term depends on the metric gij only. The m-th-order term is dependent on the m-th-order curvature tensor as well as gij . The tensor P abcd can be uniquely determined as (m)
cda3 ...a2m b3 b4 2m−1 b2m ∝ δabb Ra3 a3 · · · Rab2m−1 a2m , 3 ...b2m
cda3 ...a2m where δabb is an alternating tensor (i.e. a completely anti-symmetric tensor). 3 ...b2m The zero-th-order term is (0)
ab cd
1 1 a1 a2 1 δb1 b2 = (δ a δ b − δda δcb ) , 16π 2 32π c d
where the coefficient is chosen to lead to Einstein theory (as we will see below). The first-order term can give rise to the Gauss–Bonnet curvature corrections [see Eq. (9.163) for the definition of the Gauss–Bonnet term]. Let us vary the action (6.63) with respect to the normalized vector field na under the constraint δ(na na ) = 0. Imposingthe constraint δ(na na ) = 0 allows the √ possibility to add the integral of the form dD x −g λ(x)gab na nb to the action (6.63). Then the variation of the modified action gives ! √ δS = −2 dD x −g 4Pab cd ∇c na (∇d δnb ) − Tab na δnb − λgab na δnb , (6.68) V
where we have used Pab cd = Pba dc and Tab = Tba . Integrating this equation by parts under the use of the condition ∇d Pab cd = 0, we find ! √ δS = 2 dD x −g 4Pab cd (∇d ∇c na ) + (Tab + λgab )na δnb V
√ ! dD−1 x h d Pab cd (∇c na ) δnb ,
where d is a vector normal to the spacetime boundary (horizon) ∂ V , and h is the determinant of an intrinsic metric on ∂ V . For the validity of the variational principle we require that the vector variation δna vanishes at the boundary, so that the last term in Eq. (6.69) disappears. Using the anti-symmetric relation, Pab cd = −Pab dc , the variational principle δS = 0 gives 2Pab cd (∇c ∇d − ∇d ∇c )na − (Tab + λgab )na = 0 .
Since the Riemann tensor Rcde a satisfies (∇c ∇d − ∇d ∇c )na = −Rcde a ne , Eq. (6.70) reduces to 2Pab cd Rcde a ne + (Tab + λgab )na = 0 .
Cosmological constant
Multiplying g eb gae for Eq. (6.71) and changing the indices suitably, we obtain
ij k (6.72) 2Pb R a ij k − Tba − λδba na = 0 . Demanding that the condition (6.72) holds for arbitrary vector fields na , it follows that ij k
2Pb R a ij k − Tba − λδba = 0 .
Plugging the zero-th-order term (6.67) into Eq. (6.73), we find 1 R a − Tba − λδba = 0 . 8π G b
Using the Einstein tensor Gab = Rba − (1/2)δba R, Eq. (6.74) can be written as Gab − 8π GTba = F (g)δba with F (g) = −8π Gλ − R/2. Because of the constraint ∇a (Gab − 8π GTba ) = 0 it follows that ∂b F = ∂b (−8π Gλ − R/2) = 0. Hence F is an integration constant, say . This gives the relation = −8π Gλ − R/2. The resulting field equation is given by Gab = 8π GTba + δba ,
which corresponds to the Einstein equations with the cosmological constant . Interestingly the cosmological constant appears as an integration constant. Note that the first-order term (6.65) gives rise to the Gauss–Bonnet curvature correction in addition to the field equation (6.75). If we make the shift Tab → Tab + ρgab for the energy-momentum tensor, the matter action Sm in Eq. (6.64) is transformed as √ D √ a b D √ a b d x −gTab n n → d x −gTab n n + dD x −g ρ . (6.76) V
The quantity is not varied when we vary na , which means that the theory is invariant under the shift Tab → Tab + ρgab . Hence it is possible to gauge away the cosmological constant from gravity according to the variational principle with respect to the normalized vector na . Naturally, we still have the problem to explain why the observed dark energy has a very small energy scale. If the cosmological constant is completely decoupled from gravity, we need to find out alternative models of dark energy consistent with observations. In the following chapters we shall consider alternative models of dark energy under the assumption that the cosmological constant problem is solved in such a way that it vanishes completely.
6.8 Problems
6.8 Problems 6.1 For the K¨ahler potential (6.36) and the superpotential W (C) that depends on the field C only, derive the field potential V . Show that the field configuration with V = 0 corresponds to the supersymmetric state. 6.2 Derive the potential (6.42) from the K¨ahler potential (6.37) and the superpotential (6.40). Show that the potential (6.42) has a minimum satisfying the condition (6.41).
7 Dark energy as a modified form of matter I: Quintessence
If the cosmological constant problem is solved in a way that completely vanishes, we need to find alternative models of dark energy. As we already mentioned in the Introduction, there are basically two approaches for the construction of dark energy models. The first approach is based on “modified matter models” in which the energy-momentum tensor Tµν on the r.h.s. of the Einstein equations contains an exotic matter source with a negative pressure. The second approach is based on “modified gravity models” in which the Einstein tensor Gµν on the l.h.s. of the Einstein equations is modified. It is however important to realize that within General Relativity this division is mostly a practical way to classify the variety of dark energy models but does not carry a fundamental meaning. One can always write down Einstein’s equations in the standard form Gµν = 8π GTµν by absorbing in Tµν all the gravity modifications that one conventionally puts on the l.h.s.. In other words, one can define a covariantly conserved energy-momentum tensor that equals the Einstein tensor. There is no way, within General Relativity, i.e. by using only gravitational interactions, to distinguish modified matter from modified gravity. At first-order in perturbation theory, for instance, one can define the equation of state and the sound speed of a dark energy field so that it reproduces any modified gravity model [181]. Of course, from the viewpoint of quantum field theory the situation is different and the field content of the two classes are in general different and in principle distinguishable. In this chapter we study the so-called quintessence model as one of the representative modified matter models. We will discuss other modified matter models in Chapter 8 and modified gravity models in Chapter 9. Caldwell et al. [35] named quintessence a canonical scalar field φ with a potential V (φ) responsible for the late-time cosmic acceleration.1 Unlike the cosmological 1
According to ancient Greek science, the quintessence (from the Latin “fifth element”) denotes a fifth cosmic element after earth, fire, water, and air. See the Introduction.
7.1 Quintessence
constant, the equation of state of quintessence dynamically changes with time. The cosmological dynamics for quintessence in the presence of matter and radiation has a long history – already in the 1980s the cosmological consequences for such a system had been discussed by a number of authors [26, 28, 29, 30]. The cosmological evolution can be easily understood by a dynamical system approach, as we will see in this chapter. The energy density of quintessence does not need to be very small with respect to radiation or matter in the early Universe unlike the cosmological constant scenario. The existence of the so-called “tracker” field [39] is important to alleviate the coincidence problem of dark energy. The tracker fields correspond to attractor-like solutions in which the field energy density tracks the background fluid density for a wide range of initial conditions. We shall discuss conditions under which such tracking behavior occurs. The constraint on the quintessence energy density in the early cosmological epoch will be also discussed. There have been many attempts to construct particle physics models of quintessence. In so doing one needs to find field potentials flat enough to lead to the slow-roll inflation today with an energy scale ρDE 10−123 m4pl and a mass scale mφ 10−33 eV. Although this is an obstacle for the model building, it is not impossible to construct viable models of quintessence in the framework of particle physics. We shall discuss this issue in considerable detail.
7.1 Quintessence Many scalar fields are present in particles physics – including string theory and supergravity. We use the term “quintessence” to denote a canonical scalar field φ with a potential V (φ) that interacts with all the other components only through standard gravity. The quintessence model is therefore described by the action 1 1 4 √ R + Lφ + SM , Lφ = − g µν ∂µ φ∂ν φ − V (φ) , S = d x −g 2 2κ 2 (7.1) where κ 2 = 8π G and R is the Ricci scalar. Note that we have taken into account the matter action SM . We consider a perfect fluid with the energy density ρM , the pressure PM , and the equation of state wM = PM /ρM . Here the subscript “M” is used for a general perfect fluid (including the case of a total fluid) without specifying non-relativistic matter or radiation. Later we shall use the subscript “m” to specify non-relativistic matter. The fluid satisfies the continuity equation (2.20), i.e. ρ˙M + 3H (ρM + PM ) = 0 .
Dark energy as a modified form of matter I: Quintessence
The energy-momentum tensor of quintessence is [73] √ 2 δ( −g Lφ ) (φ) Tµν = − √ −g δg µν 1 αβ = ∂µ φ∂ν φ − gµν g ∂α φ∂β φ + V (φ) . 2
(7.3) (7.4)
In a FLRW background, the energy density ρφ and the pressure Pφ of the field are ρφ = −T00
1 = φ˙ 2 + V (φ) , 2
1 (φ) 1 Pφ = Tii = φ˙ 2 − V (φ) , 3 2
which give the equation of state wφ ≡
φ˙ 2 − 2V (φ) Pφ . = 2 ρφ φ˙ + 2V (φ)
In the flat Universe (K = 0) the following equations of motion follow from Eqs. (2.17) and (2.18): κ2 1 ˙2 (7.7) φ + V (φ) + ρM , H2 = 3 2 κ2 ˙2 φ + ρ M + PM , H˙ = − 2
where κ 2 = 8π G. The variation of the action (7.1) with respect to φ gives φ¨ + 3H φ˙ + V,φ = 0 ,
where V,φ ≡ dV /dφ. The Klein–Gordon equation (7.9) can be also derived by using the continuity equation ρ˙φ + 3H (ρφ + Pφ ) = 0 or by combining Eqs. (7.2), (7.7), and (7.8). During radiation- or matter-dominated epochs, the energy density ρM of the fluid dominates over that of quintessence, i.e. ρM ρφ . We require that ρφ tracks ρM so that the dark energy density emerges at late times. Whether this tracking behavior occurs or not depends on the form of the potential V (φ). If the potential is steep so that the condition φ˙ 2 /2 V (φ) is always satisfied, the field equation of state is given by wφ 1 from Eq. (7.6). In this case the energy density of the field evolves as ρφ ∝ a −6 , which decreases much faster than the background fluid density. We require the condition wφ < −1/3 to realize the late-time cosmic acceleration, which translates into the condition φ˙ 2 < V (φ). Hence the scalar potential needs to be shallow enough for the field to evolve slowly along the potential. This situation is similar to that in inflationary cosmology and it is convenient to introduce the
7.1 Quintessence
following slow-roll parameters [94] V,φ 2 1 , s ≡ 2 2κ V
ηs ≡
V,φφ . κ 2V
If the conditions s 1 and |ηs | 1 are satisfied, the evolution of the field is ¨ |3H φ| ˙ in Eqs. (7.7) and (7.9). sufficiently slow so that φ˙ 2 V (φ) and |φ| From Eq. (7.9) the deviation of wφ from −1 is given by 1 + wφ =
V,φ2 9H 2 (ξs + 1)2 ρφ
¨ ˙ This shows that wφ is always larger than −1 for a positive φ). where ξs ≡ φ/(3H potential. In the slow-roll limit, |ξs | 1 and φ˙ 2 /2 V (φ), we obtain 1 + wφ 2s /3 by neglecting the matter fluid in Eq. (7.7), i.e. 3H 2 κ 2 V (φ). The deviation of wφ from −1 is characterized by the slow-roll parameter s . So far many quintessence potentials have been proposed. Crudely speaking they have been classified into (i) “freezing models” and (ii) “thawing” models [182]. In class (i) the field was rolling along the potential in the past, but the movement gradually slows down after the system enters the phase of cosmic acceleration. The representative potentials that belong to this class are (i) Freezing models r V (φ) = M 4+n φ −n (n > 0) , r V (φ) = M 4+n φ −n exp(αφ 2 /m2 ) . pl
The first potential does not possess a minimum and hence the field rolls down the potential toward infinity [30, 38]. This appears, for example, in the fermion condensate model as a dynamical supersymmetry breaking [48]. The second potential has a minimum at which the field is eventually trapped (corresponding to wφ = −1). This potential can be constructed in the framework of supergravity [50]. In class (ii) the field (with mass mφ ) has been frozen by Hubble friction (i.e. the ˙ until recently and then it begins to evolve once H drops below mφ . The term H φ) equation of state of dark energy is wφ −1 at early times, which is followed by the growth of wφ . The representative potentials that belong to this class are (ii) Thawing models r V (φ) = V + M 4−n φ n (n > 0) , 0 r V (φ) = M 4 cos2 (φ/f ) .
The first potential is similar to the one of chaotic inflation (n = 2, 4) used in the early Universe (with V0 = 0) [183], while the mass scale M is very different. Note
Dark energy as a modified form of matter I: Quintessence
that the model with n = 1 was originally proposed in Ref. [184] to replace the cosmological constant by a slowly varying field and was revised in Ref. [185] in connection with the possibility to allow for negative values of V (φ). The Universe will collapse in the future if the system enters the region with V (φ) < 0. The second potential appears as a potential for the Pseudo-Nambu–Goldstone Boson (PNGB). This was introduced by Frieman et al. [47] in response to the first tentative suggestions that the Universe may be dominated by the cosmological constant. In this model the field is nearly frozen at the potential maximum during the period in which the field mass mφ is smaller than H , but it begins to roll down around the present (mφ H0 ). 7.2 Dynamical system approach In order to study cosmological dynamics in the presence of a scalar field and a background fluid, it is convenient to introduce the following dimensionless variables: √ κ φ˙ κ V , x2 ≡ √ . (7.12) x1 ≡ √ 6H 3H Then Eq. (7.7) can be written as M ≡
κ 2 ρM = 1 − x12 − x22 . 3H 2
We also define the energy fraction of dark energy φ ≡
κ 2 ρφ = x12 + x22 , 3H 2
which satisfies the relation M + φ = 1. From Eq. (7.8) we obtain H˙ 3 = −3x12 − (1 + wM )(1 − x12 − x22 ) , H2 2
in which case the effective equation of state (4.96) is given by weff = wM + (1 − wM )x12 − (1 + wM )x22 .
The equation of state of dark energy (7.6) can be expressed as wφ =
x12 − x22 . x12 + x22
Differentiating the variables x1 and x2 with respect to the number of e-foldings N = ln a together with the use of Eqs. (7.9) and (7.15), we obtain the following
7.2 Dynamical system approach
√ 6 2 dx1 = −3x1 + λx2 + dN 2 √ dx2 6 3 =− λx1 x2 + x2 dN 2 2 where
! 3 x1 (1 − wM )x12 + (1 + wM )(1 − x22 ) , 2 ! (1 − wM )x12 + (1 + wM )(1 − x22 ) ,
(7.18) (7.19)
V,φ . (7.20) κV The quantity λ characterizes the slope of the field potential, which obeys the following equation √ dλ = − 6λ2 ( − 1)x1 , (7.21) dN where V V,φφ ≡ . (7.22) V,φ2 λ≡−
If λ is constant, the integration of Eq. (7.20) yields an exponential potential V (φ) = V0 e−κλφ .
From Eq. (7.22) this potential corresponds to = 1. In this case the autonomous equations (7.18) and (7.19) are closed. The cosmological dynamics can be well understood by studying fixed points of the system [37], as we will see below. If is constant but λ is not, we have to solve Eq. (7.21) as well as Eqs. (7.18) and (7.19). For the power-law potential, V (φ) = M 4+n φ −n (n > 0, φ > 0), we have that = (n + 1)/n > 1 and x1 > 0, in which case the quantity λ (> 0) decreases from Eq. (7.21). Of course, for general field potentials, is not necessarily constant. In such cases we need to obtain the field φ as a function of √ N by solving Eqs. (7.15) √ and (7.19) together with the use of the relation κ V = 3H x2 . Then the evolution of the variable λ = λ(φ) is known accordingly. In the following we first discuss cosmological dynamics for the exponential potential given in Eq. (7.23) and then proceed to the case of non-constant λ.
7.2.1 Exponential potential We can derive fixed points of the system by setting dx1 /dN = dx2 /dN = 0 in Eqs. (7.18) and (7.19). The fixed points are in general the solution of the dynamical system and give a first qualitative description of the phase space. As we discuss below they can be classified according to their stability properties. If there are no
Dark energy as a modified form of matter I: Quintessence
singularities or strange attractors, the trajectories with respect to x1 (N) and x2 (N), in general to be obtained numerically, run from unstable fixed points to stable points, coasting along “saddle” points. When λ is constant they are given by r r r r
(a) (x1 , x2 ) = (0, 0), φ = 0, weff = wM , wφ : undefined. (b1) (x1 , x2 ) = (+1, 0), φ = 1, weff = 1, wφ = 1. (b2) (x1 , x2 ) = (−1, 1, weff = 1, wφ = 1. √0), φ = 2 wφ = −1 + (c) (x1 , x2 ) = (λ/ 6, [1 − λ /6]1/2 ), φ = 1, weff = −1 + λ2 /3, λ2 /3. √ r (d) 2 )/2λ2 ]1/2 ), φ = 3(1 + wM )/λ2 , (x1 , x2 ) = ( 3/2(1 + wM )/λ, [3(1 − wM wφ = w M . weff = wM ,
The point (a) is a fluid-dominated solution (M = 1). The kinetic energy of quintessence is dominant for the points (b1) and (b2), in which case ρφ decreases rapidly (ρφ ∝ a −6 ) relative to the background density. The point (c) corresponds to a scalar-field-dominated solution, which exists for λ2 < 6. The cosmic acceleration is realized if weff < −1/3, i.e. λ2 < 2. In the limit that λ → 0 (i.e. V (φ) → V0 ) we recover the equation of state of cosmological constant (weff = wφ = −1). The point (d) is the so-called scaling solution [37] in which the ratio φ /M is a non-zero constant. The existence of the scaling solution demands the condition λ2 > 3(1 + wM ) from the requirement φ < 1. Since wφ = wM for scaling solutions, it is not possible to realize cosmic acceleration unless the matter fluid has an unusual equation of state (wM < −1/3). In order to find the stability about the fixed points (x1(c) , x2(c) ) derived above, we consider linear perturbations (δx1 , δx2 ) as follows: x1 = x1(c) + δx1 , x2 = x2(c) + δx2 .
Linearizing Eqs. (7.18) and (7.19) leads to the first-order differential equations d δx1 δx1 =M , (7.25) δx2 dN δx2 where M is a 2 × 2 matrix whose components depend upon x1(c) and x2(c) . The eigenvalues of the matrix M are given by 1 (7.26) µ1,2 = a11 + a22 ± (a11 + a22 )2 − 4(a11 a22 − a12 a21 ) , 2 where aij are the components of the matrix. The general linearized solution around each fixed point can be written then as xi = xi(c) + αi 1 eµ1 N + αi 2 eµ2 N ,
7.2 Dynamical system approach
where αi 1 and αi 2 are coefficients obtained from the eigenvectors. The eigenvalues determine therefore the behavior of solutions near the fixed points. Denoting the determinant of the matrix M as D ≡ (a11 + a22 )2 − 4(a11 a22 − a12 a21 ), the stability of the fixed points can be generally classified in the following way: r r r r r
(i) Stable node: D > 0 and µ1 < 0, µ2 < 0. (ii) Unstable node: D > 0 and µ1 > 0, µ2 > 0. (iii) Saddle point: D > 0 and µ1 < 0, µ2 > 0 (or µ1 > 0 and µ2 < 0). (iv) Stable spiral: D < 0 and the real parts of µ1 and µ2 are negative. (v) Unstable spiral: D < 0 and the real parts of µ1 and µ2 are positive.
If D = 0 the matrix M is singular and the system becomes effectively onedimensional around the fixed point. This classification can be extended to more dimensions: a fixed point is stable if all the real parts of the eigenvalues are negative, unstable if they are all positive, and a saddle when there are negative and positive real parts. If an eigenvalue vanishes then the stability can be established expanding to higher orders. We will use this dynamical system approach repeatedly in the course of this book. The eigenvalues of the above fixed points are given by (see problem 7.1) r Point (a): µ = − 3 (1 − w ), µ = 3 (1 + w ). 1 M 2 M 2 2 √ r Point (b1): µ = 3 − 6 λ, µ = 3(1 − w ). 1 2 M √2 r Point (b2): µ = 3 + 6 λ, µ = 3(1 − w ). 1 2 M 2 r Point (c): µ = 1 (λ2 − 6), µ = λ2 − 3(1 + w ). 1 2 M 2 r Point (d): µ = − 3(1−wM ) 1 ± 1 − 8(1+wM )[λ2 −3(1+wM )] . 1,2 2 4 λ (1−wM )
Let us consider a realistic case in which the equation of state of the fluid is in the region 0 ≤ wM < 1. Then the stability of the fixed points is summarized as follows. r r r r r
Point (a): Saddle. √ √ Point (b1): Unstable node for λ < √ 6 and saddle point for λ > 6.√ Point (b2): Unstable node for λ > − 6 and saddle point for λ < − 6. Point (c): Stable node for λ2 < 3(1 + wM ) and saddle point for 3(1 + wM ) < λ2 < 6. 2 M) and Point (d): Saddle for λ2 < 3(1 + wM ), stable node for 3(1 + wM ) < λ2 < 24(1+w 7+9wM stable spiral for λ2 >
24(1+wM )2 . 7+9wM
The radiation (wM = 1/3) and matter (wM = 0) dominated epochs can be realized either by the point (a) or (d). When λ2 > 3(1 + wM ) the solutions approach the stable scaling fixed point (d) instead of the point (a). In this case, however, the solutions do not exit from the scaling era (φ = constant) to connect to the accelerated epoch. In order to give rise to tracking behavior in which φ evolves to catch
Dark energy as a modified form of matter I: Quintessence 1.2
0.60 0.40 0.20 0.0
(b2) −0.20
(b1) 0.5
Figure 7.1 The trajectories of solutions for the exponential potential (7.23) with model parameters λ = 1 and wM = 0. In this case the attractor is the accelerated point (c) (x1 , x2 ) = (0.4082, 0.9129). The matter point (a) is a saddle, whereas the points (b1) and (b2) are unstable nodes. The thick curve is the border of the allowed region characterized by x2 = 1 − x12 .
up with M , we require that the slope of the potential gradually decreases. This can be realized by the field potential in which λ gets smaller with time (such as V (φ) = M 4+n φ −n ). We will discuss this case in Section 7.2.2. It is worth mentioning that the exponential potential corresponds to the border that separates regions where such tracking behavior occurs from those where it does not. The point (c) is the only fixed point giving rise to a stable accelerated attractor for λ2 < 2. When λ2 < 2, a physically meaningful solution (d) does not exist because φ > 1 for both radiation and matter fluids. In this case the radiation- and matter-dominated epochs are realized by the point (a). Note that when λ is close to 0 the solution starting from the point (a) and approaching the point (c) is not much different from the cosmological constant scenario. Nevertheless, since the equation of state of the attractor is given by wφ = −1 + λ2 /3, we can still find a difference from wφ = −1. In Fig. 7.1 we plot the trajectories of solutions in the (x1 , x2 ) plane for λ = 1 and wM =0. Since M ≥ 0 in Eq. (7.13), the allowed region corresponds to
0 ≤ x2 ≤ 1 − x12 . The kinetic-energy-dominated points (b1) and (b2) are unstable in this case. Since the matter point (a) is a saddle, the solutions starting from
7.2 Dynamical system approach
x2 1 temporarily approach this fixed point. The trajectories finally approach the accelerated fixed point (c), because this is stable for λ2 < 3.
7.2.2 Other potentials If λ is not constant, we need to solve Eq. (7.21) to know the evolution of λ. In this case, the fixed points derived in the constant λ case can be regarded as “instantaneous” fixed points changing in time [186, 187], provided that the time scale for the variation of λ is much less than H −1 . Let us consider the “freezing” models of quintessence without a potential minimum (such as V (φ) = M 4+n φ −n ). We then have λ > 0 and x1 > 0 for V,φ < 0 and λ < 0 and x1 < 0 for V,φ > 0. If the condition =
V V,φφ >1 V,φ2
is satisfied, the absolute value of λ decreases toward 0 irrespective of the sign of V,φ . This means that the solutions finally approach the accelerated “instantaneous” point (c) even if λ2 is larger than 2 during radiation and matter eras. The condition (7.28) is the so-called tracking condition under which the field density eventually catches up that of the background fluid. The condition (7.28) can also be derived in the following way [39]. We first define the following quantity x≡
φ˙ 2 1 + wφ = . 1 − wφ 2V
Taking the derivative of x in terms of N and using the definition (7.14), we find $ 3(1 + wφ ) V,φ 1 d ln x =± , (7.30) 1+ κV φ 6 dN where the plus and minus signs correspond to the cases φ˙ < 0 and φ˙ > 0, respectively. Differentiating Eq. (7.30) with respect to φ, we get the following relation (see problem 7.2): =1+ −
3(1 − φ )(wM − wφ ) y − (1 + wφ )(6 + y ) (1 + wφ )(6 + y )(1 + x)
2y , (1 + wφ )(6 + y )2
where y ≡ d ln x/dN . Let us consider the evolution during the radiation- and matter-dominated epochs where φ can be negligible relative to 1. If varies
Dark energy as a modified form of matter I: Quintessence
slowly in time, Eq. (7.31) implies that there is a solution in which wφ is nearly constant and its derivatives (y and y ) are negligible. Hence the equation of state of quintessence is nearly constant: wφ
wM − 2( − 1) . 1 + 2( − 1)
The exponential potential corresponds to = 1, giving the scaling solution with wφ = wM . If > 1, we have wφ < wM so that the quintessence energy density evolves more slowly than the background energy density. Hence the tracking solution can be realized under the condition (7.28) for nearly constant (|d( − 1)/dN| | − 1|). Let us consider the inverse power-law potential V (φ) = M 4+n φ −n (n > 0). Since = (n + 1)/n in this case, the tracking condition (7.28) is automatically satisfied. The epoch of the late-time cosmic acceleration is quantified by the condition λ2 = V,φ2 /(κ 2 V 2 ) < 2, i.e. n φ > √ mpl , 4 π
which is independent of the mass scale M. The field value at the onset of the accelerated expansion is of the order of the Planck mass for n = O(1). From the Friedmann equation (7.7) one can estimate the present potential energy of quintessence to be V (φ0 ) ≈ H02 m2pl , where φ0 ≈ mpl . Then the mass M is constrained to be M≈
H0 mpl
2 4+n
mpl ≈ 10−
46−19n 4+n
GeV ,
where we have used H0 ≈ 10−42 GeV. For n = 2 and n = 4 we have that M ≈ 10−1 GeV and M ≈ 104 GeV, respectively. These energy scales can be compatible with those appearing in particle physics. Let us consider the thawing models of quintessence in which the field was frozen in the past and started to move only recently. For example, in the case of the potential V (φ) = M 4−n φ n (n > 0), we have = (n − 1)/n < 1 and √ hence the model does not satisfy the tracking condition (7.28). Since |λ| = (n/ 8π )(mpl /|φ|), the late√ time acceleration occurs only in the region |φ| > nmpl /4 π. This shows that the initial field displacement φi and the field mass mφ about the potential minimum are crucially important to get the cosmic acceleration. As long as |φi | mpl and mφ H0 , the Universe enters a temporary phase of accelerated expansion. The cosmic acceleration ends after the field |φ| drops down to the order of mpl . The potential V (φ) = M 4 cos2 (φ/f ) also exhibits similar cosmic expansion history. The situation is different for the model in which the potential has a non-vanishing energy V0 at the potential minimum, e.g., V (φ) = V0 + M 4−n φ n with V0 > 0. In
7.2 Dynamical system approach
this case |λ| eventually approaches 0 so that the potential energy at φ = 0 can be responsible for dark energy.
7.2.3 Tracker solutions Beside fixed points, phase spaces can be characterized also by special trajectories that “attract” other trajectories. Tracker solutions have approximately constant wφ and φ along these special attractors. A wide range of initial conditions converge to a common, cosmic evolutionary tracker. In this section we shall discuss tracker solutions in detail. To be concrete we consider the inverse power-law potential V (φ) = M 4+n φ −n ,
(n > 0) .
We study the evolution of the scalar field in the region φ > 0, i.e. V,φ < 0 and φ˙ > 0. We take into account both radiation (energy density ρr ) and non-relativistic matter (energy density ρm ) together with the quintessence field. In this case the total energy density ρM and the pressure PM of fluids in Eqs. (7.7) and (7.8) are given by ρM = ρr + ρm and PM = ρr /3, respectively. In addition to the variables √ √ x1 and x2 defined in Eq. (7.12) we introduce another variable: x3 ≡ κ ρr /( 3H ). Then the density parameters for quintessence, radiation, and non-relativistic matter are φ = x12 + x22 ,
r = x32 ,
m = 1 − x12 − x22 − x32 .
The effective equation of state defined in Eq. (4.96) reads weff = x12 − x22 + x32 /3 . The equation of state of quintessence is the same as Eq. (7.6). The equations for x1 , x2 , and x3 are √ dx1 6 2 1 = −3x1 + λx2 + x1 (3 + 3x12 − 3x22 + x32 ) , dN 2 2 √ dx2 6 1 =− λx1 x2 + x2 (3 + 3x12 − 3x22 + x32 ) , dN 2 2 dx3 1 = −2x3 + x3 (3 + 3x12 − 3x22 + x32 ) . dN 2
(7.38) (7.39) (7.40)
Using the fact that = (n + 1)/n for the potential (7.35), the equation for λ reads √ λ2 dλ = − 6 x1 . dN n
Dark energy as a modified form of matter I: Quintessence
Note that λ > 0 because we are considering the case V,φ < 0. Since x1 > 0 (because φ˙ > 0), the r.h.s. of Eq. (7.41) is negative so that λ decreases with time. The equations (7.38)–(7.41) are the autonomous equations to be solved numerically. From Eq. (7.32) the equation of state of quintessence in the tracking regime is given by wφ
nwM − 2 . n+2
If the tracking occurs during the matter-dominated epoch (wM = 0), then wφ −2/(n + 2). From Eq. (7.30) the following relation holds $ φ 1 d ln x = (t) − 1 , where (t) ≡ λ . (7.43) 6 dN 3(1 + wφ ) From the definition of x in Eq. (7.29) we also obtain 1 d ln x 1 dwφ = . 2 6 dN 3(1 − wφ ) dN
Since wφ is nearly constant for tracker solutions, it follows from Eqs. (7.43) and (7.44) that 1. Hence the tracker solution is characterized by φ
3(1 + wφ ) , λ2
where wφ is given in Eq. (7.42). Recall that the scaling fixed point (d) for constant λ corresponds to φ = 3(1 + wM )/λ2 and wφ = wM . In this case the tracker solution (7.45) recovers the scaling solution in the regime λ2 > 3(1 + wM ) (under which the scaling solution is stable). The accelerated fixed point (c) for constant λ corresponds to φ = 1 and wφ = −1 + λ2 /3. The tracker solution (7.45) also covers this case and the accelerated solution is stable for λ2 < 3(1 + wM ). Hence the tracker solution can be regarded as a stable attractor. For constant λ the stable scaling solution (d) does not exit to the accelerated attractor (c), but for decreasing λ the transition to the stable accelerated phase occurs through the tracking solution. Unlike the cosmological constant scenario we are interested in the case where the energy density of quintessence is not completely negligible relative to the background energy density even during the radiation era. Given the fact that λ grows toward the past, the parameter defined in Eq. (7.43) can be much larger than unity at the beginning of the radiation era. Under the initial conditions (ti ) 1 the Universe finally converges to the tracking solution in the following way [38]. r (i) Since 1 at the initial stage, it follows from Eqs. (7.43) and (7.44) that w is φ driven to the maximum value, wφ → 1. Since this corresponds to the stage in which the kinetic energy of quintessence is dominant, the field rolls down the potential quickly.
7.2 Dynamical system approach
10 −5
10 −7
10 −9
10 −11
10 −13
log 10 (z+1) Figure 7.2 Evolution of φ , m , and r for the model V (φ) = M 5 φ −1 versus the redshift z. Initially φ rapidly decreases because the field equation of state is given by wφ 1. This is followed by the phase with a nearly frozen scalar field so that φ begins to grow. Finally the solution enters the tracking regime in which the field energy density tracks the background fluid density. Initial conditions are chosen to be x1 = 5.0 × 10−5 , x2 = 1.0 × 10−8 , x3 = 0.9999, and λ = 109 at log10 (z + 1) = 7.21. r (ii) During the rapidly rolling phase of the scalar field both λ and decrease, which φ leads to the decrease of . The quantity eventually reaches a tracker value, = 1. However, Eqs. (7.43) and (7.44) imply that dwφ /dN > 0 for > 1. Hence wφ stays around wφ = 1 up to the moment at which crosses 1. In this situation the kinetic energy of quintessence is too large for φ to join the tracker solution. The field overshoots the tracker solution with a fast rolling down along the potential. r (iii) After the overshooting of the tracker solution, one has < 1 so that w begins to φ decrease and approaches the value −1. Once wφ becomes close to −1, the field is almost frozen so that λ becomes close to 0. However φ starts to grow and hence this leads to the increase of . As long as < 1, wφ remains around −1 because the condition dwφ /dN < 0 is satisfied. r (iv) Once becomes larger than 1, w begins to increase from −1. Then the field φ starts to evolve again along the potential hill. The sign of Eq. (7.43) changes again. Consequently approaches unity after a few oscillations and the field enters the tracking regime.
In Fig. 7.2 we plot an example for the evolution of φ , m , and r for the potential V (φ) = M 5 φ −1 . The present epoch (z = 0 and N = N0 ) is identified as
Dark energy as a modified form of matter I: Quintessence 1.2
log 10 (z+1) Figure 7.3 Evolution of wφ for the model V (φ) = M 5 φ −1 with two different initial conditions. The solid curve corresponds to the case shown in Fig. 7.2. The dashed curve corresponds to the case with initial conditions x1 = 1.0 × 10−8 , x2 = 1.0 × 10−8 , x3 = 0.9999, and λ = 109 at log10 (z + 1) = 7.23. Both curves finally converge to the tracking solution whose equation of state is given by wφ −2/3 during the matter-dominated epoch (10 z 103 ).
φ = 0.72. The relation between z and N is given by z = eN0 −N − 1. Here the Universe is initially in the regime 1 and wφ 1 so that the quintessence energy density rapidly decreases (see also the solid curve in Fig. 7.3). The equation of state wφ starts to decrease for < 1 and stays around wφ −1 for the redshift 104 z 105 . The field is nearly frozen in this regime so that φ grows rapidly. The equation of state wφ begins to grow from −1 and then it approaches a nearly constant value after small oscillations. Note that the tracking solution in this case corresponds to the redshift z 103 , i.e. the matter-dominated epoch (wM = 0). Hence from Eq. (7.42) it follows that the equation of state in the tracker regime is given by wφ −2/3. In fact the numerical simulation in Fig. 7.3 shows that wφ is close to −2/3 for the redshift 10 z 103 . Recall that in order to derive Eq. (7.32) from Eq. (7.31) we have used the approximation that is nearly constant. Since begins to vary once the contribution of the quintessence energy density becomes important, the equation of state wφ starts to decrease in the low-redshift region (z 10). In Fig. 7.3 we also show the evolution of wφ for another initial condition as a dashed curve. Since the kinetic energy of quintessence does not dominate over its potential energy at the initial stage, the early evolution of wφ is different from the
7.3 Early dark energy
case of the solid curve discussed above. However this solution also enters the tracking regime so that the late-time evolution of wφ is the same as the “overshooting” case. Hence the solutions finally approach the tracking attractor independent of initial conditions. This property is attractive to alleviate the coincidence problem. However since φ grows in the future to unity it remains to be explained why it equals m near the present epoch.
7.3 Early dark energy One of the differences between quintessence and the CDM model is that the energy density of the former can contribute to the total energy density even in the early epoch of the cosmological evolution. It is then possible to place constraints on quintessence models by studying the evolution of the field during radiation and matter dominated epochs. For the exponential potential (7.23) we have shown that there exists the scaling solution (d) with φ = 3(1 + wM )/λ2 and wφ = wM , which is stable for λ2 > 3(1 + wM ). In this case the solutions approach the scaling fixed point (d) rather than the saddle fluid dominated point (a) in radiation- and matterdominated epochs. For scaling solutions the energy density of the field decreases in proportion to the background fluid. Since φ = 4/λ2 and φ = 3/λ2 during radiation and matter eras, respectively, the existence of stable scaling solutions requires the condition λ2 > 4. Of course the solutions need to finally exit from the scaling regime to the epoch dominated by dark energy. Since the exponential potential V (φ) = V0 e−κλφ with λ2 > 4 is too steep to give rise to the late-time acceleration, we require that the potential becomes shallow or it has a minimum to slow down the movement of the scalar field. One explicit model is the double exponential potential [188] V (φ) = V1 e−κλφ + V2 e−κµφ .
Let us consider the case λ2 > 4 and µ2 < 2. During radiation and matter eras the field is in a scaling regime driven by the steep potential V (φ) V1 e−κλφ . The solutions exit from the scaling era to the epoch of cosmic acceleration once the exponential potential with the slope µ becomes important. An attractive point of this model is that the solutions are temporarily trapped by the scaling solution irrespective of the initial conditions of the field, see Fig. 7.4. Other potentials, as e.g., V (φ) = V0 [cosh(λφ) − 1]p , exhibit similar properties [189]. This scenario can be generalized to an N -scalar quintessence whose potential is the sum of exponential potentials with multiple fields (φ1 , φ2 , . . . , φN ): V =
N i=1
Vi e−κλi φi ,
Dark energy as a modified form of matter I: Quintessence
log ( r /GeV )
−20 −30 −40 −50 14
8 6 4 log (1+z)
Figure 7.4 Evolution of the quintessence energy density ρφ and the background fluid density ρr + ρm for the model (7.46) with parameters λ = 20 and µ = 0.5. Several initial conditions are chosen to admit an φ = 0.7 flat Universe today. The solid line shows the evolution which emerges from equipartition at the end of inflation and the dotted line represents the evolution of ρr + ρm . From Ref. [188].
where Vi and λi are constants. This model leads to the so-called assisted inflation phenomenon where several scalar fields cooperate to drive the cosmic acceleration even if none is able to individually. In the context of inflation Liddle et al. [190] showed that the N -scalar fields evolve to give dynamics matching a single-field model with an effective slope λeff defined by (see problem 7.3) 1 1 = . 2 2 λeff λ i i=1 N
The solutions approach the stable accelerated attractor for λ2eff < 2. If there is a large number of exponential potentials with different slopes and initial conditions, more and more fields would join the assisted quintessence attractor as the Universe expands so that λeff reduces. Even if one of the exponential potentials with a large slope dominates at the early epoch of the cosmological evolution, the solutions eventually exit from the (nearly) scaling regime to the accelerated attractor [191, 192, 193]. For the quintessence potentials given by Eqs. (7.46) and (7.47), the field energy density is non-negligible relative to the background density even in the early epoch of cosmological evolution. There is a class of models dubbed quintessential
7.3 Early dark energy
inflation [194] in which a single scalar field φ is responsible for both inflation and dark energy. If the field has a potential minimum just after inflation, it decays to radiation during the reheating stage. For the potential, V (φ) = + m2φ φ 2 /2, one can realize inflation for mφ 10−6 mpl [94] and the late-time cosmic acceleration for 10−123 m4pl . However, the field is stabilized at the potential minimum soon after inflation. Hence this model cannot be distinguished from the cosmological constant scenario. A potential without a minimum can be described as [194] (φ < 0) , λ(φ 4 + M 4 ) V (φ) = (7.49) λM 4 / [1 + (φ/M)n ] (φ ≥ 0) . In the regime of a negative scalar field with |φ| M, this corresponds to the self-coupling chaotic inflation potential: V (φ) λφ 4 . The COBE normalization constrains the coupling λ to be λ ≈ 10−13 [94]. In the positive field regime with φ M, Eq. (7.49) reduces to the inverse power-law potential: V (φ) M˜ 4+n φ −n with M˜ ≡ λ1/(4+n) M. From the requirement (7.34) of the cosmic acceleration today, 46−19n the mass scale M˜ is constrained to be M˜ ≈ 10− 4+n GeV. Since the potential does not possess a minimum, the reheating after inflation should proceed through gravitational particle production rather than through direct matter couplings between the field φ and other scalar fields. This mechanism is generally inefficient to lead to a complete decay of the inflaton field to radiation [195]. As we will see below, it is problematic if the quintessence energy density is comparable to the radiation density at the epoch of nucleosynthesis. We note, however, that the instant preheating scenario proposed by Felder et al. [196] may alleviate the reheating problem of quintessential inflation through the rapid decay of φ into another field χ with an interaction (1/2)g 2 φ 2 χ 2 . Let us discuss observational constraints on the density parameter φ in the early epoch of cosmological evolution. The tightest bound comes from the Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN), which provides an upper bound on φ from a number of observations around the temperature T = 1 MeV. The presence of the scaling scalar field leads to a larger expansion rate of the Universe. This leads to the change of the ratio of neutrons to protons at freeze-out and hence the abundances of light elements such as helium (He) and deuterium (D) are modified. Using the observed values for the mass fraction of helium, YHe = 0.244 ± 0.002, and a relative abundance for deuterium, D/H= (3.0 ± 0.4) × 10−5 , one can find BBN 2 h2 , (0) is the density constraints on the parameter space (BBN φ b h ). Here φ parameter of quintessence at the BBN epoch. As we see in Fig. 7.5, the bound on is given by [197] BBN φ < 0.045 , BBN φ
Dark energy as a modified form of matter I: Quintessence 0.050 0.040
2 Ω(0) b h
0.10 Ω fBBN
Figure 7.5 Observational contours (1, 2, 3σ confidence levels) on the parameters 2 , (0) (BBN φ b h ) derived from the abundances YHe = 0.244 ± 0.002 and D/H = (3.0 ± 0.4) × 10−5 . From Ref. [197].
at the 95% confidence level. Note that the bound on the density parameter BBN can φ be interpreted in terms of the maximum number of relativistic degrees of freedom Neff coming from the scalar field [33]: < BBN φ
7Neff /4 , 10.75 + 7Neff /4
where 10.75 in the denominator is the number of effective degrees of freedom in the standard model. Then the constraint (7.50) corresponds to the bound Neff < 0.3. If we use a more conservative bound 0.9 < Neff < 1.5 adopted in Refs. [198, 199], becomes weaker: BBN < 0.13-0.2 [33]. the constraint on BBN φ φ The presence of scaling radiation and matter eras also modifies the CMB power spectrum. There are several effects on CMB [17, 197]: (i) the change of the radiation–matter equality modifies the structure of CMB acoustic peaks, (ii) the change of the matter content of the Universe leads to a shift for the position of peaks, (iii) the modified evolution of gravitational potential changes the large-scale CMB spectrum through the ISW effect. Using the Boomerang and DASI data, < 0.39 at the 95% confidence level, Bean et al. [197] derived the constraint BBN φ which is weaker than the bound (7.50).
7.4 Quintessence potentials in particle physics
Taking the bound (7.50), the constraint on λ for the model (7.46) is given by λ > 9.4 .
< 0.2, the constraint becomes λ > 4.5. If we take a conservative bound BBN φ In Section 8.3 we will see that another way to realize an early dark energy scenario is to couple dark energy and dark matter. 7.4 Quintessence potentials in particle physics We now turn to the construction of quintessence models under the framework of particle physics. It is generally not so easy to construct viable quintessence models because the energy scale of dark energy is too low (ρφ 10−123 m4pl ) relative to typical scales appearing in particle physics. In order to lead to the cosmic acceleration today we require that the potential is flat enough to satisfy the condition |ηs | 1, where ηs is the slow-roll parameter defined in Eq. (7.10). This corresponds to the condition # 2 # # Mpl V,φφ # # # 1, (7.53) # V # where Mpl is the reduced Planck mass. Hence the quintessence mass squared, m2φ ≡ V,φφ , needs to satisfy |m2φ | V0 /Mpl2 H02 ,
|mφ | H0 ≈ 10−33 eV ,
where V0 is the potential energy today. This means that to be compatible with the present cosmic acceleration the field mass must be extremely small. Such a light scalar field can give rise to couplings to ordinary matter which should lead to observable long-range forces [36]. Moreover the mass is unstable against radiative corrections in the absence of supersymmetry. The radiative corrections can disrupt the flatness of the quintessence potential required for the cosmic acceleration [200]. Despite these difficulties it is not entirely hopeless to construct viable models of quintessence. In the following we shall present a number of interesting attempts to obtain quintessence potentials based on particle physics. 7.4.1 A fermion condensate model in global supersymmetric theory The inverse power-law potential (7.35) appears in globally supersymmetric QCD theories with Nc colors and Nf (< Nc ) flavors [48]. This theory is based upon quarks φi (i = 1, 2, . . . , Nf ) in fundamentals of SU (Nc ) and anti-quarks φ¯ i in antifundamentals of SU (Nc ). The effective degrees of freedom below the scale of the breaking of the gauge symmetry M are the fermion condensate fields !ij ≡ φi φ¯ j .
Dark energy as a modified form of matter I: Quintessence
From supersymmetry and anomaly-free global symmetries the superpotential W is constrained to be [201] W = (Nc − Nf )M
3Nc −Nf Nc −Nf
(det !)
1 − Nc −N
We are interested in the dynamics of the field expectation values with pertur† batively flat directions, i.e. φij = φ¯ ij , where j = 1, . . . , Nc is the gauge index. † † In this case the so-called D-term, D µ ≡ φi t µ φi − φ¯ i t µ φ¯ i , vanishes in the scalar potential (t µ is a generator of the gauge group). Then, for the flat K¨ahler potential, the field potential in the global supersymmetric theory is given by V (φi , φ¯ i ) =
|Fi |2 + |Fi¯ |2 ,
where Fi = ∂W/∂φi and Fi¯ = ∂W/∂ φ¯ i . Under gauge and flavor rotations, φij † can be diagonalized in the form φij = φ¯ ij = φi δij for 1 ≤ j ≤ Nf and φij = † φ¯ ij = 0 for Nf < j ≤ Nc . Taking the expectation values of all Nf scalars to be equal, i.e. φi = φ (i = 1, . . . , Nf ), the determinant in Eq. (7.55) is given by det ! = φ 2Nf . Hence the field potential (7.56) reads V (φ) = λM 4+n φ −n ,
where λ is a dimensionless constant and n=2
Nc + Nf . Nc − Nf
Thus the inverse power-law potential appears with the power n dependent on Nc and Nf . In the tracking regime, Eq. (7.42) gives the field equation of state wφ
Nc + Nf Nc − Nf wM − . 2Nc 2Nc
From Eq. (7.33) the field φ is required to be at least of the order of mpl today. Hence (0) (0) the potential energy needs to satisfy λM 4+n m−n pl ρc , where ρc is the present cosmological density.
7.4.2 Supergravity models The fermion condensate model discussed above corresponds to the globally supersymmetric theory. In particular the field φ becomes of the order of the Planck mass today. This implies that supergravity corrections to such models need to be taken into account. Recall that the potential for chiral scalar fields ϕ i in the presence of supergravity corrections is given by Eq. (6.23). The appearance of the term
7.4 Quintessence potentials in particle physics
(−3κ 2 |W |2 ) can give rise to a negative potential unless the superpotential W and the K¨ahler potential K are appropriately chosen. For example, Brax and Martin [50] adopted a superpotential W = M 4+α ϕ −α (as in the fermion condensate model) and a flat K¨ahler potential K = ϕϕ ∗ . In this case the kinetic field Lagrangian in Eq. (6.26) yields Lkin√= −(1/2)∂µ φ∂ µ φ by introducing a real scalar field φ defined by ϕ = ϕ ∗ = φ/ 2. Since Di W = ∗ M 3+α ϕ −α (−αϕ −1 + κ 2 ϕ ∗ ) and K ϕϕ = 1 in Eq. (6.23), the field potential is given by 2 −α−1 1 1 4 2 1 2 2 κ φ 6+2α φ 2 2 2 2 α − (2α + 3)κ φ + κ φ . (7.60) V (φ) = e M 2 2 4 This potential becomes negative for φ of the order of the Planck mass. Hence this cannot be used for realizing the cosmic acceleration today. In order to eliminate the negative contribution, one can impose the constraint W = 0 [50]. In this case the scalar potential is ∂W ∗ M˜ 6+2α 1 κ 2 φ 2 ∂W 2 V (φ) = eκ K = 2+2α e 2 , (7.61) ∂ϕ ∂ϕ φ where M˜ 6+2α ≡ 2α+1 α 2 M 6+2α . This has a potential minimum at φmin = √ 2(1 + α)/κ with a positive energy V (φ) = M˜ 6+2α κ 2+2α (e/(2 + 2α))1+α . When α = 2, for example, we have that V (φ) 10−47 GeV4 for M˜ 106 GeV. While it is possible to realize the condition W = 0 in the presence of matter fields in addition to quintessence [50, 51], this is in general a tight restriction because such a constraint is not easily compatible with models of supersymmetry breaking. Generally, for different choices of the K¨ahler potential, the field potential can be made positive definite. Recall that the K¨ahler potential of the form (6.28), which appears at tree-level supersymmetric theories, leads to the cancellation of the negative term (−3κ 2 |W |2 ). Let us then consider a model with the K¨ahler potential K = −[ln (κϕ + κϕ ∗ )]/κ 2 and the superpotential W = M 4+α ϕ −α [52]. For this choice the √ kinetic term becomes canonical by introducing a new scalar field: φ = ln(κϕ)/( 2κ). In this case the field potential (6.23) becomes of the exponential type √ 2βκφ
V (φ) = M˜ 4 e−
2 the potenwhere M˜ 4 ≡ κ β+1 M β+5 (β √ − 3)/2 and β ≡ 2α + 1. For the positivity of √ tial we require that β > √ 3 and hence the slope of the potential, λ ≡ 2β, satisfies the condition λ > 6. In this case there exists a scaling solution in which the quintessence energy density φ is proportional to the background density M . Note, however, that the shape of the potential needs to be modified at late times in order to enter the epoch dominated by dark energy.
Dark energy as a modified form of matter I: Quintessence
A more general K¨ahler potential can also be studied [52]: !2 K = ln κϕ + κϕ ∗ /κ 2 ,
with the superpotential W = M 3+α ϕ −α . We consider a real scalar field with ϕ = ϕ ∗ . By introducing a new scalar field 2 φ≡ 2Kϕϕ ∗ dϕ = − [1 − ln(2κϕ)]3/2 , (7.64) 3κ the kinetic term becomes canonical [the integration constant is set to be 0 in Eq. (7.64)]. The field potential in this case is given by (see problem 7.4) ! ! 1 V = M˜ 4 2X 2 + (4α − 7)X + 2(α − 1)2 exp (1 − X)2 − 2α(1 − X) , X (7.65) where M˜ 4 ≡ 22α κ 2+2α M 6+2α and X ≡ 1 − ln(2κϕ) = (−3κφ/2)2/3 .
The field exists in the region −∞ < φ < 0 and hence the parameter X is in the range 0 < X < ∞. When |κφ| 1 (i.e. X 1), we have that V ∝ (−φ)−2/3 . Mean4/3 while, when |κφ| 1 (i.e. X 1), the potential behaves as V ∝ (−φ)2/3 eφ . In the intermediate region there exists a potential minimum at φ = φmin with a positive energy density. In Fig. 7.6 we plot the field potential for α = 5 and M = 5.36 × 1010 GeV. In this case the potential minimum corresponds to κφmin −0.02 with V (φmin ) 10−47 GeV4 (i.e. the present cosmological energy density). If the field starts to evolve from the region |κφ| 1, its dynamics during radiation and matter eras is dominated by the potential V (φ) ∝ φ −2/3 . Then the field will show the tracking behavior as we have already explained previously for the inverse power-law potential. Since the potential minimum exists in the present case, the field is eventually trapped at this point so that the equation of state approaches wφ = −1. If the field is initially in the region |κφ| 1, the exponential term in Eq. (7.65) is important so that the quintessence density exhibits a scaling-like behavior relative to the background density [52]. The field finally approaches the potential minimum and leads to the late-time cosmic acceleration. A problem for supersymmetric quintessence models is associated with the fact that supersymmetry must be broken if it is to be realized at all in nature. The supersymmetry breaking is supposed to occur for the scale MS 1010 GeV in the gravity-mediated scenario to have a viable low-energy phenomenology. The squared of the breaking scale MS is related to the first term (so-called F -term) on the r.h.s. of Eq. (6.23), i.e. F ∼ MS2 , if we write the potential (6.23) in the form V = 2 F 2 − 3eκ K |W |2 . In order to cancel the F -term contribution and give only a small
7.4 Quintessence potentials in particle physics
Figure 7.6 The potential (7.65) in the unit of GeV4 (multiplied by the factor 1047 ) for the model parameters α = 5 and M = 5.36 × 1010 GeV. There exists a potential minimum around κφ = −0.02 in this case.
amount of dark energy we require that W ∼ F κ −1 ∼ m3/2 κ −2 , where m3/2 is the gravitino mass.2 Recall that the superpotential W = M 3+α ϕ −α adopted to derive the potential (7.65) corresponds to the scale W ∼ M 3+α κ α ∼ (10−3 eV)2 κ −1 F κ −1 today, where we have used the fact that M˜ 4 ∼ (M 3+α κ 1+α )2 ∼ (10−3 eV)4 . This shows that the superpotential W = M 3+α ϕ −α cannot be a dominant source for the supersymmetry breaking. If we consider the superpotential of the form W = M 3+α ϕ −α + m3/2 κ −2 , then the scalar potential acquires the following modification [52] δV = m23/2 κ −2 + m3/2 M 3+α κ −α .
The first term leads to a significant disruption of the quintessence potential. The supersymmetry breaking with F > 1010 GeV gives rise to an energy scale of the order m23/2 /Mpl2 , which is much greater than the scale of dark energy. While the above problem looks serious, it is anticipated that some string theory models may allow a possibility to overcome this problem due to mechanisms of unconventional supersymmetry breaking. For example, Witten [202] advocated that we may live in a 4-dimensional world with unbroken supersymmetry and that 2
The gravitino is a supersymmetric fermionic partner of the graviton. Since it mediates supergravity interactions, the broken supersymmetry gives rise to a gravitino mass directly related to the supersymmetry breaking scale.
Dark energy as a modified form of matter I: Quintessence
the mass splitting between the superpartners occurs as a result of the excitations of the system while maintaining a supersymmetric ground state. If this is the case, we do not need to worry about the contribution of the supersymmetry breaking terms to the quintessence potential. Recall also that in “no-scale” supersymmetric models discussed in Section 6.5.1 the supersymmetry breaking F -term vanishes at tree-level. Hence there exists “no-scale supersymmetry” to protect a small mass at least in the framework of supergravity. We also have a class of supergravity models where the above-mentioned problem can be avoided. In the so-called N ≥ 2 extended supergravity models the mass squared of any ultra-light scalar fields can be quantized in unit of squared of the Hubble constant H0 of de Sitter solutions [203, 204, 205]. The de Sitter solutions correspond to the extrema of an effective potential V (φ) for some scalar field φ. Around the extremum at φ = 0 the field potential is given by V (φ) = + (1/2)m2φ φ 2 with > 0. In extended supergravity theories the mass mφ is always related to via the relation m2φ = n/(3Mpl2 ), where n is an integer of the order of unity [203, 204]. Since H02 = /(3Mpl2 ) in the de Sitter space, it follows that m2φ = nH02 . In the N = 2 gauged supergravity we have n = 6 for a stable de Sitter vacuum [205], giving the field potential 2 V (φ) = 3H02 Mpl2 1 + φ/Mpl . (7.68) The N = 8 supergravity theories correspond to a negative mass squared m2φ = −6H02 [204] and the resulting potential is 2 . (7.69) V (φ) = 3H02 Mpl2 1 − φ/Mpl The constant determines the energy scale of the supersymmetry breaking. In order for the above models to be compatible with the cosmic acceleration today we require that H02 Mpl2 10−47 GeV4 . The supersymmetry breaking scale is so small that the ultra-light mass mφ of the order of 10−33 eV can be protected against quantum corrections. Note that the potentials (7.68) and (7.69) fall into the class of thawing models in which the field is nearly frozen until recently and starts to evolve when the Hubble parameter decreases and becomes comparable to |mφ |. 7.4.3 Pseudo-Nambu–Goldstone models There is another class of models based on Pseudo-Nambu–Goldstone Bosons (PNGB) to protect the light mass of quintessence by the U (1) symmetry. An example of a very light PNGB is the axion field, which is associated with the Peccei–Quinn (PQ) symmetry [79] introduced to address the strong CP problem.
7.4 Quintessence potentials in particle physics
When a global U (1)PQ symmetry is spontaneously broken, the axion appears as an angular massless field φ with an expectation value ϕ = fs eiφ/fs of a complex scalar at the scale fs . The key model parameters of PNGB models are the mass scale of spontaneous symmetry breaking f and the energy scale of explicit symmetry breaking µ. The representative PNGB potential is given by [47] V (φ) = µ4 [1 + cos(φ/f )] .
The mass squared of the field, m2φ = V,φφ , is m2φ = −µ4 /f 2 at φ = 0. In the limit that µ → 0 the potential (7.70) vanishes so that the symmetry becomes exact. In this situation radiative corrections to V do not give rise to an explicit symmetrybreaking term because they are simply proportional to µ4 . Hence the small mass associated with dark energy (mφ 10−33 eV) can be protected against radiative corrections [47]. If the PNGB potential (7.70) is responsible for the cosmic acceleration today, we require that H02 ≈ µ4 /Mpl2 . Hence the field mass squared around φ = 0 can be estimated as m2φ
Mpl2 f2
H02 .
The slow-roll condition, |ηs | = |V,φφ /(κ 2 V )| 1, leads to f Mpl . From Eq. (7.71) the field mass is constrained to be |mφ | H0 . Hence the field begins to evolve only recently from the potential maximum when the Hubble rate H drops down to the order of |mφ |. The PNGB model, which belongs to the class of thawing quintessence models, leads to similar cosmological evolution to the corresponding evolution in the N = 8 supergravity model in Eq. (7.69). There have been a number of attempts to explain the small energy scale µ ≈ −3 10 eV required for the PNGB quintessence in supersymmetric theories [206, 207, 208, 209]. For instance, Hall et al. [209] proposed an interesting idea to relate µ with two fundamental scales, the Planck scale Mpl ≈ 1018 GeV and the electroweak scale v ≈ 103 GeV. There is an induced seesaw scale, v 2 /Mpl ≈ 10−3 eV, which is the same order as µ. If we assume the relation µ ≈ v 2 /Mpl then we have |m2φ | ≈ µ4 /f 2 ≈ v 8 /Mpl6 , where we have used f ≈ Mpl (f can be fixed because Mpl and v are two fundamental scales of the theory). This gives rise to the mass of the order |mφ | ≈ as required for quintessence.
v4 ≈ 10−33 eV , Mpl3
Dark energy as a modified form of matter I: Quintessence
How is the relation µ ≈ v 2 /Mpl justified? Hall et al. considered models with an axion in a hidden sector of the theory [209]. If the fundamental scale of supersymmetry breaking in nature is of the order of the TeV scale (i.e. v ≈ 103 GeV), any sector of the theory that feels this symmetry breaking indirectly through gravity mediation has an effective supersymmetry breaking scale mB = v 2 /Mpl . Let us consider the case in which the hidden sector has a supersymmetric gauge interaction which acts on chiral superfields Q and Qc . After the supersymmetry breaking the squarks and gluinos acquire a mass of the order of mB . We also assume that the quark acquires the same order of mass. If the hidden sector has a PQ symmetry broken at f of the order of Mpl , the interacting Lagrangian between the axion φ and the quarks q, q c at the scale M is given by Laxion = mq qq c eiφ/f + h.c. ,
where mq (≈ mB ) is the quark mass. The axion has a PQ symmetry U (1)PQ broken around the Planck scale, whereas the quark bilinear qq c has an axial U (1) symmetry denoted as U (1)A . The interaction (7.73) breaks the U (1)PQ × U (1)A symmetry explicitly. If at least one of the quark flavors in Eq. (7.73) has a mass smaller than ˜ the order of M then a quark condensate forms such that qq c ≈ M 3 ei φ/M with ˜ Then the interaction term (7.73) gives rise to the following an angular field φ. potential φ˜ φ 4 , µ4 = mq M 3 . + (7.74) V = µ cos f M Since both M and mq are close to mB , it follows that the scale µ is of the order of the seesaw scale mB , i.e. µ ≈ mB = v 2 /Mpl . Interestingly the axion model in a hidden sector provides a natural explanation for the smallness of µ as well as mφ without having an instability problem against radiative corrections. 7.4.4 Dilatonic quintessence In string theory, gauge and gravitational couplings are not fixed a priori, but are related to the vacuum expectation value of a scalar field, the dilaton φ [64, 210]. Precisely speaking, at the tree level in the string loop expansion, the vacuum expectation value of the 4-dimensional dilaton φ is related to the gauge coupling αGUT and to the (reduced) Planck mass Mpl through eφ Ms2 /Mpl2 αGUT , √ where Ms ≡ 2/α is the string mass and α is a universal Regge slope parameter of the string. The weak coupling regime corresponds to the dilaton coupling with eφ 1. The presence of the dilatonic coupling can give rise to the violation of the equivalence principle as well as the variation of the coupling constants. Usually it
7.4 Quintessence potentials in particle physics
is assumed that the dilaton and other moduli of string theory acquire masses by some non-perturbative mechanism, in such a way that their long-range interactions are suppressed and their vacuum expectation values (VEVs) are frozen at some phenomenologically reasonable value. An alternative approach is that the dilaton decouples from other fields at the level of the low-energy effective action in the regime eφ 1. This is the runaway dilaton scenario [211, 212] in which the gauge and gravitational coupling with dilaton approaches constant values in the limit that eφ → ∞. To be more explicit, let us consider a generic effective string action at lowest order in the Regge slope parameter α : √ 1 S = d4 x −g Bg (φ)R + Bφ (φ) g µν ∂µ φ ∂ν φ − α U (φ) α ! + higher order terms + Sm [φ, gµν , i ] , (7.75) where U (φ) is a potential of the dilaton field φ and Sm is the action for matter fields i which are generally coupled to the dilaton. The dilaton-dependent loop effects as well as the non-perturbative corrections are encoded, at the lowest order of approximation in α , in the coupling functions Bi (φ) (where i = g, φ, . . .). In the weak coupling regime where the tree-level string coupling gs2 ≡ eφ is much smaller than unity, the functions Bi (φ) can be expressed by an expansion of the form Bi (φ) = e−φ + c0 + c1 eφ + · · ·
(eφ 1).
In the weak coupling limit (gs2 → 0) the first term dominates to give the couplings Bi (φ) e−φ . In the runaway dilaton scenario the effective couplings Bi (φ) reach extrema at infinite coupling eφ → ∞ and they exhibit the following general behavior Bi (φ) = Ci + Di e−φ + O(e−2φ )
(eφ 1).
This is motivated by the fact that the couplings Bi are, for the most part, induced by the quantum corrections of many moduli and gauge bosons of the theory [213]. In this scenario the dilaton gradually decouples from gravity and the matter fields by evolving towards infinity: φ → ∞. The coefficients Ci and Di are of order 102 and unity, respectively, where the coefficients Ci correspond to the number of independent degrees of freedom which have been integrated over. The action (7.75) can be transformed to the so-called Einstein frame action in which the Ricci scalar R˜ does not have an explicit coupling with the field φ. We introduce the conformally related Einstein frame metric g˜ µν = 2 gµν ,
Dark energy as a modified form of matter I: Quintessence
2 where 4 √ is called a conformal factor. For the action of the form S = + · · · we obtain the Einstein frame action SE = d4 x √−g f (φ, R) 2 ˜ ) + · · · by choosing [214]3 d x −g˜ R/(2κ
∂f . ∂R For the theories given by (7.75), this corresponds to 2 = 2κ 2
Bg Ms2 = B , (7.80) g α Mpl2 √ where we have introduced the string mass scale Ms = 2/α as well as the reduced Planck mass Mpl = 1/κ. Since the string frame action (7.75) approaches the General Relativistic action in the limit φ → ∞, it follows that Mpl2 Cg Ms2 [211, 212]. Under the conformal transformation (7.78) with (7.80), the action in the Einstein frame reads 5 2 6 Mpl 4 µν R˜ − g˜ ∂µ ϕ∂ν ϕ − V (ϕ) + higher order terms SE = d x −g˜ 2 2 2 = 2κ 2
+ Sm [ϕ, −2 g˜ µν , i ] ,
where we have introduced a canonically defined scalar field ϕ with the dimensions of mass and the Einstein frame potential V (ϕ) as follows 5 6 2 dB 1 B 3 g φ Mpl2 − V (ϕ) = U (φ)/4 , (7.82) dφ 2 = dϕ 2 , 2 Bg dφ Bg with = ±1. If the expression in the square bracket of Eq. (7.82) is positive, then the dilaton behaves as a normal (non-ghost) scalar field ( = +1). For the treelevel action in the weak coupling limit (eφ → 0), we have Bφ = Bg = e−φ so that the sign of the field kinetic energy is normal in the Einstein frame. There is the possibility that becomes negative depending on the coupling functions Bg (φ) and Bφ (φ). Although such a ghost scalar field is generally plagued by an instability problem of quantum fluctuations, it is possible to make the system stable by taking into account higher-order field derivative corrections to the action (7.75). We shall discuss this possibility in the next chapter in connection with k-essence. Since the potential U (φ) for the dilaton vanishes at the tree level, it must be of non-perturbative origin with an exponential damping in the weak coupling limit (φ → −∞). We shall assume that it also goes to zero in the regime φ → ∞. A viable ansatz is [211] ! (7.83) U (φ) = M04 exp(−e−φ /β1 ) − exp(−e−φ /β2 ) , 3
See also Chapter 9 for detailed explanation about the conformal transformation.
7.5 Reconstruction of quintessence from observations
where M0 is some mass scale, and β1 and β2 are constants satisfying 0 < β2 < β1 . This is a bell-type potential having a maximum in an intermediate regime between φ → −∞ and φ → ∞. In the regime eφ 1 the potential behaves as 1 1 M04 e−φ . − (7.84) U (φ) β2 β1 We need to caution that the matter fields i have direct couplings with the dilaton field in the Einstein frame. In this sense, when = +1, the Einstein frame action (7.81) corresponds to a coupled quintessence scenario [17] with an exponential potential (7.84) in the regime eφ 1. If this coupling is strong, it can give rise to a violation of equivalence principle as well as a non-standard matter-dominated epoch inconsistent with observations. The strength of the matter coupling Q(ϕ) is proportional to the derivative δSm /δϕ. In the runaway dilaton scenario the matter fields gradually decouple from the field ϕ so that the coupling decreases to Q(ϕ) → 0 in the limit eφ 1. In Ref. [211] it was shown that the runaway dilaton can be responsible for the present cosmic acceleration while satisfying the equivalence principle constraints. In Chapter 8 we shall present the detailed cosmological dynamics of the coupled quintessence scenario and will study the consistency with local experimental constraints.
7.5 Reconstruction of quintessence from observations From the point of view of cosmological observations, the crucial differences between the cosmological constant and quintessence are that the equation of state of the latter changes in time and that quintessence fluctuates and, at some level, may cluster. Here we discuss the possibility to distinguish quintessence models from the CDM model from the background cosmic expansion history. In Chapter 11 we discuss the clustering properties of dark energy.
7.5.1 Reconstructing the potential and the equation of state of quintessence In SN Ia observations the Hubble parameter H (z) is estimated by measuring the luminosity distance dL (z), see Eq. (2.86). This allows for the reconstruction of the equation of state of dark energy wDE (z) by using the relation (2.88). In the case of quintessence it is also possible to reconstruct the field potential V (φ). Let us consider a non-relativistic matter with an equation of state wm = 0 as well as a quintessence field φ. For the analysis of SN Ia observations we can neglect radiation. Using the relations ρm = ρm(0) (1 + z)3 and dt = −dz/[H (1 + z)], we find that Eqs. (7.7) and (7.8) can be rewritten as [215, 216, 217, 218, 219]
Dark energy as a modified form of matter I: Quintessence
(see problem 7.5) κ2 2
dφ dz
2 =
1 d ln E(z) 3(0) m 1+z − , 1 + z dz 2 E 2 (z)
κ 2V 1 + z dE 2 (z) 1 (0) − m (1 + z)3 . = E(z) − 6 dz 2 3H02
(7.85) (7.86)
Since (dφ/dz)2 is positive, it follows from Eq. (7.85) that the condition, dH 2 2 2 ≥ 3(0) m H0 (1 + z) , dz
must be satisfied. This corresponds to the weak energy condition, ρφ + Pφ ≥ 0. The field φ is known as a function of z by integrating Eq. (7.85). Inverting φ(z) to z(φ) and substituting z(φ) into Eq. (7.86), it is possible to reconstruct the potential V with respect to φ by using the information of the observationally known values of (0) H (z) and H (z) as well as (0) m . Independent information on m has to be obtained from large-scale structure. The reconstruction process is however subject to two general problems. The first is that finding a model containing a trajectory with a given expansion rate does not guarantee that the trajectory is stable. It is possible in fact that even if a reconstructed solution exists it is never reached by realistic initial conditions or that any arbitrarily small perturbation from the trajectory itself leads far from the solution. After reconstructing a particular model one should then explicitly check its stability. The second problem is that the actual observational data such as the luminosity distance dL (z) are known at discrete values of redshifts. Moreover the data are affected by systematic and statistical errors. Hence it is not possible to directly differentiate dL (z) with respect to z in Eq. (2.86) to obtain H (z). We require some smoothing process for reconstructing the equation of state wDE (z) and the quintessence potential V (φ). In order to address such a smoothing problem several authors have assumed parametric forms of dL (z) [215, 216], or H (z) [219, 220, 221], or wDE (z) [222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234]. For example, if we parametrize wDE (z) as a function of z, the Hubble parameter in the flat Universe is known to be [see Eq. (2.84)] z 3(1 + wDE (˜z)) (0) 2 2 (0) 3 H (z) = H0 m (1 + z) + DE exp d˜z . (7.88) 1 + z˜ 0 Then the integration of Eq. (2.87) gives the luminosity distance dL (z) as a function of z, which we can confront with observations.
7.5 Reconstruction of quintessence from observations
Several parametrizations of wDE (z) have been proposed so far. We can write such parametrizations in the form wDE (z) = wn xn (z) , (7.89) n=0
where the expansions can be given by (i) Redshift : (ii) Scale factor : (iii) Logarithmic :
xn (z) = zn , n a n z = , xn (z) = 1 − a0 1+z xn (z) = [ln (1 + z)]n .
(7.90) (7.91) (7.92)
Parametrization (i) was introduced by Huterer and Turner [216] and Weller and Albrecht [224] with n ≤ 1, i.e. wDE = w0 + w1 z. Parametrization (ii) with n ≤ 1 was proposed by Chevalier and Polarski [223] and Linder [228]: wDE (z) = w0 + w1 (1 − a) = w0 + w1
z , 1+z
which behaves as wDE (z) = w0 + w1 for z → ∞ and wDE (z) → w0 for z → 0. Jassal et al. [231] extended this to a more general form with wDE (z) = w0 + w1 z/(1 + z)p . Parametrization (iii) with n ≤ 1 was introduced by Efstathiou [222]. While the Taylor expansions are taken at linear order (n ≤ 1) for the above parametrizations, one can also adopt functional forms that can be applied to the case of a fast transition of wDE (z) (e.g., [226], [227]). Figure 7.7 shows the observational allowed evolution of wDE (z) for the parametrization (7.93). This is based on the constraint coming from SN Ia gold data combined with WMAP 3-year data and SDSS data. The time-varying equation of state of dark energy such as quintessence is confined in the region −1 < wDE (z) −0.8. While the quintessence is restricted to be in the parameter region wDE (z) ≥ −1, the observational data allow the phantom equation of state wDE (z) < −1. In Chapter 9 we will see that it is possible to realize wDE (z) < −1 in modified gravity theories. The quintessence potential (7.86) can be also reconstructed from observations by parametrizing wDE (z). As long as the potential is a smooth and slowly varying function with respect to φ, the equation of state wDE (z) should not change rapidly. For quintessence models in which wDE (z) evolves moderately with the redshift, the two-parameter fit (7.93) can approximately reproduce the quintessence dynamics in most cases. However, if the quintessence potential has abrupt features, the equation of state can change rapidly. In such cases the parametrization proposed in Refs. [226, 227] is more suitable than the two-parameter forms given above.
Dark energy as a modified form of matter I: Quintessence
1.0 z
Figure 7.7 Evolution of the equation of state of dark energy reconstructed from the 157 “gold” SN Ia data, WMAP 3-year data, and SDSS. The central line, the dark grey region, and light grey region represent the best-fit, 1σ region, and 2σ region, respectively. The parametrization, wDE (z) = w0 + w1 z/(1 + z), is used for the data analysis. From Ref. [235].
It is clear that these parametrizations are purely phenomenological. They are however a necessary step towards a more complete characterization of dark energy and are routinely employed to analyze data, to optimize survey design and to compare results. As such, they are an invaluable tool, but one has to remember that in most cases the results will depend on the chosen parametrization. 7.5.2 Statefinder From the SN Ia and other observations, we know that the sign of the deceleration parameter, a¨ q≡− , (7.94) aH 2 has changed from positive to negative around the redshift z = O(1) (although in Section 8.3.2 we will see an alternative interpretation). In future high-precision observations it may be possible to obtain information on the variation of q. In this regard, Sahni et al. [236] introduced the following “statefinder” parameters ...
a , aH 3
r −1 . 3(q − 1/2)
7.5 Reconstruction of quintessence from observations
These two statefinders allow us to distinguish quintessence and other dark energy models from the CDM model. Note that the definition in Eq. (7.95) is based on geometrical quantities. Hence the statefinders can be applied to modified gravity models as well. Let us consider the Einstein gravity in a Universe dominated by dark energy and non-relativistic fluid. The evolution equations are 3H 2 = κ 2 (ρDE + ρm ) ,
2H˙ = −κ 2 [(1 + wDE )ρDE + ρm ] ,
where ρDE and ρm satisfy the continuity equations, ρ˙DE = −3H (1 + wDE )ρDE and ρ˙m = −3Hρm , respectively. The first statefinder is given by r = 1 + 3H˙ /H 2 + H¨ /H 3 and hence it is calculated by taking the time-derivative of Eq. (7.97). Using Eq. (7.97) we find that the deceleration parameter can be expressed as q = 1/2 + (3/2)wDE DE , where DE ≡ κ 2 ρDE /(3H 2 ). Then the statefinders in the Einstein gravity read 9wDE DE s, 2 w˙ DE . s = 1 + wDE − 3wDE H
r =1+
(7.98) (7.99)
We note that the second statefinder can be also expressed as s=
1 + wDE P˙DE , wDE ρ˙DE
where PDE = wDE ρDE . The CDM model (wDE = −1) corresponds to the fixed point (r, s) = (1, 0). For general dark energy models the cosmological trajectories evolve in the (r, s) plane, so that they can be distinguished from the CDM model. Let us consider quintessence models (with wDE replaced by wφ ). The field potential giving a constant equation of state wφ (−1 < wφ < 0) is [3, 237] V (φ) =
1/|wφ | 3H02 (1 − wφ )(1 − (0) m ) β
2κ 2 (0) m $ −2β
× sinh
3κ 2 (φ − φ0 + φ1 ) |wφ | 4(1 + wφ )
where φ0 is the field value today and 1 + wφ , β≡ |wφ |
" φ1 ≡
1 + 1 − (0) m 4(1 + wφ ) 1 . ln 3κ 2 |wφ | (0) m
Dark energy as a modified form of matter I: Quintessence t << t0
K (a
t >>t
K (a
Statefinder r
= 4)
= 2)
Statefinder s
Figure 7.8 The statefinder pair (r, s) for the constant wφ model and the powerlaw quintessence model with the potential V (φ) = M 4+α φ −α . The CDM model (wDE = −1) corresponds to (r, s) = (1, 0) while SCDM denotes standard CDM (i.e. flat space, no dark energy) with (r, s) = (1, 1). For the constant wφ model, s remains fixed at s = 1 + wφ while r asymptotically decreases to r 1 + 9wφ (1 + wφ )/2. The two cases with wφ = −1/3, −1/2 are shown in the figure. The powerlaw quintessence model starts to evolve from the tracking regime with wφ −2/(α + 2) and φ 1, which corresponds to r → 1 and s → α/(α + 2). In this case the solutions approach (r, s) = (1, 0) at late times. The hatched region is the forbidden region for these models. The filled circles represent the values of (r, s) today ((0) m 0.3). From Ref. [236].
The potential (7.101) can be derived by integrating Eq. (2.88) for constant wDE = wφ to get H (z) and then by using Eqs. (7.85) and (7.86). For constant wφ the parameter s is constant (s = 1 + wφ ), while the parameter r decreases from r = 1 to r = 1 + 9wφ (1 + wφ )/2 as the dark energy density grows from φ = 0 to φ = 1. In the (r, s) plane the trajectory in this case is characterized by a vertical line, see Fig. 7.8. Let us consider the power-law potential V (φ) = M 4+α φ −α as an example of the freezing quintessence models. The solutions are in the tracking regime during most of the matter era, so that the equation of state of quintessence is given by wφ −2/(α + 2), see Eq. (7.42). Since φ 1 in the early epoch, we have that r 1 and s α/(α + 2) at the beginning. The solutions asymptotically approach the de Sitter point (r, s) = (1, 0) by following the curve r = 1 + 9s(s − 1)/2 from
7.5 Reconstruction of quintessence from observations
some time onward (note that this curve corresponds to the limit φ → 1 for the constant wφ case). The cosmological evolution is confined in the region s > 0 in this case, which translates into the condition w˙ φ /H > 3wφ (1 + wφ ) ,
where we have used the fact that wφ < 0. In the thawing models of quintessence such as the PNGB model the field is initially in the region wφ −1 and φ 1 so that the trajectories start from the de Sitter point (r, s) (1, 0). Since w˙ φ > 0 and −1 < wφ < 0, Eq. (7.99) shows that s > 0 and hence r < 1 from Eq. (7.98). Then the cosmological trajectories evolve to the opposite direction compared to the freezing models. Note that the allowed parameter space in the (r, s) plane is confined in the region r < 1 and s > 0 in both freezing and thawing models. The parameter spaces in the (r, s) plane are different depending on the models of dark energy. Let us consider for instance the Chaplygin gas model (we will discuss it fully in Section 8.6) in which the pressure PDE is related to the energy density ρDE via PDE = −A/ρDE (A > 0) [45]. It follows from Eq. (7.100) that the second statefinder in this case is given by s=
1 + wDE A . 2 wDE ρDE
Since −1 < wDE < 0 we have that s < 0 and hence r > 1 from Eq. (7.98). In this way the Chaplygin gas model can be distinguished from the quintessence model. 7.5.3 Quintessence in the (wφ , wφ ) plane The statefinder parameters (r, s) involve the time derivative of wDE in their expressions. In the case of quintessence the sign of w˙ φ is important to distinguish the freezing models from the thawing models. The freezing models and the thawing models are characterized by the conditions wφ ≡ dwφ /dN < 0 and wφ > 0, respectively. Let us consider the allowed parameter region of both models in the (wφ , wφ ) plane. First of all, the freezing models satisfy the condition (7.103), i.e. wφ > 3wφ (1 + wφ ). According to the analysis of a variety of freezing quintessence models there is an upper bound for the variation of the equation of state: wφ 0.2wφ (1 + wφ ) [182]. Note that this bound comes from the evolution since z ∼ 1. Thus the allowed region for the freezing models is given by 3wφ (1 + wφ ) < wφ 0.2wφ (1 + wφ ) ,
Dark energy as a modified form of matter I: Quintessence 0.80 0.60 0.40
Thawing models
0.0 (c) −0.20
Freezing models (d)
−0.40 −0.60 −0.80 −1
−0.85 wf
Figure 7.9 The allowed region in the (wφ , wφ ) plane for thawing and freezing models of quintessence (here primes denote d/dN). The thawing models correspond to the region between two curves: (a) wφ = 3(1 + wφ ) and (b) wφ = 1 + wφ , whereas the freezing models are characterized by the region between two curves: (c) wφ = 0.2wφ (1 + wφ ) and (d) wφ = 3wφ (1 + wφ ). The dotted line shows the border between the acceleration and deceleration of the field (φ¨ = 0), which corresponds to wφ = 3(1 + wφ )2 .
where the upper and lower bounds correspond to the curves (c) and (d) in Fig. 7.9, respectively. Let us next consider the allowed region of the thawing models. Taking the derivative of Eq. (7.6) with respect to the number of e-foldings N, we find [238] wφ = (1 + wφ )(3 + 2ξ + 3wφ ) ,
¨ ˙ The border separating the acceleration and the deceleration where ξ ≡ φ/(H φ). of the scalar field corresponds to ξ = 0, i.e. the curve wφ = 3(1 + wφ )2 in the (wφ , wφ ) plane. In thawing models, the field is almost frozen during the matter era by the Hubble damping so that wφ ∼ −1 and ξ 1. This gives the following relation wφ 2ξ (1 + wφ ) .
˙ ≈ (3/2)H φ, ˙ The upper limit for ξ can be derived by using the condition φ¨ φ/t where we have used the relation H ≈ 2/(3t) during the matter-dominated epoch.
7.6 Problems
This then provides the upper bound ξ 3/2. Caldwell and Linder obtained the lower bound ξ 1/2 by numerically studying several classes of thawing models such as the PNGB model [182]. Hence the thawing models are characterized by the following region 1 + wφ wφ 3(1 + wφ ) ,
where the upper and lower bounds correspond to the curves (a) and (b) in Fig. 7.9, respectively. In both freezing and thawing models the equation of state ranges in the region −1 < wφ −0.8. While the observational data up to now are not sufficient to distinguish freezing and thawing models by the variation of wφ , we may be able to do so with high-precision observations in the next decade. 7.6 Problems 7.1 Derive Eq. (7.25) for the linear perturbations about the fixed points for quintessence with an exponential (7.23) and then find the eigenvalues as given in the text. 7.2 Derive Eqs. (7.30) and (7.31) from the definition of x given in Eq. (7.29). 7.3 For the two-field quintessence with the potential V (φ1 , φ2 ) = V1 e−κλ1 φ1 + V2 e−κλ2 φ2 , show that the effective equation of state weff for the stable fixed point responsible for cosmic acceleration is given by weff = −1 + λ2eff /3. Here λeff is defined by Eq. (7.48), i.e. 1/λ2eff ≡ 1/λ21 + 1/λ22 . 7.4 Find the field potential (7.65) from the K¨ahler potential K = [ln(κϕ + κϕ ∗ )]2 /κ 2 and the superpotential W = M 4+α ϕ −α . 7.5 Derive the reconstruction equations (7.85) and (7.86) from Eqs. (7.7) and (7.8).
8 Dark energy as a modified form of matter II
In the previous section we have discussed quintessence as one of the basic examples of “modified matter models” of dark energy. There are other classes of modified matter models such as k-essence, phantoms, coupled dark energy, and unified models of dark energy and dark matter. These models are more complicated but also have phenomenologically rich properties. In this section we shall discuss these dark energy candidates.
8.1 k-essence 8.1.1 k-essence models Quintessence is based on scalar field models using a canonical field with a slowly varying potential. It is known however that scalar fields with non-canonical kinetic terms often appear in the context of particle physics. The action for such models is in general given by 1 4 √ R + P (φ, X) + Sm , (8.1) S = d x −g 2κ 2 where P (φ, X) is a function in terms of a scalar field φ and its kinetic energy X = −(1/2)g µν ∂µ φ∂ν φ ≡ −(1/2)(∇φ)2 . The possibility to realize an accelerated expansion of the Universe according to the action (8.1) was suggested in Ref. [239] in the context of inflation. The application of this scenario to dark energy was first carried out in Ref. [42]. Later this analysis was extended to more general cases and the models based on the action (8.1) were named “k-essence” [43, 44]. The central point is that the cosmic acceleration can be realized by the kinetic energy X of the field φ. The following models belong to k-essence.
8.1 k-essence
r (i) Low-energy effective string theory with derivative terms higher-order than X The low-energy effective string theory gives rise to higher-order derivative terms coming from α and loop corrections to the tree-level action [64]. Let us consider the following ˜ 4: low-energy effective string action in the presence of a derivative term (∇φ) 1 ˜ 2 + α c1 Bφ(1) (φ)(∇φ) ˜ 4 + O(α 2 ) , (8.2) S = 2 d4 x˜ −g˜ Bg (φ)R˜ + Bφ(0) (φ)(∇φ) 2κ where we set V (φ) = 0 and Sm = 0. Note that we have used a tilde for quantities in the string frame unlike the action (7.75). Performing a conformal transformation, gµν = Bg g˜ µν , the action (8.2) is transformed to the Einstein frame action (see Section 7.4.4): √ 1 2 SE = d4 x −g R + K(φ)X + L(φ)X + · · · , (8.3) 2κ 2 where
1 dBg K(φ) = 3 Bg dφ
2 −2
Bφ(0) Bg
L(φ) = 2c1
α (1) B (φ) . κ2 φ
The action (8.3) belongs to the k-essence action (8.1) with P = K(φ)X + L(φ)X2 .
r (ii) Ghost condensate model In Section 7 we have seen that the current observations allow an equation of state wDE smaller than −1. It is possible to explain such an equation of state by considering a negative kinetic energy −X with a field potential V (φ), which is called a phantom or a ghost field. However the phantom field is plagued by severe ultra-violet quantum instabilities because its energy density is not bounded from below. If we take into account the derivative term X2 , the vacuum can be stabilized against the catastrophic particle production of ghosts and normal fields. This model, dubbed the ghost condensate model [240], has the Lagrangian density given by P = −X + X 2 /M 4 ,
where M is a constant having a dimension of mass. The model can be regarded as the specific case of (8.5), i.e. K = −1 and L = 1/M 4 . As we will see later, there exists a de Sitter solution at X/M 4 = 1/2. There is also a modified version of the above model: P = −X + eκλφ X2 /M 4 ,
which is called dilatonic ghost condensate model [241]. The correction of the type eκλφ X2 /M 4 can arise as a dilatonic higher-order correction to the tree-level string action, as we have discussed in case (i).
Dark energy as a modified form of matter II
r (iii) Tachyon field In string theories there exist unstable D-branes called non-Bogomol’nyi–Prasad– Sommerfield (BPS) D-branes besides stable BPS D-branes. These unstable branes are characterized by having a single tachyonic mode of a negative mass living on their world-volume. If we consider the dynamics of the tachyon on a non-BPS D3-brane, the effective 4-dimensional action is given by [242, 243] P = −V (φ) −det(gµν + ∂µ φ∂ν φ) ,
where V (φ) is a field potential. In open string theory the tachyon starts to roll down from the top of the potential located at φ = 0 and evolves toward a ground state at |φ| → ∞. The typical √ potential is V (φ) = V0 / cosh(βφ/2), where β = 1 for the bosonic string and β = 2 for the non-BPS D-brane in the superstring (in the unit of α = 1) [244]. This potential is too steep in the large |φ| region to sustain inflationary expansion of the Universe at late times. Tachyon potentials shallower than the inverse squared potential (V (φ) ∝ φ −2 ) can account for the late-time cosmic acceleration [245, 246, 247, 248]. There is another tachyon scenario based on a massive scalar field with mass m on the 1 2 2 anti D3-brane, in which case the potential is given by V (φ) = V0 e 2 m φ [249]. Since the potential energy is present at φ = 0, it is possible to have the late-time cosmic acceleration in this scenario. r (iv) Dirac–Born–Infeld (DBI) theories The motion of a scalar field can be slowed down through the so-called “D-cceleration” mechanism [250, 251] in which the field φ parametrizes a direction on the approximate Coulomb branch of the system in N = 4 supersymmetric Yang–Mills theory. The speed of the field is restricted by the causality of the gravity side of the Anti de Sitter/ Conformal Field Theory (AdS-CFT) correspondence [252]. This dynamics is well described by the DBI action for a probe D3-brane domain wall moving in the radial direction of the AdS5 spacetime. The Lagrangian density describing this theory is given by [250, 251] P = −f (φ)−1 1 − 2f (φ)X + f (φ)−1 − V (φ) ,
where V (φ) is a field potential and f (φ) is a warp factor of the AdS-like throat. For the AdS throat we have f (φ) = λ/φ 4 , where λ is the ’t Hooft coupling related to the 2 2 via the relation λ = gYM N in the large N limit of the field Yang–Mills coupling gYM theory. In the non-relativistic limit, 2f (φ)X 1, the Lagrangian density (8.9) reduces to P = X − V (φ), i.e. the one corresponding to a canonical scalar field. In the cosmological set up, it is possible to realize the accelerated expansion of the Universe even when the γ factor defined by γ = 1/ 1 − f (φ)φ˙ 2 is much larger than unity (i.e. f (φ)φ˙ 2 1). This situation is different from the tachyon field where the condition φ˙ 2 1 is required for the cosmic acceleration. The application of the DBI theories to dark energy has been discussed in Refs. [253, 254].
8.1 k-essence
8.1.2 Equation of state for k-essence The tensor of the scalar field following from the action Sφ = 4 energy-momentum √ d x −g P (φ, X) is given by √ 2 δ( −gP ) (φ) Tµν = − √ = P,X ∂µ φ∂ν φ + gµν P , (8.10) −g δg µν where a suffix “, X” or “,φ” represents a partial derivative with respect to X or φ, respectively. The energy-momentum tensor of k-essence√ is that of a perfect fluid, Tµν = (ρ + P )uµ uν + gµν P , with velocity µµ = ∂µ φ/ 2X, pressure Pφ = P , and energy density ρφ = 2XP,X − P .
Then the equation of state of k-essence is wφ =
Pφ P = . ρφ 2XP,X − P
As long as the condition |2XP,X | |P | is satisfied, wφ can be close to −1. In the flat FLRW background in the presence of a matter fluid with energy density ρM and pressure PM , the Einstein equations are 3H 2 = κ 2 ρφ + ρM , (8.13) (8.14) 2H˙ = −κ 2 2XP,X + ρM + PM , ρ˙φ + 3H (ρφ + Pφ ) = 0 .
For the ghost condensate model (8.6) we have wφ =
1 − X/M 4 , 1 − 3X/M 4
which gives −1 < wφ < −1/3 for 1/2 < X/M 4 < 2/3. In particular the de Sitter solution (wφ = −1) is realized at X/M 4 = 1/2. Since the field energy density is ρφ = M 4 /4 at the de Sitter point, it is possible to explain the present cosmic acceleration for M ∼ 10−3 eV. In the flat FLRW spacetime the pressure and the energy density of the tachyon field follow from the action (8.8): V (φ) ρφ = , (8.17) Pφ = −V (φ) 1 − φ˙ 2 , 1 − φ˙ 2 which give the equation of state wφ = −1 + φ˙ 2 .
Dark energy as a modified form of matter II
In order to realize wφ ≈ −1 we require that φ˙ 2 1. In the sense that the kinetic energy of the tachyon needs to be suppressed to realize cosmic acceleration, this scenario is different from k-essence. We simply classified the tachyon field as k-essence because it belongs to a class of the action (8.1). Similarly the pressure and the energy density of the DBI field follow from the action (8.9): Pφ =
γ −1 − V (φ) , fγ
ρφ =
γ −1 + V (φ) , f
where 1 . γ = 1 − f (φ)φ˙ 2
Hence the equation of state is wφ =
(γ − 1)/(f γ ) − V (φ) . (γ − 1)/f + V (φ)
In the slow-roll limit, f (φ)φ˙ 2 1, one has wφ → −1. If we introduce the following variables √ " √ κ φ˙ γ γ κ κ V , x2 ≡ , x3 ≡ √ x1 ≡ √ , (8.22) H 3H f 3H the equation of state (8.21) can be written as wφ =
[(1 − 1/γ )/γ ]x12 − x32 , (1 − 1/γ )x12 + x32
where γ =
1 − x22 /3x12
From Eq. (8.13) we obtain the constraint equation, M = 1 − (1 − 1/γ )x12 − x22 . In the case of the quadratic potential, V (φ) = (1/2)m2φ φ 2 , there is a fixed point that can be responsible for the cosmic acceleration [254]: 1/2 √ √ , x2 = − 3x1 , x3 = 3( µ2 +12−µ)/6, x1 = µ( µ2 +12−µ)/6 weff = −1 + µ( µ2 + 12 − µ)/6 , M = 0 , (8.25) where weff is defined by weff ≡ −1 − 2H˙ /(3H 2 ) and √ V,φ 2 2 µ≡ = √ . κf 1/2 V 3/2 κ λmφ
8.1 k-essence
The cosmic acceleration occurs for weff < −1/3, i.e. µ < 2. Since x2 = − 3x1 , Eq. (8.24) shows that this fixed point exists in the ultra-relativistic region, γ → ∞. Thus the DBI model allows inflationary solutions even if the field is not in the slow-roll regime. In order to understand the cases in which the late-time cosmic acceleration is realized by the tracking of the k-essence field, it is important to derive conditions for the existence of scaling solutions where the energy density DE of dark energy relative to the energy density M of a background fluid remains constant (but non-zero). We will prove in Section 8.4.4 that the existence of scaling solutions restricts the form of the Lagrangian density to be P (φ, X) = Xg(Xeκλφ ) ,
where λ is a constant and g is an arbitrary function in terms of Y ≡ Xeκλφ . If we choose g(Y ) = 1 − c/Y then we obtain p = X − ce−κλφ , which corresponds to quintessence with an exponential potential. We have shown in Section 7.2 that this model in fact has a scaling fixed point (d) with φ = 3(1 + wM )/λ2 . The dilatonic ghost condensate model belongs to the class of the Lagrangian density (8.27) by setting g(Y ) = −1 + Y /M 4 . One can also show that the tachyon field has a scaling solution for the potential V (φ) = M 6 φ −2 (see problem 8.1). The tachyon potential shallower than the inverse power-law potential enters a tracking regime [247, 248]. The DBI model also possesses scaling solutions for the potential V (φ) = (1/2)m2φ φ 2 in the case of the AdS throat (f (φ) = λ/φ 4 ) [254].
8.1.3 Stability conditions for k-essence In k-essence it can happen that the linear kinetic energy in X has a negative sign. Such a field, called a phantom or ghost scalar field [83], suffers from a quantum instability problem unless higher-order terms in X or φ are taken into account in the Lagrangian density. In the (dilatonic) ghost condensate scenario it is possible to avoid this quantum instability by the presence of the term X2 . Let us derive stability conditions of k-essence by considering small fluctuations δφ(t, x) around a background value φ0 (t) which is the solution in the FLRW spacetime. Then the field φ(t, x) can be decomposed in the form φ(t, x) = φ0 (t) + δφ(t, x) .
Since we are interested in ultra-violet (UV) instabilities, it is not restrictive to consider a Minkowski background. Expanding P (φ, X) at the second order in δφ it is straightforward to find the Lagrangian and then the Hamiltonian for the
Dark energy as a modified form of matter II
fluctuations. The perturbed Hamiltonian reads ˙ 2 (δ φ) (∇δφ)2 (δφ)2 δ H = P,X + 2XP,XX + P,X − P,φφ . (8.29) 2 2 2 The positive definiteness of the Hamiltonian is guaranteed if the following conditions hold ξ1 ≡ P,X + 2XP,XX ≥ 0 ,
ξ2 ≡ P,X ≥ 0 ,
ξ3 ≡ −P,φφ ≥ 0 .
(8.30) (8.31)
When we discuss the stability of classical perturbations, the quantity often used is the speed of sound cs defined by [255] cs2 ≡
Pφ,X ξ2 = , ρφ,X ξ1
where we have used Pφ = P and ρφ = 2XP,X − P . In cosmological perturbation theory cs2 appears as a coefficient of the k 2 /a 2 term, where a is the scale factor and k is the comoving wavenumber [90, 92]. While the classical fluctuations may be regarded as stable when cs2 is positive, the stability of quantum fluctuations requires both the conditions ξ1 ≥ 0 and ξ2 ≥ 0. These two conditions prevent an instability related to the presence of negative energy ghost states. If these conditions are violated, the vacuum is unstable under a catastrophic production of ghosts and photons pairs [256, 257]. The production rate from the vacuum is proportional to the phase space integral on all possible final states. Since only a UV cut-off can prevent the creation of modes of arbitrarily high energies, this is essentially a UV instability. The phantom model with the Lagrangian density P (φ, X) = −X − V (φ) violates both the conditions ξ1 ≥ 0 and ξ2 ≥ 0, which means that the vacuum is unstable. If we take into account higher-order terms such as X2 in P (φ, X), it is possible to avoid the quantum instability mentioned above. Let us consider the dilatonic ghost condensate model with P = −X + eκλφ X 2 /M 4 . Since ξ1 = −1 + 6eκλφ X/M 4 and ξ2 = −1 + 2eκλφ X/M 4 in this case, the quantum instability is ensured for eκλφ X/M 4 ≥ 1/2. The equation of state for the dilatonic ghost condensate is wφ =
1 − eκλφ X/M 4 . 1 − 3eκλφ X/M 4
Hence we have wφ ≥ −1 under the condition eκλφ X/M 4 ≥ 1/2, which means that the phantom equation of state (wφ < −1) is not realized if we ensure the quantum stability. The tachyon model corresponds to ξ1 = V (φ)(1 − 2X)−3/2 > 0 and ξ2 = V (φ)(1 − 2X)−1/2 > 0, so that the quantum stability is ensured. The situation is similar for the DBI model in which ξ1 = (1 − 2f (φ)X)−3/2 > 0 and ξ2 = (1 − 2f (φ)X)−1/2 > 0.
8.1 k-essence
The instability prevented by the condition (8.31) is of the tachyonic type and generally much less dramatic, as long as the conditions (8.30) are satisfied. If P,φφ > 0 there are large-scale modes with k 2 < P,φφ /P,X , which undergo a classical exponential growth. This is an instability of the infra-red (IR) type as we often encounter cosmological perturbations of super-horizon modes in inflationary cosmology [94]. The ordinary cosmological (light) scalar field with a Lagrangian density P = X − V (φ) corresponds to ξ3 = −P,φφ = V,φφ H 2 . Even if the field has a negative mass squared such that ξ3 = V,φφ < 0, the modes deep inside the Hubble radius (k 2 /a 2 H 2 ) are not subject to this negative instability. For the above reasons we shall adopt (8.30) but not (8.31) as fundamental criteria for the consistency of the theory on the physical scales we are interested in. The sound speed of the field becomes superluminal (cs2 > 1) depending on the models of k-essence. This superluminal propagation is not favorable as the causality could be violated (although see Ref. [258]). Under the stability conditions (8.30) we find that the sound speed of k-essence does not exceed the speed of light for 2XP,XX ≥ 0, i.e. P,XX ≥ 0 .
Since P,XX = V (φ)(1 − 2X)−3/2 > 0 for the tachyon field and P,XX = f (φ)(1 − 2f (φ)X)−3/2 > 0 for the DBI field, the superluminal propagation does not occur in these models. This is also the case for the dilatonic ghost condensate model in which P,XX = 2eκλφ /M 4 > 0. If we consider the model of the type P = c1 X + c2 X 2 , where c1 and c2 are constants, we have that P,XX = 2c2 . Hence the sound speed becomes superluminal for c2 < 0. As we will see in Section 8.1.5, this situation arises for k-essence models that aim to solve the coincidence problem of dark energy. 8.1.4 Cosmological dynamics for the dilatonic ghost condensate As an example of k-essence, let us study the cosmological dynamics of the dilatonic ghost condensate model (8.7) in the flat FLRW background. As a matter fluid we take into account both non-relativistic matter (energy density ρm ) and radiation (energy density ρr ). Since Pφ = −X + eκλφ X 2 /M 4 and ρφ = −X + 3eκλφ X 2 /M 4 in Eqs. (8.13), (8.14), and (8.15), we obtain
1 ˙ 2 3 κλφ φ˙ 4 + ρm + ρr , 3H = κ − φ + e 2 4 M4 2H˙ = κ 2 φ˙ 2 − eκλφ φ˙ 4 /M 4 − ρm − 4ρr /3 , 2
(8.35) (8.36)
¨ κλφ φ˙ 2 /M 4 − 1) + 3H φ(e ˙ κλφ φ˙ 2 /M 4 − 1) + 3κλeκλφ φ˙ 4 /(4M 4 ) = 0 . (8.37) φ(3e
Dark energy as a modified form of matter II
Defining the following variables κ φ˙ , x1 ≡ √ 6H
φ˙ 2 eκλφ x2 ≡ , 2M 4
√ κ ρr , x3 ≡ √ 3H
we find that these satisfy the following autonomous equations √ dx1 6(2x2 − 1) + 3 6λx1 x2 x1 = −x1 + (3 − 3x12 + 3x12 x2 + x32 ) , dN 2(6x2 − 1) 2 √ √ √ 3x2 (4 − 6λx1 ) − 6( 6 − λx1 ) dx2 , = x2 dN 1 − 6x2 dx3 x3 = (−1 − 3x12 + 3x12 x2 + x32 ) , dN 2
(8.39) (8.40) (8.41)
together with weff = −1 −
2H˙ 1 = −x12 + x12 x2 + x32 , 2 3H 3
φ = −x12 + 3x12 x2 ,
r = x32 ,
wφ =
Pφ 1 − x2 = , ρφ 1 − 3x2
m = 1 + x12 − 3x12 x2 − x32 .
In order to ensure the quantum stability we require that x2 ≥ 1/2. The following fixed points are relevant for viable cosmological evolution: r (a) Radiation point: (x , x , x ) = (0, 1/2, 1). 1 2 3 This satisfies weff = 1/3, wφ = −1, φ = 0, r = 1, and m = 0. r (b) Matter point: (x , x , x ) = (0, 1/2, 0). 1 2 3 This satisfies weff = 0, wφ = −1, φ =√0, r = 0, and m = 1. r (c) Accelerated point: (x , x , x ) = (− 6λf (λ)/4, 1/2 + λ2 f (λ)/16, 0), where 1 2 3 − + f± (λ) ≡ 1 ± 1 + 16/(3λ2 ) . (8.43) This satisfies weff = wφ = (−8 + λ2 f+ (λ))/(8 + 3λ2 f+ (λ)), φ = 1, r = 0, and m = 0. The cosmic acceleration occurs for −1 ≤ weff < −1/3, which translates into the condition √ 0 ≤ λ < 6/3 . (8.44) √ One can also show that this accelerated point is stable for 0 ≤ λ < 3 [241]. Hence the stability of the accelerated point is ensured under the condition (8.44).
We also have other √ fixed points. For example there is another accelerated point (x1 , x2 , x3 ) = (− 6λf+ (λ)/4, 1/2 + λ2 f− (λ)/16, 0), but this corresponds to the quantum instability region x2 < 1/2 (i.e. the phantom equation of√state wφ < −1). During the matter era we also have the scaling solution with x1 = 6/(2λ), x2 = 1, x3 = 0, φ = 3/λ2 , and wφ = 0. However the existence of a viable scaling matter
8.1 k-essence
1.2 Ωm
log10 (z+1)
Figure 8.1 Evolution of φ , m , r , weff , and wφ for the dilatonic ghost condensate model (8.7) with λ = 0.2 versus the redshift z. Initially the equation of state wφ is close to −1 because x2 is close to 1/2. A deviation from wφ = −1 appears in the low-redshift regime. Initial conditions are chosen to be x1 = 6.0 × 10−11 , x2 − 1/2 = 1.0 × 10−9 , and x3 = 0.999 at log10 (z + 1) = 6.218.
√ era requires the condition λ > 3, which is not compatible with the condition (8.44). In Fig. 8.1 we plot the cosmological evolution of the dilatonic ghost condensate model with λ = 0.2. The initial conditions at the radiation era are chosen to be close to the radiation point (x1 , x2 , x3 ) = (0, 1/2, 1) with x2 > 1/2 (in order to ensure the stability of quantum fluctuations). In Fig. 8.1 we find that the successful cosmological evolution is in fact realized. Since x2 ≈ 1/2 during radiation and most matter eras, the equation of state wφ is close to −1. In these epochs the energy √ 2 ˙ ˙ density of the field is given by ρφ ≈ φ /4. Since x1 = κ φ/( 6H ) ≈ 0 at the radiation and matter fixed points, ρφ is negligibly small relative to the background fluid density. The field energy density begins to dominate over the background fluid density after x1 grows to the order of unity. At this epoch the deviation from x2 = 1/2 becomes important so that the solutions approach the accelerated point (c). When λ = 0.2 we have wφ (= weff ) = −0.788 for the point (c). In the numerical simulation of Fig. 8.1 the equation of state today (corresponding to φ 0.72) is wφ −0.847. Since the deviation from wφ = −1 appears around the present epoch, the dilatonic ghost condensate model corresponds to the thawing model
Dark energy as a modified form of matter II
of k-essence. Unlike thawing models of quintessence the field acquires a nearly constant energy by its kinetic term. Finally we recall that the sound speed of the dilatonic ghost condensate model is smaller than the speed of light because the condition (8.34) holds. The sound speed squared in this case is given by cs2 =
2x2 − 1 . 6x2 − 1
The condition (8.44) for the existence of the late-time accelerated point gives 1/2 ≤ x2 < 2/3. Hence the sound speed is in the region 0 ≤ cs < 1/3 ,
which means that this model does not violate causality.
8.1.5 k-essence and the coincidence problem We have shown that the dilatonic ghost condensate model gives rise to successful cosmological evolution while satisfying the conditions of quantum stability and the sound speed. Recall that in this model the energy density of the field during radiation and matter eras is negligibly small relative to the background fluid density. From the viewpoint of alleviating the coincidence problem of dark energy, a satisfactory kessence model should allow a cosmological evolution in which the solutions finally approach the accelerating phase even if they start from relatively large values of the k-essence energy density φ at the radiation era. In the following we shall discuss such a possibility. Let us notice that, just as for the tracker solutions, the global future attractor for k-essence is φ = 1 and therefore it cannot answer the question of why only today we observe matter and dark energy with similar densities. Let us consider the k-essence model with the Lagrangian density P (φ, X) = K(φ)p(X) . For later convenience we define the following quantities √ g(y) ≡ p(X) y , y ≡ 1/ X .
In order to have a scaling solution with wφ = wr at the early epoch of the radiation era, Armendariz-Picon et al. [43, 44] have chosen the form K(φ) = 1/φ 2 (in the unit of κ 2 = 1). In fact this form can be obtained by using the scaling Lagrangian (8.27), see problem 6.1. Depending on the form of g(Y ), the k-essence scaling solution is not necessarily stable during the radiation era so that the initial scaling epoch is followed by other fixed points of the system. For the choice K(φ) = 1/φ 2 the k-essence energy density is given by ρφ = −g (y)/φ 2 , where g (y) ≡ dg/dy.
8.1 k-essence
Since ρφ > 0, it follows that g (y) < 0 .
Since the quantities ξ1 and ξ2 defined in Eq. (8.30) are given by ξ1 = y 3 g /(2φ 2 ) and ξ2 = Ky(g − yg )/φ 2 , respectively, the conditions for the quantum stability require that g (y) > 0 ,
g(y) − yg (y) > 0 .
The condition for the avoidance of the superluminal propagation of the sound speed of k-essence corresponds to P,XX = −y 3 (g − yg − y 2 g )/(4φ 2 ) ≥ 0, which translates into g(y) − yg (y) ≤ y 2 g (y) .
While we have restricted the case where K(φ) = 1/φ 2 , the conditions (8.49), (8.50), and (8.51) persist for any positive function of K(φ). The equation of state wφ and the sound speed squared cs2 of k-essence are given by wφ = −
g(y) , yg (y)
cs2 =
g(y) − yg (y) . y 2 g (y)
The existence of the late-time accelerated solution requires the condition wφ < 0, which implies that g(y) < 0 today. In addition to k-essence we take into account the radiation and non-relativistic matter in Eqs. (8.13) and (8.14), i.e. ρM = ρr + ρm , PM = ρr /3. Using Eq. (8.15) as well, we get the following equations for K(φ) = 1/φ 2 (see problem 8.2): √ dy 2 −6g (y) (8.53) = r(y) − φ , dN yg (y) dφ = 3φ (1 − φ )(wrm − wφ ) , dN dwrm = wrm (3wrm − 1) , dN
(8.54) (8.55)
√ 6 g(y) − yg (y) , r(y) ≡ √ 4 −g (y)
φ ≡
ρφ , 3H 2
wrm ≡
ρr . 3(ρr + ρm )
From the above equations the fixed points of the system are given by φ = r 2 (yf ) with either φ = 0, or φ = 1, or wφ (yf ) = wrm . In the radiation-dominated epoch (ρr ρm ) one has wrm = 1/3, whereas after the radiation domination wrm = 0. Both correspond to the fixed points of Eq. (8.55). We have the following fixed points relevant to k-essence models that aim to solve the coincidence problem.
Dark energy as a modified form of matter II
r (i) Radiation era The solutions start from the scaling radiation fixed point with wφ = wrm = 1/3 and φ (yr ) = r 2 (yr ) 0.045 [see the BBN bound (7.50)]. r (ii) Matter era During the matter era we have two possible fixed points. Which fixed points are reached depends on the form of g(y) as well as initial conditions. (a) de Sitter fixed point This satisfies wrm = 0 and φ = r 2 (ym ) 0. The condition r 0 gives g yg from Eq. (8.56) and hence wφ = −1 from Eq. (8.52). (b) Dust fixed point This corresponds to the dust scaling solution with wφ = wrm = 0 and φ (ym ) = r 2 (ym ) = 0. r (iii) Accelerated era The solutions finally reach the k-essence accelerated attractor with wrm = 0, −1 < wφ < 0, and φ = r 2 (yk ) 1.
A few examples of k-essence models satisfying the conditions (8.49) and (8.50) are [43, 44]
√ 1 (8.57) P = 2 −2.01 + 2 1 + X + 3 · 10−17 X 3 − 10−24 X 4 , φ and P =
1 − 2.05 φ2
−8 2 −12 3 −16 4 −20 5 −24 6 + 2 1 + X − 10 X + 10 X − 10 X + 10 X − 10 (X/2) . (8.58)
In Fig. 8.2 the evolution of φ , wφ , and cs2 is plotted for the model (8.57) as a function of the redshift z. The solution starts from the radiation scaling attractor with φ 0.02 and wφ 1/3. This is followed by a phase of decreasing φ associated with the growth of wφ (> 1/3), see Eq. (8.54). The solution then approaches the de Sitter point with wφ = −1 and φ = r 2 (ym ) 0 around the beginning of the matter-dominated epoch, which leads to the growth of φ . The solution finally approaches the k-essence attractor with φ 1 and −1 < wφ < 0. Since the present epoch is on the way from the de Sitter point to the k-essence attractor, the evolution of the k-essence equation of state wφ is similar to that for the dilatonic ghost condensate model in the low-redshift region. Note that the model (8.58) gives rise to similar cosmological evolution. Malquarti et al. [259] studied the basins of attraction of the radiation scaling solution for both models (8.57) and (8.58) and showed that they are restricted in
8.1 k-essence
185 2
1 0.1 0.01
0.001 0.0001 0
wf 12
4 log10(1+z)
4 log10(1+z)
Figure 8.2 An example of the cosmological dynamics for the model (8.57) constructed to solve the coincidence problem of dark energy. The left panel shows the evolution of the k-essence energy φ , whereas the right panel plots the k-essence equation of state wφ and the sound speed squared cs2 . While the solution finally approaches an accelerated point at late times even if φ is large initially, it is inevitable to avoid the superluminal propagation of the sound speed. From Ref. [260].
a very small region in the (y, φ ) plane. For the model (8.57), for example, the solutions are not attracted by the radiation scaling solution for initial conditions of φ smaller than 0.01. Most of the solutions typically approach the k-essence attractor after an increase of the scale factor by about a factor 105 . This early dominance of the k-essence attractor does not give rise to the matter-dominated epoch and hence this case is excluded. It is important to notice that the k-essence models constructed to solve the coincidence problem inevitably give rise to the superluminal propagation of the field (cs2 > 1) at some stage of the cosmological evolution [260]. The argument is as follows. The dynamics of the k-essence models to solve the coincidence problem starts from the radiation scaling solution with wφ (yr ) = 1/3, φ = r 2 (yr ) 0.045 and the solutions finally approach the k-essence attractor with −1 < wφ (yk ) < 0, φ = r 2 (yk ) 1 > r 2 (yr ). Using the relation wφ = −g(y)/yg (y) together with the condition (8.49), it follows that g(yr ) > 0 and g(yk ) < 0 to realize wφ (yr ) = 1/3 and wφ (yk ) < 0, respectively. Since g(y) is a monotonically decreasing function, we always have yk > yr . Remembering that r(yk ) > r(yr ), r needs to grow when y increases from yr to yk . Taking the derivative of r(y) with respect to y, we find √ ! 6 yg (y) wφ (y) − 1 . r (y) = √ 8 −g (y)
Dark energy as a modified form of matter II
Using the condition g (y) > 0, the increase of r(y) occurs only for wφ (y) > 1. Hence there is an interval between yr and yk in which wφ (y) > 1. Since the equation of state of the k-essence attractor corresponds to wφ (yk ) < 0, there exists also an interval in which wφ (y) < 0 and wφ (y) > 1. From Eq. (8.52) the derivative of wφ with respect to y is given by wφ (y) =
g(y)g (y) + yg(y)g (y) − yg (y)2 . y 2 g (y)2
The conditions wφ (y) < 0 and wφ (y) > 1 imply that ygg < yg 2 − gg and g > −yg , respectively. Since yg > 0 the second inequality gives ygg > −y 2 g g . Substituting this into the first inequality, we obtain g (yg − g + y 2 g ) > 0 and hence g − yg > y 2 g . This corresponds to the violation of the condition (8.51). Thus we have shown that the k-essence models constructed to alleviate the coincidence problem lead to the superluminal propagation of the field sound speed. In addition to the above-mentioned problems of initial conditions and the superluminal propagation of the sound speed, we should mention that the construction of models such as (8.57) and (8.58) is difficult in the framework of particle physics. 8.2 Phantoms The current observations allow the possibility of the equation of state wDE smaller than −1, which is generally referred to as a phantom equation of state. As we see from Eq. (8.12), the k-essence model with a positive energy density (ρφ > 0) gives rise to the equation of state wφ < −1 for P,X < 0 .
The simplest model to satisfy this condition is a scalar field with a negative kinetic energy [83], i.e. P (X, φ) = −X − V (φ) ,
where V (φ) is the field potential. This is called a phantom or ghost scalar field and its energy density and pressure are given by ρφ = −φ˙ 2 /2 + V (φ) and Pφ = −φ˙ 2 /2 − V (φ), respectively. The equation of state of the phantom field is wφ =
φ˙ 2 /2 + V (φ) . φ˙ 2 /2 − V (φ)
One has wφ < −1 for φ˙ 2 /2 < V (φ). The cosmological dynamics of the phantom scalar field has been discussed in a number of papers [256, 261, 262]. The phantom field rolls up the potential because of the negative kinetic energy. If the potential is unbounded from above, the field
8.2 Phantoms
energy density continues to grow toward infinity. In the case of an exponential potential V (φ) = V0 e−κλφ the equation of state wφ approaches a constant value wφ = −1 − λ2 /3 < −1, which results in a big-rip singularity. If the potential is 2 2 bounded from above as in! the bell types such as V (φ) = V0 e−φ /σ [256] and −1 [261], the solutions evolve from the phantom equaV (φ) = V0 cosh(βφ/mpl ) tion of state (wφ < −1) and then approach wφ = −1 as the field settles at the potential maximum. Although the above cosmological dynamics might be acceptable classically, the phantom Lagrangian density corresponds to ξ1 = P,X + 2XP,XX = −1 and ξ2 = P,X = −1 in Eq. (8.30). This means that the stability conditions (8.30) are not satisfied, which leads to an unstable vacuum state [256, 257]. In order to avoid the catastrophic instability of the vacuum, we need to consider theories in which the interaction between ghosts and normal fields is as weak as possible. Even if decoupled from the matter fields, ghosts couple to gravitons which mediate the vacuum decay process of the form [257]: Vacuum → 2 φ + 2 γ ,
where φ is a ghost field. This corresponds to a spontaneous creation of a ghost pair and a photon pair. The divergence of the phase-space integral can be avoided only if we impose a Lorentz non-invariant momentum space cut-off at the scale c with the creation rate ∼ 8c /m4pl ,
where = 0→2φ+2γ . In order to derive the density of photons which are generated by the vacuum decay (8.64), we need to solve the equation for the phase space number density n of ghosts and photons in an expanding Universe: d 3 (a n) = a 3 . dt
When the evolution of the scale factor is given by a ∝ t p , we obtain the following solution n(t) =
p t = . 3p + 1 H 3p + 1
The number density in the present Universe is estimated to be n(t0 ) ∼ /H0 ∼ 8c /(m4pl H0 ). Since the energy spectrum is peaked around E ∼ c , we find 7 dn ∼ 4c . dE mpl H0
Dark energy as a modified form of matter II
The spectrum of photons with energy E around c has been constrained by observations of the diffuse gamma ray background. The EGRET experiment measured the derivative of the photon flux F with respect to E to be [263] −2.1 E dF −9 = (7.32 ± 0.34) × 10 (cm2 s sr MeV)−1 . dE 451 MeV
From the requirement that Eq. (8.68) does not exceed the limit given in Eq. (8.69), we obtain the following upper bound c 3 MeV .
This means that the ghost field must originate from new physics far below the TeV scale. Hence the standard high-energy field theory is not likely to be responsible for the low-energy effective ghosts. Instead we are forced to imagine that the ghost comes from a low-energy sector completely hidden from the standard model, except for the gravitational interaction. So far no consistent theories for such effective ghosts have been constructed in the framework of particle physics. We also stress that the bound (8.70) has been derived under the minimal coupling of gravity. The presence of other couplings can even lead to tighter bounds. We also note that even at the classical level the presence of the ghost field is problematic. One would expect in fact that the Universe becomes very strongly anisotropic with the anisotropic energy density (the positive energy density of large-scale gravitational waves) being compensated by a negative energy density of the ghost field. Therefore it does not successfully explain the observed isotropy and homogeneity of the Universe [264]. In Fig. 7.7 we find that the current observations allow the evolution of the dark energy equation of state crossing wDE = −1. A model that might cross the cosmological constant boundary is dubbed quintom in Ref. [265]. It was shown in Ref. [266] that such a crossing is possible with a multi-field model (phantom + normal fields), i.e. the Lagrangian density P = (1/2)(∇φ1 )2 − V1 (φ1 ) − (1/2)(∇φ2 )2 − V2 (φ2 ). However this model also suffers from the instability problem mentioned above because of the negative kinetic energy. The phantom equation of state (wDE < −1) as well as the cosmological boundary crossing can be realized in f (R) gravity [267, 368, 371], scalar tensor theory [268, 269, 264], and Lorentz violating models [270] without introducing a scalar field with a negative kinetic energy, while avoiding the quantum instability. In this sense it is not necessary to introduce a phantom field to produce a dark energy equation of state wDE smaller than −1.
8.3 Coupled dark energy
8.3 Coupled dark energy The fact that the energy density of dark energy is the same order as that of dark matter in the present Universe suggests that there may be some relation between them. We discuss such coupled dark energy scenarios in this subsection. Several different forms of the coupling between dark energy and dark matter have been proposed. One possibility is to consider an interaction between a quintessence field φ and dark matter with an interaction of the form Qρm φ˙ [16, 17]. In fact this type of interaction appears in the context of scalar-tensor theories (including Brans–Dicke theory) [56, 40, 271], f (R) gravity [272], and dilaton gravity [211] after a conformal transformation to the Einstein frame. In Brans–Dicke theory, for example, a coupling between a scalar field φ and a Ricci scalar R gives rise to a constant coupling Q between φ and a non-relativistic matter in the Einstein frame [273]. Another approach is to introduce an interaction of the form ρm on the r.h.s. of the continuity equations (ρm is the dark matter energy density) with the normalization of in terms of the Hubble parameter H , i.e. /H = δ, where δ is a dimensionless coupling [274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280]. This is basically a fluid description of coupled dark energy. In the following we start from the coupled quintessence scenario and then proceed to coupled dark energy models with an interaction of the form δ Hρm , where δ is a dimensionless coupling. We also discuss the mass varying neutrino scenario and the coupling of a scalar field with an electromagnetic field.
8.3.1 Coupled quintessence with an exponential potential Let us consider an interaction between a scalar field φ and a non-relativistic matter in the form µ ∇µ Tν(φ) = −Q TM ∇ν φ , µ
∇µ Tν(M) = +Q TM ∇ν φ ,
where Tν(φ) and Tν(M) are the energy-momentum tensors of φ and non-relativistic matter, respectively, with a trace TM = −ρM + 3PM of the matter fluid. Since the radiation is traceless (ρM = 3PM ), the coupling-dependent terms vanish in Eq. (8.71). Meanwhile non-relativistic matter such as dark matter and baryons have direct couplings with the scalar field φ. Generally the coupling strength Q of baryons is different from that of dark matter [17, 281, 282, 271]. If we assume the baryons to be completely uncoupled they follow geodesics (i.e. they are free of any long-range force beside gravity) and we can directly compare the results with observations, since generally speaking in any (classical) experiment we assume our equipment (rods, clocks, etc) not to possess
Dark energy as a modified form of matter II
long-range interactions beside gravity. We say that the frame in which baryons follow geodesics is the “physical” frame, meaning simply that we can directly compare results with observations. If on the contrary the baryons are coupled then the physical frame has to be obtained through a conformal transformation, as we will discuss in Section 8.4. Although we assume the baryons to be uncoupled, as far as cosmology is concerned this makes generally only a small difference, since baryons are subdominant. Therefore for simplicity we discuss here a single matter fluid with an universal coupling. We discuss in the next section a case in which uncoupled baryons can lead to a considerable difference, e.g., the presence of a baryon-dominated epoch. We also assume that the coupling Q is constant. A constant coupling Q arises in Brans– Dicke theory after a conformal transformation to the Einstein frame, as we will see in Section 9.2. In this section we shall use the unit κ 2 = 1 unless otherwise stated. The field Lagrangian density of the coupled quintessence is Lφ = −(1/2)g µν ∂µ φ∂ν φ − V (φ) + Lint , where the part Lint gives rise to the interacting energy-momentum tensor given in Eq. (8.71).1 For the field potential V (φ) we can take the exponential type V (φ) = V0 e−λφ ,
although of course other choices can be made [271]. Without losing generality the constant λ can be assumed to be positive. For the interaction given in Eq. (8.71), the field φ, non-relativistic matter, and radiation obey the following equations of motion, respectively, in the flat FLRW background: ρ˙φ + 3H (ρφ + Pφ ) = −Qρm φ˙ ,
ρ˙m + 3Hρm = +Qρm φ˙ ,
ρ˙r + 4Hρr = 0 ,
together with the usual Friedmann equation 3H 2 = ρφ + ρm + ρr .
Since ρφ = (1/2)φ˙ 2 + V (φ) and Pφ = (1/2)φ˙ 2 − V (φ), Eq. (8.73) can be written as φ¨ + 3H φ˙ + V,φ = −Qρm .
In order to study the dynamics of the system we introduce the following variables √ √ ρr φ˙ V x1 ≡ √ , x2 ≡ √ , x3 ≡ √ . (8.78) 6H 3H 3H 1
Although we focus on the coupled quintessence, it is possible to consider a coupling between dark matter and a k-essence field. See Ref. [283] for cosmological dynamics of coupled k-essence fields.
8.3 Coupled dark energy
Table 8.1 The fixed points for the coupled quintessence model with an exponential potential. Name
x1 √
0 0 0
2Q2 3
1 1 1
2Q2 3
1 1
0 0 0
(a) (b1) (b2)
1 −1
0 0 0
λ2 1/2 ) 6 2Q(Q+λ)+3 1/2 [ 2(Q+λ)2 ]
√λ √6 6 2(Q+λ)
Q(Q+λ)+3 (Q+λ)2
λ2 3 −Q(Q+λ) Q(Q+λ)+3
− √16Q √ 2 6 3λ
(1 − 2Q1 2 )1/2 (1 − λ42 )1/2
1 6Q2 4 λ2
1 − 2Q1 2 1 − λ42
6Q 3
(1 −
√ 2 3 3λ
−1 +
1 3
1 1 −1 +
λ2 3
−Q Q+λ 1 3 1 3 1 3
Taking the derivative of Eq. (8.76) in terms of the number of e-foldings N together with the use of Eqs. (8.73)–(8.75), we obtain 1 dH 1 = − 3 + 3x12 − 3x22 + x32 . H dN 2 The effective equation of state defined in Eq. (4.96) is weff = x12 − x22 + x32 /3 .
The equation of state wφ and the density parameter φ of the scalar field are wφ =
x12 − x22 , x12 + x22
φ = x12 + x22 .
Note that from Eq. (8.76) we obtain the relation m = 1 − x12 − x22 − x32 . The autonomous equations for x1 , x2 , and x3 are given by √ √ 6 2 1 dH 6 dx1 = −3x1 + λx2 − x1 − Q 1 − x12 − x22 − x32 , (8.82) dN 2 H dN 2 √ dx2 6 1 dH =− λx1 x2 − x2 , (8.83) dN 2 H dN 1 dH dx3 = −2x3 − x3 . (8.84) dN H dN There are eight fixed points in total, see Table 8.1. The stability of the fixed points can be analyzed by considering three eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix of perturbations δx1 , δx2 , and δx3 about each point (see problem 8.3). Among the eight fixed points presented in Table 8.1, we now identify the points responsible for radiation, matter, and accelerated eras.
Dark energy as a modified form of matter II
r (i) Radiation era The radiation-dominated epoch can be realized either by the points (e), (f), or (g) because they correspond to weff = 1/3. However the nucleosynthesis bound (7.50) places the constraint Q2 > 3.7 and λ2 > 88.9 for the points (f) and (g), respectively. The former case is not compatible with the presence of the matter-dominated epoch, whereas in the latter case λ is too large to have a late-time accelerated solution (as we will see later). Hence the point (e) is the only plausible radiation solution. The eigenvalues of the 3×3 Jacobian matrix for perturbations about the point (e) are µ = −1, 1, 2 .
This means that the point (e) is a saddle followed by a matter era. r (ii) Matter era The matter-dominated epoch can be realized either by the points (a) or (d). Both (a) and (d) correspond to scaling solutions with constant φ and wφ . The point (a) is called the “φ-matter-dominated epoch (φMDE)” [17]. In order for the φMDE to be responsible for the matter era we require that Q2 1 from the condition φ = 2Q2 /3 1. The eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix for perturbations about the point (a) are µ=
3 1 3 + Q(Q + λ), − + Q2 , − + Q2 . 2 2 2
As long as Q2 1, two of the eigenvalues are negative. One of them is positive for Q(Q + λ) > −3/2, which is satisfied unless Q < 0 and λ 1. Hence the φMDE is a saddle followed by a late-time accelerated point. Since the effective equation of state for the point (d) is given by weff = −Q/(Q + λ), it is possible to have weff 0 for |λ| |Q|. The eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix for perturbations about the point (d) are $ 6 5 8[3 − λ(Q + λ)][3 + 2Q(Q + λ)] 4Q + λ 3(2Q + λ) µ=− . , − 1± 1+ 2(Q + λ) 4(Q + λ) 3(2Q + λ)2 (8.87) This means that the point (d) is stable for |λ| |Q| (either a stable node or a stable spiral). Hence the solutions do not exit from the matter era to the accelerated epoch. r (iii) Accelerated era The late-time cosmic acceleration can be realized either by the point (c) or (d). When λ2 < 2 the point (c) satisfies the condition for acceleration. The eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix of perturbations about the point (c) are µ=
1 2 1 (λ − 4), (λ2 − 6), λ(Q + λ) − 3 . 2 2
Under the condition λ2 < 2, this point is stable for λ(Q + λ) < 3 .
8.3 Coupled dark energy
The energy fraction of the field for the point (d) satisfies φ > 1 under the condition (8.89). For the point (d) the condition for the acceleration, weff < −1/3, corresponds to Q > λ/2 or Q < −λ (recall that λ is assumed to be positive). In both cases the inside of 4Q+λ <0 the root of Eq. (8.87) is larger than unity under the condition (8.89) with − 2(Q+λ) and − 3(2Q+λ) < 0. Hence one of the eigenvalues in Eq. (8.87) is positive, which means 4(Q+λ) that the point (d) is a saddle if the point (c) is stable. If the condition λ(Q + λ) > 3
is satisfied, the point (d) is stable whereas the point (c) is a saddle. Then the late-time stable accelerated solution can be realized by the point (d) under the conditions (8.90) and Q > λ/2 or Q < −λ. The scaling solution (d) allows the interesting possibility of a global accelerated attractor with φ 0.7 [40, 284]. However it is difficult to realize the φMDE solution (a) followed by the scaling solution (d). This comes from the fact that the condition Q2 1 is required to have a φMDE compatible with observations whereas large values of |Q| are needed to get the latetime cosmic acceleration. One can show that there are no allowed regions in the (Q, λ) plane corresponding to the sequence from the φMDE to the scaling attractor [17]. We require a step-like function of the coupling Q in order to realize two scaling solutions [284].
From the above discussion we find that the following sequence is cosmologically viable: (e) → (a) → (c) .
The presence of the saddle φMDE demands the conditions Q2 1 and Q(Q + λ) > −3/2. The stability of the accelerated point requires the conditions λ2 < 2 and λ(Q + λ) < 3. In Fig. 8.3 we plot the cosmological evolution of the density parameters φ , m , r as well as the equations of state wφ and weff for λ = 0.1 and Q = 0.3. This shows that the matter era is in fact replaced by the φMDE with φ = weff 2Q2 /3 0.06. The φMDE is followed by the accelerated point (c) with the future asymptotic values of the equations of state: wφ = weff = −1 + λ2 /3 −0.996. The presence of the φMDE changes the background expansion history of the Universe. Since the evolution of the scale factor during the φMDE is given by 2 3+2Q2 1/2 ] . a ∝ t 2/(3+2Q ) , the Hubble parameter evolves as E(z)/E0 [(0) m (1 + z) Therefore the sound horizon at the decoupling epoch, defined in Eq. (5.34), is Q2 . For Q = 0.1, for smaller than in the uncoupled case by roughly a factor zdec instance, this gives a sound horizon 7% smaller. This is a large effect that can be constrained by current measurements, although it is partially compensated by the fact that the distance to the last scattering increases, that is, the CMB shift parameter R given in Eq. (5.33) is smaller relative to the case Q = 0. A full comparison with
Dark energy as a modified form of matter II 1.5
1.0 Ωr
Ωf 0.20
3 log10(z+1)
Figure 8.3 Cosmological evolution of the coupled quintessence scenario with an exponential potential for λ = 0.1 and Q = 0.3. The initial conditions are chosen to be x1 = 0, x2 = 10−10 , and x3 = 0.999 at the redshift log10 (z + 1) = 5.6919. The field equation of state wφ starts from −1 because x1 = 0 initially, but it quickly approaches wφ = 1 due to the dominance of the field kinetic energy relative to the potential energy. This phase is followed by the φMDE (a) in √ which the potential energy is completely negligible relative to its kinetic energy (x1 = − 6Q/3, x2 = 0). The present epoch is on the way to the accelerated fixed point (c) with weff = wφ = −1 + λ2 /3 and φ = 1.
CMB data varying also all other parameters shows that the coupling cannot exceed Q ≈ 0.1 [285]. As we will see later, in coupled quintessence, the equation of matter perturbations is subject to change compared to the uncoupled case. The presence of the coupling between the non-relativistic matter and the scalar field leads to a larger growth rate of matter perturbations relative to the uncoupled quintessence. Hence the observational data of galaxy clustering can be used to place bounds on the strength of the coupling Q. Finally, it is interesting to note that the coupling is partially degenerate with massive neutrinos so that if large neutrino masses are found, as in some laboratory experiment, these can be reconciled with microwave background upper limits [286].
8.3.2 Decoupling the baryons The scalar field coupling induces a variation of the particle masses. As it can be seen from the conservation equation (8.74) the matter density varies as φ (0) −3 ˜ ˜ ρm = ρm (a/a0 ) exp Q(φ)dφ , (8.92) φ0
8.3 Coupled dark energy
where φ0 is the field value today. This can be interpreted at the classical level as a variation of the coupled particle’s masses as φ ˜ φ˜ . m = m(0) exp Q(φ)d (8.93) φ0
Since in gravitational interactions one always measures the product of masses times the gravitational constant, the limits to the variation of G apply directly to the variation of baryon masses. Current limits on the variation of G are [287] # # ˙# #G # # few × 10−11 yrs−1 . (8.94) #G# Then we have, in the case of a constant coupling Q, # # # # # # # 1 dG # # 1 dm # # dφ # −1 # # # # # # # G dN # = # m dN # = #Q dN # 10 .
Note that we have used the present value of the Hubble parameter given in Eq. (2.36).√For instance, on the solution (d) of the previous section, one has dφ/dN = 6x1 = 3/(Q + λ) so that we find Q (Q + λ)/30 (assuming both Q, λ > 0). This condition implies that λ Q, in which case we have no cosmic acceleration (weff = −Q/(Q + λ) ≈ 0). Beside the variation of G, the field coupling Q is constrained by local gravity experiments. There are however several ways to escape these constraints. One, to be discussed later on, is the chameleon mechanism, that screens the effect of the field interaction near high-density objects (as we will see in Section 8.4). Another one is to assume that the coupling varies in time so that it is very small today but large in the past. Yet another solution is to assume that the field couples only to dark matter particles and not to baryons (or couples extremely weakly). In this way, local gravity constraints are emptied of any effect on cosmology [271]. If baryons are uncoupled to the scalar field, their √ conservation equation is stan√ dard and another degree of freedom x4 = ρb /( 3H ) must be added to the dynamical system (8.82)–(8.84) (see Ref. [288]). Since baryons correspond to only a small fraction of the total cosmic fluid today, their effect is in general modest and the fixed points of Table 8.1 remain. However, there is one case in which the baryons (or in general any uncoupled matter) make a large difference, namely the scaling attractor (d). Scaling solutions are interesting for several reasons. First, they are particularly simple because the density parameters M , φ and the equation of state are constant. Second, they could help to solve the coincidence problem since the ratio of matter to dark energy is constant not only at the present time but ever since the scaling attractor is reached [288]. Third, they lead to phenomena that cannot be found in non-scaling behaviors,
Dark energy as a modified form of matter II
as for instance an early start of cosmic acceleration. This third point is connected to the uncoupled component, so we discuss it now. The coupled components, cold dark matter (density ρc ) and the scalar field (density ρφ ), behave at the background level as a single fluid eff with an effective constant equation of state weff , i.e. ρc ∝ ρφ ∝ a −3(1+weff ) . For the scaling solution (d) we have weff = −Q/(Q + λ). Let us assume that the condition for the cosmic acceleration is fulfilled. Then since the baryon density evolves as ρb ∝ a −3 , baryons dominate in the past for a < ab where
−1/(3weff ) (0) ab = (0) , (8.96) b /eff (0) (0) (0) and (0) eff = c + φ = 1 − b (assuming a flat spacetime). Therefore the Universe undergoes a baryon-dominated epoch before ab in which the expansion and the growth of structure are standard but driven by the baryon rather than by the dark matter. When a > ab the cosmic expansion is governed by the total effective fluid. If (0) b ≈ 0.04 and weff ≈ −1, one finds ab ≈ 0.35 or zb ≈ 1.9. Hence we can expect the cosmic expansion to be accelerated from zb onward. More exactly, one can derive the onset of acceleration (redshift zacc ) by solving for a¨ = 0 in the flat-space Friedmann equation:
a¨ 4π =− [ρeff (1 + 3weff ) + ρb ] a 3 1 −3(1+weff ) −3 = 0. (1 + 3weff ) + (1 − (0) = − H02 (0) eff a eff )a 2 This amounts to 61/(3weff ) 5 (0) − 1 eff , zacc = −1 + (0) (1 + 3weff ) eff
which gives zacc ≈ 2.6 for (0) b = 0.04 and weff = −1. This redshift can increase up to zacc ≈ 4 for weff = −0.6, which is actually the value favored by the supernovae data for the scaling case [289]. In general, however, the early acceleration gives a strong integrated Sachs–Wolfe effect on the CMB and to be acceptable it would require other modifications. Notwithstanding these difficulties it is important to derive the conditions for the existence of scaling solutions and we will devote Section 8.5 to this.
8.3.3 Parametrizing coupled dark energy Let us discuss other coupled dark energy models in which a non-relativistic matter couples to dark energy with an energy density ρX and an equation of state wX . The
8.3 Coupled dark energy
interaction between two components can be encoded in the conservation equations: ρ˙m + 3Hρm = +ρm ,
ρ˙X + 3H (1 + wX )ρX = −ρm ,
where characterizes the strength of the coupling. The coupled quintessence ˙ discussed in the previous subsection corresponds to the choice = Qφ. Since the origin of dark energy is not yet identified as a scalar field, we take a different approach to constraining the coupling without assuming scalar fields [274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280]. We shall measure in terms of the Hubble parameter H and define the dimensionless coupling δ ≡ /H .
Note that a positive δ corresponds to a transfer of energy from dark energy to dark matter, whereas for a negative δ the energy transfer is opposite. We are interested in placing observational bounds on δ. As usual in the flat Universe the Friedmann equation is given by 3H 2 = ρm + ρr + ρX .
As long as we use cosmic distances whose upper limits of the redshift are smaller than 1000, it is a good approximation to neglect the contribution of radiation. Equation (8.99) can be written in an integrated form (0) −3 ρm = ρm (a/a0 ) exp δ d(ln a) . (8.103) The cosmological evolution is different depending on the form of the coupling δ. In the following we shall consider two distinct cases. (A) Constant δ models For constant δ, Eq. (8.103) is integrated to give ρm = ρm(0) (a/a0 )−3+δ = ρm(0) (1 + z)3−δ .
If wX is constant, substituting Eq. (8.104) into (8.100) leads to the following equation ρX = ρX(0) (1 + z)3(1+wX) + ρm(0)
! δ (1 + z)3(1+wX) − (1 + z)3−δ . δ + 3wX (8.105)
Dark energy as a modified form of matter II
Figure 8.4 Probability contours (1σ , 2σ , and 3σ ) for the constant δ parametrization (8.106) obtained from the combined data analysis of SNLS [107], the CMB shift parameter R [14], and the BAO effective distance DV [68]. The left panel shows observational contours in the (wX , δ) plane marginalized over (0) X , whereas the right panel depicts contours in the ((0) , δ) plane marginalized over w . The CDM model (wX = −1) with no coupling X X (δ = 0) is in the 1σ contour bound. The best-fit model parameters correspond to δ = −0.03, wX = −1.02, and (0) X = 0.73. From Ref. [279].
From the Friedmann equation (8.102) and neglecting radiation we obtain 3(1+wX) + E 2 (z) = (0) X (1 + z)
! 1 − (0) X δ(1 + z)3(1+wX) + 3wX (1 + z)3−δ , δ + 3wX (8.106)
(0) 2 where E(z) = H (z)/H0 and (0) X = ρX /(3H0 ). Hence the Hubble parameter, parametrized in terms of the three parameters (δ, wX , (0) X ), is now in a convenient form to confront with the SN Ia, CMB, and BAO observations. In the high-redshift region (z 1), it follows from Eq. (8.105) that ρX behaves as ρX −ρm(0) δ/(δ + 3wX )(1 + z)3−δ for 3wX < −δ. Hence the energy density of dark energy is negative for δ < 0. We do not exclude such a possibility in the likelihood analysis of model parameters. Using the parametrization (8.106) it is possible to place observational constraints on the coupling δ from the combined data analysis of the luminosity distance dL of SN Ia, the CMB shift parameter R, and the BAO effective distance DV . In Fig. 8.4 we plot observational likelihood contours in both (wX , δ) and ((0) X , δ) planes for the constant δ model using data from SNLS, CMB, and BAO. The CDM model (wX = −1) with no coupling (δ = 0) is in the 1σ observational contour bound. The allowed observational contours are rather widely spread in the phantom region
8.3 Coupled dark energy
(wX < −1) with a negative coupling (δ < 0), whereas other parameter regions in the (wX , δ) plane are also allowed. (B) Varying δ models In order to parametrize H (z) for the varying δ case, one way is to assume that the following relation holds between the energy densities ρX and ρm : ρX(0) a ξ ρX = (0) , (8.107) ρm ρm a0 where ξ is a constant [274]. When ξ = 0, Eq. (8.107) corresponds to the scaling relation between dark energy and dark matter. In the absence of the coupling δ with constant wX the energy density of dark energy evolves as ρX ∝ a −3(1+wX ) , which gives the relation ξ = −3wX . The CDM model corresponds to wX = −1 and ξ = 3. The presence of an interaction between dark energy and dark matter indicates that ξ = −3wX . Taking the time derivative of Eq. (8.107), we obtain the relation ρ˙X /(HρX ) − ρ˙m /(Hρm ) = ξ . Substituting Eqs. (8.99) and (8.100) into this equation, we find that the dimensionless coupling δ can be expressed as δ(z) = −(ξ + 3wX )X (z) ,
where X (z) = ρX /(3H 2 ). Since the density parameter X (z) is given by X (z) = [(ρm(0) /ρX(0) )(1 + z)ξ + 1]−1 , the coupling δ(z) varies in time according to δ(z) =
δ0 (0) X
ξ + (1 − (0) X )(1 + z)
where δ0 ≡ −(ξ + 3wX )(0) X is the present value of the coupling. When ξ > 0 the coupling |δ(z)| gets smaller for higher z. Using Eqs. (8.99) and (8.100) together with Eq. (8.107), we obtain the following differential equation for the total density ρT = ρm + ρX : 8−1 7 3 d ln ρT ρm(0) a −ξ . =− 1 + wX +1 (8.110) da a ρX(0) a0 This can be integrated to give 7 ξ 86−3wX /ξ −3 5 ρX(0) a a (0) 1 − (0) 1 − ρT = ρT . a0 a0 ρT Hence the evolution of the normalized Hubble parameter is −3wX /ξ (0) −ξ + (1 + z) . E 2 (z) = (1 + z)3 1 − (0) X X
Dark energy as a modified form of matter II
There are three parameters (ξ , wX , (0) X ) in this model. Since δ0 is related to these variables by the relation δ0 = −(ξ + 3wX )(0) X , one can instead vary three ) when we carry out the likelihood analysis to confront the parameters (δ0 , wX , (0) X model with observational data. The likelihood analysis using the combined data analysis of SNLS [107], the CMB shift parameter R [14], and the BAO effective distance DV [68] gives the bounds −0.4 < δ0 < 0.1, −1.18 < wX < −0.91, and 0.69 < (0) X < 0.77 at the 95% confidence level [279]. Since δ(z) decreases for larger z, the observational constraint on δ0 is not so severe compared to the constant coupling model. From the above results we find that the uncoupled CDM model is well consistent with observational data. The above results are based solely on the modification of the background expansion history of the Universe induced by the coupling. In order to discuss galaxy clustering, for example, we need to study the evolution of matter density perturbations in these coupled dark energy models. In Ref. [290] it was shown that there is an instability of the matter perturbation in the deep radiation-dominated epoch for the constant wX models. The assumption of constant wX is restrictive, so one may extend the analysis to more realistic models with varying wX . While the simple parametrization of the Hubble parameter is difficult in such cases, it will be of interest to pursue the possibility to avoid the instabilities of perturbations. 8.3.4 Mass varying neutrino scenario It is known that the mass-squared difference between two different species of neutrinos is around (10−2 –10−3 eV)2 experimentally, whereas the energy scale of dark energy is about (10−3 eV)4 . The similarity between these energy scales has motivated a number of models in which neutrinos and dark energy “know” each other through a direct coupling. In these models, called mass varying neutrino, the mass of the neutrino, mν , depends on a dark energy scalar field φ [291, 292, 293, 294, 295]. Assuming that the distribution of neutrinos is Fermi–Dirac and neglecting its chemical potential, the energy density and the pressure of neutrinos can be expressed, respectively, as [296] Tν4 ∞ y 2 y 2 + ξ (φ)2 , (8.113) dy ρν = 2 π 0 ey + 1 ∞ T4 y4 Pν = ν 2 dy , (8.114) 3π 0 y 2 + ξ (φ)2 (ey + 1) where ξ (φ) ≡ mν (φ)/Tν and y ≡ pν /Tν with Tν and pν being the temperature and the momentum of neutrinos, respectively. We also assume that the scalar field φ
8.3 Coupled dark energy
has a standard kinetic term with a potential V (φ). Then the effective potential of the system is given by VT (φ) = V (φ) + (ρν − 3Pν ) .
The total energy density and the pressure are ρT = ρν + ρφ and PT = Pν + Pφ , respectively, where ρφ = φ˙ 2 /2 + V (φ) and Pφ = φ˙ 2 /2 − V (φ). The total energy satisfies the following conservation law ρ˙T + 3H (ρT + PT ) = 0 .
Substituting the expression of ρT into Eq. (8.116), we obtain the equation for φ: φ¨ + 3H φ˙ + V,φ = −Q(φ)(ρν − 3Pν ) ,
Q(φ) ≡
d ln mν (φ) . dφ
Let us consider the late-time cosmological evolution of the mass varying neutrino scenario in the non-relativistic limit, mν Tν . Note that in the regime where neutrinos are relativistic (ξ 1) one has ρν 3Pν so that the r.h.s. of Eq. (8.117) is suppressed. In the non-relativistic limit (ξ 1) the neutrino energy density (8.113) and the pressure (8.114) reduce to ρν nν mν (φ) ,
Pν 0 ,
where nν is the number density of neutrinos given by Tν3 ∞ dy y 2 3ζ (3) 3 T . nν = 2 = y π 0 e +1 2π 2 ν
Hence Eq. (8.117) is approximately given by φ¨ + 3H φ˙ + V,φ −Q(φ) ρν .
This is the same equation as Eq. (8.77) with ρm = ρν . Thus the mass varying neutrino scenario can be regarded as a coupled quintessence model in which the coupling Q(φ) depends on the variation of the neutrino mass. For non-relativistic neutrinos the effective potential (8.115) is given by VT (φ) V (φ) + nν mν (φ) .
Even if the field potential V (φ) does not have a minimum, the term nν mν (φ) gives rise to instantaneous minima that vary in time. At the potential minimum we have ∂VT /∂φ = 0 and hence nν = −
∂V (φ) . ∂mν (φ)
Dark energy as a modified form of matter II
The potential minimum is present provided that ∂V /∂mν < 0. The kinetic energy of the field φ can be neglected relative to its potential energy at the epoch of cosmic acceleration, so that the total energy density and pressure are approximately given by ρT nν mν + V (φ) and PT −V (φ). Then the equation of state, w ≡ PT /ρT , is w=−
V (φ) . nν mν + V (φ)
As long as nν mν V (φ) it follows that w −1. Hence the mass varying neutrino scenario gives rise to the equation of state satisfying the condition for the late-time cosmic acceleration. The cosmological consequences of the mass varying neutrino scenario such as the effect on CMB and LSS have been extensively studied by a number of authors [297, 298, 299, 300, 301]. A particular case of the mass varying neutrino occurs when the ratio of the neutrino energy density to the scalar field energy density is constant during the accelerated epoch [302]. This is the case of the asymptotic scaling solution (d) discussed in Section 8.3.1 for the exponential potential. Since the effective coupling on the r.h.s. of Eq. (8.117) is suppressed when the neutrino is relativistic but it grows as the neutrino becomes non-relativistic, it is possible that the matter era is followed by the accelerated scaling era (with constant Q asymptotically). If |Q/λ| 1 one sees that the abundance of the coupled component, in this case neutrinos, is constant and related to the field density by the relation ν /φ −1 , while the effective equation of state is weff −1 + −1 , where ≡ Q/λ. Therefore the ratio sets at the same time the asymptotic values of the acceleration and of the neutrino density and its mass (averaged over the neutrino families). The fact that the present densities of dark matter and baryons are non-zero implies that we are not yet on the final scaling attractor, so the relations above apply only approximately to the present epoch. In particular, for large we can write ν φ / (1 − m )/ and therefore weff −1 + ν /(1 − m ). Since the present energy density of massive 2 the present neutrinos is (0) ν ν mν /(94 h eV) (see e.g., [74]), it turns out that ˆ ν ≡ ν mν /3 is equation of state in terms of the present neutrino average mass m given by [302] weff −1 +
ˆ ν (t0 )/31 eV) (m h2 (1
(0) m )
−1 +
ˆ ν (t0 ) m . 12 eV
In this case observing the equation of state gives information on the neutrino mass, which in turn can be compared with the value derived independently from laboratory measurements. Beside the equation of state/neutrino mass relation above, the accelerated scaling model makes several definite predictions. Due to the strong coupling required for
8.3 Coupled dark energy
the scaling regime to hold, one expects a fast growth of perturbations in the neutrino component. This might lead to interesting phenomena of neutrino-driven clustering and of formation of large neutrino lumps but on the other hand severely limits the viable parametric range of the model [303]. 8.3.5 Couplings to the electromagnetic field Recently there has been some controversial observational evidence in favor of a temporal variation of the effective fine structure constant α. For example, the Oklo natural fission reactor [304] constrained the variation of α relative to the present value α0 to be −0.9 × 10−7 < α/α ≡ (α − α0 )/α0 < 1.2 × 10−7 at the redshift z ∼ 0.16. The absorption line spectra of distant quasars have given the constraints α/α = (−0.574 ± 0.102) × 10−5 over the redshift range 0.2 < z < 3.7 [305, 306] and α/α = (−0.06 ± 0.06) × 10−5 for 0.4 < z < 2.3 [307]. Although the possibility of systematic errors still remains [308], this can provide an important implication for dark energy. The variation of α implies the existence of massless or nearly massless fields coupled to gauge fields. Then quintessence or another type of scalar field (such as k-essence) may be responsible for the time variation of α through an interaction between the field φ and an electromagnetic field Fµν . The Lagrangian density describing such a coupling is given by 1 LF (φ) = − BF (φ)Fµν F µν . (8.126) 4 Originally Bekenstein introduced an exponential form of the coupling: BF (φ) = e−ζ κ(φ−φ0 ) [309], where ζ is a coupling constant and φ0 is the field value today. Provided that |ζ κ(φ − φ0 )| 1, the coupling BF (φ) has the following linear dependence: BF (φ) = 1 − ζ κ(φ − φ0 ) .
This is only one example for the form of the coupling, see Refs. [310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316] for other choices of the coupling. Since the fine structure “constant” α is inversely proportional to BF (φ) this can be expressed as α = α0 /BF (φ), where α0 is the present value. Then the variation of α for the coupling (8.127) is given by α α − α0 ζ κ(φ − φ0 ) . = α α0
Using the constraint α/α −10−5 around z = 3 [306] coming from the information of quasar absorption lines, the coupling ζ can be expressed as ζ −
10−5 . κφ(z = 3) − κφ(z = 0)
Dark energy as a modified form of matter II
The ratio of the variation of α around the present can be evaluated as α˙ d(κφ) ζ κ φ˙ −ζ H0 , (8.130) α d(1 + z) ˙ from atomic clocks is where H0 is the Hubble parameter today. The bound on α/α −15 −1 |α/α| ˙ < 4.2 × 10 yr [317]. z=0 As an example, let us consider quintessence with the inverse power-law potential V (φ) = M 4+n φ −n . In the tracking regime of the matter-dominated era, we have shown that the field equation of state is constant: wφ = −2/(n + 2), see Eq. (7.42). It then follows that the quantity x = φ˙ 2 /(2V ) defined in Eq. (7.29) is also constant, i.e. φ˙ 2 n . (8.131) = 2M 4+n φ −n n+4 Integrating this equation, we find that the evolution of the field in the tracking regime is given by φ ∝ t 2/(n+2) ∝ a 3/(n+2) .
After the system enters the accelerated epoch, this solution begins to lose its accuracy because the variation of wφ occurs (see Fig. 7.3). Let us proceed to estimate the variation of α under the approximation that the field evolution is given by Eq. (8.132) up to the present epoch, i.e. 3/(n+2) a = φ0 (1 + z)−3/(n+2) . (8.133) φ ≈ φ0 a0 We then find that the coupling ζ in Eq. (8.129) is 10−5 (κφ0 )−1 . (8.134) 1 − 4−3/(2+n) Recall that κφ0 is of the order of unity in order to realize the present cosmic acceleration. Since the denominator in Eq. (8.134) is slightly smaller than 1 for n = O(1), the coupling ζ is constrained to be ζ ≈ 10−5 . More careful analysis [315] shows that ζ is in fact of this order for the consistency with the quasar bound. Using the approximate solution (8.133), the variation of α today can be estimated from Eq. (8.130): α˙ 3 (κφ0 )ζ H0 ≈ ζ H0 , ≈ (8.135) α z=0 n + 2 ζ ≈
where the last approximate equality holds for n = O(1). Recall that H0 is given by H0 = (h/9.78) × 10−9 yr−1 with h ≈ 0.7. When ζ ≈ 10−5 it follows that −15 −1 yr , which satisfies the atomic clock constraints. More strin(α/α) ˙ z=0 ≈ 10 gent constraints, as in Ref. [318], can be escaped by a suitable modulation of the potential [319].
8.4 Chameleon scalar fields
The variation of α for other quintessence potentials was discussed in detail in Ref. [315]. There is also a k-essence model in which a tachyon field is coupled to electromagnetic fields [320]. In this case the form of the coupling BF (φ) is naturally determined by underlying particle theory. 8.4 Chameleon scalar fields If a scalar field φ couples to a non-relativistic matter as in the coupled quintessence scenario, this gives rise to a fifth force interaction which can be constrained experimentally. In fact, a coupling Q of the order of unity often arises in superstring and supergravity theories. The existence of such a strongly coupled scalar field is not in general compatible with local gravity experiments unless some mechanism exists to suppress the propagation of the fifth force. There is an interesting attempt called the chameleon mechanism to reconcile large coupling models with local gravity constraints [321, 322]. This is based on a coupled quintessence field whose effective mass is different depending on the environment it is in. The matter coupling gives rise to an extremum of the field potential the field can sit on. If the matter density is sufficiently high as in the interior of a compact object, the field acquires a heavy mass about the potential minimum so that it cannot propagate freely. Meanwhile the field has a lighter mass in a low-density environment such as the exterior of the same compact object. An effective coupling Qeff between the scalar field φ and the non-relativistic matter can be much smaller than its bare coupling Q when a spherically symmetric body has a thin-shell around the surface of the body [321, 322]. The field is nearly frozen around the potential extremum at φ = φA in the region 0 < r < r1 , where r1 is close to the radius rc of the body. In the thin-shell region (r1 < r < rc ) the field begins to evolve because of the dominance of the matter coupling term QρA , where ρA is the mean density of the body. As long as the condition (rc − r1 )/rc 1 is satisfied, it is possible to make the effective coupling |Qeff | small so that the models are consistent with local gravity experiments. In the following we shall discuss the chameleon mechanism and the resulting field profile in detail. The action of the chameleon scalar field φ with a potential V (φ) is similar to that of the coupled quintessence scenario: S=
1 µν 1 (i) d x −g R − g ∂µ φ∂ν φ − V (φ) − d4 x Lm (gµν , m(i) ) , 2 2 (8.136) 4
where g is the determinant of the metric gµν (in the Einstein frame) and Lm is a (i) matter Lagrangian with m(i) being the matter fields coupled to a metric gµν . The
Dark energy as a modified form of matter II
(i) metric gµν is related to the Einstein frame metric gµν via (i) gµν = e2Qi φ gµν ,
where Qi are the strengths of the couplings for each matter component with the field φ. We use the unit κ 2 = 8π G = 1/Mpl2 = 1, but we restore Mpl or G when it is needed. The action (8.136) can originate from a theory in which the field φ has a direct ˜ This belongs to a class of interaction of the form e−2Qφ R˜ with the Ricci scalar R. scalar tensor theory whose action is given by 1 −2Qφ ˜ 1 4 2 −2Qφ ˜ 2 ˜ S = d x −g˜ e (∇φ) − U (φ) R − (1 − 6Q )e 2 2 (8.138) − d4 x Lm (g˜ µν , m ) . Here a tilde represents quantities in a frame (called the Jordan frame) where φ ˜ As we will see in Section 9.2, the action (8.138) has a direct interaction with R. is equivalent to that in Brans–Dicke theory with a potential U (φ). Under the conformal transformation, gµν = e−2Qφ g˜ µν , we obtain the action (8.136) in the Einstein frame, together with the field potential V (φ) = U (φ) e4Qφ . Note that the couplings Qi are the same (Qi = Q) for each matter field. Clearly the metric (i) gµν in Eq. (8.136) corresponds to the metric g˜ µν in the Jordan frame. Varying the Einstein frame action (8.136) with respect to the field φ, we get µν (i) φ − V,φ = − Qi e4Qi φ g(i) Tµν , (8.139) i
µν where = (2/ −g (i) )δ Lm /δg(i) is the energy-momentum tensor of the i-th µν (i) matter component. The trace of the i-th component is given by T (i) ≡ g(i) Tµν = −ρ˜i for a non-relativistic fluid, where ρ˜i is an energy density. If the action (8.136) originates from that in the Jordan frame, then ρ˜i represents the energy density in the Jordan frame. We introduce the energy density ρi = ρ˜i e3Qi φ which is conserved in the Einstein frame.2 Note that this is different from the energy density ρi(E) = ρ˜i e4Qi φ in the Einstein frame. Equation (8.139) can be written as φ = V,φ + Q i ρ i e Qi φ . (8.140) (i) Tµν
In a spherically symmetric spacetime of the Minkowski background (i.e. weak gravity background) this reduces to dVeff (φ) d2 φ 2 dφ = , (8.141) + 2 dr r dr dφ 2
In the FLRW cosmological background this means that ρi satisfies the equation ρ˙i + 3Hρi = 0, while the (E) (E) (E) ˙ (E) . equation for ρi is ρ˙i + 3Hρi = Qi φρ i
8.4 Chameleon scalar fields
where r is the distance from the center of symmetry and the effective potential Veff is defined by ρi eQi φ . (8.142) Veff (φ) ≡ V (φ) + i
In a strong gravity background, Eq. (8.141) is subject to change due to the backreaction of gravitational potentials. In the analysis presented below we focus on the weak gravity background in which the neglect of gravitational potentials can be justified. We shall consider the case where the couplings Qi are the same for each matter component, i.e. Qi = Q together with ρ = ρi , so that the effective potential is Veff (φ) = V (φ) + ρeQφ .
We also assume that the spherically symmetric body has a homogeneous density ρ = ρA and a mass Mc = (4π/3)ρA rc3 with a homogeneous density ρ = ρB outside the body. The effective potential Veff has minima at field values φA and φB given by V,φ (φA ) + QρA eQφA = 0 ,
V,φ (φB ) + QρB eQφB = 0 .
The former corresponds to the region with a high density (interior of the body) with 2 a large mass squared m2A ≡ ddφVeff 2 (φA ), whereas the latter to the lower density region (exterior of the body) with a small mass squared m2B ≡ illustration.
d2 Veff (φB ). dφ 2
See Fig. 8.5 for
8.4.1 The field profile of the chameleon field Equation (8.141) shows that we need to consider the potential (−Veff ) in order to find the “dynamics” of the field with respect to r. This means that the effective potential (−Veff ) has a maximum at φ = φA , see Fig. 8.6. We impose the following boundary conditions: dφ (r = 0) = 0 , dr
φ(r → ∞) = φB .
The field φ is at rest at r = 0 and begins to roll down the potential when the mattercoupling term QρA eQφ becomes important at a radius r1 . If the field value at r = 0 is close to φA , the field is nearly frozen around φA in the region 0 < r < r1 . The body has a thin-shell if r1 is close to the radius rc of the body. In the region 0 < r < r1 , the r.h.s. of Eq. (8.141) can be approximated as dVeff /dφ m2A (φ − φA ) around φ = φA . Hence the solution to Eq. (8.141) is given by φ(r) = φA + Ae−mA r /r + BemA r /r, where A and B are integration constants.
Dark energy as a modified form of matter II
rA e
Small density rB
Veff (f)
Veff (f)
Large density rA
rB e
Figure 8.5 The effective potential Veff of a chameleon field (solid curve) for the case V,φ < 0 and Q > 0. The effective potential is the sum of the field potential V (φ) (dashed curve) and the coupling term ρeQφ (dotted curve). The left and right panels correspond to large and small densities, respectively. The field tends to be more massive around the minimum of the effective potential for larger density ρ.
Figure 8.6 The inverted effective potential (−Veff ) of a chameleon field inside (left) and outside (right) a spherically symmetric body with constant matter densities ρA and ρB , respectively. The black points represent the position of the field and show how the field “evolves” with the increase of r. If the body has a thin-shell, the field is nearly frozen in the region 0 < r < r1 with (rc − r1 )/rc 1. The field rolls down the potential for r1 < r < rc and it rolls up the potential for r > rc after acquiring a sufficient kinetic energy in the thin-shell regime (r1 < r < rc ).
8.4 Chameleon scalar fields
Since B = −A to avoid the divergence of φ at r = 0, the solution reduces to φ(r) = φA +
A(e−mA r − emA r ) r
(0 < r < r1 ) ,
which satisfies the boundary condition dφ (r = 0) = 0. dr In the region r1 < r < rc the field |φ(r)| evolves toward larger values with the increase of r. In this regime the condition |V,φ | |QρA eQφ | is satisfied. Since Qφ 1 for most of the field potentials relevant to dark energy, one has dVeff /dφ QρA in Eq. (8.141). We then find the following solution C 1 (r1 < r < rc ) , (8.148) φ(r) = QρA r 2 − + D 6 r where C and D are constants. In the region r > rc the field |φ| climbs up the potential hill toward larger values. As long as the field acquires a sufficient kinetic energy in the thin-shell regime, the l.h.s. of Eq. (8.141) dominates over the r.h.s. of it. Then the solution outside the body satisfying the boundary condition φ(r → ∞) = φB is given by E (8.149) φ(r) = φB + (r > rc ) . r If we take into account a small mass term mB , the solution is given by φ(r) φB + Ee−mB (r−rc ) /r. In the following we neglect the contribution of the mass mB as it does not affect the essential part of the discussion. The coefficients A, C, D, and E are determined by imposing continuity conditions of φ(r) and φ (r) for the three solutions (8.147), (8.148), and (8.149) at r = r1 and r = rc . We then obtain the following field profile [323] −mA r 1 1 e − emA r 2 2 φ Qρ , − φ + (r − r ) φ(r) = φA − B A A 1 c mA (e−mA r1 + emA r1 ) 2 r (8.150) (0 < r < r1 ), 3 1 QρA r1 φ(r) = φB + QρA (r 2 − 3rc2 ) + 6 3r −mA r1 mA r1 −e e 1 r1 2 2 φB − φA + QρA (r1 − rc ) , − 1+ −m r m r mA r1 (e A 1 + e A 1 ) 2 r (r1 < r < rc ), r1 r1 2 1 3 1− φ(r) = φB − r1 (φB − φA ) + QρA rc 2 + 6 rc rc −mA r1 mA r1 e 1 1 −e 2 2 φ Qρ , + − φ + (r − r ) B A A 1 c mA (e−mA r1 + emA r1 ) 2 r (r > rc ) .
Dark energy as a modified form of matter II
In the original papers of the chameleon mechanism [321, 322], Khoury and Weltman matched two solutions at r = rc by assuming that the field is frozen in the regime 0 < r < r1 . In Ref. [323] this was revisited to match three solutions (8.147), (8.148), and (8.149) at r = r1 and r = rc . The radius r1 is determined by the condition m2A [φ(r1 ) − φA ] = QρA , which translates into 1 6Qc mA r1 (emA r1 + e−mA r1 ) φB − φA + QρA (r12 − rc2 ) = , 2 (mA rc )2 emA r1 − e−mA r1
where c = Mc /(8π rc ) = ρA rc2 /6 is the gravitational potential at the surface of the body. Using this relation, the field profile in the region r > rc is φ(r) = φB − 2Qeff where Qeff
GMc , r
mA r1 (emA r1 + e−mA r1 ) 1 r13 r1 =Q 1− 3 +3 −1 . rc rc (mA rc )2 emA r1 − e−mA r1
In Refs. [321, 324] the field equation (8.141) was numerically integrated in the case of an inverse power-law potential V (φ) = M 4+n φ −n by using the solution (8.150) as a boundary condition around r = 0. In Ref. [324] it was found that the approximation dVeff /dφ QρA in the region r1 < r < rc overestimates the field value outside the body (typically about 20%). Note that taking into account the mass term mB outside the body does not change the situation. However, since the order of Qeff does not change, it is a good approximation to use the field profile (8.154) with (8.155) at least for estimating the strength of the effective coupling. The fifth force on a test particle of unit mass and a coupling Q is given by F φ = −Q∇φ. Hence its amplitude in the region r > rc is Fφ = 2 |QQeff |
GMc . r2
As long as |Qeff | 1 it is possible to make the fifth force suppressed relative to the gravitational force GMc /r 2 . From Eq. (8.155) the amplitude of the effective coupling can be made much smaller than |Q| provided that the conditions rc ≡ rc − r1 rc and mA rc 1 are satisfied. Hence we require that the body has a thin-shell and that the field is heavy inside the body for the chameleon mechanism to work. When the body has a thin-shell (rc rc ), one can expand Eq. (8.153) in terms of the small parameters rc /rc and 1/(mA rc ): th
rc 1 + , rc mA r c
8.4 Chameleon scalar fields
where th is the so-called thin-shell parameter defined by th ≡
φB − φA . 6Qc
As long as mA rc (rc /rc )−1 , this recovers the relation th rc /rc [321, 322]. The effective coupling (8.155) is approximately given by Qeff 3Qth .
Under the condition th 1 one has |Qeff | |Q|, which means that the smallness of the thin-shell parameter is crucially important for the compatibility with local gravity constraints. From Eqs. (8.150) and (8.151) the field values at r = 0 and r = r1 are φ(0) φA + 12Qc /(mA rc emA rc ) and φ(r1 ) φA + 6Qc /(mA rc )2 . This shows that, under the condition mA rc 1, the field needs to be very close to φA inside the body to avoid that the field rapidly rolls down the potential because of the heavy mass. If the field value at r = 0 is away from φA , it begins to roll down the potential at r = 0. This is the “thick-shell” solution, which corresponds to taking the limit r1 → 0 in Eq. (8.155). One has Qeff Q in this limit, so that the model does not satisfy local gravity constraints for values of Q of the order of unity. Hence the body needs to have a thin-shell for the chameleon mechanism to work.
8.4.2 The violation of the equivalence principle When the spherically symmetric body has a thin-shell, we can place experimental bounds on the thin-shell parameter th from the possible violation of the equivalence principle (EP). The tightest bound comes from the solar system tests of the weak EP using the free-fall acceleration of the Moon (aMoon ) and Earth (a⊕ ) toward the Sun [322]. The experimental bound on the difference of two accelerations is given by [325] 2
|aMoon − a⊕ | < 10−13 . aMoon + a⊕
Under the conditions that Earth, Sun, and Moon have thin-shells, the field profiles outside the bodies are given as in Eq. (8.154) with the replacement of corresponding quantities. For the field potential that can satisfy local gravity constraints, the condition |φB | |φA | holds for these objects. Then the thin-shell parameters are th,⊕ φB /(6Q⊕ ), th, φB /(6Q ), th,Moon φB /(6QMoon ) for Earth, Sun, and Moon, respectively, with the same asymptotic field value φB for each object. Note that the gravitational potentials are ⊕ 7.0 × 10−10 , 2.1 × 10−6 , and Moon 3.1 × 10−11 , respectively. Hence we obtain the
Dark energy as a modified form of matter II
following relations th,
⊕ th,⊕ ,
⊕ th,⊕ . Moon
The acceleration induced by a fifth force with the field profile φ(r) and the effective coupling Qeff is a fifth = |Qeff ∇φ(r)|. Using the thin-shell solution (8.154) for each object, the accelerations a⊕ and aMoon toward the Sun (mass M ) are [322] GM ⊕ GM 2 2 2 1 + 18Q th,⊕ th, 1 + 18Q th,⊕ , (8.162) a⊕ = r2 r2 GM 2⊕ GM 2 2 2 1 + 18Q th,⊕ , 1 + 18Q th,Moon th, aMoon = r2 r2 Moon (8.163) where we have used Eq. (8.161). Then the condition (8.160) translates into th,⊕ <
8.8 × 10−7 . |Q|
The constraint coming from the violation of strong EP provides a bound th,⊕ 10−4 [322], which is weaker than (8.164) for |Q| = O(1). 8.4.3 Solar system constraints In Chapter 9 we will place constraints on modified gravity models by starting from the Jordan frame action given in Eq. (8.138). One can derive the spherically symmetric metric in the Jordan frame by using the technique of the conformal transformation. This is useful to place solar system constraints on modified gravity models by using the so-called post-Newtonian parameter. The spherically symmetric metric in the Einstein frame is given by ds 2 = gµν dx µ dx ν = −[1 − 2A(r)]dt 2 + [1 + 2B(r)]dr 2 + r 2 d2 ,
where A(r) and B (r) are functions of the distance r from the center of symmetry and d2 = dθ 2 + sin2 θ dφ 2 . The metric outside the spherically symmetric body with mass Mc is given by A(r) B (r) GMc /r for weak gravity. In order to derive the modification induced by the coupling Q we shall consider (i) defined by Eq. (8.137) or, equivalently, the Jordan frame metric the metric gµν 2Qφ g˜ µν = e gµν . The line element in the Jordan frame is d˜s 2 = e2Qφ ds 2 = −[1 − 2A˜ (˜r )]dt 2 + [1 + 2B˜ (˜r )]d˜r 2 + r˜ 2 d2 .
(8.166) (8.167)
8.4 Chameleon scalar fields
In the following we shall consider the case |Qφ| 1 and take only the linear terms in Qφ. The condition |Qφ| 1 is satisfied for most of the models we will discuss later. Then we obtain the following relations r˜ = eQφ r ,
A˜ (˜r ) A(r) − Qφ(r) ,
dφ(r) . B˜ (˜r ) B (r) − Qr dr
Provided that |Qφ| 1 we have that r˜ r. Using the thin-shell solution (8.154) with (8.159), we find that the metrics A˜ (r) and B˜ (r) in the Jordan frame are ! GMc 1 + 6Q2 th (1 − r/rc ) , A˜ (r) = r
GMc 1 − 6Q2 th . B˜ (r) = r (8.169)
Here we have used the approximation |φB | |φA | and hence φB 6Qc th . The requirement that the term QφB does not exceed A(r) = GMc /r in Eq. (8.168) gives the condition r/rc < (6Q2 th )−1 . As long as the field φ reaches the value φB with the distance rB satisfying the condition rB /rc < (6Q2 th )−1 , the metric A˜ (r) does not change its sign for r < rB . The post-Newtonian parameter γ is given by γ ≡
1 − 6Q2 th B˜ (r) . 1 + 6Q2 th (1 − r/rc ) A˜ (r)
The present tightest solar system constraint on the post-Newtonian parameter comes from the time-delay effect of the Cassini tracking for the Sun [326]: |γ − 1| < 2.3 × 10−5 .
Since γ 1 − 6Q2 th for r ≈ rc the constraint (8.171) is satisfied for th, < 3.8 × 10−6 /Q2 , where th, is the thin-shell parameter for Sun. Even when |Q| = O(1), as long as the thin-shell parameter is much smaller than unity the models can be compatible with solar system tests. The bound (8.171) coming from the solar system constraint is typically weaker than the constraint (8.164) coming from the violation of weak equivalence principle, so we shall adopt the bound (8.164) in the following discussions.
8.4.4 Constraints on the model with an inverse power-law potential Let us consider experimental bounds on model parameters for the inverse powerlaw potential V (φ) = M 4+n φ −n .
Dark energy as a modified form of matter II
In this subsection we shall consider the positive coupling Q > 0 with φ > 0. This is a quintessence potential giving a tracking cosmological solution [38]. In the previous section we have shown that the effective coupling Qeff can be made much smaller than Q for thin-shell solutions with mA rc 1. Using Eq. (8.158) and the value ⊕ 7.0 × 10−10 for Earth, the bound (8.164) translates into |φB,⊕ | < 3.7 × 10−15 .
Note that we have employed the relation |φB,⊕ | |φA,⊕ |. We recall that φB,⊕ depends upon the density ρB outside Earth. We take the value ρB 10−24 g/cm3 that corresponds to the mean dark matter/baryon density in our galaxy. For the inverse power-law potential (8.172) we have 1 5 6 n+1 4 n Mpl M n+4 Mpl , (8.174) φB,⊕ = Q ρB Mpl where we have recovered Mpl . Using the bound (8.173) with n and Q of the order of unity, we get the following constraint M 10−
15n+130 n+4
Mpl .
This shows that M 10−2 eV for n = 1 and M 10−4 eV for n = 2. The mass squared m2A about the potential minimum at φ = φA is given by n+2 n+4 − n+2 n+1 n+1 M − n+1 2 n ρA 2 Mpl . (8.176) mA = n(n + 1) Q Mpl Mpl4 Multiplying the square of the Earth radius rc and eliminating M with the use of Eq. (8.174), we obtain 1 n+1 ρA 1 2 (mA rc ) = 6(n + 1)Q⊕ . (8.177) ρB φB,⊕ Since the mean density of the Earth is ρA ≈ 10 g/cm3 , the experimental bound (8.173) leads to 5n+30 mA rc > 3 (n + 1)Q · 10 2(n+1) . (8.178) When Q is of the order of unity one has mA rc 109 for n = 1 and mA rc 107 for n = 2. Hence in these cases the mass mA in fact satisfies the condition mA rc 1. From the above discussion it appears that the local gravity constraints can be satisfied for the inverse power-law potential through the chameleon mechanism. If the same potential is responsible for dark energy, we require that the mass M satisfies the condition (7.34). For n of the order of unity, this requirement is not
8.5 Dark energy models with scaling solutions
compatible with the condition (8.175). However, if we consider the potential of the form V (φ) = M 4 exp(M n /φ n ) [327], we have V (φ) ≈ M 4 + M 4+n φ −n for φ M so that the late-time cosmic acceleration is realized for M ≈ 10−3 eV. This mass scale can then be compatible with the bound coming from local gravity constraints. See Refs. [328, 329] for the possibility of experimental detections of the chameleon field. 8.5 Dark energy models with scaling solutions We have shown in Section 7.2 that scaling solutions are present for the quintessence scalar field with an exponential potential. The ratio of the field density ρϕ to the fluid density ρM as well as the field equation of state wϕ is a non-zero (finite) constant for scaling solutions: ρϕ = constant (= 0) , wϕ = constant . (8.179) ρM In this model this solution lies at the boundary between acceleration and deceleration. For a scalar field potential shallower than the exponential potential the solutions finally enter a tracking regime. Scaling solutions can be also found when dark energy is coupled to matter as we have seen in Section 8.3.1. One example is what we have called φMDE which can replace the standard matter era. Another type is represented by the fixed point (d) in Table 8.1 that can lead to the late-time cosmic acceleration. In this section we shall derive a class of the Lagrangian densities having scaling solutions for general k-essence models. 8.5.1 The condition for the existence of scaling solutions Let us start with the following general action 1 4 √ R + P (ϕ, X) + Sm (gµν , ϕ, m(i) ) , S = d x −gM 2
where gM is the determinant of the metric, P (ϕ, X) is a Lagrangian density which is the function of a scalar field ϕ and its kinetic energy X = −(1/2)g µν ∂µ ϕ ∂ν ϕ. For generality we allow for the interaction between the matter fields m(i) and the scalar field ϕ. We shall consider the same form of the coupling as given in Eq. (8.71). We assume that the coupling is a function of the field ϕ, i.e. Q = Q(ϕ). Note that the unit κ 2 = 8π G = 1 is chosen. We focus on the solution with a constant equation of state parameter wϕ ≡ P (ϕ, X)/ρϕ in the scaling regime, we assume that the Universe is filled only by two components: the scalar field ϕ and the pressureless matter with an equation of
Dark energy as a modified form of matter II
state wm = 0. Recalling that the field energy density is given by ρϕ = 2XP,X − P , the energy densities ρϕ and ρm satisfy the following equations of motion in the flat FLRW spacetime: dϕ dρϕ + 3(1 + wϕ )ρϕ = −Q(ϕ)ρm , dN dN dϕ dρm + 3(1 + wm )ρm = +Q(ϕ)ρm , dN dN
(8.181) (8.182)
where N = ln a. The Friedmann equation is given by 3H 2 = ρϕ + ρm .
We define the fractional densities of ρϕ and ρm as ϕ ≡
ρϕ , 3H 2
m ≡
ρm , 3H 2
which satisfy the relation ϕ + m = 1 from Eq. (8.183). We are looking for asymptotic scaling solutions where both ϕ and wϕ are constants. The condition ρϕ /ρm = constant translates into d(ln ρϕ )/dN = d(ln ρm )/dN. From Eqs. (8.181) and (8.182) we obtain the following relations dϕ 3ϕ 1 = (wm − wϕ ) ∝ , dN Q(ϕ) Q(ϕ)
d ln P d ln ρϕ d ln ρm = = = −3(1 + weff ) , dN dN dN
weff ≡ wm m + wϕ ϕ .
Since P is a function of ϕ and X, Eq. (8.186) translates into ∂ ln P dϕ ∂ ln P d ln X + = −3(1 + weff ) . ∂ϕ dN ∂ ln X dN From the definition of X, one gets dϕ 2 ρϕ P (ϕ, X) 2 ∝ ∝ , 2X = H dN Q(ϕ)2 Q(ϕ)2
and thus d ln X d ln Q = −3(1 + weff ) − 2 . dN dN
8.5 Dark energy models with scaling solutions
Substituting Eqs. (8.185) and (8.190) into Eq. (8.188), we arrive at the following equation for the Lagrangian density P (ϕ, X): 1 ∂ ln P 2 dQ(ϕ) ∂ ln P − = 1, (8.191) 1+ λ Q dϕ ∂ ln X λ ∂ϕ where λ ≡ Q
1 + wm − ϕ (wm − wϕ ) . ϕ (wm − wϕ )
The integration of Eq. (8.191) gives [330] P (ϕ, X) = XQ2 (ϕ) g XQ2 (ϕ) e(λ/Q)ψ(ϕ) , where g is an arbitrary function and ψ(ϕ) ≡
Q(ξ )dξ .
If Q is a constant, we obtain [241] P (ϕ, X) = Xg(Y ) ,
Y ≡ Xeλϕ .
Note that Q2 is absorbed in the definition of X. This analysis was extended to a more general cosmological background (H 2 ∝ ρ n ) in Ref. [331] (see also Refs. [332, 333]). In the following we focus on the case of the constant coupling Q. As an example, let us consider the Lagrangian density of the form P (ϕ, X) = f (X) − V (ϕ) .
Substituting this into Eq. (8.191), it follows that X
1 dV df − f (X) = − −V ≡C, dX λ dϕ
where C is a constant. The integration of this equation gives f = c1 X − C and V = c2 e−λϕ − C. Hence the following Lagrangian density has a scaling solution P = c1 X − c2 e−λϕ .
This corresponds to the quintessence with an exponential potential. The dilatonic ghost condensate model (8.7) also has a scaling solution because this Lagrangian density corresponds to the choice g(Y ) = −1 + Y/M 4 in Eq. √(8.195). The tachyon field with the Lagrangian density P (φ, X) = −V (φ) 1 − 2X has a scaling solution for the potential V (φ) ∝ φ −2 , see problem 8.1.
Dark energy as a modified form of matter II
8.5.2 Fixed points of the scaling Lagrangian Let us derive the fixed points of the scaling Lagrangian density (8.195) in the presence of non-relativistic matter and radiation. We shall focus on the case λ > 0 in the following discussion. The energy density of the field is given by ρϕ = X[g + 2Y (dg/dY )]. Substituting this into Eq. (8.181) yields ϕ¨ + 3H AP,Xϕ˙ + λX [1 − A(g + 2g1 )] = −AQρm ,
A(Y ) ≡ (g + 5g1 + 2g2 )−1 ,
where gn ≡ Y n ∂ n g/∂Y n .
The sound speed, cs , is related to the quantity A via cs2 = AP,X .
From the stability of quantum fluctuations given in Eq. (8.30), we require the conditions A > 0 and P,X > 0. The Friedmann equation is 3H 2 = X(g + 2g1 ) + ρm + ρr .
We introduce the following variables ϕ˙ x≡√ , 6H
e−λϕ/2 y≡ √ , 3H
√ ρr u≡ √ . 3H
Then we find that the variable Y = Xeλϕ is expressed as Y = x 2 /y 2 . The density parameter ϕ and the equation of state wϕ of the field are ϕ = x 2 (g + 2g1 ) ,
wϕ =
g . g + 2g1
The density parameter of non-relativistic matter is given by m = 1 − ϕ − u2 . It is useful to notice the following relations wϕ ϕ = gx 2 ,
wϕ = −1 +
2x 2 P,X , ϕ
where P,X = g + g1 . The field behaves as a phantom (wϕ < −1) for P,X < 0 (provided that ϕ > 0).
8.5 Dark energy models with scaling solutions
The variables x, y, and u obey the following autonomous equations 3x 1 2 dx 2 = 1 + gx − 2A(g + g1 ) + u dN 2 3 √ ! 6 A(Q + λ)(g + 2g1 )x 2 − λx 2 + QA(u2 − 1) , + 2
√ dy y = 3 − 6λx + 3gx 2 + u2 , dN 2 du u = (−1 + 3gx 2 + u2 ) . dN 2
(8.206) (8.207) (8.208)
The effective equation of state of the system is given by 1 weff = gx 2 + u2 . 3
We shall derive the fixed points of the above system in the absence of the radiation (u √ = 0). From2 Eq. (8.207) we have two distinct classes of solutions, either for 3 − 6λx + 3gx = 0 or for y = 0. Using Eq. (8.205), the former case corresponds to √ 6(1 + wϕ ϕ ) . (8.210) x= 2λ Substituting this into Eq. (8.206), we obtain ! (ϕ − 1) (Q + λ)wϕ ϕ + Q = 0 .
This allows the following two fixed points independent of the form of g(Y ) [334]. r (A) Point A: Scalar-field dominated solution: = 1 ϕ Substituting ϕ = 1 into Eqs. (8.205) and (8.210), we get the following relation at the fixed point xA : √ 6λxA λ2 wϕ = −1 + = −1 + , (8.212) 3 3P,X √ where xA = λ/( 6P,X ). In the case of coupled quintessence with an exponential potential (P = X − V0 e−λφ ) one has wϕ = −1 + λ2 /3, which agrees with the equation of state for the fixed point (c) in Section 7.2. The eigenvalues for the Jacobian matrix of perturbations about the point A are given by [334] (see problem 8.4) √ √ 6 µ+ = −3 + 6(Q + λ)xA , λxA . µ− = −3 + (8.213) 2 √ When√Q > −λ/2 and Q ≤ −λ/2 the point A is stable for xA < 6/(2(Q √ + λ)) and xA < 6/λ, respectively. For a phantom field (P,X < 0) one has xA = λ/( 6P,X ) < 0
Dark energy as a modified form of matter II
so that the phantom fixed point A is classically stable for Q > −λ. For a non-phantom field (xA > 0) the point A is stable for P,X > λ(Q + λ)/3 , 2
P,X > λ /6 ,
if Q > −λ/2 ,
if Q ≤ −λ/2 .
r (B) Point B: Scaling solution: = −Q/(w (Q + λ)) ϕ ϕ Substituting the relation ϕ = −Q/(wϕ (Q + λ)) into Eq. (8.210), we find √ 6 xB = . 2(Q + λ)
We also obtain the following relations Q Q(Q + λ) Q(Q + λ) + 3(g + g1 ) . , wϕ = − , ϕ = Q+λ Q(Q + λ) + 3(g + g1 ) (Q + λ)2 (8.217) The condition for the cosmic acceleration corresponds to weff < −1/3, i.e. weff = −
Q > λ/2 or
Q < −λ .
In the presence of the coupling Q it is possible to have an accelerated scaling solution with ϕ = constant. The eigenvalues for the Jacobian matrix of perturbations about the point B can be derived without specifying the form of g(Y ) [334]: $ 3(2Q + λ) 8(1 − ϕ )(Q + λ)3 [ϕ (Q + λ) + Q] 1± 1− A , (8.219) µ± = − 4(Q + λ) 3(2Q + λ)2 where A is defined in Eq. (8.200). Under the conditions (8.218), the point B is stable if −
Q ≤ ϕ < 1 , Q+λ
A > 0.
The second condition is required to avoid the ultra-violet instability of quantum fluctuations (together with the condition P,X > 0). Using Eq. (8.217) we find that the condition −Q/(Q + λ) ≤ ϕ corresponds to −2Q(Q + λ) ≤ 3P,X , which is automatically satisfied for a non-phantom scalar field (P,X > 0) under the condition (8.218). The crucial condition for the stability of the point B is ϕ < 1, i.e. P,X < λ(Q + λ)/3 .
For a non-phantom point B this condition can be satisfied for Q > λ/2, but not for Q < −λ. Hence, if Q > λ/2 and ϕ < 1, there exists a stable, accelerated, and nonphantom fixed point B. When Q > λ/2 the stability condition (8.221) has an opposite inequality to that in Eq. (8.214). Hence, when the point B is stable, the point A is not stable, and vice versa.
8.5 Dark energy models with scaling solutions
Let us next study the second class of fixed points, i.e. y = 0. The function g(Y ) (where Y = x 2 /y 2 ) should be non-singular at y = 0 for the existence of such points. From this requirement the function g can be expanded in positive powers of y 2 /x 2 , i.e. cn (y 2 /x 2 )n . (8.222) g = c0 + n>0
For the function (8.222) it follows that gn (y → 0) = 0
(n > 0).
Substituting Eq. (8.222) into Eq. (8.206), we find that the fixed points satisfy √ 2 dx 1 1 = 0. (8.224) = 3c0 x + 6Q x − dN 2 c0 If c0 = 0 we have the following fixed points. r (C) ϕMDE point C The ϕMDE corresponds to the point
6Q (xC , yC ) = − ,0 3c0
wϕ = 1 .
with ϕ = weff =
2Q2 , 3c0
The ϕMDE is also a scaling solution giving constant values of ϕ and wϕ . When c0 > 0 the requirement of the condition ϕ < 1 gives the bound (8.227) |Q| < 3c0 /2 . The eigenvalues for the matrix of perturbations about the ϕMDE are µ1 = (Q2 /c0 ) − 3/2 ,
µ2 = 3/2 + Q(Q + λ)/c0 .
When c0 > 0, µ1 is negative under the condition (8.227), whereas µ2 > 0 for the values of Q and λ satisfying Eq. (8.218). This shows that for positive c0 the ϕMDE corresponds to a saddle point for all the relevant cases. When c0 < 0 the ϕMDE can be a stable point for Q(Q + λ) > 3|c0 |/2, but such cases are excluded as we will see later. r (D) Purely kinetic point This point exists for c0 > 0 and is given by √ (xD , yD ) = (±1/ c0 , 0) , (8.229) with ϕ = 1 ,
weff = wϕ = 1 .
Dark energy as a modified form of matter II
The eigenvalues for the matrix of perturbations are µ1 = 3 ± 6/c0 Q , µ2 = 3 ∓ 6/c0 λ/2 ,
√ xD = ±1/ c0 ,
where the double sign corresponds to the same order. When Q > 0 one of the eigenvalues is at least positive for both signs of xD , which means that the point D is either an unstable √ node or a saddle. When Q < 0 the point corresponding to xD = 1/ c0 is stable for √ √ √ Q < − 3c0 /2 and λ > 6c0 , whereas the point corresponding to xD = −1/ c0 is an unstable node.
In summary the scalar-field dominated point A and the scaling solution B are present for any form of g(Y ). Since it is possible to have weff < −1/3 for these points, they can be used for the late-time acceleration. The solutions choose one of the points as a final attractor depending on the initial conditions. The existence of the points C and D depends on the form of the scalar-field Lagrangian. The quintessence with an exponential potential (g = 1 − c/Y ) belongs to this class, but the dilatonic ghost condensate model (g = −1 + cY ) does not. The ϕMDE point C is a kind of scaling solution by which the standard matter era can be replaced. The point D corresponds to ϕ = 1, but it does not lead to the cosmic acceleration. This is viable neither for the matter-dominated epoch nor for the dark energy dominated epoch. We note that the radiation fixed point, (x, y, u) = (0, 0, 1), also exists for the dynamical system (8.206)–(8.208).
8.5.3 Two scaling regimes? For the coupled quintessence with an exponential potential we have shown in Section 8.3 that the typical cosmological trajectory is a sequence of radiation, ϕMDE point C, and the scalar-field dominated point A. If it is possible to realize the ϕMDE point C followed by the scaling solution B, this is attractive for alleviating the coincidence problem in the sense that dark energy and dark matter follow the same scaling solution from the end of the radiation era. Unfortunately it was shown in Ref. [17] that the coupled quintessence with an exponential potential does not allow for such cosmological evolution. In the following we shall discuss the possibility of realizing two scaling solutions (the ϕMDE point C followed by the point B) for a vast class of the coupled scalar-field Lagrangian density (8.195) having scaling solutions. Recall that the ϕMDE exists for the function cn Y −n , (8.232) g = c0 + n>0
where n are integers. We shall discuss three cases: (i) c0 > 0, (ii) c0 < 0, and (iii) c0 = 0, separately.
8.5 Dark energy models with scaling solutions
(i) c0 > 0 The scaling solution B can be used for the late-time cosmic acceleration provided that Q > λ/2 > 0 or Q < −λ < 0. In the former case one has xB > 0 and xC < 0 from Eqs. (8.216) and (8.225), whereas in the latter case xB < 0 and xC > 0. The function g given in Eq. (8.232) is singular at x = 0. This suggests that the cosmological trajectory from the point C to the point B is prevented. To be more concrete let us consider a single power-law function of g(Y ): g = c0 − cY −p ,
where p is not necessarily an integer. In the limit that x → 0 with a non-zero value of y, the term gx 2 y on the r.h.s. of Eq. (8.207) shows a divergence for p > 1, whereas the term gx 3 on the r.h.s. of Eq. (8.206) diverges for p > 3/2. When p = 1 we have [330] # # # dy/dN # # # → ∞, (8.234) # dx/dN # x→0 which means that the solutions cannot pass the line x = 0 in the (x, y) plane. Since the signs of xB and xC are different, it is inevitable to hit the singularity for p > 1 if the solutions move from the point C to the point B. We also note that there is another singularity associated with the divergence of the sound speed cs . From Eq. (8.201) this happens for A−1 = c0 − c(p − 1)(2p − 1)Y −p = 0, i.e. 1/(2p) c0 y=± x. (8.235) c(p − 1)(2p − 1) For positive c, these lines exist for p > 1 or 0 < p ≤ 1/2 but disappear for 1/2 < p ≤ 1. In Fig. 8.7 we see that cosmological trajectories from the point C to the point B cannot avoid the singularity of the sound speed in addition to the presence of the singularity at x = 0. Thus we have shown that the ϕMDE is not followed by the scaling attractor B for p ≥ 1. When p = 1, i.e. for coupled quintessence with an exponential potential, we have neither of the two singularities mentioned above. Hence it is possible to realize the trajectories from the point C to the point B, see Fig. 8.7. However, in this model, it is not possible to satisfy the observational requirement (B) (B) ϕ = 0.7 ± 0.2 and weff < −0.6 ± 0.1 for the point B, while at the same time satisfying the bound (C) ϕ < 0.2 for the point C to be consistent with CMB and LSS data [17]. Hence the model with p = 1 does not allow an ideal cosmological trajectory.
Dark energy as a modified form of matter II 1.5 0.6
1 B
0.75 y
0.1 0 D
D C −1
0 D
0 x
0 x
Figure 8.7 Phase space trajectories for the model g = 1 − Y −2 with Q = 0.7 and λ = 4 (left) and for the model g = 1 − Y −1 (coupled quintessence with an exponential potential) with Q = 1.02 and λ = 1.54 [330]. We also plot the fixed points A, B, C, D. The grey area corresponds to the region ϕ > 1. In the model of the left panel, there is a singularity at x = 0 that prevents the cosmological evolution from the point C to the point B. The dotted line represents another singularity given by Eq. (8.235) at which the sound speed diverges. In the model of the right panel the ϕMDE point C can be followed by the scaling solution B, but such a solution is not cosmologically viable. From Ref. [330].
While we have considered a single power p larger than 1, the result we have obtained above can be applied for the function g of the form (8.232). In fact, if the function g includes any power n larger than 1, this leads to a singularity at x = 0 even if the singularity of the sound speed may be avoided. Thus the model (8.232) does not allow the sequence of two scaling solutions for positive c0 . For the model (8.233) with 0 < p < 1 the line x = 0 is not singular, but the property (8.234) still holds. Hence it is difficult to connect the point C to the point B. In this case there exists a nearly matter-dominated era with small positive values of x and y, but this is different from the ϕMDE. So the sequence of two scaling solutions is not realized in this case. (ii) c0 < 0 When c0 < 0 the ϕMDE corresponds to a negative value of ϕ , see Eq. (8.226). Moreover we encounter another problem if we aim to connect the point C to the point B without singularities. The quantity A defined in Eq. (8.200) reduces to A−1 = c0 by using the relation (8.223) for the function (8.222). Since c0 < 0 we have that A < 0. As we have shown in Eq. (8.220), we require that A > 0 to get a viable scaling solution. In order to reach the point B from the point C, we need to cross either A = 0 (x = 0) or the singularity at A−1 = 0 (which is not allowed).
8.6 Unified models of dark energy and dark matter
The former can be realized only for the model (8.233) with p = 1. This discussion shows that the negative c0 case does not allow the sequence of two scaling solutions. (iii) c0 = 0 When c0 = 0, Eq. (8.225) shows that there is no ϕMDE fixed point and hence this case is not viable either. Although one can have a matter era for x → ∞ with n ≥ 1 or for x → 0 with the power n less than 1, A is singular in both cases. We have thus shown that no cosmologically viable sequence of two scaling solutions can be realized for a general class of the Lagrangian density with constant coupling Q. We wish to stress here that the above analysis covers all of the scalarfield scaling models proposed in the literature. The point is that we require a small coupling Q during the matter era to keep the condition ϕ 1, whereas a large coupling is needed to get a sufficient cosmic acceleration at late times. For the constant coupling Q the typical cosmological evolution is the ϕMDE point C followed by the accelerated point A. It is possible to have two scaling regimes if the coupling Q(ϕ) changes from a small value Q1 to a large value Q2 very rapidly. One such example is 1 ϕ − ϕ1 (8.236) (Q2 − Q1 ) tanh + Q2 + Q1 , Q(ϕ) = 2 where the growth of the coupling occurs around ϕ = ϕ1 with the variance . In this case the solutions can approach a stationary global attractor with ϕ 0.7 preceded by the ϕMDE [284]. We note that the mass-varying neutrino scenario discussed in Section 8.3.4 also allows the growth of the effective coupling [302]. 8.6 Unified models of dark energy and dark matter Notwithstanding their radically different properties in terms of the equation of state and clustering, the temptation to unify dark matter and dark energy in a single entity occurred to many cosmologists almost from the beginning. This can be achieved in several ways, with more or less theoretical justification. In this section we discuss unified models of dark energy and dark matter using a single fluid or a single scalar field [45, 46, 335]. In the following we shall first present the generalized Chaplygin gas (GCG) model as an example of a single fluid model. We then proceed to a class of unified models using a single scalar field. 8.6.1 Generalized Chaplygin gas model The Chaplygin3 gas model has been proposed by Kamenshchik et al. [45]. In this model the pressure P of the perfect fluid is related to its energy density ρ via 3
Named after Sergey Chaplygin (1869–1942), Russian mathematician, physicist, and engineer, who found a similar behavior in aerodynamical studies. Chaplygin is very likely the only scientist who has a lunar crater, a city, and a cosmological model named after him.
Dark energy as a modified form of matter II
P = −A/ρ. For generality, one can also work with a generalized Chaplygin gas (GCG) model given by [46] P = −Aρ −α ,
where A is a positive constant. If α > 0 the pressure is suppressed relative to the energy density in the early cosmological epoch. At late times the negative pressure becomes important so that the cosmic acceleration can be realized. A fluid with the Chaplygin equation of state therefore interpolates between pressureless matter and dark energy and could in principle replace both. Plugging the relation (8.237) into the continuity equation (2.20), we obtain the following integrated solution 1/(1+α) B ρ(t) = A + 3(1+α) , (8.238) a where B is an integration constant. Here a(t) = (1 + z)−1 is the scale factor normalized to unity today. From Eq. (8.238) we find that the density ρ evolves as ρ ∝ a −3 in the early epoch (a 1) and ρ ∝ A1/(1+α) in the late epoch (a 1), respectively. In the flat FLRW background the density ρ is related to the expansion rate H via the relation 3H 2 = 8π Gρ .
We introduce the following quantities ρ∗ ≡ (A + B)1/(1+α) ,
∗m ≡
B , A+B
where ∗m is interpreted as an effective matter density (which is different from (0) m ). Then Eq. (8.238) can be written as !1/(1+α) . (8.241) ρ(z) = ρ∗ 1 − ∗m + ∗m (1 + z)3(1+α) We then obtain the equation of state −1 ∗m 3(1+α) (1 + z) . w(z) = − 1 + 1 − ∗m
In the region of high redshift (z 1) this approaches the value w ≈ 0. The present value of w is w(0) = −(1 − ∗m ). In the asymptotic future the equation of state approaches the value w → −1. Thus the GCG model can account for both dark matter and dark energy at least at the background level. Let us consider the evolution of matter density perturbations δm in the GCG model [336, 337]. The presence of the pressure gives rise to a modification to the matter perturbation equation given in Eq. (4.77). Each Fourier
8.6 Unified models of dark energy and dark matter
∗ mode for the total matter perturbation δm [defined in Eq. (4.65)] with a comoving wavenumber k obeys Eq. (4.67), i.e. 5 2 6 3 c k s ∗ ∗ ∗ + 2 + 3cs2 − 6w H δ˙m − = 0, δ¨m δm H 2 (1 − 6cs2 − 3w 2 + 8w) − 2 a (8.243) where cs is the sound speed given by ∂P = −αw . (8.244) cs2 = ∂ρ
Since w → 0 and cs2 → 0 in the limit z 1, the sound speed is much smaller than unity in the deep matter era and starts to grow around the end of it. Since w < 0 from Eq. (8.242), cs2 is positive for α > 0 and negative for α < 0. From Eq. (8.243) the perturbations satisfying the following condition grow via the gravitational instability [337]: 3 aH 2 . (8.245) |cs2 | 2 k When cs2 32 (aH /k)2 , the perturbations exhibit oscillations because of the dominance of the pressure term (kcs /a)2 relative to the term 3H 2 /2. Using Eq. (8.239) for cs2 > 0, the condition (8.245) is interpreted as λp > λJ , where λp = (2π/k)a is the physical wavelength and λJ = |cs |(π/Gρ)1/2 is the Jeans length. If the condition (8.245) is violated for cs2 < 0, the perturbations exhibit violent instabilities and grow exponentially. This exponential instability tends to be stronger on smaller scales. The violation of the condition (8.245) mainly occurs around the present epoch in which |w| is of the order of unity and hence |cs2 | ∼ |α|. The typical smallest scale relevant to the galaxy matter power spectrum corresponds to the wavenumber k = 0.1 h Mpc−1 (as long as the linear perturbations are concerned). Using the value (2.37) for the present Hubble radius, the constraint (8.245) gives [337] |α| 10−5 .
In Fig. 8.8 the matter power spectra are plotted for several different values of α. When α −10−5 , the perturbations are exponentially amplified because the sound speed squared is negative. Meanwhile the perturbations exhibit rapid oscillations for α 10−5 . In both cases the matter power spectra are radically different from that in the CDM model. The GCG model is therefore not much different from the CDM model if we take the constraint (8.246) at face value.4 In particular the original Chaplygin gas 4
Note that non-linear clustering may alter the evolution of density perturbations in this model, see Refs. [338, 339]. Moreover the constraints are relaxed if one assumes that beside the Chaplygin gas there is standard dark matter.
Dark energy as a modified form of matter II 106 105
0.1 0.01
Figure 8.8 The matter power spectra in the GCG model. From top to bottom each curve corresponds to α = −10−4 , −10−5 , 0, 10−5 , 10−4 , respectively. The data points of the 2dF galaxy redshift survey are also plotted. Compared to the CDM model (α = 0) the difference appears for |α| 10−5 . From Ref. [337].
model (α = 1) is completely ruled out from observations. The crucial point is the role of the pressure P in the GCG model. During most of the matter era, the effect of the pressure needs to be strongly suppressed for a successful structure formation (at least in the regime of linear perturbations). However, a negative pressure is required for the late-time cosmic acceleration. In the GCG model it is difficult to satisfy these two demands at the same time. There are various ways to escape this negative conclusion. One is to avoid the large sound speed problem by adding to the adiabatic sound speed (8.244) a nonadiabatic contribution that makes cs vanish (silent quartessence [340]). Another one is to consider the Chaplygin gas as a candidate for dark energy alone, instead of a unified fluid. Yet another is to change the equation of state, as in Ref. [341]. A further possibility will be discussed in the next section.
8.6.2 k-essence as unified models of dark energy and dark matter Let us discuss now the possibility of building unified models using a single field φ. One such model using a purely kinetic Lagrangian density is [335] P = F (X) ,
8.6 Unified models of dark energy and dark matter
where F (X) is a function of the kinetic energy X = −(1/2)g µν ∂µ φ∂ν φ of the field φ. Since the field energy density and its pressure are given by ρφ = 2XF,X − F and Pφ = F respectively, the continuity equation (8.15) in the flat FLRW spacetime yields (F,X + 2XF,XX )X˙ + 6H F,X X = 0 .
This is integrated to give 2 XF,X = Ca −6 ,
where C is an integration constant. Let us now take a function F (X) with an extremum at some value X = X0 , such that F,X (X0 ) = 0 as for instance [335] F (X) = F0 + F2 (X − X0 )2 ,
where F0 and F2 are constants. We shall find the solution of Eq. (8.248) under the condition ≡
X − X0 1. X0
Substituting the function (8.250) into Eq. (8.248), we obtain the following linearorder equation in terms of : ˙ = −3H .
! X = X0 1 + 1 (a/a1 )−3 ,
This gives the following solution
where 1 and a1 are constants. For the validity of the condition (8.251) we require that 1 (a/a1 )−3 1 .
Hence the solutions approach the extremum at X = X0 with F,X (X0 ) = 0. The field energy density is given by ρφ −F0 + 4F2 X02 1 (a/a1 )−3 ,
where we have neglected the term higher than 1 (a/a1 )−3 . For the positivity of the energy density we require that F0 < 0. The equation of state of k-essence is 5 −3 6−1 a Pφ 4F2 2 X0 1 =− 1+ , (8.256) wφ ≡ ρφ (−F0 ) a1
Dark energy as a modified form of matter II
which approaches the de Sitter value wφ → −1 at late times [1 (a/a1 )−3 → 0]. Recall that the above results are valid under the condition (8.254). It is possible to realize wφ 0 during the matter era provided that the condition 4F2 X02 /(−F0 ) 1 is satisfied. The quantities ξ1 and ξ2 defined in Eq. (8.30) are given by ξ1 = 2F2 (3X − X0 ) and ξ2 = 2F2 (X − X0 ), respectively. The condition (8.34) to avoid the superluminal sound speed gives F2 ≥ 0. Hence the stability conditions (8.30) for quantum fluctuations are satisfied for X ≥ X0 . Since 1 > 0 in this case, the field energy density (8.255) remains to be positive. The sound speed squared is given by cs2
−3 a X − X0 1 = = 1 , 3X − X0 2 a1
which is much smaller than unity under the condition (8.254). In the asymptotic future it decreases toward cs2 = 0. This property is different from the GCG model in which cs2 is small at early times and becomes larger at late times. Recall that this growth of cs2 is the reason why the GCG model is not compatible with the observations of large-scale structure, while the above single-field k-essence model avoids this problem. The generalization of the model (8.250) satisfying the condition cs2 1 has been studied in Ref. [342]. There is another interesting unified model of dark energy and dark matter using the Bose–Einstein condensation, see Ref. [343] for details.
8.7 Future singularities In the context of General Relativity, if the equation of state of dark energy is less than −1, the Universe reaches a big-rip singularity with a finite time. This case corresponds to the violation of the null energy condition ρ + P ≥ 0. The big-rip singularity is called the type I singularity in Ref. [344], which has the following behavior: (I) Type I : a → ∞, ρ → ∞, |P | → ∞ ,
as t → ts .
Different types of future singularities appear [345, 346, 347, 348, 349] at a finite time even when the null energy condition is not violated. For example, there is a sudden future singularity [345] characterized by (II) Type II : a → as , ρ → ρs , |P | → ∞ ,
as t → ts .
8.7 Future singularities
See Ref. [350] for an early related work. There are also other types of future singularities such as (III) Type III : a → as , ρ → ∞, |P | → ∞ ,
as t → ts ,
(IV) Type IV : a → as , ρ → 0, |P | → 0 , higher derivatives of H diverge,
as t → ts .
In the following we shall discuss the cases in which such singularities arise. Let us consider a fluid where the pressure P and the density ρ have the following relation P = −ρ − f (ρ) ,
where f (ρ) is a function with respect to ρ. A function of the form f (ρ) ∝ ρ α was first considered in Ref. [351] in the context of inflationary cosmology. Substituting Eq. (8.262) into the continuity equation (2.20), we find that the scale factor is given by dρ 1 , (8.263) a = a0 exp 3 f (ρ) where a0 is a constant. If a fluid with the equation of state (8.262) is the dominant component in the flat FLRW Universe then one has 3H 2 = κ 2 ρ, so that the cosmic time t can be expressed as dρ t= . (8.264) √ κ 3ρ f (ρ) In order to show an example of the type II singularity, we take the following function f (ρ) = A(ρ0 − ρ)−γ ,
where A, ρ0 , and γ (> 0) are constants. In the limit that ρ → ρ0 , we have |P | → ∞ because of the divergence of f (ρ). From Eq. (8.263) the scale factor evolves as (ρ0 − ρ)γ +1 , (8.266) a = a0 exp − 3A(γ + 1) √ ˙ ∝ ρ is which means that a → a0 for ρ → ρ0 . The Hubble parameter H = a/a finite, so that a˙ also remains finite. Meanwhile the second derivative a¨ is divergent as ρ → ρ0 because of the divergence of the pressure P [see Eq. (2.19)]. From Eq. (8.264) we obtain the following relation around ρ ∼ ρ0 : t ts −
(ρ0 − ρ)γ +1 , √ κA 3ρ0 (γ + 1)
Dark energy as a modified form of matter II
where ts is an integration constant. We then have t → ts in the limit ρ → ρ0 . From the above discussion the function f (ρ) in Eq. (8.265) gives rise to the type II singularity. The equation of state is given by w = P /ρ = −1 − A/[ρ(ρ0 − ρ)γ ], so that w > −1 for A < 0 and (0 <) ρ < ρ0 . This means that the sudden singularity is present even for a non-phantom dark energy (w > −1). In order to discuss the type III singularity we take the following function f (ρ) = Bρ α ,
where B and α (> 0) are constants. From Eq. (8.263) it follows that ρ 1−α , a = a0 exp 3(1 − α)B
and 2 ρ −α+1/2 t = ts + √ 3κB 1 − 2α ln ρ t = ts + √ 3κB
(α = 1/2) , (α = 1/2) ,
(8.270) (8.271)
where ts is an integration constant. When α > 1 the scale factor is finite even for ρ → ∞. Meanwhile, when α < 1, one has a → ∞ (a → 0) as ρ → ∞ for B > 0 (B < 0). If α > 1/2 the divergence of ρ occurs at the time ts , whereas, if α ≤ 1/2, ρ diverges in the infinite future or past. Since the equation of state of dark energy is given by w = −1 − Bρ α−1 , it follows that w > −1 (w < −1) for B < 0 (B > 0). From the above discussion, we can classify the singularities as follows. 1. 2.
α>1 There is a type III singularity with w > −1 for B < 0. 1/2 < α < 1 There is a type I future singularity with w < −1 for B > 0. When B < 0, one has a → 0 as ρ → ∞. Hence if the singularity exists in the future (past), we may call it the Big Crunch (Big Bang) singularity. 0 < α ≤ 1/2 There is no finite future singularity.
Similarly it was shown in Ref. [344] that the type IV singularity is present for the function f (ρ) = ABρ α+β /(Aρ α + Bρ β ). Finally we note that the Ricci scalar R = κ 2 (ρ − 3P ) diverges as t → ts for the type I, II, III singularities. In such cases higher-order curvature terms are likely to be important as R blows up. In Ref. [344] it was found that quantum corrections coming from conformal anomaly can moderate the finite-time singularities.
8.8 Problems
It was also shown in Refs. [352, 353] that non-perturbative quantum geometric effects appearing in loop quantum cosmology [354] can lead to the resolution of singularities due to the ρ 2 modification of the effective Friedmann equation [355]. 8.8 Problems 8.1 The k-essence model with the Lagrangian density (8.27) possesses scaling solutions. Show that the k-essence model with P (φ, X) = K(φ)p(X) and K(φ) = V0 φ −2 has a scaling solution. 8.2 Derive Eqs. (8.53)–(8.55). 8.3 Perturb Eqs. (8.82)–(8.84) about the fixed points (e), (a), (c) in Table 8.1 and obtain the eigenvalue of the 3 × 3 Jacobian matrix for each point. 8.4 For the Lagrangian density (8.195) let us consider linear perturbations δx, δy, and δY about fixed points (xc , yc ), i.e. x = xc + δx, y = yc + δy, and δY = Yc + δY in the absence of radiation (u = 0). Show that the eigenvalues for the Jacobian matrix M of perturbations for the fixed points A and B are given by Eqs. (8.213) and (8.219), respectively.
9 Dark energy as a modification of gravity
In this chapter, we discuss “modified gravity” models in which the origin of dark energy is identified as a modification of gravity. This includes f (R) gravity, scalartensor theories, Gauss–Bonnet gravity, and braneworld models of dark energy. In these theories one modifies the laws of gravity so that the late-time accelerated expansion of the Universe is realized without recourse to an explicit dark energy matter component. Clearly, the modification to the laws of gravity is in general severely restricted from local gravity constraints and from observational constraints. It is of interest to understand how much deviation from the CDM model can be allowed in such modified gravity models. 9.1 f (R) gravity One of the simplest modified gravity models is the so-called f (R) gravity in which the 4-dimensional action is given by some general function f (R) of the Ricci scalar R: √ 1 (9.1) S = 2 d4 x −gf (R) + Sm (gµν , m ) , 2κ where as usual κ 2 = 8π G, and Sm is a matter action with matter fields m . Here G is a bare gravitational constant: we will see that the observed value will in general be different. The matter fields in Sm obey standard conservation equations and therefore the metric gµν corresponds to the physical frame (which here is the Jordan frame). There are two approaches to derive field equations from the action (9.1). r (I) The metric formalism α The first approach is the so-called metric formalism in which the connections βγ are the usual connections defined in terms of the metric gµν . The field equations can be obtained 234
9.1 f (R) gravity
by varying the action (9.1) with respect to gµν : 1 F (R)Rµν (g) − f (R)gµν − ∇µ ∇ν F (R) + gµν F (R) = κ 2 Tµν , 2
where F (R) ≡ ∂f/∂R (we also use the notation f,R ≡ ∂f/∂R, f,RR ≡ ∂ 2 f/∂R 2 ), and Tµν is the matter energy-momentum tensor. The steps to derive this equation are similar to those employed to obtain the field equation (6.7). The trace of Eq. (9.2) is given by 3 F (R) + F (R)R − 2f (R) = κ 2 T ,
where T = g µν Tµν = −ρ + 3P . Here ρ and P are the energy density and the pressure of matter, respectively. r (II) The Palatini formalism α and gµν are The second approach is the so-called Palatini1 formalism in which βγ treated as independent variables. Varying the action (9.1) with respect to gµν gives 1 F (R)Rµν () − f (R)gµν = κ 2 Tµν , 2
α where Rµν () is the Ricci tensor corresponding to the connections βγ . In general this is different from the Ricci tensor Rµν (g) corresponding to the metric connections. Taking the trace of Eq. (9.4), we obtain
F (R)R − 2f (R) = κ 2 T ,
where R(T ) = g µν Rµν () is directly related to T . Taking the variation of the action (9.1) with respect to the connection, and using Eq. (9.4), we find F R(T ) − f 1 κ 2 Tµν 1 − gµν + (∇µ ∇ν F − gµν F ) Rµν (g) − gµν R(g) = 2 F 2F F 1 3 2 F ∂ F − (∇F ) − g ∂ . (9.6) µ ν µν 2F 2 2
In General Relativity we have f (R) = R − 2 and F (R) = 1, so that the term F (R) in Eq. (9.3) vanishes. In this case both the metric and the Palatini formalisms give the relation R = −κ 2 T = κ 2 (ρ − 3P ), which means that the Ricci scalar R is directly determined by the matter (the trace T ). In modified gravity models where F (R) is a function of R, the term F (R) does not vanish in Eq. (9.3). This means that, in the metric formalism, there is a propagating scalar degree of freedom, ψ ≡ F (R). The trace equation (9.3) governs the dynamics of the scalar field ψ (dubbed “scalaron” [8]). In the Palatini formalism the kinetic term F (R) is not present in Eq. (9.5), which means that the scalar-field degree of freedom does not propagate freely. 1
Attilio Palatini (1889–1949), Italian mathematician, generalized the concept of the variational principle in relativity.
Dark energy as a modification of gravity
The de Sitter point corresponds to a vacuum solution at which the Ricci scalar is constant. Since F (R) = 0 at this point, we get F (R)R − 2f (R) = 0 ,
which holds for both the metric and the Palatini formalisms. Since the model f (R) = αR 2 satisfies this condition, it possesses an exact de Sitter solution [8]. Since the dynamics of f (R) dark energy models is different depending on the two formalisms, we shall discuss the metric and Palatini formalisms separately.
9.1.1 f (R) gravity in the metric formalism We first discuss the f (R) dark energy models based on the metric formalism. Already in the early 1980s it was known that the model f (R) = R + αR 2 can be responsible for inflation in the early Universe [8]. This comes from the fact that the presence of the quadratic term αR 2 gives rise to an asymptotically exact de Sitter solution. Inflation ends when the term αR 2 becomes smaller than the linear term R. Since the term αR 2 is negligibly small relative to R at the present epoch, this model is not suitable to realize the present cosmic acceleration. Since a late-time acceleration requires modification for small R, models of the type f (R) = R − α/R n (α > 0, n > 0) were proposed as a candidate for dark energy [53, 54, 55, 356]. While the late-time cosmic acceleration is possible in these models, it has become clear that they do not satisfy local gravity constraints because of the instability associated with negative values of f,RR [357, 358, 359, 360, 361]. Moreover a standard matter epoch is not present because of a large coupling between the Ricci scalar and the non-relativistic matter [272]. Then, what are the conditions for the viability of f (R) dark energy models in the metric formalism? In the following we first present such conditions and then explain why they are required step by step. r (i) f > 0 for R ≥ R (> 0), where R is the Ricci scalar at the present epoch. Strictly ,R 0 0 speaking, if the final attractor is a de Sitter point with the Ricci scalar R1 (> 0), then the condition f,R > 0 needs to hold for R ≥ R1 . This is required to avoid anti-gravity (see later on). r (ii) f ,RR > 0 for R ≥ R0 . This is required for consistency with local gravity tests [358, 360, 361, 362], for the presence of the matter-dominated epoch [272, 363], and for the stability of cosmological perturbations [364, 365, 366, 367].
9.1 f (R) gravity
r (iii) f (R) → R − 2 for R R . 0 This is required for consistency with local gravity tests [267, 368, 369, 370, 371] and for the presence of the matter-dominated epoch [363]. r (iv) 0 < Rf,RR (r = −2) < 1 at r = − Rf,R = −2. f,R f This is required for the stability of the late-time de Sitter point [372, 373, 363].
For example, the model f (R) = R − α/R n (α > 0, n > 0) does not satisfy the condition (ii). Below we list some viable f (R) models that satisfy the above conditions. (A) f (R) = R − µRc (R/Rc )p
with 0 < p < 1, µ, Rc > 0 ,
(R/Rc ) with n, µ, Rc > 0 , (R/Rc )2n + 1 −n with n, µ, Rc > 0 , (C) f (R) = R − µRc 1 − 1 + R 2 /Rc2
(D) f (R) = R − µRc tanh (R/Rc )
(B) f (R) = R − µRc
with µ, Rc > 0 .
The models (A), (B), (C), and (D) have been proposed in Refs. [363], [368], [369], and [371], respectively. A model similar to (D) has also been proposed in Ref. [370], while a generalized model encompassing (B) and (C) has been studied in Ref. [375]. In the model (A), the power p needs to be close to 0 to satisfy the condition (iii). In the models (B) and (C) the function f (R) asymptotically behaves as f (R) → R − µRc [1 − (R 2 /Rc2 )−n ] for R Rc and hence the condition (iii) can be satisfied even for n = O(1). In the model (D) the function f (R) rapidly approaches f (R) → R − µRc in the region R Rc . These models satisfy f (R = 0) = 0, so the cosmological constant vanishes in the flat spacetime.
9.1.2 Cosmological dynamics of f (R) dark energy models in the metric formalism Let us consider cosmological dynamics of f (R) gravity in the metric formalism. It is possible to carry out a general analysis without specifying the form of f (R). In the flat FLRW spacetime the Ricci scalar is given by R = 6(2H 2 + H˙ ) ,
where H is as usual the Hubble parameter. As a matter action Sm we take into account non-relativistic matter and radiation, which satisfy the usual conservation equations ρ˙m + 3Hρm = 0 and ρ˙r + 4Hρr = 0 respectively. From Eqs. (9.2) and
Dark energy as a modification of gravity
(9.3) we obtain the following equations 3F H 2 = κ 2 (ρm + ρr ) + (F R − f )/2 − 3H F˙ , −2F H˙ = κ 2 [ρm + (4/3)ρr ] + F¨ − H F˙ .
(9.13) (9.14)
We introduce the dimensionless variables: x1 ≡ −
F˙ , HF
x2 ≡ −
f , 6F H 2
x3 ≡
R , 6H 2
x4 ≡
κ 2 ρr , 3F H 2
together with the following quantities m ≡
κ 2 ρm = 1 − x1 − x2 − x3 − x4 , 3F H 2
r ≡ x4 ,
DE ≡ x1 + x2 + x3 . (9.16)
It is straightforward to derive the following differential equations [363]: dx1 dN dx2 dN dx3 dN dx4 dN
= −1 − x3 − 3x2 + x12 − x1 x3 + x4 , x 1 x3 − x2 (2x3 − 4 − x1 ) , m x 1 x3 =− − 2x3 (x3 − 2) , m =
= −2x3 x4 + x1 x4 ,
(9.17) (9.18) (9.19) (9.20)
where N = ln a and m≡
d ln F Rf,RR = , d ln R f,R
Rf,R x3 d ln f =− = . d ln R f x2
(9.21) (9.22)
From Eq. (9.22) one can express R as a function of x3 /x2 . Since m is a function of R, it follows that m is a function of r, i.e. m = m(r). The CDM model, f (R) = R − 2, corresponds to m = 0. Hence the quantity m characterizes the deviation from the CDM model. Note also that the model, f (R) = αR 1+m − 2, gives a constant value of m. The analysis using Eqs. (9.17)–(9.20) is sufficiently general in the sense that the form of f (R) does not need to be specified. The effective equation of state of the system defined in Eq. (4.96) is 1 weff = − (2x3 − 1). 3
9.1 f (R) gravity
In the absence of radiation (x4 = 0) the fixed points for the dynamical system (9.17)–(9.20) are P1 : (x1 , x2 , x3 ) = (0, −1, 2),
m = 0,
weff = −1 ,
P2 : (x1 , x2 , x3 ) = (−1, 0, 0),
m = 2,
weff = 1/3 ,
P3 : (x1 , x2 , x3 ) = (1, 0, 0),
m = 0,
weff = 1/3 ,
P4 : (x1 , x2 , x3 ) = (−4, 5, 0), m = 0, weff = 1/3 , 3m 1 + 4m 1 + 4m , , P5 : (x1 , x2 , x3 ) = ,− 1 + m 2(1 + m)2 2(1 + m)
(9.26) (9.27)
m(7 + 10m) m , (9.28) , weff = − 2 2(1 + m) 1+m (1 − 4m)(1 + m) 2(1 − m) 1 − 4m , ,− , P6 : (x1 , x2 , x3 ) = 1 + 2m m(1 + 2m) m(1 + 2m) m = 1 −
m = 0,
weff =
2 − 5m − 6m2 . 3m(1 + 2m)
The points P5 and P6 lie on the line m(r) = −r − 1 in the (r, m) plane. It is important to remark that P5,6 represent actually two families of points. In fact m(x3 /x2 ) is a function of the coordinates and for each model one has to solve the three equations 1 + 4m(x3 /x2 ) 1 + 4m(x3 /x2 ) 3m(x3 /x2 ) {x1 , x2 , x3 } = ,− , (9.30) , 1 + m(x3 /x2 ) 2[1 + m(x3 /x2 )]2 2[1 + m(x3 /x2 )] for P5 and an analogous set for P6 . We will call m5,6 the solutions of these equations and # dm ## m5,6 ≡ (9.31) dr # m5,6
their derivatives. For a given model there are several fixed points of type P5,6 , all of them lying on the critical line m = −r − 1. For simplicity, however, we will refer to points P5,6 in the following discussion as if they were single points because for every viable cosmological model only one point of each family really matters. Among the six fixed points we have presented above, only the point P5 can be used for the matter-dominated epoch. Since in this case we require m 1 and weff 0, this implies that m is close to 0. In the (r, m) plane this point exists around (r, m) = (−1, 0). The point P2 corresponds to the φMDE [17], but in this case the φMDE cannot be responsible for the matter fixed point because weff (P2 ) = 1/3. √In f (R) gravity, a scalar field degree of freedom has a large coupling (Q = −1/ 6) with non-relativistic matter in the Einstein frame (as we will see later).
Dark energy as a modification of gravity
One can study the stability of the above fixed points by considering perturbations δxi (i = 1, 2, 3) around them [363]. For the point P5 the eigenvalues for the 3 × 3 Jacobian matrix of perturbations are −3m5 ± m5 (256m35 + 160m25 − 31m5 − 16) 3(1 + m5 ), , (9.32) 4m5 (m5 + 1) where r5 ≈ −1. In the limit |m5 | 1 the latter two eigenvalues reduce to −3/4 ± √ −1/m5 . The f (R) models with m5 < 0 exhibit a divergence of the eigenvalues as m5 → −0, in which case the system cannot remain for a long time around the point P5 . For example the model f (R) = R − α/R n with n > 0 and α > 0 falls into this category. On the other hand, if 0 < m5 < 0.327, the latter two eigenvalues in Eq. (9.32) are complex with negative real parts. Then, provided that m5 > −1, the point P5 corresponds to a saddle point with a damped oscillation. Hence the Universe can evolve toward the point P5 from the radiation era and then can leave for the late-time acceleration. In summary the condition for the existence of the saddle matter era is m(r) ≈ +0 ,
dm > −1 , at r = −1 . dr
The first condition implies that the f (R) models need to be close to the CDM model during the matter-dominated epoch. The points P1 and P6 can lead to the late-time cosmic acceleration. The point P1 corresponds to a de Sitter solution at which r = −2. In fact the condition (9.7) is satisfied in this case. The eigenvalues for the 3 × 3 matrix of perturbations about the point P1 are 25 − 16/m1 3 , (9.34) − 3, − ± 2 2 where m1 = m(r = −2). This shows that the condition for the stability of the de Sitter point P1 is given by 0 < m(r = −2) < 1 ,
which corresponds to the condition (iv) given in Section 9.1.1. The trajectories which start from the saddle matter point P5 [satisfying the condition (9.33)] and then approach the stable de Sitter point P1 [satisfying the condition (9.35)] are cosmologically viable. The point P6 is on the line m(r) = −r − 1. It can satisfy the √condition for the cosmic acceleration (weff < −1/3) provided that m6 < −(1 + 3)/2, or −1/2 <
9.1 f (R) gravity
√ m6 < 0, or m6 > ( 3 − 1)/2. The eigenvalues for perturbations are given by −4+
2(m26 − 1)(1 + m6 ) 2 − 3m6 − 8m26 1 , − . , m6 m6 (1 + 2m6 ) m6 (1 + 2m6 )
We then find that P6 is stable and accelerated in the following four regions: [I] m6 > −1
r (a) m < −(1 + √3)/2: P is accelerated with the effective equation of state, w > −1. 6 6 eff One has weff → −1 in the limit m6 → −∞. r (b) −1/2 < m < 0: P corresponds to a strongly phantom behavior with w < −7.6. 6 6 eff r (c) m ≥ 1: P corresponds to a slightly phantom behavior with −1.07 < w ≤ −1. 6 6 eff One has weff → −1 in the limit m6 → +∞ and m6 → 1.
[II] m6 < −1 When m6 < −1, the point P6 is stable and accelerated in the following region.
r (d) (√3 − 1)/2 < m < 1: P corresponds to a non-phantom behavior with w > −1. 6 6 eff
Recall that the matter point P5 needs to satisfy the condition m5 ≈ +0 and m5 (r) > −1 at r = −1 and that both P5 and P6 are on the line m = −r − 1. If we consider curves connecting P5 to P6 , it is not possible to realize the trajectories to the point P6 in the regions (a), (b), (c) satisfying the condition m6 (r) > −1. In other words, once a trajectory crosses the line m = −r − 1 with the tangent m5 (r) > −1, then it crosses the same line again with the tangent m6 (r) < −1. See the curve (iv) in Fig. 9.1 for illustration. From the above argument the viable trajectories evolve from the point P5 to the point P6 in the region (d). In summary we have only two qualitatively different viable cases: r Class A: Models that link P with P (r = −2, 0 < m < 1). 5 1 r Class B: Models that link P with P (m = −r − 1, (√3 − 1)/2 < m < 1). 5 6
Let us consider a couple of viable f (R) models in the (r, m) plane. The CDM model, f (R) = R − 2, corresponds to m = 0, in which case the trajectory is a straight line from P5 : (r, m) = (−1, 0) to P1 : (r, m) = (−2, 0). The trajectory (ii) in Fig. 9.1 represents the following model [267] f (R) = (R b − )c ,
which corresponds to the straight line m(r) = [(1 − c)/c]r + b − 1 in the (r, m) plane. The existence of a saddle matter epoch requires the condition c ≥ 1 and bc ≈ 1. The trajectory (iii) represents the model f (R) = R − µRc (R/Rc )p (0 < p < 1, µ, Rc > 0) [363, 376], which corresponds to the curve m = p(1 + r)/r. These models fall into Class A.
Dark energy as a modification of gravity 1.2
m = −r − 1
(iv) 0.60
P1 0.20
(iii) (ii)
. . .
r = −2
(i) −0.20 −2.2
Figure 9.1 Four trajectories in the (r, m) plane. Each trajectory corresponds to the models: (i) CDM, (ii) f (R) = (R b − )c , (iii) f (R) = R − µRc (R/Rc )p (0 < p < 1, µ, Rc > 0), and (iv) m(r) = −C(r + 1)(r 2 + ar + b).
The models (9.9) and (9.10) have the same asymptotic form f (R) R − µRc [1 − (R/Rc )−2n ] in the region R Rc . In this region these models behave as m(r) = C(−r − 1)2n+1 ,
where C = 2n(2n + 1)/µ2n . The parameter m(r) rapidly approaches 0 in the limit r → −1 because of the presence of the power 2n + 1 larger than 1. As we will see later, this small value of m in the region of high density is required for consistency with local gravity constraints. These models can be categorized by either Class A or Class B. The trajectory (iv) in Fig. 9.1 shows the model m(r) = −C(r + 1)(r 2 + ar + b), which belongs to Class B. We require the conditions m (−1) = −C(1 − a + b) > −1 and m (−2) = C(3a − b − 8) < −1 for the transition from the matter point P5 to the stable accelerated point P6 . The models shown in Fig. 9.1 are a couple of representative models giving viable cosmological evolution. In the presence of the radiation (x4 = 0) we have the following two points in addition to the points P1−6 : • P7 : (x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 ) = (0, 0, 0, 1), m = 0, DE = 0, weff = 1/3 , (9.39) 2m 4m 2m 1 − 2m − 5m2 • P8 : (x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 ) = , ,− , , 1 + m (1 + m)2 1 + m (1 + m)2 m = 0 ,
DE =
2m(2 + 3m) , (1 + m)2
weff =
1 − 3m . 3 + 3m
9.1 f (R) gravity
Here P7 is a standard radiation point. For constant m the eigenvalues of P7 are given by 4, 4, 1, −1, which means that P7 is a saddle in this case. The point P8 corresponds to a new radiation era having non-zero dark energy. Since the dark energy density is constrained to be DE < 0.045 from the BBN bound, P8 is acceptable as a radiation point only for m8 0.01. The eigenvalues of P8 are given by m8 − 1 ± 81m28 + 30m8 − 15 1, 4(1 + m8 ), . (9.41) 2(m8 + 1) In the limit m8 → 0 the last two values are complex with negative real parts, which shows that P8 is a saddle point. Then the solutions eventually repel away from the point P8 , which are followed by one of the fixed points given above. Unlike the matter point P5 , there are no singularities for the eigenvalues of P8 in the limit m8 → 0. We also note that P8 is on the line m = −r − 1. If the condition for the existence of the matter point P5 is satisfied (i.e. m ≈ +0 and r ≈ −1), there exists a radiation point P8 in the same region. Then a viable cosmological trajectory starts around the point P8 with m ≈ +0 and then connects to the matter point P5 . Finally the solutions approach either the accelerated point P1 or P6 . The requirement m → +0 during the radiation and matter eras means that the models need to be close to the CDM model, f (R) = R − 2, in the region R R0 (where R0 is the present cosmological Ricci scalar). This corresponds to the condition (iii) listed in Section 9.1.1. Note also that the Ricci scalar R = 6(2H 2 + H˙ ) remains positive from the radiation era to the present epoch, as long as it does not oscillate as in the f (R) = R + αR 2 model. Under the condition f,R > 0, the requirement m > 0 translates into the condition f,RR > 0. This is the condition (ii) listed in Section 9.1.1, which is also required for the consistency with local gravity constraints (as we will see later). For the model (9.9) let us consider the case in which the solutions finally approach the de Sitter point P1 with the Ricci scalar R1 . The de Sitter point at r = −Rf,R /f = −2 is determined by the value µ: µ=
(1 + x12n )2 x12n−1 (2 + 2x12n − 2n)
where x1 ≡ R1 /Rc . From the stability condition 0 < m(r = −2) < 1 we obtain 2x14n − (2n − 1)(2n + 4)x12n + (2n − 1)(2n − 2) > 0 . (9.43) √ √ When n = 1, for example, we have x1 > 3 and µ > 8 3/9. Under Eq. (9.43) one can show that the conditions f,R > 0 and f,RR > 0 are also satisfied for R ≥ R1 . For µ and n of the order of unity we find from Eq. (9.42) that R1 is the same order as Rc . Hence Rc is roughly the same order as the present cosmological Ricci
Dark energy as a modification of gravity
scalar R0 . In the region R Rc the model (9.9) is close !to the CDM model with the asymptotic form f (R) R − µRc 1 − (R/Rc )−2n . The deviation from the CDM model becomes important when R decreases to the order of Rc . Note that the model (9.10) also has a similar property. In order to derive the equation of state of dark energy to confront with SN Ia observations, we rewrite Eqs. (9.13) and (9.14) as follows: 3AH 2 = κ 2 (ρm + ρr + ρDE ) ,
−2AH˙ = κ 2 [ρm + (4/3)ρr + ρDE + PDE ] ,
where A is some constant and κ 2 ρDE ≡ (1/2)(F R − f ) − 3H F˙ + 3H 2 (A − F ) ,
κ 2 PDE ≡ F¨ + 2H F˙ − (1/2)(F R − f ) − (3H 2 + 2H˙ )(A − F ) .
Defining ρDE and PDE in the above way, one can show that these satisfy the usual conservation equation ρ˙DE + 3H (ρDE + PDE ) = 0 .
A similar procedure can be carried out for a more general Lagrangian density, f (R, φ, X) (see problem 9.1). The dark energy equation of state, wDE ≡ PDE /ρDE , is directly related to the one used in the standard analysis of SN Ia observations. From Eqs. (9.44) and (9.45) it is given by wDE = −
weff 2AH˙ + 3AH 2 + κ 2 ρr /3 , 2 2 ˜m 3AH − κ (ρm + ρr ) 1−
where 2 ˜ m ≡ κ ρm = F m . (9.50) 3AH 2 A The last approximate equality in Eq. (9.49) is valid in the regime where the radiation energy density ρr is negligible relative to the matter density. The viable f (R) models approach the CDM model in the past, i.e. F → 1 as R → ∞. In order to reproduce the standard matter era for z 1, we can choose A = 1 in Eqs. (9.44) and (9.45). Another possible choice is A = F0 , where F0 is the present value of F . This choice is suitable if the deviation of F0 from 1 is small (as in the scalar-tensor theory with a massless scalar field [374]). In both cases the equation of state changes from wDE < −1 to wDE > −1 before reaching the de Sitter attractor for viable f (R) models [368, 267, 371]. This is associated with the decrease of the quantity F with time (coming from the condition F,R > 0 with R˙ < 0). Thus viable f (R) dark energy models give rise to a phantom equation of state without violating stability conditions of the system.
9.1 f (R) gravity
For the cosmological viability of f (R) models the constraint on m is not so severe: m can be of the order of 0.1 around the present epoch. Meanwhile the consistency with local gravity experiments places a tighter bound on m in the region of high density (R R0 ), which corresponds to the value of m 10−9 during radiation and deep matter eras [see Eq. (9.86) in the next subsection]. The models (9.9)–(9.11) are carefully constructed to have a suppressed m in the early cosmological epoch, while an appreciable deviation from the CDM model (m O(0.1)) can appear around the present. Note that the model (9.8) does not allow this rapid evolution of m. Integrating Eqs. (9.17)–(9.20) numerically, one finds that for the models in which m quickly decreases toward +0 in the past the denominators in Eqs. (9.18) and (9.19) give rise to the rapid oscillations of the variables xi because the mass of the scalaron becomes very large. If we start integrating the equations from the deep radiation era, we typically encounter this oscillating behavior [371, 377]. This is associated with the fact that the oscillating mode of perturbations tends to dominate over the matter-induced mode of perturbations unless initial conditions are appropriately chosen [369]. In Section 11.6 we shall discuss the evolution of matter density perturbations for cosmologically viable f (R) models. This also provides useful information to distinguish the f (R) model from other dark energy models.
9.1.3 Local gravity constraints on f (R) gravity models in the metric formalism Gravity is severely constrained by local gravity tests. In this subsection we discuss local gravity constraints on f (R) gravity models in the metric formalism from the violation of the equivalence principle. Let us consider local fluctuations on a background characterized by a curvature R0 and a density ρ0 . We shall expand Eq. (9.3) in powers of fluctuations under the weak field approximation. We decompose the quantities ψ ≡ F (R), gµν , and Tµν into the background part and the perturbed part: ψ = ψ0 (1 + δψ ), gµν = ηµν + (0) (0) + δTµν , where we have used the approximation gµν ≈ ηµν . hµν , and Tµν = Tµν Then the trace equation (9.3) yields [360, 362] (see problem 9.2) 2 ∂ κ2 2 2 δ − ∇ + M δ = − δT , (9.51) ψ ψ ψ ∂t 2 3ψ0 where δT ≡ ηµν δTµν and R0 1 1 f,R (R0 ) 2 − R0 = −1 . Mψ ≡ 3 f,RR (R0 ) 3 m(R0 )
Dark energy as a modification of gravity
In the case of the homogeneous and isotropic cosmological setting (without a Hubble friction) where δψ is a function of the cosmic time t only, Eq. (9.51) reduces to κ2 δ¨ψ + Mψ2 δψ = ρ, 3ψ0
where ρ ≡ −δT . For the models where the deviation from the CDM model is small, we have m(R0 ) 1 so that |Mψ2 | is much larger than R0 . If Mψ2 < 0, the perturbation δψ exhibits a violent instability. Hence the condition Mψ2 f,R (R0 )/(3f,RR (R0 )) > 0 is needed for the stability of cosmological perturbations. Since f,R (R0 ) > 0 to avoid anti-gravity (see below), we require the condition f,RR (R0 ) > 0 [364, 365, 366, 367]. Let us consider a spherically symmetric body with mass Mc , constant density ρ, radius rc , and vanishing density outside the body. In this case δψ is a function of the distance r from the center of the body,2 so that Eq. (9.51) inside the body yields d2 2 d κ2 2 δ δ + − M δ = − ρ. ψ ψ ψ ψ dr 2 r dr 3ψ0
Outside the body the r.h.s. of Eq. (9.54) vanishes. Then the solution of the perturbation δψ for Mψ2 > 0 is given by e−Mψ r eMψ r + C2 , r r e−Mψ r eMψ r 8π Gρ + C4 + = C3 , r r 3ψ0 Mψ2
(δψ )r>rc = C1
(δψ )r
where C1 , C2 , C3 , C4 are integration constants. From the requirement that ψ takes the background value ψ0 at infinity, we require that (δψ )r>rc → 0 as r → ∞. This sets C2 to be 0. From the regularity condition at r = 0 we require that C4 = −C3 . We match two solutions (9.55) and (9.56) by using the boundary conditions (δψ )r>rc (rc ) = (δψ )rrc (rc ) = (δψ )r
(δψ )r>rc
(δψ )r
The first-order solution for the fluctuation hµν of the metric g˜ µν = ψ0 (ηµν + hµν ) follows from the first-order linearized Einstein equations, 2
In this subsection we use r to denote the distance instead of the quantity (−Rf,R /f ) defined in Eq. (9.22).
9.1 f (R) gravity
˜ µν = 8π (G/ψ0 )δ T˜µν , in the Einstein gravity. Note that the gravitational conδG stant G is modified because of the transformation of the metric. This gives the standard result, h00 = 2GMc /(ψ0 r) and hij = 2GMc /(ψ0 r) δij . The actual metric gµν is given by gµν =
g˜ µν ηµν + hµν − δψ ηµν . ψ
Using the solution (9.57) outside the body, we find that the (00) and (ii) components of the metric gµν are g00
2G(N) eff Mc , −1 + r
2G(N) eff Mc gii 1 + γ, r
where G(N) eff and γ are the effective gravitational coupling and the post-Newtonian parameter, respectively, defined by 1 −Mψ r 3 − e−Mψ r G (N) Geff ≡ 1+ e , γ ≡ . (9.61) ψ0 3 3 + e−Mψ r Assuming conventionally the bare constant G to be positive, a positive G(N) eff demands ψ0 = F0 > 0. In principle one could have F negative in the past and positive today but generally speaking whenever F crosses zero singularities appear [214]. Therefore we must assume F > 0 during the whole cosmological evolution. This explains the condition (i) of Section 9.1.1. In the massless limit Mψ → 0 these reduce to G(N) eff = (4/3)(G/ψ0 ) and γ = 1/2. Since ψ0 δψ = f,RR (R0 )δR, it follows that δR =
f,R (R0 ) δψ . f,RR (R0 )
For the validity of the above linear expansion we require that δR R0 , which translates into the condition δψ m(R0 ). Using the value δψ 2GMc /(3ψ0 rc ) at r = rc , this condition is simply expressed as m(R0 ) c ,
where c ≡ GMc /(ψ0 rc ) is the gravitational potential at the surface of the body. As long as m 1 we have Mψ2 ∼ R0 /(3m(R0 )) and R ∼ 8π Gρ, so that Mψ2 rc2 ∼ c /m(R0 ). Hence Mψ rc 1 under the condition (9.63), as expected. From Eq. (9.61) we find that γ 1/2 for the distance r close to rc (i.e. in the case Mψ r 1). This is not compatible with the experimental bound of γ given in Eq. (8.171). Hence the f (R) gravity models with the light scalaron mass (Mψ rc 1) do not satisfy local gravity constraints. We caution that in the region of high-density where the condition δR R0 is violated the above linear analysis
Dark energy as a modification of gravity
is no longer valid. In fact this happens for compact objects such as the Earth or the Sun. The mean density of the Earth or the Sun is of the order of ρ 1–10 g/cm3 , which is much larger than the present cosmological density ρc(0) 10−29 g/cm3 . In the environment of such a high density, the field mass Mψ becomes large such that Mψ rc 1. This is a non-linear regime in which δR exceeds the background value R0 . The effect of the chameleon mechanism (see Section 8.4) becomes crucially important in this regime [367, 368, 378, 379, 380, 381]. It is possible to satisfy local gravity constraints for the f (R) models that are designed to have a large scalaron mass in the region of high density. In order to discuss the chameleon mechanism in f (R) gravity, it is convenient to transform the action (9.1) to the Einstein frame action via the conformal transformation: g˜ µν = 2 gµν ,
where a tilde represents quantities in the Einstein frame. The relation between the Ricci scalars in the two frames is ˜ ω − 6g˜ µν ω,µ ω,ν ) , R = 2 (R˜ + 6
where ω,µ ≡
∂µ ,
˜ ω ≡ √1 ∂µ ( −g˜ g˜ µν ∂ν ω) . −g˜
The action (9.1) can be written as 1 4 √ F R − U + Sm (gµν , m ) , S = d x −g 2κ 2
where U=
RF − f . 2κ 2
√ √ ˜ the action (9.67) is transUsing Eq. (9.65) and the relation −g = −4 −g, formed to be 1 4 −2 ˜ µν −4 ˜ F (R + 6ω − 6g˜ ω,µ ω,ν ) − U + Sm (gµν , m ) . S = d x −g˜ 2κ 2 (9.69) We obtain a linear action in R˜ for the choice 2 = F .
9.1 f (R) gravity
We also introduce a new scalar field φ defined by " 3 κφ ≡ ln F . (9.71) 2 √ √ Since = F and ω,µ = ,µ /, it follows that ω,µ = (1/ 6)κφ,µ . The integral 4 √ ˜ ω vanishes on account of Gauss’s theorem by using Eq. (9.66). Then d x −g˜ the action in the Einstein frame is 1 ˜ 1 µν 4 R − g˜ ∂µ φ∂ν φ − V (φ) + Sm (gµν , m ) , (9.72) SE = d x −g˜ 2κ 2 2 where V (φ) =
RF − f . 2κ 2 F 2
In the rest of this subsection we shall use the unit κ 2 = 1. In the Einstein frame the scalar field φ has a direct coupling Q with non-relativistic matter. In Section 8.4 we have seen that this coupling has a relation 2 = F = e−2Qφ , with the conformal factor. From Eq. (9.71) we then find that √ Q = −1/ 6 .
In the absence of the field potential V (φ) it is not possible to satisfy local gravity constraints because the field propagates freely with a large coupling Q whose strength is of the order of unity [357]. Since a potential V (φ) with a gravitational origin is present in f (R) gravity, local gravity tests can be escaped through the chameleon mechanism [321, 322], provided that the form of f (R) is appropriately chosen. (i) = gµν and The action (9.72) is the same as (8.136) with the identifications gµν Qi = Q, apart from the difference that a tilde is used in (9.72) for the quantities in the Einstein frame. In f (R) gravity the field φ couples to non-relativistic matter universally with the same coupling. One can apply the discussions of Eqs. (8.139)– √ (8.155) to f (R) gravity just by the replacement Q → −1/ 6 and r → r˜ . The first and second derivatives of the potential V (φ) in terms of the field φ are given by " 2 2f − Rf,R Rf,RR 1 4ff,RR 1+ . (9.76) V,φ = , V,φφ = − 2 2 3 3f,RR f,R 2f,R f,R Recall that the effective potential is Veff (φ) = V (φ) + eQφ ρ, where ρ is a conserved density in the Einstein frame. In f (R) gravity the coupling Q is negative so that the effective potential has a local minimum for V,φ > 0, i.e. for 2f > Rf,R . For
Dark energy as a modification of gravity
the f (R) models in which the deviation from the CDM model is not significant 2 1, which gives V,φφ 1/(3f,RR ). In we have Rf,RR /f,R 1 and 4ff,RR /f,R fact on a local minimum of V (φ) we can write V,φφ =
1−m . 3f,RR
As long as f,RR > 0 and m < 1 the mass squared of the effective potential is positive. Let us consider local gravity constraints on the f (R) models given in Eqs. (9.9) and (9.10). In the region of high density where local gravity experiments are carried out (R Rc ), these models behave as ! (9.78) f (R) R − µRc 1 − (R/Rc )−2n , which approaches the CDM model in the limit R/Rc → ∞. Recall that Rc is roughly the same order as the cosmological Ricci scalar R0 today for µ and n of the order of unity. For the functional form (9.78) we have the following relations √ 6
= 1 − 2nµ(R/Rc )−(2n+1) , 5 2n/(2n+1) 6 √ √ 1 −φ Veff (φ) µRc e−4φ/ 6 1 − (2n + 1) √ + ρe−φ/ 6 , 2 6nµ F = e2φ/
(9.79) (9.80)
where the effective potential Veff (φ) is defined in Eq. (8.143). Inside a spherically symmetric body with a constant energy density ρA , the effective potential (9.80) has a minimum at √ (9.81) φA − 6nµ(Rc /ρA )2n+1 . In the region of high density (ρA Rc ∼ H02 ∼ ρc(0) ∼ 10−29 g/cm3 ), |φA | is very much smaller than 1. Since the quantity F (R) is close to unity from Eq. (9.79), the deviation from the CDM model is small in this regime (R Rc ). The mass squared about the potential minimum is given by 2(n+1) ρA d2 Veff 1 2 Rc (φA ) . (9.82) mA ≡ 2 dφ 6n(n + 1)µ Rc In the region of high density the mass mA is much larger than the present Hubble √ parameter H0 (∼ Rc ) for n and µ of the order of unity. The density ρB outside the body is generally much smaller than the density ρA inside √ the body. In this case the effective potential (9.80) has a minimum at φB − 6nµ(Rc /ρB )2n+1 with a d2 Veff (φB ) m2A . mass squared m2B ≡ dφ 2
9.1 f (R) gravity
In the region R Rc , the quantity m behaves as m 2n(2n + 1)µ(Rc /R)2n+1 .
Since the models are close to the CDM model for R Rc one can approximate R ρ in this region. Then the field value φB is estimated as √ 6 φB − m(RB ) , (9.84) 2(2n + 1) where RB is the Ricci scalar outside the body. Taking note of the relation |φA | |φB | ( 1), we find that the thin-shell parameter defined in Eq. (8.158) can be estimated as th
m(RB ) 1 . 2(2n + 1) c
The models can be consistent with local gravity constraints if th is much smaller than unity. For n of the order of unity this translates into the condition m(RB ) c .
Since 2.1 × 10−6 and ⊕ 7.0 × 10−10 for Sun and Earth, respectively, the deviation parameter m is required to be very much smaller than unity in the region outside the body. Note that the condition (9.86) is opposite to the condition (9.63) required for the validity of the linear expansion of R about the background value R0 . The region in which the chameleon mechanism works corresponds to the non-linear regime in which such a linear expansion of R is no longer valid. Let us consider constraints on model parameters by using the bound coming violation of equivalence principle. Using the relation |φB,⊕ | = √ from the 2n+1 6nµ(Rc /ρB ) , the bound (8.173) translates into 2n+1 nµ R1 < 1.5 × 10−15 , (9.87) 2n+1 ρ x1 B where x1 is defined by x1 ≡ R1 /Rc . Let us consider the case in which the Lagrangian density is given by (9.78) for R ≥ R1 . If we use the original models of Hu and Sawicki [368] and Starobinsky [369], then there are some modifications for the estimation of R1 , but this change is not significant when we place constraints on model parameters. The de Sitter point for the model (9.78) corresponds to µ = x12n+1 /[2(x12n − n − 1)]. Substituting this relation into Eq. (9.87), we find 2n+1 R1 n < 1.5 × 10−15 . (9.88) 2n 2(x1 − n − 1) ρB
Dark energy as a modification of gravity
For the stability of the de Sitter point we require that m(R1 ) < 1, which translates into the condition x12n > 2n2 + 3n + 1. Hence the term n/[2(x12n − n − 1)] in Eq. (9.88) is smaller than 0.25 for n > 0. We now assume that R1 and ρB are of the orders of the present cosmological density 10−29 g/cm3 and the baryonic/dark matter density 10−24 g/cm3 in our galaxy, respectively. From Eq. (9.88) we obtain the constraint n > 0.9 .
Thus n does not need to be much larger than unity. Under the condition (9.89) one can see an appreciable deviation from the CDM model cosmologically (m O(0.1)) as R decreases to the order of Rc , while satisfying the condition (9.86) in the region of high density. Thus we have seen that the models (9.9) and (9.10) are carefully constructed to satisfy local gravity constraints even when n is of the order of 1. Meanwhile, other f (R) models are likely to be plagued by the problem of tuning model parameters. For example, let us also study the following model [363, 376] f (R) = R − µRc (R/Rc )p ,
(0 < p < 1, µ, Rc > 0) .
The model with negative p is excluded to f,RR < 0. Since √ because it corresponds 1−p the field φB is given by φB = −( 6/2)µp (Rc /ρB ) , the experimental bound (8.173) translates into 1−p Rc µp < 1.5 × 10−15 . (9.91) ρB 1−p
The de Sitter point, x1 = R1 /Rc , satisfies the relation µ = x1 the bound (9.91) yields 1−p R1 p < 1.5 × 10−15 . 2 − p ρB
/(2 − p). Hence
Taking R1 = 10−29 g/cm3 and ρB = 10−24 g/cm3 , we obtain the constraint p < 3 × 10−10 .
This means that the deviation from the CDM model is very small. Since the power (1 − p) does not exceed unity in Eq. (9.92), we need to choose values of p much smaller than unity to satisfy the condition (9.92). On the other hand, the model (9.78) can easily make |φB | very small due to the presence of a larger power 2n + 1. In summary we have shown that the models (9.9) and (9.10) can be consistent with local gravity constraints for n 1, whereas in the model (9.8) we require that p < 10−10 . The model (9.11) can be regarded as the special case of the models
9.1 f (R) gravity
(9.9) and (9.10) with n 1. The models (9.9), (9.10), and (9.11) are very close to the CDM model for R Rc , but it is possible to see the deviation from it as R approaches Rc . As we see from Eq. (9.79), the field value φ = 0 corresponds to the limit R → ∞ with a finite effective potential for the models (9.9) and (9.10) [382]. As we go back to the past, the field value φA at the potential minimum approaches φ = 0. The perturbations in φ need to be suppressed relative to its background value in order to avoid reaching the curvature singularity at φ = 0. This is related to the suppression of the oscillating mode in φ with the large mass Mφ2 f,R /(3f,RR ) [369, 371]. In the strong gravitational background (such as neutron stars), Ref. [383] showed that for the model (9.10) it is difficult to obtain thin-shell solutions inside a spherically symmetric body with constant density. For chameleon models with general couplings Q, a thin-shell field profile has been analytically derived in Ref. [324] by employing a linear expansion in terms of the gravitational potential c at the surface of a compact object with constant density. Using the boundary condition set by analytic solutions, Ref. [324] also numerically confirmed the existence of thin-shell solutions for c 0.3 in the case of inverse power-law potentials V (φ) = M 4+n φ −n . The effect of the relativistic pressure is important around the center of the body so that the field tends to roll down the potential quickly unless the boundary condition is carefully chosen. Note that realistic stars have densities ρA (r) that globally decrease as a function of r. The numerical simulation of Refs. [384, 385] showed that thin-shell solutions are present for the f (R) model (9.10) by considering a polytropic equation of state even in the strong gravitational background. 9.1.4 The viability of f (R) gravity models in the Palatini formalism In f (R) theory of the Palatini formalism the field equation (9.5) is of the second order, unlike the fourth-order equation (9.3) in the metric case. Hence the scalar-field degree of freedom does not have a dynamical evolution as in the case of General Relativity. Recall that in the metric formalism the condition f,RR > 0 is required in order to avoid the instability problem of perturbations associated with the field mass squared Mψ2 . In the Palatini formalism there are no such restrictions because of the absence of the dynamical degree of freedom for the field. This is one of the reasons why the viable background cosmological evolution can be realized fairly easily in the Palatini case, as we will see below. Let us discuss the viability of f (R) gravity models in the Palatini formalism [386, 387, 388, 389, 390, 391]. We first study the cosmological dynamics in this formalism. Taking into account non-relativistic matter and radiation, Eqs. (9.4) and
Dark energy as a modification of gravity
(9.5) give the following equations of motion in the flat FLRW background: 2 6F H + F˙ /2F − f = κ 2 (ρm + 2ρr ) , (9.94) F R − 2f = −κ 2 ρm .
Taking the derivative of Eq. (9.95) with respect to t and using the conservation equation for ρm , we find [399] F R − 2f 3κ 2 Hρm = −3H . R˙ = RF,R − F F,R R − F
Combining Eqs. (9.94) and (9.96) gives H2 = where
2κ 2 (ρm + ρr ) + F R − f , 6F ξ
3 F,R (F R − 2f ) ξ ≡ 1− 2 F (F,R R − F )
2 .
We introduce the following dimensionless variables y1 ≡
FR − f , 6F ξ H 2
y2 ≡
κ 2 ρr . 3F ξ H 2
In terms of these variables the constraint equation (9.97) becomes κ 2 ρm = 1 − y1 − y2 . 3F ξ H 2
Differentiating Eq. (9.97) we obtain 2
ξ˙ F˙ R F˙ H˙ − + = −3 + 3y − y − . 1 2 H2 HF Hξ 6F ξ H 3
The variables y1 and y2 obey the following equations of motion [392]: dy1 = y1 [3 − 3y1 + y2 + C(R)(1 − y1 )] , dN dy2 = y2 [−1 − 3y1 + y2 − C(R)y1 ] , dN
(9.102) (9.103)
where C(R) ≡
R F˙ (F R − 2f )F,R R = −3 . H (F R − f ) (F R − f )(F,R R − F )
The following constraint equation also holds F R − 2f 1 − y1 − y2 , =− FR − f 2y1
9.1 f (R) gravity
which shows that R and thus C(R) can in principle be expressed in terms of the variables y1 and y2 . The behavior of the variables y1 and y2 depends on the function C(R). For the well-behaved function C(R), but excluding the cases C(R) = −3, −4, we obtain the following fixed points for the system (9.102)–(9.103): (i) Pr : (y1 , y2 ) = (0, 1), (ii) Pm : (y1 , y2 ) = (0, 0), (iii) Pd : (y1 , y2 ) = (1, 0). (9.106) The eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrices for the linearized perturbation equations about the above fixed points are given by (i) Pr : 4 + C(R), 1,
(ii) Pm : 3 + C(R), −1,
(iii) Pd : −3 − C(R), −4 − C(R).
The effective equation of state of the system is ξ˙ F˙ R F˙ 1 weff = −y1 + y2 + + − . 3 3H F 3H ξ 18F ξ H 3
For the CDM model, f (R) = R − 2, we have C(R) = 0 and hence the points Pr , Pm , and Pd correspond to radiation (weff = 1/3, unstable), matter (weff = 0, saddle), and de Sitter (weff = −1, stable) points, respectively. Thus it is possible to realize the sequence of radiation, matter, and de Sitter epochs. Let us next consider the model f (R) = R − β/R n with β > 0 and n > −1. From Eqs. (9.104) and (9.105) this model gives the following relations β[3y1 +n(y1 −y2 + 1) − y2 + 1] . 2y1 (9.109) 1+n We focus on the case in which the condition β/R 1 is satisfied during the radiation era (i.e. f (R) R). We then find that the points Pr , Pm , Pd behave as radiation, matter, and de Sitter points, respectively, with the eigenvalues C(R) = 3n
R 1+n −(2+n)β R 1+n + n(2+n)β
(i) Pr : (3n + 4, 1) ,
and R 1+n =
(ii) Pm : (3n + 3, −1) ,
(iii) Pd : (−3, −4) . (9.110)
Note that the de Sitter point Pd satisfies the relation, R 1+n = (2 + n)β, which exists for n > −2 provided that R > 0 and β > 0. If n > −1 and β > 0, the points Pr , Pm , Pd correspond to an unstable node, a saddle, and a stable node, respectively. Numerical simulations in Ref. [392] indeed confirmed that such theories admit the sequence of radiation, matter, and de Sitter phases. This property is different from the f (R) gravity in the metric formalism – the model f (R) = R − β/R n (β > 0, n > 0) does not give rise to viable cosmological evolution (because the condition f,RR > 0 is not satisfied).
Dark energy as a modification of gravity 0.4
−0.1 −0.2 4
Figure 9.2 The observational contours at the 68% and 95% confidence levels for the model based on the theory f (R) = R − β/R n in the Palatini formalism, constrained by SNLS, BAO, and CMB data. From Ref. [392].
In Refs. [393, 392] observational constraints on the model f (R) = R − β/R n have been derived by using the SN Ia, BAO, and CMB data. As we show in Fig. 9.2 the two parameters n and β are constrained to be n ∈ [−0.23, 0.42] and β ∈ [2.73, 10.6] at the 95% confidence level (the unit H0 = 1 is chosen for the normalization of β). Since the allowed values of n are close to 0, the above model is not particularly favored over the CDM model. In Section 9.2 we will show that f (R) theory in the Palatini formalism is equivalent to Brans–Dicke theory [63] with a parameter ωBD = −3/2 (and with a field potential) [360, 387, 391]. If we transform the action (9.121) of the Brans–Dicke theory with a field potential by a conformal transformation, the resulting Einstein frame action corresponds to a coupled quintessence scenario with a constant coupling Q between the field φ and non-relativistic matter [273]. From the relation (9.122) between ωBD and Q we see that f (R) theory in the Palatini formalism (ωBD = −3/2) corresponds to the infinite coupling, Q2 → ∞. It is expected that this large coupling should lead to some observable effects. In Ref. [394] the equations for matter density perturbations have been derived in the Jordan frame of f (R) theory in the Palatini formalism. Under the sub-horizon approximation in which the comoving wavenumber k is much larger than aH , the
9.2 Scalar-tensor theories
equation for matter perturbations δm is approximately given by [395] 2 ¨δm + 2H δ˙m − ρm 1 + m k δm 0 , 2F 1 − m a2R
where m = Rf,RR /f,R is the deviation parameter from the CDM model. The second term in the bracket of Eq. (9.111) plays a crucial role when we discuss the evolution of perturbations. Since R is of the order of H 2 we have that k 2 /(a 2 R) ∼ (k/aH )2 1 for sub-horizon modes. For smaller scale modes (i.e. larger k) the evolution of δm is quite different from that in the CDM model. If m > 0 there is violent growth of matter perturbations, whereas if m < 0 there is a damped oscillation of δm . The constraint from the large-scale structure gives the bound |m| 10−5 –10−4 even at the present epoch irrespective of the form of f (R) [395]. Hence the f (R) models in the Palatini formalism are constrained to be very close to the CDM model from the evolution of matter perturbations. In f (R) theory in the metric formalism the deviation parameter m can grow as large as the order of 0.1 around the present epoch, e.g., for the models (9.9)–(9.11), which means that the models can show appreciable deviation from the CDM model. The f (R) theory in the Palatini formalism also gives rise to non-perturbative corrections to the matter action as well as strong couplings between gravity and matter. This problem was first raised by Flanagan [396] using Dirac particles for the matter action and was studied again for the matter action of a Higgs field [397]. Starting from the Brans–Dicke action (9.121) with ωBD = −3/2 along the line of Ref. [398] by taking into account a Higgs boson h with mass mh , one can show that, for the model f (R) = R − β/R, a perturbative expansion for the Brans–Dicke field φ leads to large non-perturbative corrections to a local matter action [399]. As long as the Palatini f (R) models are designed to explain the late-time cosmic acceleration, they are in conflict with the standard model of particle physics unless the deviation from the CDM model is very small. This is associated with the infinitely large coupling problem mentioned above.
9.2 Scalar-tensor theories As we have seen in this section and in the previous chapters, most models of dark energy rely on scalar fields. Scalar fields have a long history in cosmology, starting from Brans–Dicke theory [63] in which gravity is mediated by a scalar field in addition to the metric tensor field (see the book [400]). Brans–Dicke theory was an attempt to revive Mach’s principle (according to which inertia arises when a body is accelerated with respect to the global mass distribution in the Universe) by linking the gravitational constant to a cosmic field. At the same time, Brans– Dicke theory incorporated Dirac’s suggestion that G varies in time in order to
Dark energy as a modification of gravity
explain the coincidence that combinations like (2 H0 c5 /G)1/3 68 h1/3 MeV or (e4 H0 c3 /G)1/3 2.5 h1/3 MeV are of the order of typical particle masses. Brans–Dicke theory is just a particular example of scalar-tensor theories. These are probably the simplest example of modified gravity models and as such one of the most intensely studied alternatives to General Relativity. After the discovery of cosmic acceleration, they have been invoked by several authors [56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 374, 401, 402] to generalize the cosmological constant and to explain the fine-tuning and the coincidence problem. In this section we discuss their properties as dark energy candidates. The action for scalar-tensor theories is given by 1 1 4 √ 2 S = d x −g f (ϕ, R) − ζ (ϕ)(∇ϕ) + Sm (gµν , m ) , (9.112) 2 2 where f is a general function of the scalar field ϕ and the Ricci scalar R, ζ is a function of ϕ, and Sm is a matter Lagrangian that depends on the metric gµν and matter fields m . We choose units such that κ 2 = 1. The action (9.112) includes a wide variety of theories such as f (R) gravity, Brans–Dicke theory, and dilaton gravity. The f (R) gravity corresponds to the choice f (ϕ, R) = f (R) and ζ = 0. The action in Brans–Dicke theory is f = ϕR and ζ = ωBD /ϕ, where ωBD is called the Brans–Dicke parameter [63]. One can generalize Brans–Dicke theory by adding the field potential U (ϕ) to the original action, i.e. f = ϕR − 2U (ϕ) and ζ = ωBD /ϕ. The dilaton gravity arising from lowenergy effective string theory [64] corresponds to f = 2e−ϕ R − 2U (ϕ) and ζ (ϕ) = −2e−ϕ , where we have introduced the dilaton potential U (ϕ). The action (9.112) can be transformed to the Einstein frame under the conformal transformation (9.64) with the choice ∂f , (9.113) 2 = F ≡ ∂R where F is positive in order to ensure that gravity is attractive. Let us consider theories of the type f (ϕ, R) = F (ϕ)R − 2U (ϕ) ,
for which the conformal factor depends on ϕ only. Following a procedure similar to the one we employed for f (R) gravity, we obtain the action in the Einstein frame: 1 ˜ 1 ˜ 2 4 SE = d x −g˜ R − (∇φ) − V (φ) + Sm (g˜ µν F −1 , m ) , (9.115) 2 2 where we have introduced a new scalar field φ in order to make the kinetic term canonical: $ 3 F,ϕ 2 ζ φ = dϕ + . (9.116) 2 F F
9.2 Scalar-tensor theories
The potential V (φ) is given by V = U/F 2 .
Recall that the Einstein frame action (9.72) in f (R) gravity in√ the metric formalism is the same as Eq. (9.115) with the correspondence φ = ( 6/2) ln F and V = (RF − f )/2F 2 . From Eq. (9.117) the potential U in the Jordan frame is given by U = (RF − f )/2. In order to describe the strength of the coupling between dark energy and nonrelativistic matter, we introduce the following quantity 5 6−1/2 F,ϕ 3 F,ϕ 2 ζ F,φ =− + . (9.118) Q≡− 2F F 2 F F √
Since√ F = e2φ/ 6 in f (R) gravity in the metric formalism we have that Q = −1/ 6. If Q is a constant, the following relations hold from Eqs. (9.116) and (9.118): 2 dφ −2Qφ 2 F =e , ζ = (1 − 6Q )F . (9.119) dϕ Then the action (9.112) in the Jordan frame yields [273] 1 1 4 √ 2 2 S = d x −g F (φ)R − (1 − 6Q )F (φ)(∇φ) − U (φ) + Sm (gµν , m ) . 2 2 (9.120) In the limit Q → 0 the action (9.120) reduces to the one for a minimally coupled scalar field φ with the potential U (φ). The transformation of the Jordan frame action (9.120) via a conformal transformation g˜ µν = F (φ)gµν gives rise to the Einstein frame action (9.115) with a constant coupling Q, which is equivalent to the action (8.136) for the chameleon scalar field. It is instructive to compare (9.120) with the action of Brans–Dicke theory with a potential U : 1 ωBD 4 √ 2 S = d x −g ψR − (∇ψ) − U (ψ) + Sm (gµν , m ) . (9.121) 2 2ψ Setting ψ = F = e−2Qφ , one easily finds that the two actions are equivalent if the parameter ωBD is related to Q via the relation [273] 3 + 2ωBD =
1 . 2Q2
Dark energy as a modification of gravity
Under this condition, the theories given by (9.120) are equivalent to Brans–Dicke theory with a potential U . In the General Relativistic limit, Q → 0, we have ωBD → ∞ as expected. Taking the variation of Eq. (9.121) with respect to gµν and ψ leads to the following equations 1 1 1 1 Rµν (g) − gµν R(g) = Tµν − gµν U (ψ) + (∇µ ∇ν ψ − gµν ψ) 2 ψ ψ ψ 1 ωBD (9.123) + 2 ∂µ ψ∂ν ψ − gµν (∇ψ)2 , ψ 2 (3 + 2ωBD )ψ + 4U (ψ) − 2ψU,ψ = T .
In order to find the relation of Brans–Dicke theory with the f (R) theories, let us consider the following correspondence 1 (9.125) [R(ψ)F − f (R(ψ))] , 2 where R = R(g) in the metric case and R = R(T ) in the Palatini case. Comparing Eqs. (9.123) and (9.124) with Eqs. (9.2) and (9.3), it can readily be seen that f (R) theory in the metric formalism corresponds to the above generalized Brans–Dicke theory with ωBD = 0. Similarly the comparison of Eqs. (9.123) and (9.124) with Eqs. (9.6) and (9.5) shows that f (R) theory in the Palatini formalism corresponds the coupling Q for to the generalized Brans–Dicke theory with ωBD = −3/2. Since√ the f (R) theory in the metric formalism is given by Q = −1/ 6, it also follows from Eq. (9.122) that the Brans–Dicke parameter ωBD is equivalent to 0. From Eq. (9.122) f (R) theory in the Palatini formalism (ωBD = −3/2) corresponds to the infinite matter coupling, Q2 → ∞. In dilaton√gravity [f (ϕ, R) = 2e−ϕ R − 2U and ζ = −2e−ϕ ] one has F = 2e−ϕ and φ = ϕ/ 2. In this case √we find from Eqs. (9.118) and (9.122) that the coupling is also constant (Q = 1/ 2) with the Brans–Dicke parameter ωBD = −1. The above discussion shows that the action (9.120) with F (φ) = e−2Qφ corresponds to Brans–Dicke theory with the potential U (φ), which includes a wide variety of theories such as f (R) theories in the metric and Palatini formalisms, and dilaton gravity. There are theories that give rise to varying couplings Q. For example a nonminimally coupled scalar field with a coupling ξ corresponds to the choice F (ϕ) = 1 − ξ ϕ 2 and ζ (ϕ) = 1. In this case the coupling Q(ϕ) is field-dependent: ψ = F (R) ,
U (ψ) =
ξϕ . [1 − − 6ξ )]1/2 √ Note that Q ξ ϕ for |ξ | 1 and Q ±1/ 6 in the limit |ξ | 1. Q(ϕ) =
ξ ϕ 2 (1
9.2 Scalar-tensor theories
In the following we shall focus on the constant coupling models based on the action (9.120) with F (φ) = e−2Qφ . 9.2.1 Cosmological dynamics We shall study the cosmological dynamics for the Jordan frame action (9.120) with F (φ) = e−2Qφ in the presence of a non-relativistic fluid with energy density ρm and a radiation fluid with energy density ρr . We regard here the Jordan frame as a “physical” one due to the usual conservation of non-relativistic matter (ρm ∝ a −3 ) in this frame. In the Einstein frame the system is described by a coupled quintessence scenario with the potential V = U/F 2 . One can study the cosmological dynamics in the Einstein frame and transform back to the Jordan frame, but we shall carry out the analysis directly in the Jordan frame. In the flat FLRW background the variation of the action (9.120) with respect to gµν and φ leads to the following equations of motion 3F H 2 = 12 (1 − 6Q2 )F φ˙ 2 + U − 3H F˙ + ρm + ρr ,
2F H˙ = −(1 − 6Q )F φ − F¨ + H F˙ − ρm − (4/3)ρr , ! (1 − 6Q2 )F φ¨ + 3H φ˙ + (F˙ /2F )φ˙ + U,φ + QF R = 0 .
We introduce the following variables φ˙ x1 ≡ √ , 6H and m ≡
ρm , 3F H 2
r ≡ x32 ,
1 x2 ≡ H
U , 3F
1 x3 ≡ H
ρr , 3F
√ DE ≡ (1 − 6Q2 )x12 + x22 +2 6Qx1 . (9.131)
These satisfy the relation m + r + DE = 1 from Eq. (9.127). Using Eqs. (9.127)–(9.129), we obtain the differential equations for x1 , x2 , and x3 : √ √ √ √ dx1 6 6Q = (λx22 − 6x1 ) + (5 − 6Q2 )x12 + 2 6Qx1 − 3x22 + x32 − 1 dN 2 2 ˙ H (9.132) − x1 2 , H √ 6 H˙ dx2 = (2Q − λ)x1 x2 − x2 2 , (9.133) dN 2 H H˙ dx3 √ (9.134) = 6Qx1 x3 − 2x3 − x3 2 , dN H
Dark energy as a modification of gravity
where λ ≡ −U,φ /U ,
and H˙ /H 2 is given by
√ H˙ 1 − 6Q2 2 2 2 2 2 = − − 3x + x − 6Q x + 2 6Qx 3 + 3x 1 1 2 3 1 H2 2 + 3Q(λx22 − 4Q) .
The effective equation of state of the system is weff = −1 +
√ 1 − 6Q2 (3 + 3x12 − 3x22 + x32 − 6Q2 x12 + 2 6Qx1 ) 3
− 2Q(λx22 − 4Q) .
In the absence of radiation (x3 = 0), the fixed points of the system (9.132)–(9.134) for constant λ are given by [273] r (a) φMDE (x1 , x2 ) =
6Q ,0 3(2Q2 − 1)
m =
3 − 2Q2 , 3(1 − 2Q2 )2
weff =
4Q2 . (9.138) 3(1 − 2Q2 )
r (b) Kinetic points (x1 , x2 ) =
1 ,0 √ 6Q ± 1
m = 0 ,
weff =
√ 6Q . √ 3(1 ± 6Q) 3∓
r (c) Scalar-field dominated point √ 1/2 6(4Q − λ) 6 − λ2 + 8Qλ − 16Q2 (x1 , x2 ) = , m = 0 , , 6(4Q2 − Qλ − 1) 6(4Q2 − Qλ − 1)2 weff = −
20Q2 − 9Qλ − 3 + λ2 . 3(4Q2 − Qλ − 1)
r (d) Scaling solution √ (x1 , x2 ) = weff = −
6 , 2λ
3 + 2Qλ − 6Q2 2λ2
m = 1 −
3 − 12Q2 + 7Qλ , λ2
2Q . λ
r (e) de Sitter point (present for λ = 4Q) (x1 , x2 ) = (0, 1) ,
m = 0 ,
weff = −1 .
9.2 Scalar-tensor theories
One can confirm that the de Sitter point (e) exists for λ = 4Q, by setting φ˙ = 0 in Eqs. (9.127)–(9.129). This is the special case of the scalar-field dominated point (c). (I) Constant λ Let us study the case of non-zero values of Q with constant λ, i.e. for the exponential potential U (φ) = U0 e−λφ . We do not consider the special case of λ = 4Q. The stability of the fixed points (a)–(e) can be found as usual by considering the eigenvalues of the 2 × 2 Jacobian matrix of perturbations, see the problem 9.3. The matter-dominated epoch can be realized either by the point (a) or by the point (d). If the point (a) is responsible for the matter era, we require the condition Q2 1. We then have m 1 + 10Q2 /3 > 1 and weff 4Q2 /3. When Q2 1 the scalar-field dominated point (c)√yields an accelerated expansion of the Universe √ provided that − 2 + 4Q < λ < 2 + 4Q. Under these conditions the point (a) is followed by the late-time cosmic acceleration. The scaling solution (d) can give rise to the equation of state, weff 0 for |Q| |λ|. In this case, however, the condition weff < −1/3 for the point (c) gives λ2 2. Then the energy fraction of the pressureless matter for the point (d) does not satisfy the condition m 1. From the above discussion the viable cosmological trajectory for constant λ corresponds to the sequence from the point dominated point (c) under the √ (a) to the scalar-field √ conditions Q2 1 and − 2 + 4Q < λ < 2 + 4Q. In the Einstein frame this corresponds to the coupled quintessence scenario with the exponential potential V = U/F 2 = U0 e−(λ−4Q)φ discussed in Section 8.3. (II) Varying λ Let us next proceed to the case where λ varies with time. When the time scale of the variation of λ is smaller than that of the cosmic expansion, the fixed points derived above in the case of constant λ can be regarded as the “instantaneous” fixed points. This allows the possibility that the matter era is realized by the point (d) with |Q| |λ| and that the solutions finally approach either the de Sitter point (e) with λ = 4Q or the accelerated point (c). In the following let us focus on the case in which the matter solution (d) is followed by the de Sitter solution (e). In order to study the stability of the point (e) we define a variable x4 ≡ F . This satisfies the following equation √ dx4 = −2 6Qx1 x4 . (9.143) dN Considering the 3 × 3 matrix for perturbations δx1 , δx2 , and δx4 around the point (e), we obtain the eigenvalues 5 6 " 3 8 dλ 1 ± 1 − F1 Q (F1 ) , − 3, − (9.144) 2 3 dF
Dark energy as a modification of gravity
where F1 ≡ F (φ1 ) is the value of F at the de Sitter point with the field value φ1 . Since F1 > 0, we find that the de Sitter point is stable for dλ (9.145) (φ1 ) < 0 . dφ √ For f (R) theory in the metric formalism (Q = −1/ 6), this condition translates √ into dλ/dF < 0. Since√F = e2φ/ 6 = df/dR and U = (RF − f )/2 in this case, we have λ = −Rf,R /( 6V ). Then, together with the fact that Rf,R = 2f holds for the de Sitter point, the condition dλ/dF < 0 is equivalent to R < f,R /f,RR . For positive R this gives 0 < Rf,RR /f,R < 1, which agrees with the condition (9.35). Let us consider the f (R) model (9.78) in the metric formalism. This √ recov2φ/ 6 =1− ers the models (9.9) and (9.10) in the regime R Rc . Since e 2nµ(R/Rc )−(2n+1) in this case, the potential U = (F R − f )/2 in the Jordan frame yields √ 2n/(2n+1) 2n + 1 µRc 2φ/ 6 . (9.146) 1− U (φ) = 1−e 2 (2nµ)2n/(2n+1) Q
dλ (F1 ) > 0 , dF
The parameter, λ = −U,φ /U , is then given by √ √ −2n/(2n+1) 2n + 1 4ne2φ/ 6 2φ/ 6 1− λ = −√ 1−e (2nµ)2n/(2n+1) 6(2nµ)2n/(2n+1) √ −1/(2n+1) × 1 − e2φ/ 6 . (9.147) In the deep matter-dominated epoch where the condition R/Rc 1 is satisfied, the field φ is very close to zero. For n and µ of the order of unity, |λ| is much larger than unity during this stage. Hence the matter era is realized by the instantaneous fixed point (d). As R/Rc gets smaller,√|λ| decreases to the order of unity. If the solutions reach the point λ = 4Q = −4/ 6 and satisfy the stability condition dλ/dF < 0, then the final attractor corresponds to the de Sitter fixed point (e). For the theories with general couplings Q, it is possible to construct a scalar-field potential that is the generalization of (9.146). One example is [273] ! (U0 > 0, C > 0, 0 < p < 1) . (9.148) U (φ) = U0 1 − C(1 − e−2Qφ )p Note√that the f (R) model (9.78) in the metric formalism corresponds to Q = −1/ 6 and p = 2n/(2n + 1). The slope of the potential (9.148) is given by λ=
2Cp Qe−2Qφ (1 − e−2Qφ )p−1 . 1 − C(1 − e−2Qφ )p
When Q > 0, the potential energy decreases from U0 as φ increases from 0. On the other hand, if Q < 0, the potential energy decreases from U0 as φ decreases from
9.2 Scalar-tensor theories
0. In both cases we have U (φ) → U0 (1 − C) in the limits φ → ∞ (for Q > 0) and φ → −∞ (for Q < 0). In the model (9.148) the field is stuck around the value φ = 0 during the deep radiation and matter epochs. In these epochs one has R ρm /F from Eqs. (9.127)– (9.129) by noting that U0 is negligibly small compared to ρm or ρr . Using Eq. (9.129), we obtain the relation U,φ + Qρm 0. Hence, in the high-curvature region, the field φ evolves along the instantaneous minima given by 1 2U0 pC 1/(1−p) . (9.150) φm 2Q ρm The field value |φm | increases for decreasing ρm . As long as the condition ρm 2U0 pC is satisfied, we have |φm | 1 from Eq. (9.150). Equation (9.149) shows that |λ| 1 for field values around φ = 0. Hence the instantaneous fixed point (d) can be responsible for the matter-dominated epoch provided that |Q| |λ|. The variable F = e−2Qφ decreases in time irrespective of the sign of the coupling Q and hence 0 < F < 1. The de Sitter solution corresponds to λ = 4Q, i.e. C=
2 . (1 − F1 )p−1 [2 + (p − 2)F1 ]
Provided that the solution of this equation exists in the region 0 < F1 < 1, for given values of C and p, the de Sitter solution is present. From Eq. (9.149) we obtain dλ 4CpQ2 F (1 − F )p−2 [1 − pF − C(1 − F )p ] =− . dφ [1 − C(1 − F )p ]2
When 0 < C < 1 one can easily show that the function g(F ) ≡ 1 − pF − C(1 − F )p is positive in the region 0 < F < 1, giving dλ/dφ < 0. Hence, the condition for a stable de Sitter point is automatically satisfied. In this case the solutions approach the de Sitter attractor after the end of the matter era. When C > 1, the function g(F ) becomes negative for values of F that are smaller than the critical value Fc (< 1). The de Sitter point (e) is stable under the condition 1 − pF1 > C(1 − F1 )p . Using Eq. (9.151) we find that this stability condition translates to F1 > 1/(2 − p) .
If this condition is violated, the solutions choose another stable fixed point as an attractor. In f (R) theory in the metric formalism, for example, the solutions can √ reach the stable accelerated point (c) characterized by m = −r − 1 and ( 3 − 1)/2 < m < 1.
Dark energy as a modification of gravity 1.0
weff −1.0 0
Figure 9.3 The evolution of DE , m , r , and weff for the field potential (9.148) with parameters Q = 0.01, p = 0.2, and C = 0.7. The initial conditions are given by x1 = 0, x2 = 2.27 × 10−7 , x3 = 0.7, and x4 − 1 = −5.0 × 10−13 at N = 0. From Ref. [273].
In summary, when 0 < C < 1, the matter point (d) can be followed by the stable de Sitter solution (e) for the model (9.148). In Fig. 9.3 we plot the evolution of DE , m , r , and weff versus N for Q = 0.01, p = 0.2, and C = 0.7. Starting from the epoch of matter–radiation equality, the solutions first dwell around the matter point (d) with weff 0 and finally approach the de Sitter attractor (e) with weff −1. Initially λ is much larger than unity and eventually approaches the value λ = 4Q. Rewriting Eqs. (9.127) and (9.128) in the forms of Eqs. (9.44) and (9.45) by defining the dark energy density ρDE and the pressure PDE to confront with SN Ia observations, one obtains the continuity equation (9.48) and the dark energy equation of state (9.49) (see problem 9.1). The variable F = e−2Qφ decreases in time irrespective of the signs of Q for the model (9.148), as in the viable f (R) models we discussed in Section 9.1.2. Then the phantom equation of state (wDE < −1) as well as the cosmological constant boundary crossing (wDE = −1) arises for scalar-tensor theories with large couplings (|Q| = O(1)) [273]. Even if |Q| 1 it was shown in Refs. [268, 403, 269, 264] that the phantom equation of state can be realized without introducing a ghost field with a negative kinetic energy.
9.2 Scalar-tensor theories
9.2.2 Local gravity constraints Let us study the local gravity constraints for the scalar-tensor theory given by the action (9.120). This is equivalent to the action (9.121) in Brans–Dicke theory with the field potential U (ψ). We first consider a linear expansion of the field ψ as ψ = ψ0 (1 + δψ ) about a spherically symmetric background of the approximate Minkowski spacetime. In f (R) theory in the metric formalism we have done a similar procedure from Eq. (9.51) to Eq. (9.61). The difference from f (R) theory is that the factor “3” in Eq. (9.3) is replaced by the factor “3 + 2ωBD ” in Eq. (9.124) in Brans–Dicke theory. It is then easy to show that, in the massless limit of the field ψ (i.e. in the absence of the potential), the effective Newton constant G(N) eff and the post-Newtonian parameter γ in Brans–Dicke theory are given, respectively, by [63, 404] G(N) eff =
G 4 + 2ωBD , ψ0 3 + 2ωBD
γ =
1 + ωBD . 2 + ωBD
In f (R) theory in the metric formalism, Eq. (9.61) gives G(N) eff = (4/3)(G/ψ0 ) and γ = 1/2 in the limit Mψ → 0, so that the Brans–Dicke parameter corresponds to ωBD = 0. Using the solar system bound given in Eq. (8.171), we find that the Brans– Dicke parameter is constrained to be ωBD > 4.3 × 104 in the massless case. This bound also applies to the case of a nearly massless field with a potential in which the Yukawa correction e−Mψ r is close to 1. Using the bound ωBD > 4.3 × 104 in Eq. (9.122), we find that the coupling Q is constrained to be |Q| < 2.4 × 10−3
(for the massless case).
Under this constraint it is difficult to find a large difference from the uncoupled quintessence models. In the presence of the field-potential it is possible for large coupling models (|Q| = O(1)) to satisfy the local gravity constraints if the mass M of the field φ is sufficiently heavy in the region of high density. In fact the scalar-tensor potential (9.148) is designed to have a large mass in the high-density region so that it can be compatible with experimental tests for the violation of equivalence principle through the chameleon mechanism even for |Q| = O(1). In the following we shall consider the model (9.148) and derive the conditions under which the local gravity constraints can be satisfied. If we make a conformal transformation for the action (9.120), the resulting Einstein frame action is given by Eq. (8.136) with a constant coupling Q. Hence one can use the results obtained in Section 8.4. We consider a configuration in which a spherically symmetric body has a constant density ρA inside the body and that the energy density outside the
Dark energy as a modification of gravity
body is given by ρ = ρB ( ρA ). Under the condition |Qφ| 1, one has V,φ −2U0 QpC(2Qφ)p−1 for the potential V = U/F 2 in the Einstein frame. Then the field values at the potential minima inside and outside the body are 1 2U0 p C 1/(1−p) 1 2U0 p C 1/(1−p) , φB , (9.156) φA 2Q ρA 2Q ρB which satisfy |φA | |φB |. These are analogous to the field value φm derived in Eq. (9.150) in the cosmological setting. In order to realize the accelerated expansion today, U0 needs to be roughly the same order as the square of the present Hubble parameter H0 , so we have U0 ∼ H02 ∼ ρc(0) , where ρc(0) 10−29 g/cm3 is the present cosmological density. The baryonic/dark matter density in our galaxy corresponds to ρB 10−24 g/cm3 . This shows that the conditions |QφA | 1 and |QφB | 1 are in fact satisfied unless C 1. The field mass squared m2A ≡ V,φφ at φ = φA is approximately given by (2−p)/(1−p) 1−p 2 2 ρA mA p Q U0 , (9.157) (2 pC)1/(1−p) U0 which means that mA can be much larger than H0 because of the condition ρA U0 . Let us place constraints on model parameters by using the bound (8.173) coming from the violation of equivalence principle. In so doing, we shall consider the case where the solutions finally approach the de Sitter point (e). The bound (8.173) coming from the violation of equivalence principle translates into (2U0 pC/ρB )1/(1−p) < 7.4 × 10−15 |Q| .
At the de Sitter point (e), one has 3F1 H12 = U0 [1 − C(1 − F1 )p ] with C given in Eq. (9.151). Hence, we obtain the following relation U0 = 3H12 [2 + (p − 2)F1 ] /p .
Substituting this into Eq. (9.158) we find (R1 /ρB )1/(1−p) (1 − F1 ) < 7.4 × 10−15 |Q| ,
where R1 = 12H12 is the Ricci scalar at the de Sitter point. Since the term (1 − F1 ) is smaller than 1/2 from the condition (9.153) we obtain the inequality (R1 /ρB )1/(1−p) < 1.5 × 10−14 |Q|. Taking the values R1 = 10−29 g/cm3 and ρB = 10−24 g/cm3 as we have done for the f (R) gravity, we get the following bound p >1−
5 . 13.8 − log10 |Q|
9.3 Gauss–Bonnet dark energy models
When |Q| = 10−1 and |Q| = 1 we have p > 0.66 and p > 0.64, respectively. For the f (R) gravity model (9.146) the above bound corresponds to p = 2n/(2n + 1) > 0.65, which translates into the condition n > 0.9 [see Eq. (9.89)]. As we will see in Section 11.6, there are cosmological constraints on the values of p and Q coming from the evolution of matter density perturbations. As long as p is close to 1, it is possible to satisfy both cosmological and local gravity constraints for |Q| 1 [273].
9.3 Gauss–Bonnet dark energy models The f (R) and scalar-tensor theories add to the gravitational tensor field a new degree of freedom, a scalar field. However this certainly does not exhaust the range of possible modifications of gravity. One possibility is to add vector fields, as in e.g., Ref. [405]. Another one is to add to the Einstein Lagrangian general functions of the Ricci and Riemann tensors, e.g., f (R, Rµν R µν , Rµναβ R µναβ , . . .) [406]. However these Lagrangians are generally plagued by the existence of ghosts, i.e. the existence of negative energy states [407, 408, 409]. Even beside the quantum problems, this generally implies classical instabilities either at the background or at the perturbed level. There is however a way to modify gravity with a combination of Ricci and Riemann tensors that keeps the equations at second-order in the metric and does not necessarily give rise to instabilities, namely a Gauss–Bonnet (GB) term coupled to scalar field(s) [410, 411, 412, 413]. The GB term is a topological invariant quantity, which contributes to the dynamics in four dimensions provided that it is coupled to a dynamically evolving scalar field. It is the unique invariant for which the highest (second) derivative occurs linearly in the equations of motion, thereby ensuring the uniqueness of solutions. Note that the GB term naturally arises as a correction to the tree-level action of low-energy effective string theory [64, 210]. In what follows we shall study the possibility of realizing the late-time cosmic acceleration in the presence of the GB term coupled to a scalar field φ. The model we study is given by the following action (in the unit of κ 2 = 1) √ 1 1 2 + Sm (gµν , m ) , S = d4 x −g R − (∇φ)2 − V (φ) − f (φ)RGB 2 2 (9.162) 2 where V (φ) and f (φ) are functions of φ, and RGB is the GB term defined by 2 ≡ R 2 − 4Rµν R µν + Rµναβ R µναβ . RGB
The action (9.162) corresponds to the Einstein frame action in which the scalar field φ does not have a direct coupling to the Ricci scalar R. If this originates from
Dark energy as a modification of gravity
the string frame action, the field φ (dilaton) has a coupling with the non-relativistic matter in general. In the following we shall assume that this coupling is negligibly small (as in the case of the runaway dilaton scenario [211, 212]). Let us study the cosmological dynamics for the action (9.162) in the flat FLRW background. We take the following exponential potential V (φ) = V0 e−λφ
(λ > 0) ,
which goes to 0 in the limit φ → ∞. The GB coupling is generally given by the sum of the exponential terms. We shall study the following simple case [410] f (φ) = (f0 /µ) eµφ ,
where f0 and µ (> 0) are constants. As a matter action Sm we take into account non-relativistic matter and radiation, which satisfy the usual conservation equations (uncoupled to the field φ). The variation of the action (9.162) leads to the following equations of motion ˙ 3 + ρm + ρr , 3H 2 = φ˙ 2 /2 + V (φ) + 24f,φ φH
φ¨ + 3H φ˙ − λV0 e−λφ + 24f,φ H 2 (H 2 + H˙ ) = 0 .
We define the following variables √ φ˙ V (φ) , x2 ≡ √ , x1 ≡ √ 6H 3H
x3 ≡ f,φ H 2 ,
√ ρr x4 ≡ √ , 3H
together with the density parameters for each component: √ φ ≡ x12 + x22 , GB ≡ 8 6x1 x3 , r ≡ x42 , m ≡ 1 − φ − GB − r .
˙ 3 in Eq. (9.166) contributes to GB , whereas the Note that the term 24f,φ φH usual field energy density, ρφ = φ˙ 2 /2 + V (φ), contributes to φ . For the functions (9.164) and (9.165) we have the following relation between x2 and x3 : x22 x3 =
f0 (µ−λ)φ e . 3
Taking the time derivative of Eq. (9.166) and eliminating the term φ¨ by using Eq. (9.167), we find √ H˙ 1 (1 − 8 6x1 x3 + 96x32 ) 2 = − (3 + 3x12 − 3x22 + x42 ) H 2 √ − 4x3 ( 6x1 − 6µx12 − 3λx22 + 24x3 ) .
9.3 Gauss–Bonnet dark energy models
The variables xi (i = 1, 2, 3, 4) obey the autonomous equations [414, 415, 416] √ √ √ H˙ dx1 6 2 (9.172) = −3x1 − 4 6x3 + λx2 − (x1 + 4 6x3 ) 2 , dN 2 H √ dx2 H˙ 6 = −x2 λx1 + 2 , (9.173) dN 2 H √ dx3 6 H˙ = 2x3 µx1 + 2 , (9.174) dN 2 H dx4 H˙ = −x4 2 + 2 . (9.175) dN H In the following we shall derive fixed points for the system (9.172)–(9.175) in the absence of radiation (x4 = 0). Let us consider the cases: (i) λ = µ and (ii) λ = µ, separately. (i) Case: λ = µ When λ = µ one has x22 x3 = f0 /3 from Eq. (9.170). If f0 = 0, neither x2 nor x3 is identical to zero. However, if f0 1, x2 and x3 can be very much smaller than 1. In this case we may regard x2 0 or x3 0 as approximate fixed points for Eqs. (9.173) and (9.174). We do not consider such fixed points for the case λ = µ, but we will discuss those points when λ is not equal to µ. From Eqs. (9.173) and (9.174), the critical points corresponding to x2 = 0 and x3 = 0 obey the following equation √ H˙ 6 =− (9.176) λx1 , 2 H 2 in which case the effective equation of state defined in Eq. (4.96) is √ 6 λx1 . weff = −1 + 3
Substituting Eq. (9.176) into Eqs. (9.171) and (9.172), the fixed points satisfy √ √ (9.178) λ(x12 + x22 ) − 6x1 + 4x3 ( 6λx1 − 2) = 0 , √ √ (9.179) 3(x12 − x22 ) − 6λx1 + 3 − 8x1 x3 (2 6 − 3λx1 ) = 0 . Eliminating the term x22 from Eqs. (9.178) and (9.179), we find √ √ √ (2λx1 − 6)(8 6x3 + 24λx1 x3 − 6λ + 6x1 ) = 0 . This gives the following two fixed points.
Dark energy as a modification of gravity √ r (a) Scaling solution: x = 6 . 1 2λ In this case we have weff = 0 from Eq. (9.177). This scaling solution is similar to the one derived in the absence of the GB coupling √ (f0 = 0), but the field density parameter φ is subject to change. Substituting x1 = 6/(2λ) into Eq. (9.178), it follows that $ 6 5 " 3 64 f0 . (9.181) x3 = x2 = 1 − 1 − f 0 λ3 , 16λ 27 3x3 This gives
5 6 3 32f0 λ3 φ = 2 1 + , 2λ 27(1 − 1 − 64f0 λ3 /27)
5 6 " 9 64 = 2 1 − 1 − f0 λ 3 . 2λ 27
(9.182) In the limit that f0 → 0 we get x2 → 3/(2λ2 ), x3 → 0, φ → 3/λ2 , and GB → 0, which recover the scaling solution derived in Section 7.2. The scaling solution may be used for the matter-dominated epoch provided that φ 1, i.e. λ2 1. In this case, however, the scaling solution is stable so that it does not exit to the phase of cosmic acceleration. If µ > λ, the presence of the GB term can lead to the exit from the scaling matter era (as we will√discuss later). r (b) Scalar-field and GB-dominated point: x = λ − √ 6x1 . 3 8 + 4 6λx1 We call this a “scalar-field and GB-dominated” point because the relation, φ + GB = 1, holds. Using Eq. (9.178), the variable x1 obeys the following equation √ √ √ √ 3(λ − 6x1 )( 6λx13 − 10x12 + 6λx1 − 2) + 4f0 (2 + 6λx1 )2 = 0 . (9.183) √ When f0 = 0 this has a solution √ x1 = λ/ 6. It can be responsible for the late-time cosmic acceleration for λ < 2. Let us obtain the solution for (9.183) perturbatively √ under the assumption that f0 is much smaller√ than unity. Substituting x1 = λ/ 6 + into Eq. (9.183) under the condition λ/ 6, we find the following approximate relation " √ λ λ2 2f0 4 6f0 (λ2 + 2) , x , x3 1 − . (9.184) x1 √ − 2 2) 3(6 − λ 6 6 − λ2 6 The effective equation of state is given by weff −1 +
8f0 λ(λ2 + 2) λ2 λ2 + 2 λ2 − −1 + − GB , 2 3 3(6 − λ ) 3 6
where we have used GB 16f0 λ/(6 − λ2 ). In the absence of the GB coupling the late-time cosmic acceleration occurs for λ2 < 2. In this case, however, the scaling matter era does not exist because its existence requires the condition λ2 1. This situation does not change much even in the presence of the GB term because the condition λ2 < 6 is required for the existence of the scalar-field
9.3 Gauss–Bonnet dark energy models
and GB-dominated point [see the variable x2 in Eq. (9.184)]. The contribution of the GB term tends to reduce weff in Eq. (9.185), but this effect is small for GB 1.
From the above discussion the viable cosmological trajectory for the case λ = µ is the standard matter era (xi 0 with i = 1, 2, 3, 4) followed by the scalar-field and GB-dominated point with λ2 1 and GB 1. In this case the effect of the GB term is not important for the dynamics of dark energy. (ii) Case: λ = µ Scaling solutions are present only for λ = µ in the presence of the GB coupling. Even when λ = µ, however, they are regarded as approximate scaling solutions as long as the contribution of the GB term is negligibly small. This corresponds to a situation in which x3 is very much smaller than unity. Note that x3 cannot be exactly zero since the relation (9.170) holds. Still one can regard this as an approximate fixed point satisfying Eq. (9.170). In what follows, when we write x2 = 0 or x3 = 0, it means that they are not exactly zero. r When x = 0, we recover the five fixed points (a), (b1), (b2), (c), (d) derived in the case 3 of the quintessence √ with an exponential potential in Section 7.2. r When x = 0 and 6µx /2 = −H˙ /H 2 , we obtain the “kinetic and GB-dominated 2 1 solution” satisfying √ √ √ 6µ2 x14 − (24 + 6)µx13 + 24 6(µ2 + 5)x12 − 5 6µx1 + 6 = 0 , √ 6x1 (2 − µx1 ) (9.186) x3 = √ , 8(3µx1 − 6) with the effective equation of state: √ weff = −1 +
6 µx1 . 3
Equation (9.186) possesses two real solutions. If µ = 10, for example, we get (x1 , x3 , weff ) = (8.2 × 10−2 , 1.4, −3.3 × 10−1 ), (1.2 × 10−1 , 2, 2 × 10−2 , 1.7 × 10−2 ). The cosmic acceleration (weff < −1/3) does not occur in either case. When µ > 0 we find √ that the values of x1 corresponding to two real solutions of Eq. (9.186) are larger than 6/(3µ), which means weff > −1/3 from Eq. (9.187). Hence one cannot use these solutions for dark energy. r When √6µx /2 = −H˙ /H 2 and √6λx /2 = −H˙ /H 2 , there exists the following de 1 1 Sitter fixed point (x1 , x2 , x3 ) = (0, 1, λ/8) ,
which satisfies φ = 1 ,
GB = 0 .
Dark energy as a modification of gravity
The appearance of the de Sitter point comes from the presence of the GB term. Since f,φ H 2 = λ/8 and H˙ = 0 at the fixed point, the effective potential Veff (φ) for the field φ satisfies the relation dVeff 2 , (9.190) = −λV0 e−λφ + 3λHdS dφ where HdS is a Hubble parameter at the de Sitter point. The last term, which appears due to the presence of the GB term, gives rise to a potential minimum for the field φ. Perturbing Eqs. (9.172)–(9.174) about the de Sitter fixed point, we obtain a 3 × 3 Jacobian matrix M for perturbations. The eigenvalues of the matrix M are $ 5 6 3 8λ(λ − µ) λ1 = −3, λ2,3 = −1 ± 1 + . (9.191) 2 3(2 + 3λ2 ) This explicitly shows the following property for the stability of the de Sitter point: – (i) Stable for µ > λ. – (ii) Saddle for µ < λ. Provided that µ > λ the system approaches the stable de Sitter solution.
We are interested in the cosmological trajectories in which the scaling matter era is followed by the de Sitter solution discussed above. We require that µ > λ in order to exit from the scaling matter era. Let us consider the approximate scaling √ solution present under the conditions x3 0 and 6λx1 /2 = −H˙ /H 2 . Perturbing Eq. (9.174) about the fixed point, it follows that d 3(µ − λ) δx3 = δx3 . dN λ
If λ2 > 3, the approximate scaling solution is stable along the perturbations of δx1 and δx2 (as we have seen in Section 7.2). From Eq. (9.192) the scaling matter era is a saddle for µ > λ, whereas it is a stable node µ < λ. When µ > λ the saddle scaling solution can be followed by the stable de Sitter solution (provided that λ2 > 3). In Fig. 9.4 we plot the evolution of φ , GB , m , and r together with weff for λ = 4, µ = 12, and f0 = 10−22 . The solution starts from a radiation-dominated epoch and connects to the approximate scaling matter era (m constant). Since µ > λ the solution exits from the scaling regime and finally approaches the stable de Sitter fixed point. The final attractor actually satisfies φ = 1 and GB = 0. Figure 9.4 shows that the energy fraction of the GB term grows right after the end of the matter era, but it begins to decrease after the increase of φ . The effective equation of state temporally takes a local minimum value weff ≈ −0.6 around m ≈ 0.3–0.4, which means that the accelerated expansion occurs at the present epoch in this scenario. The rapid transition of weff just after the matter era is associated with the growth of GB . For increasing µ, weff tends to be smaller.
9.3 Gauss–Bonnet dark energy models
ΩGB 0.0
weff 0
Figure 9.4 Evolution of the variables φ , GB , m , and r together with the effective equation of state weff for λ = 4, µ = 12, and f0 = 10−22 . We choose initial conditions x1 = 10−8 , x2 = 10−7 , x3 = 3.6 × 10−9 , and x4 = 0.999. The solution is in a scaling regime during the matter-dominated epoch and finally approaches the de Sitter Universe characterized by φ = 1, GB = 0, and weff = −1. The energy fraction of the field φ during the scaling regime is φ = 3/λ2 = 0.1875. From Ref. [416].
When λ = 4, for example, we find that the phantom equation of state, weff < −1, is realized for µ > 25. Meanwhile the increase of µ leads to a shorter period of the matter-dominated epoch. Hence the transient phantom stage is realized at the expense of such a short matter period. If we take larger λ, it is also difficult to get smaller values of weff satisfying the condition for the cosmic acceleration compatible with observations. Thus λ is bounded from above as well. Koivisto and Mota [414] placed observational constraints on the above model using the Gold data set of SN Ia [109] together with the CMB shift parameter data of WMAP [14]. The parameter λ is constrained to be 3.5 λ 4.5 at the 95% confidence level. If the solutions are in the scaling regime in the radiation era, < then the constraint coming from the BBN gives λ > 9.4 under the bound BBN φ BBN 0.045. This is relaxed down to λ > 4.47 under the milder bound φ < 0.2, only marginally compatible with the above constraint. In another paper [415], Koivisto and Mota included the constraints coming from the BBN, LSS, BAO, and solar system data and showed that these data strongly disfavor the GB model discussed above.
Dark energy as a modification of gravity
In Ref. [416] it was shown that tensor perturbations are subject to negative instabilities in the above model when the GB term dominates the cosmological dynamics. Decomposing tensor perturbations into eigenmodes of the spatial Lagrangian, ∇ 2 eij = −k 2 eij , with scalar amplitude h(t), i.e. hij = h(t)eij , where eij have two polarization states, the Fourier modes of tensor perturbations obey the equation of motion [417, 418] 2 1 3 ˙ · + cT2 k h = 0 , (a Q h) T a 3 QT a2
where QT ≡ 1 − 8H f˙ ,
cT2 ≡
1 − 8f¨ . 1 − 8H f˙
The stability of tensor perturbations requires the condition cT2 > 0. The no-ghost state to ensure a consistent quantum field theory demands the conditions 1 − 8f¨ > 0 and 1 − 8H f˙ > 0 [407, 408] (under which the condition cT2 > 0 is ensured). For the GB model discussed above it was found in Ref. [416] that cT2 goes negative during the transition from the scaling matter era to the final de Sitter era. Hence the ghosts appear during the stage in which the contribution of the GB term is dominant. The paper [419] studied local gravity constraints on the GB models with cou2 and showed that the energy contribution coming from plings of the form f (φ)RGB the GB term needs to be strongly suppressed to be compatible with solar-system experiments. This is typically of the order of GB 10−30 and hence the GB 2 cannot be responsible for the current accelerated term of the coupling f (φ)RGB expansion of the Universe. The above discussions show that the GB term with the 2 scalar-field coupling f (φ)RGB can hardly be the source for dark energy. As we mentioned, there are other classes of modified gravity models in which the Lagrangian density f is an arbitrary function of R, P ≡ Rµν R µν , and Q ≡ Rµναβ R µναβ [406]. While it is possible to realize the cosmic acceleration with an appropriate choice of the function f (R, P , Q), these theories are plagued by the appearance of spurious spin-2 ghosts unless a GB combination, i.e. f = f (R, Q − 4P ), is chosen [407, 408, 409]. The dark energy models based on the Lagrangian 2 is the GB term, have been studied density L = R/2 + f (G ), where G = RGB by a number of authors [420, 421, 422, 423]. In order to ensure the stability of a late-time de Sitter solution and radiation/matter solutions, the most crucial condition to be satisfied is f,GG > 0 [422]. This also comes from the stability of cosmological perturbations [421]. In Ref. [422] the authors presented a number of f (G ) models that are cosmologically viable at least at the background level, √ √ e.g., f (G ) = λ(G / G∗ ) arctan(G /G∗ ) − αλ G∗ , where α, λ, and G∗ are positive
9.4 Braneworld models of dark energy
constants. These models can be consistent with solar system constraints for a wide range of parameter space [424]. However, it was found in Ref. [426] that matter perturbations in perfect fluids exhibit violent negative instabilities during radiation and matter eras. This growth of perturbations gets stronger on smaller scales, which is difficult to be compatible with the observed galaxy spectrum unless the deviation from General Relativity is extremely small. Thus f (G ) cosmological models are effectively ruled out from this Ultra-Violet instability. 9.4 Braneworld models of dark energy In this section we shall discuss braneworld models of dark energy motivated by superstring/M-theory. In conventional Kaluza–Klein theories, extra dimensions are compactified on some manifolds in order to obtain 4-dimensional (4D) effective gravity theories. In braneworlds standard model particles are confined on a 3dimensional brane embedded in 5-dimensional bulk spacetime with large extra dimensions. In braneworld models proposed by Randall and Sundrum [426, 427], a brane with a positive tension (σ ) is embedded in a 5-dimensional Anti de Sitter (AdS) bulk. The standard 4-dimensional gravity is recovered for distances larger than the crossover scale between 4D and 5D gravity set by the AdS radius. If we consider a homogeneous and isotropic cosmology in the Randall–Sundrum model, the Friedmann equation on the brane is modified in a high-curvature regime such that the expansion law is given by H 2 ∝ ρ 2 whereas in the low-curvature regime the standard expansion law is recovered [428, 429, 430]. There is another braneworld model proposed by Dvali, Gabadadze, and Porrati (DGP) [431]. In this approach the 3-brane is embedded in a Minkowski bulk spacetime with infinitely large extra dimensions. Newton’s law is recovered by adding a 4D Einstein–Hilbert action sourced by the brane curvature to the 5D action [432]. The presence of such a 4D term may be induced by quantum corrections coming from the bulk gravity and its coupling with matter on the brane. In the DGP model the standard 4D gravity is recovered for small distances, whereas the effect from the 5D gravity manifests itself for large distances. In particular it is possible to realize the late-time cosmic acceleration without introducing an exotic matter source [433, 434]. In this sense this solution is called the “self-accelerating Universe.” There is also a generalized version of the DGP model, see e.g., Ref. [62]. The DGP model is characterized by the following action 1 1 5 4 √ ˜ S= 2 d X −g˜ R + 2 d x −gR − d5 X −g˜ Lm , (9.195) 2κ(5) 2κ(4) where g˜ AB is the metric in the 5D bulk and gµν = ∂µ X A ∂ν X B g˜ AB is the induced metric on the brane [XA (x c ) represents the coordinates of an event on the brane
Dark energy as a modification of gravity
labeled by x c ], and −3 2 κ(5) = M(5) ,
−2 2 κ(4) = M(4) .
Here M(5) and M(4) are 5D and 4D Planck masses, respectively. The first and second terms in Eq. (9.195) correspond to Einstein–Hilbert actions in the 5D bulk and on the brane, respectively. Since we are considering a Minkowski bulk, there is no contribution to the Lagrangian Lm from the bulk matter. Then the matter action consists of a brane√ ), where σ is the localized matter whose action is given by d4 x −g (σ + Lbrane m 3-brane tension and Lbrane is the Lagrangian density on the brane. Since the tension m is not related to the Ricci scalar R, it can be adjusted to be zero, as we do in the following. We consider a situation in which the 3-brane is located at y = 0, where y is the coordinate of the 5-th dimension. In order to study cosmological dynamics on the brane, we take a metric of the form: ds 2 = −n2 (τ, y)dτ 2 + a 2 (τ, y) γij dx i dx j + dy 2 ,
where γij represents a maximally symmetric spacetime with a constant curvature K. The 5D Einstein equations are given by 2 ˜ ˜ AB ≡ R˜ AB − 1 R˜ g˜ AB = κ(5) TAB , G 2
where R˜ AB is the 5D Ricci tensor, T˜AB is the sum of the energy-momentum tensor (brane) TAB on the brane and the contribution U˜ AB coming from the scalar curvature of the brane: (brane) T˜AB = TAB + U˜ AB .
Since we are considering a homogeneous and isotropic Universe on the brane, one (brane) in the form can write TBA TBA
= δ(y) diag(−ρM , PM , PM , PM , 0) .
Note that ρM and PM are functions of τ only. The non-vanishing components coming from the Ricci scalar R of the brane are 3 a˙ 2 n2 ˜ (9.201) U00 = − 2 + K 2 δ(y) , a κ(4) a 2 2 a˙ a¨ 1 a2 a˙ n˙ ˜ Uij = − 2 − 2 +2 −2 − K γij δ(y) , (9.202) a an a κ(4) n2
9.4 Braneworld models of dark energy
where in this section a dot represents a derivative with respect to τ . For the ˜ AB metric (9.197) the non-vanishing components of the 5D Einstein tensor G are [428, 429, 433] 2 a 2 n2 a˙ 2 a ˜ + 2 +K 2 , (9.203) G00 = 3 2 − n a a a a a2 a a¨ a n a˙ n˙ n a 2 a 2 2 ˜ + 2 −2 − 2 + 2 − K γij , + 2 +2 Gij = a 2 + a n a an n a a an
˙ a˙ ˜ 05 = 3 an , G − an a 2 3 a¨ K a˙ 2 a˙ n˙ a a n ˜ − 2 −3 2 , G55 = 3 + + − a2 an n a a 2 an a
(9.205) (9.206)
where a prime represents a derivative with respect to y. Assuming no flow of matter along the 5-th dimension, we have T˜05 = 0 and ˜ 05 = 0. Using this relation, we find that Eqs. (9.203) and (9.206) can be hence G written as 2 ˜ 00 = − 3n I , G 2a 3 a
˜ 55 = − 3 I˙ , G 2a 3 a˙
where I ≡ (a a)2 −
˙ 2 (aa) − Ka 2 . n2
˜ 00 = 0 and G ˜ 55 = 0 Since we are considering the Minkowski bulk, we have G ˙ locally in the bulk. This then gives I = 0 and I = 0. The integration of these equations leads to (a a)2 −
˙ 2 (aa) − Ka 2 + C = 0 , n2
where C is a constant independent of τ and y. Let us find solutions of the Einstein equations (9.198) in the vicinity of y = 0. We require that the metric is continuous across the brane in order to have a well-defined geometry. Note, however, that its derivatives with respect to y can be discontinuous at y = 0. The Einstein tensor is made of the metric up to the second derivatives with respect to y, so the Einstein equations with a distributional source (i.e. with a Dirac’s delta centered on the brane) can be written in the form [428, 429, 433] g = T δ(y) ,
Dark energy as a modification of gravity
where δ(y) is a Dirac’s delta function. Integrating this equation across the brane gives [g ] = T ,
[g ] ≡ g (0+ ) − g (0− ) .
This shows that the jump of the first derivative of the metric is equivalent to the energy-momentum tensor on the brane. Notice that Eqs. (9.203) and (9.204) include the second derivatives a and n ˜ 00 = κ 2 T˜00 and G ˜ ij = κ 2 T˜ij , of the metric. Integrating the Einstein equations, G (5) (5) across the brane, we obtain 2 2 2 κ(5) κ(5) a˙ b n2b [a ] ρM + 2 2 (9.212) =− +K 2 , ab 3 κ(4) nb ab2 ab 2 2 2 κ(5) κ(5) a˙ b n2b [n ] a˙ b n˙ b a¨ b = +2 − 2 + K 2 , (9.213) (3PM + 2ρM ) − 2 2 nb 3 ab nb ab κ(4) nb ab2 ab where the subscript “b” represents the quantities on the brane. We assume the symmetry y ↔ −y, in which case [a ] = 2a (0+ ) and [n ] = + 2n (0 ). Substituting Eq. (9.212) into Eq. (9.209), we obtain the modified Friedmann equation on the brane: $ 2 2 κ(5) κ(5) C K K 2 2 ρM , (9.214) H + 2− 4 = 2 H + 2 − 6 ab ab 2κ(4) ab where H ≡ a˙ b /(ab nb ) is the Hubble parameter and = ±1 is the sign of [a ]. The constant C can be interpreted as the term coming from the 5D bulk Weyl tensor [430, 433, 434]. Since the Weyl tensor vanishes for the Minkowski bulk, we set C = 0 in the following discussion. We also introduce a length scale rc ≡
2 κ(5) 2 2κ(4)
2 M(4) 3 2M(5)
Then Eq. (9.214) can be written as " 2 κ(4) K K ρM , H2 + 2 = H2 + 2 − rc a a 3
where we have omitted the subscript “b” for the quantities at y = 0. Plugging the junction conditions (9.212) and (9.213) into the (05) component ˜ 05 = 0, we find that the following matter continuity of the Einstein equations, G equation holds on the brane (see problem 9.4): dρM + 3H (ρM + PM ) = 0 , dt
9.4 Braneworld models of dark energy
where t is the cosmic time related to the time τ via the relation dt = nb dτ . If the equation of state, wM = PM /ρM , is specified, the cosmological evolution is obtained by solving Eqs. (9.216) and (9.217). For a flat geometry (K = 0), Eq. (9.216) reduces to H2 −
2 κ(4) ρM . H = rc 3
If the Hubble radius H −1 is much smaller than the scale rc (i.e. rc H −1 ), the first term in Eq. (9.218) dominates over the second one. In this case the standard 2 ρM /3, is recovered. Meanwhile, in the regime rc Friedmann equation, H 2 = κ(4) −1 H , the presence of the second term in Eq. (9.218) leads to a modification to the standard Friedmann equation. In the Universe dominated by non-relativistic matter (ρM ∝ a −3 ), the Universe approaches a de Sitter solution for = +1: H → HdS =
1 . rc
Hence it is possible to realize the present cosmic acceleration provided that rc is of the order of the present Hubble radius H0−1 . This accelerated expansion of the Universe is the result of the gravitational leakage into extra dimensions at large distances. When = −1, we do not have a late-time de Sitter solution. In the regime 2 2 ρM /18. This is similar to the rc H −1 , Eq. (9.218) gives the equation H 2 κ(5) modified Friedmann equation which appears in the high-energy regime of the Randall–Sundrum braneworld model [426, 427]. In such cases the Universe does not exhibit the self acceleration unless a specific form of matter is introduced on the brane. In the following let us focus on the case = +1. Equation (9.216) can be written as $ H2 +
K = a2
2 κ(4)
2 ρM +
1 1 + . 4rc2 2rc
For the matter on the brane, we consider non-relativistic matter with the energy density ρm and the equation of state wm = 0. We then have ρm = ρm(0) (1 + z)3 from Eq. (9.217). We introduce the following present value quantities (0) K =−
K , 2 2 a0 H0
(0) rc =
1 , 2 4rc H02
(0) m =
2 (0) ρm κ(4)
Dark energy as a modification of gravity
Then Eq. (9.220) reads 5 H 2 (z) = H02
(0) K (1
+ z)2 +
(0) m (1
+ z)3 +
(0) rc
The normalization condition at z = 0 is given by (0) (0) (0) m + K + 2 1 − K (0) rc = 1 . For the flat Universe (K = 0) this relation yields 2 1 − (0) m = . (0) rc 2
2 6 (0) rc
2 If one introduces an effective dark energy component with ρDE ≡ 3H /(κ(4) rc ), one can use the continuity equation ρ˙DE + 3H (1 + wDE )ρDE = 0 to define an effective equation of state for K = 0 [437] (0) (0) 2 3 m − 1 − (1 − (0) m ) + 4m (1 + z) . (9.225) wDE (z) = (0) 2 (0) 3 2 (1 − m ) + 4m (1 + z)
For small redshifts one can approximate wDE (z) = w0 + wa z/(1 + z) with w0 ≈ −1 (0) (0) 3 (0) and wa ≈ 3(0) −(1 + (0) m ) m (1 − m )/(1 + m ) . For instance for m = 0.3 we have w0 ≈ −0.77 and wa ≈ 0.29. The parametrization (9.222) of the Hubble parameter together with the normalization (9.223) can be used to place observational constraints on the DGP model at the background level [435, 436, 437, 439, 438]. In Fig. 9.5 we show the joint constraints from observational data of SNLS, BAO, and the CMB shift parameter [437]. While the flat DGP model can be consistent with the SN Ia data, it is under the strong observational pressure by adding the data of the BAO and the CMB shift parameter. The open DGP model gives a slightly better fit relative to the flat model [437, 439]. We have to caution that the above constraints have been derived by considering the cosmic expansion history at the background level. In order to obtain precise constraints coming from the power spectrum of BAO and LSS, we need to know the evolution of density perturbations in the DGP model. As we will see in Section 11.6, a quasi-static approximation to the 5D cosmological perturbations shows that the DGP model contains a ghost mode in the scalar sector of the gravitational field [440, 441, 442, 443, 444]. Thus the original DGP model is effectively ruled out as a viable dark energy model by the observational pressure and by the ghost problem. It is however possible to construct a generalized version of the DGP model free
9.5 Problems
0.225 0.2 0.175
Ω(0) rc
0.15 0.125 0.1 0.075
Ω(0) m
Figure 9.5 Combined observational constraints on the DGP model from the SNLS data (solid thin), the BAO (dotted), and the CMB shift parameter from the WMAP 3-year data (dot-dashed). The thick line represents the curve (9.224) for the flat model ((0) K = 0). From Ref. [437].
from the ghost problem by embedding our visible 3-brane with a 4-brane in a flat 6D bulk [176].
9.5 Problems 9.1 Let us consider the following general action √ 1 S = d4 x −g f (R, φ, X) + Lm , 2
where f is a function in terms of a Ricci scalar R, a scalar field φ, and a kinetic term X = −(1/2)(∇φ)2 . For the matter Lagrangian Lm , we take into account non-relativistic matter with an energy density ρm . Derive field equations in the flat FLRW background. Find an energy density ρDE and a pressure PDE to confront with SN Ia observations and show that these satisfy the continuity equation ρ˙DE + 3H (ρDE + PDE ) = 0. 9.2 From the trace equation (9.124) in the Brans–Dicke theory, derive an equation for the linear perturbation δψ and the field mass squared Mψ2 by decomposing the field ψ into the background and perturbed parts, ψ = ψ0 (1 + δψ ), in the Minkowski background.
Dark energy as a modification of gravity
The f (R) theory in the metric formalism corresponds to the Brans–Dicke theory with ωBD = 0, ψ = F (R), and U = (1/2)(RF − f ). Show that the mass squared derived above agrees with Eq. (9.52) by using this correspondence. 9.3 Find the eigenvalues of the 2 × 2 matrix of perturbations about the fixed points (a)–(e) for the scalar-tensor action (9.120) with F (φ) = e−2Qφ . 9.4 Derive Eq. (9.217) by substituting Eqs. (9.212) and (9.213) into the (05) component ˜ 05 = 0. of the Einstein equations, G
10 Cosmic acceleration without dark energy
The crucial kick to dark energy research was the interpretation in 1998 of standard candle observations in terms of cosmic acceleration in the FLRW metric. What we observe is however merely that distant sources (z > 0.3) recede slower than we would predict in an Einstein–de Sitter Universe calibrated through “nearby” sources. That is, we observe different expansion rates at different distances rather than an increase in the expansion rate at all distances. Can this be caused by a strong inhomogeneity rather than by an accelerating Universe? We also noticed that cosmic acceleration seems to be a recent phenomenon, at least for standard dark energy models. The epoch in which dark energy begins to play a role is close to the epoch in which most of the cosmic structures formed out of the slow linear gravitational growth. We are led to ask again: can the acceleration be caused by strong inhomogeneities rather than by a dark energy component? The answer to both questions is yes, at least in principle. First, we can always interpret a homogeneous evolution H (z) as a line-of-sight inhomogeneous rate H (r) since we observe only along our past light cone ds 2 = 0 and time and distance are inextricably related. Second, one can always arrange matter sources so that in some region of the Universe they accelerate away from each other even if on larger scales the expansion is decelerated. In both cases, the price to pay is to allow for huge inhomogeneities while still retaining a compatible level of isotropy. Although no model that could convincingly explain either has been proposed so far, the motivation for linking inhomogeneities with dark energy is so appealing that some of the ideas introduced in this context are worth exploring. Among many blind alleys we could perhaps encounter some good escape route. In this section primes and dots refer to partial space and time derivatives, respectively.
Cosmic acceleration without dark energy
10.1 Void models The basic motivation for a void model was presented soon after the supernovae discovery [445, 446, 447, 448]. Since we observe that nearby SN Ia recede faster than the H (z) predicted by the Einstein–de Sitter Universe, we could assume that we live in the middle of a huge spherical region which is expanding faster because it is emptier than the outside. The transition redshift ze , i.e. the void edge, should be located around 0.3–0.5, the value at which in the standard interpretation we observe the beginning of acceleration. The consistent way to realize such a spherical inhomogeneity has been studied since the 1930s in the relativistic literature: the Lemaˆıtre–Tolman–Bondi (LTB) metric. This is the generalization of a FLRW metric in which the expansion factor along the radial coordinate r is different relative to the surface line element d2 = dθ 2 + sin2 θ dφ 2 . If we assume the inhomogeneous metric ds 2 = −dt 2 + X2 (t, r) dr 2 + R 2 (t, r) d2 ,
and solve the (0, 1) Einstein equation for a fluid at rest (see problem 10.1), we find that the LTB metric is given by !2 R (t, r) ds = −dt + dr 2 + R 2 (t, r)d2 , 1 + β(r) 2
where R(t, r), β(r) are arbitrary functions. We remind the reader again that in this section primes and dots refer to partial space and time derivatives, respectively. The function β(r) can be thought of as a position-dependent spatial curvature. If R is factorized so that R(t, r) = a(t)f (r) and β(r) = −Kf 2 (r), then we recover the FLRW metric (up to a redefinition of r: from now on when we seek the FLRW limit we put R = a(t)r and β = −Kr 2 ). Otherwise, we have a metric representing a spherical inhomogeneity centered on the origin. An observer located at the origin will observe an isotropic Universe. We can always redefine r at the present time to be R0 ≡ R(t0 , r) = r, so that the metric is very similar to a FLRW today. √ Considering the infinitesimal radial proper length D|| = R dr/ 1 + β, we can define the radial Hubble function as H|| ≡ D˙ || /D|| = R˙ /R ,
and similarly the transverse Hubble function: ˙ . H⊥ = R/R
10.1 Void models
Of course the two definitions coincide for the FLRW metric. The non-vanishing components of the Ricci tensor for the LTB metric are R00 = R11 =
R¨ 2R¨ + , R R 2R˙ R˙ + R R¨ − β
, (10.6) RR R˙ 2 − β R˙ R˙ + R R¨ − β /2 R22 = R33 = + . (10.7) R2 RR In terms of the two Hubble functions, we find that the Friedmann equations for the pressureless matter density ρm (t, r) are given by [449] β β − = 8π Gρm , (10.8) R 2 RR R¨ β β 6 + 2H⊥2 − 2 2 − 2H|| H⊥ + = −8π Gρm . (10.9) R R RR Adding Eqs. (10.8) and (10.9), it follows that 2R R¨ + R˙ 2 = β. Integrating this equation, we obtain a Friedmann-like equation H⊥2 + 2H|| H⊥ −
α(r) β(r) + 2 , (10.10) R3 R where α(r) is a free function that we can use along with β(r) to describe the inhomogeneity. From this we can define an effective density parameter (0) m (r) = m (r, t0 ) today: H⊥2 =
(0) m (r) ≡
α(r) , 2 R03 H⊥0
where H⊥0 ≡ H⊥ (r, t0 ), and the effective spatial curvature is given by (0) (0) K (r) = 1 − m (r) =
β(r) . 2 R02 H⊥0
Hence we see that the initial condition at some time t0 (which here we take as the present time) must specify two free functions of r, for instance α(r), β(r) or (0) m (r), H⊥0 (r). The latter choice shows that the inhomogeneity can be in the matter distribution or in the expansion rate or in both. This freedom can be used to fit simultaneously for any expansion rate (and therefore luminosity and angular diameter distances [450]) and for any source number density [451]. If one imposes the additional constraint that the age of the Universe is the same for every observer (see problem 10.2), then only one free function is left [452]. The same occurs if one chooses (0) m (r) = constant (notice that this is different (0) from ρm (r) = constant, which is another possible choice) i.e. if the matter density
Cosmic acceleration without dark energy
fraction is assumed homogeneous today (and only today) [453]. The choice of a homogeneous Universe age guarantees against the existence of diverging inhomogeneities in the past. However, there is no compelling reason to impose such restrictions. Equation (10.10) is the classical cycloid equation whose solution for β > 0 is given parametrically by R(r, η) =
α(r) R0 (0) m (r) (cosh η − 1) , (cosh η − 1) = 2β(r) 2[1 − (0) m (r)]
t(r, η) − tB (r) =
α(r) (0) m (r) (sinh η − η) , (sinh η − η) = (0) 3/2 2β (r) 2[1 − m (r)]3/2 H⊥0 (10.14)
where tB (r) = t(r, η = 0) is the inhomogeneous “big bang” time, i.e. the time for which η = 0 and R = 0 for a point at comoving distance r. This can be put to zero in all generality by a redefinition of time. The “time” variable η is defined by the relation t β(r)1/2 η= dt˜ . (10.15) R(t˜, r) Notice that the “time” η that corresponds to a given t depends on r; so R(r, t) is found by solving numerically η(t, r) from Eq. (10.14) and then substituting R[r, η(r, t)]. The present epoch η0 (r) is defined by the condition R = R0 . In problem 10.2 we will derive the age of the Universe tage (r) = t(r, η0 ) − tB (r) in terms of (0) m , H⊥0 . For β < 0 the η functions in Eqs. (10.13) and (10.14) become (1 − cos η) and (η − sin η) for R and t, respectively, while for β = 0 they are η2 /2 and η3 /6: we will not consider these cases further. Since we need to have a faster expansion inside some distance to mimic cosmic acceleration, we need to impose to our solution the structure of a void. An example (0) −1 Mpc−1 ) is [452] of the choice of (0) m (r) ≡ m (r, t0 ), h (r) ≡ H⊥0 /(100 km sec (0) m (r) = out + (in − out )f (r, r0 , ) ,
h(0) (r) = hout + (hin − hout )f (r, r0 , ) ,
1 − tanh[(r − r0 )/2] , 1 + tanh(r0 /2)
with f (r, r0 , ) =
representing the transition function of a shell of radius r0 and thickness . The six constants in , out , hin , hout , r0 , completely fix the model. If hin > hout we can mimic the accelerated expansion.
10.1 Void models
In order to compare the LTB model to observations we need to generalize two familiar concepts: redshift and luminosity distance. The propagation of photons is described by the geodesic equations (4.213)–(4.214) discussed in Section 4.11. In the LTB metric, the geodesic equations for an incoming photon can be written as [455] $ (R )2 2 J 2 dt p + 2, =− (10.19) dλs 1+β R dθ J = 2, dλs R dp = 2R˙ p dλs
(10.20) $
J2 p2 1+β + 2 2 + 3 J 2 + 1+β R R R R
R β − p 2 , (10.21) 2 + 2β R
where λs is the affine parameter, p ≡ dr/dλs , and J ≡ R2
dθ = constant = J0 dλs
is the conserved angular momentum that vanishes for a radial propagation (which is the case only for the observer at the center as we are assuming now). For J = 0 the photon time-distance law tp (r) can be found by dividing dt/dλs by dr/dλs , so we obtain dtp R . = −√ dr 1+β
We impose the condition tp (r = 0) = t0 at the epoch of the observation. In problem 10.3 you will find that z(r) is given by the solution to the following equation R˙ dz = (1 + z) √ , dr 1+β
where R(t, r) must be calculated on the trajectory tp (r) and we must impose z(r = 0) = 0. Every LTB function, e.g., H⊥ (t, r), R(t, r) etc., can be converted into line-of-sight functions of redshift by evaluating the arguments rp (z), tp (z) along the past light cone. The proper area of an infinitesimal surface at r, t = constant is given by A = R 2 (r, t) sin θ dθ dφ. The angular diameter distance is the square root of A/(sin θ dθ dφ) so that dA (z) = R(tp (z), rp (z)). Since the duality relation dL = (1 + z)2 dA remains valid in inhomogeneous models, we have [454] dL (z) = (1 + z)2 R(tp (z), rp (z)) .
Cosmic acceleration without dark energy 0.6
Best fit Best fit constrained model Flat ΛCDM with ΩΜ=0.27 Open CDM with ΩΜ=0.3 Type Ia Supernovae
µ − µOCDM
−0.2 −0.4 −0.6 0.01
0.10 Redshift
Figure 10.1 Apparent magnitude residuals for two best fit LTB models (with and without the constraint of a uniform big bang time), the best fit CDM FLRW model, and the standard open CDM model, compared to Type Ia Supernovae data. From Ref. [452].
This clearly reduces to dL = (1 + z)r(z) in the FLRW background. Armed with these observational tools, we can compare any LTB model to the observations. Beside matching the SN Ia Hubble diagram, we do not want to spoil the CMB acoustic peaks and we also need to impose a local density in near 0.1–0.3, a flat space outside (to fulfill inflationary predictions), i.e. out = 1, and finally the observed local Hubble value hin ≈ 0.7 ± 0.1. The CMB requirement can be satisfied by a small value of hout , since we know that to compensate for out = 1 we need a small Hubble rate (remember that the CMB essentially constrains 2 (0) m h ). This fixes hout ≈ 0.5. So we are left with only r0 and to be constrained by SN Ia. As anticipated we expect r0 to be near z = 0.5, which in the standard CDM model gives a distance r(z) ≈ 2 Gpc. An analysis using SN Ia data [452] finds that r0 = 2.3 ± 0.9 Gpc and /r0 > 0.2, see Fig. 10.1. Interestingly, a “cold spot” in the CMB sky could be attributed to a void of comparable size [456, 457]. There are many more constraints one can put on such large inhomogeneities. Matter inside the void moves with respect to CMB photons coming from outside. So the hot intracluster gas will scatter the CMB photons with a large peculiar velocity and this will induce a strong kinematic Sunyaev–Zel’dovich effect [458].
10.1 Void models
Moreover, secondary photons scattered towards us by reionized matter inside the void should also distort the black body spectrum due to the fact that the CMB radiation seen from anywhere in the void (except from the center) is anisotropic and therefore at different temperatures [459]. These two constraints require the voids not to exceed 1 or 2 Gpc, depending on the exact modeling, and they are therefore already in mild conflict with the fit to supernovae. Other constraints will follow soon with more data and more analyses. For instance, the whole process of structure formation should be revisited in an LTB Universe and this will certainly add more constraints. On the other hand, the void models can be rendered more realistic by gathering a Swiss-cheese collection of many LTB structures [460, 461]. Moreover, while in the FLRW background the function H (z) fixes the comoving distance χ(z) up to a constant curvature (and consequently also the luminosity and angular diameter distances), in the LTB model the relation between χ (z) and H⊥ (z) or H (z) can be arbitrary. That is, one can choose the two spatial free functions to be for instance H⊥ (r, 0) and R(r, 0), from which the line-of-sight values H⊥ (z) and χ(z) would also be arbitrarily fixed. This shows that the “consistency” FLRW relation between χ(z) and H (z) is violated in the LTB model, and in general in any strongly inhomogeneous Universe. To see this we need now to use again the comoving angular diameter distance defined in Eq. (5.30), dA(c) = (1 + z)dA , but for simplicity of notation we just denote it as d. The duality relation dL = (1 + z)2 dA leads to d = dL /(1 + z) and hence z 1 d˜z (0) , (10.26) d(z) = sinh K E(˜z) (0) 0 H0 K where we have used the luminosity distance (2.68) in the FLRW background. By differentiation of Eq. (10.26) the following consistency relation valid at any redshift can be derived [462]: (0) K =
[H (z)d,z (z)]2 − 1 , [H0 d(z)]2
where “,z ” represents a derivative with respect to z. Differentiating this equation again we obtain the following relation in the FLRW background: (10.28) 1 + H 2 dd,zz − d,z2 + H H,z dd,z = 0 . Since both H (z) and d(z) are observable, for instance with the baryon acoustic oscillations, this test can be employed to detect large-scale deviations from homogeneity. The LTB model violates this relation or, equivalently, shows an apparent present curvature (0) K that depends on the redshift. By differentiating Eq. (10.25)
Cosmic acceleration without dark energy
and using Eqs. (10.23) and (10.24), one finds for d = dL /(1 + z) = (1 + z)R: d ˙ dt dr d + R + R d,z = 1+z R dz dz √ d H⊥ 1+β = + 1− . (10.29) 1+z H H 2 Since from Eq. (10.12) we have β = R02 H⊥0 (0) K , we obtain H2 d,z2 H d log(1 + z) 2 1 (0) − 2 2, K = 2 2 1 − H d log d H⊥0 R0 H⊥0 R0
where H = H − H⊥ . In FLRW R0 = d and H = 0 and hence we recover Eq. (10.27). Finally, a radial inhomogeneity can in principle be distinguished from a homogeneous Universe by the redshift drift, an effect we will study more in detail in Section 14.6.4. The redshift drift in fact probes the local expansion rate and therefore separates effects due to variations along the time direction from those along spatial hypersurfaces [463]. Centered observers violate the Copernican principle of “non-special” position to the maximal extent. Off-center observers, however, have their own problems. They should see direct evidence of anisotropy, either in the distribution of distant sources or in the Hubble diagram of supernovae or as an additional CMB dipole [455] or even as an apparent parallax of quasars [464]. If the observed CMB dipole were entirely due to the LTB anisotropy of an off-center observer, the maximum distance to the center would be severely constrained, rc < 10–20 Mpc, although one cannot exclude the possibility of a chance cancellation with the Sun’s own motion. Finally, we should not forget that there is no valid mechanism at present to explain the formation of such huge inhomogeneities, let alone one with our Galaxy near the center. More than anything else, void models are useful to remind us how many options are still open – and at the same time how difficult it is to find one that really works. 10.2 Backreaction Void models aim to explain the supernovae data with an apparent acceleration induced by a strong inhomogeneity. There is however a line of research that tries to explain cosmic acceleration by arranging inhomogeneities so that the deviation from the FLRW metric can produce a real acceleration, at least in some region. The whole idea rests on two facts: that the GR equations are non-linear, and that our real world is far from homogeneous, at least on small scales and perhaps
10.2 Backreaction
on super-horizon scales. Because of this, averaging the inhomogeneities and then solving the GR equations (the usual approach) might not be the same as first solving the full inhomogeneous GR equations and then averaging them. In other words, the expected value of a non-linear function of x is not the same as the nonlinear function of the expected value of x. This effect is often called backreaction because one looks for the effect of inhomogeneities on background expansion [465, 466], although properly speaking there is no reaction in the first place since inhomogeneities are not caused by the expansion itself. The argument is very complex, still in full evolution and has caused bitter controversy; as such it is more suited to a review than to an introductory book and we refer the reader to several published accounts [465, 466, 467, 468, 469, 470, 471, 472, 473, 474]. The underlying ideas are however rather straightforward and could serve as inspiration to the interested reader to look further. Let us start with the Einstein equations Gµν = 8π G Tµν .
We can expand both sides at first order: (1) Gµν = G(0) µν + Gµν ,
(0) (1) Tµν = Tµν + Tµν ,
where we take the FLRW metric as zero-th-order Universe. For pressureless matter, the (0,0) equation can be written as (0) (1) (1) G(0) 00 = 8π G (T00 + T00 ) − G00 .
Now, if we observe some average matter density ρ, we can identify at this order (0) (1) + T00 , ρ = T00
and by averaging the full equation we obtain (1) G(0) 00 = 8π Gρ − G00 ,
where G00 = 3H 2 is the usual quantity in the flat FLRW background. We immediately see that 3H 2 = 8π Gρ, as we are accustomed to see. The reason is that (1) = 0 and then calcunormally we first average the metric, thereby obtaining gµν (1) (1) late Gµν . This gives obviously G00 = G00 (gµν ) = 0. Similarly, at second order we could write (1) (2) G(0) 00 = 8π Gρ − G00 + G00 ,
and so on. So, where is all this leading us? If the additional terms induce an acceleration on the background expansion, then we would have a direct causal link between the rise of perturbations and the observed acceleration and, of course, we would not
Cosmic acceleration without dark energy
require a dark energy field. This idea is extremely appealing, but are we any closer to its realization? There are three problems here, simple to express but extremely hard to answer (which is a good sign for a scientist). They are: (a) how do we take an average?, (b) at which perturbative order should we stop?, and (c) why, if any order is so important as to change the background expansion, don’t we see such huge inhomogeneities? The average problem is the basic one. Ref. [466] suggested a reasonable-looking average of a function f (t, xi ): f (t) =
d3 x γ (t, x i )f (t, x i ) , d3 x γ (t, x i )
where γ is the determinant of the perturbed metric of the spatial constant-t hypersurfaces. By using this average one obtains at second order a number of terms in G(2) 00 that could contribute to the expansion rate, because of long or small wavelengths. Typically the contribution is small, of order 10−5 , by assuming standard power spectra. However, this is much larger than the naive expectation of something of the order of δ 2 ≈ 10−10 based on the fluctuation at Hubble scales and, moreover, could be enhanced by adding more and more higher-order terms or by unknown super-Hubble sized fluctuations. Nevertheless, the average is performed on constant-time hypersurfaces and not on the light cone and this is suspicious by itself, since it implies that an instantaneous average can affect the whole cosmic expansion. Changing the averaging procedure alters the result and the effect may disappear or change in amplitude [470]. Then of course, if anything appears at second order that is of any importance, one should investigate higher-order terms, as in any perturbative approach. Ref. [468] has shown that indeed many contributions cancel each other and has discussed in specific cases the danger of arbitrarily stopping at some order. Finally, every model based on large inhomogeneities must provide a way to conceal them from our sight, at least to some extent. This can be done in part by assuming strong peculiar velocities instead of strong density fluctuations. We have learned in the void model that this is always possible, at least at one given epoch. As we have seen, however, there are also strong constraints on peculiar velocities from e.g., the kinematic Sunyaev–Zel’dovich effect. Moreover, the accompanying anisotropy is another source of observable effects difficult to accommodate with current observations. All these issues leave the effective impact of backreaction in a very uncertain status. As we mentioned at the beginning of this section, this area of research is very active, very interesting, and very controversial. It is likely it will remain so for many years.
10.3 Problems
In addition to the models we have discussed in this chapter, there is another class of apparent acceleration models without dark energy based on the “Ultra Strong” version of the equivalence principle [475, 476]. In this scenario the usual geometric description of spacetime as a metric manifold is just a small distance approximation – on large scales General Relativity is modified by a curvaturedependent subleading effect such that the luminosity distance increases. It will be of interest to see whether such Infra-Red modifications of gravity can be consistent with SN Ia and other observations without introducing a dark energy component. 10.3 Problems 10.1 Find the grr component for the LTB metric by solving R01 = 0. 10.2 Derive the age of the Universe in the LTB model. Under which condition is it the same for every observer? 10.3 Let us consider an electromagnetic wave emitted during time interval ε(0) and observed during a time interval ε(λs ), where λs is the affine parameter along the geodesic. The function ε(λs ) is therefore the difference between two solutions t1 (λs ) and t2 (λs ) = t1 (λs ) + ε(λs ) along the same trajectory of the geodesic equations. The redshift is then ε(0) − ε(λs ) . (10.38) z≡ ε(λs ) From this expression, find the redshift equation (10.24).
11 Dark energy and linear cosmological perturbations
Most of the previous chapters explored general properties of dark energy models that are connected to their background behavior. However, dark energy influences not only the expansion rate of the Universe but also the growth of perturbations, so to this we turn now our attention. In this chapter we discuss several advanced topics about linear cosmological perturbations. These include (i) perturbations for a general dark energy fluid, (ii) perturbations for a dark energy scalar field, and (iii) perturbations in modified gravity models. Throughout this chapter, a prime represents a derivative with respect to N = ln a (not to conformal time as in previous chapters), unless otherwise specified.
11.1 Perturbations in a general dark energy cosmology The linear perturbation equations we have derived in Chapter 4 for a single fluid and for two-fluid cases can be generalized in several ways, such as considering more fluids, interaction terms, and various levels of approximations, but the physics and the mathematics involved are more or less always the same. The present Universe is well described by at least two components, matter and dark energy, where the latter is completely unknown. It is then useful to derive the equations in a very general case by assuming a general equation of state w(z) and a general sound speed cs2 (z) in a multi-fluid Universe. Moreover, we will also assume that the gravitational field is sourced by the sum of energy densities of both components. We use the subscript t to refer to total quantities, ρt , Pt , δt etc., and the subscript X for a generic fluid, which may represent either matter or dark energy. So for perfect fluids we will have two equations for each fluid (for δX and θX ), two equations for the gravitational field (i.e. for and ), and another one that provides the relation between and . 296
11.1 Perturbations in a general dark energy cosmology
The equations in the following are best obtained by an algebraic manipulator. In this case it is convenient to start directly with the perturbed flat-space metric in N = ln a: ! (11.1) ds 2 = e2N −(1 + 2)H−2 dN 2 + (1 + 2)δij dx i dx j , and work out from the beginning a single mode k, putting (r, a) = (a)eik·r , (r, a) = (a)eik·r etc. This new metric forces a new definition of the first-order four-velocity: vi H dN dx i dx α α (1 − ) , ≈ , (11.2) u = = , ds a(1 + )H−1 dN a H−1 dN a a where of course a = eN and adN = da. It is convenient also to define a new velocity divergence: θnew =
ik · v θold = , H H
where the old velocity divergence θold is defined in Eq. (4.63). For simplicity we drop the subscript “new” but will remind the reader of the new definition when necessary. All the equations can be converted into conformal-time equations by using the rules 1 d d = , dN H dη
d2 1 d2 dH/dη d , = − 2 2 2 dN H dη H2 dη
and into ordinary time equations by the same rules and replacing η → t and H → H. If we have many fluids, the total energy-momentum tensor is the sum Tαβ = i T(i)αβ of the individual tensors. At the perturbation level this implies that [see Eqs. (4.37)–(4.39)] ρi δi , (11.6) δT00 = −ρt δt = − i j
ikj (δT0 ) = −(1 + weff )ρt θt = −
(1 + wi )ρi θi ,
2 δT11 = δT22 = δT33 = cs,t ρt δt =
2 cs,i ρi δi ,
Dark energy and linear cosmological perturbations
where the total perturbation variables are given by i δi , δt =
θt =
1 + wi i θi , 1 + weff i
together with the total equation of state and the sound speed Pt = i wi , ρt i 2 2 i cs,i i δi i cs,i i δi = = . δt i i δi
weff =
2 cs,t
Recall that i is defined by i ≡ ρi /ρt . The total equation of state weff satisfies the following relation H H 1 3 =1+ = − − weff . H H 2 2
The total sound speed simplifies if the i-th component is the only one to cluster (δi = 0) since then cs,t = cs,i . If that component is also barotropic, i.e. Pi = Pi (ρi ), then the adiabatic sound speed is a function of wi given by 2 cs(a),t =
wi P˙i . = wi − ρ˙i 3(1 + wi )
2 Suppose now all components are barotropic, cs,i = dPi /dρi . Under which condition is the total fluid barotropic? If we impose the adiabatic condition,
δρj δρi = ρi ρj
δj δi = , 1 + wi 1 + wj
for different matter components i, j , one can express any δi as δ1 (1 + wi )/(1 + w1 ), where δ1 corresponds to the perturbation for one component. Substituting this into Eq. (11.12), we find 2 i cs,i i δ1 (1 + wi ) 2 cs,t = i i δ1 (1 + wi ) 2 (dPi /dρi )ρ˙i weff P˙t i cs,i ρi (1 + wi ) = = i . = = weff − ρ˙t 3(1 + weff ) i ρi (1 + wi ) i ρ˙i (11.16)
11.1 Perturbations in a general dark energy cosmology
Hence the total fluid remains barotropic provided that all components satisfy the adiabatic conditions. This occurs most notably on super-horizon scales for a Universe composed of dust and radiation, see Eq. (4.180). In general even if all the fluids are barotropic, the total fluid is not, or in other words Pi = Pi (ρi ) does not imply Pt = Pt (ρt ). From Eqs. (4.61) and (4.62) the perturbation equations for a generic perfect fluid with density contrast δX and velocity divergence θX are given by δX = 3(w − cs2 )δX − (θX + 3 )(1 + w) , H w cs2 − θX + δX + . θX = 3w − 1 − 2 ˆ 1+w H λ (1 + w) λˆ 2
(11.17) (11.18)
Here we have introduced the quantity λˆ ≡ H/k = aH /k ,
so as to check the dimensional correctness at once. Another advantage is that in real space we can interpret λˆ −2 as the operator −H−2 ∇ 2 while in Fourier space, λˆ = H/k. In this way the perturbation equations can be read equivalently in real or Fourier space. Note that the above equations are valid for w = −1. From Eqs. (4.57) and (4.58) we obtain the following equations 1 2 (11.20) = 3λˆ δt + − , 2 3 = − λˆ 2 θt (1 + weff ) , 2
where we have used the background equation, 3H2 = 8π Ga 2 ρt . For Cs2 = w = −1 the equations for δX and θX give rise to the solution δX = θX = 0, which means that the cosmological constant does not fluctuate. The perturbation equations for δX and θX are generic. For dark energy we would have w = w(a), cs2 = cs2 (a); for cold dark matter w = 0, cs2 = 0; for radiation w = cs2 = 1/3, etc. Equations (11.17) and (11.18) can be also applied to the total component, replacing the subscript X for t and w, cs for weff , cs,t . So the problem is composed of two equations for δX , θX , two for δt , θt , and two algebraic relations that couple them through and . Any non-degenerate combination of four of these will be mathematically equivalent. These equations are therefore all we need for the general problem of several uncoupled perfect fluid components. As we have already explained in Chapter 4, the (i, j ) off-diagonal equations produce an additional equation for and . In the absence of anisotropic stress this is simply given by = −. Using this identity, the gravitational equations
Dark energy and linear cosmological perturbations
for , can be written as 3 = λˆ 2 [δt + 3λˆ 2 θt (1 + weff )] , 2 3 = − λˆ 2 [δt + θt (3λˆ 2 + 1)(1 + weff )] . 2
(11.22) (11.23)
It is important to observe that a consequence of the gravitational gauge freedom is that only gauge-invariant quantities can be compared directly to observations. It is possible to show that a gauge-invariant combination reduces to [90] t ≡ δt + 3λˆ 2 θt (1 + weff ) ,
in any gauge in which the (0, i) elements [called wi in Eq. (4.4)] of the perturbed metric are set to zero. These elements vanish for any observer at rest with respect to the coordinate frame and this is indeed what any observer assumes implicitly. The combination t is therefore the quantity to confront with observations. This reduces to the familiar δt only at small scales. It is therefore only in this limit that δt can be directly compared to the observed density contrast (at least in principle: in practice, there are a number of obstacles such as the problems of bias, of nonlinearities, of redshift distortions). From Eq. (11.22) we see that t essentially measures the total potential . Generally speaking, we will discuss the evolution of δt only in the limit that λˆ 1. When this limit is not respected (e.g., when discussing CMB, ISW, lensing), we stick with and . The total variables δt and θt satisfy equations similar to (11.17) and (11.18) apart from a subscript t (δt , cs,t etc.) and w replaced by weff . Let us write the difference of and in the form = − + σ ,
where σ (k, t) is a generic function of space and time that represents the anisotropic stress. Differentiating Eq. (11.21) with respect to N and using Eq. (11.20) plus the equations for δt and θt , one obtains a relatively simple second-order equation for : ! 1 2 2 2 + 3cs,t + (5 − 3weff ) + (3 + λˆ −2 )cs,t − 3weff = 3(cs,t − weff )σ + σ . 2 (11.26) Note that we have already encountered this equation for σ = 0 and in conformal 2 time in Eq. (4.66). If we switch off σ and also assume cs,t = weff (which applies for a single fluid with constant w), then the third term on the l.h.s. of Eq. (11.26) vanishes in the large-scale limit (λˆ 1). This gives rise to a solution = constant, as we have already mentioned. This shows that the gravitational potential is constant
11.1 Perturbations in a general dark energy cosmology
on super-horizon scales (λˆ 1) both for matter- and radiation-dominated regimes (but not during the transition!) and in general for any perfect fluid with constant w. In the rest of this section we always assume σ = 0, unless otherwise stated. 2 2 /[3(weff − cs,t )]. From Eq. (11.26) we see that oscillates acoustically if λˆ 2 < cs,t 2 For larger scales, grows if cs,t < weff and decays otherwise. If the total sound speed is adiabatic, the equation for at large scales becomes weff weff 5 3 − = 0, (11.27) + weff − + 2 2 1 + weff 1 + weff where we have used Eq. (11.14). For a mixture of radiation and matter we have that weff = ρr /[3(ρm + ρr )] = 1/[3(1 + a/aeq )], in which case one finds the exact solution (4.201). For the CDM model (which also implies σ = 0), the total sound speed after 2 = (P˙m + P˙DE )/(ρ˙m + ρ˙DE ) = P˙m /ρ˙m = 0. As a the radiation era is given by cs,t consequence we immediately see that the evolution of is completely scale independent. For the CDM model we have weff = −DE = −1 + m or weff =
(0) m −1 (0) −3N 1 − (0) m + m e
which goes as expected from 0 in the past to −1 in the future (note that the present epoch corresponds to N = 0). Inserting this into Eq. (11.26) one can directly solve the equation numerically, see Fig. 4.1. The gravitational potential stays constant at early times, but it starts to decay after the term dominates. If one has to deal with a single component, the simplest way to proceed is to integrate Eq. (11.26) and then use Eqs. (11.17) and (11.18) to obtain δt and θt . For more general cases the equation is not sufficient. For pressureless matter plus general dark energy we have 2 DE cs,DE m δm δPDE + δPm δDE 2 2 2 , = = cs,DE DE = cs,DE 1 − cs,t = δρDE + δρm m (δm /δDE ) + DE δt δt (11.29) 2 where cs,DE = δPDE /δρDE . Therefore we need to know the behavior of δDE /δt or equivalently δm /δt . Another useful form, valid for = −, is m δm 2 2 , (11.30) 1− = cs,DE cs,t 2 + 2(1 + 1/(3λˆ 2 )) where we have used Eqs. (11.22) and (11.23). We proceed to derive a general second-order equation of δ for a generic perfect fluid component. Differentiating Eq. (11.17) with respect to N and using Eq. (11.18), we obtain δX + a1 δX + a0 δX = b0 ( − σ ) + b1 + b2 ,
Dark energy and linear cosmological perturbations
where ! 1 2 cs (3 + 2λˆ −2 − 18w − 9weff ) + 3w(−1 + 6w + 3weff ) + 6(cs2 − w ) , 2 (11.32) 1 a1 = (1 + 6cs2 − 12w − 3weff ) , (11.33) 2 b0 = λˆ −2 (1 + w) , (11.34) ! 3 (11.35) b1 = − 2w + (1 + w)(1 − 6w − 3weff ) , 2 b2 = −3(1 + w) . (11.36) a0 =
This equation holds for each perfect fluid component in a multi-fluid medium. Since it has been obtained by manipulating only the conservation equations, and not the gravity sector, Eq. (11.31) applies also in any form of modified gravity that obeys the standard conservation laws. Let us remind the reader again that in this chapter the primes correspond to d/dN and that θ = ik · v/H. The combination of Eqs. (11.31) and (11.26) forms a closed set of equations if no anisotropic stress is present, to be supplemented only by the background solution and by the specified equations of state and sound speeds. For any additional perfect fluid component, we just need to add to the system another equation (11.31) with the specific w, cs . Let us write it down for two cases, radiation and matter. Since the radiation corresponds to w = cs2 = 1/3, we obtain the following equation for the modes deep inside the Hubble radius (λˆ 1): 1 1 4 δγ − (1 + 3weff )δγ + λˆ −2 δγ = λˆ −2 + 2(1 + 3weff ) − 4 , 2 3 3
where we have set σ = 0. Since δγ is associated with the temperature anisotropy 0 via the relation δγ = 4 0 , the conversion of Eq. (11.37) in terms of the derivative of the conformal time η leads to the following equation in the deep radiation era (weff 1/3): d2 d 2 0 1 2 k2 k − + = . 0 dη2 3 3 dη2
This corresponds to the Rs → 0 limit of Eq. (5.13) with cs2 = 1/3 and = −. For pressureless matter, Eq. (11.31) reduces to 1 3 δm + (1 − 3weff )δm = −λˆ −2 − (1 − 3weff ) − 3 . 2 2
11.1 Perturbations in a general dark energy cosmology
Equations (11.39) and (11.26) form a very general set of perturbation equations for any pressureless matter in the presence of dark energy. From these one can then derive algebraically all the other variables, δt , δDE , θm , etc. At small scales λˆ 1 and for vanishing σ , Eqs. (11.39), (11.22), and (11.30) give 1 δm + (1 − 3weff )δm = , 2 λˆ 2 3 3 = λˆ 2 δt = λˆ 2 (m δm + DE δDE ) , 2 2 5 6 2 ˆ δ 3 λ m m 2 2 1− . cs,t = cs,DE 2
(11.40) (11.41) (11.42)
If dark energy does not cluster then we have δDE = 0, so that = 3λˆ 2 m δm /2 from Eq. (11.41). Equation (11.42) shows that in this case the total sound speed cs,t vanishes. From Eq. (11.40) it follows that 1 3 + (1 − 3DE wDE )δm − m δm = 0 , δm 2 2
where we have used weff = DE wDE . This equation is completely fixed by assigning (0) a wDE (a) given by the model and the present value (0) m = 1 − DE from which −3 (0) −3 −3(1+wˆ DE ) + (1 − (0) ], with m (a) = (0) m a /[m a m )a 1 N wˆ DE (N) = wDE (N˜ ) dN˜ . (11.44) N 0 In some simple cases an analytical solution in terms of hypergeometric functions can be found [477]. It is often more useful however to work with an approximate solution. By using the growth rate parameter f defined in Eq. (4.107), Eq. (11.43) can be written in the form 3 1 3 − wDE (1 − m ) f = m . (11.45) f + f2 + 2 2 2 By using the Friedmann equation 3H 2 = 8π G(ρm + ρDE ) together with the continuity equation ρ˙DE + 3H (1 + wDE )ρDE = 0, we obtain m = 3wDE (1 − m )m . Combining Eqs. (11.45) and (11.46), it follows that df 1 3 3 + 3wDE m (1 − m ) − wDE (1 − m ) f + f 2 = m . dm 2 2 2
Dark energy and linear cosmological perturbations γ
Substituting f = m into Eq. (11.47), we find that [478] 1 dγ 3 m + γm − 1−γ − 3wDE γ − 3wDE m (1 − m ) (ln m ) dm 2 2 m 3 1 (11.48) + 3wDE γ − wDE + = 0 . 2 2 If the variation of wDE (z) is slow so that the condition |dwDE /dm | 1/(1 − m ) is satisfied, we obtain the following estimate for γ [479]: (1 − wDE )(1 − 3wDE /2) 3 3(1 − wDE ) + (1 − m ) + O((1 − m )2 ) . 5 − 6wDE 125 (1 − 6wDE /5)2 (1 − 12wDE /5) (11.49) However since the present value of 1 − m is not really small, a better approximation for the second term in γ is [478] γ=
3 (1 − wDE )(1 − 3wDE /2) (1 − m ). 125 (1 − 6wDE /5)3
Note that the CDM model corresponds to γ 6/11 0.545. Another fit for γ is provided by [480] γ = 0.545 + 0.05[1 + wDE (z = 1)] .
In Fig. 11.1 we show the behavior of the perturbation growth and the comparison with the fit (11.51). It is useful to remark that while γ does not depend strongly on wDE , the rate γ f = m is significantly affected by wDE . At any given z, in fact, the dark energy component is more important for higher wDE (assuming a constant wDE for simplicity). Larger DE means smaller m and hence f (z) decreases with increasing wDE , i.e. structures grow more slowly. If we assign the same initial amplitude to δm , say at z ≈ 1100 as set by CMB observations, then we conclude that the present amplitude is smaller for larger wDE . On the other hand we may instead know the present matter amplitude δm , for instance because we measure it through weak lensing or by estimating the bias. In this case we want our model to reproduce today’s observations and consequently we normalize δm to today. This would imply that at any given z the linear fluctuation amplitude δm (z) was higher for larger wDE . These considerations have an important impact on the estimates of the abundance of collapsed objects. γ Finally, it is also important to consider the limits of the m parametrization. Since m is usually contained between 0 and 1, f cannot pass from values larger than unity to values below. This rigidity in the parametrization could be a problem for the cases in which f > 1 in the past, cases that we encounter in coupled dark energy [481].
11.1 Perturbations in a general dark energy cosmology
0.8 wDE d
0.6 wDE
log(a) δm /δm
Figure 11.1 Growth rate f = for wDE = −1 (full line) and wDE = −0.6 (dotted line) obtained by numerical integration compared to the approximation (11.51) (thin lines), fixing (0) m = 0.3.
Let us conclude this section by counting the degrees of freedom of our problem. For two perfect fluids (say, matter and dark energy) we have a complete system of two second-order equations (11.31), which makes four degrees of freedom. For any additional perfect fluid we should add two more degrees of freedom. It is possible to choose many other sets. For instance, in Ref. [482], the authors chose for two fluids (subscript 1, 2) gauge-invariant variables formed by and three combinations of , , δ1 , δ2 (think of fluid 1 as matter and of fluid 2 as dark energy). In our notation these variables are defined as 2( + ) , 3(1 + weff ) (1 + w2 )δ1 − (1 + w1 )δ2 , S ≡ 2 1 + weff
2 cs2 − cs(a) 2 1 − cs(a)
δ2 .
(11.52) (11.53) (11.54)
Here S is a gauge-invariant (relative) entropy perturbation, while is an intrinsic entropy perturbation of the dark energy field 2. This set is particularly useful
Dark energy and linear cosmological perturbations
to follow the behavior of S, and to show that if one starts with S = = 0 (adiabatic initial conditions) then S, remain zero on large scales, regardless of the background evolution. For the system of non-relativistic matter and dark energy (w2 = wDE = −1), the condition S = 0 implies that δDE ≈ δm (1 + wDE ) and hence δt = m δm + DE δDE =
δm (0) m (0) −3wDE (0) m + (1 − m )a
−3wDE (1 − (0) m )(1 + wDE )a
(0) m
Taking for instance wDE = −0.9 we see that at z ≈ 1 the contribution of dark energy fluctuations at super-horizon scales is near 3–4% of the matter one. This contribution can be searched for as an ISW effect on the CMB and in the crosscorrelation with the large-scale structure, see Section 14.1.1. 11.2 Perturbations of a scalar field As we have seen in Chapters 7 and 8, many models describe dark energy as a scalar field. In this section we derive perturbation equations for a quintessence scalar field. For generality, we include baryons and dark matter and assume explicit nongravitational couplings between the field and the two matter components (i.e. coupled quintessence). Perturbations for scalar fields with non-canonical Lagrangians have been studied in e.g., Refs. [255, 483, 484, 485, 342]. Our dark energy model is therefore characterized by a general scalar-field potential V (φ) and general couplings Qi (φ) to matter. Generalizing Eq. (8.71), the conservation equations with interacting terms for the field φ, cold dark matter (c), and baryons (b) are: µ ∇µ T(c)ν = Qc (φ)T(c) ∇ν φ , µ
∇µ T(b)ν = Qb (φ)T(b) ∇ν φ ,
µ ∇µ T(φ)ν = −[Qc (φ)T(c) + Qb (φ)T(b) ]∇ν φ ,
where the coupling functions Qb,c (φ) depend on the species and Ti is the trace of the energy-momentum tensor of species i. Since radiation has a zero trace it is uncoupled to φ. As we have seen, this coupling form is motivated, through a conformal transformation, from Brans–Dicke gravity with species-dependent interaction. One could generalize the coupling in many ways, but this scalar-tensor form is sufficiently general for our purposes. The couplings are in general constrained by a number of observations. The baryon coupling in particular is severely constrained by local gravity experiments, unless the chameleon mechanism [321, 322] is at work (see the discussion in Chapter 9). Here for generality we leave the couplings completely free.
11.2 Perturbations of a scalar field
As we have already seen in Section 8.3.1, the field equations in the flat FLRW background are given by φ¨ + 3H φ˙ + V,φ = −(Qc ρc + Qb ρb ) ,
ρ˙c + 3Hρc = Qc ρc φ˙ ,
ρ˙b + 3Hρb = Qb ρb φ˙ ,
ρ˙r + 4Hρr = 0 ,
3H 2 = ρφ + ρc + ρb + ρr ,
where we have used the unit κ 2 = 1. Sometimes the coupling constants βc = √ √ 3/2Qc and βb = 3/2Qb are introduced instead of Qc and Qb to simplify the background equations [17]. To study the perturbations we use the perturbed metric (11.1). In the following we neglect the contribution of radiation because it is unimportant when we discuss the perturbations after decoupling. If we define 1 Pφ ≡ − g αβ φ,α φ,β − V , 2 (11.64) the energy-momentum tensor of the scalar field can be written as uµ ≡
1 ρφ ≡ − g αβ φ,α φ,β + V , 2
φ,µ , 1/2 ,α φ,β |
|g αβ φ
T(φ)µν = (ρφ + Pφ )uµ uν + gµν Pφ .
In fact, the energy density and the pressure can be constructed as ρφ = Tµν uµ uν and Pφ = Tµν hµν with the help of the projection operator hµν = gµν + uµ uν . We then obtain the following perturbations (notice here we use H not H) δρφ = H 2 (φ ϕ − φ 2 ) + V,φ ϕ ,
δPφ = H 2 (φ ϕ − φ 2 ) − V,φ ϕ ,
θφ ≡ −
i ) iki (δT0(φ)
(1 + wφ )ρφ
= λˆ −2
ϕ , φ
where V,φ ≡ dV /dφ and ϕ ≡ δφ
denotes the field fluctuation. We also define the field density contrast δφ ≡ ϕ/φ .
The sound speed is therefore 2 cs,φ =
δPφ H 2 (φ ϕ − φ 2 ) − V,φ ϕ . = 2 δρφ H (φ ϕ − φ 2 ) + V,φ ϕ
Dark energy and linear cosmological perturbations
If we put ourselves in the dark energy rest frame (that is, if we choose the gauge where dark energy is at rest), we have θφ = 0 and hence ϕ = 0. Then we see that the sound speed of the scalar-field rest frame equals unity. We define also the dark energy effective mass m2φ ≡
d2 V , dφ 2
together with its dimensionless version ˆ 2φ ≡ m2φ /H 2 . m
Notice that in general mφ is a function of φ. The mass becomes a constant only near the bottom of a harmonic potential. We also introduce the dimensionless potential Vˆ ≡ V /H 2 ,
which is at most of order unity. Perturbing the Einstein equations and the conservation equations, we obtain the linear perturbation equations below. The perturbation equations for perfect fluids with generic equations of state wi = Pi /ρi , couplings Qi , and sound speeds cs,i are 2 )(1+3Qi φ )δi −(θi +3 )(1+wi )+(1−3wi )(Qi ϕ +Qi,φ φ ϕ) , δi = 3(wi −cs,i
2wi θi θi = − 1 − 6wi − 3weff + + 2Qi (1 − 3wi )φ 2 1 + wi 5 6 2 cs,i 1 Qi (1 − 3wi ) + δi + + ϕ , 1 + wi λˆ 2 1 + wi
where Qi,φ ≡ dQi /dφ. Note that these equations reduce to Eqs. (11.17) and (11.18) in the limit Qi → 0. For the models in which the equation of state is given by the form wi (ρ) instead of wi (a) (e.g., the Chaplygin gas model), the above equations 2 → wi − wi /[3(1 + wi )]. The equation for are still valid with the substitution cs,i the scalar field coupled to several fluids with equations of state Pi = wi (a)ρi and sound speeds cs,i is H ˆ 2φ )ϕ − φ (3 − ) + 2Vˆ,φ ϕ + 2+ ϕ + (λˆ −2 + m H 2 = −3 Qi (1 − 3cs,i )i δi − 6 Qi (1 − 3wi )i − 3 (1 − 3wi )Qi,φ i ϕ . i
11.3 From dark energy to dark force
This equation for Qi = 0 can be obtained also directly from the continuity equation (11.75) by making use of the perturbation variables in Eqs. (11.66)–(11.68) and putting δi = δφ . Finally the equations for metric perturbations are λˆ 2 ˆ = i δi + 3(1 + wi )λˆ 2 θi , (11.78) 2V + ϕ Vˆ,φ + φ (3ϕ + ϕ ) + 3 2 1 = (1 + wi )θi i , (11.79) 2 − ϕφ − 3λˆ 2 2 plus the usual equivalence = − in the absence of anisotropic stress. Finally, in the uncoupled case with = −, the field perturbation equation (11.77) reduces to H ˆ 2φ )ϕ − 4φ − 2Vˆ,φ = 0 . ϕ + (λˆ −2 + m (11.80) ϕ + 2+ H Qualitatively, it is clear that one expects the scalar field to undergo damped oscilˆ φ . On these scales the scalar field will not contribute lations for scales λˆ < 1/m to the total gravitational potential and can be approximated as homogeneous. On ˆ φ < 1 (i.e. mφ < H ) ˆ φ . For m larger scales the behavior depends on the mass term m both the background field φ and its perturbation ϕ evolve slowly. Then we can approximate V,φ −3H 2 φ . Neglecting the φ -dependent terms in Eq. (11.66), we obtain the following relation φ δ φ V,φ ϕ/(3H 2 ) −φ ϕ .
As a further approximation, we can take ϕ constant during slow-roll and approximate φ [3(1 + wφ )φ ]1/2 for wφ near −1. If wφ remains constant then the 1/2 field contribution φ δφ to the total perturbation δt increases in proportion to φ approximately. ˆ φ > 1 (i.e. mφ > H ) the perturbations oscillate even on large scales. In For m this case, however, the background field will oscillate as well and the effective equation of state will depart from the one corresponding to dark energy. The field can now act indeed as dark matter and this case will be analyzed separately. 11.3 From dark energy to dark force Let us now assume = − and derive the perturbation solutions in the subhorizon limit (small scales, λˆ 1). The gravitational equations are given by λˆ 2 (11.82) = 3 i δi + ϕ Vˆ,φ + φ (3ϕ + ϕ ) , 2 1 = − ϕφ − . (11.83) 2
Dark energy and linear cosmological perturbations
In the first equation we have used λˆ 2 Vˆ λˆ 2 1. Inserting Eqs. (11.82) and (11.83) into Eq. (11.77) and taking the small-scale limit, we obtain H ˆ 2φ + 2φ 2 + 3 ϕ + λˆ −2 + m (1 − 3wi )i Qi,φ ϕ ϕ + 2+ H 2 −3 Qi (1 − 3cs,i )i δi , (11.84) where the sum is on the coupled components. Suppose now that (a) we can neglect the term 2φ 2 ϕ since |φ 2 | ( 1) is much smaller than λˆ −2 and (b) we can assume also that the field potential is flat enough and its coupling is almost constant so ˆ 2φ and the term in Qi,φ are negligible with respect to λˆ −2 (later we remove that m some of these approximations). In the limit of very small λˆ the field will undergo fast oscillations, forced by the term on the r.h.s. of Eq. (11.84). Averaging over the rapid oscillations of ϕ, we obtain 2 )i δi . (11.85) ϕ −3λˆ 2 Qi (1 − 3cs,i Since the field is oscillating very fast, we must see this equation as giving the average of ϕ over many oscillations. This is the crucial difference between coupled and uncoupled fields concerning perturbations. In the coupled case the perturbed field ϕ does not oscillate around zero but acquires a non-zero average proportional to the couplings. Since ϕ is of order λˆ 2 , Eq. (11.82) reduces to the usual Poisson equation 3 i δi . (11.86) = − λˆ 2 2 i Now, if we substitute ϕ into Eq. (11.76), we can define a new potential acting on the j -th component (which includes the effect of the coupling Qj ) ˆ j ≡ + Qj (1 − 3wj ) ϕ 1 + wj 5 6 2 (1 − 3cs,i )(1 − 3wj ) 3 ˆ2 . i δi 1 + 2Qi Qj =− λ 2 1 + wj i
Assuming for instance two matter components, CDM and baryons (subscripts c, b), we have a new potential on CDM: ! ˆ c = − 3 λˆ 2 b δb (1 + 2Qb Qc ) + c δc (1 + 2Q2c ) . 2 In real space, this equation becomes ˆ c = 4π Gbc ρb δb + 4π Gcc ρc δc , ∇ 2
11.3 From dark energy to dark force
where we have defined Gij = Gγij ,
γij ≡ 1 + 2Qi Qj .
Analogous equations hold for the baryon force equation. We can now write down the sub-horizon linear equations for CDM and baryons. Since both and ϕ are of the order of λˆ 2 , putting w = cs2 = 0 in Eqs. (11.75) and (11.76), we have δc = −θc , 1 ˆc , θc = − (1 − 3weff + 2Qc φ )θc + λˆ −2 2 δb = −θb , 1 ˆb , θb = − (1 − 3weff + 2Qb φ )θb + λˆ −2 2 ˆ c = − 3 λˆ 2 (γbc b δb + γcc c δc ) , 2 ˆ b = − 3 λˆ 2 (γbb b δb + γbc c δc ) . 2
(11.91) (11.92) (11.93) (11.94) (11.95) (11.96)
Differentiating Eq. (11.91) with respect to N and using Eq. (11.92), we obtain 1 3 δc + (1 − 3weff + 2Qc φ )δc − (γcc δc c + γbc δb b ) = 0 . 2 2
Similarly the equation for δb is given by 1 3 δb + (1 − 3weff + 2Qb φ )δb − (γbb δb b + γbc δc c ) = 0 . 2 2
These equations generalize the previous uncoupled equations (4.101) and (4.102). Since baryons and dark matter obey different equations, they will develop a bias already at the linear level. A simple result can be obtained in the case where one component dominates. Assuming b c , in fact, the baryon solution will be forced by the dominating CDM component to follow asymptotically its evolution. Defining the growth rate of δc as f ≡ δc /δc and putting δb = bδc with b = constant, we obtain the coupled equations 1 3 f + f 2 + (1 − 3weff + 2Qc φ )f − γcc c = 0 , 2 2 1 3 f + f 2 + (1 − 3weff + 2Qb φ )f − γbc c = 0 , 2 2b
(11.99) (11.100)
Dark energy and linear cosmological perturbations
from which by subtraction b=
3γbc c . 3γcc c − 2(Qc − Qb )φ f
Notice that all terms on the r.h.s. are in general functions of time. This shows that a linear bias of gravitational nature develops whenever Qc = Qb . This bias extends to all sub-horizon scales and therefore is distinguishable from the hydrodynamical or non-linear bias that takes place in collapsed objects. The growth rate f can be found numerically for any model by integrating (11.99). A simple analytical solution exists if weff , Qc , c , φ are constants (we are neglecting the baryons here): 1 1 (1 − 3weff + 2Qc φ )2 + 24γcc c . (11.102) f = − (1 − 3weff + 2Qc φ ) ± 4 4 This particular case occurs indeed on stationary solutions, e.g. the solution (d) in Section 8.3.1. In a pure matter-dominated cosmology we recover the standard solution f = 1, −3/2 for weff = Qc = 0 and c = γcc = 1. It is interesting to derive the limit of strong coupling for scaling solutions. This is obtained by the condition Q λ (λ is the potential slope) for the point (d) of Table 8.1. Then we have √ (11.103) φ = 6x1 = 3/(Qc + λ) . Inserting the values of φ , weff , c for the point (d) into Eq. (11.102), we find that the growing mode solution corresponds to (11.104) f 3Qc λ , for Qc λ. This diverges for Qc → ∞, which is due to the fact that in the limit of strong coupling the correction 1 + 2Q2c to gravity blows up. This shows that one can have fast-growing solutions in an accelerating Universe, even in the limit that weff → −1. On the other hand this puts strong limits to the viability of scaling solutions since a fast growth during acceleration produces an excessive integrated Sachs–Wolfe effect [486]. Another simple case is the φMDE scaling, i.e. the solution (a) in Section 8.3.1. Applying Eq. (11.102) to this case we obtain f = 1 + 2Q2c , which is faster than the standard CDM growth by 2Q2c . Finally, on accelerated but not scaling solutions and for small values of Qc , it is γ also possible to find approximate solutions in the traditional form f = m , where [487] γ ≈ 0.55(1 − 2.6Q2c ) .
11.4 A massive dark energy field
11.4 A massive dark energy field It is interesting to observe that in Eq. (11.84) the terms in Qi,φ contribute to the equation as effective masses. For a single pressureless fluid component (with a scalar field) this gives ˆ 2Q ≡ 3Q,φ , m
where and Q are the density parameter and the coupling of the fluid, respectively. Let us consider the two effective masses of the dark energy field, previously ˆ2 = m ˆ 2φ + m ˆ 2Q , Eq. (11.85) in Fourier neglected. If λˆ −2 is not much larger than m space becomes (in this section we assume that dark energy is coupled to a single matter component, subscript m, or, equivalently, that has a universal coupling to all fields): ϕ = −3Y (k)λˆ 2 Qm δm ,
where Y (k) ≡
k2 , k 2 + a 2 m2
ˆ . If we substitute Eq. (11.107) into Eq. (11.76), we find that the and m = mH effective potential is given by (neglecting the baryons) ˆ = − 3 λˆ 2 m δm [1 + 2Q2 Y (k)]. (11.109) 2 Now, let us write down the present density in real space for a particle of mass M0 located at the origin as ρm(0) = M0 δD (0). The density contrast in “empty” space, i.e. for ρm ρt , is therefore: m δm =
ρm κ 2 a 3 ρm κ 2 M(φ) = = , ρt 3H 2 a 3H 2 a
where M(φ) = ρm a 3 = M0 e
Q dφ
(11.111) Note that we have used the solution (8.92), i.e. ρm = ρm(0) exp( Qdφ) (a0 /a)3 , together with M0 = ρm(0) a03 δD (0). In Fourier space and for a unitary volume, the expression for the density contrast remains the same but the Dirac delta drops out. It turns out then that the potential originated by a dark matter particle in the linear regime is given by (we put back a k subscript for clarity) 2 1 3 1 2Q 2 2 ˆ k = − m δm λˆ [1 + 2Q Y (k)] = −4π GM(φ) + 2 , 2 2 2 2 k k +a m a (11.112) .
Dark energy and linear cosmological perturbations
from which we can define an effective Geff in Fourier space: 2Q2 k 2 . Geff = G 1 + 2 k + a 2 m2 Under the Fourier transformation ˆ (x) =
1 (2π )3
ˆ k d3 k , eik·x
we have, using the angular integral sin kx , eikx cos θ sin θ dθ dφ = 4π kx the result 2GM(φ) ˆ (x) =− πa =−
2GM(φ) πr
∞ 0
2Q2 k 2 sin kx 1+ 2 dk kx k + a 2 m2 2Q2 y 2 sin y 1+ 2 dy , y y + m2 r 2
where r = ax is the physical coordinate. The last integral gives finally the Yukawa potential GM(φ) ˆ 1 + 2Q2 e−mr . (11.117) (r) =− r Notice that in general both Q and m can be functions of φ and therefore of space and time. We have seen in √ Section 9.1.3 that the same Yukawa correction applies to f (R) gravity (Q = −1/ 6). 11.5 Sound speed of a scalar field We know that an ultra-light scalar field behaves as a cosmological constant, at least as concerns the background dynamics. But what is the behavior at the perturbation level? And how can we understand the perturbation dynamics of a not-so-ultra-light scalar field? The key quantity for this is the sound speed cs,φ . This sets the scale of clustering: if cs,φ /H is comparable to the horizon size then the field will not cluster on these scales; if this is small then the field might cluster. That is, we can have astrophysically sized φ fluctuations only if cs,φ < 1 (remember that velocities are in units of c). We have already seen in Section 11.2 that the sound speed for a scalar field is given by Eq. (11.71). Except for the case in which the potential is very flat, V,φ → 0, for which cs,φ = 1, the field sound speed depends on the detailed behavior of both perturbation and background quantities. There is a limit
11.5 Sound speed of a scalar field
however which can be treated with some generality. Let us consider Eq. (11.84) for the uncoupled case H ˆ 2φ + 2φ 2 )ϕ = 0 . ϕ + (λˆ −2 + m (11.118) ϕ + 2+ H Notice that there is another “sound speed” here, namely the coefficient of the λˆ −2 ϕ term, always equal to unity. In Minkowski space this would be the velocity in the solution of the spacetime wave equation, ϕ ∼ exp[ik(ct ± r)]. When this term dominates, the perturbed field ϕ oscillates acoustically and does not grow. However, we are not interested here in ϕ but rather in the density contrast δρφ /ρφ . ˆ φ are constant with a negligible Let us assume for a moment that λˆ and m contribution of φ 2 . If the expansion rate H is also negligible, we can integrate the equation ϕ¨ + (k 2 /a 2 + m2φ )ϕ = 0 to give the solution 6 5 k2 (11.119) ϕ = A exp ±imφ 1 + 2 2 t , 2a mφ where we have assumed that k 2 a 2 m2φ . Let us now approximate the potential V near its minimum as V ≈ 12 m2φ φ 2 . If the field oscillates rapidly around the minimum we can assume that averaging over many oscillations the kinetic and the potential terms are equal: φ˙ 2 m2φ φ 2 .
Notice that the kinetic term φ 2 Vˆ DE ≤ 1 is then really negligible in Eq. (11.118) for sub-horizon modes (λˆ 1). Similarly, averaging over many oscillations, we also have 2 k2 2 2 ϕ˙ mφ 1 + 2 2 ϕ 2 . (11.121) a mφ In fact, we can assume both φ and ϕ to be described by some sinusoidal sin(µt + θ ) where µ = mφ for φ and µ = mφ [1 + k 2 /(2a 2 m2φ )] for ϕ. Then averaging over many cycles we also have 2 k 2 (11.122) φ˙ ϕ ˙ mφ 1 + 2 2 φϕ . 2a mφ Since the term in Eq. (11.71) is negligible for small scales, the sound speed squared is 2 cs,φ
φ˙ ϕ ˙ − m2φ φϕ δP k2 = . δρ 4a 2 m2φ φ˙ ϕ ˙ + m2φ φϕ
Dark energy and linear cosmological perturbations
Therefore for k amφ we have cs,φ =
k 1. 2amφ
The conclusion is that the k-th mode of the scalar field begins to cluster only for k amφ . All this is in a linear regime, so this growth is observable only for scales which are still linear today or became non-linear only recently. The inverse mass 1/mφ sets the field Compton wavelength: only modes larger than 1/mφ can be localized and feel the pull of gravity. For masses near 10−28 eV the Compton wavelength m−1 φ (that is, /mφ c) approximates the size of a galaxy. Such a field could therefore be considered as a form of dark matter rather than dark energy. In Ref. [488] such a field has been called “fuzzy dark matter.” The mass scale mφ sets also the timing for the onset of the oscillations. One could say that for a field slow-rolling over a quadratic potential the field begins oscillating when mφ H and begins clustering on sub-horizon scales when k amφ . If mφ H0 ≈ 10−33 eV neither of these two conditions is met yet and the field is not practically distinguishable from the cosmological constant. Then the Compton wavelength is as large as the present horizon scale of the Universe: c = 2998 h−1 Mpc . mφ H0
In this case we can neglect altogether the fluctuation in the φ field on sub-horizon scales. However they are still relevant for super-horizon scales. Finally, notice that there are cases in which the field is neither dark energy nor dark matter. The fields oscillating at the bottom of their potential with masses near mφ ≈ 10−30 eV cannot accelerate the present expansion (and therefore are not candidates for dark energy) nor can they clump into galaxies (and therefore are not candidates for dark matter). However they might still exist as a minor component of the Universe. The phenomenon is very similar to the massive neutrino case, in which an effective sound speed cs Tν(0) /(amν ) can be defined when the neutrino becomes non-relativistic, where Tν(0) is the present neutrino temperature. This intermediate massive component can cluster on sub-horizon scales larger than a Jeans (or “free-streaming”) scale corresponding to the wavenumber [see Eq. (4.79)] " " 3 H 3 2a 2 mφ H = . (11.126) kJ = 2 cs,φ 2 kJ −3 During the matter-dominated epoch we have H 2 = H02 (0) m a , so that kJ is given by 1/2
kJ (a) ≈ a 1/4 mφ H0 1/2 (0) m
11.6 Perturbations in modified gravity models
Each scale k therefore grows from the time when the field starts oscillating, given by 2 1/3 , until the value amax the oscillation condition H mφ or amin (H02 (0) m /mφ ) such that k = kJ (amax ), at which point the field enters the free-streaming regime. At this epoch, the field energy density stops sourcing the matter fluctuations and the growth is slowed down as in Eq. (4.105). Therefore we expect that between amin and amax matter perturbations on the scales k > kJ grow slower than those at larger scales. This will give rise to a drop in power in the matter power spectrum. The larger the fraction φ is, the stronger the drop is, because more perturbations stop growing. This break in the spectrum can be quantified and compared to observations. The result is that a density fraction of a few percent of an intermediate massive field is allowed by observations [489].
11.6 Perturbations in modified gravity models So far we have discussed the evolution of matter density perturbations in the framework of General Relativity. In this section we shall extend our analysis to modified gravity models of dark energy. This includes models such as f (R) gravity, scalar-tensor gravity, and DGP braneworld models.
11.6.1 f (R) gravity First of all, let us consider the case of f (R) gravity in the metric formalism in the presence of non-relativistic matter. The equations for matter perturbations are given by Eqs. (11.17) and (11.18) with wm = cs2 = 0: δm = − θm + 3 , (11.128) (11.129) θm = /λˆ 2 − 1 + H /H θm . Combining these equations gives Eq. (11.39) that we rewrite here in this form: H H 1 δm + 1 + δm + = −3 1 + − 3 . (11.130) H H λˆ 2 For the modes deep inside the Hubble radius (λˆ 1) the r.h.s. of Eq. (11.130) can be neglected relative to the l.h.s., i.e. H 1 δm + = 0 . δm + 1 + (11.131) H λˆ 2 In f (R) gravity the quantity F (R) = ∂f/∂R has a perturbation δF . Perturbing Eq. (9.2), we obtain the following equations in Fourier space (in the unit of
Dark energy and linear cosmological perturbations
κ 2 = 1) [417, 371] −
k2 ˙ + 3H (H − ) a2 k2 1 2 ˙ ˙ ˙ ˙ ˙ 3H δF − 3H + 3H − 2 δF − 3H F − 3F (H − ) − δρm , = 2F a
¨ + 3H δF ˙ + δF
k 1 R ˙ − 3) ˙ δF = δρm + F˙ (3H + − 2 a 3 3 1 + (2F¨ + 3H F˙ ) − F δR , 3
δF , (11.134) F where we used the time derivative with respect to cosmic time t. For the modes deep inside the Hubble radius, the terms including k 2 /a 2 and δρm in Eq. (11.132) are the dominant contributions. Hence we obtain the following approximate relations from Eqs. (11.132) and (11.134): 1 a2 1 a2 δρm − δF , = − δρm + δF . (11.135) = 2F k 2 2F k 2 +=−
Provided that |F˙ | |H F | and |F¨ | |H 2 F |, the second and third terms on the r.h.s. of Eq. (11.133) are much smaller than δρm and (k 2 /a 2 )δF for the modes deep inside the Hubble radius. Using the relation δR = δF /f,RR , we find that Eq. (11.133) is approximately given by 2 k 1 2 ¨ ˙ δF + 3H δF + + M δF = δρm , (11.136) 2 a 3 where M2 ≡
f,R . 3f,RR
In order to derive Eq. (11.136) we have used the following condition 2 k 2 ,M R ∼ H2 . a2
Note that the condition M 2 R is satisfied for viable f (R) models in the past cosmic expansion history of the Universe [369, 371], see Eq. (9.52). From the stability of cosmological perturbations we require that M 2 > 0, which gives the condition f,RR > 0 (provided that f,R > 0). In the following we shall discuss two cases: (A) M 2 k 2 /a 2 and (B) M 2 k 2 /a 2 , separately. In terms of the
11.6 Perturbations in modified gravity models
characteristic function m(r) introduced in Eq. (9.21) the conditions (A) and (B) can be written as m λˆ 2 and m λˆ 2 , respectively. We recall that for viable f (R) models the mass squared M 2 is large in the past and gradually decreases toward the present. Hence the transition from the region (A) to (B) can occur in the past, depending on the modes k. (i) Evolution of perturbations in the regime M 2 k 2 /a 2 . The general solutions for Eq. (11.136) are given by the sum of the oscillating solution δFosc obtained by setting δρm = 0 and the special solution δFind of Eq. (11.136) induced by the presence of matter perturbations δρm . The oscillating part δFosc satisfies the equation (a 3/2 δFosc )·· + M 2 (a 3/2 δFosc ) 0. By using the WKB approximation, we obtain the solution δFosc ∝ a
dt 3f,RR
Note that we have used f,R 1 because the viable f (R) models are close to the CDM model when the mass M is heavy. In the following let us consider the model (9.78) that corresponds to the asymptotic form of the models (9.9) and (9.10) in the region R Rc . During the matter era in which the background Ricci scalar evolves as R (0) = 4/(3t 2 ), the quantity f,RR has a dependence f,RR ∝ R −2(n+1) ∝ t 4(n+1) . Hence the evolution of the perturbation, δRosc = δFosc /f,RR , is given by δRosc c t −(3n+4) cos(c0 t −2(n+1) ) ,
where c and c0 are constants. As we go back to the past the perturbation δRosc dominates over R (0) ∝ t −2 , unless the coefficient c is chosen to be very small. Since the Ricci scalar R can be negative in this case, this can lead to the violation of the stability conditions (f,RR > 0 and f,R > 0). The special solution δFind of Eq. (11.136) can be derived by neglecting the first and second terms relative to others, giving δFind
δρm , 3M 2
δRind δρm .
Under the condition |δFosc | |δFind | we have δF δρm /(3M 2 ), so that Eq. (11.135) reduces to = − = −
1 a2 δρm . 2F k 2
Dark energy and linear cosmological perturbations
Substituting Eq. (11.142) into Eq. (11.131), we find that the matter perturbation obeys the following equation H 3 δm + 1 + δm − m δm = 0 , (11.143) H 2 where m = ρm /(3F H 2 ). This is the same form as the usual equation of matter perturbations in General Relativity, which has the growing solution δm ∝ t 2/3 .
From Eq. (11.141) we get δFind ∝ t 4(n+2/3) ,
δRind ∝ t −4/3 .
Compared to the oscillating mode (11.140), the induced matter mode δRind decreases more slowly and thus dominates in the late Universe. Relative to the background value R (0) , the perturbation, δR = δRosc + δRind , evolves as δR b1 t −(3n+2) cos(c0 t −p ) + b2 t 2/3 , R (0)
where b1 and b2 are constants. In order to avoid the dominance of the oscillating mode at the early epoch, the coefficient b1 needs to be suppressed relative to b2 . Note that this property also persists for the evolution of matter perturbations during the radiation-dominated epoch [369, 371]. (ii) Evolution of perturbations in the regime M 2 k 2 /a 2 . Since the scalaron mass decreases as M ∝ t −2(n+1) , the modes that initially exist in the region M 2 k 2 /a 2 can enter the regime M 2 k 2 /a 2 during the matterdominated epoch. It is sufficient to discuss the matter-induced mode because the oscillating mode is already suppressed during the evolution in the regime M 2 k 2 /a 2 . The matter-induced special solution of Eq. (11.136) in the regime M 2 k 2 /a 2 is approximately given by δFind
a2 δρm . 3k 2
From Eq. (11.135) the gravitational potentials satisfy 4 1 a2 =− · δρm , 3 2F k 2
2 1 a2 δρm . · 3 2F k 2
Plugging Eq. (11.148) into Eq. (11.131), it follows that H 4 3 δm − · m δm 0 . δm + 1 + H 3 2
11.6 Perturbations in modified gravity models
|δR | 10−6
|δR / R(0)|
10−10 0
Figure 11.2 The evolution of δR, δR/R (0) , and δm for the model (9.78) with n = 1 for the mode k/(a0 H0 ) = 335. This corresponds to the case in which the coefficient b1 in Eq. (11.146) is small so that the oscillating mode δRosc is negligible relative to the matter-induced mode δRind . In this case the transition from the region M 2 k 2 /a 2 to the region M 2 k 2 /a 2 occurs around the redshift z = 5. From Ref. [371].
Notice that the factor 4/3 in the last term can be simply understood as the √ value of the Yukawa correction (11.113) in the limit of large k and for Q = −1/ 6. During the matter era with m 1 and a ∝ t 2/3 , the matter perturbation evolves as δm ∝ t
√ 33−1 6
The growth rate of δm is larger than that in the region M 2 k 2 /a 2 . √ 33−5 Let us consider the model (9.78). During the matter era we obtain δFind ∝ t 6 from Eqs. (11.147) and (11.150), and hence δRind ∝ t −4n+
√ 33−29 6
√ δRind −4n+ 33−17 6 ∝ t . R (0)
In Fig. 11.2 we plot the evolution of δR, δR/R (0) and δm for the model (9.78) with n = 1 for the mode k/(a0 H0 ) = 335 (corresponding to roughly 2π/k ≈ 60h−1 Mpc, i.e. a scale that is well within a linear regime). Note that we have chosen initial conditions so that the oscillating mode is negligible relative to the matterinduced mode. Initially the perturbation is in the region M 2 k 2 /a 2 and hence
Dark energy and linear cosmological perturbations 0.010
k /(a0 H0) = 6 k /(a0 H0) = 300
k /(a0 H0) = 3000
Figure 11.3 The evolution of the matter perturbation δm for the model (9.78) with n = 0.5. The curves correspond to k/(a0 H0 ) = 6, 300, 3000. The transition redshift zk increases for larger k. For the mode k = 300a0 H0 , zk = 9.6. Non-linear effects are not taken into account. From Ref. [371].
the evolution of δm and δR/R (0) is given by Eqs. (11.144) and (11.146) respectively. The sudden decrease of δR/R (0) means that the system enters the region M 2 k 2 /a 2 in which the evolution of perturbations is given by Eqs. (11.150) and (11.151). (iii) Matter power spectra The evolution of the matter perturbation is given by δm ∝ t 2/3 for M 2 k 2 /a 2 and √ ( 33−1)/6 for M 2 k 2 /a 2 . We shall use the subscript “k” for the quantities δm ∝ t at which k is equal to aM, whereas the subscript “” is used for the onset of cosmic acceleration (a¨ = 0). While the redshift z is independent of k, zk depends on k and also on the mass M. For the model (9.78) the variable m = Rf,RR /f,R can grow fast from the regime m λˆ 2 (i.e. M 2 k 2 /a 2 ) to the regime m λˆ 2 (i.e. M 2 k 2 /a 2 ). In fact we recall that m can grow to as large as the order of 0.1 even if m is much smaller than 10−9 in the deep matter era. If the transition characterized by the condition M 2 = k 2 /a 2 occurs during the deep matter era (z 1), one can estimate the critical redshift zk . We use the asymptotic forms m C(−r − 1)2n+1 with C = 2n(2n + 1)/µ2n and r −1 − µRc /R as well as the approximate relations H 2 3 2 H02 (0) m (1 + z) and R 3H . The present value of the dark energy density may be
11.6 Perturbations in modified gravity models
(0) (0) approximated as ρDE ≈ µRc /2. Hence we have that µRc ≈ 6H02 (0) DE , where DE is the density parameter of dark energy today. Then the condition M 2 = k 2 /a 2 , i.e. m (aH /k)2 , translates into the critical redshift 5 6 1 2 2n+1 6n+4 k 2n(2n + 1) (2(0) ) DE zk − 1. (11.152) (0) 2(n+1) a0 H0 µ2n m
For n = 1, µ = 3, k = 300a0 H0 , and (0) m = 0.28 the numerical value for the critical redshift is zk = 4.5, which shows good agreement with the analytical value estimated by Eq. (11.152). We caution, however, that Eq. (11.152) begins to lose its accuracy for zk close to 1. Equation (11.152) shows that zk tends to be smaller for larger n and µ. As n gets larger, the period of a non-standard evolution of δm becomes shorter. Since the scalaron mass evolves as M ∝ t −2(n+1) for the model (9.78), the time tk 3 has a scale-dependence tk ∝ k − 6n+4 . This means that the smaller-scale modes cross the transition point earlier. The matter power spectrum Pδm = |δm |2 at the time t shows a difference compared to the case of the CDM model: Pδm (t ) = Pδm CDM (t )
t tk
33−1 − 23 6
√ 33−5 6n+4
While the galaxy matter power spectrum is modified by this effect, the CMB spectrum is hardly affected except for low multipoles around which the ISW effect becomes important. Thus there is a difference for the spectral indices of two power spectra, i.e. √ 33 − 5 n(t ) = . (11.154) 6n + 4 For larger n the redshift zk can be as close as z , which means that the estimation (11.154) is not necessarily valid in such cases. One finds that the estimation (11.154) agrees well with the numerically obtained n(t ) for n 2 [371]. We note that the estimation (11.154) does not take into account the evolution of δm after z = z to the present epoch (z = 0). After the system enters the epoch of cosmic acceleration, the momentum k can again become smaller than aM. Hence the k-dependence is not necessarily negligible even for z < z . However, numerical simulations show that n(t0 ) is not much different from n(t ) derived by Eq. (11.154) [371]. Thus the analytic estimation (11.154) is certainly reliable to place constraints on model parameters except for n 1. Observationally we do not find any strong difference for the slopes of the spectra of LSS and CMB. If we take the mild bound n(t ) 0.05, we obtain the constraint n 2. In this case local gravity constraints are also satisfied, see Eq. (9.89).
Dark energy and linear cosmological perturbations
The modified growth of matter perturbations also affects the evolution of the gravitational potentials and . As we have seen the effective potential ψ = − is important in discussing the ISW effect on the CMB as well as the weak lensing observations, see Eqs. (4.236) and (4.238). From Eq. (11.135) this potential is given by ψ=
3a 2 H 2 m δm . k2
In the CDM model the potential ψ remains constant during the standard matter era, but it decays after the system enters the accelerated epoch, producing the ISW contribution for low multipoles on the CMB power spectrum. In f (R) gravity the additional growth of matter perturbations in the region z < zk changes the evolution of ψ. From CMB observations, however, we do not obtain a constraint on n tighter than the one derived by the spectral index of matter perturbations [490]. This comes from the fact that the ISW effect is important only for the modes with k/(a0 H0 ) = O(1) whose transition redshift zk is smaller than the modes relevant to the galaxy power spectrum. In the weak lensing observations, the modified evolution of the lensing potential ψ directly leads to the change even for the small-scale shear power spectrum [491, 492]. Hence this can be a powerful tool to constrain f (R) gravity models from future observations.
11.6.2 Scalar-tensor gravity Let us next discuss the case of scalar-tensor gravity. To be concrete we shall study the evolution of matter perturbations for the Jordan frame action (9.120), i.e. Brans– Dicke theory with the potential U (φ) and the coupling F (φ) = e−2Qφ . We define the field mass squared to be M2 ≡
d2 U . dφ 2
If the scalar field is light such that the condition M H0 is always satisfied irrespective of high- or low-density regions, the coupling Q is constrained to be |Q| 10−3 from local gravity tests. Meanwhile, if the mass M in the region of high density is much larger than that on cosmological scales, it is possible to satisfy local gravity constraints by the chameleon mechanism even if |Q| is of the order of unity. Cosmologically the mass M can decrease from the past to the present, which can allow the transition from the “GR regime” to the “scalar-tensor regime” as happens in f (R) gravity. An example of the field potential showing this behavior is given by Eq. (9.148).
11.6 Perturbations in modified gravity models
As in f (R) gravity, the matter perturbation δm satisfies Eq. (11.131). The difference appears in the expression of the gravitational potential . In Fourier space the scalar metric perturbations obey the following equations [417, 273] 1 1 k2 ˙ ωφ˙ ϕ˙ + (ω,φ φ˙ 2 −F,φ R + 2U,φ )ϕ − 2 + 3H (H − ) = − a 2F 2 2 2 k ˙ + 3H +3H − 2 δF − 3H δ F˙ a ˙ + δρm , + (3H F˙ − ωφ˙ 2 ) + 3F˙ (H − ) (11.157) 5 6 ω,φ ˙ k 2 ω,φ φ˙ 2 2U,φ − F,φ R ϕ¨ + 3H + φ ϕ˙ + 2 + + ϕ ω a ω ,φ 2 2ω ,φ ω,φ ˙ 2 ˙ ˙ − ) ˙ + 1 F,φ δR , φ + 3φ(H = φ˙ + 2φ¨ + 3H φ˙ + ω 2ω F,φ δF =− ϕ, +=− F F
(11.158) (11.159)
where ϕ = δφ is the perturbed field, ω = (1 − 6Q2 )F , and 2 2 k k · ˙ − H ) − 12H (H − ) ˙ + δR = 2 3( − 3H˙ + 2 2 . a2 a (11.160) As long as the mass M defined in Eq. (11.156) is sufficiently heavy to satisfy the conditions M 2 R, we can approximate [(2U,φ − F,φ R)/2ω],φ M 2 /ω in Eq. (11.158). The solution to Eq. (11.158) consists of the sum of the matter-induced mode ϕind sourced by the matter perturbation and the oscillating mode ϕosc , i.e. ϕ = ϕind + ϕosc . The oscillating mode corresponds to the solution of Eq. (11.158) without the matter perturbation. Let us first derive the matter-induced mode on sub-horizon scales. In so doing we use the approximation that the terms containing k 2 /a 2 , δρm , δR, and M 2 are the dominant contributions in Eqs. (11.157)–(11.160).1 Under this approximation, we have δRind 2(k 2 /a 2 )[ − (F,φ /F )ϕind ] from Eqs. (11.159) and (11.160), where the subscript “ind” represents the matter-induced mode. Then from Eq. (11.158) 1
This approximation was first used in Ref. [374] for the scalar-tensor theory with the Lagrangian density L = (1/2)F (φ)R − (1/2)∇(φ)2 − U (φ) in the massless limit: M 2 k 2 /a 2 .
Dark energy and linear cosmological perturbations
we find ϕind −
k2 2QF . (k 2 /a 2 )(1 − 2Q2 )F + M 2 a 2
Using Eqs. (11.157) and (11.159) we obtain k2 δρm (k 2 /a 2 )(1 + 2Q2 )F + M 2 − , a2 2F (k 2 /a 2 )F + M 2 k2 δρm (k 2 /a 2 )(1 − 2Q2 )F + M 2 . a2 2F (k 2 /a 2 )F + M 2
In the massive limit M 2 /F k 2 /a 2 , we recover the standard result of General Relativity. In the massless limit M 2 /F k 2 /a 2 , one has (k 2 /a 2 ) −(δρm /2F )(1 + 2Q2 ) and (k 2 /a 2 ) (δρm /2F )(1√− 2Q2 ). Note that this recovers Eq. (11.148) in f (R) gravity by setting Q = −1/ 6. Substituting Eq. (11.162) into Eq. (11.131), we obtain the equation for matter perturbations H (k 2 /a 2 )(1 + 2Q2 )F + M 2 3 δm + 1 + δm − m δm = 0 . (11.163) H 2 (k 2 /a 2 )F + M 2 This equation can be also written as [273] H 4π Geff ρm δm δm − = 0, δm + 1 + H H2 where the (cosmological) effective gravitational “constant” is 2Q2 k 2 G (k 2 /a 2 )(1 + 2Q2 )F + M 2 G 1+ 2 . Geff = = F (k 2 /a 2 )F + M 2 F k + a 2 M 2 /F
Note that we have recovered the bare gravitational constant G by using G = 1/(8π ). In the massless limit this reduces to G G 4 + 2ωBD Geff (1 + 2Q2 ) = (M 2 /F k 2 /a 2 ) , (11.166) F F 3 + 2ωBD where in the last line we have used the relation (9.122) between the coupling Q and the Brans–Dicke parameter ωBD . Note that the cosmological effective gravitational constant (11.166) agrees with the Newton gravitational constant (9.154). Let us pause to compare the Jordan frame Geff in Eq. (11.165) with the similar result (11.113) in the Einstein frame. The two expressions are in a similar, but not identical, form if we identify M/F 1/2 as the field dimensionless mass m. The difference is due to the fact that the real observable is not Geff but rather the dimensionless (if c = 1) combination Geff M/r: it is this combination that gives the strength of the interaction. Upon a conformal transformation with conformal factor
11.6 Perturbations in modified gravity models
F = e−2Qφ as in Section 9.1.3 the distances in the two frames scale as r˜ = F 1/2 r (as usual the tilded quantity is in the Einstein frame). In coupled dark energy the physical frame is the Einstein one and we have from (11.117): Geff M(φ) GM0 (1 + Yc ) GM0 eQφ (1 + Yc ) = , = −Qφ e r re−2Qφ r˜
where Yc is the Yukawa correction. It appears therefore that this coincides indeed with the Jordan frame result Geff M0 GM0 (1 + Yc ) GM0 (1 + Yc ) = = . r Fr re−2Qφ
Next, let us derive the approximate equation for the oscillating mode. Using Eqs. (11.157) and (11.158) under the condition k 2 /a 2 H 2 the gravitational potentials for δρm = 0 are expressed by ϕosc . Then from Eq. (11.160) the perturbation δR corresponding to the oscillating mode is given by k2 (11.169) δRosc 6Q ϕ¨osc + 3H ϕ˙osc + 2 ϕosc . a Substituting this relation into Eq. (11.158), we find 2 k M2 ϕosc 0 , ϕ¨osc + 3H ϕ˙osc + + a2 F
which is valid in the regime M 2 R. When |Q| = O(1) the field potential U (φ) needs to be heavy in the region of high density for the consistency with local gravity constraints. We shall consider the potential (9.148) as an example of a viable model. During the matter era the field φ sits at the instantaneous minima characterized by the condition (9.150). Hence, we 1
have the relations φ ∝ ρmp−1 and M 2 ∝ ρm1−p during the matter-dominated epoch. The field φ can initially be heavy to satisfy the condition M 2 /F k 2 /a 2 for the modes relevant to the galaxy power spectrum. Depending upon the model parameters and the mode k, the mass squared M 2 can be smaller than k 2 /a 2 during the matter era [273]. In the regime M 2 /F k 2 /a 2 the matter perturbation equation (11.163) reduces to the standard one in Einstein gravity, which gives the evolution δm ∝ t 2/3 . For the model (9.148) the matter-induced mode of the field perturbation evolves as 2(4−p) ϕind ∝ δρm /M 2 ∝ t 3(1−p) . Meanwhile, the WKB solution to Eq. (11.170) is given p 1 by ϕosc ∝ t 2(1−p) cos(ct − 1−p ), where c is a constant. Since the background field φ 2 during the matter era evolves as φ ∝ t 1−p , we find
4−p 1 ϕ/φ = (ϕind + ϕosc )/φ c1 t 2/3 + c2 t − 2(1−p) cos ct − 1−p . (11.171)
Dark energy and linear cosmological perturbations
As long as the oscillating mode is initially suppressed relative to the matter-induced mode, the matter-induced mode remains the dominant contribution. This property also holds during the radiation-dominated epoch. In the regime M 2 /F k 2 /a 2 the effective gravitational constant is given by Eq. (11.166), which shows that the effect of modified gravity becomes important. Solving Eq. (11.164) in this case, we obtain the solution for matter perturbations √
δm ∝ t
25+48Q2 −1 6
. (11.172) √ √ Setting Q = −1/ 6, this recovers the solution δm ∝ t ( 33−1)/6 in f (R) gravity. The potential (9.148) has a heavy mass M which is much larger than H in the deep matter-dominated epoch, but it gradually decreases to become of the order of H around the present epoch. Depending on the modes k, the system crosses the point M 2 /F = k 2 /a 2 at t = tk . Since for the potential (9.148) M evolves as 2−p M ∝ t − 1−p during the matter era, the time tk has a scale-dependence given by 3(1−p) tk ∝ k − 4−p . When t < tk the evolution of δm is given by δm ∝ t 2/3 , but for t > tk its evolution changes to the form given by (11.172). During the matter era the mass squared is approximately given by 2−p 1−p 1−p 2 ρm Q U0 . M p 1/(1−p) (2 p C) U0 2
2 3 Using the relation ρm = 3F0 (0) m H0 (1 + z) , we find that the critical redshift zk at time tk can be estimated as 1 6 4−p 5 1 2(1−p) 2p pC 1 U0 k zk − 1 , (11.174) 2−p H 2 a0 H0 |Q| (1 − p)1−p (3F0 (0) m ) 0
where a0 is the present scale factor. The critical redshift increases for larger k/(a0 H0 ). The matter power spectrum, in the linear regime, has been observed for the scales 0.01h Mpc−1 k 0.2h Mpc−1 , which corresponds to 30a0 H0 k 600a0 H0 . In Fig. 11.4 we plot the evolution of the growth rate f = δ˙m /(H δm ) for the mode k = 600a0 H0 and the coupling Q = 1.08 with three different values of p. Note that the asymptotic values of f in the regions t tk and t tk are given by f = 1 and f = ( 25 + 48Q2 − 1)/4, respectively. We find that, for the scales 30a0 H0 k 600a0 H0 , the critical redshift exists in the region zk 1 and that zk increases for smaller p. When p = 0.7 we have zk = 3.9 from Eq. (11.174), which is consistent with the numerical result in Fig. 11.4. The growth rate f reaches a maximum value fmax and then begins to decrease around the end of the matter era.
11.6 Perturbations in modified gravity models
p=0.3 p=0.5 p=0.7
Figure 11.4 The evolution of the growth rate f of matter perturbations in terms of the redshift z for Q = 1.08 and k = 600a0 H0 with three different values of p. For smaller p the critical redshift zk gets larger. The growth rate f reaches a maximum value and begins to decrease after the system enters the accelerated epoch.For smaller p the maximum value of f tends to approach the analytic value f = ( 25 + 48Q2 − 1)/4. From Ref. [273].
McDonald et al. [493] derived the constraint f = 1.46 ± 0.49 around the redshift, z = 3, from the measurement of the matter power spectrum from the Lyman-α forests. The more recent data reported by Viel and Haehnelt [494] in the redshift range 2 < z < 4 show that even the value f = 2 can be allowed in some of the observations. If we use the criterion f < 2 for the analytic esti mation f = ( 25 + 48Q2 − 1)/4, we obtain the bound Q < 1.08. Figure 11.4 shows that fmax is smaller than the analytic value f = 2 (which corresponds to Q = 1.08). When p = 0.7, for example, we have that fmax = 1.74. For the values of p that are very close to 1, fmax can be smaller than 1.5. However these cases are hardly distinguishable from the CDM model. In any case the current observational data on the growth rate f are not enough to place tight bounds on Q and p. As in the case of f (R) gravity, the matter power spectrum Pδm at time t = t (at which a¨ = 0) shows a difference compared to the CDM model given by Pδm (t ) = CDM Pδm (t )
t tk
25+48Q2 −1 − 32 6
25+48Q2 −5) 4−p
Dark energy and linear cosmological perturbations
for small (k MaF −1/2 ), but still linear, scales. The CMB power spectrum is also modified by the non-standard evolution of the effective gravitational potential ψ =− =
3a 2 H 2 m δm , k2
which mainly affects the low multipoles because of the ISW effect. Since the smaller scale modes in CMB relevant to the galaxy power spectrum are hardly affected by this modification, there is a difference between the spectral indices of the matter power spectrum and of the CMB spectrum on the scales, k > 0.01h Mpc−1 : (1 − p)( 25 + 48Q2 − 5) . (11.177) n(t ) = 4−p √ This reproduces the result (11.154) in f (R) gravity by setting Q = −1/ 6 and p = 2n/(2n + 1). If we use the criterion n(t ) < 0.05, as in the case of the f (R) gravity, we obtain the bounds p > 0.96 for Q = 1 and p > 0.86 for Q = 0.5. As long as p is close to 1, it is possible to satisfy both cosmological and local gravity constraints for |Q| 1. 11.6.3 DGP braneworld model Finally, we discuss the evolution of linear matter perturbations in the DGP braneworld model. The perturbed metric in the 5-dimensional longitudinal gauge with four scalar metric perturbations , , B, E is given by [441, 495] ds 2 = −(1 + 2)n(t, y)2 dt 2 + (1 + 2)A(t, y)2 δij dx i dx j + 2rc B,i dx i dy + (1 + 2E)dy 2 ,
where the brane is located at y = 0 in the 5-th dimension characterized by the coordinate y (we are considering a flat FLRW spacetime on the brane). Note that B can be identified as a brane bending mode describing a perturbation of the brane location and that rc is the crossover scale defined in Eq. (9.215). The solution for the background metric describing the self-accelerating Universe is [433] n(t, y) = 1 + H (1 + H˙ /H 2 )y ,
A(t, y) = a(t)(1 + Hy) .
˙ satisfies Eq. (9.218) with = +1. Recall that the Hubble parameter H = a/a In the following we shall neglect the terms suppressed by the factor aH /k 1 because we are considering sub-horizon perturbations. We also neglect the terms such as (A /A) , where a prime represents a derivative with respect to y. This comes from the fact that is of the order of (k/a), as we will show later. The time-derivative terms can be also dropped under a quasi-static approximation. Then
11.6 Perturbations in modified gravity models
˜ A obey the following equations the perturbed 5-dimensional Einstein tensors δ G B locally in the bulk [495]: 2 2 ∇2 rc A 0 ˜ ∇ 2 B = 0 , (11.180) δ G0 = 3 + 2 ∇ + 2 (E − rc B ) − 2 2 A A A A ˜ ij = − 1 (∇ i ∇j − δji ∇ 2 )( + + E − rc B ) + δji ( + 2 ) δG A2 A rc n B = 0, + 2 (∇ i ∇j − δji ∇ 2 ) + A A n ˜ 5i = −( + 2 ),i = 0 , δG
A 1 2 rc n 5 ˜ ∇ 2B = 0 . δ G5 = 2 ∇ ( + 2) − 2 2 + A A A n Taking the divergence of the traceless part of Eq. (11.181), we get ∇2 rc A n + ∇ 2B = 0 . ( + + E − r B ) − c A2 A2 A n
(11.181) (11.182) (11.183)
For the consistency between Eqs. (11.182) and (11.183), it is required that B = 0,
+ 2 = 0 .
From Eqs. (11.183) and (11.184) we obtain ∇2 1 ∇2 rc n 2 ∇ B. (E − r B ) = − + (11.186) c A2 2 A2 2A2 n Substituting Eqs. (11.183) and (11.186) into Eq. (11.180) together with the use of Eq. (11.185), we find ∇2 n r c 2 − ∇ B = 0. (11.187) A2 n A2 Under the sub-horizon approximation (k aH ) the solution of Eq. (11.187), upon the Fourier transformation, is given by +
! n rc B = c1 (1 + Hy)−k/aH + c2 (1 + Hy)k/aH , (11.188) n where c1 and c2 are integration constants. In order to avoid the divergence of the perturbation in the limit y → ∞ we shall choose c2 = 0. The junction condition at the brane can be written in terms of an extrinsic curvature Kµν and an energy-momentum tensor on the brane: −
Kµν − Kgµν = −
2 κ(5)
Tµν + rc Gµν ,
Dark energy and linear cosmological perturbations
where K ≡ Kµµ . Note that the extrinsic curvature is defined as Kµν = hλµ ∇λ nν , where nν is the unit vector normal to the brane and hµν = gµν − nµ nν is the induced metric on the brane. The (0, 0) and spatial components of the junction condition (11.189) give 2 2 1 3 2 ∇ = −κ(4) δρm + 2 ∇ 2 B − , 2 a a rc + = B, + 2 = 0 ,
(11.190) (11.191) (11.192)
where δρm is the matter perturbation on the brane. Note that Eq. (11.192) is consistent with the latter of Eq. (11.185). From Eq. (11.188) it follows that ∼ (k/a) in Fourier space. For the perturbations whose wavelengths are much smaller than the cross-over scale rc , i.e. rc k/a 1, we find that the term (3/rc ) in Eq. (11.190) is much smaller than (k 2 /a 2 ). In Fourier space Eq. (11.190) is approximately given by 2k 2 k2 2 = κ δρ + B. (11.193) m (4) a2 a2 Using the projection of Eq. (11.183) as well as Eqs. (11.191) and (11.193), we find that metric perturbations and obey the following equations 2 2 κ(4) κ(4) k2 1 1 k2 1+ δρm , 1− δρm , =− = (11.194) a2 2 3β a2 2 3β where 2rc β(t) ≡ 1 − 3
A n 2 + A n
= 1 − 2H rc
H˙ 1+ . 3H 2
The matter perturbation δm satisfies the same form of equation as given in (11.131) for the modes deep inside the horizon [440, 441]. Substituting the former of Eq. (11.194) into Eq. (11.131), we find that the matter perturbation obeys the following equation 1 H 3 1+ m δm = 0 , δm + 1 + δm − (11.196) H 2 3β 2 where m ≡ κ(4) ρm /(3H 2 ). In the deep matter era one has H rc 1 and hence β −H rc , so that β is largely negative (|β| 1). In this regime the evolution of the matter perturbation is similar to that in General Relativity (δm ∝ t 2/3 ). The system finally approaches the de Sitter solution characterized by HdS = 1/rc . We then have β 1 − 2H rc −1 around the de Sitter solution. Since 1 + 1/(3β) 2/3, the growth rate in this regime is
11.6 Perturbations in modified gravity models
smaller relative to the case of General Relativity. The index γ of the growth rate γ f = m is approximated by γ ≈ 0.68 [480], which is different from the value γ 0.55 for the CDM model. If the future imaging survey of galaxies can constrain γ within 20%, it may be possible to distinguish the CDM model from DGP modified gravity observationally [496, 497]. From Eq. (11.196) one can regard that the effective gravitational “constant” is given by Geff = G[1 + 1/(3β)]. Comparing this with the effective gravitational constant (11.166) in Brans–Dicke theory with a massless limit (or the absence of the field potential), we find that the Brans–Dicke parameter ωBD has the following relation with β: 3 ωBD = (β − 1) . 2
Since β < 0 for the self-accelerating DGP solution, this implies that ωBD < −3/2. This corresponds to the theory with ghosts, because the kinetic energy of a scalar field degree of freedom becomes negative in the Einstein frame [404]. The DGP ghost is a ghost mode in the scalar sector of the gravitational field, which is more serious than the ghost in a phantom scalar field. Note that another normal branch of solutions in the DGP model does not suffer from this problem because the minus sign of Eq. (11.195) is replaced by the plus sign. In other words, the selfaccelerating solution in the original DGP model can be realized at the expense of an appearance of the ghost state.
11.6.4 Reconstruction of the metric at first order We have shown that modified gravity models generally lead to a change of the growth rate of matter perturbations relative to the CDM model. Given the matter perturbation δm , the first-order metric perturbations , are completely fixed by solving the conservation equations. Since there are two free functions that determine the (scalar part of the) first-order metrics and , dark energy models can be classified according to how the gravitational potentials are linked to δm . In order to quantify this, we introduce two quantities q(k, t) and ζ (k, t) defined by k2 = 4π Gqδm ρm , a2 + =ζ,
(11.198) (11.199)
where G is the 4-dimensional bare gravitational constant. Note that ζ characterizes the strength of the anisotropic stress. The CDM model corresponds to q = 1 and ζ = 0 (recall that the cosmological constant does not cluster). A non-clustering
Dark energy and linear cosmological perturbations
dark energy in Einstein gravity will also have q = 1, ζ = 0 at small scales. In this case the background evolution fixes the equation of state of dark energy and from this one can derive all the cosmological dynamics. On the other hand, any model in which dark energy clusters or gravity is modified (or both) can induce different values of q, ζ relative to the CDM model. Therefore the functions q and ζ completely characterize a gravity theory for first-order scalar perturbations on small scales. For instance, if gravity is Einsteinian but δDE = 0, we find from Eq. (11.41) that the gravitational potential on sub-horizon scales satisfies k2 DE δDE δ m ρm , = 4π G 1 + a2 m δm
which gives q = 1 + DE δDE /(m δm ). Hence the clustered dark energy leads to the deviation from the CDM model. In the scalar-tensor model discussed in Section 11.6.2, the gravitational potentials are given by Eq. (11.162) on sub-horizon scales. In this case we have q=
1 (k 2 /a 2 )(1 − 2Q2 )F + M 2 , F (k 2 /a 2 )F + M 2
ζ =−
4F (k 2 /a 2 )Q2 , (k 2 /a 2 )(1 − 2Q2 )F + M 2 (11.201)
where we have used the unit 8π G = 1. In the regime M 2 /F k 2 /a 2 (and F 1) it follows that q 1 and ζ 0. In the regime M 2 /F k 2 /a 2 we have q (1 − 2Q2 )/F and ζ −4Q2 /(1 − 2Q2 ), so that the deviation from the CDM model becomes important. Recall √ that the expression (11.201) covers the case of f (R) gravity by setting Q = −1/ 6. In Ref. [498] the quantities q and ζ have been evaluated for the more general Lagrangian density f (R, φ, X). In the DGP model the gravitational potentials obey Eq. (11.194), which gives q =1−
1 , 3β
ζ =
2 . 1 − 3β
In the deep matter era one has |β| 1, so that q 1 and ζ 0. The deviation from (q, ζ ) = (1, 0) appears when |β| decreases to the order of unity, i.e. when the Universe enters the epoch of late-time cosmic acceleration. In order to confront dark energy models with the observations of weak lensing, it may be convenient to introduce the following quantity [497] ≡ q(1 − ζ /2) .
11.7 Problems
From Eqs. (11.198) and (11.199) we find that the weak lensing potential ψ = − can be expressed as a2 ρm δm . (11.204) k2 Notice that for the DGP model we have = 1 while for scalar-tensor models = 1/F . This is ultimately a consequence of the fact that scalar-tensor theories are conformally equivalent to ordinary gravity and therefore null geodesics remain the same (i.e. the equation ds 2 = 0 is conformally invariant). Then the photon propagation equation (4.213) and its first-order version (4.222) are unchanged and thus the lensing potential ψ is unchanged as well, except for an overall rescaling. The effect of modified gravity theories manifests itself in weak lensing observations in at least two ways. One is the multiplication of the term on the r.h.s. of Eq. (11.204). Another is the modification of the evolution of δm . The latter depends on the two parameters q and ζ , or, equivalently, and ζ . These two parameters (, ζ ) will be useful to detect signatures of modified gravity theories from future surveys of weak lensing. ψ = 8π G
11.7 Problems 11.1 Take Eq. (11.43) and find the analytical solution in the case where DE and w are constants. 11.2 In f (R) gravity, find the (cosmological) effective gravitational “constant” Geff from the equation of matter perturbations.
12 Non-linear cosmological perturbations
Cosmology is, by and large, the realm of linear gravitational processes. When gravitational instability reaches a regime of non-linearity, astrophysical objects form (galaxies, black hole, stars) and the memory of the global structure of spacetime, and therefore of cosmology, is lost or diluted in new physics and new interactions. There is however an intermediate regime in which gravity is still the only player but effects beyond linearity begin to be observable. This regime lies between the linear perturbation theory we have explored in the previous chapter and the full nonlinear dynamics that can be dealt with only in N-body simulations or by focusing on single objects. It may be expected that the presence of dark energy will not influence small-scale non-linear processes. This is probably true for standard dark energy, i.e. a smooth component with negligible clustering described by a slowly varying equation of state. However we have learned how rich the possible phenomenology of dark energy is. We cannot exclude that weakly non-linear processes might keep some record on the cosmological conditions in which they developed. We know of at least one such process, the epoch of the beginning of structure formation and, as a consequence, the abundance of collapsed objects. This chapter will present the effects of non-linearity in higher-order cosmological perturbation theory that are of interest in dark energy research. Primes here denote differentiation with respect to N = ln a. 12.1 Second-order perturbations We have seen that the perturbation equations in the sub-horizon regime reproduce the linearized, Newtonian versions of the continuity equation, the Euler equation, and the Poisson equation of classical fluid dynamics. We could then as well make a step further and derive the full equation, without linearization. In fact, at least for dust, they remain identical to the Newtonian laws in physical coordinates. 336
12.1 Second-order perturbations
Consider a pressureless perfect fluid with density ρ moving with a velocity u under an influence of gravity characterized by a gravitational potential N . The continuity equation (the conservation of mass) and the Euler equation (the Newton’s equation of motion with the gravitational force f = −∇r N ) in the fluid dynamics are given, respectively, by ∂ρ + ∇r · (ρu) = 0 , (12.1) ∂t r ∂u + (u · ∇r )u = −∇r N , (12.2) ∂t r where N is the gravitational potential in Newton’s gravity satisfying the Poisson equation ∇r2 N = 4π Gρ .
The subscript r means that the physical (proper) coordinate r is used in Eqs. (12.1) and (12.2). In the expanding Universe it is convenient to change variables from the proper locally Minkowski coordinate r to the expanding coordinate x = r/a(t) comoving in the background model. Then the fluid velocity u = r˙ is given by ˙ + v(x, t) , u = ax
where v = a x˙ is the peculiar velocity. Note that the transformation laws hold ∂f (x, t) ∂f a˙ ∇x = a∇r , = − (x · ∇x )f , (12.5) ∂t ∂t x a r where f is an arbitrary function with respect to x and t. We define as usual the matter density contrast δ(x, t) ≡
δρ(x, t) , ρ(t) ¯
δρ ≡ ρ(x, t) − ρ(t) ¯ ,
where ρ(t) ¯ is the background matter density. Carrying out the transformation of Eqs. (12.1), (12.2), and (12.3) to the comoving coordinate, we obtain [95, 499] ∂δ 1 + ∇x · (1 + δ)v = 0 , ∂t a ∂v 1 1 + H v + v · ∇x v = ∇ x , ∂t a a 1 2 ∇ = −4π Gδρ , a2 x
(12.7) (12.8) (12.9)
Non-linear cosmological perturbations
1 2 ¨ . ≡ − N + a ax 2
See problem 12.1 for the derivation of Eqs. (12.7)–(12.9). Note that the conservation ˙¯ + 3H ρ(t) equation, ρ(t) ¯ = 0, also follows from Eq. (12.1) as the zero-th order. In order to derive Eq. (12.9) together with the effective gravitational potential (12.10), ¨ = −(4π G/3)ρ(t). we have used the relation a/a ¯ Equations (12.7)–(12.9) are the master equations to describe the evolution of pressureless matter perturbations including the effect of non-linearity. In the following we drop the subscript x for brevity. For convenience we rewrite Eqs. (12.7)–(12.9) by using the derivative with respect to N = ln a, the velocity vector vi , and the density parameter m = 8π Gρm /(3H 2 ): Hδ = −∇ i [(1 + δ)vi ] ,
Hvi = −Hvi − vj ∇ j vi + ∇i ,
3 ∇ 2 = − m H 2 δ , (12.13) 2 where repeated indices are summed over. All the perturbation variables depend both on space and time. These equations are derived under a number of simplifying assumptions. First, they refer to pressureless matter (w = cs2 = 0). Second, they are valid in the subhorizon, small velocity regime. Since the non-linear effects are expected to be more important at small scales this seems well justified. Third, we have neglected any shear term in the Euler equation, that is, we have assumed that the pressureless fluid has no viscosity. This property allows the set of equations to be closed. The absence of shear implies that spherical perturbations at the initial stage remain spherical throughout. The velocity vector vi can be generally decomposed in transverse and parallel parts. As before we neglect the transverse (or vorticity) part on the grounds that if it is initially zero it remains zero throughout – but again for this to be true a vanishing shear stress is required. Building a total derivative vi dδ ≡ δ + ∇i δ , (12.14) dN H where a prime represents a partial derivative with respect to N, the continuity equation (12.11) can be written as dδ = −θ (1 + δ) . dN
12.1 Second-order perturbations
As in the previous chapter, θ = ∇ i vi /H. Taking the divergence of the Euler equation (12.12) and using Eq. (12.13), we obtain H 1 3 θ − 2 ∇ i (vj ∇ j vi ) − m δ . (12.16) θ =− 1+ H H 2 Now we have ∇ i (vj ∇ j vi ) = (∇ i vj )(∇ j vi ) + vj ∇ j ∇ i vi .
The last term is Hvj ∇ j θ and can be absorbed into the l.h.s. of Eq. (12.16) to form a total derivative dθ/dN . The first term on the r.h.s. of Eq. (12.17) can be simplified by recalling that the shear-free peculiar velocity field in an initially spherical perturbation remains purely √ radial and therefore depends only on r. In other words, one can write v = (v/ 3){1, 1, 1} so that 1 (∇ i vj )(∇ j vi ) = H2 θ 2 . 3 So Eq. (12.16) depends on θ, δ alone: 1 H dθ 3 θ − θ 2 − m δ . =− 1+ dN H 3 2
Notice that we do not need to derive the peculiar velocity to second-order since the second-order terms are proportional to the gravitational potential [compare Eq. (4.28)] and are therefore negligible on small scales. From Eqs. (12.15) and (12.19) we obtain dδ 2 3 H dδ d2 δ 3 4 1 − + 1 + δ = + m δ 2 , (12.20) m dN 2 H dN 2 3 1 + δ dN 2 where on the l.h.s. we retrieve the usual linearized terms of Eq. (4.104) while on the r.h.s we have the new non-linear terms. Since we are still assuming δ = δ(x, a) the total derivative includes the spatial part as well. If, more in general, we do not make the assumption of radial perturbations, Eq. (12.20) becomes 3 dδ 2 3 1 1+δ H dδ dδ 2 − m δ = + 1+ + m δ 2 + (∇ i vj )(∇ j vi ) 2 . 2 dN H dN 2 1 + δ dN 2 H (12.21) In order to see the effects of non-linear terms, we expand δ(x, a) in a pertur (n) bative series, δ = ∞ n=1 δ , where the terms are assumed to be of order n. At first order we are then left with the usual separable linear perturbation equation
Non-linear cosmological perturbations
δ (1) = δ1 (x)DL (a). You can show in problem 12.2 that at second order we obtain 3 3 m 2 2 H D [δ + δ1,i ,i ] δ (2) − m δ (2) = δ (2) + 1 + H 2 2 f2 L 1 +DL2 [δ12 + 2δ1,i ,i + ,ij ,ij ] , (12.22) where f ≡ DL /DL is the linear growth rate, and δ1 (x ) 3 1 dx . (x) ≡ − 4π |x − x |
Note that spatial derivatives are denoted with commas and that (x) is the general solution of the Poisson equation ∇ 2 = δ1 (x). Following Ref. [506] we can now solve Eq. (12.22) by assuming that the solution is dominated by the inhomogeneous terms (which is indeed the case). If we denote with D2a a particular solution of 3 3 m 2 H + 1+ − m D2a = D , (12.24) D2a D2a H 2 2 f2 L and with D2b a particular solution of H 3 D2b + 1+ − m D2b = DL2 , D2b H 2
then the general solution can be written as δ (2) = (D2a + D2b )δ12 + (D2a + 2D2b )δ1,i ,i + D2b ,ij ,ij ,
where D2b = (DL2 − D2a )/2. To respect the assumption of initial Gaussianity we assume D2a = D2a = 0 at the initial time (i.e. far into the past). For a spherical perturbation, the last term on the r.h.s. in Eq. (12.26) is D2b δ12 /3 and sums with the first to give (D2a + 4D2b /3)δ12 . If, moreover, the gradient term δ1,i ,i is negligible (for instance near the center of a top-hat perturbation), then the second-order solution is separable, δ (2) = δ12 (x)D2 (a), where D2 is the solution of the equation H 3 3 m 4 D 2 D2 − m D2 = D2 + 1 + + (12.27) L. 2 H 2 2f 3 This can be obtained from Eq. (12.20) by neglecting the gradient terms in the total derivatives. This approximation can be extended to all orders. In the simple Einstein–de Sitter case (H /H = −1/2 and m = 1) all coefficients in Eq. (12.27) are constant and to order n = 2, 3 we obtain (you can check by direct
12.2 Higher-order corrections to the power spectrum
substitution) [95] D2 =
17 2 D , 21 L
D3 =
341 3 D . 567 L
12.2 The bispectrum and the higher-order correction to the power spectrum Let us start again from Eqs. (12.11)–(12.13). Since we are assuming the flow to be directed along the gravitational potential gradient, we can write vki = k i α in Fourier space. Since θk = iki vki /H we obtain α = −iθk Hk −2 and hence vki = −
ik i H θk . k2
Equation (12.11) can be written as Hδ + Hθ = −∇i (δ v i ) .
Performing the Fourier transformation and using Eq. (12.29), we find1 d3 k H δk + θk eik·x = −(2π )−3 d3 k1 d3 k2 ∇i [δk1 vki 2 ei(k1 +k2 )·x ] , −3 = −i(2π ) d3 k1 d3 k2 δk1 vki 2 (k1i + k2i )ei(k1 +k2 )·x = −H(2π )
d3 k1 d3 k2 δk1 θk2
k2i (k + k2i )ei(k1 +k2 )·x 2 1i k2
= −HA(k12 ) , where k12 = k1 + k2 and −3
A(k12 ) = (2π )
d3 k1 d3 k2 δk1 θk2
(12.31) k12 · k2 ik12 ·x e . k22
We can introduce the Dirac delta function δD to write A(k12 ) = d3 k A(k)δD (k − k12 ) . Therefore we have k · k2 3 ik·x 3 3 d k e H δk + θk + d k1 d k2 δk1 θk2 2 δD (k − k12 ) = 0 . k2
The term inside square brackets has to vanish on account of the completeness and unicity of the Fourier expansion (of course the same property has been silently 1
The volume factor V in the Fourier pre-factor can be conveniently put to unity when performing a series of Fourier transformations.
Non-linear cosmological perturbations
used all along the treatment of linear perturbations). We then arrive at the Fourier space version of the continuity equation to second-order k1 k k2 3 3 + 2 δD (k − k12 ) . (12.35) δk + θk = − d k1 d k2 δk1 θk2 · 2 k12 k2 Similar steps lead directly to the Fourier-transformed Euler equation: H k 2 (k1 · k2 ) 3 θk + m δk = − d3 k1 d3 k2 θk1 θk2 12 2 2 δD (k − k12 ) . θk + 1 + H 2 2k1 k2 (12.36) Since there is symmetry between k1 and k2 , we used the substitutions k · k2 k k2 k1 (12.37) → · + 2 , 2 k22 k12 k2 and 1 [(k1 · k2 )k2 · (k1 + k2 ) + (k1 · k2 )k1 · (k1 + k2 )] 2 1 2 (k1 · k2 ) , (12.38) = k12 2 to symmetrize the result. The solution of these coupled equations can be obtained numerically [500, 501], but for an Einstein–de Sitter Universe we can proceed in the following way. Since we know already from the previous section that the n-th order growth function Dn grows like DLn , we can expand the general growing solution in the form DLn δn (k) , θ (k, a) = − DLn θn (k) . (12.39) δ(k, a) = (k1 · k2 )k2 · (k1 + k2 ) →
Then we see that at any order the time-dependent factors DLn in Eqs. (12.35, 12.36) can be factored out and we can deal with the geometric (k-dependent) factors alone. We can now differentiate δk in Eq. (12.35) and replace θk , θk by making use of Eq. (12.36). Then we use the first-order solutions δk1 = DL δ1 (k1 ) ,
θk1 = −DL δ1 (k1 ) = −D L δ1 (k1 ) ,
(remember that DL = DL = a) and similarly for k2 to obtain, for n = 2, 1 2 3 2 2 (DL ) + (DL ) − DL δ2 (k) 2 2 2 k1 (k1 · k2 ) k12 5 k2 k· + , = DL2 d3 k1 d3 k2 δD (k − k12 )δ1 (k1 )δ1 (k2 ) + 4 k12 k22 2k12 k22 (12.41)
12.2 Higher-order corrections to the power spectrum
where we used m = 1 and H /H = −1/2. Solving for δ2 and repeating for θ2 we obtain the following result [502] δ2 (k) = d3 k1 d3 k2 δD (k − k1 − k2 )F2 (k1 , k2 )δ1 (k1 )δ1 (k2 ) , (12.42) θ2 (k) = d3 k1 d3 k2 δD (k − k1 − k2 )G2 (k1 , k2 )θ1 (k1 )θ1 (k2 ) , (12.43) where
k1 k 2 2 (k1 · k2 )2 + + , k2 k1 7 k12 k22 4 (k1 · k2 )2 3 1 k1 · k2 k1 k2 + G2 = + + . 7 2 k1 k2 k2 k1 7 k12 k22 F2 =
5 1 k1 · k2 + 7 2 k1 k2
(12.44) (12.45)
By the same procedure, the kernels Fn , Gn can be calculated recursively at all orders and generalized to non-flat spaces (see e.g., Refs. [503, 504] and the review [505]). A direct way to compare the theoretical result with observations is to estimate the third-order moment or skewness, δ 3 . From Eq. (12.39) we have δ 3 (k, a) = (DL δ1 + DL2 δ2 + · · · )3 δ1 3 DL3 + 3δ12 δ2 DL4 + · · ·
The first term vanishes because the initial field is Gaussian and its odd moments are zero. Then we have δ 3 (k, a) 3δ12 δ2 DL4 4 = DL d3 k1 d3 k2 d3 k3 d3 k4 δD (k − k1 − k2 ) × F2 (k1 , k2 )δ1 (k1 )δ1 (k2 )δ1 (k3 )δ1 (k4 ). Notice that the first non-trivial moment is then of fourth order in DL , rather than third as one could have naively expected. The correlation term . . . for Gaussian variables vanishes except for identical k pairs, since in a Gaussian field different modes are independent. So we can have non-zero terms only when k1 = k2 or when δ1 (k1 )δ1 (k1 )δ1 (k3 )δ1 (k3 ) = δ1 (k1 )δ1 (k1 )δ1 (k3 )δ1 (k3 ) .
Since δ2 (k) = 0, however, the integral over the pair k3 = k4 must vanish. Moreover, the two other possible pairs are identical: δ1 (k1 )δ1 (k2 )δ1 (k1 )δ1 (k2 ) = δ1 (k1 )δ1 (k2 )δ1 (k2 )δ1 (k1 ) = δ1 (k1 )δ1 (k1 )δ1 (k2 )δ1 (k2 ) .
Non-linear cosmological perturbations
This shows that δ1 (k1 )δ1 (k2 )δ1 (k3 )δ1 (k4 ) = 2δD (k1 − k3 )δD (k2 − k4 )P (k1 ) P (k2 ), where P is the power spectrum. Then we obtain (here we assume an isotropic spectrum) δ 3 (k, a) = 3δ12 δ2 DL4 = 6DL4 d3 k1 d3 k2 ei(k1 −k2 )·x F2 (k1 , k2 )P (k1 )P (k2 ) 4 2 2 = 6DL k1 dk1 k2 dk2 Ik1 Ik2 P (k1 )P (k2 ) d1 d2 F2 (k1 , k2 ) , (12.49) where Ik = sin(kx)/kx. Similarly, we have 2 2 δ (k, a) = 4π DL k12 dk1 Ik1 P (k1 ) .
Since F2 (k1 , k2 ) only depends on the moduli and on the cosine µ12 of the k1 , k2 angle, the angular part in Eq. (12.49) can be evaluated analytically. Then the skewness for a matter-dominated flat Universe is given by [95] 1 δ 3 3 34 , d d F (µ , k , k ) = 3 dµ12 F2 (µ12 , k1 , k2 ) = S3 ≡ 2 2 = 1 2 2 12 1 2 δ 8π 2 7 −1 (12.51) where we have used the expression F2 = 5/7 + (µ12 /2)(k1 /k2 + k2 /k1 ) + (2/7)µ212 and the identity (12.52) d1 d2 f (µ12 , k1 , k2 ) = 8π 2 dµ12 f (µ12 , k1 , k2 ) . Similar expressions can be given to any desired order. An expression that applies to the general solution Eq. (12.26) is [506] (k1 · k2 )2 k1 · k2 k1 k2 1 + (1 − α) , (12.53) F2 = 1+α+ + 2 k1 k2 k2 k1 k12 k22 where α = D2a /DL2 . For the Einstein–de Sitter model the solution to Eq. (12.24) is given by D2a = (3/7)DL2 and hence α = 3/7. Then the skewness can be evaluated as 34 6 7 + α−1 . (12.54) S3 = 4 + 2α = 7 7 3 In Ref. [507] the generalization for a single dark energy component with an equation of state wDE = constant is given. The observable S3 is however different from the theoretical calculation above because the continuous density field δ can be obtained only by smoothing the
12.2 Higher-order corrections to the power spectrum
galaxy counts over some region of space. In practice, this means that what we observe is not δ(r) but rather δR(1) = d3 k δk eik·r W (kR) , (12.55) at first-order and δR(2)
d3 k δk1 δk2 F2 (k1 , k2 )ei(k1 +k2 )·r W (|k1 + k2 |R) ,
at second-order. Note that W (kR) is the Fourier transform of the window function with a characteristic scale R (see Section 3.3). One may think that the overall effect of the smoothing will amount to a minor correction to S3 , but this is not the case. The reason is that smoothing a non-Gaussian field is likely to reduce the overall non-Gaussianity since it is effectively a way to average over many random variables and by the central limit theorem we can expect the average to be more Gaussian than the individual components. Strictly speaking the limit theorem applies only to independent variables, while here the field δ(x) is supposed to be correlated. Still the overall effect of the smoothing is indeed to reduce the skewness, at least for not too steep spectra. The remarkably simple result is [500] S3(R) = S3 +
d ln σ 2 (R) , d ln R
where σ 2 (R) is the variance in cells defined in Eq. (3.58). For a power-law spectrum P ∝ k n the correction is simply given by −(n + 3) [508]. For instance, on the scales R ≈ 10 h−1 Mpc, one can approximate P ∝ k −1.5 and the correction reduces S3 by as much as one-third. Equation (12.24) can be solved for any dark energy model. In uncoupled dark energy models all one has to do is to input the appropriate functions m (a), H(a). It turns out that S3 has a very weak dependence on (0) m . In Ref. [505] the following expression is reported S3 =
! 34 6 −0.03 + ((0) −1 . m ) 7 7
In Ref. [509] a very weak dependence on the dark energy equation of state is also reported, no more than a few percent for realistic wDE ’s. Equation (12.27) can also be generalized to coupled dark energy models. If one compares Eqs. (12.11)–(12.13) with their corresponding equations in Section 11.3, one realizes that the interacting model introduces two simple modifications: a modified friction term in the Euler equation [see Eq. (11.92)] and a modified Poisson equation [see Eq. (11.95)]. These reflect immediately onto the non-linear
Non-linear cosmological perturbations
equation (12.27) which becomes 3 4 3 D2 + F (a)D2 − m S(a)D2 = DL 2 + m S(a)DL2 , 2 3 2
where H + Qφ , S(a) = 1 + 2Q2 , (12.60) H to be coupled to the background equations that give φ, H, m as functions of time. In Ref. [487] it has been found that the skewness depends on Q in a weak but nonnegligible way as long as the couplings between dark energy and non-relativistic matter (dark matter, baryons) are not the same. For f (R) gravity and the scalartensor gravity models we have discussed in Chapter 9, it was shown instead in Ref. [510] that the skewness is not much different from the value in the CDM model. We can now use the expressions above to evaluate the higher-order corrections to the power spectrum. Inserting Eq. (12.39) into the spectrum definition (pay attention that the prime in k does not denote differentiation and that we are putting V = 1)
F (a) = 1 +
δ(k, a)δ(k , a) = δD (k − k )P (k, a) ,
we obtain to the first non-trivial order (i.e. fourth order in δ) δD (k − k )P (k, a) = DL2 δ1 (k)δ1 (k ) + DL4 [δ3 (k)δ1 (k ) + δ1 (k)δ3 (k ) + δ2 (k)δ2 (k )]. (12.62) Defining DLn+m δn (k, a)δm (k , a) = δD (k − k )Pnm (k, a) ,
we can write the correction as P (k, a) = PL + 2P13 + P22 ,
where PL = P11 is the “linear” spectrum. Inserting δ2 from Eq. (12.42) and δ3 (that we have not written out explicitly) into P22 and P13 , we find (see e.g., [505]) P22 (k, a) = 2 [F2s (k − k , k )]2 PL (|k − k |, a)PL (k , a) d3 k , (12.65) (12.66) P13 (k, a) = 3PL (k, a) F3s (k, k , −k )PL (k , a) d3 k , where the subscript s indicates the symmetrized versions of the kernels. Further progress may be achieved only numerically and we refer the interested reader to the literature, for instance the review [505]. Naturally, the endeavor of
12.3 Spherical collapse
estimating non-linear corrections to the power spectrum is of the highest importance, given that the P (k) contains so much information on cosmology, as we have already seen and will see more in Chapter 14. However, it must be said that the comparison of the higher-order corrections to N-body simulations of the present Universe is not totally satisfactory (see e.g., Ref. [501]). The fact that higher-order terms in P (k) make a significant contribution signals that the perturbative treatment is about to fail. So the practical usefulness of analytical higher-order corrections to P (k) appears limited; new methods based on renormalization groups have been shown to improve upon standard perturbation theory, see Refs. [511, 512, 513]. An alternative way, to which nowadays most research is devoted, is to find empirical fits of N -body simulations; the relevant literature is cited in Section 12.5. The concept of the power spectrum may be extended to higher-order correlations. So in place of Eq. (12.61) one writes δ(k1 )δ(k2 )δ(k3 ) = δD (k1 + k2 + k3 )B(k1 , k2 , k3 ) ,
which defines the bispectrum B. Since the odd powers of δ1 vanish on account of Gaussianity, the leading term is [using Eq. (12.39)] δ(k1 )δ(k2 )δ(k3 ) = DL4 δ1 (k1 )δ1 (k2 )δ2 (k3 ) + cyclic (231, 321) ,
from which we derive B(k1 , k2 , k3 ) = 2PL (k1 )PL (k2 )Fs(s) (k1 , k2 ) + cyclic (23, 31) .
The bispectrum finds an interesting application as a tool to estimate the bias between the observed galaxy δ and the underlying δm , if we assume a scale-independent bias, since it can be shown that the bispectrum depends on the bias in a way that varies with the shape of the triangles k1 , k2 , k3 = −k1 − k2 in Fourier space [514]. Estimating the bispectrum for several shapes allows then to constrain the bias. This method has been discussed and applied to real data in Ref. [515]. The potential of the bispectrum for estimating dark energy parameters has still to be investigated in detail.
12.3 Spherical collapse The full equation (12.20) corresponds to the evolution of the density contrast in a spherical perturbation. It can be derived on purely Newtonian grounds by noting that a shell of matter at distance R from the center of a spherical overdensity with uniform density ρ moves according to the Newtonian force law d2 R GM(R) 4 =− = − π GρR , 2 2 dt R 3
Non-linear cosmological perturbations
where M(R) = 4πρR 3 /3 is the constant mass inside the shell. Since for pressureless matter the background density scales as ρ0 = (3M(R0 )/4π )(R0 a(t))−3 , where R0 is the initial size of the perturbation, we can define the density contrast as a(t)R0 3 δ= − 1, (12.71) R inside the shell and δ = 0 outside. The crucial assumption here is that δ is a step, or top-hat, function, which in fact allows all spatial derivatives to be cancelled. The equation for δ in our time variable N is then exactly as in Eq. (12.20): H 3 4 δ 2 3 δ − m δ = δ + 1+ (12.72) + m δ 2 . H 2 31+δ 2 Of course, this is nothing more than a consequence of the fact that Eq. (12.20) has been derived for a shear-free fluid and therefore an initially spherical perturbation remains spherical [516]. Multyiplying Eq. (12.70) on both sides by 2dR/dt the equation can be integrated once as 2 2GM dR −C, (12.73) = dt R where C is an integration constant. This is the cycloid equation, whose solution for C > 0 can be given parametrically as R = GM(1 − cos τ )/C and t = GM(τ − sin τ )/C 3/2 where τ ∈ (0, 2π ). Substituting in δ and putting a(t) = a0 (t/t0 )2/3 we obtain in the Einstein–de Sitter case: 9 (τ − sin τ )2 − 1, 2 (1 − cos τ )3 2/3 3 3 δL = (τ − sin τ ) , 5 4 δ=
(12.74) (12.75)
where δL (> 0) is the solution of the linearized equation and where the integration constant C has been chosen to set δ(τ = 0) = 0. It is convenient to use δL as a bookkeeping device: we express the behavior of δ as a function of δL instead of the parameter τ . A similar solution exists for an underdensity δL < 0. We have assumed a constant mass M(R): this implies that our analysis is valid only until shell-crossing occurs. As one expects, the radius R first increases (a small perturbation expands with the cosmological expansion), reaches a turnaround point and then decreases to zero (the perturbation collapses under its own gravity). The final singular phase is of course unphysical because the dust assumption will fail at some high density, non-radial fluctuations will develop and even the dark matter
12.3 Spherical collapse
collisionless component will undergo the so-called “violent relaxation” mechanism and will set into virial equilibrium. The main result we get from this model is the critical or collapse value δcoll of the linear fluctuation δL that is reached at the time of collapse. This quantity is of cosmological relevance because it is used in the Press–Schechter theory [517, 518] as a first approximation to the epoch of galaxy formation and to calculate the abundance of collapsed objects, as we will discuss below. It can be seen from Eq. (12.75) that when τ = 0 the perturbations are zero, then δ reaches a turnaround at τ = π (for which δT ≡ δ(π ) = (3π/4)2 − 1 ≈ 4.6 and δL ≈ 1.063) and finally for τ = 2π the overdensity δ (but of course not δL ) becomes singular. This singularity occurs when δL = δcoll = (3/5)(3π/2)2/3 ≈ 1.686 ,
and it takes exactly twice as much time as for the turnaround. Notice that this value is independent of time: a spherical perturbation in the Einstein–de Sitter Universe collapses to a singularity whenever the linear density contrast equals 1.686. For other models, however, δcoll depends on time. An approximation for dark energy with constant wDE in flat space is [519] ! (12.77) δcoll (z) = 1.686 1 + α(wDE ) log10 m (z) , 4 3 2 α(wDE ) = 0.353wDE + 1.044wDE + 1.128wDE + 0.555wDE + 0.131 .
One can define other phenomenologically interesting epochs that are sometimes used: the epoch of non-linearity (δ = 1, corresponding to δL ≈ 0.57) and the epoch of expected virialization. The latter is defined to correspond to the instant in which the kinetic energy K is related to the gravitational potential energy U by the condition R ∂U . (12.79) K= 2 ∂R However, it is by no means obvious that this condition is enough to realize virialization, especially when dark energy is present. For an inverse-power potential (U ∝ −1/R), the virialization implies K = −U/2. The radius and the density of the perturbation at virialization can be calculated by assuming conservation of energy at turnaround (when the kinetic energy vanishes; subscript T ) and at a virialization epoch tV when the kinetic energy satisfies KV = −UV /2, i.e. UT = UV + KV = UV /2 .
Since for a uniform sphere U = −3GM/5R (and remembering once again we are assuming M = constant), we obtain the relation RV = RT /2. Hence the virialized radius is half the turnaround radius. The density inside this radius turns
Non-linear cosmological perturbations
out to be δV ≈ 178 and the epoch of this occurrence is very close to the final collapse time (see problem 12.3). A numerical fit for wDE = constant models in flat space gives [519] δV ≈ 178[1 + b1 θ b2 (z)] , 1 − m (z) θ≡ , m (z)
(12.81) (12.82)
b1 ≡ 0.399 − 1.309(|wDE |0.426 − 1) ,
b2 ≡ 0.941 − 0.205(|wDE |
− 1) ,
if z is the collapse redshift. It is not easy to extend this method to a general dark energy model because the clustering properties of dark energy are quite difficult to deal with, even at the linear order. For instance, even if dark energy clusters on the relevant scales, it is not obvious whether it also virializes, whether it virializes at the same epoch as matter, and whether we can assume energy conservation. If we simply assume dark energy does not cluster at all then one can simply generalize Eq. (12.70) to d2 R GM(R) 4 =− = − π G [ρm + (1 + wDE )ρDE ] R , 2 2 dt R 3
where for a constant equation of state wDE we have ρDE ∼ a −3(1+wDE ) both inside and outside the overdensity and as before ρm ∝ R −3 . Then we obtain Eq. (12.72) again, where (dH/dN )/H = −(1 + 3weff )/2 −(1 + 3DE wDE )/2. The critical value δcoll must now be obtained numerically. In this case the correct initial condition is found by assuming zero initial velocity for the shells. This corresponds to a mixture of growing and decaying modes δ± , so that the initial perturbation corresponds to δi = (5/3)δ+ . A range of values δcoll = 1.6–1.686 was found in Ref. [478], with little dependence for constant wDE in the range (−1, −1/3). If dark energy does not cluster we have ρDE ∼ a −3(1+wDE ) ; if it clusters just as a perfect fluid with a constant equation of state wDE then we can expect ρDE ∼ R −3(1+wDE ) . Some authors suggested that a tentative way to take into account dark energy clustering is to parametrize the transition between the two forms as [520, 521] ρDE ∼ R −3(1−β)(1+wDE ) a −3β(1+wDE ) ,
so that β = 1 means dark energy does not cluster at all, β = 0 means matter-like clustering, and intermediate β means some intermediate form of clustering. The main point of this parametrization is to demonstrate that the values of RV and δV depend sensitively on the dark energy properties. When matter alone virializes, the final RV /RT ratio is smaller than 1/2. When both matter and dark energy virialize, the final ratio is larger. Other authors generalized Eq. (12.72) to fluids with finite
12.4 The mass function of collapsed objects
sound speed, assuming that a top-hat perturbation remains a good approximation [522]. Spherical collapse in coupled dark energy models has been studied in Ref. [523]. It is difficult to go much beyond this kind of phenomenological parametrization. A full understanding of non-linear physics in dark energy would require extensive N -body simulations coupled to lattice simulations of scalar fields, a technical feat which is still largely to be explored.
12.4 The mass function of collapsed objects The main reason why it is worthwhile to discuss the abstract phenomenon of a “spherical collapse” is that the critical value δcoll and the virial radius RV (or rather the mass contained within that radius) enter the Press–Schecther (PS) formula for the abundance of virialized objects. The main idea behind the PS formula is that we can estimate the number of collapsed objects formed in a random Gaussian field by simply counting at any given time how many regions have an overdensity above the collapse threshold given by δcoll . Suppose at some redshift z we smooth a random Gaussian field of density fluctuations over cells of radius R, each containing on average the mass M = 4π R 3 ρ/3 with ρ(z) the background density. Since the smoothing is a linear operation, if the field is Gaussian then also the density contrast δ in the cells will be distributed as 2 (z). Suppose that all a Gaussian probability distribution function with variance σM the cells with δ > δcoll undergo collapse and virialization. The fraction of collapsed regions (i.e. the fraction of space containing objects of mass larger than M) will be then ∞ 2 δcoll 1 δM 1 p(M, z)|δ>δcoll = , exp − 2 dδM = erfc √ √ 2 2σM (z) σM (z) 2π δcoll 2σM (z) (12.87) where erfc(x) is the error function. The fraction containing objects of mass within the range [M, M + dM] is given by # # # ∂p(M, z)|δ>δcoll # # dM . dp(M, z) = ## (12.88) # ∂M Remember that in general the threshold δcoll depends on z. Although the boxes with δ > δcoll are certainly not in the linear regime, the idea is to use the linear regime to estimate the fraction of collapsed regions. We are then implicitly assuming that the variance σM (z) is in the linear regime (σM 1) and therefore that it can be calculated from Eq. (3.58) with the linear spectrum at any redshift. By using the growth function D(z) we have σM (z) = D(z)σM (0).
Non-linear cosmological perturbations
Now, suppose in a volume V we find N collapsed objects, each occupying a volume VM = M/ρ. Then by definition the volume occupied collectively by the N objects is the fraction dp of V , i.e. NVM = V dp ,
and therefore the number density dn of collapsed halos with mass in the dM range (the mass function) will be # # dp ρ ## ∂p(M, z)|δ>δcoll ## N = = dn = # dM V VM M# ∂M " # # 2 ρ δcoll ## d ln σM ## −δcoll 2 2 /(2σM ) = e dM . (12.90) # # 2 π M σM d ln M The extra factor of two that we have inserted in the last step is required because we want all the masses to end up in some object, so that we impose the condition ∞ dn dM = 1 . (12.91) V dM 0 This factor-of-2 adjustment can be justified with a random walk analysis of fluctuations [524]. In any case, one finds it necessary to fit N-body simulations. Sometimes the number density n(M, z) is taken to be the comoving number density (i.e. is multiplied by a 3 ): in this case also ρ should be identified with the comoving background density. Equivalently, Eq. (12.90) is sometimes written as # # M ## dn ## = f (σM , z) , (12.92) ρ # d ln σM # where all the cosmological information is contained in the function " 2 δcoll −δcoll 2 2 /(2σM ) e . f (σM , z) = π σM
The number density dn(M, z) can then be “directly” confronted with the observed densities of objects (clusters, galaxies, quasars) at any redshift. The most relevant example of this comparison will be discussed in Section 14.5. The mass M is often taken to be the virial mass of that class of objects. Because of the exponential dependence on δcoll /σM , the PS formula is quite sensitive to the cosmological model (see Fig. 12.1). The simplicity of the PS approach must not hide the fact that it relies on a dangerous extrapolation of the linear theory, on the critical assumption of spherical collapse with top-hat filter, on a dubious definition of virialization, and on the
12.5 Dark energy N -body simulations 0.0001
1 n(>M,z)/n(>M,0)
Ω (0) Ω
0.01 (0)
Ω (0) Ω
0.4 0.6 Redshift
Figure 12.1 The sensitivity of the cluster mass function to cosmological models. Left panel: The cumulative mass function at z = 0 for M > 5 × 1014 h−1 M (M is the solar mass) for three cosmologies, as a function of σ8 ; solid line: (0) m = 1; short-dashed line: (0) (0) (0) (0) m = 0.3, = 0.7; long-dashed line: m = 0.3, = 0. The shaded area indicates the observational uncertainty in the determination of the local cluster space density. Right panel: Evolution of n (> M, z) for the same cosmologies and the same mass limit, with σ8 = 0.5 for the (0) m = 1 case and σ8 = 0.8 for the low-density models. From Ref. [528].
absence of processes like merging, dissipation, shell crossing. Surprisingly, this shaky foundation did not prevent the PS formula proving itself a valuable first approximation to the abundances obtained through numerical simulations. Not surprisingly, many works have been dedicated to improving the original PS formula by including corrections due to departure from sphericity [525] or merging [526] or by directly fitting to large N -body simulations. A remarkably successful fit is given by [527] f (σM , z) = 0.315 exp(−|0.61 − ln σM (z)|3.8 ) .
This fit has been found to hold for a large range of masses, redshifts, and cosmological parameters, including dark energy with constant or varying wDE [529].
12.5 Dark energy N -body simulations Beyond the few and uncertain non-linear islands we have seen in the previous sections, lies the frightening ocean of numerical simulations. In that vast ocean, a full treatment of dark energy dynamics is still beyond the horizon, so this section is no more than a sketchy guide to the first explorations. The idea behind most work on cosmological N -body simulations is to find a general formula that takes as input the linear power spectrum PL (k) and gives as
Non-linear cosmological perturbations
output an approximate non-linear version that can be directly compared to data down to relatively small scales: PNL (k) = fNL [PL (k)] .
The transformation fNL will in general depend on all the cosmological parameters and is obtained by an empirical fit to the results of the numerical simulations. Since we have very little clues on the behavior of fNL , except perhaps that we expect the non-linear power spectrum to have more power than the corresponding linear one at galactic scales, most researchers have adopted one of the following two empirical/intuitive approaches. We refer to the cited literature for the full fitting formulae for the non-linear spectra. The first one, first proposed in Ref. [530] and extended in Ref. [531], is to assume that non-linearity can be well approximated by a remapping of scales: as a collapse brings an initial radius R0 into a virialized radius RV , so an initial wavenumber kL will be carried into a final wavenumber kNL . If we find the relation kNL = fNL (kL ) we could simply write PNL (kNL ) = PL [fNL (kL )] .
The second approach is based on the idea that non-linearity mostly concerns objects that form within large dark matter halos. Then we can approximate the halo distribution with the linear spectrum and describe the sub-halo distribution by some “occupation number,” i.e. the number of structures within the same halo. This will be an empirically determined function of the halo density profile. The linear part will dominate at large scales while the sub-halo one will do at small scales. Assuming the processes are essentially independent, the two contributions will simply add in the power spectrum. This program has been first carried out in Ref. [532]. The first work to include explicitly a cosmological constant in the non-linear fitting formula has been done in Ref. [531] using the kL → kNL mapping. In Ref. [532] the fitting formula including the cosmological constant was obtained by using the halo model, see Fig. 12.2. Extending this work to non-clustering dark energy is demanding but straightforward, since the change comes from the background expansion rate [533, 534]. Improvements for dynamical dark energy upon previous fits have been found in Ref. [535]. Other works considered modifications of the Newtonian force inspired by coupled dark energy [536, 537] or by general models of modified gravity [538, 539, 540, 541, 542], still assuming unclustered dark energy. Since this approach changes the force itself, rather than the background expansion, it is clear that it is possible to find important deviations from standard results in terms of halo profile and mass functions.
Virgo ΛCDM
10 0.1
12.6 Problems
k/h Mpc−1
Figure 12.2 The triangles represent the power spectrum 2 ∼ k 3 P (k) of N -body simulations for the CDM model at various epochs z = 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3 (low to high). The full line corresponds to the non-linear fit by Smith et al. [532]. The dotted lines are the decomposition into “self-halo” and “halo-halo” terms. The short dashed line corresponds to the old fit of Ref. [531]. From Ref. [532].
The next step is of course to include in full the dark energy clustering. If we model dark energy with a scalar field this will require an N-body simulation coupled to a lattice scalar field simulation, opening a new frontier for high-level computing [539]. This will be more interesting for those models that couple dark energy to matter since here one can expect the matter non-linearity will have a direct and strong influence on dark energy non-linearity. Whether this influence will bear some surprise remains to be seen. 12.6 Problems 12.1 Show that Eqs. (12.7)–(12.9) follow from (12.1)–(12.3) under the transformation (12.5). 12.2 Derive Eq. (12.22). 12.3 Show that the value of the density contrast at virialization in the Einstein–de Sitter Universe is δV ≈ 178 (see Section 12.3). Assume that the virialization occurs practically at the same time as the final singularity. 12.4 What is the conservation equation for ρDE that reproduces Eq. (12.86)?
13 Statistical methods in cosmology
As a technical introduction to the methods that will be discussed in the next chapter, we review some statistical tools most employed in modern cosmology, e.g., likelihood analysis, Bayes’ theorem, model selection, Fisher matrix, and principal component analysis. Note that some of these statistical methods have been implicitly used in previous chapters for observational constraints on dark energy models. The Bayesian approach is particularly suitable for dark energy research because of its flexibility in combining results from different observations and in allowing a direct comparison between various parametrizations.
13.1 The likelihood function Let us suppose we know, or have good reasons to suspect, that a random variable x, e.g., the apparent magnitude of a supernova, has a probability distribution function (PDF) f (x; θ ) that depends on an unknown parameter θ, e.g., the absolute magnitude. The “;” is meant to distinguish the random variables x from the parameter θ . Such a probability is called a conditional probability of having the data x given the theoretical parameter θ . We may for instance suppose that the apparent magnitude m is distributed as a Gaussian variable with a given variance σ 2 (the observational error on m), but we do not know one of the cosmological parameters (0) that enter the expected value mth = 5 log10 dL (z; (0) m , ) + constant, where dL is the luminosity distance. If we repeat the measure and we obtain x1 , x2 , x3 . . . , then the law of joint probability tells us that the probability of obtaining x1 in the interval dx1 around x1 , x2 in the interval dx2 around x2 and so forth is f (xi ; θ )dn xi ≡
fi (xi ; θ )dxi = f1 (x1 ; θ )f2 (x2 ; θ )f3 (x3 ; θ ) . . . dx1 dx2 dx3 . . . ,
(13.1) 356
13.1 The likelihood function
if the measures are independent of each other. Clearly, for every θ this multivariate PDF will assume a different value. It is logical to define the best θ as the value for 9 which i f (xi ; θ ) is maximal. Indeed, if we generate random variables distributed as f (x; θ ), the most likely outcome for x is the value that maximizes f (x; θ ). Conversely, if we have a particular outcome x, then our best bet is to assume that θ is such as to maximize the occurrence of that x. We used as an example independent data and a single parameter but this is by no means necessary. We define the best θi as those parameters that maximize the joint function f (x1 , x2 , . . . xn ; θ1 , θ2 , . . . θm ). Since in general we have many parameters to estimate, we write the function simply f (xi ; θj ), meaning all the xi ’s and all the θj ’s. The maximum likelihood method of parameter estimation consists therefore in finding the parameters that maximize the likelihood function f (xi ; θj ) by solving the system ∂f (xi ; θj ) = 0, ∂θj
j = 1, . . . , m .
Let us denote the solutions of these equations as θˆi . They are functions of the data xi and therefore are random variables, just as the data are. So the classical frequentist approach would try to determine the distribution of the θˆj s knowing the distribution of the xi s; if this is possible, one can assign probabilities to θˆj ’s ranges, for instance determine the interval of θˆj that contains 95% probability that a particular set of data has been drawn from the theoretical distribution. One problem with this approach is that it is often too difficult to derive the θˆj ’s distribution analytically and very demanding to derive them numerically through simulated datasets. But the main problem is that this approach does not take into account what we already know concerning the theoretical parameters, for instance the result of previous experiments. To handle this information properly we need to switch to the Bayesian approach. Instead of looking for the probability f (xi ; θj ) of having the data given the model, we estimate the probability L(θj ; xi ) of having the model given the data. This problem is solved by the fundamental theorem of conditional probabilities, the so-called Bayes’ theorem1 : P (T ; D) =
P (D; T )P (T ) , P (D)
where we denote the known data xi with D and the unknown theory (that is, the theoretical parameters θj ) with T . On the r.h.s., P (D; T ) is the conditional probability of having the data given the theory; P (T ) and P (D) are the probability of having the theory and the data, respectively; finally, on the l.h.s., P (T ; D) is the 1
Reverend Thomas Bayes (1702–1761) studied what in modern terminology is the binomial distribution and introduced the concept of conditional probability. His work was published posthumously in 1763.
Statistical methods in cosmology
conditional probability of having the theory given the data. Bayes’ theorem is a consequence of the definition of conditional probability P (A; B) ≡ P (A, B)/P (B) and of the symmetry of the joint probability P (A, B) (the probability of having both A and B) under the exchange of A, B. It follows that f (xi ; θj )p(θj ) , (13.4) L(θj ; xi ) = g(xi ) where p(θi ) is called the prior probability for the parameters θi , while g(xi ) is the PDF of the data xi . The final function L(θj ; xi ) (or simply L(θj ) for shortness) is called posterior although sometimes it is also loosely called likelihood just as f (xi ; θj ) and generally denoted as L. The posterior contains the information we are looking for: the probability distribution of the parameters given that we observed the data xi and that we have some prior knowledge about the parameters themselves. In fact the whole method in the Bayesian context should be called “the posterior method” rather than the “likelihood” method. Since L(θj ; xi ) is a probability distribution function for θj , it has to be normalized to unity: f (xi ; θj )p(θj )dn θj n , (13.5) L(θj ; xi )d θj = 1 = g(xi ) and therefore
f (xi ; θj )p(θj )dn θj = g(xi ) .
As we will see in the next section the integral on the l.h.s. is called evidence and the same name is sometimes given also to g(xi ). The function g(xi ) does not depend on the parameters θi and therefore it is of no help in estimating the parameters. From the point of view of L(θj ) it is just a normalization factor. The prior p(θj ) is also often unknown. Normally we do not know the probability distribution of theories, that is, whether the CDM model is more probable, from an absolute point of view, than a modified gravity model or whether (0) = 0 is more probable than (0) = 0.7. However, we often do know something which, while not quite absolute in any sense, still represents some form of information independent of the data at hand. Namely, we know the results of previous experiments. If an experiment convincingly excluded, say, (0) m < 0.1, then we could use this information, putting (0) p(m < 0.1) = 0. If instead we believe that h = 0.72 ± 0.08, then we could use as p(h) a Gaussian with mean 0.72 and standard deviation 0.08. These are typical prior distributions. Priors can be of many kinds. Beside including other experiments, we could simply exclude unphysical values, e.g., (0) m < 0 or weigh down some regions of
13.1 The likelihood function
parameter space that we, perhaps subjectively, consider less likely. What matters is not so much what we decide to include as prior but rather that we make this decision explicit to the reader and to the potential user of our results. Every posterior, sooner or later, will become a prior for us or for somebody else, and it is our responsibility to make it explicit which prior information we adopted, no less to avoid that a future user includes twice the same information. The easiness of including prior information of all kinds is one of the major advantages of the Bayesian approach. There are two important facts to note about priors. First, priors matter. Clearly the final result depends on the prior, just as our bet on the result of a football match depends on what we know about the teams based on previous games (and on our personal interpretation of those results). One can say that priors quantify our physical intuition. Second, priors are unavoidable. Even if we are not consciously choosing a prior, the way we manage the statistical problem at hand always implies some form of prior. No prior on a parameter means in fact p(θ ) = 1 in the domain where θ is defined and p(θ ) = 0 outside. Even when θ is defined in the whole real range we are still choosing a “flat” prior, p(θ ) = 1, over other possible choices. One could push this argument as far as saying that our choice of theory and its parameters θ already constitute a strong prior. So, again, the important issue is to specify exactly what prior is employed. Once we have L(θj ) we need to search the maximum to obtain the maximum likelihood estimators θˆi . Because of the priors, this will differ in general from the maximum of f (xi ; θj ). Equation (13.2) is then replaced by ∂L(θi ) = 0, ∂θi
i = 1, . . . , n .
If, as is usually the case, we discard the denominator g(xi ) in Eq. (13.4), the posterior L is not normalized and its normalization has to be recalculated. The overall normalization N is the integral over the parameter space: N = L(θi ) dn θi , (13.8) where the integral extends to the whole parameter domain. From the normalized likelihood [i.e. L(θi )/N which we keep calling L(θi )], we can derive the regions of confidence (or belief ) for the parameters. These are defined as regions R(α) delimited by constant L(θi ) for which L(θi ) dn θ = α . (13.9) R(α)
The region R(α) is the region for which the integral above evaluates to 0 < α < 1 (remember that now L is normalized and therefore its integral over the whole
Statistical methods in cosmology
domain is 1). To find R one evaluates ˆ i ) dn θ = αi , L(L
ˆ i ) = L if L > Li and 0 elsewhere (i.e. the volume lying within the where L(L curve of “height” Li , smaller than the peak of L). By trial and error (or by interpolating over a grid of Li ) one finds the preferred αi . The typical choices are α = 0.683, 0.954, 0.997 (also denoted as 1, 2, 3σ , respectively, but sometimes other reference values are also employed. The value Li that corresponds to αi is the level at which we have to cut L to find the region R(αi ). Often, we are interested in some subset of parameters and consider the others as “nuisance” which we would gladly get rid of. For instance, if we are analyzing a set of supernovae apparent magnitudes mi and comparing them to the theoretical (0) (0) (0) predictions mth = 5 log10 dL (z; (0) m , ) + C, we may be interested in m , but not in the constant C. As we have seen in Section 5.2 this constant depends on the K correction and on the standard absolute magnitude M, to which we can add also the constant log10 H0−1 . Our general likelihood is therefore a function (0) (0) (0) of C, (0) m , but we can transform it into a function of m , alone by integrating out C: (0) (0) (0) (13.11) L(m , ) ≡ L(C, (0) m , ) dC , where the integration extends over the domain of definition of C, which in absence of better information could as well be from −∞ to +∞ [there should be no confusion by denoting both the “old” and the “new” likelihood by the same symbol in Eq. (13.11)]. This very common procedure is called marginalization. Often one wants to marginalize a multidimensional problem down to a more manageable and plottable two-dimensional likelihood. Also, one could quote final confidence regions by marginalizing in turn to single parameters, e.g., ∞ (0) (0) (0) L((0) (13.12) L( ) = m , ) dm . 0
For instance, if the maximum likelihood estimator of (0) m is 0.3 and (0) L((0) m )dm = 0.683 ,
(0) when R is the interval (0) m = [0.1, 0.4], we will write as our final result m = +0.1 0.3−0.2 at 68.3% confidence level (or, less precisely, at 1σ : notice that this will absolutely not imply that at 2σ one should expect −0.1 as lower limit of (0) m !).
13.1 The likelihood function
In the common case in which we want to marginalize over a constant offset or over a multiplicative factor one can often obtain an analytical result. Here we work out the first case, leaving the second to problem 13.2. Taking again the example of supernovae, suppose that we have N standard candle sources at redshifts zi with apparent magnitudes mi and that our preferred cosmological model predicts magnitudes mth,i = M + 5 log10 dL (zi ; θj ) + 25, where dL (zi ; θj ) is the luminosity distance measured in Megaparsecs. The luminosity distance is proportional to 1/H0 . We can therefore take this factor out of the logarithm and write mth,i = α + µi , where µi = 5 log10 dˆL (zi ; θj ) and α = M + 25 − 5 log10 H0 and dˆL is dL H0 . We have very little information on α, so we decide to marginalize it over: 5 6 1 (mi − µi − α)2 L(θj ) = N dα exp − , (13.14) 2 i σi2 where N is an unimportant normalization factor. Then we have 6 5 1 (mi − µi )2 + α 2 − 2α(mi − µi ) L(θj ) = N dα exp − 2 i σi2 = N exp(−S2 /2) dα exp(αS1 − α 2 S0 /2) 5 6 S1 2 S12 1 1 S2 − α− S0 , (13.15) = N exp − dα exp − 2 S0 2 S0
where S0 = (1/σi2 ), S1 = yi /σi2 , S2 = yi2 /σi2 , and yi = mi − µi . The integration in the region (−∞, +∞) gives a constant independent of µi and therefore independent of the theoretical parameters that we absorb in N: 1 S12 S2 − . (13.16) L(θj ) = N exp − 2 S0 This is then the new likelihood marginalized over the nuisance additive parameter α. Notice that the parameters θj ended up inside µi which are inside S1 , S2 . A similar analytic integration can get rid of multiplicative parameters. If the analytical integration is impossible, then one has to marginalize numerically. Sometimes one prefers to fix a parameter, rather than marginalizing over it, perhaps because one wants to see what happens for particularly interesting values (0) of that parameter. So for instance one may fix (0) to be = 0 and evalu(0) ate L((0) m , = 0). Then the result will obviously depend on the fixed value.
Statistical methods in cosmology
When that value is the maximum likelihood estimator, the likelihood is said to be maximized (as opposed to marginalized) with respect to that parameter. If this is your first encounter with maximum likelihood methods, warm up by proving that if we have the Gaussian likelihood f (xi ; µ, σ 2 ) 6 5 n 2 (x − µ) 1 i , (13.17) f (xi ; µ, σ 2 ) = (2π σ 2 )−n/2 exp − 2 i σ2 then the maximum likelihood estimator of µ is given by 1 xi . n i n
µˆ =
Analogously, you can prove that the maximum likelihood variance estimator is 1 (xi − µ) ˆ 2. n i n
σˆ 2 =
You may notice that this falls short of the standard result according to which the estimate of the sample variance has (n − 1) instead of n at the denominator. In this case in fact the maximum likelihood estimator is biased, which means that its expectation value does not equal the “true” or “population” value. Indeed, maximum likelihood estimators are not necessarily unbiased although under some general conditions they are asymptotically (i.e. for n → ∞) unbiased. Let us conclude on a philosophical tone. One could say that the use of priors constitutes the whole difference between the Bayesian approach and the so-called frequentist one. The frequentist approach prefers not to deal with priors at all and therefore refuses to use Bayes’ theorem to convert theoretical parameters into random variables. Once a frequentist finds a maximum likelihood estimator (which as any other estimator is a function of data and therefore is a random variable), he or she tries to determine its distribution as a function of the assumed distribution of the data. In most cases, this is done by generating numerically many mock datasets and calculating for each dataset the estimator, deriving then its approximate distribution. This Monte Carlo approach is the hallmark of the frequentist approach. It is powerful, objective, and general but by rejecting priors fails to take into account previous knowledge. It is therefore suitable only when one can afford not to fully consider previous knowledge. This applies for instance when new experiments are much better than previous ones so that priors do not really matter and when each experiment measures only one parameter, say the mass of a particle, so that the outcome does not depend on other poorly measured
13.2 Model selection
parameters. Both features characterize most particle physics experiments and this explains why most particle physicists are frequentist. Astrophysics and cosmology live in another experimental world: data are hard to come by, observations cannot be twisted and repeated as easily as in a laboratory, models are characterized by many correlated parameters, and every drop of previous information, even loosely related to a given parameter, has to be taken into account. Most of the evidence for dark energy comes from combining CMB and supernovae priors, each of them measuring many correlated parameters at once. It is no surprise that Bayesian methods are so popular in astrophysics and cosmology. 13.2 Model selection So far we have been working within a given model. When we choose a model to test, we also select some free functions that define the model and that we parametrize in some convenient way. If we decide to change a model, e.g., from the uncoupled dark energy model with wDE = constant to a specific f (R) model, we have to start a new process so that the likelihood will give us a new set of best fit parameters. But how do we decide whether the f (R) model is better than the dark energy model with wDE = constant? This is a problem of model selection, rather than model optimization. One possibility (the frequentist approach) is to simply evaluate the “goodness of fit”: once we have the best fit parameters for models A and B, we calculate the χ 2 statistics of the model prediction with respect to data and choose the one with better χ 2 statistics (which is not necessarily the one with lowest χ 2 because the χ 2 statistics depends also on the number of degrees of freedom, namely on the number of independent data minus the number of free parameters). Beside the intrinsic problem of any frequentist approach (e.g., lack of priors), this is often too rough a guide to selection, mostly because if the model B includes a parameter that is poorly constrained by the data it would not help in the fit but it would still be counted as an extra degree of freedom and this would unfairly penalize it. Imagine for instance two very similar dark energy models, A and B, with two parameters each. Suppose that the model B predicts some peculiar feature at the redshift z = 3, e.g., cluster abundance, and that feature depends on a third parameter. The model B is interesting also because of this unique prediction but it would be unfairly penalized by current constraints, since we have very limited knowledge of high-redshift clusters so far. A χ 2 test would presumably conclude that the model A fits existing data as well as the model B but with one parameter less and therefore it would win. To overcome this problem we can instead use another model selection procedure, called evidence or marginal likelihood. We have already seen in Eq. (13.6) that the
Statistical methods in cosmology
evidence is defined as the likelihood integral over the whole domain E(x; M) =
f (x; θiM )p(θiM ) dn θiM ,
where as before x = (x1 , x2 , . . .) are random data, θiM are n theoretical parameters that describe the model M, f is the likelihood function, and p is the prior probability of the parameter θiM . Note that we have added a superscript M to remember that the parameters refer to some model M. If we want to compare two models M1 and M2 , then we calculate the Bayes’ ratio [543] B12 =
f (x; θiM1 )p(θiM1 )dn θiM1 f (x ; θiM2 )p(θiM2 )dn θiM2
A Bayes’ ratio B12 > 1 (< 1) says that the current data favors the model M1 (M2 ). If we have any reason to weigh the models in some way, we can assign a model prior p(Mj ) and use Bayes’ theorem again to write L(M; x) ∝ E(x; M)p(M) ,
L(M1 ; x) p(M1 ) = B12 . L(M2 ; x) p(M2 )
and evaluate the ratio
Generally, however, one assumes that p(M1 ) = p(M2 ). Suppose now that a certain parameter θn is very poorly constrained by the data xi . This implies that the likelihood f (xi ; θi ) is practically independent of θn , that is, f remains almost constant when varying θn . Then if the prior is factorizable (which is often the case) so that p(θi ) = !i pi (θi ), we see that the integral over θn decouples. Since the priors are just standard probability distribution functions we have pn (θn )dθn = 1, so that as expected θn does not enter the evidence integral. The evidence therefore correctly discards poorly constrained parameters and does not penalize models for introducing them. The blame is where it belongs: poor data. If the likelihood and the prior can both be approximated by Gaussian distributions, we can evaluate the evidence analytically. Let us assume then an uncorrelated Gaussian likelihood with best fit parameters θi(B) and variances σB,i and an uncorrelated Gaussian prior with means θi(P ) and variances σP ,i . The posterior can be
13.2 Model selection
written as 4 f (x; θi )p(θi ) L(θi ) = i
6 (θi − θi(B) )2 (θi − θi(P ) )2 exp − − = 2 2σ 2σP2 ,i B,i i 5 6 4 1 (θi(B) − θi(P ) )2 1 (θi − θi∗ )2 2 −1/2 exp − fmax,i (2π σP ,i ) exp − , = 2 2 2 2 2 σ σ + σ i∗ B,i P ,i i 4
fmax,i (2π σP2 ,i )−1/2
(13.24) where fmax,i is the i-th likelihood maximum and where the posterior mean and variance for each i are given, respectively, by θi∗
σi∗2 =
2 σB,i θi(P ) + σP2 ,i θi(B) 2 σB,i + σP2 ,i 2 σP2 ,i σB,i 2 σB,i + σP2 ,i
(13.25) (13.26)
The evidence is therefore E = f (x; θi )p(θi )dθi ∗ 2 (B) 2 (P ) 2 4 θ θi θ 1 σi∗ . (13.27) = fmax,i exp − i + i − 2 σP ,i σB,i σP ,i σi∗ i
We see that the evidence is determined by three factors. The first, fmax,i , is the likelihood maximum and expresses how well the model fits the data. The second is a ratio of parameter volumes: if we take the variance as a measure of the available parameter space for the i-th parameter, this factor expresses how the parameter volume changes from the prior to the posterior. Every factor σi∗ /σP ,i = σB,i /(σB,i + σP ,i )1/2 is smaller than unity, so adding more parameters penalizes the evidence, quantifying Ockham’s razor argument.2 If however the data do not constrain the i-th parameter, i.e. if σB,i σP ,i , then the i-th factor σi∗ /σP ,i is close to unity and there is no penalization. Finally the third factor penalizes the evidence if the best-fit i-th parameter or the prior mean differ appreciably from the posterior mean θi∗ : although the new data might justify that parameter, the overall agreement 2
William of Ockham (c.1288–c.1348), a Franciscan theologian, was known for his principle “Entia non sunt multiplicanda sine necessitate” (although this particular formulation is probably apocryphal) – one should not multiply entities beyond necessity.
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including the prior does not seem to require it. Here again, if data constraints are very weak (large σB,i ) then there is no penalization. You can work out another example in problem 13.3. It is a matter of straightforward algebra to extend the expression to correlated Gaussian parameters. If the evidence integral is E=
f (x; θi )p(θi )dθi
≈ fmax
1 1 (B) (B) (P ) (P ) exp − (θi − θi )Lij (θj − θj ) − (θi − θi )Pij (θj − θj ) dθi , 2 2
(13.28) where θi(B) are the best fit estimators, θi(P ) are the prior means, Lij in the exponential factor is the inverse of the covariance matrix of the likelihood (or Fisher matrix, see the next section) and Pij is the inverse of the covariance matrix of the prior, we obtain E = fmax
1 (B) |F|−1/2 (B) (P ) (P ) ˜ ˜ exp − L θ + θ P θ − θ F ) , θ (θ ij j ij j i ij j i | P|−1/2 2 i
where F = P + L and θ˜i = (F −1 )im [Lmj θj(B) + Pmj θj(P ) ]. The evidence is often not easy to evaluate because it requires a multidimensional integration over the whole parameter space. Several approximation or alternative model selection techniques have been proposed (see for instance the excellent review [544]). They are however only justified in specific cases and may give conflicting results, sometimes leading to controversies [545, 546]. Whenever possible, the evidence integral should be used instead. Let us now come back to the Bayes’ factors, i.e. the ratio of the evidences. Once we have calculated this ratio we are still to decide how to gauge it in favor of the model A or B. There is no absolute way to achieve this: large or small factors should incline us towards one of the two models over the other one, but there is no absolute “statistics” to associate to any specific level. The scale most used in literature is called Jeffrey’s scale. If | ln B12 | < 1 there is no evidence in favor of any of the models (“inconclusive evidence”); if | ln B12 | > 1 there is a “weak evidence”; | ln B12 | > 2.5 means “moderate evidence”; | ln B12 | > 5 means “strong evidence.” Of course this terminology is purely suggestive and not to be taken literally. We can consider it as a practical bookkeeping device. When the data promote a model from weakly to moderately to strongly “evident,” it is time to take it seriously and challenge aggressively.
13.3 Fisher matrix
13.3 Fisher matrix As straightforward and versatile as the likelihood method is, it is still often too complicated or computing-expensive to implement, especially when there are more than a few parameters involved. In fact there are some cases in which several tens or hundreds of parameters are present. One could think that a model with more than 3 or 4 free parameters does not deserve the name of model and even less that one of “theory”. However every theory begins by representing a vast dataset with a smaller set of numbers. And since cosmological experiments may easily collect terabytes of data, reducing them to 10, 100, or 1000 numbers should be seen already as a great progress towards a unified description (if there is one!). Anyway, the problem with the likelihood is that we need to evaluate L(θi ) for every θi , or at least for many θi , e.g., for a grid of, say, 10 values for each dimension in parameters space. If there are 10 parameters, this means 1010 different evaluations. If each evaluation takes a second (say, a run of a CMB code), we are in for a waiting time of 300 years . . . One way out is to use a Monte Carlo approach. Instead of building a full grid, one explores the landscape with random jumps. The size of the jumps in turn may be related to the steepness of the function (smaller jumps over rough terrain, larger ones over flatlands). This technique will grow with the number D of dimensions (parameters) as D, instead of exponentially as in full grid method. But this might still be a lot: a typical Markov chain exploration can take hundred of thousands of computations. It is time to think of something faster: the Fisher matrix. The idea is straightforward: to approximate the full likelihood with a (multivariate) Gaussian distribution, 1 ˆ ˆ (13.30) L ≈ N exp − (θi − θi )Fij (θj − θj ) , 2 where the values θˆi , the maximum likelihood estimators, are functions of the data, and Fij , the Fisher (or information) matrix, is the inverse of the correlation matrix. It is crucial to pay attention to the fact that the likelihood is a Gaussian function of the parameters, not (or not only) of the data. We often assumed in the previous sections the data to be Gaussian but never, so far, did the same for the parameters. The form (13.30) is of course a crude approximation. One could hope however that it is a reasonable approximation at least near the peak of the distribution, given that around a local maximum every smooth function (in this case ln L) can be approximated as a quadratic function. Therefore we expect this approximation to work better for θi close to their estimators θˆi .
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Expanding the exponent of a generic likelihood near its peak (i.e. near the maximum likelihood (ML) value θˆi of the parameters) as # 2 # ∂ ln L(θ ) 1 i # (θi − θˆi )(θj − θˆj ) (13.31) ln L(θi ) ≈ ln L(θˆi ) + 2 ∂θi ∂θj #ML (naturally the first derivatives are absent because they vanish at the peak) we find, comparing with Eq. (13.30), that the normalization N = L(θˆi ) depends only on the data and that the Fisher matrix (FM) is defined as # ∂ 2 ln L(θ ) ## . (13.32) Fij ≡ − ∂θi ∂θj #ML Before proceeding further, let us remark that actually the FM is defined as the expected value of the matrix −∂ 2 ln L/∂θi ∂θj , to be obtained by averaging the matrix over the data distribution, i.e. 2 2 ∂ ln L(θ ) ∂ ln L(θ ) =− L(x; θ )dx . (13.33) Fij ≡ − ∂θi ∂θj ∂θi ∂θj However, within the approximation (13.30), the two definitions coincide. You may say now that in order to find the ML estimator we still have to build the full likelihood: does this again require the 1010 evaluations of L(θi ) that we mentioned above? Well, we could answer that there are fast numerical methods to search for maxima in a multidimensional function without spanning the whole parameter space. For instance, in one dimension, if we can guess that the parameter is near θ (0) then we can expand the derivative of the log-likelihood L = − ln L as follows L,θ (θ ) ≈ L,θ (θ (0) ) + L,θθ (θ − θ (0) ) ,
and estimate the minimum of L (i.e. the maximum of L) by putting L,θ (θ ) = 0. Then we find the approximation # L,θ ## (1) (0) , (13.35) θ =θ − L,θθ #θ (0) which could be iterated by assuming a new guess θ (1) instead of θ (0) . This method, called Newton–Raphson, is extremely fast for well-behaved likelihood functions and can be directly generalized to the multidimensional case. However perhaps the most useful application of the Fisher formalism is to the cases in which we do not need to search for the likelihood peak because we already know from the start the ML estimator: when we are simulating an experiment. Suppose we want to forecast how well a future supernovae experiment, which is supposed to collect n = 10 000 supernovae light curves and to derive their peak
13.3 Fisher matrix
magnitude mi with errors σi , is capable of constraining the cosmological parameters (0) (0) m , . Let us start by assuming that the n random variables mi (zi ) follow a PDF (0) (0) (0) with known variance σi and mean mth (zi ; (0) m , ) = 5 log10 dL (zi ; m , ) + C. Here we take the PDF to be Gaussian but we could also assume another PDF if we think it describes the data. Since the data PDF is assumed to be Gaussian we can immediately form the likelihood (neglecting the normalization constant): 5 6 1 (mi − mth (zi ))2 1 −1 . (13.36) µ C µ = exp − Lm ≈ exp − i ij j 2 i 2 σi2 Here we have expressed the argument of the exponential in a slightly more general way: we have introduced the vector µi ≡ mi − mth (zi ) and the correlation matrix Cij , that in this particular case is rather trivial C = diag(σ12 , σ22 , σ32 . . .) .
When we discuss dark energy, we are interested in the parameters such as (0) (0) (0) (0) m , . So we wish to produce a likelihood function of m , , something in the form of Eq. (13.30) like 1 (0) ˆ (0) (0) (0) (0) ˆ ( L((0) , ) = exp − − )F ( − ) , (13.38) ij m i j j 2 i where Fij is of course our Fisher matrix and i, j run over the subscripts m, . ˆ (0) Since real data are not yet present, we do not have the ML estimators i . However we are simulating the future experiment, so we may take for estimators the (0)F (0)F (0)F values mth (zi ; (0)F m , ) obtained using some fiducial cosmology m , , = 0.3, (0)F = 0.7. This means that we will find the confidence for instance (0)F m regions only around this particular parameter set. If we decide to change fiducial values, we have to redo our calculations and all our results will change in some way. The Fisher matrix of the likelihood (13.36) is then # 1 ∂ 2 mth (zn ; (0) , (0) ) ## ∂ ln Lm ## m # (13.39) Fij = − (0) (0) # = # . (0) (0) 2 σ ∂i ∂j F ∂ ∂ n F n i j Notice that Fij is not diagonal even if the original correlation matrix Cij was. Since (0) the same (0) m , appear in all mth (zn ), we vary the likelihood of obtaining all mi (0) by varying m, . We can now use Eq. (13.38) to derive the confidence errors for (0) (0) m , . In practice, what we have developed so far is a formalism to propagate the errors from the observational errors σi to the cosmological parameters. The errors σi , in turn, must be based on the expected performance of the experiment
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and often their derivation is the most complicated step, involving many fine details of the observations. Calculating numerically the second-order partial derivatives in the Fisher matrix requires only a few estimations of the likelihood for each of the parameters; if we have 10 parameters this makes a few tens of calculations instead of the 1010 we mentioned at the beginning of this section. Once we have reduced our likelihood into a Gaussian form, the Fisher matrix is all we need to derive all the properties. The rest of this section is concerned with various ways to manipulate the Fisher matrix to achieve several results. Suppose we decide to switch from a set of parameters xi to another one yj (xi ), (0) (0) (0) (0) for instance from (0) m , to the spatial curvature K = 1 − m − and (0) their ratio Rm = (0) m / . If we know the Fisher matrix for xi , the approximate likelihood is 1 (x) (13.40) L = exp − x˜i Fij x˜j , 2 where x˜i = xi − xiML . Approximating yj near xiML as # ∂yj ## ML (xi − xiML ) , yj ≈ yj + ∂xi #ML
where yjML ≡ yj (x ML ), we can write ˜i . y˜j ≡ yj − yjML = Jj−1 i x
Here Jj i ≡ (∂xj /∂yi )ML is the transformation Jacobian evaluated on the ML estimators. Then we have x˜i = Ji y˜ ,
and we can find the new Fisher matrix by substituting into Eq. (13.40) simply as (y)
Fm = Ji Fij(x) Jj m ,
which is summed over indices. We can say that the Fisher matrix transforms as a tensor. Notice that the Jacobian matrix does not need to be a square matrix. The old parameters xj can be projected in fact onto a smaller number of new parameters yi . One may wonder why the Jacobian does not enter also in the transformation from the volume element dxi dx2 . . . to the new element dyi dy2 . . . , so that L(yj ) = |J |L[xi (yj )]. This would imply an additional logarithmic term ln |J | in the transformed probability function, spoiling the Gaussian approximation altogether. However near the ML values we can approximate |J | with |JML | and include this constant factor in the overall normalization. That is, forget about it. Let us apply the transformation technique to an interesting problem. We have used extensively the parametrization around a0 = 1 of the equation of state
13.3 Fisher matrix
wDE (a) = w0 + w1 (1 − a) [Eq. (7.93)]. We could however have expanded wDE (a) around any other point ap and write instead wDE (a) = wp + w1 (ap − a), where wp = w0 + w1 (1 − ap ) .
We can now ask the question whether the constraint we obtain on wp (i.e. σw2 0 ) is tighter than the one on w0 , that is whether we can better rule out say wDE = −1 at ap than at a0 . The problem consists therefore in finding the value ap (called pivot point) that minimizes the variance of wDE (a). Denoting the maximum likelihood estimators (or fiducial values) with wˆ 0 , wˆ 1 , this occurs for the value of a which is the solution of the following equation, ! d [(w0 − wˆ 0 ) + (1 − a)(w1 − wˆ 1 )]2 da ! d = σw2 0 + (1 − a)2 σw2 1 + 2(1 − a)ρσw0 σw1 da = −2(1 − a)σw2 1 − 2ρσw0 σw1 = 0 .
Here σw2 i ≡ (wi − wˆ i )2 for i = 0, 1 and ρ ≡ (w0 − wˆ 0 )(w1 − wˆ 1 )/(σw0 σw1 ) is the correlation coefficient. Then we obtain [547] ρσw0 ap = 1 + . (13.47) σw1 In terms of the two-dimensional Fisher matrix Fij for w0 , w1 , we can write σw2 0 = (F −1 )11 ,
σw2 1 = (F −1 )22 ,
ρσw0 σw1 = (F −1 )12 .
The transformation from p = (w0 , w1 ) to q = (wp , w1 ) is achieved by using Eq. (13.44) with the transformation matrix ∂p 1 1 − ap = . (13.49) J= 0 1 ∂q It is straightforward to verify that with this transformation the new matrix F p = J t F J is diagonal (the superscript t denotes transpose) and its inverse is: 2 σw0 (1 − ρ 2 ) 0 −1 . (13.50) Fp = 0 σw2 1 The parameters wp , w1 are therefore uncorrelated. Moreover, as expected, the error on wp , σw2 p ≡ σw2 0 (1 − ρ 2 ), is always smaller than σw2 0 . What if we want to maximize the likelihood with respect to some parameter? This means, if you remember, to fix one of the parameters to its maximum likelihood estimator. With the Fisher matrix this is really trivial, since fixing a parameter to its maximum likelihood estimator means putting the difference θi − θˆi = 0 and
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therefore to discard all entries in the Fisher matrix related to the i-th parameter. In practice, this means that one removes from the Fisher matrix the rows and columns of the maximized parameters. What about marginalization then? Take a general two-dimensional Gaussian PDF 2 x1 1 x22 ρx1 x2 G(x1 , x2 ) = N exp − , (13.51) + −2 2(1 − ρ 2 ) σ12 σ22 σ1 σ2 where ρ is the correlation factor. This PDF can be written as 1 −1 G(Xi ) = N exp − (Xi Cij Xj ) , 2
where Xi ≡ xi − µi (generalizing to non-zero µ’s), and ρσ1 σ2 σ12 . (13.53) C= ρσ1 σ2 σ22 Let us now evaluate the integral G(x1 , x2 ) dx2 over the whole real domain. The result is given by G(x1 ) = N˜ exp[−x12 /(2σ12 )] ,
where N˜ is a new normalization constant. The new correlation “matrix” is now simply C11 = σ12 . In terms of the Fisher matrix F = C −1 we see that the outcome of the marginalization has been the removal from F −1 = C of the rows and columns related to the second parameter. This trick remains true for any number of dimensions: to marginalize over the j -th parameter, one simply needs to remove from the inverse of the Fisher matrix F −1 the j -th row and column; to marginalize at once over several parameters, one removes all the rows and columns related to those parameters. As a consequence, the diagonal of the inverse Fisher matrix contains the fully marginalized 1σ errors of the corresponding parameters (i.e. the errors one gets on the i-th parameter after marginalizing over all the others) σi2 = (F −1 )ii .
This latter property is probably the most useful and time-saving feature of the whole Fisher method. Be warned however that the procedure of inverting and striking out rows and columns is in general numerically unstable if the matrix contains small eigenvalues. There are more stable algorithms that perform this operation [547]. Often we want to reduce the Fisher matrix to a 2 × 2 matrix F 2 for two parameters, say θ1 , θ2 , because then it is easy to plot the resulting two-dimensional confidence regions, defined as the regions of constant likelihood that contain a
13.3 Fisher matrix
predetermined fraction of the total likelihood volume. Since the problem has been reduced from the start to Gaussianity, we will necessarily have ellipsoidal confidence regions on the plane θ1 , θ2 . Looking at the form of the two-dimensional Gaussian PDF (13.51), you will realize that the semiaxes of the ellipses are oriented along the eigenvectors of F −1 2 , that is, they form an angle tan 2α =
2ρσ1 σ2 , σ12 − σ22
with the coordinate axes. Moreover, the semiaxes ratio is equal to the square root of the eigenvalues ratio. The length of the semiaxes depends clearly on the level of √ confidence. If we take the semiaxes length along the i-th eigenvector equal to λi , where λi is the i-th eigenvalue, we are finding the 1σ region, but because we are in two dimensions, this level does not contain 68.3% of the probability but rather less than 40%. Instead, we find by integrating a two-dimensional Gaussian that the onedimensional “1σ ” region corresponding to 68.3% of probability content is found for semiaxes which are roughly 1.51 times the eigenvalues. Regions at 95.4% and 99.7% correspond to semiaxes 2.49 and 3.44 times the eigenvalues, respectively. The area of the 68.3% ellipses is π ab, if a and b are the semiaxes length, that is 1.51 times the eigenvalues. The area is therefore equal to (1.51)2 π(det F 2 )−1/2 . Since an experiment is more constraining when the confidence region is smaller, one can define a simple but useful figure of merit (FOM) as [547] FOM = det F 2 . (13.57) Notice however that the FOM is often defined to be the area at 95%, or some other similar but not equivalent choice. The FOM is particularly relevant to dark energy parameters such as w0 , w1 [see, e.g., Eq. (7.93)]. The FOM naturally depends on how many parameters have been marginalized. Every parameter marginalization increases (or more exactly, does not reduce) the amount of uncertainty with respect to a maximized likelihood and therefore decreases the available information and the FOM of the final set of parameters, as we show in Fig. 13.1. All these simple rules are really good news for practical work. The bad news comes when they do not work. The major problem, in practice, is when the Fisher matrix itself is singular. Then there is no inverse and no marginalization. But the Fisher matrix can be singular only when rows or columns are not linearly independent. It is easy to see when this happens. If L(θ1 , θ2 ) depends on the two parameters through a constant combination, e.g., aθ1 + bθ2 , then the Fisher matrix will be singular. Let us turn this bug into a feature. If the Fisher matrix is singular, then it means that there is a linear combination of two or more parameters hidden somewhere
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0 2 Ω(0) mh
2 Ω(0) b h
Ω(0) m
Figure 13.1 The first bar on the left is the FOM for w0 , w1 with the parametrization (7.93) in a weak lensing experiment assuming all the other cosmological parameters have been fixed to their fiducial values. When additional parameters (listed on the bottom of the histogram) are marginalized, instead of being held fixed, the FOM reduces. From Ref. [497].
in the likelihood. Therefore, we can substitute a new parameter θˆ in place of that combination, e.g., θˆ = aθ1 + bθ2 and remove the singularity by restricting ourselves to θˆ instead of the original pair. Actually we should have done this from the start, since if the physics depends only on the combination aθ1 + bθ2 there is no way we can distinguish between θ1 , θ2 . It is only this combination that matters and we should replace it by θˆ . We say in this case that there is a degeneracy between θ1 and θ2 . Sometimes, however, it is not obvious at all that this was the case and the singularity of the Fisher matrix is a warning for us to look harder. The only real problem is when there is almost a singularity. If the combination is given by aθ1 + bθ2 + cf (z)θ12 , then there should be no singularity because of the non-constant term (we are thinking here of observations at several z’s). However, if a, b are of the order of unity while c = 10−10 , then there is a high degree of degeneracy, albeit not a total one. In this case the Fisher matrix may behave in a dangerous way, with extremely small eigenvalues and unstable inversions. This is the case that requires a human brain. It is our duty to understand the physical cause of this quasi-degeneracy and redefine the parameters, perhaps giving up the possibility of discriminating between θ1 , θ2 and focusing on the combined term θˆ = aθ1 + bθ2 + cf (z)θ12 . Or we may find additional priors (e.g., other experiments)
13.3 Fisher matrix
that give separate information on one of the quasi-degenerate parameters and break the degeneracy. This brings us to another advantage of the Fisher matrix approach. How do we add priors to a Fisher matrix Fij ? If the prior is the outcome of another experiment (p) and we have the Fisher matrix Fij of that experiment, then the problem reduces to multiplying a Gaussian likelihood by another Gaussian likelihood, obtaining a new Gaussian likelihood. If the experiments have the same ML estimators or the same fiducial model, as in the case in which we simulate them, the new Fisher matrix is given by (p)
Fij(tot) = Fij + Fij .
As simple as this: combining the information from two forecasts (with the same fiducial model) means summing their Fisher matrices. In so doing one has to ensure that the parameters and their order are exactly the same for both matrices: trivial, but a most likely source of practical confusion. If one of the experiments constrains only a subset of the total parameters (for instance, supernovae experiments do not constrain the primordial perturbation slope ns ), it means that it contains no information on that subset, and therefore the corresponding rows and columns are to be put to zero. This means that the two Fisher matrices are rendered of the same rank by filling the one with less parameters (say F (p) ) with zeros in the correct position. For instance if we only want to add the information that the single m-th parameter comes with an error σm then we add the Fisher matrix (no sum on m) (p)
Fij =
δim δjm σm2
So you see that in this case F (p) would be utterly singular but the total F (tot) is not (unless of course F was singular as well for the same parameter, bad luck really). Let us mention the final point about the Fisher matrix. A statistical theorem known as Cramer–Rao inequality states that the minimal variance of an unbiased estimator cannot be less than (F −1 )ii (which means first to take the inverse and then take the i-th term on the diagonal). In this sense the Fisher matrix gives the minimal error one can hope to achieve. If you are very optimistic then the Fisher matrix is your tool. Notice, however, that the maximum likelihood estimators need not be unbiased estimators at all, although they are unbiased for large samples (asymptotically unbiased) otherwise they would be of little utility. So we could end up in producing the best possible error estimate for some unbiased estimators which we do not know how to determine! Once we accept the Gaussian approximation, the Fisher matrix embodies all the information we have on the problem. The manipulation of the Fisher
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matrix therefore is all we need. To recapitulate, there are five golden rules of fisherology: 1. To transform variables, multiply the Fisher matrix on the right and on the left by the transformation Jacobian. 2. To maximize over some parameters, remove from the matrix the rows and the columns related to those parameters. 3. To marginalize over some parameters, remove from the inverse matrix the rows and the columns related to those parameters (being careful about the numerical instability pointed out above). 4. To combine Fisher matrices from independent experiments with the same fiducial, sum the corresponding Fisher matrices, ensuring the same order of parameters, and, if necessary, inserting rows and columns of zeros for unconstrained parameters. 5. The ellipsoidal confidence regions have semiaxes lengths equal to the square root of the eigenvalues of the inverse Fisher matrix, while the semiaxes are oriented along the corresponding eigenvectors. The area of the ellipse (or volume of ellipsoid) is proportional to the square root of the determinant of the inverse Fisher matrix. The determinant of the Fisher matrix is an indicator of performance or a figure of merit.
If one wishes, one could define a new set of parameters by diagonalizing the Fisher matrix, obtaining (by an axes rescaling) circular (or spherical) confidence regions. In some cases this is useful because it reveals hidden properties (see Section 13.5). There are other cases in which the new parameters are so remote from any physical direct meaning that the exercise is futile. Notice that the confidence region volume (and therefore the FOM) does not change under the diagonalization.
13.4 The Fisher matrix for the power spectrum Now we have all the tools to derive a very useful result, the Fisher matrix for an experiment that measures the galaxy power spectrum. Suppose a future experiment will provide us with the Fourier coefficients δk of a galaxy distribution and their power spectrum calculated for a set of m wavenumbers ki in some redshift bin z, z + z. Our theory predicts the spectrum P (k, z; pi ) as a (0) function of, say, pi ≡ (0) m , b , h, ns etc. In any real survey with a galaxy density n(z), however, the power spectrum will include the Poisson noise part that we estimated in Eq. (3.34): 2k ≡ δk δk∗ = δk δ−k = P (k, z) +
1 . n
Since the average galaxy density is estimated from the survey itself we have by construction δ(x) = 0 and therefore δki = 0 for any ki . The coefficients δki are complex variables in which the real and imaginary parts obey the same Gaussian
13.4 The Fisher matrix for the power spectrum
statistics. So now we calculate the Fisher matrix for only, say, the real parts of δki and the Fisher matrix for the whole δki is simply the sum of two identical Fisher matrices, i.e. twice the result for the real parts. However when we count the total number of independent modes we have to remember that only half of them are statistically independent since δk∗ = δ−k so in fact we should finally divide by two the final result. That is, we can forget both factors. If we assume the galaxy distribution to be well approximated by a Gaussian we can write the likelihood: 6 5 m 1 1 δi2 , (13.61) L= exp − (2π )m/2 !i i 2 i 2i (where to simplify notation we write i = ki , δi = Re δki ) assuming that the measures at every ki are statistically independent. When we simulate a future experiment, P (k, z) is taken to be the theoretical spectrum of our fiducial model described by the parameters pj(F ) . Then we have L = − ln L =
δ2 m i ln i + . ln(2π ) + 2 22i i i
We further simplify the notation by suppressing the index i running over the k bins from i , δi and denote the differentiation with respect to the j -th parameter as ,j . Now from Eq. (13.32) the Fisher matrix for a particular z bin is 2 ,m , ,m ∂ L ,m , m 2 = Fm = − − δ −3 ∂p ∂pm 2 3 4 2 nPi 1 ∂ ln Pi ∂ ln Pi , (13.63) = 2 i ∂p ∂pm 1 + nPi [where we used δ 2 = 2 from Eq. (13.60)] calculated on the fiducial model. For a more compact expression we can now approximate the sum with an integral over k. To do this we need to count how many modes lie in the bin defined by the modulus interval k, k + dk and cosine interval dµ, i.e. in the Fourier volume 2π k 2 dkdµ. The number of modes we can really use is limited by two factors: the size of the volume and the shot noise. Modes larger than the survey volume cannot be measured. Short modes sampled by only a few galaxies cannot be reliably measured either. To take into account these limitations we discretize the Fourier space into cells of volume Vcell = (2π )3 /Vsurvey , so that we have 2π k 2 dkdµ/Vcell = (2π )−2 Vsurvey k 2 dkdµ modes in the survey volume. The integral form of the Fisher
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matrix is therefore given by [548, 549] 2 +1 kmax nP (k, µ) 1 ∂ ln P (k, µ) ∂ ln P (k, µ) 2 Fm = dµ k dk Vsurvey . 8π 2 −1 ∂p ∂pm nP (k, µ) + 1 kmin (13.64) The factor
Veff =
nP (k, µ) nP (k, µ) + 1
2 Vsurvey
can be seen as an effective survey volume. When nP 1 the sampling is good enough to derive all the cosmological information that can be extracted from the survey and there is no need of more sources. For nP 1 the effective volume is severely reduced. If we subdivide the data into several z independent bins, we can simply sum the Fisher matrices for every bin. It is straightforward to extend the Fisher matrix calculation to a more general likelihood with full correlation. Consider a set of n Gaussian data x with mean µ and covariance matrix C distributed according to the likelihood 1 1 t −1 (13.66) exp − (x − µ) C (x − µ) , L= √ 2 (2π )n/2 det C where t denotes the transpose. We define the data matrix D = (x − µ)(x − µ)t . Then the covariance matrix is defined in all generality as the expected value of D: D = C .
We can write, up to a constant L = − ln L =
1 1 [ln det C + Tr C −1 D] = Tr [ln C + C −1 D] , 2 2
where we used the matrix identity: ln det C = Tr ln C. We suppose now that the theoretical parameters θ are both in µ and in C. The Fisher matrix is then the expected value 2 ∂ L (13.69) Fij = ≡ L,ij . ∂θi ∂θj To calculate L,ij we use the fact that for Gaussian data x = µ , and consequently D,i = 0 ,
D,ij = µ,i µt,j + µt,j µ,i .
Notice that D,i = D,i . Then we have 2L,i = Tr [C −1 C ,i (I − C −1 D) + C −1 D,i ] ,
13.5 Principal component analysis
(I is the identity matrix) which averages to zero, L,i = 0 .
This result is actually true for any distribution, not just Gaussian, since it corresponds to the derivative with respect to the parameters of the norm of the distribution. Notice that the average only acts on D since the random variables, the data, are only there, while of course derivatives act only on C and µ since parameters are only there. To evaluate L,ij we notice that all first derivatives D,i vanish and that I − C −1 D = 0. Then we are finally left with [550, 551] ! 1 Fij ≡ L,ij = Tr C −1 C ,i C −1 C ,j + C −1 D,ij 2 1 −1 ∂Cmn −1 ∂Cp −1 ∂µ ∂µm = Cm Cnp + Cm (13.73) 2 ∂θi ∂θj ∂θi ∂θj (sum over repeated indices) where in the last equality we have written down the full index expression to be more explicit. Equation (13.63) is recovered when µ = 0 and Cm = 2m δm . 13.5 Principal component analysis So far we have almost always assumed a very specific model, for instance a model of the equation of state wDE (z), and have proceeded to get constraints on the parameters. The likelihood method will certainly find some constraints, no matter how wrong is our modeling. For instance, take the expansion wDE (z) = w0 + w1 z + w2 z2 + · · · and suppose that we stop at w1 . Given a dataset of SN Ia, we could end up with very good constraints on w0 but very loose on w1 . We may content ourselves with that and blame the experimenters for their poor data. However, how can we be sure that the data do not contain good constraints on, say, w2 or some other higher-order parameters? If the data do not extend very far we do not expect this, but still it would be nice to quantify which parameters (and how many) we can reasonably constrain for a given dataset. In other words we would like to find the best parametrization, rather than to assume one. One way of doing this is to approximate the function wDE (z) in the range za , zb with many stepwise constant values: 1 + wDE (z) =
θi (z)wi ,
where θi = 1 for z inside the bin (zi , zi + z) and 0 outside. So now we have N ( 1) parameters wi instead of two or three. Technically, this is just a bigger Fisher matrix problem and we could proceed as before. In this case, however, it would be
Statistical methods in cosmology
really nice to have uncorrelated errors on the parameters, since they all measure the same quantity, wDE , and it will be difficult to compare different experiments if the errors are correlated (and compactifying to a single FOM would discard too much information). What we would like is in fact an expansion [552, 553] 1 + wDE (z) =
αi ei (z) ,
where the coefficients αi are uncorrelated. Since uncorrelated parameters mean a diagonal Fisher matrix, the problem is solved by diagonalizing the Fisher matrix for the original N parameters wi , thus obtaining a diagonal FijD . The orthogonal basis functions ei (z) will be then the eigenvectors, with N eigenvalues λi . The new parameters αi will have the variance σi2 = 1/λi = [(F D )−1 ]ii (i.e. the elements on the diagonal of the inverse Fisher matrix). Now, a parameter with a large error is a badly measured parameter. It means that the data are not able to measure that parameter very well. On the contrary, a parameter with small error is well measured. Therefore we can rank the parameters αi according to their errors, that is, according to the magnitude of the eigenvalues of Fij . The highest eigenvalues (smallest errors) are called “principal components” and the whole method is called principal component analysis (PCA). This method is based on the fact that every well-behaved function can be expanded in piecewise constant fragments and that every non-singular Fisher matrix can be diagonalized. That is, the PCA can always be used when we need to reconstruct an unknown function. So we have now a few well-measured components plus many others with large errors. The eigenvectors ei (z) associated with the principal components are functions of z, built up by linear combinations of the θi (zi ). They tell us the range of z which is best measured by the data. We can plot them and have at once a view of the range of z most sensitive to that particular dataset, see Fig. 13.2. This is perhaps the best feature of the PCA since it allows us to optimize an experiment towards any range we are interested in. The coefficients αi themselves are rarely interesting. They can be evaluated by employing the property that the eigenvectors are orthogonal. Let us also normalize them by (13.76) ei2 (z) dz = 1 , where the integration is taken in the whole za , zb region. Multiplying Eq. (13.75) by ei (z) and then integrating, we obtain αi = [1 + wDE (z)] ei (z)dz . (13.77)
13.6 Problems
Technique A Technique B
Technique C
1.5 1 0.5 0 −0.5 −1
1 z
Figure 13.2 An example of the first principal component for three individual observational probes, and all of the techniques combined. From Ref. [554].
In comparing different experiments PCA might help, but care has to be taken when interpreting the results. In general the distribution of eigenvalues can be very different among different experiments and it is not obvious whether it is preferable to have a few well-measured components in a small range or many not-so-wellmeasured components in a large range. Reducing everything to a single FOM would kill the whole spirit of the PCA method and at the end of the day a sensible theoretical expectation is the principal component of any analysis.
13.6 Problems 13.1 Suppose 1% of the hypotheses are correct (in any sense one decides to define “correctness”). Suppose also that 80% of the times, an experiment testing a correct hypothesis confirms the hypothesis. On the other hand, 10% of the times an experiment tests a wrong hypothesis, it confirms that hypothesis due to experimental errors. What is the probability that a hypothesis that is confirmed by data is correct? 13.2 We denote the observational data as mi , their errors σi , and the theoretical predictions as µi , where we assume that µi depend on a number of parameters θ1 , θ2 , . . . .
Statistical methods in cosmology Marginalize the following likelihoods over the multiplicative nuisance parameter α: 5 6 1 (αmi − µi )2 L1 = exp − , (13.78) 2 i σi2 5 6 1 (mi − αµi )2 L2 = exp − . (13.79) 2 i σi2
13.3 Find the Bayes’ ratio for two models: model A predicting that a quantity θ = 0 with no free parameters, and model B which assigns θ a Gaussian prior distribution with 0 mean and variance . Assume that we perform a measurement of θ described by a normal likelihood of standard deviation σ , and with the maximum likelihood value lying λ standard deviations away from 0, i.e. |θmax /σ | = λ. (From Ref. [544]).
14 Future observational constraints on the nature of dark energy
The observables used to obtain information about the global properties of the Universe are not many: distances, background radiation, source positions and velocities, galaxy shapes as an indicator of lensing shear, galaxy or cluster densities, all of them as functions of redshift. All these observables can in principle be employed to constrain the properties of dark energy. Five methods emerged so far as possibly the best tools for exploring the property of dark energy: SN Ia, CMB, LSS (including BAO), weak lensing and galaxy clusters. In some cases this selection was based on the actual current performance (e.g., the SN Ia method that gave birth to the whole dark energy concept); in others, on good promises for the next decade (e.g., weak lensing). In Section 5.2 we already addressed the SN Ia method in some detail. In this chapter we discuss the other techniques and their prospects. We also explain the potential of alternative methods such as age tests, gamma ray bursts, strong lensing, and redshift drift.
14.1 Dark energy and the CMB The physics of CMB is a wonderful playground for cosmologists. The initial conditions are set by inflation; the evolution of perturbations involves the delicate interplay of photons, baryons, neutrinos, dark matter, and dark energy, all coupled either directly or via the gravitational field. Finally, the observation and the analysis of the anisotropies themselves also involve very interesting physics, mathematics, and statistics. The outcome of this grand tour of physics is a powerful probe of the Universe from its very early stages down to the present time, providing us with fundamental (and in some case unique) constraints on many cosmological issues, from the spectrum of primordial scalar and tensor perturbations to the mass of neutrinos and the reionization epoch.
Future observational constraints on dark energy
There are three aspects of CMB that deal most directly with dark energy: the acoustic peak position, the integrated Sachs-Wolfe (ISW) spectrum and the crosscorrelation between ISW and LSS. We already discussed the peak position in Section 5.3. Here we discuss the ISW and ISW-LSS effects. A summary of WMAP (0) results in the ((0) m , ) plane is illustrated in Fig. 14.1. 14.1.1 Cross-correlation ISW-matter fluctuations As we have seen in Section 4.11.1, the temperature anisotropy in the direction θ = (θx , θy ) due to the ISW effect is an integral of the time variation of the quantity ψ ≡ − along the line-of-sight: # η0 δT ## ∂ψ , (14.1) ≡ δ (θ , θ ) = − dη e−τop (η) T x y # T ISW ∂η ηi where the conformal time η is integrated from some early pre-recombination epoch to the present. The only difference relative to the expression in Section 4.11.1 is the optical thickness factor e−τop (η) , where the optical depth τop (η) is defined in Eq. (4.168). The function e−τop (η) weighs the photon path so that every dη bin counts proportionally to its optical thickness. In the context of photon propagation in linearly perturbed spaces we always consider photons propagating almost radially, i.e. for small deviation angles θ, and then we can put x ≈ rθ cos φ ≡ rθx and y ≈ rθ sin φ ≡ rθy . Therefore one can think of the dx 2 + dy 2 part as the approximate Cartesian version of the angular interval r 2 dθ 2 + r 2 sin2 θ dφ 2 . In a non-flat metric as Eq. (2.54) we have instead x = fK (χ)θx , y = fK (χ )θy where fK (χ) is defined in Eq. (2.56) and χ is the comoving distance χ = η0 − η ,
which also corresponds to the look-back conformal time. Unless otherwise specified we work however in flat space and put χ = r so that dχ = dr = −dη. The ISW fluctuations due to the line-of-sight propagation of CMB photons are superimposed on the last-scattering surface fluctuations and are therefore difficult to disentangle. However, since the gravitational potentials and are traced by the density fluctuations δ, we expect a non-zero correlation between δT and δ, as first proposed in Ref. [555]. The density fluctuations should include contributions from all sources, including dark energy fluctuations. The density fluctuations along the line-of-sight direction θ are (14.3) δ(θx , θy ) = dr W (r)δ(r) ,
14.1 Dark energy and the CMB
0.4 0.9
0.4 0.9
0.4 (0)
Figure 14.1 Marginalized contours (68% and 95%) for matter density (0) m and vacuum energy density (0) . The panels show various combinations of WMAP3yr and other data sets. (Upper left) WMAP + HST key project measurement of H0 . (Upper right) WMAP + SDSS LRG measurement of the angular diameter distance to z = 0.35. (Middle left) WMAP + SNLS data. (Middle right) WMAP + SN Ia Gold data. (Lower left) WMAP + 2dF. (Lower right) WMAP + SDSS. From Ref. [14].
Future observational constraints on dark energy
∞ where as usual W (r) is the selection function normalized so that 0 W (r)dr = 1. All the r integrals in this subsection and the next one extend from 0 to the last scattering surface. If matter is represented by galaxies then W (r) is the differential number density dNg /dr of galaxies normalized to unity. In this case δ will be in fact δg /b. Now we expand δ(θ) in spherical harmonics with coefficients ∗ (θ )δ(θ ) am = d2 θ Ym −3 ∗ (θ )W (r)eik·r δ(k) = (2π ) drd2 θ d3 k Ym −3 3 ∗ (θ )eik·r , (14.4) = (2π ) drd k W(r)δ(k) d2 θ Ym where we expanded the field in Fourier modes and assumed statistically isotropic fluctuations. As usual we discard the volume factors in the Fourier transforms. Now we can use the relativistic Poisson equation (4.64) and (4.59) to write H2 δ, (14.5) k2 where δ is the total matter variable. This equation links the density fluctuations to the potential ones in standard gravity. If the only contribution to fluctuations comes from pressureless matter then δ = m δm and we can use the growth factor D(η) normalized to present
ψ =− =3
(0) (k) , δm (η, k) = D(η)δm
to write the Fourier modes of ∂ψ/∂η as ∂ψ(η, k) 3(H2 m D),η (0) δm (k) . = ∂η k2
The factor (H2 m D),η evaluates to zero for an Einstein–de Sitter Universe and consequently there is no cross-correlation. From Eqs. (14.1), (14.4), and (14.7) we can write the multipole coefficients for matter and ISW fluctuations in a unified and compact way: (m,T ) −3 3 (0) ∗ an = (2π ) (θ )eik·r , (14.8) drd kWm,T (r)δm (k) d2 θ Yn where Wm ≡ W D ,
WT = 3k −2 (H2 m D),η .
If the optical depth is not negligible, there is an extra factor of e−τop (η) . For modified gravity we have instead WT = 3k −2 ( H2 m D),η , where has been defined in
14.1 Dark energy and the CMB
(11.203). We need now a classical result for spherical harmonics: ∗ ∗ ˆ (ˆr )d2 θ = 4π i j (kr)Yn ( k) , eik·r Yn
where rˆ = r/r, kˆ = k/k are unit vectors and j (kr) are spherical Bessel functions. This can be obtained by first expanding the plane wave in spherical harmonics (see equation 16.127 in Jackson’s textbook [556]): ∗ ˆ i j (kr) Yn ( k)Yn (ˆr ) , (14.11) eik·r = 4π n
and by integrating over the angles. Then we have i (m,T ) ∗ ˆ (0) drd3 kWm,T j (kr)Yn = ( k)δm (k) . (14.12) an 2π 2 The multipole cross-correlation spectrum is then [555, 557, 558, 559, 560] (m) (T )∗ an C ≡ an 2 (0) 2 ∗ ˆ ˆ , ( k)Yn ( k) = dr1 j (kr1 )Wm dr2 j (kr2 )WT k dkPδ (k) d2 θ Yn π (14.13)
where we have used (3) ∗ (k , η0 ) = (2π )3 δD (k − k )Pδ(0) (k) . δm (k, η0 )δm
Finally, the last integral in C evaluates to unity due to the orthonormality of the spherical harmonics. Then we obtain 2 ∞ 2 k dkIISW Im Pδ(0) (k) , (14.15) C = π 0 where IISW = drj (kr)WT = 3k −2 dre−τop (η) j (kr)( H2 m D),η , (14.16) (14.17) Im = drj (kr)W D . If dark energy also contributes to the fluctuations then we can put t = 1 in place of m and write IISW = drj (kr)WT = 3k −2 dre−τop (η) j (kr)( H2 Dt ),η , (14.18) t (14.19) I = drj (kr)W Dt , where Dt is the growth factor of the total matter, Dt = δ(k, η)/δ (0) (k).
Future observational constraints on dark energy 0.9
0.4 w
Figure 14.2 Marginalized contours in the (wDE , (0) DE ) plane for CDM plus dark energy with wDE = constant model (68% and 95% confidence level). The solid (dashed) line represents constraints from using WMAP+ISW+weak lensing (WMAP alone). From Ref. [562].
Note that and D in general can be functions of both k and η. For completeness in IISW we reintroduced the optical depth. The r integrals extend from r = 0 to some early epoch when the fluctuations were negligible. If the window functions Wm,T are given in redshift, one has to change from r to z by using the relation dr/dz = 1/H (z) in flat space. It is now possible to use the cross-correlation ISW signal to test dark energy models. The theory gives us Pδ(0) , H(η), m (η), D(k, η) as functions of model parameters (we also need τop (z) but for z less than a few we may put τop ≈ 0). The data are obtained by cross-correlating various large-scale surveys (e.g., the SDSS optical galaxies, the 2MASS infrared catalogue, the HEAO X-ray maps etc.) and the CMB sky maps. As usual, the galaxy fluctuations must be corrected for the bias before comparing to the predictions. In Fig. 14.2 we present the results obtained combining ISW with other probes. The signal has been detected to good significance (4–5σ ), but the constraints on dark energy parameters are rather weak and strongly depend on the assumed sound speed of dark energy [561, 562]. Future large-scale surveys will no doubt improve considerably [563]. As a final note, we remark that the derivation of Eq. (14.15) is very general: it provides the link between the isotropic power spectrum P (k) of a three-dimensional
14.1 Dark energy and the CMB
field δ(x) weighted according to a unit-normalized radial selection function W (r) and its multipole spectrum C : ∞ 2 2 ∞ 2 k dkP (k) drj (kr)W (r) . (14.20) C = π 0 0 We can derive also another similar expression (that we already used in Section 5.3) in the following way. Let us assume that the window function W (r) is a Dirac delta centered on the last scattering surface at distance r = r ∗ . It is possible ˆ µkr ), where δi is the initial fluctuation. to write the fluctuations as δ(k) = δi (k)δ(k, From Eq. (14.4) we then obtain ∗ −3 3 ∗ ˆ µkr )Ym (ˆr )eik·r , (14.21) δi (k)d k d2 θ δ(k, am = (2π ) ˆ µkr ) can be developed in Legendre series: where δ(k, ˆ µkr ) = δ(k, (−i) (2 + 1)P (µkr )δ (k) .
Now we use the power spectrum definition δi (k)δi∗ (k ) = (2π )3 δD (k − k )Pi (k). Without loss of generality it is possible to set Pi = 1 since we can absorb in δˆ the initial amplitude. Squaring and averaging am , we obtain −3 C = (2π ) (−i) (i) (2 + 1)(2 + 1)δ δ∗ I (k)I ∗ (k) , (14.23) d3 k
I (k) =
d2 θ Y∗ m (ˆr )P (µkr ) =
4π ˆ . Ym ( k)δ 2 + 1
Finally, by integrating over the angles, we have 2 ∞ C = dk k 2 |δ |2 , π 0
which corresponds to Eq. (5.28) with in place of δ .
14.1.2 ISW effect on the CMB In the previous section we have discussed the cross-correlation between galaxies and ISW. Here we consider instead the power spectrum of ISW alone as can be seen on the microwave background. From Eq. (14.15) it is clear that the result for
Future observational constraints on dark energy
the correlation of the ISW with itself is 2 2 C = k 2 dkPδ (k) IISW . π An approximate result can be obtained by estimating 3 −τop (zp ) ISW 2 I ≈ 2 e ( H m D),ηp drj (kr) k √ [( + 1)/2] 3 π −τop (zp ) , e ( H2 m D),ηp ≈ 3 2k [( + 2)/2]
[see Eq. (17.11) in the Mathematical Appendix] where we have approximated the integral by taking (0, ∞) as limits and where ηp is the conformal time evaluated at the peak of the spherical Bessel function, which can be obtained by the formula + 1/2 , k so that ηp or zp = z(ηp ) are functions of k and . Then we have 9 [( + 1)/2] 2 dk Pδ (k)[e−τop (zp ) ( H2 m D),ηp ]2 . C = 2 [( + 2)/2] k4 r(zp ) = ηp − η0 =
The functions D and have to be obtained by solving the general perturbation equations we have discussed in Section 11.2 (see problem 14.1). The ISW effect is in general important for small ’s ( 10) and it appears as a tilt of the low spectrum in the CMB (see Fig. 14.3). This contribution of the ISW to the CMB anisotropy spectrum is superimposed on all the others and it is not possible to single it out in general terms. There are many effects that determine the amplitude of the ISW tail on the CMB spectrum. The potential ψ can vary in time due to either the background expansion H or the perturbation growth D. The two effects compensate exactly for a standard matter-dominated expansion but not in general. The total perturbation δ receives contributions also from dark energy perturbations, which are controlled by the dark energy sound speed cs . In general, for the same background expansion and for wDE > −1, if cs2 decreases, the dark energy clusters more and more like dark matter. This leads to the suppression of the ISW effect [564, 557]. On its own, the ISW effect is not a strong test of dark energy because it occurs at large angular scales, or low ’s. Since we have a single sky, there are but a few “independent” large angle patches we can use to constrain the model. In other words, the low multipoles are affected by a large cosmic variance. Only rather extreme models can be convincingly ruled out by the ISW effect, e.g., models with long epochs of acceleration with fast growth of structure [486].
14.2 Large-scale structure
Figure 14.3 CMB anisotropies for CDM plus dark energy with wDE = −0.6 with several different values of the sound speed. From top to bottom each line corresponds to cs2 = 5, 1, 0.2, 0.05, 0.01, 0.0 with dark energy perturbations, whereas the low dashed line corresponds to cs2 = 1 without dark energy perturbations. From Ref. [564].
14.2 Large-scale structure We have seen in Section 5.4 that the baryons leave a non-negligible imprint on the total perturbations in the form of a coherent pattern of fluctuations at a fixed physical scale, see Fig. 14.4. This is only one example of physical mechanisms that can be observed in the matter power spectrum and that depend on cosmological parameters. Other features of the power spectrum that depend on cosmology are the position of the overall peak (or turnaround), the overall amplitude, and the slope. The problem we want to tackle in this section is how to extract all the cosmological information from the power spectrum. As before, we use the Fisher matrix approach. Most of the discussion in this section is based on the work of Seo and Eisenstein [549, 565]. One obvious way would be to calculate from scratch the power spectrum for all values of the cosmological parameters we want to study. However this would obscure the dependence of the parameters and could require long computations. Here we illustrate a way to make the dependence on cosmology as explicit as possible. The problem at hand is the following. If we know the power spectrum at redshift z = 0 for a given reference or fiducial cosmology (subscript r), e.g., the
Future observational constraints on dark energy (a) 2dFGRS+SDSS main
−0.05 0 0.05
(c) all
log10 P(k) /P(k)smooth
−0.05 0
0.2 k/h Mpc−1
Figure 14.4 Ratio of the full observed power spectra to suitably smoothed spectra to show the oscillating BAO component. Power spectra are calculated from (a) the combined SDSS and 2dFGRS main galaxies, (b) the SDSS DR5 LRG sample, and (c) the combination of these two samples (solid symbols with 1σ errors). The solid line in each panel is a fit to the data. From Ref. [124].
standard CDM, how do we find the spectrum for any other cosmology at any other redshift? The cosmological model influences the spectrum in many ways. It changes the shape of the spectrum at z = 0. It changes the amplitude of the spectrum at any z through the growth factor. It affects the separation between galaxies and therefore also the wavenumbers k in the spectrum. Finally, it also changes the volume in which the spectrum is calculated. Let us discuss the latter two effects first. If we observe an angle θ subtending a transverse comoving scale λ1 at z, then the angular diameter distance is d1 (z) = λ1 /(1 + z)θ where the subscript 1 indicates (0) a given cosmology, i.e. some values of (0) m , etc. In a different cosmology (subscript 2), the relation will be d2 (z) = λ2 /(1 + z)θ , i.e. the scale has to change in order to keep the same subtending angle at the same redshift. It follows that for any cosmology the combination d/λ for each given angle is a constant. The same goes for the combination k⊥ d if k⊥ is the transverse wavenumber corresponding to that transverse scale. Therefore, if we take a reference cosmology r, we have that for any other cosmology the transverse wavenumber is given by k⊥ = kr⊥ dr /d .
14.2 Large-scale structure
A similar argument can be applied to the comoving scale extending along the line of sight from z1 to z2 . The scale is then λ = dz/H (z) and in order for this scale to be seen at the same dz = z2 − z1 the product λH has to remain constant when changing cosmology. Therefore, along with (14.30), we have for radial modes k = kr H /Hr .
Clearly, any wave vector k can be decomposed into k and k⊥ . The relations above apply therefore to any perturbation mode. Every mode k in the power spectrum can be written in terms of the reference mode kr with an explicit dependence on the cosmological parameters inside d and H . We know then how the wavenumber changes with cosmology. This implies that if a power spectrum is isotropic for the reference cosmology, it will become anisotropic for any other cosmology, because k and k⊥ change differently: this is called the Alcock–Paczynski effect [566]. However we are measuring more than just the anisotropy since if we have a feature in P (k, z) at a fixed comoving scale then we have θ1 dA (z1 )(1 + z1 ) = θ2 dA (z2 )(1 + z2 ) and we can measure the ratio θ1 dA (z2 )(1 + z2 ) , = θ2 dA (z1 )(1 + z1 )
and analogously the ratio H (z2 )/H (z1 ). And we do have such a feature: the baryon acoustic oscillations we have already encountered in Section 5.4 that manifest themselves as small oscillations superimposed on the smooth matter power spectrum. Therefore, by observing the power spectrum at two or more redshifts we can measure the wavevectors at which the baryon acoustic scale is located and determine separately the ratios of H (z) and of dA (z). In the method we illustrate below we do not need to identify “by hand” the features we want to measure: all the scale-dependent information contained in the power spectrum will be automatically employed to constrain cosmology. To the galaxy clustering we can finally add the measure of the baryon acoustic oscillations on the CMB. From the relations (14.30) and (14.31) we derive the relation between the wavenumber modulus k and the direction cosine µ = k · r/k (here r is the unit vector parallel to the line of sight) in the reference cosmology and in the generic cosmology 2 1/2 ) = Rkr , k = (k2 + k⊥
H µr k = , 2 1/2 Hr R + k⊥ )
(14.33) (14.34)
Future observational constraints on dark energy
H 2 d 2 µ2r − Hr2 dr2 (µ2r − 1) . Hr d
Since the power spectrum is proportional to the volume V in which we measure the perturbations, we need to evaluate also how V depends on cosmology. If we measure the spectrum in a solid angle θ 2 rad2 and a shell of thickness dz, then the volume is V = θ 2 r 2 dr = d 2 (z)r,z (z)dz =
d2 dz , H
where r,z = dr/dz = 1/H (z) and d = r(z)θ . It follows that V H /d 2 is independent of the cosmology and therefore V = Vr
Hr d 2 . H dr2
For the purpose of obtaining a power spectrum from real data, we need to assume a reference cosmology to convert angles and redshifts into distances or wave vectors. The relations (14.33, 14.34, 14.37) above allow us to relate this reference power spectrum to a general power spectrum for any d, H , i.e. for any given cosmology. The power spectrum P (k) = V δk2 for the true cosmology can be converted into the power spectrum in the reference cosmology (the one we use to convert observed redshifts into distances) by multiplying by Vr /V and by converting k, µ into kr , µr . Hence we can write at any redshift [567] Pr (kr , z) =
H (z)dr2 (z) P(Rkr , z) . Hr (z)d 2 (z)
Notice that R depends on z. As long as the perturbations grow in time independently of their wavelengths (which is the case in most simple scenarios), we can write the spectrum at any z by multiplying the present spectrum by the growth factor squared: P (k, z) = D(z)2 P (k, 0), where D(z) = δm (z)/δm (0). Then, we can relate the observed galaxy power spectrum to the theoretical matter power spectrum by the bias factor b2 (k, z). Finally, we must connect the observations in redshift space to the theoretical predictions which are performed in real space. As we have seen in Section 4.8 this requires an extra factor (1 + βµ2 )2 . Putting everything together, we finally obtain !2 H (z)dr2 (z) 2 D (z)b2 (z) 1 + β(z)µ2 P (k, z = 0) . 2 Hr (z)d (z) (14.39) We have also added Ps (z), a scale-independent offset which can arise if our removal of the shot-noise [see Eq. (3.38)] is incomplete. It is always a good idea to imagine Pr,obs (kr , µr ; z) = Ps (z) +
14.2 Large-scale structure
possible sources of systematic error and to insert them in the Fisher analysis. Notice that we have assumed that b and β do not depend on the scale but only on z. However this assumption is not completely tested and is certainly false on small non-linear scales. The last factor on the r.h.s. of Eq. (14.39) is the matter power spectrum at z = 0, which in turn depends on the cosmological parameters (0) ((0) m , b , ns , h, dark energy parameters, etc). These parameters are not as explicit as the others inside d, H and when we calculate in the Fisher matrix (13.64) the terms ∂Pr,obs /∂(0) m , for instance, we have to remember to differentiate also P (k, 0). The parameter β is defined by β = f/b, where f = δ˙m /(H δm ) is the growth γ rate of matter perturbations. Whenever f is approximated to be f ≈ m (z), we can use γ as an extra free parameter (or fix it to 0.55 if we restrict ourselves to the CDM model). If we assume this growth factor, then D(z) evaluates to 0 d˜z γ . (14.40) D(z) = exp m (˜z) 1 + z˜ z Note that sometimes in literature one meets with the different definition D(a) ∼ δ/a, instead of our D ∼ δ. Finally, we wish to include a redshift error in the observed power spectrum. The typical redshift error for spectroscopic surveys is very small (less than 0.1%) and probably negligible, but in other cases (photometric or broad-band surveys) the redshift determination can be quite noisy, up to a few percent. To derive this extra source of error one can proceed as follows. Since dr = dz/H (z), an error of σz in redshift measurement means an error of σr = σz /H (z) in distance. Suppose that the observed radial distances r are Gaussian distributed around the true distances r0 : f (r, r0 ) = √
1 2πσr
e−(r−r0 ) /(2σr ) . 2
Then the observed correlation function is given by the convolution ∞ ξ (σ, r0 ) = ξ [σ, r]f (r, r0 )dr .
After the Fourier transformation, the convolution becomes a product: P = Pr,obs e−k
µ2 σr2
where σr = σz /H (z) .
The observed power spectrum depends therefore on a number of parameters, denoted collectively pi , such as (0) m , H0 , ns , w0 . Then we calculate, numerically
Future observational constraints on dark energy
or analytically, the derivatives
∂ ln P ∂pi
, r
evaluated for the reference (or “fiducial”) model. Finally, as we have already seen in Section 13.4 the Fisher matrix is kmax 1 1 ∂ ln P ∂ ln P 2 Fij = dµ k dk Veff (k, µ) , (14.46) 8π 2 −1 ∂pi ∂pj r kmin where
nP (k, µ) Veff (k, µ) = nP (k, µ) + 1
2 Vsurvey .
Note that n is the number density of galaxies. The small scale cut-off kmax should be such as to discard the non-linear part of the spectrum, since the theoretical prediction of the galaxy spectrum is rather uncertain due to the possible scale-dependence of the bias and hydrodynamical effects difficult to model properly with N-body simulations. Often this cut-off is realized by imposing kmax = π/2Rmax such that the amplitude σ (Rmax ) defined in Eq. (3.58) is much smaller than unity, say, 0.3. The other limit kmin is instead less important in general and can be taken to vanish because the integrand goes rapidly to zero for small k. As we have noticed, we can measure P (k, z) for several redshift bins, i.e. grouping galaxies according to their redshift. In this case we have an independent Fisher matrix for each bin centered at zn and the final Fisher matrix is their sum: Fij (zn ) . (14.48) Fij(tot) = n
Clearly each bin will have its own expected density n(z) and bias b(z) that depend on the survey specification. The cosmological parameters pi are typi(0) cally (0) m , b , h, ns plus the dark energy parameters according to the model one is testing. One can also work with an intermediate set of parameters formed by (the logarithm is just for convenience) di ≡ ln d(zi ),
hi ≡ ln H (zi ),
gi ≡ ln[D(zi )b(zi )],
βi ≡ ln β(zi ) , (14.49)
so that we have four parameters for each redshift bin (to which we can add a shot noise parameter Ps,i for each bin), plus the cosmological parameters that enter directly into the present spectrum P (k, z = 0). Of course here we are assuming that all these functions can be approximated as constant inside the bins, which therefore should be taken small enough for this to be approximately true, and yet populated enough for the noise not to dominate the signal. Then from this set one can project onto the final set of cosmological parameters following the steps in Section 13.4. Notice that D, b occur only as a product and therefore they form collectively a
14.2 Large-scale structure
Figure 14.5 Likelihood surfaces in the ((0) m , wDE ) plane assuming a flat space with constant dark energy equation of state, for spectra in the 2dF and SDSS redshift surveys. The shaded regions show the likelihood from the redshift surveys alone. The solid contours are calculated by modeling the CMB sound horizon scale and the dashed contours by including the CMB peak position measurement. Notice how strong is the effect on the confidence regions on (0) m , but much weaker on wDE . The dotted line shows wDE = −1. From Ref. [124].
single parameter, D · b, for each redshift bin. If we treat them separately then the Fisher matrix would be singular, since ∂ ln P /∂ ln D = ∂ ln P /∂ ln b and therefore the D-row in Fij would be equal to the b-row. In principle this degeneracy could be broken since b appears also in β = f/b. In general, however, since we know so little of the bias (for instance how it depends on scale and time) it appears safer to marginalize over it. The ability to constrain the dark energy parameters depends crucially on combining several redshift bins. If we have a single bin, i.e. a single pair Hi , di , we see that the dark energy equation of state wDE (zi ) enters in an identical way in both so that there is full degeneracy between e.g., w0 , w1 in the parametrization of wDE (zi ) = w0 + w1 zi /(1 + zi ). The acoustic peaks in the CMB give us a z ≈ 1100 bin to which we can compare present-day observations but the wDE (z) information at that redshift is very diluted so that we still need intermediate redshift spectra in order to exploit the full cosmological power of P (k). Figure 14.5 shows that the effect of adding CMB information is important to reduce the overall errors, but the final uncertainty on wDE is only weakly affected.
Future observational constraints on dark energy
The Fisher method presented here can be easily adapted to include several other parameters, from a general growth factor to modified gravity parameters [569], or it can be made more robust by discarding part of the information contained in the power spectrum that is judged more prone to depend on uncontrolled effects. For instance the spectrum broad shape depends in general on other phenomena we have not included so far, like massive neutrinos or other light components, on the primordial initial slope, on non-linear corrections, and on the scale-dependence of the bias factor. So one may wish to discard this information and retain only the peak position, which being a pure geometrical effect is hard to spoil without invoking ad hoc phenomena. This can be done in several ways, all amounting to methods for extracting the oscillations from the spectrum, for instance smoothing the spectrum or subtracting the “continuum” [570, 571, 565]. Nonlinear broadening of the wiggles could also be accounted for in a parametric way [565]. Next decade surveys plan to catalog tens or hundreds of million redshifts, so as to measure P (k) at high redshift, up to z ≈ 2. This will allow a reconstruction of H, d in bins and to unleash the power of large-scale structure to characterize dark energy. Using the specifications for a full-sky redshift survey of a total of 108 galaxies in the redshift range z < 2, it will be possible to find constraints on wDE of the order of 0.01 and 0.1 respectively [568]. One example of the forecast is given in Fig. 14.6, which shows the observational constraints for future redshift surveys on the dark energy equation of state.
14.3 Growth function We have seen that an ingredient of the observed power spectrum is the redshift distortion induced by the peculiar motion, embodied in the correction 1 + βµ2 . Although this term can be analyzed just as all the other ones in the full P (k), it is also possible to isolate it from the other effects. The interest in doing so is that it can directly give us β = f/b and, if we know the bias, the growth rate f . As we γ have seen, any deviation of f = m from the standard value γ ≈ 0.55 is a signal that something well beyond a simple cosmological constant or a slowly varying dark energy component is at work. As we have studied in Section 4.8, this redshift correction generates an anisotropy in the correlation function or the power spectrum. Since we expect the galaxy distribution to be statistically isotropic, any deviation from an isotropic spectrum or correlation function can be used to estimate β. Most works in this area have been performed using directly the correlation function, rather than the spectrum [572, 573, 574], so we discuss this approach here.
14.3 Growth function
10 0
−10 −20 −6
3 2 wa
1 0
−1 −2 −3 −1.6
−1.0 w0
Figure 14.6 Examples of forecast of marginalized 1σ constraints on dark energy equation of state parameters w0 , wa with the parametrization wDE (z) = w0 + wa z/(1 + z) for future redshift surveys. Top: redshift survey from typical nextdecade ground observations. Bottom: redshift survey from future space observations. The inner contour is for the full P (k) method; the outer contours for methods that use less information. From Ref. [568].
We have seen in Section 4.8 that the relation between the power spectrum in real space (subscript r) and the spectrum in redshift space (subscript s) is given by Ps (k) = Pr (k)(1 + βµ2 )2 .
If kπ is the component of the wavenumber along the line-of-sight vector π, then µ2 = kπ2 /k 2 . We can derive a similar relation for the correlation simply by Fourier anti-transforming, i.e. ξs (r) =
Ps (k)e
ik·r 3
Pr (k)(1 + βµ2 )2 eik·r d3 k .
By expanding ξs (r) in Legendre polynomials P (µ), you can show in problem 14.2 that [572] ξs (r, µ) = ξ0 (r)P0 (µ) + ξ2 (r)P2 (µ) + ξ4 (r)P4 (µ) ,
Future observational constraints on dark energy
where µ is now the cosine angle between the line of sight and the separation r, and 2 4 1 4 β + β 2 [ξr (r) − I2 ], ξ0 = 1 + β + β 2 ξr (r), ξ2 = 3 5 3 7 8 5 7 ξ4 = β 2 ξr (r) + I2 − I4 , (14.53) 35 2 2 with I2 = 3r
r 2
ξr (y)y dy ,
I4 = 5r
ξr (y)y 4 dy .
The first few Legendre polynomials are P0 = 1, P2 = (3µ2 − 1)/2, and P4 = (35µ4 − 30µ2 + 3)/8. We see that if β = 0 then ξs does not depend on µ and there is no distortion of the correlation function; any anisotropy of ξs can then be used to estimate β. However there is an extra complication. The linear approach fails on small scales. In redshift galaxy catalogs we see clearly that in the core of clusters the galaxies appear distributed in an elongated way along the line of sight, due to the extra dispersion in redshift induced by the strong and random peculiar motions. This is the so-called “fingers-of-god” effect. Of course in principle we could simply limit ourselves to large scales, but the separation between large and small scales is not easy. On the other hand, we can estimate the velocity distribution in the highdensity cores of clusters and use this information to derive the redshift distortion on small scales. It turns out observationally that a good fit to the galaxy velocity distribution at small scales is given by an exponential form 1 −√2|v|/σv e , f (v) = √ 2σv
where σv ≈ 500 km/sec. That is, we can assume that the observed line-of-sight separation π equals the true distance πt plus an “error” due to the peculiar velocity v [see Eq. (4.31)]: π = πt +
v(1 + z) , H (z)
distributed according to f (v) (while the transverse component σ is unaffected). Therefore the observed correlation function is given by taking the theoretical one ξs (σ, πt ) and convolving with the velocity distribution: ∞ v(1 + z) f (v) dv . (14.57) ξs (σ, π ) = ξs σ, π − H (z) 0 In this way one obtains (numerically, unless one approximates ξs as a power law, which is rather doubtful) a correlation function ξs (σ, π; β, σv ) that depends
14.3 Growth function
simultaneously on β, σv and that can be fitted to the real data. In Eq. (4.139) we found an empirical form for the Fourier-space version of (14.57). But what do we assume as undistorted ξr (r) in Eq. (14.52)? The linear matter power spectrum can be Fourier anti-transformed, but since we want to go beyond linearity this approach is not helpful. The simplest way to go is then not to assume but to estimate the undistorted correlation. And we have one: it is the transverse correlation, i.e. the correlation along σ . We can derive it by integrating away the π part: ∞ #(σ ) = 2 ξ (σ, π )dπ , (14.58) 0
(the integrand can be equivalently in real or redshift space) where the factor of 2 appears because ξ is even in π . Setting r 2 = σ 2 + π 2 , Eq. (14.58) can be written as ∞ rξr (r) #(σ ) = 2 dr . (14.59) 2 (r − σ 2 )1/2 σ Finally, this equation can be inverted to give [576] 1 ∞ (d#(σ )/dσ ) dσ , ξr (r) = − π r (σ 2 − r 2 )1/2
which is called the Abel transform (you can verify it in problem 14.3). Hence we can derive from the data themselves the undistorted ξr (r), plug it into Eq. (14.52), then perform the convolution given by (14.57) and finally fit for the parameters β and σv . An example of a correlation in redshift space that shows both the linear flattening and the fingers-of-god effect is illustrated in Fig. 14.7. Naturally, all this sweeps under the rug a host of important assumptions: just to name a few, that σ is independent of scale and redshift, that β is independent of scale and redshift, and that the function f (v) is also universal, not to speak of the problem of performing the inversion (14.60) which certainly cannot be carried out to infinity and which requires a noisy derivative of #. Presumably the most dangerous assumption we have made is that we know how to derive the separation between two sources from the observed redshifts. The distance to each source in general z requires an integral over the geometry, which in flat space is given by r(z) = 0 d˜z/H (˜z). This in turn requires the knowledge of cosmological parameters. If we assume a cosmological model from the beginning, our final result for β is bound to depend on this assumption. Any change in cosmological parameters will induce a change in r and, what is worse, a change that will affect the transverse and the radial separation in a different way. This is of course the same Alcock–Paczynski effect we have seen in the previous section in k-space. In fact, even beside the redshift distortion, the assumption of a wrong
Future observational constraints on dark energy
0.1 0 0.01
a 0 σ[Mpc/h]
500 σ12[km/s]
200 b 100
Figure 14.7 (Top panel) The correlation function ξ (σ, π ) as measured using approximately 6000 galaxy redshifts with 0.6 < z < 1.2 (effective redshift 0.77) in the VVDS-Wide survey (replicated over four quadrants to show the deviations from circular symmetry). The superimposed solid contours correspond to the best-fitting distortion model with a distortion parameter β = 0.7 and a pairwise dispersion σ12 = 412 km/sec, obtained by maximizing the model likelihood given the data. (Bottom panel) Confidence levels (1,2,3 sigma) for the β and σ12 . (From Ref. [574]. Reprinted by permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd.)
14.4 Cosmic shear
cosmological model by itself already induces an anisotropy on ξ so that one would be better off by including directly the cosmological parameters into the function ξ (σ, π ) or to revert to the full P (k) method of the previous section.
14.4 Cosmic shear The second pillar of future dark energy observations is likely to be the detection of cosmic shear induced by weak lensing (for very useful reviews see Refs. [577, 578]). This has already been observed in limited areas of the sky and there are plans to cover almost all-sky cosmic shear surveys (see Refs. [579, 580, 581, 582] for the first weak lensing detection and Ref. [583] for a review of recent observations). The great advantage of weak lensing is that it is due to the overall mass distribution and not to the luminous matter component alone. Contrary to the clustering method, it is therefore not affected by the biasing uncertainty. Let us start again from the usual flat perturbed conformal metric ds 2 = a 2 (η)[−(1 + 2)dη2 + (1 + 2)(dr 2 + dx 2 + dy 2 )] ,
and consider a light ray propagating, in the unperturbed metric, along the r axis. The unusual coordinate notation r, x, y instead of x, y, z is useful to avoid confusion between the redshift and the coordinate z. For small angles θ we have as usual x ≈ rθ cos φ and y ≈ rθ sin φ. This problem of photon propagation has been already addressed in Section 4.11.2. The conclusion was that the distortion of an image which is described in the source plane by the vector components θis = {θx , θy } = {θ s cos φ s , θ s sin φ s } and in the observed or lens plane by the analogous vector θi is entirely described at first-order by the transformation matrix Aij given in Eq. (4.244). Let us see how to calculate the distortion observationally. In practice, one measures the ellipticity of each galaxy in the survey, finds the correlation of the measures, and subtracts the expected random noise. A galaxy, for an observer, is just a function I (θx , θy ) of luminous intensity distributed over the sky, centered at θ = 0. The quadrupole moment of the image is given by qij =
d2 θ I (θ )θi θj ,
and two simple measures of ellipticity are ε1 =
qxx − qyy , qxx + qyy
ε2 =
2qxy . qxx + qyy
Future observational constraints on dark energy
For small angles we have θi = (A−1 )ij θjs , where [see Eq. (4.244)] −γ2 1 − κwl − γ1 , Aij = δij + Dij = −γ2 1 − κwl + γ1
and the ellipticity ε1,2 can be expressed as a function of the distortion tensor Aij and therefore of κwl , γ1 , γ2 . An intrinsically circular object, I (θxs , θys ) = f [(θxs )2 + (θys )2 ] (where f (x) is an arbitrary function describing the luminous intensity), is distorted into an elliptical one whose luminosity distribution can be expanded at first-order for small κwl , γ1,2 : I (θx , θy ) = f [(Axj θj )2 + (Ayj θj )2 ] ≈ f (θ 2 ) + 2κwl θ 2 f,θ 2 (θ 2 ) − 2(γ1 θx2 − γ1 θy2 + 2γ2 θx θy )f,θ 2 (θ 2 ) , (14.65) where θ 2 = θx2 + θy2 and f,θ 2 = df/d(θ 2 ). Then we can break the qij integral into the sum of two parts, a circular and an elliptical one, and evaluate qij(circ) = dθx dθy (f + 2κwl θ 2 f,θ 2 )θi θj , (14.66) (14.67) qij(ell) = −2 dθx dθy (γ1 θx2 − γ1 θy2 + 2γ2 θx θy )f,θ 2 θi θj . The result at first-order is (see problem 14.4) ε1 ≈ 2γ1 ,
ε2 ≈ 2γ2 .
Hence we can estimate γ1,2 by measuring ε1,2 . The distortion components γ1,2 are then calculated for each galaxy in the field, thereby creating an ellipticity map on the sky. Just as for the CMB map we can then estimate its power spectrum and compare it with the theoretical prediction. Naturally the measured ellipticity will be the sum of an intrinsic or “noise” galaxy ellipticity and the weak-lensing-induced ellipticity, γi = γi(N) + γi(WL) . Assuming the two components to be uncorrelated, the power spectrum is just the sum of the intrinsic and cosmic spectra. The intrinsic spectrum can be derived from the same shot noise spectrum we have derived earlier in Eq. (3.36) by substituting the weight wi with the average intrinsic ellipticity 2 . If there are N sources in a volume V the wi2 = (γ1(N) )2 = (γ2(N) )2 ≡ γint intrinsic power is given by 2 Pint = γint
V . N
A realistic value is γint = 0.22 [584]. So far we have calculated the distortion of the image of sources at a given comoving distance r. Since we are in the linear regime, we can add up all the transformation matrices for many sources at different distance. If n(r)dr is the
14.4 Cosmic shear
number of sources (i.e. galaxies) in a shell dr with the normalization 0 n(r)dr = 1, we can write the full transformation matrix Dij [see Eq. (4.245)] as ∞ ∞ r r n(r ) dr dr 1 − rψ,ij = dr w(r)ψ,ij , (14.70) Dij = r 0 0 0 where
w(r) ≡
r rn(r ) . r
In the last step of Eq. (14.70) we have changed the order of integration by using the identity x ∞ ∞ ∞ dxf (x) dyg(x, y) = dy dxg(x, y)f (x) . (14.72) 0
All the integrations in r can be written as integrations in terms of z by the relation dr = dz/H (z). In a non-flat space the coordinate r has to be replaced by χ as defined in Eq. (2.54). Therefore we obtain finally ∞ dz w(z)ψ,ij [θx r(z), θy r(z), r(z)] . (14.73) Dij = H (z) 0 Now we need to use a theorem that projects along the z-axis the 3-dimensional power spectrum of a fluctuation field into a two-dimensional power spectrum: the Fourier-space Limber equation. If we have a field f (x, y, r) projected along the r-direction with some unit-normalized weight w(r), i.e. ∞ drw(r)f (θx r, θy r, r) , (14.74) F (θx , θy ) = 0
then the two-dimensional power spectrum of F is given by [585] ∞ w(r)2 q P (q) = dr 2 p , r r 0
provided that p(k) is the power spectrum of f , and where q is the modulus of q = (q1 , q2 ). See problem 14.5 for the derivation of Eq. (14.75). Now, the distortion field (14.70) is indeed such a projected field so that we can write 1 1 ∞ κwl = − (D11 + D22 ) = − dr w(r)ψ,ii , (14.76) 2 2 0 (sum over i). Applying Limber’s theorem we obtain the power spectrum of the convergence field κwl : q 1 ∞ W (z)2 q 1 ∞ w(r)2 Pκwl (q) = dr 2 Pψ,ii dz = Pψ,ii , (14.77) 4 0 r r 4 0 H (z) r
Future observational constraints on dark energy
where W (z) ≡ w[r(z)]/r(z). What is the spectrum of ψ,ij ? In Fourier space we have ψ → ψk eik·x and ψ,ij → −ki kj ψk , so that the diagonal component is given by Pψ,ii = k 4 Pψk .
If there is no anisotropic stress then ψ = − = 2 and from the Poisson equation for one obtains k 2 ψk = 3a 2 H 2 m δm ,
where we have assumed that the fluctuations are only produced by the component with subscript m and that gravity is described by General Relativity. Then we can write Pψ,ii = k 4 Pψk = 9H 4 2m (1 + z)−4 Pδm .
Finally, by using Eqs. (14.77) and (14.80), we find that the power spectrum of the convergence κwl is [585, 586] 9H03 ∞ W (z)2 E 3 (z)2m (z) q Pκwl (q) = , (14.81) dz P δm 4 0 (1 + z)4 r(z) where E(z) = H (z)/H0 and
W (z) = z
r(z) d˜z 1− n[r(˜z)] . H (˜z) r(˜z)
For small angles (large q) one can also write q = /π and estimate the spectrum as a function of the approximate multipole . If the m component is pressureless and uncoupled matter, then the expression can be simplified by noting 2 2 that E 4 (z)2m /(1 + z)4 = ((0) that the selection function n(z) m ) (1 + z) . Notice is often directly given (normalized so that n(z)dz = 1) instead of n(r). In this case one has to remember that n(z)dz = n(r)dr and therefore n[r(z)] = n(z)H (z). A typical observational distribution function is often parametrized as ! (14.83) n(z; z0 , α) = z2 exp −(z/z0 )α , where α is a number of order unity that is fixed by observations. In the region z 1 one has n(z)dz ∼ z2 dz, so that we are sampling all (or a constant fraction of) the galaxies in the spherical volume whose radius grows as ∝ z. The decrease of n(z) in the limit z → ∞ takes into account that our survey is missing galaxies because they are too faint and red-shifted. For the other components ψ,ij instead of Eq. (14.80) we have Pψ,ij = ki kj km kn Pψ = 9H 4 2m (1 + z)−4
ki kj km kn Pδm . k4
14.4 Cosmic shear
The general form of the power spectrum for Dij is then 4ki kj km kn Pκwl (q) . k4 Now we have γ1 = (D22 − D11 )/2 and γ2 = −D12 thus Pij mn (q) =
Pγ1 = (P2222 + P1111 − 2P1122 )/4 = c1 Pκwl ,
Pγ2 = P1122 = c2 Pκwl ,
where c1 = (kx2 − ky2 )2 /(4k 4 ) and c2 = kx2 ky2 /k 4 . Since the shear spectra are proportional to the convergence spectrum (at linear order) one can build combinations of the shear that are equal to Pκwl and also combinations which are zero, as e.g., (c2 Pγ1 ± c1 Pγ2 )/(2c1 c2 ). Defining the socalled electric and magnetic shear components as E = cos(2φ)γ1 + sin(2φ)γ2 ,
B = −sin(2φ)γ1 + cos(2φ)γ2 ,
where the angle φ is the polar angle defined by the relation k = {k cos(φ), k sin(φ)}, we find that PE = Pκwl ,
PB = 0 .
Therefore, at first order the convergence power spectrum is all we need to test for cosmology with weak lensing. The power spectrum of the magnetic part B of the shear field, not excited by scalar perturbations, can be used as an observational test for consistency. We can easily generalize the convergence power spectrum to the case in which we correlate sources in a redshift bin centered around zi with sources in a bin around zj [587]. In this case one sees that the spectrum (14.81) becomes 9H03 ∞ Wi (z)Wj (z)E 3 (z)2m (z) , (14.92) Pij () = dz Pδm 4 0 (1 + z)4 π r(z) where
Wi (z) = z
r(z) d˜z 1− ni [r(˜z)] . H (˜z) r(˜z)
Now the distribution ni (z) will be non-zero only inside the i-th redshift bin and for small bins Wi (z) may be approximated by z[1 − r(z)/r(zi )] ni /H (zi ) for z < zi and zero outside. The weak lensing window function is always a broad function of z. The cosmological information is then less “localized” in z than in other methods (e.g., supernovae or clustering).
Future observational constraints on dark energy
The expression above for the convergence power spectrum holds only when we can neglect the non-linear distortions of Pδm . However, this would be acceptable only up to relatively small ’s, say up to < 500 at most. Discarding all the information above would weaken a lot the constraints on the cosmological parameters. It is then necessary to employ the non-linear corrections to the power spectrum we have seen in Section 12.5. The spectrum Pδm will then be replaced by its corrected version that we can schematically indicate with PNL (Pδ ). Of course then the problem arises of calibrating the non-linear corrections with extensive N -body simulations. The estimate of the matter power spectrum via cosmic shear can be compared directly with the direct estimate of the galaxy spectrum to determine the bias. This is more effectively achieved by cross-correlating the galaxy density field and the weak lensing convergence field [588]. Further information is contained in higherorder correlations of ellipticities induced by the non-Gaussianity of the matter distribution. We have derived in Section 13.4 the Fisher matrix for the power spectrum. Since in Eq. (14.92) Pij is a linear function of the power spectrum Pδm , one can derive a similar expression for the weak lensing case. In general, instead of calculating the spectrum at all ’s (which is computationally demanding), we can calculate it at some interval and then linearly interpolate, considering that there are (2 + 1) modes per multipole . If the survey covers a fraction fsky of the full 4π sky, then only such fraction of modes are measurable independently. In this case the final result for a survey is (for the full derivation, see Refs. [589, 590]): Fαβ = fsky
(2 + 1) ∂Pij ()
Cj−1 k
∂Pkm () −1 Cmi , ∂pβ
which is summed over repeated indices (calculated as usual on the fiducial values). This is indeed of the form we have seen in Eq. (13.73). Here the cosmological parameters are pα and the covariance matrix is given by 2 −1 Cj k = Pj k + δj k γint nj ,
where the second term is the intrinsic ellipticity term (14.69) and nj is the number of galaxies per steradians belonging to the i-th bin. We can also write
180 nj = 3600 π
2 Nfj ,
where N is the total number of galaxies per square arcminute and fj is the fraction belonging to the j -th bin.
14.5 Cluster abundances and baryon fraction
If there is anisotropic stress and the Poisson equation is not standard, the lensing potential is given by Eq. (11.204) in Section 11.6, i.e. k 2 ψ = 3a 2 H 2 m δm ,
where is defined in Eq. (11.203). Then in this case the convergence spectrum is given by 9H03 ∞ Wi (z)Wj (z)E 3 (z)2m (z) 2 , (14.98) dz P Pij () = δm 4 0 (1 + z)4 π r(z) where = q(1 − ζ /2) in general will depend on z and . However this neglects the non-linear correction PNL (Pδm ) that we have mentioned above. A full non-linear correction for general q, ζ does not exist so far. In this case one could assume as a first approximation that applying the non-linear correction to [q(1 − ζ /2)]2 Pδm would work, but this should be further tested with N-body simulations. Notice that the matter linear power spectrum Pδm depends also on the linear growth function which itself depends on the functions q(k, z) and ζ (k, z). Beside the problem of the non-linear correction, there are several sources of systematic uncertainty that can affect the scientific outcome of cosmic shear surveys. We have assumed the intrinsic galaxy ellipticity to be completely uncorrelated with the cosmic signal, but this is clearly an oversimplification. Nearby galaxies tend to align due to tidal effects. In general galaxies respond to the average gravitational field by orienting themselves toward concentrations, thereby inducing an effect which is opposite to the cosmic shear in which galaxies are distorted tangentially with respect to the potential gradient. Moreover, if the redshift is estimated photometrically, the z-bins will be estimated with some error and will in fact overlap. All this lies of course on top of the technical challenge of estimating the ellipticity of tens of thousands, and soon hundreds of millions, of faint tiny objects, which requires extremely precise knowledge of the telescope point spread function. A good example of a work dealing with many of these important details and how to control their effect is given in Ref. [591]. So far, the existing cosmic shear estimations have provided interesting and complementary constraints on (0) m and on the spectrum amplitude σ8 (see Fig. 14.8) but not yet directly on dark energy parameters, due to the limited depth. Several future projects, from ground to space, promise to fully exploit the cosmological potential of weak lensing. 14.5 Cluster abundances and baryon fraction We have seen in Section 12.4 that analytical or numerical methods can estimate the number of objects that form at any given redshift, i.e. the mass function n(M, z).
Future observational constraints on dark energy 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 σ8
0.8 0.7 Weak Lensing
0.6 0.5
(0) Ωm
Figure 14.8 Constraints on (0) m and σ8 from the weak lensing observation (CFHTLS [592]) and the CMB observation (WMAP3 [14]) adopting a CDM model. The combined constraints are indicated by the central region, demonstrating complementarity. From Ref. [583].
This quantity has a strong dependence on the linear mass variance σM (z), obtained by filtering the fluctuation field with cells of size R that contains the mass M. It is important to stress the two words in italic in the previous sentence. The fact that we can use linear theory and that we refer to the total mass, not the luminous fraction, is the key to the interest in the mass function as a test of dark energy. The variance σM , in turn, depends directly on all the parameters that determine (0) the mass power spectrum and its growth rate: (0) m , DE , wDE (z), ... etc. Since the (0) 1/3 cell size is R ∝ [M/(m ρc )] , where ρc is the critical density, we expect the mass abundance at a particular scale M and redshift to be mostly sensitive to some combination of σ8 (the power spectrum normalization) and (0) m (which fixes the filter scale). It turns out from numerical estimates and from a comparison to N-body simulation that this relation can be conveniently written in the form (see e.g., Ref. [593]) α σ8 ((0) m ) ≈β,
with values α ≈ β ≈ 0.5 ± 0.1. Evaluating this relation at several masses and redshifts gives a precious independent test of cosmology.
14.5 Cluster abundances and baryon fraction
The main difficulty in carrying out such a program is the determination of the mass of astrophysical objects. In principle we can use galaxies and clusters of any mass as target to estimate n(M, z). However the most reliable application so far involves clusters of galaxies, mostly because their large scales bring them closer to linearity and because their masses can be estimated by more numerous and more robust methods than for galaxies. There are indeed at least three independent methods to determine the mass of clusters: (i) hydrostatic equilibrium between the intra-cluster medium (ICM) and the gravitational potential, (ii) dynamics of member galaxies, and (iii) lensing. Among them, the first one has already provided some interesting results and it also looks very promising in the future. Hydrostatic equilibrium for the ICM gas means that the gradient of the pressure Pgas equals the gravitational force: ∇Pgas = −ρgas ∇N ,
where ρgas is the density and N is the gravitational potential. Assuming spherical symmetry we obtain GMρgas dPgas =− , dr r2
where we have used N = −GM/r. Assuming the ideal gas equation of state [594] Pgas =
kB ρgas T , µmp
where kB is Boltzmann’s constant and µ ≈ 0.6 is the mean molecular weight for a gas with the expected primordial composition and mp is the proton mass, we obtain for the mass within a radius r: r kB T d ln ρgas d ln T . (14.103) + M(r) = − G µmp d ln r d ln r This provides a relation between the gas temperature T , the density profile ρgas , and the total cluster mass profile M(r). In turn, the gas temperature can be estimated by comparing the X-ray bremsstrahlung emission with plasma models. The gas density profile is often parametrized by the so-called β-model distribution [595] ρgas =
ρ0 , [1 + (r/rc )2 ]3β/2
where β = µmp σr2 /(kB T ) is the ratio of the gas kinetic energy (σr is the line-ofsight velocity dispersion) to temperature. If, in addition, the temperature gradient
Future observational constraints on dark energy
d ln T /d ln r is negligible (isothermal distribution) then the mass–temperature (M–T) relation reduces to M(r) =
T (r)r 3 3βkB T (r) r 3 14 −1 ≈ (1.1 × 10 h M )β , Gµmp rc2 + r 2 rc2 + r 2
where in the last expression r and T are in units of h−1 Mpc and keV, respectively. Although β is in principle measurable, it is always left as a free parameter in order to take into account at some level departures from the various assumptions (spherical model, ideal gas equation of state, isothermal distribution, etc.). More complicated, and hopefully more realistic, models for the M–T relation have been proposed (see e.g., Ref. [596]). Using such mass–temperature relations the mass of several clusters has been established, for instance, by the satellites Chandra and XMM-Newton. Averaging over many clusters it is also possible to fit a universal simple mass–temperature relation. The simple fit provided by Ref. [596] is α T M = M5 , (14.106) 5 keV with α ≈ 1.5–1.6 and M5 ≈ 1014 M . A value α = 3/2 is indeed predicted for a virialized cluster, since in this case the velocity Vvir scales as M 1/3 and the 2 ∝ M 2/3 ∝ T . gas kinetic energy is proportional to the temperature, so that Vvir Ultimately, a calibration of the mass–temperature relation will be provided by lensing mass estimations [597]. Once one has a well-calibrated M–T relation, it is possible to infer the cluster masses directly by measuring the temperature of the hot gas through a comparison of their X-ray spectra to plasma models. From the mass of several clusters one can finally reconstruct the mass function and compare it to the theoretical prediction we have seen in Section 12.4. α Using such methods, the following result for the relation σ8 ((0) m ) ≈ β was found in Ref. [478] α = 0.21 − 0.22wDE + 0.33(0) m + 0.25 ,
β = 0.5 − 0.1 ,
= (ns − 1) + (h − 0.65) ,
for flat, wDE = constant models. Combining the cluster counts test with the other cosmological probes (e.g., CMB, SN Ia), it is possible to break the degeneracy between σ8 , (0) m and also to add other parameters to the analysis, e.g., the growth rate. Clusters can contribute to constrain dark energy parameters in another way, first proposed by Sasaki [598] and Pen [599], expanding over previous work. As we
14.5 Cluster abundances and baryon fraction
have seen for the supernovae, what is needed for cosmology is not necessarily a standard candle but rather a standardizable candle, i.e. a source whose absolute luminosity depends in a known way on an independent observable. If in clusters the mass of baryons that emit light, either X-ray emitting hot intracluster gas or optical galaxies, is a fixed universal fraction of the total mass, then by estimating the total mass we can estimate the total baryon mass and the total luminosity. This works just as for the supernovae: there, we estimate the total luminosity correlating it with the light-curve width; here, we correlate it with the total mass. In both cases we do not need to know the value of the absolute luminosity but only that it is constant or varies in a controlled way. In clusters most of the baryons are actually in the intra-cluster medium, so for sake of simplicity we only consider the X luminosity. The fundamental assumption is that Mgas b = = constant , Mtot m
for all clusters. This is indeed likely because clusters are very large: to make up their mass, one has to pile up all the matter in a radius of roughly 10 Mpc. It is difficult to imagine such large volumes containing wildly varying proportions of baryons and dark matter. There would simply be no time for any reasonable process to segregate matter on such large scales. Of course this ratio would not be constant for models that assume a species-dependent interaction like the ones we explored in Section 11.3. So at least in standard cosmology, one expects all clusters to contain the fixed ratio of baryons to total matter set by cosmology. Now, the X-ray thermal bremsstrahlung luminosity LX that comes from those baryons is proportional to the volume V ∝ r 3 of the emitting region and to the square of the electron density ρe , i.e. to ρe2 r 3 . Since the mass Mgas is in proportion to ρe V , it follows 2 /r 3 or Mgas ∝ (LX r 3 )1/2 . We also notice that the X-luminosity is that LX ∝ Mgas measured by an observed flux FX = LX /(4π dL2 ) [dL is the luminosity distance defined in Eq. (2.63)], so we can also write Mgas ∝ dL r 3/2 . On the other hand, from the hydrostatic equilibrium condition (14.103), we deduce that the total mass is Mtot (r) ∝ r, if we assume an isothermal distribution and that d ln ρgas /d ln r depends weakly on r (which is true for instance for all power-law ρgas ∼ r n ). So finally we have Mgas dL r 3/2 ∝ dL r 1/2 . ∝ Mtot r
There is a final step to make. The size r of the emission region is seen under the angle θ = r/dA (dA is the angular diameter distance) and therefore the gas fraction
Future observational constraints on dark energy
within a fixed angle θ scales as # Mgas ## 1/2 3/2 = A1 dL r 1/2 = A2 dL dA = A3 dA , fgas = # Mtot <θ
where A1 , A2 , A3 are constants. Note that we have used the reciprocity relation (2.74) in the last step and absorbed the (1 + z)2 factor in A3 . All the other constants of proportionality in the above relations are collected in the Ai ’s factors. These factors contain a lot of interesting physics but no cosmological parameters, so we are not concerned with them here (see e.g., Refs. [598, 599]). Then we see −3/2 that fgas dA is independent of cosmological parameters. If we have a reference cosmology (superscript “ref”) and another cosmology (2), we have (ref) (2) = fgas (dA(ref) /dA(2) )3/2 . fgas
(2) = b /m and we can finally say that the If (2) is the true cosmology then fgas predicted gas fraction obtained by using a reference cosmology is (ref) 3/2 d b A (ref) = . (14.114) fgas m dA (ref) to the real data obtained by converting X-ray flux and temperature Fitting fgas within the angle θ , we can constrain the cosmological parameters in dA . As you have presumably expected by now, it is time for the caveats. The simple fgas prediction above relies on many things, from hydrostatic equilibrium to universal composition. Some approximations are easy to improve. For instance we can take into account the baryons contained in the galaxies rather than in the ICM. Other effects can be estimated from N -body, such as the typical departure from hydro-equilibrium or from universal composition. For instance, Ref. [600] found a depletion parameter (the fraction of baryons that are thermalized within the cluster potential) near 87%. Some other uncertainties can be marginalized over in the likelihood. Allowing for considerable freedom in parametrizing these effects, a table of constraints on various cosmological parameters has been derived in Ref. [601] from 42 clusters observed by the Chandra X-ray satellite. The constraint from the fgas test alone gives wDE = −1.14 ± 0.31, for flat space and constant wDE (all results here and below are at 1σ ). The results in Ref. [602] on a different cluster +0.04 +0.60 dataset give (0) m = 0.32−0.05 and wDE = −1.1−0.45 . In combination with SN Ia and CMB, the constraint of Ref. [601] tightens to wDE = −0.98 ± 0.07 (see Fig. 14.9). Ref. [603] combined the fgas test with the cluster abundance to derive simultaneous constraints on the equation of state and the growth rate parameter γ (see +0.17 Section 11.1): wDE = −0.927+0.066 −0.074 and γ = 0.44−0.15 for the flat wDE = constant model.
14.6 Other probes
0 Cluster fgas −0.5
−1 SNIa −1.5
−2 CMB −2.5
(0) Ωm
Figure 14.9 The 1σ and 2σ observational constraints on the parameters (0) m and the constant equation of state wDE of dark energy from the analysis of the Chandra fgas data. We also show the bounds obtained from the CMB data [15] using a weak uniform prior on h (0.2 < h < 2.0) and SN Ia data [111]. The combined constraint from all three data sets is given by (0) m = 0.253 ± 0.021 and wDE = −0.98 ± 0.07 at the 1σ confidence level. Adapted from Ref. [601].
14.6 Other probes All astrophysical phenomena depend on the cosmological landscape on which they take place. A new and weighty ingredient of the cosmic recipe such as dark energy changes the landscape and, to various degrees, most of the phenomena we may observe. It is no wonder then that many ingenuous tests of dark energy have been proposed. As we have emphasized several times, independent tests are precious even when they are not competitive, because they test possible systematic effects and help in identifying unknown biases. The short list we propose below is certainly partial but gives a sample of the main promising ideas floating around.
14.6.1 Gamma-ray bursts Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are powerful explosions produced by compact objects through several mechanisms. Long-duration bursts (from a few seconds to a few minutes) are probably generated by the collapse of a rapidly rotating, high-mass
Future observational constraints on dark energy
star into a black hole. Since the radiation emission is so large (≈ 1050 –1054 erg), GRBs can be seen at very large distances, the current record being GRB 090423 at z ≈ 8.3 [604], the most distant astrophysical object ever seen. The emission is probably highly collimated along the star rotation axis and the GRB flash is seen only if the axis is beamed towards the Earth. Although the properties and physics of the GRBs are still very uncertain, several works have been devoted to finding correlations between their absolute luminosities and other observables so that they could be used as standard candles. Due to their typical high redshift, their use as candles would be extremely welcome to extend the reach of SN Ia. There are several observables that could be used as luminosity correlators. These include the light-curve peak energy Epk , the time-lag τlag between the arrival time of high- and low-energy photons, the variability of the light-curve (which in turn has been defined in several ways), the time tbreak at which the afterglow has a break in power (which is attributed to the beaming of the emission), and the rise-time or duration of the light curve. Those observables can be correlated directly to the isotropic luminosity Liso or to the beamed luminosity Eγ , i.e. the luminosity corrected for the beaming, which requires an estimate of the beam angular size through tbreak . As we can expect, the use, validity, and interpretation of the various observables have generated much controversy that only further data can help to resolve (see Refs. [605, 606, 607] for the current status). So far, using only a few dozens of GRBs, the best correlations have been obtained using Epk and Eγ , with significant improvement adding a second observable as tbreak or the variability [608, 609]. The constraints on dark energy models are very preliminary and still very weak; they show general agreement with SN Ia.
14.6.2 Age tests As we have seen in Section 5.1, the oldest stars we can observe in the globular clusters provided another independent test for the presence of dark energy. We recall that the Hubble parameter H (z) is given by H (z) = −
1 dz . 1 + z dt
This equation suggests that if we know the age difference t between two galaxies separated by the redshift z it is possible to obtain H (z) directly [610, 611, 612]. The idea of using stellar ages to map the expansion rate is very appealing because it makes use of a set of assumptions totally different from the standard candles/rulers. Here it is the cosmic chronology that we are testing, not the geometry of light propagation. The difficulty of this method is to find accurate and readable clocks.
14.6 Other probes
4 99
0 00 009 01 11 31
10 97
02 03
06 9 0 70 05 302 228 05 26 25
9 98 708 99 070 28 07 3 05
−0.49 Log(E1.62 pk T 0.45 )
Figure 14.10 Correlation between GRB peak luminosity Epk , beamed luminosity Liso and a duration parameter (here called T0.45 ) for 19 GRBs. The best fit and its 1σ uncertainty are represented by the solid line and by the shaded region, respectively. From Ref. [609].
Computing age differences avoids the problem of determining the absolute galaxy age that would require knowledge of the galaxy evolution before star formation, which cannot be estimated by methods based on stellar population evolution. Alternatively the pre-formation time delay can be marginalized over, although this implies that there is a single time delay for all systems. Globular clusters are particularly useful since their low gravity halts the process of star generations and in many cases we can safely assume that most of their stars were born in a single star-burst episode. However, individual stars or globular clusters can be seen only in our Galaxy and in some nearby systems. Hence we have to use integrated signals to go further, i.e. the cumulative light of stellar populations. This of course introduces the problem of mixing different populations, i.e. young stars with old ones. The method of galaxy age dating implies therefore a careful comparison of models of population synthesis, i.e. the numerical evolution of the integrated spectrum of stellar populations with the galaxy spectra. The present numerical codes are very sophisticated, including parameters that model metallicities and multiple star-burst
Future observational constraints on dark energy 250
12 200
H/(km s−1 Mpc−1)
0 0.0
1.0 z
1.0 z
Figure 14.11 Left panel: absolute age for 32 passively evolving galaxies determined from fitting stellar population models as a function of the redshift z. Right panel: the value of the Hubble parameter versus z as derived from the differential ages of galaxies in the left panel. The dotted line is the value of H (z) for the CDM model. From Ref. [612].
episodes. It is reassuring that in most cases the results of independent codes agree to quite a surprising precision. Combining galaxy ages from a sample of 32 early-type galaxies for the redshift z < 1.8 which are supposed to have been evolving passively (i.e. with very low star formation) with CMB observations, Ref. [612] finds that the CDM model is consistent with the data. Using the same galaxy sample data, Ref. [613] finds the constraint −1.21 < wDE < −0.88 (2σ ) for the constant equation of state of dark energy. 14.6.3 Strong lensing Just as we can estimate the abundance of collapsed objects via semi-analytical means, so we can estimate how much strong gravitational lensing we can expect from these objects. The advantage with respect to cluster and galaxy number counts is that lensing depends only on the lens gravitational potential and therefore we can use directly the mass power spectrum predicted by the models. The disadvantage is that the number of lensed sources depends on the detailed profile of the lens and there is therefore an extra layer of parametrization. Strong lensing effects are of various kinds: one can consider the number of image multiples, of giant arcs, or even the statistics of time delay between variable
14.6 Other probes
signals in multiple images. Here we limit ourselves to a short discussion of the expected probability of multiple images. Let us then calculate how many multiple images we can expect in a survey as a function of cosmological parameters and of the survey properties. We want to estimate the probability P (> θ0 , zs ) that a source at redshift zs is split into two (or more) images separated by an angle larger than θ0 by (the dark matter halos of) galaxies and clusters along the line of sight. If a halo of mass M at redshift z is sufficiently massive to split the source image by at least θ0 we associate with it a non-zero cross section σ (M, z, θ0 ) equal to the area within which the lensing takes place. If in a space volume dV = A dr of area A and comoving depth dr we have N lenses of mass M each offering a target area σ for a lensing event, and defining n(M, z)dM as the number density of lenses of mass within M, M + dM (i.e. the mass function), we have that the probability of a lensing event is Nσ/A, i.e. [615] dP (M, z) =
Nσ (ndV )σ dr = dM = nσ (dr)(dM) = nσ (dz)(dM) , (14.116) A A dz
as the differential probability of a lensing event induced by lenses of mass M at redshiftz. The mass function is normalized so that in a survey of volume V we have V n(M)dM = 1. Integrating over the masses we obtain ∞ dr n(M, z)σ (M, z, θ0 ) dM . (14.117) dP = dz dz 0 The integrated probability of a lensing splitting larger than θ0 along the line of sight is then zs dP (z, θ0 ) dz P (> θ0 ) = . (14.118) dz 0 This quantity can be directly compared to the observed number of lenses: if we take a sky survey of N sources at redshift zs , we should see P N objects split by more than θ0 . Let us estimate then P (> θ0 ). A background source S is split by an angle θ0 by a lens L if S lies within a radius ξ0 (θ0 ) of the lens, called critical radius. This radius depends of course on the model of the lens itself, i.e. on its radial profile and on its sub-structure. The lens modeling is the main uncertainty in this kind of study since the only information on the dark halo profiles depends on N -body simulations and on lensing maps (which however can be performed only for some clusters). Let us assume here as a model for the lenses the simplest case, the singular isothermal sphere (SIS), characterized by a mass density ρ ∼ r −2 . This profile might be a first rough approximation to the spherical halos of galaxies and clusters. The SIS produces in fact flat rotation curves and therefore could approximate the true halo at least in the outer regions.
Future observational constraints on dark energy
It is customary to choose the normalization constant as σv2 , (14.119) 2π Gr 2 where σv is the velocity dispersion of the stars (for the galaxies) or the member galaxies (for clusters). Typical values are of the order of 200–300 km/sec. We can relate the velocity dispersion to the halo mass by assuming that the virial theorem holds within a distance r200 that contains an average mass density 200 times the cosmic density (see the spherical collapse model in Section 12.3). Considering the cosmological evolution in z we can write therefore ρ(r200 ) = 200E 2 (z)ρc(0) , where E(z) = H (z)/H0 . Then we have ρ(r) =
σv2 ≈
GM , 2r200
where M is the mass within r200 . Combining with Eq. (14.119) applied to r200 , we obtain the following explicit relation 3 σv 15 −1 E −1 , (14.121) M(z) ≈ 0.656 · 10 h M 1000 km/sec where E(z) depends on the cosmological model (1M ≈ 2 · 1033 grams). The deflection of a beam passing through a SIS is discussed at length in textbooks [614], so we just quote the result [615] σ 2 d v ls , (14.122) β = 4π c ds where ds,l,ls are the angular diameter distances to the source, the lens, and between lens and source respectively. Let us define the impact parameter b as the transverse distance on the lens plane between the unperturbed line of sight to S and the line of sight to l, i.e. b = dl θ , where θ is the angular separations between the two lines of sight. A splitting occurs only if θ < β that is if b < ξ0 ≡ dl β and the splitting angle in arcminutes and in radians is simply 2/3 2 dls dls σv −4 M(z)E(z) θ = 2β ≈ 0.96 ≈ 3.7 · 10 , 1000 km/sec ds M15 ds (14.123) where M15 ≡ 1015 h−1 M . We can invert the last equivalence to obtain explicitly the mass M that is needed to produce a θ splitting: θ 3/2 ds 3/2 15 −1 M ≡ 0.7 · 10 h M E(z)−1 . (14.124) 1 dls
14.6 Other probes
Then the cross section for splitting θ equal to or larger than θ0 is σ = π ξ02 =
π 2 d (θ )2 , 4 l
while it is zero (i.e. no lensing event) for θ < θ0 . We can now put everything together into Eq. (14.118) and obtain (see Refs. [616, 617]) π zs dr 2 ∞ P (> θ0 ) = dz dl n(M, z)(θ )2 dM 4 0 dz M0 zs E 1/3 dl2 dls2 ∞ M(z) 4/3 −7 π = 1.36 · 10 dz n(M, z) dM , (14.126) 4 0 H0 ds2 M15 M0 where we have used dr/dz = 1/(H0 E(z)), and M0 is the mass that produces the split θ0 . To evaluate the mass function n(M, z) we can use the Press–Schechter approximation we discussed in Section 12.4. Notice that Eq. (14.126) is dimensionally correct since n(M, z)dM has the dimension of the inverse of a volume. A similar estimate of P (> θ0 ) can be produced with more realistic lens models, for instance a generalized Navarro–Frenk–White profile [618, 619] ρNFW (r) =
ρs rs3 , r α (r + rs )3−α
with 0 < α < 3. Here rs is the core radius and ρs is a normalization constant. This profile fits halos over a large range of masses and scales and therefore can be used to improve upon the isothermal sphere. Before we can compare P to the frequency of lenses in real surveys we need to consider that the lenses are also magnified and therefore we are likely to see more lenses than one would predict in a given survey to some limiting magnitude. This biasing depends on the lens model and on the source distribution in apparent magnitude and can lead to a number of observed lenses several times larger than predicted without the magnification effect [617]. The bias-corrected Pobs can then be compared to observations, i.e. to the number of lenses in catalogs like the Cosmic Lens All-Sky Survey (CLASS) [620] and SLACS [621, 622], whose total number does not exceed ∼ 100–150 confirmed lenses. Similar estimates of strong lensing probabilities can be applied to the statistics of giant arcs in the background of clusters comparing observations to N body simulations [623, 624, 519, 625] and to time delays between multiple images [626]. The use of strong lens statistics to constrain dark energy will depend more and more on the availability of high resolution N-body simulations capable of taking into account cluster sub-structure. The analytical modeling we have discussed
Future observational constraints on dark energy
above depends in fact strongly on the lens model and on various other parameters, from the lens redshift distribution to the magnification bias. For instance, changing the parameter α in Eq. (14.127) from 1 to 2 decreases the predicted number of lenses by four orders of magnitude. The present constraints on dark energy are consequently still very weak (see e.g., Ref. [627]).
14.6.4 The redshift drift All the probes we have reviewed in this chapter deal with position, brightness, spectrum, or shape of astrophysical sources. This section is exceptional in that it makes use of the time variation of the above observables. What we mean is that we can observe in real time the variation induced by cosmic expansion on the properties of the sources. This general concept has been dubbed real-time cosmology [464]. The idea of measuring the cosmic expansion as it occurs sounds daunting and this was the conclusion in 1962 on the first paper ever to consider this possibility [628]. Sandage considered the change in redshift of distant galaxies after a suitable time span, say, 10 years. Since during that time the expansion rate H (z) changes by some H , the recession velocity of the source and its redshift should change accordingly. If the Universe decelerates (accelerates), the redshift z should decrease (increase). If the Universe goes through phases of deceleration and acceleration, as implied in the CDM model, then one should be able to detect increments or decrements according to the distance. Sandage thought that the redshift drift would have produced a clear discrimination between steady-state and big bang cosmologies. It is easy to derive an order of magnitude value. In a time span of t years, the dimensionless change z/(1 + z) will be near the dimensionless combination H0 t. For t = 10 yrs we can expect an effect of the order of 10−9 . For a recession velocity near c this amounts to a change in velocity of a few centimeters per second per year. Daunting, indeed. Many years after Sandage’s proposal (and after other efforts at revitalizing the issue, e.g., [629, 630, 631]1 ), Loeb [632] reconsidered the idea and realized that the current technology applied to the Lyman-α absorption lines in the quasar line of sights allows Doppler redshift measurements of a few meters per second, not that far from Sandage’s effect. According to recent studies, the ultra-stable, highresolution spectrograph of the European Extremely Large Telescope (EELT), an optical telescope with diameter in the range 40–50 m planned for the second or third decade of this century may achieve the required sensitivity [633]. The measure will 1
It is interesting to note that R¨udiger in 1982 considered the possibility of using the redshift drift to test for the acceleration predicted by a Brans–Dicke model [631].
14.6 Other probes
be realized by monitoring the shift of Lyman-α absorption lines in some dozens of distant quasars for a period of one or two decades. Lyman-α lines are known to be very stable (because they do not contain pointlike sources) and with low peculiar velocities (because the Lyman-α clouds reside mostly in underdense regions). Let us derive the redshift variation in the FLRW metric. The observed redshift of a given source, which emitted its light at a time ts , is today (i.e. at time t0 ) zs (t0 ) =
a(t0 ) − 1. a(ts )
After a time interval t0 (ts for the source) it becomes zs (t0 + t0 ) =
a(t0 + t0 ) − 1. a(ts + ts )
The observed redshift variation of the source is, then, zs = zs (t0 + t0 ) − zs (t0 ) =
a(t0 + t0 ) a(t0 ) − . a(ts + ts ) a(ts )
This can be re-expressed, after an expansion at first order in t/t, as: ˙ s) ˙ 0 ) − a(t a(t , zs t0 a(ts )
where we have used the relation a(t0 )/a(ts ) = t0 /ts . In terms of the Hubble ˙ parameter H = a/a, we finally obtain zs H (zs ) . (14.132) = H0 t0 1 − 1 + zs (1 + zs )H0 The Sandage effect can then in principle map the expansion rate H (z) directly, as we show in Fig. 14.12 [634, 635, 636]. In terms of an apparent velocity shift of the source, the result can be written as v = czs /(1 + zs ). From Eq. (14.131) we find that the effect vanishes at all redshifts for a constant-velocity expansion a˙ = constant, for instance, a model with total equation of state weff = −1/3. The Extremely Large Telescopes collaboration [633] has provided some detailed calculations of the expected error on the velocity shift v. They predict a typical error: 1.7 30 1/2 5 2370 σv = 2 cm/s , (14.133) S/N NQSO 1 + zQSO ˚ NQSO is the number where S/N is the signal to noise ratio for pixels of 0.0125 A, of QSO’s spectra observed, and zQSO is their redshift. Detecting the Sandage effect is extremely challenging, to put it mildly. Despite this, it has so many interesting features that it deserves to be pursued to the maximal extent. First, it would provide the first direct probe of the cosmological expansion.
Future observational constraints on dark energy
2 z
Figure 14.12 Sandage effect. Plot of the velocity shift after 10 years for three different values of the dark energy equation of state wDE .
One must not forget that the whole of cosmology relies on the (extremely well grounded) assumption that the redshift is almost entirely due to the expansion. Second, it would be a completely independent test of acceleration. Third, its validity does not depend on calibration and extrapolation (unlike the supernovae test), nor on a complex modeling with many unknowns (such as e.g., the baryon acoustic oscillations or the cosmic shear). Fourth, the signal increases directly with the time span, while the statistical noise scales as t −1/2 , so that the signal-to-noise ratio increases as t 3/2 . Time is a costly but virtually inexhaustible resource. Fifth, in principle it can be searched for not only in Lyman-α lines but in all extragalactic sources. Sixth, it can distinguish between a true acceleration and an apparent one induced by line-of-sight inhomogeneities as we have seen in Section 10.1. The Sandage effect is just one example of real-time cosmology. Another possibility is to detect changes in the angular separation of distant sources [464]. Any anisotropic Universe (including some proposed to explain the cosmic acceleration, see Refs. [637, 455, 638] and Section 10.1) undergoes an expansion rate that depends on the source distance or direction. This in turn implies that the angular separation between any two sources will vary in time. Here again, assuming a time span of 10 years one can expect an effect of 10−9 . The good news is that this requires a purely astrometric measurement: taking as order of magnitude a value of 10−9 rad we obtain about 200 microarcseconds (µ as), which is easily within
14.6 Other probes
current or near future capability. The satellite mission GAIA for instance has a goal of a few microseconds of arc for millions of stellar and extragalactic sources [639], so we could expect to be able to put strong constraints on anisotropy. The bad news is that the anisotropic models proposed to explain the cosmic acceleration are already pretty much constrained and allow only for a marginal anisotropy. The parallax γ induced by the Earth’s own motion vpec on distant sources in say 10 years is also of the order of a microarcsecond, or more exactly γ =
vpec 500 km/s
dA 1 Gpc
t 10 years
µ as ,
where dA is the diameter distance of the source. This dipolar effect competes with the cosmic anisotropic signal. However it is interesting on its own because this could allow a determination of quasar distances completely independent of standard candles, rulers, or clocks [640] and with much less unknown systematics. Cosmic parallax effects could be within reach of future astrometric satellite experiments and, along with the radial component measured by the Sandage effect, could complete the three-dimensional picture of the cosmic flow.
14.6.5 Comparing luminosity and angular diameter distance Finally, we conclude our review of dark energy probes by a test not of dark energy itself but of a fundamental assumption that underlies many of the tests seen above, namely that photons are not created nor destroyed during their ride across the Universe. Of course we know that photons are indeed propagating through a perturbed Universe, so they undergo deviations, scattering, gravitational redshifts, and absorptions. However, most of these effects leave some footprint that we can detect and use to correct for the perturbation. For example, we can use image lensing to detect photon deviations, we can see sources at different wavebands to detect phenomena of absorptions and reemission, we can compare photons from different directions to detect red or blue shifts, and so on. But how can we tell whether a photon emitted by some supernovae just disappeared along its run, maybe because due to some exotic physics it decayed into some particles we do not see or because it slipped into an extra dimension? In fact, we can test for such effects by recalling that we measure light ray paths in two different ways, by measuring luminosity distance (i.e. using standard candles) and by measuring angular diameter distances (standard rulers). While the first changes if the flux we receive is depleted by some exotic photon physics or by unaccounted astrophysical attenuation, the second remains unaltered. If this is the case, then the reciprocity or Etherington relation (2.74) does not hold anymore. This
Future observational constraints on dark energy
relation is true in any general metric theory of gravity, regardless of the background, if photon flux is conserved. Its violation is a test of cosmic transparency. We can then test for the reciprocity relation by writing it as dL = (1 + z)2+α dA .
Comparing the dL distance measured by SN Ia with the dA distance measured by, e.g., BAO, it is possible to place constraints on α. In fact, a discrepancy between the two measures was reported in Ref. [641]. The most updated result using supernovae and H (z) from age tests gives however a result perfectly compatible with the reciprocity relation [642], α = −0.01+0.08 −0.09 .
So although there is no indication of a departure from standard physics, there is still considerable room for some surprise here. 14.7 Problems 14.1 Evaluate the ISW spectrum (14.29) analytically for standard gravity ( = 1) with τop = 0 under the assumption of a power-law spectrum Pδ (k) = Ak n , a constant total equation of state weff < −1/3, and a total perturbation growth Dt ∼ a p (p > 0). 14.2 Derive Eq. (14.52). Hint: use Eq. (14.51) and expand e
(2 + 1)i P (µkr )j (kr) ,
where µkr denotes the cosine of the angle between k and r. Make use also of Eqs. (17.8), (17.9), (17.10), and (17.14) in the mathematical Appendix. From Ref. [643]. 14.3 Verify Eq. (14.60). Hint: first integrate #(σ ) by parts. 14.4 Derive Eq. (14.68). 14.5 Derive Eq. (14.75).
15 Conclusion and outlook
The expression “dark energy” was put for the first time in print in a paper by Huterer and Turner in 1998 [216], just a few months after the discovery of cosmic acceleration with supernovae Ia. In December 1998 the name was already featured in the New York Times. The idea of a smooth, invisible, accelerating component of the Universe is however much older than this. Beside the original suggestion of a cosmological constant by Einstein, already in the 1980s some scientists suggested that one way of solving the conflict between the inflationary prediction (0) = 1 and the observations of clustered matter (0) m ≈ 0.3 ± 0.1 was to introduce a cosmological constant [644, 645, 646] or a slowly varying scalar field [30]. The idea was pursued at a low intensity for several years (e.g., [647]), until the supernovae boom. Since then, the number of papers with “dark energy” in the title has grown almost exponentially (see Fig. 15.1), achieving stabilization only around 2008, probably also because the variety of models on the market has rendered the expression “dark energy” no longer fully informative. This bewildering variety points directly to the essence of the dark energy concept: after many years of research, dark energy is still a question, not an answer. It is the name we give to the fact that something, a very weighty something, is missing from our knowledge of the cosmic dynamics. The main teaching is that what we thought was a rather simple Universe, with essentially matter and radiation or if you wish matter-like and radiation-like particles, revealed itself not only more complicated (the cosmological constant is actually the least complicated form of energy one can think of) but certainly more unknown. We faced the fact that we have “direct” information only on a few snapshots of the cosmic evolution: the inflationary perturbations, the primordial nucleosynthesis, the Cosmic Microwave Background, the present galaxy distribution, and a few and sparse observations in between. Too few to tell the whole story. The sober realization that we still have a lot to learn has opened up many avenues that perhaps would not have been thought of if everything did conform to our naive 427
Conclusion and outlook
300 Dark Energy papers
250 200 150 100 50 0 1999
Figure 15.1 Papers with “dark energy” in the title from 1999 to 2008 in the SLAC Spires (
expectations. The idea of seriously considering deviation from the Einstein gravity at large scales, rather than in the laboratory or in the solar system; the search for better probes of cosmic expansion and clustering at high redshift; the investigation of large-scale effects of inhomogeneities; many new ideas on how to exploit all astrophysical observables to complete our picture; all this research would probably have aroused much less interest if the dark energy mystery was not demanding it. So this book is not as much about results as it is about suggestions and methods. Many models we have considered in turn might all be deadly wrong but they all teach us new ways of looking at the cosmological problem. The observations that institutions around the globe are proposing, financing, and carrying out are showing us the way to look further, harder, and deeper. Where will the dark energy research go in the next years? The mere list of observational projects related to dark energy that is planned or underway is impressive [648]. The knowledge that will be acquired by these data will no doubt keep on constraining the classical cosmological parameters and maybe at some point will require something beyond a pure cosmological constant. This alone would probably classify as the most important discovery in cosmology since the Cosmic Microwave Background and the acceleration itself. If instead the error bars will keep focusing on the spot, then the puzzles of coincidence and fine tuning will loom even more urgent over us. But on the way we can safely expect to reach several other goals: to probe gravity beyond the solar system, to reconstruct the clustering
Conclusion and outlook
evolution down to high redshifts, to map the total matter content over vast patches of sky, to confirm or confine the use of standard candles, rulers or clocks, to define to high precision the landscape on which astrophysical phenomena take place, to cross-check the many assumptions we currently make on our interpretations of the real data. Even if the nature of dark energy will continue to elude us, all the effort in this direction will not be in vain. It could as well happen that instead of a shorter route to the East we will find a whole new world.
16 Answers to the problems
Chapter 2 2.1 In the FLRW spacetime the energy-momentum tensor Tνµ is a function of the cosmic time t only. Then the conservation equation (2.90) yields µ i i T00 − i0 Tii = 0 , ∇µ T0 = T˙00 + 0i
where the Latin indices i = 1, 2, 3 are summed over. Since T00 = −ρ, Tji = P δji , and i = H δji , it follows that ρ˙ + 3H (ρ + P ) = 0. 0j 2.2 From Eqs. (2.42) and (2.43) the entropy densities of relativistic particles, for each spin state, are given by s = 2π 2 T 3 /45 and s = (7/8) 2π 2 T 3 /45 for bosons and fermions, respectively. Before the annihilation of electrons and positrons, there were photons (2 spin states), 3 flavor neutrinos and anti-neutrinos (1 spin state for each), electrons (2 spin state) and positrons (2 spin state). Then the entropy before the annihilation with temperature T1 and scale factor a1 is S(a1 ) = s(a1 )a13 =
2π 2 3 43 2 3 3 T [2 + (7/8)(3 + 3 + 2 + 2)] a13 = π T1 a1 . 45 1 90
After the annihilation of electrons and positrons, neutrinos decoupled from the cosmic plasma so that the neutrino temperature Tν and the photon temperature Tγ are different. Then the entropy after the annihilation is 2π 2 7 3 3 2Tγ + · 6Tν a23 . S(a2 ) = (16.3) 45 8 The equality S(a1 ) = S(a2 ) holds because of the entropy conservation. Using this equality together with the relation a1 T1 = a2 Tν for neutrinos, we obtain Tν /Tγ = (4/11)1/3 . 2.3 In the non-relativistic limit, m2 p 2 , we have the approximate relation E m + p2 /(2m) from the relation E 2 = p2 + m2 . Plugging this into Eq. (2.40) it follows that ∞ g∗ ρ m exp[−(m − µ)/T ] p 2 exp(−p2 /2mT ) dp . (16.4) 2π 2 0 430
Chapter 3
√ 2 Using the integral 0 x 2 e−x dx = π /4, we arrive at the density (2.48). Under the same non-relativistic approximation, the pressure (2.41) yields ∞ g∗ 1 p4 exp(−p2 /2mT ) dp . (16.5) P = exp[−(m − µ)/T ] 6π 2 m 0 ∞ √ 2 Using the integral 0 x 4 e−x dx = 3 π /8, the pressure (2.49) follows. 2.4 For the solution (2.89) the Hubble parameter is given by H = n/(trip − t) with n ≡ −2/[3(1 + wDE )] > 0. Then the scalar curvature evolves as R = 6(2H 2 + H˙ ) =
6n(2n + 1) , (trip − t)2
which diverges as t → trip . Under the approximation H0 n/(trip − t0 ), which corresponds to neglecting the contribution of non-relativistic matter today, it follows that trip − t0
1 2 . 3|1 + wDE | H0
Using Eq. (2.36) with h = 0.72 for the equation of state wDE = −1.5, we obtain trip − t0 18 Gyr.
Chapter 3 3.1 Consider N points randomly distributed on the equatorial plane of a sphere of radius R. The density of points in the sphere is n = N/V = 3N/(4π R 3 ). The superficial density on the plane is instead ns = N/(π R 2 ). The expected number of points inside a spherical shell of volume 4π r 2 dr will be equal to the area of the plane 2π rdr times the superficial density: p(r) = 2π rns dr = 2N rdr/R 2 . To calculate the correlation function as in Eq. (3.5), we simply divide this by the expected number pP (r) = 4π r 2 ndr = 3N r 2 dr/R 3 in a Poisson distribution of N points in the sphere (i.e. without confining the points to the plane). Then we have ξ (r) =
2R p(r) −1= − 1. pP (r) 3r
Therefore the correlation function η(r) ≡ 1 + ξ (r) decreases as r −1 . This is the correlation function of a planar distribution in 3-dimensional space. This can be generalized to a d-dimensional distribution in a D-space to r d−D . Conversely, a distribution whose correlation function η(r) in D dimensions decreases as a power-law r d−D is said to be d-dimensional. If d is not an integer, then the distribution is a fractal of dimension d. Notice that in this case the amplitude of the correlation η(r) depends on R, i.e. on the “survey” size. This is a manifestation of the fact that a planar distribution in 3D is never close to homogeneity, no matter how large we take the survey volume. For the same reason, in this case the amplitude of the power spectrum depends on the survey size R and is totally unrelated to the level of homogeneity of the distribution.
Answers to the problems
3.2 For the Gaussian power spectrum given by P = P0 exp[−k 2 /(2σk2 )] the correlation function in Eq. (3.23) is P0 ξ (r) = (2π)3
k2 exp − 2 2σk
eik·r d3 k .
We can integrate the angular part of k: π ∞ 2π k2 P0 2 ikr cos θ k exp − 2 dk e sin θdθ dφ ξ (r) = (2π)3 0 2σk 0 0 ∞ P0 k 2 sin(kr) 2 = k exp − 2 dk 2π 2 0 kr 2σk ∞ x2 P0 x exp − = 3 2 sin x dx 2r π 0 2(rσk )2 " π P0 σk3 − 1 σk2 r 2 e 2 , (16.10) = 2 2π 2 ∞ √ 2 where in the last line we used 0 x exp[−x 2 /(2c2 )] sin x dx = π/2 c3 e−c /2 . The correlation function has a maximum at r = 0 and then declines to zero at large r. Although the power spectrum has a maximum at k = 0 (infinite wavelengths), the number of modes, proportional to P (k)k 2 dk, goes to zero for small k and therefore the distribution reaches homogeneity at large scales. 3.3 We proceed as in Eq. (3.53): nj nk = ni n3i + 3 n2i ni + ni nj nk N 3 = = N0 + 3N02 + N03 Wi Wj Wk (1 + ξij + ξik + ξj k + ςij k ) dVi dVj dVk = N0 + 3N02 + N03 + 3N03
Wi Wj ξij dVi dVj + N03
Wi Wj Wk ςij k dVi dVj dVk ,
where in the second line we used the definition of the three-point correlation given in Eq. (3.10) and in the third line we used the fact that the integrals over the functions ξij are all identical. We then find the third-order moment M3 = N0−3 (N)3 = N0−3 N 3 − 3N 2 N0 + 3N N02 − N03 = N0−3 N 3 − 3N 2 N0−2 + 2 .
Now from Eq. (3.54) we have −2 −1 −1 2 N N0 = N0 + Wi Wj (1 + ξij )dVi dVj = N0 + 1 + Wi Wj ξij dVi dVj , (16.12)
Chapter 4 so that finally M3 =
= N0−2 +
−3N0−1 − 3
Wi Wj ξij dVi dVj +
Wi Wj Wk ςij k dVi dVj dVk
Wi Wj ξij dVi dVj
Wi Wj Wk ςij k dVi dVj dVk .
Chapter 4 4.1 (1) If Pxy (δx , δy ) is the probability of having δx , δy in the interval dδx dδy , the probability of having both δx > νσ and δy > νσ is simply ∞ ∞ dδx dδy Pxy (δx , δy ) P2 = >νσ
1 2 1/2 2π(σ 4 − ξ12 )
dδy e
1 2 2 2 2 2 ) (σ δx +σ δy −2ξ12 δx δy ) 2(σ 4 −ξ12
2 σ −2 )δ 2 (σ 2 −ξ12 σ 2 (δy −ξ12 δx σ −2 )2 x − − 1 2 ) 2 ) 2(σ 4 −ξ12 2(σ 4 −ξ12 dδ e dδ e x y 2 1/2 2π(σ 4 − ξ12 ) >νσ >νσ δ2 1 νσ − ξ12 δx σ −2 − x2 2σ . (16.14) = dδx e erfc √ √ 2 1/2 2σ 2π >νσ 2(σ 2 − σ −2 ξ12 )
The probability of having δx > νσ is similarly ν 1 P1 = dδx P (δx ) = erfc √ . 2 2 >νσ
By the law of conditional probabilities the conditional probability of having δx > νσ given that δy > νσ is Pc =
P2 . P1
(2) If we divide a distribution into many small equal-volume regions above and below threshold νσ , then the fraction of regions above threshold at distance r from a region above threshold equals the conditional probability Pc we have just evaluated. If we consider a shell encompassing N regions at distance r of volume Vr around a region above threshold, then a number N Pc will be above threshold and their numerical density will be ρc = N Pc /Vr . On the other hand the fraction of regions above threshold equals P1 and by the same argument their numerical density will be ρ0 = N P1 /Vr . Therefore the requested ratio is P2 /P12 . Now this can be interpreted as in Eq. (3.5) as a conditional correlation function for regions above threshold: 1 + ξ>νσ =
ρc P2 = 2. ρ0 P1
Answers to the problems This amounts to 1 + ξ>νσ =
3 δx2 12 δx dδx e− 2σ 2 erfc √2σσ (σν−ξ 4 −ξ 2 )1/2 12 . √ √ σ 2π [erfc(ν/ 2)]2
(3) In the limit of ξ12 1 we have σ 3 ν − ξ12 δx ξ12 δx 2 ξ12 δx −x 2 xe , erfc √ erfc x 1 − erfc(x) + √ 3 2 1/2 4 νσ π νσ 3 2σ (σ − ξ12 ) (16.19) √ where x = ν/ 2 . We have then 1 + ξ>νσ
δx2 −x 2 12 δx dδx e− 2σ 2 erfc(x) + √2π ξνσ 3 xe √ σ 2π [erfc(x)]2 2 δ2 4ξ12 xe−x 1 − x2 2σ 1+ dδ δ e √ √ x x νσ 3 π[erfc(x)]2 2π σ >νσ 2
e−2x 4ξ12 x √ . νσ 2 π[erfc(x)]2 2 2
= 1+
√ 2 Since erfc(x) e−x /(x π) for large x, we finally have ν 2 4ξ12 x 3 ξ12 . ξ>νσ √ σ 2νσ 2
This shows that in the limit of ξ12 1 and ν 1 the correlation functions of regions above the threshold is (ν/σ )2 times the underlying correlation function. The ratio b = ν/σ can be seen then as the bias between the regions and the density field. This is an example of how a linear, constant bias can arise if we identify the regions above threshold as sites of galaxy formation. 4.2 Multiplying the term P 0 (µ) = 1 for Eq. (4.170) and integrating it in the range [−1, 1], we obtain +1 +1 +1 dµ dµ dµ + ik µ (µ) + ik µ 0 + 2 2 2 −1 −1 −1 +1 dµ = −τop 0 − 0 + vb µ , (16.22) 2 −1 which shows thatthe r.h.s. of this equation vanishes. Since the dipole moment is given +1 by 1 = −(1/ i) −1 (dµ/2)µ (µ), the above equation reduces to Eq. (4.176). Similarly the multiplication of the term P1 (µ) = µ for Eq. (4.170) yields 1 − k
dµ 2 1 i µ (µ) − k = τop 1 − vb . 2 3 3
Chapter 5
5.0 (d)
(a) ΩΛ(0) = 0 (b)
(c) (b)
= 0.3
(c) ΩΛ(0) = 0.7 (d) ΩΛ(0) = 1
H 0dL
0.0 0
1.5 z
Figure 16.1 The luminosity distance dL versus the redshift z in the flat Universe for (0) = 0, 0.3, 0.7, 1. +1 The quadrupole moment is given by 2 = −1 (dµ/2)P2 (µ) (µ), where P2 (µ) = (3µ2 − 1)/2. It then follows that +1 1 2 dµ 2 µ (µ) = 0 − 2 . (16.24) 2 3 3 −1 Neglecting 2 relative to 0 and substituting Eq. (16.24) into Eq. (16.23), we obtain Eq. (4.177). 4.3 Substituting Eq. (4.178) into Eq. (4.177), we get 1 =
1 Rs a k k + 0 − 1 . 3 3(1 + Rs ) 1 + Rs a
Taking the derivative of Eq. (4.176) in terms of η and using Eq. (16.25) to eliminate 1 , we find 1 k2 Rs a 0 + k 2 + 0 − k 1 = − . 3 3(1 + Rs ) 1 + Rs a
After eliminating the term 1 with the use of Eq. (4.177), we arrive at Eq. (4.179).
Chapter 5 5.1 In Fig. 16.1 we plot dL (z) versus z for several different values of (0) (derived by using a fortran code). The luminosity distance gets larger for increasing (0) . 5.2 The numerical plot of rBAO (z) is given in Fig. 5.9.
Answers to the problems
Chapter 6 6.1 For the K¨ahler potential (6.36) and the superpotential W (C) that depends on C only, the field potential is given by ∗ ∗ 2 κ2 2 (T + T −2CC ) 2 ∗ 2 |DC W | +|DS W | (S +S ) , V = (T + T ∗ − 2CC ∗ )3 (S + S ∗ ) 6(T + T ∗ ) (16.27) where DC W =
6C ∗ W ∂W + , ∂C T + T ∗ − 2CC ∗
DS W = −
W . S + S∗
If the potential V vanishes we have that DC W = 0 and DS W = 0, thereby giving W = 0 and ∂W/∂C = 0. In this case DT W = −3W/(T + T ∗ ) = 0 and hence the field configuration with V = 0 corresponds to the supersymmetric state. 6.2 For the K¨ahler potential (6.37) and the superpotential (6.40) with ρ = iσ , we obtain ! Dρ W = i cAe−cσ + (3/2)(W0 + Ae−cσ )/σ and Kρρ ∗ = 3/(4σ 2 ). We then find that the field potential V is given by Eq. (6.42). Taking the derivative of Eq. (6.42) in terms of σ , it follows that ! dV cA = − e−2cσ σ −3 (2 + cσ ) 3W0 ecσ + A(3 + 2cσ ) , dσ 6
which has a minimum at the value σ = σc satisfying the condition (6.41).
Chapter 7 7.1 The equation for perturbations about the fixed point is given by Eq. (7.25) with the matrix element 9 3 a11 = −3 + (1 − wM )x12 + (1 + wM )(1 − x22 ) , 2 2 √ a12 = 6λx2 − 3(1 + wM )x1 x2 , √ 6 a21 = − λx2 + 3(1 − wM )x1 x2 , 2 √ 3 3 6 λx1 + (1 − wM )x12 + (1 + wM )(1 − 3x22 ) . a22 = − 2 2 2
(16.30) (16.31) (16.32) (16.33)
From Eq. (7.26) we obtain the eigenvalues of this matrix for each fixed point. 7.2 Taking the derivative of the quantity x = φ˙2 /(2V ) in terms of N , we find 1+
1 d ln x V,φ φ˙ 2 + 2V . =− 6 dN V 6H φ˙
Chapter 7 437 √ ˙ φ˙ 2 + 2V ), we obtain Eq. (7.30). DifUsing the relation (1 + wφ )/ φ = 2 3H |φ|/( ferentiating Eq. (7.30) with respect to φ gives φ wφ y V H − , (16.35) + −1= V,φ φ˙ 2(1 + wφ ) 2φ 6 + y
where a prime represents a derivative with respect to N . Substituting wφ /(1 + wφ ) = y/(x + 1) and φ / φ = 3(1 − φ )[wM (x + 1) − x + 1]/(x + 1) into Eq. (16.35), we arrive at Eq. (7.31). 7.3 We consider the two-field system in the presence of a barotropic fluid with an equation of state wM . Defining the following dimensionless quantities κ φ˙ i κ Vi e−κλi φi xi ≡ √ , yi ≡ , (16.36) √ 6H 3H we obtain the following autonomous equations (i = 1, 2) " ! dxi 3 2 3 = −3xi + λi yi + xi 2x12 + 2x22 + (1 + wM )(1 − x12 − y12 − x22 − y22 ) , dN 2 2 (16.37) " ! dyi 3 3 = −λi xi yi + yi 2x12 + 2x22 + (1 + wM )(1 − x12 − y12 − x22 − y22 ) , dN 2 2 (16.38) together with ! 1 dH 3 = − 2x12 + 2x22 + (1 + wM )(1 − x12 − y12 − x22 − y22 ) , H dN 2 M = 1 − x12 − y12 − x22 − y22 .
(16.39) (16.40)
Setting dxi /dN = dyi /dN = 0, we get eight fixed points for the above system [192]. Among them the stable fixed √ point that can be2 used1/2for 2 the√late2 time acceleration is (x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 ) = (λeff / 6λ1 , (λeff /λ1 )(1 − λeff /6) , λeff / 6λ2 , (λeff /λ2 )(1 − λ2eff /6)1/2 ) with weff = −1 + λ2eff /3 and φ = 1. Considering linear perturbations about this fixed point, we find that it is stable under the condition λ2eff < 3(1 + wM ). 7.4 Substituting the relations Kϕϕ ∗ =
1 − ln(2κϕ) X = 2 2, 2κ 2 ϕ 2 2κ ϕ
Di W = −M 3+α ϕ −α−1 (α − 1 + X) , (16.41)
into Eq. (6.23), we get the potential (7.65). 7.5 Using the derivative with respect to z, Eq. (7.8) can be written as 2 κ ρm 1 1 + z dH κ 2 dφ 2 =− − . 2 dz (1 + z)2 2H 2 H dz
Answers to the problems This reduces to Eq. (7.85) by substituting ρm = ρm(0) (1 + z)3 . Plugging Eq. (7.85) into Eq. (7.7), we obtain Eq. (7.86).
Chapter 8 8.1 We introduce a new scalar field defined by ϕ = eκαλφ /(καλ). Since ∂ϕ/∂φ = −2 (1−2α)/α ˜ ˜ and Xeκλφ = X(καλϕ) , where X˜ ≡ eκαλφ it follows that X = X(καλϕ) µν −(1/2)g ∂µ ϕ∂ν ϕ. Hence the scaling Lagrangian (8.27) can be written as (1−2α)/α ˜ X(καλϕ) ˜ . (16.43) P (ϕ, X) = (καλϕ)−2 Xg ˜ = K(ϕ)p(X) ˜ with For the choice α = 1/2 this Lagrangian density reduces to P (ϕ, X) K(ϕ) = (κλ/2)−2 ϕ −2 ,
˜ = Xg( ˜ X) ˜ . p(X)
This shows that the k-essence model with the Lagrangian density P (φ, X) = V0 φ −2 p(X) has a scaling solution. 8.2 Substituting the relations Pφ = K(φ)g(y)/y and ρφ = −K(φ)g (y) into Eq. (8.15), we obtain 3 g(y) − yg (y) dy K˙ = − g (y) . (16.45) dN g (y) y 3H K For the choice K(φ) = 1/φ 2 one has √ $ K˙ φ 2φ˙ 2 6 =− =− , HK Hφ y −g (y)
√ where we have used the relations 1/(H φ) = 3φ /(−g (y)) and φ˙ = 2/y. Substituting Eq. (16.46) into Eq. (16.45), we arrive at Eq. (8.53). Taking the derivative of the relation φ = ρφ /(3H 2 ) in terms of N , it follows that dφ H˙ = φ −3(1 + wφ ) − 2 2 , (16.47) dN H where we have used ρ˙φ /(Hρφ ) = −3(1 + wφ ). From Eq. (8.14) we find 2
1 g(y) − yg (y) 3ρm + 4ρr H˙ = − − H2 H 2φ2 y 3H 2 = −3φ (1 + wφ ) − 3(1 − φ )(1 + wrm ) .
At the second equality we have employed the relations g(y) − yg (y) = −yg (y)(1 + wφ ) and (3ρm + 4ρr )/(3H 2 ) = 3(1 − φ )(1 + wm ). Substituting Eq. (16.48) into Eq. (16.47) results in Eq. (8.54). Using the definition of wrm and the relation ρ˙r = −4Hρr , we can obtain Eq. (8.55) easily.
Chapter 8
8.3 Perturbing Eqs. (8.82)–(8.84) about the fixed points (x1 , x2 , x3 ), we obtain the perturbation equations √ 3 9 3 1 d δx1 = − + x12 + 6Qx1 − x22 + x32 δx1 dN 2 2 2 2 √ √ + x2 6(Q + λ) − 3x1 δx2 + x3 (x1 + 6Q)δx3 , (16.49) √ √ d 1 6 δx2 = x2 3x1 − λ δx1 + (3 + 3x12 − 9x22 + x32 − 6λx1 )δx2 +x2 x3 δx3 , dN 2 2 (16.50) 1 d δx3 = 3x1 x3 δx1 − 3x2 x3 δx2 + (−1 + 3x12 − 3x22 + 3x32 )δx3 . dN 2
For the fixed points (e), (a), (c) the eigenvalues of the 3 × 3 Jacobian matrix of perturbations are given by Eqs. (8.85), (8.86), and (8.88), respectively. 8.4 At the linear level the perturbation of the quantity Y about Yc is given by δY = 2[(xc /yc2 )δx − (xc2 /yc3 )δy]. When we consider linear perturbations of the term g + g1 , we need to take into account the second-order derivative of g in terms of Y . Then it follows that δ(g + Y g ) = (2gc + Yc gc )δY , where gc ≡ dg(Yc )/dY . The perturbation of the density parameter, ϕ = x 2 (g + 2Y g ), is δϕ = 2(xc /Ac )δx − 2(xc2 /yc )(3Yc gc + 2Yc2 gc )δy ,
where Ac = [gc + 5Yc gc + 2Yc2 gc ]−1 . Recalling that the fixed points A and B satisfy Eqs. (8.210) and (8.211), we find that the components of the Jacobian matrix M of perturbations are
a11 a12
√ 6 = −3 + (16.53) (2Q + λ)xc + 3xc2 (gc + Yc gc ) , 2 √ 3xc √ (Q + λ)ϕ + Q , = yc −3gc xc Yc2 + 2 − 6(Q + λ)Yc + 6Ac yc 2yc2 yc √ = − 6λ + 6xc (gc + Yc gc ) , 2
a22 = −3gc xc2 Yc .
(16.54) (16.55) (16.56)
We then obtain the eigenvalues (8.213) and (8.219) for the fixed points A and B, respectively.
Answers to the problems
Chapter 9 9.1 The variation of the action (9.226) with respect to gµν and φ leads to the following equations (m) , (16.57) F Gµν = 12 (f − RF )gµν + ∇ν F,µ − gµν F + 12 f,X φ,µ φ,ν + Tµν
∇c (f,X φ ,c ) + f,φ = 0 ,
(m) is the energy-momentum tensor of non-relativistic matter. where F = ∂f/∂R and Tµν In the flat FLRW spacetime Eqs. (16.57) and (16.58) give
3F H 2 = f,X X + 12 (F R − f ) − 3H F˙ + ρm ,
−2F H˙ = f,X X + F¨ − H F˙ + ρm ,
1 3 ˙ · a φf,X − f,φ = 0 . a3
We define ρDE ≡ f,X X + 12 (F R − f ) − 3H F˙ + 3H 2 (A − F ) ,
PDE ≡ F¨ + 2H F˙ −
1 (F R 2
− f ) − (2H˙ + 3H )(A − F ) , 2
where A is some constant. Then Eqs. (16.59) and (16.60) can be written as Eqs. (9.44) and (9.45) with ρr = 0. Moreover one can easily show that ρDE and PDE defined above satisfy the continuity equation ρ˙DE + 3H (ρDE + PDE ) = 0. 9.2 Expanding Eq. (9.124) under the linear expansion of the variable ψ = ψ0 (1 + δψ ), we find
δT ∂2 2 − ∇ δψ + Mψ2 δψ = − , 2 ∂t (3 + 2ωBD )ψ0
where Mψ2 ≡
2(ψ0 U,ψψ − U,ψ ) . 3 + 2ωBD
Since ψ = F (R), U = (RF − f )/2, and ωBD = 0 for f (R) theory in the metric formalism, we have U,ψ = R/2 and U,ψψ = 1/(2f,RR ). In this case we obtain the field mass squared (9.52) from Eq. (16.65).
Chapter 9
9.3 The eigenvalues for the fixed points (a)–(e) are given by 3 − 2Q2 3 + 2Qλ − 6Q2 , , 2 2(1 − 2Q ) 2(1 − 2Q2 ) √ √ 3 + 6Q 3( 6 + 4Q − λ) , , (b1) √ √ 6 + 6Q 1 + 6Q √ √ 3( 6 − 4Q + λ) 3 − 6Q (b2) , , √ √ 6 − 6Q 1 − 6Q (a) −
(16.66) (16.67) (16.68)
3 − λ2 + 7Qλ − 12Q2 6 − λ2 + 8Qλ − 16Q2 , − , (16.69) 2(1 − 4Q2 + Qλ) 1 − 4Q2 + Qλ $ 8(6Q2 − 2Qλ − 3)(12Q2 + λ2 − 7Qλ − 3) 3(2Q − λ) , 1± 1+ (d) 4λ 3(2Q − λ)2
(c) −
(16.70) (e) − 3, − 3 .
9.4 Taking the derivative of Eq. (9.212) in terms of τ , we obtain 2 2 2 2 κ(5) κ(5) a˙ b n2b [a˙ ] a˙ b κ(5) a˙ b n˙ b a¨ b a˙ b =− ρM − + 2 − 2 + K ρ˙M − . 2 2 ab 3 3 ab ab κ(4) ab nb ab nb ab2 ab2 (16.72) Substituting Eqs. (16.72) and (9.213) into the equation, (a˙ b /ab )([n ]/nb ) − [a˙ ]/ab = 0, we get dρM a˙ b + 3 (ρM + PM ) = 0 , dτ ab
which is equivalent to Eq. (9.217).
Chapter 10 10.1 The component R01 of the Ricci tensor for the metric equation (10.1) is 2R X˙ − 2XR˙ . XR
X˙ R˙ = , X R
X(r, t) = R (r, t)f (r) ,
R01 = Therefore R01 = 0 implies
which is solved by
Answers to the problems
where f (r) is an arbitrary function of r. By choosing β(r) = f −2 − 1 we recover the LTB metric in the form of Eq. (10.2). 10.2 Let us rewrite Eq. (10.10) as 5 6 ˙ 2 3 2 (0) (0) R m R0 K R0 2 2 , (16.77) H⊥ = = H⊥,0 + R R3 R2 (0) where (0) K = 1 − m . Using the relation dt = dR/(H⊥ R) = dx/(H⊥ x), where x = R/R0 , the cosmic age tage is given by $ 1 1 (0) dx (0) m K −1 = − sinh . (16.78) H⊥,0 tage = (0) (0) (0) 3/2 (0) (0) ( ) 0 [m /x + K ]1/2 m K K
Therefore, if one chooses the Hubble function and the (0) m function so that $ (0) (0) 1 K , (16.79) H⊥,0 = T0−1 (0) − (0)m sinh−1 K (K )3/2 (0) m then the time since big bang, tage = T0 , would be the same for every observer. (From Ref. [452].) 10.3 From the redshift z≡
ε(0) − ε(λs ) , ε(λs )
we obtain the derivative dε ε(0) dz dε 1 =− = −(1 + z) . dλs dλs ε2 (λs ) dλs ε
The next step is to derive dε/dλs . Let us rewrite the dt/dλs geodesic equation for J = 0 for a light ray t1 (λs ) [see Eq. (10.23)]: dt1 dr R (t1 , r) . =− √ dλs dλs 1 + β(r)
Consider now the geodesic of the same light ray: t2 (λs ) = t1 (λs ) + ε(λs ). At firstorder in ε we have dt1 dε dr R (t1 + ε, r) dt2 dr R (t1 ) + ε R˙ (t1 , r) = + =− =− . √ √ dλs dλs dλs dλs 1 + β(r) dλs 1 + β(r)
By subtraction we obtain dr ε R˙ (t1 , r) dε =− . √ dλs dλs 1 + β(r)
dr (1 + z)R˙ (t, r) dz = , √ dλs dλs 1 + β(r)
The redshift is then found as
Chapter 12
or dz (1 + z)R˙ (t, r) = √ , dr 1 + β(r)
which corresponds to Eq. (10.24). (From Ref. [453].)
Chapter 11 11.1 The equation to be solved is 1 3 δm + (1 − 3DE wDE )δm − m δm = 0 . 2 2
If both weff = DE wDE and m = 1 − DE are constants, the above equation can be solved immediately by substituting δm = AeαN where N = ln a is the number of e-foldings. We then obtain 1 3 α 2 + (1 − 3weff )α − m = 0 , 2 2
which gives α=
1 −1 + 3weff ± 24m + (1 − 3weff )2 . 4
11.2 As long as the oscillating mode can be neglected relative to the matter-induced mode in Eq. (11.136), we obtain δF δρm /[3(k 2 /a 2 + M 2 )]. Plugging this into Eq. (11.135), we find −
δρm a 2 4k 2 /a 2 + 3M 2 . 2F k 2 3(k 2 /a 2 + M 2 )
Then the matter perturbation equation (11.131) reduces to H 3 4k 2 /a 2 + 3M 2 + 1+ δm − m δm 0. δm H 2 3(k 2 /a 2 + M 2 )
This gives the effective gravitational “constant”: Geff =
G 4k 2 /a 2 + 3M 2 , F 3(k 2 /a 2 + M 2 )
where we recovered the gravitational constant G.
Chapter 12 ˙ + v into Eq. (12.1) and taking 12.1 Substituting the relations ρ = ρm + δρm and u = ax the zero-th-order part, we find ρ˙m +
1 ˙ m x) = 0 ∇x (aρ a
ρ˙m + 3Hρm = 0 .
Answers to the problems The perturbed part corresponds to the equation ∂(δρm ) 1 1 − H (x · ∇x )δρm + ρm ∇x v + H ∇x · (δρm x) + ∇x · (δρm v) = 0 . ∂t a a (16.94) On using Eq. (16.93) and the relation H ∇x · (δρm x) = H (x · ∇x )δρm + 3H δρm , Eq. (16.94) reduces to Eq. (12.7). On using Eqs. (12.4) and (12.5), the following relations hold ∂v ∂u ¨ + ˙ − H (x · ∇x )v , = ax − H ax (16.95) ∂t r ∂t x ˙ + H v + H (x · ∇x )v + (u · ∇r )u = H ax
1 (v · ∇x )v . a
Substituting these relations into Eq. (12.2), we obtain Eq. (12.8) with given in Eq. (12.10). Equation (12.3) can be written as 2 ∇x2 N − π Ga 2 ρm x 2 = 4π Ga 2 δρm . (16.97) 3 ¨ = −(4π G/3)ρm , we obtain Eq. (12.9). On using the relation a/a 12.2 At second order Eq. (12.21) can be written as H 3 δ (2) − m δ (2) δ (2) + 1 + H 2 vi (∇ i vj )(∇ j vi ) vi vi 3 m i = δ12 DL2 + 1 + (∇ δ ) + 2 + . D D D 1 L L + L 2 2f H H H H2 (16.98) In the absence of shear the linear velocity is irrotational, so we can define a velocity potential vp such that vi ≡ ∇i vp . Then Eq. (12.11) is of the Poisson type at first order and it can be solved to give vp = HDL . Then finally we can write Eq. (12.12) at first order as 3 m vi = −1 + HDL ∇i , 2 f
and use it to simplify Eq. (16.98), which now becomes as in Eq. (12.22). 12.3 The virialization condition gives RV = RT /2 ,
where RT is the turnaround radius. The time tV at virialization is twice the time tT it takes to turnaround. Therefore the scale factor that grows as a ∝ t 2/3 in the Einstein– de Sitter Universe is aV = 22/3 aT at virialization. The density contrast inside the
Chapter 13
radius R is defined as δ = (aR0 /R)3 − 1 .
Then at RV one has δV = (aV R0 /RV )3 − 1 32(aT R0 /RT )3 − 1 while at turnaround δT = (aT R0 /RT )3 − 1, so that we obtain δV 32(1 + δT ) − 1 .
Since we have already calculated in Section 12.3 that δT 4.6, we obtain δV 178. The value of τ corresponding to this is 4.77, which in turn implies that δL 1.59. This is very close to the singular value δc 1.686, as expected. 12.4 The expression ρDE ∼ R −3(1−β)(1+w) a −3β(1+w)
is the solution of the conservation equation R˙ ρ˙DE + 3 (1 + w)ρDE = βρDE R
˙ ˙ where = 3(1 + w)(R/R − a/a). (From Refs. [520, 521].)
Chapter 13 13.1 We have r the probability that a hypothesis is correct: P (C) = 0.01, r the probability that a hypothesis is in agreement with data given that it is correct: P (A|C) = 0.8, r the probability that a hypothesis is in agreement with data although it is wrong: P (A|C) = 0.1. From the first we obtain P (C) = 0.99. From Bayes’ theorem the probability for a hypothesis to be correct given that it is confirmed by data is P (C|A) =
P (A|C)P (C) . P (A)
We can evaluate P (A) using the definition of conditional probabilities as follows: P (A) = P (A, C) + P (A, C) = P (A|C)P (C) + P (A|C)P (C) = 0.8 · 0.01 + 0.1 · 0.99 ≈ 0.107 .
Then we have P (C|A) =
P (A|C)P (C) 0.8 · 0.01 = 0.075 . P (A) 0.107
That is, given our assumptions, a hypothesis confirmed by data is correct less than 8% of the times.
Answers to the problems
13.2 For the likelihood L1 we need to perform the integral (we ignore the normalization constant) 5 6 ∞ 1 (αmi − µi )2 dα exp − L= 2 i σi2 −∞ 6 5 µ2 ∞ α 2 m2 − 2αµi mi − 12 i 2i 1 i σi =e . (16.109) dα exp − 2 i σi2 −∞ We define now Sab ≡
ma µb i
and complete the square in the integrand exponential by summing and subtracting 2 /S20 as follows S11 S2 − 12 S02 − S11
2 1 S11 2 α S20 − 2αS11 + L=e dα exp − 2 S20 −∞ 5 6 ∞ S2 − 12 S02 − S11 1 S11 2 20 . (16.111) α S20 − √ =e dα exp − 2 S20 −∞
√ The Gaussian integral gives 2π/S20 , which does not depend on the theoretical parameters and can be absorbed in the normalization constant N . Therefore the marginalized function becomes L = Ne
S2 − 12 S02 − S11 20
For the likelihood L2 we need to perform the integral 5 6 ∞ 1 (mi − αµi )2 dα exp − L= 2 i σi2 −∞ 6 5 m2 ∞ − 12 i 2i 1 α 2 µ2i − 2αµi mi σi =e . dα exp − 2 i σi2 −∞
We complete the square as follows S2 − 12 S20 − S11
2 1 S11 2 L=e α S02 − 2αS11 + dα exp − 2 S02 −∞ 5 6 ∞ S2 − 12 S20 − S11 1 S11 2 02 . (16.114) α S02 − √ =e dα exp − 2 S02 −∞
√ The Gaussian integral gives 2π/S02 , which now depends on the theoretical parameters and must be included in the final likelihood. On the other hand the S20 term in
Chapter 14
the first factor can be absorbed in the normalization. So we have 2 1 S11 (S 02
L = Ne 2
−ln S02 )
13.3 The prior of model A√is a Dirac δD function centered on θ = 0, whereas the prior of 2 2 2 model B is e−θ /2 / 2π 2 . The data are described by a Gaussian e−(θ −θmax )/2σ with θmax = λσ . We calculate Bayes’ ratio as f (x; θiM1 )p(θiM1 )dθiM1 BAB = f (x ; θiM2 )p(θiM2 )dθiM2 −(θ −θ )/2σ 2 max δ(θ )dθ e = 2 −θ 2 /2 2 2 −1/2 −(θ −θ )/2σ max e (2π ) e dθ 2 − λ (16.116) = 1 + r −2 e 2(1+r 2 ) , where r = σ/. If the best-fit parameter θmax is many σ away from the predicted θ = 0 (i.e. λ 1), then it follows that BAB 1, favoring model B that allows for the extra freedom . But if λ is not too large and r 1, i.e. the data is much more peaked than the B prior and close to the predicted value, then we have BAB ≈ 1/r 1 so that the extra parameter introduced by model B is not needed and A is favored. This is in line with Ockham’s razor argument. If r 1, then BAB ≈ 1 and hence there is not enough information to decide between A and B. Although B has more parameters, the fact that the data have a large error and are too poor to constrain θ implies that no preference must be given to either A or B.
Chapter 14 14.1 We need to evaluate 9 C = 2
[( + 1)/2] [( + 2)/2]
dk Pδ (k)[(H2 D),ηp ]2 , k4
+ 1/2 . k
where ηp is the solution of χ (ηp ) =
Since weff = constant we have H 2 = H02 (1 + z)3(1+weff ) and zp d˜z 2 1 − (1 + zp )−(1+3weff )/2 , = χ (zp ) = H (˜z) H0 1 + 3weff 0
from which Eq. (16.118) gives H0 (2 + 1)(1 + 3weff ) −2/(1+3weff ) k0 −2/(1+3weff ) 1 + zp = 1 − = 1− , 4k k (16.120)
Answers to the problems 1
0.001 n = 1.0 n = 2.0
Figure 16.2 ISW spectra for n = 1, 2 in arbitrary units. where k0 = H0 (2 + 1)(1 + 3weff )/4. Moreover, we have H2 D = H 2 a 2 D = H02 a p−1−3weff , (H2 D),η = H
d(H2 D) 3 = (p − 1 − 3weff )H3 D = (p − 1 − 3weff )H03 a p− 2 (1+3weff ) , dN (16.122)
so that for n < −3 we have ∞ 9 [( + 1)/2] 2 6 2 AH0 (1 + 3weff − p) dk k n−4 (1 + zp )3(1+3weff )−2p C = 2 [( + 2)/2] 0 2(3−2p+9weff ) [( + 1)/2] 2 n−3 ∞ 1 − 1+3weff n−4 1− = A1 k0 dq q [( + 2)/2] q 0 2 n−3 [( + 1)/2] 1 = A2 , (16.123) + [( + 2)/2] 2 where q = k/k0 , A1 = 9AH06 (1 + 3weff − p)2 /2, and A2 = A1 (H0 |1 + 3weff |/2)n−3 [3 − n][−3 + β + n]/ [β] with β = −2(9weff − 2p + 3)/(1 + 3weff ). The spectrum C is shown in Fig. 16.2 for some values of n. 14.2 Let us expand a plane wave in Legendre polynomials e
∞ 0
(2 + 1)i P (µkr )j (kr) ,
Chapter 14
where µkr denotes the cosine of the angle between k and r. Equation (14.51) can be written as ξs (r) = Pr (k)(1 + 2βµ2kd + β 2 µ4kd ) eik·r d3 k = ξr (r) + #1 + #2 ,
where µkd denotes the angle between r and the line of sight d and #1 ≡ 2β Pr (k)µ2kd eik·r d3 k , #2 ≡ β 2 Pr (k)µ4kd eik·r d3 k .
Now µ2kd in #1 can be expanded in Legendre polynomials as µ2kd =
b P =
1 2 P0 (µkd ) + P2 (µkd ) , 3 3
and similarly µ4kd in #2 : µ4kd =
1 4 8 P0 + P2 + P4 . 5 7 35
Expanding eik·r , we then have 6 5 ∞ 1 2 (2 + 1)i P (µkr )j (kr) k 2 dk dk , #1 = 2β Pr (k) P0 (µkd )+ P2 (µkd ) 3 3 0 (16.129) where dk denotes the integration over the angular coordinates of k. Now we need to use the generalization of the orthonormality relation given by Eq. (14.144): 4π dkr P (µkd )P (µkr ) = P (µrd )δ . (16.130) 2 + 1 Then we obtain #1 = 8πβ
Pr (k)
1 2 P0 (µrd )j0 (kr) − P2 (µrd )j2 (kr) k 2 dk , 3 3
and similarly 1 4 8 2 #2 = 4πβ Pr (k) P0 (µrd )j0 (kr)− P2 (µrd )j2 (kr)+ P4 (µrd )j4 (kr) k 2 dk . 5 7 35 (16.132) The integrals on j0 = sin(x)/x give the isotropic correlation function (16.133) ξr (r) = 4π Pr (k)j0 (kr)k 2 dk . For instance in #1 we have 1 8π sin(kr) 2 2 2 8πβ Pr (k) P0 (µrd )j0 (kr) k dk = β Pr (k) k dk = βξr (r) . 3 3 kr 3 (16.134)
Answers to the problems Let us consider now the term in #1 : 4 A ≡ − βP2 (µrd ) · 4π 3
Pr (k)j2 (kr) k 2 dk .
We want to express j2 (kr) in terms of j0 (kr), so we can write I2 in terms of the isotropic correlation function ξr . To do so we need to notice that 3 I2 (r) ≡ 3 r
4π ξr (y)y dy = 3 r
= 4π = 4π
0 2
k dk Pr (k) (kr)3
kr 0
3 sin(ky) ky
3 sin(z) 2 z dz z
Pr (k)
= 4π
y 2 dy
Pr (k)k dk
k dk(kr)3 [j2 (kr) + j0 (kr)] (kr)3
Pr (k)k 2 dk[j2 (kr) + j0 (kr)]
= ξr (r) + 4π
Pr (k)k 2 dkj2 (kr) ,
so that 4 A = − βP2 (µrd )[I2 (r) − ξr (r)] . 3
Analogously, we can use the relation 5 I4 ≡ 5 r
4π ξr (y)y dy = 5 r
y 4 dy
Pr (k)k dk
0 2
5 sin(ky) ky
5 sin(z) 4 z dz z 0 k2 5 2 5 dk(kr) − j4 (kr) + j2 (kr) + j0 (kr) = 4π Pr (k) (kr)5 7 7 5 8 = ξr (r) + [I2 − ξr (r)]− π Pr (k)k 2 j4 (kr)dk , (16.138) 7 7
= 4π
k Pr (k) dk (kr)5
to simplify the j4 term in #2 : 8 2 β P4 (µrd ) · 4π Pr (k)j4 (kr) k 2 dk 35 8 2 7 5 7 = β P4 (µrd ) ξr + (I2 − ξr ) − I4 . 35 2 2 2
Chapter 14
Then we have 2 4 βξr − βP2 (µrd )[I2 (r) − ξr (r)] , (16.140) 3 3 1 4 8 5 7 #2 = β 2 ξr − β 2 P2 (µrd )[I2 (r) − ξr (r)] + β 2 P4 (µrd ) ξr + I2 − I4 . 5 7 35 2 2
#1 =
(16.141) So finally the expansion Eq. (14.52) in multipoles = 0, 2, 4 is 1 4 2 4 ξs = P0 (µrd ) 1 + β + β 2 ξr + P2 (µrd ) β + β 2 [ξr (r) − I2 (r)] 3 5 3 7 8 5 7 + β 2 P4 (µrd ) ξr + I2 − I4 . (16.142) 35 2 2 14.3 Integrating the right-hand side of Eq. (14.59) by parts we obtain (replacing r with s for later convenience) ∞ ∞ sξ (s) 2 2 1/2 ∞ #(σ ) = 2 ds = [ξ (s)(s − σ ) ] − 2 ξ (s)(s 2 − σ 2 )1/2 ds . σ (s 2 − σ 2 )1/2 σ σ (16.143) The boundary term vanishes if ξ (s) decreases to 0 faster than 1/s for s → ∞ and if it is not singular at s = σ . Differentiating Eq. (16.143) with respect to σ , we find ∞ ξ (s)σ ds . (16.144) # (σ ) = 2 (s 2 − σ 2 )1/2 σ Inserting this into the r.h.s. of Eq. (14.60) we obtain ∞ ξ (s)σ 2 ∞ dσ ds 2 The r.h.s. of Eq. (14.60) = − π r (s − σ 2 )1/2 (σ 2 − r 2 )1/2 σ s ∞ 2 σ dσ =− dsξ (s) 2 − σ 2 )1/2 (σ 2 − r 2 )1/2 π r (s r ∞ =− dsξ (s) = ξ (r) , (16.145) r
where we have assumed ξ (∞) = 0. The change of the integral limits in the third line is possible because the two-dimensional domain of integration s ∈ (σ, ∞) ∩ σ ∈ (r, ∞) is identical to σ ∈ (r, s) ∩ s ∈ (r, ∞). 14.4 We need to evaluate the integrals (16.146) qij(circ) = dθx dθy (f + 2κwl θ 2 f,θ 2 )θi θj , qij(ell)
= −2
dθx dθy (γ1 θx2 − γ1 θy2 + 2γ2 θx θy )f,θ 2 θi θj .
Answers to the problems Let us define
Enm ≡
dθx dθy f,θ 2 θxn θym .
Since f is a function that depends only on θ 2 , we have Enm = 0 if either n or m is odd and Enm = Emn . Then we are left with γ (E − E22 ) 2γ2 E22 qij(ell) = −2 1 40 . (16.149) 2γ2 E22 γ1 (E04 − E22 ) We have also
U = 0
0 U
+ O(κwl ) ,
where U ≡ dθx dθy f θx2 = dθx dθy f θy2 . Changing to polar coordinates θx = θ cos α, θy = θ sin α, integrating over α, and putting v = θ 2 , the quantity U can be written as π 1 U= dθx dθy f θ 2 = π dθf θ 3 = dvf (v)v . (16.151) 2 2 Then we can evaluate the ellipticity ε1 =
qxx − qyy E40 − 2E22 + E04 = −2γ1 . qxx + qyy 2U
The numerator can be integrated by changing again to polar coordinates and then by carrying out the partial integration: E40 − 2E22 + E04 = dθx dθy f,θ 2 (θx2 − θy2 )2 = π = 2
dα(cos2 α − sin2 α)2
θ 5 f,θ 2 dθ v
2 df
dv = −π
f vdv = −2U .
So finally we obtain ε1 = 2γ1 .
The O(κwl ) term in qij(circ) is clearly a second-order correction. Similarly, we can write π π U θ 5 dθf,θ 2 = − f vdv = − , (16.155) E22 = dθx dθy f,θ 2 θx2 θy2 = 4 4 2 and hence ε2 =
2qxy E22 = −8γ2 = 2γ2 . qxx + qyy 2U
Chapter 14
14.5 Suppose we have a field f (x, y, r) projected along the r-direction in flat space with some unit-normalized weight w(r),
F (θx , θy ) =
drw(r)f (r) .
In what follows we always assume small angular deviations from the survey reference direction θ so that spatial vectors are written as r = (θx r, θy r, r). The angular correlation function of F is wF (θ ) = F (θ )F (θ + θ ) = drdr w(r)w(r )f ([θx r, θy r, r]f [(θx + θx )r , (θy + θy )r , r ]
dr ξ (θx r − θx r, θy r − θy r, r ; r)
dr w (r)
dr ξ (θ x r, θ y r, r ; r) ,
dr w2 (r)
where ξ (x; y) is the spatial correlation function at line-of-sight distance y for points separated by x. In Eq. (16.158) we have assumed that the spatial angular correlation ξ depends only on the separation between two points, that it rapidly drops for large r − r (hence we can approximate θx r − θx r rθ ), and that w(r) is slowly varying compared to the scale of fluctuations so that w(r ) w(r). Now we define the angular transform F (q) =
d2 θ F (θ)e−iq·θ ,
for which the analog of Eq. (3.26) holds F (q)F ∗ (q ) = (2π )2 δD (q − q )PF (q) ,
(we neglect the volume factors) where PF is the power spectrum of F and the Fourier transform of w(θ ). Denoting the power spectrum of f (r) as pf (k), we have PF (q) =
d2 θ wF (θ )e−iq·θ
d2 θ
dr w 2 (r)
d2 θ
drw2 (r)
dr ξ (θ x r, θ y r, r ; r)e−iq·θ dr
d k pf (k; r)
d3 k pf (k; r)ei(kr r +kx θx r+ky θy r)−iq·θ
drw (r)
d2 θ dr e−i(qx −kx r)θx −i(qy −ky r)θy eikr r . (16.161)
Answers to the problems Notice that in the integration variables we de