A Concise Dictionary of Middle Egyptian
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A Concise Dictionary of Middle Egyptian
RAYMOND O. FAULKNER D.LIT .• F.S.A. LeeluTt' in Andertt Egyplian in UnilJt"ily Collegt, London
: IC G'iffilh In.,i,u,., Oxfo,d 1962 ISDN 0 9004.6 3% 7 All right, reltrwJ
This boolt was publish.d wilh a subsidy /'001 lilt of Si, Alan Gardin,,' , Trust for F,itnd, and /0' EgYPI.logical Pu,postS
Firsl p,inltd lilhol/,aphically in
by Biddl., 0/ Guild!o,d
from shetts originally Itt and ",inltd in Grtat Britain at tht University Prell , Oxford
R,p,inltd '99' by Bull., (§ Tan"., LId, Frome and London
who first tau8ht me Ancient EBYptian in 8ratitude and ciffection
PREFACE FOR a number of years it has been borne in upon me by experience in teaching and in conversation with colleagues that an urgent Egyptological requirement of the present day is an Egyptian dictionary which on the one hand shall contain those words which a third-year undergraduate or an epigraphist in the field is most likely to meet in the course of his regular work, with textual or bibliographical references, and yet which shall be sufficiently concise to be reasonably portable and not excessively costly. In the nature of things no attempt to combine these incompatibles can be wholly successful, but the need for such a book seemed to me to demand that the effort be made; apart from the invaluable Vocabulary to Sir Alan Gardiner's Egyptian Grammar there is no modern dictionary of Ancient Egyptian in English, and no modern general vocabulary in any tongue which provides references apart from the costly Wiirterbuch tier iigyptischen Sprache in several volumes, which is not only the very reverse of portable, but is also beyond the reach of most students and scholars of the present day, who to consult it must perforce have access to a specialized library. This book is therefore addressed primarily to the younger practitioners of Egyptology, though it is hoped that others may sometimes find it useful. The present work has been designed as a concise dictionary of Middle Egyptian, since it is that phase of the language which has the widest general application. For the purpose of this book the term 'Middle Egyptian' has been taken as including texts from the Heracleopolitan . period to the end of the Eighteenth Dynasty, omitting the Late Egyptian ' locutions which begin to appear from the reign of Amenophis II onward. This exclusion applies also to words or meanings not recorded before the Nineteenth Dynasty, with a few exceptions the reasons for which will be clear. It has proved desirable, however, to include references to Old Egyptian sources rather more frequently, since these at times shed light on the original significance of a word or provide instances of obvious relevance to Middle Egyptian usage; also the older texts often show the basic forms of words that have undergone phonetic change by the Middle Kingdom. On the other hand, old words which do not appear to occur in
Middle Egyptian texts have not been recorded here apart from a very few instances where the reason for inclusion will again be obvious. On the other'h and, certain Middle Egyptian words and phrases have been omitted by intent. These comprise most of the technical terms of the mathematical and medical texts which do not belong to everyday parlance; for these, the specialized works on such texts should be consulted. In order to save space I have omitted also those words whose meanin g is unknown, as well as' the names of unidentified species of animal s, plants, and minerals; the broad categories of these items can often be gathered from the determinatives, and their inclusion would have added unprofitable bulk to the book. When such words have been included, it is usually because they have received discussion in print. The names of only the most important deities and localities have been noted; for the others, works on religion and geography should be consulted. The method adopted to display the words is in essence that of the Vocabulary to Gardiner's Egyptian Grammar; first comes what may be considered a typical writing of the word in question, and this is followe d by (a) the transliteration into modern characters; (b) the meanin g, marked with a double underline; (c) a reference or references to texts displaying that meaning, or to works where the word is discussed; and (d) variant writings, also with references. These last do not preten d to be exhaustive, but display only significant differences; thus the occasional omission of a determinative, or the interchange of ~, ~, and - 4 have not usually been noted. In those scenes from tombs where we see pictures of animals and the like with their names written above them, I have where possible treated these pictures as determinatives, justifying this course by the close interdependence of script and picture in Ancien t Egypt. The alphabetic arrangement of this dictionary is that usual in works of this nature, with the proviso that I have followed Gardiner in treatin g - and ~ as one letter s. Where the existence of original _ (z) can be established from Old Egyptian texts, the earlier reading has been indicated in brackets at the first occurrence of a stem, e.g. ish (Jz!J). Apart from such instances, the interchange of - and ~ as sole variant has usually not been noted. Following the practice of Erman and Grapow , Worterbuch der iigyptischen Sprache, causative verbs in s have been entered under that letter and not under the parent stem.
PREFA CE ix In order to attain maxim um compre ssion, the meanin gs given do not attemp t to indicat e the finer nuance s, but generally are on broad lines; in some more import ant instances the provisi on of a larger numbe r of references than usual will enable the studen t who looks them up · to ascertain for himsel f someth ing of the finer shades of meaning. On the other hand, there are words such as sp and sor where the deman ds of clarity have necessitated the quotat ion of original passages, usually in translit eration . The bibliog raphica l references to be found scatter ed throug hout this book, someti mes as a 'blanke t' citation coverin g the whole range of meanin g of a word, are mostly confined to the last halfcentur y, the earliest work to be cited extensively being Gardin er's Admonitions of an Egyptian Sage (Leipz ig, 1909). As a rule, though not invariably, a given citation refers to the most recent discussion of a word. The variant writings, if any, are normal ly collected at the end of each article, but often they are embod ied in the text in order to avoid an unnece ssary repetit ion of references. The abbrev iations employ ed are explain ed in the lists which follow. Since the nature of a word is usually obviou s at a glance, such abbrev iations as n. (noun) , adj. (adjective), and the like have been inserte d only where circum stances deman d them; the adjecti ve-verb has been deeme d to be but an extension of its basic adjecti ve and has not been disting uished from it. Among the verbs, only the gemina tae and ultima e infirma e classes have be~n specified as such; all unspecified verbs are to be regarde d as immut able. In a compil ation such as the presen t work, contain ing more than 5,000 entries, the compil er in the nature of things owes much indeed to the researches of others. To mentio n names here would be invidious, but a glance at the list of works cited will show clearly enough the extent to which the presen t author has depend ed on the labour s of other scholars, and to all such, whethe r personally known or uriknown to him, he now makes due acknow ledgem ent. To the Truste es of Sir Alan Gardin er's Settlem ent for Egyptological Purpos es is owed an especia l debt of gratitu de, inasmu ch as it is they who have made possibl e the publication of this work at a very moder ate price. October. 196 I
ABBREVIATIONS OF LEXICOGRAPHICAL TERMS abbr. adj. anat. art. aux. c. cau •. coli. compo dep. det. encl. C. fig. Coli. gem. gen. imper. inC. infin . interj. interrog. intrans. L.E. L.Eg. lit. m. math. med . M.K. n. n. div.
abbreviation. adjective. anatomical. article. auxiliary. common gender. causative. collective. compound. dependent. determinative. enclitic. Ceminine. figure, figurative. Collowing, Collowed. geminatae. genitival. imperative. infirmae. infinitive. interjection. interrogative. intransitive. Lower Egypt. Late Egyptian. literally. masculine.. mathematical. medical. Middle Kingdom. noun, note. nomen divi.
neg. n . loc. non-encl. num. obj. O.K. ord.
negative. nomen loci. non-enclitic. numeral. object. Old Kingdom. ordinal. 0" one's. Papyrus. P. page{a). p., pp. particle. part. plural ; plate oC publication. pI. posse.sive. po.s. preposition. prep. pronoun . . pron. quoted. quo quod vide. q.v . restored. restd. recto. rt. singular. ag. similarly. sim. s'one someone. • 'thing something . luff. suffix. s.v. sub voce. transitive. trans. U .E. Upper Egypt. var., varr. variant(s). verb. vb: verso, vs . wtg. writing.
ABBREVIATIONS OF TEXTS AND BOOKS CITED Act<2 Orienttdi<2 . Admonitions of <211 Egyptum S<2ge, P. Leyden 34-4, quoted by column and line. Quotations by page of Gardiner's edition (e.g. Adm. p. 99) refer to the writing-board BM 5645 . For the commentary on these texts see GAS below. A . H. Gardiner, Ancient Egyptultl Ono.,,,utic<2, text volumes. AEO JIgyptologi,cMn Studien, ed. O. Firchow (Festschrift in honour of JIg . Stud. H. Grapow). Alphabd K. Sethe, Der Urspnmg de, AlphtJbets, in Nachrichten . .• G(}tti"llen, 1916. Amam<2 N. de G. Davies, Tlu ROell Tombs of El A1PI<JrM. Anc. Eg. Ancient Egypt (journal). Ami. Servo AnMles du Service des Antiquitis de l'£gypte. Barns, Ashm. J. W. B. Barns, Tlu Ashmolean Ostracon of Sinuhe. Barns, Ram. Id., Fiw Ramesseum Papyri. F. Vogelsang, Komment<2r zu den KltJgen des Bauern. Bauer BD E. A. W . Budge, Tlu Book of tlu Dead, 1898 edition. Vol. I, Text. Bersh. P. E. Newberry, El Bersluh. BH Id., Beni Hasan. BM British Museum atelae, &c., quoted by the old registration numbers. Breasted, Developmmt J. H. Breaated, Development of Religion and Thought in Ancient Egypt. Brunner, Siut H. Brunner, Die Texte aus den Griibern der Herakkopolitenzeit tlon Siut. Bulktin de I'lnstitut fr<2nfais d'archlologie orientale du Caire . Bull. Caminos, Lit. Frag. R. A. Caminos, Literary Fragments in the Hieratic Script. Caminos, L .-Eg. Misc. Id., L<2te-Egypti<2n MiscelltJnies. Cenotaph H. Frankfort, Tlu Cenotaph of Seti I . A. H. Gardiner, Tlu Cluster Beatty Papyri No . I. Ch. B.l Ch. B. Text Id., Hieratic Papyri in the British Museum, Third Series. Chest;r . , Beatty Gift. Vol. I. Text. COA T. E. Pcet and others, City of Akhenaten. CT A. de Buck, The Egyptultl Coffin Texts. D . el B. E. Naville, Tlu Tempk of Deir el BaMri. D . el B. (Xl). Id., Tlu X/th Dynasty Temple at Deir el Bahari. D. el Geb. N. de G . Davies, Tlu Rock Tombs of Deir el GebraqJi. Dav. Ptan. Id., Tlu Mastaba of Ptahlutep and Aklutlutep at Saqqareh. Dav. ReM Id., The Tomb of ReM-mi-Rer at Tlubes. Dend. W. M. F. Petrie, Dendereh. Desh. Id., Deshasluh. Dream-book Chester Beatty Papyri No. III. Eb. The Ebers Medical Papyrus. Edel E. Edel, Altagyptisclu Cr<2mmatik, Vol. I. EHT A. H. Gardiner, Egypti4n Hieratic Texts of tlu New Kingdom. The Papyrus AnastMi I and tlu Papyrus Koller. Erliiut. K. Sethe, Erliiuurung zu den aegyptischen Lesestikken. L . Keimer, Die Cartmpjlan:.en im alten Jlgyptm. Garten. Act. Or. Adm.
ABBRE VIATI ONS OF TEXTS AND BOOKS CITED GAS A. H. Gardine r, Admonitions of an Egyptian Sage, commen tary. Gauthier, Dict. glogr. H. Gauthie r, Dictionnaire ,us noms glographiques contmus dans les w
Mis,. ACIJd. Bn-o!. Mitt; deutsch . Inst. Naga ed-Dlr Nauri Nav. TOOtb. Ne/erbotep Ne/erti NUTthampton P. Berl. ... P. Boul. XVIII P. Ed. Smith P. Kah. P. Ram. P. Wilhour Paheri Peas. PianMi Plural Posener Pr. PSBA Pt. (L. I) Pt. (L II) Pyr. Qadech RB Ru. Champ. Ru. trav. ReM. Rev. d'ig. Rhind Rifeh RIH Sah. Saqq. Mast. SDT SebekMu Sethe, Amun Sethe,LAu/ Sethe, Rechts
Misullanea Aeademica Bero/inensis, 1950. Mitteilungen de, deutschen Institut, %U Kairo. D . .Dunham, Naga ed-Dlr Stelat. F. L1. Griffith, The Abydos Duree 0/ Stti I, in JEA 13, 193 fT • . E. Naville, Das iigyptische Todtenbuch tier XVllI bis XX Dynastit. M. Pieper, Dit grOSSt Inschri/t des KlJnigs Ne/er/totep in Abydos. ' The ProphecUs 0/ Nt/erti, P. Leningrad 1116B. The Marquis of Northampton and others, Report on Scmu Excavations in the Theban Necropolis during the Winter 0/ 1898-9. Berlin Papyrus No .... Boulaq Papyrus No. XV II I, quoted by the section numbers of Scharff', transcription, zAs 51, fr. J. H. Breasted, The Edwin Smith Medical Papyrus, commentary. For references to the original text see under Sm. F. LI. Griffith, Hieratic Papyri/rom Kahun and Gurob, plate volume. Ramcsseum Papyri, ed. J. W. B. Barns. A. H. Gardiner, The Wilhour Papyrus, Vol. II (commentary). J. J. Tylor and F. L1. Griffith, Tht Tomb 0/ Pahtri at EI-Kab, bound with E. Naville, Ahnas .1 Mtdinth. Tht Story 0/ the Eloquent Peasant. The stela of victory of King Piankhi. R. O. Faulkner, The Plural and Dual in Old Egyptian. G. Posener, Catalogut de, Ostraea hi/ratiques lil/lraires de Deir .1 Mldinth. The Prisse Papyrus. Proceedings 0/ the Society 0/ Biblical Archaeology. P. Drit. Mus. 10371/435 (duplicate text of Th. Maxims 0/ Ptabboup in the Prisse Papyrus). P. Drit. Mus. 10509 (as above). K. Sethe, Die iiltagyplischen Pyramidentexle. C. Kucntz, Bataille d. Qaduh. A. de Buck, EgYPlian Reading-book. Ruueil d'ltlldes IgYPlologiques dediles a la mlmoirt dt Jtan-FranfOis Champollitm ... Recueil dt travaux relal.fs a Ia phi/ologit tl a I'archiologit Igypliennts
tt assyrimnes. ' • P. E. Newberry, The Li/e 0/ ReMmara. Revut d'igyptologie. T. E. Peet, Tht Rhind MathmuJlical Papyrus. W. M. F . Petrie, Rifth and Gizth. E. de Rouge, Inscriptions hilroglyphiques copiles en £gypt•. L. Borchardt, Das Grabderskmal des KtJnigs SaJbu-rt r. M. A. Murray, Saqqara Maslabas. K. Sethe, Dramatische Ttxtt zu den altiigyptischen Mysttritnspitlen. T. E. Peet, The Sttla 0/ StbtkMu. . K. Sethe, Amun und die acht Urg611er von HtrrrWpolis, in Abhandlungen tier prewsichen Akademit . . . , 1929. Id., AltiigYPlische VQrstellungen von LAu/ tier Sonne, in Sil1tungsbn-ichtt dn- prewsischen Akadtmit ..• , 1928. Id., Die iigyptischen Ausdrucken/iir rtchts und links . .. in Nachrichten . .. Glillingen, J 922.
lIvi ABBRE VIATI ONS OF TEXT S AND BOOK S CITED Sethe, Stnru K. Sethe, Die 8au- ur:ui Dmkmab tn'tu tkr alten Jlgypten und ihre Namen, in Sit%lUIg.lHrichte der prewsischm Akademie •.. , 1933. Sethe, ZaJW;a Id., VOII Zaldm urul Zahlwor tm bei den alten Jlgypterll, in SchriJten tkr WiumscM /tlichen Gesell"M /t Strassburg, 1916. Sh.S. The Story 0/ the Shipwrecked Sailor, P. Leningra d IllS . Sheikh Said N. de G. Davies, The Rock Tombs 0/ Sheikh Said. Sill. The Story 0/ SinWae. Sinai A. H. Gardine r and T. E. Peet, The Inscriptions 0/ Sinai, 2nd edition, revised by J. Cernj, quoted by inscripti on number. SiUl F. LI. Griffith, The Inscriptions 0/ Sia, and Der Rt/eh, quoted throughout by plate number. Sm. The Edwin Smith Medical Papyrus. For the commen tary of Breasted's edition lee P. Ed. Smith above. Stud. Griff. Studies Presented to F. U. Griffith. T. Carn. Carnarv on Tablet No. I, lee A. H. Gardine r, JEA 3, 95 If. TarkMn I W. M. F. Petrie and others, TarkMII I and Memphis V. Teti Cem. C. M. Firth and B. Gunn, Teti. Pyramid Cemetmes . Th. T. S. Theban Tombs Series. I. Nina de G. Davies and A. H. Gardine r, The Tomb 0/ Amenemhit. II. Norman and Nina de G. Davies, The Tomb 0/ Ante/o~er and his Wife Senet. III. Id., The Tomb. 0/ Two Officials 0/ TuthflllJsis IV. IV. Nina de G. Davies and A. H. Gardine r, The Tomb o/lfuy, V. Nina and Norman de G. Davies, The Tombs 0/ Mmkheptrrarsonb, Amenmosl and Another.
Ti Top. Cat. TR Vnters. Vrk. I. IV.
V. VII. Wb. Westc. WZKM WortJorschung
G. Steindorff, Das > Grab des Ti. A. H. Gardine r and A. E. P. Weigall, A Topographical Catalogue 0/ the Private Tombs 0/ Thebes. P. Lacau, Textes re/igieux tgyptiens, quoted by spell number and line. K. Sethe, Vntersuchungen zur Geschichte und Altertum,kunde Jlgyptens. K. Sethe, Vrkunden des alten Reichs. Id., continue d by W. Heick; Vrkunden der 18. Dynastie. H. Grapow , Religiose Vrkunden. K. Sethe, Vrkunden des mittleren Reichs. A. Erman and H. Grapow , Worterbuch der iigypti,chen Sprache. Tales 0/ the Maticians in the Westcar Papyrus. Wiener Zeiuchri Jt fur die Kunde des Morgm14n4es. A. Erman and others, ZUT iigyptische WortfoTschung, in Abhandlungen tkr tieutschm Akademie. ... Z. Zaba, Les Maximes de Ptahhotep. ZeitschriJt fur iigyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde. ZeilschriJt tkr deutschell morgenliindischen Geullschaft.