COMPLEX VARIABLES Harmonic and Analytic Functions
COMPLEX VARIABLES Harmonic and Analytic Functions
FRANCIS J. FLANIGAN San Diego State University. California
Dover Publications, Inc., Navv York
Copyright © 1972 by Francis J. Flanigan. All rights reserved under Pan American and International Copyright
Conventions. Published in Canada by General Publishing Company, Ltd., 80 Lesmill Road, Don Mills, Toronto, Ontario. Published in the United Kingdom by Constable and Company, Ltd. This Dover edition, first published in 1983, is an unabridged and corrected republication of the work originally published in 1972 by Allyn and Bacon, Inc., Boston. International Standard Book Number:
Manufactured in the United States of America Dover Publications, Inc., 180 Varlck Street, New York, N.Y. lOOH
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication nata
Flanigan, Francis J. Complex variables. Reprint. Originally published: Boston : Allyn and Bacon, 1972. Bibliography: p. Includes index. 1. Functions of complex variables. 2. Harmonic functions. 3. Analytie functions. I. Title. QASSl.F62 1983 515.9 82-17732
Preface Chapter 1
ix Calculus in the Plane
1.1 Domains in the xy-Plane 1 1.2 Plane Curves 12 1.3 Differential Calculus in Two Variables 1.4 Integral Calculus in the Plane 45
Chapter 2
Harmonic Functions in the Plane
2.1 Some Basic Properties 68 2.2 Harmonic Functions as Steady-State Temperatures 71 2.3 Mean-Value Properties of Harmonic Functions 79 2.4 The Maximum Principle 84 2.5 Harnack's Inequality and Liouville's Theorem 88 APPENDIX
2.1 On Differentiation under the Integral Sign and an Application: Harmonic Functions are rca;) 91 2.2 The Dirichlet Problem for the Disc 94
Chapter 3
Complex Numbers and Complex Functions
3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5
The Complex Numbers 102 Complex Analytic Functions 107 The Cauchy-Riemann Equations 116 The Exponential and Related Functions The Harmonic Conjugate 139
The Riemann Surface for log z
The Dirichlet Problem without Differential Equations
Chapter 4
142 145
Integrals of Analytic Functions
4.1 The Complex Line Integral 148 4.2 The Cauchy Integral Theorem 158 Appendix to Section 4.2 The Derivative of an Integral 168 4.3 The Cauchy Integral Formula 169 4.4 Higher Derivatives of Analytic Functions 174 4.5 Harmonicity of u(z) and v(z) 177 Appendix to Section 4.5 Analytic Functions and the Dirich179 let Problem 4.6 Circumferential and Solid Means 180 4.7 The Maximum Modulus Principle 182 4.8 The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 185 4.9 Liouville's Theorem 187 4.10 Morera's Theorem 189 4.11 The Cauchy Inequalities for f(n)(zo) 191 4.12 What's Ahead? 192
Chapter 5
Analytic Functions and Power Series
5.1 Sequences and Series 194 5.2 Power Series 202 5.3 Analytic Functions Yield Power Series
Chapter 6
Singular Points and Laurent Series
The Three Types of Isolated Singularity 6.2 Laurent Series 243 6.3 Poles 251 6.4 Essential Singularities 257
Chapter 7
The Residue Theorem and the Argument Principle
7.1 7.2
The Residue Theorem The Argument Principle
260 268
Real Integrals Evaluated by Residues
Chapter 8
Analytic Functions as Conformal Mappings
8.1 Mapping by Analytic Functions 289 8.2 Linear Fractional Transformations 304 8.3 What Is the Riemann Mapping Theorem?
Suggestions for Further Reading Solutions to Selected Problems Index
329 331
This book originated at the University of Pennsylvania in the
Spring of 1968 as a set of lecture notes addressed to undergraduate math and science majors. It is intended for an introductory one-semester or quarler-and-a-half course with minimal prerequisites; it is neither a reference nor a handbook. We approach complex analysis via real plane calculus, Green's
Theorem and the Green's identities, "determination by boundary values," harmonic functions, and steady-state temperatures. The conscientious student will compute many line integrals and directional derivatives as he works through the early chapters. The beautiful Cauchy theory for complex analytic functions is preceded by its harmonic counterpart. The young student is likely to assume that an arbitrary differentiable function defined somewhere enjoys the remarkable properties of complex analytic functions. From the beginning we stress that the analytic f(z) = u(x, y) + iv(x, y) is much better behaved than the arbitrary function encountered in freshman calculus or the first e, 0 course ~ (ii) this is because u(x, y), v(x, y) satisfy certain basic partial differential equations; (iii) one can much useful information about solutiona of such equations without actually solving them. (i)
In developing integration theory, we emphasize the analytic aspects at the expense of the topological or combinatorial. Thus, a complex function ('z) is defined to be analytic at a point if it is continuously
complex differentiable in a neighborhood of that point. The Cauchy Integral Theorem is thereby an easy consequence of Green's Theorem and the Cauchy-Riemann equations. Goursat's remarkable deepening of the Integral Theorem is discussed, but is not proved. On the other hand, we make much of the standard techniques of representing a function as an integral and then bounding that integral (the MLinequality) or differentiating under the integral sign. The integral representation formulas (Green's Third Identity, the Poisson Integral, the Cauchy Formula) are the true heroes of these chapters. The second half of the book (Chapters 5-8) is motivated by two concerns: the integration of functions which possess singularities, and the behavior of analytic mappings w = f(z). Power series are developed first; thence flows the basic factorization f(z) = f(zo)
(z -
zo)n g(z);
from this cornea all the rest. The book concludes with a discussion (no proof) of the Riemann Mapping Theorem. The author recalls with pleasure many, many hours spent discussing complex analysis with Professor Jerry Kazdan at the University of Pennsylvania and nearby spots. Particular thanks are due Professor Kazdan and Professor Bob Hall for reading the manuscript and making many usable suggestions. Finally, the author is happy to record his gratitude to the staff of Allyn and Bacon for encouragement and prompt technical assistance over the months and miles. FRANCIS
COMPLEX VARIABLES Harmonic and Analytic Functions
1 Calculus in the Plane
Section 1.1 DOMAINS IN THE xy-PLANE 1.1.0 Introduction Here's what we'll do in the first few chapters: 1. We examine the geography of the xy-plane. Some of this will be familiar from basic calculus (for example, distance between points), some may be new to you (for example, the important notion of "domain"). We must also consider curves in the plane. 2. We consider real-valued functions u(x, y) defined in the plane. We will examine the derivatives (partial derivatives, gradient, directional derivatives) and integrals (line integrals, double integrals) ofthese functions. Most of (1) above will be necessary for (2). All this happens in this chapter. 3. We next focus attention on a particular kind of real-valued function u(x, y), the so-called harmonic function (Chapter 2). These are very interesting in their own right, have beautiful physical interpretations, and point the way to complex analytic functions. 4. At last (Chapter 3) we consider points (x, y) of the plane as complex numbers x + iy and we begin our study of complex-valued functions of a complex variable. This study occupies the rest of the book. One disadvantage of this approach is the fact that complex numbers and complex analytic functions (our chief topic) do not appear until the third chapter. Admittedly, it would be possible to move directly from step (1) to step (4), making only brief reference to real-valued functions.
ClIlculus In the Pilln.
Chap. ,
On the other hand, the present route affords us (i) a good look at some very worthwhile two-variable real calculus, and (ii) an insight into the reasons behind some of the magical properties of complex analytic functions, which (as we will see) flow
from (a) the natural properties of real-valued harmonic functions u(x, y) and (b) the fact that we can multiply and divide points in the plane. In the present approach the influences (a) and (b) will be considered separately before being combined. One effect we hope for: You will learn to appreciate the difference between a complex analytic function (roughly, a complex-valued function f(z) having a complex derivative f'(z» and the real functions y = f(x) which you differentiated in calculus. Don't be deceived by the similarity of the notations f(z), f(x). The complex analytic function f(z) turns out to be much more special, enjoying many beautiful properties not shared by the run-of-the-mill function from ordinary real calculus. The reason (see (a) above) is that f(x) is merely f(x), whereas the complex analytic function f(z) can be written as f(z) ... u(x, y)
iv(x, y),
where z = x + iy and u(x. y), v(x, y) are each real-valued harmonic functions related to each other in a very strong way: the CauchyRiemann equations
au av -=-
In summary, the deceptively simple hypothesis that
f' (z) exists forces a great deal of structure onf(z); moreover, this structure mirrors the structure of the harmonic u(x, y) and v(x, y), functions of two real variables. All these comments will make more sense after you have read Chapter 4. Let us begin now at the beginning.
1.1.1 The Algebraic Structure in R2
Throughout these pages R denotes the set of all real numbers. By R2 (read UR-two") we mean the set of all ordered pairs (x, y) with both
Domain. In the x'l-Plllne
Sec. 1.1
x and yin IR. HOrdered" pair means (x, y) = (Xlt Yl) if and only if x = Xl and y = Yl' We call these pairs (x, .y) points. Some points in 1R1 are (3, - 2), (1, 0), (0, 1), (n-, -1), (0. 0). It is customary to denote the typical point (x, y) by z; thus, z = (x, y). We'll also use Zo = (xo, Yo) and , = (~, ,,). Here, C, C;, " are the lower-case Greek letters "zeta," nxi,"
ICeta/' respectively. We may add and subtract points in 1R2. Thus, if z = (x, y) and C = (c;, ,,), we define
z + C = (x + z - C = (x For example, if z
e. Y + 'I), c;, Y
- ,,).
(1, 2) and C = (3, -1), then
z + , = (1 + 3,2 + (-1» z - C = (1 - 3, 2 - (-1»
(4, 1), = (- 2, 3). =
We may also multiply a point of 1R1 by a number in IR. Thus, if z = (x, Y) E IR and C E IR, we define ez = e(x, y) = (ex, cy).
For example, if z = (I, 2) and C = 5, then CZ
= 5(1, 2) = (5, 10).
Note how strongly the definitions of addition, subtraction, and multiplication in 1R2 depend on the corresponding operations in the real numbers themselves.
Preview In Chapter 3, we will define the product z, of points z and, in 1R2 (note that in the product cz above, the factor c was required to be in IR). When this new product is defined, the set 1R2 will be called the complex numbers and thereafter denoted by C. Although it would be easy to define the product now, we feel it is more instructive and dramatic to squeeze as much as we can from the familiar real calculus first.
Pictures The representation of 1R2 as the xy-plane should be faJl'liliar to you. It is standard to denote the origin (0, 0) by O. This leads to no confusion, as we will see. Note that if we draw line segments from 0 to z and 0 to C, then the sum z + ,is the fourth comer of the parallelogram determined by the two segments. You should examine Figure 1.1 (geometric!) and the definition of z + '(algebraic!) until convinced of this.
Calculus in the Plane
Z+r= (X+~,Y+71)
z= (x,y)
Y ~
Exercises to Paragraph 1.1.1 1. Let z = (2, - 2), C = (-1. 5). Compute (a) z + C, (b) C - z, (c) 2z - C, (d) z + 4'. 2. Given z, Cas in Exercise 1, solve the following for w (a) z + 2C + 3w = 0, (b) 2z + w = -
= (u, v):
1.1.2 The Distance Structure in 1R2 Let z = (x, y) E 1R2. We define the norm (or length, modulus, absolute value) of z (denoted Iz/) by
.Jx2 + y2. -2), then Izl = .Jl + Izl
For example, if z = (1, 4 = .Jr,. Note that the norm is a nonnegative real number (square root I). Izl ~ 0, and, in fact, Izl -= 0 if and only if z = 0 (= (0, 0». The definition of 1zl agrees with the famous Pythagorean theorem for right triangles,
= x2
+ y2,
as Figure 1.2 shows. Now we use the above to define the distance between z = (x, y) and Zo = (x o• Yo) as the norm of their difference z - Zo; that is, distance from z to Zo = Iz - zol. See Figure 1.3. Since z - Zo = (x - Xo. y - Yo), we have the formula
Iz - zol
.J(x -
+ (y - YO)2.
Sec. 1.1
Domains in the xy-Plane
Z-Zo .;"
IZ-Zol \ \ \
For example, if 2
(1, - 2) and 20
(2, 5), then the distance from
Zo is
Iz -
= ~(1 - 2)2 + (-2 - 5)2 = ~1 + 49 = ~50. Exercises to Paragraph 1.1 .2
1. Let z = (-1, 4), Zo = (2. 2). Compute: (a) Izl, (b) Izol. (c) Iz - zol. (d) Izo - zl. 2. Compute the distance from Zo to z. with z, Zo as in Exercise 1. 3. Sketch in the plane the sets of points z determined by each of the following conditions. Here, 20 = (1, 1). (a) Izi = 1. (b) Izi < 1.
Ce/culu$ in the Plene
Chep. 1
(c) 102 - 0201 = 1. (d) Iz - zol ~ 1.
4. Establish the following useful inequalities. Sketch! (a) Iz + (I ~ 1021 + lei (triangle inequality). (b) Ixl ~ 1zl. I.yl ~ Izl where z = (x, y).
1.1.3 Domains in 1R2 We intend to define a "domain" to be an open connected subset of III 2 • Hence, we must first make sense of the words "open" and u connected. U The notion of distance will be crucial for this. Let Zo be a fixed point in 1Il2 and r > 0 a given positive number. We denote by D(zo; r) the disc of radius r centered at Zo. defined as the eet D(zo; r) = {z
liz - zol
< r}.
Read this as follows: D(zo; r) equals the set of all points z in 1Il2 such that the distance Iz - zol is less than r. Note that its urim," the circle of points whose distance from Zo is exactly r, is not included in D(zo; r). Now let n be any subset of 1Il 2, and suppose ZEn (z is in n). See Figure 1.4. We say that z is an interior point of n if and only if there exists a disc centered at z and contained entirely inside n: that is. if and only if there exists r > 0 such that D(z; r) c n.
Examples of Interior Points
1. Let n = 1Il2. Then every point z is an interior point of 1R2 because any disc around z will surely be contained in 1R2. 2. Let n be itself a disc, n = D(zo; r). If z is any point of D(zo; r), then we may find a smaller disc D(z; r1) contained inside D(zo; r); see Figure 1.5. Thus, every point of D(zo; r) is an interior point of D(zo; r). 3. This time let n consist of a disc D(zo; r) together with its urim," the set of points z satisfying Iz - zol = r. Now not all points of n are interior points. More precisely, the points of D(zo; r) are interior points
Sec. r.1
Domains in the xy-Plane
(Zo; r)
of n (why?), but no point z on the rim of n is an interior point because we cannot surround such a point (on the borderline) with a disc that fits inside n. Perfectly reasonable. See Figure 1.6. interior point of closed disc
not an interior point of closed disc At last we may define !topen set." A subset Q of R2 is open if and only if every point of n is an interior point of n. Thus. every point of an open set is nwell inside" the set; none of its points are on its boundary. Examples of Open Sets 1. The entire plane 1R2 is open. 2. The empty set 0, the set with no points, is open. Since there are
no points, we needn't worry about discs around them. 3. Each disc D(zo; r) is open. From now on we may refer to these 8S u open discs," to distinguish them from discs with rims included ('"closed discs").
Calculu$ In the Plane
Chap. 1
4. The upper half-plane, the set of all z = (x, y) satisfying y > O. is an open set. It is essential for openness here that we do not include any points on the x-axis (y = 0). 5. Let n be the set D(zo; r) - {:o}, that is, the disc with the center
point Zo removed (called the "punctul"ed disc"). You should convince yourself that this set a is open. More generally, if we take any open set S and remove a point z, the new set S - {z} is again open. You should be able to give an example of a set that is not opon (see the third example of interior points under the preceding topic (Figure 1.6». In case you are wondering, a subset S of 1R2 is closed if and only if its complement 1R2 - S (the set of points in 1R2 but not in S) is open. One example of a closed set is 1R2. since its complement 1R2 - 1R2 is the empty set 0, which is open. Similarly, the empty set is closed (why?). It can be shown that the only subsets of 1R2 which are both open and closed are 1R2 and the empty set 0. Some sets are neither open nor closed. Another important example of a closed set is the following: Let D(zo; r) denote the set of points whose distance from Zo is less than or equal to the positive number r; that is. D(zo; r) = {z ~ 1R2
II z
%01 ::;
This is the ltclosed" disc (rim included) of radius r centered at zoo We discussed this set in Example a under interior points. See Figure 1.6. You should convince yourself that it is closed in the sense that its complement 1R2 - D(zo; r) is open. Now we continue our definition of Hdomain." We must define what we mean for an open set to be connected. Actually, it is possible to define connectedness for any Bubset oflR2 , not just the open subsets, but this takes more work and would be superfluous at the moment. Let a be an open subset of 1R2 ; a is disconnected if and only if there exist nonempty open sets 0 1 , O 2 which are disjoint (no points in common, 0 1 n O 2 = 0) and whose union is n. Thus, a disconnected open set a may be decomposed into two "smaller," nonoverlapping, nonempty, open sets. An open set n is connected if aod only if it is not disconnected. See Figure 1.7.
Challenge You might try to prove that an opAn set n is connected if and only if any two points in n may be linked by a path made of a finite number of straight-line segments lying entirely in O. Thus. there are two equivalent notions of connectedness for an open set n: (1) it can't be broken into disjoint open pieces, or (2) any pair of points may be linked by a path in O. Both are reasonable.
Sec. 7.7
Domains In the xv-Plane
'1~ disconnected
connected Figure
At last we make our basic definition. A subset n of R2 is a domain if and only if it is open and connected. The domains we will encounter most frequently are lliz itself, the open discs D(zo; r), the punctured discs, and the upper half-plane (see the fourth example under the preceding topic). Not all domains. of course, are quite so symmetric as these; this is fortunate or unfortunate, depending on your point of view.
Exercises to Paragraph 1.1.3 1. (a) Sketch the set S of points z = (x. y) satisfying x ~ o. (b) Verify that the subset of interior points of S is determined by the condition x> O. (c) Is the subset in (b) a domain? 2. (a) Sketch the "annulus" n = {z 11 < Izl < 2}. (b) There is a hole in n. Is n connected? (c) Verify that n is a domain. 3. Rather than designate one of the standard domains by a capital letter, we often speak of "the unit disc Izl < 1," "the punctured disc 0 < Izl < 1," and 80 on. Sketch the sets determined by each of the following conditions and decide which are domains. Here. Zo is an arbitrary but fixed point. (a) Izl > 1. (b) 1 ~ Izi ~ 2. (c) 1z - zol < 1. (d) I z - Zo 1 :::; 2.
4. Let n be a domain and let S be a nonempty subset of Q satisfying (i) S is open, (ii) its complement n - S is open (sometimes stated as S is closed in Q). Prove S = Q; that is, n - S is empty.
Calculu$ in the Plane
Chtlp. J
5. Challenge question. Let n be open. Prove that n is connected if and only if any two points in n may be linked by a path consisting of a finite number of straight-line segments lying entirely in n. Hint: Given n connected and Zo E n. prove that the subset S consisting of all points of n which may be linked to Zo by the specified type of path is not empty (clear!), open, and also closed in n. By Exercise 4, S = 0, whence any two points of 0 may be linked. Constructing the set S (the points for which what you wish to prove is true) is an important method in dealing with connectedness. 6. Is a disc a circle?
1.1.4 Boundaries and Boundedness These are two quite unrelated concepts which we will use frequently. Boundedness first. A subset S of IR2 (open or not) is said to be bounded if and only if it is contained in some disc D(zo; r) of finite radius r; see Figure 1.B. The point is that a bounded set does not '~escape" ",
.,.-----... ......, ' ...
bounded Figure
to infinity. Examples of bounded sets are any open disc, any closed disc, a single point, any finite set of points, and (of course) the empty set 0. The plane 1R2, the upper half-plane, the x-axis are each unbounded. The bounded domains (the open disc again) are an important subfamily of the family of all domains. Now let us discuss the notion of the boundary of a set. Let 8 be any subset of 1R2. A point z of 1R2 is a boundary point of 8 if and only if every open disc D(z; r) centered ,at z contains some points in S and also some points not in 8. Note that we do not require a boundary point of 8 to be an element of 8. In fact, if 8 is itself an open disc, then its boundary points are precisely those on the rim of the disc, and none of these is a
member of the disc. It is worthwhile noting that, given a set 8. a point z is a boundary point of 8 if and only if it is a boundary point of 1R1 - 8, the complement of S. A brief meditation should convince you that this is a reasonable property for a boundary point to possess.
Domslns in the xy-Plsne
Slit!. 1. t
Finally, we define the boundary (or frontier) of a Bet S to be the collections of all boundary points of S. The boundary of S is denoted as. See Figure 1.9. Examples of Boundaries
1. Let S = D(zo: r). an open disc as usual. Then as is the circle of points z satisfying Iz - zol = r. 2. if'S = D(zo; r), the closed disc, then as is the same set as as in Example 1. namely, the circle of radius r centered at Zoo 3. If n is the punctured disc D(zo; r) - {zo}, then an consists of the circle 1z - zol = r together with the point zoo 4. 'l'he boundary of R2 is empty. 5. The boundary of the upper half-plane (y > 0) is the x-axis (y = 0). This is an example of an unbounded set with a nonempty boundary. Don't confuse the two notions.
Preview Our model of a nice bounded domain is the open disc D(zo; r). Its boundary is a very nice curve, a circle. In Section 1.2 we continue our study of domains by studying curves in the plane. In our applications, these curves will almost always arise as the boundaries of certain domains. Once we have completed our study of these boundary curves, we will begin at last to discuss the functions that live on our domains.
Exercises to Paragraph 1 .1 .4 1. Which of the following sets are bounded? (a) Izl ~ 1. (b) A subset of a bounded set. (c) 0 < Iz - zol < 1. (d) The graph of y = sin x.
Calculu$ ;n the Plane
Chap_ ,
2. Determine the boundaries of the following sets. As usual, z = (x, y). (a) x > 0, y > O. (b) Iz - 0201 ~ 2. (c) 0 < 102 - zol < 2. (d) 0 < x < I, y arbitrary. 3. Prove that a plane set S is bounded if and only if its closure :9 (that is, 8 together with its boundary 08) is bounded also.
Section 1.2 PLAN E CU RVES 1.2.0 Introduction
Curves-we know them when we see them, and yet to get an adequate terminology is surprisingly troublesome. First, therefore, let us look at the most important example, the circle, in some detail. This
should make us more willing to accept the technical definitions to follow. We let 0 = (0,0) denote the origin of 1R2 as usual, and C = C(O; r) be the circle of radius r > 0 centered at the origin, that is, the set of points z satisfying Izl = r. So far, C is a Ustatic" set of points. Now we ttparametrize" C as follows: Let [0,271] denote the interval of real numbers t satisfying 0 ~ t :s 271. Let ex = ex(t) be the function that assigns to each t in [0, 21lJ the point cx(t) of 1R2, giv~n by a(t) = (x, y) = (r cos t, r sin t). We note first that la(t)1 = r (recall sin 2 t + cos 2 t = 1) so that each point a(t) does in fact lie on the circle C(O; r). We indicate this last statement briefly by writing a: [0,21l] -+ C(O; r).
We can say even more. As the real number t increases from t = 0 to t = 271, the point a(t) travels once around the circle in a counterclockwise direction. See Figure 1.10. Note for instance that 0:(0) = (r, 0), the starting point, and then
(0, r),
= (0, - r),
(-r, 0),
a(271) =
(r, 0),
and we're back where we started. Note also that the number t is the angle (in radians) between a(t) and the x-axis. Now things are no longer static. The function a has imposed a direction of travel (counterclockwise) around the circle. We emphasize this by differentiating a with respect to its variable t. Let us write a(t) = (a l (t), a2(t»
Sec. 1.2
Plane Curves
a (1r/2) aCt) = (r cos
t, r sin t)
a(O) = (r. 0)
so that al (t) = r cos t, a2(t) = r sin t (the "coordinate functions" for a). We differentiate aCt) by differentiating its coordinates: a' (t)
(a'l (t), a'2(t) );
that is, ex'(t)
(-r sin t, r cos t).
The pointed brackets here remind us that a' (t) is to be regarded as a vector (arrow), the "velocity vector" of a. This is usually depicted with tail end at the point aCt); see Figure 1.11. The velocity vector points y
a' (1r/2) ~
Chllp. ,
Calculus ;n the Plane
in the direction of motion of the curve at the point a(t). In the particular case t = n/2, for instance, we have
(-r, 0).
Thus the arrow that we affix to the point a(n/2) = (0, r) points r units to the left (since - r < 0) and zero units up or down. That is, a(t) is moving directly to the left (counterclockwise!) at the instant t = n/2. let
Caution: There are many ways to run around a circle. For example, [0, 2n} -+ C(O; r) be given by
= (r cos 3t, r sin 3t).
You should convince yourself that as t increases from 0 to 2n, the point P(t) travels three times around the circle in a counterclockwise direction. This new parametrization P is essentially different from a, even though the point set C(O; r) is the same in both cases. Here is a clockwise parametrization of C(O; r). Let y: [0, 1] be given by y(t) = (r sin 2nt, r cos 2nt).
C(O; r)
Then },(O) = (0, r) is the Ustarting point l t in this parametrization. By locating the points y(t), yH), y(!) , y(l), you should convince yourself that y(t) traverses C(O; r) once in a clockwise manner. Note also that )' was defined on the interval [0, 1], not on [0, 2n].
1.2.1 Piecewise-smooth Curves Now we make our definitions in the spirit of the preceding examples. Let r be a subset of 1R2 and [a, b] an interval of real numbers t, a s: t ~ b. (Note: r = Greek capital gamma.) A function IX: [a, b) -+ r, a(t) = (a l (t), a2(t», is called a parametrization of r if and only if (i) a is continuous; that is, a l (t), a2(t) are continuous functions of t;
and (ii) a maps [a, b] onto
for at least one t
r; that is, each z E r is of the form z [a, b]. The variable
= a(t)
t is called the parameter.
It can be seen that thls definition of parametrization is too general for our purposes. There are too many continuous functions! Hence, we single out a particularly well-behaved class of parametrizations. We say that the parametrh:ation IX: [a, h] -+ r is smooth or continuously differentiable if and only if three further conditions hold, namely: (iii) the coordinate functions al(t), a 2(t) are smooth in the sense that
both derivative functions a' I (t), a'2(t) exist and are continuous for all t E [a, b);
Ssc. '.2
(iv) for each t E [at b], the velocity vector a'(t), defined as (a'l(t), a' 2(t», is different from the zero vector (0, 0); (v) if, moreover, a(a) = a{b) (the curve is a closed loop), then «'(a) = a'(b) as well.
a.' (t) (= the
• a
Let us discuss this definition; see Figure 1.12. Condition (iii) assures us that the velocity vector exists and depends continuously on the parameter t. We remark also that, by the derivatives a/t{a), a' 2 {a), a'}{b), a'2(b) at the end points t
a and t = b, we mean one-sided derivatives only.
For instance,
(t > a),
(t < b).
Condition (iv) may be interpreted as follows: If we regard a(t) as a point moving along r, then its instantaneous direction is pointed out by the velocity (or tangent) vector a' (t). The vanishing of this vectorsay. a'(tt) = {O, 0 )-would mean that the moving point aCt) stops when t = t}. It simplifies things greatly if we rule out this possibility. We saw above three examples of smooth parametrizations of the circle. Note that each of these examples satisfies condition (iii) because sines and cosines can be differentiated again and again. How would you prove that the parametrization a(t) = (r cos t, r sin t) given in Paragraph 1.2.0 satisfies condition (iv)? Hint: Use the Pythagorean theorem sin2 t + cos 2 t = 1 to derive a smashing contradiction from the assumption a' (t) = (0, 0). The most important plane curves for our purposes are the circle and straight line. You will find these treated at some length in the exercises.
Clllr:ulus In the Pillne
Chllp. 1
Here are some more useful notions. The parametrization a is simple if and only if the function a restricted to the (topen" interval (a, b)that is, for t satisfying a < t < b-is one-to-one. In other words, if t 1 and t2 are strictly between a and b and if a(t l ) = a(t,2), then t1 = t l • Geometrically, this means that the curve doesn't cross itself, except perhaps at the end points. H the end points are equal (that is, if a(a) = a(b» then we say that a is closed, or a loop. See Figure 1.13.
simple, closed (a loop) Figure
not simple, closed
simple, not closed
not simple, not closed
The parametrization a(t) = (r cos t, r sin t) for 0:::;; t :::;; 271: is a simple closed smooth parametrization of the circle C(O; r). On the other ha.nd, pet) = (r COR 3t, r sin 3t.) fOT 0 :::;; t ~ 21l iR not simple because each point on the circle corresponds to three values of t (except for the starting point (r, 0) which corresponds to four values). Actually, smooth parametrizations are not quite general enough. We wish to allow curves with a finite number of "corners" such as triangles and rectangles. At a corner, of course, we would not expect a unique direction or velocity vector. Again let a: [a, b] -+ r be a parametrization. a(t) = (a.(t), a2(t». We say that a is a piecewise-smooth parametrization of r if and only if there exists a finite set of values a = ao < a 1 < a2 < ... < an = b such that the function a: restricted to the intervals lao. ad, [at. a2J •... , [an-I, an] gives in each case a smooth parametrization of the subsets rOt r l,. .. , r n - t of r defined by r k = {aCt)
I t E [ak, ak+ 1]}'
Thus, a piecewise-smooth parametrization is one built up from smooth parametrizations joined end to end. In particular. a smooth parametrization is piecewise-smooth (let n = 1 in the definition above). Example
We will parametrize the right triangle r with vertices at the points (0,0), (0, 1), (1. 1); see Figure 1.14. It is simply a matter of building a in three parts. Thus, let ex: [0,3] -+ r as follows:
t, 0) ( a(t) = (I, t - 1) (3 - t, 3 - t)
for t for t for t
[0, 1] [1, 2] . [2, 3]
Plana CUrvfl$
Sec. 1.2
y (1,1)=a(2)
(1,0) = a(l)
• o
You should let t increase from 0 to 3 and check that a(t) travels once around the triangle in a counterclockwise direction. Now we examine a corner point, say, a(2)
(1, 1). By differentiating a(t)
(1, t - 1), we
see that the velocity vector a'(2-) in which t approaches 2 from the left (t < 2) is given by a'(2-) = (0, 1). This points upward; the point a(t) is climbing in the y-ilirection as t increases from t = 1 to t = 2. Likewise, by differentiating a(t) = (3 - t, 3 - t), we compute a'(2+) = (-1, -1). This vector. with tail end fixed at the corner a(2) = (1, 1), points toward the origin (0, 0) as expected.
Comments 1. We have not yet defined "curve." Let's attend to this now. Suppose a: [a, b] ~ r is a piecewise-smooth parametrization of the set r. Then the pair (r, a) is termed a piecewise-smooth curve. However, it is common practice to speak of "the curve r," omitting mention of a, or Uthe curve z = a(t)." We will use both terms. 2. We are claiming that the set r is a curve if it has a piecewise-
smooth parametrization (roughly, a velocity vector). This corresponds
to our intuition. Things are more delicate than you may imagine, however. It is possible to find a continuous a; [a, b] ~ r, a(t) = (al(t), (l2(t», where r is the two-dimensional unit square! A space-filling curve! An example was given by the mathematician Peano in the nineteenth century. In Peano's example, however, the coordinates a.(t), a2(t) were not differentiable functions. Of course most of the familiar functions of calculus are infinitely differentiable. (Can you think of any that are not?) 3. Some authors omit mention of the function a(t) and write simply "Let x = (l.(t), y = a2(t) give a curve.... Jf
Chap. 1
in the Plane
Exercises to Paragraph 1.2.1 1. Write down a smooth parametrization ex: [0.27.] -+ C(O.l) such that (X(t) traverses the unit circle five times counterclockwise as t varies from 0 to 2n. 2. (a) Describe the journey of pet) = (cos kt, sin kt) with 0 ~ t ~ 2n and k a nonzero integer (which may be negative). (b) Compute the velocity vector P' (t) and observe how its length and direction depend on k. 3. Let r be the unit square with corners Zo = 0, Zl = (I, 0), Zl = (1. I), Z3 = (0. 1). Write down a counterclockwise parametrization y: [0.4] -+ r such that )'(0) = Zoo 4. Let {(x) be a continuously differentiable function. a ~ x ~ b. (a) Verify that the graph ;y = {(x) is parametrized smoothly by the mapping ex(x) = (x. {(x», a S x ~ b. Compare x = t. (b) Comput.c the velocity vector (x' (x). How is it relnted to the slope ofthc graph :y = f(x)?
1.2.2 Length of a Curve Let ex: [a, b]
r be a piecewise-smooth parametrization of the curve
r. As t varies from a to b, what distance does the point ex(t) cover? The following definition offers a quick answer to this question-and one that is reasonable as well. We define length (ex)
L b
Icx'(t)1 dt.
We remark first that since the coordinate functions exl{t) and ex2(t) are piecewise-smooth, the integrand
is bounded and piecewise-continuous, and so the integral exists as a finite positive number; this is a standard result of calculus. Why does this integral deserve to be called a length? In answer, we note first that the integral definition agrees with the usual distance formula in the case of parametrized line segments. For example, if r is the line segment from Zo to 21 in 1R2, then the function a: [0. 1] -to r given by a(t)
parametrizes a journey from a'(t) = ZI - 20 so that
ex(O) to Z 1
length (ex)
as desired. See Figure 1.15.
t(21 - zo)
illiZI - zol dt
a(l). It is easy to see that
= 121 -
Sec. 1.2
Plane Curves
, I
• o Figure
A second justification of our definition of length is this: The quantity lex'(t)l, being the length of the velocity vector, gives the instantaneous speed of the moving point a(t), provided we interpret the parameter t as time. Thus, la'(t)1 dt is the product of instantaneous speed by the differential of time and (we recall happily) distance = speed x time. It is also possible to define length (ex) using polygonal approximations
and taking limits. Our present integral definition becomes a theorem in such an approach. The approximation method makes better geometric sense, perhaps. but requires more work. Example
Let a: [0. 2nJ -+ C(O; r). ex(t) = (r cos t, r sin t), be the standard parametrization of the circle of radius r. It is easy to see that 1a'(t) 1 = r (Pythagoras !), whence length (ex)
L21r dt = 2nr.
as expected. If, instead, we parametrize C(Oj r) by the function P(t) = (r cos 3t, r sin 3t), we get P'(t) = (- 3r sin 3t, 3r cos 3t), so that IP'(t)1 = 3r and length (P) = 6nr. This underscores the fact that the moving point P(t) travels around C(O; r) three times. That is, our definition of length via the integral gives actual distance traveled (compare the mileage gauge in an automobile).
Exercises to Paragraph 1.2.2 1. Compute length (IX). where IX: [0, 37r/2] .... C(O; R) is given by lX(t) R sin2t). 2. Compute the length of the graph of y = f(x) = X2, 0 S x S 1.
= (R cos 2t,
Chap. ,
Calculus In the Plane
3. Suppose a curve is given by x = x(t), y = y{t), with a ::$; t ::$; b. Write X, y for dx/dt, dy/dt (Newton's notation). Verify that the length of the curve is given by the formula
1.2.3 Parametrization by Arc Length Thus far we have defined the notion of a piecewise-smooth parametrization a: [a, b] ~ r of a curve, and·have a formula for total distance traveled along the curve, namely, length (a) = la'(t)1 dt. We refine this slightly as follows: If r is any value in [at b], then the distance traveled by the point a(t) as t varies from t = a to t = f is given by
Thus we get the distance traveled by integrating with respect to the parameter (variable) t. Now we are going to improve this situation. We will construct a new parametrization of r which is "equivalent" to the original parametrization (we will make this precise in a moment), but which is more natural in that it takes into account the geometry of r. More precisely, this new parametrization (we call it U = U(8» will have the property that the distance traveled by the moving point U(8) between two points U(Sl) and U(S2) is equal to S2 - s,. That is, the function (1, considered as a mapping from an interval of the s-axis onto r, preserves distances or ttarc length." See Figure 1.16.
a(a) =u(:
y ,
a !• I
t I
• ....
.' \
':(b) =u(L)
,.t) "" ""
Plane Curvss
First some terminology. Let (al' bl ] and (az. b2 ] be intervals on the s- and t-axes. respectively. A function E: (aI' bl ] ~ [az, b2] is an equivalence if and only if it is one-to-one, onto, increasing, continuous, and piecewise differentiable with an everywhere positive first derivative. This means that E(al) = a2, E(b 1) = b2, and as 8 increases from at to b 1 , t = E(s) increases from a2 to b z . Now we obtain THEOREM
result to be used continually.
Let a: [a, bJ -+ r be a piecewise·smooth parametrization 01 the curve, and let length (a) = L > O. Then there exists a unique piecewise-smooth parametrization 0': (0, L] -+ r equivalent to IX (in the sense that O'(s) = a(E(s» where E: [0, L] -+ [a, b] is an equivalence) which satisfies (i) the tangent (velocity) vector O"(s) has unit length, I0' '(S) I = 1; (ii) the distance traveled along r from 0'(0) to O'(s) is exactly s. Note: Here the parameter s is called arc length. The unit tangent vector O"(s) will be frequently denoted T(s). Proof: (a) It is clear that if 0' exists, then it is unique. (b) AlsoJ if a function 0' exists satisfying (i), then it is not hard to see that it satisfies (ii) 8S well, for the distance from 0'(0) to O'(u) is given
So" IO"(s)I ds = So" ds
= u,
since 10"(8)1 = 1. Thus, it suffices to construct 0' satisfying (i). (c) It is sufficient to prove the result for smooth parametrizations a, for if we obtain an arc length parametrization on each smooth section of the curve r, then it is not hard to see that we may fit these together "end to end" to obtain a piecewise-smooth parametrization of the full curve r. You should convince yourself of this. Thus, we assume that a is smooth for the remainder of this proof. (d) Now we get E(s). Define F(r:) = la'(t)1 dt for "r E [a, b]. We have F(a) = 0, and as -r increases from a to b, F(-r) increases from 0 to F(b) = L. By the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, F'(-r) = la'(-r) I and hence is positive and continuous. Thus, F: [a, b] -+ [0, L] is an equivalence (though it goes in the wrong direction!). Let E: [0, LJ -+ [a, b] be the inverse function of F. That is, E(F(r:» = T, F(E(s» = 8. You should convince yourself that E'(s) = l/F'(E(s» Gust differentiate the relation F(E(s» = s, using the Chain Rule). We may now conclude that E'(s) > 0, and hence E is an equivalence. (e) As mentioned above, we next define 0'(8) = a(E(s»; that is, u(s) = (al(E(s», a2 (E(s))). It is straightforward to check that 0' is also a piecewise-smooth parametrization.
Chap. 1
Calculus in the Pllme
(f) We have o-'(s) = (a'l (E(s»E'(s), a' 2(E(s»E'(s» by the Chain
Rule. This implies 1o-'(s) 1 = IE'(s)1 1:x'(E(s»l. But E'(s) -
(see above) and E(s) = t. Hence, 100'(s)1 = 1. The theorem is proved. Comments
Note how often we used 100'(t)1 > 0 in the proof. 2. This result is absolutely basic, both in function theory and in the differential geometry of curves. The reason is that arc length s is a Hnatural" or Uintrinsic" parameter, coming from the geometry of the curve itself. Hence, the remarkable fact that the tangent vector o-'(s) always has unit length. 1.
Parametrizing the Circle by Arc Length
Let a: [0, 2n] -+ C(O; r). a(t) = (r cos t, r sin t) as usual. We have seen that la'(t)1 = rand L = length (0:) = 2nr. As in the proof above, we define
s = F('C) =
100'(t)1 dt =
Thus, the inverse E of F is given by E(s) o-(s) = a(E(s» =
r dt = n.
= r = sir, and finally,
(r cos ~, r sin~) .
By differentiating 0-(8) with respect to s, you may verify that la'(s)1 = 1. Moral
We may assume that our curves are parametrized by arc length s and have unit tangent vectors T(s). This is convenient for theoretical work. Admittedly, for a particular curve (the circle, say), other parametrizations may prove even more useful than arc length.
Exercises to Paragraph 1.2.3 1. (a) Parametrize the semicircle Izl = R, Y ~ 0 by the usual counterclockwise angle 8 measured (in radians) from the positive x-axis. (b) Reparametrize this semicircle by arc length in an equhralent way. Write down the equivalence function E. (C) Compute the velocity vectors in each case and compare their lengths. 2. Given a parametrization IX: [a, b] -+ r such that \«'(t)\ = k is constant for a ::; t ::; b. (a) Compute L = length (a) in terms of the given information.
Sec. 1.2
Plan. Curves
(bj Write down an equivalence E: [0, L] -io [a, b] such that U(8) = o/(E(s» is the arc length parametrization. 3. Parametrize the straight·line segment r from Zo to ZI by arc length, as follows (here. 20 ¥: Zl): (a) Verify that' = (ZI - zo)/jz! - zol has unit length. (b) Verify that u; [0, L] -io r with L = I ZI - zol. u(s) = Zo + is the desired parametrization. 4. Suppose IX: [a, b] -io r is a smooth parametrization with the property that /rx'(t)1 = 1 for a ~ t ~ b. Verify the following: (a.) Length (0() = b - a. (b) If we write L = b - a, then the map u: [0, L] --+ r defined by u{s) = a(a + s) is the arc length parametrization of r equivalent to IX. The point here is that oc is essentially (up to a rigid change of parameter) the arc length parametrization because 1«' (t)1 = 1. 5. Reversing the parametrization. We will want to "travel backwards" along a given parametrized curve without worrying about details. The example with which we begin should provide the necessary intuition. (a) Let r be the unit semicircle Izl = 1. Y 2: 0, parametrized as usual by IX: [0, n] -io r, lX(t) = (cos t, sin t). Verify that the point a(t) travels from (1,0) to (- 1, 0) as t increases from t = 0 to t = n. (b) Now write t = 1t - •• Check that, as T increases from. = 0 to T = 1(, the value of t decreases from t = 1t to t = O. (c) Define )/(.) = (COS(71 - T), sin(n - T». Check that )/(.) traverses the semicircle r starting at (-1, 0) and ending at (1. 0). Thus )1(.) is the reverse of l1.(t). (Picture!) (d) This procedure generalizes to any cW'Ve (r, Ot(t»i that is, «: [a, b) -io r. First verify that if we put t = b - (r - a). then increasing T from a to b causes t to decrease from b to a. Can you derive this relation between t and r? (e) Verify that )I: [a, b] -io r. )/(.) ~ oc(b - (. - a», defines a parametrization of the set r that reverses the journey taken by «(t). (f) Explain why the parametrizations a(t) and ,,(t) of the curve r are not equivalent. Why is this geometrically obvious?
Notation.' Given a curve r with parametrization a(t) understood, it is standard to denote by - r the curve with the reverse parametrization )I('r). Thus, the notation r + (- r) indicates a journey over the curve r from start to end, followed by the reverse journey back to the original starting point.
1.2.4 Jordan Curves and Jordan Domains Now we put Sections 1.1 and 1.2 together with an eye toward the future. We wish now to define "Jordan domain." In later sections our functions will frequently live on such domains. A Jordan curve is. a simple, closed curve (piecewise-smooth, of course). Thus, a Jordan curve looks like a loop (closed) that does not cross itself (simple). Examples: circles, triangles, rectangles. Here is an intuitively plausible theorem about Jordan curves.
Calculus in the Plana
Chap. 1
If r is a Jordan curve, then its complement iii:'. - r consists of two disjoint domains, one bounded (the uinside") and one not (the
This is one of those geometrically obvious theorems that are quite difficult to prove. It takes a fair amount of rigorous topology to give a complete proof (more than the French mathematician Jordan had at his disposal in the 1890s when he pointed out that the obvious fact required a proof!). We will use this theorem without proof. You might enjoy the challenge of proving it in the special case where r is a circle C(O; r). See Figure 1.17.
Figura 1.17
Is there an "inside" and an "outside" , both connected?
One theme of the chapters to come is the relation of the behavior of a function defined on some domain to its behavior on the boundary of that domain. To accomplish this gracefully, we wish to rule out domains with unpleasant or pathological boundaries. Therefore, we single out the class of Jordan domains for special emphasis. A Jordan domain is a bounded (contained inside some disc) domain n whose boundary an is the union of a finite number of disjoint Jordan curves, with each curve parametrized so that, as a point moves along the curve in the direction of parametrization, the domain n is always lying to its left. In this case we say that the boundary curves are positively oriented. Examples of Jordan Domains 1. The open disc n = nco; r) with the standard counterclockwise parametrization of the circular boundary.
Sec. 1.2
2. The annulus
Izi < rd. Note parametrization of boundary circles. n is to the left of a point = {Z E ~2
< ro <
moving counterclockwise on the outside circle or clockwise on the inside circle. 3. Figure 1.18 shows a Jordan domain with several holes. Note orientations.
the open disc Figure
the annulus
several holes
Warning: Some authors define a Jordan domain to he a bounded domain whose boundary consists of precisely one positively oriented Jordan curve, and not finitely many such curves as we have done. To these people the annulus is not a Jordan domain.
k-Connected Jordan Domains The Jordan domain n is said to be k-connected, where k is an integer ~ 1 if its boundary consists of k distinct Jordan curves. This is equivalent to its complement C - n consisting of k disjoint connected components. Thus, the disc is I-connected (Usimply connected," no holes inside); the annulus is 2-connected. We will use the phrase Uk-connected Jordan domain" in the statements of theorems to remind the reader that our Jordan domains may have holes.
Exercises to Paragraph 1 .2.4 1. Which of the following are Jordan curves? (a) The circle Izl = 1. (b) The x-axis. (c) A figure-eight. (d) The boundary of the annulus 1 < Izl < 2. (e) A straight-line segment. (f) The graph of y = sin x.
Calculus In tha Plana
Chap. 1
2. Prove the Jordan Curve Theorem in the special case r = C(O; r). Hint: In this case, the two disjoint domains (components) forming 1R2 - r may be characterized by simple inequalities. Some elementary real analysis will help in proving that a path from inside to outside must intersect r. 3. Given a Jordan curve r. how would you define its "interior" (the set of points ~~inside" r) in a mathematically effective way? Don't appeal to the Jordan Curve Theorem! (For one approach, see Section 7.2.) 4. True or false? (a) The xy.plane is a Jordan domain. (b) The set of points enclosed by a positively oriented Jordan curve is a Jordan
domain. (c) A Jordan domain is bounded. (d) A Jordan curve separates the plane into two Jordan domains. (e) The annulus 1 < \z\ < 2, with \z\ = 1 and Izl = 2 oriented counterclock· wise and clockwise, respectively. is a Jordan domain. (f) The domain Izl > 1, consisting of all points outside the unit disc, is a Jordan domain, provided we orient the circle Izl = 1 in a clockwise fashion.
1.2.5 Some Remarks on the Dot Product
We wish to make explicit a result that is frequently useful. If U = (Ult uz> and V = (v lt V2> are vectors, then their dot product is defined as Thus, if U = (2,3) and V = (I, -4) then U· V = -10. We note that lUI = .JiI· U. The dot product is easy to compute, but its geometric meaning is less clear. But consider THEOREM 2
U· V = IUII VI cos 0, where 0 is the angle between U and V in the plane jRz. Note: Since cos (J = cos (-O},.the direction of 0 is immaterial. Proof: We have, from trigonometry, Ul =
IUI cos C:J,
= Vz =
lUI sin co. IVI sin rp.
(See Figure 1.19.) Thus,
U· V
+ Uz Vz = IUI IVI (cos co cos rp + Bin co sin fP) = IUIIVI cos (co - rp).
= Ul Vt
But 8 = co - rp. Done.
Sec. 1.2
Plene Curves
u Figure
This result enables us to deal effectively with some geometric notions. We say that U and V are perpendicular (orthogonal, normal) if and only if U· V = 0, for U· V = 0 if and only if one of the vectors is zero or cos 8 = 0, in which case () is a right angle, 8 = ± (n/2).
Exercises to Paragraph 1.2.5 1. Lat U = (3.7). V = <-3,8)(a) Compute U· V. (b) Compute IUI, IVI. (c) Compute cos (J, where (J is the angle between U and V. (d) How would you get 8 from cos 8? 2. Let U = <3, 7). (a) Construct a nonzero vector V such that U .i V. (b) Construct a vector with unit length in the same direction as Vabove. 3. The Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality. Prove IU· VI ~ IUII VI for all vectors U, Hint: Cosine. 4. The Triangle Inequality. Prove IU + VI ~ lUI + IVI for all vectors U, V. Hint: Show IU + Vl 2 ~
1.2.6 The Outward Normal Vector N(s)
This will be essential in our study of the behavior of a function on the boundary an. Suppose n is a Jordan domain. Let r be one of the Jordan curves that form part of an. Let 0': [O~ L] -+ r be the parametrization of r by arc length. We will denote the unit tangent vector O"(s} by the customary T(s). Now, to each point O'(s) of r (consider s fixed), we wish to affix a vector N(s) that satisfies (i) IN(s)1 = 1 (unit vector), (ii) N(s) 1. T(s); (N(s) is unormal" or perpendicular to the curve}.
Chap. 7
Calculus in the Plane
(a) Figure
(iii) N(s) points outward, away from the domain n. Such a vector N(s) is called the outward normal vector. See Figure 1.20(a). We construct N(s) with our bare hands as follows: Given a(s) = (0'1 (s), 0'2 (s», we may compute T(8) = 0"(8) = (U'I(S),U'2(S»' We now
define N(s) = (O" 2(5). - 0" 1(5».
Now let's verify that this N(s) has properties (i), (ii), (iii) listed above. From IT(s)1 = 1 follows immediately that IN(s)1 = 1, as required by (i) above. To verify that the vector N(s) defined here satisfies (ii), you may check immediately that the Udot product" N(s)· T(s) = 0 and recall that the vanishing of the dot product of two vectors is equivalent to their perpendicularity. (Recall Theorem 2 above.) To verify requirement (iii), Uoutwardness," note that when both U'I(S) > 0 and U'2(S) > 0, so that the vector T(s) points upward and to the right (see illustration) with n on its left, then N(s) points downward (since its y-component -u\(s) is negative) and to the right (since 0"2(S) > 0) whence N(s) points away from n. See Figure 1.20(b). Sample Construction of N(s)
Let 0': [0, 27rr] ~ C(O; r) be the arc length parametrization of the circle of radius r. We saw above that O'(s) = (r cos (sIr), r sin (sir». Thus, the unit tangent vector is T(s)
-sin;, cos~) .
That is, (7'1 (s) = - sin (sIr), 0" 2(S) = cos (sIr). In accord with the recipe above, we define N(s)
(0"2(S), -U'I(S» = (Cos;,8in;).
Ssc. 1.2
Plllne CU'IIS$
Let's verify that N(s) points outward at the point one-eighth of the distance around the circle from the starting point (r,O). This point is given by 0'(8) when 8 = LI8 = 2nrl8 = nrl4, that is. the point is
r~2) . We compute also. using the formula for N(s) above, that
~2). Since both coordinates here are positive, this vector points to the right and upward, and therefore away from the interior of the circle, as expected. See Figure 1.21.
Exercises to Paragraph 1.2.6
r be the boundary of the unit square with comers at Zo = 0, %1 = (1. 0). %,- = (1,1), %3 = (0,1). We Write r = ro + r 1 + r2. + r3 (a classical notation), where r 0 is the segment from Zo to %It r 1 from ZI to Z,-, etc. Verify that if r is given a positive (counterclockwise) orientation, then the outward normal vector at any point of ro is (0, -I), of r 1 is (1,0), of r 2 is (0, I), of r3 is -1. 0). Sketch the square and some normal vectors. 2. Let r be a positively oriented Jordan curve and let n be the Jordan domain consisting of all points interior to r. Let Zo E r with T = T(zo), N = N(zo) the unit tangent and outward normal vectors to r at the point Zo (no need to mention parametrization). Let V be any vector with tail end at zoo 1. Let
Calculus in the Plane
Chap. 1
(a) Verify that V = aT + bN, where a = V·T, b = V·N. This decomposition relates V and O. (b) Convince yourself (sketch!) that the vector aT = (V· T) T (the tangential component of V) measures the tendency of V to point in the tangential direction, whereas bN = (V·N)N (the normal component of V) measures the tendency of V to leave n by crossing r at right angles. In particular, if V· N < 0 then V is pointing into n from Zo rather than out of n. (c) Interpret V· T > 0, V·N = O. Sketch! (d) Interpret V· T < 0, V·N = O. (e) Interpret V·T = 0, V·N = IVI > O. 3. A summary in simplified notation. Let n be the Jordan domain interior to a simple closed curve r = 00, which is positively oriented with respect to .o_ We parametrize r by arc length, denoting the typical point z = Z(8) = (x(s), Y(8». There is no need to use a (or 0: or p, etc.) when there is only one parametrization being discussed. Verify the following assertions: (a) The tangent vector T(s) = Z'(8) = (X' (s), y'(s». Here
dz z' (s) means ds (8),
dx x' (8) means ds (8),
(b) (x' (S»2 + (y' (S»2 = 1. (c) The outward normal vector 1\[(8) at the point Z(8) on
r is equal to
(y'(s), -X'(8». We remark that most of our applications of T(s) and N(8) are simple uses of assertions (a), (b), and (c). Also, these formulas still apply if n is a k-connected Jordan domain, k > 1, and an consists of k simple closed curves.
1.3.0 Introduction Our study of curves involved functions cx(t) of a real variable t with values in the plane ~z. Now we reverse directions and discuss functions with domain of definition in 1R2 which assume real numbers as values. We will be particularly interested in how a function defined in the plane varies in the vicinity of a fixed point z; hence, differentiation. This is a somewhat more complicated notion for functions of z -= (x, y)
than for functions of x alone because, roughly speaking, there is much more room to vary. We will be led to defining two different sorts of derivative, the directional derivative and the gradient, and showing how they relate. Here are some basics. Let n be a domain (open connected subset of 1R2). A function u from n into IR is a rule that assigns to each ZEn a real number u(z). If z = (x, y), we may also write u = u(z) = u(x, y). The familiar expression u: n -t> IR will also be used. Here is a handy notation. If S is any subset of IR, then u- 1 (S) = {z
1R2 I u(z) E S}.
Differential Calculus In Two V.rlsbles
We emphasize that u-I(S) is simply the notation for a set; we do not claim that the function u has an inverse. An important definition: The function u: 0 -. IR is continuous in 0 if and only if whenever S is an open interval (end points not included) in IR, then u- 1 (S) is an open subset of Il~.z. This definition of continuity may be translated into an equivalent limit statement: u is continuous in o if and only if, for each fixed Zo EO, limz-+zo u(z) = u(zo). The translation from the uopen set" definition to the ulimit" statement is possible because both open sets and limits are defined in terms of distance Iz - zol. We leave it to you to make your own private peace with this. We remark that in this book we almost never mention the graph of the function u (which is the surface consisting of all points (x. Y. u(x, in three-dimensional space).
1.3.1 Continuously Differentiable Functions We assume you have some acquaintance with the two partial derivatives ux(x, y) and uix, y) of a function u(x, y). We say that u(x, y) is continuously differentiable in the domain n if and only if both its partial derivatives exist and are continuous at eaeh point (x, y) of Q.
Most of the functions we study will be of this type. Here is some useful notation. We let ctf(O) denote the set of all realvalued functions u(x, y) which are continuous throughout n. Also, <11(0) denotes the set of all functions continuously differentiable in 0, as defined just above. Note that u E ctf 1(0) implies u,., U» E ctf(Q). One basic thing we wish to prove is <11(0)
that is, a continuously differentiable function is continuous (Corollary 4, p. 33), This is the analog of the calculus theorem that states that if f'(x) exists, then f(x) is continuous.
Most properties of continuously differentiable functions flow from the following basic analysis. THEOREM
Let u
= (xo. Yo) En. For each point z
(x, y) in Q
we may write u(z)
+ El'(X
where 81> G2
u)I(zo)'(Y - Yo)
+ e2 -(y - Yo), approach zero as z approaches Zo in n. -
Proof: We will use the Mean~Value Theorem of ordinary calculus in each variable. For (x. y) close enough to (xo. Yo), we have the standard trick u(x, y) - u(xo. Yo) = {u(x, y) - u(xo, y)}
{u(xo, y) - u(xo f Yo)}.
Chap. 7
Calculus in the Plane
The Mean-Value Theorem may now be applied to the x-variable in the first bracket and to y in the second bracket. This yields equality of the right-hand side of the last equation with ux(XtrY)'(x - xo)
+ u)/(xo, Yl)-(Y
- Yo)
for Xl between Xo and x and Yl between Yo and y. See Exercise 4. The continuity of the partial derivatives allows us to conclude that UX<Xl' y), u,,(xo, Yl) approach ux{xo, Yo), u)/(xo, Yo), respectively, as (x, y) approaches (xo, Yo). Hence, we may write U,x(x 1• y) = U;II{XO I U)/(Xo. Yl) = u,,(xo,
+ 81
Yo) +
where the e's tend to zero as (x, y) approaches (xo l Yo)' Substituting these into the expression for u(x, y) - u(xo, Yo) above completes the proof of the theorem. Interpretation of the Theorem
This is classic differential calculus. To study the function u near the point zo' we break u into two parts, u(z) = L(z; zo)
+ E(z; zo)
where L(z; zo) = u(zo) + uizo)'(x - xo) + uJ.~o)·(Y - Yo) E(z; zo) = 81 '(X - Xo) + 82 .(y - Yo)
are the "linear approximation" and H error term," respectively. Note that Zo is held fixed, 80 Land E are treated as functions of z alone. Moreover, we see (i) L(z; zo) contains the value u(zo) and the ufirst derivative" information of u; (ii) L(z; zo) is a rather simple function of x, y; (iii) E(z; zo) carries the complicated information about u in 81.82; (iv) However. E(zj zo) vanishes rapidly as z approaches Zo- In fact, E(z; zo) gets small fast enough that lim IE(z; zo)1 = 0, :"'::0
Iz - zol
as you may check easily, using Ix - xol, Iy - Yol :s; Iz - zol; (v) Hence. the error u(z) - L(z; zo) is very small for z close to Z00 That is, u(z) is closely approximated by the simpler linear function L(z; zo) for z near
All this depends on the hypothesis that u is continuously differentiable.
Differential Calculus in Two Variables
Sec. 1.3
Given u(z) = u(x. Y) = x 2y, assures us that u(Z) = 12
12(x - 2)
+ 4(y
= (xo. Yo) = (2, 3). - 3)
+ 81(X -
The theorem
+ 82(Y
- 3)
where 81. 82 approach zero as (x. y) approaches (2, 3). Because u(x. y) is so nice (a polynomial in x, y), we may actually compute 81,82 in terms of x, y. In fact, if we use the trick x = (x - 2) + 2, y = (y - 3) + 3, we see that
+ 2)2«y - 3) + 3) 12 + 12(x - 2) + 4(y - 3) + 3(x - 2)2 + 4(x - 2)(y - 3) + (x - 2)2(y - 3),
u(x, y) = «x - 2) =
so we might take el = 3(x - 2)
4(y - 3),
Further Comments
1. Theorem 3 is a first attempt at some ultimate theorem that would assure us that if u were nice enough, then it could be expanded in a convergent power series 0')
u(z) = u(x, y) =
cmn(x - xo)"'(y - Yo)n
where the coefficients cmn are related to the higher-order partial derivatives of u at zoo Compare the example just above. 2. Now we use Theorem 3 twice: to prove Corollary 4 and the Chain Rule. (It will also be applied in our discussion of the Cauchy-Riemann equations in Chapter 3.) The Chain Rule will then yield the main results on the directional derivative. COROLLARY
Let u E
Zo En.
Then u is continuous at zoo In other
Proof: We leave it to you to show that u(x. y) approaches u(xo, Yo) as (x, y) approaches (xo. Yo) in n. Use Theorem 3. A Version of the Chain Rule
Suppose u E
Chap. 7
Clliculus In the
variable as in ordinary calculus. Hence, we ask for the standard derivative, d dt u(aCt» = ? Theorem 3 leads to the following answer. CHAIN RULE
Let u and o:(t)
= (O:l(t), 0:2(t»
be as above. Then
dt U(lX(t» = uia(t» 0:' t (t)
+ U)'(lX(t»lX'2(t).
Proof: We form the standard difference quotient for the derivative at to and then do what comes naturally. Thus, t - to
t - to
» + el . (lXl(t) -
el . (lXt(t) - lXt(to
t - to by Theorem 3, since x = <Xl(t), Y = lXl(t). Now let t approach to so that a{t) approaches a(to), and check that everything works out. Done. We mentioned earlier that a curve is often introduced by a phrase
such as "Let x = x(t), y = yet) define a curve ... ," with no reference to the mapping a. In this case the Chain Rule becomes d
dt u(x(t), y(t» = uix(t), y(t»x'(t)
u,(x(t), y(O)y'(t).
Comment Compare this with ordinary calculus:
f{x{t») ::; f'(x(t»x'{t}.
Exercises to Paragraph 1 .3.1 1. Let u(z) = u(x, y) L(z; Zo)
- x 2 + 3y2, Compute the linear approximation Uz(Zo) (x - Xo) + u,(Zo) (y - Yo) to u at Zo = (1.2) in
two ways as follows: (a) by calculating the partial derivatives at zoo and (b) by writing x = (x - 1) + 1. y = (y - 2) + 2 in the expressions for u(x. y) and truncating the resultant expression after the first-degree term. (c) Verify that IE(z; zo>l/I % - zol -+ 0 as % -+ %0 (see the discussion following Theorem 3).
Sec. 1.3
Differential Calculus in Two Variables
2. Let u be as in Exercise I, and «(t) = (cos t, sin t) the standard parametrization of the unit circle. Compute (d/dt) u(a.(t» as a function of t in two ways: (a) by first computing u",(x, y), u1(x, y) and then letting x = cos t. Y = sin t in the Chain Rule, (b) by differentiating U(C08 t, sin t) with respect to t. 3. The argument function. Let z = (x, y) not lie on the nonpositive x-axis. Then z may be assigned polar coordinates (r. 6). where r = Izl, 6 = arctan (Ylx), and -1t < () < n. (a) Verify that, once these agreements have been made, the argument function arg Z = 6 is continuous in the domain n consisting of 1Il2 with all points (x, 0), x ~ 0, deleted. (U = the slit plane.) (b) Verify that arg z cannot be extended to the domain 1Il 2 - {O} so as to be continuous at (x, 0), x < O. (c) Observe that the convention 7t < 8 < 3n leads to a different version ("branch") of the argument function, which differs from the "principal bl'anch" in (a) at each z by a constant term 271:. Neither version is more natural than the other. (d) Verify that, for any branch of (J = arg z, Os
= (arg z)", = --, r2
8y = (arg z)y
x = "2 r
where r2 = X Z + yZ. (e) Verify that 6XJt + (JJlY = 0 identically. That is. 8 = arg z is a solution to the t'Laplace equation" and is thereby termed harmonic in n (= the slit plane defined in (a». 4. Recall the Mean-Value Theorem of ordinary calculus and verify its use in the proof of Theorem 3. See any calculus book! 6. Supply details in the proof of Corollary 4.
1.3.2 The Directional Derivative The partial derivative uz<x, y) is defined as
ux (x, y )
U(X = lim 8 ... 0
+ s, y)
- u(x. y)
Given the point (x, y), the number u~(x, y) is the rate of change of the value u(x, y) with respect to change in x, the value of y being held fixed. There is a similar interpretation of u,,(x, y), of course. Now we ask about change in an arbitrary direction, not just the direction of the x-axis or y-axis. To be specific, suppose u is a function defined in a domain n containing the point z = (x, y) and suppose that Vis a unit vector, IVI = 1, with tail fixed at z. The vector V points out a particular direction of travel through the fixed point z. We ask: UWhat is the rate of change (with respect to distance in the plane) of the value of the function u at the point z. in the direction of the vector V?" See Figure 1.22. Note the three mathematical data: function, point, direction.
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Calculus In the Plane
Figure 1.22
Let's translate this into ordinary calculus. The set of all points z + sV in 1R2, where 8 is a real number, is a straight line through z (which is given by 8 = 0). This line has the same direction as V in the sense that as 8 increases from - 00 to 00, the point z + s V travels along the line through z in the direction indicated by V. In fact, s is the arc length parameter along this straight line because IVI = 1. (Think about this!) Thus the question at the end of the last paragraph becomes, "What is the rate of change of the value of u at the point z when restricted to the parametrized straight line z + s V?" This calls for a definition and a theorem. We define the directional derivative of u at z in the direction V (denoted u'(z; V» as the ordinary derivative
u'(z; V) = dd u(z + sV) S
I . 5=0
Note here that z and V are given, so that u(z + s V) is a function of s alone, just as in ordinary calculus. It is immediate (since z is given by s = 0) that
u '( z; V) = }'1m u(z + sV) - u(z) , 5-+0
an equivalent form of the definition.
At this point we find ourselves in the familiar position of having a nice theoretical definition at hand, but without a generally useful method of computing. How can we compute u'(z; V) in terms of known (that is, partial) derivatives of u? The answer utilizes the Chain Rule obtained above. Here it is.
Sec. 1.3
Differential ealellius in Two V.,illbills
Let U E <11(0) and Z E Q. If V = (k h k l directional derivative is given by
is a unit vector, then the
Proof: We write
Thus O"l(S) = k l • 0"2(S) == k l • Now apply the Chain Rule with s = O. Done.
Remark: If V points in the usual direction of the x-axis (that is, if
= (1, 0», then Theorem 5 reduces to
u'(z; V) = ux(z),
the familiar partial derivative, as expected. Example of a Directional Derivative
What is U'(Zoi V). where u(z) = u(x, y) = x 2y, Zo = (1, 1) and V is the unit vector (- 2/"'; 13, 3/.J 13)? We offer two methods for computing this: 1. Short method: Apply the theorem. We have u;%(x, y) = 2xy, u,(x, y) = x 2 so that u;%(zo) = 2, u,(zo) = 1. By the theorem, then, u'(zo; V)
= 2(-2/..J13) + 1(3/..J13) = -1/..J13.
2. Long method: Direct computation. Since (x, y) = Zo + 8 V = (1 - 28/../13, 1 + 38",/13), we see that u(x, y), when restricted to the line through zo, yields a function of s alone, namely,
8 8s 2 1283 =1--=--+ . ../13 13 13..J13
The derivative of this function of s at 8 = 0 is immediately seen to be -1/..J1a, in agreement with the answer obtained by the first method. We conclude that u(x, y) = x 2y is decreasing as (x, y) varies through the point (1. 1) in the direction pointed out by the given V. This is because u'(zo; V) < O.
Chap. ,
Calculus In the Plane
Exercises to Paragraph 1.3.2 1. Compute the directional derivative u'(zo: V), where u(x. y) = x - x 2
and Zo and V are (a) Zo = (0,0), V (b) Zo = (0, 0), V (c) Zo = (1,2), V (d) Zo = (1,2), V (e) Zo = (1, 2), V
as follows (note = (1,0);
IVI = 1):
= (1/..12, 1/..12); = (0. -1); = (0.1); =
1/ ../2) ;
V = (1/../2, -1../2). 2. (a) Compute a unit vector U that points in the same direction as <3, -4). (f)
= (1,2),
(b) Compute the directional derivative of u(x, y) = e" cos y at Zo = (I, n12) in the direction pointed out by (3, -4). Hint: Use (a). 3. (a) Let u E ~1(1R2), «(0) = (cos 0, sin 0) (the usual parametrization of the unit circle). Verify that (dujdO)(a(O» = u'(a(O); T(O», where T(O) is the unit tangent vector to the circle at the point a(O). (The tangential derivative of u.) (b) Conjecture the values of the tangential derivatives of the functions r = Izl = (x2. + y2)1/2 and {1 = arg z (where defined). Hint: How does r change as you move around the circle? 4. Suppose the unit vector V makes a counterclockwise angle lJ) with the vector (I, 0) (horizontal). (a) Verify V =
1.3.3 The Gradient Vector
Now we define another sort of derivative for u(x, y). It is a vector in the plane and not a number (as is the directional derivative), We will see that it has a close relation with the directional derivative, however. As usual,!l is a domain in the plane. Let
that u.x(z), uy(z) exist at every point 2 the point z to be the vector
E I(fl(!l). This assures us ofO. We define the gradient of u at U
Vu(z) = (u.x(z), uy(z».
Some authors write grad u(z) instead of Vu(z). The upside-down delta V is sometimes read "de!." Pictorially (see Figure 1.23), we think of the vector Vu(z) as having its tail end fixed at the point z. This prompts a question: UWhat is so special about the direction in which the gradient vector points?" We will consider this 'below. Examples of Gradient Vectors 1. Let 0 = 1R2, u(x, y) = x 2y, Zo = (1, 1). What is Vu(zo)? We have U.x = 2xy, uJI = x 2 • so that u.x(1, 1) = 2, uJI(1, 1) = 1. It
follows that Vu(1, 1) = (2, 1).
Sec. 1.3
Differential Calculus in Two Variables
VU(,.yGradients of u(x, y) =
t (X2+y2)
2. Let u be as above, but now let z 1 = (- 2, 3). Then we see that Vu(-2.3) = (-12,4). 3. Let u be as above. For which z is Vu(z) = (0. O)? You should convince yourself that Vu(z) = (0,0) if and only if z has the form (0. y). Compare the y.axis.
Two things remain to be done: we must relate the gradient to the directional derivative, and also we must interpret the direction of the gradient. The Gradient and the Directional Derivative
This is a simple observation. We know already that if V = (ki> k 2 ) is 'a unit vector, then the directional derivative has the nice form (recall Theorem 5, Paragraph 1.3.2) u'(zo; V) = uX(zo)k 1
uy (zo)k 2 •
Now we observe that the right-hand side here looks like the dot product of two vectors. In fact, we see u'(zo; V)
= Vu(zo)' V.
In words, the rate of change of u at Zo in the V -direction may be obtained by dotting the gradient vector with the unit vector V. On the Gradient Direction
The dot product formula just obtained stimulates further thought. We recall from Section 1.2 that
Chap. 1
ClllculuB In the Plane
for any vectors U, V. Here, 8 is the angle between U and V. Hence, the paragraphs above imply u'(zo; V)
= Vu(zo)' V
= IVu(zo)IIVI
IVI = 1 (unit vector!), so that u'(zo; V)
IVu(zo)1 cos 8.
We leave it to you to conclude this analysis by proving the next statement (interesting, but not crucial to what follows). THEOREM
E ~I(O),
EO. Then
(i) the gradient vector Vu(zo) points from Zo in the direction of
maximum rate of increase of the value of U; (ii) the rate of increase (directional derivative) in the gradient direction is equal to the length IVu(zo)l; (iii) for any unit vector V, the directional derivative satisfies - IVu(zo)1 ~ u'(zo; V) :::; IVu(zo)l.
Hint: Look at the cosine. For (i) use the fact that cos 8 = 1 if and only if 8 = O. Otherwise, cos (J < 1. What does this say about Vu(zo) and V? Moral If the temperature at each point Z (Figure 1.24) in the plane were equal to u(z), and if you were a heat-seeking bug standing at the point
o Gradients of temperature u(x,y) =xy
Sec. 1.3
Differential Calculus in Two Variables
zo. then in order to move toward higher temperatures most efficiently (in terms of degrees of increase in temperature per distance traveled) you should begin traveling away from Zo in the direction pointed out by Vu(zo) (and at every point z follow Vu(z». Thought question: What if Vu(zo) = (0, 0) (and hence has no direction)?
Exercises to Paragraph 1.3.3 1. Compute the gradient 'i7u(z). where u(z) = x - x 2 (a) z = (x, y) (typical point), (b) z = (0,0). (c) z = (1. 2). (d) z = (1/2, 0).
+ 3y2 and z is given by
2. Do Exercise 1 to Paragraph 1.3.2, using the gradient. 3. (a) Let r = r(z) = Izl as usual. Argue, using Theorem 6, that at each point Zo # 0, the gradient V r(zo} points from Zo directly away from the origin (the direction of greatest rate of increase of r). (b) Verify your argument in (a) by actually computing Vr. (c) In which direction is vO(zo) = v arg Zo pointing from zo? Assume here that Zo does not lie on the nonpositi ve x·axis. 4. The function U E 'ifl(fl) has a local maximum at Zo in fl if u(zo) ~ u(z) for all z in some open disc centered at ZOo Prove that if u has a local maximum at Zn. then Vu(zo) = (0,0), the zero vector. Compare the condition {'(xo) = 0 from ordinary calculus. 5. Prove Theorem 6.
1.3.4 The Outward Normal Derivative au/an Most of the directional derivatives we discuss will in fact be outward normal derivatives. This concept will enable us to develop one of our basic themes: the relation of the behavior of a function u inside a domain n to its behavior on the boundary on. Here is the standard situation. 0. is a Jordan domain (see Section 1.2) and Zo is a point on on. The outward normal vector N(zo) points out of n; see Figure 1.25. Suppose u(z) is a function that is continuously
differentiable in some larger domain containing n and on. We ask: "What is the rate of change of the value u = u(z) as the variable z crosses the boundary at the point z = Zo in the normal direction
We know the answer already. It is the directional derivative u'(zo; N(zo»' We call this value the outward normal derivative olu at Zo on on.. It is frequently denoted (oujon)( zo), with 0. and an. understood but not explicitly mentioned. Thus, we know that au (zo)
u'(zo; N(zo» = Vu(zo)·N(zo).
Chep. 1
C.lculus in the Plene
g: (Zo) = derivative of u in N(zo) direction Sample Computations of au/an 1. Let u(x, y)
= x 2y
n =
D(O; 1), the unit disc.
Given Zo = (1/.J2, 11../2) on the circle an. What is (au/an)(zo)? We compute Vu(zo) = (1, t). We note also that N(zo) =
(Draw a picture!) Thus, we compute
~~(zo) = (1'~)'\~2' ~2) = 2~2' It follows that u(x, y) is increasing as (x, y) moves across the point (1/~, 1/.J2) in the radial direction. 2. Now we treat (au/an)(z) as a function of the variable z on an. For definiteness, let u and n be as in computation 1. At a point z = (x, y) on the unit circle, we observe (picture!) that the outward normal derivative satisfies N(z) = N(x, y)
Note that this is a unit vector, since x 2 + Also, we have for u(x, y) = x 2y:
(x, y). y2
Vu(z) = Vu(x, y) = (2xy, x 2 ).
It follows by taking a dot product that au au -(z) = -(x, y) = 3x 2y = 3y(1 _ y2),
since x 2 = 1 - y2 on an. If we choose to parametrize the circle by the usual angle 0, (1(0) = (x, y) = (cos 01 sin 0), we obtain ou/an as a function of 0: au
au . = -(a(O» = 3 cos 2 0 sm O.
Sec. 1.3
Differential Calculus in Two Variables
Preview We will frequently treat (au/an)(z) as a function defined on the curves that comprise an. This function reflects the tendency of u(z) to change across the full boundary
Exercises to Paragraph 1 .3.4
r = r 0 + r I + r l + r 3 be the (positively oriented) boundary of the unit square, as described in Exercise 1, Paragraph 1.2.6. Prove that the outward normal derivative (ou/on)(z) is given by (a) - (ou/a y)(z), if z E r 0; (b) (fJu/ox)(z), if z E r J ; (c) (au/(}y)(z), if z E r 2 ; (d) - (fJu/ox)(z), if z E r 3. 2. Let n = D(O; I), so that on = C(O; 1). Verify that the outward normal deriva. tive (fJu./an)(z), z E on, is actually the radial derivative (ou/'iJrXz) in this case. Thus, if u is given in polar coordinates, u = u(r. 8), the outward normal derivative is obtained by differentiating with respect to the variable r. 3. Let n be the unit disc as in Exercise 2. Compute the outward normal derivative (ou/'On)(z) by expressing the given u in polar coordinates and applying Exercise 2. Since r = Ion on, (ou/on)(l, 8) is a function of 8 alone. 1. Let
(a) u(z) = (b) u(z) =
(c) u(z)
Izl2, arg z, (-x < 8 < n).
(d) u(z) = xy. 4. Let n be the unit disc as in Exercises 2 and 3, and consider u(z) u(x, y) x. Without computing, argue that (ou10n)(z) = 0 if z is (0, 1) or (0, -1), (ou/on)(z) > 0 if z lies to the right of the y-axis (x > 0), and (ou/on)(z) < 0 if z lies to the left of the y-axis. The point here is that u(z) = x increases as z moves from left to right. Note: Izi = 1.
5. (a) Suppose n is the unbounded domain determined by \z\ > 1. so that an is the unit circle that is given a clockwise orientation. Verify that ('iJu/'iJn)(z) = - ('iJu/'iJr)(z) on on. (b) Given u(z) = In Izi. z 0:/: 0, compute ('Ou/'iJn)(z) on on as above. 6. Let n be the unit disc with positively oriented boundary as usual. (a) Construct a function u(z) defined for all z :/= 0 such that (ou/on)(z) < 0 for all z on on and lim~ ... o u(z) = 00. (b) Construct a function v(z) defined for all z without exception such that ('Ou/'On)(z) < 0 for all z on on., (c) Construct a function u(z) such that (ou/on)(z) = 0 for z on the x- or y-axis, (ou/'iin)(z) > 0 for z in the first or third quadrant, (oulon)(z) < 0 for z in the second or fourth quadrant. Of course \zl = 1 in all this. 7. Some review questions. Standard sit.uat.ion: n il:i Ii Jordan domain with boundary an parametrized by Z(8) = (x(s), y(8), where the parameter 8 is arc length. The function u(z) is in ~l(n+). Answer true or false. (a) For zen, vu(z) = (uy(z), uiz». (b) At a point Z(8) on on, (ou/on)(z(8» = vu(z(s»·N(z(s», where N(Z(8» is the outward normal vector at z(s).
Calculus in the Plane
Chap. 7
(c) The outward normal vector N(z(s» equals (y'(s), -x' (s». (d) If n is the unit disc, then N(z(s» points toward the origin of the z-plane. (e) (ou/on)(z(s» = ut(z(s»y' (8) - u,(z(s»x' (8). (f) If we consider u(z(s» as a function of s. then (d/d8)U(Z(S» = Vu(z(s»· T(s), where. as usual. T(s) = T(z(s» is the unit tangent vector at the point determined by s. that is. at Z(8). (g) (ou/on)(z(s» is a vector in the plane.
1.3.5 Derivatives of Higher Order; the Laplacian
So far we have discussed the directional derivative, the gradient, and the outward normal derivative. Note that all of these are. in a sense. first derivatives. Starting at the middle of the next section. we will be using only functions that have many more derivatives. (By the way
do you know any functions-say, y = f(x)-that do not have an infinite number of derivatives (,,(x),. .. at each x of the interval of definition ?) We recall that ((Pujox 2 ) or U xx denotes the second partial derivative (a/ax)(aujax) (a 2u/ox oy) or UXy denotes (%y)(aujax), and likewise for the partial derivatives of Uy. Thus, the higher derivatives are defined by iteration. The following folk theorem is used often.
Let UXy(z) and u.l'x(z) exist for all z in n. If they are continuous functions of z, then they are equal; UX)I(z) = uyx(z) for all z.
Note: This theorem is false without some continuity for U Xy or U.l'X' However, most of the functions we encounter will have continuous higher partial derivRtives, so there is no cause for concern. The Sets 'i&'k(Q)
In the spirit of cg{Q) and 'i&'1(0), let us define ~)k(Q), k = 1, 2, ... , to be the set of functions defined on Q for which all mixed partial derivatives through the kth order exist and are continuous. Note that
Here, CC~(Q) consists of those functions u(x, y) all of whose mixed partials exist and are continuous throughout n. Announcement: The Laplacian
We will be very interested in the generalized second derivative of U;xx + u.)'.)'. This is called the Laplacian of u
u(x, y) given by the function
Jntllgl'al Calculus in thll Plllnil
Sec. 1.4
(after the eighteenth century French mathematician Laplace) and denoted liu; thus, Au(z) = Au(x, y) = uxix, y)
A function u in inn.
Uyy(x, y).
is harmonic in n if and only if Au(z)
0 for all z
Exercises to Paragraph 1.3.5 1. Which of the following functions u(z) are harmonic? (a) 2x - 3y. (b) eX cos y. (c) e" cos x. (d) In IzI. (e) x:1 (f) x 2
+ y2. _
2. (a) Verify that f(x) = xl is not differentiable at x = O. Note that the graph y = Ixl has a corner at x = o. (b) Verify that 'l(X) = J~ I It I dt is continuously differentiable, but has no second derivative at x = o. (c) Verify that f,,(x) = J~ I fll-l(t) dt is n times continuously differentiable, but lacks an (n + l).st derivative at x = O. Here, fll is defined by iteration. (d) Use (c) to prove that f6'k+ 1(0) is a proper subset of'if~(O) for every domain O.
Section 1.4 INTEGRAL CALCULUS IN THE PLANE 1.4.0 Introduction We turn now from differentiating to integrating. We will discuss two integrals, the "one-dimensional" line integral
[P(x, y) dx
+ q(x, y) dy]
and the "two-dimensional" double integral
f f u(x, y) dx dy. ()
The first of these will be defined in terms of the usual integral of calculus, using the fact that r is a parametrized CUI·ve. We have already completed most of the topology (open sets, domains) and curve theory that we will need. Much of it will be used in our presentation of Green's Theorem. This will be the central result of this section and the fact that makes the integration theory of harmonic and complex analytic functions work.
Calculus in the Plane
Chap. ,
1.4.1 Line Integrals
Let r be any piecewise-smooth curve in 1R2, and let p = p(x, y), q = q(x, y) be continuous real-valued functions defined in some set containing
We wish to give a meaning to I =
[p dx
+ q dy).
To do this, note that a typical point (x, y) on r is of the form (x, .y) = a(t) = (al(t), a2(t», where 0:: [a, b] -+ r is a parametrization of the curve r. Since x = at(t), Y = a2(t) on r, we have from calculus that dx = a'l (t) dt, dy = a'it) dt. Let us rewrite the integral above with these replacements:
Irz = f:ab [p(a(t»a'l (t) dt +
q(ex(t»a';z(t) dtl.
Check and see that this is now a one-variable definite integral (on the t-axis) of the type we learned at our mother's knee. Were we given the functions p, q, and the parametrization ex(t) explicitly, we could hope to compute Irz as a definite integral and get a number. We are tempted to define I = Irz except for one thing. Suppose we had chosen a different parametrization for the curve r, perhaps the arc length parametrization a(s). Would we get the same number? Does Ia = Irz? If so, it would be reasonable to define I as 1/1. (= Ia = ... ). The fo110wing fact resolves our quandary. THEOREM
Let ex and
P be equivalent parametrizations of the curve r. Then
Irz = Ip. Note: In Section 1.2, ex: [at> b t ] -+ r and p: [a2. b2] -+ r were defined to be equivalent if and only if ex(t) = P(E(t», where E: [at> b t ] -+ [a2' b2] is a one-one-onto continuous piecewise differentiable function with E'(t) > 0 for all t in [all bd. As usual, it suffices to consider ex smooth, E differentiable. Proof: Say ex(t) = P(E(t», s = E(t). Thus, ds = E'(t) dt. Then we have 1« =
[p(ex(t»a:' t (t) dt
q(ex(t»ex' 2(t) dt]
i~=a:' [P(P(E(t»)(Pl(E(t»), dt + q(P(E(t)))(P2(E(t))), dt]
i~=/J:2 [P(P(s»P'l (s) ds + q(P(S»P'2(S) ds]
[p(fJ(E(t)))fJ'l (E(t»E'(r.) dt
q(fJ(E(t»)fJ'2(E(t»E'(t) dt]
Sec. 1.4
Integral elliculus in the Plane
Note: This is a glorious exercise in the Chain Rule. Since equivalent parametrizations yield the same definite integral, we define 1 = Ir [p dx + q dy] to be la' as above. Observation
Since x = aJ(t), Y
= Cl:z(t},
we have
~~ dt
a'l(t) dt.
dy dt dt
a'2(t) dt.
A good way to remember the definition of 1 follows from this. It is (if t varies from t = a to t = b) I
r [P dx + q dy] Jb (p dxdt + qddty ) dt. =
Caution: Even though the notation Sr [p dx + q dy) does not indicate that an explicit parametrization a is given, we will suppose that a parametrization is given, and we will work with this parametrization and those equivalent to it. A less ambiguous notation would be Ia [p dx + q dy], with fa: = Ip if ::x and P are equivalent. Inequivalent parametrizations of
may, of course, yield different values of the line
integral. Example
Let p(x, y)
= xy, q(x, y) = 3 (constant), and let
a: [0, 7t] -..
parametrize the unit semicircle
r via a(8)
= {z = (x, y)
Ilzl =
1, Y ~ O}
(cos 8, sin (J); see Figure 1.26. What is Jr [p dx
a(8) =
6, sin 8)
o Figure
q dy]?
Calculus In the Plane
We have
[p dx
q dy] =
6 b
Chap. 1
[p(a(O»a'l (0) dO
!all: [- cos 0 sin
sin30 = [- - + 3
0 dO
3 sin 0
q(a(O»(/2(O) dO]
+ 3 cos 0 dO]
]6=n 8=0
= o. Let's compute this integral again. But now we choose another parametrization of r which is equivalent to a. We'll verify that the integral is again equal to zero, as promised by Theorem 7. Let p: [-1, 1] ~ r be given by P(t) = (- t, .J 1 - t 2 ). You should check that P(t) traverses the semicircle r in a counterclockwise manner as t increases from t = -1 to t = 1. Can you find E: [0, n] -+ [-1, 1] such that t = E{O)? Note - t = cos 0 = x. Now we compute Ip directly. We have
[p{P(t»P'l (t) dt
q(P(t»P' 2(t) dt]
[-t.J1 - t (-1) dt - 3t(1 -
= 1[-1(1 =
t2r~ dt]
3(1 - t2)t]~~:1
Thus, 1(% = I p, verifying Theorem 7. The Line Integral of an Exact Differential
We are about to compute Jr p dx + q dy for an important class of integrands. Our expressions p dx + q dy are known as "differentials," ('firstorder differentials," or "one-forms." Ifwe are ~ven a function u = u(x, y) in ~l(n), then its differential is defined to be du =
u)I dy.
For example, if u(x, y) = x2y, then du = 2xy dx + x 2 dy. Now suppose we are given a differential p dx + q dy with the functions p = p{x, y), q = q(x, y) in ~(Q). This differential is said to be exact in Q if it is equal to du for some u in ~J(n); that is, p dx
+ q dy = du =
dx +
Integral Calcuiull in thfJ Plane
In' other words, p and q are not random but are related by the conditions p
= ux,q
= uJI"
An interesting question (see exercises) is, "Given p dx + q dy, is it exact (in some Q)?" We'll encounter this again. Exact differentials, being derivatives (in a sense), have nice integral properties, as the following result shows. It should remind you of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. THEOREM
Let r be a piecewise-smooth curve from Zo to Z 1 lying inside a domain Q. Let U E eel (Q). Then
du = U(Zl) - u(zo).
Note: Since the right-hand side here depends only on zo,
but not
r, the integral is independent of the curve joining Zo to Zl' Proof: Let a: [a, b]
du = =
i i
d u(a(t» dt dt
r be the parametrization, Then + u/a(t»a'2(t) dt]
u(a(b» - u(a(a»
= U(Zl) -
Note that this boils down to the Chain Rule for u(a(t» and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for (d/dt)u(a(t». Done. Question
Let r be a loop,
Zl =
inside Q. If U
~l(n), what is
Sr du?
Exercises to Paragraph 1 .4.1 1. Compute the following line integrals directly from the definition. In each case, r is the unit circle parametrized by cx(t) = (cos t, sin t), 0 5 t 5 271, as usual. (a) Sd x dx - y dy] . (b) Jr x(dx + dy), (c) frY dx. (d) dy.
2. (a) Prove that if the differential p dx + q dy is exact in n (that is, p dx q dy = du) and u E ~2(n), then P1 = q". (b) 'Do you think the converse is true? (A delicate question,)
Calculus in the Plane
Chap. 1
3. Which of the following differentials are exact in n = 1R2? Find u if P dx + qdy = duo (a) y dx + x dy. (b) dx. (c) y dx - x dy. (d) ~ cos y dx - e'" sin y dy. 4. (a) Let u E WI(O). Prove that if r is a closed loop lying inside 0, then du = O. (b) To which of the integrals of Exercise 1 does this apply? 5. Let n be the plane ~2 with the nonpositive x·axis deleted. Recall tJ = arg Z E W2(O), once we agree that - 11: < B < n. See the exercises to Paragraph 1.3.1. (a) Verify dB = (x 2 + y2)-1 (-y dx + x dy). (b) Observe that the functions _y(x 2 + y2)-I. x(x 2 + y2)-1 are defined in 1R2 - {O} and hence on the unit circle r. (c) Verify Sr (,x2 + .)'2)-1 (-y dx + x dy) = 21l "1= O. Note that Izl = 1. (d) Why doesn't (c) contradict the result of Exercise 4(a)? (e) How does (c) reflect the multivaluedness of arg z? This example is worthy of meditation. 6. (a) Find u(x, y) such that ye'" dx + e'" dy = duo (b) Compute Jdye'" dx + e'" dy].where r is the graph ofy=sin x parametrized by x, 0 ~ x =:;; n/2. Hint: Make the most of (a). 7. (a) Prove that if f is horizontal [vertical], then dy = 0 [dx = 0] on f. This may simplify certain integrations. (b) Let f = r, + f z• where 1"'1 is the horizontal segment from 20 = (xo, Yo) to z, = (Xl> Yo) and f2 is the vertical segment from ZI to Zz = (x" y,). Prove that
+ q(x, y) d~ =
r p(x.
Yo) dx + q(XI, y) dy, r Jxo Yo provided the parametrization of f 1 is equivalent to one of the natural parameters ± x and likewise for r 2 and ± y (as is usually the case). 8. Prove the following algebraic properties of the line integral by reducing to the case of ordinary integrals. (a) (Jr[p,dx+q 1 dy]) + (fr[P2dx+q z dy])=Jd(P,+P2)dx+(ql + q2)dY1· (b) Jrap ax + bq dy = a IrP dx + b'Jr q dy, (a, b, E IR). 9. Proving J-r [p dx + q dyJ = - Sr [p dx + q dy]. (a) Recall that if r is parametrized by «(t), a ~ t ~ b, then - r denotes the reverse journey that is given by )I(r) = (l,(t(r», where t = t(r) = a - (r - b) and a =:;; -r ~ b. Refer to the exercises to Paragraph 1.2.3. (b) It suffices to prove f -r P dx = - I r P dx. Verify that
(f<x, y) dx
p(x, y) dx
d~;t) d-c
where, as usual, (x, y) = ,,(-c) = (",(t). "2(t». (c) Verify that the right-hand integral in (b) equals
'=1l «» P a. t
dOC1(t) d -d- t.
t Hint: Use y(-r) = y(-c(t» = a.(t) and the chain rule. t=/I
Integral Calculus In the Plane
Sec. 7.4
(d) Observe that the integral in (c) equals
p(x, y) dx
as desired. Note that this is nothing more than a long-winded variation on the familiar relation
La f(x) dx
= -
Lf(x) dx b
of ordinary calculus.
1.4.2 Double Integrals, Iterated Integrals Now we turn from one-dimensional (line) integrals to twodimensional (area) integrals. We trust you have seen some of these already. The Idea of a Double Integral Suppose that n is a bounded domain (a disc, say) in 1R2, and let u = u(x, y) be a continuous function defined on n. U E ttf(!l). If u(x, y) ~ 0 for all (x, y) E 0, then the double integral
will be the volume (a nonnegative number) of the right cylinder whose base (in the plane) is n and whose height above (x, y) is u(x, y)j see Figure 1.27. If u(x, y) is negative for some (x, y), then minor adjustments must be made to this description.
u=u(x,y) >0
1.27 y
!J u
u dA
volume of cylinder
Calculus in the Plane
On the Definition
This interpretation in terms of volume is not a definition of
JfUdA n
because we have not defined "volume." The usual definition is in terms of a limit. Thus, let us subdivide n into pieces AA 1, ••• , Mn (where AAj also stands for the area of the jth region). Let Z j be a point in the jth piece AA j and form the sum n
8n =
AA j .
It can be shown that for simple types of domain OJ pieces AA), and continuous functions u(x. y). a sequence 8 1 , 8 2 • 8 3 " .• , Sn.. .. of such
sums (numbers!) will approach a definite limit, provided the "diameters" of all pieces AAj approach zero as n approaches 00. MOl·eover. this limit will depend only on u and fl, not on the choice of subdivisions. We call this limit the double integral of u over n. denoted
dx dy.
Computation: Iterated Integrals
Once again we find ourselves with a reasonable definition, but with no means of computing. Happily, however. many double integrals may be computed as "iterated" integrals: two one-dimensional integrations performed successively. An example should serve to recall this method. Given that n is the triangular region pictured in Figure 1.28 and that u(x, y) = xy, we have that
[Xy2] -- v=x dx 2
-dx 2
8 Note that we "integrated out" the variable y first, obtaining an integral in x alone, and then integrated out the variable x to get a number. It would have been slightly more complicated to integrate x out first.
SIIC. 7.4
Intllgrlll Clliculu$ in the PI.nll
y (1,1)
Exercises to Paragraph 1.4.2 1. Let n be the unit square with comers (0, 0), (1. 0), (1,1). (0,1). Compute the following double integrals: (a) JIn dx dy, (b) JIn xy dx dye 2. Let u, v e ~(m. True or false? (a) Un dx dy = area of n. (b) U ~ von n implies Hn u dx dy ~ JIn v dx dYe (c) u > 0 throughout n implies Un u dx dy > O. (d) The sign of JIn u dx dy depends on the orientation of on. (e) If lu(z)1 s M for all ZEn', then 1 Irn u dx dyl s M (area of n). 3. Let 0 = {(x, y) 1 Xo < x < XIt Yo < Y < Yl}, a rectangle with sides parallel to the coordinate axes. Suppose p(x, y) E <;fJ(O+), where n+ is a domain containingn. (a) Prove HnP' dx dy = I~~ (p(x, Yl) - p(x, Yo» dx. (b) Prove that the right-hand side of (8) equals - lenP dx, provided the path 00 is given a positive (counterclockwise) orientation in the usual manner. This is the essence of Green's Theorem for a rectangle. See Paragraph 1.4.3 for interpretation. 4. Let D be the disc D(O; R), and let r, 8 be the usual polar coordinates. Suppose U E
(a) Verify
u(x, y) clx dy
If i
u(r cos 8, r sin 8)r dr d8
9=21r { J,'=R
u(r cos 8, r sin 8)r dr } d8.
(b) Verify that we may interchange the order of integration in the last integral
of (a). (c) Suppose u(x, y)
= '(X2 + y2) for some function q1(t). Verify that
f f u dx dy = 2n foR qI(rI)r dr. D
Calculus in the Plane
Chap. 1
Note here that the integrand depends only on distance r but not on angle e. An example of this would be u(x, y) = temperature at (x, y) due to a point-
heat source situated at the origin O. 5. Compute
Sf D (x 2 + y2) dx dy where D
D(O; 1). Hint; Use Exercise 4(c).
6. Compute Hn xy dx dy, whel'e n is the triangle of the example in the text, by integrating first with respect to x. Your result should, of course, agree with that obtained in the text.
1.4.3 Green's Theorem
This is the most important result of Chapter 1. The statements of Green's Theorem and the three Green's Identities (coming) will involve most of the notions we have discussed so far: domains, arc length, the gradient, the outward normal derivative, line integl'als, double integrals. What is Green's Theorem? It is the two-dimensional version of the familiar Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. We recall that this latter theorem says F(b) - F(a)
F'(x) dx.
Think of it this way: The left-hand side is concerned with the behavior of the function F on the boundary (two points!) of the interval, while the right-hand side is concerned ~ith the behavior of the udifferential" dF = F'(x) dx on the entire interval (domain of F(x». Just so, Green's Theorem will tell us that
i)p dx + q dyJ= ff(qx -
Py) dx dy.
n Again, the left-hand side is concerned with the behavior of p dx + q dy on a boundary (curve!), while the right-hand side is concerned with the behavior of the "differential" (qx - Py) dx dy over the entire domain. We will make a more complete statement of Green's Theorem in a moment. History: The English scientist George Green included this theorem in a paper published in 1828. However, others had known of it earlier, notably Lagrange and Gauss.
Comment We w.ill state and apply a general version of Green's Theorem.
However, we will give a proof only in a special case, albeit an instructive one, namely, the case where the domain is a rectangle. Most of the difficulty of the general proof is caused by the wildly curving boundaries that a Jordan domain may have. A proof of an even more general version is given in Apostol's book. Mathematical Analysis.
Integral Calculus In the Plane
Sec. 1.4
Before stating the theorem, we introduce another notation. If n is a domain with boundary an as usual, we let n+ denote a larger domain containing both n and an. Our purpose is this: We wish to be sure that our functions are nicely behaved on an as well as inside Q. Hence, we will play it safe and require that our functions be well behaved on the larger domain n+ . GREEN'S THEOREM
n be a k-connected Jordan domain, and suppose p(x, y), q(x, y)
are functions in and an.. Then
[p dx
where n+ is some domain containing n
+ q dy]
(qx - p)') dx d;y.
Proof: It suffices to prove the two independent equalities
in in
p dx
ff Jf
p" dx dy,
= -
q dy
qx dx dy.
The minus sign in the first equality derives from the orientation. We shall prove this first equality and leave the second as an exercise. The two are entirely similar. As mentioned above, we consider only the special case of a l"eCtangle: n = {(x, y) I Xo < x < XlJ Yo < Y < yd Thus an consists of the parametrized line segments Figure 1.29. Note the counterclockwise orientation.
r J' r 2' r 3, r
r4 yo ---.-----. X'D
Calculus In the Plane
Chap. 7
We have
= -
(P(x, Y1) - p(x, Yo» dx
p(x. Yo) dx +
iXO p(x, Yl) dx Xl
r p(X, y) dx + Jr3r p(X, y) dx r p(X. y) dx. Jan JrJ
where the reasons for the five equal signs are first, iteration of the integral; second, Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for the integrand Pp considered as a function of y alone; third, basic algebra of the usual integral; fourth, notation; fifth, dx = 0 on the vertical sides r 2 and r 4 • This finishes our proof.
Comments 1. Green's Theorem will enable us to obtain further integral relations between behavior inside n and behavior on a~. 2. Our style of proof works for the more general convex domain whose boundary consists of curves that can be expressed as the graphs of functions, as pictured in Figure 1.30. 3. The one nontrivial idea occurring in our proof is the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for functions of one variable. 4. We will use Green's Theorem freely on Jordan domains n. Remember that for us a Jordan domain may have holes (the annulus) and that Green's Theorem concerns the integral JM over the full boundary of n, a total of k Jordan curves if n is k-connected.
A Verification of Green's Theorem
Let 0 be the triangle pictured in Figure 1.31. Note the orientation of ao. Let us compute
[y dx - x dy]
in two ways: (1) directly, and (2) using Green's Theorem. 1. We break an into the segments r l • r 2 • r 3 , noting that r 1 is given by 1 ::;; x ::;; 2. y = 0 (that is, the parameter is x); r 2 is given x = 2, 0 ::;; y ::;; 1 (the parameter is y); and r 3 is obtained by letting " decrease from x = 2 to x = 1 while y = x - 1.
Integral Calculus in the Plane
Sec. 1.4
Yl ---
I y= Yo(x) ! I
yo x=Xo(Y)
Typical decomposition into convex domains:
//=/J+// 11 0 Us 1
(2,1) Figure
Chap. ,
Calculus in the Plane
Now we break our integral into three integrals:
We calculate these three integrals in turn.
[y dx - x dy] = 0,
since y = 0 and so dy = 0 on r f
[y dx - x dyJ
since x = 2 and so dx = 0 on
f)l- 1
2) dy = - 2,
r 3'
[y dx - x dy] =
[(x - 1) dx - x dxJ,
since dy = d(x - 1) = dx on
1 X
r 3 • This becomes
( -1) dx
2 - 1 = l.
Putting all this together, we obtain with our bare hands
[y dx -' x dy] = 0 - 2
= -1.
2. Green's Theorem tells us, since qx = -I, P)l
[y dx - x dy] =
(-1 - 1) dx dy =
1, that
2) dx dy.
But we note that
dx dy = area of the triangle n =
n so that we again obtain
[y dx - x dy]
= -2 (t)
This method was much faster.
Exercises to Paragraph 1.4.3 1. Let n be a Jordan domain. Prove that (a) (0 JM [-y dx + x dyJ = area of 0, (b) J(JQ X dy = area of O. Thus the area may be determined by integrating around the boundary!
Sec. 1.4
Integral Calculus In the Plane
2. Verify that Green's Theorem yields a short proof of Ir du = 0 in the special case that u E lif2(n) and both the loop r and the points enclosed by r lie within n. Compare equality of mixed partial derivatives. Of course we've proved this already in somewhat more general circumstances. 3. Prove Jon q dy = JSn q;lt dx dy (half of Green's Theorem) in the case n is a rectangle with sides parallel to the coordinates axes. Use the method of the
text. 4. Prove that Ir [P(x) dx + q(y) dy] = 0, providedp(x), q(y) (functions of x andy, respectively), are continuously differentiable on and inside the closed loop r.
5. A physical interpretation of Green's Theorem. Let V(x, y) =
curl V dx dy.
n 6. Prove Green's Theorem for the convex domain
whose boundary (a loop)
consists of four curves, each of which can be expre58ed. as the graph of a function of x or y. as mentioned in the text (see Comment 2).
Note that the disc and triangle are included here. 7. What guarantees Ir [p dx + q dy] = O? Let r be a simple closed curve in the domain 0. and suppose the functions p, q are in ~(n). Consider the following hypotheses: (i) The interior of r is contained in n; (ii) n is simply connected (no holes); (iii) p dx + q dy is exact in n; (iv) p, q E lifl(n) and P'l = q", throughout n. (a) Only hypothesis (iii) is sufficient to guarantee that the integral in question vanishes. Give a full justification of this statement, including proofs and counterexamples. (b) Verify that either geometric hypothesis (i) or (li), taken with either condition (iii) or (iv), together suffice to guarantee that the integral vanishes. 8. What guarantees p dx + q dy is exact? Let p, q E ~(n). Consider the following conditions : (i) p, q E tjfl(n) flD.dp)l = qx throughout 0; (ii) If r is any closed curve in 0. then I r [p dx + q dy] = 0; (iii) If r is any simple closed curve in 0 whose interior also lies in n. then Ir[Pdx + qdy] = OJ (iv) For every pair zo, Zl of points in OJ the line integral of p dx + q dy is the same over every curve from Zo to Zl which lies in n ("independence of path").
Calculus in the Plane
Chap. 1
(a) Which of these conditions is alone sufficient to guarantee that p dx + q dy = du for some u. E '6'1(0)? Give proof or counterexample for each condition. Helpful: Exercise 5 to Paragraph 1.4.1. (b) Suppose now we give n some structure, namely, we grant that n is simply connected. Which of (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) now guarantee the existence of u? (c) For meditation: Some "likely" differentials fail to be exact on Q if n is not simply connected.
9. The Inside-Outside Theorem. Let n be a k-connected Jordan domain and u(x, y) E <6'2(Q+). Then
Hint: Write (au/on) cis in the formp dx + q dy ond apply Green's Theorem. See Paragraph 1.4.4 also, and Exercise 9 there.
1.4.4. Green's Identities Green's Theorem may be used to simplify the computation of some line integrals. There are many other applications, however. The first of these will be the three Green's Identities. These formulas may s.ppeaT somewhat bizarre, but they are very useful. The first two are all but immediate consequences of Green's Theorem. Green's ill is a bit deeper (it works only in conjunction with a particular function, the logarithm) and takes a bit more work to establish. Throughout our discussion, n is a Jordan domain and the functions p(x, y), q(x, y) are in ~2(n+); that is, all second partials exist and are continuous throughout some domain larger than n = n u an. Hence, we need not worry about cxistence of derivatives at the boundary, etc. We have, as usual, Vp(x, y) = {pix, y), pix, y», the gradient of p
(a vector depending on the point (x, y», and ~P(XI y) = Pxix, y) Pyy(x, y), the Laplacian of p (a continuous function). It is sometimes helpful to write
v --
(~ ox' oy ,
the gradient differential operator, so that V.V =
(iox ,oy~).(~ax ,~) oy
Sec. 1.4
Integ,al Clliculu8 in the Plane
But this is the Laplacian operator t Il so that we sometimes see Il = V2 •
V· V; this last is alBO written V2,
An Important Integral
We will be discussing the integral
f aq ds. Jan an Our notation here appears confused. The symbol Jan indicates a line integral over the Jordan curves that comprise an, whereas the integrand looks like an ordinary function of 8 (in contrast with A dx + B dy). Let us recall. therefore. that if O'(s) = (0'1(8). 0'2(S» parametrizes one of the curves of an by arc length, then
(refer to Section 1.2). Hence,
aq an
- ds
= Vq·Nds (qz, qy). (0"2(8), - 0" J (s» ds ds - q"O"J(s) ds = qx dy - qy
= Qx O"2(S)
Thus we agree that means
[qz dy - qy dx],
an honest line integral! Our hybrid notation will prove worthwhile, however. THEOREM (GREEN's 1)
Let n be a k-connected Jordan domain and p, q
f8 2(O+). Then
Meaning: This theorem is a two-dimensional version of integration by parts from ordinary calculus. Recall that
Now correspond u
Vq, dv
Vp, whence v
p, du +-+ V· Vq = Aq.
Calculus in the Plane
Chap. ,
Proof: The idea is to use Green's Theorem on the line integral in the statement. Unwinding this integral yields
r [pqx dy - pqy dx] = r [( - pqy) dx + (pqJ dy] Jon
p °a q ds =
f f [Pxqx + pqxx n
+ P)lq)l + pq,Vy] dx dy
~q] dx dy,
which is equivalent to Green's I. Done. THEOREM (GREEN'S II)
Let n be a k-connected Jordan domain and p, q E ~2(n+). Then
i ( on an
p oq - q ap ) ds
- q
~p) dx dy.
Meaning: Symmetrized Green's I.
Proof: Since the left-hand side of Green's I is symmetric in p and q and the right-hand side is not, we may interchange p and q to get another formula. Subtracting the second formula from the first yields
which is Green's
(p fJq - q ap ) ds - ff
- q
~p) dx dy,
n. Done.
Before going on to Green's m. we pause to note a very easy consequence of Green's I. We will use it once or twice crucially. It appeared earlier in the exercises to Paragraph 1.4.3.
THE INSIDE-OUTSIDE THEOREM Let n be a k-connected Jordan domain and q E t(6'2(n+). Then
r oq ds
Jan an
ff~q dx dy. n
Proof: Let p = 1 (constant) in Green's I. Done.
Integral Celculu$ in the PllIne
Sec. 1.4
Comment on the Inside-Outside Theorem The outward normal derivative oq/an measures the rate of change of q across the boundary an at a fixed point on the boundary. Integrating this rate of change over the full boundary an gives some sort of "net change" of q across an. This is the "outside" part of the theorem. We are told that this net change of q across on can be obtained by integrating liq over the "inside," that is, over Q.
Towards Green's III Now we come to Green's ill and thereby raise a theme central to these chapters: determining interior behavior by behavior on the boundary. To be more explicit. we want to know q(O for all CE n (a Jordan domain, of course) when we are given only (i) q(O exists and is twice continuously differentiable on n and an, (ii) Aq(z) is known for all ZEn, (iii) q(z) is known for all Z E an (boundary values of q), (iv) Vq(z) is known for all Z E an. Green's ill assures us that q(') is determined by the data (iHiv), and in fact we have the remarkable formula q(C) = -1
II n
i (oq
a r)
In r liq(z) dx dy - -1 In r -(z) - q(z) -In- ds, 211: an an an
where r = 1z - 'I. In this formula, z = (x, y) and all the z's, x's, and y's are Hintegrated out," leaving a number that depends on C. This number is q(I;) , The function In r is, of course, the natural logarithm of r. We need some information about In r in Ol'der to prove Green's In. Consider LEMMA 9
~2. Let r
= Iz - 'I for variable z E
~2. Then
(i) In r is constant on circles C(C; r) centered at C; (ii) In r is harmonic as a function of z = (x, y) in the punctured plane ~2 - {O; that is, A In r = O.
Proof: (i) This is true because r itself (the radius) is constant on circles. (ii) This is a straightforward exercise in taking partial derivatives. To begin, if z - (x, y) and, = (c;, 'fl), then r = [(x - c;)2 + (y - 11)2]1/2, From basic calculus, therefore, In,' = t In [(x - c;)2 + (y - ,,)2]. We leave it to you to show that the Laplacian of this function vanishes. Done. Now we may establish our main result.
Chllp. 7
Let n be a k-connected Jordan domain with CeO and let q E t;f2(O+). Let z = (x, y) and r = Iz - 'I. Then the value q(') is given by
q(') =
r Aq(z) dx dy
- i (In r ~
- q(z) 0 In
Proof: Our plan is to apply Green's IT with p
n - 15(C; e), where D(C; e) is the closed disc of radius e
r) ds. In r in the domain > O. Then we will
let 8 tend to zero and show that everything works. Note that we can't apply Green's IT to the full domain n because In r is not defined if z = , (whence r = 0). (a) We orient C(C; e), the circular boundary of 15(,; e), so that the outward (that is, outward from n - D(C; normal points into the disc D('; 8) directly toward C. See Figure 1.32.
(b) Hence, taking the outward normal derivative in the direction of N gives -1 times the uradial" derivative, that is, the derivative with respect to r( = the distance from C). (c) From this follows op op 1 -= on
which equals -(lie) on C(C; e). Note here that p = In r. (d) Writing Green's II and using Ap = A In r = O,oplon = -(lIe) on C(C; e), ds = e dO on C(C; 8) (polar coordinates centered at 0, we have 0 - ds + In e oq - + q - 8 dO In r -oq - q -
i( Dn
In r)
i2ft (
ff n-Nt:,)
1) 8
In r Aq dx dy.
Integral Calculus in the Plane
Here we have used the fact that the boundary of n - D(r.; e), for small enough t, is the union of an and C(C; e}. Thus we get integrals around an and the circle C(,; 8). (e) Now we examine
271 (
aq an
8 -
We integrate each term separately. First, we have the crucial cancellation of 1/8 with 8 (thanks to In r), giving J~1t q dO. Here, q is regarded as a function on C(,; e), 80 q = q(e, 0) in polar coordinates centered at ,. Since the integral involves 0 only (8 is fixed), we have from the Average Value Theorem of integral calculus that there exists an angle Oe (depending on 8) such that
q dO
2n·q(e, 8,,),
(Recall that the Average Value Theorem says that if g(x) is continuous, then J~ g(x) dx = g(x*)(b - a). where x* is some point satisfying a < x* < b. Geometrically, this says that the net area under the graph of g is equal to the area of a rectangle whose height is g(x*), the Haverage value" of g(x) on the interval.) See Figure 1.33.
Area under curve = area of rectangle;
average ValUe} of g(x), g(x*)
Average-Value Theorem of Integral Calculus Figure
It follows that as e tends to zero, 2nq(e, 0t) approaches 2nq({), since q is continuous and, is determined by the condition t = O. (f) What of the other half, namely, glt 8ln 8 (aq/an) dO? This equals 8ln 8
2 1(
- dO o an
for fixed 8. But as 8 tends to zero, it can be shown that e In 8 also tends to zero (use L'Hospital's Rule).
Calculus in the Plane
Chap. ,
Hence, the equation in (d) reduces to 2xq(C) =
lim a-+O
r .(\q dx dy -
r (In r anaq _ q aanIn r) ds.
We conclude that the limit on the double integral must exist (since everything else in the equation does) and it must equal
In r Aq dx dy.
This proves Green's m. Done. Green's ill is primarily of theoretical importance. We'll use it as a steppingstone to the Poisson Integral Formula in Chapter 2. Exercises to Paragraph 1.4.4 1. Suppose p. q are hannonic, AP = I1q = 0 (see Section 1.3) throughout n + • Prove that (a) p(aq/an) ds = q(ap/8n) ds, (b) (eq/an) ds = O. 2. Prove (ii) of Lemma 9, that is, 1n 1z - CI is harmonic as a function of z in R2 - {C}. You may do this either by taking second partial derivatives with respect to % and y. or by proceeding in a more general fashion, namely, by first showing that Au = U;n + u" = u" + (l/r)u, + (l/rZ)u89 (the Laplacian in polar coordinates) and then writing u(r, 0) = In 1z - CI = 1n r (polar
J«I Ian
coordinates centered at C). You should transform the Laplacian into polar coordinates at least once in your life. Start with u" = u,r", + UfO,,, etc. 3. Suppose n is a Jordan domain, and u, ve
II -
0 as e - O. Hint: Consider In 12/(1/12).
6. Name four famous theorems of ordinary one-variable calculus that were applied in this chapter. 7. Write down a line integral over the boundary an which shows how a function u(,) harmonic in n+ is determined inside n by information relating to an. Use one of the Green's Identities.
Integrel Calculus In the Plane
Sec. 7.4
8. Let n be the disc D(O; R) and suppose It is hannonic in n+. Use your integral
representation of Exercise 1.7 to prove the Circumferential Mean-Value Theorem (here z = Z(8) on C = on): u(O) =
IR 21t
Jcr U(2) ds =
21 1t
Jo(2" u(R cos 0, R sin 0) dO.
Thus, the value u(O) at the center is an average or "mean" of its values on the rim. Deduce that the integrals must be independent of the radius R because the value u(O) surely is. 9. A direct proof of the Inside-Outside Theorem. Obtain this formula using Green's Theorem only, without mention of the Identities. We have n a Jordan domain with boundary curve (or curves) given by z = z(s) = (x(s), y(s» as usual (arc length parametrization). Also, N(z(s» is the outward normal vector to n at the point z(s), and u = u(z) E
Ln :~ ds
Au dx dy.
10. The Divergence Theorem for IJector fields. This theorem generalizes the ~ide Outside Theorem to an arbitrary vector field V(z) = (A(z), B(z» (see Exercise 5 to Paragraph 1.4.3), not merely the gradient of u. Here, A(z}. B(z) are functions in lC1(n+-) and we define the divergence of V (written div V) to be the function div V(z) = V· V(z) = A.z(z) + B,(z). (a) Write V(z(s»·N(z(s» dB in the formp dx + q dy. (b) Apply Green's Theorem to conclude that
Ln V·Nds = Ifdiv Vdxdy. n
(c) Convince yourself that the left-hand integral measures the net flow of the vector field V(z) across the full boundary on. (d) Likewise, div V(z) is a number that measures the tendency of V to flow away (diverge) from the vicinity of the point z. Look at some special cases to convince yourself of this. (e) Convince yourself, making reference to (c) and (d). that the Divergence Theorem in (b) is reasonable on physical grounds.
2 Harmonic Functions in the Plane
Now we single out a certain class of functions for special consideration. A function u = u(z) = u(x, y) is harmonic in n if and only if U E rt2(fl) and also u satisfies Laplace's equation in Q; that is, Au(x, y)
uxx(x, y) + u)')'(x, y)
= 0
for all (x, y) in Q. As usual, n is a domain (not necessarily bounded) in 1R2. Harmonic functions have readily understandable physical interpretations (see Section 2.2) as well as nice mathematical properties and are also prominent in the study of another important class of functions, the analytic functions of a complex variable (Chapter 3).
Examples of Harmonic Functions
Example 1. Any constant function, in particular the function that is identically zero, is harmonic in n = 1R2. Example 2. The functions u(x, y) = x, v(x, y) = y are harmonic in 1R2, since all secontl derivatives are zero. Example 3. The functions x 2 - y2 and xy are harmonic in 1R2, as you should verify. However, x 2 + y2 is not harmonic. Example 4. The functions eX sjn y and eX cos y are both harmonic in
Sec. 2.1
Example 5. The sum u + v of two harmonic functions in n is harmonic in 0 (proof?) as is the product cu of a harmonic function u by a Bcalar c. Thus, 2x + 3y and 2 - x + yare harmonic. However, the product of two harmonic functions may fail to be harmonic (consider x 2 ). Example 6. In contrast to the above, the function u(z) = In r
In Iz - " is not defined at z = , (some given point of 1R2) and hence it cannot be harmonic in all of 1R2 • It is a straightforward exercise in taking second derivatives to verify that u(z) = u(x, y) is harmonic in the punctured domain 1R2 - {C}. We used this function in our discussion of Green's III in Chapter 1. We'll use it again. Now let us apply some of the general integral theorems of Chapter 1 to harmonic functions. Hence, n win be a Jordan domain with boundary ao, and n + is a larger domain containing 0 and an. Our functions will be nicely behaved in all of n+, hence certainly in n and its boundary. THEOREM 1
Let n be a k-connected Jordan domain and u a harmonic function in ~2(n+).
(i) Illn (aujan)(z) ds = 0; (ii) for' E 0, Z E an, r = 'z - " as usual, we have u(C)
= - -1
(Inar u a In-r) ds. -(z) - u(z) -
Proof: Just apply Au = 0 to the Inside-Outside Theorem and Green's respectively. Done.
Comments 1. The first formula says that for a harmonic function, the "net flux" across the entire boundary an is zero. We will discuss this at greater length in Section 2.2. 2. The second formula says that a harmonic function is determined by its "boundary behavior." That is, if we know that u exists and is harmonic in n+ and if we know also u(z) and (au/an)(z) for z on an, then we can by integration obtain u(O for C inside O. This uses the fact that once the curve (or curves) ao is given and , is selected inside 0, then the function In r = z - " is well known. "Determination by boundary values" is a remarkable property of hl:ll'moruc functiolls. We will have much more to say on this also. In fact, we'll see that u(C) is obtainable without (au/an)(z). 3. In both formulas (i) and (ii) we understand that z = z(s); that is, each curve comprising a part of an is parametrized by arc length s. Note, too, that r in formula (ii) is a function of s as well as of z.
H.rmonic Functions In the Plane
Chap. 2
Exercises to Section 2.1 1. Which of the following functions are harmonic in O? (a) 4x - 3y, n = /R 2 ; (b) eX3I , 0 = /R 2 ; (c) 2Xl - 3y2, n = /R 1 ; (d) In Izl, n = /R 2 - {O}; (e) ez cos x, n = /R 2 ; (f) Xl - 3xy 2, 0 = ~2.
2. Suppose u(x. y) = ezg(y) is harmonic in 1R2. Show thatg(y) must be of the form A cos y + B sin y for real A, B. 3. Suppose u, v are functions defined in n such that u, v E
Section 2.2 HARMONIC FUNCTIONS AS STEADY-STATE TEMPERATURES 2.2.0 Introduction The purpose of this section is to show that a harmonic function defined in a domain is the same thing as a steady·state temperature in the domain. We know what a harmonic function is (Au = 0). So now we must explain the meaning of "steady-state temperature." This will be very informal kitchen-stove physics. 2.2.1 Steady-state Temperatures Suppose n is a Jordan domain with bOWldary an as usual. We assume that n = n u an is made of some heat-conducting substance (a
Sec. 2.2
Harmonic Functions liS Steady-State
metal plate, say). We further suppose that at each point z of an, heat is either being fed into the plate n or removed from it. The temperature at the point z is denoted u(z). This is a real number-positive, negative, or zero-but will not be referred to any scale such as Celsius. We suppose that as z varies around the curve (or curves) an, the function u(z) varies continuously. See Figure 2.1.
Heat out
Heat in
Heat in
Heat out Unbroken curves: curves of constant temperature (isotherms) Arrows: paths of heat flow A steady-state heat flow Figure
Of course, heat is flowing in the entire plate Q. Roughly speaking, it is flowing across 0 from hotter spots on the boundary to relatively cooler spots on the boundary. The temperature may vary from point to point in li, but we make the additional very important assumption that at any fixed point' the temperature does not vary with time. In this case (temperature u(O is independent of time) we say that steady-state conditions prevail, that u(C) is a steady-state (or stationary) temperature in iI, etc. Our aim is to show that l1.u = 0 throughout n. Hence, we want to transmute this situation into a mathematical statement about the function u. We assert that, in the steady·state case, the amount of heat (a notion we do not define!) flowing into any small portion of n in a given span of time is the same 88 the amount of heat
Hllrmonic Functions In the Plane
Chap. 2
flowing aut of that portion. Otherwise, that portion would heat up (or cool off) and the temperature at points inside the portion of plate would change in time, contradicting the steady-state hypothesis. Suppose r is a small simple closed curve (a loop) inside n whose interior lies entirely inside O. In the steady-state case, the net amount of heat flowing across r is zero (heat in - heat out = 0). But rate of heat flow across a given point z on r depends essentially on (au/an)(z). the outward normal derivative of temperature at z. An example to convince you of this: If (au/an)(z) is a large positive number, then the temperature just outside r near z is a good deal higher than the temperature just inside r near z, and hence heat is flowing into the interior of r at the point z (from hot to cold). Since we agree that the net heat flow across r is zero, we must conclude that the net temperature change ("'temperature flux") accumulated around the entire curve r is zero. But this gives us an integral equation: Net temperature flux
au -
ds = O.
In summary, we have argued as follows:
= steady-state temperature in ~ ~
net heat flow across every loop
net temperature flux across => Ir (au/an) ds = O.
r is zero
is zero
This last formula is reminiscent of Theorem 1. However, we still have not shown that a steady-state temperature satisfies Au = O. We will attend to this last link in the chain of reasoning in Paragraph 2.2.2. It is concerned with integration, not physics.
Exercises to Paragraph 2.2.1 1. One-dimensional heat flow. Regard the real interval a ~ x ~ b as a heated wire, with the temperature at x given by some function u(x). Suppose u(x) does not vary in time. (a) Convince yourself that u(a) > u(b) implies that heat is flowing at a steady rate from a to b. (b) Moreover. the graph of y = u(x) is a straight line, whence u satisfies the ttone-dimensional Laplace equation" UN = U;r:;r: = O. 2. The heat-flow vector. This is another mathematical tool (not used in this section) for describing the tenlperature u(x. :v) in a plane domain n. (a) Recall that the gradient Vu(z) points from z in the direction of maximal rate of increase of temperature u. (b) Argue that, at the point z in n, heat is flowing in the direction pointed out by the "heat-flow" vector V(z) = - Vu(z) (note minus sign). (c) Verify that the temperature u is harmonic if and only if the "divergence" div Vof the heat-flow vector is identically zero. (If V(z) = (p(z), q(z» is
Sec. 2.2
Harmonic Functions as Steady-State Temperatures
any vector field, we define div V div V(z) = Px(z) + Qll(2), a function of z.) Language: A steady-state heat flow is "divergence-free." Heat is not being dissipated at any point. 3. Logarithmic temperatllre distribllt;.on. Let u(z) = -In Izl give the temperature at point z. We know it's harmonic. We deal here with temperature in the entire plane rather than in a bounded domain. (a) Observe that the temperature at the origin is infinite (an infinite source of heat)_ (b) Observe that the temperature is the same at all points of any circle centered at the origin. (c) Find all points with zero temperature. (d) Verify that the net flux of temperature across the unit circle is -2n. Note: Sr (au/on) ds. (e) Relate the negativity of the net temperature flux across the unit circle to the fact that heat is flowing away from the origin and out of the unit disc at a steady rate. (f) Why doesn't all the heat eventually leave the domain 0 <
Izl < I? (g) Verify that the net temperature flux across any circle Izi = R equals -2n, independent of R (compare (e» and justify this independence of Ron elementary physical grounds. In this exercise we have translated mathematics into physics. Contrast the following exercise. 4. An infinite heat source. Suppose the origin is an infinite source of heat in the z-plane and that the heat flows radially outward equally in all directions. Suppose further that. steady-state conditions prevail in the sense that the total amount of heat flowing each second across any circle Izl = R is the same, independent of the radius R (and so temperature at a point does not vary in time). Show that the temperature function must be of the form u(z) = A In Izi + B with A < 0, as follows: Note that-we are here translating physics into mathematics. Contrast the preceding exercise. (a) Argue that u(z) satisfies lirnz _ o u(z) = +00 (compare u(O) = +(0). (b) Argue that Us = 0 so that u depends on r = Izl alone. (c) Argue that f~'It u,(R)R dO is independent of R. (d) Deduce that u,(r) is a constant mUltiple of r- 1. (e) Conclude that u is of the form A In r + B, as claimed. Moral: The logarithm and the source of a steady-state heat flow are even more closely related than you may have guessed from Exercise 3. But after seeing Green's ill and Theorem 1 in Section 2.1 you should agree that the logarithm is special. 5. Source and sink. Let the temperature u(') = In Ie - Col - In Ie - ed. where
'0' '1
are distinct. el ' (a) Verify that u is harmonic except at (b) Locate the source and sink of heat in this temperature distribution. (c) Describe the set of points of zero temperature. 6. One-dimensional us. two-dimensional. (a) Verify that the steady-state temperature f = f(r) in a wire a :5 r S b such that f(a) = 0, f(b) = 1 is given by f(r) = (r - a)/(b - a). Compare Exercise 1. (b) Verify that the steady-state temperature u = u(r. 0) in the annular plate a S; r S; b, 0 :5 8 S; 2n: (with a > 0), which satisfies u(a, 8) = O. u(b, 0) = 1
Harmonic Functions In the PI_ne
(constant on each boundary circle) is given by u(r, 8) = (In r - In a)/(ln b In a). Note independence of 8.
Moral: The temperature distribution for the annulus. although independent of 9, is not obtained merely by rotating the distribution for the wire. Note that (r - a)/(b - a) is not harmonic in the plane. (c) Can you prove the uniqueness assertion implicit in our wording of (b)? 7. Argue on physical grounds that if there are no sources or sinks of heat in the closed disc Izl :S 1 and if the temperature at every point does not vary with time and, moreover, equals zero everywhere on the rim Izl = 1, then in fact the temperature is zero everywhere in the disc.
8. The heat equation. Granted that the temperature u = u(x, y, t) at the point (x, y) and time t satisfies the heat equation U, = Un + U)I)I. Argue that if the temperature is actually steady-state, then in fact U satisfies Laplace's equation. Hint: Steady-state = time-independent. 9. Potential functions. A vector field V(z) = (p(z), q(z», with p(z), q(z) functions in 'Cf(0), is conservative if it is actually a gradient, that is, if there exists a function", in "if 1(0) such that V(z) = VV/(z). In this case, V/ is said to be the
potential for the field V. (a) Prove that the heat-flow vector of Exercise 2 is conservative by observing that ",(z) = - u(z), where u is the temperature function, serves as a potential function. (b) Prove that V(z) is conservative in 0 if and only if the integral V(Z)· T(z) dB = 0 for every closed loop r inside n. Here. Z = Z(8) is the arc length parametrization of r and T is the unit tangent vector. Hint: If V = VV/" then p dx + q dy = d"" an exact differential. (c) Conclude that if V is conservative, V = Vip, then
V(z)· T(z) ds
V/(Zl) - Ip(zo),
where the integral is taken along any curve in n from Zo to Zj. Thus, the flow from 2:0 to .£:1 depends only on the difference in potential at the two points. Conservative fields are desirable in part because functions are often easier to handle than vector fields.
10. Which vector fields are conservative? Let V(z) = (p(z),q(z» withp, q E
+ yl
in a'. Prove curl V = 0 in 0' but V is not conservative in 0'.
Moral: On domains with holes (not simply connected), necessary conditions for conservatism need not be sufficient. The same is true for exactness of differentials.
S.c. 2.2
2.2.2 A Characterization of Harmonic Functions This is an extension of the first part of Theorem 1. THEOREM 2
Let n be a plane domain and u E for every Jordan curve r inside n whose interior lies inside n we have
f au ds
Jr an
Proof: (=» This is a minor variation of (i) of Theorem 1. (<=) This will follow from the so-called "Bump Principle." We want to show L\u(C) = 0 for all CE n. Assume t on the contrary, that Au(O > 0 for Bome n (same idea if au(C) < 0). But L\u is continuous, so we conclude that au(z) > 0 for all points z in some small open area around the point C. That is, its graph has a ubump" above C. Let r be a small circle around Cinside this
open area, and let D be the disc whose boundary is
r. Then
au dx ,dy > 0
because Au > 0 in D. By the Inside-Outside Theorem, therefore, the number (ou/on) ds > O. This contradiction shows 4U(0 = 0 and completes the proof of Theorem 2.
The Steady-State Interpretation Completed Using Theorem 2 and Paragraph 2.2.1, we conclude that a steadystate temperature u = u(z) inside a Jordan domain is harmonic. Conversely, we may interpret a given harmonic function as a steady-state temperature. What we have done is deduce from physical considerations the partial differential equation of steady-state heat How, namely, Laplace's equation, au
= o.
Now we may use our intui~ion about temperature to guess at or interpret theorems about harmonic functions. See Paragraph 2.2.3 for some guesses. For example, Udetermination of a harmonic function by boundary behavior" (see (ii) of Theorem 1) is now quite believable; The temperature inside a plate is determined by the heat input that is maintained along the edge (boundary) of the plate (assuming no heat sources or sinks inside the plate).
Chap. 2
Harmonic Functions in the Plane
More on the Bump Ptinciple
This is worth singling out for special mention. It enables us to deduce information about a continuous function from information about its integrals. Note that it depends on continuityj not on differentiability. One statement of this basic idea is the following: BUMP PRINCIPLE
Let 0 be a domain and q a continuous function on. 0 (that is, q E ~(O» and also q(z) ~ 0 for all ZEn. Then q is identically zero, q 0, in
q dx dy = O. n For if the graph of a nonnegative continuous function has no ubump/' the function must be zero everywhere. You should make your own private peace with this. What is the analogous principle for continuous functions f(x) of ordinary calculus?
Exercises to Paragraph 2.2.2 1. Let n be a Jordan domain and q E S'"(n+). True or false? (a) If q vanishes everywhere on an, then q vanishes throughout (b) If If q dx dy = 0, then q vanishes identically on O. n
(c) If II q dx dy = 0 for every open disc D contained in
n, then q vanishes
identically in n. (d) If q vanishes identically in n, then q vanishes on an as well. (e) If Zo En, q(zo) > 0, then H q dx dy > 0 for some D = D(zo; r). D
2. State and prove a "Bump Principle" for real functions y = g(x) ~ 0 defined and continuous on an interval a ~ x ~ b. What can you prove about g(x) if g(x) dx = O?
2.2.3 Some Conjectures About Harmonic Functions
The analogy with steady-state temperature prompts three educated guesses about existence and behavior of harmonic functions.
Conjecture 1. On Existence: Let D = D(O; r) be the disc of radius r and C = C(O; r) its circular boundary, C = an. Given a real·valued continuous function g defined on the circle C only. Does there exist a function u = u(x, y) which is (i) continuous in D = D u C, (ii) harmonic in D, and (iii) agrees with g, u(z) = g(z), at boundary points z E C? Thus, we ask if we can upull" the domain of definition of g into the entire disc D so that the extended function (now called u) is harmonic
Sec. 2.2
Harmonic Functions as Steady-State Tllmpllrlltures
in D. This is a certain kind of boundary value problem, the Dirichlet problem for the disc D. Here is a physical "solution" to the Dirichlet problem. We construct u by heating up the rim C of the disc so that the temperature at each pointz on Cis maintained at the given valueg(z). Heat will flow from the rim inward and after a long time steady-state conditions will prevail. Now let u(') be the temperature (use a thermometer I) at the point' inside D. This defines a continuous (why?) function u in all of D, harmonic (why?) in D and equal to g on C. Of course we have given a physical proof here, not a mathematical proof. We will have more to say on the Dirichlet problem later:
Conjecture 2. On Maxima and Minima: Suppose we have a harmonic function u = u(z) defined on D as above. It is reasonable that if the temperature u is not constant throughout D, then the hottest and coldest points of Jj all occur on the boundary C. In other words, we cannot have a hot interior (in D) point surrounded by cooler points when the sources (and sinks) of heat are all on the boundary C. See Figures 2.2
Hottest (u = 1) and coldest (u = -1) points occur only on boundary (Maximum Principle)
Temperature at center of disc is average of temperatures on rim (Mean- Value Property) u=-1
Steady-state temperature u(x,y)=r-y Isotherms in the disc. (Compare figure 2.1) Figure
Hllrmonlc Functions In the Pillne
u(x,y)=x in a square
Note: Lines of heat flow (-+-) are perpendicular to isotherms u = constant.
u(z) = -In Izl on 0< Izl~l
(logarithmic source at z=O)
u(z) = In ~al /
In ~~ on R1 ~
Izl ~ R,
Steady-state temperatures Figure
and 2.3a. ThiS is a physical statement of the Maximum Principle of Section 2.4.
Conjecture 3. Mean Values: Though it may be less evident on purely physical grounds, it is not unreasonable to expect that the temperature at the exact center of the disc D is some sort of average or mean of the temperatures througbout the disc (or again, of the temperatures around the rim C). We will discuss such mean-value properties in Section 2.3.
Sec. 2.3
Mean- Value PropertitJ8 of Harmonic Functions
A Comment on Our Approach
We are in the process of learning about harmonic functions by examining Laplace's equation flu = 0 and steady-state heat flow. Note that (i) we have very few examples of harmonic functions yet (though we believe they are plentiful by Conjecture 1 above); (ii) we are not studying these functions from the vantage point of explicit formulas (such as eX sin y); (iii) we have not endeavored to seek explicit harmonic functions by solving flu = 0 (as one does when studying elementary differential equations). What are we doing then? A little bit of the qualitative theory of partial differential equations: studying the behavior of solutions of flu = 0 without knowing the solutions explicitly. The preceding paragraph prompts a question: Which technical theorem or equation has enabled us to study the behavior of solutions of flu = 0 without knowing explicit formulas for these solutions? Exercises to Paragraph 2.2.3 1. Suppose u and v are harmonic in a domain n containing the closed disc I z 1 s 1. True or false? (a) If u(z) > v(z) whenever Izl = 1. then u(z) > v(z) for all z inside the disc as well. (b) Ifu(z) = v(z)wheneverlzl = 1, then u(z) = v(z) for all zinside the disc as well. (c) If u(O) ~ u(z) whenever 1zl = I, then u(z) is constant for 1zl S 1. (d) If u(z) = 0 whenever Izl = 1, then u(z) = A lnlzl for some constant A#: O. (e) If n = R2 and u(z) > 0 for all z, then u(z) is constant. (f) If n = 1R2 and limz ... 00 u(z) exists (and is finite), then u is a constant function. Hint: Use your physical intuition (temperatures!). We have not yet developed sufficient machinery to give complete proofs here of those statements that are true. 2. Answer the question raised at the end of Paragraph 2.2.3. How have we been able to use Au = O?
Now we make mathematical sense out of Conjecture 3 of Section 2.2. CIRCUMFERENTIAL MEAN-VALUE THEOREM
Let u be harmonic in a domain 0, let' be a point of 0, and suppose the closed disc D = D({i R) is contained inside n. Then the value u(C)
Chap. 2
Harmonic Funcr/ons In tha Plane
is the arithmetic mean of the values u(z) taken on the circle C = Iz - CI = R. That is,
u(,) =
1 2nR
u(z) ds
J:. f2l1: u(R, 0) dO, 211:
where (r, O) denote polar coordinates centered at the point , (Figure 2.4).
yr C{f'; R) (cf. r= R) Z(8)
= z(8(8)
= (~+R
cos 8, 17+R sin 8)
arc length s = R9
Polar coordinates centered at Figure
Note: The equality of the two integrals follows immediately from RO (when 0 is measured in radians). The first integral is a mean or average because it is a limit of the following averaging process: Cut the
8 =
circle C into pieces C1. C:1»' •• , CII and then form the sum. l: u( z,J 68,,, where z" is on C" and As" is the length of Ck' Finally, divide this sum by the total circumference 211:R.
First Proof (Using the Inside-Outside Theorem): First we show that the value of the integral in the statement is a constant independent ofR. Let r satisfy 0 < r ~ R and consider any circle C = C(C; r}. Since u is harmonic, we have 0=
f au ds
Jc an
r -d
au - (r, O)r dO ar
i271 u(r, 0) dO. 0
Sec. 2.3
Mefln-VB/US Properties of Hflrmonlc Functions
To obtain the second equality here, we used the fact that alan is the same as alar on discs. The third equality follows from differentiation under the integral sign (useful; see Appendix A2.l). It follows that the integral in the statement has zero derivative with respect to r and is therefore a constant independent of r.
Now we evaluate this constant in two ways to get the theorem. On the one hand, when r = R, the constant equals J~1t u(R, fJ) dO (part of the statement of theorem!). Now we let r tend to zero. By the Average Value Theorem of integral calculus, for each r it is true that
L 2
u(r, fJ) dfJ
2nu(r, fJr ),
where fJr is some angle depending on r. Now as r tends to zero, the righthand side (and therefore thc left-hand sidc) clcarly tcnds to 27ru('). Thus,
u(R, 8) d8
as claimed. Done. Second Proof (Using Green's llI): We have that
= -
= -
i (In
au - u aIn r) ds an an ~ (In R r au ds - r u! ds) 2n Jean Jc R
2n ('
since r = R on C. But the first integral here vanishes (why?) and the second is
ds = R
u(R, 0) dO,
dfJ on C. Done.
Questions 1. The second proof is much shorter. Why? 2. Which standard tools of calculus were used in the first proof? See Appendix A2.l.
The following fact is also plausible on physical grounds. SOLID MEAN-VALUE THEOREM
Let u be harmonic in a domain 0, let , be a point of 0, and suppose the closed disc D = D(C; R) is contained in n. Then the value u(O is given by u(,) =
ff D
u dx dy.
Harmonic Function$ln rhe Plene
Chap. 2
Proof: For each r with 0 < r :::; R we know that
i211: u(r, 8) dO.
u(O = -1 21t'
Now multiply both sides by r dr and integrate from r = 0 to r = R. The left side gives u(O (R2 /2). The right side is the iterated integral
~ 21t'
fR f2K u(r, O)r dr d8.
Jo Jo
But r dr dO is the element of area in polar coordinates. Thus, the iterated integral is the same as
This proves the theorem. Comment
You might attempt to verify these theorems for some specific harmonic functions (see exercises). More on Mean- Value Properties
Now we show that the relation between harmonic functions and the circumferential mean·value property is even more intimate than we first suspected. We will now sec that only harmonic functions have the mean-value property throughout a domain n. Thus, we could actually use this property as a definition of harmonic function. Compare the Unet flux equals zero" property of Theorem 2; this also characterizes harmonic functions. First we need some precise language. Let n be any domain. We say that U E ~2(n) has the circumferential mean-value property in n if and only if, for each disc D = D(,; R), such that 15 c n, we have u(C) = _1_
27tR where C is the circle an. THEOREM
Let u E ~2(n) where n is any domain. Then u is harmonic in.Q «- u has
the circumferential mean-value property in n. (~)
Done already. (.;::) We are given (using polar coordinates centered at ')
u(O = -1 21t'
f21t u(r, 8) dO 0
Sec. 2.3
Mean- Value Properties of Hermonlc Functions
for all r (provided D(C; r) lies inside a, of course). Differentiating in r and multiplying by r yields
o = r!! (211 u(r, dr
0) dO
iJu r - (r, 0) dO o iJr 21t
Since this is true for all discs D(C; r) inside a, the Bump Principle allows us to conclude that the integrand ~u is zero. Done. Comment
The final step in the preceding proof is a repetition of what we did in proving Theorem 2 and could be omitted by appealing to that theorem.
Exercises to Section 2.3 1. Some standard notation. Details as in the statement of the Circumferential Mean-Value Theorem. This exercise shows how the statement is affected by choice of parametrization. (a) Convince yourself that the integral Ie u(z) cis means I~d u(z(s» cls, where z(8) parametrizes the circle C by arc length. (b) Use C = C(,: R) and' = (e, ,,) to verify that the arc length parametrization of C is given by Z(8) = (x(s), y(s» = (e + R cos(s/R), '1 + R sin(s/R», with 0 ~ s ~ 21CR. Hint: 8 = R8 on C(C; R). (c) If we parametrize C by the usual angle fJ rather than by s, then z(s) = Z(8(8) = (r! + R cos 8. " + R sin fJ) with 0 ~ (J ~ 21C. (d) If we agree that r, (J denote polar coordinates centered at " then C is determined by r = R and we save space by writing u(R~ fJ) instead of u(e + R cos 8, " + R sin 8). We remark that these explicit parametrizations are not necessary in the proof of the theorem. 2. Evaluate (1/21CR) Ie u ds for U = u(z)t Z on C = C(Ci R), as follows: I
(a) u(z) = (b) u(z) = (c) u(z) = (d) u(z) =
xy, ,
= (1,2), R = 40;
cosy,' = 0, R = 1; lnizi. , = (1,0), R = 1/2; x + y, , = (It -1). R = 5. Hint: Don't integrate. eX
Harmonic Funcr/ons In the Plane
3. Evaluate (1/277:) J~lt u(e follows: (a) u(x, y) (b) u(x, y)
+ R cos 8, " + R sin 0) d8
= xy, (e, FJ) = (1,2), R = 40; = ex cos y, (c;, ,,) = (0, 0), R =
Chap. 2
for u(x, y), R and (" ,,) as
Hint: Compare Exercise 2. 4. Let r, 8 denote polar coordinates centered at C. Evaluate (1/277:) J~1t u(R, 8) de for u, C, r = R as follows; (a) u(z) = lnlzl, , = (1, 0), R = 1/2; (b) u(z) = x + y, , = (1, -1), R = 5. Hint: No need to change u(z) to polar coordinates nor to integrate. 5. Evaluate IS u(x, y) dx dy for u and D = D(C; R) as follows: D
(a) u(x, y) = xy, , = (1, 2), R = 4; (b) u(z) = lnlzl, C = (1,0), R = 1.'2. 6. Let U E fifl(O), where n is a domain containing the closed disc Izl ::;; 1. Suppose u(O) > u(z) for 0 < 1zl :::; 1 so that z = 0 is a local maximum for u. (a) Prove u(O) > (1/277:) glt u(cos e, sin 8) d8. (b) Deduce that u fails to be harmonic at some (perhaps all) points of O. (c) Suppose the function u(z) here denotes the temperature in 0 (a heated plate) at a certain moment of time. Assuming that heat is neither added nor subtracted, what should happen at z = 0 (where presently u(O) is relatively high) as time goes by? 7. Are harmonic functions characterized (among those in
Section 2.4 THE MAXIMUM PRINCIPLE 2.4.0. Introduction In Section 2.2 we conjectured that a nonconstant harmonic function could not assume its highest value in the interior of an open domain 0; the highest (and lowest) value of u(x. y) are attained only if (x, y) is a
point of ao but not ofQ itself. We will establish this result now, utilizing the mean-value results of Section 2.3.
2.4.1 The Strong Maximum Principle Let Q be a plane domain (open, connected, not necessarily bounded) and let u: 0 -+ R We say that u assumes its maximum in 0 if and only if there exists at least one point , E Q and real number c such that u(') = c and, moreover, u(z) :::;; c for all z EO. There is an entirely similar definition of u assuming its minimum.
Sec. 2.4
The Maximum Principle
For example, the function u(x, y) = 1 - x 2 - y2 assumes its maximum in 1R2 at (x, y) = (0,0), whereas the function v(x, y) = x does not assume its maximum in 1R2; there is no point with highest x-coordinate. Now we assert STRONG
A nonconstant harmonic function in a domain 0 does not assume its maximum or its minimum on Q. Proof: Assume the harmonic function u assumes its maximum at {E 0, u({) = c. If u is not constant in 0, then the set of ZEn such that u(z) < c is nonempty and open (continuity!). Consequently, the set of points z for which u(z) = c is not open also, or else 0 would be disconnected. Thus, there is a point C1 E 0 such that u({ 1) = c and a disc 15({1; r) contained in 0 with boundary C(C1 ; r) containing at least one point z with u(z) < c. Since u is continuous, however, there exists
an arc on the circle C(l;l; r) such that u(z) < c for all points z on this arc. It follows (using a Bump Principle on the arc and polar coordinates r, 0 centered at '1) that
But this is a contradiction, since u is harmonic. The same sort of proof works in the case of a minimum, or one can note that - u is also harmonic and that its maximum would occur at the minimum of u. This completes the proof. This theorem is called "strong" because it makes no restriction on the boundedness of 0 nor on the behavior of u on the boundary· ao.
Exercises to Paragraph 2.4.1 1. What property of harmonic functions was contradicted to conclude the proof
of the Strong Maximum Principle? 2. Emphasize the importance of the connectedness of il by finding a nonconstant function u defined on the open set ill U il2 (where il lr O2 are disjoint domains) such that Au = 0 everywhere, 'Yet u assumes both its maximum and its minimum on 0 1 U il2. Hint: Construct a continuous function that assumes only two values. Note that connectedness was utilized in the proof of the Strong Maximum Principle. 3. Give an informal physical argument why a steady-state (time-independent) temperature could not assume its maximum at any point inside a heated disc unless heat was being added there continually. Hint: What would happen to the heat concentrated at the hottest point as time passed?
Harmonic Functions in the
Chap. 2
2.4.2 The Weak Maximum Principle We can say even more ifn is a bounded domain (contained in same disc). Then its closure Q = n u an is closed and bounded ("compact"). It can be shown that if u is continuous on the compact set n, then u assumes its maximum and minimum somewhere on Q. This follows immediately from the fact that this set of all values u(z), z E n, is a closed interval (end points included) of finite length in the continuum of real numbers. You might try to prove this, using the fact that n is connected. Now, since a harmonic function u is continuous, it must assume extreme values on n. The next result assures us that these extreme values are assumed at certain points on an only, unless u is constant on
Let n be a bounded domain with u continuous on n and harmonic in Then either u is constant on n or u assumes its maximum and minimum values on an only.
Note: Two claims here. Extreme values are assumed on anywhere else in n.
an, but not
Proof: Left to you. Use the Strong Maximum Principle plua the comments above. As an example, note that the harmonic function u(x, y) = yassumes its maximum and minimum values on the boundary C(O; 1) of the closed unit disc D(O; 1), in fact, at the points (0, 1) and (0, -1). respectively. For (x. y) in the open disc D(Oj 1), we have -1 < u(x. y) < 1.
Exercises to Paragraph 2.4.2 1. Some real analysis. We make occasional, but crucial, use of this fact: If S is a closed and bounded (that is, compact) subset of the plane and U is a continuous (not necessarily harmonic) function defined on S, then u assumes its maximum and minimum values on S. (For us, of course, S = 0, where n is a bounded domain.) This may be proved as follows (you may wish to consult a reference here): (a) Prove that S is compact if and only if every infinite subset of S has a point of accumulation which lies in S. (b) The image set u(S) on the real line cannot be unbounded. Hint: Unboundedness implies a sequence of values U(Zl), U(Z2), ••. tending to ± 00 in IR. But ZI, Z2, ••• has a point of accumulation (say, z*), in S. What of u(z*)? (c) The image set u(S) must contain its least upper bound and greatest lower bound (the maximum and minimum values of u). Hint: Choose a sequence U(Zl), U(Z2),'" tending to the least upper bound of u(S) and argue as in (b).
Sec. 2.4
The Mllximum Prl"nclple
2. Lo"cate the maximum and minimum values of the following functions on n. Do they occur only on the boundary? (a) u(x, y) = xy, n = D(O; 1); (b) v(x, y) = x 2 - y2, = D(O; 1); (c) u(z) = Inlz/, 1 ~ Izi ~ 2; (d) u(z) = tr cos y. /zl ~ 1. 3. Let be the closed upper half-plane y ~ O. (a) Verify that the harmonic function u(x, Y) = x + y does not assume its maximum or minimum in n. (b) Does this contradict the Weak Maximum Principle? Explain. 4. Convince yourself (that is, prove!) that the following statement is equivalent to the Weak Maximum Principle: If n is a bounded domain and u is a nonconstant function continuous on n and harmonic in n, then for every point , in fl, we have (in obvious notation)
min u(z) < u(C} < max u(z). %ean
2.4.3 Application
Certain uniqueness theorems follow readily from the preceding work. Here is a sample. THEOREM
Let n be a bounded domain and let u, v be functions continuous on n, and equal on an; that is, u(z) = v(z) for all Z E an. Then u(,) = vee) for all , inside n as well.
Proof: The function u - v is harmonic in n and vanishes on n. Since its extreme values are equal to zero, we must have u - v = 0 everywhere in n. Done. This result shows that there is at most one harmonic function on a bounded domain n (not necessarily a Jordan domain, by the way) which is continuous on n and assumes given values on an. Thus. boundary behavior is decisive. This takes care of the "uniqueness" part of the so-called harmonic boundary-value problem or Dirichlet problem on a bounded domain n. The question of existence is generally more difficult. See Appendix A2 for the special case where n is an open disc. A good exercise: Translate the proof of Theorem 4 into the language of temperatures. Exercises to Paragraph 2.4.3 1. Let D = D(O; 1), the unit disc, with boundary C parametrized by the angle 6 as usual; that is, z(O) = (cos 0, sin fJ). (a) Verify that u(x, y) = xy assumes the boundary values f(O) = 1 sin 26 on C; that is, u(z(O» = f(O).
Harmonic Functions In the Plane
Chap. 2
(b) Find a harmonic function v(x, y) in D which agrees with g(O) = cos 28 on C. (c) Are the harmonic functions u(x. y) and v(x, y) uniquely determined in D by the boundary values ((8) and g(8), respectively? 2. Why may the following pairs u, v of harmonic functions differ in n without contradicting Theorem 4? Note that u = v everywhere on 00. (a) u == 0, v(x, y) = y, n = the upper half-plane. (b) u == 0, v(z) = lnlzl, n = the unit disc.
3. The harmonic version of Green's ill (see Theorem 1) assured us that the harmonic function u in the Jordan domain 0 was determined by the set of values u(z) and (ou/on)(z), z e an. (a) How does Theorem 4 improve matters in this regard? (b) Can you think of a formula for u(C), , e n, in terms of u(z), z e 00, but not involving (ou/onXz)?
Section 2.5 HARNACK'S INEQUALITY AND LIOUVillE'S THEOREM 2.5.0. Introduction
Roughly speaking, the Weak Maximum Principle asserted that ifn was "small," and u harmonic on n and continuous on n, then the set of values r.t(z), zen, was also ttsmall"-8 single point. or an open interval of anite length. Now we investigate the opposite extreme: the case n = 1ij2, so that {} is as unbounded as possible. A harmonic function u is said to be entire if its domain of definition is 1ij2. Liouville's Theorem will tell us that the set of values u(z). z E 1ij2, is either a single number (the degenerate case u = constant) or consists of all real numbers, provided u is harmonic. We will see a similar resuit when we study complex analytic functions. Note that we state no theorems about the set of values u(z), ZEn, in the general case that n is unbounded but not all of 1ij2 (except for the Strong Maximum Principle, of course),
2.5.1. Harnack's Inequality
This is a prerequisite to our proof of Liouville's Theorem. HARNACK'S INEQUALITY
Let D = D(zo; R) be an open disc and let u be harmonic on D such that u(z) ~ 0 for all ZED. Then for all ZED, we have
(R _I~ _ %01)
HarnacK's Inequality and Liouville's Theorem
Sec. 2.5
Not€: This inequality bounds the growth of the value u(z) as z moves away from the center Zoo For instance, if IZ - zol = tR so that Z is halfway to an, then we are told that u(z) is not more than four times larger than the value u(zo). Given the lower bound 0 =:; u(z). we get an upper bound.
radius =
Proof: Apply the Solid Mean·Value Theorem to the small disc D' centered at z (Figure 2.5) with radius R - Iz - zol to obtain
o =:;
u(z) =
n(R -
Z -
u dx dy.
Now, since u
0 in D, which contains D', we see that
u dx dy =:;
u dx dy
= nR 2 u(zo),
where the last equality again follows from the Solid Mean-Value Theorem. Together, these inequalities give
o =:;
u(z) =:; (
I R - z -
1)2 u(Zo),
as claimed. Done.
Comment This is noteworthy because here the value u(z) is not bounded in terms of the derivatives (compare rate of change) of the function u, but only in terms of u(zo) itself. Of course this is so only because u is harmonic; for nonharmonic functions, the same sort of theorem would almost certainly involve the derivatives of u.
Exercises to Paragraph 2.5,' 1.
Use Harnack's Inequality to prove that if u is harmonic in D(zo; R), with u(z) ~ 0 there, and u(zo) = 0, then in fact u(z) = 0 throughout D(zo; R).
Hllrmonic Functions In the Pillne
2. Verify that Exercise 1 is the Minimum Principle for the harmonic function u. 3. Use Harnack's Inequality to prove the Minimum Principle for an arbitrary harmonic function u in an arbitrary domain n. Hint: A minimum in n is a minimum in some D(zo; R). Also, if u(zo) = Co at the minimum Zo, then u(z) - Co is nonnegative near zoo We remark that both Harnack's Inequality and the Minimum Principle followed from mean-value considerations. Thus, the present exercise gives no radically new method for obtaining the Minimum (and Maximum) Principle. 4. Does there exist a nonnegative harmonic function u(z) in the open disc D(O; 1) such that limz ___ l u(z) = oo?
2.5.2 Liouville's Theorem Now we apply Harnack's Inequality to obtain the result mentioned
If u is entire harmonic and is bounded either from above or from below, then u is a constant {unction. Proof: Suppose u is bounded from below so that u(z) ~ a for some number a. Then v = u - a ~ 0 is also harmonic and v is constant if and only if u is constant. Hence, we may as well suppose a = 0, u ~ 0 (as required for Harnack's Inequality). Now choose any two points z, 1R2. For any radius R > Iz - el, we have that
Now let R approach 00; this is allowed because u is entire! Then
R R -
Iz - 'I
)2 -+ 1,
so that u(z) ~ u(,). Interchanging z and" in the argument, we get u(C) ~ u(z) also. Thus, u(z) = u(O for any z, C. whence u is constant. If, on the other hand, u is bounded from above, then - u is bounded from below. We leave the rest to you. Done.
Comment If u = u(x, y) is a steady-state temperature on the entire plane 1R2 and is not constant, then there must be points in the plane at any given temperature, no matter how high or low. For example, let u(x, y) = .xy.
Appendix 2. f
On Differentiation Under the Integral Sign
Exercises to Paragraph 2.5.2 1. A naive student applies Harnack's Inequality to an arbitrary entire harmonic function u, obtains u(.z) = u(C) for all z, C, and concludes that all entire
harmonic functions are constant. We know this is false. (a) Try to reconstruct his doomed argument. Be naive! (b) Point out the mistake in (a). 2. (8) Give a quick proof that the real-valued function sin xy is not harmonic. Hint: It's defined for all (x, y). (b) Suppose the harmonic function u(x, y) satisfies lu(x, y)1 ~ Isin xyl for all (x, y). What is u(x. y)?
We revisit calculus in 1R2. In our first proof of the Circumferential Mean-Value Property. we were confronted with the Question -d
i21t u(r, 8) dO = i21t -au (r, 0) dO. ?
That is, the integral glt u(r, 0) dO is a function of r; can its first derivative be computed by computing thc integral of (oujor)(r, 0) dO? Wc claimed at the time that the answer is H yes." Both differentiation and integration are limit processes. The present question partakes of the general mathematical problem: '"When can two limit processes be interchanged without altering the result?" Some cases where this interchange is possible: (1)
a2 u
a2 u
ax oy
provided both partial derivatives are continuous; (2)
provided certain conditions on u and the domain of integration are met.
Now we state and prove a reasonably general result on differentiating under the integral sign. This will justify what we did in our proof of the Circumferential Mean-Value Property and will also be applied to the question of smoothness (differentiability) of harmonic functions.
Harmonic Functions In the Plane
Chap. 2
Let R be the closed rectangle a $ S $ b, C $ t $ d in the st-plane, and suppose the functions F(s, t) and its partial derivative Fe(s, t) are continuous on some open set containing R. Then J~ F(s, t) ds is a differentiable function of t for c < t < d and, in fact,
F(s, t) d8 =
F,(s, t) ds.
Proof: It is helpful to define f(t)
F(s, t) ds,
These are continuous functions in a ~ t ~ b because the integrands are continuous. The idea of the proof is to show
iT g(t) dt =
+ constant
whenever c < r < d. For, having this, the familiar Fundamental Theorem of Calculus would allow us to conclude that f'(7:) = g(r), as desired. Now we have
g(t) dt =
= =
it i f: iT f:
Fr(s, t) ds dt Ft(s, t) dt ds
{F(s, r) - F(s, c)} ds
= f(r) -
F(s, c) ds.
Here we have interchanged the order of integration and actually integrated F, with respect to t. Now note that the second term, - J! F(s. c) ds, is a constant independent of't'. By our remarks at the start of the proof, we are done.
A Vermcation We differentiate under the integral sign generally as part of a proof. However, an explicit computat.ion may be instructive. For o $ S $ 1, 0 $ t $ 1, let F(s, t) = t 2
+ st
Pr(s, t)
+ s.
so that =
Appendix 2.1
On Differentiation Under the/ntegrl'/ Sign
On the one ha.nd,
F(s, t) ds =
(t 2
st) ds
whence the derivative of the integral is
:t f:
F(s, t) ds = 2t
+ !.
On the other hand, the integral of the derivative is
F,(s, t) ds =
Sol (2t
s) ds = 2t
+ !,
which equals (d/dt) f~ F(s, t) ds found just above. This verifies the theorem.
Comment There is an obvious generalization to cases where the integrand is of the form F(s, t, A.) ds and the· derivative in question involves(a/at), (a/a;,.). or combinations of these.
Application This will be somewhat remarkable. We have defined the function u to be harmonic on n if and only if u E tif2(n) and Au = O. Thus, we require only continuous second partials and a relation between them. Now consider THEOREM
If u is harmonic on OJ then u E tIj'<X>(O); that is, all mixed partial derivatives of u exist and are continuous throughout n. Proof: Green's ill for harmonic u tells us that u(x, y) = -
r (In r anau (17(8» _
2n J~D
u(O'(s» a In r) ds,
where D is some Jordan domain inside n which contains (x, y), O'(s) is a point on an, and r = I(x, y) - 0'(8)1. Note that the arc length variable s gets integrated out in this formtiIa, leaving a function of x, y only. Now r = r(x, y, 8) = ~ (x - 0'1(8»2
+ (y -
is infinitely differentiable in both x and y for x :F 0'1(8), y :F 0'2(8). Since the logarithm is also infinitely differentiable for r > 0, we may attack the formula for u(x, y) with (a/ax) or (a/ay) as often as we wish. Done.
Harmonic Functions in the Plane
Example UXXy(x, y) = -
r {(In r);C;Cy an
au (a(8» _ u(a(s»
(8 enIn r)
Since the integrand exists and is continuous. the integral also. And so on.
} ds. .up U XXy
Moral Solutions of partial differential equations may be surprisingly
smooth. Comment
Even more is true. A harmonic function u(x, y) may be expanded in convergent power series, u(x, y)
L cmnxmy".
This will follow from our work in Chapter 5. Appendix 2.2 THE DIRICHLET PROBLEM
A2.0 Introduction This will be a leisurely discussion, stressing ideas (some ideas) rather than proofs or details. As usual D = D(O; R) is the open disc of radius R > 0 centered at the origin. Its boundary is the circle C = C(O; R). Suppose we are given
a continuous function g defined on the circle. The Dirichlet problem comprises three parts: (1) Does there exist a function u continuous on the closed disc D and harmonic in D which agrees with the given g on C? This is the ExisteJU!e Problem. (2) Is the function u uniquely determined by g? (The Uniqueness Problem.) (3) How do we represent u by a formula involving, only g? (The Representation Problem.)
Happily, we know from Theorem 4 that if u exists, it is unique. This settles uniqueness (2). The other questions are not yet so immediate.
A2.1 The Representation Problem Begun Suppose we know that the function u exists and is equal to g on C. Then Green's ill for harmonic functions tells us that u(O
-1 21£ Jc Inlz -
'I au on (z)
- u(z}
a lnlz - 'I ) on
Appendi1C 2.2
The Dirichlet Problem 'or the Disc
where dsz is written to remind us that z E C is the variable on the path of integration and is integrated out, leaving a function of , E D. This formula doesn't satisfy us, however, because it requires knowledge of (au/an)(z) as well as of u(z), whereas our physical intuition tells us that this is superfluous: Only the boundary temperature is needed to determine the steady-state temperature inside. Hence, what we want for the Representation Problem (3) is an uimproved" Green's ill, one that doesn't involve (au/an)(z). Here is another reason for seeking an improved Green's ill. Suppose we had it: u(C)
= [formula involving CED,
C, u(z)].
Then we could toy with this as follows: Given any continuous g(z), z E C, we could replace the expression u(z) in the formula by g(z) and obtain a function v(C). We could then ask:
(i) Is v a harmonic function of CE D? (li) Are the boundary values of v actually given by the original function g? That is, as , approaches z E C, does vee) approach g(z)? If both answers are "Yes," then we have solved the Existence Problem (1). Hence, an improved Green's ill may be the key to both major questions. A2.2 Comments on Green's III
Note that if H is any function continuous in D and harmonic D, then Green's II tells us (assuming u harmonic as above) that
- ~271 fc (H(Z) au (z) an
u(z) aH an
(Z») dsz
= O.
Subtracting this from Green's ill (see above) yields u(C)
Jcr {[In1z -
'I -
H(z)] au (z) an
- u(z) :n (Inl z - (I -
dsz •
Nothing profound here. But now suppose the harmonic function H has the further property that H(z) = lnlz - 'I for all Z E C. In that case the term involving (aujan)(z) evaporates, and we are left with u(C) = -1
~ (H(z) an
Inl z - CD dsz •
This is it! A formula involving u(z) only-except for the mysterious harmonic function H and the known function lnl z - 'I, of course. It is H we must now track down.
Harmonic Functions In the Plane
A2.3 The Green's Function First some language. Let us write H(z, C) for the function H above. AB usual, i: is but one variable, yet H very likely depends ·on , in some way also, since (for example) H was supposed to agree with lnl z - (I if z E C and Cis any point inside C. Now we write G(z, ') = H(z, 0 - Inlz -
the so-called Green's function of D. Note that G(z, C) satisfies (i) G(z.O = 0, for z E C., E D. and (ii) G(z, 0 differs from -Inl z - " by a function harmonic (in z) on all of D and continuous in D. These two properties define G because they were used to define H above. It follows that (iii) G(z, C) is harmonic for all zED except at z = C, since as z
approaches C. the number G(z, C) approaches
Here is a physical interpretation of the Green's function. Since G(z, C) is harmonic on D - {O, we regard it as a steady-state temperature there, as follows: There is a point source of heat at C. The temperature is infinite there. Heat flows away from' and hence toward C
The temperature drops as we approach C and is zero on C. From this description" it is intuitively clear that G(z, C) > 0 for zED - {C}. Can you prove this? Having the notion of the Green's function, we may state THEOREM
Let u be continuous in D and harmonic in D. Let G(z. ') be the Green's function for D. Then for all CED we have u(C)
= _1.. 2n
G(z, C) ds:: •
Thus, the Representation Problem is solved, provided we know the Green's function for D. We remark also that the above discussion applies to any Jordan domain D, not only the disc. Of course, different domains would have quite different Green's functions (see the definition). It is not yet clear to us whether the disc D (or any other Jordan domain) does have a Green's function. Actually, for quite general domams, a Green's function is known to exist. However, it is not known explicitly (no formula) for most domains and it is sometimes next to impossible to calculate.
Appendix 2.2
The Dirichlet Problem for the Di80
Happily, in the special case D = D(O; R) the Green's function can be discovered by elementary considerations in a few pages. We will content ourselves with a brief sketch. We want G(z, C) = H(z. C) - lnlz - 'I. The idea in getting H(z. C) is this: Try H(z, 0 = In clz - '*1. where C* is a point in 1R2 outside the disc (so that H is harmonic inside the disc), c and C* depend only on , (not on z), and In clz - '*1 - Inlz - 'I = 0 whenever Z E C. The physical interpretation is this: Just as we imagined' to be a source of heat, we choose C* as a heat sink (temperature is - 00) toward which the heat from' flows. More specifically. we choose just far enough away from' so that the temperature at every point of C is zero. See Figure 2.6.
Locating the sink Figure
r* = (~) 2 r
The constant c helps balance things, The problem oflocating C*, given C, may be solved using some classical geometry combined with common sense physics. The explicit solution is this. = (p, ({J) in polar coordinates and R is the radius of the disc, then it can be shown that
c = I!..-
C* =
(;f ' ((:r =
0) .
Chap. 2
Note that 1'*1 = (B/p)21'1 = (B2Ip) > B so that is outside the disc D(O; B). It follows that H(z. {) is harmonic in' for each zED. Accepting the above, we may now write down the Green's function explicitly. We use polar coordinates, of course, with z s r, p S B. Then
(r, 9), ,
(p, tp)
and 0
G(z, C) = In
(~ Iz
(:)2 {I) - lnlz - {I
1 R2 - 2pr cos(O - fP) + p2r2R-2 = -In ----=~---'---..:....:....-.:.....-.---=-2 r2 - 2pr cos(O - f/J) + p2
is the Green's function for D(O; B). Note that G(z. {) = 0 if Izl = R, as required. Once again kitchen-stove physics has helped us get an answer.
A.2.4 The Representation Problem Solved for O(O,R)
Now we know u(O
1 = --
a an G(z, {) dsz
u(z) -
and we know G(z, C). Recalling that the outward normal derivative around C is the same as the radial derivative, we compute aG (z, ~ ar
-p cos(O - f/J) + p2rR-2 R2 - 2pr cos(O - '1) + p2r2B-2 r - p cos(O - fP) r2 - 2pr cos(O - fP) + p2 •
Since we will integrate around C, we set r = R to obtain
aa ar (z, {)
1 p2 - R2 B R2 - 2pR cos(O - f/J)
+ p2'
It is customary to introduce the notation
R2 _ p2 !J'(R, 0; p, fP) =
R2 - 2pR cos(O -rp)
1 •
This is the Poisson kernal. We note !J'(R, 0; p, fP) = - R
an (z, {)
It is standard practice to use the Poisson kernel, rather than the outward normal derivative of the Green's function, in the statements of theorems. At last we have solved the Representation Problem:
Appendix 2.2
The Dirichlet Problem for the Disc
Let u be continuous in D(O; R) and harmonic in D(O; R). Then for D we have
u(p, rp) =
R2 2n
~ (1,. u(R, 0) &'(R, .fJ; p,
p2 i2K 0
rp) dO
u(R, 0)
Z -
2pR cos(O - rp) + p2
Note: u(R, 0) is -Ii boundary value (r = R) of u = u(r, 0). Proof: The main work has been done. You may fill in the details.
We have not used the qualitat.ive theorems about harmonic functions (e.g., Mean-Value, Maximum Principle) in this Appendix. All we have used is Green's ill and some special properties of the logarithm. You may now apply the Poisson Integral Formula to prove results about harmonic functions. For instance, you should be able to derive a one-line proof of the Circumferential Mean-Value Property. Also, can you prove that u 0 is the only harmonic function vanishing on the entire circle C and defined everywhere in the interior D? Having this, can you prove that a harmonic function is uniquely determined by its boundary values on C? (No Maximum Principle required in this proon)
A2.S The Existence Problem Solved Now we consider the situation where we are given g = g(O) defined on the circular rim C of the disc D. We seek a continuous function u on D harmonic in D and agreeing with g on C. This can be done by altering the Poisson Integral Formula as follows: THEOREM
Let g be as above. Then the function u defined in D = D(O; R) by u(p, rp) =
~ r2.1C g(O)&,(R, 0; p,
rp) dO
is continuous in D, harmonic in D and has boundary values given by is, as p approaches R, u(p, rp) approaches g(rp).
g; that
Comments on the Proof 1. Convince yow'self that it is not immediately clear that the boundary values of u as defined by the integral are given by g. A proof requires close examination ef the Poisson kernel.
Harmonic Functions in the Plane
Chap. 2
2. Continuity of u(p, f{J) inside D again raises the problem of the interchange of limit operations. Again we omit details. 3. The fact Au(p, rp) = 0 is easiest to prove. Since the Laplacian ~ involves differentiation with respect to the variables p and ({J only, we may bring ~ under the integral sign as in Appendix AI:
! (21t g(O) ~9(R, 8; p, ({J) dO.
({J) =
But the Poisson kernel is harmonic as a function of ({), recall 9(R, 0; p, ({J) = - R(BGIBr)(z, n with z E C. Thus, ~9(R,
To see this,
BG 0: p, ({J) = -R ~ - (z, ') Br = -R
~ {~G(z, ')},
involves only p, ({J, not r. But the Green's function is harmonic
= (p, ({J), provided z = (R, 8) lies on C (why?). Thus, ~9(R, 8; P, ((J) = 0,
whence u(p, ffJ) is harmonic.
A2.6 An Alternate Approach: Fourier Series This explanation will require only a superficial knowledge of Fourier series. We make no mention of the Green's function in this approach. 1. Given g = g(8), we can write its Fourier series 00
(An cos n8
Bn sin nO).
The A's and B's are real numbers, the so-called Fourier coefficients of g. and are given by certain straightforward formulas. For example, Ao =
~ (211: g(8) dO, 2n
which (as we know) is the average value of g(8) for 0 :$ {} :$ 21r. 2. To extendg into the interior of the disc D, we define, forO ~ p < R and 0 :$ ({J 5 21l, u(p, ({J) - Ao
L (p)n - (An cos n({J + Bn sin n({J), 00
where the A's and B's come from g. This pulls things in along radii and gives a function of two variables in D. 3. Informally, we see by co~paring series that limp _ R u(p, ((J) = g«({J), so that the boundary values of u are given by g, as desired.
Appendix 2.2
The Dirichlet Problem for the Disc
4. Also, letting p approach zero shows that the value of u at the origin is Ao. But this is the circumferential mean of g on C, as we would expect if u were harmonic! 5. Caution: These informal remarks are not proofs. Nor is it at all clear that the function u is harmonic. To prove Au = 0, one must differentiate the series for u, term by term (using the Laplacian in polar coordinates), and verify that each term (pJRt (An cos nqJ + Bn sin nqJ) is harmonic. This raises obvious convergence questions, which we will not treat here. 6. We add that it is possible to obtain the Poisson Integral Representation for u by manipulating with the sines and cosines in the series for u given above. In fact, the integral sign in the Poisson formula is provided by the An and Bn, which are definite integrals. 7. We emphasize, however. that the key idea in the Fourier series approach to the Dirichlet problem is the trick of pulling the function g into the interior of D by introducing the factor VIR)" into the nth term of the Fourier series for g. The official name for this is Abel-Poisson
3 Complex Numbers and
Complex Functions
Section 3.1 THE COMPLEX NUMBERS 3.1.0 Introduction In this section we construct the set of complex numbers, identifying each such number with a point in the plane 1R2. 'I'his amounts to endow-
ing the plane with a multiplication as well as an addition. This multiplication is of profound importance for later developments, as we shall see.
3.1.1 Basic Definitions
Let C denote the set of all elements z of the form
z = x
+ yi.
where x, y E IR and i is a symbol, to be interpreted below (it is not a real number). If y = 0, then we write z = x. It follows from our definition that
z = x + yi
, =
e + '1i
are equal as elements of C if and only if
y = fl·
e. "
Note that here we continue to let x, y. denote real numbers. One complex equation gives two real equations.
Sec. 3.7
The Complex Numbers
Some examples: 2 + 3i, t + 5i, 0 + 1li (usually written ni), t + (- 5)i (usually written! - 5i),3 + Oi = 3,0 + Oi = O.
Addition and Subtraction If z = x + yi and, = c; + "i are in C, then we define their sum and difference, respectively, to be z
= (x
z - , = (x
+ c!) + - ~) +
(y - ,,)i,
and note that these are also in C. Multiplication
We know how to multiply two real numbers. Let us agree to multiply the symbol i as follows: i·i
= i2
= -1
(very important), and also for a and b real, Ii
a(bz) = (ab)i,
To multiply z = x + yi by , = c; + "i, we repeatedly apply these rules by means of a Udistributive law." Thus,
zC =
= x~
+ "i) = x(~ + "i) + yi(~ + "i) + yc!)i + Y1Ii2
(x + yi) (~
+ (X"
(x~ - YIT)
+ (X1/ + y,)i,
since i 2 = -1. Thus, the product of two elements of C is again an element of C. Note that = always, just as in IR. For example, (2 + 3i) (-1 + 5i) = -17 + 7i (check it!).
Complex Numbers The set C with addition and multiplication thus defined is called the set of complex numbers, and each z = x + yi is a complex number. Since we write x + Oi simply as x, the set IR of real numbers may be
thought of as a subset of the Bet C of complex numbers, IR c C. Note that x~ "'" (x + Oi) (~ + 00 "'" xe + Oi, so that real multiplication and the newly defined complex multiplication are compatible. Zero: We have 0 = 0
z + 0 = z,
+ Oi. Note that, for all z E C, z - 0
= Z,
zO = Oz = O.
Chap. 3
Complex Numbers and Complex Functions
More on i: The complex number i is not real, but its square -1 is. It is standard to write i = .J -1, the "square root of minus one." We recall that only nonnegative real numbers have real square roots. The letter i may stand for "imaginary," If z = x + iy, then x and yare the real (Re) and imaginary (1m) parts of z, respectively. We denote this
x = Re z,
1m z.
Exercises to Paragraph 3.1.1 1. Let z = 2 - i. , = 1 + 3i. Compute (a) z + {, (b) , - z, (c) zC. 2. Find a complex 1 such that Z1 = , (with z. , as above). Is 1 unique? 3. Use the complex number i to obtain both roots of the quadratic equations (a) X 2 + 1 = 0. (b) X2 + 9 = O.
4. For which integers n is in real? positive? negative? nonreal? 5. If z satisfies Z2 + z + 1 = 0, prove without computing z that Introduce Z3 by multiplying the given relation by z. 6. What are the real and imaginary parts of in Exercise l(c)?
= 1.
3.1.2 The Complex Plane
From now on we will identify the complex number :Ie + iy and the point (x, y) of 1R2. You should check that this identification is compatible with the additions in C and in 1R2. Hence we may now multiply two points in the plane and obtain a third point (this is not a dot product of vectors!). See Figures 3.1 and 3.5.
, z=(x,y)=.x+iy i=(O,l)
, o -i=I= (0. -1)
,z= (x, -y)=x-iy
Sec. 3.1
If z
The Complex Numbers
= X
+ iy. its conjugate is the complex number z z
given by
x - iy.
It is obtained by reflecting z across the x-axis as in the Figure 3.1. Thus, 3
+ 2i = 3
- 2i, 1 =
It is important that if z = x
- i, -
= -
+ iy, then
x 2 + y2
where 102'1 is the usual norm (distance from the origin) of a point in the plane. Thus, the multiplication ties in nicely with the geometry, thanks to the introduction of 2. Let us carry this a bit farther. For z, ' E C, we have z, ~ E C, so we may form the product z~. On the other hand the product ze, and hence its conjugate are also in C. We leave it to you to check (using z = x + iy, , = + i17, and the definition of conjugate) that
Thus, in multiplying and taking conjugates, it doesn't matter in which order we do things. Having this, we observe that
Thus, by taking square roots, we conclude that "the norm of a product is the product of the norms,"
Of course we knew this already for real numbers.
Exercises to Paragraph 3.1.2 1. Let z = 2 - i, C = 1 + 3i. Locate the points z, C. z + C, ze, i, C, zC in a sketch of the complex plane. 2. For z as above, compute zz. 3. Sketch the Bet of all points z in the plane C which satisfy zz = 4. 4. Let z be as in Exercise 1. Compute Izl, arg z (= the argument of z; that is, the counterclockwise angle in radians from the positive x·axis to the line segment from the origin to z). Now form the product iz and compute lizl, arg iz. What does multiplication by i do to the point z geometrically? illustrate your answer with a sketch. 5. Find a complex T such that, for all z, the point TZ is obtained by rotating the point z about the origin through one right angle (= 11:/2 radians) in the clockwise sense. Hint.- See the preceding exercise.
Complex Numbers and Complex Functions
Chap. 3
3.1.3 Division by Complex Numbers Now we show that the quotient ,/ z has a reasonable meaning as a complex number, provided z =F O. We will define the quotient as a
Hence. it suffices to show that 1/ z determines a complex number (that is, something of the form a + bi with a, b real). Since z #: 0, we have z #: O. and hence it is not unreasonable to write z/z = 1. We see that 1/ z should satisfy
z1 = z.i
= z:Z = Izl2
But the right-hand side here may now be dealt with! The denominator is a real number 1z12, and we may use it to divide the real and imaginary parts of the numerator z. Thus. let z = x + iy so that z = x - iy and Izl2 = x 2 + y2. Then. as we just saw,
~ = 1~2 = ; ~ ~2 = Cz : yz) - (x2 : yz) i. This is of the form a + bi, a complex number. For example, if z = 3 - 2i, then 1
3 2. + - z. 13 13
- = -
if' ~
z = 1
+ i and z
,(~) z
= (1
3 - 2i, then
1 5. i) = - + 13 13 13
+ i)(~ + ~ 13
We may add, subtract, multiply, and divide (except by zero) in the
complex numbers. Also,
-J zz,
Exercises to Paragraph 3.1.3 1. Let z = 2 - i, , = 1 + 3i. Compute: (a) l/z, (b)
2. Find or such that
= , (with z, , as above). See the exercises to Paragraph
3. Give proof or counterexample: 11/zl = 1/1z1 for z -# O. 4. Write IIi in the form x + iy with x, y real.
3.2.0 Introduction Now we will introduce the notion of a cOijlplex-valued function and then single out the more special analytic functions for further consideration. We'll then construct some important analytic functions and see that they are built from harmonic functions, just as complex numbers are built from real numbers.
3.2.1 Preliminaries We write C instead of 1R1 for the (complex) plane. Let n be a subset (usually a domain) of the plane C. A complex function f: n -+ C is a rule that assigns to each ZEn a complex n\.lIDber f(z). Full name: complexvalued function of a complex variable. An example: polynomials such as f(z) = Z2 + (1 + i)z - 7 or g(z) = Z3 - i (here, Q = C). Note that we make Use here of the multiplication in C. Another example: the "conjugation function" F(z) = z.
Pictures Since C (= 1R2) is two-dimensional, the graph of w = f(z) would require a four-dimensional (z, w)-space. Hence, we do not graph complexvalued functions. It is standard, however, to draw the z-plane (xy-plane) containing n and the w-plane (uv-plane, target plane, image plane) and consider the function f as a geometric transformation or mapping that carries the domain n onto a subset (call it f(n» in the image plane. This is the point-of-view of Chapter 8. See Figure 3.2. Real and Imaginary Parts
Let f be a complex function defined on n, and let us write w = f(z) for ZEn. Since w is complex, we may write it w = u + iv with u, v real. Now, as z varies in 0, the number w = f(z) varies, and hence the real and imaginary parts of w vary. It follows that u = u(z) and v = v(z) are real-valued functions of z and so we have a familiar-looking decomposition: w = f(z) = u(z)
Complllx Number& and Complex Functions
Chap. 3
The complex function w=f(z) as a mapping Figure
The real-valued functions u(z), v(z) are called the real and imaginary parts respectively of the function f, in complete analogy with complex numbers. Thus, we may write u = Re (f),
You might check that if f(z) =
Re (f) = u(z) = x 2
v = 1m (f). Z2,
then 1m (f) = v(z) = 2xy.
Limits in C Let I: 0 -+ C be a complex function, Zo a point in the z-plane, Wo in the w-plane C. We write lim f(z) = Wo
if and only if, given any "target" disc D(wo; e) about the point wo, no matter how small the radius e > 0, there is a "confidence" disc D(zo; 0), t5 > 0, which is such that if z is any point of D(zo; t5) n OJ then we may be confident that the value f(~) lies in the target dil:!c D(wo; e). Of course the confidence radius {) will generally depend on the given target radius e. See Figure 3.3. Intuitively, limz-+zo I(z) = Wo means that if z is a point moving on some path in the plane toward zoo then the point f(z) will move in the image plane alung a path leading to the puint Woo The following observations, whose proofs will be left to you, show that the taking of limits is compatible with the usual operations of algebra. Suppose Wo, WI are in C and
lim f(z) Z-+Zn
lim g(z) = WI' Z->Zn
Complex Analytic Functions'
confidence disc D (Zo; 0) Figure
given target D(wo; E)
Then we assert lim (f(z) ± g(z» = lim f(z) ± lim g(z) lim f(z)g(z) = lim f(z) lim g(z) =
= Wo
lim f(z) = lirnz ...zof(z) = Wo z-+zog(z) li.IIlz ... zo g(z) WI'
where in the last line we require g(z) and WI to be different from zero. We remark that if f(z) = u(z) + iv(z) and Wo = Uo + ivo e C. then it can be proved that limf(z) = Wo Z-+Zo
is equivalent to lim u(z) %-+%0
= UO.
lim v(z) = vo.
Continuity The function f: .0
C is continuous at
if and only if
(i) Zo en. so that f(zo) is defined; (ii) ~-+zo f(z) = ((zo).
Thus, the limit of f(z) as z approaches Zo is just what it should be. A function is continuous on the domain 0, provided it is continuous at each point of O. Since limits are well behaved with respect to the standard algebraic operations, it can be shown that the Bum, difference, product. and quotient of two functions continuous at Zo are also continuous at Zo
(provided, as usual, we do not divide by zero). From our remarks above on the real and imaginary parts of f and limits, you should convince yourself that f is continuous at Zo if and only if the real-valued functions u and v are also, where f(z) = u(z)
+ iv(z}.
Complex Numbers and Complex Funotions
Simple examples of continuous functions are provided by the constant functions and the function {(z) = z. You should verify that these are continuous on C. Since any polynomial P(z) = ao
+ alz + ... + anz"
is built up from constants and f(z) = z by sums and products, we conclude that every polynomial is continuous on C. In fact, if g(z) is a rational function, one of the form ( ) _ ao
g Z
b1 z
+ ... +
anz n
+ ... + bk 2 II'
then g(z) is certainly continuous at all points 20 where it is defined. By the way, at what points is g(z) not defined? We leave it to you to decide whether thc conjugation function f(z) = z is continuous. Finally, we remark that most of the complex functions we are to meet will be continuous and, in fact, have the stronger property of analyticity. We turn to this now.
Exercises to Paragraph 3.2.1 1. Let f(z) =
Z3. Compute the real and imaginary parts u(x, y), v(x, y) of (. Of course z = x + iy. 2. Likewise for g(z) = l/z. 3. Let n be the unit disc 1zl < 1. Sketch the sets {) and f({) (in the w-plane), where w = (z) = z - i. Likewise where f(z) = 2z + 3i. 4. Formulate the definition of limit. using the terminology of absolute values rather than discs, by completing the following statement: limz-+zo (z) = Wo
if and only if given any e > 0 there exists a nwnber J > 0 such that if Iz - 2:0\ < t5, then .... This "arithmetic" formulation is more useful in certain numerical
situations than the more picturesque statement involving discs. 5. Keeping Exercise 4 in mind, prove lim (f(z) + g(z» = lim (z) + lim g(z), z-+:lo
as claimed in the text. 6. Prove that f(z) = constant and g(z) = z are continuous at all points of C. 7. Is (z) = z ~ontinuous? Give reasons. 8. Prove that a function (: n -+ C is continuous throughout n if and only if whenever S is an open subset of C, then the set f- 1(S)
= {z; E n 1f(z) E S} is also open. Hint: Use discs. 9. An important property o( continuous (unctions. Prove that if (zo) -::/: 0, then there is an open subset (neighborhood) containing Zo such that f(z) =F 0 for any z in the open subset. In words, if (zo) =F 0. then (z) =F 0 for all z sufficiently close to zoo Hint: Use Exercise 8.
Sec. 3.2
Complex AlJlllytic Functions
10. (a) Recall from calculus the meaning of the composite (unction w = (g(C)), where w = (z), z = gm. (b) Prove that if g is continuous at Co and (is continuous at Zo = g(Co), then f(g(O) is continuous at Co.
3.2.2 The Complex Derivative Let (: 0 definition,
C, Zo EO. Then the first derivative ('(zo) of (at Zo is, by ('(Zo) = lim (z) - I(zo) % .... Z'o z - Zo
(z EO),
provided this limit exists as a finite complex number. It is sometimes written as (df/dz)(zo). We require z E 0 in the definition 80 that (z) makes sense. Note that the limit above must equal the same complex number ('(zo) regardless 01 the manner in which the variable z approaches zoo Since Zo is an interior point of 0, the point z may approach Zo from any direction, spiral inward, etc. The limit is required to be the same number ('(zo) in each case.
Comment Since we don't graph complex functions, we don't speak of the tangent to a graph. In particular, ('(zo) is not to be thought of as the «slope" of anything. For now, it is simply a complex number. We will interpret it and compute it later. We'll soon discover, for example, that (z) =
implies f'(z) = 2z.
Some Properties of the Derivative
Since the derivative is defined as a limit and limits are, as we have seen, well behaved with respect to the elementary algebraic operations, we have the following identities reminiscent of ordinary real calculus: «((z) ± g(z»' = f'(z) ± g'(z)
(Sum Rule)
= f'(z)g(z) + (z)g'(z)
(Product Rule)
((Z»)' = g(z)f'(z) - g'(z){(z) (g(z) [g(z)]
(Quotient Rule)
Also, if we are given I: 0 -to C as usual and another function: g: 0 1 -to OJ g(O = ZI then we may form the composite function fog: 0 1 -to C defined by «(og)(O
= {(g({».
Complex Numb"rs and Complex Functions
For example, if {(z) = Z2 + 1 and g(C) = C - 4, then (fog)(lJ = f(C - 4) = (C - 4)2 + 1. This composite is a function of C, as expected. How does the derivative of (fog)(I;.) relate to the derivatives of f and g? The answer is given by
THE CIiAIN RULE Let the composite function (jog)(C) be defined as above, and suppose the derivatives {,(z) and g'(C) exist throughout their respective domain.~.
Then (fog),(C) = f'(g(t;»g'(C).
That is, writing z = g(t;.),
de (fQg)(lJ
dz f(z) dI; g(O
Proof: We do this only in the special case z = g(C) = at;. Then, at the point Co, we have
b, a =1= O.
f(g(C» - f(g(Co» {(z) - f(zo) Z - Zo = . , , - Co z - Zo C - Co
writing Zo = g(Co). Now, using the facts that z - Zo = a(C - Co) and that z is different from Zo if Cis different from Co, we may let I;. approach Co on the right-hand side to obtain in the limit {'(zo)a, that is, {'(zo)g'(Co) as claimed. Done. We remark that the proof is somewhat more delicate if we contend with the possibility that z = Zo (that is, g(lJ = g(Co for a sequence of points I;. tending toward Co. See the Exercises. Let's conclude this subsection by noting that if f(z) = c, a complex constant independent of z, then
f(z) - f(zo)
z -
c - c = 0
z -
so that surely f'(zo) = O. The derivative of a constant function is identically zero.
Likewise, if f(z) = az + b, then f'(z) = a, as we noted in the proof of the Chain Rule. Finally, if f(z) = z", where n is a nonnegative integer (ZO = 1), repeated applications of the Product Rule (p. 111) and the fact that (z)' = 1 yield the not unexpected result I'(z) = (z"), = nz"-l.
Afterthought We used the difference quotient f(z) - {(zo)
z - 2o
Complex Analytlc Function:s
to define {'(zo). This is an extremely important instance of the division of one complex number by another. It is a fact of life that one cannot write down a similar difference quotient for functions from IRJ into 1R3 because one cannot divide by elements (vectors) of 1R3 in any suitable way. Keep your eyes open for the remarkable consequences that follow from this difference quotient's having a limit.
Exercises to Paragraph 3.2.2 1. Compute the first derivative of the following functions:
(a) fez)
2z 3
(b) g(z) = liz, (z i= 0); (c) f(C) = (C + 1)/(' - 1), (C =F 1); (d) G(z) = f(g(z» with f. g as in (c) and (b); (e) H(z) = g(f(z».
2. Let fez) = z. Prove that f'(zo) exists for no Zo in C. Hint: Write Zo = Xo + iyo and let z approach Zo along both vertical and horizontal lines. Both approaches must yield the same limit in the difference quotient, by definition of f'. 3. Argue that if ('(zo) exists and z is close to zo, then If(z) - {(zo)1 is approximately 1f'(zo)llz - zol. Classic calculus! 4. Prove that a function f(z) differentiable at Zo is continuous at zoo Hint: Use the difference quotient. 5. Recall the Mean Value Theorem of real differential calculus for functions y = ((x) on a closed interval a ~ x ~ b. Does this theorem have a complex analog? Discuss. 6. Letg(z) = zz. Provethatg'(zo) exists if and only ifzo = O. Contrast Exercise 2.
3.2.3 Definition of Analytic Function
This will be very important to us. Let f: n .... Co If {'(zo) exists at all points Zo En, then a function 1': n .... C is defined via z .... {'(z). This new function. it would appear, mayor may not be continuous, have a derivative, etc. We say that f is analytic at Zo if and only if (i) {,(z) exists for all points z in some open set containing Zo (in particular, {'(zo) exists); (ii) f' = {'(z) is a continuous function of z in some open set containing zoo
In other words, f is analytic at zo, provided it is continuously (complex) differenti'lble in an open neighborhood of ZoHere are some synonyms: "analytic" = Hholomorphic" = "regular" = "regular analytic"
Comp/flle Numbers .nd Complex Functions
Chap. 3
Thus, analyticity is a cclocalu property: From the definition we see that f is analytic at 20 if and only if f is analytic at all points in some neighborhood of zoo We want this. We define f analytic on n (open!) in the obvious way.
Warning: Some authors define f to be analytic if it merely has a complex derivative; they do not require continuity of the derivative. By a remarkable theorem of Goursat, however, a complex derivative is continuous. Hence, both definitions of analyticity are equivalent. Authors who use the seemingly less restrictive definition must then prove Goursat's Theorem in order to have the continuity of f' at their disposal. We avoid the work of proving Goursat's Theorem but, on the other hand, we must verify the continuity (as well as existence) of f' for each f we wish to regard as analytic. Some Examples of Analytic Functions 1. The constant functions, of course. 2. More generally, any polynomial in z, for a polynomial is differentiable and its derivative is again a polynomial, hence continuous. Thus, polynomials satisfy the requirement for analyticity. 3. Any rational function (f(z)/g(z» where f and g are polynomials and we avoid points where the function is not defined (say, g(z) :I:- 0).
One immediate aim: Find more analytic functions. To do this, we must use the Cauchy-Riemann equations, which we now derive. We close this section by suggesting a good exercise: Prove that the conjugation function f(z) = z is nowhere analytic, even though it is everywhere continuous.
Exercises to Paragraph 3.2.3 1. At what points of the z.plane are the following functions defined and analytic? (a) f(z) = Z2 + I, (b) g(z) = 1/(z2 + 1), (c) F{z) = l/z. 2. Why is g(z) = zz not analytic at z = O? For g'(O) exists! 3. Is f(z) = Izl analytic anywhere in the z-plane? 4. Prove from the definition off'(zo) that nfis analytic at zoo then we may write f(z)
= (zo) + f'(zo)(z
where B(Z; zo) -+ 0 as z
-+ zoo
- zo)
Hint: Get B from
f(z) - f(zo) -- f'( Zo ) Z -
+ e(z; zo)(z + B(. ) Z, 20 •
Compare Theorem 3 of Chapter 1. 5. Some real calculus. Observe that f(x) = Ixl is not differentiable at x = O. Verify that F(x) = I:'. It I dt is differentiable for all x. What is F'(x)? Conclude F"{x) doesn't exist at x = 0 even though F'(x) does.
Complex Anlllytic
Sec. 3.2
Funcr/on~ ~
Now, by integrating twice, construct a real function G(x) such that G'(x), G"(X) exist for all x but G"'(x) doesn't exist at x = O. Generalize to get real functions with k but not k + 1 derivatives. Compare
6. 7. 8. 9.
Exercise 2 for Paragraph 1.3.5. If fez) is analytic in n, is f'(z) also analytic in n (so that (,,(z) exists, etc.)? Comment: This is quite deep. Is a function analytic in n continuous in n? If {and g are analytic and {(g(C» is defined on some domain, is ({g(m analytic there? Given that fez) = u(z) + iv(z) is analytic at zoo prove that f'(zo) = ux(zo) + ivxCzo) by letting z approach Zo on a horizontal line through zoo Prove also that {'(zo) = v)'(zo) - iu,,(zo). Conclude the "Cauchy-Riemann equation.s Ux
u, = -v".
10. Prove that if f'(z) = 0 for all z in n, then (is constant in n. By the way, how do you prove this basic result in real differential calculus?
11. An important issue. We will eventually show that if{is analytic and {(zo) = O. then {(z) = (z - zo)" g(z), where k is a positive integer (not a fraction). g(z) is analytic at zo, and g(zo) :f: O. Compare the factorization of a polynomial with a root of order k at zoo In this spirit, given that {(zo) = 0, define {l(Z) = {(z)/(z - zo) for z :f: zoo (a) Why is {,(z) analytic if z :f: zo? (b) How should we define {l(ZO) so that {I is continuous at Zo (what is limz-o~o (1(Z)?)?
(c) With this definition of (1(ZO), is {I analytic at Zo (su (Z-ZO)fl(Z),
that fez) equals
a product of analytic functions)?
(d) If so, we may now apply the same reasoning to fl' Does the process of factoring out 2 - Zo stop after k repetition? These last two questions are nontrivial. See Chapter 5. 12. A long exercise on inverse (unctions. Suppose the function f maps a set 8 onto a set Sf in a one-ta-one manner, that is, Zl =F Z2 in 8 implies f(zl) =F f(z,) in 8'. Then {has an inverse function g mapping 8' onto S, which will satisfy both g(f(z»
z, f(g(w» = w. This definition prompts two general questions: (i)
Under what conditions is a function (analytic, say) one-to-one on 8? (ii) If { has a nice property, does its inverse g also enjoy that property? We remark that in the situation of interest to us, the case S = n is a domain and {is analytic, there is no graceful genfll'al answer to (i). We will discuss instances of (ii) below. (a) An example: let n be the open first quadrant,
= {z = x
+ iy I x > 0, y > O},
and define {( z) = Z2 on n. Verify that {is one-to· one on n. Then describe the image set ((O) in the w-plane and describe the inverse function z = g(w). (polar coordinates might help in specifying z.) (b) Observe that w = {(z) = 22 does not have an inverse function on the entire plane S = C. Compare question (i) above. This is the old quandary of two square roots .Jw. (c) Now we turn to question (ii) and continuity. Consider the following nontrivial theorem, Brouwer's "Invariance of Domain": I{ f is a one-to-one continuous function. defined on the open set S, then the image S' = f(S) is also open (f is an "open mapping' ').
Complex Numbers and Complex Functions
Use Brouwel"s result to prove that ufis a one·to·one continuous mapping of the domain a onto the domain n', then the inverse function g: 0' -+ 0 is also continuous. (This is simply a matter of definition, thanks to Brouwer.) Preview: We'll see in Chapter 8 that a nonconstant analytic function is an open mapping, even if it is not one·to·one! (d) For the topologist: Prove that if 8 is a compact (closed and bounded) set and f maps 8 one·to-one onto 8' continuously, then the inverse function g is continuous on 8'. No mention of analyticity here. (e) Now we ask about analyticity of the inverse. Prove the following (this is independent of (a) through (d) above): Let the analytic function f map the domain a one·to-one onto the domain 0', and suppose further that t(z) i= 0 and that the inverse function g is continuous on a'. Then (i) g'(w) exists for each w in a'; (ii) in fact, g'(w) = l/f'(z), where w = f(z); (iii) thus g' is continuolls and s() g is analyti.c. Hint: Use the difference quot.ient to prove (i). We are not too happy with this statement. As (c) above indicates, the same result follows from even weaker hypothese:,. Namely, it is true that 0' = f(a) is always a domain, if f is analytic, and that t i= 0 and g is continuous if f is one-to·one. The truth is better conveyed by the (imprecise) dictum : The inverse of an analytic functio1l is analytic. 13. A proof of the Chain Rule. We proved in the text that f(g(rJ), = f'(g(t;))g'(C), provided g(') = + b. Now let f(z), g(C) be arbitrary analytic functions such that the compoRite f(c(C)) iF; defined in Rome domain. Proceed as follows: Write, as in Exercise 4,
f(z) -=- I(zo)
and let C-+
+ ('(zo)(z
- zo)
= g(Co) + g'(Co)(C -
8\(Z; zo)(z - 20),
+ £2('; Co)(C
- Co),
'0 in the difference quotient f(g(r.» - f(g(Co» C - Co
with Zo = g(,o). 14. True or false? (a) The product and quotient (where defined) of two complex analytic functions are analytic. (b) The product and quotient (where defined) of two real harmonic functions are harmonic. Moral: Analytic function theory has an even richer structure than harmonic function theory.
Let f: .0 ~ C, with f(z) = u(z) + iv(z) as usual. Since z = x + iy is identified with the point (x, y), we also write u = u(z) = u(x, y), v = v(z) = v(x, y).
Sec. 3.3
The Cauchy-Riemann Equations
It is natural to inquire whether we can study the comp]ex derivative I'(z) in terms of something we already know, namely, the real partial
derivatives of u and v. We might ask for a criterion for the analyticity of f in terms of the differentiability (with respect to x and y) of its real
and imaginary parts u and v. This might enable us to manufacture new analytic functions by putting together suitable u's and v's. The criterion is this. CAUCHy-RIEMANN EQUATIONS
If f is analytic at Z I'(z)
fl, then
= ux(z) + iV:r(z)
vy(z) - iuy(z)
so that u, v satisfy the system of first-order differential equations
Conversely, if u and v are in ~l(n) and together satisfy these differential equations for all Z E 0, then f = u + iv is analytic in n. Proof: Given 1'(20) exists, we let 2 approach 20 along a horizontal line y = Yo and a vertical line x = xo, obtaining two expressions for the same limit. For Z = x + iyo, we have I'(Zo)
= lim fez) - f(zo) %-%0
Z -
= lim {U(x. Yo) - u(xo, Yo) + i vex, Yo) - v(xo. YO)} x - Xo
x - Xo
= u]C<Xo. Yo) + ivixo. Yo)· On the other hand. suppose z =
+ iy. Then we also have
{'(zo) = lim {U(xo,~) - u(xo, Yo) "-Yo ley - Yo) = - iuy(xo 1 Yo)
+ i v(xo.~)
- v(xo, yo)} l(Y - Yo)
vixo. Yo).
The Cauchy-Riemann equations follow from the uniqueness of ('(20); we've shown its real part to be U x and also vy , whence U x = vY ' etc. For the converse, we are gi~en that u and u are in ~l(n) and U x = vy, U v = - V x ' Hence, fez) - f(zo) = {u(z) - u(zo)}
= {ux(zo)' (x - Xo)
+ + +
8 1 ·(x
- xo)
Hv(z) - v(zo)}
+ uJ/(zo)' (y - Yo) 62'(Y -
i{vx(zo)' (x - xo) 83' (x
- xo)
64' (y
vJ/(zo)' (y - Yo) - Yo)}
Complex Numbers lind Complex Functions
Chap. 3
by Theorem 3 of Chapter 1. Using the Cauchy-Riemann equations, we rewrite the last expression thus: {(z) - {(zo) = (ux(zo)
iux(zo»' (z - Zo)
+ (el + ie3)'(X - Xo) + (e2 + ie4)·(y - Yo) Hence, the difference quotient for the derivative becomes fez) - f(zo) z - Zo
(e 1
e8 3 )
x - Xo
z -
. Y + Z84)
- Yo 20
Z -
Since Ix - xol :::; Iz - zol. Iy - Yol :::; Iz - zol and 81> 82. 8 3 , 84 tend to zero as 2 = (x, y) approaches 20 = (xo, Yo), we conclude that f'(zo) exists and, in fact, equals ux(zo) + iux(zo)' Also, f' is continuous because the partial derivatives are. Thus, fis analytic and the converse is proved. Done. The Cauchy-Riemann Equations in Polar Coordinates
Certain prominent analytic functions are usually defined in terms of the polar coordinates (r, 8) of a point rather than Euclidean coordinates (x, y). For example (see Section 3.4), fez) = In r
where z = x + iy = r(cos 8 + i sin 8), r > 0, will define the very important complex logarithm; log 2 = (z). We will discuss this in the next section. If (is any complex function, then it may be written fez)
u(r, 8)
iu(r, 8).
If ( is analytic, then its real and imaginary parts u., () will satisfy the polar form of the Cauchy-Riemann equations, au 1 au - (r fJ) = - - ( r 8)
a8 ' ,
au (r 8) = - r au (r 8)'
that is, 1 r
U r = - VS'
Conversely, if u, u satisfy these equations and are continuously differentiable, then f is analytic. The proof of this amounts to translating the Cauchy-Riemann equations in x, Y into r, 8, that is, the two-variable Chain Rule. We leave the details a.s an exercise to be done by everyone once in his life. Preview: The Relation of Harmonic to Analytic Functions
Let fez) = u(z) + iu(z) be analytic in n so that Ux = uy , uy = - Ux' It follows that U xx = UyX and u y , = -UXY ' provided these second partial
Sec. 3.3
The Cauchy-Riemann Equations
derivatives exist. If these partials exist and are continuous, then vJlx = VX)I' whence we conclude that U XX + UJIJI = 0; that is, U is harmonic. Similarly, we have that v is harmonic (verify this!). This fact is usually stated thus: The real and imaginary parts of an analytic function are harmonic. What does this mean? 1. We will see that many of our results on harmonic functions (e.g., Mean-Value Properties, Maximum Principle, Liouville's Theorem.) have immediate extensions to the case of complex analytic fuuctions. 2. One way to construct analytic functions f(z) (as we will see) will be to start with harmonic u(x, y) and find a harmonic v(x. y) such that U x = UJI , UJI = - Vox' Then f = u + iv will be analytic (why?).
Caution: In derivjng the harmonicity of the real and imaginary parts of an analytic function, we had to assume that the second derivatives U,xv U XJI ' u JlX , etc., exist. It is a remarkable fact (proof later) that these second partials do exist, provided f = U + iv is analytic. This follows from the fact (at least as remarkable) that if f' exists, then exists (whence by the same reasoning exists, and so on). An analytic function has all complex derivatives {', t
r r, ... ,
Why is this? The reason seems to be that if f then (as we have seen) Ux -
= 0,
Vx =
= U
+ iv is analytic,
That is, the real and imaginary parts off give solutions to a simultaneous system of first-order partial differential equations: the Cauchy-Riemann equations of course. This is much stronger than the mere existence of the partial derivatives. Notice, therefore, that the property of being analytic for a complex function w = f(z) is much stronger than that of being continuously differentiable in the superficially analogous case of a real function y = f(x). Moreover, this is in spite of the fact that the definition of f' via the difference quotient looks the same in each case. The existence of the two-dimensional complex limit of the difference quotient as 2 approaches 20 is a powerful hypothesis. At this point you might reread the first paragraphs of Chapter 1 with profit.
Exercises to Section 3.3 1. Verify the Cauchy-Riemann equations for f(z) = zZ.
2. Use the Cauchy-Riemann equations to show that ((z) = z is not analytic. This question was asked in Section 3.2. also. 3. Prove in two ways that if f'(z) 0 identically. then f(z) is constant. See the set of exercises for Paragraph 3.2.3.
Complex Numbers and Complex Functions
4. Prove that an analytic function which assumes only real values on a domain n is constant. 5. The Chain Rule under coordinate change. Convince yourself that if x = x(r. 6), y = y(r. (J) and r = r(x, y), (J = (J(x. y), then u" = u,r" + U6(Jx. Here. the subscripts r, x denote partial derivatives and we can write U for both u(x. y) and u(x(r, 8), y(r, so that u,. makes sense. 6. Verify the Cauchy-Riemann equations in polar coordinates as given in the text. Use Exercise 6. 7. Verify that (z) = In r + i6, -7r < 6 < 7r. satisfies the Cauchy-Riemann equations in polar coordinates. Here, z ¥- 0 has polar coordinates (r.O). (This (z) is the complex logarithm.) 8. Verify that (z) = e.r(cos y + i sin y) is analytic for all z = x + iy. This is the complex exponential function (refer to Section 3.4). 9. For z = x + iy, verify that (z) = (x:Z - y2) + lxyi (..t real) is analytic if and only if..t = 2.
Section 3.4 THE EXPONENTIAL AND RELATED FUNCTIONS 3.4.0 Introduction Our gallery of analytic functions contains only polynomials and quotients of polynomials thus far. In determining analyticity for these functions, we used the fact that we could differentiate z" explicitly. Now we construct some tnore functions and prove them to be analytic. The chief tool in this will be the Cauchy-Riemann equations. The functions we construct will all depend somehow on the exponential function, with which we now begin.
3.4.1 The Exponential Function For z = x
+ iy E C we define the exponential function exp: C
by exp z = eX(cos y + i sin y), This generalizes the real exponential function, for when y = 0 we have z = x and so exp z = exp x = ~. We will note other similarities with eX. See Exercise 12 for a full-scale motivation.
Analyticity: The real and imaginary parts of exp z are u(z)
= u(x, y)
= eX cos y,
v(z) = v(x, y) = ~ sin y.
We check that the partials satisfy ux(x, y) = eX cos y
vy(x, y),
Thfl Exponential and Related Functions
Sec. 3.4
Thus, u and v comprise a set of solutions toiThe Cauchy-Riemann equations. Since-the partials are continuous throughout C, we conclude that exp z is analytic in all of C; that is, it is an entire analytic function,
n = c.
The Derivative: Knowing that (,(z) = ux(z) + ivx(z) (refer to Section 3.3), we see immediately that exp z is its own derivative: d
dz exp z
= exp z.
We recall that the real exponential function satisfies (ex)' = eX. This is further evidence that we have chosen the correct generalization of tr. Periodicity: In this respect exp z will be unlike the real expunential function, which is not periodic. Let z = x + iy. We observe that
= exp(x + iCy + =
eX(cos (y + 21l)
+ i sin (y +
= eX(cos y + i sin y) =
exp z.
By a repetition of this argument we may show (see Figure 3.4) that, for any fixed z and every integer k, exp(z + 2kni)
exp z. y
• z+411"i ----- 21ri Figure
-------• z+211'i
exp z = exp (z+21ri)
• z
= exp (z+4".£) = ...
It follows from the properties of sine and cosine that if the complex number b is such that exp(z + b) = exp z
ComplelC Numbers lind ComplelC Funotions
for all Z E C, then b must be of the form 2kni for some integer k (proof?). We summarize this by saying that exp z is periodic with period 2ni. Addition Formula: This formula says that
exp(zl +
Z2) =
(exp Zt)(exp Z2);
that is, the exponential of a sum is the product of the exponentials. This is a generalization of the calculus result ea+b = fIle b, which works for real a, b. To prove it, let Zl = Xl + iYlt Z2 = X2 + iY2' Then exp(zl + Z2)
= exp«xl + X2) + = eX1+Xl(cos (Yl
i(Yl + Y2» Y2) + i sin(Yl
+ Y2»
= eX1eX2 {(cos Yt cos Yl - sin Yl sin Y~)
+ i(sin Yl cos Y2 + cos Y1 sin Y2H = eX1(cos Yl + i sin Yl) eXl(cos Y2 + i sin Y2) =
(exp Zt)(exp Z,),
The key here was, of course, the addition formulas for sine and cosine, familiar from trigonometry. What fact about exp Z can we deduce anew from the addition formula by letting Z1 = Z, Z2 = 2xi? Further Properties of the Exponential Function
Complex Numbers as Exponents: Later we will give a meaning to aX, where a and z are complex. Tbe most important operation of this type, however, is the following: If e is the usual base for the natural logarithm, determined by the requirement In e = 1, and if Z = x + iy is any complex number, we raise e to a complex power by writing
= exp z.
We will feel free to use either notation. In the particular case x = 0, Z = iy, our convention becomes Euler's relation (worth remembering): e hl = exp iy = cos y
+ i sin y.
A basic property of exponentiation is the addition formula
for Zl' Z2 complex. This is just a restatement of the addition formula proved above for expo Of course we have
since e'Z
exp Z.
The Exponential and Related Functions
Sec. 3.4
The Polar Form of a Complex Number: This form is a useful combination of the complex exponential function and polar coordinates. For us, it will often be the uright" way to use polar coordinates. Let z = x + iy have polar coordinates (r, 8), where r = Izl and () is the usual angle (in radians). We call 0 the argument of z and write (J = arg z. Now we note that x = r cos 0,
= r sin O.
It follows, therefore, that
z = x
iy = r(cos 0
+ i sin 6).
Now we make the crucial observation that, since 8 is a real number, Euler's relation gives exp iO =
e's =
cos 8 + i sin fJ.
This is essentially our definition of e'8 • We conclude, therefore, that z = x + iy may be written in polar form as z = rete. For example, if z
= 1
.../2, 0 + i = .../2efCtI4,
i, then r
= 1
rc/4, so that
while if z = -I, then we have -1 = e7f1
a real number. Note that letel = 1 (Pythagoras' Theorem), so that Izl = Irlle,ol = r, as expected. The use of the exponential re iS rather than the ordinary pair (r, 8) of polar coordinates is justified by the following arithmetic observation: Hz I, Z2 are complex numbers with then we have, thanks to the addition law, Zt Z 2
= (rt e'Sl)(r2e ,91) =
rlr2e/(Sl + O2
Thus. we may conclude that the product ZtZ2 satisfies (see Figure 3.5) (i) IZ 1 Z21 = r 1 r2 = IZl11z21 (known already); + (J2 = arg Zl + arg Z2'
(ii) arg(zlz2) = 01
Now we can muJtiply two complex numbers geometrically! The product ZlZ2 has absolute value equal to the product of the absolute values of the two factors and has argument equal to the sum of the factors (see Figure 3.5). We will apply this to powers and roots in a moment. Note that in writing Z = refS it is not the variable z that appears in the exponent.
Complex Numbers and Complex Functions
Chap. 3
You may object that in writing z as reiS we overlooked that chronic difficulty with polar coordinates, the fact that the angle arg z is not a uniquely defined real number 0, but rather that any number 8 + 2kn, k = 0 ± 1, ± 2, ... , determines the same angle. However, this objection evaporRt.p.s when we recall that thp. exponentiaJ function has period 2ni or, in the same vein, eI
ei9(e2lti)k =
e iB •
All is well.
Polar Form Applied to nth Powers and nth Roots: If z = reiB, then = r 2e2i9 , and by repeated applications of this idea we conclude zIt = (ref,>" =
for any nonnegative integer n. The formula is also true for n < 0 (check !). Now let's consider the converse problem from algebra. Problem: the nth Roots of a Complex Number
Given a nonzero complex number z, compute all , such that = z. Such a , is, of course, an nth root of z, and we might write' = zl/". keeping in mind, however, that, is not unique when Inl > 1. The equation' T zlln determines a set of ,'s. We seek an explicit formula for them. The key to the problem of nth roots is to write z in polar form: z =
reiD (= reWI+2~lt), k = 0,
± 1, ... ).
Now we define n complex numbers '0, 'J,' .. , C,,- 1 by (k = 0, 1•...• n - 1).
Sec. 3.4
The Exponential and Related Functions
We claim that these n complex numbers are distinct and give all solutions to en = z. This will solve our problem. First, however, by r1/n we mean the unique positive real number whose nth power equals r. You should convince yourself that this r1/" actually exists (completeness of the real numbers) and is unique (if o < a < b, then a" < bn). Now we check that (CrY' = z. Observe that
We used the formula for nth powers and the periodicity of the complex exponential, e 2"7t' = 1 for integers k. To prove that '0' C1,' .. , '"_ 1 are distinct, assume ,,, = 'Ie with o ~ h < k ~ n - 1. Thus, 1 = 1. On the other hand,
C"'h -
= e2(k-h)7tI/n • But this last number cannot equal unity because e2mJri = 1 if and only if m is an integer (periodicity I) and m = (k - h)/n is not an integer. Done.
Finally, we must verify that if en = z, then, is one of '0""' '11-1' Let t be a variable, and consider the equ8tion t n = z; that is, t n - z = O. Since t = ,,, is a root of this equation for k = 0, 1, ... f n - 1, we have the factorization
This follow~ from successive division of t" - z by the factors t - Co, t - CI, and so on. Thus, C" - z = 0 implies
whence' must be one of Co, ... , '"_ J (why?). This is a special instance of the fact that a polynomial of degree n has at most n distinct roots.
A Remark on the Roots of Unity
We defined
'k = r
J / nej«(J+21tJt)/".
See Figure 3.6. Thus, we have
r _ r
"-k -
Now note that Wk = e2k7tt/n is an nth root of unity, (w,,)" = 1. This insight leads to the following conclusion: Let I; satisfy '" = z. Then all nth roots of z (nonzero) are given by Cwo, Cw J.' •• , 'wn - l' where the W,/ s are the nth roots of unity.
Chap. 3
Complex Numbers and Complex Functions
y wl=i
wo=1 wo=1
x W2=-1
The cube roots of unity
The fourth roots of unity
The fifth roots of unity Figure
Exercises to Paragraph 3.4.1 1. Compute exp z for the following z: (a) 1 + ni, (b) (c) (d) (e)
2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
ni/2, -141ri, 3:ri,
O. Prove, using properties of the real sine and cosine, that if exp z = exp( z + b) for all z, then b is an integer multiple of 21ti. Verify that f(z) = e 2 ![iz is periodic with period 1. Provethatexp z #= Oforallz. Usethedefinition,orthefactthat~ e-~ = 1. If w ~ 0, does there exist z such that w = e%? How many such z? Describe the set of points w of the form w = exp z with z = x + iy, x arbitrary, -n < y ~ 1r.
Sec. 3.4
The Exponential and Related Functions
7. Write the following in polar form re'8 : (a) (1
+ i)/../2,
(b) - i. (c) -1. 8. Verify eftt + 1 = O. Note all the famous numbers that appear here! This is worth remembering. 9. Concoct a formula similar to that in Exercise 8, but which involves the number 2 as well as e. n, i, 1, O. 10. Sketch in the plane the three points CJJ satisfying CJJ3 = 1. Now locate all six sixth roots of unity (Z6 = 1). Where would the twelfth roots of unity lie? 11. (a) Write in polar form both square roots of (1 + ,,)/"/'2. (b) Likewise for -(1 + 0/../'2. 12. Why we define ~+I)I = ~(cos Y + j. sin y). (a) Surely we desire tr+ IJI = tre'Jl • Thus, if e'Y = U(y) + iV(y). we must motivate U(y) = cos Y. V(y) = sin y. We do this as follows: (b) Surely we desire (d/dy) ely = i.e'Y, whence (d 2/dy2) ely = -e'Y. Prove we must have. therefore. U"(y)
= Cl
cos Y
(c) From elementary differential equations, U(y)
C 1 cos Y
+ C2 sin y,
C4 sin y.
(d) But surely we desire e'Y = 1 when y = O. Prove we must have, therefore, U(O) = I, U'(O) = 0, V(O) = o. V'(O) = 1. (e) Conclude: U(y) = cosy, V(y) = siny. 13. Prove e S = e' implies z - I; = 2k7ti for some integer k. Hint: By the addition law, this is equivalent to proving eb = 1 implies b = 2kni for some integer k. 14. The formula of de Moivre. (a) Prove, for any integer n, (cos 0
i sin U)" ... cos nO
i sin n(}.
Hint: Consider the nth power of e'8 • (b) Deduce: cos 38 = cos 3 0 - 3 cos 8 sin 2 O. Thus. the angle 3fJ may be treated in terms of 9. (c) Obtain a similar formula for sin 38. 15. Local one-oneness. Prove that the exponential mapping w = e= is locally one-to-one; that is, given a point zo, there is an open neighborhood of Zo in which e~ = e' only if z = C. Hint: Exercise 13.
3.4.2 The Logarithm We would like to define the logarithm log z as the inverse function of the exponential so that, for all complex a, b (with b #- 0), log exp a
exp log b
Complex NumbeT$ and Complex Functions
Chap. 3
We recall that these formulas hold for real numbers a, b, provided b > 0, where log b means the natural logarithm In b and exp a = e". However, we cannot define an inverse for the complex exponential because this function is not one-to-one. In fact, we have seen that it is
periodic, exp(a
+ 211:ki)
exp a
(k = 0, ±1, ±2, ... )
for all complex a. Thus, for example, exp 0 = exp 211:i = 1, so it is not clear whether we should define log 1 = 0 or log 1 = 211:i (or log 1 = 411:i, etc.).
To resolve this quandary, we must examine the mapping properties of the exponential function more closely. The following result is basic. It provides a geometric picture of the exponential function. See Figure
v exp
Note: Left half (x < 0) of strip S is mapped one-to-one onto punctured disc 0 < Iw I < 1.
The exponential function maps the horizontal strip
S = {z = x
11: < Y 5 1t}
Sec. 3.4
The EKponential and Related Functions
in the z-plane onto the punctured w-plane C - {O} in a one-to-one fashion. In particular, the horizontal line y = 1C is mapped onto the negative real axis in the w-plane. Proof: It is straightforward to prove that exp z =F 0 and that exp(x + in) lies on the negative real u-axis. We leave this to you. Let w =F O. We want to prove w = exp z for some Z E S. Now w has polar coordinates (p, f/J) with p > 0 and -n < f/J ~ n. Define Z = x -+- iy, where x = In p, y = f/J. Note z E S. To see that w = exp z, simply note exp z = eIn P(cos 'P + i sin 'P) = p(cos (p + i sin 'P) = w. This proves that exp maps S onto C - {O}. To prove that exp is one-to-one when restricted to S, we will suppose Z1> Z2 E Sand exp 21 = exp 22, and show that ZI = Z2. Now exp 21 = exp Z2 implies (exp z1)/(exp Z2) = 1, whence exp (Z1 Z2)
1. But the periodicity of exp implies that
must be of the
form 2kni, with k an integer (check this!). We claim now that k = 0; that is, ZI = Z2' This is because Zit Z2 are both in the strip S, whence IZ1 - z21 < 2n. This proves k = 0, and so exp is one-to-one as a function from S to C - {O}. Done. A Generalization
Since exp z = exp(z ± 2ni) = exp(z ± 4ni) = ... , we may extend Theorem 1 to other strips in the z-plnnc. Thus, for each real b, let
Sb = {z
= x
b - 2n < y
be the horizontal strip of height 2n whose upper edge is the horizontal line y = b. We state COROLLARY 2
The exponential function maps each horizontal strip Sh in the z-plane
onto the punctured w-plane C - {O} in a one-to-one fashion. In particular, the horizontal line y = b is mapped onto the ray extending from the origin w = 0 determined by the angle ffJ = b. See Figure 3.8. The Definition of the Logarithm
Having the foregoing information on the exponential, we proceed to define a kind of inverse for it. Let z :f 0, z = re i8 as usual. We define the expression log z by the formula log z = lnl zl + i arg z
In r + iO.
This is not a function , because z = re ill = reH/I± 27f) = but In r + iO, In r + i(O ± 2n), In r + i(O ± 4n),··· are all different complex numbers. Thus, the expression log z is not "single valued" because arg z is not.
Complex Numbers lind Complex Funct;ons
cf. lim exp x=O
Exponential mapping Sb onto (:- fO} Figure
To obtain an honest function, we proceed as follows: Let S'" be the horizontal strip in the w-plane given by
S. =
V :::;
Now let us agree to write z in C - {O} as z = reiD
(r > 0, -
< 8 :::; 7t).
Having restricted 8 = arg z in this way, we once again define log z = log reiD = In r + i8. You should check that log z is now a function defined for all z ::f. 0 with values in the horizontal strip S1C' Hence, we may write log: C - {O}
The Exponential and Related FunctIons
Sec. 3.4
\ w = log z, principal branch Figure
This function, with the restriction -
< ()
~ 1'l,
is called the principal
branch of the logarithm. See Figure 3.9. Usually. for purposes of continuity, we make the slightly stronger restriction - n < (J < n; more on this point in a moment. We will discuss the properties of this function below. More generally, however, a branch of the logarithm is defined by selecting a horizontal ("target") strip Sb in the w·plane, then agreeing that () = arg z satisfies b - 2n < () :s b,
and defining log z = In r + i(J as usual. This gives a function onto a strip in the w-plane: log: C - {O} -+ Sb' Important: Different strips Sb give different (though related) functions or "branches" log z. The key to many problems is choice of an. appropriate· branch of the logarithm.
Complex Numbers and Complex Functions
Chap. 3
Examples of Logarithms
1. Let z = 1 = eO = e 2nl = e47ti = have log 1 = In 1 + iO = 0 + iO = O.
.... For the principal branch we
On the other hand, if we choose the branch of log z determined by n < 0 S 3n, then we agree to V'trr.ite 1 = e 27t1 so that log 1 = In 1 + 2ni = 2ni. Note for this branch log 1 E 8 3ft • 2. What is log i? For the principal branch, 0 = arg i = n/2, so that log i = ni/2. For the branch determined by 3n < 0 S 5n, we have i = 9n/2, so that log i = 9ni/2. 3. If z = 1 + i, then the principal branch of log z is given by log z = In r + iO = In .../2 + ni/4 = (In 2)/2 + ni/4. 4. Log 0 is not defined.
Some Properties of the Logarithm
Log and Exp: To see that these are mutual inverses, let z = re f8 with - n < 0 S n as above. Then we compute
exp log z
On the other hand, if w
exp(In r =
+ iO) =
~n re i8
+ iv with - n
log exp w = log eUe'" = In eU
= re i8 = z.
< v S n, then
+ iv
u + iv = w.
This shows that the principal branch of the logarithm is the inverse function of exp when exp is restricted to the strip determined by -n < v S n. The moral of all this is that exp, defined on a horizontal strip Sb of height 2n, is the inverse of some appropriately chosen branch of the logarithm. In particular, the mapping
log: C - to}
is one-to-one and onto.
Continuity: The principal branch of log z is continuous on the z-plane with the nonpositive x-axis removed, that is, on the domain of points z = re f8 with r > 0, - n < () < n (note O::f. n). This is true because its real part, In r, and imaginary part, 0, are continuous functions (think of them in polar coordinates) on this domain.
Now we see why we might wish to delete the entire nonpositive x-axis in defining the principal branch log z. For the function 0 is not defined at the origin and, moreover, cannot be extended to a continuous function on the negative x-axis as well. For as z = re i8 approaches any point on the negative x-axis from above (sec Figure 3.10), we have lim () = n,
while if z approaches
efrom below. we get lim () r"'~
Sec. 3.4
The Exponential and Related Functions
this angle approaches
this angle approaches -
Showing 8, as a function of z, is not continuous at z = ~ Figure
Hence, (J (and log z) will not be continuous at to delete these troublesome ,'so
e. Thus, it is convenient
Analyticity: There are several ways of verifying that every branch of log z is analytic. In the spirit of this section we will employ the Cauchy-Riemann equations in polar coordinates. The real and imaginary parts uf log z = u + iu are u(r, 0)
= In r,
v(r, 0) =
The partial derivatives are readily computed:
1 r
= -,
= 0,
= 0,
It follows immediately that u, v satisfy the Cauchy-Riemann equations (see Section 3.3),
and since all requirements of continuity are met, we may conclude that log z is analytic. The Derivative: What is (dldz)log z? We could build it using the partials of u, v computed above and the standard trig relations between (x, y) and (r, 0), But here is a second way, useful when our function is the inverse of something known. It is standard calculus. The Chain Rule for complex functions tells us that (f(g(z»),
Compline Numbers and Complex Functions
For inverse functions we also have, for all z, f(g(z»)
so that differentiating both sides gives the equation f'(g(z»g'(Z)
that is,
Thus, if f is the exponential and g the logarithm, we obtain
d -logz = dz
1 1 = exp log z z
This answers our questions. Compare the answer with the well-known (d/dx) In x = l/x. The Addition Law Revisited: For a, b > 0, the natural logarithm satisfies: In ab = In a + In b. This generalizes in the complex case to the addition law log Z1Z2 = log ZI
+ log Z2 + 2kni,
where k is some integer. The 2kni term reflects the fact that we do not specify the branches of log that occur. To establish the formula, write log Z122 = log Z. + log 22 + , and prove by exponentiating both sides that the error term , satisfies e' = 1, whence' must have the form 2kni. A special case of this law is given by log zm = m log z
+ 2kni.
Here m is a given integer and k depends on the branch. Another Expression for the nth Roots of z: We saw earlier (end of Paragraph 3.4.1) that. if 2 = relS, then the n complex numbers (k
= 0, 1, ... , n - 1)
each satisfy en = z. When we write zl/n we mean the set Co. C1,' .. , cn-J of nth roots of z. There is another quite useful way of writing zl/n. It is zl/n =
(~log z) .
Let us examine the right-hand side here to verify equality. Suppose that
Sec. 3.4
The Exponential and Related Functions
as usual. Then, depending on our choice of a branch, log z may be any of the numbers
In r + i(O + 2k71)
(k = 0, ±1, ±2, ... ).
Thus, (lIn) log z might be anyone of the numbers In
+ i(8 + 2k71) n
Finally, using the fact that exp r yourself that exp
(;~ log z)
= rl/n
(k = 0,
= exp('t' +
e i (8+ 2kll)/n
± 1, 2, ... ).
2rri), you should convince
(k = 0, 1, ... ,
n - 1).
But these last n numbers are the nth roots '0' {1" ..• '''-1 of z found earlier. This justifies the new formula for zl/ 11 • We will see more of this when we discuss ZC with c complex.
Exercises to Paragraph 3.4.2 1. Compute log z (principal branch) for the following z: (a) -1 + i, (b) 2 + 2i, (c) 4e,7f/ ',
(d) -t. 2. Likewise for the branch determined by n < IJ ~ 3n. 3. If x is real and positive, can log x be complex? Explain. 4. Mapping by the exponential w = exp z. Sketch the following sets in the z·plane and their images under the exponential function in the w-plane. Indicate where the boundaries are mapped. Here, z = x + iy. 0 1 = {z 1 x Ol = {z 1 0 0 3 = {z 1 x 0 4 = {z 1 x
< 0, - 7 [ < Y ~ n}. < x < In 2, -11: < )' ~ 11:}. < 0, 0 < y < n}. ~ 0, - 7 [ < Y ~ n}.
5. Let w = log z denote the principal branch of the logarithm. Where does log z map the following sets? Sketch as in Exercise 4. Important: -71: < arg z ~ 71:. The punctured disc 0 < Izi < 1; the upper half-disc Izi < l,y > 0; the annulus 1 < Izl < 2; the set Izl ~ 1 complementary to the open unit disc. 6. Where does w = f(z) = e 21U map the horizontal strip -1 < y ~ I? Write down an inverse function for I(z) whose image is the strip. 7. To remember the defining formula for log z, write z = Izl e' 3fl1 z: and apply log to this product, using the addition law and properties of the natural logarithm. 8. Let h(z) = e/(z), where f(z) is a continuous function defined on a domain 0. (a) Prove h(z) is analytic on 0 if f(z) is.
Complex Numbers snd Complsx Functions
Chap. 3
(b) Prove fez) is constant on n if f(z) is analytic on nand h(z) is constant onn. (c) Now work (b) without assuming f analytic. 9. Suppose f is analytic on a domain n in the z-plane. and that the image set fen) does not intersect some ray fP = constant in the w·plane. (a) Show that one can select a branch of log w so that the composite h(z) = log f( z) is analytic in Q. (b) Suppose now that h(z) is constant in n. Prove that f(z) must be constant in n. Hint: There is a one-line proof. (c) Is (b) true if f is not analytic?
3.4.3 Complex Trigonometric Functions Now we use the exponential function to construct more elementary analytic functionS'; For real y, we have the Euler relations (Paragraph 3.4.1) elY
cos y
+ i sin y,
= cos y - i sin y.
Solving for cos y and sin y in these two equations yields cosy
= --2--
These expressions are sometimes useful in ordinary calculus. But now we extend them to the case of a complex variable, defining cos
2 =
e- 1z
= ---2i
These functions are analytic because they are built from the analytic etz and e- tz. It is easy to check that their derivatives are given by familiar formulas: d . d dz cos Z = -sin z. dz sin z = cos z, Just as in trigonometry, the other basic functions are defined in terms of sine and cosine. Thus, sin z tanz = - - , cos z sec z =
cos z cot z = -.-sm 2 1
CSC2 = - . -
sm z
These functions are analytic in any domain where the denominators do not vanish. See the exercises for this subsection.
The Exponential and Related Functions
Sec. 3.4
We leave it to you to verify the formulas (reminiscent of ordinary calculus) d - tan z
sec 2 z,
d - cot z
d - sec z
sec z tan z,
dz esc z = -esc z cot z.
-csc 2 z,
The complex trig functions satisfy many of the formulas of their real counterparts. For example, you might verify the Pythagorean relation sin2 z + cos 2 Z = 1 and the periodicity relations sin z = sin(z + 2kn), with k
cos z
± 1, ± 2, .... Note 2kn here, not 2kni. See Figure 3.11. y I I
I z-211" I. I I
sin z=sin(z±21r) = sin (z±411") = ••• cos z=sin (z±21r) = COS (z±411") = ••.
Exercises to Paragraph 3.4.3 1. Prove that the derivatives of sin
z, cos z are cos z, -sin z, respectively.
Prove that sin z = 0 only if z = x = kn for some integer k. Find all z such that cos z = O. What is the domain of definition of tan z? Prove (d/dz)(tan z) = sec 2 z. (a) Prove 8in 2 z + cos 2 Z == 1 from the definition ofsin z, cos z. (b) State and prove addition formulas for 8in(Zl + 22) and COS(ZI 7. True or false? cos z = sin(z + n/2) for all z. Reason?
2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
+ Z2).
Complex Numbers and Complex Functions
Chap. 3
8. Provethatsin(z + or) = sin zfor all z if and only if or = 2knforsomeintegerk. 9. (a) Given any complex wo, prove that there exists Zo satisfying Wo = sin zoo Hint: First solve for e bo in terms of Wo via the quadratic equation (e l:ro)2 2iwoelro - 1 = O. (Where did we get this?) (b) Solve sin z = - 5. 10. Prove that the Zo found above is unique. provided it is required to lie in the vertical strip - n/2 < x ::::; x/2 or any such strip of width x. 11. What is the image in the w-plane of the vertical strip - x/2 < x ::::; 7t/2 under the mapping w = sin z? See the preceding exercise. 12. In the spirit of Exercises 9 through 11, construct an inverse function (arcsine) for the sine function as we did for the exponential function (strips, branches). Is the arcsine analytic? 13. Complex hyperbolic functions. (a) Generalize the l'Ml hyperbolic functions . h Slnx=
- e-X) 2 '
by replacing x with z in these formulas. (b) Compute the derivatives of sinh z, cosh z. (0) How are the squares of sinh z, oosh z related?
14. Solve the following complex differential equations for w = f(z): (a) (b) (c)
w' - w = 0, w· + w = 0, w· - 'w = o.
3.4.4 Complex Exponents
We have already defined zm when m is an integer and, more generally, when m is a rational number. For if m = alb is rational but not an integer, then %'lIb is a set of numbers (for example, the two square roots of z). We recall for z #; 0 and m rational that zm Now we define
= exp(m log z).
for c complex by a similar formula: ZC =
exp(c log z)
(z #: 0).
Of course ZC stands for a set of numbers, since log z is involved here. Selection of a branch of the logarithm (restricting -Tr < arg z ~ Tr, say) leads to a Hsingle-valued" function f(z)
= ZC.
An example: We have in the case z = it c = i,
ii = exp(i log i)
Sec. 3.5
The Harmonic Conjugate
with k = 0, ±1, ....
The Derivative of zC: We suppose that a branch of the logarithm has been chosen so that f(z) = ZC is a single-valued function, analytic (why?) in some domain (which?). We have
d dz
d exp(c log z) dz
-zc = -
= exp(c log z)cz- 1 = c exp(c log z) exp( -log z) = c exp«c - 1) log z)
(Chain Rule!) (trick!)
That is,
!i.zc dz
= czc- 1
(z if; 0).
This compares nicely with (dldx)x C = cxc -
from calculus.
Exercises to Paragraph 3.4.4 1. Write in polar form: (a) n', (b) X21, (c) (1 + i)'.
2. State and prove an addition law relating zb+c and zbzC for z, b, c complex. Discuss any ambiguities due to the multivaluedness of zC. Of course the law you state will have its origin in the addition law for the logarithm (paragraph 3.4.2).
Section 3.5 THE HARMONIC CONJUGATE We are answering the question: "Do analytic functions exist?" Our work thus far has yielded two methods of verifying analyticity, namely, direct differentiation (polynomials) and the Cauchy-Riemann equations. Now We present a third method for obtaining analytic functions. A fourth method, power series, will be discussed in Chapter 5. Suppose u = u(z) is a real-valued harmonic function defined for all
Complox Numbers and Complex Functions
z in some domain n. We wish to construct a harmonic conjugate v = v(z) for u. that is, a function v such that, for all z in n, the sum f(z)
is complex analytic. It is necessary and sufficient for the analyticity of Vx = - u y , Vy = u" throughout n. We will construct v(z) by using a certain line integral. For motivation, suppose v existed. Then its Htotal (exact) differentia1" is defined as
f that the partial derivatives of v be continuous and satisfy
dv =
dx +
and we have, from Section 1.4, a formula for v(z): v(z) - tl(ZO) =
where the integral is independent of the curve from Zo (any selected point) and z. We will play a variation on this theme. By the Cauchy-Riemann equations, dv should equal -uy dx
+ U x dye
Now we claim that if n is simply connected (no holes) and if z, Zo are in 0, then the integral
rz f-u}. dx +
is independent of the path in 0 from Zo to z. This is true essentially because the Jordan domain between any two nonintersecting curves from Zo to Z lies inside n, and so the line integral from Zo to z and back to Zo (over one curve and back by the reverse of the other) is equal to a certain double integral over this Jordan domain (Green's Theorem). But this double integral vanishes because u is harmonic in n. Y ou'U enjoy verifying these assertions. Hence, the integral displayed above is independent of the path and defines a function v(z): v(z) - v(zo) =
(Z dv
(: [- u y dx -'- U x
We may choose the real value v(zo) at will, of course. See Figure 3.12. Here is an example. We are given u(x, Y) = x 2 - y2, harmonic in C. This gives us a cauwdate fur du, namely,
- uy dx
+ U x dy
2y dx
+ 2x dy.
Line integrals of this differential are certainly independent of the path because (as we observe) it is the differential of any function of the form 2xy + c with c real. To conclude (no need to carry out the integral), we
The Harmonic ConjugstB
v(z) -17(Zo) =
-u ll dx+u 1C dy
may define vex, y) = 2xy + c for any real c and obtain a harmonic function that is conjugate to the original u(x, y). This leads to
u(z) + iv(z) = (x 2
y2) + i(2xy + c)
+ CI,.
which is surely analytic in C. We summarize our findings in the following statement. THEOREM
Given a real harmonic function u(x, y) on a simply con11£cted domain 0, then there exist infinitely many harmonic conjugates vex, y) for u on 0, each differing by an additive constant. Hence, the given u is the real part of infinitely many analytic functions fez)
u(z) + iv(z)
on 0, each differing by a purely imaginary additive constant.
You should convince yourself that our argument used the data that u was harmonic and 0 simply connected. In this regard, you might observe that the function u(z) = Inl zl, harmonic in the punctured plane C - {O}, does not have a harmonic conjugate in the full domain C - {O}, though it does have harmonic conjugates on simply connected subdomains of C - {O} (such as C with the nonpositive x-axis deleted). Branches again!
Exercises to Section 3.5 Given u(x, y) = 2xy, compute all v(x, y) such that f = u + iv is analytic. 2. Prove that if u = U\X, y) is harmonic in a simply connected domain n (a disc, say), then the line integral Jio [- u~ dx + u" dy] is independent of the path in 1.
n from Zo to z.
Complex Number:J lind CompltIX Function$
Thus we may use the integral to define another function of z by agreeing that v(z) - v(zo) equals the given line integral. 3. Why does the function u(z) = lnl zl not have a harmonic conjugate in C - {O}? 4. Construct a harmonic conjugate for u(z) = InI.?1 on the simply connected domain n obtained by removing the nonpositive x-axis from the xy-plane. (Recall the "slit plane.")
Appendix 3.1 THE RIEMANN SURFACE FOR log z This is a beautiful idea, one of the seminal ideas of nineteenth century mathematics. We will describe it briefly. The formula log z = In r + ifJ is ambiguous because fJ = arg z has infinitely many values for each z if; O. We dealt with this ambiguity in an ad hoc fashion by defining ubranches" of the logarithm. Unfortunately, we had to delete the nonpositive x-axis to maintain continuity of log z. This was somewhat unnatural. Riemann's idea runs in the opposite direction. Rather than delete points, he added new points, building a huge so-called Riemann surface
on which all branches of log z could coexist at once, and freeing complex function theory forever from its confinement within the flat z-plane.
Appendix 3.1
The Riemenn SurfBce for log z
We construct the Riemann surface for log z as follows: (i) Let X k (k = 0, ± 1, ± 2, ... ) denote the punctured plane C - {O} with polar coordinates r, and agree (2k - 1)1l < 8 :5 (2k + 1)1l onXk •
(ii) Imagine the punctured planes X k stacked one above the other (in 3-space) with Xk+ 1 hovering above Xk • See Figure 3.13. (iii) Slit each plane X k along its negative x-axis, 0 > x > - 00, (iv) Join X k to X k + 1 along the slit negative x-axes by gluing the negative x-axis (8
+ 1)11:) of X'I.> the lower plane, along
the top edge of the third quadrant, «2k + l)1l < 0 :5 (2k + i)1l) of the plane X k + 1 just above. See Figure 3.14. (v) Let X denote the union of all these planes X k joined as just described. We call X the Riemann surface for log z. Note that X deserves the title "surface." Locally it looks like the
z-plane in that every point of X is situated inside an open disc on X, which is essentially the same as a standard open disc in the z-plane. Now, however, the distinct coordinate pairs (r, (), (r, 8 ± 21l), (r, 8 ± 41l), . .. correspond to distinct points on the surface X. We define the logarithm of the point (r,8) by the familiar formula In r + iO. This gives a nice single-valued function log: X ~ C.
A portion of the Riemann surface for log z
Numbers and Complex Function$
You may check that this function is single-valued (we've just argued this), one-to-one, and onto C. Moreover, it is possible to define exp: C -to X (rather than C -to C - {O}) and thereby obtain an inverse function for log. Finally, it is reasonable to call the fWlction log uanalytic on X." For each point (r, fJ) of X has an open neighborhood on which log agrees with some branch of the usual complex logarithm (or two branches glued together, in the case that (r, 0) lies on a seam joining X k with X k + 1)' We may therefore do complex calculus on the surface X. It is standard to study certain other "functions" (such as Z1l2) by constructing their natural Riemann surfaces. You might ask someone to show you the surface for the square root function. Or you may construct it yourself: Take two copies of the complex plane and start cutting and pasting. Geometry, as well as function theory, was greatly enriched by
Riemann's insight. The following sort of question now becomes meaningful: Given some surface, specified by geometric data only, is it perhaps the Riemann surface of some mysterious complex analytic function? Are there analytic functions whose natural domains of definition are the hollow globe, the torus (surface of a doughnut), the torus with many holes, the infinite cylinder, some other favorite surface of yours? But this is another story.
A friend of ours has remarked, "Analytic functions are precious because each one gives us ready-made solutions to boundary-value problems," These solutions are, of course, the real and imaginary parts of the analytic function, which are harmonic and hence solutions to the Laplace equation /!!..U = O. We'll illustrate our friend's comment by starting with an analytic function and then concocting problems that are solved with the aid of that function. Example 1: Let {(z) = log z = lnl zl + i arg z. Thus. Inl zl and arg z (that is, each branch) are harmonic. Consider the pictured domain n (the right-hand half of an annulus) bounded by the four curves rIo r 2 , r 3 , r 4 • See Figure 3.15. Now we introduce a heat flow in n by declaring that the temperature at a point 'on an is equal to the polar coordinate 0 of the point ,. (Say -1l < 0 S 1l for definiteness.) Thus, if B(C) is the boundary temperature, it is constantly equal to 1l/2 on r 2 and -1l/2 on r 4, while it varies with the angle on r 1 and r 3 •
Appendix 3.2
The Dinah/BC Prob/Bm
It should be clear now that the Dirichlet problem
AU = 0 on .0,
on an,
is solved by the suitable branch of the steady-state temperature U(z)
arg z.
Example 2: Again using log z, we can solve the following variant of the Dirichlet problem: .0 is the punctured unit disc. B = 0 identically on the unit circle. We seek a function U(z) harmonic in n such that U = B = 0 for Iz\ = 1 and also limz->o U(z) = +00. Thus, the origin is an infinite source of heat. A moment's thought shows that U(z) = -lnl zl is a solution. Is it unique? Example 3: Now we examine -exp(-z) = -e-X(cosy - isiny). We observe that the real part of this function equals e- X on the horizontal lines y = ± 7t, while it equals - cos y on the y-axis. Thus, we let .0 be the semi-infinite strip
{(x. y)
< 0,
< Y < n}
and define a boundary temperature B(x, y) on
an by
B(O. y) = - cos y.
See Figure 3.16. Thus, the boundary is very hot as x -+ - 00, while it is relatively cool, IB(O, y)1 5 1, along the right side. Of course a steady-state temperature on the strip n, whose boundary behavior is that of B, is given by the real part U(x, y) = -e- X cos y of f(z) = -exp( -z).
Complex Number:s
Complex Functions
y B =e -~
B= -cosy Figure
B =e -~
Example 4: We use the same function -e- X cos y. This time let n be a well-chosen rectangle,
{(X, y) I
< x < 1. -
< y <
~} .
We impose a boundary temperature along the sides of 0 by defining (see Figure 3.17)
B(O, y)
B(l, y)
= -- cos y.
cos y, 1 e
Where is this relatively warm or cool? The steady-state temperature on the rectangle with boundary behavior equal to that of B is again given by U(x, y) = _e- Je cos y. y 7r
B=O 1
B=-cosy Figure
Appendix 3.2
The Dirichlet Problem
Example 5: Now we see what cos z affords us. First we calculate its real and imaginary parts (from the definition), obtaining cos z
cos x cosh y - i sin x sinh y.
Keeping the real part in mind, we define .Q to be the infinite strip bounded by the vertical lines x = 0, x = 11:/2. See Figure 3.18. Now we impose a boundary temperature on Q by defining B(y) = {COBhY,
Thus the left-hand edge gets hot as
x=o x
= n/2
-+ 00.
A harmonic function on 0, which agrees with B on the real part of cos z, namely,
an, is given by
U(x, y) = cos x cosh y. Summary
Our gallery of analytic functions furnishes an opportunity for studying many completed boundary-value problems involving harmonic functions.
4 Integrals of Analytic Functions
Section 4.1 THE COMPLEX LINE INTEGRAL 4.1.0 Introduction In our study of analytic functions thus far, the only property we have exploited is the Cauchy-Riemann equations. For further investigations we must have at our disposal a means of integrating complex functions and a means of expanding such functions in power series. We turn first to integration. This chapter divides logically into three parts: first, the complex line integral is defined in Section 4.1; second, the basic theorems about integration are obtained in Sections 4.2 and 4.3. These are the Cauchy Integral Theorem and Cauchy Integral Formula. Third, the remainder of the chapter (Sections 4.4 through 4.11) is devoted to results that follow from the two theorems named. These results are the complex analytic versions of the qualitative theorems about harmonic functions obtained in Chapter 2.
4.1.1 Basics
Throughout this chapter Q. is a plane domain, not necessarily bounded, and r is a piecewise-smooth curve lying entirely inside nand not necessarily closed. For most of our theorems the function 1(2) will be supposed analytic.
Sec. 4.7
The Complex Line Integral
We ask, "What is meant by the complex line integral
and how do we compute it?" Let us deal with the definition now; the computation will be treated later in various stages. Here is our philosophy: The key to treating complex line integrals of the above form is to break everything up into real and imaginary parts and so reduce to the familiar case of line integrals of real-valued functions which we know how to handle. Thus, we write f(z) = u(z)
as usual, and since z = x
iy, we have
dz = oOdx
+ i dy.
Therefore, breaking things up, we obtain
f(z) dz
= =
Ir Ir
+ iv(z»(dx + 'i dy)
(u(z) dx - v(z) dy)
(v(z) dx
u(z) dy).
Now note that we already have a meaning for both of these last two line integrals. Recall that if r is parametrized by the function )I(t) = (Y1(t), )/2(t» with a S t s b, then the real part above is interpreted thus:
(u(z) dx - v(z) dy)
i [~(y(t»Y'l(t) b
- v(y(t»y'2(t)] dt.
In the right-hand integral here, everything has been Hpulled back" onto the t-axis. Likewise, of course, the imaginary part of Ir f(z) dz becomes
(v(z) dx
u(z) dy)
U(Y(t»y'2(t)] dt.
An Example of a Complex Line Integral
We interpret Ir z dz, where r is the quarter-circle from 20 = 1 to = i (see Figure 4.1) parametrized by y(t) = (x, y) = (cos t, sin t), o s t s ~/2.
Chap. 4
Integrals of Anfllytic Functions
i Figure
Z='Y(t) = (C06
t, sin t)
From our definition, we have
dz = =
fr fr
(x dx - y dy)
+ i
(y dx
LII:/2 (-2 cos t sin t) dt (11:/2
+ i J0
= -
( -
sinZ t
+ cosz t) dt
sin 2t dt + i
Llt/2 COB 2t dt.
Thus, the complex integral is reduced to two real integrals. You may compute these as usual to obtain
zdz = -1.
Good news: We'll soon see much faster ways to do this. Exercises to Paragraph 4.1.1 1. Compute fr Z2 dz for various curves r, as follows: (a) Let r be the straight-line segment from Zo = 0 to Zl = 1 + i parametrized by increasing x. Thus, z = x + ix on r, and the curve is traced out as x increases from x = 0 to x = 1; no need to introduce a superfluous parameter t. Rewrite the integral above as two (real and imaginary) integrals in x and compute each in the good old way. (b) This time let r be the same segment traversed in the opposite direction, from Zl to Zoo Again, Z = x + ix, but now x decreases from x = 1 Oower
The Complex Line Integral
Sec. 4.1
limit of integration) to x = 0 (upper limit), that is, I~. Or, if you are fastidious, let z = (1 - t) + i(l - t) as t varies from t = 0 to t = 1. In either case your result should be the same, namely, the negative of your result in (a). (c) This time let r consist of two line segments, the first f 1 from Zo = 0 to Z2 = 1, the second f l from Zl to Zl = 1 + i. Parametrize r l by x, r 2 by y, and use the fact Ir = Jrl + $r2' Does your value here agree with your result in (a)? 2. Compute the very important integral Ie Z-I dz, where C = C(O; 1) is the unit circle traversed, as usual, in the positive direction and parametrized by 0, z = elO , 0 ~ 0 ::s 27t'. Check first that dz = de '8 = ie'8 do. 3. A simplified notation. Rather than invoke y(t), we suppose r is given by z(t) = x(t) + iy(t) with a ~ t ~ b, and that, on r, dz = z'(t) dt = (x'(t) + iy'(t»dt. Verify that Srf(z) dz is the same thing as S! f(z(t»z'(t) dt, where this latter integral is computed by first multiplying out the integrand. Useful: cumplex functiun (, real t. 4. Prove the following by reducing everything to real and imaginary parts. For (c). refer to the Exercises to Paragraph 1.4.1. (a) Sr cf(z) dz = C If f(z) dz, for c E C. (b) If (f(z) + g(z» dz = Ir f(z) dz + fr g(z) dz. (c) J-r f(z) dz = - Sr f(z) dz.
4.1.2 On Evaluating Irf(z) dz This evaluation will be a major theme of the remaining chapters. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus was useful in evaluating real integrals. It contains a great deal of information; here is one version. THEOREM
Let g(x) be a continuous real-valued function, a G(x) for a
b. Define
b by the integral
g(t) dt.
Then (i) G(x) is continuously differentiable in the interval a < x < b;
(ii) G'(x)
(iii) if also F'(x)
= g(x), then F(x) and G(x) differ by a constant
L b
g(t) dt = F(b) - F(a).
Statement (iii) here outlines the familiar process for evaluating definite integrals from calculus: First find F(x) whose derivative is the integrand g(x) (so-called antidifferentiation or indefinite integration); then compute the number F(b) - F(a).
Chap. 4
Integral. of Analytic Functions
We wish now to demonstrate that this theorem has a complex version. It is sometimes useful in evaluating complex line integrals frf(Z) dz.
First we must mention that it does not make good sense to imitate the real-variable situation and thereby define G by G(C) =
f' f(z) dz,
where Zo and, are joined by a curve r and the integral is the line integral along r defined above. This is because we have no guarantee that, G(C) depends only on the point' and not on the arbitrary choice of curve r from Zo to C. Contrast the real variable case, with only one curve (a piece of the x-axis) from a to x. We will see in Section 4.2 that in the important case where f(z) is analytic in certain nice domains n (details later), then it is possible to define an antiderivative G(O as above. However, we may state the following partial result now. It enables us to integrate functions that have a known antiderivative (or ttprim_ itive," as complex analysts often term it). THEOREM
Let ((z) be continuous in a domain n and suppose that F(z) is a function defined, analytic, and satisfying F'(z) = f(z) at all points z of O. If r is a curoe in n from Zo to Zlo then
frf(Z) dz = frF'(Z) dz
= F(Zl) - F(zo),
Hence, the value of the integral depends only on F and on the end points of r, but not on r itself.
Note: This means that if r 1, r 2 are curves from above, then
to z l' and f is as
Proof: We write, as usual, f = u + iv, F = U + iV. By the CauchyRiemann equations for U, V and the fact that u = Ux. u = Vox, we have
f(z) dz
fr~ dx
fr[u dx -
fJUxdx + U)I dYJ+ i fr Orx dx + ~,dy]
v dy]+ i
fr dU + i fr dV.
+ u dy]
Sec. 4.1
The Camplfllt Line Integral
Here we have used the exact differential notation: d U = Ux dx + Up dy and likewise for d V. Now Theorem 8 of Section 1.4, on the line integral of an exact differential, allows us to conclude that
dU = U(ZI) - U(zo),
dV = V(z\) - V(zo)·
Our result follows immediately. Done.
Comments 1. If we write dF for F'(z) dz, then our result becomes
= F(Zt) - F(zo).
Thus, our theorem is the ~'complexification" of Theorem 8, Chapter 1, and ultimately of one version of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. 2. To apply this result to the general line integral Ir f(z) dz, we must, of course, be able to recognize fez) as F'(z) for some F(z) defined (and analytic!) throughout a domain n containing r. 3. The Cauchy Integral Theorem will give us a better way of looking at the problem of
j~ fez) dz for analytic f. It avoids the troublesome f = F'.
Some Complex Line Integrals Evaluated Example 1: Compute Ir Z2 dz, where r is the straight-line segment from the origin Zo = 0 to the point ZI = (I, 1) = 1 + i. First approach: We parametrize r by the variable x (a very natural parameter, you will agree). Then, if z is on r, z has the form z = x + ix = (1 + i)x. See Figure 4.2. Thus we obtain, by brute force, f
= r~=l
i)2X 2 d«1
= (- 2 + 2z) -X
3] 1
i)x) = (1
= -2 (-1 + 3
x 2 dx
Second approach: We observe that Z2 is the derivative of F(z) = z3/3 because F'(z) = Z2. Since F(z) is analytic throughout n = C, it is certainly defined and analytic on r. Thus, Theorem 1 may be applied. giving
Jr Z2 dz
z~ _ z:
= ~ (-1 + i). 3
as above.
Integrals of Am"ytic Functions
Example 2: Compute Ir (dzlz), where r is the unit circle parametrized in the counterclockwise direction. This is a most important integral. At the outset it is necessary to realize that even though the integrand liz is the derivative of log z, the logarithm is not defined and analytic on the full unit circle r. See Figure 4.3. Reason: log z is a continuous function only if we consider a branch, and to select a branch of log z we must omit some ray leading from the origin in the z-plane (e.g., - 7l: < 0 < 7l:, omitting the ray 0 = - n). Hence, it is incorrect to appeal
to Theorem 1 and argue that, since Zo
dz -
r z
log z 1
= Z11
log Zo
This is false! In fact the correct value of the integral will be 21li.
Sec. 4.1
The Complex Line Integr.'
To compute this value, we note z = ei9 on the circle r, so that
= ie's dO. This yields
dz - =
9 =211:
e- i9(ie I9 dB)
dfJ = 2ni.
We will meet this integral again and again. Remember that it's not zero! Exercises to Paragraph 4.1.2 1. Compute Ir ZZ dz for r given below. Use Theorem 1. (a) Let r be the straight-line segment from Zo = 0 to Zt = 1 + i. This was worked. out in Example 1 above- and (using the parametrization of r) in Exercises for Paragraph 4.1.1. (b) Now let r be the straight line traversed from ZI to Zoo Note that you obtain the negative of the result in (a). (c) Let r be any curve from Zo to ZI- Does it matter? 2. Show that, for any pointzo, Jr(z - ZO)-1 dz = 2niifr = C(Zoi r).Notethat the value is independent of r > 0 as well as of the center zoo This is a slight generalization of the important computation in Example 2. Hint: z - Zo = re ul on r. 3. (a) Compute lr Z-2 dz where r is the unit circle C(O; 1) with its usual positive (counterclockwise) parametrization. (b) Generalize to Sr Z-k dz, k an integer ~ 2. 4. Prove that if f is a continuous complex function in n such that f = F' for some (analytic) function in n and if r is a closed curve (loop) contained in n, then fr (z) dz = O. Hint: Use Theorem 1. Note that this result gives an immediate solution to Exercise 3. 5. Prove that Ir Z-1 dz = 0 if r is any loop that does not enclose the origin. Hint: Construct an analytic branch of log z by deleting a ray extending from the origin that does not intersect r. Then apply Theorem 1 (or Exercise 4 above). 6. Calculate Jr ez dz, where r is the graph of y = sin x parametrized by x from x = 0 to x = n. Warning: This is easy. Think first. 7. Example 2 the hard way (a) Verify I r Z-1 dz = 2ni, where r is the positively oriented unit circle, by using the parametrization a(O) = (cos 8, sin 8), 0 ~ 8 ~ 2n, and breaking things up into real and imaginary parts, obtaining two ordinary integrals in 8. Note how much faster it is to use z = e'9, dz = ie '9 dO as we did in the text. See Exercise 3 of Paragraph 4.1.1 in this regard. (b) Let z = z(8) = e'6 , 0 :::; 8 :::; 2n, parametrize the unit circle. Now we will see that the tangent vector can be obtained from this "complex" parametrization. Prove in fact that z'(8) = dz/d(J = ie'8 is the tangent to the circle at e lB, provided we interpret z'(8) as a vector with tail end on the curve at e'9 and arrowhead at e'9 + ie '8• Picture! 8. Give a domain n and function (z) analytic throughout n such that f(z) is not the derivative F'(z) of another function F(z) analytic throughout n Hint: We'll see later that n must fail to be simply connected.
Integrals of Analytic Functions
Chap. 4
n andf'(zo) :I 0 at Zo in n. Prove locally one-to-one in a neighborhood of Zo: that is, there is a disc D(zo; R} in n on which the function [is one-to-one. (Compare real calculus: Nonzero derivative implies the graph is rising or falling, whence the function is locally one-to-one.) Prove the complex result as follows: (a) Prove or assume: If g(z) is continuous in nand g(zo) .;: 0, then there is an open disc D(Zo; R) such that
9. Local one-to-oneness. Let [(z) be analytic in
provided the integral is taken over any line segment [Zll zll with distinct end points Zl, Z2 in the disc. This lemma is not trivial. (b) Apply (a) to integrals S[ZltZ 2) f'(z) dz, which by Theorem 1 equal f(Z2) [(Zl), to conclude one-to-oneness. Advice.' Look for other instances in which we prove by integration certain theorems that make no mention of integration. This is different from real calculus.
4.1.3 The ML-inequality Soon it will be crucial to estimate the absolute value
This estimation should be in terms of the "sizes" of the function f(z) and the curve r. It will be accomplished, again and again, by the following important theorem. THEOREM
Let f(z) be a continuous function defined on the curve r. Suppose that If(z)1 ~ M for all z on r and that L = length r. Then IIrf(Z) dzl
~ Ir If(z)lldzl ~ ML.
Note: By Idzl we mean ds, where s is the arc length parameter on Proof: Write I
= Sr f(z) dz. For some angle co, we have 1= IIle'w.
where z(t) is a parametrization of r, a
t ~ b. As usual,
e-'OJf(z(t»z'(t) = U(t)
Sec. 4.7
The Complflx Line Integ,el
U, V are real, it must be the case that
U(t) de,
V(t) de
Since everything is real, we have surely III
ill I
U(t)1 de.
But also
~ le-1COt(z(t»z'(t)1 = If(z(t))11 z'(t)lr
since U is the real part of the complex number U + iV. Thus, III
If{z{t» I Iz'(t)1 de =
fr It(z)lldzl·
This is the first inequality of the .statement. The second inequality is clear from elementary considerations of the real integral of positive functions and the fact that Ir Idzl = L. Done.
Comments 1. Our proof depended on a trick, multiplying through by e- tco•
This helped reduce things to the real case. A more direct proof, which depends on the interpretation of the integral as a limit of finite sums, is offered in the exercises for this subsection. 2. Exercise 2 will show you how the ML-inequality is generally applied. We'll encounter this situation very frequently. 3. Recall that t, if continuous, assumes its maximum modulus max It(z)1 on r. so surely It(zl ~ M for some M and all z on r.
An Example We estimate IIr Z2 dzl, where r is the straight-line segment from Zo = 0 to ZI = 1 + i. See Figure 4.2. First observe that for z on r, Iz21 ~ 11 + il 2 = 2. In fact, the best possible estimate here is M = 2. Likewise, L = length r = Iz 1 - zol = J2. Thus, the ML-inequality gives Ifr Z2 dzl ~ 2.Ji Of course we were able to integrate this function exactly. We know that IIr Z2 dzl = 12 (-1 + i)/31 = 2.J2/3. In cases such as this, it is pointless to estimate. The true purpose of the ML-inequality is to prove theorems.
Integrals of Analytic Functions
Exercises to Paragraph 4.1.3 1. (a) Use the ML-inequality to obtain the estimate
IL(z -
dzl5 21l,
where r = C(zo; r), r > o. Hint: Compute M = max Iz - zol-1 on r. (b) Compare this with the known absolute value of r (z - ZO)-1 dz.
2. The standard application of the ML-inequality. Suppose that two hypotheses are satisfied by a continuous function f, namely, (i) If(z)1
Jt,1 for all z in the
punctured disc D(zo; R) - {zo}, and (ii) the value I, = .fC(zo:r) (z) dz is the same for all r, 0 < r < R. Prove I, = 0 for 0 < r < R. We will soon see that (ii) holds if fis analytic in the punctured disc. Thus, the ML-inequality is often used to show that a certain integral vanishes. 3. Another approach (a) Convince yourself that the integrHl I above equals a certain limit. of finite complex sums of the form Lk'= 1 f(z(tk» (z(tk) - Z(t/C-l», where z(t) is the parametrization, a 5 t 5 b, and a = to 5 tl 5··· 5 tm = b is a sampling of values from the parameter interval. Note the similarity with the Riemann integral of real calculus. (b) Prove the first inequality in the statement of Theorem 2 by applying the triangle inequality to the sum in (a) and basic observations about limits and absolute values.
Section 4.2 THE CAUCHY INTEGRAL THEOREM This is the most-used complex version of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (one real variable) or Green's Theorem (real-valued functions of x, y). It will enable us to compute certain integrals very easily and also to prove certain other basic theorems, most notably the Cauchy Integral Formula of Section 4.3.
Note: int r is a subset of 0; fez) is analytic throughout O. Figure
Sec. 4.2
The Cauchy Integral Theorem
Let f(z) be analytic in a domain Q and let r be a closed Jordan curve inside!l whose interior is contained in!l so that f(z) is analytic on and inside r. 1'hen
f(z) dz
= O.
Note: This theorem does not apply to the situation f(z) = l/z, {O}, r = the unit circle. Reason: The full interior of r is not contained in!l; that is,f(z) is not analytic at all points inside r. Example 2 of Section 4.1 showed that this integral equals 27ti, not zero.
= C -
Proof: We have. writing int
r for the interior of r,
fr I(z) dz = fr (u + iv)(dx + i dy) =
(u dx - v dy) + i Ir (v dx + u dy)
v% -
dx dy +
int r
iff int
(U,x -
V p)
dx dy
by Green's Theorem and the Cauchy-Riemann equations. Done.
As a first application, we may now compute such recalcitrant integrals as
fr cos(sin z)dz, where r is the unit circle C(O; 1) with its usual counterclockwise orientation. The Cauchy Integral Theorem assures us that each of these integrals equals zero. Note that we obtain these results without :finding antiderivatives for the integrands cos(sin z) and ez2 • Theorem 1 would be of little help in these cases.
Generalizations Extending the Cauchy Integral Theorem to curves r less spe~ial than Jordan curves (which do not intersect themselves, simple loops) is a study in itself. We will now discuss three such generalizations. The Case r Is a Figure-Eight: Let I(z) be analytic in a domain n that contains r and all points inside each nIobe" (see Figure 4.5). In this case vy-e break r into two closed curves, r 1 and r 2. each of which is
Integrlll$ of Ane/ytic Functions
r= r 1 + r 2 ,
two Jordan curves
(iIrQer loop) (outer loop)
breaks up into four Jordan curves (or two, if you are observant).
now nonself-intersecting. and apply the preceding version of Cauchy's Integral Theorem to each curve. We obtain
fez) dz =
= 0
fez) dz
0 =
fez) dz
Moral Even if r intersects itself and 80 is not a Jordan curve, it may be possible to decompose r into finitely many Jordan curves. If fez) is analytic in the interior of each of these new Jordan curves (one must check this (arefully I), then Jr fez) dz = o.
A General Statement; We will state, discuss. and occasionally apply this version of the theorem despite the fact that a rigorous proof would require too much topology and will not be given here. This version is geometrically appealing and worthy of meditation because it gets close to the essence of what is happening. STRONG CAUCHY INTEGRAL THEOREM
Let fez) be analytic in a domain .n and let r be a (not necessarily simple) closed curve in n which can be shrunk to a point within n. Then
fez) dz
Sec. 4.2
The Cauchy Integral Thtlorem
Shrinking Figure
r to a point within O.
Explanation: Imagine that we obtain the complicated curve r by taking a simple closed circle made of thread and dropping it into the domain Q. See Figure 4.6. Now suppose that the thread begins to shrink in time so that the length of the curve gets smaller and smaller until, after a finite time interval, the curve of thread has shrunk to a simple point inside Q. Suppose further that the shrinking curve lay within the domain Q at every instant, and never touched a point outside .o. In this case, we say that r has been shrunk (deformed) to a point within O. The proof of the strong version (we do not give it here) depends on the following nontrivial fact: The desired value Ir{(Z) dz
does not change as we replace the original curve r by the ever shorter shrunken versions, provided the shrinking is carried out in a sufficiently smooth manner and, of course, occurs inside fl. Since the curve r eventually shrinks to one point, and since the integral of {(z) over one point in n is zero (proof?), the original integral must have been zero. Done! At this point it is instructive to consider once more the situation = l/z,O = C - {OJ, r = the unit circle. (See the note following our original statement of the Cauchy Integral Theorem.) In our present language the circle r cannot be shrunk to a point inside n because it is looped around the "bad point" 0, at which { is not analytic. Thus, the Strong Cauchy Integral Theorem does not apply (and, in fact, the value of the integral is different from zero, as we know). Note also that the first situation we discussed, in which r was a figure-eight, may be handled by the Strong Cauchy Integral stated here. For the figure-eight, r may surely be shrunk to a point within .0, the domain of analyticity for {(z).
The Case n Is Simply Connected: We now mention an important special case of the strong version of the theorem given above. Recall
tnt_g,a'. of AnB/ytic Functions
that the domain n is said to be simply connected if it has no holes, that is, if all points inside every closed loop that lies in n also lie in n. For example, the open disc is simply connected, as is the xy-plane and the xy-plane with the negative x-axis deleted. On the other hand, the punctured disc and punctured plane (one point removed) are not simply connected. Consider the following fact: If n is a simply connected domain, then every closed curve r in n may be shrunk to a point within n. This is true because the curve r cannot enclose any holes and 80 cannot be snagged on any points not in n as it is shrinking. Because of this fact, we may state this corollary of the strong version. CAUCHY INTEGRAL THEOREM (SIMPLY CONNECTED CASE)
Let f(z) be analytic in a simply connected domain closed curve in O. Then
n. Let r be any
f(z) dz = O.
Further Results The next result is of the uindependence-of-path" variety and i8
essentially a restatement of the Cauchy Integral Theorem. Note that we require f(z) to be analytic at all points between the two curves (which may intersect). See Figure"4.7.
Figura 4.7
r=loop r 1 +(-r2)
1r + f-r, = i r =0 l
Let f(z) be analytic in n. and let r l , r z be piecewise-smooth curves {rom the point Zo to the point ZlJ all lying inside n and such that all points between the two curves are also in n. Then
f(z) dz =
f(z) dz.
Sec. 4.2
The Cauchy Integral Thllol'fJm
Proof: (
f(z) dz -
f(z) dz
= (
f(z) dz
f(z) dz
f(z) dz = 0
by the Cauchy Integral Theorem. Here, - r l is the curve r l traversed in the opposite direction, and r is the curve formed by r 1 followed by - r 2' The first equality depends on the fact that reversing the path of integra-
tion changes the sign of the integral. Done. Comment
In the proof above we did not specify which version of the Cauchy Theorem was being used. If r 1 touches
r 2 only at the end points, then
r = r 1 + (- r 2 ) is a Jordan curve, and our original version suffices. But the crucial hypothesis is the analyticity of f(z) between the curves. If this holds, some version of Cauchy's Theorem can be found which guarantees Sri = Sr2' Here is a standard application. COROLLARY
If f(z) is analytic in the simply connected domain 0 and if z, Zo are points of 0, then F(z) =
(!Ii f(C) dC
is a value independent of the path from Zo to z in 0 and hence defines a continuous function F = F(z) in O.
Proof: Use Corollary 3.
1. In the Appendix to this section we will see in fact that F(z) is analytic and F'(z) = f(z). This is another version of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. 2. A different choice of Zo in Corollary 4 leads to a different function. How different? 3. The result above is false if 0 is the punctured plane C - {O}, which is not simply connected. For consider f(z) = lIz. We have referred to this phenomenon already (see Exercises to Paragraph 1.4.3 following Green's Theorem, log z). It may be stated thus: Differentials that are Itexact" on simply connected subdomains may fail to be exact on the full, nonsimply connected domain. Advanced theories make much of this relationship between geometry and calculus: more uholes," more inexact differentials.
Integrals of Analytic Functions
Chap. 4
The Case of Several Curves
Now we deal with a different situation. Thus far we have discussed integration over a single, possibly quite complicated. closed curve r. The idea haa been that if f(z) is analytic inside the curve r, then its integral around r vanishes. Now we show that this conclusion may also be true if r is replaced by finitely many curves of a certain type, namely, the positively oriented curves that comprise the full boundary of a Jordan domain. We recall that a bounded domain n is a k-connected Jordan domain if its boundary an consists of precisely k Jordan curves (simple closed curves) that are positively oriented with respect to n (that is. n lies on our left as we traverse the curve in the direction of parametrization). CAUCHY INTEGRAL THEOREM FOR JORDAN DOMAINS
Let n be a k-connected Jordan domain, and let f(z) be analytic on some domain n + containing n and an. Then
Ion f(z) dz = O. Proof: Actually, we have done all the work for this already, in proving our first version of the Cauchy Theorem at the beginning of this section. The proof given there works here, word for word, provided we replace r, int r, and n there by an, n, and n+ here. The reason that the same proof works here is that we already have Green's Theorem (Chapter 1) for arbitrary Jordan domains. We leave details to you. Done. This version has a pleasing and useful corollary (see Figure 4.8). The loops r l' r 2 are similarly parametrized (both counterclockwise, say) and the function f(z) is analytic in the domain (call it n+) that contains both curves r lt r 2 and the region between them (though f(z) may fail to be analytic at some points encircled by the inner curve).
Sec. 4.2
The Cauchy Integral Theorem
Now let the region between the two curves be denoted by 0, and observe that n becomes a 2-connected Jordan domain if we agree that its boundary consists of the curves r 1 and - r 2' That is, we reverse the orientation of r 2 so that n is now to its left. The preceding theorem says that fez) dz integrates as follows:
In other words, the integral of fez) around r 1 equals the integral off(z)
around (the original) COROLLARY
r l' Let us state this officially.
Let r h r 2 be similarly oriented piecewise-smooth simple closed curves, and suppose fez) is analytic in a domain containing the curves and all points between them. Then
fez) dz =
fez) dz.
1. The two integrals in Figure 4.8 may each fail to be zero because f might not be analytic everywhere inside the inner curve. 2. A topologist might say that the integral off(z) dz around a loop is uinvariant" under those deformations of the loop that take place entirely inside the set of points where f is analytic. 3. Corollary 5 allows us to conclude that
r dzz = 21li
when r is any piecewise-smooth simple loop around the origin, not only the unit circle. Keep your eyes open for opportunities to replace unpalatable parametrized loops by much simpler circles! Culture: The Cauchy-Goursat Integral Theorem
We mentioned earlier that many authors do not require that f'(z) be continuous in defining the analyticity of fez). These people cannot use Green's Theorem (as we did) to prove the Integral Theorem, since Green's Theorem requires continuous partials. The French mathematician E. Goursat (ca. 1900) gave a remarkable proof of the Integral Theorem, which requires only that f'(z) exist_ Thus, this result is sometimes called the Cauchy-Goursat Theorem. But, as we have already remarked, the Cauchy Integral Formula (Section 4.3) will imply that all these definitions of analyticity ~e equivalent.
Integrals of Analytic Functions
Exercises to Section 4.2 1. Compute Ilzl = I fez) dz, where the integral is taken over the positively oriented unit eU'cle and fez) is given below. How many can you do without
the Cauchy Integral Theorem? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
sin(eos z).
z + (l/z). 1/(z - 1). 1/z2. (f) Z'/(Z2 + 4). 2. Consider I = r fez) dz, where f is continuous in
J a domain n containing the closed loop r. True or false? (a) If f is analytic in nand n is a disc, then I = O. (b) If I = 0, then f is analytic at all points of the plane on and inside r. (c) If f is analytic in n and I =F 0, then not all points enclosed by r are containedin n. (d) If f is analytic in n, then I = O. (e) If fl is the punctured unit disc 0 < Izl < 1 and if I = 0 for all r in n, then limz -+ o fez) exists as a finite complex number. (f) If f is analytic in the punctured unit disc n and if limz -+ o fez) exists as a
finite complex number, then I = 0 for all loops r in n. (g) If n has holes, the Cauchy Theorem may fail to apply.
z- t dz = ni = - I rl Z-1 dz, where is the upper half-circle traversed from Zo = 1 to ZI = -1 and given by z = elB, 0 5 0 :5 n, while f2 is the lower half-circle from Zo to Zt (same end points) given by Z = e- 18, 0 :5 6 5 n. (b) Explain why the different values obtained for I r, and I rl do not contradict the result of Corollary 3. Let n be the simply connected domain obtained by deleting the nonpositive x-axis from the plane C. Define F(z) = If C-' dC, where the integral is taken over any curve from 1 to z lying inside n. (a) What is F(l)? (b) What is F(e)? (c) Give the real and imaginary parts of F(z) in terms of familiar functions. (d) What is the derivative of F(z)? Suppose f(z) = C_kz-t + ... +C_l,z-1 + g(z) with C-k =F 0, k > 0, and g(z) analytic in the entire z-plane. Thus, f is analytic except at z = O. Prove I r f(z) dz = 2nic_ h where f is the positively oriented unit circle. Meditate upon the fact that the integral fails to vanish only because of the term in 1/02. What "function" is the integral of l/z? Preview: The theory of Laurent series will tell us how to express certain nonanalytic f(z) in the form [polynomial in l/z] + [analytic] as above. In this case, integration reduces to computing the coefficient (ltresidue") C-J. Given that f is analytic in the punctured disc 0 < Iz - zol < R and that If(z)1 :::;; M there, prove that J,%-zo,=r f(z) dz = 0 for 0 < r < R. Given that g(z) is analytic in the open disc Iz - zol < R, prove that
3. (a) Verify by direct computation that Jr. f
g(z) - g(zCJ) dz Z -
Hint: Apply Exercise 6 to the integrand here.
for 0 < r < R.
Sec. 4.2
The Cauchy Integral Theorem
8. Given that g(z) is analytic in the disc g(zo)
1 = -2 . 1tZ
Iz - zol
< R, prove that
g(z) - dz,
Iz-zol=rz -
provided 0 < r < R. This is the Cauchy Integral Formula. Hint: g(z) = (g(z) - g(zo» + g(Zo). Use the preceding exercises.
9. In the open disc Izl < 1, sketch a closed curve r that intersects itself four times. Then break up your curve into a finite number of simple closed (Jordan) curves. By repented use of the Jordan curve version of Cauchy's Theorem, argue that f r f(z) dz vanishes if f is analytic in Izl < 1. 10. Verify that the function S(t, z) = (1 - t)z defined for 0 5 t 5 1, z E D(O; r), shrinks the disc down to the origin z = 0 as t ("time'') varies from t = 0 to t = 1. Conclude that any curve r lying in the disc is also shrunk to the point z = O. This is a special case of our assertion that a closed curve inside a simply connected domain may be shrunk to a point within that domain. 11. The complex differential f(z) dz. Let f(z) = u(x, y) + iv(x, y) as usual, with U, v E ~l(n). We write f(z) dz as I dx + if dy, reminiscent of the real differential p dx + q dy. Prove that if n is simply connected, then the following four statements are equivalent. Use results from the text when applicable. (a) Jr [f dx + if dy] = 0 for all closed curves r in n. (b) f dx + if dy is exact in n (that is, there exists a complex function F = U + iV with U, V E ~l(n) such that
ifdy = dF(= F% dx
+ F, dy).
(c) The partial derivatives f" (that is, u" + iv,,) and (if>" ere equal throughout
(d) f(z) is analytic in n. The point of this exercise is that (a), (b), (c) are already known to be equivalent for real differentials p dx + q dy in the situation P, q E WI (0) (so that (c) makes sense) and 0 simply connected. See Section 1.4. 12. How have we used Green's Theorem? Answer; We converted a given line integral into an integral of p dx + q dy and then invoked Green's Theorem to obtain a double integral. Retrace our steps in each of the following situations: (a) The Inside-Outside Theorem. Given
that is,
Ir Vu·N cis.
Ir V· T cis, where V is a ttflow vector." See the Exercises to Paragraph 1.4.3. (c) The Divergence Theorem. Given Jr V·N ds. Compare (a). (d) The Cauchy Integral Theorem. Given I r f(z) dz. (e) Can you think of any others? 13. Suppose f(z) is analytic in a domain n, but f(z) is not the derivative of a function defined and analytic everywhere in n. What can you conclude about O? What is your favorite example of this phenomenon? (b) Curl and circulation. Given
Chap. 4
Integrals of Analytic Functions
We give a rather general theorem on path-independent integrals. This will be crucial in the characterization of analyticity known as Morera's Theorem (Section 4.10). THEOREM
Let f(z) be continuous in a domain 0 and moreouer let the integral F(z) = 1(0 dC be the same for all polygonal paths from Zo to z with Zo, z in n. Then F(z) is analytic in 0 and, in fact, F'(z) = {(z).
Note: This says that the derivative of the integral (taken with respect to the upper limit of integration) is the original integrand. Compare the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus: d
f(t) dt
= ((x)
Proof: It should be clear that F(z) is well defined as a function, thanks to the path-independence hypothesis. See Corollary 4. Now we show that F'(Zl) = ((ZI) for all Z1 in n. This will yield in particular the analyticity of F and will complete the proof of the theorem. We will work directly with the difference quotient of F at z l ' Observe that, by the independence-or-path hypothesis, F(z) - F(zt)
z -
Z -
i% 1(') dC - i%1 f(C) dC}
fZ {(C> de.
z - ZI )%1
where all integrals are taken over polygonal paths (from Zo to z, etc.). We wish to take the limit here as z approaches ZI and obtain {(ZI)' Hence, let us introduce {(ZI) by rewriting {(C).
The last integral above becomes two integrals (note z is fixed):
The first term here is easily seen to be f(zJ). Hence, it will suffice to show that
Sec. 4.3
The Cauchylnregral Formula
Some meditation should convince you that the ML-inequality of Para· graph 4.1.3 is our only hope here. To do this, we first let I z denote the integral in the preceding equation. Since z will ultimately approach z 1, there is no loss in assuming that I z is computed on a straight segment from Z 1 to z lying inside the domain n. Hence, we must have, by the ML-inequality (Theorem 2), that
max{ If(~
=~~ZI)I} 12 - ztl,
where 'varies on the straight line from z 1 to z. Thus, for fixed z close to Z t, we cancel to get
maxl/(C) -
Now let Z approach ZI' Then' also approaches proaches f(zl)' We conclude that lim lIz I
and so f(O ap-
= 0,
as desired. Done.
Comments 1. The process discussed in the theorem is not what is meant by differentiating under the integral sign. In fact, we did not even suppose that f was differentiable. (It is! See Morera's Theorem, Section 4.10). 2. You should check that everything here happened on polygonal paths (that is, on finite sequences of line segments linked end-to-end).
Let f(z) be analytic in a domain 0, and let r be a simple closed (Jordan) curve inside n whose interior is also contained in O. If Zo is any point interior to r, then. the value f(zo) is given by f(zo)
2m Jr
f(z) z -
Comments 1. The variable z is "integrated out," leaving a number that depends on zoo Remarkably, this number is f(zo).
Chap. 4
Integra/8 of Analytic Functions
2. The point Zo must lie inside r, never on r, so that the denominator z - Zo never vanishes on r. 3. This result is in the great tradition of integral representation theorems. Recall Green's m and the Poisson Integral Formula from the first two chapters. 4. In the casef(z) := 1 and Zo = 0, then the formula yields Ir (dz/z) = 2m if r winds once around the origin. This agrees with the value we computed in Example 2 of Paragraph 4.1.1.
Proof of the Formula: Let C(r) = C(zo; r) be the circle of radius r > 0 centered at zo, and let r be chosen small enough that C(r) lies inside r as in Figure 4.9. By Corollary 5 of Section 4.2, we may as well be integrating around C(r); that is,
~ 2ni r
dz = ~
f(z) z -
Jc(r) Z -
Now we try the useful trick of writing fez)
= (f(z)
- f(zo»
so that the value f(zo) appears in our computations:
~ fez) dz = f(zo) dz 2ni Jr z - Zo 2ni Jc{r) Z - Zo
2ni Jc(r)
fez) - f(zo) dz. Z - Zo
We deal now with each of the right-hand terms. The first term on the right equals f(zo) because the value of the integral is 2ni, as we saw in Section 4. L Now we claim that the second integral on the right is zero. This, of course, will complete the proof. We'll show that if r > 0 is chosen sufficiently small, then this second integral can be made arbitrarily small in absolute value. But the value of this integral is independent of r (why?). Hence, this value must be zero. This style of argument is standard.
Sec. 4.3
The Cauchy Integral Formula
Since f'(zo) exists, the integrand (f(z) - f(zo»/(z - zo) is bounded in absolute value on Bome disc centered at Zo (why is this so?). Thus, If(z) - f(zo>lll Z - zol ::;; M for all Z near Zoo The ML-inequality takes the form
f f(z) I~ 2m Jc(r> Z -
f(zo) dz
I : ; ~ M·length C(r) =
since C(r) has length 2n:r. Since r may be taken very close to zero, the value of the integral about each C(r) must be zero. Done.
Exercises to Section 4.3 1. Compute the following integrals, applying theorems whenever possible. In each case, r is the unit circle 1zl = 1 with positive orientation. Moral: The Integral Formula has practical uses. (a) Ir Z-1 cos z dz. (b) Ir (z -(n/4»-1 cos z dz. (c) Ir (z - 2)-1 ~ dz. (d) Sr z(z - (n/4»-1 dz. (e) (f)
I r (ez Ir (z
I)Z-1 dz. - 1)-1 cos 2nz dz.
2. In the proof of the Integral Formula, we claimed that if f is analytic at zoo then the value IC(zD;r) (f(z) - f(zo»(z - ZO)-1 dz is the same for all (sufficiently small) r. Cite a previous result that justifies our .claim. S. Prove the Circumferential Mean Value Theorem: Iff is analytic at Zo. then
f(zo) = 2n
for sufficiently small r > O. Hint: z
i21t f(zo + rei") dO 0
= Zo + re lB on C(zo; r).
4. Verify
ez(z(z - 1»-1 dz
+ e)
by rewriting the integrand as a sum. of two functions and applying the Cauchy Integral Formula to each term. 5. Further calisthenics with the ML-inequality. Suppose we know that g(z) is analytic in the punctured disc 0 < Iz - zol < R. Which of these additional hypotheses (concerning g and ,zo) allow us to conclude that
for 0 < r < R?
Note that the value of this integral is independent of r, by Corollary 5. (a) g is defined and analytic at Zo also. (b) g(z) = 0 indentically for 0 < Iz - zol < R. (c) g is bounded (that is, Ig(z)1 ::;; M) for 0 < Iz - zol < R. (d) g is defined and continuous at Zo also.
Integrll'" of Anlllyfic Function$
(e) limz .... zo g(z) exists as a finite complex number. g(z) = 2ni identically for 0 < Iz - zol < R.
(g) g(z) = 1/(z - zo).
(h) g(z) = l/(z - zo)z. (i) limz-o zo g(z) = 00.
m g(z) = (f(z) -
f(zo})/(z - zo) with f analytic in Iz - zol < R. (k) limz-+zo g(z) does not exist as a finite complex number nor as 00. You might observe that each of (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (0, (j) implies (c).
6. Discuss our progress in computing the complex line integral. as follows: (a) The Cauchy Integral Theorem enables us to integrate Jr f(z) dz. where f is analytic at all points on and within the closed curve r. (b) The Integral Formula enables us to integrate functions f(z) which fail to be analytic at certain points Zo inside r, namely, functions of the fonn f(z) = g(z)/(z - zo) with g(z) analytic (and fairly well known). What is Jrf(z) dz? (c) The procedure in (b) may be extended to functions of the form. f(z) = g(z)/(z - zo)(z - ZI) and so on, provided Zo =F Z1> by writing I(z) as a sum of two quotients with denominators z - zoo z - Z1' (d) Further questions: What if f(z) = g(z)/(z - zo)n with n ~ 2? What is Jr I(z) dz? Which functions f(z) can be put in this form? 7. A question asked during the 1970 Berkeley Ph.D. oral examination: "What is the most important function in complex function theory"? The expected answer: l/(z - zo). Do you agree? What reasons can you give? Keep this question in mind as you read on.
8. (a) Prove that an analytic function is uniquely determined by its boundary values; that is, if f and g are analytic in a domain n, and if f(z) = g(z) for all z on a loop r which is contained, together with its interio~, in n, then f(z) = g(z) for all z inside r as well. (b) What about existence? If f(z) is a complex-valued function defined on
as in (a), does there exist a function analytic in n which agrees with the given
f on r? Note that f is defined only on r at the start. Part (a) implies that there is at most one analytic extension of f into the interior of the loop r. 9. The Poisson Integral Formula via Cauchy's. We obtain this again (see Chapter 2), using only the Cauchy Integral Theorem and Formula, avoiding Green's ill and the Green's function. Given I = u + iv analytic in a domain containing the disc 1'1 < R and its (positively oriented) boundary Izl = R. (a) For lei < R, verify that the "inverse point" C* = R2/~ is outside the circle Izi = R and lies on the ray from the origin through C. (b) Show that
f(2)(Z - C*)- 1 dz
Cf(z)(zr. - R2)- J dz = O.
(c) Apply (b) to prove that
1m = ~
r [_1_ + z -, r
2n& JIZI=R
1 = 2ni
C _] - zC
(R 2 - 'C)f(z) dz 1:zI=R (z - C) (RZ - zC) •
Sec. 4.3
The Cauchy Integral Formula
= Re'6, " = pelfll, check that
(d) Using polar cool-dinates z
------------ =
(z - C)(R2 - zD
(z - ')(~ - C)
i do - 2Rp cos(O _ fI)
= R2
+ p1.
(e) Combine (c) and (d) to obtain
1 = 211:
(R2 - p2)f(Ref~ dO R-2--'--2Rp--co-'-s'-(O'-------',,'-)-+--p-:z.
(0 Note that f(Re'~ is the only complex number in (e). Hence, we may take real parts to obtain 1
u(C) = u(p
fI, p
sin rp)
= -2/r.o
(R%. - p2)U(9) dfJ
+ p :z.
where U(fJ) = u(Re(~ is the value of u on the boundary 1zl = R. This is the Poisson Integral Formula for the harmonic function u. This line of proof requires that we know that u is the real part of an analytic function. 10. The Cauchy Integral Formula via Poisson's. Now observe that Cauchy's Formula follows from Poisson's plus the Cauchy Integral Theorem plus the harmonicity of u, v if f = u + tv is analytic on a domain containing 1'I s R, as follows: (a) Defining U(fJ) = u(Rel~J V(O) = v(Re(~ and adding the Poisson representations for u(C) and iv(C), obtain the first equality in part (c) of Exercise 9. Hint: Work backwards in Exercise 9. (b) This is the same as part (b) of Exercise 9. (c) Conclude the Cauchy Formula for the circle 1zl = R. (d) Obtain the Cauchy Formula for an arbitrary loop r enclosing , by the usual "deformation of path" argument (see Coronary 5). 11. The Cauchy Integral Formula for k-connected Jordan Domains. Verify that the proof given in this section essentially gives a more general result, namely, THEOREM
Let n be a
Jordan domain. Suppose f is analytic on a domain Then for each point Zo in n,
n + containing n and an.
=~ f 211:&
f(z) -
where the standard positive orientation is taken on the Jordan curves comprising an. 12. Use Exercise 11 to conclude that if Cit C~ are concentric circles of radii Tx. Tz, respectively, with rl < r::. each wit.h its Rtaodard counterclockwise parametrization, and if f is analytic on and between the two circles, then
[f _Je,f ] JCl
for every point Zo between the two circles.
(f(Z) dZ) z -
Integrals o£ Analytic Functions
Chap. of
Section 4.4 HIGHER DERIVATIVES OF ANALVTIC FUNCTIONS If f is analytic in a domain 0 and I; is a point of 0, then we have just seen that
r f(z), dz.
f(O = ~
Jr z -
provided r is a simple closed curve in n whose interior includes the point' and is contained entirely in O. Since f is analytic, the derivative f'(C) also exists. How do we compute it in terms of the integral formula? Just as in the case of Green's ill and the Poisson Integral Formula, our approach is straightforward calculus: We differentiate under the integral sign. We have f'(C) =
~ f(O = ~ ~ dl;
~ 21li
f(z) dz
f(z) dz
J ac z
21li r =
2m dl; r z - ,
- ,
Jr (z -
Note that this last integral is finite because' is not on the curve rand
the integrand is continuous in z on r. To justify the crucial third equality in the chain here, we use the following lemma. It is the complex version .of the result for real variables in Chapter 2. LEMMA 6
n be a domain and r a (not necessarily closed) curve that is disjoint from n. Let F(z, 1;) and the partial derivative F,(z, 1;) be continuous complex-valued functions of the pair (z, C) with z in r, , in n. Then the integral
F(z, 0 dz
is an analytic function of I; in n and, moreover,
!! f.
de r F(z, 1;) dz = Jrr F,(z. 0 dz. Note: Since z = z(s) on r and also, = e + i" in n, we may write F(z, 0 = U(s, e, ,,) + iV(s, e, ,,). The continuity hypothesis of the
lemma is equivalent to the .continuity of U, V and certain partial derivatives as real-valued functions of three real variables.
Higher Derivativ6$ of Analytic Functions
Sec. 4.4
Proof: This may be reduced to the real (Chapter 2) by using the
functions U(s, " ,,) and V(s, " ,,), breaking all integrals into real and imaginary parts, and (as we establish in Exercise 7 below) using the fact that complex differentiation decomposes into real differentiation;
a = 1(a .a) 2 a~ - ~ al1 .
ac We leave the details to you.
Having obtained an integral representation for t(C) by differentiating under the integral sign, there is nothing to prevent us from differentiating once again to obtain
ret:) = ~ r (z) 2m Jr (z - 0
dz. 3
Clearly, we may repeat this process as often as we wish! There is always a simple function of Cwaiting to be differentiated (note that the function may be complicated in z, the variable of integration). We sum up this phenomenon as follows: THEOREM 7
Let f be analytic in n. Then all derivatives t(C), r(O, . .. , f(a)(o, . •• exist and are analytic at all , in. n. Moreover, we have the formula f(n)(o = ~ 27ri
fez) dz C)n+l
Jr (z -
(n = 0, 1, ... ),
where r is any simple closed curve inside n whose interior contains
, and lies entirely inside n.
Comments 1. Is it clear that «">(0 has a continuous derivative? 2. Keep in mind that this result depends on a routine process (differentiating under the integral sign: calculus!) and a deeper result (the Cauchy Integral Formula). 3. In differentiating the integrand f(z)/(z - 0", we never touch fez) itself, but only 1/(z - 0". 4. Later we will see that an analytic function enjoys an even stronger property with regard to derivatives: It may be expanded in a power series whose coefficients involve all derivatives of f. That is, we will see that <XI
fez) =
L an(z -
Integrllls of Anillytic Functions
where the coefficients satisfy an =
(n = 0, 1, ... ).
An Extension: Integrals of Cauchy Type
Let ,p(z) be any function continuous on a curve r (not necessarily closed). For , not on r, we define a new function I(C) by the integral formula f(C) =
¢J(z) dz.
2m Jr z -
Note that the integral yields a finite value because the integrand is defined and continuous in the variable z. Moreover, 1(0 is continuous in " essentially because the integrand is continuous in
C. Finally, we
may differentiate I'(C) =
~ 2nz
Jr (z -
The differentiation process may be repeated. Thus, we have constructed an analytic function 1(0 in the domain n = c - r. The function I(C) is called a Cauchy integral or integral of Cauchy type. We emphasize that 1(0 is analytic even though 41(z) was not; in fact, ¢J(z) wasn't even defined on an open set! What other methods of constructing analytic functions can you recall?
Caution: We remark that, in the situation described here, it is not generally true that lim I(C) = ~(z) (C E 0, ZEn. That is, the original function ¢J(z) does not give the ((boundary values"
(note that r = an) of the analytic function I(C). , E n. In fact, not every continuous ~(z) on a closed curve r can be realized as the boundary value function of an analytic function 1(0, no matter what method of obtaining f(C) is used. Contrast the cases of harmonic and analytic functions: If r is the unit circle, then every continuous realMvalued ;(z), z E r. is the boundary value of a real harmonic function defined in the interior of the circle (poisson Integral Formula), but no such realvalued tKz) is the boundary value of an analytic function, unless, of course, I}(z) is constant (proof?).
Exercises to Section 4.4 1. (a) What property of the integrand in (1/2ni) Ir f(z)(z - ,)-2 dz guarantees the existence of the integral? Here, r. C, fare as in the text. (b) What is the key to proving that the value of this integral is 1'(rJ?
Sec. 4.5
Harmonlclty of u(z) and v(z)
(c) The function I(n)m = (nl/2n:i) Ir f(z)(z - o-n-l dz is seen to be continuous, either because it is differentiable or because it is an integral. Give the details of each argument. 2. (a) Verify 2ni cos, = Ir (z - C)-2 sin z dz, where r is the usual unit circle Izl = 1 and also I{I < 1. (b) Is this equation true for lei> 11 3. Compute: (a) ilzl= 1 Z-6 sin z dz, (b) Ilzl=2 Etz- 2 (z - 1)-1 dz. 4. Verify lim.,-+<Jl llzl:: 1 e"z-n dz = O.
6. Compute a formula for {'(C), where 1m = [Izl = 1 (z - ,)-1 sin xy dz with z = x + iy and I{I =f. 1. (Here, I is a Cauchy integral.) 6. Write down a formula that enables us to compute the line integral Ir I(z) dz, where f(z) = g(z)/(z - zo)m with m a positive integer, g analytic on and inside the closed loop r, and Zo a point inside r. Note that several of the exercises above will be handled by this formula (which is a special case of the Residue Theorem of Chapter 7). 7. Verify that if 1m = u(C) + ivm is analytic, then
! I(c) ~ (:e =
i :,,) (u(e, ,,) + iv(" ,,).
This relates real and complex derivatives. It was used in the proof of Lemma 6.
Section 4.5 HARMONICITV OF u(z) AND v(z)
The foregoing technical facts about existence of derivatives now yield a cloudburst of results on the behavior of analytic functions. We have already mentioned the following fact. THEOREMS
Let f
= u
+ iv be analytic in n. Then u
= u(z), v
= v(z) are
inn. Proof: Since the higher derivatives f"(z), fffl(Z) exist, you may verify
that the second partials u~, u"" and also VXX1 v"" exist and are continuous for each z in n. But, as we saw in Chapter 3, these functions therefore satisfy u~ + U,," = 0, V~ + v,,~ = 0 as a consequence of the CauchyRiemann equations. Done.
Moral 1. An analytic functionf(z) determines two real harmonic functions u(z), v(z), related by the Cauchy-Riemann equations. 2. A real harmonic function u(z) in a simply connected domain and a single value f(zo) with real part u(zo) determine an analytic
/nttlgrtl/s Qf Ant./ytlc Function.
function {(z) = u(z) + iv(z) (since we may solve for v(z), the harmonic conjugate of u(z), as in Chapter 3). These two points emphasize the close connection between the studies of harmonic and analytic functions in the plane. We may draw a further conclusion on boundary values of an analytic function {(z) = u(z) + iv(z). Since u(z) is determined (inside the unit disc, say) by its boundary values on the circle, it followB from the second point above that (z) is determined up to an additive constant by the boundary values of its real part. u(z). It is naive to hope, therefore, that we may prescribe arbitrary real and imaginary boundary values and then expect to construct an analytic function with those boundary values. The Cauchy-Riemann equations are looming here. Exercises to Section 4.5 1. True or false?
(a) If u is harmonic in n, then it is the real part of an analytic function finn. (b) If u is harmonic in n, then it is the imaginary part of an analytic function ginn. (c) The real and imaginary parts of a complex analytic function are harmonic. (d) If two analytic functions f and g have the same real part u, then f = g identically. (e) If fez) = u(z) + iv(z) with u, v harmonic, then f is analytic. (£) There exists an analytic f(z) with real part x 2 - y2 which satisfies teO) = 2ni. 2. Why could we not conclude the harmonicity of the real and imaginary parts of every analytic function immediately after deriving the Cauchy-Riemann equations. in Chapter 3? 3. Let H(w} be real harmonic and w = f(z) complex analytic. Prove that h(z) = H(f(z» is real harmonic (assuming it is defined on some domain the z-plane), as follows: Construct g(w) = H(w) + iG(w), where G is a harmonic conjugate for the given H. Prove that h(z} is the real part of the analytic (why?) function g(f(z».
4. A direct approach to 6h(z} = 0 as in Exercise 3. Writing z = x + iy, w = fez) = u(x, y) + iv(x, y), and applying the Chain Rule for partial derivatives (that is, hJt = H(u(x, y), vex, Y»x = HuuJt + H,PJt, etc.), the Cauchy-Riemann equations for u, v, and the fact that HII.II. + HI1IJ = 0, verify that hJtJt + h'7 = O. There are some nice cancellations to be seen here. 6. Let H(w} = lnlwl for w #: 0 and let fez) = ea. Verify that h(z) = H(f(z» is harmonic by computing it exactly. (It'8 well known!) 6. In Exercise 1 above, statements (a) and (b) are false. What reasonable restriction on the domain n would make them true? 7. Write down a harmonic function u(z) in the punctured plane n = C - {O} which is not the real part of an analytic function in the full domain n. 8. Some Dirichkt problems 80lved by inspection. Let n be the upper half-plane y > 0, an the x-axis. Suppose B(x) is a polynomial in x with real coefficients. We will find H(z) = H(x, y) continuous in n and harmonic in n such that H(x, 0) = B(x}. (Dirichlet problem for upper half-plane.) (a) Show that the polynomial B(z) in the complex variable is analytic.
Harmonlclty of u(z) .nd v(z)
(b) Argue that H(z) = Re B(z), the real part of B(z), is a solution to the Dirichlet problem. (c) Show how this method generalizes to any real B(x) that is the restriction (to the x-axis) of a function which is analytic in n. (That is, B(x) = sin x, ,r, etc.) (d) Observe that this method fails for B(x) = 1/(1 + x2), because B(z) = 1/(1 + Z)2 is not analytic at z = i in n.
Appendix to Section 4.5 ANALYTIC FUNCTIONS
AND THE DIRICHLET PROBLEM We pause now to discuss one reason why analytic functions are so important: They may be used to solve bounda'J'Y value problems. Here is the idea. As usual, we are given a Jordan domain.o, which is the interior of a smooth loop r = aa. See Figure 4.10. We are also given a continuous real-valued function B(z) for z on r (the uboundary values"). To solve the Dirichlet problem, we must find H(z) harmonic in.a, continuous in .0, and satisfying H(z) = B(z) for z on aa.
z-plane F
A classical method of solution is this: Trapslate this problem into a closely related Dirichlet problem on the ordinary disc (a much simpler domain) and then use the Poisson Integral Formula to solve the problem
on the disc. Moreover, we assert that this "translation" is done by an analytic function from the disc onto a (and its inverse). Here are the basic details.' Let a be as above (in the z-plane) and let D be the disc lei < 1 in the C-plane. Suppose we can find a one-to-one analytic function f: Jj -... a, z = (0, with analytic inverse F: n .... D, C = F(z). Then, if H(z) is harmonic in a, it's not hard to see that h(C) = H(f(C»
is harmonic in the disc n. This follows from the analyticity of f. See the exercises. Likewise. b(O = B(f(O) is continuous on an, lei = 1.
Integrals of Analytic Functions
Using the Poisson Integral Formula and the function b(O, we can compute a harmonic h(O on the disc satisfying h(O = b(O on the boundary aD. To solve the original Dirichlet problem on 0, we translate h(O back to n. Just define, for z in n, H(z) = h(F(z».
Again, H(z) is harmonic (because F is analytic) and H(z) = B(z) on = 00.
Moral The solution of the Dirichlet problem on certain domains n may be reduced to the search for analytic functions that map n in a nice way ("conformally") onto a standard disc. This is the stuff of Chapter 8. See Paragraph 8.2.3 for a solved Dirichlet problem.
Having made the connection between analytic and harmonic functions, we obtain a sequence of results reminiscent of those from Chapter 2. Note that we are in the happy position of having alternate methods of proof, namely (1) known results about the harmonic parts of f(z), or (2) direct analytic tools such as the Cauchy Integral Formula. CIRCUMFERENTIAL MEAN-VALUE THEOREM
Let f be analytic in a domain n which contains the closed disc D(zo; r). Then f(zo) is the arithmetic mean of the values that f assumes on the circumference of the disc. That is. 1 f(zo) = -
rei~ dO.
Note: As 0 varies from 0 to 21t, the complex number Zo + refe traverses the circle of radius r centered at the point Z00 See Figure 4.11. Note the similarity with polar coordinates (r, 0) centered at Z00 First Proof: Break up f into real and imaginary parts and apply the analogous result for harmonic functions. Done. Second Proof: We apply the Cauchy Integral Formula, noting that for z on r = C(zo; r) we have, since r is constant, dz
= r
= ire lB dO.
Sec. 4.6
Circumferentill'lInd Solid Means
Thus, f(zo) =
2m Jr z
= _1
= -
8 =2 71
8 =21t
re i9)
• ~re'8
re '9 ) dfJ,
as claimed. Done.
Question Why is the integral in the theorem not always zero by the Cauchy Integral Theorem? (Look closely I)
Comment The first proof shows that the theorem is true for an even wider class of function than the analytic, namely, the complex harmonic (unctions f(z) = u(z) + iv(z) with u, v harmonic (but no relations necessarily between u and v). SOLID MEAN-VALUE THEOREM
Let f, 0, D(zo; r) be as in the preceding theorem. Then f(zo)
= :n:: 2
f(z) dx dYe
Note: The double integral may be broken into real and imaginary parts with f. Proof: As in the first proof of the preceding theorem.
Inregrals of Anll/yClc Funcrions
Chap. 4
Exercises to Section 4.6 1. Compute: (8.) I~!l cos(7e'fI) d8,
(b) J~!l Iog(l
+ (1/n)e'9) dO.
2. Compute: (a) Ilzl=7 cos z dz, (b) log dz, where r is the positively oriented circle Iz - 11 = l/'Ir. 3. Answer the question following the second proof of the Circumferential MeanValue Theorem. Compare Exercises 1 and 2 above. 4. In the Circumferential Mean-Value formula for (zo), the radius r appears in the integrand on the right-hand side, but does not appear on the left (that is, (zo». What corollary of the Cauchy Integral Theorem explains this phenomenon? 5. Compute (lIn) IDS cos zdx dy, whereD is given by Izi < 1. 6. Let f be analytic at zoo Prove that f cannot have a strict local maximum at Zo; that is, we cannot have 1(z)1 < I(Zo) I for all z in some punctured disc 0 < Iz - zol < R. Hint: Use the fact that the upper bound M(r) = maxlz-zol=' If(z)1 is assumed and then apply the ML-inequality to a well-chosen integral.
Section 4.7 THE MAXIMUM MODULUS PRINCIPLE This is the complex analog of the Maximum Principle for harmonic functions. Recall that the latter principle says that a real nonconstant harmonic function cannot assume a maximum value in a domain O. For complex-valued functions f(z), we cannot speak of the "largest" or "maximum" value attained, since the complex numbers are not ordered. Use of If(z)1 enables us to create a similar theory, however.
Let 0 be a domain as usual and let f be a complex-valued function defined in O. We say that f attains its maximum modulus at Zo in 0 if and only if If(z)1 ~ If(zo)1 for all z in Q. Geometrically, this means that f(zo) is at least as far from the origin of the w-plane (note w = f(z» as is any other point of the set (0) of values. STRONG MAXIMUM MODULUS PRINCIPLE
Let f be a nonconstant analytic function defined in a plane domain Q.
Then f does not assume its maximum modulus at any point of n.
Proof: If the set f(Q) is unbounded, then the theorem is clear. Now suppose the set f(Q) is bounded. Assume f attains its maximum modulus at Zo in O. We will transfer this to the harmonic case and
obtain a contradiction. First, however, we must translate the bounded set f(O) away from the origin while retaining our hypothesis about
Sec. 4.7
The Maximum Modulu$ Principle
maximum modulus. This is done for purely technical reasons, and our motivation should become clear in a moment. Thus, let g(z) = f(z) + cf(zJ, where c is a positive real number
large enough that g(z) i: 0 for z in n and that a branch of the logarithm may be defined at all points of the set g(O). See Figure 4.12. Note that
g(z) is analytic and also attains its maximum modulus at zoo w-plane
Translating 1(0) away from w=O Figure
Now we define h(z) = In/g(z)l. This is harmonic because it is the real part of log g(z). Since the natural logarithm is an increasing function of its variable, in this case Ig(z)l, we conclude that h(z) assumes its maximum at Zo in n. But h(z) is nonconstant because fez) is nonconstant (exercise !). This contradicts the maximum principle for harmonic functions. Done. Still paralleling the harmonic theory, we have WEAK MAXIMUM MODULUS PRINCIPLE
Let.Q be a bounded domain and fa nonconstant function analytic on
and continuous on its closure n. Then f attains its maximum modulus If(z)1 at certain points z of the boundary an only.
Proof: The function If(z)1 attains a maximum somewhere on n because it is continuous and n is compact (that is, closed and bounded). This is a standard fact of analysis. But by the Strong Principle asserted previously, the maximum cannot be attained in the open set n, and so must occur somewhere on the boundary. Done. It is also possible to prove
MrmMuM MODULUS PRINCIPLE Let f be nonconstant analytic on a domain n with fez) =F 0 for z in n. Then f(z) does not attain its minimum modulus If(z)1 at any point
Chap. 4
Integl'sls of AnalytIc Functions
We will leave the definition of minimum. modulus and the proof of this result to you. Note that f(z) :f:. 0 implies that l/(z) is defined and analytic.
Application to Boundary-Value Questions This is a favorite theme of ours. Using the results of the last few sections, you should be able to prove quite simply the following uniqueness assertion. AsSERTION
Let f and g be analytic in a domain n and let r be a Jordan curue inside n whose interior is also inside n. If f(z) = g(z) for all z on the curve r, then f(z) = g(z) for all z in the interior of r as well. Note that it suffices to prove that the function f - g vanishes throughout the interior of r if it vanishes on r. Refer to Figure 4.13.
l-g=O on
Question Is it true that f = g throughout n and not merely inside
Exercises to Section 4.7 1. Let f be analytic on the domain O. Prove that if the image f(o.) is compact
(closed and bounded) in the w-plane, then it must be a single point; that is, f is constant. Hint:lwl 8SSUlDP..8 its maximum on a compact SAt.• (Can you prove this latter fact?) We comment that the Open Mapping Theorem (paragraph 8.1.4) will give us much better information about f(O). 2. (a) Prove that there exists z satisfying Izl = I, Icos zl > 1. (b) Using continuity and. (a), prove z exists satisfying Izl < 1, Icos zl > 1. (c) Contrast COB x, x real.
Sec. 4.8
The Fundemental Theorem of Algebra
3. Proof' or counterexample: Iff is a nonconstant analytic function defined in n = C (that is, lis entire), then limz .... Q) I(z) = 00. 4. Let/be nonconstant analytic in C. Define M(r) = maxlzl=r ,f(z)l. (a) Prove M(r) is a nondecreasing function of r ;;::: O. (b) Is it true that lim,. ... Q) M{r) = oo? In other words, can a nonconstant entire analytic function be bounded? Note that this assertion is weaker than that of Exercise 3. 5. (a) Prove the uniqueness assertion appearing at the end of this section. (b) See Exercise 8 following Section 4.3 for a proof that does not use the theory of maxima. 6. Let f be a nonconstant analytic function on a domain n. Prove that if f(n) is contained in the closed disc Iwl ~ r, then it is in fact contained in the open disc Iwl < r. 7. The Schwarz Lemma. This is a virtuoso application of the Maximum Modulus Principle. The statement is : Let f be a nonconstant analytic lunction on the unit disc Izl < 1, satisfying If(z)1 < 1 and f(O) = O. Then either I is a rotation through a fixed angle 'P, f(z) = e'/P Z, or I contracts toward the origin: 1f'(0)1 < 1 and If(z)1 < Izl for 0 < Izl < 1. You are to prove this in several steps, as follows: (a) The key idea is the application of the Maximum Modulus Principle to g(z) = f(z)/z. Note that limz-+o g(z) = (,(0). It is a fact that defining g(O) = {'(O) yields an analytic function g(z) at z = 0 and hence in the full disc Iz I < 1 (proof in Exercises to Section 4.10 and in Chapter 6; assume the fact for now). (b) Prove that Ig(z)1 ~ 1. Hint: Show that 1\I1(g; r) = max 12 1=,.lg(2)1 < llr. But as r increases to I, l/r decreases to 1. Since M(g; r) is nondecreasing (why?), it is :S 1 for all r < 1. (c) First case: If M(g; r) = 1 for some r, then (Exercise 6) g is constant, whencef(z)/z = e'/P for alllzi < 1. (d) Second case: Ig(z)1 < 1 implies 1(z)1 < Izl for z # 0 and 1f'(O) I < 1. 8. Verify that the polynomials f(z) = ez" (with 0 < lei :S 1 and n ;;::: 1) satisfy the hypotheses of the Schwarz Lemma (Exercise 7), Which of these f(z) are rotations? contractions? 9. A detail in the proof of the Maximum Modulus Principle. Given f(z) analytic on n, such that I(n) lies in the upper half-plane u > 0 (this may be weakened considerably). Suppose that Inlf(z)1 is constant in n. Prove that fez) is con· stant in O. Hint: log I(z) is constant in n (why?). Review the relevant exercises in Chapter 3. 10. Let n be a bounded domain and f 8 function continuous on n and analytic in n. Prove that, for all , E n, IfWI ::; max If(z)l, zeDn
and if the equality sign holds for one' in
n, then f is constant on n.
Section 4.8 THE FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF ALGEBRA This result, so often used in algebra, seems to require a certain amount of real or complex analysis for its proof. It is possible to obtain
Integrals of Analytic Functions
Chap• .-
the theorem as a corollary of several other theorems of this chapter. Our first proof, given here, uses the Minimum Modulus Principle. FuNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF ALGEBRA
Let p(z) = anz"
+ ... + alz +
be a nonconstant polynomial of degree n ~ 1 with complex coefficients. Then the equation p(z) = 0 has a root z in C. Proof: We assumep(z) never vanishes (never equals zero) and obtain a contradiction. Let m(r), the "minimum modulus," be defined for r ~ 0 by m(r) = min Ip(z)l. Izl=r
Since p(z) :f: 0, the Minimum Modulus Principle assures us that m(r) decreases as r -+ 00 (think about this). But we will prove in the next paragraph that Ip(z)1 -+ 00 as r = Iz\ -+ 00. This implies in particular that m(r) -+ 00 as r -+ 00 and yields the desired contradiction. To show lp(z)1 -+ 00 as Izl -+ 00, we factor p(z)
= zn (an + a;1 + ... + ~).
Now, as Izl -+ 00, the first factor satisfies 1z"1 -+ 00, while the second factor approaches the limit all (check!). Since a. is not zero (00·0 is a delicate business), we may deduce that limlp(z)! = limlzllilani = 00 as 1zl -+ 00. By our remarks in the paragraph above, the proof is complete. Done.
Comments 1. To see that the equationp(z) = 0 has n (not necessarily distinct) complex roots is now a problem in algebra. Ifp(zl) = 0, then long division yields a factorization p(z} = (z - z.)Pt(z), where Pt(z) is a polynomial of degree n - 1. This new polynomial now has a complex root, and so on. 2. The Fundamental Theorem is an existence theorem. It gives no method of finding the roots exactly. If the degree is 2, the famous quadratic formula -b± .Jb1. - 4ac 2a
gives both roots of p(z) = az2 + bz + c. There are similar, more complicated formulas for degrees n = 3, 4. It was demonstrated by the young mathematicians Niels Abel (Norwegian) and Evariste Galois (French)
Sec. 4.9
Liouvills's Theorem
in the early nineteenth century that there are polynomials of degree 5, 6, 7, .. ' whose roots cannot be constructed by starting with the coefficients and performing only arithmetic operations and the extraction of 8quare, cube, and higher roots. Thus, there is no hope of a formula
like the quadratic formula in degrees 5 and higher; some equations are not ltsolvable by radicals." Thus, the moral of this section is that roots always exist, but it may be very difficult to write them down.
Exercises to Section 4.8 1. Prove this corollary of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra: If the polynomial p(z) has degree n, and if c is any complex number, then there exist complex Zit ••• , z" (not necessarily distinct) satisfying p(z,J = c. 2. Towards localizing the roots. Let p(z) = zn + ... + alZ + ao (observe all = 1) so thatp(z) = (z - ZI)(Z - Z2)" ·(z - z,.). (a) Observe that ao = ±ZIZZ" ·Z". (b) Prove that at least one root Zk satisfies Izkl S R, where R is the positive nth root of laol. Estimates less crude than this are possible; see the applications following the theorem of Rouche in Paragraph 8.1.5. 3. Let p(z) be a polynomial whose coefficients are real numbers. Prove that if ZI is a root of p(z), then its complex conjugate %1 is also a root. Hint: The proof should be brief.
Section 4.9 LIOUVILLE'S THEOREM This should be familiar from our study of harmonic functions. We will say that a function f is entire if it is defined and analytic at all points of C. A function f: n -+ C is bounded if the image set f(n) is a bounded subset of the plane C. LIOUVlLLE'S THEOREM
A bounded entire lunction is a constant.
Prool: If I = u + iv is entire (analytic), then u and v are entire (harmonic). If the image set f(C) is bounded in the plane, then the sets u(C) and v(C) must be bounded subsets of R. By Liouville's Theorem for harmonic functions. u and v are constant. Thus, I is constant. Done.
Comment This depended only on the fact that 1= u + iv had real and imaginary parts that were harmonic. We did not need the condition that I be analytic. Which of the other theorems in this chapter are also true for these weaker hypotheses?
Integrals of Analytic Functions
Chap. 4
Application to Growth of Entire Functions
This is a classical theme. differing somewhat from issues relating to boundary values. The natural domain of an entire function, namely C, of course has no boundary curve for z to approach in the limit. Rather we consider the behavior of f(z) as 1zl gets large. Questions sound like this: "Iflf(z)1 behaves like such-and-such aslzl gets large, isf(z) actually equal to so-and-so?" You might try to prove the following example of this. AsSERTION
Let f(z) be entire and lI(z)1 ~ lezi for all z in C. Then, in fact, f(z) = cfiZ for some complex constant c with lei :=:; 1. Thus, if a nonconstant entire function "grows" no faster than the exponential function, it is an exponential function. For the proof. consider the entire function e-Zf(z).
Exercises to Section 4.9 1. Deduce that an entire (analytic) function w = f(z) that maps the z-plane into the upper half w-plane (compare v(z) :> 0) must be identically constant. 2. Prove that the image set f(C) of a nonconstant entire function intersects every
straight line in the w.plane. 3. Which result is stronger for polynomials p(z): Liouville's Theorem or Exercise 1 to Section 4.8? 4. (a) Prove the assertion about If(z)1 :=:; Iffl which appears at the end of the present section. (b) A naive student might argue that the assertion is false because he has heard that "polynomials grow more slowly than the exponential function'" but surely p(z) #: ceZ. Educate him by proving that if Ip(z)1 :=:; leZl for all z, thenp = O. identically. Hint: Look at z = x < O. 5. An alternate proof of Liouville's Theorem. indepen.dent of harmonic functions. (See Section 4.11 for a third proof.) Given the bounded entire function f, prove f(Zl) = f(zz) for arbitrary Zh Zz in C, as follows: (a) Prove f(Zl) - f(zz) = (1/(21ti» Je f(Z)(Zl - Z2)(Z - Zl)-l(Z - ZZ)-l dz, provided C = C(O; R) with R > Izd, IZ21. (b) Apply the MIrinequality to prove that the integral in (a) vanishes as R
gets very large, whence it is zero for all R :> IZll, IZII. 6. An alternate proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, using Liouville's Theorem. Assume that the nonconstant polynomial p(z) has no roots in C. Prove that f(z) = 1/p(z) is bounded and entire, and apply Liouville's Theorem. 7. An extension of Liouville's Theorem. Prove that if w = f(z) is entire and not constant, then the image set f(C) intersects every open set in the w-plane. Hint: Assume f(C) misses the disc D(wo; e) and consider the function g(z) = l/(f(z) -
Sec. 4.70
MOT",..·S TheoTem
8. Another extension (a) Suppose f(z) is entire and either its real part or its imaginary part is bounded. Prove that f(z) is constant. (b) The imaginary part of any branch of log z is bounded. Why doesn"t part (a) imply that log z is constant?
Section 4.10 MORERA'S THEOREM This theorem is the converse to the Strong Cauchy Integral Theorem, and therefore gives a sufficient condition for analyticity of f(z). (Can you name other such results?) The proof of Morera's Theorem depends on the powerful fact (Theorem 7, Section 4.4) that the derivative of an analytic function is analytic. There is no mention here of harmonic functions. MORERA'S THEOREM
Let f(z) be a continuous function on some domain a, and suppose L,f(Z)dZ = 0 for every simple closed (Jordan) curve lies in n. Then f is analytic in a.
r in a whose interior also
Proof: The idea is to define a new function F(z) in a which is analytic with f(z) = F'(z). Since analytic functions F(z) have derivatives of all orders (Section 4.4) it must be the case that f'(z) = F"(z), and so {(z) is analytic as claimed. Subtle, no? A reduction of the problem: Since f is analytic in n if and only if it is analytic in every open subdisc of a (that is, analyticity is ltlocal"), it suffices to consider the case n as an open disc, say a = D. Fix some point Zo in D. For any , in D (see Figure 4.14),
It Zo
f(z) dz is the same over either path
Integrals of Analytic Functions
Chap. 4
define F(C)
= f',(z)
where the integration is carried out on the line segment in D from the fixed Zo to the point C. Thus, F(O is a well-defined function on D and, moreover, it is continuous at every point C. This latter fact is most easily proved using the hypothesis about integrals of I(z); however, it will also follow from the differentiability of F, with which we now concern ourselves. We claim that the number $fo I(z) dz is independent of the polygonal path from Zo to C. That is, we obtain the same value (namely, F(C» whether we integrate over the straight-line segment from Zo to, or any other polygonal path from Zo to C. This is true because we get zero when we integrate f(z) dz arOlmd the closed path from Zo to , over the straight-line path and then back from' to Zo by another path; this last assertion follows from the hypothesis about integrals of {(z) dz around closed curves r. You should check details here in the spirit of Section 4.2. Since F(O is uindependent of path," the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus as stated in the Appendix to Section 4.2 guarantees that }?' = f. By our comments at the start, the function fis analytic. Done.
Comments 1. We could have proved this immediately after Section 4.4. 2. This result (and the whole story) is remarkable iIi that the continuous complex differentiability (analyticity) of f(z) is equivalent to I(z) having "nice" integrals. 3. You might check that the only closed curves r that appeared in
the proof were polygonal. Thus, the statement of the theorem could be strengthened: Replace "for every simple closed curve" with Hfor every closed polygonal path." And this can be pushed even further. Since every two-dimensional set with polygonal boundary (triangle, trapezoid, pentagon, etc.) can be cut up into triangles ("triangulated"), we may replace "for every polygonal path" in the statement of the theorem with Ufor every triangular path." Refer to Figure 4.15. We leave details to you.
Exercises to Section 4.10 1. The function f(z) = 1/z2 satisfies Jr f(z) dz = 0 if r is any closed curve enclosing the origin in its interior. Does Morera's Theorem imply therefore that f is analytic throughout C, in particular at Zo = O? Explain. 2. A preview of removable singularities. Prove that if f is continuous in a disc D containing the point Zo and is known to be analytic in D - {zo}, then f is analytic at Zo as well. Thus, the "singularity" (point of nonanalyticity) Zo may be removed from this category. Method: Show Sf f(z) dz = 0 for every loop r inside D, as follows:
The Cauchy Inequalities for f,n)(zo)
because two integrals over diagonal cancel each other (opposite directions). (a) Argue that Ir (z) dz exist!;, even if r passes through Zoo (b) If Zo is not on or inside r. then Jr I(z) dz = O. for a well-known reason. (c) If Zo is inside r. then the ML-inequality can be used to show that the integral vanishes. Refer to Exercise 5 from Section 4.3. (d) Suppose Zo lies on r. Argue that there are loops t close to r but avoiding the point Zo (whence If f(z) dz = 0) such that the value of If comes arbitrarily close to Jr. whence Ir must equal O. Details? We remark that the geometric details of (d) mny be unwieldy and that removable singularities will be officially discussed in Chapter 6, using methods other than Morera's Theorem.
Section 4.11 THE CAUCHY INEQUALITIES FOR f(n)(zo) Let I be analytic in a domain Q as usual. Let Zo be a point of 0 and suppose the disc D(zo; r) and its boundary, the circle C(zo; r), are contained in O. We write M(zo; r) = max If(z)1
C(zo; r»,
a nonnegative real number. We now state, prove, and discuss the Cauchy inequalities. CAUCHY INEQUALITIES
Let 1,0, M(zo; r) be as above. Then the nth derivative 01 I satisfies II(II}(zo)1 5 n!M(zo; r) .
r" Proof: This follows easily from the Cauchy Integral Formula. We have, writing C = C(zo; r) and using the ML-inequality, II(II)(zo)1 =
I27U n!. r I(z) Jc (z -
dzl5 n! M(zo; r) 2nr, 2n r"+1
since the length of C is 2nr. This gives the result. Done.
Integrals of Antilytic Function$
Comments 1. It is standard to bound or t~control" the values of a function in terms ofthe values of its derivatives (that is, rate of change). This is the idea behind many applications of the ordinary Mean-Value Theorem of differential calculus. Analytic functions are remarkable in that the opposite phenomenon occurs as well. The complex derivatives are bounded in absolute value in terms of the values of the function itself! 2. These inequalities lead to another proof of Liouville's Theorem f'A bounded entire function is a conRtant") independent ofthe harmonic
theory, as follows: Given If(z)1 ~ M for all z in C. By the Cauchy inequality. 1f'(zo)1 ::;; M(zo; r)/r ~ M Ir for all points Zo and radii r. This is true as r -+ co; thus, as Mlr -+ O. Hence, 1f'(zo)1 = 0 for all zoo Thus. f = constant. Done.
Exercises to Section 4.11 1. How many applications of the MIAnequality in this chapter can you recall? To which integrals was the inequality applied? 2. Suppose fis entire and M(zo; r) ::;; arl' for some a > 0, positive integer k, and all sufficiently large r. Prove that f(n){zo) = 0 for all n ~ k + 1. Hint: See
proof of Liouville's Theorem in this section. 3. Suppose fis an entire function such that f(1t.+ l){Z) = 0 for all z. Prove that fis a polynomial of degree ::;; k. 4. On polynomial growth. Supposefis entire and that, for some zo, M(Zoi r) ::;; aT'" for some a > 0, positive integer k, and all sufficiently large r. Prove that f is a polynomial of degree ::;; k. Hint: By Exercises 2 and 3, it suffices to show that for each ZIt M(Zl; r.) ~ at rl t for some at > 0 and all sufficiently large r. (where Tl = Iz - z.\). To show this, use M(zt; rt) 5 M(zo; IZI - 201 + rl). which follows from the Maximum Modulus Principle.
Comment: This problem points out the organic nature of analytic functions. Growth conditions on derivatives at a single point Zo imply similar conditions at all other points and severely restrict the nature of the function. The Taylor series (Chapter 5) of f carries this theme much further. 5. On the role of the complex integral. How many of the results of Sections 5 through 11 actually mention the complex line integral in their statements? Contrast this with their proofs!
Seetion 4.12 WHATS AHEAD?
Though we have now caught a glimpse of several remarkable properties of analytic functions, much more remains to be seen. It will soon be necessary to construct more technical tools: power series, convergence. Before we embark on this, therefore, let us organize our
Sec. 4.72
What's Ahead}
search by raising two quite different (or so it seems) questions that we have not answered satisfactorily to date. These two questions motivate a great deal of what follows. First Question: Integration of Nonanalytic Functions
We have said a great deal about Ir f(z) dz in the case r is some loop and f is analytic at all points on and inside r. But what if f fails to be analytic at certain points so that the Cauchy Integral Theorem (in particular) does not apply? Such integrals occur frequently in applications. The result we are headed for here is the so-called Residue Theorem (Chapter 7). Our work on Laurent Series (Chapter 6) will tell us what certain nonanalytic functions look like. Second Question: Mapping by Analytic Functions
Suppose w = f(z) is analytic in a nice domain n in the z-plane. What can we say about the image set f(n) as a subset of the w-plane? Is it open? connected? bounded if n is bounded? Another basic question: In ordinary calculus, if the derivative f'(xo) is nonzero, then y = f(x) is strictly increasing or decreasing near xo, and hence the function is one-to-one for x near Xo. Now suppose w = f(z) is complex analytic and f(zo) # O. Is w = f(z) one-to-one in a small disc about zo? In general, what does the complex derivative tell us about the geometric behavior of f(z)? A very deep question: Given domains n l1 O 2 in the z-plane and w-plane, respectively, does there exist a one-to-one analytic mapping w = f(z) ofn l onto!l2? As we noted in the Appendix to Section 4.5, this is important in boundary value problems. We will devote Chapter 8 to these geometric issues.
5 Analytic Functions and Power Series
5.1.0 Introduction In Chapter 4 we developed the machinery of complex line integration, used this to prove the Cauchy Integral Theorem and Formula, and at last derived from these a host of marvelous consequences: infinite differentiability of analytic functions. the Maximum Modulus Principle, Liouville's Theorem, and so on. The pattern of the present chapter will be similar. We will :first develop the general machinery of sequences and series. It is possible you have seen some of this already. Then we will establish Taylor's and Laurent's Theorems. These will assure us that the functions we are interested in may be written as so-called power series. Thus, for example, we will see that the familiar exponential function may be written Z2
expz=l+z+-+-+···= 2! 3!
Finally, we will gain further insight into the nature of analytic functions by examining the related power series. Be encouraged that this gain in insight will justify our initial technical labors. Let us first mention a major technical question in an informal way. Suppose we are given a power series, an infinite formal sum: ao + alz
+ a2z2 + a3 z3 + .. ,.
This is an "infinitely long polynomial" in the variable z with given coelfi,cisnts Co. C10 a2. a... ·· '. What is the result of "plugging in" a
Sequences and Series
Sec. 5.1
particular complex number for z, say, Z = Z1? While we know what it means to add two or three or any finite string of complex numbers, we must make some careful definitions before an infinite sum makes sense. Let us turn to this now.
5.1.1 Series of Real Numbers Complex power series will be discussed in terms of series of complex numbers. In turn, series of complex numbers will be treated in terms of series of real numbers. We will recall here some of the basic facts about real series (essentially one definition and one theorem). All subsequent theory will depend on these. A real series is an infinite formal sum Uo
+ . ",
with each term u" in IR. This series is also denoted or, more simply, We say that the series above converges to the 8um U (a real number), provided
lim ""'00
" Uk = L "=0
Some comments: The numbers 80
" = 'Uo + u t ,··., 8" = L
U",. ••
and the partial sums of the series. Thus, the series converges to u if and only if the sequence So, 81, ••• , s",. .. has limit u; that is, lim,. ... 00 s" = u. This is the standard language. For example, let us look at the series 1
!2 + !4 + ... + (!)A: + ... f (!)" , 2 2 =
a special case of the geometric series (of which, more later). The sequence of partial sums begins 80
+ t + t = i,
and so on. You should convince yourself that the series converges to the sum u = 2. Note that the nth term u" = (t)" is one-half of the difference 2 -
We have so far neglected to give an exact definition of the limit statement used to define the sum of a series. It is this: lim
" ... 00
Analytic Functions and Power Series
Chap. 5
if and only if, given any e > 0, no matter how small, there is an index (subscript) nil depending on the given e with the property that, if n > ni'
I1: u" - ul
In other words, the partial sums 8/1 eventually come arbitrarily close to the sum u. If a series does not converge. it is said to diverge. For example, the senes 1+1+1+1+1+1+···
diverges to infinity, while the series a)
1 - 1 + 1 - 1 + 1 - ... =
diverges because its sequence of partial sums oscillates between 1 and 0, thus: 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, ... , and so never tends to a unique limit. Now we mention what is perhaps the crucial theoretical description of convergent series. It is an internal property that every convergent series has and no divergent series has. We say lIinternal" because the property makes no explicit mention of the sum of the series. REAL CAUCHY CONVERGENCE CRITERION
The real series L~=o Uk is convergent ~ given any e > 0, there is an index n£ such that, whenever n > nil and p is any positive integer, then
We discuss this briefiy. First, if the series is convergent to a sum u, then the partial sums SIt and s,,+ p must both be close to u for sufficiently large n, and hence must be close to each other. But note that the finite sum U,,+1 + ... + u n +p is simply the difference 8 n + p - SIt and hence should be of small size. Conversely, if the sums
U n +l + ... + u,,+p are small in absolute value as hypothesized in the theorem, then all pairs of partial 'sums SIt and S"+9 become close for large n. It then follows from the completeness property of the real numbers (roughly, "the real axis has no gaps") that the partial sums must be close to some actual number u, which is proved to be the sum of the series. That is, the series converges. Hence, the Cauchy Convergence Criterion embodies the completeness of the real number system. At last we may discuss series of complex numbers.
Sec. 5.7
Sequences and Series
Exercises to Paragraph 5.1.1 1. Some famous real series. Recall the following facts from calculus and see if you can prove any at the moment. We will discuss methods for some of these in subsequent sections. We will see statement (e) often. (a) The harmonic series 2::': 1(lIn) diverges. (b) 2: (1/n 2 ) converges (to 1t2 /6, in fact, though this exact value requires much more work). (c) More generally, ifp is a real constant, then L (l/np) converges if and only ifp > 1. (d) The alternating haI1Ilonic series L (-l)n/n converges (to In 2, in fact). (e) If Irl < 1, then the geometric series 2::':0 rn converges to 1/(1 - r). 2. For those who know some elementary real analysis (or topology of the real line): (a) Recall the definition of "Cauchy sequence." (b) Recall that the Completeness Axiom of the real line may be stated: itA real sequence converges if and only if it is a Cauchy sequence." (c) Verify that the Real Cauchy Convergence Criterion given in this section may be restated: "A real series converges if and only if its sequence of partial sums is a Cauchy sequence." (d) What other formulations of the Completeness Axiom do you know?
5.1.2 Series of Complex Numbers
Now we define convergence and establish a Cauchy criterion for series
where the ble are complex numbers. We exploit the fact that the complex term bk decomposes into real and imaginary parts,
whence we write
Thus, we say that
if and only if b
ble converges to the sum b, written
= u + iv, where u and v satisfy IX)
~ k=O
Vk = V.
Analytic Functions and Power Series
Note that if the terms b" are actually real (Vk = 0), then this definition reduces to that for real series. It is a fact that L bIt = b in the above sense if and only if n
n-+oo k=O
bk = b,
where the complex limit has a standard e, ns definition. We will omit discussion of this, however, as it is not essential to our purposes. The theoretical tool that we will use again and again to conclude
that a given series converges is the following: COMPLEX CAUCHY CONVERGENCE CRITERION
The complex series I: b" is convergent <:> given any 8 > 0 there is an index n£ such that, whenever n > ns and p is any positive integer, then
Proof: (~) Standard routine: Reduce to real case and use the triangle
inequality. Thus, writing bk = uk.
Ibn+ 1 + ... +
l(u n+ 1
:::; IUn+ 1
we have
+ ... + un+ p ) + i(Vn+l + ... + vI+P)1 + ... + un+,,1 + IVn+l + ... + vn+pl.
since Iii = 1. Now we supply the details. Suppose e > 0 is given. Since L bIt converges, the real series L Ub L Vk converge. By the real Cauchy criterion, given e' = e/2, there exist n* and n** (for the Uk'S and Vk'S, respectively) such that
provided n > n*, m > n** for arbitrary positive p, q. Now we define nil to be the larger of n* and n**. Thus,
provided n. > nt • The triangle inequality displayed above yields Ibn + 1 + ... + bn+pl < e, as desired. (<=) To show L bk converges, we will show that both L Uk and L v" converge, via the real Cauchy criterion. To show that L Uk satisfies the real Cauchy criterion, let 8 > 0 be given. By hypothesis, there is an index ns such that
Sec. 5.1
Sequences and Series
for 17. > n t • But Un+J + ... + U n + p is the real part of the complex number bn+! + ... + bn+ p , and so (look at a triangle!)
Ibn + 1 + ... + bn+DI < e. Thus, 17.£ works for L Uk and likewise for L Vk' By the remarks above, we IUlI+l
+ ... +
un+,,1 ~
are done. Comments
1. This is an intrinsic criterion. It makes no mention of the sum of the series in any limit statement. 2. Interpretation: If, as 17. gets sufficiently large, the nth partial sum bo + ... + bn tends relentlessly to the sum b, then there can be no portion blr + 1 + ... + bn+p of the difference b - (bo + _.. + bJ that will be very large in absolute value. 3. We will often combine this with the Comparison Test (coming) to prove convergence of a given series.
Exercises to Paragraph 5.1.2 1. Consider LCIO:: l bk. where bk = (i)k{k. (a.) Write down the first six terms of this series. (b) Compute the first six partial sums 81 ••••• 86 of this series. (c) Prove that this complex series converges by applying your knowledge of alternating series to its real and imaginary parts (note that this embodies our definitions of convergence). (d) Can you determine the actual sum of this series? (Observe, at least, that this can be much more difficult than merely proving that the sum exists!) 2. Concoct a (nonreal) complex series that diverges. Hint: Use a divergent real series. a. Some metric topology of the plane (see the set of exercises to Paragraph 5.1.1 also).
(a) Recall the definition of Cauchy sequence in the plane (in fact, in any metric space, if you know what that is). (b) How is the completeness of the plane formulated in terms of Cauchy sequences? Hint: Sec Exercise 2(b) to Paragraph 5.1.1. (c) Verify that the Cauchy criterion of the text states that ItA complex series converges if and only if its sequence of (complex) partial sums is a complex Cauchy sequence."
5.1.3 Absolute Convergence
We say that the complex series L bl! con.verges absolutely if and only if the series L Ibnl of nonnegative real numbers converges. We will be dealing in later sections with many series that converge abaol utely.
Analytic Function:s and Powsr Ser/sll
It is worth noting that it is more likely that a complex series con· verges than that it converges absolutely. Absolute convergence is "difficult to achieve" because an infinite set of positive numbers must add up to a finite sum. There is no hope of subtraction aiding con·
vergence. For example, you may be familiar with the alternating harmonic series
I-t+t-i+t-···. It is often shown in calculus that this series converges (in fact, its sum is log 2). However, the positive harmonic series
l+t+t+!+t+ .. · does not converge. This sum is infinite. In other words, the alternating harmonic series converges, but does not converge absolutely. Now we will see that the property of absolute convergence is strong enough to guarantee convergence in the ordinary sense. THEOREM 1
If the complex series
2: bn converges absolutely, then it converges.
Proof: Note first that Ibn +1 + ... + bn+l'l :::; Ibn+ 1 1 + ... + Ibn+l'l. Absolute convergence and the Cauchy criterion guarantee that the right.hand term here can be made less than any given 8 > 0, provided only that n is chosen large enough. By the inequality noted, the same is true of the left.hand side. But, again by the Cauchy criterion, this is equivalent to convergence of the-complex series. Done. We mention that a series which converges but does not converge absolutely is said to converge conditionally.
Exercises to Paragraph 5.1.3 1. Prove that 2::':.1 (iffk converges conditionally, not absolutely (see the exercises to Paragraph 5.1.2). 2. Do the-following converge absolutely. converge conditionally. or diverge? (a) L~=o zn with Izl < I, (b) 12:::1 ifn, (c) 12~1 (i)"fk2. (d) 12~1 (-1fifk.
3. Proof or counterexample: If the real and imaginary parts of a complex series converge absolutely, then the complex series converges absolutely.
Sec. 5.7
Sequences and Series
4. True or false? (a) The Cauchy criterion for complex series was, for us. a consequence of the criterion for real series. (b) We used the complex Cauchy criterion to prove that absolute convergence
implies convergence. (c) The Cauchy criteria tell us the exact sum of a convergent series.
5.1.4 Further Properties of Series We mention some facts we will be using soon. First we discuss the terms of a convergent series. THEOREM
If the complex series L bk is convergent, then (i) ~-1Xl b" = 0, (ii) the terms b" are bounded; that is, there exists M > 0 such that Ibkl < M for all k.
Proof: (i) This follows from the Cauchy criterion by taking p = 1. For, given any e > 0, we are thereby assured that all but a finite number of terms satisfY Ib,,1 < G, which is the same as convergence of the sequence {bd to zero. (ii) Since all but a finite number of terms satisfy Ib,,1 < 8 for any positive 8, we can clearly pick a somewhat larger M ~ 8 > 0 such that all terms satisfy Ib,,1 < M. Done.
We will make considerable use of the following theorem on series of nonnegative real numbers. COMPARISON TEST
Let L Uk and L
be real series with 0
Uk S
V k.
(i) if L u" converges, then L Uk also converges and L (ii) if L Uk diverges, then L Uk also diverges.
Uk S
You should be able to prove both these statements. Use the Cauchy criterion to prove (i). Note that the divergence of the positive series L Uk in (ii) means that this sum. is infinite.
Exercises to Paragraph 5.1.4 1. Proof or counterexample: If limk .... "" bk = 0. then L bk converges. 2. Proof or counterexample: If Ibkl < Mfor all k. then L bk is convergent.
Analytic Functions and Pow"r Series
Chap. 5
3. Given that L rk converges with real rk ~ O. Suppose Ibkl ~ Tk for each k. Prove that L bk converges absolutely. This is a basic technique. We'll see it again. 4. Given that Lf=o (1/2k) = 2 and Izi < 1/2. how much can you say about Lk=O zt and convergence? 5. Give a full proof of the Comparison Test.
Section 5.2 POWER SERIES 5.2.0 Introduction Let us begin with the very important geometric series 1
+ .. ,.
We ask: uFor which values of z does this series converge to a finite complex sum?U Note that z = 1 yields divergence: 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + ,. '. Suppose that for a particular value z the series converged to the sum 8(Z). This would mean that the sequence of partial Bums would converge to 8(Z); that is, lim (1 +
+ ... +
Zll) =
" ..... 00
Let us examine the special polynomiall + z + Z2 + ... + z". We note that this polynomial may be realized as a quotient of simpler polynomials, 1
+ z + Z2 + ... +
To check this, merely observe (1
Zll =
1 - z!'+1
I - z
+, .. +
02")(1 - z)
= 1 -
Thus, by basic properties of limits, we have 8(Z)
Z,,+1 = lim 1- - ,,-+00
1 - z
1 ( 1 - lim z"+s ) . 1 - z ,,~oo
= --
To evaluate this last limit, note first that
lim z" Also,
lim z"+ I.
Izl", Now suppose Izl < 1. Then Izl > Izl2 > .. " lim Iz"l -= lim Izl" = 0 (izi < I), " .... 00
and in fact,
" .... 00
Since Iz"l is approaching zero, we see that z" is approaching the origin, lim" ..... oo z" = O. Our conclusion is 8(Z)
= lim (1 + z +, .. + z,,) 11_00
1_ 1 - z
< 1).
Sec. 6.2
Power Seriell
As a corollary, 2:k':o (!-)" = 2, a result mentioned earlier. On the other hand, if Izl ~ 1, then Iz"1 ~ 1. Consequently, the nth term of the series does not approach zero, whence (Theorem 2) the series must diverge. In summary, we have seen that (i) the geometric series 1 + z + Z2 + ... converges for all z in the open unit disc D(O; 1) centered at the origin; (ii) for z in this disc, that is Izl < 1, we have a "closed form" for the sum, namely, 1
+z +
+ ...
1 1 - z'
= -- •
(iii) the series diverges for all z with Izl ~ 1. We will devote the remainder of this section to obtaining similar results for arbitrary power series. We will see that they converge inside a disc of a certain radius (possibly zero or infinite) and that they represent analytic functions (say, f(z) = 1/(1 - z» within that disc. Note carefully. however, that the series 1 + z + Z2 +. .. converges only if Izl < 1, whereas the function f(z) = 1/(1 - z) is defined in the entire plane except for the single point z = 1. Power series representation is a local affair!
5.2.1 The Disc of Convergence
We will discuss power series of the form ao
+ a.(z
- zo)
+ a2(z
- ZO)2
+ ... ,
which we may write or simply Here the point Zo is the center and we say that the series is centered at Zo or is expanded in powers of z - zoo The following is a very important tool. Refer to Figure 5.1. LEMMA
If the series L
a,,(z -
absolutely for all points
converges at the point z l ' then it converges
z such that 1z - zol
Proof: Since the series 2: a,,(z I - zo)" of complex numbers converges, we know by Theorem 2 that its terms are bounded,
la,,(zt - zo)"1 < M
Analytic Functions and Powflr SfIr;es
converges here, it converges at closer to Zo.
H a series centered at zo diverges here, then it diverges at all points farther from zoo The meaning of Lemma 3 Figure
for some M > 0 and k = 0, 1, .... Now we note that la,,(z - Zo)" 1 =
la"(Zl -
(Z - ZoZo)"1 Z1 -
< M
IZ.Z -- ZoZo I"
where we write r
If 1Z - Zo 1< 1Z1 - zol, then r < 1 and the geometric series L rk converges. By comparison with M L: rIc. the series L lak(z - Zo)" 1 of positive
numbers also converges. Done. Now we describe the region of convergence of a power series. THEOREM
Given a power series R satisfying 0 ::=; R <
L: a,,(z 00,
- 2.0)" centered at zo, there is a value such that
(i) the series converges absolutely for all Z in the open disc D(zo; R) if R > 0, or at the point z = Zo only if R = 0; (ii) the series diverges at all points z outside the closed disc D(zo; R}. that is. for Iz - zol > R.
Sec. 5.2
Power Serif,:;
Note: The series mayor may not diverge at a point on the circle
Iz - zol = R. This is often a more delicate issue. Proof: If the series converges only for z = Zo, let R = 0 and we are done. If on the other hand, the series converges at some Zl different from zo, then Lemma 3 assures us that it converges in an open disc of radius (at least) IZl - zol. Let us form the union of all open discs centered at Zo throughout which the series converges. This union is an open disc centered at zo, and as such has a radius R (possibly infinite, so that the disc of convergence is the entire plane). It is now clear that the series converges at each point of this open disc D(zo; R). If, on the other hand, Iz - zol = R t > R, then the series must diverge at z, or else, by Lemma 3, it would converge in the disc D(zo; R 1 ), which is strictly larger than D(zo; R). This contradicts the construction of D(zo; R). Done.
The number R whose existence is proved. here is termed. the radius of convergence of the given series. See Figure 5.2. For example, we saw at the beginning of this section that the geometric series has radius of convergence R = 1. Any polynomial in z is an entire function and hence converges in the disc of radius R = 00, the entire plane.
convergence at each point in here convergence or divergence possible at each point of circle The disc of convergence Note in Figure 5.2 that the radius R is measured. from the point Zo (which is the Hcenter" of the series). Suppose the radius of convergence of the series L alz - zo)k is R, with 0 < R < 00. Then the series converges at all points of the open disc D(zo; R) and also (possibly) at certain points on the rim of the disc,
Analytic Functions and Power Series
that is, on the circle C(zo; R). Usually, we are concerned with the behavior of the function defined by the series on the open disc D(zo; R) rather than at any boundary points. Thus, it is helpful to call D(zo; R) the disc of convergence of the series. If R is infinite, then its disc of convergence is the entire plane. Warning
A typical series converges on its disc of convergence and at some (possibly none, possibly all) points on the rim of this disc as well. Don't make the mistake of thinking that every series converges only on an open disc (even if we speak of "the disc of convergence"). For The Connoisseur
The question of convergence of a series at points on the rim of the disc of convergence is a study in itself. Some elementary phenomena are treated in the exercises. How to Compute the Radius of Convergence
It is occasionally useful to be able to compute the radius R for an explicitly given power series. We will present a method that works in most cases. It depends on the Ratio Test for convergence, which is proved in most calculus texts. Let us state this test first. RATIO TEST
Let L bk be a real series with bk > 0, and suppose the following limit of ratios exists:
Then (i) if). < 1, the series converges. (ii) if). > 1, the series diverges. (iii) if). = 1, the test is inconclusive.
We may now obtain the radius of convergence from the following result. THEOREM
Given L ak(z -
exists, then the series has radius of convergence R = I/L if L :f:. 0 and R = 00 if L = O. If the limit is infinite, then R = O.
Sec. 5.2
Power Series
Proof: We form the ratio - Zo)k+ll_laka+"lIIZ lak+l(Z G,,(z - zo)"
Zo)k+ 1_
1 1 _ Iim lak+l(Z I I ,/\, , - L ·Z-Zo. "-+Cl) ak(z - zo)
Thus, the A. of the Ratio Test exists for this series if and only if L exists. Now l < 1 if and only if IZ - zol < I/L so that R = I/L is the radius of convergence. Done. Examples 1. Given 1 - (z - 1) + (z - 1)2 - ... = L (-1)"(z - 1)". Thus, ak =' ( _1)" for all k and so L = 1. By the theorem, R = 1.
We might verify this in another way. We note that 1 1 1 -= - -----------Z 1 + (z - 1) 1 - {-(z - I)}
{-(z - I)}
{-(z - 1)}2
+ ...
by our work with geometric series. Removing the brackets, we see that = 1 - (z - 1) + (z - 1)2 - (z - 1? + .... Thus, the given series is actually an expansion of the function f(z) = lIz in powers of z - 1. But this function "blows up" at z = 0 only, and so we might expect that a disc of convergence centered at Zo = 1 would extend only to the origin. That is, R = 1, as found above by the theorem. 2. Given the series
1/ Z
l+z+-+-+···. Then a"+1 l~I
= (k +
I)! = k
Thus, the limit L as k gets large is zero, and so R = 00. This power series converges in the entire plane (to which familiar function? See Exercise 11, next page).
Exercises to Paragraph 5.2.1 1. Compute L~o zit. in the case z = (1 + i)/2. 2. Given that L~o a" is a convergent series of complex numbers. We apply Lemma 3 to the power series L alez". (a) AIgue that L a"zt converges for z = 1. (b) Conclude L alez" converges if \z\ < 1.
Analytic Functions and Power Series
Chap. 6
(c) Can you conclude L la"z"l converges if Izl < 1? (d) Can you conclude L lakz"l converges if Izl = 1? (e) Can you conclude L a"z" diverges if Izl = I? (f) Can you conclude L atz" diverges if Izl > 1? 3. Given that L a,,(,z - i)" converges at z = 2i but diverges at z = o. (a) Does the series converge at z = (1 + i)/2? (b) Does the series converge at z = l? (c) Does the series converge at z = 1 + i? (d) What is the radius R of convergence of this series? (e) Draw a picture ofthe diRe of convergence, if you have not done sa already. 4. Given that L a" converges conditionally, what is the radius of convergence
ofLad'? 5. Compute the radius of convergence of L~ 1 (-1)"z"/k without using Theorem 5. Hint: Exercise 4. 6. Likewise for (a) L z~/k; (b) L kz~. 7. Construct a series in powers of z - 1 which converges for Iz - 11 < 1 and diverges for Iz - 11 > 1. 8. Construct a series in powers of z which converges for Izl < ! and diverges for Izi > t. Hint: Izi < t if and only if lei < 1, where' = 2z. 9. A series that converges precisely on the closed disc Izl s 1. (a) Prove L z"/k1. converges for Izl =:; 1. (b) In fact, the convergence is absolute at all points of the closed unit disc. (c) Prove that the series diverges for z = 1 + 0 for any real (j > O. Hint: Look at (1 + 0)". (d) Conclude that L zk/k 2 converges if and only if Izl =:; 1. 10. A series that converges precisely on the open disc 1zl < 1. (a) Given the geometric series L~o z", recall that the nth partial sum is 8,,(Z) = (1 - z"+ 1)/(1 - z). (b) Fix z with Izi = 1. How does zn+1 move in the plane as n ~ 007 (c) Prove that if 1zl ;;:: 1, then there exists no complex 8 such that (1 - z"+ 1)/(1 - z) approaches s. (d) Conclude that the geometric series converges precisely for Izl < 1 (contrast Exercise 9). 11. The series L zk/k! sums to e" for all z. Proof? 12. True or false? (a) The power series L a,,(z - zo)~ converges on a set of points z which equals either the single point Zo or some open disc of finite radius or the entire plane, but no other type of set. (b) If L a"z" is convergent for z = 1, then it is convergent for all z with Izl < 1. (c) If L a"zk is convergent for z = 1, then it is convergent at all points on the circle Izi = 1. (d) If L a"z" is convergent for z = 1, then it is convergent for z = -1. (e) Some power series converge at all points of some open disc and at certain points on the rim of this disc as well. and at no other points. (f) A power series that converges on a certain set of points z defines a function on that set. (g) There are power series that converge on a set of points which is exactly equal to the closed disc Iz I ~ 1.
Power Series
Sec. 5.2
(h) If the series L a/(Zk diverges at z = i, then it diverges at z = 1 + i also. (i) If the series L b,,(z - i)k diverges at z = 1, then it diverges at z = 0 also.
5.2.2 Uniform Convergence of Power Series
We are led to this by asking for the properties of the function defined by a convergent power series. Such a series may be thought of as the limit of an "infinite sequence of polynomials." Hence, we begin by discussing sequences of functions and their limits. Let fo(z), f1 (z), f2(Z), ... be a sequence of complex-valued functions, each defined for all z in the one domain n. We denote such a sequence {f,,}. We do not yet require that the functions be analytic or even continuous.
The limit ofa sequence of functions (if it exists) should be a function. We define a function
f = n-+ limf" co by telling what f(Z1) is for each Z1 in n. Namely, f(Z1) = limn_co fn{Z1). Note that {fiz I)} is a sequence of complex numbers, not fimctions, once we choose ZI' If limn-+co fn(z.) converges for each fixed Z1 in n, then the limit function f is defined on all O. For example, let fiz) = 1 + z + ... + z". If n is the unit disc D(Oj 1), then we know that f(z)
= lim f,.(z) = n ... co
_1_ 1 - Z
Note that it is essential that we restrict ourselves to the unit disc for this limit statement to be true. Now on to uniform convergence. The definitionf(z1) = lim,,-+co f,,(Z1) involved a separate limiting process at each Z = Z1. We say that if,,} converges to f uniformly on a subset S of n if and only if, given any e > 0, there is an index nf: such that if n > n£. then If(z) - fll(z) 1 < e for every z in S. The crux here is that the index ne depends only on the given sequence {fn} and on the given £ > 0, but not on the point z. The same nl: works for all points z in S. In this situation we say that f is the uniform limit of {{,,}, or that f is uniformly approximated by {f,,} (always on some specified set such as S, of course). Culture: It is an important theme of analysis that if each function
f" has a nice property and if the fn converge uniformly (crucial!) to a limit f, then it is l'easonable to hope that f also enjoys this property. The next two theorems exemplify this theme.
An.'ytic Functions .nd Powe, Sflrifls
Chap. 5
The uniform limit of continuous functions is continuous (all defined on the same set S. as usual).
Proof: Let lim,,-+co fn = I uniformly on S. To show lis continuous at z. in S, suppose e > 0 is given. What we eventually wish to conclude is that lI(z) - l(zl)1 < e for certain z. Hence, we use the old trick of rewriting our absolute value:
+ I,,(z)
II(z) - (zl)1 = I(z) - (,,(z)
If(z) - 1,,(z)1
- 1,.(ZI)
+ I(,,(z)
+ 1,,(ZI)
- 1,,(zl)1
- l(z1)1
+ 11,,(zl)
- /(zl)l·
Now we show that each term here can be made less than e/3 by appropriately restricting n and z. Note that this will prove the theorem. Given e/3, uniform convergence assures us there is an index n* such that if n > n* then both II(z) - (lI(z)1 <
Having chosen n > n*, we use the continuity of fn to select a with the property that
> 0
whenever Iz - z.1 ..:: ~. But choice of this particular I(z) - l(zl)1 < e. That is,
assures us that
lim (2) = I(ZI), %.... %1
so I is continuous at z •. Done. We will use this result soon to prove the continuity of power series functions. In the meantime, however, let's see how uniform convergence allows us to interchange two of the limiting processes of analysis, • namely, convergence of sequences and line integration. This will be applied later on via our integral representation theorems. THEOREM
Let {{n} be a sequence ollunctions continuous on a curve suppose 1= lim"-+(fJ I" uniformly'on r. Then
lim f f,,(z) dz ,,-+co)r
= f lim I,,(z) dz = ff(z) dz. )[' ...... 00
r, and
Sec. 6.2
Proof: Since the difference of two integrals is the integral of the difference of the integrands, it suffices to prove that lim
IJrr (fn(z) -
(z» dzi =
By our standard inequality for the integral, we know that
(fll(z) - f(z» dzl < ML,
where L is the length of rand M > Ifll(z) - f(z) I for all z on r. Now uniform convergence allows us to choose M arbitrarily small by taking the index n large enough. This can happen only if the absolute value of the integral has zero limit. Done. Now we will see how the above discussion applies to power series. Suppose the series L ak(z - ZO)k converges in a disc D(zo; R), where as usual we allow the radius R to be infinite. Thus, the power series defines a complex-valued function f(z) in D(zo; R): f(z) =
L a/c(z -
As usual we define the nth partial sum of the series by sn(z) = ao
+ at(z
- zO>
+ ... + all(z -
Thus, the sequence {SIl(Z)} of polynomials converges to the function f(z) on D(zo; R). Now we may ask whether this convergence is in fact uniform. The very important answer is this: THEOREM
Let f(2) = L ak(z - zo)" in D(zo; R). Then on each smaller closed disc 1J(zo; p) with p < R, the sequence {Sn} of partial sums converges uniformly to the function f. Note: We say that a power series converges uniformly on. closed discs inside the disc of convergence. No explicit mention of the partial sums, since we are mainly interested in the series. In order to prove Theorem 8 we will first establish a general lemma that is useful in proving uniform convergence of series. It is this: WEIERSTRASS
Let fo(z).+ f1(z) + ... be a series whose terms are functions defined on a plane set S. Suppose that Mo + Ml + ... is a series with positive terms and that Mil is a number such that 1(lI(z)1 S Mil for all z in S
Analytic Function$ and Power Series
and each n = 0, 1, .... If the series Mo + M J + . . . converges, then the series fo(z) + fl (z) + .. , converges uniformly and absolutely throughout S. Note: The convergence is uniform because the "dominating" series Mo
+ M J + ... is clearly independent of z. Proof: Let z be any point of S. We have by hypothesis Ifn+l(Z)
+ ... +
+ ... + Ifn+k(z)1 + ... + M n+k •
("+k(z)1 ~ Ifn+l(z)1 5 Mn+l
Given any e > 0, convel'gence of the series of M's yields an index ns such that if n > n B and k > 0, then the right·hand side of this equality is less than e. Since z is arbitrary, the convergence is uniform (and obviously absolute). Done. Obviously, the M-test could not be used to prove uniform convergence of a non absolutely convergent series. However, we have already seen that power series do converge absolutely inside their disc of convergence, so all is well.
Proof of Theorem 8: This is a reworking of the proof of Lemma 3. ZI in the large disc but not in the small one:
We choose a point
P <
Since the series converges at z = M> 0:
zol < R. its terms are bounded there by some
Now let z be in the closed disc, Iz - zol :5 p. We have
la,,(z - ZO)k; = lak(zl -
Zo)" 1
Zo Zo
Ik < Mk = Mrk,
provided r = p/izi - zol. Thus, r < 1. Since M L rk is a convergent geometric series, the M-test gives uniform convergence. Done. COROLLARY
Let fez) = L a,,(z - ZO)k be a function given by a convergent power series on the disc D(zo; R). Then f is continuous at each point of D(zo; R).
Proof: Use Theorems 6 and 7 and the fact that the partial sums of the series are polynomials and hence continuous. Done. We will soon show that the power series function I(z) is not. merely continuous but actually analytic.
Sec. 5.2
Power Series
Exercises to Paragraph 5.2.2 1. Let ,.(z) = z" for n = 0, 1,2, .... (a) Fix ZI satisfying IZII < 1. What is lim"~ co 'n(Zl)? (b) Describe the function, = lim,. ... ", ',. on the unit disc 121 < 1. Can you give an explicit formula for f? (c) Prove that {(n} converges to , uniformly on any closed disc Izl =:; p < 1 strictly inside the open unit disc. Proceed as follows: Given p and given /'; > 0, show there exists n£ such that if n > n£, then p" < lJ. Conclude Iz I" < /; for Izi =:; p. (d) Show that the convergence of «(J to f is not uniform on the full open disc Izi < 1. Proceed as follows: Given any 6 > 0 and any index n, prove there exists a point z (close to the unit circle) such that 12"1 > e. 2. Lett = limn ',. unifol'mly, with all fwwlioru; deflned un a plane set S. True or false? (a) If each (n is continuous, then f is continuous. (b) If all but a finite number of the are continuous, then f is continuous. (c) If (is continuous, then each (II is continuous. (d) If each (II is a polynomial in z, then, is likewise. (e) If each (II is a polynomial of degree =:;3, then {is likewise. 3. Uniform convergence of real {unctions. Suppose fll = lim,,-. 110 {" where f"(x) and {(x) are real-valued functions defined on a subset (8) of the x-axis. Convince yourself that this has the following pictorial interpretation: Given any e > 0, then the graphs of all but a finite number of the fll lie in a "beW' of width 26 drawn about the graph y = f(x) of the limit function. This belt is the set {(x, y) I x E 8,f(x) - e < y < (x) + 6}.
4. Let the complex function {be the uniform limit of fn on a plane set 8. Prove that if the {" are each bounded on S, Ifn(z) I < B" for all z in S, then 1f(z) 1is bounded in 8. This is false if the limit is not uniform! 5. (a) The polynomials fn(z) = 1 + z + .. , + Zll converge to which rational functionf(z) on the open disc Izi < 1? (b) Prove that this convergence is not uniform on the full open disc Izi < 1. Hint: Use Exercise 4. (c) Prove directly (do not appeal to Theorem 8) that lim fn = f is uniform on closed discs Izl ::5 p < 1. Hint: Write fn(z) = (1 - zO+I)/(1 - z) and look at
Ifn(z) - '(z)l.
(d) Does f(z) = lim fn(z) for Izi > l? (e) Compute JC(1; 1) dz/(l - z). Hint: Chapter 4. (f) Compute lim,. .... III JC(l;l) (1 + z + ... + zft) dz. (g) In view of Theorem 7, why' are the answers in (e) and (f) different? 6. Given that L~o zk/k! converges to eX for all z, compute
r [1 + z + (z:) + ... + (2:)] dz. n.... CXJJa n. lim
Note that each integral is independent of the path from a to b. 7. Uniform convergence was initially defined for sequences of functions. How did WE! relate it to power series? What does it mean to say that a power series converges uniformly on some plane set?
Analytic Function811nd Power Series
8. Topics for meditation (a) The M·test is a variant of the Comparison Test. (b) Roughly speaking, uniform convergence of power series on closed discs was established by comparing the series to a certain geometric series. (c) Suppose lim..-> <0 fn = f on a set S. What reasonable extra conditions (on {fn}, S, etc.) will guarantee that the convergence is in fact uniform? Can you discover a useful theorem? 9. A Cauchy criterion for uniform convergence of {gn}. Prove the following internal characterization: The sequence {gn} converges uniformly on S to its limit if and only if, given any e > 0, there exists n£ such that n, m > n£ implies Ign(z) - gm(Z) I < e for all Z in S. Note that we essentially used this in our proof of the M·test, taking
gn(z) = fo(z) + ... + fn(z). 10. (a) Let {fn} be a sequence of entire analytic functions which converges
uniformly on C to the zero function. Prove that all but a finite number of the tit are identically constant. (b) Show by example that (a) is false if we replaceC by a disc
< p.
5.2.3 Uniform Convergence and Analyticity We now know that a power series is the uniform limit of a sequence of polynomials, namely, its partial sums. These polynomials are each analytic. The next result will enable us to conclude the analyticity .of the function defined by the power series. THEOREM
Let {fn} be a sequence of analytic functions all defined on a domain n. Let f(z) = lim/l-> 00 fn(z) uniformly on n. Then f is also analytic on O. Proof: We will use Morera's Theorem to conclude the analyticity of
f. By Theorem 7, lim n ....
f/l(z) dz =
f(z) dz
iB any closed curve contained in any disc inside
Since fn(z)
is analytic, its contour integral around r vanishes (why?). Thus the integral off(z) around r vanishes. Since r was typical, Morera's Theorem gives the result. Done. COROLLARY
A power series defines an analytic function at each point inside its open disc of convergence. Proof: Every point of the disc of convergence (open!) is interior to a closed 8ubdisc. We leave the rest to you. Done.
Sec. 5.2
Power Series
A Delicate Point The power series might converge at some point on the rim of its disc of convergence. It does not always follow, however, that the function represented by the convergent series is analytic at this point on the rim. Points on the rim must be handled separately. See the Exercises for various phenomena on the rim.
Power Series and Derivatives Our original definition of complex analyticity involved existence and continuity of the derivative. Hence, we are led to ask about the derivative of a power series. Given the series
+ a 1(z -
+ a2(z
- zo?
+ ... ,
we may differentiate it term-by-term in a formal way, obtaining a power series al
2a 2 (z - zo)
+ 3a 3 (z
+ ....
Now we ask, "If the first series converges for z = ZI' does the second converge there also 1" And here is a somewhat more subtle question: "If the first series represents an analytic function f(z), does the second series converge to f'(z)?" To answer these questions, let us first consider the following general theorem. THEOREM
Let the sequence {fn} of functions analytic on the domain Q converge uniformly on each closed subdisc of Q to the analytic function f. Then the sequence {f' n} of derivatives converges uniformly on each closed subdisc of Q to the derivative f'. Proof: Let 15 be any closed subdisc of n. We must show that for any e > 0, there is an index nil such that if n > n 8 , then 1f'(C) - f'1I(OI < e for all I; in D. Since we have some information about f(z) - fn(z), we use the Integral Formula, f'(C) - f'n(O
= 21.
r f(;)z-- ~~z) dz,
which immediately yields the standard estimate 1f'(C) - f'n(C>1
~ ~ max If(z) 2rr zer
fn~z)l.length r.
Iz - 'I
Here, r is a circle in 0, which has the same center but a slightly larger radius than D. In fact. let d > 0 be the smallest distance from r to D; that is, d = radius r - radius D.
Analytic Functions and Power Series
Chap. 5
Now let 8* = e27r d 2 /1ength r. Since {fn} converges uniformly on the closed Bubdisc bounded by r to its limit f, we know there is an index n* such that n > n* implies If(z) - fn(z)/ < e* for all z on r. Thus the standard estimate above assures us that if n > n*, then 1
I('(') - f'n(OI < 2n d 2 • length r = e for every' in D. Thus, if we define ne to be n*, we have satisfied the requirement for uniform convergence on D. Done. Now we may answer our question about term-by-term differentiation of power series. 13 Let f(z) = L ak(z - ZO)k have disc of convergence D(zo; R). Then the • differentiated power series L kaiz - ZOl-l convergea to the derivative f'(z) and has the same disc of convergence D(zo; R). COROLLARY
Proof: Because f(z) is an analytic function, we know first that f'(z) is defined on D(~o; R). Now we consider the partial sums al
+ 2a2(Z
- zo)
+ ... +
nan(z - zo)n-l.
On the one hand, these are the derivatives of the partial sums of the power series that defined f. By Theorem 12, these derivatives converge to f'(z) on n = D(zo; R). On the other hand, these derivatives clearly approach the series L kak(z - ZO),'-l, which thereby equals f'(z) and converges on D(zo; R). To see that the derived series does not converge in any open disc larger than D(zo; R), let Zl be some point such that IZI - zol > R. Now let k be an integer larger than /ZI - zol. We have ICZt(Zl - zo),,1 < Ikak(Zl - ZO)k-ll. Since the series obtained from tenns on the left diverges, so does the series with terms given by the right-hand side. Done. Moral of Section 5.2 Convergent power series yield analytic functions.
In the next section we will learn that analytic functions yield convergent power series! Exercises to Paragraph 5.2.3 1. On Theorem 10. True or false? (a) If f is the uniform limit of any sequence of polynomials (not necessarily
the partial sums of a power series) defined on a domain n, then f is analytic in
Sec. 5.2
Power Series
(b) If { = lim {", with each {n analytic on a domain 0. and if the convergence is uniform on every closed subdisc of 0, then {is analytic on O. (c) If the series { = L gn is uniformly convergent in a domain 0. and if each g" is analytic in 0, then f is analytic in n. 2. A different proof of Theorem 10. Giv:en that {is the uniform limit of analytic functions f" on 0. we will show that {' exists and is continuous. (a) Prove that {{'.} converges uniformly on closed subdiscs n to some limit (call it g). Hint: Write f'" in terms of {" by means of an integral formula and show that the sequence of integrals satisfies a uniform Cauchy criterion (all this on a closed subdisc of n). (b) Observe that g is continuous on O. (c) Prove that g is the derivative of f on n. Hint: Fundamental TheoreIlL 3. A third proof of Theorem 10 (a) In the difference quotient «((z) - {(zo»/(z - zo), replace (z) by ... <XI fn(z), etc., so that ('(zo) is expressed as a double limit.
(b) Argue that uniform convergence permits the interchange of 1im:-+:o and
lim,,_ <Xl in (a). This is the point of uniform convergence. (c) Deduce that ('(zo) exists and equals lim,. ... ~ f',,(zo). (d) Conclude (' is continuous, whence f is analytic. 4. A fourth proof of Theorem 10 (a) Show that (z) = (21ti)-1 ir({)(' - Z)-I by writing f,,(z) in terms of the Cauchy Integral Formula and then letting n approach 00. Verify details. (b) Differentiate under the integral sign to prove analyticity. 5. Invent another proof of Theorem 10. 6. Theorem 10 implies that the uniform limit of complex polynomials on a plane domain n must be analytic (and hence a very nice function). Contrast this
with the following two facts true of real functions. (i) Weierstrass Approximation Theorem. Every real function y = (x) continuous on an interval a 5 x 5 b is the uniform limit of real
polynomials on that interval. (li) There exist many continuous real functions that are not differentiable
at any point. Granted (i) and (ii), answer the following (true or false?): (a) The uniform limit of complex polynomials on a plane domain Q is continuously complex differentiable. (b) The uniform limit of real polynomials on a real interval is continuously real differentiable. (c) The Weierstrass Approximation Theorem fails spectacularly for continuous complex functions. (d) The Weierstrass Approximation Theorem for real continuous functions follows from Theorem 10 by restricting things to the x-axis. (e) A real power series L akx" convergent for Ixi < R is the uniform limit of its partial sums on subintervals Ixl 5 r < R. (f) Every continuous real f(x) has a convergent real power series expansion. 7. Real analytic functions (a) Let L a,,(x - xo)", with a_, x, Xo real, converge at x = Xl :p. Xo. Argue that the complexified series L at(z - XO)k converges (at least) for all z satisfying Iz - xol < IXI - xol. (b) Deduce that the real series converges on an interval symmetric with respect to the center Xo.
Anlllytic Functions lind Power Series
(c) Deduce that the function L a,,(x - XO)k is the uniform limit of real polynomials and is infinitely (real) differentiable on an open interval of convergence. (d) The real function (x) = 1/(1 + x 2 ) is well behaved for all real x. Why does its power series 1 - x 2 + x'" - ..• converge on no open interval larger than Ixl < 1? 8. Given that (1) = 0 and f'(z) = L~o (-l)A:(z - 1)·. (a) Expand (z) in powers of z - 1. (b) The function (z) is famous. What is it? 9. Producing analytic functions (a) Let L at be any convergent series of complex numbers. Argue that L aA:z" converges in the disc Izi < 1 (at least) and hence yields an analytic function there. (b) Think of some ways of producing convergent series L a" of scalars. (0) How would you obtain convergent series L all(z - zo)A: with 20 arbitrary? (d) Name some other ways of generating analytic functions. 10. Why closed subdiscs? Here is an example of a series that converges uniformly on Izi < 1, but whose derivative does not converge uniformly on Izl < L (a) Show that (z) =
converges uniformly on
L -2 k
< 1 (in fact, on
1). Hint: M·test.
(b) ~how that ao Z"-1
f'(z) =
does not converge uniformly on Izl < 1. Hint: It suffices to show that the real series f'(x) does not converge uniformly on the real open interval -1 < x < 1. Note that the series diverges at z = x = 1. Use this to show that, given any index N, no matter how large, the tttail end" LN (XIc-1/k) can be made larger than any given number e by choosing x sufficiently close to 1. Thus, convergence is not uniform in x. (c) Prove that the series in (b) does converge uniformly in z, provided Izi ~ r < 1. Note that in this case we cannot choose x arbitrarily close to 1, as we did in (b).
Section 5.3 ANALYTIC FUNCTIONS YIELD POWER SERIES 5.3.0 Introduction In this section we will begin with an analytic function (contrast Section 5.2, where we began with a power series). We have three objectives:
1. Proof that f(z) analytic in a neighborhood of Zo implies a representationf(z) = ao + a 1(z - zo) + a2(z - ZO)2 + ....
Sec. 5.3
Analytic Functions Yield Power Series
2. Interpretation of the coefficients aQ, ah ... in terms of f. 3. Methods for obtaining the power series (that is, the a,,'s) for an explicit function f.
5.3.1 The Coefficients It is perhaps simplest to deal with objective (2) first. Hence, we will begin by supposing that { does have a power series representation. THEOREM
Suppose the analytic {unction {(z) has a power series representation {(z) = ao + al(z - zo) + a2(z - zo)2 + ... valid in some open disc centered at Zo. Then the coefficients are given by (k = 0, 1, 2, ... ).
Note: It follows that { is represented by only one power series centered at zo, namely, its Taylor series: I(zo)
+ {'(zo)(z
Here, of course, 1(0)
- zo)
= f,I(1)
+ ... +
f(/c)(z ) k!
(z - zo)"
+ ... •
1'. etc.
Prool: Let z = Zo in the equation I(z) = ao + a1(z - zo) + ... to justify ao = I(zo). The terms involving aft a2.· .. all vanish. To isolate the unknown aI' differentiate both sides of this equation: I'(z)
= at + 2a2(z - zo) + ....
Again, letting z = Zo yields at = /'(zo). Continuing in the fashion, we obtain in general l(k)(z) = (1 x 2 x ... x k)a"
+ (2 x 3 x ... x
Plugging in Zo for z yields (k!)a"
+ l»aH 1(z -
+ ....
Example Let us suppose that f(z) = ff does have a power series expansion centered at Zo = 0 (it does). Thus,
How do we obtain the coefficients a,,?
Analytic Functions and Power Series
Chap. 5
By the theorem,
Since f(k)(z) = e= for all k, and since eO = 1, we conclude ak thus we obtain the famous expansion (see Paragraph 5.1.0) Z2
= 11k!,
Exercises to Paragraph 5.3.1 1. Compute the general form of the derivative (")(zo) for the given function (z) and center
(z) = (a) (z)
(b) (c) (d) (e) (f)
and thence the general coefficient
of the Taylor expansion
a,,(z - ZO)k. = e2 %, Zo = 0;
= sin z,
= 0;
(z) = z, Zo = 3; (z) = ~. Zo = 1; (z) = Z2, Zo = i; f(z) = sin z, Zo = n/2.
2. In Section 5.2 we argued algebraically that (z) = 1/(1 - zJ is represented by the Maclaurin series 1 + Z + Z2 + ... for Izl < 1. Obtain this series now by using the formula for ak of Theorem 14. 3. Suppose f(z) = 5 identically in an open disc about zoo Is it possible that (z) = 5 + at(z - zo) + a2(z - zo)'- + ... with some ak #= 0, k ~ I?
4. Justify the term-by-term differentiation of power series in the proof of Theorem 14. Hint; See Section 5.2. 5. (a) Some algebra o( power series. Verify that we add, subtract, multiply, and divide power series (same center
a,,(z - zo)"
L a,,(z -
bk(z - ZO)k
1: bk(z -
ZO)k =
as if they were polynomials. Thus.
1: (at L{ k
bk)(z - zo)",
aJb k- J} (z - zo)t,
with bo #= 0 in the last equation. It mny be necessary to involtc nbsolutc convergence here to justify certain rearrangements. (b) Suppose now that (z), g{z) are analytic at Zo with Taylor expansions L a,,(z - zo)", L b/({z - zo)", respectively. Verify that the functions f(z) ± g(z), !(z)g(z), (z)/g(z) have Taylor expansions equal to the sum, difference, product, and quotient, respectively, of the given expansions.
Sec. 5.3
Anlllytic Functions Yield Power Series
6. Suppose we had defined the exponential function by its power series, exp z Lk::o zk/k! Using series methods (see Section 5.2), how would you prove (a) exp z is entire analytic, (b) exp z is its own derivative. (c) exp z has period 27ti? Which definition do you prefer?
5.3.2 The Taylor Expansion
Now we will see that the hypothesis of Theorem 14 actually does hold, that analytic functions may be represented by power series. THEOREM
Let f be analytic in a domain fl, and let Zo be a point of n. Let D(zo; p) be the largest open disc centered at Zo and contained entirely inside Q. Then, for z in D(zo; p), we have the representation (z) =
L 00
f(k)(Z ) 0
(z -
Note: The series here is called the Taylor series for f at Zo (or Maclaurin series in the case Zo = 0). It clearly depends on Z00 Also, it is possible that the series converges on some' disc larger than D(zo; p), since in particular Q was not specified to be the "maximal" domain of definition for f.
Proof: Given Zo, hence D(zo; p) and a point z in this disc, we write by the Cauchy Integral Formula: f(z) =
~ 2m
f(C) dC.
JrC -
Analvtic Functions and Power Series
Chap. 5
Here, r is a circle C(zo; Pl) centered at Zo with Iz - zol < PI < p. Thus, z is inside rand r is inside n. Now we manipulate the integrand here. We have 1 , - z =
1 Zo - (z - zo) = (; - Zo . 1 - «z - zo)/(l; - zo» •
Now note that I(z - zo)/(C - zo)1 < 1. Thus we have a geometric series
f (ZC -- ZO)k
1 _ 1 - (z - zo)/(C - zo» - k=O
whence our integrand becomes a series: f(O =
f(C) Zo
1: (z -
ZO)k = , - Zo
, -
1: f (C)
(z -
(C -
zo)" . ZOl+l
We wish to integrate this series term-by-term. To justify term-byterm integration, note first that the geometric series here, being a power series, converges uniformly in (z - zo)/«(. - zo) on those closed discs for which I(z - zo)/(C - zo)1 < 1. Since z, Zo are fixed, this geometric series converges uniformly in C, and thus our series ~
(z - zo)" LJ f(O (' _ Zo)k+ 1
converges uniformly in (. to the integrand. It follows that we may integrate this series term-by-term (see discussion below) around r so that f(z)
L {2:i
fr ({ ~(~o)k+l
dC} (z - zo)l'.
But we recognize the expression in the brackets as the Cauchy integral representation of f(k)(zo)/h!. Done. We first comment that our proof here duplicated the work of Theorem 14, showing f(k)(ZO) a" = h! • Let us review our argument on term-by-term integration (used in the proof). Suppose we have g(C) = L g,,(C) converging uniformly on some set of C's. That is, the sequence whose nth term is Lk=O gk(') converges uniformly to g(t;). By Theorem 7, we have that
r g(C) dl;
l:o fr
g,,(O dC =
lim gk(l;) dC, ,,~(()Jrk=O wherc convergence is uniform on r (at lcast). Since thc sum on the righthand side is finite, however, we may interchange it with the line integral to obtain
g(C) de =
k~of g,,(C) dC,
that is, term-by-term integration. Let us state this result formally.
Sec. 5.3
Analytic Functions Yield Power Series
Let L g,,(O converge uniformly in (. on a curve
fr L
g,,(O d{
r. Then
gk«(.) d'.
The existence of a Taylor expansion for all functions analytic in a neighborhood of Zo has the following simple consequence, which you may find startling. LOCAL IDENTITY THEOREM
Let ((z) and g(z) be analytic in a domain n containing the point zoo and suppose that both {unctions and all their derivatives have equal values at the point Zo; that is, (k
= 0, 1, ... )
Then f(z) = g(z) for all points z in the largest open disc centered at Zo and contained in Q. Proof: It is easy to see that f(z) and g(z) are represented by the same Taylor series centered at zoo Hence, they are equal as functions in the disc of convergence of this series. Done. Question If, as just above, ((k)(Zo) = g(l<)(zo) for k = O. 1, ...• can we conclude the stronger result that ( = g throughout their common domain of definition n and not merely on Bome disc, as in the result above? See Theorem 18 (p.233).
Exercises to Paragraph 5.3.2 1. On Theorem 15. True or false? (a) IT f(z) is entire, that is, analytic in all of C, and if Zo is any point of C, then f(z) is represented by a Taylor series centered at Zo and convergent for all z
inC. (b) Theorem 15 guarantees that log z may be expanded in positive powers of z. (c) f(z) is analytic at Zo if and only if it has a Taylor expansion in powers of z - Zo convergent in some open disc centered at zoo (d) A function analytic at Zo may have two different Taylor series expansions centered at zoo (e) If fis analytic at Zo and [('(zo) = 0 for k = 0,1,2, .. , • then f(z) = 0 for all z in some open disc centered at zoo 2. Given that f(z) is analytic;: at Zo (and hence in some domain containing zo). we expand it in Taylor series, f(z) = L a,,(z - zo)". True or false? (a) The set of all points at which the series converges is an open disc of finite radius or the entire plane.
An.lvtic Funct;on~ .nd Power Series
Chap. 5
(b) If the series converges in the open disc D(zo; R), with R < 00, but in no open disc of larger radius, then f fails to be analytic at Bome point on the rim C(zo; R). (c) f(z) must fail to be analytic at some points on the rim of the (maximal) disc of convergence of L a,,(z - zo)-, even if the series converges at these points. (d) The principal branch of log z is analytic at Zo = 1, but is not analytic at the origin. (e) The Taylor expansion ak(z - 1)1: of the principal branch of log z has D(I; 1) as open disc of convergence. (f) If f is analytic at the origin and (°')(0) = 1 for k = 0, 1, 2, ... , then ( is entire, and in fact (z) = e'Z. 3. From your knowledge of (z) below, predict without computation the radius of convergence of its Taylor expansion about the given center zoo (a) (z) = 1/(1 - z), Zo = 0; (b) (z) = 1/(1 - z), Zo = 3i; (c) (z) = sin z, Zo = n16; (d) ((z) Ilsin z, Zo n/2; (e) (z) = sin(1/z), Zo = i; (f) (z) = cot z, Zo = n12. Hint: What is the nearest point to Zo at which f fails to be analytic? 4. Parseval's identity and corollaries. Suppose(z) = :En all(z - ZO)" for Iz - zol < R. We write 2 - 20 = rel9 (use polar coordinates centered at 20)' Prove the identity
for r < R, as follows: (a) Show "',n
(b) Verify J~7r e 1t9 d8 = 0 if k is a nonzero integer. (c) Integrate both sides of (a) over 0 ::;; 8 ~ 2n to obtain the identity. Can you justify the multiplication of series in (a) and the term-by-term integration in (c)? (d) Corollary: Liouville's Theorem again. Prove that, as l' -4 00, the right-hand side of the equality becomes arbitrarily large unless an = O. n ~ 1. Deduce that 1(z) 1cannot be bounded in C. (e) Corollary: The Maximum Modulus Principle again. Prove that if ( is not constant in a disc about zoo then If(zn + r.e10 1 )1 2 > II(zo)12 = laol 2 for each rl> o < '1 < R, and some 81 depen.ding on rl' Conclude that 1(z) 1has no interior
maxima. 5. Bessel's inequality. Let (be as in Exercise 4. and define M(r; zo) == max,,,,-:o'~" 1(z)l. Pruve that M(ri
1a,,12r lll.
6. Polynomial growth. Prove (see Section 4.11) that if f(z) is entire (analytic for all z) and if 1(z)1 ::;; lazA:l. provided only Izi is sufficiently large, then (z) is a
polynomial of degree ::;; k.
Sec. 5.3
Anlllytic Function!: Yield Power Series
7. Nonanalyticity on the circle o{ convergence. Given that {(z) is analytic in the disc Izl < r (at least). (a) Recall that { is represented by a series in powers of z which converges to {(z) at all z satisfying Izi < r. Simply quote a theorem from the text for this. (b) Suppose the series in (a) that represents {converges in Iz I < r, but in no larger open disc Izl < r1 with r1 > r. Prove that the function {fails to be analytic at some point on the rim Izi = r. Hint: If {is analytic at a point on the rim, it is analytic in a small open disc about that point. If we assume this happens at all points of the rim Izl = r, then {must be analytic in some larger open disc (details?). Now apply (a) to obtain a contradiction. 8. An enlightening example. Demonstrate that analyticity of { and convergence of its Taylor series are not equivalent on the circle of convergence as follows. Take the slit plane n = {z = re '6 I r > 0, - 7t < () < n}, and define { on n u to} by (z) = z log z for z in O,f(O) = O. Here, log z = log re '6 = log r + i8 with - n < fJ < 7r (that is, principal branch). (a) Prove that f is continuous at the origin and hence at all points of the set n U to} (not a domain!). Use the fact that z log z -+ 0 as z -+ 0 in n IJ {O}. (b) Observe that f is not analytic at the origin. Hint: (can't be extended to points on the negative x-axis so as to be continuous in an open neighborhood of the origin. (c) Check that the Taylor expansion of f(z) about Zo = 1 is given by {(z) = (z - 1)
(-l)"(z - 1)" . 1)
"=2 n(n -
Hint: Use z = 1 + (z - 1), log z = L::: 1 (-1)"+ l(Z - l)"/n. (d) We know that thls Taylor expansion converges to ((z) for Iz - 11 < 1 at least. Show also that this series converges at z = 0 and in fact that its sum there is 0 = f(O). Hint: Show
1 (1 - !) + (! -!) + ... 1
"=2 n(n - 1)
by telescoping (write out the first few partial sums!). (e) Conclude that even if a Taylor expansion of f(z) converges at a point Con the circle of convergence to the correct value fm, the function {may fail to be analytic at this point.
9. A summary. Much of what we have done is contained in the following theorem.
How many of the equivalences can you prove? THEOREM
Let D be an open disc. The following assertions are all equivalent and merely state that ((z) = u(z) + iv(z) is analytic in D. (i) (z) has a continuous complex derivative in D; (ii) u, v E ~1(D) and Ux = vy • uy = -V-X"; (iii) Jr {(z) dz = 0 (or every Jordan curve r in D; (iv) f(z) is represented in a neighborhood o{ every point o{ D by a con-
vergent Taylor series centered at the point.
Chap. 5
An_lytic Funcfions and Powa, Series
5.3.3 How to Expand Functions in Taylor Series
The situation is this: We know f(z) in some way (by a formula, say). It is analytic at z = zoo To study f near zoo we want the expansion
1(z) = ao + a 1(z
zo) +
a2(z - Zo)2
+., . ;
that is, we want the coefficients ak- Here are four methods.
First Method: Take Derivatives Theorem 14 tells us fOd(zo)
ak =
For some functions f(z), the general kth derivative puted.
rck) is readily
Example: Let I(z) = tr, Zo = O. Then, as we saw in Paragraph 5.3.1, each at = 11k!, so that Z2
ez=I+z+'+".=l:,. 2.
Example: Let I(z)
= sin z and let
k=O k.
= O. We know (,(z) = cos z,
,.(z) = - sin z, f·(z) = - cos z, ,(4)(Z) = sin oZ, so that 1(0)
= 0,
r(O) = 0,
('(0) = 1,
1/1/(0) = -1,
= 0, ....
It follows that coefficients with even index vanish, a2n = 0, while a
(-1)" - ----''---'---(2n + I)! .
211+1 -
Thus we get the Taylor series •
+ I)!
n+ 1
Second Method: Substitution in Known Series This is widely applicable, and best described by examples. E%tJmple: Given f(z) = e- zJ ,
centered at zoo Well, we know
20 =
U. Expand f(z) in Taylor series
e'-=l+C+-+ .. ·=l:2!
Sec. 5.3
Am"vtic Functions Yield Powe, Series
for any complex C. Now replace' with desired series, namely.
+ , - ...
We obtain immediately the
= 1 -
= ~ (_l)n - , .
Example: Expand fez) = lIz in Taylor series centered at We alter the by·now-familiar geometric series 1
--=1+-r+-r + ... 1 - 'I:
To do this, we put l/z in the form 1/(1 that is, z - 1. This is easy:
(I-rl < 1).
so that
looks like z -
1 1 -=---z 1 + (z - 1)'
The idea here is z = (z - 1)
1. Thus, we have
1 = 1 - (z - 1) + (z - 1)2 - (z - 1)3 1 - (- l)(z - 1)
+ ...
l: (-It(z -
This converges when following Theorem 5.
Iz - 11
< 1. We worked this out before
Another Example: Expand fez) = 5z/(3 + this, we deal first with 1/(3 + Z2), as follows: 1
= Z2
+ tz 2)
= 1(1
in powers of z. To do
tz 2 + o-Z2)2
... )
-! ~ ( __t)IIZ 211. 11=0
Having this, ordinary multiplication gives us fez) =
2 =
f (-1)' : 3
Note: Once again we used a variant of the geometric series (for 1/(1 + -r) this time). This is much easier than computing derivatives! Third Method: Integrating or Differentiating Known Series
We illustrate this method with examples.
Analytic Funct;on!; and Power Series
Example: Expand I(z)
Chap. 5
log z in powers of z - 1.
Well, we know {,(z) = I/z.I(I) = O. Also, we found above the expansion of l/z in powers of z - 1, namely,
= 1 - (z - 1)
+ (z -
1)2 - ...
in the open disc Iz - 11 < 1. Integrating this series term-by-term along any path in the open disc form Zo = 1 to z, we obtain
rz dz = (z -
log z =
Jl Z
1) - t(z - 1)2
L - 1)"+1 (z 00
+ t
1)3 - ...
Example: Let I(z)
cos z. Expand it in powers of z.
We recall that cos z is the derivative of sin z and, moreover, we computed by the first method that sin z
L -(-1r , Z211+ J.
z - , + ~-, - ... 3. 5.
Differentiating term-by-term, we see that Z2
cos z = 1 - -
1)" L(2n)! 00
+ - - ... =
( -
Note: The series for log z and cos z obtained in the last two examples (by integration and differentiation, respectively) converge in the same disc as the series used to obtain them. This verifies Corollary 13 of this chapter. Fourth Method: Solve Differential Equations
This is a subject in itself. Let us content oursehres with a very simple example.
Example: Find an analytic functionf(z) that satisfies the differential equation f" - I = 0 and the further conditions 1(0) = 1. f'(O) = O. Such an equation might have occurred in the study of some physical phenomenon, for example. To solve it, we write a series with Uundetermined coefficients": f(z) = ao + atZ + a2z2 + ... + a"z" + .... We know I
What is I (k,(O)?
Sec. 5.3
Analytic Functiong Yield Power S.rieg
Well, we are told that f(O) = 1, f'(O) = O. To get r(O), observe that the differential equation requires that f"(z) = f(z). Thus, r(O) = f(O) = 1. Likewise r(z) = f'(z}-by differentiating both sides of f"(z) = f(z) say-so that f"'(O) = f'(O) = O. Continuing in this fashion, we see that all even derivatives equal 1, all odd derivatives vanish, whence alk+l
= O.
Thus, a solution (unique!) to the problem is given by z'1. Z4 Z2k f(z) =·1
+ - + - + ... + 2!
+ ....
It is not hard to verify that this series converges in the entire z-plane. The function {(z) is commonly known as the hyperbolic cosine~ {(z) = cosh z.
Exercises to Paragraph 5.3.3 1. Expand fez) in Taylor series about Zo in several ways. You may utilize the expansions given in the text. (a) fez) = en"" Zo = 0; (b) fez) = sin 7tZ, Zo = 0: (c) f(z) = 1/(2 + z). Zo = 0; (d) f(z) = 1/(2 + z). z() = -1; (e) fez) = 1/(1 + 2x), Zo = 0; (f) fez) = n:i + (l/z), Zo = i. 2. Determine by inspection of (z) the radius of convergence in each case in Exercise 1. 3. The hyperbolic sine. Let (z) be the solution of the differential equation ("(z) fez) = 0 satisfying r(O) = 0, ('(0) = 1. We write (z) = sinh z. (a) Expand sinh z in powers of z by using the differential equation. (b) Verify that sinh z = (e'" - e- Z )l2i.
5.3.4 An Application: The Zeros of an Analytic Function The use of Taylor series allows us to approach this general problem: Describe the set of zeros of an analytic function, that is, the set of points z with the property that {(z) = o. If f(z) is a polynomial. these are just the roots of the polynomial. One reason this problem is important is this: If we are studying the mapping properties of an analytic function w = g(z), then the zeros of the analytic function g'(z) playa central role. (Think of calculus!) These are the so-called critical points of g(z). Forexample,{(z) = Z2 + Ihastwozeros,z = ±i, while the function e'Z has no zeros. The function sin z has an infinite set of zeros; can you find all of them? See Exercise 2 to Paragraph 3.4.3.
Analytic Functions and Pows,. Ssri98
Chap. 5
Suppose z = Zo is a zero of the analytic function {(z), and that {(z) is not identically zero near zoo Then, by the Local Identity Theorem, we may write the Taylor series centered at Zo as
f(z) = an(z - zo)"
with all i: 0 for some n
an+1(z -
1. In other words, we have for some n,
{(zo) = {'(zo) = ... =
t(n- O(zo)
but {{n)(zo) i: O. Now we wish to treat t(z) as if it were a polynomial. Factoring out (z - zo)", we have {(z)
= (z - zo)n(a n + an+1(z - zo) + a n +2(z - ZO)2 + ... ) = (z -
where g(z) is defined by the power series an + an + 1(z - 20) + .... Note that this new power series converges at each 2 for which the original series for f converged, because its partial sums are those for {(z) divided by (z - zo)n. Hence, g(z) is analytic in an open disc around the point zoo In fact, if f(z) is analytic in some domain Q containing Zo (larger, perhaps, than the disc of con vergence of the following series, an(z - zoY' + a n + 1 (z - zoY'+ 1 + ... ), then g(z) is analytic in Q also. This is because we have identically g(z)
f{z) (z - zo)n
and both numerator and denominator are analytic in Q (and, moreover, the quotient g(z) is well behaved at zo). We now scrutinize g(z). First observe that g(zo)
= an i: O.
In essence, we have factored out the uzero-nessu off at zoo But even more is true. Since g(z) is analytic, it is certainly continuous, and since g(zo) i: 0, there is an open disc of some radius centered at Zo s~ch that g(z) i: 0 for any z in that disc. (This follows readily from the definition of continuity. Think about it. Or see Exercise 9 to Paragraph 3.2.1.) Let us call this new disc D. Now we ask: uFor which z in D is f(z) = O?" Since 0 = {(z) = (z - zo)ng(z) implies either (z - zo)" = 0, or else g(z) = 0 (which doesn't happen), it follows that {(z) = 0 for z in D if and only if z = z~. (Note that (z - zo)" = 0 if and only if z = 20') Thus we have proved THEOREM
Let {(2) be analytic in some domain Q containing the point zo, and suppose f(zo) = O. Then there is an open disc D centered at 20 such
Sec. 5.3
Analytic Funcr/ons Yield Power Series
that either f(z) = 0 for all z in D or else f(z) =F 0 for all z =P Zo in D. Thus, the zeros occur either in solid discs or at isolated points. This result may be reformulated as follows. COROLLARY
f be analytic in a domain 0, and let ZI' Zz, • " be an infinite sequence of distinct points of n with the properties
(i) z* = limn-+ 00 Zn exists and is a point of 12; (ii) f(zn) = 0 for n = 1, 2, ....
Then f(z) = 0 for all z in some open disc containing z*. Proof: By continuity, f(z*) = O. By hypothesis. there are points Zn arbitrarily close to z* such that f(zlI) = O. Theorem 16 allows only one conclusion: that fis identically zero in some open disc about z*. Done. Thus, for example, if f vanishes along some small piece of curve in il, then it must vanish in a two·dimensional open subset containing the curve. This is true because a curve will surely contain a sequence of the type described in the corollary.
ZIt Z2' .,.
Remark: Corollary 17 is not the best possible result, as our next theorem will show.
Exercises to Paragraph 6.3.4 1. Meditate upon the following important facts, supplying as much of the argu-
ment as you can. (a) A function analytic at 20 is uniquely determined in a neighborhood of Zo by its Taylor series centered at zoo (b) H (z) is analytic at Zo and not identically constant near zo, then there exists an integer n ~ 1 and function g(z) analytic at Zo such that {(z) = {(zo) + (z - zo)"g(z) and g(zo) =F O. Compare "polynomial" with n-fold root at zoo (c) H I(z) is as in (b), then there exists an open disc about Zo such that f(z) :# ((zo) for z in this disc except when z = zoo Fact: Most of our applications of power series will really be applications of 1(b) above. See Exercise 11 to Paragraph 3.2.3. 2. Let f(z) be analytic in some domain n and not identically zero on any disc inside n. The phrase "The zeros of fin n are isolated" implies which of the following? (a) f has only finitely many zeros in n. (b) The zeros of { occur at points not in n. (c) If f(zn) = 0 for a sequence {z,,} of distinct points of 0, then this sequence does not have a limit point in C. (d) Same as (c) with final C replaced by n.
Chap. 5
Analytic Functions and Power Series
(e) If n is a Jordan domain (open disc, say) with f defined and continuous on the closure 0 and free of zeros on on, then f has only finitely many zeros inside n. 3. An interesting example. Discuss the following: (a) The function f(z) = sin(l/z) has zeros at the points z.
lInn, n
= ± 1,
±2, ....
(b) The sequence Zn = lInn, n = 1, 2, ... , tends to the origin z = O. (c) Why doesn't the existence of the limit point z = 0 contradict the isolatedness of the zeros of sin(l/z)? For z = 0 is not isolated from the set {zn}. (d) Can it be shown that limz-+o sin(l/z) = U? Hint: Consider the graph of y = sin(l/x) near x = O.
4. Let L a"x" be a power series with all an real. Suppose the series converges for real x precisely in the interval - R < x < R for some R > O. (a) Prove that L auz n converges in Izl < R but in no larger open disc. Hint: Section 5.2. (b) Can the series in (a) converge at any points on the circle Izi = R? (c) Prove that the real analytic function f(x) represented on - R < x < R by L a.x" has a unique extension to a complex analytic function f(z) on the open disc Izl < R. Thus, there is only one reasonable complex e=, sin z. cos z, etc., namely, that defined by us.
5.3.5 A Topological Bonus The key to Corollary 17 was an analytic fact, namely the existence of power series. We combine this with a simple topological observation about connectedness to prove the following stronger and more satisfying theorem. See Figure 5.4.
H {(Zl) = {(Z2)
= .••
= 0, then {= 0 throughout g
Sec. 5.3
Analytic Functions Yield Power Series
f be analytic in a domain 0, and let Z1' Z2' ••. be an infinite sequence of distinct points of a with the properties that
(i) z* = limn _ a:l Zn exists and is a point of n; (ii) f(zn) = 0, n = 1, 2, ....
Then { = 0 identically throughout the entire domain O. Prouf: First we decompose
no n1
into t.hree disjoint subsets:
n I {vanishes on some D(z; r)}; n I f(z) = 0 but {=J:. 0 in some D(z; r) {z E n I f(z) =J:. O}.
= {z E = {z E
O2 =
By Corollary 17, the point z* is in Q o , the set of nonisolated zeros of
f. Also, no is clearly open.
By continuity, flz is open. Moreover, it is crucial to note that 0
u 02 is open, since all its points are interior points (check!).
Thus, the domain n is the disjoint union of two open sets, 0 0 and 0 1 u O 2 , Since 0 is connected, .0) u O 2 must be empty. This means f = 0 on all of O. Done.
Remark: This answers the question raised in Paragraph 5.3.2 following the Local Identity Theorem. We see now that if two functions f and g defined in the same domain n have identical power series expansions centered at one point Zo in 0, then the functions are equal throughout 0, f = g. This shows the «
alter or deform the function near one point, then you must alter the function everywhere if it is to remain analytic.
Exercises to Paragraph 5.3.5
f. g be analytic on a domain n. Which of the following conditions imply { = g identically on O? Give proofs or counterexamples. (a) ((Zo) = g(zo) for some point Zo of n. (b) f and g have identical power l:It:!cies centered at the point Zo of n. (c) ((zw) = g(zn) for a sequence {zn} of distinct points of n. (d) ((t)(zo) = g(k)(ZO), k = 0, I, 2, ... , at some point Zo of n. (e) f(z) = g(z) for all z on a curve r inside n. (f) ((z,,) = g(zn) for a sequence {zn~ of distinct points of n which has a limit point in n. 2. On the number o{ zeros. Let r be a simple closed (Jordan) curve in the plane, and suppose f is analytic on and inside the curve r. In Chapter 7 we will inquire about the number of zeros of f inside r. Suppose f has no zeros on r itself. Prove that the number of zeros of {inside r is finite. Hint: This requires a bit of basic topology. If there were infinitely many zeros inside r. then the set of 1. On Theorem 18. Let
Anelytlc Functions end Power Series
zeros would have a "point of accumulation" z*, which would lie on or inside r (BoIzano-Weierstrass Theorem). But (z",) = 0 (why?) so that z* is not on the boundary curve r. Now apply Theorem 18 to prove finiteness. 3. True or false? (a) If two entire functions are equal on the unit disc, then they are equal throughout C. (b) Two successive branches of log z agree at all points of the negative x-axis. (c) If two analytic functions have the same set of zeros in n, then they are equal throughout n. (d) If f(z) is defined and continuous on the closed upper half-plane y
analytic for y > 0, and equal to 0 on the full x-axis, then f vanishes identically throughout the closed upper half-plane. (Guess!) (e) A function analytic in a is fully determined by its values at any sequence of points in 0 which converges to a point of O. 4. Analytic continuation. Let f" (z be analytic on a I. OZ respectively and suppose that the overlap a 1 n Oz is not empty and that fl = f2 on fil n Oz. Then f2 is called an analytic continuation of fJ to Oz, and vice versa. (a) Prove that the analytic continuation of fJ to O2 is unique (if it exists). (b) Let (I(Z) = Lt~o zl!. in the disc 0 1 given by Izl < 1. Determine the unique analytic continuation of fl to the domain O2 = C - {l} (which in this case contains ( 1), (c) Let 0 1 be the upper half-plane of points z = re,8 with the agreement r> 0,0 < fJ < n, and let fJ(z) = log r + ifJ in OJ' Let Oz be the right halfplane of points z = re" with r > 0 and - n/2 < fJ < n/2. Determine the analytic continuation offJ to Oz. Note that 0 1 () O2 is the open first quadrant. (d) Let 0 3 =,'{z = re,6 1 r > 0, -n < fJ < n}, a slit plane, and f3(Z) = log r + j(J. Let 0 4 = {z = re" 1r > 0,0 < fJ < 2n}. Verify that f3 has no analytic continuation to (14. Note that the overlap 0 3 () 0 4 is very large and also that 0 3 u 0 4 = C - {O}. Contrast (c) with (d). 5. The Monodromy Theorem for log z. Prove this special case. Let D be a disc and f a branch of log z defined on D (which therefore does not contain the origin). Suppose 0 .. Oz are domains such that OJ () Oz :::> D and 0 1 u O2 is simply connected. H ft. fz are analytic continuations of f to nIt O2 , respectively, then in fa.ct (I = fz on all of 0 1 () 02' Hence, fJ, f2 are analytic continuations of each other and so define a unique analytic continuation of f to the domain 0 1 u Oz. In brief, analytic continuations to simply connected 0 :::> D are unique (if they exist). 6. The Schwarz Reflection Principle. This, too, is in the spirit of analytic continuation. Let f(z) be continuous in the closed upper half-plane y ~ 0, analytic in y > 0, and real-valued on the x-axis y = O. We "reflect" f across the x-axis as follows, obtaining a function analytic in the entire z-plane. (a) Prove that F(z), defined for all z = x + iy by F(z) =
is continuous everywhere. Check the x-axis especially. (b) Prove that F'(z) exists and is continuous for z in the lower half-plane y < 0, and in fact F'(z) = I'(Z). (c) Prove that F is analytic at each point on the x-axis as well. This is nontrivial.
Sec. 6.3
Antilytic Functlonll Yield Power Stir/II::
(d) Argue that F is the unique analytic extension of (to the entire z-plane. (e) Suppose the given function {vanished identically on the x-axis. Prove that {vanished everywhere. (See Exercise 3(d) above.) (f) Consider ((z) = sin z in the closed upper half-plane y ~ O. What is f(Z) for z in the lower half-plane? 7. Find all entire analytic functions which agree with eX on the x-axis. 8. Proof or counterexample. If two real harmonic functions uo(x,y), Ul(x,y)agree on a curve contained in n, their common domain of definition, then they are equal at all points of n. 9. Let F(x) be a real-valued function defined for - 00 < x < 00 and equal to a power series (real coefficients) convergent for all x, F(x) = L artx!'. That is, F is real analytic. (a) Prove there exists a complex analytic function defined for all z which agrees with F when z = x. Hint: Find a concrete expression for the new complex function. (b) Argue that the function found in (a) is unique.
(c) If we denote the entire function found in (a) by f(z), prove that f(Z) = f(z).
6 Singular Points and Laurent Series
Section 6.1 THE THREE TYPES OF ISOLATED SINGULARITY 6.1.0 Introduction We are sometimes faced with the following situation: We are given a plane domain n containing the point Zo and are given also a, function f, which is known to be defined and analytic at all points of n except the point Zoo That is, f is analytic on the domain 0' = n - {zo}. We ask, "What can happen at zo?" For instance, is it always possible to define the value f(zo) so that f becomes analytic at the missing point Zo as well, and hence analytic in all of O? The answer to this is clearly uNo," as the example {(z)
l/z, Zo
0 shows. Hence, we are led to make some
definitions, analyzing the different phenomena that may occur. Some nonisolated singularities appear in the exercises to the next paragraph. 6.1.1 Isolated Singularities of an Analytic Function
As above, I is analytic on 0' = 0 - {zo}, where Zo is an interior point ofthe domain n. In this case we say that Zo is an isolated singularity (or singular point) for the function f. Now we define three types of isolated singularity and then show that each type actually occurs in nature. We have throughout this discussion f analytic on 0' = 0 - {zo}. We say that Zo is a removable singularity for I, provided there is some finite complex number Wo such that (z E 0 /). limf(z) = Wo :-+%0
Sec. 6.7
The Three Types Df Isolated Singularity
On the other hand,
is a pole of f, provided
lim 1f(z) 1
= en
(z EO').
As usual, this means that given any positive lower bound m (no matter how large), there is a small punctured disc centered at Zo such that If(z) 1 > m for all z in the punctured disc. The absolute value If(z) 1 is arbitrarily large, provided z is sufficiently close to zoo Finally, we say that the isolated singularity Zo is an essential singularity of f if it is neither of the two types just defined. One thing we must do is show that essential singularities occur. Later we will give a somewhat more complete picture (the Casorati-Weierstrass Theorem) of the behavior of an analytic function in the neighborhood of an essential singularity. Examples of Isolated Singularities
Removable Singularities: It is easy to give many examples of this type. Just let f be any analytic function on any domain O. Let Zo be any point of n. Then f is analytic on.o' = .0 - {zo} and ~-+zo (z) = f(zo) = Woo so that 20 is a removable singularity. Such examples miss the point, however. But consider the following: Let f(z) = (sin z)/z. This is clearly defined and analytic on the domain il' = C - {O}, the punctured plane. The point 20 = 0 is an isolated singularity for (sin z)lz. Moreover, it is not immediately clear what happens to f(z) as z approaches Zo = O. Does l~_o (sin z)/z exist as a finite number? Is it infinite? Neither of these? To deal with this puzzle, we appeal to Chapter 5 to write
Thus, we readily compute that limz -+ o f(z) = 1. Hence, Zo = 0 is a removable singularity for f(z) = (sin z)/z. If we define f(O) = 1, the function f is now defined and continuous for all z, the origin included. Moreover, f is even analytic at Zo = 0 because it is represented by the Taylor series 1 - (z2/3!) + (z4/5!) - . " there. This example is worthy of meditation. Poles: The function f(z) = liz has a pole at the origin Zo = 0, for it is clear that l/1zl becomes arbitrarily large as z tends to the origin. Likewise. g(z) = 1/;z2 and h(z) = 1/(z - 1) have poles at Zo = 0 and Zo = 1, respectively. Essential Singularities: Let f(z) = e l/ %. This is defined and analytic in the punctured plane C - {O}. We claim that the isolated singularity Zo = 0 is neither removable nor a pole and therefore essential. To see
Singular Points lind Laurant Series
Chap. 6
this, first let z approach 0 along the positive x-axis (from the right). We get lim e 1/% = lim e l/x = lim et = + 00. X"" 0
Thus, Zo = 0 is certainly not a removable singularity for {(z). Now we show that neither is it a pole. To see this, simply let z approach the origin along the negative real axis (from the left). We obtain a finite limit: lim e 1/% = lim e 1/x = x .... o-
lim e r = t-+ -
You should check this last limit, using the definition of the exponential function. It follows that Zo = 0 is not a pole for {(z), either. This example shows that essential singularities do exist and must be dealt with in order to understand isolated singularities. In fact~ the CasoratiWeierstrass Theorem will show that el/% behaves even more wildly than we have indicated here.
Exercises to Paragraph 6.1.1 1. Locate all isolated singularities of the following functions and classify each
singularity according to type (see examples in the text). (a) 1/(z2 + z). (b) e-=. (c) e 1 /!:1. (d) (sin Z)/Z2. (e) l/sin z. (f) (z + 1)/(z2 + 3z + 2). 2. A non isolated singularity (a) Verify that sin(l/z) is analytic except at z = 0 and vanishes precisely at the points Zn = linn, n = ±l, ±2, .... We have seen this already. (b) Verify that (z) = l/sin(l/z) is defined and analytic except at z = 0 and the points ZII given in (a). (c) Verify that the points z" are poles of (z). Use either the Taylor series for sin(l/z) in powers of z - z" or (much quicker) Exercise 3 below. Are the points Zn isolated from each other? (d) Conclude that the origin z = 0 is a singularity (point of nonanalyticity) of (z) which is not isolated from the poles Zn. For another type offunction with a nonisolated singularity, see Exercise 6. 3. (a) Recall the Taylor series argument that f(z), if nonconstant and analytic at Zo, may be ,written as {(zo) + (z - zo)"g(z) with n a nonnegative integer, g(z) analytic at Zo and g(zo} :F 0 (whence n is uniquely determined). (b) Prove that if f(z) is nonconstant and analytic at Zo with f(zo) = 0, then the function g(z) = l/f(z} has a pole at zoo Why, first of all, is Zo an isolated singularity of g(z)? 4. Give examples of each of the following: (a) A nonrational function wit~ a pole at Zo = O. (b) A function with an essential singularity at Zo = 1.
Th. Three Types of Isolated Singularity
(c) Different functions f(z), g(z), each with poles at Zo = 0, such that the function f(z) - g(z) has no singularities (technically speaking, a removable singularity). (d) A polynomial p(z) such that f(z) = p(Z)/Z3e=satisfies lim%-+o f(z) = 5. (e) A polynomial p(z) such that f(z) = l/p(z) has poles at z = ± 1, ± i and at no other points in C. (f) A function f(z) with one pole (at Zo = 0) and one essential singularity (at Zl
= 1).
5. Verify that every isolated singularity of a rational function f(z) = A(z)/B(z) in lowest terms is a pole. (Note that "lowest terms" helps avoid removable singularities.) 6. Logarithmic singularities. Let Zo E n, and suppose {(z) = log(z - Zo) + g(z), where g(z) is analytic throughout Q. (a) Observe that f is not analytic at zoo (b) Argue that f is not even continuous in a punctured disc about zoo owing to the necessity of choosing a branch of the logarithm. Thus, the "branch point" Zo
is a nonisolated singularity of f.
6.1.2 The Removability of Removable Singularities The Laurent series is a useful tool in studying isolated singularities. Even before we introduce these series, however, we can justify the name ttremovable singularity." We will now see that what happened in the removable singularity example for f(z) = (sin z)/z actually happens in general; that is, a removable singularity may be regarded as a point of analyticity. The function seemed to be nonanalytic at Zo only because of a lack of information, not because of any pathology. THEOREM 1
Let f(z) be analytic on the domain Q' = Q - {zo} where Zo is an interior point of 0, and suppose that Zo is a removable singularity for f: that is, liTnz .... zo f(z) = Wo exists. Then, if we define f(zo) = wo, the function f is analytic at Zo also, and hence is analytic in all of n. Note: It is clear that defining f(zo) = Wo produces a function continuous at Zoo However, analyticity at Zo is less clear and must be proved.
Proof: We choose a circle C(zo; R) contained in Q' and then define. for Iz - zol < R, a "new" function: F(z) =
~ 2m
C(zo;R) ,
f(C) dC. -
The theorem will follow from two assertions: First, F(z) is analytic for Iz - zol < R (in particular, at zo); and second, F(z) = f(z) provided o < Iz - zol < R 80 that F is the extension of f to zoo
Chap. 6
Singular Points and Laurent Series
First, it is immediate that F(z) is analytic as asserted, for it is an integral of Cauchy type (just differentiate under the integral sign !). See Chapter 4. Second, let 0 < IZl - zol < R. To show F(Zl) . . ,. f(Zl), write F(Zl) - f(Zl)
=~. 2m
JC(Zo:R)' -
dC -
~ 2m
)C(ZI;rl) I" -
This follows from the definition of F and the Integral Formula for f. Note that the small circle C(Zl; 71) does not contain the "Questionable" point Z00 See Figure 6.1. D(zo; R)
D(Za; p)
Now we refer this to Zo, claiming in fact that
Here, C(zo; p) does not intersect the other small circle C(Zl; 71)' This formula follows from the fact that f(O/(C - Zl) is an analytic function in the Jordan domain
(that is, points in the big open disc but not in either small closed disc) whose boundary consists of three oriented circles,
Here, the minus signs denote negative (clockwise) orientation. The Cauchy Integral Theorem for Jordan domains (Chapter 4) yields
Sec. 6.1
The Three Types of Isolated Singularity
which proves that F(zl) - f(zt) equals the integral around C(zo; p)t as claimed. We are done if we can show that this last integral vanishes. To show that this is indeed the case, note that If(C) I is bounded for I' - 201 = P sufficiently small because lim f(C) = Wo is finite. (Important observation I See Riemann's Criterion below.) Also, I' - zll ~ IZ1 - zol - p because 'on C(zo; p) is bounded away from ZI' Thus, the integrand satisfies
I f(O I < ,
for some upper bound M > 0 and all sufficiently small radii p > O. The ML-inequality applied to the integral around C(zo; p) now yields 1 .IF(z!) - f(zl)1 < - M· 21CP = Mp 2n
for arbitrarily small p > O. This can happen only if F(zt) = f(z1)' Done. Comment on the Proof
This was an orchestration of themes from the complex integral calculus of Chapter 4: defining a function (F(z» as an integral of Cauchy type, representing another function (f(z» as an integral, sliding the path of integration across a region of analyticity. bounding an integral by the ML-inequality. Once again, there is no mention of integration in the statement of the theorem! A Useful Extension of Theorem 1 In the preceding proof of Theorem 1, we did not actually require that ~-+%o fez) = Wo exist. Note that the same conclusion holds, given only the seemingly weaker hypothesis that f(z) is bounded in some punctured disc 0 < Iz - zol < R. Thus, we may conclude the following stronger theorem. RIEMA.!'lN'S CRITERION FOR REMOVABLE SINGULARITIES
Let fez) be analytic in a punctured domain 0' = Q - {Zo}. Then the isolated singularity Zo is removable if and only if If(z) I is bounded in some punctured disc about zoo In this case limz -uo f(z) = Wo exists, and defining f(zo) = Wo produces a function analytic in all of n. Remark
Thus, If(z) I must be unbounded in every punctured neighborhood of an isolated essential singularity. However, it is not true that
lim If(z)1
+ 00,
for this happens only at poles. We'll apply this in Section 6.4.
Singular Points
Laurant SerllfUl
Exercises to Paragraph 6.1.2 1. (a) Verify that cos(nz/2) = (z - l)g(z) with g(z) analytic and g(l) = - n/2. (b) Verify that lim.:-+ 1 {cos(nz/2)/(z - I)} = - n/2, so thatf(z) = cos(nz/2)/(z - 1) has a removable singularity at Zo = 1. (c) How should we define f(l) so as to remove the singularity? (d) Verify that fez) is now analytic at Zo = 1. Hint: Imitate what we did with ~8in,z)/z.
2. Suppose fez) = (z - zoY'fl(z), g(z) = (z - zo)tgJ(z) with f" g1 analytic and nonzero at Zo and h, k positive integers. Note (zo) = g(zo) = o. (a) Find a necessary and sufficient condition on the pair h, k that the quotient f(z)/g(z) have a removable singularity at zoo (b) For which pairs h, k is lirnz-+zo (z)/8(z) finite and nonzero? (c) What happens if your condition in (a) is not satisfied by h, k? 3. Prove the following fact, a slight variation of one used in the proof of 1'heorem 1: Iff(z) is analytic in a punctured disc 0 < Iz - zol < R and, moreover, 1f(z) 1 is bounded there, then JC(zo;r) fez) dz = 0 for r < R. Note that this generalizes (and utilizes) the Cauchy Integral Theorem. 4. (a) Prove: Iff(z) has an isolated removable singularity at Zl., then
fez) dz = 0
for sufficiently small r. This is not new! (b) Comp~te JC «sin z)/z) dz, where C is the positively oriented unit circle. (c) Give an example of a function fez) with an isolated non removable singularity at the origin such that JC (z) dz #: O. (We have seen one example often.) Cd) Give ali example as in (c), but satisfying JC fez) dz = O. (e) Why doesn't your example in (d) contradict Morera's Theorem in the case () is a disc about the origin? For your fez) in (d) is not analytic at the origin. 5. On the proof of Riemann's criterion. Verify this key observation: That the integral
~. f(C) de 2nl Jc<%o;P) , - Z1
vanishes, provided fm is bounded near the isolated singularity ZOo In the statement of Theorem 1 we assumed that f actually had a limit at Zo, that is, that Zo was a removable singularity for f. The observation here yields a simpler characterization of removable singularity. 6. Further descriptions of analyticity. In less scrupulous moments we agree that f is analytic at an isolated removable singularity Zo (because the singular nature can be removed by defining f(zo) = limz-+%O f(z), etc.). Verify that if n is a domain containing the points zo, z 1, ••• , z,,' the following statements are equivalent: (a) fis analytic in n. (b) fis continuous in n and analytic in the punctured domain
n - {zo, Zh .•• , z,J.
Sec. 6.2
Laurent Series
(c) f jp, analytic in (} - {zoo Z10 •••• Zft} and bounded in a small punctured disc centered at each of the singularities Zoo Zh •••• Zn. Note that statement (c) does not say that f is even defined at Zoo ZI, •••• Z •• Yet this happens to come true.
Section 6.2 LAURENT SERIES 6.2.0 Introduction
We will now study the behavior of fez) at an isolated singularity Zo by expanding fez) in a series centered at Zo (sound familiar?). This series will notin general be a rl'aylor series ao + a I (z - zo) + a2(z - zo)2 + '" because Taylor series yield analytic functions, whereas fez) is not analytic at a pole or essential singularity. The series we will obtain will involve negative (as well as positive) powers of Z - zoo A series consisting of negative powers looks like bo
+ b1(z
- zo)-1
b2(z - zo)-2
+ ... +
bk(z - zo)-A:
+ ... ;
that is,
z - Zo
bz (z - zo)
+ ... +
b" (z - zot
+ ....
Observe that such a series shows little promise of converging to a finite sum when z = Zo because the denominators (z - zot vanish. We ask: "For which values of z does such a series converge?" To answer this question, let us write 1
, = (z - ZO)-1 = Z -
The series above become ordinary power series in ,: bo
bI ,
b2 ,2
+ ... +
+ ....
But the theory of power series which we saw in Chapter 5 assures us I"~ < R for some radius R. Hence, the original series in (z - ZO)-1 converges for those z satisfying l/(lz - zol> < R; that is, that the series just above converges for all complex' satisfying
Iz - zol
> Rl = R'
In other words, the original series converges for all z outside some closed disc of radius Rl centered at zoo If R = 0, then the original series diverges for all z (except z = (0). A very simple and very important example of this phenomenon is the series l/(z - zo) consisting of a single term. This series converges for all
Singular Points alld Laurent Series
such that 12 - 201 > RI = 01 that is, Z ::P 20, as is clear from the arithmetic of the situation. Actually, we will be dealing with a more general series (positive and negative powers!) such as
1 1 2 ···+-+-+1+Z+2 + .... Z2
We write such a series in either of the forms +00
cn(z -
"=-00 This series will be said to converge at a point Z if and only if both parts,
"=1 (z - Zo)" '
converge at z. Thus, the domain of convergence will be annular.
6.2.1 The Laurent Expansion We will be concerned with functions defined and analytic in an annulus (ring) centered at Zo, that is, the set of points 2 satisfying the inequalities RI <
Iz - zol
< R2
for nonnegative radii R I , R2 (Figure 6.2). Note that if R t = 0, the annulus reduces to a punctured disc: The point 20 is deleted. Thus, annuli appear naturally in a treatment of isolated singular points of functions. We will now see that a function analytic in an annulus is represented by a so-called Laurent series in positive and negative powers of Z - Zo-
Sec. 6.2
LaurBnt Series
Let fez) be analytic in the annulus R t < is represented by a Laurent series fez)
Iz - zol
< R 2 • Then
cn(z - zoY'
which converges to fez) throughout the annulus. Moreover, the coefficients are given by
c - ~l
n - 2' (C 7tl C
f(C) Zo
)n+ 1
(n = 0,
± 1, ± 2, ... )
where C is any circle centered at Zo and contained in the annulus. Some Preliminary Comments 1. Suppose f is actually analytic in the full disc of radius R2 centered
at Zoo For negative n, the coefficients are obtained by integrating functions of the form f(C)(C - zo't with k nonnegative (k = -1 - n). These
integrals around C all vanish (why?) as we would hope: The Laurent series reduces to the Taylor series in the analytic case! 2. The value of Cn is independent of our choice of C because the integrand f(C)(C - zo)-n-l is analytic between any two circles contained in the annulus and centered at zoo 3. One usually does not compute Laurent series by integrating for the Cn' We will see better ways. On the other hand, if we know the Laurent series, then we can read off some integrals, namely, those for the Cn' This is a useful idea. For instance, 2nic_l gives us an integral of f(C), something we have long wanted. But we are getting ahead of ourselves .... Proof of Theorem 2: This will be quite similar to the proof of Taylor's Theorem in Chapter 5. Given z in the annulus R t < Iz - zol < R 2 , the Cauchy Integral Formula for Jordan domains (see Section 4.3, including the exercises) gives
Here, Ck = C(zo; rk) with R t < rl < Iz - zol < r2 < R2~ so that z lies between the concentric circles C 1 (inner) and C2 • See Figure 6.3. Note that we use Clr C2 for the typical points on Cl , C2 , and that both circles are given the standard counterclockwise orientation.
Chap. 6
Singular Points and Laurent Series
Now we deal with the integral over CIt manipulating the denominator (I - 2 in order to introduce a series in Z - Zo0 We have (compare Taylor's Theorem) ';1 -
('1 - zo) - (z - %0)
{I - 20} .
= - ( Z - Zo ) { 1 -
Z -
"1 -
Iz - zol, we are led to introduce a geometric series:
r ('1 - 20)k
Z - ZOk=O
Z - Zo
Now we operate formally with the integral over C1 ; thus,
- 2m ~ r f(e JC '1 -
dCl =
2m JC I
{21 . Tn
r f(C
«(I -
k=O (2 1 )(eJ
zo)" dCl} (
Z -
1)"+ 1 20
= where n
-(k =
Cn(Z -
I) and
2n:i)c1 ({I -
= 1
r _f('L- dC.
Jc (C -
The last equal sign holds because the value e" of the integral does not change if we replace C 1 by any other similarly oriented circle C in the
annulus of analyticity (compare the statement ofthe theorem). We leave it to you to justify the interchange of Land Scarried out just above; it's quite similar to what we did in proving Taylor's Theorem in Chapter 5.
Sec. 6.2
Laurent Series
Thus, the integral over C l gives the negative powers C_l(Z - Zo)- t, ZO)-2. etc. We leave it to you to prove that the integral over C2 gives the series in nonnegative powers of Z - Zo with the Hcorrect"
C_2(Z -
coefficients. There is nothing essentially new here. Done.
Can you recall any other situations in Chapter 5 and this chapter where the geometric series emerged at a crucial moment? Note that we began our discussion of series with this particular type.
Exercises to Paragraph 6.2.1 1. Consider a series ao
L n=O
an(z - zo)"
bn(z - zo)-n.
(a) Starting with the last sentence of Paragraph 6.2.0, prove that the set of points z for which the series converges will consist of an open annulus RI < Iz - zol < Rz (where possibly RJ = 0, or Ri = R z, or Rz = 00) together with (perhaps) certain points on either rim of the annulus. Use your knowledge of Taylor series. (b) Is it possible that the series converges for no z whatever? This is indicated by RI = R z• (c) Prove that the series converges at Zo (the center) if and only if all bn vanish (compare an ordinary power series). (d) Does the series determine an analytic function at each z inside an open annulus RI < Iz - zol < Rz of convergence? (e) Argue that the function in (d) fails to be analytic at points on each rim of the annulus Rl < Iz - zol < R z • Hint: How did we do this for Taylor series? 2. On Laurent's Theorem 2. True or false? (a) If f(z) is represented by the series z - 1 + ao + a 1 Z + (higher powers of z) convergent in some punctured disc about the origin, then (haa a nonremovable isolated singularity at the origin. (b) The function f(z) in (a) has a pole at the origin. (c) Given (z), Zo, and the annular radii RlJ Rz of Theorem 2, the Laurent series obtained in the theorem is unique. (d) The function f(z) may have different Laurent series centered at Zo, depending on the annulus of convergence selected. (e) If (z) has an isolated singularity at zo, then it may be expanded in a Laurent series centered at Zo and it may be convergent in some punctured disc o < Iz ~ zol < R 2 • (f) If a Laurent series for (z) convergent in some ring 1'1 < Iz - zol < rz is actually a Taylor series (no negative powers of z - zo), then this series actually converges in the full disc lz - zol < 1'z (at least). (g) If the last conclusion holds, then f(z) has at worst removable singularities in the full disc Iz - zol < rz and may be considered analytic throughout this disc.
Singular Points and Laurent Series
Chap. 6
3. The function (z) = 1/(1 - z) has a pole at Zo = 1. This is its only singularity. (a) What is the Taylor series of (z) in powers of z? (b) What is the Laurent series of (z) convergent in the punctured plane o < Iz - 1\ < oo? (c) What is the Laurent series off(z) convergent in the annulus 1 < \z\ < oo? Note that the center of this series is a point of analyticity; yet, the series must contain negative powers of z. Hint: Write 1/(1 - z) in terms of l/z. co
4. Suppose we are given (z) =
c"(z - zo)", a Laurent series convergent
in 0 < \z - zol < R. Argue that JC(zo;r) (z) dz = 2nic_ h provided 0 < r < R. This is the key to the Residue Theorem, which will enable us to integrate functions that fail to be analytic at isolated points. See Chapter 7. 5. Does Laurent's Theorem 2 imply that log z may be expanded in positive and negative powers of z convergent in some annulus R, < \z\ < R2? Discuss. 6. Let f(z) be analytic, 0 < \z - zol < R, with a pole at zoo Let C = C(zo; r), o < r < R. Does the Cauchy Integral Formula yield an infinite value in this case? What is the value of
~ 2nl
(z) dz? Zo
Jc z -
(You should be able to deduce immediately from elementary theory of the integral that this value is finite.)
6.2.2 How to Compute Laurent Series As we mentioned in Paragraph 6.2.1 (HComments"), the Laurent coefficients Cn (n = 0, ± 1, ± 2, ... ) are usually obtained by methods other than the integral formulas of Theorem 2. In particular, common sense and knowledge of related Taylor series work in many cases. Here are some examples. Example 1
Expand (z) = l/z in Laurent series centered at Zo = O. This is solved by noting that l/z is the Laurent expansion of (z). The only nonzero coefficient is c _ 1 = 1. Done. Note that this series converges for
> O.
Example 2
Expand the same function (z) = l/z in Laurent series centered at Zo = 1 and convergent near this point. This time we note that f(z) does nut. have a singularity at Zo = 1. Hence, its Laurent series there will actually be a Taylor series (no negative powers of z - 1). In fact, we have seen already that
! = z
1 = 1 - (z - 1) + (z - 1)2 - ... (z - 1)
(Iz - 11
< 1).
Sec. 6.2
Laurent Series
Example 3
Expand g(z) = e] I: in Laurent series centered at Zo = O. We recall that ell: has an essential singularity at the origin. To get the Laurent expansion, we first write e't = 1
Now let
+ , + - + - + ...
< 00)
l/z. This yields
+ -1 + -1- + -1- + ... z
e l/z
L -n!
That is, 11=0
Example 4
Expand f(z) = 1/(z - 1) in powers of l/z (that is, Zo = 0) valid for 1 < Izi. See Figure 6.4.
1/(z-1) =
z-n convergent for Izl>1
Note first that f(z) is not analytic for alllzi ~ I, since it has a pole at z = 1. We therefore expect an honest Laurent series in an annulu~ outside the closed unit disc. To get some powers of l/z into the discussion, we observe that 1
z - 1
1 =;. 1
1 - (l/z)
= ; ,1 + ; +
1 Z2
+ ...
< 1).
Singulllr Points lind l.lIurent Series
That is, f(z)
= - - = - + - + - + ... z - 1 Z Z2 Z3
(lzi > 1)
We comment that this series certainly does not represent f(z) inside the unit disc. See what happens, for example, when we try to substitute z = 0 on both sides of this expansion! Example 5
Expand g(z) = 1/(z2 + 1) in Laurent series convergent in a punctured disc around the pole Zo = i. We note first thatg(z) = 1/(z - i)(z + i). We wish to expand this in positive and negative powers of z - i. It makes sense to expand the factor 1/(z + i) in powers of z - i, and then multiply this expansion by 1/(z - 1:) to get the expansion for g(z).
As usual, we alter the geometric series for 1/(1 - ,) with a shrewdly chosen r involving z - i. We observe that 1
+ (z
- i)
1 =--
2i 1
(1/2,)(z - i)
(z - i)l -
-i 1 = -.------2 1 - (i/2)(z - i) = -
(1 + ! f (!)" 2
(z - i) -
(z - i)3 + ... )
(z - i)1f.
It follows that g(z)
= --. '--.
z - , z +,
L (i)'l+l - (z CD
- if-l.
Exercises to Paragraph 6.2.2 1. Decide the nature of the singularity (if any) at
= 0 for the following (z).
If the function is analytic or the singularity isolated, expand the function in appropriate powers of z convergent in a punctured disc 0 < 1z1 < R. (a) sin z, (b) sin(l/z), (c) (8m z)/z, (d) (sin ;;:)/;;:2,
(e) l/sin(l/z), (f) z sin(l/z), (g) log z.
2. Expand g(z) = 1/(Z2 + 1) as follows (see Example 5): (a) In powers of z convergent for Iz 1< 1.
Sec. 6.3
(b) In powers of z convergent for Izl > 1. (c) In powers of z + i convergent for 0 <
Iz + il
< 2. 3. We consider the not uncommon situation fez) = l/g(z) where the behavior of g(z) is known near Zo (and not identically zero). Argue the following: (a) If g is analytic at Zo with g(zo) =F O. then f is analytic at. Zo with f(zo) =F O. (b) If g(zo) = 0, then f has a pole at zoo See also Exercise 3 to Paragraph 6.1.1. (e) If g has a pole at zoo then f has a zero (removable singularity) at zoo (d) Ifg has an essential singularity at zoo then fhas either an isolated essential singularity or a nonisolated singularity at zoo Give examples of each phenomenon. (e) Where relevant, the Laurent series for f(z) may be obtained from the Laurent series for g(z) by long division. (f) Find the first few terms of the Laurent expansion for fez) = 1/sin z about the origin. Use (e). (g) Likewise for f(z) = l/e l / s . Hint: There are a couple of methods available here.
Section 6.3 POLES In this section we will correspond the three types of isolated. singular points of f{z) with three types of Laurent series. Let us begin by recalling that an isolated singularity Zo of an analytic function f is termed a pole if and only if
lim If(z) 1 =
+ 00.
The following simple observation is worth singling out. LEMMA 3
Let Zo be a pole for the analytic function f(z). Then the function g(z) = 1/f(z) is analytic at Zo and has an isolated zero there. Conversely, if Zo is an isolated zero of an analytic function g(z), then the function fez) = l/g(z) has a pole there.
Proof: Given that lilllz-so 1f(z) 1 = 00, it is clear that lim.%->ZD g(z) = 0 for g(z) = 1/f(z). This means that g(z) has a removable singularity at Zo and so, by Theorem 1, becomes analytic at Zo by defining g(zo) = o. This is an isolated zero because 20 was an isolated. pole for (z). The proof of the converse is quite similar. Done.
Let's push this observation a bit further. Since g(z) = 1/f(z) has an isolated zero at zoo we may factor it uniquely as follows (see Section 5.3): g(z) = (z - zoY"gt(z),
Singular Points and Laurent Series
Chap. 6
where gl is analytic in a neighborhood of zo, gl(ZO) =F 0, and m is a positive integer. This tells us that
fl(%) III' (z - zo)
wherefl(z) = I/gl(z) is analytic and nonzero at zoo You should convince yourself that f ((blows up" as Z -+ Zo precisely because of the denominator (z - zo'f'. The positive integer m is termed the order of the pole at zoo Every pole has a finite order m
1 (proof?). Poles of order m
= 1 are
often called simple poles. Thus lIz has a simple pole at Zo = O. Now on to Laurent series. If Zo is an isolated singularity for an analytic function f(z), then we may expand f(z) in a Laurent series convergent in some punctured disc centered at zo, that is, convergent for all z with o < Iz - zol < R 2 • We will speak of this expansion as the Laurent expansion off(z) about %0 (or at zo). Thus, let f(z) =
+00 ~ cn(z - zo'f
by the Laurent expansion of f(z) about zoo The polar part or principal part of this ~xpan8ion is the portion consisting of negative powers of z - Zo; that is 00
ciz - zoY'
c_",(z -
Clearly, one of the following three cases must occur: 1. All C_ III = 0, m = 1, 2, ... , so that the Laurent series is actually a Taylor series; the polar part is identically zero. 2. The polar part of the Laurent series is not identically zero as in (1), but only a finite number of the coefficients C_ III are different from zero. 3. Infinitely many of the c_'" are different from zero. Of course a term c_ml(z - ZO)III is identically zero if and only if C-III
= O.
The point of the next theorem is that these three cases correspond to the three types of isolated singularity. Thus, if we know the Laurent series, we need not take limits to decide the nature of the singularity. THEOREM
Let Zo be an isolated singularity for the analytic function f(z), and suppose L~=l (c_m/(z - zo'l") is the polar part of the Laurent series for f(z) about zoo Then (i) Zo is a removable singularity if and only if all C_ III = 0, as in case (1) above.
Sec. 6.3
(ii) Zo is a pole of order h > 0 if and only if the polar part is a finite sum
+ ... +
(z - zo)"
z - Zo
with C- h '# 0, as in case (2) above. (iii) Zo is an essential singularity if and only if the polar part has infinitely many nonzero terms, as in case (3) above. Proof: (i) From Theorem 1 it is clear that Zo is a removable singularity if and only if its Laurent series reduces to a Taylor series. (ii) Now suppose Zo is a pole of order h. By Lemma 3, g(z) = 11f(z) has a zero at zoo Hence, we get a Taylor expansion with zero constant term: g(z) = b,,(z - zo)" + b"+l(Z - ZO)"+1 + ... , with b" '# 0, h ~ 1. That is, bo = b i = .. , = b"-l = O. Now we factor, just as with polynomials: g(z)
(z - zo)"(bll
= (z -
+ b,,+ 1 (z - zo) + ... )
where gt(z) is analytic and nonzero at Zo- In fact, gt(zo) Since f(z) = l/g(z), we may write f(z)
= (z -
b" ¥- O.
zo)-"fl (z),
wherefl(z) = 1/g1 (z) is analytic and nonzero at zo0 In fact, fl(zo) Thus, (1(Z) has a Taylor expansion ft(z)
+ al(z - zo) + a2(z - zof + .. -
with ao = lIb" #- O. Multiplying this series by the factor (z yields the Laurent series for fez), namely, f( z ) =
ao h (z - Zo)
a1 " 1 (z - zo) -
+ ... + a" + ....
The polar part here has only a finite number of nonzero terms. This proves case (2). Conversely if case (2) holds, then fez) looks like fez) = c_,,(z - 20)-h
(z - Zo)-"(C- h
+ C_,,+ 1(z +
+ ... + + ... ).
- ZO)-"+ 1
C-h+ I(Z - Zo)
+ ...
with C-h i: O. Clearly, now lim If(z) 1= lim Iz - zol-I'lc- h + is infinite and so
is a pole for fez).
C_h+I(Z -
zo) +
Singular Points and Laurent Series
(iii) By the process of elimination, Zo is an essential singularity precisely when case (3) holds. This completes the proof of Theorem 4.
Some Examples Revisited Let us verify the theorem with some now-familiar illustrations. We have seen that (sin z)/z has a removable singularity at 20 = 0, that l/z has a pole at Zo = 0 and that ell:. has an essential singularity at 20 = o. We have also obtained these expansions: sm z = 1 _
. If -1 = Itse z ell:.
Z4 _
+ ...
(a Taylor series)
(a finite number of negative powers of z)
+ -1 + -1- + ... z
(infinitely many negative powers)
These results coincide with the three cases of the theorem. Further Discussion
By now it should be clear that f(z) has an isolated zero at zoo or g(z)
has a pole at zo, if and only if we may factor these functions thus: f(z) = (z - zo)kfl (z),
g (z) =
2 -
) -Ir
= (Z
gl(Z) -
)h '
with k, h positive integers and the factors fl' g I functions analytic and nonzero in a neighborhood of Zoo The integers k, h are the orders of the zero and the pole, respectively, at zoo This order gives a measure of Hhow fast" the function value approaches zero (or infinity in the case ofapole)aszapproacheszo. Thus, thefunctions1/z and 1}Z2 have poles of orders 1 and 2 at Zo = 0, respectively. Just so, the second function «
< 1).
It is worthy of note that these orders (of zeros or poles) are always integers, provided the function is analytic in some (possibly punctured) diBC about zoo 'This follows from expandability into powers (positive and negative) of z - zoo Note in contrast that the Ilfunction" f(z) = Z1/2, which has a zero "of order 1/2" at Zo = 0, is not single-valued analytic in a neighborhood of Zo = O. Let us conclude this section on poles by remarking on the behavior of a function at an (isolated) pole. Actually, this behavior is not 80 very bad (in contrast, as we will see, with the case of essential singularities).
Sec. 6.3
If we were willing to accept 00 as an allowable value, then at a pole we might define f(zo) = 00, and 80 lim f(z) = f(zo) =
that is, the function f would be continuous at Zo and in fact might even be considered to have a removable singularity there. In brief, poles are "infinite-valued" removable singularities. We mention the Riemann sphere in this context. As a set, the Riemann sphere L = C U {oo} = the complex numbers with infinity adjoined. It is not difficult to put the points of L in one-one correspondence with the points of an ordinary sphere (hollow globe), with 00 corresponding to the North Pole (whence the term Hpole"?). Thus, we are led to the study of functions f: Q -+ L rather than f: n -+ C.
Exercises to Section 6.3 1. True or false? (a) Iff(z) has a zero of order k at zo, then 11f(z) has a pole of order k there. (b) liInz .... o lel/tl = +00. (c) If f(z) has a pole of order k at zoo then there exists a polynomial p(z) such that (z) - [P(z)/(z - zo)t] is analytic at zoo (d) If (z) is analytic at the origin, then there exists an integer n such that g(z) (z)/z'" has a pole at the origin, provided m > n. (e) If(z) has an essential singularity at Zo. then limz-+!I'o (z) does not exist. (f) If p{z) is a nonconstant polynomial. then e1/P(Z) has essential singularities at the roots of p(z). (g) The function given by (-1)"/{(2n)! Z211} has a pole at the origin. (h) If f. g have poles of order h, k at the point Zo, then f(z)g(z) has a pole of order h + k at zoo 2. Meromorphic functions. The function (z) is called meromorphic in n provided
its only (non-removable) singularities there are (isolated) poles. If n = C, f is usually called meromorphic. We concentrate on the case n = C. (a) Which of the following are meromorphic? Polynomials, rational functions, entire functions. ell", sin(1/z), (sin z)/z, 1/sin z, ez/z. 1/sin(1/z). (b) Iff is meromorpbic, is its reciprocall/fmeromorphic? (c) Prove that if the meromorphic function f(z) has only finitely many poles in C, then (z) is a quotient [entire functionl/[polynomial]. (d) Observe that the meromorphic functions may be thought of as analytic
mappings f: C -t 1: (= the Riemann sphere C u {<X)} mentioned in the text). Culture: A famous problem was "Construct all meromorphic functions." This has been solved by the work of several mathematicians, among them Weierstrass, Mittag-Leffler, Hadamard. Results: (i) Every meromorphic function is the quotient of two entire functions (a huge generalization of (c) above); (ii) Hadamard gave a characterization of entire functions as products
of polynomials. exponentials, and so-called infinite products. 3. Rational functions and partial fractions. We write f(z) = p(z)/q(z), where the polynomials p, q have no common linear factors (roots). (a) Prove that lims-+IXI fez) is 0, c :1= 0, or 00 according as the degree of p(z) is <, =. or > the degree of q(z).
S;ngu/ar Points and Laurent Ser;e8
(b) Prove that a rational function has the form i(z) = tl(Z)
Chap. 6
+ (A(z)/B(z»
with I" A, B polynomials such that A(z), B(z) have no common linear factors and either A == 0 or the degree of A is strictly less than the degree of B. Hint: Long division by q = B with remainder A. (c) Prove that the function A(z)/B(z) in (b) has finitely many poles. (d) If 9'l(Z), ... , f/lm(z) are the various polar parts (negative powers in the Laurent series) of A(z)/B(z) at its m poles z., ... , Zm, then (A(z)/B(z» Qlj(z) is a polynomial that approaches zero as z approaches 00. Hint: Recall from (b) that A(z) has smaller degree than B(z) and that f/lJ(z) consists of finitely many negative powers of z - ZJ. (e) Apply a famous theorem to deduce that A(z)/B(z) = Lj~ 1 rp J(Z) (= a sum of partial fractions). (f) Conclude [rational function] = [polynomial] + [finite sum of fractions CJk/(Z - ZJ)k]. Note that complex numbers are required for this partial fraction decomposition. (g) As a corollary, prove that a complex rational function has an antiderivative that is the sum of a polynomial and finitely many terms of the form c log(z - Zj). 4. Behauior at Z = 00. The behavior of the meromorphic (in C) function (Z) at Z = 00 is defined to be limz->tXl (z) or (same thing) ~-+ 0 F(C), whereF(C) = (l/C), provided this limit makes sense. Thus, we say that Z = 00 is a removable singularity (hence point of analyticity), pole, essential singularity, or nonisolated singularity for fez) according as I: = 0 is such for F(C). (a) Describe the behavior at z = 00 of each of the following meromorphic functions: lIz, Ef, sin Z, (Z3 + 1)/z2, Ilsin z, (3z Z + 4)/(2z 2 + z + 1). (b) If fez) = p(z)/q(z) is a· rational function (in lowest terms), then f equals 0, c #: 0.00 at z = 00, according as the degree of p(z) is less than, equal to, or greater than the degree of q(z), respectively. See Exercise 3(a).
(c) Prove that the meromorphic f(z) has only finitely many poles in each disc Izl ~ r. Hint: Othel'wise the poles of f would cluster about some nonisolated nonremovable singularity in Izl ~ r. We have seen this (Chapter 5) for zeros. (d) Hence, if f has infinitely many poles Zs, Z2 • ••• , z"". .. in C, then ... "" z". = 00,
00 is a nonisolated singularity for f if and only if f has infinitely many poles in C. Hint: , = lIz. (f) Deduce that z = 00 is an isolated (possibly removable) singularity for fez) if and only if f(z) = [entire functionJ/[polynomial]. 5. The natural functions on the Riemann sphere. If f is meromorphic, then we think of it as f: C ..... 1:. If, moreover, f is rational, then we have f: 1: -10 1:,
(e) Prove that z =
since z =
is either a removable singularity (finite value) or pole for f. We
ask "Which meromorphic functions ((z) other than the rational functions have
a removable singularity or a pole at z = 00 and thus determine functions f: 1: - 1: from the sphere to the sphere?" (a) Prove that if f: 1: -10 1: is meromorphic, then also its reciprocal lIt: 1: - 1: is meromorphic, provided we admit the function that is identically equal to 00. (b) Use (a) and Exercise 4(f) to prove that iff: I ..... 1: is meromorphic and not identically equal to 00, then f is a rational function of z. Moral: The natural meromorphic (or "analytic," if we think of poles as oo-valued removable singularities) mappings f: l: ..... I are the rational functions, together with the constant function 00. Or, recalling the notion of Riemann surface from Chapter 3, we conclude that the Riemann surface (natural domain of definition) of a rational function is the sphere I.
Sse. 6.4
Essential Singula,itlefl
6. If the rational function f(z) = p(z)/q(z) in lowest terms, then the degree of f is defined to be the larger of the degrees of p(z) and q(z). Prove that if f has degree d and if wEI, then there exist exactly d solutions z in I to fez) = w, provided we count properly. For example, fez) = 1/z2 has a double root (compare fez) = 0) at z = 00, as predicted by our assertion. This indicates how considering f: I --. I rather than n -+ C Dr C -+ 1: leads to certain more graceful statements about the rational function f.
You will recall that Zo (as always, an interior point of a plane domain 0) is defined to be an essential singularity of f if it is neither an isolated removable singularity nor a pole. Theorem 4 characterizes essential singularities for us in terms of the Laurent series of f at
Zo ~
this series
must have infinitely many nonzero terms when expanded about an essential singularity. Now we ask about the behavior of f at an essential singularity Zo: "What does f do for Z near Zo ?" It is worth noting that we employed a "behavioral" definition for removable singularities and poles, namely, that fhad a certain limit at zoo In the present case we must prove a theorem, the Casorati-Weierstrass Theorem. We begin by recalling the more general criterion for removable singularities, due to Riemann. See Paragraph 6.1.1. FACT
The isolated singularity Zo of an analytic function f is a removable singularity ~ If(z)1 is bounded in some punctured disc centered at Zoo Note: This statement doesn't involve the existence of ~-zo f(z). CASORATI-WEIERSTRASS THEOREM
In every open neighborhood, no matter how small, of an isolated essential singularity zo, the function f assumes values fez) arbitrarily close to every complex number w. That is, if D' is any punctured disc centered at Zo and D(w; p) is any disc about any point w, then there exists some zED' such that f(z) E D(w; p). Proof: The point w and discs D', D(w; p) are given arbitrarily. Assume If(z) - wi ~ p for all zED'. Define g(z) = 1/«((z) - w). Then g has an isolated singularity at Zo and, moreover, IR(z)1 ::::; p-l for all zED'. By Riemann's Criterion, Zo is a removable singularity for g(z). Hence, it is possible to remove the singularity by defining g(zo) = wo for some finite woo Now if Wo =F 0, then l/g(z) = f(z) - w (and hence f(z» has a removable singularity at zo, while if Wo = 0, then l/g(z) = f(z) - w (and hence f(z), as you should check) has a pole at Zoo This
SingulaT Points and LBuTent Series
Chap. 6
contradicts the hypothesis that Zo is an essential singularity of I. Thus, I(z) - wi < p for some z in D', as claimed. Done.
Thus, the function (takes every small punctured disc D' centered at the essential singularity Zo and maps it nall over" the w-plane so that, in the language of topology, the set I(D,) of images is "dense" in the w-plane.
Illustration We know that f(z) = ell. has an essential singularity at Zo = o. We will show that if D' is any punctured disc centered at the origin and w is any nonzero complex nwnber, then there is a z in D' such that ell: = w. This is even stronger than the conclusion of CasoratiWeierstrass: It shows equality rather than proximity. What does f(z) = e 1/% do to the disc D'? Note first that the mapping that sends z to lIz will send the small disc D' onto the exterior of some other closed disc. That is, for' = l/z, if 0 < Izl < r then 00 > 1'1 > 1/r. But we know that the exponential function is periodic, mapping every horizontal strip of height 2n onto the set C - {O}. Surely the exterior of each closed disc contains not only one but an infinity of such horizontal strips. It follows that ~ = el /% = w is satisfied for infinitely many z in D/, provided only w ¢. 0 (since eC is never zero).
Postscript Actually, this example is typical. For a deep theorem of Picard states that in every punctured disc about an isolated essential singularity, an analytic function assumes every complex value w with at most one exception f
Exercises to Section 6.4 1. Construct a function analytic in all ofC except for essential singularities at the two points Zo = 0, Z I = 1. 2. The function fez) = l/(z - 1) is represented by the Laurent series Z-l +
+ Z-3 + ... , provided Izl > 1. A naive student, observing that this series has infinitely many negative powers of z, concludes that the point Zo = 0 is an essential singularity for (. Point out the flaw in his argument. 3. The function f(z) = (el~ - e- b )/2iz has an isolated singularity at the origin. Prove that f(z) is bounded near the origin. Deduce that the origin is a removable singularity for f. Hint: Use series. Or, what is fez)? 4. How many applications of the ML-inequality can you detect in this chapter? Z-2
5. Proof or counterexample: If(z) and g(z) have (l pole and essential singularity, respectively, at the point zo, then the product f(z)g(z) has an essential singularity at zoo
6. Prove, using the Casorati-Weierstrass Theorem, that if f has an essential singularity at Zo and if w is any complex value whatever, then there exists a sequence Cit C2, ... such that lim" ... "" en = Zo and limn ... "" {({II) = w.
Essential Singularities
Sec. 6.4
7. Behavior at infinity revisited (a) Suppose ( is analytic in C except for isolated singularities (poles or essential). How should we define the behavior of ( at z = oo? Recall that we dealt with this in the exercises to Section 6.3, and that (may assume a finite value or have a singularity (not necessarily isolated) at infinity. (b) Argue that a nonconstant polynomial has a pole at infinity, and that e: has an essential singularity there. (c) What is the nature of the singularity of e1 / Z at z = oo? (d) Prove, using Casorati-Weierstrass, that a nonconstant, periodic, entire function has an essential singularity at infinity. (Compare Exercise l1(c)
9. 10.
also.} (e) Classify the singularities of sin z, cos z, e-::, cosh z at z = 00 (using (d) when applicable). Prove that if Zo is a pole ofg(z), then it is an essentia1singularity of((z) = e/l(zl Is this true at Zo = 00 as well? Construct a function with infinitely many distinct isolated essential singularities in C. Hint: Use Exercise 8. Meromorphic functions at infinity. Let (z) be meromorphic (isolated poles only) in C. See the exercises to Section 6.3. AB usual, we exclude many-valued "functions" such as .J log z. (a) Prove (once again!) that f has infinitely many poles in C if and only nit has a nonisolated singularity at infinity. (b) Suppose f has an isolated singularity at infinity. Prove that this singularity is essential if and only if f is not a rational function. Entire (unctions at infinity. Let f(z) be entire. (a) If f is not identically zero, then the reciprocal 1/1 is meromorphic. Proof? (b) What famous theorem may be phrased: If f (entire) is noil constant, then infinity is an (isolated) pole or essential singularity, but not a removable singularity, for f. (c) Refine (b) by proving that an entire function (z) that is not a polynomial has an essential (isolated) singularity at z = 00. A very short proof follows from our power series considerations of Section 6.3. This result generalizes that of Exercise 7(b), which dealt with periodic functions. Entire transcendental functions at infinity. These are the entire functions that are not polynomials, such as ~. (a) Prove that if (is entire transcendental, then in every domain Izl > R (neighborhood of (0) the values ((z) come arbitrarily close to any preassigned finite complex value Woo Hint: Casorati-Weierstrass for (l,C). (b) Contrast the case in which fis a nonconstant polynomial: The condition Izl > R must be dropped, but f(z) = Wo is actually solvable for (finitely many) z and any given Woo But a better theorem follows. in Exercise 13. A version of Picard's First Theorem. Prove that a nonconstant entire function f actually assumes every finite complex value, with possibly one exception. Of COUI'se (2) = eF fails to assume the value zero. Use the following free (and highly nontrivial) information. It is possible to define a (nonconstant) branch,., = J.I(w) of the "inverse modular function" satisfying (i) if g is entire and g(z) ":f:. 0, 1, then J.I(g(z» is entire; and (ii) the value J.I(g(z» lies in the upper half-plane. Hint: If fez) ":f:. Wo, Wit then g(z) = (/(2) - WO)/(Wl - wo) omits the values 0, 1.
7 The Residue Theorem and the Argument Principle
7.1.0 Introduction
You will recall that the Cauchy Integral Theorem and Formula produced a large number of corollary results about analytic functions: the Maximum Modulus Principle, Liouville's Theorem, the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, and so forth. In contrast, Chapters 5 and 6 on series have been of a more technical nature. But now that we have performed the labor of expanding complex functions in power series, it is time to reap the profits. This harvesting will be done in the remaining chapters. The first results we obtain will be the Residue Theorem and the Argument Principle (Sections 7.1 and 7.2). Both of these follow readily from facts about Laurent series. Their uses are legion. The Residue Theorem is invaluable as a method of computing both real and complex integrals (Appendix) and the Argument Principle will be prominent when we discuss local conformal mapping in Chapter 8. 7.1.1 Residues and the Residue Theorem
Recall that the Cauchy Integral Theorem says that frf(Z) dz
= 0,
provided f is analytic on and inside the simple closed curve r. The Residue Theorem, which we will state in a moment, also enables us to
Sec. 7.1
The Residue Theorem
integrate "without integrating." It is a kind of generalization of the Cauchy Integral Theorem to functions f with singularities inside r. First a new concept. Let the point Zo be an isolated singularity of f. This means that f is analytic in a punctured neighborhood of Zoo We know that f has a Laurent expansion +00
(z) =
cn(z - zo)",
where certain of the coefficients CII may, of course, be zero. We define the residue off at the point Zo to be the coefficient (a number) C-i' We denote it thus: C-l = res«(; zo). It is absolutely important to note that we obtain res(f; zo) from the Laurent expansion convergent in a punctured disc centered at Zo. that is, for all Z satisfying a condition of the form
o < Iz - zol
< R2•
The usefulness of the residue as a property of the function f is indicated by the observation that res(f; zo)
= C-l =
Jrr f(z) dz,
where r is any simple closed curve containing Zo as the only singular point of f inside it. See Figure 7.1. This follows, of course, from the general formula for the coefficients Cn in Laurent's Theorem 2 of Chapter 6. Thus, if we know the Laurent series of f about Zo (or, at least, the coefficient C- 1 of this series), and if Zo is the only singularity off enclosed by r, then we may immediately evaluate fr f(z) dz
2ni res(f; zo)·
f analytic in 0< IZ-201 < R2
The Residue Theorem and the Argument Principle
Chap. 7
Let us extend this idea in a standard way. Suppose we wish to evaluate Ir f(z) dz, where the points Zl," • , Zm are precisely the singularities of f inside r. Then we note that
f(z) dz =
f(z) dz
+ ... +
f(z) dz,
where r 1, ••• , r m are simple closed curves and r k has only one singularity offin its interior, namely, Zk' See Figure 7.2 in the case m = 3. This last equality is true, you will recall, because the integral of an analytic function around the full boundary of a Jordan domain is zero.
r Shaded area is a 4-oonnected Jordan domain with boundary
r- r 1 - r 2 -r3
Hence we have arrived at the following result: RESIDUE THEOREM
Let f(z) be analytic in a domain .Q except for isolated singularities z 1, ••• , z'n in n. Let r be a positively oriented simple closed curve in Q which has z 1, ••. , Zm in its interior. Then the line integra 1off around r is given by
f(z) dz
res({; Zk)'
In brief, the integral is ~ni times the sum of the residues. It now becomes important to locate the singular points of a function and then to calculate the residues at these points. This latter is done, of course, if we know the full Laurent series at the point, but often it is
simpler to compute only the residue L this soon.
and not the full series. More on
Sec. 7.1
The Residue Th(lorem
An //Iusttation of the Residue Theorem
We calculate the familiar integral fr (dzlz), where r is any simple closed curve about the origin. Thus, f(z) = lIz, which has a pole at Zo = O. Sincef(z) is already given as a Laurent series, we see immediately that res(f; 0) = 1. The Residue Theorem now tells us that
dz = 2ni.
z You may recall that we computed this earlier in the case r was the unit circle Izl = 1 by making the substitution z = e i6 and integrating with respect to (J. We will meet this integral again. Another Example: Two Singularities
We compute
r (! + 1_-1z) dz,
Jr z
where r is any positively oriented loop enclosing the singularities 0, ZJ = 1. See Figure 7.3.
Zo =
r Figure
First we obtain the residues at
To obtain reset; ~o) where
f is the integrand, we expand f in powers of z; thus, 1 1 1 2 f() z =-+--=-+l+z+z + ....
1 -
It follows that res(f; 0) = 1. To compute res(f; 1), we note that f(z) =
~ + Z -
whence res(t; 1)
(z - 1)
= - 1.
~ +
z - 1
1 - (z - 1)
+ (z
- 1)2 - ...•
The Residue Theorem and the Argument Principle
Chap. 7
The desired integral is, by the Residue Theorem,
(!z + _1_)z dz
1 -
Thus, even ntis not analytic at all points of the interior ofr, its integral around r may vanish in some cases. The Residue Theorem vs. the Cauchy Formula It should in fairness be noted that the preceding examples can be
dealt with in the language of Cauchy's Theorem and Formula without mention of residues. The exercises to Section 4.3, in which integrals of functions with singularities were computed using Cauchy's Formula, underscored this fact. The point is, of course, that Cauchy's Formula (for f(zo» is a special case of the Residue Theorem (for the functionf(z)/(z zo», and this special case is adequate for many practical computations. Note in the examples below that the integrands look like integrals of Cauchy type, with denominators involving z - zoo This is the key. Example 1 (same as above)
We have
f(!+_1 )dz=
Jr z
1 -
Jr Z
.!dz _
f_1 d2
Jr 1 f
_ 1 dz 1
Jr 1 Z -
2ni - 2ni =0
where r o, r
are small circles around Zo
Example 2
fT d zIzl=2 Z (z - 1)
r 0, r 1
are circles
e% d z+ ro z (z - 1) 2
rl Z
eZ (z - 1)
in Example 1. But
eI Z
Z -1- 2 ) dz=2ni 2
z - 1
1, respectively.
ZI =
By the Cauchy Formula for a derivative, we observe that
l(e%) .d(e%)1 - - d2=2m--
ro Z2
dz z - 1
z - 1
2ni fT(z -
21 I
(z - 1) =
Sec. 7.1
The Residue Theorem
Thus, we conclude that
2( e dz )1:t1=2 z z - 1)
= 2n:ei
- 4n:i = 2n:i(e - 2).
Example 3
cot zdz Iz l=1
cos z - - dz. 1%1=1 sin z
Well, the only singularity of the integrand is at Zo = 0, because sin z = zg(z) with g(O) = 1 (from the Taylor series). This gives us an integral of Cauchy type, namely,
)12:1=1 sin
Zdz Z
! (COS Z)
)I Z I=1 z = 2n:z.
(COS Z) -g(z)
I %0=0
= 2n:i. Summary
For theoretical purposes, as well as for certain knotty integrals (see the Appendix to this Chapter), the language of residues is indispensable and universally accepted. However, certain complex integrals, generally involving (z - zoY" in the denominator of the integrand may be handled, using the Cauchy Integral Formula, without mention of residues. Exercises to Paragraph 7.1.1 1. Compute the following integrals around the positively oriented unit circle C(O; 1), applying theorems wherever possible. (a) (b)
(d) (e) (f)
Ie esc z dz. Ie Z csc z dz. Ie (tan z/z) dz. Je (1/z(z2 + 4» dz. Ie (1/z (1/4» dz. Ie e- dz. 2 -
You may have to read Paragraph 7.1.2 in order to compute certain residues here. 2. Suppose f(z) = (z - 1)-3 + 5(z - 1)-1 - 4 + 2(z - 1) + ... and that (has no singularities in the plane except Zo = 1. Compute Jr f(z) dz, where r is the positively oriented circle Iz - 11 = 1. 3. A naive approach to the Residue Theorem. Given that (z) = C_"Z-Ic + ... + C_1Z- 1 + Co + CIZ + .... compute Jrf(z) dz (where r is a sufficiently small,
The Rer/due Theorem .nd the ATgument Principle
Chap. 7
positively oriented circle about the origin) by integrating the series term-byterm. Observe that the integral of each term vanishes, with one exception. Was this our method of proving the Residue Theorem? 4. True or false? Here r is a simple closed curve. f(z) is analytic on r. (a) If Ir (z) dz -:F 0, then (is not analytic at all points on and inside r. (b) If Ir f(z) dz = 0, then (is analytic at all points inside r. (c) Iffis analytic inside r except at Zo. and (z - zo)(z) is analytic everywhere inside r, then Ir f(z) dz -:F O. (d) It is necessary to perform integration to compute every Laurent series. (e) The Cauchy Integral Formula is a special case of the Residue Theorem. 6. Which of the integrals worked out in the text above can you compute using only anti-differentiation? This should help you appreciate the theory we have developed.
7.1.2 How are Residues Computed?
We illustrate some methods by examples.
First Method: Use the Laurent Expansion Suppose that f(z) = e1 /%. Then we know that 1 f(z) = 1 + -
2! Z2
+ ...
that res(f; 0) = the coefficient of lIz = 1. Of course Zo = 0 is the only isolated singularity of e 1 /:z in C. Here is another example. Let g(z) = sin{1/z2). This has an isolated singularity at Zo = 0 only. The Laurent series centered at the origin is obtained from the familiar Taylor series so
. -r 3 -r5 Sln-r=1'--+--'"
by replacing T with l/z 2 ; thus, g(z)
. 1 1 1 1 = sm - = - - - - + - - - .... 10 Z2
We see immediately that res(g; 0) = the integrations
C- 1
= O. Thus, you can now verify
fr (:2) sin
where r is any simple closed curve about the origin. These were quite beyond our means before we reached the Residue Theorem.
The Resldutl Theorem
Second Method: Simple Poles A pole Zo of f is said to be simple if its order is 1, that is, if f may be expressed as ((z) =
z -
+ Cl(Z
+ ....
The basic example of this is, of course, Zo = 0 for (z) = l/z. We obtain the residue at a simple pole by noticing that res(f; zo) =
= lim (z
- zo){(z).
For example, let us examine the rational function (z) = (z - i)3(Z + 1) • z(z - 2)"
This has a simple pole at Zo = 0 and a pole of order 4 at the point z = 2. Rather than expand {(z) in Laurent series, we use the paragraph above to deduce res({; 0)
(z - i)3(Z : 1) (z - 2)
=~. 16
Note that the factor z was first canceled from the denominator. The Residue Theorem then gives
r (z z(z - ,,)3(Z + 1) dz - 2t
2,.i (~)
where r is the unit circle, say (and hence r does not enclose the pole z = 2 as well as the origin).
An Extension to Double Poles Suppose {has a double pole (pole of order 2) at Zo; that is, {(z)
= (
z -
z - Zo
+ Cl(Z
- zo)
+ "',
with C-2 :# O. Hence, (z - ZO)2{(Z)
= C-2 +
C_l(Z - zo)
+ co(o2
and so we get c _ 1 by differentiating: res({; zo) =
= lim «z
- o20)2{(Z»'.
This is our formula. For example, let our function be {(z) =
02 Z -
1 ')2 • ,
+ ...
The Realdue Theorem lind the Argument Principle
Chllp. 7
This has a simple pole at the origin and a double pole at Zo = i. Now + 1)/z = 1 + (l/z). The first derivative of this function 2 is -1/z , whence
(z - i)2 fez) = (z
res(f; i)
1) = 1= ~ :; .... , z
We leave it to you to compute the residue off at the origin and hence the integral
z + 1 d 2 Z r z(z - i)
for various closed curves
Exercises to Paragraph 7.1.2 1. Compute all residues inside the unit circle of each of the integrands in Exercise 1 to Paragraph 7.1.1. Compute the integrals now if you could not do it earlier. 2. Suppose that g is analytic at Zo and define (z) = g(z)/(z - zo). (a) What is the nature of the singularity of f at 20 ? (b) What is reset; zo) in terms of g? (c) Compute Jc (z) dz, where C is a positively oriented circle about Zo containing no other singularities of ,. (d) What famous theorem is this? 3. (a) Locate all singularities of (z) = (Z3 + 2 z :Z + Z)-1 and compute the residues at these singularities. (b) Compute J,:1=2 (Z3 + 2z2 + Z)-1 dz (the path of integration is the positively oriented circle C(O; 2». 4. Same as Exercise 3 for (z) = (3 + iz4)/z'. 5. Suppose (z) has a simple zero at Zo so that l/(z) has a simple pole there. Prove res(llt: zo) = 1It'(zo). 6. (a) Prove that the zeros of sin z occur at the points z = kn. k = 0, ± I, ± 2, ... and, moreover, all are simple. We have seen this already. (b) Prove res(l/sin Z; kn) = (-1)1:, using Exercise 5. (c) Compute the integrals IC(klt;l) esc z dz, k = 0, ±1, .... 7. Compute Ir(z + l)z-l(z - i)-2 dzinthese cases (see text):
r = C(O; 1/2). (b) r = C(i; 1/2). (c) r = C(O; 2).
Section 7.2 THE ARGUMENT PRINCIPLE 7.2.0 Introduction This section contains some surprises. Here is the situation we will be considering: n is a plane domain as usual, and r is a piecewise-smooth
Sec. 7.2
The Argument Principle
positively oriented simple closed curve inside Q having the property that every point inside r is a point of Q. This is certainly the case if n is "simply connected," that is, has no holes or punctures whatever. The function f is analytic in n except perhaps for a finite number of poles. However, f has no zeros and no poles on the curve r. We will consider these three numbers: (i) the integral
~ 2ni
r f'(z) dz',
Jr f(z)
(ii) the difference between the number of zeros and the number of poles of f inside the curve r; (iii) the number of times the image curve f(r) wraps around the origin in the w-plane. See Figure 7.4.
W=f(Z)=Z2 V"
f has a double zero Figure
fer) wraps twice about the origin
It is clear that the last two numbers are integers. We will show that all three numbers are equal! This is the Argument Principle. To deal with (iii), we must introduce the notion of uwinding number" of a curve about a point. But let us begin by relating (i) and (ii).
7.2.1 Counting Zeros and Poles; No(r) AND Noo(r) As mentioned in Paragraph 7.2.0, f is analytic at all points on and inside the closed curve r except for a fmite uwnoor of poles inside r. We require also that f have no zeros on r itself. We introduce the notation No(r) = number of zeros (properly counted) of {inside
Noo(r) = number of poles (properly counted) of {inside
The Residue Theorem and the Argument Principle
Here "properly counted" means that a simple zero is counted once, a double zero twice, a zero of order k is counted k times, and likewise for poles. We always use this convention when speaking of the number of zeros. poles, roots, and so on. For example, if f(z) =
(z - 1-)3 2)6
Z4(Z _
and r is the unit circle about the origin, then No(r) = 3, N oo(r) = 4. Note that because f is not identically zero (since f(z) :¢: 0 on r), its zeros are isolated. This implies that No(r) is finite (why?). You may argue similarly for Noo(r). The integrand f'(z)lf(z) is the logarithmic derivative of f. It is the derivative of log f(z), where the latter is defined. The first half of the Argument Principle follows. LEMMA
Let [' be a piecewise-smooth positively oriented simple closed curve and suppose f is analytic on and inside r, except for a finite number of poles inside
r, but with no poles
or zero.
r itself.
Then No(r) - Noo(r) = - \ 27tt
r f'(z) dz.
Jr fez)
Note: Iff is analytic everywhere, then the integral gives the number of zeros exactly, since then Noo(r) = O. Proof: By the Residue Theorem, the right-hand side is equal to the sum of the residues of the integrand f'(z)lf(z) inside r. We must obtain these residues. To do this, note first that the integrand has singularities (possibly removable) precisely where f has zeros or poles. Let us compute a residue off'(z)lf(z) at a zero Zo off. We may write,
thanks to our usual factorization, fez) = (z - zo)hfl (2),
f'(z) -'- h(z - zot- 1f1(Z) + (z - zo)"f' 1 (z),
where h is a positive integer and Ii (zo) f_'(_z) = h f(z) z -
O. Thus, the integrand is
+ f'l(Z) • Zo
Since fl (z) is analytic and nonzero in some open set about Zo. we conclude that the residue of f'(z)lf(z) at the zero Zo of the original function I is just the order h of this zero. If we add up the residues obtained at each zero of I inside r, we clearly get the total number of zeros (properly counted) of f inside r. This gives No(r).
Sec. 7.2
The Argument Principle
On the other hand, suppose f has a pole of order k at some point z 1 inside r. Then we have, as before, f(z) = (z - Zl)-kI1(z), f'(z)
= -k(z -
Zl)-k- 1fl(Z)
+ (z - Zl)-kf'](Z),
with 11 (z 1) finite and different from zero. Thus we have f'(Z) = _-_k_ fez)
2 -
fl(z) ,
whence the residue of f'(z)lf(z) at Z 1 is - k. Thus, the sum of the residues at poles of f is - Nro(r). Since all singularities of f'(z)/f(z) have been accounted for, the Residue Theorem assures us that the line integral equals No(r) - Nro(D as claimed. Done.
An Example
Let f(z) = Z2, and let r be the unit circle. We see that f'(z)/f(z) = 2z/Z2 = 2/z, so that
~ 2ni
f'(z) = ~ f(z) 2ni
r dz =
This is just what Lemma 1 predicts, since f(z) clearly has a double zero inside r and no poles anywhere. It is worth noting how often we have used the explicit computation
~rdz=l 2ni
which we worked out with our bare hands in Chapter 4 long ago. Exercises to Paragraph 7.2.1 1. Suppose f(z) is analytic in the plane except for poles at z = 1 + i, i/2, 0 of orders 3, 2, 1, respectively. Suppose also that f has zeros at z = 5i and z = 1/2 of orders 7 and 1, respectively. Evaluate
J:... 21ti
{'(z) dz
Jr f(z)
in the following cases: (a) r is the unit circle with its standard positive parametrization. (h) r = C(O; 2) with a Rtandard Rimple poRitive parametrization. 2. We verify Lemma 1 in the special case f(z) = zt, where k is any integer. Let C be the positively oriented unit circle. (a) By observation, No(C) - N",,(C) = k. (b) Calculate (21ti) - I Jc (f'(z)/f(z» dz directly and obtain the same value k. (c) Check that the computation in (b), in a more general version, of course, is at the heart of the proof of Lemma 1.
The Residue Theorem and the ArgumelJt Principle
3. Compute Izl = 1 cot z dz, first by using residues and thep. by observing that cot z = f'(z)lf(z) in the case that f(z) = sin z, and then applying Lemma 1.
Which method is simpler? 4. Likewise for f Izl = 1 tan z dz. 6. Suppose (standard situation) that f is analytic on and inside the Jordan curve r except for a finite number of poles inside r, and that f has no zeros or poles on r itself. Let {zJ} be the zeros (of orders hJ > 0) inside r, and let {CHI} be the poles (of orders k m > 0) inside r. Prove, by imitating the proof of Lemma 1, the formula 1
i r
zf'(z) ~() dz = I' Z
Lj hJzJ - L kmCm. m
6. Generalize Exercise 5. If g is analytic on and inside r, and f. zJ> Cm al'e as in Exercise 5, then 1
g(z){'(z) - ft -) dz
hJg(zJ) -
L kmg({",). m
7. To what does the preceding formula reduce when f(z)
7.2.2 The Winding Number
Given a closed curve r and point %0 not on the curve, we want to define a numher n(r; %0) which tells us how many times the curve r winds around the point zoo Thus, if r is the unit circle with its usual positive (counterclockwise) orientation, we expect nCr; zo) = 0 or 1, according as %0 is outside or inside the circle r. If r is more complicated, as in Figure 7.5, then the winding number may be larger or smaller (even negative for negative orientation) and may be different for different points inside r. How shall we define the winding number nCr; %o)? We cannot rely on pictures for our definition, and we realize the desirability of an analytic definition, that is, one involving derivatives or integrals, the stuff of calculus. Of course any analytic definition should agree with our geometric intuition. Our definition of winding number is motivated by the well-known fact that if r is a simple closed positively oriented loop such as a circle, then the integral 1 f dz 2ni
Jr Z -
equals 0 or I, according as the point Zo is outside or inside the loop r. Thus, this integral gives the «correct" n(r; zo) in the case of a simple (noneelf-intersecting) closed curve. It is a happy fact that even more is true. The following lemma will enable us to define an integer n(r; zo) for an arbitrary closed curve r. even if the curve crosses itself or is not positively oriented.
Sec. 7.2
The Argumllnt Prlnclpl.
ncr; Zo)=-1 nCr; Zt)=O
ncr; zo) =1 nCr; Zl)=O
ncr; 2'0) =0 nCr; Zl) =2
ncr; zo) =2 n(r;zl)=l
nCr;.74) =1 nCr; Zl) =-1
Winding numbers Figure
Let r be a piecewise-smooth closed curve that does not pass through the point zoo Then the integral 1 2ni
Jr z -
is an integer. Proof: Let r be parametrized by),: [a, bJ ... r, a piecewise-smooth complex-valued function of a real variable. Thus, for 2 on r we have Z = )l(t) and dz = )"(t) dt. Define q1(T)
)"(t) dt )'(t) - Zo
and note that tp(b) is 2ni times the value of the integral in the statement of the lemma. We will compute tp(b). Since (J/(-r) is an integral, it is continuous for a ~ T ~ b. Moreover. the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (applied to the real aJid imaginary parts of the integrand separately) assures us that tp'(r) =
/,'(1:) y(r) - Zo
at all points where the integrand is continuous, that is, where )"(f) is continuous.
The R_/dufl Theorem lind the Argumflnt Principle
We will apply this to the auxiliary function
2 o)e-tp(t).
Note that «Il(t) is continuous for a ~ t ~ b and, as a direct computation shows, 1I>'(t) = 0 at all points where this derivative exists, that is, at all
but a finite number of points in the interval [a, b1. We conclude that
(y(a) - 2o)e- 9J(4)
y(a) - zo,
since fP(a) = O. This proves that etp(t)
y(t) - %0 y(a) - 20 '
whence, in particular, e
,,(b) _
y(b) - 20 . y(a) - 20
But since r is a closed curve, y(b) = y(a), so that e/P(b) = 1. Finally, we know that the exponential function satisfies eZ = 1 only if 2 is an integer multiple of 21ri. This proves the lemma. It is worth noting that the integrand l/(z - zo) in Lemma 2 is the derivative of log(z - 20)' However. the logarithm is often rather difficult to handle, whereas 1/(z - zo) is nicely behaved except at z = zoo Recall that log(z - zo) = loglz - zol + i arg(2 - zo), and this is "many-valued" precisely because the angle arg(z - 20) is defined only up to an integer multiple of 21l. By restricting ourselves to a closed curve r and integrating the derivative of log(z - zo). we come up with an integer that is valuable geometrically, keeping count as it does of the number of times that the curve r has wound around the point zoo Motivated by Lemma 2, we define the winding number of the piecewise-smooth closed curve r, with respect to the point 20 not on r, to be the integer n(r;
20) = -1. 27rZ
dz % -
Some authors call n(r; 20) the index of r with respect to ZoLet's discuss nCr; zo) as a function (integer-valued!) of the moving point zoo It is defined for all
in C -
the points of'the complex
plane not on the curve. The set C - r obtained by removing r from the z-plane is an open set (why?), but it is not connected; it breaks up into upieces" or "components," each of which is open and disjoint from the other pieces. C - r has one large unbounded "outside" component and one or more bounded uinside" components. If r is simple (a circle, say),
Sec. 7.2
The Argument Prine/pi.
then there is one outside and exactly one inside component. A ufigureeight" has two inside components, and so on. What is n(r; zo) in the case that the point Zo is outside the curve r? Our geometric intuition tells us that it is zero. We verify that n(r; %0) = 0
in this case by actually computing the integral of 1/(z - zo) around r, keeping the Cauchy Integral Theorem in mind. You should convince yourself of this. Here is a somewhat more subtle question. What happens if we vary the point Zo slightly in the formula n(r; zo) =
dz ? 2m Jr z - Zo
Of course we do not allow Zo to cross the curve r. We agree that if Zo is very close to Zit then n(r; zo) is very close to n(r; Zl) because there is only a slight change in the integrand. However, since the integral formula has the remarkable property that it is always an integer, and since the distance between distinct integers is not small (it is ~ 1), we conclude that n(r; zo) actually equals n(r; Zt). From the geometric point of view, of course this is reasonable; all nearby points should have the same winding number with respect to a given curve.
See Figure 7.6. n=O here
n = winding number Let us cast these observations into a lemma. There are some interesting details to be checked. LEMMA
If r is a closed curve and zo, z 1 are points in
the same component of C - r, then they have the same winding number, n(r; zo) = n(rj Zl)' Moreover, if Zo is outside r, then n(r; zo) = o.
Now that the winding number is a well-defined concept, we may return to our main business, the Argument Principle.
The Residue Theorem and the Argument Principle
Chap. 7
Exercises to Paragraph 7.2.2 1. Sketch closed curves r with the following winding properties. Note that it is necessary to indicate the direction of parametrization, for this affects the sign of the winding number. (a) All points z inside r satisfy nCr; z) = 1. (b) All points % inside r satisfy n(r; z) = -1. (c) r encloses various points with winding numbers 1. 2, 3. (d) Some points enclosed by r have winding number I, the others have winding number -l. (e) All points enclosed by r have winding number 4. 2. Let r denote the following back-and-forth parametrization of the unit circle Izl = 1: The point z(t) traverses the circle once in a counterclockwise direction from the point (1, 0), and then it reverses direction and backtracks around the circle in a clockwise sense, returning to the starting point (1, 0). Argue without computing that if Izol < 1, then nCr; zo) = O. To compute nCr; %0) explicitly, using the integral formula, it is necessary, of course, to write down the parametrization z(t) described above as an explicit function of t. 3. Let pet) = e31r for 0 ~ t ~ 2n. (a) Observe that /J: [0, 2n] ..... C parametrizes a path that traverses the unit circle C three times in the counterclockwise direction. We comment that e31r is sometimes a more useful form than cos 3t + i sin 3t or (cos 3t, sin 3t). (b) Calculate directly that
2:i J, ~ = 3, where {J is the parametrization in (a). This is, of course, the integral formula for
nCr; 0). Compare with (a). (c) Reverse the sense of the parametrization by altering /J(t) slightly and then verify that the winding number integral yields -3 for the clockwise path - r. 4. Simply connected domains revisited. We called a plane domain 0 ttsimply connected" ifit had no holes or punctures. We did not define "hole," however. (a) Meditate on the following: The domain n is simply connected if and only if (whenever r is a simple closed curve contained in nand z is a point of the complement C - 0) nCr; z) = O. Thus, r encloses only points of n. (b) Prove, using (a), that the plane C and the disc Izi < 1 are simply CODnected. (c) Prove that every annulus 0 S RJ < Izl < R z S 00 is multiply connected (= not simply connected). 5. The proof of Lemma 3. Prove that the winding number n(r; z) is constant on components of C - r, as follows: (a) The comJ;lonents of C - r are domains. (b) The set Y" = {z E C - r 1 n(r; z) = k} is open for each integer k. (c) Every point of C - r is in precisely one of the sets Ya:. (d) Use the connectedness of each component to argue that only one of the sets Y.. can have a nonempty intersection with that component. By (c), therefore, the set YI: contains the component. The lemma follows. The style of connectedness argument in (d) appeared also in Section 1.2. and in the final result of Chapter 5.
Sec. 7.2
The Argument Principle
6. Let r be a simple closed curve in C. True or false? (a) The point Z E C - r is enclosed by r (inside r) if and only if n(r; z) :F O. (b) The point Z E C - r is enclosed by r if and only if the connected component of C - r that contains z is bounded. (c) If Z E C - r is enclosed by r, then n(r; z) = ± 1. Note: The Jordan Curve Theorem (Chapter 1) is implicit here. 7. Convince yourself that the existence of the winding number does not immediately yield a proof of the Jordan Curve Theorem of Chapter 1 j the theorem lies deeper.
7.2.3 The Complete Statement Here is the question. If r is a nice closed loop in the z-plane and w = f(z) is an analytic function, what does the image f(r) look like? Let's make this precise. Let r be a simple. closed curve in the z-plane. If r is contained in the domain of an analytic function w = fez) which is not identically constant, then the image set f(r) = {fez) I z
is a curve in the w-plane. In fact, if r is parametrized by the mapping z = yet), y: [a, b] ~ r, then f(r) is given by w = {(y(t», the composition of {and y. To be technically precise, we should require also that f'(z) ¢: 0 for z on the curve r. See Figure 7.7. This is required because (i) the velocity vector to the curve w = f(y(t» is given by f'(y(t»y'(t), a complex number interpreted as a vector (this is the Chain Rule, of course); (ii) in our official definition of a parametrized curve, the tangent vector is required to be nonzero at all points. On the other hand, we know that f'(z) = 0 only at isolated points (since f' is analytic), so nothing very much can go wrong (we might have a finite number of zero tangents) and none of our theorems about curves is endangered:
r Figure
The ResIdue Theorem and the Argument Principle
Chap. 7
So we see that f(n is a curve in the w-plane. Suppose also that Wo is some point in the w-plane but not on the curve We ask: ~~How many times does f(n wrap around the point wo?" Thus we want
n(f(r); wo)·
Applying the definition of winding number to the curve (n, we obtain immediately n(f(n; wo)
1• = -2 m
dw • w - Wo
where w is the variable on the curve (n. But since w = f(z). dw f'(z) dz, the preceding expression becomes n(f(r); wo) =
f'(z) dz 2m r f(z) - Wo
where now the variable z of integration is on the original curve r. What of this new integral? Actually. it is quite familiar. ~otice that the integrand is the logarithmic derivative of the function ((z) - Wo. This is because Wo is a constant, whence (f(z) - wo)' = f'(z). Lemma 1 tells us that this integral is therefore equal to the number of zeros of(z) - Wo minus the number of poles of(z) - Wo occurring in the interior of the loop r (positively oriented). But (z) - Wo = 0 if and only iff(z) = woo and f(z) - Wo has a pole at some point z if and only if f(z) has a pole there also. Let us write Nwo(r) for the number of points z in the interior of r such that f(z) = woo We have proved the very useful ARGUMENT PRINCIPLE
Let r be a piecewise-smooth positively oriented simple closed curve in the z-plane. and let f be analytic and nonconstant on a domain containing r and its interior, except perhaps for a finite number of poles strictly inside r. Let Wo be a point of the w-plane not on the curve (r). Then we have
f'(z) dz () m r z - Wo
1 Nwo(r) - NC()(r) = -2'
= n{f(r);
Thus, in the special case that f is analytic at all points inside the loop r (no poles I). we conclude that the curve f(r) wraps around the point Wo as many times as there are points z (properly counted) inside r with ({z) = WoJ This is yet another example of the behavior of ( on the boundary (here r) determining behavior in the interior. The name "Argument Principle tJ derives from the fact that 21l times the winding number about the origin, say, is the cumulative change in argument (angle) of a moving point completely traversing a closed curve about the origin.
Sec. 7.2
The Argument Principle
Some Illustrations of the Argument Principle
1. Let r be the usual unit circle and (z) = Zk, where k is some positive integer. Let Wo = O. Without integrating anything, we see that for the function t, Noo(r)
= O.
This is because the origin Zo = 0 is a k-fold root of zk = 0 and because has no poles. Now consider the winding number. As z traverses the unit circle once, W = Zk traverses the unit circle in the w-plane exactly k times (a net change in argument of 27tk), and hence winds about the origin Wo = 0 the same number oftimes. In agreement with the Argument Principle, we have two interpretations of k:
n(f(r); 0).
2. Let t(z) = l/z, r = the unit circle again. Let Wo = O. Clearly, = 0, Noo(r) = 1. By the Argument Principle, we must conclude
that n(f(r); 0) = 0 - 1 = -1.
The geometric meaning of the minus sign here is that as z traverses the unit circle once in the counterclockwise sense, the point W = t(z) = l/z = "2 traverses the unit circle Iwl = 1 once in the clockwise sense. Draw a picture! The unit disc Izl $; 1 has been turned inside-out by the mapping w = (z) = lIz, for now Il/zl 2: 1.
Exercises to Paragraph 7.2.3 1. Suppose f is analytic in a domain n that contains a disc D and the circle C = aD with the standard parametrization. (a) If the image cur"e f(C) in the w-plane is a simple (nonself-intersecting) positively oriented loop and if w is any point inside f(C), what is n(f(C); w)? (What does "simple" mean?) (b) With fCC) and w as in (a). how many (if any) points z in the disc D satisfy fez)
= w?
(c) This time suppose there are distinct points Zit zz, Z3 in D, each of which is a simple (order 1) zero of f. How many times does the parametrized curve fCC) wind about the origin in the w-plane if f has no other zeros in D? 2. (a) Describe the image, under the mapping w = f(z) = r. of the unit circle C with its standard parametrization z(t) = e", 0 ~ t =:;;; 27[. Sketch. (b) What is n(f(C); 0) in this case? (c) Clearly, fez) = 0 implies z = O. Doesn't the Argument Principle guarantee two solutions z? Explain. 3. Suppose that f is analytic in a domain n containing the set 0 <
:S r, and
that f has a pole at z = O. (a) Given that the origin is a simple pole and that f(z) :F 0 for Izl S T. what is n(f(C); w) if w is a point inside the image curve f(C) and C is the circle z(t) = rerr,O
t S 2n?
The Residue Theorem and the Argument Principle
Chap. '1
(b) Argue that the image curvef(C), which is given by wet) = [(re"), is a simple closed loop oriented negatively. (c) Suppose the mapping w = f(z) is one-to·one in the set 0 < Izl .$ r. Prove that every point z of this set is mapPl3d to a point f(z) exterior to the curve f(C); that is, n(f(C); f(z» = O. Thus, the mapping turns a neighborhood of the pole tI inside-out." (d) Prove that the point w = 0 is enclosed by the image curve f(C). (e) The converse of (c). Prove that if w is a point not enclosed by the curve f{c), then w E f(D). Note: It might be helpful to visualize the mapping properties of f(z) = l/z near the origin z = O. 4. Let [be analytic in a domain that contains a simple closed curve r and the domain of all points inside r. Suppose Wi, W2 are points that lie in the same component of the complement of the image curve (a loop) [(f). Argue that the two equations f(z) =
f(z) =
have the same number of solutions :z
(properly counted.) lying inside 1'. One-to-oneness. Let f be analytic in a domain n that contains a disc D and its circular boundary C. Prove that f gives a one·to-one mapping of the disc D if and only if it gives a one-to-one mapping of the circle C. Hint: See Exercise 1. Note that we do not deduce f one-to-one on the full domain n. The result here is fundamental in Chapter 8. Give an example of an analytic function which maps the unit circle Izl = 1 onto the unit circle Iwl = 1 in a 17-to-1 manner; that is, seventeen points z, properly counted, are mapped to each point w. Call your example from Exercise 6 w = f(z). Let z(8) = el8 parametrize the circle Izl = 1 as usual (0 .$ 0 .$ 2x). (a) AB 0 increases from {} = 0 to 8 = 2x, how many times does the point w(O) = f(z(O» traverse the circle Iwl = 1'! (b) Check that, if your example {(z) is analytic throughout the open disc Izi < 1 (at least), then the point w({}) traverses the circle Iwl = 1 in the counterclockwise (positive) direction as (} increases from 0 = 0 to (} = 2x. Thus, your function preserves the orientation of circles from the z-plane to the w-plane. If you did not do this in Exercise 6, give a function w = g(z) which maps Izi = 1 onto Iwl = 1 in a 17-to-l manner and which reverses orientation. (By Exercise 7(b), g(z) must have a singularity inside 121 < 1.)
Appendix: REAL INTEGRALS EVALUATED BY RESIDUES We will show here how the Residue Theorem may be used to evaluate some types of real integral. This discussion will not be applied elsewhere in this book. Nor does it involve the Argument Principle. Roughly, the method is this: To calculate the real value
I =
L b
f(x) dx,
Real Integrals Evaluated by Residues
({) relate the integral I to a well-chosen complex line integral; (ii) evaluate the complex integral by means of the Residue Theorem; (iii) extract the value of I from the complex value found in (ii). Examples will clarify this outline. We discuss three types. First Type: Integrating from -00 to 00 We define
I_COco f(x) dx
I:R f(x) dx,
provided the limit exists. Caution: This definition, sometimes called the principle value of th~ integral, is not so restrictive as
fB f(x) dx.
B-oco JA
where the limits may be taken independently and yet are required to yield the same value. In our definition (principal value), every odd function (such as x 3 or arctan x) clearly has zero integral over the entire x-axis. On the other hand, an asymmetric limit such as
i A-o-co A lim
co x 3 dx = lim
clearly does not converge to a finite value. Nonetheless, our definition of the integral does serve to illustrate the method of residues and, of course, gives the same value as the stronger integral when the latter exists. Here is the key to evaluating the principal value of certain integrals over the entire x-axis. LEMMA
Let f(z) be defined and analytic in a domain containing the closed upper half-plane y ~ 0 except for a finite number of poles in the open upper half-plane y > O. Suppose further that f(z) vanishes so rapidly at infinity that lim zf(z) = 0 Izl-oco
uniformly for z in the closed upper half-plane. Then
f:co f(x) dx =
2ni (sum of residues of f at poles in upper half-plane).
Proof: We denote by C+(O; R) that part of the circle that lies in the upper half-plane. See Figure 7.8. Thus, for z = x + iy, C+(O; R) = {z
C Ilzl
= R, y ~
The Residutl Theorem lind the Argument Principle
Chap. 7
Now we observe that
(x) dx
(z) dz
is equal to 2ni times the sum of the residues of f inside the half-disc bounded by the segment [-R, R] and the semicircle C+(O; R) (why?). If R is large enough, all the poles of f with y > 0 will be contained inside this half-disc. In this case we know that
lim R--oo
f(x) dx
+ lim (
fez) dz
R .... oo JC+(O;R}
equals 2ni times the sum of the residues at all poles of f(z) in the upper half-plane. Since the first term of this sum is the integral to be evaluated, it suffices to prove that the second limit is zero. This is the key observation. We will, of course, use the hypothesis that f(z) vanishes rapidly for Izllarge. For Izl = R, we have z = Re f8 , dz = iRe l6 dO, Thus,
f(z) dz =
(It f(Retfl)iRe '6 dO.
We now apply a variant of the ML-inequality to show that the right-hand integral tends to zero as R ~ 00. The hypothesis on zf(z) assures us that for each e > 0, there is a radius Re such that if R > Rs' then If(RefB)RI < l!. Hence, the integral in () is bounded in absolute value by ne. Since e may be taken arbitrarily small, we conclude that lim
f(z) dz = O.
R .... oo JC+(O:R)
This proves the lemma.
Here is an application. We compute the improper integral
2 •
Rea/Integrals Evaluated by Residues
1. We are given 1 f(x) = 1 + x2
1 f(z) = - - - . 1 + Z2
2. We verify that zf(z) -. 0 as Izi -. 00. This is true because z{(z) behaves like lIz for large Izl. Hence the lemma applies. 3. f(z) has one pole in the upper half-planet namely, Zo = i. 4. We calculate res(f; i) = -iI2, as done in Section 7.1. 5. We conclude immediately from the lemma that
i) = n.
_d_X-2 = 2ni (-1 + x 2
6. Happily, we may check this particular integral if we recall from calculus that (dldx) arctan x = 1/(1 + x 2 ). This means that
---2 -co X
= lim {arctan X]~R} R-+CO
~ - (-~)
= n, as found above in (5) using residues. Here is a timely question. To which real functions f(x) does the lemma apply? We give a partial answer. Letf(x) = A{x)/B{x) be a quotient ofpolynomiala such that B(x) = 0 has no real roots and also degree B{x)
degree A(x) + 2.
In this case, f(x) is defined for all real x, so we might ask for
I_coO(l f(x) dx. Moreover, f(z) = A(z)IB(z) has only a finite number of poles in the z-plane and vanishes rapidly as Izl -. 00. For A(z)/B(z) behaves like l/zk with k ~ 2 when Izi is large, thanks to the hypothesis on degrees. Thus, z(z) behaves like l/zk-l, which vanishes as Izi gets very large. Perhaps the simplest example of this is f(x) = 1/(x 2 + 1) done above. Some Exercises
You are invited to apply the lemma to verify
_ co
+ X + 1 = ~3'
21 / 3 2n ---dx=--x3 - 2 31 / 2 2 1/ 3 '
X -
Here, 21/ 3 is the real cube root of 2. Check first that the lemma applies in each problem.
The Residue Theorem and the Argument Principle
Chap. 7
Second Type: Integrals Involving Exponentials; Jordan's Lemma We wish to deal with improper integrals of the forms
g(x} sin kx dx.
The method is similar to that used above, but a somewhat different lemma is called for. It is this. ,JORDAN'S LEMMA
Let g(z} be analytic in a domain containing the closed upper half·plane y ~ 0 except perhaps for a finite number ofpoles in the open upper halfplane y "> O. Suppose further that (i) g(z) -+ 0 uniformly as Izi -+ 00 in the closed upper half-plane. and (ii) k > O. Then lim
g(z)e ikz dz = 0,
R-+oo JC+(O;R)
where the integral is taken over the semicircle in the upper half-plane. COROLLARY
g(x)e UcX dx = 2ni (sum of residues of g(z)e"('Z in upper half-plane).
Proof of Jordan's Lemma: If R is taken large enough, we have e for Izi = R. Now we deal with the exponential. We have lexp ikzl = lexp{ikR(cos 0 + i sin O)}i = exp{ -kR sin O}, since lexp itl = 1 for t real. Hence,
1g(z) 1 <
It/2 fO
e- kR sin (J dO.
We used the symmetry of sin 8 about 8 = n/2 for the last equality. Now let us replace the sin (J in the exponent by something simpler. We assert that if 0 5; 0 S;; n/2, then sin 8/(J ~ 2/n. You may prove this by evaluating sin 8/8 at (J = 0 and 0 = n/2, and considering its first derivative on the interval 0 < (J < n/2. Or graph the curve y = sin 8 and the line y = 28/n and observe sin 8 ~ 28/n when 0 S;; 0 5; n/2.
Real Integrals Evaluated by Residues
Since - kR sin ()
f g(z)e!kZ dzl I JC+(O;R)
we have now that < 2Re
Joflt/2 e-ZkR8ln dO
= -n 8(1 - e- kR ) < -ns
Thus, our original integral may be bounded by an arbitrarily small quantity if R is large enough. Done. Now we single out a class of integrals to which Jordan's Lemma applies. Suppose g(x) = A(x)/B(x) is a rational function with real coefficients such that the polynomial B(x) has no roots on the x-axis, and also the degree of B(x) is ~ 1 + the degree of A(x). Then, as we have asserted previously, g(z) = A(z)/B(z) tends to zero uniformly as Izl becomes large. Thus, such rational functions g(z) satisfy the conditions of Jordan's Lemma. By using the same method as with the first type of integral we discussed, we may show readily (thanks to Jordan's Lemma) that
g(X)elkx dx = 2ni (sum of residues of g(z)e 1hZ in upper half-plane)
Note that the integrand g(z)e 1kz has poles at the poles of g(z) (why?). However, the residues of the integrand may, of course, differ from the residues of g(z), thanks to eikz • Note also that the integrand is a complex-valued function of x. By taking real and imaginary parts of both sides of the last equation, we may evaluate integrals of the type
g(x) sin kx dx.
Here is a typical problem. Compute
cos kx dx x 2 + a2
(a > 0, k > 0).
1. First we obsel've that this is twice the integral from x = 0 to x = ro because the integrand is an even function of x. Likewise, if we replace cos kx by sin kx in the integrand, the integral will vanish (why?), 2. Of course our integral is the real part of
x +a
The Residue Theorem lind the Argument Principle
Chap. 7
3. We leave it to you to check that the rational function g(z) = (Z2 + a 2)-1 satisfies the conditions outlined above, whence our labors are reduced to computing the residues of g(z)e ikz in the upper half-plane. 4. Since g(z) = l/(z - ia)(z + ia), the only pole of g(z)e ikz satisfying y > 0 is at z = ia (recall a > 0). 5. We compute
= lim (z
res(g(z)e llcZ ;ia)
- ia)g(Z)eikZ
6. Thus, the original integral has a real value
oo _p-_.lk_X_
_ 00 X2
= 2ni (e_--_i_a) = ~ e- ka•
7. The desired integral is the real part of this value. We conclude
f J oo
cos kx d
-00 X2
sin kx dx x2
= -n e -lea a
Some Exercises Involving Jordan's Lemma
Verify for k > 0 that
cos kx dx = 2ne -'/31c/2 2 x +X +1
sin kx dx 2
2ne -
• SIn
(k) -
cos (k) - . 2
Third Type: Integrals of Trig Functions We now consider real integrals of the type I =
=.!.. (z 2t
_!). z
Rea/Integrals Evalulfted by Residues
Note also that dz = de fB
ie lB dfJ, so that
dO = dz. iz
Making these substitutions yields a line integral around the positively oriented unit circle C given by Izl = 1: I
«I»(cos 0, sin 0) dO =
where qJ(z) is easily seen to be a rational function in z with complex coefficients. But this last integral may be calculated by the Residue Theorem (provided qJ(z) has no poles on C or-same thing-the original integral converged). Example
Here is an application of this method of substitution. We examine the integrals (real a, b)
dO CO;'-O·
1= Jo a+b
1. Note first that if lal s Ibl, then the denominator here has a zero for some (J between 0 and 2n. Hence, we require lal > Ibl > O. There is no loss now in assuming a > 0; if not, multiply the integral by -1. 2. Substitution for cos 0 and dO yields an integral in z:
1= -2i ( b
Jc Z2 + (2az/b)
3. To obtain residues, we must first calculate the roots of the denominator in (2). Using the familiar quadratic formula, we obtain the
Note that they are real and unequal because a 2 > b 2 • 4. Which of these roots (poles of the integrand) lies inside the unit circle Izi = 1? We note Z1Z2 = constant term of the polynomial in the denominator = 1, so that IZlz21 = 1. But IZll =F IZ21, so exactly one of Zh Z2 must satisfy Izi < 1. Clearly, IZll < 1 because a ~ 0 and .Ja 2 - b 2 > 0, whence the numerator of Z1 has smaller absolute value than the numerator of Z2' 5. We may now write the integrand as
Chap. 7
The Residue Theorem lind the Argument Principle
The residue at
is obtained in the usual way: Z1) =
lim (z -
Zl)QJ(Z) = _ _ 1_ Z1 -
b - 2~a2 - b 2
6. The Residue Theorem now tells us that 1=
b- 2i Jcr rp(z)dz = b- 2i {2ni ( 2~a2b _
That is,
dO i2fto a+bsinO =
2n ~a2 - b 2
dO = o a+bcos8 2K
271: -
(a > Ibl)
An Exercise
(a > Ibl)
You may do this in two ways: either by carrying out the method described above or by using the result obtained in the example above; note that we got this same value when cos 8 appeared in the integrand instead of sin (J. Why is this?
8 Analytic Functions as Conformal Mappings
Section 8.1 MAPPING BY ANAL VTIC FUNCTIONS 8.1.0 Introduction
Now we will be considering an analytic function w = I(z) as a geometric mapping or transformation of a domain n in the z-plane into a subset of the w-plane. This is a huge subject, one that is highly technical. Therefore, let us organize our discussion (most of it, at any rate) around two general problems. 1. Description of the Image. If S is a subset ofthe z-plane with certain properties or a certain structure, and if f is given, does the image set (B)-that is, {(z) I Z E B}-also have these properties? For example, if n is a domain, is f(n) a domain? 2. The Search for Mappings. Given subsets 8 1 , 8 2 of the z- and w-planes, respectively, does there exist an analytic function f mapping 8 1 onto 8 2 in a nice way? For example, does there exist a one-to-one analytic mapping of the upper half of the z-plane onto the open unit disc Iwl < I? Can we write down all such mappings? Most of what we shall say in Section 8.1 relates to problem (1). We will use the Argument Principle crucially here. The second problem will be emphasized in Sections 8.2 and 8.3.
8.1.1 Local Approximation to f
We adopt the following principle, very much in the spirit of calculus: Before we can hope to discuss global questions such as the nature of the
An"lytic Function, as Conformal Mapping!Z
Chap. B
image '(0.) for a given (possibly enormous) domain a, we must first have some idea of the local behavior of', that is, behavior near a point Zo of 0.. We ask: "If' is analytic in 0. and Zo is a point of a, what does f do to a small enough open neighborhood around zo?" We rule out the trivial case where, is identically constant. A great deal is known about this local problem. In summary, the answer is this: First expand, in Taylor series centered at zo, the point of interest: f(z) = f(zo)
(z - zo'l
+ higher powers of z -
with f'(zo) = ... = t(k- O(zo) = 0, but r
fez) behaves like a simple polynomial P(z),
= P(z) = f(zo)
t(fr.)(z )
(z - zoY'.
= I, f'(zo) i= 0, then fez) behaves very well near Zo because P(z) is a linear function. But if k ~ 2, then {behaves less well. (iii) Happily, a point Zo at which f'(zo) = 0 is isolated from the (ii) If k
collection of all other points with this property. This prompts some definitions. If f'(zo) = 0, then we say that Zo is a critical point for f. We refine this notion as follows: If the first k - 1 derivatives of{at Zo vanish, f'(zo) = ... = {
Exercises to Paragraph 8.1.1
1. (a) Verify that fez) = sin z has order 1 (is noncritical) at 20 = O. (b) VerifY that statement (i) of the text implies that the mapping w = fez) = sin z behaves near the origin like the identity mapping w = P(z) = z. (c) Relate (b) to the Maclaurin expansion sin z = z - z3/3! + ....
Sec. 8.1
Mapping b'l Anal'ltlc Functions
2. Locate all critical points of the following functions. Determine the order in each case. (a) cos z. (b) Z2. (0) es. (d) z + (lIz). 3. Let f(z) = (az
+ b)/(cz + d) with a, b, c, d complex and ad - be oF O. Prove that f has no critical points. 4. Basic terminology. Let f map the plane set 8 1 into the plane set 8 2 (written f: 8 1 -+ 8 2 or f(8 I) c 8 2 ), What does it mean to say that f is one-to-one from 8 1 into 8 2 ? that f maps 8 1 onto 8 2 ? 8.1.2 Behavior Near Noncritical Points: Conformality We will be dealing with two sorts of theorems. One is algebraic, concerned with the number of solutions z to the equation f(z) = w, where w is fixed. The other is geometric. concerned with distortion of a small disc centered at Zo under mapping by f. THEOREM
Let I be analytic in a domain a containing the point Z00 11 Zo is a noncritical point lor f, ('(zo) #- 0, then f is locally one-to-one near Z00 That is, there is an open neighborhood no of Zo inside.a such that if Zl =:f: Z2 in a o, then f(zt) #- (Z2)' Proof: We first choose D
= D(zo; r) with
C(zo; r) such
that (i) the closure Ii is contained in n; (ii) D contains no point z except
Zo such that f(z) = f(zo). This is possible because points z with f(z) = f(zo) are isolated.
By (ii), the curve f(C) does not pass through Wo = f(zo)' Let Wo be the connected component ofC - f(c), which contains the point W00 We have, in the notation of Chapter 7, that Nw(C) = n(f(C); w)
= n(f(C); wo) = Nwo(C)
= 1,
provided w is in W0 The first and third equal signs here follow from the Argument Principle, the second follows from the constancy of n on components of C - f(C), and the fourth equal sign follows from (ii) above. Now we consider f-l( Wo) ('\ D. See Figure B.l. This set is open. The reason is standard: Wo is open (a component) and f is continuous. We note that Zo is in the open Bet f-1(WO) ('\ D and also that f maps this set in a one-to-one fashion. Thus, we let no = f- 1(Wo) ('\ D. Done. 0
Analytic Functions
Conformal Mappings
Chap. 8
Comments 1. We do not estimate the size of no. This is a more difficult problem. 2. The proof depended heavily on the Argument Principle, which in turn depended on power series (in our treatment). 3. In real calculus, ift(xo) # 0, then the graphy = {(x) is increasing or decreasing above xo, and so the function is locally one-to-one, just as in Theorem 1 here. However, it is possible for real functions to be one-toone in the vicinity of a critical point; an example is given by y = {(x) = x 3 , xo = O. See Figure 8.2. We will see that this does not happen with analytic functions. In fact, contrast w = {(z) = Z3. This is locally threeto-one near Zo = 0, not one-to-one, thanks to the existence of complex
cube roots! y
This function is one-to-one for real x and y.
A Geometric Result Now we will see what the analytic mapping w = f(z) does to straight lines drawn through the noncritical point Zo in n. This will give us a picture of how a small disc about Zo is distorted by the mapping f as it is carried onto a subset of the w-plane.
Sec. 8.1
Mapping by Analvtic Functions
It is easy to check that a straight line through Zo making an angle qJ with the horizontal is given by the set of points O'(s) of the form (here sis real) O'(s) = Zo + se l '. Since leitpl = 1, s is the arc length parameter, in fact. The line z = 0'(8) is carried by (to the curve w = (a(s» = (zo
The velocity vector to this curve at the image point Wo when written as a complex number,
dd {(a(s» s
(zo) is,
= f'(zo)O"(Of = ('(ZO)ei
What angle does this vector make with the horizontal? It is the argument of the corresponding complex number; that is,
arg{('(zo)e 'tp }
arg ('(zo) +
Thus, the tangent line to the new curve w = (a(s» makes an angle with the horizontal that differs from the original tangent angle by arg ('(zo). This is true for all ({J. Hence, near zo, ( tends to rotate lines radiating from Zo through a constant angle arg ('(zo). See Figure 8.3. In particular, z-plane
+argf' (Zo)
if two lines L1 and Lz. through zo are mapped to two curves through wo, then the counterclockwise angle between the image curves (that is, between their tangents) at wo equals the counterclockwise angle '" between the original lines. See Figure 8.4. This calls for a definition. It is classical. A mapping (: Q -+ C is conformal at Zo in n if and only if the mapping preserves both magnitude and sense of angles at Zo; that is, the counterclockwise angle between two straight lines through Zo is equal to the counterclockwise angle between their respective image curves through the point Wo = (zo). Note that the mapping (z) = complex conjugation, is not conformal; reflection across the x-axis reverses the sense of angles. See
Analytic Functions as Conformal Mappings
Con formality at zo Figure
Figure 8.5, where the angle from L1 to L2 is 'II and the angle from I(L 1 ) to {(L 2 ) is - 'II. z-plane
L2 L1
- 'PjOPpoSite
-l/t Figure
from 'P f(~) I(L 1)
Before stating Theorem 2 on the geometric properties of an analytic mapping at a noncritical point, we make another observation. Suppose z is near zoo How far is the image point {(z) from f(zo)? An approximate answer is indicated by the elementary observation that
1f'(zo) 1 = lim If(z} - (zo)1 . %-+%0 /z - zol For Z close to zo, therefore, /f'(zo}1 is approximately equal to the quotient on the right. Cross-multiplying gives If(z) - {(zo)1 ~:
1f'(zo)llz - zol·
Thus, mapping by {tends to magnify all distances near Zo in the z-plane by a factor equal to 1f'(zo}l. This positive number is termed the local magnification factor.
Sec. 8.1
Mapping by AnalytIc FunctIons
In summary, we have seen that both the absolute value and the argument of f'(zo) carry geometric information about the local mapping accomplished by f. This is essentially the content of the following classical result. THEOREM 2
Let f: then
n ... C be analytic. If Zo in Q is
a noncritical point. f'(zo) =F 0,
(i) f is conformal at Zo; (ii) in fact. mapping by f rotates angles at Zo through a constant
amount arg f'(zo); (iii) moreover, mapping by f magnifies distances near factor approximately equal to 1f'(zo)l.
by a
Moral If f(z) = f(zo) + f'(zo)(z - zo) + ... with f'(zo) =F 0, then f behaves near Zo very much like the linear approximation
P(z) = f(zo)
+ f'(zo)(z
- zo)
obtained by chopping off the power series after the first-order term. For P(z) is one-to-one, is conformal, and-because P'(z) = f'(zo) for all zP(z) rotates lines at Zo through a constant angle arg f'(zo) and has the local magnification factor 1f'(zo)l. Of course this particular P(z) gives a good approximation to f(z) only if z is near zoo The reason behind all this is, of course, that higher-order terms in (z - ZO)2, (z - ZO)3,... are negligible compared with z - Zo when the latter is small. Caution-Local vs. Global: A mapping w = f(z) may have no critical points in Q and hence be locally one-to-one near each point zoo Yet f may fail to be globally one-to-one in Q! In fact, there may be infinitely many solutions z to fez) = w for most w. Consider f(z) = ez, which has no critical points in n = C. IT w =F 0, then eZ = w has infinitely many solutions z. Locally one-to-one, globally infinite-to-one-!
Exercises to Paragraph 8.1.2 1. (a) Verify that f(z) = e! has a noncritical point at the origin. (b) Locate all critical points of the exponential function. (c) Find the largest radius R > 0 such that w = e! gives a one-to-one mapping of the disc D(O; R) into the w-plane. Note that Theorem 1 guarantees the existence of such a disc about the origin. 2. (a) Verify that g(z) = ZZ has a critical point (order 2) at the origin Zo = O. (b) Show that the mapping w = g(z) is not one-to-one when defined on any disc of the type D(O; R) in the z-plane. (c) Reinterpret (b) in terms of existence of square roots of w.
Analytic Functions as Conformal Mappings
3. (a) Verify that the mapping w = g(;e) = Z2 is 10calJy one-to-one near any point Zt #= O. Contrast Exercise 2. (b) In fact, ifz 1 ¥= 0 andR, = IZll, then w = g(z) gives a one-to-one mapping when restricted to the disc D(Zl; R t ), which does not contain the origin. (c) Is Rl the largest such radius for discs centered at Zl? Proof or counterexample. 4. (a) Prove there exists no domain Q in the z-plane such that the mapping w = g(z) = Z2 is one-to-one when restricted to n and also g(Q) equals the entire w-plane. Note that this would give us a mce unique z = .Jw for all w. (b) Is (a) possible if we delete the origin from the w.plane? (c) Let S be the subset of the z·plane consisting of the upper half-plane y > 0 together with the nonnegative x-axis, y = 0, x ~ 0 (origin included). Verify that the squaring function g: S -+ C is one-to-one and onto. Does this contradict (a)? (d) Deduce that every complex number w th8t is not zero or a positive real number has precisely one square root z = .Jw in the upper half-plane y > O. (e) Let the relation z = .Jw in (d) be defined on the entire w-plane and give
a one-to-one mapping of the w-plane onto the set S of (c). Prove that this mapping is analytic at w only if w does not lie on the ray u ~ O. v = O. Note: w = 0 is a branch point for z = .Jw. 5. (a) Verify that the x-axis and y-axis near z = 0 are mapped by w - ~ to a pair of curves that are perpendicuJar at w = 1. as predicted by Theorem 2. (b) Verify that every vertical line x = Xo is wrapped by w = e= around the circle of r~dius R = e"o in the w-plane. T.ikewise, the horizontal line y = Yo is mapped onto the ray arg w = Yo. Draw a picture. Hint: Review our discussion of exponential mapping in Paragraph 3.4.2. (c) Let {(z) = e What is arg r(zo) in terms of Zo = Xo + iyo? (d) Verify in your picture (b) that, near their point of intersection, the lines x = Xo and y = Yo have each been rotated by the mapping w = (z) = e Z through an angle equal to arg {'(zo). Z
6. True or false? (a) The mapping w = {(2) = e= is conformal at each point zoo (b) The exponential function gives a one-to-one mapping of the z-plane onto the punctured w-plane w :f: O. (c) If w = f(z) is conformal at zo, then straight-line segments through Zo are mapped to straight-line segments through Wo = {(zo). (d) If w = f(z) is conformal at Zoo then it is one-to-one near zoo (e) The mapping w = f(z) = az, lal = 1. rotates the z-plane through an angle arg a. 2 2 , Zo = i. (a) Compute 1f'(z)l. (b) Let z = Zo + (1/10). Compute 1{(2) - f(zo)l. (c) Verify that I{(z) - {(20) 1 ~ 1f'(zo)llz - 201. as claimed in Theorem 2. 8. Let w = {(z) be conformal at zoo Pruv~ t.hat. a lilllall rectangle with one corner at Zo and area equal to A is mapped by f to a \, curvilinear rectangle" whose area is approximately 1f'(zoWA.
7. Let {(z) =
9. Let {be analytic on and throughout the interior of a simple closed curve r in the z-plane. Suppose the mapping w = f(z) is one-to-one when restricted
Sec. 8.7
Mapping by Analytic Functions
to r. Prove that it is one-to-one in the interior of r as well. Hint: Winding number. See Exercise 5 to Paragraph 7.2.3. 10. An elementary proof of local one-to-oneness. Try Exercise 9 to Paragraph 4.1.2. It involves only basic facts about integrals. No power series, no residues.
8.1.3 Behavior Near Critical Points; Local Coverings Now we will prove analogs of the algebraic Theorem 1 and the
geometric Theorem 2 which will show that, near a critical point, the mapping function f is still describable, though no longer one-to-one and conformal. We begin with a definition. Let f: n -+ if: and let Zo be in n. Then f gives a local k-to-one covering near Zo, provided there exists an open neighborhood no of Zo in n such that (writing Wo = f(zo» is a k-fold root of the equationf(z) - Wo = 0, in the sense that f(z) - Wo = (z - ZO'tfl (z) with fl (zo) :I 0; (ii) if z E no satisfies f(z) = Wo. then z = Zo; (iii) if WE (no) - {wo}, then there exist precisely k distinct points Z1> ••• , Z" E no such that f(zJ) = W for j = 1, ... , k. (i)
z = Zo
Note: We do not require that
no be a disc.
Examples Let f(z) = Z2 _ Then f gives a two-to-one cover near Zo = 0; define no to be any disc Izl < R. Near any point different from the origin, f gives a one-to-one covering, not two-to-one (why?). Now we generalize Theorem 1 to the case Zo is critical of order k. THEOREM
Let f: n -+ if: be analytic. If f has order k at the point gives a local k-to-one covering near Zo-
of n, then f
Proof: This is similar to the proof of Theorem 1. Define the disc D with boundary C and no critical point but zo0 Define Wo as before. For w in WOI then, we have Nw(C) = Nwo(C). But this equals k because z = Zo is a k-fold solution to f(z) -
Wo =
(z - ZO)'r1 (z)
We now define no to be the intersection (-l(Wo) (") D. We check (ii) and (iii) in the definition of local covering. Since 0 0 is inside D, (ii) is immediate. For (iii), let WE ((Oo) cWo. Then Nw(C) = k, as noted before, giving points z) •... , Zk inside f- 1(WO) (") D which map to W.
Anlllytic Functions liS Conformlll Mllppings
Moreover, these points zJ are all distinct, for if Z1 = Z2t say, then/(z) W = (z - z1)2/1(z) with 11 analytic, so that ('(ZI) = O. This is impossible in D, whose only critical point is zoo Done. We turn once more to geometry. Again we examine what the map· ping w = I(z) does to lines through the point Zo (now critical). In this case it is preferable to consider rays of the form z = U(8) = Zo + se,qt with the angle f/J fixed and s ~ O. Hence, the ray starts at the point zoo Such a ray is mapped by ( to the curve consisting of points w = (U(8» = I(zo + 8e 1qt). We ask for the tangent to this curve at the point Wo = (zo). Suppose (has order k at zoo Thus, the Taylor series is ( z)
= (z ) + (k)(zo) (z k!
with t(ZO)
w = f(U(8»
+ (k+ 1)(zo) (z (k + I)!
O. From z
_ z
= U(8),
«k)(Z )
_ z
\k+ 1 01
+ ... J
we obtain the curve
+ I)!
+ ....
To compute the tangent, we reparametrize by means of the substitution t = s". Thus, the curve is given by W
= W
te"(" + f(k+ O(ZOJ\ t
+ I)!
Differentiating with respect to t and setting t = 0 gives a velocity vector to the curve, namely, (k)(ZO) e tlt"
As with Theorem 2, we have written this as a complex number rather
than as a vector (pair of real numbers). This vector (complex number) makes an angle with the horizontal equal to arg
{f("i~o) e'kqt}
= arg ((")(zo)
Since k ~ 2 at a critical point, the action of ( is not merely a simple rotation through the constant angle arg (k)(ZO)' We have generalized Theorem 2 as follows: THEOREM
Let f: n -+ C, analytic, have order k ~ 1 at a point 20 of n. Then a ray extending from Zo and making an angle f/J with the horizontal is mapped by ( to a curve extending from Wo = (zo) and making (at wo) an angle with the horizontal equal to arg «/d(zo) + krp. See Figure 8.6.
Mepplng by Anlllytic Functiolls
f(z) =z2 doubles angles at the origin; arg ((z) =arg r(O)+2 srg z=2 arg z. Figure
Theorems 3 and 4 shows that if w = f(z)
= {(zo) +
{(k)(Z )
k! 0 (z - zo)1r.
+ higher powers of z
- zo,
then, for z near zo, the mapping f behaves like the polynemial P(z) = {(zo)
(k)(ZO) k! (z - .zo'l'.
You should convince yourself that the mapping w = P(z) gives a local k-to-one covering near Zo, wrapping a disc centered at Zo exactly k times around a disc centered at W00 We comment that using the differentiability of a complicated function f to approximate it by a simpler polynomial is very much in the spirit of calculus.
Exercises to Paragraph 8.1.3 1. Verify that f(z) = Z2 gives a locaJ two-to-one covering near 20 = 0, provided we take no = D(O; r) for any r > O. Is it necessary that Zo be the origin tor two-to-oneness? 2. Describe the local covering property of g(z) = (z - i)3ez at the point Zo = i. Is it locally one-to-one? 3. Let f(z) = Z2 and let z(t) = (t, t). t ~ 0, parametrize the ray that makes an angle of n/4 with the x-axis. That is, y = x with w ~ O. (a) Sketch the image curve w(t) = f(z(t», t ~ O. (b) What angle does wet) make with the horizontal u-axis at t = O? Compare Theorem 4.
Analytic Functions as Conformal Mappings
Chap. B
4. Let g(z) = Z3. (a) Compute a linear function w = A + B(z - i) which gives a dose approximation to g(z) for z near Zo = i. (b) If you used calculus in (a), obtain the same linear function now by rewriting z as (z - i) + i in w = Zl and forgetting terms of degree 2: 2. (c) Are there linear or quadratic polynomials which give a close approximation to w = g(z) for all z near the origin Zo = O? Discuss.
8.1.4 The Open Mapping Theorem Now we deal with the question HIs the image under a nonconstant analytic mapping of a domain again a domain?" Since the image of a connected set under a continuous mapping is again connected (proof?), we need only consider the openness of the image. Thus, let us say that a mapping w = f(z) is open, provided f(O) is open in the w-plane whenever n is open in the z-plane. The following result settles these questions. All the labors of the proof were essentially carried out in Theorems 1 and 3. OPEN MAPPING THEOREM
A n01lConstant analytic function is an open mapping. Proof: Let Wo E f(D.), where D. is open. Say f(zo) = Wo with Zo E O. Then, since f is nonconstant, we may choose a disc D with boundary C just as in the proof of Theorem 1. Then the set Wo defined there is an open neighborhood of Wo and is contained in f(D); hence, in (0). Thus, Wo is an interior point and so f(D.) is open. Done.
Comment This result leads to a geometric proof of the assertion that an analytic function (on a disc, say) that assumes real boundary values must be a (real) constant. For the image of the disc would be squashed onto a portion of the real u-axis in the image plane and hence could not be an open subset of the plane. There is a simpler nongeometric proof of this assertion which utilizes the Cauchy-Riemann equations. The Open Mapping Theorem also yields a simple intuitive proof of the Maximum Modulus Principle. See Exercise 4 below. (Of course, a simple proof is now possible because we have done some hard work with series and the Argument Principle. Another proof of the maximum Modulus Principle, using Parseval's identity. was offered in Exercise 4 to Paragraph 5.3.2.)
Exercises to Paragraph 8.1 .4 1. Verifythattheimageunderthemappingw = f(z) = z2 ofeachofthefollowing domains is again open; the disc Izl < 1; the first quadrant (x > 0, y > 0);
Mapping by Analytic Function~
4. S. 6.
the entire z-plane. These are, of course, special cases of the Open Mapping Theorem. Suppose f is an entire function with a removable singularity at z = 00. That is, lim: ... '" (z) exists and is finite. It follows that f is bounded in the entire z-plane and hence constant by Liouville's Theorem. Here is another approach to this principle. This method generalizes to analytic functions defined on Riemann surfaces. (a) Observe that if f is entire and has either a removable singularity or a pole at z = 00, then it may be regarded as a mapping (: I: -+ 1:, where I: is the Riemann sphere constructed in Chapter 6. (b) Argue that the image f(I:) is open unless f is a constant. Hint: The image of every open disc, including discs containing 00, must be open because f is analytic! (c) Argue thatf(I:) is also compact (closed and bounded). Hint: fis continuous, I: is compact. A basic result. (d) Conclude that if f is not constant, then f maps onto ~,[(5.:.) = L, and so f must have a pole; it cannot be everywhere firiite-valued on 1:. Hint: Which subsets of I: are both open and closed? Note: The general theorem here is this: Iff: X -+ C is analytic and finitevalued on the compact Riemann -surface X, then f is constant. Thus, the natural "analytic" functions on X are meromorphic, (: X -+ I:, and must assume the value 00. Compare the rational functions on I: and the exercises to Section 6.3. Compare the proofs (via the Cauchy-Riemann equations or the Open Mapping Theorem) of the fact that an analytic function which assumes only real boundary values on the rim of the disc must be a constant. Show how Open Mapping implies the Maximum Modulus Principle. Prove that a one-to-one analytic mapping f of the z-plane onto the w-plane is linear, f(z) = az + b, a =I- O. Hint: How does f behave at infinity? Is it true that a one-to·one analytic mapping defined on the entire z-plane must map onto the full w-plane (and hence be linear by Exercise 5)? Hint: See hint for preceding exercise. A nonopen mapping. Suppose f maps the entire z-plane onto the closed upper half w-plane, given by v > O. (a) Prove (one line) that {is not an open mapping. (b) Give an explicit formula for such a mapping. (c) Is your example in (b) analytic?
8.1.5 Rouche's Theorem Now we study Hperturbations" of a given analytic mapping f(z), that is, functions of the form F(z) = f(z) + h(z). We will see that if h(z) is small in a certain sense, then F and f assume the same number of zeros inside a closed curve THEOREM
r. The exercises offer an amusing interpretation.
Let n be a domain and r a Jordan curve in n whose interior is also contained in n. Let f be analytic in.Q and nonzero on r. Suppose h(z)
Chap. 8
Analyt;c Funct;olJs as Conformal Mappings
is analytic in Q such that Ih(')1 < 1f(')1 for all , on r. Then the functions fez) and F(z) = fez) + h(z) have the same number of zeros inside r. Proof: We have F(z) = fez)
{I + ~~:} = f(z)g(z),
where g(z) is analytic except for possible poles at the zeros off(z). Also, for' on r, we note Ih(')/f(C) I < 1, whence g(C) :1= O. Likewise, F has no zeros on r. By the Argument Principle, the number of zeros of F inside r is given by ~
r F'(C) d,
Jr F(,)
= ~
f'(C) 2ni Jr fCC)
d, +
~ g'(C) 2ni r g(C)
Since the first term here equals the number of zeros of fez) inside r, we are done if we can show that the second integral vanishes. Now the second integral equals the winding number n(g(r); 0). But g(z) = 1 + (h(z)lf(z» and since Ih(O!f(c)\ < 1, the curve g(r) consisting of points g(C) stays inside the open disc D(I; 1) of radiuB 1 centered at Wo = 1. Hence, g(r) cannot wind around the origin in the w-plane. Thus, n(g(r); 0) = O. By the remarks above, we are done. Comments 1. The Argument Principle was crucial in the proof here. 2. It might be helpful to draw the picture of g(r) and the disc D(l; 1)
indicated by the reasoning of the last paragraph of the proof. Algebraic Applications of Rouche's Theorem
The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. You may construct a proof as follows: Given
define fez) = anz". Thus, h(z) = F(z) - fez) has degree n - 1 or less. Now construct a circle r of radius so large that Ih(,) I < Ian'" I for all , on r (work!). Conclude that F(z) has n complex zeros inside r. Bounding the Roots of a Polynomial. We carry out the procedure described just above in a special case. Given F(z) =
Sec. 8.1
whencef(z) = then
Mapping by An.lytic Functions Z4,
h(z) =
+ 1. Now we observe easily that if lei
= 3/2,
We conclude that all four roots of F(z) = 0 satisfy 'zl < 3/2. This is not the smallest bound, of course.
Exercises to Paragraph 8.1.5 1. The Dog- Walking Theorem. Relate the theorem of Rouche to the following RtBtp.ment: A man f(lJ walb 8. nog h(,) arounil a fil"p. hydr::lnt 1.1) = O. Tf the leash is sufficiently short, then man fW and dog-on-thc-cnd-of-thc-Ieash f(C} + h(C} circle the hydrant the same number of times. 2. Sketch the curve g(r} inside the disc D(l; 1) as indicated in the proof of Rouche's Theorem. 3. (a) Verify that all roots of ZS + z + 1 = 0 satisfy Izl < 5/4. (b) Argue that there is 0. real root satisfying -1 < :Ie < O. (c) Argue that there is only one real root. Hint: Calculus.
8.1.6 The Brouwer Fixed-Point Theorem
A version of this famous theorem of topology states that if g: D ~ D is a continuous function mapping a closed disc into itself, then g has at least one fixed point Zo; that is, g(zo) = zoo For example, a rotation of the disc about its center point must leave the center point fixed. We will prove a less general version of this theorem, which deals only with analytic functions. It follows from the theorem of Rouche. THEOREM
Let g be an analytic function that maps the closed disc 11(0; r) into the open disc D(O; r). Then g has exactly one fixed point in D(O; r). Proof: Let f(z) = -z, F(z) = g(z) - z. Then h(z) = F(z) - f(z)= g(z) and Ig(OI < I"~ tor, on C(O; r). Also, f(C) :I 0, clearly. By Rouche, f
and F have the same number of zeros in D(O; r). But f has only one zero, the origin. Finally, the one solution of g(z) - z = 0 is a fixed point of g. Done.
The key idea here was to realize the given function g(z) as a perturbation (in the sense of Paragraph 8.1.5) of the simple functionf(z) = -z.
An;,lytic Functions . 8 Conformal Mappings
Exercises to Paragraph 8.1.6 1. Let g(z) azk with lal < 1. (a) Verify that g maps the closed unit disc into the open disc Izl < 1. (b) Verify that the odgin z = 0 is the unique fixed point of the mapping g that satisfies Iz I $ 1. (c) Does g(z) have any other fixed points in C? 2. The one-dimensional Brouwer Fixed·Point Theorem. Let f(x) be a continuous function, 0 $ x S; I, such that 0 $ f(x) $ 1. Prove that f(xo> = Xo for some Xo. Hint: Look at the graphs y = f(x) and y = x. Of course this case of the theorem has nothing to do with analyticity. 3. Ask a friendly topologist to prove the Brouwer Theorem for you in the case of continuous functions from Iz/ S; 1 into Izl $ 1.
8.2.0 Introduction This important class of analytic mappings consists of all rational functions T(z) of the form w = T(z) = az cz
+ b +d
(ad - bc
:f. 0),
where a, b, c, d are complex. You should convince yourself that if the "determinant" ad - be were zero, then T(z) would reduce to 0/0, or a complex constant. We wish to rule out these occurrences. Linear fractional transformations are also called bilinear transformations or Mobius transformations. It is easy to see that if c ¢ 0 in the above expression for T(z), then T(z) has a simple pole at the point Zo = -dIe. We might say T(zJ = 00. This encourages us to define T(z) on the extended complex plane or Riemann sphere E rather than merely on the ordinary complex plane C. As a set, the Riemann sphere consists of the complex numbers with infinity adjoined: l: = C v {oo}. In addition to the usual algebraic operations among the finite complex numbers, we define in the set l:: a
0 (a #= 00),
a '00
Note that we do not use both real calculus.
+ 00 and -
(a =F 0),
- = 00 (a
#= 0).
which sometimes occur in
Linsar Fractiona' Tran$formar/o"$
Where is the point oo? For us, it suffices to say that a sequence of points in C converges to infinity, prov,ided, in the familiar sense,
However, the following convention is more important. If we take any straight line in the plane and travel toward either end, then we come to the point 00. Thus, straight lines in C become circles in 1:, with opposite ends meeting at 00. It is possible to put the elements of the Riemann sphere 1: = C u {oo} into one-to·one correspondence with points of the ordinary sphere (hollow globe) in three-dimensional space. The method (Figure 8.7) is Disc It I < 1 corresponds to southern hemisphere
North Pole=PCIQ
Stereographic projection Point z in the plane corresponds to P2 on sphere. Figure
called stereographic projection. In this case, 00 corresponds to the North Pole of the globe and points of the "finite" complex plane correspond to the remaining points of the globe. In particular, the origin z = 0 of C corresponds to the South Pole of the globe. However, we do not stress this hollow-globe interpretation. For conformal mapping purposes, we choose to concentrate on the flat plane C and employ 00 without fear when necessary. We are about to see that linear fractional transformation gives a nice mapping of 1: onto 1:. Moreover, given reasonable subsets 8., 8 2 of 1:, it is often possible to write down a linear fractional transformation that maps 8 1 onto 8 2 conformally. This is the second general problem mentioned at the start of this chapter.
An.lytlc Functlona
Conformal Mappings
8.2.1 Examples and Basic Properties
Here are 80me types of linear fractional transformations: Identity: T(z) = z Translation by b: T(z) = z + b Multiplication: T(z) = az Dilation (stretching): T(z) = rz (r real> 0) Rotation by f/J: T(z) = e'''z, (0' real) Linear or Affine: T(z) = az + b Inversion: T(z) = lIz Now we make some basic observations about these transformations. Property 1. Invertibility: Given
w = T(z) =
b d
we may solve for z in terms of w, obtaining the inverse transformation
= T- 1(w) =
dw - b . -cw + a
Property 2. T: 1: ~ 1: Is One-to-one and Onto: This statement follows from the existence of the inverse just found. Given WOI we obtain the unique zo such that Wo = T(zo) as zo = T-1(wo). At this point we discuss the value T(oo). Note that if T(z) = az + b in linear, then T(oo) = 00. From this it follows that if T(z) has the form 1/(cz + d), then T( 00) = O. What if T(z) = az
cz + d
with ac :;: O?
In this case, T( 00) is found by employing the convention that the behavior of T(z) at z = 00 is the same as that of T(lg) at, = O. Thus, we compute T(z) = T
+ b = a + be. c(1/0 + d c + dC
= a(1/0
Settmg' = 0 show8 T(oo) = ale, a finite complex number. Property 3. Composition: Given the transformations w = T(z) =
+ b,
cz + d
Sec. 8.2
Llnellr Frllct/one' Trllnsformet/on.
then the composition w = T(T1 (C» is readily seen to be w
T(TI (C»
(001 + bCI)' (cal + dCI)'
+ +
(ab l (cb l
bell) •
+ dd l )
You may check that the determinant here is nonzero (in fact, it equals (ad - bc)(a1d 1 - blC1» and hence this composite function is again a linear fractional transformation. Culture: We have shown that the family of complex linear fractional transformations forms a group in the sense of algebra. The group operation is composition of functions, as in Property 3. This is readily seen to be associative. The identity element of the group is the identity mapping (see the examples above), while inverses exist as in Property 1. Property 4. Structure of T(z): We claim that every linear fractional
transformation may be obtained by composing three simple types: multiplication by a constant, translation, and inversion To see this, let T(z) = (az + b)/(cz + d). If c = 0, then we are done: Without loss, d = 1 and T is the same as z ~ az -+ az + b, a multiplication followed by a translation. If C i:- 0 then we divide the denominator into the numerator, obtaining T(z) = ~ c
b - adlc . cz + d
Thus, T(z) is obtained by the process z~cz~cz+d~
1 b - adlc a b - adlc -+ ~-+ cz+d cz+d c cz+d
At each step we have one of the t.hree types mentioned. Done. Property 5. Conformality: We claim that the linear fractional transformation w = T(z) = (az + b)/(cz + d) is conformal (except at z = -dIe, 00, where a special definition is required). Here are two methods of proof: First, T(z) is obtained by a succession of translations, multiplications by constants, and inversions. Each of these simpler transformations is conformal-except, of course, for the pole of the inversion. Since a sequence of conformal transformations is conformal, T(z) is conformal as stated. For a second proof, you may compute the derivative T'(z) = be - ad (cz + d)2
and observe that it is finite and nonzero except at z formality follows from Theorem 2 of this chapter.
Analytic Functions as Conformal Mappings
Actually, you may deduce that T'(z) f:. 0 from the global one-tooneness of T(z) (Property 2) and Theorem 3. Property 6. T(z) Preserves Circles in 1:: By a "circle in 1:" we mean an ordinary circle in C or a straight line in C that we consider a circle (of large radius)! with both ends meeting at 00. We claim that the image of a circle in I: under a linear fractional transformation is again a circle in 1:. This will be important in some explicit mapping problems. To prove this, we use Property 4. It suffices to prove that circles are preserved under multiplication by a complex scalar, under translation and under inversion. The first two of these are clear. Hence, we must examine the effect of the inversion w = T(z) = lIz on circles and lines. The equation (with B, C, D real and not all zero)
A(x2 + y2) + Bx + Cy + D
= 0
determines any circle or line (A = 0) in the xy-plane. Writing w
+ iv = T(x + iy) =
2 X X
we note
Izl-2; that is,
v 2 = 1/(x 2
yi 2
+ y2). It follows that
Under these substitutions the equation for the image of the circle given above is (check!) A + Bu - Cv + D(u 2 + v 2 ) = o. This is again a line or circle. Property 6 is established. Property 7. One or Two Fixed Points. Now we argue that if T(z) is not the identity mapping, then T(z) has either one or two fixed points in 1:, that is, points z satisfying T(z) = z. Of course the identity mapping fixes all points. To see this, let T(z) = (az + b)/(cz + d) be different from the identity. If c = 0, then without loss d = 1 and T(z) = az + b. Clearly, then, T(oo) = 00. Also, T(z) = z has one more solution z if and only if a f:. 1 (geometrically, w = T(z) is not "parallel" to w = z). Thus, there are one or two fixed points if c = o. In case c f:. 0, we note first that T( (0) = alc f:. 00. Thus, 00 is not a fixed point. Also, multiplying both sides of the fixed-point equation T(z) = z by the denominator cz + d yields the quadratic equation cz 2
+ (d - a)z - b =
which has one (repeated) or two (distinct) roots. These are all the fixed points ofT. Hence, if a linear fractional transformation is given which fixes three or more points, then it must be the identity.
Sec. B.2
Llnlls,. F,.actionsl Trsnsfo,.mations
Property 8. 'l' Iso Determined by Three Values: We claim that if z 1, Z2 are distinct points of~, and Wo, WI' W2 another triple of distinct points of t, then there exists a unique linear fractional transformation
T such that T(z,,) =
w" for
k = 0, 1, 2.
Let us prove the uniqueness first. If both T and Tl have the stated property, then T-l(T I (Zk» = Zk' k = 0, 1, 2. Since the composition of T- 1 and Tl has three fixed points, it must be the identity (Property 7) whence T = T 1 • To prove existence, we first observe that it suffices to prove that there is a transformation Tl that takes any triple zo, ZI> Z2 of distinct points to the three points 0, 1, 00. For if we can do this, then we can also construct a transformation T2 that takes the given Wo, WI' W2 to 0,1, 00. But it is easy to see that the composite transformation T(z) = T2 -l(Tl (z» ARtjsfies T(z,) = w" for k = 0, 1, 2, RS desirerl. We therefore conclude the proof by noting that if Zo. z 1, %2 are distinct complex numbers, then
T 1 (z) takes
Zo. %1> Z2
to 0, 1,
ZI -
Z -
ZI -
Z -
= ~--=
respectively. If, however, one of the given
Zo, Z J' Z 2 happens to be 00, then we alter the argument slightly as follows : Ifzo = 00, then T1(z) = 1/(cz + d) will map 00, Z10 Z2 to 0, 1, 00, provided we choose c, d to satisfy cz 1 + d = 1, CZ2 + d = O. If Z J = 00, then the transformation T 1(z) = (z - zo)/(z - Z2) does the job. If Z2 = 00, then T1(z) must have the form az + b (with suitable a, b), for this fixes 00.
Comment Except for our mention of conformality, the eight properties we developed above involved elementary algebra and geometry only.
Exercises to Paragraph 8.2.1
= 0 in (az + b)/(cz + d). Show that this fraction is either 0/0 or a complex constant. Let T(z) = (z + i)/(z - i). Compute T(z) for these values of z: (a) z = 1, (b) z = i. (c) z = -i. (d) z = 00. Given w = T(z) = (z + i)/(z - i), compute z = T-l(W) as a linear fractional transformation in the variable w. Hint: See Property 1 in the text. Let w = T(z) be as in Exercise 3. Find Zo such that T(zo) = i. (a) Verify that the composition T(T1W) is given by the formula in the text, Property 3. (b) Write w = T(T,(C» 'as a linear fractional transformation. where T is as in Exercise 3 and z = T,(C) = ,/({ - 1).
1. Suppose ad - be
4. 5.
Analytic Functions
Conforma' Mappings
Chap. 8
6. Decompose W = T(z) of Exercise 3 into a composite of simpler types (multiplication by a constant, translation, inversion) as described in Property 4 of the text. 7. The inversion mapping W = liz (a) Write w = l/z in polar form, where z = re '6 as usual. (b) Where in the w-plane does this mapping send the ray 8 = 80 in the z-plane? (c) Likewise for the circle Izi = To. (d) Sketch the disc Izi ::5 1, adding some concentric circles centered at the origin and some segments ("spokes") from the origin to the rim of the disc. Then sketch the image of this configuration under the inversion W = l/z. (e) Determine the image of the circle Iz - il = 1 under the mapping w = l/z. Is this circle preserved? 8. Some fixed points (a) Locate the fixed points of the inversion W = l/z. (b) Likewise for T(z) = (z + i)/(z - I). 9. (a) Write down a linear fractional transformation that maps Zo, ZI, Z2 to 0,1, co, where Zo = 1, ZI = i, Z2 = -l. (b) Where does your transformation send the origin z = O? (c) Where does your transformation send the circle Izi = I? Hint: Circles in E are preserved. (d) Where does your kansformation Bend the disc /z/ < I? 10. A useful ,:onvention. Suppose we wish to map zo. 2'1, Z2 in the z-plane to Wo, WI, Wz in the w-plane. Let , = (az + b)/(cz + d) transform zo, ZI, Z2 to 0,1, co, respectively (refer to Property 8 of the text) and likewise let' = (<<w + P)/(yw + 0) send Wo, Wh Wz to 0, 1, 00. Meditate upon the following: The equation (suppressing C) ocW )'w
+ P + d
az + b cz
specifies a mapping of the extended z-plane onto the extended w-plane, which sends zo, Z11 Zz to Wo, WI, Wz as desired. Note that it is simpler to write this equation than to solve for w in terms of , and then compose two transfonnations. 11. Let C and C' be circles in the z- and w-planes, respectively. Does there exist a linear fractional transformation w = T(z) that maps C onto C'? If so, is it unique? 12. Is W = f(z) = z + (l/z) a linear fractional transformation? 13. The Cross Ratio. Let Zo. Zit Zz. Z3 be distinct points of 1:. Their cross ratio is the number [zo.
Z2. Z3] =
Zo -
Zo -
Z2 -
Zz -
Show that a linear fractional transformation T preserves cross ratio
Hint: Prove it separately for multiplications, translations, and inversion.
Sec. 8.2
Linear Fractional Transformations
14. Prove that a linear fractional transformation W = T(z) which sends given distinct Zl> Z2, Za to distinct Wl> W2, W3 is uniquely determined by the requirement Thus, the map T is obtained by solving for W -
W2 -
in Zl
Z -
Z2 -
But see Exercise 10 also.
8.2.2 Some Explicit Mapping Problems Now we ask for transformations w
T(z), which map a given
domain onto another one in a one-to-one manner. As usual, we write z = x + iy, w = u + iv. Problem 1 Map the right half-plane x > 0 onto the upper half-plane v > O.
Refer to Figure 8.8.
w=T(z)=iz r#'
1= T(-i)
Solution: We need only rotate the entire plane through one right angle. The mapping w = T(z) = iz accomplishes this. More generally, any mapping w = iz + r where the translation term r is real will map the right half-plane onto the upper half-plane. And these are not the only linear fractional transformations with this property. Problem 2
Map the entire z-plane onto the open unit disc Figure 8.9.
< 1. Refer to
Analytic Functions
Conformlll MlIpplng/l
? ~
Solution: No such analytic mapping exists, for it would be bounded and therefore constant by Liouville's Theorem. And, even more strongly. no such linear fractional transformation exists because these must map 1:: = C U {oo} onto 1::. A solution to Problem 2 could not do this (why?). Problem 3
Map the open unit disc onto the entire plane by a linear fractional transformation.
Solution: No such mappmg exists. For its inverse would be a solution to Problem 2! Problem 4
Map the open disc Izi < 1 onto the upper half w-plane by a linear fractional transformation. Refer to Figure B.10.
, :-1
w=-, Z+i ?"
Solution: Such a mapping must send the circle Izl = 1 onto the horizontal u-axis. (Proof?) We note that the u-axis is the "circle" determined by the three points 0,1, 00. Since three values determine the transformation (see
Sec. 8.2
Linellr Fractlonll' Tranllformatlons
Property 8). we choose Zo = 1, Z 1 = i, Z2 = -Ion the unit circle and will send these to 0, 1, 00, respectively. Then we will check that this indeed maps Izl < 1 onto the upper half·plane, not the lower half·plane. As in the proof of Property 8, the transformation w
i+l z-1
= T(z) = - - . - -
. z-1 02+1
= -z·--
sends 1, i, -1 to 0, 1, 00. respectively. To verify that T(z) maps the unit disc onto the upper half-plane, we note first that T(O) = i, which is in the upper half· plane. You should convince yourself that this implies the full result. Figure 8.10 might help. Note, too, that T was constructed to preserve orientations: counterclockwise on the circle, positive on the u-axis. Problem 5
Find all linear fractional transformations that map the upper half· plane onto the unit disc. Refer to Figure 8.11.
w=e -_
0= T(zo)
Solution: We proceed as in Problem 4, first finding the transforma· tions that map the x-axis and 00 (boundary of the upper half-plane) onto the unit circle (boundary of the disc) and then singling out those that map the upper half-plane onto the interior (rather than exterior) of the disc. Suppose T(02) = (az + b)/(ez + d) maps the x-axis onto the unit disc. Then IT(O)I = Ibldl = 1, so Ibl = Idl. Likewise, IT(oo)1 = lalel = 1, so lal = lei =F- O. We write ale = e''; for some angle tV. whence T(z) has the form T(02) = e itll
z-P -- , z-~
We must now specify p,~.
Analytic Functions
"11 Conformsl Mappings
is on the x-axis, then = 1. It follows that for all X,
Ix - PI
(x - P)(x - 'P) =
Ix - PI 2
Ix - 01
Chap. 8
because IT(x) I =
Ix - 01 2
= (x - o)(x -
that is, x2
+ 'P)x + PP =
+ ob.
Equating coefficients, we see that Re(p) = !(fJ + P) = ;(0 + J) = Re(cS). Since IPI = 101. we conclude that either 0 = P or ~ = lJ. (Picture!) But b = P is impossible for linear fractional transformations (why?). Thus, o = "p. Writing Zo = P, we assert finally that T(z) must have the form T(Z ) -- e It/!
Z -
2 -
_ •
with Zo = Xo + iyo in the upper half-plane, Yo > O. For T(zo) = 0, which is inside the unit disc. We must require, therefore, that Zo be above the x-axis.
Comment The solution to Problem 5 also affords us a complete solution to Problem 4. For every linear fractional mapping of the disc Iwl < 1 onto the upper half z-plane must be the inverse of a solution to Problem 5 and hence has the form
in the upper half-plane and
real, as you may verify.
Problem 6 Find all linear fractional transformations that map the unit disc onto itself. Solution: There are some obvious answers: The rotations
= e'r/lz•
There are others, however. And we have essentially found them already, as we will make clear. Choose any linear fractional transformation of the disc Izi < 1 onto the upper half '-plane; say,' = U(z). See Figure 8.12. Now we claim that every linear fractional transformation w = T(z) of the disc Izl < 1 onto the disc Iwi < 1 has a unique factorization of the form
w = T(z) = T*(U(z»,
Sec. 8.2
LinNr Frllctional
w-plane W=
T(z) = T* (U(z»
where w = T*(O is one of the mappings of the upper half-plane onto the unit disc that we characterized in Problem 5. In fact, T*(O = T(U-I(O). Hence. T* is determined uniquely by T (once U has been selected and fixed. of course). What will T(z) look like? We know that every T* has the form (see Problem 5)
with", real and Co in the upper half-plane. Also. for U we choose a nice mapping of the disc Izl < 1 onto the upper half-plane (see Problem 4), say
, = U(z) = - i ·z -- -1 z
It follows (with a little bit of arithmetic) that T has the form
where disc.
is real and
Iz 11
= T*(U(z» = e1fll z-z 1
< 1. Note that T(O)
ZlZ -
eUPz 1 is inside the unit
Anlllytic Functions
Chap. 8
Conformal Mappings
Some Nonlinear Transformations
The present discussion has stressed conformal mapping by linear fractional transformation. Of course not all mapping problems can be solved by these particularly simple transformations. A problem might require that a circle in 1: be mapped to a noncircle; this could not be accomplished by a transformation that necessarily preserves circles in 1:. Here are some further mapping problems that involve familiar functions. Problem 7
Map the half-strip
s = {(x. y) I -00
< x < 0, -n < y ::; n}
onto the punctured unit disc given by 0 <
< 1. Refer to Figure 8.13.
w=e " fPP'
Solution: We saw ill Chapter 3 that the exponential mapping w = ez is a solution. Note here that S is not an open set, although the punctured disc is open. Does this contradict the Open Mapping Theorem for the inverse z = log w? Problem 8
Map the open half-disc
= {w =
+ iv Ilwl
< 1, v > O}
onto the half-strip (open)
= {z
= x + iy I -
Refer to Figure 8.14.
< 0, 0 < y <
Sec. 8.2
Linear Fractional Transformations
y z=log w
i7r= log (-I)
o Figure
Solution: z
= log w.
Problem 9
Map the open quarter-disc Q = {z
+ iy Ilzl
< 1, x > O,.v > O}
onto the half-disc n of Problem 8. Refer to Figure 8.15. y
x Figure
Solution: w = ((z) = z2.. Note that f(z) here does have an analytic inverse mapping n onto Q. It is, of course, a branch of the square root function z = .J w. Note also that {(z), conformal in Q, is not conformal at its critical point Zo = 0 on oQ.
Problem 10
Map the open unit square S = {z = x
+ iy I 0 <
x, y < 1}
conformaIly onto the open unit disc Iwi < 1, with the boundary of the square mapping onto the circular boundary of the disc. See Figure 8.16. We do not solve this problem here, but make the following comments. 1. The problem is solvable. The Riemann Mapping Theorem of
Analytic Functions as Conformal Mappings
Chap. 8
y i
;:'ear fractional
Conformal mapping of square onto disc via upper half-plane Figure
Paragraph 8.2.3 guarantees that the spuare may be mapped conformally
onto the disc because the square is simply connected. 2. The actual mapping is accomplished in two stages: from the square onto the upper half-plane by a so-called Schwarz-Christoffel transformation, and then from the upper half-plane onto the disc by a standard linear fractional transformation. 3. We do not develop the Schwarz-Christoffel transformations here. Suffice it to say that one uses these transformations to map polygons (simply connected, such as squares, triangles, the interior of any simple closed polygonal path) onto the upper half-plane. Not surprisingly, the proper Schwarz-Christoffel transformation is constructed by mapping the boundary (a path made of line segments) onto the real axis with ao. Thus, one must "unbend" the corners of the square, for instance, to map its boundary onto the real axis. This involves functions that are not conformal (not angle-preserving) at the corners of the polygon. Of course the mapping function must be conformal inside the polygonal domain.
4. You might check that the mapping functions we have stressed so far (linear fractional maps, sine, cosine, exponential) will not suffice to map the square onto the disc. Something new is needed. Several books listed in "Suggestions for Further Reading" contain discussions of the Schwartz-Christoffel transformation.
Sec. 8.2
LinsBT FTllctionB' r'Bnsformsr/ons
Exercises to Paragraph 8.2.2 1. Prove that a linear fractional transformation that maps the disc Izl < 1 onto thp. upper half w-plane mUln Rend the circle Izl = 1 to thp. horizontal u--axis with ex:> adjoined. Refer to the fourth mapping problem in the text. 2. (a) Write down a linear fractional transformation that maps the upper half-plane onto the lower half-plane. (b) Does there exist such a transformation that fixes the horizontal x-axis, T(x) = x for all x? 3. Mapping a wedge
(a) Does there exist a linear fractional transformation that maps the open wedge 0 < arg z < 1t/3 onto the open upper half w-plane? (b) Can this mapping be effected by any conformal transformation, not necessarily linear? 4. Let distinct points Wa, W h W 2 lie on the circle Iwl = 1. Let T be the unique linear fractional transformation that sends 1, i, -1 on Izl = 1 to wo, Wh W2, respectively. What further condition should Wo. WI. W2 satisfy to guarantee that T maps the interior Izl < 1 onto the interior Iwl < 1? What happens if your condition is not satisfied? 5. Let the linear fractional transformation w = T(z) map the disc Izl < 1 onto the disc Iwl < 1 and also suppose T(I) = 1. Give proof or counterexample for the following statements: (a) Tis the identity mapping T(z) = z for all z. (b) T maps the x-axis onto a straight line or circle in the extended w-plane. (c) 7'is conformal at z = 1. (d) H T maps the x-axis to a straight line in the (extended) ur-plane, then this straight line is in fact the u-axis. (e) H T maps the x-axis to a straight line in the (extended) w-plane, then T(-1) = -1. (f) H T( -1) = -I, then T must have a third fixed point, -1 < T(x) = x.
x < 1,
(g) If T maps the x-axis onto a straight line in the extended w-plane, then Tis the identity mapping. (h) If T(O) is real, then T is the identity mapping. (i) If T(O) = Wo. IWol < 1, is not real. then T maps the x-axis with infinity adjoined onto a circle in the finite w·plane. (j) There is only one mapping T of the given type such that T(O) = Wo (= some preassigned image point). 6. Another derivation of the Poisson Integral Formula. Let It(z) be harmonic in a domain containing Izi :s; 1. Let C be a typical point of Izl < 1. Choose a transformation z = T(w) that maps Iwl < 1 onto Izi < 1 with T(O) = C. (a) Verify
u(T(O» =
~ f21f u(T(e'W »dOJ 2n
where W = e/ w if Iwi = 1. Hint: Circumferential mean of u(T(w». = pe'lfI, Ipl < 1. Then for 2 = e'9 we have
(b) Let ,
with llel = 1.
Anlllytic Function$
Chap. 8
Conformlll Mappings
Hint: See the sixth mapping problem of the text. (c) iw = log IC + log(e l9 - pelfi') - log(pe,(9-fII) - 1). (d) Check dOl
1 - p2
dw = - de = dB 1 + p2 - 2p cos(8 -
Hint: Differentiate. (e) Conclude that ll
u(e· ) • (1 - p2) = 2n -1 i211 0 1 + p2 - 2p cos(fJ -
Summary: The Poisson Integral is obtained from the Circumferential Mean-Value Theorem by transforming points inside the unit disc to the origin. 7. Mapping an infinite plank. Let 0 be the open plank
= {z
= x + iy
< x < n, Y > OJ.
Prove that w = cos z maps a onto the lower half-plane v < 0, as follows: (a) The segment 0 < x < x, y = 0, is mapped to a segment on the real u-axis. (b) The vertical sides x = 0, y > 0, and x = n, Y > 0, are mapped to infinite intervals on the real u-axis. (c) cos(an) = the u-axis(d) C08(0) = the lower half-plane () < 0, as claimed.
8. A boundary-value problem. Find a function ~z) ~ 0 harmonic on the plank n of Exercise 7, continuous on a, such that ~ vanishes identically on an. Hint: Use th~ result of Exercise 7. 9. The function that is identically zero is also a solution to the boundaryvalue problem of Exercise 8. Does this contradict the principle of unique determination by boundary values? Explain. 10. Mapping the infinite wedge. Let n consist of those points z = re'" with r > 0, 0 < (J < en, where 0 < e < 1. (a) Sketch n as a "wedge" in the upper half z-plane. (b) Verify that a is mapped one-to-one onto the upper half of the w-plane (compare u > 0) by a branch of the mapping w = z&. Note that e may be irrational. (c) Concoct a boundary-value problem on the wedge n which is solved by means of this mapping.
11. Univalent mappings. Let w = {(z) be a nonconstant analytic function defined on a domain 0 1 in the z-plane. By the Open Mapping Theorem, the image O 2 = {(Ol) is a domain in the w-pJane. The mapping is univalent or schlict if { is one-to-one on 0,. True or false? (a) If (is univalent in el" then f'(z) ¥= 0 for z in OJ' (b) If t(z) :F 0 in 010 then {is univalent in 0 1 , (c) Iff is univalent in 01> then it is conformal at each point of n 1 • (d) If {is conformal at each point of 010 then {is univalent in n 1 • (e) There exists a univalent analytic mapping of the open disc Izl < 1 onto the w-plane.
Sec. 8.2
Linear Fractional TransFormations
(f) There exists a univalent analytic mapping of the open disc Izl < 1 onto the right half w-plane u > O. (g) There exists a univalent analytic mapping of the open disc Izl < 1 onto the annulus 1 < Izl < 2. 12. The inverse of a univalent mapping. See Exercise 11. Let f be a univalent analytic mapping of 0 1 onto Oz. (a) Prove that f has an inverse function g: O 2 ~ 0 1 defined by g(f(z» = z Hint: See Exercise 12 to Paragraph 3.2.3. (b) Prove that the inverse function g is analytic on O 2 , (c) Prove in fact that g'(w) = l/"(z), where w = f(z). Note that f'(z) 1: 0 throughout 01' 13. Mapping the unit disc. We know there exist univalent analytic mappings (linear fractional transformations, in fact) of the disc Izl < 1 onto the upper half w-plane v > O. These may be composed with other mappings. (a) Find a univalent mapping of Izl < 1 onto a slit ,-plane, that is, a plane with the nonnegative real axis removed. Hint: I; = (T(Z»2, where T(z) maps Izl < 1 onto v > O. (b) Find a univalent mapping of Izl < 1 onto an infinite horizontal strip of height 27t. Hint: Use (a) and an appropriate branch of the logarithm. (c) Is it possible to map the disc Izl < 1 in a univalent fashion onto an infinite "plank" 0 in the w-plane, say,
= {w = u
+ iv I 0
< u < 7t,
> O}?
Hint: See Exercise 7. 14. Let Zo be a noncritical point of the analytic function w = f(z). Then this
function is approximated near Zo by a linear fractional transformation of a particularly well-behaved type. To which transformation do we refer? (See Section 1.) Is this true if Zo is a critical point for f? 15. Mapping a triangle. Suppose zoo z" Z1 are the vertices of an ordinary triangle in the z-plane and we map them by a linear fractional transformation w = T(z) to 0, 1, 00, respectively. Is the triangle mapped by T onto the infinite plank (with straight sides) in the w-plane given by 0 < u < 1. v > O? Hint; Tis conformal at zoo ZI' 16. Mapping discs to discs. Let D(zo; r) and D(wo; R) be open discs in the z- and w-planes, respectively. Write down a linear fractional transformation w = T(z) that maps the one disc onto the other, with Wo = T(zo). Hint: Let T(z) be aBine, of the form T(z) = Wo + b(z - zo). 17. Exponential mapping of a rectangle (a) Let R = {z = x + iy I -1 < x < 0, - 7t < y S rr}. Describe the image of the rectangle R under the mapping w = eX. (b) Locate a rectangle in the z-plane that the exponential function maps onto the annulus 1 < Iwl < 2. (c) Same question for the punctured disc 0 < Iwl < 1.
8.2.3 A Dirichlet Problem Solved by Conformal Mapping Let Q be the open upper half-plane y > 0; an, the x-axis. Given the "boundary values" B(x) = 1/(1 + x 2 ). we are to find H(z) = H(x, y)
AlHllyt;o Funotlons •• Conformsl Mappings
Chap. 8
continuous in n, harmonic in n, and equal to B on an; that is, H(x, 0) = B(x). We proceed as follows:
1. We begin with a doomed attempt. Define 1
B(z) = 1
Z2 •
Then the real part of the analytic function B(z) is harmonic and surely agrees with 1/(1 + x 2 ) when z = x, that is, on an. Unfortunately, B(z) is not analytic at z = i. so that its real part is not harmonic there. We desire H(z) to be harmonic at every point of n. Thus, we must look elsewhere for H(z). Refer to exercises to Section 4.5. 2. Now we apply conformal mapping. We will map the circle lei = 1 in the C-plane onto the x-axis (with 00 adjoined) by means of a transformation z = T(O. Thus, B(x) becomes B(T(,», a function on Ie, = 1. Next we will solve the Dirichlet problem on IC, s 1 for the boundary values b(C) = B(T(O). This will give a harmonic function h(O on Ie, < 1. The function H(z) = h(T- 1(z» will then be seen to solve the original problem on O. Here are the details: (a) The transformation
z = T(O = - i . , - 1
, +
maps ICI < 1 onto n and ICI = 1 onto the x-axis with 00 (= T( -1». Refer to the fourth mapping problem of Paragraph 8.2.2. (b) Write C = e 1tp on I"~ = 1. Then b(e llP) is defined as B(T(e' and since B(x) = 1/(1 + x 2),
' »,
(c) Now we extend b(e 1tp) into the disc "I takes a bit of insight!) h(C) = h(pelt{l)
= } + }p cos
< 1 by defining (this
Note that h and b are equal on the circle p = 1. (d) Obs~rve now that h(O = h(pelt{l) is harmonic (in the entire C-plane, in fact). For if we write, = ~ + i" as usual, we have h(C)
= h(e, ,,) = } +
so surely h~( + h"" = O. Thus, the Dirichlet problem is solved on ICI s 1, and without recourse to the Poisson formula. The problem was simple on ICI s 1.
Sec. 8.2
(e) Now we have
C = T- 1 (z) = -: iz - 1 , 1
IZ -
as you may check. We obtain a function of z by defining
! +!
H(z) = h(T-l(Z» =
Re (-:iZ -
1) ,
where Re denotes the real part, so tha.t e = Re C. You may solve for the real part here to obtain H(z) = H(x, y) =
y X
)1 •
This is harmonic because h is harmonic and T- 1 is analytic. Clearly also,
H(x, 0)
+ x2 =
so that H(x, y) has the correct boundary values. The Dirichlet problem
is solved.
Exercises to Paragraph 8.2.3 1. Graph the boundary value function 1 B(x)=-1 + x'l
above the x-axis. Include the points x = - 00 and x = 00 as "end points" of your x·axis, and note that B( - (0) = B( (0) = O. Now graph the function b(e'f/I) = t + 1 cos fP above the fP·axis for - n 5 fP 5 n. Compare the two graphs to see how the conformal transformation tIC = T(ellP) has preserved the
nature of the boundary values in carrying B(x) to the unit circle in the ,.plane. 2. We solved the Dirichlet problem in the disc p 5 1 by taking b(el'P) = 1 + ! cos fP on p = 1 and defining h(pe'tp) = ! + Ip cos 'P. Was this the only satisfactory definition? Could we have defined a different function h(pe'tp) that would also have solved this problem for p 51? 3. Use the familiar formula
b. , a + b2 l
to verify that the solution H(x, y) found in the text is the imaginary part of the analytic function -1
f(z) = x
Deduce that H(x, y) is harmonic.
+ (y + l)i
-1 - -z-+-i
4. Given the boundary value function
B(x)=-, 1 + X2
on the x-axis, solve the Dirichlet problem in the upper half-plane y ~ 0 in two ways: by conformal mapping as in the text, and by adapting the insight of Exercise 3. Of course you should obtain the same harmonic function from each method.
Section 8.3 WHAT IS THE RIEMANN MAPPING THEOREM? This celebrated theorem deals with the question: "Which domains can be mapped onto the open unit disc by a one-to-one analytic function?" Thus, we saw in Section 8.2 that the entire complex plane cannot be mapped onto the disc, whereas the upper half-plane can (by linear fractional transformations, in fact). We first raised this question in the Appendix to Section 4.5. It was seen to be crucial in the solution of boundary-value problems. notably the Dirichlet problem, on a domain n. For (as we saw) if F: n -+ D is a one-to-one analytic mapping onto the disc D, then a Dirichlet problem on n (that is, the search for a harmonic function that assumes prescribed
boundary values) may be "translated" by the mapping F into a Dirichlet problem on the disc D. And Dirichlet problems on D may be solved using the Poisson Integral Formula (Appendix to Chapter 2). Thus, the Dirichlet problem on certain domains reduces to a question about analytic mappings of those domains onto the disc. Now we state RIEMANN MAPPING THEOREM
Let n be a domain in C. Then there exists a one-to-one analytic (hence conformal) mapping F of n onto the open unit disc <:> the domain n is simply connected but not equal to the entire plane C. Recall that a simply connected domain is one with no holes or punctures; every closed curve lying in a simply connected domain !l must have its interior contained entirely in n also. It is not hard to see that ifn can be mapped one-to-one onto the disc by a continuous mapping F (analyticity riot required), then n must be simply connected. And if F is analytic HS well. then!l cannot equal C becauHe of Liouville's Theorem. (Details?) The converse, however, the existence of the conformal mapping F, is not at all obvious. We will not give a proof here. It is something for you to look forward to in an advanced cours~ in complex function
Sec. 8.3
What is the Riemonn Mopping Thecrem'}
Further Comments 1. The Riemann Mapping Theorem is an existence theorem. It does not give an explicit method of writing down the mapping function F. 2. In particular, the theorem does not assert that the analytic mapping can be accomplished by a linear fractional transformation in all cases. We know this is false. 3. You may have observed the necessity of describing the behavior of the mapping function F on the boundary an as well as on n. Does F extend to a continuous mapping of an onto the circle aD? What properties of an are preserved by the extended mapping F? "Behavior on the boundary" is a study in itself. Suffice it to say now that if ao is reasonably nice (a piecewise-smooth loop, say), then F has a continuous extension to the closure Q = a I.) an, and all is well. 4. It is now clear that if n 1 , O 2 are simply connected subdomains of C, then there is a conformal mapping F ofn 1 onto O 2 - For the Riemann Mapping Theorem gives conformal F k : Ok ~ D (k = 1,2) and the composite mapping F(z) = F2 -1(F 1(z» is conformal from 0 1 to O 2 , See Figure 8.17.
F(z) =F2- 1 (F1(z»
5. What can we say about the mapping of nonsimply connected domains? For instance, let 0 1 and O 2 be annuli (one hole)
Is there a conformal mapping of one onto the other? Are every two annuli "conformally equivalent"? The answer is UNo." In fact. a conformal mapping F: 0 1 ~ 0.2 exists if and only if the ratios Rdrl and R2/r2 are equal (if so, it is easy to write down such a mapping). We omit the argument.
Analyt;c Functions as Conformal Mappings
Chap. 8
6. You may have found the Riemann Mapping Theorem surprising: a topological property (simple connectedness) guaranteeing analytic equivalence. Well, paragraph (5) shows that the surprises have not ceased. For any two annuli such as n 1 , O 2 surely are topou:>gically equiv-
alent (surely there exists a one-to-one continuous mapping of .Q 1 onto n 2 with continuous inverse), yet now the mapping cannot be analytic unless R1/rl = R 2/r2' Why? And what if the domain n has more than one hole? We are peering into vast realms of inquiry.
Exercises to Section 8.3 1. Let F: il
D be one-to-one, onto, and analytic, as in the statement of the Riemann Mapping 'fheorem. Prove that F is conformal at each point of O. 2. Homeomorphisms. Let 8J, 8 2 be subsets of the plane. Afunctionfmapping 8 1 onto 8 2 is a homeomorphism, provided it is continuous, one-to-one, and its inverse, which maps 8 2 onto 8 .. is also continuous. Another name is topological mapping. This definition makes no mention of analyticity. (a) Observe that the mapping F: n -+ D guaranteed by the Riemann Mapping Theorem is a homeomorphism. (b) Prove the impossibility of constructing a homeomorphism from the punctured disc 0 < 121 < 1 onto the disc Iwl < 1. (c) It is possible, using the exponential function, to map a simply-connected rectangle onto a nonsimply-connected annulus. See Exercise 17 to Paragraph 8.2.2. Does this give us a homeomorphism from the rectangle to·the annulus'! 3. Conformal equivalence. The domains n .. il2 are said to be conformally equivalent, provided there is a one-to-one analytic mapping of ill onto il2• Note that local one-to-oneness is not enough here. (a) Observe that such a mapping is conformal. See Exercise 1. (b) Observe that such a mapping bas an inverse that is also analytic; it is an analytic homeomorphism. This justifies the term "equivalent." -+
(c) Is it important here that ill> il% be domains?
(d) Rephrase the Riemann Mapping Theorem in the language of conformal equivalence. 4. Which of the following pairs of domains are conformally equivalent? In some of these, you should be able to furnish the explicit mapping, while in others you must rely on the Riemann Mapping Theorem. (a) 0 1 = the entire z-plane, n l = the unit disc. (b) n l = the disc Izl < 1, ill = the upper half-plane. (c) ill = the disc Izl < 1, O 2 = the open first quadrant 0 < 0 < n/2. (d) fit = the interior of any simple closed curve, fi2 = the disc Izi < 1. (e) ill = the interior of any simple closed curve, fi2 = the interior of any other ;;implp. dORM curve. (f) HI = the open wedge 0 < 0 < n/4, il2 = the entire w-plane. r.. According to the Riemann Mapping Theorem, it is possible to map n = the upper half of the unit disc (that is, x > 0, Izi < 1) onto the unit disc. How is this accomplished? (a) Observe that this is not accomplished by squaring, which maps n onto a slit disc. We are not done yet.
Sec. 8.3
Whet is the Riemann Mapping Theorem 7
(b) Map the slit disc onto an infinite plank, using a branch of the logarithm..
You may have to slide things about. (c) Map the infinite plank onto a half-plane, using a cosine or sine. See
Exercise 7 to Paragraph 8.2.2. (d) Map the half-plane onto the open disc. (e) Observe that the composition of mappings (b)-(d) will send the half-disc n onto the unit disc, as desired. Let a be given by Izl > 1 and let f(z) = lIz. Note that 0 is not simply connected. Also, if z € n, then (z) € D(O; 1). Why doesn't this contradict the Riemann Mapping Theorem? For fmAps n conformally into D(O; 1). The mn.pping of annuli. Let n", with k = 1,2, be the annuli ric < Izl < Ric' We allow ric = 0 or Rit. = 00. (a) Prove that there is a homeomorphism from 0 1 onto Oz. Hint: Construct it. See Exercise 2 for definitions. (b) Prove that if RJ/rl = Rzlrz, then a homeomorphism may be constructed that is in fact a linear fractional transformation (and hence analytic) of a complex variable. (c) Suppose that f: fil -+ Oz is a conformal equivalence (see Exercise 3), that fi. is a punctured disc 0 < Izi < R t , and that Rz =F 00, so that O 2 is bounded. Prove that fiz is also a punctured disc, rz = O. Hint: Show that z = 0 must be a removable singularity for f and that, in fact, (0) = O. Mapping an infinite strip. Consider the infinite horizontal strip n = {z = x + iy 1 -'It < Y < 'It}. According to the Riemann Mapping Theorem, 0 is conformally equivalent to the unit disc Iwl < 1. Verify this by constructing an equivalence. See Exercise 3 for definitions. Suppose that a is a plane domain that has no points in common with some ray (= a straight-line path from some finite point out to infinity). Prove that o is conformally equivalent to a subdomain of the unit disc. Note that this result is a very crude approximation to the Riemann Mapping Theorem and not very useful in solving the Dirichlet problem on n. Give a proof or a counterexample for each of the following statements. You may refer to a standard theorem if convenient. As usual, a is a plane domain. (a) If t is a nonconstant analytic function defined on t.he domain 0, then the image f(O) is a domain. (b) If f is a nonconstant analytic function on 0, then (0) is conformally
equivalent to O. (c) If n is conformally equivalent to the unit disc, then a is bounded. (d) The entire plane and the slit plane (nonpositive x-axis removed) are conformally equivalent. (e) The punctured disc 0 < 1021 < 1 and the unbounded annulus 1 < Iwl < 00 are conformally equivalent. (f) If the analytic function f: Ot - O 2 maps fil onto O 2 and is conformal at each point of nit then it gives a conformal equivalence of 0 1 with 0 1 ,
Suggestions for Further
These begin with complex numbers and analytic functions, and only later deduce results about real harmonic functions. R. V. Complex Variables and Applications. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1960. KAPLAN, W. Introduction to Analytic Functions. Reading, Mass.: AddisonWesley, 1966. LEVINsON, N. and REDHEFFER, R. Complex Variables. San Francisco: Holden-Day, CHURCHILL,
1970. SPIEGEL,
M. R. Theory and Problems of Complex Variables. New York: Schaum.
For those who have acquired (or wish to) the taste in: careful topology, the Goursat theorem. proof of the Riemann Mapping Theorem. higher transcendental functions, the power series approach (Cartan), three proofs of the Maximum Modulus Principle (Titchmarsh).
Complex Analysis. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1953. CARTAN, H. Elementary Theory of Analytic Functions of One or Several Complex Variables. Reading, Mass,; Addison-Wesley, 1963. HIu..E, E. Analytic Function Theory. 2 vols. New York: Blaisdell, 1959, 1962. KNopp, K. Theory of Functions. 2 vols. New York: Dover, 1945. SAKS, S. and ZYGMUND, A. Analytic Functions. 2nd ed. Warsaw; PWN, 1965. TITCHMARSH, E. C. The Theory of Functions. 2nd ed. London: Oxford University Press, 1939. Am.FOBS, L. V.
Suggen/onll for Furlher RfJllding
APoSTOL, T. M. Mathematical Analysis. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1957. KNopp, K. Theory and Application of Infinite Series. Glasgow: Blackie and Sons, 1928. KOBER, H. Dictionary of Con/annal Representation. New York: Dover, 1952. NEHARI, Z. Con/ormal Mapping. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1952.
M. Elements of the Topology of Plane Sets of Points. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1954.
Solutions to Selected Exercises
1. (a) (1, 3), (b) (-3, 7), (c) (6, -9), (d) (-2, 18). 2. (a) w = (1/3)( - z - 20 = (0, - 8/3). (b) w = -2% - , = (-3. -1). PARAGRAPH
1. (a).Ji7, (b) 2"'/2, (c).../13, (d) same as (c). 2. Same as l(c), (d). PARAGRAPH
1. (c) Yes. 2. (b) The annulus is connected. 4. The key here is to observe that n - S must be empty (no points) or else n would not be connected. 6. No, not in the terminology of this book. PARAGRAPH
1. (b) and (c) are the only bounded sets here.
2. (a) All points (0, y) with y ~ 0 (the nonnegative y-axis) together with all points (x, 0) with x ~ o. (b) The circle Iz - zol = 2. Note that this is contained in the given set. (c) The circle Iz - zol = 2 together with the point (0, 0). (d) The vertical lines x = 0, x = 1.
Solution. to Selected ExerciGN
= (cos 5t, sin 5t). 2. (a) P(t) traverses the unit circle
1. a(t)
Ikl times, starting at the point (1, O), in a
counterclockwise or clockwise fashion according as k is positive or negative. (b) P'(t} = k sin kt, k cos kt). Its length is Ikl; its direction is reversed if
k is negative instead of positive. 3. Let y(t) = (t, 0) for 0 :s; t :s; 1, y(t) = (1, t - 1) for 1 :s; t :s; 2, y(t) = (3 t. 1) for 2 :s; t :s; 3, yet) = (0, 4 - t) for 3 :s; t :s; 4. 4. (b) a'(x) = <1, {,(x». PARAGRAPH
1. 3nR.
2. Length = -/1 might help here. PARAGRAPH
+ 4Xl dx = (2.J5 + In (2 +
A table of integrals
1. (a) IX.(O) = (R cos (J, R sin lJ) with 0 :s; 0 :s; n. (b) 11(8) = (R cos(s/R), R sin(s/R». Here 11(8) = IX.(E(s» with () = E(s) 2. (a) L = k(b - a), (b) t = E(s) = a + slk. PARAGRAPH
1. Only (a). 2. Here the inside is given by Izi < r, the outside by Izl > r. a. See the concept of winding number in Chnpter 7. 4. (a) False (unbounded), (b) True, (c) True. (d) False; the "outside" domain will not be bounded. (e) True, (f) False. PARAGRAPH
1. (a) 47, (b) lUI = .J58,1V1 = "'/73. (c) cos lJ = U·VIIUIIVI = 47/.J4234, (d) 8 = arccos(47/J 4234). Use tables. 2. (a) V = (7, -3), (b) 1VI- 1 V = (7/J58, -3/J58) has unit length and is a positive multiple of V. PARAGRAPH 1.2.6
2. (c) V· N = 0 means that V points in the same direction as T or in the opposite direction. But V· T > 0 means that V points in the same direction as T. (d) V points ,in the opposite direction to T. (e) V· T = 0 means that V points in the normal direction or its opposite. But V . N > 0 means that V points in the normal direction. PARAGRAPH
1. L(z; zo) = 12 - (x - 1)
2. 1
+ 8 sin t COB t.
+ 12(y -
Solutions to Selected Exercises
4. Mean Value Theorem. Given a continuously differentiable real function g(x) and points x, Xo, then there is a point Xl between X and Xo such that g(x) g(xo)
g/(Xl) . (x -
In the proof of Theorem 3, we let u(x, y) play the role of g(x) (note y is fixed here). Thus u(x, y) - u(xo, y) = U...(Xl, y) . (x - xo) as clainled, and likewise for u(xo, y) as a function of y. PARAGRAPH
1. (a) 1, (c) -12, (e) 1l/.J2. 2. (a) U = <3/5, -4/5). Note that we simply divided the given vector by its length. (b) 4e/5. 3. (b) Since r is constantly equal to 1 on the unit circle, we expect its tangential derivative (rate of change with respect to change in the angle 8) to be O. Also, we expect the tangential derivative of 8 to be 1. PARAGRAPH
1. (a) (I - 2x, 6y), (c) (-1, 12). 3. (c) v8(zo) points in the direction of the tangent vector to the circle C(O; ro) at the point zo, where ro = IZol. PARAGRAPH
3. (n) x = r cos £J, so that (ox/on)(I, 0) = «(Jx/or)(l, £J) = cos o. (b) u(z) = IzI2 = r2, so that ('Ou/an)(I, 8) = 2r = 2. 6. (a) One example is u(z) = -In 14 (b) v(z) = 1/(1 + x 2 + y2). 7. (a), (d), (g) are false; the others are true. PARAGRAPH
1. Harmonic: (a), (b), (d), (f). PARAGRAPH
1. (a) 0, (b) n, (c) n, (d) O. 2. (b) The converse is false if the domain n has a "hole," for example, if n is an annulus or s. punctured disc. See Exercise 8 to Paragraph 1.4.3, as well as Exercise 5 below. 3. (a) Exact, u(x, y) = xy, (b) Exact, u(x, y) = x, (c) Not exact, (d) Exact, u(x, y) = ez cos y. 5. (d) One point of the loop r doesn't lie in the domain n of the function O. ThUB the theorem of Exercise 4(a) does not apply to the present situation. 6. (a) u(x, y) = ytr, (b) u(1t/2, 1) - u(O, 0) = e'fC/2. I
1. (a) 1 (= area of the rectangle), (b) 1/4. 2. (a) True, (b) True, (c) True, (d) Fa1se, (e) True. 5. 21t SA r3 dr = n/2.
Solutlon$ to Selected Exercises
2. Key: observe that if we translate I r du into a double integral by means of Green's Theorem, then we obtain an integrand which is identically zero. 4. Note py(x) = qx(Y) = O. 7. (a) The key here is Theorem 8 of Paragraph 1.4.1. Note that, unless we know that all points enclosed by the loop r are also in n, we cannot apply Green's Theorem. 8. (a) Conditions (2) and (4) each allow us to construct a function u(x, y) in n whose differential is p dx + q dy. Note that (2) and (4) say the same thing. (b) Each of the four conditiolls guarantees exactness now. PARAGRAPH
3. Both uW and have the same integral respresentation. 7. Write Green's ill, but use Au ~ O. 8. See Section 3 of Chapter 2.
Chapter 2 SECTION
1. Harmonic: (a). (d), (f). 2. First show Au(x, y) = eX(g"(y) + g(y». Thus u is harmonic precisely when g(y) is a solution to the famous second order linear differential equation gil + g = O. It is easy to check that A cos y + B sin y is a solution to this equation (plug it in!), and somewhat more difficult to prove that all solutions are of the form A cos y + B sin y for certain real A, B. 3. Note U xx = Vyx and Uyy = - v xY • But VXy = v yx ' 5. The double integral, which involves the Laplacian. 6. Note that In 1'1 is not defined at one point of the disc. 7. Both are harmonic. For instance. u xx + Uyy = 0 implies u xxx + UyyX = O. But this equals (ux)xx + (ux)yy, so that Ux is harmonic. SECTION
3. (c) Zero temperature occurs only on the unit circle. (d) Integrate. (f) The origin is an infinite source of heat. (g) The same amount of heat energy must flow across each circle centered at the origin. independent of its radius R. 4. See Exercise 3(g). (temperature = + (0). the sink (o. 5. (b) The source is (c) u(C) = 0 if and only if In (IC - CollIC - ell) = 0 if and only if Ie - Col = I' - '11. This determines a straight line of points equidista..llt from {o and 7. You might observe that heat would tend to flow away from any point with highest positive temperature towards colder points. It follows that this point would tend to become cooler, contradicting the time-independence of tempel·ature. Thus there can be no highest positive (or lowest negative) temperature~ so the temperature is everywhere zero. 8. If u(x. y. t) is constant in time. then u, = o.
Solutions to Se/9ctlld Exercises
1. (a) False (note that q was not necessarily harmonic), (b) False, (c) True, (d) True (continuity), (e) True (continuity); compare (c). 2. Prove there is 0. point Xl with g(Xl) > 0 if and only if there is a subinterval c S oX s d with I~ g(x) dx > O. On the other hand, if all we know is that g(x) dx = 0 over the full interval, we cannot conclude whether g(x) is identically zero or not.
1. (a) True, (b) True, (c) True; in fact, u(z) = u(O) for all z with Izl S 1. (d) False; in fact A In Izl is not harmonic at z = 0 in n. (e) True, (0 True. 2. We've used au = 0 in the Inside-Outside Theorem and in Green's ill, and then used these theorems to examine harmonic functions. SECTION
2. (a) 2(= u(l, 2», (c)
5. (a) 32lt (= nR2 u(C», (b) O.
7. Yes. PARAGRAPH 2.4.1
1. The Circumferential Mean Value Theorem. 2. A simple example would be: Let u(z) = 1 for all z in 0 1 and u(z) = 2 for all z in O2 • You must prove that this is continuous provided 0 1 and O2 are disjoint. PARAGRAPH
2. (a) Maxima at (~2/2, ~2/2) and (-.J2/2, -~/2); minima at (~2/2, -~/2) and (-~/2, .J2/2). All these points are on the unit circle, as guaranteed by the Weak Maximum Principle. (c) Because In Izi is an increasing function (calculus!) of r = Izl, its minima on the annulus occur precisely on the inner rim Izi = 1 and its maxima occur on the outer rim Izi = 2. PARAGRAPH 2.4.3
1. (b) The only example is vex. :v) = x 2 - y2. (c) Yes. 2. (a) The upper half plane is unbounded. (b) In Izi "blows up" (is not finite-valued, not defined) at the point z = o. 3. (a) Theorem 4 allows us to omit consideration of (ou/on)(z) for harmonic
functions. (b) If n is a disc, then the Poisson Integral Formula (see Appendix 2 to this chapter) does this. PARAGRAPH 2.5.1
4. The infinite limit at a point (z = 1) in the plane should make us think of the
natural logarithm. The function u(z) = - In requirements.
I(z - 1)/21 will satisfy the
Solutions to Selected Exercises
1. (b) In applying Harnack's Inequality, the student is assuming that the function is everywhere nonnegative, and so is bounded below. 2. (a) sin xy is bounded (in fact, Isin xyl :::; 1) but not constant, contradicting Liouville's Theorem. (b) u(x, y) is identically O. For lu(O, 0)1 5 Isin 01 = 0, so u(O,O) = O. And u is constant by Liouville's Theorem.
1. (a) 3 + 2i, (b) -1 - 4i, (c) 5 + 5i. 2. (-1/5) + (7/5)i. You might obtain this by writing r = a + bi and solving for a, b in the two linear equations implicit in zr = C. But see Paragraph 3.1.3. 3. (a) ±i, (b) ±3i. 4. i" is real if and only if n is even, positive (real) if and only if n is divisible by 4 (that is, n = 0, ± 4, ± 8, ... ), and negative if n is of the form 4k + 2 (that
is, n = ±2, ±6, ... ). 5. Multiply both sides of the given equation by z, so as to introduce discussion. This gives Z3 = -Z2 - Z. Now use Z2 + Z = -1. 6. Re zC = 5, 1m zC = 5.
into the
2. 5.
3. This is the circle Izi = 2, that is, C(O; 2). 4. Izl = ../5, arg z = arctan (-1/2) = - arctan (1/2) radians. Now iz = 1 + 2i, so that lizl = = Izi and arg iz = arctan(2). Thus multiplication by i has rotated the point z through one right angle counterclockwise to iz. (Check that arctan(2) = - arctan (1/2) + It/2.) Keep your eyes open for geometric gifts coming from complex arithmetic. 5. Let T = -i.
1. (a)(2/5) + (1/5)i, (b) (-1/5) + (7/5)i. 3. The statement is true. Use Izl2 = x 2 4. -i.
+ y2.
1. u(x, y) = X3 - 3xy2, vex, y) = 3x 2y _ y3. 2. g(z) = lIz = (x/(x 2 + y2)} + i(-y/(x 2 + y2», so that u(x, y) = x/(x2 v(x, y) = - y/(x 2
4. If(zo) - wol < e. 7. Continuous.
+ y2).
+ yl),
Solutions to Selected Exercises PARAGRAPH
1. (a) 6z 2 + i, (c) - 2/«(' - 1)2, (e) H'(z) = g'(f(z»{'(z) = 2/(z + 1)2. 3. The key is that «((z) - f(zo»/(z - zo) approaches ('(zo) as z approaches zoo 4. The key is that f(zr - (zo) approaches f'(zo)(z - zo) as z approaches zoo It follows that f(z) approaches f(zo), whence continuity. 5. See Exercise 4 to Paragraph 1.3.1. One difficulty with a complex analog of the Mean Value Theorem is that we cannot hope to say "there is a point Z1 between z and zo" due to the fact that the domain (If a complex function is 2-dimensional, not a line segment. 6. Look at the difference quotient for the derivative.
1. (a) All points in the plane, (b) At all points except z = exceptz = O.
± i,
(c) At all points
2. For analyticity at a point it is required that the function be continuously complex differentiable in an open neighborhood of the point. 3. Nowhere. 6. Analyticity of all derivatives follows from the Cauchy Integral Formula in Chapter 4. 7 . Yes. See Exercise 4 to Paragraph 3.2.2. 8. Yes. This follows from the Chain Rule together with some elementary considerations of continuity. See Exercise 13. 9. See Section 3.3. 10. In elementary calculus this result is either accepted as obvious or proved using the Mean Value Theorem. In the complex case we have no Mean Value Theorem; one method of proof is to reduce things to the real two-variable case by means of the Cauchy-Riemann equations of the preceding exercise. 11. (a) It is the quotient of analytic functions. (b) f'(zo). (c), (d) The answer is yes in each case. See Chapter 5. 12. (a) f(o.) is the open upper half plane v > 0 in the w-plane. If w has polar
coordinates (p, (/I), then its inverse image z = g(w) has polar coordinates (r, 8) = (.jp, (/1/2).
(c) The best characterization of continuity to employ here is the topologist's, Exercise 8 to Paragraph 3.2.1. 14. (a) True, (b) False.
3. Note that this is true only on a connected domain.
One method of proof: (,(z) = 0 everywhere implies !lx(z) = Uy(z) = = vy(z) = 0, where f(z) = u(z) + iv(z), which implies that u(z) and v(z) are both constant. A second method, which works for polynomials and rational functions: Compute {,(z) explicitly and then argue that (,(z) is identically zero only if f(z) is constant. A third method, involving Theorem 1 of Chapter 4: This says that S! ('(z) dz = f(b) - f(a). Thus if f'(z) = 0 we have f(b) = f(a) for all points a, b in the domain. vx(z)
Solution6 to Selected ExeTcl$u
Note that none of these methods involve the difference quotient (f(z) (zo»/(z - zo) used to define the derivative. Such a proof is also possible. 4. Use the Cauchy-Riemann equations to prove that the real part of the complex function is constant. (Clearly the imaginary part is identically zero.) PARAGRAPH 3.4.1
1. (a) -e, (c) 1, (e) 1. 5. Yes. In fact, W = log z. See 3.4.2. 6. This is the set of all points w :F O. See Paragraph 3.4.2. 7. (a) e'fC/4, (b) e3fC1/2 , (c) ell:'. 9. e2 fC ' - 1 = O. 11. (a) e1Cll8 , e9fCf/8 (= _efC/IS), (b) e51JrlB, e13fCI/B (= _e 5fCII8). PARAGRAPH 3.4.2
1. (a) In ../2 + i(3n/4), (c) In 4 + i(n/7). 2. (a) In"'/"2 + i(l1n/4), (c) In 4 + i(1571/7). 3. Yes; a nonprincipal branch of the logarithm must assume a nonreal value at a real point z = x. For example, log 1 = 2kni, k = ± 1, ± 2, ... , for the various nonprincipal branches. 4. 0 1 is mapped by exp onto the punctured disc 0 < Iwl < 1. O 2 is mapped onto the annulus 1 < Iwl < 2. 0 3 is mapped onto the open upper half disc Iwl < 1, Ivl > O. Q 4 is mapped to the exterior Iwl ~ 1. 5. See the answers to Exercise 4 above. 6. Onto the punctured plane w :F o. Since (z) may be decomposed as z 1-+ 2nz 1-+ exp(2nz), its inverse is w ~ log w 1-+ (1/2n) log w, provided we choose the principal branch of the logarithm. S. (a) The composition of analytic functions is analytic. (b) h(z) constant implies log h(z) constant. 9. (a) Construct log z = In Izl + i9 where - tp < 9 < tp (where it is reasonable to suppose that the ray is specified by an an angle satisfying 0 :S: " < 2n). PARAGRAPH 3.4.3
2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 9.
11. 12. 13. 14.
This quickly reduces to solving e U = ± 1. z = x = «2k + 1)/2)n, k = 0, ±l, ±2, .... All points z for which cos z :F O.
(b) Sin(ZI + Z2) = sin ZI cos Z2 + cos Z1 sin Z2 COS(ZI + Z2) = cos ZI cos Z2 - sin ZI sin Z2' True. Use Exercise 6(b). (b) sin z = - 5 if and only if e'~ - e- 1z = -lOi if and only if (e t=)2 + 10ie'c 1 = 0 if and only if et:r = (- 5 ± v24)i if and only if z = - ilog« - 5 ± .J24)i). Note that this gives a '1doubly infinite" family of solutions, z = (6k7r/2) - i In 1- 6 ± ../241 with k = 0, ± 1, .•.. The entire w-plane. arcsin z = -i log(iz ± .../1 - Z2); the logarithm is no surprise! (b) (dldz) sinh z = cosh z, (dldz) cosh z = sinh z. (c) sinh:! Z - cosh 2 Z = 1. (a) c~. c arbitrary complex, (b) Cl cos Z + C2 sin z, (c) Cl cosh z + Cl sinh Z.
Solutions to Selected Exercises
1. (a) e- 2Icn e/lnn k = 0, ± 1, ... , though you may wish to absorb the minus sign in the exponent into the k. (c) e-(Sk+l)lr(·elln v'i. k = 0, ± I •.... 2. Three choiceszb,;zC,zb+c wlllsatisfy zb+c = zbzCe 2ft t
y2 - Xl + c, with c an arbitrary real number. 2. Two nonintersecting paths from 20 to z readily yield a closed loop. The difference of the two line integrals from 20 to Z1 (over the two paths) is seen to be the integral of - U y dx + u,. dy around the closed loop. Since n is simply connected, Green's Theorem may be applied to CODvert this line
integral into a double integral. But u harmonic readily implies that the new integrand is identically zero. This proves that both paths from 20 to 2 yielded the same value of the line integral. 3. Because the natural candidate 8 = v(z) = arg z is a harmonic function only if we select a continuous branch, and continuous branches of arg z live on domains such as the slit plane (with -1t < 8 < n), but not on the punctured plane. 4. See 3 above.
Chapter 4 PARAGRAPH 4.1.1
1. (a) (- 2 2.2ni.
2i)/3, (b) (2 - 2i)/3, (c) (- 2
+ 2i)/3.
1. (a), (b) See Exercise 1 to Paragraph 4.1.1. (c) No; the integral is independent of the path from 20 to ZI' 3. (a) 0 (by Theorem 1), (b) All these integrals are zero. 6. e'IC - 1.
8. A most useful example: Let n = C -
to}, the punctured plane, andf(z) = lIz. Thenf(z) is not the derivative of an analytic function on all of n (although it is the derivative of any branch of log z on various slit planes),
1. (a) Note M = l/r, so that the absolute value of the integral is not greater than ML = (1/r)(2nr) = 21l. 2. Given any e > 0, there exist radii r > 0 such that 11,1 < e. (In fact, simply let r satisfy 0 < r < 2nM.) This means (by the second hypothesis). that all IIrl < e, for any e > o~ It must therefore be the case that all Ir = O.
Solutions to Selected Exercises
1. (a) 0, (c) 2ni, (e) O. 2. (a) True, (b) False (see Exercise Ie above), (c) True, (d) False (0 might have a puncture enclosed by n, (e) False (consider fez) = 1/z 2 ), (f) True. (g) True
4. (a) 0, (b) 1, (c) F(z) = In Izi + i arg z, -n < arg z < n, (d) lIz. 5. Use Exercise 3b to Paragraph 4.1.2. 6. Use Exercise 2 to Paragraph 4.1.3. 13. n is not simply connected.
1. 2. 5. 8.
(a) 21ri, (c) 0, (e) 0. Corollary 5 in Section 4.2. a, b, c, d, e, f, j and no others. (a) Note thatf(z) - g(z) is identically zero on the loop r. Now use the integral formula to get fez) - g(z) inside r. (b) Extensions from r into its interior do not always exist, even if r is a circle. It depends on the given boundary values fez). This is in contrast to the Dirichlet problem for the disc, in which a real hannonic function assuming given real boundary values is sought. The complex extension problem with given boundary values fez) may fail because the real and imaginary parts of fez) = u(z) + iv(z) might not extend to conjugate harmonic functions in the
interior of the disc: the Caucl;ly-Riemann equations again.
1. (a) Once' is fixed, the integrand f(z)(z - ,)-2 is defined (finite-valued) and continuous for all z on the curve r. And it's standard that continuous (even bounded piecewise-continuous) functions on a tlfinite interval" have finite integrals. Note that we need , off the curve r. (b) Differentiation (in C) under the integral sign in the Cauchy Integral Formula. 2. (b) No. For if ICI > 1, then the integral is 0. 3. (a) ni/SO, (b) 27ti(e - 2). 4. Note that the integral equals 27tiJ(n - 1) I 5. I'(C) = I':1=1 (z - C)-2 sin xy dz. 6. frf(z) dz = Jrg(z)(z - zo)~'" dz = (2ni/(m - I)! )gl"'-I)(ZO)'
1. (a) False (though it is true if 0 is simply connected), (b) False (as in (a», (c) True, (d) False (consider Z2 and Z2 + 27ti), (e) False, (f) True (see (d».
2. There remained the technical issue of proving that both parts actually were twice continuously differentiable. 5. h(z) = x. Note that lezl = eX. 6. Let!l be simply connected. 7. u(z) = In Izl. We've seen this already.
Solurions to Selected EJCercises SECTION
1. (a) 2n( = 2n cos 0), (b) 0(= 2n log 1). 2. (a) 0, (b) O. 4. Corollary 5. 5. l( = cos 0). SECTION
2. (a) The maximum modulus Icos zl for Izi $ 1 must be attained only on Izi = 1. But cos 0 = 1. Honce we must have Icos zl > 1 for at least one z with Izl = 1. (b) Let z. satisfy Iz.j = 1. Icos ZJ I > 1, as in (a). Now let {Cn} be a sequence of points with Ic"1 < 1 and limn ... ,., (n = By continuity, lim" .... "" cos en = cos ZI' Thus Icos ·Cnl approaches a positive number > 1, and so we can't have all Icos Cnl $ 1. (c) Of course Icos xl ~ 1 for all real x. 3. False. The "limit at 00" might not exist. A very simple example: Let f(z) =
sin z. Then
l~-+ + ""
sin x does not exist, so surely the general limit as z
~ 00
fails to exist. Others: cos z, e".
4. (a) This is the Weak Maximum Modulus Principle. (b) It is true. This is Liouville's Theorem (Section 4.9). 6. Iff(n) intersected the circle Iwl = r, thenf(z) would be assuming its maximum modulus at some Ii! in n. 8. The only rotations have n = I, lei = 1. All the others contract, that is, If(z) I < Izi if a < Izi < 1. SECTION
1. Consider the polynomial f(z) = p(z) - c. 3. Take the complex conjugate of both sides of the equation p(z 1) = 0 to obtain P(Zl) = O. Key: The coefficients of the polynomial are the same as their complex conjugates. SECTION
1. The imaginary part u(z), being harmonic and bounded below, must be constant. By the Cauchy-Riemann equations, the real part of f(z) must also be constant. 2. If f(C) missed a line then it would lie to one side or the other of this line. Rotating, we have e'tpf(C) above a horizontal line (here VI is some fixed angle) Thus w = e'tpf(z) is constant, by Exercise 1. so that fez) is constant. This is a contradiction. 3. The exercise is stronger; it showsP(C) = C, which is definitely unbounded. 7. Since If(z) - wol > e, we have Ig(z) 1 = l/1f(z) - wol bounded. But g(z) is entire. Contradiction. s. (b) No branch of log z is entire (cf. slit plane). SECTION
1. No. Morera's Theorem does not apply. because there are loops through the point Zo = 0 for which r (lIz') dz is not zero.
r which pass
2. (a) The integral exists because the integrand is continuous on the curve (b) The Cauchy Integral Theorem.
Solutions to Selected ExercIses
(c) This argument is standard. We used it in the proof of the Cauchy Integral Formula. It depends strongly on the fact that (z) is bounded even at the "bad" point zoo SECTION
2. We have I(n)(zo)1 :::;; n! M(zo; r)/r8 ~ n! a""'/r ft • Fix n > k and let r -+ 00. The right hand side of this inequality tends to zero. The result follows. 3. We sketch an approach. First, integrate (CH 1)(Z) k + 1 times to obtain (z). But note that the (k + l)st iterated antiderivative of O( = + 1 )(z» is a polynomial of degree :::;; k.
1. See a calculus book. PARAGRAPH
1. (a) i - (1/2) - (i/3) PARAGRAPH
+ (1/4) +
(i/S) - (1/6).
2. (a) Absolutely, (b) Diverge, (c) Absolutely, (d) Conditionally. PARAGRAPH
1. The harmonic series is one counterexample. 2. See 1. 4. The series in z converges. The absolute value of its sum is less than 2. PARAGRAPH
1 + i. (c) No; it need. not be true. (d) No. (e) Obviously not; see (a). (f) No. (a) Yes. (b) No. (c) Possibly. (d) R = 1. R = 1. 5. R = 1. 6. (a) R = 1. (b) R = 1. 12. (a) False; see (e). (b) True. (c) False. (d) False. (e) True. (f) True. (g) True; see Exercise 9 above. (h) True. (i) False; it might converge at z = O. 1. 2. 3. 4.
2. (a) True. (b) True, (c) False, (d) False, (e) True. 5. (a) 1/(1 - Z).I PARAGRAPH
1. (a) True, (b) True, (c) True. 6. (a) True, (b) False, (c) True; the functions must be analytic, (d) False; not all continuous real functions can be obtained by restricting. (e) True, (f) False. 8. (b) The principal branch of log z.
Solutions to Selected EJCercises PARAGRAPH
1. (a) a"
= 2"/k!, (b) au = 0, alt+l
= (-1)~/(2k
1)!, (c) a" = 0 for k > 1.
1. (a) True, (b) False, (c) True; see Exercise 8 below, (d) False, (e) True. 2. (a) False; the series might also converge at certain points on the rim of the disc of convergence. (b) True. though not immediately obvious. (c) True. (d) True. (e) True. (f) True. 3. (a) R = 1, (b) R = .JW, (c) R = 00. PARAGRAPH
1. (a) lt % = L~o xkzklk! (b) sin xZ = (_1)k(7!'Z)2Hl/(2k + 1)! (c) 1/(2 + z) = L~o (-1)"z"/2 H1 • (d) 1/(2 + z) = L~o (-1)k(Z + 1)·, (e) 1/(1 + 2z) = L~o (-1)k(2z)". (f) xi + (lIz) = xi + L~o i k - l(Z - i)". 2. (a) R = 00, (b) R = 00, (c) R = 2, (d) R = 1, (e) R = 1/2, (f) R = 1. 3. (a) sinh z = z + z3/3! + ... = L~o z2.k+l/(2k + 1)! PARAGRAPH
2. Only statements (d) and (e) are necessary consequences. PARAGRAPH
1. Statements (b), (d), (e), (f) each imply f = g on Q. The others do not. 3. (a) True. (b) False; consider the definition. (c) False. (d) True; see the Schwarz Reflection Principle in Exercise 6. (e) True. 7. f(z) = ez is the only one. 0 on the punctured 8. Counterexample: In Izl = 0 on Iz = I, but In Izl plane.
1. (a) Poles at z = 0 and z = -1. (b) No singularities in the z-plane; an entire function. (c) Essential singularity at z = O.
z = O. (e) Poles at z = x = 0, ±x, ±211:, ±3n, .... (f) Removable singularity at z - -I, pole at z 4. (a) (lIz) + sin z or ezlz or 1/8in z. (d) Pole at
e1/(1- I).
(c) f(z) = lIz, g(z) = (lIz) + z. (d) 5z 3 • (e) (Z2 - 1)(z2 + 1). (f) Z-lel/C t - 1) orz- I + el/(~-l).
- 2.
Solutions to So/Gcted Exercises
2. (a) h = k. (b) h = k. (c) If h > k, t.hen Hm o __ ao f(z)/g(z) = 0; if h < k, then the limit is infinite. PARAGRAPH
1. (b) It would be possible to write down a series in (z - zo) which converged only at Zo. and one in (z - ZO)-I which converged only at 00. The sum of
these series would converge nowhere. (d) Yes. 2. (a) True. (b) True. (c) True. (d) True. (e) True i this series is the one used to study f(z) near zoo (f) True. (g) True. 3. (a) The geometric series L~o z". (b) 1/(z - 1); this is a Laurent series! (c) - L~ 1 z-n. 5. No. The logarithm does not have an isolated singularity at z = O. PARAGRAPH
1. The origin is (a) nonsingular, (b) essential, (c) removable, (d) pole, (e) not isolated, (f) essential, (g) logarithmic. The series are (a) z - (z3/3!) + "', (b) (lIz) - (1/z 3 3!) + .. " (c) 1 - (z2/3!) + .. '. (d) (lIz) - (z/3!) + "', (e) no series, (f) 1 - (1/z 2 3!) + ... , (g) no series. 2. (a) 1 + Z2 + Z4 + .... (b) Z-2 + Z-4 + Z-6 + .... (c) L~-l (_1)n+l(iJ2)n+2(z + i)". SECTION
1. (a) True. (b) False; the limit does not exist. (c) True (in the sense of removable singularities). (d) True. (e) True; see (b). (f) True. (g) False. essential singularity; in fact, you might observe that the function is cos(1!z). (h) True. 2. (a) Meromorphic: polynomials, rational functions, entire functions, (sin z)/z, 1/(sin z). e%/z. (b) Yes.
6.4 1. One example is el/p(%1 withp(z) = z(z - 1). 2. The naive student used the wrong Laurent series for studying 1/(z - 1) at
= O.
3. Here f(z) = (sin z)/z. 5. The statement is true. One might begin the proof by writing fez) with lim%-+zo fl(Z) finite and nonzero.
1. (a) 21ri, (b) 0, (c) 0, (d) ni/2, (e) 0, (f) O. 2. 10ni. 4. (i) True, (ii) False, (iii) True, (iv) False, (v) True.
= Z-"{I(Z)
Solution:s to Selected Exercises PARAGRAPH
1. (a) res (esc z; 0) = 1, (b) z esc z has a removable singularity at z = 0, (c) as in (b), (d) res(f(z); 0) = 1/4, (e) The integrand has simple poles at 20 = -1/2 and Zl = 1/2 with residues -1 and 1, respectively, (f) The integrand is analytic. The values of the integrals are given above. 2. (a) Either a removable singularity or a simple pole, (b) g(zo), (c) 2nig(zo), (d) Cauchy Integral Formula. 3. (a) Simple pole at Zo = 0, double pole at Z1 = -1; res«(; 0) = I, res(f; -1) = -1.
1. (a) -2, (b) -5. 3. The value of the integral is 1. PARAGRAPH
6. (a) True, (b) True, (c) True. PARAGRAPH
1. (a) I, (b) I, (c) 3 times. 2. (a) The image is the unit circle Iwl = 1 traversed twice in the counterclockwise direction. (b) 2. (c) The origin is a double zero of (z) = O.
2. (a) The critical points of cos z are the zeros of - sin z which are, as we have seen several times already, all real: z = x = 0, ± n, ± 211:, •• _ • Each of these is a simple zero, that is, a critical point of order 2 for the cosine. (b) The origin is the only critical point (order 2). (c) No critical points. (d) Critical points at z = ± 1, each of order 2. 3. Begin by computing f'(z). 4. The function (mapping) (is one-to-one from 8, into 8 2 if Z'I ~ Z'''- in 8, implies that (Zl) :f= (Z2) in 8 2 ; in other words, distinct points are mapped by {to distinct points. And (maps 8) 01lto 8 2 if for every w in 8 l there is at least one z in 8 1 such that (z) = w; in other words, {(8) = 8 2 • PARAGRAPH
1. 3. 4. 6.
R = 7r. Consider the periodicity of e. Yes. No. Contrast (c). True. (b) False, although it is locally one-to-one near every point zoo (c) False, although it is true up to a first order approximation. (d) True. (e) True. (c) (c) (b) (a)
Solution. to StJlltJlcttJId ExtJIrci8f1l1
1. The key here is that Z2 = (_Z)2. 2. g(z) is locally 3 to 1 near Zo = i. PARAGRAPH 8.1.4
5. The key here is to observe the behavior of (z) at infinity: limz ....... (z) = 00 (a pole). By Exercise 11(c) to Paragraph 6.4, (z) is a polynomial. Now use one-to-oneness. Note that this has little connection with the Open Mapping Theorem. PARAGRAPH 8.1.5
3. (a) Regard ZS + z + 1 as a perturbation of ZS and check that if 1z1 = 5/4. Even sharper estimates are not hard tu find.
Iz + 11
1. (c) The other fixed points are the roots of az"- 1
1 = O.
2. (a) i, (b) rxJ, (c) 0, (d) 1. 3. z = i(w + ·l)/(w - 1). 4. Zo = 1. 6. T(z) = 1 + (2i/(z - i». 7. (a) w = r-l~-(9, (b) Onto the ray iI = - 80 in the plane Iwl > 0, (c) Onto the circle Iwl = l/ro. (e) The vertical line through w = 1 in the w-plane. 9. (a) T(z) = - i(z - 1)/(z + 1). (b) T(O) = i. (c) Onto the circle in 1: determined by 0, 1, 00, that is, the horizontal u-axis. (d) Onto the open upper half plane v > O. 11. Such transformations always exist, but they are never unique. 12. No. It maps both z = i and z = - i to O. PARAGRAPH 8.2.2
2. (a) Perhaps the simplest is T(z) = -z. (b) No. Too many fixed points. 3. (a) No. For if T(O) were finite, then T would not be conformal at z = O. Thus T(O) = 00. Now follow' T with an inversion. This yields a linear fractional transformation of the wedge onto the lower half plane which fixes the origin. But this is not conformal at the origin. (b) Yes. Let w = Z3. 4. The points wo, WJ, Wz should occur in that order on a counterclockwise journey once around the circle Iwl = 1. 11. (a) True, (b) False, (c) 'l1rue (see (a», (d) False (see (b», (e) False (see Exercise 12), (f) True, (g) False. 14. The approximation is the linear map w = {(zo) + {'(zo)(z - zo).
Solutions to Selected Exercises PARAGRAPH
2. No. The harmonic solution is uniquely determined by its boundary values. 4. H(x, y) = x/(x 2 + (y + 1)2) = the real part of l/(z + i). SECTION
1. F one-to· one implies F locally one·to-one (at each point of Cl). Thus F' is
never z~o on n. Now see Section 8.1. 2. (c) No. Note that the mapping in Exercise 17 of Paragraph 8.2.2 is not one-toone; both top and bottom of the rectangle are mapped to the same image. 4. Only pair (a) and pair (f) fail to be conformally equivalent. 6. Note that 0 is not in (0). 8. See Exercise 7 to Paragraph 8.2.29. We may assume that 0 does not intersect the nonpositive x·axis. Thus the principal branch of w = log z maps n into a strip of finite height. Now apply Exercise 8 above. 10. The true statements are (a), (e). Use w = liz in (e).
Abel, N., 187 Abel-Poisson summation, 101 Absolute convergence. 199 Absolute value, 4 Addition laws for complex powers, 139 for the exponential, 122 for the logarithm, 134 for trigonometric functions, 137 Affine transformation, 306 Analytic continuation, 234 Analytic function complex, 2, 113, 214, 242 real, 217 Antiderivative, 152 Arc length, 20 Argument, arg z, 35, 105 Argument Principle, 268, 278 Average Value Theorem, 65, 81, 84 Bessel's inequality, 224 Bilinear transformation, 304 Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem, 234 Boundary, 10 Boundary point, 10 Boundary value problems, 77,94, 144,184,321 Bounded set, 10 Branch, 36,131,142,164
Branch point, 239 Brouwer's Fixed Point Theorem, 303 Brouwer's Invariance of Domain,
115 Bump Principle, 75 C, 3, 102 1f{U), ~k(n), 31,44 Casorati-Weierstrass Theorem, 237, 257 Cauchy Criterion for Convergence,
196,198 Cauchy-Goursat Integral Theorem, 165 Cauchy-Riemann equations, 2, 117 in polar coordinates, 118 Cauchy inequalities, 191 Cauchy Integral Formula, 167, 169, 173 for the nth derivative, 175 Cauchy Integral Theorem, 158, 167 Olucby principal value, 281 Cauchy Residue Theorem, 262 Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, 27 Cauchy type, integrals of, 176 Center of a power series, 203 Chain Rule, 33, 112, 116, 120 Orele, 12, 308
Orculation, 59, 167 Orcumferential Mean-Value Property, 82 Theorem (complex), 171, 180 Theorem (real), 67, 78, 79 Closed curve, 16 Closed disc, 7 Closed set, 8 Comparison Test, 201 Complement, 8 Complex exponents, 138 C'Dmplex number, 103 Complex plane, 104 Complex variable, 107 Composite function, 111, 306 Conformal equivalence, 326 mapping, 293, 307 Conjugate complex number, 105 Conjugate harmonic functions, 1,39 Connected set, 8 Conservative vector field, 74 Continuity. 31. 109 Continuously differentiable function,31 Convergent series. See series Coordinate functions, 13 Covering mapping, 297 Critical point, 229. 290 Cross ratio, 310 Curl, 59, 167 Curve, 12 piecewise-smooth, 17 space-filling, 17 De ~oivre's formula, 127 Derivative, complex, 111 of an integral, 168 Differential, 48, 167 Differentiation of power series, 215 Differentiation under the integral sign, 91, 174 Dilation, 306 Directional derivative, 36 Dirichlet problem, 77,94,144,178, 179.321 Disc, 6 Disc of convergence, 203 Distance, 4 Distributive law. 103 Divergence Theorem, 67, 167 Divergent series, 196
Dog-Walking Theorem, 303 Domain, 6, 8 Dot product, 26 Double integral, 51 Empty set, 7 Entire function, 88, 187, 259 growth of, 188, 192, 224 Equivalence of parametrizations, 21 Equivalence, conformal, 326 Essential singularity. 236, 257 Euler's relation, 122 Exact differential, 48, 59, 163 Exponential function, 120 mapping by, 128, 321 Fourier series, 100 Frontier, 11 Function analytic, 2, 113, 214, 242 complex, 107 real,30 l''undamental Theorem of Algebra, 185,188,302 Galois, E., 187 Gauss~ 54 Goursat, E., 165 Gradient, 38 Green, G., 54 Green '8 function, 96 Green's I, II, ill, 60 Green's Identities, 60 Green's Theorem, 53, 54,167 physical interpretation, 59 Growth of entire functions, 188, 192,224 Harmonic conjugate, 139 Harmonic function, 1, 35, 45, 68, 177 Harnack's Inequality, 88 Heat equation, 74 Heat-flow vector, 72 Holomorphic function, 113 Homeomorphism, 326 Hyperbolic function, 138, 229
i,102 Image of a mapping, 289 Imaginary part of a complex function, 108 of a complex number, 104 Index, 274 Inequality Bessel's, 224 Cauchy, for derivatives, 191 Cauchy-Schwarz, 27 Harnack's, 88 ML, 156, 171 Triangle, 27 Infmite series, 194 Infinity behavior of functions at, 256, 259 as limit, 237 point at, 255 Inside-Outside Theorem, 60, 62, 67, 167 Integrals of Cauchy type, 176 complex, 148 of derivatives, 152 evaluated by residues, 262, 280 ML-inequality for, 156 of lIz, 151,154 principal value for, 281 real,46 role of, 192 Interior point, 6 Inverse function, 115, 306, 321 trigonometric, 138 modular, 259 Inversion mapping, 306, 310 Isolated singularity, 236 Iterated integral, 52 Jordan curve, 23 Jordan Curve Theorem, 23, 277 Jordan domain, 24 Jordan Lemma on integrals, 284 k-connected Jordan domain, 25, 173 Lagrange, 54 Laplace equation, 35,44 in polar coordinates, 66
Laurent series, 243 Length of a curve, 18 Limit of a complex function, 108 of a sequence of functions, 209 Line integra] complex, 148 real, 46 linear fractional transformation, 304 liouville's Theorems, 90, 187, 192, 224 Local covering, 297 Local Identity Theorem, 223, 233 Local magnification factor, 294 Local maximum, 41 Logarithm complex, 129 natural,63 and temperature, 73 LogarithmiC derivative, 270 Loop, 16 Maclaurin series, 221 Magnification, 294 Mapping, 107,193,289 Maximum Modulus Principle, 182, 224 Maximum Principle, 84 :Meromorphic function, 255, 259, 301 Minimum Modulus Principle, 183 Minimum Principle, 90 Mixed partial derivative, 44 ML-inequality, 156, 171 Mobius transformation, 304 Modulus of a complex number, 4 Monodromy Theorem, 234 Morera's Theorem, 189 Multiplication of complex nurnbem, 103 Nonn,4 One-to-one, 127,156,280,291, 297 Onto mapping, 291 Open mapping, 115,300 Open set, 7 Order of a critical point, 290
Outward normal derivative, 41 vector, 27 Parameter, 14 Parametrization of a curve, 12 piecewise-smooth, 16 smooth,14 Parseval's Identity. 224 Partial derivative, 35 Partial fractions, 255 Partial sum of a series, 195 Peano, 17 Periodic functions, 121,137 Picard Theorem, 258, 259 Piecewise-smooth curve, 17 parametrization, 16 Poisson Integral Formula, 98, 172, 319 Poisson kernel, 98 Polar coordinates, 80 Polar form of a complex number, 123 Polar part of a power series, 252 Pole, 230, 251 number of, 269 of order m, 252 residue at, 267 simple, 252 Polynomials, 110, 224 Positive orientation, 24 Potential, 74 Power series, 202 as Maclaurin or Taylor series, 219 Powers of complex numbers, 124 Primitive, 152 Principal branch of argument. 35 of logarithm, 131 Principal part of power series, 252 Principal"value of improper integral, 281 Properly counted, 269 Pythagoras' Theorem, 4, 123 IR, 1R2 , 2 Radius of convergence, 205
Ratio test, 206 Rational functions, 110, 255 degree of, 257 Real part of a complex function, 108 of a complex number, 104 Real numbers, 2 Reflection, 234 Region, 9 Regular analytic function, 113 Removable singularity, 190,236 Residue, 260 applications of, 280 evaluation of, 266 Theorem, 262 Riemann Criterion for removable singularities, 241 Riemann Mapping Theorem, 317 Riemann sphere, 255, 304 Riemann surface. 142, 301 Roots of unity. 125 Rotation, 185, 306 Rouche's Theorem. 301 as Dog-Walking Theorem, 303 Schlict mapping, 320 Schwarz-Christoffel transformation,318 Schwarz Lemma, 185 Schwarz Reflection Principle. 234 Sequences, 194 uniformly convergent, 209 Series, 194 absolutely convergent, 199 conditionally convergent, 200 convergent. 196, 198 and derivatives, 215 geometric, 202,208 of powers, 202 real,195 term-by-term integration of, 223 uniformly cOllvergent, 209 Simple curve, 16 Simply connected domain, 25, 141. 161,276 Singularity, 236 on circle of convergence, 225 isolated,236 logarithmic, 239 non-isolated, 238 removable, 190, 236, 239
Singular point;236 Sink, 73 Slit plane, 35 Smooth parametrization, 14 Solid Mean-Value Theorem, 81, 180 Source, 73 Steady-state temperature, 70, 85 Stereo graphic projection, 305 Strong Maximum Principle, 85 Sum of series, 195, 197 Tangent vector, 21 Tangential derivative, 38 Taylor series, 219 Temperature, 70 flux, 72 Total differential, 140 Transcendental function, 259 Transformation, 107, 193, 289 linear fractional, 304 Triangle inequality, 27 Trigonometric functions, 136
Uniformly convergent sequences, 209 with continuous limit, 210 integration of, 210, 223 and series, 211 Univalent mapping, 320 Upper half plane, 7, 312 Vector field, 59 Velocity vector, 13, 15 Weak Maximum Principle, 86 Weierstrass Approximation Theorem, 217 Weierstrass M-test, 211 Winding number, 272 Zeros of a function, 229,233,251 number of, 269 or order k, 254
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