Drawzng, by William
Wetmore Story, 1869.
J A C: K W. H E K R 1 N G ROMA
Volume BAYl.OR
Members of the Editorial Staff who have assisted in the preparation Volume VIII: John Berkey Ashby Bland Crowder, Jr. David R. Ewbank Nathaniel Hart W. Craig Turner
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AND THE BOOK Book V. Count Guido Franceschini Book VI. Giuseppe Caponsacchi Book VII. Pompilia Book VIII. Dominus Hyacinthus NOTES
de Archangelis
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This edition of the works of Robert Browning is intended to be complete. It will comprise at least fourteen volumes and will contain: 1. The entire contents of the first editions of Browning’s works, arranged in their chronological order of publication. (The poems included in Dramatic Lyrics, Dramatic Romances and Lyrics, and Men and Women, for example, appear in the order of their first publication rather than in the order in which Browning rearranged them for later publication.) 2. All prefaces and dedications which Browning is known to have written for his own works and for those of Elizabeth Barrett Browning. 3. The two prose essays that Browning is known to have published: the review of a book on Tasso, generally referred to as the “Essay on Chatterton,” and the preface for a collection of letters supposed to have been written by Percy Bysshe Shelley, generally referred to as the “Essay on Shelley.” 4. The front matter and the table of con tents of each of the collected editions (1849,1863,1865,1868, 1888- 1889) which Browning himself saw through the press. 5. Poems published during Browning’s lifetime but not collected by him. 6. Poems not published during Browning’s lifetime which have come to light since his death. 7. John Forster’s Thomas Wentworth. Earl ofstrafford, to which Browning contributed significantly, though the precise extent of his contribution has not been determined. 8. Variants appearing in primary and secondary materials as defined in Section II below. 9. Textual emenda tions. 10. Informational and explanatory notes for each work.
Aside from a handful of uncollected short works, all of Browning’s works but Asolando ( 1889) went through two or more editions during vii
his lifetime. Except for Puuline (1833), Strufford (1837), and Sordello ( 1840), all the works published before 1849 were revised and corrected for the 1849 collection. Strufford and Sordello were revised and corrected for the collection of 1863, as were all the other works in that edition. Though no further poems were added in the collection of 1865, all the works were once again corrected and revised. The 1868 collection added a revised Pauline and Dramatis Personae (1864) to the other works, which were themselves again revised and corrected. The printing of the last edition of the Poetical Works over which Browning exercised control began in 1888, and the first eight volumes aredated thuson their title-pages. Volumes 9 through 16 of this first impression are dated 1889, and we have designated them 1889a to distinguish them from the second impression of all 16 volumes, which was begun and completed in 1889. Some of the earlier volumes of the first impression sold out almost immediately, and in preparation for a second impression, Browning revised and corrected the first ten volumes before he left for Italy in late August, 1889. The second impression, in which all sixteen volumes bear the date 1889 on their title-pages, consisted of a revised and corrected second impression of volumes l- 10, plus a second impression of volumes 1I- 16 altered by Browning in one instance. This impression we term 1889 (see section III below). Existing manuscripts and editions are classified as either primary or secondary material. The primary materials include the following: 1. The manuscript of a work when such is known to exist. 2. Proof sheets, when known to exist, that contain authorial corrections and revisions. 3. The first and subsequent editions of a work that preserve evidence of Browning’s intentions and were under his control. 4. The collected editions over which Browning exercised control: 1849-Poems. Two Volumes. London: Chapman and Hall. 1863-l’he Poetical Works. Three Volumes. London: Chapman and Hall. 1865-7’he Poetical Works. Three Volumes. London: Chapman and Hall. 1868-‘I”he Poetical Works. Six Volumes. London: Smith, Elder and Company. Reissued in stereotype impressions with varying title pages. 18881889-The Poetical Works. Sixteen Volumes. London: Smith, Elder and Company. Exists in numerous stereotype impressions, of which two are primary material: 1888-1889a-The first impression, in which volumes l-8 are dated 1888 and volumes 9- 16 are dated 1889. 1889-The corrected second impression of volumes l-10 and a second impression of volumes 1 l-16 altered by Browning .. .
only as stated in section III below; all dated 1889 on the title pages. 5. The corrections in Browning’s hand in the Dykes Campbell copy of 1888-188&r, and the manuscript list of corrections to that impression in the Brown University Library (see section III below). Other materials (including some in the poet’s handwriting) that affected the text are secondary. Examples are: the copy of the first edition of Pauline which contains annotations by Browning and John Stuart Mill; the copies of the first edition of Paracelsus which contain corrections in Browning’s hand; a very early manuscript of A Blot in the ‘Scutcheon which Browning presented to William Macready, but not the one from which the first edition was printed; informal lists of corrections that Browning included in letters to friends, such as the corrections to Men and Women he sent to D. G. Rossetti; Elizabeth Barrett’s suggestions for revisions in A Soul’s Tragedy and certain poems in Dramatic Romances and Lyrics; and the edition of Strufford by Emily Hickey for which Browning made suggestions. The text and variant readings of this edition derive from collation of primary materials as defined above. Secondary materials are occasionally discussed in the notes and sometimes play a part when emendation is required. 111
The copy-text for this edition is Browning’s final text: the first ten volumes of 1889 and the last six volumes of 1888-1889a, as described above. For this choice we offer the following explanation. Manuscripts used as printer’s copy for twenty of Browning’s thirtyfour book publications are known to exist; others may yet become available. These manuscripts, or, in their absence, the first editions of the works, might be considered as the most desirable copy-text. And this would be the case for an author who exercised little control over his text after the manuscript or first edition stage, or whose text clearly became corrupted in a succession of editions. To preserve the intention of such an author, one would have to choose an early text and emend it as evidence and j udgmen t demanded. With Browning, however, the situation is different, and our copytext choice results from that difference. Throughout his life Browning continually revised his poetry. He did more than correct printer’s errors and clarify previously intended meanings; his texts themselves remained fluid, subject to continuous alteration. As the manuscript which he submitted to his publisher was no doubt already a product of revision, so each subsequent edition under his control reflects the results of an ongoing process of creating, revising, and correcting. If we were to ix
choose the manuscript (where extant) or first edition as copy-text, preserving Browning’s intention would require extensive emendation to capture the additions, revisions, and alterations which Browning demonstrably made in later editions. By selecting Browning’s final corrected text as our copy-text, emending it only to eliminate errors and the consequences of changing house-styling, we present his works in the form closest to that which he intended after years of revision and polishing. But this is true only if Browning in fact exercised extensive control over the printing of his various editions. That he intended and attempted to do so is apparent in his comments and his practice. In 1855, demanding accuracy from the printers, he pointed out to his publisher Chapman, “I attach importance to the mere stops . . .” (DeVane and Knickerbocker, p. 83). There is evidence of his desire to control the details of his text as early as 1835, in the case of Paracelsus. The Paracelsus manuscript, now in the Forster and Dyce collection in the Victoria and Albert Museum Library, demonstrates a highly unconventional system of punctuation. Of particular note is Browning’s unrestrained use of dashes, often in strings of two or three, instead of more precise or orthodox punctuation marks. It appears that this was done for its rhetorical effect. One sheet of Part 1 of the manuscript and all but the first and last sheets of Part 3 have had punctuation revised in pencil by someone other than Browning, perhaps J. Riggs, whose name appears three times in the margins of Part 3. In addition to these revisions, there are analogous punctuation revisions (in both pencil and ink) which appear to be in Browning’s hand, and a few verbal alterations obviously in the poet’s script. A collation of the first edition (1835) with the manuscript reveals that a major restyling of punctuation was carried out before Paracelsus was published. However, the revisions incorporated in to the first edition by no means slavishly follow the example set by the pencilled revisions of Parts 1 and 3 of the manuscript. Apparently the surviving manuscript was not used as printer’s copy for the first edition. Browning may have submitted a second manuscript, or he may have revised extensively in proof. The printers may have carried out the revisions to punctuation, with or without the poet’s point by point involvement. With the present evidence, we cannot be conclusive about the extent of Browning’s control over the first edition of Pmacelsus. It can be stated, however, in the light of the incompleteness of the pencilled revisions and the frequent lack of correspondence between the pencilled revisions and the lines as printed in 1835, that Browning himself may have been responsible for the punctuation of the first edition of Puracelsus. Certainly he was responsible for the frequent instances in the first and subsequent edi-
tions where the punctuation ing examples:
defies conventional
What though It be so?-if indeed the strong desire Eclipse the aim in me?-if splendour (Part I, 11. 329-331)
rules, as in the follow-
I surely loved themthat last night, at least, When we . . . gone! gone! the better: I am saved (Part II, 11. 132-133) Of the body,
God is, what even,)-what (Part V, 1. 642, 1849 reading)
we are,
The manuscripts of Colombe’s Birthday (1844) and Christmas-Eve and Easter-Day ( 1850) were followed very carefully in the printing of the first editions. There are slight indications of minor house-styling, such as the spellings colour and honour for the manuscripts’ color and honor. But the unorthodox punctuation, used to indicate elocutionary and rhetorical subtleties as well as syntactical relationships, is carried over almost unaltered from the manuscripts to the first editions. Similar evidence of Browning’s painstaking attention to the smallest details in the printing of his poems can be seen in the manuscript and proof sheets of The Ring and the Book (1868-69). These materials reveal an interesting and significant pattern. It appears that Browning wrote swiftly, giving primary attention to wording and less to punctuation, being satisfied to use dashes to indicate almost any break in thought, syntax, or rhythm. Later, in the proof sheets for Books l-6 of the poem and in the manuscript itself for Books 7-12, he changed the dashes to more specific and purposeful punctuation marks. The revised punctuation is what was printed, for the most part, in the first edition of The Ring and the Book; what further revisions there are conform to Browning’s practice, though hardly to standard rules. Clearly Browning was in control of nearly every aspect of the published form of his works, even to the “mere stops.” Of still greater importance in our choice of copy-text is the substantial evidence that Browning took similar care with his collected editions. Though he characterized his changes for later editions as trivial and few in number, collations reveal thousands of revisions and corrections in each successive text. Purucelsus, for example, was extensively revised for the 1849 Poems; it was again reworked for the Poetic& Works of 1863. Sordello, omitted in 1849, reappeared in 1863 with 181 new lines and short marginal glosses; Browning admitted only that it was “corrected throughout” (DeVane and Knickerbocker, p. 157). The poems of Men
and Women ( 1855) were altered in numerous small but meaningful ways for both the 1863 and 1865 editions of the Poetical Works (See Allan C. Dooley, “The Textual Significance of Robert Browning’s 1865 Poetical Works,” PBSA 71 [1977],212-18). Professor Michael Hancher, editor of Browning’s correspondence with his publisher, George Smith, has cited evidence of the poet’s close supervision of the 1868 collected edition (“Browning and the Poetical Works of 1888-1889,” Browning Newsletter, Spring, 197 1,25-27). Mrs. Orr, writing of the same period in Browning’s life, reports his resentment of those who garbled his text by misplacing his stops (Life, pp. 357-58). There is plentiful and irrefutable evidence that Browning controlled, in the same meticulous way, the text of his last collected edition, that which we term 1888- 1889. Hancher has summarized the relevant information: The evidence is clear that Browning undertook the 1888-1889 edition of his Poettcal Works intent on controlling even the smallest minutiae of the text. Though heat one time considered supplying biographical and explanatory notes to the poems, he finally decided against such a scheme, concluding, in his letter to Smith of 12 November 1887, “I am correcting them carefully, and that must suffice.” On 13 January 1888, he wrote, regarding the six-volume edition of his collected works published in 1868 which was to serve as the printer’s copy for the final edition: “I have thoroughly corrected the six volumes of the Works, andcan let you have them atonce.” . . . Browning evidently kept a sharpeyeon the production of all sixteen of the volumes, including those later volumes. . . . Browning returned proof for Volume 3 on 6 May 1888, commenting, “I have had, as usual, to congratulate myself on the scrupulous accuracy of the Printers”; on 31 December he returned proofs of Volume 11, “corrected carefully”; and he returned “the corrected Proofs of Vol. XV” on 1 May 1889.
Throughout his long career, then, Browning continuously revised and corrected his works. Furthermore, his publishers took care to follow his directions exactly, accepting his changes and incorporating them into each successive edition. This is not to say that no one else had any effect whatsoever on Browning’s text: Elizabeth Barrett made suggestions for revisions to A Soul’s Tragedy and Dramatic Romances and Lyrics. Browning accepted some suggestions and rejected others, and those which he accepted we regard as his own. Mrs. Orr reports that Browning sent proof sheets to Joseph M&and, a friend in France, for corrections (Life, p. 265), and that Browning accepted suggestions from friends and readers for the corrections of errors in his printed works. In some of the editions, there are slight evidences of minor house-styling in capitalization and the indication of quotations. But the evidence of Browning’s own careful attention to revisions and corrections in both his manuscripts and proof sheets assures us that other persons played only a very minor role in the development of his text. We conclude that xii
the vast majority of the alterations in the texts listed above as Primary Materials are Browning’s own, and that only Browning’s final corrected text, the result of years of careful work by the poet himself, reflects his full intentions. The first impression of Browning’s final collected edition (i.e., 1888188%) is not in and of itself the poet’s final corrected text. By the spring of 1889 some of the early volumes of the first impression were already sold out, and by mid-August it was evident that a new one would be required. About this time James Dykes Campbell, Honorary Secretary of the London Browning Society, was informed by Browning that he was making further corrections to be incorporated into the new impression. According to Dykes Campbell, Browning had corrected the first ten volumes and offered to transcribe the corrections into Dykes Campbell’s copy of 1888-1889a before leaving for Italy. The volumes altered in Browning’s hand are now in the British Library and contain on the flyleaf of Volume 1 Dykes Campbell’s note explaining precisely what happened. Of course, Dykes Campbell’s copy was not the one used by the printer for the second impression. Nevertheless, these changes are indisputably Browning’s and are those which, according to his own statement, he proposed to make in the new impression. This set of corrections carries, therefore, great authority. Equally authoritative is a second set of corrections, also in Browning’s hand, for part of 1888-1889a. In the poet’s possession at the time of his death, this handwritten list was included in lot 179 of Sotheby, Wilkinson, and Hodge’s auction of Browning materials in 1913; it is today located in the Brown University Library. The list contains corrections only for Volumes 4-10 of 1888-1889a. We know that Browning, on 26 July 1889, had completed and sent to Smith “the corrections for Vol. III in readiness for whenever you need them,” By the latter part of August, according to Dykes Campbell, the poet had finished corrections for Volumes l-10. Browning left for Italy on 29 August. Thecondition of the Brown University list does not indicate that it was ever used by the printer. Thus we surmise that the Brown list (completing the corrections through volume 10) may be the poet’s copy of another list sent to his publisher. Whatever the case, the actual documents used by the printers- a set of marked volumes or handwritten lists-are not known to exist. A possible exception is a markedcopy of Red Cotton Afight-Cap Country (now in the Berg Collection of the New York Public Library) which seems to have been used by printers. Further materials used in preparing Browning’s final edition may yet appear. The matter is complicated further because neither set of corrections of 1888-1889a corresponds exactly to each other nor to the 1889 second impression. Each set contains corrections the other omits, and in a few cases the sets present alternative corrections of the same error. Our study of the Dykes Campbell copy of 1888-1889a reveals fifteen discrepancies ...
between its corrections and the 1889 second impression. The Brown University list, which contains far fewer corrections, varies from the second impression in thirteen instances. Though neither of these sets of corrections was used by the printers, both are authoritative; we consider them legitimate textual variants, and record them as such. The lists are, of course, useful when emendation of the copy-text is required. The value of the Dykes Campbell copy of l&38-1889a and the Brown University list is not that they render Browning’s text perfect. The corrections to 1888-1889a must have existed in at least one other, still rnore authoritative form: the documents which Browning sent to his publisher. That this is so is indicated by the presence of required corrections in the second impression which neither the Dykes Campbell copy nor the Brown University list calls for. The significance of the existing sets of corrections is that they clearly indicate two important points: Browning’s direct and active interest in the preparation of a corrected second impression of his final collected edition; and, given the high degree of correspondence between the two sets of corrections and the affected lines of the second impression, the concern of the printers to follow the poet’s directives. The second impression of 1888-l 889 incorporated most of Browning’s corrections to the first ten volumes of the first impression. There is no evidence whatever that any corrections beyond those which Browning sent to his publisher in the summer of 1889 were ever made. We choose, therefore, the 1889 corrected second impression of volumes l-10 as copy-text for the works in those volumes. Corrections to the first impression were achieved by cutting the affected letters of punctuation out of the stereotype plates and pressing or soldering in the correct pieces of type. The corrected plates were then used for many copies, without changing the date on the title pages (except, of course, in volumes 17 [Asolando] and 18 [New Poems], added to the set by the publishers in 1894 and 1914 respectively). External evidence from publishers’ catalogues and the advertisements bound into some volumes of 1889 indicate that copies of this impression were produced as late as 1913, although the dates on the title pages of volumes l-16 remained 1889. Extensive plate deterioration is characteristic of the later copies, and use of the Hinman collator on early and late examples of 1889 reveals that the inserted corrections were somewhat fragile, some of them having decayed or disappeared entirely as the plates aged. (See Allan C. Dooley, “Browning’s PoeticaZ Works of 1888-1889,” SBHC 7~1 [ 19781, 43-69.) We do not use as copy-text volumes 11- 16 of 1889, because there is no present evidence indicating that Browning exercised substantial control over this part of the second impression of 1888- 1889. We do know that he made one correction, which he requested in a letter to Smith quoted by Hancher: xiv
I have lust had pointed out to [me] that an error, I supposed corrected, still is to he found in the 13th Volume-(Aristophanes’ Apology) page 143,line9, where the word should be Opera-without an i. I should like it altered, if that may be possible.
This correction was indeed made in the second impression. Our collations of copies of volumes 1 l- 16 of 1889a and 1889 show no other intentional changes. The later copies do show, however, extensive type batter, numerous scratches, and irregular inking. Therefore our copytext for the works in the last sixvolumesof 1888-1889 isvolumes 1l-160f 1888-1889a.
In this edition we record, with a very few exceptions discussed below, all variants from the copy-text appearing in the manuscripts and in the editions under Browning’s control. Our purpose in doing this is two-fold. 1. We enable the reader to reconstruct the text of a work as it stood at the various stages of its development. 2. We provide the materials necessary to an understanding of how Browning’s growth and development as an artist are reflected in his successive revisions to his works. As a consequence of this policy our variant listings inevitably contain some variants that were not created by Browning; printer’s errors and readings that may result from house-styling will appear occasionally. But the evidence that Browning assumed responsibility for what was printed, and that heconsidered and used unorthodoxpunctuation as part of his meaning, is so persuasive that we must record even the smallest and oddest variants. The following examples, characteristic of Browning’s revisions, illustrate the point: l’aultw,
1. 700: 1833: I am prepared-I have made life my own1868: I am prepared: I have made lift my own. “ICvclyn Hope,” 1. 4 1: 1855: I have lived, I shall say. so much since then, 1865: I have lived (I shall say) so much since then, “Bishop Rlougram’s Apology,” 1. ‘267: 1855: ‘I‘hat’s the first cabin-comfort I scc‘ure1865: ‘I‘hat’s the first-cabin comfort I su ure:
Rzng and Ihe Book, Book 11 (“Guide”), 1. 1064: 1869: What if you give up boys’ and girls’ fools’-play 1872: What if you give up boy and girl fools’-play 1889a: What if you give up boy-and-girl-fools’ play
We have concluded that Browning himself is nearly always responsible for such changes. But even if he only accepted these changes (rather than originating them), their effect on syntax, rhythm, and meaning is so significant that they must be recorded in our variant listings. The only variants we do not record are those which strongly appear to result from systematic house-styling. For example, Browning nowhere indicated that he wished to use typography to influence meaning, and our inference is that any changes in line-spacing, depth of paragraph indentation, and the like, were the responsibility of the printers of the various editions, not the poet himself. House-styling was also very probably the cause of certain variants in the apparatus of Browning’s plays, including variants in stage directions which involve a change only in manner of statement, such as Enter Humpden instead of Hampden enters; variants in the printing of stage directions, such as Aside instead of aside, or [Aside.] instead of [Aside], or [Strufford.] instead of [Strufford]; variants in character designations, such as Lady Carlisle instead of Cur or Carlisle. Browning also accepted current convention for indicating quotations (see section V below). Neither do we list changes in type face (except when used for emphasis), nor the presence or absence of a period at the end of the title of a work.
We have rearranged the sequence of works in the copy-text, so that they appear in the order of their first publication. This process involves the restoration to the original order of the poems included in Dramatic Lyrics, Dramatic Romances and Lyrics, and Men and Women. We realize, of course, that Browning himself was responsible for the rearrangement of these poems in the various collected editions; in his prefatory note for the 18881889 edition, however, he indicates that he desired a chronological presentation: The poems that follow are again, as before, printed in chronological order; but only so far as proves compatible with the prescribed size of each volume, which necessitates an occasional change in the distribution of its contents.
We would like both to indicate Browning’s stated intentions about the placement of his poems and to present the poems in the order which suggests Browning’s development as a poet. We have chosen, therefore, to present the poems in order of their first publication, with an indication in the notes as to their respective subsequent placement. We also include the tables of contents of the editions listed as Primary Materials above. xvi
We have regularized or modernized the copy-text in the following minor ways: 1. We do not place a period at the end of the title of a work, though the copy-text does. 2. In some of Browning’s editions, including the copy-text, the first word of each work is printed in capital letters. We have used the modern practice of capitalizing only the first letter. 3. The inconsistent use of both an ampersand and the word und has been regularized to the use of and. 4. We have eliminated the space between the two parts of a contraction; thus the copy-text’s it ‘s is printed as it’s, for example. 5. We uniformly place periods and commas within closingquotation marks. 6. We have employed throughout the modern practice of indicating quoted passages with quotation marks only at the beginning and end of the quotation. Throughout Browning’s career, no matter which publisher or printer was handling his works, this matter was treated very inconsistently. In some of the poet’s manuscripts and in most of his first editions, quotations are indicated by quotation marks only at the beginning and end. In the collected editions of 1863 and 1865, issued by Chapman and Hall, some quoted passages have quotation marks at the beginning of each line of the quotation, while others follow modern practice. In Smith, Elder’s collected editions of 1868 and 1888-1889, quotation marks appear at the beginning of each line of a quotation. We have regularized and modernized what seems a matter of house-styling in both copy-text and variants. The remaining way in which the copy-text is altered is emendation. Our policy is to emend the copy-text to eliminate apparent errors of either Browning or his printers. It is evident that Browning did make errors and overlook mistakes, as shown by the following example from “One Word More,” the last poem in Men and Women. Stanza sixteen of the copy-text opens with the following lines: What, there’s nothing Nay: for if that moon I.Jse, to charm him (so All her magic (‘tis the She . . .
in the moon noteworthy? could love a mortal, to fit a fancy, old sweet mythos)
Clearly the end punctuation in the third line is incorrect. A study of the various texts is illuminating. Following are the readings of the line in each of the editions for which Browning was responsible: MS: P:
fancy) fancy)
1855: 1863:
fancy) fancy)
1865: 1868:
fancy) fancy)
1888: 1889:
fancy fancy,
The omission of one parenthesis in 1888 was almost certainly a printer’s error. Browning, in the Dykes Campbell copy corrections to 1888-1889a, missed or ignored the error. However, in the Brown University list of corrections, he indicated that fancy should be followed by a comma. This is the way the line appears in the corrected second impression of Volume 4, but the correction at best satisfies the demands of syntax only partially. Browning might have written the line: Use,
to charm
or, to maintain Use,
to charm
so to fit a fancy,
parallelism him
between the third and fourth lines:
(so to fit a fancy),
or he might simply have restored the earlier reading. Oversights of this nature demand emendation, and our choice would be to restore the punctuation of the manuscript through 1868. All of our emendations will be based, as far as possible, on the historical collation of the passage involved, the grammatical demands of the passage in context, and the poet’s treatment of other similar passages. Fortunately, the multiple editions of most of the works provide the editor with ample textual evidence to make an informed and useful emendation. All emendations to the copy-text are listed at the beginning of the Editorial Notes for each work. The variant listings for thecopy-text also incorporate the emendations, which are preceded and followed there by the symbol indicating an editor’s note.
1. Variants. In presenting the variants from the copy-text, we list at the bottom of each page readings from the known manuscripts, proof sheets of the editions when we have located them, and the first and subsequent editions. A variant is generally preceded and followed by a pickup and a drop word (example a). No note terminates with a punctuation mark unless the punctuation mark comes at the end of the line; if a variant drops or adds a punctuation mark, the next word is added (example b). If the normal pickup word has appeared previously in the same line, the note begins with the word preceding it. If the normal drop word appears subsequently in the line, the next word is added (example c). If a capitalized pickup word occurs within the line, it is accompanied by the preceding word (example d), No pickup or drop words, however, are used for any variant consisting of an internal change, for example a hyphen in a compounded word, an apostrophe, a tense change or a spelling change ...
(example e). A change in capitalization within a line of poetry will be preceded by a pickup word, for which, within an entry containing other variants, the < > is suitable (example f). No drop word is used when the variant comes at the end of a line (example g). Examples from !Sordello (all from Book 1 except c [Z] which is from Book 4): 6’11 184O:but
that appeared
variant at end of line: variant within line: C.
1321 184U:toosleeps;
2~41 1840:are
821 Z84O:forests
by night,
Z84O:at Padua
to repulse
2863: intrigue.
4271 184O:drcgs;
change with no other variants:
Is < >
who repulsed
capitalization Will,
with other variants: g.
this appeared
1091 184O:intriguc:”
will, 8431 ZP40:Was
< > Him
Z865:him Z863:drcgs.
Each recorded variant will be assumed to be incorporated in the next edition if there is no indication otherwise. This rule applies even in cases where the only change occurs in 1888- 1889, al though it means that the variant note duplicates the copy-text. A variant listing, then, traces the history of a line and brings it forward to the point where it matches the copy-text. An editor’s note always refers to the single word or mark of punctuation immediately preceding or following the comment, unless otherwise specified. In Browning’s plays, all character designations which happen to occur in variant listings are standardized to the copy-text reading. In listing variants in the plays, we ignore character designations unless the designation comes within a numbered line. In such a case, the variant is treated as any other word, and can be used as a pickup or drop word. When a character designation is used as a pickup word, however, the rule excluding capitalized pickup words (except at the beginning of a line) does not apply, and we do not revert to the next earliest uncapitalized pickup word. 2. Line numbers. Poetic lines are numbered in the traditional manner, taking one complete poetic line as one unit of counting. In prose passages the unit of counting is the type line of this edition. 3. Table of signs in variant listings. We have avoided all symbols and signs used by Browning himself. The following is a table of the signs used in the variant notes: xix
§ * * * § <> / //,///,
. . .
Editor’s note Words omitted Line break Line break plus one or more lines without internal varian
4. Annotations. In general principle, we have annotated proper names, phrases that function as proper names, and words or groups of words the full meaning of which requires factual, historical, or literary background. Thus we have attempted to hold interpretation to a minimum, although we realize that the act of selection itself is to someextent interpretative. Notes, particularly on historical figures and events, tend to fullness and even to the tangential and unessential. As a result, some of the information provided may seem unnecessary to the scholar. On the other hand, it is not possible to assume that all who use this edition are fully equipped to assimilate unaided all of Browning’s copious literary, historical, and mythological allusions. Thus we have directed our efforts toward a diverse audience. TABLES
1. Manuscripts. We have located manuscripts Browning’s works; the list is chronological. Paracelsus Forster and Dyce Collection, Victoria and Albert Museum, London Colombe’s Birthday New York Public Library Christmas-Eve and Easter-Day Forster and Dyce Collection, Victoria and Albert Museum, London “Love Among the Ruins” Lowell Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard University “The Twins” Pierpont Morgan Library, New York “One Word More” Pierpont Morgan Library, New York Drama t is Personae Pierpont Morgan Library, New York The Ring and the Book British Library, London Balaustion’s Adventure Balliol College Library, Oxford xx
for the following
Prince Hohenstiel-Schwangau Balliol College Library, Oxford Fifine at the Fair Balliol College Library, Oxford Red Cotton Night-Cap Country Balliol College Library, Oxford Aristophanes’ Apology Balliol College Library, Oxford The Inn Album Balliol College Library, Oxford Of Pacchiarotto, and How He Worked in Distemper Balliol College Library, Oxford The Agamemnon of Aeschylus Balliol College Library, Oxford La Saisaiz and The Two Poets of Croisic Balliol College Library, Oxford Dramatic Idylls Balliol College Library, Oxford Dramatic Idylls, Second Series Balliol College Library, Oxford Jocoseria Balliol College Library, Oxford Ferishtah’s Fancies Balliol College Library, Oxford Parleyings With Certain People of Importance in Their Day Balliol College Library, Oxford Asolando Pierpont Morgan Library, New York We have been unable to locate manuscripts for the following works, information about any of communiand request that persons cate with us. Pauline Strafford Sordello Pippa Passes King Victor and King Charles “Essay on Chatterton” Dramatic Lyrics
The Return of the Druses A Blot in the ‘Scutcheon Dramatic Romances and Lyrics Luria A Soul’s Tragedy “Essay on Shelley” Men and Women
2. Edztions referred to in Volume VII. The following editions have been used in preparing the text and variants presented in this volume. The dates given below are used as symbols in the variant listings at the bottom of each page. xxi
1868 1869 1872 1888 1889a 1889
The Ring and the Book. Volumes 1 and 2. Two Volumes. London: Smith, Elder and Company. The Ring and the Book. Volumes 3 and 4. Two Volumes, London: Smith, Elder and Company. The Ring and the Book. Four Volumes. London: Smith, Elder and Company. The Poetical Works. Volumes 1-8. London: Smith, Elder and Company. The Poetical Works. Volumes 9-16. London: Smith, Elder and Company. The Poetical Works. Sixteen Volumes. London: Smith, Elder and Company. (second impression of 1888-1889a)
3. Short titles and abbreviations. The following reference have been used in notes for this edition: Al tick B BrLJ Cook
DC DeVane, Hbk.
DeVane and Knickerbocker EBB Gest
short forms of
The Ring and the Book, ed. Richard D. Altick. Baltimore: Penguin Books, 197 1. Browning Browning’s list of corrections located at Brown University A.K. Cook. A Commentary upon Browning’s “The Ring and the Book.” Hamden, Connecticut: Archon Books, 1966 (first pub. 1920). Curious Annals: New Documents Relating to Browning’s Roman Murder Story, ed. and tr. Beatrice Corrigan. Toronto: University of Toron to Press, 1956. Browning’s corrections in James Dykes Campbell’s copy of 1888-1889a William Clyde DeVane. A Browning Handbook. New York: Appleton-Century Crofts, 1955. New Letters of Robert Browning, ed. William Clyde DeVane and Kenneth L. Knickerbocker. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1950. Elizabeth Barrett Browning The Old Yellow Book, ed. and tr. John Marshall Gest. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1927. xxii
Griffin and Minchin Heydon and Kelley
Hood, Ltrs.
Irvine and Honan
Landis and Freeman
Letters of EBB
New Poems
Orr, Hhk.
Orr, Life
W. H. Griffin and H. C. Minchin. The Life of Robert Browning. New York: Macmillan, 1910. Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Letters to Mrs. David Ogiluy, ed. Peter N. Heydon and Philip Kelley. London: Murray, 1974. The Old Yellow Book, in facsimile, ed. and tr. Charles W. Hodell. Washington: The Carnegie Institution, 1908. Letters of Robert Browning Collected by T. J. Wise, ed. Thurman L. Hood. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1933. William Irvine and Park Honan. The Book, the Ring, and the Poet. New York: McGrawHill, 1974. Letters of the Brownings to George Barrett, ed. Paul Landis and Ronald E. Freeman. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1958. The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, ed. F.G. Kenyon. 2 ~01s. New York: Macmillan, 1897. New Poems by Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett Browning, ed. F.G. Kenyon. New York: Macmillan, 1915. Mrs. Sutherland Orr. Handbook to the Works of Robert Browning. New Edition. Revised and in Part Rewritten by F.G. Kenyon. New York: McMillan, 1915. Mrs. Sutherland Orr. Life and Letters of Robert .Browning. Second Edition. London: Smith, Elder, 1891. Browning’s source for The Ring and the Book, in its original format.
The Old Yellow Book, ed. and tr. Charles W. Hodell. New York: E. P. Dutton (Everyman’s Library), 1911.
The Complete Works of Robert Browning, ed. Charlotte Porter and Helen A. Clarke. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell, 1898.
RB-EBB, ed. Kintner
The Letters of Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett Barrett, 1845-1846, ed. Elvan Kintner. 2 ~01s. Cambridge, Mass.: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1969. 1..
William Wetmore Story. Roba dz Roma. 2 ~01s. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1887 (first published 1862).
Sir Frederick Treves. The Country of The Ring and the Book. London: Cassell and Company, 1913. Giorgio Vasari. Liues of the Painters, Sculptors and Architects, ed. and tr. A. B. Hinds. Intro. by William Gaunt. 4 ~01s. London: Dent (Everyman’s Library), 1963.
Citations and quotations
from the Bible refer to the King James Version.
Citations and quotations from Shakespeare refer to The Riverside Shakespeare, ed. G. B. Evans, et. al. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1974. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
For providing money and services which have made it possible for us to assemble the vast materials required for the preparation of this edition, the following institutions have our especial appreciation: the Ohio University Press, the Ohio University Library, the Ohio University English Department; Baylor University and the Armstrong Browning Library of Baylor University; the American Council of Learned Societies; the Kent State University Library and its Bibliographical and Textual Center, the Kent State University Research Council, the Kent State University English Department. We also thank the following for making available to us materials under their care: the Armstrong Browning Library; the Balliol College Library, Oxford; the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale IJniversity, and its director Mr. H. W. Liebert; the British Library; the John Hay Library, Brown IJniversity; the Houghton Library, Harvard University; the Henry E. Huntington Library; the Department of Special Collections, Kent State University; Mr. E. V. Quinn; Mr. Philip Kelley; Mr. John Murray; the Library of the Victoria and Albert Museum. We are also grateful to Professor Paul Murphy and Professor BartoRomeo Martello for their invaluable assistance in translation of Latin and Italian sources and passages, and to Victor Goedicke and the U.S. Naval Observatory for precisely dating the appearance of the new moon in April 1697. The frontispiece is reproduced by permission of the Pierpont Morgan Library .
Edited by Roma A. King, Jr. and Susan Crow1
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THE RING AND THE BOOK V. Count Guido Franceschini VI. Giuseppe Caponsacchi VII. Pompilia VIII. Dominus Hyacinthus de Archangelis
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Thanks, Sir, but, should it please the reverend Court, I feel I can stand somehow, half sit down Without help, make shift to even speak, you see, Fortified by the sip of . . . why, ‘tis wine, Velletri, -and not vinegar and gall, So changed and good the times grow! Thanks, kind Sir! Oh, but one sip’s enough! I want my head To save my neck, there’s work awaits me still. How cautious and considerate . . . aie, aie, aie, Nor your fault, sweet Sir! Come, you take to heart An ordinary matter. L,aw is law. Noblemen were exempt, the vulgar thought, From racking; but, since law thinks otherwise, I have been put to the rack: all’s over now, And neither wrist-what men style, out of joint: If any harm be, ‘tis the shoulder-blade, The left one, that seems wrong i’ the socket,-Sirs, Much could not happen, I was quick to faint, Being past my prime of life, and out of health. In short, I thank you,-yes, and mean the word. Needs must the Court be slow to understand How this quite novel form of taking pain, This getting tortured merely in the flesh, Amounts to almost an agreeable change
Q MS in Department of Manuscripts of the Brltlsh Library. P1868, CP1868, P1869, CP1869, Ed. 1868-69, 1872, 1888, 1889 $ $1 MS:to even Q inserted above 5 ‘1 MS:but should P1868:but, should 41 MS:wine P1868:wine, 51 MS:Trebbian, Q crossed out and replaced above by § Velletri,-not hyssop, vinegar PZ868:Velletri,-and not vinegar 61 MS:kind sir! P1868:kind Sir1 71 MS:enough; I PZ868:enough! I 131 MS:racking, but 151 MS:wrist’s 1889a:racking; but “1 MS:now PI 868:now, 201 MS:short P1868:wrist 171 MS:in P1868:i’ 181 MS:faint PZ868:faint, I < > you, yes and P1868:you,-yes, and P1889a:short, I 231 MS:This being
In my case, me fastidious, plied too much With opposite treatment, used (forgive the joke) To the rasp-tooth toying with this brain of mine, And, in and out my heart, the play o’ the probe. Four years have I been operated on I’ the soul, do you see-its tense or tremulous partMy self-respect, my care for a good name, Pride in an old one, love of kindred-just A mother, brothers, sisters, and the like, That looked up to my face when days were dim, And fancied they found light there-no one spot, Foppishly sensitive, but has paid its pang. That, and not this you now oblige me with, That was the Vigil-torment, if you please! The poor old noble House that drew the rags 0’ the Franceschini’s once superb array Close round her, hoped to slink unchallenged by,Pluck off these! Turn the drapery inside out And teach the tittering town how scarlet wears! Show men the lucklessness, the improvidence Of the easy-nattrred Count before this Count, The father I have some slight feeling for, Who let the world slide, nor foresaw that friends Then proud to cap and kiss their patron’s shoe, Would, when the purse he left held spider-webs, Properly push his child to wall one day! Mimic the tetchy humour, furtive glance, And brow where half was furious, half fatigued, 0’ the same son got to be of middle age, Sour, saturnine, -your humble servant here,When things go cross and the young wife, he finds Take to the window at a whistle’s bid,
26) MS:With the opposite PIS68:With tortured P1868:This getting tortured 301 MS:111 PZ868:I’ 321 MS:kindred-say, opposite *81 MS:of PZ868:o’ ~41 MS:dim 331 MS:sisters and P1868:sisters, and Pl868:kindred-just 36( MS:sensitive but P1868:sensitive, P1868:dim, 351 MS:spot P1868:spot, this you now oblige me 37) MS:not what you have just obliged me PZ868:not but 481 MS:kiss 441 MS:Show up the Pl868:Show men the 401 MS:Of P1868:O’ 511 MS:furtive eye P1868:furtive glance the patron’s 1889a:kiss their patron’s 531 MS:Of <> to his 521 MS:furious half 2889a:furious half 1889a:glance, 56) MS:Takes PI 868:Take middle age P1868:O’ < > to be of middle
And yet demurs thereon, preposterous fool!Whereat the worthies judge he wants advice And beg to civilly ask what’s evil here, Perhaps remonstrate on the habit they deem He’s given unduly to, of beating her: . . . Oh, sure he beats her-why says John so else, Who is cousin to George who is sib to Tecla’s self Who cooks the meal and combs the lady’s hair? What! ‘Tis my wrist you merely dislocate For the future when you mean me martyrdom? -Let the old mother’s economy alone, How the brocade-strips saved o’ the seamy side 0’ the wedding-gown buy raiment for a year? -How she can dress and dish up-lordly dish Fit for a duke, lamb’s head and purtenanceWith her proud hands, feast household so a week? No word o’ the wine rejoicing God and man The less when three-parts water? Then, I say, A trifle of torture to the flesh, like yours, While soul is spared such foretaste of hell-fire, Is naught. But I curtail the catalogue Through policy,- a rhetorician’s trick,Because I would reserve some choicer points 0’ the practice, more exactly parallel (Having an eye to climax) with what gift, Eventual grace the Court may have in store I’ the way of plague- what crown of punishments. When I am hanged or headed, time enough
571 MS:And he demurs < > fool, PZ868:And yet demurs < > fool!591 MS:ask him what’s the coil, P1868:ask what’s evil here, 61/ MS:her P1889a:her: ‘j21 MS: . . Oh 1889a: . . . Oh 631 MS:sib to Lucy’s 5 crossed out and replaced above by $j Tecla’s 641 MS:That cooks P1868:Who cooks 651 MS:What? ‘Tis my wrists Pl868:wrist I872:Whatl ‘Tis 661 MS:martyrdom, PI868:martyrdom? 681 MS:on P1868:o’ 6g( MS:Of her wedding-gown buys PZ868:O’ the wedding-gown buy 1889a:wedding-grown Q emended to 3 wedding-gown $j see Editorial Notes § 72) MS:her fair hands P1868:her proud hands “$1 MS:of P1868:o’ 741 MS:three parts PZ868:three-parts 751 MS:like, this P1868:like yours, 761 MS:foretastes PZ868:foretaste 771 MS:naught. If $j crossed out and replaced above by $j But I curtail their catalogue PZ868:naught < > curtail the catalogue 801 MS:Of the practice, more exactly 5 last two words inserted above line $j parallel, PZ868:O’ < > parallel1872:parallel 811 MS:gift PZ868:gift, 831 MS:In < >
To prove the tenderness of only that, Mere heading, hanging,-not their counterpart, Not demonstration public and precise That I, having married the mongrel of a drab, Am bound to grant that mongrel-brat, my wife, Her mother’s birthright-license as is just,Let her sleep undisturbed, i’ the family style, Her sleep out in the embraces of a priest, Nor disallow their bastard as my heir! Your sole mistake,- dare I submit so much To the reverend Court?-has been in all this pains To make a stone roll down hill,-rack and wrench And rend a man to pieces, all for what? Why-make him ope mouth in his own defence, Show cause for what he has done, the irregular deed, (Since that he did it, scarce dispute can be) And clear his fame a little, beside the luck Of stopping even yet, if possible, Discomfort to his flesh from noose or axeFor that, out come the implements of law! May it con tent my lords the gracious Court To listen only half so patient-long As I will in that sense profusely speak, And-fie, they shall not call in screws to help! I killed Pompilia Franceschini, Sirs; Killed too the Comparini, husband, wife, Who called themselves, by a notorious lie, Her father and her mother to ruin me. There’s the irregular deed: you want no more
861 MS: Just Q crossed out and plague, my crown PZ868:I’ < > plague-my crown 871 MS:In demonstration PZ868:counterpart, replaced by Q Mere < > counterpart 891 MS:mongrel-brat my wife PI868:mongrel-brat, my P1868:Not demonstration wife, “‘1 M&in P1868:i’ 961 MS:hill, rack CPZ868:hill,-rack 10~1 MS:yet if possible 991 MS:he did 5 crossed out and replaced above by Q has *OS] MS:from rope 5 crossed out and replaced above by $j noose P1868:yet, if possible, 1081 MS:in cord Q crossed out PZ868:come < > of law! to*1 MS:came < > of Law! tos-91 MS:5 marginal note N.P. indicates new 1[ 5 and replaced above by Q screws to91 MS:killed P1868.3 no 1 Q 1889:s no 1; emended to restore 7; see Editorial Notes 5 1101 MS:the PZ868:killed Pompilia Franceschini, Sirs; Pompilia Franceschini, Sirs, 1121 MS:and P1868:the Comparini, husband, wife, Comparini, husband and wife,
Than right interpretation of the same, And truth so far-am I to understand? To that then, with convenient speed,-because Now I consider, -yes, despite my boast, There is an ailing in this omoplat May clip my speech all too abruptly short, Whatever the good-will in me. Now for truth! I’ the name of the indivisible Trinity! Will my lords, in the plenitude of their light, Weigh well that all this trouble has come on me Through my persistent treading in the paths Where I was trained to go,-wearing that yoke My shoulder was predestined to receive, Born to the hereditary stoop and crease? Noble, I recognized my nobler still, The Church, my suzerain; no mock-mistress, she; The secular owned the spiritual: mates of mine Have thrown their careless hoofs up at her call “Forsake the clover and come drag my wain!” There they go cropping: I protruded nose To halter, bent my back of docile beast, And now am whealed, one wide wound all of me, For being found at the eleventh hour o’ the day Padding the mill-track, not neck-deep in grass: -My one fault, I am stiffened by my work, -My one reward, I help the Court to smile! I am representative of a great line, One of the first of the old families
mother < > me and mine. P1868:and her mother < > me. rr41 MS:same PI868:same, ‘161 MS:speed, because PI868:speed,-because It71 MS:boast P1868:boast, llRl MS:ailing of 5 altered to 5 in I’91 MS:abruptly short 5 crossed out and replaced by § close, 1872:abruptly short, ‘**I MS:good will PI868:good-will MS:§ marginal note N.P. 5 In P1868:I’ ‘*‘I 12s) MS:Perpend $j crossed out and replaced above by 3 Weigh well 12R( MS:still PI868:still, 129) MS:mock-mistress she; PZ868:mock-mistress, she; ‘“01 MS:spintual: careless Q crossed out Q mates PI868:call rsrl MS:Of 5 crossed out 5 < > call, rsj MS:bent the back P1868:bent my back 136l MS:of P1868:o’ ‘“‘I MS:1 nsr ‘d e 5 crossed out and replaced above by 5 Padding 14*/ MS:5 marginal note N.P. 5 ‘411 MS:first of noble families PZ868:first of the old families
In Arezzo, ancientest of Tuscan towns. When my worst foe is fain to challenge this, His worst exception runs-not first in rank But second, noble in the next degree Only; not malice’ self maligns me more. So, my lord opposite has composed, we know, A marvel of a book, sustains the point That Francis boasts the primacy ‘mid saints; Yet not inaptly hath his argument Obtained response from yon my other lord In thesis published with the world’s applause -Rather ‘tis Dominic such post befits: Why, at the worst, Francis stays Francis still, Second in rank to Dominic it may be, Still, very saintly, very like our Lord; And I at least descend from Guido once Homager to the Empire, nought belowOf which account as proof that, none o’ the line Having a single gift beyond brave blood, Or able to do aught but give, give, give In blood and brain, in house and land and cash, Not get and garner as the vulgar may, We became poor as Francis or our Lord. Be that as it likes you, Sirs,-whenever it chanced Myself grew capable anyway of remark, (Which was soon-penury makes wit premature) This struck me, I was poor who should be rich Or pay that fault to the world which trifles not When lineage lacks the flag yet lifts the pole: On, therefore, I must move forthwith, transfer My stranded self, born fish with gill and fin Fit for the deep sea, now left flap bare-backed
146/ MSmalice’ self PZ868:malice ‘self 1889a:malice’ self t4g1 MS:That Francis has the primacy of saints; PZ868:That Francis boasts the primacy ‘mid saints; 15*1 MS:published mid the PZ868:published with the 1531 MS:-Rather Saint 154) MS:worst, stays Francis $J last two words § crossed out and replaced above by 3 ‘tis separately circled and line is followed by marginal note TR 5 Francis PI868:worst, Francis stays Francis ts61 MS:our Lord, PZ868:our Lord; 1571 MS:from a Guido 1591 MS:account some proof < > of PZ868:account 1889a:from Guido as proof < > 0’ 1661 MS:remark PZ868:remark, 1671 MS:Which was soon (penury PZ868:( Which was soon-penury 1681 MS:who must be PZ868:who should be 1731 MS:sea, 1711 MS:Therefore I must make move Z872:On, therefore, I must move
In slush and sand, a show to crawlers vile Reared of the low-tide and aright therein. The enviable youth with the old name, Wide chest, stout arms, sound brow and pricking veins, A heartful of desire, man’s natural load, A brainful of belief, the noble’s lot,All this lift, cramped and gasping, high and dry I’ the wave’s retreat,- the misery, good my lords, Which made you merriment at Rome of late,It made me reason, rather-muse, demand -Why our bare dropping palace, in the street Where such-an-one whose grandfather sold tripe Was adding to his purchased pile a fourth Tall tower, could hardly show a turret sound? Why Countess Beatrice, whose son I am, Cowered in the winter-time as she spun flax, Blew on the earthen basket of live ash, Instead of jaunting forth in coach and six Like such-another widow who ne’er was wed? I asked my fellows, how came this about? “Why, Jack, the suttler’s child, perhaps the camp’s, Went to the wars, fought sturclily, took a town And got rewarded as was natural. She of the coach and six-excuse me there! Why, don’t you know the story of her friend? A clown dressed vines on somebody’s estate, His boy recoiled from muck, liked Latin more, Stuck to his pen and got to be a priest, Till one day . . . don’t you mind that telling tract
left to flap P1868:sea, now left flap 1751 MS:therein,P1868:thcrein. ‘s1l MS:In P1868:I’ ‘821 MS:made such merriment for Rome PZ868:made you ia51 MS:such an one merriment at Rome 184/ MS:palace in P1868:palace, in PI868:such-an-one 186-~~I MS:Is adding to his three towered $j crossed out and replaced above by Q turretted pile a fourth?/ Why PZ868:Was adding to his purchased pile a fourth/ Tall tower, could hardly show a turret sound?/ Why i”oI MS:earthen-basket CPl868:earthen basket igil MS:coach and cape P1868:coach and six 1921 MS:such another’s CPI868:such-another 1941 MS:“Why, This, the suttler’s CP1868:“Why, Jack, the suttler’s 197-991 MS:and cape-excuse < > / A PI868:coach and six < > / Why, don’t you know the story of her friend? / A 20t( MS:pen, soon got P1868:pen and got 2021 MS:day . . don’t 1889a:day . . . don’t
Against Molinos, the old Cardinal wrote? He penned and dropped it in the patron’s desk Who, deep in thought and absent much of mind, Licensed the thing, allowed it for his own; Quick came promotion,--SUUm cuzque, Count! Oh, he can pay for coach and six, be sure!” “-Well, let me go, do likewise: war’s the wordThat way the Franceschini worked at first, I’ll take my turn, try soldiership.“-“What, you? The eldest son and heir and prop o’ the house, So do you see your duty? Here’s your post, Hard by the hearth and altar. (Roam from roof, This youngster, play the gipsy out of doors, And who keeps kith and kin that fall on us?) Stand fast, stick tight, conserve your gods at home!” “-Well then, the quiet course, the contrary trade! We had a cousin amongst us once was Pope, And minor glories manifold. Try the Church, The tonsure, and, -since heresy’s but half-slain Even by the Cardinal’s tract he thought he wrote,Have at Molinos!“-“Have at a fool’s head! You a priest? How were marriage possible? There must be Franceschini till time endsThat’s your vocation. Make your brothers priests, Paul shall be porporate, and Girolamo step Red-stockinged in the presence when you choose, But save one Franceschini for the age! Be not the vine but dig and dung its root, Be not a priest but gird up priesthood’s loins, With one foot in Arezzo stride to Rome,
2051 MS:Who, much in 2091 MSAgainst Molinos the P1868:Against Molinos, the 2091 MS:“Well P1868:Who, deep in 2081 MS:and cape, be P1868:and SIX, be *‘*I MS:soldiership. ” “What P1868:soldiership.“-“What P1868:“-Well *‘*I MS:of P1868:o’ *t+t6/ MS:roof/ And who CP1868:roof,/ This youngster, 2171 MS:stick firm, conserve your play the gypsy out of doors,/ And who 1889a:gipsy 2181 MS:“Well < > tradehome at P1868:stick tight, conserve your gods at 2201 MS:the ChurchP1868:the Church, PI 868: ‘ ‘- Well < > trade! ***I MS:the Cardinal’s 2211 MS:tonsure-and, since P1868:tonsure, and,-since P1868:wrote,book 5 crossed out and replaced above by 5 tract < > wrote, **5( MS:‘till PZ868:till 2271 MSporporate and PZ868:porporate, and 2291 MS:age. P1868:age! ***I MS:you please, PI 868:you choose,
Spend yourself there and bring the purchase back! Go hence to Rome, be guided!”
So I was. I turned alike from the hill-side zig-zag thread Of way to the table-land a soldier takes, Alike from the low-lying pasture-place Where churchmen graze, recline and ruminate, -Ventured to mount no platform like my lords Who judge the world, bear brain I dare not bragBut stationed me, might thus the expression serve, As who should fetch and carry, come ancl go, Meddle and make i’ the cause my lords love mostThe public weal, which hangs to the law, which holds By the Church, which happens to be through God himself. Humbly I helped the Church till here I stand,Or would stand but for the omoplat, you see! Bidden qualify for Rome, I, having a field, Went, sold it, laid the sum at Peter’s foot: Which means-I settled home-accounts with speed, Set apart just a modicum should suffice To hold the villa’s head above the waves Of weed inundating its oil and wine, And prop roof, stanchion wall o’ the palace so As to keep breath i’ the body, out of heart Amid the advance of neighbouring loftiness(People like building where they used to beg)Till succoured one day,-shared the residue Between my mother and brothers and sisters there,
23s1 MSback. P1868:back! 1872:back 1889a:back! 2341 MSguided!” So P1868:guided!” 3 r[ 5 So 23g) MS:my Lords P1868:my lords 2401 MS:world, want 5 crossed out and replaced above by 5 bear <> not boast $j crossed out and replaced 2451 MS:the church, which happened above by § brag2431 MS:in P1868:i’ P1868:the Church, which happens 2461 MS:the church P1868:the Church 2471 MS:see. P1868:see! 2481 MS:Bid 5 altered to 5 Bidden < > Rome, I having a field P1868:for Rome, I, having a field, 2491 MS:footPI868:foot: 2511 MS:just 2521 MS:To keep the Villa’s PI 868: the such modicum P1868:just a modicum villa’s I889a:To hold the villa’s 2531 MS:weed 3 over illegible word 5 2541 MS:And prop roof, 5 last word and comma inserted above $$the Palace stanchion wall of Q last five words transposed to read $j stanchion wall of the Palace P1868:o’ the palace 2551 MS:It should keep <> in the body, hold its own Pl868:i’ 1889a:As to keep < >
Black-eyed babe Donna This and Donna That, As near to starving as might decently be, -Left myself journey-charges, change of suit, A purse to put i’ the pocket of the Groom 0’ the Chamber of the patron, and a glove With a ring to it for the digits of the niece Sure to be helpful in his household,-then Started for Rome, and led the life prescribed. Close to the Church, though clean of it, I assumed Three or four orders of no consequence, -They cast out evil spirits and exorcise, For example; bind a man to nothing more, Give clerical savour to his layman’s-salt, Facilitate his claim to loaf and fish Should miracle leave, beyond what feeds the flock, Fragments to brim the basket of a friendWhile, for the world’s sake, I rode, danced and gamed, Quitted me like a courtier, measured mine With whatsoever blade had fame in fence, -Ready to let the basket go its round Even though my turn was come to help myself, Should Dives count on me at dinner-time As just the understander of a joke And not immoderate in repartee. Utrique sic pamtus, Sirs, I said, “Here,” (in the fortitude of years fifteen, So good a pedagogue is penury) “Here wait, do service, -serving and to serve! And, in due time, I nowise doubt at all,
2631 MS:in <> *‘joI MS:babe-Donna P1868:babe Donna body, out of heart 2641 MS:Of the chamber P1868.0 the Chamber
Groom 268) MS:1 crept 5 last two 2661 MS:in the 5 crossed out and replaced above by $j his 2711 MS:example, bind words crossed out and replaced above by Q Close 2721 MS:layman’s salt CP1868:layman’s-salt P1868:example; bind 2781 MS:whatsoe’er 2741 MS:miracle find 3 crossed out and replaced above by 5 leave blade 3 inserted above § had mastery § crossed out and replaced above by 5 fame P1868:whatsoever *7+84/ MS:round/ Should Dives think of me at dinner-time./ Utrtque < > said PZ868:round/ Even though my turn was come to help myself,/ Should Dives count on me at dinner-time/ As just the understander of a joke/ And not immoderate 2851 MS:the plenitude of in repartee./ Utrique < > 1889a:///// < > said, 2871 MS:wait I 2861 MS:So brisk a P1868: So good a CPZ868:the fortitude of
The recognition of my service comes. Next year I’m only sixteen. I can wait.”
I waited thirty years, may it please the Court: Saw meanwhile many a denizen o’ the dung Hop, skip, jump o’er my shoulder, make him wings And fly aloft,- succeed, in the usual phrase. 295 Everyone soon or late comes round by Rome: Stand still here, you’ll see all in turn succeed. Why, look you, so and so, the physician here, My father’s lacquey’s son we sent to school, Doctored and dosed this Eminence and that, 300 Salved the last Pope his certain obstinate sore, Soon bought land as became him, names it now: I grasp bell at his griffin-guarded gate, Traverse the half-mile avenue,-a term, A cypress, and a statue, three and three,305 Deliver message from my Monsignor, With varletry at lounge i’ the vestibule I’m barred from who bear mud upon my shoe. My father’s chaplain’s nephew, Chamberlain,Nothing less, please you!-courteous all the same, 310 -He does not see me though I wait an hour At his staircase-landing ‘twixt the brace of busts, A noseless Sylla, Marius maimed to match, My father gave him for a hexastich Made on my birthday,-but he sends me down, 315 To make amends, that relic I prize most-
service < > serve,P1868:wait, do service < > serve! 2*g1 MS:of service. Fifteen years! PI868:of my service comes. 292) MS:of P1868:o’ 2951 MS:by Rome, P1868: by Rome: 2g61 MS:still there, you’ll < > in their turn PZ868:still here, you’ll < > in turn 2g71 MShere P1868:here, 2g*1 MS:son he sent P1868:son we sent 301/ MS:And bought < > now; CPZ868:Soon bought < > now: 3031 MS:avenue, a PI868:avenue,-a 304) MS:three and three, P1868:three and three,3051 MS:my Monsignor P1868:my Monsignor, 306) MS:With the 3 crossed out § < > in that vestibule PI868.i’ the vestibule 3071 MS:from, who 1889a:from who 3081 MS:nephew, Chamberlain, P1868:nephew, Chamberlain,3111 MS:staircase landing < > busts PZ868:staircase-landing < > busts, 3141 MS:bnth-day < > down P1868:down 1889a:birthday 3151 MS:amends that P1868:amends that
The unburnt end o’ the very candle, Sirs, Purfled with paint so prettily round and round, He carried in such state last Peter’s-day,In token I, his gentleman and squire, Had held the bridle, walked his managed mule Without a tittup the procession through. Nay, the official, -one you know, sweet lords!Who drew the warrant for my transfer late To the New Prisons from Tordinona,-he Graciously had remembrance-“Francesc . . . ha? His sire, now -how a thing shall come about!Paid me a dozen florins above the fee, For drawing deftly up a deed of sale When troubles fell so thick on him, good heart, And I was prompt and pushing! By all means! At the New Prisons be it his son shall lie,Anything for an old friend!” and thereat Signed name with triple flourish underneath. These were my fellows, such their fortunes now, While I-kept fasts and feasts innumerable, Matins and vespers, functions to no end I’ the train of Monsignor and Eminence, As gentleman-squire, and for my zeal’s reward Have rarely missed a place at the table-foot Except when some Ambassador, or such like, Brought his own people. Brief, one day I felt The tick of time inside me, turning-point And slight sense there was now enough of this: That I was near my seventh climacteric, Hard upon, if not over, the middle life,
3’61 MS:of P1868:o’ 31sl MS:carried round the square last Peter’s day CP1868:last Peter’s-day P1868:carricd in such state last Peter’s day 3241 MS:From Tordinona Q21 MS:official,-none you CPl868:official,-one you PZ868:To the New Prisons from Tordinona,-he the Prisons New, 3z51 MS:remembrance-“Francesc . . what? PI868:remembrance-“Francesc . . ha? “““1 MS:now . . how <> 1889a:remembrance-“Francesc . . . ha? 3271 MS:fee P1868:fee, about! PZ868:now-how < > about!3351 MS:And I P1868:While I 3301 MS:was brisk and P1868:was prompt and 3391 MS:missed my place “371 MS:In < > Eminence P1868:I’ < > Eminence, P1868:missed a place “401 MS:or the 5 crossed out and replaced above by 5 such 3451 MS:over the P1868:over, 342) MS:of the time CPZ868:of time
And, although fed by the east-wind, fulsome-fine With foretaste of the Land of Promise, still My gorge gave symptom it might play me false; Better not press it further,-be content With living and dying only a nobleman, Who merely had a father great and rich, Who simply had one greater and richer yet, And so on back and back till first and best Began i’ the night; I finish in the day. “The mother must be getting old,” I said; “The sisters are well wedded away, our name Can manage to pass a sister off, at need, And do for dowry: both my brothers thriveRegular priests they are, nor, bat-like, ‘bide ‘Twixt flesh and fowl with neither privilege. My spare revenue must keep me and mine. I am tired: Arezzo’s air is good to breathe; Vittiano,one limes flocks of thrushes there; A leathern coat costs little and lasts long: Let me bid hope good-bye, content at home!” Thus, one day, I disbosomed me and bowed. Whereat began the little buzz and thrill 0’ the gazers round me; each face brightened As when at your Casino, deep in dawn, A gamester says at last, “I play no more, Forego gain, acquiesce in loss, withdraw Anyhow:” and the watchers of his ways,
the “461 MS:And, fed although 5 circled with arrow indicating that word should precede fed § < > East-wind P1868:the east-wind “““1 MS:nobleman P1868:noblemaq 5541 MS:in the night Pl868:i’ the night ““‘1 MS:Can always $j crossed out and replaced above by $ manage to 3591 MS:bide PI868:‘bide 361j MS:My old $ crossed out and replaced above by followmg word § spare revenue may 5 crossed out and replaced above by 3 must ~621 MS:tired: the fields at home give air § crossed out and replaced above by following word $ space to breathe, PZ868:tired: Arezzo’s air is good to breathe; 3631 MS:there, PI 868: there; “641 MS:leathern-coat < > long, PZ868:leathern-coat < > long: 3651 MS:me give $ crossed out and replaced above by 3 bid hopes $j s crossed out 3 up, die § last two words crossed out and replaced above by word and comma 5 goodbye, < > home.” P1868:good-bye < > home!” 3661 MS:So § crossed out and replaced above by Q Thus 366671 MS:$ fl $j P1868:§ no 75 1889:s no 7; emended to restore 7; see Editorial Notes 5 3661 MS:Of < > me: each < > up P1868.0 < > me; < > up: 3701 MS:last “I PZ868:last, “I ““I MS:of the 5 crossed out and replaced above by following word 3 his game, P1868:hrs ways,
A trifle struck compunctious at the word, Yet sensible of relief, breathe free once more, Break up the ring, venture polite advice“How, Sir? So scant of heart and hope indeed? Retire with neither cross nor pile from play?So incurious, so short-casting?-give your chance To a younger, stronger, bolder spirit belike, Just when luck turns and the fine throw sweeps all?” Such was the chorus: and its goodwill meant“See that the loser leave door handsomely! There’s an ill look, -it’s sinister, spoils sport, When an old bruised and battered year-by-year Fighter with fortune, not a penny in poke, Reels down the steps of our establishment And staggers on broad daylight and the world, In shagrag beard and doleful doublet, drops And breaks his heart on the outside: people prate ‘Such is the profit of a trip upstairs!’ Contrive he sidle forth, baulked of the blow Best dealt by way of moral, bidding down No curse but blessings rather on our heads For some poor prize he bears at tattered breast, Some palpable sort of kind of good to set Over and against the grievance: give him quick!” Whereon protested Paul, “Go hang yourselves! Leave him to me. Count Guido and brother of mine,
““1 MS:relief, draw 5 crossed out 5 breathe better at 5 last two words crossed out 5 free again, P1868:free once more, ““‘1 MS:chorus-and < > meant P1868:chorus: and < > ““‘I MS:old meant“““1 MS:sinister, stops mirth, Q last two words crossed out 5 “““1 MS:and shabby doublet bruised and 5 last two words inserted above line $j P1868:and doleful doublet ““~1 MS:the door-sill 3 crossed out and replaced above by 3901 MS:“Such < > upstairs.” P1868:‘Such < > upstairs!’ word and colon $j outside: 392-941 MS:By < > bidding bless our heads/ 3911 MS:Better he PI868:Contrive he For PZ868:Best dealt way < > bidding down/ No curse but blessings rather on our heads/ For CPZ868:Best dealt by way “~51 MS:Some sort of palpable kind PZ868:Some palpable sort of kind 3961 MS:Over against < > give and quick!” P1868:Over and ~~6-97) MS: 5 fl Q P1868: $j no 7 $j 1889: 5 no fl; emended against < > give him quick!” “~71 MS:protested Paul “Go P1868:protested Paul, to restore 8; see Editorial Notes §
A word in your ear! Take courage, since faint heart Ne’er won . . . aha, fair lady, don’t men say? There’s a SOTS,there’s a right Virgilian dip! Do you see the happiness o’ the hint? At worst, If the Church want no more of you, the Court No more, and the Camp as little, the ingrates,-come, Count you are counted: still you’ve coat to back, Not cloth of gold and tissue, as we hoped, But cloth with sparks and spangles on its frieze From Camp, Court, Church, enough to make a shine, Entitle you to carry home a wife With the proper dowry, let the worst betide! Why, it was just a wife you meant to take!” Now, Paul’s advice was weighty: priests should know: And Paul apprised me, ere the week was out, That Pietro and Violante, the easy pair, The tits enough, with stomach to be more, Had just the daughter and exact the sum To truck for the quality of myself: “She’s young, Pretty and rich: you’re noble, classic, choice. Is it to be a match? ” “A match,” said I. Done! He proposed all, I accepted all, And we performed all. So I said and did Simply. As simply followed, not at first But with the outbreak of misfortune, still One comment on the saying and doing-“What? No blush at the avowal you dared buy
“Go “““1 MScourage since 1889a:courage, since “021 MS:of P1868:o’ 403) MS:wants <> the Camp 5 crossed out 5 CPI868:want 4061 MS:we guessed, P1868:we hoped, 4071 MS:But showing 5 crossed out and replaced above by following word $j saving sparks PZ868:But cloth with sparks 4101 MS:let their worst PZ868:let the worst 411-121 MS:take!/ Deuce, ace, and rafle! Leave the cards to me!“/ Now P1868:take!“/ $j 1 5 Now 4171 MS:myself: she’s young, P1868:myself: She’s young, 1872:young 1889a:young 418) MS:noble, classed and choice. P1868:noble, classic, 4191 MS:be a match? ” “A match” choice. said P1868:be a match?” “A match,” said 4201 MS:proposed and 5 crossed out and replac:ed above by 5 all, < > all CP1868:accepted all, 4211 MS:all. So I simply $j crossed out $, 4221 MS:Simply, and thence followed P1868:Simply. As simply followed 4241 MS:This comment < > doing-“Beast, PI868:One comment < > doing-“What? 4251 MS:the avouching you PI 868: the
A girl of age beseems your granddaughter, Like ox or ass? Are flesh and blood a ware? Are heart and soul a chattel?” Softly, Sirs! Will the Court of its charity teach poor me Anxious to learn, of any way i’ the world, Allowed by custom and convenience, save This same which, taught from my youth up, I trod? Take me along with you; where was the wrong step? If what I gave in barter, style and state And all that hangs to Franceschinihood, Were worthless, -why, society goes to ground, Its rules are idiot’s-rambling. Honour of birth,If that thing has no value, cannot buy Something with value of another sort, You’ve no reward nor punishment to give I’ the giving or the taking honour; straight Your social fabric, pinnacle to base, Comes down a-clatter like a house of cards. Get honour, and keep honour free from flaw, Aim at still higher honour,-gabble o’ the goose! Go bid a second blockhead like myself Spend fifty years in guarding bubbles of breath, Soapsuds with air i’ the belly, gilded brave, Guarded and guided, all to break at touch 0’ the first young girl’s hand and first old fool’s purse! All my privation and endurance, all Love, loyalty and labour dared and did, Fiddle-de-dee!-why, doer and darer both,Count Guido Franceschini had hit the mark Far better, spent his life with more effect,
avowal you 4261 MS:A girl of age might be your grand-daughter $j marked to indicate that it should be transposed to read Q age your grand-daughter might be P1868:age beseems your granddaughter, 4zg1 MS:teach a man PI868:teach poor me 4s01 MS:in the world PI868:i’ the world, 4321 MS:up I took? PZ868:up, I trod? 4361 MS:Was < > 4331 MS:me with <> step, I beg, ? P1868:me along with < > step? why society P1868: Were < > why, society 4371 MS:Honor P1868:Honour 440) MS:reward to give nor punishment PZ868:reward nor punishment to give 441) MS:In < > honor PI 868:I’ < > honour 4441 MS:honor, keep that honor P1868:honour, and keep honour 4451 MS:honor P1868:honour 4481 MS:in P1868:i’ 4491 MS:at a Q crossed out $j 4501 MS:Of < > and old P1868:O’ < >and first old 4531 MS:Fiddle de dee PI868:Fiddle-de-dee 4551 MS:§ crowded
As a dancer or a prizer, trades that pay! On the other hand, bid this buffoonery cease, Admit that honour is a privilege, The question follows, privilege worth what? Why, worth the market-price,-now up, now down, Just so with this as with all other ware: Therefore essay the market, sell your name, Style and condition to who buys them best! “Does my name purchase,” had I dared inquire, “Your niece, my lord?” there would have been rebuff Though courtesy, your Lordship cannot else“Not altogether! Rank for rank may stand: But I have wealth beside, you-poverty; Your scale flies up there: bid a second bid, Rank too and wealth too !” Reasoned like yourself! But was it to you I went with goods to sell? This time ‘twas my scale quietly kissed the ground, Mere rank against mere wealth-some youth beside, Some beauty too, thrown into the bargain, just As the buyer likes or lets alone. I thought To deal o’ the square: others find fault, it seems: The thing is, those my offer most concerned, Pietro, Violante, cried they fair or foul? What did they make o’ the terms? Preposterous terms? Why then accede so promptly, close with such Nor take a minute to chaffer? Bargain struck, They straight grew bilious, wished their money back, Repented them, no doubt: why, so did I,
between lines 454 and 456 5 456/ MS:a singer or P1868:a dancer or 457) MS:hand, halt 5 crossed out and replaced above by 5 brd this buffoonery stop, 45*) MS:Admit nobility 1s PI868:Admit that honour is PI868:buffoonery cease, 4611 MS:With < > ware in the world: P1868:Just so with < > ware: 462) MS:Th ere f ore consult 9 crossed out and replaced above by $j essay 46s1 MS:conditions < > best!” PZ868:condition < > best! 4651 MS:would be prompt 4681 MS:you, poverty; CPI868:you-poverty; rebuff PI868:would have been rebuff 469) MS:second bid, 1889a:second bid 5 emended to 5 bid, $j see Editorial Notes 5 472) MS:ground Pl868:ground, 4761 MS:on <> fault, with me: § last two words crossed out and replaced above by it seems: PI 868:o’ 4781 MS:they foul or fair? 3 crossed out P1868:they fair or foul? 4791 MS:of P1868:o’ 4811 MS:After and replaced above by following two words $j Nor take a minute? $j ? crossed out $ to 5 inserted above $ chaffering? $j zng crossed out 9 Afterward Q crossed out $
So did your Lordship, if town-talk be true, Of paying a full farm’s worth for that piece By Pietro of Cortona-probably His scholar Ciro Ferri may have retouchedYou caring more for colour than designGetting a little tired of cupids too. That’s incident to all the folk who buy! I am charged, I know, with gilding fact by fraud; I falsified and fabricated, wrote Myself down roughly richer than I prove, Rendered a wrong revenue,-grant it all! Mere grace, mere coquetry such fraud, I say: A flourish round the figures of a sum For fashion’s sake, that deceives nobody. The veritable back-bone, understood Essence of this same bargain, blank and bare, Being the exchange of quality for wealth,What may such fancy-flights be? Flecks of oil Flirted by chapmen where plain dealing grates. I may have dripped a drop-“My name I sell; Not but that I too boast my wealth”-as they, “-We bring you riches; still our ancestor Was hardly the rapscallion folk saw flogged, But heir to we know who, were rights of force!” They knew and I knew where the backbone lurked I’ the writhings of the bargain, lords, believe! I paid down all engaged for, to a doit, Delivered them just that which, their life long, They hungered in the hearts of them to gainIncorporation with nobility thus In word and deed: for that they gave me wealth. But when they came to try their gain, my gift,
4841 MS:if the town-talk’s Ciro Ferri may have 5 last CP1868:of ulpids too. world./ The P1868:flourish nobody./ The 5oo) so51 MS:“We < > riches, folks 1889~: rapscallion PI 868:I’ 5101 MS:for
487) MSxholar true, P1868:if town-talk be true, 4891 MS:of Ledas too: two words inserted above 5 496-g81 MSAlourish that deceives no one in the round the figures of a sum/ For fashion’s sake, that deceives MS:wealth, P1868:wealth,5Os( MS:sellPZ868:sell; 506) MS:rapscallion, still P1868:“-We < > riches; still 509) MS:In folk 50~1 MS:back-bone 1889a:backbone 5151 MS:gain my P1868:gain my to PZ868:for, to
Quit Rome and qualify for Arezzo, take The tone o’ the new sphere that absorbed the old, Put away gossip Jack and goody Joan And go become familiar with the Great, Greatness to touch and taste and handle now,Why then,- they found that all was vanity, Vexation, and what Solomon describes! The old abundant city-fare was best, The kindly warmth o’ the commons, the glad clap Of the equal on the shoulder, the frank grin Of the underling at all so many spoons Fire-new at neighbourly treat,-best, best and best Beyond compare. 1- down to the loll itself 0’ the pot-house settle,-better such a bench Than the stiff crucifixion by my dais LJnder the piecemeal damask canopy With the coroneted coat of arms a-top! Poverty and privation for pride’s sake, All they engaged to easily brave and bear,With the fit upon them and their brains a-work,Proved unendurable to the sobered sots. A banished prince, now, will exude a juice And salamander-like support the flame: He dines on chestnuts, chucks the husks to help The broil o’ the brazier, pays the due baioc, Goes off light-hearted: his grimace begins At the funny humours of the christening-feast Of friend the money-lender,-then he’s touched By the flame and frizzles at the babe to kiss! Here was the converse trial, opposite mind: Here did a petty nature split on rock
5171 MS:of P1868:o’ 5201 MS:touch, and taste P1868:touch and taste 52’1 MS:Why, then 1889a:Why then 5**1 MS:what Solomon found first. 5 last two 5241 MS:of PI868:describes! words crossed out and replaced above by 5 describes. P1868:o’ 5271 MS:neighbourly feast 5 crossed out and replaced above by 5 treat 5291 MS:On P1868:O’ 5~11 MS:piece-meal velvet § crossed out and replaced PI868:canopy 1889a:piecemeal above by following word 5 damask canopy. 5341 MS:bear P1868:bear,5321 MS:coronetted PZ868:coroneted 535/ MS:brains a-fume, P1868:brains a-work,1872:brains a-work, 1889a:brains a-work,“‘“I MS:of P1868:o’ 5421 MS:christening feast P1868:christening-feast 5451 MS:mind. P1868:mind: 5461 MS:petty soul
Of vulgar wants predestinate for suchOne dish at supper and weak wine to boot! The prince had grinned and borne: the citizen shrieked, Summoned the neighbourhood to attest the wrong, Made noisy protest he was murdered,-stoned And burned and drowned and hanged,-then broke away, He and his wife, to tell their Rome the rest. And this you admire, you men o’ the world, my lords? This moves compassion, makes you doubt my faith? Why, I appeal to . . . sun and moon? Not I! Rather to Plautus, Terence, Boccaccio’s Book, My townsman, frank Ser France’s merry TalesTo all who strip a vizard from a face, A body from its padding, and a soul From froth and ignorance it styles itsclf,If this be other than the daily hap Of purblind greed that dog-like still drops bone, Grasps shadow, and then howls the case is hard! So much for them so far: now for myself, My profit or loss i’ the matter: married am I: Text whereon friendly censors burst to preach. Ay, at Rome even, long ere I was left To regulate her life for my young bride Alone at Arezzo, friendliness outbroke (Sifting my future to predict its fault) “Purchase and sale being thus so plain a point, How of a certain soul bound up, may-be,
s5r( MSwas murdered,8 inserted above $j § crossed out and replaced above by $j nature sloncd, PZ868:stoned 552/ MS: Burned, drowned PZ#68:And burned and drowned 5551 MS:This Q inserted 5531 MS:wife to P1868:wife, to 554) MS:of P1868:o’ 5561 MS:to . . sun 1889a:to . . . sun in margin $j Moves your $j crossed out 5 5581 MS:frank Ser France’s Q ‘s apparently added in revision 5 and his 8 last two words crossed 5591 MS:And all who out and replaced above by 8 merry Tales, P1868:merry Tales,5611 MS:itself, P1868:To all know $ crossed out and replaced by 3 strip 56x1 MS:Of human Pl868:itself,5621 MS:daily case CPI868:daily hap § crossed out and replaced above by 8 purblind greed that dog-like $j inserted above 5 still lets 5641 MS:For the § last two § crossed out 5 drops the Q crossed out $ bone P1868:bone, words crossed out and replaced above by 5 Grasps shadows 5 s crossed out $ and then 5 inserted above line Q howls was never $j last two words crossed out and replaced above by § the case so 5651 MS:myself $j crossed out and replaced above by 5 is hard? P1868:hard! 567) MS:Whereupon friendly P1868:Text P1868:myself, 5661 MS:in PI868.4’ whereon friendly 5731 MS:up, belike § crossed out $ may be, CPI868:may-be,
I’ the barter with the body and money-bags? From the bride’s soul what is it you expect?” Why, loyalty and obedience,-wish and will To settle and suit her fresh and plastic mind To the novel, not disadvantageous mould! Father and mother shall the woman leave, Cleave to the husband, be it for weal or woe: There is the law: what sets this law aside In my particular case? My friends submit “Guide, guardian, benefactor,-fee, faw, fum, The fact is you are forty-five years old, Nor very comely even for that age: Girls must have boys.” Why, let girls say so then, Nor call the boys and men, who say the same, Brute this and beast the other as they do! Come, cards on table! When you chaunt us next Epithalamium full to overflow With praise and glory of white womanhood, The chaste and pure- troll no such lies o’er lip! Put in their stead a crudity or two, Such short and simple statement of the case As youth chalks on our walls at spring of year! No! I shall still think nobler of the sex, Believe a woman still may take a man For the short period that his soul wears flesh, And, for the soul’s sake, understand the fault Of armour frayed by fighting. Tush, it tempts One’s tongue too much! I’ll say-the law’s the law: With a wife I look to find all wifeliness, As when I buy, timber and twig, a treeI buy the song o’ the nightingale inside. Such was the pact: Pompilia
from the first
5741 MS:In < > beside flesh $j last two words crossed out and replaced above by three words § with the body and money-bagsPl868:I’ < > money-bags? 576j MS:obedience,the wish P1868:obedience,-wish 5781 MS:novel, not 1872:novel not disadvantageous disadvantageous P1868:novel, nor disadvantageous 5871 MS:men who say 5791 MS:leave PZ868:leave, 5801 MS:woe. P1868:woe: as much Q last two words crossed out and replaced above by two words 5 the same P1868:men who < > same, 5891 MS:you recite 5 crossed out and replaced above by $j chaunt 5911 MS:With praise and $j last two words inserted above 5 glorifying 5 altered 5931 MS:two PI868:two, : res with lip1 P1868:lies o’er lip! to § glory 5981 MS: flesh :?!?68%slh 6011 MS:law,PI868:law: 6041 MS:of Pl868:o’ ‘
Broke it, refused from the beginning day Either in body or soul to cleave to mine, And published it forthwith to all the world. No rupture, -you must join ere you can break,Before we had cohabited a month She found I was a devil and no man,Made common cause with those who found as much, Her parents, Pietro and Violante,-moved Heaven and earth to the rescue of all three. In four months’ time, the time o’ the parents’ stay, Arezzo was a-ringing, bells in a blaze, With the unimaginable story rife I’ the mouth of man, woman and child-to-wit My misdemeanour. First the lighter side, Ludicrous face of things,-how very poor The Franceschini had become at last, The meanness and the misery of each shift To save a soldo, stretch and make ends meet. Next, the more hateful aspect,-how myself With cruelty beyond Caligula’s Had stripped and beaten, robbed and murdered them, The good old couple, I decoyed, abused, Plundered and then cast out, and happily so, Since, - in due course the abominable comes,Woe worth the poor young wife left lonely here! Repugnant in my person as my mind, I sought, -was ever heard of such revenge? -To lure and bind her to so cursed a couch, Such co-embrace with sulphur, snake and toad, That she was fain to rush forth, call the stones 0’ the common street to save her, not from hate
6161 MSArezzo rang the changes, like 5 last four words crossed 6’51 MS:of P1868:o’ out and replaced above by two words and comma Q was a-ringing, bells bewitched Q crossed out and replaced above by $j in a blaze, 6181 MS:In < > child, to-wit PZ868:I’ < > child-to-wit 6tg1 MS:misdemeanour-first < > side P1868:misdemeanour. First < > side, ‘j*O[ MS:Ludicrous aspect, Q crossed out and replaced by following three words 5 face of things, how 5 illegible word crossed out and replaced above by § very P1868:things,-how @8/ MS:Plundered-and then P1868:Plundered and then 6331 MS:-To bind -and bind 5 dash and last two words inserted above line $j her to $j illegible 636) MS:Of 6341 MS:Much Q altered to Q Such erasure 5 P1868:-To lure and
Of mine merely, but . . . must I burn my lips With the blister of the lie? . . . the satyr-love Of who but my own brother, the young priest, Too long enforced to lenten fare belike, Now tempted by the morsel tossed him full I’ the trencher where lay bread and herbs at best. Mark, this yourselves say!-this, none disallows, Was charged to me by the universal voice At the instigation of my four-months’ wife!And then you ask “Such charges so preferred, (Truly or falsely, here concerns us not) Pricked you to punish now if not before?Did not the harshness double itself, the hate Harden?” I answer “Have it your way and will!” Say my resentment grew apace: what then? Do you cry out on the marvel? When I find That pure smooth egg which, laid within my nest, Could not but hatch a comfort to us all, Issues a cockatrice for me and mine, Do you stare to see me stamp on it? Swans are soft: Is it not clear that she you call my wife, That any wife of any husband, caught Whetting a sting like this against his breast,Speckled with fragments of the fresh-broke shell, Married a month and making outcry thus,Proves a plague-prodigy to Cod and man? She married: what was it she married for, Counted upon and meant to meet thereby? “Love” suggests some one, “love, a little word Whereof we have not heard one syllable.” So, the Pompilia, child, girl, wife, in one,
P1868:O’ 6371 MS:merely but PZ868:merely, but 6s81 MS:he? . . the 1889a:lie? . . . the 6421 MS:In < > where the bread and herbs are best. P1868:I’ < > where lay bread and herbs at best. b4’) MSfalsely, now concerns PZ868:falsely, here concerns 6481 MS:before,PI868:before?6501 MS:answer, “Have CPl868:answer “Have 6551 MS&sues 5 altered to 5 Issue P1868:Jssues 6601 MS:Speckled 5 inserted above $j With < > the fresh-broke 5 inserted above 5 P1868:with 6671 MS:So the < > wife in PZ868:!So,
Wanted the beating pulse, the rolling eye, The frantic gesture, the devotion due From Thyrsis to Neaera! Guido’s loveWhy not ProvenSal roses in his shoe, Plume to his cap, and trio of guitars At casement, with a bravo close beside? Good things all these are, clearly claimable When the fit price is paid the proper way. Had it been some friend’s wife, now, threw her fan At my foot, with just this pretty scrap attached, “Shame, death, damnation-fall these as they may, So I find you, for a minute! Come this eve!” -Why, at such sweet self-sacrifice,-who knows? I might have fired up, found me at my post, Ardent from head to heel, nor feared catch cough. Nay, had some other friend’s . . . say, daughter, tripped Upstairs and tumbled flat and frank on me, Bareheaded and barefooted, with loose hair And garments all at large,-cried “Take me thus! Duke So-and-So, the greatest man in RomeTo escape his hand and heart have I broke bounds, Traversed the town and reached you!“-then, indeed, The lady had not reached a man of ice! I would have rummaged, ransacked at the word Those old odd corners of an empty heart For remnants of dim love the long disused, And dusty crumblings of romance! But here, We talk of just a marriage, if you plcase-
the < > wife, in 6701 MS:to Neaxa: Guido’s CPZ868: to Neaera! Guido’s 6721 MS:cap and PI 868:cap and 6711 MSprovenSal 1889a:ProvenSal 677) MS:foot with just this scrap of note attached 6761 MS:her glove $ crossed out Q MSdamnation-be these < > 67*( PZ868:foot, with just this pretty scrap attached, 6791 MS:So I gain you but a minute: PZ868:damnation-fall these < > may, may PZ868:So I find you, for a < > eve!” 5 altered to § ! come 5 altered to $j Come this eve!“P1868:Ardent 6821 MS:Rosy from 6801 MS:-Why, for such P1868:-Why, at such 6831 MSfriend’s . . say, daughter tripped 1889n:friend’s . . . say from 6891 MS:you!“-Then 6871 MS:Duke So and So P1868:Duke So-and-So
The every-day conditions and no more; Where do these bind me to bestow one drop Of blood shall dye my wife’s true-love-knot pink? Pompilia was no pigeon, Venus’ pet, That shuffled from between her pressing paps To sit on my rough shoulder,-but a hawk, I bought at a hawk’s price and carried home To do hawk’s service-at the Rotunda, say, Where, six o’ the callow nestlings in a row, You pick and choose and pay the price for such. I have paid my pound, await my penny’s worth, So, hoodwink, starve and properly train my bird, And, should she prove a haggard,-twist her neck! Did I not pay my name and style, my hope And trust, my all? Through spending these amiss I am here! ‘Tis scarce the gravity of the Court Will blame me that I never piped a tune, Treated my falcon-gentle like my finch. The obligation I incurred was just To practise mastery, prove my mastership:Pompilia’s duty was-submit herself, Afford me pleasure, perhaps cure my bile. Am I to teach my lords what marriage means, What God ordains thereby and man fulfils Who, docile to the dictate, treads the house? My lords have chosen the happier part with Paul And neither marry nor burn,-yet priestliness Can find a parallel to the marriage-bond In its own blessed special ordinance Whereof indeed was marriage made the type: The Church may show her insubordinate,
1889a:youI”-then ‘jg61 MS:every day CP1868:every-day To11 MS:hawk Pl868:hawk, ‘041 MS:of P1868:o’ 7071 MS:So hoodwink P1868:So, hoodwink ‘081 MS:And should < > haggard ,-twitch Q crossed out and replaced above P1868:And, should 7r’Jl MS:spending all by 5 twist her beak 3 crossed out $j neck! amiss P1868:spending these amiss 715( MS:To prove the $j last two words crossed out and replaced above by 5 practise mastery, of 5 crossed out and replaced above by two words $j prove my 7’61 MS:duty,-to submit P1868:duty was-submit 7181 MS:my 7221 MS:priestliness, P1868:priestliness 7261 MS:My Lords P1868:my lords Lords, too have their § last five words crossed out and replaced above by five words $j The
As marriage her refractory. How of the Monk Who finds the claustral regimen too sharp After the first month’s essay? What’s the mode With the Deacon who supports indifferently The rod o’ the Bishop when he tastes its smart Full four weeks? Do you straightway slacken hold Of the innocents, the all-unwary ones Who, eager to profess, mistook their mind?Remit a fast-day’s rigour to the Monk Who fancied Francis’ manna meant roast quails,Concede the Deacon sweet society, He never thought the Levite-rule renounced,Or rather prescribe short chain and sharp scourge Corrective of such peccant humours? ThisI take to be the Church’s mode, and mine. If I was over-harsh,-the worse i’ the wife Who did not win from harshness as she ought, Wanted the patience and persuasion, lore Of love, should cure me and console herself. Put case that I mishandle, flurry and fright My hawk through clumsiness in sportsmanship, Twitch out five pens where plucking one would serveWhat, shall she bite and claw to mend the case? And, if you find I pluck five more for that, Shall you weep “How he roughs the turtle there”? Such was the starting; now of the further step.
Church may show her 7271 MS:As wedlock 5 crossed out and replaced above by $ marriage < > the monk 5 crossed out and replaced above by 5 friar 5 crossed out and original restored § 7291 MS:month’s fasting Q crossed out and replaced above by § essay < > the 73l1 MS:The rule way 5 crossed out Q 73o1 MS:the deacon PZ868:the Deacon “321 MS:hold, P1868:hold $ crossed out and replaced above by 8 rod of CP1868:o’ 7341 MS:Who, made § crossed out and 73~1 MS:all unwary CP1868:all-unwary 7361 MS:quails, replaced above by two words 5 eager to < > mind,PI868:mind?1889a:quails,7371 MS:society CPI868:society, 7381 MS:He never $j inserted PZ868:the Levite-rule 7401 MS:such peccant Q inserted above line Q < > the levite-rule 7421 MS:was over above line 5 7411 MS:the Churches’ PZ868:the Church’s Q inserted above 5 harsh < > in CPZ868:over-harsh < > i’ 745) MS:love should < > P1868:love, should < > and repay 3 crossed out and replaced above by $j console herself herself. 7461 MS:mishandle, fright and fury Q last three words crossed out and replaced above by three words $j flurry and fright 7491 MS:case, P1868:case? 751) MS:he 1889a:there”? treats Q crossed out and replaced above by Q roughs < > there?”
In lieu of taking penance in good part, The Monk, with hue and cry, summons a mob To make a bonfire of the convent, say,And the Deacon’s pretty piece of virtue (save The ears o’ the Court! I try to save my head) Instructed by the ingenuous postulant, Taxes the Bishop with adultery, (mud Needs must pair off with mud, and filth with filth)Such being my next experience. Who knows notThe couple, father and mother of my wife, Returned to Rome, published before my lords, Put into print, made circulate far and wide That they had cheated me who cheated them? Pompilia, I supposed their daughter, drew Breath first ‘mid Rome’s worst rankness, through the deed Of a drab and a rogue, was by-blow bastard-babe Of a nameless strumpet, passed off, palmed on me As the daughter with the dowry. Daughter? Dirt 0’ the kennel! Dowry? Dust o’ the street1 Nought more, Nought less, nought else but-oh-ah-assuredly A Franceschini and my very wife! Now take this charge as you will, for false or true,This charge, preferred before your very selves Who judge me now, -1 pray you, adjudge again, Classing it with the cheats or with the lies, By which category I suffer most! But of their reckoning, theirs who dealt with me In either fashion, -1 reserve my word,
7561 MS:virtue,-save 7521 MS:step: PZ868:step. 7551 MS:sayP1868:say,CPZ868:the Court! I < > head) P1868:virtue (save 7571 MS:the Court, I < > head,7591 MS:adul tery ,-mud P1868:aduhery, 7581 MS:ingenious Pl868:ingenuous (mud 7601 MS:and filth with filth, CP1868:and filth with filth)7611 MS:experience: who < > not Pl868:not1889a:experience. Who 7621 MS:wife P1868:wife, 7651 MS:them, PI 868: them? 7671 MS:mid < > PI868:‘mid < > rankness, through 7681 MS:rogue, the Q crossed rankness through 771) MS:Of the kennel. <> out and replaced above by 5 was bye-blow 1889a:by-blow of the street. Nought PZ868:O’ the kennel! <> o’ the street! Nought “21 MS:but, PZ868:but oh-ah-assuredly oh-ay§ inserted above line Q assuredly 7771 MS:§ crowded between lines 776 and 778 5 with the 7761 MS:again P1868:again, § inserted above 5 cheats then Q crossed out Q or with the Q inserted above $j lies vow, Q last word 7781 MS:most: P1868:most! 7791 MS:reckoning, those who crossed out §
Justify that in its place; I am now to say, Whichever point o’ the charge might poison most, Pompilia’s duty was no doubtful one. You put the protestation in her mouth “Henceforward and forevermore, avaunt Ye fiends, who drop disguise and glare revealed In your own shape, no longer father mine Nor mother mine! Too nakedly you hate Me whom you looked as if you loved once,-me Whom, whether true or false, your tale now damns, Divulged thus to my public infamy, Private perdition, absolute overthrow. For, hate my husband to your hearts’ content, I, spoil and prey of you from first to last, I who have done you the blind service, lured The lion to your pitfall,-I, thus left To answer for my ignorant bleating there, I should have been remembered and withdrawn From rhe first o’ the natural fury, not flung loose A proverb and a by-word men will mouth At the cross-way, in the corner, up and down Rome and Arezzo,-there, full in my face, If my lord, missing them and finding me, Content himself with casting his reproach To drop i’ the street where such impostors die. Ah, but-that husband, what the wonder were!If, far from casting thus away the rag Smeared with the plague his hand had chanced upon, Sewn to his pillow by Locusta’s wile,-
Pl868:reckoning, theirs who 7a11 MS:to urge, § last word crossed out and replaced by !j say, P1868:to say, 7821 MSzWhichever point of 5 last two words inserted above line $ P1868:o’ 7861 MS:glare at me § last two words crossed out § 7881 MS:Nor § written over word, perhaps Not § <> mine: how nakedly 7901 MS:Who, whether this your 8 inserted above line 5 tale P1868:mine! Too nakedly P1868:Whom, whether true OF false, of yours § last two words crossed out 9 be true or false your tale now damns, 7911 MS:Divulge it to Pl868:Divulged thus to 7461 MS:pit-fall 1889a:pitfall 795( MS:who had done P1868:who have done 7991 MS:of P1868:o’ 800( MS:byeword men should 5 crossed out and replaced above by 5 will 1889a:by-word 8051 MS:in <> imposters go 8 crossed out and replaced 8p61 MS:wereP1868:were!bowl MS:If far above by 5 die. PI 868:i’ 8081 MS: s crowded between 807 and 809 3 plague, his < > upon CP1868:If, far PI868:upoq 1889n:plague his 8091 MS:by Locusta’s craft,CP1868:by Locusta’s
Far from abolishing, root, stem and branch, The misgrowth of infectious mistletoe Foisted into his stock for honest graft,If he repudiate not, renounce nowise, But, guarding, guiding me, maintain my cause 815 By making it his own, (what other way?) -To keep my name for me, he call it his, Claim it of who would take it by their lie,To save my wealth for me-or babe of mine Their lie was framed to beggar at the birth820 He bid them loose grasp, give our gold again: If he become no partner with the pair Even in a game which, played adroitly, gives Its winner life’s great wonderful new chance.Of marrying, to-wit, a second time,825 Ah, if he did thus, what a friend were he! Anger he might show,-who can stamp out flame Yet spread no black o’ the brand?-yet, rough albeit In the act, as whose bare feet feel embers scorch, What grace were his, what gratitude were mine!” 830 Such protestation should have been my wife’s. Looking for this, do I exact too much? Why, here’s the,-word for word, so much, no more,Avowal she made, her pure spontaneous speech To my brother the Abate at first blush, 810
wile,*loI MS:branch P1868:branch. s12( MS:graft, PZ868:graEt,8L31 MS: § crowded between lines 811 and 813 § He, repudiated not, renounced nowise, P1868:If he, repudiate not, renounce nowise, 1889a:If he repudiate aI41 MS:But guarding < > maintained P1868:But, guarding < > maintain *I51 MS:own, what <> way? P1868:own, (what < > way?) 816) MS:To < > he called it PZ868:-To <> he call it s171 MS:Claimed Pl868:Claim *l*l MS:or better, 5 crossed out 5 *I91 MS:birth, Pl868:birth8201 MS:bade < > give his gold P1868:bid < > give our gold sz’l MS:Refused to be a partner PI868:Refuse to become partner 1872:If he become no partner ***I MS:adroitly, gave P1868:adroitly, gives winner that great < > / Ah, did he do thus 823-*51 MS:The P1868:Its winner life’s great <> / Of marrying, to-wit, a second time,/ Ah 1889a:/ / Ah, if he did thus 8271 MS:of < > yet rough Pl868:o’ < > yet, rough 8281 MS:act as <> bare foot feels 5 last two words altered to following two words 3 feet feel embers bum, P1868:act, as < > embers scorch, s*sl MS:What deed were his Pl868:What grace were his 8321 MS:for word so 1889a:for word, so
Ere the good impulse had begun to fade: So did she make confession for the pair, So pour forth praises in her own behalf. “Ay, the false letter,” interpose my lords“The simulated writing,-‘twas a trick: You traced the signs, she merely marked the same, The product was not hers but yours.” Alack, I want no more impulsion to tell truth From the other trick, the torture inside there! I confess all-let it be understoodAnd deny nothing! If I baffle you so, Can so fence, in the plenitude of right, That my poor lathen dagger puts aside Each pass o’ the Bilboa, beats you all the same,What matters inefficiency of blade? Mine and not hers the letter,-conceded, lords! Impute to me that practice!-take as proved I taught my wife her duty, made her see What it behoved her see and say and do, Feel in her heart and with her tongue declare, And, whether sluggish or recalcitrant, Forced her to take the right step, I myself Was marching in marital rectitude! Why who finds fault here, say the tale be true? Would not my lords commend the priest whose zeal Seized on the sick, morose or moribund, By the palsy-smitten finger, made it cross His brow correctly at the critical time?
*s51 MS:fade1889a:fade: sss[ MS:letter” interpose you herePl868:letter,” interpose my lordsMO\ MS:signs, you § crossed out and replaced above by ,S she sdr( MSxhe littie trick < > thereP1868: the other trick < > there! 8451 MS:nothing,-if Pl868:nothing! If s4r1 MS:lathen sword a altered to 5 dagger 8481 MS:of < > same, P1868:o’ < > same,8491 MS:of arm? PZ868:of blade? ssll MS:Impute to me 5 last two words written above 3 that practice,-take PlBW:practicel-take 8541 MS:declare. Pl868:declare, 8551 MS:§ crowded between lines 854 and R56 § whether ignorant 5 crossed out and replaced in right margin by 8 sluggish 8571 MS:Marching in mere marital rectitude, P1868:rectitude! 1872:Was marching in marital 8581 M&And who 1872:Why, who 1889a:Why who sso/ MS:Siezes the PIR68:Seized on the 8611 MS:makes P1868:made
-Or answered for the inarticulate babe At baptism, in its stead declared the faith, And saved what else would perish unprofessed? True, the incapable hand may rally yet, Renounce the sign with renovated strength,The babe may grow up man and Molinist,And so Pompilia, set in the good path And left to go alone there, soon might see That too frank-forward, all too simple-straight Her step was, and decline to tread the rough, When here lay, tempting foot, the meadow-side, And there the coppice rang with singing-birds! Soon she discovered she was young and fair, That many in Arezzo knew as much. Yes, this next cup of bitterness, my lords, Had to begin go filling, drop by drop, Its measure up of full disgust for me, Filtered into by every noisome drainSociety’s sink toward which all moisture runs. Would not you prophesy-“She on whose brow is stamped The note of the imputation that we know,Rightly or wrongly mothered with a whore,Such an one, to disprove the frightful charge, What will she but exaggerate chastity, Err in excess of wifehood, as it were, Renounce even levities permitted youth, Though not youth struck to age by a thunderbolt?
*@I MS:Or answers P1868:-Or answered R641 MS:in his 3 crossed out and replaced above by 5 its < > declares P1868:declared ah51 MS:saves P1868:saved 8671 MS:strength, Pl868:strength,8681 MS:up 10 a 8661 MS:yet P1868:yet, § last two words crossed out and replaced above by two words a man and Ri’/ MS:simple-strait 1889a:simple-straight *T2/ MS:rough PZSbS:rough, 8741 MS:coppice called with singing-birds. P1868:singing-birds! 1872:coppice rang with 8761 MS:much,1889a:much. 87g1 MS:Its cavity 5 crossed out and replaced above 8801 MS:every fulsome drainCP1868:every by 6 measure < > me P1868:me, noisome drain8821 MS:prophesy “She P1868:prophesy--“She *ss[ MS:The shame § crossed out and replaced above by 5 note < > know, P1868:know,*s41 MS:whore, P1868:whore,8~51 MS:one--to P1868:one, to *ssI MS:WiII. could 5 last two words crossed out and replaced by § What will 8881 MS:youthP1868:youth, s8’( MS:wiEehood as PI868:wifehood, as *sgj MS:Youth <> by shame the thunderbolt? P1868:Though not youth < > by a
Cry ‘wolf’ i’ the sheepfold, where’s the sheep dares bleat, Knowing the shepherd listens for a growl?” So you expect. How did the devil decree? Why, my lords, just the contrary of course! It was in the house from the window, at the church From the hassock,-where the theatre lent its lodge, Or staging for the public show left space,That still Pompilia needs must find herself Launching her looks forth, letting looks reply As arrows to a challenge; on all sides Ever new contribution to her lap, Till one day, what is it knocks at my clenched teeth But the cup full, curse-collected all for me? And I must needs drink, drink this gallant’s praise, That minion’s prayer, the other fop’s reproach, And come at the dregs to-Caponsacchi! Sirs, I,-chin-deep in a marsh of misery, Struggling to extricate my name and fame And fortune from the marsh would drown them all, My face the sole unstrangled part of me,I must have this new gad-fly in that face, Must free me from the attacking lover too! Men say I battled ungracefully enoughWas harsh, uncouth and ludicrous beyond The proper part o’ the husband: have it so! Your lordships are considerate at leastYou order me to speak in my defence Plainly, expect no quavering tuneful trills As when you bid a singer solace you,Nor look that I shall give it, for a grace, Slans pede in uno:-you remember well
thunderbolt? 8g01 MS:in the sheepfold where’s <> bleat CP1868:i’ the sheepfold, where’s < > bleat, 89’1 MS:growl? P1868:growl?” 8g31MS:course, PI868:course! *g61 MS:The staging < > space, P1868:Or staging < > space,8991 MS:challenge, on PZ868:challenge; on 9o1( MS:knocks my P1868:knocks at my 9’Jsl MS&ink up this PI868:drink, drink this 9o21MS:me, PI 868:me? 9051 MS:to-Caponsacchi: Sirs, Pl868:to-Caponsacchi! Sirs, g061 MS:I-chin deep < > miseryCP1868:I,-chin deep <> misery, 1889n:chin-deep slol MS:in my face, Pl868:in that face, 9LLl MS:Defend 3 crossed out and replaced by 5 Must free 9141 MS:of P1868:o’ 9171 MS:quavering, tuneful P1868:quawring tuneful 9201 MS:uno,-you PI868:uno: you g181 MS:solace you, P1868rsolace you,-
In the one case, ‘tis a plainsong too severe, This story of my wrongs,-and that I ache And need a chair, in the other. Ask you me Why, when I felt this trouble flap my face, Already pricked with e;ery shame could perch,When, with her parents, my wife plagued me too,Why I enforced not exhortation mild To leave whore’s-tricks and let my brows alone, With mulct of comfirs, promise of perfume? “Far from that! No, you took the opposite course, Breathed threatenings, rage and slaughter!” What you will! And the end has come, the doom is verily here, Unhindered by the threatening. See fate’s flare Full on each face of the dead guilty three! Look at them well, and now, lords, look at this! Tell me: if on that day when I found first That Caponsacchi thought the nearest way To his church was some half-mile round by my door, And that he so admired, shall I suppose, The manner of the swallows’ come-and-go Between the props o’ the window over-head,That window happening to be my wife’s,As to stand gazing by the hour on high, Of May-eves, while she sat and let him smile,If I,-instead of threatening, talking big, Showing hair-powder, a prodigious pinch, For poison in a bottle,-making believe
9*21 MS:that my limbs are 8 last three words crossed out MS:severe PI868:severe, 9251 MS:perch 924) MS:That, when Pl868:Why. when and replaced by 5 I ache Pl868:When, with < > plagued P1868:perch,9261 MS:And, with < > plague Pl868:Why I enforced not exhortation 927) MS:That I enforced some exhortation 951) MS:Breathed 9281 MS:whore’s tricks < > alone P1868:whore’s-tricks < > alone, fire 9 crossed out and replaced above by the following word 3 rage and slaughter, threatened 9321 MS:is her” . what PI868:Breathed threatenings, rage and slaughter!” What fallen 5 crossed out and followed by illegible word, apparently superimposed upon an earlier 9S4( MS:Three! word, also crossed out and the two replaced by 3 verily here, 9s91 MS:so conceited, g351 MS:now, Lords P1868:now, lords P1868:three! 9401 MS:swallows making nest shall 1 say, P1868:so admired, shall I suppose, 4*‘1 MS:of P1868:o’ 943) MS:hour thereat P1868:swallows’ come-and-go 9441 MS:satc P1868:sat 9451 M&If I, instead of P1868:hour on high, 92’1
At desperate doings with a bauble-sword, And other bugaboo-and-baby-work,Had, with the vulgarest household implement, Calmly and quietly cut off, clean thro’ bone But one joint of one finger of my wife, Saying “For listening to the serenade, Here’s your ring-finger shorter a full third: Be certain I will slice away next joint, Next time that anybody underneath Seems somehow to be sauntering as he hoped A flower would eddy out of your hand to his While you please fidget with the branch above 0’ the rose-tree in the terrace!“-had I done so, Why, there had followed a quick sharp scream, some pain, Much calling for plaister, damage to the dress, A somewhat sulky countenance next day, Perhaps reproaches,-but reflections too! I don’t hear much of harm that Malchus did After the incident of the ear, my lords! Saint Peter took the efficacious way; Malchus was sore but silenced for his life: He did not hang himself i’ the Potter’s Field Like Judas, who was trusted with the bag And treated to sops after he proved a thief. So, by this time, my true and obedient wife Might have been telling beads with a gloved hand; Awkward a little at pricking hearts and darts On sampler possibly, but well otherwise: Not where Rome shudders now to see her lie.
threatening, -talking P1868:If I,-instead of threatening, talking s4g1 MS:With all such bugaboo-and-baby-work, PI868:And other bugaboo-and-baby work,9521 MS:wife “““1 MS---Mad P1868:Had 9511 MS:bone, 1889a:bone PI868:wife, 9551 MS:away the next, P1868:away 95*1 hISthird, PZ868:third: next joint, g601 MS:Of PZ868:O’ ‘“‘I MS: too: PZ868: too! 9651 MS:of wrong that P1868:of harm that s6’j1 MS:lords, P1868:lords! 9671 MS:way, Pl868:way; 9681 MS:but sobered for his life, PZ868:but silenced for his life: “““1 MS:in < > fieldPl868:i’ < > ““1 MS:thief: Field p701 MS:But Judas did, who P1868:Like Judas, who P1868:thief. 9721 MS:So by this time my P1868:So, by this time, my 97s1 MS:hand P1868:hand; s’s/ MSotherwise, P1868:otherwise:
I give that for the course a wise man takes; I took the other however, tried the fool’s, The lighter remedy, brandished rapier dread 980 With cork-ball at the tip, boxed Malchus’ ear Instead of severing the cartilage, Called her a terrible nickname, and the like, And there an end: and what was the end of that? What was the good effect o’ the gentle course? 985 Why, one night I went drowsily to bed, Dropped asleep suddenly, not suddenly woke, But did wake with rough rousing and loud cry, To find noon in my face, a crowd in my room, Fumes in my brain, fire in my throat, my wife 990 Gone God knows whither,-rifled vesture-chest, And ransacked money-coffer. “What does it mean?” The servants had been drugged too, stared and yawned “It must be that our lady has eloped!” “With whom but the Canon’s self? -“Whither and with whom?“995 One recognizes Caponsacchi there!“(By this time the admiring neighbourhood Joined chorus round me while I rubbed my eyes) “ ‘Tis months since their intelligence began,A comedy the town was privy to,loo0 He wrote and she wrote, she spoke, he replied, And going in and out your house last night Was easy work for one . . . to be plain with you . . . Accustomed to do both, at dusk and dawn
““1 MS:takes, P1868:takes; g781 MS:tried, the fool’s PZ868:tried the fool’s, g**l M&like 1889a:like, g841 MS:of P1868:o’ g871 MS:rough shaking and P1868:rough rousmg and “*“I MS:throat 2889a:thoat Q emended to § throat Q see Editorial Notes § ‘921 MS:yawned, 1872:yawned 9931 MS:our Lady P1868:our lady 9941 MS:“Whither < > whom?” With <> self, P1868:“Whither < > whom?“--“With < > self? g95j MS:there,--” P1868:there!“9981 MS:‘Tis months ago the intelligence began, PI868:“ ‘Tis months since their intelligence began,gggl MS:to, Pl868:to,1~~021 MS:one . . to 2889a:one . . . to toosl MS:both at PZ868:both, at
When you were absent, -at the villa, you know, Where husbandry required the master-mind. Did not you know? Why, we all knew, you seel” And presently, bit by bit, the full and true Particulars of the tale were volunteered With all the breathless zeal of friendship-“Thus Matters were managed: at the seventh hour of night” . . . -“Later, at daybreak” . . . “Caponsacchi came” . . . -“While you and all your household slept like death, Drugged as your supper was with drowsy stuff” . . . -“And your own cousin Guillichini tooEither or both entered your dwelling-place, Plundered it at their pleasure, made prize of all, Including your wife . . .“-“Oh, your wife led the way, Out of doors, on to the gate . . .“-“But gates are shut, In a decent town, to darkness and such deeds: They climbed the wall-your lady must be litheAt the gap, the broken bit . . .” -“Torrione, true! To escape the questioning guard at the proper gate, Clemente, where at the inn, hard by, ‘the Horse,’ Just outside, a calash in readiness Took the two principals, all alone at last, To gate San Spirito, which o’erlooks the road, Leads to Perugia, Rome and liberty.” Bit by bit thus made-up mosaic-wise,
*OoQ1 MS:With the roo4/ MS:the Villa, you knowPZ868:the villa, you know, 10101 MSnight” . . . breathless zealousness of P1868:With all the breathless zeal of P1868:night” . . 5 emended to Q night” . . . Q see Editorial Notes 3 lo”1 MS: . . “Later 5 over perhaps then 5, at daybreak”-“Caponsacchi PI868:-“Later, at daybreak” . . “Caponsacchi 1889a:daybreak” . . . “Caponsacchi 1012-13( MS:5 crowded between lines 1011 and 1014 3 10121 MS:“While < > death P1868:stuff” . . . P1868:“While < > death, ‘O”l MS:stuff,” 10161 MS:pleasure, and 10141 MS: . . And <> too”Pl868:-“And <> too10171 MS:wife,-” “Oh <> way . . . prize and all, PZ868:pleasure, made prize of all, P1868:wife . . .“-“Oh <> way, total MS:gate.” “But < > shut PI868:gate . . .“-“But <> shut, 101~1 MS:town to to*01 MS:lithe . . . PZ868:lithe10211 MS:gap and the PI868:town, to broken bit-” “Torrione, true,” . . . CPZ868:gap, the broken bit . .” -“Torrione, true! 10221 MS:“To < > gate P1868:To < > 2889a:gap, the broken bit . . .” -“Torrione r02*) MS:outside, the ‘0231 MS:by, the Horse, P1868:by, ‘the Horse,’ gate, 10261 MS:To the gate < > road CP1868:To gate < > Calash PZ868:outside, a calash roz*l MS:made up road, 10271 MS:to Perugia; Rome P1868:to Perugia, Rome
Flat lay my fortune,-tesselated floor, loso Imperishable tracery devils should foot And frolic it on, around my broken gods, Over my desecrated hearth. So much For the terrible effect of threatening, Sirs! Well, this way I was shaken wide awake, lOs5 Doctored and drenched, somewhat unpoisoned so. Then, set on horseback and bid seek the lost, I started alone, head of me, heart of me Fire, and each limb as languid . . . ah, sweet lords, Bethink you!-poison-torture, try persuade 1040 The next refractory Molinist with that! . . . Floundered thro’ day and night, another day And yet another night, and so at last, As Lucifer kept falling to find hell, Tumbled into the court-yard of an inn lo45 At the end, and fell on whom I thought to find, Even Caponsacchi, -what part once was priest, Cast to the winds now with the cassock-rags. In cape and sword a cavalier confessed, There stood he chiding dilatory grooms, lo50 Chafing that only horseflesh and no team Of eagles would supply the last relay,
CP1868:made-up 1o2g1 MS:floor P1868:floor, iOsO1 MSImperishable place devils PZ868:Imperishable tracery devils ‘““‘I MS:gods CPl868:gods, iOss-s*1 MS:hearth, f or ever more.1 Well PZ868:hearth. So much/ For the terrible effect of threatening, Sirs!/ Well Lo33-34( MS+ 1 Q 1889a:s no q $j 1889:s no 1; emended to restore 9; see Editorial Notes 5 10351 MSxlrenched and somewhat < > so; P1868:drenched, somewhat 1889a:so. 10361 MS:And, set < > bid 5 followed by illegible erasure Q P1868:Then, set iosrl MS:Started PI868:I started ios*l MS:each < > languid. .ah, my 3 crossed out and replaced above by Q sweet 2889a:eaeh 5 emended to Q each Q see Editorial Notes Q < > languid . . . ah 10391 MS:you,-poison-torture PI868:you!-poison-torture < > persuade, CPl868:persuade 10411 MS:night and another Pl868:night, and another CPZ868:night, another 1o441 MS:the Court yard < > Inn PZ868:court-yard < > inn 10451 MS:And the < > on him I found PZ868:At the < > on whom I thought to find, 1o461 MS:part was priest of yore PZ868:part once was priest, 10471 MSxassock-rags, P1868:cassockrags: 1889a:cassock-rags. 10481 MS:a Cavalier confessed PI 868:a
Whirl him along the league, the one post more Between the couple and Rome and liberty. ‘Twas dawn, the couple were rested in a sort, And though the lady, tired,-the tenderer sex,Still lingered in her chamber,-to adjust The limp hair, look for any blush astray,She would descend in a twinkling,-“Have you out The horses therefore!” So did I find my wife. Is the case complete? Do your eyes here see with mine? Even the parties dared deny no one Point out of all these points. What follows next? “Why, that then was the time,” you interpose, “Or then or never, while the fact was fresh, To take the natural vengeance: there and thus They and you, -somebody had stuck a sword Beside you while he pushed you on your horse,‘Twas requisite to slay the couple, Count!” Just so my friends say. “Kill!” they cry in a breath, Who presently, when matters grow to a head And I do kill the offending ones indeed,When crime of theirs, only surmised before, Is patent, proved indisputably now,When remedy for wrong, untried at the time, Which law professes shall not fail a friend, Is thrice tried now, found threefold worse than null,When what might turn to transient shade, who knows? Solidifies into a blot which breaks Hell’s black off in pale flakes for fear of mine,-
1o541 2872:Twas § space for cavalier confessed, to5*1 MS:more, PI 868:more lo581 MS:have PZ868:twinkling,-“Have apostrophe remains Q 1889a:‘Twas 10621 MS:Point out § inserted 1o5g1 MS:therefore!” So PZ868:thereforel” § lJ 5 So PZ868:points. $j f § What above Q of all 5 inserted above 5 < > points. What 10641 MS:fresh PI868:fresh, r06sl MS:interpose PI 868: interpose, 10691 MS:say-“Kill” they r06*( MS:couple, Count! PZ868:couple, Count!” rO71 MS:Are patent and proved Kill!” they 2889a:say. “Kill!“ they P1868:say-” 10751 MS:Law makes profession shall PZ868:Which law CPZ868:Is patent, proved 10771 MS:who knew? professes shall *Or61 MS:Are thrice PZ868:Is thrice
Then, when I claim and take revenge-“So rash?” They cry- “so little reverence for the law?” Listen, my masters, and distinguish here! At first, I called in law to act and help: Seeing I did so, “Why, ‘tis clear,” they cry, “You shrank from gallant readiness and risk, Were coward: the thing’s inexplicable else.” Sweet my lords, let the thing be! I fall flat, Play the reed, not the oak, to breath of man. Only inform my ignorance! Say I stand Convicted of the having been afraid, Proved a poltroon, no lion but a lamb,Does that deprive me of my right of lamb And give my fleece and flesh to the first wolf? Are eunuchs, women, children, shieldless quite Against attack their own timidity tempts? Cowardice were misfortune and no crime! -Take it that way, since I am fallen so low I scarce dare brush the fly that blows my face, And thank the man who simply spits not there,Unless the Court be generous, comprehend How one brought up at the very feet of law As I, awaits the ‘grave Gamaliel’s nod Ere he clench fist at outrage,-much less, stab! -How, ready enough to rise at the right time, I still could recognise no time mature
P1868:who knows? 1080/ MS:Now, when < > rash? P1868:Then, when < > rash?” rO*3( MS:first, truce 5 crossed out and replaced above 1081-821 MS:5 no ( $ P1868:5 7 5 by 3 I called < > help, P1868:help: lo**1 MS:And seeing < > so, “why ‘tis clear,” you 5 crossed out and replaced above by 3 they P1868:Seeing < > so, “Why, ‘tis 1o851 MS:1 shrank from the gallant’s CP1868:“You shrank from gallant 1o86l MS:Was a r0*7) MS:lords let it be so! I PI 868:lords coward,-the PI868:Were coward: the let the thing be! I ro**l MS:reed not the oak to the breath of man: PZ868:reed, not the oak, to breath of man. 10891 MS:Only, -inform my ignorance, say PI868:0nly, 10921 MS:of the right of a lamb inform my ignorance! Say 1889a:Only inform PZ868:of my right of lamb 109*1 MS:women and children shieldless PZ868:women, children, shieldless log61 MS:crimePI 868:crime! 10971 MS:Take < > way,since P1868:-Take < > way, since “011 MS:of La w P1868:of law 11021 MS:await P1868:awaits rro~l MS:Ere I clench < > stabPZ868:Ere he clench < > stab! ‘lo*\ MS:How P1868:-How 11051 MS:1 still could 5 last two words inserted above § recognized $j final d crossed out Q that 5 crossed out and replaced above by $j no time as 9 crossed out $ immature P1868:recognise no time mature
Unsanctioned by a move o’ the judgment-seat, So, mute in misery, eyed my masters here Motionless till the authoritative word Pronounced amercement. There’s the riddle solved: This is just why I slew nor her nor him, But called in law, law’s delegate in the place, And bade arrest the guilty couple, Sirs! We had some trouble to do so-you have heard They braved me, -he with arrogance and scorn, She, with a volubility of curse, A conversancy in the skill of tooth And claw to make suspicion seem absurd, Nay, an alacrity to put to proof At my own throat my own sword, teach me so To try conclusions better the next time,Which did the proper service with the mob. They never tried to put on mask at all: Two avowed lovers forcibly torn apart, Upbraid the tyrant as in a playhouse scene, Ay, and with proper clapping and applause From the audience that enjoys the bold and free. I kept still, said to myself, “There’s law!” Anon We searched the chamber where they passed the night, Found what confirmed the worst was feared before, However needless confirmation nowThe witches’ circle intact, charms undisturbed
11071 MS:And § crossed out PZ868:o’ the judgment-seat, 11061 MS:on judgment-seat, and replaced above by 5 So, muting Q altered to 5 mute in 3 inserted above 3 misery knew 3 crossed out and replaced by 3 eyed my masters still 5 crossed out 11081 MS:Was dumb $j illegible and replaced by $j here, Pl868:misery, eyed < > here word $j 5 last three words crossed out and replaced above by Q Reticent till law’s 3 last three words crossed out and replaced by three words 5 Motionless till the authoritative voice *log1 MS:Declaring the Q last two words crossed out and replaced above 3 crossed out 5 PZ868:pronounced < > solved: llL1) MS:in Law, her by 3 Pronounce < > solved! 11121 MS:couple there delegates Pl868:law, law’s delegates CP1868:delegate 11161 MS:conversancy 11151 MS:She wrth P1868:She, with Pl868:couple, Sirs! rrr+221 MS:time./ They <> all, with 5 crossed out and replaced above by Q in PI 868: time ,-I Which did the proper service with the mob.1 They < > all: 11241 MS:Accusing fate Q last two rr*sl MS:lovers, forcibly P1868:lovers forcibly PZ868:Upbraid the words crossed out and replaced above by 5 Upbraiding the husband PZ868:myself, “There’s law 11271 MS:myself, “There’s Law tyrant as
That raised the spirit and succubus,-letters, to-wit, Love-laden, each the bag o’ the bee that bore Honey from lily and rose to Cupid’s hive,Now, poetry in some rank blossom-burst, Now, prose,- “Come here, go there, wait such a while, He’s at the villa, now he’s back again: We are saved, we are lost, we are lovers all the same!” All in order, all complete,-even to a clue To the drowsiness that happed so opportuneNo mystery, when I read “Of all things, find What wine Sir Jealousy decides to drinkRed wine? Because a sleeping-potion, dust Dropped into white, discolours wine and shows.”
Oh, but we did not write a single word! Somebody forged the letters in our name!-” Both in a breath protested presently. Aha, Sacchetti again!-“Dame,“-quoth the Duke, “What meaneth this epistle, counsel me, 1150 I pick from out thy placket and peruse, Wherein my page averreth thou art white And warm and wonderful ‘twixt pap and pap?” “Sir,” laughed the Lady, “ ‘tis a counterfeit! Thy page did never stroke but Dian’s breast, 1155 The pretty hound I nurture for thy sake:
ir”*I MS:to-wit P1868:to-wit, “‘“I MS:of PZ868:o’ 11341 MS:hive, P1868:hive,1u51 MS:blossom-burst PZ868:blossom-burst, 1137) MS:the Villa P1868:the villa 11s61 MS:prose,-come Pl868:prose,-“Come rr3*1 MS:same. Pl868:same!” 11411 MS:mystery when < > things find 11421 MS:wine 5 followed by illegible word P1868:mystery, when < > things, find 11441 MS:discolours it and P1868:discolours wine and altered to 5 Sir 1144-451 MS: Q no fl§ P1868: $J7 5 11481 MS:again,-“ Dame < > the spouse § crossed out and replaced above by § Duke, PZ868:again!-“Dame 114~1 MS:What this epistle meaneth, counsel CPZ868:What meaneth this epistle, counsel 11501 MS:pick this Q crossed out $j from out § inserted above 3 < > peruse P1868:peruse, 11531 MS:“Sir,” quoth $j crossed out and replaced above by following word $.jlaughed the Lady “ ‘tis a counterfeit, Pl868:counterfeit! l872:the Lady, “ ‘tis ri”*I MS:breast PZ868:breast, 11551 MS:5 written in margin following line 1154 5 Hound thou didst $j illegible word follows Q me with: 5 last five words crossed out and replaced above by § I nurture for thy sake:
To lie were losel, -by my fay, no more!” And no more say I too, and spare the Court. Ah, the Court! yes, I come to the Court’s self; Such the case, so complete in fact and proof, lr60 I laid at the feet of law,-there sat my lords, Here sit they now, so may they ever sit In easier attitude than suits my haunch! In this same chamber did I bare my sores 0’ the soul and not the body,-shun no shame, 1165 Shrink from no probing of the ulcerous part, Since confident in Nature,-which is Cod,That she who, for wise ends, concocts a plague, Curbs, at the right time, the plague’s virulence too: Law renovates even Lazarus,-cures me! llTo Caesar thou seekest? To Czsar thou shalt go! Caesar’s at Rome: to Rome accordingly! The case was soon decided: both weights, cast I’ the balance, vibrate, neither kicks the beam, Here away, there away, this now and now that. 1175 To every one o’ my grievances law gave Redress, could purblind eye but see the point. The wife stood a convicted runagate From house and husband,-driven to such a course
Ii561 MS:Some Q written in margin preceding line s The ljl crossed out § lie of a $j crossed out § 11571 MS:Enough, I 5 last two words crossed out and replaced above by 5 And no more say I too-and < > the ,gravity of the 8 last three words crossed out Q Court: PI 868: too, and < > 1157-5Rl MS:5 no Q 5 P1868:§ ‘f 3 11581 MS:the Court! Yes PZ868:the Court. 1160( MS:of Law <> Lords, Court! yes 1L5YI MS:proof 2889a:proof, t16t( MS:Here sat 5 altered to $j sit they then 5 crossed out and P1868:of law < > lords, 11631 MS:did I replaced above by § now, here 5 crossed out and replaced above by 5 so “641 MS:Of strip,-5 crossed out § bare my Q inserted above g sores, PI 868:sores ii651 MS:part PI868:part, 11671 MS:plague Pl868R:plague, P1868:O’ 1168) MS:Curbs, 3 last word written over illegible word 5 at < > time, curb $j crossed out Q the 11711 MS:at Rome; to 1872:at Rome: to plague’s 5 inserted above 5 “721 MS:N.P. 5 marginal notatron 8 The < > both sides $j crossed out and replaced above by 5 weights, P1868:The “731 MS:In the balance vibrate CPl868:I’ the balance, vibrate CP1868:the point. Pl868:o’ < > law 11761 MS:the same. 11751 MS:of < > Law “771 MS:My § crossed out and replaced above by § The < > runaway $j way crossed out and
By what she somehow took for cruelty, Oppression and imperilment of lifeNot that such things were, but that so they seemed: Therefore, the end conceded lawful, (since To save life there’s no risk should stay our leap) It follows that all means to the lawful end Are lawful likewise,- poison, theft and flight. As for the priest’s part, did he meddle or make, Enough that he too thought life jeopardized; Concede him then the colour charity Casts on a doubtful course,-if blackish white Or whitish black, will charity hesitate? What did he else but act the precept out, Leave, like a provident shepherd, his safe flock To follow the single lamb and strayaway? Best hope so and think so,-that the ticklish time I’ the carriage, the tempting privacy, the last Somewhat ambiguous accident at the inn, -All may bear explanation: may? then, must! The letters,-do they so incriminate? But what if the whole prove a prank o’ the pen, Flight of the fancy, none of theirs at all, Bred of the vapours of my brain belike, Or at worst mere exercise of scholar’s-wit In the courtly Caponsacchi: verse, convict? Did not Catullus write less seemly once? Yet doctus and unblemished he abides. Wherefore so ready to infer the worst? Still, I did righteously in bringing doubts For the law to solve,-take the solution now!
replaced above by Q gate 11791 MS:By mine she P1868:By what she t1861 MS:the Priest’s PZ868:the priest’s 1187( MS:jeopardised, PI 868: jeopardised; 1889u:jeopardized; *ts”I MS:Best think $j crossed out and replaced 11951 MS:In PI 868:1’ by Q hope < > think so, and that PZ868:think so,-that ““1 MS:of PZ868:o’ 12011 MS:vapours of your brain PZ868:vapours of my brain irosl MS:verse, forsooth? izor/ MS:scholar’s wit CPZ868:scholar’s-wit ‘2051 MS:doctus P1868:doctus 12081 MS:now. Pl868:verse, convict?
“Seeing that the said associates, wife and priest, Bear themselves not without some touch of blame -Else why the pother, scandal and outcry Which trouble our peace and require chastisement? We, for complicity in Pompilia’s flight And deviation, and carnal intercourse With the same, do set aside and relegate The Canon Caponsacchi for three years At Civita in the neighbourhood of Rome: And we consign Pompilia to the care Of a certain Sisterhood of penitents I’ the city’s self, expert to deal with such.” Word for word, there’s your judgment! Read it, lords, Re-utter your deliberate penalty For the crime yourselves establish! Your awardWho chop a man’s right-hand off at the wrist For tracing with forefinger words in wine 0’ the table of a drinking-booth that bear Interpretation as they mocked the Church! -Who brand a woman black between the breasts For sinning by connection with a Jew: While for the Jew’s self-pudency be dumb! You mete out punishment such and such, yei so Punish the adultery of wife and priest! Take note of that, before the Molinists do, And read me right the riddle, since right must be! While I stood rapt away with wonderment, Voices broke in upon my mood and muse. “Do you sleep?” began the friends at either ear,
P1868:now! lP@‘l MS:Seeing CP1868:“Seeing l*LOl MS:without 1zL21 MS:trouble the peace / touch P1868:without some touch P1868:trouble our peace 12191 MS:sisterhood CP1868:certain Sisterhood 1220/ MS:In < > such. CP1868:“I’ < > such.” 12211 MS:it, Lords, P1868:it, lords, 12241 MS:right hand P1868:right-hand 12261 MS:On <> drinking booth P1868.G’ < > drinking-booth 12281 MS:Who P1868:-Who 12z91 MS:a Jew, P1868:a Jew: 12301 MS:self, . pudency is dumb. PI868:self-pudency CP1868:pudency be dumb! 12321 MS:priest. P1868:priest! 1234) MS:And counsel me the cause, since cause must PZ868:And read me the riddle, since right must 1234-35) MS:3 1 5 P1868.3 no 7 5 1889:s no (; emended to restore 1; see Editorial Notes 5 12351 MS:rapt awhile with thoughts like these, 5 last five words crossed out and replaced above by 5 away with wonderment, 12361 MS:muse, P1868:muse. 12s71 MS:you hear?” began
“The case is settled,-you willed it should be soNone of our counsel, always recollect! With law’s award, budge! Back into your place! Your betters shall arrange the rest for you. We’ll enter a new action, claim divorce: Your marriage was a cheat themselves allow: Your erred i’ the person,-might have married thus Your sister or your daughter unaware. We’ll gain you, that way, liberty at least, Sure of so much by law’s own showing. Up And off with you and your unluckinessLeave us to bury the blunder, sweep things smooth!” I was in humble frame of mind, be sure! I bowed, betook me to my place again. Station by station I retraced the road, Touched at this hostel, passed this post-house by, Where, fresh-remembered yet, the fugitives Had risen to the heroic stature: still“That was the bench they sat on,-there’s the board They took the meal at,-yonder garden-ground They leaned across the gate of,“-ever a word 0’ the Helen and the Paris, with “Ha! you’re he, The . . . much-commiserated husband?” Step By step, across the pelting, did I reach Arezzo, underwent the archway’s grin, Traversed the length of sarcasm in the street, Found myself in my horrible house once more, And after a colloquy . . . no word assists!
12401 MSbudgel Back, Sir, to your < > ear PI 868: you sleep?” began < > ear, 12441 MS:in < > married so P1868:i’ <> married thus PI868:budge! Back into your rz4s( MS:you that way liberty at least tz4s1 MS:unaware: CP1868:unaware. t2471 MS:showing,-so, up CP1868:showing. PZ868:you, that way, liberty at least, t*49( MS:to hide § crossed out and replaced above by 5 built the shame UP 3 crossed out and replaced above by 5 and sweep P1868:blunder, sweep t2stl MS:blowed, left 5 crossed out § 12501 MS:mind by thisCP1868:mind, be sure! betook <> again, CP1868:again. tzssl MS:stature, still in mind Pl868:stature: 12581 MS:of,-ever still12571 MS:& yonder CPZ868:at,-yonder 12591 MS:Of <> with-“Ha,-you’re P1868:O’ <> with “Ha! P1868:of,“-ever you’re t2soI MS:The . much-commiserated husband?“-Step PZ868:husband?” tz6JI MS:And a colloquy . no word Step 1889~: The . much-commiserated 1889a:colloquy . no assists . P1868:And after a colloquy . no word assists!
With the mother and the brothers, stiffened me Straight out from head to foot as dead man does, And, thus prepared for life as he for hell, Marched to the public Square and met the world. 1270 Apologize for the pincers, palliate screws? Ply me with such toy-trifles, I entreat! Trust who has tried both sulphur and sops-in-wine! I played the man as I best might, bade friends Put non-essentials by and face the fact. 1275 “What need to hang myself as you advise? The paramour is banished,-the ocean’s width, Or the suburb’s length,-to Ultima Thule, say, Or Proxima Civitas, what’s the odds of name And place? He’s banished, and the fact’s the thing. EVJOWhy should law banish innocence an inch? Here’s guilt then, what else do I care to know? The adulteress lies imprisoned,-whether in a well With bricks above and a snake for company, Or tied by a garter to a bed-post,-much ~85 I mind what’s little,-least’s enough and to spare! The little fillip on the coward’s cheek Serves as though crab-tree cudgel broke his pate. Law has pronounced there’s punishment, less or more: And I take note o’ the fact and use it thus-
12671 MS:Strait < > I2661 MS:the Mother < > Brothers Pl868:mother < > brothers as a dead P1868:as dead 1889a:Straight 1*68( MS:And thus < > for hell, what would you have? P1868:And, thus <> for life as he for hell, l*@) MS:public square CP1868:public Square I?701 MS:Apologise 1889a:Apologize 12711 MS:Poke away 5 last two words crossed out and replaced above by § Ply me with such 5 crossed out and replaced by 5 your 3 crossed out and such restored § P1868:PIay CP1868:Ply 12721 MS:both. Pray you, a § period and following three words rrossed out and replaced above by dash and following two words 3 -sulphur and sops of 5 crossed out and replaced above by 3 in wine! PI868:sulphur and sops-in-wine! l*731 MS:bade my friends P1868:bade friends 12761 MS:The Paramour is banished,-banished the PZ868:paramour is banished,-the 1*7s) MS:of the 5 crossed out 5 name 12s51 MS:little when least’s <> spare. P1868;little,-least’s spare! PI868:punishment, less or more: 12*g1MS:of 12881 MS:punishment less or more,
For the first flaw in the original bond, I claim release. My contract was to wed The daughter of Pietro and Violante. Both Protest they never had a child at all. Then I have never made a contract: good! Cancel me quick the thing pretended one. I shall be free. What matter if hurried over The harbour-boom by a great favouring tide, Or the last of a spent ripple that lifts and leaves? The Abate is about it. Laugh who wins! You shall not laugh me out of faith in law! I listen, through all your noise, to Rome!” Rome spoke. In three months letters thence admonished me, “Your plan for the divorce is all mistake. It would hold, now, had you, taking thought to wed Rachel of the blue eye and golden hair, Found swarth-skinned Leah cumber couch next day: But Rachel, blue-eyed golden-haired aright, Proving to be only Laban’s child, not Lot’s, Remains yours all the same for ever more. No whit to the purpose is your plea: you err I’ the person and the quality-nowise In the individual, -that’s the case in point! You go to the ground,are met by a cross-suit For separation, of the Rachel here, From bed and board,-she is the injured one, You did the wrong and have to answer it. As for the circumstance of imprisonment And colour it lends to this your new attack,
PI 868.~3’ 12901 MS: bond PI 868:bond, 12g71 MStide P1868:tide, 12g8( MS:lifts me and P1868:lifts and l3OO1 MS:in Law! Pl868:in law! r3011 MS:listen through < > noise to Rome1 / Rome spoke. P1868:listen, through < > noise, to Romel” / Rome spoke. is021 MS:months, Brother Paul § last two words crossed out and replaced above by two words $j letters thence PZ868:months letters 13031 MS:mistakeCPl868:mistake. ‘3051 MS:hair P1868:hair, 1~0~1 MS:Proved to be 5 last two words inserted above $j only P1868:Proving to be only i”ogI MS:same and forever P1868:same for ever 13101 MS:plea: no fault Q last two words crossed out and replaced above by two words 5 you err r3*il MS:In PZ868:I’ ‘3’41 MS:separation of your injured wife 3 last three words crossed out and replaced above three words 5 the Rachel here PZ868:separation, of < > here, ur*l MS:And the
Never fear, that point is considered too! The durance is already at an end; The convent-quiet preyed upon her health, She is transferred now to her parents’ house -No-parents, when that cheats and plunders you, But parentage again confessed in full, When such confession pricks and plagues you moreAs now-for, this their house is not the house In Via Vittoria wherein neighbours’ watch Might incommode the freedom of your wife, But a certain villa smothered up in vines At the town’s edge by the gate i’ the Pauline Way, Out of eye-reach, out of ear-shot, little and lone, Whither a friend, -at Civita, we hope, A good half-dozen-hours’ ride off,-might, some eve, Betake himself, and whence ride back, some morn, Nobody the wiser: but be that as it may, Do not afflict your brains with trifles now. You have still three suits to manage, all and each Ruinous truly should the event play false. It is indeed the likelier so to do, That brother Paul, your single prop and stay, After a vain attempt to bring the Pope To set aside procedures, sit himself And summarily use prerogative, Afford us the infallible finger’s tact
lszll MSConvent-quiet colour CPI868:And colour ‘““1 MS:too. PZ868:tool 132s) MS:-No-parents, -when that plagues 3 crossed out and PI868:convent-quiet P1868:-No-parents, when 13241 MS:pa.rentage back replaced above by $ cheats $j crossed out 5 again and ten times more $ last four words crossed out and replaced above by Q ls*61 MS:for this P1868:for, this confessed . . . in full, Pl868:confessed in full, 13291 MS:certain ts*rl MS:neighbours’ eye 3 crossed out and replaced above by § watch rss”) MS:in the Pauline little Q crossed out 5 Villa, smothered P1868:villa smothered P1868:at Civita, we way, Pl868:i’ the Pauline Way, 1”3*{ MS:at Civita we hope r3s31 MS:And § crossed out 5 a Q altered to $j A < > six § crossed out and replaced hope, above by Q half-dozen hours’ ride distant § crossed out and replaced above by 5 off,us41 MS:himself, and § inserted above line 5 whence slink CP1868:half-dozen-hours’ away 5 last two words crossed out and replaced above by Q back P1868:whence ride back § ahered to § Nobody the Q crossed out and then restored $t *3ssj MS:And Q crossed out 5 nobody rss*l MS:event be wrong § last wiser 13371 MS:have still 5 inserted above 5 three two words
out and replaced
by two words
5 so prove.
§ last two words
To disentwine your tangle of affairs, Paul,-finding it moreover past his strength To stem the irruption, bear Rome’s ridicule Of * . . since friends must speak . . . to be round with you . . . Of the old outwitted husband, wronged and wroth, Pitted against a brace of juvenilesA brisk priest who is versed in Ovid’s art More than his Summa, and a gamesome wife Able to act Corinna without book, Beside the waggish parents who played dupes To dupe the duper-(and truly divers scenes Of the Arezzo palace, tickle rib And tease eye till the tears come, so we laugh; Nor wants the shock at the inn its comic force, And then the letters and poetry-merum sal!) -Paul, finally, in such a state of things, After a brief temptation to go jump And join the fishes in the Tiber, drowns Sorrow another and a wiser way: House and goods, he has sold all off, is gone, I .eaves Rome, -whether for France or Spain, who knows? Or Britain almost divided from our orb. You have lost him anyhow.” Now,-1 see my lords Shift in their seat,- would I could do the same! They probably please expect my bile was moved To purpose, nor much blame me: now, they judge,
period crossed out 5 ‘““‘1 MS:irruption of Rome’s PZ868:irruption, bear Rome’s 1348/ MS:speak . . to < > you. . 1889a:speak . . . to < > you . . . 134g1 MS:husband wronged Pl868:husband, wronged 135o/ hlS:j uveniles P1868:juveniles13511 MS:who has studied 5 last two words crossed out and replaced above by three words Q is versed in 13521 MS:than A-Kempis Q crossed out and replaced above by two words 5 his Summa < > a sprightly § crossed out and replaced by $j gamesome 13541 MS:dupe P1868:dupes ‘“““I MS: t h e A rezzo Palace tickle P1868:the Arezzo palace, tickle ‘3571 MS:teaze the s erased Q eye < > laughCPI868:tease < > laugh; 13591 MS:poetry-merum PI868:poetry-merum 13601 MS:-Paul finally PZ868:-Paul, finally 13641 MS:all $j f o 11owed by illegible erasure 5 off 13691 MS:And Q crossed out and replaced above by § They < > please to expect P1868:please expect 13701 MS:purpose nor without reason Q last two words crossed out and replaced above by three words Q much blame me: now, you conceive, 5 last two words crossed out and
The fiery titillation urged my flesh Break through the bonds. By your pardon, no, sweet Sirs! I got such missives in the public place; When I sought home,- with such news, mounted stair And sat at last in the sombre gallery, (‘Twas Autumn, the old mother in bed betimes, Having to bear that cold, the finer-frame Of her daughter-in-law had found intolerableThe brother, walking misery away 0’ the mountain-side with dog and gun belike) As I supped, ate the coarse bread, drank the wine Weak once, now acrid with the toad’s-head-squeeze, My wife’s bestowment,-I broke silence thus: “Let me, a man, manfully meet the fact, Confront the worst o’ the truth, end, and have peace! I am irremediably beaten here,The gross illiterate vulgar couple,-bah! Why, they have measured forces, mastered mine, Made me their spoil and prey from first to last. They have got my name,- ‘tis nailed now fast to theirs, The child or changeling is anyway my wife; Point by point as they plan they execute, They gain all, and I lose all-even to the lure That led to loss, -they have the wealth again They hazarded awhile to hook me with, Have caught the fish and find the bait entire: They even have their child or changeling back To trade with, turn to account a second time. The brother presumably might tell a tale Or give a warning,-he, too, flies the field,
P1868:purpose, nor replaced above by two words 5 they judge, ‘3’i’( MS:Thc titillation urged flesh break the bonds. PI868:The fiery titillation urged my flesh Pl868:Break i3’“I MS:By your pardon, no, lords! Nowise moved my bile. through the bonds. By < > no, sweet Sirs! 1s75I MS:sombre room alone PZ868:sombre gallery, 13@JI MS:On 1377( MS:cold the P1868:cold, the P1868:O' i3s11 MS:bread, and 5 inserted above 5 drank the weak 5 crossed out § wine P1868:bread, drank is@1 MS:toad’s-head-squeeze PI868:toad’s-head-squeeze, 13a31 MS:Of my wedded 3 crossed out 5 wife’s < > I began 5 crossed out and replaced above by P1868:My wife’s 13*51 MS:of P1868:o' three words and colon 3 broke silence thus: iss*I MS:force and mastered PZ868:forces mastered tsgol MS:have gained § crossed out and replaced above by § got *sstI MS:wife, P1868:wife; is991 MS:brother, presumably 1889a:brother presumably 14001 MS:too flies PI868:too, flies
And with him vanish help and hope of help. They have caught me in the cavern where I fell, Covered my loudest cry for human aid With this enormous paving-stone of shame. Well, are we demigods or merely clay? Is success still attendant on desert? Is this, we live on, heaven and the final state, Or earth which means probation to the end? Why claim escape from man’s predestined lot Of being beaten and baffled?-God’s decree, In which I, bowing bruised head, acquiesce. One of us Franceschini fell long since I’ the Holy Land, betrayed, tradition runs, To Paynims by the feigning of a girl He rushed to free from ravisher, and found Lay safe enough with friends in ambuscade Who flayed him while she clapped her hands and laughed: Let me end, falling by a like device. It will not be so hard. I am the last 0’ my line which will not suffer any more. I have attained to my full fifty years, (About the average of us all, ‘tis said, Though it seems longer to the unlucky man) -Lived through my share of life; let all end here, Me and the house and grief and shame at once. Friends my informants,-1 can bear your blow!” And I believe ‘twas in no unmeet match For the stoic’s mood, with something like a smile, That, when morose December roused me next, I took into my hand, broke seal to read The new epistle from Rome. “All to no use! Whate’er the turn next injury take,” smiled I,
i40zI MS:the pitfall where I lie, Pl868:the cavern where I fell, 14071 MS:this we live on Heaven and the happy state PZ868:this, we live on, heaven and the final state, r4091 MS:claim exe Q crossed out and replaced above by 3 escape. i4111 MS:bowing a bruised P1868:bowing bruised r4is1 MS:betrayed, so runs the tale, PZ868:betrayed, tradition runs, 14161 MS:Was safe P1868:Lay safe i4r*1 MS:end falling CP1868:end, falling 14201 MS:Of my race which CP1868:O’ my line which r4**1 MS:About PZ868:(About i4*sl MS:man, Pl868:man) 14241 MS:Lived Pl868:-Lived 14251 MS:and my Q crossed out and replaced above by 5 the < > and the grief PI 868:and grief 14321 MS:Whatever the turn this injury take” smiled I
“Here’s one has chosen his part and knows his cue. I am done with, dead now; strike away, good friends! Are the three suits decided in a trite? Against me, -there’s no question! How does it go? Is the parentage of my wife demonstrated Infamous to her wish? Parades she now Loosed of the tincture that so irked the loin? Is the last penny extracted from my purse To mulct me for demanding the first pound Was promised in return for value paid? Has the priest, with nobody to court beside, Courted the Muse in exile, hitched my hap Into a rattling ballad-rhyme which, bawled At tavern-doors, wakes rapture everywhere, And helps cheap wine down throat this Christmas time, Beating the bagpipes? Any or all of these! As well, good friends, you cursed my palace here To its old cold stone face,-stuck your cap for crest Over the shield that’s extant in the Square,Or spat on the statue’s cheek, the impatient world Sees cumber tomb-top in our family church: Let him creep under covert as I shall do, Half below-ground already indeed. Good-bye! My brothers are priests, and childless so; that’s wellAnd, thank God most for this, no child leave INone after me to bear till his heart break The being a Franceschini and my son!” “Nay,”
said the letter, “but you have just that!
us31 MS:1 have my § last three Pl868:Whate’er the turn next injury take,” smiled I, words crossed out and replaced above by $j Here’s one has chosen his < > knows my 5 crossed P1868:questionl How out and replaced by 5 his 143q MSquestion: how r44s( MS:the Priest 14411 MS:To pay 5 crossed out and replaced above by 5 mulct me P1868:the priest 1444/ MS:the M use at Civi $j last two words crossed out and replaced 14451 MS:which bawled P1868:which, bawled above by two words Q in exile 14481 MS:these, 14461 MS:A t T avern-doors wakes P1868:tavern-doors, wakes coat 5 last two words crossed out and replaced P1868:these! ‘45’) MS: th e h ousehold above by following word 5 shield that shown you 5 last two words crossed out and replaced 14521 MS:cheek, that P1868:the Square,above by 9 ‘s extant < > the square,the impatient world 5 over what appears an erasure $j after age P1868:cheek, 14551 MS:below ground < > Good bye! PZ868:below-ground 1868:Good-bye! said the letter “But you do leave just P1868:“Nay,” said the letter, “but 14601 MS:“Nay”
A babe, your veritable son and heir‘tis only eight months since your wife Lawful,Left you,- so, son and heir, your babe was born Last Wednesday in the villa,-you see the cause For quitting Convent without beat of drum, Stealing a hurried march to this retreat That’s not so savage as the Sisterhood To slips and stumbles: Pietro’s heart is soft, Violante leans to pity’s side,-the pair Ushered you into life a bouncing boy: And he’s already hidden away and safe From any claim on him you mean to makeThey need him for themselves,-don’t fear, they know The use o’ the bantling,-the nerve thus laid bare To nip at, new and nice, with finger-nail!” Then I rose up like fire, and fire-like roared. What, all is only beginning not ending now? The worm which wormed its way from skin through flesh To the bone and there lay biting, did its best,What, it goes on to scrape at the bone’s self, Will wind to inmost marrow and madden me? There’s to be yet my representative, Another of the name shall keep displayed The flag with the ordure on it, brandish still The broken sword has served to stir a jakes? Who will he be, how will you call the man? A Franceschini, -when who cut my purse, Filched my name, hemmed me round, hustled me hard
you have just 1*6rl MS:A son and heir Q last four words crossed out and replaced above by four words 8 A babe, your veritable ‘4641 MS:the Villa PZ868:the villa l*r*( MS:of the bantling ,-the 5 written over a word r*ssI MS:drum PZ868:drum, now illegible Q nerve P1868:o’ 1476) MS:roaredPI868:roared. 14771 MS:“What P1868:What 1*r81 MS:the snake Q crossed out and replaced above by Q worm ‘4’91 MS:best, 1889a:best,r*80\ MS:self PI868:self, **all MS:wind its way Q last two words crossed out Q to the inmost Q inserted above line Q C PI 868: to inmost 1483) MS:of my § crossed out and replaced above by 5 the ““51 MS:to bolt a PZ868:to stir a 14861 MS:manP1868:man? 14871 MS:A Franceschini, when P1868:A Franceschini,-when 14881 MS:round, and 5 crossed
As rogues at a fair some fool they strip i’ the midst, 14go When these count gains, vaunt pillage presently:But a Caponsacchi, oh, be very sure! When what demands its tribute of applause Is the cunning and impudence o’ the pair of cheats, The lies and lust o’ the mother, and the brave 14g5 Bold carriage of the priest, worthily crowned By a witness to his feat i’ the following age,And how this three-fold cord could hook and fetch And land leviathan that king of pride! Or say, by some mad miracle of chance, 1500 Is he indeed my flesh and blood, this babe? Was it because fate forged a link at last Betwixt my wife and me, and both alike Found we had henceforth some one thing to love, Was it when she could damn my soul indeed 1505 She unlatched door, let all the devils o’ the dark Dance in on me to cover her escape? Why then, the surplusage of disgrace, the spilth Over and above the measure of infamy, Failing to take effect on my coarse flesh ~~0 Seasoned with scorn now, saturate with shame,Is saved to instil on and corrode the brow,
out 5 hustled Q illegible word 5 148g1 MS:in the midst P1868:i’ the midst, 14g1) MS:oh be very sure, P1868:oh, be very 14g01 MS:presently: PZ868:presently:14941 MS:The lies sure! 14g31 MS an d t h e 5 crossed out $j impudence of PI868:o’ 5 inserted above 5 And < > of PZ868:and < > o’ 14961 MS:in CPI868:i’ PI 868: king of pride! ts’~tl MS:because a link ‘4981 MS:that King of pride. Q indication that last two words are to be transposed to follow forged § was 15031 MS:Found at last Q crossed out and replaced above by Q fate forged at 1504) MS:it 5 last two words crossed out 5 we had henceforth 8 inserted above 5 then $j crossed out Q when < > indeed CPZ868:indeed, 5 comma apparently added and then 15061 MS:me 15051 MS:unlatched the door PZ868:unlatched door crossed out Q 1507) MS:of shame 5 crossed out and and 5 crossed out and replaced above by 5 to out $j infamy P1868:infamy, 15081 MS:of agony Q crossed . replaced above by 5 disgrace 1510) MS:with venom Q crossed out and 15091 MS:coarse clay 5 crossed out $, flesh replaced above by § slander 5 crossed out and replaced by s scorn now, and 5 crossed out § 1511) MS:brow P1868:brow, saturate < > shame, Pl868:shame,-
The baby-softness of my first-born childThe child I had died to see though in a dream, The child I was bid strike out for, beat the wave And baffle the tide of troubles where I swam, So I might touch shore, lay down life at last At the feet so dim and distant and divine Of the apparition, as ‘twere Mary’s Babe Had held, through night and storm, the torch aloft,Born now in very deed to bear this brand On forehead and curse me who could not save! Rather be the town talk true, square’s jest, street’s jeer True, my own inmost heart’s confession true, And he the priest’s bastard and none of mine! Ay, there was cause for flight, swift flight and sure! The husband gets unruly, breaks all bounds When he encounters some familiar face, Fashion of feature, brow and eyes and lips Where he least looked to find them,-time to fly! This bastard then, a nest for him is made, As the manner is of vermin, in my flesh: Shall I let the filthy pest buzz, flap and sting, Busy at my vitals and, nor hand nor foot Lift, but let be, lie still and rot resigned? No, I appeal to God,-what says Himself, How lessons Nature when I look to learn? Why, that I am alive, am still a man With brain and heart and tongue and right-hand tooNay, even with friends, in such a cause as this,
15’21 MS:And Q crossed out and replaced 1518) MS:babe 1889a:‘twere above by 5 The Mary’s Babe 15211 MS:On the forehead P1868:On forehead 15**/ MS:town-talk uue, the stree § last two words crossed out and replaced above by 5 square’s PI868:true, Square’s 2889a:town talk true, square’s 1524) MS:And he’s priest’s, bastard < > 15251 MS:sure, mine,PI868:priest’s bastard < > mine! 2889a:And he the P1868:sure! 15281 MS:feature, brow and § last two words inserted above Q eyes and lips and ch Q last two words crossed out 5 15291 MS:look P1868:looked 15s4( MS:Lift but PI868:Lift, but 15351 MS:says ‘53’1 MS:flesh1889a:flesh: the Book § last two words crossed out and replaced above by Q Himself, 1538) MS:right hand P1868:right-hand 15s6( MS:lessons nature PZ868:lessons Nature
Secresy, safety, schemes not how retreat, Having schemed he might advance. Did I so scheme? Why, with a warrant which ‘tis ask and have, With horse thereby made mine without a word, I had gained the frontier and slept safe that night. Then, my companions, -call them what you please, Slave or stipendiary,-what need of one To me whose right-hand did its owner’s work? Hire an assassin yet expose yourself? As well buy glove and then thrust naked hand I’ the thorn-bush. No, the wise man stays at home, Sends only agents out, with pay to earn: At home, when they come back,-he straight discards Or else disowns. Why use such tools at all When a man’s foes are of his house, like mine, Sit at his board, sleep in his bed? Why noise, When there’s the acquetta and the silent way? Clearly my life was valueless. But now Health is returned, and sanity of soul Nowise indifferent to the body’s harm. I find the instinct bids me save my life; My wits, too, rally round me; I pick up And use the arms that strewed the ground before, Unnoticed or spurned aside: I take my stand, Make my defence. God shall not lose a life May do Him further service, while I speak And you hear, you my judges and last hope!
Pl868:schemes not how retreat, t7t4( MS:And the 17111 MSxhemes he may retreat horse PZ868:With horse 17ts( MS:Then my companions, call < > please,17171 MS:stipendiary, what CPl868:Then my companions,-call < > please, 17221 MS:out with < > earn, P1868:stipendiary,-what lr*tl MS:In PI868:I’ 1889:Sends only Z889a:Send, only DC, BrU: Sends only PZ868:out with <> earn: 17261 MS&d: why noise CP1868:bed? 172s1 MS:back,-why, he Pl868:back,-he 17281 MS:valueless: but Why noise, 17271 MS:acquetta P1868:acquetta PZ868:I find the <> life; PZ868:valueless. 5 11 $j But r7sr) MS:1 have the <> life, 17~4) MS:aside, I PI868:aside: I 17321 MS:me: I PZ868:me; I trsrl MS:my Judges P1868:my judges 17351 MS:defence, God PI868:defence. God
The God’s-gift to mankind, impulse to quench The antagonistic spark of hell and tread Satan and all his malice into dust, Declare to the world the one law, right is right. Then the cloud re-encompassed me, and so I found myself, as on the wings of winds, Arrived: I was at Rome on Christmas Eve. Festive bells-everywhere the Feast o’ the Babe, Joy upon earth, peace and good will to man! I am baptized. I started and let drop The dagger. “Where is it, His promised peace?” Nine days o’ the Birth-Feast did I pause and pray To enter into no temptation more. I bore the hateful house, my brother’s once, Deserted,-let the ghost of social joy Mock and make mouths at me from empty room And idle door that missed the master’s step,Bore the frank wonder of incredulous eyes, As my own people watched without a word, Waited, from where they huddled round the hearth Black like all else, that nod so slow to come. I stopped my ears even to the inner call Of the dread duty, only heard the song “Peace upon earth,” saw nothing but the face 0’ the Holy Infant and the halo there Able to cover yet another face Behind it, Satan’s which I else should see. But, day by day, joy waned and withered off: The Babe’s face, premature with peak and pine, Sank into wrinkled ruinous old age, Suffering and death, then mist-like disappeared,
Fragment 15681 MS:The God’s gift P1868:The God’s-gift 15751 MS:Christmas Eve,-everywhere < > of 5 next two words written above but without indicatjon where they 1576\ MS:Joy on the are to go 8 festive bells P1868:Festive bells-everywhere < > o’ 15’81 MS:it, earth Pl868: Joy upon earth 15771 MS:baptised PZ868:baptized the 3 crossed out and replaced above by 8 his P1868:it, His ‘5’91 MS:of P1868:o’ 15811 MS:the horrible house P1868:the hateful house 15851 MS:cyes Pl868:eyes, 15861 MS:word P1868:word, 158*1 MS:come1889a:come. ‘5go1 MS:duty, heard only the angel’s song Pl868:only the song 1872:duty, only heard the ‘5=1 MS:off, P1868:off: ‘5961 MS:The babe’s 1-21 MS:Of P1868:O’ CP1868:The Babe’s 15q8( MS:§ crowded between lines 1597 and 1599 §
And showed only the Cross at end of all, Left nothing more to interpose ‘twixt me And the dread duty: for the angels’ song, “Peace upon earth,” louder and louder pealed “0 Lord, how long, how long be unavenged?” On the ninth day, this grew too much for man. I started up- “Some end must be!” At once, Silence: then, scratching like a death-watch-tick, Slowly within my brain was syllabled, “One more concession, one decisive way And but one, to determine thee the truth,This way, in fine, I whisper in thy ear: Now doubt, anon decide, thereupon act!” “That is a way, thou whisperest in my ear! I doubt, I will decide, then act,” said IThen beckoned my companions: “Time is come!”
And so, all yet uncertain save the will To do right, and the daring aught save leave Right undone, I did find myself at last I’ the dark before the villa with my friends, And made the experiment, the final test, Ultimate chance that ever was to be For the wretchedness inside. I knocked, pronounced The name, the predetermined touch for truth, “What welcome for the wanderer? Open straight-” To the friend, physician, friar upon his rounds,
rsor-41 MS:duty,-louder and louder pealed/ “Shall sin’s work ever thus be managed?“/ On < > day this < > man, PlBdf:duty,-for the angel’s song,/ “Peace upon earth” louder < > / < > unavenged?“/ On <> day, this < > man CPl868:earth,” louder < > / “0 Lord, how long, how long be unavenged?“/ <> man. I6051 MS:be!” At once, § over rso6/ MS:death-watch tick, Pl868:death-watch-tick, illegible erasure 5 16O*j MS:One P1868:“One 16071 MS:Plainly within P1868:Slowly within tso91 MS:one to <> truth, PJ868:one, to <> truth,161°] MS:way in fine I P1868:way, in fine, 1 1611-121 MS:§ no n § P1868: 6 7 § 16’21 MS:5 crowded between lines 1611 and 1613 3 earPI868;earl 16141 MS:companions. “Time is come-” PI868:companions: “Time is come!” 16r5/ MS:N.P. 3 marginal notation 5 rsrsl MS:In < > Villa tst61 MS:right and P1868:right, and P1868:I’ < > villa 16211 MS:knocked-pronounced 1889a:knocked. pronounced rs*s[ MS:straight-
Traveller belated, beggar lame and blind? No, but-“to Caponsacchi!” And the door Opened. And then ,-why, even then, I think, I’ the minute that confirmed my worst of fears, Surely,-1 pray God that I think aright!Had but Pompilia’s self, the tender thing Who once was good and pure, was once my lamb And lay in my bosom, had the well-known shape Fronted me in the door-way,-stood there faint With the recent pang perhaps of giving birth To what might, though by miracle, seem my child,Nay more, I will say, had even the aged fool Pietro, the dotard, in whom folly and age Wrought, more than enmity or malevolence, To practise and conspire against my peace,Had either of these but opened, I had paused. But it was she the hag, she that brought hell For a dowry with her to her husband’s house, She the mock-mother, she that made the match And married me to perdition, spring and source 0’ the fire inside me that boiled up from heart To brain and hailed the Fury gave it birth,Violante Comparini, she it was, With the old grin amid the wrinkles yet, Opened: as if in turning from the Cross, With trust to keep the sight and save my soul, I had stumbled, first thing, on the serpent’s head Coiled with a leer at foot of it. There was the end! Then was I rapt away by the impulse, one
rs*sl MS:but-to P1868:straight-” r62s1 MS:blind?1889a:blind? Caponsacchi! And P1868:but-“to Caponsacchi!” And 16271 MS:why even P1868:why, even t62*1 MS:In < > fears PZ868:I’ < > fears, rssgl MS:Surely I<>aright . . P1868:Surely,-I < > aright!rss”l MS:Had poor § crossed out and replaced above by § but 16311 MS:my wife P1868:my lamb rss*l MS:Had lain 16341 MS:pang, 5 last two words crossed out and replaced above by two words § And lay ‘@aI MS:Wrought more < > malevolence perhaps, of 1889a:pang perhaps of P1868:Wrought, more < > malevolence, 16391 MS:practice 1889a:practise 16441 MS:perdition, she, $Jword and comma crossed out 3 spring and 5 inserted above § source 16451 MS:Of < > me, that PZ868:O’ < > me that 16521 MS:at the foot of it. There
Immeasurable everlasting wave of a need To abolish that detested life. ‘Twas done: You know the rest and how the folds o’ the thing, Twisting for help, involved the other two More or Iess serpent-like: how I was mad, Blind, stamped on all, the earth-worms with the asp, And ended so. You came on me that night, Your officers of justice,-caught the crime In the first natural frenzy of remorse? Twenty miles off, sound sleeping as a child On a cloak i’ the straw which promised shelter first, With the bloody arms beside me,-was it not so? Wherefore not? Why, how else should I be found? I was my own self, had my sense again, My soul safe from the serpents. I could sleep: Indeed and, dear my lords, I shall sleep now, Spite of my shoulder, in five minutes’ space, When you dismiss me, having truth enough! It is but a few days are passed, I find, Since this adventure. Do you tell me, four? Then the dead are scarce quiet where they lie, Old Pietro, old Violante, side by side At the church Lorenzo,-oh, they know it well! So do I. But my wife is still alive, Has breath enough to tell her story yet, Her way, which is not mine, no doubt at all. And Caponsacchi, you have summoned him,Was he so far to send for? Not at hand?
16541 MS:everlasting fire of a will <> end. P1868:at foot of it. 3 7 § There <> end! 165s1 MS:oE the thing Pl868:o’ the thing, Pl868:everlasting wave of a need is571 MS:help involved P1868:help, involved rG5s1 MS:serpent-like and I P1868:serpent-like: how I rs591 MS:all, those earth-worms PI868:all, the Pl868:so. 11s You issi( PZ868rcrime #followed earth-worms ‘6601 MS:so. You 16621 MS:remorse,P1868:remorse? by punctuation illegibly crossed out § 16641 MS:in P1868:i’ 16ss( MS:Thirty miles P1868:Twenty miles rsss/ MS:With my < > sleep. CPZ868:My <> sleep: ‘6@1 MS:now PI868:now, r6rol MS:space Pl868:space, rsrrl MS:enough. P1868:enough! isr*( MS:days ago, I P1868:days are passed, I i6rsl MS:From this CPl868:Since l6751 MS:old Violante, at the church § last three this I6741 MS:lie P1868:lie. i6s11 MS:He, as is right will 8 last five words crossed words crossed out 3 side by side
I thought some few o’ the stabs were in his heart, Or had not been so lavish: less had served. Well, he too tells his story,-florid prose 1685 As smooth as mine is rough. You see, my lords, There will be a lying intoxicating smoke Born of the blood,-confusion probably,For lies breed lies-but all that rests with you1 The trial is no concern of mine; with me 1690 The main of the care is over: I at least Recognize who took that huge burthen off, Let me begin to live again. I did God’s bidding and man’s duty, so, breathe free; Look you to the rest! I heard Himself prescribe, 1695 That great Physician, and dared lance the core Of the bad ulcer; and the rage abates, I am myself and whole now: I prove cured By the eyes that see, the ears that hear again, The limbs that have relearned their youthful play, 1700 The healthy taste of food and feel of clothes And taking to our common life once more, All that now urges my defence from death. The willingness to live, what means it else? Before,-but let the very action speak! 1705 Judge for yourselves, what life seemed worth to me Who, not by proxy but in person, pitched Head-foremost into danger as a fool That never cares if he can swim or noSo he but find the bottom, braves the brook. 1710 No man omits precaution, quite neglects
out 5 Was rsss[ MS:of < > heart PI868:o’ < > heart, rfin31 MS:lavish,-less 1889a:lavish: less r6861 MS:intoxicating fume P1868:intoxicating smoke l6*81 MS:you, PZ868:youl rssr1 MS:Recognise 1889a:Recognize q xs:so rsg4) MS:rest. I Pl868:rest! I rsg6) MS:the bad breathe CP1868.30, breathe 16971 MS:and cured § crossed out § inserted above (j < > the burning § crossed out 5 rage rrO+l MS:the very 5 inserted above 3 < > speakand replaced by § whole Pl868:speakl rrOs( MS:Who not < > person pitched P1868:Who, not < > person, pitched r7O7( MS:into the danger CP1868:into danger L7°8/ MS:never thinks 5 crossed out and replaced above by 8 cares I7091 MS:but reach 5 crossed out and r7ro) MSprecautions P1868:precaution replaced above by 5 find
Secresy, safety, schemes not how retreat, Having schemed he might advance. Did I so scheme? Why, with a warrant which ‘tis ask and have, With horse thereby made mine without a word, I had gained the frontier and slept safe that night. Then, my companions,-call them what you please, Slave or stipendiary,-what need of one To me whose right-hand did its owner’s work? Hire an assassin yet expose yourself? As well buy glove and then thrust naked hand I’ the thorn-bush. No, the wise man stays at home, Sends only agents out, with pay to earn: At home, when they come back,-he straight discards Or else disowns. Why use such tools at all When a man’s foes are of his house, like mine, Sit at his board, sleep in his bed? Why noise, and the silent way? When there’s the acquetta Clearly my life was valueless. But now Health is returned, and sanity of soul Nowise indifferent to the body’s harm. I find the instinct bids me save my life; My wits, too, rally round me; I pick up And use the arms that strewed the ground before, Unnoticed or spurned aside: I take my stand, Make my defence. God shall not lose a life May do Him further service, while I speak And you hear, you my judges and last hope!
17111 MSxhemes he may retreat P1868:schemes not how retreat, 171*( MS:And the horse Pl868:With horse 1’161 M&Then my companions, call < > please,CP1868:Then, my companions,-call < > please, 1717[ MS:stipendiary, what PI868:stipendiary,-what 17211 MS:In P1868:I’ 17221 MS:out with < > earn, P1868:out with < > earn: 1889a:Send, only DC, BrU: Sends only 1889:Sends only 17231 MS:back,-why, he Pl868:back,-he 17esl MS:bed: why noise CP1868:bedI Why noise, 17271 MS:acquetta P1868:acquetta 17281 MS:valueless: but PI868:valueless. 5 15 But 17311 MS:1 have the <> life, P1868:I find the < > life; 173*) MS:me: I PI868B:me; I l73*1 MS:aside, I PI868:aside: I I7351 MS:defence, God P1868:defence. God 17971 MS:my Judges P1868:my judges
You are the law: ‘tis to the law I look. I began life by hanging to the law, To the law it is I hang till life shall end. My brother made appeal to the Pope, ‘tis true, To stay proceedings, judge my cause himself Nor trouble law,- some fondness of conceit That rectitude, sagacity sufficed The investigator in a case like mine, Dispensed with the machine of law. The Pope Knew better, set aside my brother’s plea And put me back to law,-referred the cause Ad judices meos,- doubtlessly did well. Here, then, I clutch my judges,-1 claim lawCry, by the higher law whereof your law 0’ the land is humbly representative,Cry, on what point is it, where either accuse, I fail to furnish you defence? I stand Acquitted, actually or virtually, By every intermediate kind of court That takes account of right or wrong in man, Each unit in the series that begins With God’s throne, ends with the tribunal here.
17s81 MS:the Law <> Law P1868:the law <> law 17sg1 MS:the Law, PI 868: the 17401 MS:the Law Pl868:the law 17*11 MS:the Pope, supposed 5 crossed law, 1742) MS:there $j followed by two out and replaced above by § you Q crossed out 5 ‘tis illegible words, all replaced above by three words and comma 5 to stay proceedings, 1748( MS:to Law PI 868: to law L7501 MS:then, I find $ crossed out and replaced above by § clutch < > law1 CPl868:law17511 MS:And 5 crossed out and replaced above by word and comma Q Cry, by the higher 5 inserted above § law of the land, and the higher law 5 last eight words crossed out and replaced above by four words $ whereof $ illegible word crossed out 5 your 5 inserted above 3 law 1752( MS:Whereof it is earth’s 5 last five words crossed out and replaced above by five words 5 Of the land is humbly representative, PZ868:O’ < > representative,175x1 MS:Say 5 crossed out and replaced above by $j Come, on what single 5 crossed out 9 point is it § last two words inserted above 9 where both make 5 last two words crossed out and replaced above by Q either accuse, CP1868:C;ry, on 17541 MS:Fail I Q indication that these two words are to be reversed in order $j to make good my 3 last three words crossed out and replaced above by two words $j furnish you defences? I Q crossed out and replaced above by 5 Who § crossed out and original reading restored $j Pl868:defence? I 17551 MS:Acquitted, or actually CPZ868:Acquitted, actually ITS61 MS:But 5 classed . out and replaced above by $j By 17581 MS:that depends § crossed out 3 begins 17591 MS:From 5 crossed out and replaced above by 5 With God’s throne, to your own 5 last three words crossed out and replaced above by three words Q ends with the
1760 God breathes, not speaks, his verdicts, felt not heard, Passed on successively to each court I call Man’s conscience, custom, manners, all that make More and more effort to promulgate, mark God’s verdict in determinable words, 1765 Till last come human jurists-solidify Fluid result, -what’s fixable lies forged, Statute, -the residue escapes in fume, Yet hangs aloft, a cloud, as palpable To the finer sense as word the legist welds. 1770 Justinian’s Pandects only make precise What simply sparkled in men’s eyes before, Twitched in their brow or quivered on their lip, Waited the speech they called but would not come. These courts then, whose decree your own confirms,1775 Take my whole life, not this last act alone, Look on it by the light reflected thence! What has Society to charge me with? Come, unreservedly,-favour none nor fear,I am Guido Franceschini, am I not? 17*0 You know the courses I was free to take? I took just that which let me serve the Church, I gave it all my labour in body and soul Till these broke down i’ the service. “Specify?” Well, my last patron was a Cardinal.
17601 MS:breathes the absolute § last two words crossed out < > hereCPX 868: here. and replaced above by three words Q not speaks his verdicts felt not heardt761( MS:to the courts CPZ868:breathes, not speaks, his verdicts, felt not heard, 17621 MS:Man’s § in margin 3 Conscience Q altered to § conscience, CPZ868:to each court r765) MS:human t76s1 MS:mark Q written over illegible word Q and $, crossed out Q t7661 MS:forgedlaw, 5 crossed out and replaced above by word and dash § jurrsts17681 MS:aloft in a CP1868:forged, 17671 MS:Statutes,the Pl868:Statute,-the trrt( MS:What only 3 inserted CP1868:aloft, a 17691 MS:words Q final s erased 5 above line 5 sparkled in a million 5 last two words crossed out and replaced above by 5 men’s 1776) MS:thence. 17721 MS:brows P1868:brow PI 868: What simply sparkled PI868:unreservedly,-favour lrrs( MS:unreservedly, no favours, nor P1868:thence! PI 868:am Guido 1779) MS:am Guido Franceschini am nor 1872:favour none nor rrssl MS:in the servicetr*ol MS:take, P1868:take? Franceschini, am 17841 MS:a Cardinal PZ868:a Cardinal. “specify?” CP1868:i’ the service. “Specify?”
1785 I left him unconvicted of a faultWas even helped, by way of gratitude, Into the new life that I left him for, This very misery of the marriage,-he Made it, kind soul, so far as in him lay1790 Signed the deed where you yet may see his name. He is gone to his reward,-dead, being my friend Who could have helped here also,-that, of course! So far, there’s my acquittal, I suppose. Then comes the marriage itself-no question, lords, 1795 Of the entire validity of that! In the extremity of distress, ‘tis true, For after-reasons, furnished abundantly, I wished the thing invalid, went to you Only some months since, set you duly forth 1800 My wrong and prayed your remedy, that a cheat Should not have force to cheat my whole life long. “Annul a marriage? ‘Tis impossible! Though ring about your neck be brass not gold, Needs must it clasp, gangrene you all the same!” 1805 Well, let me have the benefit, just so far, 0’ the fact announced, -my wife then is my wife, I have allowance for a husband’s right. I am charged with passing right’s due bound,-such acts As I thought just, my wife called cruelty, 18io Complained of in due form,-convoked no court Of common gossipry, but took her wrongsAnd not once, but so long as patience served-
1785) MS:fault PZ868:faultr7*6( MS:And even P1868:Was even 17971 MS:after-reasons furnished 179*( MSquestion, Lords, P1868:question, lords, trs*] MS:invalid and went abundantly PZ868:after-reasons, furnished abundantly, t*otl MS:long, rsool MS:wrongs PI 868:wrong P1868:invalid, went 180sl MS:Your ring CPl868:long. l*o*l MS:impossibleCPZ868:impossible! about the neck is brass not gold PZ868:Though ring about your neck be brass not gold, ‘8061 MS:Of PZ868:O’ 18041 MS:Must must still clasp P1868:Needs must it clasp r*t*l MS:once but 18091 MS:thought justice, my P1868:thought just, my
To the town’s top, jurisdiction’s pride of place, To the Archbishop and the Governor. These heard her charge with my reply, and found That futile, this sufficient: they dismissed The hysteric querulous rebel, and confirmed Authority in its wholesome exercise, They, with directest access to the facts. “-Ay, for it was their friendship favoured you, Hereditary alliance against a breach I’ the social order: prejudice for the name Of Franceschini!” -So I hear it said: But not here. You, lords, never will you say “Such is the nullity of grace and truth, Such the corruption of the faith, such lapse Of law, such warrant have the Molinists For daring reprehend us as they do,That we pronounce it just a common case, Two dignitaries, each in his degree First, foremost, this the spiritual head, and that The secular arm o’ the body politic, Should, for mere wrongs’ love and injustice’ sake, Side with, aid and abet in cruelty This broken beggarly noble,-bribed perhaps By his watered wine and mouldy crust of breadEather than that sweet tremulous flower-like wife Who kissed their hands and curled about their feet Looking the irresistible loveliness
i*lsl MS:the Town’s P1868:the town’s 18201 MS:for they were PI 868:once, but your 5 last three words crossed out and replaced above by three words 5 it was their friends 5 altered to 5 friendship and § crossed out $ favoured $j word crossed out, apparently here, and replaced above by 5 you IQ11 MS:Hereditary allies 5 altered to § alliance made $j crossed iR2*/ MS:In the social out and replaced above by 8 against a foe Q crossed out $j breach 1**31 MS:Of Franceschini.“-So < > said PZ868:Of f3 inserted above 5 PZ868:I’ is*91 MS:it natural, I***/ MS:do, CP1868:do,Franceschini!“-So < > said: inform cj uncertain; last two words crossed out and replaced above by three words § just a i*si( MS:First, beyond question, 3 last two words crossed out and replaced common i*s*l MS:And this Q crossed above by word and comma 5 foremost, that 5 altered to 5 this out § the Q altered to 5 The 5 followed by what appears to be 5 spiritual Q crossed out and P1868:o’ i8sjl MS:Did, for mere 5 followed by word replaced above by Q secular arm blotted and crossed out so as to be illegible, replaced above by $j wrong’s P1868:Should, for 18371 MS:than poor $j crossed out I*=( MS:b ro k en, beggarly PZ868:broken beggarly i*s*i MS:That curled about his feet and and replaced above by two words 3 that sweet kissed their hands Q altered to Q that kissed their hands and curled about their feet
In tears that takes man captive, turns” . . . enough! Do you blast your predecessors? What forbids Posterity to trebly blast yourselves Who set the example and instruct their tongue? You dreaded the crowd, succumbed to the popular cry, Or else, would nowise seem defer thereto And yield to public clamour though i’ the right! You ridded your eye of my unseemliness, The noble whose misfortune wearied you,Or, what’s more probable, made common cause With the cleric section, punished in myself Maladroit uncomplaisant laity , Defective in behaviour to a priest Who claimed the customary partnership I’ the house and the wife. Lords, any lie will serve! Look to it,- or allow me freed so far1 Then I proceed a step, come with clean hands Thus far, re-tell the tale told eight months since. The wife, you allow so far, I have not wronged, I-Ias fled my roof, plundered me and decamped In company with the priest her paramour: And I gave chase, came up with, caught the two At the wayside inn where both had spent the night, Found them in flagrant fault, and found as well, By documents with name and plan and date,
CPI 868:Who kissed ta401 MS:turns . . . enough! P1868:turns” . . . enough! la421 MS:yourselves?PZ868:yourselves 184s( MS:You Q crossed out and replaced above by 5 Who < > their speech3 word and dash crossed out and replaced above by 5 tongue P1868: tongue? 1R44) MS:“You PI 868: You 18461 MS:clamour the other way: PZ868:clamour though i’ the right! te4’1 MS:rid < > of his unseemliness P1868:ridded < > of my unseemliness, 1*481 MS:misfortune brought disgrace, P1868:misfortune wearied you,18501 MS:the priestly Q crossed out and replaced above by 5 cleric party, punished P1868:cleric section, punished t*stl MS:The maladroit and uncomplaisant man PZ868:Maladroit uncomplaisant laity, t*531 MS:Claiming the P1868:Who claimed the 18541 MS:In PZ868:I’ 18551 MS:far. PZ868:farI 185fil MS:come, with PZ868:come with ‘8571 MS:far, and tell you that tale eight < > sincePZ868:far, re-tell the tale told eight < > since. rsssl MS:That the wife, you allow I < > wronged so far, CPZ868:The wife, you allow so far, I < > wronged, t*6tl MS:That I pursued, Q crossed out and replaced above by 5 gave chase < > with and caught the pair Pl868:And I gave chace < > with, caught CPI868:the two 1889a:chase 18631 MS:well P1868:well, 1864) MS:date
The fault was furtive then that’s flagrant now, Their intercourse a long established crime. I did not take the license law’s self gives To slay both criminals o’ the spot at the time, But held my hand,-preferred play prodigy Of patience which the world calls cowardice, Rather than seem anticipate the law And cast discredit on its organs,-you. So, to your bar I brought both criminals, And made my statement: heard their counter-charge, Nay,--- their corroboration of my tale, Nowise disputing its allegements, not I’ the main, not more than nature’s decency Compels men to keep silence in this kind,Only contending that the deeds avowed Would take another colour and bear excuse. You were to judge between us; so you did. You disregard the excuse, you breathe away The colour of innocence and leave guilt black, “Guilty” is the decision of the court, And that I stand in consequence untouched, One white integrity from head to heel. Not guilty? Why then did you punish them? True, punishment has been inadequate‘Tis not I only, not my friends that joke, My foes that jeer, who echo “inadequate”For, by a chance that comes to help for once, The same case simultaneously was judged At Arezzo, in the province of the Court Where the crime had its beginning but not end.
r*sr) MS:licence P1868:license l*6*l MS:on PI 868:o’ PI 868:date, 18721 MS:you1889a:you. la701 MS:patience that the PZ868:patience which the 18741 MS:counter-charge 2872:counter-charge, ‘8731 MS& to P1868:So, to 1~7~1 MS:kind, l*771 MS:In Pl868:I’ ‘875l MS:No ,-their PI868:Nay,-their ‘BB4( MS:’ 1s t h en Q crossed out $j the sentence Q crossed out and replaced P1868:kind,r**sl MS:untouched above by Q decision < > Court. PI868:the court, ***rl MS:If innocent, Q last two words and comma crossed out and PZ868:untouched, replaced above by two words and question mark Q Not guilty? why then Q inserted above line Q 18921 MS:Half P1868:guiltyl Why 188g1 MS:that gripe, PZ868:that joke, 18941 MS:had beginning Q crossed out 5 the 5 altered to Q The same 5 inserted above Q
They then, deciding on but half o’ the crime, The effraction, robbery,-features of the fault I never cared to dwell upon at Rome,What was it they adjudged as penalty the one criminal o’ the pair To Pompilia,Amenable to their judgment, not the priest Who is Rome’s? Why, just imprisonment for life I’ the Stinche. There was Tuscany’s award To a wife that robs her husband: you at RomeHaving to deal with adultery in a wife And, in a priest, breach of the priestly vowGive gentle sequestration for a month In a manageable Convent, then release, You call imprisonment, in the very house 0’ the very couple, which the aim and end Of the culprits’ crime was-just to reach and rest And there take solace and defy me: well,This difference ‘twixt their penalty and yours Is immaterial: make your penalty lessMerely that she should henceforth wear black gloves And white fan, she who wore the oppositeWhy, all the same the fact o’ the thing subsists. Reconcile to your conscience as you may, Be it on your own heads, you pronounced but half 0’ the penalty for heinousness like hers And his, that pays a fault at Carnival Of comfit-pelting past discretion’s law, Or accident to handkerchief in Lent
‘sQQ( MS:of 1889a:had its beginning laQ5( MS:of the crime P1868:o’ the crime, PI 868:o’ tQo*l MS:In PZ868:I’ lQo”I MS:at Rome 1889a:at Rome‘“““I MS:A n d in a priest Q last three words inserted above 3 < > vow, PZ868:And, in a priest, breach 1889a:vowtQo7/ MS:release PI868:release, ‘~081 MS:imprisonment in PZ868:imprisonment, in 1~0~1 MS:Of < > couple, the sole aim P1868:O’ 2889a:couple, which the aim r”roI MS:was-there to 1889a:was-just to ‘~“1 MS:twixt P1868:‘twixt ‘9’31 MS:less P1868:less‘Q’JI MS:should wear henceforth § indication that order of last two words should be reversed § ~Q’“I MS:And a white Pl868:And white ‘~‘61 MS:of < > subsists: CPl868:o’ < > subsists. ‘~171 MS:may P1868:may, ‘~‘“1 MS:pronounce one half CPZ868:pronounced one half 1889a:pronounced but half ‘“‘“I MS:Of PI 868:O’ ‘~201 MS:his, than for a < > carnival CPZ868:his, that’s for < > Carnival 2872:his, that pays a t~*tI MSdiscretion’s play, PZ868:discretion’s law,
Which falls perversely as a lady kneels Abruptly, and but half conceals her neck! I acquiesce for my part: punished, though By a pin-point scratch, means guilty: guilty means -What have I been but innocent hitherto? Anyhow, here the offence, being punished, ends. Ends?-for you deemed so, did you not, sweet lords? That was throughout the veritable aim 0’ the sentence light or heavy,-to redress Recognized wrong? You righted me, I think? Well then,- what if I, at this last of all, Demonstrate you, as my whole pleading proves, No particle of wrong received thereby One atom of right?- that cure grew worse disease? That in the process you call “justice done” All along you have nipped away just inch By inch the creeping climbing length of plague Breaking my tree of life from root to branch, And left me, after all and every act Of your interference,- lightened of what load? At liberty wherein? Mere words and wind! “Now I was saved, now I should feel no more The hot breath, find a respite from fixed eye And vibrant tongue!” Why, scarce your back was turned, There was the reptile, that feigned death at first, Renewing its detested spire and spire Around me, rising to such heights of hate That, so far from mere purpose now to crush
LQ231 MS:That falls < > Lady kneels 3 crossed out and replaced above by $j prays CP1868:Which falls < > lady kneels IQ*41 MS:Abruptly and only half protects 3 crossed out and replaced above by 5 conceals her breast:PZ868:Abruptly, and but half <> her neck:CP1868:neckl 1g251 MS:part,-punished 1889a:part: punished 1Q2gI MS:sweet Lords? PI868:sweet lords? 1~3’1 MS:Of < > heavy, to CP1868.0’ < > heavy,-to tQsQI MS:what when I PZ868:what if I 19351 MS:of the 5 crossed out Q ‘QQQI MS:right? that < > worst P1868:right?-that < > worse lQQQ( MS:By joint the ‘~““1 MS:All along $j over erasure Q just joint PZ868:just inch creeping Q inserted above $j PI868:By inch the tQ4QI MS:wherein? Why, words PI868:wherein? Mere words 19461 MS: tongue. ” Why PI868:tongue!” Why 1~471 MS:reptile that < > first PI868:reptile, that < > first, 1~501 MS:That so
And coil itself on the remains of me, Body and mind, and there flesh fang content, Its aim is now to evoke life from death, Make me anew, satisfy in my son The hunger I may feed but never sate, Tormented on to perpetuity,My son, whom, dead, I shall know, understand, Feel, hear, see, never more escape the sight In heaven that’s turned to hell, or hell returned (So rather say) to this same earth again,Moulded into the image and made one, Fashioned of soul as featured like in face, First taught to laugh and lisp and stand and go By that thief, poisoner and adulteress I call Pompilia, he calls . . . sacred name, Be unpronounced, be unpolluted here! And last led up to the glory and prize of hate By his . . . foster-father, Caponsacchi’s self, The perjured priest, pink of conspirators, Tricksters and knaves, yet polished, superfine, Manhood to model adolescence by! Lords, look on me, declare,-when, what I show, Is nothing more nor less than what you deemed And doled me out for justice,-what did you say? For reparation, restitution and more,Will you not thank, praise, bid me to your breasts For having done the thing you thought to do, And thoroughly trampled out sin’s life at last? I have heightened phrase to make your soft speech serve,
P1868:That, so 19511 MS:me P1868:me, 195zj MS:mind and there feed § crossed P1868:mind, and 1959j MS:In H eaven so turned to out and replaced above by 5 flesh 19601 MS&r-rather say-to Hell, or Hell PZ868:heaven that’s turned to hell, or hell < > again, PZ868:(So, rather, say) to < > again,1889a:(So rather say) PZ868:self, 1g671 MS:of Hell PZ868:of hate r”ssI MS:his . . foster-father < > self ts”‘I MS:conspirators PZ868:conspirators 1889a:his . . . foster-father 19711 MS:by . . . 1889a:by! tgr*I MS:when what I show P1868:when, what I show, 19731 MS:you thought $j crossed out and replaced above by § deemed, P1868:deemed P1868:For reparation < > and more,19751 MS:Reparation < > and much more,19791 MS:Words you spoke, I respoke in heighted phrase. 5 entire line crossed out and replaced above by nine words and two commas § I have heightened phrase, to make your
Doubled the blow you but essayed to strike, Carried into effect your mandate here That else had fallen to ground: mere duty done, Oversight of the master just supplied By zeal i’ the servant. I, being used to serve, Have simply . . . what is it they charge me with? Blackened again, made legible once more Your own decree, not permanently writ, Rightly conceived but all too faintly traced. It reads efficient, now, cornminatory, A terror to the wicked, answers so The mood o’ the magistrate, the mind of law. Absolve, then, me, law’s mere executant! Protect your own defender,-save me, Sirs! Give me my life, give me my liberty, My good name and my civic rights again! It would be too fond, too complacent play Into the hands o’ the devil, should we lose The game here, I for God: a soldier-bee That yields his life, exenterate with the stroke 0’ the sting that saves the hive. I need that life. Oh, never fear! I’ll find life plenty use Though it should last five years more, aches and all! For, first thing, there’s the mother’s age to helpLet her come break her heart upon my breast, Not on the blank stone of my nameless tomb! The fugitive brother has to be bidden back To the old routine, repugnant to the tread, Of daily suit and service to the Church,-
half-speech serve, PI 868:your soft speech 19”zI MS:to the ground PZ868:to ground 19851 PI868:charged ‘“*“I MS:in the servant: I P1868:i’ 1889a:servant. I CPl868:charge 1986j MS:Rewritten and Q crossed out and replaced above by following 19871 MS:permanently tr 5 crossed out $j two words and comma Q blackened again, made 1qa61 MS:traced,1889a:traced. 199’j MS:of the magistrate < > Law. P1868:o’ the magistrate < > law. ‘qg21 MS:Ab’ so 1ve me then, Law’s P1868:Absolve, ‘““‘I MS:of PI 868:o’ lqg8j MS:here, I and 8 crossed out and then, me, law’s replaced above by 5 for 20001 MS:Of < > life, PZ868:O’ 2889a:life. 2004) MS:Let her 5 inserted above 5 20021 MS:more aches P1868:more, aches 2~71 MS:the home and 20061 MS:be called 5 crossed out and replaced above by 5 bidden friends he finds too hard to bear: Q last nine words and colon crossed out and replaced above by ten words and three commas 5 old routine, now bitter over much, 3 last four words and comma crossed out 3 repugnant to the tread, 2008( MS:Of customary 5 crossed out jj
Thro’ gibe and jest, those stones that Shimei flung! Ay, and the spirit-broken youth at home, The awe-struck altar-ministrant, shall make Amends for faith now palsied at the source, Shall see truth yet triumphant, justice yet A victor in the battle of this world! Give me-for last, best gift-my son again, Whom law makes mine, -1 take him at your word, Mine be he, by miraculous mercy, lords! Let me lift up his youth and innocence To purify my palace, room by room Purged of the memories, lend from his bright brow Light to the old proud paladin my sire Shrunk now for shame into the darkest shade 0’ the tapestry, showed him once and shrouds him now! Then may we, -strong from that rekindled smile,Go forward, face new times, the better day. And when, in times made better through your brave Decision now, -might but Eutopia be!Rome rife with honest women and strong men, Manners reformed, old habits back once more, Customs that recognize the standard worth,The wholesome household rule in force again, Husbands once more God’s representative, Wives like the typical Spouse once more, and Priests No longer men of Belial, with no aim At leading silly women captive, but Of rising to such duties as yours now,Then will I set my son at my right-hand
2oog1 MS: swritten in margin following line 2008 9 20111 MS:altar-ministrant shall PZ868:altar-ministrant, shall 2015( MS:gift, my 1889a:gift-my 20171 MS:mercy, Lords! PZ868:mercy, lords! 20231 MS:Of the tapestry, that showed < > now. PZ868:O’ the tapestry, showed < > now! *Oz41 MS:Then we may,-strong P1868:Then may we,-strong 2025( MS&yPI 868:day. 20261 MS:in day s Q crossed out and replaced above by Q times 2027) MS:now , may but Utopia be! PZ868:now,-might but <> be!DC,BrU: Eutopia 1889:Utopia Q emended to 8 Eutopia 5 see Editorial Notes Q 20291 MS:back again, PI 868: back once more, 20351 MS:but end P1868:but 2036) MS:your own, P1868:yours now,20371 MS:right hand PZ868:right-hand
And tell his father’s story to this point, Adding “The task seemed superhuman, still I dared and did it, trusting God and law: And they approved of me: give praise to both!” And if, for answer, he shall stoop to kiss My hand, and peradventure start thereat,I engage to smile “That was an accident I’ the necessary process,-just a trip 0’ the torture-irons in their search for truth,Hardly misfortune, and no fault at all.”
*0401 MS:and *C’s81 MSfathers story once again PZ868:father’s story to this point, 20411 MS:me, due praise to both! PZ868:me: give praise to Law, P1868:and law: 20441 MS:to add “That Pl868:to both!” 204s( MS:thereat, P1868:thereat,smile “That zo451 MS:fn < > process, just a slip PZ868:I’ <> process,-just a trip PZ868:O’ < > truth,20471 MS:Hardly a 20461 MS:Of < > truth, misfortune and < > all. CPZ868:Hardly misfortune, and < > all.”
Answer you, Sirs? Do I understand aright? Have patience! In this sudden smoke from hell,So things disguise themselves,-1 cannot see My own hand held thus broad before my face And know it again. Answer you? Then that means Tell over twice what I, the first time, told Six months ago: ‘twas here, I do believe, Fronting you same three in this very room, I stood and told you: yet now no one laughs, Who then . . . nay, dear my lords, but laugh you did, As good as laugh, what in a judge we style Laughter-no levity, nothing indecorous, lords! Only,-1 think I apprehend the mood: There was the blameless shrug, permissible smirk, The pen’s pretence at play with the pursed mouth, The titter stifled in the hollow palm Which rubbed the eyebrow and caressed the nose, When I first told my tale: they meant, you know, “The sly one, all this we are bound believe! Well, he can say no other than what he says. We have been young, too,-come, there’s greater guilt! Let him but decently disembroil himself, Scramble from out the scrape nor move the mud,We solid ones may risk a finger-stretch!”
21 MS:Hell,own hand
PZ868:hell,‘1 MS:My right § crossed out and replaced above by 5 lo/ MS:then . . nay, good dear § written above good 5 1889a:then . . . 121 MS:Laughter-not Q crossed out and replaced above by 5 no levity < > nay 131 MS:think I recognize 5 crossed out indecorous, Lords. PZ868:indecorous lords! and replaced above by Q apprehend the 141 MS:blameless titter, 5 crossed out and replaced above by § shrug 1’1 MS:nose P1868:nose, 181 MS:my story: they PZ868:my tale: they 221 MS:Decently let him disembroil PZ868:Let him but decently disembroil ~$1 MS:mud, P1868:mud,241 MSAinger’s-stretch.” PZ868:finger-stretch!” 1889a:finger-stretch! 5 emended to Q finger-stretch!” 5 see Editorial
And now you sit as grave, stare as aghast As if I were a phantom: now ‘tis-“Friend, Collect yourself!” -no laughing matter more“Counsel the Court in this extremity, tell that, for telling which, Tell us again!“I got the jocular piece of punishment, Was sent to lounge a little in the place Whence now of a sudden here you summon me To take the intelligence from just-your lips! You, Judge Tommati, who then tittered most,That she I helped eight months since to escape Her husband, was retaken by the same, Three days ago, if I have seized your sense,(I being disallowed to interfere, Meddle or make in a matter none of mine, For you and law were guardians quite enough 0’ the innocent, without a pert priest’s help)And that he has butchered her accordingly, As she foretold and as myself believed,And, so foretelling and believing so, We were punished, both of us, the merry way: Therefore, tell once again the tale! For what? Pompilia is only dying while I speak! Why does the mirth hang fire and miss the smile? My masters, there’s an old book, you should con For strange adventures, applicable yet, ‘Tis stuffed with. Do you know that there was once This thing: a multitude of worthy folk
Notes $j z6/ MS:‘tis “Friend, P1868:‘tis-“Friend, *71 MS:yourself”-no CPl868:yourselfl”-no 291 MS:that for Pl868:that, for 391 MS:just your lips 361 MS:husband Pl868:just-your 1889u:lipsI 34) MS:most, PZ868:most,is retaken < > same PZ868:husband, is < > same, 1889a:husband, was retaken P1868:(1< > interfere, 401 MS:and Law are 38( MS:1 <> interfere 411 MS:Of the innocent guardians P1868:and law are CPI868:law were guardians without < > help,P1868:O’ the innocent, without < > help)431 MS:believed P1868:believed,42) MS:accordingly P1868:accordingly, 44) MS:believing both Q crossed out and replaced above by Q it, P1868:believing so, 451 MS:way. PI868:way: 481 MS:What, shall the P1868:why does the 50) MS:adventures-applicable yet‘“I MS:book you P1868:book, you P1868:adventures, applicable yet, 52) MS:thing-a P1868:thing: a
Took recreation, watched a certain group Of soldiery intent upon a game,How first they wrangled, but soon fell to play, Threw dice,- the best diversion in the world. A word in your ear,- they are now casting lots, Ay, with that gesture quaint and cry uncouth, For the coat of One murdered an hour ago! I am a priest,- talk of what I have learned. Pompilia is bleeding out her life belike, Gasping away the latest breath of all, This minute, while I talk-not while you laugh? Yet, being sobered now, what is it you ask By way of explanation? There’s the fact! It seems to fill the universe with sight And sound,-from the four corners of this earth Tells itself over, to my sense at least. But you may want it lower set i’ the scale,Too vast, too close it clangs in the ear, perhaps; You’d stand back just to comprehend it more. Well then, let me, the hollow rock, condense The voice o’ the sea and wind, interpret you The mystery of this murder. God above! It is too paltry, such a transference 0’ the storm’s roar to the cranny of the stone! This deed, you saw begin-why does its end Surprise you? Why should the event enforce The lesson, we ourselves learned, she and I, From the first o’ the fact, and taught you, all in vain? This Guido from whose throat you took my grasp,
551 MS:wrangled, and then fell P1868:wranglcd, but soon fell 581 MS:with those § altered to Q that gestures $j altered to 5 gesture < >and uncouth cry, PZ868:and cry uncouth, 601 MS:prtest, talk P1868:priest,-talk 63) MS:while I tell-not < > laugh. PZ868:while I talk-not < > laugh? ‘j3-G4( MS:3 no 7 5 P1868.3 q Q 65) MS:fact. PI868:fact! 671 MS:sound, from <> this world PZ868:sound,-from < > this earth 68) MS:least; PZ868:least. 691 MS:in P1868:i’ ToI MS:perhaps, PZ868:perhaps; 711 MS:comprehend the more; PZ868:comprehend it more: 1889a:more. ‘31 MS:of P1868:o’ 741 MS:above P1868:above! ‘61 MS:Of P1868:O’ 76771 MS: 5 no 11 Q P1868.3 fl§ 771 MS:deed you P1868:deed, you 801 MS:of PZ868:o’
Was this man to be favoured, now, or feared, Let do his will, or have his will restrained, In the relation with Pompilia? Say! Did any other man need interpose -Oh, though first comer, though as strange at the work As fribble must be, coxcomb, fool that’s near To knave as, say, a priest who fears the worldWas he bound brave the peril, save the doomed, Or go on, sing his snatch and pluck his flower, Keep the straight path and let the victim die? I held so; you decided otherwise, Saw no such peril, therefore no such need To stop song, loosen flower, and leave path. Law, Law was aware and watching, would suffice, Wanted no priest’s intrusion, palpably Pretence, too manifest a subterfuge! Whereupon I, priest, coxcomb, fribble and fool, Ensconced me in my corner, thus rebuked, A kind of culprit, over-zealous hound Kicked for his pains to kennel; I gave place To you, and let the law reign paramount:
**) MS:this a Q crossed out 5 man to be 5 inserted above $j favor 5 altered to § favored and not $j last two words crossed out and replaced above by following two words 3 now, or fear § altered to § feared, P1868:be favoured, now 831 MS:will or P1868:will, or 841 MS:with Pompilia, say! P1868:with Pompilia?-say! 1889a:with Pompilia? Say! 86( MS:as new to 5 last two words crossed out and replaced by following two words Q strange at the *71 MS:As a Q crossed out 5 fribble < > fool as Q crossed out and replaced above by Q that’s near **I MS:To a 9 crossed out 8 knave < > who loves the PI868:who fears the 891 MS:bound stop § crossed out and replaced above by 5 stay 5 crossed out and replaced by $j brave the danger § crossed out and replaced above by Q peril, save “‘1 MS:victim lie? PZ868:victim die? “‘I MS:so, you Pl868:so; you 971 MS:subterfuge. PZ868:subterfugel 941 MS:path: Law, 1889a:path. Law 981 MS:Whereupon I, the coxcomb < > and priest, PI868:Whereupon I, priest, coxcomb < > and fool, ‘“1 MS:Betook 3 crossed out and replaced above by 5 Ensconced me to 1001 MS:over zealous PI868:over-zealous 5 crossed out and replaced by 5 in 1011 MS:kennel, and fit 5 last two words crossed out and replaced above by two words 5 I gave DC, BrU: place 1889:place 1021 MS:You and Q last two place, PI 868: kennel; I words crossed out and replaced above by five words 5 To you, and let the < > paramount,
I left Pompilia to your watch and ward, And now you point me-there and thus she lies! 105
Men, for the last time, what do you want with me? Is it,-you acknowledge, as it were, a use, A profit in employing me?-at length I may conceivably help the august law? I am free to break the blow, next hawk that swoops On next dove, nor miss much of good repute? Or what if this your summons, after all, Be but the form of mere release, no more, Which turns the key and lets the captive go? I have paid enough in person at Civita, Am free,- what more need I concern me with? Thank you! I am rehabilitated then, A very reputable priest. But sheThe glory of life, the beauty of the world, The splendour of heaven, . . . well, Sirs, does no one move? Do I speak ambiguously? The glory, I say, And the beauty, I say, and splendour, still say I, Who, priest and trained to live my whole life long On beauty and splendour, solely at their source, God,-have thus recognized my food in her, You tell me, that’s fast dying while we talk, Pompilia! How does lenity to me, Remit one death-bed pang to her? Come, smile! The proper wink at the hot-headed youth Who lets his soul show, through transparent words,
PZ868:paramount: lo4-51 MS:5 no 7 5 P1868.3 13 1051 MS:time, what’s your want P1868:time, what do you want 1061 MS:it, you < > use P1868:it,--you < > use, 1071 MS:me, at P1868:me?-at 1101 MS:nor pay 5 crossed out and replaced above by § miss much 1101 MS:nor pay § crossed out and replaced above by $j miss much ““I MS:you,-I PZ868:you! I 1171 MS:reputable man. But she PZ868:reputable priest. But she1201 MS:glory I say PZ868:glory, I say, 1211 MS:beauty I say and splendour, I still say, PZ868:beauty, I say, and splendour, still say 1221 MS:1 $j written over by 5 Who, a priest, trained I, 1872:Who, priest and trained 123) MS:splendour solely PZ868:splendour, solely 124) MS:have thus Q inserted above 5 recognised < > her, CPZ868:in one, 1868:recognized Z872:in her, 1251 MS:$j crowded between lines 124 and 126 $j me is fast P1868:me, is Z872:me, that’s fast 1261 MS:Pompilia ,-how do $j altered to Q does <> me PZ868:me, 1872:Pompilia! How 127) MS:hcr? Come, smile! 188Y:hcr? &me smile! # emenclcd to 5 C’xxne, smile 5 see Editorial Notes 5 1291 MS:show thro’ < > words P1868:show, through < > words,
The mundane love that’s sin and scandal too! You are all struck acquiescent now, it seems: It seems the oldest, gravest signor here, Even the redoubtable Tommati, sits Chop-fallen, -understands how law might take 135 Service like mine, of brain and heart and hand, In good part. Better late than never, law! You understand of a sudden, gospel too Has a claim here, may possibly pronounce Consistent with my priesthood, worthy Christ, 140 That I endeavoured to save Pompilia?
Then, You were wrong, you see: that’s well to see, though late: That’s all we may expect of man, this side The grave: his good is-knowing he is bad: Thus will it be with us when the books ope And we stand at the bar on judgment-day. Well then, I have a mind to speak, see cause To relume the quenched flax by this dreadful light, Burn my soul out in showing you the truth. I heard, last time I stood here to be judged, What is priest’s-duty,-labour to pluck tares And weed the corn of Molinism; let me Make you hear, this time, how, in such a case, Man, be he in the priesthood or at plough, Mindful of Christ or marching step by step With . . . what’s his style, the other potentate
ts3j MS:redoubtable r”“I MS:love, that’s sin, and P1868:love that’s sin and Tommati sits PZ868:redoubtable Tommati, sits r3*1 MS:Chop fallen 1351 MS:mine, in heart and bram and 3 indication that should be P1868:Chop-fallen transposed to read 5 mine in brain, and heart and PI868:mine, of brain and heart and ‘““1 MS:never, Lords! PZ868:never, law! 1889a:never, law 5 emended to 5 law! 5 see rs~( MS:Had < > 1371 MS:sudden Gospel P1868:gospel Editorial Notes 5 1391 MS:prresthood and worthy possibly declare PI 868:Has < > possibly pronounce 140) MS:to help Pompilia? Then, Christ PI868:priesthood, worthy Christ, 141) MS:see though PZ868:see, though PZ868:to save Pompilia? 5 q 3 Then, P1868:man, this side/ The grave: his IQ-**I MS:man this side of the grave:/ Nay, thus 1461 MS:then I P1868:then I good is-knowing he is bad:/ Thus 1501 MS:priest’s duty 147) MS:flax, by <> light PZ868:flax by <> light, 1551 MS:With . . . what § altered to $j what’s may be 5 last two PI868:priest’sduty
Who bids have courage and keep honour safe, Nor let minuter admonition tease?How he is bound, better or worse, to act. Earth will not end through this misjudgment, no! For you and the others like you sure to come, Fresh work is sure to follow,-wickedness That wants withstanding. Many a man of blood, Many a man of guile will clamour yet, Bid you redress his grievance,-as he clutched The prey, forsooth a stranger stepped between, And there’s the good gripe in pure waste! My part Is done; i’ the doing it, I pass away Out of the world. I want no more with earth. Let me, in heaven’s name, use the very snuff 0’ the taper in one last spark shall show truth For a moment, show Pompilia who was true! Not for her sake, but yours: if she is dead, Oh, Sirs, she can be loved by none of you Most or least priestly! Saints, to do us good, Must be in heaven, I seem to understand: We never find them saints before, at least. Be her first prayer then presently for youShe has done the good to me . . . What is all this? There, I was born, have lived, shall die, a fool! This is a foolish outset:-might with cause
words crossed out and replaced above by two words and comma s his style, 1561 MS: bids be simply brave and 3 last four words crossed out and replaced above by four words 5 have courage and keep honorable $j altered to 5 honor safe, P1868:honour safe CP1868:safe, 157) MS:teaze,P1868:teaze?1889a: tease?1601 MS:come, BrU:come 2889:come, I611 MS:work as sure will § crossed out and replaced above by 5 to follow PZ868:work is sure to follow 1631 MS:clamour here § crossed out 5 yet P1868:clamour yet, 1651 MS:stranger steps between PI868:stranger stepped between, 1661 MS:waste. My P1868:waste! My 1671 MS:in Pl868:i’ 1681 MS:with you § crossed out and replaced above by 5 earth. 169) MS:in God’s Q crossed out and replaced above by $j heaven’s name 170( MS:Of <> one glimmer $ crossed out and replaced above by 5 last spark shall PZ868:O’ 1711 MS:trueP1868:truel 173l MS:Oh, sirs P1868:0h, Sirs 1741 MS:priestly: saints to <> good P1868:priestlyI Samts to CPZ868:priestly! Saints, to < > good, 1751 MS:understandP1868:understand: 1761 MS&fore at least; PZ868:before, at least. 1781 MS:me . . $j fl§ What 1889a:me . . . Q jj 5 What ‘79) MS:fool. PI868:fool! 1*01 MS:outset:
Give colour to the very lie o’ the man, The murderer,- make as if I loved his wife, In the way he called love. He is the fool there! Why, had there been in me the touch of taint, I had picked up so much of knaves’-policy As hide it, keep one hand pressed on the place Suspected of a spot would damn us both. Or no, not her !-not even if any of you Dares think that I, i’ the face of death, her death That’s in my eyes and ears and brain and heart, Lie,-if he does, let him! I mean to say, So he stop there, stay thought from smirching her The snow-white soul that angels fear to take LJntenderly. But, all the same, I know I too am taintless, and I bare my breast. You can’t think, men as you are, all of you, But that, to hear thus suddenly such an end Of such a wonderful white soul, that comes Of a man and murderer calling the white black, Must shake me, trouble and disadvantage. Sirs, Only seventeen! Why, good and wise you are! You might at the beginning stop my mouth: So, none would be to speak for her, that knew. I talk impertinently, and you bear, All the same. This it is to have to do With honest hearts: they easily may err, But in the main they wish well to the truth. You are Christians; somehow, no one ever plucked
lR31 MSthere: ‘R’( MS:of PZ868:o’ might PZ868:outset:-might Pl868:been in me the < > taint, PI 868: there! ‘841 MS&en the <> taint in mine iQQ( MS:that I in PI868:that I, i’ itr51 MS:knaves’ policy CPZ868:knaves’policy rQQI MS:soul the angels PZ868:soul that angels rQII MS:him, I PZ868:himl I 1961 MS:men that 5 crossed out and IQ51 MS:taintless and PI868:taintless, and 1971 MS:suddenly, such Pl868:suddenly such replaced above by 3 as 2oo( MS:Sh a k es me, brings trouble Pl868:Must shake me, trouble *011 MS:seventeen! Why < > are. PI868:seventeen! 5 q 8 Why < > are! P1868:her, that *Qsl MS:So none < > her that *O*l MS:mouth, CPl868:mouth: 2061 MS:err PZ868:err, CPI868:So, none *041 MS:bear CPZ868:bear, PI 868:somehow, no *07) MS:truth: P1868:trutb. *Oa) MS:somehow no
A rag, even, from the body of the Lord, To wear and mock with, but, despite himself, He looked the greater and was the better. Yes, I shall go on now. Does she need or not I keep calm? Calm I’ll keep as monk that croons Transcribing battle, earthquake, famine, plague, From parchment to his cloister’s chronicle. Not one word more from the point now! I begin.
Yes, I am one of your body and a priest. Also I am a younger son o’ the House Oldest now, greatest once, in my birth-town Arezzo, I recognize no equal there(I want all arguments, all sorts of arms That seem to serve,- use this for a reason, wait!) Not therefore thrust into the Church, because 0’ the piece of bread one gets there. We were first Of Fiesole, that rings still with the fame Of Capo-in-Sacco our progenitor: When Florence ruined Fiesole, our folk Migrated to the victor-city, and there Flourished, -our palace and our tower attest, In the Old Mercato, -this was years ago, Four hundred, full,-no, it wants fourteen just. Our arms are those of Fiesole itself, The shield quartered with white and red: a branch Are the Salviati of us, nothing more. That were good help to the Church? But better stillNot simply for the advantage of my birth I’ the way of the world, was I proposed for priest; But because there’s an illustration, late I’ the day, that’s loved and looked to as a saint
*091 MS:rag even from < > Lord PZ868:rag, even, from <> Lord CP1868:the Lord, *l*l MS:need PZ868:need or not *lo/ MS:himself P1868:himself, 2161 MS:nowt I begin. P1868:nowl Q fl$ I begin. *141 MS:plague PZ868:plague, 2201 MS:recognise 2171 MS:Yes I P1868:Yes, I 2’81 MS:of PZ868:o’ P1868:recognize 2241 MS:Of P1868:O’ 2261 MS:Of Capo in Sacco PZ868:Of Cape-in-Sacco *soI MS:the Old M ercato; this <> ago P1868:the old Mercato,-this 239) MS:In Pl868:I’ < > ago, 2x7) MS:In < > priest, PZ868:I’ < > priest;
Still in Arezzo, he was bishop of, Sixty years since: he spent to the last doit His bishop’s-revenue among the poor, And used to tend the needy and the sick, Barefoot, because of his humility. He it was,- when the Granduke Ferdinand Swore he would raze our city, plough the place And sow it with salt, because we Aretines Had tied a rope about the neck, to hale The statue of his father from its base For hate’s sake,-he availed by prayers and tears To pacify the Duke and save the town. This was my father’s father’s brother. You see, For his sake, how it was I had a right To the self-same office, bishop in the egg, So, grew i’ the garb and prattled in the school, Was made expect, from infancy almost, The proper mood o’ the priest; till time ran by And brought the day when I must read the vows, Declare the world renounced and undertake To become Priest and leave orobation-1eaD
240/ MS:in Arezzo he < > of P1868:in Arezzo, he < > of, *4*1 MS:His Bishop’s revenue P1868:His bishop’s-revenue *451 MS:was who 5 crossed out &-when the *46( MS:city to the Great$j inserted above Q Duke P1868:was,-when the Granduke ground P1868:city, plough the place 2471 MS:sow the place Q last two words crossed P1868:because we out and replaced above by 5 it < > because our Aretines 2531 MS:a chance Aretines 251) MS:the wrath and PI868:the Duke and 5 crossed out 5 right 2541 MS:Of 5 crossed out and replaced above by 5 To the < > office, was 5 crossed out $j *s5( MS:So, dressed $j crossed out and replaced above by 5 draped 5 crossed out and replaced beside by 3 grew in the dress Q crossed out and replaced above by $j garb and put into Q last two words crossed out and replaced above by two PZ868:So, grew i’ the < > school, words § prattled in the path 5 crossed out 3 school *56( MS:Was 5 A n d written above Was 5 made profess Q crossed out and replaced above by 3 2571 MS:of the expect from < > almost P1868:Was made expect, from < > almost, 2581 MS:And brought Q inserted above $ one day priest, till PZ868:o’ the priest; till needs 5 crossed out and replaced above by two words 5 when I must I 5 imperfectly erased Q read P1868: brought the day 259) MS:the obligation Q crossed out and replaced above 2601 MS&come Q following four by three words $j world renounced and undertake words inserted above $j priest and drop $j crossed out Q leave mere 3 crossed out 5 probation
Over the ledge into the other life, Having gone trippingly hitherto up to the height O’er the wan water. Just a vow to read! I stopped short awe-struck. “How shall holiest flesh Engage to keep such vow inviolate, How much less mine? I know myself too weak, Unworthy! Choose a worthier stronger man!” And the very Bishop smiled and stopped my mouth In its mid-protestation. “Incapable? 270 Qualmish of conscience? Thou ingenuous boy! Clear up the clouds and cast thy scruples far! I satisfy thee there’s an easier sense Wherein to take such vow than suits the first Rough rigid reading. Mark what makes all smooth, 215 Nay, has been even a solace to myself! The Jews who needs must, in their synagogue, Utter sometimes the holy name of God, A thing their superstition boggles at, Pronounce aloud the ineffable sacrosanct,280 How does their shrewdness help them? In this wise; Another set of sounds they substitute, Jumble so consonants and vowels-how Should I know?-that there grows from out the old Quite a new word that means the very same285 And o’er the hard place slide they with a smile. Giuseppe Maria Caponsacchi mine, Nobody wants you in these latter days
2651 MS:to keep 2611 MS:life PZ868:life, 26s-641 MS:§ no n § P1868.3 7 fj 5 smudged, perhaps written over illegible word 5 the 5 crossed out 5 such 266) MS:mine,-I 2889a:mine? I 2671 MS:UnworthyI” Q imperfectly erased Q Choose 2681 MS:stopped the mouth 1872:stopped my mouth 2711 MS:far. PZ868:farl 273) MS:Wherein § inserted above $j To Q altered to Q to take vows 5 s imperfectly erased Q 2751 MS:myself. PZ868:myself! 2761 MS:Blind 5 crossed out and replaced above by 5 The Jews 2811 MS:Another cognate word $j last two words crossed out and replaced above by following three words § set of sounds they ***I MS:So jumble consonants P1868: Jumble so consonants 2841 MS:new word 5 apparently written over a now illegible word Q that 2851 MS:over P1868:o’er 2861 MS:Giuseppe-Maria
To prop the Church by breaking your back-bone,As the necessary way was once, we know, When Diocletian flourished and his like. That building of the buttress-work was done By martyrs and confessors: let it bide, Add not a brick, but, where you see a chink, Stick in a sprig of ivy or root a rose Shall make amends and beautify the pile! We profit as you were the painfullest 0’ the martyrs, and you prove yourself a match For the cruelest confessor ever was, If you march boldly up and take your stand Where their blood soaks, their bones yet strew the soil, And cry ‘Take notice, I the young and free And well-to-do i’ the world, thus leave the world, Cast in my lot thus with no gay young world But the grand old Church: she tempts me of the two!’ Renounce the world? Nay, keep and give it us! Let us have you, and boast of what you bring. We want the pick o’ the earth to practise with, Not its of-scouring, halt and deaf and blind In soul and body. There’s a rubble-stone Unfit for the front o’ the building, stuff to stow In a gap behind and keep us weather-tight; There’s porphyry for the prominent place. Good lack! Saint Paul has had enough and to spare, I trow, Of ragged run-away Onesimus: He wants the right-hand with the signet-ring
P1868:Giuseppe Maria 2881 MS:back-bone P1868:back-bone,2go) MS: When P1868:like; martyrs Q crossed out and replaced above by 5 Dioclesian flourished < > like,business 5 crossed out and replaced 1889a: When Diocletian < > like. 2g11 MS:That above by Q building of 2g51 MS:Shall make amends and Q last three words inserted 2g7/ MS:Of the above line 5 beautify 2g61 MS:You profit PZ868:We profit martyrs, prove < > match, I say, PI868:O’ the martyrs, and you prove < > match 2981 MS:cruellest 1889a:cruelest 3001 MS:soaks and their bones strew the place P1868:soaks, their bones yet strew 3021 MS:in § crossed out and replaced above by 5 soil, P1868:i’ 3041 MS:old Church, she < > two.” P1868:old Church: she < > twol’ 3071 MS:of < > practice 306( MS:you, to Q crossed out and replaced above by Q and 3101 MS:of P1868:o’ < > practise 3091 MS:body; there’s P1868:body. There’s PI 868:o’ 5rsl MS:spare, by this 5 crossed out and replaced above by Q now, hand < > signet ring P1868:right-hand < > PZ868:spare, I trow, “‘51 MS:right
Of King Agrippa, now, to shake and use. I have a heavy scholar cloistered up, Close under lock and key, kept at his task Of letting F6nelon know the fool he is, In a book I promise Christendom next Spring. Why, if he covets so much meat, the clown, As a lark’s wing next Friday, or, any day, Diversion beyond catching his own fleas, He shall be properly swinged, I promise him. But you, who are so quite another paste Of a man,-do you obey me? Cultivate Assiduous that superior gift you have Of making madrigals-(who told me? Ah!) Get done a Marinesque Adoniad straight With a pulse o’ the blood a-pricking, here and there, That I may tell the lady ‘And he’s ours!’ ” So I became a priest: those terms changed all, I was good enough for that, nor cheated so; I could live thus and still hold head erect. Now you see why I may have been before A fribble and coxcomb, yet, as priest, break word Nowise, to make you disbelieve me now. I need that you should know my truth. Well, then, According to prescription did I live, -Conformed myself, both read the breviary And wrote the rhymes, was punctual to my place
3161 MS:Of King Agrippa now to PZ868:Of King Agrippa, now, to signet-ring ““I MS:up P1868:up, slg/ MS:letting Leibnitz 5 crossed out and replaced above by $j Fenelon < > is PI868:is, 1889a:F&elon 3201 MS:next spring. PZ868:next Spring. 3211 MS:Why if P1868:Why, if y22/ MS:larks wing any 5 crossed out and replaced above by Q next P1868:lark’s 3*41 MS:promise you $j crossed out and replaced above by 5 him. 3271 MS:Assiduous, that 1889a:Assiduous that 32~1 MS:madrigal P1868:madrigals 3301 MS:of < > a-pricking, if you dare, PI 868:o’ < > a-pricking, here and there, 3311 MS:lady “And he’s ours!” PZ868:lady, ‘And he’s ours!’ ” 1889a:lady ‘And 3341 MS:hold my head PZ868:hold head ““51 MS:why I could have been till now Pl868:why I may have been 3361 MS:coxcomb, and yet break my word before P1868:coxcomb, yet, 3371 MS:Nowist to P1868:Nowise, to 3381 MS:know as priest, break word ~401 MSConformed myself, me true. Well P1868:know my truth. Well exactly, said the mass 9 last four words crossed out and replaced above by tour words 3 3411 MS:punctual both read the breviary Pl868:-Conformed
I’ the Pieve, and as diligent at my post Where beauty and fashion rule. I throve apace, Sub-deacon, Canon, the authority For delicate play at tarocs, and arbiter 0’ the magnitude of fan-mounts: all the while Wanting no whit the advantage of a hint Benignant to the promising pupil,-thus: “Enough attention to the Countess now, The young one; ‘tis her mother rules the roast, We know where, and puts in a word: go pay Devoir to-morrow morning after mass! Break that rash promise to preach, Passion-week! Has it escaped you the Archbishop grunts And snuffles when one grieves to tell his Grace No soul dares treat the subject of the day Since his own masterly handling it (ha, ha!) Five years ago, -when somebody could help And touch up an odd phrase in time of need, (He, he!)-and somebody helps you, my son! Therefore, don’t prove so indispensable At the Pieve, sit more loose i’ the seat, nor grow A fixture by attendance morn and eve! Arezzo’s just a haven midway RomeRome’s the eventual harbour,-make for port, Crowd sail, crack cordage! And your cargo be A polished presence, a genteel manner, wit At will, and tact at every pore of you! I sent our lump of learning, Brother Clout, And Father Slouch, our piece of piety,
s42) MS:In to my place 5 change m mk suggests last three words added m revision 5 P1868:Where beauty and fashion P1868:I’ 3431 MS:Where Beauty and Fashion “‘“1 MS:at Taro, and P1868:at tarocs, and “““I MS:Of P1868:O’ s5*1 MS:to morrow 3*81 MS:thus PI868:thus: 7’101 MS:roast P1868:roast, 35s1 MS:preach Passion week; < > mass. PZ868: to-morrow < > mass! $j crossed out and replaced above by § P1868:preach, Passion-week! 3551 MS:Graciously And snuffles 3601 MS:son, PZ868:son! 3621 MS:in P1868:i’ 3631 MS:attendance night $j crossed out and replaced above by Q morn and day Q crossed out s6*1 MS:haven midway, Rome P1868:haven and replaced above by Q eve: P1868:eveI 3671 MS:A polished wit, 5 crossed out and replaced above by $j midway Rome3701 MS:And Father Slouch our presence 36*1 MS:you. PI 868:youl
To see Rome and try suit the Cardinal. Thither they clump-clumped, beads and book in hand, And ever since ‘tis meat for man and maid How both flopped down, prayed blessing on bent pate Bald many an inch beyond the tonsure’s need, Never once dreaming, the two moony dolts, There’s nothing moves his Eminence so much As-far from all this awe at sanctitudeHeads that wag, eyes that twinkle, modified mirth At the closet-lectures on the Latin tongue A lady learns so much by, we know where. Why, body o’ Bacchus, you should crave his rule For pauses in the elegiac couplet, chasms Permissible only to Catullus! There! Now go to duty: brisk, break Priscian’s head By reading the day’s office-there’s no help. You’ve Ovid in your poke to plaster that; Amen’s at the end of all: then sup with me!” Well, after three or four years of this life, In prosecution of my calling, I Found myself at the theatre one night With a brother Canon, in a mood and mind Proper enough for the place, amused or no: When I saw enter, stand, and seat herself A lady, young, tall, beautiful, strange and sad. It was as when, in our cathedral once, As I got yawningly through matin-song, I saw facchinz bear a burden up, Base it on the high-altar, break away A board or two, and leave the thing inside Lofty and lone: and lo, when next I looked,
P1868:And Father Slouch, our 3711 MS:the Cardinal PZ868:the Cardinal. 3731 MS:‘& mirth $j crossed out and replaced above by § meat 3761 MS:moony fools, Pl868:moony dolts, 378( MS:from stupid § crossed out and replaced above by following two words 5 all this awe 3801 MS:latin PZ868:Latin “““I MS:you would crave PI868:you should crave s*+*r( MS:go do duty < > head,/ With Ovid in <> that, CPZ868:headI By reading the day’s officethere’s no help./ You’ve Ovid in <> that; 1889a:go to duty 3881 MS:me.” P1868:me!” 3g31 MS:no, P1868:no: “961 MS:when in our Cathedral once PZ868:when, in our cathedral once, 3g*1 MS:up P1868:up, “991 MS:And base P1868:Base 4011 MS:lone, and P1868:lone: and
There was the Rafael! I was still one stare, When-“ Nay, I’ll make her give you back your gaze”Said Canon Conti; and at the word he tossed A paper-twist of comfits to her lap, And dodged and in a trite was at my back Nodding from over my shoulder. Then she turned, Looked our way, smiled the beautiful sad strange smile. “Is not she fair? ‘Tis my new cousin,” said he: “The fellow lurking there i’ the black o’ the box Is Guido, the old scapegrace: she’s his wife, Married three years since: how his Countship sulks! He has brought little back from Rome beside, After the bragging, bullying. A fair face, And-they do say-a pocketful of gold When he can worry both her parents dead. I don’t go much there, for the chamber’s cold And the coffee pale. I got a turn at first Paying my duty: I observed they crouched -The two old frightened family spectres-close In a corner, each on each like mouse on mouse I’ the cat’s cage: ever since, I stay at home. Hallo, there’s Guido, the black, mean and small, Bends his brows on us-please to bend your own On the shapely nether limbs of Light-skirts there By way of a diversion! I was a fool To fling the sweetmeats. Prudence, for God’s love!
4031 MS:When “Nay 4021 MS:the Rafaelle. I < > stare PZ868:the Rafael! I < > stare, < > gaze” 1868: When-“Nay < > gaze”404( MS:Said Canon Conti, and 4O51 MS:paper twist of comfits into her P1868:Said Canon Conti; and P1868:paper-twist of comfits to her 4091 MS:she lovely 8 crossed out 5 fair < > he, PI 868:he: 4101 MS:lurking in < > of P1868:lurking there i’ < > o’ 4131 MS:brought nothing 3 crossed out and replaced above by Q little back 4141 MkfdceP1868:face, 4151 MS:pocketful PZ868:pocket-full 1889a:pocketful 4181 MS:coffee’s pale: I PZ868:coffee pale. I 4171 MS:there for P1868:there, for 1872:duty: I 4191 MS:my devoil ,--I observed how they PI868:my duty,-1 observed they 1872:spectres-close 4201 MS:old frightened § inserted above $j family spectres, close 423) MS:black mean and 5 inserted 422) MS:In < > since I PZ868:I’ < > since, I 4251 MS:of above § small man 5 crossed out 8 PZ868:black, mean and small, light-skirts P1868:of Light-skirts 4261 MS:diversion. I PZ868:diversion! I
To-morrow I’ll make my peace, e’en tell some fib, Try if I can’t find means to take you there.” 430
That night and next day did the gaze endure, Burnt to my brain, as sunbeam thro’ shut eyes, And not once changed the beautiful sad strange smile. At vespers Conti leaned beside my seat I’ the choir,-part said, part sung-“Zn ex-cel-sisAll’s to no purpose; I have louted low, But he saw you staring-quia sub-don’t incline To know you nearer: him we would not hold For Hercules, -the man would lick your shoe If you and certain efficacious friends Managed him warily,-but there’s the wife: Spare her, because he beats her, as it is, She’s breaking her heart quite fast enough-jam tuSo, be you rational and make amends With little Light-skirts yonder-in secula Secu-lo-o-o-o-rum. Ah, you rogue! Every one knows What great dame she makes jealous: one against one, Play, and win both!” Sirs, ere the week was out, I saw and said to myself “Light-skirts hides teeth Would make a dog sick, -the great dame shows spite Should drive a cat mad: ‘tis but poor work thisCounting one’s fingers till the sonnet’s crowned. I doubt much if Marino really be A better bard than Dante after all. ‘Tis more amusing to go pace at eve I’ the Duomo, -watch the day’s last gleam outside
42+so1 MS:5 no 7 5 1889a.j ( 5 430-321 MS:did that gaze endure,/ And < > smile: P1868:did the gaze endure,/ Burnt to my brain, as sunbeam thro’ shut eyes,/ And < > smile. 4331 MS:At Vespers P1868:At vespers 4s41 MS:In P1868:I’ 4351 MS:low CPI868:low, 4381 MS:For Hercules, the PZ868:For Hercules,-the 4401 MS:warily, but PI868:warily,-but 4411 MS:her as P1868:her, as 4441 MS:yonder in P1868:yonder-zn 4431 MS:So be Pl868:So, be 4451 MS:Secu-loooo-rum P1868:Secwlo-o-o-o-rum 4461 MS:against one. P1868:against one, 4481 MS:myself “Light skirts PZ868:myself “Light-skirts 4501 MS:To drive P1868:Should drive 4551 MS:In the Duomo, watch < > last glen 5 glen ends in illegible letter, perhaps crossed out $j
Turn, as into a skirt of God’s own robe, Those lancet-windows’ jewelled miracle,Than go eat the Archbishop’s ortolans, Digest his jokes. Luckily Lent is near: Who cares to look Mill find me in my stall At the Pieve, constant to this faith at leastNever to write a canzonet any more.” So, next week, ‘twas my patron spoke abrupt, In altered guise. “Young man, can it be true That after all your promise of sound fruit, You have kept away from Countess young or old And gone play truant in church all day long? Are you turning Molinist?” I answered quick: “Sir, what if I turned Christian? It might be. The fact is, I am troubled in my mind, Beset and pressed hard by some novel thoughts. This your Arezzo is a limited world; There’s a strange Pope,-‘tis said, a priest who thinks. Rome is the port, you say: to Rome I go. I will live alone, one does so in a crowd, And look into my heart a little.” “Lent Ended,” -1 told friends-“1 shall go to Rome.” One evening I was sitting in a muse
< > last gleam outside 446( MS:Turn as outside P1868:I’ the Duomo ,-watch 4571 MS:lancet windows < > miracle, < > robe P1868:Turn, as < > robe, 4591 MS:nearP1868:near: P1868:1ancet-windows’ < > mlracle,PI 868:canzonet 4611 MS:least P1868:least4621 MS:canzonet once more.” 46sl MS:So next P1868:So, any more.” 462-631 MS:rj no 7 s P1868:§ 1 5 next 4641 MS:-guise, put on the 3 last three words plus two illegible letters crossed out and replaced above by quotation marks and three words 5 “Young man, can 466) MS:from the Countess PZ868:from 1889a:guise. “Young Countess 46*1 MS:answered him 5 crossed out $j quick 1889a:quick: 47x1 MS:a new Pope <> a man 4721 MS:world, PI868:world; that § crossed out and replaced above by 5 who CPI868:a strange Pope < > a priest who I872:thinks $ period omitted; apparently printer’s error § 1889a:thinks. 4751 MS:alone, there, at 5 last two words crossed out 5 one can $j crossed out and replaced 4761 MS:little there 5 crossed out Q “Lent 3 change in above by two words 5 does so in 4771 MS:So 5 crossed out and replaced above ink suggests last word added in revision 5 by word and quotation marks Q “Ended” I told people 3 crossed out and replaced above by $j 4781 MS:Next friends, “I P1868:“Ended,“-1 told friends,-“1 1889a:friends-“I
Over the opened “Summa,” darkened round By the mid-March twilight, thinking how my life Had shaken under me,-broke short indeed And showed the gap ‘twixt what is, what should be,And into what abysm the soul may slip, Leave aspiration here, achievement there, Lacking omnipotence to connect extremesThinking moreover . . . oh, thinking, if you like, How utterly dissociated was I A priest and celibate, from the sad strange wife Of Guide,-just as an instance to the point, how I had a whole store of strengths Nought more,Eating into my heart, which craved employ, And she, perhaps, need of a finger’s help,And yet there was no way in the wide world To stretch out mine and so relieve myself,How when the page o’ the Summa preached its best, Her smile kept glowing out of it, as to mock The silence we could break by no one word,There came a tap without the chamber-door, And a whisper; when I bade who tapped speak out. And, in obedience to my summons, last In glided a masked muffled mystery,
Q crossed out and replaced above by 5 One < > in my $j crossed out and replaced above by 5 a 4aol MS:By the mid-March 5 last two words inserted above 5 twilight, looking at 5 last two words crossed out and replaced above by two words 5 thmking how ***I MS:me, broke P1868:me,-broke **21 MS&, P1868:be,*831 MS:And into § inserted above Q < > slipPI 868:slip. *8*) MS:With aspiration P1868:Leave aspiration 4851 MS:Lacking Omnipotence PZ868:Lacking omnipotence **6) MS:moreover . . oh 1889a:moreover . . . oh 4~8) MS:celibate from PZ868:celibate, from 4921 MS:And she perhaps need < > help PI868:And she, perhaps, need < > help,494) MS:myself1872:myself,4gjl MS:of the Summa spoke Q crossed out and replaced above by $j preached its best P1868:o’ <> best, 4961 MS:kept speaking louder Q last two words crossed out and replaced above by four words 5 glowing out of it, as 4971 MS:we should break < > wordP1868:we could break < > word,499) MS:And the whisper when <> out, 4981 MS:came the tap Pl868:came a tap Pl868:And a whisper, when 1889a:whisper; when < > out. 5011 MS:masked, muffled
Laid lightly a letter on the opened book, Then stood with folded arms and foot demure, Pointing as if to mark the minutes’ flight. 505
I took the letter, read to the effect That she, I lately flung the comfits to, Had a warm heart to give me in exchange, And gave it,- loved me and confessed it thus, And bade me render thanks by word of mouth, Going that night to such a side o’ the house Where the small terrace overhangs a street Blind and deserted, not the street in front: Her husband being away, the surly patch, At his villa of Vittiano. “And you?“-1 asked: “What may you be? ” “Count Guido’s kind of maidMost of us have two functions in his house. We all hate him, the lady suffers much, ‘Tis just we show compassion, furnish help, Specially since her choice is fixed so well. What answer may I bring to cheer the sweet Pompilia?” Then I took a pen and wrote “No more of this! That you are fair, I know: But other thoughts now occupy my mind. I should not thus have played the insensible Once on a time. What made you,-may one ask,-
5021 MS:light PZ868:lightly 5031 MS:arms, and CP1868:masked muffled 5071 MS:Had just a heart P1868:arms and 504-5( MS:§ no 1 5 P1868.3 7 5 Pl868:Had a warm heart 5091 MS:me answer only 5 last two words crossed out and replaced above by two words 5 render thanks by the 5 crossed out and replaced above by two 5101 MS:to that side of her house PZ868:to words 3 word of mouth P1868:mouth, such a side o’ the house 5111 MS:overhangs the street P1868:overhangs a street 5151 MS:be?““Count 5141 MS:of Vittiano. “And P1868:of Vittiano. § ( 5 “And 5’91 MS:fixed on 1889a:be?” ‘Count 518) MS:furnish aid, 1889a:furnish help, you 5 last two words crossed out and replaced above by two words 5 so well. 5211 MS:Pompilia?” 5201 MS:answer shall Q crossed out and replaced above by 5 may
Marry your hideous husband? ‘Twas a fault, And now you taste the fruit of it. Farewell.”
“There!” smiled I as she snatched it and was gone“There, let the jealous miscreant,-Guide’s self, Whose mean soul grins through this transparent trick,Be baulked so far, defrauded of his aim! What fund of satisfaction to the knave, Had I kicked this his messenger down stairs, Trussed to the middle of her impudence, And set his heart at ease so! No, indeed! There’s the reply which he shall turn and twist At pleasure, snuff at till his brain grow drunk, As the bear does when he finds a scented glove That puzzles him,- a hand and yet no hand, Of other perfume than his own foul paw! Last month, I had doubtless chosen to play the dupe, Accepted the mock-invitation, kept The sham appointment, cudgel beneath cloak, Prepared myself to pull the appointer’s self Out of the window from his hiding-place Behind the gown of this part-messenger Part-mistress who would personate the wife. Such had seemed once a jest permissible:
527-281 MS:§ no q 5 Then < > wrote. P1868:Pompilia?” $11 $ Then 1889a:wrote P1868.3 y Q 52*1 MS:gonc, PI 868:gones2g/ MS:There-let the miserable 3 crossed out and replaced above by 13jealous miscreant, Guido’s self PI868:There, let <> miscreant,< > self, 5301 MS:trick, PI868:trrck,5311 MS:aim: P1868:aim! 5321 MS:Nor find the Q last three words crossed out and replaced above by three words 5 What fund of satisfaction and breathe free 5 last three words crossed out and replaced above by three words and comma 5 to the fool, PZ868:the knave, .V 533/ MS:Did I kick this < > stairs PZ868:Had I kicked this < > stairs, 5341 MS:impudence PI868:impudence, 5351 MS:Setting his 1872:And set his 537) MS:drunk P1868:drunk, 5391 MS:no handP1868:no hand, 5401 MS:paw. P1868:paw! 5411 MS:month I had probably 3 crossed out and replaced above by 5 doubtless chosen PI868:month, I 5421 MS:mock invitation CPl868:mock-invitation 5431 MS:apointment PZ868:appointment 541) MS:And been prepared to Pl86R:Prepared myself to 5451 MS:hiding place PI868:hiding-place 54hl MS:this the messenger P1868:this part-messenger 547) MS:And mistress PZ868:Part-mistress sa81 MS:That had been 3 crossed out and
Now I am not i’ the mood.” 550
Back next morn brought The messenger, a second letter in hand. “You are cruel, Thyrsis, and Myrtilla moans Neglected but adores you, makes request For mercy: why is it you dare not come? Such virtue is scarce natural to your age. You must love someone else; I hear you do, The Baron’s daughter or the Advocate’s wife, Or both,-all’s one, would you make me the thirdI take the crumbs from table gratefully Nor grudge who feasts there. ‘Faith, I blush and blaze! Yet if I break all bounds, there’s reason sure. Are you determinedly bent on Rome? I am wretched here, a monster tortures me: Carry me with you! Come and say you will! Concert this very evening! Do not write! I am ever at the window of my room Over the terrace, at the Ave. Come!” I questioned -lifting half the woman’s mask To let her smile loose. “So, you gave my line To the merry lady? ” “She kissed off the wax, And put what paper was not kissed away, In her bosom to go burn: but merry, no! She wept all night when evening brought no friend, Alone, the unkind missive at her breast; Thus Philomel, the thorn at her breast too, Sings” . . . “Writes this second letter?” “Even so!
5491 MS:Now, I < > in the mood. $j q 3 replaced above by $j seemed P1868:Such had Pl868:i’ the mood.” <> Back next night § crossed out and replaced above by 5 morn came 5581 MS:from the table 5541 MS:age: 1889a:age. morn brought 1889a:Now I 5601 MS:sure: P1868:sure. 2868:sure, P1872:sure. P1868:from table Pl868:am wretched here, a monster tortures ““21 MS:am miserable, a wretch tortures mewith me this evening. <> 5641 MS:Concert me: 563/ MS:willPZ868:will! at the Ave 5661 MS:terrace write. P1868:Concert this very evenmg! < > write! 5681 MS:smile free. P1868:terrace, at the Ave 566-67) MS:5 no 15 P1868:5 7 5 She < > wax PI 868:lady?” P1868:smile loose. “So, you 5691 MS:lady?“-“ “So you 5711 MS:burn: there $ crossed out $: “She < > wax, 5701 MS:away Pl868:away, letter § crossed out and replaced above by $j missive but 5731 MS:unkind Even PZ868:letter?” “E:ven 5751 MS:letter?“5741 MS:the sharp 5 crossed out 3
Then she may peep at vespers forth?“-“What risk Do we run o’ the husband?“-“Ah,-no risk at all! He is more stupid even than jealous. AhThat was the reason? Why, the man’s away! Beside, his bugbear is that friend of yours, Fat little Canon Conti. He fears him, How should he dream of you? I told you truth: He goes to the villa at Vittiano-‘tis The time when Spring-sap rises in the vineSpends the night there. And then his wife’s a child: Does he think a child outwits him? A mere child: Yet so full grown, a dish for any duke. Don’t quarrel longer with such cates, but come!” I wrote “In vain do you solicit me. I am a priest: and you are wedded wife, Whatever kincl of brute your husband prove. I have scruples, in short. Yet should you really show Sign at the window . . . but nay, best be good! My thoughts are elsewhere.” “Take her that!” “Again Let the incarnate meanness, cheat and spy, Mean to the marrow of him, make his heart His food, anticipate hell’s worm once more! Let him watch shivering at the window-ay, And let this hybrid, this his light-of-love And lackey-of-lies,-a sage economy,Paid with embracings for the rank brass coin,Let her report and make him chuckle o’er
5761 MS:Th en y ou will come s last three words crossed out and replaced above by three words $j she may peck at Vespers forth 3 inserted above Vespers 5 ?” “What of the 8 last two 5771 MS:of P1868:o’ words crossed out 5 Pl868:may peep at vespers P1868:Beside, his < > 5791 MS:awayP1868:away! 5*“/ MS:Bcsidr his < > yours yours, 5R1) MS:him1889a:him, 5821 MS:truth1889a:truth: 5~31 MS:the Villa at Vittiano: ‘tis P1868:the villa at Vittrano-‘us 5*41 MS:when spring-sap P1868:whcn Spring-sap 5851 MS:child, 1889a:child: 5861 MS:child PZ868:child: 587) MS:any Duke, CPI868:duke. 5901 MS:wife 5891 MS:me: PI 868:me. 5*8-*91 MS:5 no 7 5 P1868.3 lj 5 Pl868:husband prove. 5921 MS:scruples in P1868:wife, 5g1) MS:husband be. 5941 MS:elsewhere.“-“Take her that!” Q y 5 -“Again P1868:scruples, in 1889a:elsewhere,” 5 emended to 5 elsewhere.” 3 see Editorial Notes § “Take her that!” § y s “Agam 5g51 MS:spy P1868:spy, 5991 MS:this woman, this P1868:this hybrid,
The break-down of my resolution now, And lour at disappointment in good time! -So tantalize and so enrage by turns, IJntil the two fall each on the other like Two famished spiders, as the coveted fly That toys long, leaves their net and them at last!” And so the missives followed thick and fast For a month, say,- I still came at every turn On the soft sly adder, endlong ‘neath my tread. I was met i’ the street, made sign to in the church, A slip was found i’ the door-sill, scribbled word ‘Twixt page and page o’ the prayer-book in my place. A crumpled thing dropped even before my feet, Pushed through the blind, above the terrace-rail, As I passed, by day, the very window once. And ever from corners would be peering up The messenger, with the self-same demand “Obdurate still, no flesh but adamant? Nothing to cure the wound, assuage the throe 0’ the sweetest lamb that ever loved a bear?” And ever my one answer in one tone“Go your ways, temptress! Let a priest read, pray, IJnplagued of vain talk, visions not for him! In the end, you’ll have your will and ruin me!” One day, a variation: thus I read: “You have gained little by timidity.
this 604/ MS:And take his disappointment < > trmePI868:And lour at disappointment < > time! 6051 MS:So < > turns Pl868:-So < > turns, 607) MS:spiders on the P1868:spiders, as the 6**-91 MS+ 7 5 P1868.3 no 7 Q 1889: 5 no 1[; emended to restore ‘II; see Editorial Notes § 6111 MS:neath P1868:‘neath 6121 MS:m P1868:i’ “‘“1 MS:in the sill, a scribbled P1868:i’ the door-sill, scribbled 6141 MS:Twixt leaf 5 crossed out and replaced above by § page < > of < > prayer book < > 6151 MS:feet P1868:feet, place: PI868:‘Twixt < > o’ < > prayer-book 1889a:place. 6’6-17l MS:5 or d er of these lines reversed 3 passed by day the < > once/ < > terrace rail. CP1868: Q final order established $j terrace-rail,/ < > passed, by day, the < > once. 6221 MS:Of P1868:O’ 6191 MS:self-same soft demand PZ868:self-same demand PZ868:ever my <> tone6241 MS:temptress: let a 6231 MS:ever came my <> tone poor soul $j last two words crossed out and replaced above by two words 5 priest read, pray P1868:temptressI Let < > pray, 6261 MS:Some day 3 last two words crossed out and replaced above by three words 5 In the end, you’ll draw me to my last Q last four words crossed P1868:me!” out and replaced above by four words 5 have your will and < > me.” 6271 MS:read. P1868:read: 6281 MS:gained nothing 5 crossed out and replaced above
My husband has found out my love at length, Sees cousin Conti was the stalking-horse, And you the game he covered, poor fat soul! My husband is a formidable foe, Will stick at nothing to destroy you. Stand Prepared, or better, run till you reach Rome! I bade you visit me, when the last place My tyrant would have turned suspicious at, Or cared to seek you in, was . . . why say, where? But now all’s changed: beside, the season’s past At the villa, -wants the master’s eye no more. Anyhow, I beseech you, stay away From the window! He might well be posted there.” I wrote- “You raise my courage, or call up My curiosity, who am but man. Tell him he owns the palace, not the street Under-that’s his and yours and mine alike. If it should please me pad the path this eve, Guido will have two troubles, first to get Into a rage and then get out again. Be cautious, though: at the Ave!” You of the Court! When I stood question here and reached this point 0’ the narrative,- search notes and see and say If someone did not interpose with smile And sneer, “And prithee why so confident
by $j little 6301 MS:stalking horse Pl868:stalking-horse, 63*1 MS:You are the G35) MS:me when P1868:me, when PI868:And you the 6361 MSsuspicious to 6371 MS:in was . . why say where? P1868:suspicious at, P1868:in, was < > say, where? 1889a:was . . . why 6381 MS:changed: he says the PI 868:changed: beside, the 6391 MS:the Villa P1868:the villa 6411 MS:there. PI 868: there.” 641-42) MS:$j no l/ $j P1868: Q 7 Q 6431 MS:curiosity who P1868:curiosrty, who 6151 MS:that’s mine and his and yours alike. 5 indication that should be transposed to read § that’s his and yours and mine 6461 MS:eve PI 868:eve, 6471 MS:Two Q crossed 6491 MS:the Ave!” < > the Court! out 5 P1868:the Ave!” <> court! 1889a:the Court 65’) MS:Of Pl868:O’ 652) MS:someone < > with word P1868:some one < > with smile 1889a:someone 6531 MS:sneer “And Pl868:sneer, “And
That the husband must, of all needs, not the wife, Fabricate thus, -what if the lady loved? What if she wrote the letters?” Learned Sir, I told you there’s a picture in our church. Well, if a low-browed verger sidled up Bringing me, like a blotch, on his prod’s point, A transfixed scorpion, let the reptile writhe, And then said “See a thing that Rafael madeThis venom issued from Madonna’s mouth!” I should reply, “Rather, the soul of you Has issued from your body, like from like, By way of the ordure-corner!” But no less, I tired of the same long black teasing lie Obtruded thus at every turn; the pest Was far too near the picture, anyhow: One does Madonna service, making clowns Remove their dung-heap from the sacristy. “I will to the window, as he tempts,” said I: “Yes, whom the easy love has failed allure, This new bait of adventure tempts,--thinks he. Though the imprisoned lady keeps afar, There will they lie in ambush, heads alert, Kith, kin, and Count mustered to bite my heel.
6541 MS:the Husband must of needs, and not the wife P1868:the husband must, of all 6571 MS:our Church. needs, not the wife, 6551 MS:the Lady PI868:the lady PZ868:our church. 6591 MS:me like Q written over illegible word Q a blotch on < > 66’1 MS:said “She < > Rafaelle point PZ868:me, like a blotch, on < > point, PI 868:said, “She < > Rafael 1889a:said “See 662) MS:This creature issued PZ868:This venom issued < > mouth!“1872:mouthl” 6651 MS:less PZ868:less, 1872:same long black 1889a:teasing 6681 MS:near 6661 MS:same black teazing 6691 MS:service making folk Madonna Q crossed out and replaced above by Q the picture P1868:service, making clowns 6711 MS:will go to < > tempts” said PZ868:will to P1868:failed allure, < > tempts,” said 6721 MS:failed to lure, 673-751 MS:adventure may ,-he thinks./ There < > ambush, all the brave, 5 last three words crossed out and replaced above by two words and comma 5 heads alert, Pl868:thinksJ While the imprisoned lady keeps afar,/ There 1872:adventure he./ Though the < > / There 6761 MS:Mustering $j altered to Q tempts, -thinks Mustered to match one man 5 last two words crossed out and replaced above by two words Q my heel,Kith, kin, and Count. 5 indication that should be transposed PZ868:and Count to read § Kith, kin and Count. Mustered to match my heel,-
No mother nor brother viper of the brood Shall scuttle off without the instructive bruise!”
So I went: crossed street and street: “The next street’s turn, I stand beneath the terrace, see, above, The black of the ambush-window. Then, in place Of hand’s throw of soft prelude over lute, And cough that clears way for the ditty last,“I began to laugh already-“he will have ‘Out of the hole you hide in, on to the front, Count Guido Franceschini, show yourself! Hear what a man thinks of a thing like you, And after, take this foulness in your face!’ ” The words lay living on my lip, I made The one-turn more-and there at the window stood, Framed in its black square length, with lamp in hand, Pompilia; the same great, grave, griefful air As stands i’ the dusk, on altar that I know, Left alone with one moonbeam in her cell, Our Lady of all the Sorrows. Ere I kneltAssured myself that she was flesh and bloodShe had looked one look and vanished. I thought-“ Just so: It was herself, they have set her there to watch-
mustered to bite my heel. 6771 MS:No mother or brother 5 last three words inserted above 3 <> them $j altered to 5 the PZ868:mother nor brother 6781 MS:bruise. ” P1868:bruisel” 67g( MS:So I < > street: “the < > turn PI 868:So, I < > street: “The < > turn, 1889a:So I 6801 MS:terrace, and above P1868:terrace, see, above, 6B1) MS:ambush window. Then, instead 5 crossed out 3 in place P1868:ambush-window 6821 MS:Of the hand’s < > prelude on the lute PI868:Of hand’s < > prelude over lute 1889a:lute, 686( MS:Count Guido Franceschini, and show P1868:Gount Guido Franceschini, show 6871 MS:Hear 5 crossed out and replaced above by Q Take 5 crossed out and original reading restored 5 < > man thinks of 5 last two words crossed out and replaced above by 5 gives to Q crossed out and original reading restored Q 6881 MS:face!” P1868:facel’ ” 6901 MS:one turn 1889a:one-turn 6921 MS:Pompilia, with the same grave griefful air PI868:Pompilia; the same great, grave, griefful air; 1868:air 6931 MS:in < > on an altar P1868:i’ < > on altar 69s) MS:of all 5 inserted above 5 the <> knelt . . . PZ868:knelt6971 MS:vanished.
Stationed to see some wedding-band go by, On fair pretence that she must bless the bride, Or wait some funeral with friends wind past, And crave peace for the corpse that claims its due. She never dreams they used her for a snare, And now withdraw the bait has served its turn. Well done, the husband, who shall fare the worse!” And on my lip again was-“Out with thee, Guido!” When all at once she re-appeared; But, this time, on the terrace overhead, So close above me, she could almost touch My head if she bent down; and she did bend, While I stood still as stone, all eye, all ear. She began- “You have sent me letters, Sir: I have read none, I can neither read nor write; But she you gave them to, a woman here, One of the people in whose power I am, Partly explained their sense, I think, to me Obliged to listen while she inculcates That you, a priest, can dare love me, a wife, Desire to live or die as I shall bid, (She makes me listen if I will or no) Because you saw my face a single time. It cannot be she says the thing you mean; Such wickedness were deadly to us both: But good true love would help me now so muchI tell myself, you may mean good and true. You offer me, I seem to understand,
P1868:vanished. Q 11 $j I thought-“Just 6s9-rooj MS:And wait Q 7 $j I said “Just 5 preceding two words crossed out and replaced above by three words $j Stationed to see < > by, § slash indicating division of line and following six words inserted above 3 On fair pretence that she must 5 original line continues Q and § crossed out Q bless the bride, 7011 MS:The bride, Q last two words crossed out and replaced above by two words $j Or wait, r”s/ MS:snare P1868:snare, 7051 MS:worse! some PI868:wait some P1868:worsel” 7061 MS:my very lip was Pl868:my lip again was 7071 MS:re-appeared P1868:re-appeared; 7081 MS:But this time on P1868:But, this 7121 MS:began “You PI868:began-“You 7221 MS:mean, time, on 72sj MS:both P1868:both: 7251 MS:may have meant it good. P1868:mean;
Because I am in poverty and starve, Much money, where one piece would save my life. The silver cup upon the altar-cloth Is neither yours to give nor mine to take; But I might take one bit of bread therefrom, Since I am starving, and return the rest, Yet do no harm: this is my very case. I am in that strait, I may not dare abstain From so much of assistance as would bring The guilt of theft on neither you nor me; But no superfluous particle of aid. I think, if you will let me state my case, Even had you been so fancy-fevered here, Not your sound self, you must grow healthy nowCare only to bestow what I can take. That it is only you in the wide world, Knowing me nor in thought nor word nor deed, Who, all unprompted save by your own heart, Come proffering assistance now,-were strange But that my whole life is so strange: as strange It is, my husband whom I have not wronged Should hate and harm me. For his own soul’s sake, Hinder the harm! But there is something more, And that the strangest: it has got to be
727) MSstarvc PI 868:starve 72*1 MS:money P1868:may mean good and true. when P1868:money, where 7s01 MStake, P1868:take; 7311 MS:1 <> take just one PZ868:But I < > take one 7.3~1 MS:And do P1868:Yet do 7341 MS:strait that I may not abstain PI868:strait, I 1872:not dare abstain 73~( MS:as will bring P1868:as would bring 7371 MS:Not one superfluous P1868:But no superfluous 7381 MS:think if P1868:think, if 7391 MS:been fancy-fevered P1868:been so fancy-fevered 7401 MS:you would § crossed out and replaced above by § must grow sober nowP1868:grow healthy now7421 MS:in all the world, P1868:in the wide world, 7431 MS:A stranger to me § last three words crossed out and replaced above by three words § Knowing me not in thought, nor 5 inserted above 5 word and s crossed out and replaced above by $j nor PZ868:Knowing me nor in thought nor 7441 MS:by her 5 crossed out and replaced above by $ your own heart P1868:heart, 7451 MS:now, were P1868:now,-were 7471 MS:is my P1868:is, my 74~1 MS:me,-for <> sake PI868:me. For < > sake, 7491 MS:more. PI 868: more,
Somehow for my sake too, and yet not mine. -This is a riddle-for some kind of sake Not any clearer to myself than you, And yet as certain as that I draw breath,I would fain live, not die-oh no, not die! My case is, I was dwelling happily At Rome with those dear Comparini, called Father and mother to me; when at once I found I had become Count Guido’s wife: Who then, not waiting for a moment, changed Into a fury of fire, if once he was Merely a man: his face threw fire at mine, He laid a hand on me that burned all peace, All joy, all hope, and last all fear away, Dipping the bough of life, so pleasant once, In fire which shrivelled leaf and bud alike, Burning not only present life but past, Which you might think was safe beyond his reach. He reached it, though, since that beloved pair, My father once, my mother all those years, That loved me so, now say I dreamed a dream And bid me wake, henceforth no child of theirs, Never in all the time their child at all. Do you understand? I cannot: yet so it is. Just so I say of you that proffer help: I cannot understand what prompts your soul, I simply needs must see that it is so, Only one strange and wonderful thing more. They came here with me, those two dear ones, kept
7511 MS:too and 5 inserted above 5 yet P1868:too, q MSyou P1868:you, and 7511 MSbreath, Pl868:breath,7571 MS:those two § crossed out and replaced above by 5 dear Comparini called Pl868:dear Comparini, called 7581 MS:me, when PIR68:me; when 7591 MS:wife; PI868:wife: 7621 MS:man,-fire $j transposed to follow threw 3 thrilled § crossed out 5 his face and 5 crossed out 5 threw, § comma crossed outs at mine 8 last two words added to follow& 5 Pl868:man: his <>mine, 7651 MS:He $j written over illegible word 3 < > hand at $j crossed out and replaced above by § on < > peace P1868:peace, 7651 MS:life so < > once 7671 MS:past P1868:life, so < > once, PlXbd:past, 769) MS:it though, <> that Comparini pair P1868:it, though, <> that beloved pair, 772) MS:wake become 3 crossed out and replaced above by 3 henceforth PlX68:wake, henceforth 7741MS%: P1868:is. 7751 MS:help P1868:help:
780 All the old love up, till my husband, till His people here so tortured them, they fled. And now, is it because I grow in flesh And spirit one with him their torturer, That they, renouncing him, must cast off me? 785 If I were graced by God to have a child, Could I one day deny God graced me so? Then, since my husband hates me, I shall break No law that reigns in this fell house of hate, By using-letting have effect so much 7go Of hate as hides me from that whole of hate Would take my life which I want and must haveJust as I take from your excess of love Enough to save my life with, all I need. The Archbishop said to murder me were sin: Tg5 My leaving Guido were a kind of death With no sin,-more death, he must answer for. Hear now what death to him and life to you I wish to pay and owe. Take me to Rome! You go to Rome, the servant makes me hear. 800 Take me as you would take a dog, I think, Masterless left for strangers to maltreat: Take me home like that-leave me in the house Where the father and the mother are; and soon They’ll come to know and call me by my name, 805 Their child once more, since child I am, for all They now forget me, which is the worst o’ the dreamAnd the way to end dreams is to break them, stand, Walk, go: then help me to stand, walk and go! The Governor said the strong should help the weak:
7811 7851 7sRl using B03/ for 5
P1868:fled. 7841MS:cast me off? CPl868:cast off me? CP1868:child, 7871 MS:Then since P1868:Then, since P1868:hate, 789/ MS:By taking 5 crossed out and replaced above by 5 7q4] MS:sin. Pl868:sin: 7991 MS:me know. P1868:me hear. MS:are, and Pl868tare; and 8g41 MS:name P1868:name, 8o51 MS:more, crossed out and replaced above by 5 since 8o61 MS:of P1868:o’
MS:fled MS:child MS:hate
You know how weak the strongest women are. How could I find my way there by myself? ’ I cannot even call out, make them hearJust as in dreams: I have tried and proved the fact. I have told this story and more to good great men, The Archbishop and the Governor: they smiled. ‘Stop your mouth, fair one!‘-presently they frowned, ‘Get you gone, disengage you from our feet!’ I went in my despair to an old priest, Only a friar, no great man like these two, But good, the Augustinian, people name Romano,-he confessed me two months since: He fears God, why then needs he fear the world? And when he questioned how it came about That I was found in danger of a sinDespair of any help from providence,‘Since, though your husband outrage you,’ said he, ‘That is a case too common, the wives die Or live, but do not sin so deep as this’Then I told-what I never will tell youHow, worse than husband’s hate, I had to bear The love,-soliciting to shame called love,Of his brother,-the young idle priest i’ the house With only the devil to meet there. ‘This is graveYes, we must interfere: I counsel,-write To those who used to be your parents once, Of dangers here, bid them convey you hence!’ ‘But,’ said I, ‘when I neither read nor write?’ Then he took pity and promised ‘I will write.’ If he did so,-why, they are dumb or dead:
st”[ MS:areP1868:are. 8141 MS:men PIR68tmen 8’g1 MS:two **o] MS:the Augustine whom the people P1868:the Augustinian, people PI86S:two, 8241 MS:of the sin Pl868:of a sin8251 MS:from @21 MS:need P1868:needs sss( MS:“Since < > you” said he Providence,P1868:from providence,P1868:‘Since < > you,’ said he. 827) MS:“That PI868:‘That s*sl MS:this.” PlbW:this’ssol MS&ate I P1868:hate, I 8321 MS:in P1868:i’ *33) MS:there. “This PZ868:there. ‘This 835) MS:once PI 868:once, 836l MS:h ere, and 3 crossed out § < > hence. P1868:hence!’ 8371 MS:“But,” said I *s*l MS:promised “I will “when <> write? Pl868:‘But,’ said I, ‘when < > write?’ write.” Pl868:promised ‘I will write.’ 89g/ MS:why they are dumb, the same:
Either they give no credit to the tale, Or else, wrapped wholly up in their own joy Of such escape, they care not who cries, still I’ the clutches. Anyhow, no word arrives. All such extravagance and dreadfulness Seems incident to dreaming, cured one way,Wake me! The letter I received this morn, Said-if the woman spoke your very sense‘You would die for me:’ I can believe it now: For now the dream gets to involve yourself. First of all, you seemed wicked and not good, In writing me those letters: you came in Like a thief upon me. I this morning said In my extremity, entreat the thief! Try if he have in him no honest touch! A thief might save me from a murderer. ‘Twas a thief said the last kind word to Christ: Christ took the kindness and forgave the theft: And so did I prepare what I now say. But now, that you stand and I see your face, Though you have never uttered word yet,-well, Here too has been dream-work, delusion too, And that at no time, you with the eyes here, Ever intended to do wrong by me, Nor wrote such letters therefore. It is false, And you are true, have been true, will be true. To Rome then,-when is it you take me there? Each minute lost is mortal. When?-1 ask.”
they are dumb,
or dead:
or dead:
I know,
they < >
cries still P1868:escape, they < > cries, still 8431 MS:In the clutches. Anyhow no P1868:I’ the clutches. Anyhow no s4s( MS:Are incident <> way, P1868:Seems 8481MS:“You < > me:” I < > now. P1868:‘You < > me:’ I < > incident < > way,now: ssO) MS:all you P1868:all, you 653) MS:extremity; entreat P1868:extremity, entreat 8541 MS:touch, P1868:touch! 8571 MS:the comfort and < > the sin: P1868rthe kindness and < > the theft: 8591 MS:face Pl868:face, 8621 MS:At that <> eyes there, P1868:And that 86LI MS:There 5 altered to § Here “641 MS:wrote the letters P1868:wrote such letters 8s51 MS:true, < > eyes here, 8671 MS:Each 3 written over illegible word 5 true will be. P2868:true, will be true. < > is precious 5 crossed out and replaced above by 9 mortal: when? I PI868:mortal.
I answered “It shall be when it can be. I will go hence and do your pleasure, find 870 The sure and speedy means of travel, then Come back and take you to your friends in Rome. There wants a carriage, money and the rest,A day’s work by to-morrow at this time. How shall I see you and assure escape?” 875 She replied, “Pass, to-morrow at this hour. If I am at the open window, well: If I am absent, drop a handkerchief And walk by! I shall see from where I watch, And know that all is done. Return next eve, **O And next, and so till we can meet and speak!” “To-morrow at this hour I pass,” said I. She was withdrawn. Here is another point I bid you pause at. When I told thus far, Someone said, subtly, “Here at least was found 885 Your confidence in error,-you perceived The spirit of the letters, in a sort, Had been the lady’s, if the body should be Supplied by Guido: say, he forged them all! Here was the unforged fact-she sent for you, 890 Spontaneously elected you to help, -What men call, loved you: Guido read her mind, Gave it expression to assure the world
When?-1 868) MS:answered, “It < > be; PI868:answered “It < > be. *@I M&your will 5 crossed out and replaced above by 5 pleasure 8r11 MS:Return § crossed out and replaced above by two words 5 Come back 8721 MS:and other means ,tj last two words inserted above line and then crossed out 5 the rest, PI868:rest.8741 MS:and concert escape?” P1868:and assure escape?” 875) MS:replied “Pass Pl868:replied, “Pass 8761 MS:If I can stand there § last three words crossed out and replaced above by 5 am at the open 3 inserted above 5 873) MS:And walk by, I < > watch P1868:And walk by! I < > watch, 8791 MS:done; return Pl868:done. Return 8801 MS:speak.” Pl%?:speak!” 1872:speak!’ 1889a:speak!” 8811 MS:pass” said P1868:pass." said 8831 MS:1 make you < > at. When last I P1868:I bid you at When CPI868:I bid you < > at. When I 8841 MS:said subtly “Here PZ868:said, subtly, “Here 8861 MS:say he < > all, PZ868:say, he <> all1 **Qj MS:fact she PI868:fact-she @iI MS:What <> mind P1868:-What <> mind,
The case was just as he foresaw: he wrote, She spoke. ” Sirs, that first simile serves still,That falsehood of a scorpion hatched, I say, Nowhere i’ the world but in Madonna’s mouth. Go on! Suppose, that falsehood foiled, next eve Pictured Madonna raised her painted hand, Fixed the face Rafael bent above the Babe, On my face as I flung me at her feet: Such miracle vouchsafed and manifest, Would that prove the first lying tale was true? Pompilia spoke, and I at once received, Accepted my own fact, my miracle Self-authorized and self-explained,-she chose To summon me and signify her choice. Afterward ,-oh! I gave a passing glance To a certain ugly cloud-shape, goblin-shred Of hell-smoke hurrying past the splendid moon Out now to tolerate no darkness more, And saw right through the thing that tried to pass For truth and solid, not an empty lie: “So, he not only forged the words for her But words for me, made letters he called mine: What I sent, he retained, gave these in place, All by the mistress-messenger! As I Recognized her, at potency of truth, So she, by the crystalline soul, knew me, Never mistook the signs. Enough of this-
ag4( M&serves
here,PI868:serves still,8961 MS:in < > mouth: P1868:i’ < > mouth. 897) MS:on, suppose CP1868:on! Suppose 9991 MS:Rafaelle bent on § crossed out and replaced above by 3 above < > Babe P1868:Rafael<> Babe, 903) MS:received P1868:received, g051 MS:Self-authorised and self-explained, she Pl868:self-explained,-she 1889a;Self-authorized go71 MS:oh, I P1868:oh! I go8( MS:cloud-shape-goblin shred P1868:cloud+hape, goblin shred CP1868:cloud-shape goblin-shred g151 MS:place Pl868:place, 916) MS:mistress-messenger: as PI868:mistress-messenger! As 917/ MS:her at <> truth P1868:her, at <> truth, 9181 MS:she by < > soul knew me P1868:she, by < > soul, knew me, g19) MS:Nor § altered § Never ever § crossed out and replaced above by § mis took the mean man 3 last two words crossed out and replaced above by $j signs. Enough of this5 last three words and dash written above line 3 PZ868:Never mistook
Let the wraith go to nothingness again, Here is the orb, have only thought for her!” “Thought?” nay, Sirs, what shall follow was not thought: I have thought sometimes, and thought long and hard. I have stood before, gone round a serious thing, Tasked my whole mind to touch and clasp it close, As I stretch forth my arm to touch this bar. God and man, and what duty I owe both,I dare to say I have confronted these In thought: but no such faculty helped here. I put forth no thought,-powerless, all that night I paced the city: it was the first Spring. By the invasion I lay passive to, In rushed new things, the old were rapt away; Alike abolished-the imprisonment Of the outside air, the inside weight o’ the world That pulled me down. Death meant, to spurn the ground, Soar to the sky,- die well and you do that. The very immolation made the bliss; Death was the heart of life, and all the harm My folly had crouched to avoid, now ploved a veil Hiding all gain my wisdom strove to grasp: As if the intense centre of the flame Should turn a heaven to that devoted fly Which hitherto, sophist alike and sage, Saint Thomas with his sober grey goose-quill, And sinner Plato by Cephisian reed, Would fain, pretending just the insect’s good,
9211 MS:her.”
no ( $j
l) 8
PI868:“Thought?” nay, Sirs 9231 MS:sometimes and “**I MS:“Thought”? Nay, sirs 9261 MS:to grasp 5 crossed 1’1868:sometimes, and ““51 MS:close P1868:close, 92’) MS:both, Pl868:both,out and replaced above by $ touch < > bar: P1868:bar. 9x11 MS:first Spring: P1868:first 9301 MS:powerless all PZ868:powerless, all Spring. 9321 MS:In the < > I bore $ crossed out and replaced above by 5 was passively, the <> I lay passive to, s ly crossed out 3 to 5 obviously added in revision 5 P1868:By g331 MS:away. PI 868:away; g3*1 MS:abolished the Pl868:abolished-the 9351 MS:weight of PI868:weight o’ 9j61 MS:ground P1868:ground, ““71 MS:Spring to P1868:Soar to 938) MS:bliss, P1868:bliss; “*“I MS:a mask 9**( MS:Whom hitherto 5 crossed out 5 veil ““1 MS:grasp. PI868:grasp: P1868:Which hitherto 9451 MS:grey-goose quill PI868:grey goose quill, CP1868:grey goose-quill, 9461 MS:reed P1868:reed, 9471 MS:the creature’s 3 crossed out and replaced above by two words and comma 5 insect’s good,
Whisk off, drive back, consign to shade again. Into another state, under new rule I knew myself was passing swift and sure; Whereof the initiatory pang approached, Felicitous annoy, as bitter-sweet As when the virgin-band, the victors chaste, Feel at the end the earthly garments drop, And rise with something of a rosy shame Into immortal nakedness: so I Lay, and let come the proper throe would thrill Into the ecstasy and outthrob pain. I’ the grey of dawn it was I found myself Facing the pillared front o’ the Pieve-mine, My church: it seemed to say for the first time “But am not I the Bride, the mystic love 0’ the Lamb, who took thy plighted troth, my priest, To fold thy warm heart on my heart of stone And freeze thee nor unfasten any more? This is a fleshly woman,-let the free Bestow their life-blood, thou art pulseless now!” See! Day by day I had risen and left this church At the signal waved me by some foolish fan, With half a curse and half a pitying smile For the monk I stumbled over in my haste, Prostrate and corpse-like at the altar-foot Intent on his corona: then the church Was ready with her quip, if word conduced,
“““1 MS:sure PZ868:sure; g”31 MS:chaste Pl868:chaste, g54) MSgarments fall $j crossed out § drop PZ868:drop, g56( MS:nakedness, so P1868:nakedness: so ““‘1 MS:Helpless 5 crossed out and replaced above by $ Lay and P1868:I,ay, and g581 MS:and repay all pain. P1868:and outthrob pain. g58-5g1 MS:5 no 11 5 P1868.3 qj $j “““1 MS:In <> dawn it was Q last two words inserted above 9 I Pl868:I’ “““I MS:of P1868:o’ 9631 MS:Of who take $j crossed out and replaced above by 8 took thy < > troth, of $ crossed out and replaced above by $j my priest, 3 indication that last two words should be transposed to come between took and thy and then restored to original position § P1868.0 9641 MS:my stony $j crossed out s 9671 MS:now.” by any Donna’s PI 868: now I ” 9681 MS:See! day P1868:See! Day 96gI MS:waved fan P1868:waved me by some foolish fan, 9711 MS:haste PZ868:haste, “‘“1 MS:Threw me a cheery word 5 last five words crossed out and replaced above by five words Q Was ready with her quip, if word there were 3 crossed out and replaced above by 3
To quicken my pace nor stop for prating-“There! Be thankful you are no such ninny, go Rather to teach a black-eyed novice cards Than gabble Latin and protrude that nose Smoothed to a sheep’s through no brains and much faith!” That sort of incentive! Now the church changed toneNow, when I found out first that life and death Are means to an end, that passion uses both, Indisputably mistress of the man Whose form of worship is self-sacrifice: Now, from the stone lungs sighed the scrannel voice “Leave that live passion, come be dead with me!” As if, i’ the fabled garden, I had gone On great adventure, plucked in ignorance Hedge-fruit, and feasted to satiety, Laughing at such high fame for hips and haws, And scorned the achievement: then come all at once 0’ the prize o’ the place, the thing of perfect gold, The apple’s self: and, scarce my eye on that, Was ‘ware as well o’ the seven-fold dragon’s watch. Sirs, I obeyed. Obedience was too strange,This new thing that had been struck into me
came, P1868:word conduced, 9751 MS:prating 5 zng crossed out and replaced above 9771 MS:black eyed by 5 ed 5 crossed out and original reading restored 5 Pl868:black-eyed “‘“1 MS:‘Ihan patter Q crossed out and replaced above by $ gabble latin PZ868:gabble Latin “‘“1 MS:faith”P1868:faith!” g81I MS:out first $j inserted above 5 gssI MS:man, PI 868:man 9841 MS:self-sacrifice g*5) MS:Now from P1868:Now, from P1868:self-sacrifice1889a:self-sacrifice: ““71 MS:if ere while Q last two words crossed out $ m the fabled $, inserted above $j garden, once was dreamed 5 last three words crossed out and replaced above by three words 5 I had gone PI 868:if, i’ 9881 MS:Gone !2~crossed out § on 5 altered to 3 On the great adventure, I had $j last two words crossed out 3 plucked Pl868:On great adventure “““1 MS:Hedge-fruit, so feasting 5 last two words crossed out and replaced above by two words 5 and feasted 9901 MS:With laughter 5 last two words crossed out and replaced 99’1 MS:the achievent: then come above by $j Laughing at such high 5 inserted above Q P1868:achievement unawares 5 crossed out and replaced above by three words $j all at once “““I MS:‘The 992( MS:On the prize of the place P1868:O’ the prize o’ the place wondrous $j inserted above and then crossed out 5 9941 MS:Was ware < > of < > dragon’s watch § crossed out and replaced above line by illegible word which is crossed out 9951 MS:strange, and original reading restored 5 P1868:Was ‘ware < > o’
By the look o’ the lady,-to dare disobey The first authoritative word. ‘Twas God’s. I had been lifted to the level of her, Could take such sounds into my sense. I said “We two are cognisant o’ the Master now; She it is bids me bow the head: how true, I am a priest! I see the function here; I thought the other way self-sacrifice: This is the true, seals up the perfect sum. I pay it, sit down, silently obey.” So, I went home. Dawn broke, noon broadened, II sat stone-still, let time run over me. The sun slanted into my room, had reached The west. I opened book,-Aquinas blazed With one black name only on the white page. I looked up, saw the sunset: vespers rang: “She counts the minutes till I keep my word And come say all is ready. I am a priest. Duty to God is duty to her: I think God, who created her, will save her too Some new way, by one miracle the more, Without me. Then, prayer may avail perhaps.” I went to my own place i’ the Pieve, read The office: I was back at home again know Sitting i’ the dark. “Could she but know-but That, were there good in this distinct from God’s, Really good as it reached her, though procured
Pl868:strange,gg7) MS:of the lady, to 1’1868:o the lady,--to 998) MS:word. ‘Twas God’s: P1868:word. ‘Twas God’s loo11 MS:We < > cognizant of < > now, P1868:“We < > o’ < > now; 1889a:cognisant loo21 MS:It is she bids < > head: too $j crossed out and replaced above by Q how 1889a:She it is bids looyl MS:priest: I < > function now: PZ868:priest! I < > function here; loo41 MS:other was self-sacrifice, P1868:other way self-sacrifice: loo’l MS:So I < > h ome, daw < > noon somehow came, P1868:sO, I < > home. Dawn < > noon broadened, I10081 MS:stone still let PZ868:stone-still, let 10loI MS:The West. I opened the book P1868:Thc west. I opened book 10161 MS:God who < > her will Pl868:God, who < > her, will lo)*1 MS:me. Then prayer PI868:me. Then, prayer 10191 MS:m PI868:i’ lo*11 MS:in PI868:i’ 10221 MS:That were her good P1868:That, were there good lfl*sl MS:as she gained 5 last two words crossed out 5 it reached her 5 last two words inserted above 3 though made gain Q last two words crossed out Q Pl868:her, though
By a sin of mine, -1 should sin: God forgives. She knows it is no fear withholds me: fear? Of what? Suspense here is the terrible thing. If she should, as she counts the minutes, come On the fantastic notion that I fear The world now, fear the Archbishop, fear perhaps Count Guido, he who, having forged the lies, May wait the work, attend the effect,-1 fear The sword of Guido! Let God see to thatHating lies, let not her believe a lie!” Again the morning found me. “I will work, Tie down my foolish thoughts. Thank God so far! I have saved her from a scandal, stopped the tongues Had broken else into a cackle and hiss Around the noble name. Duty is still Wisdom: I have been wise.” So the day wore. At evening- “But, achieving victory, I must not blink the priest’s peculiar part, Nor shrink to counsel, comfort: priest and friendHow do we discontinue to be friends? I will go minister, advise her seek Help at the source, -above all, not despair: There may be other happier help at hand. I hope it, -wherefore then neglect to say?” There she stood-leaned there, for the second time, Over the terrace, looked at me, then spoke:
PZ868:mine,--I < > sin: God rO*‘j MS:thing: toz41 MS:mine, I < > sin-God PI 868: thing. lo301 MS:he who < > lies P1868:he who, < > lies, 1o311 MS:Must wait P1868:May wait *Os*/ MS:sword as a priest may! Let 10391 MS:Wisdom, PI868:sword of Guidol Let 1033-34) MS:5 no n 5 PI 868.3 7 $j ‘039-401 MS:$ no I < > wise. So the 5 inserted above $j Pl868:Wisdom: I < > wise.” So io40j MS:evcning -But achieving $j last two words inserted above 5 Y 5 P1868:§I/§ achieving “Victory, is now achieved. 5 last three words crossed out 5 Pl868:evening-“But, victory, 10421 MS:comfort . . priest PI 868:comfort: priest t04*( MS:stood-leaned there, $$ last two words and comma inserted above 5
“Why is it you have suffered me to stay Breaking my heart two days more than was need? Why delay help, your own heart yearns to give? You are again here, in the self-same mind, I see here, steadfast in the face of you,~5 You grudge to do no one thing that I ask. Why then is nothing done? You know my need. Still, through God’s pity on me, there is time And one day more: shall I be saved or no?” I answered-“ L,ady, waste no thought, no word toGo Even to forgive me! Care for what I careOnly! Now follow me as I were fate! Leave this house in the dark to-morrow night, Just before daybreak:- there’s new moon this eveIt sets, and then begins the solid black. 1o65 Descend, proceed to the Torrione, step Over the low dilapidated wall, Take San Clemente, there’s no other gate LJnguarded at the hour: some paces thence An inn stands; cross to it; I shall be there.” 1050
*07O She answered, “If I can but find the way.
1o521 MS:help your PZ868:help, your lo51 MS:here in the self same PIRGR:here, in the self-same l”s41 MS:see there stcdfast < > you. P1868:see here, steadfast < > 1o551 MS:grudge me 9 crossed out and replaced above by two words 3 to do no you,PZ868:ask. one effort 5 crossed out and replaced above by $ thing < > ask 1°581 MS:no? P1868:no?” 1058-5g1 MS:9 lj 9 P1868.3 no 15 10591 MS:answered-“Lady, 3 inserted above 5 Waste no precious 5 crossed out and replaced above by following two words 5 thought, no word on me. s last two words and period crossed out fj to60( MS:Even for pardon Q last two words crossed out and replaced above by three words and exclamation mark 5 to forgive me! Care lo6t1 MS:5 line crowded between lines 1060 and 1062. Two illegible words followed by descend hence, all crossed out Q Only < > fate. P1868:fate! 10621 MS:$ first six words crossed out and then restored $j dark, to-morrow P1868:dark to-morrow t06s( MS:before day dawn: the 5 altered to 3 there’s new crescent 5 inserted above and then crossed out $j moon is now, 3 last two words crossed out and replaced above by following two words and dash 5 this evePZ868:before daybreak:-there’s 10661 MS:delapidated PZ868:dilapidated 10691 MS:stands; called the Steed: s last three words and colon crossed out and replaced above by following three words and semi-colon yj cross to it; < > there. PZ868:there.”
But I shall find it. Go now!”
I did go, Took rapidly the route myself prescribed, Stopped at Torrione, climbed the ruined place, Proved that the gate was practicable, reached The inn, no eye, despite the dark, could miss, Knocked there and entered, made the host secure: “With Caponsacchi it is ask and have; I know my betters. Are you bound for Rome? I get swift horse and trusty man,” said he. Then I retraced my steps, was found once more In my own house for the last time: there lay The broad pale opened Summa. “Shut his book, There’s other showing! ‘Twas a Thomas too Obtained,-more favoured than his namesake here,A gift, tied faith fast, foiled the tug of doubt,Our Lady’s girdle; down he saw it drop As she ascended into heaven, they say: He kept that safe and bade all doubt adieu. I too have seen a lady and hold a grace.” I know not how the night passed: morning broke; Presently came my servant. “Sir, this eveDo you forget?” I started. “How forget? What is it you know? ” “With due submission, Sir, This being last Monday in the month but one And a vigil, since to-morrow is Saint George, And feast day, and moreover day for copes, And Canon Conti now away a month,
10751 MS:inn no PlB&B:inn, no MS:answered “If P1868:answered, “If ‘0831 MS:favored Pl868:favoured MS:the Host P1868:the host 10861 MS:girdle, down 10851 MS:gift tied < > doubt, P1868:gift, tied < > doubt,1087( MS:into Heaven P1868:into heaven PI 868:girdle; down Pl868:grace.“/ § lj 5 I know not how the night passed: 108+911 MS:grace./ Presently 10921 MS:started. morning broke:/ Presently 1872:/ < > broke 1889a:/ < > broke; 10931 MS:know?” “With “How P1868:started.-“How 1889a:started. “How 10941 MS:That being the last < > P1868:know?“--“With 1889a:know?” “With 1095-97/ MS:a Vigil, and moreover month PZ868:This being last <> month but one 10701 10751
And Canon Crispi sour because, forsooth, You let him sulk in stall and bear the brunt Of the octave . . . Well, Sir, ‘tis important!” “True! Hearken, I have to start for Rome this night. No word, lest Crispi overboil and burst! Provide me with a laic dress! Throw dust I’ the Canon’s eye, stop his tongue’s scandal so! See there’s a sword in case of accident.” I knew the knave, the knave knew me. And thus Through each familiar hindrance of the day Did I make steadily for its hour and end,Felt time’s old barrier-growth of right and fit Give way through all its twines, and let me go. Use and wont recognized the excepted man, Let speed the special service,-and I sped Till, at the dead between midnight and morn, There was I at the goal, before the gate, With a tune in the ears, low leading up to loud, A light in the eyes, faint that would soon be flare,
day for copes,/ And P1868:a vigil, since to-morrow is St. George,/ And feast day, and CPl868:is Saint George, 10981 MS:And Canon Crispi moreover day for copes,/ And sore because Pl868:And Canon Crispi sour because “O”l MS:Of . . the octave . § last two words inserted above 0 <> important.” 3 1[ 5 “So I P1868:Of the important!” § see. s three words crossed out and replaced above by 5 “True.” f $, “True!” 1872:important!” # fi $j “True! “O’[ MS:to go 5 crossed out and replaced above by 3 start to a altered to 5 for Rome to-night: s crossed out and replaced above by two words and period 9 this eve. PI86R:for Rome this night. llo*l MS:Lest Canon a crossed out 5 Crispi break all bounds! s last three words crossed out and replaced above by three words and exclamation point 5 overboil and burst! “031 MS:Better g crossed out 3 provide 5 altered to 3 provide me with 9 last two words inserted above 5 <> dress-throw P1868:dress! Throw llOpl MS:In < > eye and 5 crossed out 3 stop a $j crossed out 3 his tongue’s § last two words inserted above 3 < > so. Pl868:I’ < > eye, stop < > so! and $j crossed out 5 the < > me. And P1868:me § l/ 6 And 1106j MS:knave, MS:hour at end,PI868:hour and end,11091 MS:of fit s written over illegi‘l”*l ble word 8 and wont a crossed out and replaced above by § right § indication that should be transposed to read § of right and fit 1110( MS:Give way through all its twines, § last four words inserted above $ and let me go; through twist and twine 5 last lour words crossed out § 1972go. 11111 MS:As s crossed out and replaced above by three words 5 Use P1868:man. ‘J’61 MS:A and wont recognizing g altered IO 8 recognized <> man faint 5 inserted above and then crossed out 5 < > eyes, faint turned 5 last two words u-ossed out and replaced above by five words 3 that faint
Ever some spiritual witness new and new In faster frequence, crowding solitude To watch the way o’ the warfare,-till, at last, ll*O When the ecstatic minute must bring birth, Began a whiteness in the distance, waxed Whiter and whiter, near grew and more near, Till it was she: there did Pompilia come: The white I saw shine through her was her soul’s, I125 Certainly, for the body was one black, Black from head down to foot. She did not speak, Glided into the carriage,-so a cloud Gathers the moon up. “By San Spirito, To Rome, as if the road burned underneath! 1130 Reach Rome, then hold my head in pledge, I pay The run and the risk to heart’s content!” Just that, I said,- then, in another tick of time, Sprang, was beside her, she and I alone.
So it began, our flight thro’ dusk to clear, Through day and night and day again to night Once more, and to last dreadful dawn of all. Sirs, how should I lie quiet in my grave Unless you suffer me wring, drop by drop, My brain dry, make a riddance of the drench Of minutes with a memory in each, Recorded motion, breath or look of hers,
faint that would “‘7I MS:Ever the $J crossed out and would soon be Pl868:eyes, IllSl MS:frequence crowding $ written over illegible word 5 replaced above by $j some 11191 MS:of thebatrle$jcrossedoutand the 5 crossed out 5 P1868:frequence, crowding replaced above by $j warfare P1868:o’ “2’1 MS: ecsta . t IC ,8 written over illegible word g lI?YI MS:there was Pompilia PZ868:there I1221 MS:more near P1868:more near, above by s white did Pompilia ll*‘I MS:the light 3 crossed out and replaced 11251 MSbody’s vesture was P1868:body was ll*gl MS:underneath; 11301 MS:pledge I PZ868:pledge, I 11~11 MS:that Pl868:underneathl 11341 MS:thro’ CPI868:that, 1889n:that 5 emended to 5 that, 5 see Editorial Notes 5 dark 3 written over by 3 dusk and day 3 last two words crossed out and replaced above by two words $j to clear, 1195( MS:Through day 5 last two words inserted above 5 And-night and < > to the $j crossed out 5 night once more 5 last two words crossed out $j P1868:and night and ll”“l MS:Once more; 5 last two words and semi-colon inserted above 5 And 114*1 MS:motion, speech $j crossed the last § inserted above $j P1868:more, and to last
Which poured forth would present you one pure glass, Mirror you plain,- as God’s sea, glassed in gold, His saints, -the perfect soul Pompilia? Men, You must know that a man gets drunk with truth Stagnant inside him! Oh, they’ve killed her, Sirs! Can I be calm? Calmly! Each incident Proves, I maintain, that action of the flight For the true thing it was. The first faint scratch 0’ the stone will test its nature, teach its worth To idiots who name Parian-coprolite. After all, I shall give no glare-at best Only display you certain scattered lights Lamping the rush and roll of the abyss: Nothing but here and there a fire-point pricks Wavelet from wavelet: well! For the first hour We both were silent in the night, I know: Sometimes I did not see nor understand. Blackness engulphed me,-partial stupor, sayThen I would break way, breathe through the surprise, And be aware again, and see who sat In the dark vest with the white face and hands. I said to myself-“ I have caught it, I conceive The mind o’ the mystery: ‘tis the way they wake And wait, two martyrs somewhere in a tomb Each by each as their blessing was to die; Some signal they are promised and expect,When to arise before the trumpet scares: So, through the whole course of the world they wait
out and replaced above by 5 breath 11431 MS:Mirror 5 written over illegible word 5 < > sea, glassy gold, P1868:sea, glassed in gold, 114tiI MS:himl Oh, the murder, his5 last three words crossed out and replaced above by four words 5 they’ve killed her, Sirsf PZ868:calm? 5 fl§ Calmlyl Each 11471 MS:calm? 3 fl $j Calmly-each “5”I MS:Of P1868:O’ “5’1 MS:T o f oo 1s who name the Parian coprolite. P1868:To idiots who name Parian, coprolite. 11521 MS:no glass-at 1889a:name Parian-coprolite. P1868:no glare-at ‘1541 MS:abyss1889a:abyss: 11561 MS:well,Q lj $j For PZ868:welll $j 7 5 For 11581 MS:understand, P1868:understand. 116’1 MS:be myself $j crossed out and replaced above by Q aware 11641 MS:of the mystery-‘tis P1868:mystery: ‘tis CPI868:o’ 11661 MS:their manner was PZ868:their blessing was 11671 MS:expect P1868:expect, 1872:expect,11681 MS:scares P1868:scares:
The last day, but so fearless and so safe! No other wise, in safety and not fear, I lie, because she lies too by my side.” You know this is not love, Sirs,-it is faith, The feeling that there’s God, he reigns and rules Out of this low world: that is all; no harm! At times she drew a soft sigh-music seemed Always to hover just above her lips, Not settle,-break a silence music too. In the determined morning, I first found Her head erect, her face turned full to me, Her soul intent on mine through two wide eyes. I answered them. “You are saved hitherto. We have passed Perugia, -gone round by the wood, Not through, I seem to think,-and opposite I know Assisi; this is holy ground.” Then she resumed. “How long since we both left Arezzo? ” “Years-and certain hours beside.” It wasat . . . ah, but I forget the names! ‘Tis a mere post-house and a hovel or two; I left the carriage and got bread and wine And brought it her. “Does it detain to eat?” “They stay perforce, change horses,-therefore eat! We lose no minute: we arrive, be sure!” This was-1 know not where-there’s a great hill Close over, and the stream has lost its bridge,
ii701 MS:last Day PZ868:last day “711 MS:other wise PZ868:otherwrse $j emended 11721 MS:side. P1868:side.l’ to 5 other wise $j see Editorial Notes 5 ii741 MS:feeling there’s God, and He PZ868:feeling that there’s God, he ir~o( MS:headerect, ii7r( MS:lips 2889a:lips, 1178-791 MS: Q no 15 PI 868: $j 115 1182) MS:hitherto: PZ868:hitherto. her face Q last three words inserted above s 11831 MS:passed Perugia, gone < > 9 illegible word altered to Q wood PZ868:passed 11~41 MS:think, and PI868:think,-and Perugia,-gone < > wood, 1187) MS:Arezzo?“-“Years ti*sl MS:know Assisi, this P1868:know Assisi; this 1187-881 ii**1 MS:names, 1889a:Arazo?” “Years MS:9 no ( 3 P1868.3 1 Q ri*gl MS:Tis < > two, P1868:‘Tis < > two,1889a:two; PI868:names! 1192) MS:“They ii911 MS:her. “Does P1868:her.-“Does 2889a:her. “Does 1194) MS:She said-1 1889a:This was-1 P1868:“ -They 1889a: “They
One fords it. She began-“1 have heard say Of some sick body that my mother knew, ‘Twas no good sign when in a limb diseased All the pain suddenly departs,-as if The guardian angel discontinued pain Because the hope of cure was gone at last: The limb will not again exert itself, It needs be pained no longer: so with me, -My soul whence all the pain is past at once: All pain must be to work some good in the end. True, this I feel now, this may be that good, Pain was because of,-otherwise, I fear!” She said,-a long while later in the day, When I had let the silence be,-abrupt“Have you a mother?” “She died, I was born.” “A sister then?” “No sister.” “Who was itWhat woman were you used to serve this way, Be kind to, till I called you and you came?” I did not like that word. Soon afterward“Tell me, are men unhappy, in some kind Of mere unhappiness at being men, As women suffer, being womanish? Have you, now, some unhappiness, I mean, Born of what may be man’s strength overmuch, To match the undue susceptibility, The sense at every pore when hate is close? It hurts us if a baby hides its face Or child strikes at us punily, calls names Or makes a mouth, -much more if stranger men
llsG( MS:began “I PZ868:began-“I 11971 MS:knew P1868:knew, **9*1 MS:a part $j crossed out and replaced above by Q limb 12001 MS:The guardian § inserted above 5 1*“4) MS:My P1868:-My r*Or( MS:fear.” P1868:fearI” 1207-81 MS:5 no ( Q P1868.3 7 § r20*1 MS:day PI 868:day, 12091 MS:abrupt P1868:abrupt1210) MS:mother?““She 1889a:mother?” “She i2ii/ MS:then?“-“No sister.“-“Whom CP1868:sister.“-“Who 1889a:then?” “No sister. ” “Who 1215) MS:“Tell men, are PZ868:“Tell me, are 12141 MS:afterward PZ868:afterward12171 MS:woman suffer being PZ868:women suffer, being 1*181 MS:you now some P1868:you. now, some 12231 MS:Or a
Laugh or frown, -just as that were much to bear! Yet rocks split,- and the blow-ball does no more, Quivers to feathery nothing at a touch; And strength may have its drawback weakness scapes.” Once she asked “What is it that made you smile, At the great gate with the eagles and the snakes, Where the company entered, ‘tis a long time since?” “-Forgive-I think you would not understand: Ah, but you ask me,-therefore, it was this. That was a certain bishop’s villa-gate, I knew it by the eagles,-and at once Remembered this same bishop was just he People of old were wont to bid me please If I would catch preferment: so, I smiled Because an impulse came to me, a whimWhat if I prayed the prelate leave to speak, Began upon him in his presence-hall -‘What, still at work so grey and obsolete? Still rocheted and mitred more or less? Don’t you feel all that out of fashion now? I find out when the day of things is done!’ ” At eve we heard the angelus: she turned“I told you I can neither read nor write. My life stopped with the play-time; I will learn, If I begin to live again: but youWho are a priest- wherefore do you not read
12261 MS:Yet, rocks 1225) MS:bear: P1868:bear! child Pl868:Or child 5 crossed out and replaced above by $j Quivers P1868:Yet rocks 12271 MS:Flying P1868:drawback, weakness l**sl MS:And 5 added in margin 5 < > drawback weakness I889a:drawback weakness 1228-2g1 MS:5 no 15 P1868.3 15 1889a:s no 7 § 1889:s no 12311 MS:entered,-‘tis P1868:entered, 7; emended to restore 7; see Editorial Notes 3 12341 MS:certain Bishop’s 12321 MS:“Forgive PIR68:“-Forgive ‘tis 12361 MS:same Bishop was the same P1868:bishop was just P1868:certain bishop’s Pl868:whimt*ssl MS:whim, he 1*3*1 MS:so I PZ868:so, I 12431 MS:rochetted CPI868:rocheted 12421 MS:“What P1868:-‘What 124*46( MS+ no 1 § P1868.3 ( $j 12451 MS:donef” P1868:done!’ ” 12471 MS:write P1868:write. 12461 MS:angelus P1868:angelus 12491 MS:If life P1868:play-time; I CPl868:learn 12481 MS:play-time: I will learn Q crossed out and replaced above by ,cj I begin to live 5 last two words inserted above Q
The service at this hour? Read Gabriel’s song, The lesson, and then read the little prayer To Raphael, proper for us travellers!” I did not like that, neither, but I read. 1255
When we stopped at Foligno it was dark. The people of the post came out with lights: The driver said, “This time to-morrow, may Saints only help, relays continue good, Nor robbers hinder, we arrive at Rome.” I urged, “Why tax your strength a second night? Trust me, alight here and take brief repose! We are out of harm’s reach, past pursuit: go sleep If but an hour! I keep watch, guard the while Here in the doorway.” But her whole face changed, The misery
1253/ MS:travellers.” PZ868:travellers!” 1*54-551 MS:s no 15 P1868.3 f 5 r257( MS:said “This <> to-morrow, night Q crossed out 5 P1868:said, “This ’25s) MS:If 5 crossed out 8 saints $j altered to 5 Saints only Q inserted above line 5 help, and 5 crossed out § 125g/ MS:And 3 crossed out and replaced above by 3 Nor robbers do not 5 last two words crossed out $ 126O1 P1868:urged,-“ Why 1889a:urged, “Why PI 868:repose! ‘262) MS:reach, and long 5 last two words rz61) MS:repose. crossed out $j pursuit, go P1868:pursuit: go 126s1 MS:hour, I PZ868:hourI I Q6’j1 MS:faintness like PZ868:faintness like 12671 MS:thicket when PI868:thicket, when 12681 MS:of the huntsman. Oh, no stay! PZ868:o’ the huntsman. “Oh, no stay!” 1270-711 MS:5 no 7 Q P1868:§ 7 5 12711 MS:night, but P1868:night; but r*rs( MS:dream; PI 868:dream: 12741 MS:arms P1868:arms’
In soul and body: get you gone!” Then I“Why, in my whole life I have never prayed! Oh, if the God, that only can, would help! Am I his priest with power to cast out fiends? Let God arise and all his enemies Be scattered!” By morn, there was peace, no sigh Out of the deep sleep. When she woke at last, I answered the first look- “Scarce twelve hours more, Then, Rome! There probably was no pursuit, There cannot now be peril: bear up brave! Just some twelve hours to press through to the prize: Then, no more of the terrible journey!” “Then, No more o’ the journey: if it might but last! Always, my life-long, thus to journey still! It is the interruption that I dread,With no dread, ever to be here and thus! Never to see a face nor hear a voice! Yours is no voice; you speak when you are dumb; Nor face, I see it in the dark. I want No face nor voice that change and grow unkind.” That I liked, that was the best thing she said. In the broad day, I dared entreat, “Descend!” I told a woman, at the garden-gate By the post-house, white and pleasant in the sun, “It is my sister, -talk with her apart! She is married and unhappy, you perceive; I take her home because her head is hurt;
1279-*o) MS:5 crowded between lines 1278 and 1281 in a continuous line and divided between r2811 MSliends. PI 868: fiends? rzRJl MSxattered!” prayed and Oh by slash 9 1*8*/ MS:sleep; ~~hcn < > last By mornmg there P1868:scatteredl” By morn, there 12851 MS:look-“Not twelve PZ868:look-“Scarce P1868:sleep. Q fl§ When < > last, twelve 12871 MS:peril,-bear up brave, PZ868:peril: bear up brave! 1889a:prize: 12881 MS:Just the § crossed out and replaced above by § some < > prize1290) MS:more journey P1868:Then, no < > “Then, 128s1 MS:Then no <> “Then 1291) MS:life-long, to be here and thus Q last five words P1868:more o’ the journey 1299) MS&y, “I dare entreat, crossed out 5 1*g8-gg) MS:5 no 1 § P1868:§ fl 8 PI868:day, I dared entreat, “Descend!“ r”“I MS:woman, by the descend!” PZ868:stster < > apart! P1868:woman, at the 1302) MS:Sister < > apart.
1305 Comfort her as you women understand!” So, there I left them by the garden-wall, Paced the road, then bade put the horses to, Came back, and there she sat: close to her knee, A black-eyed child still held the bowl of milk, 1310 Wondered to see how little she could drink, And in her arms the woman’s infant lay. She smiled at me “How much good this has done! This is a whole night’s rest and how much more! I can proceed now, though I wish to stay. n15 How do you call that tree with the thick top That holds in all its leafy green and gold The sun now like an immense egg of fire?” (It was a million-leaved mimosa.) “Take The babe away from me and let me go!” 1320 And in the carriage “Still a day, my friend! And perhaps half a night, the woman fears. I pray it finish since it cannot last: There may be more misfortune at the close, And where will you be? God suffice me then!” 1325 And presently-for there was a roadside-shrine“When I was taken first to my own church Lorenzo in Lucina, being a girl, And bid confess my faults, I interposed ‘But teach me what fault to confess and know!’ 1330 So, the priest said- ‘You should bethink yourself: Each human being needs must have done wrong!’ Now, be you candid and no priest but friend-
13061 MS:So there < > garden wall, P1868:So, there < > garden-wall, tsO*j MS:sat,close < > knee Pl868:sat: close < > knee, 1310j MS:Wondered Q followed by illegible letter, perhaps t, perhaps crossed out Q see PZ868:Wondered to see lsl*I MS:now though PZ868:now, though 13171 MS:an immense Q inserted above Q ‘3’91 MS:go.” Pl868:go!” is*01 MS:friend, P1868:friend! ‘“**I MS:1 wish it over § last three words crossed out and replaced above by three words Q pray it finish < > last. 1889a:last DC, BrIJ: last: 2889:last: u*sl MS:the end, 5 crossed out and replaced above by Q close, is**1 MS:then! PZ868:thenI” 13251 MS:roadside shrineP1868:roadside+hrinets**I MS:And $j in left margin Q Bid 5 altered to 3 bid ‘“*“I MS:know.’ PZ868:knowI’ 13301 MS:So the <> said “You P1868:!So, the < > said-‘You us*1 MS:Now, you be candid Pl868:Now, be you candid
Were I surprised and killed here on the spot, A runaway from husband and his home, Do you account it were in sin I died? My husband used to seem to harm me, not . . . Not on pretence he punished sin of mine, Nor for sin’s sake and lust of cruelty, But as I heard him bid a farming-man At the villa take a lamb once to the wood And there ill-treat it, meaning that the wolf Should hear its cries, and so come, quick be caught, Enticed to the trap: he practised thus with me That so, whatever were his gain thereby, Others than I might become prey and spoil. Had it been only between our two selves,His pleasure and my pain,-why, pleasure him By dying, nor such need to make a coil1 But this was worth an effort, that my pain Should not become a snare, prove pain threefold To other people-strangers-or unbornHow should I know? I sought release from thatI think, or else from, -dare I say, some cause Such as is put into a tree, which turns Away from the north wind with what nest it holds,The woman said that trees so turn: now, friend, Tell me, because I cannot trust myself! You are a man: what have I done amiss?” You must conceive my answer,-1 forgetTaken up wholly with the thought, perhaps, This time she might have said,-might, did not say“You are a priest.” She said, “my friend.” Day wore,
1333) MS:Were I to die, be killed PZ868:Wcre I surprised and killed ‘“““I MS:you esteem Q crossed out and replaced above by Q account 13361 MS:not 5 following 1336 a line is drawn across page and in margin is written znsert, second line down from 1336 is circled and joined to horizontal line by arrow $j Pl868:not . . . 13381 MS+ this line preceded 1337 in unaltered MS Q Not for Q inserted above 5 < > and mere 5 crossed out 5 lJ40) MS:the Villa PZ868:the villa 13421 MS:caught P1868:caught, 134*1 MS:coil. PZ868:coil! 13491 MS:effort 13461 MS:selves P1868:selves,that PI868:effort, that r350] MS:snare, prove Q inserted above § 13561 MS:-The ‘3551 MS:northwind < > nests P1868:nest 1872:north wind PI 868:The 13571 MS:myself, P1868:myselfl 136o( MS:thought perhaps rs”*I MS:priest” -she P1868:priest.” She PZ868:thought, perhaps,
We passed the places, somehow the calm went, Again the restless eyes began to rove In new fear of the foe mine could not see. She wandered in her mind,-addressed me once “Gaetano!” -that is not my name: whose name? I ,grew alarmed, my head seemed turning too. I quickened pace with promise now, now threat: Bade drive and drive, nor any stopping more. “Too deep i’ the thick of the struggle, struggle through! Then drench her in repose though death’s self pour The plenitude of quiet,-help us, God, Whom the winds carry!” Suddenly I saw The old tower, and the little white-walled clump Of buildings and the cypress-tree or two,“Already Castelnuovo-Rome!” I cried, “As good as Rome,- Rome is the next stage, think! This is where travellers’ hearts are wont to beat. Say you are saved, sweet lady!” IJp she woke. The sky was fierce with colour from the sun Setting. She screamed out “No, I must not die! Take me no farther, I should die: stay here! I have more life to save than mine!” She swooned. We seemed safe: what was it foreboded so? Out of the coach into the inn I bore The motionless and breathless pure and pale
19641 MS:the restlessness, 9 altered to 5 restless the 5 crossed out $ eyes that $ crossed out and replaced above by two words 5 began to roved $j altered to 3 rove ls’j51 MS:foe 15 crossed out and replaced above by $ mine < > see: I889a: see. 1s67) MS:“Gaetano!” That P1868:“Gaetanol’‘-that 13681 MS:too: 1889a:too. 13691 MS:threat, Pl868:threat: 1~701 MS:more, P1868:more. 13711 MS:Too much $j crossed out and replaced above by $j deep in < > throughPl868:i’ < > through! 13721 MS:Then steep 5 crossed out and replaced above by $j drench 13731 MS:help now, God, PZ868:help us, God, 137’1 MSxarry!” Suddenly PI868:carry!” § q 3 Suddenly 13791 MS:travellers PZ868:travellers’ r”aoI MS:sweet Lady!” IJp she sprang $j crossed out and replaced above by 3 woke P1868:sweet lady < > woke. r”“j MS:mine.” § 11 $j She swooned: P1868:minel” 5 ( 5 She swooned. i”s”I MS: We were safe: why Q altered to 5 what was it I 5 crossed out 5 boded 5 altered to 5 foreboded P1868:We seemed safe 13871 MS:The motionless and 3 last two words inserted above and followed by two illegible letters, crossed out Q breathless burden, oh, the pure and 5 last five words crossed out and replaced above by following word and comma 3 lady, pale PZ868:breathless pure and pale
Pompilia,-bore her through a pitying group And laid her on a couch, still calm and cured By deep sleep of all woes at once. The host Was urgent “Let her stay an hour or two! Leave her to us, all will be right by morn!” Oh, my foreboding! But I could not choose. I paced the passage, kept watch all night long. I listened, -not one movement, not one sigh. “Fear not: she sleeps so sound!” they said: but I Feared, all the same, kept fearing more and more, Found myself throb with fear from head to foot, Filled with a sense of such impending woe, That, at first pause of night, pretence of gray, I made my mind up it was morn.-“Reach Rome, Lest hell reach her! A dozen miles to make, Another long breath, and we emerge!” I stood I’ the court-yard, roused the sleepy grooms. “Have out Carriage and horse, give haste, take gold!” said I. While they made ready in the doubtful morn,‘Twas the last minute,-needs must I ascend And break her sleep; I turned to go. And there Faced me Count Guido, there posed the mean man As master, -took the field, encamped his rights, Challenged the world: there leered new triumph, there Scowled the old malice in the visage bad
isRgl MS:still calm $j written over *ss*i MSpitying crowd Q crossed out § group ngol MS:once. They 5 altered to Q The Host illegible word, perhaps cured 5 13g3-94( MS:8 no 1 $j P1868.3 1 Q PI 868:The host 139’( MS:rwo: P1868:two! *Y99) MS:woe i3961 MS:sound,” they said-but PZ868:soundI” they 1889a:said: but P1868:woe, 14001 MS:That at PZ868:That, at 14011 MS:morn. “Reach I P1868:emergel” I 14041 MS:In the P1868:morn.-“Reach 140s) MS:emerge.” court, aroused < > grooms, “Have PI868:I’ the court-yard, roused < > grooms. “Have 1405( MS:M an § crossed out and replaced above by $j carriage and horse, I gave Q last two words crossed out and replaced above by three words 5 give haste, take gold for diligence. Q last two words crossed out and replaced above by two words and period Q “said I. 1406) MS:There they stood ready < > morn. P1868:goldl” -said 1889a:goldl” said 14081 MS:And summon her § last two Pl868:While they made ready < > morn,PI868:break words crossed out and replaced above by three words Q break the sleep 14091 MS:there the mean man posed Q indication that posed is to her sleep i*iol MS:As the master, took P1868:As be transposed to follow there 5
And black o’ the scamp. Soon triumph suppled the tongue A little, malice glued to his dry throat, And he part howled, part hissed . . . oh, how he kept Well out o’ the way, at arm’s length and to spare!“My salutation to your priestship! What? Matutinal, busy with book so soon Of an April day that’s damp as tears that now Deluge Arezzo at its darling’s flight?‘Tis unfair, wrongs feminity at large, To let a single dame monopolize A heart the whole sex claims, should share alike: Therefore I overtake you, Canon! Come! The lady,- could you leave her side so soon? You have not yet experienced at her hands My treatment, you lay down undrugged, I see! Hence this alertness-hence no death-in-life Like what held arms fast when she stole from mine. To be sure, you took the solace and repose That first night at Foligno!-news abound 0’ the road by this time,-men regaled me much, As past them I came halting after you,
master,-took i4i3/ MS:of the lose1 $ crossed out and replaced above by Q scamp. Soon 5 inserted above $j Triumph loosed 5 crossed out and replaced above by Q suppled P1868:o’ < > triumph 14i5/ MS:hissed . . oh 1889a:hissed . . . oh I4161 MS:of <> spare . . . PZ868:spare!CP1868:o’ 14*‘( MS:priestship,what? P1868:priestship! What? 1418( MS:soon 5 followed by illegible erasure, perhaps question mark 5 ‘4201 MS:flight,P1868:flight?14211 MS:‘Tis on behalf of our 3 last four words crossed out and replaced above by two words 5 unfair to femininity at large PZ868:unfair, wrongs femininity at large, 14**-*sj MS:5 crowded between lines 1421 and 1424 in one continuous line, separated between monopolize and A by slash Q 14221 MS:single Dame P1868:single dame 14231 MS:claims to share PZ868:claims, should share 14241 MS:Therefore $j written in left margin Q < > you, Canon: Come! PZ868:you, Canon! Come! 14251 MS:The lady P1868:The lady, 14271 MS:treatment, were Q crossed out and replaced above by three words Q you lay down undrugged, last night, $j last two words crossed out Q I see, P1868:see! 14281 MS:alertness-and no death in life PZ868:alertness-hence no death-in-life 142g1 MS:held me fast P1868:held arms fast 14301 MS:you had 5 crossed out and replaced above by § took 14311 MS:On 5 crossed out Q the $j altered to 3 The first < > Foligno, -news P1868:That first < > Folignol-news 14~1 MS:On the road, by < > me with P1868.0 the road by < > me much, 14331 MS:As post 5 altered to § past by post I halted $j last four words crossed out and replaced above by four
Vulcan pursuing Mars, as poets sing,Still at the last here pant I, but arrive, Vulcan-and not without my Cyclops too, The Commissary and the unpoisoned arm 0’ the Civil Force, should Mars turn mutineer. Enough of fooling: capture the culprits, friend! Here is the lover in the smart disguise With the sword, -he is a priest, so mine lies still. There upstairs hides my wife the runaway, His leman: the two plotted, poisoned first, Plundered me after, and eloped thus far Where now you find them. Do your duty quick! Arrest and hold him! That’s done: now catch her!” During this speech of that man,-well, I stood Away, as he managed,-still, I stood as near these two hands, my own,The throat of him, -with As now I stand near yours, Sir,-one quick spring, One great good satisfying gripe, and lo! There had he lain abolished with his lie, Creation purged o’ the miscreate, man redeemed, A spittle wiped off from the face of God! I, in some measure, seek a poor excuse
words 5 them I came halting 14341 MS:singP1868:sing,‘“‘“I MS:1 but P1868:I, but 14371 MS:and an arm or so P1868:and the unpoisoned arm i4s81 MS:Of < > Force, in case, § last two words crossed out and replaced above by $ should Mars turn § inserted above $ Pl868:O’ 14sg/ MS:fooling: here are the PZ868:fooling: capture the 14411 MS:With 5 written over perhaps And 5 < > still: 1889a:still. r4*2) MS:There in the house, my P1868:There upstairs hides my 144s) MS:His love: the two were fain to poison first, PZ868:His leman: the two plotted, poisoned first, 14441 MS:Plunder me after, 5 crossed out and replaced above by two words § next and last of all § last two words crossed out § elope PI868:Plundered me after, and eloped i446) MS:Disarm 5 crossed 144s) MS:du ty now I PI868:du ty quick! out and replaced above by § Arrest < > him: that’s Q followed by apparently one word superimposed upon another, both crossed out, illegible, and replaced above by Q done P1868:himl That’s 1446-471 MS:5 7 $j PIRhR:§ no 7 5 1889:$ no n; emended to restore 7: see Editorial Notes $j ‘4481 MS:still I PI868:still, I 14491 MS:him with < > hands my own P1868:him,-with < > hands, my own,14501 MS:stand to you, Sirs, you or you. P1868:stand near yours, Sir,-one quick spring, ‘4511 MS:10 PZ868:loI 14531 MSCreation had been purged of the miscreate, PI 868:Creation purged o’ the miscreate, man redeemed, ‘454) MS:God. Pl868:GodI 1455( MS:1 in <> measure seek 3 written over illegible word 3 my sake 5 uncertain; last two words crossed out and replaced above by two words 5 out some excuse
For what I left undone, in just this fact That my first feeling at the speech I quote Was-not of what a blasphemy was dared, Not what a bag of venomed purulence Was split and noisome,-but how splendidly Mirthful, how ludicrous a lie was launched! Would Moliere’s self wish more than hear such man Call, claim such woman for his own, his wife, Even though, in due amazement at the boast, He had stammered, she moreover was divine? She to be his, -were hardly less absurd Than that he took her name into his mouth, Licked, and then let it go again, the beast, Signed with his slaver. Oh, she poisoned him, Plundered him, and the rest! Well, what I wished Was, that he would but go on, say once more So to the world, and get his meed of men, The fist’s reply to the filth. And while I mused, The minute, oh the misery, was gone! On either idle hand of me there stood Really an officer, nor laughed i’ the least: Nay, rendered justice to his reason, laid Logic to heart, as ‘twere submitted them “Twice two makes four.” “And now, catch her!” he cried. That sobered me. “Let myself lead the way-
PZ868:1, in < > measure, seek a poor excuse **s61 MS:what I did not § last two words crossed out and replaced above by two words 3 left undone, in just 5 inserted above line s this 1458( MS:was spoken, 5 word and comma crossed out and simple 3 crossed out 5 fact t4601 MS:Was broken § crossed out and replaced above by word and comma Q dared, replaced above by Q split 1461) MS:Mirthful, what ludicrousness § altered to 5 ludicrous <> launched. PI868:launched! 1889a:Mirthful, how ludicrous 1462/ MS:Would Momus self PZ868:Would Moliere’s self **@I 2872:wife DC, BrU:wife, 1889:wife, 14651 MS:stammered she 14641 MS:the chance, P1868:the boast, < > divine: PI868:stammered, she < > divine? 14671 MS:mouth PI868:mouth, 14681 MS:Licked and PI868:Licked, and 14701 MS:Plundered and all the PZ868:Plundered him, and the 14711 MS:Was that P1868:Was, that 147*( MS:That to Pl868:So to 14761 MS:in the least. PI868:i’ 1872:least 14781 MS:as if he 1889a:least: 14771 MS:They rendered 1889a:Nay, rendered submitted P1868:as ‘twere submitted 14791 MS:her,” he P1868:her!“-he 1889a:herl” he PI868:me. “Let < > way14801 MS:me “Let < > way
Ere you arrest me, who am somebody, Being, as you hear, a priest and privileged,To the lady’s chamber! I presume you-men Expert, instructed how to find out truth, Familiar with the guise of guilt. Detect Guilt on her face when it meets mine, then judge Between us and the mad dog howling there!” Up we all went together, in they broke 0’ the chamber late my chapel. There she lay, Composed as when I laid her, that last eve, 0’ the couch, still breathless, motionless, sleep’s self, Wax-white, seraphic, saturate with the sun 0’ the morning that now flooded from the front And filled the window with a light like blood. “Behold the poisoner, the adulteress, -And feigning sleep too! Seize, bind!” Guido hissed. She started up, stood erect, face to face With the husband: back he fell, was buttressed there By the window all a-flame with morning-red, He the black figure, the opprobrious blur Against all peace and joy and light and life. “Away from between me and hell!” she cried: “Hell for me, no embracing any more! I am God’s, I love God, God-whose knees I clasp, Whose utterly most just award I take,
14*1-82) MS:5 written in continuous line in top margin and separated between somebody and ,4nd by slash 5 ‘4R21 MS:And, as < > priest, and privileged-5 slash through dash 5 P1868:priest and privileged,1889a:Being, as 148yl MS:the Lady’s chamber; I 14e4( MS: find the truth; < > you men P1868:the lady’s chamber! I < > you-men I4891 MS:On < > lay PZ868:find out truth, r4a71 MS:there.” Pl868:there!” P1868:O’ <> lay, ‘@iI MS:On < > breathless motionless, all sleep, Pl868:O’ < > breathless, motionless, sleep’s self, 1492) MS:seraphic § written over partially erased, 1494~951 MS:blood:/ So a saint lies at illegible word Q ‘4g31 MS:Of P1868:O’ dawn of Judgment day./ “Behold the poisoner, and § crossed out and replaced above by 5 the 14961 MS:And < > bindl”-Guido PI868:-And P1868:blood./ “Behold 1889a:bind!” Guido 14991 MS:a-flame 1889a:a flame Q emended to § a-flame 5 see Editorial Notes 5 *500) MS:that Q altered to 5 the opprobrious blot PZ868:opprobrious blur r5Or( MS:all light and life and peace and joy 5 indication that should be 15021 MS:and Hell” she transposed to read Q all peace and joy and light and life. PZ868:hell!” -she 2889a:helll she 15031 MS:Hell < > no embraces any PI868:“Hell ‘5051 MS:1 < > no embracing any 15041 MS:love God, God$j inserted above 3 take His utterly most just award PZ868:Whose utterly most just award I take,
But bear no more love-making devils: hence!” I may have made an effort to reach her side From where I stood i’ the door-way,-anyhow I found the arms, I wanted, pinioned fast, Was powerless in the clutch to left and right 0’ the rabble pouring in, rascality Enlisted, rampant on the side of hearth Home and the husband,-pay in prospect too! They heaped themselves upon me. “Ha!-and him Also you outrage? Him, too, my sole friend, Guardian and saviour? That I baulk you of, Since-see how God can help at last and worst!” She sprang at the sword that hung beside him, seized, Drew, brandished it, the sunrise burned for joy 0’ the blade, “Die,” cried she, “devil, in God’s name!” Ah, but they all closed round her, twelve to one -The unmanly men, no woman-mother made, Spawned somehow! Dead-white and disarmed she lay. No matter for the sword, her word sufficed To spike the coward through and through: he shook, Could only spit between the teeth-“You see? You hear? Bear witness, then! Write down . . but noCarry these criminals to the prison-house, For first thing! I begin my search meanwhile After the stolen effects, gold, jewels, plate, Money and clothes, they robbed me of and fled,
‘5081 MS:in the doorway P1868:i’ the door-way ‘5091 MSarms I PZ868:arms, I ‘5’11 MS:Of PZ868:O’ ‘5’21 MS:Enlisted, rampant $j inserted above Q < > hearth 5 slash inserted after hearth Q and home $j last two words crossed out $j P1868:hearth ‘513j MS:Home § inserted above Q And the husband, with some Q last two words crossed out and replaced above by dash and two words Q -fees in prospect of a $j last two words crossed out and replaced above by word and period 5 too. fee. Pl868:and the husband,-pay in prospect tool ‘5’4) MS:me-“Ha-and P1868:me.“Ha-and 1889a:me. “I-Is ’51s1 MS:sprung < > beside me, seized PI 868:beside him, seized 1889a:sprang 1520) MS:On the blade, “Die” cried PI868:O’ the blade, “Die,” cried 1521( MS:one, 2872:one ‘5221 MS:men no PI868:men, no ‘5*s) MS:somehow,-dead-white < > Pl868:somehow! Dead-white < > lay. 1889a:lay lay,DC, BrU: lay. 1889:lay. ‘5251 MS:shook Pl868:shook, ‘“*“I MS:spit throu 3 crossed out and replaced above by § between ‘5271 MS:then: write < > but, noPZ868:then! Write 1872:but no‘5281 MS:prison-house P1868:prison-house, ‘529) MS:thing: PZ868:thingl I ‘5301 MS:For certain Pl868:After the ‘53’1 MS:clothes they
With no few amorous pieces, verse and prose, I have much reason to expect to find.” When I saw that-no more than the first mad speech, ~35 Made out the speaker mad and a laughing-stock, So neither did this next device explode One listener’s indignation,-that a scribe Did sit down, set himself to write indeed, While sundry knaves began to peer and pry is40 In corner and hole, -that Guido, wiping brow And getting him a countenance, was fast Losing his fear, beginning to strut free 0’ the stage of his exploit, snuff here, sniff there,Then I took truth in, guessed sufficiently 1545 The service for the moment. “What I say, Slight at your peril! We are aliens here, My adversary and I, called noble both; I am the nobler, and a name men know. I could refer our cause to our own Court 1550 In our own country, but prefer appeal To the nearer jurisdiction. Being a priest, Though in a secular garb,-for reasons good
<> fled: Pl868:clothes, they 1872:fled 1889a:fIed, 15331 MS:find. Pl868:tind.” i5s41 MS:saw, 5 comma crossed out and replaced 1533-341 MS:§ no fl 5 P1868.3 7 3 above by word and comma Q that, no < > the first 5 written over illegible word s speech Pl868:saw, that,no < > the first mad speech, 1872:saw that-no r5ss1 MSspeaker fool $j crossed out and replaced above by 5 mad *5361 MS:So 5 in margin Q Neither 5 altered to Q neither < >next 5 written over illegible word $j charge Q followed 15371 MS:One by illegible fragment; both crossed out and replaced above by Q device 15381 1872:down; set man’s mere indignation P1868:One listener’s indignation 1889a:down set 15391 MS:And sundry 1889a:While sundry 15401 MS:hole, as 15421 MS:fears Pl868:fear 15431 MS:On <> Guido PZ868:hole,-that Guido 15441 MS:1 took the truth in, exploits < > there, PZ868:O’ < > exploit < > there,saw sufficiently PZ868:in, guessed sufficiently 1872:Then I took truth 15451 MS:the 15461 MS:peril. minute “What PZ868:the moment-“What 2872:moment. “What P1868:and I, We < > here PI868:perilI We < > here, 15471 MS:and I, and noble 154*1 MS:1 being Q crossed out and replaced above by following two called noble words Q am the nobler, a great Q last two words crossed out and replaced above by following two words 5 and a < > know: 15491 MS:own court 1889a:own Court P1868:know. 155l1 MS:To 1550) MS:country but $j written over illegible word 3 PZ868:country, but another $j crossed out and replaced above by following two words 5 the nearer jurisdiction: i55*/ MS:garb for being a priest PZ868:jurisdiction. Being a priest,
I shall adduce in due time to my peers,I demand that the Church I serve, decide Between us, right the slandered lady there. A Tuscan noble, I might claim the Duke: A priest, I rather choose the Church,-bid Rome Cover the wronged with her inviolate shield.” There was no refusing this: they bore me off, They bore her off, to separate cells o’ the same Ignoble prison, and, separate, thence to Rome. Pompilia’s face, then and thus, looked on me The last time in this life: not one sight since, Never another sight to be! And yet I thought I had saved her. I appealed to Rome: It seems I simply sent her to her death. You tell me she is dying now, or dead; I cannot bring myself to quite believe This is a place you torture people in: What if this your intelligence were just A subtlety, an honest wile to work On a man at unawares? ‘Twere worthy you. No, Sirs, I cannot have the lady dead! That erect form, flashing brow, fulgurant eye, That voice immortal (oh, that voice of hers!) That vision in the blood-red day-break-that Leap to life of the pale electric sword Angels go armed with,-that was not the last 0’ the lady! Come, I see through it, you findKnow the manceuvre! Also herself said
15531 MS:peers. 1554/ MS:demand Rome, P1868:garb,-for P1868:peers,whose rule 3 last three words crossed out and replaced above by following three words s that the Church 15551 MS:the murdered lady P1868:the slandered lady 15561 MS:noble I might choose § crossed out and replaced above by $j claim P1868:noble, I 15571 MS:priest I rather invoke Rome $ last two words crossed out and replaced above by 3 ‘5”“l MS:of choose the Church P1868:priest, I ‘5591 MS:off PI 868:off, PI 868:o’ 15621 MS:face then and thus looked Pl868:face, then and thus, looked 15651 MS:her: I P1868:her. I 15671 MS:now or dead: Pl868:now, or dead; 1568j MS:believe. P1868:believe 15721 MS:unawares: ‘Twere P1868:unawares? ‘Twere i57sj MS:deadP1868:dead! 15741 MS:eye P1868:eye, “,79) MS:Of < > you seeP1868.0’ < > you find15801 MS:manoxrvre: also
I had saved her: do you dare say she spoke false? Let me see for myself if it be so! Though she were dying, a Priest might be of use, The more when he’s a friend too,-she called me Far beyond “friend.” Come, let me see her-indeed It is my duty, being a priest: I hope I stand confessed, established, proved a priest? My punishment had motive that, a priest I, in a laic garb, a mundane mode, Did what were harmlessly done otherwise. I never touched her with my finger- tip Except to carry her to the couch, that eve, Against my heart, beneath my head, bowed low, As we priests carry the paten: that is why -To get leave and go see her of your graceI have told you this whole story over again. Do I deserve grace? For I might lock lips, Laugh at your jurisdiction: what have you To do with me in the matter? I suppose You hardly think I donned a bravo’s dress To have a hand in the new crime; on the old, Judgment’s delivered, penalty imposed, I was chained fast at Civita hand and footShe had only you to trust to, you and Rome, Rome and the Church, and no pert meddling priest Two days ago, when Guido, with the right, Hacked her to pieces. One might well be wroth; I have been patient, done my best to help: I come from Civita and punishment As friend of the Court-and for pure friendship’s sake
15831 MS:a priest P1868:manatuvre! Also 15*11 MS:her-do Pl868:her: do 15*71 MS:1 am might bring 5 crossed out and replaced above by $$ be 1872:a Priest P1868:otherwise. confessed P1868:I stand confessed 15go1 MS:otherwise; P1868:again. 15961 MS:again15921 MS:couch that eve P1868:couch, that eve, 15981 MS:jurisdiction-what PZ868:jurisdiction: what 15971 MS:lips PZ868:lips, 16011 MS:the murder 5 crossed out and replaced above by following two words and semi-colon 5 new crime; 16021 MS:delivered, punishment’s fj crossed out and replaced 1606) MS:when Guido, for his P1868:penalty imposed, above by 3 penalty’s imposed, 16071 MS:pieces: one < > wroth, part, P1868:when Guido, with the right, 16101 MS:the court 2889a:the Court P1868:pieces. One < > wroth;
Have told my tale to the end,-nay, not the endFor, wait-I’ll end-not leave you that excuse!
When we were parted,-shall I go on there? I was presently brought to Rome-yes, here I stood Opposite yonder very crucifixAnd there sat you and you, Sirs, quite the same. I heard charge, and bore question, and told tale Noted down in the book there,-turn and see If, by one jot or tittle, I vary now! I’ the colour the tale takes, there’s change perhaps; ‘Tis natural, since the sky is different, Eclipse in the air now; still, the outline stays. I showed you how it came to be my part To save the lady. Then your clerk produced Papers, a pack of stupid and impure Banalities called letters about loveLove, indeed,- I could teach who styled them so, Better, I think, though priest and loveless both! “-How was it that a wife, young, innocent, And stranger to your person, wrote this page?““-She wrote it when the Holy Father wrote The bestiality that posts thro’ Rome, Put in his mouth by Pasquin.” “Nor perhaps Did you return these answers, verse and prose, Signed, sealed and sent the lady? There’s your hand!” “-This precious piece of verse, I really judge, Is meant to copy my own character,
16121 MS:Well, wait <> excuse. P1868:For, wart < > excuse! 1612-131 MS:§ no 7 5 P1868.3 fl§ l615( MS:very CrucifixP1868:very crucifix16161 MS:sate P1868:sat 16191 MS:tittle I < > now. PZ868:tittle, I < > now! 16201 MS:In the colour I now give, there’s < > perhapsP1868:I’ the colour the tale takes, there’s < > perhaps; i6*11 MS:natural; since PZ868:natural since 16221 MS:still the P1868:still, the 16251 MS:Papers-a P1868:Papers, a 16261 MS:about LovePJ868:about love16*71 MS:so P186830, ‘6291 MS:“How PI 868:“-How 16301 MS:A stranger < > person wrote P1868:And stranger < > person, wrote 16321 MS:That pasquinade $j crossed out and replaced above by Q bestiality < > Rome, to-day 5 crossed out § PI868:The bestiality t6s31 MS:by Pasquin.“-“Nor 1889a:by Pasquin.” “Nor ‘6351 MS:lady: there’s P1868:lady? There’s i6s61 MS:“This < > judge P1868:“-This 1889a:judge, 16371 MS:characters,
A clumsy mimic; and this other prose, Not so much even; both rank forgery: Verse, quotha? Bembo’s verse! When Saint John wrote The tract ‘De Tribus,’ I wrote this to match.” “-How came it, then, the documents were found At the inn on your departure?“--“1 opine, Because there were no documents to find In my presence,- you rnust hide before you find. Who forged them hardly practised in my view; Who found them waited till I turned my back.” “-And what of the clandestine visits paid, Nocturnal passage in and out the house With its lord absent? ‘Tis alleged you climbed . . .” “-Flew on a broomstick to the man i’ the moon! Who witnessed or will testify this trash?” “-The trusty servant, Margherita’s self, Even she who brought you letters, you confess, And, you confess, took letters in reply: Forget not we have knowledge of the facts!” “--Sirs, who have knowledge of the facts, defray The expenditure of wit I waste in vain, Trying to find out just one fact of all! She who brought letters from who could not write, And took back letters to who could not read,Who was that messenger, of your charity?” “-Well, so far favours you the circumstance That this same messenger . . . how shall we say? . . .
1’j401 MS:quotha? rather PI 868:character, 16381 MS:prose PI868:prose, Bembo’s: when John PZ868:quotha? Bembo’s verse! When Saint John 1642( MS:-How 1G4’( MS:tract “De Tribus,” I P1868:tract ‘11e Trihus,’ I PZ868:it, then, the ,C written over perhaps A with dash m margin 5 <> it then the 16431 MS:At 5 written over illegible word, perhaps Ztz 5 the Inn <> opine PZ868:inn < > opine, 1645) MS:find: P1868:find. lG46) MS:them hardly < > view, 1889a:them hardly 16471 MS:them waited PI868:them, hardly < > view; 16501 MS:With Guido absent < > climbed” P1868:them, waited 1889a:them waited P1868:With its lord absent < > climbed . . .’ 1889a:climbed . . .” ;6i1/’ MS:-“Flew 5 mserted . above § On < > in PI868:“-Flew on < > i’ 1655) MS:confess took ‘e52( MS:witnessed and will P1868:witnessed or will 16571 MS:“Sirs PI868:confess, took 16561 MS:facts.” P1868:facts!” 16591 MS:Wanting P1868: “-Sirs 16581 MS:vain Pl868:vain, to < > all: PZ868:Trying to < > all! 16601 MS:brought letters 5 inserted above 5 16611 MS:letters 5 written over illegible word s < > read, PZ868:read,. . . how < > say? . . . ‘6’j4( MS:messenger . . how <> say? . . 1889a:mcssenger
Sub imputatione meretricis Laborat,- which makes accusation null: We waive this woman’s: nought makes void the next. Borsi, called Venerino, he who drove, 0’ the first night when you fled away, at length Deposes to your kissings in the coach, -Frequent, frenetic . . .” “When deposed he so?” “After some weeks of sharp imprisonment . . .” “-Granted by friend the Governor, I engage-” “-For his participation in your flight! At length his obduracy melting made The avowal mentioned . . . ” “Was dismissed forthwith To liberty, poor knave, for recompense. Sirs, give what credit to the lie you can! For me, no word in my defence I speak, And God shall argue for the lady!” so Did I stand question, and make answer, still With the same result of smiling disbelief, Polite impossibility of faith In such affected virtue in a priest; But a showing fair play, an indulgence, even, To one no worse than others after allWho had not brought disgrace to the order, played Discreetly, ruffled gown nor ripped the cloth In a bungling game at romps: I have told you, Sirs-
1666) MS:makes witness Q crossed out and replaced above by § accusation null: and void Q last two words crossed out Q 16671 MS:woman’s,-nought < > next P1868:woman’s:-nought < > next. 1889a:woman’s: nought 16681 MS:drove PI 868:drove, 1669) MS:On P1868:O’ 16701 rMS:coach PI 868:coach, 16711 MS:Frequent, frenetic” . . . Pl868:-Frequent, frenetic . . .” 16721 MS:imprisonment” . . . P1868:imprisonment 16731 MS:“Granted < > . . .” engage”P1868:” -Granted < > engage-” 16741 MS:For < > flight, P1868:-For <> flight1 1676781 MS:mentioned . . . ” “Was < > forthwith./ Sirs P1868:mentioned . . “$jemendedtos . . .” 3 see Editorial Notes Q “Was < > forthwith/ To liberty, poor knave, for recompense./ Sirs 16791 MS:speak: P1868:speak, i6*0/ MS:‘Tis God shall answer Q crossed out and replaced above by Q argue < > Lady!” So Pl868:And God < > lady!” $j 1 $j So 16841 MS:such pretence at 5 last two words crossed out and replaced above by 5 affected virtue on our part PZ868:virtue in a priest, CP1868:priest; 16851 MS:mdulgence even PZ868:indulgence, even, 16861 MS:To me no PZ868:To one no 16*7-*9/ MS:not disgraced my order, ripped the cloth/ In PZ868:not brought disgrace to the order, played/
If I pretended simply to be pure Honest and Christian in the case,-absurd! As well go boast myself above the needs 0’ the human nature, careless how meat smells, Wine tastes,- a saint above the smack! But once Abate my crest, own flaws i’ the flesh, agree To go with the herd, be hog no more nor less, Why, hogs in common herd have common rights: I must not be unduly borne upon, Who just romanced a little, sowed wild oats, But ‘scaped without a scandal, flagrant fault. My name helped to a mirthful circumstance: “Joseph” would do well to amend his plea: Undoubtedly-some toying with the wife, But as for ruffian violence and rape, Potiphar pressed too much on the other side! The intrigue, the elopement, the disguise,-well charged! The letters and verse looked hardly like the truth. Your apprehension was-of guilt enough To be compatible with innocence, So, punished best a little and not too much. Had I struck Guido Franceschini’s face, You had counselled me withdraw for my own sake, Baulk him of bravo-hiring. Friends came round, Congratulated, “Nobody mistakes! The pettiness o’ the forfeiture defines The peccadillo: Guido gets his share: His wife is free of husband and hook-nose,
Discreetly, ruffled gown nor ripped the cloth/ In ‘6931 MS:Of < > smells P1868:O’ < > smells, “jg41 MS:tastes, a <> smack! but PZ868:tastes,-a <> smack! But I6951 MS:in P1868:i’ 16971 MS:Why hogs < > rightsP1868:Why, hogs 1889a:righ ts: 16g81 MS:upon. PZ868:upon 16991 MS:Who had just < > sown 1872:Who just < > sowed 17001 MS:But found out in no scandal <> fault: PZ868:But ‘scaped without a scandal <> fault. 17011 MS: circumstance P1868:circumstance: rro*l MS: Joseph P1868: “ Joseph” 17051 MS:pressed to 1707) MS:verses looked less like much < > side. P1868:pressed too much < > side! “loI MS:So P1868:verse looked hardly like 17081 MS:was of P1868:was-of punished < > muchP1868:So, punished < > much. irii( MS:Had I spat in 1714) MS:Congratulated Guido < > face PI 868:Had I struck Guido < > face, l”51 MS:of “Nobody mistakes that case, PZ868:Congratulated, “Nobody mistakes! P1868:o’ 17171 MS:of him and the hook nose PZ868:of husband and hook-nose,
The mouldy viands and the mother-in-law. To Citiva with you and amuse the time, Travesty us ‘De Raptu Helena?!’ A funny figure must the husband cut When the wife makes him skip,-too ticklish, eh? Do it in Latin, not the Vulgar, then! Scazons-we’ll copy and send his Eminence. Mind-one iambus in the final foot! He’ll rectify it, be your friend for life!” Oh, Sirs, depend on me for much new light Thrown on the justice and religion here By this proceeding, much fresh food for thought! And I was just set down to study these In relegation, two short days ago, Admiring how you read the rules, when, clap, A thunder comes into my solitudeI am caught up in a whirlwind and cast here, Told of a sudden, in this room where so late You dealt out law adroitly, that those scales, I meekly bowed to, took my allotment from, Guido has snatched at, broken in your hands, Metes to himself the murder of his wife, Full measure, pressed down, running over now! Can I assist to an explanation?-Yes, I rise in your esteem, sagacious Sirs, Stand up a renderer of reasons, not The officious priest would personate Saint George
1719) MS:time P1868:time, ‘7’81 MS:mother-in-law: P1868:mother-m-law. ‘r20/ MSTranslat’ng P1868:Travesty us ‘De Rnptu Helencz!’ us “de Raptu Helenae,” ‘72’1 MS:A doleful figure did the Husband P1868:A funny figure must the husband ‘722) MS:then P1868:then! ‘7221 MS:wife made him P1868:wife makes him ‘7241 MS:copy for the Cardinal 5 last three words crossed out and replaced above by following four words and dash Q and send his EminenceP1868:Eminence! 2889a:Eminence. ‘7261 MS:rectify and be P1868:rectify it, be ‘725) MS:footP1868:foot! ‘73’1 MS:In my relegation PI868:In relegation 17*P-JOI MS:§ no n 5 P1868.3 1 § PI 868: in to my ‘732) MS:when clap PI868:when, clap, ‘7~31 MS:into the solitude‘7341 MS:here P1868:here, ‘7371 MS:bowed, 5 comma apparently solitudeadded in revision Q and 5 crossed out 5 took < > my measure 3 crossed out and replaced above ‘7381 MS:has burst 3 reading not certain; crossed by $j allotment P1868:bowed to, took out and replaced above by Q snatched ‘739) MS:And 3 crossed out Q metes 5 altered to $j P1868:now! ‘744) MS:officious young Metes to 5 inserted above $ 17401 MS:now:
For a mock Princess in undragoned days. What, the blood startles you? What, after all The priest who needs must carry sword on thigh May find imperative use for it? Then, there was A Princess, was a dragon belching flame, And should have been a Saint George also? Then, There might be worse schemes than to break the bonds At Arezzo, lead her by the little hand, Till she reached Rome, and let her try to live? But you were law and gospel,-would one please Stand back, allow your faculty elbow-room? You blind guides who must needs lead eyes that see! Fools, alike ignorant of man and God! What was there here should have perplexed your wit For a wink of the owl-eyes of you? How miss, then, What’s now forced on you by this flare of factAs if Saint Peter failed to recognize Nero as no apostle, John or James, Till someone burned a martyr, made a torch 0’ the blood and fat to show his features by! Could you fail read this cartulary aright On head and front of Franceschini there, Large-lettered like hell’s masterpiece of print,That he, from the beginning pricked at heart
5 crossed out and replaced above by following three words $j priest would personate Saint 1745) M&For the perished 5 uncertain; George too bold 5 last two words crossed out 5 1746) MS:blood sobers you last two words crossed out and replaced above by $j a mock P1868:blood startles you rr*s( MS:May have found imperative < > it? Then there 17491 MS:A Princess, 5 comma PI868:May find imperative CP1868:it? Then, there apparently added in revision $j and 5 crossed out and replaced above by 5 was a Dragon < > flame P1868:dragon < > flame, 1750( MS:also? Then CPl868:also? Then, 17531 MS:reached Rome, began to 5 last two words crossed out and replaced above by following three words 5 and let her try and 5 crossed out and replaced above by 5 to rrss( MS:+wink 17541 MS:were the law and the gospel 1872:were law and gospel < > you? How fail find 5 two words crossed out and replaced above by two words $ miss then P1868:a wink < > miss, then, 17611 MS:is Saint Paul had 5 last two words crossed out 1889a:recognize *7621 MS:as not the and replaced above by Q Peter < > recognise mate of Q last four words crossed out and replaced above by two words § no Apostle, James nor John 5 indication that should be transposed to read Q John nor James P1868:no apostle, John or James, ‘7641 MS:Of P1868:O’ 17661 MS:On the head <> there over illegible word Q < > like P1868:On head < > there, ‘T6’) MS:L ar g e $j written
By some lust, letch of hate against his wife, Plotted to plague her into overt sin And shame, would slay Pompilia body and soul, And save his mean self-miserably caught I’ the quagmire of his own tricks, cheats and lies? -That himself wrote those papers,-from himself To himself,-which, i’ the name of me and her, His mistress-messenger gave her and me, Touching us with such pustules of the soul That she and I might take the taint, be shown To the world and shuddered over, speckled so? -That the agent put her sense into my words, Made substitution of the thing she hoped, For the thing she had and held, its opposite, While the husband in the background bit his lips At each fresh failure of his precious plot? -That when at the last we did rush each on each, By no chance but because God willed it soThe spark of truth was struck from out our soulsMade all of me, descried in the first glance, Seem fair and honest and permissible love 0’ the good and true- as the first glance told me There was no duty patent in the world Like daring try be good and true myself, Leaving the shows of things to the Lord of Show
Hell’s < > print, PI868:like hell’s < > print,17691 MS:By some 5 inserted above $j lust, and $ crossed out Q 17711 MS:shame, should slay P1868:shame, would slay 17721 MS:self miserably PZ868:self-miserably 17731 MS:In P1868:I’ 17751 MS:himself,in <> of her and me $ indication that should be transposed to read 5 of me and her, P1868:himself,-which, i’ 17771 MS:Spotting both 5 crossed out and replaced above by following two words $YjTouching us with those pustules P1868:with such pustules 17791 MS:shuddered at o’er speckled P1868:shuddered over, speckled 17*01 MS:That < > words Pl868:-That < > words, 171111 MS:hoped PI 868:hoped, 1782/ MS:For the the thing P1868:For the thing 17841 MS:hls precious 3 inserted above 5 plot? plot hatched $ last two words crossed out $j I7651 MS:In that $ crossed out and replaced above by two words so crossed out as to be illegible s - 5 perhaps added in revision $j that Q altered to 5 That when we did meet Q crossed out $j at the last-rush each on each, 5 last four words apparently added in revision; indication that should be transposed to read Q when at the last we did rush 17871 MS:struck forth § crossed out $j from out $j inserted above Q our souls 178*1 MS:me descried through 5 crossed P1868:soulsout 5 < > glance P1868:me, descried < > glance, 17gol MS:Of CP1868:O’ 17911 MS:duty for me 5 last two words crossed out and replaced above by Q patent in the wide
And Prince o’ the Power of the Air. Our very flight, Even to its most ambiguous circumstance, Irrefragably proved how futile, false . . . Why, men-men and not boys-boys and not babesBabes and not beasts-beasts and not stocks and stones!Had the liar’s lie been true one pin-point speck, Were I the accepted suitor, free o’ the place, Disposer of the time, to come at a call And go at a wink as who should say me nay,What need of Bight, what were the gain therefrom But just damnation, failure or success? Damnation pure and simple to her the wife And me the priest-who bartered private bliss For public reprobation, the safe shade For the sunshine which men see to pelt me by: What other advantage,-we who led the days And nights alone i’ the house,-was flight to find? In our whole journey did we stop an hour, Diverge a foot from straight road till we reached Or would have reached-but for that fate of oursThe father and mother, in the eye of Rome, The eye of yourselves we made aware of us At the first fall of misfortune? And indeed You did so far give sanction to our flight, Confirm its purpose, as lend helping hand, Deliver up Pompilia not to him She fled, but those the flight was ventured for. Why then could you, who stopped short, not go on One poor step more, and justify the means,
PZ868:And 3 crossed out § world 17941 MS:The 3 altered to 5 And Prince of < > Right Prince o’ < > Right, 17951 MS:circumstance PI868:circumstance. 1799(MS:speck P1868:speck, 1798/ MS:stonesPlB@:stones!laooI MS:And I < > of PI 868:Werr I < > o’ L8021 MS:nay, Pl&%:nay,‘so41 MS:failure and success laOsl MS:gain thereby PZ868:gain therefrom 18051 MS:barter Pl868:bartered P1868:failure or success? I8081 MS:pelt you by: lao7) MS:reprobation, at the last 8 last three words crossed out § CP1868:pelt me by: la@‘/ MS:advantage, we PZ868:advantage,-we L8121 MS:from the strait P1868:from strait 1889a:straight lBlol MS:in PZ868:i’ ‘8171 MS:flight P1868:flight, 1*151 MS:misfortune: and PI868:misfortune? And 18201 MS:fled but < > 1818) MS:purpose as < > hand P1868:purpose, as < > hand, 182zl MS:means PI.%%:means, for: PlBhS:Red, but < > for.
Having allowed the end?-not see and say “Here’s the exceptional conduct that should claim To be exceptionally judged on rules Which, understood, make no exception here”Why play instead into the devil’s hands By dealing so ambiguously as gave Guido the power to intervene like me, Prove one exception more? I saved his wife Against law: against law he slays her now: Deal with him! I have done with being judged. I stand here guiltless in thought, word and deed, To the point that I apprise you,-in contempt For all misapprehending ignorance 0’ the human heart, much more the mind of Christ,That I assuredly did bow, was blessed By the revelation of Pompilia. There! Such is the final fact I fling you, Sirs, To mouth and mumble and misinterpret: there! “The priest’s in love,” have it the vulgar way! Unpriest me, rend the rags o’ the vestment, doDegrade deep, disenfranchise all you dareRemove me from the midst, no longer priest And fit companion for the like of youYour gay Abati with the well-turned leg And rose i’ the hat-rim, Canons, cross at neck And silk mask in the pocket of the gown, Brisk Bishops with the world’s musk still unbrushed
isz61 MS:Which understood make 18231 MS:end,-not PI868:end?-not 1*29( MS:intervene as I, P1868:intervene like me, P1868:Which, understood, make 18301 MS:more: I P1868:more? I 18321 MS:him. I appeal 5 uncertain; written over PIBbB:him! 8 7 3 I illegible word; both crossed out and replaced above by 5 have done 18331 MS:deed P1868:deed, i@+) MS:you, in Pl&B:you,-in ‘*351 MS:Of 18361 MS:Of < > Christ, Pl868:O’ < > 8 crossed out and replaced above by 3 For 18421 MS:Punish that Christ,*8411 MS:“The Priest’s PZ868:“The priest’s $j two words crossed out and replaced above by two words s Unfrock me <> of 16(31 MS:disenfranchize all you canPIS68:Ilnpries.t me < > o’ 5 crossed out 3 <> from the § PI868:disenfranchise all you dare18441 MS:Uufrock crossed out and replaced above by § your midst Pl868:from the midst 18471 MS:in <> canons is461 MS:abbati PZ868:Abbati CP1868:Abati 18491 MS:Brisk bishops cross P1868:i’ <> Canons, cross
From the rochet; I’ll no more of these good things: There’s a crack somewhere, something that’s unsound I’ the rattle! For Pompilia-be advised, Build churches, go pray! You will find me there, I know, if you come,- and you will come, I know. Why, there’s a Judge weeping! Did not I say You were good and true at bottom? You see the truthI am glad I helped you: she helped me just so. But for Count Guido, -you must counsel there! I bow my head, bend to the very dust, Break myself up in shame of faultiness. I had him one whole moment, as I saidAs I remember, as will never out 0’ the thoughts of me,-1 had him in arm’s reach There, -as you stand, Sir, now you cease to sit,I could have killed him ere he killed his wife, And did not: he went off alive and well And then effected this last feat-through me! Me-not through you- dismiss that fear! ‘Twas you Hindered me staying here to save her,-not From leaving you and going back to him And doing service in Arezzo. Come, Instruct me in procedure! I conceiveIn all due self-abasement might I speakHow you will deal with Guido: oh, not death! Death, if it let her life be: otherwise
18511 MS:a 1889a:Brisk Bishops ‘*sol MS:rochet: I’ll P1868:rochet; I’ll ‘8521 MS:In the rattle: wrong 5 crossed out and replaced above by $ crack for PZ868:I’ the rattle! 3 7 5 For ‘*53[ MS:pray: you < > there 18541 MS:come, I know: P1868:come, PZ868:pray! You < > there, I know. ‘8551 MS:a Judg e in tears: did P1868:a Judge weepmg! Did *“57-58( MS:$j no 7 3 ‘8561 MS:bottom: you PZ868:bottom? You ‘8591 MS:dust Pl868:dust, P1868.3 q Q ‘8581 MS:therePZ868:there! 1~681 MS:Me! 18601 MS:faultinessP1868:faultiness. ’86sl MS:Of P1868:O’ ‘twas Pl868:Me-not < > fear! ‘Twas 1889a:dsimiss $ emended not < > dismiss < > fear‘8701 MS:leaving her and P1868:leaving you and to 5 dismiss 5 see Editorial Notes 5 ‘~751 MS:Death if PZ868:Death, if ‘872) MS:procedure-I PZ868:procedure! I
Not death, -your lights will teach you clearer! I Certainly have an instinct of my own I’ the matter: bear with me and weigh its worth! Let us go away- leave Guido all alone Back on the world again that knows him now! I think he will be found (indulge so far!) Not to die so much as slide out of life, Pushed by the general horror and common hate Low, lower,-left o’ the very ledge of things, I seem to see him catch convulsively One by one at all honest forms of life, At reason, order, decency and useTo cramp him and get foothold by at least; And still they disengage them from his clutch. “What, you are he, then, had Pompilia once And so forwent her? Take not up with us!” And thus I see him slowly and surely edged Off all the table-land whence life upsprings Aspiring to be immortality, As the snake, hatched on hill-top by mischance, Despite his wriggling, slips, slides, slidders down Hill-side, lies low and prostrate on the smooth Level of the outer place, lapsed in the vale: So I lose Guido in the loneliness, Silence and dusk, till at the doleful end, At the horizontal line, creation’s verge, From what just is to absolute nothingnessWhom is it, straining onward still, he meets?
la761 MSclearer-I PZ868:clearcr! I 187*1 MS:In P1868:I’ I*791 MS:away $j followed by erasure perhaps of now 5 **a01 MS:now. Pl868:now! r*s*l MS:life P1868:life, *a841 MS:on P1868:o’ la*71 MS:use Pl868:useia*81 MS:foothold there 3 crossed out and replaced by 5 by at least, PZ868:least; ‘ssg1 MS:clutch PZ868:clutch. ~@Jo[ MS:he then had P1868:he, then, had 1*951 MS:snake hatched < > mischance PI868:snake, hatched < > mischance, *8961 MS:wriggling slips CPZ868:wriggling, slips 18971 MS:Hill-side and $j crossed out Q is found § inserted above $ low prostrate PI 868:Hillside, is low and prostrate CPZ868:Hill-side, lies 189~1 MS:loneliness PI868:loneliness, 19001 MS:and night § crossed out and replaced above by 5 dusk till < > end P1868:dusk, till < > end, ‘go1l MS .t h e h ornon’s ’. last $j crossed out and replaced above by § line PZ868:the horizontal 1902-31 MS: 5 or .d er reversed line 5 Lo, what is this he meets that 5 crossed out 5 strains onward s last four letters inserted above $j still/ From PZ868:nothingness--/ Lo < > meets,
What other man deep further in the fate, Who, turning at the prize of a footfall To flatter him and promise fellowship, Discovers in the act a frightful faceJudas, made monstrous by much solitude! The two are at one now! Let them love their love That bites and claws like hate, or hate their hate That mops and mows and makes as it were love! There, let them each tear each in devil’s-fun, Or fondle this the other while malice achesBoth teach, both learn detestability! Kiss him the kiss, Iscariot! Pay that back, That smatch o’ the slaver blistering on your lip, By the better trick, the insult he spared ChristLure him the lure o’ the letters, Aretine! Lick him o’er slimy-smooth with jelly-filth 0’ the verse-and-prose pollution in love’s guise! The cockatrice is with the basilisk! There let them grapple, denizens o’ the dark, Foes or friends, but indissolubly bound, In their one spot out of the ken of God Or care of man, for ever and ever more! Why, Sirs, what’s this? Why, this is sorry and strange! Futility, divagation: this from me Bound to be rational, justify an act Of sober man’ .-whereas, being moved so much,
‘“““I MS:Who strains < > still? 1872:/ Whom is it, straining onward still, he meets? turning at the comfort 5 crossed out and replaced above by Q prize of a step Q crossed out 5 ‘go61 MS:Close behind 5 crossed out and replaced footfall CPl868:Who, turning PZ868:To flatter above by § to comfort his and promised 5 altered to 8 promise fellowship tgl*I MS:devils’-fun him and fellowship, lgllI MS:love; P1868:loveI MS:fondle each 5 crossed out and replaced above by 5 this P1868:devil’s-fun lg”I ‘“‘*I MS:Each § crossed out and replaced above by Q Both teach each 5 crossed out and rgr6I MS:That burn replaced above by Q both < > detestability. P1868:detestability! P1868:o’ 1872:lip, § crossed out and replaced above by $j smatch of < > liprgr*I MS:Wile him the wile of rgrrj MS: 3 crowded between lines 1916 and 1918 3 CP1868:Lure him the lure o’ rgrsl MS:with the jelly-filth P1868:with jelly-filth ‘g*ol MS:Of Pl868:O’ ‘9221 MS:of PI 868:o’ 19251 MS:Or the care C PI 868:Or care ‘“*“I MS:and wrong, $ crossed out and replaced above by $ poor tg*ri MS:Futility, and Q crossed out 5 strange,P1868:strange!1872:strange! lg*gf iVlS:Of the 5 crossed out 5 1g281 MS:justify the choice PZ868:justify an act
1930 I give you cause to doubt the lady’s mind: A pretty sarcasm for the world! I fear You do her wit injustice,-all through me! Like my fate all through,-ineffective help! A poor rash advocate I prove myself. 1935 You might be angry with good cause: but sure At the advocate, -only at the undue zeal That spoils the force of his own plea, I think? My part was just to tell you how things stand, State facts and not be flustered at their fume. 1940 But then ‘tis a priest speaks: as for love,-no! If you let buzz a vulgar fly like that About your brains, as if I loved, forsooth, Indeed, Sirs, you do wrong! We had no thought Of such infatuation, she and I: 1945 There are many points that prove it: do be just! I told you, -at one little roadside-place I spent a good half-hour, paced to and fro The garden; just to leave her free awhile, I plucked a handful of Spring herb and bloom: lgso I might have sat beside her on the bench Where the children were: I wish the thing had been, Indeed: the event could not be worse, you know: One more half-hour of her saved! She’s dead now, Sirs! While I was running on at such a rate, 1g55 Friends should have plucked me by the sleeve: I went Too much o’ the trivial outside of her face And the purity that shone there-plain to me, Not to you, what more natural? Nor am I Infatuated,oh, I saw, be sure! 1931 sober man, whereas P1868.a sober man!whereas MS:world. I I P1868:world! I lgszI MS:me PZ868:me! rgs31 MS:And my < > help. P1868:Like my < > help! 1g341 MkmyselfP1868:myself. 19351 MS:cause-but P1868:cause: but ‘““71 MS:That turns the PZ868:That spoils the ‘9~1 MS:wrong: we P1868:wrongl We 19441 MS:infatuation she PZ868:infatuation, she ig44I MS:justP1868:just! 19461 MS:roadside place P1868:roadside-place 19481 MS:garden, just P1868:garden; just 19491 MS:spring < > and flower: PZ868:Spring < > and bloom: 19501 MS:sate P1868:sat 195s~551 MS:now./ Friends PI868:now, Sirs!/ While I was running on at such a rate,/ Friends 19571 MS:shone thence-plain to ‘9561 MS:on P1868:o’ me P1868:shone there-plain to me, 1959) MS:sureP1868:sure!
lg60 Her brow had not the right line, leaned too much, Painters would say; they like the straight-up Greek: This seemed bent somewhat with an invisible crown Of martyr and saint, not such as art approves. And how the dark orbs dwelt deep underneath, 1g65 Looked out of such a sad sweet heaven on me! The lips, compressed a little, came forward too, Careful for a whole world of sin and pain. That was the face, her husband makes his plea, He sought just to disfigure,-no offence lg70 Beyond that! Sirs, let us be rational! He needs must vindicate his honour,-ay, Yet slinks, the coward, in a clown’s disguise, Away from the scene, endeavours to escape. Now, had he done so, slain and left no trace lgT5 0’ the slayer,- what were vindicated, pray? You had found his wife disfigured or a corpse, For what and by whom? It is too palpable! Then, here’s another point involving law: I use this argument to show you meant lg*O No calumny against us by that title 0’ the sentence, -liars try to twist it so: What penalty it bore, I had to pay Till further proof should follow of innocenceProbationis ob defectum,-proof?
lq6’1 MS:say-they < > strait-up GreekP1868:say; they < > straight-up Greek: 1q651 MS:me2889a:mel 1g641 MS:underneath Pl868:underneath, P1868:lips, compressed a little, came < > 1q661 MS:lips compressed a little came < > too 19681 MS:face her < > plea PZ868:face, her too, ‘9671 MS:pain: P1868:pain. 19701 MS:that! Sirs < > plea, 1969) MS:disfigure, no P1868:disfigure,-no PZ868:rational! 19721 MS:And slinks 5 written over illegible word 5 < > rational. 19731 MS:escape: P1868:Yet shirks 3 emended to Q slinks 5 see Editorial Notes 5 P1868:escape. 19741 MS:Could he have done so, killed 5 crossed out and “‘“I MS:Of PZ868:O’ replaced above by Q slain Pl868:Now, had he done 19771 MS: 5 illegible word followed by and, both crossed out 5 for § altered to $j For ‘“a~/ MS:that act of yours 5 last two words crossed *q7gj MS:Friends use P1868:I use 5 The $j altered to 5 the PI868:O’ out 5 PZ868:that title ‘““‘I MS:Of $ in margin 1q8*-84) MS:pay/ Probntzonu Pl868:pay/ Till further proof should follow of innocence-/
How could you get proof without trying us? You went through the preliminary form, Stopped there, contrived this sentence to amuse The adversary. If the title ran For more than fault imputed and not proved, That was a simple penman’s error, else A slip i’ the phrase,- as when we say of you “Charged with injustice”-which may either be Or not be,- ‘tis a name that sticks meanwhile. Another relevant matter: fool that I am! Not what I wish true, yet a point friends urge: It is not true,- yet, since friends think it helps,She only tried me when some others failedBegan with Conti, whom I told you of, And Guillichini, Guido’s kinsfolk both, And when abandoned by them, not before, Turned to me. That’s conclusive why she turned. Much good they got by the happy cowardice! Conti is dead, poisoned a month ago: Does that much strike you as a sin? Not much, After the present murder,-one mark more On the Moor’s skin, -what is black by blacker still? Conti had come here and told truth. And so With Guillichini; he’s condemned of course To the galleys, as a friend in this affair, Tried and condemned for no one thing i’ the world, A fortnight since by who but the Governor?The just judge, who refused Pompilia help At first blush, being her husband’s friend, you know. There are two tales to suit the separate courts, Arezzo and Rome: he tells you here, we fled
Probatzonis rg*51 MS:get it without PZ868:get proof without r9RBI MS:The hate of the adversary P1868:The adversary 19891 MS:more ,-the thing imputed < > provedPZ868:more than fault imputed < > proved, rggrI MS:in P1868:i’ rgg4I MS:amPI868:am! *99+97( MS:urge:/ She PI868:urgeV It is not true,-yet, since friends think it helps,-/ She rs9rI MS:when the others PI 868: when some others *0031 MS:ago, P1868:ago: *0041 MS:sin? Not muchP1868:sin? Not much, *oo*[ MS:With Guillichini, he’s PZ868:With Guillichini; he’s *0091 MS:gallies PZ868:galleys *or01 MS:in the world PZ868:i’ the world, *O’l) MS: t h e G overnor P1868:the Governor?*orsj MS:her Husband’s P1868:her husband’s *or41 MS:separate Courts, P1868:separate courts, 20151 MS:and
Alone, unhelped, -lays stress on the main fault, The spiritual sin, Rome looks to: but elsewhere He likes best we should break in, steal, bear off, Be fit to brand and pillory and flogThat’s the charge goes to the heart of the Governor: If these unpriest me, you and I may yet Converse, Vincenzo Marzi-Medici! Oh, Sirs, there are worse men than you, I say! More easily duped, I mean; this stupid lie, Its liar never dared propound in Rome, He gets Arezzo to receive,-nay more, Gets Florence and the Duke to authorize! This is their Rota’s sentence, their Granduke Signs and seals! Rome for me henceforward-Rome, Where better men are,-most of all, that man The Augustinian of the Hospital, Who writes the letter, -he confessed, he says, Many a dying person, never one So sweet and true and pure and beautiful. A good man! Will you make him Pope one day? Not that he is not good too, this we haveBut old,-else he would have his word to speak, His truth to teach the world: I thirst for truth, But shall not drink it till I reach the source. Sirs, I am quiet again. You see, we are
*Or61 MS:lay Rome: they tell you here we P1868:and Rome: he tells you here, we 2018j MS:They like best P1868:lays 20171 MS:sin Rome Pl868:sin, Rome P1868:He likes best 2019) MS:Be stuff $j crossed out and replaced above by 5 fit < > flog PI 868: flog20211 MS:If you 5 crossed out and replaced above by 5 these < > me, 20251 MS:The liar PI868:Its liar he $j crossed out and replaced above by Q you 20271 MS:authorise! 20*6( MS:to affirm,-nay PZ868:to receive,-nay *028) MS:is the Florence § last two words crossed out $j Rota’s 1889a:authorize! sentence, Q word and comma inserted above line Q which the Duke P1868:is then *02gj MS:henceforwardCPl868:their Rota’s Rotas’ sentence, their Granduke *OrO-321 MS:all that Rome Pl868:henceforward-Rome, monk/ Who P1868:all, that man/ The Augustinian of the Hospital,/ Who 20371 MS:speak above by Q sweet 20341 MS:So good 3 crossed out and replaced above by following three PI 868:speak, *Os*( MS:And $j crossed out and replaced PZ868:truth, words 5 His truth to < > world: by $j crossed out $j < > truth
So very pitiable, she and I, Who had conceivably been otherwise. Forget distemperature and idle heat! Apart from truth’s sake, what’s to move so much? Pompilia will be presently with God; I am, on earth, as good as out of it, A relegated priest; when exile ends, I mean to do my duty and live long. She and I are mere strangers now: but priests Should study passion; how else cure mankind, Who come for help in passionate extremes? I do but play with an imagined life Of who, unfettered by a vow, unblessed By the higher call, -since you will have it so,Leads it companioned by the woman there. To live, and see her learn, and learn by her, Out of the low obscure and petty worldOr only see one purpose and one will Evolve themselves i’ the world, change wrong to right: To have to do with nothing but the true, The good, the eternal-and these, not alone In the main current of the general life, But small experiences of every day, Concerns of the particular hearth and home: To learn not only by a comet’s rush But a rose’s birth, -not by the grandeur, God-
*040) MS:again: you see we PI868:again. You CPI868:see, we *04t1 MS:and I P1868:and I, 2042/ MS:otherwise: P1868:otherwise. 20431 MS:heat: P1868:heatl 2°451 MS:with God, P1868:with God; 20471 MS:ends Pl868:ends, 20501 MS:passion, how P1868:passion; how 20511 MS:Who call 5 crossed out and replaced above by Q come 20541 MS:call, since < > so, PI868:call,-since < > so,20551 MS:it with what 5 last two words crossed out and replaced above by following two words Q companioned by the Q written over illegible word $j 20561 MS:live and see her learn and < > by her P1868:live, and see her learn, and < > by her, *057( MS:the miserable petty P1868:the low obscure and petty 20581 MS:To only P1868:Or only 20591 MS:in P1868:i’ 20611 MS:Good and 5 written over illegible word partially erased 5 eternal-and these not PI 868:The good, the eternal-and these, not 20631 MS :day Pl868:day, 20641 MS:home. Pl868:home: 2066) MS:rose’s apparition, not the splendor, GodP1868:rose’s birth,-not by the grandeur, God,-
But the comfort, Christ. All this, how far away! Mere delectation, meet for a minute’s dream!Just as a drudging student trims his lamp, *O70 Opens his Plutarch, puts him in the place Of Roman, Grecian; draws the patched gown close, Dreams, “Thus should I fight, save or rule the world!“Then smilingly, contentedly, awakes To the old solitary nothingness. 2075 So I, from such communion, pass content . . . 0 great, just, good God! Miserable me!
20671 MS:the mercy, Christ PZ868:the comfort, Christ 2068/ MS:dream, *0711 MS:Of Roman, Grecian, P1868:dream!206g1 MS:lamp PZ868:lamp, draws P1868:Of Roman, Grecian; draws *07*1 MS:Says “So should I fight, rule or save the world” PZ868:Dreams, “Thus should I fight, save or rule the worldl”20741 MS:nothingness, *or31 MS:contentedly, returns PZ868:contentedly, awakes 20761 MS:0 great $j written over CPI868:nothingness. 20751 MS:As I PZ868:So I illegible word §
VII POMPZLZA I am just seven teen years and five months old, And, if I lived one day more, three full weeks; ‘Tis writ so in the church’s register, Lorenzo in Lucina, all my names At length, so many names for one poor child, -Francesca Camilla Vittoria Angela Pompilia Comparini,-laughable! Also ‘tis writ that I was married there Four years ago: and they will add, I hope, When they insert my death, a word or two,Omitting all about the mode of death,This, in its place, this which one cares to know, That I had been a mother of a son Exactly two weeks. It will be through grace 0’ the Curate, not through any claim I have; Because the boy was born at, so baptized Close to, the Villa, in the proper church: A pretty church, I say no word against, Yet stranger-like,while this Lorenzo seems My own particular place, I always say. I used to wonder, when I stood scarce high As the bed here, what the marble lion meant, With half his body rushing from the wall, Eating the figure of a prostrate man(To the right, it is, of entry by the door) An ominous sign to one baptized like me, Married, and to be buried there, I hope. And they should add, to have my life complete, He is a boy and Gaetan by name-
‘1 MS:And, three < > weeks, if < > more; 5 indication And, if < > more, three < > weeks; I51 MS:Of out and replaced above by 3 at ‘71 MS:the Villa, one word Q in < > church, P1869:church: I81 Pretty and what I PZ869:A pretty church, I 251 door) 271 MS:and even $j crossed out and replaced
that should be transposed to read Q P1869:O’ ‘61 MS:born and 5 crossed at Q crossed out and replaced above by MS: $j crowded between 17 and 19 5 MS:To < > doorPl869:(To < > above by following two words 9 to be
Gaetano, for a reason,-if the friar Don Celestine will ask this grace for me Of Curate Ottoboni: he it was Baptized me: he remembers my whole life As I do his grey hair. All these few things I know are true, -will you remember them? Because time flies. The surgeon cared for me, To count my wounds, -twenty-two dagger-wounds, Five deadly, but I do not suffer muchOr too much pain, -and am to die to-night. Oh how good God is that my babe was born, -Better than born, baptized and hid away Before this happened, safe from being hurt! That had been sin God could not well forgive: He was too young to smile and save himself. When they took, two days after he was born, My babe away from me to be baptized And hidden awhile, for fear his foe should find,The country-woman, used to nursing babes, Said “Why take on so? where is the great loss? These next three weeks he will but sleep and feed, Only begin to smile at the month’s end; He would not know you, if you kept him here, Sooner than that; so, spend three merry weeks Snug in the Villa, getting strong and stout, And then I bring him back to be your own, And both of you may steal to-we know where!”
321 MS:Of the 5 crossed out 5 331 MS:me ““1 MS:the monk 5 crossed out 5 friar and $j crossed out and replaced above by colon and word 5 : he remembers all Q crossed out 5 my whole 5 inserted above line 5 341 MS: $j indication that new 7 is to follow hazr. 5 391 MS:Or Q in margin 5 too < > and shall 5 crossed out and replaced above by two words 5 am to < > to-night, 5 comma crossed out and replaced by period 5 they say § last two words crossed out 5 401 MS:§ marginal note that new l/ begins $ good God was $ crossed out 411 MS:and sent 5 crossed out and replaced above by $j hid and replaced above by 5 is 491 MS:so? Where 451 MS:took,-two < > born,P1869:took, two < > born, P1869:so? where 501 MS:AIl § crossed out and replaced by $j These 541 MS:the Villa getting PZ869:the Villa, getting 551 MS:him back $j inserted above line $j to be
The month-there wants of it two weeks this day! Still, I half fancied when I heard the knock At the Villa in the dusk, it might prove sheCome to say “Since he smiles before the time, Why should I cheat you out of one good hour? Back I have brought him; speak to him and judge!” Now I shall never see him; what is worse, When he grows up and gets to be my age, He will seem hardly more than a great boy; And if he asks “What was my mother like?” People may answer “Like girls of seventeen”And how can he but think of this and that, Lucias, Marias, Sofias, who titter or blush When he regards them as such boys may do? Therefore I wish someone will please to say I looked already old though I was young; DoInot.. . say, if you are by to speak . . . Look nearer twenty? No more like, at least, Girls who look arch or redden when boys laugh, Than the poor Virgin that I used to know At our street-corner in a lonely niche,The babe, that sat upon her knees, broke off,Thin white glazed clay, you pitied her the more: She, not the gay ones, always got my rose. How happy those are who know how to write! Such could write what their son should read in time, Had they a whole day to live out like me. Also my name is not a common name, “Pompilia,” and may help to keep apart A little the thing I am from what girls are.
3 crossed out and then restored 5 <> own again 5 crossed out § , ‘jll MS:good day $j crossed out and replaced above by Q hour? ‘j61 MS:my mother § both words over illegible erasure 5 671 MS:People will say 5 last two words crossed out and replaced above by two words Q may answer “Like most 5 inserted above line and then crossed out Q < > seventeen years s crossed out $“PI869:answer “Like girls of ToI MS:he looks at Q last two words crossed out and replaced above by 5 regards “1 MS:someone Pl869:some one 1889a:someone 731 MS:not . . say < > are by 5 inserted above line 3 to speak . . 1889a:not . . . say < > speak . . . 771 MS:in her 3 last word crossed out and replaced above by Q a 791 MS:more, P1869:more: 81/ MS: Q marginal note
But then how Ear away, how hard to find Will anything about me have become, Even if the boy bethink himself and ask! No father that he ever knew at all, Nor ever had-no, never had, I say! That is the truth, -nor any mother left, Out of the little two weeks that she lived, Fit for such memory as might assist: As good too as no family, no name, Not even poor old Pietro’s name, nor hers, Poor kind unwise Violante, since it seems They must not be my parents any more. That is why something put it in my head To call the boy “Gaetano’‘-no old name For sorrow’s sake; I looked up to the sky And took a new saint to begin anew. One who has only been made saint-how long? Twenty-five years: so, carefuller, perhaps, To guard a namesake than those old saints grow, Tired out by this time,-see my own five saints! On second thoughts, I hope he will regard The history of me as what someone dreamed, And get to disbelieve it at the last: Since to myself it dwindles fast to that, Sheer dreaming and impossibility,Just in four days too! All the seventeen years, Not once did a suspicion visit me How very different a lot is mine From any other woman’s in the world. The reason must be, ‘twas by step and step It got to grow so terrible and strange. These strange woes stole on tiptoe, as it were, Into my neighbourhood and privacy,
871 MS:away, and $j crossed out and replaced above by 3 how that new q begins Q 971 MS:Poor nor Pl869:name, nor “61 MS:name,9’1 MS:sayPI 869:say I 1011 MS:sake; but Q crossed out 5 < > to $j written P1869:Poor kind 3 in margin § Kind 1061 MS:own four saints lo41 MS:years-so P1869:years: so over perhaps Q at 1091 MS:it 1071 MS: § marginal note that new 7 begins fj PI869:own five saints written over illegible erasure 5 ‘I*( MS:Just § all at last: PI869:it at the last: 1171 MS:strange: 1872:strange. rr4( MS:How very Q inserted above line Q
Sat down where I sat, laid them where I lay; And I was found familiarised with fear, When friends broke in, held up a torch and cried “Why, you Pompilia in the cavern thus, How comes that arm of yours about a wolf? And the soft length,- lies in and out your feet And laps you round the knee,-a snake it is!” And so on. Well, and they are right enough, By the torch they hold up now: for first, observe, I never had a father,-no, nor yet A mother: my own boy can say at least “I had a mother whom I kept two weeks!” Not I, who little used to doubt . . . I doubt Good Pietro, kind Violante, gave me birth? They loved me always as I love my babe (-Nearly so, that is-quite so could not be-) Did for mc all I meant to do for him, Till one surprising day, three years ago, They both declared, at Rome, before some judge In some Court where the people flocked to hear, That really I had never been their child, Was a mere castaway, the careless crime Of an unknown man, the crime and care too much Of a woman known too well,-little to these, Therefore, of whom I was the flesh and blood: What then to Pietro and Violante, both No more my relatives than you or you? Nothing to them! You know what they declared. So with my husband,-just
such a surprise,
1201 MS:Sate < > sate < > lay; P1869:Sat < > sat 1869:lay, 1872:lay; 1271 MS:$j marginal note that new fl 1251 MS:And that soft P1869:And the soft 1281 MS:up thus § last word crossed out begins after on. § < > enough P1869:enough, ‘“‘I MS:Not 1311 MS:weeks”Pl869:weeksI” and replaced above by § now I-who little 5 inserted above line 5 doubt . . I PZ869:Not I, who 1889a:doubt . . . I P1869:(-Nearly < > be-) 1381 MS:at Rome, here to 1351 MS:-Nearly < > be1391 MS:some court Q last two words crossed out and replaced above by Q before 144-461 MS: $j crowded between lines 143 and 147 in continuous line P1889a:some Court 1471 MS:them,-you Pl869:them! with breaks indicated following blood: and both .§
Such a mistake, in that relationship! Everyone says that husbands love their wives, Guard them and guide them, give them happiness; ‘Tis duty, law, pleasure, religion: well, You see how much of this comes true in mine! People indeed would fain have somehow proved He was no husband: but he did not hear, Or would not wait, and so has killed us all. Then there is _ only let me name one more! There is the friend,-men will not ask about, But tell untruths of, and give nicknames to, And think my lover, most surprise of all! Do only hear, it is the priest they mean, Giuseppe Caponsacchi: a priest-love, And love me! Well, yet people think he did. I am married, he has taken priestly vows, They know that, and yet go on, say, the same, “Yes, how he loves you!” “That was love”-they say, When anything is answered that they ask: Or else “No wonder you love him”-they say. Then they shake heads, pity much, scarcely blameAs if we neither of us lacked excuse, And anyhow are punished to the full, And downright love atones for everything! Nay, I heard read out in the public Court Before the judge, in presence of my friends, Letters ‘twas said the priest had sent to me, And other letters sent him by myself,
t5*[ MS:guide and 5 crossed You 14*1 MS:3 marginal note that new T[ begins 5 out and replaced above by § them, give < > happiness, P1869:happiness; 156571 MS:8 7 0 P1869:§ no f 5 1889:s no is*( MS:duty, and 5 Iast word crossed out § 1571 MS:is . . only < > more1; emended to restore 7; see Editorial Notes § 16s) MS:that and PZS69:that, and P1%69:more! 2889a:is . . . only t&T) MSaskP1869:ask: 1681 MS:say: PI 869:say. 1%) MS:say Pl869:say, 1721 MS:And t6sl MS:much, and 5 crossed out 0 scarcely 1872:say 1889a:say. 5 crossed out and replaced above by a word erased beyond recognition; original restored § P1869:read-out 1889a:read out < > public Court tr3( MS:read out < > public court 1741 MS:Before the § last word crossed out and replaced above by 8 a § last word crossed out 1751 MS:the man had PI869:the priest had and original reading restored 3
We being lovers!
Listen what this is like! When I was a mere child, my mother . . . that’s Violante, you must let me call her so . . Nor waste time, trying to unlearn the word She brought a neighbour’s child of my own age To play with me of rainy afternoons; And, since there hung a tapestry on the wall, We two agreed to find each other out Among the figures. “Tisbe, that is you, With half-moon on your hair-knot, spear in hand, Flying, but no wings, only the great scarf Blown to a bluish rainbow at your back: Call off your hound and leave the stag alone!” “-And there are you, Pompilia, such green leaves Flourishing out of your five finger-ends, And all the rest of you so brown and rough: Why is it you are turned a sort of tree?” You know the figures never were ourselves Though we nicknamed them so. Thus, all my life,As well what was, as what, like this, was not,Looks old, fantastic and impossible: I touch a fairy thing that fades and fades. -Even to my babe! I thought, when he was born, Something began for once that would not end, Nor change into a laugh at me, but stay For evermore, eternally quite mine. Well, so he is,-but yet they bore him off, The third day, lest my husband should lay traps And catch him, and by means of him catch me. Since they have saved him so, it was well done:
l77( MS:§ marginal indication that new 7 follows lovers! 3 1781 MS:mother . that’s lQ) MS:of 1889a:mother . that’s 18o) MS: word, . 1889a: word . I871 MS:Flying, 8 written over on 5 Is61 MS:hair-knot, bold 5 crossed out § L881 MS:a bluish without 5 crossed out and replaced above by two words § but no 5 inserted above line !j lgol MS:“And 5 altered to 5 “-And 1961 MS:what was as P1869:what was, as lss( MS:3 crowded between lines 197 and 199 8 fades a11 day 8 last two words crossed out 5 and fades. *o01 MS:end P1869:end, 2021 M&ever more ~‘~61 MS:11 < > done: since < > so, 0 indication that should be P1869:evermore
Yet thence comes such confusion of what was With what will be,-that late seems long ago, And, what years should bring round, already come, Till even he withdraws into a dream As the rest do: I fancy him grown great, Strong, stern, a tall young man who tutors me, Frowns with the others “Poor imprudent child! Why did you venture out of the safe street? Why go so far from help to that lone house? Why open at the whisper and the knock?” Six days ago when it was New Years-day, We bent above the fire and talked of him, What he should do when he was
transposed to $j Since < > so, It < > done: P1869w, it 2081 MS:be ,-that § inserted above line $j lately $ altered to 5 late *Og/ MSlshould bring $j inserted above line fj 2121 MS:a tall $j inserted above line 3 *“I MS:grown tall $ last word crossed out 5 great, 2131 MS:chides with <> who may $j last word crossed out 5 tutor s altered to 5 tutors PZ869:Frowns with < > < > imprudent one Q crossed out and replaced above by § child!” child! *t+t61 MS:$j crowded between 213 and 217 in continuous line with indication that breaks follow street? and house? fj *+171 MS:5 7 5 1889a:s no 7 $j 1889:s no 7; emended to restore II; see Editorial Notes 5 2171 MS:Four days § altered to Q Six days < > Year’s eve 5 crossed out and replaced by $j Day P1869:Year’sday 2191 MS:great: P1869:great. 2221 MS:By § crossed out and replaced above by 5 And the fireside < > laughed as < > last PI 869:And fireside < > laughed, as < > last, 224) MS:back again 2251 MS:and let 5 crossed out $j inserted above line 9 < > babe besides 5 crossed out Q , and replaced above by Q help 2311 MS:greedy ones s inserted above line 5 by our § crossed
Live at the other villa, we know where, Still farther off, and we can watch the babe Grow fast in the good air; and wood is cheap And wine sincere outside the city gate. I still have two or three old friends will grope Their way along the mere half-mile of road, With staff and lantern on a moonless night When one needs talk: they’ll find me, never fear, And I’ll find them a flask of the old sort yet!” Violante said “You chatter like a crow: Pompilia tires o’ the tattle, and shall to bed: Do not too much the first day,-somewhat more To-morrow, and, the next, begin the cape And hood and coat! I have spun wool enough.” Oh what a happy friendly eve was that! And, next day, about noon, out Pietro wentHe was so happy and would talk so much, Until Violante pushed and laughed him forth Sight-seeing in the cold,-“So much to see I’ the churches! Swathe your throat three times!” she cried, “And, above all, beware the slippery ways, And bring us all the news by supper-time!” He came back late, laid by cloak, staff and hat, Powdered so thick with snow it made us laugh, Rolled a great log upon the ash o’ the hearth, And bade Violante treat us to a flask, Because he had obeyed her faithfully,
out 5 232) MS:other Villa Pl869:other villa 2331 MS:the child Q crossed out and replaced above by 5 babe 236-581 MS:grope/ With P1869:grope/ Their way along the mere half-mile of road,/ With *doI MS:yet.” PI869:yet!” 2421 MS:of <> to-bed: P1869:o’ 1872:to bed: 2451 MS:coat; I PZ869:coatI I 2471 MS:5 marginal note that new ¶ begins 3 2481 MS:5 crowded between 247 and 249 § much P1869:much, 2491 MS:Because 5 crossed out and replaced in margin by Q Until 2511 MS:In 5 altered to Q I’ <> times,-she Q altered to $j times!” she *5*( MS:And. above Pl869:And, above 2531 MS:$j add e d in right margin with arrow indicating its place in text $j suppertime!” PZ869:supper-time!” *551 MS:5 crowded between 254 and 256 Q *56( MS:of 5 altered to Q o’ 2571 MS:bade Violante bring down wine $j last three words crossed out and replaced above by five words Q treat us to a flask P1869: flask, 2581 MS$j in margin following and separated from line 257 by slash 5
Gone sight-see through the seven, and found no church To his mind like San Giovanni-“There’s the fold, And all the sheep together, big as cats! And such a shepherd, half the size of life, Starts up and hears the angel”-when, at the door, A tap: we started up: you know the rest. Pietro at least had done no harm, I know; Nor even Violante, so much harm as makes Such revenge lawful. Certainly she erredDid wrong, how shall I dare say otherwise?In telling that first falsehood, buying me From my poor faulty mother at a price, To pass off upon Pietro as his child. If one should take my babe, give him a name, Say he was not Gaetano and my own, But that some other woman made his mouth And hands and feet, -how very false were that! No good could come of that; and all harm did. Yet if a stranger were to represent “Needs must you either give your babe to me And let me call him mine for evermore, Or let your husband get him”-ah, my God, That were a trial I refuse to face! Well, just so here: it proved wrong but seemed right To poor Violante- for there lay, she said,
25g( MS:He had 5 last two words crossed out Q gone $j altered to Q Gone sight-see § last two *Go-641 MS:like San words inserted above line 5 < > the whole $j crossed out 3 Giovanni-when at the door $j following Gzovannt, three words inserted above line Q “There’s the fold/ $j lines 261-63 follow in right hand margin with arrow indicating their place in text § < > cats,/ // A < > the dreadful Q crossed out $j P1869:like San Giovanni-“There’s 2651 MS:5 marginal note that new fl begins $j the fold,/ < > cats!/ // A 2681 MS:wrong ,-how P1869:wrong, how *‘l( MS:child: 1872:child. 2761 MS:come thence 5 crossed out and replaced above by two words $ of that < > 2771 MS:yet harm must have Q last two words crossed out and replaced above by § did did 5 crossed out and replaced above by 5 if a stranger say-Or give him me Q last five words crossed out and replaced above by three words § were to represent 2791 MS:5 crowded 2’81 MS:§ f o 11ows in margin and separated from 277 by slash 5 **31 MS:To between 278 and 280 5 evermore P1869:ever more, 1872:evermore,
My poor real dying mother in her rags, Who put me from her with the life and all, Poverty, pain, shame and disease at once, To die the easier by what price I fetchedAlso (I hope) because I should be spared Sorrow and sin, -why may not that have helped? My father,-he was no one, any one,The worse, the likelier,-call him-he who came, Was wicked for his pleasure, went his way, And left no trace to track by; there remained Nothing but me, the unnecessary life, To catch up or let fall,-and yet a thing She could make happy, be made happy with, This poor Violante,- who would frown thereat? Well, God, you see! God plants us where we grow. It is not that because a bud is born At a wild briar’s end, full i’ the wild beast’s way, We ought to pluck and put it out of reach On the oak-tree top, -say “There the bud belongs!” She thought, moreover, real lies were lies told For harm’s sake; whereas this had good at heart, Good for my mother, good for me, and good For Pietro who was meant to love a babe,
2881 MS:Also, poor § last word inserted above line 3 **41 MS:rags P1869:rags I hope, because Q altered to 5 Also (I hope) because 2931 MSLeaving $j crossed out and replaced above by two words 5 And left < > by: there P1869:by; there 2941 MS:Nor infant 5 last two words crossed out and replaced above by two words $j Nothing but me, the pitiable 8 last word crossed out and replaced above by one word Q unnecessary life P1869:life, 2981 MS:5 marginal note that new q begins $ see! God puts Q crossed out and replaced above by Q plants 2991 MS:that,-suppose,-a PZ869:that, because a 1889a:that because 3001 MS:a wild § inserted above line § <> in the wild beast’s Q last two words crossed out and replaced above by one word $j creatures’ PI869:i’ the wild beast’s way, so*1 MS:oak-treeQ word and hyphen inserted way,--above line § top, and $j crossed out 5 -say, “there Q altered to “There the rose shall wave. 5 last two words and period crossed out and replaced above by 9 belongs!” Pl869:oak-tree top “0sI MS:More over, she thought real Q indication that should be transposed and altered to 5 She thought Moreover, real lies were-lies PZ869:thought, moreover 1889a:were lies 3041 MS:had only 5 last word crossed out 5 3061 MS:§ first word crossed out beyond recognition $j for § altered to 5 For < > who was meant to § last three words inserted above line Q loved 5 altered to $ love a babes $j altered to Q babe so much $j last two words crossed
And needed one to make his life of use, Receive his house and land when he should die. Wrong, wrong and always wrong! how plainly wrong! For see, this fault kept pricking, as faults do, All the same at her heart: this falsehood hatched, She could not let it go nor keep it fast. She told me so, -the first time I was found Locked in her arms once more after the pain, When the nuns let me leave them and go home, And both of us cried all the cares away,This it was set her on to make amends, This brought about the marriage-simply this! Do let me speak for her you blame so much! When Paul, my husband’s brother, found me out, Heard there was wealth for who should marry me, So, came and made a speech to ask my hand For Guido, -she, instead of piercing straight Through the pretence to the ignoble truth, Fancied she saw God’s very finger point, Designate just the time for planting me (The wild-briar slip she plucked to love and wear) In soil where I could strike real root, and grow, And get to be the thing I called myself: For, wife and husband are one flesh, God says, And I, whose parents seemed such and were none, Should in a husband have a husband now,
out § P1869:babe, “081 M&And have $ last two words crossed out and replaced above 3og1 M&always by Q Receive his goods 5 crossed out and replaced above by $ house P1869:plainly wrong! How Q altered to § how plainly wrong,§ altered to 5 wrong!wrong1 sl’( MS:heart ,-the falsehood there found $j last two words crossed out and this replaced above by word and comma 5 hatched, PI869:heart,-this a 1889a:heart: PZ869:simply this! 91g1 MS:§ crowded between 318 and 320 3 318) MS:simply this321) MS:was money $j crossed out and replaced above by 3 wealth < > should make Q crossed 3221 MS:So came P1869:So, out and replaced above by $j marry me, wife Q crossed out Q came 3231 MS:of seeing clear $j last two words crossed out and replaced above by two 3261 MS:Designate just 5 inserted above line Q the very minute words $j piercing straight 1889aa:me 5 last two words crossed out and replaced above by Q time < > me, 3271 MS:The wild briar 5 last word inserted above line 5 <> had 5 crossed out Q <> wear, 2889a:wild-briar Q comma altered to $j ) PZ869:wild briar’s slip CPZ869:wild briar-slip 5 altered to $j seemed such and Q inserted above line $j slip 5~11 MS:seeming
Find nothing, this time, but was what it seemed, -All truth and no confusion any more. I know she meant all good to me, all pain To herself,-since how could it be aught but pain To give me up, so, from her very breast, The wilding flower-tree-branch that, all those years, She had got used to feel for and find fixed? She meant well: has it been so ill i’ the main? That is but fair to ask: one cannot judge Of what has been the ill or well of life, The day that one is dying,-sorrows change Into not altogether sorrow-like; I do see strangeness but scarce misery, Now it is over, and no danger more. My child is safe; there seems not so much pain. It comes, most like, that I am just absolved, Purged of the past, the foul in me, washed fair,One cannot both have and not have, you know,Being right now, I am happy and colour things. Yes, everybody that leaves life sees all Softened and bettered: so with other sights: To me at least was never evening yet But seemed far beautifuller than its day, For past is past. There was a fancy came, When somewhere, in the journey with my friend, We stepped into a hovel to get food; And there began a yelp here, a bark there,-
sysl MS:Find $j in margin Q Nothing but was 5 last two words crossed out § , this time, but $j last word inserted above line $j the thing 9 crossed out and replaced above by 5 fact Pl869:but was what it 534) MS:-Find 5 crossed out and replaced above by 5 All 3s61 MS:pain, DC,BrIJ:pain 1889:pain 33’1 MY&Giving me PlR69:To give me 3421 MS: 3 crowded 3381 MS:Its wilding 5 inserted above line Q P1869:The wilding 3491 MS:past, between 341 and 343 5 the black wiped clean 5 last three words crossed out and replaced above by three words 5 foul in me 3511 MS:Being set § crossed out 5 right now $j inserted above line 3 3521 P1869:every body 1872:everybody 3561 MS: $ marginal note that new fl begins after pus&.5 35~1 MS:Which 3 crossed out
Misunderstanding creatures that were wroth And vexed themselves and us till we retired. The hovel is life: no matter what dogs bit Or cats scratched in the hovel I break from, All outside is lone field, moon and such peaceFlowing in, filling up as with a sea Whereon comes Someone, walks fast on the white, Jesus Christ’s self, Don Celestine declares, To meet me and calm all things back again. Beside, up to my marriage, thirteen years Were, each day, happy as the day was long: This may have made the change too terrible. I know that when Violante told me first The cavalier-she meant to bring next morn, Whom I must also let take, kiss my handWould be at San Lorenzo the same eve over, we should go And marry me, -which Home both of us without him as before, And, till she bade speak, I must hold my tongue, Such being the correct way with girl-brides, From whom one word would make a father blush,I know, I say, that when she told me this, -Well, I no more saw sense in what she said Than a lamb does in people clipping wool; Only lay down and let myself be clipped. And when next day the cavalier who came(Tisbe had told me that the slim young man With wings at head, and wings at feet, and sword
$611 MS:we gave way § last two words crossed out and and replaced above by 5 And “641 MS:and space 5 crossed out § replaced above by word and period $j retired. 3671 MS:the Savior’s Q last two words crossed out and replaced above by 5 Jesus Christ’s self, PI869:self, Don Celestine affirms 5 last word crossed out and replaced above by § asserts, Don Celestine declares, 3691 MS: 5 marginal note that new 7 begins cj “‘“I MS:And § crossed out and replaced above by $j Were < > longPI869:long: “‘“I MS:cavalier ,-she < > next day 5 crossed out and replaced above by $ morn, 380) MS:And Q crossed 1889a: hand1889a:cavalier-she ““1 MS:hand,out and replaced above by two words $j From whom one word fit to Q last two words crossed out and replaced above by one word § would make my Q crossed out and replaced 3831 MS:wool“*‘I MS: 5 crowded between 380 and 382 $j above by 5 a 3851 MS:came 1889a:came3861 MS:the tall 5 crossed out P1869:wool;
Threatening a monster, in our tapestry, Would eat a girl else,-was a cavalier) When he proved Guido Franceschini,-old And nothing like so tall as I myself, Hook-nosed and yellow in a bush of beard, Much like a thing I saw on a boy’s wrist, He called an owl and used for catching birds,And when he took my hand and made a smileWhy, the uncomfortableness of it all Seemed hardly more important in the case Than, - when one gives you, say, a coin to spend,Its newness or its oldness; if the piece Weigh properly and buy you what you wish, No matter whether you get grime or glare! Men take the coin, return you grapes and figs. Here, marriage was the coin, a dirty piece Would purchase me the praise of those I loved: About what else should I concern myself? So, hardly knowing what a husband meant, I supposed this or any man would serve, No whit the worse for being so uncouth: For I was ill once and a doctor came With a great ugly hat, no plume thereto, Black jerkin and black buckles and black sword, And white sharp beard over the ruff in front, And oh so lean, so sour-faced and austere!-
and replaced above by § slim “911 MS: 5 crowded between 390 and 392 5 2889a:myself DC, Br17: myself, 1889:myself, 3961 MS:of it 5 inserted above line 3 3981 MS:Than, when < > spend, PI 869:Than,-when < > spend,3gg1 MS:Dirty 5 crossed out and replaced above by two words § The newness or shiny 5 crossed out and replaced by two words $j its oldness; of the weight aright be well Q last four words crossed out and replaced above by 5 piece 4o01 MS:5 follows in margin and separated from 399 by slash 5 40’( MS:Wh § crossed out $ No $j over illegible erasure § <> grime with gold 5 last two words crossed out and replaced above by $$or glare: PI 869: glare! 4021 MS:take it and Q last two words aossed out and replaced above by § the coin 4041 MS:lovedP1869:loved: 4061 MS:5 marginal note that new 7 begins Q < > meant P1869:meant, 4L11 MS:A § crossed out § black cj altered to § Black cloak Q crossed out and replaced above by $ jerkin and black habit Q crossed out and replaced above by $j buckles 4131 MS:sour-faced and austere Q last two words crossed out and replaced above by words illegibly erased, and original restored 5 austere, P1869:austere!-
Who Eelt my pulse, made me put out my tongue, Then oped a phial, dripped a drop or two Of a black bitter something,-1 was cured! What mattered the fierce beard or the grim face? It was the physic beautified the man, Master Malpichi,never met his match In Rome, they said, -so ugly all the same! However, I was hurried through a storm, Next dark eve of December’s deadest dayHow it rained!-through our street and the Lion’s-mouth And the bit of Corso,- cloaked round, covered close, I was like something strange or contraband,Into blank San Lorenzo, up the aisle, My mother keeping hold of me so tight, I fancied we were come to see a corpse Before the altar which she pulled me toward. There we found waiting an unpleasant priest Who proved the brother, not our parish friend, But one with mischief-making mouth and eye, Paul, whom I know since to my cost. And then I heard the heavy church-door lock out help Behind us: for the customary warmth, Two tapers shivered on the altar. “QuickLose no time!” cried the priest. And straightway down
414j MS:pulse, and $j crossed out 5 < > me show Q crossed out and replaced below by two words 5 put out 4151 MS:oped a a phial P1869:oped a phlal “‘1 MS:mattered the white 3 crossed out and replaced above by $j fierce < > the sour $j crossed out and replaced 4191 MS:never yet was $j last above by ,ci grim 4181 MS:physick CPl869:physic two words crossed out and replaced by two words $j met his 4201 MS:they say $j crossed out and replaced above by 5 said 4211 MS:5 marginal note that new 7 begins Q 4241 MS:covered up 5 crossed out $j close Pl869:close, 4*g( MS:toward; PI 869: toward. 4301 MS:found yesterday’s $j crossed out and replaced above by two 4311 MS:Waiting, words 5 waiting an unpleasant priest 3 written over perhaps man $ 5 crossed out and replaced above by two words 3 That proved < > parish priest 3 last word proved 4321 MS:with foe-like face § last two words crossed crossed out $j P1869:Who out and replaced above by two words 5 mischief-making mouth and fierce 5 last word crossed out $j eye P1869:eye, 4371 MS:time!“-cried the priest-And P1869:priest. And
From . . . what’s behind the altar where he hidHawk-nose and yellowness and bush and all, Stepped Guido, caught my hand, and there was I 0’ the chancel, and the priest had opened book, Read here and there, made me say that and this, And after, told me I was now a wife, Honoured indeed, since Christ thus weds the Church, And therefore turned he water into wine, To show I should obey my spouse like Christ. Then the two slipped aside and talked apart, And I, silent and scared, got down again And joined my mother who was weeping now. Nobody seemed to mind us any more, And both of us on tiptoe found our way To the door which was unlocked by this, and wide. When we were in the street, the rain had stopped, All things looked better. At our own house-door, Violante whispered “No one syllable To Pietro! Girl-brides never breathe a word!” “-Well treated to a wetting, draggle-tails!” Laughed Pietro as he opened-“Very near You made me brave the gutter’s roaring sea To carry off from roost old dove and young, Trussed up in church, the tote, by me, the kite! What do these priests mean, praying folk to death On stormy afternoons, with Christmas close
138/ MS:From-what’s P1869:From . what’s 1889a:From MS:Hawk nose < > allPI869:Hawk-nose < > all, ;4,1 ’ G!%tpped Guido-caught my hand-and P1869:Stepped Guido, caught my hand, and 44tj MS:On § altered to 5 0’ < > chancel and Pl869:chancel, and 4441 MS:Honoured in this, that Christ P1869:Honoured indeed, since Christ 4491 MS:was sobbing 3 crossed 44s( MS:turned once water PZ869:turned he water out and replaced above by § weeping now; P1869:now. 4501 MS+ crowded between 4521 MS:this, lay wideP1869: this, and wide. 4ss) MS:And we 449 and 4515 4511 MS:house-door < > street: the Pl869:When we <> street, the 4561 MS:To Pietro, girl-brides P1869:To Pietro! Girl-brides P1869:house-door, (ss( MS:opened-“very PI869:opened-“Very 46’31 MS:And carry P1869:To carry 4c11 MS:kite: PZ869:kite! 4531 MS:stormy winter nights 3 last two words crossed out 439)
To wash our sins off nor require the rain?” Violante gave my hand a timely squeeze, Madonna saved me from immodest speech, I kissed him and was quiet, being a bride. When I saw nothing more, the next three weeks, Of Guido--“Nor the Church sees Christ” thought I: “Nothing is changed however, wine is wine And water only water in our house. Nor did I see that ugly doctor since That cure of the illness: just as I was cured, I am married,- neither scarecrow will return.” Three weeks, I chuckled-“How would Giulia stare, And Tecla smile and Tisbe laugh outright, Were it not impudent for brides to talk!“Until one morning, as I sat and sang At the broidery-frame alone i’ the chamber,-loud Voices, two, three together, sobbings too, And my name, “Guido, ” “Paolo,” flung like stones From each to the other! In I ran to see. There stood the very Guido and the priest With sly face,-formal but nowise afraid,While Pietro seemed all red and angry, scarce Able to stutter out his wrath in words; And this it was that made my mother sob, As he reproached her-“You have murdered us, Me and yourself and this our child beside!” Then Guido interposed “Murdered or not, Be it enough your child is now my wife!
and replaced above by § afternoons 467-681 MS:8 q § 1889a:s no q 8 1889.3 no 8; 4611 MS:mote the <> weeks P1869:mote, emended to restore 1; see Editorial Notes § the < > weeks, 4691 MS:sees Christ” said 5 crossed out and replaced above by 5 QsI MS:The cute 1889a:That cure 4T4) MS:return. P1869:teturn.” thought 475) MS:5 marginal note that new q begins 3 Three whole $j crossed out 3 weeks did I chuckle-“Gigia would 5 last two words crossed out and replaced above by § How would “61 MS:outright Gigia Pl869:Three weeks, I chuckled< > Guilia Pl869:outright. 4781 MS:Until 5 inserted above line 5 One morning, as 5 inserted above line 5 I sate P1869:LJntil one <> sat 4821 MS:other:§ altered to § ! In +B31 MS:the Priest P1869:the priest 4841 MS:With the fox 5 crossed out and replaced
I claim and come to take her,” Paul put in, “Consider-kinsman, dare I term you so?What is the good of your sagacity Except to counsel in a strait like this? I guarantee the parties man and wife Whether you like or loathe it, bless or ban. May spilt milk be put back within the bowlThe done thing, undone? You, it is, we look For counsel to, you fitliest will advise! Since milk, though spilt and spoilt, does marble good, Better we down on knees and scrub the floor, Than sigh, ‘the waste would make a syllabub!’ Help us so turn disaster to account, So predispose the groom, he needs shall grace The bride with favour from the very first, Not begin marriage an embittered man!” He smiled,-the game so wholly in his hands! While fast and faster sobbed Violante-“Ay, All of us murdered, past averting now! 0 my sin, 0 my secret!” and such like. Then I began to half surmise the truth; Something had happened, low, mean, underhand, False, and my mother was to blame. and I To pity, whom all spoke of, none addressed: I was the chattel that had caused a crime. I stood mute,-those who tangled must untie The embroilment. Pietro cried “Withdraw, my child!
by § sly
4g*1 MS:inP1869:in, 4g31 MSkinsman. shall I dare address 3 last four words crossed out and replaced above by five words and question mark § dare I name you so?P1869:dare I term you 491] MS:the good 5 crossed out and replaced above by a word erased beyond recognition; original restored 3 of your sagacity 5 altered to poured 5 crossed out and sagaciousness 5 and the original restored 3 4g8( MS& replaced above by 8 put back into 5 crossed out and replaced above by 8 within 50t1 MS:spoilt, makes 5 crossed out and replaced 5001 MS:advise; P1869:advise! 502/ MS:What above by § does marble clean § crossed out and replaced above by 5 good, 5091 MS:syllabub’! of 3 last two words crossed out and replaced above by 5 Better PI869:syllabub!’ 5041 MS:turn the matter § last two words crossed out and replaced 5061 MS:The above by 5 disaster 5051 MS:the Groom he P1869: the groom, he 5091 MS:sobbed Bride PI869:The bride 5O8) MS:hands!P1869:hands! 5101 MS:now,PZ869:now! Violante--“‘AyPl869:sobbed Violante-“Ay, sr*[ MS:5 marginal note that new 7 stt) MS:secret!“-and Pl869:secret!” and 5151 MS:addressed; P1869:addressed: begins 5 truthP1869:truth; 5t8( MS:cried 51’( MS:must untwine 6 crossed out and replaced above by § untie
She is not helpful to the sacrifice At this stage,-do you want the victim by While you discuss the value of her blood? For her sake, I consent to hear you talk: Go, child, and pray God help the innocent!” I did go and was praying God, when came Violante, with eyes swollen and red enough, But movement on her mouth for make-believe Matters were somehow getting right again. She bade me sit down by her side and hear. “You are too young and cannot understand, Nor did your father understand at first. I wished to benefit all three of us, And when he failed to take my meaning,-why, I tried to have my way at unawareObtained him the advantage he refused. As if I put before him wholesome food Instead of broken victual,-he finds change I’ the viands, never cares to reason why, But falls to blaming me, would fling the plate From window, scandalize the neighbourhood, Even while he smacks his lips,-men’s way, my child! But either you have prayed him unperverse Or I have talked him back into his wits:
s’s) MS:not privy 5 crossed out “Retire 3 crossed out and replaced above by 3 Withdraw and replaced above by § helpful s*o( MS:stage,-when § crossed out and replaced above szll MS:5 crowded between 520 and 522 5 by 5 do <> victim well § crossed out 0 by 1889a:innocent! 8 emended to § innocent!” § see Editorial Notes 5 szJI MS:innocent!” 524) MS:5 marginal note that new y begins § praying God § inserted above line 3 when there § crossed out § came 525) MS:VioIante with <> enough but still 3 last two words crossed out 5 Pl869:Violante, with enough, 5261 MS:mouth meant s crossed out § for a smi 5 fast two words crossed out and replaced above by 5 make-believe 5271 MS:again: P1869:again. 5ss1 MS:And told 5 last two words crossed out and replaced above by two words § She bade me to 5 crossed out 3 sit down 5 inserted above line § 5291 MS:understandPl869:understand, ss3-ss) MS:unaware--/ As 5s61 MS:he smells P2869:unaware--/ Obtained him the advantage he refused./ As 3 crossed out and replaced above by 5 finds 5371 MS:§ crowded between 536 and 538 5 5121 MS:have reasoned § crossed out and 5sg1 MS:5 crowded between 538 and 540 § replaced above by 5 talked him back 3 over illegible erasure 3 <> wits, PZ869;wits:
And Paolo was a help in time of need,Guido, not much-my child, the way of men! A priest is more a woman than a man, And Paul did wonders to persuade. In short, Yes, he was wrong, your father sees and says; My scheme was worth attempting: and bears fruit, Gives you a husband and a noble name, A palace and no end of pleasant things. What do you care about a handsome youth? They are so volatile, and tease their wives! This is the kind of man to keep the house. We lose no daughter,-gain a son, that’s all: For ‘tis arranged we never separate, Nor miss, in our grey time of life, the tints Of you that colour eve to match with morn. In good or ill, we share and share alike, And cast our lots into a common lap, And all three die together as we lived! Only, at Arezzo,- that’s a Tuscan town, Not so large as this noisy Rome, no doubt, But older far and finer much, say folk,In a great palace where you will be queen, Know the Archbishop and the Governor, And we see homage done you ere we die. Therefore, be good and pardon ! “-“Pardon what? You know things, I am very ignorant: All is right if you only will not cry!” And
an end! Because a blank begins
548j MS:attempting-and PI869:attempting: and 5471 MS:saysP1869:says; 551-531 MS:3 crowded between 550 and 554 and in margin; lines divided as they are in text § 5521 MS: teaze 1889a: tease 5551 MS:we do not § last two words crossed out and replaced above by 3 never separate P1869:separate, 5561 MS:miss in < > life the 5571 MS:eve like rosy 3 last two words crossed out and PZ869:miss, in < > life, the fj cast all three replaced above by three words 5 to match with 5591 MS:And 3 in margin Q last two words crossed out and replaced above by Q our 5601 MS:And all three 5 last two words inserted above line 5 < > lived before § crossed out &P1869:lived! 5611 MS:that famed Q crossed out and replaced above by § ‘s a < > townPl869:town, 5631 MS:older far 5 inserted above line $j and finer much Q inserted above line 3 < > folks,2889a:folk,5641 MS:a fine 5 crossed out and replaced above by § great <> queen PI 869:queen, 5651 MS:3 crowded between 564 and 566 5 5681 MS:ignorant, P1869:ignorant: 5691 MS:cry.” P1869:cry!” 5701 MS:3 marginal note that new
From when, at the word, she kissed me hard and hot, And took me back to where my father leaned Opposite Guido -who stood eyeing him, As eyes the butcher the cast panting ox That feels his fate is come, nor struggles more,While Paul looked archly on, pricked brow at whiles With the pen-point as to punish triumph there,And said “Count Guido, take your lawful wife Until death part you!” All since is one blank, Over and ended; a terrific dream. It is the good of dreams-so soon they go! Wake in a horror of heart-beats, you mayCry “The dread thing will never from my thoughts!” Still, a few daylight doses of plain life, Cock-crow and sparrow-chirp, or bleat and bell Of goats that trot by, tinkling, to be milked; And when you rub your eyes awake and wide, Where is the harm o’ the horror? Gone! So here. I know I wake, -but from what? Blank, I say! This is the note of evil: for good lasts. Even when Don Celestine bade “Search and find! For your soul’s sake, remember what is past, The better to forgive it,“-all in vain! What was fast getting indistinct before, Vanished outright. By special grace perhaps,
7 begins $ end-b ecause P1869:end! Because 57’1 MS:hot PI869:hot, 5721 MS:father sat Pl869:father leaned 57s1 MS:Opposite Guide,-who was eyeing 5 last two words crossed out and replaced above by two words $j stood o’er him,-eyed, Pl869:Opposite Guido-who stood eyeing him, 57*] MS:butcher some 5 crossed out and replaced above by $ the cast panting $ crossed out, replaced above by 5 prostrate s crossed out and original reading restored 5 5751 MS:is fallen 5 crossed out and replaced above by 5 come 5781 MS:said “C ount Guido take your lawful 5 inserted above line $j wife again 5 crossed out 5 1869:said “Count Guido, take 5791 MS:5 marginal note that new ( begins after you!” $j 580) MS:ended,-a < > dreamP1869:ended; a < > dream. 5811 MS:dreams that thus 9 last two words crossed out and replaced above by $j -so soon 5831 MS:Cry, “The 1889a:Cry “The 58s) MS:milked, P1869:milked; 588) MS:Why, where’s the harm o’ the 3 last three words inserted above line 5 P1869:Where is the 589) MS:say. P1869:say! 5s’J1 MS:evil-it 5 crossed out and replaced above by two words 5 for good lasts. not 5 crossed out s P1869:evil: for 5s1) MS:when
Between that first calm and this last, four years Vanish, -one quarter of my life, you know. I am held up, amid the nothingness, By one or two truths only-thence I hang, And there I live,- the rest is death or dream, All but those points of my support. I think Of what I saw at Rome once in the Square 0’ the Spaniards, opposite the Spanish House: There was a foreigner had trained a goat, A shuddering white woman of a beast, To climb up, stand straight on a pile of sticks Put close, which gave the creature room enough: When she was settled there he, one by one, Took away all the sticks, left just the four Whereon the little hoofs did really rest, There she kept firm, all underneath was air. So, what I hold by, are my prayer to God, My hope, that came in answer to the prayer, Some hand would interpose and save me-hand Which proved to be my friend’s hand: and,-blest bliss,That fancy which began so faint at first, That thrill of dawn’s suffusion through my dark, Which I perceive was promise of my child,
Don Celestine bade Q over illegible erasure 5 5g81 MS:up amid that § crossed out and replaced above by 5 the nothingness 60°1 MS:death P1869:up, amid the nothimmess, 6031 MS:the and $j crossed out and replaced above by Q or dreamP1869:dream, Spaniards opposite the 5 inserted above line 5 PZ869:the Spaniards, opposite 6051 MS:of a thing 5 crossed out and replaced by 5 beast, 606) MS:up, and § crossed out $ stand straight 5 inserted above line 5 612) MS:are the 5 crossed out and replaced 6131 MS:The Q crossed out and replaced above by $j above by $j my prayers 5 s erased $j With $j crossed out and replaced in margin by 5 My hope that came in $j last three words crossed out and replaced above by three words 5 which 3 followed by two illegible words, all three crossed out and original reading restored $j 6141 MS:That 5 crossed out and 5 last two words crossed out and replaced replaced in margin by $j Some < > save, one day,above by two words 5 me-that $ crossed out 8 -hand P1869:save me-hand 6151 MS:and, the 5 crossed out and replaced above by dash and word 5 -best bliss,1889a:-blest bliss,6161 MS:Even in § last two words crossed out 5 that 5 altered to 5 That fancy that began $j last two words crossed out and replaced above by § which all 5 crossed out Q began 5 last two words crossed out and replaced above by three words 5 which all 5 crossed out 5 began $j placed immediately above same word which was first crossed out and then marked for restoration 5 6171 MS:-That 3 written over partly erased, illegible word 5 of that star’s dawning 3 last three words crossed out and replaced above by two words § dawn’s beginning Q crossed out 3 suffusion 6181 MS:which $j in margin 5
The light his unborn face sent long before,Cod’s way of breaking the good news to flesh. That is all left now of those four bad years. Don Celestine urged “But remember more! Other men’s faults may help me find your own. I need the cruelty exposed, explained, Or how can I advise you to forgive?” He thought I could not properly forgive Unless I ceased forgetting,-which is true: For, bringing back reluctantly to mind My husband’s treatment of me,-by a light That’s later than my life-time, I review And comprehend much and imagine more, And have but little to forgive at last. For now, -be fair and say,-is it not true He was ill-used and cheated of his hope To get enriched by marriage? Marriage gave Me and no money, broke the compact so: He had a right to ask me on those terms, As Pietro and Violante to declare They would not give me: so the bargain stood: They broke it, and he felt himself aggrieved, Became unkind with me to punish them. They said ‘twas he began deception first, Nor, in one point whereto he pledged himself,
6221 MS:Don I now § crossed out 5 Q”l MS:3 crowded between 619 and 621 $j Celestine 5 followed by an illegibly blotted word, perhaps urged over said, and immediately Q31 MS:may point us to ,$ last above B has written 5 urged < > morePZ869:more! three words crossed out and replaced above by three words 5 help me find < > own6241 MS. .crue . It’ res exposed, 5 inserted Pl869:own. above line 5 explained, 6251 MS:advise you to 3 last some $j crossed out 5 PZ869:cruelty two words inserted above line Q forgive? them all? 3 last two words and question mark crossed out 5 ” 6271 MS:he was right 5 crossed out 5 which is true: 6311 MS:and 629) MS:treatment of me 5 last two words inserted above line $ ““*I MS:$ crowded forgive the 5 last two words crossed out and replaced by $j rmagine between 631 and 633 $j 6371 MS:terms P1869:terms, 6381 MS:And 5 crossed out ~$9) MS:5 crowded between 638 and replaced above by Q As < > to refuse 5 crossed out § and 640 5 give Q followed by illegible word, crossed out and replaced above by 5 me: so, the P1869:so the 6401 MS:They 5 t wo words illegibly crossed out and replaced below by 6431 MS:And $j crossed two words § broke it 6411 MS:unkind to 5 altered to 5 with out and replaced by 5 Nor, in all things 5 last two words crossed out and replaced above by
Kept promise: what of that, suppose it were? Echoes die off, scarcely reverberate For ever,- why should ill keep echoing ill And never let our ears have done with noise? Then my poor parents took the violent way To thwart him,- he must needs retaliate,-wrong, Wrong, and all wrong,-better say, all blind! As I myself was, that is sure, who else Had understood the mystery: for his wife Was bound in some sort to help somehow there. It seems as if I might have interposed, Blunted the edge of their resentment so, Since he vexed me because they first vexed him; “I will entreat them to desist, submit, Give him the money and be poor in peace,Certainly not go tell the world: perhaps He will grow quiet with his gains.” Yes, say Something to this effect and you do well! But then you have to see first: I was blind. That is the fruit of all such wormy ways, The indirect, the unapproved of God: You cannot find their author’s end and aim, Not even to substitute your good for bad,
two words 5 one point 6441 MS:B ro k e 3 crossed out and replaced above by 5 Kept promisewhat P1869:promise: what b45) MS:off, do not Q last two words crossed out and replaced by 5 scarcely 6461 MS:keep making &rosstd out and replaced above by Q echoing ill, DC,BrU:ill 1889:ill 650( MS:Wrong, and 3 inserted above line $j < > blindlPI869:blindl 6521 MS:mystery ,-for, 3 word and comma inserted above line 5 his PZ869:mystery: for his 6541 MS:5 crowded between 653 and 655 3 6551 MS:And turn $j two words crossed out and replaced in margin by 5 Blunted the drift 5 crossed out and replaced below by $j edge of all Q crossed out § their argument 5 crossed out and replaced above by 3 resentment so, 6561 MS:Say § crossed out and replaced in margin by $j Since, me he vexed since 5 crossed out and replaced below by 5 because P1869:Since he vexed me because 6591 MS:world; perhaps PZ869:world: perhaps seo( MS:$j marginal note that new q begins with Yes § <> say$ dash crossed out 8 6611 MS+ crowded between 660 and 662 5 wellPI869:well! 6621 MS:see and $j crossed out and replaced by 5 first: I 66~1 MS:such hidden $j crossed out and replaced above by Q wormy 6641 MS:of God,PZ869:of God: 665) MS:You 3 crossed out and then restored § 6661 MS:Not § inserted in margin $j Even to 5 crossed out and replaced above by 5 to substitute your § altered to § our Q original reading
Your straight for the irregular; you stand Stupefied, profitless, as cow or sheep That miss a man’s mind, anger him just twice By trial at repairing the first fault. Thus, when he blamed me, “You are a coquette, A lure-owl posturing to attract birds, You look love-lures at theatre and church, In walk, at window!“-that, I knew, was false: But why he charged me falsely, whither sought To drive me by such charge,-how could I know? So, unaware, I only made things worse. I tried to soothe him by abjuring walk, Window, church, theatre, for good and all, As if he had been in earnest: that, you know, Was nothing like the object of his charge. Yes, when I got my maid to supplicate The priest, whose name she read when she would read Those feigned false letters I was forced to hear Though I could read no word of,-he should cease Writing,nay, if he minded prayer of mine, Cease from so much as even pass the street Whereon our house looked,-in my ignorance I was just thwarting Guido’s true intent; Which was, to bring about a wicked change
restored 5 < > bad. Pl869:Not even < > bad, ‘j67) MS:Your 5 altered to $j Our § original reading restored s open for the irregular; you 5 crossed out and apparently replaced above by illegible word and then original reading restored Q 1889a:Your straight for 66g1 MS:a man’s Q inserted above line Q mind; anger 1889a:mind, anger 6741 MS:window--” that <> falseP1869:windowl”-that <> false: 676-771 MS:9 originally one line 5 charge ,-so, unaware, $j last two words replaced above line by four words and question mark Q how could I know?/ So, unaware < > worsePI 869: worse. ‘ja”/ MS:earnest-that, you know, § crossed out and then restored Q 6821 MS:to pray for me $j last three words crossed out and replaced P1869:earnest: that above by 5 supplicate G8s( MS:That he Ej crossed out and replaced above by two words and comma 3 The priest, 6841 MS:those feigned, false § last two words inserted above line 5 letters to me Q last two words crossed out 5 I was therefore 5 inserted above line and crossed out 5 Pl869:feigned false 6871 MS:Cease from 5 inserted above line $j so much even as $j indication that order of last two words should be reversed 5 pass down 6901 MS:§ crowded between 689 5 crossed out § 6891 MS:intent PZ869:intent; to and 691 5 was to < > wicked Q followed by illegible word crossed out 5 P1869:was,
Of sport to earnest, tempt a thoughtless man To write indeed, and pass the house, and more, Till both of us were taken in a crime. He ought not to have wished me thus act lies, Simulate folly: but, -wrong or right, the wish,I failed to apprehend its drift. How plain It follows,- if I fell into such fault, He also may have overreached the mark, Made mistake, by perversity of brain, I’ the whole sad strange plot, the grotesque intrigue To make me and my friend unself ourselves, Be other man and woman than we were! Think it out, you who have the time! for me,I cannot say less; more I will not say. Leave it to God to cover and undo! Only, my dulness should not prove too much! -Not prove that in a certain other point Wherein my husband blamed me,-and you blame,
‘jgll MS:$j immediately following and separated from 690 by slash 5 6921 MS:The priest § in margin and crossed out Q My friend should write 3 last four words crossed out and replaced below by three words and comma 9 To write indeed 6g3/ MS:a temp 5 last word crossed out and replaced by Q crime. 6951 MS:Simulate guilt 3 crossed out and replaced above by word and comma 5 folly ,-but, wrong or right of him $j last two words crossed out 5 , the wish, PI869:but,-wrong < > wish,1889a:folly: but 6g61 MS:to take the measure Q last three words crossed out and replaced above by three words and period 5 apprehend its drift. Why then $j last two words crossed out and replaced by two words 5 How plain 6g61 MS:Why 3 crossed out and replaced above by two words 3 He also may not he 5 last two words crossed out 5 < > over reached himself, 5 crossed out and replaced above by two words and comma 5 the mark, 6991 MS:Made Q inserted in margin Q Mistaken § altered to Q mistake 7001 MS:In the whole sad strange § last two words inserted above line $ plot, from first to last, 3 last four words crossed out 3 this same intrigue 2872:I’ < > the grotesque intrigue 7031 MS:me PI869:me,7041 MS:cannot will § crossed out $j say less, I will not say more; 5 indication that should be transposed to 5 less; more I < > say PI 869:say. 7051 MS:and forgive Q crossed out 5 705-61 MS:$ 7 § 1869:s no 7 Q 1889:s no lj; emended to restore 1; see Editorial Notes 5 ‘06) MS:dullness does § crossed out and replaced above by § should not prove at all 5 last two words crossed out 5 too much, P1869:much! 7071 MS:-Not prove Q inserted m margin § That 3 altered to 5 that < > certain single 8 crossed out and replaced above by 5 other point 3 followed by slash apparently inserted in revision to indicate end of line 5 -wherein § crossed out Q P1869:point 708) MS:Wherein 5 inserted in margin 5 My < > blamed me, 5 inserted above line $j and you also 5 crossed out 5 PI869:Wherein my <> me,-and
If I interpret smiles and shakes of head,I was dull too. Oh, if I dared but speak! Must I speak? I am blamed that I forwent A way to make my husband’s favour come. That is true: I was firm, withstood, refused . . . -Women as you are, how can I find the words? I felt there was just one thing Guido claimed I had no right to give nor he to take; We being in estrangement, soul from soul: Till, when I sought help, the Archbishop smiled, Inquiring into privacies of life, -Said I was blameable-(he stands for God) Nowise entitled to exemption there. Then I obeyed, -as surely had obeyed Were the injunction “Since your husband bids, Swallow the burning coal he proffers you!” Rut I did wrong, and he gave wrong advice Though he were thrice Archbishop,-that, I know!Now I have got to die and see things clear. Remember I was barely twelve years oldA child at marriage: I was let alone For weeks, I told you, lived my child-life still Even at Arezzo, when I woke and found
‘Ogl M&interpret smiles and Q last two words written above line 5 < > head,/ $j obviously added in revision to indicate end of line 5 aright,$j crossed out 3 P1869:head,‘loI MS:5 continuous with 709 Q I did so very wrong $j last four words crossed out and replaced above by four words § was dull too,- oh < > dared but 3 inserted above line Q P1869:dull too. Oh 7lz1 MS:way had Q crossed out and replaced above by 5 to made 7141 MS:are, I cannot 5 last two words crossed out and replaced 3 altered to § make above by $j how can I 715( MS:5 marginal note that new 1 begins 5 felt that 5 crossed out 5 < > was just $j inserted above line Q 716) MS:takeP1869:take; ‘I71 MS:We Q inserted in margin Q Being 5 altered to Q being in 5 inserted above line § such 7181 MS:Till the Archbishop said § crossed out § crossed out $j < > soul,P1869:soul: PZ869:Till, when < > help, the < > and replaced above by $j smiled, when < > help, smiled, 7201 MS:That I was wholly wrong $j last two words crossed out and replaced 7211 MS:there,above by 5 blamable <> God-) PI 869:-Said I <> God) 7241 MS:he gives his wife § last three PI 869: there. 7231 MS:bids,P1869:bids, 7251 MS:wrong, for words crossed out and replaced above by two words $ proffers you! above by Q know P1869:wrong, and 7261 MS:that I say $j crossed out and replaced PZ869: that, I know l7271 MS:things plain 5 crossed out 3 clear7311 MS:when I woke Even 5 inserted above line Q at ‘“01 MS:child-life $j over erasure $j Arezzo, and found first $j crossed out; indication that should be transposed to 5 Even at Arezzo,
First . . . but I need not think of that againOver and ended! Try and take the sense Of what I signify, if it must be so. After the first, my husband, for hate’s sake, Said one eve, when the simpler cruelty Seemed somewhat dull at edge and fit to bear, “We have been man and wife six months almost: How long is this your comedy to last? Go this night to my chamber, not your own!” At which word, I did rush-most true the chargeAnd gain the Archbishop’s house-he stands for GodAnd fall upon my knees and clasp his feet, Praying him hinder what my estranged soul Refused to bear, though patient of the rest: “Place me within a convent,” I implored“Let me henceforward lead the virgin life You praise in Her you bid me imitate!” What did he answer? “Folly of ignorance! Know, daughter, circumstances make or mar Virginity,‘tis virtue or ‘tis vice. That which was glory in the Mother of God Had been, for instance, damnable in Eve Created to be mother of mankind. Had Eve, in answer to her Maker’s speech ‘Be fruitful, multiply, replenish earth’Pouted ‘But I choose rather to remain Single’- why, she had spared herself forthwith Further probation by the apple and snake,
rJ21 MS:There Fj crossed out and replaced in margin by 3 First . . when I woke and 7351 MS:Know then but <> that now $j crossed out Q againZ889u:First . . . but that when $j last four words crossed out 3 After the first s word not clear so repeated more legibly under line 5 r371 MS:somewhat dulled Q altered to s dull < > and fit to 5 last two words inserted above line 3 bearable 5 altered to 3 bear, 7381 MS:wife six months ,$ last two words inserted above line 5 almost a year 5 last two words crossed out 3 : 7**1 MS:h’ rm s p are now 3 last two words crossed out and replaced above by Q hinder 74s) MS:answer?--” Folly P1869:answer? “Folly 752) MS:was a fj crossed out $j 75~1 MS:been-for instance-damnable PZ869:been, for instance, damnable 7541 MS:be Mother of Man Q altered to § mankind. Had Eve 5 last two words crossed out $ P1869:be mother 7551 MS:Had Eve 5 last two words inserted in margin 3 In 9 altered to § in < > her Maker’s first command § last two words crossed out Q speech 7581 MS:A virgin $j last two words crossed out and replaced above by word and comma 5 Single, Why,-
Been pushed straight out of Paradise! For seeIf motherhood be qualified impure, I catch you making God command Eve sin! -A blasphemy so like these Molinists’, I must suspect you dip into their books.” Then he pursued “ ‘Twas in your covenant!” No! There my husband never used deceit. He never did by speech nor act imply “Because of our souls’ yearning that we meet And mix in soul through flesh, which yours and mine Wear and impress, and make their visible selves, -All which means, for the love of you and me, Let us become one flesh, being one soul!” He only stipulated for the wealth; Honest so far. But when he spoke as plainDreadfully honest also-“Since our souls Stand each from each, a whole world’s width between, Give me the fleshly vesture I can reach And rend and leave just fit for hell to burn!“Why, in God’s name, for Guido’s soul’s own sake Imperilled by polluting mine,-I say, I did resist; would I had overcome! My heart died out at the Archbishop’s smile; -It seemed so stale and worn a way o’ the world, As though ‘twere nature frowning-“Here is Spring,
she Pl869:‘Single’-why, she 761( MS:If Motherhood PZ869:If motherhood 7631 MS:A < > Molinists’ P1869:-A < > Molinists’, ‘@I MS:sinPZ869:sin! r5r1 MS:by word § crossed out and rs61 MS:5 marginal note that new 7 begins 3 replaced above by § speech or deed § crossed out and replaced above by 5 act P1869tspeech nor act 7681 MS:Pompilia, for the 5 last three words crossed out and replaced above by 769j MS:mix in four words § Because of our souls’ < > that we 5 inserted above line 9 soul § last two words inserted above line 5 < > flesh, which § inserted above line 3 your 5 altered to 9 yours soul 5 crossed out 5 and mine rr”/ MS:impress, and 5 inserted above line 5 make 8 one or more words illegibly crossed out § these visible 5 written above § rrtl MS:the absolute 3 crossed out 5 rrs( MS:from each, the 3 crossed out and replaced above by § a rr71 MS:fleshly P1869:fleshy 1889a:fleshly 7791 MS:name, and § crossed out and replaced above by § for 1801 MS:say P1869:say, 7*21 MS:5 marginal note that new 1 rat1 MS:resist,-would PZ869:resist; would begins § r*sj MS:so worn and stale a 3 indication that should be transposed to read 5 so stale and worn a way of 8 altered to 5 0’ 7811 MS:‘twere Nature P1869:‘twere nature
The sun shines as he shone at Adam’s fall, The earth requires that warmth reach everywhere: What, must your patch of snow be saved forsooth Because you rather fancy snow than flowers?” Something in this style he began with me. I .ast he said, savagely for a good man, “This explains why you call your husband harsh, Harsh to you, harsh to whom you love. God’s Bread! The poor Count has to manage a mere child Whose parents leave untaught the simplest things Their duty was and privilege to teach,Goodwives’ instruction, gossips’ lore: they laugh And leave the Count the task,-or leave it me!” Then I resolved to tell a frightful thing. “I am not ignorant,-know what I say, Declaring this is sought for hate, not love. Sir, you may hear things like almighty God. I tell you that my housemate, yes-the priest My husband’s brother, Canon GirolamoHas taught me what depraved and misnamed love Means, and what outward signs denote the sin, For he solicits me and says he loves, The idle young priest with nought else to do. My husband sees this, knows this, and lets be. IS it your counsel I bear this beside?” “-More scandal, and against a priest this time! What, ‘tis the Canon now?“-less snappishly“Rise up, my child, for such a child you are, The rod were too advanced a punishment! I,et’s try the honeyed cake. A parable! ‘Without a parable spake He not to them.’ There was a ripe round long black toothsome fruit, Even a flower-fig, the prime boast of May:
7*61 MS:warmth 7851 MS:at Adam’s birth § crossed out and replaced above by 8 fall, be § crossed out and replaced above by § reach everywhere,P1869:everywhere: 7991 MS:say P1869:say, 7891MS:5 crowded between 788 and 790 5 meP1869:me. *051 MS:Means 8021 MS:housemate, yes 3 inserted above line § the young 3 crossed out 5 8081 MS:sees and 5 crossed out and replaced above by word and P1869:Means, and 8101 MS:1 added in P1869:knows this, and and comma § this, knows this and 8111 MS:now?“-Less P1869:now?” margin 9: More scandal and PZ869:scandal, and
And, to the tree, said . . . either the spirit o’ the fig, Or, if we bring in men, the gardener, Archbishop of the orchard-had I time To try o’ the two which fits in best: indeed It might be the Creator’s self, but then The tree should bear an apple, I suppose,Well, anyhow, one with authority said ‘Ripe fig, burst skin, regale the fig-peckerThe bird whereof thou art a perquisite!’ ‘Nay,’ with a flounce, replied the restif fig, ‘I much prefer to keep my pulp myself: He may go breakfastless and dinnerless, Supperless of one crimson seed, for me!’ So, back she flopped into her bunch of leaves. He flew off, left her,-did the natural lord,And lo, three hundred thousand bees and wasps Found her out, feasted on her to the shuck: Such gain the fig’s that gave its bird no bite! The moral,-fools elude their proper lot, Tempt other fools, get ruined all alike. Therefore go home, embrace your husband quick! Which if his Canon brother chance to see, He will the sooner back to book again.” So, home I did go; so, the worst befell:
-less 8181 MS:said . . either <> of $j altered to § o’ 1889a:said . . . either *rQ) MS:gardener P1869:gardener, 821) MS:of $j altered to § o’ s*61 MS:That bird whereof you 5 crossed out and replaced above by 5 thou are $j altered to 5 art PZ869:The bird *s71 MS:‘Nay’ with a flounce replied P1869:‘Nay,’ with a flounce, replied 82R( MS:keep my seeds Q crossed out and replaced above by 3 pulp my own $j altered to § myself, P1869:myself: 82g1 MS:go down $j crossed out $j 8301 MS:of a single § last two words crossed out and replaced above by two words Q one crimson < > me.’ P1869:me!’ s311 MS:.% back < > leaves, P1869:So, back < > leaves. 8321 MS:He flew off, § last two words and comma added above line 5 < > the $j followed by totally obliterated word Q “““1 MS:shuck,PI869:shuck: 8371 MS:alike, P1869:alike. *s*l MS:home, and kiss 5 last two words crossed out and replaced above by § embrace < > husband’s 3 altered to 5 husband hand $j crossed out 5 quick, PI869:quick! 8391 MS:The better 5 last two words crossed out and replaced above by Q Which if his Canon 8401 MS:Who 5 crossed out and replaced s inserted above line § < > see P1869:see, above by two words $j He the sooner will back $j indication that should be transposed to read 3 He will the sooner back to Breviary fi crossed out and replaced above by Q book ~411 MS:§ marginal note that new 7 begins fi So home < > go,-so the < > befell-
So, I had proof the Archbishop was just man, And hardly that, and certainly no more. For, miserable consequence to me, My husband’s hatred waxed nor waned at all, His brother’s boldness grew effrontery soon, And my last stay and comfort in myself Was forced from me: henceforth I looked to God Only, nor cared my desecrated soul Should have fair walls, gay windows for the world. God’s glimmer, that came through the ruin-top, Was witness why all lights were quenched inside: Henceforth I asked God counsel, not mankind. So, when I made the effort, freed myself, They said- “No care to save appearance here! How cynic,- when, how wanton, were enough!” -Adding, it all came of my mother’s lifeMy own real mother, whom I never knew, Who did wrong (if she needs must have done wrong) Through being all her life, not my four years, At mercy of the hateful: every beast 0’ the field was wont to break that fountain-fence, Trample the silver into mud so murk Heaven could not find itself reflected there.
P1869.30, home < > go; so, the < > befell: 8421 MS:So I P1869:So, I 8’31 MS:moreP1869:more. 8441 MS:As the utter Q last three words crossed out and replaced above by two words $ For, miserable R4RI MS:henceforth I cared for 5 last two words crossed out and replaced above by two words 5 looked to 8491 MS:Only, nor for the s last three words crossed out and replaced above by three words 5 nor cared my 8501 MS% much as wonder how 5 last five words crossed out and replaced above by six words 5 Should hope fair walls, gay windows for the worldP1869:world. 8511 MS:thro’ PZ869:through ~521 MS:witness whenceforth all was black 5 last four words crossed out and replaced above by five words 5 why all the lights were quenched inside. P1869:inside: 8531 MS:mankind: P1869:mankind. 854) MS:$j marginal note 8551 MS:Then said that new 7 begins 9 effort, saved myself 1889a:effort, freed myself, PI869:They said 8591 MS:did wrong-if < > wrongPl869:did wrong (if < > wrong) 8601 MS:Through lying $ altered to 5 being 8611 MS:hateful,-every 8621 MS:Of 3 altered to s 0’ ~641 MS:there,1889a:there. I889a:hateful: every
Now they cry “Out on her, who, plashy pool, Bequeathed turbidity and bitterness To the daughter-stream where Guido dipt and drank!” Well, since she had to bear this brand-let me! The rather do I understand her now, From my experience of what hate calls love,Much love might be in what their love called hate. If she sold . . . what they call, sold . . . me her childI shall believe she hoped in her poor heart That I at least might try be good and pure, Begin to live untempted, not go doomed And done with ere once found in fault, as she. Oh and, my mother, it all came to this? Why should I trust those that speak ill of you, When I mistrust who speaks even well of them? Why, since all bound to do me good, did harm, May not you, seeming as you harmed me most, Have meant to do most good-and feed your child From bramble-bush, whom not one orchard-tree But drew bough back from, nor let one fruit fall? This it was for you sacrificed your babe? Gained just this, giving your heart’s hope away As I might give mine, loving it as you, If . . . but that never could be asked of me! There, enough!
I have my support again,
*651 MS:her, the 5 crossed out and replaced above by 3 who, plashy Q written over illegible word $j 8661 MS:That lends $j last two words crossed out and replaced above by s 8671 MS:dips 5 altered to 5 dipt and drinks! $j altered to 5 drank! Bequeathed R67-68/ MS:5 7 s 1889a:s no fl $j 1889:s no 7; emended to restore 7; see Editorial Notes $j 86RI MS:this, why not I? 5 comma and last three words crossed out and replaced above by $ brand-let me! 8691 MS:now,1889a:now, 8711 MS:§ crowded between 870 in margin by Q and 871 5 hateP1869:hate. 872l MS:Why 5 crossed out and replaced If she sold . . what < > sold . . me 1889a:sold . . . what < > sold . . . me 87RI MS:you P1869:you, 8791 MS:speaks ~731 MS:$j crowded between 872-74 5 even $j inserted above margin 5 8831 MS:bramble-bushes § altered to § bramble-bush, whom each § crossed out and replaced above by $ not one 8841 MS:But 5 inserted above PZ869:drew-back bough line $j Drew 5 altered to 5 drew back rts $j crossed out § bough from from 1889a:drew bough back from ~851 MS:sacrificed even me, Q last two words crossed out and replaced above by Q your babe, P1869:babe? 8861 MS:hearts’ hope ***( MS:If . . but 1889a:If . . . but 889) MS:§ marginal PI 869: heart’s hope
Again the knowledge that my babe was, is, Will be mine only. Him, by death, I give Outright to God, without a further care,But not to any parent in the world,So to be safe: why is it we repine? What guardianship were safer could we choose? All human plans and projects come to nought: My life, and what I know of other lives, Prove that: no plan nor project! God shall care! And now you are not tired? How patient then All of you,-Oh yes, patient this long while Listening, and understanding, I am sure! Four days ago, when I was sound and well And like to live, no one would understand. People were kind, but smiled “And what of him, Your friend, whose tonsure the rich dark-brown hides? There, there!-your lover, do we dream he was? A priest too- never were such naughtiness! Still, he thinks many a long think, never fear, After the shy pale lady,-lay so light For a moment in his arms, the lucky one!” And so on: wherefore should I blame you much? So we are made, such difference in minds, Such difference too in eyes that see the minds! That man, you misinterpret and mispriseThe glory of his nature, I had thought, Shot itself out in white light, blazed the truth Through every atom of his act with me: Yet where I point you, through the crystal shrine,
note that new 7 begins s enough-I PZ869:enough! I ““4 MS:Again 5 in left margin § The PI 869: the sg61 MSnought, Z889a:nought: *g71 MS:life and P1869:life, and 8981 MS:that,-no < > project,-God PZ869:that: no < > project! God *gg1 MS:§ marginal note that new 1 begins § now, you PI 869:now you 90’1 MS:ago when P1869:ago, when 9051 MS:tonsure, the < > dark brown PZ869:dark-brown 1889a:tonsure the 9061 MS:There, there ,-your P1869:There, there!-your 9081 MS:Still he PZ869Stil1, he 9121 MS:.% men are PI869:So we are 9’41 MS:That man you used to jest with and PZ869:That man, you misinterpret and 9151 MS:The essence 5 crossed out and replaced above by Q glory s’s1 MS:you through
Purity in quintessence, one dew-drop, You all descry a spider in the midst. One says “The head of it is plain to see,” And one, “They are the feet by which I judge,” All say, “Those films were spun by nothing else.”
Then, I must lay my babe away with God, Nor think of him again, for gratitude. Yes, my last breath shall wholly spend itself In one attempt more to disperse the stain, The mist from other breath fond mouths have made, About a lustrous and pellucid soul: g30 So that, when I am gone but sorrow stays, And people need assurance in their doubt If God yet have a servant, man a friend, The weak a saviour and the vile a foe,Let him be present, by the name invoked, 935 Giuseppe-Maria Caponsacchi!
There, Strength comes already with the utterance! I will remember once more for his sake The sorrow: for he lives and is belied. Could he be here, how he would speak for me! 940
I had been miserable three drear years
the chrystal shrine PZ869:you, through the aystal shrine, 9201 MS:all would find a P1869:all descry a 92’1 MS:says,-“ Admit Q crossed out Q the Q altered to 5 The head 9231 MS:those Q altered to 5 Those of it $j last two words inserted above line § 9241 MS:8 marginal note that new paragraph begins $j Then I will 5 crossed out and replaced 9251 MS:gratitudeabove by § must < > God P1869:Then, I < > God, 9261 MS:last breath 5 crossed out P1869:gratitude. 1872:again for 1889a:again, for and replaced above by word illegibly erased; original restored § 1872:Yes my 1889a:Yes, 9281 MS:from foul $j crossed out and replaced above by 5 other breath foolish my 5 crossed out and replaced above by 5 fond < > made P1869:made, g2g1 MS:soul, P1869:soul: ‘“11 MS:And someone 5 crossed out and replaced above by word illegibly erased and followed by Q people needs $j altered to 5 need < > in his 5 crossed out and replaced above by 5 their 9321 MS:servant, in the world 5 last three words crossed out and replaced above by three words and comma 5 man a friend, “““I MS:and the world $j crossed out and replaced above by Q vile a man,$j word crossed out and replaced above 9x41 MS:present, invoked by the name 5 indication that should be transposed WV= to $j present, by the name invoked PZ869:invoked, 9351 MS:5 marginal note that new lj begins with There § 9381 MS:The old woe 3 last two words crossed out and replaced above by 5 sorrow,for P1869:sorrow: for ‘““1 MS:Had $j crossed out and replaced
In that dread palace and lay passive now, When I first learned there could be such a man. Thus it fell: I was at a public play, In the last days of Carnival last March, Brought there I knew not why, but now know well. My husband put me where I sat, in front; Then crouched down, breathed cold through me from behind, Stationed i’ the shadow,-none in front could see,I, it was, faced the stranger-throng beneath, The crowd with upturned faces, eyes one stare, Voices one buzz. I looked but to the stage, Whereon two lovers sang and interchanged “True life is only love, love only bliss: I love thee-thee I lovel” then they embraced. I looked thence to the ceiling and the walls,Over the crowd, those voices and those eyes,My thoughts went through the roof and out, to Rome On wings of music, waft of measured words,Set me down there, a happy child again Sure that to-morrow would be festa-day, Hearing my parents praise past festas more, And seeing they were old if I was young, Yet wondering why they still would end discourse With “We must soon go, you abide your time,
P1869:here, how above by 3 Could he been 3 crossed out and replaced above by 5 be here how 939-401 MS:$ f 5 1889n:,fj no 7 $ 1889:s no (; emended to restore 7; see Editorial Notes 5 9421 MS:there was 94’1 MS:and lay passive $j last two words over illegible erasures jj 5 crossed out and replaced above by 5 would be such a 5 inserted above line $j man. alive. 5 word and period crossed out $j 94j) MS:at the theatre, § last two words and comma crossed out $ a public play, g441 MS:5 crowded between 943 and 945 $j the first 5 written over by $j last 9451 MS:know well:§ crossed out and then restored fs PZ869:well. 9491 MS:§ crowded 9461 MS:frontPl869:front; 9481 MS:in 5 altered to 5 i’ between 948 and 950 $j I it was faced the strangers poured beneath, P1869:1, it was, faced the stranger-throng beneath, 9501 MS:Of 5 crossed out 5 the 5 altered to 5 The < > stare P1869:stare, 95’1 MS:sang: and § crossed out and replaced above by 5 they Pl869:sang and “““1 MS:only love, and 3 crossed out 5 love is $j crossed out and replaced above by § only bliss. P1869:bliss: 9541 MS:thee I love:” then P1869:thce I love!” then 9561 MS:5 crowded between 955 and 957 s 9571 MS:and soared 5 crossed out and replaced above by two words $j out, reached $j crossed out 5 to 9581 MS:music, and 5 crossed out and replaced above by Q waft “““1 MS:there again, a < > child, P1869:there, a < > child again, 9601 MS:to-morrow was some 5 uncertain; last two 9c41 MS:you must words crossed out and replaced above by two words 5 would be
And,-might we haply see the proper friend Throw his arm over you and make you safe!” Sudden I saw him; into my lap there fell A foolish twist of comfits, broke my dream And brought me from the air and laid me low, As ruined as the soaring bee that’s reached (So Pietro told me at the Villa once) By the dust-handful. There the comfits lay: I looked to see who flung them, and I faced This Caponsacchi, looking up in turn. Ere I could reason out why, I felt sure, Whoever flung them, his was not the hand,Up rose the round face and good-natured grin Of one who, in effect, had played the prank, From covert close beside the earnest face,Fat waggish Conti, friend of all the world. He was my husband’s cousin, privileged To throw the thing: the other, silent, grave, Solemn almost, saw me, as I saw him. There is a psalm Don Celestine recites, “Had I a dove’s wings, how I fain would flee!” The psalm runs not “I hope, I pray for wings,“Not “If wings fall from heaven, I fix them fast,“Simply “How good it were to fly and rest, Have hope now, and one day expect content! How well to do what I shall never do!” So I said “Had there been a man like that, To lift me with his strength out of all strife Into the calm, how I could fly and rest!
5 crossed out Q ““‘1 MS:5 marginal note that new 1 begins $j fell 5 over illegible word 5 ““‘1 MS:brought me 5 inserted above line 3 973) MS:them, thus 5 crossed out and replaced above by 5 and ““1 MS:good natured P1869:good-natured 9791 MS:face,3 over illegible erasure 5 gr”I MS:Of him who 2872;Of one who g801 MS:worldPI869:world. “““1 MS:5 marginal note that new lj begins 5 98’1 MS:if they Q crossed out and replaced above by Q wings < > them fast yj crossed out 5 here,“PZ869:them fast,“““*I MS:good a thing 5 last two words crossed out and replaced above by two words Q it were 9EgI MS:§ crowded between 988 and 990 § “‘“I MS:how I would fly PI869:how I could fly contentP1869:contentl
I have a keeper in the garden here Whose sole employment is to strike me low If ever I, for solace, seek the sun. Life means with me successful feigning death, Lying stone-like, eluding notice so, Forgoing here the turf and there the sky. loo0 Suppose that man had been instead of this!”
Presently Conti laughed into my ear, -Had tripped up to the raised place where I sat“Cousin, I flung them brutishly and hard! Because you must be hurt, to look austere As Caponsacchi yonder, my tall friend A-gazing now. Ah, Guido, you so close? Keep on your knees, do! Beg her to forgive! My cornet battered like a cannon-ball. Good-bye, I’m gone!” -nor waited the reply.
1010 That night at supper, out my husband broke, “Why was that throwing, that buffoonery? Do you think I am your dupe? What man would dare Throw comfits in a stranger lady’s lap? ‘Twas knowledge of you bred such insolence
““‘1 MS:here 5 over illegible erasure § gg61 MS:If ever Q inserted above line § I look up Q last two words crossed out 5 for solace, to Q imperfectly erased and replaced above by two words Q seek the sun. or star. 5 last two words and period crossed out § P1869:ever I, for gg91 MS:the garden $j crossed out and replaced above by two words Q grass and P1869: the turf and ioool MS:Suppose this man < > of that!” PZ869:Suppose that man < > of this!” iool\ MS:$j marginal note that new 1 begins § ear P1869:ear, 10031 MS:Cousin, I hit you $j last two words crossed out and replaced above by two words 5 flung them < > hardPZ869:hardl i0041 MS:hurt to look so grave Q last two words crossed out and replaced above by Q austere, PZ869:hurt, to < > austere loo51 MS:Grave Q crossed out 3 as $j altered to Q As the $j crossed out $j Caponsacchi, yon § altered to 9 yonder, tall Q crossed out and then restored $j my tall § last two lines written above line 5 friend, P1869:As Caponsacchi yonder, my tall friend 10061 MS:you there too? 5 last two words crossed out 5 so close? ioor-81 MS:$j crowded between 1006 and 1009 in continuous line separated by slash between forgtuel and My 5 im( MS:gone!-we left the theatre 5 last four words crossed out 5 nor waited the reply. rOiO[ MS:§ marginal note that new 7 begins 5 brokeP1869:broke, *oitI MS:Why is § altered to $j was that comfit 5 crossed out Q throwing, that 5 comma and word inserted above line § ‘0141 MS:‘T was Q inserted in margin $j < > you has 5 crossed out Q bred that 5 crossed out and
In Caponsacchi; he dared shoot the bolt, Using that Conti for his stalking-horse. How could you see him this once and no more, When he is always haunting hereabout At the street-corner or the palace-side, Publishing my shame and your impudence? You are a wanton, -1 a dupe, you think? 0 Christ, what hinders that I kill her quick?” Whereat he drew his sword and feigned a thrust. All this, now, Used to such And broken-in More quietly Repeated the
-being not so strange to me, misconception day by day to bear,-1 bore, this time, than woman should perhaps; mere truth and held my tongue.
Then he said, “Since you play the ignorant, I shall instruct you. This amour,-commenced Or finished or midway in act, all’s one,‘Tis the town-talk; so my revenge shall be. Does he presume because he is a priest? I warn him that the sword I wear shall pink His lily-scented cassock through and through, Next time I catch him underneath your eaves!” But he had threatened with the sword so oft And, after all, not kept his promise. All
replaced above by $j such ior MS:In Caponsacchi,-he dared play Q crossed out and PZ869:In replaced above by 5 shoot the fool § crossed out and replaced above by $j bolt, Caponsacchi; he lo161 MS:Using $j inserted above line 5 That $j altered to $j that creature 3 crossed out $j IO171 MS:How did $j crossed out and replaced above by Q could < > more to*01 MS:Telling in the P1869:more, 10181 MShereabouts Pl869:hereabout town 3 last four words crossed out and replaced above by $j Publishing my shame, 5 crossed out 5 and Q inserted above line $j io*sl MS:§ crowded between 1022 and 1024 $j 1024) MS:$j marginal note that new ( begins $j to*51 MS:lJsed with 3 crossed out and 10271 MS:than a 10261 MS:broken in PZ869:broken-in replaced above by 5 to wife Q last two words crossed out and replaced above by 5 woman <> perhaps10291 MS:5 marginal note that lo**1 MS:my peace $j crossed out 5 P1869:perhaps; P1869:said, “Since 10301 MS:amour ,-begun $j crossed new 7 begins 5 said- “Since out 3 rosrl MS:Or ended $ crossed out and replaced above by Q finished 10~6-371 MS:5 fl $j 1889n:$j no 9 5 1889: 10331 MS:§ crowded between 1032 and 1034 3 10371 MS:threatened me 8 crossed 5 no 7; emended to restore 7; see Editorial Notes 5
I said was “Let God save the innocent! Moreover death is far from a bad fate. I shall go pray for you and me, not him; And then I look to sleep, come death or, worse, Life.” So, I slept. There may have elapsed a week, called my waiting-maid, When Margherita,Whom it is said my husband found too fairWho stood and heard the charge and the reply, Who never once would let the matter rest From that night forward, but rang changes still On this the threat and that the shame, and how Good cause for jealousy cures jealous fools, And what a paragon was this same priest She talked about until I stopped my ears,She said, “A week is gone; you comb your hair, Then go mope in a corner, cheek on palm, Till night comes round again,-so, waste a week As if your husband menaced you in sport. I-Iave not I some acquaintance with his tricks? Oh no, he did not stab the serving-man Who made and sang the rhymes about me once! For why? They sent him to the wars next day. Nor poisoned he the foreigner, my friend Who wagered on the whiteness of my breast,The swarth skins of our city in dispute:
out Q with the $j inserted above Q *03g1 MS:was“Let Pl869:was, “Let 1889a:was “Let rOgol MS:Moreover, death 1889a:Moreover death iO4s1 MS:Life.” Q inserted in margin 5 So I did 5 crossed out and replaced above by Q slept. 5 marginal note that new 7 begins Q week P1869:So, I < > week, log61 MS:$j crowded between 1045 and 1047 Q 10481 MS:forward rang the changes PZ869:forward but rang changes CP1869:forward, but 10491 MS:this the threat and < > the charge 5 crossed out and replaced above by Q shame PZ869:this the thrust 3 emended to Q threat 5 see Editorial Notes Q 10501 MS:A cause < > fools, Q written over illegible word 5 PZ869:Good cause ‘05’1 MS .t h’ is p oor § crossed out and replaced above by Q young Q crossed out and replaced above by § same rossI MS:said “A P1869:said, “A 1o55l MS:so waste P1869:so, waste 10561 MS:menaced for a Q last two words crossed out and replaced above by two words Q you in 10571 MS:Have § over illegible erasure Q 10591 MS:Who made and 5 last two words inserted above § once,PZ869:onceI 10611 MS:friend, 2889a:friend ‘0631 MS:Th e b rownness Q uncertain; crossed out, blotted, and altered to $j swarth skins of the $j crossed out and replaced above by $j our < >
For, though he paid me proper compliment, The Count well knew he was besotted with Somebody else, a skin as black as ink, (As all the town knew save my foreigner) He found and wedded presently,-‘Why need Better revenge?‘- the Count asked. But what’s here? A priest that does not fight, and cannot wed, Yet must be dealt with! If the Count took fire For the poor pastime of a minute,-meWhat were the conflagration for yourself, Countess and lady-wife and all the rest? The priest will perish; you will grieve too late: So shall the city-ladies’ handsomest Frankest and liberalest gentleman Die for you, to appease a scurvy dog Hanging’s too good for. Is there no escape? Were it not simple Christian charity To warn the priest be on his guard,-save him Assured death, save yourself from causing it? I meet him in the street. Give me a glove, A ring to show for token1 Mum’s the word!” I answered “If you were, as styled, my maid, I would command you: as you are, you say, My husband’s intimate,-assist his wife Who can do nothing but entreat ‘Be still!’ Even if you speak truth and a crime is planned, Leave help to God as I am forced to do! There is no other help, or we should craze,
dispute,PZ869:dispute: 1o641 MS:For though PZ869:For, though 1o651 MS:For he who then 5 last four words crossed out and replaced in margin and below by six words 3 The Count well knew, he was <> with the fool 5 last two words crossed out Q IO661 MS:§ crowded between 1065 and 1067 5 Somebody with Q crosssed out and replaced above by Q else, a soul as P1869:a skin as 10666*1 MS:ink,/ He Pl869:inkJ (As all 10701 MS:priest-that < > fight Q over illegible the town knew save my foreigner)/ He that 1889a:priest that erasure, crossed out and restored 5 P1869:priest, 10741 MS:$j crowded ro7s1 MS:yourselR 8 question mark erased 5 PZ869:yourself, PI869:Countess 10751 MS:The Priest between 1073 and 1075 5 -Countess P1869:The priest 10851 MS:8 marginal note that new line begins Q I answered-“If < > maid1889a:answered “If ro*s) MS:you,-as PI869:answered, “If <> maid, logll MS:no other P1869:you: as ro8*( MS:entreat ‘be PZ869:entreat ‘Be
Seeing such evil with no human cure. Reflect that God, who makes the storm desist, Can make an angry violent heart subside. Why should we venture teach Him governance? Never address me on this subject more!” Next night she said “But I went, all the same, -Ay, saw your Caponsacchi in his house, And come back stuffed with news I must outpour. I told him ‘Sir, my mistress is a stone: Why should you harm her for no good you get? For you do harm her-prowl about our place With the Count never distant half the street, Lurking at every corner, would you look! ‘Tis certain she has witched you with a spell. Are there not other beauties at your beck? We all know, Donna This and Monna That Die for a glance of yours, yet here you gaze! Go make them grateful, leave the stone its cold!’ And he-oh, he turned first white and then red, And then-‘To her behest I bow myself, Whom I love with my body and my soul: Only a word i’ the bowing! See, I write One little word, no harm to see or hear! Then, fear no further!’ This is what he wrote. I know you cannot read,-therefore, let me! ‘My idol!’ ” , . . But I took it from her hand -
Q crossed out and then restored Q course, or 1872:other cause, or 2889a:other help, or r”s31 MS:the sun Q altered to 5 storm arise Q crossed out $j desist, 10971 MS:5 marginal note that new lj begins Q said“But P1869:said, “But 1889a:said “But 10981 MS:saw rlO*l MS:harm why Q smeared and the 3 crossed out and replaced above by Q your crossed out and replaced above by § her < > about this Q crossed out and replaced above by 5 our rt”51 MS:certain you have $j last two words crossed out and replaced above by two words 5 she has witched him $j crossed out and replaced above by 5 you trtol MS:$ crowded between 1109 and 1111 § tr*rl MS:myselfP1869:myself, r*r*l MS:9 crowded between 1111 and 1113 5 soulPZ869:soul: 111~1 MS:Only, a < > bowing. See PI869:bowingl See 1872:Only a 11141 MS:One only 5 crossed out and replaced above by $j little < > hear,PZ869:hearl 11171 MS:“ ‘My idol’!” . . . Q marginal note that new q begins Q but 5 altered to $j But P1869:“ ‘My idol!’ “. . . . Q lj Q But CPl869:“ ‘My tdoll’ “, . . . 3 1 $j But 1889~:” ‘My idoll’ ” . . .
And tore it into shreds. “Why, join the rest Who harm me? Have I ever done you wrong? People have told me ‘tis you wrong myself: Let it suffice I either feel no wrong Or else forgive it, -yet you turn my foe! The others hunt me and you throw a noosel” She muttered
“Have your wilful
way!” I slept.
Whereupon . . . no, I leave my husband out! It is not to do him more hurt, I speak. Let it suffice, when misery was most, One day, I swooned and got a respite so. She stooped as I was slowly coming to, This Margherita, ever on my trace, And whispered-“Caponsacchil” If I drowned, But woke afloat i’ the wave with upturned eyes, And found their first sight was a star! I turnedFor the first time, I let her have her will, Heard passively,- “The imposthume at such head, One touch, one lancet-puncture would relieve,And still no glance the good physician’s way Who rids you of the torment in a u-ice! Still he writes letters you refuse to hear.
11181 MS:shreds-“ Why join P1869:shreds. “Why 1872:shreds. “Why, join lllgl MS:you hurt? Q crossed out and replaced above by Q wrong? 11201 MS:myself,ll**) MS:suffice I d o not Q last two words uncertain, crossed out and P1869:myself: replaced above by 5 either feel my Q crossed out and replaced above by 5 no 11221 MS:it,-here are § last two words crossed out and replaced above by 5 yet you, the same, $j last two words and comma crossed out and replaced above by Q turn 11241 MS:$j marginal note that new 1[ begins Q muttered “Have PZ869:muttered, “Have 1889a:muttered “Have 11251 MS:Whereupon . . no 3 over illegible erasure Q < > out1 to § out! 5 see Editorial Notes 5 1889a:Whereupon . . . no < > out § emended *12*1 MS:One § over illegible erasure Q 11261 MS:$j crowded between 1125 and 1127 5 Day Q crossed out and then restored 5 and 5 crossed out Q < > got a Q inserted above line Q 11~0) MS: § crowded between 1129 and 1131 5 respite thus, P1869:respite so. **sll MS:whispered--” Caponsacchil” 5 marginal note that new fl begins 5 If 1136) MS:One little $j crossed out and 11~1 MS:in Q altered to Q i’ < > eyes PI 869:eyes, 11381 MS:Would 5 crossed out and replaced replaced above by two words 5 touch, one 11391 MS:letters that Q crossed out $j you hate Q crossed out and replaced above by 5 Who
He may prevent your husband, kill himself, So desperate and all fordone is he! Just hear the pretty verse he made to-day! A sonnet from Mirtillo. ‘Peerless fair . . .’ All poetry is difficult to read, -The sense of it is, anyhow, he seeks Leave to contrive you an escape from hell, And for that purpose asks an interview. I can write, I can grant it in your name, Or, what is better, lead you to his house. Your husband dashes you against the stones; This man would place each fragment in a shrine: You hate him, love your husband!” I returned
“It is not true I love my husband,-no, Nor hate this man. I listen while you speak, -Assured that what you say is false, the same: Much as when once, to me a little child, A rough gaunt man in rags, with eyes on fire, A crowd of boys and idlers at his heels, Rushed as I crossed the Square, and held my head In his two hands, ‘Here’s she will let me speak! You little girl, whose eyes do good to mine, I am the Pope, am Sextus, now the Sixth; And that Twelfth Innocent, proclaimed to-day, Is Lucifer disguised in human flesh!
11401 MS:He will $j crossed out and replaced above by 5 may < > above by Q refuse PI869:himself, 11411 MS:he. PZ869:hel ‘14*1 MS:$ crowded himselfbetween 1141 and 1143 g to-dayPZ869:to-day! 11431 MS:A Sonnet <> fair, . . .’ P1869:A sonnet <> fair . . .’ 1144/ MS:5 inserted in margin with arrow indicating its 11451 MS: anyh ow, that he seeks Q over illegible erasure Q place in text Q P1869:anyhow, he 11461 MS:to direct 5 crossed out and replaced above by $j contrive you how to $j last two words crossed out and replaced above by 5 an escape this $j crossed out and 114+49) MS:5 crowded between 1147 and 1150 in continuous replaced above by Q from rr5*( MS:Yet 5 crossed out Q you 3 altered line separated by / between name, and 07 $j tog You < > him, and Q crossed out $j < > husband!” 5 marginal note that new 7 begins $j I returned, 1889a:returned 115~1 MS:is untrue 5 altered to 5 not true above by Q hate *nr( MS:rags with 11541 MS:Nor love $j crossed out and replaced 1160) MS:With 5 crossed P1869:rags, with 115gI MS:square § altered to Q Square 11621 MS:the Pope, am Sextus, Come 9 crossed out out and replaced above by 3 In his
The angels, met in conclave, crowned me!‘-thus He gibbered and I listened; but I knew All was delusion, ere folk interposed ‘Unfasten him, the maniac!’ Thus I know All your report of Caponsacchi false, Folly or dreaming; I have seen so much By that adventure at the spectacle, The face I fronted that one first, last time: He would belie it by such words and thoughts. Therefore while you profess to show him me, I ever see his own face. Get you gonel” “-That will I, nor once open mouth again,No, by Saint Joseph and the Holy Ghost! On your head be the damage, so adieu!”
And so more days, more deeds I must forget, Till . . . what a strange thing now is to declare! Since I say anything, say all if true! And how my life seems lengthened as to serve! It may be idle or inopportune, But, true?-why, what was all I said but truth, Even when I found that such as are untrue
and replaced above by § now the It651 MS:The angels told $j crossed out and replaced above by four words 5 met in conclave, crowned < > thus he gibbered on $j last three words crossed out $j 1166( MS:gibbered past 5 crossed out and replaced above by 5 and 1167) MS:folks 1889a:folk 11681 MS:maniac,‘-thus PI869:maniacf’ Thus ‘l’jgl MS:AIl this report PZ869:All your report 11701 MS&earning: I PI 869: time: “r31 MS:thoughts: PI869:dreaming; I ti721 MS:time; * 1781 MS:head be PI869:thoughts. lt7’j MS:5 marginal note that new 1 begins Q the damage, 5 note above to transpose be to follow damage Q and so § inserted above Q MS:5 fl§ P1869:s no n 5 1889:s no 7; emended to restore P1869:damage, so rtr*-r91 7; see Editorial Notes “69) MS:days, and Q crossed out and replaced above by Q more ii801 MS:Till . . what <> thing I am to PZ869:thing now is to 1889a:“Till . . . what llell MS:all ,-if best. Q last two words and dash crossed out and replaced above by two PZ869:all if true! 11821 MS:And Q over illegible words, colon and dash $j if true:PZ869:life seems lengthened < > serve CPZ869:servel erasure $j < > life is lengthened tr*41 MS:true?-Why, what is it I say $j last four words crossed out and replaced above by four words Q was all I said true?-why rtes( MS:Even though $j crossed out and replaced
Could only take the truth in through a lie? Now-I am speaking truth to the Truth’s self: God will lend credit to my words this time.
It had got half through April. I arose One vivid daybreak, -who had gone to bed In the old way my wont those last three years, Careless until, the cup drained, I should die. The last sound in my ear, the over-night, Had been a something let drop on the sly In prattle by Margherita, “Soon enough Gaieties end, now Easter’s past: a week, And the Archbishop gets him back to Rome,Everyone leaves the town for Rome, this Spring,Even Caponsacchi, out of heart and hope, Resigns himself and follows with the flock.” I heard this drop and drop like rain outside Fast-falling through the darkness while she spoke: So had I heard with like indifference, “And Michael’s pair of wings will arrive first At Rome, to introduce the company, And bear him from our picture where he fights Satan, -expect to have that dragon loose And never a defender!“-my sole thought Being still, as night came, “Done, another day! How good to sleep and so get nearer death!“When, what, first thing at daybreak, pierced the sleep
i1871 MS:to Him $j crossed above by Q when llR6) MS:Can 5 altered to 5 Could out 5 the truth’s 5 altered to § Truth’s selfPZ869:self: i189l MS:5 marginal note that new lj begins 5 Then 5 crossed out 5 it Q altered to 5 It had got half 5 inserted above line Q thro’ P1869:through 11911 MS:won’t $j over illegible erasure 5 < > yearsP1869:yem, iigsl MS:last word $j altered to 5 sound I1951 MS:In the 5 crossed out $j prattle of $j crossed out and replaced above by Q by Margherita “Soon PZ869:of Margherita, “Soon iig61 MS:Th e 5 crossed out $J gaieties Q altered to 5 Gaieties i*oil MS:rain iig81 MS:thc City for <> spring,PZ869:the town for <> Spring,outside Q crossed out and then restored 5 that fall5 crossed out Q i2021 MS:5 crowded between 1201 and 1203 Q Fast 5 preceded by illegibly crossed out word 5 12031 MS.' .m d'fE1 erence P1869:indifference, 12051 MS:§ crowded between 1204 and 1206 § PZ869:At Rome to 1872:At Rome, to i2061 MS:Bearing him PZ869:Will bear him 1872:And bear him ‘*O”l MS* .a d e f ence 5 altered to Q defender!“-my only § crossed out and replaced above by Q sole thought was still 5 last two words crossed out Q ~091 MS:5 crowded between 1208 and 1210 $j ***I[ MS:day break, woke Q crossed out and replaced above by Q pierced P1869:daybreak 1872:day-break 1889a:daybreak
With a summons to me? Up I sprang alive, Light in me, light without me, everywhere Change! A broad yellow sunbeam was let fall From heaven to earth, -a sudden drawbridge lay, Along which marched a myriad merry motes, Mocking the flies that crossed them and recrossed In rival dance, companions new-born too. On the house-eaves, a dripping shag of weed Shook diamonds on each dull grey lattice-square, As first one, then another bird leapt by, And light was off, and lo was back again, Always with one voice, -where are two such joys?The blessed building-sparrow! I stepped forth, Stood on the terrace, -o’er the roofs, such sky! My heart sang, “I too am to go away, I too have something I must care about, Carry away with me to Rome, to Rome1 The bird brings hither sticks and hairs and wool, And nowhere else i’ the world; what fly breaks rank, Falls out of the procession that befits From window here to window there, with all The world to choose,- so well he knows his course? I have my purpose and my motive too, My march to Rome, like any bird or fly! Had I been dead! How right to be alive! Last night I almost prayed for leave to die, Wished Guido all his pleasure with the sword sword, was but a trick, Or the poison, -poison,
12131 MS:me ,-everywhere P1869:me, everywhere m4( MS:broad yellow 3 inserted above line 5 sun-beam 1889a:sunbeam 12181 MS:new born PZ869:newborn ‘2’9) MS: t h e h ouse 5 inserted 12201 MS:on my above line 3 outside $j crossed out 3 5 crossed out and replaced above by 3 each 12211 MS:bird § followed by two words heavily crossed out, uncertain, the second perhaps being there 5 12261 MS:sang “I 12301 MS:in $ altered to Q i’ 1*s+s51 MS:5 originally one line 5 P1869:sang “I purpose in my march to Rome. 5 altered to 5 purpose $j crossed out and then restored § and my motive too § last four words inserted above line 5 / For my march to Rome, like any bird or fly! 5 last five words added in margin Q PZ869:tooJ My <> Rome, like above by § Wished 12371 MS:dieP1869:die, ‘2391 MS:Let § crossed out and replaced it was all a harmless 123~1 MS:poison,have $ crossed out and replaced above by 5 all 5 last five words crossed out and replaced above by five words $j poison, sword, was but a
Harmless, may God forgive him the poor jest! My life is charmed, will last till I reach Rome! Yesterday, but for the sin,-ah, nameless be The deed I could have dared against myself! Now-see if I will touch an unripe fruit And risk the health I want to have and use! Not to live, now, would be the wickedness,For life means to make haste and go to Rome And leave Arezzo, leave all woes at once!” Now, understand here, by no means mistake! Long ago had I tried to leave that house When it seemed such procedure would stop sin; And still failed more the more I tried-at first The Archbishop, as I told you,-next, our lord The Governor, -indeed I found my way, I went to the great palace where he rules, Though I knew well ‘twas he who,-when I gave A jewel or two, themselves had given me, Back to my parents,- since they wanted bread, They who had never let me want a nosegay,-he Spoke of the jail for felons, if they kept What was first theirs, then mine, so doubly theirs, Though all the while my husband’s most of all! I knew well who had spoke the word wrought this: Yet, being in extremity, I fled
trickPI 869: trick, 1240) MS:§ crowded between 1239 and 1241 5 Harmless-may PI869:Harmless, may 12411 MS:life was charmed PZ869:life is charmed DC, BrU: fruit 2889:fruit 12441 MS:Now,-see < > fruit, Pl869:Now-see 12481 MS:And 3 inserted in margin Q Leave 12471 MS:to Rome, PZ869:to Rome 5 altered to § leave this Q crossed out 5 Arezzo, and 5 crossed out and replaced above by Q leave 12491 MS:§ marginal note that new fl begins 5 Now understand here, and $j crossed out and replaced above by two words § by no < > mistakelPZ869:Now, understand <> mistake! 12531 MS:The 12511 MS:sin, P1869:sin; 12521 MS:tried; at PI869:tried-at Archbishop, I have told P2869:The Archbishop, as I told 12551 MS:he dwells 9 crossed out Q lives Q crossed out § 1258) MS:parents, when Q crossed out and replaced 12601 MS:felons-who should 8 last two words crossed out and above by $j -since replaced above by§ if they keep § altered to § kept 1261) MS:mine, theirs doubly so § indication that last three words should be transposed to read Q so doubly theirs, 1262) MS:5 crowded between 1261 and 1263 Q Yet all the PZ869:Though all the 12641 MS:extremity, I sought Q crossed out 5 12631 MS:thisPZ869:this:
To the Governor, as I say,-scarce opened lip When-the cold cruel snicker close behindGuido was on my trace, already there, Exchanging nod and wink for shrug and smile, And I-pushed back to him and, for my pains Paid with . . . but why remember what is past? I sought out a poor friar the people call The Roman, and confessed my sin which came Of their sin, -that fact could not be repressed,The frightfulness of my despair in God: And, feeling, through the grate, his horror shake, Implored him, “Write for me who cannot write, Apprise my parents, make them rescue me! You bid me be courageous and trust God: Do you in turn dare somewhat, trust and write ‘Dear friends, who used to be my parents once, And now declare you have no part in me, This is some riddle I want wit to solve, Since you must love me with no difference. Even suppose you altered,-there’s your hate, To ask for: hate of you two dearest ones I shall find liker love than love found here, If husbands love their wives. Take me away And hate me as you do the gnats and fleas, Even the scorpions! How I shall rejoice!’ Write that and save me!” And he promised-wrote
126*1 MS:§ crowded between ‘2651 MS:T o 5 inserted in margin Q The 5 altered to 5 the lines 1267 and 1269 Q l2691 MS:And I, pushed < > and for P1869:And I-pushed < > 1889a:pains i2r”( MS:with . . but 1889a:with . . . but and, for my pains, i*ri/ MS:1 went at last to Q last four words crossed out and replaced above by two words Q sought out a poor Q inserted above line $j priest, a 3 last two words crossed out 3 friar 5 over perhaps man 5 they Q crossed out and replaced above by two words 5 the people 1273) MS:that much could PZ869:that fact i2r2) MS:sin-which P1869:sin which could 12741 MS:5 crowded between 1273 and 1275 5 in God:P1869:in God: 12761 MS:Entreated § crossed out and replaced above by two words 5 Implored him “Write for 12771 MS:Inform Q crossed out and replaced above by Q Apprise P1869:him, “Write for 12791 MS:somewhat, and just this $j last three words crossed out and replaced above by 5 trust and write 1282) MS:solve P1869:solve, 12831 MS:difference,12851 MS:5 crowded between 1284 and 1286 5 I ask Pl869:To ask Pl869:difference. -how Pl869:scorpions! How 12881 MS:fleasP1869:fleas, 12891 MS:scorpions
Or did not write; things never changed at all: He was not like the Augustinian here! Last, in a desperation I appealed To friends, whoever wished me better days, To Guillichini, that’s of kin,-“What, ITravel to Rome with you? A flying gout Bids me deny my heart and mind my leg!” Then I tried Conti, used to brave-laugh back The louring thunder when his cousin scowled At me protected by his presence: “YouWho well know what you cannot save me from,Carry me off! What frightens you, a priest?” He shook his head, looked grave-“Above my strength! Guido has claws that scratch, shows feline teeth; A formidabler foe than I dare fret: Give me a dog to deal with, twice the size! Of course I am a priest and Canon too, But . . by the bye . . though both, not quite so bold As he, my fellow-Canon, brother-priest, The personage in such ill odour here Because of the reports-pure birth o’ the brain!
12g1-g31 MS:write; I $j crossed out and replaced above by 5 things < > all.1 Last in < > I cried 5 crossed out and replaced above by 5 appealed PZ869:all:/ He was not like the Augustinian hereV Last, in *zg41 NS:whoever Q over erasure 5 i295( MS:The Guillichini P1869:To Guillichini l*961 MS:you, § comma erased and replaced by question mark Q There’s 5 crossed out 3 a Q altered to 5 A 12g81 MS:Then I tried $j last two words inserted above line 5 Conti, that Q crossed out and replaced above by 3 used to try 3 crossed out and replaced above by word and dash 5 bravelaugh i3001 MS:presence-“YouPZ869:presence: “You*so1l MS:$j crowded between 1300 and 1302 5 Who $ followed by word illegibly crossed out $ best know P1869:Who well know 130*l MS:off,what P1869:off! What 13041 MS:has a long Q last two words crossed out and replaced above by two words Q claws that reach Q altered to 5 scratch, pulls many wires 5 last three words crossed out and replaced above by three words 3 shows feline teeth,P1869:teeth; 1305) MS:formidabler man Q crossed out and replaced above by 5 foe < > dare 5 followed by illegible erasure Q fret5 over illegible word 5 PZ869:fret: ‘3O71 MS:too PZ869:too, 1306) MS:bye . . not quite so bold, though both, 5 indication that last five words should be transposed to read 5 though both, not quite so bold, i30g1 MS:As the one 5 last two words crossed out and replaced above by two words $J he, my fellow Q over perhaps man 5 “ii1 MS:pure calumny 3 crossed out and replaced above by two words $j fumes of Q last two words crossed out and replaced by three words § birth o’ the brain1872:brain!
Our Caponsacchi, he’s your true Saint George To slay the monster, set the Princess free, And have the whole High-Altar to himself: I always think so when I see that piece I’ the Pieve, that’s his church and mine, you know: Though you drop eyes at mention of his name!” That name had got to take a half-grotesque Half-ominous, wholly enigmatic sense, Like any by-word, broken bit of song Born with a meaning, changed by mouth and mouth That mix it in a sneer or smile, as chance Bids, till it now means nought but ugliness And perhaps shame. -All this intends to say, That, over-night, the notion of escape Had seemed distemper, dreaming; and the name,Not the man, but the name of him, thus made Into a mockery and disgrace,-why, she Who uttered it persistently, had laughed, “I name his name, and there you start and wince As criminal from the red tongs’ touch!“-yet now, Now, as I stood letting morn bathe me bright, Choosing which butterfly should bear my news,The white, the brown one, or that tinier blue,The Margherita, I detested so, In she came-“ The fine day, the good Spring time!
isi MS:$j line in right margin 13121 MS:he’s your 5 altered to 8 our P1869:he’s your rsrs-r6/ MS:5 crowded in continuous line with arrow indicating its place in text 5 r3*sI MS:5 marginal between 1313 and 1317 separated by slash between pzece and I’ $j i3zrI MS:meaning note that new fl begins § 13*0) MS:bye-word 1889n:by-word rs*s( MS:Lends, till P1869:Bids, till changed P1869:meaning, changed PZ869:shame. Q q $j -All 13241 MS:shame: 5 marginal note that new 7 begins 5 -All 13261 MS:Had seemed jj crossed out and 13251 MS:over night PZ869:over-night P1869:Had seemed 13271 MS:but that name of his, remade replaced above by 5 been 13**-*9) MS:$ originally one line ,$ it cried P1869:but the name of him, thus made $j crossed out and replaced above by eight words 5 persistently would laugh.1 “I name his PZ869:persistently, had name, and Q insertion ends and original line continues 5 there 13351 MS:$j crowded between 1334 laughed,/ “I 13341 MS:one or PZ869:one, or 13361 MS:good time of Margherita, I and 1336 Q That Margherita I PZ869:The 5 crossed out 3 Spring! Q indication that should be transposed to read $j good Spring time!
What, up and out at window? That is best. No thought of Caponsacchi?-who stood there All night on one leg, like the sentry crane, Under the pelting of your water-spoutLooked last look at your lattice ere he leave Our city, bury his dead hope at Rome. Ay, go to looking-glass and make you fine, While he may die ere touch one least loose hair You drag at with the comb in such a rage!” I turned-
“Tell Caponsacchi
he may come2 ‘*
“Tell him to come? Ah, but, for charity, A truce to fooling! Come? What,-come this eve? Peter and Paul! But I see through the trick! Yes, come, and take a flower-pot on his head, Flung from your terrace! No joke, sincere truth?” How plainly I perceived hell flash and fade 0’ the face of her, -the doubt that first paled joy, Then, final reassurance I indeed Was caught now, never to be free again! What did I care?-who felt myself of force To play with silk, and spurn the horsehair-springe. “But-do
you know that I have bade him come,
1”“71 MS:out the 3 crossed out and replaced above by $j at < > is good too 5 last two words 13411 MS:His 5 crossed out and replaced above by $ Looked crossed out § ‘“*“I MS:$j marginal 13**/ MS:dead hopes at Rome? P1869:hope 1872:at Rome. 13471 MS:3 marginal note that new ( begins $ come? Ah, now note that new 1 begins Q 3 altered to § but ‘“*“I MS:fooling! Come? and 5 crossed out and replaced above by word, comma and dash § What,13491 MS:trick1872:&k! ‘“501 MS:heacl lh’72:hcad. 1351( MS:jokr, ail sine ere?” $ two words crossed out and rcplal~(1 ;~bovc by two words 5 .rinccrc truth?” ly5*) MS:# Inarginal nolc tliat new 1 I~Vglns # pncc~ived (‘;I( 11 Q crossed out and replaced above by 5 hell 1~531 MS:On < > that first $ inserted above line s dashed the Q crossed out 5 joy, PI869:O’ <> first paled joy, 13541 MS:The final P1869:Then-final CPl869:Then, final 1355) MS:Was springed 5 crossed out § caught now 5 inserted above line Q 1x57) MS:with the fetter, 5 word and comma crossed out and replaced above by two words 5 silk, and < > horsehair springe. 1358-641 MS:Q’ with exception of omitted P1869:horsehair-springe. 1872:with silk 1363, written in right margm with arrow indicating placement in text 5 ‘““*I MS:5 marginal note that new 7 begins $ comePI869:come,
And in your own name? I presumed so much, Knowing the thing you needed in your heart. But somehow-what had I to show in prooD He would not come: half-promised, that was all, And wrote the letters you refused to read. What is the message that shall move him now?” “After the Ave Maria, at first dark, I will be standing on the terrace, say!” “I would I had a good long lock of hair Should prove I was not lying! Never mind!”
Off she went-“ May he not refuse, that’s allFearing a trick!” I answered, “He will come.” And, all day, I sent prayer like incense up To God the strong, God the beneficent, God ever mindful in all strife and strait, Who, for our own good, makes the need extreme, Till at the last He puts forth might and saves. An old rhyme came into my head and rang Of how a virgin, for the faith of God,
135g( MS:name?-I < > much P1869:name? I < > much, 1362-64( MS:all./ What PI869:allJ And wrote the letters you refused to read./ What 136s1 MS:5 margmal note that new 1 begins Q -After P1869:After ‘“661 MS:say! 1872:sayl” 1967-6*1 MS:3 marginal note that new $( begins; crowded between 1366 and 1369 in continuous line separated by / between hazr and Should 5 ls7Oj MS:trickl” I answered-“He PZ869:trick!” 1366-6g) MS:§ no lj 5 P1869:§ n Q Q 91$j I answered, “He tsrl( MS:§ marginal note that new ( begins Q And that Q crossed all day, I ‘““1 MS:strong 5 over out and replaced above by § all day I P1869:And, illegible word Q , God the strong and merciful, 5 last three words crossed out and replaced above by word and comma $j beneficent, rs731 MS:ever present 5 crossed out and replaced above by 5 mindful in all Q crossed out and then restored 5 kind of Q last two words crossed out and replaced above by two words 5 strife and straits $j altered to $j strait, ‘3741 MS:good makes us Q altered to § the need Him much § last two words crossed out and PZ869:good, makes rs’j MS:Then § crossed out and replaced above by Q extreme, replaced above by $j Till < > last He 5 inserted above § puts forth His Q crossed out PI 869:a virgin is761 MS:and sang P1869:and rang is771 MS:a Virgin
Hid herself, from the Paynims that pursued, In a cave’s heart; until a thunderstone, Wrapped in a flame, revealed the couch and prey And they laughed- “Thanks to lightning, ours at last!” And she cried “Wrath of God, assert His love! Servant of God, thou fire, befriend His child!” And lo, the fire she grasped at, fixed its flash, Lay in her hand a calm cold dreadful sword She brandished till pursuers strewed the
twice vouchsafed me, so
‘“791 MS:In a 5 followed by word possibly 13781 MS: t h e p a y nims P1869:the Paynims woods, altered, crossed out, blotted and replaced above by 5 cave’s heart until a thunderbolt ls*Oj MSflameQ altered to 5 thunderstone P1869:heart; until < > thunderstone, revealed < > prey; P1869:flame, revealed < > prey: 1889a:prey 1381) MSlaughed“Thank Q altered to Q Thanks the 5 crossed out and replaced above by 5 to r3*2-*41 MS:cried “Wrath 3 replaces word illegibly crossed out and blotted Q of God, befriend His child!“/ And PZ869:of God, assert His love!/ Servant of God, thou fire, befriend His childl”/ And 1872:cried, “Wrath 1889a:cried “Wrath ‘3851 MS:cold 3 over perhaps and Q dreadful point $j crossed out $j 13861 MS:the earth $j crossed out and replaced above by 5 ground, i38r1 MS:the hearts 3 crossed out and replaced above by Q souls < > die at once, PI 869:die away, i”““I MS:safe P1869:safe, ‘3891 MS .so 1’uu d es and $j crossed out and replaced above by $j of Christ: P1869:solitudes and Christ: i”goI MS% shall I P1869:So should I i39ij MS:3 marginal note that new fl begins 5 ‘““*I MS:Whereby 5 over illegible word Q you know 5 last two words crossed out and replaced above by § I guessed there will 3 crossed out and replaced above by Q would 13931 MS:at one last 3 last two words crossed out and replaced above by 5 an < > of the § inserted above line 5 *3961 MS:me-the PZ869:me: the ‘3971 MS:Silent grave and Q last two words crossed out and replaced above by Q and < > face, before revealed Q last two words crossed out and 13991 MS:5 marginal note that new ( replaced above by three words 5 I first descried
The manhood, wasted then, was still at watch To save me yet a second time: no change Here, though all else changed in the changing world! I spoke on the instant, as my duty bade, In some such sense as this, whatever the phrase.
“Friend, foolish words were borne from you to me; Your soul behind them is the pure strong wind, Not dust and feathers which its breath may bear: These to the witless seem the wind itself, Since proving thus the first of it they feel. If by mischance you blew offence my way, The straws are dropt, the wind desists no whit, And how such strays were caught up in the street And took a motion from you, why inquire? I speak to the strong soul, no weak disguise. If it be truth, -why should I doubt it truth?You serve God specially, as priests are bound, And care about me, stranger as I am, So far as wish my good,-that miracle I take to intimate He wills you serve By saving me,- what else can He direct? Here is the service. Since a long while now, I am in course of being put to death: While death concerned nothing but me, I bowed The head and bade, in heart, my husband strike.
1400) MS:manhood wasted then was begins 3 was that § inserted above line § 14011 MS:time, no P1869:time: no P1869:manhood, wasted then, was 14031 MS:§ marginal 140*( MS:Here, and s crossed out and replaced above by $ though la041 MS:phrase. 5 over illegible note that new 7 begins 5 badeP1869:bade, 14051 MS:“Friend PI 869: “Friend erasure 3 1404-51 MS:$ no ¶ Q 1889a:s n Q 14071 MS:bear,Pl869:bear: 14061 MS:windPI869:wind, 1408-9( MS:§ originally one line Q These to the witless Q last four words inserted in left margin Q Seem Q altered to 5 seem the wind 3 last two words inserted above line Q itself/ since Q altered to Q Since proving thus 5 last two words inserted above line 3 ‘4141 MS:no mean 5 uncertain; crossed out and replaced above by 8 weak 14181 MS:wish me § altered to $j my well $j crossed out and replaced above by $j good 14201 MS:can I 5 crossed out and replaced above by 3 he P1869:can He
1425 Now I imperil something more, it seems, Something that’s truelier me than this myself, Something I trust in God and you to save. You go to Rome, they tell me: take me there, Put me back with my people!” He replied1430 The first word I heard ever from his lips, All himself in it,-an eternity Of speech, to match the immeasurable depth 0’ the soul that then broke silence-“1 am yours.”
So did the star rise, soon to lead my step, Lead on, nor pause before it should stand still Above the House o’ the Babe,-my babe to be, That knew me first and thus made me know him, That had his right of life and claim on mine, And would not let me die till he was born, But pricked me at the heart to save us both, Saying “Have you the will? Leave God the way!” And the way was Caponsacchi-“mine,” thank God! He was mine, he is mine, he will be mine.
No pause i’ the leading and the light! I know, 1445 Next night there was a cloud came, and not he:
I4271 MS:Which I relie up $j crossed out and replaced above by four words 3 Something I trust in 1e29( MSpeople!” 5 marginal note that new l/ begins $j He 14so( MS:ever break 5 crossed out 9 from him $j crossed out and replaced above by § his 1432/ MS:speech, immeasurable 5 crossed out and replaced above by five words 5 to span the unfathomable depths $j last five words crossed out and replaced below by four words 5 to match the immeasurable depths of soul 5 last two words crossed out Q 1872:depth 1433( MS:Of Q altered to 5 0’ that $j crossed out and replaced above by 5 the soul that Q crossed out and then restored 3 14s41 MS:5 marginal note that new 7 begins Q stepP1869:step, 14351 MS:it should $j inserted above line 5 i4s61 MS:the house < > beP1869: the House < > be, us71 MS:5 crowded between 1436 and 1438 5 143nl MS:rights 5 altered to $j right <> mine PZ869:mine, 143g1 MS:born P1869:borq 144r/ MS:will, saltered tog?-leave§altered to5 Leave PZ869:wi11? Leave 14431 MS:$j crowded between 1442 and 1444 Q 14441 MS:§ marginal note that new ¶ begins 3 in PI869:i’ 14451 MS:a cloud Q inserted above line 5 < > heP1869:he:
But I prayed through the darkness till it broke And let him shine. The second night, he came.
“The plan is rash; the project desperate: In such a flight needs must I risk your life, Give food for falsehood, folly or mistake, Ground for your husband’s rancour and revenge”So he began again, with the same face. I felt that, the same loyalty-one star Turning now red that was so white beforeOne service apprehended newly: just A word of mine and there the white was back! “No, friend, for you will take me! ‘Tis yourself Risk all, not I, -who let you, for I trust In the compensating great God: enough! I know you: when is it that you will come?” “To-morrow at the day’s dawn.” Then I heard What I should do: how to prepare for flight And where to fly.
That night my husband bade whom I loathe, beware you break my sleep
1447-4E) MS:5 originally one line 5 shine. He saidQ last two words crossed out and replaced above by five words and period Q The second night, he came./ 8 original line continues; marginal note that new 9 begins $j “The plan is rash; the project desperate, P1869:desperate: L449( MS:flight must needs be § crossed out and replaced above by Q I Q indication that order of last three words be transposed to 5 needs must I risk of 5 crossed out above line 5 Food for man’s and replaced above by 5 your 14501 MS:Give Q inserted 14521 MS:5 crowded 5 crossed out Q lying, folly PZ869:food for falsehood, folly r45s( MS:that-the < > between 1451 and 1453 5 again with PI869:again, with i4541 MS:before,PI 869: beforeloyalty, -one P1869: that, the < > loyalty-one 14571 MS:§ marginal note that i4s6( MS:was $, followed by word illegibly crossed out Q new 1 begins § 14581 MS:That Q uncertain; crossed out § risks 5 altered to Q Risk all I4591 MS:enoughPI869:enoughl 1460) MS:We Q inserted above line Q understand each other 5 last four words crossed out and replaced above by seven words § I 14611 MS:5 marginal note that new ( begins 5 -“Tomorrow know you: when is it that < > day Q altered to Q day’s break $j crossed out and replaced above by Q dawn i*6*-631 MS:$j originally one line § do. 5 altered to 5 do: how to prepare for flight/ And where to fly. 3 last nine words inserted above line; marginal note that new 7 begins Q That 14641 MS:loathe, let me not lose one wink 5 last six words crossed out and replaced above by five words and exclamation point Q because you break my sleep1 P1869:sleep
This whole night! Couch beside me like the corpse I would you were!” The rest you know, I thinkHow I found Caponsacchi and escaped. And this man, men call sinner? Jesus Christ! Of whom men said, with mouths Thyself mad’st once, “He hath a devil” -say he was Thy saint, My Caponsacchi! Shield and show-unshroud In Thine own time the glory of the soul If aught obscure, -if ink-spot, from vile pens Scribbling a charge against him-(1 was glad Then, for the first time, that I could not write)Flirted his way, have flecked the blaze! For me, ‘Tis otherwise: let men take, sift my thoughts -Thoughts I throw like the flax for sun to bleach! I did pray, do pray, in the prayer shall die, “Oh, to have Caponsacchi for my guide!” Ever the face upturned to mine, the hand Holding my hand across the world,-a sense That reads, as only such can read, the mark God sets on woman, signifying so She should-shall peradventure-be divine;
‘4651 MS:Of Q crossed out 3 < > night, lie 5 imperfectly erased and replaced above by Q couch P1869:nightl Couched CPl869:night! Couch 14681 MS:5 marginal note that new fl begins 5 man, they § crossed out and replaced above by § men < > sinner? Jesus Christ, I4721 MS:One day 3 last two words crossed out Q In PZ869:sinner? Jesus Christ1 § inserted above line § thine $j altered to Q Thine < > the splendour $j crossed out and replaced above by 5 glory 14731 MS:obscure ,-if 5 crossed out and replaced above by 5 some Q crossed out and original restored § 1474) MS:against him 5 inserted above line 5 14761 MS:way, has < > the white Q crossed out and replaced above by 5 blaze! Q marginal note that new 7 begins § For CP1869:way, have 14771 MS:otherwise,-let men take, and $j crossed out $j < > thoughts! P1869:otherwise: let < > thoughts 14781 MS:the grain the Q last two words crossed out and replaced above by two words Q flax for sun shall 5 crossed P1869:bleach! out and replaced above by Q to bleach: 14791 MS:did think, do think, in the thought now Q crossed out and replaced above by $j shall dieP1869:die, 1872:did pray, do pray, in the prayer shall 1480) MS:That to < > friendQ word and dash crossed out § guide, 1872:“Oh, to < > guide!” 14821 MS:sense 5 over illegible word Q *4831 MS:To see $j last two words crossed out and replaced above by two words and comma Q That reads, as only 5 inserted above Q such men only see Q last three words crossed out and replaced above by two words Q can read 14851 MS:They $j crossed out and replaced above by 5 She should be, $j word and comma crossed out and replaced above
Yet ‘ware, the while, how weakness mars the print And makes confusion, leaves the thing men see, -Not this man sees,- who from his soul, re-writes The obliterated charter,-love and strength Mending what’s marred. “So kneels a votarist, Weeds some poor waste traditionary plot Where shrine once was, where temple yet may be, Purging the place but worshipping the while, By faith and not by sight, sight clearest so,Such way the saints work,“-says Don Celestine. But I, not privileged to see a saint Of old when such walked earth with crown and palm, If I call “saint” what saints call something elseThe saints must bear with me, impute the fault To a soul i’ the bud, so starved by ignorance, Stinted of warmth, it will not blow this year Nor recognize the orb which Spring-flowers know. But if meanwhile some insect with a heart Worth floods of lazy music, spendthrift joySome fire-fly renounced Spring for my dwarfed cup, Crept close to me, brought lustre for the dark, Comfort against the cold,-what though excess Of comfort should miscall the creature-sun? What did the sun to hinder while harsh hands
by dash § shall hereafter 5 crossed out and replaced above by 5 peradventure be, divine1872:man r4*Q/ MS:man.who < > his own soul Pl869:peradventure-be divine; glory Q crossed out and replaced above sees,- who < > his soul t4QQ1 MS:obliterated 14goI MS:marred,so PI869:marred: “So 1872:marred. “So by 3 charter t4Q21 MS:Where Q illegible word crossed out and r4Q11 MS:plot 3 over illegible word § replaced above by two words 5 shrine once <> yet shall s crossed out and replaced above “““1 MS:place but $j inserted above line 5 < > while. PZ869:while, by § may 14951 MS:says Don 14941 MS:5 crowded between 1493 and 1495 5 so, CP1869:so,14991 MS:$j illegibly crossed out but inserted CelestineP1869:says Don Celestine. PZ869:The saints must bear with me, impute above 5 Saintship must bear with me-impute 15001 MS:in Q altered to $j i’ <> so dwarfed § crossed out and replaced above by 5 starved 15021 MS:Nor understand 5 crossed out and replaced above by 3 justify § crossed out and replaced above by 3 recognize < > which spring-flowers bless § crossed out Q know: tsQsI MS:meanwhile an Q crossed out and replaced P1869:which Spring-flowers know. 15051 MS:One Q altered to Q Some < > my above by 5 some < > heartP1869:heart 15061 MS:me with lustre < > dark starved Q crossed out and replaced above by 5 dwarfed
Petal by petal, crude and colourless, Tore me? This one heart gave me all the Spring! Is all told? There’s the journey: and where’s time To tell you how that heart burst out in shine? Yet certain points do press on me too hard. Each place must have a name, though I forget: How strange it was- there where the plain begins And the small river mitigates its flowWhen eve was fading fast, and my soul sank, And he divined what surge of bitterness, In overtaking me, would float me back Whence I was carried by the striding dayso,- “This grey place was famous once,” said heAnd he began that legend of the place As if in answer to the unspoken fear, And told me all about a brave man dead, Which lifted me and let my soul go on! How did he know too, -at that town’s approach By the rock-side,- that in coming near the signs Of life, the house-roofs and the church and tower, I saw the old boundary and wall o’ the world Rise plain as ever round me, hard and cold,
15101 MS:crude, blank, Q word and commas P1869:dark, 1872:me, brought lustre 1872:heart gave crossed out and replaced above by 5 and 15111 MS:heart brought me me 1511-121 MS:3 fl§ 1889n:s no 7 § 1889:§ no 7; emended to restore (; see Editorial 1512-141 M’$§ 1 ines inserted Notes Q in left margin $j 15121 MS:§ totally obliterated in binding of MS Q 15131 MS:tell each point where that < > burst in PZ869:tell you 15151 MS:forgethow that < > burst out in 15141 MS:hardP1869:hard. P1869:forget: 15161 MS:where the 5 crossed out and replaced above by § bare $j crossed 1517-181 MS. .t h e mute out and original restored Q 5 crossed out and replaced above by 5 small < > / 3 squeezed into right hand margin $j And it Q crossed out and replaced above by Q eve eve was fading Q over illegible word Q P1869:When 15191 MS:divined the § crossed out and replaced above by $j In overtaking fast $j crossed out and replaced above by 5 me 15211 MS:carried till 5 crossed out and replaced above by $j by the striding 3 inserted above line 5 day-broke dawn$j last two words crossed out 5 15221 MS:And 5 crossed out and replaced in margin by 5 So 15241 MS:fearPI 869:fear, 15251 MS:$j crowded between 1524 and 1526 $j 15261 MS:Which $j crossed out and then restored 5 ‘5271 MS:How could 5 crossed out and replaced above by § did he know too, $j word and comma inserted above line $j -at that old Q crossed out cj 15281 MS:the world 5 crossed 1s~) MS:$j crowded between 1528 and 1530 5 15301 MS:walls of life $j last outg 1531) MS:around P1869:round two words crossed out 3 PI869:wall
As if the broken circlet joined again, Tightened itself about me with no break,As if the town would turn Arezzo’s self,The husband there, -the friends my enemies, All ranged against me, not an avenue To try, but would be blocked and drive me back On him,-this other, . . . oh the heart in that! Did not he find, bring, put into my arms A new-born babe?-and I saw faces beam Of the young mother proud to teach me joy, And gossips round expecting my surprise At the sudden hole through earth that lets in heaven. I could believe himself by his strong will Had woven around me what I thought the world We went along in, every circumstance, Towns, flowers and faces, all things helped so well! For, through the journey, was it natural Such comfort should arise from first to last? As I look back, all is one milky way; Still bettered more, the more remembered, so Do new stars bud while I but search for old,
r5s*) MS:again P1869:again 153s( Pl869:Frightened CPl869:Tightened 15341 MS:5 crowded between 1533 and 1535 § self; P1869:self,1535) MS:there ,-even 5 crossed out 3 the Parents too § last two words crossed out 3 15ss) MSRanged, Q crossed out 5 all § altered to 9 All ranged 5 inserted above line Q 1537) MS:1 try but P1869:try, but 1872:To try t53*-s9) MS:9 originally one line 5 this brought and $j last two words crossed out and replaced above by 5 other, . . oh the heart in that11 How did he find, bring, 5 original line continues 3 put PZ869:that!/ Did not he 1889a:other, . . . oh 15401 MS:new born babe-and I found 5 crossed out and replaced above by Q saw faces round Q crossed out 5 P1869:newborn babe?-and 154r-~( MS:§ originally one line 5 the young 5 inserted above line $j mother proud to teach me joyQ last five words inserted above line § / § original line continues Q and § altered to 5 And gossips round 5 inserted below line Q engaging5 crossed out and replaced above by Q expecting P1869:joyJ And 15431 MS:hole burst Q crossed out Q through earth § inserted above line 5 15451 MS:had worn Q crossed out and replaced above by 5 woven 1546( MS:circumstancePI 869:circumstance, 15471 MS:things went so well. PZ869:things helped so well! 15481 MS:For through the journey,-was PZ869:For, through the journey, was n50( MS:one galaxy § crossed out Q milky § altered to § Milky way PI 869:milky way; 15511 MS:remembered, still 5 crossed out 5 ‘5521 MS:Do 5 inserted in left margin $j New 5 altered to 5 new <> bud out 3 crossed out 5 while I but
And fill all gaps i’ the glory, and grow himHim I now see ma ke t.he shine everywhere. *555 Even at the last when the bewildered flesh, The cloud of weariness about my soul Clogging too heavily, sucked down all sense,Still its last voice was, “He will watch and care; Let the strength go, I am content: he stays!” 1560 I doubt not he did stay and care for allFrom that sick minute when the head swam round, And the eyes looked their last and died on him, As in his arms he caught me, and, you say, Carried me in, that tragical red eve, 1565 And laid me where I next returned to life In the other red of morning, two red plates That crushed together, crushed the time between, And are since then a solid fire to me,When in, my dreadful husband and the world Is70 Broke,-and I saw him, master, by hell’s right, And saw my angel helplessly held back By guards that helped the malice-the lamb prone, The serpent towering and triumphant-then Came all the strength back in a sudden swell,
5 inserted above line 5 < > for the $j crossed out Q ‘55.31 MS:in < > and all Q crossed out Q P1869:i’ 15541 MS:He at the last § last three words crossed out and replaced above by three words $j I now see makes P1869:Him I <> make 1554-55) MS:3 q $j P1869:@0 ( 1889:s no 7; emended to restore 7; see Editorial Notes $j 1558) MS:was-“He < > care, P1869:was, “He 1557) MS:Clogging all Q crossed out Q < > care; 155g1 MS:go, and he Q last two words crossed out and replaced above by two words § I am 155+60( MS:§ q § P1869:$ no 15 1889:s no 8; emended to restore $; see Editorial Notes Q t56t( MS:when the 5 inserted above line Q 15621 MS:And my 8 crossed out and replaced above by Q the 1s63( MS:me in his Q last two words inserted above line 5 arms 5 indication that last three words are to be transposed to follow As 5 , and, so 5 crossed out § P1869:me and 1872:me, and 15671 MS:together, and Q crossed out 5 crushed the $j crossed out and then restored Q ‘5661 MS:me, Pl869:me,15691 MS:in my P1869:m my 15701 MS:him, stand triumphant there 5 last three words crossed out and replaced above by four words Q master, by hell’s right, 157’) MS:A n d my good angel $ last two words inserted above line 9 < > helplessly held PI869:And saw my angel 15721 MS:that did Q crossed out and replaced above by Q helped his bidding $j crossed out and replaced above by 9 malice-the
I did for once see right, do right, give tongue The adequate protest: for a worm must turn If it would have its wrong observed by God. I did spring up, attempt to thrust aside That ice-block ‘twixt the sun and me, lay low The neutralizer of all good and truth. If I sinned so, -never obey voice more 0’ the Just and Terrible, who bids us-“Bear!” Not-“ Stand by, bear to see my angels bear!” I am clear it was on impulse to serve God Not save myself, -no-nor my child unborn! Had I else waited patiently till now?Who saw my old kind parents, silly-sooth And too much trustful, for their worst of faults, Cheated, brow-beaten, stripped and starved, cast out In to the kennel: I remonstrated, Then sank to silence, for,-their woes at end, Themselves gone, -only I was left to plague. If only I was threatened and belied, What matter? I could bear it and did bear; It was a comfort, still one lot for all: They were not persecuted for my sake And I, estranged, the single happy one. But when at last, all by myself I stood
Lamb PZ869:helped the malice-the lamb 15751 MS:right, act § crossed out and replaced above by Q do right, and make 5 last two words crossed out and replaced above by 3 15791 MS:twixt P1869:‘twixt give I5761 MS:protest,-for PZ869:protest: for 1581j MS:If I did wrong 5 last two words crossed out and replaced above by 5 sinned so crossed out and replaced ‘5821 MS:Of P1869:O’ 15*31 MS:by, 3 next word illegibly above by Q see, unmoved, my 5 crossed out and replaced above by word illegibly crossed out and original restored Q P1869:by, bear to see my r5ss-*6( MS:3 originally one line 5 no-nor my child unborn! $j last five words inserted above line 3 my $j altered to $j myself,had Q altered to 5 Had I waited else $j indication that order of last two words should be reversed 5 patiently s added below line $j till now? P1869:unbom!/ Had < > now?15881 MS:And all 158’1 MS:1 who Q crossed out Q had seen my P1869:Who saw my 9 crossed out 5 too much 5 inserted above line $ 15901 MS:Into $ over illegible word $ 15911 MS:silence; for, their PZ869:silence, for,-their the kennel,-1 PZ869:kennel: I 15921 MS:They had 5 altered to $jj Themselves gone, only PZ869:gone,-only above line 5 I was beaten and cursed, 5 last three words crossed 15g3l MS% only 5 inserted 15941 MS:matter? Myself 5 crossed out out Q < > beliedP1869:If only < > belied, 15951 MS:comfort, still $j inserted and replaced above by $j I < > bearPI869:bear; 1596-981 MS:§ originally one above line Q < > for us Q crossed out Q all, P1869:all: line 5 Got me $j last two words crossed out and replaced above by 3 They were not persecuted
Obeying the clear voice which bade me rise, Not for my own sake but my babe unborn, And take the angel’s hand was sent to helpAnd found the old adversary athwart the pathNot my hand simply struck from the angel’s, but The very angel’s self made foul i’ the face By the fiend who struck there,-that I would not bear, That only I resisted! So, my first And last resistance was invincible. Prayers move God; threats, and nothing else, move men! I must have prayed a man as he were God When I implored the Governor to right My parents’ wrongs: the answer was a smile. The Archbishop, -did I clasp his feet enough, Hide my face hotly on them, while I told More than I dared make my own mother know? The profit was- compassion and a jest. This time, the foolish prayers were done with, right Used might, and solemnized the sport at once. All was against the combat: vantage, mine?
for my sake and I estranged, Q last three words inserted below line; original line continues § the single and $j crossed out 5 happy one. § last word and period inserted above line Q / But when at last, all by myself I stood $j last nine words in right margin Q PZ869:sake/ And I, estranged 1599) MS:the voice of God which PZ869:the clear voice which r601/ MS:Taking the P1869:And take lsO*[ MS:1 found <> adversary in 5 crossed P1869:And found 1604/ MS:in $j altered to 5 i’ out and replaced above by 5 athwart lsOs[ MS:who spat there < > bearPZ869:who struck there < > bear, 16~1 MS:That only Q inserted above line $j I resisted; and so my first/And last 5 arrow indicating that last two words form beginning of next line Q P1869:resisted! So my CP1869:resistedl So, my 16071 MS:Resistance was invincible. It would seem. Q last three words and period crossed out 5 Pl869:And last resistance 16081 MS:move God, threats move men and nothing else§ indication that last three words should follow threats § P1869:move God; threats, and < > else, move men! 16~1 MS:prayed such prayer $j last two words crossed out and replaced above by two words 5 a man as he were 3 last two words inserted above line Q God deserves 5 crossed out Q r6rsl MS:them, hotly 5 indication that last word should be transposed to follow face 5 1614) MS:dared to 3 crossed out 5 < > my own 5 inserted above line § < > know?P1869:knowl 16151 MS:Weep my brain dry. As well have prayed the winds. § line crossed out and replaced above by 3 The profit was-compassion and a joke. PZ869:a jest. 16161 MS:the foolish 5 inserted above line Q < > right/ used 5 altered to Q Used might, Q arrow indicating that last two words should form beginning of next line Q r617( MS:5 remaining line written in right margin 5 16181 MS:-All < > the trial, my 5 last two words crossed out and replaced above by Q combat -vantage, mine, Q altered to Q ? P1869:All < > combat:
The runaway avowed, the accomplice-wife, In company with the plan-contriving priest? Yet, shame thus rank and patent, I struck, bare, At foe from head to foot in magic mail, And off it withered, cobweb-armoury Against the lightning! ‘Twas truth singed the lies And saved me, not the vain sword nor weak speech! You see, I will not have the service fail! I say, the angel saved me: I am safe! Others may want and wish, I wish nor want One point o’ the circle plainer, where I stand Traced round about with white to front the world. What of the calumny I came across, What o’ the way to the end?-the end crowns all. The judges judged aright i’ the main, gave me The uttermost of my heart’s desire, a truce From torture and Arezzo, balm for hurt, With the quiet nuns,- God recompense the good! Who said and sang away the ugly past. And, when my final fortune was revealed, What safety while, amid my parents’ arms, My babe was given me! Yes, he saved my babe:
vantage 16ig1 MS:The avowed runaway, the accomplice caught 5 altered to 5 accomplice-wife Pl869:The runaway avowed, the accomplice-wife, I6201 MS:priest, $j altered to Q ?PZ869:priest? 16z1-231 MS:My shame was 5 crossed out and replaced above by $ thus rank and patent, in full show/ 5 illegible word 5 in proof/The foe, I fight with? $j last six words and question mark written above line; original line continues 5 Cobweb armory § all preceding crossed out and replaced by three new lines written on reverse of preceding page 5 My shame < > patent, I fought Q crossed out and replaced above by $j struck/ With Q crossed out and replaced above by 3 At a foe < > mail-1 < > PZ869:Yet, shame < > / At foe < > mail,/< > withered, withered-cobweb-armoury cobweb-armoury 16241 MS:lightning, § altered to 5 lightning! God’s Q crossed out and replaced above by Q ‘Twas 16251 MS:sword and weak P1869:sword nor weak 16261 MS:failPZ869:fail! 16271 MS:me: 1625-261 MS:5 no 11 Q P1869:§ 7 § 16311 MS:§crowded between and 5 crossed out 5 16291 MS:of $j altered to 3 o’ 1630 and 1632 5 16321 MS:of < > end, Q altered to $j end?-the end, crowns all: P1869:o’ < > all. CP1869:end?-the end crowns 163s) MS:in Q altered to Q i’ the end 16341 MS:desire,-a P1869:desire, a 5 crossed out and replaced above by Q main 16351 MS:From Arezzo and the torture, balm for hurt PZ869:From torture and Arezzo, balm 16371 MS:Who sang and said away < > pastP1869:Who said 1872:hurt, and sang away < > past. 16401 MS:me,-yes < > babePZ869:mel
It would not have peeped forth, the bird-like thing, Through that Arezzo noise and trouble: back Had it returned nor ever let me see! But the sweet peace cured all, and let me live 1645 And give my bird the life among the leaves God meant him! Weeks and months of quietude, I could lie in such peace and learn so muchBegin the task, I see how needful now, Of understanding somewhat of my past,1650 Know life a little, I should leave so soon. Therefore, because this man restored my soul, All has been right; I have gained my gain, enjoyed As well as suffered,-nay, got foretaste too Of better life beginning where this ends~55 All through the breathing-while allowed me thus, Which let good premonitions reach my soul Unthwarted, and benignant influence flow And interpenetrate and change my heart, Uncrossed by what was wicked,-nay, unkind. *MO For, as the weakness of my time drew nigh, Nobody did me one disservice more, Spoke coldly or looked strangely, broke the love I lay in the arms of, till my boy was born, Born all in love, with nought to spoil the bliss 1665 A whole long fortnight: in a life like mine A fortnight filled with bliss is long and much. All women are not mothers of a boy,
Yes < > babe: 16’t1 MS:thing CPZ869:thmg 16421 MS:trouble,-back PI 869: trouble: back 1645-471 MS:5 originally two lines 5 bird $j over illegible erasure Q the life among the leaves/ $j last three words inserted above line Q God meant him! Weeks and 5 inserted above line 5 months, 5 end of original first line § Of quietude-/ < > lie in such peace Q last three words inserted above line 5 PZ869:/ months of quretude,// 16491 MSunderstanding all § crossed out and replaced above by two words § somewhat of my difficult Q crossed out 5 16511 MS:§ crowded between 1650 and 1652 Q 16541 MS:Of a better PZ869:Of better 16551 MS:thus PZ869:thus, 1.6571 MS:Unthwarted, all benignant PZ869:Unthwarted, and benignant 16591 MS:unkindPZ869:unkind. 16611 MS:did me Q inserted above line 5 one disservice to me Q last two words crossed out 5 more PI 869:more, 16641 MS:the joy PZ869:the bliss 16661 MS:with joy is
Though they live twice the length of my whole life, And, as they fancy, happily all the same. There I lay, then, all my great fortnight long, As if it would continue, broaden out Happily more and more, and lead to heaven: Christmas before me,-was not that a chance? I never realized God’s birth beforeHow He grew likest God in being born. This time I felt like Mary, had my babe Lying a little on my breast like hers. So all went on till, just four days agoThe night and the tap. Oh it shall be success To the whole of our poor family! My friends . . . Nay, father and mother, -give me back my word! They have been rudely stripped of life, disgraced Like children who must needs go clothed too fine, Carry the garb of Carnival in Lent. If they too much affected frippery, They have been punished and submit themselves, Say no word: all is over, they see God Who will not be extreme to mark their fault Or He had granted respite: they are safe. For that most woeful man my husband once, Who, needing respite, still draws vital breath,
L668/ MS:life PZ869:life, l67O1 MS:lay then < > long P1869:with bliss is PZ869:lay, then < > long, 1672) MS:Happily all the way 5 last three words crossed out and replaced above by three words and comma Q more and more, < > Heaven: 167J( MS:that good chance? PZ869:that a chance? PI 869: heaven: 16751 MS:How he .1872:How He 16781 MS:till just PZ869xil1, just PZ869:success 16791 MS:tap. $ marginal note that new 7 begins 5 0 <> successl 16801 MS:friendsPZ869:friends 16811 MS: . . Nay < > 2889a:tap. Q 9 $j Oh mother, let Q crossed out and replaced above by Q give me say this once§ last three words and dash aossed out and replaced above by four words and dash 5 back my own $j crossed lGa3) MS:go garbed Ij crossed out and Pl869:wordI 1889a: . . . Nay out Q word1889a:in Lent. 1684) MS:in Lent, P1869:in Lent: replaced above by Q clothed 16841 MS:Or he 16871 MS:they with Q crossed out and replaced above by § see to restore n; P1869:Or He 16*+~01 MS:5 7 Q 1889a:s no 7 Q 1889:s no q; emended
I-pardon him? So far as lies in me, I give him for his good the life he takes, Praying the world will therefore acquiesce. Let him make God amends,-none, none to me Who thank him rather that,-whereas strange fate Mockingly styled him husband and me wife, Himself this way at least pronounced divorce, Blotted the marriage-bond: this blood of mine Flies forth exultingly at any door, Washes the parchment white, and thanks the blow. We shall not meet in this world nor the next, But where will God be absent? In His face Is light, but in His shadow healing too: Let Guido touch the shadow and be healed! And as my presence was importunate,My earthly good, temptation and a snare,Nothing about me but drew somehow down His hate upon me,- somewhat so excused Therefore, since hate was thus the truth of him,May my evanishment for evermore Help further to relieve the heart that cast Such object of its natural loathing forth! So he was made; he nowise made himself: I could not love him, but his mother did. His soul has never lain beside my soul: But for the unresisting body,-thanks! He burned that garment spotted by the flesh. Whatever he touched is rightly ruined: plague It caught, and disinfection it had craved
see Editorial Notes 5 16g5) MS:none-none P1869:none, none ‘7O”l MS:doorP1869:door, lTo41 MS:light,-but PZ869:light, but 17061 MS:importunate, PI869:importunate,1707) MS:snare, Pl869:snare,17131 MS:forth: PZ869:forth! 17161 MS:soul, P1869:soul; DC, BrU:soul: 1889.~0~1: *7171 MS:thanksPZ869:thanks! 17181 MS:flesh! 1889a:Besh. 17191 MS:ruined-plague P1869:ruined: plague 17*0/ MS:caught and
Still but for Guido; I am saved through him So as by fire; to him-thanks and farewell! Even for my babe, my boy, there’s safety thenceFrom the sudden death of me, I mean: we poor 1725 Weak souls, how we endeavour to be strong! I was already using up my life,This portion, now, should do him such a good, This other go to keep off such an ill! The great life; see, a breath and it is gone! 1730 So is detached, so left all by itself The little life, the fact which means so much. Shall not God stoop the kindlier to His work, His marvel of creation, foot would crush, Now that the hand He trusted to receive 1735 And hold it, lets the treasure fall perforce? The better; He shall have in orphanage His own way all the clearlier: if my babe Outlived the hour-and he has lived two weeksIt is through God who knows I am not by. 1740 Who is it makes the soft gold hair turn black, And sets the tongue, might lie so long at rest, Trying to talk? Let us leave God alone! Why should I doubt He will explain in time What I feel now, but fail to find the words? 1745 My babe nor was, nor is, nor yet shall be Count Guido Franceschini’s child at allOnly his mother’s, born of love not hate! So shall I have my rights in after-time. It seems absurd, impossible to-day;
17251 MS:strongPI 869:caugh t, and 17**1 MS:fire: to 1869:fire; to 17*61 MS:life, PZ869:life,17281 MS:ilI, PZ869:ill! PZ869:strong! rrst( MS:much, P1869:much. tr*g( MS:life,see Pl869:life; see 17361 MS:better, He have in trss( MS:creation foot PZ869:creation, foot PZ869:better; He shall have in 17381 MS:Lives out the PZ869:Outlive the P1869:now, but < > words? 1872:Outiived 17441 MS:now but < > words17471 MS:hate?17461 MSCount Franceschini’s P1869:Gount Guido Franceschini’s 17501 MS:else not < > 17481 MS:after time. PZ869:after-time. PZ869:hateI
So seems so much else, not explained
but known!
Ah! Friends, I thank and bless you every one! No more now: I withdraw from earth and man To my own soul, compose myself for God.
Well, and there is more! Yes, my end of breath Shall bear away my soul in being true! He is still here, not outside with the world, Here, here, I have him in his rightful place! ‘Tis now, when I am most upon the move, I feel for what I verily find-again The face, again the eyes, again, through all, The heart and its immeasurable love Of my one friend, my only, all my own, Who put his breast between the spears and me. Ever with Caponsacchi! Otherwise Here alone would be failure, loss to meHow much more loss to him, with life debarred From giving life, love locked from love’s display, The day-star stopped its task that makes night morn! 0 lover of my life, 0 soldier-saint, No work begun shall ever pause for death! Love will be helpful to me more and more I’ the coming course, the new path I must treadMy weak hand in thy strong hand, strong for that! Tell him that if I seem without him now, That’s the world’s insight! Oh, he understands! He is at Civita-do I once doubt The world again is holding us apart? He had been here, displayed in my behalf The broad brow that reverberates the truth, And flashed the word God gave him, back to man! I know where the free soul is flown! My fate Will have been hard for even him to bear: Let it confirm him in the trust of God,
known. 2872:else, not < > known! 17721 MS:tread, 1889a:tread17791 MS:truth displayed in
17651 MS:failure-loss PI869:failure, loss MS:here, unfurled in PZ869:here, 17821 MS:bearP1869:bear: PZ869:truth, 17781
Showing how holily he dared the deed! And, for the rest, -say, from the deed, no touch Of harm came, but all good, all happiness, Not one faint fleck of failure! Why explain? What I see, oh, he sees and how much more! Tell him,-1 know not wherefore the true word Should fade and fall unuttered at the lastIt was the name of him I sprang to meet When came the knock, the summons and the end. “My great heart, my strong hand are back again!” I would have sprung to these, beckoning across Murder and hell gigantic and distinct 0’ the threshold, posted to exclude me heaven: He is ordained to call and I to come Do not the dead wear flowers when dressed for God? Say,-1 am all in flowers from head to foot! Say,--- not one flower of all he said and did, Might seem to flit unnoticed, fade unknown, But dropped a seed, has grown a balsam-tree Whereof the blossoming perfumes the place At this supreme of moments! He is a priest; He cannot marry therefore, which is right: I think he would not marry if he could. Marriage on earth seems such a counterfeit, Mere imitation of the inimitable: In heaven we have the real and true and sure. ‘Tis there they neither marry nor are given In marriage but are as the angels: right, Oh how right that is, how like Jesus Christ To say that! Marriage-making for the earth, With gold so much,- birth, power, repute so much, Or beauty, youth so much, in lack of these! Be as the angels rather, who, apart, Know themselves into one, are found at length
17961 MS:heavenITa41 MS:deed: P1869:deedI 17goI MS:last,P1869:lastPI 869:heaven: 16021 MS:seed h as 1872:seed, has laloj M&In heaven 5 crossed out and replaced above by two words f$ ‘Tis there la191 MS:earth 1815( MS:much in < > these: PI869:much, in < > these! P1869:earth,
Married, but marry never, no, nor give In marriage; they are man and wife at once l820 When the true time is: here we have to wait Not so long neither! Could we by a wish Have what we will and get the future now, Would we wish aught done undone in the past? So, let him wait God’s instant men call years; 1825 Meantime hold hard by truth and his great soul, Do out the duty1 Through such souls alone God stooping shows sufficient of His light For us i’ the dark to rise by. And I rise.
lelel MS:Married but PI869:Married, but 1*191 MS:marriage, then are PZ869:marriage; they are 18201 MS:waitP1869:wait 18241 MS:So let < > years, P1869:So, let < > years; 1a26( MS:duty: through CPZ869:dutyI Through
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Ah, my Giacinto, he’s no ruddy rogue, Is not Cinone? What, to-day we’re eight? Seven and one’s eight, I hope, old curly-pate! --Branches me out his verb-tree on the slate, Amo -as -avi -atum -are -ans, Up to -aturus, person, tense, and mood, Quies me cum subjunctiuo (I could cry) And chews Corderius with his morning crust! Look eight years onward, and he’s perched, he’s perched Dapper and deft on stool beside this chair, Cinozzo, Cinoncello, who but he? -Trying his milk-teeth on some crusty case Like this, papa shall triturate full soon To smooth Papinianian pulp! It trots Already through my head, though noon be now, Does supper-time and what belongs to eve. Dispose, 0 Don, o’ the day, first work then play! -The proverb bids. And “then” means, won’t we hold Our little yearly lovesome frolic feast, Cinuolo’s birth-night, Cinicello’s own, That makes gruff January grin perforce! For too contagious grows the mirth, the warmth Escaping from so many hearts at once-
Q At a number of lines in MS of Book 8 B did not underline the Latin, although all these passages are properly italicized in the first edition. The MS lines are: 516, 590,904,906, 909, 918,919, 925, 926, 931,933,936,947,949,950, 952, 960, 1010, 1013, 1186, 1209, 1211, 1274, 1283 (first two words), 1286, 1310, 1409, 1515, (first two words), 1622, 1637, 1639, 1641, 1643, 1644, 1653, 1659, 1661, 1668 (first word), 1678, 1679, 1687 (first two words), 1689, 1690, 1691, 1692, 1695, 1697, 1698, 1708, 1736. !Zj 61 MS:to aturus < > tense, and PZ869:to-aturus < > tense, and ‘1 MS:me P1869:ne Q emended to Q me Q see Editorial Notes 3 “1 MS:he’s perched, he’s perched, 287Z:he’s perched, he’s perched l*/ MS:milk teeth I’Z869:milk-teeth “1 MS:smooth Papmian pulp! 5 7 5 In truth, it CPZ869:smooth Papmianian pulp! 161 MS:supper time PZ869:supper-time 191 MS:feast PZ869:feast, §ll§It 201 MS:Cinozzo’s Q crossed out and replaced above by § Cinuolo’s birth night
When the good wife, buxom and bonny yet, Jokes the hale grandsire,-such are just the sort To go off suddenly, -he who hides the key 0’ the box beneath his pillow every night,Which box may hold a parchment (someone thinks) Will show a scribbled something like a name “Cinino, Ciniccino,” near the end, “To whom I give and I bequeath my lands, Estates, tenements, hereditaments, When I decease as honest grandsire ought. ” Wherefore-yet this one time again perhapsShan’t my Orvieto fuddle his old nose! Then, uncles, one or the other, well i’ the world, May-drop in, merely?- trudge through rain and wind, Rather! The smell-feasts rouse them at the hint There’s cookery in a certain dwelling-place! Gossips, too, each with keepsake in his poke, Will pick the way, thrid lane by lantern-light, And so find door, put galligaskin off At entry of a decent domicile Cornered in snug Condotti,-all for love, All to crush cup with Cinucciatolo! Well, Let others climb the heights o’ the court, the camp! How vain are chambering and wantonness, Revel and rout and pleasures that make mad! Commend me to home-joy, the family board, Altar and hearth1 These, with a brisk career, A source of honest profit and good fame, Just so much work as keeps the brain from rust,
271 MS:nightPZ869:Cinuolo’s birth-night 261 MS:As go P1869:To go P1869:night,281 P1869:some one 1889a:someone 291 MS:That Q crossed out 331 MSgrandsire and replaced in left margin by Q May shows P1869:Will show 541 MS:again should Q crossed out and replaced above by 5 ought:” 2872:ought.” 381 MS:smell perchance 5 altered to $j perhaps ““1 MS:Sha’n’t 2889a:Shan’t “91 MS:certain domicile § crossed out $j feasts rouze PI869:smell-feasts rouse 411 MS:pick dwelling-place: P1869:dwelling-place! their 5 altered to Q the 42) MS:so reach Q crossed out and replaced above by Q find door Q crossed out and then 451 MS:All restored Q 431 MS:a comfortable house 9 last two words crossed out Q 5 inserted in margin 5 To Q altered to § to < > a 8 crossed out 5 521 MS:the heart
Just so much play as lets the heart expand, Honouring God and serving man,-1 say, These are reality, and all else,- fluff, thank Flaccus for the phrase! Nutshell and naught,Suppose I had been Fist, yet bachelor! Why, work with a will, then! Wherefore lazy now? Turn up the hour-glass, whence no sand-g-rain slips But should have done its duty to the saint 0’ the day, the son and heir that’s eight years old! Let law come dimple Cinoncino’s cheek, And Latin dumple Cinarello’s chin, The while we spread him fine and toss him flat This pulp that makes the pancake, trim our mass Of matter into Argument the First, Prime Pleading in defence of our accused, Which, once a-waft on paper wing, shall soar, Shall signalize before applausive Rome What study, and mayhap some mother-wit, Can do toward making Master fop and Fist Old bachelor Bottinius bite his thumb. Now, how good God is! How falls plumb to point This murder, gives me Guido to defend Now, of all days i’ the year, just when the boy Verges on Virgil, reaches the right age For some such illustration from his sire, Stimulus to himself! One might wait years And never find the chance which now finds me!
$j crossed out and replaced above by 9 brain 551 MSxeality-and P1869:reality, and 571 MS:Suppose I had 5 written over word, perhaps were 5 the 3 crossed out and replaced above by 5 been Fix, and Q crossed out and replaced above by 3 yet 5R( MS:5 new 7 noted in margin $j 5g1 MS:hourglass whence no sandgrain PZ869:hour-glass, whence no sand-grain 691 MS:signalise 1889a:signalize “1 MS:towards making Master fribble 5 uncertain; crossed out and replaced above by 3 fop PZ869:toward ‘*I MS:Old bachelor Q last two words inserted in margin $j <> thumb. nail to the blood. Q last four words and period crossed out § 72-731 MS:3 f[ Q P1869:cj no ‘1[ 5 1889: Q no (; emended to restored ¶; see Editorial Notes § 75) MS:Now-of < > year-just P1869:Now, of < > year, just 761 MS:Virges on Virgil -reaches P1869:Verges on
The fact is, there’s a blessing on the hearth, A special providence for fatherhood! Here’s a man, and what’s more, a noble, kills -Not sneakingly but almost with paradeWife’s father and wife’s mother and wife’s self That’s mother’s self of son and heir (like mine!) -And here stand I, the favoured advocate, Who pluck this flower o’ the field, no Solomon Was ever clothed in glorious gold to match, And set the same in Cinoncino’s cap! I defend Guido and his comrades-I! Pray God, I keep me humble: not to meNon nobis, Domine, sed tibi law! How the fop chuckled when they made him Fist! We’ll beat you, my Bottinius, all for love, All for our tribute to Cinotto’s day. Why, ‘sbuddikins, old Innocent himself May rub his eyes at the bustle,-ask “What’s this Rolling from out the rostrum, as a gust 0’ the Pro Milone had been prisoned there, And rattled Rome awake?” Awaken Rome, How can the Pope doze on in decency? He needs must wake up also, speak his word, Have his opinion like the rest of Rome, About this huge, this hurly-burly case: He wants who can excogi tate the truth, Give the result in speech, plain black and white, To mumble in the mouth and make his own
801 MShearthP1869:hearth, 871 MSplucks Q altered Virgil, reaches to 5 pluck 8g( MS:in Cinarello’s 5 crossed out and replaced above by $j Cinoncino’s “‘1 MS:§ crowded between 90-92 5 I hope 3 crossed out and replaced in God, I 931 MS:5 inserted in right margin with margin by 5 Pray God I P1869:Pray 981 MS:a gust $j written arrow indicating place in text 3 g51 MS:day! 1889a:day. over illegible word 5 lo01 MS:awake?” If 5 crossed out Q Rome Q followed by marking, perhaps punctuation mark, illegibly crossed out Q awaken 5 altered to 5 Awaken 5 indication 1021 MS:also, say Q crossed out and that order of last two words should be reversed 5 replaced above by 5 speak his say 5 crossed out and replaced above by 5 word, PZ869:of Rome, lo31 MS:Give 5 crossed out and replaced above by $, Have < > of Rome 1041 MS:huge, and Q crossed out and replaced above by Q this hurly burly case1061 MS:in speech, $j inserted above line § plain words 5 crossed PZ869:hurly-burly case:
-A little changed, good man, a little changed! No matter, so his gratitude be moved, By when my Giacintino gets of age, Mindful of who thus helped him at a pinch, Archangelus Procurator PauperumAnd proved Hortensius Redivivus! Whew! To earn the Est-est, merit the minced herb That mollifies the liver’s leathery slice, With here a goose-foot, there a cock’s-comb stuck, Cemented in an element of cheese! I doubt if dainties do the grandsire good: Last June he had a sort of strangling . . . bah! He’s his own master, and his will is made. So, liver fizz, law flit and Latin fly As we rub hands o’er dish by way of grace! May I lose cause if I vent one word more Except,- with fresh-cut quill we ink the white,P-r-o-pro Guidone et Sociis. There! Count Guido married-or, in Latin due, What? Duxit in uxorem?-commonplace! Tcedas jugales iniit, subiit,-ha! He underwent the matrimonial torch? Connubio stabili sibi junxit,-hum! In stable bond of marriage bound his own?
our § < > white PI869:white, 1081 MS:man, a little changed!PZ869:man, a little changed! 109-10( MS:§ crowded between 108-l 1 5 *Ovl MS:moved,Pl869:moved, 1121 MS:5 crowded between lines 11 l-13 Q l’s/ MS:proved Hortensius Redivivus! $j ( 5 Come 5 crossed out $ ‘I61 MS:goose-foot 1872:goose foot 1889a:goose-foot ‘171 MS:cheeseP1869:cheese! 118-*01 MS:5 in right margin with arrow indicating place in text Q 1191 MS:a sort of Q last two words inserted above line 5 strangling seizure 5 crossed out 5 . . . . . . bah! PZ869:strangling . . . bah! 1211 MS:So, § inserted in margin 3 How shall the Q last three words crossed out and replaced above by two words and comma Q liver fizz, Law < > and the Q crossed out $j Pl869:law lrr( MS:if I say § crossed out and replaced above by Q vent I,41 MS:$ crowded between 1‘23-25 Q Except $j inserted in margin 5 Thus then 5 last two words crossed out 5 126l MS: 5 marginal note that new 7 begins 9 in Latin, say Q comma and last word crossed out and replaced above by § due, 127/ MS:What? Q inserted in margin 5 uxorem?-which sounds $j last two words crossed out 5 ‘**I MS:iniit-subiit,-ha? P1869:iniit, subiit,-ha! 1~11 MS:bound he 3 crossed out 3 his Q over perhaps was § ownP1869:own?
That’s clear of any modern taint: and yet . . .
Virgil is little help to who writes prose. He shall attack me Terence with the dawn, Shall Cinuccino! Mum, mind business, Sir! Thus circumstantially evolve we facts, Ita se habet ideo series facti: He wedded,-ah, with owls for augury! Nupserat, heu sinistris avibus, One of the blood Arezzo boasts her best, Dominus Guido, nobili genere ortus, Pompilia? . . . But the version afterward! Curb we this ardour! Notes alone, to-day, The speech to-morrow and the Latin last: Such was the rule in Farinacci’s time. Indeed I hitched it into verse and good. Unluckily, law quite absorbs a man, Or else I think I too had poetized. “Law is the pork substratum of the fry, Goose-foot and cock’scomb are Latinity,“And in this case, if circumstance assist, We’ll garnish law with idiom, never fear! Out-of-the-way events extend our scope: For instance, when Bottini brings his charge, “That letter which you say Pompilia wrote,To criminate her parents and herself And disengage her husband from the coil,-
1331 MS:5 crowded between 132-34; 3 marginal note that new 7 begins 5 proseP1869:prose. 13-1 MS:§ q s P1869:$ no 7 § 1889:s no 1; emended to restore 1; see Editorial Notes 5 ‘““1 MS:ah, the $j crossed out and replaced above by § with owls was § crossed out and replaced above by 5 for 1421 MS:Pompilia? . . . 3 marginal note that new 1 begins Q But the Latin 5 crossed out and replaced above by 5 version 1441 MS:the version 5 crossed out and replaced above 143/ MS:today, P1869:to-day, 1451 MS:time, PI869:time. 1461 MS:3 crowded by § Latin lastP1869:last: between 145-49 5 good: Pl869:good. 147-481 MS:jj written in right margin $j 1491 MS:of the 1471 MS:man P1869:man, 1481 MS:poetized: Pl869:poetized. 150) MS:cock’s comb PI869:cock’s-comb 1521 MS:garnish dish Q crossed out $ 1531 MS:extend the $j crossed out and all Q crossed out and replaced above by 5 law 1551 MS:-“That < > 1541 MS:charge P1869:charge, replaced above by 5 our
That, Guido Franceschini wrote, say we: Because Pompilia could nor read nor write, Therefore he pencilled her such letter first, Then made her trace in ink the same again.” -Ha, my Bottini, have I thee on hip? How will he turn this and break Tully’s pate? “Existimandum” (don’t I hear the dog!) “Quod Guido designauerit elementa Dictc;e epistole, qucz fuerint (Superinducto ab ea calamo) Notata atramento”-there’s a style!“Quia ipsa scribere nesciebat.” Boh! Now, my turn! Either, Znsulse! (I outburst) Stupidly put! Inane is the response, Znanis est responsio, or the likeTo-wit, that each of all those characters, Quod sing&a elementa epistok, Had first of all been traced for her by him, Fuerant per eum prius designata, And then, the ink applied a-top of that, Et deinde, superinducto calamo, The piece, she says, became her handiwork, Per earn, efformata, ut ipsa asserit. Inane were such response! (a second time:) Her husband outlined her the whole, forsooth? Vir ejus lineabat epistolam? What, she confesses that she wrote the thing, Fatetur earn scripsisse, (scorn that scathes!) That she might pay obedience to her lord? Ut uzro obtemperaret, apices
wrote, P1869:“That 1889a:wrote,i581 MS:wrote, we say- Q indication that order of last two words should be reversed Q P1869:we: i6*/ MS:her the § crossed out and replaced by Q such I611 MS:trace the < > again in ink.” Q transposed to 5 trace in ink the < > again.” i’j3( MS:this nor break 1872:this and break 16*( MS:dog?) PZ869:dog!) 1701 MS:tuml Either, “ZnsuLse!” Q quotation marks imperfectly erased 5 -1 outburst, PZ872:turn! Either, Znsulsel (I outburst) 1711 MS:put! Inane was Q crossed out and replaced above by 5 is 17~1 MS:handywork, i”*l MS:& she < > thingP1869:What, she < > thing, P1869:handiwork, 1851 MS:scrzpzsse, ( Q there follows an obliterated word, perhaps zn Q 1861 MS:lord,
(I-Iere repeat charge with proper varied phrase) Eo designante, ipsaque calamum Super inducente? By such argument, Zta pariter, she seeks to show the same, (Ay, by Saint Joseph and what saints you please) Epistolam ostendit, medius fidius, No voluntary deed but fruit of force! Non uoluntarie sed coacte scriptam! That’s the way to write Latin, friend my Fist! Bottini is a beast, one barbarous: Look out for him when he attempts to say “Armed with a pistol, Guido followed her!” Will not I be beforehand with my Fist, Cut away phrase by phrase from underfoot! Guido Pompiliam-Guido thus his wife Following with igneous engine, shall I have? Armis munitus igneis persequensArma sulphurea gestans, sulphury arms, Or, might one style a pistol-popping-piece? Armatus breviori sclopulo? We’ll let him have been armed so, though it make Somewhat against us: I had thought to ownProvided with a simple travelling-sword, Ense solummodo viatorio Znstructus: but we’ll grant the pis to1 here: Better we lost the cause than lacked the gird At the Fist’s Latin, lost the Judge’s laugh! It’s Venturini that decides for style. Tommati rather goes upon the law. So, as to law,Ah, but with law ne’er hope
P1869: lord? she < > same, PI 869: force! replaced above by sulphury arms, popping-piece? Fisk’s Latin, with observes on 5 last 2161 MS:5 crowded
MS:partter-She 5 over illegible word 5 < > same PI869:pariter, lg21 MS:Ay < > please, P1869:(Ay < > please) ig41 MS:force, iggI MS:her”l P1869:herl” 2Osj MS:shall I say $, crossed out and Q have? 205( MS:gestans-sulphury armsP1869:gestans, 2061 MS:Or-might < > popping-piece PZ869:0r, might < > 2141 MS:the 210/ MS:travelling-sword PZ869:travelling-sword, 2151 MS:that Q uncertain; crossed out and replaced above by Q lost two words crossed out and replaced above by two words Q decides for 2171 MS:Then Q crossed out and replaced in between lines 215- 17 Q
To level the fellow,- don’t I know his trick! How he draws up, ducks under, twists aside! He’s a lean-gutted hectic rascal, fine As pale-haired red-eyed ferret which pretends ‘Tis ermine, pure soft snow from tail to snout. He eludes law by piteous looks aloft, Lets Latin glance off as he makes appeal To saint that’s somewhere in the ceiling-top: Do you suppose I don’t conceive the beast? Plague of the ermine-vermin! For it takes, It takes, and here’s the fellow Fist, you see, And Judge, you’ll not be long in seeing next! Confound the fop-he’s now at work like me: Enter his study, as I seem to do, Hear him read out his writing to himself! I know he writes as if he spoke: I hear The hoarse shrill throat, see shut eyes, neck shot-forth, -1 see him strain on tiptoe, soar and pour Eloquence out, nor stay nor stint at allPerorate in the air, then quick to press With the product! What abuse of type and sheet! He’ll keep clear of my cast, my logic-throw, Let argument slide, and then deliver swift Some bowl from quite an unguessed point of standHaving the luck o’ the last word, the reply! A plaguy cast, a mortifying stroke:
margin by § So, as to law,-ah but P1869:iaw,5 7 $j Ah, but 2211 MS:As the Q crossed out 5 < > ferret, which P1869:ferret which 2z51 MS:-To the saint < > ceiling-top,P1869:To 1872:To saint 1889a:ceiling-top: *261 MS:5 crowded I don’t conceive the between 225-27 Q MS:suppose that I don’t see the 2872:suppose **‘I MS:ermine-vermine, for it takesPZ869:ermine-vermin! For it takes, **sj MS:The trick Q last two words crossed out and replaced above by 5 It takes-and P1869:It takes, and 2301 MS:Follow 5 crossed out and replaced above by $j Confound the fellow Q crossed out and replaced above by 5 fop-he’s now 3 inserted above line § 2321 MS:himselfPZ869:himself! ~$51 MS:-They say Q crossed out and replaced above by S-1 see he strains 5 altered to $j strain < > soars Q altered to Q soar and pours § altered to 5 pour PZ869:see him strain *ssl MS:stays 5 altered to Q stay nor stints 5 altered to $j stint z3’1 MS:Perorates Q altered to Q Perorate in 5 over illegible word § < > air, and all in § last two words crossed out and replaced above by two words Q so, to press! Q over illegible erasure 5 P1869:press 1872:air, then quick to 2381 MS:5 crowded between 237-39 $j product: what < > type is here! PZ869:productI What 2872:type and sheet! 2391 MS:logics’s throw, 5 altered to Q logic-throw, 2401 MS:argument run 5 crossed out and replaced above by 5 slide 2411 MS:stand,PZ869:stand2431 MS:stroke,
You face a fellow-cries “So, there you stand? But I discourteous jump clean o’er your head! You take ship-carpentry for pilotage, Stop rat-holes, while a sea sweeps through the breach,Hammer and fortify at puny points? Do, clamp and tenon, make all tight and safe! ‘Tis here and here and here you ship a sea, No good of your stopped leaks and littleness!*’ Yet what do I name “little and a leak”? The main defence o’ the murder’s used to death, By this time, dry bare bones, no scrap we pick: Safer I worked the new, the unforeseen, The nice by-stroke, the fine and improvised Point that can titillate the brain o’ the Bench Torpid with over-teaching, long ago! As if Tommati (that has heard, reheard And heard again, first this side and then thatGuido and Pietro, Pietro and Guido, din And deafen, full three years, at each long ear) Don’t want amusement for instruction now, Won’t rather feel a flea run o’er his ribs, Than a daw settle heavily on his head!
P1869:stroke: 2451 MS:But 5 over illegible word § 2461 MS:You act 5 crossed out and replaced above by 5 play ship-carpenter, not pilot now s crossed out and replaced above by $ so,1872:You take ship-carpentry for pilotage. 2471 MS:sea-sweeps < > breachP1869:sea sweeps < > breach,248( MSpointsl Z889u:points? 250) MS:and here and here Q last two words inserted above 24g( MS:safe, P1869:safeI 251-52) MS:3 no 7 5 PI869:§ 7 5 line 5 25’1 MS:littleness! P1869:littleness!” 2521 MS:leak?” 1889a:leak”? 2531 MS:murder’s known by now, $j last three words and comma crossed out and replaced above by three words and comma $j used to death, P1869:pick: 1872:scrap we pick: 2541 MS:5 crowded between 253-55 $j scrap to pick2551 MS:worked at the usual Q crossed out and replaced below by two words 5 new, the unforseen PZ869:unforeseen 1872:worked the 2561 MS:bye-stroke < > improvised, 257) MS:Points PZ869:Point 1872:improvised 1889a:by-stroke 2581 MS:over-teaching, by this time,PI869:time! I872:over-teaching, long ago! now 5 crossed out 2601 MS:again, 259) MS:if Tommati, that 1872:if Tommati (that and replaced above by $j first < > and now 5 crossed out and replaced above by 5 then that,2621 MS:And 1872:that2611 MS:and Guido din 1872:and Guido, din deafen these Q crossed out Q < > years, with the case $j last three words crossed out and P1869:ear,1872:ear) replaced above by four words 5 at each long ear, 26.91 MS:nowPl869:now, 2641 MS: flea skip Q crossed out and replaced above by 3 run 265) MS:Than an owl 3 last two words crossed out and replaced above by two
Oh I was young and had the trick of fence, Knew subtle pass and push with careless rightMy left arm ever quiet behind back, With dagger ready: not both hands to blade! Puff and blow, put the strength out, Blunder-bore! There’s my subordinate, young Spreti, now, Pedant and prig,- he’ll pant away at proof, That’s his way! Now for mine-to rub some life Into one’s choppy fingers this cold day1 I trust Cinuzzo ties on tippet, guards The precious throat on which so much depends! Guido must be all goose-flesh in his hole, Despite the prison-straw: bad Carnival For captives! no sliced fry for him, poor Count! Carnival-time, -another providence! The town a-swarm with strangers to amuse, To edify, to give one’s name and fame In charge of, till they find, some future day, Cintino come and claim it, his name too, Pledge of the pleasantness they owe papaWho else was it cured Rome of her great qualms, When she must needs have her own judgment?-ay, When all her topping wits had set to work,
words 5 a daw < > his pate Q crossed out and replaced above by $j head1 =j MS:Oh, I 2889a:Oh I z6*1 MS:The left < > quietly < > back 2872:My left < > quiet < > back, *‘jg/ MS:With the dagger in’t: not 1872:With dagger ready: not *7l( MS:That’s my < > young Spreti now, P1869:young Spreti, now, 1872:There’s my 2731 MS:way I $j marginal note that new 1 begins 5 2751 MS:trust Cinuzzo puts $ crossed out and replaced above by Q ties on cloak and cape § last three words crossed out and replaced above by two words and punctuation Q tippet, guards 2761 MS:5 crowded between 275-77 Q 27’1 MS:must show Q crossed out Q < > hole PZ869:hole, 2781 MS:bad carnival P1869:bad Carnival 2791 MS:No < > poor dog! PZ869:no < > poor Count I 2801 MS:5 marginal note that new ( begins Q providcncelP1869:providence! ***I MS:name to 9 erased 5 2831 MS:until 5 altered to § till < > day P1869:day, 2851 MS:the gratitude Q crossed out and replaced above by § pleasantness < > Papa!PZ869:papa2861 MS:Asks Q crossed out 3 Who it 5 altered to Q else was it, cured < > qualms? P1869:qualms, 1872:it cured *8*1 MS:Since all *a71 MS:judgment,-ay, P1869:judgment?-ay 1872:ay,
Pronounced already on the case: mere boys, Twice Cineruggiolo’s age with half his sense, As good as tell me, when I cross the court, “Master Arcangeli!” (plucking at my gown) “We can predict, we comprehend your play, We’ll help you save your client.” Tra-la-la! I’ve travelled ground, from childhood to this hour, To have the town anticipate my track? The old fox takes the plain and velvet path, The young hound’s predilection,-prints the dew, Don’t he, to suit their pulpy pads of paw? No! Burying nose deep down i’ the briery bush, Thus I defend Count Guido. Where are we weak? First, which is foremost in advantage too, Our murder,-we call, killing,-is a fact Confessed, defended, made a boast of: good! To think the Fist claimed use of torture here, And got thereby avowal plump and plain That gives me just the chance I wanted,-scope Not for brute-force but ingenuity, Explaining matters, not denying them! One may dispute,-as I am bound to do, And shall,-validity of process here: Inasmuch as a noble is exempt From torture which plebeians undergo In such a case: for law is lenient, lax, Remits the torture to a nobleman Unless suspicion be of twice the strength
1872:When all 2891 MS:boysP1869:boys, 2901 MS:age and half his senseP1869:sense, 1872:age with haif sgll MS:tell 3 followed by word illegibly 2921 MS:“Master Arcangelil”-plucking <> crossed out and replaced above by § me *931 MS:predict, we gownPZ869:“Master Arcangeli!” (plucking < > gown) 2951 MS:childhood till understand § crossed out and replaced above by 5 comprehend this hour P1869:hour, 1872:childhood to this 29s) MS:track! 1889a:track? 2~71 MS:plain, the 5 comma and last word crossed out and replaced above by 6 and < > path P1869:path, so01 MS:bush Pl869:bush, so11 MS:Thus I§ crossed out and so21 MS:is foremost 5 over illegible erasure § replaced above by § we P1869:Thus I PZ869:fact so31 MS:The § crossed out and replaced in margin by 5 Our <> fact. so91 MS:them. Pl869:them! $‘“I MS:do,sosl MS:here PI869:here, PI 869:do, 3lll MS:of the $j crossed out 5 s14) MS:is very clear § last two words
Attaches to a man born vulgarly: We don’t card silk with comb that dresses wool. Moreover ‘twas severity undue In this case, even had the lord been lout. What utters, on this head, our oracle, Our Farinacci, my Gamaliel erst, In those immortal “Questions”? This I quote: “Of all the tools at Law’s disposal, sure That named Vigil&urn is the bestThat is, the worst-to whoso needs must bear: Lasting, as it may do, from some seven hours To ten; (beyond ten, we’ve no precedent; Certain have touched their ten, but, bah, they died!) It does so efficaciously convince, That,-speaking by much observation here,Out of each hundred cases, by my count, Never I knew of patients beyond four Withstand its taste, or less than ninety-six End by succumbing: only martyrs four, Of obstinate silence, guilty or no,-against Ninety-six full confessors, innocent Or otherwise,-so shrewd a tool have we!” No marvel either: in unwary hands, Death on the spot is no rare consequence: As indeed all but happened in this case To one of ourselves, our young tough peasant-friend
P18&9:lax, 3181 MSdresses flax. crossed out and replaced above by 3 lenient, lax ‘twas undue severity 5 indication that order of Pl869:dresses wool. 3i91 MS:Moreover, 3221 MS:My 5 crossed out last two words should be reversed 5 1889a:Moreover ‘twas s*sI MSimmortal “Questions”? What I § last two and replaced in margin by F$Our “Questions”? This I words over illegible erasure § 1872:immortal s261 MS:whoso has to bear: sz41 MS:disposal-sure PI869:disposal, sure 32s1 MS:ten,-beyond ten, there’s § crossed out and 1872:whoso needs must bear: PlBBP:ten, (beyond < > precedent; 1872:ten; replaced above by 8 we’ve no precedents*sl MS:s crowded between 328-30 § ten but, bah-they diedP1869:bah, (beyond 333( MS:Never 3301 MS:convince 2872:convince, they died!) 1889a:ten. but 334j MS:That could 5 last two words have 5 crossed out § I known § altered to § knew crossed out 5 withstand g altered to 0 Withstand its taste 5 last two words inserted above line 5 5 crossed out fj ended 5 altered to § End by -or PI869: taste, or 3351 MS:That 3401 MS: consequence. Pl869:consequence: succumbing: only 5 inserted above line 3
The accomplice called Baldeschi: they were rough, Dosed him with torture as you drench a horse, Not modify your treatment to a man: So, two successive days he fainted dead, And only on the third essay, gave up, Confessed like flesh and blood. We could reclaim,Blockhead Bottini giving cause enough! But no, -we’ll take it as spontaneously Confessed: we’ll have the murder beyond doubt. Ah, fortunate (the poet’s word reversed) Inasmuch as we know our happiness! Had the antagonist left dubiety, Here were we proving murder a mere myth, And Guido innocent, ignorant, absent,-ay, Absent1 He was-why, where should Christian be?Engaged in visiting his proper church, The duty of us all at Christmas-time, When Caponsacchi, the seducer, stung To madness by his relegation, cast About him and contrived a remedy In murder: since opprobrium broke afresh, By birth o’ the babe, on him the imputed sire, He it was quietly sought to smother up His shame and theirs together,-killed the three, And fled-(go seek him where you please to search)Just at the time when Guido, touched by grace, Devotions ended, hastened to the spot, Meaning to pardon his convicted wife,
3431 MS:called Baldeschi,-they P1869:called Baldeschi: they 3441 MS:horse PI 869:horse, “““1 MS:man, P1869:man: “““I MS:So two P1869:So, two 34g( MS:Th e 5 crossed out Q blockhead § altered to 8 Blockhead ““‘I MS:up PI869:up, Bottini 5 inserted above line 5 < > enough! But no! 5 last two words crossed out Q 3501 MS:But no,5 inserted in margin 5 < > as confessed Q crossed out 3 “511 MS:§ crowded between 350-5‘2 $j murder 5 followed by illegible erasure 3 “541 MS:left a shade of doubt Q last three ““*I MS:Ah fortunate PZ869:Ah, fortunate words crossed out Q dubiety Pf869:left dubiety, 3561 MS:absent, ay 3581 MS:Church, PZ869:church, 3591 PI 869:at P1869:absent,-ay, Christmas-time; 1872:at Christmas-time, $621 MS:remedy: .I872:remedy “631 MS:To stave off the opprobrium broke-afresh, PZ869:off what opprobrium broke 1872:To murder: since opprobrium 3641 MS:By the birth 2872:By birth afresh, “661 MS:three PZ869:three, 3651 MS:He came and quietly 1872:He it was quietly P1869:wife, 368) MS:themoment, Guido 3701 MS:wife7872:the time when Guido
“Neither do I condemn thee, go in peace!“And thus arrived i’ the nick of time to catch The charge o’ the killing, though great-heartedly He came but to forgive and bring to life. 375 Doubt ye the force of Christmas on the soul? “Is thine eye evil because mine is good?”
So, doubtless, had I needed argue here But for the full confession round and sound! Thus might you wrong some kingly alchemist,Whose concern should not be with showing brass Transmuted into gold, but triumphing, Rather, about his gold changed out of brass, Not vulgarly to the mere sight and touch, But in the idea, the spiritual display, The apparition buoyed by winged words Hovering above its birth-place in the brain,Thus would you wrong this excellent personage Forced, by the gross need, to gird apron round, Plant forge, light fire, ply bellows,-in a word,
37*( MS:And you Q crossed out and replaced above by two words § Who thus 1872:And thus 3731 MS:The $ inserted in margin $j charged Q altered to Q charge with 3 crossed out Q o’ Q apparently added in revision Q the killing, who Q crossed out and replaced above 374) MS:He $j inserted in margin 3 by § though great heartedly Pl869:,great-heartedly Came rather Q crossed out and replaced above by 5 but < > life: PZ869:came < > life. s771 MS:had we Q crossed out and replaced above 376-771 MS:5 no fl 5 P1869:$ q 5 3r9j MS:Thus 5 crossed out and sr*l MS:But 5 B over illegible letter 5 by § 1 replaced above by $j So would you have the Q crossed out and replaced above by Q some < > alchemistPl869:Thus would < > alchemist,1872:Thus might you wrong some ssol MS:Whose business 5 crossed out and replaced above by fj concern < > with proving 1872:with showing brass ssll MS:Transmutable to gold, clay 5 crossed out Q brass “8’1 MS:Rather, but triumphing P1869:triumphing, Z872:Transmuted into gold above his < > of clay 5 crossed out § 2872:Rather, about his sssl MS:the gross 5 crossed out and replaced above by 8 mere < > touch PZ869:touch, ~851 MS:Proud 3861 MS:brainP1869:brain,apparition 1872:The apparition 3871 MS:Here would you have this Z872:Thus would you wrong this 3881 MS:Forced by the vulgar § crossed out and replaced above by two words $j gross need to tie 5 crossed out and replaced above by Q gird < > round PI869:Forced, by < > need, to < > round, “891 MS:light coal § crossed out and replaced above by 5 fire
Demonstrate: when a faulty pipkin’s crack May disconcert you his presumptive truth! Here were I hanging to the testimony Of one of these poor rustics--four, ye gods! Whom the first taste of friend the Fiscal’s cord May drive into undoing my whole speech, Undoing, on his birthday,-what is worse,My son and heir! I wonder, all the same, Not so much at those peasants’ lack of heart; Bu t-Guido Franceschini, nobleman, Bear pain no better! Everybody knows It used once, when my father was a boy, To form a proper, nay, important point I’ the education of our well-born youth, That they took torture handsomely at need, Without confessing in this clownish guise. Each noble had his rack for private use, And would, for the diversion of a guest, Bid it be set up in the yard of arms, And take thereon his hour of exercise,Command the varletry stretch, strain their best, While friends looked on, admired my lord could smile ‘Mid tugging which had caused an ox to roar.
sgol MS:Demonstrate-when 1872:Demonstrate: when jgl( MS:disconcert you 5 inserted above line Q his whole 5 crossed out 3 3921 MS:Here might 5 crossed out and animals Q crossed out and replaced above by 5 replaced above by 5 were “““1 MS:poor rustics-there are five § last three words crossed out and replaced above by three words and punctuation 5 four, ye gods! 395-971 MS:Might twist $j crossed out and replaced above by 5 drive into unsaying Q crossed out and replaced above by 5 undoing < > speech,-/ 1872:May drive < > / Undoing, on his Shaming truth so! $j 11 $j I PZ869:speech, MS:Not so much 5 last birthday,what is worse,-/ My son and heir1 Q 1 $j I “‘*I two words inserted above line Q at those wretched animals Q last two words crossed out § 3991 MS:But-Guido to confess, a Q last three words crossed out and replaced above by Q 4031 MS:our noble Q crossed Franceschini 4021 MS:proper, an Q altered to 5 nay PZ869:youth, 4041 MS:To take s inserted out and replaced above by 8 well-born youth 2872:That above line $J the torture dumbly $j crossed out and replaced above by § handsomely noble $j inserted they took torture 4051 MS:guise: P1869:guise. 4061 MS:Each his rack above line $j had a rack built 5 crossed out $j for his 5 crossed out 5 P1869:had 4071 MS:guest P1869:guest, 4091 MS:And Q crossed out and replaced in margin 4101 MS:stretch, by Q To take < > exercise, PI 869:exercise,1872:And take 4121 MS:caused a lout § crossed and § crossed out § <> best PI869:best,
Men are no longer men! -And advocates No longer Farinacci, let us add, 415 If I one more time fly from point proposed! here begins the speech!So, Vindicatio,Honoris causa; thus we make our stand: Honour in us had injury, we prove. Or if we fail to prove such injury 420 More than misprision of the fact,-what then? It is enough, authorities declare, If the result, the deed in question now, Be caused by confidence that injury Is veritable and no figment: since, 425 What, though proved fancy afterward, seemed fact At the time, they argue shall excuse result. That which we do, persuaded of good cause For what we do, hold justifiablelSo casuists bid: man, bound to do his best, 430 They would not have him leave that best undone And mean to do his worst,-though fuller light Show best was worst and worst would have been best. Act by the present light!-they ask of man.
out and replaced above by § ox PI869:caused an ox 4131 MS:longer menQ marginal note that new 7 begins $j And, Q over not Q advocates Pl869:menI Q 7 $j -And advocates 414( MS:1 on g er F arinacci, one might Q last two words crossed out and replaced above by two words Q let men add, 2872:let us add, 4’61 MS:&+Vindicatto < > the same!,P1869:!50, I’indicntzo <> samel1872:the speechl“‘1 P1869:causa; so we 1872:causa; thus we 418/ MS:Honor < > we shall rove. P1869:Honour 1872:we prove. 4291 MS:Were § crossed out and replaced above by 3 Be < > confidence such injury P1869:confidence that injury 4241 MS:Were 3 over Was Q veritable < > figment,-why, PZ869:Is veritable < > figment: since, 4251 MS:This 5 crossed out and replaced in margin by Q What 4261 MS:time, I trow Q last two words inserted above line § and shall excuse whatever ensues Q last two words crossed out and replaced above by 5 result. P1869:time, they argue shall 4*71 MS:persuaded there is § last two words crossed out and replaced above by two words Q of good 428) MS:Do, hold Q over illegible word Q 4291 MS:The casuists 1889a:So casuists 4311 MS:And § over 4301 MS:You 5 crossed out and replaced in margin by 5 They perhaps So Q meaning 5 altered to Q mean to do the 5 inserted above line 5 worst 1872:do his worst 4321 MS:and worst was best. Let man PZ869:and worst would have been best. 4331 MS:light, they ask no more. P1869:ask of man. 2872:lightl-they
Ultra quod hit non agitur, besides It is not anyway our business here, De probatione adulterii, To prove what we thought crime was crime indeed, Ad irrogandam pmnam, and require Its punishment: such nowise do we seek: Sed ad effecturn, but ‘tis our concern, Excusandi, here to simply find excuse, Occisorem, for who did the killing-work, Et ad illius defensionem, (mark The difference) and defend the man, just that! Quo casu levior probatio Exuberaret, to which end far lighter proof Suffices than the prior case would claim: It should be always harder to convict, In short, than to establish innocence. Therefore we shall demonstrate first of all That Honour is a gift of God to man Precious beyond compare: which natural sense Of human rectitude and purity,Which white, man’s soul is born with,-brooks no touch:
4351 MS:here PI869:here, 434) MS:agitur--beside P1869:agitur, besides 4361 MS:adulterii P1869:adulterii, 4381 MS:@nam, § two words illegibly crossed out 5 43g1 MS:§word illegibly crossed out 5 at our mode of $j last four words crossed out 5 Its Q added above line 5 punishment: which 5 crossed out and replaced above by Q such 4401 MS:effectumbut tis our concern P1869:eflectum, no-wise Pl869:nowise 4411 MS:Excusandi-to 5 crossed out and replaced above by Q but ‘tis our concern, 4421 MS:did the 5 inserted here < > excuse P1869:Excusandi, here < > excuse, PZ869:killing-work, above line § killing-deed Q crossed out and replaced by 5 killing-work 4441 MS:differencel,-I 4431 MS:dejenstonem ,-mark P1869:dejensionem, (mark Q crossed out and replaced above by 5 We defend 5 next two, perhaps three, words illegibly crossed out and replaced above by three words 3 ourselves: just that PZ8699:differencel) 1872:difference) and < > that! 446) MS:Exuberaret,and defend the man, just that. to PI869:Exuberaret, to 448-491 MS:5 crowded between 447-50 in continuous line divided by / between convzct, and In 5 than to establish 5 crossed out and then restored; written above line and crossed out is the partial word Q demons 4501 MS:shall establish § crossed out and replaced below by 5 demonstrate 4511 MS:That Honor is the $j crossed out and replaced above by Q a PZ869:That Honour 2872:compare: which 45*) MS:compare,the Q crossed out and replaced above by 5 which 4531 MS:$j crowded between 452-54 Q 4541 MS:The Q crossed out and replaced in margin by § Which < > with, bears no specks: 5 crossed out and replaced above by 5 touch:
Therefore, the sensitivest spot of all, Wounded by any wafture breathed from black, Is,-honour within honour, like the eye Centred i’ the ball,- the honour of our wife. Touch us o’ the pupil of our honour, then, Not actually,- since so you slay outright,But by a gesture simulating touch, Presumable mere menace of such taint,This were our warrant for eruptive ire “To whose dominion I impose no end.” (Virgil, now, should not be too difficult To Cinoncino, -say, the early books. Pen, truce to further gambols! Poscimur!) Nor can revenge of injury done here To the honour proved the life and soul of us, Be too excessive, too extravagant: Such wrong seeks and must have complete revenge. Show we this, first, on the mere natural ground: Begin at the beginning, and proceed Incontrovertibly. Theodoric, In an apt sentence Cassiodorus cites,
P1869:with, brooks no touch: 1872:with,-brooks 4551 MS:And that 5 last two words crossed out and replaced in margin by Q Therefore the < > spot $j over illegible erasure 5 P1869:Therefore, the 456) MS:Woundable by a wafture § next four words illegibly crossed out and replaced above by three words and comma $Zjbreathed from black, 1872:Wounded by any wafture 4571 MS:That’s gross Q last two words crossed out; followed by illegible erasure $j Is 4581 MS:honor of his $j crossed out and replaced above by § our wife: P1869:honour <> wife. 45g1 MS:Touch him $j crossed out and replaced above by 5 us < > of his Q crossed out and replaced above by 5 our 4601 MS:actually-since so Q inserted above line $j you slay him 5 crossed out $j outright,Q over illegible word 5 PZ869:actually,-since 4621 MS:Presumably the menace P1869:Presumable mere menace 4631 MS:This -this is 5 dash and last two words crossed out and replaced above by Q were our 4641 MS:end--” P1869:end.” 464-651 MS:$j no 1 Q P1869:$ n $j 1889a:Ej no 1s 1889:s no (; emended to restore 9; see Editorial Notes $j 4661 MS:To Cinincino, not 5 crossed out and replaced above by § -say < > books. . . . 2872:books. 467-681 MS:5 no 9 3 P1869:§ 7 5 4691 MS:5 crowded between 468-70 $j 4701 MS:extravagant, 1869:extravagant: 4711 MS:It’s needs Q last two words crossed out and replaced in margin and above by $j Such wrong seeks and needs $j crossed out 5 4721 MS:ground. Pl869:ground:
Propounds for basis of all household lawI hardly recollect it, but it ends, “Bird mates with bird, beast genders with his like, And brooks no interference.” Bird and beast? The very insects . . . if they wive or no, How dare I say when Aristotle doubts? But the presumption is they likewise wive, At least the nobler sorts; for take the bee As instance, -copying King Solomon,Why that displeasure of the bee to aught Which savours of incontinency, makes The unchaste a very horror to the hive? Whence comes it bees obtain their epithet Of castae apes, notably “the chaste”? Because, ingeniously saith Scaliger, (The young sage,- see his book of Table-talk) “Such is their hatred of immodest act, They fall upon the offender, sting to death.” I mind a passage much confirmative I’ the Idyllist (though I read him Latinized) “Why” asks a shepherd, “is this bank unfit For celebration of our vernal loves?” “Oh swain,” returns the instructed shepherdess, “Bees swarm here, and would quick resent our warmth!”
4761 MS:Propounds this § crossed out 5 for the $j crossed out 5 basis of all Q inserted above 4771 MS:3 crowded between 476-78 Q line $j household-law: P1869:household lawendsP1869:ends, 47g( MS:interference:” bird and beast, $j altered to Q ? say I? Bird $j last two words and question mark crossed out $j 2872:interference.” 48*j MS:they marry to $j last two words crossed out and replaced above by two words 5 likewise wive, 4831 MS:sorts, for < > Bee PZ869:sorts; for < > bee 4s71 MS:unchaste men the 5 last two 4861 MS:That savors 1872:Which savors words crossed out and replaced above by two words 5 a very horror of § crossed out and replaced above by § to 4881 MS:it they § crossed out and replaced above by 5 bees obtain their /j altered to Q the epithet, PZ869:epithet 2872:obtain their eprthet 489) MS&e caste apes? Styled 5 crossed out and replaced above by 8 notably PI 869:Of cast@ 4901 MS:Because ingeniously saith ScaligerPZ869:Because, ingeniously 4911 MS:8 crowded between 490-92 $j The young one-see < > of saith Scaliger, 4g21 MS:act Table-talkPZ869:(The < > of Table-talk) 2872:young sage,-see 4951 MS:the Idyllist-though < > “““1 MS:death. P1869:death.” PI869:act, CP1869:the Idyllist him LatinizedPI869:the idyllist (though <> him Latin&d) 4971 MS:our spring-time Q crossed out 4961 MS:shepherd “is PI869:shepherd, “is 4981 MS:“Oh Swain < > the wiser shepherdess, and replaced above by Q vernal
Only cold-blooded fish lack instinct here, Nor gain nor guard connubiality: But beasts, quadrupedal, mammiferous, Do credit to their beasthood: witness him That Aian cites, the noble elephant, (Or if not Aian, somebody as sage) Who seeing, much offence beneath his nose, His master’s friend exceed in courtesy The due allowance to his master’s wife, Taught them good manners and killed both at once, Making his master and the world admire. Indubitably, then, that master’s self, Favoured by circumstance, had done the same Or else stood clear rebuked by his own beast. Adeo, ut qui honorem spernit, thus, Who values his own honour not a straw,Et non recuperare curat, nor Labours by might and main to salve its wound, Se ulciscendo, by revenging him, Nil differat a belluis, is a brute, Quinimo irrationabilior Ipsismet belluis, nay, contrariwise, Much more irrational than brutes themselves, Should be considered, reputetur! How? If a poor animal feel honour smart, Taught by blind instinct nature plants in him, Shall man,- confessed creation’s master-stroke, Nay, intellectual glory, nay, a god,
P1869:“Oh swain 1872:the instructed shepherdess, 502) MS:beasts, the 5 crossed out 3 quadrupedal 5031 MS:him, 1872:him 506[ MS:seeing much 2872:seeing, much 5o6l MS:to the $j altered to § that master’s P1872:to his master’s 5og1 MS:manners, 5 comma crossed out 5 and 5 inserted above line 5 killing Q altered to 9 killed < > once P1869:once, 510) MS:and all men admire. 1872:and the world admire. 5111 MS:Indubitably then that < > self PZ869:Indubitably, then, that 1872:self, 5141 MS:spernit ,-thus Pl869:sperntt, thus, 5’51 MS:honor PZ869:honour 5161 MS:non curat recuperare $j transposed to Q recuperare curat-nor P1869:cural, nor 5171 MS:to cure its CPl869:to salve its 51Rl MS:ulciscendo,by P1869:ulciscendo, by 5191 MS:belluis,-is a brute,P1869:belluzs, is a brute, 520( MS:zrralionabilior, P1869:irratzonabilior 5211 MS:belluzs,-but contrariwise P1869:belluq nay, contrariwise CPl869:contrariwise, 5221 MS:As 5 crossed out and replaced in margin by $j Much < > than beasts § altered to Q brutes 5261 MS:master piece, 5 crossed out and replaced above by 5 -stroke 5271 MS:glory, nay 5 over illegible
Nay, of the nature of my Judges here,Shall man prove the insensible, the block, The blot o’ the earth he crawls on to disgrace? (Come, that’s both solid and poetic!) Man Derogate, live for the low tastes alone, Mean creeping cares about the animal life? A bsit such homage to vile flesh and blood! (May Gigia have remembered, nothing stings Fried liver out of its monotony Of richness, like a root of fennel, chopped Fine with the parsley: parsley-sprigs, I saidWas there need I should say “and fennel too”? But no, she cannot have been so obtuse! To our argument! The fennel will be chopped.) From beast to man next mount we-ay, but, mind, Still mere man, not yet Christian,-that, in time! Not too fast, mark you! ‘Tis on Heathen grounds We next defend our act: then, fairly urgeIf this were done of old, in a green tree, Allowed in the Spring rawness of our kind, What may be licensed in the Autumn dry And ripe, the latter harvest-tide of man? If, with his poor and primitive half-lights, The Pagan, whom our devils served for gods, Could stigmatise the breach of marriage-vow
531/ MSpoetic!) Shall man PZ869:poetic)-man 2872:poeticI) Man word Q P1869:alone,/ Mean creeping 532-3sj MS:alone?Q marginal note that new 7 begins § May 1872:// Absit, such homage to vile flesh and blood]/ cares about the animal life?/ $j n Q May $j ( and indented line 5 (May 1889a:Abszt such 536( MS:The 5 crossed out and replaced in margin by § Fried 5371 MS:richness like 1872:richness, like 5s81 MS:parsley-sprigs I PZ869:parsley-sprigs, I 5391 MS:5 crowded between 538-40 5 too?” 1889a: too”? 5411 MS:be found. PZ869:be chopped. 1872:chopped.) 5431 MS:Still § added in margin 5 Mere 5421 MS:§ marginal note that new 11 begins $j Q altered to Q mere man, the $j crossed out 5 not 5441 MS:fast, meanwhile: 5 last word crossed out and replaced above by two words and exclamation mark 5 mark you! ‘tis P1869:youI ‘Tis 5451 MS:fairly add Q crossed out 5 urge P1869:urge549) MS:latter 5461 MS:tree P1869:tree, 5481 PI869:dry, 1872:dry 5501 MS:If-with < > half-lightsPZ869:If, harvest-tide Q over illegible erasure $j with < > half-lights, 5511 MS:The natural Pagan, devils PZ869:The Pagan, whom
As that which blood, blood only might efface,Absolve the husband, outraged, whose revenge Anticipated law, plied sword himself,How with the Christian in full blaze of noon? Shall not he rather double penalty, Multiply vengeance, than, degenerate, Let privilege be minished, droop, decay? Therefore set forth at large the ancient law! Superabundant the examples be To pick and choose from. The Athenian Code, Solon’s, the name is serviceable,-then, The Laws of the Twelve Tables, that fifteenth,“Romulus” likewise rolls out round and large; The Julian; the Cornelian; Gracchus’ Law: So old a chime, the bells ring of themselves! Spreti can set that going if he please, I point you, for my part, the belfry plain, Intent to rise from dusk, diluculum, Into the Christian day shall broaden next. First, the fit compliment to His Holiness Happily reigning: then sustain the pointAll that was long ago declared as law By the natural revelation, stands confirmed By Apostle and Evangelist and Saint,To-wit-that Honour is man’s supreme good.
our devils 553/ MS:only could effacePZ869:only might efface,55’j MS:of day? 1872:of noon? 55*/ MS:degenerate P1869:degenerate, 5611 MSSuperabundant are Q crossed out 5 the instances 5 crossed out and replaced above by $j examples 562) MS:from-The PZ869:from. The 5651 MS:Romulus likewise < > out well Q crossed out and replaced above by 5 round and 5 over illegible erasure 5 large. P1869:“Romulus” likewise 1889a:large DC,BrLJ:large; 2889:large; 566j MS:The Julian Law Q crossed out 5 , the $j over illegible erasure § Cornelian, Gracchus’ statute $j uncertain; crossed out Q Law: P1869:The Julian; the Cornelian; Gracchus’ Law: 5691 MS:point out the belfry, for my part, Q indication that should be transposed to read 5 PZ869:out, point you, § word and comma written above Q for my part, the belfry out. 1872:belfry plain, 571j MS:day will 8 altered to 5 shall broaden round Q crossed out 5 5721 MS:5 marginal note that new 7 begins Q 5r31 MS:reigning,-then < > point, PZ869:reigning: then < > point5741 MS:All $j added in margin 5 That Q altered to 5 that which 5 crossed out $j 5751 MS:the early Revelation, is $j crossed out and replaced above by Q stands 2872:the natural revelation 5771 MS:that H onor is the supreme good: P1869:To wit 1869:To-wit-that Honour < > good. 2872:is man’s supreme
Why should I baulk Saint Jerome of his phrase? Ubi honor non est, where no honour is, Zbi contemptus est; and where contempt, Zbi injuria frequens; and where that, The frequent injury, ibi et indignatio; And where the indignation, ibi quies Nulla: and where there is no quietude, Why, ibi, there, the mind is often cast Down from the heights where it proposed to dwell, Mens a proposito sazpe dejicitur. And naturally the mind is so cast down, Since harder ‘tis, quum difficilius sit, Zram cohibere, to coerce one’s wrath, than work miracles,Quam miracula facere, So Gregory smiles in his First Dialogue. Whence we infer, the ingenuous soul, the man Who makes esteem of honour and repute, Whenever honour and repute are touched Arrives at term of fury and despair, Loses all guidance from the reason-check: As in delirium or a frenzy-fit,
5791 MS:est-where < > isPl869:est, where < > is, 580) MS:est-and P1869:est; 58*1 MS:zndignatzo, and 581/ MS:frequens-and Pl869:frequens; and P1869:tndignatlo; 583) MS:the $ over illegible word § 5841 MS:Nulla, and <> quietude, P1869:Nulla; and 1872:Nulla: and 1889a:quietude DC,BrU:quietude, 1889:quietude, 5881 MS:naturally so § crossed out and replaced above by five words 5 in 5891 MS:5 added in margin following 587 Q 5 crossed out $j the mind is so to § last three words inserted above line $j 59’J+( MS:5 originally one line 5 Iram cohibere<> one’s anger 9 crossed out and replaced below by Q wrath/ Quam miracula facere5 last three words inserted above line Q P1869:cohibere, to < > wrath,/ < > facere, than 5921 MS:Saint Gregory saith 3 crossed out and replaced above by 5 smiles in his First 5g3( MS:We formulate to this Dialogue: 2872:his First Dialogue. 1889a:So Gregory 5 last four words crossed out and replaced above by four words 5 Whence we draw $j crossed in margin out 5 inference jj altered to $j infer 5941 MS:Which 5 crossed out and replaced by 3 Who 5951 MS:Whenever in Q crossed out; followed by word illegibly crossed out § honor Q followed by word illegibly erased Q offence, § crossed out and replaced above by four DC,BrU: touched 2889: touched words Q and repute are touched, P1869:honour 5971 MS:Loses 5 over illegible 5~1 MS&rived Q altered to 5 Arrives at the 3 crossed out Q 5981 MS:Like P1869:reason-check: erasure 5 < > reason light 5 crossed out 5 -check, a 5 last two words crossed out and replaced above by two words 5 As in delirious 5 altered to $j or delirium man, one frenetic § last three words crossed out Q or P1869:delirium,
Nor fury nor despair he satiates,-no, Not even if he attain the impossible, O’erturn the hinges of the universe To annihilate-not whoso caused the smart Solely, the author simply of his pain, But the place, the memory, vituperii, ho5 0’ the shame and scorn: quia,-says Solomon, (The Holy Spirit speaking by his mouth In Proverbs, the sixth chapter near the end) -Because, the zeal and fury of a man, Zelus et furor viri, will not spare, 610 Non parcet, in the day of his revenge, In die vindicte, nor will acquiesce, Net acquiescet, through a person’s prayers, Cujusdam precibus,-net suscipiet, Nor yet take, pro redemptione, for 615 Redemption, dona plurium, gifts of friends, Mere money-payment to compound for ache. Who recognizes not my client’s case? Whereto, as strangely consentaneous here, Adduce Saint Bernard in the Epistle writ 620 To Robertulus, his nephew: “Too much grief, Dolor quippe nimius non deliberat,
1872:delirium or 5gg1 MS:Nor § inserted . in margin Q Fury 5 altered to § fury and Q crossed out and replaced above by Q nor < > he cannot $ crossed out 5 satiate 5 altered to Q satiates ,-noPI869:no, 6ooj MSattained Q altered to Q attain 6o11 MS:O’er-turned 5 altered to 5 O’er-turn PZ869:O’erturn 6021 rMS:not the author of his 5 followed by illegible word; last five words crossed out and replaced above by three words Q whoso caused the 6os1 MS:5 crowded between 602-4 Q pain P1869:pain, 60’1 MS:memory of his shame and scorn 5 last five words crossed out 5 vituperii P1869:memory, vttuperii, ‘jo51 MS:A n d vz ‘tu p erii $j uncertain; last two words aossed out and replaced above by five words and colon Q 0’ the shame and scorn: quza 6081 MS:man PZ869:man, 6111 MS:acquiesce P1869:acquiesce, 6121 MS:prayers PZ869:prayers, 6131 MS:suczptet P1869:suctptet, 6141 MS:Nor will 5 crossed out and replaced above by $j yet 6151 MS:friendsPI869:friends, 6’61 MS:5 crowded between 615-17 5 Nor money-payment PI869:ache CP1869:ache. 1872:Mere money-payment 617) MS:not our client Q altered to § my client’s client’s here? Q last word and question mark crossed out $j PZ869:not 6181 MS:consentaneous § followed by an illegible erasure Q here, 6191 MS:That of 5 last two words crossed out and replaced in margin by 5 Confer 5 altered to § Conduce Saint P1869:Adduce Saint 6201 MS:To Robert $j altered to 5 Robertulus, his nephew: since excessive Q last two words crossed out and replaced above by two words 5 too much
Does not excogitate propriety, Non verecundatur, nor knows shame at all, Non consulit rationem, nor consults Reason, non dignitatis metuit Damnum, nor dreads the loss of dignity; Modum et ordinem, order and the mode, Ignorat, it ignores:” why, trait for trait, Was ever portrait limned so like the life? (By Cavalier Maratta, shall I say? I hear he’s first in reputation now.) Yes, that of Samson in the Sacred Text That’s not so much the portrait as the man! Samson in Gaza was the antetype Of Guido at Rome: observe the Nazarite! Blinded he was, -an easy thing to bear: Intrepidly he took imprisonment, Gyves, stripes and daily labour at the mill: But when he found himself, i’ the public place, Destined to make the common people sport, Disdain burned up with such an impetus I’ the breast of him that, all the man one fire, Moriatur, roared he, let my soul’s self die, Anima mea, with the Philistines! So, pulled down pillar, roof, and death and all, Multosque @lures interfecit, ay, And many more he killed thus, moriens, Dying, quam ZI~ZJUS, than in his whole life,
6221 MS:not § followed by word illegibly P1869:nephew: Too 1872:nephew: “Too crossed out Q @6( MS:dignity, CP1869:dignity; Q71 MS:ordinem-order and the 5 inserted above 5 mode P1869:ordinem, order < > mode, 6281 MS:&gnorut-it 62g1 MS:Was 5 over illegible ignores: why P1869:Ignorat, it 1872:ignores:” why erasure 5 6sW31) MS:5 crowded between 629-32 in continuous line divided by / between say? and I § By Frederic Barroccio, shall PZ869:(By Cavalier Marratta, shall 632-84( MS:the Sacred Text!/ Sampson P1869:the Sacred Text:/ That’s not so much the portrait as the man!/ Sampson 2889a:the Sacred Text/ That’s 6351 MS:Of Guido in the Villa: such 5 last four words crossed out and replaced above by four words 5 at Rome: for, 6361 MS:bear, note the NazariteP1869:the Nazarite! 2872:at Rome: observe the 1872:bear: 6371 MS:he took 5 over perhaps bore Q 6381 MS:Gyves, Q added in 6421 MS:all of him one margin Q Stripes and the 5 crossed out § PZ869:Gyves, stripes Q crossed out and replaced above by $j was fire, P1869:him on fire, 1872:all the man one fire, 6451 MS:!% pulled < > death thereby Q crossed out 5 and all PZ869:So, pulled < > all, 64s) MS:In dying P2869:Dying 6a6) MS:znterjeczt,-ay, P1869:interjecit, ay,
Occiderat, he ever killed before. 650 Are these things writ for no example, Sirs? One instance more, and let me see who doubts! Our Lord Himself, made all of mansuetude, Sealing the sum of sufferance up, received Opprobrium, contumely and buffeting 655 Without complaint: but when He found Himself Touched in His honour never so little for once, Then outbroke indignation pent before“Honorem
My honour I to nobody will give!” 66O And certainly the example so hath wrought, That whosoever, at the proper worth, Apprises worldly honour and repute, Esteems it nobler to die honoured man Beneath Mannaia, than live centuries 665 Disgraced in the eye o’ the world. We find Saint Paul No recreant to this faith delivered once: “Far worthier were it that I died,” cries he, Expedit mihi magis mori, “than That anyone should make my glory void,” 670
Quam ut gloriam meam quis evacuet! whereupon See, ad Corinthienses:
Saint Ambrose makes a comment with much fruit, Doubtless my Judges long since laid to heart,
64g1 MS:before? PI 869:before. ‘j511 MS:more-and P1869:morq and 6521 MS:Our Lord H imself, made up 5 last two words inserted above line 5 of 2872:made all of 6551 M&when he 5 .Inserted above line § CP1869:when He 656) MS:oncePI 869:once, 6581 MS:dabo--” cried, § word crossed out 5 “No, P1869:dabo!” “No, 65g1 MS:give”I P1869:give!” 6601 MS:wrought CPZ869:wrought, 621 MS:Apprises worldly Q inserted above line $j <> and a good § last two words crossed out Q 6x1 MS:Esteems far better § last two words crossed out and replaced above by three words Q it nobler to die an § crossed out Q 6671 MS:“Far better 9 crossed out and replaced above by 5 worthier “1 MS:morz, than P1869:morq “than 6691 MS:That any 5 altered to 5 anyone man § crossed out 5 < > my glory 5 altered to § glorying voidPl869:my glory void,” 671) MS:ad Corinthzenses-whereupon P1869:ad Connthzenses: whereupon above by § a comment which 3 crossed out Q 6721 MS:makes the $j crossed out and replaced with much 5 inserted above line 5 ‘jT3) MS:my Judges studied 3 crossed out 5 long ago,
So I desist from bringing forward here. (I can’t quite recollect it.) Have I proved Satis superque, both enough and to spare, That Revelation old and new admits The natural man may effervesce in ire, O’erflood earth, o’erfroth heaven with foamy rage, At the first puncture to his self-respect? Then, Sirs, this Christian dogma, this law-bud Full-blown now, soon to bask the absolute flower Of Papal doctrine in our blaze of day,Bethink you, shall we miss one promise-streak, One doubtful birth of dawn crepuscular, One dew-drop comfort to humanity, Now that the chalice teems with noonday wine? Yea, argue Molinists who bar revengeReferring just to what makes out our case! Under old dispensation, argue they, The doom of the adulterous wife was death, Stoning by Moses’ law. “Nay, stone her not, Put her away!” next legislates our Lord; And last of all, “Nor yet divorce a wife!” Ordains the Church, “she typifies ourself, The Bride no fault shall cause to fall from Christ.”
674-751 MS:So I desist $j last word and comma crossed out and replaced above by Q since here-have I proved my point? Q altered to $j So I desist from bringing forward here-/ (I can’t quite recollect it) Q followed by two or more words, the last of which is perhaps demanding, 1872:here.i so heavily marked out as to be illegible Q have I proved PZ869:it.) $Tj( 5 Have 676j MSsuperque, ample Q crossed out and replaced below by two words Q both enough PZ869:effervesce 6781 MSeffervese in rage Q crossed out and replaced above by $j ire 679) MS:foamy ire, 5 altered to 3 rage, ““II MS:Then § over illegible word 5 <> dogma, this $j inserted above line Q budding Q crossed out 5 law $j altered to 5 law-bud soon 68*[ MS:Full-blown and now to 5 transposed to § Full-blown now and to PZ869:now, 6861 MS:One budding 5 inserted to 6ir41 MS:you,-shall P1869:you, shall above 5 comfort to humanity, in the bud,Q last three words and comma crossed out 5 PI869:One dew-drop comfort 6871 MS:the rosy Q crossed out Q <> with noonday P1869:by § inserted above 5 6891 MS:caseP1869:case! 692) MS:by M oses law Moses’ law. 6931 MS:Divorce Q crossed out Q Put her away,” next P1869:away!” next 6951 MS:the Pope Q crossed out and replaced above by 5 6941 MS:wife, PZ869:wife!” Church-She typifies the Church Q last two words crossed out and replaced above by Q 6961 MS:Christ’s $j crossed out and replaced above ourself, PZ869:the Church, “she by Q The < > fall away Q crossed out and replaced above by two words $j from Christ.”
Then, as no jot nor tittle of the Law Has passed away- which who presumes to doubt? As not one word of Christ is rendered vainWhich, could it be though heaven and earth should pass? -Where do I find my proper punishment For my adulterous wife, I humbly ask Of my infallible Pope,-who now remits Even the divorce allowed by Christ in lieu Of lapidation Moses licensed me? The Gospel checks the Law which throws the stone, The Church tears the divorce-bill Gospel grants: Shall wives sin and enjoy impunity? What profits me the fulness of the days, The final dispensation, I demand, Unless Law, Gospel and the Church subjoin “But who hath barred thee primitive revenge, Which, like fire damped and dammed up, burns more fierce? Use thou thy natural privilege of man, Else wert thou found like those old ingrate Jews, Despite the manna-banquet on the board, A-longing after melons, cucumbers, And such like trash of Egypt left behind!” (There was one melon had improved our soup:
‘jg81 MS:doubt?P1869:doubt? 6g9/ MS:is rendered 3 over illegible erasure § vain,P1869:vain700/ MS:Which could not be though Heaven and earth were blank,-P1869:Which, could it be though heaven and earth should pass? 7011 MS:And as the Pope 5 last four words crossed out and replaced above by four words Q -Where do I find 702/ MS:ask, CPl869:ask ro31 MS:infallible Pope who CPZ869:infallible Popewho 1869:infallible Pope,-who r”5/ MS:Of the Q crossed out Q < > licensed erst 5 crossed out and replaced above by Q me? 7061 MS:the La w would throw the P1869:the Law which throws the 7071 MS:The Church denies Q crossed out and replaced above by two words Q tears the divorce 3 altered to 5 divorce-bill the Q crossed out 5 <> grants,PZ869:grants, 1872:grants: 70~1 MS:5 crowded between 707-9 Q There stands my wife, enjoys impunity1 PZ869:The wife sins and enjoys 1872:Shall wives sin and enjoy impunity? 7’1) MS:subjoin 5 over unite 5 712) MS:barred thy Q altered to Q the natural 5 crossed out and replaced above by 5 primitive 7131 MS:Should, like a § crossed out $j fire restricted 5 crossed out and replaced above by four words 3 damped and dammed up, burn more P1869:Which, like < > burns 7141 MSxrowded between 713-15 $j thou the natural PI869:thou thy natural 715) MS:those old $j inserted above $j P1869:ingrate Jews, ungrate § altered to 5 ingrate Jews 7161 MSthe Christian 5 crossed out and replaced above by § manna7171 MS:cucumbers 1872:cucumbers, 718) MS:And the good fare of < > behmd.” P1869:And such like trash of < > behind!” 71*-191 MS:§ no ( 5 1872: Q q Q 71g( MS:melon, had improved the 5 crossed out and
But did not Cinoncino need the rind To make a boat with? So I seem to think.)
Law, Gospel and the Church-from these we leap To the very last revealment, easy rule Befitting the well-born and thorough-bred 725 0’ the happy day we live in, not the dark 0’ the early rude and acorn-eating race. “Behold,” quoth James, “we bridle in a horse And turn his body as we would thereby!” Yea, but we change the bit to suit the growth, 730 And rasp our colt’s jaw with a rugged spike We hasten to remit our managed steed Who wheels round at persuasion of a touch. Civilization bows to decency, The acknowledged use and wont: ‘tis manners,-mild 735 But yet imperative law,-which make the man. Thus do we pay the proper compliment To rank, and what society of Rome Hath so obliged us by its interest, Taken our client’s part instinctively, 74* As unaware defending its own cause. What dictum doth Society lay down I’ the case of one who hath a faithless wife? Wherewithal should the husband cleanse his way?
1872:melon had < > soup: 7221 MS:5 note that new 7 replaced above by 5 our soup, begins 5 72s( MS:the very 3 inserted above 3 < > revealment, light and 5 last two words crossed out 5 easy rule 7241 MS:thoroughly bred PZ869:thorough-bred 725/ MS:the better day, Q last two words and comma crossed out and replaced above by five PI869:in,not the dark words, comma and dash 5 happy days we live in,-not our sires, 7281 MS:thereby;” 1872:in, not 7261 MS:The early PZ869:O’ the early P1869:therebyl” 7301 MS:rasp the colt’s PZ869:rasp our colt’s 7341 MS:wont, the rs*I MS:remit the managed P1869:remit our managed 7351 MS:manP1869:man. manners 1872:wont: ‘tis manners 7371 MS:rank, that good 5 crossed out and replaced above by 5 choice society PZ869:rank, DC,BrU:and what society 1889:and that society 5 emended to § and and that society 7381 MS:That $j crossed out 3 hath $j altered to 5 what society Q see Editorial Notes 5 Hath so Q inserted above Q 7391 MS:instinctively PZ869:instinctively, 7431 MS:the Husband 742) MS:of him 5 crossed out and replaced above by 5 one
Be patient and forgive? Oh, language fails,Shrinks from depicturing his turpitude! For if wronged husband raise not hue and cry, Quod si ma&us de adulterio non Conquereretur, he’s presumed a-foh! Presumitur leno: so, complain he must. But how complain? At your tribunal, lords? Far weightier challenge suits your sense, I wot! You sit not to have gentlemen propose Questions gentility can itself discuss. Did not you prove that to our brother Paul? The Abate, quum judicialiter Prosequeretur, when he tried the law, Guidonis causam, in Count Guido’s case, Accidit ipsi, this befell himself, Quod risum mouerit et cachinnos, that He moved to mirth and cachinnation, all Or nearly all, fere in omnibus Etiam sensatis et cordatis, men Strong-sensed, sound-hearted, nay, the very Court, Ipsismet in judicibus, I might add, Non tamen dicam. In a cause like this, So multiplied were reasons pro and con, Delicate, intertwisted and obscure, That Law refused loan of a finger-tip To unravel, re-adjust the hopeless twine,
PI 869: the husband 744-471 MS:fails-/ § crowded between 744-45 5 For < > cryPZ869:fails-/ Shrinks from depicturing his punishment!/ For < > ay,/ Quod 1872:fails,-/ Shrinks < > his turpitude!// 7a81 MS:Conqueretur-he’s P1869:Conqueretur, he’s 74g1 MS:so complain he mustPZ869:so, complain he must. 7501 MS:Lords? P1869:lords? 7511 MS:weightier business Q crossed out and replaced above by Q challenge 7521 MS:not here that gentlemen PZ869:not to have gentlemen 7531 MS:discuss: P1869:discuss. 7561 MS:law P1869:law, 7581 MS:Ipsi accidit 5 transposed to Q Accidit ipsi 7611 MS:all-fere PZ869:all, fere 7631 MS:sound-hearted, -nay, the very Q inserted above Q Court P1869:sound-hearted, nay < > Court, 7641 MS:Non tamen dicam $j crossed out and replaced above by § lpsismet in judicibus,-I might say 5 crossed out and replaced above by Q add,P1869:pdicibus, I < > add, 765) MS:Zpszsmet 5 aossed out and replaced above by Q Non tamen 7661 MS:pro and con, P1869:pro and con, 7681 MS:That law were shamed to lend a 1872:That Law refused loan of a 7691 MS:readjust < > hopless PZ869:hopeless
Since, half-a-dozen steps outside Law’s seat, There stood a foolish trifler with a tool A-dangle to no purpose by his side, Had clearly cut the embroilment in a trite. Asserunt enim unanimiter Doctor-es, for the Doctors all assert That husbands, quod mariti, must be held Viles, cornuti reputantur, vile, Fronts branching forth a florid infamy, Si propriis manibus, if with their own hands, Non sumunt, they fail straight to take revenge, Vindictam, but expect the deed be done By the Court-expectant illam fieri Per judices, qui summopere rident, which Gives an enormous guffaw for reply, Et cachinnantur. For he ran away, Deliquit enim, just that he might ‘scape The censure of both counsellors and crowd, Ut vulgi et doctorum euitaret Censuram, and lest so he superadd To loss of honour ignominy too, Et sic ne istam quoque ignominiam Amiss0 honori superadderet. My lords, my lords, the inconsiderate step Was-we referred ourselves to Law at all! Twit me not with “Law else had punished you!”
1872:re-adjust 7701 MS:While, half a dozen steps outside the Court, PZ869:half-a-dozen < > the court, 1872:outside Law’s seat, 77*1 MS:It § altered to Q A-dangle < > side P1869:side, 773( MS:Had fitly $j uncertain; crossed out and replaced above by Q cleanly cut the tangle in P1869:Had clearly 1872:the embroilment in 775/ MS:assert, § over possibly agree, Q DC,BrU: assert 2889:assert, 5 emended to Q 777) MS:vile 1872:vile, 7781 MS:And branching assert Q see Editorial Notes 5 1872:Fronts branching 7791 MS:hands 1869:hands, 7801 MS:they take not straightway revenge, 1872:they fail straightway take revenge, 1889a:fail straight to take < > the deed Q over illegible word 5 PZ869: Vindictam, but 78’1 MS:V’ m d’ tc t am-but 78s) MS:Per pdices-qui <> radent ,-which P1869:pdices, qui < > rident, which 7861 MS:scape P1869:‘scape 7871 MS:both 7841 MS:reply PZ869:reply, 7881 MS:et Doctorurn Counselors and crowd PZ869:both counsellors and crowd, 1889a:et doctorum 7901 MS:honour, 5 followed by word inserted above and then erased Q ignominy too PZ869:honour ignominy too, ‘911 MS:Still worse 5 crossed out Q 7941 MS:Was. that 5 crossed out Q -we P1869:Was-we 795( MS:with-“Law < > you,“P1869:with, “Law <> you!” 1889a:with “Law
Each punishment of the extra-legal step, To which the high-born preferably revert, Is ever for some oversight, some slip I’ the taking vengeance, not for vengeance’ self. A good thing, done unhandsomely, turns ill; And never yet lacked ill the law’s rebuke. For pregnant instance, let us con template The luck of Leonardus,-see at large Of Sicily’s Decisions sixty-first. This Leonard finds his wife is false: what then? He makes her own son snare her, and entice Out of the town walls to a private walk Wherein he slays her with commodity. They find her body half-devoured by dogs: Leonard is tried, convicted, punished, sent To labour in the galleys seven years long: Why? For the murder? Nay, but for the mode! Malus modus occidendi, ruled the Court, An ugly mode of killing, nothing more! Another fructuous sample,-see “De Re Criminali,” in Matthzus divine piece. Another husband, in no better plight, Simulates absence, thereby tempts his wife; On whom he falls, out of sly ambuscade, Backed by a brother of his, and both of them Armed to the teeth with arms that law had blamed.
7g6) MS:punishment for Q crossed out and replaced above by Q of < > step PZ869:step, “71 MS:the genteel § uncertain; crossed out and replaced above by Q high-born < > revert P1869:revert, some fault 5 crossed out 5 rg81 MS:oversight, ‘ggl MS:In $j altered PZ869:self. to Q I’ < > self: Booj MS:thing done unhandsomely turns ill, P1869:ill; 2872:thing, done unhandsomely, turns *Oil MS:the Law’s P1869:the law’s 8021 MS:For pregnant $j inserted above line Q 8041 MS:sixty-first: PZ869:sixty-first. *OS1 MS:Th’ is L eonard 5 over illegible word § 8071 MS:town-walls < > private place Q crossed out Q walk: P1869:walk, 1889a:walk 8081 MS:commodity; PI869:commodity. *Ogl MS:dogs. P1869:dogs: 8101 MS:tried, condemned Q altered to Q convicted, and Q crossed out Q punished 8111 MS:gallies P1869:galleys 8121 MS:Why, Q altered to 5 ? for Q altered to 5 For 815) M&le, see Pl869:sample,-see 8161 MS:in Matthaeus’ masterpiece Q altered to 5 divine piece: Pl869:piece. in < > plight PZ869:husband, in 8171 MS:husband < > plight, 8’81 MS:tempts the wife, P1869:wife; 1872:tempts his wife; 8191 MS:of an 3 altered to Q sly ***I MS:law forbade. P1869:law had blamed.
Nimis dolose, overwilily, Fuisse operaturn, did they work, Pronounced the law: had all been fairly done Law had not found him worthy, as she did, Of four years’ exile. Why cite more? Enough Is good as a feast-(unless a birthday-feast For one’s Cinuccio) so, we finish here. My lords, we rather need defend ourselves Inasmuch as, for a twinkling of an eye, We hesitatingly appealed to law,Than need deny that, on mature advice, We blushingly bethought us, bade revenge Back to its simple proper private way Of decent self-dealt gentlemanly death. Judges, here is the law, and here beside, The testimony! Look to it! Pause and breathe! So far is only too plain; we must watch: Bottini will scarce hazard an attack Here: best anticipate the fellow’s play And guard the weaker places-warily ask, What if considerations of a sort, Reasons of a kind, arise from out the strange Peculiar unforeseen new circumstance Of this our (candour owns) abnormal act,
8221 MS:overwilily 2869:overwilily, 8231 MS:operatum, was his work PI869:was it worked, 1872:operatum, did they work, 8241 MS:the Law P1869:the law **5/ $j over illegible word Q 8261 MS:Of Q inserted in margin Q Four Q altered to 5 8271 MS:birthday feast PZ869:birthday-feast four whole jj crossed out 5 8281 MS:one’s Cinuccio: so we’ll finish here) PZ869:so, we’ll 1872:one’s Cinuccio) so, we finish here. 8291 MS:In fine-we P1869:My lords, we 8so/ MS:Inasmuch as 1872:eye, Q squeezed in Q , for one Q crossed out and replaced above by 5 a < > eye 8321 MS:Rather than 8311 MS:hesitated $j altered to 5 hesitatingly and Q crossed out 5 that $j crossed out and replaced above by 5 deny, on more mature advice PZ869:deny that, on mature advice, 1872:Than need deny 83~1 MS:us, took ourselves PZ869:us, bade 8361 MS: Judges, there is the revenge 8341 MS:to the simple 1872x0 its simple Law-and what beside? P1869:the law, and this beside, 1872:Judges, here is < > and here 8381 MS:watch, beside, 8srl MS:testimony. Look PZ869:testimonyI Look 1872:watch: i40l MS:Here: let’s anticipate < > play, 2889a:Here: best DC,BrU:play 1889:play 843) MS:kind arise < > strange, PI869:kind, arise < > strange 8441 MS:Peculiar, unforseen, new PZ869:Peculiar unforseen new 8451 MS:our-candour owns-abnormal PZ869:our (candour owns) abnormal
To bar the right of us revenging so? “Impunity were otherwise your meed: Go slay your wife and welcome,“-may be urged,“But why the innocent old couple slay, Pietro, Violante? You may do enough, Not too much, not exceed the golden mean: Neither brute-beast nor Pagan, Gentile, Jew, Nor Christian, no nor votarist of the mode, Is justified to push revenge so far.” No, indeed? Why, thou very sciolist! The actual wrong, Pompilia seemed to do, Was virtual wrong done by the parents hereImposing her upon us as their childThemselves allow: then, her fault was their fault, Her punishment be theirs accordingly! But wait a little, sneak not off so soon! Was this cheat solely harm to Guido, pray? The precious couple you call innocent,Why, they were felons that Law failed to clutch, Qui ut fraudarent, who that they might rob, Legitime vocatos, folk law called, Ad fidei commissum, true heirs to the Trust, Partum supposuerunt, feigned this birth, Immemores reos factos esse, blind To the fact that, guilty, they incurred thereby, Ultimi supplicii, hanging or what’s worse.
8461 MS:May bar < > so, P1869:To bar < > so? 8471 MS:The impunity < > otherwise our meed? PZ869:otherwise your meed: 1869:“Impunity 8481 MS:welcome,-may P1869:welcome,“-may **91 MS:But PZ869:“But 8521 MS:nor pagan P1869:nor Pagan 8531 MS:mode P1869:mode, 8541 MS:Were free at all to <> far! PZ869:farI” 1872:Was justified to 1889a:Is justified 8561 MS:wrong Pompilia < > do PZ869:wrong, 85+551 MS:3 no lj 5 P1869:§ l/ 5 Pompilia < > do, 8571 MS:here PZ869:here8641 MS:are CP1869:were Pl869:that law 1889a:that Law 8651 MS:fraudarent-who < > rob P1869:jraudarent, who < > rob, 8661 MS:vocatos-folks law called P1869:vocatos, folks law called, 1889a:folk 8671 MS:commissum-true Pl869:commissum, true 8681 MS:supposuerunt-feigned < > birth PI869:supposuerunt, feigned < > birth, 8701 MS:thereby Pl869:thereby, 8691 MS:esse-blind P1869:esse, blind 8711 MS:supplicii-hanging or aught worse. Pl869:supplicii, hanging 1872:or what’s
Do you blame us that we turn Law’s instruments, Not mere self-seekers, -mind the public weal, Nor make the private good our sole concern? That having- shall I say-secured a thief, Not simply we recover from his pouch The stolen article our property, But also pounce upon our neighbour’s purse We opportunely find reposing there, And do him justice while we right ourselves? He owes us, for our part, a drubbing say, But owes our neighbour just a dance i’ the air Under the gallows: so, we throttle him. That neighbour’s Law, that couple are the Thief, We are the over ready to help LawZeal of her house hath eaten us up: for which, Can it be, Law intends to eat up us, Crudum Priamum, devour poor Priam raw, (‘Twas Jupiter’s own joke) with babes to boot, Priamique pisinnos, in Homeric phrase? Shame!-and so ends my period prettily. But even, -prove the pair not culpable, Free as unborn babe from connivance at, Participation in, their daughter’s fault: Ours the mistake. Is that a rare event? Non semel, it is anything but rare, In contingentia facti, that by chance, Imputies evaserunt, go Scot-free, Qui, such well-meaning people as ourselves,
worse. R721 MS:mstruments 1872:instruments, 8791 MS:thcre 3 over here s PI869:there, @‘I MS:say,-Pl869:say, 8821 MS:He owes Pl869:But owes sEsl MS:the gallows-tree: we strangle $j crossed out and replaced above by Q throttle P1869:the gallows: so we 1872:so, we @J41 MS:The neighbor’s Law, the couple 1872:That neighbor’s Law, that couple 8851 MS:over-ready 1872:over ready 8881 MS:raw PI 869:raw, 8871 MS& Law < > usP1869:be, Law <> us, 8891 MS:‘Twas <> joke, with his Q crossed out 5 P1869:(‘Twas <> joke) with 8901 MS:pistnnos-in P1869:pismnos, in 8911 MS:end the period P1869:ends 1889a:ends my period 8~1 MS:§ marginal notation that new 7 begins Q pair unculpable, PZ869:pair not culpable, 8~1 MS:in their P1869:in their 8981 MS:scot-free P1869:scot-free, 8991 MS:&i-such < > ourselves P1869:Qua,
900 Justo dolore moti, who aggrieved With cause, apposuerunt manus, lay Rough hands, in innocentes, on wrong heads. Cite we an illustrative case in point: Mulier Smirnea quedam, good my lords, 905 A gentlewoman lived in Smyrna once, Virum et filium ex eo con.ceptum, who Both husband and her son begot by him Killed, interfecerat, ex quo, because, Vir filium suum perdiderat, her spouse 910 Had been beforehand with her, killed her son, Matrimonii primi, of a previous bed. Deznde accusata, then accused, Apud Dolabellam, before him that sat Proconsul, net duabus cadibus 915 Contaminatam liberare, nor To liberate a woman doubly-dyed With murder, voluit, made he up his mind, Net condemnare, nor to doom to death, Justo dolore impulsam, one impelled 920 By just grief; sed remisit, but sent her up Ad Areopagum, to the Hill of Mars, Sapien tissimorum judicum Cc&urn, to that assembly of the sage Paralleled only by my judges here;
go11 MS:with justice Q crossed out $j go21 MS:hands tn such < > ourselves, mnocentes on Pl869:hands, m mnocentes, on ‘“1 MS:qwedum-good PI869:qwedam, good go5I MS:once Pl869:once, ““‘1 MS:son that he begot P1869:son begot by him, 1889a:him W*I MS:quo because, P1869:quo, because, g*“I MS:son PZ869:son, 9121 MS:accusata,then accused PI869:accusata, then accused. g’s1 MS:before Q followed by illegible erasure; perhaps that 5 9’51 MS:Contaminatam liberare,nor P1869:Comtammatam liberare, nor 9’61 MS:liberate one hu Q last two words crossed out Q 1872:Contamtnatam 9’71 MS:murder--voluzt-made < > mind P1869:murder, voluat, made < > mind, “*I MS:condemnnre-nor condemn § crossed out and replaced above by two words § to doom to death Pl869:condemnare, nor < > death, 9’91 MS:rmpulsam one P1869:zmpulsam, one 9201 MS:grief, sed < > sent up PZ869:sent her up 1889a:grief; sed 9231 MS:C&elum ,-to that 5 over possibly the Q assemblies § altered to § assembly P1869:C@tum, to 9241 M&Only to be 5 last two words crossed out 5 paralleled Q altered to 5 paralleled Q with indication that order of the two words be
Ubi, cognito de causa, where, the cause Well weighed, responsum est, they gave reply, Ut ipsa et accusator, that both sides 0’ the suit, redirent, should come back again, Post centum annos, after a hundred years, For judgment; et sic, by which sage decree, Duplici parricidio rea, one Convicted of a double parricide, Quamvis etiam innocentem, though in truth Out of the pair, one innocent at least She, occidisset, plainly had put to death, Undequaque, yet she altogether ‘scaped, Euasit impunis. See the case at length In Valerius, fittingly styled Maximus, That eighth book of his Memorable Facts. Nor Cyriacus cites beside the mark: Similiter uxor que mandaverat, Just so, a lady who had taken care, Homicidium uiri, that her lord be killed, Ex denegatione debiti, For denegation of a certain debt, Matrimonialis, he was 10th to pay, Fuit pecuniaria mulcta, was Amerced in a pecuniary mulct, Punita, et ad pcznam, and to pains, Temporalem, for a certain space of time, In monasterio, in a convent. CAY,
P1869:only by my judges Q251 MS:where the PI869:where, reversed Q by my Judges Qz*j MS:redirent the “‘“1 MS:est,-they < > reply P1869:est, they < > reply, 9291 MS:annos after 5 over should < > again P1869:redirent, should < > again, after Q3*1 MS:judgment, et CPZ869:judgment; et perhaps an Q P1869:annos, 9321 MS:parricide PZ869:parricide, ~“11 MS:rea-one P1869:rea, one PZ869:Out < > pair, one < > least 9341 MS:One < > least out < > pair Q”6I MS:scaped PI869:‘scaped, ~$51 MS:She occzdisset P1869:She, occzdisset PI869:In Valerius, fittingly < > Maxzmus, ~381 MS:In Valerius-fittingly < > Maxtmus~411 MS:mandaverut 9401 MS:5 initial illegible erasure 3 markPZ869:mark: ~431 MS:vzri 9421 MS:so a < > care P1869:so, a < > care, P1869:mandaverat, 9441 MS:debztz Pl869:debtk that < > killed P1869:vzri, that < > killed, Q’“I MS:Matrzmonzalis he P1869:Matrzmonialis, ~451 MS:debt P1869:debt, 9481 MS:mulct PI869:mulct, 9471 MS:mulcta,was P1869:mulcta was he ~5’1 MS:convent: ay, P1869:convent. 5 7 5 Ay, ~4~1 MS:pains PI869:pains,
In monasterio! He mismanages In with the ablative, the accusative! I had hoped to have hitched the villain into verse For a gift, this very day, a complete list 0’ the prepositions each with proper case, Telling a story, long was in my head. “What prepositions take the accusative? Ad to or at-who saw the cat?-down to Ob, for, because of, keep her claws off!" 1 ‘ush Law in a man takes the whole liberty: The muse is fettered: just as Ovid found!) And now, sea widens and the coast is clear. What of the dubious act you bade excuse? Surely things broaden, brighten, till at length Remains-so far from act that needs defenceApology to make for act delayed One minute, let alone eight mortal months Of hesitation! “Why procrastinate?” (Out with it my Bottinius, ease thyself!) “Right, promptly done, is twice right: right delayed Turns wrong. We grant you should have killed your wife, But killed o’ the moment, at the meeting her In company with the priest: then did the tongue
1872:(Ay, g521 MSmonasterio-how he manages P1869:monasterto! How 1872:manages, 1889a:monasterzol He mismanages 9s41 MS:hitched him into P1869:hitched the villain into g551 MS:gift this < > day a PZ869:gift, this < > day, a PZ869:story, long < > head. g5*1 MS:What ‘“‘1 MS:story long < > head1889a:“What “591 MS:who saw the cat?-down P1869:who saw the cat?-down 960-621 MS:for, or because of, keep her claws offI Ah,/ The < > fettered,-just < > found! PZ869:for, because of, keep her claws o#I Ah,/ Law in a man takes the whole liberty!// 2872:/I < > fettered: just <> found!) 2889a:offI” Tush/ < > liberty:// ~3) MS:now, sky brightens § last two words crossed out and replaced above by two words $j sea widens < > clearPI 869:clear. 96+661 MS&e murky § crossed out and replaced above by 5 dubious < > bade we cleanse Q last two words crossed out and replaced above by two words Q be plain?/ Remains P1869:bade excuse?/ Surely things brighten, brighten, till at length/ Remains Z889a:/ < > things broaden, brighten, till < > // 969-7l1 MS:hesitation. PZ869:hesitation! “Why procrastinate?“/ (Out with it my “Why procrastinate?/ “Right Bottinius, ease thyself!)/ “Right 9721 MS:you might Q crossed out and replaced above by Q should 9731 MS:But on the moment ,-at PZ869:moment, at 1872:But killed o’ the 9741 MS:with the Q inserted above 5 priest,-then PZ869:priest: then
0’ the Brazen Head give license, ‘Time is nowl’ Wait to make mind up? ‘Time is past’ it peals. Friend, you are competent to mastery 0’ the passions that confessedly explain An outbreak: you allow an interval, g80 And then break out as if time’s clock still clanged. You have forfeited your chance, and flat you fall Into the commonplace category Of men bound to go softly all their days, Obeying Law.” Now, which way make response? 985 What was the answer Guido gave, himself? -That so to argue came of ignorance How honour bears a wound. “For, wound,” said he, “My body, and the smart soon mends and ends: While, wound my soul where honour sits and rules, 990 Longer the sufferance, stronger grows the pain, fresh as first.” Being ex incontinenti, But try another tack, urge common sense By way of contrast: say-Too true, my lords! We did demur, awhile did hesitate: 995 Since husband sure should let a scruple speak Ere he slay wife,- for his own safety, lords!
g7sI MS:licence, “Time < > now”1 PI 869: ‘Time < > now!’ 1889a:license “‘“1 MS:You make your mind up: “Time is past” it clangs Q crossed out and replaced above by Q peals. P1869:up: ‘Time is past’ it 1872:Wait to make mind up? ‘Time “‘“1 MS:confessedly excuse PI869:confessedly explain “‘1 MS:An out-break,-yet allow PZ869:outbreak Z872:outbreak: you allow “soI MS:And then 5 inserted in margin Q Break 5 altered to Q break gasI MS:days P1869:days, ‘““1 MS:Obeying law.” Now <> make rispost? P1869:“ 5 ( Q Now <> make response? 1889a:Law ““71 MS:a wound: for g*61 MS:That < > came Q over illegible word $j PZ869:-That wound, said P1869:a wound: “For, wound,” said 1889a:a wound. “For ‘*aI MS:“My <> smart is worst at firstP1869:“My <> first: 1872:smart soon mends and ends: “““1 MS:While, Q word and comma inserted in margin Q Wound < > where ‘+goI MS:pain,P1869:pain, my 5 crossed out Q P1869:While, wound “9rI MS:‘Tis ex tncontinentt-fresh as f&t. P1869:‘Tis ex zncontznentt, fresh as first.” 2872:Being ex gg*I MS:tack-calm common PZ869:tack, calm common 2872: tack, urge common 9931 MScontrast-as-too <> lordsPZ869:contrast: as-Too <> lords! PZ872:contrast: say-Too 9941 MS:demur, did hesitate awhile: sindication to change word order to Q demur, awhile did hesitate: 9951 MS:Yet husband < > let each scruple P1869:let a scruple 1872:Since husband
Carpers abound in this misjudging world: Moreover, there’s a nicety in law That seems to justify them should they carp. Suppose the source of injury a son,Father may slay such son yet run no risk: Why graced with such a privilege? Because A father so incensed with his own child, Or must have reason, or believe he has: Quia semper, seeing that in such event, Presumitur, the law is bound suppose, Quod capiat pa&r, that the sire must take, Bonum consilium pro filio, The best course as to what befits his boy, Through instinct, ex instinctu, of mere love, Amoris, and, paterni, fatherhood; Quum confidentium, which confidence, Non hubet, law declines to entertain, De viro, of the husband: where finds he An instinct that compels him love his wife? Rather is he presumably her foe. So, let him ponder long in this bad world Ere do the simplest act of justice.
Again- and here we brush Bottini’s Object you, “See the danger of delay!
But breast-
““71 MS:world, Pl869:world. 1872:world: gggI MS:carp: 1872:carp. loool MS:son, PZ869:son,10051 MS:semper-seeing PI869:semper, seeing 10061 MS:Presumzter-the < > suppose PI869:Presumzter, the < > suppose, 10071 MS:pater-that < > take P1869:pater, that < > take, 1~81 MS$lio PI 869:jl io, l”‘Jg( MS:boy. P1869:boy, total MS:instinct-ex instinctuof < > love PZ869:instinct, ex znstinctu, of < > love, 10111 MS:And fatherhood-Amorzs paternt 5 last four words crossed out 5 Amoru, and, paterni, fatherhood. PI869:fatherhood; 10121 MS:con$dentiam-which confidence P1869:confidentzam, which confidence, rorsl MS:habet-law < > entertain P1869:hnbet, law < > entertain, 10141 MSwzro of the husband-where has he P1869:viro, of the husband: where 1872:where finds he ““61 MS:foe: 1872:foe. 10171 MS:So let P1869:So, let to**1 MS:Ere he the < > justice do. PI 869: Ere do the < > justice. Q 9 Q But 10201 MS:you. “See < > delay: P1869:you, ‘See < > delay!
Suppose a man murdered my friend last month: Had I come up and killed him for his pains In rage, I had done right, allows the law: I meet him now and kill him in cold blood, I do wrong, equally allows the law: Wherein do actions differ, yours and mine?” In plenitudine intellectus es? Hast thy wits, Fist? To take such slayer’s life, Returns it life to thy slain friend at all? Had he stolen ring instead of stabbing friend,To-day, to-morrow or next century, Meeting the thief, thy ring upon his thumb, Thou justifiably hadst wrung it thence: So, couldst thou wrench thy friend’s life back again, Though prisoned in the bosom of his foe, Why, law would look complacent on thy wrath. Our case is, that the thing we lost, we found: The honour, we were robbed of eight months since, Being recoverable at any day By death of the delinquent. Go thy ways! Ere thou hast learned law, will be much to do, As said the gaby while he shod the goose. Nay, if you urge me, interval was none1 From the inn to the villa-blank or else a bar Of adverse and contrarious incident Solid between us and our just revenge! What with the priest who flourishes his blade, The wife who like a fury flings at us, The crowd-and then the capture, the appeal
10231 MS:rage-I < > righttO*t1 MS:man has killed my P1869:man murdered my allows PZ869:rage, I < > right, allows to*51 MS:And do wrong-equally PI869:I *O301 MS:friend do wrong, equally *O*71 MS:5 crowded between 1026-28 5 ‘0341 MS:So couldst < > P1869:friend,io3i1 MS:century PZ869:century, tOs51 MS:his $j over illegible erasure 5 foe again P1869:So, couldst < > again, loss1 MS:thy rush. PI869:foe, 1889a:foe. Q emended to Q foe, Q see Editorial Notes $j 1872:thy wrath. to401 MS:delinquent, Go thy 10371 MS:is that P1869:is, that lo411 MS:thou 5 followed by illegible erasure ways, P1869:delinquent. Go thy ways! 10421 MS:the rustic while < > goose! PZ869:goose. 1872: the gaby while i04*-431 MS:$j no 7 5 P1869:§ Q cj 1889a:§ no 1 Q 1889:s no 7; emended to restore 8; see 10461 MS:revenge. Editorial Notes 5 10431 MS:But, if P1869:Nay, if
To Rome, the journey there, the jaunting thence To shelter at the House of Convertites, The visits to the Villa, and so forth, Where was one minute left us all this while To put in execution that revenge We planned o’ the instant? -as it were, plumped down 0’ the spot, some eight months since, which round sound egg, Rome, more propitious than our nest, should hatch! Object not, “You reached Rome on Christmas-eve, And, despite liberty to act at once, Waited a whole and indecorous week!” Hath so the Molinism, the canker, lords, Eaten to our bone? Is no religion left? No care for aught held holy by the Church? What, would you have us skip and miss those Feasts 0’ the Natal Time, must we go prosecute Secular business on a sacred day? Should not the merest charity expect, Setting our poor concerns aside for once, We hurried to the song matutinal I’ the Sistine, and pressed forward for the Mass The Cardinal that’s Camerlengo chaunts, Then rushed on to the blessing of the Hat And Rapier, which the Pope sends to what prince Has done most detriment to the InfidelAnd thereby whetted courage if ‘twere blunt?
P1869:revengel to501 MS:there, the journey thence, 1889a:the jaunting thence *05r/ MS:The shelter 2889u:To shelter 10521 MS:visit P1869:visits lo5*1 MS:revenge,P1869:revenge ‘0551 MS:Believe, dear Lords,-we < > instant, plumped P1869:We < > instant?-as it were, plumped down 1O561 MS:Down, a sound egg, o’ < > months hence, P1869:A round sound <> months since, 1872.0 < > since, which round sound egg, 10571 MS:hatch? PZ869:hatchl *05*1 MS:Remark not-you arrive Q crossed out and replaced above by two words 5 reach Rome on Christmas-night $j crossed out and replaced above by 5 eve, PZ869:Object not, “You reach CPl869:reached r”60/ MS:Wait a full week-indecorous delay! P1869:delay!” CPl869:“Waited a week 1872:a whole and indecorous week!” 10611 MS:the M o 1inism canker P1869:the Molinism-canker 1872:the Molinism, the canker 10621 MS:to the bone 1889n:to our bone 10631 MS:church Q altered to 5 Church 10701 MS:forward to Q altered to 5 for 10731 MS:what Prince CP1869:prince 10751 MS:whet our courage 1872:whetted courage
Meantime, allow we kept the house a week, Suppose not we were idle in our mew! Picture us raging here and raving there“ ‘Money?’ I need none. ‘Friends?’ The word is null. Restore the white was on that shield of mine Borne at” . . . wherever might be shield to bear. “I see my grandsire, he who fought so well At” . . . here find out and put in time and place, Or else invent the fight his grandsire fought: “I see this! I see that!” (See nothing else, Or I shall scarce see lamb’s fry in an hour! What to the uncle, as I bid advance The smoking dish? “Fry suits a tender tooth! Behoves we care a little for our kinYou, Sir, -who care so much for cousinship As come to your poor loving nephew’s feast!” He has the reversion of a long lease yetLand to bequeath! He loves lamb’s fry, I know!) Here fall to be considered those same six Qualities; what Bottini needs must call So many aggravations of our crime,
1o76[ MS:Meantime, suppose we PI 869:Meantime, allow we lo771 MS:our cage: P1869:our mew: 1872:mew! lo781 MS:Picture Count Guido raging < > and there1o7g1 MS:“Money?” I < > none1872:Picture us raging < > and raving there“Friends? The P1869:“ ‘ Money?’ I < > ‘Friends?’ The 1872:none. ‘Friends 1080) MS:Match me the 1872:Restore the 1o811 MS:Bom at . . wherever Pf869:“Bome at” . . wherever CPI869:bear; I872:bear. 188Ya:at” . . . wherever ‘0~21 MS:1 see Pl869:“I see ‘OR31 MS:At . . here < > out, jmt ui the lime and Jjiac e PIX69:At” . . here <> out and put in tmle 188Ya:At” . . . here 1872:place, PZ869:grandsire fought, 10841 MS:Of what might be a fight his grandsire found, 10851 MS:1 see this-1 see that-see to CPI869:fought; 1872:Or else invent the fight it all, P1869:“I < > that” Q 1 Q See 1869:that-” 5 a 5 See 1872:thisl I see that!” $j q 3 (See CPZ869:Or I shall nothing else, 10861 MS:hour: P1869:Or shall I scarce < > hour! scarce ~0871 MS:I’lI say 5 crossed out and replaced above by 5 nod to PZ869:-Nod to 1872:What to 10881 MS:dish-“Sir, for your tender teeth! PZ869:dish, “This, for P1869:kin1872:we 1872:dish? “Fry suits a tender tooth! 1o891 MS:us < > kin 10901 MS:You, Sir, who PZ869:You, Sir,-who 10911 MS:come for your < > feast! 10951 MS:He may bequeath! He < > know1 PI869:come to your < > feast!” 10951 MS:Qualities, what PZ869:Iand to bequeath! He 1872:knowl)
Parasite-growth upon mere murder’s back. We summarily might dispose of such By some off-hand and jaunty fling, some skit“So, since there’s proved no crime to aggravate, A fico for your aggravations, Fist!” No,-handle mischief rather,-play with spells Were meant to raise a spirit, and laugh the while We show that did he rise we stand his match! Therefore, first aggravation: we made upOver and above our simple murderous selvesA regular assemblage of armed men, Coadunatio armatorum,-ay, Unluckily it was the very judge That sits in judgment on our cause to-day Who passed the law as Governor of Rome: though for lawful purpose, mark! “Four men armed,“Much more for an acknowledged crime,-“shall die.” We five were armed to the teeth, meant murder too? Why, that’s the very point that saves us, Fist! Let me instruct you. Crime nor done nor meant,You punish still who arm and congregate: For wherefore use bad means to a good end? Crime being meant not done,-you punish still The means to crime, whereon you haply pounce, Though accident have baulked them of effect. But crime not only compassed but complete, Meant and done too? Why, since you have the end,
Pl869:Quahties; what 10s71 MS:back: P1869:back. 10s91 MS:fling-some P1869:fbng, some 11041 MS:that had he risen we are his PZ869:that did he rise we 1889a:we stand his “051 MS:Therefore-First PZ869:Therefore, first 11061 MS:murdering 1872:murderous 11071 MS:men P1869:men, rrosl MS:very Judge P1869:very judge rrtol MS:Who sits 2889a:That sits rrrrl MS:That passed 1889a:Who passed 1112) MS:armed-though < > markPl869:markl CP1869:armed,“-though rtrsl MS:crime-shall P1869:crime,-shall CPl869:crime,-“shall ““I MS:You 5 over perhaps We 5 < > congregate Pl869:congregate: 11181 MS:For why have used bad 2889a:For wherefore use bad “‘91 MS:Crime being $j inserted above Q < > done, you PI869:done,-you *r*o( MS:Those means to crime you < > pounce upon PI 869:The means to crime, you < > 1872:crime, whereon you < > pounce, rr*t) MS:Though circumstances have upon, baulked you of their end: 1872:Though accident have < > end. 1889a:baulked them of effect. 11221 MS:complete? PZ869:complete, 1125( MS:end P1869:end,
Be that your sole concern, nor mind those means No longer to the purpose! Murdered we? (-Which, that our luck was in the present case, Quad contigisse in present i casu, Is palpable, manibus palpatum est-) Make murder out against us, nothing else! Of many crimes committed with a view To one main crime, Law overlooks the less, In tent upon the large. Suppose a man Having in view commission of a theft, Climbs the town-wall: ‘tis for the theft he hangs, In case he stands convicted of such theft: Law remits whipping, due to who clomb wall Through bravery or wantonness alone, Just to dislodge a daw’s nest, plant a flag. So I interpret you the manly mind Of him about to judge both you and me,Our Governor, who, being no Fist, my Fist, Cannot have blundered on ineptitude! Next aggravation,that the arms themselves Were specially of such forbidden sort Through shape or length or breadth, as, prompt, From single hand of solitary man, Making him pay the carriage with his life:
Law plucks
11*4( MS:concern nor P1869:concern, nor rrr5) MSpurpose: murdered P1869:purposel Murdered rr26( MS:-Which P1869:(-Which 1127( MS:casu I***] MS:palpable-ma&us < > estP1869:palpable, manibus < > P1869:casu, P1869:nothing less! 1889n:nothing else! est-) 11291 MS:nothing more! rr”rI MS:crime, you overlook the less trs”l MS:Are many P1869:Of many P1869:less I872:crime, Law overlooks the trs4-s61 MS:town-wall: you Q crossed out $j < > hangs,/ Remit the whipping due < > climbs PZ869:hangs,/ Remitted CPl869:hangs,/ Suppose you can convict him of such theft,/ Remitted 1872:/ In case he stands convicted of < > theft: / Law remits whipping, < > clomb **37) MS:For lrs*) MS:nest and no more. 1872:nest or plant flag. bravery 1872:Through bravery 1889a:nest, plant a flag. tts9-41( MS:mind/ 0’ the Governor, my Fist, who, being no babe ,6 indication to transpose to 5 0’ the Governor, who < > babe, my fist, PZ869:mindI Of 1872:/I Our Governor < > no Fist, my him the Judge shall judge both you and me,- / 0’ “421 MS:ineptitude. PZ869:ineptitudel 1889a:I <> him about to judge both <> / rt4*-4s( MS:5 no 1 Q P1869:§ 7 § 1889a:s no fl $j 1889:s no 1[; emended to restore 7; see 11471 MS:And Editorial Notes 5 rr45( MS:prompt, law 2872:prompt, Law
Delatio armorum, arms against the rule, Contra formam constitutionis, of Pope Alexander’s blessed memory. Such are the poignards with the double prong, Horn-like, when tines make bold the antlered buck, Each prong of brittle glass-wherewith to stab And break off short and so let fragment stick Fast in the flesh to baffle surgery: Such being the Genoese blade with hooked edge That did us service at the villa here. Sed parcat mihi tam eximius vir, But,-let so rare a personage forgive,Fist, thy objection is a foppery! Thy charge runs that we killed three innocents: Killed, dost see? Then, if killed, what matter how? By stick or stone, by sword or dagger, tool Long or tool short, round or triangularPoor slain folk find small comfort in the choice! Means to an end, means to an end, my Fist! Nature cries out, “Take the first arms you find!” Furor minzstrat arma: where’s a stone? Unde mi lapidem, where darts for me? Unde sagittas? But subdue the bard
makes him 1872:Making him “*a) MSarmorum-arms < > rule P1869:armoruna, arms < > rule, 114g1 MS:con.stztutzonts of P1869:consatutlonzs, of “5*1 MS:the poniard of Q crossed out and replaced above by $j with P1869:poignard 1872:is 1889a:are the poignards 11531 MS:And all of brittle Q inserted above 3 glass-for man to stab 1872:And made of < > glass -wherewith to 2889a:Each prong of 11561 MS:And such the < > with hooks at edge 2872:Such being the < > with hooked edge 1158-5g1 MS:5 crowded between 1157-60 in continuous line § Sed-parcat < > exzmzous VU-/ But, let so choice 9 crossed out and replaced above by Q rare forgive, P1869:Sed-parcat < > eximzus vzr,// 2872:/ But, -let < > forgive,“601 MS:foppery. PZ869:fopperyl l’6’1 MS .c h ar g e is-that P1869:charge runs, that 1872:runs that “621 MS:Killed, do you see: if killed-what < > how?PZ869:Killed, dost see? Then, if killed, what 1889a: how? “6s) MS:stick and stone, by sword and dagger, tools P1869:stick or stone, by sword or dagger, tool “s*( MS:tools P1869:tool “65) MS:Poor folks, they find no comfort in a choice! PZ869:find small comfort 1872:Poor slain folks find <> in the choice! 1889a:folk “671 MS:out “Take 1889a:out, “Take 11691 MS:lapidem ,-or 5 crossed out § where my $j crossed out § darts? 5 question mark altered to fj for P1869:lapaderq where 11701 MS:sagitta.s? $j next two words illegibly crossed out, perhaps Best restrain and replaced above by two words Q But subdue
And rationalize a little. Eight months since, Had we, or had we not, incurred your blame For letting ‘scape unpunished this bad pair? I think I proved that in last paragraph1 Why did we so? Because our courage failed. Wherefore? Through lack of arms to fight the foe: We had no arms or merely lawful ones, An unimportant sword and blunderbuss, Against a foe, pollent in potency, The amasius, and our vixen of a wife. Well then, how culpably do we gird loin And once more undertake t.he high emprise, Unless we load ourselves this second time With handsome superfluity of arms, Since better is “too much” than “not enough,” And “plus non uitiat, ” too much does no harm, Except in mathematics, sages say. Gather instruction from the parable! At first we are advised-“A lad hath here Seven barley loaves and two small fishes: what Is that among so many?” Aptly asked: But put that question twice and, quite as apt, The answer is “Fragments, twelve baskets full!” And, while we speak of superabundance,
rlrl) MSrationalise a little: eight P1869rrationalize 1872:little. Eight 11721 MS:Had wc or < > not incurred P1869:Had we, or < > not, incurred 117s-751 MS:letting 1 over illegible word 0 scape < > / Why P1869:‘scape < > / I think I proved that in last paragraph!/ Why *tr6/ MS:Wherefore? Thro’ <> of means to < > that foe foe, PZ869:Wherefore? Through < > of arms to <> foe: u791 MS:Against do we P1869:Against a foe t*stl MS:culpably we gird our loins P1869:culpably the gird loin t1s21 MS:once again attempt the PI869:once more undertake trss( MS:better say “too <> rt*sl MS:we load § over illegible word, perhaps arm § <> enough, Pl869:enough,” 1872:better is “too rrrrj MS:r&at”-too-much people say. 1181/ MS:mathematics, harm PI869:vittnt,” too much < > harm, P1869:mathematics, sages say. 11891 MS:we hear 3 crossed out and replaced above by two words § are advised“A fad among us hath 5 last three words crossed out and trssl MS:Seven barley 8 inserted above § < > replaced above by two words 5 hath here that 11911 MS& fishes-what is that 5 last two words crossed out 9 PZ869:fishes: what Aptly P1869:many?” 3 last two words inserted in margin 3 < > many? -Aptly baskets ful 5 last rrss[ MS:answer were “Fragments-twelve tn*l MS:apt 1889a:apt, twelve < > two words perhaps intended to be baskets&l 0 P1869:answer is “Fragments, full!” 1193-941 MS:3 no 7 § Pl869:§ 15 1889a:s no q 5 1889:s no 7; emended to restore
7; see Editorial
here 5 altered
to 5 Sirs,
“95 We word by the way to fools who cast their flout On Guido-“Punishment were pardoned him, But here the punishment exceeds offence: He might be just, but he was cruel too!” Why, grant there seems a kind of cruelty 1200 In downright stabbing people he could maim, (If so you stigmatize the stern and strict) Still, Guido meant no cruelty-may plead Transgression of his mandate, over-zeal 0’ the part of his companions: all he craved 1205 Was, they should fray the faces of the folk, Merely disfigure, nowise make them die. Solzdmmodo fassus est, he owns no more, Dedisse mandatum, than that he desired, Ad sfrisiandum, dicam, that they hack ‘*lo And hew, i’ the customary phrase, his wife, Uxorem tantum, and no harm beside. If his instructions then be misconceived, Nay, disobeyed, impute you blame to him? Cite me no Panicollus to the point, 1*15 As adverse! Oh, I quite expect his caseHow certain noble youths of Sicily Having good reason to mistrust their wives,
P1869:superabundance, fling 1*95) MS:A word <> fools that cast 1872:We word < > fools who cast 11g61*011 MS:On Guido-“Punishment exceeds offence,/ You might be just but you were cruel here.“/ If <> stigmatise < > strict, P1869:offence:j <> cruel too!“// 1872:On Guido-“Punishment were pardoned him,/ “But here the punishment exceeds offense:/ He might be just, but he was cruel too!“/ Why grant there seems a kind of cruelty/ In downright stabbing people he could maim,/ (If <> strict) 2889a:///// <> stigmatize izo21 MS:Still, he is not without excuse-may 1872:Still, Guido meant no cruelty-may lzo41 MS:On P1869:O’ L205-71 MS:Was-they < > of the three/ Solummodo < > es&he < > more P1869:Was, they < > three:/ Solummodo < > est, he <> more, 1872:of the folk,/ Merely disfigure, nowise make them die./ Solummodo *2’r81 MS:desired PI869:desired, i*iol MS:wife Pl869:wife. r*irl MS&n&m-and P1869:tantum, and *si*l MS:If our instructions P1869:If his instructions i*rsl MS:Nay, 5 inserted in margin 5 Disobeyed 5 altered to S disobeyed <> to us? P1869:to him? r*l’l MS:point PZ869:point,
Killed them and were absolved in consequence: While others who had gone beyond the need By mutilation of each paramourAs Galba in the Horatian satire grieved -These were condemned to the galleys, cast for guilt Exceeding simple murder of a wife. But why? Because of ugliness, and not Cruelty, in the said revenge, I trow! Ex causa a bscissionis part ium; Qui nempe id facientes reputantur Nature inimici, man revolts Against them as the natural enemy. Pray, grant to one who meant to slit the nose And slash the cheek and slur the mouth, at most, A somewhat more humane award than these Obtained, these natural enemies of man! Objectum funditus corruit, flat you fall, My Fist! I waste no kick on you, but pass. Third aggravation: that our act was doneNot in the public street, where safety lies, Not in the bye-place, caution may avoid, Wood, cavern, desert, spots contrived for crime,But in the very house, home, nook and nest, 0’ the victims, murdered in their dwelling-place, In domo ac habitatione propria,
izl*l MS:consequence. P1869:consequence: i2z”) MS:of the paramourP1869:paramour 1872:of each paramour12211 MS:(As < > Horatian 3 inserted above Q satire had to 3 last two words crossed out $j grieve § altered to 5 ‘***I MS:These grieved) P1869:(.So Galba 1872:As Galba < > grieved < > gal lies, as for Pl869:-These < > galleys 1872:galleys, cast for 12241 MS:ugliness and P1869:ugliness, and 1225) MS:Cruelty in P1869:Cruelty, in i2*8/ MS:znzmxt,-man 12261 MS:parttumP1869:partium; 1229-941 MS:Ag ainst such as < > enemy-/ PI869:inimaci, man Is this mere § last three words crossed out and replaced above by two words 5 Allow our slitting nose and slashing cheek/ A < > these!/ ObJecturn P1869:enemyJ Pray, grant to one who meant to slit the nose/ And slash the cheek and slur the mouth, at most,/ A < > 1872:Against them as < > /// < > these/ Obtained, these natural enemies of man!// 1235] MS:My fist < > you but 12341 MS:corruzt: flat PI869:corruit, flat P1869:My Fist 1872:you, but i*s6) MS:5 marginal note that new fl begins § done PI 869:done12371 MS:street where lies PZ869:street, where < > lies, 124+4*/ MS:in our victims very home and/ In 12391 MS:crime, Pl869:crime,-
Where all presumably is peace and joy. The spider, crime, pronounce we twice a pest When, creeping from congenial cottage, she Taketh hold with her hands, to horrify His household more, i’ the palace of the king. All three were housed and safe and confident. Moreover, the permission that our wife Should have at length domum pro carcere, Her own abode in place of prison-why, We ourselves granted, by our other self And proxy Paolo: did we make such grant, Meaning a lure?- elude the vigilance 0’ the jailor, lead her to commodious death, While we ostensibly relented? Just so did we, nor otherwise, my Fist! Is vengeance lawful? We demand our right, But find it will be questioned or refused By jailor, turnkey, hangdog,-what know we? Pray, how is it we should conduct ourselves? To gain our private right-break public peace, Do you bid us?- trouble order with our broils? Endanger . . shall I shrink to own . . ourselves?Who want no broken head nor bloody nose (While busied slitting noses, breaking heads) From the first tipstaff that may interfere!
< > proprza P1869:in the very house, home, nook and/ 0’ the victim, murdered in her dwelling-place,/ In < > proprta, 1869:victims < > in their dwelling-place,/ 124s/ MS:is confidence. 5 word and period crossed out § peace and joy. 12441 MS:spider, crime, $j commas crossed out and then restored § seems twice a noxious Q last four words crossed out and replaced above by four words Q pronounce we twice a 12451 MS:When, so leaving 3 crossed out and replaced above by § creeping 12461 MS:hands and houseth Q last two words crossed out and replaced above by Q horrifies P1869:hands, to horrify ‘*47l MS:H’ IS h ousehold so, Q last three words inserted in margin § I’ PZ869:household more, i’ 12501 MS:carcere P1869:carcere, 12521 MS:ranted by P1869:granted, 125s1 MS:make the grant, PI869:make such grant, 1254) MS:lure,-elude by PZ869:lure?-elude 12561 MS:relented? $ ( 5 -Ay, P1869:relented? Q 1[ Q Ay, 12591 MS:And find < > questioned and refused P1869:But find < > questioned or refused rz6”+*( MS:we?/ To P1869:we?/ Pray, how is it we should conduct ourselves?/ To 1265-67) MS:nose/ From < > tipstaff shall please interfere! P1869:nose/ (While busied slitting noses, breaking heads)/ From 1872:// From < > tipstaff that may interfere!
Nam quicquid sit, for howsoever it be, An de consensu nostro, if with leave Or not, a monasterio, from the nuns, Educta esset, she had been led forth, Potuimus id dissimulare, we May well have granted leave in pure pretence, Ut aditum habere, that thereby An entry we might compass, a free move Potuissemus, to her easy death, Ad earn occidendam. Privacy 0’ the hearth, and sanctitude of home, say you? Shall we give man’s abode more privilege Than God’s?-for in the churches where He dwells, In quibus assistit Regum Rex, by means Of His essence, per essentiam, all the same, Et nihilominus, therein, in eis, Ex justa via delinquens, whoso dares To take a liberty on ground enough, Is pardoned, excusatur: that’s our caseDelinquent through befitting cause. You hold, To punish a false wife in her own house Is graver than, what happens every day, To hale a debtor from his hiding-place In church protected by the Sacrament? To this conclusion have I brought my Fist?
for < > be, 12691 MS:nostro-if P1869:nostro, Q6*j MS:szt-for < > be P1869:szt, monasterzo from the nuns PZ869:not, a monasterio, from the if 12701 MS:not-a nuns, l*rtI MS:esset-she < > forth P1869:esset, she < > forth, t*rs( MS:entry, 1274( MS:haboe, that to have P1869:habere, that thereby potuissemus, gain Q last two words crossed out 5 we might compass by the move 12761 MS:Potuzssemus-to <> death, PZ869:compass, a free move P1869:Potuissemus, to < > death, 12791 MS:Then you give P1869:Would you t**ol MS:Than God’s-for < > dwells P1869:Than God’s-for 1872:Shall we give < > dwells, l*8l( MS:assistit Regum Rexby PI869:asststtt Regum Rex, by per essentiam, all the same, 1***/ MS:essence per essentiam-yet no less P1869:essence, 1**4) MS:delinquens‘*8s( MS: ni h i Iominus-therein P1869:nihilommus, therein who makes bold Pl869:delinquens, whoso dares 1**5) MS:on fitting cause l*s6) MS:p ar d oned excusatur P1869:pardoned, excusatur PZ869:on ground enough, befitting cause. You hold, t*srl MS:through a fitting cause. You say PZ869:through 12921 MS:my Fist! Pl869:my Fist? u90/ MS:hiding place PZ869:hiding-place
Foxes have holes, and fowls o’ the air their nests; Praise you the impiety that follows, Fist? Shall false wife yet have where to lay her head? “Contra Fiscum definitum est!” He’s done! “Surge et scribe, ” make a note of it! -If I may dally with Aquinas’ word. Or in the death-throe does he mutter still, Fourth aggravation, that we changed our garb, And rusticized ourselves with uncouth hat, Rough vest and goatskin wrappage; murdered thus Mutatione vestium, in disguise, Whereby mere murder got complexed with wile, Turned homicidium ex insidiis? Fist, How often must I round thee in the earsAll means are lawful to a lawful end? Concede he had the right to kill his wife: The Count indulged in a travesty; why? De illa ut vindzctam sumeret, That on her he might lawful vengeance take, Commodius, with more ease, et tutius, And safelier: wants he warrant for the step? Read to thy profit how the Apostle once For ease and safety, when Damascus raged, Was let down in a basket by the wall
MS:h o 1 es-and < > o’ the air 3 last three words inserted above 5 < > nests-1 What follows-I shall let the Fist declare-/ “Contra fiscum < > done, PZ869:holes, and < > nests;/ Praise you the impiety that follows, Fist?/ Shall false wife yet have where to lay her head?/ “Contra Fiscum < > 1872://I done! t2g71 MS:5 crowded between 1296-99 5 scribe!” -make P1869:scribe,” make 12g81 MS:5 inserted in margin 5 129+w) MS:$j no 7 Q P1869:§ lj 5 us91 MS:still? 1872:still, lsolI MS:uncouth cloak Q followed by illegible word, both crossed out and replaced above by 3 hat ‘“**I MS:Rough hat $j crossed out and replaced above by $j vest lsosj MS:vesttumin Pl869:vestiium, in CP1869:vestzum 13041 MS:wile P1869:wile, lso51 MS:Turns < > znszdiis. Fist, PI 869:Turned 1872: tnsidiis? Fist, ‘“*“I MS:wife,P1869:wife: rs*s) MS:travesty, so P1869:travesty; why? ‘“‘*I MS:sumeret Pl869:sumeret, rsrrj MS:That he on her might vengeance take thereby PZ869:That on her he might lawful vengeance take, ‘“‘*I MS:Commodius et tutzus, with more ease P1869:Commodius, with more ease, et tuttus, rsisl MS:And safety: wants PI869:And safelier: wants 1~141 MS:how the Q inserted above Q Apostle Paul Q crossed out Q r”i5I MS:ease, for safety, in § crossed out and replaced above by Q when < > raged Q over illegible word Q, *st61 MS:wall, 1889a:wall
To ‘scape the malice of the governor (Another sort of Governor boasts Rome!) -Many are of opinion,-covered close, Concealed with-what except that very cloak He left behind at Troas afterward? I shall not add a syllable: Molinists may! Well, have we more to manage? Ay, indeed! Fifth aggravation, that our wife reposed Sub potestate judicis, beneath Protection of the judge,-her house was styled A prison, and his power became its guard In lieu of wall and gate and bolt and bar. This is a tough point, shrewd, redoubtable: Because we have to supplicate that judge Shall overlook wrong done the judgment-seat. Now, I might suffer my own nose be pulled, As man: but then as father . . . if the Fist Touched one hair of my boy who held my hand In confidence he could not come to harm Crossing the Corso, at my own desire, Going to see those bodies in the churchWhat would you say to that, Don Hyacinth? This is the sole and single knotty point: For, bid Tommati blink his interest, You laud his magnanimity the while: But baulk Tommati’s office,-he talks big! “My predecessors in the place,-those sons
*s1r+91 MS:governor/ -Many < > covered too, PZ869:governor/ (Another sort of Governor boasts Rome!)/ -Many < > covered close, rs*O( MS:with what 1869:with-what 13**-*3( MS:3 no 415 P1869:§ ¶ $j I872.3 no 78 1889:$ no r[; 13231 MSindeed. PI869:indeed! emended to restore 7; see Editorial Notes $j rs*gI MS:redoubtable. P1869:redoubtable: lssO/ MS:to call upon $j last two words crossed out and replaced above by $j supplicate the judge Z889a:supplicate that judge ‘““‘I MST o 3 crossed out Q overlook Q altered to 5 Overlook wrong Q crossed out and replaced above by Q insult < > judgment-seat; PI869:Shall overlook wrong done the judgment-seat. tsssl MS:man-but <> father . . if 1889a:man: us21 MS:pulled PZ869:pulled, but <> father . . . if tss6-ssl MS:the Co rso at < > desire-1 -What P1869:the Corso, at < > desire,/ Going to see those bodies in the church-/ What 13421 MS:bigP1869:big! ‘3*31 MS:My 13401 MS:interestP1869:interest, Predecessors < > placethose P1869:“My Predecessors < > place,-those CP1869:My
0’ the prophets that may hope succeed me here,Shall I diminish their prerogative? Count Guido Franceschini’s honour ! -well, Has the Governor of Rome none?” You perceive, The cards are all against us. Make a push, Kick over table, as shrewd gamesters do! We, do you say, encroach upon the rights, Deny the omnipotence o’ the Judge forsooth? We, who have only been from first to last Intending that his purpose should prevail, Nay more, at times, anticipating it At risk of his rebuke? But wait awhile! Cannot we lump this with the sixth and last Of the aggravations-that the Majesty 0’ the Sovereign here received a wound? to-wit, LRSU Mujestus, since our violence Was out of envy to the course of law, In odium lit is? We cut short thereby Three pending suits, promoted by ourselves I’ the main,- which worsens crime, accedit ad Exasperationem, criminis! Yes, here the eruptive wrath with full effect! How, did not indignation chain my tongue,
predecessors i344I MS:“Of < > me there,PZ869:O’ < > me here,13451 MS:prerogative?” PZ869:prerogativel 13471 MS:none?” Brief, PZ869:none?” 9 7 fj You perceive, 13481 MS:us: make P1869:us. Make lj491 MS:as our gamesters do: P1869:dol 1872:as shrewd gamesters do! 135zI MS:We who P1869:We, who t”ssI MS:Intent his mind and purpose PZ869:Intent on that his purpose 1872:Intending that his purpose 13541 MS:Even, though, at <> anticipating both PZ869:Nay, more, at 1872:anticipating it 1889a:Nay more is551 MS:of a rebuke . . . but <> awhile . . P1869:rebuke? Q ( Q But < > awhile1 P1872:of his rebuke? Q 7 Q But ‘““*I MS:received an impious wound, PZ869:received wound, to-wit, 2872:wound? to-wit, ‘“5gI MS:Lresa as, for our P1869:Lma Ma~estas, since our ‘“601 MS:law PZ869:law, 136LI MS:litis: we P1869:litts? We 1365) MS:Yes,-here 1~64-65) MS:5 no 7 Q Pl869:§ n 5 P1869:Yes, here 13661 MS:How-did < > tongue P1869:tongue1872:How, did
Could I repel this last, worst charge of all! (There is a porcupine to barbacue; Gigia can jug a rabbit well enough, With sour-sweet sauce and pine-pips; but, good Lord, Suppose the devil instigate the wench To stew, not roast him? Stew my porcupine? If she does, I know where his quills shall stick! Come, I must go myself and see to things: I cannot stay much longer stewing here.) Our stomach . . . I mean, our soul is stirred within, And we want words. We wounded Majesty? Fall under such a censure, we?-who yearned So much that Majesty dispel the cloud And shine on us with healing on her wings, That we prayed Pope Majestas’ very self To anticipate a little the tardy pack, Bell us forth deep the authoritative bay Should start the beagles into sudden yelp Unisonous, -and, Gospel leading Law, Grant there assemble in our own behoof A Congregation, a particular Court, A few picked friends of quality and place, To hear the several matters in dispute,Causes big, little and indifferent, Bred of our marriage like a mushroom-growth,All at once (can one brush off such too soon?) And so with laudable despatch decide Whether we, in the main (to sink detail) Were one the Pope should hold fast or let go.
rY6’J-75( MS:barbacue-/ I < > tongue, Iy’j71 MS:last worst P1869:last, worst <> here) Pl869:barbacue;/ $j adds lines 1369-74 5 1872:////// < > here.) ‘376) MS:stomach . . I <> soul-is 2872:soul is 2889a:stomach . . . I tssO1 MS:healing in its wings, PZ869:healing 137*1 MS:we,who 1872:we?-who 13811 MS:We prayed the Pope--Mqestu.s’ very selfon its 2872:on her wings, 1872:That we prayed Pope < > self Pl869:the Pope, Malestas’ < > self, 13891 MS:Should hear < > ‘“*“I MS:pack Q over illegible word, perhaps herd $j, r39r1 MS:mushroom-growth, dispute, P1869:To hear 1889a:dispute,13~1 MS:once-can < > soon?P1869:once (can < > 1889a:mushroom-growth,soon?) 13q31 MS: so d eci d e with < > dispatch 8 transposed to § so with < > dispatch ts951 MS:the us41 MS:main-to<>detailPZ869:main (to<>detail) decide Church should hold up or cast down,P1869:hold fast or let go. 1872:the Pope should
“What, take the credit from the Law?” you ask? Indeed, we did! Law ducks to Gospel here: Why should Law gain the glory and pronounce A judgment shall immortalize the Pope? Yes: our self-abnegating policy Was Joab’s-we would rouse our David’s sloth, Bid him encamp against a city, sack A place whereto ourselves had long laid siege, Lest, taking it at last, it take our name Nor be styled Innocentinopolis. But no1 The modesty was in alarm, The temperance refused to interfere, Returned us our petition with the word “Ad judices suos, ” “Leave him to his Judge!” As who should say “Why trouble my repose? Why consult Peter in a simple case, Peter’s wife’s sister in her fever-fit Might solve as readily as the Apostle’s self? Are my Tribunals posed by aught so plain? Hath not my Court a conscience? It is of age, Ask it!” We do ask,-but, inspire reply To the Court thou bidst me ask, as I have askedOh thou, who vigilantly dost attend To even the few, the ineffectual words Which rise from this our low and mundane sphere
1s96-9*1 MS:And-“take/ Why PI869:“What, take < > / Why CPI869:ask?/ Indeed, we did1 Law ducks to Gospel here./ Why 1s9*-991 MS:$j crowded between 1396-1400 in continuous line, divided by / between pronounce and The Judgment 5 13991 MS:The judgment PZ869:A judgment 14011 MS:rouze PZ869:rouse 14051 MS:And be not Innocenttnopolis. 1872:Nor be styles Znnocentinopolis. i4@( MS:But-the PZ869:But no! The i*or( MS:The holiness refused PZ869:The temperance refused ‘*“91 MS:suos”“Leave PI 869:suos,” “Leave ‘4101 MS:say-“Why 1872:say “Why r*itl MS:in a case might solve P1869:in a simple case CP1869:case, 1*1*-r*) MS:fever-fit?/ Are my Tribunals so incompetent, Q last two words and comma crossed out and replaced above by five words Q posed by aught so plain? Pl869:fever-fit/ Might solve as readily as the Apostle’s self/ Are 14151 MS:conscience,-It P1869:conscience? It r*i~**( MS:itl” W e d o Q over illegible erasure Q < > reply,/ Oh < > vigilantly Q followed by two words crossed out, the first illegibly, the second being ear Q dost attend PZ869:it!” $j q Q We < > reply/ To the court thou bidst me ask, as I have asked-/ Oh CP1869:/ < > the Court < > / r*tgl MS:To these Q crossed out and replaced above
Up to thy region out of smoke and noise, Seeking corroboration from thy nod Who art all justice -which means mercy too, In a low noisy smoky world like ours Where Adam’s sin made peccable his seed! We venerate the father of the flock, Whose last faint sands of life, the frittered gold, Fall noiselessly, yet all too fast, o’ the cone And tapering heap of those collected years: Never have these been hurried in their flow, Though justice fain would jog reluctant arm, In eagerness to take the forfeiture Of guilty life: much less shall mercy sue In vain that thou let innocence survive, Precipitate no minim of the mass 0’ the all-so precious moments of thy life, By pushing Guido into death and doom! (Our Cardinal engages to go read The Pope my speech, and point its beauties out. They say, the Pope has one half-hour, in twelve, Of something like a moderate return Of the intellectuals,-never much to lose! If I adroitly plant this passage there, The Fist will find himself forestalled, I think, Though he stand, beat till the old ear-drum break! -Ah, boy of my own bowels, Hyacinth,
14*‘1 MS:To thy by 5 even my few, my ineffectual PZ869:even the few, the ineffectual pure region PZ869:Up to thy region “*3/ MS:too CPI 869: too, 14*51 MS:seed. P1869:seedl ‘4261 MS:Oh, § crossed out and replaced in margin by Q We venerable 5 altered to 8 venerate the Q inserted above § 14281 MS:noiselessly yet < > fast, the cone PZ869:noiselessly, yet < > fast, o’ the 14291 MS:O’ the tapering 14j01 MS:flow Q inserted above Q < > years,CP1869:And tapering 1889a:years: P1869:fiow, ‘4311 MS:$j crowded between 1430-32 Q When justice fain had jogged 14321 MS:By eagerness reluctant PI869:Though justice fain would jog reluctant i43*srl MS:mass/ By Pl869:mass/ 0’ the all-so precious PI 869: In eagerness moments of the life/ By CPZ869:/ < > life,/ *437-3*) MS:5 no 7 5 P1869:§ n Q 1438-401 MS:engag es read my speech-/ They < > the Pope 5 inserted above Q < > half-hour in the $j crossed out $j twelve PZ869:speechY They <> CPZ869:half-hour, in twelve, 2872:engages to go read/ The Pope my speech, and point its beauties out./ They 1441 MS:If he adroitly PZ869:If I adroitly 14421 MS:lose!1889a:lose! 1445) MS:stand, knock 5 crossed out and replaced above by 3 beat
Wilt ever catch the knack, requite the pains Of poor papa, become proficient too I’ the how and why and when, the time to laugh, The time to weep, the time, again, to pray, And all the times prescribed by Holy Writ? Well, well, we fathers can but care, but cast Our bread upon the waters!) In a word, These secondary charges go to ground, Since secondary, and superfluous,-motes Quite from the main point: we did all and some, Little and much, adjunct and principal, Causa honoris. Is there such a cause As the sake of honour? By that sole test try Our action, nor demand if more or less, Because of the action’s mode, we merit blame Or may-be deserve praise! The Court decides. Is the end lawful? It allows the means: What we may do, we may with safety do, And what means “safety” we ourselves must judge. Put case a person wrongs me past dispute: If my legitimate vengeance be a blow, Mistrusting my bare arm can deal that blow, I claim co-operation of a stick;
1447j MS:knack,-requite 1872:knack, requite 144g1 MS:when-the 2872:when, the 1451) MS:times described 5 altered to s prescribed in Holy PZ86Y:prescribed by Holy I*521 MS:can but trust Q crossed out and replaced above by $j hope fj crossed out and replaced by Q care 14531 MS:Our Q inserted in margin; followed by word crossed out, perhaps His 3 < > waters-) Q ( 5 In a word 14541 MS:ground P1869:waters!) Q ( Q In a word, P1869:ground, 14551 MS:secondary, and Q crossed out and replaced above by word illegibly erased and replaced by 5 so superfluous ,-motes 3 over illegible word § 1872:secondary, and superfluous 14561 MS:point,-we PZ869:point: we 14571 MS:principal P1869:principal, r*s*( MS:honoris: is < > a thing $j crossed out $ cause P1869: honorzs. Is 14sg) MS:honour? Try 5 crossed out Q by 5 altered to 3 By 1460j MS:Th e 5 crossed out and replaced above by Q Our action, here: $Jcrossed out $j < > less PI 869: less, r*6rl MS:mode we P1869:mode, we 14621 MS:praise:-the < > decidesP1869:praise. The < > decides. 1463) MS:means. P1869:means: ‘464l MS:Wh a t we may do we must Q crossed out and replaced 1872:praisel The by Q may 1872:What we may do, we 14661 MS:3 crowded between 1465-67 Q a man has wronged me P1869:a person wrongs me 14671 MS:vengeance is a PI869:vengeance 14681 MS:can fitly strike 5 last two words crossed out and replaced above by three be a words 5 deal the same, 2872:deal that blow, 1469) MScooperation < > a club
i4To Doubtful if stick be tough, I crave a sword; Diffident of ability in fence, I fee a friend, a swordsman to assist: Take one-he may be coward, fool or knave: Why not take fifty?-and if these exceed 1475 I’ the due degree of drubbing, whom accuse But the first author of the aforesaid wrong Who put poor me to such a world of pains? Surgery would have just excised a wart; The patient made such pother, struggled so 1480 That the sharp instrument sliced nose and all. Taunt us not that our friends performed for pay! Ourselves had toiled for simple honour’s sake: But country clowns want dirt they comprehend, The piece of gold! Our reasons, which suffice I485 Ourselves, be ours alone; our piece of gold Be, to the rustic, reason he approves! We must translate our motives like our speech, Into the lower phrase that suits the sense 0’ the limitedly apprehensive. Let
5 crossed out Q stick P1869:co-operation < > stick; i*70[ MS:Doubtful the stick < > sword, PZ869:Doubtful if stick < > sword; 1471( MS:ability Q over illegible erasure § to fence, PZ869:ability in fence, i4721 MS:1 take a friend, 5 last two words inserted above § a swordsman shall 5 crossed out and replaced above by Q may assist:§ punctuation obviously added in revision 5 me-take Q last two words crossed out $j P1869:I fee a friend a swordsman to assist: ‘4731 MS:T a k e 5 inserted in margin § One-who may turn out 5 last two words crossed out and replaced above by Q be < > knaveP1869:one i4751 MS:drubbing, whose $5 altered to Q whom the fault 1872:one-he may < > knave: $j last two words crossed out § i*76( MS:the aforesaid Q inserted above 3 u771 MS:Has put PI869:Who put 14781 MS:A Q crossed out 5 surgeon 5 altered to 5 Surgery wants to § last two words crossed out and replaced above by two words 5 would have 14791 MS:patient makes a Q last two words crossed out and replaced above by two words 5 made such i**ol MS:instrument cuts Q first altered and then crossed out and replaced above by 5 slices i***( MS:For us-enough the simple < > sakeP1869:us, enough 1872:Ourselves, the simple < > sake sufficed: 1889a:Ourselves were simple < > sake: had toiled for simple < > sake: i**sj MS:For country clowns-the dirt P1869:Give country clowns the 1872:But country clowns want dirt i***l MS:gold: our reasons 1485) MS:Ourselves be PZ869:0urselves, which Pl869:gold! Our reasons, which be 14861 MS:Be to the rustic reason and to spare: PZ869:Be, to the rustic, reason < > spare! 1872:reason he approves! 1487) MS:speech 1872:speech, 14891 MS:Of the limitedly i***( MS:phase may suit the P1863:phase that suits the intelli Q last word crossed out Q apprehensive, let PZ869:O’ < > apprehensive. Let
Each level have its language! Heaven speaks first To the angel, then the angel tames the word Down to the ear of Tobit: he, in turn, Diminishes the message to his dog, And finally that dog finds how the flea (Which else, importunate, might check his speed) Shall learn its hunger must have holiday By application of his tongue or paw: So many varied sorts of language here, Each following each with pace to match the step, Haud passibus mquis! Talking of which flea, Reminds me I must put in special word For the poor humble following,-the four friends, Sicarii, our assassins caught and caged. Ourselves are safe in your approval now: Yet must we care for our companions, plead The cause o’ the poor, the friends (of old-world faith) Who lie in tribulation for our sake. Pauperurn Procurator is my style: I stand forth as the poor man’s advocate: And when we treat of what concerns the poor, Et cum ayatur de pauperibus, In bondage, carceratis, for their sake, In eorum causis, natural piety, Pietas, ever ought to win the day,
14go1 MS:language: heaven Pl869:language! Heaven 14g21 MS:of Tobit,-he P1869:of Tobit: he 1494) MS:finally the Q altered to Q that dog to the first $j last three words crossed out and replaced above by three words 5 finds how the 14951 MS:Which < > speed, Pl869:(Whrch < > speed) r496-gg1 MS:learn his hunger < > holiday,-/ Each PZ869:learn its hunger < > / How many varied sorts of language here,/ Each 1872:holidayJ By application of his tongue or paw:/ So many < > / Each DC,BrU:holiday 1889:holiday 15001 MSxzquzs. Talking < > flea, P1869:cxBtis! 5 n 5 Talking < > flea 1872:flea, tsosl MS:assassins in your charge: Pl869:charge. 1872:assassins caught and caged. 15041 MS:now,P1869:now: 15061 MS:poor, -the friends of old-world faith P1869:poor, the friends (of old-world faith) ‘so’-91 MS:Wh o are in < > sake./ I < > advocate, P1869:/ Pauperurn Procurator 1s my style:/ I < > advocate: 1872:Who lie in < > // 15101 MS:poor P1869:poor, 15111 MS:pauperibus Pl869:pauperibus, 15121 MS:bondage carceratts-for Q crossed out 5 <> sake PZ869:bondage, carceratzs, for < > sake, 151s) MS:piety PZ869:piety, 15141 MS:Pietas ever < > day PI869:Pietas, ever < >
Triumphare debet, quia ipsi sunt, Because those very paupers constitute, Thesaurus Christi, Jl the wealth of Christ. Nevertheless I shall not hold you long With multiplicity of proofs, nor burn Candle at noon-tide, clarify the clear. There beams a case refulgent from our booksCastrensis, Butringarius, everywhere I find it burn to dissipate the dark. ‘Tis this: a husband had a friend, which friend Seemed to him over-friendly with his wife In thought and purpose,-1 pretend no more. To justify suspicion or dispel, He bids his wife make show of giving heed, Semblance of sympathy-propose, in fine, A secret meeting in a private place. The friend, enticed thus, finds an ambuscade, To-wit, the husband posted with a pack Of other friends, who fall upon the first And beat his love and life out both at once. These friends were brought to question for their help; Law ruled “The husband being in the right, Who helped him in the right can scarce be wrong”Opinio, an opinion every way, Multum tenenda cordi, heart should hold! When the inferiors follow as befits The lead o’ the nrincinal. thev change their name. 1
PI 869:very 1515) MS:sunt P1869:sunt, ls16) MS:very poor do constitute paupers constitute, ‘5’71 MS:Thesaurus Christi. all PI869:Thesaurus Christi, all i52s1 MS:dark; t5*i[ MS:beams § over illegible erasure $j < > from 5 over in 5 P1869:dark. 1525( MS:him more than $j last two words crossed out and replaced above by word and hyphens overrs*s( MS:purpose ,-we pretend P1869:purpose,-I PZ869:friend, enticed thus, finds pretend i5311 MS:friend enticed thus finds is~+ssl MS:once./ Law PZ869:once./ These friends were brought to question for their help./ Law 2872:/ < > help;// 1538) MS:Opinzo-an < > way P1869:0pmio, an < > way, l5391 MS:cordi heart < > hold. P1869:cordi, heart < > hold! 15411 MSxhange the style 5 last word crossed out Q name, P1869:change their name,
And, non dicuntur, are no longer called His mandatories, mandatorii, But helpmates, sed auxiliatores; since To that degree does honour’s sake lend aid, Adeo honoris cuusu est efficax, That not alone, non solum, does it pour Itself out, se diffundat, on mere friends We bring to do our bidding of this sort, In mandatorios simplices, but sucks Along with it in wide and generous whirl, Sed etium assussinii qualitute Quulificatos, people qualified By the quality of assassination’s self, Dare I make use of such neologism, Ut utar verbo. Haste we to conclude. Of the other points that favour, leave some few For Spreti; such as the delinquents’ youth. One of them falls short, by some months, of age Fit to be managed by the gallows; two May plead exemption from our law’s award, Being foreigners, subjects of the GrandukeI spare that bone to Spreti, and reserve Myself the juicier breast of argumentFlinging the breast-blade i’ the face o’ the Fist
‘5421 MS:A n d non dicunter are Pl869:And, non dicunter, are Is431 MSmandatories manditorii P1869:mandatories, mandatorii, 15441 MShelpmates sed PZ869:helpmateq sed ‘5451 MS:honour’ sake 5 emended to Q honour’s sake 5 see Editorial Notes $j 15461 MS:Honoris < > efficax P1869:honoris < > eficax, 15471 MS:alone non solum does P1869:alone, non solum, does 15481 MS:out se dzfundat on mere knaves 5 crossed out Q PZ869:out, se difundat, on < > friends, DC,BrU:friends 2889:friends 15491 MS:We pay Q crossed out and replaced above by Q bring < > sort PZ869:sort, 1551) MS:whirl PZ869:whirl, 15531 MSQualzjTcntos-people Pl869:Qual$catos, people 15551 MS:such barbarous word, 5 last two words crossed out and replaced above by Q neologismP1869:neologism, 15561 MS:uerbo. ‘Haste < > concludeP1869:verbo. 5 11 Q I-Iaste 1558) MS:For Spreti-such < > youthPI869:For < > conclude: 1889a:conclude. Spreti; such < > youth: 1889a:youth. 15611 MS:law’s effect $j crossed out 5 award CP1869:award. 15631 MS:1 toss § crossed out and replaced above by 3 spare < > Spreti and pick bare PZ869:to Spreti and reserve 2872:to Spreti, and 15651 MS:And fling the breast-bone in the < > Fist, PZ869:Flinging the breast-blade i’ the
Who furnished me the tid-bit: he must needs Play off his privilege and rack the clowns,And they, at instance of the rack, confess All four unanimously made resolve,~70 The night o’ the murder, in brief minute snatched Behind the back of Guido as he fled,That, since he had not kept his promise, paid The money for the murder on the spot, So, reaching home again, might please ignore is75 The pact or pay them in improper coin,They one and all resoived, these hopeful friends, ‘Twere best inaugurate the morrow’s light, Nature recruited with her due repose, By killing Guido as he lay asleep ‘580 Pillowed on wallet which contained their fee. I thank the Fist for knowledge of this fact: What fact could hope to make more manifest Their rectitude, Guido’s integrity? For who fails recognize the touching truth 1585 That these poor rustics bore no envy, hate, Malice nor yet uncharitableness
DC,BrU:the Fist 1889:the Fist 15661 MS:he would needs P1869:he must needs rs6’1 MS:his armoury and 2872:his privilege and 156s/ MSconfessed 1872:confess r5s31 MSunanimously did resolve,2872:unanimously made resolve,157s/ MS:not kept his r5701 MS:That night <> minutes 1872:The night <> minute promise, paid § last four words crossed out and original restored § 15731 MS:§ crowded between 1572-74 5 And § crossed out 5 The 15741 MS:That 5 crossed out and replaced in margin by § And reaching home again, 3 inserted below $ might even ignore the pact 5 last two words crossed out 5 P1869:And, reaching 1872:So, reaching <> might please ignore r575-771 MS:pay it in < > coin,/ They would inaugurate PZ869:The past < > coin,/ They one and all resolved, these hopeful friends,/ They 1872:The pact or pay them in <> coin,-// ‘Twere best inaugurate 15781 MS:Taking the necessary rest meanwhile 5 line crossed out and replaced above by 8 Having recruited strength with needful rest, 1672:Nature recruited with her due repose, 15*” MS:Pillowed by wallet 1580-811 MS:5 no 1s PZ869:§ n 5 1580-@2( MS:fee./ 1872:Pillowed on wallet What act could PZ869:feeI 3 7 § I thank the Fist for knowledge of this fact:/ What fact could CP1869:feeJ 1sssl MSrectitude and his integrity? PI869:rectitude, Guido’s integrity? ‘5841 MS:recognise apparent here, 1872:recognize the touching truth *5*s/ MS:The harmless 8 crossed our .fj silly rustics <> no envy, § inserted above line 5
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So much for the allegement, thine, my Fist, Quo nil absurdius, than which nought more mad, Excogitari potest, may be squeezed From out the cogitative brain of thee! 1615
And now, thou excellent the Governor! (Push to the peroration) c&erum Enixe supplico, I strive in prayer, Ut dominis meis, that unto the Court, Benigna fronte, with a gracious brow, Et oculis serenis, and mild eyes, Perpendere placeat, it may please them weigh, Quod dominus Guido, that our noble Count, Occidit, did the killing in dispute, Ut ejus honor tumulatus, that The honour of him buried fathom-deep In infamy, in infumia, might arise, Resurgeret, as ghost breaks sepulchre! Occidit, for he killed, uxorem, wife, Quia illi fuit, since she was to him, Opprobrio, a disgrace and nothing more! Et genitores, killed her parents too,
PI869:absurdius, than < > mad, 16121 MS:nbsurdius-than < > madcrossed out 5 16141 MS:brain. 5 7 5 Pl869:potest, may be squeezed I6131 MS:potest may squecxed *6**-*51 MS:$ no 7 5 P1869:§ fl§ 187.Q no fl§ And now, P1869:brain of thee! 16151 MS:now,-most $j 1889:s no $[; emended to restore 7; see Editorial Notes $j P1869:now, thou < > the crossed out and replaced above by 5 thou < > the Governor!Governor1 16t6j MS:(Steer, Tully, to thy laurels) 5 last five words crossed out and replaced above by four words +j Look, $j word and comma crossed out and replaced by $j Push 16171 MS:supplico-I < > prayer PI869:supplico, I < > prayer, to the peroration) 16191 MS:fronte PI869:mezs, that < > the Court, t61s1 MS:mets that < > the Court 16201 MS:serenis and < > eyes with < > brow PI869:fronte, with < > brow, P1869:serenk and < > eyes, 16211 MS:placeat-it <> they weigh P1869:placeat, it PI869:dominus Guido, 16221 MS:dominus Guido that < > Count < > them, weigh P1869:Occidit, did <> dispute, 16231 MS:Occidit-did < > dispute that < > Count, 16251 MS:fathom deep 16241 MS:tumalatus that P1869:tumalatus, that 16261 MS:infamy zn znfamza might arise P1869:infamy, in PI869:fathom-deep 16271 MS:Resurgeret as ghosts break P1869:Resurgeret, as infamta, might arise, Pl869:Occidit, for he killed, uxorem, wife, ‘“*“I MS:Occzdit killed, I say, uxorem wife 16291 M’$f . 1630) MS:Opprobrzo a< > uz ‘t since < > him PI863:fuzt, since < > him, < > too 163*l MS:genitorw-killed more!P1869:Opprobno, a < > more!
Qui, who, postposita verecundia, Having thrown off all sort of decency, Filiam repudiarunt, had renounced Their daughter, atque declarare non Erubuerunt, nor felt blush tinge cheek, Declaring, meretricis genitam Esse, she was the offspring of a drab, Ut ipse dehonestaretur, just That so himself might lose his social rank! Cujus m,entem, and which daughter’s heart and soul, They, pewerterunt, turned from the right course, Et ad illicitos amores non. Dumtaxat pellexerunt, and to love Not simply did alluringly incite, Sed vi obedient&, but by force 0’ the duty, filialis, daughters owe, Coegerunt, forced and drove her to the deed: Occidit, I repeat he killed the clan, Ne scilicet amplius in dedecore, Lest peradventure longer life might trail, Viveret, link by link his turpitude, Inuisus consanguineis, hateful so To kith and kindred, a nobilibus Notatus, shunned by men of quality,
PI869:genttores, killed < > too, 16321 MS:Quz who postposzta verecundia 163s/ MS:decency P1869:decency, Pl869:Qui, who, postpostta verecundia, “js41 MS* .re p u d iarunt-had PI869:repudiarunt, had lcjs51 MSxiaughter atque PI869:daughter, atque 16361 MS:E ru b uerunt nor < > cheek Pl869:Erubuerunt, nor < > cheek, ‘6371 MS:Declaring meretrzcis PZ869:Declaring, meretrtcts Pl869:Esse, she < > drab, 16381 MS:Esse-she < > drab ‘6x91 MS:dehonestaretur just P1869:dehonestaretur, just 16411 MS:mentem-of 5 over illegible erasure $j which P1869:mentem, of <> daughters Q final s erased $ heart § over illegible word Q and soul daughter, heart and soul, 164*) MS:They 1869:mentem, and which daughter’s heart penjerterunt-turned P1869:They, perverterunt, turned 16441 MS:to lawless love 1645) MS:d’d 1 a 11uringly 3 inserted above Q incite PI869:incite, CP1869: to love P1869.0 the duty,jilialis, daughters owe, 16471 MS:Of the dutyfifialis daughters owe 16481 MS:Coegerunt forced < > deed PZ869:Cogerunt, forced < > deed: 16491 MS:clan P1869:clan, 16501 MS:dedecore CPl869:Coegerunt 16511 MS:might slow. 3 crossed out § trail P1869:trail, PI869:dedecore, 16521 MS:Viveret hag-like trail 9 last two words crossed out and replaced above by three words Q link by link P1869:Viveret, link 16531 MS:consanguinezs-hateful ‘6551 MS:N o t a t us shunned <> of his own § last two P1869:consanguineis, hateful
Relictus ab amicis, left i’ the lurch By friends, ab omnibus derisus, turned A common hack-block to try edge of jokes. Occidit, and he killed them here in Rome, In Urbe, the Eternal City, Sirs, Nempe quce alias spectata est, The appropriate theatre which witnessed once, Matronam nobilem, Lucretia’s self, Abluere pudicitk maculas, Wash off the spots of her pudicity, Sanguine proprio, with her own pure blood; Que uidit, and which city also saw, Patrem, Virginius, undequaque, quite, Impunem, with no sort of punishment, Nor, et non illaudatum, lacking praise, Sed polluentem parricidio, Imbrue his hands with butchery, filicz, Of chaste Virginia, to avoid a rape, Ne raperetur ad stupra; so to heart, Tanti illi cordi fuit, did he take, Suspicio, the mere fancy men might have, Honoris amittendz, of fame’s loss,
words crossed out 5 P1869:Notatus, shunned ‘659( MS:Occzdit-and he killed these here in Rome P1869:Occzdit, and he killed them here in Rome, 16611 MS:est Pl869:est, 16@1 MS:As the < > theatre witnessed once PI 869:‘Ike < > theatre which witnessed once, 16631 MS:nobilem L u( :retia’s self Pl869:nobilem, Lucretia’s self, 16641 MS:maculas P1869:macula.s, 16651 MS:pudirity P1869:pudicity, 1666) MS:proprto-with < > blood:Pl869:p~oprto, with < > blood; 1667( MS:uzdit -and < > City < > saw P1869:vzdit, and < > city < > saw, and then crossed out $ (You find it in Valerius Maximus) ‘667-681 MS:5 1ine inserted 16681 MS:Patrem-Virginius undequaque quite P1869:Patyem, Virginius, 16691 MS:Zmpunem undequaque, quite, with < > punishment Pl869:lmpunem, with <> punishment, 16701 MS:5 partly erased, illegible word replaced in margin by § Nor 16711 MS:payriczdio P1869:pollutum payyxldio, CPI869:polluentem 16721 MS:Pollute $, crossed out and replaced in margin by § Imbrue < > with slaughter 5 crossed out and replaced above by 5 butchery jlice P1869: butchery , jilkz, 16731 MS:chaste Virginia lest she suffer $ last three words crossed out and replaced above by three words § to avoid a rape Pl869:chaste Virginia, to < > rape, 16741 MS:stupra, so to heart CPl869:stupya; so 1869:heart, 16751 MS:He took it 5 last three words crossed 16761 MS:Su.$xc20 the < > out 5 tantz 5 altered to $j Tantz <> take 1869:take, have PI 869:Suspzcio, the < > have, 16771 MS:ammtttendi of honour’s loss $ crossed out § flight P1869:ammlttendi, of fames’ loss, 1869:amzttendi, of fame’s
Ut potius voluerit filia Orbari, he preferred to lose his child, Quam illa incederet, rather than she walk The ways an, inhonesta, child disgraced, Licet non sponte, though against her will. Occidit-killed them, I reiterateIn propria domo, in their own abode, Ut adultera et parentes, that each wretch, Conscii agnoscerent, might both see and say, Nullum locum, there’s no place, nullumque esse Asylum, nor yet refuge of escape, Impenetrabilem, shall serve as bar, Honori lreso, to the wounded one In honour; neve ibi opprobria Continuarentur, killed them on the spot, Moreover, dreading lest within those walls The opprobrium peradventure be prolonged, Et domus qua testis fuit turpium, And that the domicile which witnessed crime, Esset et pc~~c;e,might watch punishment: Occidit, killed, I round you in the ears, Quia alio modo, since by other mode, Non poterat ejus existimatio,
ta uoluerzt $ transposed to $ pottus uoluerlt filia 167g( MS:Orbart, *67*1 MS:potiusfil’ that he chose to < > child P1869:child, 1872:Orbarz, he preferred to r6*O/ MSmcederet rather than see walk PI869:mcederet, rather than she walk t6*t1 MS:ways that inhonesta child disgraced P1869:ways an, znhonesta, child disgraced, 16**/ MS:domo in < > abode P1869:domo, in < > abode, PI869:parentes, that 16851 MS:parentes that his $j altered to 5 this three $j crossed out 5 guilt each wretch, 16861 MS:agno.scerent might < > say Pl869:agnoscerent, might < > 16871 MS:locum there’s no place nullumque P1869:locum, there’s no place, say, nullumque 16881 MS:Asylum nor < > escape P1869:Asylum, nor < > escape, P1869:Impenetrabilem, shall < > bar, 16~91 MS:Impenetrabilem shall < > bar 16gol MS:keso to PI 869: l~so, to 16g11 MS:honour as were $j crossed out $j we; npoe P1869:honour; nave 169*-9*) MS:Contznuarentur, lest within those walls/ The opprobrium to that honour be prolonged P1869:Contznuarentur, killed them on the spot/ Moreover, dreading lest within those walls/ The opprobrium peradventure were prolonged, CP1869:peradventure be prolonged, 16951 MS:turpzum P1869:turptum, 16961 MS:crime P1869:crime, 16971 MS:punishment. P1869:punishment: rr001 MS:exzstzmatto PI869:existtmatto, 16991 MS:mode P1869:mode,
There was no possibility his fame, Ltesa, gashed griesly, tam enormiter, Ducere cica trices, might be healed: Occidit ut exemplum pra?beret lTo5 Uxoribus, killed her, so to lesson wives Jura conjugii, that the marriage-oath, Esse servanda, must be kept henceforth: Occidit denique, killed her, in a word, Ut pro posse honestus uiueret, 171° That he, please God, might creditably live, Sin ,minus, but if fate willed otherwise, Proprii honoris, of his outraged fame, Offensi, by Mannaia, if you please, Commiseranda uictima caderet, 1715 The pitiable victim he should fall! Done! I’ the rough, i’ the rough! But done! And, lo, Landed and stranded lies my very speech, My miracle, my monster of defenceLeviathan into the nose whereof 1720 I have put fish-hook, pierced his jaw with thorn, And given him to my maidens for a play! I’ the rough: to-morrow I review my piece,
P1869:, i7011 MS:fame P1869:fame, t7021 MS:Zxsa gashed griesly tam P1869:cicatrzces, might be healed: gashed griesly, tam 17031 MS:ctcatrices get to heal. *7O51 MS:her so 1872:her, so 17061 MS:conlug:li that the marriage oath 17071 MS:senjanda must < > henceforth. P1869:conpgil, that the marriage-oath, PZ869:seruanda. must < > henceforth: t708l MS:denique-killed P1869:denque, killed t7*0( MS:That if, it might be, he might creditably 5 inserted above § liveCPZ869:live, 17111 MS:mznus but <> P1869:That he, please God, might < > live will P1869:minus, but < > willed 171*-141 MS:honoris oflenst of his own outraged Pl869:honoris, of his outraged fame,/ Oflensl, by fame/ Commtseranda < > caderet 17151 MS:The pitiable $j inserted Mannaia, if you please,/ Commiseranda < > caderet, above 5 < > fall. PZ869:fall! 17161 MS:DoneI I’ the rough, i’ the rough! But done and, 17171 MS:very own, lo, PZ869:Done! I’ the rough, i’ the rough! But done! And, lo, 2872:very speech, 17181 MS:miracle, nay monster, of 5 crossed out and replaced above by § my defencePI869:miracle, nay monster of defenceCPZ869:miracle, my monster lr*i( MS:him for $j crossed out $j < > play. 17201 MS:thorn PZ869:thorn P1869:playI 17221 MS:rough,-to-morrow 1872:rough: to-morrow
Tame here and there undue floridity. It’s hard: you have to plead before these priests And poke at them with Scripture, or you pass For heathen and, what’s worse, for ignorant 0’ the quality o’ the Court and what it likes By way of illustration of the law. To-morrow stick in this, and throw out that, And, having first ecclesiasticized, Regularize the whole, next emphasize, Then latinize, and lastly Cicero-ize, Giving my Fist his finish. There’s my speech! And where’s my fry, and family and friends? Where’s that huge Hyacinth I mean to hug Till he cries out, “Jam satis! Let me breathe!” Now, what an evening have I earned to-day! Hail, ye true pleasures, all the rest are false! Oh the old mother, oh the fattish wife! Rogue Hyacinth shall put on paper toque, And wrap himself around with mamma’s veil Done up to imitate papa’s black robe, (I’m in the secret of the comedy,Part of the program leaked out long ago!) And call himself the Advocate o’ the Poor, Mimic Don father that defends the Count: And for reward shall have a small full glass Of manly red rosolio to himself, -Always provided that he conjugate
17*3-301 P1869: 3 these eight lines added $j 17*j PI869:floridity,1872:floridity. *7*8) PI869:law: 1872:law. 1732) MS:latmize and lastly Ciceroize, P1869:lastly Cicero-ize, 1889a:latinize, and 17syI MS:finish-There’s my speechP1869:finish. There’s 1872:speech! 17341 MS:fry, my $j crossed out and replaced by $j and 17s5( MS:Where’s that old 5 last two words inserted above line Q Hyacinth <> huge Hyacinth hug to death? 5 last two words and question mark crossed out $j 1872:that 17391 MS:Oh, the old < > oh the ‘7371 MS:Oh, what 1872:Now, what PI869:mother, oh, the 1889a:Oh the old < > oh the 17401 MS:toque P1869:toque, 17451 MS:the Poor PI869:the Poor, 1716( MS:Mimic the father < > the Count, PZ869:Mimic Don father Z872:the Count: 1T4*1 MS:himself P1869:himself,
Bibo, I drink, correctly-nor be found Make the perfecturn, bipsi, as last year! How the ambitious do so harden heart As lightly hold by these home-sanctitudes, To me is matter of bewildermentBewilderment! Because ambition’s range Is nowise tethered by domestic tie. Am I refused an outlet from my home To the world’s stage?- whereon a man should play The man in public, vigilant for law, Zealous for truth, a credit to his kind, Nay,- since, employing talent so, I yield The Lord His own again with usury,A satisfaction, yea, to God Himself! Well, I have modelled me by Agur’s wish, “Remove far from me vanity and lies, Feed me with food convenient for me!” What I’ the world should a wise man require beyond? Can I but coax the good fat little wife To tell her fool of a father the mad prank His scrapegrace nephew played this time last year At Carnival! He could not choose, I think, But modify that inconsiderate gift 0’ the cup and cover (somewhere in the will Under the pillow, someone seems to guess) -Correct that clause in favour of a boy The trifle ought to grace, with name engraved,
17511 MS:perfectum bzpst as P1869:perfectum, blpst, as 17521 MS:ambitious 1753) MS:hold by 5 inserted above fi <> can Q crossed out and replaced by 3 do home sanctitudes Pl869:home-sane-tltudes CP1869:home-sanctitudes, 1755j MS:Bewilderment. Because P1869:Bewildermentl Because 1756) MS:tie17581 MS:stage, whereon P1869:stage?-whereon P1869:tie: 1889a:tie. 17611 MS:Nay,-though the talent so employed it yields Pl869:employed as yield 1872: Nay ,-since, employing talent so, I yield 17621 MS:his 2872:His 176s) MS:satisEaction yea to P1869:satisfaction, ‘764) MS:have made my own yea, to wise 5 last four words crossed out and replaced above by three words 5 modeled me by < > wish P1869:modelled < > wish, 17651 MS:§ crowded between 1764-66 5 17711 MS:At the Q crossed 17691 MS:father of the prank PZ872:father the mad prank out $j Carnival,he P1872:At carnival! He 17731 MS:cover-somewhere P1869:cover (somewhere 17741 MS:guessP1869:guess) 17751 MS:Correct < > of my boy 17761 MS:ought to § inserted above $j grace with < > P1869:of a boy CPl869:-Correct
Would look so well, produced in future years To pledge a memory, when poor papa Latin and law are long since laid at restHyacinth0 dono dedit anus? Why, The wife should get a necklace for her pains, The very pearls that made Violante proud, And Pietro pawned for half their value once,Redeemable by somebody, ne sit Marita qua! rotundioribus Onusta mammis . , . baccis ambulet: Her bosom shall display the big round balls, No braver proudly borne by wedded wife! With which Horatian promise I conclude. 1790 Into the pigeon-hole with thee, my speech! Off and away, first work then play, play, play! Bottini, burn thy books, thou blazing ass! Sing “Tra-la-la, for, lambkins, we must live!”
engraved 1872:grace, with < > engraved, ir77-78) MS+ crowded between 1776-79 in continuous line, divided by slash between conte and To 3 l7771 MS:( Would < > well produced in feasts Ej crossed out and replaced above by $j years to come 1872:Would < > well, produced in future years 1r7*( MS:memory when 1872:memory, when t7791 MS:5 written in margin with arrow indicating place in text $j rest) 2872:resttr**( MS:wife shall get < > pains “*“I MS:avus,-why, 1872:avusl Why, P1869:wife should get < > pains, 178~1 MS:Which 5 crossed out and replaced above by 5 And 17841 MS:And still Q last two words crossed out $j redeemable 5 altered to Q Redeemable by somebody-ne 1872:somebody, ne 178+851 MS:9 lines 1787-88 inserted at this point and then aossed out Q 17861 MS:ambulet P1869:ambulet, P1872:ambulet: rr*r( MS:her bo som shall display Q inserted above 5 those big 5 crossed out and replaced above by 5 brave round balls adorn § crossed out; the entire line crossed out and rewritten Q Her bosom shall display the big round balls PZ869:balls, 1788) MS:No bigger borne by wedded wife ne szt5 entire line crossed out and rewritten 3 No braver should be borne by wedded wife,P1869:wife! 1872:braver proudly borne 1789) MS:promise to 5 crossed out and replaced above by 8 I conclude 5 followed by semi-colon apparently altered to Q . 17+901 MS:5 no ( $j 1889a:$f 5 17921 MS:burn your books, you blazing 1889a:burn thy books, thou blazing
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to the Text
The following
Books 5-8
emendations have been made to the 1888-89 text:
5. Count G&do Franceschini 5.69: The 1888-89 edition reads wedding-grown; the MS-1872 reading wedding-gown is restored. 5.469: The 188889 edition omits the required punctuation at the end of the line. The MS-1872 comma is restored. 5.989: The 1888-89 edition reads thoat; the MS-1872 reading throat is restored. 5.1038: The misreading eaeh of 1888-89 appears to be a result of a fault in the printing surface of the stereotype plate. The MS-1872 each is restored. 5.2027: In MS-1889a Utopia is spelled without the E. B added the E in Dykes Campbell’s copy, but the correction was not made in 1889. Utogia is emended to Eutopia in accordance with B’s evident intention. 6. Giuseppe Caponsacchi 6.24: The 1888-89 edition omits the required quotation marks at the end of the line. The MS-1872 quotation marks are restored. 6.127: The comma after Come is present in the first impression of 1888-89, though missing in the second impression. It was probably lost through type damage, since the space for it remains in 1889. The comma is restored. 6.136: The 1888-89 edition omits the required punctuation at the end of the line. The MS-1872 exclamation mark is restored. 6.594: The quoted sentence requires a period after eZsewhere rather than the 1888-89 comma. The MS-1872 period is restored.
6.113 1: The 188889 edition omits the comma added by B to P1868. The CP 1868- 1872 reading is restored. 6.117 1: Al though other wise is writ ten as two words in MS, it was printed as one in 1868 and the reading was not corrected in subsequent editions. Wise here is an archaic noun meaning “way, manner.” The adjective No is clearly meant to modify a noun and not the adverb “otherwise,” and the MS reading has been restored. 6.1499: The word a-flume was printed as two words in the 1889a and 1889 texts. a-jlame suits both rhythm and logic in the line better than a&me; the MS-1872 hyphen is restored. 6.1868: The MS- 1872 reading is restored to correct the spelling of dismiss. 6.1972: MS slinks was misread as shirks in P1868, and the mistake was not corrected in any printed edition. The emphasis in the passage on disguise and escape, and the idiomatic away from of 6.1973, strongly suggest that shirks is one of the extremely rare errors that B overlooked throughout all printings of The Ring and the Book. The MS reading slinks is restored. 7. Pompilia 7.523: The 1888-89 edition omits the required quotation marks at the end of the line. The MS- 1872 quotation marks are restored. 7.1049: MS threat was misread by the printer in 1869 as thrust, and the error was not corrected in any subsequent edition. Threat refers to the charge above at 7.1046, and charge refers back to threatened at 7.1037. The MS reading threat is restored. 7.1125: The 1888-89 edition omits the required punctuation at the end of the line. The MS-1872 exclamation point is restored. 8. Dominus
de Archangelis
8.7: MS underlining in this line indicates that “Quies me” is parallel with “Branches me” above at 8.4. Through printer’s error “me” was transcribed in italics, as if in Latin, in all printed editions. The MS reading is restored. 8.737: In MS revision of lines 737-38 B eliminated a repetitious that at the beginning of 8.738 (see Variants), thus creating an awkwardly elliptical subordinate clause. By later changing that society of Rome to what society of Rome, and removing the comma after Rome, as B indicated in the Dykes Campbell-Brown University revision, he clarified both meaning and syntax, altering the grammatical function of the phrase from simple apposition to a restrictive construction introducing a noun clause, object of the preposition To at the beginning of 8.737. These changes seem justified by both sound and sense in the passage, but they were not included in the 1889 text. The corrections have been made to the 1889 text in accordance with B’s evident intention. 308
8.775: The lines of division between the Latin and its English translation in Book 8 are generally clearly indicated by punctuation as well as by parallel construction. Here the comma after assert, while grammatically superfluous, may have served originally to indicate that assert belongs with the previous Latin quotation, the following words with the following quotation. The comma is removed in the Dykes Campbell-Brown University revision, but the correction was not made in 1889. It seems probable that this correction, like the adjacent changes at 8.737, was intended by B to be made but was not. The 1889 comma has been removed. 8.1035: The logic and syntax of the sentence require a comma at the end of the line rather than the 1888-89 period. The P 1869- 1872 reading is restored. 8.1545: In MS the s after honour’ does double duty as the possessive and as the first letter of sake. The spelling of the possessive of honour appeared as honour’ in all editions. Honour’ is emended to honour’s. In MS B made distinctions between two and three point ellipses which printers often overrode, either regularizing two points to three or on occasion changing three points to two, in order to shorten a line. Where MS uses a two point ellipsis which remained unchanged throughout the printing history of the poem, we retain B’s clear intention. Where the two point ellipsis appears only in printed editions, evidently dictated by the width of the line, we have emended to three point ellipses. These emendations have been made at 5.1010 6.1676 B indicated divisions in discourse by line spacing rather than by indentation. During the printing history of The Ring and the Book paragraph divisions were occasionally lost when they happened to occur between pages. We have restored all of B’s paragraphs. These form a separate class of emendations to the 1888-89 text. Paragraphing is restored at: 5.108-g 7.939-40 5.366-67 7.1036-37 5.1033-34 7.1178-79 5.1234-35 7.1511-12 6.608-g 7.1689-90 6.1228-29 8.73-74 6.1446-47 8.135-36 7.156-57 8.464-65 7.216-17 8.1142-43 7.467-68 8.1193-94 7.705-6 8.1322-23 7.867-68 8.1614-15
Notes to Pages 5-6
In a slightly different class are three instances where paragraphs are omitted from the copy text, but not because of where they fell during typesetting. In each case, the paragraph break suits the rhetoric of the passage, and thus, in the absence of direct evidence of B’s intention on the matter, we restore the paragraphing at: 5.396-97 7.1554-55 7.1559-60 8.1042-43 A note on variants: Since Volume VII was published, we have come to recognize that the documents we labeled PI872 (i.e., sheets of 1872 with alterations in B’s hand in the Beinecke Library at Yale) are in fact unbound sheets of the second edition, not proofs. Furthermore, neither these documents in themselves nor B’s alterations to them, lie in the descent of the copy text. Since the printed readings on these sheets are those of the second edition of The Ring and the Book, they should have been entered simply as 1872. The line of the text was accurately recorded; the coding was inexact.
Book 5, Count Guido Franceschini 51 VeZZetriThe volcanic soil of Velletri, a town a little S of Rome, produces a wine grape for which the town is famous. 51 vinegar and gall The drugging drink customarily given to people about to be crucified was offered to Christ, who tasted and refused it (Matt. 27:34). This reference is the first of Guido’s many parallels between himself and the martyred Christ; note that although his drink is wine, he tooonly takes “one sip” (5.7). 12-131 Noblemen . . . racking The normal exemption of the nobility and clergy from torture could be waived by the judge when the presumption of guilt was strong. Torture was decreed for Guido and his accomplices, but according to OYB Guido confessed at the sight of the Vigil (see 1.971-72n.). 25-281 plied . . . probe Guido’s joke may be the pun on plied, or the application of imagery of assault and murder to himself, or both. To ply can mean “to urge to take something pleasant or valuable,” or “to bend,” as he has been bent on the rack. Using a word which ordinarily carries pleasant associations to mean torture is characteristic of Guido’s ability to twist meaning and reverse appearances. There is further irony in the similarity of Guido’s figure of speech, the rasp-tooth and its probe, to the jagged murder weapon; see 2.246 and n., and 8.1151-56 and n.; a rasp is a coarse file with
Notes to Pages 6-7 sharp raised teeth. Toying echoes the heavy irony of plied, with its suggestions of amorous coaxing reversed to persistent injury, and toying in turn is echoed in play in the next line. A probe is a surgical instrument with a blunt end used to explore wounds. 291 Four years Since the marriage in Sept. 1693 (which B thought was in Dec.; see Chronology). 301 tense . . . part Extended, strained, vulnerable. In the next three 11. Guido indicates the extensions of his spiritual self which have suffered most. His soul, like his body, has been stretched tight and made sensitive in every area, and the equation of soul and concern for appearance is a further ironic stretching of the term. 321 kindred A mother, a married sister (4.384n.), and four brothers (of whom B mentions three; see 2289n.). 361 Foppishly Foolishly. 383 Vigil-torment See 1.971-72n. An essential part of the Vigil torture was duration, and Guido stresses this element in comparing his mental suffering to the Vigil. 431 how . . . wears How poorly rank serves to meet practical needs, and how honor itself becomes threadbare. 461 The father From the records we know only that Guido’s father’s name was Tomaso (OYB, E, 162) and that he died in 1681 (Corrigan, xxii). B has Guido represent him as largely responsible for the decline of the family’s fortunes. 481 cap Doff cap. 491 purse . . . spzder-webs A reference to a line in a poem by Gaius Valerius Catullus (c. 84-54 B.C.) which is a mock invitation to dinner. “Nam tui Catulli Plenus sacculus est aranearum” (“But your Catullus’ purse is full of spiders”) Catullus 13.7-8. 51) tetchy humour Irritable disposition. 581 worthies . . . advice In spite of the Bishop and the Governor’s dismissal of Pompilia’s complaints, other citizens of Arezzo are on record as having spoken of Guido’s bad behavior both to Guido himself and to Paolo in Rome (OYB, E, 53-54, 245). 631 sib See 2.509n. 711 lamb’s . . . purtenance The word purtenance means “entrails.” A servant of the Franceschini testified that a suckling lamb bought on a Saturday served the household for a week (OYB, E, 52). Exodus 129 describes the way the lamb whose blood was used to mark the Israelites’ houses before Passover was to be roasted and eaten, “his head with his legs, and with the purtenance thereof .” 731 wine . . . man In a parable told by Jotham about his brother Abimelech, who had made himself king, the trees asked the vine to be king over
Notes to Pages 7-10 them but the vine answered, “Should I leave my wine, which cheereth God and man, and go to be promoted over the trees?” (Judges 9:13). 741 three-parts water Only a slight exaggeration, according to the testimony of the servant (OYB, E, 52). 831 crown Perhaps an allusion to the crown of thorns placed on Jesus’ head before the crucifixion (Matt. 27:29). 841 hanged or headed See I. 124n. 90-911 Her . . . style Following the example of her mother, a prostitute. 931 bastard . . . heir The credibility of Guido’s defense of his honor, which he claimed was his motive for the murders, depended on his belief that Caponsacchi fathered Pompilia’s child. But should he be acquitted on these grounds, it was then important that the child be legally recognized as his own in order that he inherit the Comparini estate. Here that possibility is treated ironically; at the end of this book (5.2037-47) it is idealized. 1183 omoplat Shoulder-blade (see 5.16). Guido is later shown to have a specialized knowledge of anatomical terms through fencing (12.289-90). In 5.119 (“nay clip my speech”) he seems to pun on the more familiar blade. 1211 Trinity An invocation of the Christian doctrine of the one God in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, presumes the truth of the confession to follow. 1291 suzerain Overlord. 1351 whealed Covered with welts. 1361 eleventh hour In the parable of the laborers in the vineyard, those villagers who were hired at the eleventh hour were paid the same at the end of the day as those who were hired in the morning (Matt. 20:6-16). Guido, in contrast, has not only worked through the day but is punished. 1421 ancientest Arezzo, the old Roman Arretium, is of Etruscan origin and older than its conqueror Florence, which was established in the first century B.C. as a colony for Roman soldiers. 1453 second See 1.785n. 149-531 Francis . . . Dominic The rivalry between Franciscan and Dominican monks was strong in the late seventeenth century. St. Francis of Assisi (1182- 1226), with whom Guido aligns himself, was born wealthy but took a vow of poverty and founded the order known as the Begging Friarsin clear contrast to Guido, who was poor and determined to enrich himself by marrying Pompilia. St. Domingo de Guzman (1170-1221) founded the Dominican Order, or Preaching Friars. St. Francis was canonized first, in 1228; St. Dominic in 1234. 1581 Homager . . . Empire One whose allegiance is directly to the Holy Roman Emperor and not to anyone of lower rank. 1641 Francis . . . Lord See 5.145n. and 2 Corinthians 8:9, “For ye know
Notes to Pages lo-14
the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich.” 1701 lineage . . . pole Possibly a reference to the distinction between first and second rank above (5.144-45). The first rank was called Gonfaloniire, which means standard-bearer. A member of Guido’s mother’s family had in fact held this title (Corrigan, xxii, 125). Though claiming the right to the first rank, Guido realizes he lacks the display which should accompany the title. See also 1.785n. 1771 pricking veins Hot blood. 1821 merriment . . . late See 2.652n. 185-871 Where . . . tower The parvenu’s claim to honored position is as artificial as the showy, non-functional defensive towers he adds to his purchased pile. 188-901 Countess . . . ash Guido’s mother’s frugality is described in OYB as one of her ways of tormenting the Comparini, by depriving them of heat (OYB, E, 49-50). 1941 suttler’s . . . camp’s Child of a peddler to soldiers or of a hanger-on to troops. The correct spelling is sutler. 2033 Molinos See 1.303-13n. 2071 suum cuique To each his own (Tacitus, Annals 4.35.4). 2091 go, do likewise After telling a lawyer the parable of the good Samaritan, “Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise” (Luke 10:37). 2121 eldest son See 2.289n. 2171 gods at home The ancient Romans recognized special household gods, the lares and penates, and kept individual shrines to them. 2271 porporate Wearer of purple, cardinal. 2281 Red-stockinged Cardinals’ stockings were red. 2301 Be . . . root In the parable of the barren fig tree, the dresser of the vineyard asked his lord to “let it alone . . . till I shall dig about it, and dung it” (Luke 13.8). 2311 Be . . . loins Jesus warned against worldly treasures and advised his followers to “let your loins be girded about” in preparation for the second coming (Luke 1235). 248-491 Z . . . foot “And Joses . . . Having land, sold it, and brought the money, and laid it at the apostles’ feet” after hearing Peter and John preach (Acts 4:36-37). 2521 villa’s See 2.808n. 2591 sisters See 4.384n. 263-643 purse . . . patron Guido implies an elaborate order and hierarchy in the cardinal’s house where he will seek favor, of which bribery is no small part.
Notes to Pages 14-16
264-651 glove . . . ring From the earliest times in Europe gloves were a symbolic gift or gage on many occasions. Sixteenth- and seventeenth-century records show that gifts of gloves, one of which might be “lined” with jewelry or money, were customary means of buying favor from a powerful man or from a woman in a privileged position. 269-701 orders . . , exorcise The exorcist was the second of the four traditional minor orders. It is first mentioned by Pope Cornelius who died in 25.3 and it was finally supressed by the Roman Catholic Church in 1872. See also 1.260-62n. 273-751 loaf . . . friend When the mu1 titude followed Jesus in to the desert he blessed five loaves and two fishes, “And they did all eat, and were filled, and they took up of the fragments that remained twelve baskets full” (Matt. 14:20). Though he is not named in the Bible, the rich 281-831 Diues . . . repartee man in the parable of the rich man and the begger Lazarus is popularly called Dives (Luke 16:19-31). After death the rich man appeals from hell to heaven for warning to be sent to his living kin in order that they may be spared his punishment. But the answer is, “If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.” Guido’s determination to be not immoderate in repartee may be a reference to such unwelcome warnings. 2841 Utrique sic paratus “For either thus prepared.” 290-911 sixteen . . . years See 2.302n. 2981 lacquey’s Footman’s. 302-43 gra@n-guarded . . . cypress The approach to the palace displays conventional symbols of pomp and power, and (ironically) of mortality. A grzfin in Greek mythology was a winged lion which guarded gold treasure. A term is a pillar out of which the bust of a figure sculpted from the same stone appears to emerge. The name comes from Terminus, god of boundaries. The cypress tree is symbolic of death and mourning. 3061 varletry Attendants. 3081 Chamberlain The highest ranking Cardinal, also called Camerlengo. 3121 Sylla, Marius Lucius Sulla (138-78 B.C.) and Gaius Mark (157-86 B.C.), dictators and rival generals. The bust is noseless presumably because mutilated by Christian reformers; it is a kind of trophy. The texture of Guido’s description of the setting of the Cardinal’s palace is consistently ironic in its mixture of pagan and spiritual references; see above 302-4 and n. 3131 haxastitch A six line verse form. 3 171 Pur-ed Ornamented. 3181 Peter’s-day The feast day of St. Peter, 29 June. 3211 tittup Skittish movement.
Notes to Pages 16-21 3241 New . . . Tordinona See l.l276n, and 2.1454n. 3271 florins Gold coins, of Florentine currency. 3361 Matins and vespers The first and sixth of the seven canonical hours; i.e. continuously. 3373 Monsignor and Eminence Titles for any distinguished prelate or cardinal. 3441 seventh climacteric A climacteric is a term of seven years; Guido was in fact not yet forty-nine (see 2.769n.). 3461 fed . . . east-wind Eliphaz argued with Job, “Should a wise man utter vain knowledge, and fill his belly with the east wind?” (Job 15:2). 3471 Land of Promzse Deut. 9:28; 11:9; 19:8; Heb. 11:9. Guido had been led to expect advancement . 3561 sisters See 4.384n. 3591 priests See 1.547n. 359-601 bat-like . . . fowl Proverbial for having no definite nature or destiny. 3631 Vittiano . . . thrushes See 2.808n. Thrushes were a table delicacy, often caught by spreading sticky bird-lime on branches. 3771 cross nor pile See 3.401n. The phrase means “heads nor tails,” i.e., money. The lower piece of the minting mechanism was called the pile. 3781 short-casting Throwing short falls of the dice through timidity. 3881 shagrag Ragged. 3911 baulked of Denied, disappointed of (his retaliatory gesture). 4011 sors . . . dip The Latin word sors means “chance” and is here an extension of the gambling image begun above 8.369. Virgilian sors refers to the Roman practice of opening Virgil’s Aeneid at random in search of a helpful quotation. Paul dips into proverb rather than the classics to find “faint heart ne’er won fair lady,” but thecoincidental appropriateness of the advice makes it a lucky draw. 4041 Camp The military. 405) counted Weighed, accounted. 4071 frieze Woolen fabric with a coarse nap. 4121 Paul’s . . . know Paul the brother and Paul the apostle, both of whom advised marriage under special circumstances. The apostle Paul said that it was better to marry than to burn (1 Cor. 7:9). 4151 tits . . . stomach Guido seems to contrast the Comparini’s stomach (appetite) for more with his own contented gorge (5.349). Cits is ironic for citizens. 4171 truck Barter. 4561 prixer Prize-fighter. 4633 Style and condition Title and social position.
Notes to Pages 21-25
4811 chufler Dicker, haggle. 486-871 Pietro . . . Ferri Pietro of Cortona (1597- 1669) was a Baroque painter; Ciro Ferri (1634-89) was his pupil. 4921 I falsified Guido claimed in an inventory of his property given to the Comparini that he had an income of 1700 scudi. He later admitted that this was a gross exaggeration. 501-23 oil . . . chapmen A chapman is a peddler or hawker of cheap goods; the flirted oil may be figurative for “sales pitch.” To have an oily and “coquetry” above (5.495) tongue is to employ flattery, just as flirted suggest. 5071 rights of force If right were might. 5161 qualify Take on the quality or nature of. 5171 new . . . old Perhaps an oblique reference to Ephesians 422-24, describing the change and renewal of the believer in Christ. 5201 Greatness . . . now Warning against mere asceticism, St. Paul argued, “Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world, why, as though living in the world, are ye subject to ordinances, (Touch not; taste not; handle not;” (Col. 220-21). 521-Z!] all . . * describes “Then I looked on all the works that my hands hadwrought . . . and, behold, all was vanity and vexation of spirit” (Eccl. 2: 11). Traditionally, Ecclesiastes was ascribed to Solomon, but it is unlikely that Solomon composed it. 526-271 spoons Fire-new Fresh from the furnace. 5381 salamander-like . . , cflame The mythical salamander was a lizard supposed to be able to live in fire. Support here has the sense of “bear.” 5401 buioc A papal coin worth l/ 100 of a scudo. 5441 frizzles Fries sputteringly; makes kissing noises. 5563 sun and moon High tragedy. 557-581 Pluutus . . . Tales Titus Maccius Plautus (c. 254-184 B.C.) and Publius Terentius Afer (c. 190-159 B.C.) were Roman comic dramatists. Giovanni Boccaccio’s (13 13-75) Book was the Decumeron, a collection of tales, many having to do with deceit and trickery. Franc0 Sacchetti (c. 1335- 1410) was from Florence, not Arezzo; he also wrote tales such as Guido described. 579-801 Father . . . husband “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife.” (Gen. 2:24). SSO-811 weal . . . law A reference both to the scripture (“Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husband” (Eph. 5:22), and to the marriage vows, which impose fidelity and obedience on the woman “for better or worse” (weal or woe). 5901 Epit hulumium Wedding song. 5921 troll To sing spiritedly as one would a round; a troll is a round.
Notes to Pnges 26-29
6151 four months’ See Chronology. 6231 soldo A Tuscan coin of minimal value. 6251 Caligula’s Roman emperor (12-41) whose cruelty, sensuality, and madness became legendary. 6301 Woe worth OE weorthan, becomes; evil will befall (proverbial). 633-341 lure . . . toad To cast a spell by use of the tools of a devil. 635-363 call . . . street Perhaps a remote allusion to Luke 19:40; see 2.1390-91n. 6391 my . . . priest See 2496n. 6401 lenten fare Priestly celibacy; sexual abstention. 6551 cockatrice See 1.168n. A fabulous serpent supposedly hatched from a cock’s egg. Isaiah spoke of the iniquities separating God and man thus: “They conceive mischief, and bring forth iniquity. They hatch cockatrice’ eggs” (Is. 59:4-5). 6591 whetting a sting A cocka trite had a barbed tail; sting here is figurative. The phrase means “getting ready for attack.” 6621 plague-prodigy A prodigy is an omen (OED), here an omen of general destruction. 6703 Thyrsis to Necera Thyrsis is a shepherd in Virgil’s seventh Eclogue; NeEra is a country girl in Eclogues 3 and 5. The names used most frequently in the letters in OYB are Mirtillo and Amaryllis (OYB, E, 99-106). 6711 Prouencal roses Ribbon rosettes. The name is a corruption of Provins, a town near Paris where according to tradition the original double damask roses were brought by the crusaders. Hamlet speaks of “two Provincial roses on my razed shoes” (3.2288) as appropriate turnout for an actor. 6731 bravo Hired bodyguard. 6981 true-love-knot A knot of ornamental design used to symbolize true love. 6991 pigeon . . . pet The dove is associated with Venus, goddess of love, in Renaissance art. 7031 hawk’s service A bird of prey trained to obey, in contrast to pigeon, dove, bird of peace. 7033 Rotunda There was a large bird market at the Piazza of the Pantheon, commonly called the Rotunda, in Rome. 7071 hoodwink, starue Methods used in training hawks. To hoodwink was to blindfold. Of course Guido hoodwinked Pompilia in a figurative sense as well. 7081 haggard An untrained female hawk which has fully moulted at least once. Also a wild and intractable person. 712-131 piped . . . Jinch Encouraged it to sing by playing music. Finches were often kept as pet song birds.
Notes to Pages 29-30 7 13) falcon-gentle Female hawk. 7171 bile One of the four humors; thought by ancients to cause ill humor. 721-Z] lords . . . burn St. Paul advised “I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, It is good for them if they abide even as I. But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn” (1 Cor. 7:9). Guido is speaking to a court of celibate ecclesiastics. 723-251 parallel . . , type See 5.580-81. Marriage signifies the union of Christ with his Church. The priests have given themselves, as it were, to the Church in a marriage relationship, requiring their devotion and obedience. “For the husband is head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church” (Eph. 5:23). 726-271 insubordinate . . . refractory Guido characteristically claims the same right over Pompilia that the Church has over Priests. Another identification of himself with the Head of the Church, Christ. 727-313 Monk . . . Bishop The beginning Monk, a novice, and the Deacon, lowest order of the ordained ministery, both undergo a probationary period during which they are subject to the severest discipline and possible dismissal. Claustral means cloistered. The rod o’ the Bishop refers to the Crosier, or staff, symbol of the Bishop’s office. The crosier is sometimes traced to its derivation from the Roman augurs’ divining stick. The rod suggests punishment; the crosier, discipline tempered with mercy. 7341 profess Take final and lifelong vows, which is done only after a long period of probation. 7361 Francis’ . . . quails The followers of St. Francis took a vow of poverty and were called begging friars. Manna seems to refer to the Lord’s provision for his own, as when the children of Israel received manna in their flight from Egypt. Quail may have a multiple reference; early in the flight from Egypt quails were provided as flesh to eat in the evening, and manna as bread in the morning (Ex. 16:12-15). Later when the quails stopped and the people complained the Lord sent quails again, but this time they brought a plague (Num. 11:18, 31-33). There may be a further ironic reference to St. Francis’ special love of animals; he was often painted preaching to the birds. 7381 Levite-rule In Deuteronomic law the terms priest and Levite were used interchangeably to designate those among the Israelites who served one priestly function. In the post-exilic period, however, the term priest came to mean those in charge of sacrifice at the altar, and the term Levite, those who interpreted the meaning of Israel’s faith. In the Middle Ages the title Levite was given to deacons. After many earlier efforts to enforce celibacy upon those in Holy Orders, the Western Church at the Second Lateran Council (1139) made marriage of all clerics unlawful and invalid. A deacon, therefore, could be denied the pleasures of “sweet society.”
Notes to Pages ?O-35
7401 peccant humours Sinful inclinations. 7481 pens Heavy wing feathers. Pens means wings, especially in poetic usage; the image here suggests losing the power of flight. 7511 turtle Turtle-dove, ironic contrast to hawk. 7561 pretty piece Mistress. 756-571 save . . . saue The first saue is a shortened form of “God save,” whereas the second save is literal. 7581 postulant A candidate undergoing a period of testing before being admittedas a novitiate in a religious order or to ordained ministry. The line is heavily ironic; a postulant is undergoing a period of instruction in the ways of virtue and is moreover in no position to instruct or tax a Bishop. 7641 Put . . . circulate Both Spreti, in his defence of Guido, and the proGuido anonymous pamphleteer emphasize Pietro’s “copious distribution” in Rome and in Arezzo of pamphlets containing “bitter libels” against Guido (see 2.652n.). 7681 by-blow Bastard. 7753 preferred Brought forward, formally presented. 8001 proverb . . . by-word Guido appropriates God’s words to Solomon about the punishment of Israel if they should worship other Gods. “This house, which I have hallowed for my name, will I cast out of my sight; and Israel shall be a proverb and a byword among all people” (1 Kings 9:7). Note that Guido has Pompilia refer to him as “my lord” (5.803). SOS] Locusta’s A woman poisoner living during the early Roman Empire, who pretended to nurse her victims, among whom were Claudius and Bri tannicus. 8111 infectious mistletoe Mistletoe is a parasite, and the berry is poisonous. 833-341 speech . . . Abate The letter to Paolo first referred to in 2.678 (see n.) recounting the Comparini’s plots against Guido, claimed by Pompilia to be a forgery. 839, 8431 trick . . . trick Guido plays on the sense of trick as ruse, and as ingenious mechanism (OED), suggesting that both the forged letter and the torture machine were employed in the service of truth. 8471 Zathan dagger Wooden sword. Used figuratively to signify an empty threat. In the old Morality plays the figure of Vice wore a dagger of lath. 8481 Bilboa Bilbao, a seaport in northern Spain famous for the steel blades made there, was called in English Bilboa, and the name was often used for a weapon itself. 8511 practice Scheme. 857) marching . . . rectitude Within limits permitted by the marriage bond. 8681 Molinist See 1.303-13n.
Notes to Pnges 35-38 8741 coppice Variation of copse, a thicket or wood of young trees. 8761 many . . . knew Guido’s accusation of repeated adultery by Pompilia is quoted by his lawyers (OYB, E, 135). 8771 cup Another identification with Jesus: “Let this cup pass” (Matt. 28:39). 8953 hassock . . . lodge Cushion for kneeling in church; box (Fr. loge) in a theatre. 9173 quavering . . . trills Turns and trills, especially in operatic style, were called quavers. 919-201 grace . . . uno The word grace here may be a pun on grace note, the decorative embellishment of a melodic line, in extension of 6.917 above and 6.921 below. Guido’s elaborate musical metaphors belie his disavowal of artful affectation. Stans pede in uno, “standing on one foot,” is a proverbial expression signifying the same as “with one hand tied behind my back”: it is quoted in Horace, Satires 1.4.10. 92 l] plainsong The chants sung in church, called plainsong, were declamatory, unadorned with vocal display. 9281 let . . . alone A reference to the horns of the cuckold. 9291 mulct of comJits A fine of sweetmeats-perhaps the same ones that were thrown in her lap when she first say Caponsacchi (2.793n.). 9311 threatenings . . . slaughter “Saul, yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord” (Acts 9:l). This description is given just before the conversion of Saul on the road to Damascus. The phrase See fate’s flare (5.933) may be a reference to the “light from heaven” which blinded Saul. 9341 dead . . . three Pompilia died four days after the attack. Here Guido speaks of her as already dead; at 5.1677, he says she is still alive. This inconsistency makes it difficult to determine the exact date of Guido’s monologue. 9351 Look . . . this The line has two possible, if remote, references. At Dante’s first vision of Beatrice in the Purgatory, standing at the brink of heaven she says, “Look at me well” (30.73). (Guido implies, of course, that the Comparini are in Hell.) A further reference may be the first apostolic miracle, the healing of a lame man by Peter- another clearly ironic contrast to the murders. “And Peter, fastening his eyes upon him with John, said, Look on us” (Acts 3.4). 9451 threateningpompilia testified that Guido threatened repeatedly to kill her by sword, pistol, and poison (OYB, E, 91-92). 9621 plaister Sticking-plaster, bandages. 9651 Malchus At the arrest of Jesus at Gethsemane, Peter cut off the right ear of the servant of the high priest Malchus (John 18:lO). 9691 Potter’s Field The field purchased with the thirty pieces of silver re-
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turned to the chief priests by the repentant Judas. It was in tended as a burial ground for strangers and the poor. It is not certain that Judas hanged himself in the Potter’s Field, an inference based on Peter’s statement in Acts 1.18. Matthew says merely, “And he cast down the pieces of silver in the temple, and departed, and went and hanged himself” (Matt. 27:5). 970-711 Judas . . . thief At the last supper Jesus gave a sop to Judas as a sign that he knew his betrayer (John 1326). Judas was at that time still keeper of the bag of the disciples’ money even though he was earlier called a thief (John 1329; 126). 974-751 pricking . . . sampler Embroidering love designs on cloth. 9801 MaZchus’ See 5.965r-r. 9961 admiring Wondering. 9981 intelligence Secret communication. 10041 uilla See 2.808n. 10051 husbandry Industrious thrift, with the ironic second sense that there were possessions closer to home in greater need of husbanding. The line may also be a glance at the Christ role that Guido repeatedly assumes: Christ said, “I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman” (John 15:l) to the disciples before Gethsemene. lOlO-111 seuenth , . . daybreak Pompilia said she left at dawn; Caponsacchi said they met at about 7 hours, which would be about 1 a.m. (OYB, E, 93, 96). 10141 Guillichini See 2.926n. 1020-271 They . . . liberty The road to Perugia and Rome which was taken by the fugitives led from the San Spirit0 gate at the S side of Arezzo. But the fugitives in fact left the city near the gate at the N side, San Clemente gate, where it was easy to climb the city wall because the hilly ground sloped up nearly to the top of an ancient watch tower (Torrione) built into the wall itself. There would have been a drop on the other side of the wall, however. At the Horse Inn outside San Clemente gate the runaways took a light carriage, a calash, around the city to the Perugia road. Pompilia’s and Caponsacchi’s accounts differ somewhat from the facts, as do also the gossiping neighbors’ here. 1029-311 Flat . . . gods Guido says both that his fortunes are laid low, and that his fortune (fate) is as plainly written as the sharply patterned mythic images in a tesselated (mosaic) floor, which he ingeniously implies has been composed of fragments of all that he held sacred. 10351 drenched Given a heavy medicinal dose, with the implications of forcible administration. 10401 Molinist See 1.303-13n. 1041-431 Floundered . . . hell An echo of lines in Milton’s Paradise Lost
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which derived from two Biblical passages: “How art thou fallen from heaven, 0 Lucifer, son of the morning” (Is. 14:12), and “I saw Satan fall as lightning from heaven” (Luke 10: 18). Guido describes the passage of time as a kind of chute, with the discovery of the lovers in the morning as the hellish illumination at the end. 10481 cavalier confessed Cavalier has the sense of cavalier-servant, a man who devoted his service to a lady, especially to a married one. Confessed is ironic in its sense of brazenly admit ted; Caponsacchi has cast off any priestly associations with the word, and by his attire and action confesses his guilt. 10521 league . . . more A league is about 3 mi.; Castelnuovo was about 15 mi. from Rome. Castelnuovo was the last station where the fugitives would need to change post-horses. 1072-731 crime . . . indisputably The indisputable truth is the birth of the child. 1074-761 remedy . . . tried The remedy is murder. Guido says that he did not kill Pompilia at the Inn because he lacked positive proof of her adultery. Yet had he killed her then, Law would have regarded him as a friend and pardoned the murder. But now, after the decisive proof of adultery in the birth of the child, the same remedy thrice tried (the three murders) has proved worse than invalid (null in a legal sense)-i.e., punishable by death. 1077-791 When . . . mine Now that the shadow of a suspicion which might have proved unfounded (transient shade) is confirmed (SoZidij(ies into a blot), the indelible blot on Guido’s name makes the mark or brand of Hell look pale, peeling and impermanent by comparison. 1101-21 feet . . . nod Paul, defending himself in Jerusalem, said he was “brought up in this city at the feet of Gamaliel, and taught according to the perfect manner of the law of the fathers” (Acts 22:3). Gamaliel is more fully characterized in Acts 5:34-39, where he advises tolerance and restraint toward the apostles, “for if this counsel or this word be of man, it will come to nought: But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God.” Guido speaks figuratively, identifying himself with St. Paul and his “work” with that of God. 11093 umercement “Infliction of a penalty left to the ‘mercy’ of the inflicter; hence the imposition of an arbitrary mulct or fine (originally lighter in amount than fines fixed for specific offences)” (OED). 1118-201 put . . . conclusions “To try conclusions” means to experiment; here it conveys more finality. “Pompilia tries my own sword on me, and thus teaches me to be less tentative the (unlikely) next time.” 11191 my own sword See 2.1023n. 1131-321 witches’ . . . succubus See 1.564-82n. 11421 What wine The letters do discuss the color of Guido’s wine (OY B, E, 100-4).
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11461 Somebody forged They did claim this (OYB, E, 94, 97-8). 11481 Sacchetti See 5.557-58n. 1148-563 “Dame . . . more!” A parody of the novella style of Sacchetti’s period. 11501 placket Pocket or petticoat. 11561 Zosel . . . fay Worthless . . . faith. 1160-691 I.. . Lazarus The parable of the rich man and the begger Lazarus, who “was laidat his gate, full of sores” teaches that inequities in earthly life are compensated after death. Lazarus went to heaven; the rich man went to hell. When the rich man appealed to Lazarus for relief, he was answered by Abraham, “Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things; but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented” (Luke 16: 19-25). Guido’s claim to Shrink from no probing of the ulcerous part echoes Lazarus’ indignity: “the dogs came and licked his sores” (Luke 16:19-25). 11701 [email protected] . . . go Maliciously accused by the Jews of wrongs they could not prove, St. Paul declared that he was willing to die if guilty but that as a Roman citizen he appealed to Caesar for truth and justice. “Hast thou appealed unto Caesar? unto Caesar shalt thou go” (Acts 25:lZ). 117 l] Rome Here and in 4.11 Guido is said to have appealed to Rome. In 2.1051 and 6.1557 Caponsacchi makes that appeal. OYB says that it was Guido’s idea (OYB, E, 217). 11931 single . . . strayaway A reference to the single straying sheep which the shepherd went out to find, leaving ninety-nineothers in sheepfold (Matt. 18: 1Z- 14; Luke 15:3-7). Guido in tends the comparsion of Caponsacchi with the Shepherd to be ironic. * . . doctus Gaius Valerius Catullus (c. 84-c. 54 B.C.) 1204-51 Catuzlus Roman poet. His shorter lyrics were often lively and sensual; his elegiacs, frequently obscene; but his longer, more serious poems earned for him the title doctus, meaning learned and celebrated. He became a model for subsequent poets. 1209-201 Seeing . . . such Guido embellished the decree of the Court. It passed no sentence upon Pompilia, but rather sent her to the Convent to await further interrogation. Moreover, the meaning of the original decree became unclear when the first presentation which charged Caponsacchi as Guido states was subsequently emended by the Judges so as to suggest that adultery was merely alleged, not proved. The matter became a point of heated contention between the opposing sides during Guido’s trial for murder. 12113 pother From powder; commotion, such as might raise a choking dust. 12191 Sisterhood of penitents See 2.1189-90n.
Notes to Pages 48-51 1229) connect ion Sexual intercourse. 12303 pudency Modesty. Guido implies that the punishment was castration. 12331 Molinists See 1.303- 13n. 12441 erred . . . person According to Canon Law an error “in the individual” did indeed make a marriage void, but not an error “in the quality,” Guido’s friends argue here that having been deceived as to Pompilia’s identity he was deceived in her person; the courts decided it was an error of quality. 1252-721 Station . . . sops-in-wine This passage makes an analogy between Christ’s journey to Calvary and his death, and Guido’s return home after the trial. Station by station invokes the stations of the cross; the sarcasm and insincere sympathy he encounters suggest the mockery addressed to Christ (“Hail, King of the Jews!“); pelting (“to assail with reproaches or obloquy” [OED]) may be a reference to the abuse of the soldiers who spit upon and smote Jesus (Matt. 27:29-30); the sop-in-wine echoes the sponge soaked in vinegar lifted to Christ on the cross (John 19: 17-30) as well as the opiate given to Guido. Other parallels might be the mention of Guido’s mother (Christ’s meeting with the Virgin), his likeness of his stoical facade to death, and the possible obscure pun of Pilate’s disavowal of responsibility (Matt. 27:24) in 5.1270 (palliate screws?). 1259-601 Helen . . . husband Casting Pompilia and Caponsacchi as the lovers whose affairs caused the Trojan War by implication casts Guido as Menelaus, King of Sparta, who did indeed enjoy “commiseration” sufficient to prolong the war for ten years. 1262-631 underwent . . . street Guido would have entered Arezzo by the same San Spirit0 Gate from which the lovers departed. From this gate one can follow a main road directly across the town to the Pieve Church, which was Caponsacchi’s church and near which the Franceschini probably lived. 1277-781 Ultima . . . Ciuitas Farthest Thule . . . nearest town. Thule was the name given to an island reached, according to the ancients, by a six day sail to the N of Britain; it was called Ultima Thule by Virgil (Georgics, 1.30) and was associated with the end of the world. Civita Vecchia, where Caponsacchi was sent, was about a six hour ride from Rome (see 2.1171r-r.) 12951 Cancel . . . one It does not appear from the OYB that Guido did seek a divorce. 12991 Abate Paul was Guido’s legal representative in Rome. 1306-81 Leah . . . Lot’s Rome reversed Guido’s expectations and supported the decision by reference to two OT passages. Laban, after accepting long service from Jacob in exchange for Jacob’s marriage to Laban’s younger daughter Rachel, tricked Jacob by substituting Leah, the older, on
Notes to Pages 52-55 the wedding night (Gen. 29:16-Z@. Lot was tricked by his daughters into lying with them after the destruction of Sodom (Gen. 19:30-35). Both Jacob and Lot erred in the individual (5.1310), but Guido did not. See also 5.1244 and n. 1326-271 not . . . Vittoria See 1.389n. 13371 three suits See 3.1661n and Chronology. 13411 uain attempt On grounds of the prolongation of the litigation, Paul requested the Pope to appoint a special assembly to decide the various causes, but the reply was simply, “The matter rests with the Judges” (OYB, E, 150). 13441 infallible The doctrine of Papal infallibility maintains that the Pope, when speaking on faith and morals ex cathedra (from the papal throne as successor of St. Peter) is without error. It was not made a dogma to be accepted by the whole Roman Church until 1870. The claim first appeared, however, in the Middle Ages, and remained a continuing issue within the church. During a long period before the French Revolution, the French clergy were required to disavow the belief, but, for the most part, the Papacy and the Jesuits took it for granted. B is thus being neither anachronistic nor prophetic. 13511 Ovid’s art Ovid’s Art of Loue (1 B.C.) is a burlesque of classical didactic poetry, instructing men and women in the art of wooing. 13521 Summa The Summa Theologia of St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) was the classical text of students of Roman Catholicism during the CounterReformation after the Council of Trent (1545-63). 13531 Corinna Ovid celebrated his mistress Julia as Corinna. 13591 merum sal Pure salt; savory pinch. Used by Lucretius (c. 96-55 B.C.) in De Rerum Natura 4.1162. 13651 Leaves Rome Paul did leave Rome over the scandal and did eventually make his fortune in Spain (see F. E. Faverty, “The Absconded Abbot in The Ring and the Book,” in Studies in Philology, 35, 88-104). 13661 Brztazn . . . orb From a phrase in Virgil, Eclogues 1.6 expressive of extreme exile: penitus toto diuisos orbe Britannos (Britain, that placeof punishment totally divided from our world). 13691 bile According to the ancient theory of the humors, the agitation or increase of bile caused rage. 13821 toad’s-head-squeeze Toads were thought to be poisonous, and the head especially was considered to have quasi-magical powers for healing or for killing. 1390, 1402, 14043 nailed/cavern/paving-stone Perhaps a return to the Christ imagery. After Christ’s crucifixion and burial in a cave, a large stone was rolled across the opening of the sepulchre.
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14141 Paynims Infidels, especially Muslims. 14211 Jifty years See 2.769n. 14351 three suits See 3.166n. 14391 Loosed . . . loin Possibly a reference to the chastity belt allegedly fastened on a wife to prevent sexual intercourse in the absence of her husband. It may also be an ironic glance at Eph. 5:14: “Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth.” 144 l] mulct A fine or similar punishment. 1444-481 hap . . . bagpipes Such sensational events as the murders were bagoften made into ballads and bawled/At tavern doors. Peasants playing pipes at the Christmas season were a familiar sight in Rome. The tradition was ancient but became more associated with drinking and celebration than with religious observation. 14621 Lawful A child born in wedlock was by law a legitimate offspring. 14641 Wednesday 18 Dec. 1697, Gaetano’s birthday, was a Wednesday. 147 l] hidden away The boy “had been intrusted secretly to a nurse” (OYB, E, 152). 14741 bant Zing Small child, with the connotation of bastard. 14843 ordure A pun on order, family device on a crest. 14853 jakes Privy. 1497-981 three-fold . . . pride A fusion of a passage in Job and one in Ecclesiastes. The three-fold cord represents those who have united their efforts in a common cause (Eccl. 4: 12)-in this case, Pompilia, Caponsacchi, and the baby. Leviathan is an image of God’s grandeur and omnipotence, and by extension, Guido’s (Job 41). Guido presents himself, paradoxically, as both the invincible and the hooked leviathan. He continues the image in 1514-21. 15071 spilth Overflow. 1511) instil “To put in by drops” (OED). 1541-423 No . . . Domino The Vulgate reads: “Si quis Dei, jungatur Mihi?” “Then Moses stood in the gate of the camp, and said, Who is on the Lord’s side?” Moses’ words were spoken to the faithful after he brought the tables of the law down from the mount and found the people worshipping a golden calf. The quotation has a literal as well as an ironic application to Guido’s case: the Levites were instructed to “slay every man his brother, and every man his companion, and every man his neighbor” for their transgression (Ex. 3237). 15431 Vittiano See 2.808n. 15471 her ‘hest Judgement’s behest; Justice is often personified as a woman. 1550-521 brained . . . Duke Cf. The Tempest 32.96, where Caliban urges Stephano and Trinculo to help him attack Prospero: “There thou mayst brain him . . . or with a log Batter his skull, or paunch him with a stake.”
Notes to Pages 60-65 Guido’s servants direct their agricultural skills to murder; just as they dig, dress, prune (5.154849), they would have brained, staked, paunched (cut open). 1567-701 first . . . dust After Adam and Eve ate the apple and the first knowledge of good and evil (conscience) was born, God said to the serpent, “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head . . .” (Gen. 3:15). 15761 Joy . . . man “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men” (Luke 2: 14). The angel song announcing the birth of Jesus. 15’791 Nine days from 24 Dec., when Guido arrived in Rome with his accomplices, to 2 Jan., the day of the murders. 1579-801 pray . . . temptation “And lead us not into temptation” (Matt. 6:13). 15811 house . . . once Paul’s, where the five men spent nine days. 16033 0 . . . unavenged “The souls of them that were slain for the word of God . . . cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, 0 Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?” (Rev. 6:10-l 1) 16061 death-watch-tick A beetle which by tapping its head against timber makes a sound like the ticking of a watch; the sound was superstitiously associated with death. 16263 to Caponsacchi See 2.1422n. 1631-321 lamb . . . bosom “But the poor man had nothing save one little ewe lamb, which . . . lay in his bosom” (2 Sam. 123). In the parable the lamb stands for Bathsheba, whom David had taken from Uriah. Presumably this would make Guido the abused Uriah. 16461 Fury The three Furies were goddesses of vengence, especially against abuses of kinship. They are represented as death-like and horrifying in appearance. 16513 serpent’s head See 1567-76n. Here and in lines 1659 and 1668 Guido continues to claim divine sanction for his act, recalling perhaps Jesus’ words, “I have given you authority to tread upon the serpents and scorpions, and over all the powers of the enemy and nothing shall hurt you” (Luke 10: 19). 16631 Twenty miles See 3.1626n. 1673, 16771 four . . . alive See 5.934 and n. 16761 church Lorenzo See 1.866-67n. 16953 great Physician One of the titles given to Jesus. 16981 eyes . . . hear Once when his disciples thoroughly misunderstood him, Jesus asked, “Perceived ye not yet, neither understand? have ye your hearts yet hardened? Having eyes, see ye not? and having ears, hear ye not?”
Notes to Pages 66-77 (Mark 8:10:36) Guido’s action has been restorative; he now sees and hears clearly. 17133 warrant See 3.1621. 17251 man’s . . . house “And a man’s foes shall be those of his own household” (Matt. 10:36). 17271 acquetta . . . way See 4.1063n. 1741-491 brother . . . meoS See 3.1448n. The Latin phrase means “to my judges”: Ad Judices suos (to his judges) was the Pope’s answer to the appeal. (OYB, E, 150). 17701 Justinian’s Pandects See 1.215-33n. 17741 con$rms Should confirm, ideally confirms. 17841 patron . . . Cardinal See 2.153-55n. 1789-901 Made . . . deed The Cardinal who assisted the marriage was Cardinal Lauria, Paolo’s patron (OYB, E, 150, 212). 17981 invalid See 3.1474n. 18141 Archbishop . . . Governor See 3.965-66n. 18271 Molinists See 1.303- 13n. 1830-321 Two . . . arm i.e., the Bishop and the Governor. 18841 Guilty See 5.1209-1220n. 18931 Arezzo See 5.1501-5n. and Chronology. 19021 Stinche See 4.1508. 19211 corn@-pelting See 2.739n. 19221 hand kerchief Kerchief in the old sense. A piece of cloth worn over the head or around the neck. 1989) eficient . . . comminatory Effective . . . warning. 19901 terror . . . wicked “For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil” (Rom. 13:3). 1998-ZOOO] soldier-bee . . . hive B’s coinage soldier-bee surely refers to the worker-bee, a sterile female bee who protects the hive by embedding her stinger in the flesh of the enemy. For this she pays with her life since in attempting to withdraw it she exenterates, disembowels, herself by pulling out a vital part of her abdomen to which the stinger is attached. 20063 fugitive brother See 5.1365n. 2009] gibe . . . flung At the time of the rebellion led by Absalom against his father David, as David was fleeing from Jerusalem, Shimei “came forth, and cursed still as he came. And he cast stones at David, and at all the servants of king David” (2 Sam. 16:5-6). 20107 youth at home Girolamo; see 2.289n. 20161 law . . . mine See 5.1462n. 20211 paladin my sire From Palatine, foremost knight of Charlemagne’s court; thus champion, hero. Sire means ancestor. 20271 Eutopia A Greek word meaning “good place.” As first used by Themas More in 1556, it was a play on Utopia, “no place.” 328
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2032-331 Husbands . . . Spouse “Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything” (Eph. 524). 2034) Belial In the Old Testament Belial was not a proper noun but an adjective meaning worthlessness, lawlessness. In the intertestimental literature it was one of the names given to Satan. 20371 son . . . right-hand In the position of importance. Luke writes, “This Jesus God raised up, and of that we are all witnesses. Therefore being by the right hand of God exalted . . .” (Acts 232-3). The idea recurs frequently in the New Testament where Jesus is seen as the fulfillment of the ancient prophecy: “The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies my footstool” (Ps. 110: 1). Again Guido identifies himself with Deity. 20431 hand Cf. 5.15, and 1.971-7%. After his resurrection Jesus said to the doubting apostle Thomas, “Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands . . . and be not faithless but believing” (John 2027). These final lines of Book 5 comparing the marks of the crucifixion nails on Jesus’s hands and the effects of Guido’s torture, complete Guido’s reconstruction of his own life so that it becomes an ironic parody of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.
Book 6, Giuseppe Caponsacchi 71 Six months In the Process of Flight (see Chronology), which began eight months earlier (in May) but extended through the summer. 81 you . . . three See 1.952n. Rome’s sentence in the Process of Flight is not included in OYB but B assumes the judges were the same in both cases. 311 lounge a little A reference to his relegation; see 1.1031n. 323 you summon There is no indication in OYB of such a summons; at 6.1610 he says he is present “as friend of the court”; see n. 341 Tommati See 1.944n. 371 Three . . . ago This dating of Caponsacchi’s monologue on 5 Jan. is not consis tent throughout; see 6.1606. 471 Pompilia . . . dying She died on 6 Jan., 1698, four days after the attack. 49-591 book . . . ago The story of the casting of lots for Jesus’ coat while he was on the cross is told in John 1923-24. 671 four . . . earth “. . . I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth.” (Rev. 7:l). See also Isa. 11:12 and Ezek. 72. 801 taught you In the Process of Flight. 87-j fribble . . . coxcomb A frivolous and vain person. 921 I held so I thought one way. 1111 your summons See 6.32n. 329
Notes to Pages 83-87 123-241 solely . . . God Having pledged himself to the Church and to chastity Caponsacchi was not free to marry. 1341 Chop-fallen Crestfallen, undone. 144-451 when . . . judgment-day “And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened . . . and the dead were judged . . .” (Rev. 2212) 1471 relume . . . pax A reference to Is. 42:3 (see 1.747n.) and perhaps also to Othello 5.2.8-12: “If I quench thee, thou flaming minister,/ I can again thy former light restore,/ Should I repent me. But once put out thy light,/ Thou cunning’st pattern of excelling nature,/ I know not where is that Promethean heat/ That can thy light relume.” 150-511 tares . . . corn In the parable of the wheat and the tares the master tells his servants not to weed the grain until harvest, which Jesus interprets as the day of judgement. (Matt. 13:24-30, 39). 1511 Molinism See 1.303-13n. 1551 other potentate i.e., temporal power, head of state. 1663 gripe An old spelling for grip. 209- lo] rug . . . mock Perhaps a reference back to the dicing for Christ’s coat at 6.59. 225-271 Fiesole . . . Fiesole See 21240n. Florence conquered Fiesole in 1125 and did indeed ruin it, inflicting wide killing and destruction. 230-311 Old . . . just After their move to Florence the Caponsacchi family built a house in the Mercato Vecchio (Old Marketplace), the central square in the town. Their move was sometime between the fall of Fiesole in 1125, and 1147, the date by which they had arrived according to a speaker in Dante’s Purudiso (16.121-22). Thus it was closer to 550 years earlier than to the 386 Caponsacchi cites that the move was made. Cook speculates that B hereconfuses two speakers, Dante, who was writing about 1312, or 386years prior to Caponsacchi in 1698, and Dante’s character Cacciaguida, who was killed c. 1148. 232-41 arms . . . Suluiuti Caponsacchi means to suggest the age of his family in saying that its history goes back to the beginnings of Fiesole, one of the most ancient walled villages (until the walls were leveled in the siege by Florence) in Tuscany, A quartered shield signifies that different coats of arms (not necessarily four) are combined in one escutcheon to denote descent; presumably this shield contains the arms of Fiesole as well as those of the Caponsacchi and Salviati families. Note too that the colors are reminiscent of St. George (see 1.579n.), already associated with Caponsacchi. The Sulviuti were a noble Roman family with representatives in positions of high rank in the church, but the name survives largely by its association with the Florentine born painter Francisco Rossi Salviati (1510-1563), who adopted the name out of deference to his patron the Cardinal Giovanni Salviati. F. R.
Notes to Pages 87-91 Salviati was a contemporary and close friend from childhood of Vasari (4,5456), and it is possible that B became aware of the family through his reading in Vasari. 238-j illustration illustrious person. 245-491 Granduke . . . father Arezzo fell to Florence in 1384. The rule of the Florentine Medici family from the fifteenth to the eighteenth centuries was famous both for brilliance and for repressive power. A statue of Ferdinand di Medici (158’7-1609, grandfather of Ferdinand II) by Giovanni da Bologna was erected in front of the Cathedral of Arezzo in 1595. The story of the threatened reprisals for pulling down the statue is imagined, but not untypical of Medici rule. 276-78-j Jews . . . superstition For the Jews, a name expressed the character and identity of a person or a God. The Hebrew name for God YHWH (Yahweh), therefore, was considered so holy that it was avoided in common speech and the word Adonai or Lord was used in its place. Thus the reluctance of the Jews to utter the Holy Name of God. Contrary to what the Bishop says, the substitution would not have the same meaning as the original. This practice like many other beliefs and customs outside the Christian tradition, appeared superstitious to such a man as the Bishop. 2841 new word An artificial form derived from an erroneous combination of the consonants YHWH with the vowels of Adonai by a Christian in the late 18th century. 2901 Diocletian Roman emperor and persecutor of Christians, 245-3 13. 3081 halt . . . blind See 1.31n. 3121 porphyry See 2.96n. 313-141 Saint . . . Onesimus Onesimus was a runaway slave who had robbed his master Philemon. St. Paul sent him back to Philemon with a letter asking that he be forgiven, not because Paul had “had enough,” but because Onesimus had been converted (Philemon 10-l 1). 315-161 rie . . . Agrippa In Caesarea Paul was accused by the Jews of being a threat to public order and was brought to trial before a provincial court. He demanded, on grounds of his Roman citizenship, to be tried before the Roman Emperor, as was his right. King Herod Agrippa II was the last colonial Roman official Paul faced before his departure for Rome. Newer translations of the story differ, but according to KJV Agrippa responded to Paul’s account of his conversion, “Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian” (Acts 2628). The Bishop urges Caponsacchi to seek like-minded equals among the rich and powerful outside the church. 3191 Ftnelon Francois de Salignac de la Mothe-Fenelon (1651-1715) was a French prelate and writer. His book Explication des maximes des saints sur la vie inttrieure (Explication of the the Maxims of the Saints concerning the Interior Life), 1697, defended a woman who herself defended Molinist views
Notes to Pages 91-93 (see 1.303-13n.). Partly because of pressure from Louis XIV Fenelon’s book was condemned by the Papacy in 1699. These 11.suggest the heated temper of the controversy at the time of Guido’s trial, and aIso implies the Church’s attempt to win favor from a reigning monarch, as the speaker suggests Paul did from Agrippa. 321-221 meat . . . Friday Friday is traditionally a day of abstinance. 3241 sw inged Flogged. 3251 paste Composition, mortar, in accord with the imagery begun with rubble-stone, 6.309. 3281 madrigals Short love poems or songs. 3291 Marinesque Adoniad Giovanni Battista Marino (1569-1625) was so popular for his florid literary style and bawdy content that a school of imitators were know as Martinisti. His long epic poem Adone, more than twice the length of The Ring and the Book, was his most famous work. Here the flourish of phrase suggests the affected style of the original. 3421 Pieve Santa Maria della Pieve, Caponsacchi’s church. 3441 Sub-deacon, Canon See 1.260-62n. and 1.378n. 3451 tarocs A card game which could involve fortune telling. 3461 fan-mounts Either the wood or ivory of the frame, or the silk paper of the surface (OED). The line is suggestive of coy flirtation, perhaps connected with the fortune telling that is going on. 3501 her . . . roast “To rule theroast” is proverbial for “to have mastery.” 3521 Devoir Service, respect. 3531 Passion-week Holy week, the week before Easter, a time for special prayer and penance. 3751 tonsure’s need See 1.327-2811. 3771 hi.s Eminence A title of honor used in speaking to or of a Cardinal. 3801 closet-lectures . . . where Private lessons, perhaps in the confessional. 3821 body o’ Bacchus An oath, a pagan version of “body o’ Christ.” 383-841 pauses . . . Catullus The elegiac couplet was a line of dactylic hexameter followed by one of dactylic pentameter, a pattern used for poetry of love and war as well as for elegies. A break or pause in the rhythm of a line was often used for variety or emphasis; it was called a caesura, which may have suggested chasms with its added innuendo. The 11. are a series of obvious double entendres mocking the pretense of classical instruction; Bacthus (5.380) is the authority and the libertine Catullus (see 5.1204-5n.) the model for the extended interruptions in the stuffy lessons; even couplet may be a pun. 385-871 break . . . Ovid Priscianus Caesariensis was a sixth century Latin grammarian who lived in Constantinople. This phrase is proverbial for speaking ungrammatical or unclassical Latin. But there is Ovid to fall back 332
Notes to Pages 93-96
on, both for classical style and for counsel in affairs of love; see 1.1149n. and 2.1212-13n. 3911 Found . . . theatre The first meeting of Pompilia and Caponsacchi is described by Pompilia in a deposition made during the Process of Flight and quoted by the defence in the murder trail. “While we were in a great crowd at the play one evening, Canon Conti, the brother of the husband of my sister-in-law, threw me some confetti. My husband, who was near me, took offence at it-not against Conti, but against Caponsacchi, who was sitting by the side of the said Conti” (OYB, E 91). 3971 mat&-song A traditional Breviary Office originaIly performed in the Roman Catholic Church at midnight or later at 2 AM. After the Middle Ages, however, it was often anticipated and said on the evening before. Whatever time B has in mind, Caponsacchi’s yawning might seem natural. 3981 fucchini Porters. 4021 Rafael Presumably a Madonna by Raphael (4.376n.), but there is no such painting in the cathedral in Arezzo. 404-51 Canon . . . cornfits See 2.793n. 4091 cousin In the sense of a relative; Conti was Guido’s sister’s husband’s brother. 4121 Married . . . since B dates the first meeting in March, only a month or so before the flight: OYB does not specify when it was. 433-451 At . . . Secu-lo-o-o-o-rum This passage, ostensibly an account of a Vesper service, contains a series of incoherent Latin fragments. Possibly B did not understand the service, but more likely, he distorted this account to satirize the superficiality of the religious life of Caponsacchi and his peers, and to emphasize the ironic contrast between Conti’s asides and the words of the service. Vespers is the early evening office of the Western Church. It consists of lessons, psalms, prayers, and the canticle Magnificat (Luke 1:46-55). In ex-ccl-sis (in the highest) is a phrase from the Gloria in excelsis Deo, a hymn sung during the mass but not ordinarily at Vespers. It seems to be quoted here to contrast with louted (bowed, been obsequious) and incline. Quia sub means “that which under” or “because under.” Jam tu (now you) does not appear in the service. Jam, however, is the beginning word of the Vesper hymn Jam sol recedit ignesis (Now the light of the sun fades). In secula Secu-lo-o-o-o-rum (From age to age forever) are the last words of the Gloria Patri (Glory to the Father), which is ordinarily sung at the end of the MagniJicat. Caponsacchi is being advised to engage not in devotion to a transcendent power but in temporary distractions. 4521 Marino See 6.329n. 4531 Dante Dante’s love for Beatrice, inspiration for his Vita Nuoua and Diuina Comedia, was both spiritual and physical. 455-571 Duomo . . . lancet-windows The Duomo is the cathedral of 333
Notes to Pages 96-100
Arezzo, not the Pieve Church of which Caponsacchi was a canon. Lancetwindows are high and narrow with an arch at the top; the Duomo in Arezzo had a set of such windows made by Guillaume de Marcillat (1467-1529) depicting the life of Christ. God’s robe is a recurrent metaphor in the Bible for transforming grace (see Rev. 6: 11, for example: “and white robes were given to every one of them”). Here the day’s last gleam and the skirt of God’s own robe contrast with Light-skirts above (6.448) in the same way that Dante contrasts with Marino to illustrate two kinds of love. 4581 ortoluns Small birds, a delicacy. 4621 cunzonet A light song. 4631 patron The Bishop of 6268ff. 4681 Molinist See 1.303-13n. 4733 strange Pope Innocent XII; see 1.298r-r. Strange here means both new and different, less worldly than now customary in the Church. 479-971 Summa . . . word The Summa Theologicu of St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-74) is a systematic compendium of Christian theology stressing the importance of rationalism. Its primary method is dialectical, following a question and answer format. It became the official guide to Roman Catholic belief during the Counter-Reformation following the Council of Trent (1545-63). In turning from his Summa Caponsacchi expressed his sense that the light of reason is insufficient, and that the new question posed by Pompilia and the grace that she represents has come between him and institutional religion. 5131 patch Originally a fool or clown, but came to be applied especially to an ill-natured person, as in “cross-patch.” 5143 Vittiuno See 2.808n. 515-161 maid . . . house See 3.1093-95n. and 3.1103n. 5511 Thyrsisund MyrtiZZu See 5.670n. MyrtiZZo (masculine) is the name that appears in the letters (OYB, E, 105); he is the lover in ZZPastor Fido (The FuithfuZ Shepherd, 1590) by Giovambattista Guarini (1537-1612) whose sweetheart Amaryllis is betrothed to another. One of the letters contains the remark, “I see that you like the Pastor Fido” (OYB, E, 103). The work had enormous popularity and was made into an opera by Handel in the 18th ten tury. 5581 crumbs . . . tuble “And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate full of sores, And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man’s table” (Luke 16:20-21). 5641 Concert Arrange, plan. 5661 Ave At the time of the evening Angelus (six o’clock), a devotional which began with the recitation of the “Ave Maria” (“Hail Mary”) and for this reason popularly called the “Ave” in Italy.
Notes to Pages 100-110 comes 5741 Philomel . . . breast The name Philomel for nightingale from the legend of the rape of Philomela by her brother-in-law Tereus, who also cut out her tongue; she was changed by the gods in to a nightingale. Another legend about the melancholy of the nightingale’s song supposes that it presses its breast against a thorn as it sings. The stories are often combined; see Shakespeare’s The Rape of Lucrece 1.1135. As Cook points out, “It is, of course, really the male bird that sings” (123). 5761 vespers See 6.433n. 596-971 make . . . worm Cf. Mark 9:43-48. “And if thy hand offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than having two hands to go into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched: Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.” Mark is paraphrasing Isa. 6624. 5991 light-of-love Mistress. 6071 Two . . . spiders After mating spiders are famished and the female is likely to devour the male unless he escapes immediately. Even if he escapes he is so depleted that he will soon die naturally. 6491 Ave See 6.566n. 6571 picture . . . church The Duomo; see 6.402 and n. 658-591 verger . . . point A verger is strictly an official who carries a mace or “verge” before a dignitary, but the term is also used, as it is here, for one who takes care of the interior of a church. 6621 venom . . . mouth See Vol. V, 384 of this edition (“Bishop Blougram’s Apology” 1.377n.) for a summary of the mid-nineteenth century controversy in the Roman Catholic church over miracles. 6651 ordure-corner Scrap heap, or, in light of context (“dung-heap,” 6.670), human excrement. 676-781 heel . . . bruise God said to the serpent after the temptation, “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.” (Gen. 3:15). 692-95-j same . . . Sorrows The seven sorrows of Mary are often represented by seven swords piercing her breast, but the image here seems to be another reference to the Raphael Madonna of 6.398-402. Cf. 6.896. 7431 thought . . . deed A phrase from the Confiteor (confession said during the mass); the Latin means, “I have sinned exceedingly in thought, word, and deed.” 781-831 they . . . one “For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh” (Matt. 195). 807-81 stand . . . go Jesus said to the palsied man, “Arise, and take up thy bed, and go thy way into thine house” (Mark 211). 818-211 priest . . . Roman0 OYB, E, 92.
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831-323 love . . . brother See 2.496n. 832-331 idle . . , devil A reference to the proverb “The devil finds work for idle hands to do.” 8561 thief . . . Christ Luke 23:42. “Lord remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom.” 894-8991 simile . . , Babe See 6.402n. and 6.657n. 9261 bar Even had Caponsacchi’s deposition been in OYB there would have been no bar or witness box; see 1.152n. and Sources. Caponsacchi is also referring to anything that would get in the way of a direct relation to God. 9311 first Spring The first of Spring. The phrase suggest Edenic innocence as well. 9331 In . . . away “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new” (1 Cor. 5:17); “and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new” (Rev. 2I:4-5). Being made new is a recurrent theme in this book, and particularly explicit in 6.922- 1089. 944-461 sophist . . . reed Here sophist seems to mean learned teacher, without derogatory connotations; likewise sinner means here pre-christian. Plato’s pen is made from a reed grown in the river Cephissus, which flows by Athens. The teachings of St. Thomas (see 6.479-97n.) and Plato (c. 427-347 B.C.) alike are seen as barriers to Caponsacchi’s new life through immolation. . . . pain In these 11. Caponsacchi makes a mystical 951-581 initiatory leap from language reminiscent of the first sin and the expulsion from Eden (which he feels himself recapitulating by his defiance of both theological and philosophical authority) to reference to the final resurrection. Initiatory pang and felicitous annoy suggest felix culpa (the fortunate fall), and the idea of man’s redemption through suffering. Virgin-band may echo Rev. 14:4. Earthly garments is probably a reference both to Adam and Eve clothing their nakedness (Gen. 3:7) and to the fallen-corruptible and mortal-flesh which must at the resurrection be raised incorruptible and immortal (immortal nakedness). Pain, like pang above may be a transmutation of the Bibical sting. “And as we have borne the image of the earthly, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly . . . In a moment, in the twinkling of an and we shall be changed eye . . . the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and this mor. . . So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, tal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. 0 death, where is thy sting? 0 grave, where is thy victory? (1 Cor. 15:49, 52-55)
Notes to Pages 115-29
961-631 church . . . Lamb The church is imaged as the bride of Christ in Revelation: “And a voice came out of the throne, saying, Praise our God, all ye his servants, and ye that fear him, both small and great. . . . Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready (Rev. 19:5,7; see also 21:9). 965-661 freeze . . . free In the Roman Catholic Church the priest is required to take a vow of chastity. 9733 corona Prayer beads. 9791 sheep’s . . . faith The mystic union with the Lamb in 6.962-63 has here become the blind faith of a sheep. 9851 scrannel Meager. Perhaps, with the reference to sheep of 6.979, an echo of Milton’s “Lycidas” 123-25. “. . . their lean and flashy songs / Grate on their scrannel pipes of wretched straw. /The hungry sheep look up, and are not fed.” 987-941 fabled . . . watch A reference to the myth of the Garden of the Hesperides (see 3.384-85n.) and an inversion of the story of the Garden of Eden. Having mistaken hips and haws (rose hips and hawthorne berries) for the golden apples of the Hesperides, the adventurer suddenly comes upon the real thing, but is warned off by the dragon, here both the church and Satan (cf. Rev. 12: l-3: “And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered. And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his head.“) The Biblical inversions are complex, and the complexity reflects the struggle of Caponsacchi’s intuitive challenge of appearances, duty, convention, safety, and law. 10051 seals . . . sum Echoes of Job and Ezekiel. “Then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction (Job 33:16). “Thus sayeth the Lord God, thou sealeth up the sum, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty” (Ezek. 29: 12). lOlO] opened . . . Aquinas See 6.479-97n. 10121 vespers See 6.433n. 10331 Hating . . . lie An echo of Revelation 22:11,15: “. . . and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and that is holy, let him be holy still . . . For without are . . . whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.” 10631 new moon B took care about the accuracy of such details as this. In a letter of May 14, 1881 he wrote, “in order to be quite sure of the age of the moon on the occasion of Pompilia’s flight, I procured De Morgan’s register of lunar risings and settings for the last- I forget how many hundred years.” Caponsacchi is speaking on Sunday 21 April. According to the U.S. Naval
Notes to Pages 119-23
1065-691 Torrione . . . inn The Torrione was a watch tower in the old city wall. The wall had fallen into ruins at that spot and it was easy to climb over. San Clemente was the gate closest to the Torrione, but it was on the opposite side of the city from the road that they were to take. The carriage was waiting for them at the inn outside the San Clementegate. The accounts given by Pompilia and Caponsacchi in OYB differ in details of time and meeting place, and the mention of the Torrione appears only in the separate sentence of the court at Florence in the Process of Flight (OYB, E, 93,96,5) Cook’s note is full on the discrepancies (126-27). 1082] Summa See 6.479-97n. 1083-881 Thomas . . . adieu The disciple Thomas was known as “doubting Thomas” because he demanded proof that Christ had risen after the crucifixion (John 2025). According to legend he was also skeptical about the assumption of the Virgin; however, he believed when she dropped him her sash as she rose in the air. 1094-961 last . . . copes See 1.579n. A vigil is a service of prayer generally ending with the Eucharistic celebration on the eve of certain of the greater feast days in the church calendar. In the MS B originally had Caponsacchi and Pompilia leaving on 29 April, the Feast of St. Peter Martyr (not the apostle), but in revision changed the departure to 23 April, the Feast of St. George (see also 6.1063n.). The calendar, however, does not provide vigils for either of these feasts and B’s ascription of vigils to them is apparently gratuitous. Copes, large cape-like vestments worn in the absence of a chasuble, although not prescribed for such occasions, are often worn because of their festive nature. 10971 Canon Conti See 2793n. 10981 Canon Crispi Not mentioned in OYB. 10991 stall A fixed seat in the choir of a church for the use of the clergy. 1100] octave An octave is a period of eight days during which a major feast is celebrated. In this case, the Easter octave includes the feast day itself and the seven days following. Proper observance would include additional duties for the priests. 11031 laic dress See 2999n. 11061 knave In the older sense of servant. 11281 Sun Spirit0 The fugitives had to go around the city from the San Clemente gate to the San Spirit0 gate to take the road S to Perugia and Rome. 1143-441 God’s . . . saints “And I saw as it were a sea of of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast . . . stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God” (Rev. 15:2). 11511 Purian- coprolite A famous white marble from the island of Parosfossilized feces of ancient animals.
Notes to Pages 123-27 1159-701 Blackness . . . safe Without direct quotation, this passage draws on the imagery of the prophetic book of Revelation. When the fifth seal of the seven-sealed book was broken, the souls of Christian martyrs appeared, “And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season” (Rev. 6:ll). Vest means robe, dark here presumably because still symbolic of death. When the seventh seal was broken, seven trumpets appeared and were sounded in turn, each heralding a disaster worse than the preceding one, until finally the seventh trumpet announced the final judgment of God. 1183-871 Perugia . . . hours See map for route followed to Rome. The Bs followed this same route on their trips from Florence to Rome, taking, however, five or six days, compared to Caponsacchi’s and Pompilia’s forty-two hours, to cover the distance. Perugia is 46 mi. from Arezzo, and Treves conjectures that they could not have arrived there before noon (185). Both Perugia and Assisi are on hills, and are bypassed by the main road. Assisi is famous as the birthplace of St. Francis of Assisi (see 5.149-53n.); it is about 11 mi. from Perugia. 1189] post- house On main traveled roads there were post-houses at regular intervals, anywhere from six to seventeen mi. apart, according to Treves, where fresh horses could be obtained. There were fourteen of these stations between Arezzo and Castelnuovo (Treves, 174, 178). 12261 blow-ball The seed of the dandelion. 1229-301 smile . . . snakes A traditional symbol occuring almost universally in folklore. It symbolized in the eagle the triumph of the spirit over the chthonic powers represented by the snake. The smile is evoked by Caponsacchi’s awareness of its inappropriateness as a symbol of the present holder of the office of bishop. 12431 rocheted and mitred Traditional vestment and headdress that are part of the insignia of a bishop. 12461 nrzgelus A devotional service repeated three times daily, morning, noon, and evening as a memorial of the Incarnation. The bell rung for the evening service came to be called the angelus bell, or simply the angelus. The evening devotional came at six o’clock. 12471 neither . . . write See 2.1145n. 125 1] Gabriel’s song The Annunciation (Luke 127-35). 1252-531 lesson . . . travellers B seems to be describing the evening service of vespers which does include the Magnificat and lessons. See 6.433-445n. The prayer Pompilia requests comes from the mass for the Feast of St. Raphael the Archangel. It derives from the Book of Tobit in the Apocrypha. The Angel Raphael befriended Tobit’s son, Tobias, traveling with him into Media. As they were leaving Tobit said (not knowing to whom he spoke),
Notes to Pages 127-34
“Go with this man; God who dwells in heaven will prosper your way, and may His angels attend you” (Tobit 5:16). The prayer, however, is addressed to God, not Raphael: “0 God who didst send the blessed Archangel Raphael to accompany thy servant on his journey, grant that we thy servants may ever be guarded by his care and strengthened by his aid. . . .” 12551 Foligno Foligno is only 10 mi. past Assisi. They are averaging 5 mi. per hour (Treves, 177); the delay is not accounted for. 12811 priest . . . $ends “And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils” (Mark 16: 18). Exorcist was the secondof the minor orders (see 1.260-62n), but exorcism was not restricted to a single order. The Rituale Romanum, first issued 1614, contains an exorcism rite which might be used by any priest with episcopal permission. 1282-833 Let . . . scattered “let God arise, let his enemies be scattered: let them also that hate him flee before him” (Ps. 68:l). 1315-181 tree . . . mimosa The mimosa tree known as million-leaved (millefoliata) for its fringes of tiny leaflets, is covered with yellow blooms in early spring. 13271 Lorenxo in Lucina See 2.6n. 13481 coil Fuss, tumult. 13671 Gaetano The name Pompilia would give her baby; see Chronology. 1373-741 help . . . carry “In my distress I called upon the Lord, and cried unto my God. . . . And he rode upon a cherub, and did fly: yea, he did fly upon the wings of the wind” (Ps. 18:6, 10). 1377-781 Castelnuouo . . . stageThe last post house they will need before Rome, seventeen mi. away. 1381-821 sky . . . Setting In OYB Pompilia insisted that they arrived at Castelnuovo at dawn (OYB, E, 94). The time is Tuesday evening 23 April, 1697; they have been traveling for 42 hours. 1403-41 z . . . grooms In the Process of Flight Caponsacchi said he was still sleeping when Guido surprised them (OYB, E, 97). 14211 feminity Femininity. 14311 Foligno See 6.1255n. 1433-381 halting . . . Force See 3.1444-49. Vulcan was lame, and in the Odyssey he attributed Venus’ preference for Mars to this disability. Guido, of course, halts because of the drug he was given. In the story told in the Odyssey Vulcan does not pursue the lovers; he traps them in bed and returns home to surprise them. The Cyclopes were servants of Vulcan, but here their unpoisoned arm may also refer to the Cyclops of Odyssey 9.345-94, the one-eyed giant from whose terrible revenge Odysseus was saved by another drugged potion; this Cyclops is not so handicapped. 14517 gripe See 6.166n.
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1462-651 Moliere’s . . . divine In Moliere’s (1622-73) play Don Juan the hero marries and later rejects Donna Elvira, hypocritically justifying himself for the rejection by pretending remorse at having stolen her from a convent. B used Donna Elvira’s reproach to Don Juan as the headnote to Fijke at the Fair (1872), with his own verse translation. 14821 priest . . . privileged Subject to ecclesiastical rather than civil authority. See 6.1548-58n. 15181 sword See 21023n. 15321 amorous . . . prose These letters, allegedly found by Guido, are quoted in OYB, E, 99-106. Caponsacchi and Pompilia said they were forgeries. (See 5.1146 and n.). 15411 getting . . . countenance Gaining credibility, and saving face. 1548-581 nobler . . . shield As a Tuscan noble, Caponsacchi could refer the case to the jurisdiction of the Duke of Tuscany, but he also has the right both as priest and as current sojourner in the States of the Church, to that appeal. See Sources and map. For Guido’s rank see 1.785n. 1577-781 Leap . . . with For the sword as emblematic of truth, see 2.1022, 1023 and nn. 15791 you find MS you see was changed to you find to avoid repeating see (see variants). The sense seems intended to be the same, however. 15941 paten The dish on which the blessed bread, the Body of Christ, is carried. 16001 bravo’s dress Rough clothing appropriate for a bravo, a hired killer. The old “crime” -in which Caponsacchi had a hand-was the flight. The new “crime” -in which he disclaims any part-is the murder. 16061 Two days ago At 6.37 he said it was three days ago. 16101 friend . . . Court A legal phrase meaning that Caponsacchi’s presence at the trail is voluntary and that his function there is to implement justice. There is no suggestion in OYB that Caponsacchi was present at the trial. 1618-221 Noted . . , stays Caponsacchi’s deposition in the Process of Flight and his monologue do vary, however, both in details and in the significance attached to them. Maria’s intermediary role in the exchange of the love letters is an invention of the monologue, as is Caponsacchi’s indecision and soul-searching about whether or not to take Pompilia to Rome. Details such as how often Pompilia and Caponsacchi spoke together before the flight, and whether Caponsacchi slept at the inn at Castelnuovo, are further discrepancies. See Cook, 291, for fuller discussion. Caponsacchi’s language (jot or tittle) recalls Jesus’ claim that his intention was to “fulfil” the law, not destroy it, by putting it in a larger context (Matt. 5:17). Caponsacchi now sees the flight in light of the new context in which it is placed by the murder.
Notes to Pages 141-46 16331 Pasquin Pasquin, a fifteenth-century Roman tailor, gave his name to pasquinade, a vulgar or satirical comment on figures or events of current interest. There was a statue opposite Pasquin’s shop in the Piazza Novona, the largest public square in Rome, which became a repository of pasquinades. 16391 forgery OYB, E p. 98. 1640-411 Bembo’s . . . ‘De Tribus’ Pietro Bembo (1470- 1547) was known as a scholar and stylist; Caponsacchi says, as well believe the trash of the letter of the letters written by Bembo as by himself. De Tribus Zmpostoribus (Concerning Three Impostors, who were Moses, Christ, and Mohammed) was a blasphemous tract rumored in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries to have been written in the Middle Ages. It was attributed to various authors but probably never existed. Sir Thomas Browne in Religio Medici (1.20) mentions the book. St. John, the beloved disciple, wrote a life of Christ and was at one time considered the author of the book of Revelation. Quotha is contemptuous or sarcastic for “quoth he” (OED). 1665-661 Sub . . . Laborat Labored under the suspicion of being a prostitute. 16681 Borsi . . . drove The driver on the first stage of the journey was imprisoned for his participation, and upon release he testified as to his passengers’ intimacies. (OYB, E, 249). 16941 smack As in the smacking of lips; appetite. 1701-51 name . . . Potiphar See 2.1105-6n. 17131 bravo-hiring See 6.1600. 1719) Ciuita See 2.1171n. 17201 ‘De.. . Helenae’ “Of the Abduction of Helen.” A Greek poem written about 500 A.D. by Coluthus of Lycopolis, itself a travesty, a poor imitation of Homer’s Iliad. 17231 Vulgar Common; that is, Italian. 17241 Scazons A scazon is a six foot line of five iambes and a final spondee or trochee. 1739-401 Metes . . . now “Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.” (Luke 6:38). 17443 Saint George See 1.579n. 1755-561 Stand . . . see “Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind” (Matt. 15:14). Cf. also, “Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel” (Matt. 2324). 17591 owl-eyes The owl is a nocturnal bird whose eyes cannot bear the light. 1761-621 Saint . . . Nero Nero (37-68), persecutor of Christians, cruel and
Notes to Pages 146-54 depraved tyrant, is said to have played his lyre while Rome burned in A.D. 64. Because of his fierce persecution he became for the Christians the embodiment of evil. Caponsacchi makes him the prototype of Guido, whose evil is also unmistakable. 17651 cartulary Collection or register of charters, deeds, etc. 17661 head and front Perhaps a contrast to Aaron, the High Priest, who was commanded by God to wear upon his forehead a plate of Gold bearing the words “Holiness to the Lord.” It may also be a reference to the mark of the murderer Cain (Gen. 4:15) or another of the many echoes in this monologue of the book of Revelation, e.g., the mark of the beast (14:9) and the inscription on the forehead of the whore of Babylon (17:5). 17693 letch Craving. 1793-943 Lord . . . Air As the Father of Lies, Satan is the master of temptation and disguise, from his entering into the “subtil” snake to tempt Eve (Gen. 3:l) to the temptation of Jesus (Matt. 4:1-9). See also 1.561n. 18331 guiltless . . . deed See 6.743n. 18461 Abuti Abbots; see 1.547n. 18481 silk musk For clandestine wooing? 18491 musk See 1.92n. 18501 rochet See 5.1243n. 1869-711 you . . . Arezzo MS reading leaving her for leaving you (see variants) is a clarification of the passage. Caponsacchi’s point to the Court is that the Court is as much to blame for Pompilia’s death as he is, the one for sending him to Civita Vecchia, the other for not killing Guido in Castelnuovo. By sentencing Caponsacchi to relegation the Court prevented him from staying in Rome to protect Pompilia; the sentence did not keep him from going back to Arezzo when Guido did, which he would not have done in any case, he says. 18881 cramp Secure. 18961 slidders Dialect for slips. 19071 discovers Shows. 19081 Judas Dante places the traitors Judas and Brutus in the nethermost ring of hell, each solitarily frozen in ice. The rest of this paragraph is very Dantean. 19153 Kiss . . . Iscuriot Matt. 26:48, 49. 19161 smutch Taste. 19211 cockatrice , . . basilisk See 1.168n. 19523 event Consequences. 19691 disfigure See 2.31n. 1972] clown’s disguise In the earlier sense of farmer, countryman. The Prosecution argued that Guido’s rural garb was indeed a disguise, and thus an aggravation of his crime (OYB, E, 70).
Notes to Pages 154-59
1980-901 title . . . error The title of Caponsacchi’s sentenceof Relegation in the Process of Flight means the grounds given for the punishment, the language describing these grounds was changed from “complicity in the flight and running away of Francesca Comparini, for carnal knowledge of the same” to “For the reason which is the subject of these proceedings.” The meaning of this change in wording was debated by both sides (OYB, E, 66). 19841 Probationis ob defectum For want of proof (OYB, E, 66). 1995-961 Not . . . true I.e., what I wish were true is not true. 1998-991 Conti . . . kinfolk See 2793n, 2926n; see OYB, E, 160, 219, 261-62. 20031 Conti is dead OYB, E, 219. 20071 had come Would have come. 2008-91 condemned . . . galleys The severe sentence of the Tuscan court in the Process of Flight included five years in the galleys on the island of Elba for Guillichini (OYB, E, 7). 20111 fortnight . . . Governor The recommendation of the Governor of Arezzo in the case was confirmed by the court at Florence on 24 Dec. 1697, two weeks before Caponsacchi’s speech to the court at Rome (OYB, E, 7). 2022J Vincenzo Marzi-Medici The Governor of Arezzo. 20271 Duke The Grand Duke of Tuscany whose seat was at Florence. 20281 Rota’s Highest Court’s. 2031-321 Augustinian . . . letter See 3.18n. His letter is dated 10 Jan., however; Caponsacchi is speaking on the 4th or 5th. 20481 duty . . . long In 1702, four years after the trial, he resigned as canon of the church; what happened to him beyond that we do not know. 2070-71) Plutarch . . . Grecian Plutarch’s (c. 46-c. 120) Lives, biographies of the great and famous, are not a parallel to the “imagined life” (6.2052) that Caponsacchi has just sketched for himself, but the contrasts between the imagined and the actual lives of the dreamers are the same.
Book 7, Pompilia i -23 seventeen . . . weeks Born on 17 July 1680, Pompilia is speaking 6 Jan. 1698, the day she died. 41 Lorenxo in Lucina See 2.6n. 6-71 Francesca . . . Pompilia Pompilia was called Francesca in OYB. B may have wished to avoid association with the well known Francesca di Rimini, whom Dante immortalized by putting her in her first realm of hell because of her adulterous relation with Paolo. 8-91 writ . . . years See Chronology.
Notes to Pages 159-62
lo-111 insert . . . death Pompilia’s death is recorded in the San Lorenzo Church register with no mention of its circumstances. 12-141 This . . . weeks The only recorded date of Pompilia’s baby’s birth that has been found is a mention in OYB, which gives 18 Dec. 1697, two weeks before the attack (OYB, E, 189). 151 Curate See 7.3%. 16-171 born . . . church If Gaetano had been born, as B thought, in another parish, he would have been baptized in that parish church. A Vatican MS names San Lorenzo in Damaso as the place of baptism (Corrigan, 12). Violante had been baptized here too. 22-251 marble . . . door Pompilia conflates two lion statues outside San Lorenzo Church. The marble half-lions are on either side of the entry. The one on the right represents a lion protectively cradling a human figure; the one on the left has a decapitated beast between its paws. The two figures “symbolize respectively the benignity of the Church towards the neophyte and the docile and her severity towards the impenitent and heretical” (Augustus J. C. Hare, Walks in Rome [London: George Allen Co., 19031, 1.45). In a letter to Frederic Leighton requesting details about the church B said that any information about the interior “will be of great use to me.” However, he added, “I don’t care about the outside” (Oct. 17, 1864; Orr, Life, 284). 271 buried there The entry for Pompilia’s death in the church register records that she was buried there (Treves, 300). 301 Gaetano . . . reason See 7. lOO-107 and n. 311 Don Celestine See 3.18n. 321 Curate Ottoboni This was the name of the curate at the time of Pompilia’s death, not birth. B misread the entry in OYB; see OYB, E, 159. The baptismal record, certified by Ottoboni, reads: “July 23, 1680. I, Bartolomeo Mini, curate, have baptised the infant daughter born on the 17th of this month to Pietro Comparini and Violante Peruzzi, who live in this parish.” 371 Twenty-two dagger-wounds This figure is in the Secondary Source (OYB, E, 263). 411 hid away The child was hidden for a time; see 5.1471n. and 7.203-5. 451 two . . * born The customary interval between birth and baptism; see 4.478n. 561 we . . . where Since Pompilia and the Comparini are already at the suburban villa (See 1.389n.), this is an obscure reference. See 7.232 and n. 811 know . . . write See 2.1145n. 933 two weeks The baby was nineteen days old when Pompilia died; see Chronology. lOO-1041 Gaetano . . . years St. Gaetano, whose name means “carefree,” lived 1480-1547 and was canonized in 1671.
Notes to Pages 163-68 1061 jiwe saints See 7.6-7. Only four of Pompilia’s names are saints’ names. St. Francesca Romana (1384- 1440) was founder of the Oblates of St. Benedict of Tor de’ Specchi and was canonized in 1608. St. Angela Merici ( 1474- 1540) founded the Ursulines, but was not canonized until 1807. She enjoyed popular reputation long before she was officially recognized. Another Angela, of Foligno (1248- 1309), was an Umbrian mystic known widely for her visions, which were written down by her confessor and circulated under the title “Liber Visionum et Instructionurn.” She was beatified by Innocent XI in 1693, but like Angela Merici was a popular figure long before. Vittoriu, martyr, died in 250 and Cumillu in 437. We have found no St. Pompiliu. Perhaps B’s revision of MS four suznts to five in 1869 was intended to suggest that Pompilia’s sainthood was all her own (see variants). 1371 one . . . ago See Chronology. 154-561 People . . . wait The suit for legal separation was brought against Guido in the fall of 1697, about three months before the murders. 1641 priestly vows See 1.379n. 175-761 Letters . . . myself Reproduced in OYB, E, 99-106; forgeries, according to Pompilia and Caponsacchi. 186-883 With . . . buck Ovid tells the story of the punishment of Acteon, who while hunting, by accident witnessed Diana, virgin goddess of the moon and of the hunt, at her bath. Acteon was turned into a stag, then pursued and killed by his own hounds (Metamorphoses 3.138-252). 190-931 green . . . tree Daphne was turned into a bay tree in answer to her prayer for protection from the pursuing Apollo (Ovid, Metamorphoses 1.548-52). 203-41 they . . . day See 5.1471n. 2153 lone house See 1.389n. 2271 cause . . . gained Neither the dowry nor the suit for separation was settled; Pietro may mean that what was important to them, the return of Pompilia, had been legally accomplished. 2321 other villa This house is supposedly still more remote than the one in the suburbs where they died (see 1.389n.), but this and 7.56 are the only references in the poem to a third villa of the Comparini. 2351 sincere Unadulterated; Italian “sincere” is still used in this sense. The porters who carried wine into Rome from the countryside were known for diluting the wine, according to W. W. Story (Story, 25). 259-601 seuen . . . Sun Giovanni The number seven refers to the seven hills of ancient Rome; Pietro has been from one end of the city to the other. Sun Giouunni, the Church of St. John Lateran, was first built in 324A.D. and was the first publicly consecrated basilica in Rome. Its Lateran Palace was the residence of the Popes until the seat of the church was moved to Avignon in 1305. Many Popes were buried there, including the celebrated Formosus of
Notes to Pages 168-74
10.25. The church was rebuilt and restored several times over the centuries, but it has always retained a reputation as among the churches of first importance in Rome. It acquired its Baroque appearance in 1650, not a long time (in Roman terms) before Pietro made his rounds of the city’s sights in 1697. 260-631 There’s . . . angel The scene depicts the adoration of the shepherds (Luke 28-10). 284-851 dying . . . all There is no indication that Pompilia’s mother was dying either at the time of the bargain or of the birth, nor did Violante so claim in the deposition found by Corrigan (26). 3081 Receive . . . die See 2210n. 320-211 Paul . . . me See 3.250n. and 3.360ff. 3251 God’s . . . point Aaron caused a plague of lice to descend upon Egypt to persuade Pharaoh to let the children of Israel go, but Pharaoh refused to believe that it was a sign from God. “Then the magicians said unto Pharaoh, This is the finger of God; and Pharaoh’s heart was hardened, and he harkened not unto them” (Ex. 8: 19). Violante’s refusal to recognize danger and her insistance on calling the marriage God’s will is an ironic echo of the reference. 3301 wife . . . says “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh” (Gen. 224); See also Mark 10:8. 365-681 sea . . . again The reference is to Matthew 14:25-32, which describes Peter’s attempt to meet Jesus walking on the water, his momentary lapse of faith and consequent sinking, and his rescue by Jesus and the calming of the stormy waters. 3671 Don Celestine See 3.18n. 375-781 same . . . tongue See Chronology and 269n. 386-891 slim . . . else The story of Perseus, rescuer of Andromeda and slayer of the serpent threatening her, is told in Ovid, Metamorphoses 4.663-742. In the course of this and other adventures, Perseus flew several times over the whole world. He was a favorite subject of painters and sculptors, who customarily represented him with winged helmet and shoes. For associations of the Perseus and the St. George myths, see 1.579n. 390-921 old . . . beard The Secondary Source describes Guido as “low of stature, thin and pallid, with prominent nose, black hair and a heavy beard” (OYB, E, 266). 3941 owl . . . birds See 3.338n. 4191 Master Malpichi Marcello Malpichi (1628-94) was famous throughout Europe as a biologist and physician. In 1691 he came from Bologna to Rome to be physician to Pope Innocent XII. 4221 eve . . . day See Chronology. 423-241 Lion’s mouth . . . Corso The Lion’s-mouth, the Via della Bocca
Notes to Pages 174-80
di Leone, was part of the route from the Comparini’s house to San Lorenzo Church. The Bs spent the winters of 1853-54 and 1858-59 in a flat on the Bocca di Leone. 4313 brother See 2358n. 4411 chancel See 220n. 442-461 Read . . . Christ “Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church” (Eph. 5.22-23). The miracle of the turning of water into wine is told in John 2: I- 11. The priest’s therefore is nonsensical, underlining the credulity of the helpless Pompilia: marriage is presented to her as a mixture of cant, hypocrisy, nonsense and exploitation, which she innocently accepts. 455-571 Violante . . . wetting To Violante’s ear, wetting is wedding. What a shock she must have had, hearing Pietro announce their secret on the very heels of her warning to Pompilia not to divulge it! 4591 gutter’s . . . sea There were open sewers in the middle of most 17th century Roman streets which would have overflowed with rain, and with the exception of the Corso there were few raised sidewalks for pedestrians. 4681 three weeks See Chronology. 469-711 Nor . . . house See 7.444-46. 4851 Pzetro . . , angry Pietro’s disapproval and ignorance of the marriage are based on a brief passage in the Second Anonymous Pamphlet (OYB, E, 212). 5013 Since . . . good Milk is used as a cleanser and polisher of marble. 5031 syllabub A drink made with milk whipped together with wine or liquor. 5351 wholesome Both “healthful” and “whole, complete,” in contrast to broken in the next line. 5361 broken victual Leftovers, “fragments left after a meal” (OED). 5431 help . . . need “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Ps. 46: 1). 5531 keep the house Stay at home. 5591 cast . . . lap “The lot is cast into the lap; but the whole disposing thereof is of the Lord” (Prov. 16:33). 5631 older far See 5.142n. 5651 Know . . . Governor Ironic; she did get to know them but not in the way Violante anticipated (see 2.866-73). 5741 cast Thrown down. 585-861 bleat . . . milked W. W, Story describes the selling of milk “fresh from the udder” of goats herded daily into Rome from the country (Story, 362). 5911 Don Celestine See 3.18n.
Notes to Pages 181-89
5961 four years See Chronology. 5991 By . * . truths Caponsacchi, who came to her rescue, and her son. See 7.612-621. 602-31 Square . . . House The Spanish Square (Piazza di Spagna) takes its name from the Spanish embassy located there. It is near the Comparini’s house. 6421 he . . . first The deception of pretending that he had an income. The Secondary Source says that “it was then found out that their entire capital did not amount to the total of their income as given in that note” (of initial agreement). OYB, E, 259. 662-631 blind . . . ways Light and darkness, vision and blindness are figures for faith and disbelief throughout the Bible, and worm is often used to signify man’s inferiority and profound humility before God. Here Guido’s ways are wormy to the blind Pompilia because he works in darkness, and because he is devious and base. Cf. 2 Cor. 4:4 and Job 25:6. 6721 lure-owl See 3.338n. 706-101 dulness . . . too Pompilia says in her deposition that Guido’s jealousy was associated with her failure to become pregnant (OYB, E, 91). Dulness is a secondary spelling of dullness. 7201 he . . . God Since the priest celebrates Mass and hears confession he came increasingly during the Middle Ages to be regarded as the representative of God to the people. This, of course, would have been especially true of an Archbishop. 7281 twelve . . . old She was thirteen; see Chronology. 740-421 Go . . . house Pompilia’s refusal to have sexual relations with Guido and her appeal to the Archbishop are described in a letter from a gentleman of Arezzo to Pietro Comparini in Rome (OYB, E, 55 and 114). See also 706-1On. and 3.965-6. 7421 he . . . God See 7.720n. 759-601 apple . . . Paradise Against God’s command, at the serpent’s urging Eve took “the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden” (Gen. 3:3). Expulsion from the garden was the punishment for this disobedience. 7611 qual$kd “Legally . . . capable of being” (OED). The Archbishop paraphrases Pompilia’s plea in a formal, legalistic way, thus casting her as a true heretic. 7631 blasphemy . . . Molinists’ The Molinist heresy regarding sin is described in 1.303-13n. The Archbishop accuses Pompilia of reversing the meaning of obedience to God and sin against God in a way similar to the paradoxical thinking of Molinism but to her his response is to her sophistical and evasive. 7921 God’s Bread The Holy Sacrament; an oath. 802-31 priest . . . Girolamo See 2.496n.
Notes to Pages 189-96 812-131 child . . . punishment “The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame” (Prov. 29:15). 8151 Without . . . them “All these things spake Jesus unto the multitude in parables; and without a parable spake he not unto them:” (Matt. 13:34). 817-371 flower--g . . . alike “And he spake to them a parable: Behold the fig tree, and all the trees; When they now shoot forth, ye see and know of your own selves that summer is now nigh at hand” (Luke 29:30). According to Story, each fig tree bore two crops of figs each year, the first being called flower-figs. He says, however, that they ripened in July rather than in May (Roba di Roma, 385). 822-343 Creator’s . . . out See 7.759-60n. The confusion of the Archbishop’s parable, in which the forbidden fruit of Genesis is now under an injunction to beeaten, typifies the inconsistency of one in authority (whether husband or bishop), to whom Pompilia is being enjoined to submit. There is further irony in the fact that fig trees are pollinated by wasps. 8251 Jig-pecker Italian “beccafico,” a small migratory bird of the genus Sylvia, much esteemed as a dainty in the autumn, when it was fattened of figs and grapes” (OED). 8421 just man Only man, as proven by his ungodly admonition. Cf. 7.742 “He stands for God.” 848-531 henceforth . . . mankznd Her experience with the Archbishop has taught her, she says, that her former view of the priesthood was erroneous and that, as she now understands, no prelate (mere man) can serve as an intermediary between her and God; in the future she must appeal to Him directly. The passage is reminiscent of the last chapter of Ecclesiastes: “Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth. . . . In the day when the keepers of the house shall tremble . . . and those that look out of the windows be darkened. . . . Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it beevil” (Eccl. 12:1,3, 13, 14). 8601 four years Of marriage; see Chronology. 861-631 beast . . . murk Perhaps an echo of “A righteous man falling down before the wicked is as a troubled fountain, and a corrupt spring” (Prov. 25:26). Murk is an archaic form of “murky.” 9051 tonsure . . . hzdes See 1.327-28n. 9281 fond Foolish. 9431 public play See 6.391n. 9441 Carnival . . . March In 1697, Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent and the day after Carnival week, was 2’7 Feb.; thus Carnival was actually over before March. 9681 twist of com$ts A paper-twist of candy. See 2.793n.
Notes to Pages 196-204 970-721 As . . . dust-handful In Georgics 4.87, Virgil concludes an extended epic passage relating a battle among bees, by saying that the keepers still the tumult with a single handful of dust. 980-811 Contz . . . cousin See 4.384n. 984-851 psalm . . . flee “And I said, Oh that I had wings like a dove! for then would I fly away, and be at rest” (Ps. 55:6). 10081 cornet The twist (paper-twist) of 7.968. 1022-231 0 . . . thrust “At the time of the affair of the play told above, as soon as we had returned home, he pointed a pistol at my breast saying: “Oh, Christ! What hinders me from laying you out here?” (OYB, E, 92). 10341 pink Pierce. 10391 God . . . innocent Perhaps an echo of the self-righteous and dogmatic counselor of Job who argued, “who ever perished, being innocent?” (Job 4:7) 10441 Margherzta See 3.1093-95n. 10493 threat . . . shame MS has threat, which was misprinted through every edition of the poem as thrust. Threat and shame refer to charge and reply above (7.1046), Guido’s threat to Caponsacchi and Pompilia’s shame for his delusion and cruelty. See variants. 1090-911 help . . . help An echo from numerous passages in the Psalms: “My help cometh from the Lord” (Ps. 121:2), “Our help in the name of the Lord” (Ps. 124:8). 11163 cannot read See 21145n. 11171 My idol All the love letters begin with salutations such as “My Beloved Idol” (OYB, E, 104). 11353 impost hume Abcess. 11401 preuent Act before. 11431 sonnet . . . Mirtillo One of the names used in the love letters was Mirtillo; see 6.551n. There is no poetry in the letters, but mention is made of “your very gallant verses” (OYB, E, 102). 11621 Pope . . . Sixth The last Pope Sextus was the Fifth (1185-90); this claim is obviously that of a mad impostor. 11631 Twelfth . . . to-day Pompilia would have been a few days short of eleven years old when Innocent XII was made Pope 12 July 1691. 11751 Get... gone Pompilia’s response to Margherita is an echo of Jesus’ answer to Satan after the temptation on the mountain, “Get thee hence, Satan” (Matt. 4:lO). 11771 Saint . . . Ghost To swear by the Holy Ghost was binding: “Wherefore I say unto you All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men” (Matt. 1231). But in swearing also by Giuseppe Caponsacchi’s patron saint- in whose sanctity Margherita clearly believes Capon-
Notes to Pages 205-l 1
sacchi does not share-Margherita indicates how unreliable her oath is; see below 7.1195ff. 11921 cup drained “Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine be done” (Luke 22:42). 11931 the over-night “On the preceding evening” (OED). 11971 Archbishop . . . Rome One of “Mirtillo’s” letters cites the Archbishop’s return to Rome after Easter with three of the available carriages as a reason for Pompilia to leave immediately (OYB, E, 105). 11991 Even Caponsacchi Caponsacchi said in his deposition, “I had to go to Rome on my own business” (OYB, E, 105). 1204-83 Michael’s . . . defender The Archangel Michael was “of celestial armies prince” in Milton’s Paradise Lost 6.44. His triumphant struggle with the dragon Satan is described in Revelation 12:7-g, and was often depicted by artists. 1224) building-sparrow Probably the house-sparrow, which prefers to nest close to human habitation. The attributive building means “making a nest.” 1256-603 Though . . . kept Jewels worth over 400 scudi (about $6,300) are itemized as stolen from Guido in the Sentence of the Court at Florence against the flight (OYB, E, 6). How much of this was part of Pompilia’s dowry we do not know. The Governor of Arezzo deposed in a letter that while the Comparini were still in Arezzo “these same Comparini had taken away all her jewellery from the Signora, which I forced them to restore” (OYB, E, 90). 1271-721 friar . . . Roman See 3.1013n. 12923 Augustinian See 3.1013n. 12951 Guillichini See 2.926n. 12961 Jiying gout One that comes and goes; obviously a convenient indisposition. 12981 Conti See 4.384n. 13071 priest and Canon In addition to being a priest, Conti is a Canon, part of the permanent staff of the Cathedral and responsible, among other duties, for the maintenance of its services. The Second Anonymous Pamphlet suggests that Conti advised Pompilia to seek Caponsacchi’s help because of his strength and boldness. 1312-161 Saint . . . mzne See 1.579n. 13311 red . . . touch Torture by red-hot pincers. 13393 sentry crane Cook quotes an ancient source: “After companies of cranes fall to the earth, for to rest . . . they ordain watches that they may rest the more surely, and the watches stand upon one foot, and each of them holdeth a little stone in the other foot, high from the earth, that they may be waked by falling of the stone, if it hap that they sleep” (Cook, 154).
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13491 Peter and Paul Margherita calls to witness Pompilia’s “conversion” two saints famous for conversions or renewals of faith: Paul, who on the road to Damascus was converted to Christianity (Acts 9:3-Zl), and Peter who on the roof top saw the vision that made him realize that salvation was not for the Jews alone but for all men (Acts 10:9-21). 1356-571 force . . . horsehair-springe Capable of taking the bait without becoming trapped. A springe is “a snare for catching small game, esp. birds” (OED). Cf. Polonius’s “springes tocatch woodcocks” (Hamlet 1.3.115). Silk may refer to something fluttering and bright to attract the birds. 13651 Ave Maria See 6.566n. 13671 lock of hair Often exchanged as a love token, which, of course, Pompilia is unwilling to offer. 13711 prayer . . . incense “Let my prayer be set forth in thy sight as incense” (Ps. 1412). 13781 Paynims Pagans or non-Christians; usually Mohammedans. The reference assigns the story Pompilia is telling to the Crusades and to the same context as the myth of St. George (1.579n.); hereshe is the St. George figure in her fantasy. It was believed that 1379-801 thunderstone . . . jlame A thunderbolt. lightning contained a dart or missile. 13801 couch Hiding place. 13921 a star To lead her to where her child will be born, as the star led the Magi to Bethlehem (Matt. 29). See also 7.1133. 13983 spectacle The play where she first saw Caponsacchi; see 6.391n. 1401-Z] no . . . world An echo of James 1:17, “. . . with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.” 14221 I . . . death Caponsacchi said that Pompilia sent him a letter saying that “as her husband wished to kill her, she had resolved to go to Rome to her father” (OYB, E, 96). 14303 first word According to Pompilia’s deposition in OYB she had spoken to him before to warn him to stay away from the house (OYB, E, 92). 14343 star See 7.1392r-r. 14361 House . . . Babe The stables over which the star shone, where Jesus was born. 1445-471 cloud . . . shineThe cloud is doubt, momentarily obscuring her faith in Caponsacchi’s guiding star. Caponsacchi uses the same imagery for his own passing doubt at a similar moment; cf. 6.908-10, 920-21. 1468-70, 1474-751 Jesus . . . deuil / I . . . write Pompilia explicitly compares Caponsacchi and Christ and implicitly compares herself and Christ. When Jesus taught at the feast of tabernacles “the Jews marvelled, saying, How knoweth this man letters, having never learned?” and when
Notes to Pages 217-20
Jesus accused them of breaking the laws of Moses “The People answered and said, Thou hast a devil” (John 7:14-15, 19-20). See also 21145n. 1483-891 mark . . . charter The passage is a reference to God’s promise that the seedof woman shall overcome evil. “And the Lord God said unto the serpent . . . I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel:” (Gen. 3:14-15). 14911 traditionary Traditional. 14941 faith . . . so “(For we walk by faith, not by sight:)” (2 Cor. 5:7) 14951 Don Celestine See 3.18n. 15011 blow Bloom. 1515-181 place . . . sank In her confused memory of the trip Pompilia forgets sequence and times as well as names. For Caponsacchi’s more specific but also somewhat inconsistent version of this stage of the journey see 6.1199- 1303 and notes. Caponsacchi says, “When we stopped at Foligno it was dark” (6.1274). Treves describes the Plain of Foligno, or the Umbrian Plain, as it is first seen a short distance from where the road crosses the Tiber by an ancient bridge. “A little way beyond the bridge the great Umbrian plain, or Plain of Foligno, breaks into view . . . This plain is very green, since every foot of it is cultivated. . . . Viewed from a height, as from the top of Assisi, the plain is made glorious by its immensity, by its gradations of green, by the beauty of the far-off hills. . . . Many travelers coming towards Rome from the north have fallen into ecstasies over the Plain of Foligno” (196-98). Although the full effect of this paradise luxuriant in spring seems to have been lost on Pompilia, still Treves thinks that she may have noted with encouragement her first glimpse of the Tiber. The river is wide and shallow here: the small river mitigates its pow, in contrast to the more familiar-to Pompiliadeep currents of its Roman end (Treves, 197-98). The Bs would have seen all this on their own trips to Rome; see 6.1183-87n. 1522] grey place It is impossible to identify this reference with certainty. If we take Pompilia’s timing of eve (7.15 18) as loosely approximate and relative to her sense that time and strength are running out, we can speculate that the fugitives are at the foot of Assisi at the Church of Saint Mary of the Angels. St. Francis’ order, the Franciscans, were called the Grey Friars and there are many legends about the saint; Treves recounts a number of them, estimating that the couple would have been at the shrine about 3 p.m. (Treves, 198-99). 1527-341 town’s . . . self Foligno, like Arezzo, is a walled town, and the approach to it from the N is across a bridge and through a massive gate. The rock-side of the town and the tiled house-roofs are strikingly evident in Treves’ photograph of the entrance to Foligno, and a church and tower are likewise visible on the skyline (plate 72). 15431 hole . . . heaven Cf. 1.593-94 and 1.661n.
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1550-571 milky . . . sense The whole passage is reminiscent of Shelley’s 1‘. . . Nor yet exempt, though ruling them like slaves, / From chance, and death, and mutability, / The clogs of that which else might oversoar / The loftiest star of unascended heaven, / Pinnacled dim in the intense inane” (Prometheus Unbound 3.3.200-204). B’s admiration of Shelley is well documented; see Irvine and Honan, 15-18, and the “Essay on Shelley” (Vol. V, 135-51 and nn.). 1563-661 you . . . morning In her deposition Pompilia said, “we journeyed toward Rome, travelling night and day without stopping until we reached Castelnuovo, except for them to take refreshment and to change the horses. We arrived at dawn, and were there overtaken by my husband” (OYB, E, 93-94). This discrepancy with the evidence and with Caponsacchi’s account (6.1404-5 and OYB, E, 97), both of which indicate that they arrived at Castelnuovo about 7:30, is explained here and at 3.1189-94 as a consequence of her extreme fatigue. 16241 truth . , . lies Cf. 1.1271-73. 1633-361 judges . . . nuns See Chronology. 1640-541 he . . . ends This man restored my soul closely echoes Psalm 23:3, “He restoreth my soul.” But the echo goes beyond the specific line to include all of this passage and the whole of the Psalm, from the pastoral imagery and emphasis on peace in both, to the affirmation of suffering and the promise of life everlasting in both. Thesoul is sometimes represented as a bird; by saving her son, the bird-like thing, Caponsacchi saved her soul as well. 16841 Carry . . . Lent Continue to wear the gay costume appropriate for the pre-Lenten carnival celebration after Lent, the somber period of selfdenial and penitence, has begun. 16891 respite To confess before they died. God will surely forgive them or else he would have prolonged their lives until they, like Pompilia, had opportunity to make a sacramental confession. 16921 pardon hzm Several witnesses confirm that Pompilia movingly pardoned Guido (OYB, E, 57, 59). 17031 But . . . absent “Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence? If I ascend up to heaven . . . if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there” (Ps. 139:7-8). 1703-41 In . . . too “The Lord make his face shine upon thee” (Num. 6:25). “They brought forth the sick into the streets . . . that at the least the shadow of Peter passing by might overshadow some of them . . . and they were healed every one” (Acts 5:15-16). 17111 euanishment Vanishing. 1721-221 saved . . . Jire “If any man’s work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire” (1 Car. 3:15).
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1766-671 with . . . life By the vow of celibacy. 17761 Ciuita See 1.1031n. 18023 balsam-tree The aromatic balsam-tree was used medicinally; “balm” is a contraction of balsam. 1807-91 Marriage . . . sure See 7.444-46n. 1810-111 there . . . angels “For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven” (Matt. 2230). 1816-171 angels . . . one A curious echo of 1 Corinthians 13: 12: “now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.” 18281 And Z rise The last line of Pompilia’s monologue suggests the Assumption, and thus that it is the moment of her death. The Virgin Mary’s corporeal ascent to heaven after her death is a doctrine celebrated by a feast day in the Roman Catholic Church, and it was a favorite subject of religious painters, including Michelangelo and Fra Lippo Lippi. Book 8, Dominus
de Archangelis
A general note on the Latin in Books 8 and 9: “Dominus Archangelis” and “Doctor Johannes-Baptista Bottinius”
The legal Latin in Books 8 and 9 is usually quoted verbatim from OYB and in virtually every case is accompanied by B’s line by line translation. While it might be argued in principle that an exact translation of all Latin is useful to the careful reader, we have found that a literal rendering of the legal Latin often raises more problem of interpretation than it solves. B’s looser translations are in general both faithful to the sense of the original and easily coordinated with it wherever the reader wishes to make the parallel. We have provided translation with the annotation where the Latin phrase involves a pun, as in 8.113; where the sense of the lines in English requires understanding a grammatical distinction, as in 8.164; in the rare case where B departs from OYB, as in 8.1284; and as always, where the Latin phrase is from a classical source. Sub-title] Pauperurn Procurator The official defender of all criminals, and not just those unable to afford a lawyer’s fee, as the title might suggest. See also 1.160n. and Sources. l-21 Giacinto . . . Cinone Arcangeli’s son is named Hyacinth after Arcangeli himself, who refers to the boy by numerous pet names-thus revealing his infatuation not only with his son but also with language and with himself. 4-61 Branches . . . -aturus The stem Am- of the verb Amo (I love) is understood with the branches of the endings for the second person singular present tense, the first person singular past tense, the passive past participle,
Notes to Pages 233-35
the infinitive, the present participle and the future participle: you love, I have loved, having been loved, to love, loving, about to love. The conjunction of family tree and verb-tree is characteristic of Arcangeli’s mixture of narcissism and pedantry, as is the verb chosen to conjugate. 73 Quies . . . cry The relative pronoun qui takes the subjunctive when it introduces certain clauses of a subjective nature, such as “who could cry.” In MS the pronoun “me” is not underlined, although in all editions it is in italics; see variants. 81 Corderius The Latin textbooks of the Swiss scholar and teacher Maturin Cordier (John Calvin was one of his pupils) were considered authoritative from the sixteenth century well into the nineteenth. His name became synonymous with Latin scholarship. 1 l] Cinozzo, Cinoncello See 8.1-2n. 131 triturate A Latinate word meaning “grind, pulp.” Arcangeli’s oral metaphor for his profession, with here the implication of regurgitation, suggests the connections between his pedantry, his paternal pride, and his self-indulgence, all continuing themes in his monologue. 201 Cinuolo’s . . . Cinicello’s See 8.1-2n. 301 Cinzno, Ciniccino See 8.1-2n. 31-323 lands . . . hereditaments Arcangeli hopes that in a postscript to his will the old grandsire will leave everything without exception to his grandson, from land and all collective assets (estate), to property which has a term or tenure of interest or ownership (tenements), and anything at all which can be inherited (hereditaments). 351 Orvieto fuddle Make drunk with wine; see 4.206. 381 smell-feasts “Greedy spongers” (OED) 411 thrid Archaic form of “thread.” 421 galligaskin A corruption of “a la grecque,” in the Greek style of full pantaloons. Galligaskin in the 16th and 17th centuries was a kind of wide legged pant; in the 19th century the word was dialect for protective leggings. 443 Condotti A street connecting the Piazza di Spagna with the Corso. 451 crush cup An expression meaning “to drink a cup,” as in Romeo and Juliet 12.80, “Come and crush a cup of wine.” 451 Cinucciatolo See 8.1-2n. 461 camp The military. 471 chamberingand wantonness “Let us walk honestly . . . not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying” (Rom. 13:13); chambering: sexual indulgence (OED) 561 Nutshell . . . Flaccus From Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus, 65 B.C.-8 B.C.), Satires 2.5.36: “A man shall pluck out my eyes before I’ll let him rob you of a nutshell.”
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571 Fist yet bachelor From B’s description of Bottini in 1.1164-1211 he is clearly a bachelor; yet has the sense of “still” here. See also 1.160n. 591 hour-glass cf. 8.1427 and n. are 60-611 saint . . . day Playing on the tradition of saints’ days-which not the birthdays of saints but days chosen by the church to honor particular saints -Arcangeli confers sainthood for a day on young Hyacinth on the occasion of his birthday. 62-631 Cinonczno’s . . . Cinarello’s See 8.1-2n. 631 dumple An archaic word meaning “to shape like a dumpling.” 66-671 Argument . . . defence Roman legal practice gave the opening plea to the defence; cf. 1.162 and II. 681 paper win
Notes to Pages 236-38
defense by Cicero. The famous oration here mentioned was written after the trial because Cicero feared the strength of Mile’s enemies. 1063 speech . . . white See Sources. 1lo] Giacintino See 8.1-21~ 1121 Procurator Pauperurn Procurator (Guardian) of the Poor. See 1.160n. and Sources. 1131 Hortensius Rediuiuus “Hortensius come back to life.” Quintus Hortensius (115-60 B.C.) was an orator and rival of Cicero. The name means “pertaining to a garden”; Arcangeli puns on his and Hyacinth’s name and the botanical system of naming plants, which includes genus and species, in Latin. 1141 Est-est “It is, it is.” The expression means “wine of the best quality” and comes from a popular folk story about a servant who on a journey went in advance of his master tasting the wine at each stop. When the wine was good he wrote Est on the door of the inn. At Montefiascone he wrote Est Est Est. When the master arrived he stayed there until he died and the inscription Est Est Est appears on his tomb in the church of San Flaviano there. There is an Italian wine called Est. 1151 mollzpes Makes tender. 1161 goose-foot . . . cock’s-comb Edible plants so named for the distinctive leaf formation of certain of their species. 1251 pro Guidone et Socias “In behalf of Guido and his companions.” 127-331 Duxit . . . prose Arcangeli rejects “He led for wife” perhaps because it is the phrase that the prosecution uses in OYB. Less literal and therefore less commonplace phrases are “He entered upon, underwent, the marriage torches” (cf. Catullus, 64.300) and “He joined to himself by stable marriage” (cf. Virgil, Aeneid 1.73). 133-341 Virgil . . . Terence Although Virgil was universally esteemed the greatest Latin poet for his Aeneid, the prose comedies of Terence (Publius Terentius Afer, 185-159 B.C.) are of more practical value to a man of the world, according to Arcangeli. 1351 Cinuccino See 8.1-2n. 1381 OWLSfor augury Proverbial for bad luck. 1391 Nupserat . . . auibus Arcangeli’s opening words in the first pamphlet in OYB: “He had married, alas, with unfavorable birds” (i.e., ill omens). 1401 one . . . best See 1.785n. 1421 version The polished Latin translation. 1453 Farinacci’s time Prosper Farinacci ( 1544- 1613) was highly regarded as an authority on legal matters throughout the seventeenth century, In 1599 he defended Beatrice Cenci in that famous case involving incest and patricide. He is frequently cited in OYB and it is strongly probable from parts of The
Notes to Pages 238-40
Ring and the Book, particularly the reference to torture, that B consulted Farinacci’s work. Among his several widely read legal treatises is Varice Questiones (Various Questions), which is quoted by both Arcangeli and Bottini. 145-46, 149-501 rule . . . verse / law . . . Latinity Arcangeli has set is to be pronounced (hitched) the rule to jerky, awkward rhyme: Latznity with a long i to rhyme with fry. Fry are internal organs such as kidney or liver. 150-52-j Goose-foot . . . idiom See 8.116n. Garnish is probably a legalculinary pun meaning both “arm or defend,” and “decorate.” Zdiom is correct, idomatic “Latinity.” 1571 coil Noisy disturbance. 162-633 have . . . pate “To have someone on hip” means “to take or have the advantage of someone” and is probably a term from wrestling. “To break Tully’s pate” is another metaphor of attack, meaning to break the rules of Ciceronian Latin (Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 B.C.). Arcangeli puns on several senses of turn: as translation (into inferior Latin), as argumentative exchange, and as wrestling move- all inferior to Arcangeli’s advantageous position. 1641 Existimandum . . . dog “It being to be thought.” The Latin future passive participle, along with other neologisms, is “freely used in an elliptical manner” in OYB, according to Gest (35-36,670). Though characteristic of colloquial medieval Latin, such usages break with the classical Latin idiom of Cicero and Virgil (they “break Tully’s pate”), and by the standards of classical usage- to which Arcangeli presumes to adhere-they might be considered as barbarous as a dog barking. The Latin here and below is very nearly word for word as given in OYB; Hodell gives line by line comparisons in parallel columns in his notes (Hodell, 330ff). 1921 Saint Joseph Arcangeli causes Pompilia to swear by Joseph, whose belief in the virgin birth of Jesus presumably makes him the patron saint of unlikely stories. 202-61 Guido . . . popping-p iece All of these florid terms for guns are used by Bottini and others in OYB. 209-101 I . . . travelling-sword As indeed the real Arcangeli did; OYB, E, 122. Own means here “grant, admit”; simple means here “only.” A trauelling-sword was a weapon not included under the bann. Arcangeli anticipates his response to the Fist’s charge that Guido not only killed his wife, but did so under circumstances (aggravating qualities) that compounded the crime, one of which was that he carried prohibited weapons. See 8.1143-80, 8.1178n. 2131 gird Arcangeli puns on the weapons and his own taunting method of puncturing Bottini’s inflated rhetoric.
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215-16) Venturini . . . law See 1.944n. and 4.1303-8n. ZO] hectic . . . fine Consumptive, thin. 221-221 pale-haired . . . ermine A ferret is an albino European polecat, a predator with pale or yellowish fur; the white fur of the ermine was worn by high court judges. Arcangeli says, in effect, that Bottini is a dangerous hypocrite. 234-361 hoarse . . . all As at 1.1196, the image is a crowing cock. In Chaucer’s “The Nun’s Priest’s Tale” it is because Chauntecleer the cock crows with head thrown back and eyes closed that the fox (knowing that vanity is blind) catches him. See Arcangeli as the “old fox” below at 8.297. The likeness of Bottini to a cock is of course ironic as well as ridiculing; his shrill throat implies that he is emasculate as well as boastful. 239-431 cast . . . stroke References to the game of bowles, played with heavy balls rolled on the ground. A stroke is a strong play. 2421 luck . . . reply See 1.162n. 244-511 You . . . littleness The you of 8.244 is hypothetical, signifying Arcangeli himself, and the third person cries agrees with an implied “who” of which the antecedent is fellow. Arcangeli paraphrases the strategy that Bottini will adopt in retaliation to Arcangeli’s own supposedly ineffectual defense. Mimicking Bottini, Arcangeli characterizes his own defensive subtlety as stopped rat holes on a ship without a pilot. By anticipating this worst-case scenario, Arcangeli is able to annihilate it through his “bystroke” (8.256) below. 2461 pilotage The skill of piloting a ship. 2531 main . . . death “The obvious defense (a plea of Not Guilty) has been overworked.” Used to death has a general rather than a specific sense; the plea of innocence is too hackneyed to have force any longer as a defense. The irony of the cliche used to death was apparently deliberate; see variants for B’s revision of the original “known by now.” That a plea of innocence was out of the question for Guido in any case, his guilt having been confessed, is characteristically of secondary importance to Arcangeli in preparing his defense. 2561 by-stroke Counter hit, side hit, answer to the “mortifying stroke” of 8.243. 2591 Tommati See 1.944n. and 4.1403-&r. 262-651 long . . . head The image seems to be Tommati as a long-eared of being tickled by a flea (Arcangeli) to donkey who prefers the amusement Daw also the instruction of being cawed at by a crow (daw, i.e. Bottini). means simpleton; a jack daw is known especially for its repetitive chattering, an appropriate image for 8.259ff. 2701 Blunderbore Jack the Giant Killer tricked the giant Blunder-bore into trying to outdo him and then into killing himself.
Notes to Pages 243-46 27 l-721 subordinate . . . proof Arcangeli was the chief defender, the Procurator, and Spreti was the co-defender, the Advocate. See, however, Sources; definition of these terms was not rigid. Arcangeli speaks of Spreti as his younger subordinate, but Hodell thinks that the difference between them was one of function and not of age or rank. The Procurator was responsible for determining the facts of the case, and the Advocate for knowing the law, canon and secular, applicable to the situation, a distinction not clearly apparent in the record. 2741 choppy Chapped. 2751 Cinuxzo See 8.1-2n. 2751 tippet Scarf. 278,280] Carnival, Carnival-time Slightly inconsistent with the facts. Carnival is the ten days preceding Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent, which in 1698 was on 12 February. Arcangeli is writing in late January (see 8.21 and OYB, E, 12). For carnival, see 2294n. 2841 Cintino See 8.1-2n. 2861 Rome . . . qualms Perhaps a reference to Other Half-Rome’s prejudice in favor of Pompilia. 2881 topping Illustrious; here ironic. 2901 Cineruggiolo’s See 8.1-2n. 2981 prints the dew Leaves tell-tale footprints in the soft and dewy grass. 3031 murder . . . killing Murder is a technical term of English law meaning killing with malice aforethought. There was no equivalent in Latin; the Latin word for “homicide” simply means “killing” (Gest, 26). 312-131 noble . . . plebians See 5.12- 13n. 3201 lout Common. 322-231 Farinacci . . . Questions For Gamaliel see 5.1 lOl-2n. For Farinacci see 8.145n. Since Farinacci died in 1613 it is his immortal “Questions” which have instructed Arcangeli. 3251 Vigiliarum See 1.97 I-72n. 343-481 accomplice . . . blood From the Secondary Source (OYB, E, 265). There were four accomplices: Glasio Agostinelli, Domenico Gambassini, Francesco Pasquini, Alessandro Baldeschi. All were laborers on Guido’s estate. Reclaim here means “object or appeal,” on the grounds of the victim’s nearly being killed in order to elicit a confession for a crime not itself punishable by death, i.e. murder in the defense of honor. Spreti used this argument in an attempt to disqualify the confessions (OYB, E, 133). 352-531 Ah . . . happiness Virgil’s Georgzcs 2.457 reads “Ah, too fortunate the husbandmen, if they but knew their happiness!” Arcangeli has reversed, revised, as well as reversed, inverted, the sense of the lines. 3581 proper church The church of his parish; see 4.148 and 7.17n.
Notes to Pages 246-52 Christmas is one of the feasts of obliga3.591 duty . . . Christmas-time tion, that is, a time when all Christians are obliged to refrain from servile work and to attend mass. 3711 Neither . . . peace Jesus said to the repentant woman taken in adultery, “Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more” (John 8:ll). 3761 Is . . . good The words of the householder in the parable of the vineyard to those who complained that he had dealt too generously with some of the laborers (Matt. 20:15). 390-911 faulty . . . truth A pipkin is a small clay or metal pot. Cook gives the explanation that what “faultiness of his apparatus” would be to an alchemist, so the confessions are to Arcangeli’s hypothetical claim of Guide’s innocence: an inconvenience, but one Arcangeli can avoid by resting his case on grounds less susceptible of either proof or disproof, i.e. the defense of honor (Cook, 168). 3941 Fiscal’s cord The torture of the vigil. See 1.971-72n. 4141 Farinacci See 8.145r-r. 416-171 Vindicatio . . . cuusu “A vindication . . . for the sake of honor.” The gist of Arcangeli’s argument here, as in OYB, is that since Guido killed in defense of his honor, the prescribed punishment for murder, death, was not applicable. The lawyers in the OYB give numerous examples from case law to show that under such circumstances husbands have been given a lighter punishment or, in many cases, no punishment at all. 4203 misprision Misapprehension. 4291 casuists See 4.1470-75n. 4471 prior case The case for Guido’s innocence that was made awkward by the confession. 4641 To . . . end Virgil, Aeneid 1.278-79. The original dominion is that of the Roman Empire. 4661 Cinoncino See 8. I-%. 4671 Poscimur From Horace, Odes 1.321. “I am called upon.” In Horace’s case for an ode; in Arcangeli’s, for a defense. 474-791 Theodoric . . . interference The historian and monk Cassiodorus (480-c. 575) served under Theodoric (c. 455-526), conqueror and first Gothic king of Italy. See 1.215-33n. The apt sentence cited is a maxim, not a judicial decree, and is mentioned by Spreti in OYB, E, 78-79. 4771 I . . . it A rare admission of Arcangeli’s superficial and often erroneous erudition. Examples are 8.474-79, 8.504-10, 8.590-92, 8.672-75; see nn. 4811 Aristotle doubts In Of the Generation of Animals Aristotle says, “There is much difficulty about the generation of bees” (3.10). 483-841 bee . . . Solomon The author of the book of Proverbs was once thought to have been Solomon. Like the author of that book, bees find un-
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chastity repugnant. “A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband; but she that maketh ashamed is as rottenness in his bones” (Prov. 124). See also 8.605-7 and n. 4891 casta) apes “Chaste bees.” Virgil, Georgics 4.197-99. 490-911 Scaliger . . . Tuble-talk Both Joseph Justus Scaliger (1640-1609) and his father Julius Caesar Scaliger were Italian physicians and scholars. Joseph’s book Sculigerunu (Sayings by Scaliger), in French, explains the expression “chaste bees” by saying that if bees see a man and wife making love, the next time the man approaches the woman they will sting him. 4941 mind Call to mind, remember. 495-991 Zdyllist . . . warmth Perhaps Theocritus, Greek poet of the third century, who did write idylls, “little pictures, ” is meant, but the citations are either a misunderstanding or a wrong attribution. 504-101 /Elian . . . admire See 1.215-33n. 532) derogate Degenerate. 5341 Absit Away with. 546-491 Zf . . . man As Jesus was led to the crucifixion he told the mourners to grieve not for him but for themselves, “For if they do these things in a green tree [to me who am innocent], what shall be done in the dry [to those who are not]?” (Luke 23:31) The lines are another of Arcangeli’s ironic inversions of context, imagery and meaning: if guilt went unpunished in pagan times, he says, surely murder should be licensed in the Christian Autumn dry and ripe. 5511 Pagan . . . gods It was widely believed that pagan gods were fallen angels, or Christian devils. St. Paul was often quoted, with dubious applicability, for support: “But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils” (1 Cor. 1020). Milton lists many of these devils in “On the Morning of Christ’s Nativity,” 21-24. 5591 minished Lessened. 562-631 Athenian . . . Solon’s See 1.215-33n. 564-651 Laws . . . large The passage in OYB, E is “This murder indeed was sanctioned . . . even in the rude age of Romulus, law 15, . . . and likewise in the Laws of the Twelve Tables” (page 12). B has conflated parts of two citations here. The Laws of the Twelve Tables were the earliest written code of Roman law. Compiled in 451 B.C. they were engraved on twelve brass tablets and for centuries lawyers learned them by heart. The Roman code itself goes back to Romulus, mythical founder of Rome, according to Plutarch. 5661 Julian . . . Law See 1.215-33n. 5701 diluculum “Dawn.” 5771 Honour . . . good Arcangeli’s claim is not supported by the Bible;
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see, among other passages, Romans 122, “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” 578) Saint Jerome A priest and scholar of the Church, St. Jerome (c.340420) is celebrated for his translation of the Bible in to Latin (the Vulgate), his Biblical commentaries, and his extensive correspondence. The lines that follow are from a passage in one of his letters and are quoted in the first Anonymous Pamphlet (OYB, E, 155). 590-921 coerce . . . Dialogue The word coerce has the sense of “restrain” here. Pope Gregory the Great (c. 540-604) was Pope 590-604. He was a
Notes to Pages 258-60 and bear a son; and no razor shall come on his head: for the child shall be a Nazarite unto God from the womb” (Judg. 13:5). 6381 Gyues Shackles. 6501 Are . . . example “Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition” (1 Cor. 10: 11). Ensamples: examples. 6521 mansuetude Gentleness, meekness. 6531 Sealing . . . up Not from the Gospels as Arcangeli wishes to imply, but from Ezekiel 29: 12, “Thus saith the Lord God; thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.” 654-551 Opprobrium . . . complnznt A reference to Jesus, who “held his peace” against false witnesses, causing the high priest to ask, “Answerest thou nothing? . . . Then did they spit in his face, and buffeted him; and others smote him with the palms of their hands, Saying, Prophesy unto us, thou Christ, Who is he that smote thee?” (Matt. 26:67-68). 655-591 but . . . give It would seem that Our Lord Himselfrefers to Jesus, but the Latin is a distorted quotation from the Old Testament book of Isaiah: “I am the Lord: that is my name; and my glory I will not give to another” (Isa. 428). The substitution of honor for glory is substantive. There is no parallel statement in the gospel that can be attributed to Jesus. See 8.477n. 665-661 Paul . . . once The statement is found in the Epistle of Jude and is not by St. Paul: “It was needful for me to write unto you, and to exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints” (Jude 3). See 8.477n. 667-691 Far . . . void A misapplication. In 1 Corinthians 9:15, St. Paul writes: “it were better for me to die, than that any man should make my glorying void.” His glorying and not his glory is in the gospel he has preached; certainly not in the wages he might have received but refused. In Galatians 6: 14, he writes, “God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.” See 8.477n. 672-751 Saint . . . it The comment by St. Ambrose (340-397), Bishop of Milan, is quoted in Spreti’s defense: “For who does not regard a bodily defect or a loss of patrimony more lightly than a defect of soul and a loss of reputation” (OYB, E, 142). See also 8.477n. 677-871 Revelation . . . wine Arcangeli’s description of the condoning of murder in Innocent XII’s millenial high noon is indebted to the description of the coming of Armageddon in Revelation 16 and is thus another of his inversions of meaning and context, Guido being here equated with the God of the Last Judgment (see 8.477n). Revelation describes the pouring out of the seven vials full of the wine of the wrath of God over all the earth, the seventh “cup of the wine of the fullness of his wrath” (Rev. 16:19) being reserved for Babylon; the chalice teems means “the cup pours, flows” (OED).
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682-831 flower . . . doctrine As soon as the appeal to the Pope is resolved by a pardon for Guido. 688-891 Molinists . . . case Perhaps a reference to the central paradox of Molinist thought, that the soul in a state of perfect contemplation may render the body unresistant to temptation and sin (here the apparent adultery); see 1.303- 13n. The reference is also another of the sweeping condemnations of all non-conformist thinking under the label of one generally acknowledged heresy, Molinism; the they of 8.690 seems to refer not only to Molinists but to anyone who has a permissive attitude toward adultery. 690-921 under . . . law “the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death” (Lev. 20:10). “Then ye shall bring them both out unto the city gate of that city, and ye shall stone them with stones that they die” (Deut. 22:4). 692-931 Nay . . . Lord Not an accurate statement. Jesus set aside the law requiring stoning in the case of a repentant woman caught in adultery (John 8:3-l 1), but in Matthew Ii:32 he explicitly prohibits divorce except in cases of adultery , an exception not specified in the more rigorous statements repor ted by Mark (2.2-12) and by Luke (16:18). 694-961 Nor . . . Christ In the seventeenth century the Church held to the stricter doctrine that marriage was indissoluble, although an annulment or a legal separation a mensa et thoro (from bed and board) was a possibility. Typijks refers to the passage “For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is head of the Church” (Eph. 523). 697-7001 no . . . puss The smallest letter, the merest dot. “Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled” (Matt. 5:18). “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away” (Matt. 24:35). 7031 infallible See 5.1344n. 7051 lapidation Stoning. 7061 Gospel . . . stone See 8.692n. and 692-93n. 709-101 fulness . . . dispensation “That in thedispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ” (Eph. 1:lO). 714-181 natural . . . behznd The Jews became discouraged by the hardships of the wilderness and protested to Moses: “Who will give us flesh to eat? We remember the fish, which we did eat in Egypt freely; the cucumbers, and the melons, and the leeks, and the onions, and the garlick: But now our soul is dried away: there is nothing at all, beside this manna, before our eyes” (Num. 11:4-6). Arcangeli’s mind is drawn back to food even when the analogy is very remote, as here, where he likens the natural priuilegeof revenge to the manna that God sent the Jews on the journey out of Egypt. 7261 early . . . race Boethius’ (c. 475-525) Consolation of Philosophy praises the simple life of the acorn-eating race. In the translation by Chaucer,
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“Blisful was the firste age of men . . . They weren wont lyghtly to slaken hir hungir at even with accornes of ookes” (2.5.1,5-6). But of course thedish, and the argument, would have an opposite significance for Arcangeli’s palate. 727-281 Behold . . . thereby “If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man, and able also to bridle the whole body. Behold, we put bits in the horses’ mouths, that they may obey us; and we turn about their whole body” (James 32-3). 734-351 manners . . . man The proverb goes back to the fourteenth ten tury. 743-443 Wherewithal . . . language “Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word” (Ps. 1199). 7451 depicturing Imagining. 747-491 Quad . . . Zeno “But if the husband in adultery should not complain, he is presumed a pimp.” The argument is from Spreti, OYB, E, 32. 7543 Did . . . Paul In OYB Spreti argues that the adultery of a wife stains not only her husband’s reputation but also that of his entire family. Thus, he says, Paul was forced to flee Rome because of the disgrace he had suffered (OYB, E, 32). The same argument is advanced in the Anonymous Pamphlet (OYB, E, 151). 7601 cachinnation Hooting laughter. 7681 finger-tip Perhaps a reference to the “finger of God”; see 3.550-51n. 785-861 ran . . . Deliquit Neither classical nor medieval Latin attributes B’s meaning to deliquere, which means “to transgress,” not “to run away.” 803- 141 Leonardus . . . killing Leonardus’ trial took place in Naples in 1617 and is cited by Spreti (OYB, E, 140). The Two Sicilies was the old name of the Kingdom of Naples. 8081 with commodity Conveniently. 815-261 Another . . . exile Laurentius Matthaeu et Sam’ Tractatus de Re Criminali ( Treatise on Criminology) was published in 1676. It was used extensively by both Arcangeli and Spreti. According to Gest, the author was one of the best legal writers of his time. Gest relates the fuller circumstances and the decision in the case cited in OYB by Spreti (Gest, 659-67). Curiously, the lover in the case was a young cleric whom the wife claimed she had summoned to help her return to her family, and the manner of the killing was repeated stabbing; the wife was found with nineteen knife wounds, but she survived long enough to tell her story. See OYB, E, 140 for Spreti’s reference. 826-271 Enough . . . feast The proverb goes back to the Greeks. 8301 twinkling . . . eye An ironic echo of St. Paul’s statement, “We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump” (1 Cor. 15:52).
Notes to Pages 266-70 836-371 Judges * . . testzmony Another attempt to bolster his case by appeal to scripture: “To the law and to the testimony; if they speak not according to this work, it is because there is no light in them” (Isa. 8.20). 8371 Look to it The wording of the phrase, the trial setting of the passage, and the prevailing theme of the justification of revenge are all reminiscent of Shylock’s reiterated threat in Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice, “Let him look to his bond” (3.1.47-50). 8531 uotarist . . . mode Devotee of what is currently fashionable or acceptable. 8551 sciolist “A superficial pretender to knowledge; a conceited smatterer” ww 856-571 actual . . . virtual The distinction between actual and virtual may derive from John Calvin, Protestant reformer (1609-64), who argued that al though the eucharistic bread and wine did not become the actual body and blood of Christ (as the Roman Catholic Church held), the faithful communicant did receive along with the elements the virtue or power of the actual body and blood. In any case, here the virtual wrong is the more powerful, and certainly equally punishable, evil. 865-711 Qui . . . worse For the terms of the Trust see 2.21Off and n. 8861 zeal . . . up When Jesus drove the money-changers from the temple “his disciples remembered that it was written, the zeal of thine house hath eaten me up” (John 2: 17). 888-901 Crudum . . . phrase In the Trojan wars Juno, wife of Jupiter, favored the Greek side, while Jupiter was a partisan of the Trojans. In the Zliad Jupiter angrily mocks Juno, saying that nothing short of devouring Priam (King of Troy) would satisfy her (Iliad 4.35). Cook quotes from a lost Latin translation of the Iliad which uses Arcangeli’s phrase (Cook, 172). 9131 Dolabella See 1.215-33n. 9211 Hill of MarsThe Areopagus or Hill of Mars (Ares was the Greek name of Mars) is a low hill NW of Athens near the Acropolis; it was the site where the Supreme Court met. By extension the body of judges came to be known by the same title. In legend the Areopagus was the site of the trial of Mars for the death of a son of Neptune. 9321 parricide See 1.215-33n. 938-391 Valerius . . . Facts Valerius Maximus (the Greatest) was a first century Latin author who wrote Nine Books of Memorable Deeds and Sayings, intended to be used as a text in schools of rhetoric. The collection of anecdotes, mainly Roman, was very popular during the Middle Ages and even down to the sixteenth century. It includes the story of the double parricide just described. 9401 Cyriacus A lawyer from Mantua whose book Forensic Debates was completed in 1638. He too cites the Dolabella decision.
Notes to Pages 270-75 9451 denegation Denial. 9501 Temporalem . . . time Gest says that the term temporalem distinguishes temporal from ecclesiastical confinement in a monastery (685). 952-601 In . . . o#The preposition in can take either the accusative or the ablative case in Latin, according to its meaning. The ablative case used here is correct but it jostles Arcangeli’s mind once more into young Hyacinth’s struggles with Latin grammar. Villain is a playful diminutive here. Mrs. Orr tells the story of B’s having learned Latin declensions from his father by the same rhyming method he has Arcangeli propose. 9621 just . . . found Ovid was trained for public service and began his career by holding several minor offices, but he soon discovered that such activity consumed time he would rather devote to writing poetry. He eventually abandoned a public career. See also 2.1212-13n. 975-761 Brazen . . . peals According to legend the English philosopher and monk Roger Bacon ( 1214-94) made a head of brass that could speak. When it spoke it said “Time is,” then a half hour later, “Time was,” then a half hour later, “Time’s past,” at which point it fell into fragments. 980-833 clock . . . days In answer to the prayer of Hezekiah, King of Judah, God stopped the sun and turned back the clock (sun dial) to save Hezekiah and his city from the Assyrians. In return Hezekiah promised, “I shall go softly all my years in the bitterness of my soul” (Is. 38.8, 15). 9911 ex incontinenti “ IJncontrolled.” The legal term had the sense of “immediately, in passion,” and signified a mitigation of a crime, a mitigation that the Fist argued did not hold in Guido’s case since he acted only after a considerable lapse of time. The real Arcangeli makes the same distortion of the strict temporal meaning of the term (OYB, E, 14). 1000-l] Suppose . . . risk Cited in Bottini’s argument, OYB, E, ZOO. 10191 brush . . . breast Graze him at a vulnerable spot. 10421 gaby . . . goose A gaby is a simpleton. “To shoe a goose” is proverbial for “perform a useless act.” 10511 House of Conuertites See 2.1189-90. 10521 Villa See 1.389n. 10581 You . . . Christmas-eve From the Secondary Source (OYB, E, 263). 1061-651 Molinism . . . Time 1.303-13n. Only in the sense that church ritual was of secondary importance to Molinism would this accusation hold true. 1064-651 Feasts . . . Time In addition to the Nativity, there are observances of St. Stephen on 26 December; of St. John, Apostle and Evangelist, on 27 December; of the Holy Innocents on 28 December; and the Circumcision of Jesus on 1 January. 1069-711 song . . . Camerlengo The Sistine chapel in the Vatican, with its frescoes by Michelangelo and others, is used only for services at which the
Notes to Pages 275-79 Pope is present. Song matutinal would be morning mass. Camerlengo means Chamberlain, and is the title of the highest ranking cardinal. He is head of the Apostolic Court and administrator of the properties and revenues of the Holy See. During a vacancy of the Papacy he is responsible for the external affairs of the Church also. 1072-741 Hat . . . InJidel The peaked hat and short sword are insignia of the office of Cardinals, who are also called princes of the church. 1083-841 find . . . inuent It clearly matters little which to Arcangeli; see 8.477n. 10863 lamb’s fry See 8.145-46n. 1094-961 six . . . crime See 1.166n. The Latin qualitas means “properties, aggravating circumstancircumstances,” here in the sense of incriminating, ces. Against Arcangeli’s argument that Guido’s murder is pardonable on the grounds of the defense of honor, Bottini’s argument will be that thecircumstances of the crime, far from excusing it, were such as to render it doubly heinous. The qualities are discussed by both sides in the trial (see for example OYB, E, 16-19, 85, 202-7). The qualities are, in the order that Arcangeli raises them here, 1) the hired accomplices, 2) the use of unlawful arms, 3) the place of the murders (a violation of the sanctity of home), 4) the disguises, 5) the violation of legal supervision (which Guido himself had sought), under which Pompilia remained at the time, and 6) the treason against the state (LRsa Majestas) which the flaunting of established law in all the five “qualities” above implied (see 8.1359 and n.). 10991 skit Satirical barb. 11011 Jico A$co (fig) is something small and valueless; also a gesture of contempt in which the thumb protrudes from a closed fist or is bitten (see 8.72n.). 1109-l l] Unluckily . . . Rome See 1.149-55n. It was not this governor, however, who passed bans against assemblies of armed men. Gest suggests that the Latin which both B and Hodell (OYB, E, 68) translate as Governor may mean more generally “government” (Gest, 477). 11221 compassed “Contrived, proposed,” in a bad sense. 11261 luck In the sense of fortune, chance. 1129-321 Make . . . large The strategy is to get the aggravating circumstances dismissed on the grounds that they are means and not end (the murder of Pompilia), and then to prove that the killing is not really murder since it was committed justifiably in defense of Guido’s honor. 1136-381 Law . . . flag The example is from Farinacci (OYB, E, 128). 11503 Pope Alexander Alexander VIII (1610-91) was responsible for laws prohibiting the carrying or keeping of certain kinds of arms within the Papal State. 1151-561 Such . . . edge See 2146n. The saw-toothed dagger used by
Notes to Pages 279-82 Guido was originally a refinement of hand to hand combat, in which a skillful gloved opponent might actually grasp the blade of his enemy to disarm him. In the 16th century sword makers developed a dagger with a double edge or prong bearing “little saw-like teeth, set backwards like tiny barbs, the effect of which was to cruelly lacerate the hand that seized it” (Alfred Hutton, The Sword and the Centuries [Rutland, Vermont: Charles E. Tuttle Company, 19731, 110). Glass here is figurative, meaning “of a brittle, breakable composition,” 11521 Horn-like . . . buck The number of tines on a stag’s horns indicates his age and presumably his strength and fierceness. 11603 foppery The artificial invention of a fop. 11661 Means.. . end Bearing arms was prohibited because of the “pernicious end which follows it” (OYB, E, 45). Arcangeli begs the question by arguing that given a legitimate motive for murder one means is as good as another. 11681 Furor . . . arma “Madness provided weapons” (Virgil, Aenezd 1.150). 1169-701 Unde . . . sagittas “Where shall I get me a stone,/ Whence arrows?” (Horace, Satires 2.7.116-17). 11711 Eight months In the Process of Flight. 11781 sword and blunderbuss The traveller’s sword and long, large bore pistol that Guido had with him at Castelnuovo; see 8.209-13 and notes. A blunderbuss is a short range weapon. The size of a weapon, which would determine whether or not it could be concealed, was apparently the decisive legalizing factor; that is, the smaller the weapon the more dangerous it was considered (Gest, 487-88). 11793 pollent A Latinism meaning “powerful.” 11801 amasius Lover. The word is used repeatedly in OYB. 11821 emprise Undertaking. 1189-931 lad . . . full Reference to the multiplication of the loaves and fishes by which Jesus fed a multitude of people; John 6:8- 13. The thought of food again overpowers reason and argument. 11951 flout A mocking speech or action. 1214-251 Panicollus . . . trow The citation of Caesar de Panimolla (not Panicollus) is adjacent in OYB to the case here described, but refers to a different case (Gest, 325). The ugliness of the revenge in the case of the noblemen of Sicily was “mutilation of the privates” following the murders (OYB, E, 29). 12311 slur To render either ugly, or indistinct of speech-or both. 12341 Objectum . . . corruit “Thecharge collapses completely” (OYB, E, 19).
Notes to Pages 282-85 1240-411 But . . . dwelling-place By tradition traced back to Cicero, one’s home was regarded as a place of safe refuge not to be violated. 12421 In . . . propria “In their own home and dwelling place.” 1252-531 We * . . Paolo In a mandate dated October 7, 1694, Guido gave Paolo power of attorney applicable to all legal suits and decisions, pending or future (OYB, E, 162). Pompilia’s move from La Scalette to the Comparini’s under “house arrest” was on 12 October 1697. 12551 commodious Accommodating, convenient (to Guido). 12601 jailor . . . hangdog A series in descending order of dignity or importance. Turnkey: subordinate jailor in charge of keys; hangdog: person assigned to the most menial duties. 12671 tipstafA staff with a metal cap carried as a badge of office; thus, the sheriff or other official who carried one. 1281-861 In . . . excusatur Even in church “in which the King of Kings dwells . . . the one transgressing from a just end is pardoned. ” The passage is from Spreti, and as Hodell notes, “it contains the only unmistakable error of Browning in the transfer of the book-Latin to his Poem. ‘Via’ for ‘ira’ is doubtless a mistake in reading his own written notes” (Hodell, 333). The mistake may have been not B’s but the printers. The word in his MS could be either ira (anger) or uza (way, course); the words are virtually identical in B’s script. Although B does not seem to have detected the specific misreading (if there was one), he changed the translation of Ex justa via from MS “on fitting cause” to “on ground enough” in the first edition (see textual variants). 1290-911 hale . . . Sacrament A reference to the Right of Sanctuary. During the Middle Ages a criminal who had taken refuge within the Church could not be forcibly removed for a period of forty days. At the end of that time, however, he might be taken away for justice. The privilege did not extend to sacrilege or treason. In the Reformation the practice of sanctuary was further curtailed. Arcangeli’s point is that even in the church, sanctuary is not absolute. 12931 Foxes . . . nests “And Jesus saith unto him, The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head” (Matt. 820). 12981 Aquinas’ word See 5.1352n. It is probable that Arcangeli’s reference is not to a particular phrase in the Summa Theologica, but to its supremely rational method. Scholastic argument proposed a question or conclusion which was then proved by defeating a series of objections. Having imagined his defense to the final argumentative coup de grace, Arcangeli claims rank with the acknowledged master of rational discourse, St. Thomas Aquinas. That the Summa is a summary of proofs of the existence and nature of God,
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and that Arcangeli’s case against the Fist is the defense of a murderer, seems to be the irony here. 1300-Z] aggrazjation . . . wrappage i.e., to the unaccustomed clothing of a peasant or laborer, thus to a disguise. This aggravation indicated premeditation and weakened the argument that Guido killed in a moment of uncontrollable anger. The use of disguise could even be regarded as similar to an ambush (Gest, 506). The garb that Arcangeli describes is the same that Guido was hanged in (OYB, E 266). 13061 round . . . ears See 1.597n. 13091 travesty Disguise. 1314-211 Read . . . Troas Paul’s preaching after his conversion on the road to Damascus led the Jews of Damascus to seek his life. “Then the disciples took him by night, and let him down by the wall in a basket” (Acts 925; St. Paul’s account of the event is in 2 Corinthians 11:32-33). Paul’s cloak is mentioned in a passage written 30 years later near the end of his life (2 Tim. 4: 13). Legend has it that the cloak had covered Paul in his escape, but there is no evidence for this belief. Arcangeli’s argument that the same evasive methods for use and safety that effected Paul’s escape from death should be allowed to serve Guido in his infliction of death, is typically ironic (see 8.477n). Arcangeli says that unlike the governor of Damascus, who failed to believe a prophet (Paul), the Governor of Rome (who presided over Guido’s trial; see 1.944n.) will recognize the holy justice of Guido’s methods and actions. 13221 Molinists See 1.303- 13n. 13261 Protection . . . judge Pompilia was released from the convent upon the discovery that she was pregnant and permitted to reside with Pietro and Violante in the Via Paolina subject to specified restrictions under the authority of the Judge and a bond of 300 scudi. The official document “Bond given by Pompilia to keep her home as a prison” is printed in OYB, E, 159. 13361 Corso See 2.8n. 1340-421 Tommati . . . big See 1.9441~.Interest has the sense of self-interest; should Tommati turn a blind eye to (blink) a slur on his own reputation, he would be praised for his unselfishness, but should anyone impede his function as a judge, i.e. his honor, he must defend himself. 1343-443 My . . . here Peter, speaking of the Holy Ghost, quoted the words of the Old Testament prophet Joel, “And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy” (Acts 2: 17). Tommati is represented as feeling that he, his predecessors, and his successors are representatives of the founder of the Vatican (Peter) and that the spirit of the law is a sacred trust of his office.
Notes to Pages 287-89 1359-641 Lcesa . . . criminis “Wounded majesty/ from hatred of the lawsuit/ increases/ the worsening of the crime.” This is a slightly different sense of ksa Majestas, deriving from Guido’s presumed impatience and anger (envy) at the slow operation of judicial procedure; see also lcjesaMajestas in 8.1094-96n. Promoted means “to set in motion . . . in a criminal suit in an ecclesiastical court” (OED). Two of the three pending suits were civil, those for nullification of the dowry and for divorce, and one was criminal, the suit for adultery (OYB, E, 210). Only in this last was Guido technically the promoter, but he stood to gain from the dropping of the other two. 1365-681 Yes . . . barbacue Almost anything serves to remind Arcangeli of his dinner. Does he here associate his own eruptive wrath with the defensive porcupine, or is he stung by the porcupine-like discharge of the prosecution’s latest accusation? Probably the latter; Arcangeli implies that it is the defense who is wounded, not majesty (the Pope). The porcupine was popularly believed to be able to dart its quills at an enemy. To burbucue was to roast whole. The rather fat meat of the young porcupine was cooked this way. 13693 jug An eighteenth ten tury English method for stewing a hare in a j ug or crock and serving it in a sauce made of its own blood. 13701 pine-pips Pine seeds, pine nuts. 13761 Our . . . within Perhaps a reference to Carlyle’s “Soul is not synonymous with Stomach” (Surtor Kesurtus, “The Everlasting No”). 1379-801 dispel . . . wings “But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings” (Mal. 4:Z). Healing, as the next line reveals, refers to the appeal to the Pope to pardon Guido; as an argument against la?su (wounded) Mujestus, it begs the question in the extreme. 13811 prayed . . . self For the appeal to the Pope see 8.1458-71 and 8.1468n. 13821 tardy pack The lawyers and judges, who are slow to arrive at a decision. 13851 Unisonous “Of the same pitch for the different voices or instruments; in unison or octaves, not in parts” (OED). 13861 behoof Benefit. IJsually used with “to” or “for”; used with “in” out of confusion with “behalf” (OED). 13871 Congregation . . . Court OYB, E, 150. 1401-Ii] Joub’s . . . Znnocentinopolis Joab, David’s commander in chief, fought against the city of Rabbah, but instead of taking it and claiming glory for himself, he urged David to “encamp against the city and take it; lest I take the city and it be called after my name” (2 Sam. 1226-29). Before the victory David had been saddened by the mortal illness of his first child by Bathsheba. But his spirits returned after the death, and the Bible does not suggest that
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Joab granted David the honor of victory over Rabbah out of concern or pity. Here as elsewhere Arcangeli’s analogy suggests meanings unintended by him; the obvious parallel is between David conquering a city of unbelievers and the Pope condemning-not freeing-a murderer (See 8.477n). Znnocentinopolis means “Innocent’s city”; the Pope’s name should be his verdict, says Arcangeli. 14091 Ad . . . Judge From the first Anonymous Pamphlet, OYB, E, 150. 1411-131 Why . . . self Apparently a garbled reference to Matthew 8.1415: “And when Jesus was come into Peter’s house, he saw his wife’s mother laid, and sick of a fever. And he touched her hand, and the fever left her.” To substitute for Jesus the name of Peter, who office the Pope is said to occupy, is the grossest flattery. 1414j posed “To non-plus with a question or problem” (OED). 1415-161 It . . . it After Jesus had healed a man born blind, the man’s parents were afraid to tell the truth to the Pharisees, who demanded to know who had performed the miracle. The parents’ answer to the Pharisees was, “He is of age, ask him” (John 9:21). Arcangeli accuses the Pope of avoiding duty and passing the buck. 1416-171 inspire . . . Court “Breathe into, prompt” the Court’s reply. In the remaining lines of this stanza Arcangeli imagines or wills the appropriate reply of the Court to the Pope and to his challenge. 1418-371 Oh . . . doom Without literally echoing specific verses of the Bible these lines invoke several Biblical passages and themes: the church as God’s representative on earth, the all-seeing eye of God, and death as the consequence of sin. Some relevant passages are: for 8.1418-21, “there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known. . Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father” (Matt. 10:26,29). For 8.1423, “what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy” (Mic. 6:8). For the whole stanza, “Lift up your eyes to the heavens, and look upon the earth beneath: for the heavens shall vanish away like smoke, and the earth shall wax old like a garment, and they that dwell therein shall die in like manner: but my salvation shall be for ever, and my righteousness shall not be abolished” (Is. 51:6). Peccable (8.1425) means “liable to sin.” The father of the frock (8.1426) is the Pope. The last faint sands of life, the frittered gokd (8.1427) are the beginning of an hour-glass metaphor for life, a figure probably called to mind by the real hour-glass of 8.59, now running out. Frittered means “minutely fragmented”; minim means “smallest particle” and refers to a grain of sand in the hour-glass. Let innocence suruiue (8.1434) is a play on the Pope’s name and age and a calculated, ingenious fusion of the Pope and Guido. The stanza is a carefully executed climax to Arcangeli’s defense
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and in clear ironic contrast to his off-the-record remarks about the Pope’s senility below (8.1440-42). 14421 intellectuals Mental powers; the implication is that he is non comfios mentis the rest of the time. See also 12.6-8. 14461 Hyacinth See 8.1-2n. 1449-511 how . . . Writ “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. . . . A time to weep, and a time to laugh.” Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 lists the seasons of life in a stoic tone opposite to ArcangeIi’s, pride and gusto. 1452-531 cast . . . waters “Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days” (Eccl. 11:l). 14641 with safety With reinforcements and all due precautions against failure. 14721 fee Guido did hire and maintain four armed men, a fact which, the Fist argued, made them hired assassins. See 8.1541-55. Understanding. 14891 upprehensiue 1492-931 Tobit . . * dog Tobit sent his son on his way with the angel Raphael and a dog. Medieval painters often depicted Raphael with the dog. See 6.1252-53n. 15001 Haud . . . aquis “With not equal steps!” cf. Virgil, Aeneid 2.724. 1508-91 Pauperurn . . . uduocute See 1.174-6n. 1522-371 Custrensis . . . wrong The source of the case here described is an eminent fifteenth-century jurist, Castrensis (Paolode Castro), who cites both his fourteenth-century predecessor Giacomo Butringarius and his own judgment in this case, in defense of a wronged husband’s use of accomplices (OYB, E, 35). The case is more fully described in Gest, 350. are assassins hired to kill in 1538-561 Opinio . . . uerbo The mandatories is an associate the absence of the principal, and an auxiliatory (helpmate) who joins the injured party to help defend his honor. The latter is said to have changed his name and is no longer a murderer. He is deserving, Arcangeli argues, of the same leniency as the principal. Neologism (8.1555) refers to the iteration of “qualified by the quality.” The legal sense of the word qualitus in OYB is “a circumstance which aggravated a crime. Latin quulitatus carries the more general sense of “qualified, modified”; in the original Latin of OYB the two words in tandem would not be as redundant as in English. 1559-631 One . . . Spreti Spreti actually asserts that both Domenico and Francesco were minors as well as foreigners (not natives of the Papal state; see Sources). Gest identifies the accomplices and their backgrounds and ages, 516-17. He conjectures that two were minors (under 25) and that only one was not a foreigner.
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15671 Play . . . clowns See 8.343-48n. 1568-SO] they . . . fee From the Secondary Source, OYB, E, 265. 15781 recruited Reinforced, renewed. 15811 Z . . . fact Bottini does not mention the plotted murder of Guido in his argument in Book 9, nor is the plot mentioned in the official records; it is recorded only in the Secondary Source. 15901 sweat of brow God said to the disobedient Adam: “In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread” (Gen. 3.19). 1604-51 money . . . ill Ovid, Metamorphoses 1.138-40. 16081 Milk . . . require St. Paul wrote to the immature Churchmen at Corinth, “And I, bretheren, could not speak to you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as babes in Christ. I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hitherto you were not able to bear it” (1 Cor. 3:lZ). Cf. also Heb. 5:12, 14. 1616-17151 Push . . . fall This passage is the concluding peroration of Arcangeli’s defense (OYB, E, 130). Spectata est, 8.1661, is a passive verb (“was witnessed”) rather than the fuit spectata (“had witnessed”) of the original, an apparent mistranscription by B. 1625-261 The . . . arise Another identification of Guido with Jesus, who foretold on several occasions that he would arise from the dead. See 5.5n. and 5.2037r-t. for other implicit identifications of Guido with Christ. 1660-661 Eternal . . . blood See 4.88 1n. As the legend is told by Livy, 1.58.4, in consequence of a gamble among a group of Roman soldiers about the virtue of their wives, Lucretia, the impeccably virtuous wife of Collatinus, aroused the lust of Sextus Tarquinius, son of the last of the infamous Tarquin Kings of Rome. Tarquin forced Lucretia to submit to him. Afterwards she summoned her husband, her father, and two of their friends, told them her story, and killed herself. According to legend, the Tarquins were the last kings of Rome and this episode contributing to their demise has a special claim to significance in the legendary history of the Eternal City. Spots of pudicity: fouled, spotted chastity. 1668-841 Virgin ius . . . abode The Roman centurion Virginius decapitated his daughter Virginia and presented her head to her would-be seducer, the legislator Appius Claudius. The story is told by Livy, by Petrarch, and by Chaucer in the “Physician’s Tale.” 16981 round . . . ears See 4.597n. 17021 griesly Archaic spelling of “grisly.” 17131 Mannaia See 1.1320n. 1717-211 Landed . . . play Arcangeli boasts of accomplishing what God proposes to Job as impossible. The famous passage illustrates the wonder and mystery of God’s power, and the foolhardiness of the “children of
Notes to Pages ?Oj-5 pride. ” “Canst thou draw out leviathan with an hook . . . Canst thou put an hook into his nose? or bore his jaw through with a thorn?. . . wilt thou bind him for thy maidens? (Job 4 1: l-2,5). B uses this image in at least two other places, one in Guido’s first defense and again in the Pope’s monologue; it is given a different meaning in each of the three references. See 5.1497-98 and n. and 10.1097-l 105. 17321 Cicero-ixe Make oratorically effective; Cicero was so famous an orator that his name was later applied to famous speakers in any language; there was a British Cicero, a German Cicero, etc. 17331 Fist his3nish Perhaps a pun on Fist, fish, conclusion, and final fatal stroke (Richard D. Altick and James F. Loucks, II, Browning’s Roman Murder Story [Chicago: The IJniversity of Chicago Press, 19681, 259-60). 17361 Jam... satis “Enough now!” 17401 toque Tall hat. 17481 rosolio Alcoholic punch. 17511 perfecturn, bipsi “The perfect (tense), bipsi.” The past tense of bibo is bibi. Probably young Hyacinth mispronounced the verb because he had the hiccups, not because he could not conjugate it. 1761-621 yield . . . usury To the slothful and over-cautious servant in Jesus’ parable, his lord said, “Thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers and then at my coming I should have received my own with usury” (Matt. 2527). 1764-661 Agur’s . . . me “Remove far from me vanity and lies: give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with food convenient for me” (Prov. 30:8). Arcangeli takes only the advice convenient for him, deleting the inappropriate line about riches. 1768-741 Can . . . guess See 8.25-33. cup and cover: silver cup and cutlery; a table setting. 1776-801 trijle . . . anus The Latin means, “Hyacinth’s grandfather gave it to him as a gift!” Engraved with this inscription the trij?e (gift of the cup) ought to grace the grandfather’s largesse rather than represent the sum of it. 1784-891 ne . . . promise “Lest there be a wife who parades loaded with rounder breast . . . pearls.” Mammis (breasts) is a slip inserted by Arcangeli into Horace’s line in Epodes 8.13- 14. 17931 lambkins . . . live Arcangeli’s last words echo another comically pompous misuser of language, Falstaff’s friend Pistol. Upon hearing that Falstaff is dying, Pistol says “His heart is fracted and corroborate . . . Let us condole the knight, for, lambkins, we will live” (Henry V 2.1.124, 127).
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