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to wnte Eqs. (11.25) and 01.26) as ( 11.23)
2L . - - + SRL J.A = eAt)
dcb J.A e,(t) - 2L . - rR ---=- = -=dt L A A
d AA _aR) ( - - . 2L - AAA- cos(wt + dt aA
_d4> _ax) - ( A - · 2L + J.AA- sin(wt + 4» dt aA
e(l) (11.24 )
Multiplying in turn by cos(wt + cb) and sin(wt + » and integrating over one period 211" /w, and keeping in mind that J.A and J.> can be regarded as constant during such a short time interval, we obtam
where Eq. (11.19) is used to substitute RL for R(A). Since we are considering modulation frequencies very much lower than the oscillation frequency, n « w, the solutions of Eqs. (11.30) and 01.31) in the frequency domain are
_aR - _ . 2L - AA · A d AA
== -W jl+'!T/{;;e(u)cos(wu + 4» 11"
( 11.25)
Here the Fourier series analysis with a period T is used, for instance and
_ d A4> _ax A . - - . 2L + AA . A dt aA w /= -e,(t) s - we(u)sin(wu + 4» du 11"
Since, in the following, we will be concerned only with variations in
e/t) and ecCt), which are slow compared to light angular frequency w, it is
If ec(O and e,(t} are assumed to be uncorrelated, and the power spectra of the noise voltages are defined by
limle cn l2
This equation is equivalent to Eq. (11.17). By combining Eqs. (11.38) and (11.27). it is concluded that amplitude fluctuation
we obtain (1134 )
wave is
(11.35) With Qex
woLIRL - wLIR L and the average output power is given by
Po = ~RL;P
or with Eq ~A
= ell
_ e,c( t)
2R L.
1.32) in the frequency domain
1 1 ] 1 - -- + e 2jHL + sR L 2RL len 2jHL + sRL
Eq5. (11.34) and (11.35) are often written as
(11.36 )
Here. e ell is divided into noise sources of external e un and internal origin e ldl . From Eqs. (11.38) and 01.27), it is apparent that there is a phase shift
and (11.41)
When Eq. (] 1.33) is used, phase
Since er and c, as well as Cc and e s are assumed to be uncorrelated, the power spectra corresponding to Eqs. 01.40) and (11.42) become
11.3.3. Breakdown of the Conventional Reservoir Theory (I): Internal Noise versus External Noise Next we will calculate the amplitude and phase fluctuation in the outgoing wave. External current r is related to internal current J by Kirchhotrs law:
e r ( t) 1'=1--2RL _ =
t'.( t) ..,j.
.... et> ...
~Q) -
~R -
Here, as before. PcS
only a frequency-mdependent term
Since PJ.,p( n) ,Ipproaches Ler
3 -.,
g'"' 0
E ~ ~ -I
U .3
:3 D. c;
E ...'" :2
~ ~
II "r:
... '"
." ~
u ::l
3 -:
~'-' " -' '"' :u
'" ::l ~
ti t-<
'" d
'J J
-:J ::l
"> il
-0 1)
"" D.
:::::l v
E 0
.11 0:::
3" :0
:a -0 'J
::2 !J
§ u
« )
-:J Cl
~ ~
Cl 0..
. ::.
" '"
'" E
"'" "3 "" 'D: "
" ""
El ::.,;
9- 3 " u3 N N
0:::- h
'e":u ::l
1 3 i"'"
'3 g
.- " :-..::
...J "l:l
'-" Cl.
___ I~
'~I -.. 3'1,..... -r:-
Thus, If s = 2, the external nOise source does not contribute at ,Ill to the low-frequency fluctuations m the outgolllg wave. In thiS way the OSCIllator resembles d "matched load." Note, however, that thiS analogy doe~ not hold for the phase tluctuatlons IIlduced by the extern,,1 nOI~e '>()lIfce To apply the above theory to .1 1.lser, wc must lind the pwpel expre:-., slons for the Illternal and external nOise sources c, and C:", the negative resistance R( A), and the saturation parameters s ,1l1d r. Figure 11.3b Jnd Table 11.1 summarize the proper expressions tor these parameters. Figures 11Aa and IIAb compare Ihe ,lmplitude ,111<1 phd!>e lllw,e spectra of the II1ternal lield and exlernal held ut " IlIghly s"wraled laser oscillator for three cases such as (1) where the mternal mme sourc-: c, .s twice a" i .. ,g,;; as the externaluoise source eel (2) where the II1ternal nOIse source is equal to the external noise source, and (3) where the II1ternal nOIse \ource is fefO [261. The ,[mplitude IlOlse "peel!'a ()f the Il1lelllal held are all LorentZlall WIth a cutoff frequency H, .:qual to y, as IS predicted by the conventional theory. However, the amplitude noise spectra ot the external field has a white spectrum above the cutotf frequ':Jlcy n, and features more complicated behavior below n,. rhese are re:-.pectJvely due to the f.IC[S Ihat the vacuum held tluctuatioJl doe~ lIot penetrate !ltlo Ih.: cavity, but IS Simply reflected back above n" and that the Iranslllltted internal field fluctuatIOn and the partly reflected vacuum lkld lIuctuatJon destructIVely interfere because of the 'IT-phase difference between the two fields below fl c'
E :;)
C Cl
:5 .c 3
-< 3
I 3
u ~
~ ;.-.
( llA6)
.... '"
0 ::l
El E
'" 5'" c:
2 ;:;l
'"(3 c:
'"s;. .c§ '" 0 E::l
Zi u C
-:;; U
" s;.
J 1.3
,, I
, I
In the special case (2), that is, equal internal and external noise sources, the internal field amplitude noise power, which is given by the integrated nmplitude l10ise spectrum, is cqual to that of a coherent state (AA') ~ { . This is a "theorist's coherent state." On the other hand, the external field amplitude noise spectrum is equal to a shot-noise level PlIr(D) = ~. This is an "experimentalist's coherent state." The most striking result is obtained for case (3). Even though the internal field has a finite fluctuation at the low-frequency limit, the fluctuation of the external field completely disappears at the low-frequency limit. The amplitude noise power of the internal field is half that of a coherent state (AA2) = k. The external field, on the other hand, features complete amplitude squeezing at the low-frequency limit. This surprising result stems from the fact that the residual internal field fluctuation and the reflected vacuum field fluctuation have exactly the same magnitude and opposite phase to cancel each other out. At far above the threshold, the internal noise sources except the pump noise are suppressed [1). Therefore. whether the laser output is in a coherent state or in a squeezed state depends solely on the pump noise. 11.3.4. Breakdown of the Conventional Reservoir Theory (II): Pump Noise Suppression
'Q wnJI~
If the pump light is suh-Poissonian light or a photon-number eigenstate and the quantum efllciency of optical pumping is close to unity. the pump noise becomes smaller than the shot-noise level given by Eq. (11.15). The phase noise of the pump light does not contribute to the laser noise at all because the pump process is actually a photoelectron emission process. Golubev and Sokolov were the first to point out this possibility (27). However. this solution of how to suppress the pump noise is not interesting from our viewpoint, because the generation of sub-Poissonian light itself is the goal. Preparation of a sub-Poissonian light or a photon-number state is not easy, but preparation of a sub-Poissonian electron beam or an electronnumber state is easily achieved using mutual electron interaction in a space-charge-Iimited beam or in a simple resistor. It is expected that an electron (beam) excitation scheme suppresses the pump noise in a realistic way. Figure 11.5 shows the scheme for generating a sub-Poissonian electron beam in a space charge limited vacuum tube (28). When the electron emission rate increases above its average, the number of space charges near the cathode increases, and the potential minimum between the cathode and the anode becomes more negative owing to the Coulomb repulsion effect between space electrons. Therefore, more electrons are reflected back to the cathode as a result of the insufficient initial velocity. When the electron emission rate decreases below its average, the potential
x figure 11.5. SUb-Pol"olllan declfoll beam generation by CllUlomb blockade 11I.1 ,pace-charge·hmlted vacuum tube.
emission rote
minimum becomes less negative, dnd less electrons Jre reflected back. In thiS way, the modulatIOn 111 the potential mlIllmum regulates the number of electrons paSSing through the potential mlmmum. It IS d natural feedback ~tabIlizatJOn mechanism. The electron Jrflval process ,It the Jnode becomes strongly sub-PorssonldIl, Jnd the dIlode current JluctuatJon features d sub-shot-nolse level. In tact, uS1l1g thiS pnnclple, relch Jnd Saleh produced the ,ub-POIssoman light trom the space-charge-Ilmited vacuum tube contaullng mercury dtoms [291 evt:n though tht: light I~ Jlot ,I laser emtSslon but d weak spontant:ous t:IlllSSlon. The current nOlst: gent:rated 111 J Ieslstor IS not ,hut IlOISt: . .2.:1", but IS thermal nOIse, .fk B T/ R, llJdependent ot the current 10 precisely due Lt) such a feedback effect. Theretore, It the voltage bias V ~ /'1 R across the resistor IS larger than the equivalent thermal voltage VI ~ 2k /J r e, the current nOise IS smaller than shot IWISt:. Figure Il.b shows the scheme tor generatmg In electroll-JlllIlI!Jt;f stdtC In a mlcrotunnel Junction llSlI1g the pnnclple of Cuulomb blockdge 130l. When the Junction capaCitance C becomes very ,mall (on the urder ut [() -15 F or le~s), the Cuulomb energy produced b~ d ,1fIgJc electron cC: 12C becomes larger than the thermal background energy k Ii [" .It ,j C:IyogenIc temperature (T - 1 K). Then, the electron tUllnellllg IS mlllblted dllflng the charging process until the charge of one electrode becomes + e /2 from - e /2. This is because, before reaching that charge, the electron !Unneling would result 1I1 dn enormous lI1crease of lhe electrostatIC energy, which cannot be proVIded by thermal phonons, ,mce e~/ 2(' .» "Ill" Consequently, sll1gle-electron LUnneiing is ~epara(ed by the time constant T = e / J, where J is the DC current tlowing 1I1 an external circuIt. rIlIS IS called smgle-electron (unneling OSCillation, which IS nothlllg but d slIlgleelectron state generation. In fact, the correlated smgle-electron tllnnellllg has been observed recently III .In llltrat>ll1all tunnel JllllCtillll [J ll. Next, let us com,lder the quantum-mechalllcal consistency ot the two new discovenes, mentIOned above, namely the diJference between the internal and external field noise and the pump noise ,uppreSSLOn.
Figure 11.6. SlOgle-declron lunnehng leguldled hy Cuulumb blockade 10 J mlcroIunnei Junction ,J/ ,1 lryOgtlllC
Commutator llracket Conservation
rhe creation .Ind dnnlhIlatJon operators of the waves IlIcldent on (he laser .wd retlected (output) from It mu,t obey the proper commutator bracket III tree .,pace TillS I,let ,done, regardless of Ihe medium III the cavily, Impose!> Cllll1l1111ldtllr brackeb on the llIternal nOise sources 132J. rhe l[uantum-mechal1lcal conSl~tency ut any new phYSical Idea can be checked by tlll~ commutator bracket conservalJon test. When the dipole decay rate I' IS much larger than both the photon ./cc,IY Idte y dllU Ihe populatIon dt:cay rale liT,,, (whleh I~ the case for cl senllconliuctor laser), the dIPOle uperator can be elrmmated adIabatlcally trom Eqs. (! 1.9)-(1 l.l n The resultmg equatIOns are
11 (11.47)
d .
P -
(11 048)
Here, N = NO- is the total population inversion operator, P = Ni\. is the total pump rate, and S = AtA is the internal photon-number operator. In the linear amplification regime, the population fluctuation does not couple with the field fluctuation so that N can be replaced by its average value (if) = N(o-) in Eq. (11.47). With defining the stimulated emission rate Eel' = (2g 2 /nN(0-), the Fourier transform of Eq. (11.47) results in
c-num~er avera~e values an~ small fluctuation operators: A = Ao + ~Al + i ~A2' and N = No + ~N. Without loss of generality, we can assume that A () is a real number. The equations for the small fluctuation operators are
( 11.53)
( 11.49) (11.54) Here, the tilde indicates the Fourier transform (Fourier series analysis of period T) of the operator, according to
~fT/2 , llll dt A(f)e T
[-in +
HI' + Eel )jSA i!1 +
(I 1.55)
When boundary condition Eq. (11.17) is used, the Fourier transformed external field operator is
d , - f:.N = dr
- ig/( 2N 'Y/r) So;. - Ee,)
(I 1.5])
Here. T" = (r/2g2A~) is the stimulated emission lifetime, f:.S = 2Ao AAI is the photon-number fluctuation operator, and the products of small fluctuation operators are neglected. At far above the threshold, T" becomes much shorter than 'T,p and the photo~ lifetime 'Tp = 1II'. Therefore, the population fluctuation operator f:.N can also be adiabatically eliminated from Eq. (] 1.53), as shown by
Assuming the commutator bracket of the incident vacuum field fluctuation
(SA' S~J = 1, which is self-consistent with Eq. 01.13), we can easily prove
that the commutator bracket of the output field is properly conserved:
where the spontaneous emission terms are neglected because 'T" « The Fourier-transformed external field fluctuation operator satisfies
= 0 4 +ln2'Y2 (-i!12(n2 +
1'2)[ SAP sAzl
+i!l2(!l2 + 'Y 2)[SA2' SAl]} Here, the commutator bracket of dipole noise operators (SI' Si] = - (0-) and the relation EeL = (2g 2 N /f)( ii:) are used. The atomic systems are represented by Pauli's spin operators! = (~ ~), !t = (~ :)), and
= (~ ~)). The commutator bracket is properly pr,eserved by the joint contnbutions of incident vacuum field fluctuation SA and dipole noise operator S~. In the saturated oscillator regime, the nonlinear coupling between the field and the population inversion must be taken into account. Both the field operator and the population inversion operator can be divided into
Here, [SAl' SA2] = i/2 is used. The commutator bracket of the output field is preserved properly only by the incident vacuum field fluctuation. The dipole noise operator (at least, its in-phase component) is suppressed by the gain saturation, so that it does not contribute to the commutator bracket conservation. The important observations made here are that the external field given by Eq. (11.17) conserve the commutator bracket properly and that the pump noise does not contribute to the commutator bracket conservation
at all. This means that the shot-noise-limited pump noise [Eq. 01.15») is not fundamental in a quantum-mechanical first principle. The boundary condition, Eq. 01.17), and the pump noise suppression schemes in the two previous subsections do not contradict the quantum-mechanical selfconsistency. 11.3.6.
Origin of Standard Quantum Limit
Let us consider here the standard quantum limits of the amplitude and phase noise of a laser oscillator having a shot-noise-limited pump noise. The power spectrum of the fluctuation operator g(r) is calculated by Wiencr-Khintchin's theorem as
condition, f3 = 2g2Tsp/r is the quantum efficiency of spontaneous emission coupled into a single-laser mode (spontaneous emission coefficient), and = Rpnsp/f3. The power spectra of the noise operator can be calculated by correlation functions Eqs. (11.13)-(11.15). The power spectrum is defined here as the single-sided (unilateral) spectral density per (,-ycles per second. The power spectra corresponding to Eqs. (11.60) and (11.60 are
P.l ..j(D)
{2A~(P + ~:)
+ D2
+ N;2
/[(AlA3 + D2)" + D2Afj P~(11) = ,
where g(T,11)=
lim (gt(T,11)g(T,fn)
rn -/ g(t)ed11dt T - l"/2
( 11.59)
From Eqs. (J 1.53)-(11.55), we can readily obtain the Founer transtorms of amplitude noise ~...i a ~..JI and pha~e nOise ~(S =< ~ ... 12/.11l as
{A3[ff.s\ + V(NO/Tsp).q + (AI -lfl)/Y'~~lI
1 +n (T,p1 + -Tsp1) -(1 T,p -
D2A2 o
{11.66 )
Figures 11.7a and 11.7b show characteristic examples of the normalized amplitude and phase noise spectra. In Figure 11.7b, the finite linewidth enhancement factor a is assumed. The modification of Eq. (11.66) due to the a parameter is given by Eq. (J 1.37). The numerical examples were chosen for a typical semiconductor diode laser. When the pump rate is far dbove the threshold, Eq. (11.65) is reduced to the Lorentzian
which is shown by the dashed curve in Figure 11.7a. The variance of the amplitude is calculated by Parseval's theorem as (11.68)
Here coefficients A I-A 3 are
( 1I .IJO)
(AlA) + il 2 ) + dlAI -
+( AI - A)Ao - Ifl)gV(2N/f) .s~d
/Y5 H
[(AI -A3 Ao)2
y/2 + Ng2/r P.l.;(D) =
R ) 'P P
( 11.63)
which is equal to that of a coherent state, as already men!ioned in Section 11.3.2. Half of the noise power stems from pump noise SA> and the other half is due to incident vacuum field fluctuation 5,.1I' Spontaneous emission noise ST and dipole moment noise 5:'2 are suppressed at such a high pump rate. When the population inversion parameter is equal to one and the linewidth enhancement factor a is zero, the phase noise spectrum is reduced to the Schawlow-Townes limit
( 11.(4)
( 11.69) where n,p = [2 - (N/No»)-I is the population mversion parameter, Rp = P/ P'h - 1 is the normalized pump rate, y = (2g 2 /ONo is the threshold
which is shown by the dashed line in Figure 1L7b. Half of the noise power
le aiL Thil means that the sshot-noise-limited pump noise [Eq. (11.15») is not fundamental in a quant:um-mechanical first principle. The boundary condition, Eq. (11.17), and tine pump noise suppression schemes in the two previous subsections do not contradict the quantum-mechanical selfconsiste ncy. 11.3.6.
Origin of Standard Quantum Limit
Let us consider here the standard quantum limits of the amplitude and phase noise of a laser oscilhator having a shot-noise-limited pump nOIse. The power spectrum of the::! fluctuation operator g(t) is calculated by Wiener- Khintchin's theorerrn as
condition, f3 = 2g2Ts /f is the quantum efficiency of spontaneous emission Coupled into a single-laser mode (spontaneous emission coefficient), and A~ = Rpnsp/f3. The power spectra of the noise operator can be calculated by correlation functions Eqs. (11.13)-(11.15). The power spectrum is defined here as the single-sided (unilateral) spectral density per c-yc1es per second. The power spectra corresponding to Eqs. (11.60) and (11.61) are
p.l.~(n) {2A~(P + ~:) =
/[(AZA3 + p.( 11) = g
if ( T, 11) =
lim (gt(T, 11)g( T.,
g ( t ) eI
+ ,.j(NO/Tsp)S,] + (AI -
+( AI - A]Ao - 1!1)gy'(2N/f) ,~~::l ( A 2 "'/3 + ill) + 111AI (YS42 - gVC2N/r)
)i +
y/2 + Ng2/f 112A6
Figures 11. 7a and 11.7 b show characteristic examples of the normalized amplitude and phase noise spectra. In Figure 11.7b, the finite linewidth enhancement factor a is assumed. The modification of Eq. (11.66) due to the a parameter is given by Eq. 01.37). The numerical examples were chosen for a typical semiconductor diode laser. When the pump rate is far above the threshold, Eq. (1l.65) is reduced to the Lorentzian ( 11.67)
which is shown by the dashed curve in Figure 11.7a. The variance of the amplitude is calculated by Parseval's theorem as ( 11.68)
4g 2
Al - r.NoAo - 2yA o
( 11.63)
(11 (0)
[(AI -A3 AO)2 + 112]} (11.65)
Here coefficients A I-A J are
,·1\ -
112)" + 112AfJ
( 11.58)
From Eqs. (l1.53)-(} 1.55), ,w.e can readily obtain ,the FOlfne r tran~torm~ of amplitude noise .l".t = .l A I and pha~e nOise .l,P "" .l A 2/' I tI ,I~
+ (Ai + 11 2
;1'12 ,
tI -
-.,- - -
which is equal to that of a coherent state, as already men!ioned in Section 11.3.2. Half of the noise power stems from pump noise SA' and the other half is due to incident vacuum field fluctuation Srn. Spontaneous emission noise ST and dipole moment noise S'!-2 are suppressed at such a high pump rate. When the population inversion parameter is equal to one and the linewidth enhancement factor a is zero, the phase noise spectrum is reduced to the Schawlow-Townes limit
( II.M)
where n,p = [2 - (N/No))-I is the populution IOversion parameter, RI} = P/P'h - 1 is the normalized pump rate, y - (2g~/nN() is the threshold
y A2!12 o
which is shown by the dashed line in Figure 11.7b. Half of the noise power
0 0
o IJ
Q! fJ)
stems from dipole moment noise Ski' and the other half is due to incident vacuum field fluctuation ,5A2 • Even though quadrature dipole moment noise component ,f!2 is s~ppressed hy gain saturation, in-phase dipole moment noise component S:l..1 is nOL The power spectra of the external output field are calculated by using boundary condition, Eq. 01.17). The results are
.,E .§
Q! ;:J
0 .,
+ [(rAI - A 2 A, - .0 2 )
-0 t\l IJ
iD(r + AI)l'~AII
/[(A 2 A) + n2) + mAil
+ [(1'.'1 1 - A]A, -
+ n2(-)' + A I )2].
/[(A?A 3 + n2)2 + n2A~1 (y - iD)'~A~ - gv( 2N rjr)
o IJ
~} (11.71)
( 11.73) Figures 1UIQ and 11.8b are characteristic examples of the respective amplitudc and phase noise spectra of the external output field. Numerical parameters are the same as for Figure 11.7. At the pump rate far above the threshold (RI' » 1), the amplitude noisc spectrum. Eq. <11.71), is reduced to a broad band coherent state's white spectrum of
(11.74) which corresponds to the shot-noise-Iimited photon flux spectrum of
( 11.75)
as already mentioned in Section 11.3.2. The amplitude noise spectrum, Eq. < y) is due to pump noise S.\. The amplitude noise spectrum above cavity cutoff frequency PJ,;(f! > y) stems from vacuum field fluctuation S~J' One-half of the internal amplitude noise spectrum is contributed by the vacuum field fluctuation. This part of the internal amplitude noise is completely suppressed by the destructive interference because reflected vacuum field fluctuation - SAl has the same magnitude and opposite phase of transmitted internal field fluctuation dA 1• In the frequency region above the cavity cutoff frequency, the internal amplitude noise is absent, leaving only the reflected vacuum field fluctuation. If population inversion parameter nsp is one, the phase noise spectrum [Eq. (11.73)] is reduced to (! 1.7]), below cavity cutoff frequency PA.r
o o
/ /
..",,\ ~ ... ~
ru 11 rn
(11.76 )
c. ~'jj'
Above the cavity cutoff frequency, the external phase noise is a broadband coherent state's white spectrum of PJ.~(f! > y) = (2rJ)-I. However, below the cavity cutoff frequency, the Schawlow-Townes phase diffusion noise due to S'S.1 and S.12 survives. The destructive interference between the transmitted internal field and the reflected vacuum field does not work for the phase noise, because of the quadrature phase difference between the two waves. 1l.J.7.
Amplitude Squeezing in a Pump.Noise-Suppressed Laser
The external amplitude and phase noise spectra above the cavity cutoff frequency pumped at levels far above the threshold satisfy minimum uncertainty product ( 11.77) or ( 11.78)
The quantum noises are equal to that of a broadband coherent state. They are simply imparted on the coherent laser emission by the reflected vacuum field fluctuation. The amplitude and phase noise spectra below the cavity cutoff frequen(.,'Y do not reach that limit yet, because of the phase diffusion noise shown in Figure 11.9a. On the other hand, the commutator bracket conservation requires vacuum field fluctuation SA and dipole moment fluctuation S'J" both of which constitute the SchawlowTownes phase diffusion noise. Pump nois.e S~ is the only noise source that
C ~ "~C Q)
• 10
three-level laser system with equal atomic decay rates for upper and lower states, reduction of the internal photon-number noise is not 50 but 25%. Consequently, the external field amplitude is squeezed by only 50%. As will be discussed next, a semiconductor laser is an exception and its amplitude can be completely squeezed .
Q) -;,-
.!! a.o
~!: 10
-00. Q)W
Frequency [Cl]
The pump process of a semiconductor laser is the carrier injection process across n 1'-11 junction. The population inversion fluctuation is related to the junctioll voltage fluctuation via the quasi-Fermi level separation. The pump fluctuation is the junction current fluctuation. The junction voltage fluctuatioll and the junction current fluctuation couple, and they affect each other through the source resistance in an external circuit. Thus, the pump source cannot be considered a reservoir. Quantum-statistical properties of a reservoir must be independent of those of a system by definition. but junction current fluctuation is dependent on junction voltage fluctuation. To calculate the pump noise of a semiconductor laser correctly, the carrier injection process must be examined, taking into account thc mutual coupling of current and voltage fluctuations.
E Q) If)
10 o
Standard Ouantum limit ________~____ ~_________
::> ~
u ., ~ 10
10~----------w-/~Q~---------- Frequency [Cl]
(b) FilZUrr 11.9. (a) Normalized phase-nois~ spectrum r(~r"",(l1) and (h) amrlitude-noi,l' spectrum i'",(!l) of a pump-noise-suppressed laser oscillator hiased at well above threshold (r(~ is the average photon flux and w IQ is the cavity bandwidth).
can be eliminated without violating the commutator bracket conservation. If we assume zero pump noise. the amplitude noise spectrum at Icvels far above the threshold becomes
Current Noise of a Single-Heterojunction Diode
This section discusses the fluctuation of a minority-carrier transport in a single hetcrojunction. Buckingham's theory of current noise in a p-n homojunction [35) is extended to the case of a p-N single heterojunction and to include thc effect of a finite diode's series resistance. We treat only the low-frequency part of the current noise, so the cutoff characteristic due to the carrier lifetime is not discussed here. We also treat the situation fin «: k /1 T. where n i~ the current fluctuation frequency. Zeropoint fluctuation in a resistive element can be safely neglected. The following are four assumptions for the discussion in this section [36):
(11.79) 1. The depletion layer has abrupt boundaries; built-in potential and
As shown in Figure 11.9b, the amplitude noise is squeezed to below the standard quantum limit. The phase diffusion noise compensates for the squeezed amplitude noise and satisfies the uncertainty product. In fact, the uncertainty product is twice as large as the minimum product. This is considered as a true quantum limit of an ideal laser oscillator. Recently, similar conclusions were obtained by M. O. Scully et al. [33) and by D. F. Walls et al. [34], both using the density operator master equations and the quantum Langevin equations. In the snecial cas(' of the
applied voltage are supported within the two boundaries so that outside the depletion layer, the semiconductor is neutral. 2. Carrier densities may be represented by an exponential approximation of the Fermi-Dirae function. 3. Injected minority carrier densities are small compared to majority carrier concentration. 4. There is 110 generation or recombination current in the depletion laver.
SQUEEZED-STATE GENERATION BY SEMICONDUCroR LASERS Current-Voltage Characteristic. Consider the p'~ -N single-heterojunction diode shown in Figure 11.10. The heavily p-doped semiconductor has a narrow band gap, and the lightly n-doped semiconductor has a wide band gap. The junction current is carried by electrons injected from the wide-band-gap N-type semiconductor to the narrow-band-gap p-type semiconductor, because the band-gap discontinuity blocks the hole injection from the p + side to the N side. Built-in potential VD' which is determined by band-gap energies and impurity concentrations of the two semiconductors, is shared by the p side and N side in accordance with relationships [36, 37] VD
( 11.80)
VDp - K
where to I and E 2 are the dielectric constants of the p side and N side, respectively, NAI - NJjI is the hole concentration in the p side, and ND+z - Nis the electron concentration in the N side under the thermal Az equilibrium condition. Since a p +-N junction is assumed, most of the built-in potential is supported in the N side (K» I). The potential barrier for the electron flux from the N side to p" side is VDN == VD at thermal equilibrium, while the potential barrier for the electron flux from the p side to N side is tJ.Eelq - VD "" !lEjq, as shown in Figure lUOa, where !lEe is the conduction-ba~d discontinuity. When forward bias V is applied to the junction, potential barriers become VDN - V 2 == VD - V and !lEjq - (VDp - VI) == !lEjq, as shown in Figure ll.lOb, where VI = VI K and V2 = (1 - l1K)v are the junction voltages supported in the p + side and N side. Electron density at x = 0 (the edge of the depletion layer) is given by the expression [37]
(11.81) np =XnNOexp
[ V - V]
(11.83 )
where ( 11.82)
P' - sid.
N- sid.
where X represents the transmiSSIOn coefficient of electrons across the heterojunction interface, flNO is the electron concentration in the N side at thermal equilibrium, and Vr = kBTlq is the thermal voltage. Since electron density np at zero applied voltage is equal to the electron concentration in the p + side at thermal equilibrium, the relationship ( 11.84)
holds. Electrons injected into the p + side diffuse toward the p-side metal wntact. The continuity equation for electron density n(x, r) in the [J" side is [36]
po _ sid.
N - sid.
n ( x, t) - /l po
( 11.85)
Here n is the electron concentration in the p + side at thermal equiIib, pO . (.) I rium and T is the electron lifetime. Because of assumption I, e ectron current den~ity i,.cx, t) is given only by the diffusion current and is
a ax
inCx, t) = qDn-n(x, t)
Figure 11.10.
Band diagrams of a p" -N single heterojunction. (a) Zero-bias case V > O.
(b) forward-bias case V
where D" is the electron diffusion constant.
( 11.86)
The steady-state solution of Eq. (11.85) with boundary conditions [Eq. 01.83)] at x = 0 and np(x -+ (0) = npo is ( 11.87)
where L" = DnTn is the electron diffusion length.' The electron current density is obtained from Eqs. (11.86) and (11.87) as the expression
i n(x) = and junction current density
qDn --en Ln p j
- npo )e- x / L •
across the p+ -N junction is equal to
in(x = 0):
i == i (0) = qD" (n - n
) = pO
_qD_n~np~o rexp[~] L JI" "
- 1] (11.89)
The diode's differential conductance G is defined by (strong forward bias) (11.90)
Here. A is the cross section of the junction and I is the total junction current. The diode's diffusion capacitance C is defined hy
AqLpXn No Vr
[VD - V]
exp -
(11.91) 11.4~1.2. Thermal Fluctuation of Minority-Carrier Flow. Here we assume the foHowing. The source resistance and the bulk resistance of the diode are negligibly small compared with the diode's differential resistance. The junction voltage supported between x .." 0 and x = - IV is kept constant because of this assumption, so the electron density at x = 0 is fixed. The electron density at x = w (the p-side metal contact) is also fixed. As a result, the electron distribution fluctuates only between x = 0 and x = w. (In this and following sections, we will calculate the current noise of such a "constant-voltage-driven" p" -N junction due to the electron distribution fluctuations.) Later, this assumption will be removed, which corresponds to taking the finite source resistance and associated thermal fluctuations of majority-carrier flow into account.
12 FiI!1lI'e
Perturbed electron distribution and relaxation currents due to thermal fluc-
tuation of electron flows:
There are two mechanisms responsible for the current noise of a constant-voltage-driven p + -N junction. One is the thermal fluctuations of the electron flow (diffusion), and the other is the generation and recombination noise of electrons. These two mechanisms cause the departure of the electron distribution from the unperturbed distribution. These perturbations are immediately followed by electron relaxation flows so that equilibrium is restored. This relaxation current is the one that can be observed as the current noise in the external circuit. The electron diffusion process in the p. semiconductor is actually the random motion of electrons due to thermal agitation. Each action of this thermal fluctuation is represented by the transit of a single electron over the distance If between collisions. where If is an electron's mean free path. This corresponds t~ a current flow of q 5(1) over this very short distance (on the order of 100 A). Perturbed electron distribution n'(x), which is triggered by this initial action, is illustrated in Figure 11.11, where n'(x) is the deviation from the unperturbed electron distribution. The electron is assumed to move in the -x direction at x = x' in the case of Figure 11.11. This perturbation immediately re~;ults in relaxation electron currents throughout the entire region between x = 0 and x -= W, as shown in Figure 11.11. The Fourier transform of continuity equation, Eq. 01.85), with Eq. 01.86) becomes .il 2 1 -n'(jil) = -n'(jil)
ax 2
( 11.92)
The solution of Eq. (11.92) for boundary conditions n'(jo) "" 0 at x = 0 and n'(jn> ~ at X"" x' results in the relationship
n'Un) =
(0::;; x::;; x' - 0)
The Fourier transform of relaxation current density ii(jf1) at x
x' - 0
I U.
hold true. Then, from Eqs. (11.94), (11.97), and (11.99), relationships
an'Uf1) Jx
", (11.94 )
, = kIn;
(11,103) kl
qDn coth [XI __ - ]
The plus sign of Eq, (11.94) indicates that this current flows in the +x direction. The perturbed electron distribution between x = x' + [[ and x = w, and the Fourier transform of the relaxation current density iz(jfl) at x = x' + [[ are similarly obtained as expressions
= -:-_;:-,-;_ _2_-:---.:-~ X (e(w-Xl/L, _ e-(w.-x)/I.,,)
c')/ L, _
,')/ L,
can be obtained. The total outflow from the event is equal to the difference between the two Fourier-transformed current densities at x = 0 and x = w. This outflow causes a departure from charge equilibrium that is restored by majority-carrier flow through the metal contact, that is, the external circuit current pulse, It is described by ( 11.104)
( 11. 96) where
( 11.97) ( 11.l(5) and
(11.106) (11 ,98) Here, Since n 2 is negative, current i2 also flows in the +x direction, Constants n; and n 2 remain to be determined. There are two return currents, IU!1) at x = x' + 0 and 2 Uf1l at x = x' + [[ - O. Since [f « L n , these two currents become equal, resulting in
qD" cosech [XI] -
qDn - x' =- cosech [w ---
and W
( 11.107)
( 11.108)
The minus sign of Eq. (11.99) indicates that these two return currents flow in the minus x direction, as shown in Figure 11.11, Since there can be no accumulation of electrons in the p + semiconductor, current continuity must be imposed both at X = x' and X = X' + If· Consequently, equations
As indicated by Eqs. (11.105) and (11.106), ib(Jf1) and i:.,Uf1) are caused mainly by the events occurring near x = 0 and x = w, respectively. This is because the electron relaxation far from the junction edge or the metal contact is entirely compensated for by majority carrier flow. Later, we will examine the current noise due to this majority-carrier flow separately, The average number of thermal motion events per second in the small volume formed by x = x' and x = x' + 6.x planes and by cross-sectional afl~a A is
(11.100) and
n(x')A AX Yr =
i z(jf1) + i;'2(jf1) + q = 0
( 11.109)
(11.119) Constants ko and kw are given by Eqs. (11.107) and (lU08). As indicated by Eqs. (11.118) and (1l.1l9), ioWl) and i::U!1) are caused mainly by the generation-recombination events occurring in the vicinity of x = 0 and x = w. Currents iaUo.) and i::,(jo.) flow in the opposite direction so that they constructively contri\:lute to external current irUfl.). On the other hand, currents iaUfl.) and i~(jfl.), due to thermal fluctuations (diffusion), flow in the same direction so that they cancel each other out in external current iTUfl.). When w »L n , the contribution of i~UD.)U::,(jD.)] is much smaller than that of ii/jD.)[i;;Ufl.)] because the excess electron density concentrates in the vicinity of the edge of the depletion layer where x = O. The average number of recombination events per second in the small volume A ux is given by
while the average number of generation events is
'Ye =
The power spectrum of the current noise due to the two
~~~l{![~~~_k",]2 k1+k z
( 11.122)
Noise-equivalent circuit of a p +-N junction diode.
Figure 11.13.
result in current noise in the external circuit. These noise components are known to obey the Nyquist formula for the thermal noise associated with the resistance in each part. If diode series resistance Rs is assigned to express all of the resistive parts, the power spectrum of the current noise complies with the relationship [40]
2hfl. [hfl.] 4k8T p.(n) = - - coth - - " " - R, 2k8T Rs
The second equality results from the assumption fI 0. « k 8 T and indicates that the quantum zero-point fluctuation is not important for the electrical current fluctuation. Constant Voltage Operation versus Constant Current Operation. The noise equivalent circuit of a p + -N single-heterojunction diode is shown in Figure 11.13. Here, current noise jm, due to the thermal fluctuation of majority-carrier flow, is transformed into voltage noise source Vs by using the Thevenin theorem. Its power spectrum is given by
P,,( 0.)
4k 8 TR 5
4Aq2 Dn
Aq2 '" [ko + kw]2 P,.(fl.)=2-! [n(x)+n"o] k k d.x I
thermal fluctuation of majority-carrier flow
'I11e terms R s , R, and C are the diode's series resistances, which also include the source resistance, the diode's differential resistance [Eq. (11.90)] and the diffusion capacitance [Eq. (11.91)]. Current noise source i includes the two noise mechanisms, and its power spectrum is given by
PjW) 0
(11.125 )
Then, integrating Eq. (11.122) from x = () to x = w results in
( 11.124)
[n" 3
pu ] +II -
thermal fluctuation of minority-carrier flow (w
( 11.123)
+ Thermal F1uctuation of Majority-Carrier Flow. Random thermal motions of the majority carriers in both the [J + ~lI1d N semiconductors
2AQ2Dn[np 2 ] L "'3 + 3' np o n
\ generation-recombination noise
Next we will confirm that this noise-equivalent circuit is adequate to explain the experimental results under the three following operating conditions.
3. Constant-Current-Driving Case. When Rs is much larger than R, junction-voltage noise Vn is not suppressed. In such a case, however, junction-current noise in is suppressed by the source and reduces to the thermal-noise-Iimited value represented by
1. Zero Applied Voltage (V = 0). When the applied voltage is zero, the electron density at x = 0 is equal to thermal equilibrium n I> = n pO' Equation (11.126) then reduces to
(11.131) and
( 11.132) where R(V - 0) is the differential resistance [Eq. 01.90») when V is O. The current noise source is equal to the Nyquist formula, as it should be, because the diode is in thermal equilibrium when V is O. It is interesting to note that this thermal noise is equally contributed to by diffusion noise i' and generation-recombination noise i". 2. Constant-Voltage-Driving Case. When Rs is much smaller than R, junction voltage noise t'n is suppressed, as shown by
L'n =
-t'J+Rsi -1-+-R-s-(:""1/-R-+:....]-·w-C-)
Power spectrum Pi HI) can be much smaller than the shot-noise level 2qI if the condition "
2Vr Rs> -1-
( 11.133)
L' n ->
I/R + jwC
(Rs »R)
is satisfied. This condition is usually satisfied under a strong forwardbiased condition. because the differential resistance monotonically decreases with the junction current, and the bulk resistance and contact resistance of the diode are finite. Junction voltage noise L'n can be represented by the relationships
This situation corresponds to the thermal fluctuations of majority-carrier flow in the resistive parts being negligibly small. Junction-current noise in becomes equal to current noise source i indicated in the rclationship
+ vs (1/R + jwC) 1 + Rs( l/R + jwC)
(Rs« R)
The power spectrum of in becomes equal to Eq. 01.126), shown in
where I = (Aq Dn/LnXnp - npo) is the total current and Is = (Aq Dn/Ln)npo is the reverse saturation current. The current noise reduces to the shot-noise formula. This is a "theorist's shot noise." In most cases, this shot noise cannot be measured because the measurement circuit breaks the constant-voltage operation. Two-thirds of the full-shot noise originates from the diffusion noise, and one-third stems from the generation and recombination noise.
where 'T = 1/RC. In fact, the normalized junction-voltage noise P, (fl)/R 2 is equal to the shot-noise formula. Most experimental studies on n~ise in a p-n junction diode [41J correspond to this situation, which is sometimes erroncously referred to as "the observation of th-e shot-noise-Iimited junction current." However, what is actually measured is not the shotnoise-limited junction-current noise but the junction-voltage noise. This is an "expertmentalist's shot noise" and is entirely different from the "theorist's shot noise." The important observation made in this section is that the junction-current noise is suppressed to below the ordinary shot-noise level when Rs is greater than 2R ("high-impedance suppression"). This condition is automatically satisfied under a strong forward-biased condition. It is also
important to note that shot-noise-limited current fluctuation or voltage fluctuation does not originate from the pump source, but is the consequence of the internal noise mechanisms of the junction itself. The noise generated in a pump source is the thermal noise (Eq. 01.132)] under the condition fIfl « k B T.
the conduction band and tP p for the valence band, as in n=n,exp [
1/I-tP ] T
( 11.136)
p=Pjexp [
( 11.137)
and 11.4.2.
CUfrent Noise of a Double·Hetefojunction Diode
1l.4.2.1. Current-Voltage Characteristic. Consider next the P- p-N double heterojunction diode shown in Figure 11.14. In the double-heterojunction diode, injected electrons from the wide-band-gap N semiconductor to the narrow-band-gap p-type active layer cannot diffuse freely toward the p-side metal contact. This is because of the conduction-band discontinuity between the p-type wide-band-gap semiconductor and the p-type narrow-band-gap active layer (P- p isotype heterojunction). When thickness cl of the active layer is much smaller than dectron diffusion length L", the electron density becomes constant along the entire active layer. For such a case, the electron and hole densities in the active layer can be described uniquely by quasi-Fermi levels
where flj and P, are the respective intrinsic electron and hole densities and 1/1 is the intrinsic Fermi level of the active layer. For low injection, where 11 ,,< t~~-t - Nj';t), and high injection, where n » (N~-I - Nj';t), electron density n can be expressed in terms of the junction voltage by low injection (11.138) high injection
This result is based on the Boltzmann approximation (assumption at the beginning of Section 1l.4.0. In the double-heterojunction diode, the junction current is not carried by the diffusion process, but crosses the imaginary plane between the conduction and valence bands by radiative or nonradiative recombination PIllCt.:SSt.::s. Tlwrdore, it is expressed by ( 11.139) wht.:re ( 11.140) Here, Ne = A dn is the total electron number in the active layer, cl is the active-layer thickness, T,p is the electron lifetime due to spontaneous emission, and Tnr is the nonradiative lifetime due to surface state recombination, Auger recombination, and other factors. The diode's differential resistance is given by dt'pie'tion
Figure 11.14. Band diagrams of a P-p + -N double-heterostructure laser diode. (a) Zt:ro-bias case V ~ 0; (b) forward-bias case V > O.
Here. 171 is unity for the low-injection case and is 2 for the high-iniection case. Diffusion capacitance C is defined hv dQ e • the incremental increase ill ch;]r~e for an incremental ehan~c in junction volla~c dl·. Thi~ call he represented by
C == ~
J (;eneration and Recombination Noise. Relaxation current densities at x = 0 and x = d due to the generation and recombination events in the active I;\ycr arc given by Eqs. (lUllS) and (11.119), if w is replaced bl' iI. When d '" I.". the Iwo current densitie~ arc given by
( 11.142)
From thi~ equation it can he seell that total electloll numher i1l1l'llIdti()11 bA', is uniquely related to junction-voltage fluctuation ('n'
(J 1. J 46) and (11.147)
Ne 'I
III " './
I'" Thermal Fluctuation of Minorit~· Carrier Flow. In a dOllble-helerojunction diode driven by a constant-voltage source. electron densities at .\ ~- 0 ({,·-N anisntypc heteroiul1ctiol1) and .1 c d ({)-I' i~olvp(' hClerl)junction) arc fixed constants. These two junctiom maintain the houndan conditiom and also act as the s()urce~ of minority carrier~ and maiorit\ earners for neutralizing potential, in the active laver. Here. the efiect of a finite bulk resistance and electrode contact resistance is neglected. R,'I;lXaliof1 currcnt dl'l1sitic~ <11 ,\ - (I and \ .. d dill' 10 thermal flue tualions of electrons in the aetive laver are given Iw f:.qs (11.1 O'i) and (ll.IO('), if J\ is replaced lw d. When d «.1,._ the two Fouricl-transformed current densities become equal. as in the relationship
TheJcime. toud outflow i'f(/11) ~ i[;(JHJ -- i;;(f11) clue to either a generation or recombination event is exact Iv equal to the charge of one carrier. The average number of generation events per second in the entire active laver is found by
1'.=N!-~+~J -;(r
(11.148 )
where ( 11.149)
The average number of recombination events is given by ( 11.144) (', = /,
Therefore. total outflow i 7(j!l)= i[,(fHJ-i;/un) due to the thermal fluctualion event is equal tll zero. The thermal fluctuation oiminorilv-ean iel flow does not cOl1tributc t(l the external current noise. At each junction. however. the powel spectra of noise current flow are provided b~'
I', l'd
j' =4qll-~T I J'
Nc [ - 1 "; nI
J J + --
( 11.150)
hUII1 (',IlS()JJ\ I 11l:0f('ll\. Ihe power speclrul1l of the currenl noise due to generation and recombination events is denoted hy
( Il.I5I)
( 11.145)
These noise currents are larger hy the factor 2( L,,Id)' than the shot-noise level. but they exactly cancel each other out because of the correlation between if, and i;I'
Here. Eq. (J J.J39) is used in Eq. (I 1.15 J). and it is assumed that NcO « 1\'(. The current noise is again the full-shot noise. but in this case. it is contributed on Iv by the generation-recombination noise. The noise-equivalent circuit shown in Figure 11.13 holds also for a double-heterojunctiol1 diode, where R is given by Eq. 01.141) and C by Eq. 01.142). instead of by Eqs. (11.90) and (l1.91).
11.4.3. Effect of Stimulated Emission and Absorption. In a double-heterojunction diode laser, the junction current mainly crosses the imaginary plane between the conduction and valence bands by stimulated emission and absorption processes in an active layer. For such a case, the electron lifetime is
1)-1 ( -+-+1
Noise-Equivalent Circuit of a Semiconductor Laser
The following facts are discovered in the discussions in Sections 11.4.1 and 11.4.2. 1. The shot-noise-limited current noise in a p-n junction diode is not
the noise introduced by the pump source, but is the result of the thermal fluctuation of minority carrier flow (diffusion noise) and gem:ration-recombination noise inside the diode. 2. This shot-noise-limited current noise exists only when the diode is biased by a constant-voltage source (negligible source resistance). 3. The pump noise for a semiconductor laser is the Johnson-Nyquist (thermal) noise generated in the source resistance. In the strong forward-bias condition, the diode's differential resistance becomes smaller than the source resistance, and in such a case the (thermal) pump noise becomes smaller than the shot-noise level (high-imped- . ance suppression).
( 11.152)
and the generation and recombination rates are
( 11.153)
( 11.154)
We can now construct a complete and self-consistent noise-equivalent circuit for a semiconductor laser, including the mutual coupling between the pump source and the junction. The noise-equivalent circuit discussed in this section is different from that presented in Figure 11.3, which
Here, Ecv and E,.c are stimulated emission and absorption codficients
( 11.155)
,- - -:-- ------ ---; :,--------------- --..,'
! where gkk' is the transition matrix element and WH' is the frequency difference, both between the conduction electron with wave number k and the valence hole with wavenumber k', Ykk' is the dephasing time constant, and nkc and nk,v are the conduction and valence electron numbers; So is the total photon number inside the active region. The power spectrum of the current noise is
... ____ _______ J
iI io
iin ft':-
( 1Ll57)
(thermal noise)
I 1
\ i
(dipole noise)
: I I
Ro: I
r I
.,.._-.-_...J __
L )
I Lt:
i ia
+ (Ecv + Euc)So]
The current noise is higher than the shot-noise level, because the junction current is given by the difference between the stimulated emission and absorption rates, 1= q[Nc(1/Tnr + l/Tsp) + (Ecv - Ev)So], but the current noise is contributed independently by these two processes [421.
: 1
: I
,, ,
: I
r----- - - -.-----l r-----------.----: I'
: l.
Output photon dux ductuation
Internal photon number ductuation
Internal electron number ductuation
Input electron dux ductuation
I -t
I';\ \
(dipole noise)
j Ell L
(vacuum noise)
Figure 11.1S. Noise-equivalent circuit of a semiconductor laser and the dissipation-fluctuation relations.
describes both the amplitude and phase of a photon field. Here, we are treating only the photon-number fluctuation (not at an optical frequency M, hut at a radio frequency rl). Thi~ is hecaus(' the purpose of thi~ subsection is to demonstrate the conservation of input e1ectroT1 flux alld output photon flux, even at a quantum levcl. The noise-equivalent circuit shown in Figure 11.15 consists of the foUT parts: pump (input electron flux) fluctuation, population inversion (internal electron number) fluctuation, internal photon numher fluctuation. and output photon flux fluctuation, respectively. Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem for Internal Electron Number. Electron number fluctuation 6. Ne is uniquely determincd Iw junction voltagc fluctuation I'" via Eq. (11.14::n. Thus, the eleetron-numher fluctuation inside the active region corresponds to the fluctuation of thc charge stored in capacitance C in Figure 11.15. Electron-number fluctuation 6.Nr has two decay processes. one via source resistance R~ and the other via differential resistance R. The circuit equation for the first process (assuming R ..... oc and i .~ ()) is
I 1,1
Till, ()II Y
d - 6.N dl (
I - - - 6.N
r, fj
( 11.151.)
The power spectral densit~ of the noise source i ,/11 ( 11 .1(0)
is equal to twice of the electron-number decay rate via the source resistance. This is the fluctuation-dissipation theorem for the CRI deC;l\ process. The pump source functions to restore the electron number to its average value. This relaxation process with decay rate l/CR\ accompanies noise [Eq. 01.160)], which is the truc origin of the pump lIoise lor :1 semiconductor laser. The noise current is the thermal noise of the source re,istancr. since H! «: "~T. rhe ""'\1\\ \',)\\;\\",,, \,'1 the ~(,,','n,\ I'h),-C'" ~;I~,\m\\1\~ T'., > ' \ .\1,.; I! -> 0) is . 1 ) (R + J(Ve
or equivalently (11. Hi2)
As expected. decay rate 1 ICR is equal to the inverse of effective electron Iifetimc 1/,,, = (J ITm -1 1/"f' + J IT,,), indicating that the second proccss is the relaxation process of the electron number fluctuation due to intcJllal 1 ildiativc and lIonradiative recombination. The power spectral density of t he noise source i Iq
2[ CR N,~ + 2E", SIll
( 11.163)
is equal to twice of the electron-number decay rate via the differential resistance
or equivalently
6. 1\' '
- ( __ 1. + , CN.I
.2.'n .') 6. N' + ~ (i fj
., Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem for Internal Photon Number. The ilveragc junction current carried by the lasing photons is 1L = q'}'So' The photon-number fluctuation is thus determined by photon current flUl'luation i, viii 6.S i ,Iq),. The photon-numhcl fluctuatioll inside the active region is proportional to the fluctuation of the current flowing in inductance L in Figure 11.15. We assume that the electron energy is stored in capacitance C. that the photon energy is stored in inductance L ~ "jC)" and that (", == 11 ILC = /1'17,,' is the relaxation oscillation freque!lc~. Currellt fluctuation i L i~ amplified in negativc resistance _. Ra (stimulated emission gain) and is attenuated in positive resistance Ro (output coupling loss). The circuit equation for the first process (assuming R(\ -, (l) is (11.165)
(11.166) Here, the relation R of L
Eel - Ea ""
I' is used. The power spectral
density of the noise source i"lq is ( 11.167) which satisfies the fluctuation-dissipation theorem for the amplification process and also includes the spurious noise due to stimulated absorption. The origin of this noise current is the dipole moment noise source §., as indicated in Eq. (11.47). Therefore, ia is correlated with noise curre~t I. The power spectrum of the mutual correlation function is
The circuit equation for the second process (assuming R
0) is
( 11.168) or equival<:ntly
d -",'),S dt Here, relation RoiL source i 01 q is
Ro L
- -;lS-
The Langevin equations for the internal electron-number fluctuation and internal photon-number fluctuation are obtained by replacing jD. with dldt and by using relations Un = (qIC) ANc and iL = qy AS to give
!!.. AN dt
= -
(_1_ + ~) AN - y AS + :"0, + i) CRI'
d AS 1 -AS=-[y-(£ -£vc )]AS+-+-(i de cv T st q a - i IJ) (11.175) Equation 01.174) is ditferent from the conventional Langevin <:quation [Eq. (I 1.48)] for the electron-number fluctuation, as can be stated with the following two points: there is a new decay rate of the electron-number fluctuation, which represents the junction voltage pinning effect by the source; and the pump noise is not proportional to the pump rate, but is given by thermal noise current i,. When Rs is very large, decay rate 1I CR s of the electron-number fluctuation becomes small, and accordingly, the pump noise becomes small.
is used. The power spectral density of noise
llA.3A. Second Threshold for Amplitude Squeezing. The input electron nux liuctuation, that is, the external circuit current fluctuation i in' is given by the Kirchhoff law
( 11.170)
( 11.176)
which satisfies the tluctuation-dissipation theorem for the decay process. The origin of this noise current is the incident vacuum field fluctuation, as indicated in Eq. (I 1.46). Combining Eqs. (l t.l66) and (11.169) gives
dt AS ~
- [ y- (Ecu - E lc )] J1S +
- io)
( 1l.l71) Coupling of Internal Electron-Number Fluctuation and Internal Photon Number Fluctuation. Junction voltage fluctuation u" and photon current fluctuation i L are coupled via capacitance C and inductance L. The circuit equations for un and i L are (tl.ln)
and (11.173 )
Junction voltage fluctuation un is partly caused by noise current is from the (reservoir) pump source, as shown in Eq. (11.158). Therefore, un and is are correlated. Junction voltage fluctuation Un' in turn, affects external ~llrrent i in Howing in the source resistance. This is the boundary condition at the energy input plane and represents the back action of system un on the (reservoir) pump source. The output photon flux fluctuation, i.e., the external photon current fluctuation, is given by the Kirchhoff law
( 11.177) Photon current fluctuation i L is partly caused by noise current io from the (reservoir) external photon fields (vacuum fluctuations), as shown in Eq. 01.169). Therefore, i Land io are correlated. Photon current fluctuation i L> in turn, affects external current i out flowing in the load resistance. This is the boundary condition at the energy output plane and represents the back action of system i L on the (reservoir) external photon fields.
SOUEEZE])-STAIL ULNERATH.lN BY Sl'JvtH ON 1 'll( I (IF I .\"1 ·1;:,
The external photon current fluctuation is related to output field fluctuation f>. f as ( 11.17P-)
and the internal photon current fluctuation is related tu intcrnal field fluctuation f>. A as ( I 1,171) )
Using relation '-0 = boundary condition Eq, (11,177) is reduced 1(\ Eq, 01.17), Here. the fact that the power spectral densities of '\A and i o/2qro are both equal to ~ is used. From circuit equatioIls Eqs. (11.172) and (11.173). I'" and i, :IT(, obtained in a low-frequency limit as I'" '"
(Rn - Ra)i, + (Ro - Rnli + R,,io - R"in
"" i + i -'-
(~ R
2) R
.~.) '\
Ri ..· (' -I "" R ~, R
(11.IHO) i, (l
(1 I . I P- I )
Using the boundary conditions [Eqs. 01.176) and (11.177»). illl and iOUl ale i
= 1I1
(I _ Rn N (~ ) i
=i ,
!3.~____ f!_~ i i ~.~ i
+i+(.·_l Rs +2)R.i R (.
R" (I
( 11.1 I):)
-,-;----' 0
\ .1
+[I-(~+2)J("lill R, J(
Here. threshold condition Rn '" Ra is used. As RI approachcs infinity. i lll = i, -> () and
i (Ult ----
(1 -
Rn\)i U (1 I
_1 ,
i-+ !("i U {/ ..,. '-xi(,-I i
+ xli"~
wherc x = lnSI'(P/P'h -- DJ- I = (l/,pR,,) I and Roll? "" Hn/U :- 7" '" 1 + x arc used. The power spectrum of the output photon flux is
( 11 . JR:,) Since 2rSo is the shot-f)oise-Iimited output photon flux fluctuation. Eq. 01.185) can be reduced to below the shot-noise level when pump rate R" ;: P / Flh - I satisfies
" 81! 'I' + 1 - 1
11 ,I
1 f 1H lW, 01 SUlIU 71'1) SI All (lINERAII(JN
required to produce a number-phase squeezed state, This "second threshold pump ratc" decreases with the population inversion parameter. As x apPIO;\C!JC, infillit\,_ i,,,,, --.• 0, Thus, the input electron flux and the output photol1 flllx do not fluctllatc_ This is re Physical Interpretation. When source rcsistancc RI is very large. the rump source does not have the junction voltagc pinning cffect; in other words. the CRI time constant is long compared to carrier lifetime ;" SiI1Cl' tlit' dissipatioTl ratl' is small, the noise from the pump rescrvoir is
Numerical Examples
Cirellll elements R_ H,,, = Rn -- N a • L. and C in the Iloise-equivalent circuit (Figure 11.15) versus normalized pump level RI' = l' I "", - I are shown in Figure 11.16 for a typical semiconductor laser. The following numerical p;]rameters arc assumed: spontaneous electron lifetime T,p = .1 llS, lloma
u::: 100
0 I
-2 ~ 10
-0 -6
Q) ....
u. o o
o 11
o o o
iO~2~~~~·~'~~~~O~~~~'--~~~2 10
Normalized Pumping Laval
Figure 11.16. The diode's differential resistance. R. diffusion capacitance C. effective resistance R U' and etfective inductance L versus normalized pump level Rp = P/ P,,, - I.
'"~ 310
parameter m = 1.5, spontaneous emission coefficient 13 = 1 X 10- 5 , total photon number So = Rpn,p/I', active-layer volume V = 3 X 10- 10 cm 3 , and threshold electron density Nc/V = 1.5 x 10 18 cm- 3 . The power spectra for the external field amplitude fluctuation in the optically pumped semiconductor laser with shot-noise-limited pump fluctuation and in the injection current-driven semiconductor laser with suppressed-pump fluctuation are compared in Figure 11.17. The amplitude fluctuation spectrum is coincident with the standard quantum limit at a high pump level for the optically pumped semiconductor laser. On the other hand, that for the injection current-driven semiconductor laser is reduced to below the standard quantum limit in the frequency region below the cavity bandwidth. The amplitude fluctuation power spectral densities in the low-frequency region are shown in Figure 11.18 as a function of series resistance Rs. Since diode differential resistance R decreases monotonically with the pump level, as shown in Figure 11.16, criterion 2R < R s , wherein the pump fluctuation becomes smaller than the shot-noise level, is always satisfied for any finite Rs value. Figures lU8a and 11.1HiJ correspond to
- '"
E 0
'fa "'0
WHJlOadS "S'ON apnllldw\I
u:'" "'" .::' (i;
\{ HIII./.I.I! SI ,\11 (;I·NI-.I{AII( li'; L.\I'j·I{IMLN I ~
"._ ....... optic&'} pumping
II 10
-(] (f)
§ 10
!:; '-' <1)
V) <1)
'1'"3 Z
Normalized Pumping Level
10 0.1
Sourc(, Resistance Rs(O)
fl.J<J. Contour" for Ihe cqu(ll amplitude noise spectral dr-nsities in the normalized pump levcl ;lIId ,,(!lIltT I('Slstance plan('
the respective cases of no internal loss (w/QII = 0 and w/Q, = w/Q = 5)- J(lll s' I) and finite internal loss «,)/QII = I X ]OIl S·I and (o/Q, tl)- 1(1" , I) The arnplilllcll' squeezing is reduced b\ the presence of cavit\, inlernal loss. The contours for the equal amplitude noise level are plotted in Figure Il.I () for the pump level and the source resistance. The numerical param· eters :m' the same as those fnr Figure Il.IS". A higher pump level. larger WlJrcl' resistance. and sm;tller cavily internal loss arc preferable lor obtaining a large reduction of amplitude noise.
........... opti(:a.] pnmpinp; --
11.5. • 1
o 10
Normalized Pumping Level
(I> ) FiRtlre 11.18. Amplitude noise spectral densities ill the Iow-frequency region. n « 'v /0 versus nonnalized pump level Rp. The dotted line and solid line c()rrespond tn the optical pumping with shot-noise-Iimited Dumr amplitude fluctuation and the injection pumring with 3 source resistance R,: (0) with nn internal loss "'/0,, ~ 0, (h) with a finite internal loss ")/(j,, ~ I X 10" s· 1
Thermal Nois(' Squeezing Experiment at 20 GHz
demonstrated in Figure 11.3. there is onc· ta-one correspondence between a microwave oscillator and a laser oscillator. The amplitude noise al below the cavity cutofi' frequency is squeezed to helow the external input noise level in both oscillators. if the internal noise is smaller than the external noise. as shown in Figure 11.4. Thus, the principle of amplitude squeezing can be checked not only by a laser but also by a microwave oscillator. In nearly all microwave oscillators, however, the dominant noise source is intclllal active device noise. A definite exeeptioll is a ./osephsoll junction oscillator, but it is known to be very sensitive to external noisc and unstable.
m 1:)
...... Qj
with external
a.. Q) (/)
o z ::E «
without external
x X
Figure 11.20. Experimental setup for AM noise spectrum ano field power spectrum mea· surements of a Gunn diode oscillator.
noile source
" "
,Uttern.1 noi ••
contribution on'y
x f(:I
~ To verify the theoretical predictions, a GUI1Il diode nS<.:illator at 20 ("L~ was used as a negative resistance os<.:illator in <.:irculator <.:onJiguration, and a large external broadband and nearly white noise from a traveling-wave tube amplifier was injected into the Gunn diode oscillator, as shown in Figure 11.20. The cold cavity cutoff frequency was 70 MHz. The travdingwave tube amplifier with 35-dB signal gain and 25-dB noise tlgurc generated a large thermal noise power density of about 10" kaT, which was much higher than the internal noise of the Gunn diode. This was fed into the Gunn oscillator through a switching circulator, an isolator, and an input circulator. The outgoing wave from the Gunn oscillator was fed into a Schottky barrier diode to measure the amplitude noise spectrum, and was also fed directly into a spectrum analyzer to observe the field power spectrum. The amplitude noise spectrum caused only by the external noise from the traveling-wave tube amplifier can be measured using on-off modulation of the external noise source at the switching circulator and phase-sensitive lock-in amplifier detection. Figure 11.21 shows the amplitude noise spectra caused by the external thermal noise and the internal noise source. The amplitude noise spectrum without an external noise source was found to be Lorentzian with a cutoff frequency of 70 MHz, except for the Ilf noise at low frequencies below several hundred kilohertz. The internal noise was about 20 dB higher than thermal background noise 4k8T. The amplitude noise caused by the external thermal noise was, on the other hand, suppressed at below the cold cavity cutoff frequency by (fl/flc)2 as expected from Figure 11.3. The classical (thermal-noise-limited) amplitude noise was thus squeezed by 25 dB, which fully confirms the argument of Section 11.3.2. But this is not the experimental evidence for the quantum noise squeezing. The quantum vacuum field fluctuation was far below the measured noise level.
Frequency {Hz] Figure 11.21.
Normalized AM nOIse spectra ot a Guon Jiode with aod without an external
noise sourct!.
11.5.2. Evidence for High-Impedance Suppression of Pump Current Noise in a Semiconductor Laser A semiconductor laser has parasitic elements, as shown in Figure 11.22. The chip, consisting of p- and !I-type bulk semiconductors and metal electrodes, has a series resistance of 5-10 n and a shunt capacitance of 10-20 pF. The bonding wire and package have an inductance of 1-2 nH, as well as a small capacitance and resistance. In a low fluctuation frequency below 100 MHz, however, those parasitic elements can be safely disregarded. Figure 11.23 shows the differential resistance and light output of a typical semiconductor laser as a function of the pump rate. At the pump rate not far from the threshold, the series resistance is still smaller than the diode's differential resistance. Therefore, the semiconductor laser can be biased by either a high-impedance constant current source or a low-impedance constant voltage source. The two bias circuits were used to demonstrate the principle of highimpedance suppression of pump current, as shown in Figure 11.22. One <.:ircuit is the LC parallel circuit. The pump source features a high impedance at LC circuit resonant frequency fr =: 11 MHz and a low impedance at all other frequencies. The amplitude noise (photocurrent noise) spectrum from the InGaAsP conventional Fabry-Perot cavity semiconductor laser driven by this bias circuit is shown in Figure 11.24a. The
Ls = IpH
O. I
10 -----------R( ==- 100
Fi!(1lTe 11.22.
Typical parasitic elements and the two hias circuits for a senllcondllctor
-- 0.01
laser is operated at 77 K. and the pump rate i~ not far above the threshold. The amplitude noise spectrum is reduced at Le circuit resonant frcquency fr. The other circuit is the Le series circuit with a 500-0 parallel resistance. This pump source features a low impedance at the salIle IJ' circuit resonant frequency f, '" 11 MHz. and a high impedance at all other frequencies. The amplitude noise spectrum from the same laser driven by this bias circuit is shown in Figure 11.24h. The amplitude noise is reduced except at the Le circuit resonant frequency. The external current noise level l11casured via the voltage fluctuation across source resistance Rs was found to be much smaller than the shot-noise level, when R~ is much greater than the diode's differential resistance. From these experimental results. the principle of high-impedance suppression of pump current noise in a semiconductor laser was fully confirmed.
11.5.3. Shot-Noise Calibration by Balanced Detectors and Light-Emitting Diodes Calibration of the shot-noise level is important for the squeezed-state generation experiment. One can measure DC photocurrent 1 and calculate the shot-noise level by the Schottky formula P,U.l) = 2qI. This
Diflerenttal resistance and photocurrent as a function of pump current.
FiRure 11.24. Amrlitutk noise (photocurrent noise) spectra of the InGaA~P semiconductor I"ser driven hv the I.C parallel circuit (0) and by the Le series circuit (h).
laser light E
single detection level
balanced detection level
-70~--------------------------------~ thermal noise level
+/ '--------------.....;;.E!t---<J Figure 11.25.
120 Frequency(MHz)
Figure 11.26. Single detector output and the balanced detectors output for the directly intensity modulated semiconductor laser.
Dual-balanced detectors using a polarization beamsplilter.
method cannot be used in real experiments because the photodetector quantum efficiencies at DC and at n 0 are not necessarily the same and because the electronic amplifier gain and the spectrum analyzer resolution bandwidth are difficult to measure precisely. The saturation at any of the detection stages (photodetector, electronic amplifier, and spectrum anaIyzer) affects the final result. The dual-balanced detectors shown in Figure 11.25 are specifically suitable for calibrating the shot-noise level [45]. The laser output is split precisely into the two anns by a half-wave platt: and a polarization beam splitter. The two beams are detected by the two photodiodes with identical response. The two output currents are subtracted by a differential amplifier. The differential amplifier output corresponds to 1,-12 , where f~ and f~ are the photodetector current operators. The quantum theory of the dual-balanced detectors [45-47J shows that the fluctuation of il-l~ corresponds to the quantum noise of an incident vacuum field fluctuation with polarization perpendicular to the signal wave, and that the current fluctuation density is exactly equal to shot-noise level 2q«i,) + (f~». Figure 11.26 shows the differential amplifier output for the directly intensity modulated semiconductor laser. When one of the two beams are blocked, the noise spectral density is higher by 20-30 dB, which indicates the common-mode suppression factor of the balanced detectors is 30 dB at near DC and 20 dB at a modulation frequency of 140 MHz. This means
'0 .....
0 F=10 [MHz]
Q; ~ o
L.O. I/I'h =1. 11
5 -20
z., .~
~ Qj Cl:
-3~0~--~----~2~0----4-----~10~--~--~0 Optical Attenuation [dB]
Figure 11.27. Photocurrent noise spectral llensity measured by the single detector and the balanced detectors as a function of the optical loss.
.An= 3x 10" -5
o n-
.An= 3x 10"
I -5
the unbalance of the two photodetectors' quantum efficiencies and of the differential amplifier gain for the two input channels is less than 0.1 -1 %, Figlllc I J.27 shows the amplitude noise (photocurrent noise) spectral (kll~it\· ;It 10 MH:t (If the semiconductor laser biased at near the threshold R ,,'- 0.1 ;IS ;1 fUllction of optical I()s~ betwccII the laser and balanced detectors. When the laser output i~ measured by the single detector (by adjusting the polarization direction in Figure] 1.25), the laser noise itself can he mcasured, and it is deercased in proportion to the square of optical loss e. This is the characteristic of the exces~-noisc-limited light [47]. When the optical loss is greatel than 20 dB. the noise is decreased in proportion to optical loss L. which is the characteristic of the shot-noiselimited light [47]. When the laser output is measured by the balanced dctect(1r~, the noise is decreased in proportion to optical loss L, even in a small loss cast. Thus, it is clear that tht: balanced detectors suppress the excess noise and illwavs output the shot-noisc level corresponding to the total photocurrent. The shot-noise level is also calibrated by a light-emitting diode (LED). Figme 11.:'1' shnws the photocurrent distributions (photoelectron statistics) for thl' LED output [48J. The solid lines arc Poissonian distributions for ilvcrage photoelectron numbers. The slightly broader distribution of the photocurrenL compared to the Poissonian distribution, is due to the thermal noise of the electronic amplifiers. Figure 11.29 shows photocur· rent disttihtltiotls for the semiconductor laser and for the LED by the single detector. The photocurrent distribution for the semiconductor laser is broader than that for the LED, but the balanced detectors output for the semiconductor laser agrccs well with that for the LED .
___ "_~"_ _ _ j _ . ,____ ~ _ . _____ .~_...L_.
(cl a.~
2x 10
2.6.108 3.104
.An= 2.10·
LED balanced detectors single detector
-5 1x 10
., o
o n-
Photocurrent distrihutions produced lw the LEn and the Poi,s"nian distrihlJ~
______L -____-L____ -an
' __
11.5.4. Observation of Amplitude Squeezing by Conventional Balanced Detectors
The experimental setup is shown in Figure 11.30 [16, 17). The semiconductor laser, the high-impedance bias circuit, and the collimating microlens are mounted inside a cryostat. The AlGaAs/GaAs transverse junction stripe (T1S) semiconductor laser (Mitsubishi, ML-2308) with a 0_81-/-Lm oscillation wavelength was operated at 77 K. Stable single-Iongitudinalmode operation was obtained at a wide pump rate range of Rp = 1 - 10. The threshold current was about I mA, and the differential quantum efficiency at the front facet above the threshold was about 40%. The output coupling loss from a high-retlection-coated rear facet and the internal absorption-scattering loss are responsible for the relatively small differential quantum efficiem;y. The diode's differential resistance is 20 n at the threshold and is inversely proportional to the current. The diode's series resistance is 7 n_ The bias circuit has a series resistance of I kn, which is high enough to suppress the pump current noise to well helow the shot-noise leveL In this procedure Si photodiodes with a 240-/-Lm diameter and I-ns response time (NEC model NDL-2102) are used as photodetectors. GaAs FETs with an input impedance of 240 n are used as a front-end differential amplifier. The quantum efficiency of a Si [lhotodiode is about ():l%. The overall detection quantum elnciency, including collimating-lens loss, cryostat window loss, gold mirror retlection loss, isolator insertion loss, and focusing-lens loss, is about 55%. The single-detector photocurrent noise spectrum for the laser pumped at Rp = 8.5 is shown by curve A in Figure 11.31. Curve D is the balanced detectors output for the same laser. Another s~miconductor laser (Hitachi model HLP-1400, CSP laser) with the same emission wavelength is oper-
reference laser
IH~pl PBS,,<±:> oc.:'-,
Frequency{GHz) Figure 11.31. Photocurrent noise spectra of the TJS laser and the CSP laser measured by the single detector and the balanced detectors.
ated at room temperature. The threshold current was about 30 mA, and the output power is much higher than that of the T1S laser. After attenuation of about 10 dB, the CSP laser output is detected by the single and balanced detectors. The results are shown by curves C and B in Figure 11.31. The ordinate is normalized by the balanced detectors ou~put for the attenuated CSP laser light. The photocurrent noise spectrum ot the CSP laser light is 1.2-1.4 dB higher than the shot-noise level, even after the optical loss of about 10 dB, because the original laser outP~t ~Iased at levels near the threshold has much excess noise. The excess nOIse Included in the detected CSP laser light is smaller by - 5 dB than the shot-noise level. Since the balanced detectors have the common-mode suppression factor of about 30 dB, the excess noise included in the curve B is smaller than the shot-noise level by - 34 dB, and so the calibration error of the shot-noise level is less than 0.2%. The TJS laser light features amplitude squeezing of 0.4-0.7 dB (8-19%) below the shot-noise level in a frequency region from 100 MHz to 1.1 GHz. Balanced detectors output C for the T1S laser light retraces shot-noise level B obtained by the attenuated CSP laser light, as was expected. In a high-frequency region, however, a deviation of 0.2-0.4 dB exists, mainly as a result of the smaller commonmode rejection factor. The excess noise is not suppressed enough in curve B, and the squeezed noise is not eliminated sufficiently in ~urve ~e true shot-noise level may exist between curves Band D. It IS ObVIOUS, III spite of the small ambiguity for the shot-noise lev~l calibrat.ion, that amplitude squeezing was observed in the entire deteCtion bandWidth from 100 MHz to 1.1 GHz.
11.5.5. Observation or Amplitude Squeezing by Balanced Detectors with a Delay Line Figure 11.30_ Experimental setup for measuring the amplitude noise of a pump-noisesuppressed semiconductor laser.
In the above mentioned experiment, two measurement steps are required, and the DC photocurrent levels of the laser noise measurement and
that IJ + ['2 corresponds to the quantum noise of the laser itself with polarizations parallel to the coherent excitation. Thus, the detector output Si111Ult
anti-squeezed light I
Rqueezed light
Fij!urc lLU. (a) Balanced direct detectors with a deia,' tine a"d nttc"uatms \J\TJ' I Current noise spectra of an amplitude antisqlleezed li~h! and an arnrlitlld~.sqlleezetl
shot-noise calibration difler hy
J\ short-cavity J\1(jaA~/(iaJ\s transverse-junction stripc semiconductor laser with antireflection coating on the front facet and high-reflection coating on the rear facet was used at 77 K. The threshold current was I mA. alld the diflerential quantum efficiency above the threshold was 70S;". which wa~ bctter than the 40'/r value of the laser used in the preceding experiment. To eliminate a minute optical reflection feedback to the laser from the measurement optical elements, an optical isolator was used. and all optical elements were antireflection-coated and slanted with respect to the beam direction. The overall detection quantum effieiellc\'. including losses from the lascr collimating lens, cryostat window, gold mirror. optical is(llator. half-wave plate, photodetector focusing lens, polarization he am splitter. and photodetector quantum efficiency, was ~%. .
Figure I 1.33 shows current noise spectra at two diflerent bias levels. The current noise spectrum for bia~ level R" = 0.03, which is shown hy curve A. fcatures lower noise power at H in than at .001l!' This indicates that the field is amplitude anti-squeezed (sllper-Poissonian). The amplifier noise level is shown by curve B. The front-end amplifier is an AC-collpled bipolar transistor (NEe 2SC335R) with a noise figure of 1.1 dB and a load resistance of 220 U, The current noise Spcctrulll for bias level R" = 12.6, which is shown hy curve C. features higher noise power at than at HOIl! This indicates that the field is amplitude squeezed (sub-P~issonian). The total DC photocunents are 15 J.1.A and 6.12 mA for Rp = 0.03 and J 2.fl. respectively. Curves D and E are the current noise spectra when one of the two incident signal waves for R,. = 12.() is blocked. The modulation disappears, as expected, in a low-frequency region. At high frequencies. however, the noise power is reflected back at the differential amplifier input-. and so the modulation due to the round trip in a delay line appears. Curve F is the sum of the current noise spectra indicated bv curves D and E. The noise level of curve F is not equal to a 3-dB nois~ rise from the noise level indicated by curve D or E because of the amplifier thermal noise (curve B). Note that the current noise spectrum indicated by curve F
Frequency (MHz) Figure 11.33. Current noise spectra for bias levels I I I'h = 1.03 (curve A) and 1/ I'h = 13.0 (curve C). Cllrve (J is the amplifier thermal noise. Curves D and I, are oblalllcd when Ilne ut' the two signal beams is blocked for 1/ f'h = 13.6. Curve F is the sum oi noise curves {) and E.
is between the shot-noise level at fl in and the reduced noise level at !lou,' This is because the noise level of amplitude-squeezed light increases to approach the shot-noise level when the amplitude is attenuated. Figure 11.34 shows the current noise spectra normalized by the shotnoise level for the two bias levels. The shot-noise level calibrated by the measurement of I~ - I~ is compared with the shot-noise level generated by the light-emitting diode with the same wavelength as the laser. The difference is smaller than 0.1 dB. The current noise spectrum at Rp = 0.03 shows an enhanced noise peak at the relaxation-oscillation frequency. The current noise spectrum at Rp = 12.6 shows a noise level reduced to - 1.3 dB below the shot-noise level. The observed O.6-dB squeezing becomes 1.3-dB squeezing in Figure l1.4, because the effect of the amplifier thermal noise is subtracted. This noise reduction is much larger than the error bar of the shot-noise-Ievel calibration. If the increase in the noise level owing to the detection quantum efficiency of 60% is corrected, the measured noise level corresponds to the squeezing of - J dB (50%) at the laser output. 11.5.6. Observation of Amplitude Squeezing by Face-to-Face Coupled Balanced Detectors
In the experiment using the polarization beam splitter, the polarization noise of the laser output, if it exists, is converted to the correlated intensity noise in the two arms. The balanced detectors output does not
Frequency (MHz)
Fillurc 11.34. Current noise spectra normali~cd by the shot-noise .I~vel for bias I.evels I/I'h = 1.03 (upper curve) and Ilfth = 13.6 (lower curve). The amphfier thermal nOIse IS subtracted in the normalization process.
cancel but simply adds this correlated noise, and so the error is introduced in the shot-noise-Ievel calibration. Theoretical analysis (49] also showed that the squeezed noise is easily destroyed by a small amount of reflected light. The .effect of external optical reflection feedback c~n be r~laxed If the ret1ection point is close to the laser [49]. Such observatIOn motivated us to construct the balanced detectors directly coupled to the semiconductor laser and to the LED with separations of less than 1 mm, as shown in Figure 11.35. The whole system including the driving circuits, laser, LED, balanced detectors, and differential amplifiers is put inside the cryostat. It is confirmed by the common-mode rejection experiment shown in .Fig~re 11.26 that the difference between the two photodiode quantum efficlencles and the two differential amplifier input gains is less than 1%. The laser
Noise measurement setup
~.. ~PDl differential l~~ amplifier +
I~ ~
L ::::: 1 mm
Figure 11.35. The face-to-face coupled balanced detectors.
1.0 -------------SQL -60
LED noise 1evel
I/It.h -1-4.95
.' ................ ,........ "............... __ ........_
0.8 0
lens loss cryostal windCJW loss
/isolator loss
~ '
detector quantum efficiency
" )
thermal no1se level
Fil/ure 11.37.
Frequency (MHz )
Filliure 1l.36. The photocurrent noise spectra of the TJS laser and thc LED measured I>y the face· to· face coupled halanced detectors,
noise can be measured by driving only the laser. and the shot-noise level can be calibrated by driving only the LED. The photocurrent noise spectra for the GaAs TJS laser and the LED arc shown in Figure 11.36. Amplitude squeezing up to - 1.5 dB helow tht: shot-noise level was directly observed in this experiment [49l.
__________L -________
__________L -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
LASER OUT -1.7 dB ( 33°'.)
___________ . .
Degree of squeezing versus optical loss.
loss of 0.95. cryostat window loss of 0.93. and laser collimating-lens loss of 0.93. The amplitude noise levels corrected for these factors are shown in figure 11,37. The observed noise level corresponds to amplitude squeezing of - 1.7 dB (33%) below the SQL at the output of the laser facet, as shown in Figure 1137. This is the noise level that the laser actually PIOc\IH:('d at the olltplIl mirror. The laser Olltput eouplinl! efficiency is
Degree of Squeezing Versus Optical Loss
The photocurrent noise spectral density at 800 MHz at pump rate Rp = lOA versus optical loss L put in front of the balanced detectors is shown in Figure 11.37. The experimental setup shown in Figure 11.30 was used. The ordinate is normalized by the corresponding shot-noise level. The noise level increases to the shot-noise level as the optical loss increases. and the amplitude squeezing is eventually lost in the limit of infinite loss. This is because the optical loss process couples the vacuum field fluctuation to the laser light. In the limit of large optical loss, the original quantum noise of the lal/er is entirely replaced by the vacuum field fluctuation. and thus, the shot-noise emerges. This apparent increase of normalized photocurrent noise is an unmistakable mark of amplitude squeezing. The overall quantum efficiency from the laser injection-current increment to photodetector current increment is 22% in this experiment, when artificial optical attenuation is eliminated. The overall detection quantum efficiency of 55% consists of a photodetector quantum efficiency of 0.93. focusing-lens loss of 0.90, isolator insertion loss of 0.81. mirror reflection
where L = 250 p,m is the cavity length, RI = 0.32 and R2 = 0.6 are power reflectivities of the front and rear facets, respectively, and er = 22 cm -I is the internal absorption loss. If the laser output-coupling efficiency due to nonideal rear-facet reflectivity T/M == 0.57 and that due to internal loss T/A = 0.70 are also corrected, the observed noise level corresponds to amplitude squeezing of -7 dB (80%) below the shot-noise level. This is the intrinsic noise level achievable if the rear-facet reflectivity is increased to 100% and internal absorption loss is eliminated.
Degree of Squeezing versus Laser Pump Rate
The amplitude noise level corrected for the detection quantum efficiency and also for the laser quantum efficiency, that is, assuming the unity output coupling efficiency, is plotted in Figure 11.38 as a function of laser pump rate Rp. The solid line represents the theoretical result for the suppressed pump current noise case; and the dashed line, that for the
co 10 "
. "
..J Ql
.~ ~
" "" " " "
/ with pump noise
. ,(
0 •.•...............•.............•.......... -2
_J. . . . .
-- -- ---
semiconductor laser, noise reduction of more than 10 dB is possible without requiring a high-intensity pump wave. 2. The squeezing bandwidth is ultimately determined by a photon lifetime on the order of 1 psec. This broadband property suggests the potential capability of the production of a squeezed state of very short pulse duration. 3. A squeezed state can be generated at any wavelength between 0.7 and 10 /-Lm by choosing the appropriate semiconductor material system.
without pump noise
-4 3
Normalized Pump Rate Figure 11.38.
'/ rth -1
On the other hand, the disadvantage of the scheme is one common to almost all squeezed state generation schemes: . 1. The squeezing is quickly destroyed by a small amount of optical loss.
Normalized amplitude noise level versus pump rale.
shot-noise-limited pump current noise case. The t!xperimental results fully confirm the principle of squeezed-state generation by a high-impedance constant current driven semiconductor laser. Similar experimental results have been reported by Richardsoll and Shelby, using the GaAs TlS laser at 4 K [50).
This may limit applications of the squeezed state generated by a semiconductor laser to low-loss systems. Optical systems such as optical memory readout, optical signal processing, optical pumping of other laser systems, and short-distance optical communications are examples that meet the above requirement.
CONCLUSION l. Y. Yamamo(Q, S. Machida, and O. Nilsson, Phys. Rev. Al4, 4025 (1986).
For many years, the quantum-statistical properties of a semiconductor laser were thought to be essentially the same as those of other optical pumped laser systems. It was also believed that the quantum limit of the amplitude noise was equal to the standard quantum limit of a coherent state. The main conclusion of this chapter is that a constant-current-driven semiconductor laser produces a number-phase squeezed state in the frequency region below the cavity cutoff frequency. The principle is based on the pump current noise suppression by the high-impedance constant current source, the dipole moment noise suppression by the strong laserfield-induced gain saturation, and the incident vacuum field noise suppression by the quantum-mechanical destructive interference. The advantages of this scheme, compared to other squeezed-state generation schemes, are as follows: 1. The degree of squeezing is not limited by optical nonlinear constants, but is determined only by the laser quantum efficiency. Since a quantum efficiency higher than 90% is readily achieved in a
2. Y. Yamamoto and S. Machida, Phys. Rev. Al5, 5114 (1987). 3. D. Bohm, Quantum Theory, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, Nl, 1951.
4. A. Messiah, Quantum Mechanics, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1961. 5. H. Takahashi, Adv. Commun. Syst. 1,227 (1965). 6. D. Stoler, Phys. Rev. D4, 1925 (1971).
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13. M. Kitagawa and Y. Yamamoto, Phys. Rev. A34, 3974 (1986); M. Kitagawa, N. Imoto, and Y. Yamamoto, Phys. Rev. A35, 5270 (1987); K. Watanabe and Y. Yamamoto, Plrys. ReI'. A38, 3556 (1988). 14. P. Carruthers and M. M. Neito. Rev. Mod. Phys. 40,411 (1968). 15. Y. Yamamoto and H. A. Haus, Ret'. Mod. Phys. 58, 1001 (1986). 16. S. Machida, Y. Yamamoto, and Y. Itaya, Phys. Rev. Lett. 58,1000 (]987). 17. S. Machida and Y. Yamamoto, Phys. Rev. Lett. 60, 792 (]988). JR. S. Machida and Y. Yamamoto, Opt. Lett. 14, J045 (1989). 19. M. Lax, Phys. Rei'. 145, 110 (1966); M. Lax, in Physics of Quantum Electronics. P. L. Kelley, et aI., eds .. McGraw-HiIl, New York. 1966; M. Lax, Phys. Re!'. 160, 290 (1967); M. Lax. Phys. Rev. 157, 213 (1967); M. Lax and W. H. Louisell. Phys. Rel'. 185. 568 (1969); M. Lax and W. H. Louisell, IEEE J. Quantum Electmn. QE-3. 47 (1967); M. Lax and M. Zwanzij!cr. T'lrvs. R('I'. 11.7. 750 (J 973). 20. H. Haken. Light and Maller. Vol. XXV of Hendbllch der Physics. Springer· Vcriag. Berlin. J970; H. Haken. Light. North-Holland. Amsterdam. 19XI. Vols. 1 and 2. 21. M. Sargent rn. M. O. Scully. and W. E. Lamh . .lr .. LaJ(,l T'!r.I·J;C.I. Addisnn· Wesley. Reading. MA. 1974). 22. K. Kurokawa. Proc. IEEE 61. 1386 (1973). 23. C. W. Gardinar and M. J. Collet. Phys. Ree. A31, 3761 (985). 24. H. A. Haus and Y. Yamamoto. Phys. Rei'. A29. 1261 (J984). 25. Y. Yamamoto and N. Imoto. IEEE J. Quantum Elretroll. QE-22. 2032 (I<)H6). 26. O. Nilsson, Y. Yamamoto. and S. Machida. IEEE J. Qual/rum Electroll. QE-22. 2043 (1986). 27. Vu. M. Golubev and J. V. Sokolov. SOl. Phy.l. JETP 60.234 (19X41 2X. A. W. Hull and N. H. Williams. Ph.I's. ReI'. 25. 147 (1925); R. .I. Thompsoll. D. O. North. IInd W. A. Hllrri~. RCA Rei. 4.269 (19J9). 29. M. Teich and B. E. Saleh. J. Opt. Soc. Am. 2. 275 (]985). 30. K. K. Likharev and A. B. Zorin, J. Low Temp. Phys. 59. 347 (1985). 31. T. A. Fulton and G. 1. Dolan, Ph,l's. Rev. Lett. 59, 109 (987); L. S. Kuzmin and K. K. Likharc\,. JETP Le/t. 45. 496 (19117). 32. H. A. Haus and Y. Yamamoto. Ph)'s. Rec'. A34, 270 (19117); Y. Yamamoto and H. A Haus, Phys. ReI'. A41. 5164 (1990). 33. J. Bergon. L. Davidovich, M. Orszag, C. Benkert, M. Hillery. and M. O. Scully. Pltys. Re~·. A40. 5073 (989). 34. F. Haake. D. F. Walls, and M. J. Collet, Phys. ReI'. A39, 3211 (]98!). 35. M. J. Buckingham, Noise ill Electronic Deuices alld Systems. Wiley, New York, 1983. 36. 37. 38. 39.
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40. H. B. Callern and T. A. We/ton, Phl's. Rev. 83. 34 (1951). 41. B. Schneider and M. J. 0 Strutt, Proc. IRE 47, 546 (1959). 42. 11 Hanf.\. 7. PIt.V.I. 206,163 (1967); Z. Ph'y.~. 200. 57 (J967); Pltys. Re/!. 1114,3311 (19fi9). 43. D. V. !\Vclin and K. K. Likharev, J. Low Temp. Pltys. 62,345 (1986). 44. M. Ucda and Y. Yamamoto, Phys. Rev. B41, 3082 (1990). 45. H. P. Yuen and V. W. S. Chan, Opt. Lett. 8,177 (1983). 46. Cl. L. Ahbas. V. W. S. Chan, and T. K. Yee, IEEE J. Lightwaue Technol. LT-3, 1110 (J 985). 47. S. Machida and Y. Yamamoto, IEEE J. Quantum Electron. QE-22, 6017 (1986). 4R. Y. Yamamoto. N. Imoto. and S. Machida, Phys. Reu. A33, 3243 (986); S. Machida and Y. Yamamoto. Opt. Commcm. 57, 290 (986). 49. Y. Yamamoto and S. Machida, talk presented at the Winter Colloquium on Quantum Electronics (January 1989, Snowbird). 50. W. Richardson and R. M. Shelby. PhI'S. Rev. Let!. 64,400 (990).
12 Generation of Photon-Number-Squeezed Light by Semiconductor Incoherent Light Sources MALVIN C. TEICH Columbia Radiation Laboratory, Columbia University, New York, New York BAHAA E. A. SALEH Department uf Elearical and Computer Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WISconsin FEDERICO CAPASSO AT& T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey
Photon-number-squeezed light, by definition, exhibits a photon-number uncertainty that is squeezed below the minimum classical value, which is associated with the Poisson distribution [1, 2]. Such light is therefore also called sub-Poisson light. Photon-number-squeezed light is expected to find use in a variety of applications, ranging from /ightwave communications [3, 4] to biology [5], where the capacity of light to carry information is limited by photon-number uncertainty. Indeed, the use of a fixed number of photons to represent a bit of information can, in principle, provide noise-free direct-detection lightwave communications (3, 4J. The noise is squeezed into the phase fluctuations, which are not registered by the process of direct detection. Photon-number-squeezed light may be generated in many ways. When it is desired to impart information on the phase of a light beam, the use of
Coherence, Amplification, and Qaantum Effects in Semiconductor Lasers, Edited by Yoshihisa Yamamoto. [SBN 0-471-512494 © 1991 John Wiley & Sons. Inc.
quadrature-squeezed light [6, 7] that is mixed with coherent light at a beamsplitter [8] is particularly useful. The homodyne process converts the quadrature-squeezed light into photon-number-squeezed light [9J. The distinction between quadrature-squeezed and photon-number-squeezed light has been elucidated elsewhere [2, 10, I1J. Techniques in which photon-numb er-squeezed light is directly generated are sometimes preferable because of their simplicity. Such techniques are useful when information is to be imparted directly to the photon number. Yamamoto and his colleagues have considered several schemes that in principle permit the synthesis of light with a particular quantum state [10]; these include unitary transformation from a coherent state, non unitary state reduction by measurement, the combination of measurement and feedback, and lasing with suppressed pump-noise fluctuations. The latter approach is considered in the context of semiconductor injection lasers in the previous chapter of this book [l1J. An alternative approach, initially used by us [1. 12] and considered in this chapter, focuses on the point process that characterizes the generation and detection of photons in terms of their arrival times. It is most readily applied to a description of incoherent photon-number-sQueezed light. This approach is meritorious in the physical intuition that it provides and the fact that it includes time dynamics, but it does not provide a framework that allows for the synthesis of light of a particular quantum state. Most sources of laser light produce a statistically independent stream of photons represented by the Poisson point process. The generation of photon-number-squeezed light requires that anticorrelations he introduced into the photon stream. These anticorrelations may be manifested in the times at which the radiators emit photons (excitation contro]) or they may be derived from the emitted photons thcmselves (photon control) [1,
In this chapter, we focus on the generation of photon-number-squeezed light by techniques that rely on excitation control (Section 12.2). Excitation control may be imparted by mechanisms that rely either on a physical process (Section 12.3), or on an externally provided feedback control signal (Section 12.4). Both of these techniques can be used in conjunction with semiconductor light sources. Two proposed applications of photonnumber-squeezed light are briefly considered in Section 12.5. An analysis of the generation of photon-number-squeezed light from a stochastic point process point of view is detailed in the Appendix. In principle, these techniques can be used to generate ideal photonnumber-state light (which has no uncertainty in its photon number). However, it is important to note that photon-number squeezing is a fragile effect. Once produced it is readily diluted by the ever-present random loss of photons and by contamination arising from the presence of (unsqueezed) background photons [1, 13].
The- generation of photon-number-squeezed light by excitation control may be visualized in terms of the schematic representation shown in Figure 12.1. Two key effects regulate the photon-number-squeezing possibilities for light generated by a two-step process of excitation and emission: (]) the statistical properties of the excitations themselves and (2) the statistical properties of the individual emissions. The role of these two faclors is heuristically illustrated in Figure 12.1 and analytically examined in the Appendix (which is drawn from Section 3.4 of Ref. 1). In Figure 12.1 G, we show an excitation process that is Poissonian. Consider each excitation as generating photons independently. Now if each excitation instantaneously produces a single photon, and if we ignore the effects of interference, the outcome is a Poisson stream of photons, which is obviously not sub-Poisson. This is the least random situation that we could hope to produce, given the Poisson excitation statistics. If interference is present, it will redistribute the photon occurrences, leading to the results for chaotic light [14]. On the other hand, the individual nonstationar"l' emissions may consist of multiple photons or random numbers of photons. ]n this case, wc encounter two sources of randomness, one associated with the excitations and another associated with the emissions. The outcome will then be super-Poisson; that is, it will exhibit photon-numher fluctuations greater than those associated with the Poisson distribution. In particular. if the emissions arc also described by Poisson statistics, and the counting time is sufficiently long, the result turns out to be the Neyman Type-A counting distribution, as has been discussed in detail elsewht:re 115. J 0). Even if the individual emissions comprise deterministic numbers of photons, the end result is the fixed-multiplicative Poisson distribution, which is super-Poisson [16J. Related results have been obtained when interference is permitted [14J. It is quite clear, therefore, that if the excitations themselves are Poisson (or super-Poisson), there is no hope of generating photon-number-squeezed light by such a two-step process. In Figure we consider a situation in which the excitations are more regular than Poisson. For illustration and concreteness, we choose the excitation process to be produced by deleting every other event of a Poisson pulse train. The outcome is the gamma-2 (or ErIang-2) renewal process. whose analytical properties are well understood (see Appendix). Single-photon emissions, in the absence of interference, result in sub-Poisson photon statistics. Poisson emissions, on the other hand, result in super-Poisson light statistics. Of course, the presence of interference can introduce additional randomn~ss. Clearly, a broad variety of excitation processes can be invoked for generating many different kinds of light. A
[ nn
. ...
Figure 12.1. Schematic representation of a two-step process for the generation of light, illustrating stochastic excitations (first line) with either single·photon emissions (second line) or Poisson multiple-photon emissions (third line). Interference etfects are ignored in this simple representation. (a) Poisson excitations; (b) sub·Poisson, antibunched excltatlons (gamma-2); (c) pulse-train excitations (random phase). After Teich et al. [t2].
process similar to the gamma-2, and for which many analytical results are available. is the nonparalyzable dead-time-modified Poisson process (see Appendix). Resonance fluorescence radiation from a single atom is described by a process of this type since, after emitting a single photon, the atom decays to the ground state, where it remains for a period of time and cannot radiate. Short and Mandel used such a scheme to produce conditionally photon-.number-squeezed emissions from isolated atoms (17J. Finally, in Figure 12.1c, we consider the case of pulse-train excitations (with random initial time). This is the limiting result both for the gamma family of processes and for the dead-time-modified Poisson process. In the absence of interference, single-photon emissions in this case· yield ideally slJb-l'ois~on photon statistics. Interference does not destroy the sub-Poisson nature in the long-counting-time limit. Poisson emissions give rise to Poisson photon statistics. The illustration presented in Figure 12.1 is intended to emphasize the importance of the excitation and emission statistics as determinants of the character of the generated light. To produce sub-Poisson photons by direct generation, both sub-Poisson excitations and sub-Poisson emissions are required. The statistical properties of light generated by sub-Poisson excitations. with each excitation leading to a single-photon emission, has been examined in considerable detail by Teich d al. [12J. These authors also addressed the effects of different locations for the different emissions and the rates of photon coincidence at pairs of positions in the detection plane. Some of the results are summarized in the Appendix. The sub-Poisson excitations are characterized by a time constant Te that represents the time over which excitation events are anticorrelated (antibunched). The single-photon emissions, on the other hand, are characterized by a photon excitation-emission lifetime Tp. The detected light will be photon-number-squeezed provided T» 1"e' Tp; A »A c ' where T is the detector counting time, A is the detector counting area, and Ac is the coherence area. Different methods of sub-Poisson excitation result in different values of 1"e whereas different mechanisms of photon generation result in different values of Tp and Ac' Invoking these limits assures that all memory of the fields from individLlal emissions lie within the detector counting time and area, in which case the randomization of photon occurrences associated with interference does not extend beyond these limits. Consequently. the photon-counting statistics are determined by the only remaining source of variability, which is the randomness in the excitation occurrences. In this limit the photons hehave as classical particles. To recapitulate, a stationary stream of photon-number-squeezed light can be generated by a two-step process if sub-Poisson statistics are obeyed both by the excitations and by the individual emissions. For sufficiently large counting times and large detection areas. interference effects are
washed out and the photons behave as classical particles. If the emissions are single photons, the overall photon statistics then directly mimic the statistics of the excitations. This result is applicable even for physical processes that operate on the basis of nonindependent emissions as long as the counting time and area are sufficiently large in comparison with the time and area over which dependent emissions occur. Thus our approach is useful for understanding the generation of photon-number-squeezed light by incoherent sources, a~ described in this chapter, and by devices such as semiconductor lasers as described in the previous chapter [11].
.£.. . . = c
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We now consider several excitation control methods that make use of the sub-Poisson excitations inherent in space-charge-limited current flow. Such a current is naturally sub-Poisson as result of the intrinsic Coulomb repulsion of the flowing electrons. In this case the excitation control results from a physical process. Coulomb repulsion, which is the underlying physical process responsible for space-charge-limited current flow. is ubiquitous when excitations are achieved by means of charged particle beams. The single-photon emissions may be obtained in any number of ways. Three examples are provided: In Section 12.3.1 (which serves as the prototype for the following subsections) they arise from spontaneous fluorescence emissions in Hg vapor. in Section 12.3.2 they represent spontaneous recombination photons in a semiconductor, and in Section 12.3.3 they are stimulated recom· bination photons in a semiconductor. These methods all generate photonnumber-squeezed light by transferring the anticlustering properties of the electrons, ultimately arising from Coulomb repulsion, directly to the photons.
n. n.
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Space-Charge-Limited Franck-Hertz Experiment
The space-charge-Iimited Franck-Hertz effect [18-20] provided the first source of unconditionally photon-number-squeezed light. The essential element of this experiment is a collection of Hg atoms excited by inelastic collisions with a low-energy space-charge-Jimited ("quiet") electron beam. The space-charge reduction of the usual shot noise associated with thermionically emitted electrons can be substantial [21, 22J. A convenient measure of the noise reduction is provided by the Fann factor. which is defined as the ratio of the variance Var(m) to the mean <m) of a random variable: Fm lE Var(m)/(m). Fano factors for the electron stream with values Fe < 0.1 are typical, and values as low as 0.01 are possible. After
o Z
-,.. ...)
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excitation, each atom emits a (sub-Poisson) single photon via the Franck-Hertz (FH) effect. A block diagram of apparatus originally used to carry out this experiment is shown in Figure 12.2. The light was generated in a specially constructed 25-mm-diameter UV-transmitting Franck-Hertz tube, filled with 0.75 g of Hg. The radiation impinged on a UV photon-counting photomultiplier tube (PMT) in a special base that provided preampIilication. discrimination, and pulse shaping. The output of this circuitry was fed to electronic photon-counting equipment that measured the probability distribution pen, T) for the detection of n photoelectrons in time T. The mean count
Space-Charge-Limited Excitation of Recombination Radiation
A useful source of photon-number-squeezed light should exhibit a photon Fano factor that is substantially below unity while producing a large photon flux, preferably in a directed beam. It should also be small in size and rapidly switchable. This has led us to propose a semiconductor device structure in direct analogy with the Franck-Hertz experiment described above, Sub-Poisson electron excitations are attained through space-charge-limited current !low and single-photon emissions are achieved by means of recombination radiation [23]. A device of this nature will emit incoherent photon-number-squeezed recombination radiation and should be far more efficient than its vacuum-tube cousin. The energy-band diagram for such a spacecharge-limited light-emitting device (SCLLEO) is illustrated in Figure 12.3. Sub-Poisson electrons are directly converted into sub-Poisson photons, as in the space-charge-limited Franck-Hertz experiment, but these are now recombination photons in a semiconductor. In designing such a device, carrier and photon confinement should be optimized and optical losses should be minimized. The basic structure of the device is that of a p'" -i-n'" diode. Recombination radiation is emitted from the LED-like region. The current noise in such a space-charge-limited diode [24J can be quite low, It has a thermal (rather than shot-noise) character [25-27). The current noise spectral density S.(w) for a device in which only dectrolls participate in the conduction process is given by [23)
.. (a)
Figure 12.3. Energy-band diagram of a specially designed solid· state space-charge-limited Iight·emitting device under (a) equilibrium conditions and (b) strong forward-bias conditions. The curvature of the intrinsic region under forward-bias conditions indicates the space-charge pOlt!ntial. ,vter Teich et al. [231.
where (le) is the average forward current in the device,
= 1 + 17( e:~~>
( 12.2)
provided that background light is absent. For a space-charge-limited diode, such as that shown in Figure 12.3, it is estimated that 8kB/e
Sub-Poisson Excitations and Stimulated Emissions
The properties of the light generated by the SCLLEO could be improved if stimulated emissions were permitted. The advantages include improved beam directionality, switching speed, spectral properties, and coupling to an optical fiber. This could be achieved by use of an edge-emitting (rather
than surface-emitting) LED configuration, with its waveguiding geometry and superfluorescence properties (single-pass stimulated emission). The theoretical results associated with the simple model presented in Section 12.2 (see Appendix) will apply provided that T» "r" "re; A »A(, where "re and Ac are now the coherence time and coherence area of the superfluorescent emission, respectively. The effect of the stimulated emissions is to extend 'Tp into "re and to reduce the coherence area Ac' From a physical point of view, the photons still he have as classical particles in thi~ regime since each electron gives rise to a single photon and there is no memory beyond the counting time T. There will likely be further advantage in combining space-charge-Iimited current injection with a semiconductor laser structure rather than with the LED structure considered above. This could provide increased emission efficiency as well as additional improvement in beam directionality, switching speed, spectral properties, and coupling. This will be beneficial when the laser can be drawn into a realm of operation in which it produces a state that exhibits photon-number squeezing [28), such as a number-phase minimum uncertainty state [10, 11, 29]. Yamamoto and his colleagues [30, 31] have shown that this mode of operation can be attained in a semiconductor laser oscillator, within the cavity bandwidth and at high photon-flux levels, but in their case the pump fluctuations are suppressed below the shot-noise level by meam of externally provided excitation control (see Section 12.4.4). Suggestions of this kind have also been madc by Smirnov and Troshin [32] and by Carroll [33]. 12.4.
External mechanisms can also be used to ensure that the current flowing in a circuit is sub-Poisson. These include both optoelectronic and currentstabilization schemes. In Section 12.4.1 we discuss the use of two schemes that rely on the use of a light source and photodetector in a negativefeedback loop. The use of a beamsplitter to extract a portion of these in-loop photons is not useful for producing photon-number-squeezed light. as discussed in Section 12.4.2. In Section 12.4.3 we discuss the possibility of generating sub-Poisson photons from sub-Poisson electrons by making use of an externally provided feedback control signal and an in-loop auxiliary optical source. Sub-Poisson electrons flow through the auxiliary source and produce sub-Poisson photons en route. Finally, in Section 12.4.4 we discuss the generation of sub-Poisson electrons by means of a purely electronic scheme, external current stabilization. 12.4.1.
Optoelectronic Generation of Sub-Poisson Electrons
Two optoelectronic experiments incorporating externally provided excitation control have been used to generate suh-Poisson electrons. One of
FII/urr 12.4. Generation of suh-Poissoll and antibunched electrons by external feedback, as studied by Walker and Jakeman 134J.
these was carried out by Walker and lakeman [34J; the other, by Machida and Yamamoto [35, 36J. The simplest form of the experiment carried out by Walker and lakeman is illustrated in Figure 12.4. The registration of a photoevent at the detector operates a trigger circuit that causes an optical gate to be closed for a fixed period of time 7' d following the time of registration. During this period, the power P, of the (He-Ne) laser illuminating the detector is set precisely equal to zero so that no photoevents arc registered. This is a dead-time optical gating scheme. Sub-Poisson photoelectrons were observed. Machida and Yamamoto's experiment [35) has a similar thrust, although it is based on ratc compensation. They used a single-longitudinalmode GaAs/ AlGaAs semiconductor injection laser to generate light (LD) and a Si p-i-I/ photodiode (PD) to detect it, as shown in Figure 12.5a. Negative feedback from the detector was provided to the current driving the laser diode. A suh-shot-noise spectrum and sub-Poisson photoelectron counts werc observed. Thc similarity in the experimental results reported by Walker and .IakemaIl and by Machida and Yamamoto can be understood from a physical point of view [37). In the configuration used by the latter authors, the injection-laser current (and therefore the injection-laser light output) is reduced ill response to peaks of the in-loop photodetector current i,. This ratc compcnsation is essentially the same effect as that produced in thc Walker-lakeman experiment where the He-Ne laser light output is reduced (in their case to zero) in response to photoevent registrations at the in-loop photodetector. The feedback acts like a dead time, suppressing thc emission of light in a manner that is correlated with photoevent occurrences at the in-loop detector.
Extraction of In-Loop Photons by a Beamsplitter
These simple configurations cannot generate usable sub-Poisson photons since the feedback current is generated from the annihilation of the in-loop photons. Any attempt to remove in-loop photons by means of a heamsnlitter (BS). such
that illtlstr;lteo in Fif't1rf' :.<;h will
Filllln: 12.5. (a) Gc:neration of sub-Poisson and antibunched electrons by external feedback using rate compensation, as investigated by Machida and Yamamoto [35]. (b) The removal of in-loop photons by a beamsplitter leads to super-Poisson light at the out-ot-loop detector (DB)' Nter Machida and Yamamoto [35).
L..-_ _ _ _ (b)
1 - - - - - - - 0 ..
super-Poisson light. This result can be understood in terms of the arguments of Walker and lakeman (34) and Shapiro and coworkers [37, 381 and is confirmed by the experiments of Walker and lakeman (34j. Nevertheless, under special circumstances, and when components other than beamsplitters are used, the feedback technique can be useful in generating photon-number-squeezed light. These involve the use of quantum-nondemolition measurements and correlated photon pairs [1, 38). 12.4.3.
Use of an In-Loop Auxiliary Optical Source
One of the more direct ways of producing photon-number-squeezed light from a system making use of external feedback is to insert an auxiliary optical source in the path of the sub-Poisson electron stream, as suggested by Capasso and Teich [39]. Two alternative configurations are shown in Figure 12.6. The character of the photon emitter is immaterial; it has been chosen to be an LED for simplicity but it could be a laser. In Figure l2.6a the photocurrent derived from the detection of light is negatively fed back to the LED input. It has been established. both experimentally [35] and theoretically (37] that, in the absence of the block labeled "source," sub-Poisson electrons (i.e., a sub-shot-noise photocurrent) will flow in a circuit such as this. This conclusion is also valid in tht: prt:sellce of this block, which in this case acts simply as an added impedance to the electron flow. Incorporating this element into the system offers access to the loop and permits the sub-PoissOIl electrons flowing in the circuit to be converted into sub-Poisson photons by means of electronic transitions. This is achieved by replacing the detector used in the feedback configurations of Machida and Yamamoto (35] and Walker and lakeman (34] with a structure that acts simultaneously as a detector and a source. The sub-Poisson electrons emit sub-Poisson photons and continue on their way. 1be
Figure 12.6. Generation of photon-number-squeezed light by insertion of an auxili~ry source into the path of a sub-Poisson electron stream, as proposed by Capasso and Tetch [39J. Wavy lines represent photons; solid lines represenllhe electron current (Tr signifies Ihe feedback time constant). The schemes represented in (a) and (b) make use of the sub-Poisson electron production methods illustrated in Figures 12.5 and 12.4, respectively. Nter Capasso and Teich [391.
configuration presented in Figure 12.6b is similar except that the (negative) feedback current gates the light intensity at the output of the LED in the manner of Walker and lakeman, rather than the current at its input in the manner of Machida and Yamamoto. Any similar scheme, such as selective deletion [1, 40], could be used instead. Two possible solid-state detector-source configurations have been suggested [39J. The scheme shown in Figure 12.7a makes use of sequential resonant tunneling [41) and single-photon dipole electronic transitions between the energy levels of a quantum-well heterostructure. The device consists of a reverse-biased p + -i-n + diode where the p + and n" heavily doped regions have a wider band gap than the high-field, lightabsorbing/emitting i region. This arrangement ensures both high quantum efficiency at the incident photon wavelength (to which the p+ window layer is transparent) and high collection efficiency (due to the waveguide geometry) for the light generated by the electrons drifting in the i ]ayer_ An edge-emitting geometry is therefore appropriate. To maximize the
tor has an efficiency of 0.8). This is not as good as the value attainable by the SCLLED, principally because of low radiative efficiency in the tunneling scheme, Furthermore the external feedback mechanism may well be slower thall the internal feedback scheme of the SeLLED.
Fil!Ure 12.7. (01 Representative energy-band diagram of a quantum-well detector-source device (see Figure 12.6) The energy of the incident photon emitted by the LED is denoted Detection and source regions are shown. Photons of energy '''''~, arc emitted via electronic quantum-well transitions, (/1) Representative energy-band diagram or a detector-source device with electroluminescent centers impact-excited Ill' energetic phot,'· electrons, emitting photons with energy hw,. After Capasso and Teich [39).
collection efficiency, some of the facets of the device could be reflectively coated. The scheme shown in Figure 12.7b is similar except that it uses the impact excitation of electroluminescent centers in the i region by drifting electrons. Of course, the ability of configurations such as these to generate photon-number-squeezed light requires the usual interrelations among the various characteristic times associated with the system. An estimate of the degree to which this mechanism will give rise to photon-number-squeezed light is provided by the Fano factor. The relevant relations are similar to those for the Franck-Hertz source. However, in this situation a single electron may give ri~e to multiple photons since there are u stages of the device (see Appendix). Numerical estimates for the Fano factor turn out to be similar for both structures illustrated in Figure 12.7, namely, Fn '" 0.97 (under the assumption that the photodetec-
Use of a Current Source with External Compensation
Steadv-state current stabilization can be achieved by use of a constant voltage source in series with an external resistor R [29], or in series with some other optoelectronic component with suitable I-V characteristic. Strong photon-number-squeezed light has been generated in two experiments that make use of external compensation. Tapster et al. [42] carried out all elegantly simple experiment. using a hi/1.h-efficiency commercial GaAs LED fed by a Johnson-noise-limited high-impedance current source. They achieved a Fano factor Fn "" 0.96 over a bandwidth of about 100 kHz, with a current transfer efficiency in excess of 11 %. Machida et al. [30] fed an InGaAsP /lnP single-longitudinal-mode distributed-feedback laser oscillator, operating at a wavelength of 1.56 /Lm, with a current source whose fluctuations were suppressed by the use of an external high-impedance element. In their first experiments, these authors obtained an average Fano factor Fn :::: 0.96 over a bandwidth of about 100 MHz, with a minimum Fano factor Fn :::: 0.93. They calculated that the radiation produced by their device is in a near number-phase minimum-uncertainty state. ill the frequency range below the cavity bandwidth (which is in excess of lOO GHz for a typical semiconductor laser). Further results, which are indeed impressive. have been reported more recently [11, 31].
We consider two specific examples where the use of photon-numbersqueezed light might prove beneficial. In an idealized direct-detection Iightwave communication system, errors (misses and false alarms) can be caused by noise from many sources, including photon noise intrinsic to the light source [1, 3]. If photon noise is the limiting factor, the use of photon-number-squeezed light in place of coherent light can bring about a reduction ill this noise, and thereby the probability of error. For a coherent source each pulse of light (which carries a bit of information) contains a Poisson number of photons so that the photon-number standard deviation un = (n)1/2. For photon-number-squeezed light, each pulse contains a sub-Poisson number of photons so that Un < (n)I/2. This noise reduction results in a decrease of the error probability. In a simple binary on-off-keYing system whose only source of noise is assumed to be binomial photon counts (with Fano factor Fn ), the mean number of photons per bit (n') required to achieve an error probability of 10- 9 decreases below its
coherent-light "quantum limit". of 10 photons/bit as Fn decreases below unity [1, 3, 43]. The "quantum limit" of a lightwave communication system should therefore more properly be designated as the "shot-noise limit." The use of photon-number-squeezed light in visual science (5] could serve to clarify the functioning of ganglion cells in the mammalian retina. These cells transmit signals to higher visual centers in the hrain via the optic nerve. In response to light, the ganglion cell generates a neural signal that takes the form of a sequence of nearly identical electrical events occurring along the time axis. The statistical nature of this neural signal is generally assumed to be governed by two nonadditive elements of stochasticity: the incident photons (which are Poisson-distributed in all experiments to date) and a randomness intrinsic to the cell itself [44]. If the statistical fluctuations of the photons could be controlled by exciting the retina with photon-number-squeezed light, the essential nature of the randomness intrinsic to the cell could be isolated and unambiguously determined. The use of photon-number-squeezed light as a stimulus in visual psychophysics experiments could also be helpful in clarifying the nature of seeing at threshold [5).
APPENDIX GENERATION OF PHOTON-NUMBER·SQUEEZED AND ANTIBUNCHED UGHT FROM INDEPENDENT RADIATORS Consider an arbitrary (in general non-Poisson) excitation point process. Let each event of this process ft,.tz •... ,t k , ••• } initiate a statistically independent and identical emission. so that the radiated light is the superposition of these emissions [12]. Even though the individual t.!missions typically take the form of pulses lasting a short time, and are therefore nonstationary, the overall radiation is stationary because of the assumed stationarity of the excitation process.
Characterization of the Excitation Point Process Two important descriptors of a stationary point process are the rate J.L (events per unit time) and the rate of coincidence J.Llg~2J( 7) of pairs of events at times separated by 7. These descriptors are not sufficient to characterize an arbitrary point process completely [45. 46); in general knowledge of the probability of multicoincidences of events at k points. for k 1,2, ... , co. is required. If m is the number of events thut occur in a time interval [0, T], then its mean is
and its Fano factor (ratio of variance to mean) is (m)
Fm(T) ==
= 1+
M; I
= (
f' (
-f) [g~2J(
7) - 1]
( 12.A3)
The simplest example is the Poisson point process, for which g~2J( 7) = 1 and Fm(T) = 1. If g~2)(0) < 1, the excitation process is said to be antibunched or anticorrelated, whereas if g~2)(0) > 1 it is said to be bunched or correlated. The characteristic time associated with the function [g~2J 1] is denoted 7 e. Similarly, if Fm(T) < 1, the excitation counts are said to be sub·Poisson (for this counting time T), whereas if Fm(T) > 1, the counts are said to be super-Poisson. The Poisson point process has neither memory nor aftereffects. For the self-exciting point process (SEPP), on the other hand, the probability of occurrence of an event at a particular time depends on the times and numbers of previous occurrences [46]. Renewal point processes (RPPs) form an important subclass of SEPPs for which the rate J.L and the normalized coincidence rate g~2J( 7) do characterize the process completely [45). These are processes for which the interevent time intervals are statistically independent and identically distributed. The following are important examples of renewal point processes that exhibit antibunched events and sub-Poisson counts: 1. The Gamma-A' Process. This process is obtained from a Poisson process by decimation, that is, by selecting every .A'th event and discarding all others [45, 47J, as illustrated in Figure 12.1b for .A'= 2. The process is so named because the interevent time distribution P( 7) is a gamma distribution of order ",1/. For the particular case when A' = 2, it turns out that [12] g~2)( T) = 1 - exp( - 4J.L171)
Fm(T) ""
(12.A4) ( 12.A5)
(m) = J.LT
2. The Nonparalyzable Dead-Time-Modified Poisson Process. This process is obtained from a Poisson process by deleting events that fall within a specified dead time 7d following the registration of an event [45-51]. It is
characterized by [12J
from which it follows that the corresponding Fano factors are related by (a)F,,, + F"
1 + [F" - 1 +
( 12.A12)
or (l2.A7) with P. A=---
where V(t) is the unit step function, A is the initial rate of the process, and p. is the rate after dead-time modification. [Equation (l2.A6) replaces Eq. 0.43) in Ref. I, which has a typographical error.) Its interevenl-time density function is a decaying exponential function displaced to the minimum permissible interevent time T d .
Equation 02.A1O) is known as the cascade variance formula [53-55). Equation (I2.A12) shows that the Fano factor comprises three contributions. The first term is that of a Poisson process. The second term (in square brackets) represents excess noise due to randomness in the number of photons per emission (if a = 1. then F" = 0 and it vanishes). The third tcrm admits the possibility of noise reduction due to anticorrelations in the excitation process. This tem1 vanishes if the excitation process is Poisson (since Fm = 1). whereupon Eq. (12.All) assumes the well-known form ( 12.A13)
Another example is a pulse train with random time of initiation [12. 52). We now consider an example in which each of the individual emissions is described by a one-photon number state (i.e., single-photon emissions with (\ = I). This corresponds to
Photon Statistics for Emissions at Antibunehed Times
(12.All) yields When the underlying excitation process has known rate p. and normalized coincidence rate g~2)( T), but is otherwise arbitrary, what can be said about the statistics of the radiation? Because of their finite lifetime. emissions overlap and interfere. To determine their bunching properties it is necessary to know not only the rate of coincidence of the excitation process at pairs of time instants but also the coincidence rates at triple points. and so on. If such information is not available, the bunching properties of the superposed radiation cannot be determined. However, in the limit in which the counting time T is much longer thaIl the lifetime Tp of the individual emissions, interference has a negligible effect on the total number of collected photocounts. The total number of photons n is then simply the sum of the number of photons emitted independently by the individual emissions. If m is the number of emissions and a k is the number of photoevents associated with the k th emission. then n = I:k'_lak' Using the fact that the {ak} are statistically independent and identical, it is not difficult to show that the mean and variance of n are (n) = (a)(m)
Var(n) = (ai Var(m) + (m)Var(a)
( 12.AlJ)
( 12.AlO)
(12.A14) This is to be expected. For single-photon emISSIons, the number of photons counted over a long time interval is approximately equal to the number of excitations (assuming there are no losses). If the excitation point process is sub-Poisson, the photons will also be sub-Poisson. It is of interesl to note that wc need not go outside the domain of linear (oJll'-phnloll) optics to sce such uniquely quantum-mechanical effects. Equations 02.Al1) and 02.A12) reveal the key to obtaining sub-Poisson photons from sub-Poisson excitations. In order to have F" < 1. Fa must be < I, as is apparent from Eq. (l2.All). Furthermore, a necessary condition for F" < 1 is that Fm < 1 (because the term in square brackets in Eq. (12.A12) is nonnegative). It follows that for Fn to be less than unity, both F" and F~, must be less than unity. Therefore, the generation of a stationary stream of sub-Poisson photons from a superposition of independent emissions requires that both the excitation process and the photons of the individual emissions be sub-Poisson. Physical mechanisms that provide control of the excitation point process, and that are well described by the model presented here, have been discussed in Sections 12.3 and 12.4.
Bunching/ Antibunching Properties of Emissions Initiated' at Antibunched Times Determination of the short-time behavior of the photoevents requires knowledge of the normalized photocoincidence rate g(2)( T). This is not possible unless the excitation point process is completely specified (higher-order multicoincidence rates specified). Teich et al. [12J examined this problem under the assumption that the excitation point process is a renewal point process. Using the assumption of single-mode individual emissions, they showed that
however, it turns out that M = 00 and wavelike {interference} noise is washed out; ./1 = I so that the role of noise in the individual emissions is enhanced; and ./1' is given by the degrees-of-freedom parameter for the excitation process Me given in Eq. (12.A3). It then follows that Eq. (12.A18) reduces to Eq. 02.A12), which was directly obtained by use of the cascade variance formula.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work was supported in part by the Joint Services Electronics Program through the Columbia Radiation Laboratory.
The first three terms on the right-hand side of Eq. (12.AlS) emerge from a Poisson excitation process. The fourth term, which is given by
( 12.AI6) with
REFERENCES l. M. C. Teich and B. E. A. Saleh, "Photon bunching and antibunching," in Progress in Optics, Vol. 26, E. Wolf, ed., North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1988, pp.
1-104. 2. M. C. Teich and B. E. A. Saleh, Quanlum Opt. 1, 153 (989); Phys. Today 43 (b),
x Vo*( 1+ 1')11;)(1 + I' + r)j ill' (12.AI7) represents the effects of deviation of the excitation process from Poisson. When the excitation point process is antibunched, this term is negative, thereby introducing anticorrelations into the photon process. If it is sufficiently strong, it can counterbalance the bunching dft:cts dut: to wave interference [second term in Eq. 02.A1S)] and due to the randomness of the individual emissions [third term in Eq. (l2.A1S)]. With the availability of Eq. 02.AlS), the Fano factor for the photon counts in a time interval of arbitrary duration can be determined. The result can be put in the form [12]
Fn{ T)
(n) F:,(oo) - I + (a) (n) 1 + -M- + - - - . - I Z - - - + -.IZ-'
( 12.AI8)
where M, .IZ, and ./1' are degrees-of-freedom parameters, the latter associated with the term r( T). The parameter .IZ' depends, in a complex way, on the relation between the counting time T, the emission lifetimeTp • and the excitation point process memory time Te (which is the width of the function (g~2)(,r) - I]). For counting times that are long er;p Tt" T).
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13 Controlled Spontaneous Emission in Microcavity Semiconductor Lasers y.
NTT Ra.~ic Rescarch Lahorawrie.l. Nippon Telewaph allti Telephollc Corporatioll, Musa.lhino·siti. Tokyu, Japan
Department of Microwave Engilleerillg, Thc Royal ]lIStitute of Technology. Stockholm. Sweden
It i~ knowll that spontaneou~ emission of an atom is not an immutable property of an atom, hut can be altered by a cavity wall [1, 2). The standard interpretation for this phenomenon is that the cavity wall modifies the vacuum field fluctuations that "stimulate" a spontaneous emission [3). Recently, several experiments have demonstrated inhibition and enhancement of spontaneous emission. at both microwave frequency [4-6J and optical frequency [7-9]. Such capability is no less important in semiconductors, for which spontaneous emission plays a decisive role in the physics [10] and in device performance (11). This chapter discusses the theoretical and experimental studies on enhanced and inhibited spontaneous emission in microcavity semiconductor lasers. In Section 13,2, the physics of spontaneous emission of an atom in free space is briefly reviewed. The difference between vacuum-fieldinduced Rabi oscillation and the irreversible spontaneous decay described by Weisskopf- Wigner theory is pointed out. The radiation pattern is calculated in polar coordinates. Section 13.3 treats the spontaneous emission of an atom between two (hypothetical) ideal planar mirrors. The principle of enhanced and inhibited spontaneous emission is delineated.
Coherence. Amplification. and QuanlUm Effects in Semiconductor Lasers, Edited by Yoshihisa
Yamamoto. ISBN
tt' 1991 John Wi1cy &. Sons. Inc.
Section 13.4 discusses two practical microcavity structures: a one-dimensional periodic structure with a half-wavelength central cavity layer, one with a one-wavelength central cavity layer. The radiation pattern, the coupling efficiency into a cavity resonant mode, the spontaneous lifetime, and the cavity bandwidth (photon lifetime) are calculated as functions of various parameters. In Section 13.5, experimental evidence for enhanced and inhibited spontaneous emission in GaAs quantum wells in microcavities is presented. The characteristics of microcavity semiconductor lasers with controlled spontaneous emission are finally discussed in Section 13.6. These characteristics include an extremely low threshold pump rate, very broad modulation bandwidth, and amplitude squeezing at all pump rates.
13.2. 13.2.1.
29 Time(t)
Vacuum-Field-Induced Rabi Oscillation
1'IlIure 13.1.
Suppose an atom in an excited state couples with a single elt:ctromagnetic field mode with no photon. This simplest situation was recently experimentally demonstrated by injecting an excited Rydberg atom into a single-mode superconductor high-Q cavity (12). During the time of flight, (he atom couples with only one t:lectromagnetic field mode in the vacuum state. The interaction Hamiltonian is (13) (13.1) where Ii and lit are the annihilation and creation operators of the field mode, and are the lowering and raising operators (Pauli's spin operators) of the two-level atom, and g is the coupling coefficient proportional to the atomic dipole transition matrix element (elfilg), in which fi is the dipole operator. The wavefunction for the combined atom-field system is expressed as
(13 .2) in a Schr6dinger picture. In Eq. (13.2), C. o is the probability amplitude for the state with the excited atom and the vacuum field, and C g1 is that for the state with the unexcited atom and the single photon field. When the atomic transition frequency and the field frequency are equal (in resonance), the time evolution of the two probability amplitudes is periodic, that is CeO = cos( gt)
( 13.3)
Cg1 = -i sine gt)
rim.: evulution uf
andlC.i in a vacuum·tield-induced Rabi uscillation.
Figure 13.1 shows the time evolution of ICeo l 2 and ICg/. The atom and the field pass energy back and forth. This is a vacuum-field-induced Rabi oscillation [131. Since the field is initially in a vacuum state and the atom emits a photon after ( = 17'/2 g, this process is considered spontaneous emission. However, ordinary spontaneous emission is an irreversible process with an exponential decay. The vacuum-field-induced Rabi oscillation discussed here is a reversible process with periodic energy exchange.
Weisskopf-Wigner Theory of Spontaneous Emission
Next let us consider an atom in an excited state coupled with infinite and wntinuous electromagnetic field modes with no photons. The new interaction Hamiltonian and system wavefunction are ( 13.5)
and I",> = Ceole)uI D),
Here ID), indicates all field modes are in vacuum states; Ilk), ~eans the mode k is in a single photon state and all the other modes are ID vacuum states. The equation of motion for C. o after eliminating the coefficients
~C 0 = dr'
L,1?; (' dt'exp[ -i(Wk
- W(l}(t - t')lC,o(t')
- fD( wd g2( Wk) dWk
r o
dt' exp[ -i( Wk - wo)( r - r') lC,o(t')
== -1Tg 2 (Wo)D(wo)C,o
Here the summation l:k is replaced by the integral jD(Wk) dWk' in which D(w k ) is the density of the electromagnetic field modes and Wo is the atomic transition frequency. It is assumed that both D(Wk) and g(wk) are constant in the frequency region where the time integral has an appreciable value. The equation 'Y = 21Tg 2 (Wo)D(wo) expresses the spontaneous decay rate of the excited atom. This is "Fermi's golden rule." Irreversible spontaneous decay emerges when the atom couples with infinite and continuous field modes. The atomic dipole couples to many field modes and decays to the ground state. However, many field modes couple to vacuum field fluctuations. which are independent of each other. and to the atom, in turn. This is the fluctuation-dissipation theorem [14). Since each vacuum field fluctuation oscillates at a different frequency, the atomic dipole and the field modes lose their mutual phase coherence and periodic exchange of energy becomes impossible. 13.2.3.
Spontaneous Emission Patterns of an Atom in Free Space
Let us consider a dipole moment along the x axis in a polar coordinate (r. t/J, 'Y) shown in Figure 13.2. The dipole emits electromagnetic fields having polarizations both perpendicular (s wave) and parallel (p wave) to the emission plane. The radiation intensity at the point (r, t/J, 'Y) is [2)
s wave p wave
Fil(urt' 13.2.
Polar coordinates (f. dJ. ')') for radiation pattern calculation.
If the dipole moment is along the z axis, the radiation intensity at the point (r, t/J. 'Y) is [2)
( 13.R)
Here 17 is a constant and Eg is the vacuum field intensity at the location (r = 0) of a dipole moment. In free space, E(~ is independent of 1/, and 'Y (isotropic). The total emitted intensity is given by (13.9) Three-fourths of Eq. (13.9) is radiated as the s wave and the one-fourth as the p wave. When the dipole moment is along the y axis, the result is exactly the same.
dl ( r, 1/, , 'Y) = 17 - - 2r
SIn 'Y
s wave p wave
( 13.10)
The total emitted intensity, (13.11)
is equal to Eq. (13.9) for the dipole moment along the x axis, as it should he, hut in this case, all the emitted power is carried by the p wave. The choice of the emission plane including the z axis employed here, thus the definition of the s wave and the p wave, has no physical significance in
free space. However, as discussed in subsequent sections, the va~uu~ field intensity E~ in one-dimensional periodic structures becomes a functIOn of not only the angle y but also the polarization direction Cs or p).
amplitudes A
A 13.3. SPONTANEOUS EMISSION OF AN ATOM BE1WEEN IDEAL MIRRORS We consider the spontaneous emission of an atom placed between two hypothetical ideal mirrors in this section. Assume that ~. mirror has constant reflection and transmission coetficients and phase sllltt. which are all independent of incident angle y. Even though such a mirror is not realistic. it still gives a simple physical picture for the enhanced. an.d inhibited spontaneous emission realized by one-dimensional penodlc structures treated below.
and A _ at the location of the atom (z = 0) are
If exp( ikzo cos y)
= 1 - R exp[ i(2kb cos y + 2
flIT exp[ i{ k(2b A_=
- zo)cos y +
where Rand T art: the reflection and transmission coefficients.
Local Vacuum Field Fluctuation Coupled with an Atom
Let us consider the modification of the vacuum field intensity E,f by the presence of the rwo planar mirrors shown in Figure 13.3. The two field
= 2k(b - zo)cos y +
( 13.15)
If the dipole moment is along the x axis or y axis, the vacuum field intensity coupled with the dipole is modified according to
13.3.2. Modified Radiation Pattern and Lifetime in a Half.Wavelength Cavity ~'+-
~---------.-- y
Figure 13.3. An atom between two planar mirrors.
If the phase shift cPr due to reflection is 17', the horizontal dipole (Px or Py) couples only with odd modes and the vertical dipole (P) couples only with even modes. Suppose the two mirrors are separated by a distance equal to half a wavelength. b = A/2. and the atom is located midway between the two mirrors. Zo = A/4. The atom is located at the antinode of the horizontal field of a resonant standing wave (N = 1 odd mode) propagating along the z axis. so that the spontaneous emission in the z axis by the horizontal dipole should be enhanced. The horizontal component of the vacuum field intensity E;(E;) propagating in the direction y for the dipole moment along the x axis (y axis) is
T{l + R + 2/Rcos[17'(cosy + I)]} (1 - R)z + 4Rsin 2 [17'(cosy + l)J
( 13.17)
E; 16'L-~--~------~----~------~------~--~~
Here the integral formula f~x/(1 + x 4 ) dx = 1T/4 and sin 'Y =< 'Y are used. The total emitted power is 1.5 times larger than the free-space value, which mcans that the spontancous lifetime is reduced by a factor of j. This change in the srontancolls lifctimc is independent of the reflection coefficient R. The spontaneous emission is carried equally by the p wave and the s wave. The vertical component of the vacuum field intensity propagating in the direction -y for the dipole moment along the z axis is, on the other hand, given by
~l"ll( )
Angle T(deg)
T(I + R - lVRcoS[1T(COS'Y + 1)]} =
(1 - R) + 4Rsin2[1T(cos'Y + I)]
( 13.21)
The radiation intensity at the point (r, I/J, y) is given by Eqs. (13.21) and (13.10):
Figure 13.4. Spontaneous radiation patterns from an atom between two ideal mirrors with d = A/2. R = 0.95, and cb, = 1T.
The radiation intensity at the point (r,~" y) is calculated by using Eq. (13.17) for E(~ in Eq. (13.8):
N2E(~ d/ ( r, !If. y) .
7J - 0 -
{osm" . y
s wave
( 13.22)
(I - RH] + R + 2# cost 1T( cos -y + 1)]) •
(1 - R)
+ 4Rsm· 1T(COSY + 1 1
s wave
0 [
Jl wave
The numerical example of the radiation pattern in Eq. (13.22) is plotted in Figure 13.4. The radiation pattern concentrates on 'Y:::: 1T /2. This is hecause the vertical dipole couples with an N = 0 even mode that propagates within the x-y plane. In a I' value close to 1T /2 where the radiation intensity is appreciable. Eq. (13.22) is approximated by
Numerical examples of the radiation pattern in Eq. (13.18) for T = 0.05 and R = 0.95 are plotted in Figure 13.4. The radiation patterns in both polarizations concentrate on y :::: 0, as expected. In a small y value where the radiation intensity is appreciable, Eq. (13.18) is approximated by
s wave s wave
p wave
(13 .23)
Jl wave ( 13.19)
The peak intensity at 'Y = 0 is enhanced by a factor of 4/0 - R) above the free-space value and the diverging angle of the main lobe is j (1 - R) /1T. The total intensity of emission in all directions is given hy
The peak intensity at y = 1T /2 is enhanced by a factor 4/0 - R) above the free-space value and the diverging angle centered at y = 1T /2 is (1 - R)/21T. The total intensity of emission in all directions is given by
Here the integral formula f(~ dx/(ax 2
+ b)
7T/2{Q[; is used. The total
emitted power is again 1.5 times larger (the spontaneous lifetime is shorter by a factor t) than the free-space value. The spontaneous t:mission is carried only by the p wave.
13.3.3. Modified Radiation Pattern and Lifetime in a One-Wavelength Cavity Next let us consider the case where the two mirrors are separated by a distance equal to one wavelength, b = A, and the atom is again located midway between the two mirrors, Zo = A/2. If the phase shift 4>r due to reflection is zero, the horizontal dipole couples with even modes and the vertical dipole couples with odd modes. The atom is located at the antinode of the horizontal field component of a resonant standing wave (N = 2 even mode) propagating along the z axis. Therefore, the spontaneous emission in the z direction by the horizontal dipole is expected to be enhanced in this case also. The vacuum field intensity E~( E;) for the dipole moment along the x axis l y axis) is
E; = E;
T(1 =
+ R + 2vRcos(21TCOSY)} ,
(1 - R)- + 4R sin 2 (21T cos y)
, Eii
Angle r(deg) Figure 13.5. Spontaneous radiation palterns from an atom between two ideal mirrors with = A, R = 0.95, and cf>r = O.
( 13.25)
half-wavelength cavity. The integrated emission intensity is given by The radiation intensity at the point (r,I/J, y) is (13.28) In a y value region dose to 1T/2 where the radiation intensity is also appreciable, Eq. (13.26) is approximated by
s wave
( 13.26)
p wave
The radiation pattern concentrates on y "" 0 and also on y == 1T /2, as shown in Figure 13.5. The radiation peak near y = 1T /2 is due to the N = 0 even mode propagating within the x-y plane. In a small y value where the radiation intensity is appreciable,Eq. (13.26) is approximated by s wave p wave
Comparing Eq. (13.27) with Eq. 03.19), the peak intensity is enhanced by the same factor 4/0 - R) above the free-space value, but the diverging angle of the main lobe is reduced by a factor of fi, that is, to R)/21T for the one-wavelength cavity from R)/1T for the
/(1 -
/0 -
s wave p wave
The peak intensity in s polarization at y = 1T /2 is enhanced by a factOr of 4/0 - R) above the free-space value and the diverging angle is (1 R)/41T. The integrated emission intensity is ( 13.30) The total emitted power is I "'" 3'1T71Pl~E5, which is larger than the free-space value by a factor of ~; the spontaneous lifetime is decreased by a factor of ~. This factor is again independent of the reflection coefficient R.
The vacuum field intensity
SI't)N I ANI( )tic. UvIlSc.I()N ilL! WU:N Ell<;\( i(, IU'.I·I.I-(·I
") I:'
E; for the dipole moment along the z axis is (13.31 ) 1\' periods
The radiation intensity at the point (r, 1/1, 'Y) is
dI(r,"',)') = TJ~'
(1 - RH 1 + R + 2!R COS(271' cos 'Y)} (1 _ R)2 + 4Rsin 2 (271'coS),)
s wave
x {Sin' " 'Y
fJ wave
The radiation pattern concentrates on )' = '1./3 as shown in Figure 13.5. This is because the N = 1 odd mode propagates a zigzag path with )' = 71'/3 in the It layer, For )' values close to )' = '1./3 where the radiation intensity is appreciable, Eq. (13.32) is approximated by
2 )'
s wave p wave
(13.33 )
The intensity of the total emission is given by ( 13.34) The total emitted power is larger than the free-space value by a factor of the spontaneous lifetime is decreased by a factor of t" , As shown above, the spontaneous emission from the honzontal dipole moment along the x axis or y axis can be concentrated on )' '" (l hy the half-wavelength cavity with
W~$~d?0"~L: .I} 77:'77''777'777777777777777,777,777:777:'7'777
I 2 ,n2
~"iW~ns l'iJ!tlu' 1-'.(,.
.::rrtlcturr \vilh (lnr~dirnl"nc;ionnl diqrihutco Rragp refteclor~
distributed Bragg reflectors, The structure is leaky so that the spontaneous emission is not only in the vertical or horizontal directions. but also in oblique angles where the mirror reflection coefficient is small.
The microcavity structure with onc-dimensional distributed Bragg reflectors (DBRs) shown in Figure 13.6 is studied in this section. One structure is the half-wavelength cavity, in which the central optical cavity layer has a lower refractive index and the first layer of the DBRs facing the central layer has Cl higher refractive index. Thus, the phase shift
be excited from the outer medium. This makes the theoretical analysis easier, and basic performance is not lost by the assumption.
Reflection Characteristics
The reflection coefficients for a vertically propagating wave in the halfwavelength cavity are shown in Figure 13.7 as a function of optical wavelength. Here, no == n 2 = 2.96 (AlAs) and ne = fll == 3.6(GaAs) are assumed. Owing to a Fabry-Perot cavity effect, the reflection coefficient at a resonant wavelength Ao = 2 dno decreases to zero, where d is the central layer thickness and no is the refractive index. As the number of reflector pairs increases, the reflection coefficient within the stopband also increases. On the other hand, the stopband width and the resonant transmission bandwidth decrease. In Figure 13.7, the cavity resonant wavelength Ao and the center wavelength AB == 4/11l\ = 4/2!l2 of the OBRs are assumed to be equal. Figures I3.8a and 13.8b show the reflection coefficients for the s wave and the p wave at the cavity resonant wavelength Ao versus the incident angle y. With increasing y from zero to 7T /2, the cavity resonant wavelength and the center wavelength of the OBRs shift to a shorter wavelength according to A'o = 2 d!lo cos 'Y and '\'B = 4/\111 cos 'Y = 4/2112 cos y, respectively. Therefore, the reflection characteristics at a fixed wavelength Ao features first a resonant transmission window near y == 0, which is followed by the stopband with the cutoff angle 'Ys = cos- I 2n 2 /(n l + 1l 2 )
<.J ~
Total reflection
f1 Plwlband
Resonant transmission 0.2
0.0 0
Incidence angle (degrees) 1.0
Total reflection
Resonant transmission 0.2
1.0 0.0 0.8
I /
\ -t-.N",3
\1 1/
0.0 600
90 (b)
Figure 13.8. Reflection coefficients for a resonant wavelength ,10 versus incident angle 'Y of a half-wavelength microcavity: (a) "U - "2 = 2.96 (5 wave); (b) "0 = "2 = 2.96 (p wave); (cJ "0 = 1/2 ~ 2.0 (5 wave); (d) "0 = 1/2 = 2.0 (p wave).
J /
\ I I \I
Incidence angle (degrees)
\ N '" 5
11 0
Wavelength (nm) Figure 13.7. Reflection coefficients for a normally incident light versus optical wavekngth of a half·wavelength microcavity. ,10 = ,18 = 800 nm, "0 = 1/2 ~ 2.96. 1/. = "l = 3.6.
== 27° and the passband. Since it is assumed that the external medium has highest refractive index !le' the reflection coefficient increases to one at incident angles that are considerably larger than the critical angle of total reflection y; = sin-I nz/ne::::: 55°. The effective critical angle of total reflection is Yt = sin-I neft/n. = 65°, where nott = 2n t n z/(n l + n2) is the effective refractive index of theDBRs. The difference in the sand p polarizations is due to the Brewster angle YB == tan -I n 2 /n e = 40° for the p wave.
10 4 Open window
10 2
0.8 ". ___ Resonant transmission
c: Q,I
10- 2
.::... '" ~
.5 c: .sa Cii :cC"l
Total renection
0.4 -
Cut-ofT --:
10'4 J(r~
0.0 L.-_"--_"--_.......l....L.L.L...L..LoL.&-_-'-_-'-_"""----' o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Incidence angle (degrees)
lO- n
Incidence angle (degrees)
90 (a)
10 4
10 l
-.... -
0.8 ;..;.R~t trllllSlllISSlon
c: Q,I 10 ·2 .!: 10. 4 c: ,S .~ W,6
Cul-ofT __:
"t:l C"l lO's ~
10. 10 .
10. 12 40
Incidence angle (degrees) F'iJl'Ure 13.11.
Comparing Figures 13.8e and 13,8d with 13.8a and 13.8b, we see that the open window decreases as the refractive index difference 111 - n 2 of the DBRs increases, where 11) = 3.6 and 112 = 2.0. In Figure 13.8c, the stop band cutoff angle Ys:: 58° and the total reflection critical angle 'Y, :: 32° overlap. However, there are several resonant open windows between 'Y = 30° and y = 50°. Those resonances are due to leaky guided modes supported by the periodic DBR structure. In Figure 13.8d, a large open window corresponds to the Brewster angle YB "" 28°. Even though the open windows due to leaky guided modes and the Brewster phenomenon survive at some angles, they can be decreased by increasing the refractive index difference. In this way. the ideal half-wavelength cavity
Incidence angle (degrees)
90 (b)
Spontaneous radiation pattern, of s wave from a horizontal dipole in a half,wavelength microcavity, "1 = 11, = 3.6: (0) "0 = "2 = 2.96; (h) "0 = "2 = 2.0; (c) no = /12 = 13. Fillllre 1.1.9.
discussed in Section 13.3.2 is approximately realized by the dielectric DBRs_ 13.4.2,
Modified Spontaneous Emission in a Half-Wavelength Cavity Rudiation Patterns. The radiation intensities of the s wave and the p wave emitted by the horizontal dipole integrated with respect to tf> versus the emission angle 'Y are shown in Figures 13.9 and 13.10. In addition to the main lobe near 'Y = O. there is a side lobe corresponding to
Free space value
,e. 1
a .: 10·' .:1
10.8 10. 10
10,1% L._____-'-_ _ _-'-_.........-;.--'_ _......._"----' 10
80 Coupling Efficiency or Spontaneous Emission into a Main Lobe. The diverging angle (FWHM) of the main lobe and the cavity resonant transmission bandwidth (FWHM) mono tonically decrease as the number of OBR layers increases (Figure 13.12). This is because the reflection coefficient R of the OBR increases with the number of OBR layers. However, the coupling efficiency of the spontaneous emission from the horizontal dipole coupled into the main lobe propagating along the z axis is kept constant. The coupling efficiency fJ for the horizontal dipole is given by
M1J' dl{l fmain lobe dy[ dI P ( , ,I{I, y) + dI S ("
90 (a)
the passband between the stop band edge angle Ys and the total reflection critical angle (shown by the "cutoff") in the case of Figures 13.9a and 13.lOa. The side lobe is also caused by leaky guided modes, specifically when the refractive index difference increases (Figures 13.9b,, 13.lOb, l3.We). The side lobe decreases as the refractive index difference increases, as expected. The radiation intensity of the p wave emitted by the vertical dipole integrated with respect to > versus the emissioll angle y is shown ill Figure 13.11. The spontaneous emission is mainly radiated into leaky guided modes propagating in the x-y plane. The peak emission angle in Figure 13.11a is approximately given by YP ::: sin -I[nett/nel. This means that the spontaneous emission is carried by the leaky guided modes with the effective mode index n eff and is leaked into the GaAs layer with an angle Yp.
Incidence angle (degrees)
Incidence angle (degrees) Figure 13.9.
I{I, y) [(f" dl{l [0,,/2 dy[ dI P ( , ,I{I, y) + dI S (" I{I, y)
1,2 sin 'Y
1,2 sin y
c 10,1
C 10'"
Cut-olT -.: 10,6
~ lo·K 10,10 10,12 L._____......._ _..J-......-l..........- - - ' - - ' - - - " - - :
Incidence angle (degrees)
90 (b)
Figure 13.10. Spontaneous radiation patterns of a p wave from a horizontal dipole in a half-wavelength microcavity, n l .. n • .. 3.6: (a) no ... n z .. 2.96; (b) no" n2 .. 2.0; (c) no = nz = 1.3.
where dI P(" I{I, y) and dISC" r/J, y) are the p~poJarize~ and s-poJariz~d spontaneous emission intensities from the hOrIzontal dipole at t.he ~01nt (', I{I, 'Y)' The coupling efficiency is determined only by t.he. ref~actlve. m~ex difference. This is because the peak spontaneous emission mtenslty mcreases, but the diverging angle decreases, with the number of OBR layers so that the integrated spontaneous emission power is independent of the number of OBR layers. . The coupling efficiency fJ of spontaneous emission into the ~am lobe nrnnal!atinll al0l1l1: the:: axis is nlntted in Fi/oture 13.13 as a functIOn of the
Free space value
.t;, I
~ 10. 2
C 10.4 C
;:: ell
10. 10 10 ·12'--_-'-_--'-_~_---''--_.L__........._ - ' -_
Incidence angle (degrees) Figure 13.10.
10. 12
L - _ - ' - _ - ' - _ - - ' -_ _'--_-'-...:.....-'-_--'-____'-----'
Incidence angle (degrees)
refractive index ll z of the DBR material, where Ile = III = 3.6 i~ fixed constant. The solid line represents the coupling efficiency for the horizontal dipole, p} = p,2 = P 122/2 and p} = 0, As the refractive index difference Increases, the coupling efficiency approaches unity. as expected, On the other hand, the coupling efficiency for the randomly oriented dipoles. P,C = p,2 = P} = P I22/3, saturates at f3 = == ~, The coupling efficiency f3 for the random dipoles is given by
M'" dUI fm'in lobe [2 dl" (r, UJ. 'y)
+ 2 dl'\( r, V,, y) Jr: sin y
M"'dwf(7/2dy[2dIP(r,I/J,Y) +
2dI 5(r,tll
,y) + dI v ( r, I/J, y ) 1r 2 sin y
( 13.36)
Here dI v(r, tll, y) is the p-polarized spontaneous emission intensity from the vertical dipole. This is because the vertical dipole emits spontaneously mainly in the x-y plane, Spontaneous Emission Lifetime. The modification in the SPOlltaneous emission lifetime for the horizontal dipole, that is. p/ = p} = Pt2/2 and p/ = 0, is given by 'sp Tsop
10. 11
M"dVljJ'/2dy[dI{(r,VJ,y) + d1t(r,I/I,y)jr2siI1Y
= fl"dnoTr/2dy[dIP(r,l/J,y) + dI S (r,l/J.y)jr 2 siny (13.37)
L - . _ - ' - _ - ' -____--'-_'---'---'-_-'-_--'-_ _'-----'
Incidence angle (degrees)
Fil/urr B.I1. Spontaneous radiation patterns of p wave from a vertical dipole in a half-wavelength microcavit)', "l = lie = 3.6: (a) "0 - "" = 2.96; (b) "0 = "" = 2,0; (c) "0 = = 1.3.
where ,:~ is the spontaneous emission lifetime in free space, dI/; = 71(Pf2E(Ur2)cos2 tll cos 2 y and dI(f = 71(Pt2Ecf/r2)sin2 1/1 are the p-polarized and s-polarized spontaneous emission intensities in free space, and dIP and dlsare those in the half-wavelength cavity and are given by Eq, (13.18). Figure 13.14 shows the modification factor of the spontaneous emission lifetime as a function of the refractive index "2 of the DBR material.
583 1.0
0.8 ~ C
I: 10'"
E :: c
0 .::
.! "0
eo 10.8
0.2 Cl 10 ·11 " - _......_ ......................_ ........._ ........_---'_---'_ _........---1 o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 gO 90
10. 1 ' - - - - - - - - ' - - - - -......-----''"''--"'---""'-_.J 0.0 o 5 10 15 20
Incidence angle (degrees) (c) ~'Igure
If the dipole is randomly oriented, that is, p.2 = Py2 = p/ modification factor is given by Tsp
Periods in each mirror
13.11. (Con/intled)
= P I22/3, the
M"" dc/J f o/2 d"y[2 dIt + 2 d# + dIn,2 sin"Y
Ts~ = -f"'=i-""-d-c/J-f---ci-/~2-d-Y-:[-2-d-I':"P-+-2-d-/-;:s""+-d-/7.v":'], -::-,-si-n-y
10 1
(13 .38)
The modification factor is also plotted in Figure 13.14. Even though the radiation pattern and the coupling efficiency of spontaneous emission into the cavity resonant mode propagating along the z axis are modified drastically by the microcavity, the spontaneous emission lifetime is hardly altered.
10.2 L.---'----'---'---'---'-_""""'-_--'-_---l1O.2
Periods in each mirror (b)
Modified Spontaneous Emission in a One-Wavelength Cavity
Figures 13.15 and 13.16 show the spontaneous emission intensities of the s wave and p wave versus the emission angle from the horizontal dipole in the one-wavelength cavity. The radiation peak near "Y :::: 75° in Figure 13.15a corresponds to the peak at 'Y = 11'/2 in Figure 13.5. The spontaneous emission coupled to the N - 0 even mode is leaked into this angle. Figure 13.17 shows the spontaneous emission intensity of the p wave versus the emission angle from the vertical dipole in the one-wavelength cavity. Overall, the characteristics of the one-wavelength cavity are similar to those of the half-wavelength cavity.
Figure 13.12. (a) A diverging angle (FWHM) of a main lobe and coupling efficiency of spontaneous emission into a main lobe versus number of periods of DBRs, 11, = ". = 3.6 and Ill) = IIZ = 2.96. (bl Resonant transmission bandwidth (FWHM) and effective photon lifetime versus number of periods of DBRs.
The coupling efficiency of the spontaneous emission into the main lobe versus the refractive index difference is plotted in Figure 13.18 for the two case~ of .P} "" P/ ... PI\ t2, p.2 - 0 and P} "" P/ ... p.2 '" P~/3. The modification 10 the spontaneous emission lifetime versus the refractive index difference is plotted in Figure 13.19. In. the microcavity having one-dimensional distributed Bragg reflectors, the IOtegrated intensity of emission in the main lobe is constant for
10 4
10 2
10. 2
10. 4
QJ .....
Free space value
..... .....
Cut·olT -+;
E .El
p; = p; = P; = r i2 13
er::: IO·R
to· 1O
= nl =3.6
no = n2
)() ·12
0 0.0
Incidence angle (degrees)
Refractive index n 2
10 4
Fi!(llre 13.13. Coupling efficiency of spontaneous emission into n main lohe versus refractive index 11, of DBR material.
10 1
10. 2
10. 4
.9 .....
.~ 10 ·6
er::: 1.5 c-
OV ~
)() .R
10·IP )() ·12
Incidence angle (degrees)
S:- 1.3 ~
90 (b)
Fi~u .... 13.15. Spontaneous radiation patterns of s wave from a horizontal dipole in a one-wavelength microcavity, "0 = "2 = ",. = 3.6: (a) ") = 2.96; (h) ") = 2.0; (c) ") = 1.3.
r; =r; =P; =Pi213
ns = nl = 3.6
no= n2 1.0 1.0
Refractive index n 2 Figure 13.14. material.
Normalized spontaneous emission lifetime versus refractive index
of DBR
different number of DBR layers, as shown in Figure 13.12a. This is because the peak intensity at -y = 0 increases but the diverging angle (FWHM) of the main lobe decreases as the number of DBR layef5 increases. To increase the integrated intensity of emission in the main lobe, the refractive index difference of DBRs must be increased. In this way, the coupling efficiency into the main lobe can be increased to unity. However, the spontaneous emission lifetime cannot be decreased, because the increased intensity of emission in the main lobe is canceled our by
10 4
10 2 Free space value
.Q 'r;; c:: V 10- 2
Cut-o/T --:
t: 10. 4
10. 6
:.a ~
10·\0 _
Incidence angle (degrees) ~·IRure
10. 12
Incidence angle (degrees)
90 (a)
10 4
10 2
decreased intensity of emission in all the other directions. In Appendix l3.A. we will discuss the metal clad optical waveguide microcavity, which realizes the increased coupling dficiency and decreased spontaneous lifetime simultaneously.
0 .:;;
0.1 ....=
.5 c:: .9
Cut-o/T -.:
.ES 10·'
"0 ~
lO. s
10 -10
Device Preparation and Reflection Characteristics
The three samples tested in the experiment are shown in Figure 13.20. A 7.S-nm-thick GaAs quantum well is embedded at the cenler of an Alo.2Gao.sAs optical cavity layer having either half-wavelength (,\/2 .. 130 nm) or one-wavelength (A - 260 nm) thickness. The optical cavity is sandwiched between distributed Bragg reflectors consisting of 10 pairs of quarter-wavelength layers of Al(1.2Gao.sAs and ALAs. The whole structure is fabricated on a GaAs substrate by a molecular beam epitaxy. The thickness (L l = 7.5 nm) of the GaAs quantum well is much smaller than the optical wavelength A :;:: 260 nm, so the emitting dipole is well localized at the node and antinode positions of the horizontal field component of the standing wave vacuum field fluctuations in the 1../2 cavity and A cavity, respectively. Note that the phase shift due to reflection is 77' for both cavities. Thus, it is expected that spontaneous emission in a normal direction is enhanced in the A cavity, but suppressed in the A/2 cavity. The third sample is just the GaAs quantum well embedded in a thick
10. 12 0
Incidence angle (degrees)
90 (b)
Figure 13.16. Spontaneous radiation patterns of p wave from a horizontal dipole in a one-wavelength microcavity. no = n" = n, = 3.6: (a) n t = 2.96; (b) nt = 2.0; (cl nt = 1.3.
Alo. 2 GaosAs layer without any cavity configurations. This sample is used as the standard spontaneous emission from the GaAs quantum well. Tl1e measured reflection coefficient R of the A-cavity sample as a function of the probe wavelength Ap is compared in Figure 13.21 with the theoretical result. The cavity resonant wavelength ,1.0 is 720 nm. The power reflectivity of the DBR is - 0.97 within the stopband between 680 and 770 nm. The theoretical transmission window linewidth (FWHM) is given by LU 1/ 2 = (1 - R)/(77'IR)A o "" 7 nm, which is in fairly good agree-
10 4 10 2
.e. 'r;;
j .S
10. 2
C 10.4
C 0
Cul-olT --:
ca 10.6
-; 10.6
.e ~
10. 2
Free space value
.e. 'r;;
IX 10·R
10. 10
10. 10
10 ·12 '----'---"--....J..._--'_ _......_-'-_-'-_--'_--.J o 10 20 30 40 SO 60 70 80 90
10. 12
Incidence angle (degrees)
Incidence angle (degrees)
(c) Figure 13.16.
10 4 10 1
ment with the measured values. The reflection coefficient at A(l does not decrease to zero, because the cavity is surrounded by outer media having different refractive indices. air on one side and GaAs on the other. The measured reflection coefficient is larger than the theoretical result at the cavity resonant wavelength Ao. This is mainly because the absorption in the GaAs quantum well is not taken into account in the theoTV. The measured reflection characteristics of the A/2 cavity are similar tl~ those of the A cavity shown in Figure 13.21.
.~ "C ca
10.8 10·\0 10'\2
13.5.2. Enhanced and Inhibited Absorption for an Incident Coherent Light
The absorption process is the reverse process of spontaneous emISSIOn. Since it is expected that the spontaneous emission is enhanced and inhibited by modifying the vacuum field fluctuation with a cavity, it is also expected that the absorption rate is enhanced and inhibited by modifying the externally incident coherent light with a cavity. The measured absorption rate of the A cavity for a normal incident light is shown in Figure 13.22 as a function of the pump laser wavelength detuning AA = Ap - A() • from the caVIty resonant wavelength Ao. The cavity resonant wavelength is 720 nm, which is well above the absorption edge of the GaAs quantum well; the spontaneous emission wavelength is 820 nm, which is outside the stopband. A wavelength-tunable dye laser (or Ti:A1 2 0 3 laser) illuminates the sample at 77 K from a normal direction. The laser wavelength is changed in the region of 720 ± 30 nm. The absorption rate is measured
Incidence angle (degrees)
Fil(Uf"e 13.17. Spontaneous radiation patterns of p wave from a vertical dipole in a one-wavelength microcavily. no = "2 = 11, = 3.6: (0) "l = 2.96; (b) "l = 2.0; (cl n l = 1.3.
indirectly by the spontaneous emission intensity from the GaAs quantum well at 820 nm. The intrinsic absorption coefficient of the GaAs quantum well is constant within the scanned wavelength region of 720 ± 30 nm, so the modulation in the absorption rate (Figure 13.22) is a pure cavity effect. The absorption rates are different by a factor of 4000 between the on-resonancc and off-resonance cases. If we assume the absorption rate in free space shown by the dashed line in Figure 13.22, the absorption rate is enhanced at on-resonance by a factor of 4/0 - R) 130 and is sup-
10 4
10 2
.i': 10"
"0 CII
p:: 10.8 10. 10
2 Cut~tT--i
10'\2 0
1 ~~~~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~~ 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 10
Figure 13.17.
l P•
=p2y =P 212 /2,
Refractive index n 1
Incidence angle (degrees)
p.2 = p Y1 = plIl I 2,
Figure 13.19. material.
Normalized spontaneous emission lifetime versus refractive index n l of DBR
pressed at off-resonance by a factor of 1 - R "'" lk, as the theory predicts. The measured linewidth (FWHM) of the enhanced absorption rate is also in good agreement with the theoretical result, [(1 - R)/7T{R]A o == 7 nm.
Pl = 0
E c:
().O '::""""'-:-'"---'---'----O'---'----'--~~_"__...L_._.J 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.S 3.0
Refractive index n 1 Flaure 13.18.
COUplinll efficiency of spontaneous emission into a main lube vcr,jUS rcfra~liv"
Index n 1 of DBR material.
Excitonic Spontaneous Emission
To observe the controlled spontaneous emission by a microcavity, the i!mission linewidth must be much narrower than the cavity resonant transmission linewidth. The spontaneous emission spectrum from the GaAs quantum well without a cavity at 77 K is shown in Figure 13.23. The main peak at 800 nm is the free excitonic transition between the lowest conduction band and the lowest heavy hole band (le-1hh) and the side peak at 795 nm is that between the lowest conduction band and the lowest light hole band (le-lIh). The spectral linewidth, 0.5-0.7 nm, is broader than the homogeneous linewidth (- 0.2 nm) at 77 K [16], but is still much narrower than the cavity transmission linewidth (- 7 nm). It is known that the dipole moment for the le-lhh transition is formed mainly in the plane of the quantum well (horizontal dipole) and the dipole for the le- Jlh transition is formed mainly in the perpendicular direction (vertical dipole) [17]. Thus, we can observe enhanced and inhibited spontaneous emission more effectively at the le-lhh transition with the horizontal dipole.
U ..i
j·.\YI:.IUI\II·N'J AI. j·.\'lIlLN( I H
R ~-"avity
= 0.97
,..... ~
.::;" .S
Wavelength (nm)
C. E
Fillure 13.21. microcavit) .
Reflection coeflicient R versus optical wavelength of a one-wavelength
~ ..c::
e '" :i
l~R ~ 130
7 mn
°@ (j° ° ° o° Cb
0. .... o
~ -10 <:10
0 00
~ 00 00 q,°oo 0
1 - R", 1/30
Wavelength Detuning
= Apump -
Fillure 13.22. Absorption rate versus optical wavelength detuning /:J. A = Ar - Ao from cavity resonant wavelength of a one-wavelength microcavity.
"v ...... c.u
;,t'U.~ IAJ\jI::.UUS
~ .... it)' ;:;:
800 nm
absorption od,e or AIo.,G .... A.
0.5 urn
IR I r /
1 I
I \
\ I
Figure 13.23. Spontaneous emission spectrum from GaAs quantum well at 77 K.
\ - \
I \1
Wuvelength ,\ (urn)
Pump Wavelength (nm),
The spontaneous emiSSion intensity Rsp at the le-lhh tranSitIOn is plotted in Figure 13.24 as a function of a pump power P. In a low pump region, the spontaneous emission intensity is proportional to the square of the pump power. This is a characteristic of the nonradiative recombination dominant case. In a high-pump region, however, the spontaneous emission intensity is proportional to the pump power. This is a characteristic of the
Figure 13.25. Spontaneous emission intensity at le-Ihh transition versus pump laser wavelength Ap from a one-wavelength microcavity sample.
radiative spontaneous recombination dominant case. In this range of pump rate, the amplified spontaneous emission and the superradiance effects are neglected. 13.5.4.
101••_ _ _~. +'_ _ _ _ _ _. j T,p < Tnr " r,p" T",.
.0 . -0
,J,o R,p
= P
/~o ':0
,I ?
R,p =
Pump Wavelength Dependence of Spontaneous Emission Intensity
The measured spontaneous emission intensity Rsp at A. == 800 nm versus the pump wavelength Ap between 680 nm and 760 om is shown in Figure 13.25, together with the reflection coefficient for the pump wavelength Ap • If the pump wavelength is within the stopband, the spontaneous emission intensity is low, because most of the pump power is simply reflected . There is modulation of the spontaneous emission intensity according to the modulation of the reflection coefficient outside of the stopband. The strong peak of the spontaneous emission intensity at 710 nm is due to the I!xcitonic absorption of the Alo.2Gao.sAs DBR layers. The pump light at wavelengths below 710 nm is once absorbed by the DBRs and re-emitted as a broad spectral light which penetrates into the GaAs quantum well and. is absorbed there.
,.i Figure 13.24. Spontaneous emission intensity at le-Ihh transition versus pump power from GaAs quantum well at 77 K.
13.5.5. Modified Radiation Patterns
10- 3
10- 2
10- 1
Pump Power P(mW)
The experimental and theoretical radiation patterns of the spontaneous emission from the GaAs quantum well in the uniform multi-wavelength
o (a)
Figure 13.27. Experimental and theoretical ra· diation patterns from GaAs quantum well in a one·wavelength microcavity, A, =Ao = 800 om.
0.5 (b)
Figure 13.26. Experimental and theoretical radiation patterns from GaAs quantum well in a thick Alo.2Gao.~As layer: (a) s wave; (b) p wave.
Alo.20ao.~As layer are shown in Figure 13.26. The theoretical radiation patterns from the horizontal dipole for the two polarizations perpendicu· lar (s wave) and parallel (p wave) to the emission plane are given by integrating Eq. (13.8) with respect to 1/1. They are shown by the solid curves in Figures 13.260 and 13.26b. The experimental radiation patterns are measured in liquid N2 and are transformed to those values in the Al o.2 0a o.s As layer by taking into account Shell's law and Fresnel reflec· tion coefficients. Within the critical angle of total internal reflection at an Al o.2 0a o.s As/liquid N2 interface, 'Ye = 23°, the measured radiation inten· sitv of the s wave is independent of /'. as it should bc. The radiation pattern of the p wave also agrees'with the theoretical curve. In the A-cavity sample with the DBRs, however, the vacuum field intensity is no longer isotropic. Within the stopband, the modified vacuum .field intensity is calculated by simply assuming two lumped reflectors separated by one wavelength, and is given by Eq. (13.25). The stopband edge angle for the present sample is 'Ys "" 27°. Therefore, Eq. (13.25) is a good approximate formula for the measured angle region ('Y :$ 23°). The spontaneous emission intensity is enhanced in the normal direction by a factor of 4/0 - R) ::::: 130. The cavity resonant transmission angle for the present sample is ')'p <= [(1 - R)/271".[ii]t/2 "" 4°. The experimental and theoretical radiation patterns of the spontaneous emission from the A-cavity sample are shown in Figure 13.27. The spontaneous emission wavelength A. = 800 nm is coincident with the cavity resonant wavelength Ao in this sample. The pump light at 720 nm strikes the sample at an incident angle of 5°. Both polarizations have identical radiation patterns for such a small radiation angle ('Y :$ 5°).
When the spontaneous emission wavelength is shorter than the cavity resonant wavelength, A, < Ao, the resonance condition is stilI satisfied at a small oflset angle. /" = COS·I(Ar/A O )' This was confirmed by experiments. Figure 13.280 shows the experimental radiation pattern for At = 800 run and Ao = 815 nm. The theoretical resonance angle is 11°, which is in good agreement with the experimental result. When A. > Ao,, the resonance condition is not satisfied by any angle. In fact, the expenmental radiation pattern for A.. > Ao does not feature such a conical emission, but features a simply attenuated single peak centered at 'Y = 0, as shown in Figure 13.28b. ;:0· 1.0
(b) FiRllre 13.28. Experimental and theoretical radiation patterns from GaAs qllllJllllm Rliu one·wavelength microcavity: (a) A, - 800 nm and Ao = 815 nm; (b) A, - 800 . . . Ao = 790 nm.
= Aca.vil.y 000 ~
1\ X
Experiment Theory
;:l I
I le-Ihh '
le-lIh 770
I R.p 800
Wavelength (nm)
Wavelength (nm)
g 10
Wavelength (nm)
Figure 13.n. Spontaneous emission intensities at y = 0 and rellection coefficients for three cases (A. < Aa, A. - Ao and A. > Ao> in a one-wavelength microcavity.
13.5.6. Enhanced and Inhibited Spontaneous Emission The spontaneous emission spectra from the GaAs quantum well in the A cavity are shown in Figure 13.29 for three cases. When the spontaneous emission wavelength at the le-lhh transition coincides with the cavity resonant wavelength, spontaneous emission is strongly enhanced. When the spontaneous emission wavelength is detuned from the cavity resonant wavelength, spontaneous emission is suppressed. The vacuum field intensity is modulated by the spontaneous emission wavelength de tuning /lA = A. - Ao from the cavity resonant wavelength and by the position offset /lz of the quantum well from the center of the optical cavity layer. Within the stopband, the modified vacuum field intensity is given by
where the normal emission direction 'Y = 0 is assumed. Here, tPl = 21T /lA/Ae' 4>2 = 21T /lz/A •• and the plus and minus signs correspond to the A-cavity and A/2-cavity samples. When 4>1 = tP2 = 0, the vacuum field
10 1ZL-_a-'-o---I_--'-o---I--::20:--..L.-~40!:--.J--S;::;O~-.1.--;;80 Wavelength Detuning ~A =
A.mission -
Figure 13.30. Spontaneous emission intensities at y = 0 versus emission wavelength detuning .lA from cavity resonant wavelength in a one-wavelength microcavity and half-wavelength microcavity.
intensity EJ is enhanced by a factor of 4/(1 - R) in the A cavity and is suppressed by a factor of (1 - 1ii)2/(I - R) !X (1 - R)/4 in the A/::! cavity. At off-resonance (4)1 == 1T) in the A/2 cavity, on the other hand, the vacuum field intensity is suppressed by a factor of 1 - R. The measured spontaneous emission intensities at 'Y = 0 in the A-cavity sample and the A/2 cavity sample are plotted in Figure 13.30 as a functicm of /lA. In the samples used in this particular experiment, the two embedded GaAs quantum wells are separated by 8 nm and are not localized exactly at th'e antinode or node position, specifically, tP2 "" 8°. The solid lines are the theoretical results calculated using Eq. (13.39). The cavity resonant wavelength is modulated over ± 60 nm centered at the emission wavelength A = 800 nm. This was done by tapering the thickness of all layers within the sample and irradiating the pump light onto a different position. If we assume the spontaneous emission intensity in free space as indicated by the dashed line, the spontaneous emission intensity from the A cavity at /lA = 0 is enhanced above the free-space value by a factor of 4/0 - R) == 130 and the spontaneous emission from the A/2 cavity at off-resonance is suppressed by a factor of 1 - R == -to, as expected. The spontaneous emission intensity in the A/2 cavity at /lA :::: 0 is not suppressed by a factor of (1 - R) / 4 "" tin, but is comparable to the free-space
value. This is because the active dipoles "see" leakage vacuum field fluctuations at cP2 = 8°. The modification of spontaneous emission intensity by the microcavity is well confirmed hy these experiments.
The noise operators associated with the pump process, the spontaneous emission process and the stimulated emission-absorption process satisfy
(f~(I)f~(u») sp
In a conventional semiconductor laser, a very small part of the spontaneous emission is coupled into a single iasing mode. The reason is threefold: 0), the radiation pattern of spontaneous emission is isotropic, so a substantial part of the spontaneous emission radiates in oblique directions; (2), the spontaneous emission spectrallinewidth is much broader than the resonant cavity mode linewidth, so a substantial part of the spontaneous emission is coupled to nonresonant modes; and (3). the active volume size is much larger than the optical wavelength, so a substantial part of the spontaneous emission radiates in nonlasing cavity resonant modes. The coupling efficiency {3 of spontaneous emission into a single lasing mode is often referred to as a "spontaneous emission coefiicient" and is on the order of 10 - ~ in a conventional semiconductor laser {see Appendix 13.B>. As discussed already, this coupling efficiency = spontaneous emission coefficient {3 can be increased to close to one by " microcavity structurc. The characteristics of such Cl microcavity scmicolIductor laser are very different from a conventional laser when the spontaneous emission coefficient {3 is close to one. ~asic
( 13.42)
= (I
I\ r' (t) f.)
( 13.43)
( 13.44)
Here we assume pump noise suppression [Eq. (13.42») by a constant current source (18). The quantum Langevin equation for the (total) photon number operator il is written as
( 13.45) where 'Y is photon decay rate. The noise operators associated with the stimulated emission-absorption process and the photon decay process satisfy
' , )
= 5(1 - u)·
[(Eel) ( +" f3 ( Ne) ] (E) c ) (ii) + - _ t•
, SI'
( 13.47)
The quantum Langevin equation for the (total) electron number operator Ne is written as
(f"(I)F(lI» where P is pump rate, (3/-rsp( ,,"ie) is the spontaneous emission rate into the lasing mode, (l - (3)/-r.r( NI.) i~ the ~pontan~ous emis~ion rate into all modes except the lasing mode, nsp = (EC/)/(E".) - (E,.») is the population inversion parameter, and ft is the (total) photon number operator. The spontaneous emission rate and the stimulated emission rate by one photon are equal, so that we have (13.41)
Here Fe = 2·h
-o(t - u) .
Here Eq. (B.4!) is used. The photon flux operator is [18)
r r.p
cl . )
+ (E"e»)Ui) + (E
N emanating from
C ,')]
the output coupling mirror ( 13.49)
The first term represents the transmitted internal photon number, and the second term represents the quantum interference between the transmitted
internal coherent excitation Vy( fi > and the reflected vacuum field fluctuation f.
From Eqs. (13.54) and (13.55), the threshold pump rate is calculated as (13.56)
Reduction of Threshold Pump Rate
Let us consider the steady-state (average) solutions of Eqs. (13.40) and (13.45). By using the linearized solutions, Nc = NcO + ~ Ne and ii = flu + ilfi, in Eqs. (13.40) and (l3.45), we obtain
Note that the threshold pump rate is inversely proportional to the spontaneous <.!mission coetlicient f3. From Eq. (13.51), the average photon number no is
( 13.50)
( 13.57)
(13.51 )
At pump rates well above the threshold, the photon decay ratc y is equal to the net gain Ecv - Evc (= stimulated emission gain-stimulated absorption loss); thus
It is obvious from this equation that the real electron number NcO never reaches the threshold value Nco, th as long as the spontaneous emission coefficient f3 is nonzero. From Eq. (13.51), the average electron number Nco is given by
(r + 1) -
J(r + 1)
2 -
4( I - f3) r
2(1 - f3)
where Nco. th is the clumped (total) electron number. The threshold condition is usually written as
exp[(gth -
( l3.53)
where gth is the gain constant per unit length, a is the absorption coefficient, L is the active layer length, and R is the power reflection coefficient of the end reflectors, Using gth = (l/uXEcv - Ec)th and (l/u Xa + (1/ L)ln(1/ R» = y in Eq. (l3.53), we can obtain the threshold condition ( 13.54)
At the threshold pump rate, all the pump electrons are recombined via the spontaneous emission (pump rate = total spontaneous emission rate) so that ( 13.55)
1+ r
= 1)
1) ( 13.58)
where r = P/P'h is the normalized pump rate and NcO,th = yTspllsp/f3· Using Eq. (13,57) in Eq, (13.58), the average photon number no is
[ ( r + 1) nsp .
J(r + 1)
2 -
4( 1 - f3) r 1/2(1 - f3)
[I-[(r+l) - J':"'(r-+-l-)2 - -4-(-I---fJ-)-r
(f3 "" 1) 2 (1 - f3) ]
(13.59) Figure 13.31 shows the internal photon number 110 versus the pump current [ as a function of the spontaneous emission coefficient f3. It is assumed that y = 10 12 S -1 and lisp = 1. The threshold pump current I'h "" qP'h is on the order of 10 mA for a conventional semiconductor laser with f3 ::: 10- 5 . The threshold pump current decreases with increasing fJ and becomes less than 1 J.LA for a microcavity semiconductor laser with f3 == 0,1 - 1. In the limit of fJ = 1, the jump in the quantum efficiency from TJD = f3 to 7JD = 1 disappears and the quantum efficiency is irrespective of the pump rate and is always unity, The threshold pump rate defined by Eq. (13.56), at which the average internal photon number is unity,
~=O.5 ~=
I (A)
Figure 13.32. Electron number Ne" versus pump' current 1 as a function of spontaneous emission coeflicient (3. "," = J. ')' = tO l2 S-I and 7'0 = 10-" s.
Pump Current I(A) Figure 13.31. Internal photon number "0 versus pump current 1 as a function of spontaneous emission coefficient (3. "sp = I and')' = 10 12 s -I.
corresponds to the threshold pump current Jth = 160 nA. At pump rates below this value, spontaneous emission is dominant. At pump rates above this value, stimulated emission is dominant. Figure 13.32 shows the average electron number Nco versus the pump current, where T,p = 1 ns is assumed. 13.6.3.
C ~
<,c l'l
10 2 f
Increase in Modulation Bandwidth
When the pump rate is sinusoidally modulated as Po + I:l.Pei!lr, the response of the internal photon number modulation is evaluated by Eqs. 03.40) and (13.45). The power spectrum of I:l.n is
+ 02{rl'/(1 + r)]2 +
+ r)/rspf
(13.60) Frequency (Q)
-2ry/rsp } + 1'2[(1 + r)/Tsr ]2 Figure 13.33 shows the normalized power spectrum as a function of the normalized pump rate. The modulation response is dependent on 1', rsp, and r, but is independent of {3. When r == P /Pth > F sp ' Eq. (13.60) is
Figure 13.33. r = Plfth .
Normalized intensity modulation response SAn(O) as a function of pump rate
reduced to
coefficients are ( 13.66)
( 13.67) The relaxation oscillation is shifted beyond the cavity cutoff frequency Oe = 1', and the modulation bandwidth is equal to the cavity cutoff frequency. Since P1h is given by Eq. (13.56), the pump rate satisfying this ultimate modulation bandwidth is
( 13.69)
(13 .62) Using the boundary condition (Eq. (13.49)], the Fourier-transformed photon flux fluctuation operator becomes When y '" IOU S-I, i,p = 10-. 9 S, Il,p = I, ano f3 = I, pump ral(.: " must be greater than 10 17 (s -[), which corresponds to the pump current of 16 mA. If the pump rate satisfies this condition, the 3-08 down-modulation bandwidth is as high as le = y /271' "" 1.6 THz. The physical reason for such enormous increase in the modulation bandwidth of a microcavity laser is that the electron lifetime is shortened greatly by the stimulated emission process. The internal field strength produced by a single photon increases with decreasing cavity size.
:IN =
{:4 ftp + tsp + tl -[0 2 (n 2 -
(jO +AlhF
(AlA) -A2A4 + yA[) (A [ A 3
A 2 A 4)
jn(A [
jO(A[ +A3 -
Y)]Fe } /
+ A 3) }
13 .70 )
The power spectrum is 13.6'"'.
Amplitude Squeezing
The small fl uctuation operators :l Ne and :l
n obey
2 X {Yz..t![Y;sP
y(2nsp - l)n o]
+y2( n 2 + Ai + 2A[A 4 )[ ynsP + y(2nsp - l)n o]
+([0 2 -
(A\A 3 -A2A4
+ yA\)J 2
+02(A[ +A) - y)2)yn o}/
{[02 -
The Fourier transformed photon number fluctuation operator is
Here the tilde (-) stands for the Fourier transformed operator and the
(A\A3 -A 2A 4)J 2 + 02(A\ +A4)2}
Figure 13.34 shows the normalized power spectral density Sj.p,i(O)/2No in the limit n --> 0 as a function of the normalized pump rate r for various f3 values. When the spontaneous emission coefficient f3 is on the order of 10- 5 , the output photon flux fluctuation is reduced to below the shot-noise level only at high pump rates. However, if the spontaneous emission coefficient f3 is close to one, the output photon flux fluctuation is reduced
I~ ~
1~~~2------~----~------~----1~0~2----~~--~~104 ~/p'h-l
to below the shot-noise level at all pump rates including below, near, and above the threshold. The physical reason for this change is obvious from the energy conservation arftument. If the spontaneous emission coefficient f3 is unity, all the injected electrons are converted to photons in a single mode and are extracted from the cavity sooner or later. Therefore, if the output photon number is counted for a time interval much longer than the delay time involved in the electron-photon conversion process and in the photon escaping process, the photon number is constant because of the constant electron number. The time constant is the spontaneous lifetime T,p at a pump rate far below the threshold, and is the photon lifetime 1/" at a pump rate far above the threshold. This is clearly demonstrated in Figure 13.35, in which the normalized photon flux fluctuation spectra are plotted as a function of the pump rate. When the spontaneous emission coefficient f3 is much smaller than unity, on the other hand, the conversion efficiency from the injected electrons to the emitted photons jumps suddenly at the threshold, where the output photon number is fluctuating.
FillUre 13.34. Normalized photon flux spectral density as a function of normalized pump rate P/P'h - 1.
The microcavity semiconductor laser can concentrate all the spontaneous emission power into the single cavity resonant mode and realize a nearunity quantum efficiency of spontaneous emission, even though it is a one-dimensional periodic structure. The characteristics of a semiconductor laser can be altered drastically by increasing the coupling efficiency of spontaneous emission in this way. The microcavity semiconductor laser is a high-quantum-efficiency, low-threshold pump-rate, high-speed, and low-noise surface-emitting light source. Potential applications include ultra-high-speed optical communication, optical connection in LSI, and two-dimensional optical information processing. It is essential that the spontaneous emission Iinewidth be much narrower than the cavity resonant Iinewidth. A possible "exciton laser" [19J is one candidate for meeting the above requirement. A "quantum wire or dot laser" [201 is another candidate.
------------~) ~<--------------~) ~~-------
pump fluctuation
dipole moment fluctuation
vacuum field fluctuation
~ 10
Frequency FillUre 13.35. number no'
Normalized photon flux spectra for f3 - 1 as a function of internal photon
ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors wish to thank Or. Yoshiji Horikoshi of the NIT Basic Research Laboratories for preparing the GaAs quantum well samples.
Let us consider a metal clad optical waveguide, in which a semiconductor core region (post) has the same layered structure as the half-wavel~ngth ~r one-wavelength microcavity discussed in Section 13.4 and a dielectrIc buffer layer exists between semiconductor core and metal clad. It IS possible to make only the fundamental m(~~e of the waveguuJe be resonant for the microcavity by satisfying the condItions f3 0 d
( 13.Al)
= 1T
fundamental mode is given by [3] 16v~
v =:
(c 3
Here A, is the cross section of the waveguide and ~ = 1 for circular and = 2 f~r square waveguides. The density of states normalized by the free-space value, Pfs(v) = 81T1I 2 /C 3 , is given by
( 13.AS)
and 1T
130 12 = 2
( 13.A2)
where 13 0 , 13o, and 130 are the propagation constants of the fundamental mode in the optical cavity layer and in the two DBR layers. It IS also possible to make all the other guided modes be otf-~esonant (either In the stopband or outside of the stopband) if the wavegUlde IS not too large. A low refractive index butfer layer is inserted between semiconductor core and metal clad to decrease the absorption loss of the fUlldamental IIlode due to metal surface. The vacuum field intensity of the fundamental mode is enhanced by the microcavity, as long as the decreased absorption loss a o satisfies
1 1 ao < - I n Left R
where L ff is the etfective cavity length of the microcavity and R is the reftectio; coefficient of the DBR. On the other hand, the vacuum field intensities of all higher-order modes are not enhanced by the microcavity, because these modes are either inside or outside the stopband of the DBRs. Therefore, the structure realizes increased coupling efficiency of spontaneous emission into the fundamental mode and decreased spontaneous emission lifetime simultaneously. The propagation constant 130 of the fundamental mode is 130 = 21T';1I2 - v5/c, where 110 is the fundamental mode cutotf frequency and is given by Vo "" 0.58(c/a) for circular and by Vu = O.7!(c/a) tor square metal clad waveguides. Here c is the light velocity in core medium and (j is core diameter. If the core medium does not have a microcavity structure but rather has a uniform refractive index, the density of states for the
The normalized density of states is enhanced enormously just above its cutoff v "" II{) [3]. This is because the fundamental mode near its cutoff does not propagate along the wave guide but is almost "trapped" at same position as a resonator mode. This is the case for microwave superconductor waveguides. However, the fundamental mode near its cutoff has fairly large absorption loss due to metal surface at optical frequencies. Consequently, this resonant enhancement of spontaneous emission is not practical at optical frequencies. If the fundamental mode i:i welll,pove il~ clItoff, (he anijorrlioll lo~~ jij dCClcll.~cd hill Ihu /lll/ltlllllllld dU/l~l/y of ~llIltl~ In III~o d!jlJII.'III!~d fH't'lIltiIIlU to Eq. (l3.AS). Moreover, there are higher-order guided modes, and the normalized density of states for higher-order modes is given by [3J
Here VI is the cutotf frequency of the mode j. In general, Eq. (13.A6) is larger than Eq. (l3.A5). By choosing the waveguide cross section appropriately, Eq. (l3.A6) can be made smaller than one. This becomes possible unless the highest order guided mode is just above its cutoff. In this way, the total density of states for all guided modes except the fundamental mode can be made smaller than the free-space value:
(l3.A7) The inequality Eq. (13.A 7) is unchanged even if the microcavity structure is introduced in semiconductor core, because all the higher-order modes are either in the stopband or outside of the stopband of the DBRs and so [he vacuum field intensity modulation by the microcavity is weak.
The vacuum field intensity for the fundamental mode is, on the other hand, enhanced efficiently by the microcavity. When the effective reflection coefficient of DBRs is R, the normalized density of states is given by pil( ~, )
Pr' ( I')
APPENDIX 13.B. COUPLING EFFICIENCY (3 OF SPONTANEOUS EMISSION IN CONVENTIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR lASERS Let us consider an active volume V enclosed by "perfect reflectors." The number of modes per unit frequency interval is given by 817'1I 2 V /e 3• If we assume that the active dipoles are distributed uniformly in the volume V and are randomly oriented, the electric dipole coupling constant Igl2 is constant for all the modes. Therefore, the total spontaneous rate is given
by Here the resonantly enhanced vacuum field intensity is expressed as the increased density of states for convenience. If AlAs/GaAs core-metal clad square waveguide with a = 0.5 /.Lm is assumed, 110/v ::< 0.32 for A = O.B /.Lm and Eq. (13.A8) reduces to pb(I1)/p/.,(v) "" 0.1/0 - R). When R = 0.95, R = 0.99, and R = 0.999, p(j(I')/Pjs(ll) ::< 2, 10, and 100. The coupling efficiency of spontaneous emission into the fundamental mode is approximately given by (3 = p&(ll)/[pb(l1) + Lh I p/I')] and is about 0.67, 0.91, and 0.99, respectively. Note that large refractive index difference is not required to achieve high quantum efficiency. The spontaneous emission lifetime normalized by the free-space value is approximately given by Tsplrs~ = p/s(II)/[pb(v) + LI;>I pi"») and is about 0.33, lO-1 and 10- 2 • respectively. The absorption loss of the fundamental mode is calculated by the Maxwell equation taking into account the complex refractive index of metal [21, 22]. For a 0.5-/.Lm-thick AlGaAs slab waveguide c1added by Au. the absorption loss of TEn and TMo modes are about 80 and BOO cm - I. respectively. The at?sorption loss of the fundamental mode of the square waveguide is approximately given by the sum of the absorption coefficients of TEo and TMo mode in a slah waveguidc. If a dielectric buffer layer with refractive index nb and thickness b is inserted between AIGaAs core and Au clad, the absorption loss is decreased by a factor
where ko = 27T/A is a free-space wavenumber. When (30"" 3.5k o, fib = 1.45 (for Si0 2 ), and b = 0.1 /.Lm, the factor is about lO-2. Therefore, the absorption loss of the fundamental modc is reduced to about 9 cm -I by the buffer layer. Since the effective cavity length of AIAs/GaAs microcavity Left is about 1 /.Lm, the inequality Eq. (13.A2) is satisfied for the reflection coefficient R of 0.999. Therefore, the coupling efficiency (3 ::< 0.99 and the normalized spontaneous emission lifetime Tsp/ T;~ ~ 10 - 2 can be realized simultaneously by the metal clad optical waveguide microcavity.
Here 2 r is the spontaneous emission linewidth in radians per second (FWHM). The spontaneous emission rate Eel into the lasing mode at " = "0 is
( 13.B2) From Eqs. 03.B1) and 03.B2), the spontaneous emission coefficient f3 is calculated as
Here tlA = (A 2 /7Tc oH' is the spontaneous emission linewidth in meters (FWlfM) and c = Co/Il. This model is only an approximate one for a real semiconductor laser. A more accurate model for estimating the spontaneous emission coefficient is described below. The spontaneous emission is partly coupled to guided modes in an active waveguide and is partly coupled to radiation continuum modes. The spontaneous emission radiated at angles 'Y larger than the critical angle 'Ye of the total internal reflection is trapped in guided modes. so that the coupling efficiency into the guided modes is
fy~ /2 [sin'" + sin 'Y + sin 'Y cos 2 'Y] d'Y g/2[siw''Y + sin'Y + sin 'Ycos 2 'Y] d'Y
eos 'Ye
P wave
s wave
P wave
vertical dipole
horizontal dipole
horizontal dipole
Of the spontaneous emission coupled to guided modes, only a small fraction is actually coupled to the lasing mode . Suppose the active waveguide supports only the fundamental transverse mode. The number of guided modes within the spontaneous emission linewidth is then given by ( 13.B5)
where a factor of 2 accounts for the two polarization directions and dAc = A2/2nL is the longitudinal-mode separation. The single-mode waveguide has a cross-sectional area on the order of A df - ,\2/ 4n 2 , so that the active layer length L is related to the active volume V Via L = 4n2V/A2. The coupling efficiency into the lasing mode from all the guided modes is thus given by
( 13.86)
From Eqs. 03.B4) and (13.B5), the spontaneous emission coefficient f3 is
f3 ==
1/ 8 X 17, =
A4 cos Ye 16nJ.lA V
( 13.B7)
If the refractive index ratio n 2 /n l of the active waveguide and the cladding medium is - 0.92, which is typical in a semiconductor laser, cos Ye "" 0.4, and Eq. (13.B7) reduces to A.j
= 0.025 -n"-3d-'A-V
The two different models result in the same spontaneous emission coefficient [Eqs. (13.B3) and (13.B8)]. If we use the numerical parameters of a typical semiconductor laser, A = 8 X 10- 7 m, n = 3.5, .lA = 5 x 1O-~ m, and V = 4 X 10- 16 m 3 , the spontaneous emission coefficient is on the order of f3 = 10- 5 •
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Absorption. semiconductor lasers. bulk properties. 61 Absorption spectrum. semiconductor lasers. bulk properties. 60 Accuracy. spectroscopy: hypocoherent optical sweep generator. 148 stabilized center frequency. 151 AC Stark effect. rubidium atomic clock. 176.178 Active admittance. modulation/noise spectra. theory. 78 Active layer. phase tunable distributed feedback lasers. experimental resulL~ with. III Active mode lockin/!. spectroscopy. 157 Active region. distrihuted Brag!! reOector (DBR) lasers with phase control region. experimental results with. 102 Adiabatic approximation: semiconductor laser. 34 spectroscopy, 140 Adiabatic chirp, Fabry-Pcrot laser with passive optical feedback.. 52-55 Adiabatic response, semiconductor laser, power spectra of. 24 A1GaAs laser: double-heterostructure semiconductor laser. injection-locking phenomena,
:177-37H semiconductor laser, 12 A1lan variance: real-time processing system. spectroscopy, 151 spectroscopy, 139 a parameter: injection-locking theory. 376 semiconductor laser. R semiconductor lasers. bulk properties, 64
spectroscopy. 140 traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier, 297. 308 Amorphous silicon film. spectroscopy. 171 Amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) systems. see also Spontaneous emission cavity resonance suppression, travelingwave semiconductor laser amplifier. 267 components, traveling-wavr semiconductor laser amplifier. 312 noise, semiconductor laser amplifier (high-bit-rate and wavelength-division· multiplexed), 329 Amplifier facet reflectivity. injectionlocking phenomena. 380 Amplitude, coherent detection concepts,
193 Amplitude fluctuation: .semiconductor laser. 5 in total output. mode partition noise, 421-429 Amplitude modulation, direct frequency modulation. wavelength-tunable laser.
129 Amplitude squeezing: by balanced detectors with delay line, squeezed-state generation, experiments in,527-530 controlled spontaneous emission (microcavity laser) characteristics. 606-609 . by conventional balanced detectors. squeezed-state generation. experimen!s in,526-527 by face-to-face coupled balanced detectors. squeezed-state generation, experiments in, 530-532 modulation/noise spectra, applications
Amplitude s.queezing ,Continued) and companwru.. 89 in la.>er. reservOIr Ibwry. 4lS1-489 second threshold for. squeezed-state generation theory. noise-equivalent circuit. 511-513 Analytic;!l spectroscopy, applications of. 170-172 Angled facet structure. cavity resonance suppression. traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier. 267-269 Angled stripe structure, cavity resonance suppression, traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier. 267-269 Angular spectrum approach. cavity resonance suppression, truveling-wuve semiconductor laser amplifier, 261 Antibunched light from independent radiators, photon-number-squeezed light generation, 554-559 Antiretlection coating: cavity resonance suppression, travelingwave semiconductor laser amplilier. 260-267
spectroscopy, 144 ASK systems: coherent opticallibre transmission studies (experimental), 238 heterodyne receiver. coherent detection system design, 199-200 Asymmetric detuning, injection-locking theory, 373-377 Atom berween distributed Bragg retlectors, controlled spontaneous emission (microcavity laser), 573-586. See also Bragg retlector laser Atom berween ideal mirrors, controlled spontaneous emission (microcavity laser), 566-573 Atomic beam spectroscopy, 160 Atomic clock: cesium atomic dock, 173-175 rubidium atomic clock, 175-179 Atom in free space, controlled spontaneous emission (microcavity laser), 564-566 Auger recombination lifetime. travelingwave semiconductor laser amplifier, 290 Auger recombination process, travelingwave semiconductor laser amplifier, 280
Automatic frequency control, coherent detection concepts. 193 Auxiliary optical source. in·loop. photon· number-squeezed light generation. 550-553 Axial spatial hole burning. semiconductor laser. Iinewidth floor. 66
Babinet-Sokil (BS) compe:llaliJr. :;83. 393 Balanced deu:cton: coupled. face-ID-face. amplitude >queezing by.\e generatIOn. cxpenmcnts in. 53(j-532 with delay line. amplitude squeezing by. squeezed-state generation. experiments in. 527-530 light-emitting diodes and shot-noise calibration by. squeezed-state generation. experiments in. 520-525 Balanced receivers: coherent detection system design. 210 sensitivity, coherent detection concepts. 198 Band-filling elTect: cuvity resonunce suppression. Iruvclingwave semiconductor laser amplifier. 265
traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier. 280 Bandgap. semiconductor lasers, bulk properties. 60 Band structure. spectroscopy. 148 Beamsplitter: extraction of in-loop photons by, photon-number-squeezed light generation. 549-550 photon-number-squeezed light genl!fution. 548 Beat-induced crosstalk. semiconductor laser amplifier (high-bit-rate and wavelength-division-multiplexed),352 Beatlinewidth. coherent detection system design. 216. 217 Beut noise: signal·spontaneous, trawling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier. 282. 284-286 spontaneous-spontaneous. semiconductor laser amplifier (high-bit-rate and wavelength-division-multiplcxcd). 333. 334
Beat signal. Fabry-Perot laser with passive optical feedback, 55 Bias currents. coupled cavity lasers. experimental results with. 110 Bias voltage. semiconductor laser. power spectra of. 28 Blue-shift: direct frequency modulation. wavelengthtunable laser. 128, 129, 132 semiconductor lasers. conventional. 124 spectroscopy, 151 Booster amplifier, travcling-wave semiconductor laser lImpliJier. 309. 310.315 Boundary condition. multielectrode distributed feedback (DFB) laser.
experimental results with. 116 Bragg frequency. multielectrode distributed feedback (OfB) laser. experimental results with. 11 S Bragg ret1eclOr laser. .see Distributed Bragg ret1ector (OBR) laser atom berween distributed, controlled spontaneous emission (microcavity laser). 573-586 distributed Bragg retlector (DBR) lasers with phase control region. experimental results with. 107 Fabry-Perot laser with passive optical feedback, 50. 54. 55 half-wavelength cavity. controlled spontaneous emission (microcavity laser), 577-582 one-wavelength cavity. controlled spontaneous emission {microca vity laser). 582-586 reflection characteristics. controlled spontaneous emission (microcavity laser). 574-577 Bragg wavelength: distributed Bragg retlector (DBR) lasers with phase control region. experimental results with. 103. 104 multielectrode distributed feedback (DFB) laser. experimental results with. 117-118. 118 phase tunable distributed feedback lasers. experimental results with. Ill, 112.113 semiconductor laser. 47 Brewster angle, controlled spontaneous emission (microcavity laser). 576 Brillouin amplifier system. coherent optical fibre transmission studies (experimental). 234-235 Brillouin gain. crosstalk due to nonlinear optical effects. 246 Brownian motion. semiconductor laser. power spectra of. 25 Buffer gases. rubidium atomic clock. 176 Bulk properties. semiconductor laser. 60-65 Buried facet structure, cavity resonance suppression. traveling-wave semiconductor laser ampliJier. 269-272 Bun-jointed distributed Bragg reflector laser. with phase control region, experimental results with. 106 Carrier density: coupled cavity lasers. experimental results with. 109. 110 direct frequency modulation, wavelengthtunable laser. 131 multielectrode distributed feedback (DFB) laser. experimental results with.
H5. In phase tunable distribUlCd feedback: lasers. experimental results 113 rate equation. scmicondUClOf laser amplifier (high-bit-rate and wavclength-division-multiplcxedl. 325 required for transparency. traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier. 278 semiconductor lasers. conventional. 123 spectroscopy. 140 . Carrier density distribution. multielectrode distributed feedback (DFB) laser. experimental results with. 114•. 115. 119 Carrier density modulation: direct frequency modulation. wavelength-tunable laser. 128 semiconductor lasers. conventional. 123 Carrier density nonuniformity: multielectrode distributed feedback (DFB) laser. experimental results with. 119 semiconductor lasers. conventional. 126 Carrier diffusion. modulation/noise speclfU. theory. 82 Carrier distribution. direct frequency modulation. wavelength-tunable laser, 129 Carrier effect. semiconductor lasers. conventional. 122 Carrier heating. Fabry-Perot laser with passive optical feedback, 53 Carrier lifetime: coupled cavity lasers. experimental results with. 110 direct frequency modulation. wavelength-tunable laser, 126. 131 semiconductor laser amplifier (high·bit· rate and wavelength-divisionmultiplexed). 326. 351 semiconductor lasers, conventional. 123 traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier. 278. 290. 301. 306 Currier mobility. spectr05copy, 141 Carrier number, semiconductor laser. g. 31 diffusion coefficients of. 19 Carrier number fluctuations: modulation/noise spectra. theory. 83 semiconductor laser. linewidth floor. 66 Carrier-rate equations. modulation/noise spectra, theory. 82-83. 84 Cascade. semiconductor laser amplifier (high-bit-rate and wavelength-divisionmultiplexed). 330 Cascaded linear amplifier chain. signal-tonoise ratio. traveling-wave semiconductor laser ampliJier, 312-315 Cascade variance formula, photon-numbersqueezed light generation. 557
620 Cavity: closed. semiconductor laser. power spectra of. 29 Fahry-Perot laser with passive optical feedback. 49 Cavity length. extemal-cavity semiconductor laser, experimental results with, lOO. 101 Cavity loss: coupled cavity lasers. experimental results with. 107 distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) lasers with phase control region. experimental results with. 105 multielectrode distributed feedback (DFB) laser, experimental results with. 120 phase tunable distributed feedhack lasers. experimental results with. 113 spectroscopy. 140 Cavity modes. spectroscopy. 140 Cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED). spectroscopy. 142. 147-148. 164. 16R-16'1 Cavity resonance suppression. travelin!!wave semiconductor laser amplifier. 259-272 Cavity structure. linewidth and. semiconductor laser. 37-60 Center frequency stabilization. field spectrum. spectroscopy. 148-151 Central limit theorem. semiconductor laser. Langevin rate equations. 18 Cesium atomic clock. spectroscopy. 173-175 Change of variables. semiconductor laser. Langevin rate equations. 1(, Channel capacity. squeezed state of light. 464
Channeled substrate BH C 3. coupled cavity lasers. experimental results with. 109 Channel spacing considerations. coherent optical fibre transmission studies (experimental),245 Channel substrate planar (CSP )-type semiconductor laser. injection-locked semiconductor laser amplifier_ 386 Chaos. Fabry-Perot laser with passive optical feedback. 56 Characteristic length. for Bragg reflection. semiconductor laser. 47 Chemical potential (of photons). semiconductor laser, power spectra of. 28 Chemical vapor deposition. spectroscopy. 171 Chirped pulse, tra veling-wa ve semiconductor laser amplifier, 308
1Nl )/:..\ Chirp reduction. Fabry-Perot laser with passive optical feedback. 52, 54 Chromatic dispersion. coherent detection system design. 205 C~ laser: coupled cavity lasers. experimental results with. 109 direct frequency modulation. wavelength-tunable laser. 132 (C3 ) laser_ cleaved coupled cavity. coupled cavity lasers. experimental results with. 108 Classica I descriptions, of laser lighL semiconductor laser and. 9-12 Cleaved coupled cavity (C 3 ) laser, coupled cavity lasers, experimental result< with. 108 Coherence collapse: Fabry-Perol laser with passive optical feedback. 56-57 spectroscopy. 144 Coherent detection. 191 -255 advantages of. over direct detection. 191 experimental optical fiber transmission studies. 231-24R FSK and DPSK field trials. 244 future possibilities. 247-248 homodyne systems. 233-235 multichannel systems. 244-247 nonsynchronous heterodvne systems. 23~-244
optical phase-locked-loop system. 233-235 semiconductor laser. 231-233 synchronous heterodyne systems. 235 historical perspective on. 19i-192 system concepts. 192- I 99 configuration. 192-194 principles. 194-199 system design concepts (advanced). 219-231 phase diversity detection. 227-231 polarization-insensitive detection. 219-227 system design considerations. 19'1-2 19 heterodyne receivers. 203-205 homodyne receivers, 201-203 laser linewidth considerations. 213-219 modulation formats. 199-201 performance degradation due to nonideal operating conditions. 205-213 Coherent optical transmission systems: injection-locked semiconductor laser amplifier. 401-407 traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier. 310 Coherent receiver. noise. semiconductor
IND/'.:\ laser amplifier (high-hit-rate and wavelength-division-multiplexed).333 Coherent state: of light. 1-2 semiconductor laser. 10.11. 12.35 spectroscopy. 139 squeezed state oflight. 463 Combination tones. spectroscopy, 148. 159 Combined polarization and phase diversity systems. coherent optical fibre transmission studies (experimental). 243 Common-mode suppression factor. squeezed-state generation experiments. 520-525 Communication systems, see Optical communication systems Commutation relation. squeezed state of light. 462 Commutator bracket conservation. reservoir theory. 479-482 Completeness relation. semiconductor laser. 38 Complex reflectivit\': distributed Bragi reflector (DBR) lasers with phase control region. experimental results with. 102 Fabry- Perot laser with passive optical feedback. 49 phase tunable distributed feedback lasers. experimental results with. I11 Complicated laser structures: experimental results with. 98-121 coupled cavity lasers. 107-11 I distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) lasers with phase control region. 101-107 external-cavitv semiconductor laser. 99-JOI . muItielectrode distributed feedback (DFB) lasers. 114-121 phase-tunable distributed feedhack lasers. 1 I 1-114 frequency tUl1ahility. frequency modulation. and spectral Iinewidth of. 97-136 modulation/noise spectra of. 77-95. See also Modulation/noise spectra Composite-cavity laser. mode partition noise. 426 Confinement factor. semiconductor laser amplifier (high-bit-rate and wavelength-division-multiplexedJ_ 325 Confinement factor r. semiconductor laser amplifier (high-bit-rate and wavelength-division-muItiplexed)_ 346 Confocnl Fabry-I'crot interferometer. spectroscopy. 144
621 Constant current v.,. constant voltage operation, squeezed-state generation theory, current noise of singleheterojunction diode. 499-502 Constant phase curve. Fabry-Perot laser with passive optical feedback. 56 Constant power. multielectrode distributed feedback (DFB) laser. experimental results with, 119 Constant voltage vs. constant current operation. squeezed-state generation theory. current noise of singleheterojunction diode. 499-502 Continuous-phase frequency-shift keying (CPFSK) system: coherent detection system design, 200 coherent optical fibre transmission studies (experimental). 237 Continuous-phase frequency shift-keying (CPFSK) system_ optical communication systems. 98 Continuous polarization tracking. coherent detection system design concepts (advanced). 221 COJltinuous tuning: coupled cavity lasers. experimental results with. 109 distrihuted Bragg reflector (DBR) lasers with phase control region. experimental results with. 104 optical communication systems. 98 range: distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) lasers with phase control region. experimental results with. 103. 105 phase tunable distributed feedback lasers. experimental results with. 113 wavelength: distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) lasers with phase control region. experimental results with. 105 multielectrode distributed feedback (DFB) laser. experimental result< with. 119 phase tunable distributed feedback lasers. experimental results with. 112. 113 Contour integration. semiconductor laser. 33 Controlled spontaneous emission (microcavity laser)_ 561-615 atom between distributed Bragg reflectors. 573-586. See also Bragg reflector laser atom between ideal mirrors, 566-573 atom in free space, 564-566 characteristics of, 600-609 amplitude squeezing. 606-609
622 Controlled spontaneous emission (microcavity laser) (Continued) basic equations. 600-602 modulation bandwidth. 604-606 threshold pump rate reduction. 602-604 coupling efficiency ~. conventional semiconductor laser. 613-614 experimental evidence. 586-600 device preparation and reflection characteristics. 586-588 enhanced and inhibited absorption. 588-591 enhanced and inhibited spontaneous emission. 598-600 excitonic spontaneous emission. 591-595 modified radiation patterns. 595-598 pump wavelength dependence. 595 metal clad optical waveguide microcavity. 610-612 overview ot: 561-562 vacuum-field-induced Rabi oscillation. 562-563 Weisskopf-Wigner theory. 563-564 Conventional balanced detectors. amplitude squeezing by. squeezedstate generation. experiments in. 526-527 Correlated photon pairs. photon-numbersqueezed light generation. 550 Correlated spontaneous emission. spectroscopy. 157 Correlation. mode partition noise. 431 Correlation function. semiconductor laser. power spectra of. 26 Correlation time, semiconductor laser, power spectra of. 21 Costas optical phase-locked-loop, coherent detection system design. 202-203 Coulomb blockage. reservoir theory. 478 Coulomb repUlsion effect. reservoir theory, 477 Coupled balanced detectors. face-to-face. amplitude squeezing by, squeezedstate generation. experiments in, 530-532 Coupled cavity lasers, experimental results with, 107-111 Coupling coefficient: distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) lasers with phase control region, experimental results with, 102, 106. 107 multielectrode distributed feedback (DFB) laser, experimental results with. 120, 120-121 Coupling efficiency, Bragg reflectors. controlled spontaneous emission
INDEX (microcavity laser). 578-580 Coupling efficiency p, spontaneous emission. <;onventional semiconductor laser, 613-614 Coupling strength, distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) lasers with phase control region. experimental results with. 106 CPFSK system, see Continuous-phase frequency-shift keying (CPFSK) system Critical angle of total reflection. controlled spontaneous emission (microcavity laser),575 Cross-gain saturation. spectroscopy. single-mode oscillation. 138 Cross-resonance, spectroscopy, 161 Cross-saturation. spectroscopy. single-mode oscillation. 138 Crosstalk: beat-induced. semiconductor laser amplifier (high-bit-rate and wavelength-division-multiplcxcd). 352 due to non linear optical effects. coherent optical fibre transmission studies (experimental). 245 saturation-induced: reduction of nonlinearity. semiconductor laser amplifier (high-bit-rate and wavc:lengthdivision-multiplexed).358 semiconductor laser amplifier (highbit-rate and wavelength-divisionmultiplexed), 341. 352 Current C. semiconductor laser. diffusion coefficients of. 19 Current noise of double-heterojunction diode: current-voltage characteristic. squeezedstate generation theory. 502·504 squeezed-state generation theory, 502-506 Current noise of single-heterojullction diode, squeezed-state generation theory, 489-502 Current ratio. multielectrode distributed feedback (DFB) laser. experimental results with. 118, 121 Current-voltage characteristics. squeezedstate generation theory, current noise of single·heterojun<;tion diode, 490-492 Cyclic excitation, spectroscopy. 170 Damping coefficients. semiconductor laser. 31 Darling-Dennison resonance. spectroscopy, 159 DC bias: current. coupled cavity lasers.
INDE.X cxperimental results with, 109 ,lirect frequency modulation. wavelength-tunable laser. 127 Dead time. photon-number-squeezed light generation. 555 Dead-time-modified Poisson process. photon-number-squeezed light generation. 543 Degree of squeezing: vs. laser pump rate. squeezed-state generation. experiments in. 533-534 vs. optical loss, squeezed-state generation. experiments in. 532-533 Delay demodulation. coherent detection system design. 218 Delayed self-homodyne system. spectroscopy. 145 Delay IF demodulation. coherent detection system design. 217 Delay modulation. coherent detection system design, 204-205 Delta function correlation. semiconductor laser. Langevin ratc equations. 17 Demodulation. coherent detection system design. 217-218 Density matrix. rubidium atomic clock, 177 Density matrix master equation method, I Deterministic instability. spectroscopy. 144 single-mode oscillation. 139 DFB . .lee Distributed feedback (DFB) Dicke narrowing. rubidium atomic clock. 176 Dielectric fu nction. semiconductor laser, 38 DitTusion. semiconductor laser. Langevin rate equations. 14 DilTusion coefficients. semiconductor laser. 11. 18-20.32.33,37 diffusion coefficients of, 19 Langevin rate equations. 14-15 detennination of. 15-16 Gaussian random variables. 17-18 time and frequency correlations. 16-17 power spectra of. 25 Dipole fluctuations: macroscopic coherence and, I modulation/noise spectra. theory, 83-84 Dipole (horizontal and vertical). controlled spontaneous emission (microcavity laser). 567 Direct detection: coherent detection contrasted. 191 multichannel direct-detection systems, semiconductor laser amplifier (highbit-rate and wavelength-divisionmultiplexed), 340-342 semiconductor laser amplifier (high-bitrate and wavelength-divisionmultiplexed), 335
Direct-dctection receiver, semiconductor laser amplifier (high-bit-rate and wavelength-division-multiplexed).334 Direct frequency modulation. 2 Discrete tuning range: distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) lasers with phase control region. . experimental results with, 103 phase tunable distributed feedback lasers, experimental results with. 113 Dispersion relation. multielectrode distributed feedback (DFB) laser. experimental results with, 116 Distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) laser. see also Bragg reflector laser direct frequency modulation. wavelength-tunable laser. 131 optical communication systems. 97 with phase control region. experimental results with, 101-107 Distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) laser cavity. spectroscopy. single-mode oscilla tion. 138 Distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) region. distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) lasers with phase control region. experimental results with. 103 Distributed feedback (DFB) laser: coherent optical fibre transmission studies (experimental). 232-233 Fabry-Perot laser with passive optical feedback. 59 multielecrrode: direct frequency modulation. wavelength-tunable laser. 132 experimental results with. 114-121 optical communication systems. 97 phase tunable. experimental results with. 111-114 phase-tunable. direct frequency modulation. wavelength-tunable laser, 131 semiconductor laser, 7. 8, 37, 40. 46-48 linewidth floor. 68 power spectra of. 28 Distributed feedback (DFB) laser cavity, spectroscopy, single-mode oscillation, 138 Distributed feedback (DFB) region, phase tunable distributed feedback lasers, experimental results with. Ill, 113 Doped fibers: erbium-doped fiber amplifiers, semiconductor laser amplifier (highbit-rate and wavelength-divisionmultiplexed), 362 rare-earth-doped fiber amplifiers, optical
624 Doped fibers (Continued) fiber transmission studies (experimental). 248 Doppler-free spectroscopy. 160 Double-heterojunction diode. current noise of: current-voltage characteristic, squeezedstate generation theory, 502-504 squeezed-state generation theory, 502-506 Down-shifting, semiconductor laser, power spectra of. 22 DPSK system: coherent detection system design. 200 coherent optical fibre transmission studies (experimental). 235-236 field trials. coherent optical fibre transmission studies (experimental). 243-244 FSK field trials and. optical fiber transmission studies (experimental). 244 Drifl semiconductor laser. Langevin rate equations. 14 Drift vectors. semiconductor laser. 11 Langevin rate equations. 14. 15 Drude theory. semiconductor lasers, bulk properties. 62 Dual·frequency orthogona\ly polarised sources: coherent detection system design concepts (advanced). 223-226 optical fields. coherent optical fibre transmission studies (experimental). 242 Dual (balanced) photodiode optoelectronic preamplifier. coherent detection concepts. 193 DX center. spectroscopy. single-mode scillation. 138 Dynamic carrier temperature. travelingwave semiconductor laser amplifier. 304 ElIective length. distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) lasers with phase control region. experimental results with, 106 ElIective reflectivity. distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) lasers with phase control region. experimental results with. \07 Effective saturation energy per unit area. traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier. 306 Einstein relations. semiconductor lasers. bulk properties. 61 Electrical circuit theory of laser. reservoir theory, 467-H2
Electrical clocks. optical pumping of. spectroscopy.I72-173 Electron-hole recombination. semiconductor laser. 8 Electronic transitions. spectroscopy. 150. 160 Electron-number state. reservoir'theory. 477 Electron-scattering time. semiconductor laser. 41 Electrooptical modulator. spectroscopy. 181 Electrooptic waveguide devices. coherent detection system design concepts (advanced),221 Emission. semiconductor lasers. bulk properties. 61 Enhanced and inhibited absorption. experimental evidence. controlled spontaneous emission (microcavity laser). 588-591 Enhanced spontaneous emission. experimental evidence. controlled spontaneous emission (microcavity laser). 598-600 Enhancement. semiconductor laser. 45 Enhancement to the spontaneous emission rate. semiconductor laser. 45 Envelope. coherent detection system design. 204-205 Envelope demodulation. coherent detection system design. 217. 218-219 Equilibrium photon number. semiconductor laser. 43 Equivalent noise bandwidth. traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier. 282 Erbium-doped fiber amplifiers. semiconductor laser amplifier (highhit-rate and wavelength-divisionmultiplexed).362 Error probability. photon-number-squeezed light generation applications. 553-554 Excess noise coefficient. traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier. 282 Excess noise coefficient X. traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier. 285 Excess noise factor. semiconductor laser amplifier (high-bit-rate and wavelength-division-multiplexed). 328 Excitation control: externally provided. photon-numhersqueezed light generation. 548-553 photon-number-squeezed light generation. 541-544 physical process provided. photon-numbersqueezed light generation. 544-548 Excitation point process. photon-numbersqueezed light generation. 554-556 Excitation statistics. photon-numbersqueezed light generation. 541
Excitonic spontaneous emission. experimental evidence. controlled spontaneous emission (rnicrocavity laser). 591-595 Experimentalist's coherent state. reservoir theory. 477 External cavitv laser: Fahry-Peroi laser with long. modulation/noise spectra. applications and comparisons. 92-94 Fahry-Perot laser with passive optical feedback. 55-57. 58 modes. semiconductor laser. power spectra of. 23 semiconductor laser. 7 coherent optical fibre transmission studies (experimental). 231-232 experimental results with. 99-101 spectroscopy. 144 External compensation. cun'ent source with. photon-numher-squeezed light generation. 553 External feedback. semiconductor laser. 8 External grating laser. Fahry-Perot laser with passive optical feedback. 5~ External noise \'.1. internal noise. reservoir theory. 472-477 Fabry-Perot amplifier (FPA): iniection-Iocked semiconductor laser -amplifier. WO semiconductor laser amplifier (high-bitrate and wavelength-divisionmultiplexed). 336. 350 traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier. 257 rnhry-Perot caVity. semiconductor laser. 39 Fahrv-Perot interferometer: in,iection-Iocking phenomena. 378 semiconductor laser. power spectm of. 22 Fabry-Perot (FP) laser: with highly reflecting mirrors. modulation/noise spectra. applicatiom 1I11d compnrisons. 87-91 with long external cavity. modulation/ noise spectra. applications and comparisons. 92-94 multielectrode distributed feedback (DFB) laser. experimental results with. 114 with passive optical feedback. semiconductor laser. 48-60 semiconductor laser. 8.37.40 power spectra of. 28 semiconductor lasers. conventional. 125 spontaneous emission. semiconductor lasers. 44-46 Fabry-Perot scan. semiconductor laser. 36
Face-to-face coupled balanced detectors. amplitude squeezing by. squeezedstate generation. experiments in. 530-532 Facet phase. phase tunable distributed feedback lasers. experimental results with. I I3 Facet reflectivity. phase tunable distributed feedback lasers. experimental result, with. III Fano factor. photon-number-squeezed light generation. 544. 546. 547. 552. 553. 555. 557 Faraday effect. spectroscopy. 180 Faraday rotator: coherent detection system design concepts (advanced). 220 trnveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier. 276 Feedforward linearization. traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier. 294. 296 Fermi levels. semiconductor laser. power spectra of. 28 Fermi's golden rule. controlled spontaneous emission (microcavity laser). 564 Fiber optics. spectroscopy. 145 Field amplitude. semiconductor laser. Langevin rate equations. 16 Field spectral profile. spectroscopy. 139 Field spectrum: center frequency stabilization of. spectroscopy.148-151 Iinewidth reduction. spectroscopy. 152-154 Filter. semiconductor laser. power spectra of. 21 Filter response. semiconductor laser. power spectra of. 20 Filter response time. semiconductor laser. power spectra of. 21 Final gain. traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier. 300. 302. 306 Finesse. spectroscopy. 150 Fluctuation-dissipation theorem. 1 for internal electron number. squeezedstate generation theory. noiseequivalent circuil 508-509 for internal photon number. squeezedstate generation theorv. noiseequivalent circuit. 509-510 modulation/noise spectra. 77 theory. 79 reservoir theory. 465 semiconductor laser. 43 F1uctuations. semiconductor laser. Langevin rate equations. 14 Fluctuations about steady state. frequency spectra. 31-35
626 FM. see Frequency modulation (FM) F matrix. multielectrode distributed feedback (OfB) laser. experimental results with. 115 Fokker-Planck equation. I mode partition noise. 424-425. 451 semiconductor laser. I1 Langevin rate equations. 14-15 Fourier analysis. semiconductor laser. 31-32 Fourier frequency. spectroscopy. 139 Fourier transform. reservoir theory. 480 Four·wave mixing: large·signal effects. semiconductor laser amplifier (high·bit·rate and wavelength-division·multiplexed).355 semiconductor amplifiers. crosstalk due to nonlinear optical effects. 247 semiconductor laser amplifier (high·bit· rate and wavelength-division· multiplexed). 343 FP laser. see Fabry-Perot (FP) laser Franck-Hertz effect. photon-numbersqueezed light generation. 544-546 Franck-Hertz source. photon-numbersqueezed light generation. 552 Free carrier absorption. distributed Bragg reflector (OBR) lasers with phase control region. experimental results with. 105 Free carriers. semiconductor lasers. bulk properties. 61 Free energy. semiconductor laser. power spectra of. 28 Free-running laser. spectroscopy. 142 Free-running oscillation. modulation/noise spectra. theory. 79 Free-running power. injection-locking theory. 372 Free spectral range (FRS). traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier. 272 Frequency. coherent detection concepts. 193 Frequency accuracy: cesium atomic clock. 173. 175 rubidium atomic clock. 176 Frequency control principle and method. spectroscopy. 141-148 Frequency demodulator. spectroscopy. 148 Frequency fluctuations. single-longitudinalmode semiconductor laser. spectroscopy. 139-141 Frequency link. spectroscopy. 163 Frequency locked loop. spectroscopy. 155 Frequency-modulated (FM) noise reduction. injection-locked semiconductor laser amplifier. 367 Frequency modulation (FM): coupled cavity lasers. experimental
INDEX results wi th. 109 direct frequency modulation. wavelengthtunable laser. 126 extemal-cavity semiconductor laser. experimental results with. 101 modulation properties. modulation/noise spectra. applications and comparisons. 91 noise (spectral linewidth). 2 noise suppression. injection-locked semiconductor laser amplifier. 391-392 optical communication systems. 98 semiconductor laser. conventional. 121-126 wavelength tunable lasers. 126-132 Frequency modulation (FM) characteristics. spectroscopy. 141 Frequency modulation (FM) indices. injection-locked semiconductor laser amplifier. 387 Frequency modulation (FM) laser spectroscopy. 143. 155 rubidium atomic clock.. 177 Frequency modulation (FM) noise: low-frequency. modulation/noise spectra. applications and comparisons. 85-87 semiconductor laser. linewidth 1100r. 68 spectroscopy. 139 Frequency modulation (FM) response: coupled cavity lasers. experimental results with. 109. 110 direct frequency modulation. wavelengthtunable laser. 127.131.132 phase tunable distributed feedback lasers. experimental results with. 113 semiconductor lasers. conventional. 121. 123 Frequency modulation (FM) spectroscopy. 160 Frequency noise rebroadening. modulation/noise spectra. applications and comparisons. 119 Frequency offset locking. spectroscopy. 155 Frequency reference. spectroscopy. 14H Frequency shift-keying (FSK) system: coherent detection system design. 200 field trials: coherent optical t1brc transmission studies (experimental). 243-244 OPSK and. optical fiber transmission studies (experimental). 244 injection-locked semiconductor laser amplifier. 402 optical communication systems. 98 traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier. 294. 310 wide deviation. coherent optical fibre transmission studies (experimental). 236-237
INDEX Frequency spectra. l1uctuations about steady state. 31-35 Frequency stabiliry. spectroscopy. ISO Frequency sweep. spectroscopy. 157-159 Frequency tracking. spectroscopy. 154-157 Frequency tuning. phase tunable distributed feedback lasers. experimental results with. III Fringe visibiliry. semiconductor laser. 34 FSK system. see Frequency shift-keying (FSK) system GaAs laser: quantum well. experimental evidence. controlled spontaneous emission (micro<:uviry laser). 58b semiconductor laser. 34 Gain: final gain. traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier. 300. 302. 306 optical frequency diagram vs.. Fabry-Perot laser with passive optical feedback.. 54 semiconductor laser. 31 Langevin rate equations. 12 power spectra oC 29 semiconductor lasers. bulk properties. 60. 61 Gain-bandwidth product. injection-locked semiconductor laser amplifier. 391 Gain change. semiconductor laser. power spectra ot: 26 Gain coefficient: multielectrode distributed feedback (DFB) laser. experimental results with. 116 traveling·wave semiconductor laser amplifier. 278 Gain compression factor: mode partition noise. 445 rraveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier. 304-305 Gain constant. semiconductor laser amplifier (high-bit-rate and wavelength-division-multiplexed). 325 Gain difference. traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier. 273 Gain per second. semiconductor laser. power spectra of. 28 Gain saturation. 1 amplifier properties. semiconductor laser amplifier (high-bit-rate and wavelength-division-multiplexed). 325-328 Fabry-Perot laser with passive optical feedback. 52 noise induced. semiconductor laser amplifier (high-bit-rate and wavelength-division-multiplexed). 329
627 semiconductor laser. 31 Gain undulation. traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier. 273 Gain width: coupled cavity lasers. experimental results with. 108 extemal-cavity semiconductor laser. experimental results with. 101 Gaussian approximation. coherent detection concepts. 195 Gaussian noise. mode partition noise. 425 Gaussian pulse. traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier. 303 Gaussian variables: random. semiconductor laser Langevin rate equations. 17-18 power spectra of. 25. 26 semiconductor laser. power spectra of. 26 Generalised receiver sensitiviry. coherent detection system design. 212-213 Generation" and recombination noise. squeezed-state generation theory: current noise of double-heterojunction diode. 505 current noise of single-hcterojunction diode. 496-498 Generation rates. semiconductor laser. Langevin rate equations. 15 Global positioning system. rubidium atomic clock. 179 Grating dispersion. distributed Bragg reflector (OBR) lasers with phase control region. experimental results with. 101 Grating phase. multielectrode distributed feedback (OFB) laser. experimental results with, 116 Gravitational wave detection. spectroscopy. 143. 180 Green's function. semiconductor laser. 8. 38.39,43 Half-wavelength cavity: Bragg relleclors. controlled spontaneous emission (microcavity laser). 577-582 controlled spontaneous emission (microcaviry laser), 567-570 Halperin-Lax bandtail. traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier. 289 Harmonic locking. injection-locked semiconductor laser amplifier. 367 Harmonic mixers. spectroscopy. 151 Harmonic oscillar. semiconductor laser. 10 Heisenberg uncertainty principle: semiconductor laser. 12 squeezed state of light. 462 Heterodyne detection: coherent detection concepts. 193 semiconductor laser. power spectra ot: 22
628 Heterodyne detection (Continued) spectroscopy. 154 using low-value IF. coherent optical fibre transmission studies (experimental). 243-244 Heterodyne receivers, coherent detection system design. 203-205 High-bit-rate optical communication svstems. see Semiconductor laser amplifiers (high-bit-rate and wavelength-division-multiplexed) Higher harmonics. spectroscopy. 148 High-impedence suppression of pump current noise. squeezed-state generation. experiments in. 519-520 High-resolution laser spectroscopy. 137. See also Spectroscopy High-speed direct-detection systems. semiconductor laser amplifier high-bit-rate and wavelength-divisionmultiplexed).335-34O High-speed fiber transmission systems. injection-locked semiconductor laser amplifier. 399-401 High-speed transmission experiment semiconductor laser amplifier (high-bit-rate and wavelength-divisionmUltiplexed).337-34O High-Tt superconductor. spectroscopy. 151 Hole burning. S~ Spatial hole burning: Spectral hole burning Homodyne detection. coherent detection concepts. 193 Homodyne receivers. coherent detection system design. 201-203 Homodyne systems: optical fiber transmission studies (experimental). 233-235 spectroscopy. 154. 155 Horizontal dipole. controlled spontaneous emission (microcavity laser). 567 Hybrid semiconductor laser. semiconductor laser. 7 Hypercoherent optical sweep generator. negative electrical feedback. spectroscopy. 148-159 Hypercoherent state. spectroscopy. 143. 153. 180 Hyperfine energy levels, spectroscopy. 170 IM noise. spectroscopy. 140 Impact avalanche transit time (lMPAIT) diode. injection-locked semiconductor laser amplifier. 367 Impulse response function. spectroscopy. 142 Independent modulation. direct frequency modulation, wavelength-tunable laser. 129 Index guided laser:
semiconductor laser. 38 semiconductor lasers. bulk properties. 62-63 InGaAsP laser: mode partition noise. 422 narrow-linewidth. 68 Inhibited and enhanced absorption. experimental evidence. controlled spontaneous emission (microcavity laser). 588-591 Inhibited spontaneous emission. experimental evidence. controlled spontaneous emission (microc8vity laser). 598-600 Inhomogeneous factor laser. modulation/noise spectra. applications and comparisons. 91-92 Initial gain. traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier. 300. 306 Injection-locked semiconductor laser amplifier. 367-410 applications of. 399-407 FM noise suppression. 391-392 injection-locked semiconductor laser amplifier. 390 injection-locking phenomena. 377-385 injection-locking theory. 370-377 optical FM signal amplification. 385-391 overview of. 367-370 phase modulation. 392-399 Injection-locking (lL) phenomena. 377-~85 locked power and power saturation. 384-385 locking bandwidth. 381-382 phase locking. 382-384 setup and procedures. 377-380 spectroscopy. 181 static phase change. 393-395 verification of. 367 Injection-locking theory: asymmetric detuning. 373-377 van der Pol equation. 370-373 Injection-locking tuning curve. injectionlocking theory. 373 In-line repeater amplifier. traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier. 309. 310 In-loop auxiliary optical source. photonnumber-squeezed light generation. 550-553 In-loop photons, extraction of. by beamsplittc:r. photon-number-squeezed light generation. 549-550 In-phase detection. coherent detection system design concepts (advanced).
228 Integration time. spectroscopy. 150 Intensity. semiconductor laser. 8 Langevin rate equations. 16 Intensity fluctuations. semiconductor laser. 37
power spectra of. 24 Intensity modulation: coupled cavity lasers. experimental results with. 109 ~emicondllctor Insers. conventional, 124 Intensity noise. semiconductor laser. 31 Intensity variables. Fabry-Perot laser with passive optical feedback. 49-50 Interband relaxation time. spectroscopy. 140 Interchannel crosstalk. traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier. 293.294 Interferometer: Fabry-Perot interferometer: con focal. spectroscopy. 144 injection-locking phenomena. 378 semiconductor laser. power spectra of. 22 Mach-Zehnder (MZ) interferometer: injection-locked semiconductor laser amplifier. 393 spectroscopy. 152 Michelson interferometer. semiconductor laser. 34 very lon!!-baseline interferometer. spectroscopy. 143. 180 Intermediate frequency. coherent detection concepts. 193 Intermodulation distortion (lMD): with modulated carrier. semiconductor laser amplifier (hip:h-bit-rate and wavelength-division-multiplexed). 354-355 modulated carriers. semiconductor laser amplifier (high-bit-rate and wavelength-division-multiplexed). 354-355 N-channel. semiconductor laser amplifier (high-bit-rate and wavelength-division-multiplexed). 351-354 reduction of nonlinearity. semiconductor laser amplifier (high-bit-rate and wavelength-division-multiplexed).358 semiconductor laser amplifier (high-bitrate and wavelength-divisionmultiplexed). 343 traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier. 293. 296 Intermodulation-distortion (IMD) measurements. semiconductor laser amplifier (high-bit-rate and wavelength-division-multiplexed). 349-351 Intermodulation-distortion (lMD) theory. semiconductor laser amplifier (highbit-rate and wAvelength-divisionmultiplexed). 342-349 Internal electron number: coupling of internal photon number.
fluctuation-dissipation theorem. squeezed-state generation theory. noise-equivalent circuit 508-509 fluctuation-dissipation theorem. squeezed-state !!eneration theory, noise-equivalent circuit. 508-509 Internal loss: reduction of non linearity. semiconductor laser amplifier (high-bit-rate and wavelength-division-muItiplexed). 357 semiconductor laser amplifier (hi!!h-bitrate and wavelength-divisionmultiplexed). 326. 346 Internal noise vs. external noise. reservoir theory. 472-477 Internal photon number: coupling of in ternal electron number. fluctuation-dissipation theorem. squeezed-state !!eneration theory. noise-equivalent circuit 509-5 \0 fluctuation-dissipation theorem. squeezed-state generation theory. noise-equivalent circuit 509-510 Intersymbol interference. semiconductor laser amplifier (hi!!h-bit-rate and wavelength-division-multiplexed).337 Intervalence band absorption. semiconductor lasers. bulk properties. 63-64.65 Intraband relaxation. spectroscopy. singlemode oscillation. 138 Ionic crystal. spectroscopy. 167 Ion trap. spectroscopy. 167 Irreducible error probability. coherent detection system design. 212-213 Isolated-pulse amplification. traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier. 302-305 Isolation. semiconductor laser. power spectra of. 23 Isotope separation. spectroscopy. 170-171 Isotope shift spectroscopy. 170 Jitter. turn-on jitter of single-mode laser. mode partition noise. 442-444 Josephson devices, spectroscopy. 151 Junction. semiconductor laser. power spectra of. 28 Kane function. traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier, 289 Kerr nonlinearities. crosstalk due to nonlinear optical effects. 246 K factors. modulation/noise spectra. applications and comparisons. 86 Kirchhoff current law. reservoir theory. 468 Kramers-Kronig calculation. semiconductor lasers. bulk properties. 64 Kramers-Kronig relations. semiconductor lasers. bulk properties. 61
630 Lamb shift, spectroscopy. 165 Langevin equation: modulation/noise spectra. applications and comparisons. 88 rate equation: semiconductor laser. 37. 38. 41 semiconductor laser Iluctuations. 12-18 reservoir theory. 466-467 semiconductor laser: diffusion coefficients of. 18 power spectra of. 25 Langevin force: Fabry-Perot laser with passive optical feedback. 50 semiconductor loser. 33. 41 Langevin rate equations. 12. 13. 14. 17 power spectra of. 25 Langevin noise. mode partition noise. 444.
445 Large optical cavity (LOC). traveting-wave semiconductor laser amplifier. 274 Large-signal elTects. semiconductor laser amplifier (high-bit-ratc and wavelength-division-multiplexed).
355-356 Laser cooling: cesium atomic clock. 175 spectroscopy. 154. 165 Laser frequency locking. injection-locked semiconductor laser amplifier. 368 Laser isotope separation. spectroscopy. 170-171 Laser light. classical and quantum descriptions of. 9-12 Laser linewidth. see Linewidth Laser phase noise. see Phase noise Laser pump rate. see Pump rate Laser radar system. spectroscopy. 172 Laser rate equations. Fabry-Perot laser with passive optical feedback. 53 Lasing frequency: multielectrode distributed feedback (DFB) laser. experimental results with. 117 semiconductor lasers. conventional. 125 Lasing wavelength. see also Wavelength direct frequency modulation. wavelength-tunable laser. 126 multielectrode distributed feedback (DFB) laser. experimental results with. 118. 119 Leaky guided modes. controlled spontaneous emi~ion (microcavity laser), 576 Lidar (laser radar system), 172 Light-emitting diodes. balanced detector and, shot-noise calibration by. squeezed-state generation. experiments in. 52(}-525
Light-induced drift. spectroscopy. 170 Light pressure. spectroscopy. 165 Light shift. rubidium atomic clock. 176. 178 Lightwavc intensity. semiconductor laser. diffusion coefficients of. 18.20 Linear envelope. coherent detection system design. 204-205 Linearizer. theory oC. 356-358 Linear laser spectroscupy. 159-164 Line broadening. Fabry-Perot laser with passive optical Ceedbac~ 50. See also Linewidth broadening; Semiconductor laser Lineshape. semiconductor laso:r. 5. 35. 35-37 power spectra ut: 21. 24 Lineshape structure. semiconductor laser. 6.31-37 Linewidth: cavity structure and. semiconductor laser. 37-60 coherent detection ~ystclII dcsillll. 213-214.218-219 distributed Bragg rellector (OBR) lasers with phase control rellion. I!xperimental results with. 107 extemal-cavity semiconductor laser. experimental results with. 100 Fabry-Perotlaser with passive optical feedback. 58 Fabry-Perot laser with passive optical feedback. 60 modulation/noise spectra. applications ami comparisons. g6 multiclectrodc distributed feedback (DFB) laser. expo:rimental results with. 119. 121 phase tunable distributed feedback lasers. experimental results with. 113. 114 semiconductor laser. 5. 6. 7. 35 Iinewidth floor. 65 power spectra ot: 24. 29. 30 single-mode light sources with narrow spectral Iinewidth. 97 Linewidth broad~ning. distributed Bragg rellector (DBR) lasers with phase control region . .:xperilllcntal results with. 106 Linewidth-current products. semiconductor laser. power spectra of. 30 Linewidth enhancement factor a: extemal-cavity semiconductor laser. experimental results with. 100 modulation/noise spectra. theory. 83 multielectrode distributed feedback (DFB) laser. experimental results with. 117.120 reduction of. and loss in quantum well
INDEX lasers. 64-65 reservoir theory. 472 semiconductor laser. 6 semiconductor lasers. bulk properties. 60-63 spectroscopy. 140 Linewidth enhancement factor. semiconductor laser. power spectra of. 30 semiconductor lasers. conventional. 124 Linewidth noor: . multielectrode distributed feedback (DFB) laser. experimental results with. 121 semiconductor laser. 9. 65-68 power spectra of. 30 Linewidth formula: semiconductor laser. b. 31. 32. 33 power spectra 01: 26. 27 semiconductor lasers. bulk properties. 63 Linewidth measurement. semiconductor laser. power spectra of. 23 Linewidth power product: distributed Bragg retlector (DBR) lasers with phase control region. experimental results with. 107 semiconductor laser. power spectra of. 29.30 Linewidth rebroadening. modulation/noise spectra. applications and comparisons. M9
Linewidth reduction: Fabry-Perot laser with passive optical feedback. 49-52. 54-55 field spectrum. spectroscopy. 152-154 multielectrode distributed feedback (DFB) laser. experimental results with. 120 phase tunable distributed feedback lasers. experimental results with. 114 Local oscillator excess intensity noise. coherent detection concepts. 194 Local oscillator laser. coherent detection concepts. 193 Local oscillator tracking. optical communication systems. 98 Local vacuum field fluctuation. atom between ideal mirrors. 566-573 Locked power IInd power saturation. injection-locking phenomena. 384-385 Locking bandwidth. injection-locking phenomena. 381-382 Locking half-bandwi4th: injection-locking phenomena. 381 injection-locking theory. 371 Locking ranges. spectroscopy. 155 Longitudinal mode, coupled cavity lasers. experimental results with. 107. 109 Longitudinal-mode partition noise. 2 Longitudinal-mode spacing; coupled cavity lasers. experimental
631 results with. 107 distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) lasers with phase control region. experimental results with. 101-102, 105 extemal-cavity semicQnduClOr laser, experimental results with. 99 Longitudinal-mode variations. coupled cavity lasers. experimental results with. 108 Lorentzian power spectrum. semiconductor laser. power spectra of. 24 Lorentzian shape: coherent detection system design. 213-214 spectroscopy. 139 Loss. semiconductor laser. Langevin rate o:quations. 12 Loss curve. Fabry-Perot laser with passive optical feedback. 54. 56 Low-frequency FM noise. modulation! noise spectra. applications and comparisons. 85-87 Low-frequency response. semiconductor laser. 31 Low-probability tum-on events. modeling of. mode partition noise. 444-455 Mach-Zehnder (MZ) interferometer: injection-locked semiconductor laser amplifier. 393 spectroscopy. 152 Magnetic sublevels. cesium atomic clock.
173 Majority-carrier flow. thermal tluctuation of. squeezed-state generation theory. current noise of single-hcterojunction diode. 498-499 Markoffian approximation. reservoir theory.
467 Markoffian process. reservoir theory. 465 Markoffian system. semiconductor laser. Langevin rate equations. 14 Master laser. injection-locking theory. 370 Matched load. reservoir theory. 474 Material gain. semiconductor laser amplifier (high-bit-rate and wavelengthdivision-multip1exed). 325 Maximum frequency deviation (MFD). injection-locked semiconductor laser amplifier. 393 Maximum phase deviation (MPD). injection-locked semiconductor laser amplifier. 396 Maximum tolerable beat Iinewidth, coherent detection system design. 217 Mean-square phase change. semiconductor laser. 32-33. 34 power spectra 0(, 25 Mechanical fiber cranD. coherent detecrlon
Mechanical fiber cranks (Continued) system design concepts (advanced). 221 Metal clad optical waveguide microcavity. controlled spontaneous emission (microcavity laser). 610-612 Metal-insulator-metal (MIM) point-contact diodes. spectroscopy. 151 Michelson interferometer. semiconductor laser. 34 Microcavity semiconductor laser: controlled spontaneous emission in. 561-615. See also Controlled spontaneous emission (microcavity laser) spectroscopy. 147. 168 Microchip. spectroscopy. 180 Microoptics. spectroscopy. 145 Microwave-optical double resonance. rubidium atomic clock. 175 Minimal shift-keying (MSK). coherent detection system design. 200 Minimum uncertainty product, reservoir theory. 487 Minimum uncertainty state. squeezed state of light. 462 Minority carrier flow. thermal fluctuation of. squeezed-state generation theory: current noise of double-heterojunction diode. S04 current noise of single-heterojunction diode. 492-496 Minority carrier recombination. semiconductor laser. Langevin rate equatiollS. 13 Mode cross-sectional area. traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier. 280. 291 Mode-hopping: coupled cavity lasers. experimental results with. 109 distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) lasers with phase control region. experimental results ",dth. 103. 104 optical communication systems. 98 phase tunable distributed feedback lasers. experimental results with. 113 spectroscopy. single-mode oscillation. 138 Modeling of low-probability turn-on events. mode partition noise. 444-455 Mode partition. spectroscopy.single-mode oscillation. 138 Mode partition noise. 41 1-459 amplitude fluctuations in total output. 421-429 experimental setup. 417-419 limits to system performance and. 412 modeling oflow-probability turn-on events. 444-455 overview of. 411-413
l 1"'1 1 )f.A
1_'1 ,,,-
steady-state photon statistics. 429-437 theory. 413-417 time-resolved photon statistics. 437-441 turn-on fluctuations in real time. 419-421 turn-on jitter of single-mode laser. 442-444 Mode suppression. distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) lasers with phase control region. experimental results with. 104 Modified radiation pattern: experimental evidence. controlled spontaneous emission (microcavity laser). 595-598 half-wavelength cavity. controlled spontaneous emission (microcavity laser). 567-570 one-wavelength cavity. controlled spontaneous emission (microcavity laser). 570-573 Modulated field. modulation/noise spectra. theory. 81-82 Modulation bandwidth: controlled spontaneous emission (microcavity laser) characteristics. 604-606 direct frequency modulation. wavelength· tunable laser. 132 Modulation formats. coherent detection system design. 199-201 Modulation frequency: direct frequency modulation. wavelengthtunable laser. 128 injection-locked semiconductor laser amplifier. 387 semiconductor lasers. conventional. 121. 124 Modulation frequency dependence: coupled cavity lasers. experimental result.~ with. 109. 110 semiconductor lasers. conventional. 122 Modulation/noise spectra. 77-95 applications and comparisons. 85-94 lasers with inhomogeneous a factor. 91-92 low-frequency FM noise. 85-87 possibilities of reducing to tractable form. 94 short Fabry-Perot laser with highly reflecting mirrors. 87-91 short FP laser with long external cavity. 92-94 optical communication systems. 77 theory structure. 78-85 carrier-rate equations. 82-83 Iinearized multi port description. 78-80 modulated field. 81-82 noise and modulation properties finding. 85 noise currents due to dipole
fluctuations and optical losses. 83-84 InGaAsP lasers. 68 noise currents due to load and far end semiconductor laser. 7 of laser. 84-85 N-channel intermodulation distortion noise sources in carrier-rate equation. (lMD) ..semiconductor laser amplifier !l4 (hlgh-bll-rate and wavelength-divisionsource current~ due to fluctuation in multiplexed).351-354 carrier number and non linear gain. Nearly degenerate four-wave mixing. 83 traveling-wave semiconductor laser transfer functions determination. 80 amplifier. 292. 294-298 Modulation transfer. rubidium atomic Negative electrical feedback: clock. 176 hypercoherent optical sweep generator. Monochromatic radiO'frequency analyzer. spectroscopy. 148-159 semiconductor laser. power spectra of. spectroscopy. 141. 143 22 Neyman Type-A counting distribution. Monolithic laser: photon-number-squeezed light distributed Bragg reflector laser. linewidth generation. 541 floor. 68 Noise. see also entries under types and semiconductor laser. 7 sources of nois~ Multichannel amplification. traveling-wave amplifier properties. semiconductor laser semiconductor laser amplifier. 292-297. amplifier (high-bit-rate and wavelength311 division-multiplexed). 328-335 nearly degenerate four-wave mixing. mode partition noise. 411-459. See also 294-298 Mode partition noise saturation-induced crosstalk. 293-294 pump-noise-suppressed laser. amplitude Multichanncl coherent-detection systems. squeezing in. reservoir theory. 487-489 semiconductor laser amplifier (highreservoir theory: bit-rate and wavelength-divisioninternal noise vs. external noise. multiplexed).342-356 472-477 Multichannel direct-detection systems. pump noise suppression. 477-479 semiconductor laser amplifier (highNoise current~. modulation/noise spectra. hit-rate and wavelenl!th-divisiontheory. 83-84.84-85 multiplexed).340-342 Noise-equivalent circuit. squeezed-state Multichannel systems. optical fiber generation theory. 507-513 transmission studies (experimental). Noise figure: 244-247 F. traveling-wave semiconductor laser Multielectrode distributed feedback (DFB) amplifier. 285. 286. 29 L 312 laser: laser amplifiers. 3 direct frequency modulation. wavelengthsemiconductor laser amplifier (high-bittunable laser. 132 rate and wavelength-divisionexperimental results with. 114-121 multiplexed). 328 Multifrequency frequency shift-keying Noise saturation: (MFSK) system. coherent detection chain of amplifiers. semiconductor laser system design. 200 amplifier (high-bit-rate and Multiple-quantum well (MQW): wavelength-division-multiplexed). multielectrode distributed feedback 330-332 (DFB) laser. experimental results semiconductor laser amplifier (high-bitwith. 120 rate and wavelength-divisionoptical communication systems. 98 multiplexed}.329 semiconductor laser. 7 Noise sources. modulatiOn/noise spectra. bulk properties. 64 theory. !l4 traveling-wavc semiconductor laser Noise (traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier. 316 amplifier). 281-286 Multiport detection. coherent detection overview of. 281-284 system desil!n concepts (advanced). signal-spontaneous beat noise. 284-286 228 spontaneous-spontaneous beat noise, Muonic atoms. spectroscopy. 165 286 Nonlinear frequency modulation Narrow-Iinewidth laser: characteristic. coherent optical fibre hybrid. Fabry-Perot laser with passive transmission studies (experimental}. optical feedback. 58 232
Nonlinear gain: modulation/noise spectra: applications and comparisons, 89. 90 theory, 82, 83 semiconductor lasers, conventional. 124 Nonlinearity. reduction of, semiconductor laser amplifier (high-bit-rate and wavelength-division-multiplexed). 356-361 Nonlinear laser spectroscopy. 159-164 Nonlinear optical effects, crosstalk due to. 245 Nonlinear optical waveguides. spectroscopy. 157 Nonlinear organic waveguide, spectroscopy.
Nonlinear susceptibility, rubidium atomic clock., 176 Nonplanar ring oscillator. spectroscopy. 180 Nonsynchronous heterodyne systems. optical fiber transmission studies (experimental). 235-244 Nonsynchronous IF demodulation. coherent detection system design. 204-205 Nonsynchronous receivers. coherent detection system design, 217-219 Normalized external frequency noise, modulation/noise spectra. applications and comparisons, 93 Nuclear fission, spectroscopy, 170 Number-phase squeezed state. 2 squeezed state of light, 463
IIFnoise: spectroscopy, 141 traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier, 285, 286. 291. 312 One-wavelength cavity: Bragg reflectors. controlled spontaneous emission (microcavity laser). 582-586 controlled spontaneous emission (microcavity laser), 567-570 Open resonator. semiconductor laser. 8 Operating point. Fabry-Perot laser with passive optical feedback., 53. 54 Optical amplifier systems, coherent optical fibre transmission studies (experimental). 238 Optical balanced detector, spectroscopy. 153 Optical communication systems: semiconductor laser, Iinewidth floor, 68 semiconductor laser amplifier (high-bitrate and wavelength-divisionmultiplexed), 323-366. See also Semiconductor laser amplifiers (high-bit-rate and wavelength-divisionmultiplexed)
se~iconductor laser light sources for. 97 tunmg. modulation, and noise properties of,77 Optical feedback: Fabry-Perot laser with passive optical feedback., 53, 54. 56 spectroscopy, 141. 144-.146 Optical fibers. semiconductor laser. power spectra of. 22 Optical fiber transmission studies (experimental). 231-248 FSK and DPSK field trials. 244 future possibilities. 247-248 homodyne systems, 233-235 multichannel systems. 244-247 nonsynchronous heterodyne systems. 235-244 optical phase-locked-loop system. 233-235 semiconductor laser. 231-233 synchronous heterodyne systems. 235 Optical field. semicontiul:tor luser. 10 Optical filter. semiconductor laser. power spectra 01: 22 Optical FM signal amplilication. injectionlocked .semiconductor laser amplifier. 385-391 Optical frequency chirp. Fabry-Perot laser with passive optical feedback. 53 Optical frequency differentia tor. spectroscopy. 152 Optical frequency reference combs. coherent optical tibre transmission studies (experimental). 244-245 Optical gain. phase tunable distributed feedback lasers, experimental results with,113 Optical hybrid designs. coherent detection system design concepts (advanced). 228-229 Optical isolator. injection-locking phenomena. 378 Optical losses: degree of squeezing vs.• squeezed-state generation, experiments in. 532-533 modulation/noise spectra, theory, 83-84 Optical mixing. coherent detection concepts. 194 Optical molasses. spectroscopy. 167 Optical nonlinearities, Fabry-Perot laser with passive optical feedback., 55 Optical-optical double resonance. spectroscopy, 150, 161 Optical phase-locked-loop feedback control. coherent detection concepts. 193 Optical phase-locked-loop system. optical fiber transmission studies (experimental),233-235 Optical power spectra, semiconductor
INDEX laser, power spectra of. 21 Optical pumping: cesium atomic clock., 173 electrical clocks. spectroscopy, 172-173 rubidium atomic clock., 175 solid-state lasers. spectroscopy. 179-181 Optical spread spectrum multiple access network. coherent optical fibre transmission studies (experimenta\). 245 Optical sweep generator. spectroscopy. 157.163 Optimum coupling ratio. coherent detection system design, 208 Optimum loop bandwidth. coherent Jetection system design. 217 Optimum waveform. coherent detection system design concepts (advanced). 226-227 Optoele~tronic generation. sub-poisson electrons. photon-number-squeezed light generation. 548-549 Optogalvallic spectroscopy, 150. 160 Optomechanical feedback., spectroscopy. 144 Orthogonally polarised FSI<. coherent Jetection system design concepts (advanced). 226-227 Orthogonally polarised optical fields. coherent detection system design concepts (advanced). 223-227 Oscillating dipole current, 2 Oscillation condition. modulation/noise spectra. theory. 78 Parametric four-wave mixing. crosstalk Jue to nonlinear optical effects. 246 Parametric frequency conversion, spectroscopy. 157 Parity nonconversation, test of. spectroscopy, 165 Particle properties of light, semiconductor laser, 7-8 Partition noise. see Mode partition noise Passive feedback: Fabry-Perot laser with. 48-60 semiconductor laser. 37. 40, 44 Passive resonator. semiconductor laser. 7 Passive tuning region. direct frequency modulation, wavelength-tunable laser, 131 Passive waveguide. phase tunable distributed feedback lasers. experimental results with. 114 Pauli's spin operators, reservoir theory. 480 Penning trap, spectroscopy, 167 Performance advantage, coherent detection concepts. 194 Perlortnance degradation: due to non ideal operating conditions.
635 coherent detection system design. 205-213 by phase noise. coherent detection system design, 218 Petahertz. spectroscopy. 157 Phase. semiconductor laser. 8. 10 diffusion coefficients of. 18 Langevin rate equations. 16 Phase change. semiconductor laser. 32 power spectra of, 25. 27 Phase compensation. spectroscopy. 152 Phase conjugation mirror. spectroscopy. 144 Phase control. distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) lasers with phase control region, experimcntal results with, 103 Phase control region: distributed Bragg rellector (DRR) lasers with phase control region. experimental results with. 102. 103. 106 phase tunable distributed feedback lasers. experimental results with. III Phase curve. Fabry-Perot laser with passive optical feedback. 54, 56 Phase delay. direct frequency modulation. wavelength-tunable laser. 128 Phase diversity. coherent detection system design concepts (advanced). 228 Phase diversity dctection, coherent detection system design concepts (advanced). 227-231 Phase diversity systems: coherent optical fibre transmission studies (experimental). 242-243 combined polarization systems. coherent optical fibre transmission studies (experimental). 243 Phase error variance. coherent detection system design, 211-213. 215. 218 Phase fluctuations. semiconductor laser. 5.11.34,37 power spectra of. 22. 26 Phase locked loop, spectroscopy, 155 Phase-locked-loop IF demodulation. coherent detection system design. 203-204 Phase-locked-loop receiver (PSKmodulated system). coherent detection system design. 210-211 Phase locking, injection-locking phenomena. 382-384 Phase modulation. injection-locked semiconductor laser amplifier, 392-399 Phase noise: coherent detection system design. 213-214,217.218 semiconductor laser, 6, 7. 8, 11.31. 35 spectrum. semiconductor laser, 31-37 Phase-sensitive amplificationdeamplilication. squeezed state of
Phase-sensitive amplificationdeamplification (Continued) light, 463 Phase shift-keying (PSK) system: coherent detection concepts. 193 coherent detection system design. 199. 200 semiconductor laser, linewidth Ooor, 68 traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier. 294 Phase shift-keying (PSK) !!),stem homodyne. injection-locked semiconductor laser amplifier. 392 Phase-squeezed light, spectroscopy. 181 Phase transition. spectroscopy. single-mode oscillation. 138 Phase-tunable distributed feedback laser: direct frequency modulation. wavelengthtunable laser. 131 experimental results with_ 111-114 Phase tuning. phase tunable distributed feedback lasers. experimental results with. III Phase-tuning region. distributed Bragg reOector (DBR) lasers with phase control region, experimental results with. 101. 107 Phase uncertainty, semiconductor laser. 35 Phase variables. Fabry-Perot laser with passive optical feedback. 49-50 Photolysis. spectroscopy. 171 Photon. semiconductor laser. 8 Photon density. semiconductor lasers. conventional. 123 Photon lifetime: injection-locking phenomena. 382 semiconductor lasers. conventional. 123 spectroscopy. 140 Photon number. semiconductor laser. 10 diffusion coefficients of. 20 Photon-number eigenstate. squeezed state oflight 464 Photon-number Ouctuations. semiconductor laser. 11. 12 Photon-number-squeezed light generation. 539-560 antibunched light from independent radiators. 554-559 applications. 553-554 excitation control, 541-544 externally provided. 548-553 physical process provided. 544-548 overview of. 539-540 Photons per data bit, receiver sensitivity. 199 Photon statistics: for emissions at antibunched times.
photon-number-squeezed light generation. 556-557 mode partition noise. 423-424 relative-intensity noise (RIN). 412 shot noise. 411 steady-state, mode partition noise. 429-437 time-resolved. mode partition noise. 437-441 Piezoelectric fiber squeezers. coherent detection Nystem desilln conccpt~ (advanced),220 Pilot carrier optical phase-locked-loop. coherent detection system design, 201-202 Plasma instability. spectroscopy. 150 PM noise. spectroscopy. 155 Point process. st't' Excitation point process Poisson distribution: of energy. semiconductor laser. 12 mode partition noise. 424 of photons. semiconductor laser. 10 photon statistics and. 411 semiconductor laser, 12 Langevin rate equations. 13. 17 squeezed-state generation experimenl~. 520-525 Poisson point process. 3 Poisson process. spectroscopy. single-mode oscillation. 138 Poisson stream of photons. photon-numbersqueezed light generation. 541 Polarization controllers. coherent detection system design concepts (advanced). 220-221 Polarization dispersion. coherent detection system design. 20S Polarization diversity. coherent optical fibre transmission studies (experimental). 240-241 Polarization diversity receivers. coherent detection system design concepts (advanced). 221-223 Polarization-insensitive detection, coherent detection system design concepts (advanced), 219-227 Polarization-insensitive systems, coherent optical fibre transmission studies (experimental),239-242 Polarization mismatch. coherent detection system design. 205-207 Polarization mismatch sensitivity. coherent detection system design concepts (advanced). 229-231 Polarization modulation. coherent detection system design, 200 Polarizations. traveling-wave semiconductor
laser amplifier. 273 Polarization scrambling: coherent detection system design concept' (advanced). 226-227 coherent optical fibre transmission studies (experimental). 241 Polarization sensitivity of signal gain. traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier. 287 Polarization sensitivity reduction. travel ing-wave semiconductor Inser amplifier. 273-277 Polarization tracking receivers: coherent detection system design concepts (advanced). 220-221 coherent optical fibre transmission studies (experimental). 239-240 Population inversion parameter. travelingwave semiconductor laser amplifier. 282 Power dropoul spectroscopy. single-mode oscillation. 138 Power-independent width. spectTOscopy. 141 Power saturation and locked power. injection-locking phenomena. 384-385 Power spectral density. spectroscopy. 139 Power spectrum. 20-30 evaluation of R and I. 27-30 Fabry-Perot laser with passive optical feedback. 55 laser above threshold. Iow-frequency approximation. 24-27 laser below threshold. 23-24 measurement of. 20-23 semiconductor laser. 22. 24. 36 I'rcamplifier. trnvcling-wave semiconductor laser amrlifier. 30'1 Preamplifier thermal noise. coherent detection concept~, 194 Primary standard time. cesium atomic clock. 173 Probability distribution. semiconductor laser. I1 Langevin rate equations. IS. 17 Propagation constant, cavity resonance suppression. traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier. 262 Propagation constant difference. phase tunable distributed feedback lasers. experimental results with. III PSK see Phase shift-keying (PSK) system Pulse energy gain. traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier. 300. 305.306.307 Pump current noisc. high-impedence suppression of. squeezed-state
generation, experiments in. 529-530 Pump noise. I modulation/noise spectra. theory. 84 shot-noise-limited.3 Pump-noise-suppressed laser: amplitude squeezing in, reservoir theory. 487-489 reservoir theory. 477-479 Pump-probe spectroscopy. 157, 162-163 Pump rate. degree of squeezing vs .• squeezed-state generation. experiments in. 533-534 Pump wavelength dependence. experimental evidence. controlled spontaneous emission (microcavity laser),595 Pure FM modulation. direct frequency modulation. wavelength-tunable laser. 129 QPSK coherent detection system design. 200 Quadrature amplirude. squeezed state of light. 463 Quadrature (1&0) detection. coherent detection system design concepts (advanced). 228 Quadrature-squeezed light, photon-numbersqueezed light generation. 540 Quantum correlation. spectroscopy. 156 Quantum descriptions of laser light semiconductor laser and. 9-12 Quantum jump. spectroscopy. 167 Quantum limit photon-number-squeezed light generation applications. 554 Quantum mechanical Ouctuation-dissipation theorem. reservoir theory. 465 Quantum-mechanical KirchhofT current law. reservoir theory. 468 Quantum-mechanical Langevin equation, I
modulation/noise spectra, applications and comparisons, 88 reservoir theory. 466-467 Quantum mechanical zero-point fluctuations. squeezed state oflight. 463 Quantum noise. semiconductor laser, 8 Quantum noise limit spectroscopy, 143 Quantum-nondemolition measurement system: photon-number-squeezed light generation. 550 spectroscopy. 181 Quantum phase diffusion. squeezed state of light. 464 Quantum theory of radiation.
638 Quantum theory of radiation (Conrillued) semiconductor laser, g, 11-12 diffusion coefficients of, 19 Quantum-well heterostructure, photonnumber-squeezed light generation, 551 Quantum well laser: experimental evidence, controlled spontaneous emission (microcavity laser),586 linewidth enhancement factor reduction and, 64-65 semiconductor laser, 8 linewidth floor, 66 semiconductor lasers, bulk properties, 63 spectroscopy, 144 Quarter-wave-shifted cavity, Fabry-Perot laser with passive optical feedback, 58 Quarter-wave-shifted grating, semiconductor laser, 46, 48 Quasilinear system, semiconductor laser, Langevin rate equations, 16 Rabi oscillation: spectroscopy, 168 vacuum-field-induced, controlled spontaneous emission (microcavity laser), 562-563 Radar system, laser spectroscopy, 172 Radiation pattern: Bragg reflectors, controlled spontaneous emission (microcavity laser), 577-578 modified: experimental evidence, controlled spontaneous emission (microcavity laser), 595-598 half-wavelength cavity, controlled spontaneous emission (microcavity laser), 567-570 one-wavelength cavity, controlled spontaneous emission (microcavity laser),570-573 Radiation reaction, 3 Raman gain, crosstalk due to non linear optical effects, 246 Ramsey spectral profile: cesium atomic clock, 174-175 rubidium atomic clock, 177 Random forces, semiconductor laser, Langevin rate equations, 14 Rare-earth-doped fiber amplifiers, optical fiber transmission studies (experimental),248 Rate equation: semiconductor laser, 8 spectroscopy, 179
INDEX traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplilier, 277, 298 Rate of spontaneous emission, semiconductor laser, 45 Reactive saturation parameter, reservoir theory, 472 Receiver sensitivity: coherent detection concepts, 198 noise-induced impairment. semiconductor laser amplifier (high-bit-ratc and wavelength-division-multiplexed), 332-335 photons per data bit, 199 Recoiling, spectroscopy, 165 Recombination and generation noise, squeezed-state generation theory: current noise of double-heterojunction diode, 505 current noise of single-heterojunction diode, ~96-498 Recombination radiation, spa,;c-dlurgelimited excitation oC photon-numbersqueezed light generation, 546-547 Recombination rate: semiconductor laser, Langevin rate equations, IS semiconductor laser amplifier (high-bitrate and wavelength-divisionmultiplexed). 325 Recombination shot noise, modulation/ noise spectra, theory, 84 Rectangular pulse, traveling-wave semiconductor laser ampiitier, 303 Red-shili: direct frequency modulation. wavelengthtunable laser, 128, 129, 132 semiconductor lasers, conventional, 123, 126 Reduction of non linearity, semiconductor laser arnpliJier (high-bit-rute and wavelength-division-multiplexed). 356-361 Reflection characteristics. Bragg reflectors, controlled spontaneous emission (microcavity laser), 574-577 Reflection mode, spectroscopy, 152 Refractive index change, asymmetric de tuning, injection-locking theory. 373-377 Relaxation oscillations, semiconductor laser. 33 Rc:1ative grating phase, phase tunable distributed feedback lasers, experimental results with, III Relative-intensity noise (RIN), photon statistics, 412
INDEX Relaxation oscillation: Fabry-Perot laser with passive optical feedback, 52 frequency: semiconductor laser, 6 spectroscopy, 140 semiconductor laser, 34, 35 conventional, 124. 126 Renewal point process. photon-numbersqueezed light generation. 555 Repetitive-pulse amplification, short-pulse amplification (traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier), 305-307 Required threshold gain: distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) lasers with phase control region. experimental results with, 102-103 multielectrode distributed feedback (DFB) lascr, experimental results with,117 Reservoir(s), I Reservoir theory, 465-489 amplitude squeezing in pump-noisesuppressed laser, 487-489 commutator bracket conservation, ~79-482
electrical circuit theory ofiaser, 467-472 internal noise vs. external noise. 472-477 overview of, 465-466 pump noise suppression, 477-479 quantum-mechanical Langevin equations, 466-467 standard quantum limit origin. 482-487 Resistive saturation parameter. reservoir theory, 472 Resonance fluorescence radiation. photon-number-squeezed light generation, 543 Resonance frequency: direct frequency modulation, wavelength-tunable laser, 132 semiconductor lasers, conventional, 123, 124. 126 Resonant amplifier gain. injection-locking phenomena. 380 Resonant optical reflector: Fabry-Perot laser with passive optical feedback, 57-60, 58 semiconducior laser, 7 Reverse modulation phase-locked-loop. coherent detection system design, 203-204 Ridge-waveguide, phase tunable distributed
639 feedback lasers, experimental results with. 113 Ridgc-waveguide Cl laser. coupled cavity lasers. experimental results with, 108 ROR, Fabry-Perot laser with passive optical feedback, 60 Round-trip gain: distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) lasers with phase control region, experimental results with. 102 semiconductor laser. 44 Round-trip phase: distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) lasers with phase control region, c:xperimen tal results with. 102 semiconductor laser. 44 Rubidium atomic clock, spectroscopy. 175-179 Rydberg atoms, spectroscopy, 164 Rydberg state. spectroscopy. 164, 168 Saturable absorber, spectroscopy, single-mode oscillation, 138 Saturation absorption. spectroscopy, ISO, 161 Saturation density, semiconductor laser amplifier (high-bit-rate and wavelength-division-multiplexed), 326 Saturation energy, traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier, 303, 308 Saturation energy per unit area, travelingwave semiconductor laser amplifier, 299,301 Saturation-induced crosstalk: reduction of nonlinearity, semiconductor laser amplifier (high-bit-rate and wavelength-division-multiplexed), 358 semiconductor laser amplifier (high-bitrate and wavelength-divisionmultiplcxed), 341. 352 traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier, 293-294 Saturation intensity. traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier, 278, 290,300 Saturation output energy per unit area, traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier, 306 Saturation output intensity, traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier. 279 Saturation output power, traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier, 279, 291. 293, 311 Saturation parameter. reservoir theory, 471.47'2
Saturation power: reduction of nonlinearity. semiconductor laser amplifier (high-bit-rate and wavelength-division-multiplexed). 361 semiconductor laser amplifier (high-bitrate and wavelength-divisionmultiplexed). 326 Scalar wave equation: semiconductor laser. 37 semiconductor laser amplifier (high-bitrate and wavelength-divisionmultiplexed). 346 Scanning Fabry-Perot interferometer. semiconductor laser. power spectra of. 22 Schawlow-Townes formula. 2 Schawlow-Townes limit. spectroscopy. 139. 180 Schawlow-Townes Iinewidth formula. semiconductor laser. power spectra of. 24 Schawlow-Townes phase diffusion noise. reservoir theory. 487 SCH structure. traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier. 289 Secondary standard of time. rubidium atomic clock, 176 Second threshold for amplitude squeezing. squeezed-state generation theory. noise-equivalent circuit. 511-513 Selectivity. coherent detection concepts. 194 Self-exciting point process. photonnumber-squeezed light generation. 555 Self-heterodyne method: external-cavity semiconductor laser. experimental results with. 100 semiconductor laser. power spectra of. 22.23 Self-phase modulation. short-pulse amplification (traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier). 308-309 Self-tuned system. rubidium atomic clock. 178 Semiconductor incoherent light sources. photon-number-squeezed light generation by. 539-560. See also Photon-number-squeezed light generation Semiconductor injection laser. sUb-poisson electrons. photon-number-squeezed light generation. 549. See also enTries under Injection
Semiconductor laser. 5-76 bulk properties. 6O-6S coherent detection using, 191-255. See also Coherent detection
coupling efficiency 11 of spontaneous emission. 613-614 dependence of linewidth on cavity structure. 37-60 fluctuations in. 12-20 frequency modulation in. 121-126 historical background of. 5-7 laser light, classical and quantum descriptions of. 9-12 Iinewidth floor. 65-68 microcavity. controlled spontaneous emission in. 561-615. See also Controlled spontaneous emission (microcavity laser) optical fiber transmission studies (experimental). 231-233 phase noise spectrum and lineshape structure of. 31-37 photon-number-squeezed light generation. 547-548 power spectra of. 20-30 reservoir theory. 465-489. See also Reservoir theory spectroscopy by. 137-190. See also Spectroscopy squeezed-state generation by. 461-537. See also Squeezed-state generation Semiconductor laser amplifier. injectionlocked. 367-410. See also Injectionlocked semiconductor laser amplifier Semiconductor laser amplifier (high-bitrate and wavelength-divisionmultiplexed).323-366 amplifier properties. 324-335 gain saturation. 325-328 noise. 328-335 overview of. 323-324 reduction of nonlinearity. 356-361 system performance. 335-356 high-speed direct-detection systems. 335-340 intermodulation-distortion measuremenl~. 349-351 intermodulation-distortion theory. 342-349 intermodulation distortion with modulated carrier. 354-355 large-signal effects. 355-356 multichannel coherent-detection systems. 342-356 multichannel direct-detection systems. 340-342 N-channel intermodulation distortion (lMD),351-354 Semiconductor laser amplifier (travelingwave). see Traveling-wave semiconductor lBSer amplifier
Sensitivity. semiconductor laser amplifier (high-bit-rate and wavelength-divisionmultiplexed). 338 Sepnrate confinement heterostructure (SeH). traveling-wnve semiconductOl laser amplifier. 274 Short Fabry-Perot laser: with highly reflecting mirrors. modulation!noise spectra. applications and comparisons. 87-91 with long external cavity. modulation! noise spectra. applications and comparisons. 92-94 Short-pulse amplification (traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier): isolated-pulse amplification. 302-305 repetitive-pulse amplification. 305-307 self-phase modulation. 308-309 theoretical formulation. 298-302 Shot noise: coherent detection concepts. 194 photon-number-squeezed light generation. 544 photon stntistics. 411 spectroscopy. 143 Shot-noise calibration bv balanced detector and light-emitting diodes. squeezedstate generation. experiments in. 520-525 Shot-noise level. rubidium atomic clock. In
Shot-noise-limited pump noise. 3 Shot-noise-limited receiver sensitivit)". coherent detection concepts. 199 Side-mode-suppression ratio (SMSR). mode partition noise. 419.437 Side peaks. semiconductor laser. 37 Signal excess noise. traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier. 282 Signal-gain saturation. traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier. 277-281 Signal-gain undulation. cavity resonance suppression. traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier. 260 Signal shot noise. traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier. 282 Signal-spontaneous beat noise: semiconductor laser amplifier (high-bitrate and wavelength-divisionmultiplexed). 333. 334 traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier. 282. 284-286 Signal-to-noise ratio. cascaded linear amplifier chain. traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier. 312-315 SiH 2 radical. spectroscopy. 171-172 Simultaneous measurement. 3
Single-atom laser. spectroscopy. 168 Single-electron tunneling oscillation. reservoir theory. 478 Single-heterojunction diode. current noise of. squeezed-state generation theory. 489-502 Single-longitudinal-mode semiconductor laser. frequency fluctuations of, spectroscopy. 139-141 Single-mode laser: optical communication systems. 97 power spectra of. 20-30 Single-pass amplification. semiconductor laser. 46. 48 Single-pass gain: cavity resonance suppression. traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier. 260 traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier. 272 Single-path gain. injection-locking phenomena. 380 Slave laser. injection-locking theory. 370 Small oscillations. semiconductor laser. 31 Small-signal gain. traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier. 272-277 Solid-state lasers. optical pumping. spectroscopy. 179-181 Solid-state plasma. spectroscopy. 167 Soli ton propagation. optical fiber transmission studies (experimental). 248 Source currents. modulation/noise spectra. theory. 83 Space-charge-limited current flow. photonnumber-squeezed light generation, S44 Space-charge-limited excitation of recombination radiation. photonnumber-squeezed light generation. 546-547 Space-charge-limited Franck-Hertz experiment. photon-number-squeczcd light generation. 544-546 Spatial distribution. multie1ectrode distributed feedback (DFB) laser. experimental results with. 114 Spatial hole burning: multielectrode distributed feedback (DFB) laser. experimental results with. 120. 121 semiconductor laser. linewidth floor. 66 semiconductor lasers. conventional. 123. Inl~
spectroscopy. single-mode oscillation. 139 Spectral density. semiconductor laser, 32, 35-36
INDEX Spectral density (Continued) Langevin rate equations, 17 power spectra of, 20, 22, 23, 2S Spectral hole burning: Fabry-Perotlaser with passive optical feedback, 53 semiconductor lasers, conventional, 123,
124,126 Spectral linewidth of external cavity lasers, external-cavity semiconductor laser, experimental results with, lOO Spectroscopy, 137-190 applications of, 169-181 frequency control principle and method, 141-148 frequency modulation characteristics, 141 hypercoherent optical sweep generator, negative electrical feedback, 148-159 laser improvements, 146-147 progress in, 137-138 single-longitudinal-mode semiconductor laser, frequency fluctuations of, 139-141 single-mode oscillation, 138-139 topics of, 159-169 Spectrum analyzer: Fabry-Perot laser with passive optical feedback, 55 semiconductor laser, power spectra of, 22 Spontaneous emission, see also-Amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) atom between ideal mirrors, 566-573 atom in free space, 564-566 coupling efficiency 11, conventional semiconductor laser, 613-614 enhanced and inhibited, experimental evidence, controlled spontaneous emission (microcavity laser), 598-600 excitonic, experimental evidence, controlled spontaneous emission (microcavity laser), 591-595 Fabry-Perot laser, semiconductor lasers, 44-46 Fabry-Perot laser with passive optical feedback, 56 intensity ot: pump wavelength dependence of, experimental evidence, controlled spontaneous emission (microcavity laser), 595 metal clad optical waveguide microcavity,
610-612 noise. semiconductor laser amplifier (high-bit-rate and wavelength-divisionmultiplexed). 328 semiconductor laser, 8, 37, 41, 43
Langevin rate equations. 12, 18 power spectra of, 28. 29 semiconductor lasers. conventional, 123.
124 vacuum-field-induced Rabi oscillation.
wave equation solution. semiconductor laser. 37-43 Weisslcopf-Wigner theory of, 563-564 Spontaneous emission enhancement and enhancement factor: 11, traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier, 287 PR, semiconductor laser. 46 modulation/noise spectra, theory. 84 semiconductor laser. 8, 48 semiconductor lasers. bullc properties. 60 Spontaneous emission fluctuations. spectroscopy, 139 single-mode oscillation, 138 Spontaneous emission lifetime. Bragg reflectors. conlrolled spontaneous emission (microcavity laser). 580-582 Spontaneous emission noise: amplified. semiconductor laser amplifier (high-bit-rate and wavelength-divisionmultiplexed). 329 receiver sensitivity, semiconductor laser amplifier (high-bit-rate and wavelengthdivision-multiplexed), 330-332 Spontaneous emission rate: external-cavity semiconductor laser. experimental results with. lOO Fabry-Perot laser with passive optical feedback, 55 semiconductor laser. 31 diffusion coefficients of. 18 Spontaneous emission shot noise. traveling-wave semiconductor laser am plifier, 282 Spontaneous emission spectrum, semiconductor lasers. bulk properties, 60.61 Spontaneous noise factor. noise, semiconductor laser amplifier (highbit-rate and wavelength-divisionmultiplexed), 328 Spontaneous polarization, semiconductor laser. 38 Spontaneous rate, semiconductor laser. 43 Spontaneous-spontaneous beat noise: semiconductor laser amplifier (high-bitrate and wavelength-divisionmultiplcxed), 333, 334 Iraveling-wl\ve semiconductor laser amplifier. 282. 286
INDEX Square-law detector. semiconductor laser, power spectra of. 20 Square-law envelope. coherent detection system design. 204-205 Squaring phase-Ioclced-loop, coherent detection system design, 203-204 Squeezed-light coherent communication systems, optical fiber transmission studies (experimental). 248 Squeezed state, 2 semiconductor laser. 11. 12 Squeezed-state generation, 461-537 experiments in. 517-534 amplitude squeezing by balanced detectors with delay line. 527-530 amplitude squeezing by conventional balanced detectors. 526-527 amplitude squeezing by face-to-face coupled balanced detectors. 530-532 degree of squeezing vs. optical loss, 532-533 degree of squeezing vs. laser pump rate, 533-534 high-impedence suppression of pump current noise, 519-520 shot-noise calibration by balanced detector and light-emitting diodes,
520-525 thermal noise squeeze at 20 GHz.
517-519 overview of. 461-462 reservoir theory. 465-489. See also Reservoir theory squeezed state of light review. 462-464 Squeezed-state generation theory. 489-517 current noise of double-heterojunction diode, 502-506 current-voltage characteristic. 502-504 generation and recombination noise.
505 stimulated emission and absorption.
506 thermal fluctuation of minority carrier flow. 504 current noise of singie-heterojunction diode, 489-502 constant voltage vs. constant current operation. 499-502 current-voltage characteristics, 490-492 generation and recombination noise. 496-498 thermal fluctuation of majority-carrier flow. 498-499 thermal fluctuation of minority-carrier Ilow, 492-496 noise-equivalent circuit, 507-513
643 coupling of internal electron-number fluctuation and internal photon number fluctuation, 510-511 fluctuation-dissipation theorem for internal electron number, 508-509 fluctuation-dissipation theorem for internal photon number. 509-510 physical interpretation. S13 second threshold for amplitude squeezing, 511-513 numerical examples. 513-517 Stabilized center frequency, spectroscopy, accuracy. 15 I Standard electrowealc theory. spectroscopy, 165 Standard quantum limit origin. reservoir theory, 482-487 Starlc coefficients. spectroscopy, 165 Starlc effect, spectroscopy, ISO State occupation probability, spectroscopy, 141 State selection, cesium atomic clock, 173 Static phase change. injection loclcing, 393-395 Stationarity. semiconductor laser, 42 Langevin rate equations. 16 Steady state, semiconductor laser. Langevin rate equations. 16 Stern's improved matrix element, traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier, 289 Stimulated Brillouin gain, crosstallc due to nonlinear optical effects. 246 Stimulated emission: absorption and, squeezed-state generation theory. current noise of doubleheterojunction diode. 506 photon-number-squeezed light generation, 547-548 semiconductor laser, 8 diffusion coefficients of, 19 Langevin rate equations, 13 power spectra ot: 28 Stimulated Raman gain, crosstallc due to nonlinear optical effects. 246 Stop band, controlled spontaneous emission (microcavity laser), 574 Stop-band cutoff angle. controlled spontaneous emission (microcavity laser), 576 Strained quantum well laser. semiconductor lasers. bulk properties. 64 Subharmonic loclcing, injection-Ioclced semiconductor laser amplifier, 367 Subnaturallinewidth spectroscopy. spectroscopy, 154
Sub-Poisson electrons: optoelectronic generation of. photonnumber-squeezed light generation. 548-549 photon-number-squeezed light generation, 550 Sub-Poisson excitations, photon-numbersqueezed light generation, 547-548 Sub-Poissonian distribution, semiconductor laser. 11. 12 Sub-Poissonian electron beam, reservoir theory, 477 Sub-Poisson photons, photon-numbersqueezed light generation, 543 Sub-Poisson photon statistic, photonnumber-squeezed light generation. 541 Suh-shot-noise photocummt, photonnumber-squeezed light generation. 550 Supercavity. spectroscopy. 150 Suppressed pump-noise fluctuations .. photon-number-squeezed light generation, 540 Susceptibility x(N). semiconductor laser amplifier (high-bit-rate and wavelength-division-multiplexed),345 Synchronous heterodyne systems, optical fiber transmission studies (experimental),235 Synchronous receivers, coherent detection system design. 214-217 System performance analysis, coherent detection concepts, 194-199 Temporal gain. traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier, 299 Test of parity nonconservation. spcctroscopy. 165 Theorist's coherent state, reservoir theory. 477 Thennal cutoff frequency. semiconductor lasers. conventional, 123 Thermal effect, semiconductor lasers, conventional, 122, 126 Thennal fluctuation: of majority-carrier flow, squeezed-state generation theory, current noise of single-heterojunction diode, 498-499 of minority carrier flow, squeezed-state generation theory, current noise of doub1e-heterojunction diode, 504 of minority-carrier flow, squeezed-state generation theory, current noise of single-heterojunction diode, 492-496 Thermal modulation. semiconductor lasers. conventional, 122 Thermal noise, coherent detection system design, 207-210
Thermal noise squeezing at 20 GHz. squeezed-state generation. experiments in, 517-519 3-dB bandwidth B, travellng-wave semiconductor laser amplifier, 273 Three-electrode distributed feedback . (DFB) laser: direct frequency modulation, wavelength-tunable laser, 126 multielectrode distributed feedback (DFB) laser. experimental results with. 117. 118 Threshold: coupled cavity lasers. experimental results with. 108 Fabry-Perot laser with passive optical feedback.. 50 semiconductor laser: diffusion coefficients of. 18 power spectra of, 29 Threshold condition, multielectrode distributed feedback (OFB) laser. experimental results with. 117 Threshold gain: phase tunable distributed feedback lasers. experimental results with. I11 required. multielectrode distributed feedback (DFB) laser, experimental results with, 117 Threshold pump rate redllction. controlled spontaneous emission (microcavity laser) characteristics. 602-604 Time-resolved photon statistics. mode partition noise, 437-441 Total discrete tuning range. distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) lasers with phase control region, experimental result~ with. 103 Tracers. spectroscopy, 171 Transfer function determination. modulation/noise spectra. theory. 80 Transfer matrix method. modulation/noise spectra. theory. 82 Transformation. semiconductor laser. Langevin rate equations. 15 Transienfstage. mode partition noise. 437 Transmission mode, spectroscopy, 152 Traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier. 257-322 cavity resonance suppression in. 259-272 design criteria for. 287-292 device characteristics, 272-292 . noise. 281-286 signal gain saturation, 277-281 small-signal gain. 272-277 future possibilities of. 3 I6 multichannel amplification. 292-297
overview of. 257-259 short-pulse amplification, 298-309 system applications, 309-315 Thnabllity. modulation/noise spectra. applications and comparisons, 91 Tunable etalon: coupled cavity lasers, experimental results with, 109 direct frequency modulation, wavelength-tunable laser. 132 . Thnable optical filter. semiconductor laser. power spectra of, 22 Thned heterodyne receiver. coherent detection system design. 210 Tuning characteristics. distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) lasers with phase control region. experimental results with. 103 luning curren~ phase tunable distributed feedback lasers. experimental results with. 112. I 13 Tuning range: coupled cavity lasers. experimental result.. with. 109 direct frequency modulation. wavelengthtunable laser. 126 optical communication systems. 98 Tuning rate. coupled cavity lasers. experimental results with. 109 Tuning regions. distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) lasers with phase control region. experimental results with. 105 Turn-on fluctuations in real time. mode partition noise. 419-421 Turn-on jiner of single-mode laser. mode partition noise. 442-444 Two-electrode distributed feedback (DFB) laser. multielectrode distributed feedback (DFB) laser. experimental results with. 119 Two-photon spectroscopy. 163 Unbalanced photodiode optoelectronic prelllnplilier. coherent detection concepts. 193 Unbalanced receiver: coherent detection system design. 207-209 sensitivity. coherent detection concepts, 198 Uncertainty principle •.fee also Minimum uncertainty Heisenberg: semiconductor laser, 12 squeezed state of light, 462 semiconductor laser. 10. 11 UV photolysis. spectroscopy. 171
Vacuum field fluctuation. 1 modulation/noise spectra. theory, 79 reservoir theory. 465 semiconductor laser. 43 spectroscopy. 168 Vacuum-field-induced Rabi oscillation: controlled spontaneous emission (microcavity laser). 562-563 spectroscopy,l68 Vacuum state, squeezed state of light, 463 Van der PoI equation, injection-locking theory. 370-373 Vertical dipole. controlled spon taneous emission (microcavity laser). 567 Very long-baseline interferometer. spectroscopy. 143, 180 Vibration-rotation transitions. spectroscopy I.I~
Virtual charge-induced optical nonlinearity. spectroscopy. 151 Visibility. injection-locking phenomena 383-384 . Visu~1 science. photon-number-squeezed hght generation applications. 554 Wave equation, solution of. with spontaneous emission. semiconductor laser. 37-43 Wave field. semiconductor laser, diffusion coefficients of. 18 Wave-guide layer. phase tunable distributed feedback lasers. experimental results with. I11 Wave-guide loss: semiconductor laser. 8 semiconductor lasers. bulk properties. 60.63-64 Wavelength. controlled spontaneous emission (microcavity laser). 574. See also Lasing wavelength Wavelength cavity: half-wavelength cavity. controlled spontaneous emission (microcavity laser), 567-570 one-wavelength cavity. controlled spontaneous emission (microcavity laser),567-570 Wavelength change, phase tunable distributed feedback lasers, experimental results with, 112 Wavelength-division-multiplexed optical communication systems. see also Semiconductor laser amplifier (highbit-rate and wavelength-divisionmultiplexed) multichannel coherent-detection systems, semiconductor laser amplifier (high-
INDEX Wavelength-division-multiplexed optical communication systems (Continued) bit-rate and wavelength-divisionmultiplexed). 342-356 multichannel direct-
laser amplifiet. 292. See also Wavelength-division-multiplexed optical communication systems Wavemcter. spectroscopy. 151 Wave properties of light, semiconductor laser. 7-8 Weak interaction, spectroscopy. 165 Weisskopf-Wigner theory. controlled spontaneous emission (microcavity laser). 563-564 Wide deviation phase shift-keying (FSK) system: coherent detection concepts. 193 coherent optical fibre transmission studies (experimental). 236-237 Wiener-Khinchin theorem: reservoir theory. 482 semiconductor laser. Langevin rate equations. 16 Window facet structure. cavity resonance suppression, traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier. 269-272 Wronskian: Fabry-Perot laser with passive optical feedback. 49 semiconductor laser. 39-40 Zero-point fluctuations: modulation/noise spectra. theory. 79 spcctroscopy. 156
t"",VIIUI h"OIo.f "
V" I 11 VI h
With its exhaustive survey of both fundamental and advanced principles and its discussion of new research directions, Coherence, Amplification, and Quantum EWects in Semiconductor Lasers provides
students and researchers in optical and telecommunications with a solid state-of-the-art guide to this rapidly evolving field. About the editor
Yoshlhisa Yamamoto is the leader of Yamamoto Group at Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation. He has been a visiting scientist at Mrr and AT&T Bell Laboratories. He is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. the Physical SoCiety of Japan. the Japanese Society of Applied Physics. and the InstiMe of Electrical and Communication Engineers of Japan. Or. Yamamoto received his PhD from the University of Tokyo.
P1,~ intereSt •••
~llonnl8nd Joseph H. Eberly
.... ', .UnIque reference encloses Its comprehensive look at laser theory and
~ In 8 two-part format. Part 1 is a complete introduction to lasers ~""rphysics, describing classical dispersion theory; classical theory of .
~ ,.
. atoms, molecules, and solids; the SchrOdinger equation; emisand absorption and rate equations; and semiclassical radiation theory. . 2describes the nature of the most common laser systems and details of . ... operation. Subjects include laser oscillation: gain and threshold, power - . ~uency; multlmode and transient OSCillation; specific lasers and ~plng mechanisms; laser resonators; optical coherence and lasers; .r i la§er applications. Containing numerous illustrations as well as problems ~ eiIlercises, Lasers is a balanced and accessible look at this fascinating ,4!iCIence's operation and uses. . ,~. (0471-62731-3) 731 pp. ~~.
-QJANTlJM ELECTRONICS I'flIIrd Edition -.....on'Vllrlv Wtalknetainlng a/l of the material of the previous edition, this Third Edition of .popular text details the newest developments in lasers and quantum .electronIcs. The text's topical breadth includes phase-conjugate optics and liitsmany applications, the long wavelength quaternary semiconductor laser, '8I1d the physics of semiconductor lasers, with a focus on their current moduJations and limiting bandwidth, laser arrays and the concept of supermodes. "the role of phase amplitude coupling in laser nOise. and free-electron lasers. 2Jhe chapters on laser noise and third-order nonlinear effects have been extensively revised, enhancing the timeliness of this well-used reference.. 1989 (0 471-60997-8) 676 pp.
WILEV-INTERSCIENCE John Wiley & Sons. Ine. Professional, Reference and Trade Group 605 Third Avenue. New York, NY. 10158-0012 New York. Chichester. Brisbane. Toronto. Singapore .. .
Written by internationally renowned researchers, Coherence, Amplification, and Quantum Effects in Semiconductor Lasers is a solid examination of classical and quantum aspects of semiconductor lasers and related applications. While systematically reviewing the coherence, amplification and quantum effects of semiconductor lasers, the book also reports the latest research on semiconductor lasers directed toward future optical communication systems. The first section of Coherence, Amplification, and Quantum Effects in Semiconductor Lasers deals with the applications of semiconductor lasers to coherent communications and spectroscopy. Five chapters discuss the classical noise and modulation characteristics of semiconductor lasers. Recognizing their potential technological importance for coherent communications and laser spectroscopy, spectral linewidth broadening and frequency modulation of semiconductor lasers are extensively studied. The second part of the book treats optical signal amplification in semiconductor lasers. Three types of semiconductor laser amplifiersFabry-Perot cavity amplifier, traveling-wave amplifier and injection locked oscillator-are described. The advantages and disadvantages of optical amplifier technology are also examined in these chapters. The final four chapters deal with quantum-mechanical (nonclassical) aspects of semiconductor lasers. Squeezed-state generation and inhibition of spontaneous emiSSion in semiconductor lasers are described as are general quantum noise properties. Quantum optics and new possibilities of noiseless and thresholdless semiconductor lasers are discussed. (continued on back flap)
(continued from front flap) With its exhaustive survey of both fundamental and advanced principles and its discussion of new research directions. Coherence, Amplification, and Quantum Effects in Semiconductor Lasers provides students and researchers in optical and telecommunications with a solid state-of-the-art guide to this rapidly evolving field. About the editor Yoshihlsa Yamamoto is the leader of Yamamoto Group at Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation. He has been a visiting scientist at MIT and AT&T Bell Laboratories. He is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, the Physical Society of Japan, the Japanese Society of Applied Physics, and the Institute of Electrical and Communication Engineers of Japan. Or. Yamamoto received his PhD from the University of Tokyo.
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LASERS Peter W. Mllonnl and Joseph H. Eberly This unique reference encloses Its com~rehens~ applications in a two-part format. Part 1 IS a co: and laser physiCS. describing classical dispersiol1 absorption; atoms, molecules, and solids; the 84 sion and absorption and rate equations; and san Part 2 describes the nature of the most common I laser operation. Subjects include laser oscillation and frequency; multimode and transient oscil pumping mechanisms; laser resonators; opth and laser applications. Containing numerous iIIus and exercises, Lasers is a balanced and acces~ science's operation and uses.
(0 471-62731-3)
731 pp.
QUANTUM ELECTRONICS Third Edition AmnonYariv While retaining all of the material of the previow the popular text details the newest developm electronics. The text's topical breadth includes its many applications, the long wavelength qua and the physics of semiconductor lasers, with a lations and limiting bandwidth. laser arrays and the role of phase amplitude coupling in laser ne The chapters on laser noise and third-order extensively revised, enhancing the timeliness 0 1989 (0471-60997-8) 676 pp.
WILEY-INTERSCIENCE John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Professional. Reference and Trade Group 605 Third Avenue. New York, NY. 10158-00~"! Np.w York. Chichester. Brisbane. Toronto·