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\2 + (0,00*0 + Az2)\<j>\2 + (OZ0OSO + OZ8OZ0 + AZAZ
+ AZAZ)\4>\2.
The first and third terms in the Lagrangian give curvature two-forms with tensors in A 2 ' 0 and A 0 ' 2 and the second term gives tensors in A 1,1 . The self-dual curvatures are contained in A 2 ' 0 © A0-2 and the anti-self-dual curvatures are contained in A 1,1 .
This means that we have the action J'dzdzyfi{Az?±
+ AzQ-f
+ \{0Z + iAz)cj>\2).
( To make the Hamiltonian in this action conform to the WheelerDeWitt equation for the DeSitter cosmology in equation 10.3.41 we introduce terms for the intrinsic curvature of the spacelike manifold E^3) and the cosmological constant: H = \^FiA")
+ 1(0* + iAz)4>\2 + M | 0 | 2 - A(|0| 2 ) 2 . (
This returns us to the earlier statements concerning the occurrence of spinorial variables in a Fermi energy surface as the phase state for
Classical and Quantum Electrodynamics
and the B^
space, and its apparent analogies with superconductivity. Equation ( has essentially the same form as the Bardeen-CooperSchrieffer (BCS) Hamiltonian used in the theory of superconductivity [32].
The momentum p — V# + iA suffers from a problem when evaluated around a loop that contains a singularity, or a vortex. The phase 0 jumps from 0 to 2-n due to a branch cut that connects to the vortex. This means that the Hamiltonian is not continuous. This requires that the momentum be enhanced by the addition of the field 0 with p = V# + iA + B to compensate for these jumps. The one-form for this field 0 is decomposed into its parts as 0 = Ozdz + &zdz. The action of the coboundary operator on 0 is seen to be d& = d
= VxOdzAdz.
The field is analogous to a magnetic field that is normal to the string world sheet and gives a measure of the density of vortices as induced by the analog of the Faraday effect in electromagnetism. This means that this magnetic-like field is then a delta function at each position of a vortex on the string surface, Vx0
= 2n^na52{z
za), z = (z, z),
with na = ± 1 for vortices and antivortices. On the string world sheet if we integrate around a vortex then Stokes law gives the contribution of this vortex since the loop integral must intersect a cut line that leads from the vortex towards infinity,
(w)) = —ln[w — z). By treating the action of T(w) on Vz<j>, T{w)Vz
+ 5udi4>.
Now these null variables can be found from the Schwarzschild metric ds2 = (1 - 2GM)dt2
(1 - 2GM)~ldr2
- dil2.
The coordinates for a nonrotating black hole may be replaced by a Cartesian coordinate basis ds2 = dT2 - dZ2 - dX'dXi,
where the Schwarzschild coordinates are introduced as Z = rcosh(t/4GM),
T = rsinh(t/4GM).
The parameter r is the proper distance from the event horizon. Here the event horizon is at t = oo. The particle momentum is easily seen to increase as p —> exp{t/AGM) as it approaches the event horizon. The approach to the black hole can be thought, of as a series of boosts that rotate the momentum by p ->• (1 + St/4GM)p.
It is from this that we arrive at the null generator of the quanta approaching the black hole.
Now we have a situation where we are concerned with the propagation of a vacuum inside a collapsing shell. As such we should the consider the transformation according to the conformal group, for we have the shell accelerating towards the center while the vacuum modes are written according to null geodesies. The generators of
Classical and Quantum Electrodynamics
and the B ' 3 ' Field
the conformal group are Lo for the energy-momentum, L\ for the dilations, and Li for nongeodesic accelerations. We then have that the fields transform under these variables by the generators as Sep = ~^i[Li,
which means that Lz is an element of the Lie bracket of the form Lt = UiV, where the null variables U are considered as some type of tetrad. The conformal generators also obey the SL(2, R) algebra [Li, Lj] = ih(i - j)Lt+]_u
which is the closed subalgebra of the Virasoro algebra. Now the Lie vector can be easily seen to be written as V — (Oi
Now we need to discuss the issue of scalar boson conservation. From the view point of an observer freely falling in this space there will continue to exist a pure vacuum. To do this we recognize that n = oj(f> and that tr(7r2) = tj2a^a - u?n. (10.7.219) and so we may write, L0 = ^ ( w 2 n ) -> — / dun = — / dfuia0. u
We then have a spectral decomposition of the conformal generator for energy. The other conformal generators L\ and Li are going to be elements of a and a^ parametrized by the paths of an observer measuring the shrinking volume that encloses the black hole. This will give the decreasing occupation number due to the shrinking spacelike region that "collapses" towards the black hole. This means that ay = hujy/7id„e,a = e9^,0 oi = hujy/n + \d„9.
= 6{u) (10.7.221)
Duality and Fundamental
From this we have all the conformal generators according to a spectral representation U
= ^[
Now we have the algebraic representation,
[Lo, M = 0 [Li, a0] = ihwdu
[Lz, o"o] = ihcod^cTi. Now the energy of the system is a constant. At any given time the energy, here defined to the vacuum, is defined by the number of modes that are available. We expect that the rate of contraction of the space to be proportional to the inverse of the energy of the vacuum; i.e. as the volume measure gets smaller, the energy of the vacuum becomes increasingly negative. We then define the following anticommutator A = [I-i, lo1]-)-? the
denotes anticommutation.
This operator denotes the moment of the energy, and is physically regarded as a constant. Further let us define the operator £ as the energy per particle number so that E = h(n + 1/2)5.
This operator gives the modes or frequencies of the scalar field within the cavity. We then have a situation where the operators A and £ are constants, but where they may give information on how phase information is transferred to observers in this confined vacuum. We can show that we have the following algebra [L 0 , A] = ih,.
We also have the commutation [Li, L0] = 2ihLi
= -ih[L0,
Classical and Quantum Electrodynamics
and the EP-3' Field
We can further compute the evolution of the modes according to the dilation and the acceleration operators in the SL(2,R) algebra as [la, £} = -ih£,
[L2, £] = -ih[£,A]+.
Now the situation is a curious one. We have physically that £, which gives the set of frequency modes available to the system, is decreasing. This is reflected by the fact that £ is not a constant of the motion with respect to L\. We further see that L 0 is not a constant of the motion with respect to the acceleration generator and gives the dilation generator. Define L± = L2 ± L0 and define LL = L+2 — I/_ 2 + L\2. We can see that the energy increasingly becomes negative by the Casimir operator LL: LL = -[La, L0}+ - Lx2.
Where the generator Li are seen to be constants of the motion with respect to this operator. We can then write the moment of the vacuum energy as [L2, A] = ih(A2
Now in the quantum regime we have that h is a large constant, relative to the total action of the system, so we have that L2
= -4ih2[L2,
Now since A is a constant and L2 is decreasing we then have that the application of the right hand side on a field variable is 4ihA{L2(p) where L2(j> in increasing. Therefore, we have that the energy operator has real values that are monotonically decreasing.
This means that as the system approaches the Planck scale in size that the energy of the vacuum inside the shrinking spacelike region
Duality and Fundamental
becomes increasingly negative and becomes the dominant effect in the system. This means that if these quantum fluctuations are sufficiently dominant before this system reaches the horizon at r = 2m that this system will become a wormhole. However, the meaning of h in this situation is the Planck scale since it must be realized from above that the null variables involve G and c. The question is whether these quantum effects can be made large enough on a large scale. It appears that these structures correspond to the virtual wormholes within the "quantum foam" of the quantized gravity field.
This physically does point to the sort of generalized uncertainty principle derived from equation (10.3.66) and illustrated in figure (10.4). Essenitally if the energy, or T 0 0 term, becomes sufficiently negative at small scales then this leads to spacetimes that violate the Hawking-Penrose energy conditions. These conditions demand that all geodesies in spacetime focus. However, if quantum fluctuations at small scales are such that this begins to be violated, then geodesies will begin to defocus. It would then be apparent that for an interaction between wave functions of very small wavelength, hence very high energy and momentum, that this defocusing is going to result in the inability to measure small regions. This will be apparent, as the path integral in configuration space will exhibit paths that diverge. This tends to lend support to the concept that the Planck scale is a natural cut off due to a modified uncertainty principle; or the renormalization of the Planck constant as scales approach the Planck length. 10.8 C O N F O R M A L G R O U P A N D G A U G E T H E O R I E S A C C O R D I N G TO W E I G H T E D P R O J E C T I V E SPACES Here a somewhat mathematical discussion ensues where we look at weighted maps on projective spaces and the occurrence of Virasoro algebras. The conformal group in 2 dimensions results in a Virasoro algebra of generators. This is the conformal group that is applicable
Classical and Quantum Electrodynamics
and the B^3' Field
for the boson field in two dimensions. The bosonic string in 26 dimensions is essentially 26 free bosons in a sum. In this case we can think of each boson as having a set of conformal symmetries defined on its own particular coordinates z%, z'\ for i £ {1, 2, ,... ,26}. The following illustrates how a definition of the conformal generator according to zn is geometrically equivalent to the weighting of a projective space. From there, the Kac-Moody construction of a gauge theory is illustrated.
The projective space CPn is the set of complex lines in the complex space with complex coordinates Formally this is c p n
_ {0})/(aro ^Aa;o),
with the coordinates in the projective space determined by Zj = XJ/XQ. The weighted projective space defines the equivalence class on the complex coordinates in CPn. The weighted projective space, CPnw, may be constructed from CPn with the map Cn —> CPnw defined by the action on the coordinates in CPnw by, [*!, Z2,..., zn] •-»• [ziai, z2a\..., zna"}, (10.8.233) or zn] H-> [ n 0 1 ^ 1 * 1 , r2a?eia^,...,
rna"eM^}. (10.8.234) This establishes an identification between the points in the [0, 2irr/a] "pie slices "of each complex line. [zu z2,...,
Now consider two maps: f:CPn g:CPn
-> CPn{au
-> CPn(h,
. . . , an)
= CP£
. . . , bn) = CP™,,
Duality and Fundamental
so that the weights for the two maps are unequal. Let d2j and dz'j be differential basis one-forms in CP™, and CP™}, respectively. Then under the two pull-back actions, / * : CPnw
-* O P " , g* : CPnw,
-> CPn
these basis one-forms are pulled back into CPn according to, d2j i->- dfj =
dz'} i-> dgj = bjZjh'-xdzj. n
The dual vectors, Vj, V'j on CP
assume the form,
= bj-lzj1-b>^-
(10.8.238) UZj
A commutator of the two vector fields gives, [V„ V'j)
= (a, -
l 1 a h h])(a]bjr z3 - >- >-£r.
The vector fields defined as Qa> = ajVj, 0 6 ' = bjVj,,
satisfy the Witt algebra or Virasoro algebra without central extension [36] for each index value, [9 a >, Qb>] = {aj
- bj)&a>+b>.
This result begs for the existence of the map, CPn • -> CPn(ai + b\, ..., an + bn) and so an infinite "ladder"of such maps exists. For n = 1 this ladder of maps generates a Hilbert space of vectors that satisfy the Virasoro algebra. Finally, the Virasoro algebra maybe extended by a one-dimensional center with the map m:Vir@C
->• Vir,
Classical and Quantum Electrodynamics
and the J3' 3 ' Field
where this central extension is a kernel of the map. The extended Virasoro group is then, [Qa>, eb'}
= {a, - bj)Qa'+b'
+ c(aj,bj).
Write the Virasoro algebra, without center as,
[e°, eb] = cabcec.
Consider the vector, £ a — £ a a 0 a , where £ a is an element of the Lie algebra Q. Then the commutator in Q is
Ka«, ?*] = cga\
= [ r a e a , ^beb] =
A separation of variables, £aa(x, z) — Pn(z)(aa(x) z S CPn, gives the commutator, [ r , f]
= [Ca, ^b\Pn-l§-zPn(z)z2-a-b^
cfjca+bea+b. (10.8.245) for x £ X and
that requires Pn(z) = z,or z - 1 . On the unit circle z,and z~x act as an overall phases. The elements £ a a act as n-trads, or vielbeins, £°'o : ^ ? ' r ~~* G, and obey the Kac-Moody algebra [37], K a a. fb\
= Cga\Ca+b-
associated with the Lie algebra Q.
Now consider the GKM valued principal bundle P over X with the fibration ir : P -> X, where sections of the principal bundle are given by vielbeins r a a ( P ) = £ a a . On the principal bundle the Hermitian metric [38], Vap
= V(&,
^) =.etaa^a,
Duality and Fundamental
Problems 429
is defined for P locally holomorphically trivial. This is the Killing form for the Lie algebra Q. The bracket structure for £ and ^ are two commuting Virasoro algebras. Within this trivialization the connection coefficients are,
= PaaCam1^
+ ^W)'
which equals, (d^jf
+ e ^ f c " ) = At/fl
+ Aj^
= A»V
The Curvature tensors To? — Fj ^ + Fa , which consist of holomorphic and antiholomorphic curvatures, are then
= d[„Ap\]
+ AKp[flA<*\].
These elements may be seen to transform as connections. The gauge shift of these connection coefficients by a variation on the CP1 coordinates z, z is, A'/fl
- Aa^L = < ,
= 8(rj-%r})ap.
now use J77 -1 = —77-18r)r}~1 and the chain rule to write, Afp or Aa%
= d^V'^v)^
+ [A- V'Ha13,
Since drj = rjl — rj the gauge transformation is expressed as, (V'-'O^X13 - (V-'O^J
= X^Y)/,
which is a solution generating transformation. Now write Srj according to vielbeins,
Classical and Quantum Electrodynamics
and the £?(3) Field
Let the variation of the vielbein components with respect to the coordinates zz is,
Now for ^ a M ^
= e^a
| f a ^ -
= ^ _ 1 C a a ( ^ ^ t a a = ^aa{x),z = -2(Jfl(A a ^ + [Aa7fl,
= e * then,
This gauge transformation is equivalent to the standard expression for the gauge transform of a connection, Aat-\t
= G-la7A->s„G/
+ G-la^LGTp
Assume t h a t Gafi = e^""* ~ 5aP + iecf>a^, and define
= \Fai^
which is equivalent to the standard expression.
The Virasoro algebra is the set of diffeomorphisms on a circle. The gauge theory invokes two Virasoro algebras that emerge from the commutation of vector fields on CP1. These are entirely equivalent to the Virasoro algebras defined in equation (10.8.243), but now defined under pullback maps from a "ladder" of weighted projective spaces CP1 /za\a = i QQ. This leads to a certain geometric picture of the conformal group. The vielbeins over the manifold, X, leads to a gauge theory for Kac-Moody valued principal bundle. The solution
Duality and Fundamental
generating transformation, derived from variations on the metric of sections, yields a gauge transform for Kac-Moody gauge fields. This model of gauge fields is entirely based upon maps between spaces and offers a more geometric picture of infinite dimensional gauge theories and their relationship to conformal transformations.
Geometrically this construction is essentially an algebra that gives ladder operations between toric varieties. A toric variety is essentially a set of cones, often called a fan, in a space that define an algebraic variety [39]. The weighting of projective space by an integer effectively defines a such a fan. Physically this fan appears to define a periodicity that, is similar to a Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization rule. In R3 space, for example the fan is defined on a triplet by [xa, xb, xc] where each cone defines a relationship on how that cone is pieced together with the other cones. This then gives an affine structure. Depending upon the space that is divided into cones one has the definition of polyhedra. This is not a subject that is to be discussed here in depth, for it takes us too far into a purely mathematical direction. However, work along these lines with polyhedra defined by weighted projective spaces and the ladder operation between various weights, or fans, of these spaces may indicate that there is some subtle relationship between polytopes and conformal symmetries in two dimensions. 10.9 C O N F O R M A L T H E O R Y OF W^ VORTICES
This is the concluding section of this chapter, and it presents little in the way of results and far more in the way of questions. We start by some basic results on the center for Wx, and end with a serious question about how this theory can be extended to conformal field theory beyond D = 2. This is the most serious task before us if this theory of duality based on strings blown up into surfaces is to take root.
Classical and Quantum Electrodynamics
and the B^
A calculation of the anomoly can be done for the situation where we have the fields determined by the W^ algebra. The fields >tah obey the bracket structure in equation (10.4.98). We are again faced with the ambiguity in this bracket structure. We write the commutator to distinguish the upper and lower indices, where the second and first indices c and d, in equation (10.4.98) become the lower indices: [4>%
b(i + lMt-+z+3-
This will ease in performing the subsequent calculations. With some work, it. can be demonstrated that the Jacobi identity obtains: 4>bjl
(10.9.261) where Qab is a term to be determined that involves the fields
i) + (c{i + 1) - a(k + l))A(b,
+ (a(k + 1) - b(i + l))A(c, We then set a + 6 + c = 0, c = algebraic equation
1, and k = 0 to arrive at the
0 = (a - a - 2)A(a, i) + (2(i + 1) - (i - a + l ) ) ^ ( - a - l , + ((a + i + 1) -
(2a + l)(i + 1)4(1, 0),
that then leads to the recurrence relationship „, , A(a+l,-i) v
(a + i + 2)A{a, i) =
(2a + l)(t + 1)4(1, 0) : a — ?. — 1 (10.9.264)
Duality and Fundamental
which gives the central extension for the Virasoro algebra in the case that i = 0. These calculations are considerably complex and the end result is of the form [40] {Fc
= ((a + c + l ) ( d + l ) - (b + d+
l)(c + l ) ) C + ^ C + r f
+ (c-d) (^(c+d+3)(c+d+2) - i(c + 2)(d + 2 ) ) r + b c + d + ^ ( c
- 4)* a ,_^ c ,_ d +
We may expand >£ according to harmonic oscillator operators. These calculations have not been completed in a satisfactory manner. An attempt to perform these calculations with oo
4>l = E O S
does not. provide enough information to define the W^ in a closed fashion. This is an issue of current work. What is suggested is that, the W^, operators are composed of fields that define conformal blocks. As such we then would require that the Wx operators are then denned as 4>ftz) = limz,^zy>Tja.arnj{z)a.3mbz'
lim^^Y,5™^ •i,j
i) ^
Here B is a braiding operator. This corresponds to the switching of the field at z and z', with a sum over intermediate steps. The commutator of the elements in W^ may then be found according to braid operations. Other braid operations may be defined on the fields Q-mj- Prom here it is proposed that the Clebsch-Gordon coefficients
Classical and Quantum Electrodynamics
and the B^3' Field
will then reproduce the W^ algebra. However, these ideas are as yet very tentative. This does indicate the possiblity that duality and dynamics may be understood according to conformal algebras.
However, there are suggestions of where this work will lead. Once such an expansion of the Wx, algebra is effectively defined it would then be possible to assign each boson operator with a Fermion operator through supersymmetry. This would then result in a supersymmetric extension of the algebra in equation (10.8.265). This would then lead to the notion that there exists a central portion of this algebra that defines dynamics and conformal invariance. Such dynamics is indicated in equation (10.6.205).
It is also possible that the development of this theory will involve the use of polytopes, Coxeter groups, and their bearing upon conformal blocks, braids and lattices. These developments have been mathematically explored by Borcherds [41]. The relationship between polygons and fans discussed in section 10.8 further illustrates this connection. As yet these developments are in a nascent stage of development. It is hoped that with sufficient readership of this monograph that there will be additional investigators who will pursue these lines.
10.10 C O N C L U D I N G S T A T E M E N T S O N D U A L I T Y The major statement of this monograph is that there is more to duality unknown than what is known. This is certainly the case for this approach to duality that incorporates general relativity in this manner. However, curiously we also find that duality implies that the foundations of reality may well involve the sort of mathematics that Plato intuited as foundational. Of course Plato lived in the small Hellenic cities of the iron age strung out on the Greek peninsula.
Duality and Fundamental
Technology was nowhere near capable of addressing this question, and Plato had not the intellectual machinery to work with his intuition. Sadly, he and his followers retreated from society as a sort of cult. Yet it is curious that often intellectual developments have a circular manner to them. An example in biology is how the scientific view of biology has certain similarities with ancient or tribal views of life as a web; the theory of evolution has closer similarities to tribal belief systems, such as are seen in native American communities, than with beliefs associated with monotheistic religions.
Duality, a philosophy with roots in the Tao TeChing of Lao Tse, and the philosophy of Plato, is one mode of thought in modern science. This is seen in the complementarity of quantum mechanics and the 5' to 3' polymerase reading of DNA and the strange process of replication of the dual DNA strand from the 3' to 5' ends. Just as DNA replication involves polymerase for a 5' to 3' replication, and curiously requires Okasaki fragment primers for replication of the complement 3' to 5', duality within our physical universe is broken and incomplete. In the Zohar, a book of Jewish mysticism, the origin of the universe is seen as the fracturing of vessels that contained the perfect light. Once the light escaped its perfection was less apparent, but because of that the world we know came into being. Similarly the opening phrase of the gospel of John states that:
In the Beginning was the Word, And the Word was with God and the Word became Flesh.
Again there is the idea that somehow information is involved with the formation of the universe. With the existence of this information comes the formation of the universe.
Classical and Quantum Electrodynamics
and the B^3' Field
The universe began with a temperature of T — Epi/k, which is around 10 31 °K. This is an inconceivably large temperature, and reflected the incredible measure of chaos that existed in the early universe near singularity. In fact the temperature was so high that no information at all existed, just as raising the temperature of a magnetic storage tape or disk will erase that information. Yet the duality associated with this temperature suffered a small deviation or breaking so that at lower temperatures the symmetry of duality was broken. That information is related to temperature and entropy has long been established by the Shannon-Khinchin formula S = —nlogn, where n are bits of information. Prom this cooling came the existence of spacetime, later the breaking of gauge theoretic grand unification, latter the 577(2) X SU(2) gauge bundle, the formation of electrodynamics with its residual nonabelian B^ field, the formation of atoms in the matter dominated phase of the universe, the formation of DNA with its 5' to 3' asymmetry, the diversity of living species on this planet, and in general the world we live in with all its complexities and apparent contradictions. A look at politics is enough to convince one that, the human condition contains inherent internal contradictions and complexities.
Essentially the current universe is a sort of grand condensate, where the breaking of symmetry has permitted the occurrence of information under cooler conditions. As demonstrated the existence of spacetime is a condensate of spinor variables similar to the coupling of electrons in superconductivity. As temperature have cooled this allows for the existence of information, where this information exists due to its distinguishability from other information states frozen under cooler conditions. On our planet we are blessed with a situation of homeostasis of energy inflow and outflow that permits the existence of information states that can be generated and erased. The largest example of this is with extinction processes and the regeneration of large flora and fauna through biological evolution.
Duality and Fundamental
The existence of the vecB^ field, whether it exists as a classical field, or just as a vacuum fluctuation that permits nonlinear optical physics, is a testament of the fact that we live in a universe based on duality principles that are largely broken at low energy and temperature. Further, as indicated in chapter 7, this duality extends to a duality between electrodynamics and the weak interactions at the 10-100 TeV range of energy. As such the light energy that powers the biosphere of the Earth and the weak decay processes that power the interior of the Earth, and maintain the geological carbon cycle, are ultimately mirrors of each other. Experimental confirmation of nonabelian electrodynamics and the existence of a massive A ' 3 ^ photon would confirm this duality. It. would ultimately change a sense of our place in the universe: the result, of duality between two gauge theories that, drive molecular machinery based on DNA duality. REFERENCES [1] M. B. Green, J. H. Schwarz, E. Witten, Superstring Theory, vol I, (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England), (1987). [2] A. Einstein, P. Podolsky, N. Rosen, Phys. Rev., 47, 777-80, (1935). [3] J. Wheeler, Notes on Mach Principle and Inertia, (1987) [4] U. Bleyer., D. E. Liebscher, Mach's Principle and Local Causal Structure, in: J. B. Barbour, H. Pfister, 293-307, (1995). [5] C. Misner, K. Thorne, J. Wheeler, Gravitation, Freeman, (1973) [6] D. Bohm, B. Hiley, The Undivided Universe, Routledge, (1996) [7] N. Bogoliubov, Sov. Phys, JEPT, 7, 51 (1958). [8] A. Ashtekar, Phys. Rev. Lett., 57, 2244-7, (1986). [9] C. Montonen, D. Olive, Nucl. Phys.,B110, 237, (1976). [10] J. Polchinski, HEP-th/6907050 v2, July 9, 1996 [11] N. Seiberg, Phys. Lett., 206B, 75, (1988). [12] N. Seiberg, E. Witten, Nucl, Phys., B426, 19, (1994). [13] N. Seiberg,'E. Witten, Nucl, Phys., B431, 484, (1994). [14] E. Witten, Phys. Lett, 86B, 283, (1979) [15] R. S. Arnowitt, S. Deser, C. W. Misner, The Dynamics of General Relativity in Gravitation: An Introduction to Current Research, Wiley, New York, (1962). [16] B. S. DeWitt, Phys Rev., 160, 1113, (1967); J. A. Wheeler, mBattelle
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In this appendix three applications of Stokes' Theorem are given which distinguish between a static magnetic field; the magnetic component of an electromagnetic field; and a topological magnetic field.
1. The Static Magnetic Field: Integration around a Circle The relevant Stokes Theorem in this case is the abelian: J)A-dl=
f [B-dA
where B = V X A. The area integral is around a circle of radius R, and the line integral is over the circumference. The vector potential can be expressed as: A = l-B{Xj -
in cartesian coordinates (X, Y), related to circular polar coordinates by: X = RcosB; dX Y
= RsinO; dY = RcosOdO.
It is readily checked that the line integral is equal to the area integral: IA
• dl = \BJ_R2 =
{sin29 + cos20)dO
as given by the abelian Stokes Theorem.
Classical and Quantum Electrodynamics
2. Magnetic Component Field
and the i?( 3 ' Field
of an Abelian
The relation between the magnetic component of an abelian electromagnetic field and the vector potential is again B = V X A, where: A^ A = -^{H + j)e* B = —^(j - ii + k)ex+ v2 are plane waves. Here
it is seen immediately that the result is zero. As shown in chapter three, the line integral also vanishes. So the topological phase is undefined in abelian electrodynamics because B^' is undefined.
3. The Topological Magnetic Field B^3) The topological magnetic field is defined in 0(3) electrodynamics as (see chapter three): B&*
= -igA™
x A™,
and is not defined as the curl of a vector potential. topological phase factor: 7
= g J I£(3)
-dA = 2-K Ik-dR
{A1.7) It gives the
which is achromatic. The line integral equal to this achromatic phase factor is along the propagation axis, because as seen in example (2), the transverse contributions vanish. The Stokes Theorem needed for this result is non-Abelian and the B field is related to the topological charge, or magnetic monopole, through:
9m = £ J J B^-dA,
Appendix 1 - Applications
of Stokes'
where V is a volume. The B^ field essentially derives a form of the Berry phase for one photon, and is related to the Pancharatnam phase. The phase factor 7 for one photon is the topological charge ± 1 , and is detected in interferometry by changing the state of polarization of the beam in one arm. Experimentally there is no difference in interferometry between a phase change induced by changing the length of one arm (changing the optical path length), and a phase difference induced by changing polarization in one arm. This is what the non-Abelian Stokes Theorem (A8) has to say. However, the topological phase is experimentally distinct from the dynamical phase in several ways, as summarized in chapter three.
APPENDIX 2 Bianchi IX Cosmologies
One cosmological model in general relativity is the Bianchi IX cosmology. This cosmology involves a spacetime that has large mode oscillations similar to gravity waves, and in some cases tumbling. The metric for this cosmology is ds2 = -dt2
+ e2ae^dx}dxj.
The Einstein equations produce the equations of motion rda\ \dt)
8TT/ oo , 1 (dP*3\2\ 3 V 16TT W i ) )
The momentum conjugate to the metric gij = e\- is found to be,
S +
*> = \( « It)' <^ > The metric terms may be redefined according to
/3+ = pu + P„ = - ^ f e , /?_ = ^=(Ai The momentum reparameterized.
- M-
(A2A) then
This leads to the ADM form of the action, S =
P+df3+ + P-d/3-
+ da - HADMda.
Appendix 2 - Bianchi IX Cosmologies
The ADM Hamiltonian has the form HADM
= ~Pa
= (P2+ + pl
+ e4a(V(/3)
The potential is a rather complicated function V(p)
= \e~si3+ - \cosh{2^/Zp..) O
+ 1 + ^e4f3+{cosh(4V3fi-)
- 1).
(42.7) This function describes a potential well with very steep walls that has "canyons" that have triangular array.
For a system with small ft± this potential is a harmonic potential. We may then have periodic motion in the variables /3±, p±. The ADM Hamiltonian then determines a dynamic phase, and there is also a phase of the form
+ dp-AdP—
This will define a topological phase for the Bianchi IX cosmology. In a purely classical setting this corresponds to a Hanney phase. This periodic motion would corresponds to large mode gravity waves on the cosmology This implies that if the physical cosmology has some Bianchi IX-like behavior that there may be some sort of topological phase.
REFERENCES C. W. Misner, K. S. Thorne, J. A. Wheeler, Gravitation W. H. Freeman and Co. (1974) M. P, Ryan, L. C. Shepley, Homogeneous Relativistic Cosmologies, Princeton (1975)
Index Actin 322-324 Aharonov-Bohm effect 14-15, 82-93, 140-152 Amino acid residues 320-330 Angular momentum classical 41, 53-56, 68-73 inverse faraday effect 22, 29, 43^18, 55, 152-155 Axial symmetry 7-8 spacetime 135 Axial vector 7-8,105-110 # 3 ) field introduced 7-8 Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer superconductivity 407-408 Barrett's SU(2) electrodynamics 14-15, 51-54, 83, 118-122 Berry phase 92-95, 238-242 Bianchi identity 78,81 Bianchi IX mixmaster cosmology 375, 444-445 Biophysics 313-337 Blackholes 353,358 conformal structure 420-422 Hawking radiance 363-368, 389-390, 414 maps to string surface 390-395, 401 406 vortices 408,420 Bogoliubov transformation 350-353, 361-367, 399-400 Bogomolny theory 134 Bohm quantum theory 240-255, 348-350, 399-400 Bohr magneton 39 Box normalized modes 163 Brownian motion 321-322 Cantor set 243-244, 258 Chaos 204 Planck scale 435 quantum chaos 240-255 Charge conservation 56 duality 353-356,409-410 electron 3, 6, 38, 40 Lorentz force 5, 7 quantization 57-58,67-73 units of 41, 56, 410
Compton effect 42, 57 Conjugate spacetime variables 343-353 Cosmological wave function 348-361, 371-381 Coulomb's law 11,52-54 Coulomb gauge 24 Covariant derivatives 17-19, 78, 141-148, 151 gauge 17-19, 28, 170-178, 217, 240 spacetime 17,24 Current 11, 14 conservation of 56-57 units of 38 Curvature bundle 428-430 extrinsic 346-348 spacetime 347-352,371-380 Ricci 352,400 Weyl 415 Cyclicity condition 19, 40, 95, 117 J-branes 354 de Sitter cosmology 356-357, 407 Differential forms 168-169 Dipole electric 25 magnetic 20-23,25-30 Dirac energy term 8-9 equation 20-23 matrices 21 monopole 354-356,371,376,398,409 paradox 72 Density operators 241-244 Displacement 11,38 units of 38 Duality 339-437 fields 354-360 four manifolds 377 monopoles 355,410 quantum vs Mach 341-343 SU(2) x SU(2) 286-306, 342 "subPlanck" physics 339-342
topological 370 vortices 353, 408-409, 420 WC 343-345 Doppler effect
Eigenvalue 24 harmonic oscillator
Einstein Einstein-Mach 341-343 general relativity 135 curvature 343,368-381,399-415 Ricci 352,405 Weyl 415 field equations 373-380, 400 special relativity 16, 20 summation 12-13 Electric field 5-12,46-47, 161-164, 175, 181, 213 charge polarization 212-214, 227-229, 232, 233 dipole 25 duality 355 monopoles 12,355 permativity 11 units of 38-39 Electron spin resonance 9 Electromagnetic radiation 3-6 Energy cutoff 220 electromagnetic 3 Fermi energy gap 353 fluctuation 205,213-217 ground state 25, 180, 212-221, 350-353, 363-366 high energy 16,42,58,286-310 infrared divergence 9, 222-227 interaction 4, 7-9, 25, 33, 153-154 inverse Faraday 22, 25, 29, 32-33, 49-60 kinetic 3-9 Lamb shift 217-221, 284 negative 208 nonAbelian aspects 176-179
perturbation 27 Planck 353-354,358-362 potential 24-26, 126 quanta of 180 relativistic 20 renormalization 220,227-281 RFR quantum description 179-205 states 162, 164-166, 179-183 51/(2) homomorphism 8-9 surface 244-257 Fermi 352-353 vacuum (zero point) 25, 180, 212-221, 350-353, 363-366 Entangled states 313-317, 344-346 Ether Maxwell's 13,59 Euler-Mascheroni number 279,281 Fabry-Perot interferomenter 175 Faraday's law 16, 52-53, 117-119, 161, 206 string surface 353-355, 408 Fermi energy gap 352-353 Fermi golden rule 163-164 Feynman diagrams 213 Feynman ratchet 321-322 Feynman rotons 241 Fields electric 5-11,46-47, 161-164, 175, 181, 213 duality 335 magnetic 4-6, 40, 43, 51-55, 161 duality 355 Fluctuation Markovian 256 nonMarkovian 257 quantum 214-221, 249-256, 272, 278 quantum gravity 345-370, 399-400 Foliation of planes of constant action 257 Four vector 12 Frequency 1// 222-227 absorption probability 164,167
i?3> interaction 64 doubling 204 eigen 179-180 quantum oscillator 210, 223 RFR 173,179-204, 222-227 spin resonant 8-9 transition 210 Galileo 160 Gauge chiral 297-306,396 choice 161 connection 78, 80-82, 86, 251-252 duality 339, 343-345, 355 Feynman 271,274 fixing term 15, 18, 272-274 gravitation 342 constraints 371-378 in variance 3, 6-8 Kac-Moody 382, 391, 413-418, 426-430 Landau 15,18, 270-271, 274 lattice theories 171 -172 local transformation 15, 265-268, 429-431 massive A(3) nonAbelian 10 physical vacuum 292-396 potential 133 quantum mechanics 15, 17, 77, 144 radiation 18 string 354,359,381-414 symmetry 0(3)b 7-10, 78, 81, 115, 118, 137, 140 SO(3) 78,81 50(32) 396 5(7(2) 7-8, 139-141, 147, 285, 304 5(7(2) x 5(7(2) 285-310, 340 5(7(3) 308-309,342 5(7(4) 305-306 (7(1) 6, 10, 13-15, 79-83, 89-90, 115-121, 139 (7(1) x 5(7(2) 139, 285, 294 theory 77, 80-82, 140-144, 251-255 transformation 5, 80-83, 162
vector boson 286-310 Virasoro construction 380, 386-391, 427-433 weak interaction 286-306 W„ 380,431-433 Yang-Mills 80, 118, 251, 430 Zy boson 295,297,306-309 Gauss law 11,51,162 Gauss-Bonnet theorem 240-242 Gibbs free energy 329 Gilbert, William 159 Gluon 381 self-interaction 14 Grand Unified Theory (GUT) 261, 309 Gravitation 135,371-380 ADM 346-361,403,414 Ashtekar variables 351-353, 371-380 canonical quantization 348-351 curvature 346-352,371-381 Ricci 352, 400, 414 Weyl 414 field equations 377-380, 400 Gupta-Bleuler condition 18 Hamiltonian 24-28, 165, 179-184, 208, 217, 222-223, 237-246, 254-253, 357,373-376,412 BCS 407 constraint 346-351, 356-357, 373-375 gravitation 351,374 rfr quantum 179-206 string surface 343-344, 407-412 Hamilton-Jacobi equation 239-241, 248-252, 375 Hamiltonian chaos 246-258 Harmuth ansatz 115, 123, 287-290, 301-303, 340 Higgs field 287-290, 301-303, 340 Hopf bifurcation / doubling 204 Infrared divergences 205, 218 Inverse Faraday effect 29-31, 152-155 Infinitesmal spacetime interval 20-22 Instanton 122-136, 174-178
Jacobi identify
78, 389, 412
Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser (KAM)
Lagrangian Arnowitt-Deser-Misner (ADM) 352, 373-374 broken 288-293, 302-303, 407 conformal 417-420 Dirac 268 electrodynamics 16,262-268 electroweak 285-292,302-305 gravitational 370, 373-374, 400, 406-411 harmonic oscillator 279-289 Higgs field 274, 286-289, 301-303 Lagrange multipliers 346 nonAbelian 205,262 nonLagrangian symmetry 277, 282-285, 290-292 quantum potential 252, 349-352 Sakharov 359-360 soliton 122-126, 130-136, 177-178, 381-414 strings 381-414 Yukawa 288,302-304 Lamb shift 205-209, 214, 221 Landau frequency doubling 204 Landau-Ginsburg potential 198 Liapunov exponent 247, 256 Light speed of 4 Longitudinal fields 18, 224 Loop (interferometer) 77-80 Lorentz transformations 20 Mach principle 339-343 Magnetic field strength 38, 41 Magnetic flux density 38, 40, 108 Magnetic flux quanta 39, 214 Mass counter term 277-279 Maxwell's equations 11,47, 159, 162, 179 Michelson-Morley interferometer 86-96 Michelson-Gale interferometer 108-109 Monopole electric 11-12,355
magnetic 11-12,119,126,355 Motion equation of 15 quantum (Schrodinger) 7, 17, 27, 165-167, 182-184, 208-211 van der Waerden 23 Myosin
NonAbelian electrodynamics 10, 28, 41-42, 84-86, 88-90, 96-99, 129-133, 270-273, 280, 285, 293 gauge field theory 10, 285-310 Nonlinear optics 175-178, 282-285 Nonlinear Schrodinger equation 174-178 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 7, 31 Operator annihilation 167, 179-182, 223 co variant 15 creation 179-182,223 differential 169-172 Hamiltonian 24-28, 165, 181-182, 351 Hodge star 12, 169 momentum operator 162-166, 209, 221 quantum 18, 23, 162-167, 174-177, 179, 182, 209,221 Schrodinger 209 kernalof 209 Optics nonlinear 175-178,282-285 Optical Hall effect 156 Optical Josephson effect 155-156 Parallel transport 83, 88-90, 101, 105 Phase shift Aharono v-B ohm 16 averaging 26 gauge transformation 15, 81, 85, 89-90 inverse Faraday 152, 265-268 quantum 14-17, 80-84, 93-102 Pancharatnam 92-102 topological 80-84,93-102 Virasoro 429-430
Wu-Yang 93 Path integral 278, 412 Phonon 222-227 Photon 7-8 bunching 176-178 vortices 176 Planck scale 261, 341, 348-356, 361-370, 383, 399, 424 Poincare half plane 247-248 Poisson statistics of photons 218-219 Polarizability 4,6-8 circularly 5-10, 115, 118, 121 Polarization vector 38 Polypeptide chain 320-330 Potential chemical 412-413 energy 24-26 gauge (vector) 3, 12, 39-44, 78, 81-86, 143-144, 147-152, 161-165, 210, 241, 251, 263-276, 286-292, 297, 411 gauge (chiral) 301-306 gravitational 372, 376-379, 400, 405, 411-413 Kahler 405 quantum 250, 348, 400 Power density 9 inverse Faraday 29 Principal bundle 173, 248, 263-267,415-416, 428-430 Projective space 403-406 Propagator (Green's function) 208-211, 269-273, 277-281 Proper time 20 Quantum gravity 261, 339-343, 348-362, 405-413, 422-424 Quantum mechanics 11,17, 20-22, 24-26, 162-168 Bohm's model 248-252,348-351,400 numerical 182-206 quantum potential 249-256, 348, 390-392, 400, 403 quantum vortices 237-242 quantum gravity 353, 392-403 Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) 228-234, 309, 234 Quantum computers 314-316,332-334 Quarks 173-174 Rabi flopping 177,184-185
Recombinant genetics 334-335 Radiation 3-4 polarized 7-9, 115, 118, 121 Relativistic Dirac equation 21-22, 268, 274 electromagnetism 20-27 momentum 20 motion 18,22 quantum mechanics 20-26 Relativity general relativity 135, 339-343, 345-253, 356-360, 371-381, 399-402, 407-414 special relativity 12-15, 20-23 Renormalization 275-281 Resonance condition in RFR 29 spin 8 Rotation internal gauge space 6-7, 80-83 relativistic 17 Sagnac effect 86-92 Scalar gauge transformation 5 potential 17, 161-162 Scattering 206-212 Schrodinger equation 26-28, 169, 179-184,237-241 Pauli-Schrodinger 162, 165 Wheeler-DeWitt 348, 356-360, 375 Sine-Gordon equation 122-127 Snellius, Willebrod 159 Soliton 122-136, 174-178 Spacetime 340, 343-353, 363-369, 399-402, 405-408, 421 Ricci 352, 403,415 Weyl 403,415 Euclideanized 128-132 Squeezed states 282-285, 366-368 SQUID 214 Stokes parameter 4-7, 78-82, 140-150 Stokes theorem 93 nonAbelian 93, 151, 153-155 Strings 339, 343, 353-414
Supersymmetry 389-393,391-395 Susceptability 62 nonlinear 175 t'Hooft-Polyakov monopole 99, 355 Technology from nonAbelian QED 329-336 Tensor electromagnetic 12-16,78-81 field strength 140-148,151 Tomita-Chiao effect 103-107 Topological quantum number 240-256 Two slit experiment 240-241 Ultraviolet divergences 201, 264, 277-281 Unruh effect 363-365 Vacuum conformal structure 412, 420-425 nonunitary equivalent 350-352, 364 permittivity 38 polarized 231-234 symmetries 282-285 Wave equation quantum 23 soliton 122-136, 174-178 W„ 380,432-434 Weak angle 289 Weighted projective space 425-427 Wess-Zumino-Witten action 389,412 Weak interactions 285-291, 301-304, 346, 356-360, 375 Wheeler-DeWitt equation 346, 356-360, 375 Young interferometry Zo 289-293 Z r 306-310 Zeeman effect
CLASSICAL A N D QUANTUM ELECTRODYNAMICS A N D THE B(3) FIELD It is well known that classical electrodynamics is riddled with internal inconsistencies springing from the fact that it is a linear, Abeiian theory in which the potentials are unphysical. This volume offers a self-consistent hypothesis which removes some of these problems, as well as builds a framework on which linear and nonlinear optics are treated as a non-Abelian gauge field theory based on the emergence of the fundamental magnetizing field of radiation, the B(3) field.
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