CAMBRIDGE LIBRARY COLLECTION Books of enduring scholarly value
Printing and publishing history The interface between authors and their readers is a fascinating subject in its own right, revealing a great deal about social attitudes, technological progress, aesthetic values, fashionable interests, political positions, economic constraints, and individual personalities. This part of the Cambridge Library Collection reissues classic studies in the area of printing and publishing history that shed light on developments in typography and book design, printing and binding, the rise and fall of publishing houses and periodicals, and the roles of authors and illustrators. It documents the ebb and flow of the book trade supplying a wide range of customers with products from almanacs to novels, bibles to erotica, and poetry to statistics.
Catalogue of the Fifteenth-Century Printed Books in the University Library, Cambridge J.C.T. Oates began work at Cambridge University Library in 1936. During his long, scholarly career, which included serving as president of the Bibliographical Societies of London and Cambridge, he did much to further research at the University Library. In 1954 he published this catalogue of the fifteenth-century printed books, which were not included in the main library catalogues. The catalogue lists over 4250 items, with detailed information for those not already described in other publications, and gives references to such information where it already existed. The fifteenth-century material is arranged by place of publication, and is indexed by author, title if anonymous, printer, and former owners and autographs. Although modern catalogues of incunabula are now available online, Oates’ catalogue is the only one allowing readers to locate items held by the Library from the earliest days of printing, and is still an important tool for researchers.
Cambridge University Press has long been a pioneer in the reissuing of out-ofprint titles from its own backlist, producing digital reprints of books that are still sought after by scholars and students but could not be reprinted economically using traditional technology. The Cambridge Library Collection extends this activity to a wider range of books which are still of importance to researchers and professionals, either for the source material they contain, or as landmarks in the history of their academic discipline. Drawing from the world-renowned collections in the Cambridge University Library, and guided by the advice of experts in each subject area, Cambridge University Press is using state-of-the-art scanning machines in its own Printing House to capture the content of each book selected for inclusion. The files are processed to give a consistently clear, crisp image, and the books finished to the high quality standard for which the Press is recognised around the world. The latest print-ondemand technology ensures that the books will remain available indefinitely, and that orders for single or multiple copies can quickly be supplied. The Cambridge Library Collection will bring back to life books of enduring scholarly value (including out-of-copyright works originally issued by other publishers) across a wide range of disciplines in the humanities and social sciences and in science and technology.
Catalogue of the Fifteenth-Century Printed Books in the University Library, Cambridge Volume 1 J.C.T. Oates
C A M B R I D G E U N I V E R SI T Y P R E S S Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paolo, Delhi, Dubai, Tokyo, Mexico City Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York Information on this title: © in this compilation Cambridge University Press 2010 This edition first published 1954 This digitally printed version 2010 ISBN 978-1-108-00782-5 Paperback This book reproduces the text of the original edition. The content and language reflect the beliefs, practices and terminology of their time, and have not been updated. Cambridge University Press wishes to make clear that the book, unless originally published by Cambridge, is not being republished by, in association or collaboration with, or with the endorsement or approval of, the original publisher or its successors in title.
PUBLISHED BY THE SYNDICS OF THE CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS London Office: Bentley House, N.W. I American Branch: New York Agents for Canada, India, and Pakistan: Macmillan
Printed in Great Britain at the University Press, Cambridge [Brooke Crutchley, University Printer)
L O G G A N ' S V I E W OF THE OLD S C H O O L S (1690) A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I.
Schola Theologica Domus Regentium Bibliotheca Bibliotheca minor Schola Medicinae et Legum Schola Baccalaureorum Consistorium Curia Procuratorum et Taxatorum Schola Sophistarum
J. C. T. OATES, M.A. UNDER-LIBRARIAN formerly Scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge Sandars Reader in Bibliography, 1952
CONTENTS page ix
List of Plates List of Text-figures
Authors and anonymous titles
Printers and places
PLATES I Loggan's view of the Old Schools (1690) II Class-catalogue of the reserved Royal Library, by F. S. Parris (c. 1752) fawg III Biblia pauperum: blockbook IV Inscription in 'Ellenbog's book' V Copper-engraving from Eichstatt Missal VI Woodcut from Officium S. Homoboni VII The 'Costerian' Doctrinale
frontispiece Page
62 79 246 440 556
VIII Braga Indulgence
TEXT-FIGURES 1 The Donors' Book (c. 1658)
page 2
2 'My lord Chawnceler' inscription
3 TunstalTs gift-inscription
4 Lorkin's autograph and monogram
5 Plan of the Old Schools (ist
6 Type-specimen (Inc. 1765)
7 Type-specimen (Inc. 2732)
8 Type-specimen (Inc. 3792)
9 Chaucer's Queen Anelida and the false Arcyte (Inc. 4067)
PREFACE The purpose of this work is to list all the fifteenth-century books in the Cambridge University Library, to direct the reader to the best published descriptions of each book, to supplement published descriptions when they appear inadequate or inaccurate, and to describe the peculiarities and the provenance of the Cambridge copy. The entries are arranged in Proctor's order and are numbered serially. Books which have been acquired since this numbering was completed have been inserted in the sequence by means of decimals. Whenever Proctor's attribution is no longer accepted, a cross-reference is given from the Proctor number to the number of the entry in the Catalogue where the book will now be found. The first element in each entry is a statement of author, title, format, height of page, and date of publication when it appears in the book. Anonymous works are entered under the first word of the title, unless the title mentions a particular person, body of persons or place; and the same principle has been applied in the index of authors and anonymous titles. If a book contains ancillary pieces, additional to the main title, their presence is indicated by '[etc.]9 added after the title; and all such pieces are listed in the index of authors and anonymous titles, where their imprints are printed in italics. The second element comprises the references. Reference is invariably made (when possible) to Proctor, the British Museum's Catalogue of books printed in the XVth century, Hain, and the Gesamtkatalog, as also (where
possible and appropriate) to certain specialized works (e.g. Duff's Fifteenth century English books and Campbell's Annales). Polain, Pellechet, the Hain-Copinger-Reichling series and other bibliographies of similar status are only referred to if it is not possible to refer to the British Museum or the Gesamtkatalog; and the reference is then supplemented by such additional bibliographical description as may appear desirable in each case. Books which appear to be undescribed elsewhere are described in the following form: a collation, with a statement of the number of leaves, and which leaves are blank; identification of the types employed; the number of lines of text and the dimensions of the type-page (excluding head-lines, etc.) on a given page; and sufficient transcriptions from the text to identify the edition and denote its contents. In transcriptions f is distinguished from s and Z from r. [ 5 ] , (a5) and (A5) denote XI
respectively a 5-line initial-space without director, a similar space with printed director 'a', and a printed 5-line initial 'A'. The remainder of the entry describes the Cambridge copy—its special excellences or imperfections, its personal history (with MS. notes of former owners transcribed within inverted commas) culminating in its mode of accession to the Library, and, briefly, its binding. Provenances have sometimes been annotated in the text, and I have occasionally referred to the British Museum's Catalogue when I have noticed in it a note of provenance which supplements a similar note at Cambridge; but in general it is necessary to turn to the index of provenances for further identification of previous owners, and it is always necessary to do so for the dating of unidentified hands. The number which appears within square brackets at the end of each entry is the Library's accession-number, whereby each book is identified on the shelf. It should not be employed for reference to this Catalogue. Some apology is perhaps needed for the tardy appearance of a book which was first envisaged over eighty years ago, for it was in 1870 that Henry Bradshaw first mentioned (in a letter to William Blades) his intention of printing brief handlists, to be followed by a regular catalogue. This intention, however, he failed to fulfil, and though Francis Jenkinson, his successor as University Librarian, made a beginning, the progress which he achieved scarcely kept pace with the very considerable rate of accession, or indeed with the publication of analogous works elsewhere, for his summary lists were soon outmoded by the publication of Proctor's Index and the earlier volumes of the British Museum's Catalogue. We may indeed regret that the manifold duties of office—allied, in Bradshaw's case, to a characteristic unwillingness to put pen finally to paper—have deprived us of so much of the work of our greatest bibliographer and his chosen pupil. Others who worked at the collection during Jenkinson's librarianship were Mr A. F. Scholfield, Mr Cosmo Gordon, and the late Charles Sayle. In 1926 a new beginning was made with the appointment of Mr H. R. Creswick, now University Librarian, as Assistant Under-Librarian in charge of early printed books, and the descriptions which he drafted between 1926 and 1938 form the preponderant element in this work. They have been revised, and sometimes expanded, by the present writer, who has added the concordances, the indexes, and the history of the collection which precedes the catalogue. This historical account formed the Sandars Lectures for 1952. It is a pleasurable duty to acknowledge the help which colleagues and others have so readily given. Mr F. J. Norton, Under-Librarian, has read the entire work, both in manuscript and in proof. I have discussed with xu
him almost every difficulty as it arose and have benefited from his criticism and advice on innumerable occasions. The debt which the book owes to Mr H. L. Pink, Assistant Under-Librarian, is no less, for every autograph or manuscript note which presented any difficulty of reading or date has been considered by him. The more obdurate have also been examined by Professor R. A. B. Mynors, to whom I am grateful for this and other help. Mr R. V. Kerr, Assistant Under-Librarian, has re-worked my original draft of the index of provenances (which has also been revised in proof by Mr A. N. L. Munby, Fellow and Librarian of King's College), and any usefulness which it may possess is largely due to him. Mr J. D. Pearson, now Librarian of the London School of Oriental and African Studies, examined the Hebrew books, and Mr E. Ansell, Under-Librarian, helped with heraldic descriptions. My debt to Mr L. A. Sheppard, Deputy Keeper of Printed Books at the British Museum, is considerable, for by his kindness the page-proof of Volume vin of the Museum's Catalogue was deposited in the Library for my use. I was thus privileged to enjoy, before they were officially ripe, the fruits of the typographical research which that volume embodies, and, in a re-examination of the Library's French books, was enabled to solve many problems and correct some errors. The identification of previous owners has presented many difficulties, and I have often been compelled to invoke the aid of others with special knowledge or with local records at their disposal; and I am none the less grateful to those who sought on my behalf but did not find, though I mention here only those who were able to answer my questions: M. Fr. Lyna, Conservateur en Chef of the Bibliotheque Rpyale de Belgique; Miss N. Bagge-Scott, Deputy-Librarian of Norwich Cathedral Library, and Mr C. Bolingbroke, Registrar of the Diocese of Norwich; Mr Neil Ker, Reader in Palaeography at Oxford; Mr M. J. Lanchester, Assistant Keeper in the Department of Manuscripts, British Museum, and Mrs L. E. Clark, also of the British Museum; the Rev. E. R. Evans, Vicar of Shawbury; and the Rev. W. C. S.Johns, Rector of Ufford in Suffolk. Cambridge provenances led me inevitably to College and University records or to College libraries, and I am especially grateful to Mr I. G. Camps, Senior Bursar's Clerk, for his willing aid whenever I wished to consult the admission-books of Trinity College. The University Printer and his staff have shown exemplary care in the design and production of this book. I offer them my warmest thanks. J. C. T. OATES CAMBRIDGE 28 July 1953
A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE COLLECTION Mirum enitn in modurn hominum studia et liberalitates accenduntur, cum etprodesse sentiunt ea quae conferunt, et grata sui memoria aposteritate conservari. Cum incuria rursus et ingrata benejiciorum oblivio, eorum qui alioquin valde ad benefaciendum propensi sunt, animos avertat, studiaque extinguat. J O H N C A I U S , Historiae Cantehrigiensis Academiae liber primus (1574), p. 84.
Of the many benefactors to whom the Cambridge University Library owes its collection of early printed books, the first in time is Thomas Rotherham, Archbishop of York, Chancellor of England, and (what is here of greater importance) several times Chancellor of our University, whose name was entered on the roll of its principal benefactors on 13 May 1475, in that in honorem Dei, incrementum studii, et universitatis nostraeprofectum, scholas novamque superius librariam polito lapide, sumptuosa pompa, ac dignis aedificiis perfecerit, eamque, omnibus ut decuit rebus exornatam, non paucis vel vilibus libris opulentam reddidit}
Rotherham's books have outlived his building, for 'Rotherham's Front' —the eastern range of the Old Schools quadrangle—was pulled down in 1754. Its appearance has fortunately been preserved by Matthew Parker * and by Loggan. On the ground floor on either side of the entrance it contained rooms designated by Loggan Consistorium and Curia procuratorum et taxatorum, though Parker calls them simply Scholae parvae Achademiae. On the floor above, running the whole length of the building, was the Bibliotheca minor or Libraria domini cancellarii, by which name it was distinguished from the Libraria magna or Libraria communis, which occupied the first floor of the south range.3 Rotherham supplemented his original gift of books with others during his lifetime4 and many more volumes are said to have come to the Library 1 Documents relating to.the University and Colleges of Cambridge. Published by direction of the Commissioners appointed... to inquire into the state... ofthe said University and Colleges (1852), vol. 1, p. 414. 2 In the plan of the Old Schools inserted in his De antiquitate Britannicae ecclesiae (1572 and 1574). 3 Cf. John Caius, Historiae Cantebrigiensis Academiae liber primus, p. 89: * Cum duae bibliothecae erant, altera privata seu nova, altera publica seu vetus dicebatur. In ilia optimi quique, in hac omnis generis ex peiori numero ponebantur. Ilia paucis, ista omnibus patebat.' This distinction has been preserved (though at some periods only obscurely) throughout the Library's history. The greater part of the Library has always been accessible to readers, the manuscripts and the rare or expensive printed books being locked away. Moreover readers have always been allowed to borrow books, a circumstance which may help to explain to those not familiar with the Library the discreditable events which have occurred in times of mismanagement when the safeguards which regulate this privilege were neglected. 4 Cf. H. R. Luard, Chronological list of the Graces.. .which concern the University Library (1870),
nos. 12-17, i9» 25, 28.
after his death in 1500, though no such bequest is specified in his will.1 The traditional list of Rotherham's gifts, comprising 255 items, is set out in the Library's * Donors' Book',2 written about 1658 by Jonathan Pindar,
\focxLDuiortari fitbnax iL vt tfomzti (fficuL
nD^ fiotH dzaci :'VocaiulaxiujfL.
Otcjcut: VULS TCULL .
i. The Donors* Book (c. 1658).
the Under Library-keeper (fig. 1). Its accuracy has long been suspect, and it has recently been shown to be completely without authority as far as manuscripts are concerned.3 Fortunately a number of the printed books 1
Printed by Thomas Hearne in Liber niger Scaccarii (1728), vol. 11, pp. 667-82. MS. Oo. 7. 52. 3 See N. R. Ker, 'Medieval manuscripts from Norwich Cathedral Priory', Trans. Camb. Bibl Soc. vol. 1, pp. 1-28. 2
speak for themselves, and what they say tends to confirm the validity of Pindar's list in so far as it relates to printed books. Of the thirty-five books now attributed to Rotherham, the Speculum historiale (parts 3 and 4 only, ULC 79) and the two volumes of the Speculum naturale (ULC 106) contain contemporary manuscript labels recording their provenance ex dono Reverendissimi in Christo patris ac domini domini Thome dei gratia EboracensisArchiepiscopi Anno domini M.cccclxxxiiii0.1
Eleven other volumes, containing eighteen different works,* have the words 'My lord Chawnceler' written, in a hand of about 1500, on blank pages or leaves at the beginning or end (fig. 2). Of twenty of our
2. 'My lord Chawnceler' inscription.
attributions to Rotherham there can therefore be no doubt. The provenance of the remaining fifteen books can neither be proved nor disproved. One or two of them stand in sets with books of known Rotherham origin, and all can be identified with varying degrees of certainty in the Library catalogue of 1556-7.3 They are thus certainly part of our original library, and in the absence of other evidence the tradition which attributes them to Rotherham may reasonably be indulged.4 Rotherham's books—for the most part legal commentaries of formidable appearance and bulk—were firmly rooted in the curriculum of the 1 These labels, which have been preserved through successive rebindings, were originally affixed by nails to the upper covers, protected by pieces of horn, and were so seen by William Cole in the middle of the eighteenth century (see Proc. Camb. Antiq. Soc. vol. x (n.s. vol. iv), 1904, p. 423). Rotherham gave the first volume (parts 1 and 2) of the same set of Speculum historiale to Pembroke College. This volume, which has also been rebound, had a similar label which, with the nails and piece of horn, has also been preserved. The University accounts for 1492-3 contain entries of expenses for the carriage of three of Rotherham's books from London and pro cathenacipne
eorundem et pro superscriptione (see Willis and Clark, The architectural history of the University of
Cambridge (1886), vol. m, p . 430). 2 ULC 104,1614 (+1623,1708), 1620,1698,1706,1707 (+1726), 1717,1719, 2542 (+2544-6), 2543 (+2548), 2547. 3 Luard's 'Collectanea' (formerly Registry MS. 31. 1-9), 1, 3. This catalogue was written by John Gwyn, Fellow of St John's and Junior Proctor, 1555-6. 4 Jonathan Pindar's list of Rotherham's gift in the 'Donors' Book' is not entirely accurate as regards printed books. It includes the Durandus, Rationale divinorum qfficiorum (ULC 2743), which cannot be traced in the catalogue of 1556-7; the entry' I. A. 5 Jacobus de Valentia in Psalmos * relates in fact to Ascensius's edition of 1506—six years after Rotherham's death; while the three volumes of Aristotle cum commento Averrois (ULC 2542-8), which have the 'My lord Chawnceler* inscription, are entered at the beginning of a list of printed books and manuscripts headed simply 'Libri Academiae Cantabrigiensis'. These are apparently books which Pindar could not assign to a particular donor. For printed books which appear in Pindar's list but are no longer in the Library, see Appendix, p. 49.
medieval university. The books given a generation later by Cuthbert Tunstall, shortly before he became bishop of Durham in 1530, reflect the change in Cambridge studies which Erasmus had stimulated and Tunstall himself had striven, with others, to bring about. His benefaction included some manuscripts, but the chief treasures were among the printed books: the Complutensian Bible, TunstaLTs own De arte supputandi printed on vellum, and, among incunables, the Library's first copy of the editio princeps of Homer/ the editions of Simplicius and Ammonius printed by Callierges, and the first volume of the Aldine Aristotle, with other Aldines. These were the first Greek texts to come into the possession of the University, and the enthusiasm with which they were received is
L t>»A*mtfU cff fhth'ofps Jiond drcUt 3. TunstalTs gift-inscription.
reflected in the Public Orator's letter of thanks: tarn rara et preciosa Graecorum codicum suppellectile nos donaris ut velut Athenas ipsas Cantabrigiam traduxisse et in latina urbegraecam instituisse Coloniam et unus et primus omnium merito dicaris.2
Tunstall's books contain his gift-inscription Cuthebertus Londoniensis episcopus studiosis dono dedit (fig. 3), but not all his books are still in the Library. A number of Greek texts which may have been his gift are listed in the catalogue of 1556-7, but not in the catalogue of 1573, and two books, both containing the bishop's gift-inscription, are known to be in other libraries: a manuscript of Polyaenus, now at Trinity College, Cambridge, and the Aldine Greek Grammar of Theodore Gaza now at Shrewsbury School. The Polyaenus3 is not in the catalogue of 1556-7; the Theodore Gaza4 was in the Library as late as 1658 and may have been sold as a duplicate at some later date, for a second copy was in the Library by 1700 and a third came with King George I's gift in 1715. The second copy (ULC 2166) contains the autograph * Thomae Smy thi', and this inclined Bradshaw 1 This volume strayed from the Library at some time after 1658. It returned, clad in scarlet and gold, in 1918 and now stands among its fellows with a slightly braggadoccio air, as of one who has seen the world. 2 Luard's 'Collectanea', 11, 1. The Orator was George Day, Bishop of Chichester, Master of St John's, and later Provost of King's College. 3 Trinity College MS. 813, given by Thomas Nevile, Master from 1593 to 1615. A Grace was passed in 1539-40 to allow Roger Ascham to borrow Polyaenus ex bibliotheca communi in order that he might transcribe it (Grace Book Y W. G. Searle (1908), p. 349). 4 Shrewsbury School Library E. vi. 10.
to the belief that the Tunstall copy was a myth, for he identified the writer as the Fellow of Peterhouse of that name who held the office of Proctor during the year in which the bishop gave his books, and 'probably put this into the Library with them'. 1 It is in fact the autograph of a far more illustrious Smith—that Sir Thomas, the etacist, who died in 1577 having served his University as professor and Vice-Chancellor and his country as statesman and ambassador.* Smith was a Fellow of Queens' College, and in the 'Magister Bulloke' who wrote his name on the upper cover of the Gaza it is tempting to discern Henry Bullock, his precursor at Queens' and in the study of Greek at Cambridge, whose Oratio habita Cantabrigiae was the first product of the printing-press at Cambridge. These promising beginnings were not, however, sustained for long. The Old Library became a prey for pilferers and in 1533-4 a Grace was passed to safeguard it by locking the door and restricting entry to those properly entitled to hold a key3—a precaution which apparently had little effect, for fourteen years later it was deemed to be no longer useful as a library and was turned into a Theology School. Any books that had survived were presumably moved into Rotherham's Library, though this can scarcely have been in much better order itself, for when a new catalogue was made in 1573 it was reported that many books were missing and the rest for the most part mutilated.4 In the following year Andrew Perne, Master of Peterhouse, set himself to the task of putting things right, and in this he was supported by Matthew Parker, whose aid he first invoked. The vigorous applications which these two made to possible benefactors soon brought gifts from James Pilkington, Bishop of Durham, Robert Home, Bishop of Winchester, and Sir Nicholas Bacon, the Lord Keeper, while Parker himself gave 100 choice volumes. In 1577 the office of Bibliothecarius was established as a separate office in its own right, and five years later new and elaborate rules were drawn up for the management of the Library. Perne himself added largely to the books that were crowding into Rotherham's Library, and by the end of 1586 it became necessary to restore the Old Library to its original use, though it would appear that it continued to be used for the delivery of lectures as well.5 1
Add. MS. 4595 (a box of miscellaneous notes by Bradshaw). Charles Sturge, Cuthbert Tunstal (1938), pp. 392-4, has conflated Proctor Smith and ViceChancellor Smith into a single person. The Porphyrius (bound up with an Aristotle) which he cannot identify is part of the first volume of the Aldine Aristotle. The entry ' Grammat. Theod. Gazae' occurs in the catalogue of Sir Thomas Smith's library made on 1 August 1566 (v. Strype's 2
Life of the learned Sir Thomas Smith, 1698 (new ed. 1820)). 3 Luard, Chronological list, no. 37; C. E. Sayle, Annals of Cambridge University Library (1916), p. 434 5 Willis and Clark, vol. m, p. 25. Ibid. p. 27.
The noble benefactions of these years included only two incunables— the Library's first copy of the Nuremberg Chronicle, given by Parker, with an annotation in characteristic red chalk, and a second copy of the Florentine Homer, a solitary gift in 1576 from Thomas Perkinson, one of the Charter Fellows of Trinity. A larger addition was made in 1594 with the arrival of the books bequeathed three years earlier by Thomas Lorkin, Regius Professor of Physic—all his physic books, or that appertained to physic, to be kept in the University Library in a great cupboard.1 Many of these contain Lorkin's autograph, with or without his monogram—an elaborate device in which all the letters of his Christian name and surname may be discovered (fig. 4). His library contained eight incunabula,* the finest of
4. Lorkin's autograph and monogram.
which are the Michael Savonarola (ULC 1903) and the four volumes of the seven parts of Falcutius's Sermones medicinales (ULC 1905). The former is a survivor from the old library of King's College, and both are in contemporary Cambridge bindings. Lorkin was a Fellow of Queens' College for a time, and in his copy of Argellata's Chirurgia (ULC 1995) are notes on the glass in the College Hall which have apparently escaped the observation of the authors of the Architectural history. Three years later John, Lord Lumley fulfilled a promise made in 1587 to present to the University 'such Bookes as were double in his library and not conteyned in their Catalogue'.3 The eighty-seven volumes of this gift, which was brought up to Cambridge by Hobson the carrier at a charge of 165. 4
(ULC 2731) was the Library's first Hebrew inclinable; two of the others had once been in the library of Thomas Cranmer, a great part of which had been bought by Lumley's father-in-law Henry Fitzalan, Earl of Arundel.1 With the events of the next fifty years this record is not greatly concerned. Two schemes of building a new library were set on foot only to be frustrated, the first by the assassination, of the Duke of Buckingham, with whom, as Chancellor, it had originated, and the other by the outbreak of the Civil War. Another benefaction which Buckingham had begun was fortunately carried through by his widowed Duchess—the purchase for the University of the Oriental manuscripts of Erpenius, which came to the Library in 1632. No incunables, however, were added until 1647-8, when Parliament, at the instigation of Vice-Chancellor Lightfoot and John Selden, voted ^500 for the purchase of a collection of Hebrew books. These had belonged to an Italian rabbi, Isaac Pragi, and were now offered for sale by George Thomason.* The collection comprised upwards of 150 volumes (containing over 400 separate works), in uniform, though not identical, bindings of reddish calf ornamented in gold and, in some cases, stamped with Pragi's name in Hebrew characters. Most were of the sixteenth or early seventeenth century, but the six incunables which were included among them have the distinction of being, for Hebrew books of their kind, unusually perfect. Meanwhile an event occurred of great importance in the history of the Library, though it did not have lasting effect upon it. Richard Bancroft, Archbishop of Canterbury, dying in 1610, had bequeathed his library at Lambeth Palace to his successor in the See of Canterbury, provided that he should give assurances to continue the inheritance to his successors in perpetuity. Failing such assurances, the books were to go to the King's new college at Chelsea, if it should be completed within six years, or, if this foundation should not come to pass within that time, to the University of Cambridge. The first condition of this bequest was fulfilled, but the abolition of episcopacy in 1643 and the failure meanwhile to erect the college at Chelsea enabled the University to petition Parliament for the books. The petition was granted in February 1646/7 and in the following month Parliament ordained that the books added to the library since Bancroft's death should be made over to the University as well. The whole library—numbering some 11,000 volumes—arrived during the latter half 1
A. Esdaile, The British Museum Library (1946), pp. 178-9. The rest of Lumley's books were afterwards bought by King James I for Henry, Prince of Wales. *. See I. Abrahams and C. E. Sayle, "The purchase of Hebrew books by the English Parliament in 1647', Trans. Jewish Hist. Soc. of England, vol. vm (Sessions 1915-17), pp. 63-77. The form * Pragi' is doubtless incorrect. It has always been used in the Library and is therefore retained here.
of the year 1649, and the old South Room, which since 15 86 had apparently been doing double duty as a library and as a lecture-room, was fitted up anew with cases and wainscotting at the expense of Sir John Woollaston, Alderman of London.1 The Cambridge books were sorted in with their more numerous fellows from Lambeth into classes lettered A-T, the shelves in each class being lettered a, (3, etc.2 Prodigious energy was displayed at this time by Jonathan Pindar, who wrote a catalogue of the classes and an author-catalogue, both beautifully neat and legible,3 as well as other lists, including the Donors' Book. The last, though it may not be uniformly accurate, shows that a certain prideful interest was being taken in the place, and this may be attributed to the scholarly and competent direction of Abraham Whelock and his successor in the Librarianship, William More. It is ironical that this, the best work performed in the Library during the first 400 years of its existence, should have been to no purpose, for in 1662 Archbishop Juxon preferred a claim for the return of the Lambeth Library, and a year later his successor Archbishop Sheldon renewed it. The Syndicate appointed to inquire into the claim admitted it, and on 22 February 1664 the books were handed back to the Archbishop's representative by Isaac Dobson, the Librarian, and Jonathan Pindar, assisted by other nominees of the University.4 But the University received immediate and adequate compensation for this heavy loss. Richard Holdsworth, Master of Emmanuel College, had died in 1649, bequeathing his library 'upon the University of Cambridge provided that it please God within five years to make a settlement of the Church, and that they do restore the Lambeth Library which they had from thence to the See of Canterbury: which if it shall not be done 1
Willis and Clark, vol. in, p. 28. This was apparently the first time a classification-nomenclature of this sort was used in the Library. Earlier systems had required an awareness of the points of the compass. 3 MSS. Oo. 7. 73 and Mm. 4.1. 4 The episode of the Lambeth Library is unusually well documented. See Luard's * Collectanea', n, 12; iv, 14. Jonathan Pindar was still at work in the Library towards the end of 1664, when he wrote a catalogue of the Lucas Bequest (see below, p. 10). He therefore cannot be the stationer of the same name who died in 1663, according to G. J. Gray and W. M. Palmer, Abstracts from the 2
wills and testamentary documents ofprinters, binders, and stationers of Cambridge from 1504 to 1699 (1915),
p. 100. There were also two University Printers of this same name, appointed in 1686 and 1699 respectively (see H. R. Plomer (and others), A dictionary of the printers and booksellers.. .from 1668
to 172$ (1922), p. 238). The second was at work until 1730 at least, and may be identical with a Jonathan Pindar who was employed in the Library in 1718. Luard's ' Collectanea', 11, 27, records that on 5 July in that year the Librarian (Philip Brooke) was admonished for neglect of his duties by the Vice-Chancellor, who informed him moreover 'that Jonathan Pindar could not be displaced by him, nor another put by him into his Room without the Vice-Chancellor's Authority. And lastly that Pindar was no longer to be p[ai]d by Him; but that before any Mony be paid to Mr Brooke for the future, so much would be deducted as shd be due to Pindar for his salary, & wd be paid him by the Vice-Chancellor himself.'
I would then have it bestowed upon Emmanuel College in Cambridge provided that they erect a room or case fit to retain it: for default whereof, and if it shall fall out there be no happy resettlement I would have it bestowed on the College of Dublin in Ireland'.1 In addition Holdsworth left elaborate instructions for the disposal of duplicate copies, however the library should be bestowed. The terms of this will clearly gave scope for litigation. Both University and College had been overtaken by larger events which made it impossible to fulfil the conditions laid upon them. On 30 October 1663 the University appointed a Syndicate to treat with the College, and both parties agreed to submit the case to the arbitration of the Archbishop of York and the Bishops of London and Ely. On 20 June following, the adjudicators ordered a catalogue of Holdsworth's library to be prepared (with lists of the duplicates and triplicates) by persons chosen to represent the University and the College, and by 21 July the books had been * brought together into the Schools' and work had begun.2 The catalogue was delivered to the adjudicators, who gave their decision in the Hall of Doctors' Commons on 19 December. The library was adjudged to the University, the duplicates were to be disposed of in accordance with Holdsworth's wishes, and the University was to pay the College within one year the sum of ^200, with an additional sum not exceeding .£20 for charges necessarily expended. The catalogue which was made for the adjudicators3 shows a library of 10,095 volumes (including 186 manuscripts), more than half of them theological. Though by no means free from error and rather brusque in its 1 Copy of Holdsworth's will in Luard's 'Collectanea', n, 134. * MS. Mm. 1.45 (Baker MSS. XXXIV), p. 132. The books had been stored in London meanwhile, but it is not clear when they were transported to Cambridge. It is usually said that the boxes which took the Lambeth books to London were used to bring the Holdsworth books to Cambridge on the return journey, and an ambiguously worded sentence by Bradshaw (Collected papers, p. 198) appears to confirm this. On the other hand Willis and Clark, vol. 11, p. 703, quote a letter written by William Sancroft, Master of Emmanuel, on 17 January 1663 which reads: 'I am now in Pursuit of Dr Holdsworth's numerous Library; and though the University hath long since swallowed it in a generall Expectation, yet, having lately got a Sight of his private Directions to his Executors, and consulted both Lawyers and severall of my Lords the Bishops, and the Executors themselves thereupon, I doubt not at all, the Right will prove to be ours ' It is apparent therefore that the Holdsworth books were in Cambridge (and moreover in the possession of the University) before the Lambeth books were handed over. It is probable that the same boxes were used for both libraries, though the order of the journeys was the reverse of that usually supposed. Cf. a letter dated 10 May 1662 from John Bargrave to the Vice-Chancellor Theophilus Dillingham (Luard's * Collectanea', n, 121): 'I had Severall discourses with the Right Reverend our laste vicechanceller about the Restoring of the Lambeth Library to his Grace of Canterbury, and the laste message he imposed on mee from Cambridge was that I shold tell his Grace that Dr Holdsworths bookes were to be brought to Cambridge, to be put in the others roomes, and that those Chests which brought those bookes downe, shold be returned with the bookes his Grace demaunded for Lambeth ' 3 Two copies were made, one for each party, and agreed between them. They are now MSS. Dd. 8. 45 and Ff. 4. 27.
treatment of pamphlet-volumes, it was compiled with considerable care and is reasonably generous in the matter of imprints and dates. It enables us to trace more than 200 of our incunabula to the Holdsworth collection. Among them were the unique copy of Caxton's first Directorium Sarisburiense, with the unique folio Image ofPity inserted therein, and the unique Sarum Breviary printed at Venice by Reynaldus de Novimagio in 1483. These are lost to us; * but we still have Caxton's first Golden Legend and his second Mirror of the World, and the Oxford Lathbury, Super threnis, Rolle, Explanationes in Job, Lyndewode, Provinciate, and Alexander ab Alexandria, Expositio super libros De anima—thefirstEnglish incunables, it would appear, which the Library possessed. The most spectacular of Holdsworth's books, however, is the copy on vellum of Reyser's Statuta Synodalia Herbipolensia, from the library of Julius Echter von Mespelbrunn. Meanwhile the Library had received the handsome bequest of HenryLucas of St John's College, the University's representative in Parliament. His books—over 4000 in number—were delivered to the Library by 12 September 1664, and were listed by Pindar.* In this list the books are, unfortunately, 'digested without any certaine method for direction'. Only one inclinable can be traced to this gift—the Treviso Platina (ULC 2466).3 Shortly afterwards the Library received its first endowment when, in January 1667, Tobias Rustat, Yeoman of the Robes to Charles II, gave the University £1000 to be laid out in lands of an annual value of .£50 or £60, to be spent 'in buying the choicest and most usefull Bookes for the Publique Library'.4 This gift was used, together with an equal sum from St John's College at Oxford, to buy an estate at Ovington in Norfolk, an annual rental being paid to the College in return for the conveyance under a deed of trust of the whole estate to the University. Rustat laid down very precise instructions for the management of his benefaction. The Vice-Chancellor and other specified persons were to decide each year what books were to be bought, and an annual account of expenses and receipts was to be rendered by the Vice-Chancellor at the University Audit. The books bought were to be uniformly bound, with the Rustat arms on the covers, they were to be kept together in a special compartment, and they were not to be borrowed or carried out of the 1
2 See Appendix, pp. 49-50, nos. 6 and 8. MS. Mm. 4. 27. Another single inclinable, received a few years earlier, is ULC 3032. The donor was Osbert Fowler, Registrary of King's College, a name held in some honour in the Library, for he gave at the same time a manuscript bestiary (Ii. 4. 26) which ranks high among our treasures. 4 Copy of the deed of gift in Luard's * Collectanea', n, 16; published (from the original in the 3
Registry) in J. W . Clark's Endowments of the University of Cambridge (1904), pp. 447 et seqq. On
Rustat see W. Hewett, Memoirs of Tobias Rustat Esq. (1849). 10
Library on any pretence whatever. Lastly it was directed 'that a faire booke of vellome be prepared for the Registring therein the names of all the Bookes bought by this Benefaction from time to time and noe other'. Some at least of these stipulations were for a time observed. A number of books published before the end of the century bear the Rustat arms in blind, and Cooper1 records that on 4 October 1671 Charles II, visiting Cambridge on his way back from Newmarket, 'viewed the Publick Library, took more especial Notice of the rare Eastern MS. given by his Grace George Duke of Buckingham... as also of the many fair volumes bought by the Annual Benificence of Tobias Rustatt Esq. one of his Majesties present servants'.2 With the lapse of time, however, the conditions of the bequest were less and less observed. A Syndicate appointed in 1807 to look into the management of the Rustat revenues reported that, though the money had been correctly spent on books, the proper trustees had not been consulted before purchase, the books bought had not been uniformly bound or stamped with the Rustat arms, and no register of purchases had been kept. From time to time attempts were made to remedy this neglect. In 1848 a sub-Syndicate recommended that the Rustat books be locked up apart and secured against borrowing, and that a register be maintained.3 Eighteen years later J. E. B. Mayor, in one of the numerous pamphlets with which he bombarded apathy and neglect, fired a salvo in the same cause, while the minutes of the first Syndicate meeting of Bradshaw's librarianship (on 13 March 1867) state that 'it was agreed that all Books bought with Rustat Funds should be entered in a special Rustat Book'. References to a 'Rustat ledger' suggest that such a book was for a while maintained, but at some time the practice lapsed and the book itself has long since disappeared. The clause whereby the books were to be uniformly rebound with Rustat's arms on the covers was also (and less regrettably) largely ignored, but about the middle of the nineteenth century a bookplate with the arms and legend Munificentia Tobiae Rustat was engraved and was normally, though not invariably, inserted by Bradshaw and Jenkinson in books bought from the fund.5 1
Annals of Cambridge, vol. m, p. 549; quoted by Hewett, pp. 50-1. Luard's * Collectanea', 1, 14, states more directly that Rustat's books were at this time kept together. It is a list (written not before 1672) of'all the bookes that have been sent into Mr Rustat's library'. 3 Minutes of the Library Syndicate, 6 March 1848. 4 Notes on the Statute and Ordinances affecting the Library. By the Librarian [J. E. B. Mayor] (1865). Reissued to the Senate 5 May 1866. 5 Rustat's arms were confirmed by King Charles in 1676. See Hewett, pp. 69-73, quoting from the original: 'I, the saide Norroy, Kinge of Armes, have devised, granted, assigned and confirmed unto the said Tobias Rustat the Creste following; that is to say—On a Wreath of his Colours a Mount of Briers and Thornes, Vert, thereon three Crosses Croslets fitched, sable, where of two 2
Lastly, in 1858 a new statute was approved by which the Rustat books were allowed to be borrowed, under safeguard, and the Library was relieved of its obligation (which at this time can hardly have been more than theoretical) to keep the books together. The income derived from the Rustat estate was meanwhile increasing and, when Bradshaw set about building up the collection of incunabula, was four or five times greater than that which had originally been envisaged. With the closing years of the nineteenth century it greatly diminished, and by 1929 had dwindled away altogether.l In the meantime it had enabled the Library to buy nearly 600 incunables—the largest addition to the collection from any single source. One other notable addition was made to the Library before the end of the seventeenth century. In 1670 John Hacket, Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, bequeathed his library of about 1000 volumes. The duplicates from this collection were sold (in accordance with the terms of the bequest) and with the money thus obtained 220 other books were bought.2 Hacket's benefaction was commemorated by the addition of his name to the roll of the University's benefactors and by the insertion in his books of a handsome bookplate, engraved by the elder Faithorne, with his portrait and motto (Inservi Deo et laetare) and an ex dono inscription.3 Many of Hacket's books contain his autograph, and a few contain in addition that of Robert Wright, who had held the See of Coventry and Lichfield from 1632 to 1643. This bequest included two unimportant incunabula. The great accessions of these years had transformed the Library, but had not increased its usefulness, for no attempt had been made to put the books in order or to catalogue them. This the Librarian was called upon to do by a Grace of 14 December 1667. It bade him class and arrange the books by the following Candlemas and, that task completed, prepare a new catalogue and keep it up to date. Moreover, he or his deputy was to attend in the Library from eight to eleven in the morning and from one to five (or dusk, in wintertime) in the afternoon.4 The new class-catalogues and the table ofclasses 5 which resulted from these instructions show a library in Saltire, the third in Pale, interlaced with an Annulet, O r . . . together with his saide Armes herein after mentioned; namely, Argent on a Saltire, between fower Crosses Crosslets, fitched, Sable, an annulet Or.' The Library's bookplate ignores the crest and substitutes a crescent for the annulet on the shield. 1 It arose from its ashes, a modest phoenix, in 1949. 2 Luard's 'Collectanea', 1, 15, is an account of the sum (£180) thus raised and expended. A list of Hacket's books and of the books bought by the sale of the duplicates is in the * Donors' Book'. 3 See L. Fagan, A descriptive catalogue of the engraved works of William Faithorne (1888), p. 39. 4 It would be uncharitable to see in the extreme ferocity of this Grace the ultimate cause of Isaac Dobson's resignation from his office on 16 March 1668. He was succeeded by Robert Peachey. 5 Luard's * Collectanea', 1, 19. This shows the number of printed volumes on each shelf and the total number in each class and in each of the two rooms. The total of the manuscripts is given, but no details of the numbers on each shelf or in each class. 12
of nearly 16,000 volumes (among which were a little over 3 50 incunables), divided into two sections, the first comprising classes distinguished by letters (A-T), the second classes distinguished by numbers (5-14, 19). The Holdsworth books and what remained of the Library's pre-Holdsworth printed books were shelved in the letter classes, thus putting into some sort of effect the stipulation of the adjudicators of 1664 that Holdsworth's books were 'to be kept together in the publique Library.. .and to be distinguished from other books there by the name of Dr Holdsworth's Library'.1 The number classes, which, as the table of classes shows, were kept in the 'Little Library' or 'Lesser Room' (i.e. Rotherham's Library), housed the Rustat books and the manuscripts. The latter numbered 658 and presumably occupied classes 1-4 and 15-18. The only Holdsworth books which found their way in with them were a few pamphlet volumes in the smallest format and the vellum Statuta Synodalia Herbipolensia. The Hacket books, when they arrived in 1670, were, however, placed en bloc in this 'Lesser Room' which, it is clear, was no longer regarded exclusively as an inner sanctuary. Indeed this whole rearrangement of the Library was ill-considered and unfortunate, for it ignored the distinction, which Caius had remarked upon a century earlier, between the duae bibliothecae, and so may well have opened the way for the wholesale depredations which the Library was to suffer in the near future. The eighteenth century began auspiciously, for in 1709 the Libraryreceived its second endowment, though it was not to become effective for many years. The benefactor was William Worts of Catharine Hall, who left his estate to five trustees. By his will an annual payment of ^30 was to be made to the Charity Schools in Cambridge, galleries (completed in 1715) for Bachelors and undergraduates were to be built in Great St Mary's, a causey was to be constructed from Emmanuel College to the Gogmagog Hills, and two travelling scholarships for Bachelors were to be endowed. The residue was then to be 'applied to the use of the University Library'.2 More than a century passed before the residue was so applied, and there is more than a suspicion that the endowment was forgotten and so (perhaps fortunately) allowed to accumulate.3 From 1822 to 1853 it was used to buy foreign scientific periodicals and illustrated art books.4 Thereafter for a time it was tied up in the Building Fund, and for some years from 1867 it was used to pay the salary of a Library 1
Luard's 'Collectanea', n, 135. J. W. Clark, Endowments, pp. 89-93. Cf. Bradshaw, Collected papers, p. 200. 4 Add. MS. 259iao9 (letter written by Henry Bradshaw, 21 November 1863). The remaining information in this paragraph on the purposes to which the fund has been applied is drawn from the Annual Reports and Minute-books of the Library Syndicate. 3
assistant. In 1871 the Worts Trustees undertook the purchase of all foreign periodicals in order to free a larger portion of the General Fund to meet the increased charges occasioned by the incorporation of the old handwritten catalogue into the new printed catalogue; and in 1884 the Worts income was carried direct to the General Fund and so ceased to have any separate existence. The Worts Fund has thus been used for a variety of purposes, and it would find little place in this narrative had not Bradshaw used its accumulated balances to such good effect at the Culemann sale of 1870 and on one or two other, less important, occasions. John Moore, Bishop of Ely and owner ofa library renowned throughout Europe, died on 31 July 1714; and on 20 September in the following year Lord Townshend, Principal Secretary of State to King George I, wrote to the Vice-Chancellor, Thomas Sherlock, a letter1 which was read to a full Convocation of Regents and Non-Regents two days later. *I have received', wrote Townshend, 'His Majesty's commands to acquaint you that for the incouragement of Learning, and as a mark of His Royall Favour he gives to the University of Cambridge the Library of the late Bishop of Ely/ The King's munificence was acknowledged by the University in an address which was sealed on 24 September. Townshend himself, however, had been its instigator.2 Moore's library—which now became the King's or Royal Library— contained more than 30,000 volumes,3 and it is understandable that a gift of such magnitude, which trebled the existing Library numerically, should prove something of an embarrassment to its recipients; for when, towards the end of the year, the books arrived from Ely Place, there was nowhere to put them. With commendable promptitude the University made over to the Library the room (then used as the Law School) on the first floor of the west range of the Old Schools quadrangle, and, after negotiations with King's College, built at the south-west angle, over the porter's lodge of King's Old Court, the Dome or Square Room, where it was proposed to house the manuscripts, and by which direct access was obtained between 1
Luard's 'Collectanea', n, 261. ' . . .Had not yr Ldship rememb'red the place of yr Education, with a kindness almost peculiar to yrself, we had wanted yt great Encouragement of Learning, wch now, by yr Ldships powerfull interposition on our behalf, we enjoy from the Kings bounty ' (Sherlock's draft of a letter to Townshend, read in the Senate 24 September 1715. Luard's * Collectanea', 11, 262.) The Treasury Order, authorizing the payment of £6450 to Dr Samuel Clarke, Moore's executor, is now Add. MS. 4357. It had been among a great collection of Treasury documents found in 1835 m a sealed vault beneath Somerset House, many of which were ultimately sold as waste to a fishmonger in Hungerford Market, who used them for wrapping purchases. A customer rescued a number of these documents about 1840, among them the Treasury Order, which he gave to a Mr John Fox, whose son John Charles Fox presented it to the Library in 1905. 3 Hartshorne, The book rarities in the University of Cambridge (1829), p. 23, quoting the authority of Baker, gives the number of printed volumes as 28,965 and the number of manuscripts as 1790. 2
SCOTT'S BUILDING (1864-8) ' Librarian's Room'
DOME ROOM (1716)
SOUTH ROOM (1470) (Libraria communis)
Archivum publicum (1662) Ion ground ! floor]
REGENT HOUSE formerly University Chapel (1400) made over to the Library 1730; work completed 1734
EAST ROOM (1758) Replacing 'Rotherham's Front (1475) (Bibliotheca minor)
5. Plan of the Old Schools (ist floor).
the south and west ranges. The work on the west range appears to have been completed during the year 1718-19, and the work on the Dome Room during the following year.1 On the completion of the West Room the books were removed from store and unpacked, whereupon it became clear that the additional space so far provided was wholly inadequate. The only room left for expansion was the north range of the Old Schools, which contained on the first floor the Regent House. The provision of a new Senate House therefore became necessary, and the way was made clear for one of those long and spirited controversies which are apt to overtake the Universities whenever any scheme of building is proposed. The new Senate House was eventually completed by July 1730, and the work of fitting up the Regent House as a library was begun the following year. It was completed in 1734 when payment was made to four scholars 'for assisting in setting up the King's books and in making the Catalogue'. Meanwhile alterations were made to the West Room, so that there might be access between it and the newlyacquired North Room. In 1752 more work was necessary beneath the Dome Room, doubts having been entertained about the stability of the floor; and in 1754 a start was made on the demolition of the east range (Rotherham's Library),2 in order that it might be rebuilt in the politer style of architecture demanded by its near-neighbour the Senate House. Not until 1758 were the Old Schools at last free of the traffic of masons, carpenters, glaziers and the like. Nearly twenty years had elapsed before those of the King's books which were destined for the 'open' library became really available for study, and nearly twice that time before the manuscripts (and with them the rare printed books) were housed in the room which had been specially built for them in 1716.3 Few records survive of this period of improvisation and neglect. It seems clear that the books, after they had been removed from their storage-place into the West Room, lay about in heaps for some years without adequate supervision.4 * During that time', Bradshaw wrote, 'the pillage was so 1
Willis and Clark, vol. m, pp. 30-4. Rotherham's gate was bought by Sir John Cotton and rebuilt as the entrance to the courtyard at Madingley Hall, and so is happily restored to the University by the recent purchase of the Hall. 3 Willis and Clark, vol. 111, pp. 74-7. 4 Cf. Conyers Middleton, Bibliothecae Cantabrigiensis ordinandae methodus quaedam (1723). The plan there given of the Old Schools quadrangle describes the West Room as Bibliotheca Regia, in quam locumque ilium quadratum ad sinistram [i.e. the Dome Room] condusijam servantur libri omnes a Rege donati.. .quorumpars insuper magna humi adhuc confusa jacet. The creation in 1721 of the office of Protobibliothecarius in order that Middleton might be elected to it is an episode in the Bentley-Middleton vendetta rather than a stage in the Library's history. Of the recommendations made by Middleton in the pamphlet just referred to the only one to have practical effect on the Library was his suggestion that each class should be confined to a single bay instead of two adjacent half-bays (v. Willis and Clark, vol. in, pp. 438-9). 2
unlimited, that the only wonder is that we have any valuable books left/ 1 The credit for bringing this unhappy confusion to an end belongs to Dr John Taylor of St John's College, the editor of Lysias and Demosthenes, and Librarian from 1732 to 1734. Of his operations while he was engaged on this formidable task we know but little, and the facetious anecdote which John Nichols has preserved hardly adds to our knowledge.* Of Taylor's care for the rare books of the collection, there is, as will be shown, ample evidence. A few documents which relate to the Library's incunabula have, however, survived and, although the light which they shed is an uncertain one, they do enable some reasonable conjectures to be made. The first document3 is a list of 382 incunabula, arranged in chronological order of publication beginning with the Mainz Catholicon of 1460. Of these 142 have class-marks prefixed; they are all books from the 'Old' Library (before 1715), and the class-marks are those which were given when the Library was rearranged after the arrival of Holdsworth's bequest in 1664. One 'Old' Library book (Caxton's second edition of The mirror of the world) appears in the list without a class-mark, presumably because it was at this time still bound up with a manuscript. Of these 'Old' Library books all but four can be identified today.4 The remaining 240 entries have numbers prefixed, except seventeen which have neither numbers nor class-marks; and all can be identified with Royal Library books, except nine which must be accounted lost.4 One of the lost books was a copy on vellum of Fust and SchoefFer's 1465 edition of Cicero's De Officiis. The numbers which are prefixed to the entries do not run in any sequence—the lowest is 4, the highest 14111. Different entries—widely separated though they may be by the chronological arrangement—have 1
Collected papers, p. 201. * Biographical and literary anecdotes of William Bowyer... (1782), pp. 62-3 (reprinted by Nichols in his edition of Two music speeches at Cambridge.. .by Roger Long, M.A., of Trinity College, and John Taylor, M.A., of St John's. To which are.. .prefixed Memoirs ofDr Taylor and Dr Long (1819)):
* Either whilst he was Librarian or rather before, and perhaps after, he took great pains, as did some others, before Booksellers were obliged to be called in, in classing the noble present of King George the First to the University Even this dull and laborious employment furnished him with some pleasant stories; for, among his many other good qualities, that of telling a story well was too remarkable to be entirely omitted here. He used to say, that, throwing the books into heaps for general divisions, he saw one whose title-page mentioned somewhat ofheight, and another of salt; the first he cast among those of Mensuration, the other to those of Chemistry or Cookery; that he was startled, when he came to examine them, to find that the first was " Longinus de Sublimitate " and the other "A Theological Discourse on the Salt of the World" ' This account is corroborated by a series of folio note-books in which are written, in several hands, the results of various attempts to class the Royal Library. Those which list the contents of the classes as they were eventually shelved are in Taylor's hand. The reference to * Booksellers' is obscure, but may relate to William Thurlbourn who sold at auction the duplicates from the Royal Library in 1742. 3 Add. MS. 2671. This manuscript was not known to Bradshaw. 4 See Appendix, pp. 49-51. oc
the same number whenever the works they describe are bound together in one volume. It is clear therefore that the numbers identify particular volumes, and in one instance (but only one) the identifying number can be found written in the volume concerned. The entry Lud. Bruni carmen in adventu Maximiliani Duds per Jo. de Westfalia Lovanii [i4]77 (ULC 3765)
is numbered 14111. This work was originally bound as the last item in a volume of four pamphlets, the first three of which (all sine nota) do not appear in the list. The volume has since been broken up, but what was originally the first item in it {Tractatus de morihus Turcorum, ULC 1252) has the mark *: 14111* written on the first leaf of text. It is clear that these numbers derive from an inventory of Bishop Moore's books,1 and confirmation that there was such a list is found in the memorandum, written by the Librarian Samuel Hadderton on 2 August 1731, of books stolen from the Library and found in the rooms of Dr Nichols of Trinity Hall.* In this memorandum a short list of 'Old' Library books with class-marks is followed by: * A book belonging to the late Bp of Ely's library, viz. Pindari Olymp. Gr. Lat. fol. Oxf. 1697, marked on the Back No. 7701, which must have been taken away without leave. This has likewise a mark in it, answering to the like in the Bps Old Catalogue.'3 There are two Royal Library copies ofthis book, one ofwhich has lost its original end-papers andfly-leavesthrough rebinding. The other copy (which is by far the taller and handsomer) has the number ': 4728' written on the verso of the first fly-leaf in the same hand as the number ': 14111' in the Tractatus. It is no longer 'marked on the Back No. 7701', but one may fairly assume that this refers to a label stuck on the spine. Similarly, the Royal Library copy ofJenson's edition of Cicero's Epistolae familiares (ULC 1627), which is one of the seventeen unnumbered entries in Add. MS. 2671, has the mark ': 9396' on the verso of its vellum fly-leaf. The existence of two numbered lists is thus virtually certain, though it must be allowed that to find traces of two such lists where only one was required and none previously suspected does little to clarify a situation already confusing enough.4 1 Cf. Bradshaw, Collected papers, p. 203: 'Had there been any inventory received of Bishop Moore's books, or even made when they came, we should have been spared a good deal of the disgrace which has fallen upon us from persons outside our walls.' 2 Luard's 'Collectanea', 11, 31*. 3 The only Old Catalogues of Bishop Moore's library known (apart from the printed list in Bernard's Catalogi librorum MSS. Angliae et Hiberniae) are the Cambridge MS. Oo. 7.49 (a catalogue of the quartos) and the Bodleian MSS. Add. D. 81 and 81* (folios, octavos and duodecimos). They are alphabetical author-catalogues and the entries have no reference-numbers. 4 Other references to 'private marks' in Moore's books occur in Hadderton's deposition to the Master and Fellows of Trinity Hall on the thefts committed by Dr Nichols (Luard's 'Collectanea', n, 312) and in the draft of a petition (written early in 1736) to the Lord Chancellor for restitution
This manuscript also contains two notable ghosts. The first is the entry BibL S. Hier. cum trihus versibus sequen. adfinem: Jam semi undecimus lustrum francos Ludovicus Rexerat! Ulricus Martinus itemque Michael Orti teutonia hanc mihi composuerefiguram[14]^. This Paris Bible of '1463' is listed by Maittaire, citing Moore's copy,1 and is really the edition of 1476-7 (ULC 2871). Samuel Palmer2 thought the colophon had been misread by the person who supplied Maittaire with his information. The reading is in fact correct, but the colophon has been garbled by a forger to give the false date. This forgery was detected by John Taylor, who reported it in a letter dated 20 December 1740 to the Earl of Oxford,3 whose prolonged efforts to obtain a copy of the Paris Bible of 1463 had been uniformly and understandably unsuccessful. The second ghost is the entry Liber Augustin. de Vita Christiana 4to Delf [i4]#2. This also finds a place in Maittaire,4 whose entry is preceded by the letter C, signifying, according to his list o£sigla: Bibliotheca Publica Cantabrigiensis: cujus Catalogum manuscriptum perlegendi copiam mihi fecit Conyers Middleton D.D. Universitatis Cantabrigiensis protobibliothecarius.
Maittaire cites C fifty-seven times. All these entries can be traced to Add. MS. 2671. The verbal identity is often complete, and there can be no doubt that it is the identical manuscript which Middleton allowed Maittaire to peruse. As for the Delft edition of Augustine, that proves on examination to be a simple conflation oftwo books bound up together— the title of Unkel's edition of De Vita Christiana (ULC 635) and the colophon of Jacob van der Meer's edition of Antoninus's Confessionale (ULC 3345). of books stolen by Henry Justice, probably some time before, and detained by Jonas Thompson (ibid. 11, 34*). The only * private mark' which is regularly found in Royal Library books is a cross in ink written inside the front cover at the top left-hand corner. Hadderton's deposition also casts a little light on the state the books were in while they were waiting to be accommodated on the shelves. The books stolen by Nichols 'were most or all of them placed in such part of the said Library as is most commonly accessible, the greatest part of the Books of it being somewhat closer laid up from all Common Access'. Of an English Bible of 1599 stolen by Nichols, Hadderton writes that it 'had been for a long time placed on a Table in an Inner part of the said Library, from whence however a person by thrusting his Arm thro' a Latticed partition might draw it out'. The two divisions of the Library are presumably the Dome Room and the West Room, though it is not clear which of these was the 'Inner part' at this stage. 1 Annales typographic^ vol. I, pp. 41, 60; [iv=] ed. nov. vol. 1, p. 273. 2 General history of printing (1732), pp. 100, 102. 3 Printed by John Nichols in Literary anecdotes (1812), vol. 1, pp. 542-7; reprinted in Two music speeches at Cambridge.. .by Roger Long.. .and John Taylor...
(1819). A contemporary transcript
of the letter, formerly in the possession of Francis Jenkinson, is now Add. MS. 4403. 4 Annales typographic^ [iv=] ed. nov. vol. 1 (1733), p. 438; followed by Panzer, 1, 371. 15, Hain 2100 and Campbell 204. This ghost was summarily laid to rest in the Gesamtkatalog (Erganzungen u. Verbesserungen, Bdi-rv): 'DieAngabe Maittaires beruht auf einer irrtumlichen Eintragung in einem handschriftlichen Katalog von Cambridge U.L.'—a dictum which, though true, was unsupported by any knowledge of the identity of the manuscript or the nature of the error. 19
The manuscript is written in an unscholarly hand which it has not been possible to identify. A few entries (all on folio ioa) are in a second hand which may be that of Middleton himself. It seems probable that it was compiled at Middleton's direction, sometime between 1721 and 1733, and it may represent a first (and abortive) attempt to gather together the incunabula of the Royal and 'Old' Libraries. It lists a little over half the Royal incunables and considerably less than half those in the 'Old' Library. Books sine nota and books in the smallest formats tend to be excluded from it, and many English incunables from the Royal Library, including the unique pieces of Chaucer and Lidgate printed by Caxton, are omitted.1 It does, however, demonstrate that some attempt was made to sort out the rare books from the bulk of the Royal Library, and in fact the Pomponius Mela of 1471 (ULC 2250) was available for a Mr Hayley to borrow as early as 22 August 1719.2 At the beginning of the manuscript is a note in the hand of John Taylor: 'Feb. 4 1735-6. The Books in this Catalogue mark'd thus + appear in the University Library the day and year above written. N.B. The Books printed in England not examined.' Taylor might have added that the 'Old' Library incunables had not been examined either, for only three of them are marked as present, while a number of Royal Library incunables which are with us today were also not seen by Taylor on this occasion. It is evident therefore that this inspection was too cursory for any deductions to be made from it. Nevertheless, of the nine Royal Library books known from this list to have been lost, only three are marked by Taylor as present. It is possible therefore that the other six were lost before 4 February 1736, and that this inspection of Taylor's, which did not coincide with a general inspection of the Library, and which took place after Taylor had ceased to be Librarian, may represent an effort to save from further depredation the rare books of the Royal Library, which at this time remained unclassed, though the books of the 'open' Royal Library had been classed and shelved in the West and North Rooms rather more than a year before. That Taylor took a particular interest in the Royal incunables is certain, for he began to compile a full-dress catalogue of them (MS. Oo. 7. 58), though he did not progress very far. This catalogue comprises forty-two entries only, scattered in chronological order through a folio note-book. The entries consist of title and colophon (both written in red ink), with Taylor's annotations in black ink (and in 1
These books (which are listed in Bernard's Catalogi, vol. n, p. 391) are included in Middleton's * Catalogue of Books printed by Caxton which are in the Publick Library at Cambridge', printed at the end of his Dissertation concerning the origin of printing in England (1735). % See H. R. Luard, Chronological list, no. 167. The borrower was probably John Hayley, Fellow of King's and Junior Proctor 1719-20. 20
Latin) written beneath or on the opposite page. These annotations refer to signatures, watermarks and former owners as well as to more general considerations of date and place of printing. The lost Cicero of 1465 is included, and so is the Paris Bible. Taylor's notes on the latter show that he is dubious about the colophon but has not yet recognized it as a forgery. It follows that he must have been working at this catalogue before 20 December 1740. Taylor's 'Bibliotheca Biblica' (MS. Oo. 7. 60) is a document of greater significance. It is a subject-catalogue of Biblical texts and commentaries, written on some 170 folio leaves, in Taylor's hand throughout. Classmark references are added beside each entry—nearly all of them recognizable as Royal Library class-marks. The catalogue was therefore written not earlier than 1734, when the 'open' portion of the Royal Library was finally classed and shelved. Those class-marks which are not recognizably Royal consist of the word Archiv. followed by what must be a shelf number and a running number. There are only a score or so of these class-marks and the books to which they refer (they are for the most part incunables) all appear in the catalogue of the 'reserved' portion of the Royal Library as it finally emerged in 1752. The references are confined to shelves 7-10 of Archiv. only, and the running numbers show that those four shelves alone contained at least 135 books. It is not unreasonable to conjecture that the remaining shelves of Archiv., and those places on shelves 7-10 which did not contain Bibles or Biblical commentaries, contained the remaining books of the 'reserved' Royal Library, which comprised about 800 volumes. Archiv. itself must represent a location, and this may very possibly have been the Archivum Publicum or Muniment Room, which had been constructed by Grace of 4 July 1662 at the west end ofthe Divinity Schools on the ground floor of the north range.1 There are therefore strong grounds for believing that after fifteen years' neglect the books destined for the' reserved' Royal Library were removed to the University's strong-room, and that this sensible action is to be credited to John Taylor, who, when he ceased to be Librarian in 1734, became University Registrary, an office which he held until 1751, and one which would place the contents of the Archivum Publicum in his charge.2 Francis Sawyer Parris, who was elected Protobibliothecarius on 3 August 1
Willis and Clark, vol. m, p. 23. Two other lists deserve mention, though they are too obscure to be described at length. They are among the folio notebooks mentioned in p. 17 n. 2. They are in an unidentified hand but have labels (written by Taylor) on the covers: 'Libri antiquiores', and 'Libri antiquiores in Anglia impressi, libri cum scriptis codd. collati, aut manu virorum doctorum notati, Icones aere impressi*. The books listed in them are roughly those which eventually became the * reserved' Royal Library. Their chief interest is that they enable additions to be made to the sorry list of our lost incunabula. See Appendix, pp. 50-1. 3
1750 in succession to Conyers Middleton, brought to his office an impeccably neat handwriting and a tolerably clear head. On 6 July 1752 a Grace was passed authorizing the shelving and cataloguing of the manuscripts, which had been placed in the East Room pending the completion of the Dome Room, and which could no longer remain there owing to its imminent demolition. The class-catalogues which were written as a result of that Grace are in Parris's hand, and similar to them in all respects is the class-catalogue of printed books which he must have written about the same time 1 (pi. n). These printed books (although no reference is made to them in the Grace of 6 July) formed with the manuscripts, which, however, included the 'Old' Library manuscripts as well as those of the Royal Library, the new 'reserved' library, and, ifwe may believe a description given in Cantabrigia depicta (1763), were shelved with them in the Dome Room.2 They were divided into six classes (lettered A-F), the last two being devoted to maps and atlases. Classes A-D contained about 750 volumes (some of them pamphlet-volumes), classes E and F forty-five volumes only. All these class-catalogues were equipped with authorindexes, thus making the reserved library completely self-contained.3 Among the volumes standing in classes A-D were 440 incunabula, all of which may be identified in the Library today or (in the case of those few duplicates which Bradshaw sold or exchanged) otherwise accounted for. All except five are Royal books, the exceptions being three books given by Tunstall (ULC 2164, and 2217 bound with 2218), which were removed from the 'Old' Library presumably to swell the number of the King's Greek texts; the edition of Jerome's Epistolae (ULC 1732) given by William Thurlbourn, the Cambridge bookseller, in 1739;4 and (added in a later hand) the first volume of Vindelinus de Spira's Livy (ULC 1608), presented by George Nicol in 1784 to keep company with the King's second volume. 1
The class-lists of the manuscripts are now MSS. Oo. 7. 53-5; that of the printed books Oo. 7. 57. 2 'In the South West Angle is a handsome square Room enlightned with a Cupola, lately fitted up with Doors of Brass Wire-work for the Reception of Manuscripts and other valuable Books/ The shelves in the Dome Room are built into the walls. Some engravings of the early nineteenth century show them fitted with doors which appear to be glazed. They have since been turned into cupboards. 3 This was necessary because the class-marks of the reserved books duplicated in part those of the 'open* Royal Library, which had been classed A-Z, Aa-Cc. The manuscripts were classed Dd-Mm; and the letter classes of the 'Old' Library, formerly A-T, were renamed A*-T*. 4 This book bears the Royal Library bookplate, engraved by John Pine (who was paid for his work on 8 July 1737, v. Luard's 'Collectanea', n, 35). This signifies little, as the bookplate was inserted, with a fine excess of indiscriminate enthusiasm, in many manuscripts and some printed books which were certainly not Royal. This is, however, the only inclinable in which it has been wrongly inserted. 22
Parris's catalogue is a careful and creditable piece of work. Some of the errors of previous lists are corrected (the Paris Bible appears as * 1463 verius 1476'), but the Delft Augustine persists and there are other instances where two or more books bound together have been conflated into a single entry. A few other entries are scarcely informative—* A Popish Book of Homilies, as 'tis said, printed by Pynson'1—but these have been expanded by the pencilled annotations of Richard Farmer. Moreover, the work of sorting the incunables from the mass of the Royal books had clearly been done with some care, for only a dozen or so escaped to the 'open' shelves— among them, it is true, both copies of Wynkyn de Worde's Sarum Hours (ULC4150-51). The precious volume of Chaucer andlidgatewas shelved, oddly enough, among the manuscripts, whence it was replaced among the printed books probably some twenty years later. The books remained in these classes until near the end of the century, when they were moved into a new reserved library (class AB) formed by Richard Farmer, who held the office of Protobibliothecarius from 26 June 1778 till his death on 8 September 1797. This breaking-up of the reserved classes A-F was no doubt occasioned by the project for constructing a new author-catalogue which should serve the whole Library, both 'Old' and Royal, reserved and open.* The hand which performed it, in characters which sometimes cover a whole folio page for a single title, was that of William Pugh, Fellow of Trinity College, whom Gunning3 characterizes as 'a man of unsocial habits, very slovenly, and altogether unprepossessing in his appearance', though of considerable talent; and one too, he might have added, who could not prevent the maunderings of his mind flowing out of the end of his pen. 'A tract on Tully', writes Pugh, 'by Augustinus Dathus, printed at St Albans. I must be particular in my spelling, for I do not find it in Ames.' The rest of Pugh's story is told by Gunning: 'The Librarian, from time to time, advanced him money on account without hesitation, not doubting but that he had earned more than he applied for. At length Dr. Farmer expressed a wish to see what progress he tad made in the catalogue, when he discovered to his great astonishment that very little had been done; and no wonder, for it appeared, whenever he came to a work with which he was unacquainted, he was not content with looking at the title-page, but applied himself to reading its contents In consequence of his small progress in the work he had undertaken, he was given to understand that his services were no longer required. This had 1
Actually Pynson's edition of the English translation of Bonaventura's Meditationes vitae Christi (ULC 4202). * See H. R. Luard, Chronological list, no. 248. 3
Reminiscences of Cambridge (1854), vol. 11, pp. 56-9.
such an effect upon him (for he was as passionately fond of money as he was of books) that he became frantic. On the evening he received his dismissal, he sallied into the streets with a long stick in his hand, breaking the lamps as he proceeded. Whenever he smashed one, he exclaimed, " Death to the villain Marat! destruction to Robespierre! 'V x This episode (and the period of restraint which followed it) fortunately had no permanent effect on Pugh's career, for he eventually became Senior Fellow of his College and Vicar of Bottisham. Meanwhile the project for a new catalogue languished, to be revived in 1818 when it was entrusted to John Bowtell the younger,2 who in fact completed it. Bowtell had joined the staff of the Library in 1817, and there he remained, in his latter years a veritable pillar of reaction, until he was persuaded into an honourable retirement in 1852 at the age of seventy-five. He too has left his mark upon our incunables, though presumably as the instrument, not the author, of the folly whereby many fifteenth-century editions of the Fathers, and of texts of the Bible, were removed into the 'open' Library in order that the theology shelves might present as impressive an appearance as possible.3 In 1862 they were retrieved by Bradshaw and put back again into class AB—their last peregrination before they, with the Library's other incunabula, were gathered in 1869 into the haven of Bradshaw's 'Museum typographicum'. Very few additions were made to the collection during the hundred years which followed Parris's work of 1752. The solitary gift made by George Nicol in 1784 has already been mentioned; no other donation was received until 1833 (ULC 3042). In 1818 the Library spent ten guineas on a copy of Leonardus de Utino's Sermones de sanctis printed at Cologne, thus replacing the * Old' Library copy which had been stolen some seventy years before.4 The entries in the class-catalogues suggest that some fifteen incunables were acquired during the next thirty years, but very few of these can be assigned to a particular occasion. A single inclinable (ULC 652) can, however, be traced to the Van de Velde sale of 1833, at which a very large number of books and pamphlets were bought. It is probable that this outburst was stimulated by the bequest ofJohn Manistre, some1
This exclamation suggests that Pugh's dismissal took place not later than July 1793. A more detailed account of Pugh will be found in D. A. Winstanley's Unreformed Cambridge (1935), pp. 265-7, whence it appears that his lampadoclastic activities were not confined to this single occasion. 2 See A. B. Gray, 'John Bowtell: bookbinder of Cambridge.. .with a further notice of his nephew John Bowtell the younger', repr. from Proc. Camb. Antiq. Soc. vol. xi (n.s. v), 1907, pp. 346-84. 3 Cf. Bradshaw, Collected papers, p. 193 n. This probably took place in 1842, on the completion of CockerelTs Building. 4 See Appendix, p. 49.
time Fellow of King's College, who had died four years before, leaving to the University ^5000 'to be laid out and disposed of in the purchase of Books in aid and augmentation of the Public Library',1 for the Library Syndicate voted the purchase money from the Manistre account and decreed that 'an appropriate inscription be inserted in each of the volumes' so acquired.2 But no such inscription was ever inserted and no tangible memorial of Manistre's benefaction was ever devised. The revenues from his endowment were long ago absorbed in the general finances of the Library and, though his name was added to the roll of the University's benefactors, it is now entirely forgotten in the Library, where it should rank with, and be as familiar as, the names of Rustat and Worts.3 Large purchases of pamphlets were also made at the Heber sale of 1835, and it is possible that some half-dozen Heber books of unknown provenance now in our collection should be ascribed to this occasion. Two incunables (ULC 661 and 714) were certainly bought at this sale and were debited to the Worts Fund. But the remainder of the Heber purchases, together with those from the Van de Velde sale—several thousand items in all—lay about for thirty years, to be sorted, bound and catalogued eventually by J. E. B. Mayor.4 Mayor was Bradshaw's precursor in time, and, as far as reform in the Library was concerned, in spirit also; and with the conjunction of those two names this narrative takes on a braver aspect. Mayor was a member of the Library Syndicate from 1853, when it was reconstituted on a rational basis (having previously consisted of all the officials of the University), until 1864, when he was elected Librarian. His energy was remarkable. Not everything he did appears, in retrospect, wise and advantageous, and not everything he attempted was in fact practicable; but he passed through the Library like a salutary blast and in his passage removed much of the dust which previous generations by their neglect had allowed to accumulate in it. Bradshaw was appointed Principal Library Assistant in November 1856. In that position his time was largely taken up with the routine work of the Library, and after two years he resigned. In June 1859, however, he was given the congenial task of superintending and putting into order the Library's collections of manuscripts and rare books, and in that appointment he remained until, eight years later, he was chosen to succeed Mayor in the Librarianship. 1
J. W. Clark, Endowments, p. 453. * Minutes, 3 June and 18 November 1833. 3 The Manistre Fund was also used for the purchase of a large number of books at the sale of J. G. J. Hermann's library at Leipzig in 1854 (Minutes, 27 March 1854), though the books themselves contain no indication of this. 4 J. E. B. Mayor, Statement made to the Syndics of the Library, 7 March 1866, p. 7.
From 1857 onwards the names of Mayor and Bradshaw are frequently linked in minutes of the Syndicate which empower them to scrutinize booksellers' and auction catalogues and to spend specified sums in purchasing books. Sometimes the authority is given to Bradshaw alone, as on 8 July 1857, when it was agreed 'to authorize Mr Bradshaw to secure by purchase the Missal ad usum Ecclesiae Sarum 1534 of which he has the offer from Mr Dolman', while in some years at the end of the Easter Term Bradshaw was given carte blanche to spend certain sums during the ensuing Long Vacation on books which he might think it desirable to secure without further ado. In 1862 Bradshaw reported that 'in the exercise of the power entrusted to him by the Syndicate he had exchanged a duplicate of the Royal Book printed by Caxton... for a copy of the Nova Rhetorica of Laurentius de Saona written at Cambridge in 1478 and printed at St Albans in 1480, Mr Boone, the London bookseller with whom the exchange was effected, agreeing further to pay the sum of ^100 to the Library'.1 This book had been one of the Bodleian duplicates sold at auction a few months before. Its acquisition gave Bradshaw particular pleasure, for he believed it to be one of Bishop Moore's books, which had somehow passed into the Bodleian with Tanner's collection.2 No doubt it also afforded him some consolation for his failure to obtain by similar means a blockbook which the same bookseller had offered three years before. On that occasion Bradshaw endorsed Boone's letter3 'clear gain' and 'the only way open to us of completing the collection of specimens of early typography'. Nothing however came of this offer, for reasons which cannot now be traced, though the Syndicate did in fact authorize Bradshaw to negotiate the exchange.4 Books were also being acquired by less drastic means. In 1858 the Library bought from Churchill Babington of St John's College a collection of editions of Horace, formed by his father Matthew Drake Babington, among which were a few printed in the fifteenth century, while between 1
Minutes, 19 November 1862. The Syndicate had been empowered to sell or exchange duplicates by Grace of 19 March 1857 (Luard, Chronological list, no. 610). * Cf. Middleton, A dissertation concerning the origin of printing in England (1735), pp. 13-14.
Tanner's copy is, however, still in the Bodleian Library and the copy which Bradshaw acquired was in fact Laud's (v. Craster, History of the Bodleian Library, 1845-^45, pp. 47-8). Tanner's copy may once have been Moore's, but there is no evidence that it was ever at Cambridge. 3 Add. MS. 259148. 4 Other exchanges which Bradshaw made were: in 1869, a copy of Lettou and Machlinia's Abbreviamentum statutorum against a copy,- belonging to A. J. Horwood, of Albertus Magnus, Secreta mulierum et virorum, printed by Machlinia; and in 1870, with F. S. Ellis, Caxton's Doctrinal and Speculum vitae Christi [1490] and De Worde's Scala perfectionis, 1494, together with a small sum from the Rustat Fund, against 'Ellenbog's book' (ULC 128, etc.), together with an early edition by Martens at Alost (ULC 3672), Mansion's Boece of 1477 and a thirteenth-century Greek manuscript (Add. MS. 720).
1862 and 1865 over forty incunables were bought, the majority at London auctions, the rest from dealers, among whom (most significantly) was NijhofF of The Hague. Nevertheless Bradshaw found progress exasperatingly slow and was clearly encountering some opposition, for on 9 November 1865, in a personal order for some incunables, addressed probably to NijhofF, he wrote: 'I cannot buy many books of this kind, as I have to buy them from my own pocket, for our library authorities very rarely consent to the purchase of anything except what they choose to call modern useful or scientific books'I—a complaint in which we may perhaps see impatience rather than ingratitude for what had already been done. All this time the work of putting the rare books and manuscripts in order was proceeding. These, as also the books of the 'Old' Library, Bradshaw had found 'stowed away on the shelves, so that the Class Marks do not in any way point to the places on the shelves'.2 Thus his first task was to rearrange the books into their correct order and to remove from the general library any books which required closer custody—in particular all volumes which contained any pieces printed in the fifteenth century. Those which had been originally in class AB he re-placed into that class, thus reversing the follies of Bowtell; the remainder he kept 'in the MS. classes in CockerelTs building in central cases or on the tops of the other cases'.3 The volumes so selected numbered about 150, containing perhaps 220 incunables. About 100 others thus remained in the 'Old' Library, to be extracted subsequently.4 The total number of incunables in the Library at this time was probably about 850. During this work of selection and rearrangement the Library was extending its buildings. Scott's Building—a westward extension, over the Old Court of King's, of the south range of the Old Schools—was begun in 1864 and was completed, with its fittings, by the summer of 1868. On 26 May 1869 the Syndicate agreed that 'the room recently added to the Library be appropriated for the reception of the MSS. and early printed books, & others to which it is not desirable that the public should have access except under the immediate superintendence of the Librarian'.5 This room, which became the 'Librarian's Room', comprised the first floor of the new building, and oral tradition asserts that Bradshaw himself carried each volume to its appointed place on the new shelves, which stood 1
Add. MS. 2591 275 . Luard's 'Collectanea', HI, 78* (letter written by Bradshaw to the Vice-Chancellor, 15 June 1861, giving an account of work done and work remaining to be done). 3 Note in Bradshaw's MS. list of the class-marks of the books in his * Museum typographicum'. 4 Jenkinson added the class-marks of these books to Bradshaw's list. 5 Minutes, for the date given. Cf. Annual Report for 1869. 2
eight compartments down from the Dome Room. Here he arranged his ' Museum typographicum'—a practical application of that' natural history' method of study on which his and all subsequent researches into early typography have been based—dividing the books into groups by countries, towns and presses until each stood with its fellows in correct chronological sequence. It will be observed that under this method any volume which contains two or more items from different presses—or even from the same press— immediately loses half its usefulness, for as long as the volume retains its identity the books which it contains can only stand in one place. Bradshaw, unfortunately, found the answer to this problem by dividing all such volumes up into their component parts. This he did quite ruthlessly. The bindings thus destroyed were for the most part of little consequence, though the calf of the Holdsworth collection, with its red or green lettering-pieces, is pleasant enough to the eye; but some mutilated volumes of which the component items still cling together, the spine split vertically and the bands half-severed, show that bindings of moderately handsome appearance were in fact sacrificed. More important, however, than the change in the external appearance of the collection is the fact that such methods obscured the provenances of the books. Fortunately Bradshaw invariably pencilled the class-mark of the original volume on the first leaves of all the pieces into which he divided it, and any bookplate which it had contained was usually reinserted by Jenkinson in the first item when it was rebound.1 It has thus been possible to reconstitute the provenances of many books which were originally second or succeeding items in a multiple volume, and this wearisome process has indeed traced many nameless pieces to the Holdsworth or Royal Libraries. 'Books', wrote Bradshaw,2 'are to me living organisms.. .every particle of light which I can obtain as to their personal history is so much positive gain.' Dissection is no doubt often essential to study, but few organisms retain any personal history afterwards. Bradshaw's election to the Librarianship enabled him to urge with added authority his wish to see the collection greatly increased. In this he prevailed, for the number of incunables bought during his tenure of office exceeded 600 and over 100 were received as presents.3 His first recon1
Bradshaw rarely rebound the volumes which he broke up. This was done (for the most part unworthily) in Jenkinson's time. The notes on the bindings which conclude the descriptions of each book in the present Catalogue show the original constitution of many, but by no means all, the volumes which were broken up. 2 To the Rev. J. T. Fowler, in 1883; quoted by G. W. Prothero, A memoir of Henry Bradshaw, p. 327. 3 These are minimum figures. Many books acquired in Bradshaw's or Jenkinson's time contain no record of how or when they came into the Library.
naissance into the Continental sale-room was at the end of 1867, when he sent Nijhoff commissions to bid at the sale of the Enschede library at Haarlem. They were apparently far too low, for only about a fifth of the .£100 of Rustat money which the Syndicate had voted was spent, and only six lots were secured. Among them were the 1477 Old Testament in Dutch and books from the presses of Barmentlo at Hasselt and the Collacie Broeders at Gouda—rewards which today appear rich enough for so modest an outlay, though Bradshaw found the results of the sale 'most disappointing . . . except that I trust the heirs were pleased with the very large prices which the books fetched'.1 His first major triumph came two years later with the sale of the De Meyer collection at Ghent. On this occasion the Library's bidding was done by Boone, but Bradshaw himself visited Ghent before the sale and examined the books in the light of the 'classified index' of the incunabula which he had drawn up by rearranging the entries in the sale-catalogue into his own special order.* Of the eighty-six books listed in Bradshaw's index, two (nos. 50 and 51) duplicate one another; of the eighty-five editions, twenty-one were already at Cambridge; of the sixty-four which were not at Cambridge he bought forty-five, all but ten of which were printed in the Low Countries. He secured all the books offered for sale, and not already at Cambridge, which were printed at Cologne, Utrecht, Gouda, Zwolle, Alost and Louvain; seven out of eight from Deventer, four out of six from Delft and two out of three from Brussels. The Oudenarde book (lot 125, ULC 3870) escaped him but was captured six years later when the same copy reappeared in the Capron sale. The whole of the purchase-money, which came to nearly twice the ^100 which the Syndicate had originally sanctioned, was debited to the Rustat account.3 For the sale of a Bibliotheca typographica announced to take place at Sotheby's in the following February the Syndics placed at Bradshaw's disposal ^5oo 4 from the accumulated balances of the Worts Fund. The sale-catalogue—the title of which must have made a strong appeal to Bradshaw—concealed a double anonymity, for the collector was Senator F. G. H. Culemann of Hanover and the vendor was the London bookseller F. S. Ellis, who had bought the collection entire, written the descriptions himself and sent the books to Sotheby's.^ Bradshaw made his usual 1
Letter to M. Holtrop, 5 April 1868 (Add. MS. 6470). Published as Memorandum No. 2 in April 1870; reprinted in Collected papers, pp. 206-36. 3 De Meyer 230 is no longer in the Library, having been sent to the British Museum in 1948 in an exchange of duplicates. De Meyer 93 eventually came into Jenkinson's possession and is now ULC 587. 4 Minutes, 26 January 1870. Not £300, a s stated by Prothero (op. cit. p. 201). 5 MS. note of a conversation with F. S. Ellis, written by Jenkinson in his copy of the Culemann catalogue. 2
classified index (a more complicated task than his De Meyer index, for the catalogue was far from trustworthy) and gave commissions to Quaritch for about n o lots. His success was astonishing. The Library obtained ninety lots, as well as four others which were returned as imperfect. Lots 327 (ULC 81), 326 (ULC 82) and 624 (ULC 954), which had gone above the Library's bids, were bought from Quaritch immediately after the sale; lot 275 (the Ghent Boethius) was exchanged with Quaritch for another copy. Four lots were bought by Samuel Sandars—a name which will appear frequently, and with honour, in this record—and two of these (ULC 1289 and 35) he presented before the end of the year, the other two coming with his bequest in 1894. Bradshaw himself bought one desirable volume (containing ULC 2782-4), and retained it in his own library until his death, a memento of a famous victory. One book (ULC 150) was given by Ellis himself, and a few others eventually found their way to the Library, so that now nearly one-seventh of the entire Culemann collection is ours. 'I have succeeded beyond all expectation', wrote Bradshaw to Ferdinand Vanderhaeghen, and, to William Blades, 'I got every single thing that I wanted.'2 Among these acquisitions were Ghotan's Licht der Seelen and other books in Low German printed at Liibeck, Caorsin's Rhodiorum historia printed at Ulm, and, among books printed in the Low Countries, the Nijmegen Cultrificis, the Pontanus by the printer of the Speculum, and the unique fragments of Gerardus Leeu's Reynard the Fox in Dutch. Bradshaw's purchases again exceeded (though not largely) the sum which had been allotted, and on this occasion the deficiency was apparently made up from the Library's General Fund, which was also used in this year for a number of other purchases, mostly from the dealers Tross of Paris and Kockx of Antwerp. The Inglis sale of 1871 proved a disappointment. Bradshaw received the catalogue only a day or two before the sale and a necessary absence from Cambridge made it impossible for him to give any commissions at all. But he 'picked up a few at the booksellers afterwards',3 and so added to his museum the Legenda sanctorum Henrici et Kunegundis printed by the
Brothers of the Common Life at Brussels. The Delprat collection, sold in January and February 1872, yielded twenty-three lots, for the most part less than good in condition (being duplicates discarded by the Royal Library at The Hague), but they included the Kuilenburg Speculum humanae salvationis in Dutch and Bellaert's Boeck des gulden throens (ULC
3649). Less numerous, but of higher quality, were the -books bought at 1
Unpublished; Add. MS. 4321. To Vanderhaeghen on 20 February 1870, to Blades on 26 April following. Both letters are Add. MS. 6470. 3 To F. A. G. Campbell, 20 January 1872 (Add. MS. 6470). 2
the Capron sale in Brussels in April 1875. These included Barmentlo's Somme le roi in Dutch, the Boecksken op drie dachvaerden printed by Johannes
Andreae at Haarlem, the Albertanus in Dutch printed by Gerardus Leempt at's Hertogenbosch, and the Oudenarde Hermannus de Petra which had been lost at the De Meyer sale—a gratifying haul of accessions which in Bradshaw's words 'fill up gaps which I had long been anxious to fill up'. 1 The fourteen lots which were obtained at this sale cost over ^200 and were paid for out of the Worts Fund. But while the bulk of Bradshaw's accessions were obtained on the Continent at prices which now seem fantastically low, an occasional sally was made into the English market. Such occasions occurred in 18 82, when the Syndicate's minutes of 24 May and 7 June record the allocation of no less than ^300 for the purchase at the Sunderland sale of the Subiaco Lactantius,2 and again in 1883, when two other lesser grants were made. By the first the Library was enabled to obtain (also at a Sunderland sale) Scinzenzeler's editio princeps of Terentianus Maurus, by the second a dozen items from the library of A. J. Horwood, among them Gerson's Opus tripartitum printed by the Brothers of the Common Life at Marienthal. At the end of the following year an unsuccessful attempt (to be remedied two years later) was made to buy the editio princeps of Lascaris at the Syston Park sale. The money thus saved, however, enabled the Library to buy its first (and, for over sixty years, only) blockbook—the Apocalypsis which Quaritch had secured from the same collection. Earlier in this year (1884) a more important event had occurred—the sale at Brussels in March and April of the two portions of the Vergauwen collection, on which the Syndicate authorized an expenditure of-£500 of Rustat money, to be derived, if necessary, from the accumulated balances of the fund. A mass ofmanuscript notes by Bradshaw (including a classified index3) testifies to the great interest which he took in the dispersal of this library. He himself went to Brussels to examine the books and, on his return, gave commissions to Quaritch for those he was anxious to secure. Mr Gosden, the representative of Quaritch, made the journey to Brussels on the Library's behalf and, at the end of each day, sent Bradshaw an account of lots won and lost. During the second portion of the sale Bradshaw was away from Cambridge, and the fates of the more important books were telegraphed on to him at Windermere by Alfred Rogers, who acted in some degree as the Library's first Secretary. When the sale was over, M. Campbell sent Bradshaw, at his request, an annotated list of buyers, while Mr Bullen of the British Museum (which, with the Berlin 1 2
To Campbell, n October 1875 (Add. MS. 6470). 3 It was in fact secured at 200 guineas. Unpublished; Add. MS. 4322. 31
dealer Albert Cohn, had been the Library's chief competitor) furnished a list of the lots which had been secured for that Library. Over ioo lots (comprising nearly 150 different books) were obtained at this sale,1 many of them the copies which Campbell had cited in his Annales, and some of them unique. Among the unique items were the fragments of a book of Hours printed by Arend de Keysere at Ghent, which Bradshaw found to his delight among a bundle of disjecta membra sold at the beginning of the auction and not described in the sale-catalogue. All but a score or so ofthe books bought were printed in the Low Countries, and foremost among them were the Pindarus Thebanus by the printer of the Speculum, and Ketelaer and Leempt's Petrus Comestor and Augustine De mirahilibus sacrae scripturae. About forty lots, however, were lost, and Bradshaw did not find the results entirely satisfactory. 'I was able to secure a certain number for our Library', he wrote, 'but of course our funds would not allow me even to think of a great many books which I should like to have seen here.'2 This was the last opportunity which Bradshaw was to enjoy of fortifying, by wise and courageous buying, the collection which, with his handful of published papers, is now his chief monument. Bradshaw himself gave the greater part of the donations received during his librarianship, and pointed the way to those many benefactors who have so greatly increased the collection during the last eighty years. The first among them were Hirsch Lipschiitz, H. R. Luard and W. G. Searle, whose donations, of no great importance, it is true, in themselves, followed swiftly upon Bradshaw's own benefaction of 28 March 1868. On that day Bradshaw presented his collection of early printed books—fifty-five incunables and four post-incunables, the majority being quartos from the earlier presses at Cologne.3 Two years later he made a second gift, which included fragments of the 1457 Psalter, the broadside Cisianus in German, Jenson's Cornelius Nepos of 1471, Arend de Keysere's Boethius (in which were found copies of the same printer's Indulgence from his earlier press at Oudenarde), and one of William de Machlinia's year-books (ULC 4188). The year of this gift also saw the first major donation from Samuel Sandars who, to the two Culemann books which he had given a short while before, now added a collection of over eighty volumes of all kinds, 1 Three lots (195, i o n and 1249) were transferred to the British Museum as duplicates in 1948. Twelve other Vergauwen books eventually found their way to us, three of them (ULC 3908, 3919 and 3946) being lots which had been lost to Kockx at the sale. a To Campbell, on 24 March 1884 (Add. MS. 6470). Prothero (op. cit. p. 299) on the other hand quotes Bradshaw as saying: * I only lost two interesting things, and neither of them was of real importance to me.' 3 Listed in the Annual Report for 1867 (dated 1 April 1868). The fifteenth item there listed under Bradshaw's name is really two books bound together.
printed and manuscript, including (among seven incunabula) Ratdolt's Pomponius Mela of 1482. For the next twenty-four years the name of Sandars is rarely absent from the list of donors printed in the Syndicate's Annual Reports. Nor did he give books only. In 1881 he gave £250 'to be spent on select books', and with this Bradshaw bought four English manuscripts, a book of Hours printed on vellum by Kerver in 1521, and Wynkyn de Worde's Mandeville of 1499, the last being one of two known copies.1 The last benefaction of Bradshaw's librarianship, like the first, was made by himself, but the sequence of events is not very clear, and the Annual Reports for 1885-6 and the records in the books themselves do little to elucidate it. It seems probable that the collection of service-books which (with a few other books) comprised this benefaction was in process of being transferred to the Library when death overtook Bradshaw on the night of 10 February 1886. There appear to have been seventeen incunabula in this gift, but fifteen of them contain the misleading label 'From the library of Henry Bradshaw, 1886'—a form of words more suitable for a bequest, though it may be intended merely to signify the posthumous completion of Bradshaw's intention.2 On the other hand, fifteen incunables which contain the label 'From the library of Henry Bradshaw, presented by his friends, 1887' were bought from the surplus funds of the Bradshaw Memorial Committee.3 The brief librarianship of William Robertson Smith (1886-9) s a w notable additions to the Library's oriental collections, but is scarcely more than an interlude between the librarianships of Bradshaw and Jenkinson so far as early printed books are concerned. Between thirty and forty accessions can, however, be traced to these years, the only ones of importance being the 1476 Lascaris, acquired (with help from Samuel Sandars) at the Earl of Crawford's sale of 1887, and the Borluut de Noortdonck copy of a Vocabularius theutonicatus (ULC 3774) bought two years later at the sale of a further portion of that library. Of the others twenty-one were included in the remarkable collection of books 1
The letter (dated 9 May 1881) in which Bradshaw described these purchases to Sandars is Add. MS. 2592661. The four manuscripts are Add. MSS. 2827-30. a The Minutes of 17 February record a letter from Admiral Bradshaw (Bradshaw's brother) 'stating that the collection of service books and the remainder of the Irish collection which Mr Bradshaw had intended to give the Library would be considered as the property of the Library'. The service-books were in the Library by 22 Match following, for on that day Sandars began a 'List of some of the Liturgical Books presented to the University Library Cambridge by the late Henry Bradshaw' (Add. MS. 4170). 3 The memorial took the form of a bust by Hamo Thornycroft, now standing in the Library. The Committee wound up its activities in 1900, when the residue of its funds was made over to the Library. The books bought therewith included two incunables (ULC 515, 3690), and to these the provenance 'Bradshaw Memorial Fund' has been assigned. oc
on logic—over iooo volumes in all—presented by Dr John Venn of Caius College in 1888, and there were thirteen more in the collection of about 1200 volumes transferred, as duplicates, to the Library in 1889 by the Trustees of the British Museum. Among these was the pamphlet, diversely claimed for presses at Vicenza and Trent, entitled L'aspra crudelta del Turco a quegli di Caffa (ULC 4018).
Jenkinson's period of office (from 1889 to 1923) saw the collection more than doubled. The Library's funds would no longer allow the spectacular achievements in the sale-room which had distinguished Bradshaw's librarianship, though books were still bought at an enviable rate,1 and it was the generosity of benefactors that brought to the collection during these years more than 800 volumes—half the total number of accessions. Foremost among these benefactors was Samuel Sandars, whose custom it was to send to Jenkinson on the first day of the year a cheque for .£50 'to be spent in adding to the University Library any books which in your judgement may be desirable Any purchases you make with what I send may appear in the annual Library Report and you are sole and absolute trustee.'2 In 1891 this gift enabled the Library to buy the Hirst copy of Caxton's 1482 Chronicles ofEngland (the first Caxton acquired since 1715), to which Sandars added, on the last day of the same year, William Herbert's copy of Caxton's edition of the Life of Our Lady (ULC 4096). This annual largesse was, however, among the least important of Sandars's benefactions. On 11 October of the same year he wrote: 'I have been thinking about what we talked over about the catalogue of XVth Century books you say is coming out shortly. As the wealth of the Library will, after it be published, be gauged by the books contained in that Catalogue it seems to me that anyone interested in doing the best for the Library should embrace this opportunity for contributing so that the Catalogue may be made as comprehensive as possible. If you feel tempted to make some donations I shall be encouraged to do the like I don't say I will give all my XVth Century books but any English or Low Country books you are wanting in I will gladly give up.' This promise was made good in the following year and was the subject of a special report by the Syndicate.3 The twenty-seven books comprised in this gift included some rare treasures: the Antwerp and the St Albans editions of the Chronicles of 1
The Annual Report for 1899 {C.U. Reporter, 15 June 1900), for example, lists twenty-nine books beneath the remark 'The purchases of Fifteenth Century books have been few'; and it may be observed that between 1898 and 1901 over 1100 English books printed before 1640 were added by purchase to the collection which C. E. Sayle was busy listing, during those years, for his Early English printed books in the University Library, Cambridge. 2 Letter dated 1 January 1891, accompanying the first of these gifts (Jenkinson Correspondence Collection). 3 See C.U. Reporter, 21 June 1892. For Jenkinson's gift of 1891 see below, p. 37.
England, Pynson's Manipulus curatorum of 1498, and Wynkyn de Worde's first edition of Lyndewode; Bellaert's edition of Dat liden ende die passie ons Heeren (ULC 3646) printed at Haarlem in 1483, the printer of the Speculum*s Aesop, the Vita Lydwinae printed at Schiedam (ULC 3665), and—welcome additions to a collection which was and is weak in the work of French and Spanish presses—part of Les coutumes de Bretagne printed at Treguier and the Leyes del quaderno nuevo printed by the Compaiieros Alemanes at Seville in 1490. In 1893 Sandars made another gift, more numerous, and this included William de Machlinia's Nova Statuta and Wynkyn de Worde's Mons perfectionis of 1497 (both from the Bateman sale), the Osterley Park copy of the Rouen Mirk, and books of Hours by Pigouchet (ULC 3073 and 3077) and Hamman (ULC 2037).1 Sandars was indeed a paragon among benefactors, and was unduly modest in speaking of himself as one 'interested in doing the best for the Library'. He did not, as a rule, buy for his own collection anything which the Library already possessed,2 and he was content to allow those who were his superiors in bibliographical knowledge to spend his monetarygifts as their judgment suggested. His last communication to Jenkinson— a postcard written on 13 June 1894, two days before his death—reads: 'I am glad you have got the Portuguese early printed book.3.. .1 wrote for it too. If you purchased it for the Library I shall be very pleased t o . . . make it my gift, which will free a small sum for another volume.' As early as 1880 he had asked Bradshaw's advice on the wording he should adopt in formulating a bequest to the Library.4 By his will he left us, besides certain specified books, all his manuscripts and books printed on vellum, and all his books printed not later than 1800, together with ^500 for the purchase of early English books, and a larger sum for the endowment of a readership in bibliography, palaeography and allied subjects.^ The books comprise nearly 1600 volumes (of which nearly 100 are manuscripts), including about 300 English books printed before 1601, over 100 incunables, and 72 books printed on vellum. For the last, and for books sumptuously bound or embellished with illuminations, Sandars had a special 1 A rarer Horae (ULC 1772), printed by Andreas de Paltasichis, was also acquired in this year by the gift of Archdeacon Bothamley. 2 See his letter to Jenkinson dated 3 June 1887 (Jenkinson Correspondence Collection). 3 The Perush-ha-Torah printed by Rabbi Eliezer at Lisbon, 15 July 1489 (ULC 4222). 4 Bradshaw's reply, dated 20 July 1880, is Add. MS. 2592608. 5 See J. W. Clark, Endowments, pp. 275, 464, and (benefactions not affecting the Library) pp. 466, 494-5, 549-50. For an obituary notice of Sandars (probably written by Jenkinson) see The Cambridge Review (8 November 1894), vol. xvi, pp. 54-6. The Sandars Lectures have been held annually since 1895, with the exception of the years of the two wars (see list in The Library* 5th ser., vol. v (1950-1), pp. 149-50).
affection.1 His taste was not always to be trusted and it must be admitted that a few of his books and bindings are bright rather than beautiful. Others, however, take a high place among the treasures of the Library— the Firmin-Didot-W. H. Crawford copy of the 1465 De Officiis on vellum, Valdarfer's edition of Chrysostom's De regno on vellum and illuminated, the Osterley Park Hypnerotomachia, Beckford's copy of Sabellicus's Rerum Venetarum decades with delicately decorated borders and initials; among English books, the Bateman copies of Alcock's Spousage of a virgin and Fitzjames's Sermon; a Plannck edition of the Columbus letter; among liturgical books, the earlier of Hamman's two Sarum Missals, and (if books printed after 1500 are included in the reckoning) no less than fifty-eight books of Hours. To these also must be added the three incunables which were among the books bought with the Sandars legacy—Pierre Levet's Sarum Breviary of 1494, the unique fragments of Wynkyn de Worde's Sir Eglamoure, and Pynson's second edition of Mirk. Two years before this noble collection came to the Library, John Couch Adams, 'the other discoverer of Neptune', had willed to us such of his early printed books as the Librarian might select, and, by so doing, had become the first to bequeath a collection of books to the Library since Bishop Hacket in 1670. The word 'early' was interpreted liberally, and about 1500 volumes, most of them printed before 1700, and 84 of them before 1501, came to us from this source. The incunables are for the most part German or Italian, and include, with some theology, a number of texts of astronomical or mathematical interest, among them half-a-dozen from Ratdolt's Venetian press.2 Many of the books derive from the old German monastic libraries, but there are a few Sunderland books, and one from the Culemann collection (ULC 1397). Two other bequests, of slighter importance in the history of our incunabula, were received before the end of the century: those of William Robertson Smith in 1894 m& of Frank Chance in 1897. The former consisted for the most part of Syriac and Arabic manuscripts, but included a score of printed books, among which were three unimportant incunables; the latter was devoted principally to philology and Biblical criticism, and contained a single inclinable—the handsome editio princeps of Papias. Among those who gave small presents were Edward Gordon Duff and 1
He compiled An annotated list of books printed on vellum to be found in the University and College
Libraries at Cambridge... (Camb. Antiq. Soc. Publ., Octavo Series, xv, 1878). 2 'The works relate principally to mathematics or astronomy, theology, medicine and the occult sciences; but he seems also to have bought any fine old book that took his fancy. He was so little given to talk about himself or his own pursuits that probably but few of his friends were aware of his affection for black-letter books/ (J. W. L. Glaisher, in the biographical notice prefixed to vol. 1 of The scientific papers ofJohn Couch Adams (1896).)
Robert Proctor; and in the last year of the century the President and Fellows of Magdalen College, Oxford, gave (as they did to the Bodleian and British Museum Libraries) copies of a Wynkyn de Worde broadside found in a binding in their college library (ULC 4129). The Rustat Fund enabled us to buy a few volumes at the sales of the Bateman, Cornelius Paine and W. H. Crawford libraries, the last yielding two desirable additions to the Low Countries collection in books printed at Hasselt and 's Hertogenbosch (ULC 3636, 3658), while the four books bought at the sale of Sir Edward Sullivan's collection included the Sunderland copy of the Milanese Solinus. The gift which Jenkinson made in 1891 in response to the challenging suggestion put forward by Samuel Sandars included manuscripts and some printed English part-songs as well as thirteen incunables, the most notable of which are Riedrer's edition of his own Spiegel der wahren Rhetorik and the Crevenna-Wodhull copy of Turrecremata's Expositio psalterii printed by Wolf Han. In general, however, Jenkinson reserved his incunables for his benefaction of 1908, when he presented a collection of eighty-five works (with some post-incunables) to mark the occasion of the single Sandars lecture which he had that year delivered on ' Ulrich ZelTs early quartos'.1 Thirty-one of them were from Cologne presses, and eight of these were from Zel's, including the Cicero De Officiis which in his lecture he had dethroned from the first place in that printer's output to the second. Among the remaining books were the Liibeck Vade Me cum (ULC 1196), a curious reprint of the 1477 Fiore di virth 'nel Beretin Convento' (ULC 1765), and a copy of Silber's edition of Pius II's Epistola ad Mahumetem which has written in it the papal safe-conduct granted to John Kendall, Turcopolier to the Knights of St John at Rhodes from 1477 to 1489. The fourteen French books included an Hours of the use of Poitiers (ULC 3075) and the only recorded copy of an edition of Alexander de Villa Dei printed by Martin Morin at Rouen; eight books came from the Low Countries and one from Vienna—thus adding a fifth to the meagre collection of Austrian incunabula which a later benefactor was to increase so considerably. His name—Stephen Gaselee—appears for the first time in the Annual Report for this same year, as the compiler of a handlist of our Coptic manuscripts, and with it appears another name which will recur in these annals—George Dunn, who, in recognition no doubt of Jenkinson's lecture, gave as his first present to the Library Zel's first edition of Gerson's De pollutionihus nocturnis (ULC 281). In 1902 the Library received an important addition by the gift of John (later Viscount) Morley, into whose hands the library of Lord Acton had 1
Posthumously published in The Library, 4th ser., vol. VII (1926-7), pp. 46-66.
passed 'by the signal regard of a friend',1 as he explained in the letter in which he offered the collection to the University. ' The library', this letter continued, 'has none of the treasures that are the glory of Chatsworth. Nor is it one of those noble and miscellaneous accumulations that have been gathered by the chances of time and taste in colleges and other places of old foundation. It was collected by Lord Acton to be the material for a history of Liberty, the emancipation of Conscience from Power, and the gradual substitution of Freedom for Force in the government of men.' 2 It will be understood that such a collection makes few concessions to the frivolities of mere bibliophily. 'I do not think there is one book to interest you in the whole collection', wrote Jenkinson to E. G. Duff. 'There are a few XV cent., the best being Der Stadt Worms Reformation, 1498, a handsome book which I never saw before.'3 ' Few' must, however, be understood here in a relative sense. Only one book in a thousand was fifteenth century; but there were between sixty and seventy thousand books in all. Almost all the incunables are German or Italian, derived, like the Adams books, from old German libraries, and there is little of interest among them, apart from the volume already mentioned, unless it be Schoeffer's undated Spiegel (ULC 44) or Schonsperger's German translation of the Imitatio Christi (ULC 948). Many of the books have the merit of being in contemporary or nearly contemporary bindings. The ten years which followed Jenkinson's gift of 1908 saw the collection increased to about 3000 volumes, and its scope enlarged by the acquisition of books from presses to which little attention had been paid hitherto. The Rustat Fund allowed occasional purchases to be made, and among these were a copy—unfortunately imperfect—of the very rare Breviarium Benedictinum Vallisoletanum printed at Montserrat, and the unique Catholicon abbreviatum printed by Jean Le Bourgeois at Rouen in 1497/8; while the Bradshaw Memorial Fund enabled us to buy at auction in 1908 a copy, dated by the rubricator 1474, of Cicero's De Senectute by the printer of the Historia S. Albani—the only book from this press with which any date can be connected. But many of Jenkinson's purchases were made a few yards from the Library, at G. David's stall on Market Hill, where surprising things were sometimes to be found—a Venetian Boethius, for example, with endpapers which proved to be an unknown Indulgence printed at Braga (ULC 4227). These years are, however, more remarkable for the multitude of small 1
Andrew Carnegie. See H. R. Tedder, 'Lord Acton as a book-collector', Proc. British Acad. (1903-4), pp. 285-8. 2 C.U. Reporter, 28 October 1902, p. 106. A full account of the history and contents of the collection will be found in the Reporter of 10 June 1913, pp. 1228-33. 3 Quoted by H. F. Stewart in Francis Jenkinson.. .A memoir (1926), p. 56.
donations which flowed into the Library. The fifty editions of Dante presented in 1910 by Mrs A. J. Butler, from the library of her late husband, included the first edition with a commentary of the Commedia, from the Hopetoun collection, and the Syston Park copy of the only fifteenthcentury edition of the Convivio. C. E. Grant's collection of humanistic Latin poetry, presented in the same year, included many volumes from distinguished English libraries, the two incunabula among them being Adam de Rottweil's Sisgoreus of 1477, from Syston Park, and Wodhull's copy of Paganellus De imperio Cupidinis printed at Modena. J. H. Ellis's gift of this same year comprised a beautiful copy on vellum of Renner and Franckfordia's Roman Breviary of 1477, Julian Notary's edition of Mirk from Osterley Park, a Nuremberg Missale Ordinis Eremitarum S. Augustini, from Syston Park, Wenssler's Roman Gradual of 1488 (from Buxheim), and a volume, which had been Wodhull's, in a Roger Payne bindings containing two of Mentelin's earlier productions (ULC 71 and 74). The Library's only Pisan inclinable was also acquired in this year, by the gift of E. G. Duff. In this year too John Charrington's name appears in the donors' list for the first time with Hamman's edition of Nicolaus de Lyra (ULC 2043)—a somewhat uncharacteristic harbinger of the great benefactions which the Library was to receive from him in the years to come. The single book which George Dunn gave in 1908 was followed by six others in 1909; and Jenkinson had reason to hope that in course of time they would be joined by a larger portion of the riches of Dunn's library.1 These hopes were, however, frustrated by Dunn's untimely death, intestate, in 1912, and though the Library's friends responded generously to Jenkinson's appeal for funds to supplement such resources as the Syndicate could lay aside, something more was required to secure what was, to Jenkinson, the prize of the collection, when the first portion of Dunn's books came to Sotheby's in 1913. This was the unique and perfect 'Costerian' Doctrinale (ULC 3300)— the book which, of all the great accessions which came to the Library in Jenkinson's time, gave him perhaps the greatest pleasure; and because some measure of Jenkinson's joy has since descended to those whose duties lie among the books he loved, the story of its acquisition, though it has been told before,2 cannot be omitted here. The Doctrinale had appeared as lot 942 among the 'other properties' in a sale at Sotheby's on 4 August 1896, where it was described as 1 Annual Report for 1912 (C.U. Reporter, 12 May 1913): 'It was his known intention to make bequests.. .to various libraries, of which this Library was one.' 2 By H. F. Stewart, Francis Jenkinson, pp. 85-7.
'Alexander Gallus. Doctrinale.. .metrice, lit. goth. Printed on vellum, calf, s.a. et 1. circa 1470'. Jenkinson had sent a commission to Quaritch, but it had been somehow forgotten, or perhaps misunderstood, and the book had passed without opposition from Cambridge into Dunn's collection for a mere .£23. There it was found to be what Jenkinson had divined it to be. It was one of the books which Dunn had destined for Cambridge, and when it reappeared, again inadequately described, as lot 367 in the first portion of his library, there were high hopes that it might at last come home to Cambridge, for it was known that the British Museum would not compete against us for it. The identity of the book was, however, known to J. H. Hessels, Coster's most ardent advocate, whose work many years before for Mayor and Bradshaw had secured him a privileged position among the Library's readers. The occasion, Hessels felt, demanded more than a merely local patriotism. He determined that the book should go to Holland and to that end acquired a commission against which the Library's resources could not hope to prevail. Jenkinson saw no hope of obtaining the book. The role of man of action was therefore assumed by A. G. W. Murray, the future Librarian of Trinity College, who proposed a subscription-fund. 'It was', wrote Jenkinson sadly on 16 January 1913, ' a very noble idea of yours to get up a subscription—and of course I should dearly have liked to see it [the Doctrinale] here.' This combination of past tenses and perfect conditionals did not daunt Murray. Three days later he wrote a long letter to Charrington inviting his help; and Charrington resolved to secure the book for Cambridge. An atmosphere of high conspiracy pervades the correspondence of Charrington, Jenkinson and Murray from this point. A suggestion that an offer might be made for the book before it came toT the auction-table was discussed and rejected as injudicious, as was the suggestion that an appeal might be made to Dunn's executors to withdraw the book from the sale in order that it might change hands by private treaty. Diplomatic conversations were held with Hessels, unsuccessfully; and Charrington and Jenkinson took turns in calming each other's excitement.1 Murray called at Sotheby's a week before the sale and examined the book. 'There is a slip of paper in it with an extract from a speech made by Jenkinson at Cambridge', he wrote to Charrington, 'in which he says that he has just heard from Proctor that he "had '* This slip, with examined a complete Doctrinale in the Yliada type" 1 ' I do hope that our deep plot will go through successfully. But if it is going to keep you awake at night we had better be without the book' (Charrington to Jenkinson, 26 January). * If you lose this book, you must not look back except with philosophic and dispassionate curiosity on the inevitableness and cussedness of things' (Jenkinson to Charrington, 4 February). 2 Jenkinson had told the story of the loss of the Doctrinale at the 1896 sale in his Address delivered
at the opening of the 28th Annual Meeting of the Library Association (Cambridge, 1905).
commendable presence of mind, Murray replaced obscurely among the many blank leaves of paper bound in at the end of the book. Charrington meanwhile wrote out a note of his promise and locked it in a drawer in his writing-table, 'so if anything happens to me between now and the 13th February—(the thirteenth, mind you! Not, however, a Friday) you must apply to my executors for fulfilment of the undertaking'.1 The commission to bid was given to Quaritch; and Cambridge triumphed at ^£500. Jenkinson and Charrington exchanged presents in honour of the day; the Syndicate voted ^100 towards the purchase (but Charrington preferred not to be helped), and Quaritch's bill bore the legend 'no commission'. The books acquired at the second portion of the Dunn sale in February 1914 are listed in the Annual Report for that year. The Syndicate had voted ;£ioo for this sale and the excess over this sum was debited to the special fund to which reference has already been made.2 The residue of this fund was kept for the third portion of the sale in 1917, when it was supplemented by a number of benefactors. By these means fifty-nine books were acquired at the two sales and important additions were made to almost every department of the collection, and not least to the books printed at Ferrara and at the smaller Roman presses. The most important accessions of the remaining years of Jenkinson's librarianship were the continued benefactions of John Charrington, which indeed did not cease until he died in 193 9. In 1916 he presented * the greater part of his collection of books printed in the fifteenth century, including many which are illustrated with woodcuts'.3 This gift included, as well as powerful reinforcements of the presses of Franz Renner and Petrus de Bartua, Sorg's edition o£Barlaam etjosaphat, Dinckmut's edition of Lirer's Chronik, the Sunderland-William Morris copy of the Liibeck Josephus, Beckford's copy of the Verona Valturius, Richel's German edition of the Speculum humanae salvationis and the Dutch edition printed by Veldener at Kuilenburg, and Alanus de Rupe's Psalterium B.V.M. printed at the Carthusian monastery of Mariefred near Gripsholm. In 1917 he gave the 1
Charrington to Jenkinson, 26 January. Charrington's written promise is now preserved among Jenkinson's correspondence with the other documents of Vaffaire Doctrinale. % The Annual Report states that 'the books purchased by means of this fund have been credited to the several subscribers according to the amounts subscribed; and have been labelled as their gifts'. This is untrue. The names of the subscribers are, however, given in the Reports for 1912 and 1913: Miss A. J. Pertz, R. F. McEwen, T. D. Barlow, S. Gaselee, Miss E. L. Jenkinson, Professor Newall, and an anonymous * Member of the Senate'. There is reason to believe that ULC 3767 was allotted to Newall, but it is impossible to discover now what books were credited to the other subscribers. 3 Special report of the Library Syndicate, announcing this gift (C. 17. Reporter, 5 December 1916, p. 282).
Psalterium B.V.M. printed at Zinna (ULC 1342), from the Huth Library, Scotus's edition of Blondus (bought at the Dunn sale) bound by the Cambridge 'Unicorn' binder, and three books which appear to be unrecorded elsewhere: the Officium S. Homoboni in the type of Carolus de Darleriis (ULC 2608), a Latin Psalter by Jacob van der Meer (ULC 3347) and a Dutch edition of Tundalus by Govaert Bac. In 1918 he secured (after some anxiety, for Quaritch had sent the book out on approval to another client) TunstalTs copy of the editio princeps of Homer, which had been lost at some time during the seventeenth century and had found its way eventually into the Huth collection. In 1920 and 1921 he made over to the Library his large collection of editions of Savonarola (over sixty in number, apart from some post-incunabula), some of which had belonged to John Ruskin.1 In the following year his gifts included Degui's Janua artis Raimondi Lullii printed at Barcelona by Pedro Posa, and, in 1923, the Alost De duobus amantibus (ULC 3670)—the last inclinable added to the collection in Jenkinson's lifetime. During the next fifteen years he gave some forty volumes more, the majority of them from presses in which the weakness of our collection was apparent; thus, in 1924, the Cepolla printed at Perugia; in 1929, books from the Bolognese press of Justinianus de Ruberia and the Lyonese press of Johannes Clein; in 1930, books printed by Johann Luschner of Montserrat, Vincentius Bertochus of Mantua and Francesco de Dino of Florence; in 1931, books printed by Johannes de Hassia of Treviso and Henricus de Haarlem of Siena; in 1933 and 1934, the work of presses at Cremona, Padua, Abbeville and Lyons; in 193 5» of Peter Michael at Barcelona; in 1938, of Ungut and Polonus at Valencia. The sum total of the incunables given by Charrington is almost 200. Other gifts of more than ordinary interest received during Jenkinson's last years must not, however, be forgotten. A. G. W. Murray's collection of typographical fragments, presented after his death in 1919 by his brother D. W. Murray, included a leaf of the 1459 Psalter and copies of a Wynkyn de Worde indulgence (ULC 413$).z In 1916 the Warden and Fellows of Merton College, Oxford, gave an indulgence printed by Conrad Braem (ULC 3795)—one of seven copies taken from a binding in the college library; and in the same year Charles Fairfax Murray gave a number of books and fragments, all with special points of interest, literary or typographical. They included Cieco's Descrizione del gran torneamento di M. Giovanni Bentivoglio printed at Bologna, three works by 1
They are listed in full in the Annual Report for 1921 (C.U. Reporter, 20 June 1922). Several copies of this indulgence were extracted by P. M. Barnard from the binding of a Bible which he bought in 1913 and sold to the Library in the same year (ULC 2029). Mr Barnard also presented a copy of the indulgence, in 1914. 2
Leone Battista Alberti from the press of the Florentine printer of Mesue, and the Pembroke copy of Jenson's '1461' Decor puellarum. During the next two years he gave in addition the William Morris-Huth copy of Johann Zainer's Latin edition of Boccaccio's De claris mulieribus, two leaves of headings printed for the guidance of rubricators of the 36-line Bible (ULC 17), and a number of editions of Mirabilia Romae, Modus confitendi, and kindred texts. Jenkinson's death in 1923 brought to the Library such early printed books as he had retained in 1908, when he had given all the books in his own collection which were wanting in the Library. Others he had passed on since, notably, in 1918, the rare Perottus printed by Rudolf Loeffs and Hermann de Nassau at Louvain,1 and, in 1922, a book of Hours, on vellum and illuminated, by Pierre Le Rouge (ULC 3011). The fifty incunables which remained were thus almost all duplicates. They were all retained in the Library, but a number of duplicates from the general bulk of Jenkinson's bequest were sold and with this 'Jenkinson Fund' a score of incunables were bought in 1934 and 1935. The opening years of Jenkinson's librarianship had seen the construction of Hancock's Building, which restored the gateway of King's Old Court and linked it on either side by ranges of three stories to the western ends of Scott's and Cockerell's Buildings, thus completing the western quadrangle of the Old Schools. The room on the first floor between the gateway and Scott's Building was equipped with fire-proof doors as a safe-room, and the manuscripts and incunables were moved into it from the Librarian's Room in 1891. This was the last extension of the Library on the Old Schools site. During the librarianship, so recently ended, ofJenkinson's successor, Alwyn Faber Scholfield, the Library left the site which had served, however inadequately, for more than 500 years, and crossed the river to a new home —a removal attended by emotion and controversy alike, for the University was by no means united ripae ulterioris amore? The magnitude of this operation and the speed and convenience with which it was performed alone would make Scholfield's librarianship memorable in the Library's history; it is doubly so by reason of the astonishing benefactions by which the collection of incunables was augmented. To the roll of our benefactors, 1 The pietas of this gift is evident—Bradshaw had failed to obtain the Vergauwen copy (supposedly unique) thirty-four years before, when it was bought in at a price far in excess of Bradshaw's commission (Vergauwen Sale i, lot 915). 2 In the new building separate accommodation was provided for the manuscripts and the incunabula. The latter are kept in a room named after Bradshaw lying on the first floor between the South Pavilion (Anderson Room) and the South Front, in cases made in 1787-90 by Charles Humfrey for the old East Room (Luard's 'Collectanea', iv, 3; Willis and Clark, vol. m, pp. 77-8). One case and the half-cases are modern replicas.
which began with the names of Rotherham and Tunstall, were added three names worthy of those who went before—Arthur William Young, Stephen Gaselee and Robert Edward Hart. A. W. Young was born in 1852, the second son of Charles Baring Young, and grandson of Sir Samuel Young (the first baronet) of Formosa Place in Berkshire, whose wife was Emily Baring. He was educated at Eton and was admitted a pensioner at Trinity College in 1871, graduating in 1876 and proceeding M.A. in 1884. He was admitted to Lincoln's Inn in 1877 and was called to the Bar in 1890. He divided his time between Daylesford, near Chipping Norton, of which his elder brother Charles Edward Baring Young (also of Trinity) held the manor, and his London house in Hyde Park Terrace, where his books were kept when the Librarian was invited to visit him in 1933. He was unknown among bibliophiles, for he never attended in the sale-room or elsewhere where collectors gather, and his anonymity is respected by De Ricci in his Census ofCaxtons and his Catalogue raisonne des premieres impressions de Mayence.
Young's great benefaction of 1933 comprised 150 Bibles, manuscript and printed, in many languages, together with some other books of outstanding literary or liturgical importance. They included twenty-seven incunables, and among these were two books which the Library had long ago given up all hope of possessing—the 42-line Bible and the Fust and Schoeffer Bible of 1462, the former from the Hopetoun Library, the latter, printed on vellum, from Osterley Park. Among the others were SchoefFer's Bible of 1472, and three Strassburg Bibles (making our series of Bibles printed in that city almost complete); the Sweynheim and Pannartz Bible of 1471; the Old Testament in Dutch printed at Delft in 1477; and the Old and New Testaments in French printed at Lyons about 1478. The printed books other than Bibles included Bishop Gott's copy of Caxton's first edition of the Golden Legend, perfect save for the two blank leaves, the Huth copies of the Foligno and Mantua editions of the Divina Cornmedia, the Duke of Grafton's copy of Jenson's editio princeps of Cornelius Nepos, and the Earl of Crawford's copy of the editio princeps of Homer. The manuscripts and the books printed after 1500 (both those which Young gave in 1933 and those which he bequeathed in 1936) are beyond the scope of this record. Together they form a princely gift, worthily described by the chairman of the Library Syndicate as 'probably the most valuable benefaction that has been received from any private individual in the long course of our Library's history'.1 Gaselee's great gift was made on 22 October 1934—the day on which the new Library was opened by King George V. There is no need to 1
Letter in The Times of 20 October 1933.
repeat here biographical details which may be better read elsewhere.1 His services to the Library were many, his benefactions constant and generous. His name first appears among the donors of books in the Annual Report for 1909, when he gave a copy of the Gospel of St John in the Mongolian language, and it appears thenceforward every year until his death in 1943. It is indeed scarcely possible to compute the number of his donations—books which in their diversity of interest mirrored his own great store of recondite learning. Among these his incunables take pride of place; but the collection of post-incunabula which he gave in 1940, and his remarkable collection of Petroniana (which anonymous donors presented after his death), should not be overlooked. Gaselee described his collection of incunabula in an article which he wrote for the Gutenberg-]ahrbuch of 1936. He bought his first inclinable— from David's stall—in 1904, while still an undergraduate,* and bought steadily thereafter, sometimes from catalogues and sometimes at auction, but always with the idea offillinggaps in the Library's collection. In 1920, when he left Cambridge to become Librarian of the Foreign Office, he issued, in an edition of fifty copies for distribution to his friends, a list, in * Proctor order', of the early printed books in his possession—223 incunabula and 77 post-incunabula. He continued to add to the collection, more particularly to the post-incunabula, which eventually amounted to about 230 volumes. The inclinable collection rose to 300, and all these, with one exception,^ he gave to the Library in 1934—'the Library which', he once wrote, 'possesses all my affections and dear associations'.4 He delighted particularly in books from rare or out-of-the-way towns and printing-centres. Of German presses of this sort he had specimens from Liibeck, Blaubeuren, Rostock, Erfurt, Magdeburg and Offenburg; of Italian, Sant' Orso, Messina, Cividale and Chivasso; of Swiss, Rougemont; of Spanish, Lerida, Zamora, Pamplona and Barcelona. He possessed over a dozen Austrian incunables (some of them from the collection of Dr Langer himself), and is said on one occasion, by silently producing them from his shelves, to have put to some confusion an Archduke who had naively enquired whether he had ever seen such a thing. Latterly he 1
See A. S. F. Gow, 'Sir Stephen Gaselee, K.C.M.G., 1882-1943', Proc. British Acad. vol. xxix (1943), pp. 441-61. 2 He identified (though not with certainty) his earliest purchase as ULC 2083, which is without note of purchase and has his signature * Stephen Gaselee, Magdalene College, Cambridge'. It may have been preceded by ULC 2160, which has a note dated May 1904 and his signature from King's. It also contains one of the two specimens I have seen of his bookplate—an unlovely object which he was wise to discard. 3 Gaselee 211 (Formula vivendi canonicorum printed by Thierry Martens at Alost), bound with Gaselee 280 (a post-incunable). This volume he gave in August 1938 to the Public Library of Victoria. 4 See Gutenberg-Jahrbuch ig2gt pp. 303-11.
was much attracted by broadsides, and ultimately acquired twenty-two. These naturally include some ofhis rarest pieces (some indeed are apparently unique)—the Bamberg 'Invitation to a shooting-match' (ULC 273), the Passau indulgence (ULC 1254), the Ingolstadt almanac for 1496 (ULC 1324), the Florentine Frottola of Lupo degli Uberti (ULC 2409), and the Lerida indulgence in Catalan (ULC 4050).I On the matter of imperfections Gaselee held individual, and perhaps heretical, views. He would have nothing to do with faked copies which endeavour to appear to be what they are not, but he did not despise a book for an honest imperfection, if a perfect copy was beyond his reach or beyond his means. 'There are', he wrote,2 'degrees of imperfection. I do not myself feel any horror if I am offered a book without its first or last blank; many books were printed with blank leaves at the beginning or end not merely because the type-setting made such a disposition convenient, but because they were sent about Europe in sheets, and liable by wear and tear to lose their first and last leaves... .1 would naturally rather possess a volume with a complete collation, but I cannot really consider it imperfect as long as all the printed matter is there. And if I have no chance of getting a specimen of a coveted press even with the loss of blanks alone, I am pleased to own a still more imperfect copy—in the last case to have only a leaf or two.' Gaselee's specimens from Zinna, Kuttenberg and Olmxitz are instances where he thought a fragment better than nothing; and the advice he would have given to anyone who could afford to wait for the best and then buy it would have been very different. Gaselee was usually careful to write his name and address in his book^, with a note of the vendor, the price paid and the date of purchase. Moments of special enthusiasm moved him to write in Latin: Hum lihrum, Petronii mei editionem alterant complectentem, emi a hibliopolis Londinensibus Pickering et Chatto, anno Salutis MDCCCCIII, neque uili pretio: quatuordecim enim amplius libras dedi9 et tune Cantabrigiae religandum curaui. Postea— 0 lusum Fortunae mirabilem!—alterum exemplare tribus tantum libris comparaui a bibliopola Voynich. Scribebam in coll. D. Mariae Magdalenae apud Cantabrigienses, Idibus Octobribus, anno ex uirginali partu MDCCCCVIIO Again: Hunc librum, Petronii mei editionemprincipem, emi anno salutis nostrae MDCCCCVI exeunte, pretio VIII librarum et solidorum X: religatus erat a V° clmo Duglasio Cockerel! 4 These inscriptions suggest that Gaselee was given to the 1
Gaselee described some of his broadsides, with facsimiles, in The Library, 4th ser., vol. XII 2 (1931-2), pp. 409-19. Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 1929, he. cit. 3 ULC 2153. He retained this volume among his collection of Petroniana (so that the purchase of this book in 1903 does not invalidate his recollection that his first purchase of an inclinable per se was in 1904), having already included another copy in his gift of 1934. 4 ULC 2262.
rebinding of books, which he was not. The majority of his books are in old bindings, and he had a special liking for wooden boards backed with leather. His pamphlets are often in decorative paper wrappers. He continued to give incunables after 1934 (notably a rare Porphyrius printed at Louvain by Conrad Braem), just as he had occasionally given them before. One book in every fifteen in the Bradshaw Room is his gift. Only a monarch gave more.1 Gaselee's gift is remarkable for its magnitude; the bequest of Robert Edward Hart, who died on 21 September 1946, for the great rarity of the six volumes which comprised it. Bradshaw's attempt to secure a blockbook by exchange in 1859 and his purchase of the Syston Park Apocalypse in 1885 have already been described. That any others should ever be added to this one seemed far beyond the range of possibility; the Hart Bequest brought, in addition to a Caxton, five superb examples. The Caxton is the Harleian-Ham House copy of The history of Jason, perfect, and the last copy to remain in private hands. Of the blockbooks four were once in the library of the Benedictines of Gottweig: an Ars moriendi, uncoloured and one of six perfect copies known; an Ars memorandi, perfect and one of eight copies; an Apocalypsis, wanting five leaves but one of three copies; and a Biblia pauperum in Latin, uncoloured and one of two perfect copies. The fifth, from the ducal library at Gotha, is a Biblia pauperum in German, one of three perfect copies. The Latin Biblia pauperum (which must be accounted the finest jewel in this bibliographical diadem) was printed in the Netherlands, the others in Germany. All five were seen by Karl Heinrich von Heinecken and are described in his Idee generale d'une collection complette d'estampes published in 1771.
Two important monetary bequests were also received during these years—those of Arthur Bromby Wilson-Barkworth, which became effective in 1935, and of William Emerton Heitland, who died in that year. The former is devoted to the purchase of printed books and manuscripts (in particular those dealing with English local history), while the latter was left for general Library purposes at the discretion of the Syndicate. The availability of these funds for the purchase of incunabula is therefore limited.2 Many important gaps in our collection have, however, been filled with their aid, and the last few years have seen accessions from presses at Albi and Avignon; Cividale, Sant' Orso, Siena, Savigliano and Forli; Seville, Montserrat, Burgos and Salamanca. Valuable additions were received in 1948 also, when an exchange of fifteen duplicates printed in 1 Gaselee's incunables are listed in the Annual Report for 1934-5 (C.U. Reporter, 3 December 1935), his post-incunables in the Annual Report for 1940-1 (C.U. Reporter, 10 February 1942). 2 An occasional source of income is the Montagu Butler Prize Fund, in years when the prize is not awarded. Only texts of Latin poets can be bought from this fund.
the Low Countries brought us in return an equal number of British Museum duplicates, among them specimens of four presses (at Treviso, Florence, Mantua and Modena) which had previously been unrepresented. Nor has there been any lack of smaller gifts and bequests. J. W. L. Glaisher's bequest in 1928 of mathematical books included among its three incunables the 1478 Treviso Arte deW abhaco; Professor C. H. Turner's legacy enabled us to buy in 1931 the first volume of the Sweynheym and Pannartz Livy of 1472; in the same year the Cambridge Baskerville Club, having brought its activities to a close, handed the balance of its funds to the Library, and with this six incunables were bought, including the uniquely variant copy of the Roman Breviary printed by Antonius de Strata and Gregorius de Gregoriis in 1490 (ULC 1836). The death, on 27 April 1936, of Karl Pearson, who as a Fellow of King's from 1880 to 1886 had known Bradshaw, brought to the Library some ninety books (mostly rare Reformation pamphlets), among which were thirteen incunables, including our only example from the press of Hermann Kaestlin of Augsburg. The gifts made by friends who are still alive may properly be left to some future historian, but it is fitting to record that some of the choicest of them were among those made by Scholfield himself—the rare and beautiful Bamberg and Basel Missals (ULC 277 and 2752), and Lettou's Antonius Andreae (ULC 4173) in a binding by Garrett Godfrey of Cambridge—and that there were three incunables among the small collection of books presented on 22 November 1948 to mark the twenty-fifth anniversary of a librarianship which-worthily continued the work which Bradshaw and Jenkinson had begun.
1 Plutarch: Vitae parallelae. Vol. 2. F°, U. Han .[Rome] Hain 13125 The catalogue of 1556-7, the catalogue of 1573/4 (Luard's 'Collectanea', 1, 5) and the catalogue of 1582 (Ibid. 1, 10) all specify two volumes of which the first only remains (ULC 1370). Vol. 2 was lost before Pindar wrote the Donors' Book in or about 1658.
2 Leonardus, de Utino: Sermones aurei de sanctis. F° [Pr. of Albertus Magnus De virtutibus, Cologne] Hain *i6i27 Class-marks: H. K. 30 & G. 2. 29. No. 189 in Pindar's list of Rotherham's gift in the Donors' Book. Missing at the inspection of 1748; replaced by another copy (ULC 612) bought in 1818. 3
T h e o d o r a s G a z a : fpaiijjicxTiKf] elaaycoyrj [etc.]. F°, A . Manutius, Venice, 1495 Hain *75OO Given by Cuthbert Tunstall in 1528, and listed as Q. y. 17 among his gifts in the Donors' Book. Now in the library of Shrewsbury School (v. pp. 4-5). 2. FROM T H E ' O L D ' LIBRARY
Listed in Add. MS. 2671 4 Johannes Annius: De foturis Christianorum triumphis. 40, Baptista Cavalus, Genoa, 8 Dec. 1480 Gesamtkatalog 2017 Bound (3) with two other pieces described in William Pugh's class-catalogue as 'Tractatus de arte bene vivendi et bene moriendi. Par. ap. Engleb. & Johan. de Marnef & Petrum Viart.' and 'Testamentum cujusdam monachi Cartusiensis in extremis laborantis. Par. ap. De Marnef. Class-mark: K. 15. 47. Lost between 1869 and 1902. 5
Caesar: Commentarii. F°, O . Scotus, Venice, 21 August 1482 Gesamtkatalog 5869 Class-mark: J. 9. 27.
6 Breviarium ad usum Sarum. 8°, R. de Novimagio, Venice, 22 Sept. 1483 Gesamtkatalog 5446 Class-mark: C. 14. 31. The unique copy (printed on vellum) now in the Bibliotheque Nationale, where it was identified by Bradshaw in 1863 (v. G. W. Prothero, Memoir of Henry Bradshaw, pp. 101-2). Bradshaw attributed the theft to Dr Charles Combe, and C. E. Sayle (Annals of Cambridge University Library; p. 102) says it must have
occurred in 1772. oc
7 Aulus Gellius: Noctes Atticae. F°, J. Tacuinus, Venice, 6 April 1496 Hain ^7526 Class-mark: M. 9.16. Missing at the inspection of 1748, but possibly disposed of as a duplicate some time, before that date, as another copy came with the Royal books (ULC2113).
Listed in the notebook labelled 'Libri antiquiores in Anglia impressi...' 8 Directorium Sarisburiense. F°, W. Caxton, Westminster [circa 1487] Gesamtkatalog 8456 Proctor 9669 Class-mark (now erased): B. 4.42. Missing in 1778; probably stolen by Dr Charles Combe (v. S. de Ricci, A census of Caxtons, pp. 81-2). The unique copy now in the British Museum, with the folio Image of pity (also unique) inserted at the beginning. This is the only 'Old' Library incunable listed in 'Libri in Anglia impressi.
Listed in Add. MS. 2671 9 Cicero: De officiis. F°, J. Fust & P. Schoeffer [Mainz], 1465 Gesamtkatalog 6921 Entry numbered '9406' Printed on vellum. Not seen by Taylor on 4 February 1736; included in his embryo catalogue of incunables (v. pp. 20-1).
10 Albertus, de Eyb: Margarita poetica, pars I. 4°, U. Gering, Paris, 29 November 1478 Gesamtkatalog 9540 There were two copies in the Royal Library, one of which survives (ULC 2880). The entries in Add. MS. 2671 are numbered '9942' and '399*. Both copies were seen by Taylor on 4 February 1736. The missing copy may have been disposed of legitimately. There were however no incunables among the Royal duplicates sold at auction in the 'Publick Schools' by William Thurlbourn on 29 March and 1 December 1742.
11 Biblia Latina. F°, Matthias Moravus, Naples, 1476 Gesamtkatalog 4220 There were two copies in the Royal Library, one of which survives (ULC 2513). One entry in Add. MS. 2671 is numbered '6615', the other is unnumbered. Both copies were seen by Taylor on 4 February 1736. The missing copy may have been disposed of legitimately (but cf. no. 10).
12 * Ambrosii Bibl. Lat. [14] 86/ Entry unnumbered The Royal Library contained three Bibles printed in i486. Those printed by Johann Priiss at Strassburg and Peter Drach at Speier survive (ULC 206, 1116). Second copies are entered in Add. MS. 2671 as 'Item per eundem*. This entry therefore probably relates to a lost copy of Amerbach's edition (Gesamtkatalog 4258). Not seen by Taylor on 4 February 1736. 50
13 Boccaccio: De claris mulieribus. F°, A. van der Heerstraten, Louvain, 1487 Gesamtkatalog 4485 Entry unnumbered 'At the end in MS. an Epitaph in Engl. verse upon the late Lady Rocheforde By Hen. Stapleton Servt to Ld Morley as also one in lat. verse and prose upon Cath. Howard 5th wife to Hen. the 8th/ Not seen by Taylor on 4 February 1736.
14 Directorium Sarisburiense. 40, G. Leeu, Antwerp, 1488 Gesamtkatalog 8457 Entry numbered '13202* Not seen by Taylor on 4 February 1736. Replaced by another copy (ULC 3912) bought in 1887.
15 Avicenna: Metaphysica. F°, B. de Vitalibus, Venice, 26 March 1495 Gesamtkatalog 3130 Entry numbered ' 8111', and giving date of publication as' 1493' Not seen by Taylor on 4 February 1736.
16 Bernard: Sermones. F°, N. Kesler, Basel, 1495 Gesamtkatalog 3944 Entry numbered '5983' Not seen by Taylor on 4 February 1736.
17 Biblia Latina, cum postillis Nicolai de Lyra. Vols 1 & 4. F°, A. Koberger, Nuremberg, 6 Sept. 1497 Gesamtkatalog 4294 Entry numbered '1611', and specifying '4 vol.*. The Library now possesses vols 2 & 3 only (ULC 1046). Seen by Taylor on 4 February 1736.
Listed in the notebook labelled 'Libri antiquiores9 18 Sallust: Opera. 4 0 , V. de Spira, Venice, 1470 Hain *I4I97
19 Alexander, Aphrodisiensis: De anima. 40, Bernardinus de Misintis, Brescia, 13 Sept. 1495 Gesamtkatalog 859
Bound with 20 Jacobus Brutus: Corona aurea. 40, Johannes Tacuinus, Venice, 15 Jan. 1496/7 Gesamtkatalog 5657 A copy ofthis book is among the books bequeathed by Richard Holdsworth (ULC 2116).
21 'Justiniani Institutiones. Folio/ This entry cannot relate to the copy of Arrivabenus's edition of 1494 (ULC 1932), which is listed elsewhere in 'Libri antiquiores'. The Gesamtkatalog records several editions published sine nota.
22 * Reparationes novae Logicae Aristotelis per Albertum Mag. 1496. Q[uarto].' Entry not identified. 51
A list of fifteenth century books in the University Library of Aberdeen. (Aberdeen University Studies, No. 98.) 1925.
Accurti 1 Accurti GWj
Accurti (Thomas): Editiones saeculi XV pleraeque bibliographis ignotae.—Annotationes ad opus quod inscribitur 'Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke' voll. I-IV. Florentiae, 1930.
Accurti (Al.) 1 Accurti (Thomas): Aliae editiones saeculi XV pleraeque Accurti (ill.) GWJ nondum descriptae.—Annotationes ad opus cui titulus * Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke' voll. I-VI. Florentiae, 1936. Audin
Savonarola (G.): Poesie illustrate e pubblicate per cura di Audin de Rians. (—Trattato circa il reggimento e goverho della citta di Firenze. — Bibliografia.) (2 pts.) Firenze, 1847. Borchling (Conrad) & Claussen (Bruno): Niederdeutsche Bibliographie. Bd 1, i. 15. Jahrhundert. Neumiinster, 1931-6.
Bibhografia geral portuguesa. Vols 1 & 2. Seculo XV. ^Acad. das ciencias de Lisboa.) Lisboa, 1941-2.
Catalogue of books printed in the XVth century now in the British Museum. Pts i-vm. London, 1908-49.
Baudrier (H.L. & J.): Bibliographie lyonnaise. i e -i2 me serie. Lyon, 1895-1921.
Bohatta (Hanns): Liturgische Bibliographie des XV. Jahrhunderts, mit Ausnahme der Missale und Livres d'heures. Wien, 1911.
Bradshaw (Henry): Lists of the founts of type and woodcut devices used by printers in Holland in the fifteenth century. (Memorandum No. 3.) Cambridge, 1871. [Repr. in Collected papers, pp. 258-80.]
Campbell (M. F. A. G.): Annales de la typographic neerlandaise au XVe siecle. ( + i e -4 e Supplement.) LaHaye, 1874-90. * ¥ * The Supplements are denoted by (1), (11), etc.; by ( + 1), (+11), etc., where the information given in the Supplement augments an entry in the main portion of the work. 52
Davies (H. W.): Catalogue of a collection of early French books in the library of C. Fairfax Murray. 2 vols. (Privately printed.) London, 1910.
Claudin (A.): Histoire de rimprimerie en France au XVe et au XVTe siecle. 4 vols. Paris, 1900-14.
Collijn (I.): Sveriges bibliografi. Uppsala, 1934-8.
Copinger (W. A.): Supplement to Hain's Repertorium bibliographicum. Pt 11. Volumes not referred to by Hain. 2 vols. London, 1898-1902.
See below R.
De Ricci
De Ricci (S.): Catalogue raisonn^ des premieres impressions de Mayence (1445-1467). (Veroffentl. d. Gutenberg-Gesells., vin, ix.) Mainz, 1911.
De Ricci (C)
De Ricci (S.): A census of Caxtons. (Bibliographical Society, Illustrated Monographs, xv.) Oxford, 1909.
Dolch (Walther): Bibliographie der osterreichischen Drucke des XV. und XVI. Jahrhunderts, hrsg. von E. Langer. Bd 1, i. Trient, Wien, Schrattenthal. Wien,
Duff (E. G.): Fifteenth century English books. (Bibliographical Society, Illustrated Monographs, xvm.) Oxford, 1917. The dialogue or communing between the wise King Salomon and Marcolphus; ed. by E. G. Duff. (+List of editions.) London, 1892.
Bd 1, 1478-1530.
Einblattdrucke des XV. Jahrhunderts. Hrsg. von der Kommission f. d. Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke. Halle a.S., 1914.
Fava (M.) & Bresciano (G.): La stampa a Napoli nel XVsecolo. 2 vols + Atlas. (Samml. Bibliothekswissenschaftl. Arb., 32., 33. Heft.) Leipzig, 1911-12.
Howe (E. R. J. G.): Franks Bequest. Catalogue of British and American book plates bequeathed to the trustees of the British Museum by Sir A. W. Franks. 3 vols. (London) 1903-4.
Veroffentlichungen der Gesellschaft fur Typenkunde des XV. Jahrhunderts. Leipzig [etc.], 1907- . 53
Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke. Federicis). Leipzig, 1925-40.
A list of the early printed books in the possession of Stephen Gaselee. (Privately printed.) Cambridge, 1920.
Gibson (S.): Early Oxford bindings. (Bibliographical Society, Illustrated Monographs, x.) Oxford, 1903.
Ginsburg (C. D.): Introduction to the Massaretico-critical edition of the Hebrew Bible. London, 1897.
Goldschmidt (E. P.): Gothic & Renaissance bookbindings. 2 vols. London, 1928.
Gray (G. J.): The earHer Cambridge stationers & bookbinders and thefirstCambridge printer. (Bibliographical Society, Illustrated Monographs, XIII.) Oxford, 1904.
Guigard (J.): Nouvel armorial du bibliophile. 2 vols. Paris, 1890.
Hain (L.): Repertorium bibliographicum. 2 vols (4 pts). Stuttgart, 1826-38.
Copinger (W. A.): Supplement to Hain's Repertorium bibliographicum. Pt 1. Corrections and additions to Hain's collations. London, 1895.
See below R.
Haebler (Konrad): Bibliografia iberica del siglo XV. 2 vols. La Haya & Leipzig, 1903-17.
Bd i-vm, i (A-
* ¥ * (+11) indicates that information given in vol. 1 is augmented in vol. 2. Typographical references to Haebler are to the same author's Typenrepertorium der Wiegendrucke (5 pts. 1905-24).
Heinecken (K. H. von): Idee generale d'une collection complette d'estampes. Leipsic et Vienne, 1771.
Christus am Kreuz. Kanonbilder der in Deutschland gedruckten Messbiicher des 15. Jahrhunderts. Hrsg. von P. Heitz. Mit Einleitung von W. L. Schreiber. Strassburg, 1910.
Hobson: Cambridge Hobson (G. D.): Bindings in Cambridge libraries. Cambridge, 1929. Hobson: Maioli
Hobson (G. D.): Maioli, Canevari and others. (Monographs on bookbinding, No. 1.) London, 1926. 54
Catalogue of manuscripts and early printed books.. .now forming portion of the library of J. Pierpont Morgan. Early printed books. 3 vols. London, 1907.
Klebs (A. C.): Geschichtliche und bibliographische Untersuchungen (in A. C. Klebs & K. SudhofF: Die ersten gedruckten Pestschriften). Miinchen, 1926. Klemming (G. E.): Sveriges aldre liturgiska literatur. Stockholm, 1879. Kristeller (P.): Early Florentine woodcuts. London, 1897. Lacombe (P.): Livres d'heures imprimis au XVe et au XVP siecle conserves dans les bibliotheques publiques de Paris. Paris, 1907. Linnig (B.): Bibliotheques & Ex-libris d'amateurs beiges aux XVIP, XVIIP et XIXe siecles. (+[n] Nouvelle serie.) Paris, 1906; Bruxelles, 1910. MacFarlane (J.): Antoine Verard. (Bibliographical Society, Monographs, vn.) London, 1900. Marais (P.) & Dufresne de Saint-Leon (A.): Catalogue des incunables de la Bibliotheque Mazarine. ( + Supplement.) Paris, 1893-7. Nijhoff (W.) & Kronenberg (M. E.): Nederlandsche bibliographic van 1500 tot 1540. (+ne deel door M. E. Kronenberg. +Inleiding tot een me deel.. .Door M. E. Kronenberg.) 's-Gravenhage, 1923-42. Nachtrage zu Hain's Repertorium bibliographicum und seinen Fortsetzungen als Probe des Gesamtkatalogs der Wiegendrucke. Hrsg. von der Kommission £ d. Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke. Leipzig, 1910. Nielsen (L.): Dansk bibliografi 1482-1550. K^benhavn,
Klemming Kristeller Lacombe
MacF. Maz.
Nielsen Oldham Olivier
Oldham (J. B.): Shrewsbury School Library bindings. Oxford, 1943. Manuel de l'amateur de reliures armoriees fran^aises. [By] E. Ohvier, G. Hermal, R. de Roton. 29 vols-f Tables. Paris, 1924-38. Proctor (R.): An index to the early printed books in the British Museum: from the invention of printing to the year MD. With notes of those in the Bodleian Library. 2 vols ( + 4 Supplements). London, 1898-1902. 55
Proctor (R.): Tracts on early printing, m. Additions to Campbell's Annales. [For private circulation. Repr. in Bibliographical essays (London, 1905).] London, 1897.
Breviarium ad usum insignis ecclesiae Sarum... labore ac studio Francisci Procter et Christophori Wordsworth. 3 vols. (Cantabrigiae) 1879-86.
Pellechet (M.): Catalogue general des incunables des bibliotheques publiques de France. 3 vols (A-Gregorius). Paris, 1897-1909.
Pell. (Lyon)
Pellechet (M.): Catalogue des incunables des bibliotheques publiques de Lyon. Lyon, 1893. Polain (M. L.): Catalogue des livres imprimes au I5e siecle des bibliotheques de Belgique. 4 vols. Bruxelles, 1932. Polain (M. L.): Marques des imprimeurs et libraires en France au XVe siecle, Paris, 1926. Reichling (D.): Appendices ad Hainii-Copingeri Repertorium bibliographicum 6 vols (+Indices + Supplementum). Monachii, Monasterii Guestphalorum, 190514.
Pol. Polain R
R denotes Reichling's additions to Hain and Copinger; HR and HCR his emendations of Hain and Hain-Copinger; CopR his emendations of Copinger's additions to Hain.
Rossi (G. B. de): Annales Hebraeo-typographici sec. XV. 4°, Parmae, 1795.
Sandars (S.): An annotated list of books printed on vellum to be found in the University and College libraries at Cambridge. (Camb. Antiq. Soc. Publ., Octavo Series, xv.) Cambridge, 1878.
Sander (M.): Le livre a figures italien depuis 1467 jusqu'a 1530. 6 vols. Milan (1942-3).
Early English printed books in the University Library, Cambridge, 1475-1640. 4 vols ( +Appendix). By C. E. S[ayle]. Cambridge, 1900-07.
Schorbach (K.) & Spirgatis (M.): Heinrich Knoblochtzer in Strassburg. (Bibliogr. Stud. z. Buchdruckergesch. Deutschlands, 1.) Strassburg, 1888.
Schreiber (W. L.): Manuel de Tamateur de la gravure sur bois et sur metal au XVe siecle. 8 vols. Berlin, Leipzig, 1891-1911. 56
Schwenke (P.): Die Donat- und Kalender-Type. (Veroffentl. d. Gutenberg Gesells., n.) Mainz, 1903.
Sinker (R.): A catalogue of the 15th century printed books in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge. Cambridge & London, 1876.
Steinschneider (M.): Catalogus librorum Hebraeorum in Bibliotheca Bodleiana. Berolini, 1852-60.
Type Facsimile Society: Publications. Oxford, 1900-09.
Voullieme (E.): Der Buchdruck Kolns bis zum Ende des 15. Jahrhunderts. (Publ. d. Gesells. f. rheinische Geschichtskunde, xxrv.) Bonn, 1903.
Vindel (F.): El arte tipografico en Espaiia durante el siglo XV. 9 vols. (1: Catalufia. 11: Salamanca, Zamora, Coria y reino de Gahcia. in: Valencia, Mallorca y Murcia. iv: Zaragoza. v: Sevilla y Granada, vi: Valladohd, Toledo, Huete y Pamplona. VII : Burgos y Guadalajara, vm: Dudosos de lugar de impresion; adiciones y correcciones. ix: Indices generales.) Madrid, 1945-51.
Weale (W. H. J.): Bibliographia liturgica. Catalogus missahum ritus Latini ab anno M . cccc. LXXIV impressorum; iterum ed. H. Bohatta. Londini, 1928.
Weale (W. H. J.): Early stamped bookbindings in the British Museum... Completed by L. Taylor. London, 1922.
Warnecke (F.): Die deutschen Biicherzeichen
Weale (W. H. J.): Bookbindings and rubbings of bindings in the National Art Library, South Kensington Museum. 2 vols. London, 1894-8.
Dunn (G.): Photographs of early types designed to supplement published examples. [1899-1905.]
BLOCKBOOKS 1 Biblia pauperum. German text. F°, 276 x 200 mm. P 3 BM1 6 (IB. 3) Schreiber rv p. 94 (ed. ib) Heinecken p. 325 40 leaves. Coloured. Bibliotheca Ducalis Gothana. Formerly in the possession of Johann, Burggraf von Donyn, the elder. Bequeathed by R. E. Hart, 1946 [4248] 19th c. paper boards
2 Apocalypsis sancti Johannis. F°, 283 X200 mm. P 14 BM 1 3 (IB. 14) Schreiber iv p. 167 (ed. vi) Heinecken pp. 367-70 43 of 48 leaves (wanting 1, 18, 35, 45 & 48). Coloured Bibliotheca Monast. Gottwicensis. Bequeathed by R. E. Hart, 1946 Unbound 3
A n o t h e r ed. F°, 250 x 190 m m . P 16 BM 1 3 (IB. 16) Schreiber iv pp. 165-6 (ed. v) 47 of 48 leaves (wanting 48, supplied in facsimile). Coloured and inlaid Sykes 11655. Syston Park 300. Rustat Fund, 1885 Blue morocco, with arms and initials M M S
4 Ars moriendi. F°, 283 x 197 mm. P 23 BM 1 4 (IB. 23) Schreiber iv p. 261 (ed. IVA) Heinecken p. 415 24 leaves, the last mounted. Uncoloured Bibliotheca Monast. Gottwicensis. Bequeathed by R. E. Hart, 1946 Unbound
5 Biblia pauperum. Latin text. F°, 283 x 201 mm. P 43 BM 1 6 (IB. 43) Schreiber iv p. 6 (ed. vi) Heinecken p. 317 40 leaves, the first mounted. Uncoloured. See plate in Bibliotheca Monast. Gottwicensis. Bequeathed by R. E. Hart, 1946 Unbound 6
A r s m e m o r a n d i . F°, 283 x 200 m m . Schreiber iv pp. 137-8 (ed. in) Heinecken p. 396 30 leaves, the first mounted. Coloured Bibliotheca Monast. Gottwicensis. Bequeathed by R. E. Hart, 1946 Unbound
7 Biblia pauperum. Latin text. F°, 115 x 173 mm. BM 1 6 (Print Room) Schreiber iv pp. 7-8 (ed. vni) A fragment only (part of leaf f) 6l
SINGLE SHEETS 8 Sixtus IV: Litterae indulgentiarum (1482). Broadside, 113 X303 mm. Pf 9 GW1, col. 13-14 (footnote) Einblattdrucke 22. 23 (footnote) A fragment. Wants lines 1-8 See no. 1059
Crucifixion Woodcut, 118 x 80 mm., coloured, on paper, 190 x 130 mm., above a MS. indulgence in Flemish (circa 1500, Add. MS. 594411) Given by H. Bradshaw, 1868 [2]
10 Crucifixion Woodcut, 264x 188 mm., coloured, on vellum Heitz-Schreiber 48 Laid down inside the front cover of no. 277 11
[4187 a]
Pieti Woodcut, 90x 61 mm., coloured, on paper, with legend: Dootfueckt trooft
12 Buxheim bookplates Woodcut, 72x66 mm., coloured. Two copies, one (with blockprinted IHS on verso) on the originalflyleaffrom a Buxheim book, with the inscription recording the gift of Hilprandus Brandenburg de Bibraco (v. V. Scholderer, 'Hilprand Brandenburg and his books', in The Library, 5th ser., iv (1949-50), pp. 196-201) For other copies see nos 134 & 2744 [4129\ Given by F. Jenkinson, 1906
13 St Gregory Metal cut, 81 x 61 mm., coloured, on paper The saint, enthroned as pope, reads from a book held by a winged ox; two scrolls, with legends S9 gregori9 and S9 lucas From MS. Dd. 12. 26 (early 15th c , prayers and meditations in Low German) [3739]
GERMANY MAINZ PRINTER OF THE 42-LINE BIBLE 14 Bible: Latin. 2 vols. F°, 395 mm. P* 56 B M 1 1 7 H* 3031 GW 4201 De Ricci 3410 Vol. 2 wants the last leaf (blank) Hopetoun 269. Given by A. W . Young, 1933 18th c. calf
Leaf 209 of another copy. 413 m m . De Ricci 34 s4 On vellum Culemann 171. Worts Fund, 1870
PRINTER OF THE 36-LINE BIBLE 16 Bible: Latin. F°, 322-33 mm. P60 B M 1 1 6 H3032 GW4202 De Ricci 23 16 Leaves 22, 51 & 56 only of vol. 2 Culemann 172. Worts Fund, 1870
Two leaves of another copy. 387 mm. Leaves 2 & 5 of the list of rubrics Described, with facsimiles, by H. W . Davies, Catalogue of a collection of early German books in the library ofC. Fairfax Murray (London, 1913), vol. 2, pp. 755-7 Given by C. F. Murray, 1918 [5]
18 Cisianus zu dutsche. Broadside, 342 x 255 mm. GW7054 De Ricci 22 Schwenke p. 15 (facs.) Einblattdrucke 494 v. A. Wyss, Bin deutscher Cisianus... (Drucke u. Holzschnitte d. xv. u. xvi. Jahrh. in getreuer Nachbildung, v), Strassburg, 1900 Given by H. Bradshaw, 1870 [6]
PETER SCHOEFFER with JOHANN FUST 19 Psalter: Latin. F°, 313-408 mm. 14 Aug. 1457 P64 BM118 H 13479 De Ricci 5425"27 Leaf 60 and fragments of leaves 49 & 50 only, on vellum ' . . .Rechnung Pet. Cath: anno 1603 beschlossen* (cf. De Ricci 5440, where he describes a leaf with a similar inscription, dated 1595-6, once used to cover a volume of the registers of KiindorfF. Cf. also no. 1210) Given by H. Bradshaw, 1870 [7]
20 Psalter: Latin. F°, 459 mm. 29 Aug. 1459 P*65 BM119 H* 13480 Leaf 34 only, on vellum A. G. W. Murray. Given by D. W. Murray, 1919
21 Durandus (Guilelmus): Rationale divinorum officiorum. F°, 367 mm. 6 Oct. 1459 P*66 BM120 H6471 GW9101 De Ricci 6s62 Leaf 11 only, on vellum Perhaps Klemm 565. Rustat Fund, 1889
22 Bible: Latin. 2 vols. F°, 398 mm. 14 Aug. 1462 P*79 BM122 HF3050 GW4204 De Ricci 79 101 On vellum. Rubrics at the beginning of both volumes printed in red. The explicit of vol. 2 agrees with GW variant 1. Vol. 1 wants leaves 70, 196, 216 & 217 French names scribbled (16th c.) on the last leaf of vol. 2. Earl of Jersey 191. Given by A. W. Young, 1933 18th c. red morocco
Part of another copy. 402 mm. De Ricci 79105 Leaves 4-12, 14-17, 19-66, 68-74 & 77-142 of vol. 2 From part of a copy found in France by Claudin, who disposed of single leaves at 25 fr. each and sold the remainder to L. Rosenthal. Given by S. Sandars, 1892 Modern half pigskin [10]
Two leaves of another copy. 385 mm. De Ricci 79104 Leaves 119-20 of vol. 2, on vellum From a binding in the Acton Library, 1902
One leaf of another copy. 347 mm. Leaf 10 of vol. 1, on vellum 'C.K. 3417/ Klemm 153. Bought of Rosenthal in 1892 by S. Sandars. Sandars Bequest, lloh\
One leaf of another copy. 402 mm. Leaf 13 7 of vol. 2
[10 c]
27 Cicero (Marcus Tullius): De officiis et Paradoxa. F°, 246 mm. 1465 P*8o BM123 H5238 GW6921 DeRicci84 8 On vellum 'Carolus Gaudays.' Charles Giraud. A. Firmin-Didot 202 (May, 1879). W. H. Crawford 742. Sandars Bequest, 1894 18th c. red morocco [11]
28 Cicero (Marcus Tullius): De officiis et Paradoxa. F°, 249 mm. 4 Feb. 1466 P*82 BM124 KF5239 GW6922 DeRicci85 7 Wants the first leaf 'Emptus per Jo. Ruscel. archidiaconum berkshyrie apud oppidum bruggense flandrie a° 1467 mensis aprilis 170 die' (i.e. John Russell, Bishop of Lincoln and Chancellor of England). Royal Library, 1715 19th c. calf [12]
PETER SCHOEFFER ALONE 29 Donatus (Aelius): De octo partibus orationis H6352 GW8718 DeRicci43 Part of leaf 5 (lines 11-35) only, on vellum. Cf. De Ricci 43 4 Stamp: C.R. Bought of Rosenthal and given by S. Sandars, 1891
30 Thomas (St)9 Aquinas: Summa theologica; secunda secundae. F°, 398 mm. 6 Mar. 1467 P*83 BM124 KF1459 [a-e10 f12 g-k 10 1-n 8 0-t 10 v 6 x-z 10 A-C 1 0 D 6 ] ; 258 leaves On vellum. Wants leaves 13-18, 245-51 & 253-8 (table) The colophon (252b) differs from BM and Hain: Hoc opus preclaru fecuda fecude Alma in vrbe I moguntina indite nacionis germanice. qua dei | clemetia tarn alti ingenij lumie. donoqj gratuito. | ceteris terrarum naconibj pferre illuftrareqj di= | gnatus e. Artificiofa quada adinuencone impri* | mendi feu caracterizadi abfqj vlla calami exara* | tione fie effigiatu. et ad eufebia dei. induftrie eft | pfummatu per Petrum fchoiffher de gern6heim. | Anno dfii. M.cccc.lxvij. die fexta men6 marcij. | Quaritch's Sunderland Library label (455). Sandars Bequest, 1894 18th c. calf, repaired, with arms of Charles Spencer, 3rd Earl of Sunderland [14] 31 B i b l e : Latin.
F°, 412 m m . 23 Feb. 1472
P*98 BM128 H*3O52 GW4211 Given by A. W. Young, 1933 Morocco, by Bedford °c
[3763] 65
32 Bernard (St): Sermones de tempore et de sanctis. F°, 410 mm. 14 Apr. 1475 P*io7 BM132 11*2844 GW3940 Bookplate: Bfonaventura Brem] A[bt] Z[u] W[eissenau] (Warnecke 2409, who however identifies the abbot as B[enedict Rheindl]). 'Bibliothecae Weissenaviensis.' Charles S. Strong. Rustat Fund, 1891 Contemporary stamped pigskin [16]
Another copy. 409 mm. ' W . G. Thorpe/ Adams Bequest, 1892 Early 19th c. half calf
34 Turrecremata (Johannes de): Expositio Psalterii. F°, 277 mm. 10 Mar. 1476 HC* 15699 Pol. 3860 Leaf 82 (8 10 of Polain's collation) is cancelled in this copy. The stub remains and there is no break in the text. Wants the first and last leaves (blank); colophon mutilated Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Formerly bound (1) with no. 3850. Modern half morocco [18]
35 Herbarius. 40, 205 mm. [14] 84 P f i 2 i H8444 Pell. 1311 Leaves 1-156 of Pellechet's description, varying slightly on 155a: Particula fcda de |. Fig. 75 is numbered 73 in error Culemann 251. Given by S. Sandars, 1870 Contemporary stamped calf [jp]
36 Wandalbertus: Legenda sancti Goaris. 40, 218 mm. 1489 P129 BM136 H7788=*i6i42 Culemann 239. Worts Fund, 1870 19th c. calf
37 Peraudi (Raimundus): Litterae indulgentiarum. Broadside, 216x255 mm. 1489 Einblattdrucke 1137 On vellum. Made out on 1 August 1490 to ' Symon prior monasterii s. Michaelis ordinis praedicatorum in Olmutz Fratres de conuentu Nouitii Conuersi tune temporis existentes', and signed by 'Iohel Sachs prepositus frisacn' as commissary Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 [3&1]
38 Botho (Conrad): Cronecken der Sassen. F°, 296mm. 6 Mar. 1492 P*i3o BM137 H*499o GW4963 W . H. Crawford 720. Sandars Bequest, 1894 Morocco, by Bedford
39 Augustine (St): De vita Christiana. 40, 196 mm. P135 BM137 H*2O93 GW3039 Wants the last leaf (blank) Culemann 65. Worts Fund, 1870 19th c. half roan
MAINZ 40 Johannes, de Tambaco: Consolatio theologiae. 4 0 , 202 m m . P*i36 BM138 H* 15235 'Bibliothecae J. Niesert, pastoris in Velen. 1815/ Culemann 592. Worts Fund, 1870 Contemporary stamped calf 41
Augustine (St): De verae vitae cognitione. 4 0 , 206 m m . P*i38 BM138 H*2092 GW2938 Bookplate (name erased): arms of Flamank. Adams Bequest, 1892 19th c. diced russia
Augustine (St): Sermo de festo praesentationis B.V.M. F°, 281 m m . P 139 BM138 H 1993=9954 GW2994 Wants the first leaf (blank) Culemann 509. Worts Fund, 1870 19th c. boards, covered with a leaf from a 16th c. music MS. on vellum
A n o t h e r c o p y . 204 m m . Rustat Fund, 1869 Modern half morocco
Spiegel der Volnkommenheyt [etc.], 4 0 , 214 m m . [a-k 10 1 m 8 n o 10 p 8 ]; 144 leaves, u a : 150x 85 mm., 33 lines. Type: 91 ia: Hie begynet der Spiegel der volnkomenheyt | [ 6 ] Ie gnade vnfers herren ihefu | xpi vnd die mynne des vatters | vii die gemeynfchafft des heilige | geiftes fy mit vns alien...; u a : der redeUchkeyt ader der gehoafamkeyt volnbren|; 101a, 1. 32: heiligen geyftes Amen. I Finis Speculi. |; 101b: Von der geftoabenheyt. | . . . ; 108b, 1. 20: Von der vngeftoabenheyt. | . . . ; 132b, 1.8: Vondemvberwefelichenfchauwendeleben. | . . . ; 139b: wie zu der geftosbenheyt fy zu komen. | . . . ; 144a, 1.11: . . .vnd konen gelijden die doch yn yren lip= I lichen hertzen nit eyn nalen fpitz vn yn yren lip* | lichen augen nit eyn hare gelijden kunten. | Finis huius. | This is not the same text as the Dutch Spieghel der volcomenheit (nos 3365 & 3662) 'Dono mihi datus a venerabili priore car. Gemnicen. 1547.' 'J 0 1 1 6 1 1 1 ^ 1 ^' (?)• Acton Library, 1902 Bound (2) with Das buch geistlicher gnaden.. .der heiligenn iungfrawen Mechtildis und Gertrudis
(Leipzig, 1503). 16th c. stamped calf with clasps and corner-pieces; covers lined with fragments of MS. accounts, 'Registrum familie pro grangia retro lacum. Andre Hofmaister...'; vellum flyleaves from a 14th c. MS. on grammar [27] 45
Aureoli (Petrus): De conceptione B.V.M. 4 0 , 213 m m . P140 BM138 (IA.282) H*2i42 GW3078 Wants c3 G. Dunn. Bought, 1927 Modern half calf
Sixtus I V : Summarium bullarum indulgentiarum in subsidium Christifidelium concessarum. Broadside, 230 x 177 m m . Einblattdrucke 1422 'J. W. Law' (or Parr?). Given by F. Jenkinson, 1906 67
[4192] 5-2
P R I N T E R OF T H E C A T H O L I C O N 47 Balbus (Johannes): Catholicon. F°, 397mm. 1460 P*i46 BM139 H*2254 GW3182 Royal Library, 1715 19th c. calf
48 Matthaeus, de Cracovia: Dialogus rationis et conscientiae. 40, 204 mm. P*i47 BM140 11*5803 Culemann 390. Worts Fund, 1870 Limp vellum
49 Thomas {St), Aquinas: Summa de articulis fidei. 40, 204 mm. P* 148 BM140 (IA. 308) H 1425 [a8 b4"*"1]; 13 leaves, the last being the inserted leaf * Monrii Montis S. Georgii' (probably the Benedictines of St Georgenberg, Tyrol). Culemann 598. Worts Fund, 1870 Limp vellum [31]
P R I N T E R OF T H E P R O G N O S T I C A T I O N 50 Sifridus, de Arena: Determinatio duarum quaestionum. 40, 194 mm. P151 BM141 H* 14723 'Alfred J. Horwood, Temple* Bound (1) with no. 51. 19th c. half morocco
51 Sifridus, de Arena: Responsio ad quattuor quaestiones. 40, 194 mm. P152 BM142 H* 14724 Bound (2) with no. 50
ERHARD REUWICH 52 Breydenbach (Bernhard von): Itinerarium. F°, 302 mm. 11 Feb. i486 P* 156 BM 1 43 H* 3956 GW 5075 (Anm.) Wants the first leaf (woodcut), the illustrations of Venice, Parenzo, Corfu, Modon and Candia, part of the illustrations of Rhodes and Palestine, and the last leaf (blank) 'Edward Wentworth.' Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf [34]
53 Breydenbach (Bernhard von): Itinerarium. (German.) F°, 310mm. 21 June i486 P157 BM144 H*3959 GW5077 The first leaf, all but one half-sheet of the illustration of Venice, and all but one sheet of the illustration of Palestine are in facsimile 'Bibliothecae S. Georgii Augustae. Nunc dono illius gratioso S. Leonard furstnfeldens' (i.e. the chapel of S. Leonard, near Inchenhofen (Bavaria), maintained by the Cistercians of Fiirstenfeld). Culemann 285. Worts Fund, 1870 19th c. boards [33]
54 Breydenbach (Bernhard von): Itinerarium. (Dutch.) F°, 290 mm. 24 May 1488 P*i59 BM144 H3963 GW5081 Wants the last leaf (blank). One sheet of the illustration of Venice and all but one sheet of the illustration of Palestine are in facsimile Culemann 287. Worts Fund, 1870 19th c. quarter calf [36]
JACOB MEYDENBACH 55 Hortus sanitatis. F°, 290 mm. 23 June 1491 P*i6o BM144 H*8944 Wants the last leaf (blank) Royal Library, 1715 i8thc. half calf
PETER V O N FRIEDBERG 56 Trithemius (Johannes): De statu et ruina monastici ordinis. 40, 170 mm. P169 BM146 (IA. 366) H* 15624 Wants the last leaf (blank) Bound (5) with nos 64, etc.
Gresemundus (Theodoricus): Lucubratiunculae. 40, 203 mm. 1494 P*i76 BM147 H*8o47 Rustat Fund, 1869 Modern half morocco
Gresemundus (Theodoricus): Podalirii cum Catone dialogus. 40, 204 mm. P*i78 BM147 H*8O49 Gaselee2 Kloss. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Half calf (Kloss)
59 Trithemius (Johannes): De proprietate monachorum. 40, 182 mm. 1495
P * I 8 I BM147 11*15619 Bought, 1892 Modern half morocco
Another copy. 170 mm. Bound (2) with nos 64, etc.
61 Trithemius (Johannes): De laudibus Carmelitarum. 40, 191 mm. H* 15628 Pol. 3 811 (with variations) Gaselee 1 'Ad usum Carmelitarum Metensium' (the last two words written over an earlier inscription). Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern polished calf [3812]
62 Trithemius (Johannes): De vanitate et miseria humanae vitae. 40, 170 mm. 1495 P*i82 BM148 H* 15635 Wants the last leaf (blank) Bound (3) with nos 64, etc.
63 Trithemius (Johannes): De duodecim excidiis observantiae regularis. 40, 208 m m . P184 BM148 H* 15637 Bibliotheca Regia Monacensis. Given by S. Sandars, 1893 Modern quarter morocco
64 Trithemius (Johannes): De operatione divini amoris. 40, 170 mm. P*i86 BM148 H* 15636 Given by S. Sandars, 1892 Bound (1) with nos 60, 62, 65 & 56. 19th c. half calf
[44] 0
65 Trithemius (Johannes): De triplici regione claustralium. 4 , 170 mm. 6 Aug. 1498 P*i88 BM149 H*i56i8 The colophons differ from BM. 92b: . . . clauftraliu. | g Petru Friedbergenfem... Explicit compendia quotidiani fpiritualis | exercicij: g Ioannem tritemium abbatem. | Wants the last leaf (blank). Misbound 'Monasterii SS. Mauritii et Simeonis in Mind. A 0 1685' Bound (4) with nos 64, etc. 66
A n o t h e r c o p y . 209 m m . Gaselee 3 Wants the last leaf (blank) G. Dunn. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern half morocco
67 Maldura (Petrus Ludovicus): In vitam sancti Rochi [etc.]. 40, 200 mm. P192 BM149 H* 10546 GW8332 Wants a3 and a4 Bound (5) with nos 3630, etc.
STRASSBURG JOHANN MENTELIN 68 Bible: Latin. F°, 358 mm. P*i96 BM151 11*3033 GW4203 'Can. Reg. Claustro-neoburgensi Bibliothecae iure sum inscriptus 5 Sept. 1655/ Biblioth. Palat. Vindobon. Dupl. Rustat Fund, 1875 Morocco, with the arms of the Empress Maria Theresa (as Guigard 1, 70, first example) on spine [47]
Another, variant, copy of vol. 1. 394 mm. GW4203 (Anm.) Made up of single sheets (probably proofsheets), pasted together at the inner margin. See F. Jenkinson, Address delivered at the opening of the 28th Annual Meeting of the Library Association...
(Cambridge, 1905) pp. 13-14 Culemann 173. Worts Fund, 1870 Contemporary wooden boards backed with pigskin
70 John (St), Chrysostom: Homiliae super Matthaeum. F°, 289 mm. P*I97 BM151 H*5O34 Without the blank leaf 128 (cancelled and cut away) Bibliotheca Regia Monacensis. Bought, 1875 (?) Contemporary stamped calf ji
Another copy. 277 m m . Without the blank leaf 'Payne's sale £11:11:* M. Wodhulljan. 5th 1795/ Given by the Rev. J. H. Ellis, 1910 Bound (1) with no. 74. Diced russia, by R. Payne [5°]
A n o t h e r c o p y . 250 m m . Without the blank leaf 'Coll. S. Cr. Aug.' Bookplate: Torcular calcavi solus (J. P. Madden). From the library of F. Jenkinson, 1923 19th c. half forrel [51]
73 Bible: German. F°, 394 m m . P*i98 BM152 H*3i3O GW4295 Leaves 196-406 (quires [v]-*[R]) only. Wants leaf 356 (blank) Contemporary MS. register (1 leaf) bound after the first leaf. MS. colophon: ' . . .gedruckt mit kunstreicher vernufFt zu Strassburg...' 'Dise Bibel hat Bartolme rem der Elter zu augspurg kaufft umb 16 guldin reinisch.' Bookplate: Conventus Augustani FF. Ord: Praed:. William Stuart (Tempsford Hall and Aldenham Abbey). Rustat Fund (?), 1895 Contemporary stamped calf [52]
74 Augustine (St): De arte praedicandi. F°, 277 mm. P*200 BM152 H*i956 GW2871 Wants the last leaf (blank) Bound (2) with no. 71
75 Augustine (St): De civitate Dei. F°, 388 mm. P*2oi BM152 11*2056 GW2883 Leaves 1-138 (Bks I-XIV) only
'Pro b.b. [C.C.?] ffell [?] Pontisarentium' (i.e. of Pontoise). Bookplate: Sir Walter's Study (i.e. Sir Walter Raleigh's in Youghal Castle, which Sir John Pope Hennessy bought: note by F. Jenkinson). Sir J. P. Hennessy 643. Lot 1072 at Sotheby's, 27 Oct. 1897. Bought, 1897 19th c. morocco [54] 71
76 Augustine (St): Epistolae. F°, 300 mm. P*2o8 BM155 H*ip66 GW2905 'Cartus. Gemnicensis.' Bought after 1889 16th c. stamped pigskin with the arms of Gaming Charterhouse
77 Paulus, de Sancta Maria: Scrutinium scripturarum. F°, 291 mm. P*209 BM154 H* 10763 Wants leaf 218 and part of 217 (both blank) Bookplate (Virgin and Child on a crescent moon): Insignia capituli. W. Morris. Given by G. Dunn, 1909 Contemporary stamped calf [56]
78 Alphonsus, de Spina: Fortalitium fidei. F°, 387 mm. P*2io BM155 H* 872= 873 GW1574 With the eight leaves of rubrics 'Monasterii Monacen. Or. Er. S. P. Aug. 1606.' Bequeathed by K. Pearson, 1936 Contemporary leather
79 Vincentius, Bellovacensis: Speculum historiale. F°, 452 mm. 4 Dec. 1473 P*2i2 BM157 Vols 3 and 4 only of the BM collation. Wants [aax], [ffi,2,9,io]> quires [hh]-[oo], [tt]-[BB], [EE]-[NN], [RR lt i 0 ], quire [SS] and [YY1>8]. Quire [aa] comprised 10 leaves, not 8 as BM Given by Thomas Rotherham, 1484. Vols 1 and 2 were given by him to Pembroke College, where they remain Modern half morocco; an old end-paper laid down inside the front cover, with a vellum slip pasted on it bearing the following inscription in a 15th c. hand:' Secunda pars speculi historialis ex dono Reverendissimi in xpo patris ac domini. domini Thome dei gratia Ebo^ Archiepiscopi. Anno domini M.cccclxxxiiii0' [57]
80 Vincentius, Bellovacensis: Speculum morale. F°, 405 mm. P*2I4 BM158 [H10] (477 leaves) not [H8] (475 leaves) as BM. The additional leaf for insertion in quire [L] has been misbound in quire [M]. Wants leaves 1 and 5 (both blank) *:Ant: abb:' (t>. no. 787). Rustat Fund, 1875 Contemporary wooden boards backed with stamped pigskin [58]
81 Wolfram, von Eschenbach: Parsival. F°, 280 mm. 1477 P216 BM159 H*6684 Wants leaf 20 (supplied in modern MS.) and the last (blank) Bookplate of Johann Conrad Feuerlein (Warnecke 513). Culemann 327. Worts Fund, 1870 Modern half pigskin [59]
82 Wolfram, von Eschenbach: Titurel. F°, 285 mm. 1477 P*2I7 BM159 H*6683 Collation differs from BM: [n 10 ], [p 10 * 1 ], [E8], [G 10 ], [H10~2?] Wants [H9/f0] (presumably blank and meant to be cut away) Culemann 326. Worts Fund, 1870 19th c. quarter roan
Augustine (St): De arte praedicandi. F°, 289 m m . P*2i8 BM153 H*i 9 55 GW2873 A. Firmin-Didot 136 (June, 1882) Morocco, by Lortic
Astesanus, de Ast: Summa de casibus conscientiae. F°, 408 mm. P220 BM157 H*I8QO GW2751 Given by J. Charrington, 1916 Contemporary stamped calf (rebacked), with the scroll of Conradus de Argentina (Weale R616) [62]
Conradus, de Alemania: Concordantiae. F°, 407 m m . P*222 BM158 13*5629 GW7418 Collation differs from BM: [m 10 ], as GW; [r10"1 s 10 ], not [r10 s8*1] as BM and GW; [T 12 ], asGW Wants [P2,9] (supphed in contemporary MS.) 'Ad PP Franciscanos Kelhaimii Bibl.', with their stamp: SJ^M in a circle (cf. BM11 526, IC. 9185). Rustat Fund, 1868 Contemporary ruled pigskin [63]
Aristoteles: Ethica ad Nicomachum, Politica, CEconomica. F°, 298 m m . P*224 BM153 H*i762 GW2367 Rustat Fund, 1875 Contemporary stamped red leather, with clasps: vellum flyleaves from a 14th c. MS. on canon law: rebacked [64]
Another copy. 290 mm. Part of the first leaf cut away *Istud gloriosum opus premendo exarauit Johannes Mentelin argentine, quod ab eodem propinatum M. Foresius possideo. 1469. 10 aprihV (the earliest date known in connection with this book, cf. note in GW and BM). 'Pro bibliotheca Franciscanorum Tabernensium/ Hopetoun 231. Sandars Bequest, 1894 Contemporary stamped red leather [63]
Pharetra doctorum et philosophorum. P , 395 mm. P* 225 BM 1 56 H12908 Bookplate: P.P. Benedictinoru Lib: et Imp. Monastery SS Udalrici et Affrce. Augustce Vindel.
Rustat Fund, 1895 Contemporary stamped calf 89
Isidore (St): Etymologiae. F°, 393 m m . P*227 BM157 11*9270 'Iste liber pertinet conuentui Ratisponensi ordinis predicatorum.' A. J. Horwood. Rustat Fund, 1883 Roan, circa 1800 [67] 73
90 Albertus, Magnus: De laudibus B.V.M. F°, 398 mm. P*228 BM159 H*467 GW616 Bound (2) with no. 91
91 Albertus, Magnus: Mariale. F°, 398 mm. P* 229 BM1 59 H* 461 GW 680 'Ex libris Cartusiae Herbipolensis.' Bought, 1895 Bound (1) with no. 90. Contemporary stamped calf
THE R-PRINTER (ADOLF RUSCH) 92 Bible: Latin. F°, 349 mm. P*234 BM160 H*3O34 GW4209 Wants the first ten and the last nine leaves Given by M. R. James, 1889 16th c. calf
Another copy. 398 mm. Wants the first leaf (blank) Given by A. W. Young, 1933 Morocco, by Chambolle-Duru
94 Bollanus (Dominicus): Quaestio de conceptione B.V.M. F°, 275 mm. P235 BM163 H*3436 GW4616 Bound (2) with no. 1349
95 Caracciolus (Robertus): Sermones de adventu. F°, 277 mm. P*236 BM163 H*447o GW6046 Wants leaves 1-6 (table) Kloss (not 1002). Bought, 1929 19th c. boards
Another copy. 285 mm. Gaselee 4 Wants leaf 7 (blank) 'Bibliothecae ff. Min. Thenens.' (i.e. at Tirlemont). Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Contemporary stamped calf, rebacked
Dionysius, de Burgo Sancti Sepulchri: Commentarius super Valerium Maximum. F°, 267 mm. P*237 BM1 63 (IB. 629) HF4103 GW8411 Wants the first and last leaves (blank) Royal Library, 1715 Citron morocco, for Thomas Maiolus (Hobson: Cambridge, pi. xxix; Hobson: Maioli, p. 73) [73]
98 Rabanus Maurus: De sermonum proprietate. F°, 388 mm. P*239 BM160 H* 13669 Wants leaves [g t ] & [g8], also the last two leaves (blank) Heber 1 5877. From the library of H. Bradshaw, presented by his friends, 1887 18th c. calf
99 Magni (Jacobus): Sophologium. F°, 295 mm. P*24O BM162 H*K>47i A. F. Vigers. Given by R. Griffin, 1922 Modern half morocco
100 Magni (Jacobus): Sophologium. F°, 294 mm. P241 BM161 H* 10472 Culemann463. Worts Fund, 1870 Contemporary stamped calf, with clasps 101
Avicenna: Canon de medicina. F°, 407 m m . P245 BM165 H*2i97 GW3114 Two leaves only, numbered 507 & 508 in an old hand Coventry School Library (cf. G. A. Schneider, A descriptive catalogue of the incunabula in the library of Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge, no. 96). A. G. W . Murray. Given by
D. W. Murray, 1919
102 Balbus (Johannes): Catholicon. F°, 471 mm. P*246 BM165 H*225i GW3185 Wants the last leaf (blank) 'Anno domini millesimo quadringentesimo octuagesimo tercio. In festo sanctorum martyrum Crisanti et Darie patronorum huius ecclesie opidi Monasterii eyfBie. Colonien. dioc. Honorabilis dominus Johannes Boytgenbach Canonicus predicte ecclesie contulit atque dedit presentem librum qui intitulatur Catholicon ponendum in librariam ipsius ecclesie in remedium et salutem anime sue. Orate pro ipso' Contemporary stamped calf, with bosses; rebacked [7#] 103
A n o t h e r c o p y . 406 m m . Wants the first and last leaves (blank) 'Anno domini M°cccc° septuagesimo octauo hie liber comparatus est per reuerendum in Christo patrem Abbatem dominum paulum monasterii Campililiorum unacum ligatura pro 7 flor. Renenss.' Adams Bequest, 1892 Stamped pigskin, lettered C[ornelius]. S[trauch]. A[bbas]. C[ampililiorum]. 1646 (v. H. R. v. Zeissberg, Das Todtenbuch des Cistercienser-Stiftes Lilienfeld (Fontes Rerum Austria-
carum, 2te Abt., Diplomataria et Acta, 41 i), 1879, p. 1); rebacked with old calf
104 Vincentius, Bellovacensis: Speculum doctrinale. F°, 455 mm. P252 BM165 [N 8 ], [P 6 ], not [N 6 ], [P8] as BM Wants [16_8], quires [m]-[q], [ ri , 2 , 7 , 8 ], quires [K]-[M], [S], [V]-[Y], [aa]-[cc], [dd 1(8 ], and quire [ee] 'My lord Chawnceler.' Given by Thomas Rotherham, circa 1484 Calf, circa 1700 [80]
105 Vincentius, Bellovacensis: Speculum historiale. F°, 451 mm. Pf 254 Pol. 3940 (with variations) Gaselee 5 Pts 1 & 2 only, in 1 vol. Pt 1 wants leaves 1 (blank), 4-7, 30, 33, 35, 58, 63, 83, 85, 86, 92, 108, 120, 130, 148. Pt 2 wants leaves 2, 5, 41, 48, 66, 93, 94, 124 Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 16th c. paper boards backed with stamped pigskin
106 Vincentius, Bellovacensis: Speculum naturale. 2 vols. F°, 450 mm. P*255 BM164 Vol. 1 wants [a 1 , 2i9fl0 ], quire [c], [d1>10], quire [e], fe.s.s.eLquires [i] and [1], [q 4 , 5 ], [s 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 ], quires [v]-[:>], [%lt2t9,10], quires [D], [E] and [H]-[L], and [N1>10] Vol. 2 wants [bb1>10], [hh5,6], quires [oo]-[qq], [AA] and [BB], [ C C ^ ] , [EE4], quires [FF] and [GG], [HHlt2t9tl0], quires [MM]-[OO], and [PP3] Given by Thomas Rotherham, 1484 Calf, circa 1700; inside the front cover of each volume is pasted a vellum slip with an inscription similar to that described at no. 79 and in the same hand [81]
HEINRICH EGGESTEIN 107 Bible: Latin. F°, 393 mm. P*256 BM1 66 (IC. 702) H3036 GW4206 Leaves 1-250 (Genesis-Psalms) only 'Ad Bibliothecam Gerlachsheimensem ord. praem.' 'Cellae Superioris. 1637.' Fry 112 (?). Bought, 1892 Contemporary stamped calf, with clasps and corner-pieces [82]
108 Bible: Latin. 2 vols. F°, 378 mm. P*257 BM 1 66 (IC. 704) H*3O37 GW4205 Wants the blank leaf at the end of vol. 1 and both blanks (leaves 495-6 of GW's description) at the end of vol. 2 'Conuentus S. Petri Salisburg/ Huth. Given by A. W. Young, 1933 Green morocco, by Bozerian le Jeune [3773] 109
A n o t h e r c o p y o f vol. 2. 397 m m . Wants the last two leaves (blank) Bookplate: Ex bibliotheca Mallersdorf Monasterii O.5.B. Fry 112 (?). Bought, 1892 Contemporary stamped calf [83]
Bible: Latin. 2 vols. F°, 397 mm. P* 258 BM 1 66 (IC. 707) H* 3035 GW 4208 Without the four leaves of rubrics described by BM ' A# 9 [10] pro conuentu...' Culemann 174. Worts Fund, 1870 Contemporary stamped pigskin, with clasps and corner-pieces, the latter dated 1464 (see Jahrbuch der Einbandkunst, 1928, pp. 33-7)
Justinianus: Institutiones. F°, 388 mm. P* 264(1) BM168 H* 9491(1) GW7581 Wants leaves 55, 112 and 113 (all blank) B. E. Hammond. Given by Mrs Hammond, 1917 Bound (1) with no. 112. 19th c. half vellum
112 Obertus, de Horto: Consuetudines feudorum. F°, 388 mm. 15 Sept. 1472 P* 264 (2) BM1 69 H* 9491 (2) GW 7774 (Anm. 3) Beneath the colophon a MS. mark in red '26' Bound (2) with no. i n
113 Adrianus, Carthusiensis: De remediis utriusque fortunae. 40, 206 mm. P*275 BM170 H*94 GW229 Bookplate: B A Z W (cf. no. 32). 'Monastery Augise Minoris.' Beneath the colophon a MS. mark ^ . Given by G. Dunn, 1909 19th c. purple morocco [#7]
114 Gregory I: Dialogi. F°, 285 mm. P*276 BM171 H*7957 Bookplates: 1. Crest and motto Furthfortune andfillthefetters (Murray); 2. B V in a monogram beneath a coronet (Brougham & Vaux). Bought, 1936 19th c. half calf, with the arms of Brougham & Vaux on the spine [4150]
115 Jacobus, de Voragine: Legenda aurea. F°, 263 mm. P278 BM171 Wants the first two leaves (table of rubrics) and the last leaf (blank) Stamp: Confrerie de St. Jean V£vangte Non nobis Dotnine. Bought (lot 806 at Sotheby's),
17 Dec. 1894 18th c. vellum
116 Nicolaus, de Hanapis: Auctoritates utriusque testamenti. F°, 288 mm. P283 BM172 H*3534 Collation differs from BM: [a-f8] 'Cart. Buxheim* (with Buxheim stamp). G. Dunn. Rustat Fund, 1917 Bound (1) with no. 609. Contemporary stamped calf with clasps 117
A n o t h e r c o p y . 294 m m . Bound (2) with no. 879
B e d a : Historia ecclesiastica gentis A n g l o r u m . F°, 265 m m . P*284 BM171 H*2732 GW3756 Wants the last leaf (blank) Rustat Fund, 1875 i8thc. half calf
119 Bible: German. F°, 388 mm. P*286 BM172 H*3i29 GW4296 [r4] (= [C4] of the BM collation), not [r11] as GW Bookplate: Ex Electorali Biblioteca Sereniss. Vtriusque Bauariae Ducutn. MDCCXLVI (Warnecke 1378?). Bibliotheca Regia Monacensis. Earl of Crawford. Given by A. W . Young, 1933 18th c. calf with arms (quarterly, Bavaria and the Palatinate) on the spine [3769]
120 Cyril (St), Apostle of the Slavs: Speculum sapientiae. 40 & F°, 292 mm. P*288 BM173 H*59O4 GW7889 Lot 336 in an unidentified sale. Acquired about 1863 19th c. half calf
121 Eusebius Pamphili: Historia ecclesiastica. F°, 281 mm. P*289 BM173 H*67O8 GW9435 Wants the last leaf (blank) J. E. Millard. Sandars Bequest, 1894 Red morocco, by J. Mackenzie 122
Barlaam et Josaphat. 4 , 188 m m . P290 BM173 H*59i3 GW3397(Anm.) Bound (3) with nos 442, etc.
Ludolphus, de Saxonia: Vita Christi. F°, 386 m m . 1474 P* 297 BM 1 75 H* 10290 * Printed with Eggestein's 99B type, perhaps in the Carthusian monastery outside Strassburg* (BM) Wants the last leaf (blank) 'Monasterii Baumburg* Contemporary stamped calf [94]
ADOLF RUSCH 124 Bible: Latin. With the commentary of Walafridus Straho. 4vols. F°, 456 mm. P*299 BM192 11*3173 GW4282 Wants the last two leaves (blank) 'Iste liber Constat Monasterio Beate Marie De Stratforde Langthorne quern Fratres Robertus Serle Thomas Lamboyn et Thomas London emerunt quern a prefato loco Alienauerit vel deleuerit Anathema sit Amen/ 'Tempore dompni Hugonis Watford Abbatis Anno domini Millesimo Quadringentesimo Octogesimo' (c£. the documents quoted by GW for dating this book). Royal Library, 1715 17th c. calf, rebacked [95]
*** P 300. Reattributed by BM to Knoblochtzer. See no. 152
125 Caracciolus (Robertus): Quadragesimale de poenitentia. F°, 294 mm. P303 BM176 H*44i8 GW6066 Wants the last leaf (blank)
STRASSBURG ' Quadragesimale fratris Roberti de Licio Ordinis minorum per Sigismundum mosl comparatum protunc ecclesie in Stainhering plebanum anno dni. etc. [i4]8oJ (cf. BM n 440, IB. 7494). Given by S. Sandars, 1892 Contemporary stamped pigskin [97]
126 Albertanus: De arte loquendi et tacendi. F°, 276 mm. P304 BM177 H*394 GW532 Bought (lot 2471 at Puttick's), 27 July 1893 Wrappers
127 Chaimis (Bartholomaeus de): Interrogatorium. F°, 290 mm. P*3O7 BM179 H*2478 GW6542
Wants the first leaf (blank) Modern vellum
128 Henricus, Ariminensis: D e quattuor virtutibus. F°, 309 m m . P*3io BM177 H*i649 Wants the last leaf (blank) 'Udalricus Ellenbog. 1476...' (see plate iv). Benedictine Abbey at Ottobeuren (ownership erased). See R. Proctor, 'Ulrich von Ellenbog and the press of S. Ulrich at Augsburg* in The Library, N.S. no. 14 (Apr. 1903), vol. 4, pp. 163-79 (reprinted in Bibliographical essays by R. Proctor, London, 1905, pp. 73-88); E. Kyriss, 'Bookbindings in the Libraries of Prague' in Studies in Bibliography: Papers of the Bibliog. Soc. of the Univ. of Virginia, in (1950), p. 125.
Acquired, partly by exchange, partly by the Rustat Fund, 1870 Bound (1) with nos 901, 903, 915 & 919. Contemporary stamped calf
129 De Judaeorum et Christianorum communione. F°, 287 mm. P f 3 i 2 H9465 GW7259 Kloss. G. Dunn. Bought, 1917 Half calf (Kloss)
130 Hugo, de Sancto Victore\ Opera. F°, 283 mm. P*3i3 BM178 11*9022 Collation differs from BM: [*6 a-110 m 8 n 6 0-z 10 A 10 B 6 ]; 246 leaves, the last two blank Bought, 1894 Modern vellum over old boards lined with leaves from a 13th c. breviary with neums (Add. MS. 60006), with clasps [102] 131
P s a l t e r : Latin & German.
F°, 293 m m .
P314 BM179 H* 13508 Bookplate: loachim L: Baro in Windhaag. DUs: in Reichenau. Pragthal. Saxenegg. etgrosPoppen.
S.C.M. Consil: et Regens. A° 1656. 'Ioachimi Enzenmilleri.' 'Ex bibliotheca Windhagiana/ Rustat Fund, 1875 Contemporary stamped pigskin, with old rebacking of soft white leather [103]
132 Augustine (St): De trinitate. F°, 385 mm. P*3i9 BM178 H*2O34 GW2925 'Liber Carthusien. Castrimarie prope dul[maniam].' 'Hunc librum et multos alios bonos libros [...] dns. Hermannus de Langhen decanus ecclesie m o [ . . . ] fautor sustentator et promotor noster Pro quo [...] debemus cum et multa alia bona nobis fecit ut [...] libro benefactorum videri poterit* (cf. BM1 249, IB. 4045). Adams Bequest, 1892 Bound (1) with nos 141,1068 & 1937. Dulmen binding of stamped calf, with clasps; stamps include initials H and G (Weale R 630). Boards lined with vellum leaves from a 14th c. MS. on canon law (cf. nos 432 & 673) [104]
133 Petrus, Comestor: Historia scholastica. F°, 393 mm. P*32i BM179 11*5529 Wants the last leaf (blank) 4 Istum librum legauit honorabilis vir magister adolphus segeii pastori sancti pauli pro tempore existenti ad usum solum sed ecclesie predicte perpetue ut non alienetur per pastorem sed sui successores eo utantur cuius prefati magistri adolphi pastoris requiescat anima in pace/ ' Sum Ecclesiae s. Pauli.' Bookplate: Sir Walter's Study (see no. 75). Sir J. P. Hennessy 6282. Bought, 1893 Contemporary stamped calf, rebacked [103]
134 Nicolaus, de Lyra: Postilla super totam Bibliam. 4 vols. F°, 477 mm. P 325-6 BM 1 80 H* 10367+* 10377 'Liber Cartusien. In Buchshaim prope Memmingen proueniens a confratre nostro dno. Hilprando Brandenburg de Bibraco...' (see no. 12). With Buxheim bookplate and stamp Contemporary stamped pigskin, with clasps [106]
Another copy of pts 1-3. 2 vols. 477 m m . Misbound Contemporary stamped calf, rebacked with pigskin
Magni (Jacobus): Sophologium. F°, 296 m m . P*329 BM181 H* 10469 Wants [m4>5] and the last (blank) leaf Woodcut bookplate (Warnecke 2254, unidentified). 'Gregoryus Feirabet.* * Christophori Lan.' Given by S. Sandars, 1892 16th c. stamped calf, the spine covered with white paint (cf. no. 616) [10$]
137 Vocabularius utriusque juris. F°, 285 mm. Pf332 R(Suppl.)2i5 [a10 b c 8 d-g 10 h-k 8 1 1 0 m 6 n o 10 p q 8 r10 s-u8 x y 10 z8 A 12 B-E 8 ]; 248 leaves, the first blank. Text ends on 248b (not 247b, as Reichling) Wants [m 5 ], cut away German ownership marks of 1509. 'Ad F. Augustinianos in Rambsau/ 'Conradus Schwagerius Thursenreutinus 1567.' Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Bound (1) with no. 1053. Contemporary stamped calf —
*^* P* 333. Reattributed by BM to Knoblochtzer. See no. 153
*** P* 334- Reattributed by BM to Knoblochtzer. See no. 154
*** P* 336. Reattributed by BM to Georgius de Spira. See no. 1108
C. W., C I V I S A R G E N T I N E N S I S 138 Zacharias, Chrysopolitanus: Concordantia evangelistarum. F°, 401 mm. 1473 P*339 BM181 H*5O23 Wants leaf 56 (blank) 'Collegii soctis. Jesu Hagenoae.' 'Abbatiae sti martini Laudunensis.' *W. H. Black 17. 12. 56/ Rustat Fund, 1875 18th c. red morocco [112]
139 Hugo, de Sancto Victore: Soliloquium. F°, 295 mm. P340 BM182 H*QO28 Rustat Fund, 1872 19th c. half vellum
140 Berchorius (Petrus): Liber Bibliae moralis. F°, 413 mm. 7 Oct. 1474 P*34i BM182 H*2795 GW3863 Contemporary stamped calf
141 Alanus, de Insulis: Distinctiones. F°, 385 mm. P*343 BM182 H*39i GW488 Bound (2) with nos 132, etc.
142 Augustine (St): Enchiridion de fide. F°, 276 mm. P*345 BM181 H*2O29 GW2904 Wants the last leaf (blank) 'Egerton's sale. ^ I : I : S M. Wodhull May 19th 1796/ Bought, 1886 18th c. calf
G E O R G H U S N E R , 1st press withJOHANN BECKENHUB 143 Durandus (Guilelmus): Speculum judiciale. F°, 391 mm. 22 Nov. 1473 Pf346 H*65O6 GW9148 In this copy the second quire of pt 3 originally comprised 12 leaves, of which the 3rd and 9th have been cut away. Each contained on its verso the text of the verso of the following leaf. Pt 1 wants the first leaf (blank), pt 3 wants [b2] of the GW collation, and pt 4 wants the last two leaves (blank) Hercules de Silva. Bought, 1895 19th c. quarter green morocco, boards covered with green forrel [117]
144 Andreae (Johannes): Additiones ad Speculum Duranti. F°, 390 mm. BM184 H*io83 GW1675 Wants the first leaf (blank) Said to have been bought in Dublin, 1872. Given by A. S. B. Miller, 1873 Modern half pigskin oc
l11^] 6
145 Nider (Johannes): Praeceptorium divinae legis. F°, 290 mm. 13 Feb. 1476 P* 347 BM1 84 H* 11790 'Incorporatur Bibliothecae ffrm Min. Conv. Schi[.. .Jensis/ 'Iste liber pertinet ad domum Orti Marie In Ilmbach ordinis Carthusiensis' Contemporary stamped calf, much repaired [up]
146 Hugo, de Prato Florido: Sermones dominicales super evangelia et epistolas. F°, 393 mm. 11 June 1476 P*348 BM184 H*9OO5 Wants the first leaf (blank) Given by S. Sandars, 1893 Contemporary stamped pigskin 147
A u g u s t i n e (St): D e conflictu v i r t u t u m et vitiorum. F°, 268 m m . P*35o BM183 H*2o85 GW2939 MS. notes by 'E.B. 1846'. Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 Bound (1) with no. 2763. 19th c. half vellum
148 Eyb (Albrecht von): Margarita poetica. F°, 409 mm. P*356 BM185 H*68i4 GW9531 Collation as GW, not as BM 'petterfarber von vim.' Pinelli. Heber. W.E.Buckley. Bought, 1893 18th c. half vellum
149 Marchesinus (Johannes): Mammotrectus super Bibliam. F°, 283 mm. HC* 10551 'Gonuentus Passauiensis fFrm minor, de obseruantia.' Rustat Fund, 1869 16th c. stamped calf
150 Durandus (Guilelmus): Rationale divinorum ofSciorum. F°, 264 mm. P-f36i H*6466 GW9117 Wants leaf 33 Stamped in by hand after the colophon, in the type of the 36-line Bible according to a note by Culemann, is: 'quod iohannes marpurg donauit in hu* | ius ecclefie vfum vicarius f. jeorgii m. | Anno dfii m.ccccc.xlvi. ora pro eo.' 'Ex Hbera donatione Johannis Marpurgi Vicarii S. Georgii A° 1546 Eiusdem Ecclesiae/ 'Hie hber diuinorum Spectat ad Collegiatam Ecclesiam Beatae Mariae Virg. in Wetzfl[ar]/ The church at Wetzlar is also referred to in a MS. note on leaf 7a. Culemann 322. Given by F. S. Ellis, 1870 Half vellum, marbled paper sides [124]
151 Nicolaus, de Lyra: Moralia super totam Bibliam. F°, 401 mm. P*365 BM186 H* 10372 Wants leaves 142-3, also the last (blank) Bought in Gottingen by W. Robertson Smith, 1872; given by him, 1881 Contemporary stamped pigskin, with bosses, corner-pieces and the remains of clasps [125]
H E I N R I C H K N O B L O C H T Z E R , ist press 152 Pius II: De duobus amantibus [etc.]. 40, 205 mm. 1476 P 300 [Pr. of Henricus] BM1 86 H 228 'Edwards £2. 12. 6. M. Wodhull Nov. 27th 1800/ Rustat Fund, 1886 Red morocco, circa 1800
153 Ebendorfer (Thomas): Sermones. F°, 295 mm. 13 Dec. 1478 P* 333 [Pr. of Henricus] BM187 H* 8370 GW9173 Vol. 1 (Pars hiemalis) only
G. E. Corrie. Bought, 1886 19th c. stamped leather
154 Jordanus, de Quedlinburg: Sermones Dan de sanctis. F°, 390 mm. P 334 [Pr. of Henricus] BM 1 87 H* 5919 Wants leaves 1 and 188 (both blank) 'Liber societatis Iesu Confluentiae.' Biblioth. Acad. Borussicae Rhen. Adams Bequest, 1892 Contemporary stamped calf, much repaired [110]
155 Vocabularius ex quo. (Latin-German.) F°, 296 mm. R 210 (Suppl.) [a10 b-i 8 k 6 1-t 8 ]; 152 leaves, the first and last blank. 20 lines =107 mm. (not 117 as ReichHng). Woodcut initial A of Christ washing St Peter's foot (as in P* 333) Wants the first blank Bibliotheca Regia Monacensis Contemporary stamped calf; offset of a 13th c. MS. with neums inside the boards [m]
156 Jacobus, de Theramo: Belial. (German.) F°, 262 mm. 1483 Schorbach 15 Wants the last two leaves (blank) ' [ . . . ] Heyse Berlin, 1842 Sept.' Richard Bright. Given by J. Charrington, 1917 19th c. quarter forrel
157 Jacobus, de Theramo: Belial. F°, 281 mm. 1484 P 373 BM 1 89 Schorbach 16 Wants i1>8 Stamp: two C's addorsed and interlaced beneath a coronet. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 19th c. half calf
158 Albertus, Magnus: Secreta mulierum et virorum. 40, 208 mm. P376 BM189 H*558 GW727 Schorbach 19 Wants the first leaf (blank) Bought, 1916 Modern quarter morocco 83
[127] 6-2
Gerson (Johannes): Tabula de arte moriendi [etc.], 40, 195 mm. [14]82 P*38i BM189 HF7658 Schorbach27 Gaselee 8 Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 18th c. calf, rebacked
160 Andreae (Johannes): Super arboribus consanguinitatis, afEnitatis et cognationis spiritualis et legalis, una cum exemplis et enigmatibus. F°, 292 mm. Pf 383 H*iO2i GW1707 Schorbach33 Leaves 9-12 only 9b, 1. 1: Ad (as Hain, not Ab, as Schorbach) Bound (2) with no. 1060
161 Matheolus, Pemsinus: De memoria. 40, 194 mm. P 385 BM191 Schorbach 35 Wants the last leaf (blank) 'Ex libris dom. Congr. Mill. (Miss.?) Senon/ Bought, 1916 Wrappers
162 John (Prester): De ritu et moribus Indorum. 40, 195 mm. P386 BM190 H*9429 Schorbach 36 Five leaves only (2-5 and another) Sandars Bequest, 1894 Unbound
163 Aesopus: Fabulae. F°, 252-5 mm. P*387 BM188 H 324= 325 GW348 Schorbach 37 Two leaves only (lx and another, containing no. 15 of the Fabulae extravagantes) Sandars Bequest, 1894 Mounted in a volume of fragments
164 Antoninus (St): Confessionale (Defecerunt) [etc.]. 40, 203 mm. P*39O BM190 H * n 6 6 GW2098 Gaselee 9 Wants the four leaves of rubrics; the last quire misbound 'Ad Bibliothecam Frm. Min. Conuent. s. Francisci HerbipohV Bookplate of Eben' Jacob (Franks 16229). Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Contemporary wooden boards, backed with stamped pigskin, with clasp [3821]
MARTIN SCHOTT 165 Albertus, Magnus: Compendium theologicae veritatis. F°, 295 mm. P*392 BM193 H*435 GW602 Collation as GW, not as BM Wants leaf 15 (blank) ' Sum Mnrij B.M. de Porta Coeli alias Thennenbach.' Stamp: a monogram VF in a wreath. E. G. Duff. Rustat Fund, 1925 Modern quarter morocco [132]
166 Leonardus, de Utino: Sermones de sanctis. F°, 277 mm. P*394 BM193 H*i6i26 'M. Durant' (16th a ) . Annorial bookplate with initials B[rancas] C[omte] D[e] L[auraguais] (i.e. Louis-Leon-Felicite, due de Brancas de Lauraguais). 'Gul. Williams. De Turre Hederacea. Com. Pemb. 1792/ ' Willm Hewitt* (?). Adams Bequest, 1892 18th c. French red morocco [*33]
167 Manneken (Carolus): Formulae epistolarum. 40, 211 mm. 8 Jan. 1490 Pf4O2 H* 10674 [#6] a-i8-6-6 k-m 8 ; 90 leaves, the last probably blank Wants the last leaf 'Monasteri Francis: Friburgi.' 'Ex libris J. Viviani.' Bought, 1900 Maroon cloth
168 Albertus, Magnus: Mariale. F°, 294 mm. P404 BM195 H*463 GW681 Wants the last leaf (blank) Bound (2) with no. 696
169 Caracciolus (Robertus): Sermones de adventu [etc.]. F°, 285 mm. P405 BM195 H*447i GW6050 1 a has the reading: Maiiftri Wants the last leaf (blank) The text preceded by a contemporary MS. index. ' Conventus Jaurouiensis [i.e. at Jauer in Lower Silesia] Frum. Min. S. Francisci Reform. B.M. Virg. in Coelos Assumptae et S. Andreae Apli/ Bought, 1898 19th c. parchment [136]
170 Epistola de miseria curatorum. 40, 183 mm. P406 BM195 H*66i2 GW9348 Bookplate: Verutn atque decens (John Lee of Hartwell). Bought (lot 8602 at Sotheby's), 27 July 1921 19th c. white forrel [137]
171 Schottus (Petrus): Lucubratiunculae. 40, 195 mm. 2 Oct. 1498 P*4O9 BM196 H* 14524 Wants the last leaf (blank) Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 17th c. quarter leather
P R I N T E R OF T H E 1481 L E G E N D A A U R E A 172 Farinator (Matthias): Lumen animae. F°, 285 mm. 22 Mar. 1482 P*4i3 BM197 H* 10333 'Jo. Dee. 1574 Maij 22/ Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 17th c. calf
Farinator (Matthias): Lumen animae. Another copy. 294 mm. Wants the first and last leaves (blank); leaf 113 mutilated 'Andreas Bridges/ Royal Library, 1715 i8thc. half calf
Turrecremata (Johannes de): Expositio psalterii. F°, 284 mm. 23 Apr. 1482 P414 BM197 H* 15703 Gaseleeio Collation varies from BM: [a-g 8 h 10 i-1 8 m n 6 o 8 p 6 q 1 0 ]; 126 leaves, the first presumably blank, the last blank Wants the first leaf Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Contemporary soft white leather, rebacked [3$22]
Jacobus, de Voragine: Legenda aurea. F°, 287 mm. 1482 P*4i5 BM197 Quire [ii14] of the BM collation comprises in this copy two quires, the first of 8 and the second of 6 leaves MS. memoranda dated 1481 and 1483 recording an outbreak of plague 'in universa terra Alamanie \ * 1483. Ad instanciam fratris vlrici villici de augusta pro tune. conf. comparatus est liber iste sicut alii nouem de pecunia absque conuentus dampno. Oretur pro e o . . . ' 'Ad Biblioth. Frm. Min. Conuent. S. Francisci Herbipoli.' Adams Bequest, 1892 Contemporary stamped pigskin, with bosses [141]
P R I N T E R OF T H E 1483 VITAS P A T R U M 175-5 Petrm, dePalude: Sermonesthesaurinoviquadragesimales. F°,283mm. 1485 P*423 BM199 Bound (2) with no. 1260-5
Mary, the Blessed Virgin. Corona B.V.M. F°, 295 mm. P* 426 BM 1100 H* 5747= 5745 GW 7572 Robert Proctor. Rustat Fund, 1910 19th c. blue calf
*** P 43i- Reattributed by BM and GW to Michael Wenssler. See no. 2749
Petrus, Comestor: Historia scholastica. F°, 268 mm. 28 Aug. 1483 P*436 BM1102 H*5532 With the first of the two variant colophons quoted by Hain Royal Library, 1715 16th c. calf, gilt
Ludolphus, de Saxonia: Vita Christi. F°, 412 m m . 18 Oct. 1483 H* 10293 Pol. 2534 (with variations) Wants the first and last leaves (blank) Bought, 1928 Modern quarter pigskin
B i b l e : Latin.
2 vols. F°, 278 m m . 1483
Pf437 H*3O88 GW4252 Modern half morocco 180
Conradus, de Brundelsheim: Sermones Socci de tempore. F°, 285 m m . 12 Feb. 1484 Pf438 H 14826(1) GW7410 Wants the first leaf (title) Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 17th c. half calf
Perger (Bernhard): Grammatica nova. 4 0 , 206 m m . R (Suppl.) 152 ia: Gramatica (not Gramatica) G. Dunn. Given by T. D. Barlow, 1917 Modern vellum
Gesta R o m a n o r u m . F°, 262 m m . 15 Jan. 1488 P|45O H*7745 Pol, 1651 'Pro parochia Lin[.. .]si 1618. 14 8bris scripsit J.S.' Adams Bequest, 1892 Modern half morocco
Praecordiale sacerdotum. 160, 99 m m . 13 Feb. 1490 H* 13320 a-t 8 v 1 2 ; 164 leaves. Types: 91 (title & headings), 64A (text) * Iste liber est in possione sororis Gerdrwdis Westfal professe in Zenig' monialium sub regula diui Augustini viuencium' Bound (2) with no. 1227 [130]
Salicetus (Nicolaus): Antidotarius animae. 8°, 133 m m . 6 Sept. 1490 HCR14159 Pol. 3419 Wants cl9 c 8 , d1? d 8 , e± and s8; title mounted MS. prayers (circa 1600) at end Adams Bequest, 1892 Grained calf, circa 1800 87
185 Bible: Latin. With the commentary ofNicolaus de Lyra. 4 vols. F°, 314 mm. 3 Nov. 1492 P*462 BM1108 H*3i6o GW4292 Vol. 2 wants ssx and 6 ; vol. 4 wants the last quire of the GW collation (Nicolaus de Lyra's Contra perfidiam Judaeorum)
Royal Library, 1715 Half russia, circa 1800, the sides re-covered with cloth
Another copy of vol. 4. 308 mm. Gaselee 11 Wants the last quire of the GW collation 'Jnes Deexcerto propriaui 1538/ 'Donum D. Gilberti Dacherij ecclesiae secularis et collegiatae B. Mariae Aquapersae dioc. Claromontensis canonici et sacristae. Guchier.' Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 16th c. stamped calf, repaired [3823]
187 Salicetus (Nicolaus): Antidotarius animae. 8°, 148 mm. 4 March 1493
P*463 BM1108 H*i4i6i Xylographic title, printed in red and black; reproduced in J. E. Hodgkin, Rariora (London, 1902), vol. 11, p. 194 'predicature Ecclesie collegiate opidi hechingen. debetur hie liber iuxta tenorem ordinationis ultime voluntatis ac testamenti honorabilis viri mgri michahelis carpentarii pretacte ecclesie primi decani xiiij die mensis Iulij anno salutis xvc.xvj.' 'Frater Sebastiane perchare, hunc. deuotissi. veterum precationum lib: xenii loco [...] ad te pietatis cultorem mitto... T: Conradus Hager presbyter vim [...] Ungarij.' 'Egidius Alliott badensis.' Bateman of Middleton Hall. Rustat Fund, 1914 16th c. leather with stamped pigskin back; at the end a vellum flyleaf from a 14th c. MS. V53] P e r e g r i n u s : Sermones. 4 0 , 200 m m . 4 Sept. 1495 P f 466 H* 12586 Pol. 3044 {with variations) Collation varies from Polain: Q 4 (not Q 8 ); EE 4 FF6 (not EE6) Wants the title and the last leaf (blank) Bought (lot 5421 at Puttick's), 26 July 1864 Formerly bound with no. 265. Modern quarter morocco I154]
189 Antonius, de Bitonto: Sermones dominicales. 8°, 150 mm. 25 Jan. 1496 P 467 (an erroneous entry) H * 3219 G W 2212
Wants leaf 8 and the last leaf (both blank). Quire A duplicated 'Liber monasterii sancti godeherdi [at Hildesheim] collatus a dno. wolberto Bussen ob remedium anime s u e . . . ' Sandars Bequest, 1894 19th c. stamped calf [155] 190
A n t o n i n u s (St): Summa theologica, pars iv. F°, 308 m m . 12 Aug. 1496 P* 471 BM1109 H* 1249 (4) GW 2192 (4) Gaselee 12 Wants the last leaf (blank). Without the index of Molitoris 'Ludwich Leonaert Hullekens 1682' and other names scribbled on the title-page. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 19th c. half vellum [3824]
191 Terentius (Publius), Afer: Comoediae. F°, 294 mm. 1 Nov. 1496 P*473 BM1110 H*i543i
Wants the last leaf (blank) David Gladstone. R. D. Radcliffe. Sandars Bequest, 1894 19th c. panelled calf
192 Rampegollis (Antonius de): Biblia aurea. 40, 177 mm. 6 Dec. 1496 P 474 BM1 n o H* 13687 'In vsum.. .Georgij Friderici Kircher, ao. 1638/ 'Ex lib. Jo. Friderici Kircher...' 'Sum Friderici Ernesti Wagner 1710/ Sandars Bequest, 1894 Old calf, rebacked [157] J
Another copy. 199 mm. Gaselee 13 Wants fos 79, 80, 99 and the last two leaves (Tabula) Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern quarter morocco
194 Jacobus, de Voragine: Legenda aurea. 40, 196 mm. 1496 P476A
Wants N 8 'Oratio magistri pauleti Wiccammice sch[ole] et alumni...' (deprecating theft). 'Haec oratio magistri pauleti non tantum facundie ac probitatis continet, qua ad vitam recte degendam sapiens et pius quisque fruatur, hie enim hanc orationem instituit, eamque typographorum [in]cudem(?) subire voluit; ut postquam ex hac vita emigraverit in perpetuum per hominum ora vivus trahatur.' ' Towerberevyldii liber ex dono pauleti.' 'Edwarde Lye.' 'Memorandum quod conueni cum domino Henrico pro pane et cervisia pertinenti ad seruicium sancte marie in abbatia de Wylton per 1 annum soluend. per quarterium iijs. iiijd. factum et scriptum in festo sancti calixti anno domini M D i x . . . per manum Thome lymberi.' Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 (?) i8thc. half calf [158]
195 Locher (Jacobus): Panegyricus ad Maximilianum [etc.], 40, 198 mm. 1497 P*483 BM1112 H*ioi53
Wants F 2 and 3 , H 7 and lx G. Dunn. Bought, 1914 Modern boards
Entry cancelled
197 Horatius Flaccus (Quintus): Opera. F°, 305 mm. 12 Mar. 1498 P*485 BM1112 H*8898 Wants leaves 214 (blank) and 215-20 (Index) 'Gualterus Keuchenius Anno 1602, 19 Sept.' Edward Shipperdson. Bought, 1929 19th c. stamped calf
198 Terentius (Publius), Afer: Comoediae. F°, 289 mm. 11 Feb. 1499 P*488 BM1113 H* 15432 'Ro. Davies.' *M. Archibaldi Sinclair.' 'Guilielmi Pattensoni.' Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 16th c. calf, gilt [161] jpp
A n o t h e r c o p y . 272 m m . Gaselee 14 E 4 mutilated 'Hartokus huius libri possessor est et fuit usque ad 19 diem mensis may anno dni. 1559. quia illo die vendidit Johanni Goose institutori nepotum magistri archidiaconi norwici Underwoode iijs. iiijd.' 'Geo. Ledys.' *S. Thaxter.' 'Thos. Colton.' *J o n n Glouer.' MS. note from Sir James Lake asking Mr Bacon's acceptance of the book, 1790. *E libris Bibl. Vicariae Coddenhamensis dedit vir Rev. Nich: Bacon.' Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 17th c. calf [3S26]
200 Bartholomaeus, Sibylla: Speculum peregrinarum quaestionum. 40, 198 mm. 19 Aug. 1499 P*49O BM1113 H* 14720 GW3460 Gaselee 15 Wants II 3 _ 6 . The last quire comprises 12 leaves, thus: 1 a (signed LL): text of LLia; i b : blank 2a: blank; 2b: text of LL ib 3a (signed LLij): text of LL2a; 3b: blank 4a: blank; 4b: text of LL2b 5-7 (signed LLiij, iiij, v), 8: text of LL3-6 9, 10: leaf 9 was defective from the beginning, so that the text of LL7a is printed partly on 9a, partly on 10a, the blank inner sides being pasted together to produce a single leaf; 10b: text of LL7b [11,12]: both missing. Equivalent to the last blank LL8 This clearly resulted from the printer picking up two sheets of paper instead of one when printing the outer folding of the quire Armorial bookplate: Gower Earl Gower (presumably Granville Leveson-Gower, 2nd Earl Gower). 'Trentham Hall Library.' 'S.G. d.d. F.K.B[liss]. xii Maij MDccccxiij.' Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Original stamped leather sides laid on 19th c. calf; arms of Gower (?) on spine [3^27] 201
C a t o (Dionysius): Disticha. 4 0 , 198 m m . P498 BM1105 H*4729 GW6304 Bought, 1865 19th c. dark blue boards
A n o t h e r copy. 205 m m . 4
David Zaczenus.. .1544.' 'Matthaeus Straminis Hradecenus.' Bought, 1894 Bound (1) with nos 1086,798, 801,1305,1087 & I 2 9°- Original wooden boards backed with [163] vellum
203 Innocent VIII: Regulae, ordinationes et constitutiones Cancellariae. 40, 205 m m . HC* 9217 Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 Modern vellum
J A C O B EBER 204 Ulmer (Ulricus): Fraternitas cleri. F°, 287 mm. P511 BM1117 H* 16084 Kloss. * Daniel Talcott Smith, 1837/ Rustat Fund (lot 390 at Sotheby's), 25 July 1900 Half calf (Kloss) [165]
J O H A N N PRUSS 205 Schildis (Hermannus de): Speculum sacerdotum. 40, 199 mm. P513 BM1118 H*i45i8 G. Dunn. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1917 Modern vellum —
% * P 517. Reattributed by BM and GW to Peter Drach. See no. 1116
B i b l e : Latin.
F°, 306 m m .
P*5i8 BM1119 H*3O95 GW4260 Wants ax_4, b 2 & 3 , O 1 0 ; f8 mutilated A 16th c. MS. map of Palestine is inserted after U 12 ; Pythagoras's sphere drawn and described in a 16th c. hand on the last verso Royal Library, 1715 Bound (1) with no. 2772. 18th c. calf [167]
207 Nicolaus, de Blony: Tractatus de sacramentis. F°, 284 mm. i486 HC 3250 a-h8*6 i 6 ii6 k 8 ; 76 leaves. Types: 180 (title, headlines, etc.), 90 (text) Bookplate: groeninghe velt (Borluut de Noortdonck). 'Dignissimo ac Reverendissimo Domino Petro Josepho Visschers, cui cura parcecciae Sti Andreae AntviaB commissa est... D.D.D. Gerard8 Com 8 Le Grelle. Pridie Kal. Maii. M.D.cccLvni.' Bought, 1898 19th c. quarter calf [168] —
*^* P* 522=2371. Reattributed by BM to Strassburg (unassigned). See no. 272
208 Statuta provincialia concilii Moguntini. F°, 302 mm. P* 529 BMi 121 H* 15041 Wants the last leaf (blank) Rustat Fund, 1868 19th c. vellum
209 Anianus: Compotus cum commento [etc.], 40, 208 mm. 14 Nov. 1488 P*537 BM1121 H*iiO9 GW1951 Bought, 1899 19th c. boards
210 Bible: Latin. F°, 246 mm. 1489 P*543 BM1122 H*3iO4 GW4265 Charles Taylor. Given by Mrs Margaret Taylor, 1908 19th c. half niger
211 Wimpheling (Jakob): Carmen heroicum hecatostichon. 40, 215 mm. 1495 P551
Vergauwen 11013, with his purchase-note 'Gand 8bre 1835.. .Heber N. 558/ Rustat Fund, 1884
19th c. half calf
212 Martyrologium Viola sanctorum. 40, 193 mm. 8 Feb. 1499 P 552 BM1124 H10873 Wants the last leaf (blank) Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 Modern quarter morocco
213 Johannes, de Capua: Directorium humanae vitae. F°, 279 mm. P*558 BM1125 H* 44110 R. S. Turner. Sandars Bequest, 1894 Brown stamped morocco, by Trautz-Bauzonnet
214 Spechtshart (Hugo): Flores musicae. 40, 181 mm. P569 B M i 126 11*7173 Bound (2) with no. 1276
215 Rolewinck (Werner): Fasciculus temporum. F°, 274 mm. P571 BM1127 H*69i5 'Dominus Conradus Hager Canonicus in ehingen dedit istum librum stipendio de franten hau'ssem. V B T anno dni. 1539/ Stamp: V B T between crossed swords (?) in a circular wreath. Adams Bequest, 1892 19th c. boards [177]
216 Boethius (A.M.T.S.): De consolatione philosophiae. 40,183 mm. 6 Mar. 1491 P576 BM1128 H*3382 GW4551 Gaseleei6 Collation as GW, not as BM The colophon from QuentelTs edition of 1502 is mounted beneath the end of the text Stamp: E.Hy. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 [3828] Vellum
217 Nicolaus, de Hanapis: Biblia pauperum. 40, 174 mm. 1490 P 580 B M i 129 (IA. 1774) Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Formerly bound with nos 707 & 3546. 19th c. brown cloth
218 Hemmerlin (Felix): Opuscula et tractatus. F°, 278 mm. P*58i B M i 129 H*8425 'Joannes Dee.' Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Bound (1) with no. 219. 17th c. calf
Hemmerlin (Felix): De nobilitate tt rusticitate. F°, 278 mm. P*582 BM1129 H*8426 Bound (2) with no. 218
219*5 Gassiodorus (Magnus Aurelius): Historia tripartita. F°, 288 mm. P583 BM1130 H*4572 GW6167 Leaf 2 a illuminated A stamp: BCG in a monogram, within the Garter Seneath a ducal coronet (BrydgesChandos-Grenville). Stowe House Library, lot 1066 (11 Jan. 1849). A bookplate: BV in a monogram, beneath a coronet (Brougham & Vaux). F. J. Norton. Acquired by exchange, 1949 Bound (1) with nos 551*5 & 1302-5. 19th c. purple morocco [4326]
Donatus (Aelius): De octo partibus orationis. F°, 296 mm. GW 8950 Leaves 17 and 18 only, used to line the boards of no. 1015
Augustine (St): Sermones ad heremitas [etc.]. 40, 197 mm. P* 741 [Pr. of Casus breves] BM1125 H* 1997 GW 3002 'ConuentusFriburg. (?)Ord. Pred.' S. C. Cockerel! G.Dunn. L.T.Rowe. Bought, 1928 Boards, circa 1800 \212]
Jordanus, de Quedlinburg: Sermones de tempore. F°, 348 mm. 1483 P*584 BM1131 H*9438 Wants the blank leaves 234, 235 and 418 'Venerabilis dns gerhardus schroder de schuttorp [i.e. Schuttorf] pastor in bulden [i.e. Buldern] hunc librum donatione.. .donauit Conuentui Castrimarie prope Dulmaniam... anno dni millesimo quadringentesimo nonogesimo quinto...' Bookplate: Deo fidelis et regi (S. C. E. Williams), signed 'Rev. J. Williams M.A. Bryntirion.' Bought (lot 2402 at Sotheby's), 29 Oct. 1919 Contemporary stamped calf, with clasps [181]
Durandus (Guilelmus): Rationale divinorum officiorum. F°, 296 mm. 1484 P590 BM1132 1**6489 GW9126 Gaseleei7 'Ambrose Acton of Albye.' 'Cuthbertus Shirbroke de Rockelande iuxta Surlingham Norwicen. dioc. est possessor huius libri ex dono domini Henrici Woodehouse quondam rectoris de Newton ffloteman oriundi in ffernesfelde in com. Notinghamie Ebor. dioc.' ' C. Shirbroke derici de Thurton infra decanatum de Broke Norwicen. dioc/ Lot 456 at Sotheby's, 28 June 1912 (Sherbrooke Library at Oxton Hall, Southwell). Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Contemporary English stamped leather, similar in style to Hobson: Cambridge, pi. xw; boards lined with vellum, inside the upper board a table of distances ' from Norwiche to Stowe Bridge, Wysbitche' and other places; rebacked [3830]
Hilarius, Litomericensis: Contra perfidiam Bohemorum. 40, 207 mm. 15 June 1485 P*596 BM1133 H*8663 Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (2) with no. 752. Modern half calf
Another copy. 185 mm. Wants the title-page Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Bound (2) with Devay, Disputatio de statu in quo sini beatorum animae...
[Cologne, 1535?]
and Salonius, Dialogi duo.. .Haganoae, 1532. 17th c. vellum 226
Hugo, de Sancto Victore: De sacramentis. F°, 295 mm. 30 July 1485 P*597 BM1133 H*QO25 * Liber domus clericorum in doesborch/ Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Formerly bound with no. 272. Modern half pigskin
Johannes, de Verdena: Sermones Dormi secure. F°, 297 m m . 15 Sept. 1485 P598 BM1133 H* 15974 * Monastery Ranshouen/ Adams Bequest, 1892 Contemporary wooden boards, backed with stamped pigskin
Columna (Guido de): Historia destructions Troiae.
[1^5] F°, 263 mm. Circa
9 Oct. i486 P*6O5 BM1134 EF5509 GW 7230 Wants f2, for which has been substituted f2 from a copy of Historia Alexandri (P* 619) Rustat Fund, 1868 19th c. boards [186] 229
Michael, de Hungaria: Sermones praedicabiles. 40, 202 mm. 24 Mar. 1487 P610 BM1135 11*9046 Wants the last leaf (blank) Dr Szendeffy Konyt&ra. Bought, 1899 19th c. stamped leather
A n o t h e r c o p y . 206 m m . Wants the last leaf (blank) Acton Library, 1902 Modern cloth
231 Jacobus, de Voragine: Legenda aurea. F°, 273 mm. 25 & 23 Feb. 1489 P*6i8 BM1138 Gaseleei8 Wants b 3 _ 6 and k 3 (all supplied in modern MS.) and the last leaf (blank) Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Formerly bound with no. 945. Modern quarter morocco
232 Alexander, the Great. Historia Alexandri. F°, 258 mm. 17 Mar. 1489 P*6ip BM1138 H*78o GW877 Wants the last leaf (blank) 'Philippus Kempp vonn Oderusenn (?).' Bought, 1898 19th c. boards 233
G e s t a R o m a n o r u m . F°, 269 m m . 6 A u g . 1489 P* 621 BM1139 H* 7746 Wants the last leaf (blank) Acquired about 1863 19th c. diced russia
234 Michael, de Hungaria: Sermones praedicabiles. 40, 195 mm. 28 Sept. 1490 P 623 BM 1140 H* 9047 Wants the last leaf (blank) 'De bonis parentum fratris Jacobi Robillart pertinent monasterio celestinorum sanctae trinitatis de marcossiaco.' * Celestinorum de Marcoussiaco 244.' Armorial bookplate: Bibliothe'que de St. Philippe. Bought, 1899 18th c. half green vellum [191 ] 235
A n o t h e r c o p y . 182 m m . Wants the title-page and the last (blank) leaf; table misbound at the end Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Quarter calf, circa 1800
G e s t a R o m a n o r u m . F°, 271 m m . 25 J a n . 1493 P* 625 BM 1142 H* 7747 Wants leaves 1 (blank), 4, 5 and 102 (the last, blank) *Fratrum minorum Huxaria.' *Christophori Sontagii liber...' 'Reverendo et erudito dno Johanni Adamo Thalheim... hunc librum dono... sacerdos ego Eichsfeldianus qui nomen sub hoc Anagrammate inclusi: CHRISTUS HOMO NATUS PIGROS IN TAR. VOLVET. Actum A n n o . . .
millesimo sexcentes: Decimo octavo ' *.. .ex auctione Reusmanniana Guelpherbytae comparavit J. Casp. Rudermann, 1773/ Given by J. H. Allen, 1914 Bound (1) with no. 2810. 12th c. vellum MS. with neums, over paper boards [192] 237
Ferrer (St V i n c e n t ) : Sermones de sanctis. F°, 280 m m . 31 Jan. 1494 H 7009 (3) Pol. 3956 (3) Collation varies from Polain: u 8 , 136 leaves Wants the last leaf (blank) Adams Bequest, 1892 16th c. stamped calf, rebacked
238 Jacobus, de Voragine: Legenda aurea. F°, 262 mm. Circa 12 May 1496 P*63o BM1146 Wants the last leaf (blank) 'Liber monasterij sancti pauli apostoli in traiecto inferiori.' Royal Library, 1715 17th c. calf
239 Mary, the Blessed Virgin. Corona B.V.M. F°, 280 mm. P632A BM1136 H*5746 GW7573 Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Formerly bound, with Stellarium coronae B.V.M. (Hagenau, 1501) Modern half pigskin
240 Durandus (Guilelmus): Rationale divinorum ofFiciorum. F°, 296 mm. P633 BM1130 H* 6469=6470 GW9125 Bought, 1936 Contemporary stamped calf, with clasps; repaired and rebacked
241 Ferrer (St Vincent): Sermones de tempore (pars aestivalis). F°, 291mm. 20 Dec. 1493 BM1143 H* 7009 (2) Gaselee 19 Wants the title-page and the last leaf (blank) 'Conuentus stae Anastasiae de Verona or. prae. ex hereditate Fratris Hieronymi Veneti.' Museo Cavaleri. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern vellum [3$33]
242 Reuchlin (Johann): Vocabularius breviloquus [etc.]. F°, 285 mm. 25 Aug. 1495 P637 BM1144 Gaselee 20 Wants the last leaf (blank) Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Contemporary stamped leather, rebacked
243 Bernardus, Parmensis: Casus longi decretalium. F°, 279 mm. 29 Oct. 1498 HF2938 GW4104 Acton Library, 1902 16th c. wooden boards, with clasp, backed with stamped pigskin; stamps include St Catharine [216] (asWealeR6 7 7)
Another copy. 268 mm. Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 17th c. calf
245 Petrus, de Alliaco: Quaestiones super libros Sententiarum [etc.]. F°, 282 mm. 15 Apr. 1490 P654 BM1139 H841 Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Bound (1) with no. 247. 18th c. half calf
246 Guido, de Monte Rocherii: Manipulus curatorum. 40, 201 mm. 29 Nov. 1490 P 658 BM 1140 H 8199 Wants c8, n 8 , o 8 , p 6 Bequeathed by W. Robertson Smith, 1894 19th c. boards
247 Petrus, de Alliaco: Tractatus et sermones. F°, 282 mm. 1490 P660 BM1141 H*848 Wants the last leaf (blank) Bound (2) with no. 245
[198] 0
248 Bertrandus, de Turre: Sermones de tempore (pars hiemalis). 4 , 206 mm. 11*3003 GW4180 *Stantuoertinus Carmelita.' 'Pertinet de gherardo [loeuiss?] plebano de [...] vicario perpetuo de Wursttesele (?).' Bought, 1930 Modern quarter morocco. From the original vellum binding were taken fragments of CA 1262 (Missale Trajectense, C. Snellaert, Delft) [3^3]
249 Reuchlin (Johahn): Vocabularius breviloquus [etc.]. F°, 280 mm. 26July 1491 Cop. 6295 Aberdeen UL 12 'Pertinet Johanni Stokes/ On the last (blank) leaf a draft or copy of a letter dated 4 November 1511 from John Stokys, provincial of the Augustinians in England, 'to all trewe c'sten peple*. 'John Warner at the sygne of the hose in Chepesy3 de/ Bought (lot 607 at Hodgson's), 23 March 1933 Contemporary stamped calf, boards lined with vellum MS. circa 1300 (extracts from the Hundred Rolls of Bedfordshire) [3742]
M A R T I N FLACH 250 Petrus, de Palude: Sermones thesauri novi de tempore. F°, 279 mm. 1489 a8 b 6 c-g 8 h 6 i 8 k-m 6 n-z A-E8 - 6 F G 8 H 6 1-L 8 M-P 8 - 6 Q R 8 S6 T-Y 6 - 8 ; 322 leaves, the last blank. 2 columns. 16a: 195x 130 mm., 53 lines. Types: 175 (160) (headlines); 74 (text) ia: Sermones Thefau | ri noui de tempoae |; 2a (headline): Tabula | Tabula fermonum | de tempose thefau | ri noui. | (a4) Bdicatio terrene occupatois ad | gratiam confequendam... 15a (headline): Diiica pdma aduetus Ser. 1. | Incipiunt fermo | nes notabiles atcp perutiles. quib9 ab editor | fuo docto*e z, pdicato*e famofiflimo nomen | vt Thefaur9 nou9 intitulenf inditu eft. | . . . ; 321a col. 2,1. 40: Opus perutile fermonu dominicaliu toti | us anni Thefaurus nouus nuncupatu: im- | pzefTum argentine per Martinumflach An | nodomini. Mcccclxxxix. Finit fehciter. | Bookplate: Marhury [Hall Libr]ary. A. H. S. Barry of Marbury Hall. Bought, 1935 Contemporary stamped calf; stamps include (1) unicorn (Hobson: Cambridge, plate xv, 43) and (2) pelican (not Hobson xv, 27); two vertical lines on spine [4142]
251 Textoris (Guilelmus): Sermo de passione Christi [etc.]. 40, 197 mm. 18 Oct. 1490 Pf 686 Pol. 3675 (with variations) Cop. 5777 'Nicolaus petri Smalandensis 1575/ Syston Park 1778. Bequeathed by W. Robertson Smith, 1894 Bound (1) with no. 687. Green morocco, by Storr of Grantham [199]
252 Thomas, de Argentina: Super libros Sententiarum. F°, 288 mm. 1490 P690 BM1151 Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf oc
[200] 97
253 Antoninus [St): Confessionale (Defecerunt) [etc.], 40, 183 mm. 1492 P694 BM1152 H*i2oo GW2132 Wants the last leaf (blank) 'Thos. Smith, Peterboroi 1854/ Bought, 1898 19th c. purple roan
254 Albertus, Magnus: Mariale. F°, 305 mm. 1493 P697 BM1152 H10767= *K>768 GW 616/10 Gaselee2i Wants the last leaf (blank) Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Contemporary stamped calf, rebacked; MS. off-set inside boards 255
G e r s o n (Johannes): O p e r a . 3 vols. F°, 3 0 9 m m . 11 A u g . , 13 D e c . 1494 P*698 BM1152 EF7625 Pol. 1593 Vol. 3: Aa8 (not Aa6 as Polain) Vol. 1 wants the last leaf (blank); vol. 2 wants Q 2 & Q 7 Inventorium bound at the beginning of vol. 1 A Quarta pars by Knobloch (1514) formerly stood with this set 16th c. stamped pigskin, with clasps
Another copy of vol. 1. 300 mm. With the Inventorium *N. Iiistingensis Vberlingus d.', over a coat-of-arms. Adams Bequest, 1892 16th c. stamped pigskin, with clasps
Another copy of vol. 2. 280 mm. 'Langheim a° 1644/ Adams Bequest, 1892 16th c. stamped pigskin, with clasps; the upper board lettered at a later date: F[rater]. Sjtephan Mosinger]. A[bbas]. L[angheimensis]. (v. F. Leitschuh & H. Fischer, Katalog L Handschr. d. Konigl. Bibl. zu Bamberg (Bamberg, 1895-1906), I i, p. 406 et ah) [2032]
258 Marchesinus (Johannes): Mammotrectus super Bibliam. 40, 201 mm. 1494 P* 700 BM1153 H* 10573 Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf
259 Raymundus, de Sabunde: Theologia naturalis. F°, 265 mm. 21 Jan. 1496 P 703 BM 1154 H* 14069 * Orate pro anima domini Thome Rochester huius ecclesie canonici qui hunc librum huic loci appropriauit/ Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 17th c. calf [203]
260 Bustis (Bernardinus de): Mariale. F°, 264mm. 15 Aug. 1498 P710 BM1155 H*4i62 GW5806 Text ends on 378a, as GW (not 377a, as BM) 'Iste liber pertinet in Bibliotecam Monasterij Lucensis quern donauit fr. Georgius Aitz.' Bought, 1930
STRASSBURG Stamped pigskin, with clasps; armorial stamps (upper board) A.D. 1581. Sebastianus. Freitog. A. Czie pirok I.V.D. Divina. Provident. Abb. Lucensis; (lower board) A.D. 1581. Sancte. Wenceslae. Patrone. Monasterii. Lucensis. Ora. pronobis. (cf. N . Backmund, Monasticon Praemonstratense, 1 (Straubing, 1949), p. 299; J. Neuwirth, 'Datierte Bilderhandschr. osterreichischer Klosterbibliotheken' in Sitzungsber. d. philos.-hist. Cl. der K. Akad. d. Wissensch., cix (Wien, 1885), pp. 595 & 625) [3667]
261 Gratia Dei (Johannes Baptista): De confutatione Hebraicae sectae. 40, 183 mm. 20 Sept. 1500 P* 719 BM1157 H* 7879 Wants the last leaf (blank) British Museum duplicate, transferred 1889 Modern quarter morocco
*** P 7 4- Reattributed by BM and GW to Printer of the 1493 Casus breves decretalium. See no. 267
*** P 726. Reattributed by GW to Wolfgang Stockel. See no. 1309
262 Nicolaus, de Cusa: Opuscula (De docta ignorantia, etc.). F°, 284 mm. P727 BM1157 H*5893 (1) Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Bound (1) with no. 263. Contemporary stamped calf; boards lined with vellum
263 Nicolaus, de Cusa: Opuscula (De visione Dei, etc.). F°, 284 mm. P728 BM1158 H*5893 (2) Bound (2) with no. 262
PRINTER OF THE 1493 CASUS BREVES DECRETALIUM (GEORG HUSNER?) 264 Guido, de Monte Rocherii: Manipulus curatorum. 40, 206 mm. 1493 P*733 BM1160 Bound (2) with no. 778 265
Michael, de Hungaria: Sermones praedicabiles. 4 0 , 200 m m . 1494 P738 BM1160 H*9O49 Wants the last two leaves (supplied in a MS. transcription, circa 1600, from the 1490 edition of the Printer ofJordanus). Bought (lot 5422 at Puttick's), 26 July 1864 Formerly bound with no. 188. Modern quarter morocco [210]
Another copy. 200 m m . 'Pro loco Camentzen' (presumably the Cistercians of Kamenz). 'Jacobus Joan. Lebsa g c 1636. 1645 obijt mense 8tobri huiuc successit Rndus dnus Joannes Funcka eodem anno ut supra* (cf. BM 11 465, IA. 8009). W. Hawes. Lot 297 at Sotheby's, 8 March 1900. From the library of F. Jenkinson, 1923 19th c. half vellum [211 ] 99
267 Augustine (St): Sermones ad heremitas [etc.]. 40, 190 mm. P* 724 [Flach] BM1161 H* 1998 GW 3006 Gaselee 22 'Monasterii Prifling/ Stamp: E.Hy. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 19th c. boards *** P 741- Reattributed by BM and GW to Johann Priiss. See no. 221
G E O R G H U S N E R , 2nd press 268 Tractatus contra vitia. 40, 175 mm. 5 Dec. 1498 P*744 BM1162 H* 15594 On the last blank leaf in a humanistic hand a letter ' Timotheus Veron. Possidio Xcellen. C o n [ . . . ] s.p.d. Quamquam diuersis armorum generibus... \ dedicating and sending 'quosdam confessionales libros'. Bookplate: Torcular calcavi solus (J. P. Madden). Lot 1040 at Sotheby's, 20 Dec. 1892. Given by S. Sandars, 1892 19th c. calf [213]
269 Martinus, Polonus: Margarita decreti. F°, 262 mm. 24 Dec. 1499 P745 BM1162 H* 10851 Wants the last leaf (blank) 'Liber iste est ad usum fratris Mathie de duren ordinis praedicatorum conuentus traiectensis superioris.' British Museum duplicate, transferred 1889 Modern half pigskin [214]
270 Eusebius Pamphili: Historia ecclesiastica [etc.], F°, 268 mm. 14 Mar. 1500 P* 747 BM 1162 H* 6714 GW 9439 Royal Library, 1715 18th c. mottled calf
J O H A N N SCHOTT 271 Otto, von Passau: Die vierundzwanzig Alten. F°, 303 mm. 28 Mar. 1500 P*762 BM1167 H*i2i3O 'Ex bibl. Wisensteigensi.' J. E. Millard. Sandars Bequest, 1894 16th c. wooden boards, backed with stamped pigskin; the upper board lined with a leaf of 15th c. MS. in German, the lower with a piece of printer's waste (16th c. hymnal with music, 120) [21s]
UNASSIGNED 272 Parentinis (Bernardus de): Expositio missae. F°, 294mm. 31 Oct. 1487 P* 522 [Priiss] = 2371 [Drach] BMi 169 H* 12420 Wants the last leaf (blank) Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Formerly bound with no. 226. Modern half pigskin IOO
273 Agenda pro mortuis [etc.]. 4 , 203 mm. H * i i 4 3 GW479 Gaselee23 Wants the first leaf (blank) Bibliotheca Regia Monacensis. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern half morocco
274 Breviarium Frisingense (pars aestivalis). 40, 198 mm. 5 Apr. 1483 P784 BM1174 11*3841 GW5343 Wants [S5] & [S6] of the BM collation (supplied, in contemporary MS. on vellum) Given by the Rev. E. Atkinson, 1908 16th c. stamped pigskin; vellum flyleaves from a MS. service-book (circa 1200)
275 Obsequiale Frisingense. 40, 195 mm. 3 Apr. 1484 Pf785 H* 11929 [a-h 8 ]; 64 leaves On vellum Wants leaves 1, 3, 6 and 8 (supplied in 16th c. MS. on vellum) Bound in at the end is a contemporary MS. on nine leaves of vellum beginning ' Incipit ordo pro indutione habitus nouitiorum' W. H. Crawford 1878. Given by S. Sandars, 1892 Contemporary stamped pigskin; at the beginning a flyleaf from a MS. antiphoner on vellum (circa 1500)
J O H A N N S E N S E N S C H M I D T , 5th press 276 Missale Frisingense. F°, 381 mm. 31 Aug. 1487 P787 BM1175 H*ii3O2 Wants leaves 1 and 174 (woodcut of the Crucifixion, for which has been substituted a modern facsimile of the Crucifixion in H* 11262) MS. notes in the Calendar, relating to the anniversaries ofJohannes Piscator of Obergiessing and others 16th c. stamped pigskin, with clasps [220]
J O H A N N PFEYL 277 Missale Bambergense. F°, 345 mm. 1499 H*ii265 WB132
[*8] a10 b-d 8 ef10 g-i 8 k I10 m n 8 o 10 p 8 [**8 *** 8 s*** 12 - 1 ] q 1 ^ 1 r s 8 1 10 v-y 8 z 10 1* o* t10 aa-ff8; 312 leaves, of which p 8 and the additional (first) leaf to quire q are blank; the cancelled leaf in quire [****] is the second 101
BAMBERG; COLOGNE 'Henry H. Gibbs, St. Dunstans (1865)/ Given by A. F. Scholfield, 1937 Contemporary stamped, pigskin, with clasps; leather tabs mounted on vellum slips inserted horizontally at intervals. Woodcut of the Crucifixion (no. 10) pasted inside the upper board; inside the lower the first leaf of the Canon of the Mass from a MS. missal (German, circa 1450) [4187 b] 278
M i s s a l e Ratisponense. F°, 362 m m . 15 D e c . 1500 Pf 794 H* 113 59 Pol. 2729 (with variations) Polain omits O 8 from his collation Wants the woodcut of the Crucifixion Kloss. Bookplate: Nee henejicii immemor nee iniuriae (Bethell Walrond). J. Hirst. Bought (in a sale at Leeds), April 1891 Contemporary stamped pigskin [221]
279 Bamberg. Invitation from the Mayor and Council to a shooting-match. Broadside, 149 x 221 mm. GW 3231 Einblattdrucke 404 The date added in MS.: 'Donerstag nach Kiliani Im funfftzehenhundersten Iare* Stamp: C.R. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934
COLOGNE U L R I C H ZEL 280 Cicero (Marcus Tullius): De officiis. 40, 193 mm. P*798 BM1179 H5233 GW6914 V334 Wants leaf 64 and most of 63 (both blank) T. R. Brown (whose pamphlet On printing is bound in at the beginning). Sir E. Sullivan. Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 19th c. half calf, uniform with no. 281 [222]
281 Gerson (Johannes): De pollutionibus nocturnis [etc.], 40, 199 mm. P800 BM1179 H* 7694= 7666 V476 Collation varies from BM: [a10 b 6 ], the first leaf blank 'In remedium salutis anime sue et amicorum suorum mr Wilhelmus czewerss [i.e. Textoris, cf. no. 2753] de aquisgrani sac. theol. professor ultimus donacione inter viuos hunc librum donauit patribus Carthus. domus Castri marie prope Dulmaniam Quod testatur manu propria Orate pro eo habet participacionem ordinis et de gracia speciali plus in prouincia Reni acta scilicet hoc anno 1485 in die sancti lamberti.' T. R. Brown. W. H. Pengelley. Given by G. Dunn, 1908 19th c. half calf, uniform with no. 280 [223]
282 Alphabetum divini amoris. 40, 214 mm. P*8oi BM1179 HF7631 GW1554 V459 Reading (ia) deum, (28b) joh 19th c. quarter leather 102
Another copy. 212 mm. With the same readings on ia and 28b as no. 282 From the library of F. Jenkinson, 1923 Wrappers
[225] 0
284 Augustine (St): De vita Christiana [etc.], 4 , 215 mm. 1467 P*8O2 BM1179 H* 2094+^2082 GW3038 V201 Leaf 38 is a cancel but the recto has not been reset (cf. BM and GW Ergdnzungen u. Verbesserungen)
Wants the first leaf (blank) Charles Hurt, junr. R. S. Turner. Rustat Fund, 1888 Olive-brown morocco by C. Lewis, 1833 285
A n o t h e r c o p y . 214 m m . Leaf 38 is not a cancel in this copy; the recto has the same setting as in no. 284 Bound (2) with nos 295, etc.
286 Gerson (Johannes): Conclusiones de diversis materiis moralibus. 40, 192 mm. P*8o3 BM1180 H7640 V461 Wants the first and last leaves (both blank) Rustat Fund, 1868 Bound (1) with no. 475. 19th c. quarter calf
Another copy. 211 mm. Wants leaves 10-15 Bought, 1892 19th c. vellum
[229] 0
288 Gerson (Johannes): Opus tripartitum. 4 , 212 mm. P*8o4 BM1180 H7653 V467 Bought, 1892 19th c. vellum
289 Gerson (Johannes): De passionibus animae [etc.]. 40, 214 mm. P*8O5 BM1180 H7678 V495 Bound (3) with nos 295, etc.
290 Gerson (Johannes): De poUutionibus nocturnis. 40, 198 mm. P*8o6 BM1180 H7697 V477 Collation varies from BM: [a b 8 ], the first blank Bought, 1895 Bound (1) with no. 291. 19th c. vellum
291 Gerson (Johannes): De cognitione castitatis et poUutionibus diurnis [etc.]. 4°, 198 mm. Pf8o7 HF7690 V486 [a8 b 8 + 1 ]; 17 leaves Varies from Voullie*me on ia, line 3: . . . t pollucoiufy... Bound (2) with no. 290
292 Gerson (Johannes): De cognitione... Another copy. 201 mm. Given by H. Bradshaw, 1868 19th c. quarter morocco
[234] 0
293 John (St), Chrysostom: Sermones de patientia in Job. 4 , 204 mm. P*8o8 BM1181 H5024 V653 Inglis. * W. Robertson Smith' (and. presumably given by him) Purple morocco, by Pratt
294 John (St), Chrysostom: Sermo super quinquagesimum psalmum Miserere. 4°, 210 m m . Pf8op 11*5031 V649 [a-c8 d 6 ]; 30 leaves, the last blank Bk 1 ends on 14a, not 15a as Voullieme Wants the blank leaf Modern quarter morocco
[236] 0
295 Augustine (St): Enchiridion de fide. 4 , 214 mm. P*8io BM1181 H*2028 GW2903 V186 Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 Bound (1) with nos 285 and 289. 19th c. vellum
296 Augustine (St): Sermo super orationem dominicam [etc.]. 40, 194 mm. P*8n BM1181 Hi988 = *i99i GW2995 V206 Wants the first leaf (blank) Bookplate: Torcuhr calcavi solus (J. P. Madden). Bought, 1890 Morocco, by Riviere 297
C i c e r o (Marcus Tullius): D e senectute. 4 , 214 m m . P*8i2 BM1181 H5306 GW6979 V325 Duke of Sussex. Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 19th c. half roan
[239] 0
298 John (St), Chrysostom: De reparatione lapsi. 4 , 206 mm. P*8i4 BM1182 H5051 V6si Cornelius Paine. Rustat Fund, 1891 19th c. brown morocco
299 Pius II: Epistola ad Mahumetem. 40, 215 mm. P816 BM1182 H*i7i V960 Leaf 7a of Vergil's Bucolica (no. 340) is printed on ia Rustat Fund, 1868 19th c. vellum
300 Pius II: Epistola ad Mahumetem. 40, 216 mm. P*8i8 BM1186 V 962=963 * Liber [Cartusien.] In [Buchshaim] prope M[emmin]gen proueniens a confratre nostro dno Hilprando Brandenburg de Bibraco...' (see no. 12). Howell Wills. Bought, 1894 Modern quarter morocco [242] 104
301 Antoninus (St): Confessionale (Defecerunt) [etc.]. 40, 206 mm. P 819= f 821 BM1183 H* 1162 GW 2082 V 123 = 124 Wants the last leaf (blank) Rustat Fund, 1868 Modern quarter morocco
302 Antoninus (St): Confessionale (Defecerunt) [etc.], 40, 217 mm. P820 BM1181 H 1162a GW2080 V121 1 a, line 1, as BM, not as GW 'Biblio. Carm. Colonien.' Kloss. G. Dunn. Given by J. Charrington, 1917 Half calf (Kloss)
*** Pf 821-
See no
- 3 01
303 Antoninus (St): Confessionale (Defecerunt) [etc.]. 40, 200 mm. P822 BM1182 GW2081 V122 Rustat Fund, 1892 Modern half morocco 304
A n o t h e r c o p y . 216 m m . Rustat Fund, 1892 Bound (1) with nos 308 and 325. On the last (blank) leaf of the first item is written 'Epistola Humberti. M. ordinis ad Albertum magnum lectorem. Carissimo in Jhesu Christo fratri Alberto lectori Coloniensi.. .Rumor quidam per quasdam litteras nuper euolans...' At the end of the volume are bound 72 leaves containing MS. additions (Cordiale quattuor novissimorum, followed by sermons of St Augustine, three of them signed and dated ' per f.l.f. lectorem feria 3a (4a) post Katharinae Anno d. 1470'). On the first flyleaf is a MS. diagram 'Speculum Reformat, policie secularis anno d. 1471. f. leo. f. 1.' Contemporary red leather
Another copy. 207 m m . ' Conuentus franckfordensis ordinis praedicatorum/ From the library of F. Jenkinson, 1923 Wrappers [247]
Aristoteles: Ethica ad E u d e m u m . 4 0 , 206 m m . P*823 BM1183 H* 1764= 1765 GW2384 V143 Sykes 1283. Heber. 'J. T. Hand 1835/ Rustat Fund, 1868 19th c. blue morocco
307 Augustine (St): De agone Christiano [etc.]. 40, 201 mm. P*824 BM1183 H2084 GW2870 V189 At the end are written two sets of verses, beginning Femina fax Sathanae and Fuge return feminarum. 'Liber sancti Panthaleonis in Colonia/ Rustat Fund, 1868 19th c. vellum [249\ 308
A n o t h e r c o p y . 216 m m . Bound (2) with nos 304, etc.
[250] 105
309 Augustine (St): Homiliae. 4 , 201 mm. Pf826 H*I984 GW2913 V188 Wants leaves 3 and 6 Rustat Fund, 1868 19th c. vellum
Another copy. 219 mm. Wants the first leaf (blank) Bookplate: Sublimia euro (J. I. Doedes). From the library of F. Jenkinson, 1923 19th c. half calf
A n o t h e r , variant, c o p y . 206 m m . GW2913 (Anm.) Bought, 1927 19th c. quarter leather
312 Augustine (St): Sermo super orationem dominicam [etc.], 40, 206 mm. P*827 BM1183 H*i989 GW2996 V207 Stamp: two C's addorsed and interlaced beneath a coronet. Bookplate: Torcular calcavi solus (J. P. Madden). Bought, 1897 19th c. calf [254]
313 Bernardinus, Senensis: Sermo de gloriosa virgine Maria. 40, 198 mm. P828 BM1183 H2833 GW3884 V227 Wants the last leaf (blank) 'J. F. Van de Velde.' * Ant. van Bellingen, 23 maii 1873/ Bought, 1905 19th c. quarter calf, red label on upper cover 314
A n o t h e r c o p y . 206 m m . Wants the last leaf (blank) 'Pertinet domui castrimarie super wederden...' J. Hirst. From the library of F. Jenkinson, 1923 19th c. limp calf [256]
315 Bernard {St), ofClairvaux: De planctu B.V.M. 40, 194 mm. P829 BM1183 GW4056 V241 Quarter calf, circa 1800 316
A n o t h e r copy. 212 m m . Gaselee 24 Kloss. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Half calf (Kloss)
317 Gerson (Johannes): De cognitione castitatis et poUutionibus diurnis [etc.], 4°, 212 m m . P831 BM1184 11*7692 V488 Bound (6) with nos 380, etc.
[238] 106
Gerson (Johannes): De efficacia orationis [etc.]. 40, 212 mm. P835 BM1184 H*7687 V475 Bound (3) with nos 380, etc.
Gerson (Johannes): De meditatione cordis [etc.], 40, 216 mm. P*836 BM1184 H*7628 V493 Le Candele. Rustat Fund, 1868 Wrappers
A n o t h e r c o p y . 216 m m . Gaselee 25 The last leaf (blank) cut away, leaving a stub Bound (3) with nos 381, etc.
Gerson (Johannes): De pollutionibus nocturnis. 40, 212 mm. P*837 BM1184 H*7696 V478 Bound (5) with nos 380, etc.
Gerson (Johannes): De remediis contra pusillanimitatem. 40, 201 mm. Pf 838 11*7705 V483 [a b 8 ]; 16 leaves, the first and the last two blank Le Candele (?). Rustat Fund, 1900 Modern quarter morocco
John [St), Chrysostom: Quod nemo laeditur ab alio. 40, 216 mm. P*84o BM1182 H5052 V646 Bound (3) with nos 304, etc.
Another copy. 212 m m . Bound (4) with nos 380, etc.
Gerson (Johannes): De simonia [etc.]. 40, 215 mm. P*839 BM1184 HF7707 V497 'Von dem Herrn Professor Blumenberg in Hildesheim.. .1832.. .T. Engelken' Boards, lined and backed with pieces of music MS. on vellum (circa 1300)
Another copy. 190 mm. Gaselee 26 Wants the last leaf (blank) Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 19th c. half calf
327 Johannes, Gallensis: Summa collationum. 40, 193 mm. P 841 BM1191 H* 7440 V 657 'Pro F. arnoldo [Streyters, v. Analecta Praemonstratensia, XII (1936), p. 109] abbate tongerlen.' Koninklijke Bibliotheek te 's Hage 18th c. mottled calf [266] 107
Nider (Johannes): De contractibus mercatorum [etc.], 40, 212 mm. P844 BMH85 H*Il822 V863 Given by H. Bradshaw, 1868 19th c. boards
Another copy. 198 m m . 18th c. calf, uniform with no. 474
330 N i d e r (Johannes): D e morali lepra. 4 0 , 199 m m . P*845 BM1185 H11814 V866 Wants leaves 65 and 72, and the last two leaves (blank) Given by H. Bradshaw, 1870 Mottled calf, by Pratt 331
Another, variant, copy. 201 m m . Wants the last two leaves (blank) Jenkinson has noted a number of variations between this copy and the preceding one (e.g. 3b, line 12: temptatioe for temptatione; 46b, line 3: inimicum^or immicum) and concludes 'this is the earlier state or issue', observing that T from type 115 occurs more frequently in no. 330 [270] Bound (3) with nos 377, etc.
Another copy. 188 mm. Gaselee 27 Wants the last two leaves (blank). Misbound Duke of Sussex. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 19th c. half calf
[3842] 0
Nider (Johannes): Manuale confessorum [etc.]. 4 , 201 mm. P*846 BM1185 H * I I 8 2 8 + * I I 8 3 5 V 850 'Ad usum fratris augustini baertsbanc et pertinet monasterio pauperum dominarum sancte clare de syon in brugis.' 'Pertinet ad dominum [...]' Nunc ad [...] wijs (?) presbyterum curatum de brynnaerstbroke aliter Coxsider pertinet.' 'Collegii Soc. Jesu Gandafvensis].' De Meyer n o . Rustat Fund, 1869 Bound (1) with no. 451 17th c. vellum [271]
334 Pius II: Bulla retractationum [etc.]. 40, 204 mm. P847 BM1186 H*26o+*i94 V954. Collation varies from BM: [a-d8 e 6 ]; 38 leaves, the last two presumably blank Wants the last two leaves Inglis. Rustat Fund, 1900 Purple morocco, by J. Faulkner
Thomas (St), Aquinas: Summa de articulis fidei. 40, 210 mm. P*848 BMm86o H*i424 V1155 'Liber monastery sancti Ludgeri et sancte felicitatis in helmsted.' Culemann 599. Worts Fund, 1870 Modern half morocco [273]
Another copy. 211 mm. Gaselee 28 Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 19th c. boards
[3$43] 0
337 Thomas (St), Aquinas: Summa de articulis fidei. 4 , 200 mm. V1153 [ab 8 ]; 16 leaves, the last blank At the end are written seven lines beginning De patre nato dant et de flamine sancto | Articulos. petrus andreas bartholomeus | . . . * Liber sancti panthaleonis in colomV (cf. no. 307). Bookplate: Torcular calcavi solus (J. P. Madden). Bought (lot 742 at Sotheby's), 17 Dec. 1894 Bound (1) with no. 385. 19th c. calf [274]
338 Thomas (St), Aquinas: Summa de articulis fidei. 40, 199 mm. V1154 [a b 8 ]; 16 leaves, the last blank Wants the blank leaf Bought, 1898 19th c. forrel
339 Vegius (Maphaeus): Philalethes. 40, 199 mm. P849 BM1186 H15928 V1202 Wants a blank leaf (1 or 16, cf. Voullieme and BM) Bought, 1905 Quarter cloth
340 Vergilius Maro (Publius): Bucolica. 4
P*85O BM1182 V1204 Leaf 7a only, printed by mistake on the first (blank) leaf of no. 299 341
G r e g o r y I : Pastorale. 4 0 , 196 m m . P851 BM1187 H*798i V509 Wants leaves 41 and 48 (supplied in contemporary MS.) ' Liber conuentus fratrum cruciferorum leodiensium/ From the library of F. Jenkinson, 1923 Contemporary calf over paper boards, lined with fragments of a MS. antiphoner on vellum (15th c.) [278]
A n o t h e r c o p y . 201 m m . Wants leaves 91 and 94, and the last (blank) Bound (2) with nos 377, etc.
343 Rodericus, Zamorensis: Speculum humanae vitae. 40, 173 mm. P*852 BM1187 H* 13933 V1025 Bound (3) with nos 454, etc.
344 Pius II: Dialogus contra Bohemos. 40, 210 mm. P*853 BM1188 11*209 V956 Stamp: two C's addorsed and interlaced beneath a coronet. Rustat Fund, 1868 19th c. forrel
345 Gerson (Johannes): De mendicitate spirituali [etc.], 40, 215 mm. P*855 BM1187 H*7675 V494 Gaselee29 Bound (4) with nos 381, etc.
346 Isidore (St): De summo bono [etc.]. 40, 210 mm. P*856 BM1187 H* 9281+^5899 V704 'Carthusiae Paradisi Mariae* (Marienparadies, outside Karthaus near Danzig). Rustat Fund, 1868 19th c. vellum [282]
Part of another copy. 208 mm. Gaselee 30 Wants leaves 124-136 (Cyprian De duodecim abusivis) Sir M. M. Sykes. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 19th c. calf
Part of another copy. 201mm. Gaselee 31 Leaves 124-136 (Cyprian De duodecim abusivis) only Ashburnham (?). Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Half calf, circa 1800
349 John (St), Chrysostom: Dialogi Chrysostomi et Basilii de dignitate sacerdotii. 4°, 187 mm. P*857 BM1187 H*5O48 V645 'Johannes dasen 1472 reichenberck.' Kloss. ' Aurelius Attwood, Harborne Nr Birmingham 1838/ Bought (lot 559 at Puttick's), 26 July 1864 Formerly bound with nos 370 and 373. Modern quarter morocco [2$3] 350
A n o t h e r c o p y . 217 m m . 'Liber monasterij vallis sancte Elyzabeth In comitatu de huerne leodien. dioces.' 'Sum Canonie Elisabethanae in Comit. Hornensi' (at Nunhem, near Roermond; v. M. Schoengen, Monasticon Batavum, Deel 11 (De Augustijnsche Orden), p. 136 (Verhandel. d. Nederl. Akad.
van Wetenschappen, Afd. Letterkunde, N.R. XLV, 1941)). Bought, 1894 Bound (1) with nos 447 and 450. Contemporary stamped vellum, with horn bosses [284] 351
A n o t h e r c o p y . 215 m m . 'Fratrum Sorethanorum.' ' Schussenriedt/ 'Jacobus Pure—a artium baccalaureus Soreth. canonicus.' Bookplate: Torcular calcavi solus (J. P. Madden). Given by F. Jenkinson, 1917 16th c. stamped calf, with clasps; stamps include' iodocus' scroll: vellum flyleaves (documents dated 1431 and 1437 relating to Schussenried and the Premonstratensian monastery there)
352 Adrianus, Carthusiensis: De remediis utriusque fortunae. 40, 213 mm. P*858 BM1188 H*93 GW227 V 5 'Provenant avec d'autres pieces de la Chartreuse pres Treves.' Given by H. Bradshaw, 1868 19th c. half morocco [286] IIO
353 Pius II: De educatione puerorum. 40, 207 mm. P 859 BM1191 H* 205 V 969 Engraved bookplate, printed in blue-green ink: within an oval frame, a monogram BD beneath a jewelled turban. Bought, 1901 18th c. calf [287]
354 Pius II: Bulla retractationum [etc.], 40, 199 mm. V953 [a-d8 e 6 ]; 38 leaves, the last two blank Wants the blank leaves Vergauwen 210, with his purchase-note 'Catal. van Goberschroy [sic] N. 32'. Bought (lot 663 at Sotheby's), 26 April 1895 18th c. blue morocco [288]
355 Pius II: De duobus amantibus. 40, 215 mm. H*2i3 V942 [a-d8 e 6 ]; 38 leaves, the first and last blank Wants leaf 33 and the last blank Bought, 1870 Wrappers
Another copy. 193 mm. * Liber Johannis quade.' 'Ex Bibliotheca Krippendorfiana.' Lot 414 at Puttick's, 18 Dec. 1889. From the library of F. Jenkinson, 1923 19th c. boards [290]
357 Ambrose (St): De ofliciis. 40, 208 mm. P*86o BM1188 KF905 GW1606 V104 Wants the last leaf (blank) Bookplate: Torcular calcavi solus (J. P. Madden). Given by S. Sandars, 1892 Modern half morocco
[291 ]
358 Augustine (St): De fuga mulierum [etc.], 40, 200 mm. P f 8 6 i KF1962 GW2955 V212 *M. Nicolaus Hillebrandi alias boelen' Modern half morocco
Part of another copy. 206 mm. Gaselee 32 Leaves 4-8 (De continentia and part of De contemptu mundi) and 17-24 (part of Sermones de vita clericorum) only
' W. Y. Newton, Mar. 24th, 1879/ Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 19th c. half morocco
360 Augustine (St): Epistola ad Cyrillum de magnificentiis Hieronymi [etc.]. 4°, 195 mm. P*862 BM1188 H67i9(2)=*8568 GW2949 V187 Bound (2) with no. 367
361 Augustine (St): De vita beata [etc.]. 4 0 , 212 m m . Pf863 H*i96o GW2932 V200 Rustat Fund, 1868 19th c. boards
362 Cicero (Marcus Tullius): De finibus. 4 0 , 213 mm. P*865 BM1188 H*5326 GW6884 V 329 Rustat Fund, 1900 Contemporary red stamped leather
363 Datus (Augustinus): Eleg&ntiolae [etc.]. 4 0 , 204mm. P*866 BM1189 H*5967 GW 8123 V363 Bought, 1870
Brown morocco, by J. Mackenzie
364 Datus (Augustinus): De variis loquendi figuris. 4 0 , 202 m m . P*867 BM 1 1 8 9 ( ^ . 2 8 9 4 ) H*6oi8 G W 8140 V 362 Rustat Fund, 1869
Modern half morocco 365 Datus (Augustinus): De variis loquendi figuris. 4 0 , 179 mm. BM1189 (IA. 2896) G W 8139 V 361 Heber. Bought, 1895 18th c. calf
366 Eusebius, Cremonensis: Epistola de morte Hieronymi. 4 0 , 194 mm. P*868 BM1189 H* 6719(1) GW9446 V403 19th c. quarter calf
Another copy. 195 mm. Inglis. Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 Bound (1) with no. 360. 19th c. blue morocco (by J. Faulkner)
Another copy. 217 mm. Gaselee 33 The first and last leaves (blank) cut away, leaving stubs Bound (2) with nos 381, etc.
Gerson (Johannes): Conclusiones de diversis materiis moralibus. 4 0 , 212 m m . P*869 BM1189 H*7639 V462 Bound (2) with nos 380, etc.
Gerson (Johannes): De cognitione castitatis et poUutionibus diurnis [etc.], 4°, 187 m m . P870 BM1190 H*769i V487 Formerly bound with no. 349. Modern quarter morocco 112
371 Gerson (Johannes): De passionibus animae [etc.], 40, 206 mm. P 871 BM1190 H* 7677 V 496 Wants the last leaf (blank). The text of 30b is repeated on 27b (which should be blank) Given by H. Bradshaw, 1868 Quarter red morocco, by Lortic [303] 372
A n o t h e r c o p y . 215 m m . Gaselee 34 The first and last leaves (blank) cut away, leaving stubs. With the same repetition of text as in no. 371 Bound (5) with nos 381, etc. [3$49]
373 Gerson (Johannes): De pollutionibus nocturnis. 40, 187 mm. P872 BM1190 H*7695 V479 Wants the first leaf (blank) Formerly bound with no. 349. Modern quarter morocco
374 Gerson (Johannes): De simplificatione cordis [etc.]. 40, 207 mm. P*873 BM1190 H*768i V499 Bodleian Library duplicate. Given by the Rev. E. Atkinson, 1908 19th c. boards
Another copy. 215 mm. Gaselee 35 The last leaf (blank) cut away, leaving a stub Bound (6) with nos 381, etc.
Part of another copy. 210 mm. Leaves 43-70 only (Trilogium, Contra superstitiosam dierum ohservationem and Adversus doctrinam medici cuiusdam) Given by H. Bradshaw, 1868 19th c. half morocco [3°6]
377 Gerson (Johannes): De sollicitudine ecclesiasticorum. 40, 201 mm. P*874 BM1190 H*7<568 V485 'B. Reinhard.' 'Ex libris Fr. Beoz (?) 1819/ Bought (lot 1774 at Sotheby's), 3 Aug. 1895 [307] Bound (1) with nos 342 & 331. 17th c. calf
Another copy. 209 m m . Given by H. Bradshaw, 1868 Half morocco, by Cape
A n o t h e r c o p y . 215 m m . Gaselee 36 The last leaf (blank) pasted down as an endpaper Bound (7) with nos 381, etc.
380 Gerson (Johannes): Opus tripartitum. 40, 212 mm. P*875 BM1190 V468 'Iste liber pertinet Conuentui sanctimonialium in gouda super goudam.' *N. C. Kist/ Given by H. Bradshaw, 1868 Bound (1) with nos 368, 318, 324, 321 & 317. 16th c. stamped calf; at the ends fragments of a 15th c. MS. calendar of benefactors, among them Alexander de Mandescheit, Albertus de Buchstelle, Wil. Waldecke, Johannes de Arwilre and Gerlacius de Hamersteyn, canon of the cathedral at Cologne [309]
Another copy. 216 mm. Gaselee 37 The last leaf (blank) cut away, leaving a stub 'Liber domus sancti Johannis baptiste in volckerinchusen [i.e. Volkhardinghausen] prope landou quem dedit nobis honorabilis presbyter dominus Johannes hilgemeyger plebanus in landou' (cf. O. v. Heinemann, Die Handschr. d. herzogh Bibl. zu Wolfenbuttely 2. Abt., iv, p. 257; Museum Meermanno Westreenianum, Catalogus van de Incunabeleny 11 (1920), no. 782). 'Barnheim' (v. Petzholdt, Neuer Anz.f. Bibliogr. u. Bibliothekwissens., Jahrg. 1873, p. 105,
no. 293). Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Bound (1) with nos 369, 320, 345, 372, 375 & 379. Contemporary stamped calf, with clasps [3852]
382 Petrarca (Francesco): Historia Griseldis. 40, 194mm. P*876 BMn86(IA.2832) H* 12813 V909 Wants the last leaf (blank) A bibliographical note signed 'Joh: Enschede, 8 Sept. 1774'. Enschede* 2481. Rustat Fund, 1867 18th c. red morocco, uniform with no. 390 [310]
383 Rufinus (Tyrannius): Expositio symboli S. Hieronymi. 40, 192 mm. P*877 BM1191 H*8578 V1057 Modern half morocco
[311 ]
Another copy. 182 mm. Wants the last leaf (blank) Unbound
[312] 0
385 T h o m a s (St), Aquinas: D e m o d o confitendi. 4 , 200 m m . P*878 BM1186 V1136 Bound (2) with no. 337
[313] 0
386 Thomas (St), Aquinas: De modo confitendi. 4 , 202 mm. H* 1342 V1137 [a-d 8 ]; 32 leaves, the last blank Rustat Fund, 1869 Modern half morocco 387
A n o t h e r c o p y . 203 m m . * Liber monasterij beati marie ad martires extra muros treuerenses ordinis sancti benedicti... Culemann 6001. Worts Fund, 1870 Formerly bound with nos 667 & 671. Modern quarter morocco [315] 114
388 Herolt (Johannes): Sermones discipuli de tempore. F°, 293 mm. 7 Mar. 1474 Pf 88 3 V 563 (1) Cop. 2927 Wants the last leaf (blank) *Iste liber pertinet Bernardo Suthoff presbytero.' H. R. Luard. Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 Brown morocco, by Wiseman [316]
389 Aegidius, Assisinas: Aurea verba. 40, 211 mm. P*884 BM1193 H*IO5 GW265 V 7 Bookplate: Torcular calcavi solus (J. P. Madden). Bought, 1890 19th c. half morocco
390 Bernard (St), of Clairvaux: Speculum de honestate vitae [etc.]. 40, 194 mm. P*885 BM1193 H*29Oi GW4072 V238 A bibliographical note signed 'Joh: Enschede, 2 Nov. 1774'. Enschede* 471. Rustat Fund, 1867 18th c. red morocco, uniform with no. 382 [31 #]
391 Bonaventura (St): Regimen conscientiae [etc.]. 40, 200 mm. P886 BM1193 H* 3498=11124 GW4706 V275 E. G. Duff Rustat Fund, 1925 Vellum
392 Bromyard (Johannes de): Opus trivium. F°, 295 mm. P*889 BM1192 H*3996 V941 Wants the blank leaves 18, 19 & 298 Quire [dd] originally comprised 12 leaves, of which the 4th and ioth have been cancelled. Marginal capitals on the stubs suggest that both the cancelled leaves carried the text of [dd3] Harmsworth 3193. Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1947 Stamped calf, by Riviere [4252]
393 Caesarius, Heisterbacensis: Dialogus miraculorum. F°, 282 mm. P*89o BM1195 H4230 GW5880 V300 Wants leaves 1-3 and 249-310 (quires [D]-[K]) From the library of F. Jenkinson, 1923 Unbound
394 Durandus (Guilelmus): Rationale divinorum officiorum. F°, 295 mm. P 890 A BM1196 GW 9106 (Anm. 1) V 395 (note) Wants the last leaf (blank) '...1479 ipso die Mauricij Racionale diuinorum.' ' . . .Edmund (?) Allen lent them to Mr Shearman March last 1627 iij Bookes.1 Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf [322]
395 Gregory I: Commentum super Cantica canticorum. F°, 292 mm. P* 894 BM 1192 H* 7937 V 504 Wants the last leaf (blank) Rustat Fund,. 1869 Wrappers (fragments of a 15th c. music MS. on vellum and a leaf from a 16th c. printed book Eine Comedi... die Judith) [321 ] 115
396 Herolt (Johannes): Promptuarium de miraculis B.V.M. F°, 289 mm. P*8 9 5 (2) BM1193 V 5 6 5 ( 4 ) Rustat Fund, 1868 19th c. stamped calf (uniform with no. 400)
397 John (St)9 Chrysostom: Sermones xxv [etc.]. F°, 284 mm. P*8p6 BM1194 H*5O4i V652 Bound (2) with no. m i
398 Nider (Johannes): Praeceptorium divinae legis. F°, 296 mm. P*898 BM1194
(IB. 3007) H*ii78o V 856
Wants the last leaf (blank) * Codex monasterii beate Marie ad martires extra muros Treuerenses super litus moselle. 'F. X. Kraus.' Given by M. R.James, 1889 Contemporary stamped calf, the upper board lined with 13th c. vellum MS. with neums (Add. M S . 6000 20 )
399 Rodericus, Zamorensis: Epistola lugubris de expugnatione Euboeae. F°, 284 mm. P 900* (Additions) BM1 195 H 13956=^13957 V 1024 Given in memory of F. Jenkinson by some of his friends, 1926 19th c. half vellum
400 Herolt (Johannes): Sermones discipuli de sanctis. F°, 289 mm. V 5 6 5 (2) [a-d10 e 8 f g 10 h i 8 k-0 1 0 p q 8 ]; 150 leaves 'Anvers le 19 Jan. 1879 Ant. van Bellingen.' R. Proctor. Rustat Fund, 1910 19th c. stamped calf (uniform with n o . 396)
401 Nicolaus, de Lyra: Postilla super totam Bibliam. Vol. 1. F°, 310 mm. H* 10368 (1) V 833 (1) a-c 10 d8 e-r10 a10 f10 s-z10 A-E 1 0 F 8 G^-Z10 aa-ff10 gg 8 hh 10 ; 554 leaves, the first blank Wants hh1>6_8 (supplied from another copy and inserted loose) and the blank J. H. Ellis. Bought, 1913 19th c. stamped calf [32S] 402
Part o f another c o p y . 312 m m . Quires a-P (Genesis-Joshua) only, wanting ax (blank), x 4 , P 9 and P 1 0 , the last supplied in contemporary MS. 'Be not dulle. Duckett.' Royal Library, 1715 i8thc. half calf [329]
V o l . 2 . 313 m m . H* 10368 (2) V 833 (2) Pt 1, Chronicles-Job: a-s 10 ; 180 leaves, the first blank Pt 11, Psalms: a-z10 A 10 B 8 C 6 D 1 0 ; 264 leaves, the first blank Wants h 8 of Pt 1, which in this copy is bound after Pt 11 Rustat Fund, 1900 Contemporary wooden boards, backed with stamped pigskin 116
Part of another copy. 310 mm. Psalms only. Wants leaves 1-13; quires A-D gnawed by mice 'Peter Ormerode bought this booke of Peter Ferrande of Standen. 1606/ 'Deliver this booke to Mr. George Hesketh my good frend 162V Given by A. J. Horwood, 1869 Contemporary plain calf [33 *]
Part o f v o l . 3. 313 m m . H* 10368 (3) V 8 3 3 ( 3 ) Isaiah-Maccabees ii only: q 10 r 10 a10 f10 s-z 10 A - Z 1 0 aa-mm 1 0 nn 8 oo 6 ; 464 leaves 'Richardi Redingi liber.' 'John Howseman.' Bought, 1895 Contemporary stamped calf
Part of vol. 4. 294 mm. H* 10368 (4) V 8 3 3 W Gospels only: a-z10 A-D 1 0 ; 270 leaves, the first blank 'Pertinet iste liber de Brugghen nempe Sibertho...' (cf. H. Keussen, Die Matrikel der Universitdt Koln, 11 (1919), p. 357). 'Ex bibliotheca PP Cruciferorum Coloniensium.' Gymnasial-Bibliothek zu Koeln. Bought, 1922 16th c. stamped calf [333]
407 Jacobus, de Voragine: Legenda aurea. F°, 287 mm. 19 May 1482 P* 902 BM1196 V 622 'Magistro martino lyndesay attinet hie Codex.' Royal Library, 1715 18th c. half calf (back renewed)
408 Nicolaus, de Ausmo: Supplementum Summae Pisanellae [etc.], F°, 286 mm. 21 Feb. 1483 P 904 BM 1197 H 2149 V 223 Acton Library, 1902 16th c. stamped calf, with clasps
409 Jacobus, de Voragine: Legenda aurea. F°, 270 mm. 1483 P* 905 BM 1197 V 623 Holdsworth Bequest, 1664
17th c. calf 410
Garlandia (Johannes d e ) : Composita verborum. 4 0 , 182 m m . 20 Mar. 1487 V1117 Cop. 1721 C. L. Prince. Rustat Fund, 1900
19th c. boards, covered with a leaf from a MS. on vellum 411
Keyerslach (Petrus): Passio Christi [etc.], 4 0 , 209 m m . 1487 P*9O7 BM1197 H*978o V715 Bookplate: Torcular calcavi solus (J. P. Madden). Bought, 1892 19th c. stamped calf 117
412 Keyerslach (Petrus): Passio Christi [etc.], 40, 184 mm. '1487' PfpoS H*9779 V717 a-d8 e 10 ; 42 leaves, the last blank Wants the blank ' Istam passionem recepi in cambio a domino Johanne pastore in Haumburg loco sermonum 13 michaelis de Vngaria. Anno 1499 franckfordie.' Bibliotheca Regia Monacensis. G. Dunn. Bought, 1917 19th c. boards [339] 413
G e s t a R o m a n o r u m . F°, 272 m m . P*9i5 B M i 199 V502 'Jodocus brbrxs [?= Ararus?] Sacell. S. Brigid.' Kloss. British Museum duplicate, transferred 1889 Half calf (Kloss) [340]
414 Guilelmus, de Gouda: Expositio missae. 40, 205 mm. P 916 BM1199 H* 7825 V 522 Bought (lot 319 at Sotheby's), 13 Apr. 1899 19th c. boards
415 Bertholdus: Horologium devotionis. 160, 101 mm. P917A BM1199 H 2995 (1)= 8931 (1) GW4172 V 246(1) Wants ax, b 3 , d 5 , n 3 , o 3 Note by H. Bradshaw: 'Phillips' sale, 57/ Rustat Fund, 1869 19th c. boards, covered with a leaf from an early printed book
A n o t h e r , variant, c o p y . 102 m m . Very imperfect With variations in the setting, e.g. 118a: tune clamabat oniia oga eo% mala. Oia | instead of tra quos tune clamabat oniia oga eoau^ | mala. Oniia... Bookplate: Torcular calcavi solus (J. P. Madden) 19th c. cloth
417 Thomas, a Kempis: Meditationes de vita et beneficiis salvatoris. 160, i n mm. P 918 BM 1 200 H 10993 = 10995 V 246 (2) *Fr. Hermannus me comparauit.' 'Philippus Biennburgkgensis me iure possidet.' 'Inseruio Fri. Joanni glassei (?).. .emptus Loci Sanctae Mariae' Bound (1) with no. 418. Contemporary stamped white leather [344]
418 Gerardus, Zutphaniensis: De spiritualibus ascensionibus. 160, i n mm. P 918 A BM 1199 H 8931 (2)=2995 (2) V 246 (3) Bound (2) with no. 417
419 Guilelmus, de Gouda: Expositio missae [etc.]. 40, 168 mm. P f 9 i 9 H7824 V529 a8 b c 6 ; 20 leaves, the last blank Wants the blank G. J. R. Gordon. Bought (lot 646 at Sotheby's), 14 Nov. 1919 19th c. half calf
COLOGNE ARNOLD THER HOERNEN 420 Rolewinck (Werner): Sermo in festo praesentationis B.V.M. 40, 212 mm. 1470 V 1048 (with variations) [a 12 ]; 12 leaves Vergauwen 1 398, with his purchase-note 'Catal. Rymenans N. 582'. Rustat Fund, 1884 19th c. quarter calf [347]
421 Adrianus, Carthusiensis: De remediis utriusque fortunae. 40, 201 mm. 8 Feb. 1471 P*927 BM1201 H*96 GW228 Wants the first leaf (blank) Bound (2) with no. 502
V6 [34$]
422 Thomas (S^),^wm^5:Quaestionesdeduodecimquodlibet. F°, 281mm. 1471 P*928 BM1203 HF1401 V1146
'Ad usum mei Angeli marini et amicorum non hyppocritarum' Contemporary stamped calf, old repairs 423
Servatius (St). Legenda de sancto Servatio. 4 0 , 187 m m . 4 Mar. 1472 P*929 BM1203 V1038 Bookplate: Quaero, monogram J C (Capron). Capron 541. Worts Fund, 1875 19th c. quarter morocco
424 Burley (Walter): De vita et moribus philosophorum. 40, 202 mm. 1472 Pf93i H4122 GW5783 V295 Given by H. Bradshaw, 1868 18th c. calf
425 Rolewinck (Werner): Fasciculus temporum. F°, 296 mm. 1474 P* 935 BM1204 (IB. 3127) H* 6918 V1026 'Pertinet regularibus in tongris/ 'Domino Gisberto Vanden Reyde Tungrorum Consuli... Gulielmus ab Herckenroy Congreg. Wyndesem. Generalis nee non Tungren. Prior Dono dedit, 1630/ 'Ex libris Lamb: adami de fastreV At the end a 17th c. MS. on five leaves 'Chronicon de inuasione Lotharingi militis in patriam nostram' with dates in cipher 1651, 1653 and 1654. Vergauwen 11 208. Rustat Fund, 1884 19th c. half calf [352\
426 Albertus, Magnus: Sermones de tempore et de sanctis. F°, 292 mm. 24 Dec. 1474 PJ936 H 453 = 475 GW 771 V48 On a strip of 15th c. vellum MS. guarding quire [1] occur the words 'Iste liber pertinet ecclesie beate Marie Antwerpiensi'. 'Collegii soc. Jesu Cortraci.' Rustat Fund, 1868 Contemporary stamped calf [353] 119
427 Augustinus, de Ancona: Summa de potestate ecclesiastica. F°, 277 mm. 26 Jan. 1475 P*937 BM1205 H961 GW3051 V183 Wants g 10 ; a4 mutilated Royal Library, 1715 Modern half morocco
428 Dreische ( van den): De indulgentiis et miraculis psalterium B.V.M. concernentibus [etc.]. 40, 210 mm. 12 Nov. 1478 H 6409=^15851 GW9059 V613 Kloss. Stamp: two C's addorsed and interlaced beneath a coronet. Culemann 264. Worts Fund, 1870 Half calf (Kloss) [355]
429 Petrus, de Bergamo: Etymologiae seu Concordantiae conclusionum Aquinatis. F°, 289 mm. 1480 P945 BM1207 H2822 V912 Wants the first leaf (blank) Vergauweni 561. Rustat Fund, 1884 19th c. quarter calf
430 Pius II: De duobus amantibus. 40, 179 mm. Cop. 62 V 944 The text of ib is repeated, without the incipit and in another setting, on ia; 10a is blank and 10b repeats in another setting the text of 9b Bought, 1864 Unbound [357]
431 Thomas (St), Aquinas: De regimine principum. 40, 206 mm. P f 9 5 i H*i487 V1174 [a-c8 d 1 0 ]; 34 leaves, the last blank Wants the first leaf (table) Bought, 1897 Modern half morocco
432 Thomas (St), Aquinas: De perfectione status spiritualis. 40, 202 mm. 11*1367 V1172 [a-f8 g 1 0 ]; 58 leaves, the last blank Wants the blank 'Hunc librum dedit Conuentui Castrimarie ven. mgr. et dominus iohannes zommernact.' Bookplate: Deofidelis et regi (S. C. E. Williams), signed 'Rev. J. Williams M.A., Bryntirion' Bound (1) with nos 3518 & 1118. Diilmen binding of stamped calf, with clasp; stamps include initials H and G (Weale R 630). Boards lined with pieces of the MS. used in binding nos 132 & 673 [359] 433
Another copy. 201 m m . Bound (3) with nos 497, etc.
[360] 120
434 Andreae (Johannes): Super arboribus consanguinitatis, affinitatis et cognationis spiritualis. 40, 213 mm. P953 BM1202 GW1681 V108 With two additional leaves ([b2]) not described by BM or GW. 13a: Tabula lecture Iohanis adree | fug arbore cofanguinitatis | [ 2]aufa Dpilacionis hui9 lecture... 14b, 1. 25: Intellectus fanus illius regule in fine | Et fie eft finis | Modern half morocco [361 ]
435 Bonaventura (St): Itinerarium mentis in Deum [etc.], 40, 216 mm. GW4661 V274 Culemann 86. Worts Fund, 1870 Modern half morocco
436 Jacobus, de Clusa: De contractibus. 40, 201 mm. P954 BM1203 119342=13414(2) V612 Bound (2) with no. 474 (q.v. for remarks on the dated purchase note stated by Voullieme to be in this copy)
437 Rolewinck (Werner): De origine nobilitatis. 40, 204 mm. P 955 BM 1205 H* 12079 V 1044 Kloss. Bought (lot 792 at Sotheby's), 2 Aug. 1917 (a Britwell sale, though not advertised as such) Half calf (Kloss) [364]
438 Thomas (St), Aquinas: De vitiis et virtutibus [etc.], 40, 205 mm. Pf99o V1140 Proctor's ascription to Printer of Dictys is corrected in his Supplement for 1899 (p. 9) thus: 'This should follow no. 957; type i A ' [ab 8 ]; 16 leaves G. Dunn. Given by the Rev. H. F. Hamilton, 1917 Modern vellum [383]
439 Aristoteles: De porno et morte [etc.]. 40, 204 mm. P958 BM1204 H1786 GW2450 V161
Inglis Blue morocco, by J. Faulkner
440 Aristoteles: Secreta secretorum [etc.]. 40, 193 mm. P958A BM1206 H1782 GW2481 V162 Rymenans. Vergauwen 1 730. Rustat Fund, 1884 18th c. calf (by J. M. Frederichs for G. J. de Servais? cf. no. 3604)
441 Gerson (Johannes): De consolatione theologiae. 40, 174 mm. P 960 BM 1204 H 7629 V 491 Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 19th c. boards
[3S6] 121
442 Jerome (St): Vitae Paulae et Pauli eremitae. 40, 188 mm. P 961 BM1204 V 579 'Pertinet domui castrimarie prope dulmaniam ordinis carthusiensis.' Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908
Bound (1) with nos 504,122 & 576. Diilmen binding of stamped calf; stamps include Weale R 630 (initials H and G) and Goldschmidt pi. cv, 165. Vellum MS. flyleaves (15th and early 14th c.) [367]
443 Rolewinck (Werner): Libellus de venerabili sacramento. 40, 199 mm. Pf 962 H14095 V1042 [a-c8 d 6 ]; 30 leaves, the last blank Wants the blank Vergauwen 1 501, with his purchase note 'De Bure a Paris 1840'. Rustat Fund, 1884 Bound (1) with nos 3958 & 3470. 18th c. blue morocco [jtftf]
444 Rolewinck (Werner): Quaestiones duodecim. F°, 280 mm. V1046 [a8 b 6 ]; 14 leaves Given by H. Bradshaw, 1868 Cloth
445 Aristoteles: CEconomica [etc.]. 40, 189 mm. P963 BM1208 11*1776 GW2434 V146 Rustat Fund, 1893
Modern half morocco
446 Boethius (A.M.T.S.): De consolatione philosophiae. 40, 197 mm. Pf964 H*3354 GW4516 V259 Rustat Fund, 1868 Russia, by T. Aitken
447 Dionysius, Carthusianus: De sacramento altaris et missae celebratione. 40, 217 m m . H6249 GW8418 V375 Bound (2) with nos 350, etc.
448 Disputatio sanctae Trinitatis de redemptione humani generis. 40, 193 mm. BM 1 208 (IA. 3232) H*6279 GW 8480 V387 Kloss. W. J. Thomas. Bought, 1891
Half calf (Kloss)
449 R o l e w i n c k (Werner): D e laude antiquae Saxoniae. 4 0 , 187 m m . P* 968 BM 1 209 H 13961 = *I4497 V 1043 Wants the first leaf (blank) Rustat Fund, 1868 Modern half morocco 122
Rolewinck (Werner): Formula vivendi canonicorum. 40, 217 mm. H7252 V1035 [a b 8 c 1 0 ]; 26 leaves, the last blank Wants the blank Bound (3) with nos 350, etc.
Another copy. 201 m m . [376]
Bound (2) with no. 333 452
Rolewinck (Werner): De contractibus. 40, 192 mm. P 970 BM1209 H* 5677 V1053 Wants the first leaf (blank) Culemann 608. Worts Fund, 1870 Modern half morocco
Rolewinck (Werner): De forma visitationum monasticarum. 40, 204 mm. V1054 [a8 b 6 ]; 14 leaves, the last blank 'A.J. Horwood' Bound (1) with nos 871, 699 & 697. 19th c. half morocco
Tilmannus, Dulmaniensis: De vinea spirituali [etc.], 40, 173 mm. P971 BM1209 V1187 Wants the first and last leaves (blank) Ex Bibliotheca Renessiana. Vergauweni 522. Rustat Fund, 1884 Bound (1) with nos 2740 & 343. 18th c. calf, with clasp
Pius II: Epistolae seculares et pontificales. 40, 192 mm. H159 V967 Imperfect at the beginning; leaves 81-152 (1-t8) only Bibliotheek Rotterdam. Given by S. Sandars, 1893 19th c. boards
Thomas (St), Aquinas: Quaestiones de malo. F°, 270 mm. BM 1205 H* 1413 V 1142 Wants leaf 165 and the last three (blank) leaves Misbound 'Iste liber est Conuentus Colonien. ordinis Carmelitarum' (the last word in another hand over an erasure). F. Tolmie, 1863. Given by C. E. Grant-Ives, 1921 [381] 19th c. half calf
Thomas (St), Aquinas: De modo confitendi [etc.]. 8°, 139 mm. H1348 V1139 a-h 8 ; 64 leaves Misbound * Liber collegii societatis Jesu Monastery ao. 1613.' Kloss. ' W. S. W. Vaiix, British Museum. 1841/ Bought (lot 538 at Hodgson's), 15 June 1922 Half calf (Kloss) [382] 123
Flores poetarum de virtutibus et vitiis. 40, 215 mm. V416 A-L 8 M 6 ; 94 leaves Bought, 1897 19th c. boards
Florus (Lucius Annaeus): Epitome [etc.], F°, 268 mm. P*974 BM1202 H7199 V419 Wants the last leaf (blank) Heber. Given by S. Sandars, 1893 18th c. citron morocco
Ludolphus, de Saxonia: Vita Christi. 40, 205 mm. P 975 BM1209 V 759 With rubricator's signature 'JoL Stephani 1492\ Rustat Fund, 1902 Bound (1) with no. 3531. Diilmen binding of stamped calf; stamps include Weale R630 (initials H and G) and Goldschmidt pi. cv, 165. Vellum MS. flyleaves (14th c ) ; bound at the end on 52 leaves of paper are three MS. pieces on the Passion (15th c.)
Nocturnale Coloniense. 40, 213 mm. V278 1. Proprium de tempore: a-r 8 s6 t 8 ; 150 leaves, leaf 149 blank 2. Psalterium, Proprium sanctorum: A - Q 8 R 10 ; 138 leaves 3. Commune sanctorum, Commemorationes: i(-4) 8 a(-c) 6 ; 14 leaves Voullieme omits line 6 (furge et agti funt oculi noftri) in his description of ia Pt 2 misbound before pt 1 'Liber conuentus Sanctae Mariae.' From the library of H. Bradshaw, 1886 Contemporary stamped calf (roughly repaired), with horn bosses
Plutarchus: De liberis educandis. 40, 191 mm. H13146 V970 [a b 8 ]; 16 leaves Duke of Sussex. W. Sneyd. G. Dunn. Bought, 1914 19th c. stamped calf
Rolewinck (Werner): De regimine rusticorum. 40, 209 mm. BM1209 H13728 V1040 Culemann 272. Worts Fund, 1870 Modern half morocco
Sixtus IV: Bulla ad Lucam episcopum Sibenicensem. Broadside, 285 x 397 mm. Types: 150 (line 1), 100. 46 lines, 226x 296 mm. [Papal arms] | Sixtus epifcopus feruus feruou dei. Venerabili fratri Luce Epifcopo Sibenicen. ad dilectum filium nobile | viru Maximilianu.. .Nucio Cteatod. z, ComifTario noftro... Salute z aplica | biidictione...; line 45: .. .Datu Rome apdfanctuPetrum Anno incarnationis dnice. Millefimo quadringentefimofeptuagefimonono | Tertio Idus Augufti. Pontificatus noftri Anno octauo. | Lot 5881 at Sotheby's, 17 Jan. 1891. Given by F. Jenkinson, 1906 fjpi] 124
P R I N T E R OF D I C T Y S 465 Pius II: Epistola de fortuna ad Procopium. 40, 206 mm. P976 BM1211 (IA.3303) H * i 8 7 V958 Wants the first leaf (blank) Rustat Fund, 1868 Modern half morocco
Pius II: Epistola de laude poeticae [etc.]. 40, 200 mm. P977 BM1211 H186& V964 Bethmann. Bought, 1923
467 A u g u s t i n e (St): Sermones duo de resurrectione mortuorum. 4 0 , 213 m m . P*979 BM1211 H 2089 (2) GW2922 V209 Acquired about 1868 Formerly bound (2) with nos 468, etc. Modern half morocco
Augustine (St): De spiritu et littera [etc.]. 40, 213 mm. P*98o BM1211 HF2042 GW2924 V198 Wants the first leaf (blank) Acquired about 1868 Formerly bound (1) with nos 467, 473, 470 & 469. Modern half morocco
Augustine (St): Sermo de verbis evangelicis: Non potest filius [etc.]. 40, 213 m m . P f 9 8 i H 1993* GW2918 V210 Acquired about 1868 Formerly bound (5) with nos 468, etc. Modern half morocco
[396] 0
Augustine (St): Soliloquium (Verbum mihi) [etc.]. 4 , 213 mm. Pf982 H1533 GW3021 V211 Acquired about 1868 Formerly bound (4) with nos 468, etc. Modern half morocco
A n o t h e r c o p y . 212 m m . Sir E. Sullivan. Sandars Bequest, 1894 Green morocco, by Fairbairn
Dictys, Cretensis: Historia Troiana. 40, 199 mm. P*985 BM1210 H6154 GW8324 V372 Given by H. Bradshaw, 1868 19th c. russia
473 Jerome (St): De virginitate Mariae [etc.]. 40, 212 mm. P f 9 8 6 H8575 V575 [a-c 8 ]; 24 leaves Acquired about 1868 Formerly bound (3) with nos 468, etc. Modern half morocco 125
Propositiones responsivae de observantia dominicalium dierum. 40, 201 mm. P*o88 BM1211 H 13414(1) V982 Wants leaves 3 and 4; leaves 2 and 5 duplicated (the second leaf 5 cut away) Vergauwen 1 65. Rustat Fund, 1884 Bound (1) with no. 436. Voullieme quotes a purchase note dated 19 Sept. 1470 stated to be in the Vergauwen copy of the second item (1/. V 612, cf. BM 1 203). There is no such note in this volume, which Voullie*me appears to have confused with the copy of Propositiones responsivae now in the Ghent University Library (v. Pol. 3258) 18th c. calf, uniform with no. 329 [401]
Another copy. 192 mm. Bound (2) with no. 286
Another copy. 200 m m . Gaselee38 G. Dunn. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern vellum
Rolewinck (Werner): Sermo in festo praesentationis B.V.M. 40, 217 mm. P989 BM1211 V1051 Rymenans. A. van den Bogaerde. Given by H. Bradshaw, 1868 19th c. quarter calf p
*** t 99°-
See no
- 43
Aretinus (Leonardus): De studiis et litteris [etc.], 40, 215 mm. H i 571 GW5621 V290 Heber. Given by H. Bradshaw, 1868 19th c. boards
Cicero (Marcus Tullius): De senectute. 40, 204 mm. Pf 992 [Pr. of Dares] H 5305=5307=5308 GW 6981 [Pr. of Dares] V 326 Wants [b8] Both the crossed and the open forms of P occur in this book, which is therefore here ascribed to Printer of Dictys (cf. B M i 211, IA. 3337) Bought, 1891 19th c. quarter calf [403]
Gerson (Johannes): De custodia linguae. 40, 191 mm. H7685 V472 [a 6 ]; 6 leaves Weigel. Given by H. Bradshaw, 1868 19th c. boards
Another copy. 180 m m . Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 19th c. quarter cloth
482 Gerson (Johannes): De custodia linguae. 40, 207 mm. V 473 Gaselee 39 [a6]; 6 leaves 'Cosmo Gordon.' Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern boards
483 Alexander, the Great. Historia Alexandri. 40, 212 mm. BM1210 H778 GW873 V749 Sykesni 1147. Hebervii37 19th c. diced russia
P R I N T E R OF DARES 484 Paul II: Bulk anni jubilaei. 40, 204 mm. V899 [a6]; 6 leaves A note by Jenkinson in Voullie*me states that Pf 991 and H 12480 are a different edition Bought, 1870 Sewn, with a leaf from the calendar of a missal as wrapper [409] —
*** Pf 992. See no. 479
485 Dares, Phrygius: Historia Troiana. 40, 200 mm. P*993 BM1213 H* 5957= 5958 GW7986 V360 Monogram ' E V V ' (E. V. Utterson). Given by H. Bradshaw, 1885 Green morocco, by Lewis, with arms of Utterson 486
Another copy. 201 m m . From the library of F. Jenkinson, 1923 Modern half morocco
[411 ]
487 Gerson (Johannes): De cognitione castitatis et poUutionibus diurnis [etc.]. 4°, 216 m m . Pf994 V489 [a b 8 ]; 16 leaves Bought, 1897 Modern half morocco
488 Gerson (Johannes): De remediis contra pusillanimitatem. 40, 216 mm. P*996 BM1212 H*77O6 V484 Kloss. R. B. Stewart. Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 Bound (1) with no. 490. Half calf (Kloss)
489 Gerson (Johannes): De simonia [etc.]. 40, 213 mm. P997 BM1212 H*77o8 V498 Given by H. Bradshaw, 1868 19th c. boards
Gerson (Johannes): De simonia [etc.]. Another copy. 216 mm. Wants the last leaf (blank) Bound (2) with no. 488
R o b e r t u s , de Sancto Remigio: Historia itineris contra Turcos. 4 0 , 203 m m . P998 BM1213 V1023 Inglis. Rustat Fund, 1900 Calf, circa 1800
Seneca (Lucius Annaeus): De remediis fortuitorum. 40, 206 mm. P* 999 BM1213 H* 14655 V 1070 Vergauweni 647. Rustat Fund, 1884 Wrappers
Thomas (Sf), Aquinas: De beatitudine aeternitatis. 40, 201 mm. Piooo BM1213 H1363 V1161 Bound (2) with no. 497
[41 #]
Another copy. 213 m m . A. van den Bogaerde. Given by H. Bradshaw, 1868 Bound (1) with no. 496. 19th c. half calf
Another copy. 208 m m . From the library of F. Jenkinson, 1923 Modern half morocco
T h o m a s (St), Aquinas: D e divinis moribus. 4 0 , 213 m m . P* 1001 BM 1213 V1171
Wants the last leaf (blank) Bound (2) with no. 494 497
Another copy. 201 m m . 'Philippus de Flor[...].' 'FFrum. Capucinorum Wagheuselii, 1716/ 'Barnheim' (written on upper board) Bound (1) with nos 493, 433 & 568. Contemporary wooden boards, pigskin back, with clasp; boards lined with vellum MS.
498 Jerome (St): Ordo vivendi Deo. 40, 215 mm. H*8 5 6 9 V577 [a-c8 d 6 ]; 30 leaves Wants [d3] & [d4] (leaves 27-8); [dj & [d5] duplicated Rustat Fund, 1868 Modern quarter morocco 128
COLOGNE Henricus, de Hassia: Expositio super orationem dominicam. 4 0 , 207 mm.
BM1212 H* 8390(1) V551 Quires [a b] of the BM collation 2a, line 2: oraciouem (as Voullieme) Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 Formerly bound, with no. 500. Modern half morocco
Henricus, de Hassia: Expositio super Ave Maria [etc.], 40, 207 mm.
BM1212 H* 8390 (2) V550 Quires [c d] of the BM collation Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 Formerly bound, with no. 499. Modern half morocco
P R I N T E R O F H I S T O R I A S. A L B A N I Seneca (Lucius Annaeus): De remediis fortuitorum. 40, 203 mm.
P* 1002 BM 1 214 V 1071 G. W. Moon. Bought, 1894 19th c. calf 502
A n o t h e r copy. 201 m m . Quire [r] misbound. after quire [1] Sunderland 113 3 8. Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 Bound (1) with no. 421. Red morocco (Sunderland)
Seneca (Lucius Annaeus): D e quattuor virtutibus [etc.], 4 0 , 200 m m .
P* 1003 BM 1214 V 1072 Luzarche. Rustat Fund, 1868 19th c. roan
504 Alban (St). Historia S. Albani. 40, 188 mm. P*ioo4 BM1214 GW515 V735 Bound (2) with nos 442, etc.
505 Cinus, de Pistorio: De successionibus. 40, 199 mm. P1005 BM1214 GW7049 V356 Given by H. Bradshaw, 1868 19th c. quarter cloth
506 Jerome (St): Ordo vivendi Deo. 4°, 213 mm. P*ioo6 BM1215 V578 Wrappers 507
Another copy. 196 m m . Gaselee 40 'Ex libris R. Philippi GuidaruV Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern vellum oc
[3$55] 9
508 Antoninus (St): Confessionale (Defecerunt) [etc.]. 40, 209 mm. P*ioo7 BM1215 'GW2085 V128 Wants the last leaf (blank) 'Liber fratrum Guillelmitarum prope Leodium 1589/ A. J. Horwood. Rustat Fund, 1883 18th c. calf [432]
509 Ars moriendi (Cum de praesentis exilii miseria). 40, 194 mm. P1008 BM1215 H5801 GW2597 V303 Rustat Fund, 1868 Blue morocco, by Trautz-Bauzonnet
510 Augustine (St): Sermo super orationem dominicam [etc.]. 40, 194 mm. P* 1009 BM1215 H* 1990 GW2997 V208 Rustat Fund, 1914
Modern sheep
511 Tundalus. De raptu animae Tundali. 4 0 , 207 mm. P * I O I I - BM1215 H* 15542 V748 Vergauwen 1 430, with his purchase-note 'Bruges 1840.. .Cat. Scourion N. 6075'. Rustat Fund, 1884
512 Petrus, Blesensis: De amicitia Christiana. 4 0 , 208 m m . P*ioi2 BM1216 H*324i V914 A. J. Horwood. Rustat Fund, 1883 19th c. half morocco
513 Bernard (St), ofClairvaux: De planctu Mariae. 40, 216 mm. P1015 BM1216 KF2907 GW4057 V243
Given by C. E. Sayle, 1908 Cloth
514 Bernard (St), ofClairvaux: De planctu Mariae. 40, 194 mm. H*29o6 GW4059 V240 Bound (5) with nos 855, etc.
515 Cicero (Marcus Tullius): De senectute. 40, 215 mm. P1016 BM1216 H*53O4 GW6982 V327 Rubricator's note: 'Deo gracias 1474/ Bookplate, dated 1758, with monogram T T H C (?). Bibliotheca Regia Monacensis. Lot 161 at Hodgson's, 11 Nov. 1908. Bradshaw Memorial Fund, 1908
[439] 130
J O H A N N K O E L H O F F , T H E ELDER 516 Cicero (Marcus Tullius): Rhetorica nova [etc.]. F°, 261 mm. P*4O63 [V. de Spira, Venice] B M v p . x H 5063 GW6712 V337 Quaritch's Sunderland Library label. G. W. Moon. Bought, 1891 Red morocco (Sunderland)
517 Johannes, de Segovia: Tractatus super materia contractuum [etc.]. F°, 288 mm. V639 a10 b 8 c 6 ; 24 leaves, the first blank Kloss. Acquired between 1856 and 1863 Half calf (Kloss)
518 Seneca (Lucius Annaeus): De remediis fortuitorum [etc.]. 40, 194 mm. P*ioiQ BM1217 H* 14660 V1069 Rustat Fund, 1875 Modern quarter morocco
519 Leonardus, de Utino: Sermones de sanctis. F°, 289 mm. 1473 P1021 BM1218 V742 Wants nn1 and the last (blank) leaf 'Liber Carthusiae Wesaliensis.' Given by A. G. W. Murray, 1911 Contemporary stamped calf, boards lined with vellum
520 Thomasinus, de Ferraria: Sermones quadragesimales. F°, 275 mm. 1474 P1022 BM1218 H6980 V1186 Wants leaves 1 (blank), 2 & 9 Bought, 1899 18th c. green morocco
521 Franciscus, de Platea: Opus restitutionum. F°, 283 mm. 1474 P1023 BM1218 H13037 V424 Wants the first and last leaves (blank) 'Bibliothecae J. Niesert, past, in Velen. 1816' 19th c. boards 522
Psalter: Latin.
4 0 , 190 m m .
[a-g8 h . . . ] ; incomplete, 56 leaves only (2-57). 2a: 132x 75 mm., 28 lines. Type: 95 A 2a: [ 6] Eatus vir q non abijt 1 con | filio impio^ et 1 via peccato | ru no ftetit t in kathedaa pe I ftilencie no fedit...; 9a: meis iracundis Et ab infurgentibus in me | exaltabis...; 57b, 1. 26: commutationem chaifti Benedictus diis in | eternuin fiat fiat | Given by A. G. W. Murray, 1913 19th c. stamped calf [446] 131
523 Thomas (St), Aquinas: Quaestiones de veritate. F°, 285 mm. 1475 P*iO27 BM1219 H*i4i9 V1148 Wants the last leaf (blank) 'Johannes Quattremart' (cf. H. Keussen, Die Matrikel der Universitdt Koln, 1 (1928), p. 808), with two coats of arms (Quattremart of Cologne and perhaps Cobbenrod of Westphalia). 'Biblioth: firm: Min: Recollect: Convent: Miltenberg:' H. R. Lloyd Contemporary stamped calf [447]
524 Sequentiae. Sequentiarius totius anni. 40, 213 mm. V1078 a b 8 c d10; 36 leaves, the last blank At the end in a 16th c. hand is written a sequence Dies est letitiae in ortu regali Rustat Fund, 1892 Modern half morocco
525 Spiegel. Speeghel des kersten geloven. 40, 182 mm. R1908 BC50 Wants ax (blank), q & c8 (supplied in MS.) and the last two leaves (the last blank) Culemann 590. Worts Fund, 1870 Formerly bound with no. 3578. 19th c. half vellum
526 Cyril (St), Apostle of the Slavs: Speculum sapientiae. F°, 285 mm. P*iO33 BM1221 H*59O5 GW7891 V357 Bound (2) with nos 827, etc.
527 Kannemann (Johannes): Collectio duarum passionum Christi [etc.], F° & 40, 279 mm. P 1034 BM1221 H* 5480 V 712 Kloss. G. E. Corrie. Bought, 1886 Half calf (Kloss)
528 Pius II: Epistolae familiares. F°, 264 mm. '1458' [1478] P*io37 BM1222 H*i5o V966 'Iste liber pertinet conventui Novi castri super tinam ex dono magistri doctoris danellis/ 'I. Sparke.' Quaritch's Sunderland Library label. Given by S. Sandars, 1893 17th c. calf [432]
529 Ovidius Naso (Publius): De vetula. F°, 276 mm. 24 Mar. 1479 H* 12254 V880 a _ e 8 f6. 45 leaves, the first blank Wants leaves 44-46 and the blank Syston Park. Given by S. Sandars, 1893 19th c. red morocco 132
530 Thomas, Cantipratensis: Bonum universale de proprietatibus apum. F°, 239 mm. P*iO42 BM1223 H*3644 V1178 Wants the first leaf (blank) 'Iste liber pertinet Carthusien. prope antuerpiam.' 'Egerton's sale.. .£1: is:* M. Wodhull July 4th. 1794/ Rustat Fund, 1886 17th c. calf [454]
531 Johannes, de Fonte: Fons theologiae et Sententiarum. F°, 274 mm. 11 Dec. 1479 Pfio43 V656 [a-18 m 6 ]; 94 leaves, the first blank Wants the blank Rustat Fund, 1872 Bound (1) with no. 3855. 18th c. calf
532 Boethius (A.M.T.S.): De consolatione philosophiae [etc]. F°, 286 mm. 25 May 1481 PfiO47 H*337i GW4530 V260 Wants the first and last leaves (blank) Adams Bequest, 1892 Contemporary stamped calf
533 Caesarius, Heisterbacensis: Dialogus miraculorum. F°, 295 mm. 1481 H4231 GW5881 V301 'Edward Sheffild.' MS. notes by 'Jo. N.' Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 17th c. calf 534
G u i l e l m u s , Parisiensis: Postilla. F°, 291 m m . 14 A u g . 1481 H*82 5 7 V534 a-v8 x 6 y 8 ; 174 leaves, the first blank Wants the blank 'Liber sanctae Mariae sanctique Joannis in RomersdorfF.' Bought, 1895 Cloth
535 Herolt (Johannes): Sermones discipuli de sanctis cum promptuario exemplorum et de miraculis B.V.M. F°, 292 mm. 1481 H 8483 V 566 Pol. 1893 (with variations) 278 leaves; Polain's collation omits u 8 ' W . G. Thorpe.' Adams Bequest, 1892 19th c. boards
536 Boethius (A.M.T.S.): De consolatione philosophiae [etc]. F°, 251 mm. 1482 P1052 BM1225 H3375 GW4531 V261 Gaselee4i Wants the first and last leaves (blank) Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Half calf circa 1800 133
537 Gerson (Johannes): Opera. 4 vols. F°, 285-293 mm. 24 May 1483-23 Feb. 1484 PfiO56 HF7621 V458 Vol. 1: a-f8 g 6 h-z 8 A-C 8 D 6 E 8 F 6 G H 8 I10 K4 L 8 M N 1 0 O - Q 8 R 6 S T 8 V X 6 Y Z 8 Aa-Cc 8 ; 382 leaves, the last blank. Wants the blank; without the six preliminary leaves described, by Pol. 1589 Vol. 2: A 10 B-E 8 F 6 O-I 8 K6 L M 8 N 6 O P 8 Q 1 0 R-T 8 V-Z 6 - 8 a b 8 c6 d-z 8 aa-dd 8 ee 10 ; 402 leaves, A l s A9 and the last blank. A9 cut away; wants the last blank Vol. 3: a-c 8 d10 e-0 8 p 6 q-z 8 A-S 8 ; 328 leaves Vol. 4: a-z8 A-F 8 G 10 H I8 K10 L-Z 8 Aa-Gg 8 Hh 6 ; 434 leaves, the last blank. Wants the blank In vol. 1:' Pertinet iste liber fratribus domus bte marie virginis in korssendonck Cameracensis dyocesis site in brabantia iuxta turnhout Hoc dedit Eyck frater Johannes grande volumen Mente pia nobis atque benigno animo. In facons quondam pater iste fuit venerandus Confessor clarus. iusticieque tenax Est rationis huic vices rependere fratres Pro salute viri sepe rogando deum.' Other verses to the same effect are in vol. 2 J. Hirst. Rustat Fund (in a sale at Leeds), 1891 19th c. calf
Another copy of vol. 3. 285 mm. Gaselee 42 'Hunc librum contulit fratribus sancte crucis leodien. egregius vir.. .Theodericus [de] xanctis Cathedralis leodien. et Collegiate bte Marie aquen. ecclesiarum canonicus Anno dni Millesimo. Quadringentesimo lxxxvii 0 ...' Ex libris Bibliothecae Majoris Seminarii Leodiensis. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Contemporary stamped calf on modern morocco over original boards, vellum flyleaves [3857]
539 Ars dicendi. F°. 16 Apr. 1484 P*iO57 BM1225 H* 13906 GW2563 V168 Fragments only of leaves o2_g, c\2 and others, removed from a binding Given by J. H. Middleton, 1892
540 Bernard (St), ofClairvaux: FloresdesermonibusBernardi. F°, 287 mm. 14(82] PfiO58 H2926 GW3929 V231 Wants the first leaf (blank) * Frater Joannes Mollensis Guilielmita apud Baseldonckanos Busciducis a° 1605.' Stamp, in blue: D B in a double oval. Bought, 1899 16th c. stamped pigskin, rebacked, lower board modern [461]
541 R o m e (Church of). Curia Rotnana. Formularium procuratorum et advocatorum Curiae Romanae. F°, 280 mm. P 1059 BM1 225 H 7291 V 423 Wants h 4 & h 5 (replaced by a blank sheet) 'Ad Bibliothecam Mrii. S. Mich: Arch. Bamb. O.S.B.' Bought, 1894 16th c. red leather, with clasps 134
542 Johannes, de Sancto Geminiano: Liber de exemplis. F°, 285 mm. Pfio6i H*7542 V686 I 8 2 6 a-k101-z8 A 8 B 10 C-Z 8 Aa-Mm 8 Nn 6 Oo Pp 8 ; 522 leaves, ax and the first and last blank Wants the first and last blanks 'Liber Guilelmi Foresti.' Acquired before 1700 i8thc. half calf [463]
543 Aegidius, Suchtelensis: Elegantiarum viginti praecepta. 40, 197 mm. GW277 George Soaper. Alexander Neale. Given by J. Charrington, 1936 Modern boards
544 Bonaventura (St): Opuscula. F°, 293 mm. BM1 242 (note to IB. 3946) H* 3463 (2) GW 4644 (2) V 270 (2) Bound (2) with no. 630 (q.v.)
545 Speculum exemplorum. F°, 274 mm. 28 Sept. 1485 P*io65 BM1226 H*i49i6 V213 Royal Library, 1715 17th c. calf 546
Another copy. 271 m m . Wants Y8, also the first and last leaves (both blank) Bookplate: Iste liber est Monasterij SS. Saluatoris & 5. Crucis in Polling (Warnecke 1598?). Adams Bequest, 1892 16th c. stamped pigskin [466]
547 Thomas (St), Aquinas: Quaestiones de duodecim quodlibet. F°, 281 mm. 24 Nov. 1485 P1066 BM1266 H*i4O5 V1147 Wants the last leaf (blank) Acquired before 1853 Formerly bound (3) with nos 737, etc. Modern half pigskin
548 Burley (Walter): De vita et moribus philosophorum. F°, 243 mm. BM1227 H*4H4 GW5791 V298 'Augustino Hoffman, etiam pro parentibus.' Given by H. Bradshaw, 1868 Quarter vellum, circa 1800
549 John (St), Chrysostom: Homiliae super Johannem. F°, 281 mm. i486 P*io68 BM1227 H*5O37 V644 Bound (2) with no. 550
550 John (St), Chrysostom: Homiliae super Matthaeum. F°, 281 mm. 1487 P*iO7i BM1228 H*5O35 V647 * Liber beatissime Marie In Huisborch.' *Et est emptus per Venerabilem patrem Dominum Johannem Abbatemhuius Monasterij tricesimum' (i.e.Johann Stoppel von Gosveld, d. 1505). Adams Bequest, 1892 Bound (1) with no. 549. Contemporary stamped calf, with metal clasps, corner-pieces and protecting-strips; boards lined with vellum [470]
COLOGNE 551 John (St), Chrysostom: Sermones xxv [etc.], F°, 262 mm. P*iO78 BM1228 H*5O4O V643 'Pertinet fratribus ordinis sanctae crucis in Qyck super mosam [i.e. Cuyk en St Agatha] dioc. leodien. comitatus leodien/ Bought, 1913 [471] Modern half morocco 551-5
Another copy. 288 mm. Leaf 9a illuminated Bound (2) with nos 219-5, etc.
Poeniteas cito. 4 0 , 187 mm. 20 Dec. 1489 V971 a-c 6 d 4 ; 22 leaves Given by F. Jenkinson, 1906 Modern half morocco
553 Jacobus, de Voragine: Legenda aurea [etc.], F°, 287 mm. 5 Jan. 1490 P* 1079 BM1229 H16111 V 625 Leaves 261-316 only, containing Usuardus, Martyrologium [etc.] 'Liesborn/ Given by J. Charrington, 1916 Contemporary stamped calf, boards lined with leaves from a MS. service book on vellum (circa 1200)
Rudolphus, deNovimagio: Legenda Alberti Magni. 40,174 mm. 11 Sept. 1490 P1080 BM1229 H* 11915 V1056 A fragment: leaves 2-7, 9-14 only Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Formerly bound with no. 107 (now Ee. 6. 20) in the list of Holdsworth MSS. Cloth [474]
Aegidius, Romanus: Theoremata decorpore Christi. 40,188 mm. 14 Oct. 1490 P1081 BM1229 H*i24 GW7209 V8 Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Modern quarter morocco
Another copy. 206 mm. Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf
Flores poetarum de virtutibus et vitiis. 4 0 , 186 m m . 1490 P*io82 BM1229 H* 7179=7180 V418 G. Wilbraham. Rustat Fund, 1916 Bound (1) with no. 3148. Calf, by C. Lewis
Seven Sages. Historia septem sapientum Romae. 40, 204 mm. 1490 P*io83 BM1230 H8725 V587 'Thomas Wells/ 'Hana Wells/ Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (1) with no. 3101. Modern half morocco
Aristoteles: De anima. F°, 255 mm. 28 Feb. 1491 P1084 BM1230 H* 1710=1714 GW2347 V141 Wants the last 11 leaves (Epitoma) * Gulielmus Wood meus est dominus.' Duke of Sussex (?). Heber. Stamp: J. J. H. beneath a crest (lion rampant holding a cross). Bought, 1898 19th c. calf [479]
Sinnama (Haryngus Sifridi): Expositiones titulorum utriusque juris. F°, 281 mm. 3 Dec. 1491 H* 14725 V1087 a-f6 g 8 h-k 6 1 8 m-r6-6-8 s-y6 z 8 1 6 A-F8-6 G-I 6 K2 L M 6 N-Q 8 - 6 R 8 S 10 ; 274 leaves 'Monastery B.M.V. et S. Felicitatis in N [i.e. Au] 1637/ Bought, 1937 16th c. wooden boards, backed with stamped pigskin
Nicasius, de Voerda: LecturalibriInstitutionum [etc.], F°,28o mm. 6 Apr. 1493 P1087 BM1231 11*11746 V830 'Jacobus Massie' Stamped calf by N. Spierinck (Gray, p. 53, no. 44); front board lined with a leaf from a 14th c. vocabulary on vellum
Another copy. 274 m m . Wants the last four leaves (diagrams) Bought, 1897 Wooden boards, backed with calf (circa 1600)
Pavinis (Johannes Franciscus de): Relatio circa canonizationem Bonaventurae [etc.], 4 0 , 192 m m . P1089 BM1231 11*12531 V703 Wants the last leaf (blank) Inglis. Given by S. Sandars, 1893 Bound (1) with no. 845. 19th c. diced calf
Seneca (Lucius Annaeus): De quattuor virtutibus. 40, 200 mm. P* 1091 BM1 232 H* 14624 V 1074 British Museum duplicate, transferred 1889 19th c. half morocco
565 Albertus, Magnus: Secreta mulierum et virorum. 40, 202 mm. GW760 V420 'Tho. Martin.' John Fenn, F.A.S. J. T. Frere. Bought, 1896 Bound (1) with nos 799 and 3739. 18th c. sheep
566 Breviarium Benedictinum Bursfeldense. 8°, 150 mm. GW 5178 (1) CA 366 On vellum Vergauweni 77. Given by S. Sandars, 1892 19th c. half vellum 137
Thomas (St), Aquinas: De corpore Christi [etc.], 40, 204 mm. 8 Apr. 1473 P* 1092 BM1232 H1374 V1162 Bound (2) with no. 1176
A n o t h e r copy. 201 m m . Bound (4) with nos 497, etc.
A u g u s t i n e (St): D e fide. 4 0 , 205 m m . 23 J u n e 1473 Pfio93 H*2O45 GW2953 V196 Rymenans. Vergauweni 152. Rustat Fund, 1884 19th c. boards
Bernard (St), ofClairvaux: Homiliae super Missus est Gabriel. 40, 209 mm. P*K>95 BM1233 HF2863 GW3932 V236 Kloss. Vergauweni 187. Rustat Fund, 1884 Half calf (Kloss)
Dialogus inter clericum et militem [etc.], 40, 192 mm. P1096 BM1233 H * 6 m Bound (2) with no. 934
GW8261 V377 [490]
Gerson (Johannes): De laude scriptorum. 40, 213 mm. P*K>97 BM1233 H*7688 V492 'Edm. Blumenberg/ Rustat Fund, 1868 Modern half morocco
[491 ]
Seven Sages. Historia septem sapientum Romae. 40, 200 mm. P1098 BM1232 1**8722 V586 Wants leaf 49 Kloss. Wolters. Borluut de Noortdonck. Vergauweni 1104. Rustat Fund, 1884 Half calf (Kloss)
A n o t h e r c o p y . 200 m m . Gaselee 43 Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Polished calf, by Riviere
Another copy. 201 mm. Wants leaves 5, 71 and (blank) 72 From the library of F. Jenkinson, 1923 Modern half morocco 138
Another copy. 188 m m . Mutilated, the middle of all the leaves except a few at the beginning and the end having been cut out to form a cavity [494] Bound (4) with nos 442, etc.
Innocent III: De miseria humanae conditionis [etc.], 4 0 , 204-208 m m . P* 1099 BM1 233 H* iO2ii + *i59O9 V 632 The second piece (Vita Udonis) has been inserted from another copy; wants the last leaf (blank) Bibliotheca Regia Monacensis. Rustat Fund, 1895 & 1896 Cloth [495]
Nider (Johannes): Consolatorium timoratae conscientiae. 4 0 , 196 m m . P f n o o H * n 8 o 8 V847 [a-s 8 1 4 ]; 148 leaves, the last blank Wants the blank Kloss. Given by H. Bradshaw, 1868 Bound (1) with no. 622. 18th c. mottled calf
579 John (St), Chrysostom: Sermo super quinquagesimum psalmum Miserere. 4°, 214 m m . BM 1234 H* 5030 V 650 Collation differs from BM: [a-c8 d 6 ]; 30 leaves, the last blank. The space referred to in the BM description occurs on 24b ia: . . .Crifoftiini (cf. Voullie'me's note) Given by H. Bradshaw, 1868 19th c. diced russia [497] 580
Another copy. 203 m m . Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 Modern half morocco
Pamphilus: Querimonia de amore. 4 0 , 194 m m . V883 [a b 8 ]; 16 leaves Bought, 1891 Modern boards
582 Jacobus, de Theratno: Belial. F°, 283 m m . P 1107 (and Supplement for 1900, p. 14) BM 1 233 V 616 Rustat Fund, 1868 Russia, by Bedford 583
Another copy. 286 m m . Gaselee 44 Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Quarter calf, circa 1800
[3^59] 139
P R I N T E R OF FLORES S. A U G U S T I N I 584 Dialogi decem. F°, 261 mm. 1473 P * n o i BM1235 H*6io7 V869 Vergauweni 318. Rustat Fund, 1884 19th c. diced russia
Another copy. 277 mm. Acton Library, 1902 19th c. boards
586 Augustine (St): Flores ex libris De civitate Dei extracti per Franciscum de Mayronis. F°, 280 mm. P1102 BM1235 V184 Wants the last leaf (blank) Rustat Fund, 1868 Modern half pigskin
Another copy. 287 mm. De Meyer 93. Vergauweni 162. Lot 308 at Puttick's, 17 Dec. 1891. From the library of F.Jenkinson, 1923 19th c. half calf [504]
588 Gesta Romanorum. F°, 280 mm. P * n o 3 BM1235 H7738 V501 Inglis. 'This book belongs to Mr Inglis and is to be returned to him. F. D[ouce].' G. Dunn. Bought, 1914 17th c. vellum [505]
589 Boccaccio (Giovanni): Genealogiae deorum gentilium. F°, 281 mm. P * n o 4 BM1234 H3317 GW4480 V258 'Iste libellus Johanni Wymarke constat.' 'Roger Maye mors Christi vita mea est.' 'Tho. Brett, lib. Coll. Regin. Cant. 1687/ Rev. W. Shepherd. J. E. Hodgkin (v. his Rariora (London, 1902), vol. 11, p. 98). Rustat Fund, 1914 Contemporary stamped calf, rebacked, with clasps [5°6]
590 Bartholomaeus, Anglicus: De proprietatibus rerum. F°, 395 mm. P*iiO5 BM1234 H*2498 GW3403 V218 Duff39 Wants the last leaf (blank) At the beginning, on nine leaves, part of a MS. index, in a contemporary hand. 'J. Niesert pastor, in Velen. 1815/ Given by H. Bradshaw, 1868 Contemporary stamped calf, rebacked [5°7] 591
Another copy. 390 m m . 'Ex libris magistri Joannis durand Curati de Genelayo.' 'Habui ab heredibus mgri Odonis macheto Decani/ 'Papillon.' Adams Bequest, 1892 Modern half pigskin [5°8] %*
p II0
See n o
- 582 140
NICOLAUS GOTZ 592 Ludolphus, de Saxonia: Vita Christi. 2 vols. F°, 366-9 mm. 30 Apr. 1474 P1108 BM1238 H*io29i V760 Wants the first leaf (blank), also the last three leaves, the table being printed, at the end. of vol. 1 (leaves 236b, 237 & 238) instead; cf. BM note Second colophon as in Hain and Voullieme SystonPark. Bought, 1885 (?) 18th c. red morocco; some of the leaves fastened in with pieces of a Bulla indulgentiarum printed by Ulrich Zel [509]
Another copy of vol. 1. 393 mm. Wants leaves 1, 237 & 238 (presumably all blank as in this copy 236b is blank) 'Sum ecclesiae S. Pauli.' Culemann 503. Worts Fund, 1870 19th c. stamped calf; fragments of MS. inserted inside covers (will of Gerardus Sper of Cologne {circa 1500), and 14th c. canon law) [310]
594 Rolewinck (Werner): Fasciculus temporum. F°, 185 mm. P*no9 BM1238 H6917 V1027 Wants, of the BM collation, leaves 1-36 (table), 38, 66 and 174 (the last, blank) Bookplate: Torcular calcavi solus (J. P. Madden). Bought (lot 292 at Sotheby's), 20 Mar. 1894 19th c. calf [311]
595 Milis (Johannes Nicolaus de): Repertorium juris. F°, 272 mm. 1475 BM1238 H11153 V800 Wants the first leaf (blank) Given by H. Bradshaw, 1870 19th c. boards
596 Beham (Lazarus): Kalendarii duo [etc.]. 40, 212 mm. P 1110 BM1238 £1*9728 GW 3766 V225 Bradshaw, Collected papers, pp. 244-6 'Collegii S. Petri junioris Argf.' Bibliotheca Regia Monacensis. Given by H. Bradshaw, 1868 Modern citron morocco
597 Bible: Latin. 2 vols. F°, 280-87 mm. 9 May 1480 P f u i 3 GW4244 V255 Vol. 1 wants the first and last leaves (blank). 'Pertinet fratribus see. Crucis in Embrica ex donacione dni. Arnoldi then collick pastoris in monte.' 'Crucigeri Embricenses.' Vol. 2 wants the first and last leaves (blank). '1612... Samuel Parry.' Vols 1 & 2: Cornelius Paine. Rustat Fund, 1891 Vol. 1 contemporary stamped calf, vol. 2 16th c. stamped calf; uniformly rebacked [515]
598 Albertus, Magnus: Secreta mulierum et virorum. 40, 213 mm. P * n i 4 BM1239 GW719 V44 Rustat Fund, 1868 Russia, by Bedford
[516] 141
599 Bernard (St), of Clairvaux: De planctu B.V.M. 40, 201 mm. P * m 6 BM1239 GW4060 V244 Bought, 1897 Modern half morocco
600 Bible: Latin. F°, 290 mm. P * n i 7 BM1239 HF3042 GW4235 V253 Vol. 1, quires [a]-[ii] (of the BM collation), only. Wants [ a ^ ] , [k 10 ], [z 6>8 ], [cc7], [ee 6 7 ], [ffi,2,6,9]> [#2,9] supplied in MS. The first twelve leaves of the Psalms from another edition (probably V 252) bound in at the end (v. no. 602) 'J. Girton' in red, by the same hand as the rubrication. Ashburnham Contemporary soft white leather on wooden boards [ii£] 601
B i b l e : Latin.
2 vols. F°, 293-5 m m .
P f n i 8 H*3O46 GW4229(Anm.) V251 Wants, of the GW collation, [ax] (blank), [o 8 ], [H 3 ], [P-R 10 ], [ S j , [aa 5j6 ], [mm 6 ], [yy 10 ], [zz10] and [CC8] (blank) With the first leaf of quire [x] blank and uncancelled, making [x10] (not [x9] as GW). Quire [E] duplicated ' Conventus p.p. Crucigerorum in Dulcken.' Bought, 1921 19th c. half calf [519] 602
B i b l e : Latin.
F°, 265 m m .
P f n i 9 GW4230 V252 Vol. 2, quires [O]-[AA] of the GW collation, only. Wants the last leaf (blank?). Leaves 1-12 of the Psalms, probably from this edition, are bound with no. 600 Culemann 1812. Worts Fund, 1870 19th c. stamped calf [520]
603 Gerson (Johannes): Collectorium super Magnificat. F°, 282 mm.
P1121 BM1239 H*77i6 V460 Wants the last leaf (blank) Bought, 1870 19th c. forrel
Another copy. 285 m m . Kloss. Horwood. Rustat Fund, 1883 Half calf (Kloss)
Henricus, de Vrimaria: Praeceptorium [etc.]. F°, 281 m m . P f l I 2 2 V555 [a10 b 8 c-g 10 h 8 i10 k 8 ]; 94 leaves, the last blank Wants the blank Kloss. 'Liber Georg. W. Dasent ex Aul. Magd. Oxon. 1837/ Bought, 1897 Half calf (Kloss) 142
606 Modus legendi abbreviaturas in utroque jure. F°, 281 mm. P f l I 2 3 V8I2 [a-d 10 ]; 40 leaves G. Dunn. Given by the Rev. H. F. Hamilton, 1917 Modern brown morocco
607 Petrus, Damascenus: De laudibus ac festis Mariae alias Marionale. F°, 284 mm. P f i i 2 5 H*59i8 V916 [a-f10 g 8 ]; 68 leaves, the first blank 'Biblioth. J. Niesert pastoris in Velen 1815/ Culemann 508. Worts Fund, 1870 Wrappers 608
A n o t h e r c o p y . 276 m m . Wants leaves 25 and 27 From the library of H. Bradshaw, presented by his friends, 1887 19th c. boards
609 Albertus, Magnus: Compendium theologicae veritatis. F°, 288 mm, H*433 GW598 V38 147b (end): virgis (v. GW Anm.) Bound (2) with no. 116
610 Dialogus inter clericum et militem [etc.], 40, 184 mm. GW8262 V379 Royal Library, 1715 Modern half morocco
611 Statuta provincialia Concilii Treverensis. 40, 203 mm. V 1095 (from an imperfect copy)
[a-g8 h i 6 ]; 68 leaves, the first blank 2a: Incipiut ftatuta prouincialia | Concilij Treuern. dm Baldeui | ni Archiepi Treuerii. | N dei nomine Ame. Ilia fut ftatuta falubria | prouincial concilij Treuerii. edita folemniter | per Reuerendu in xpo pre^ et dnm. diim Bal | deuinu...; 9a: De poacone... (as Voullieme); 66a, 1. 5: Anno dni. Millefimotricerefimo... (as Voullieme); 68a, 1. 28: De notarijs et tabellionib9. cxxj | Bethmann. Bought, 1923 18th c. vellum, taken from another volume and re-used [520]
P R I N T E R OF A L B E R T U S M A G N U S DE V I R T U T I B U S (JOHANNES SOLIDI) 612 Leonardus, de Utino: Sermones de sanctis. F°, 284 mm, P 1127 BM1 237 H* 16127 V 743 At the beginning is bound a MS. index on 14 leaves, ending: 'Completum est huiusmodi opus per manus fratris Tilmanni feria quinta ipso die CaHxti papae Anno dni Millesimo quingentesimo primo' (v. Hartzheim, Bibliotheca Coloniensis (1747), s.v. Tilhnannus de Bonna). Bought, 1818 19th c. stamped calf [53°] 143
613 Leonardus, de Utino: Sermones de sanctis. Another copy. 278 mm. 'Hunc librum sermonum emimus ab impressore de maguncia anno dni Millesimo. cccclxxv0 pretio duorum francorum.' 'Ex Bibliotheca Conuentus S Crucis. Parisiensis 1624/ Rustat Fund, 1868 Olive morocco, circa 1800 [531]
614 Albertus, Magnus: De virtutibus. F°, 292 mm. P1128 BM1236 H*476 GW703 V55 J. Gomez de la Cortina, marques de Morante. Charles Butler. Given by C. ThomasStanford, 1916 Russia, with Morante book-stamp [532]
615 Magni (Jacobus): Sophologium. F°, 252 mm. P1129 BM1236 H* 10470 V615 Wants the last leaf (blank) ' Iste liber est Johannis Kistner' Wrappers (16th and 18th c. printed leaves) 616
A n o t h e r copy. 288 m m . Wants the last leaf (blank) Rubricated in 1482 'Michael Semler dns est libri huius.' 'Marcus Rogerhou.' 'Beatae Mariae in Gars.' 'lam ad Conuentum Seemanshusanum.' Howell Wills. Bought, 1894 Contemporary boards, backed with stamped pigskin; spine painted white (cf. no. 136) [534]
A n o t h e r copy. 277 m m . Gaselee 45 Wants the last leaf (blank) 'A. J. Horwood, Temple.' Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern calf
618 Turrecremata (Johannes de): Meditationes. F°, 279 mm. P*ii3i BM1237 11*15721 V687 Vellum (from a music MS., dyed blue) 619
P i u s I I : D e d u o b u s amantibus [etc.]. F°, 230 m m . BM1236 H*2i7 V945 Oval stamp, in red: Nagy Istvdn Gyujtemenye
Modern vellum 620
Seneca (Lucius Annaeus): D e remediis fortuitorum. 4 0 , 190 mm. P 8727 [Vienne] BM1 237 Varies from the BM copy: the letters MIS are not present after the colophon, but there are three blank impressions of reversed type evenly spaced along the last line of the type-page G. Dunn. Bought, 1917 Modern red morocco [537] 144
*** P 1133. Reattributed to Brussels. See nos 3840-43
GOISWIN GOPS 621 Dialogus inter clericum et militem [etc.]. 40, 200 mm. 1475 P1135 BM1240 H6117 GW8264 V380 'Payne. £2. 2s. M. Wodhull May 9th 1810/ Bought, 1886 Diced russia, perhaps by R. Payne, though attributed to Mrs Weir in the Severne catalogue (no. 1825) [538]
Part of another copy. 196 mm. Leaves 14-16 (Compendium de vita Antichristi) only Bound (2) with no. S78 578
623 Thomas, Cantipratensis: Bonum universale de proprietatibus apum. F°, 280 m m . V 1177 [Pr. of Augustinus Dejide?] [a-n10 o p 8 q10 r 8 ]; 164 leaves, the first and last blank 20 lines of type measure 106 mm., but the paragraph mark is used as S and the book is therefore here attributed to Gops Wants the blanks 'Fr. dns iohannes te vorwercke dedit obseruantibus' (of Dorsten; cf. no. 1071 and v. H. Boersting, Inventar des Bischoflichen Diozesanarchivs in Mtinster (1937), p. 171). Inglis. Rustat Fund, 1900 The title-page from a copy of Pieter van Os's edition (P 9131) is bound in at the beginning Diced calf, by J. Faulkner [54°]
B A R T H O L O M A E U S DE U N K E L 624 Gregory I: Homiliae super evangeliis [etc.], F°, 290 mm. 9 Dec. 1475 P 1136 BM1240 H 7947 (1) V 507 Bound (3) with nos 629, etc,
625 Guido, de Monte Rocherii: Manipulus curatorum [etc.]. F°, 290 mm. 6 Apr. 1476 H 8175+7399 V514 [a-m 1 0 no 8 ]; 136 leaves Bound (2) with nos 629, etc.
626 Berchorius (Petrus): Liber Bibliae moralis. F°, 284 mm. 17 Mar. 1477 P * i i 3 7 BM1241 H*2797 GW3865 V226 Wants leaf 426 (the last, blank) and part of 425 *Bibliothecae FF. Minorum in Tongris.' Given by F. Jenkinson, 1891 Modern half pigskin oc
[543] 10
627 Keyerslach (Petrus): Passio Christi. 40, 201 mm. 20 Dec. 1477 H5481 V713 [a-g8 h i 6 ]; 68 leaves, the first blank Wants the blank Bought, 1897 Modern half morocco 628
L e o I : Sermones. F°, 284 m m . P1138 BM1241 H 7947 (2) V739 Wants the last leaf (blank) 'Liber sanctorum martirum Cosme Damiani et Symeonis prophete In Leysborn Ordinis sancti benedicti monasteriensis diocesis.' Given by G. Dunn, 1909 Contemporary stamped calf, boards lined with leaves of a MS. service book on vellum (12th c.) [545]
A n o t h e r c o p y . 290 m m . Wants the last leaf (blank) G. Dunn. Given by J. H. F. McEwen, 1917 Bound (1) with nos 625 and 624. Contemporary stamped calf, boards lined with blank vellum [346]
630 Bonaventura (St): Opuscula. F°, 293 mm. 28 June 1484 P 1143 BM1 242 H* 3463 (1) GW 4644 (1) V 270 (1) Wants ax (blank or general title), G6 and bb 6 (both blank) Royal Library, 1715 Bound (1) with no. 544 (the complementary volume printed by KoelhofF, who took over this edition by Unkel and issued the two together with a general title printed on the first blank page). 18th c. half calf [547]
631 Augustine (St): De disciplina Christiana. 40, 208 mm. P* 1144 BM 1 242 H* 1963 GW 2901 (Anm.) V 193 = 194 ' [.. .]hat [...] Lorenz Brave StadRichter zu Camburg mir ver[.. .]t Den 18 Febr. [.. .]90. Nathanael Mylius Kap. & Adj. Camb.' 'Christianus Gotthelf Schmeiser Altenburgensis Rector scholae Orlamundanae ibidem Diaconus Pastor Neositrensis vixit tempore tristissimo belli contra Francogallos et contra Napoleonem. 1815 scripsit' Cloth [548] 632
A n o t h e r c o p y . 206 m m . Bound (2) with nos 644, etc.
633 Augustine (St): De moribus ecclesiae. 40, 206 mm. P*ii45 BM1242 H*2io8 GW2914 V204 Bound (3) with nos 644, etc.
634 Augustine (St): De vita Christiana [etc.]. 40, 203 mm. P*ii46 BM1242 11*2097 GW3044 V202 Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Formerly bound (4) with nos 3901, etc. Modern half morocco 146
Another copy. 207 m m . Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (1) with no. 3345. Cloth
Another copy. 206 m m . Wants leaf C 3 Bound (4) with nos 644, etc.
Flores poetarum de virtutibus et vitiis. 40 , 180 mm. P1147 BM1243 H7176 V417 Wants i 8 and the last leaf (blank) Bought, 1894 Modern half morocco
638 Gregory I : Dialogi. 4 0 , 195 mm. P*H48 BM1243 H*7962 V506 Wants leaf t 7 (blank) Bound (2) with nos 658, etc.
639 Jerome (St): De viris illustribus [etc.], 40, 196 mm. P f i i 4 9 H*8582 V576 a-k 8 ; 80 leaves, the first and last blank Wants the first blank Rustat Fund, 1869 18th c. calf
640 Rolewinck (Werner): De regimine rusticorum. 40, 200 mm. P*ii5o BM1244 H13727 V1041 Wants the first and last leaves (blank) Syston Park 1141. Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 19th c. red morocco
641 Nider (Johannes): Manuale confessorum. 40, 211 mm. P*ii53 BM1244 H*n836 V852 J. Meade Falkner. Bought, 1933 Olive morocco, by Lortic
642 Maximilian (St). Vita ac legenda sancti Maximiliani. 40, 198 mm. P1156 BM1243 V1248 Culemann 392. Worts Fund, 1870
643 Jacobus, de Voragine: Tractatus super libros sancti Augustini. 4 0 , 206 mm. P1157 BM1242 V630 Wants the first leaf (blank) Bound (5) with nos 644, etc.
[559] 147
I0 2
644 Augustine (St): De doctrina Christiana. 40, 206 mm. H*I958 GW2902 V195 John Broadley. 'Presented to the Malta Protestant College by Fredk. Sargent January 1851/ Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 Bound (1) with nos 632, 633, 636 & 643. 19th c. blue morocco [560]
645 Guilelmus, Saphonensis: Modus conficiendi epistolas. 40, 197 mm. V541 A B 8 ; 16 leaves, the first and last blank Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (10) with nos 3889, etc. Modern half morocco
646 Gerson (Johannes): Opus tripartitum. 40, 209 mm. f-i 8 ; 32 leaves, the first and (presumably) the last blank. 3a: 137x82 mm., 27 lines. Type: 103 2a: Incipit opufculum tripartitum de precep* | tis decalogi De confeffione z de arte moden | di. per eximium facre theologie profeffo^e^ | Magiftrum iohanem gerfon alme vniuer* | fitatis parifien6 Cancellarium. | [ 4 ] Riftiaitati fuus qualifcuep zelator | pfperu ad virtutes vicijs depul6 I increments ; 31a, 1. 22: Explicit opufculu trigtitum de preceptis | decalogi. De cofeflione et de arte modedi | Editu g eximiu facre theologie pfeffoze | Magiftru Iohem gerfon alme vniufita | tis parisieii Cancellarium. | Wants ij (supplied in MS.) and the last leaf Quires a-e presumably contained Gerson, Conclusiones de diversis materiis moralihus (perhaps Polain 1601; cf. Voulli&ne 463 ^f) Rustat Fund, 1868 Wrappers
PRINTER OF THE SARUM BREVIARY 647 Breviarium ad usum Sarum. 40, 195 mm. P f i i 5 8 GW 5445 [Low Countries?] Duff60 A fragment (four leaves) taken from the binding of no. 3058
Another fragment. 205 mm. One leaf ' Churchill Babington' CONRAD WINTERS
649 Rolewinck (Werner): Fasciculus temporum. F°, 353 mm. 8 Nov. 1476 P f n 6 o H*69io V1028 [*8 a-e10 f g 8 ]; 74 leaves, 9, 73 & 74 blank Wants the last blank 'Petrus Vergheile est pres Huius Libri.' 'franciscus van paemel gendt den 26 Junius 1768.' *E. Daltyn.' De Meyer 490. Rustat Fund, 1869 Old vellum [565] 148
650 Jacobus, de Voragine: Legenda aurea. F°, 292 mm. 8 Nov. 1476 P f n 6 i V617 [a-e10 f-i8 k-z 10 A-F 10 G8 H I10 K6 L8 M 10 N O 8 P 10 Q 1 2 ]; 372 leaves, the first blank 'Iste liber pertinet sororibus in hoesden/ 'J. F. Doedes/ Bought, 1898 19th c. calf, the original vellumflyleavespreserved (ecclesiastical legal document, circa 1500) [566] 651
B i b l e : Latin.
F°, 374 m m . 20 Sept. 1479
P*n65 BM1247 H*3O7i GW4240 V254 Wants the last leaf *a° 1636. henrico robinsono.' 'Thomas Farmer me possidet.' Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf
652 Harentals (Petrus de): Expositio psalterii. F°, 277 mm. 10 Aug. 1480 P * n 6 7 BM1248 H8364 V918 Wants the first leaf (blank) MS. note, dated 1522, referring to 'le chapelle de notre dame de Cambron*. 'Sum Giberti Lovens 1674 no. 378.' Van de Velde. Manistre Fund, 1833 19th c. half calf [568]
Another copy. 283 mm. Gaselee 46 Wants the first leaf (blank) 'biblioth. floremensis.' L. W. Hodson. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Contemporary stamped calf, rebacked; boards lined with vellum MS. circa 1300
654 Nider (Johannes): Sermones. F°, 266mm. 31 Aug. 1480 P1168 BM1248 H * n 8 o 4 V861 Wants the first and last leaves (blank) P. P. C. Lammens. De Meyer 123. Rustat Fund, 1869 Sheep, circa 1800
655 Jacobus, de Voragine: Legenda aurea. F°, 283 mm. 1480 BM1248 V620 Wants a10 and (supplied in contemporary MS.) Px and P 6 'Ex dono domini Ricardi fflecher quondam pauper in domo sancti Trinitatis Testis Johannes Burtun.' H. J. Moule. A. C. Moule. Bought, 1919 Contemporary stamped calf, boards lined with blank vellum [57°]
656 Jacobus, de Voragine: Legenda aurea. F°, 284 mm. 1481 P*ii7o BM1249 V621 2a, 1. 2: preditatoif (as BM) 'John Glover' Contemporary stamped calf, rebacked 149
657 Missale Coloniense. F°, 393 mm. 9 Apr. 1481 V801 [a10 b-p 8 q 6 r 8 s 6 1 1 0 u8+* x-z 8 A-H 8 1 6 K-P 8 Q 6 ]; 309 leaves, the first and last blank. The inserted leaf in quire u is the fourth Wants the last blank 'Liber Monasterii Sancti Martini Maioris in Colonia Ordinis Sti Benedicti.' Culemann 519. Worts Fund, 1870 Contemporary stamped calf, rebacked [572]
658 Gregory I: Pastorale. 40, 195 mm. 1482 P1172 BM1249 HF7985 V510 'Johafi Vam Loe Psbr.' 'Pro Conuentu Frm Minorum de obseruantia In Dursten.' Given b y j . Charrington, 1916 Bound (1) with nos 638 & 4221. Contemporary stamped calf, rebacked [573]
659 Bible: Latin. F°, 299 mm. P f i i 7 3 H3039 GW4214 V249 Quires [a]- [11] only of the GW collation, but bound up in a different order 'Pertinet Domui Carthusien. Castrimarie prope Dulmaniam.' 'Biblia haec est ad usum fratris Hermanni De Affelen Ex donatione fratris Gerardi Velen cum Licentia Prioris Anno post Christianum Natalem 1553/ Ashburnham 439. Bought, 1897 Copiously annotated, in a contemporary hand, in the margins and on slips of paper which have been bound into the book Dulmen binding (stamps include Goldschmidt, pi. cv, no. 165); boards lined with vellum MS. (canon law, 14th c.) [574] 660
Part o f another c o p y . 311 m m . Quires [O]-[BB] only of the GW collation 'Petrus Caerolus est nomen meum/ Rustat Fund, 1870 Contemporary stamped calf, boards lined and quires guarded with blank vellum
P e t r u s , Comestor: Historia scholastica. F°, 294 m m . P 1176 BM1247 H* 5530 V 915 Wants leaf 102 (blank) 'Petrus Trecensis presbr. Gard toi Bon Cuer. Agant Bona.' 'Liber M. Hugonis ffraunce.' Heber. Worts Fund, 1835 19th c. stamped calf [57$]
A n o t h e r c o p y . 294 m m . 'Bibliothecae Baij.' 'J. F. Van de Velde.' De Meyer 5. Rustat Fund, 1869 Contemporary ruled calf, boards lined with blank vellum
663 Jacobus, de Voragine: Sermones de sanctis. F°, 356 mm. P f n 8 4 V628 [a b 1 0 c-y6-10-8-10 z6 A 1 0 ]; 206 leaves, the last blank Wants the blank Contemporary stamped calf, rebacked 150
Another copy. 3 80 mm. Wants the blank * Thomas Windesor 1622 Virtus vera nobilitas.' Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf
66$ Burley (Walter): De vita et moribus philosophorum. 8°, 185 mm. P1186 BM1246 H4121 GW5782 V297 * Erasmus Webbe me possidet.. .1570.' Acquired before 1700 i8thc. half calf
Another copy. 187 mm. Wants leaves 1-14 (table) Sunderland 2139. *R. R. H[utton]/ From the library of F. Jenkinson, 1923 Old vellum
667 Nider (Johannes): Manuale confessorum. 8°, 203 mm. H * n 8 4 i V851 a-d8 e6 f g 8 h 6 i k 8 ; 76 leaves, the first blank * Codex monasterii Beatae Mariae ad Martyres super littus mosellae [at Trier] Ordinis Sancti Benedicti...' Culemann 6oo2»3. Worts Fund, 1870 Bound (1) with no. 671, in a volume which formerly contained no. 3 87 as well. Contemporary [5^2] ruled calf, rebacked; boards lined with music MS. on vellum (circa 1500) 668
A n o t h e r c o p y . 200 m m . Wants the first two leaves 'Monasterii Ottoburani A0 1622/ Lot 1478 at Sotheby's, 27 July 1891. From the library of F. Jenkinson, 1923 Vellum, from a music MS., dyed black
669 Pharetra doctorum et philosophorum. F°, 383 mm. BM1 247 H* 12907 V 938 Wants the last leaf (blank) * Liber Canonicorum Regularium Ord. Diui Augustini in Bodeken.' Kloss. 'Daniel Talcott Smith 1837/ Rustat Fund (lot 396 at Sotheby's), 25 July 1900 Half calf (Kloss) [584] 670
P s a l t e r : Latin.
8°, 129 m m .
V986 a-u8 x 10 ; 170 leaves, the first blank 'Cartusiae Buxheim.' Stamp, in blue, of F[ritz] H[asselmann] (F. Lugt, Les marques de collections de dessins & d'estampes.. .Amsterdam, 1921, no. 1012)
Contemporary stamped binding of Hmp calf, with flap and clasp
671 Nider (Johannes): De morali lepra. 8°, 203 mm. P*n89 BM1246 H*n8i7 V867 Bound (2) with no. 667
672 Regimen sanitatis Salernitanum [etc.]. 40, 206 mm. BM1250 H13751 V1002 Wants the first and last leaves (blank) Culemann 431. Worts Fund, 1870 19th c. stamped calf
673 Homiliarius doctorum. 2 vols. F°, 282 mm. P 1192 BM1 250 (vol. 2 only) H 8789 V 901 Vol. 1: [a-u10 x-z 8 A B 10 C D 6 ]; 256 leaves 'Anno.. .MCCCCCXXI0 dns gerhardus doliatoris de Metelen Vicarius veteris ecclesie S. pauli Monasterien. Carthusien. In Wedderden donauit.' G. E. Corrie. Bought, 1886 Uniform Dulmen bindings of stamped calf; stamps include initials H and G (Weale R 630). Boards of vol. 1 lined with blank vellum, boards of vol. 2 with pieces of the MS. used in binding nos 132 & 432 [588]
674 Johannes, de Verdena: Sermones Dormi secure. F°, 291 mm. V697 a-p 8 q r 6 s t 8 ; 148 leaves, the first and last blank 'Ad Insulam Inferiorem firm Canonicorum Regularium' (i.e. Niederwerth, near Coblenz). 'ffrum Min. Cap. Confluent, in Valle' (i.e. Coblenz). Kloss. G. E. Corrie. Bought, 1886 Half calf (Kloss) [589]
675 Piro (Henricus de): Super Institutiones. F°, 291 mm. H*4oi4 V553 a-18 m 6 n o 8 p 6 q16 r 8 s-v6 x-z 8 A-D 8 E 6 F 4 ; 224 leaves Culemann 447. Worts Fund, 1870 Original boards, re-covered with 19th c. stamped calf; lined with a MS. brief on vellum from Marcus Barbus, Cardinal of St Mark, relating to the Bernardines of Aschersleben in the diocese of Halberstadt, written in the pontificate of Sixtus IV [59°]
Rampegollis (Antonius de): Biblia aurea. F°, 271 mm. P 1197 BM 1 251 H* 13677 V 1000 Wants the first leaf (blank) 'J. Messyen.' 'Johannes vbuest alias vessem/ 'Jorgius Halle/ Borluut de Noortdonck. L. Vaerman, Bruxelles. Rustat Fund, 1895 19th c. calf [591]
A n o t h e r c o p y . 272 m m . 'Ex legato dni Henrici Flessers pertinet liber iste monasterio passionis Christi in opido tungren...' Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 19th c. half calf [3862]
678 Jerome (St): Vitas patrum. F°, 293 mm. P1198 BM1251 H ' 8 5 8 6 ' [ = 85896/5] V1254 Gaselee47 Wants the first and last leaves (blank), and leaf 10 Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern half morocco 152
679 Guido, de Monte Rocherii: Manipulus curatorum. F°, 290 mm. P1199 BM1251 V518 Wants the first leaf (blank) Culemann 363. Worts Fund, 1870 Contemporary stamped calf 680
Donatus (Aelius): De octo partibus orationis. 4 0 , 121 x 91 m m . GW 8836 On vellum. Fragments of two leaves only (11, lines 11-27, and 12, lines 1-19)
P E T R U S I N ALTIS (BERGMANN?), D E OLPE 681 Michael, de Dalen: Casus summarii decretalium. F°, 281 mm. 18. Dec. 1476 H*4657 V788 [a-e10 f12 g 8 h-1 10 fn-o 8 ]; 134 leaves, the first blank Formerly 'liber fratrum minorum conuentus Embricensis', according to a MS. note by J. Baart de la Faille, who had the book rebound. Rustat Fund, 1872 19th c. half cloth [593] 682
C o r d i a l e q u a t t u o r n o v i s s i m o r u m . F°, 290 m m . 6 O c t . 1477 Pf 1201- H5700 GW7473 V449 Culemann 652. Worts Fund, 1870 Unbound
683 Turrecremata (Johannes de): Quaestiones evangeliorum de tempore et de sanctis. F°, 284 mm. 23 Aug. 1478 P* 1233 [Pr. of 1478 Turrecremata] BM1 252 H 15710 V 689 'BibliothecaeBlanckenb.' Bought, 1897 Contemporary stamped calf, including lozenge stamp of a warrior with shield and scimitar [595]
684 Caracciolus (Robertus): Sermones de timore judiciorum Dei [etc.]. F° 270 m m . 1478 Pf 1234 [Pr. of 1478 Turrecremata] H 4468 GW 6111 V 309 Wants leaves 68, 69, 116 & 117, also the first and last leaves (blank) Bookplate: Torcular calcavisolus (].P.Madden). Bought (Iot287at Sotheby's), 20 Mar. 1894 [59&] Modern half pigskin
JOHANN GULDENSCHAFF 685 Johannes, de Hildesheim: Historia trium regum [etc.]. F°, 277 mm. 1477 P1204 BM1253 11*9395 V678 Culemann 498. Worts Fund, 1870 19th c. calf
Statuta ecclesiae Coloniensis. F°, 270 mm. 18 Apr. 1478 P 1205 BM1254 H15026 V1096 Wants the first leaf (blank) 'Nemeitz.' From the library of H. Bradshaw, presented by his friends, 1887 19th c. boards
Keyerslach (Petrus): Passio Christi. 40, 197 mm. 1479 P 1207 BM 1254 V 714 Bound (2) with no. 251
[599] 0
Rudolphus, de Novitnagio: Legenda Alberti Magni. 4 , 205 mm. P1209 BM1255 V936 Kloss. Rev. W. J. Thomas. Bought, 1891 Half calf (Kloss)
Harentals (Petrus de): Expositio psalterii. F°, 283 mm. 1 Mar. 1483 H8365 V919 a-z 8 1 8 98 A-Z 8 zt8 9910; 402 leaves * Liber Henrici de Stypel pastoris in Wrythuysen.' Adams Bequest, 1892 Original boards, re-covered with 19th c. stamped calf, lined with blank vellum
Another copy. 196 mm. Cornelius Paine. From the library of F. Jenkinson, 1923 Purple morocco, by Mackenzie
Parentinis (Bernardus de): Expositio missae. F°, 268 mm. 13 May 1484 P* 1210 BM 1257 H* 12419 V 245 Wants the first leaf (title) Cornelius Paine. Bought (lot 967 at Sotheby's), 25 May 1898 19th c. stamped russia
692 Johannes, de Hildesheim: Historia trium regum [etc.], 40, 190 mm. i486 BM1257 H*9398 V681 Wants the first leaf (title) *M. Wodhull, Nov. 28th. 1791. Crevenna.' Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 18th c. half vellum
Aristoteles. Auctoritates Aristotelis et aliorum philosophorum. F°, 285 mm. 1487 P1213 GW2808 V180 Bought (lot 804 at Sotheby's), 10 Mar. 1898
Modern quarter morocco 694
Ursula (St). Historia undecim milium virginum. 40, 176 mm. 25 May 1490 P 1214 BM 1258 H 8745 V 583 Wants E t and (blank) E 8 Bought, 1892 Red morocco, by Duru, stamped with a monogram (two R's?) beneath a coronet
695 Albertus, Magnus: Postilla in evangelium Johannis. F°, 294 mm. P1215 BM1254 H*459 GW612 V43 Imperfect; wants 90 leaves 'Hunc librum legavit fratribus monasterii Sancti Martini Honorabilis vir dominus Joh. Rouwe...anno dni mcccclxxx[v?]' (cf. L. Ennen, Katalog der Inkunaheln in der StadtBibliothek zu Koln, 1. Abt., no. 354). ' Bibliothecae S. Martini Maj: intra Coloniam.' *J[...] Schnutgen.' Given by F. Jenkinson, 1891 Contemporary ruled calf, rebacked [607]
696 Ambrose (St): Hexameron. F°, 294 mm. P1216A BM1255 H*9oi GW1604 V103 * Liber fratrum ordinis sancte crucis Conuentus nouelucis in Apel osnaburgensis dyocesis 'Hie liber suo tempore restituetur Fridericus Wisserell (?)/ Culemann 133. Worts Fund, 1870 Bound (1) with no. 168. Contemporary ruled calf
697 Basel (Council of). Copia bullae concilii Basiliensis de conceptione B.V.M. [etc.], 40, 204 mm. P*I2I9 BM1254 V347 Bound (4) with nos 453, etc.
698 Mahomet II: Epistolae magni Turci. 40, 198 mm. Pf 1220 V 825 [a8 b c 6 ]; 20 leaves Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (2) with nos 1252, etc. Modern half morocco
699 Gerson (Johannes): Sermo de conceptione B.V.M. 40, 204 mm. P* 1222 BM1255 H 7721 V 474 Attributed in a contemporary hand to 'Johannes de Zegobio * Bound (3) with nos 453, etc.
700 Nider (Johannes): Formicarius. F°, 285 mm. P 1223 BM 1256 H* 11830 V 849 Wants i 8 (supplied in contemporary MS.) Bookplate: Deojidelis et regi (S. C. E. Williams), signed 'Rev. J. Williams M.A. Bryntirion' Bound (1) with no. 869. Stamped calf (Dulmen), with clasps; lower board lined with a fragment of a MS. homily (circa 1500) on vellum [611] 701
Another copy. 285 m m . Wants the last leaf (blank) Bound (3) with nos 827, etc.
Tractatus de statu canonissarum. 4 0 , 190 m m . P 1227 BM 1 257 V 1191 Culemann 605. Worts Fund, 1870 Modern half morocco
703 Antoninus (St): Decisio super dubio producto de indulgentiis. 40, 206 mm. GW2180 V120 Adams Bequest, 1892 19th c. olive morocco
Ganfredus, de Trano: Summa super titulos decretalium. F°, 290 mm. H* 15598 V433 a-z10 aa-ee10 fF8 gg 6 ; 294 leaves, the first blank Wants i 2 and i9 (both supplied in contemporary MS.) ' Pertinet cruciferis in embrica. Ex donatione...Johannis gaey ciuis embricensis patris confratris nostri Henrici gay. Cum multis aliis.' Howell Wills. Bought, 1894 Contemporary stamped calf, rebacked [616]
705 Guido, de Monte Rocherii: Manipulus curatorum [etc.], F°, 295 mm. H8168 V517 a-0 8 p 6 q 4 ; 122 leaves Wants o 8 'Pro domo Cartusianorum Audomarensium/ G. E. Corrie. Bought, 1886 Half cloth
706 Honorius, Augustodunensis: ExpositioinCanticacanticorum [etc.]. 40,191 mm. P1230 BM1258 H*88O2 V592 6a, col. 2,1. 2 reads: loguf honrij... Wants the last leaf (blank). Misbound 18th c. red morocco 707
A n o t h e r c o p y . 173 m m . With the same reading on 6a 'Dns Henricus zwertingher est possessor huius libri et pertinet ad domum Magistri Rodolphi[...] alias Hinri[...].' 'Liber Guil. Fletcheri.' 'Servire Deo regnare est. 1609/ Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Formerly bound with nos 217 & 3546. 18th c. calf, rebacked [619]
708 Epistola de miseria curatorum. 40, 199 mm. GW9356 V398 Bound (8) with nos 3443, etc.
709 Bonaventura [St): De praeparatione ad missam [etc.], 40, 199 mm. GW4675 V276 Wants the last leaf (blank) 'David Stemler, 1686/ Culemann 85. Worts Fund, 1870 19th c. boards
710 Petrus, Hispanus: Summulae logicales. 40, 182 mm. a-m 8 ; 96 leaves, the first probably blank. 2a: 142x 81 mm., 26 lines. Type: n o 2a: Incipiut tractat9 petri hifpani bfi erne* | dati. z, ad nue> vfq? ad duodenariu Dpleti | [ 4 ] Ialetica eft ars artiufciafcia> | adoimmethadorupricipiavia | hfis. Solaerridyaletica...; 156
COLOGNE 17a: animal q> fuba aiata fefibilis. et filr bos |; 96b, 1. 20: .. .et ideo | non pt ex hijs inferri infinitu fimpliciter. | Et hec de diftributoib9 dicta fufficiat. | Finiunt fummule petri hifpani | bene emendate ac coarecte. | Wants the first leaf and b 8 'Fr. Arnoldus Conradi Ordinis Frm Praedicatorum Pater in Galilaea me possidet/ Kloss. Sir T. Phillipps (lot 161 at Sotheby's, 17 June 1935). Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1935 Old paper boards, covered with vellum MS. (circa 1400, on the properties of colours) [4139]
[PRINTER OF THE 1478 TURRECREMATA QUAESTIONES EVANGELIORUM] BM1 252 identifies this printer with Petrus in Altis —
V * p t I234- See no. 684
Pf 1233. See no. 683
G E R A R D U S T E N RAEM 711 Andreas, de Escobar: Modus confitendi. 40, 197 mm. 10 Jan. 1478 GW1817 V n o Bookplate: Torcular calcavi solus (J. P. Madden). Bought, 1890 19th c. boards 712
A e s o p u s moralisatus. 4 0 , 204 m m . H 286= 298 GW398 V16 Wants leaves 41 and 48 Rustat Fund, 1869 Modern half morocco
H E I N R I C H Q U E N T E L L , 1st press 713 Astesanus, de Ast: Summa de casibus conscientiae. F°, 392 mm. 31 Aug. 1479 P 1237 BM 1 261 (IC. 4364) H* 1895 GW 2756 V 178 & 177 Wants leaf 1 (blank), r (=R) 3 _ 7 , HH 4 , KKK5,6,10 'P. Manius (?) Koch i R: 30 k: recuperauit a R. Dno Joanne Conrado Zitestinio (?) parocho in Erlbach.' 'In usum FF. Aspacensium.' William Morris. Robert Steele. Bought, 1932 Original boards re-covered with stamped morocco by Douglas Cockerell at the Doves [3714] bindery
714 Paraldus (Guilelmus): Summa de virtutibus. F°, 288 mm. 1479 P*i238 BM1261 H* 12387(1) V884 Wants the last leaf (blank) 'Pro Conuentu frm Minorum de obseruantia in dursten.' 'Jo. vam loe psbr.' Heber. Worts Fund, 1835 19th c. stamped calf [624]
715 Rolewinck (Werner): Fasciculus temporum. F°, 393 mm. 1479 P* 1240 BM 1261 H* 6923 V 1030 Bound (2) with no. 1069 157
716 Thomas (St), Aquinas: Super iv Sententiarum. F°, 392 mm. 2 Feb. 1480 P 1241 BM1262 H* 1483 V1152 'Iste liber est monasterii Sancti Egidii In Nurmberga . Ordinis Sancti Benedicti abbatis Bambergensis diocesis Emtus per venerabilem patrem et dnm dnm Johannem Rotenecker abbatem eiusdem monasterii. Anno dni 1480* (v. A. F. Oefelius, Rerum Boicarutn Scriptores (Aug. Vind. 1763), 1, 352). Bookplate: Bib. Nor. (Warnecke 1473). Lot 12 at Sotheby's, 25 Mar. 1929. Given by J. Charrington, 1929 Contemporary stamped leather, with clasps, rebacked; arms of Nuremberg on upper cover [626]
717 Rolewinck (Werner): Fasciculus temporum. F°, 392 mm. 1480 P*i245 BM1263 11*6925 V1031 Wants At (blank), h 7 , h 8 and i 6 ; a6 and c4 mutilated Bound (2) with no. 989
Another copy. 389 mm. 'Iste liber est beatae Mariae virginis in Scheyrn.' Bequeathed by Karl Pearson, 1936 Contemporary stamped pigskin, fragments of a MS. service book (circa 1100) lining the boards [4162]
719 Annius (Johannes): Glossa super Apocalypsim. 40, 195 mm. 13 Feb. 1482 P1251 BM1264 H*ii28 GW2020 V826 Wants the first and last leaves (blank) Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 Old vellum
720 Bible: Low German. F°, 387 mm. P*i252 BM 1264 (IC. 4409) EP3141 GW4308 V257 Wants the first and last leaves (blank), and leaf 357; the first quire misbound before the last On a flyleaf a coat-of-arms, tricked: Quarterly, 1. A fish, 2. Ermine, a cross of St George, 3. Three crampons, 4. Three swans in pride, two & one. Lot 121 at Sotheby's, 20 Nov. 1848. William Stuart (Tempsford Hall and Aldenham Abbey). Rustat Fund, 1895 Contemporary stamped calf [629]
721 Bible: Low German. F°, 410 mm. P 1253 BM 1 264 (IC. 4411) H* 3142 GW 4307 V 256 Quires [a]-[L] only of the BM collation; wants the first leaf (blank) * Liber conuentus Dursten...' Inserted inside the lower board is a fragment of a leaf of Vocabularius utriusque juris (CA* 1750) stamped: Barber Beaumont Esq. Lot 174 at Sotheby's,
28Junei92i. Bought, 1923 Contemporary stamped calf, rebacked
722 Augustine (St): Manuale de aspiratione animae ad Deum [etc.], 40, 202 mm. P-J-I255 H*2O25 GW2965 V203 Kloss. Dasent. Bought, 1897 Wrappers
Guido, de Monte Rocherii: Manipulus curatorum [etc.], F°, 272 mm. H8169 V516 a-m 1 0 no 8 ; 136 leaves Wants leaf gx Bookplate: Torcular calcavi solus (J. P. Madden). Bought, 1904 Quarter cloth
Bernard (St), ofClairvaux: Opuscula. F°, 285 mm. P 1257 A BM1260 H* 2920 GW 3905 V 229 'Liber capituli ecclesie sancti amandi in urach.' 'Monasterii S. Erherami [at Ratisbon]/ Bookplate: Quod tibi ne alteri (Alexander of Auchmull). ' W. A. Smith, 1872/ G. Dunn. Bought, 1914 16th c. stamped pigskin [637]
Albertus, Magnus: Secreta mulierum et virorum. 40, 214 mm. 1481 H*5<54 GW722 V45 Wants the first and last leaves (blank) Kloss. Lot 376 at Puttick's, 26 June 1890. Given by F.Jenkinson (1890?) Half calf (Kloss)
Gerson (Johannes): Monotessaron. F°, 285 mm. P1259 BM1260 1**7719 V466 Wants the first and last leaves (blank) Given by H. Bradshaw, 1868 Unbound
Another copy. 287 m m . Wants the blanks; leaves 7 & 8 mutilated A. J. Horwood. Rustat Fund, 1883 19th c. half vellum
D i a l o g u s Salomonis et Marcolfi. 4 0 , 178 m m . P1260 BM1260 V369 Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 Modern quarter morocco
729 Jacobus, de Voragxne: Legenda aurea.
(Low German. Dat Passionail.) F°,
265 mm. 21 July-31 Oct. 1485 P 1262+1263 BM1266 V626 At the beginning a MS. calendar on four leaves Kloss. Rustat Fund, 1873 16th c. stamped calf 159
730 Wimpheling (Jakob): Disceptatio oratorum duorum in repudiationem filiae Maximiliani. 40, 199 mm. H* 16187 V1269 a 6 b 4 ; 10 leaves Wants the last leaf Bound (10) with nos 3443, etc.
731 Dictamenjocundum. 40, 199 mm. GW8278 V371 Bound (9) with nos 3443, etc.
732 Alexander, Anglicus: Destructorium vitiorum. F°, 372 mm. 16 Aug. 1485 P1276 BM1266 H*65O GW866 V368 Wants the last leaf (blank) 'Edwarde Morgan.' Bookplate of Sir Robert Throckmorton, Bart. Bought, 1896 18 th c. calf
Gallus: Malogranatum. F°, 269 mm. 1487 P* 1279 BM1267 H* 7451 V 432 'Dno Edmundo Kyrkham Vicario Ecclesie de Weuerham Ex dono Roberti Blagge Remem. Dni Regis in Scacario suo.' Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 17th c. calf [642]
734 Ludolphus, de Saxonia: Vita Christi. F°, 386 mm. 1487 P1280 BM1267 H* 10295 V762 Gaselee48 Wants the last leaf (blank) At the beginning a MS. index on 11 leaves; this is stated to be continued at the end but is missing there ' Cutheberto S[hirbroke] de Thurveton infra decanatum de Broke Nor. dioc. clerico pertinet iste liber.' Probably lot 546 at Sotheby's, 19 May 1887, unsold, and reappearing as lot 462 at Sotheby's, 28 June 1912 (Sherbrooke Library at Oxton Hall, Southwell); cf. Index of provenances. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Plain calf on wooden boards, rebacked; boards lined with blank vellum [3864] %.* The attribution to Renchen of nos 735-8 (printed in types 180 and 90) is doubtful: v. BM 1266 on these types
735 Rolewinck (Werner): Fasciculus temporum. F°, 312 mm. P*i284 BM1269 H*69i4 V1033 Wants leaf 1 (blank) and the table (eight leaves) 'Liber Johannis Netdeton.' Bought, 1896 or 1897 Contemporary stamped calf, rebacked
Another, variant, copy. 297 mm. BM 1 269 (note) V 1033 (note) 'Hyslyngtun.' Royal Library, 1715 i8thc. half calf
73 7 Herolt (Johannes): Sermones discipuli super epistolas dominicales. F°, 280 mm. Cop. 2939 a b 8 c d6 e8 f6 g-i 8 k I6 m 8 ; 86 leaves, the first blank The attribution to Renchen is Jenkinson's; the Huntington Library attributes the book to Strassburg, Printer of Vitas patrum 'ffr. Arnoldus frederici a Liminis apud [...] Antwerpie.'* Acquired before 1853 Formerly bound (1) with nos 3773 & 547. Modern half pigskin [643
738 Jacobus, de Voragine: Legenda aurea. F°, 285 mm. R1108 A 6 a-f8 g 6 h-q 8 r 6 s 8 1 6 v x 8 y 6 A-C 8 D 6 E F 8 G 6 H-L 8 M 6 N-R 8 ; 304 leaves, 1 and 7 (but not 304, as Reichling) blank The attribution to Renchen is Jenkinson's; Reichling attributes the book to Griininger at Strassburg 'M. Joh. gylbard hospicii sti dementis in cantibrig.' 'Iste Uber pertinet Dno WiUmo Hughson.' Adams Bequest, 1892 Wooden boards (lined with blank vellum), backed with vellum [646]
H E I N R I C H Q U E N T E L L , 2nd press 739 Ferrer (St Vincent): Sermones de tempore et de sanctis. 2 vols. F°, 285 & 293 mm. 1485 H*7ooi V4i2(i&3) Vol. 1 (Pars hiemalis only): [#10] a-z8fc898aa-ee8ff6gg8; 264 leaves, the first and last blank 'Iste liber est S. Petri in obernaltach.' Bookplate: Deojidelis et regi (S. C. E. Williams), signed 'Rev. J. Williams M.A. Bryntirion.' Bought, 1899 Contemporary stamped pigskin Vol. 2: [*6] A-V 8 X-Z 6 ; 184 leaves, the last blank ' Ex Biblioteca F. F. Aspacensium.' On the blank leaf a MS. Summa sermonum signed' Michael auer hec a? 30* (cf. BM 1 290, IA. 4696 & 11433, IB. 7404). 'Anno domini 1581 Bin fr. Ulricg Muschwang Inn das closter Khomen, und denn habitum angelegt: auch Inn disem jar profess gethan: In dem. 82. hernach arm dem. 4. (?) Kirchtag Meine primitias gehalten. Dominica post festum. 5. Martini. Dum vivo, vivam Deo' (v. Necrologia Germaniae (Mon. Germ. Hist.) iv, p. 89). Given by Robert Proctor, 1899 16th c. stamped calf [647]
740 Reuchlin (Johann): Vocabularius breviloquus [etc.]. F°, 286 mm. i486 P 1287 BM 1271 (IB. 4527) V1019 Wants leaf y 7 'Cest liure appartient a george de la croix.' George Wilbraham. Bought, 1898 Paper boards
741 Garlandia (Johannes de): Composita verborum. 4 0 , 187 m m . 1487 P 1290 BM 1271 H* 5577= 14775 V1116 'M.Jo. Arnold. Ballenstedt. 1774.' Ex Musaeo Huthii. Bought, 1912 Bound (1) with no. 742. 19th c. vellum oc
742 Garlandia (Johannes de): Verba deponentalia. 40, 187 mm. H* 14782 V672 a-c 6 ; 18 leaves Varies from Voullieme. 18a, 1. 31: .. .Debacchoa debacharj... Bound (2) with no. 741
743 Alexander, de Villa Dei: Doctrinale, pars 1. 40, 202 mm. 14 May 1489 GW1052 V61 Quires p-s only. Wants s8 (blank) Given by J. Tregaskis, 1893 Bound (1) with no. 3536. Contemporary stamped calf
744 Aristoteles: Problemata (Omnes homines) [etc.], 40, 191 mm. GW2470 V153 Bound (3) with no. 3515, etc.
745 Datus (Augustinus): Elegantiolae. 40, 205 mm. 1490 H*6oo2 GW8093 V365 Modern quarter morocco 746
Poeniteas cito. 4 0 , 201 m m . 24 Feb. 1491 P* 1302 BM1276 H* 13159 V 972 'A. D. Schinkel.' Bought (lot 105, Van Lottom-Van Worcom sale at Leyden), 5 Feb. 1891 19th c. quarter calf [634]
J4J Hymni. Expositio hymnorum. 40, 208 mm. 14 July 1492 P*i3O9 BM1276 H*6784 V604 The misprint hymoojL found on 78a in some copies has been corrected in this 'J. Birchenall.' Bought, 1926 19th c. half morocco
748 Guido, de Monte Rocherii: Manipulus curatorum. 40, 192 mm. 29 Sept. 1492 P1311 BM1277 H8203 V520 Wants the title-page 'P. P. Capucinorum Coesfeldiae 1670/ 'Biblioth. J. Niesert past, in Velen 1816.' Culemann 2441. Worts Fund, 1870 Formerly bound with no. 3516. Vellum, circa 1800 [636]
749 Aesopus moralisatus. 40, 197 mm. 29 Sept. 1492 P*i3i2 BM1277 H*3io GW410 V21 CA42 Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (4) with nos 3889, etc. Modern half morocco
750 Manneken (Carolus): Formulae epistolarum. 40, 196 mm. 17 Sept. 1493 P1316 BM1278 H* 10680 V770 T. O. Weigel. Acton Library, 1902 Modern boards
751 Boethius (A.M.T.S.): De consolatione philosophiae [etc.]. 40, 198 mm. 31 Oct. 1493 P1318 BM1278 H* 3384=3385 GW4556 V263 'Ex donatione liberali Domini Conradi Phalii approbati S?rae O reae M? tis authoritate Notarii ac praetoris Medersheimiani Ego Matthaeus Viti hunc mihi vendico librum... 1602 29 i a . . . ' Robert Mackenzie Beverley. Bought, 1896 18th c. calf [659]
752 Samuel, Rabbi: Epistola ad Rabbi Isaac contraJudaeorum errores. 40,205 mm. 1493 P*i32i BM1279 H* 14268 V1062 Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (1) with no. 224. Modern quarter morocco
753 Versor (Johannes): Quaestiones super libros Aristotelis De caelo et mundo. F°, 264 mm. H* 16048 (1) V1229
a-g 6 ; 42 leaves Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Formerly bound with nos 754-5 & 773. Modern half pigskin
754 Versor (Johannes): Quaestiones super libros Aristotelis De generatione et corruptione et Metheororum. F°, 265 mm. 24 July-6 Aug. 1493 H* 16048 (3) V1232 Aa-Ll 6 ; 66 leaves, the last blank Wants Ffi & Ff6, and the blank 'Frater Iohannes Doggett est possessor 1535. norwyc/ (y. no. 755). 'Sum Gulielmi James aedis Christi Oxon.' ' Sum Rodolphi Pichaueri liber ex dono magistri Gulielmi James...' Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Formerly bound with nos 753, 755 & 773. A flyleaf of 14th c. MS. from the original binding is preserved: on it 'I doe promise to allowe for this Booke at any tyme 11? in Bookes, Francis Greene' (v. no. 1949). Modern half pigskin [662]
755 Versor (Johannes): Quaestiones super Parva naturalia [etc.]. F°, 264 mm. H* 16048 (2) V 1236 A-D 6 E 4 F-L 6 M 4 ; 68 leaves ' Ad fratrem Johannem Doggett conventus Norwyc. pertinet [... ] ' (a Lombardus at Hertford College, Oxford (a. 1.27) has a fuller inscription: * frater Johannes Doggett huius est possessor conuentus norwicensis ordinis predicatorum teste manu propria'). *J°hn Bee.' Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Formerly bound with nos 753-4 & 773. Modern half pigskin [663]
756 Directorium Moguntinum. 40, 200 mm. Nachtr. 99 Bohatta 580= 581? R 1910 [P. von Friedberg] Bohatta's two references to Ernst, Incunabula Hildeshemensia, are really one and the same, the first quoting the section and the second the page reference Kloss. Bought, 1942 Boards (Kloss) [4223] 163
757 Avianus (Flavius): Apologus. 40, 207 mm. 10 Sept. 1494 P1324 BM1283 11*2194 GW3110 V215 C A ( + n ) 2 i 4 Kloss. Given by S. Sandars, 1893
Half calf (Kloss) 758
V e r s o r (Johannes): Quaestiones super libros Aristotelis E t h i c o r u m . F°, 285 m m . 1494 H* 16054 V 1222 a8 b-v 6 x 4 ; 126 leaves, the last blank * Robert felmyngham' Bound (1) with no. 765. Contemporary stamped calf, boards lined with blank vellum [663]
759 Raymundus, de Pennaforti: Summula sacramentorum. 40, 190 mm. 25 Jan. 1495 P*i326 BM1283 H* 13707 GW213 V996 Ex Biblioth. Regia BeroHnensi. Acton Library, 1902 19th c. boards 760
Theodulus: Eclogae. 40, 192 mm.
11 Feb. 1495
P*i328 BM1284 H* 15486 V1134 Heber. Bought (lot 1079 at Sotheby's), 3 Aug. 1917 (a Britwell sale, though not advertised as such) Wrappers [667]
Garlandia (Johannes de): Synonyma. 40, 204mm. 15 Apr. 1495 BM1284 H*7474 V667 Rustat Fund, 1914 Modern quarter morocco
761*5 R o m e (Church of). Curia Romana. Formularium instrumentorum ad usum Curiae Romanae. 40, 209 mm. 11 Aug. 1495 HP7288 V421 a-0 6 p 4 q-z 6 A-F 6 G H 4 Aa 6 ; 186 leaves Quire Aa (Tabula) misbound after quire A ' Substo godefredus meyroiss.' Given by Paul Hirsch, 1949 Morocco, by D. Cockerell & Son, 1937
762 Arnoldus, de Tongern: Epitomatalogicae Aristotelis. 40,199 mm. 5 July 1496 P1335 BM1285 H15669 GW2514 V164 First colophon (121b) as in GW (Anm.) Royal Library, 1715 16th c. stamped calf, rebacked
Another copy. 206 mm. With the same setting of 121b Venn Collection, 1888 Bound (1) with Eccius (Johannes), Bursa pavonis... (Argentine, M. Hupfuff, 1507). Wooden boards, stamped pigskin back [670]
Gerardus, de Harderwyck: Commentaria in libros Aristotelis D e physico auditu. F°, 282 m m . 26 May 1497 H 16044 V 442 Gaselee 50 A-U 6 X 4 Y 6 Aa-Oo 6 ; 214 leaves Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Old limp vellum, with
Aristoteles: Politica cum commento Versoris. F°, 285 m m . 4 July 1497 H16056 GW2445 V145 Bound (2) with no. 758
Versor (Johannes): Quaestiones super omnes libros novae logicae [etc.]. F°, 284 m m . 23 July 1497 H* 16033 (2) V 1216 (2) Leaves 153-166 (§ 6 1. . 4 %.. . 4 ) only, containing Quaestiones super de ente et essentia Thotnae de Aquino *J. Venn, 1882/ Venn Collection, 1888 Wrappers [672]
Versor (Johannes): Quaestiones in veterem artem Aristotelis. F°, 284 m m . 4 Aug. 1497 H* 16028 V1214 A-L 6 M N 4 ; 74 leaves, the last blank Wants the blank 'J. Venn, 1882/ Venn Collection, 1888 Modern quarter morocco
Opera (Expositiones textuales)
[673] [etc.]. (Latin.)
F°, 265 m m .
22 Sept. 1497 P1339 BM1287 11*6813=1529+1506=1507 GW2342 V150 *Jacobus norisius est huius codicis possessor.' 'Johannes Bowbeare.' Acquired before 1700 18th c. half calf, rebacked [674] 769 A l b e r t a n u s : De arte loquendi et tacendi. 4 0 , 190 m m . 1497 P1340 BM1287 EP412 GW563 V37 Bound (2) with no. 3882 770
Another copy. 197 m m . Gaselee 51 Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern stamped calf over wooden boards, by the Coburg Ladies' Guild, after the Duke of Gotha's copy [3S68]
B o e t h i u s (A.M.T.S.): D e consolatione philosophiae [etc.]. 4 0 , 205 m m . 31 Dec. 1497 P1342 BM1287 H*339O GW4563 V266 'Thomas Parker.' Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Half calf, circa 1700 165
772 Lambertus, de Monte: Expositio circa libros Aristotelis De anima. F°, 242 mm. 5 Oct. 1498 P*i346 BM1288 KF11585 V726 Wants the last leaf 'Jerome Drinkwater of horley in the parishe of Wotton/ 'Elizabeth Potes (Potis?) of Kidlington.' 'AnneLeigheEdmundeLeighe.' ' Anne ley gunter of.' Acquired before 1700 18 the. half calf [677]
Another copy. 265 mm. Wants the first leaf (title) Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Formerly bound with nos 753-5. Modern half pigskin
774 Albertus, Magnus: Sermones de sacramento eucharistiae. 40, 194 mm. 1498 P* 1348 BM1 289 H* 454 GW 770 [Retro Minores for Quentell] V 50 Label: J. B. G.Jacobs Lumnius, Ord. Cap. Brux. S.P.C. G. E. Corrie 18th c. quarter calf 775
A n o t h e r c o p y . 200 m m . Title-page mutilated Bookplate: Torcular calcavi solus (J. P. Madden). Bought (lot 2581 at Sotheby's), 20 Mar. 1894 [680] 19th c. quarter forrel
776 Guido, de Monte Rocherii: Manipulus curatorum. 40, 204 mm. 1498 P1350 BM1289 V521 'Magistro thome Orston Rectori ecclesie de Ufford pertinet hec pagina.' From the library of H. Bradshaw, presented by his friends, 1887 Contemporary stamped calf, defective and much repaired [tf#i]
777 Exercitium puerorum grammaticale [etc.], 40, 202 mm. 6 Mar. 1499 GW9505 V410 'Si tu vis scire cui liber pertinet iste: De Hildensem natus nicolaus est ipse vocatus.' 'Liber sancti godeherdi prope hildensem ord. s. benedicti.' Bought, 1936 Bound (1) with Fundamentum scholarium (Colonie, in officina H. Quentell, 12 Mar. 1502) and no. 2834; contemporary wooden boards backed with stamped calf, with clasp; flyleaves of 15th c. vellum MS. (service-book) [4158]
778 Albertus, Magnus: De muliere forti [etc.]. 40, 206 mm. 7 May 1499 P*i355 BM1290 H* 465=466 GW699 V41 'Liber dni Roberti Wardall monachi.' 'Barnabas Pilkingtonus.' Bought, 1930 Bound (1) with no. 264. Contemporary stamped calf
779 Dorlandus (Petrus): Viola animae. 40, 193 mm. 29 May 1499 P 1356 BM 1 290 H* 14070= 14071 GW 9046 [Retro Minores for Quentell] V 394 Armorial stamp of Edward Gay. Bought, 1925 18th c. half calf, rebacked [682]
Bernard (St), of Clairvaux: Floretus. 40, 185 mm. 1499 P* 1359 BM1291 11*2917 GW4011 V235 Wants the last leaf (blank) Bought, 1892 Paper boards covered with a piece of music MS. on vellum (15th c.)
P e t r u s , Hispanus:
S u m m u l a e logicales. 4 0 , 198. m m . 20 Sept. 1499
BM1291 H*8686 V934 On the blank verso of the last leaf is a MS. copy of a letter, dated 1555, recommending 'dymok de rusko', a collector of alms, *pro reformanda ecclesia in pakoslaw' Venn Collection, 1888 19th c. calf [684]
Sacro Bosco (Johannes de): Sphaera mundi. 40, 205 mm. 7 July 1500 H*i4i24 V685 A B 6 C 4 D 6 E F 4 G 6 H 4 ; 40 leaves, the last blank Wants the blank Given by H. Bradshaw, 1868 Cloth
Hymni. Expositio hymnorum. 40, 185 mm. 5 Dec. 1500 H* 6794(1) V608 A-D 8 - 6 E-H 6 - 8 1K 6 L4 M 6 ; 78 leaves Bound (2) with no. 817, etc.
Guilelmus, de Gouda: Expositio missae. 40, 198 mm. 1500 P1369 BM1293 H*7834 V531 Gaselee52 Wants the last leaf (blank) Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 19th c. half roan
785 Johannes, de Lapide: Resolutorium dubiorum. 40, 194 mm. 1500 P1370 BM1293 H*99i8 V573 Paper boards
Clemens, de Terra Salsa: Conclusiones super Summam Thomae de Aquino. 4°, 200 m m . P 1373 BM1 272=in 761 [Basel, Pr. of Modus legendi abbreviaturas] H* 15442 GW 7118 V339 Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 17th c. calf
Another copy. 208 mm. *:Ant. Abb:' (Antonius Gratia Dei, Abbot of Admont). Bibliotheca Admontensis Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1936 Bound (1) with no. 3792. Original limp vellum with flap
788 Confessionale pro scholasticis et aliis multum utile. 40, 195 mm. P1380 BM1273 1**5619 V344 CA489 Rustat Fund, 1892 19th c. stamped vellum
789, Albertus, Magnus: Liber aggregationis [etc.], 40, 197 mm. P f i 3 8 i GW624 V39 CA*82 Adams Bequest, 1892 19th c. boards covered with vellum MS. dyed black
790 Articuli in Anglia et Parisius condemnati. 40, 204 mm. P*i382 BM1274 H* 1876= 1875 GW2711 V174 Bought, 1897
Modern half morocco 791
C a t o (Dionysius): Disticha. 4 0 , 204 m m . H*4728 GW6306 V315 ' F. Jenkinson from Joseph Hall; 1894 Aug. 28' 'with his consent transferred to the University Library. December, 1908/ Paper boards [693]
792 Rolewinck (Werner): Formula vivendi canonicorum. 40, 199 mm. P* 1383 BM1 274 H* 7254 V 1037 Bound (4) with nos 3443, etc.
793 Guilelmus, de Gouda: Expositio missae. 40, 199 mm. Pfi384 H*7828 V 526 a-c 6 ; 18 leaves Bound (3) with nos 3443, etc.
794 Guilelmus, de Gouda: Expositio missae. 40, 203 mm. V525 Cop. 2759 A 6 B 8 C 6 ; 20 leaves, die last blank. Types: title 180 (?), text 75 Wants the blank Bought, 1872 Paper boards
795 Andreas, de Escobar: Modus confitendi. 40, 202 mm. H*H454 GW1831 V115 Bought (lot 104, Van Lottom-Van Worcom sale at Leyden), 5 Feb. 1891 Blue wrappers (as no. 863)
796 Manuale scholarium. 40, 185 mm. H* 10737 V777 Aaa 8 Bbb 6 ; 14 leaves Acquired between 1854 & 1863 Modern quarter morocco
797 Proverbia communia. (Lat. & Germ.) 40, 183 mm. H* 13429 V985 a b 8 c 6 ; 22 leaves Bought, 1892
Modern half morocco 798
[6gg] 0
H e r b e n (Matthaeus): D e constructione s u b s t a n t i v o r u m . . . 4 , 205 m m . V 558 CA (in) 918a aAa-dDd 6 ; 24 leaves Bound (3) with nos 202, etc.
[700] 0
799 Aristoteles: Problemata (Omnes homines) [etc.], 4 , 202 mm. Pfi392 H*i724 GW2469(Anm.) V152 CA 180 Bound (2) with nos 565, etc.
800 Stella clericorum. 40, 203 mm. Pf 1398 H* 15063 V 1101 CA (ni) 1606b aaa 6 bbb 4 ; 10 leaves Wants leaves 3 & 4 Bought, 1870 19th c. half morocco
801 Wert (Wilhelm): Lilium grammaticae. 40, 205 mm. P1400 BM1280 V1261 Bound (4) with nos 202, etc.
[703] 0
802 Aegidius, Suchtelensis: Elegantiarum viginti praecepta. 4 , 202 mm. BM1282 11*6565 GW294 V14 * Cristofferus ropf 9 ...' '1740. Di Giaco: Soranzo' (cf. C. Frati, Dizionario bio-bibliografico dei bibliotecari e bibliojili italiani (1933), p. 521). Bought (lot 246s at Sotheby's), 20 Mar. 1894 Quarter cloth [704]
803 Augustine (St): De contemptu mundi [etc.], 40, 201 mm. Pfi4Oi H*2O79 GW2945 V190 Bought, 1914 Modern half morocco 804
A n o t h e r c o p y . 184 m m . Wants the title-page and the last leaf (blank) Bound (5) with nos 3561, etc.
*** Pf 1404. Reattributed to Jacobus de Breda at Deventer. See no. 3544
805 Dialogus inter clericum et militem [etc.], 4 0 , 206 m m . P1416 BM1282 GW8271 V384 'Conradus Wubberdingk de Rynnttellenn Natus in territorio Schomburgen.' (written three times, with variations, once with date '1512', cf. O. v. Heinemann, Die Handschriften der herzoglichen Bibliothek zu Wolfenbuttel, 2. Abt., iv, no. 2833). Written on the last blank in a contemporary hand is part of Divisiones totius Christianitatis. Bought, 1892 19th c. quarter roan [708]
806 Dionysius, Carthusianus: Speculum aureum animae peccatricis. 40, 190 mm. P 1417 BM1282 H* 14900 V 373 Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Formerly bound with no. 90 (now Ee. 6. 30) in the list of Holdsworth MSS. Modern half morocco [707]
807 Aegidius, Suchtelensis: Elegantiarum viginti praecepta. 40, 199 mm. GW291 V12 Bound (2) with nos 3443, etc.
808 Alarms, de Insulis: Doctrinale ahum parabolarum. 40, 198 mm. H* 3 77 GW493 V25 Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern quarter morocco
809 Wittipheling (Jakob): Oratio querulosa contra invasores sacerdotum. 40, 182 mm. H* 16191= 12026 V1270 CA (1) 1333a
A 8 ; 8 leaves, the last blank Bought (lot 565s at Sotheby's), 18 July 1893 Modern quarter morocco
Another copy. 184 m m . Wants the title-page and the last leaf (blank) Bound (4) with nos 3561, etc.
Another copy. 159 m m . Gaselee 49 Wants the blank leaf Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern half morocco
812 Hymni. Expositio hymnorum secundum usum Sarum. 40, 208 mm. P*i426 BM1294 V609 Duff 138(1) Royal Library, 1715 Bound (1) with no. 813. 18th c. calf
Sequentiae. Expositio sequentiarum secundum usum Sarum. 40, 208 mm. P*I427 BM1294 V1085 Duffi38(2) Bound (2) with no. 812
814 Missale itinerantium. 40, 198 mm. V805 A - D 4 E 6 ; 22 leaves Inglis. C. I. & E. Knight. Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 Bound (1) with no. 2938. Calf, by W. Pratt
Stella clericorum. 4 , 204 mm. P* 1430 BM1295 H* 15072 V 1105 Given by S. Sandars, 1893 Cloth
816 Theobaldus: Physiologus. 40, 202 mm. P1433 BM1295 H* 15468 V1131 Bought, 1912
Paper boards 817
Sequentiae. Textus sequentiarum cum expositione. 4 0 , 185 m m . P1439 BM 1292 (IB. 4944) H* 6794 (2) V1084 'Ad monasterium Hymenrodt/ 'Liber presens pertinet fri Johanni feyd de eller profFess. In Hymmenroydt Ord. Cistercien. dyocesis treueren. In parochia deleyegh situato 15[...].' Bought, 1898 The following hymns, with music, are written on blanks throughout the volume: (1) Himnum dicamus domino laudes deo cum cantico... (2) Congresse Syon filie sertum videte glorie... (3) Assunt festa iubilea in Marie nunc gaudia... (4) Apostolorum passio diem sacravit seculi... Bound (1) with no. 783 and Evangelia et epistole (Colonie, in officina H. Quentell, 1502). 18th c. calf [686]
818 Augustine (St): De contemptu mundi [etc.]. 40, 197 mm. P* 1440 BM 1 295 H* 2080 GW 2946 (Anm.) V 191 Jenkinson Fund, 1934 Modern half morocco —
[3801 ]
% * P* 1441. Reattributed by BM & GW to Peter Drach at Speier. See no. 1126
819 Boethius (A.M.T.S.): De disciplina scholarium. 40, 200 mm. GW4590 V1179 Duke of Sussex. Bought, 1886 19th c. quarter calf
820 Donatus (Aelius): De octo partibus orationis. 40, 177 mm. GW 9000 A fragment; 4 leaves (1, 2, 7, 8) only Given by C. F. Murray, 1916 821
M a n u a l e scholarium. 4 0 , 210 m m . a-c 6 ; 18 leaves, the last blank. 3a: 142x 85 mm. Types: text, 75 (72) G; some headings & line 1 of title, 180 (?) ia: Manuale fcholarium | qui ftudentium vniuerfitates aggredi. ac poftea p*o | ficere in eifdem intendunt [Accipies woodcut Proctor Ai (Bibliographical essays, p. 3)]; i b : Paologus. | [ 3 ]T fi fcientiaru inuen | t i o . : . ; 1. 21: .. .intetiflima cura videat frequenter la- | tina loquatur. |; 2a: Capitulum pdmu qualiter nouelU ftudentes alloqui de | bent magiftros fuos. vt in matricula intituletur. ac eria in bea | nio deponetur Difcipulus | [ 5] Euerede 171
COLOGNE magifter | . . . ; 17b, 1.26: velitis tribuere. quo magifter meus vos Dtentu3 faciet. | Etfieeft finis deo laus z gloria trinis | Stamp: in a border a monogram ciJ) (?). Sigurd & Gudrun Wandel. Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1938 Purple vellum [4198]
822 Lambertus, de Monte: Copulata circa libros Aristotelis Physicorum. F°, 267 mm. V727 a b 8 c6 d e8 f6 g-m8*6 n o 8 p-s6-8 t 6 v 10 ; 146 leaves, the first and last blank 'fratrum praedicatorum conuentus franckfordii.' Stadtbibliothek Frankfurt am Main. Bought, 1921 Bound (1) with no. 823. Contemporary wooden boards, backed with stamped pigskin; boards lined with vellum MS. sermons (circa 1300) [7*7]
823 Lambertus, de Monte: Copulata circa libros Aristotelis De anima. F°, 267 mm. Pfi456*A H*II582 V721 A-M 8 N 8 + 1 ; 105 leaves (not 103 as Voullie'me) Bound (2) with no. 822
824 Lambertus, de Monte: Copulata circa libros Aristotelis De anima. F°, 279 mm. i486 H 115 84 V 722 Gaselee 5 3 a 8 B-H 8 I-M 8 - 6 ;92leaves 'Ex libris Conuentus Coloniensis F. Carmelitarum Discalceatorum/ 'Ex libris regulae Coloniae.' Drawing of a knight in armour on ia. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern half morocco [3870]
PETER THER H O E R N E N 825 Antoninus (St): Confessionale (Defecerunt). 40, 187 mm. P1457 BM1298 GW2101 V129 Woodcut bookplate: a circular shield, with decoration: party per pale; a bend lozengy impaling a crown: crest, a mitre. Bought, 1895 i8thc. half calf [719]
826 Guilelmus, de Gouda: Expositio missae. 40, 193 mm. V524 a8 b 6 c d 8 ; 30 leaves, the first blank Wants the blank De Meyer 32. Rustat Fund, 1869 19th c. quarter morocco
827 Rabanus Maurus: Liber poenitentialis. F°, 277 mm. Pfi46o H*I3I53 V 995 If [*6] a-0 8 ; 118 leaves, the first and last blank The last blank cut away 'Dns Hinricus Wacker pie memorie perpetuus dum vixit officians capelle bte Marie virginis in ambitu ecclesie Monasteriensis legauit hunc librum priori et conuentui monasterij in Wedderden.. .obijt Anno dni MDiij die veneris prima decembris.' Bookplate: Deo Jidelis et regi (S. C. E. Williams), signed 'Rev. J. Williams M.A. Bryntirion.' Bought, 1894 Bound (1) with nos 526 & 701. Contemporary stamped calf (Dulmen), metal protecting strips [721]
Another copy. 277 mm. Wants the last blank 'Marie la Watte censeresse[...].' 'Collegij Soc. Jesu Louanij/ Bought, 1896 (?) 19th c. quarter calf
A n o t h e r , variant, c o p y . 282 m m . P f i 4 6 i V995 Wants the first blank Formerly bound with Lullius, Contemplationes (Parisiis, pro Joanne Parvo, 1505), which has 'Thomas Knyvett' and 'Fr Thomas Brygges ordinis sancti dominici est huius possessor.' Royal Library, 1715 Modern half pigskin [725]
J O H A N N KOELHOFF, THE Y O U N G E R 830 Chronicles. Cronica van Coellen. F°, 338 mm. 23 Aug. 1499 P*i464 BM1299 H*4989 GW6688 V 324 Leaves 69-71 are correctly signed kiii-v, but each has the first of the two readings quoted in GW Anm. 1; leaf 263 has the cut of an emperor (v. Anm. 2); leaf 349 has the corrected setting (v. Anm. 3) Wants the last leaf (blank), which has been cut up and used to repair other leaves 'Diss Cronica ist umb j guld. kaufft und vj albos davon zu binden. Anno etc. xvc.xix.' 'Heinrich Nabell Burg, zu Spyr.' 'Aliis inseruiendo consumor. 156? I.D.B.UL 17 Iulii.' Four leaves of MS. additions inserted between V 2 and V 3 . Culemann 311. Worts Fund, 1870 19th c. stamped calf [724]
Another, variant, copy. 288 mm. Leaves 69-71 as in the previous entry; leaf 263 has the cut of a king; leaf 349 has the original setting, with variations 'halp' and 'boeren' Wants the first title-page (replaced by a copy of the second) L. W. Hodson. Given by J. Charrington, 1932 [3722] 16th c. stamped pigskin, with clasps 173
HERMANN BUMGART 832 Paltz (Johann von): De septem foribus B.V.M. 8°, 135 mm. 13 Dec. 1494 V684 a 8 b-d 4 ; 20 leaves Rustat Fund, 1900 Modern half morocco
833 Breviarium Coloniense. 8°, 152 mm. GW5310 The third quire of rubrics is in 8 (not in 10 as GW), followed by two conjoint leaves signed iv and v Quire [a8] misbound after i 10 ; aa bb 16 misbound after F 8 '1574. Mechtelt va galen komt dies boch z o . . . ' * Gerhardus V y n . . . 1642/ Duke of Parma (lot 59, Paris, 1932). Bought, 1937 Contemporary stamped calf, rebacked \4^4\
834 Michael, de Hungaria: Sermones praedicabiles. 8°, 136 mm. 13 June 1496 H 9044 V 798 A 10 A-O 8 P 6 ; 128 leaves, the last blank Rustat Fund, 1900 Modern half morocco
Another copy. 141 mm. Bound (2) with nos 1922, etc.
836 Missale Coloniense. F°, 273 mm. 27 Oct. 1498 H 11282 V 804 i (-iij)4 [*6] A-G 8 H 6 i 8 k I 6 1-M 8 N - P 6 [**6] Q-S 8 T 6 V 8+2 a-g 8 h 6 ; 250 leaves+woodcut of the Crucifixion (on vellum), inserted before [**i]. This woodcut is not Heitz-Schreiber 18 and is not reproduced by them. Leaves 248-9 of Voullieme's description are conjoint and in this copy are wrapped around quire V Wants leaves 3, 4 and (possibly blank) 6 of the Canon ([** 6 ]). A blank leaf inserted after leaf 4 has an office of St Bridget written upon it Bought, 1893 Half calf, circa 1800 [727]
837 Breviarium Coloniense. F°, 253 mm. 6 June 1500 GW5313 V285 Wants leaf 1 of the Calendar, and (supplied in MS.) e 2 ,3, 6)7 and part of f8. After quire 9 is inserted a quire of four leaves of blank paper (with leaves 7 and 14 of the Calendar bound in the middle), followed by another inserted quire of eight leaves, with MS. additions on leaves i-5a MS. notes in the Calendar: 'Anno dominicae incarnationis Mccccxciij Ego Iacobus de Venloe celebravi primitias meas isto die* (13 October), and others in the same hand or referring to the same family. W. J. Blew. Bought, 1895 16th c. stamped calf; boards lined with blank vellum [728]
Albertanus: De arte loquendi et tacendi. 4 0 , 206 mm. P 1472 BM1 301 H 3960 GW 562 V 36 Culemann 39. Worts Fund, 1870 Wrappers Another copy. 191 m m . Edward Hailstone. From the library of F. Jenkinson, 1923 19th c. half roan
Ursula (St). Historia undecim.milium virginum. 4 0 P 1474 BM 1302 H* 12457 V 585 %* Printed circa 1503
The Gaselee copy (Gaselee 238) has an extra half-sheet of two leaves (the second blank) bound in at the end: ia: Hanc Legendam fecit Impaimi Re | ueredifli9 In xpo pa? t ins Dm Ra I ymudus...; 1. 6: Anno dm Millefimo Quigetefio 30 j [Woodcut of Cardinal's arms between borders] | Qua Legenda diet9 R/m9 Legatus fecit jmpami Co- | lonie Anno quo fup / vt diftribueret gratf diuer6 gfo | nis z, ecclijs / quib9 dedit Rehquias. | [border] This half-sheet is also found in the British Museum's copy of P 10473, while Voullieme 585 ^f describes a copy of P 1474 at Munich in which are four extra leaves, also dated 1503
JOHANN LANDEN 840 Bertholdus: Horologium devotionis. 8°, 140 mm.
H 2994= 8930? GW4176 V 247(1) Leaf h 5 is signed g 5 , with the result that h 5 & h6 are misbound in quire g Sandars Bequest, 1894 Bound (1) with nos 842 & 843. 19th c. green morocco
Another copy. 122 m m . Misbound, as the previous entry Olive morocco, by Townsend
842 Thomas, a Kempis: Meditationes de vita et beneficiis salvatoris. 8°, 140 m m . H 7923 = *iO99i V 247 (2) [A]-I8-8-4K8; 68 leaves Bound (2) with nos 840, etc.
Gerardus, Zutphaniensis: De spiritualibus ascensionibus. 8°, 140 mm. P1481 BM1303 ¥247(3) Bound (3) with nos 840, etc.
844 Mary, the Blessed Virgin. Liber fraternitatis rosaceae coronae ad honorem B.V.M. 4 0 , 194 m m . H7356 V750 A-C 6 ; 18 leaves 19th c. boards [736] 175
Mary, the Blessed Virgin. Liber fraternitatis...
Another, variant, copy.
190 m m . With numerous differences, e.g. 2a: ^f Exhoatatio in rofacee coaone fraternitatem Capitulum. i. I Bound (2) with no. 563 [737] 846
Nicolaus, de Lyra: Praeceptorium divinae legis [etc.], 8°, 138 mm. '1477' BM1303 H10401 V 837 Bookplate: Torcular calcavi solus (J. P. Madden). Bought, 1890 19th c. half roan
Gerardus, Zutphaniensis: De spiritualibus ascensionibus. 8°, 138 mm. Cop. 6616 Woodcut of the Crucifixion on the last verso (not mentioned by Copinger) Bought, 1926 Modern boards
RETRO MINORES (MARTIN VON WERDEN?) % * See also nos 774 & 779 848
Annius (Johannes): Glossa super Apocalypsim. 40, 192 mm. 19 Aug. 1497 H i 129 GW2024 V827 Bound (2) with no. 2833
Gerson (Johannes): Donatus moralisatus [etc.]. 8°, 134mm. 1498 BM1 312 [Quentell] V 464 Wants the last leaf (woodcut) Bound (3) with no. 851, etc.
E v a g a t o r i u m G e n e m y . 8°, 138 m m . 11 Oct., 9 N o v . 1499 Pfi484 KP6727 V404 Aa 8 A 4 (Moduspraedicandi); B 8 C 4 D 8 D 4 (Tabulae); A - L 8 M 4 N O 8 P 4 (Sertnones Michaelis de Hungaria); a b 4 (Passio Domini); c 8 (Sermones de S. Anna); d 8 (Sermones de B.V.M.); e f4 g 8 (Missale itinerantium); 188 leaves
Acquired before 1700 i8thc. half calf 851
Another copy. 134 mm. Wants Modus praedicandi, Passio Domini and Missale itinerantium. Quires A - C and F-rM of
Sermones Michaelis de Hungaria are also missing but have been replaced by quires G-I and M-S of the edition of 14 June 1501 'Bibliotheca Monasterii Liesborn Ordinis s. Benedicti Diocaesis Monasteriensis me possidet.' Bought, 1909 Bound (2) with Dictionariuspauperum (Colonie, Retro Minores, 14 Dec. 1501) and with no. 849 Contemporary stamped calf, boards lined with blank vellum [743]
Thomas, a Kempis: Meditationes de vita et beneficiis salvatoris. 8°, 142 m m . CopR (Suppl.) 3955 Duff 1111. Rustat Fund, 1925 Modern quarter calf
*** P i486. Printed after 1500. v. BM in 861, G W ni 56
CORNELIS DE ZIERIKZEE 853 Wirecker (Nigellus): Speculum stultorum. 40, 198 mm. 28 Feb. 1499 P*i49i BM1307 H*i62i8 V1271 'Joannes Wenberg (Wenherus?) A Westhauss anno 1556/ 'Gabriel Ausinus (Austuus?) est possessor huius libri.' Inglis. Bought, 1894 18th c. red morocco [746] 854
Andreae (Johannes): Summa super n et iv Decretalium. 4 0 , 202 m m . H*io67 V107 a6; 6 leaves, containing Sutnma super 11 Decretalium only Given by H. S. Foxwell, 1894 Wrappers
Marcellus: Passio Petri et Pauli. 4 0 , 195 m m . P*i5O3 BM1306 H* 12454 V780 Wants the last leaf (blank) Inglis Bound (1) with nos 1136, 3955, 1132 & 514. Calf, by W. Pratt
856 N i c o d e m u s : Evangelium. 4 0 , 203 m m . P*i5O7 BM1307 H*ii75O V831 Bought, 1906 Calf, by Bagguley of Newcastle-under-Lyme
857 V a l l i b u s ( H i e r o n y m u s d e ) : Jesuida. 4 0 , 200 m m . P1509 BM1307 H* 15843 V580 'Fratri Johanni Jordan Lapiscide de Miltenburgk' Bound (4) with nos 3630, etc.
S e n e c a (Lucius A n n a e u s ) : P r o v e r b i a . 4 0 , 211 m m .
H* 14638 V1068 a 6 b 4 ; 10 leaves Blind impressions of a woodcut border on the first & last leaves Bound (3) with nos 1319, etc.
859 Aretinus (Leonardus): De duobus amantibus Guiscardo et Sigismunda [etc.], 4°, 185 m m . GW 5640 (Anm.) Bookplate of Maurice Hewlett. Given by J. Charrington, 1916 Olive morocco, by Mackenzie oc
[751] 12
860 Jacobi (Johannes): Regimen contra pestilentiam [etc.]. 40, 199 mm. Nachtr. 194 Klebs 28 Bound (5) with nos 3443, etc.
[732] 0
861 Pharetra fidei catholicae.. 4 , 203 mm. V940 ab 6 ; 12 leaves Bibliotheca Halliwelliana. Bought (lot 1008 at Puttick's), 23 Nov. 1864 Modern quarter morocco
862 Petrarca (Francesco): Dialogus de vera sapientia [etc.]. 4 , 196 mm. Pf 4012 [Rome] H* 12798 Gaselee 54 ab 6 ; 12 leaves For the reattribution to this press, see BM 1 305 (note on types) Bound (2) with no. 1320
863 Pharetra fidei catholicae. 4 , 198 mm. P* 4013 [Rome] BM1306 Given by S. Sandars, 1893 Blue wrappers (as no. 795)
H*i29io [756]
864 Saliceto (Guilelmus de): De salute corporis [etc.]. 40, 184 mm. P 4014A [Rome] BM 1 306 H* 14150 V 540 Koninkl. Bibliotheek te 's Hage. Delprat 653. Bought, 1872 Cloth
Another copy. 199 mm. Bound (6) with nos 3443, etc.
866 Albertus, Magnus: De mineralibus. 8°, 141 mm. H*52i GW689 With variations from GW. ia, 1. 5 : . . . Deep | . . . accidetalibus... | . . . fa | poae 5a, 1. 3: magni (v. GW Anm.) Wants e4 'Joannis Haruey/ Given by R. A. B. Mynors, 1947 19th c. calf
MISCELLANEOUS 867 Petrus, de Rosenheim: Roseum memoriale. 40, 209 mm. P1517 BM1312 H* 13988 Wants the first leaf (blank) Howell Wills. Bought, 1894 Modern half morocco
868 Nider (Johannes): Manuale confessorum. 40, 185 mm. Nachtr. 252 V 854 Bound (3) with nos 4007, etc.
Dialogus inter Hugonem, Catonem et Oliverium. F°, 285 mm. 14 June 1477 P 2666 BM m 860 H* 6143 Pol. 1272 Printed * supra Rychenstein' at Cologne for Erwin von Stege with types borrowed From Nicholas Gotz. See facsimile in O. Zaretzky, Der erste Kolner Zensurprozess (Koln, 1906) Bound (2) with no. 700 [5*3]
Traktat von der dotlichen sucht der pestelentz. 40, 203 mm. V1194 Klebsii5 [a 10 ]; 10 leaves Bought, 1899 Cloth
Adolphus, de Nassau: Copia indulgentiarum de institutione festi praesentationis B.V.M. 4 0 , 204 m m . V 3 Cop. 29 TFS 1901 d a b 8 c 10 ; 26 leaves, the first and last blank Bound (2) with nos 453, etc,
872 Balbus (Johannes): Catholicon. F°,394nim. 30 Apr. 1469 P*i52i BM11315 H*2255 GW3183 Two leaves only; from the collection of G. Dunn 873
Durandus (Guilelmus): Rationale divinorum officiorum. F°9 393 m m . 22 Jan. 1470 P*I523 BM11315 H*6472 GW9103 Wants the table (2 leaves) 'Liber sanctorum Petri et Pauli apostolorum I[n ErfFordia?] 583 viij' (cf. B M v 542, IB. 24244). 'Card: Lomenie's Auction about j£i4:8s:6d. M. Wodhull, June 25th 1792/ 'C. E. Harris, Tylney Hall/ Charles Edward Harris St John. Cambridge Baskerville Club Benefaction, 1931 18th c. red morocco [3696]
874 Rodericus, Zatnorensis: Speculum vitae humanae. F°, 305 mm. 11 Jan. 1471 P* 1525 BM 11 316 H* 13940 Sandars Bequest, 1894 19th c. half russia 875
Another copy. 303 mm. 'Monasterii B.V. in Diessen.' Rustat Fund, 1868 Contemporary stamped calf, with 'Ambrosius Keller' scroll (Weale R 621) I79
[762] 12-2
876 Rodericus, Zamorensis: Speculum vitae humanae. Another copy. 303 mm. Adams Bequest, 1892 19th c. half russia
877 Aegidius, Romanus: De regimine principum. F°, 412 mm. 27 June 1473 P*i535 BM11319 H*iO7 GW72i7(Anm.) Wants [g10] 'Francis R. Forbes, Vienna, 25 Nov. 1830.' Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 19th c. russia
878 Gregory I: Homiliae super evangeliis. F°, 302 mm. 28 Aug. 1473 P*I538 BM11319 H*7948 Bookplate: Conv: Eijstad: FFrumPrced: 1742 (Warnecke438). Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Bound (i) with no. 1141. Contemporary stamped leather, spine painted white; vellum MS. (music, 15th c.) at ends [3874]
879 Farinator (Matthias): Lumen animae. F°, 294 mm. 31 Dec. 1477 P1552 BM11325 H* 10330 A. J. Horwood. Rustat Fund, 1883 Bound (1) with no. 117. Contemporary stamped pigskin, with scroll of Johannes Rucker (Weale R647, reading Fucker), with clasps: boards lined with 12th c. vellum MS. with [765] neums (Add. MS. 60008) 880
Another, variant, c o p y . 286 m m . Without the colophon on leaf 350a; quire [t] (of the BM collation) contains cancels Wants leaves 1-48 Bought, 1922 Modern half morocco [766]
Another, variant, c o p y . 298 m m . Without the colophon; without cancels in quire [t] 'Matheus Kuttener plebanus in tszeylaw (?).' Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Contemporary stamped calf, rebacked, with brass bosses
T h o m a s (St)9 Aquinas: Catena aurea. F°, 403 m m . P*i555 BM11323 H*i328 'Da Gloriam Deo. V. W. 1475...' (cf. BM n 514, IC. 8955). Rustat Fund, 1868 Contemporary stamped calf
883 Guilelmus, Alvernus: De fide et legibus. F°, 276 mm. P1556 BM11323 H*83I7 Wants the first leaf (blank) 'Andreas Seltzlerus Decanus Achseshaimensis D i l i n g a [ . . . ] . . . 1 5 7 3 . . . ' ' E x Bibliotheca Augustana fratrum Minorum de Observantia.' Jenkinson Fund, 1934 Modern vellum [3790] 180
Jerome (St): De essentia divinitatis [etc.], F°, 309 mm. Pfi564 H* 8589 (2 & 3) Pol. 1958 Cloth
885 Gerson (Johannes): Donatus moralisatus. F°, 311 mm. P1569 BM11318 H* 7723=8589 (10) Given by C. E. Grant-Ives, 1920
886 Psalter: Latin. F°, 285 m m . P 1574 BM11 320 H* 13470 Wrappers
887 Bible: German. 2 vols. F°, 476 mm. P*i577 BM11323 H*3i33 GW4298 Wants the first leaf (blank) Count Louis Apponyi. Given by S. Sandars, 1892 19th c. half calf
[888] Entry cancelled 889 Barlaam etjosaphat. (German.) F°, 266 mm. P1580 BM11326 11*5915 GW3398 Wants the first and last leaves (blank) MS. coat-of-arms pasted inside the front cover: gules, a lion rampant gardant or, crowned argent. A. Firmin-Didot. Given by J. Charrington, 1916 19th c. half calf [773]
J O H A N N SCHOSSLER 890 Josephus (Flavius): Opera. F°, 400 mm. 28 June-23 Aug. 1470 P* 1589 BM 11327 H* 9451 Wants the first leaf (blank) 'Iste liber est monasterii Sancti Egidii Nurmberge. ordinis S. Benedicti. Emtus per venerabilem patrem dominum Sebaldum Helmasperg. abbatem ibidem anno' (v. A. F. Oefelius, Rerum Boicarum Scriptores (Aug. Vind. 1763), 1, 351). Worts Fund (before 1853) 19th c. stamped russia [774\
891 Crescentiis (Petrus de): Liber ruralium commodorum. F°, 282 mm. * Circiter9 16 Feb. 1471 P*i59O BM11328 HP5828 GW7820 Collation varies from BM & GW: [s 10+1 1 10+1 ]. Leaf 209a as in GW Anm. 2 MS. prescription in German signed 'P. Paldinger' and dated 1479. On the blanks a contemporary Latin-German vocabulary of plants. Duplum Bibliothecae R. Monac. Heber (?). Stamp & bookplate of H. R. Lloyd. Bought, 1888 (?) Pigskin, circa 1600, the boards later covered with paper [775\
892 Cassiodorus (Magnus Aurelius): Historia tripartita. F°, 316 mm. 'Circiter9 5 Feb. 1472 P*I594 BM11329 HF4573 GW6164 Wants the first and last leaves (blank) Royal Library, 1715 i8thc. half calf
Another copy. 312 mm. Wants the last two leaves (blank) 'Ex lib. FF. Ord. S. Spiritus Hospit. Wimpinensis.' From the library of F. Jenkinson, 1923 Contemporary stamped red leather, rebacked [777]
A m b r o s e (St): H e x a m e r o n . F°, 303 m m . 'Circiter'
5 M a y 1472
P* 1595 BM 11329 H* 903 GW 1603 Wants the last leaf (blank) Bought, 1896 19th c. half morocco
895 Jacobus, de Theramo: Belial. F°, 315 mm. 2 July 1472 P* 1597 BM11329 Wants leaves 45 & 46 On the blanks in contemporary MS. is written a Tabula servandi terminos secundum stilum Curiae Romanae Half vellum, circa 1800 [779\
Another copy. 284 mm. Wants the last three leaves (blanks) * Conuentus Landishut Ord: FF. Praedicatorum.' From the library of F. Jenkinson, 1923 Paper boards [780]
897 Augustinus, de Ancona: Summa de potestate ecclesiastica. F°, 315 mm. 6 Mar. 1473 P* 1598 BM 11 329 H* 960 GW 3050 (Anm. 4) 'Monachii ad PP. Franciscanos pro bibl.' Bibliotheca Regia Monacensis. Acton Library, 1902 Contemporary stamped calf [781]
J O H A N N BAMLER 898 Gregory I: Dialogi [etc.], (German.) F°, 310 mm. 1473 P* 1605=1631 A BM11332&339 13*7970 Printed at the Monastery of SS. Ulrich & Afra The last nine leaves ([tg-gU6] of the BM collation), containing Cordiale quattuor novissimorum in German, are described in GW 7517 as a separate publication in one quire (10 leaves, the first unknown) Wants leaf [qx] (supplied from another copy) 'Das puch gehort in das closter zu dem hailligen Creucz In Regespurg prediger ordens/ Culemann 359. Worts Fund, 1870 Contemporary stamped calf, with scroll lettered ' Ulricus'; with clasp 182
Statuta ecclesiae Frisingensis. F°, 242 m m . P*i625 BM11336 H* 15032 Wants the first and last leaves (blank) Bookplate of F. O. B[eggi]. Ashburnham. G. Dunn. Rustat Fund, 1914 19th c. stamped morocco
Auslegung des Amts der heiligen Messe. 4 0 , 247 m m . 10 Dec. 1484 P1628 BM11337 H*2i44 GW3086 Gaselee55 Wants leaves 1 (blank), 2 (woodcut) & 67-9 Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Paper boards
MONASTERY OF SS. ULRICH AND AFRA *** See also nos 898, 915 & 918-20 —
%* P 1631 A. See P 1605
Rampegollis (Antonius de): Biblia aurea. F°, 309 m m . P*i635 BM11340 11*13678 *V. ellenbog 1476 augustae* Bound (2) with nos 128, etc. (q.v.)
Salomon, Bp of Constance: Glossae. F°, 400 m m . P*i636 BM11340 H*I4I34 * Liber doctoris Hartmanni Schedel de Nuremberga.* Bookplates: (1) Ex Bibliotheca Sereniss*um Vtriusque Bauariae Ducum. 1618. (2) Ex Electorali Bibliotheca Sereniss.
Bauariae Ducum. Rustat Fund, 1869 Contemporary stamped calf, rebacked 903
Quadragesimale viatoris. F°, 310 m m . P* 1637 BM11340 Note by U. Ellenbog: 'Dominus Conradus de Schenckenstain.. .habebat hunc viatorem de manu propria eius scriptum. Et quia compater meus erat in quadragesima sepenumero ad me dictum viatorem misit in eo ut legerem. Vnde e g o . . . induxi Pflantzenman ciuem augustensem et consistorij procuratorem ut imprimi faceret. sic impressus est...' Bound (3) with nos 128, etc. (q.v.) [788]
Vincentius, Bellovacensis: Speculum historiale. 3 vols. F°, 361 m m . 1474 P* 1639 BM11339 * Comperatus est liber iste per ven. patrem dnm. Johannem Vennd Praepositum monasterii in Polling.' Bookplates: (1) Iste liber est Monasterij SS. Saluatoris & S. Crucis in Polling (Warnecke-1598?). (2) Franciscus Praepositus Cann. Reg. in Polling. Anno 1744 (Franz Topsel, v. Warnecke 1603). Rustat Fund, 1868 16th c. stamped pigskin 183
905 Vincentius, Bellovacensis: Speculum historiale. Another copy. 3vols. 392 mm. Leaf 11 of vol. 3 mutilated; vol. 3 wants [m^ of the BM collation and the last (blank) leaf See The Library, 4th ser., n (1921-2), pp. 115-16 At the end of vol. 3: 'Melchior de Stamhain abbas SS. Vdalrici et auffre ord. S. benedicti nostre dyocesis et ciuitatis augustensis incepit opus illud impressionis artis perficere et antequam finis opens huius advenit preclusit sibi mors amara post eum successit frater hainricus friess qui nobis Iohanni Episcopo Augustensi vincencium ilium in hystoria dedit.' 'Ex Bibl. Rmi Augustani.' Vol. 3: 'Soc. Jesu Dilingae.' Vol. 1 [d 2 ]: 'Fr Parranus Capucinus 1640' with a drawing of a friar. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 [3877] Contemporary stamped calf, rebacked
Another copy of vols 1 & 2. 405 mm. Gaselee 56 Vol. 2, which has the registers of all three parts, wants [b10] of the BM collation Vol. 1: ' Frater petrus berckenmair monachus et professus huius loci donauit eidem istud volumen.. .1496/ 'Monasterii ss. Udalrici & Afrae. Augustae.' 'Barnheim.' 'Ferdinand Wachter.' '1835 Wachteri ex auctione [ . . . ] ' Vol. 2: 'Conuentus Ratisponn. Frm Praed.' Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Vol. 1: Contemporary stamped white leather, with 'Ulricus' and 'Afra' scrolls. Vol. 2: [3876] Contemporary stamped calf
Another copy of vol. 3. 415 mm. Wants leaf 1 of the register and the last leaf (blank) 'Marcus Mantz.. .1569/ 'Sum Andreae Weiss Gronenbachij 1794/ Adams Bequest, 1892 Contemporary stamped pigskin [787]
*** P* 1640. See no. 915
A N T O N . SORG 908 Augustine (St): Quinquaginta. F°, 272 mm. 'Circiter9 1 Feb. 1475 P*i64i BM11341 KF1987 GW2916 H. R. Luard. Sandars Bequest, 1894 Red morocco, by Wiseman
Another copy. 283 mm. Cornelius Paine. Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 19th c. boards
910 Nider (Johannes): Praeceptorium. F°, 281 mm. 'Circiter9 24 May 1475 P*i642 BM11342 H*ii789 The second leaf of the last quire ([H 2]) has been cut away; there is no break in the text Contemporary MS. notes (Latin and German) at the beginning and end Jenkinson Fund, 1934 Wooden boards (one renewed), backed with leather [3788]
911 Cato (Dionysius): Disticha. F°, 302 mm. 2 Nov. 1475 P* 1643 BM 11342 H* 4711 GW 6277 'Thierhaupten/ A coat-of-arms: argent (diapered or?), within a double border or a cross cramponne*e sable. Given by F. Jenkinson, 1891 Contemporary stamped calf [792] 912
B o n a v e n t u r a (St): S p e c u l u m B . V . M . F°, 285 m m . 20 Sept. 1477 P*i65i BM11345 H*3567 GW4818 L. W. Hodson. Given by J. Charrington, 1916 Bound (1) with nos 916, 917 & 913. Contemporary stamped calf, boards lined with fragments from H* 12111 (Ortolff von Beyrlandt, Arzneihuch) [793]
913 Bernard (St), ofClairvaux: De consideratione [etc.]. F°, 285 mm. P* 1652+1655 BM11345 H * 2887+ 5900 GW3914 Bound (4) & (5) with nos 912, etc.
914 Bernard (St), ofClairvaux: Meditationes [etc.], F°, 279 mm. P*i653 BM11342 H2880 GW4023 Gaselee57 Bound (2) with nos 1157, etc. —
p l6
55- See p *
915 Felicianus: De divina praedestinatione. F°, 310 mm. P*i64O BM11339&343 H*695O Note by U. Ellenbog: 'Is tractatus impressus est Auguste in monasterio sancti Udalrici, donatusque est mihi per dominum abbatem Bound (4) with no. 128, etc. (q.v.) [789]
916 Nicolaus, Cisterciensis: Imago beatae virginis. F°, 285 mm. P1658 BM11345 H* 11759 Bound (2) with nos 912, etc.
917 Peckham (John): De oculo morali. F°, 285 mm. P*i659 BM11345 H*9427 Bound (3) with nos 912, etc.
.918 Peckham (John): De oculo morali. F°, 306 mm. P 1660 BM 11 339 & 343 H* 9426 Wants the first leaf (blank); the table ([g2-?] of the BM collation) bound in before [a2] Given by H. R. Luard, 1868 Modern half morocco [798] 919
A n o t h e r c o p y . 310 m m . Without the table; the stub of the last leaf of text ([gi]) is folded around quire [f], making that quire [f6+1] Note by U. Ellenbog: 'Is tractatus impressus est Auguste in monasterio sancti Udalrici...' Bound (5) with nos 128, etc. (q.v.) [799]
920 Peckham (John): De oculo morali. Another copy. 281 mm. Gaselee 58 Without the table Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 19th c. half morocco
921 Jacobus, de Theramo: Belial. (German.) F°, 277 mm. 6 June 1481 Cop. 5811 Wants leaves 1 (blank?), 11, 87 (blank?) and 88 (blank?) Bought, 1894 16th c. stamped calf
922 Richenthal (Ulrich von): Concilium zu Constanz. F°, 249 mm. 2 Sept. 1483 P*i69o BM11350 H*56io Very imperfect 'Jo. Hart/ Royal Library, 1715 i8thc. half calf 923
Another copy. 271 m m . Wants the first leaf (blank?), 3-8 & 10 (all supplied in MS.) and the last leaf (blank) Bought (lot 353 at Sotheby's), 26 Jan. 1863 Old vellum [802]
924 Nider (Johannes): Consolatorium timoratae conscientiae. F°, 288 mm. P1695 BM11351 H*n8o7 'Cenobium Althomiinster 1542/ Bought, 1894 Contemporary wooden boards, backed with stamped calf
925 Nider (Johannes): Formicarius. F°, 267 mm. P*i696 BM11351 H*n832 'Canonicorum Regg. ad S. Zenonem' (at Reichenhall). Acton Library, 1902 Contemporary stamped pigskin
926 Cursus hinc inde collecti cum septem psalmis poenitentialibus. 8°, 137 mm. 1487 P1703 BM11352 H*5859 'Monasterii S. Emmerami Ratisb.' From the library of H. Bradshaw, 1886 Contemporary soft white leather, with clasp
927 Breydenbach (Bernhard von): Itinerarium. (German.) F°, 250 mm. 22 Apr. * 1488 P*i7O5 BM11353 H*396o GW 5078 Wants q7 'Cri: Melander.' Given by H. Bradshaw, 1868 16th c. stamped pigskin
[806] 0
928 Cicero (Marcus Tullius): De proprietatibus terminorum. 4 , 195 mm. 1488 P*I7O8 BM11353 H*5353 GW 7027 '1570 Petrus Hemicke.' Rustat Fund (lot i n at Hodgson's), 26 Mar. 1914 Modern stamped calf
929 Moesch (Johannes): De horis canonicis dicendis. 40, 186 mm. 7 Nov. 1489 P*i7i2 BM11354 11*11534 Adams Bequest, 1892 19th c. boards
930 Rupe (Alanus de): Psalterium B.V.M. (German.) 40, 190 mm. 1490 H14038 a-k 8 l 6 ; 86 leaves. 2a: 135 x 86 mm., 25 lines. Types: 140 (tide and headings), 109 (text). Woodcuts ia: ([ Von dem pfalter vnnd | Rofen krancz vnfer lie* | ben frauen. Wie man den | beten fol. I; 2a: ([ Dife figur gibt zu verftan vnd lert dich | wie du den pfalter Marie oder die .iij. rofen | krencz beten vnd oadnen folt...; 2b: [woodcut]; 3a: ([ Dife nachuolgend materi ift I gezogen aufz eym buchlin. wel | lichs gemacht hat maifter ala | nus paediger otdens. von vnfer | frauen pfalter. Gebom in Bdta | nia vnd vo de conuent Dynat. | (V10) On dem pfalter | Marie der hoch= | wirdigen muter | gottes etwas zu | fagen...; 9a (sig. b ^ : geben fur ein gab eym der noch lept zu em |; 86a, 1. 22: aller wunniklichen fIlikeit Amen. | ([ Gedtuckt zu Augfpurg von Anthonio | Sosg Im jar als man zalt. M.cccc.lxxxx. | 'Der psalter gehort des pauls kerers dochter Margretten kererin' (followed by an entry of her death in 1495) The original sides of stamped calf laid down on a modern binding of calf and morocco [S09] 931
A n o t h e r copy. 172 m m . 'Comparavit Bibliothecae Arnsb[urg]: P. Willigisius Petrelli profess. Arnsb: 1763/ Acton Library, 1902 Cloth [810]
932 Epistola de miseria curatorum. 40, 191 mm. H*66i 5 GW9353 Given by the Rev. W. Cooke, 1891 Modern quarter morocco
933 Caracciolus (Robertus): Sermones de laudibus sanctorum. F°, 276 mm. 23 Feb. 1490 P*i7i4 BM11354 H*4486 GW6056 *Pro Conuentu FF: Min: Ref: Francis: Bulzan.' Cambridge Baskerville Club Benefaction, 1931
Contemporary stamped calf, rebacked
JOHANN WIENER 934 Paul II: Regulae cancellariae apostollcae [etc.], 40, 192 mm 1476 P*i726 BM11357 H* 12489= *565i + *9i88+13626 Wants leaf 48 (blank) and the last twelve leaves *Christophorus Neaelius [...] anno 1564/ 'facultatis philosophicae viennae 1618/ Rustat Fund, 1927 Bound (1) with no. 572. 18th c. calf backed with pigskin [812]
935 Paul II: Regtdae cancellariae apostolicae [etc.]. Part of another copy. 2 vols. 197 mm. Leaves 115-22 (Decretum Carolina) and 139-48 (Inhibitiones secundum theologos et canones sanctorum patrum), only
Bought, 1923 Russia
936 Guilelmus, Parisiensis: Postilla. F°, 273 mm. 1476 P*I73O BM11357 H*8254 Wants leaf 178 ([s12] of the BM collation) 'Cenobii Beyharting.' Jenkinson Fund, 1934 Half vellum
937 Nider (Johannes): Praeceptorium divinae legis. F°, 316 mm. 1479 P* 1732 BM11357 H* 11792 ' 1483 Iste liber est fratris Jacobi Catzenberg (?) ordinis sancti spiritus ac ecclesie beate marie virginis plebani ' L. W. Hodson. Given by J. Charrington, 1916 Contemporary stamped pigskin, with clasps [814]
938 Albertus, Magnus: Sermones de tempore et de sanctis. F°, 310 mm. P1733 BM11358 H*474 GW778 Wants the last leaf (blank) 'In usum F.F. Widem. (?) comparavitjoscio Abbas 1730/ Given by the Ven. H. Bothamley, 1899 Contemporary stamped calf, pigskin back
939 Gregory I: Dialogi. F°, 292 mm. P*i735 BM11358 H*7958 Collation varies from BM: [a10 b-i 8 k 6 1 8 ]; 88 leaves, the first and last blank Wants the blanks 'Iste liber est Eclesie Scti Nicolai Patauie' Paper boards covered with 14th c. MS., pigskin back
JODOCUS PFLANZMANN 940 Bible: German. F°, 404 mm. P1736 BM11358 H * 3 i 3 i GW4297 Some leaves at the beginning repaired and misbound Ex Musaeo Huthii. Given by A. W. Young, 1933 Morocco, by Bedford
LUDWIG HOHENWANG 941 Henricus, de Segusio: Summa super titulis decretalium. 2 vols. F°, 285 mm. 1477 P*i738 BMn359 H* 8961 Pts 11 & m only, and the leaf of rubrics for Pt rv. Pt in wants the first and last leaves (blank) W. H. Dutton. G. Dunn. Rustat Fund, 1917 Modern green morocco [817]
J O H A N N KELLER 942 Vocabularius: Latin-German. F°, 274 mm. 1478 P*i743 BM11360 H3699 'Egerton's sale. £2. 12s. 6d. M. Wodhull, Apr. 13th 1792/ Rustat Fund, 1886 18th c. mottled calf, spine decorated with a coronet over a fleur-de-lys
A M B R O S I U S KELLER 943 Aristoteles: Opera [efc.]. (Latin.) F°, 310 mm. 15 Sept.-2i Oct. 1479 P* 1747-9 BM11361 H*i658 GW2335 Pts I—in only, bound together. Pt 1 wants leaf 21 'Iste liber pertinet ulrico Junger de puchdorf.' 'Carthusiae in Buxheim' (with Buxheim stamp). 'Ex libris Ed. G. Duff.' Bought (lot 872 at Sotheby's), 17 Dec. 1894 Contemporary wooden boards, backed with stamped red leather, with clasp [#19-21]
HERMANN KASTLIN 944 Manuale parochialium sacerdotum. 40, 206 mm. 1484 P* 1754 BM n 362 H* 10730 Bequeathed by Karl Pearson, 1936 Modern quarter morocco
JOHANN SCHONSPERGER 945 Tractatus solemnis multum praedicabilis. F°, 272 mm. P 1775 BM 11 365 H* 15587= 14278 Gaselee 59 2a: .. .follempnis (v. BM note) Wants the first leaf (presumably blank) Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Formerly bound with no. 231. Modern quarter morocco
946 Schedel (Hartmann): Liber cronicarum. F°, 281 mm. 1 Feb. 1497 P* 1786 BM 11370 H14509 Wants leaf 26 (blank) Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 17th c. Cambridge calf
Another copy. 290 mm. Wants the blank leaves 26 and 366 A map of Germany (2 leaves), from an edition of Ptolemy, inserted after fo. cccxxxviii Sandars Bequest, 1894 19th c. half morocco [3747]
948 Thomas, a Kempis: Imitatio Christi. (German.) 40, 200 mm. 26 July 1498 [#4] a-q 8 r 4 s 8 ; 144 leaves Acton Library, 1902 16th c. stamped calf, with clasps
949 Schwabenspiegel. Summarie von kunglichen und keyserlichen darzu landt und lehen rechten. F°, 272 mm. H* 9870 [#8] a-q 8 r 10 ; 146 leaves, the last presumably blank Wants the last leaf Erased inscription: 'Ex bibliotheca ecclesiae collegiatae S. Nicolai Comburg.' Apponyi. Bought, 1892 19th c. half calf [824]
J O H A N N FROSCHAUER 950 Privilegia clericorum [etc.], 40, 195 mm. 1498 P*i829 BM11397 H7381 Given by S. Sandars, 1870 Modern quarter morocco
951 Savonarola (Girolamo): Expositio in psalmum L (Miserere). 40, 194 mm. [H]99 Pf 1835 H* 14424 Audin 140 a b 6 ; 12 leaves Given by the Rev. H. B. Taylor, 1872 Modern quarter morocco
952 Athanasius (St): In psalmorum effectus sequestratio. 40, 192 mm. P*i839 BM11399 H*i9O3 GW2761 Modern quarter morocco
953 Wimpheling (Jakob): Oratio querulosa contra invasores sacerdotum. 40, 183 mm. P*i848 BM11400 HF16194 Bequeathed by Karl Pearson, 1936 Cloth
J O H A N N SCHOBSSER 954 Versehung von Leib, Seele, Ehre und Gut. 40, 189 mm. 1490 P1866 BM11378 H* 16020 Wants yl9 and the last leaf (blank) Culemann 624. Worts Fund, 1870 Contemporary stamped calf, the upper board lettered * Versechung'
ERHARD RATDOLT 955 Thwrocz (Johannes de): Chronica Hungarorum. 40, 211 mm. 3 June 1488 P*i874 BM11381 H*i55i8 Wants v 3 & v 4 (both blank) 'Stephanus Rodtakerus artium et philosophiae magister studii heidelbergensis regens. An: 1548' (with a statement in his hand of expenses incurred on his graduation as Bachelor 190
AUGSBURG and Master at Heidelberg, and a note on his admission to the faculty of medicine). * Joannes Ballochus pastor op Ormsburg up Isel printed in 4to at Riga 1560. Mr Jerome Horsey.' Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 18th c. calf [829]
956 Albumasar: Flores astrologiae. 40, 200 mm. 18 Nov. 1488 P*i877 BM11382 H*6O9 GW837 Wants the last leaf (blank) Sandars Bequest, 1894 19th c. half calf
957 Thomas, a Kempis: Imitatio Christi [etc.], 40, 200 mm. 1488 P*i878 BM11382 H*9O94 Wants the two preliminary leaves (table), and f3 & f4 Bought, 1870 Modern quarter morocco
958 Leopold, Duke of Austria: Compilatio de astrorum scientia. 40, 218 mm. 9 Jan. 1489 P*i879 BM11382 H* 10042 A horoscope in contemporary MS. at the end Adams Bequest, 1892 19th c. stamped morocco
959 Albumasar: Introductorium in astronomiam. 40, 211 mm. 7 Feb. 1489 P*i88o BM11382 H*6i2 GW840 'Ricardus[...].' Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Bound (1) with no. 960: at one time the volume also contained Albumasar, Flores and Michael Scotus, Physiognomia. 18th c. half calf, rebacked [833] 960
A l b u m a s a r : D e magnis conjunctionibus. 4 0 , 211 m m . 31 M a r . 1489 P*i882 BM11383 H * 6 n Bound (2) with no. 959
GW836 [834]
961 Regiomontanus (Johannes): Tabulae directionum. 40, 203 mm. 2Jan. 1490 P*i885 BM11383 H* 13801=^15206 'Sum Francisci Hessi.' Bibl. Univers. Lips. Given by J. Charrington, 1924 Modern half vellum 962
B r e v i a r i u m Pataviense. F°, 327 m m . 27 N o v . 1490 Pfi888 H*3874 GW 5426 (1-6) Wants the first leaf (blank) Jenkinson Fund, 1934 16th c. stamped pigskin, with clasps and bosses 191
963 Regiomontanus (Johannes): Kalendarium. 40, 208 mm. 1492 H* 13781 a 10 bc 8 [d 2 ];28leaves Wants the first leaf (title & verses) Bought, 1902 19th c. quarter vellum
964 Missale Brixinense. F°, 323 mm. 17 Aug. 1493 P 1900 BM11 387 H11273 Wants leaves 1 (woodcut), 14 (blank) and 240 (the last, blank) Inside the front board a coat-of-arms: Quarterly; 1 and 4, or two cocks sable addorsed; 2 and 3, party per fesse, gules a leopard passant or, in base gules two bars wavy azure & argent Rustat Fund, 1868 [837] 16th c. stamped calf, with clasps and bosses
Graduate Romanum. F°, 333 mm. H* 7 843? 40 loose leaves only with pencilled signatures & foliations: a b 8 (1-16) c a _ 8 (18-24), three odd leaves, k 8 (73-80), 15_8 (85-8) and two leaves marked 147 & 148 Given by F. Jenkinson, 1920 [3715] Unbound
966 Psalter: Latin & German. 40, 212 mm. 1499 P* 1914 BM11390 H* 13511 Gaselee6o Wants the last leaf (blank) 'Cristoffer grunheffer', with MS. entries (dated 1494-1519) in the calendar about his family. Benjamin Williams. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Contemporary stamped calf laid on 19th c. morocco [3#&*] 967
D i u r n a l e Ratisponense. 16 0 , 102 m m . 26 A u g . 1500 P1914A BM11390 GW8558 Wants leaves 1 & 22-4 (all blank) From the library of H. Bradshaw, 1886 Stamped calf, the upper board lettered ' K B P 1602'
Klagen, Antworten und Urteile. F°, 261 mm. H3728 [•6] a-x 8 y 6 ; 180 leaves, 2 & 3 signed i, ij. Woodcut tide; text type 97 Bookplate of F. O. B[eggi] 19th c. boards
969 Albertus, Magnus: Liber aggregationis [etc.]. 40, 186 mm. 29 Aug. 1496 BM11393 11*542 GW628 Title-page mutilated. Wants e 3f4 'Monasterii B.M.V. ad S. + . [i.e. Heiligenkreuz] Ord: Cisterc:' Given by H. J. Chaytor, 1948 Old half vellum [4288] 192
Talmud. Objectiones in dicta Thalmut. 40, 190 mm. P * I Q 2 6 BM11393 H* 15232 Bought, 1893 Modern half morocco
[841 ]
NUREMBERG J O H A N N S E N S E N S C H M I D T , 1st press ALONE 971
Retza (Franciscus de): Comestorium vitiorum. F°, 210 mm. 1470 P*i942 BM11403 H* 13884 Wants leaves 98, 150, 192, 233 & 292 (all blank) 'Monast. Monacensis Or. Er. S. P. Aug. 1606/ Bookplate: groeninghe velt (Borluut de Noortdonck). Henry White. H. C. L. Morris. Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1942 Red morocco, with arms of Baron A. de Seilliere ('Bibliotheque de Mello') [4224]
Gerson (Johannes): De spiritualibus nuptiis. F°, 293 mm. 1470 P*I943 BM11403 H*77I5 Wants the last leaf (blank) Bibliotheca Conoviana (i.e. F. W . Conway). Bought, 1894 Pigskin, by George Mullen, Dublin
Albertus, Magnus: Compendium theologicae veritatis [etc.], F°, 275 mm. P*i95i BM11403 H*432 GW596 Wants leaves 1 (blank), 5, 6, 31-40, 70, 7h last, blank); leaf 66 mutilated Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 19th c. half calf
3 , H4 (blank), 145-9, 150 (blank) & 194 (the
Gerson (Johannes): De arte audiendi confessiones. F°, 204 mm. P* 1952 BM11404 H* 7659 Two leaves only (defective), formerly used as wrappers for no. 1318
Gerson (Johannes): De regulis mandatorum. F°, 301 mm. P* 1953 BM n 404 H* 7646 Rustat Fund, 1868 Modern half morocco
Rainerius, de Pisis: Pantheologia. 2 vols. F°, 385 mm. 8 Apr. 1473 P* 1959 BM n 405 H* 13015 Wants the blank'leaves (1, 32-3, 102, 190, 441 & 863-5) 'Anno dni 1475 in die Calixti liber mgri jodoci brunner de nuremberga. 2a pars pantheologie.' Rustat Fund, 1869 19th c. paper boards [S46] oc
A N T O N KOBERGER 977 Nider (Johannes): De morali lepra. F°, 300 mm. P1960 BM11411 H*n8i3 Rubricated in 1471 Bound (2) with no. 978
978 Nider (Johannes): Manuale confessorum. F°, 300 mm. P1961 BM11411 H*n834 Kloss. Bookplate: Deo'fidelis et regi (S. C. E. Williams), signed 'Rev. J. Williams M.A., Bryntirion*. Bought, 1894 Bound (1) with no. 977. Half calf (Kloss) [848] 979
Rainerius, de Pisis: Pantheologia. 3 vols. F°, 460 mm. 3 Aug. 1474 P 1967 BM11412 H* 13017 Wants leaves 1 (blank), 32-3 (blank), 34-5, 87-90,102 (blank), 104-11,147,184,190 (blank), 279, 441 (blank), 442, 454-70, 500-20, 583-96, 599-602, 635-42, 665-72, 705-14, 75i> 831 and 863-5 (blank) Given by Thomas Rotherham, circa 1484 Vols 1 & 3: calf, circa 1700, rebacked with pigskin; vol. 2: modern half pigskin [849]
B i b l e : Latin.
F°, 376 m m . 16 N o v . 1475
P*i97O BM11413 KF3056 GW4218 Text begins on ia (as GW, not 2a as BM) Wants leaves 476 (a cancelled blank) & 481 (last but one) 'Dise Gantze Bibell Zugehort dem gotzhaus Andex auf dem heiligen perge. Dns Udalricus KifFhaber olim Viceplebanus: In erling me dedit/ J. Hirst (?). Rustat Fund (in a sale at Leeds), 1891 17th c. calf [830]
Another copy. 406 mm. Wants leaves 1, 4, 97, 219, 243, 277, 308, 385, 476 (a cancelled blank) & 482 (last) Contemporary stamped pigskin, with metal bosses and protecting strips [831]
982 Burley (Walter): De vita et moribus philosophorum. F°, 314 mm. P*i973 BM11411 HF4112 GW5785 'Joannes Botzhemus Abstemius Manu propria Bononie 1505.' ' Video in marg. etiam praeter Jo. Botzhemii manum geneross. Georgii Vdalrici von Ende, qui fuit gener Bernhardi Botzhemii.' Arms of Botzheim illuminated on 8a. Bookplate of J. W . Moss, Dudley. Bought (lot 2682 at Sotheby's), 13 Nov. 1897 Old vellum [832]
983 Burley (Walter): De vita et moribus philosophorum. F°, 280 mm. 6 May 1477 P*i978 BM11414 H*4i23 GW5786 Collation as GW, not as BM Cornelius Paine. Adams Bequest, 1892 19th c. blue morocco 194
Another copy. 283 mm. Frederic Perkins, Chipstead Place, Kent. Sandars Bequest, 1894 Contemporary stamped pigskin, with clasps & bosses, rebacked
Charles IV: Bulla aurea. F°, 284 mm. 24 May 1477 p* 1979 BM11414 H* 4076 Rubricated in 1480 Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Formerly bound (1) with no. 3254. Modern half morocco, the upper board 18th c. [834]
Bible: Latin. F°, 395 mm. 30 July 1477 P*i98o BM11414 H*3o65 GW4227 Wants the blank leaf [aj. Quire [*6] of the BM collation is bound last (as GW) ' W . G. Thorpe.' Adams Bequest, 1892 Half calf, circa 1800
Part of another copy. 403 mm. Quires [B]-[cc] (leaves 235-468) of the GW collation Bound (2) with no. 988
B i b l e : Latin.
F°, 403 m m . 14 Apr. 1478
P1984 BM11415 H*3o68 GW4232 Quires [a]-[A] (leaves 1-234) only of the GW collation 'Carthusiae S. Viti in Priiel prope Ratisponam/ Given by A. W. Young, 1933 Bound (1) with no. 987. Contemporary stamped pigskin
989 Jerome (St): Vitas patrum. F°, 392 mm. 7 May 1478 P*I985 BM11416 H*8595 Wants leaf 24, and the blank leaves 1, 7 & 246 Given by S. Sandars, 1870 Bound (1) with no. 717. 19th c. half calf
Another copy. 343 mm. 'Carthusiae Gemnicensis.' Adams Bequest, 1892 16th c. stamped pigskin, with the arms of Gaming Charterhouse
Jacobus, de Voragine: Legenda aurea. F°, 353 mm. 11 Aug. 1478 P*I987 BM11416 Pol. 2188 With the two leaves of table, at the beginning, as described by Polain *... Dno Petro Abbati in Maria Cell, ad pedem Schopfflochii... hunc librum dono dedit M. Johannes Michaelis pro tempore pastor Wiseng [i.e. Wiesent], anno.. .1618...' 'Adnumeror Bibliothecae Monasterii Cellae B.M. Virg. inter prenberg et Worth.' 'Ad conuentum Vallis Speciosae Ord. S. Augustin.' Zouch H. Turton. L. T. Rowe. At the end a page of contemporary MS. 'De sancto Wolgango*. Bought, 1928 16th c. stamped vellum, an armorial stamp (indecipherable) on the upper board [838] 195
992 Bible: Latin. F°, 390 mm. 10 Nov. 1478 P*i98o BM11416 HF3069 GW4234 'Liber Guil: Griffith e Coll. Ch[risti] Cant. 1654/ 'A. Tuckney, 1667/ Royal Library, 1715 Calf, circa 1700, rebacked [859]
993 Bible: Latin. F°, 402 mm. 6 Aug. 1479 P*I993 BM11417 HP3072 GW4239 Wants leaves 2-4 & 465 Bought, 1878 Contemporary stamped pigskin
994 Nicolaus, de Lyra: Postilla super totam Bibliam. F°, 410 mm. 22 Jan. 1481 P* 1998 BM11419 H* 10369 Six leaves only (Ezechiel xl-xlviii), from M. C. Tutet's annotated copy of Ames, Typographical antiquities (1749). Bought, 1854 [4*53] 995
P e t r u s , Lombardus: Sententiae. F°, 300 m m . 10 M a y 1481 P*2oo2 BM11420 H * I O I 8 8 Wants the last leaf (blank) 'Aug. Gottl. Wilh. Muldener' Contemporary stamped calf, rebacked, the boards lined with four leaves of a 40 breviary [861]
P l a t i n a (Bartholomaeus d e ) : Vitae pontificum. F°, 291 m m . 11 A u g . 1481 P* 2005 BM 11 420 H* 13047 Collation varies from BM: [a10 b 6 ], not [*2 a8"2 b 8 ] Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf
A l e x a n d e r , de Ales: S u m m a . 4 vols. F°, 410 m m . 29 N o v . 1481-23 A u g . 1482 P*2Oio+*2Oi6+*2Oi9+*2O24 BM n 422 H*643 GW 871 The Generalis discursus is misbound as leaves 2 & 9 of vol. 4 'Hunc librum comparavit frater Erasmus [Miinzer] Abbas huius Monasterii Sctissimi Emerami/ 'Monasterii S. Emmerami Ratisbonae.' Acton Library, 1902 Contemporary stamped pigskin (not uniform), with clasps; the lower boards of vols 1, 3 & 4 have staples for chaining [863]
998 Astesanus, de Ast: Summa de casibus conscientiae. F°, 334 mm. 11 May 1482 P*2O2o BM11423 HF1897 GW2758 'Will: Leigh/ Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 17th c. calf
Another copy. 325 mm. Wants leaves 44, 230 & 324 (the last, blank) 'FF. Caesareensium in Pielenhofen/ Acton Library, 1902 Modern quarter morocco
*^* P* 2024. See no. 997 196
1000 Bible: German. F°, 383 mm. 17 Feb. 1483 P*2028 BM11424 H*3i37 GW4303 Collation of the first 12 leaves as GW, not as BM Wants leaves 296 & 586 (both blank) Worts Fund (before 1853) 19th c. stamped morocco 1001
Another copy. 2 vols. 378 m m . Wants leaves 278-9, and the blank leaves 296-7 & 586 Ex Musseo Huthii. Given by A. W. Young, 1933 19th c. morocco
J e r o m e (St): Vitas patrum. F°, 325 m m . 5 Apr. 1483 P*2032 BM11425 H*8598 Wants the first leaf (blank) 'Conuent. Louan. S. Alberti ff. Carmel. Discalc' 'Joannis burgen.' 'Henrici Mulkeman/ G. B. Simpson. Given "by Miss B. K. Burn, 1943 [4228] 19th c. roan
1003 Antoninus (St): Opus historiale. 3 vols. F°, 401 mm. 31 July 1484 P*2O4o BM11426 H * i i 5 9 GW2072 Collation of vol. 3 as GW, not as BM Vol. 1 wants the first & last leaves (blank); vol. 3 wants the first & last two leaves (blank) 18th c. calf [867]
1004 Bible: Latin. With the commentary of Nicolaus de Lyra. F°, 308 mm. 7 May 1485 P*204i BM11427 H*3i<56 GW4288 Vol. 2 only Bought, 1898 16th c. stamped pigskin, with bosses and corner-pieces
1005 Conradus, de Alemania: Concordantiae. F°, 403 mm. 27 June 1485 P2042 BM11427 H*5632 GW7420 Wants leaves 1 (blank), 163, 373 and 420 (the last, blank) 'Ad Conuentum Seemanshusanum Ord. Eremit. S. P. Augustini.' Bought, 1928 Contemporary stamped calf (defective), the spine and part of the upper board painted white; on the latter is stamped a date ' I494(?)' [869]
1006 Bromyard (Johannes de): Summapraedicantium. F°, 407 mm. 29June 1485 P*2O43 BM11427 H*3994 Wants the first leaf (blank) 'Loci Capucinorum Augustae.' 'J. Crallii (?)' Contemporary stamped calf 197
1007 Paulus, de Castro: Consilia et allegationes. F°, 408 mm. Oct. 1485 BM11428 11*4641 Wants the first leaf (blank) 'Liber magri: Thome Sluthman, 1547/ < J o ' i a m i e s Schrogie.' ' P . D. Dowell 22 Apr. 1879/ Rustat Fund, 1902 Bound (1) with no. 2643. Calf, circa 1700, rebacked [871]
1008 Breviarium Fratrum Praedicatorum. 8°, 166 mm. 1485 P2045 BM11428 H*3879 GW5219 *Ex libris Joseph Edlinger; nunc vero ex libris Simonis Klainbrott Staiiffensis...' Biblioth. Fridr. Hurter Scaphus[ensis, i.e. of Schaffhausen]. Probably acquired between 1853&1856 Blue morocco, by J. Wright [872] 1009
Clement V : Constitutiones. F°, 324 m m . 15 Mar. i486 P*2046 BM 11429 H*5435 GW 7097 Wants the first and last leaves (blank) Bound (2) with no. 1010
Boniface VIII: Decretalium liber sextus. F°, 324 m m . 20 June i486 P2049 BM11429 H*36i3 GW4879 Wants the first and last leaves (blank) 'Monrii Neistad. ord. S. Pauli p. Er ' Acton Library, 1902 Bound (1) with no. 1009. 18th c. red morocco
P e t r u s , de Palude: S e r m o n e s thesauri n o v i d e sanctis. F°, 299 m m . 18 F e b . 1487 P*2O58 BM11431 Quires second aa-Nn only of the BM collation 'Conventus Bambergensis Ord. FF. Pred.' Given by 24 subscribers through J. W . Clark, 1895 Contemporary stamped calf; stamps include a circular armorial (quarterly, Wurttemberg & Mompelgard: not identical with W T pi. xn, 2); staple and chain attached to lower board
1012 Bible: Latin. With the commentary ofNicolaus de Lyra. F°, 294 mm. 3 Dec. 1487 P*2o6o BM11431 H*3i<57 GW4289 Vol. 4 only. The last quire is rr 6 (as GW, not rr 8 , as BM) Wants the first leaf (blank) Given by the Rev. G. A. Weekes, 1915 19th c. half calf over wooden boards
1013 Baptista, de Salis: Summa casuum conscientiae [etc.]. F°, 303 mm. 14 Apr. 1488 P* 2063 BM 11 432 H* 14181= 14177 G W 3322 Acquired before 1700 17th c. calf
1014 Angelus, de Clavasio: Summa angelica de casibus conscientiae.'F°, 311 mm. 28 Aug. 1488 P2064 BM11432 H*538s GW1927 Acton Library, 1902 Contemporary stamped pigskin, with clasps and corner-strips 1015
A n o t h e r copy. 300 m m . Wants the last leaf (blank) Three leaves of annotations in contemporary MS. bound at the beginning Sigillum Bibliothecae Seitenstettensis. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Contemporary stamped calf, with clasps; boards lined with leaves of Donatus (no. 220) [3S83]
1016 Jacobus, de Voragine: Legenda aurea. (German. Passional.) F°, 384 mm. 5 Dec. 1488 P2065 BM11433 H*998i BM's imperfect collation is completed by V-Z 8 aa8 bb 6 cc dd8 Wants the last leaf (probably blank) MS. notes of births and deaths (German, 16th a ) . Given by J. Charrington, 1916 16th c. stamped pigskin, with corner-pieces. [879]
1017 Bonaventura (St): Quaestiones super libros Sententiarum cum textu. F°, 284 mm. P2068 BM11433 H*354o Pts 3 & 4 only 'J. B. Merk.' Venn Collection, 1888 19th c. paper boards 1018
Schatzbehalter (Der). F°, 332 m m . 8 N o v . 1491 P* 2070 BM11434 H* 14507 'Das puch gehort zu dem hailligen Creiicz In Regenspurg prediger ordens.' Rustat Fund, 1873 Contemporary stamped calf, with bosses and corner-pieces ffi1]
Another copy. 341 m m . On the top edge a stamp: within a circle, S-f-M A [I] (presumably the Franciscan convent of S. Maria Assumpta at Ingolstadt; cf. no. 1088). Sandars Bequest, 1894 Contemporary stamped pigskin, with clasps [882]
1020 Angelus, de Clavasio: Summa angelica de casibus conscientiae. F°, 309 mm. 10 Feb. 1492 P 2071 BM 11434 H* 5395 GW 1933 Wants the first leaf (blank) Royal Library, 1715 i8thc. half calf 199
1021 Angelus, de Clavasio: Summa angelica de casibus conscientiae. Another copy. 303 mm. Ex Bibliotheca Camerae Episcopalis Ratisbonensis. Acton Library, 1902 Contemporary wooden boards, backed with stamped calf, with clasps 1022
B a r t h o l o m a e u s , ^ « g / / c w s : D e p r o p r i e t a t i b u s r e r u m . F ° , 2 8 8 m m . 20June 1492 P*2O73 BMH435 H*25io GW3413 Wants the last leaf (blank) 'Mei Jacobi Benatij artium et medicinae doctoris Bonon.' (v. S. Mazzetti, Repertorio di tutti iprofessori.. .di Bologna (Bologna, 1848), no. 388). Stamp: S. Barthol[ ] Casa (?) Bo[ ]n. Bought, 1914 18th c. quarter calf [885]
T h o m a s , a Kempis: Imitatio Christi [etc.]. 8°, 135 m m . 1492 P2080 BM11436 H*9io3 Wants zlt and the last two leaves (blank) Bought, 1917 19th c. quarter morocco
1024 Vergilius Maro (Publius): Opera. F°, 296 mm. 1492 P*2o8i BM11436 Wants leaves 1-3, 7 & 8 (the first blank) of the preliminary quire, a3_7, b 8 , and the last leaf (blank) 'Iste liber pertinet ad Radulphum yerdley/ 'et Joannes Stokys hunclibrum emit iiijs. iiijd.' ' . . .vicesimo nono Januarii 1597 M. Bourne.' 'John (?) Simson.' Royal Library, 1715 17th c. rough calf, rebacked [##7]
1025 Bible: Latin. With the commentary of Nicolaus de Lyra. F°, 330 mm. 12 Apr. 1493 P*2o83 BM11436 1**3170 GW4293 Vol. 4 only. Wants the first & last leaves (blank) Bookplate: W K D beneath a crest and motto Tenax in fide. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 18th c. half vellum [3882]
1026 Schedel (Hartmann): Liber cronicarum. F°, 454 mm. 12 July 1493 P* 2084 BM11437 (IC. 7453) H* 14508 Given by Matthew Parker, 1574 18th c. calf 1027
A n o t h e r c o p y . 459 m m . Wants [D5] & [D6] (both blank save for headlines), and the last leaf (blank) Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf
A n o t h e r copy. 437 m m . Royal Library, 1715 Calf, rebacked, with arms of Sir John Smythe, 1556-1608 (E. G. Duff's identification): reproduced in Davenport, English heraldic book-stamps (1909) as the arms of Thomas Smythe, Viscount Strangford [890] 200
Another copy. 416 mm. Wants the last leaf (blank) 'Liber Gilbt: Ward Ex dono Gervasii Watts/ 'John Sanderson.' Adams Bequest, 1892 19th c. stamped calf, rebacked [8gi]
1030 Alphonsus, de Spina: Fortalitium fidei. 40, 227 mm. 25 Feb. 1494 P*2O88 BM11438 H*875 GW1578 Wants the last leaf (blank) Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf 1031
Another copy. 201 m m . 'Liber nicolai gren.' Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 17th c. calf
Gesta Romanorum. 40, 227 mm. 4 Mar. 1494 [*8] a-0 8 ; 120 leaves, the last blank Wants ox and the blank; o 7 mutilated Rubricator's mark: 'b.d. 1495/ Royal Library, 1715 i8thc. half calf
1033 Institoris (Henricus): Malleus maleficarum. 40, 230 mm. 17 Mar. 1494 P* 2090 BM11438 H* 9245 Bequeathed by Karl Pearson, 1936 Modern quarter morocco
1034 Petrus, Hispanus: Copulata tractatuum. 40, 194 mm. 15 June 1494 P2092 BM11439 H*87O5 'Monrii Baumburg.' Bookplate of Georgius Lautherius. 'Videte Vigilate et Orate' (Lauther's motto: cf. Warnecke 1113). Venn Collection, 1888 16th c. stamped pigskin [$95] 1035
Homiliarius doctorum. 4 0 , 220 m m . 30 Sept. 1494 P2095 BM11439 H*8792 'Charles Mayo, B.D.' Acquired about 1863 16th c. stamped pigskin
B r u n o (St): Psalterium. 4 0 , 223 m m . 1494 P*2O96 BM11439 H*4oi2 Wants the last leaf (blank) 'Hunc librum d.d. Barthol. Thursch (?) Johanni Kofero...' 'Sum Balthasari Schoeblini.' 'Pinelli Auction... - 1 / - binding - 3 / 4 / - M. Wodhull Apr. 8th 1789/ Sandars Bequest, 1894 18th c. calf [8g7] 201
1037 Boethius (A.M.T.S.): Deconsolationephilosophiae. 40,200 mm. 8June 1495 P*2099 BM11440 H*3388 GW4559 Wants the last leaf (blank) 'Est S. Georgii Maioris Venetiarum' 17th c. calf 1038
J e r o m e (St): Epistolae. F°, 314 m m . 12 N o v . 1495 P*2ioi BM11440 H*8562 'Joannes Crosierus.' Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 17th c. calf, rebacked
I n s t i t o r i s (Henricus): Tractatus varii. 4 0 , 198 m m . 26 J a n . 1496 P* 2104 BM11441 H* 9233 Bibljotheca Regia Monacensis. Acton Library, 1902 Wooden boards, backed with leather, with clasp; circa 1600 (?)
1040 Pius II: Epistolae familiares. 40, 194 mm. 17 May 1496 P*2io7 BM11442 H*i56 Bookplate of C. C. Gercken (Warnecke 629). Acton Library, 1902 i8thc. half calf 1041
A n o t h e r copy. 193 m m . 17th c. owners' names pasted over. Sunderland 11917. Given by P. S. King, 1895 18th c. calf [902]
1042 Petrus, de Palude: Sermones thesauri novi de sanctis et quadragesimales. F°, 296 mm. 1496 Pf 2112 Cop. 5429+ 5437 Pol. 2982 (2 & 3) Adams Bequest, 1892 Contemporary stamped pigskin, boards lined with two identical printed half-sheets containing an Index psalmorum et canticorum [903]
1043 Petrus, de Palude: Sermones thesauri novi de tempore. F°, 296 mm. 1496 Pol. 2982 (1) (with variations) From the library of L. L. B. De Beaumont. Given by the Hon. Mrs De Beaumont, 1935 Modern quarter morocco [4141] 1044
G e s t a R o m a n o r u m . 4 0 , 195 m m . 20 J a n . 1497 H* 7749 Pol. 1653 With a variant colophon: . . .In | die fancto> martyru ruoau fabiaui | z febaftiani. | 'Edw. dodge/ Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 17th c. calf [904]
1045 Cicero (Marcus Tullius): De oratore [etc.]. F°, 300 mm. 26 Mar. 1497 P*2ii4 BM11443 H*5in GW6753 Wants the last leaf (blank) Bought, 1901 Contemporary stamped pigskin, rejointed 202
1046 Bible: Latin. With the commentary ofNicolaus de Lyra. 2 vols. F°, 338 mm. 6 Sept. 1497 P*2ii5 BM11443 H*3i7i GW4294 Vols 2 & 3 only; vol. 3 wants the last leaf (blank) Vol. 2: 'Iste liber constabat mini vijs. xd. apud oxoniam.' Vol. 3: 'Iste liber constabat michi vijs. iiijd.' Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf [906] 1047
A n o t h e r c o p y of vol. 2. 340 m m . 'This boke I borrowed of Mr. George Knasbrough.' 'John C.Jackson, Scijoh: Col. Oxf.' From the library of F. Jenkinson, 1923 17th c. calf, rebacked [907]
1048 Juvenalis (Decimus Junius): Saturae. F°, 300 mm. 6 Dec. 1497 P*2ii6 BM11443 H*97ii Royal Library, 1715 Modern half morocco 1049
L u d o v i c u s , Pruthenus: T r i l o g i u m animae. 4 0 , 219 m m . 6 M a r . 1498 P* 2119 BM11444 H* 10315 'Liber Dompni Thome Castell precium huius iijs. iiijd/ Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 17th c. calf, MS. flyleaves (English law fragments, 14th c.) [909]
Another copy. 224 m m . Wants the title-page and the last leaf (blank) Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 17th c. calf
1051 Odhofer (Vitalis): Announcement of the termination of a law-suit between the Elector Philip Count Palatine and the Benedictines of Weissenburg. Broadside, 417 x 303 mm. Types: 91 (heading), 130? (incipit), 74 (text) ([ Innocentia et longanimis temperantia illuftriflimi paincipis palatini electors | imperij zc. aduerfarioaum temeritati hac appellatione oftenditur. | (I)N nomine domini amen. Anno a natiuitate domini Millefimo quadringentefimo nonagefimonono. Indictioe feciida. die vo mer- | curij decimanona mefis Iunij... (1. 3) .. .dns Heinricus grunynger fecretari | us z pcuratoa: pcuratoaio noie illuilriflimi paincipis z domini: dni Philippi palatini reni ducis Bauarie... (1. 5) .. .dixit fe puocare z appellare velle: put incotineti | puocauit z appellauit: certis z legitimis de caufis... (1. 80) . . . E t ego Vitalis Odhofer clericus | patauienfis diocefis. pubUcus imgiali auctoaitate notarius... (1. 83) .. .Ideo hoc paefens publicu inftrumentum manu mea ppaia fcriptum fideliter fubfcripfi pubHcaui z in hanc publicam foama redegi. Signocj no | mine z cognomine meis folitis z confuetis fignaui in fidem z teftimoniu omniu et fingulosum paemiflbaum rogatus pariter et requifitus. | From a binding (stated to be of a Macrobius, Venice, 1492): the blank verso bears the following entries. *Jacobi Wympfeling Sletstatini Manu sua Anno xpi 1497';' Nunc uero Thome Dydimi Aucuparij Manu sua Anno noui seculi quinto'; 'Nunc vero Johannis
NUREMBERG Christophori Artopoei, Argentin. manu sua Anno decimi septimi seculi quadragesimo nono'; 'Nunc vero Johannis Godofredi Walter Argentin. Anno Christi 1767' (v. G. C. Knod, Die alten Matrikeln d. Universitat Strassburg (Urkunden u. Akten d. Stadt Strassburg,
3. Abt.), 1, pp. 443, 508, 579; 11, p. 641). Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1948
FRIEDRICH CREUSSNER *** $ee a^so 1052
Andreae (Johannes): Super arboribus consanguinitatis et affinitatis. 290 m m . H*IOI8
*J. M. Woodstone.' George Ayscough Booth. Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1947 Forrel 1053
Attestatio radicalis fidei orthodoxae. F°, 287 mm. 1477 P*2i38 BM11448 H* 1908 GW2764 Wants leaves 41 & 42, also the first and last leaves (blank) Royal Library, 1715 Modern half pigskin
Modus legendi abbreviaturas. F°, 285 mm. 1 Sept. 1476 P*2i32 BM11448 H*ii465 Gaselee6i Bound (2) with no. 137
Turrecremata (Johannes de): Quaestiones evangeliorum de sanctis. F°, 288 mm. 1478 P* 2144 BM11450 H* 15711 (2) Quires [A]-[M] only of the BM collation. Wants the last leaf (blank) Probably acquired in 1864 Contemporary wooden boards, backed with pigskin
Burley (Walter): De vita et moribus philosophorum. F°, 281 mm. 30 June 1479 P*2i45 BM11451 H*4i24 GW5787 Adams Bequest, 1892 Diced russia circa 1800, rebacked
Alexander, de Nevo: Consilia contraJudaeos foenerantes. F°, 301 mm. 1479 P*2i49 BM11451 H*8o2 GW894 Wants the first and last leaves (blank) Bought, 1894 Modern half pigskin
S o l i l o q u i u m peccatoris. 4 0 , 202 m m . 1479 P*2i5o BM11451 H* 14872 'Monrij s. Zenonis* (v. no. 925). Bought, 1892 Modern half morocco 204
1059 Sixtus IV: Litterae indulgentiarum (1482). Broadside, 157x265 mm. GW 32 (Anm.). Einblattdrucke 23 For the xylographic copy of this piece see no. 8 Lot 5882 at Sotheby's, 17 Jan. 1891. Given by F. Jenkinson, 1906
1060 Andreae (Johannes): Super arboribus consanguinitatis, affinitatis et cognationis spiritualis. F°, 292 mm. 1483 Pf2i53 H*IO35 GW1697 Given by S. Sandars, 1870 Bound (1) with no. 160. 19th c. vellum
1061 Petrus, de Rosenheim: Roseum memoriale. 40, 188 mm. 1493 P* 2161 BM11 454 H 13991 Gaselee 62 'Percy R. Adkins.. .1908/ Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern half morocco 1062
P s a l t e r : Latin.
4 0 , 198 m m .
P 2180 BM 11 452 (IA. 7780) H 13473 Contemporary MS. additions at the beginning and end (hymns, invitatories, etc.); antiphons written in the text 'Pertinet ad P. Amandum Ruepp O.P. A. 1791' (cf. provenance of the BM copy). From the library of H. Bradshaw, 1886 16th c. stamped calf, with clasps [gig]
1063 Grammatellus cum glosa almanica. 40, 207 mm. P2182 BM11453 H*785O Rustat Fund, 1868 Modern quarter morocco
1064 Talmud. Objectiones in dicta Thalmut. 40, 194 mm. P 2192 BM 11455 H* 15230 Given by W. Aldis Wright, 1906 Cloth
JOHANN SENSENSCHMIDT, 2nd press with ANDREAS FRISNER 1065 Nicolaus, de Ausmo: Supplementum Summae Pisanellae [etc.]. F°, 410 mm. 20 Jan. 1475 P* 2195 BM 11406 H 2154 Wants the first leaf (blank) * Liber B. Mariae in Polplin.' Ex Bibliotheca Seminarii Clericalis Episcopalis Culmensis Pelplini. Adams Bequest, 1892 19th c. calf, with the central portions of a contemporary binding of stamped calf inlaid
1066 Gerson (Johannes): De arte audiendi confessiones [etc.], 40, 183 mm. [ab 1 0 ]; 20 leaves, leaf 11 (wanting in this copy) probably blank, ia: 139 x 93 mm., 24 lines. Type: apparently n o on a larger body (20 lines= 116 mm.) ia: Magifter Iohannes gerfon Doctor fa | ere pagie z Cacellarius parifie6. & mo* | do audiedi confefliones. cu pulcris circu | ftancijs t confideracionibus. | [ 5] T fi virtus...; 10b, 1. 16: do erudietur atc$ pficiet. | Explicit opus maftri Iohanis Ger | fon De modo audiendi confefliones | cum pulchris circumftancijs ac | confideracionibus |; 12a: Magiftter Iohaes Gerfon Sacre pa= | gine docto* necno Cancellari9 Parifien | Remedia cotra recidiua | [ 4 ] Abet hoc pjpu ars quelibet...; 20b, 1. 15: benefactore iiufte offedit Deo gracias | Explicit op9 Magiftri Iohannis Ger | fon Sacre pagine Doctoris necno Ca= | cellarij Parifien. Remedia cotra fcidiua | Rustat Fund, 1872 Unbound [923]
1067 Petrus, Lombardus: Glossa magistralis Psalterii. F°, 302 mm. P*2202 BMH4O8 H* 10202 'Monasterii S. Zenonis' (y. no. 925). Bought, 1935 Wooden boards backed with calf (modern), with clasps 1068
B i b l e : Latin.
F°, 385 m m .
P*22O3 BM11408 HF3062 GW4221 Leaves 396-437 only of the GW description, containing Interpretations Hebraicorum nominum (wanting in BM copies) [924] Bound (3) with nos 132, etc.
1069 Ludolphus, de Saxonia: Vita Christi. F°, 393 mm. H* 10302 Pol. 2541 ? [a b 8 c d10 e8 f 6 ]; 50 leaves, the last probably blank The text ends on 48b (not 49b, as Polain); 49a: table (not mentioned by Polain); 49b: blank Wants the last leaf 'Liber S. Leonardi prope Leodium' Bound (1) with no. 715. Contemporary wooden boards, backed with calf (18th c.) and lined with 15th c. legal documents on vellum relating to the diocese of Liege
1070 Bible: German. F°, 400 mm. P*2204 BM11408 £1*3132 GW4299 Wants the first leaf (blank) Ex Musaeo Huthii. Given by A. W. Young, 1933 Morocco, by Bedford
1071 Petrus, Lombardus: Glossa magistralis Psalterii. F°, 351 mm. 12 Feb. 1478 P* 2207 BM 11409 H* 10203 'Dns iohannes te vorwercke dedit obseruantibus' (cf. no. 623). 'Pro Conventu frm Minorum de observantia in dursten.' Fragments of 16th c. MS. (French, rent receipts) inserted loose. Bought, 1891 Calf, circa 1800, over wooden boards, with clasp [pstf] 206
1072 Vegius (Maphaeus): Philalethes. 40, 209 mm. P 2215 BM11457 H* 15925 Kloss. G. Dunn. Rustat Fund, 1917 Half calf (Kloss)
FRATRES O R D I N I S E R E M I T A R U M S. A U G U S T I N I 1073 Augustine (St): De duodecim abusivis saeculi [etc.]. 40, 214 mm. P*2222 BM11459 H*2io3 GW2934 Bought (lot 2582 at Sotheby's), 20 Mar. 1894 Wrappers
1074 Wann (Paul): Sermones de preservatione hominis a peccato. 40, 212 mm. P2223 BM11459 H*i6i47 Varies from BM and Hain in the colophon; 1. 3: gentefimofexagefimootauo...tune | Patauie pdicatoaem . e t . . . | . . . paonunciati... Leaf 10 (foliated 6 in the BM copy) is unnumbered Bought (lot 258s at Sotheby's), 20 Mar. 1894 19th c. half forrel [929] 1075
Ferrer (St Vincent): De fine mundi. 40, 202 mm. 1483 Pf 2224 H* 7021 [a b 6 ]; 12 leaves, the last probably blank Wants the last leaf Given by S. Sandars, 1893 Cloth
1076 Missale Ordinis Eremitarum S. Augustini. F°, 352 mm. 1491 BMm86o HC*ii262 WB918 [*6] a-i10 k 6 [**6] 1-f10 s-z10 z8; 256 leaves 'Payne & Foss 1829/ Syston Park. Given by the Rev. J. H. Ellis, 1910 Red morocco (Syston Park)
CONRAD ZENINGER 1077 Turks. Tractatus quidam de Turcis. 40, 197 mm. 1481 P*2229 BM11460 H*i568i Wants the first and last leaves (blank) Bought, 1897 Modern half morocco
1078 Chaimis (Bartholomaeus de): Interrogatorium [etc.]. 40, 209 mm. 13 June 1482 P*223i BM11460 H*2486 GW6547 Acton Library, 1902 Contemporary wooden boards, backed with soft white leather
1079 Melber (Johannes): Vocabularius praedicantium. 40, 216 mm. P2238 BM11461 H* 110*24 Gaselee63 Wants the first and the last two leaves (all blank) Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 18th c. russia, rebacked 1080
Ferrer (St V i n c e n t ) : D e fine m u n d i . 4 0 , 214 m m . P* 2240 BM n 460 H* 7020 (incipit only) The colophon quoted by Hain is from H* 15681 Given by the representatives of the Rev. J. Griffith, 1895 Bound (1) with no. 1130 Old vellum
PETER WAGNER 1081 Fabrica (Johannes de): Tractatus super declaratione indulgentiarum [etc.], F°, 260 mm. P2247 BM11466 H*6877 Varies from BM in the last line: miliitante (as Hain) The ascription to Wagner is doubtful (v. BM note) Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1942 19th c. quarter vellum
1082 Dionysius, Carthusianus: Speculum omnis status vitae humanae. 40,176 mm. 28 Jan. 1495 P*225i BM11465 H* 6246=6245 GW8419 Wants leaves 1 and 4, e 2 , n 3 , o 8 and o 10 (the last, blank) *Iste liber pertinet Johanni Wylson quondam prioris Montisgraciae' (i.e. John Wilson, prior at the dissolution of the Charterhouse of Mountgrace, Yorks.). Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf [935] 1083
A s t e s a n u s , de Ast: T e x t u s c a n o n u m poenitentialium. 4 0 , 206 m m . P* 2255 A = f299o BM 11 465 H* 4340= *i5445 GW 2747 Acton Library, 1902 Modern half cloth
1084 Kannemann (Johannes): Collectio duarum passionum Christi [etc.], 40, 198 mm. P*2258 BM11464 HF9759 'Thierhaupten.' Bought, 1894 Modern half morocco 1085
- — Another copy. 195 mm. Acquired before 1853 Unbound
1086 Alexander, de Villa Dei: Oratio congrua. 40, 205 mm. A-C 6 ; 18 leaves, ia: 143 x 98 mm., 33 lines. Type: 87 ia: (O 13 ) Racio congrua eft vox figni | ficatia coplexa. z complexu 1 | ppofito e quado plures par | tes orationis coiungun! per | modos fignificadi: . . . ; 7a (sig. B): gratia de gto ioannes obliuifci? lectiois ego ftudui colonie. de |; 18a, 1. 25 (col. 3): etia vbu acti | uum precedit | pafliuum ergo | Et de hac osatioe Dgrua dicta fecundum mente et intentione | alexandd. fuo^qj directe fequatium dicta fufHciunt ad laude | dei. Amen. | Bound (2) with nos 202, etc. [939] 1087
Grammar. 40, 205
A ; 8 leaves (the first wanting). 2a: 151 x 99 mm., 34 lines. Type: 87 (?) 2a: (C13) Vm pueris fit loquendu pu | eriliter vt Paulus apoftolus | paime Choaintheosu tercio | teftaf / . . . ; 8a, 1. 33: ([ Tenus pube bey den heymlichen harn Exni ( q$ iniuria. | Nonne plenus hie eft nephandis petru pice vnxit tenus pube. | The ascription is doubtful. The hyphens (double) slope downwards (cf. BM note on Wagner's 87 and Landsberg's 88), and the woodcut initial C, though similar to Wagner's series, is not identical with the C reproduced in O. Jennings, Early woodcut initials (1908), p. 128 Bound (6) with nos 202, etc. [94<>]
GEORG STUCHS 1088 Missale Romanum. 40, 192 mm. 1484
P2259 BM11467 11*11384 Wants leaves 112-13 (Canon, replaced by 6 leaves of MS. on vellum), 241-4 (supplied in MS.), 251 and 252 ' Pro conuentu Ingoltstatt/ ' Ad Bibl. PP. francis. Ingols.' A stamp: S -|- M A I, within a circle (v. no. 1019). G. J. R. Gordon. Given by S. Sandars, 1877 16th c. stamped pigskin, with 8 leaves of offices in contemporary MS. bound in at the end [94i] O b s e q u i a l e Ratisponense. 4 0 , 214 m m . 12 Feb. 1491 P* 2267 BM n 469 H* 11931 On vellum Wants the first leaf (woodcut), supplied in facsimile Note by S. Sandars: 'This book belonged to Mr James Weale...' (presumably W. H. J. Weak). F. S. Ellis. Sandars Bequest, 1894 Contemporary stamped pigskin, with clasps [942]
A n o t h e r c o p y . 218 m m . On vellum Wants i3_6 M S . ' Vermanung bey der heilligen TaufT (circa 1700) on 4 leaves inserted between b 3 and b 4 ' . . . Hunc librum ChristofFerus Strauss, tune temporis Dominici gregis pastor in Mammo (?) iterum a nouo ex propriis suis expensis comparare fecit.. .Anno...septuagesimo tertio.' 'Ad Bibliothecam P.P. Franciscanorum Dinglfinge.' 'Duplum Bibliothecae Regiae Monacensis.' A stamp: C(?)D(?)FT in a monogram (cf. BM11 409, IC. 7870). Lot 227 at Sotheby's, 25 Nov. 1890. E. S. Dewick. Given by the Rev. E. C. Dewick, 1918 16th c. stamped pigskin, rebacked [943]
1091 Missale. Canon missae. F°, 367 mm. [a 8 ]; 8 leaves. 2a: 263 x 175 mm., 16 lines. Type: 336 ia: blank; i b : woodcut of the Crucifixion (Heitz-Schreiber 33); 2a: (T5) E igitur clemetiuime | pater. |> iefum xpm fi | lium tuu dnm noftru | fupplices rogamus z, | petimus: vti accepta | habeas...; 8b, 1. 9: . . . Per xpm | dnm noftru. Dns vobifcu. [red] Iniciu | fancti euagelij fccfm Iohem fol. xij. | On vellum Culemann 537. W. H. Crawford 589. Sandars Bequest, 1894 Half morocco, by Pratt [944] 1092
B r e v i a r i u m Lincopense. 8°, 163 m m . 16 A p r . 1493 P* 2271 H 3852 GW 5373 Klemming p. 20 Collijn p. 128 Very imperfect: leaves DD 2 -II 10 (wanting GG7 and HH 7 , 8 ), SL1-X1 (wanting v8) and A i - I ^ , only 'Tillhor Bernhard Rosenblad Kopt d. 4 Mars 1840 efter framf. Dr Liidecke for .' From the library of H. Bradshaw, 1886 19th c. half calf [945]
1093 1094
Leaf s7 of another copy. 164 mm. Klemming, pi. 6 Guilelmus, Alvernus: Opera. F°, 273 m m . P* 2275 BM n 470 H* 8300 Royal Library, 1715 i8thc. half calf
Another copy. 273 mm. Title-page mutilated 'E. Traveys/ Royal Library, 1715 17th c. calf, rebacked
1096 Directorium Salisburgense. 40, 213 mm. P2281 BM11472 H*6269 GW8454 The last leaf mounted Bought, 1897 19th c. quarter russia
1197 Briinn. Jus municipale Brunnense. F°, 317 mm. BM in 815 (note on types) & 860 H 11612 GW 5578 Culemann 290. Worts Fund, 1870 Contemporary stamped calf, with metal bosses, corner-pieces and clasps
1098 Breviarium. 8°, 135 mm. [*8] a-n 8 o p 4 q-z 8 t8 o8 t8 %8 D34 A-I 8 K 4 . . . ; 296 leaves, leaves 1 & P3 4 (both wanting) perhaps blank. Leaves ax-D53 numbered (with numerous errors) 1-207; A 2 -K 3 numbered 1-74. Leaf b x (numbered 9): 93x63 mm., 26 lines. Types: 72A and 72 s . Lombardic capitals 210
2a ([* 2 ]) [ l] (KL ) Ianuarius habet dies, xxxj | Luna vero habet. xxx. | . . . ; 9a: [red] Dnica paima in aduentu | Dnica pama in aduentu dni ad vs. an. | [black] Benedictus. [red] Ps. [black] Ipfum. [red] Cap. | (D5) [black] Eus pacis fanctificet vos j> 01a | vt integer fpus vefter: et aia...; 17a (b x ): [red] An. [black] Conuertere dfie aliqntulu z ne tardes veni |; 219b (3P3), 1.11: Aduentum domini celebaa poll Ca.finon | cadit in fa. | Finis. |; 222a (A 2 ): pafcue ei9 introite postas eius 1 cofeflione: |; 229a (B x ): labo* t dolo*. [red] Q [black] m fupuenit mafuetudo: z, |; 296a (K4), 1.15: .. .Tribue que | fumus domine omnes fanctos. [red] Alijs die* | bus ferialib9 dicunf fufFra. ferijs affcripta. | Wants leaves 1 (blank?), 8, v 8 , D54 (blank?), Ax and D x Ashburnham 796. Bought, 1896 16th c. stamped calf, repaired and renewed [950]
1099 Savonarola (Girolamo): Expositio in psalmum L (Miserere) [etc.], 8°, 130 m m . H* 14419 Audin 135 A-C8 [D8]; 32 leaves. Type: 72 (text) Given by J. Charrington, 1920-21 Cloth
CASPAR H O C H F E D E R 1100 Albertus, Magnus: De natura et immortalitate animae. 40, 210 mm. 27 June 1493 P*2287 BM11474 H*497 GW702 ' Sum Andreae Virneusselii Eberfln ex donatione Venerandi D. Mgri Joannis Futerer Can: Eychstetensis.' 'Pro Georgio Pelhamero Physicae studioso.' 'Ex legato Testamentario eiusdem asscribitur Bibliothecae Frum Erem. S. Aug. Ingolstadiensi[um] Ao. 1634/ Bought, 1908 Modern half morocco [9S1]
Samuel, Rabbi: Epistola ad Rabbi Isaac contra Judaeorum errores [etc.], 4°, 211 mm. 19 Mar. 1498 P*2298 BM11478 H* 14270 Gaselee65 Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern boards covered with 14th c. MS.
1102 Samuel, Rabbi: Epistola ad Rabbi Isaac contra Judaeorum errores [etc.], (German.) 40, 192 mm. 1498 P*2299 BM11478 H* 14273 Wants the last leaf (blank) Given by W . Aldis Wright, 1906 19th c. stamped calf
Albertus, Magnus: De duabus sapientiis. 40, 203 mm. P*23oo BM11474 H*485 GW718 Stamps: (1) Ex Bibliotheca Acad. Georgiae Augustae (i.e. Gottingen); (2) Dupl. Bibl. Gott. Vend. Adams Bequest, 1892 19th c. boards [953]
AMBROSIUS HUBER 1104 Poggius (Johannes Franciscus): Contra fratrem Hieronymum Savonarolam libellus. 40, 160 mm. P* 3286 [Leipzig?] BM11479 (IA. 8296) H* 13386= 14479 Acton Library, 1902 Cloth
SPEIER PRINTER OF GESTA CHRISTI 1105 Barlaam et Josaphat. F°, 290 mm. P*23i9 BM11483 HF5914 GW3396 Bound (2) with no. 1106
1106 Henricus, Ariminensis: De quattuor virtutibus. F°, 290 mm. Pf232i H*i65O Pol. 1854 The setting of leaves 1-10 differs considerably from Hain and Polain, e.g. 10b, 1. 23: . . . Copleta eft hec tabula remuTozia per me Thoma Doaiiberg | antedictum de Anno domini MiUefimoquadringentefimofeps | tuagefimofecundo Ipfa die fancti Martini pape | Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Bound (1) with no. 1105. 18th c. calf [955]
1107 Albertus, Magnus: Compendium theologicae veritatis. F°, 293 mm. H*434 GW597 The register (a10 [b8]) is bound at the end. Wants [b8] (blank) With rubricator's note *J°- F - a1"10 *473-' 'Liber Johannis farer/ 'Liber Cartusien. In Buchshaim prope Memmingen proueniens a confratre nostro dno Johanne farer, donato sacerdote...' Howell Wills. Bought, 1894 Modern stamped pigskin [95$]
GEORGIUS DE SPIRA (GEORG REYSER with JOHANN BECKENHUB?) 1108 Henricus, de Segusio: Summa super titulis decretalium. 2 vols. F°, 415 mm. 1478-18 Feb. 1479 P* 336 [Strassburg, Pr. of Henricus] BM 11 484 H* 8962 Collation of vol. 1 varies from BM: [n8 o6] Vol. 1 wants the first and last leaves (blank) Jenkinson Fund, 1934 Contemporary stamped pigskin
1109 Dialogus Salomonis et Marcolfi. 40, 178 mm. P* 2407 [J. & C. Hist] BM11485 H* 14248 Wants the first leaf (blank) Rustat Fund, 1869 Modern boards, covered with fragments from an early printed book 212
11 io
Schildis (Hermannus de): Speculum sacerdotum. 40, 205 mm. P 2408 [J. & C. Hist] BM11485 H* 14516 A stamp: FG in a monogram. Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 Wrappers
Jacobus, de Clusa: Sermones dominicales. F°, 284 mm. H*9334 a-n 8 O 8 0-p 8 q r 6 ; 140 leaves, the first & last blank. Type: 94 Attributed by the Henry E. Huntington Library to Nicolas Bechternuintze at Eltvil: cf. BM 11 313 & 487 (note on this type) and Proctor, Supplement for igoo, p. 15 Culemann 462. Worts Fund, 1870 Bound (1) with no. 397. 16th c. stamped calf, rebacked [957]
A z o (Portius): S u m m a super institutis. F°, 385 m m . 1482 P 23 50 BM 11492 H* 2231 GW 3144 The 13 th quire has 10 leaves, as BM, not 8, as GW 'M. Hartmanus Hartmani.' Given by F. W. Maitland, 1891 Contemporary stamped pigskin, with the arms of Marie Elisabeth Auguste von Sulzbach superimposed (similar to Guigard 1, p. 122, but in a wreath) [95$]
1113 Holkot (Robert): Super Sapientiam Salomonis. F°, 284mm. 26 Feb. 1483 P*2352 BM11493 H*8757 Wants leaf 19 (blank) G. Dunn. L. T. Rowe. Bought, 1928 Contemporary stamped calf, rebacked 1114
V o c a b u l a r i u s : German-Latin.
4 0 , 204 m m .
Nachtr. 375 Culemann 615. Worts Fund, 1870 Contemporary stamped pigskin
1115 Petrus, de Aquila: Quaestiones super libros Sententiarum. 40, 232 mm. P 2359 BM n 494 H* 1324 'George Tiirnczel de Konink.' 'Monasterii Ranshouen/ Acton Library, 1902 Contemporary stamped calf, the upper board lettered with the author's name 1116
B i b l e : Latin.
F°, 289 m m . i 4 8 6
P* 517 [Strassburg, Priiss] BM 1 119 & 11495 H* 3093 GW 4259 .(Anm.) Wants c 4)5 (c3, 6 duplicated); b 4>5 and bb 4)5 misbound 'Liber Greseld Tuke.' 'Ricardus Tuke.' 'Liber Briani Tuke ex dono Ricardi Tuke patris eius.' 'Thomas Morrice owethe this booke which my syster Mrs Margarett Tuke widowe gave me at Layermarnye in September Anno dni 1575/ (For the family of Tuke v. W. C. Metcalfe, The visitations of Essex, Pt 11 (Harleian Soc. Publ. xiv), pp. 609-10.) Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf [962] 213
1117 Prosper (St): De vita contemplativa. 40, 204 mm. i486 P* 2365 BM11495 H* 13417 'Bibliotheca Frum Min. Conv. Herbipoli.' Bookplate of F. O. B[eggi]. Rustat Fund (lot 903 at Puttick's), 18 Mar. 1864 Modern quarter morocco [963] 1118
Another copy. 202 m m . Bound (3) with nos 432, etc.
1119 Antoninus (St): Confessionale (Defecerunt) [etc.], 40,194 mm. 3ojune 1487 P2368 BM11496 H*ii96 GW2125 Gaselee 66 Bookplate of Richard Towneley, 1702 (Franks 29653). Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern stamped calf over wooden boards, by the Coburg Ladies' Guild, after the Duke [3889] of Gotha's copy *+* P 2371 (=*522). Reattributed by BM to Strassburg. See no. 272 1120
Prosper (St): D e vita contemplativa. 4 0 , 207 m m . 1487 P*2372 BM11496 H*i34i8 Gaselee 67 Wants the title-page Leaf b 2 is signed b 3 Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 18th c. quarter calf
Another, variant, copy. 203 m m . Leaf b 2 is correctly signed Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Formerly bound (3) with nos 3901, etc. Modern quarter morocco
B a p t i s t a , de Salts: S u m m a c a s u u m conscientiae [etc.], F°, 281 m m . 1488 P2374 BM11496 H*i4i8o Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 18th c. calf
GW3323 [966]
Breydenbach (Bernhard von): Itinerarium. F°, 296 mm. 29 July 1490 H* 3957 GW 5076 (Anm.) 'E libris celeberrimi Dris Johannis Reynoldes.' * Codex A hilton pretium iijs. ivd.' Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 16th c. stamped calf (English), the upper board hned with a leaf from an early printed book, the lower with a leaf of 13 th c. vellum MS. (legal) [967]
1124 Breviarium Benedictinum Bursfeldense. 8°, 170 mm. P 2392 BM 11 500 GW 5180 Wants all the Calendar except leaves 13-16 of the GW collation; wants d7 of the Psalter, c 8 and i7 of P. H. de tempore, hh 5 and (blank) hh 6 of P. H. Commune sanctorum, K8 (blank) of P. E. de tempore, AAX of P. E. de sanctis, MM2> 10 -i2 (the last blank) of P. E. Commune sanctorum David Laing. Given by the Rev. W . C. Bishop, 1908 19th c. calf [968] 214
Petrus, Lombardus: Sententiae. 40, 192 mm. 1495 P* 2393 BM11499 H* 10201 Wants the last leaf (blank) Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 17th c. calf
Crescentiis (Petrus de): Liber ruralium commodorum. F°, 261 mm. P* 1441 [Cologne, Quentell] BM11499 H 5826 GW7825 Wants b 6 (blank) and the last four leaves (register); title-page mutilated 'Johannes danins Religiosus dunensis [i.e. of Ten Duinen] Pater Confessarius in groenynghe 1574* 'me dono dedit D Anthonio de Vielles (Nielles?) patri confessario in Rauesberghe.' (For Danins v. F. van de Putte, Speculum B.M.V., ou Chronique.. .de Vabbaye de Groeninghe h Courtrai.) 'Ex Bibl. P. de Cardonnel MDCL/ Sandars Bequest, 1894 19th c. half morocco [gyo]
W o r m s . Reformation der Stadt W o r m s . F°, 341 m m . 1499 P 2399 BM 11 501 H* 13719 Wants the last leaf 'Ex libris Joan. Nicol. de Seida a Landensperg/ 'Sum Joannis Valentini Armbrosteri WormatiensisKaurTt...A°i59i.' 'Johann Jacob Wolff, 1746/ 'J. H. Wolff, 1760/ Acton Library, 1902 Contemporary stamped pigskin [p7i]
Cicero (Marcus Tullius): De proprietatibus terminorum. 40, 197 mm. H*5345 GW7029 Wants the last leaf (blank) Given by S. Sandars, 1893 19th c. stamped vellum
Richard, de Bury: Philobiblon. 40, 202 mm. P* 2400 BM 11 502 H* 4150 Kloss. Stamp: Saml. Timmins, Arley, Coventry. J. B. Ditchfield. Given by S. Sandars, 1893 Half calf (Kloss) [972]
Matthaeus, de Cracovia: Dialogus rationis et conscientiae. 40, 214 mm. P* 2405 BM 11 503 H* 5806 Wants the first and last leaves (blank) Bound (2) with no. 1080
*^* p * 2407. Reattributed by BM to Georgius de Spira. See no. 1109 *^* P 2408. Reattributed by BM to Georgius de Spira. See no. 1110 1131
Garlandia (Johannes de): Synonyma. 40, 170mm. P 2420 BM 11 504 Wants the first leaf (title) and the last (blank) Kloss. Bought, 1894 Vellum 215
C O N R A D HIST 1132 Wimpheling (Jakob): De triplici candore Mariae. 40, 195 mm. P 2423 BM11 506 H* 16170 Bound (4) with nos 855, etc.
1133 Wimpheling (Jakob): Stilpho. 40, 199 mm. 1495 P2428 BM11506 H* 16183 Bought, 1897
Paper boards
1134 N i g e r (Franciscus): Modus epistolandi. 4 0 , 203 m m . a 8 b - f 6 g h 4 ; 46 leaves, the last blank. 9a: 144x86 mm., 36 lines. Types: 180 (title & heading), 80 (text) ia: Modus epiftolandi | Francifci nigri. |; i b : Opufculum epiftolaru familiariu z artis eoaunde fcri* | bendi maxime in generib9 viginti...; 2a: Opufculu fcribendi epifto | las francifci nigri incipit feliciter. | . . . ; 9a (sig. b): captabimus a gfona noftra. demonftrantes. qd non veli* |; 45b, 1. 29: . . . qd mea oga | vti volueris. tuum eft pledge, meu aute iuffa tua qpliben- | tiflime exequi. Vale. | Finit feliciter. | * Sum Constantini Hartenberg.' Bought, 1898 Paper boards
113 5 Epistola de miseria curatorum. 40, 192 mm. GW9349 Nachtr. i n Wrappers
1136 Wimpheling (Jakob): De hymnorum auctoribus. 40, 195 mm. P 2439 BM 11 509 H* 16175 Bound (2) with nos 855, etc.
1137 Wimpheling (Jakob): Defensio immunitatis et libertatis ecclesiasticae. 40, 214 m m . P*2447 BM11508 H*6o8i Acton Library, 1902 Quarter cloth
1138 Seneca (Lucius Annaeus): De quattuor virtutibus. 40, 211 mm. P 2450 BM 11 509 H* 14621 Bound (2) with nos 1319, etc.
1139 Biel (Gabriel): Epitoma expositionis canonis missae. 40, 205 mm. P2452 BM11509 H*3i82 GW4335 Bound (2) with Lochmaier, Parochiale curatorum (Basilee, M. Furter, 1514) and Forma recte conjitendi [etc.] (Erphurdie, M. Maler, 1515). 17th c. calf 216
ESSLINGEN C O N R A D FYNER 1140 Henricus, de Gorichem: De praedestinatione [etc.], F°, 300 mm. 1474 P*246o BM11513 H*78O5 Wants the last 9 leaves (20-28) containing Jacobus de Clusa, De valore missarum pro defunctis Modern half morocco
1141 Thomas (St), Aquinas: Postilla in Job. F°, 300 mm. 1474 P*246i BM11513 H*i397 Bound (2) with no. 878
1142 Antoninus [St): Confessionale (Defecerunt) [etc.], 40, 204mm. P2468 BM11513 H*ii7i GW2092 Wants the last leaf (blank) 7. O. (?) Fish's.' Bought, 1893 Paper boards
1143 Henricus, de Gorichem: Quaestiones in S. Thomam. F°, 394 mm. P*2472 BM11514 H*78o6 Wants the last leaf (blank) 'Liber Thomae Underhill, pretium ixs. vid. [altered to xis. vid.] Aprilis 220: 1601/ Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Stamped calf (English), circa 1600: in the middle of the central ornament a stamp of a squirrel, superimposed
1144 Jacobus, de Clusa: Quodlibetum statuum humanorum. F°, 289 mm. P*2473 BM11515 H*9335 On Johannes Hug de Goppingen, who signed the colophon of this book, see V. Scholderer in Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 1950, p. 170
With rubricator's marks: on 50a *f (?).I.P. 1482'; at the end '1476* Acton Library, 1902 Forrel
1145 Nider (Johannes): De contractibus mercatorum [etc.]. F°, 281 mm. P*2474 BM11513 H*n823
Paper boards
1146 Petrarca (Francesco): D e remediis utriusque fortunae. F°, 260 m m . P* 2475 BM11 514 H* 12790 V. Scholderer (Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 1930, p. 168) suggests that this book is the work of an unidentified printer at Strassburg There is a space of some 3 5 mm. between the last line and the explicit of the table, which is bound at the beginning Bookplate: Ex Bibliotheca ecclesiae Collegiatae Lateranensis ad S. Nicolaum prope Passavium
18th c. half parchment, uniform with no. 1276, which contains a different engraving of the same bookplate [989] 217
I 147 Petrarca (Francesco): De remediis utriusque fortunae. Another, variant, copy. 287 mm. There is a single-line space only between the last line and the explicit of the table, which has been supplied from another copy. A contemporary MS. transcript of the table, signed *H. de Laer', occupies the verso of the last leaf of text (187b) and an inserted blank. The explicit from another copy of the table has been pasted after the end of the text on 187a. A single leaf register for the binder is also inserted (apparently from the same copy as the table); col. 1: Incip* regifhj. pm9 quint9 | Cum res foatunafcp |; ends on verso, col. 1,1. 29: Mod moati% I At peccatu mostis |. This register quotes the first words of each leaf up to the middle of each quire, i.e. it quotes six such incipits for quire [f], and five each for [h], [n] and the remainder, except [r]; it does not indicate the presence of the inserted leaves in [f], [h] and [n], as they occur in the second halves of the quires Kloss. Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 [990]
1148 Jacobus, de Theramo: Belial. (German.) F°, 290 mm. Cop. 5804 Wants leaves 52, 53 & 56 On a leaf inserted at the beginning, in an 18th c. hand, an 'Expliquation de cette cause' relating to a legal squabble involving the family of Francois Auderget of Cormeunbeuf. Bateman of Middleton Hall. Rustat Fund, 1893 Contemporary soft white leather, rebacked; the lower board lined with a fragment of 15th c. vellum MS. (treatise on grammar) [991]
1149 Guido, de Monte Rocherii: Manipulus curatorum. F°, 275 mm. P*248o BM11517 H*8i58 Wants the first leaf (blank) Leaf 115b is printed in Fyner's Urach type 96 s (cf. Pol. 1774) 'F. F. Staingadensium.' Bought (lot 808 at Sotheby's), U Jan. 1894 Contemporary stamped pigskin, boards lined with fragments of 15th c. paper MS. (treatise on grammar) [992] *** P* 2484. Reattributed by BM to Fyner's press at Urach. See no. 1244 * Jf * P* 2485. Reattributed by BM to Fyner's press at Urach. See nos 1245-6 *** Pf 2486. Reattributed by BM to Fyner's press at Urach. See no. 1247 % * Pf 2 487. Reattributed by BM to Fyner's press at Urach. See no. 1248 % * Pf 2488. Reattributed by BM to Fyner's press at Urach. See nos 1249-50
ULM JOHANN ZAINER, 1st press *JH* See also no. 1172
1150 Boccaccio (Giovanni): De claris mulieribus. F°, 294mm. 1473 P*2496 BM11521 (IB. 9110) HF3329 GW4483 Bookplate: a shield of six quarterings (1 & 6 Visconti), with an inescutcheon (Archinto of Milan): all shown over a double-headed eagle, crowned and displayed, holding sceptre 218
ULM and sword, and wearing the Order of the Golden Fleece; crest: out of a crown a demi-virgin, crowned and sceptred; above, a ribbon with legend: ARCHINTEA LAUS. 'William Morris, Red House, Upton, Kent.' Ex Musseo Huthii. Given by C. F. Murray, 1918 17th c. vellum, dyed yellowish-green [995]
1151 Boccaccio (Giovanni): De claris mulieribus. (German.) F°, 283 mm. P2497 BM11521 (IB.9113) H*3333 GW4486 Sandars9 Fragments of two leaves only, on vellum
1152 Petrarca (Francesco): Historia Griseldis. F°, 244mm. 1473 P*2499 BM11522 H*i28i4 Rustat Fund, 1868 19th c. vellum
1153 Albertus, Magnus: De adhaerendo deo [etc.]. F°, 256 mm. P*25Oi BM11522 H* 429= 3506 GW582 Leaves 1-21 only (containing Albertus, and Gerson, De remediis contra pusillanimitatem) Peter Hardy. Rustat Fund, 1893 19th c. quarter leather [997]
1154 Cato (Dionysius): Documenta moralia. F°, 309 mm. P*25O5 BM11525 H*47io GW63i8(Anm.) 'Monasterii Beyhartingensis/ Bought, 1891 Contemporary soft white leather
Another copy, 302 mm. Wants leaves 44, 51, 184-92, 241-4 & 373-82 'Ad Bibliothecam FF. Min. Conv. S. Franc. Ratisbon.' 'Wolff Koch, 1556/ 'Sum Joh: C.Jackson E. Coll. Di. Jo: Bapt:' Bought, 1895 Contemporary stamped calf [999]
1156 Rampegollis (Antonius de): Biblia aurea. F°, 284 mm. 1476 P* 2512 BM11 524 (IB. 9153) H* 13682 'Carmeli Bamberg.' L. W. Hodson. Given by J. Charrington, 1916 Contemporary stamped pigskin, the boards lined with fragments of printed leaves; with clasp I1000] 1157
A n o t h e r c o p y . 279 m m . Gaselee 68 'ad bibliothecam aulicam Eystettensem.' Henry White. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Bound (1) with nos 914 & 1199. Brown morocco, by De Coverly [3892]
A l m a n a c k : Latin.
F°, 280 m m . 1478
H* 4264 [a b 1 0 ]; 20 leaves, the first & last blank. Types: 136 (headings), 96A (text) ' Canoniae Rothensis a. 1780', with bookplate (Warnecke 1792) lettered Mauritius Moritz]. A[bt]. Z[u]. R[oth]. (cf. N. Backmund, Monasticon Praemonstratense, 1 (Straubing, 1949), p. 81) and stamp Dem Kloster Roth in a wreath. From the library of H. Bradshaw, presented by his friends, 1887 18th c. half vellum [1001] 219
1159 Bible: Latin. F°, 405 mm. 29 Jan. 1480 P*2522 BM11526 H*3O79 GW4242 Wants the blank leaves (1 & 409) 'Iste liber est monasterii sororum ordinis praedicatorum in Ruten prope Wilperg/ Ex Musaeo Huthii. Given by A. W. Young, 1933 Morocco, by Bedford [3778]
1160 Herolt (Johannes): Sermones discipuli super epistolas dominicales. F°, 274 mm. P 2533 BM11 529 H* 8509 Jenkinson Fund, 1934 Contemporary boards, backed with stamped calf; with clasps & bosses 1161
Jerome (St): Vitas patrum. F°, 290 mm. P*2536 BM11528 H*8594 'Monasterii Wiblingen.' Acquired about 1863 Contemporary stamped pigskin, with clasps
B o n a v e n t u r a (St): Sermones d e tempore et d e sanctis. F°, 271 m m . 1481 BM11527 11*3513 GW4812 Bought, 1935 Contemporary stamped calf, the boards lined with paper MS. (appearance of Jacobus Schonefelt before the consistory court of Nuremberg, 26 June 1482) [4130]
1163 Interrogationes et doctrinae (Casus papales confessorum). 40, 204 mm. P* 2543 BM 11 530 H* 4675 GW 7309 Bought, 1898 Modern boards
1164 Innocent VIII: Gemeine Erklarung des Ablass des seligen gnadenreichen Jahres. Broadside, 407 x 267 mm. Einblattdrucke 560 From a binding. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934
1165 Dialogus inter clericum et militem [etc.]. 40, 196 mm. P2544 BM11530 H * 6 i i 3 Acton Library, 1902 Boards
GW8267 [1004]
1166 Lichtenberger (Johannes): Prognosticatio. F°, 287mm. P* 3264 [Germany, unassigned] BM 11 532 H* 10080 The attribution to this press is uncertain Ex Bibl. Callisti Marini Pisauren. S. Sandars (and presumably given by him) Old vellum 220
CONRAD DINCKMUT 1167 Lirer (Thomas): Chronik. F°, 258 mm. 17 Aug. i486 H* 10118 a b 8 c-i6 k 10 ; 68 leaves, the first & last presumably blank. Types: 147 (incipits), 109 (text). Woodcut initials (BM ser. 4). Woodcuts Wants the first & last leaves Given by J. Charrington, 1916 Modern vellum [1005]
1168 Savonarola (Girolamo): Compendium revelationum. 40,191 mm. 23 Aug. 1496 P*2576 BM11537 H* 14333 Acton Library, 1902 Boards
Another copy. 184 mm. Wants the first & last leaves (blank) 'Hayes's sale. —:7s:6d. M: Wodhull Aug: 22d 1791/ Count MacCarthy. Given by C. F. Murray, 1916 18th c. citron morocco [1007]
J O H A N N REGER 1170 Aristoteles: Chiromantia cum figuris. 40, 182 mm. 21 July 1490 P2583 BM11540 H*i778 GW2358 Wants the title-page Bequeathed by Karl Pearson, 1936 Cloth
1171 Caorsin (Guilelmus): Rhodiorum historia. F°, 294 mm. 24 Oct. 1496 P*2586 BM11542 H*43<59 GW6003 Without the device on leaf 58a 'Ioannls Baptlstae EpIsCopI EVarlCensIs totVM se traDIt ofFlCIIs. Devotissimus J. B. Vogler Parochus in Betzenweiler/ Culemann 293. Worts Fund, 1870 Contemporary stamped calf, with bosses and corner-pieces [1008]
PRINTER OF VOCABULARIUS RIGMICUS %.* Tentatively identified by BM m 519 with Johann Zainer 1172 Perger (Bernhard): Grammatica nova. 4 0 , 208 m m . H* 12604 a - l 8 m n 6 o 8 ; 108 leaves. Types: 180? (title), 95 (text). The text type is the same as in no. 1166, which is connected with Zainer's press by its woodcut capital Q. There are no woodcut capitals in this book Kloss. Given by H. Bradshaw, 1868 Half calf (Kloss) [1009] 221
LAUINGEN P R I N T E R OF A U G U S T I N U S DE C O N S E N S U EVANGELISTARUM 1173 Augustine (St): De consensu evangelistarum. F°, 265 mm. 12 Apr. 1473 P*2599 BM11545 H*i98i GW2897 Culemann 152. Worts Fund, 1870 19th c. half calf
1174 Augustine (St): De anima et spiritu [etc.]. 40, 205 mm. 9 Nov. 1472 P* 3240 [Germany, unassigned] BM11 545 H* 1964 GW 2936 Wants leaves 1 (blank) and 25-46 (De vita Christiana) *W. Sharp/ J. Hirst. Rustat Fund, 1888 Unbound 1175
Part of another copy. 205 mm. Leaves 47-76 only, containing De sobrietate, De quattuor virtutibus caritatis and De contritione cordis
MARIENTHAL FRATRES VITAE C O M M U N I S 1176 Gerson (Johannes): Opus tripartitum. 40, 204mm. P 2606 BM 11 547 'Venerabilis domini et magistri Johannis then Haken de Verseuelt ecclesie S. Lamberti Monast. dum vixit pastoris Executores hunc (cum tribus aliis libris) librum Religiosis Cartusien. in Wedderden prope dulmaniam legarunt... Obiit Anno salutis nre Millesimoquingesimonono die xxi Iunii.' A. J. Horwood. Rustat Fund, 1883 At the beginning are bound 45 leaves of paper, 1-41 containing Gerson, Conclusiones de diversis materiis moralibus, written in a contemporary hand Bound (1) with no. 567. Contemporary stamped calf, the boards lined with blank vellum [1011]
LUBECK LUCAS BRANDIS 1177 Psalter: Low German. 40, 197 mm. P 2608 BM 11549 H13520 Wants leaves 1 (blank), 184-5, I9(^» an
Two leaves of another copy. 205 mm. Leaves 117 & 118, on vellum; from a binding 222
79 Josephus (Flavius): Opera. 2 vols. F°, 392 mm. P*26o9 BM11550 H9450 With the misprints 'berulim' and 'ieiosolimam' (v. BM) Wants leaf 65 (blank); leaf 2 mutilated * F. Walramus A Linden.' Quaritch's Sunderland Library label. W. Morris. L. W . Hodson. Given by J. Charrington, 1916 18th c. calf [1013]
1180 Rudimentum novitiorum. F°, 388 mm. 5 Aug. 1475 P*26io BM11550 H*4996 Wants two leaves of the first quire (genealogical tables) Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf 1181
C o n r a d u s , de Alemania:
R e s p o n s o r i u m c u n o s o r u m . F°, 281 m m .
P * 2 6 n BM11550 H8347 GW7423 (Anm.) Wants leaf 34 Kloss. W. H. Crawford. Rustat Fund, 1891 Half calf (Kloss)
[1014] 1476
Jacobus, de Voragine: Legenda aurea. (Low German. Dat Passionael.) F°, 391 mm. H* 9988 BC 34 (with variations) In addition to textual differences, the collation varies from BC: [a-z10 A-Q 1 0 R S8 T 6 V 8 ]; 420 leaves * Daniel Retzman: Ao. 1603' Contemporary stamped pigskin, the boards lined with fragments of MS., including Add. MS. 600019 (MS. with neums, circa 1200): see also no. 1225 [1016]
B A R T H O L O M A E U S G H O T A N , 2nd press 1183 Licht der seelen. 40, 194 mm. 1484 Cop. 3696 BC 72 With an additional unsigned quire of 4 leaves at the beginning, not described by BC. ia: Dyt is dat regifter auer dat | nutthe bock dat hyr na volghet | gheheten dat Lycht der felen. | ([ In defTem bocke hyr na dar dat richte godes | vo* an fteyt vinftu...; 4b, 1.17: . . . Vnde ock | van deme ambachte der hylghen myfTen. | ([ Finis Regiftri Luminis Anime. J | . Wants leaf 1 of BC's description (which, as it also contains a register, has perhaps been replaced by the quire described above) Culemann 84. Worts Fund, 1870 Modern half morocco [1017]
1184 Gute (Eine) Lehre. Eyne gude lere deme de wyl denen deme altare der hillighen myssen. Broadside, 190 x 134 mm. Pf 2621 BC 96 (with variations) Einblattdrucke 839 Bound (2) with no. 1189 223
Missale Strengnense. F°, 290 m m . 1487 P* 2622 Collijn p. 69 [Stockholm] 1 leaf only, foliated Bxxi (Klemming, pi. 3). On vellum
Missale Aboense. F°, 294 m m .
P* 2623 H 11253 Collijn p. 87 1 leaf only, signed aij (Klemming, pi. 4). On vellum 1187
P r a y e r s : Low German.
8°, 144 m m .
BC 79 (with variations, e.g. leaf 17b, 1. 6: voedfpa | ren) Wants n 2 and bb 2 Dupl. ex Bibl. Lubecens. 'Hermann Schroder, Liibeck, 1828, 27 October/ 'Dr Heller/ 'Dr Deecke/ Culemann 7. Worts Fund, 1870 16th c. stamped calf, with clasps; the boards lined with blank vellum [1020] 1188
P e r a u d i (Raimundus): Litterae indulgentiarum. Broadside, 1 1 0 x 2 8 2 m m . 1490 R 1794 Einblattdrucke 1155 Gaselee69 Defective, lines 12-24 (last) only Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934
Seelentrost. De ghulden selentrost. 40, 190 mm. 1489 [ab 6 ]; 12 leaves. 2a: 141x87 mm., 29 lines. Types: 150 (incipit), 98 (text). Woodcut capitals ia: De ghulden felen troft. vfi to vo | re gas nutte capittele de eyn deel ghenome fyn vt | de boke dat de meyfter heft ghemaket van cf kuft | wol to fterue gehete eyne kuft aller kufte i cap I (W 8 ) Ente dar vele mifche fyn | dede gas gerne myt de hyl | ghe godes Ion 1 de ewighe | leue...; 7a: duuel nemande dwingen noch wald don to vul |; 12b, 1. 21: troftlik is wente he vynt troft by gode. | ([ Ghed*ucket to lubeck na der bozd crifH | m.cccc.lxxxix. | [Devices: (1) shield with poppy-heads, (2) shield with mark T+-] Culemann 238. Worts Fund, 1870 Bound (1) with no. 1184. 19th c. calf [1021]
STEFFEN ARNDES, 3rd press 1190 Spiegel. De speghel der sammitticheyt. 8°, 129 mm. 1487 H 14943 Cop. 5587 BC 120 See no. 1228 (note) 'Hermann Schroder, Lubeck, 1824, 1 Decbr.' ' [ . . . ] Wolf, Kiel, 1836/ 'Hermann Wolf, Kiel, 1839* Contemporary stamped calf, rebacked [1022]
1191 Jacobus, de Voragine: Legenda aurea. (Low German. Dat Passionael.) F°, 301 mm. 19 Nov. 1492 HR 9991 BC 202 [with variations) Wants the first two leaves (Register) E. S. Dewick. Given by the Rev. E. C. Dewick, 1918 Morocco, by Riviere
1192 Gart der GesundKeit. (Low German. Gaerde der suntheit.) F°, 257 mm. 1492 HR8957 BC203 Wants hh 2 and the last 16 leaves (Register) Culemann 313. Worts Fund, 1870 19th c. stamped calf 1193
Graduale Suecicum. F°, 306 m m . P* 2644 Collijn p. 186 [Pr. of Graduale Suecicum] 1 leaf only (Klemming, pi. 5). On vellum
B i b l e : Low German.
F°, 355 m m . 19 N o v . 1494
P*2645 BM11560 H3143 GW4309 ib, col. 1,1. 2 reads: vnoe (y. GW Anm.) Wants [a6], bl9 b 2 , e 8 , fx and i 8 'Ex libris Joannis Caroli Meinders. Anno 1683/ *...haec Bibha.. .BibUothecae Conventus Bielfeldiensis FF. Minorum S.P.F. de strictiore observantia olim annumerata, sumptibus.. .Dni D. Casparis Florentii de GlandorfF, Canonici Cathedralis Olmucensis Conventus hujatis syndici Apostolici.. .a° 1728 noviter compacta sunt...' Culemann 185. Worts Fund, 1870 Panelled & stamped calf, with clasps [1026]
1195 Jacobus, de Voragine: Legenda aurea. (Low German. Dat Passionael.) F°, 259 mm. 23 Apr. 1499 H9992 R I I I I BC314 159 leaves (not consecutive) bound up together L. W. Hodson. Given by J. Charrington, 1916 19th c. quarter calf
JOHANN SNEL P* 2647. See no. 4217
1196 Vade mecum. 40, 203 mm. TFS 19021 a-g 8 ; 56 leaves. 2a: 124 x 86 mm., 26 lines. 20 lines=96 mm. la: [ 3 ] m autem dies mali funt opottet nos | de malicia tempo*is in vfum aia^ a | liquid fequeftra*e quod mo*es com | ponat. affectus regat. actus oidinem qj di | rigat...; 9a (sig. b x ): ma eft hec vlcio. <^ fe iudice nemo nocens |; 56a, 1.12: . . . Vel fue thea Exibut an I geli z fegabut malos de medio iufto>. Quere | de angelis | Nomen pfitis opufculi fermonu ta de dmcis | q> de factis p ani circulu Iponitur Vade mecu | Attributed to Snel on the authority of the Kommission fiir GW Duke of Sussex. Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 18th c. calf, rebacked [3648] oc
BRESLAU CASPAR ELYAN 1197 Nicolaus, de Blony: Tractatus de sacramentis. F°, 282 mm. Cop. 1068 Given by H. R. Luard, 1868 i8thc. half calf
BLAUBEUREN CONRAD MANCZ 1198 Jerome (St). Vita et transitus sancti Hieronymi. F°, 271 mm. P*2653 BM11564 H*67i8 GW9447 Wants the last leaf (blank) 'Anno Mcccclxviii' has been printed in (in roman type) at the end, apparently at some time in the 19th century John Tomlinson. Bought, 1894 Pigskin (circa 1600?), rebacked [103°] 1199
A n o t h e r c o p y . 279 m m . Gaselee 70 Bound (3) with nos 1157, etc.
1200 Henricus, de Gorichem: De superstitiosis casibus [etc.]. F°, 260 mm. P2654 BM11564 11*7809 Howell Wills. Bought, 1894 Modern half morocco
1201 Vocabularius: Latin-German. F°, 292 mm. P 2659 BM n 565 Quire [d] comprises 10 leaves, each printed correctly on both sides (cf. BM note). Quire [z] has 8 leaves, not 6 as in the BM collation. The setting of 2a differs from the BM: [ 4 ] Criptura> fidelibus falutem veritatis teftimonio | admiftrantiu intellectus ex vocabuloi* noticia des I pendet qua ignoeates codices licet legat claufos | tenent z, fignatos... Bought, 1863 Contemporary stamped pigskin (including a hunting-scene), with clasp [1032]
ROSTOCK FRATRES D O M U S H O R T I VIRIDIS 1202 Lactantius (L.C.F.): Opera. F°, 272 mm. 9 Apr. 1476 P*266o BM11566 H*98i2 Gaselee 71 Wants the first and last leaves (blank), and leaf 196. The original quiring has been destroyed in the course of rebinding; some leaves misbound Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern wooden boards, backed with leather [3896] 226
[REICHENSTEIN] *** P 2666. See no. 869
SCHUSSENRIED PRINTER OF GRACCHUS ET POLISCENA 103 Terentius (Publius), Afer: Comoediae. F°, 271 mm. P*2668 BM11568 H* 15370 1 leaf only, from a binding 'J. Durand.' Sandars Bequest, 1894
Missale Herbipolense. F°, 335 mm. Pj-2669 H11309 A fragment only (the inner half of leaf 97), on vellum From the library of Sir S. Gaselee, 1943
Missale Herbipolense speciale. F°, 302 mm. P 2671 A BM11571 H11313 Wants leaves 1 and 12 of the preliminary quire. The 4th leaf of the last quire has been cut away, without loss of text. The text ends on the last leaf of the quire [z10], which is described as blank by BM J. H. Todd. Worts Fund, 1869 Contemporary stamped pigskin, with clasps [1034]
Statuta synodalia Herbipolensia. F°, 270 mm. P* 2675 BM n 572 H* 15036 On vellum Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Diced russia, circa 1800, the fore-edge stamped with the title and: lute Dei gra eps Wirceb. ac Francie Orient: Dux 1581 (i.e. Julius Echter von Mespelbrunn, Bishop of Wurzburg) [103s]
A n o t h e r c o p y . 210 m m . Gaselee 73 Wants the first leaf (blank). Leaf 116 supplied from another copy and misplaced. The last four quires misbound *Joh. Rhenn possessor [...].' Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Old vellum, repaired b#P#]
Bruno (St), Bp of Wiirzburg: Psalterium. F°, 287 mm. P* 3123 [Eichstatt, M. Reyser] BM11 571 H * 4 o n With the blank leaf 231. Thefinalleaf (280) also is blank 'Emptus Ebo>. iiij Januarij. 1495. pro vs. iiijd.' Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 18th c. quarter calf 227
[1092] 15-2
1209 Bruno (St), Bp of Wiirzburg: Psalterium. Another copy. 295 mm. Gaselee 72 Wants leaf 7 (supplied in facsimile); the blank leaf 231 cut awayGiven by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 19th c. morocco 1210
B r e v i a r i u m Eystetense. F°, 315 m m . 23 Feb. 1483 H* 3 839 GW5339 3 leaves only, on vellum: probably from the covers of an account book. *.. .Rechnung 1639...' ( 19) Culemann92. Bought, 1892 [iopj]
REUTLINGEN M I C H A E L GREYFF, 1st press 1211 Gritsch (Johannes): Quadragesimale. F°, 338 mm. P 2682 BM n 575 (IB. 10615) H* 8060 'Conventus [...] ord. praed. 1484/ Kloss. G. Dunn. Rustat Fund, 1914 Contemporary stamped pigskin, much repaired
1212 Conradus, de Brundelsheim: Sermones Socci de sanctis. F°, 382 mm. P 2683 BM 11 574 H* 14829= 14830 GW 7412 Gaselee 74 'Hunc librum comparauit dns anthonius Weyss propter deum de augusta plebanus aput s. Stheffanum Anno dni Mcccclxxxxvij...' R. Proctor. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 19th c. morocco [3899]
1213 Albertus, Magnus: Sermones de tempore et de sanctis. F°, 286 mm. P2688 BM11576 H*473 GW774 Leaf 85 cut away; De tempore bound before De sanctis (cf. BM and GW notes) ' Wyllm Gascoigne me possidet.' Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf
1214 Herolt (Johannes): Liber discipuli de eruditione Christifidelium. F°, 274 mm. P* 2697 [Otmar] BM n 578 H* 8516 Wants the table (all after leaf 175) *Ex dono Venerabilis dni Andraee Fuchs Plaebani in Merspurg pro tempore eius Existens Coadiutor ego Wolfgangus Danketschweyl Constantiensis Anno.. .1594/ Bought, 1894 Quarter cloth [1038]
Another copy. 270 mm. 'ad Bibliothecam PP. Francisc. amberg/ On the upper edge, a circular stamp: between S and B, a cross with its lower limb prolonged into A (presumably the Franciscan convent of St Bernardinus at Amberg. Cf. no. 1350 and B M n 439, IA. 7473). Bequeathed by Karl Pearson, 1936 Modern quarter morocco [4167]
J O H A N N O T M A R , ist press 1216
Manneken (Carolus): Formulae epistolarum. 40, 194 mm. 1482 P 2702 BM n 584 H* 10665 Wants the first leaf (blank) Acton Library, 1902 Cloth
Suttima r u d i u m . F°, 266 m m .
P* 2711 BM n 586 (IB. 10712) H* 15171 Gaselee 75 The colophon reads: | ca inpaefla... (cf. BM) Wants leaves 1-8 (table) and the blank leaves 9 & 72 Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 19th c. half calf
Biel (Gabriel): Expositio canonis missae. F°, 295 mm. 15 Nov. 1488 Pf27i4 H*3i78 GW4332 'Liber s. Marci in butzpach.' Given by F. J. Norton, 1941 Original boards, re-covered, with the original sides of ruled calf laid down; vellum MS. guards (15th c , grammar) at ends [4213]
Cultrificis (Engelbertus); Defensorium privilegiorum fratrum mendicantium [etc.]. 40, 188 mm. 15 Dec. 1492 P*27i8 BM11587 HF5852 GW7848 Gaselee 76 Wants the last leaf (blank) Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 19th c. quarter cloth
Augustine (St): Meditationes. (German.) 4 , 187 mm, GW2975 Bookplate, dated 1721, of Christian Ernst, Graf zu Stolberg. Furstlich Stolberg. Bibliothek, Wernigerode. Heitland Fund, 1948 18th c. vellum [4296]
M I C H A E L GREYFF, 2nd press 1221
Aesopus moralisatus. 40, 201 mm. 23 July 1489 P*2735 BM11580 H*3O5 GW407 Bought, 1898 19th c. quarter morocco
[1040] 0
Sequentiae. Textus sequentiarum cum commento. 4 , 200 mm. 1490 P*2736 BM11581 H* 14688 The collation varies from BM: K L8 M N 6 'Liber Cartusien. In Buchshaim prope Memmingen proueniens a confratre nostro dno Hilprando Brandenburg de Bibraco donato sacerdote...' (see no. 12). With coloured bookplate and Buxheim stamp. Sandars Bequest, 1894 Contemporary stamped white leather [1041] *^* p * 2750. Reattributed by BM & GW to Stuttgart. See no. 1322 229
1222*5 Andreas, de Escobar: Modus confitendi. 8°, 127 mm. H1015 GW1850 1 a, 1. 4 varies from GW: .. .ante et poft | Wants h2_7 S. G. Hamilton. Given by F. J. Norton, 1949 17th c. stamped pigskin, rebacked
1223 Michael, Scotus: Liber physiognomiae. 40, 195 mm. H* 14549 Pol* 2 7°4 {with variations) The last quire has 6 leaves, making 46 in all (cf. Polain) The pictorial initial I (angel and lion) on 4a was used by Fyner at Urach Bought, 1870 Wrappers
1224 Kannemann (Johannes): Collectio duarum passionum Christi. 40, 197 mm. H* 5479 a-d8 e6 f-h 8 1 6 ; 68 leaves, the last blank. Type: 87B (mixed) Jenkinson Fund, 1934 19th c. quarter vellum
MAGDEBURG BARTHOLOMAEUS GHOTAN 1225 Missale Magdeburgense. F°, 409 mm. 1480 P 2752 BM n 594 H11321 With the first of the two settings of the order and canon ojf the Mass described by BM Wants thefirsttwo leaves (advertisement and register) and the woodcut of the Crucifixion. Before the order of the Mass are inserted 24 leaves of contemporary MS. (special services, with music) 'Bibliothecae J. Niesert, pastoris in Velen, 1837.' Culemann 523. Worts Fund, 1870 Contemporary stamped pigskin, the upper board lined with a piece of the MS. used in binding no. 1182 [1043]
SIMON KOCH 1226 Jacobus, de Voragine: Legenda aurea. {Low German. Dat Passionael.) F°, 263 mm. 7 Mar. 1487 H9989 BC118 1 leaf only (sig. A 4 of Wintertheil) Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934
Jordanus, de Quedlinburg: Meditationes de vita et passione Christi [etc.], 16 0 , 99 m m . 8
[a ] b-0 [p ]; 120 leaves. 2a: 62 x 44 mm., 16 lines. Types: 97 (tide & headings), 80 (text). Woodcuts ia: Exercitium deuotiflimi | fratris Iordani de vita. | paflione. et refurectione. | domini noftri Ihefu xpi. | Item Rofarium metricu | Ad laudem intemerate z, | gloriofiflime virginis
MAGDEBURG; MEMMINGEN et | matris marie. |; i b : woodcut; 2a: ([ Ad Iaude3 omnipotentis dei | gloriofecg virginis matris eius | marie Incipit hie quoddam ex | ercitiu^ deuotiflimu circa vitam | paflionem refurrectione3 z glo | rificatione dfii n2i ihu xpi per de | uotiflimu frem Ioadanum ordi | nis fancti auguftini compilatu3 | Incipit feliciter prologus | [ 2] I defideras gfecte mudari...; 9a (sig. b): ([ Quartus articuta eft chrifti | traditio...; i n a (o7), 1. 6: ([ Sequuntur fe | ptem oratiuncule a fum | mis potificibus eppofite |; 112b, 1.17: ([ Etfieeft finis |; 113a: f Rofariu beate marie vginis | [woodcut] |; 120a, 1. 14: ([ ImprefTu Magdeburch | arte Symonis Mentzer An | no domini MCCCCxci | Wants f4,5>8, h 3 , i 4)5 , and [p6] 'Liber[.. .]um prope Hildensem.' Culemann 556. Worts Fund, 1870 Bound (1) with no. 183. Contemporary stamped calf, with clasp;flyleavesof vellum MS. (13 th c.), with neums
M O R I T Z B R A N D I S , 2nd press 1228 Boek der beschawynge to gode edder eyn spyghel der sammitticheyt [etc.]. 16 0 , 113 m m . 4 O c t . 1492 GW4509 BC196 This text is the same as no. 1292; no. 1190 (Spiegel der sammitticheit) is a different text Wants the first leaf (woodcut) H. Bradshaw (and presumably given by him) Contemporary stamped calf, with clasp [1043]
1229 Thomas, h Kempis: Imitatio Christi [etc.]. 40, 212 mm. P 2761 A BM11600 H*9o8i
Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern boards
MEMMINGEN ALBRECHT KUNNE 1230 Rolewinck (Werner): Fasciculus temporum. F°, 281 mm. 1482 P*2772 BM11602 11*6931
'Monasterii Weissenawiensis/ *FF. A[ugiae]. M[inoris]/ Kloss. G.Dunn. RustatFund, 1917
Contemporary wooden boards backed with pigskin; German legal MS. on vellum (dated 1490) at beginning and end [1046] 1231
A n t o n i n u s (St): Confessionale (Defecerunt) [etc.]. 4 0 , 183 m m . 1483 P*2773 BMn6o2 H* 1190 GW2097 Gaselee 78 Wants the first leaf (blank) Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Half calf, circa 1800 [3906] 231
1232 Pius II: In Europam. 4 , 192 mm. P*278i BM11605 H*258 Wants the last leaf (blank) Armorial bookplate of Winthrop Sargent, with motto 'nee quaerere honorem nee spernere9. William Henry Hurlbert 19th c. boards [1O47]
1233 Innocent VIII: Bulk canonisationis S. Leopoldi (Sacrosanctam matrem ecclesiam). Broadside, 432 x 293 mm. •Einblattdrucke 728 Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934
1234 Figura omnes scientias et artes in unam radicem reducens. Broadside, 382x270 mm. Einblattdrucke 590 'Bibliothecae Tegernseensis, 1783*
1235 Quaestio determinata contra triplicem errorem. 40, 194 mm. P*2784 BM11604 H*ii55 ' Ex libris Ioannis Knireri/ ' Ex libris fratris Achatii' (i.e. Achatius Wandereisen). ' perlectus est iste liber per me f. A. Anno minore numero 93 Mensis Septembris die Trigesimo/ (For Achatius Wandereisen v. P. Lindner, 'Familia S. Quirini in Tegernsee', in Oberbayerisches Archivj. vaterldndische Gesch., 50. Bd (Erganzungsheft), 1898, p. 10.) 'Monasterii Tegernsee.' Bequeathed by Karl Pearson, 1936 Modern quarter morocco
1236 Alphabetum divini amoris. 40, 185 mm. 1489 P*2787 BM11605 GW1560 Wants the last leaf (blank) British Museum duplicate. Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1946 Wrappers
1237 OdendorfF (Henricus de): Repetitio capituli Omnis utriusque sexus. 40, 195 mm. 1490 P*2789 BM11605 H*ii957 Wants leaves ax (title-page) and a8 * Ad Willm Lawson pertinet' (cf. no. 2942). Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 i8thc. half calf
Another copy. 195 mm. 'Ego frater Jodocus perndorfFer Sacre pagine lector ordinis fratrum gloriosissime dei genetricis semperque virginis marie de monte carmeli filius conuentus in abensperga possessor huius Anno domini M°CCCC° 92 Tune temporis predicator in Abensperg/ * Carmeli bambergensis/ From the library of F. Jenkinson, 1923 Contemporary wooden boards, backed with stamped calf [1050]
Dialogus inter discipulum et magistrum. F°, 253 mm. 5 Mar. 1494 P*2794 BM11606 H*6i38 GW 8276 (Anm.) Acton Library, 1902 19th c. boards
Huss (Johannes): Gesta Christi. 40, 194 mm. P2817 BM11608 11*9059 British Museum duplicate, transferred 1889 Modern quarter cloth, over old wrappers
Another copy. 193 mm. Modern quarter cloth
A n o t h e r c o p y . 195 m m . From the library of F. Jenkinson, 1923 Modern quarter cloth
Another copy. 193 mm. Gaselee 79 *W. G. Thorpe, F.S.A., 1903/ Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Blue morocco, by J. B. Hawes of Cambridge
John (St), Chrysostom: Homiliae in epistolam ad Hebraeos. F°, 288 mm. P* 2484 [Esslingen] BM11 612 H* 5029 Gaselee 81 Wants leaf 43 Written in contemporary MS. on two leaves inserted at the beginning is Leodrisius Crebellus (i.e. Leodrisio Crivelli) ad eneam siluium Cardinalem senen. in epistolam Johannis crisostomi prologus, followed by a Latin translation of the Epistola ad Cyriacum episcopum exsulantem (cf. Argellati, Biblioth. script Mediolan. (1745), 1, pt 2, col. 512) *J. Vivian.' * Franciscanorum Friburgi Brisgoiae. 1648/ Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Bound (1) with nos 1250, 1248, 1247 & 1246. Contemporary stamped pigskin [3911]
John (St), Chrysostom: Sermones xxv. F°, 290 mm. P* 2485 [Esslingen] BM n 613 H* 5042 Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1919 Modern half morocco over vellum wrappers (Italian legal records, 16th c , used also in the binding of no. 1249) [993]
A n o t h e r c o p y . 288 m m . Gaselee 82 Bound (5) with nos 1244, etc.
1247 John (St), Chrysostom: De compunctione cordis [etc.]. F°, 288 mm. P* 2486 [Esslingen] BM11 612 H* 5045 Gaselee 83 'Ad minores conuentus friburgen.' Bound (4) with nos 1244, etc.
1248 John (St), Chrysostom: Dialogi Chrysostomi et Basilii de dignitate sacerdotii. F°, 288 mm. P* 2487 [Esslingen] BM11613 H* 5050 Gaselee 84 Bound (3) with nos 1244., etc.
1249 John (St), Chrysostom: Homiliae xliv. F°, 290 mm. P* 2488 [Esslingen] BM 11 613 H* 5028 Bought, 1896 Wrappers, lined with leaves from the MS. also used to cover no. 1245 1250
Another copy. 288 m m . Gaselee 85 Bound (2) with nos 1244, etc.
Sixtus IV: Bulk plenariarum indulgentiarum ecclesiae in Urach concessarum (Pastoris boni). Broadside, 442 x 310 mm. Einblattdrucke 1342 Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 [39*o]
G e o r g i u s , de Hungaria: D e moribus T u r c o r u m . 4 0 , 201 m m . P*2822 BMll6lI H* I5672 Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (1) with nos 698, 3401 & 3765. 18th c. calf, rebacked
1253 Henricus, de Hassia: De horis canonicis dicendis. 40, 195 mm. P2824 BM11611 HF8406 Gaselee 80 Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern half morocco
PASSAU B E N E D I C T U S MAYR & PARTNERS 1254 Werdenberg (Ruddlf von): Indulgentia. Broadside, 219x313 mm. 1481 Type: GTK 1228 (20 lines=71 mm.)
Reproduced in reduced facsimile in The Library, 4th ser., XII (1931-2) (N7) Os Rudolfus Comes in Werdenberg. Frater osdinis militaris Iherufolomitani Baiuliuus Brandenburgenfis. Comendatoa domus fancti Iohan | nis in Freyburg zc. . . . ; 1.4: . . . Prouenit ex tue deuotionis afFectu quo | Romanam ecclefiam reuereris...; 1. 14: .. .Datum | die Menfis Anno a natiuitate dni Mcccclxxxj. Fo*ma abfolutionis in vita indulgentiaau plearie remiflionis...; 1. 22: .. .In nomie patris t filij z fpirituffancti. Amen. Simoniaci venire tenentur ad commifTarf in hoc | fidei negotio confHtutos. Et votoaum commutatio fiat in hoc opus fidei. | The spaces filled in 'Katherine farsterin Patauiensis Dyocesis', * Vicesima prima' and 'May' Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934
1255 Jerome (St). Vita et transitus sancti Hieronymi. 2 vols. 40, 188 mm. 26 July 1482 P*2826 BM11614 H*672i GW9450 Printed in partnership with Conrad Stahel Imperfect. Vol. 1 (leaves 1-40) wants leaves 35-8; vol. 2 (leaves 41-70) wants leaves 42, 44-5» 47~9- Leaves 43 and 46 misbound; some signatures garbled Vol. 1: bought (lot 782 at Sotheby's), 9 Mar. 1898. Vol. 2: bought (lot 35 at Sotheby's), 17 Feb. 1897 Quarter vellum (not uniform) [1O57]
Blanchis (Julianus de): Prognostication for 1482/3. 4 0 , 210 m m . GW4413 Gaselee86 Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Old vellum over new boards
Tractatus pro infirmis visitandis. 40, 195 mm. 14 Nov. 1482 P*2828 BM11614 H9182 Printed in partnership with Johann Alakraw Bought (lot 56 at Sotheby's), 17 Feb. 1897 Quarter forrel
Another copy. 201 m m . Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern half morocco
B r e v i a r i u m Pataviense. 8°, 139 m m . GW 5424 (part only) Cop. 1285 29 & 30 lines. Types: 94 (?), heading on ia of Psalter; elsewhere 71 (two founts, GTK 1228 & 1896) 1. Calendar, [a 6 ]; 6 leaves ia: [red]Ianuariushabetdiesxxxi | . . . ; 6 b , 1.29: [black] Silueftripape. [red] ix.lectiones. | 2. Psalter. [A8] B-D 8 [E-K 8 ]; 80 leaves ia: [red] Dominicis diebus. Inuitatorium. | [black] Regem magnum. Adoaemus dominu. [red] ps. [black] Venite | exultemus domino, [red] Ant. [black] Semite domino, [red] ps. I [ 4 ] [black] Eatus vir qui no abijt in cofilio impio | rum: . . . ; 79b, 1. 29: . . . v t quos delictov| (80a) cathena conftringit: miferatio tue pietatis abfolua[t.] |; 80b: blank 3. Commune sanctorum, [a-d8] e8 [f g 8 h 1 0 ]; 66 leaves, the last blank. Misbound ia: [red] Incipit one de fanctis. De aplis ad vs fu[g] ps aii[t.] | [ 3 ] [black] On vos me elegiftis: fed ego elegi vos | . . . ; 65b, 1. 23: . . .Nefciens mater, [red] vel. [black] Virgo verbo co | cepit. [red] Coilecta vt fupea. | 4. Proprium de tempore et de sanctis (Pars hiemalis) GW 5424 (4) 5. Proprium de tempore et de sanctis (Pars aestivalis) Wanting in this copy Contemporary MS. additions at end Rustat Fund, 1884 235
PASSAU Contemporary stamped calf, with bosses & corner-pieces; boards lined with pieces of vellum MS. 'Indulgentia Ecclesie dei genetricis Marie virginis gloriose In Adelbang finalis. Parochialis Ecclesie scti Georgii martyris In Phazkirchen prope H a [ . . . ] ' (circa 1500) [1272]
J O H A N N PETRI 1260 Anselm (St): De planctu Mariae. 40, 181 mm. P2831 BM11616 H*H4i GW2040 Gaselee87 'Collegii Societatis Jesu Ingolstadii.' Ad Bibl. Acad. Land. 'Sold this book to Mr Libri Feby 16th 1850. H. Jefferyes.' Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern half morocco [3921 ]
1260*5 Paratus: Sermones de tempore et de sanctis. F°, 283 m m . P 2832 BM 11616 H* 12405 (1) Quires a-z only of the BM collation, containing De tempore and Tabula 'Siluester rerninger...' 'Ad Bibliothecam cenobii sancte elisabeth in suburbio brixine presens pertinet liber.' 'Ex libris Residentiae Brixinensis Frum S. Francisci Reform/ Given by F. J. Norton, 1949 Bound (1) with no. 175*5. Contemporary ruled calf, rebacked, with clasps [4323]
1261 Innocent VIII: Bulk (Pro salute populi Christiani). [For Klosterneuburg.] Broadside, 247 x 317 mm. Einblattdrucke 733 c Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934
[3922] 0
Lochmaier (Michael): Practica electionum praelatorum. 4 , 190 mm. P*2839 BM11617 H*ioi75 Gaselee 88 Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern half morocco
1263 Wann (Paul): Sermones de tempore. F°, 272 mm. 1491 P2840 BM11618 H*i6i44 'Monasterii Ranshouen.' Acton Library, 1902 Contemporary stamped calf, the front board lined with a leaf of Sermones Parati from this press; at end fragments of 13th c. music MS. on vellum (Add. MS. 600023) [M>59] 1264
Another copy. 274 m m . Gaselee 89 Wants the last leaf (blank) 'Iste liber attinet venerabili monasterio S. Quirini Regis et martyris in Tegernsee. Emptus anno dni 1502.' G. Dunn. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 [3924] Contemporary stamped calf
1265 Lochmaier (Michael): Sermones de sanctis cum sermonibus xxiii Pauli Wann. F°, 270 mm. P2845 BM11617 H*ioi72 Gaselee 90 Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Contemporary ruled red leather, rebacked
Innocent VIII: Summarium bullae canonisationis s. Leopoldi. Broadside, 216x316 mm. Einblattdrucke 1430 +1431 The two settings are printed side by side in 40 on a half-sheet Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934
Schildis (Hermannus de): Speculum sacerdotum. 40,208 mm. Circa 15 Aug. 1481 P2851 BM11620 H* 14523 'If dno wilhelmo de tabena pertinet/ Culemann 440. Worts Fund, 1870 Wrappers
Psalter: Latin. F°, 315 mm. 28 June 1485 HC* 13486 Type: 152 'Cartusiae in Buxia' Contemporary wooden boards, backed with stamped calf; the upper board defective, the lower lined with fragments of MSS. (vellum, music, 13th c. and paper, 15th a ) , and frag[1061] ments of a woodcut St Christopher
Tibullus (Albius): Elegiac 40, 190 mm. P*2857 BM111623 H15521? Gaselee 91 Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern half morocco
Ludovicus, de Seghin: Indulgence for the St Clare Brotherhood at Zwickau. Broadside, 294 x 204 mm. Einblattdrucke 886+887 Reproduced in reduced facsimile in The Library, 4th ser., xn (1931-2) The two settings are printed one below the other on a half-sheet Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934
Bernardus, Carthusianus: Dialogus virginis Mariae misericordiam elucidans. 4°, 166 mm. 1493 P*2863 BM HI 625 H*284O GW 3902 Acquired before 1853 18th c. calf
1272 Bernardus, Carthusianus: Dialogus virginis Mariae misericordiam elucidans. Another copy. 206 mm. Gaselee 92 Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern vellum 1273
Henricus, de Hassia: Secreta sacerdotum.
4 , 205 mm.
P2873 BM in 627 H8384 Gaselee 93 Wants the last leaf (blank) Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern quarter morocco
1274 Bonacursius (Dominicus): Orationes de vera nobilitate. 40, 194 mm. Pf 2882 HR 3459=H 3459 (1) [a b 6 ]; 12 leaves Ashburnham 749. Bought, 1897 Stamped calf, by J. Clyde
1275 Poggio-Bracciolini (Gian Francesco): De morte Hieronymi Pragensis [etc.]. 4°, 211 mm. P2893 BM m 630 H*i32io Bought, 1891 Modern brown morocco
[1063] 0
1276 Sacro Bosco (Johannes de): Sphaera mundi. 4 , 181 mm. BM in 629 H* 14116 Bookplate: Ex Bibliotheca ecclesiae Collegiatae Lateranensis ad S. Nicolaum prope Passavium
Bound (1) with no. 214. 18th c. half parchment, uniform with no. 1146, which contains a different engraving of the same bookplate [1066]
1277 Dialogus Salomonis et Marcolfi. 40, 179 mm. H* 14247 Duff (D) 13 Bought, 1891 19th c. vellum
1278 Stella clericorum. 4°, 215 mm. H* 15066 A 8 B 6 ; 14 leaves. Types: 160 with narrow e (title, etc.), 89 (text) Given by S. Sandars, 1893 Modern half morocco
1279 Wirecker (Nigellus): Speculum stultorum. 40, 212 mm. P 2904 BM in 631 H* 16217 Bibliothek zu Wolfenbuttel. W . H. Crawford 496. Rustat Fund, 1891 Red morocco, by W. Pratt 1280
Another copy. 192 m m . 'Robert Young, Esq. C.E., Belfast/ Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Cloth
Seneca (Lucius Annaeus): De quattuor virtutibus. 40, 215 mm. P2907 BM111631 (IA. 11682) H* 14630
Modern half morocco 1282
Cicero (Marcus Tullius): Pro Marcello. 40, 216 mm. H*5i45 GW6790 Gaselee94 'P. Furstenbergk Mcccccj/ *S. Gaselee hunc librum.. .d. d. A. S. F. Gow.. .MCMxvij.' Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern calf [3933]
P s a l t e r : Latin.
8°, 142 m m .
Cop. 4929 Types: 97 and (e5b & e6a only) 89. Lombardic initials 'domini Henrici Snytcze.' Rustat Fund, 1868 17th c. calf
Regulae congruitatum. 4 , 196 mm. a8; 8 leaves. 4b: 153 x90 mm., 34 lines. Types: 88 (text), 168 (title & headings) ia: Regule congruitatum | Coftructiones. Regimina |; i b : (P3) Rima regula congruitatu3 | gramaticaliu eft ifta. Omne adiectiuu: fiue fit no | minale fiue pnoiale/fiue gticipiale &$ couenire cu | fuo fubftatiuo iu tribus...; 8a, 1. 26: *&* Tantu de regulis grammaticalibus. Conftructionibus | et regeminibus Pueris recipiant/vt congrue mentis coceptu | expamere valeant | Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1935 Blue morocco, by Riviere [4120]
M O R I T Z B R A N D I S , 1st press 1285
Bernard (St), of Clairvaux: Homilia super Stabat mater. 40, 196 mm. H*2869 GW3931 Bookplate of F. O. Bfeggi], Rustat Fund (lot 144 at Puttick's), 16 Mar. 1864 Old paper boards, rebacked cloth
Nummus quae pars? Broadside, 180 x 140 mm. Reproduced in The Library, 4th ser., xn (1931-2) 1. On one side, 29 lines of text, printed in type 78 (with paragraph-mark, colon and open & crossed forms of N ; only round C and M 49 occur; L does not occur) Nummus eft ens encium. honoa hono>. rex regu. domin9 domi | nanciu. Et ideo in ac^fitione emendaijL numus dicitur efle pzioz: | Nummus que pars. Prepofitio... (This text is reproduced, with some variations, in Parodistische Texte... hrsg. von Paul Lehmann (Miinchen, 1923), pp. 15-16) 2. On the other side printed in red, in a type measuring about 150 mm. to 20 lines, is: die facratiflimu celebaa | tes 4 | Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 [3926] 239
MARTIN LANDSBERG 1287 Algorithmic integrorum cum probis annexis. 40, 197 mm. P 2959 A BM in 638 (1A. 11929) GW 1273 Varies from GW on 2a, 1. 3: ra* | tione British Museum duplicate. Acquired by exchange, 1948 19th c. boards, covered and lined with leaves from a German early printed book [4270]
1288 Antony (Order of St). Privilegia ordinis S. Antonii. 40, 195 mm. Nachtr. 289 Acton Library, 1902 19th c. boards
[1072] 0
1289 Donatus (Aelius): De octo partibus orationis. 4 , 187 mm. GW 8900 Culemann 226. Given by S. Sandars, 1870 Unbound 1290
C o m p o s i t i o m e t r o r u m . 4 0 , 205 m m . H* 5581 [a 6 ]; 6 leaves. Types: 156 (title & headings), 88 (text) Wants the last leaf Bound (7) with nos 202, etc,
%* Pf 2990. See P* 2255 A Lucanus (Marcus Annaeus): Pharsalia. 4 0 , 207 mm. Pf 2993 Cop. 3652=HC 10230 A-Z6 Aa-Mm6 Nn8; 218 leaves Wants the first leaf (Epitaphium Lucani) Kloss 2329. Bought, 1912 Paper boards (Kloss)
[1075] 0
1292 Boek der beschawynge to gode [etc.]. 16 , 97 mm. [A]-Z 8 Aa-Ll 8 ; 272 leaves. 9a: 70x49 mm., 16 lines. Types: 172 (headings), 88 (text). Woodcuts 2a: [ 2 ]N duffem boke heft men | wo ein iowelik crifte mi* | fche fchal bettachte wat vnfe I leue here ihefiis in alien hoch* | werdige feften vfi in etlike fon | dagen de mefche to g u d e . . . ; 9a (sig. B): gefecht heft du enwilleft ni« |; 271b, 1. 11: .. .Dar na vindeftu do*ch dat | gantze iar fchone vnde gar an | dechtige gebede eynem yewel | ken minfchen tho nutte vnde | fyner felen falicheyt. | See no. 1228 (note) Wants the first and last leaves, also I 4 , 1 8 , P x , Ii5 Culemann 6. Worts Fund, 1870 16th c. stamped calf, rebacked [1076]
1293 Wimpina (Conradus): Apologeticus. 40, 212 mm. H* 16208 A 6 B 8 ; 14 leaves. Types: 172 (title & headings), 88 (text) Bought, 1902 19th c. half vellum
Cicero (Marcus Tullius): De officiis. F°, 292 mm. GW6918 A fragment (title-page only)
Beroaldus (Philippus): De duobus amantibus. 40, 200 mm. GW4108 Gaselee95 W. H. Crawford. R. Proctor. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 19th c. boards
Astesanus, de Ast: Textus canonum poenitentialium. 40, 204 mm. H* 4341=*i 5446 GW2746 Gaselee 64 Koninkl. Bibliotheek te's Hage. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern half vellum
A R N O L D U S DE C O L O N I A 1297
Seneca (Lucius Annaeus): Epistolae. F°, 321 mm. 26 June 1493 BM in 644 (IB. 12033) H 14603 Wants the last leaf (blank) Bought, 1895 Bound (1) with no. 1303. Modern half morocco
Jacobus, de Clusa: De arte bene moriendi. 40, 195 mm. 1495 P*2998 BM m 644 H*934O Given by S. Sandars, 1870 (or 1871) Wrappers
Another copy. 183 mm. Wants the last leaf (blank) From the library of F. Jenkinson, 1923 19th c. quarter calf
Johannes, de Lapide: Resolutorium dubiorum. 40, 203 mm. Nachtr. 190 Varies from Nachtrage: the first two quires are signed Aa, Bb; the text ends on 31b; the last leaf (32) is blank Wants the blank Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1919 Boards [1081]
Another copy. 204 mm. Gaselee 96 Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern boards covered with a piece of music MS. on vellum (circa 1500)
1302 Breitenbach (Johannes de): Repetitio capituli Omnis utriusque sexus. F°, 322 mm. 2 Apr. 1493 P3010 BM in 646 (IB. 11801) H3774 GW5092 Bought, 1914 Modern quarter morocco
1302-5 Privilegia clericorum [etc.). F°, 288 mm. 1493 H* 7379 A 8 ; 8 leaves. Types: 136 (title), 90 measuring 92 (text) Bound (3) with nos 219*5, etc.
1303 Aristoteles: CEconomica. F°, 321 mm. P3021 BMin648 GW2437 Bound (2) with no. 1297
1304 Greve (Henricus): Disputatio super Parva logicalia. 40, 199 mm. H8052 A 8 B-N 6 ; 80 leaves. 2a: 148 x92 mm., 33 lines. Types: 136 (headings), 90 (text) ia: Quia Parualoicalia ad multa turn | vtilia tnm neceffaria precipue ad veritatis falfita- | tifcp diuerfa^ ppofitonu etia3 omniu artium inda | gatione plurimu3 conducut...; 9a (sig. B): ([ Sed fuppofitio §m pe. hif. et alios ati^s fie diuidif vt pa |; 80b, 1. 28: . . .Valete lcto*es z auditors ^felicifllme at3 logiflime. | ([ Finiunt parualoicalia nuper per Magiftru I Henricum Greue de Gottingen in floaido ftu« | dio ly pfenfi difputata. | Venn Collection, 1888 19th c. calf [1084]
1305 Niavis (Paulus): Latinum ideoma pro parvulis. 40, 205 mm. A 8 B 6 ; 14 leaves. 2a: 145 x 95 mm., 32 lines. Types: 136 (title & headings), 90 (text) ia: Latinum ydeoma Magiftri Pau | li Niauis p*o paruulis editum ac | fumma diligencia emendatum. |; i b : Paulus Niauis arciu Magifter | magnificis viris fapienticp Se« | natui kempniczenfi dominis fu | is plurimum colendis. | Salutem plurima d i c k . . . ; 9a (sig. Bi): Ho*, ait eu cauilacoib9 inferuire p*eterea efficere vt co= |; 14b, 1. 30: . . .Ro. putat em cu in cimiterio fimul luda | mus paopefio^es foae ad latinos fermoes Ho2. veni igif | et ad cimiteriu eamus Ro. vale et ego fequar. | Bound (5) with nos 202, etc. [1085]
MELCHIOR LOTTER 1306 Nicodemus: Evangelium. 40, 187 mm. H 11751 A B 6 ; 12 leaves, the last blank. 3a: 160x 106 mm., 41 lines. Types: 168 (incipit), 72 but without paragraph-marks (text) 2a: Euangelium Nicodemi Ihefu crifti | difcipuli. ipi paimo 01m de Crifti paf* | fione fcribentiu diuinitus infpiratu: in lege z in pphetis fudatu (1. 8) (F5) Actu eft aut anno decimonono imperij Tiberij cefaris: tge | Herodis filij herodis regis galilee...; 7a (sig. B):
LEIPZIG; MUNICH pit illos in domo fua. coferes cu illis de his que tuc facta fuerat. Altera |; i ib, 1.6: . . . Coputantefqj inuenimus omia que fe* | cit dominus deus: quando fecit celum t terra, et pdmum hominem om | nium hominum patrem Adam. | "Wants the first leaf (title-page?) Bought, 1867 [1086] Half calf, circa 1800
1307 Niavis (Paulus): Latinum ideoma pro parvulis. 40, 199 mm. 1499 A B 6 ; 12 leaves. 2a: 146x96 mm., 33 lines. Types: 340 & 168 (title), 88 (text) la: Latinu ydeoma | Magiftri Pauli Niauis p*o \ paruulis editum. |; i b : Paulus Niauis artiu Magifter magnificis viris fapietiqj | fenatui Kemnitzenfi dnis fiiis plurimu colendis. S.P.D. | [ 2 ] Vod ad vos iam puerilia fcribo...; 7a (sig. B): duodecim ac de illis qui pleruqj in chcnu ingrediunf ac etia |; 12b, 1. 28: .. .H02. et tu quoqj vale. | Impaeflum Liptzk per Melchicwem | Lotter. Anno nonogefimonono. | The K on ib is one of the two forms of R, perhaps slightly filed Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Vellum, by Lloyd of London [393&]
WOLFGANG STOCKEL 1308 Pius II: De ritu, situ et moribus Germaniae. 40, 186 mm. 9 Apr. 1496 P*3O5o BM111653 H*249 Bibliotheque de St Philippe. Bought, 1899 19th c. quarter roan
[1087] 0
1309 Disputatio sanctae Trinitatis de redemptione generis humani. 4 , 200 mm. P 726 [Strassburg, M. Flach] BM1157 [Strassburg, M. Flach] H* 11506 GW 8481 Given by S. Sandars, 1893 Modern quarter morocco [207]
JACOBUS THANNER 1310 Proba Falconia: Vergilii centones. 40, 190 mm. a-c6 d 4 ; 22 leaves, the last probably blank. Device on 21a Wants the last leaf Stamp: a monogram FG. Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 Olive morocco, b y j . B. Hawes of Cambridge
MUNICH J O H A N N SCHOBSSER, 2nd press 1311 Wann (Paul): Quadragesimale. 40, 191 mm. P*3ioo BM in 662 H*i6i48 'Pro Conuentu FF Min. Reform. Bolsani.' Given by J. Charrington, 1930 Contemporary stamped calf, repaired (perhaps in the original bindery); a broad border of foliage with birds, with central panels of interlacing strap-work and small rosettes [3673] 243
ERFURT P R I N T E R OF ARISTEAS 1312 Aristeas: De lxxii interpretibus. 40, 210 mm. 1483 P*3io2 BM11590 11*1655 GW2332 'E Bibliotheca Oelsneriana* Wrappers
PRINTER OF HUNDORN (HEYDERICUS AND MARX AYRER) 1313 Negligentiae et defectus in missa contingentes. 40, 190 mm. 1494 H6079 GW8245 'Sum Johannis de Wegssarer (?) 1566/ 'Fratrum Minorum Conuent: Herstellensis.' 'P. Victorianus Wilekinghoff/ E. J. Barron. C. Thomas-Stanford. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 [3902] Modern boards
WOLFGANG SCHENCK 1314 Gerson (Johannes): Libellus canonum moralium. 40, 201 mm. 18 Apr. 1500 H 7649 Gaselee 77 A-C 6 D 4 E 6 ; 28 leaves. 3a: 147 x 90 mm., 34 lines. Types: 170 (title & heading), 86° (text) ia: Libellus canonu mo*a | lium Ioannis Gerfo* | nis Cancellarij Parifienfis litterature ecclefiafti | ce doctods cluiftianiflimi qui theologia paactica | fimul et mosale tota fere copendiarie coplectutur |; 2a: Iohannis Gerfonis cancellarij Parifienfis regule mo- | rales feliciter incipiunt. | Paologus | (a4) Gamus nunc interim qd natura et imita- | trix nature ars folet agere...; 7a (sig. B): Non 01s deliberans agit ex deliberatioe. ficut nee omis ig |; 28a, 1.18: . . .Et fi platos et ecclefias fibi fubditas onera- | re fumptibus Itolerabilibus: vel libertatibus penit9 fpo | liare contenderet. | Finiunt Canones morales Ioannis Gerfo- | nis cancellarij Parifienfis litterature ecclefia- | ftice doctors Chtiftianiflimi. Impaefli 1 acha | demia Erfo*diana per Wolffgagu Schenck | Anno Iubilei. Millefimoquingentefimo. In | vigilia Pafce. | Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern boards covered with a piece of music MS. on vellum {circa 1500) [3903]
METZ J O H A N N E S C O L I N I & G E R H A R D U S DE N O V A CIVITATE 1315 Thomas, h Kempis: Imitatio Christi. (Bk 1: Admonitiones ad spiritualem vitam utiles.) 40, 198 mm. 1482 P3116 BM in 663 H9136 Wants leaves 1-8 Kloss. 'J- T. Hand 1835/ From the library of H. Bradshaw, presented by his friends, 1887 Boards (Kloss)
EICHSTATT M I C H E L REYSER 1316 Missale Eystetense. F°, 395 mm. 19 Sept. 1489 Cop. 4127 WB389 [a b 6 c8 d10 e-z8 A 10 B-D 8 E 6 F-L 8 M 6 N 4 O P 8 Q R 6 ]; 308 leaves. 2a: 300x83 mm., 33 lines; 195a (Canon): 287x178 mm., 19 lines. Types: i8oA, i8o B and (Canon) 300. The M of i8o A appears to be the same as Georg Reyser's. As found in this book, it does not have the curled terminal mentioned by BM. Two columns (exc. prefatory matter, calendar and Canon). Red and black. Canon on vellum ia: blank; i b : [copper-engraving, 160x200 mm., signed W / X H , of the arms of the Diocese and the Bishop of Eichstatt: see plate v (cf. Schreiber v ii, p. 117)] Hoc opus inpflum eft Eyftet oga et inpenfa. Reueren | diffimi in xpo «p2is et dni. domi Guilhelmi de Reiches | navEpi Eyfteten . digniflimi Anno Salutis. M . cccc. * | lxxxix. xiij . k l . octob. £ mgrm Michaelem Reyfer qui | et infignia Epifcopatus Eyfteten . atqj Reuerediflimi | patris et domi Antiftitis antedicti Solerti diligentia | appofuit. |; 2a: [ 2] Ilhemus dei et aplice fedis gratia Epus Eyfteten | Vniuerfis et fingulis eccliafticis gfonis nre dioce* | fis. Salute in diio fempiterna ; 4b, 1. 9 (col. 1): [red] Dnicis diebus. Bene* | dictio falis...; 7a: [red] (KL3) Ianuarius habet dies. xxxj. | . . . ; 13a: [red] Dominica pama in ad | uentu dni Introitus. | [ 8 ] [black] D te le* | uaui ani | ma mea | deus me | us in te | confido | no erube | fca . ne<j | irrideant me inimici mei ; 193b: [Woodcut of the Crucifixion, with foliate border incorporating the symbols of the Evangelists: not known to Heitz-Schreiber.] Et pace tua mis ocede tepoaib 9 ...; 194a: [ 6 ] E igitur clementiilime | pater per ihefum xpm I filium tuum dnm nfm | fupplices rogamus...; 201a: [red] Comune fcto^. In vigis | lia vniusapli Introitus. | . . . ; 223 a: [red] Sequif de fctis. In vigis | lia fcti Andaee Introitus | . . . ; 281a: [red] Sequif omciu de defun* | (S2) [black] I em ere* [red] ctis Intro. | [black] ; 308b, col. 2,1. 28: .. .et | bti volfgagi ofeffozf dimus <£ iefus mo*tu9 e | et refurrexit tui at3 I potificf folenitate gaude* | tes g eius ltercefllone fac | nos in eterna cu fctis tuis | gloaia gaudere. Per dnm | Two lines of text inadvertently omitted have been printed in the lower margin of 234b [G4] Wants leaves 196 and (blank?) 200, both in the Canon (quire [B]) Karl & Faber Auktion XIII (1936), 151. Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1939 [4206] Contemporary stamped pigskin, with clasps (one defective) *** P* 3123. Reattributed by BM to Georg Reyser at Wiirzburg. See no. 1208
HEIDELBERG PRINTER OF LINDELBACH 1317 Bartholomaeus,^tt£//ctts: Deproprietatibusrerum. F°,273mm. 21 May 1488 P3130 BM in 670 [Knoblochtzer] H*25O7 GW 3411 [Knoblochtzer] The reattribution to Knoblochtzer is not certain (y. BM note) Given by J. Charrington, 1924 Vellum, circa 1700 * J f *p*3i32. Reattributed by BM to Knoblochtzer. See no. 1319
FRIEDRICH MISCH 1318 Versor (Johannes): Resolutio octo partium orationis. 40, 208 mm. 1489 Pf3i38 H 16058 *A8 B-K 6 L 8 ; 70 leaves, the last blank. 2b: 150x88 mm., 40 lines. Types: 150 (title & headings), 74 (text) ia: (V2) Erfo* fuper | donate |; 2a: [ 4] Ohanis vesfods octo | partiuosois explana* | tio accomodatiflima | Incipit editio paima donati gramaci vrbis ro* | m e . . . ; 9a* (sig. Bi): ciuitatis. t fie eft pp*ie qualitatis. q* vni foli puenit £3 ciuitati |; 69a, 1. 23: fed circuloquuf g noia paflionu: a cjb9 caufaf affect9 in anima. | Octo gtiuoaationis refolutio luculetiffima: | g magift> iohanne verfozis edita: heidel- | bergeqj ab anno domini J489. impaeffa | foeliciter finit. I Sir J. P. Hennessey. Bought, 1893 Modern quarter morocco (formerly wrappers, v. no. 974) [1095]
HEINRICH KNOBLOCHTZER, 3rd press *+* See also no. 1317 0
1319 Mensa pMosophica. 4 , 211 mm. 1489 P* 3132 [Pr. of Lindelbach] BM in 670 H* 11080 'Ioannes Rodolphus ab Erlach. Nasci, Laborare, Mori.' Bequeathed by Karl Pearson, 1936 Bound (1) with nos 1138&858. Contemporary stamped calf, over paper boards lined with fragments of vellum MS. (circa 1200) of the Bible [4*69]
1319*5 Guarinus(Baptista):Deordinedocendietstudendi. 4°,2O4mm. i8Dec.i489 P*3i39 BM111671 H*8i3i Given by R. G. D. Laffan, 1950 19th c. boards
[4334] 0
Petrarca (Francesco): De remediis utriusque fortunae. 4 , 196 mm. P 3145 BM m 672 H* 12791 Gaselee 97 'Iste liber pertinet Carthusien. in ruremunda.' Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Bound (1) with no. 862. 18th c. calf
1321 Isocrates: Praecepta ad Demonicum. (Latin.) 40, 197 mm. P*3i48 BM in 673 H*93i6 Gaselee 98 Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern boards covered with a piece of vellum MS. (circa 1500) from a service-book [3938]
STUTTGART P R I N T E R OF E R W A H L U N G M A X I M I L I A N S 1322 Cyprian (St): Opera. F°, 294 mm. P* 2750 [Reutlingen, M. Greyff ?] BM in 675 H* 5895 GW 7887 (Anm.) Kloss. William Dalton. Bought, 1897 Contemporary wooden boards, backed with stamped leather 246
SCHLESWIG S T E F F E N A R N D E S , 2nd press 1323
Missale Sleswicense. F°, 333 mm. i486 H 11425 Nielsen 185 A fragment only; leaves 153-162 (sig. a(-e) 10 ) & 164-171 (sig. f (-i)8), only, containing the preliminaries to the Mass and the Canon, without the woodcut of the Crucifixion (leaf 163) J. Baart de la Faille, Med. Prof. Groningen. Rustat Fund, 1872 [1096] 19th c. boards
INGOLSTADT P R I N T E R O F LESCHER R H E T O R I C A 1323*5 Lescher (Paulus): Rhetorica. 40, 215 mm. 1487 P3158 BM in 676 H* 10034 Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1951 Modern quarter morocco
1324 Almanack for 1496. [German.) Broadside, 200 x 295 mm. Defective, lines 1--46 only Types: 145 s (incipit, etc.), 76 (text), with an additional (Lombardic) A and two forms of d (one rounded, the other rounded & looped); woodcut initial A (GTK 1108) Reproduced in reduced facsimile in The Library, 4th ser., XH (1931-2) [Red] (A11) Ls man czelt nach [.. .]rifti [.. .]ord MCCCCXCVj Iar ift die guld czal xiij der I [black] funne czickel x x j . . . ; 1. 9: [red] Item2 [black] In difem ia* volgen hesnach a[.. .]ng vnd auffebeld tegder eaczuei czu neme nach dezlauf des mons in den czaichen vnd auch de | glickhaftigen aflpeck... Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 [3944]
Psalter: Latin. F°, 239 mm. P3166 BM in 679 H* 13478 Wants the first leaf (blank) and the last (supplied in facsimile) Rustat Fund, 1883 Stamped pigskin, the upper board with initials *. E. P . ' and date *.
HAGENAU H E I N R I C H GRAN 1326 Aesopus moralisatus. 40, 202 mm. 1494 P3180 BM in 683 H*3ii
'Collegii Societatis Jesu Ratisponae.' Lot 1951 at Sotheby's, 23 Nov. 1891. Given by F.Jenkinson, 1908 [1098] 19th c. boards
1326*5 Jacobus, de Voragine: Legenda aurea. 40, 198 mm. 1497 R1423 !(-.4)8 ij(- 33 )6 a-0 8 p 4 q-z8-8-8*4 A B 8 C 6 D E 8 F4 G-I 8 K4 L M 8 N 4 O P 8 ; 292 leaves, the last probably blank ia (unknown to Reichling): Lombardica hiftoeia que a plerifqj | Aurea legenda fanctoau appellatur. |; i b : blank Wants the last leaf 'Rob. Falldo.' 'Jamys blakket.' Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 (?) 17th c. calf [160]
1327 Guilelmus, Alvernus: De passione Christi. 40, 197 mm. 16 Feb. 1498 P*3i93 BM in 685 H*832O Gaselee99 Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern half morocco
[3939] 0
1328 Pelbartus, de Themeswar: Sermones Pomerii de tempore. 4 , 191 mm. 27 July 1498 P*3i95 BM in 686 H* 12551 Gaselee 100 Quires V, X & Z are so signed (not v, x & z, as BM) "Wants leaves 1-11, 380 and (blank) 382 ' Sum Henrici Haruey et amicorum.' Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 19th c. morocco
1329 Lochmaier (Michael): Parochiale curatorum. 4 , 192 mm. 20 Aug. 1498 P*3i96 BM m 686 H* 10169 'Carthusiae In Buxheim', and Buxheim stamp. 'Car. S. Sherrington. Empt. Stockholm. April. Kalend. 1934.' Given by Sir C. Sherrington, 1936 Contemporary stamped calf, the upper board lettered 'Parochia' [4157]
1330 Constance (Council of). Acta concilii Constantiensis. 40, 214 mm. 11 Apr. 1500 P*32O3 BM in 687 H5609 GW7287 After the colophon: 'Empta a me Rudolfo T de Rapperschwil eodem anno [i.e. 1500] In Hirsaw Monasterio diui Benedicti in quo tune imperitiae nouiciorum eruditionique eorum consului* 18th c. calf [1099] 1331
A n o t h e r c o p y . 220 m m . 'Hie codex est Monasterii Sanctissimi Johannis Baptiste In rebdorff. ordinis canonicorum regularium divi Augustini episcopi eysteten. dyocesis/ 'reb' (in red, in a circle with penwork ornament). Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern quarter buckram [3942]
1332 Bustis (Bernardinus de): Rosarium sermonum. F°, 278 mm. 8 Dec. 1500 P3205 BM in 688 H*4i64 GW 5808 Pt 2 only ' Sum Conuentus Augustani FF. Praedicat/ Acton Library, 1902 Contemporary stamped calf
Vocabularius: German-Latin. 40, 188 mm. Nachtr. 377 Wants the last four leaves Bound (2) with no. 3589
Bonaventura (Si): Quaestiones super libros Sententiarum cum textu. F°, 314 mm. P*32i3 BM111694 Pts 3 & 4 only. Pt 3 wants A 8 , pt 4 wants h 3 , h 4 , q 6 & r 6 . Quire Z of pt 3 is signed Zz Bought, 1907 19th c. half vellum [1101 ]
Another copy. Pts 3-5. 312 mm. Gaselee 102 Pt 5 wants b 3 & b 4 (bx & b 6 duplicated); quires q r6 of the BM's pt 4 are bound after quire p of pt 5 'Monasterii Weingartensis 1616.' 'In Veldkirch/ 'In Hofen.' Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Contemporary stamped calf, rebacked [3943]
Augustine (St): De civitate Dei. F°, 275 mm. 1494 P*32i4 BM in 695 H*2O68 GW2890 'Sum Finchii.' Royal Library, 1715 Bound (1) with no. 1337. 19th c. half calf
Augustine (St): De trinitate. F°, 275 mm. 1494 P3215 BM111695 H*2O4o GW2929 Bound (2) with no. 1336
Tartaretus (Petrus): Commentarii in Petrum Hispanum. F°, 266 mm. 1494 P 3217 [Riedrer] BM in 695 H* 15334 Wants the last leaf (blank) 'Loci Capucinorum Viennae intra urbem.' Venn Collection, 1888 19th c. calf
Guilelmus, Alvernus: Rhetorica divina. F°, 302 mm. P* 7623 [Basel, Amerbach] BM in 693 H* 8303 Bound (2) with Petrus Lombardus, Sententiarum textus (A. Petri, Basel), 1516. English calf, circa 1600, gilt [2327] 249
F R I E D R I C H RIEDRER 13 40 Riedrer (Friedrich): Spiegel der wahren Rhetorik.. F°, 290 mm.
11 Dec. 1493
P 3216 BMra696 H13914 Vend, ex Bibl. Reg. Berol. Stamp: in a double circle, v. N. (K. F. F. von Nagler. v. L. Fagan, Collectors'' marks (1883), no. 524). 'William Bell Scott/ Given by F. Jenkinson, 1891 Contemporary stamped calf, rebacked; the upper board lettered in gold * Rhetoric' [1104] *** P 3217. Reattributed by BM to Kilian Fischer. See no. 1338
OFFENBURG P R I N T E R OF C A R A C C I O L U S (KILIAN FISCHER?) 1341 Caracciolus (Robertus): Quadragesimale de peccatis. 40, 199 mm. 5 Jan. 1496 P*3225 BM in 699 HF4443 GW6085 Gaselee 103 F. Hopkinson. T. D. L.Jones-Parry. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern vellum
ZINNA PRESS OF T H E C I S T E R C I A N M O N A S T E R Y 1342 Nitzschewitz (Hermann): Psalterium B.V.M. 40, 213 mm. P*3226 BM in 700 H * n 8 9 i Ex Musaeo Huthii. Given by J. Charrington, 1917 Stamped morocco, by Bedford
TUBINGEN J O H A N N OTMAR, 2nd press 1343
Scriptoris (Paulus): Lectura super Duns in libro 1 Sententiarum. F°, 258 mm. 24 Mar. 1498 P 3227 BM in 701 H* 12493 Wants the title-page and the blank leaf 185 Acquired before 1700 i8thc. half calf
Another copy. 267 mm. Wants the blank leaves 184 (z8) & 185 * Liber Dompni Willelmi Lesyngham Monachi De burgo sancti petri precium ijs. viijd/ 'Johannes backhus me possidet precium [ . . . ] ' (v. H. I. Longden, Northamptonshire and Rutland clergy from 1500,1 (1938), p. 129: Bacchus, Sir John). Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 17th c. calf, boards lined with leaves from two civil law MSS. on vellum {circa 1300) [1108] 25O
1345 Paraldus (Guilelmus): Sermones de tempore et de sanctis. F°, 267 mm. 18 Feb. [i4]99 P3230 BM in 702 H*8323 Imperfect: leaves 131-389 only (Sermones dominicales ex evangeliis and Sermones de sanctis) Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 18th c. quarter calf [uty]
1346 Biel (Gabriel): Expositio canonis missae. F°, 284mm. 29 Nov. 1499 P 3231 BM in 703 H* 3179 GW 4333 Acton Library, 1902 Wooden boards, backed with stamped pigskin, with clasps 1347
Biel (Gabriel): Sermones. 4 0 , 214 mm. 18 Nov. 1499-10 Mar. 1500 P* 3234 BM111703 H*3i84 GW4340 Gaselee 104 Pts 3 & 2 (in that order) only, containing Sermones de sanctis and Sermones de festivitatibus B.VM. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 [394$] Contemporary stamped calf
1348 Nauclerus (Johannes): De simonia. 40, 213 mm. 'xxviij Kal. Iunii', 1500 P*3236 BM ni 704
The last quire varies from BM: K7 (leaf 81) has been cancelled; the text ends on K8a 'Petri episcopi Iherapolen.' (cf. Eubel, Hierarchia catholica medii aevi, m (1914), p. 226). 'Ex libris d. Erhardi Hrassi.' ' Adaranus Hrass.' Bought (lot 465 at Sotheby's), 2 Feb. 1937 Contemporary boards, stamped pigskin back, with clasp [4^1]
UNKNOWN PLACES *y»r p * 3240. Reattributed by BM & GW to Printer of Augustinus, De consensu evangelistarum, at Lauingen. See nos 1174-5
P R I N T E R O F T H E '1448' L O T H A R I U S 1349 Gtrido, de Monte Rocherii: Manipulus curatorum. F°, 282 mm. P3242 BM111707 11*8157 'Unus ex libris fratris johannis neuger ordinis diui dominici.' 'Conuentus Gamund. ord. ffr. predm.' Kloss. Bateman of Middleton Hall. Rustat Fund, 1893 Bound (1) with no. 94. Contemporary stamped pigskin, with clasps
1350 Henricus, de Gorichem: Conclusiones super libros Sententiarum. 40,199 mm. H O 7 8 1 0 CA ( + m ) 9 i o A 1 2 B-H 8 [I-L 8 ]M-U 8 X 1 0 y 1 2 ; 186 leaves, the first & last blank. 3a: 142 x 81 mm., 31 lines. Type: 92 (BM in 709 § 5) 2a: Incipiunt concluiiones pulcerdme fuper quatuo* | libsos fententiaru compilate. | [ 7 ] Vpientes aliquid de penuria ac te zc | Ifte liber dictus eft fententia^. eo q> | fententias antiquo> patru z doctor | de katholicis veritatib9 hincinde co | lectas fummatim coptehendit...; 13a (sig. Bj): g hoc q, efTentia a verbo eendi nome ppdu h$ Eentia |; 251
GERMANY ( U N K N O W N PLACES) 185b, 1. 26: Cui eft hono* z. glotia decus z, imperium in fecula fecu | lo^ Amen. | Expliciunt coclufiones libd fententia^ g fa. The. | pfef. eximiu mgf^ Henricu Godcke diligent collecte. | 'Ad Bibliothecam PP. Franciscanorum ambergae.' On the upper edge a circular stamp: between S and B, a cross, the lower limb prolonged into A (v. no. 1215). Given by A. G. W. Murray, 1912 Contemporary stamped pigskin
13 51 Guilelmus, Parisiensis: Postilla. F°, 256 mm. P3256 BM in 709 H*8242 Wants leaves 1 (blank), 8 & 160 (the last, blank) 'Ex dono Monasterii Benedicto-Burani ad Bibl. ff. Minor. S. franc. Conventus Ratisb. 1779.' 'Henry Hagen/ Bookplate: Deo Jidelis et regi (S. C. E. Williams) signed 'Rev J. Williams M.A. Bryntirion.' Bought, 1894 16th c. wooden boards, backed with stamped calf i111^]
1352 Jacobus, de Voragine: Sermones de sanctis. F°, 265 mm. 3 Nov. 1484 Pf 3261 R(SuppL) 219 See also BM vi, xxxvi (note 3) & Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 1929 (pp. 130-33) [a4] b-p 8 q6 r 8 ; 130 leaves, the last blank ' bartholomeus Veldpacher canonicus in Matickhoffen, A.d. 1528/ 'Monasterii Ranshouen/ 'James S. Pollock, 1881.' Bought, 1913 19th c. vellum %.* P* 3264. Reattributed by BM to Johann Zainer at Ulm. See no. 1166 1353
P s a l t e r : Latin.
4 0 , 202 m m .
P 3278 BM HI 711 H* 13464 Bohatta 828 [Strassburg, F. Ruch] [s8], 144 leaves, the last presumably blank (not [s6], 142 leaves, as BM) Wants leaves 1 (blank), 7 & the last; without the Hymnarius recorded by Hain 'Monasterii S. Emmera[mi] Ratispon. 1611' Contemporary wooden boards, backed with stamped pigskin, with clasps
*** P* 3286. Reattributed by BM to Ambrosius Huber at Nuremberg. See no. 1104
1354 Nixstein (Johannes): Litterae indulgentiarum. Broadside, 262 x 199 mm. Einblattdrucke 1035 [Nuremberg, F. Creussner?] Bought, 1924
1355 Pelbartus, de Themeswar: Sermones Pomerii de sanctis. F°, 307 mm. H* 12553 Gaselee 101 Stillwell, Incunabula in American Libraries (1940), P 220 aa 8 bb-yy 6 zz 4 Aa-Zz 6 zx 6 3P 6 vi^ss' 4 * 6 ; 304 leaves, the last blank; without the six preliminary leaves described by Hain The first four leaves of the last quire are signed 2v-viij • Types: text, apparently J. Kachelofen's 76; headings, round type of the usual sort, with feathered capitals (about 180) C. A. Gordon. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Contemporary plain pigskin, boards lined with fragments of German MS. on paper (homilies and lists of dispensations) [3941] 252
ITALY SUBIACO C O N R A D S W E Y N H E Y M & A R N O L D P A N N A R T Z , ist press 1356 Lactantius (L.C.F.): Opera. F°, 284 mm. 29 Oct. 1465 P* 3288 BM iv 2 (IB. 17008) H* 9806 Wants the two leaves containing the list of errors (supplied both in contemporary MS. and in facsimile leaves marked 'Quaritch 1885') Sunderland 7168. Bought, 1882 18th c. red morocco [1122]
ROME C O N R A D S W E Y N H E Y M & A R N O L D P A N N A R T Z , 2nd press 1357 Rodericus, Zamorensis: Speculum humanae vitae. 40, 263 mm. 1468 P*32Q2 BM1V4 H* 13939 'M. Donant°bola 1567/ W . H. Crawford. Sandars Bequest, 1894 19th c. calf
1358 Apuleius, Madaurensis: Opera [etc.], F°, 334 mm. 28 Feb. 1469 P*3297 BMiv6 H*i3i4 GW2301 On 7a: an ass eating a thistle from which hangs a shield: argent (?), a bull's head sable ringed gules, in the dexter chief a tau cross azure; all within a bordure azure bezanty, and over all a bend of the same. Royal Library, 1715 17th c. calf [1124]
1359 Bessarion (Johannes): Adversus Platonis calumniatorem. F°, 333 mm. P*33oo BM1V7 H*3OO4 GW4183 'Iste liber est Monasterii Sti Salvatoris de Bononia: Signatus In Inventario. numero. 207' {v. M. H. Laurent, Fabio Vigili et les bibliothlques de Bologne (1943), p. 310). Bibliotheca Regia Monacensis. Bought, 1868 19th c. half russia [1125]
1360 Strabo: Geographia. F°, 394 mm. P*33O3 B M i v 8
Wants quires [c], [e], [i], [1], [o], [q] and [s] and leaves [f1>10], [r lfl0 ] and [t l f l 0 ]; leaf [rx] has been recovered from the binding of no. 1726 Given by Thomas Rotherham, circa 1484 Calf, circa 1700, lined with leaves from no. 1726 253
1361 Cyprian (St): Opera. F°, 328 mm. 1471 P*33i5 BM1V12 H*5896 GW7883 Wants the last leaf (blank). The preliminary quire is bound at the end 'Liber Thome Trowett.' Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf
1362 Bible: Latin. F°, 385 mm. 1471 P*33i6 BM1V12 H*3O5i GW4210 Wants the blank leaves 1, 16, 17, 564 (not 562 as GW) & 628 R. Heredia, conde de Benahavis. Given by A. W. Young, 1933 19th c. vellum
Silius Italicus: Punica [etc.], F°, 321 mm. P*33i7 BM1V13 H* 14733 Wants the blank leaves 163, 164 & 194 'Franciscus Lupus.' 'F. Nans/ Royal Library, 1715 Calf, circa 1700
1364 Nicolaus, de Lyra: Postilla super totam Bibliam. F°, 397 mm. 13 Mar. 1472 P*3323 BM1V14 H* 10363 Vol. 5 only Sir M. M. Sykes. Syston Park. Sandars Bequest, 1894 Diced russia, circa 1800
Part of vol. 2. F°, 363 mm. 26 May 1472 P* 3324 Quires [Q]-[V| and [L]-[P] only of the BM collation, bound in that order Arms of Franchelins (?) on [Qi]. 'Cornelius Paine.' J. J. Middleton. 'J. H. Middleton.' Bought, 1897 Old vellum
1366 Livius (Titus): Historiae Romanae decades. F°, 404 mm. 16 July 1472 P*3326 BM1V15 H*ioi3i Vol. 1 only. Wants leaf 2 (blank) Benefaction of C. H. Turner, 1931 Contemporary stamped calf, rebacked; remains of four clasps 1367
Caesar (Caius J u l i u s ) : C o m m e n t a r i i . F°, 308 m m . 25 A u g . 1472 P*3328 B M I V I 6 H4214 GW5865 Royal Library, 1715 i8thc. half calf
S u e t o n i u s T r a n q u i l l u s (Caius): Vitae C a e s a r u m . F°, 318 m m . 17 Sept. 1472 P*3329 BM1V16 H15118 Wants the first & last leaves (blank) Royal Library, 1715 17th c. calf
Livius (Titus): Historiae Romanae decades. F°, 481 mm. P* 3345 BM iv 20 H 10129 Leaves 1-180 only ([ai]-[t6] of the BM collation). Wants leaf 106 (blank) 'Ex libris Michaelis De Vita Prothomedici Beneuent.' J. M. Falkner. Given by Sir J. Noble, 1932 Modern quarter morocco (formerly limp vellum MS., now Doc. 3899) [3729]
Plutarchus: Vitae parallelae. F°, 394 m m . P*3348 BM1V21 H*I3I25 Vol. 1 only. Wants leaves 261-92 ([aa]-[cc] of the BM collation); leaf 296 (blank) mutilated 'Petrus tyzman/ Given by Thomas Rotherham, circa 1484 Calf, circa 1700, rebacked [1133]
13 71
Servius Maurus (Honoratus): Commentarii in Vergilii opera. F°, 327 mm. H* 14704 Imperfect; 234 leaves, containing Expositio in Aeneiden with MS. collation ( i 6 t h c ) : k 1 4 l - u 1 0 x - z 8 & 8 9 8 V 0 A a - C c 8 D d 1 0 E e 6 F f 1 0 G g 4 H h 1 0 I i 6 . The register (Tabula Servii super operibus Virgilii) on 234a enables the collation of the missing quires to be determined: a b 10 c12 d e10 f8 g h 10 i 8 ; 88 leaves, the first blank (so stated in the register). The blank was ignored by Hain and by a 19th c. owner who foliated our leaves 88-321 'Albergotti.' Sir E. Sullivan. Bought, 1890 18th c. half vellum [1134]
1372 Rome (Church of). Rota Romana. Decisiones novae. F°, 301 mm. H6043 GW8197 Wants leaves 1, 24 & 25 (all blank) and 333-8 (of which 334 is blank). Misbound Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Old limp vellum [3949]
Tortellius (Johannes): Orthographia. F°, 406 m m . 1471 P* 3353 BM1V23 H15563 'De Figli et Eredi di M. Mario Maffei.' Sunderland 12545. Adams Bequest, 1892 18th c. calf [113s]
1374 Turrecremata (Johannes de): Meditationes. 40, 287mm. 17 Oct. 1473 P* 3357 BM iv 24 H* 15724 Wants leaves 11, 20 & 25-7 (all supplied in facsimile) W. H. Crawford. Sandars Bequest, 1894 19th c. limp vellum 255
1375 Aretinus (Leonardus): De duobus amantibus Guiscardo et Sigismunda [etc.]. 4°, 194 mm. GW 5633 Lot 18 at Puttick's, 17 Dec. 1889. Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 Boards
1376 Aretinus (Leonardus): De duobus amantibus Guiscardo et Sigismunda. 40, 202 m m . H1582 GW5632 Acquired before 1700 Modern quarter cloth
1377 Andreas, de Escobar: Modus confitendi. 40, 196 mm. GW1776 Pell. 684 1 a, 1. 4: . . .penitentiariu (as Pellechet) Kloss. G. Dunn. Rustat Fund, 1917 Half calf (Kloss)
1378 Eyb (Albrecht von): Margarita poetica. F°, 313 mm. 20 Dec. 1475 P*3364 BM1V25 H*68i9 GW 9530 (Anm.) Wants the first leaf (blank) 'Gulielmus Galteus.' Royal Library, 1715 [iJ30]
17th c. calf % * P 3365. Doubtfully reattributed by BM to Stephan Plannck. See no. 1526*5
1379 Franciscus, Cauriensis: Oratio in funere Leonardi de Robore. 40, 202 mm. Pf3366 H7340 [a 4 ]; 4 leaves Wants the last leaf Acquired before 1700 Modern quarter cloth
JOHANNES PHILIPPUS DE LIGNAMINE, 1st press 1380 Rodericus, Zamorensis: Speculum humanae vitae. F°, 273 mm. 31 July 1473 P* 3391 BM iv 31 H13943 Wants the first leaf (probably blank) Arms on 2a: Gules, a fesse or, with a demi-eagle displayed argent (?) in chief and three bends or in base. ' Petrus Varanellus.' Duke of Sussex. Bought, 1897 18th c. calf
1381 Perottus (Nicolaus): Rudimenta grammaticae. F°, 283 mm. 10 May 1474 BMiv 33 Wants leaves 1, 2, 10 & 172 (the last) Bought, 1921 Modern vellum 256
GEORG LAUER Curtius Rufus (Quintus): Gesta Alexandri. 40, 265 mm.
P* 3407 BM iv 37 H 5879 GW 7872 Wants the last leaf (blank). The leaves laid between gauze Bought, 1926 Modern quarter morocco (formerly Sunderland red morocco with Quaritch's Sunderland [1143] label)
Pavinis (Johannes Franciscus de): Tractatus visitationum. F°, 376 mm. 1475 HCR12528 [a-c10 d6 e-g 10 h 6 i 8 k I10 m 6 ]; 106 leaves, 1 & 36 blank. Types: 102R and 118G (GTK 2071) Leaves 107-24 of Hain's description (containing Constitutiones variae) are not present in this copy Wants the first blank [1144] Bound (2) with nos. 2307, etc.
Durandus (Guilelmus): Rationale divinorum officiorum. F°, 335 mm. 16 Oct. 1477 H6478 GW9113 'Monasterii Vallisumbrosae.' Bought, 1892 Wooden boards covered with marbled paper & crudely rebacked (cloth)
Ludovicus, Imolensis: Oratio in funere Petri Ferrici. 40, 202 mm. H9160 [a6]; 6 leaves. 2a: 128 x 90 mm., 28 lines. Type: 95G ia: as Hain; 6a, 1. 22: Paulus de Crottis Canonicus | Cremonefis fedis apoftolice | acolit9 numerari9 . ob in | tegra fide . deuota | gtaqj clietela . per | petuo meres ac | luges. | Acquired before 1700 [1146] Modern quarter cloth
Columella (L. J. M.): De cultu hortorum. 40, 213 mm. GW7180 Bought, 1894
Limp vellum
Columella (L. J. M.). Columellae Hortuli commentarium. 40, 210 mm. H5497 GW7187 Wants leaf 10 Duke of Sussex. Rustat Fund, 1902 Half calf, circa 1800
1388 Ponte (Oldradus de): Consilia. F°, 403 mm. 1472 P* 3439 BM iv 43 H* 9932 Kloss. 'Thomas J. Arnold, Lin. Inn. Deer. 1835/ Bateman of Middleton Hall. W. Morris. L. T. Rowe. Bought, 1928 Contemporary stamped calf [1149]
PRINTER OF MERCURIALES QUAESTIONES (THEOBALD SCHENCBECHER) 1389 Paul II: De beneficiis affectis [etc.]. 40, 198 mm. P3453 BM1V46 GW5729 Royal Library, 1715
Modern cloth 1390
Modus servandus in executione gratiae expectativae [etc.], 4 0 , 198 m m . [a 6 ]; 6 leaves. 3a: 133 x 74 mm., 28 lines. Type: 95R ia: Modus feruandus in executioe feu | prefentatione gratie expectatiue. | Primo habitis bullis plubatis...; ib, 1.2: Mod9 infinuadi Iras apoftolicas collatori. | . . . ; 2a, 1. 7: ([ De prouifione facienda. | . . . ; 4b, 1. 10: ([ Modus referuandi bfificia. | . . . ; 6b, 1. 26: ...ubi agif cotra alique | de fcifmate uel herefi. cu tales caufe cefea | tur maiores non poffunt alteri delegare. | Royal Library, 1715 Modern cloth [1151]
1391 Modus vacandi beneficiorum [etc.], 40, 197 mm. [a 4 ]; 4 leaves. 2a: 137 x 71 mm., 29 lines. Type: 95R ia: Vacandi modus beneficiorum | [ 2 ] Rimus modus uacandi eft Si qs | poflidet beneficium curatum...; 4a, 1. 27: tune poft menfem coferf pot & sic ualet | ExpUcit feliciter |; 4b: Acceptandi modus. | [ 2 ] Rimo impetrans habeat nomia...; 1.25: . . .conficiat unum uel I plurapublicum uel publica inftrumentu | uel inftrumenta Finis | Royal Library, 1715 Modern cloth [1152]
1392 R o m e [Church of). Curia Romana. Termini causarum in Romana Curia. 40, 195 mm. [a 10 ]; 10 leaves. 2a: 139 x 82 mm., 29 lines. Type: 95R ia: Termini caufarum in Romana curia 6uari fo | liti In caufa beneficiali: | In prima inftantia: | ([ Et primo ad dicendu contra comiflione ad | primam...; 10a, 1. 24: . . .z etia abbreuientur: ad arbitriu | iudicis ut habef in quadam decifione Rote: | : Explicit : | Royal Library, 1715 \1153\ Modern cloth
1393 Negroponte. Lamentatio Nigripontis. 40, 198 mm. H9839 [a 4 ]; 4 leaves. 2a: 127x 70 mm., 27 lines. Type: 95R ia: ([Lamentatio Nigripontis | ad. Re. dominudominum. N . | Cardinalem. Nicenum. | [ 3 ] O N equo animo nee tranquilla | mente. nee ficcis oculis tuas le | gi et iteru atqj iterum 258
ROME relegi lit | teras pater reuerediflime...; 4b, 1. 21: .. .Ite> uale et p fi | de ora . ut uales exclama et corda fideli | um contra Magumetum confirma. | A M E N | Bibliotheca Heberiana. 'J. A. Ransome.' Rustat Fund, 1914 Bound (1) with no. 1405. Half calf, circa 1800
1394 Pius II: De duobus amantibus. 40, 213 mm. [a10 b-e 8 ]; 42 leaves, the first & last blank. 10a: 132 x 76 mm., 28 lines. Type: 95R 2a: Enee Siluii poete laureati de du | obus amatibns hiftoria incipit. | [ 4] Rbem Senam unde tibi et mi | hi origo eft...; n a (sig. [b]): lutum findone inter preciofa iocalia col |; 40a, 1.21: Elegantiflima Enee Siluii | Siue Pii pape fecundi poe | te laureati hiftoria de duo | bus amantibus finit felici | ter. |; 40b: Epiftola Enee Siluii ad marianu | ob cuius rogatu fuprafcripta hi | ftoriam contexit. | . . . ; 41b, 1.25: .. .Tu | uale & hiftorie quam me fcribere cogis at I tentus auditor efto. | Apparently a variant of P 3455, BMiv 46; printed in 40 throughout. The number of lines to a page varies from 27 to 30, with 24 only on leaves 22b and 23 a. The usual width of the type-page is 76 mm., but on leaves 22 and 23 it is 70 mm. only. Cf. TFS 1900p (BM) and Woolley 118 (ULC) G. Dunn. Given by J. Charrington, 1917 Modern rough calf I1155] 1395
Interrogationes et doctrinae. 4 0 , 201 m m . GW 7293 Gaselee 105 J. B. Inglis. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 19th c. boards
JOHANN GENSBERG 1396 Cora (Ambrosius de): Oratio de conceptione Virginis. 40, 202 mm. P 3499 [Schurener] BM iv 51 H* 5685 Acquired before 1700 Modern quarter cloth
[1164] 0
1397 Antoninus (St): Confessionale (Defecerunt) [etc.]. 4 , 183 mm. P 3500 [Schurener] BM iv 50 GW 2105 Wants the first & last leaves (blank) Beneath the colophon, in a contemporary (?) hand: 'Impressa rome tempore anni iubilei anno domini 1475 sub Sixto rai pont. max. Montfort.' Culemann 54. Adams Bequest, 1892 19th c. stamped morocco l11^]
1398 Rufus Festus (Sextus): De historia Romana. 40, 211 mm. P* 3506 [Schurener] BM iv 52 H 14031 Sir J. P. Boileau. Bought, 1906 19th c. vellum
1399 Justinianus (Bernardus): Oratio ad Sixtum iv. 40, 202 mm. P 3510 [Schurener] BM iv 50 H* 9643 Acquired before 1700 Modern quarter cloth 259
[1167] 17-2
ROME 1400
Laudivius (Zacharias): Vita beati Hieronymi. 40, 196 mm. P 3511 [Schurener] BM1V50 H9943 Given by J. Charrington, 1931 Modern quarter cloth
Maroldus (Marcus): Oratio de Epiphania. 40, 202 mm. P* 3512 [Schurener] BM iv 50 H* 10779 Acquired before 1700 Modern quarter cloth
14.02 Phalaris: Epistolae. 40, 200 mm. P 3513 [Schurener] BM iv 50 H* 12872 = 12873 = 12881 Rev. W. J. Thomas. Bought, 1891 19th c. boards
** * The following books were perhaps printed by Johann Schurener, not by Gensberg Sixtus I V : Regulae, ordinationes et constitutiones Cancellariae. 4 0 ,207 mm.
R 736 [Adam Rot] [a8 b c 6 ]; 20 leaves With some variations from Reichling, including the correction of the misprints on 17b Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 19th c. stamped vellum [n57\ 1404
Laudivius (Zacharias): De laudibus sapientiae. 40, 201 mm. HC9942 [a4]; 4 leaves, the last blank Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 Modern quarter morocco
Pius II: De captione urbis Constantinopolitanae. 40, 198 mm. H*2 5 2 [a4]; 4 leaves Bound (2) with no. 1393
['ARNOLDUS DE VILLA'] * ¥ * P* 3461. Reattributed by BM to Archangelus Ungardus at Milan. See no. 2281
IN D O M O 1406
Bartolus, de Saxoferrato: De tabellionibus. 8°, 207 mm. P3470 BM1V48 KF2632 GW3659 G. Dunn. Bought, 1917 Modern vellum 260
J O H A N N E S R E I N H A R D I , 2nd press 1407
SixtusIV: Bulk excommunicationis (11 April 1476). 40, 197 mm. Nachtr. 325 Royal Library, 1715 Modern cloth
Ammianus Marcellinus: Rerum gestarum libri XIV-XXVI. F°, 307 mm. 7 June 1474 P*348o BM1V54 H926 GW1617 Wants the first leaf (blank) Royal Library, 1715 i8thc. half calf
JOHANN SCHURENER % * See also nos 1403-5 With J O H A N N E S N I C O L A I H A N H E Y M E R 1409
P i u s I I : Historia B o h e m i c a . 4 0 , 281 m m . 10 J a n . 1475 P*3485 BM1V56 H * 2 5 5 On the last blank in a contemporary hand two sets of Latin verses (Mahumetis Turcorum principis epigramma and Alexandri magni epitaphium)
Culemann 121. Worts Fund, 1870 Half calf, circa 1800
Solinus (Caius Julius): Polyhistor. 40 & 8°, 188 mm. P* 3490 BM iv 59 H* 14874 Gaselee 106 The second sheet of quire [1] is 4 0 *Edwards's sale .£5.5.*. M. Wodhull F: 22d 1796/ Armorial bookplate (Hawke, Franks 14125): Strike. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Blue morocco (Wodhull) [395*]
Rome (Church of). Cancellaria Apostolica. Taxae. 40, 198 mm. P3491 BMiV57(IA.7775) Royal Library, 1715 Modern cloth
*** P 3499,3 500,3 506,3 510-13. Reattributed by BM to Johann Gensberg. See nos 1396-1402
1411*5 Plinius Secundus (Caius Caecilius): Epistolae. 40, 213 mm. Pf3523 HCR13108 [a-0 10 ]; 140 leaves 'Car. Lloyd April 18th 1846/ 'Darro Douglas March 5/90.' Bought, 1950 Modern vellum
[4335 ]
ARNOLD PANNARTZ 1412 Seneca (Lucius Annaeus): Epistolae. 40, 273 mm. 1 Feb. 1475 P*3525 B M I V 6 I H14601 Wants the first leaf (blank) A. van den Bogaerde (with his note of purchase from Heberle*, 1851). Bookplate: Quaero, monogram J C (Capron). W. H. Crawford. Jenkinson Fund (lot 127 at Sotheby's), 23 Apr. 1934 [3795] 18th c. calf
Statius (Publius Papinius): Silvae [etc.]. 40, 254 mm. 13 Aug. 1475 PJ3528 HC 14983 [a4 b-e 10 f g 8 h-1 10 m 8 n o 10 p q6 r s10 t u 6 ]; 172 leaves, 1 & 2 blank Wants leaves 1-5 (blanks & preface) and 100 Sandars Bequest, 1894 Russia, circa 1800
PRINTER OF PHILELPHUS CONSOLATIO % * P* 3534. Reattributed by BM to Philippus de Lavagnia at Milan. See no. 2265
1414 Alexander, puer Senensis*. Epigrammata in obitum Alexandri pueri Senensis. 40, 209 mm. H*8O9 GW931 Wants the last leaf (blank) Syston Park. W. H. Crawford. Given by J. Charrington, 1923 Red morocco, circa 1800
BARTHOLOMAEUS GULDINBECK 1415 Rome (Church of). Curia Romana. Stilus Curiae Romanae. 40, 199 mm. 2 Aug. 1475 P3553 BM1V67 Royal Library, 1715 Modern cloth
1416 Tractatus procuratoris editus sub nomine diaboli. 40,199 mm. 11 Sept. 1475 P3555 BM1V69 H2646 Royal Library, 1715 Modern cloth
\1175\ 262
ROME 1417
Cora (Ambrosius de): Oratio de Johannis apostoli et evangelistae laudibus.. . 4°, 202 m m . P3556A BM1V69 H*5688 Acquired before 1700 Modern quarter cloth
Cicero (Marcus Tullius): Epistolae selectae. 40, 198 mm. GW 6864 Quire [f] (the last) probably comprised 8 leaves (not 10 as GW), in which case this copy wants [fj and [f8] (leaves 43 & 50) Bound (2) with no. 2511
1419 Pilatus (Pontius): Epistola Tiberio missa [etc.]. 40, 186 mm. Pf356o H* 13006 [a 2 ]; 2 leaves Given by E. G. Duff, 1892 Modern quarter cloth 1420
Franciscus, Cauriensis: Oratio in funere Leonardi de Robore. 40, 195 mm. H7339 [a 4 ]; 4 leaves, i b : 149 x 90 mm., 28 lines. Type: 108R ia: J Oratio in funere illuftris dni Leonhardi de | robore . Alme vrbis pfecti dncf . archie ac regni | Sycilie . Magni comeftabil Icf . habita a Re . P . | D. Fracifco epo Caurien . ac S . d . n . pape Datario | [ 2 ] Vm plima fint Reuerediffimi pfes...; 4b, 1. 20: Ebore antiquo rubicundior . Safiroqj fpledidior | in eterne quietf fedibus collocari dignus habeaf IA M E N | Modern cloth [1178]
Rome (Church of). Poenitentiaria Apostolica. Taxae sacrae Poenitentiariae Apostolicae. 40, 198 mm. BM1V69 Royal Library, 1715 Modern cloth
Ludovicus, Imolensis: Oratio in die sancti Stephani. 4 0 , 202 m m . Pf3575 H * 9 I 6 I [a6]; 6 leaves Acquired before 1700 Modern quarter cloth
Ferrariis (Albertus d e ) : D e horis canonicis. 4 0 , 200 m m . Cop. 219 R 6 Bought, 1894 19th c. boards 263
1424 Ferrariis (Albertus de): De horis canonicis. Another copy. 209 mm. Gaselee 107 'Ex bibli? Altemps^' Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern boards
1425 Gaspar, Veronensis: Praecepta brevia. 40, 205 mm. [a-e 8 ]; 40 leaves. 9a: 150x 88 mm., 31 lines. Type: 97G ia: ([ Hec precepta dedit rudibus qui gramata difcunt. | Quern Verona tulit Gafpar in urbe docens. | (a2) Ctiuu uerbum eft quod in o finitur foamat pafli | uum in oz: ut lego lego* . amo amo* . licet no fit in | ufu d o * . . . ; 9a (sig. [b]): Deabulo as aui atum per andare ad folazo |; 40b, 1. 29: . . .Couerfio repetit uerbu in fine ofonis. | Traductio repetit uerbum in medio. | ([ Finis adeft preceptoau Gafparis ueronenfis breuiu. | Bound (6) with nos 1829, etc. [1182]
1426 Chieregatus (Leonellus): Epistola ad Georgium jurisconsultum. 40, 202 mm. P3578 BM1V71 H*4957 GW6616 Acquired before 1700 Modern quarter cloth 1427
A n o t h e r c o p y . 202 m m . Acquired before 1700 Modern quarter cloth
1428 Sancto Georgio (Johannes Antonius de): Oratio in exequiis cardinalis Tornacensis. 40, 202 mm. H7598 [a 6 ]; 6 leaves, the first & last blank. 3a: 153 x 94 mm., 36 lines. Type: 86G 2a: ([ Oratio funeberis per . R . D . Iohanneantoniu ep^ Alexadr . | Sacri pallacii caufaru Auditorem digniflimu in exequijs Reue | rendiflimi. D . Car. Tornacen . habita atqj edita. xvij . Kalendas | nouembris. Anno diii. M.cccc.lxxxiij . Pont. S. D . noftri Six | ti pape quarti anno eius. xiij . | [ 2 ] Oribus z apud gentes qs humane glorie. ac propagadi | nominis cura tenebat...; 5b, 1. 35: . . . Raro aut nunq^ | digniorf viri fun9 celebrabim9. Cui9 aia in pace requiefcat. finif | Acquired before 1700 Modern quarter cloth i11^]
1429 Caorsin (Guilelmus): Oratio ad Innocentium vm. 40, 177 mm. P*358o BM1V72 H*4366 GW6015 British Museum duplicate, transferred 1889 19th c. half morocco 1430
A n o t h e r c o p y . 202 m m . Acquired before 1700 Modern quarter cloth
[1187] 264
Chevrerius (Philippus): Oratio ad Innocentium vin. 40, 201 mm. P3581 BM1V72 H4948 GW6615 Acquired before 1700 Modern quarter cloth
Chieregatus (Leonellus): Sermo in publicatione confoederationis inter Innocentium vin et Venetos initae. 40, 203 mm. H*4958 GW6617 Acquired before 1700 Modern quarter cloth
Guiba (Robertus): Oratio ad Innocentium vm. 40, 202 mm. Pf3592? H8155? NcrtHCR8i55 [a2]; 2 leaves. 2a: 146x 85 mm., 34 lines. Type: 86G ia: Roberti Guibe Britanni Epifcopi trecoaenfis ad Inno* | centium. viii. Pont. Maximum legati illuftriffimi ac inuic | tiflimi Francifci Ducif Britannie o*atio in obedientia p | ftanda. | Cogitanti mihi fepenumero huius loci amplitudinem...; 2b, 1. 10: .. .ac patriam fuam imo tuam digneris perpetuo habere | commendatiflimam. Dixi pater beatiflime. | Acquired before 1700 Modern quarter cloth [n9°]
Scala (Bartholomaeus): Oratio ad Innocentium vni. 40, 202 mm. P* 3601 BM iv 71 H* 14500 Acquired before 1700
Modern quarter cloth 1435
Pius II: De curialium miseria. 40, 216 mm. Cop. 56 Type: 86G 'C. E. Stewart e libris eius M.cccccccc.xxxvi.' Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 Modern quarter cloth over paper wrappers
Albertus, Magnus: De animalibus. F°, 323 mm. 2 Apr. 1478 P 3604A BM iv 75 H 545 GW 587 (Anm.) Collation varies from GW: [r s10], 392 leaves (as BM) Wants leaves 9 (blank), 177-8 & 274 Stamp: Hazard de Ylnstitut. Du Bus de Gisignies. Worts Fund, 1876 19th c. half roan
Turrecremata (Johannes de): Expositio Psalterii. 40, 273 mm. 21 Feb. 1476 P*36o5 BM1V74 H* 15700 Wants leaves 200 & 201 Hacket Bequest, 1670 17th c. calf, rebacked 265
1438 Turrecremata (Johannes de): Expositio Psalterii. Another copy. 247 mm. J. G. Michiels 1775. 'Crevenna. Cost about £1. 10s. *. M. Wodhull Nov: 28th 1791/ Given by F. Jenkinson, 1891 18th c. calf, gilt, with central stamp of King David playing the harp [ Ji Pj]
IN D O M O F R A N C I S C I DE C I N Q U I N I S 1439 Guido, de Monte Rocherii: Manipulus curatorum. 40, 210 mm. 1 Dec. 1477 P3606 BM1V76 H*8i79 Gaseleeio8 Wants leaves 1 (blank) & 5 (supplied in modern MS. transcribed from another edition) 'Manipulus curatorum cum Antonino emptus rome die 15 Ianuarii 1481 precio carlpnorum] 8 in die lune.' Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Bound (1) with no. 1441. Contemporary stamped calf [3953]
1440 Antoninus (St): Confessionale (Defecerunt) [etc.], 40, 201 mm. P* 3608 BM iv 77 (IA. 18229) GW 2107 J. F. Vandevelde. De Meyer 109. Rustat Fund, 1869 19th c. quarter calf
Another copy. 210 mm. Gaselee 109 With a blank half-sheet wrapped around the first quire Wants [bx] (supplied in modern MS.) and [I8] of the GW collation, with [i8] duplicated [3954] Bound (2) with no. 1439
1442 Ulmeus (Paulus): Apologia religionis fratrum Eremitarum ordinis sancti Augustini. 40, 212 mm. 18 July 1479 P 3610 (1) BM iv 76 H 10328 (1) = 16086 (1) Bought, 1892 Bound (1) with nos 1443 & 1444. Contemporary wooden boards, backed with soft white leather
1443 Ulmeus (Paulus): Historia S. Monicae ex libris S. Augustini [etc.]. 40, 212 m m . P 3610 (2) BM iv 76 H 10328 (3) = 16086 (2) The misprints on ia uncorrected; the last words of 12b and the first words of 13a are: dfeugi no | abere deus uoluit (cf. BM notes) Bound (2) with nos 1442, etc. [1198]
1444 Augustine (St): Regula sancti Augustini. (Latin & Italian.) 40, 212 mm. H 10328 (2) = 16086 (3) Pol. 3882(3) 1 a, 1. 2: Regula | beati Bound (3) with nos 1442, etc.
J O H A N N BULLE 1445
Datus (Augustinus): Elegantiolae. 40, 210 mm. H 5159 (3) GW8057 Wants the first leaf (blank) Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1943 Morocco, by Riviere
R o m e (Church of). Curia Romana. Formularium procuratorum et advocatorum Curiae Romanae. F°, 290 mm. 12 Mar. 1478/9 P 3615 BM iv 79 H* 7292 Wants the first & last leaves (blank) * Liber Antonii Kress iuris utriusque doctoris post cuius obitum debet reponi ad bibliothecam sancti Laurentii' (at Nuremberg, v. Zedler, Universal-Lexicon, xv, 1856). 'Obiit idem antonius Kreiss IVD Nona Septembris anno 1513...' Kloss. *J°hn GicUey.' G. Dunn. Rustat Fund, 1917 Half calf (Kloss) [1200]
Herulus (Bernardus). Oratio in funere Heruli cardinalis Spoletani. 40, 202 m m . P* 3617 BMIV79 H I2O22? = 8529? Acquired before 1700 Modern quarter cloth
STEPHAN PLANNCK *** P 3624. See no. 1605
Valla (Laurentius): Elegantiae. 40, 212 mm. 17 Sept. 1480 HR15811 [*10 a-z8 A-D 8 ]; 226 leaves, the first & last blank Stamp: an open book, BIB. C O N . S. F. I N - T E R - A M . (i.e. the Franciscans of Terni). Rustat Fund, 1928 [1202] Contemporary stamped calf
Tegliatius (Stephanus): Sermo contra Turcos. 40, 194 mm. P*363O B M I V 8 I H*i546i Bound (18) with nos 1583, etc.
SixtusIV: Epistola adjohannem Mocenigum. 40, 202 mm. P*3633 BM1V102 H*i48oi Doubtfully attributed to Plannck by BM. Cf. no. 1526*5 Acquired before 1700 Modern quarter cloth 267
1451 Sixtus IV: Regulae, ordinationes et constitutiones Cancellariae. 40, 200 mm. H* 14824 [a b 6 c 6 + 1 ]; 19 leaves (the last not described by Haiti). Type: 62G 19a: ([ Limitatio regule de obftaii expdmend. | ([ Sanctiflimus iu xpo p* z dfis nofter dns Sixtus diuina paouidetia papa | quartus...; 19b, 1. 22: f Lecte et publicate fuerunt fupaafcripte regule Rome in cancellaria aplica | die Iouis quinta menfis Decembds Anno dni. M . cccc . lxxxii. pontificatus | paefati. s. d . n . Sixti diuina puidentia pape quarti anno duodecimo. | Modern half morocco [1203]
1452 Terrasse (Petrus): Oratio de divina providentia. 40, 194 mm. P3636 BM1V82 H* 15369 Bound (13) with nos 1583, etc.
1453 Capitaneis (Thomas ex): Oratio in die Omnium Sanctorum habita. 40, 194 mm. P*3638 BM1V82 H*4377 GW6023 Bound (27) with nos 1583, etc.
1454 Pereriis (Guilelmus de): Oratio super electione futuri pontificis. 40, 203 mm. P*3642 BM1V83 H12590 Acquired before 1700 Modern quarter cloth
1455 Lollius (Antonius): Oratio in funere Philiberti cardinalis Matisconensis. 4°, 202 m m . P* 3644 BM iv 84 (IA. 18356) H* 10177 Acquired before 1700 Modern quarter cloth
1456 Lollius (Antonius): Oratio in funere Philiberti cardinalis Matisconensis. 4°, 187 mm. P 3645 BM iv 84 (IA. 18359) H* 10178 Gaselee n o Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern vellum
1457 Fernandes de Lucena (Vasco): Oratio ad Innocentium vni. 40, 194 mm. P 3647 BM iv 93 H* 15760 Bound (24) with nos 1583, etc.
\1210] 0
1458 Guiba (Robertus): Oratio ad Innocentium vin. 4 , 194 mm. P*3648 BM1V85 H*8i54 Bound (9) with nos 15 8 3, etc.
1459 Strozza (Titus Vespasianus): Oratio ad Innocentium vm. 40, 202 mm. P*3657 B M i v 8 6 H*i5iO3 Acquired before 1700 Modern quarter cloth
ROME 1460 Lollius (Antonius): Oratio circumcisionis dominicae. 40, 202 mm. P*3658 BM1V84 H*ioi79 Acquired before 1700 Modern quarter cloth 1461
Another copy. 204 m m . Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Unbound
1462 Lollius (Antonius): Oratio circumcisionis dominicae. 4 0 , 194 m m . P*3659 BM1V93 H * I O I 8 O Bound (6) with nos 1583, etc.
1463 Caorsin (Guilelmus): Oratio ad Innocentium vin. 40, 194 mm. P3660 BM1V84 HF4367 GW6016 Bound (16) with nos 1583, etc.
1464 Cadratus (Petrus): Oratio ad Innocentium vm [etc.], 40, 194 mm. P*3662 BM1V85 H*42ii GW5862 Bound (15) with nos 1583, etc.
Another copy. 207 m m . Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Boards
14.66 Fliscus (Hector): Oratio ad Innocentium vin. 40, 194 mm. P 3664 BMiv 85 (IA. 18415) H* 7133 Bound (26) with nos 1583, etc. 1467
Another copy. 202 m m . Acquired before 1700 Modern quarter cloth
Another copy. 187 m m . Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Wrappers
Pontificate R o m a n u m . F°, 291 m m . 20 D e c . 1485 P*367o BMiv86 H13285 Wants the first leaf (blank) ' a R. D. Vochem Pastore ad Eccles. St. Ursulae et Sodal. Coloniae 1820/ * Ad Bibliothecam Episcopi Evarien/ Contemporary stamped calf, with flap & clasp [1220]
G e n a z a n o (Marianus d e ) : Oratio c o r a m Innocentio vin habita. 4 0 , 195 m m . P 3679 BM iv 88 H* 7553 Gaselee i n Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern half vellum [3963] 269
1471 Chieregatus (Leonellus): Propositio facta coram Carolo vm. 40, 194 mm. P*368i BM1V91 H*496o GW 6619 Bound (23) with nos 1583, etc.
1472 Innocent VIII: Regulae, ordinationes et constitutiones Cancellariae. 40, 199 mm. HR 9226 a-e 6 f4; 34 leaves. Type: 88G Kloss. Bought, 1907 Boards (Kloss)
1473 Carvajal (Bernardinus): Sermo in commemoratione victoriae Bacensis. 4°, 194 mm. P*3684 BM1V98 H*4549 GW6153 Bound (7) with nos 1583, etc.
1474 Pius II: Epistolae in cardinalatu editae. 40, 181 mm. P3689 BM1V92 H163? Wants h 4 & h 5 , also the first & last leaves (blank) Bookplate of Rev. W. Shepherd (1808). Bought, 1900 Calf, circa 1800
1475 Pius II: Epistola ad Mahumetem. 40, 212 mm. P3693 BM1V92 11*173 The repetition, on 40a (lines 6-7), of'que conuertit.. .bonum' from 39b (lines 23-4) shows that this edition is descended from those of Zel G. Dunn. Bought, 1917 Calf, b y j . B. Hawes of Cambridge [1225]
1476 Bechis (Gentilis de): Oratio Plorentinorum coram Alexandro vi. 40,201 mm. P* 3698 BM VII 1130 H* 7560 Acquired before 1700 Modern quarter cloth
1477 Rome. Mirabilia Romae. 8°, 141 mm. 22 Feb. 1491 H* 11194 Gaselee 112 a-f8 g 4 ; 52 leaves, the first blank. Types: 132G (incipit), 88G (text). Lombardic initials. Woodcuts Wants a8 (supplied in facsimile) 'Iste liber est monasterii sancti felicis de vicentie signatus numero 24. L.M.' C. F. Murray. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Bound (1) with no. 1479. Stamped morocco, circa 1600 [39^4]
1478 Rufus Festus (Sextus): De historia Romana. 40, 199 mm. 19 Jan. 1492 BM1V95 H14033 Bound (2) with nos 1489, etc.
[1227] 27O
Rome. Mirabilia Romae. 8°, 141 mm. H*III8I
[a8]; 8 leaves. Type: 88G, with both forms of i Bound (2) with no. 1477 1480
Cataneus (Johannes Lucidus): Oratio ad Alexandrum vi. 4 0 , 202 m m . P*37oo BM1V96 EF4683 GW6216 Acquired before 1700 Modern quarter cloth
M a i n o (Jason d e ) : O r a t i o a p u d A l e x a n d r u m v i . 4 0 , 201 m m . P 3702 BM iv 97 H* 10975 Bequeathed by J. R. Holliday, 1927 Boards
S p i n o l a (Jacobus): O r a t i o ad L u d o v i c u m M a r i a m Bari d u c e m . 4 0 , 201 m m . P* 3701 BM iv 96 H* 14955 Acquired before 1700 Modern quarter cloth
B e n t i v o l u s (Antonius Galeatius): O r a t i o ad A l e x a n d r u m v i . 4 0 , 202 m m . Pf37O4 H*2789 GW3853 Acquired before 1700 Modern quarter cloth
1484 Bentivolus (Antonius Galeatius): Oratio ad Alexandrum vi. 40, 194 mm. Pf37O5 H2791 GW3852 Bound (10) with nos 1583, etc. 1485
A n o t h e r c o p y . 210 m m . Acton Library, 1902 Boards
Siena. Senensium oboedientia publica Alexandro vi praestita. 40, 194 mm. P 3707 BM iv 96 H* 14677 Bound (36) with nos 1583, etc.
Another copy. 187 mm. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Wrappers
Este (Nicolaus Maria de): Oratio ad Alexandrum vi. 40,187 mm. 5 Jan. 1493 P*37O9 BM1V97 H*6689 GW9396 Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Boards 271
1489 Columbus (Christophorus): Epistola de insulis nuper inventis. 40, 199 mm. P3711 BMiV97(IA. 18551-2) 11*5489 GW7177 J. W. Maxwell Lyte. W. E. Buckley. Sandars Bequest, 1894 Bound (1) with nos 1478, 1497, 1499, 1533, 1527, 1518, 1589 & 1529. Green morocco, by Zaehnsdorf [1235]
1490 Gravina (Petrus): Oratio de Christi ascensu. 40, 194 mm. P*37i4 BM1V98 H7925 Bound (21) with nos 1583, etc.
1491 Perger (Bernhard): Oratio in funere Friderici in. 40, 194 mm. P*37i6 BM1V98 H* 12620 Bound (31) with nos 1583, etc.
1492 Chieregatus (Leonellus): Sermo habitus in die Palmarum coram Alexandro vi [etc.]. 40, 194 mm. P*37I9 BM1V99 H*4962 GW6626 Bound (28) with nos 1583, etc.
1493 Cicero (Marcus Tullius): Synonyma [etc.]. 40, 205 mm. 18 Jan. 1496 KF5356 GW7035 Wants the first & last leaves (blank) Bought (lot 230 at Sotheby's), 21 Nov. 1864 19th c. vellum
1494 Cora (Ambrosius de): Oratio de conceptione Virginis. 40, 194 mm. P*3729 BM1V89 H*5686 Bound (19) with nos 1583, etc.
1495 Caesar (Caius Julius): Oratio Vesontione ad milites habita. 40, 212 mm. P 3730 BM iv 89 H* 4228 GW 5099 Modern cloth 1496
A n o t h e r c o p y . 210 m m . Bibliotheca Heberiana. Bookplate of F. O. B[eggi]. Rustat Fund (lot 220 at Puttick's), 16 Mar. 1864 [1242] Cloth over old wrappers
Another copy. 199 mm. Bound (3) with nos 1489, etc.
1498 Campanus (Johannes Antonius): Oratio in conventu Ratisponensi habita. 4°, 194 mm. Pf373i H*4289 GW 5941 Bound (8) with nos 1583, etc.
Another copy. 199 mm. Bound (4) with nos 1489, etc.
1500 Donatus (Ludovicus): Oratio pro S. Augustini solemnitate habita. 40, 194 mm. P3736 BM1V82 H* 6391=6392 GW9041 Bound (17) with nos 1583, etc.
1501 Ludovicus, Imolensis: Oratio in funere Petri Ferrici. 40, 194 mm. P 3738A BM1V90 £1*9159 Bound (29) with nos 1583, etc.
1502 Ludovicus, Imolensis: Oratio in die S. Stephani habita. 40, 194 mm. P 3739 BM iv 94 H* 9162 Bound (22) with nos 1583, etc.
Another copy. 194 mm. Bound (25) with nos 1583, etc.
1504 Marsus (Petrus): Oratio dicta in die Ascensionis. 40, 194 mm. P* 3740 BM iv 83 H* 10791 Bound (20) with nos 1583, etc.
1505 Marsus (Petrus): Oratio in die S. Stephani habita. 40, 194 mm. P*374i BM1V82 H* 10785 Bound (4) with nos 1583, etc.
1506 Marsus (Petrus): Panegyricus in memoriam S. Johannis Evangelistae. 40, 194 mm. P*3742 BM1V84 H* 10789 Bound (3) with nos 1583, etc.
Another copy. 202 mm. Acquired before 1700 Modern quarter cloth
Another copy. 204 m m . Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Unbound Montanus (Cola): Oratio ad Luccenses. 4 0 , 194 mm. P* 3743 BM iv 90 H* 11573 Bound (2) with nos 1583, etc.
15io Herulus (Bernardus). Oratio in fiinere Heruli cardinalis Spoletani. 40, 194 mm.
P 3745 BM iv 89 H* 12021 [a 6 ]; 6 leaves (not [a 4 ]; 4 leaves, as BM) Bound (5) with nos 1583, etc.
Another copy. 189 mm. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Wrappers
Sancta Ella (Rodericus de): Oratio in die Parasceues. 4 0 , 194 m m . P*3746 BM1V90 H*i393i Bound (12) with nos 1583, etc.
Another copy. 202 m m . Acquired before 1700 Modern quarter cloth
Defectus in missa occurrentes. 4 0 , 205 mm. P3753 BM1V89 GW8236 Bound (8) with nos 1829, etc.
1515 Rome (Church of). Poenitentiaria Apostolica. Taxae Sacrae Poenitentiariae Apostolicae. 40, 205 mm. P 3760 BM iv 95 H* 15360 Bound (11) with nos 1829, etc.
1516 Casus papales, episcopates et abbatiales. 40, 205 mm. GW 6195 Bound (10) with nos 1829, etc.
1517 R o m e (Church of). Curia Romana. Stilus Curiae Romanae. 40, 208 mm. Nachtr. 339 Kloss. Bought, 1907 Boards (Kloss)
1518 Pius II: De captione urbis Constantinopolitanae. 40, 199 mm. P*3762 BM1V94 H*25i Bound (7) with nos 1489, etc.
1519 Pius II: Epistola ad Sigismundum juveni amorem non esse negandum [etc.]. 4°, 202 m m . H*i82 Pell. 115 Wants the first (blank) and last leaves Acquired before 1700 Modern quarter cloth
1520 Benedictus, de Nursia: De conservatione sanitatis. 40, 207 mm. H11918? GW3822 Wants the first leaf (blank) 19th c. stamped calf 1521
H u g o , de Sancto Caro: Expositio missae. 4 0 , 205 m m . [a6 b 4 ]; 10 leaves. 2a: 143 x 90 mm., 33 lines. Type: 88G 1 a: blank; i b : ([ Incipit Expofitio mifle 6m fratrem | Hugone Cardinale^ oadinis pcUcato^. | (d3) Icit Aplus ad Ephefios. vj. caplo . Induite vos arma- | turam dei vt poflitis ftare aduerfus iniidias dyaboli | Hec armatura eft veftis facerdotalis...; 7a (sig. [b]): &$ hoc eft corpus meu tuc fuit trafTubftatiatio. Dico tn. C£ aliud |; 10a, 1. 30: . . .Et eft fuptu a vetere | lege vbi popul9 Ifrl licetiat9 eft a rege t cito redibat ad ppaa . Ite | in mifla p defuctis dz Reqefcat I pace, in qua optaf eis qes efna | ([ Finis. | Bound (7) with nos 1829, etc. [1264]
Another copy. 176 mm; Bound (7) with nos 2972, etc.
R o s e l l i s (Antonius d e ) : D e usuris. 4 0 , 201 m m . H13982? Not HR13982 JPM 275 Acton Library, 1902 Modern quarter cloth
R o m e . Mirabilia Romae. 8°, 140 m m . 14 Mar. 1496 HR 11198 Wants Ax (blank?), A8, B 8 , C2,5,7, D H , D5 Modern quarter morocco
Part o f another copy. 135 m m . Leaves C 3 , 6 , E F8, and D 4 , 5 , bound in that order, only Modern morocco
R o m e . Mirabilia R o m a e . 8°, 134 m m . 7 Sept. 1500 Sander 4555 (from an imperfect copy) [A]-G8; 56 leaves. 9a: 102 x 67 mm., 23 lines. Type: 88G; Lombardic capitals. Woodcuts 2a: (I3) N ifto opufculo dici? quomodo Romu- | lus z, Remus nati funt z, educati. Et po- I ftea quomodo Romulus fact9 eft p*im9 | Romano^ rex t condito* Romane vzbis Quo I modo t q^diu ipfe z, fucceflbaes fiii rexerut...; 2b: [Woodcut]; 3a: [Armorial woodcut] (R8) Oma ciuitas fancta ca | put mdi ano poft euer |fioneTroye...; 9a (sig. B): quatuo*. 1 diebus octo . Hie fuo edicto cuctos |; 56a, 1.16: Dominica Efto mihi ad fanctum Petrum. | ([ Finis. I f Impaeflum Rome per magiftru Stephanu | Planck Patauien. Anno diiiM. ccccc. Die yo I vij . menfis Septembas . Sedente Alexandro | vj . pontifice maximo . Anno eius nono. | Wants [AJ (blank?), C x and C 8 *Fr. Archangelus de Crem[ona?] ordinis s. francisci/ Given by C. F. Murray, 1918 19th c. quarter morocco [1270] 275
1526*5 Mahomet II: Epistolae magni Turci. 40, 201 mm. P 3365 [Han] BMiv 102 H* 10496 Doubtfully attributed to Plannck by BM. Cf. no. 1450 Stamp: Bibliotk Corsinia Vetus. Given by J. C. T. Oates, 1949 Wrappers
Caorsin (Guilelmus): Descriptio Rhodiae obsidionis. 40, 199 mm. P3802 BM1V119 H4358 GW6009 Bound (6) with nos 1489, etc.
Vegetius Renatus (Flavius): De re militari. 40, 193 mm. 29 Jan. 1487 P* 3824 BM iv 107 (IA. 18862) H* 15913 'Edwards's sale. £5:5s :*. M: Wodhull F: 22d 1796/ Given by J. Charrington, 1916 Bound (1) with nos 1531&1530. Maroon morocco, circa 1800 [1273]
Chieregatus (Leonellus): Sermo in publicatione confoederationis inter Innocentium vm et Venetos initae. 40, 199 mm. P*3825 BM1V107 H*4959 GW6618 Bound (9) with nos 1489, etc.
Aelianus, Tacticus: De instruendis aciebus. 40, 193 mm. 15 Feb. 1487 P* 3826 BM iv 107 (IA. 18864) GW 310 Wants the first leaf (blank) Bound (3) with nos 1528, etc.
Cicero (Marcus Tullius): Synonyma [etc.], 40, 205 mm. 11 July 1487 BMivioS H5354 GW7033 Bound (2) with nos 1829, etc.
Bosca (Petrus): Oratio de victoria Malacitana. 40, 199 mm. P3830 B M I V I O S 11*3665 GW4943 Bound (5) with nos 1489, etc.
Another copy. 194 mm. Bound (14) with nos 1583, etc.
Frontinus (Sextus Julius): Strategematica. 40, 193 mm. 1 June 1487 P* 3827 BM iv 107 (IA. 18866) Wants the first leaf (blank) Bound (2) with nos 1528, etc.
Turrecremata (Johannes de): Summa de ecclesia. F°, 377 mm. 27 Apr. 1489 BMiv 109 H* 15730 Varies from BM: the table begins on ib (not ia), with ia blank, and 218a, 1. 2 reads: Pdmu (not Primum) 276
ROME Arms on 2a & 217b, beneath an ecclesiastical hat, gules, with six tassels: Per fesse; gules, three barrulets argent (?), bendy of six gules and or. Adams Bequest, 1892 Contemporary stamped calf, with metal bosses and remains of four clasps; title superimposed in gold on the lower board [1280] *** P 3 8 5 8 - Reattributed by BM to Andreas Freitag. See no. 1584
Barbarus (Hermolaus): Castigationes Plinianae [etc.]. F°, 299 mm. 24 Nov. 1492, 13 Feb. 1493 P*386o BM1VI13 H*242i GW3340 'Sum Guil. Charci.' Royal Library, 1715 i8thc. half calf
1537 Verardus (Carolus): Historia Baetica [etc.], 40, 224 mm. 7 Mar. 1493 P* 3867 BM iv 114 H* 15941 On vellum. With a MS. dedication on ib, beginning: 'Reverendo in xpo patri Domino Io. Medinae episcopo Astoricensi [i.e. Juan Ruiz de Medina] illustrissimorum Regum hispaniae apud Pont. Max. Oratori Carolus Verardus Caesenas Sal. P.D.* 2a illuminated, with a border and coat-of-arms (presumably that of the dedicatee). Royal Library, 1715 Bound (1) with no. 1547. 18th c. calf [1283]
Another copy. 191 mm. Bought, 1908 Bound (1) with no. 1548. Modern cloth
Scriptores rei militaris. 40, 206 mm. 24 OcL-3 Nov. 1494 P*3878 B M I V I I 6 H*I59I5 Wants quires A-D (Onosander, De optimo imperative) Bibliotheca Heberiana. J. Lemage. Bought (lot 306 at Sotheby's), 17 Nov. 1864 19th c. half calf
1540 Campanus (Johannes Antonius): Opera. F°, 299 mm. 31 Oct. 1495 P*3879 BM1VI17 H 4286 = 4287 GW5939 Wants leaves 1-6 of the preHminary matter and. leaves c3 and c6 (supplied in contemporary MS.) of the first alphabet of the collation Royal Library, 1715 16th c. vellum, rebacked [1286] 1541
Another copy. 289 m m . Acton Library, 1902 18th c. calf
A n o t h e r c o p y . 304 m m . 'Liber Ricardi Nykke episcopi Norwicensis. 1506/ Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 17th c. calf
1543 Gratia Dei (Johannes Baptista): De confutatione Hebraicae sectae. 40, 210 mm.
14 May 1500
P 3892 BM iv 119 H* 7878 Wants the last leaf (blank) 'Marii Tancii Fortunae toties vi experti No. 76* (presumably the 16th c. commentator on Dante, v. Colomb de Batines, Bibliografia Dantesca 1, p. 730) i8thc. half calf [1289]
1544 Pius II: Epistolae in cardinalatu editae. 40, 203 mm. P 3909 BM iv 125 H162 Wants the first leaf (blank) * Bought in Rome for me by M. Simons Esq. Spring 1859/ Bought, 1909 Old vellum 1545
Another copy. 187 m m . Duke of Sussex. Given by H. Bradshaw, 1868 19th c. quarter vellum
Fiera (Baptista): Coena. 4 0 , 200 mm. P 3910 BM iv 125 H 7084 The collation varies from BM: a8 b 6 c d8 'Liber Tho. Simbnson.5 'delaportf.' Royal Library, 1715 Bound (2) with Censorinus, De die natali, etc. [Milan, 1503]. Contemporary stamped calf (interlaced strap-work in a double panel, within a broad border), flyleaves of vellum MS. (circa 1300)
[4301] 0
1547 Verardus (Marcellinus): Fernandus servatus. 4 , 224 mm. P* 3911 BM1V114 H* 15944 On vellum. 2a illuminated with a partial border Bound (2) with no. 1537 1548
Another c o p y . 191 m m . V293\
Bound (2) with no. 1538
1549 R o m e (Church of). Curia Romana. Termini causarum in Romana Curia. 4 0 , 201 m m . R344 [a 4 ]; 4 leaves. Types: 146G (heading on ia), 73G (text) Kloss Modern quarter morocco over wrappers
1550 Tabula Christianae religionis. 8°, 141 mm. A 8 . . . ; imperfect, leaves 1-8 only, ia: 97 x 73 mm., 23 lines. Type: 84R. Woodcut initial on ia ia: ([ Tabula chriftiane religiois ualde utilis & ne | cefTaria cuilibet chriftiano: qua omnes fcire te | nentur. | (V4) Ltima eni funt hec q unufqui% fci= | re tenetur: uidelicet. | Articuli fidei...; 8b, 1. 23: Patientia eft iniuria^ atqj contumelia^ & 01s | Unbound 278
Dionysius, Carthusianus: Speculum aureum animae peccatricis. 40, 185 mm. Pell. 4316 Types: title, 125G (?), text, 88R (?). The attribution to Silber is uncertain Bought, 1906 Modern cloth
Antonio, da Siena: De divina praeordinatione. 40, 186 mm. P 3919 [Herolt] BM1V121 Hi278=*i4678 Bought, 1895 Quarter calf, circa 1800
GW2206 [1299]
Moretis (Jacobus de): Oratio in laudem suae religionis. 40, 188 mm. P* 3928 [Herolt] BM rv 123 Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern quarter vellum
Pius II: Epistola ad Mahumetem. 40, 215 mm. HC (Add.) 175 Cop. 39a Type: 112R (measuring n o ) With variations from HC; ia, 1. 3: Turcos; 60a, 1. 1: Tu | ci With contemporary MS. additions, including a copy of a Littera passus issued by the papal secretary Hieronymus Balbanus, 8 July in the fourth year of the pontificate [of Innocent vni], to John Kendall, Turcopolier of Rhodes. *W. Herbert.' *W. G. Thorpe, 1872/ Alfred Aspland. Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 Half vellum, circa 1700 [2098]
Aretinus (Leonardus): Isagoga de philosophia morali [etc.]. 40, 189 mm. GW 5619 Wants the first leaf (blank) Cloth
Thomas (St), Aquinas: Summa de articulis fidei. 40, 200 mm. H* 1427 Gaselee 114 a b 6 ; 12 leaves. Type: 92 (86) G Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Boards
Ad peccatorem Sodomitam. 40, 202 mm. HR 14869 Gaselee 115 Type: 92 (86) G. The last leaf (unknown to HR) is blank Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern half morocco
Andreas, de Escobar: Modus confitendi. 8°, 134 mm. GW 1795 Bound (2) with nos 1566, etc.
ROME 1559
Andreas, de Escobar \ Modus confitendi. Another copy. 132 mm. Gaselee 117 C. F. Murray. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Wrappers
Andreas, de Escobar: Modus confitendi. 8°, 151 mm. H*ioo6 GW1792 Jenkinson Fund, 1934 Modern half vellum
I n t e r r o g a t i o n e s et doctrinae. 8°, 134 m m . GW7313 Bound (3) with nos 1566, etc.
C o n j u r a t i o m a l i g n o r u m spirituum. 8°, 134 m m . R 131 ? Variant of GW 7400? ia: as G W ; 8b, 1. 20: . . .z, paoinde intus damnatus per ins | finita fecula feculoaum. Amen. | ([ Finis. | Bound (4) with nos 1566, etc. [3654]
D i v i s i o n e s decem n a t i o n u m totius Christianitatis. 8°, 134 m m . BM1V126 11*6309 GW8579 Bound (5) with nos 1566, etc.
D i v i s i o n e s decem n a t i o n u m totius Christianitatis. 8°, 139 m m . GW 8588 Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern limp vellum
R o m e . Mirabilia R o m a e . 8°, 128 m m . H* 11180 Sander 4603 ? Varies from Sander; ib, 1. 3: Propugnacula Wrappers
Loreto. Translatio ecclesiae B.V.M. de Loreto. 8°, 134 m m . R (Suppl.) 198 Sander 4292 Given by C. F. Murray, 1918 Bound (1) with nos 1558 & 1561-3. Brown morocco, by Leighton
Loreto. Translatio ecclesiae B.V.M. de Loreto. 8°, 125 mm. R1883 Sander 4286 Given by C. F. Murray, 1918 Modern half morocco
Loreto. Translatio ecclesiae B.V.M. de Loreto. 8°, 132 mm. R1884 Sander 4287 Given by C. F. Murray, 1918 19th c. stamped sheepskin
[3659] 280
1569 Loreto. Translatio ecclesiae B.V.M. de Loreto. 8°, 130 mm. Sander 4301 Type: 84R 'Ex libris presbyteri Petri Nouelli...' 'Huius libri scripsit Augustinus Parmius posessor.' Given by C. F. Murray, 1918 Red morocco by Bagguley, Newcastle-under-Lyme [3660]
1570 Bridget (St): Orationes [etc.]. 8°, 129 mm. GW4371 8a, 1. 11: feculost (not feculo>, as GW) Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1940 19th c. half parchment
1571 Bridget (St): Orationes [etc.]. 8°, 140mm. GW4370 Acquired before 1700 Bound (6) with nine other tracts, including Andreas de Escobar, Modus conjitendi [J. Besicken, Rome, 150-], Interrogationes et doctrinae [J. Besicken, Rome, 150-], Divisiones totius Christianitatis [J. Besicken, Rome, 150-], Translatio ecclesiae B.V.M. de Loreto [J. Besicken, Rome, 150-], Tabula Christianae religionis [E. Silber, Rome, 150-], and Granollachs, Lunarium [Rome, 1504?] 18th c. calf [4243]
GEORG HEROLT % * P 3919. Reattributed by BM & GW to Silber. See no. 1552
1572 Origenes: Contra Celsum. F°, 283 mm. Jan. 1481 P*392i BM1V126 H* 12078 Royal Library, 1715 18th c. half calf
1573 Maroldus (Marcus): Sententiaveritatis humanae redemptionis. 40, 202mm. Pf3925 H* 10777 [a 10 ]; 10 leaves 10b, 1. 25: .. .fapientie & delitiis uoluptatis | gpetue letari gliam imarcefcibile cofecuti qua I per fe ipm altiffimus largif credetibus Amen | Acquired before 1700 Modern quarter cloth [1298] *** P* 3928. Reattributed by BM to Silber. See no. 1553
1574 Zacharias (Jacobus): Libellus inscriptionum. 40, 207mm. HR 16264 [Silber] = H 16263 [a-c8 d 1 0 ]; 34 leaves, the first & last blank. Type: 112R Bought, 1904 Modern quarter morocco 28l
GEORGIUS TEUTONICUS * ¥ * Proctor's identification of this printer with Georg Herolt is not accepted by BM, which tentatively identifies him with Georg Lauer ALONE
*575 Guilelmus, de Dumo Quercu: De spiritu sancto. 40, 180 mm. H8325 [a4]; 4 leaves, ia: 144 x 92 mm., 36 lines. Type: 75G (leaded to 81) ia: [ 3 ] Acre theologie pfefToris magiftri guillermi de dumoqrci o*a | toris Illluftriuimi ducis Britanie ad Romanam Curiam deftina | ti Necnon generaUs vicarii totius ordinis fratrum et foaoru | Gloriofiflime dei genitricis marie de montecarmeli fermo de fancto fpi I ritu editus... | . . .Anno milefimo quadringentefimo pctuagefimoprimo | . . . ; 4a, 1. 34:.. .Qui intainitate perfec | ta uiuit et aegnat in feculorum fecula Amen. | Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1943 Modern vellum [4233]
Barberiis (Philippus de): Discordantiae Hieronymi et Augustini [etc.], 4°, 211 m m . P 3954 BM iv 129 H 2453 GW 3387 (Anm.) Quire [f] misbound in the middle of quire [h] 'Guillermus Sapientis Emit presentem librum In [...] Anno domini m°cccc 83/ WilsonBarkworth Fund, 1937 Old limp vellum Ul88]
Cicero (Marcus Tullius): Epistolae selectae. 40, 188 mm. H*5222 GW6870 Given by S. Sandars, 1892 Modern half morocco
[1301 ]
Donatus (Ludovicus): Oratio pro S. Augustini solemnitate habita. 40, 202 m m . P* 3988 [Besicken] BM1V132 H6393 GW9040 Acquired before 1700 Modern quarter cloth
Chinucciis (Andreoccius de): Oratio pro republica Senensi. 40, 196 mm. P* 3990 [Besicken] BM iv 133 H* 14715 Rustat Fund, 1869 19th c. boards
P R I N T E R OF M A N I L I U S 1580
Marsus (Petrus): Oratio dicta in die Ascensionis. 40, 202 mm. [a8]; 8 leaves. 3a: 139x91 mm., 32 lines. Type: 88G. TFS 190m ia: blank; i b : Oratio dicta a Petro Marfo In die Afcenfionis de Immo* | talitate Anime ad Reuerendiflimum in chrifto patrem z diim. | Dominum Raphaele3- TT. fancti Geoagij 282
ROME Cardinalem Ac Sac | tiflimi Domini Noftri Pape Camerarium. | (g2) Recia quondam Reuerendiflime paeful...; 2a: Iefus. | ([ Videntibus illis eleuatus eft. z nubcs fufcepit eum ab oculis | eoaum...; 8b, 1. 15: .. .Te ergo quefumus tuis famulis fubueni quos preciofo fan- I guine redemifti. z cum patre ac fpiritu fancto regnas ineternum | Amen. | Acquired before 1700 Modern quarter cloth
1581 Innocent VIII: Regulae, ordinationes et constitutiones Cancellariae. 40, 207 m m . R 569 [Silber] [a-18]; 88 leaves, the first & last blank. Type: 88G Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 Modern half morocco
P E T R U S DE T U R R E 1582 Antoninus (St): Confessionale (Defecerunt) [etc.]. 40, 269 mm. BM VII 1128 GW 2083 [Milan, Zarotus] Accurti GW 2083 3a, 1. 2: V D I E N T I A (not A V D I E N T I A , as BM & GW) Wants the blank leaf (72 or 74; the quiring of the last four leaves cannot be determined from this copy) GW's attribution to Zarotus is disputed by Accurti. The attribution to Petrus de Turre rests on a MS. note in the BM copy Adams Bequest, 1892 19th c. half morocco [1328]
A N D R E A S FREITAG, 2nd press 1583 Tygrinus (Nicolaus): Oratio pro Luccensibus. 40, 194 mm. P* 3968 BM iv 137 (IA. 19326) 'H* 15751 A circular stamp: a saint, with: [.. .]MVS. S. N I C O L A I * T O L E N T . VE[netensis]. W. H. Crawford. Bought, 1894 Bound (1) with 30 other pieces (nos 1509, 1506, 1505, 1510, 1462, 1473, 1498, 1458, 1484, 1584, 1512, 1452, 1534, 1464, 1463, 1500, 1449, 1494, 1504, 1490, 1502, 1471, 1457, 1503, 1466, 1453, I492» 1501* i486, 1491). Old vellum [1306]
1584 Tegliatius (Stephanus): Oratio in die Omnium Sanctorum. 40, 194 mm. P 3858 [Silber] BM1V135 H 15459 Bound (11) with nos 1583, etc.
P R I N T E R OF H E R O D I A N U S 1585 Herodianus: Historia de imperio post Marcum. F°, 283 mm. 20 June 1493 P*3976 BM1V137 H8466 G. Dunn. Rustat Fund, 1917 Modern vellum
1586 Dio Cassius: Vitae Nervae et Trajani. F°, 285 mm. BM1V138 GW6168 G. Dunn. Rustat Fund, 1917 Modern vellum
JOHANN BESICKEN with SIGISMUNDUS MAYER 1587 Paulus (Hieronymus): Practica Cancellariae Apostolicae. 40, 210 mm. 1493 P*3977 BM1V139 H* 13311 = 12524 * Sum Landi Leocini.' Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 Old vellum
1588 Andreas, de Escobar: Modus confitendi. 8°, 135 mm. GW1806 Gaseleen6 C. F. Murray. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Wrappers
ALONE \ * P* 3988. Reattributed by BM & GW to Schomberger. See no. 1578 *** P* 399°- Reattributed by BM to Schomberger. See no. 1579 *^* P 3991. 16th century (see BM VII 1209)
1589 Caviceus (Jacobus): Dialogus de raptu filiae. 40, 199 mm. GW6438 Bound (8) with nos 1489, etc.
1590 Conjuratio malignorum spirituum. 8°, 142 mm. GW 7398 With variations from GW; ia, 1. 2: coapoaibus (not corporibus); Lombardic paragraphinitials, e.g. ia, 1. 5: (C2) Vm (not [ ] Vm) Given by C. F. Murray, 1918 [1313] Wrappers
Sixtus IV: Bulla de reformatione Hospitalis S. Spiritus. 40, 209 mm. R 1628 [Guldinbeck] [a 4 ]; 4 leaves. Type: 87GA (measuring 85), with small 9 Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern quarter morocco
1592 Andreas, de Escobar: Modus confitendi. 8°, 126 mm. GW 1805 Quarter cloth
1593 Conjuratio malignorum spirituum. 8°, 134 mm. H*5624 GW7395 Bound (2) with no. 1594
1594 Interrogations et doctrinae. 8°, 134 mm. Pf4OO2 H*9255 GW7334 5a, 1. 6: .. .cofitef Bookplate of F. O. B[eggi]. Rustat Fund (lot 634 at Puttick's), 17 May 1864 Bound (1) with no. 1593. Modern half morocco
Another, variant, copy. 132 mm. GW 7334 (Anm.) 5a, 1. 6: .. .^fitenf Bound (3) with Cornazano, Sonetti e canzone (Venetia, Manfrino de Monfera, 1502), and with no. 1597
1596 Interrogationes et doctrinae. 8°, 126 mm. GW7335 Quarter cloth
1597 Rome. Mirabilia Romae. 8°, 132 mm. H * I I I 8 7 Sander 4588 Leaves 4 & 5 supplied from another copy Given by C. F. Murray (?) Bound (2) with no. 1595, etc.
1*3* *]
1598 Zane (Bernardus): Oratio in festo Omnium Sanctorum. 40, 187 mm. H 16272 a6; 6 leaves. 2a: 159 x 100 mm., 29 lines. Type resembles Besicken's 111R, with two forms ofe ia: ([ Ampliflimo Diio fuo. D. R. Riario. S. Georgii Dia- | cono Cardiali: &. S. Ro. ecclefie Camerario digniflimo | Bernardus Zane Prothonotarius Aplicus feruulus mi | nimus cu ueneratione. S. ac Fcelicitate. D ; 1. 26: .. .Ex Vr | be Tertio No. Nouembris. M.D. |; ib: ([ Bernardi Zane... | .. .Oratio in Vr | be habita in fefto omniu Sacto^: anno Iubilei. M.D. in I Principis Apoftoloru sede cora Alex. vi. Pont. Max. & | Sacro Apoftolico Cardinaliu fenatu. | (I4) Nftitueti mini in hoc auguftiffimo cofefTu | . . . ; 6b, 1.26: . . . Spiritus fancti dementia duce tua beatitudine | nos producere non dedignetur. | Finis. | Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Wrappers [3974}
1599 Marcus Antonius, Tidnensis: Oratio in Adventu domini annoHMD [1498] habita. 40, 192 mm. R 345 [Plannck] a6; 6 leaves. In the same type as no. 1598 Harmsworth 4494 (17 Mar. 1948). Given by A. N. L. Munby, 1948 Boards
MISCELLANEOUS PRINTER OF STATIUS 1600 Blondus (Flavius): Roma instaurata [etc.], F°, 337 mm. P 4004A BM iv 143 H* 3242 GW 4422 Wants the last leaf (blank) Leaf 5a illuminated, with arms of Visconti (substituted for another coat which has been cut out). G. Dunn. Given by J. F. P. Rawlinson, 1917 Half vellum, circa 1800 [1520]
P R I N T E R OF F O R M U L A R I U M 1601
B r e v i a r i u m R o m a n u m . 8°, 162 m m . GW5126 TFS1901P Leaves 1-64 (Psalter) only H. Wills. Bought, 1894 (?) Damask over wooden boards
PRINTER OF SIXTUS IV BULLA 1602 Sixtus IV: Bulla de reformatione Hospitalis S. Spiritus. 40, 200 mm. H* 14811 [a 4 ]; 4 leaves. Type as TFS 1901 o Royal Library, 1715 Modern cloth
Sancto Georgio (Johannes Antonius de): Sermo de passione. 40, 202 mm. HR7599 TFS19010 [a 4 ]; 4 leaves Acquired before 1700 Modern quarter cloth
1604 Rome. Mirabilia Romae. 8°, 134 mm. BMiv 144 Wants leaves 33 & 40 Given by C. F. Murray, 1916 Old vellum
1605 Laurentius, Aretinus: Vita Moysis. 40, 215 mm. P 3624 [Plannck] BMiv 144 H* 1557 Kloss. Inglis Boards (Kloss)
1606 -Alphonsus, de Soto: Mare magnum. 40, 209 mm. HR 870 [Sflbcr] a8 b 6 c8 d e 6 ; 34 leaves, the first & last blank. Type as in nos 1604 & 1605 H. Wais. Bought, 1894 Modern quarter morocco
The types in which the following books are printed have been reattributed by BM to Cornelis de Zierikzee at Cologne
*** p t 4°12- See n o -
% * P* 4013. See no. 863 ***
4014 A. See no. 864
VENICE J O H A N N E S & V I N D E L I N U S DE SPIRA 1607 Augustine (St): De civitate Dei. F°, 398 mm. 1470 P*4Oio BMV153 H*2O48 GW2877 Wants leaves 12 & 13 in the table and 16 (blank) Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf
VINDELINUS DE SPIRA See also no. 2227
1608 Livius (Titus): Historiae Romanae decades. 2 vols. F°, 391 mm. 1470 P*4O23 BM v 154 (IA. 19519) H 10130 Wants the blank leaves 1 & 171 (first & last of vol. 1) and 421 (last of vol. 2). Leaves 2-24 of vol. 1 duplicated at the end of vol. 2 Vol. 1: Given by George Nicol, 1784; a letter from him to Richard Farmer (then Protobibliothecarius) thanks Farmer for hospitality shown to Mr Braithwaite and himself at Emmanuel College, and offers the book as a companion to the vol. 2 which he was shown in the Public Library. Nicol states that he bought the book at Hoblyn's sale. Vol. 2: leaf 2a illuminated, with arms: barry of four, azure & argent. 'Hoc opus peregi studiose Anno M° cccc° 82: Auspicante facundissimo uiro dno Johanne calphurneo preceptore colendissimo: Mense decembris uicesima prima die:' Royal Library, 1715 Vol. 1: red morocco (bound for Nicol, as stated in his letter referred to above); vol. 2: rebound in 1791 by John Bowtell of Cambridge to match vol. 1 [1330] 1609
C y p r i a n (St): O p e r a . F°, 325 m m .
P*4O32 BMV159 H*5897 GW 7884 Wants leaves 11-14 & 31, also the blank leaves 183-4 Kloss. W. F. Maitland. Bought, 1922 18th c. quarter vellum
1610 Cicero (Marcus Tullius): De finibus. 40, 268 mm. 1471 P*4O36 BMV157 H5328 GW6885 Collation as GW, with [h7] cancelled; [h8] is not blank (cf. BM) Wants the last leaf (blank) Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Formerly bound (4) with nos 2874, etc. Modern half pigskin
1611 Bartolus, de Saxoferrato: Super prima parte Codicis. F°, 422 mm. H 2541(1) GW3489 Wants the blank leaves 1, 112 & 250 Arms and canting device of Cardinal Morton on leaf ia. Soc. Reg. Lond. ex dono Henr. Howard Norfolciensis. J. M. Falkner. Given by Sir John Noble, 1932 Modern vellum [3730] 1612
L a c t a n t i u s (L. C . F . ) : O p e r a . F°, 330 m m . 1472 P*4O4O B M v i 6 o HF9810 Wants the first leaf (blank) 'Ex dono Reverendi viri Manei Scoti Rectoris ecclesiae de Frinckford in comitat. Oxon.' Royal Library, 1715 17th c. calf [W3]
1613 Tibullus (Albius): Elegiae [etc.]. 40, 274 mm. 1472 P*4O43 B M V I 6 I HF4758 Wants leaves 30-32 of Tibullus'(32 blank), 17-18 & 37-40 of Propertius, and all Statius. Catullus is bound first, followed by Tibullus and Propertius 'Liber ecclesiae cathedralis Dunelm.' Royal Library, 1715 18th c. red morocco [i334]
1614 Bartolus, de Saxoferrato: Tractatus varii [etc.], F°, 393 mm. 1472 H*2634 GW3665 'My Lord Chawnceler.' Given by Thomas Rotherham, circa 1484 Bound (1) with nos 1623 & 1708. Calf, circa 1700
1615 Boccaccio (Giovanni): Genealogiae deorum gentilium. F°, 345 mm. 1472 P*4O45 BMV162 H*33i5 GW4475 Without the blank leaves of the BM collation Arms and canting device of Cardinal Morton on leaf ia. 'Mathew Morland.' ' Anthonie Breton.' Royal Library, 1715 Bound (1) with no. 1618. Calf, circa 1700 [1336]
1616 Caracciolus (Robertus): Quadragesimale de poenitentia. 40, 287 mm, 20 July 1472 BMV159 H4424 GW6061 Wants the blank leaves 1 & 268, also 269-90 (Sermo in festo Annuntiationis, etc.). With rubricator's date: 1473. die 27 Aprilis Sir E. Sullivan. Bought, 1890 19th c. boards [1337]
1617 Repetitiones, disputationes necnon tractatus diversorum doctorum. F°, 384 mm. 1472 P4047 B M V I 6 I H 9887=^9884 Wants leaves 1 (blank), 71-8 (J. B. de Caccialupis, De modo studendi et vita doctorum) and 155-164 (M. de Mattaselanis, Super electione opinionis & Tractatus extensionis; B. de Saxoferrato, Contrarietates; part of L. de Rodolfis, De usuris) Given by Thomas Rotherham, circa 1484 Calf, circa 1800, in the style of 1700
1618 Boccaccio (Giovanni): De montibus, silvis, fontibus, etc. F°, 345mm. 13 Jan. 1473 P*4O48 BMV162 H*3326 GW4482 Wants the last leaf (blank) Bound (2) with no. 1615
1619 Bartolus, de Saxoferrato: Super secunda parte Digesti veteris. F°, 408 mm. 1473 H*2 5 84 GW3594 Imperfect: wants 58 leaves of text and the last two blanks Given by Thomas Rotherham, circa 1484 17th c. calf, rebacked
1620 Bartolus, de Saxoferrato: Super secunda parte Digesti novi. F°, 411 mm. 1473 Pf4O5i H* 2606 (2) GW3563 'My lord chawnceler.' Given by Thomas Rotherham, circa 1484 Calf, circa 1700
1621 Georgius, Trapezuntius: Rhetorica. F°, 337 mm. P*4O57 BMV164 H7608 Wants the first & last leaves (blank), and leaf 10 Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf
1622 Philelphus (Franciscus): Epistolae. F°, 298 mm. P*4o6o BMV164 H* 12926 Wants the first leaf (blank) 'D. Anthonius A Marcia sua liberali propensione hoc libro auxit Bibliothecam Collegii Societatis Jesu Luxemburgi ad maiorem Dei gloriam die 14 Septembris Anni 1603/ De Meyer 472. Rustat Fund, 1869 19th c. calf [i343]
1623 Bartolus, de Saxoferrato: Quaestiones disputatae. F°, 393 mm. P4062 BMV157 11*2638 GW3657 Bound (2) with nos 1614, etc,
*^* P*4o63. Reattributed by BM & GW to Johann KoelhofFthe elder at Cologne. Seeno,$i6 oc
NICOLAS JENSON 1624 Cicero (Marcus Tullius): Rhetorica nova et vetus. 40, 270 mm. 1470 P*4o65 B M v i 6 6 H*5O57 GW 6709+6733 Royal Library, 1715 18th c. diced russia
1625 Nepos (Cornelius): Vitae imperatorum. 40, 281 mm. 8 Mar. 1471 P*4o68 BMV167 H*5733 Wants the last leaf (blank) Given by H. Bradshaw, 1870 Contemporary stamped black leather (Italian) 1626
Another copy. 274 mm. Wants the first & last leaves (blank) *D. of Grafton, 1782/ Given by A. W. Young, 1933 18th c. citron morocco
1627 Cicero (Marcus Tullius): Epistolae ad familiares. 40, 278 mm. 1471 P*4O6Q BMV169 H5168 GW6806 On vellum *D. Ioannes Baptista Maurenus Veronensis anno MDCLVU', written above a coat of arms; the same arms have been crudely drawn in the space provided in the illumination on 2a. Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf [1347]
1628 Valla (Laurentius): Elegantiae [etc.]. 40, 287 mm. 1471 P* 4071 BM v 171 H15802 Wants the table (8 leaves) and [ts] (blank) 'Gulielmi Salkmi (?) [ohm inserted] liber teste michaele lockeo' 'sed nunc ad Christopheri Matheri Junioris possessionem est reversus/ ' Christopheri Mather et amicorum.' 'Robertus Brownlowe Med. doct. Leodiensis.' Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf [1348] 1629
D e c o r puellarum. 4 0 , 199 m m .
P*4O78 B M v i 6 8 H6069 GW8227 Wants the first & last leaves (blank) Pembroke. Given by C. F. Murray, 1916 Red morocco (Pembroke) 1630
P a l m a virtutum. 4 0 , 215 m m . 1471 HR12283 [a b 8 c10 d 6 ]; 32 leaves, the first probably blank. 2a: 120x 73 mm. Type: 115R Wants leaves 1, 9, 17 & 26 Syston Park. Bought, 1899 Red morocco, circa 1800 290
Scriptores rei rusticae. F°, 335 mm. 1472 P*4o86 BMV173 H* 14564 Wants leaf 86 (blank) Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf
Plinius Secundus (Caius): Historia naturalis. F°, 432 mm. 1472 P* 4087 BM v 172 H* 13089 *Yis Booke standys in ordyr Mastyr. Langton.' Royal Library, 1715 18th c. red morocco
Cicero (Marcus Tullius): Tusculanae quaestiones. 40, 274 mm. 1472 P*4o88 BM v 171 (IB. 19668) H*53i3 GW6890 Wants the last two leaves (blank) On ib are written 14 lines of Latin elegiacs, signed 'Jo-
1634 Solinus (Caius Julius): Polyhistor. 40, 265 mm. 1473 P*4o89 BMV173 H14877 Wants leaves 1, 4 & 68 (all blank) Adams Bequest, 1892 Red morocco, circa 1700
Another copy. 281 mm. Wants the first & last blanks From the library of F. Jenkinson, 1923 Calf, with arms and monogram ofJacques-Nicolas Colbert (Olivier 12981>6)
G r e g o r y I X : Decretales. F°, 420 m m . M a r . 1475 P* 4092 BM v 174 H* 8002 Illuminated, with arms on 2a: or, a ram sable issuant from a cloud azure (?). 'Adrianus Metcalfe/ Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf [1356]
1637 Jacobus, de Voragine: Legenda aurea. [Italian.) F°,36omm. Cop. 6497 Imperfect; 212 leaves only Given by Sir H. Thompson, 1927 Morocco by D. Cockerell, 1903 & 1927
Diogenes Laertius: Vitae et sententiae philosophorum. F°, 269 mm. 14 Aug. 1475 P*4O95 BMV175 H*6i99 GW 8379 Leaf 5a illuminated. Bookplate of the Earl of Moira (Franks 24602). W. H. Crawford. Sandars Bequest, 1894 18th c. calf, with crest of Moira on a leather label on the spine [1358] 291
1639 Nonius Marcellus: De proprietate sermonum. F°, 287 mm. 1476 P* 4098 BM v 177 H11901 Wants the first leaf (blank) 'Thys bocke Thomas Castelyn of Wyllobe on the Wouldes gave to his godson Thomas Tee of bollam in a0 1571/ Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf, rebacked [^359]
1640 Plinius Secundus (Caius): Historia naturalis. [Italian.) F°, 386 mm. 1476 P*4O99 BM v 176 (IC. 19694) H* 13105 Sandars 10 On vellum; lavishly illuminated (see Waagen, Treasures of Art in Great Britain (1854), vol. 3, pp. 452-3), with a note by Dr Otto Pacht: 'The frontispiece of the Libro secondo is probably only a very close imitation of Venetian work of the Jacometto type. The colouring is much more metallic and the type of the initials can hardly be found in Venetian work. They point rather to Lombard (less likely Ferrarese) craftsmanship* 'Mary Argall. Jane Argall. Ann Chittham.' Royal Library, 1715 19th c. russia leather
1641 Bible: Latin. F°, 288 mm. 1476 P*4ioo BMV176 H*3o6i GW4222 Wants the first leaf (blank) and the last two leaves A late (17th c. ?) illuminated title-page on vellum has been inserted Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 18th c. calf, rebacked X 642
A n o t h e r c o p y . 300 m m . Wants the first leaf (blank) and leaves nx & n 2 MS. notes (circa 1500) relating to Robert Jonson (or Yonson), with references to Newark and Southwell, and his last injunctions to his son-in-law Thomas Coster. 'Liber Thome Babington de Kingesaie [...] emptus ex henrici hanson de Chyrche marneham I57[...].' 'Edward Cuhling.' Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf [1362]
1643 Bartolus, de Saxoferrato: Super secunda parte Codicis. F°, 423 mm. 7 May 1478 BM v 179 (IC. 19719) H* 2543 (2) GW 3509 Gaselee 118 Wants the first & last leaves (blank) F. A. Philbrick. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Half russia, circa 1800
1643-5 Bonaventura (St): Meditationes vitae Christi. (Italian.) 8°, 175 mm. GW 4784 'Questo libro e de sor Alexia donato da suo barba frate petro mantuano ordinis praedicatorum die. 25. septembris. 1528.:...' In the same hand, 'Himno de le sancte verzene' (44 lines, beginning 'Maria decor virginum. origo nostra celibis') and another hymn (8 lines, beginning 'Formosa pulcra nobilis. sancta fuit alexia'). 'Questo libro sia de s. teofila guadagna serua de Iesu cristo...' Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1949 Contemporary stamped calf [4321]
1644 Marchesinus (Johannes): Mammotrectus super Bibliam. 40, 211mm. 23 Sept. 1479 P*4i2i BMvi8o H* 10559 'M. Johanni Peers attinet liber iste de Dno Johanne Webbe.' Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Contemporary English stamped calf; stamps include Hobson: Cambridge, pi. xv, 40 [1363] 1645
A n t o n i n u s (St): Summa theologica, pars 1. F°, 293 m m . 15 D e c . 1479 P4123 BMV179 H* 1243(1) GW 2185(1) 'Pro Conuentu Frm. min. reform. Franciscan. Bulsanensium.' Bought, 1933 Contemporary calf, ruled in a diaper
1646 Johannes, Carthusiensis: Nosce te [etc.]. 4 , 192 mm. 7 July '1580' [1480] P4127
Leaves 141-152 only of the BM description, containing De immensa charitate Dei Given by J. Charrington, 1911 Modern boards
C H R I S T O P H O R U S VALDARFER, 1st press 1647 Dio, Chrysostomus: De regno. 8°, 205 mm. P*4i36 BMV184 H6186 GW8368 On vellum. The borders of 2a illuminated: an arch, supported on Corinthian columns; figures of men and beasts in front of it, a rural landscape behind Lot 533 at Puttick's, 7-10 Apr. 1892. Sandars Bequest, 1894 16th c. reddish leather, with rope-work ornament stamped in blind
1648 Cicero (Marcus Tullius): Orationes. F°, 337 mm. 1471 P*4i37 BMV183 H5122 GW6765 Collation as GW but: [# 2 a 1 0 ]; 276 leaves, the first blank 'Mastyr Langton.' Royal Library, 1715 Red morocco, circa 1700
1649 Vergerius (Petrus Paulus): De ingenuis moribus. 40, 221 mm. Cop. 5984 (1) [a-c 8 ]; 24 leaves, the last blank. 9a: 154 x n o mm., 28 lines. Type: 110R ia: .Petri Pauli Vergerii ad Vbertinu Cararienfem | de Ingenuis moribus Opus Incipit Fceliciter. | [ 4 ] R A N C I S C V S fenior auus tuus: cuius ut | extant plurimse res magnifice geftae: Ita & | multa paflim fapienter ab eo dicta memoraf: | . . . ; 9a (sig. b): Qualemin primis Herculem accepimus: quod & graeci |; 23b, 1.18: . . .nihil tibi: nifi te ipfum uideri defuuTe. | . Petri Pauli Vergerii de Ingenuis moribus & | liberalibus ftudiis adolefcentiae Liber explicit. I Bound (1) with nos 1650 & 1651. Contemporary wooden boards, originally backed with leather (now gone); the quires sewn on two bands of red leather [1367]
1650 Plutarchus: De liberis educandis [etc.], 40, 221 mm. Cop. 5984 (2) R 288 [a b 8 ]; 16 leaves. 2a: 154 x n o mm., 28 lines. Type: 110R ia: .GVARINI . V E R O N E N S I S . I N . | P L V T A R C V M . P R A E F A T I O . | [ 4 ] A I O R E S noftros Angele mi fuauiffime no | admirari: & maximis profequi laudibus non | 293
VENICE poflum...; 9a (sig. b): Enitedu itaqj pro uiribus: ut optia pueris: uel etiaipis |; 15a, 1. 5: Plutarcus Graecus de liberis | educandis Explicit fceliciter. | .Hieronymi prefbyteri de officiis libe- | ro$£ erga parentes fceliciter incipit. | . . . ; 16b, 1.22:... Qui dominum cofitendo: cum moreref: cum | fratribus a domino coram angelis coronari. | . F I N I S . | Bound (2) with nos 1649, etc.
Basil {Si): De institutis juvenum. 40, 221 mm. Cop. 5984 (3) GW3700 Bound (3) with nos 1649, etc.
A D A M DE A M B E R G A U 1652
Lactantius (L. C. F.): Opera. F°, 295 mm. 1471 P*4i44 BMvi88 H*98O9 Wants the first & last leaves (blank) 'Spectat ad ambonem in sacella sanctae katherinae philippi et jacobi ad leprosos* (cf. Cottineau, Repertoire.. .des abbayes et prieuris, n, col. 2237: Pavia, St Pierre de Verzolo, quod dicitur Leprosorum). 'G. Engelbrecht 1752/ 'J.B.N.F. 1788.' Culemann 489. Bought, 1870 18th c. vellum [w^]
Caracciolus (Robertus):' Quadragesimale de poenitentia. 40 & F°, 266 mm. 1472 P*4I54 BMV191 H*4427 GW6062 'Ex libris Congregationis Missionis Domus Papiensis.' Given by J. Charrington, 1916 19th c. rough calf [w1]
Caracciolus (Robertas): Quadragesimale de poenitentia. 40 & F°, 286 mm. 1472 Pf4i55 H*4428 GW6063 'Loci Montisfalconum fr Petrus cosonus.' 'Loci Saxi* (cf. Cottineau, Repertoire.. .des abbayes etprieuris, 11, col. 2969). Given by J. Charrington, 1916 Modern pigskin, with crest on spine: Plas Dinas Mawddwy [1372]
Leonardus, de Utino: Sermones quadragesimales de legibus. F°, 263 mm. 1473 P*4I57 BMV192 H*i6ii7 'Carthusiae Gemnicensis.' Given by J. Charrington, 1916 16th c. stamped pigskin with the arms of Gaming Charterhouse
L e o n a r d u s , de Utino: S e r m o n e s d e sanctis. 4 0 & F°, 2 2 4 m m . 1473 P*4i58 BMV192 H*r6i29 Given by J. Charrington, 1916 Modern vellum
Johannes, de Janduno: Quaestiones super libros Aristotelis De anima. F°, 428 m m . 1473 BM v 191 H 7458 Ownership stamp on ia: [.. . ] M I N . C O N V . S. F. L [ . . . ] . On the lower board an Italian exhibition label: ' . . .Espositore sig. 'Cavaleri A w , Michele'... Given by J. Charrington, 1916 Contemporary wooden boards (leather back renewed); two metal strips on lower board securing the catches (clasps gone)
1658 Thomas (St), Aquinas: De veritate catholicae fidei. 40 & F°, 230 mm. P*4i59 BMV193 H*i386 Leaf 7a illuminated, with arms: azure, an indecipherable charge (perhaps a carbuncle) or. Given by J. Charrington, 1916 Modern vellum [1376] 1659
A n t o n i n u s (St): Summa theologica, pars 11. F°, 303 m m .
P 4160 BM v 192 H1254 GW 2195 'Ad usum fratris Camilli Brll (?) et accursii fratris Brll.' An oval stamp: a monogram LV with a knot above and a star below, all white on a black ground. Given by J. Charrington, 1916 Boards [1377]
1660 Nicolaus, de Ausmo: Supplementum Summae Pisanellae [etc.]. F°, 288 mm. 1474 P 4161 BM v 192 (IB. 19842) H* 2153 Wants the first leaf (blank) 'Pro Conuentu Egenburgensi PP. Franciscanorum.' J. E. Millard. Sandars Bequest, 1894 [1378] 16th c. stamped calf, rebacked
1661 Nicolaus, de Ausmo: Supplementum Summae Pisanellae [etc.]. F°, 282 mm. 1474 P*4i62 B M v 192 (IB. 19843) H 2153a Wants the first leaf (blank) Leaf 2a illuminated, with arms: party per pale, argent and sable, diapered Adams Bequest, 1892 18th c. vellum 1662
B i b l e : Latin.
F°, 288 m m . 1476
P* 4165 BM v 193 H 3063 GW 4223 Leaf 2a illuminated, with arms, between initials D & P: azure, a pike argent bendwise. An armorial bookplate (defaced): an ecclesiastical hat above the shield, which is flanked by a mitre and a crozier: Bibliothecae Joh[...] Venetensis. Inserted is a printed circular letter, dated 14 Oct. 1782, from Joshua Briggs & Son of Liverpool, addressed to Mr Andrew Irving of Sealand Mills. William Dalton. Adams Bequest, 1892 Contemporary wooden boards, backed with vellum [1380] 295
1663 Carcanus (Michael): Sermones de peccatis. 40 & F°, 222 mm. 1476 P*4i66 BMV193 H*45O8 GW6129 Leaves 287-446 only of the BM description, containing Sermones per quadragesimam 'Coll. Sti Stefani Martiris.' Bought, 1922 Old vellum [1381]
1664 Marchesinus (Johannes): Mammotrectus super Bibliam. 40, 205 mm. 1476 P* 4168 BM v 194 (IA. 19855) H 10557 Wants the first & last leaves (blank) Adams Bequest, 1892 18th c. calf
1665 Breviarium Romanum. 2 vols. 8°, 149 mm. 1477 H3895 GW5146 The GW collation omits f12 (between quires r & s), making 482 leaves On vellum 'A.P.G.' Given by the Rev. J. H. Ellis, I9ro Red velvet
1666 Nicolaus, de Ausmo: Supplementum Summae Pisanellae [etc.], F°, 226 mm. 1477 P4170 BMV194 H* 2i56+*8oi Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 17th c. calf
1667 Marchesinus (Johannes): Mammotrectus super Bibliam. 40, 232 mm. 1478 P 4171 BM v 194 (IA. 19861) H* 10558 'Liber Conuentus Andernacensis FF. Minorum Recollectorum.' Given by J. Charrington, 1916 Contemporary stamped calf; boards lined with fragments of an n t h c. service book on vellum, with neums (Add. MS. 600042) [13^5]
1668 Thomas (St), Aquinas: Summa theologica; prima secundae. F°, 287 mm. 1478 P* 4172 BM v 194 H* 1448 Wants a5, a6, f5 & f6 (all supplied in contemporary MS.), also the last leaf (blank) 'John ffuxe 1560/ Royal Library, 1715 i8thc. half calf [1386] 1669
A n o t h e r c o p y . 288 m m . Gaselee 119 Wants the last leaf (blank) Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 19th c. red morocco
Dionysius, Periegetes: Cosmographia. 40, 196 mm. 1478 P*4i73 BMV195 H*6227 GW8427 Henry White. 'H. C. Hoskier, Nov. 1902/ Given by J. Charrington, 1916 18th c. red morocco
Mela (Pomponius): Cosmographia. 40, 187 mm. 1478 P*4i74 BMV195 H* 11017 Given by J. Charrington, 1916 18 th c. quarter calf
Sacro Bosco (Johannes de): Sphaera mundi [etc.], 40, 212 mm. 1478 P* 4175 BM v 195 H* 14108 MS. note (partly erased):'[... ]audiui spheram hanc sub preceptore Astronomie peritissimo D. Luca Ganrico de et hoc fuit sub anno M.D.xxij0. Die xviij° mensis settembris perusiae. Attamen ego cepi Inservire ipso Die 18 Iulij M.D.XXJ0.' 'Hie est fratris Vincentii Barbette...' Adams Bequest, 1892 Contemporary stamped calf
Caracciolus (Robertus): Opera varia. 40, 203 mm. 1479 P*4i76 BMV195 H*4462 GW6039 'Ad usum fratris Bernardini de Lue[re?].' Given by J. Charrington, 1916 Modern vellum, over old vellum wrappers
B i b l e : Latin.
4 0 & F°, 239 m m .
P* 4177 BM v 195 H* 3078 GW 4241 Wants ax, m 10 , and the last (blank) leaf 'Jo foland (holand?)' Beneath the colophon: 'quam emi parisius et propria manu paraui et michi est Estevean.' ' Christophorus de Longueil [ . . . ] ' (v. Opus epistolarum Des. Erasmi Roterodami denuo recognitum.. .per P. S. Allen... Tom. xi, Appendix xxvin). Royal Library, 1715 Panelled calf, circa 1700
Bible: Latin. With the commentary of Nicolausde Lyra. 3 vols. F°, 307 mm. 1482 P*4i8o BMV197 H*3i65 GW4287 Without leaves 1212-1361 of the GW description {Additiones of Paulus de Sancta Maria). Wants B 5 & B 6 in vol. 2 Bought, 1900 [1392] Old vellum
Another copy. 3 vols. 307 mm. 'Conuentus Parme ordinis Diuae virginis Carmelitarum.' Vols 1 & 2: 'fris Petri Noualarien. (?) Carm te .' Vol. 3: 'iste liber est loci heremitae.' Given b y j . Charrington, 1916 With the Additiones (no. 1677) bound at the end of vol. 3. Old vellum [1393\ 297
1677 Paulus, de Sancta Maria: Additiones ad Postillam Nicolai de Lyra [etc.]. F°, 285 mm. 1483 P4181 BMV198 KF3165 GW4287 (leaves 1212-1361) Wants a4 & a5 Bound with no. 1676 (vol. 3)
1678 Bible: Latin. 2 vols. 40, 203 mm. 1483 P*4i82 BMV198 H*3o89 GW4253 Given by J. Charrington, 1916 Old boards
1679 Marchesinus (Johannes): Mammotrectus super Bibliam. 40, 177 mm. 1483 P4183 BMV198 H* 10563 Wants the first leaf (blank) Bought, 1929 Old vellum
1680 Nicolaus, de Ausmo: Supplementum Summae Pisanellae [etc.]. 8°, 170 mm. 1483 P 4184 BM v 197 (IA. 19894) H* 2165 Given by J. Charrington, 1916 Contemporary stamped calf, the boards lined with blank vellum
GABRIELE DI P I E T R O , 1st press 1681 Augustine {St): De civitate Dei. F°, 279 mm. 1475 P*4i93 BMV201 H*2052 GW2880 Wants leaves 1, 16 & 296 (all blank) Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf, rebacked
1682 Petrus, de Bergamo: Etymologiae seu Concordantiae conclusionum Aquinatis. 8°, 124 mm. 1476 P*4i97 BMV202 H*282i Stamp: Oblatorum S. Sepulcri (i.e. the Oblates of St Ambrose resident at the church of San Sepolcro, Milan, v. Helyot, Dictionnaire des ordres religieux (1847-59), in, cols. 18-25). Bought (lot 547 at Puttick's), 25 May, 1864 Old vellum [*399]
1683 Merula (Georgius): Enarrationes Saturarum Juvenalis [etc.]. F°, 275 mm. 1478 P* 4202 BM v 202 H 11090 J. W. Guild. Given by J. Charrington, 1931 18th c. citron morocco 298
F L O R E N T I U S DE A R G E N T I N A 1684
Romani (Jacobus): Congratulatio ad Nicolaum Tronum. 40, 195 mm. 20 Mar. 1472 P* 4207 BM v 204 H* 13963 Bought, 1868 Boards, covered with a leaf of a 16th c. edition of Ptolemy
Rufus Festus (Sextus): De historia Romana [etc.]. 40, 200 mm. P* 4211 BM v 204 H* 14028=*I4O3O
Bound (4) with nos 1743, etc.
Sacro Bosco (Johannes de): Sphaera mundi [etc.]. 40, 225 mm. HC 14106 2a: 155 x 97 mm., 26 lines. Type: 119R 22b, 1. 27: deftruetur (as H, not destructur, as HC) Pinelli. Bookplate of Thomas Webb. Given by the Rev. H. Bothamley, 1893 18th c. quarter vellum
Albertus, Magnus'. Compendium theologicae veritatis. 40, 212 mm. 5 Apr. 1476 P*42i4 BMV205 H*439 GW604 15th & 16th c. MS. notes (some English) & additions on three leaves of vellum (inserted at the beginning) and on the first blank 'Iste liber pertinet ad me wylhelmum good possum producere testes Thomas bagsha presbitter vicarius de Cranbornia.' Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf [1403]
Jacobus, de Voragine: Legenda aurea. F°, 300 mm. 1478 P*42i6 BMV206 Wants the first leaf (blank) 'Liber Esaiae Ward: ex JEix X* Oxoh.' Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf, rebacked
Breviarium Romanum.
8°, 183 m m .
GW 5127 On vellum Pts 2-4 only. Pt 2 wants leaves 1-12, pt 3 wants leaf 1, and pt 4 wants leaves 1-12,120 (part), and all but one of the last 26 E. H. Lawrence. Sandars Bequest, 1894 Contemporary stamped calf, with metal bosses [374&]
Franciscus, de Platea: Opus restitutionum. 4 0 , 235 m m . 1472 P*4222 BMV208 H* 13035 Reads RESTITVTIOMVM, EXCOMVNICATIONVM and FRAMCISCVM on 2a Bought, 1894 Contemporary stamped calf [J405]
J e r o m e (St). Vita et transitus sancti Hieronymi. (Italian.) 4 0 , 225 m m . 1473 P*4225 BMV209 H8637 * Payne's sale. [Price erased] M: Wodhull Mar: 26th 1791/ Given by J. Charrington, 1916 18th c. vellum [i4°6\ with BARTOLOMMEO DI CARLO
Modestus: De re militari [etc.], 4 0 , 178 m m . 27 May 1474 P* 4227 BM v 209 (IA. 20027) H* 11443 Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (1) with no. 2539. Modern half morocco
J A C O B U S R U B E U S , 1st press 1693
Calderinus (Domitius): Commentarii in Martialem et in Ibin Ovidii. F°, 281 mm. 13 Sept. 1474 P*4235 BMV213 H4237 GW 5889 + 5891 Wants leaf 172 (blank) A MS. note on one of the vellum paste-downs shows that these originally covered a MS. chronicle (629 leaves) of events 'sub regimine magnifici et generosi viri domini Matthei Memo hominis potentis [...] et Cap. vallis Lagarine...' 1456-1459 A stamp: D.D. 1652 about a three-tailed cross of Lorraine. *Geo. Offley, Covent Garden.' Given by F. Jenkinson, 1891 19th c. calf [1408]
Vergilius Maro (Publius): Opera. F°, 295 mm. Jan. 1475 P*4238 BMV214 Wants the first & last leaves (blank) Royal Library, 1715 18th c. red morocco
1695 Juvenalis (Decimus Junius): Saturae [etc.]. 40, 278 mm. 24 Apr. 1475 P*4239 BMV214 H*9688 Contemporary MS. notes in a German hand on two leaves inserted at the beginning Bookplate: B A Z W (c£. no. 32). Label: Bonauentura Abbas Minoraug. 'Monasterii Augiae Minoris.' ' W . W . Radford 1871' Contemporary wooden boards, the original red leather which covered them removed during the 19th c. and replaced by old vellum 300
1696 Aretinus (Leonardus): Historia Florentina. (Italian.) F°, 320 mm. 12 Feb. 1476 P*4242 BMV215 H*i562 GW 5612 Wants the first leaf (blank) Given by J. Charrington, 1916 Old vellum
1697 Valla (Laurentius): Elegantiae [etc.]. F°, 281 mm. 1476 P*4245 BMV216 H* 15806 Wants the first quire (A 8 ); replaced, by 8 leaves of table in contemporary MS. An erased inscription: * Liber ecclesiae cathedralis Dunelm.' Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf
1698 Dominicus, de Sancto Geminiano: Super vi Decretalium, pars 1. F°, 383 mm. 10 Sept. 1476 P*4247 BMV216 H*7539 GW 8646 Very imperfect; wants 116 leaves 'My lord chawnceler/ Given by Thomas Rotherham, circa 1484 19th c. stamped calf in early 18th c. style
FILIPPO DI P I E T R O 1699 Fenestella (Lucius): De Romanorum magistratibus. 40, 206 mm. P*4262 BMV218 H6958 Duke of Sussex. 'William Cureton.' ' C . E. Sayle from E. G. Swain, Dec. 12, 1900/ Given by C. E. Sayle, 1912 [i414] 19th c. stamped calf
1700 Sallustius Crispus (Gaius): Opera. F°* 280 mm. 22 June 1478 P*4268 BMV220 H* 14207 Wants the first leaf (blank) 'Mr Palmer.' A MS. note 'To the right worshipfull the deputy lieft-Tennants at Winchcombe', complaining that the Constable of Nanton has summoned a married man (the bearer) to the muster, and ending 'Your worshipps humble servant speaks this Verbo Sacerdotis. Tho. F.' Royal Library, 1715 18 th c. calf
1701 Cicero (Marcus Tullius): Rhetorica vetus. F°, 233 mm. 1479 P* 4271 BM v 221 H 5062 (2) GW 6735 (1) Leaves 49-97 only of the BM description. Wants e3 and the last (blank) leaf; without the extra leaf signed bb 'Presented to the [Royal] Archaeological Institute [of Gt Britain & Ireland] by Edward Glynn Esq., Newcastle.' Given by A. S. F. Gow, 1935 Boards covered with music MS. [4133] 301
1702 Justinus (Marcus Junianus): Epitome in Trogi Pompeii Historias. F°, 292 m m . 12 D e c . 1479 P 4274 BM v 221 H* 9651 Wants the first leaf (blank) 'Emptus a Duce de la Valiere pretio 81 libb. Gallicarum.' Jenkinson Fund, 1934 Old vellum
JOHANNES DE COLONIA & JOHANNES MANTHEN 1703 Barbatia (Andreas): De officio judicis delegati, legati et judicis ordinarii. F°, 392 mm. 1474 H*2449 GW3366 Collation varies from GW: [h 10 ], [r 10 ]. Wants 7 leaves in [B] (if a quire often leaves), and the last leaf (blank) Given by Thomas Rotherham, circa 1484 18th c. calf, rebacked
1704 Ubaldis (Baldus de): Lectura super i-ra Codicis. F°, 415 mm. 23 Sept. 1474 H* 2286 [a10 b-d 12 e-h10] i-m 10 n o 8 [p-u10] x 10 y 6 z10 z2 98 aa6 [bb cc10] dd ee10 E 10 [ff10] gg-ii 10 k k l l 8 m m 1 0 n n o o 8 ; 376 leaves, the first probably blank. 3a: 271 x 160 mm., 55 lines, 2 columns. Types: 200G (headings), 99G (text) 2a: De nouo Codice. componendo. R/ica | (o8)Poa | tet2gueire | folum | adbiidictone | tua et O2tum I lucf. te adoaai. | Ingrati enim fpes tantjj hy- | bernalis glacies tabefcet...; n a (sig. b): valeat ftatutu. qz inducit maximu vitium |; 376a, col. 2, 1. 40: Finit lectura excelletiflimi necno famo | fiflimi legu pfefTof. dfii Baldi. fug p 20. et | 30. Codicf. q goptie a viris appsobatiuimis | emedata: Impflioi venetijs extat expofita | ductu et ipedio Iohanis de Colonia nee | no Iohanis mathen de gherretzem. Anno | falutf. M.cccc.lxxiiij. die. xxiij. feptebrf. | Wants the first leaf Given by Thomas Rotherham, circa 1484 Calf, circa 1700 [1417]
1705 Cicero (Marcus Tullius): Orationes Philippicae. 40, 289 mm. 1474 P*4293 BMV230 H*5i37 GW6795 Wants leaf 2 (blank) On the first blank a MS. list of 'remedies for the coUicke and stone. The duke of Norf. medicin.. .St Anthonie Brones Knight.. .The lord Lyster lord cheife Justice.. .The lord pagget...' 'E. Emanuel' Bound (2) with no. 1774 [1418]
1706 Tudeschis (Nicolaus de): Lectura super rv et v Decretalium. F°, 415 mm. BMV225 H* 12330 Wants [q10] of the BM collation 'My lord chawnceler/ Given by Thomas Rotherham, circa 1484 Calf, circa 1700
1707 Pontanus (Ludovicus): Singularia juris. F°, 394 mm. 1475 P 4299 BM v 231 H* 13270 Wants a10, bj & b 10 'My lord chawnceler* Bound (2) with no. 1726
Another copy. 393 m m . Wants the last leaf (blank) Bound (3) with nos 1614, etc.
Tudeschis (Nicolaus d e ) : Lectura super 111 Decretalium. F°, 415 m m . 1475 H* 12308 (5) a-e 10 f8 g-k 1 0 1 8 m n 10 o 8 [p?] q 8 r 10 f 8 1 1 0 v 8 [x?] y 8 z 10 [aa?] bb 8 cc-fF10 gg 8 hh 10 ii8 [kk?] II8 mm 12 ; probably 338 leaves, the first & last (ignored by Hain) blank. This copy, which has 287 leaves, wants the quires given in brackets in the above collation, also o 7 , o 8 and the last leaf. 3a: 271 x 160 mm., 55 lines, 2 columns. Types: 200G (headings), 99G (text) Given by Thomas Rotherham, circa 1484 Calf, circa 1700 [1422]
1710 Bartolus, de Saxoferrato: Super prima parte Digesti veteris. F°, 409 mm. 1475 H2580 GW3583 Wants the first leaf (blank) Given by Thomas Rotherham, circa 1484 Calf, circa 1700
1711 Bartolus, de Saxoferrato: Super secunda parte Infortiati. F°, 412 mm. 9 Mar. 1475 BMV231 GW3630 Wants c 10 , also the first & last leaves (blank) Given by Thomas Rotherham, circa 1484 Calf, circa 1700
1712 Leonardus, de Utino: Sermones de sanctis. 40, 204 mm. 1475 P4300 BMV226 H*i6i32 Wants h 3 & h 8 , also the last leaf (blank) 'Hie liber est fratris Fran0.1 Jorij Garg?is or. mi. con.' Bought, 1903 Old vellum
1713 Alexander, de Ales: Super m Sententiarum. F°, 267 mm. 1475 P*43O2 BMV226 H*647 GW 870 Wants leaves 1 & 372 (blank) and the table (373-80) Royal Library, 1715 17th c. calf, rebacked 303
1714 Bartolus, de Saxoferrato: Super prima parte Digesti novi. F°, 391 mm. 1476 H 2607(1) GW3547 Wants ax, a2, a9, a10, quires m-p, xl9 x 10 , y 1? y 8 , c q , cc 8 , and quires dd & ee (66 leaves altogether) Given by Thomas Rotherham, circa 1484 [1427] 18th c. calf
1715 Bartolus, de Saxoferrato: Super prima parte Codicis. F°, 407 mm. 1476 P 4305 BM v 232 H* 2542 (1) GW 3490 Wants e 4 , e 5 , quires k-(n o), and (p q)i,i 0 (42 leaves altogether) Given by Thomas Rotherham, circa 1484 Calf, circa 1700
1716 Bartolus, de Saxoferrato: Super secunda parte Codicis. F°, 408 mm. 1476 Pf43O5A H* 2542 (2) GW3508 Wants quires m, n, M & o, also r7 (29 leaves altogether) Given by Thomas Rotherham, circa 1484 Calf, circa 1700
1717 Tudeschis (Nicolaus de): Lectura super 1 Decretalium, pars 1,11. F°, 413 mm. 18 Aug. 1476 H 12308 (1) a10 [b-p ?] q10 r 8 f6 aa-dd 10 ee8 ff-kk10 (11 mm) 10 nn-qq 8 ; 174 leaves out of the 306 given by Hain. 3a: 270 x 160 mm., 58 lines, 2 columns. Types: 200G, with three sorts of I (headings), 94GB (text) ia: blank; i b : Tabula carta^ 6M pfitf. libd. O2dine poneda^ | [table in 4 columns]; 2a: [ 7] Rego I rius epus. | Quonia 01s ro | fuperne creature | vel terrene fcie 11 deo e q e earuca | putcauctoa...; 174a (qq8), I.45: Explicit lectu.famouuimivtriufqaiuris | doctoais drii Abbatis ficuli archyepi Pano* | mitani fug pamu decretaliu Ubm que gopti | me emedata impaeflione | Venetijs adepta e | expenfis Iohis de Colonia fotijqj ei9 Iohis | mathen de Gherretzhem. Anno natiuitatis | xpi. M.CCCC.Lxxvi. die xviij. Augufti. | Wants quires b-p, the collation of which appears from the Tabula cartarum to be: b-e8-10 f-i10 k-n8-10 o p 1 0 ; 132 leaves *My lord chawnc[eler].' Given by Thomas Rotherham, circa 1484 Calf, circa 1700 [1430]
1718 Tudeschis (Nicolaus de): Lectura super 11 Decretalium, pars 1. F°, 410 mm. 1476 H* 12308 (2) a-f10-8 g h 10 i 6 k-x8-10y8 aa-ff10-8 gg hh 10 ii-118; 294 leaves, the first, and probably the last, blank. 3a: 270 x 165 mm., 58 lines. Types: 200G, with two sorts of I (headings), 94GB (text) Wants quires cc & dd (collation reconstructed from the Registrum), kk3_6, and the last leaf Given by Thomas Rotherham, circa 1484 Calf, circa 1700 [1431]
1719 Tudeschis (Nicolaus de): Lectura super n Decretalium, pars in. F°, 414 mm. 1476 H* 12308 (4) flrst & last probably blank. a _dio.8 e fio g i 1 8i_ 0 p i2 q io r 8fio t 6 v 8. l 8 o i e a v e s > ^ 3a: 272 x 163 mm., 58 lines. Types: 200G, with two sorts of I (headings), 94GB (text) Wants the first & last leaves * [M]y lord chaw[nceler].' Given by Thomas Rotherham, circa 1484 Calf, circa 1700
1720 Ptiscianus, grammaticus: Opera. F°, 341 mm. 1475-6 P*43o6 BMV231 H* 13357 Wants the first leaf (blank) * Caesar Fabricius Brugensis.' Royal Library, 1715 Calf, circa 1700
1721 Duns (Johannes), Scotus: Scriptum in librum iv Sententiarum. F°, 290 mm. P4315 BMV227 H* 6416 (4) GWoo73(4) Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Contemporary stamped calf
Gaseleei20 [3977]
1722 Dominicus, de Sancto Geminiano: Super vi Decretalium, pars n. F°, 423 mm. 18 Nov. 1477 P* 4321 BM v 229 H* 7541 GW 8647 (Anm.) Wants the last leaf (blank) Probably acquired between 1862 and 1864 Contemporary stamped pigskin 1723
P i u s I I : Historia r e r u m u b i q u e gestarum. F°, 282 m m .
[H34] 1477
P*4322 BMV233 H*257 Wants the first leaf (blank) * Stephanus Baluzius Tutelensis/ Quaritch's Sunderland Library label. Given by S. Sandars, 1893 17th c. red morocco I1435] 1724
A n o t h e r c o p y . 281 m m . Wants the first leaf (blank) 'Edward Beresford 1767/ From the library of F. Jenkinson, 1923 18th c. quarter calf
A n t o n i n u s [St): S u m m a theologica, pars 11. F°, 295 m m . P4323 BMV228 H* 1255 = 1251 (2) GW2196 Wants the first leaf (blank) Bought, 1933 Modern vellum
[1436] 1477
[3752] 20
1726 Bellincinus (Bartholomaeus): Apostillae super lecturas Panormitani et Antonii de Butrio. F°, 394 mm. 1477 P*4325 BMV229 H* 2760=2759 GW3804 Wants ax, a10, k 1 0 ,1 4 , m 1 0 , nl9 n 10 , q x , and eight leaves of quire y. Two of the missing leaves now line the covers of no. 1360, and a third leaf has been recovered from another binding. Leaf ^ of no. 1360 has been recovered from the binding of this book Given by Thomas Rotherham, circa 1484 Bound (1) with no. 1707. Calf, circa 1700, rebacked [H37\ 1727
Astesanus, de Ast: Summa de casibus conscientiae. F°, 310 m m . 18 Mar. 1478 P*4329 BMV233 H* 1893 GW2754 Wants the blank leaves (1, 11 & 590) of the BM collation Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 18th c. calf
Lactantius (L. C . F.): Opera. F°, 286 m m . 27 Aug. 1478 P*4332 BMV233 H*98i4 Wants the first leaf (blank) Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf
1729 Tudeschis (Nicolaus de): Lectura super 11 Decretalium, pars in. F°, 404 mm. 23 Jan. 1479 Accurti {Al) 70 Wants the first leaf (blank) and the last (probably blank) A. G. Dew-Smith. Given by F. W . Maitland, 1906 Modern half pigskin
NEL BERETIN C O N V E N T O DELLA CA GRANDE 1730 Fiore di virtu. 8°, 199 mm. 1474 P4349 BM v 238 (IA. 20412) H7098 Wants leaves 6 & 7 (supplied in contemporary MS.). Leaves 67b & 72a were left blank in the printing. This defect has been remedied by the same hand from a later expanded version, making it necessary to insert an extra leaf between 71 & 72 'Domus S: Pantaleonis Schol: Piarum [at Rome, v. Helyot, Dictionnaire des ordres religieux (1847-59), n, cols. 129-30] Ex haered. Franci de Rubeis.' 'Ex bibli5* Altempsna.' Culemann 234. Worts Fund, 1870 Contemporary calf, with rope-work pattern in blind, metal bosses; the boards lined with MS. fragments (Tractatus de sphaera of Johannes de Sacro Bosco and a hymnary, both circa 1500) [1441]
ANTONIO MISCOMINI *^* See also no. 2339
1731 Jerome (St): Epistolae. F°, 398 mm. 22 Jan. 1476 P* 4356 BM v 240 H* 8556 Wants V 4 (blank). A 2 & ax illuminated with pictures of St Jerome 306
VENICE 'Collegij SS. Philippi et Jacobi Cong is Somaschae' (at Vicenza. Cf. G. Cevaschi, Somasca graduata (1743), p. 36). An oval stamp: S.G. beneath -^-, all white on a black ground. H. C. Hoskier. Given by J. Charrington, 1917 Old vellum [*443\ 1732
A n o t h e r copy. 378 m m . Wants A10, B x and the blank leaves x 7 & x 8 'John Dauis.' 'Thomas Monnington.' 'Donum Gulielmi Thurlbourn Bibhopolae Cantabrigiensis. A.D. 1739* 19th c. half calf [1444]
Vergilius Maro (Publius): Opera. F°, 334 mm. Oct. '1486' [1476] P*4358 BMV240 Wants the first & last leaves (blank) The initial on 2a illuminated, with arms: azure, two chevrons or between three roses argent (John Russell, Chancellor of England); on the chevrons' Verus Celluy | Je suis' (cf. Bodleian Library Record, m, 32 (August 1951), p. 178) 'Thomas Dutton.' 'RichardusKingesacerdos.' 'JohnLatham.' 'Thomas Gazzard.' Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf [i445]
Another copy. 330 mm. Wants the first & last leaves (blank) 'Liber constat will9 Attewater', with his motto written after the colophon (and elsewhere): 'Vox domini super Aquas' 'pretio 2s/ In a late 17th c. hand: 'Librum donavit Longlondus episcopus istum. Joann: Longland Episcopus Lincolniens: ab A9 1521. Ad Annum 1547/ Royal Library, 1715 Late 17th c. calf, the boards lined with blank vellum
Bible: Italian. F°, 319 mm. 1477 P4359 BMV241 H3151 GW4312 Wants the blank leaves (aax & D 6 ) Royal Library, 1715 17th c. calf
J?tiscianus,grammaticus: Opera. F°, 282 mm. 1476 P*436i BMV242 H13358 Wants the first leaf (blank) Heitland Fund, 1948 17th c. rough calf, formerly chained
Regiomontanus (Johannes): Kalendarium. 40, 278 mm. 1476 P4365 BMV243 H* 13776 Rustat Fund, 1875 19th c. vellum
[1448] 307
1738 Regiomontanus (Johannes): Kalendarium. Another copy. 280mm. Sandars Bequest, 1894 Bound (1) with no. 2286. Contemporary stamped calf
1739 Appianus: Historia Romana. 40, 280 mm. 1477 P*4367 BMV244 11*1307(2) GW 2290(1) The borders are printed in black Bound (2) with no. 1740
1740 Appianus: De bellis civilibus. 4 , 280 mm. 1477 P4368 BMV244 H* 1307(1) GW229o(2) With the borders printed in red Wants the first leaf (blank) W. Morris. L. W. Hodson. Given by J. Charrington, 1916 Bound (1) with no. 1739. Modern vellum 1741
A n o t h e r , variant, c o p y . 267 m m . With the borders printed in black Wants the first leaf (blank) French names scribbled (16th c.) at end: 'Baugerrye (?)' 'Pierre Bourgeoys.' 'Philippi Bodin.' Royal Library, 1715 17th c. calf [1452]
A n o t h e r c o p y . 293 m m . With the borders printed in black 'Sydney C. Cockerell, Richmond, Surrey 1899. To Emery Walker April 2, 1915/ 'Bequeathed back to m e . . .22 July 1933. S . C . C Given by J. Charrington, 1934 Contemporary ruled reddish leather, with clasps (Spanish) [38
Cepio (Coriolanus): Gesta Petri Mocenici. 4 0 , 200 mm. 1477 P*4369 BMV244 KF4849 GW6473 Armorial bookplate of the 10th Duke of Hamilton (Hamilton Library 498, 2 May 1884). Given by S. Sandars, 1893 Bound (1) with nos 1871, 2062,1685 & 2132. Contemporary wooden boards backed with I1453] stamped leather
1744 Mela (Pomponius): Cosmographia. 40, 228 mm. 1478 P* 4373 BM v 245 H* 11016 Royal Library, 1715
Modern half pigskin
1745 Mataratius (Franciscus): De componendis versibus [etc.], 40, 205 mm. 25 Nov. '1468' [1482?] P*4376 BMV287 H* 10889 Bound (5) with nos 1829, etc. *** P* 4379- See no. 1757
1746 Rolewinck (Werner): Fasciculus temporum. F°, 309 mm. 21 Dec. 1481 P*438i BMV285 H*6928 An oval stamp: within the oval, a crown (?) with a monogram (?) below it; around the oval: F.[,..]S.B. (perhaps a Benedictine house). Biblioteca Magnani. 1816. Citta di Bologna. Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 Old vellum [1456] 1747
A l c h a b i t i u s : Liber isagogicus. 4 0 , 209 m m . 16 J a n . 1482 P4382 BMV285 H * 6 i 6 GW843 Bound (1) with no. 1761. 19th c. half russia
E u c l i d e s : E l e m e n t a . F°, 288 m m . 25 M a y 1482 P* 4383 BM v 285 (IB. 20513) H* 6693 GW 9428 Bought, 1862 Modern half morocco
Another copy. 296 m m . Wants g 3 , g 6 , and the last (blank) leaf Stamps: (1) FT, in a heart; (2) oblong: monogram AFMS (?), white on black. Adams Bequest, 1892 19th c. green leather, ornamented in gold & silver U459]
1750 Sacro Bosco (Johannes de): Sphaera mundi [etc.], 40, 212 mm. 6 July 1482 P*4384 BMV286 H* 14110 Wants the first leaf (woodcut) 'Francisci Pacij Anno a Partu Virginis 1630.' Adams Bequest, 1892 Modern half morocco
1751 Mela (Pomponius): Cosmographia [etc.], 40, 192 mm. 18 July 1482 P*4385 BMV286 H* 11019 'Johannes Serlinger.' Given by S. Sandars, 1870 (or 1871) Paper boards 1752
H y g i n u s : Poetica astronomica. 4 0 , 212 m m . 14 Oct. 1482 P*4387 BMV286 H*9o62 * Liber philippi hierolimi gradii et familiarium.' L. W. Hodson. Given by J. Charring ton, 1916 18th c. calf
1753 Publicius (Johannes): Artis oratoriae epitomata [etc.). 40, 214 mm. 30 Nov. 1482 P*4388 BMV287 H* 13545 'P*1 Jo: Ambrosii Sanazarii Salut1-55' 'Collegii Salut. Soc. Jesu ex dono d. d. Advoc. Martine (?).' Heitland Fund, 1949 Contemporary ruled calf, repaired 309
1754 Alfonso X : Tabulae astronomicae [etc.]. 40, 225 mm. 4 July 1483 P*438o BMV287 H*868 GW1257 Arms on 2a, with initials GAE: bendy of four, argent and gules. * Liber Petri Rosseti amicorumque.' Bought, 1894 Contemporary wooden boards, leather back [1463]
1755 Eusebius Pamphili: Chronicon. 40, 235 mm. 13 Sept. 1483 P*439O BMV287 H*67i7 GW9433 'Pinelli Appendix. 2 : 3s. 6d. M: Wodhull Feb. 26th 1790' Old quarter vellum
1756 Regiomontanus (Johannes): Ephemerides. 40, 210mm. 4 Apr. 1484 P4395 BMV288 H*i379i A fragment (leaves 1-9 only) British Museum duplicate, transferred 1889 19th c. half calf
1757 Rolewinck (Werner): Fasciculus temporum. F°, 263 mm. 28 May 1484 P*4396 BMV288 H* 6934 Gaselee 121 Wants the last leaf, for which the last three leaves of the 1480 edition (P 4379) have been substituted 'Ad usum F. Ferdi Mancinii Seruitae.' Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 19th c. half russia [397$]
1758 Hyginus: Poetica astronomica. 40, 190 mm. 22 Jan. 1485 P*4398 BMV289 H*9O63 Bookplate & stamp of Hercules de Silva. Adams Bequest, 1892 18th c. calf 1759
B r e v i a r i u m Augustanum. 8°, 170 m m . 30 Apr. 1485 H 3792=^3796 GW 5265 Wants the first leaf (imprint), G10 (blank) and the last eight leaves (special offices) 'Hunc librum dedid in donum Ottilia lambacensis Ioanni Strohamer sororis suae nato 1544 anno Vienne statim post obitum Bartholomew' 'Carolus Houitius in Lambach Anno domini 1605 Jarh.' Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1941 Contemporary stamped calf [4216]
1760 Alchabitius: Liber isagogicus [etc.]. 40, 189 mm. 1485 P*44oo BMV290 H * 6 i 7 Adams Bequest, 1892 19th c. calf
— _ Part of another copy. 209 mm. Leaves 1 & 36-98 (Johannes Saxoniensis, Commentum super Alchabitium) only Bound (2) with no. 1747 310
Part of another copy. 193 mm. Leaves 2-35 (text of Alchabitius) only 19th c. boards
1762*5 Sacro Bosco (Johannes de): Sphaera mundi [etc.]. 40, 200 mm. 1485 P* 4402 BM v 290 H* 14111 Leaves 45-58 only, containing Regiomontanus, Disputationes contra deliramenta Cremonensia
Given by H. L. Pink, 1949 Modern quarter morocco
Haly (Albohazen): Liber in judiciis astrorum. F°, 320 mm. 4 July 1485 P* 4403 BM v 290 H* 8349 'Dionisii Sandtackher Gegenschreiber zw Engelharzell 1537.' E. Solly. Adams Bequest, 1892
16th c. stamped calf; round the central panel (which is plain save for two horizontal fillets) a roll with fleur-de-lys, portcullis, crown and rose, each in a dotted double circle; between each pair a ribbon ornament comprising four heart-shaped motifs; all against a dotted background [1470] 1764
A n o t h e r c o p y . 267 m m . 'In usum Alexand: Mayr Med: d.' (cf. BM v 364 (IB. 22113), where a similar inscription is dated 1608). Culemann 131. Adams Bequest, 1892 [1471] 19th c. calf
buotia tic Bella tie diricta ne bonefta fenza ucrgogcria* Salomonc dice doue e lauergognia ellafede*Ancbora dice cbi teme uergognia ingiouentu e buono iignale* Sancto Hldero dice porta fempre lauergognia dinanzI alia facciaCaflRodero dice cbi non teme uergognia fa ra lepellito uiuo«Plato dice meglio e lamortecbe non temere uergognia percbe neUa perfona no puo efferc peggiore uitioSalomonediceeluergognolb-non puo eflkre uitupcrato ne lbumile odiato ne lo libero niuerc male*Plato dice dellauirtu del bonefta non bifogna i tramecterfi niuna altra uirtu* Socrate dice lbonefta 6. Type-specimen (Inc. 1765) 1765
F i o r e di virtu. 4 0 , 177 m m . ' 1477' Pell. 4804 Type (fig. 6): Ratdolt's 91R (?), but measuring 88 A reprint of one of the editions printed Nel Beretin Convento. The date in the metrical colophon reads 1477, but with no month specified. Cf. the reprint Apud S. Jacobum de Ripoli described in BM vi 621 * Thomas Stewart, Murthly Castle, 1821/ Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 19th c. stamped calf [1442]
V I N D E L I N U S DE SPIRA, 2nd press 1766
Duns (Johannes), Scotus: Quaestiones selectae. 40, 223 mm.
P*44ii BMV248 H*6454 GW9092 Wants the last leaf 'Conuentus Limpurgensis S. Francisci de obseruan.' Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1947 19 th c. leather, with stamp ofJohn Henry Gurney, by J. & W. Quinton of Norwich [4238] A m b r o s i u s , de Spiera: Quadragesimale. F°, 292 m m . 18 D e c . 1476 P4412 BMV248 H*9i9 Wants leaves 1 (blank), 2-18 (table), 19 (blank) & 511-12 (blank) 'Dominus pascit me non £gebo. E. Layfield 1552/ Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 17th c. calf
Another copy. 277 mm. Wants the first and the last two blank leaves A circular stamp: a cross between initials SS, M below. 'Ad usum Fratris Joseph Belgiosensis minor, obser.' From the library of F. Jenkinson, 1923 16th c. stamped calf, rebacked with old vellum [i473]
D a n t e A l i g h i e r i : Divina commedia. F°, 311 m m . 1477 P*44i4 BMV248 H5942 GW7964 Wants leaf 8, and the blank leaves 1 & 17 MS. notes by Francesco di Galleri recording births of his children in Loreo, 1482-1516. Hopetoun. A. J. Butler. Given by Mrs A. J. Butler, 1910 18th c. calf [i474]
Another copy. 312 m m . Wants the blank leaves 1, 17 & 376 Given by A. W. Young, 1933 Morocco, by Bedford
A D A M DE R O T T W E I L , 1st press 1771
Sisgoreus (Georgius): Carmina. 40, 209 mm. 1477 Pf44i7 HR 14794 [a-d 8 ]; 32 leaves Syston Park. Given by C. E. Grant, 1910 Olive morocco, by C. Smith
A N D R E A S DE PALTASICHIS, 1st press 1772
Horae ad usum Romanum. 160, 76 mm. 20 Apr. 1478 H 8843 =6288 Lacombe 557-8 TFS i90iq [a b 8 A-Y 8 ]; 192 leaves. 25a: 50 x 34 mm., 12 lines. Type: 82G (Haebler 2*) ia: Ianuari9113 dies, xxxi | lua. xxx. nox hoas. xvi | [red] iij a Circucifio . . . |; 16b, 1. 11: [red] xiij a [black] S. filueftri pape |; 17a: [red] Incipit ofii. beate marie | vginis 6m confuetudine | to. curie. Ad matutiu. v6 | [black] [ 7] O - | M | I | N | E | la- | bia | mea 312
VENICE aperies...; 25a: [ ]uis e ifte rex glie? dfis | virtutu ipe e rex gloae. | . . .; 94b, 1. 9: [red] Explicit omciu beate ma | rie vngis fecudu pfuetu- | dine romane curie |; 99a: [red] Incipiut fepte pfalmi pei | teciales. An. [black] Ne remif. | [ 6 ] Omine | . . . ; 129a: [red] Incipit officiu mortuoi* | Ad uergas. Afi. [black] Place | bo diio. [red] Pfalmus. | [black] [ 5 ] ILEXI I quoniam | exaudiet | dns uoce | oaatiois | mee ; 182a: [red] Incipit officiu fcfe csucis | Ad matutinum. v. | [black] [ 6 ] Omie | labia | mea a | peries | . . . ; 192a, 1. 4: Explicit officia bfe made | virginis mo^tuo^. crucis | t fpnitus fancti: nee no t I fepte pfal. peii. impfli g | Andrea d palthafcichijs | catharefem. die. xx. apail. | Ano dfii. M.cccc.lxxviij | On vellum Wants leaves 95-8 (Introitus ad missam B.V.M.) and 187 (first leaf of Officium sancti spiritus); with 7 inserted leaves (inserted after leaves 30, 44, 49, 53, 57, 61 & 69) on which are written the beginnings of the Offices of the Hours. These MS. additions are required to complete the text, but are additional to the collation Ex libris Jacobi Manzoni. Given by the Rev. H. Bothamley, 1893 19th c. morocco [1476]
Cicero (Marcus Tullius): De oratore. F°, 265 mm. 20 Aug. 1478 P*4424 BMV251 H5102 GW6749 Wants a5 & a6, also the first & last leaves (blank) Royal Library, 1715 Calf, circa 1700
Another copy. 289 mm. Wants the first leaf (blank) 'Jacobus Clayton est verus huius libri possessor/ Royal Library, 1715 Bound (1) with no. 1705. 18th c. calf, rebacked
Lucanus (Marcus Annaeus): Pharsalia. F°, 279 mm. 14 May 1477 P* 4426 BM v 252 H* 10233 Wants the last leaf (blank) Sunderland. Sir E. Sullivan. Sandars Bequest, 1894 18th c. red morocco
REYNALDUS DE NOVIMAGIO with THEODORUS DE REYNSBURCH 1776 Paulus, Venetus: Expositio in Analytica posteriora Aristotelis. F°, 273 mm. 14 June 1477 P4427 BMV253 H*i25ii Wants the first leaf (blank) With 5 leaves of MS. addition (Questio de Subiecto libri Priorum et posteriorum, an Sit unum Subiectum) in a 16th c. hand Duke of Sussex. John Tomlinson. Bought, 1894 Old vellum [14S0] 313
1777 Petrarca (Francesco): Trionfi. F°, 279 mm. 6 Feb. 1478 P* 4429 BM v 254 H12767 (2) Leaf 2a as in BM IB. 20641. The text (enclosed in commentary) begins on 5a: Nel tempo che rinuoua imei fofpiri | Wants a1>3,4,10, quires e, f, 1, bb 2 , 5 & gg2,9 (32 leaves altogether). Leaves c 3)4 duplicated Bought, 1908 18th c. calf
1778 Petrarca (Francesco): Sonetti e canzoni. F°, 217mm. 30 Mar. 1478 P*443O BMV254 H 12767 (1) Wants k3,4 Bought, 1900 Old vellum
1779 Bible: Latin. F°, 294 mm. 1478 P4431 BMV254 11*3070 GW4231 Wants the first leaf (blank) Royal Library, 1715 Panelled calf, circa 1700, rebacked 1780
A n o t h e r c o p y . 303 m m . Wants the first & last leaves (blank). The colophon has been garbled to read '1476' At the end a MS. entry, dated 3 Oct. 1509, relating to payments made to the Dean & Chapter of Lincoln *J. Wilson, 1755/ 'Aitchison.' Given by A. W. Young, 1933 Red morocco, circa 1800 [377&]
1781 Niger (Petrus): Clipeus Thomistarum. F°, 265 mm. 1481 P4440 BMV257 H * n 8 8 8 A circular stamp, in blue: monogram VF in a wreath. Bought, 1897 Modern quarter forrel
1782 Vergilius Maro (Publius): Opera. F°, 299 mm. 27 Sept. 1482 P4443 BMV257 Wants the first two leaves (blank) Royal Library, 1715 i8thc. half calf
1783 Plinius Secundus (Caius): Historia naturalis. F°, 301 mm. 6 June 1483 P*4445 BMV257 H* 13095 Wants the first leaf (blank) 'Osbaldeston.' *E lib. Sam. Prince. 1839.' 'H. T. Griffith, North Walsham, from Wm. Ismay, Emm. Coll. Camb. xxv November 1867/ Bought, 1897 18th c. calf, rebacked [i486] 314
1784 Chaimis (Bartholomaeus de): Interrogatorium. 40, 201 mm. 28 Sept. i486 P*4448 BMV258 H*2488 GW 6549 Bought, 1893 18th c. paper boards, the upper cover painted with the arms of Sir William de Clinton, Earl of Huntingdon, founder of the Augustinian Priory of St Mary & St Michael at Maxstoke, co. Warwick, in 1336 [1487]
ALVISIUS D E S I L I P R A N D I S 1785 Psalter: Latin. 40, 202 mm. 18 Apr. 1478 BM v 260 Wants leaf 1 (blank), most of leaf 6, and leaves 28-9, 36 & 52-3 Label of Conte Paolo Vimercati-Sozzi. Bought, 1901 19th c. quarter morocco
D O M I N I C U S DE SILIPRANDIS 1786 Plutarchus: Problemata. 40, 196 mm. P*4454 BMV263 H*i3i37 'Antonii Seripandi ex Iani Parrhasii testamento.' 'Gul. Milton, Coll. Exon. Oxon.' 'Wheatley's Sept. 8th, 1837/ Stamp: W.M. beneath a crest (a lion's head erased, ducally gorged). Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 [Hfy] Old vellum
LEONARDUS WILD * ¥ * P 4456 A. Reattributed by BM to an unidentified printer at Venice. See no. 2229
1787 Bible: Latin. F°, 298 mm. 1481 PJ4459 H3082 GW4247 'Ista biblia est Ursati de villa empta super nundinas de anno 1500 precio lbrJ 3 s' [... ] a mro betino cartulario.' * C. E. Harris, Tylney Hall.' C. E. Harris St John. Cambridge Baskerville Club Fund, 1931 Modern morocco [3^95] 1788
Petrarca (Francesco): Sonetti e canzoni. F°, 275 mm. 1481 Pf446o HC* 12768(1) Bound (2) with no. 1789
Petrarca (Francesco): Trionfi. F°, 275 m m . 1481 Pf 4461 HC* 12768 (2) 2a: [ 2 ]D Illuftriflimum Mutine Ducem Diuum Bo*fium Eftenfem Bernardi glicini | Medicine ac philofophie difcipuli in triumphoaum CL. P. Fra. Petrarce expo | fitio Incipit. | [ 8 ] Vblio2 Cosnelio Scipione Illuftriflimo. P. Nefuna ma | gioae victoaia o piu fingulare triumpho efTere...; 4b (commentary): [ 3 ] Efcriue MefTer Francefco il Senfitiuo dominio fingendo Cupidine triopha | re degli huomini in quefta foana (text) [ ] EL T E M P O 315
VENICE che rinnoua | imei fofpiri | Per ladolce memoaa di quel | giomo | Che fu psincipio afi lunghi | martyri. | . . . ; 179-80: as HC Wants the first leaf (presumably blank) Leaf 4b illuminated (triumph of Cupid) Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Bound (1) with no. 1788. 18th c. calf [1491\
1790 Burley (Walter): Expositio super artem veterem Porphyrii et Aristotelis. F°, 298 mm. H4126 GW5766 Wants the first leaf (blank) Venn Collection, 1888 18th c. half vellum
N I C O L A U S G I R A R D E N G U S , 1st press 1791 Cicero (Marcus Tullius): Orationes. F°, 304 mm. 10 Mar. 1480 P* 4464 BM v 272 H* 5124 GW 6767 Bought, 1922 18th c. calf
Gratianus: Decretum cum apparatu Bartholomaei Brixiensis. 40, 237 mm. 25 Jan. 1483 P 4477 BM v 269 H* 7900 Wants the first leaf (blank) Given by W. Fingland, 1916 Old vellum
P e t r a r c a (Francesco): Trionfi. Sonetti e c a n z o n i . F°, 292 m m . 22 A p r . 1490 P* 4481 BM v 270 (IB. 20860) H 12771 Wants the first & last leaves (blank) Auchincruive (R. A. Oswald). Bought, 1922 18th c. calf
1794 Dante Alighieri: Divina commedia [etc.], F°, 299 mm. 18 Nov. 1491 P*4482 BMV270 H5950 GW7970 Wants n 3 , r5 & r6 Royal Library, 1715 19th c. calf
Another copy. 308 mm. 'Evelyn Cochran.' Sandars Bequest, 1894 18th c. calf, rebacked 316
GEORG WALCH 1796 Rolewinck (Werner): Fasciculus temporum. F°, 288 mm. 1479 P*4486 BMV274 ^6924 Wants the first leaf (blank) 'Iste liber est Rdi patris fratris Johannis de pisto 0 / An oval stamp: Bibliotec: Se. Me. Novelle (at Florence), round a coat-of-arms. Bought, 1897 19th c. quarter calf [H9^\ X
A n o t h e r c o p y . 310 m m . Bound (2) with no. 2591
A n o t h e r c o p y . 285 m m . Wants the last leaf Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Contemporary stamped calf, with metal bosses & corner-pieces
LUCAS DOMINICI 1799 Venice. Tutti li doxi de Venetia. Broadside (2 leaves), 289 x 149 mm. 8 May 1480 GW 9063 Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 1800
L e o I : Sermones. F°, 282 m m . 7 A u g . 1482 P*4496 BMV281 H*iooi2 Wants the first leaf (blank) Illumination on leaf 4a (Leo) Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 19th c. half calf
J O H A N N E S & G R E G O R I U S DE GREGORIIS 1801 Cicero (Marcus Tullius): Tusculanae quaestiones. F°, 280mm. 9 Aug. 1482 P4500 BMV339 H*53i7 GW6895 Formerly bound (2) with no. 1909. Modern half morocco
1802 Horatius Flaccus (Quintus): Opera. F°, 289 mm. 17 May 1483 P*45O2 BMV339 H* 8883 Wants the first two leaves *J. Brovaerly(?) 1605/ Royal Library, 1715 Calf, circa 1700, rebacked *** P 4515. Reattributed by BM to Marinus Saracenus. See no. 2022
Boethius (A. M. T. S.): Opera. F°, 306 mm. 26 Mar. 1491-18 Aug. 1492 P*45i7 BMV341 H*335i GW4511 Vol. 1, 139a (headline): In Topica Cice. CSmetario*u3 liber, i. |; 1. 1: .. .psopoes...; 140b, col. 2,1. 1: hac intulit... (as GW Erganzungen u. Verbesserungen) Vol. 2, 96a has the variant reading described in GW Anm. 'Hie liber est oratorii sancte Marie Magdalene in planitie mugnonis ord. praedic. emptus ex pecuniis domine Cose uxoris olim Andree Crescii de (?) flore[ntia] prefato oratorio relictis pro huiusmodi libris et nonnullis aliis emendis ad communem fratrum utilitatem* (cf. no. 1866). Adams Bequest, 1892 19th c. quarter calf [1503]
Another, variant, copy of vol. 1. 320 mm. 139a (headline): In Topicoau Cice. Cometarioru liber, i. |; 1. 1: .. .ppofitioes...; 140b, col. 2 , 1 . 1: ([ E i u f d e . . . (as G W Erganzungen u. Verbesserungen) ' Opera Boetii pro monasterio Beatae virginis Marie Montis Laureaci Ordinis diui Benedicti 1514/ 'Liber ductu et auspitio F. Michaelis Asphalebii conquisitus 1514/ A circular stamp: MA above a shield bearing a grasshopper. Kloss. ' W . H. Black' (also 'Guil. Hen. Nigri, Londiniensis, 7januarij 1851'). Glaisher Bequest, 1928 Modern half morocco [1504]
A n o t h e r c o p y o f vol. 1. 310 m m . Leaves 139 & 140 have the same settings as no. 1804 Wants the first two leaves, also rx & r4 Some MS. notes (Portuguese). Bought, 1910 Contemporary wooden boards backed with leather (very defective); the boards formerly lined with no. 4227 (Indulgences printed at Braga) and with fragments of Hebrew MS. on vellum
Gazius (Antonius): Corona florida medicinae. F°, 321 mm. 20 June 1491 P4518 BMV341 H*7soi Wants A6 and the blank leaves 124 & 126 Leaf 7a illuminated, with arms: quarterly, 1 & 4 or, an eagle displayed sable; 2 & 3 argent, a serpent in pale wavy azure. Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf [1506]
Aristoteles: Meteorological^.]. F°, 287 mm. 22 Oct. 1491 P4520 BMV342 H*i697 GW2421 Wants the first leaf (blank) Acquired before 1700 Modern half pigskin
Another copy. 288 m m . Wants the first leaf (blank) Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf
1809 Breviarium Romanum. 8°, 149 mm. 30 Sept. 1491 H*39I5 GW5167 Wants leaves 8, 237 and 456 (last); leaf 1 mutilated ' V. D. Velde.' ' One of a collection of books bought by Henry Bradshaw from Dr Richard Gibbings in 1877' (note by F. Jenkinson). From the library of H. Bradshaw, 1886 [1509] 19th c. half morocco
1810 Antonius, de Vercellis: Sermones quadragesimales. 40, 211 mm. 16 Feb. 1492/3 P*4522 BMV343 H* 15949 GW2260 'Thomas Crosse.' Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 17th c. half calf, boards lined with vellum from a 12th c. service-book (Add. MS. 600034) [1510]
1811 Thomas (St), Aquinas: Super Physica Aristotelis. F°, 294 mm. 9 May 1492 P4523 BMV342 H*i528 Wants the last two leaves (errata and blank) Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Formerly bound (2) with no. 2201, etc. Modern half morocco
1812 Carcanus (Michael): Sermones quadragesimales de decem praeceptis. 40, 211 m m .
P*4528 BMV343 H*45O4 GW6133 Wants the last leaf (blank) Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 17th c. half calf 1813
A n o t h e r c o p y . 208 m m . 'Monasterii Ranshouen.' Acton Library, 1902 Contemporary stamped pigskin, with clasp
1814 Benedictus (Alexander): Collectiones medicinae. 40, 199 mm. P*4533 BMV344 H* 806 GW 862 Bought, 1894 Bound (1) with no. 2490. Cloth
1815 Augustis (Quiricus de): Lumen apothecariorum. F°, 313 mm. 22 Sept. 1495 P4546 BMV347 H*2i20 GW 3066 Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (3) with nos 1955, etc. Modern half pigskin 1816
H u g o , de Sancto Caro: Postilla super psalterium. F°, 308 m m . 12 N o v . 1496 P*4554 BMV349 H* 8972 Wants the first two leaves and the last (all blank) Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 18 the. half calf 319
1817 Paulus, Venetus: Expositio in Physica Aristotelis. F°, 305 mm. 23 Apr. 1499 H* 12517 a10 b-i 8 k 6 1-x 8 xx 10 y 8 z8 z* D8 %6 A-X 8 Y 10 [*] 4 ; 398 leaves, the last blank 'Shirwode/ 'Myles Blomefylde A ? 1574 Maij. 6 Hora 22, 50 mi.' (cf. The Old English versions of the Gesta Rotnanorum, ed by Sir F. Madden (Roxburghe Club, 1838), p. xvi, footnote). Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 (?) Contemporary Cambridge (?) stamped calf, boards lined with leaves from a Hortus vocabulorum (by Pynson?); the stamps include Oldham pi. nil, 171 [1517]
1818 Boethius (A. M. T. S.): Opera. F°, 298 mm. 8 July 1499 P*4559 BMV351 H* 3352(i) GW45i2(2) Leaves 205-78 (Opera mathematica) only. The complete work contains 278 leaves (not 280 asBM) Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Modern half pigskin [1318]
Ketham (Johannes de): Fasciculus medicinae. F°, 311 mm. 28 Mar. 1500 P4562 B M v 351 (IB. 21150) H*9776 Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (5) with nos 2075, etc. Modern half morocco
1820 Seneca (Lucius Annaeus): Opera. F°, 320 mm. P 5710 [Venice, unassigned] BM v 596 Wants leaves 1 & 2 (title & contents) & 3 (Prologus) Sunderland. Adams Bequest, 1892 Calf (Sunderland)
OCTAVIANUS SCOTUS 1821 Andreae (Antonius): Scriptum in Artem veterem Aristotelis et in Divisiones Boethii. F°, 283 mm. 24 Dec. 1480 P4565 B M v 2 7 6 H984=986 GW1669 Wants the first leaf (blank) Venn Collection, 1888 Modern half morocco 1822
B i b l e : Italian. F°, 269 m m . 1481 P4568 BMv276 H*3i53 GW4314 Wants the first & last leaves (blank) Quaritch's Sunderland Library label. Given by A. W. Young, 1933 Red morocco (Sunderland)
1823 Maius (Junianus): De priscorum proprietate verborum. F°, 296 mm. 3 June 1482 P 4570 A BM v 277 H 10542 Gaselee 122 Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Old wooden boards, rebacked with modern morocco
1824 Blondus (Flavius): Historiarum Romanarum decades. F°, 310 mm. 16 July 1483 P*4575 BMV277 H* 3248 GW4419 'Liber Cartusianorum de Shene prope Londinum Angliae, legatus a D. Rogero Rames, sacerdote Anglo, ut oretur pro anima eius. An: 1584/ Lot 5 at Sotheby's, 27 May 1862 (M. J. Johnson sale). G. Dunn, 1926. Given b y j . Charrington, 1917 Contemporary Cambridge stamped calf (Hobson: Cambridge, pi. xiv, no. vi, ' ownership unknown'); boards lined with leaves from a 13th c. MS. of Aristotle De anima (leaves from which also line the boards of no. xx on Hobson's list) [1523]
1825 Dante Alighieri: Divina commedia. F°, 320 mm. 23 Mar. 1484 P*458i BMV279 H 5947 GW 7967 A. J. Butler. Given by Mrs Butler, 1910 19th c. half calf
ANTONIUS DE STRATA with MARCUS CATANELLUS 1826 Jacobus, de Voragine: Legenda aurea. F°, 302 mm. 1 July 1480 BM v 292 *S. H. O'Grady.' Rustat Fund, 1915 Old vellum
1827 Andreae (Antonius): Quaestiones super Metaphysica Aristotelis. F°, 284 mm. 24 Dec. 1481 BMV293 11*977 GW1660 Wants the last leaf (blank) Bound (2) with no. 1828
1828 Andreae (Antonius): Scriptum aureum super Metaphysica Aristotelis. F°, 284 mm. 21 Nov. 1482 P*4583 BMV293 H*983 GW 1674 'Biblioth. C. B. Hanegriiss 1834...' Bought, 1894 Bound (1) with no. 1827. 18th c. calf
1829 Datus (Augustinus): Elegantiolae. 4 , 205 mm. H 5979 = 5977 GW 8066 Bound (1) with nos 1532, 2712, 2422, 1745, 1425, 1521, 1514, De utilitate missae [Besicken, 15—], 1516 & 1515. Contemporary stamped calf, with remains of four clasps; the front board lined with leaves from a 13th c. MS. of Boethius, Consolatio (lib. m, metrum x)
1830 Thomas {Si), Aquinas: Summatheologica; pfimapars. F°, 275 mm. 4 (?) Dec. 1484 P4585 BMV293 H*i444 Wants h 2 , aa6 and (blank) bb 4 ; a duplicate of b 2 inserted loose 'Tarugio di Cosimo-Tareigi 1876/ E. M. Boyle. Bought, 1921 Old vellum oc
[1528] 21
Juvenalis (Decimus Junius): Saturae. F°, 287 mm. 8 Nov. i486 P* 4591 BM v 294 H* 9703 Gaselee 123 Wants leaves 2 & 3 (dedicatory letter), also the first & last leaves (blank) Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern half morocco
Avienus (Rufus Festus): Opera [etc.]. 40, 215 mm. 25 Oct. 1488 P* 4593 BM v 294 H* 2224=2223 GW 3131 Bought, 1895 Old paper boards
Alexander, Aphrodisiensis: Problemata [etc.], F°, 315 mm. 24 Nov. 14883 Jan. 1488/9 P*4594 BMV295 H*6s8 GW 860 'Jo. bapt3-6 Fortiguerrae J. C. Pistorien.' Bought, 1912 18 the. half calf
Another copy. 200 m m . Syston Park. 'L. Aime* Martin.' From the library of F. Jenkinson, 1923 Morocco, circa 1800
Barbaras (Hermolaus): Oratio ad Fridericum et Maximilianum principes. 4 0 , 202 m m . P* 5687 [Venice, unassigned] BM v 595 H* 2418 GW 3344 Culemann 75. Worts Fund, 1870 19th c. boards
B r e v i a r i u m R o m a n u m . 8°, 161 m m . 28 M a y 1490 P 4918A [Arrivabenus] BM v 384 GW 5139 With the variant setting of leaf AAX noted by GW, and the fuller form of colophon (giving the printers' names) on C 12 . BM's attribution to Arrivabenus is corrected in the index to Pts IV-VII of the Catalogue Wants the Calendar & Table (leaves 1-12) 'Collegii Spirensis Societatis Jesu 1567/ W. De Caux (v. Cop. 1301a, this copy). H. R. Creswick. Cambridge Baskerville Club Fund, 1931 17th c. stamped leather (foxhound stamp) [3693]
A N T O N I O DI ALESSANDRIA DELLA PAGLIA AND PARTNERS 1837 Phalaris: Epistolae. 40, 207 mm. 10 Mar. 1481 P*4599 BMV297 H* 12895 Bookplate of John Towneley (Franks 29652). Bought, 1914 18th c. diced russia
BAPTISTA D E T O R T I S 1838 Juvenalis (Decimus Junius): Saturae [etc.]. F°, 293 mm. 31 Oct. 1481 P*46o8 BMV321 H9691 \ D - B L V E N B V R C H . 1596/ Royal Library, 1715 18th c. half calf
1839 Persius Flaccus (Aulus): Saturae. F°, 277 mm. 14 Mar. 1482 P * 4 6 n BMV322 Bound (3) with nos 1841, etc.
1840 Juvenalis (Decimus Junius): Saturae [etc.]. F°, 277 mm. 3 Aug. 1482 Pf46i3 HR9692 'Magister Alexander Henrisonus* Bound (2) with nos 1841, etc.
1841 Terentius (Publius), Afer: Comoediae. F°, 277 mm. 8 Mar. 1483 HR15412 Wants the first leaf (blank?) The text ends on 146a (the last leaf), with register on 146b, not on 145a, with register on 145b, as HR 'Magister dauid balmare (?).' Bought, 1899 Bound (1) with nos 1840 & 1839. 17th c. calf, with label on spine lettered in ink on a gilt ground [i537\
1842 Silius Italicus: Punica. F°, 298 mm. 6 May 1483 P* 4619 BM v 323 H* 14739 Royal Library, 1715 Calf, circa 1700, rebacked
1843 Martialis (Marcus Valerius): Epigrammata. F°, 292 mm. 17July 1485 P*463i BMV324 H*io8i9 Royal Library, 1715 i8thc. half calf
1844 Durandus (Guilelmus): Speculum judiciale. F°, 432 mm. 17 Feb. 1493/48 Mar. 1494 11*6515 GW9159 A fragment only (quires S-kk, 268 out of 608 leaves) Contemporary English stamped calf, boards lined with blank vellum and with leaves of legal MS. (14th c.) [1540] 1845
Justinianus: Digestum vetus. F°, 421 mm. 31 Oct. 1494 P*465O BMV328 H*9558 GW7671 Wants the last leaf (blank) 'Thomas Cantuarien.' (i.e. Thomas Cranmer, Abp of Canterbury). 'Lumley/ Given by John, Lord Lumley, 1597 18th c. half calf 323
1846 Gratianus: Decretum cum apparatu Bartholomaei Brixiensis. F°, 424 mm. 30 Mar. 1496 P4654 BMV329 11*7915 'Sum ex libror. ordine Friderici Capleri Glog. sil. conpar. Thorunii fl. 39. Ao 1637/ 'Residentiae Mariaeburgen. Soc. Jesu ex legato... Matthaei Bruns Parochi Mariaenauensis.' * Erasmus a Lunden.' 'Davidis Heilmeyeri Pastoris Lagarbiae...' Acton Library, 1902
16th c. stamped pigskin
1847 Justinianus: Digestum infortiatum. F°, 426 mm. 16 Feb. 1497/8 H*9576 GW7695 Bookplate of the Hon. Charles Hope Weir of Craigie Hall & Blackwood. W. E. Hope Vere. Rustat Fund, 1914 Contemporary stamped calf, including a square stamp of an elephant with howdah, \.1543\ uniform with nos 1850-52; boards lined with blank vellum
1848 Justinianus: Novellae constitutiones. F°, 433 mm. 3 Nov. 1497 P4661 BMV330 H*9635 GW7767 Bookplate of the Hon. Charles Hope Weir of Craigie Hall & Blackwood. W. E. Hope Vere. Rustat Fund, 1914 Contemporary stamped calf, including a fringed foliage stamp with initial 1) in the centre, attributed by Weale (R 367) to William Houtmart of Tournai; boards lined with blank [1544] vellum
1849 Boniface VIII: Decretaliumlibersextus [etc.]. F°, 418 mm. '17Nov. 1497', '20 Dec. 1496* H*3<523 GW4899 Wants the last leaf (blank) * Symon clotz est dominus huius libri.' Acton Library, 1902 18th c. red morocco
1850 Justinianus: Digestum novum. F°, 427 mm. 12 Feb. 1498/9 P*4663 BMV330 H*9595 GW 7720 'Arnoldus de Gruithuis.' Bookplate of the Hon. Charles Hope Weir of Craigie Hall & Blackwood. W. E. Hope Vere. Rustat Fund, 1914 Binding uniform with nos 1847, etc. [1546]
1851 Justinianus: Codex. F°, 426 mm. 19 Feb. 1498/9 H* 9620=^9610 GW7745 Bookplate of the Hon. Charles Hope Weir of Craigie Hall & Blackwood. W. E. Hope Vere. Rustat Fund, 1914 Binding uniform with nos 1847, etc. [1547] 1852
J u s t i n i a n u s : D i g e s t u m vetus. F°, 426 m m . 5 O c t . 1498 P4665 BMV330 H*9559 GW7673 Bookplate of the Hon. Charles Hope Weir of Craigie Hall & Blackwood. W. E. Hope Vere. Rustat Fund, 1914 Binding uniform with nos 1847, etc.
J O H A N N E S H E R B O R T , 2nd press 1853 Zabarella (Franciscus): Lectura super Clementinis. F°, 410 mm. 28 Jan. 1481 P 4676 BM v 300 H* 16252 Wants the last leaf (blank) Acton Library, 1902 19th c. quarter calf
1854 Baysio (Guido de): Rosarium decretorum. F°, 424 mm. 3 Apr. 1481 P4677 BMV301 £1*2717 GW 3747 G. Dunn. Rustat Fund, 1917 Contemporary stamped pigskin
1855 Bible: Latin. With the commentary of Nicolaus de Lyra. 4 vols. F°, 317 mm. 31 July 1481 P*468i BMV301 H*3i64 GW4286 Colophon as in GW (Anm.) Wants Dd 10 (blank) Vols 1-4: * Mon™ Monac?is Ord. Er. S. P. Aug. 1606 \ Vols 1 & 3: Bookplate: AdBibliothecam Conventus Monacensis Ord: Erem: S. P. Aug: (Warnecke 1358). Vols 1 & 4: Bookplate: Domus S.S. Adelhaidis et Caietani (the Theatines at Munich, v. Warnecke 1410). Vol. 4 has rubricator's mark and date: ©R 1489. J. Hirst (?). Perhaps from a sale at Leeds, 1891 Vols 1 & 2: Contemporary stamped pigskin (uniform); vol. 3: Contemporary stamped calf; vol. 4: Contemporary stamped pigskin (not uniform with vols 1 & 2) [ i 55 i ]
1856 Duns (Johannes), Scotus: Scriptum in librum HI Sententiarum. 40, 234 mm. 1481 BM v 302 H* 6418 (3) GW 9075 (3) Wants the first leaf (blank) Royal Library, 1715 Bound (1) with no. 1857. 18th c. calf
1857 Duns (Johannes), Scotus: Quodlibeta. 40, 234 mm. 14 Nov. 1481 BMV302 H*6436 GW9070 115b, 1. 33: magfm (as BM, not mgrm, as GW) 'Watson.' 'Roger Boston.' 'Thomas Boston' Bound (2) with no. 1856
Another copy. 228 mm. Leaf 2a illuminated, with arms, beneath an ecclesiastical hat gules with 15 tassels: party per fesse; in chief quarterly, 1 gules a demi-angel argent, 2 argent: base or. H. S. Squance. C. Thomas-Stanford. Given by J. Charrington, 1924 Stamped morocco, by Cape V554\
B i b l e : Latin.
4 0 , 232 m m . 30 A p r . 1484
P*4693 BMV304 H*3O9i GW4255 ' Contingit locum sti Francisci intra Urceas.' Bought, 1920 Half vellum, circa 1800 325
Nicolaus, de Ausmo: Supplementum Summae Pisanellae [etc.]. 40, 199 mm. 10 M a r . 1481 P 4694 BM v 306 H* 2161 Wants c5_g. Leaves 15«.8 of another edition (see no. 2229) are bound in the middle of quire 1 Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 i8thc. half calf [1556] with B A R T H O L O M A E U S DE BLAVIS
D i u r n a l e R o m a n u m . 16 0 , i n m m . 31 Jan. 1483 GW 8501 Wants leaves a2, d6, e 8 , i 2 , k 2 ,1 6 & 18, m 1 &m 3 _ 6 , n x , Alf aa x &aa 2 , hhx 'GiosefFo Ma. Molza.' *Msc. Bernardi (?).' 'Milan 22 June 1839/ From the library of H. Bradshaw, 1886 Contemporary stamped calf, rope-work decoration [i$57]
Cicero (Marcus Tullius): De oratore [etc.], F°, 305 mm. 5 Mar. 1485 P* 4705 BM v 307 H* 5107=5103 GW 6750 Wants the first leaf (blank) Bought, 1923 i8thc. half calf
Livius (Titus): Historiae Romanae decades [etc.], (Italian.) F°, 340mm. 13 Aug. 1485 P* 4708 BM v 308 H 10147 Wants the first leaf (blank) 'don Pedro des Bosch y de St Vicens.' 'don gispert de guimara.' Jenkinson Fund, 1935 Contemporary stamped calf, with remains of four clasps [4122]
Sabellicus (Marcus Antonius): Rerum Venetarum decades. F°, 417 mm. 21 May 1487 P* 4713 BM v 308 H * 14053 Arms of Cornaro on leaf 9a; painted initials and renaissance border-decoration. Beckford HI 1582. Sandars Bequest, 1894 Red morocco, by C. Lewis 1*559]
Another copy. 348 mm. Wants the last two leaves (list of errata) Bookplate of Gaetano F. Vignati (Franks 30378; 'of Ipswich* added in MS.). From the library of F. Jenkinson, 1923 Old limp vellum 326
1866 Jerome (St): Epistolae. 2 vols. F°, 428 mm. 15 May 1488 P*47I7 BMV309 H*8558 Vol. 1: * Hie liber est Oratorii sanctae mariae magdalenae in convallibus munionis fesulanae diocesis ordinis predicatorum emptus ex pecuniis dne Cosae Andreae Cresci ex testamento relictis...' (cf. no. 1803). In a second inscription: * Andreae de Cresciis civis florentini.' Vol. 2: coloured armorial bookplate: Constantia et labore. Vols 1 & 2: bought, 1923 Vol. 1: Modern wooden boards backed with morocco, by D. Cockerell, 1903. Vol. 2: Contemporary stamped calf, rope-work ornament, traces of four clasps [ i 5^ i ]
1867 Caracciolus (Robertus): Quadragesimale de peccatis. 40, 212 mm. 27 Sept. 1488 P4719 BMV309 H*4439 GW6080 Wants the last leaf (blank) 'Conuentus S. Francisci Serrae S. Quirici.' Biblioteca comunale Serrasanquirico. J. M. Falkner. Bought, 1933 Contemporary stamped calf; fly-leaves of n t h c. MS. (life of St Sixtus) [3735]
1868 Johannes, de Imola: Super Clementinis. F°, 401 mm. 24 Feb. 1492 P*4727 BMV310 H9146 * Thomas Bradshaus mutuo dedit.' 'Iste liber pertinet at Thomam Bagarde.' 'deposui apud dalanum chiuersley (?) corpus iuris civilis abbatem super libro decretalium casuarium super corpore iuris civilis bal super 7 8 et 9 codicis archidiaconum super decretales alexander ymolensis et angelus super codice in uno volumine et ovidium metamorphoseos. item octo libellos in grammatica etc. item calepinum. Item wyllmus de cuneo super codice. Item de diuino misse sacramento libellus. Item Horatium totum cum commento.' Ex bibliotheca Hospitii Dominorum Advocatorum de Arcubus Londini. Bought, 1912 Bound between Zabarella, Commentarii in Clementinarum volumen (N. de Benedictis, 18 Dec. 1502) and Barbatia, Super Clementinis (B. de Tortis, 19 June 1516). Early 16th c. London binding of stamped calf, decorated with the Shepherdess roll reproduced in Oldham (pi. L, no. 100); rebacked [1562]
1869 Breviarium Aquileiense. 8°, 170 mm. 29 July 1496 P4741 BMV312 H*3787 GW5258 Pts 1, 2, 5-7 only of the GW description. Wants leaf 8 (blank) of the Calendar, leaf 28 (blank) of Commune sanctorum, and ct & c8 (both supplied in facsimile) of the Psalter; leaf 27 of Commune sanctorum mutilated and supplied in facsimile 'Monachii ad FF. Franciscanos. Bibl.' Rustat Fund, 1888 19th c. black morocco [1563]
1870 Gratianus: Decretum cum apparatu Bartholomaei Brixiensis. 40, 183 mm. 26 June 1498 P4745 BMV313 11*7916 Given by J. Charrington, 1931 Modern quarter morocco
[3706] 0
1871 John [St), Chrysostom: De compunctione cordis [etc.], 4 , 200 mm. P4748 BMV314 H5044? Bound (2) with nos 1743, etc.
1872 John (St), Chrysostom: De compunctione cordis [etc.]. Another copy. 207 mm. From the library of F. Jenkinson, 1923 Modern quarter morocco
ANTONIUS DE STANCHIS with JACOBUS BRITANNICUS & OTHERS 1873 Ambrosius, de Spiera: Quadragesimale. F°, 248 mm. 24 Mar. 1481 P* 4749 BM v 314 H* 920 The incipit on leaf 14a is printed in black Wants A 12 (table, etc.) and ax (blank) Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 17th c. calf
T H O M A S DE BLAVIS, 2nd press 1874 Ovidius Naso (Publius): Heroides [etc.]. F°, 307 mm. 9 Jan. 1482 H12193 a8 b-g8*6 h 6 hh 2 i 6 k I 8 ; 80 leaves, the first presumably blank. 2a: 235 x 140 mm., 55 lines. Types: 104R (text), 84R (commentary, etc.), 84GkA 2a: A N T O N I I V O L S C I ' P R I V E R N A T I S AD L V D O V I C V M D I A E D V M F R A N I CISCI. FL. P A T R I T I V M V E N E T V M I N H E R O I D A S . P. O V I D I I N A S O N I S I PELIGNI. | [ 2] VM M V L T O S fsepe uiros: qui noftris teporibus fapientise ftudio: & rerum cogni | tione floruer mecum ipfe reuoluerim...; 3a (text): PVBLII O V I D I I N A S O N I S E P I S T O L A | R V M HLpROIDVM LIBER PRIMVS I P E N E L O P E VLIXI. | [ 4] A N C TVA P E N E L O P E L E N | to tibi mittis ulixes. | . . . ; 9a (commentary): At lachrymas: patos ab habitu corporis. Saepe ego decepto: energia utitur. na fuas medita |; 58b: D O M I T I V S IN S A P H O O V I D I I . | Callias Methymnaeus...; 65a, 1. 41: Finis Saphus Ouidii. |; 65b: Domini Calderini Veronenfis commentarioli in Ibin Ouidii...; 80a, 1. 20: Domitii Calderini Veronenfis Commentariorum Ouidii in Ibim: Finis. | Venetiis per Thomam de Alexandria | die. viiii. Ianuarii. M.CCCC.lxxxii. | Regiftrum | (col. 2,1. 45) aerea | Wants the first leaf 'R. M. Beverley, Rome 1851/ Montagu Butler Prize Fund, 1928 Vellum [1567]
1875 Blondus (Flavius): HistoriarumRomanarumdecades. F°, 315 mm. 28June 1484 P*4758 BMV317 H*3249 Quires AA-FF only, containing Pius II, Abbreviatio supra Decades Blondi (not described in GW4420) Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (2) with nos 2068, etc. Cloth [1568]
1876 Gratianus: Decretum cum apparatu Bartholomaei Brixiensis. 40, 238 mm. 28 July i486 P4762 B M v 318 (IB. 21855) H*79O5 Wants ax (blank) and Q 1 2 Bought, 1908 16th c. stamped calf, rebacked
Cicero (Marcus Tullius): De oratore [etc.], F°, 300 mm. 16 May 1488 P*4764 BMV318 H5108 GW6751 L. L. B. De Beaumont. Given by the Hon. Mrs De Beaumont, 1935 i8thc. half calf
Gratianus: Decretum cum apparatu Bartholomaei Brixiensis. 40, 223 mm. 6 Feb. 1489 P4766 B M v 318 (IB. 21865) H*79o8 (variant) Quires a-d (except d5_8) are supplied from the edition of i486 (v. BM note). Wants the first leaf (blank) *Est Conventus Sanctae Crucis Batiniani (Pratiniani?).' Bought, 1890 Old vellum [1570]
G r e g o r y I X : Decretales. 4 0 , 226 m m . 15 D e c . 1489 B M v 319 H*8o25 Wants a3 & z2 With a MS. index bound in at the beginning: ' . . .feci ego Gaspar pussolius (?) A n n o . . . 1608...' 'P. Dinelli. Villa.' Bought, 1909 [1571] Old vellum, boards lined with fragments of a 13 th c. service-book on vellum
Plinius Secundus (Caius): Historia naturalis. F°, 296 mm. 3 Nov. 1491 P4768 B M v 319 H 13097 'Ex libris Exmi D. Baro. Jenari ( ? ) . . . ' 'Ex libris Roberti Gray Colleg. Med. Lond. et Edinburg. socii 1707/ 'Bibl. Bot. Hort. Cantabr. d. d. J. Martyn.' Cambridge Botanical Museum, 'sold to the University Library Oct. 1865, C. C. Babington, Prof, of Botany* Old wooden boards, rebacked with modern morocco; boards lined with fragments of 14th c. vellum MS. (Maccabees 1) [*572]
A N D R E A S D E P A L T A S I C H I S , 2nd press 1881
Tibullus (Albius): Elegiae [etc.]. F°, 277 mm. 15 Dec. 1487 P*4775 B M v 354 H*4762 (2) 45b, 1. 1: iuliarius (not iulianus as BM & Hain) Bound (2) with no. 1882
Propertius (Sextus Aurelius): Elegiae. F°, 277 mm. 1 Feb. 1488 P*4776 B M v 354 H*4762(1) Wants the first leaf (blank) Syston Park. Sir E. Sullivan. Montagu Butler Prize Fund, 1942 Bound (1) with no. 1881 Red morocco (Syston Park)
Vergilius Maro (Publius): Opera. F°, 304 mm. 1 Sept. 1488 P4779 B M v 355 Wants leaves 1-4 (preliminary matter) Bought, 1897 18th c. rough calf 329
1884 Balbus (Johannes): Catholicon. F°, 314 mm. 24 Sept. 1483 P*4785 BMV356 H*2257 GW3188 Wants the first leaf (blank) * Liber sum Thome Botelaris quondam vicarii Ecclesie sanctissime Trinitatis ventilocensis parochie et postea Rectoris ecclesie parochialis sancti ioannis baptiste de Esthope, Quern videlicet meipsum ille dono accepit a magistro Gualtero Westburye olim magistro ludi litterarii in monasterio monachorum nigrorum beatorum apostolorum petri et pauli Salop, ubi ipse Thomas et idem magister suus Gualterus oriundi fuerunt, Gualterus in parochia sancti cedde episcopi et Thomas in parochia gloriose virginis Marie.' * Sum liber Ricardi Langley.' Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf [1574] 1885
R a i n e r i u s , de Pisis: Pantheologia. 2 vols. F°, 327 m m . 12 Sept. i 4 8 6 P*4788 BMV357 H* 13019 Gaselee 124 Vol. 1 wants a5 & a6 'Liber monasterii Sancte Marie in Berna Praemonstratensis ordinis prope Hoesden.' Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Contemporary stamped calf, rebacked; flyleaves of 12th c. MS. (homilies) [3984]
1886 Rosellis (Antonius de): Monarchia. F°, 294 mm. 23 June 1487 P*4789 BMV357 H* 13974 Wants leaf 112 (blank); leaves 113-14 (table) bound after leaf 1 'J. Tayler 1500 Ferrarie.' 'Joannes Tayler legum doctor/ ' . . .pro ligacione xvjd. 1523.' 'David Hughes.' Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 17th c. calf, MS. flyleaves at the end (navigational problems in English, 17th c.) [1575]
Another copy. 308 mm. Wants leaf 112 (blank) Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (2) with no. 2198. Modern half morocco
Another c o p y . 311 m m . Wants leaf 112 (blank) 'Iste est liber facultatis arcium [...] studii Ingolstaten: [...] Schels Notarius publicus ss.' 'Finem loquendi pariter omnes audiemus, Deum time: et mandata eius observa. Johannes Stam (?) Bidellus Notarius publicus sst.' Acton Library, 1902 i8thc. half calf [1577]
1889 Petrus, Hispanus: Summulae logicales. F°, 311 mm. 7 Mar. 1488 BMV358 H8691 With 7 leaves of MS. additions (16th c.) at the beginning.'... fratcr Anthonius Nyxson * Bought, 1918 Contemporary wooden boards [1578]
Vincentius, Bellovacensis: Speculum morale. F°, 336 mm. 30 Sept. 1493 P4795 BMV358 Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 17th c. calf
Vincentius, Bellovacensis: Speculum doctrinale. F°, 340 mm. 13 Jan. 1494 P*4796 BMV358 'Henry Thorne.. .et amicorum/ Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 17th c. calf
A n o t h e r c o p y . 342 m m . Royal Library, 1715 Half russia, circa 1800
[1581 ]
Vincentius, Bellovacensis: Speculum naturale. F°, 330 mm. 15 May 1494 P4797 BMV359 'Liber M. Hugonis Fraunce.' 'Thomsoni codex.' Royal Library, 1715 16th c. calf, with gilt central ornament, rebacked
Another copy. 329 mm. Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 17th c. calf
Another copy. 336 mm. Wants the first leaf (title) 'Liber Sylvae Sri Martini* (presumably the Charterhouse of that name at Grammont). Bibliotheca Heberiana. Adams Bequest, 1892 i8thc. half calf [1584]
Vincentius, Bellovacensis: Speculum historiale. F°, 337 mm. 5 Sept. 1494 P*4798 BMV359 Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 17th c. calf
Carcanus (Michael): Sermonarium de poenitentia. 40,212 mm. 11 Dec. 1487 P*48O5 BMV336 H*45o6 GW6131 (Anm. 1) Bought, 1924 Modern quarter morocco
G A B R I E L D E GRASSIS, 1st press 1898
Marchesinus (Johannes): Mammotrectus super Bibliam. 8°, 166 mm. 1485 P4808 BMV333 H* 10564 Colophon varies from BM: .. .ImpfTum.. .barbardico. Stamp: a circle divided quarterly, in the quarters S M M B (or R?). Livio Benintendi. Bought, 1906 Old vellum [1387] 331
1898*5 Marchesinus (Johannes): Mammotrectus super Bibliam. Another, variant, copy. 177 mm. Colophpn as in BM Quire f misbound between quires x and y ' Est moriJ ste Trinitatis mutine can. R/ 'Est Canonicae Smae Trinitatis Munnae.' Given by F. J. Norton, 1950 14th c. MS. (canon law) over paper boards [4337]
ANDREAS DE BONETIS 1899 Augustine (St): Opuscula. 40, 200 mm. 23 July 1484 P*48i3 BMV361 H*iQ47 GW2864 Without the device on leaf 288a (cf. GW Anm.) 'Frater Ioannes clerx (?).' Bought, 1897 18th c. calf
1900 Ubertinus, de Casali: Arbor vitae crucifixae Jesu. F°, 283 mm. 12 Mar. 1485 P*48i6 BMV361 H*4 55 i Wants the first & last leaves (blank) 'Pro libraria regal, collegii Campaniae alias Navarrae Paris, fundati/ *R. D. Chamberlaine, 1835.' Bookplate ofJohn Emerich Dalberg Acton. Acton Library, 1902 19th c. morocco [i5fy] 1901
Another copy. 291 m m . Wants the first leaf (blank) 19th c. morocco, by J. Clarke
P a p i a s : V o c a b u l a r i u m . F°, 288 m m . 30 J u n e 1485 P*48i7 BMV361 H* 12379 Wants the last leaf (blank) Rustat Fund, 1893 Russia leather, with green morocco back and red lettering pieces; marbled end-papers. For other bindings in the same style see nos 2272, 2311, 2597, 2617 & 2692 [1591]
Savonarola (Michael): Practica medicinae. F°, 427 mm. 10 May i486 P4819 BMV362 H*i448i * Gyuyn to ye Kings Colleg ex dono doctoris [... ] post mortem magistri Hobbys.' ' Thomas Lorkyn', with his monogram. Bequest of T. Lorkin, 1591 Contemporary Cambridge stamped calf (Hobson: Cambridge, pi. xv, stamps 12, 13, 14); boards lined with blank vellum [1592]
BERNARDINUS STAGNINUS 1904 Horatius Flaccus (Quintus): Opera. F°, 295 mm. i486 P*4827 BMV364 H*8884 'Bist3im T5rch2tt4* (i.e. Bastiam Turchetto). Probably bought, 1858 (M. D. Babington's collection) Formerly bound (1) with no. 2090. Modern half pigskin [i593]
1905 Falcutius (Nicolaus): Sermones medicinales. 7 pts in 4 vols. F°, 424-30 mm. 24 Dec. 1490-8 Oct. 1491 BMV366 H*ii768 GW9705 Pt vi wants the last leaf (blank) * Thomas Lorkyn medicinae Doctor. 1561', with his monogram. Bequest ofT. Lorkin, 1591 Contemporary Cambridge stamped calf (Hobson: Cambridge, pi. xv, stamps 22-4, 26, 27, 29); boards lined with blank vellum [1594-1600]
1906 Rhazes: Liber nonus ad Almansorem cum expositione Johannis Arculani. F°, 333 mm. 12 Nov. 1493 BMV367 H* 13899 Bequest of T. Lorkin, with his monogram, 1591 i8thc. half calf
1907 Silvaticus (Matthaeus): Pandectae medicinae [etc.], F°, 313 mm. 27 Mar. 1499 P 4840 BM v 368 H* 15199 'Iste liber constat Johanni holand. 15. die Junii. 1523.' 'Modo Thoma Sinthake Junior me emit Anno Salutiferi nostri 1534. mensis maii die 15/ * Thomas Lorkyn', with his monogram. Bequest of T. Lorkin, 1591 18th c. half russia [1^02]
P E R E G R I N U S DE P A S Q U A L I B U S , 2nd press with DIONYSIUS BERTOCHUS 1908 Persius Flaccus (Aulus): Saturae. F°, 291 mm. 10 Sept. 1484 P* 4845 BM VII 1139 H12724 'Biblioth. Colleg. Brix. Soc. Jesu. Hie liber nihil prorsus habet suspectum quominus legi iam ab omnibus possit nomine commentatoris deleto quare pro facultate societaris nostrae recognitus omnibus permittitur.' ('Bartolomei Fontii* has been erased from the beginning of ib.) Bought, 1930 Old wooden boards, backed with modern pigskin [3668]
1909 Valerius Maximus: Factorum dictorumque memorabilium libri ix. F°, 280 mm. 20 Apr. 1485 H* 15787 [*2] a b 8 c6 d-z 8 &8 o8 y6; 206 leaves. 3a: 232 x 152 mm., 56 lines. Types: 110R (text), 83R (commentary) Device A in black on 206b (cf. Hain & BM v 389) Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (1) with no. 1801. Modern half pigskin [1603]
1910 Maius (Junianus): De priscorum proprietate verborum. F°, 309 mm. 8 Oct. 1485 P 4849 BM v 390 H* 10543 H. C. Hoskier. Given by J. Charrington, 1923 Contemporary stamped morocco, on which have been superimposed a forged * Canevari' medallion (horizontal) and gilt decoration [^04]
Jerome (St). Vita et transitus sancti Hieronymi. 40, 196 nim. 20 Dec. 1485 P4850 BMV391 H*863i 16th c. MS. notes (Italian). Given by J. Charrington, 1933 Vellum
Mayronis (Franciscus de): Sermones de sanctis [etc.]. 40, 208 mm. 11 Feb. 1493/4 P*4863 BMV392 H*iO53i Wants the last leaf (blank) Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 17th c. calf
Jerome (St). Vita et transitus sancti Hieronymi. (Italian.) 40, 222 mm. P 4865A BMV370 H8636 Given by J. E. Foster, 1894 19th c. half calf
Rolandinus, de Passageriis: Summa artis notariae. 40, 208 mm. 30 Nov. 1485 BMV371 H12086 *Dns Christofori de sarullis (?) artinensis (?) 1568/ Armorial bookplate (early 18th c.) of Tufton, Earl of Thanet. 'Ex libris Thomae Stewart, d. c. Equitis Hierosolymitani. Romae 1837/ Bought, 1934 18th c. half vellum [3786]
Alexander, de Villa Dei: Doctrinale. F°, 302 mm. 1488 GW 1008 Wants the last leaf (blank?) Rustat Fund, 1869 19th c. boards
Thomas, a Kempis: Imitatio Christi [etc.], 8°, 145 mm. 1488 P 4870 BM v 372 H* 9095 Wants the first two leaves Given by R. Griffin, 1924 Morocco, gilt and inlaid, with arms of Fortescue, by D. Cockerell (1899)
Dante Alighieri: Divina commedia [etc.]. F°, 302 mm. 3 Mar. 1491 P 4877 BM v 373 H 5949 GW 7969 (Anm. 1) Label: Scholae Historicae Cantabrigiehsis Liber. Transferred from the Seeley Library, 1920 [3794] Old vellum
1918 Justinianus (Bernardus): Historia de origine urbis Venetiarum. F°, 299 mm. P*4879 BMV374 11*9638 ( I ) Wants the first leaf (blank) Syston Park. B. E. Hammond. Given by Mrs Hammond, 1917 Red morocco (Syston Park)
1919 Justinianus (Bernardus): Orationes et epistolae [etc.], F°, 319 mm. P 4880 BM v 374 H* 9638 (2)=*9639 Acton Library, 1902 Old paper boards
1920 Augustine (St): Explanatio psalmorum. F°, 330 mm. 4 Aug. 1493 P* 4885 BM v 374 H* 1973 GW 2910 (Anm.) Label: Bibliothecae Academicae Cantabrigiensi per quinque lustra ah Aluino Fabro Scholfield feliciter ordinatae hie liber donatus est xxij° die mensis nouembris A.S. MCMXLVIII. Given by Sir E. H. Minns Modern calf [4303]
1921 Bernard (St), ofClairvaux: Modus bene vivendi. 8°, 157 mm. 30 May 1494 P4888 BM v 375 (IA. 22371) H2896 GW4048 'Ex libris Thomae Stewart Eq. Hierosol. Romae 1839. HVTJUOCTWOV Dno Rdo Dno Guglielmo Legge, pignus amicitiae, Ashstead, D.D.' Charles Butler. Given by J. Charrington, 1916 Morocco, by Leighton [1610] 1922
A n o t h e r c o p y . 140 m m . W. F. Maitland. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Bound (1) with nos 835 & 3141. Contemporary Cambridge stamped calf, rebacked (Hobson: Cambridge, pi. xv, nos 22, 24, 26-7 & (?) 30) [3985]
1923 Augustine (St): Epistolae. 40, 196 mm. 23 June 1494 P4889 BMV375 H*i97O GW2952 Adams Bequest, 1892 19th c. quarter roan
1924 Eusebius Pamphili: Evangelica praeparatio. F°, 294 mm. 31 May 1497 P*4893 BMV376 H*67O6 GW9444 Title-page mutilated Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (1) with no. 2178. Modern half pigskin
1925 Tertullianus (Q. S. F.): Apologeticus adversus gentes. F°, 297 mm. P* 4899 BM v 376 H15443 Bought, 1931 Paper boards
1926 Augustinus, Moravus: Dialogus in defensionem poetices. 40, 201 mm. 24 Mar. 1493 P* 5667 [Venice, unassigned] BM v 378 H* 11613 GW 3057 [Venice, Fridenperger] Wants leaves 17 (errata) & 18 (blank) British Museum duplicate, transferred 1889 Modern quarter morocco [J#5#]
1927 Bernard (St), of Clairvaux: Meditationes. 8°, 149 mm. '1492' P 5696A [Venice, unassigned] BM v 379 H 2884 GW 4033 Gaselee 145 Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 19th c. quarter morocco
1928 Angelus, de Clavasio: Summa angelica de casibus conscientiae. 40, 217 mm. 22 Oct. 1487 P4913 BMV383 H*5384 GW1924 Wants the last ten leaves (rubrics) 'Ad usum f. p. de Koburgker. 1524/ 'Pro conventu fru. min. reform. Franciscan. Bolsanensium.' Given by R. Griffin, 1930 16th c. stamped calf [3^74] 1929
Another copy. 216 m m . Gaselee 125 Wants leaves 1 (blank) & 54, and 1, 4 & 10 of the leaves of rubrics 'Pertinet ad Locum s. Antonij Orceij antique' (the last three words written over others). Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Old vellum [3986]
1930 Horatius Flaccus (Quintus): Opera. F°, 311 mm. 4 Feb. 1490/91 P*49i7 BMV384 H*8887 Wants the first & last leaves (blank) M. D. Babington. Bought, 1858 18th c. calf
*** P 4918 A. Reattributed by BM & GW to A. de Strata-& G. de Gregoriis. See no. 1836
1931 Angelus, de Clavasio: Summa angelica de casibus conscientiae. 8°, 157 mm. 4 June 1492 P4922 BMV385 H*5396 GW1934 With the variant settings of X 7 a and bxa described in GW Anm. a & c Given by Sir S. Gaselee (who bought it of the Franciscans of Genoa), 1934 Contemporary stamped calf, rebacked 1932
J u s t i n i a n u s : Institutions. F°, 410 m m . 17 M a y 1494 P 4924 BM v 385 H 9530 GW 7634 (Anm. 2) 'Richard Mannyngham de Michelmerst [i.e. Michelmersh] Rector. 1661' (cf. T. A. Walker, Admissions to Peterhouse (Cambridge, 1912), p. 29). Royal Library, 1715 18th c. half russia l1^]
Bertachinus (Johannes): Repertorium juris utriusque, pars 1. F°, 422mm. 23 May 1494 H* 2985(1) GW 4158(1) Contemporary English stamped calf (Oldham, pi. L, nos 89-92), defective
Johannes, Gallensis: Summa collationum. 8°, 148 mm. 30 July 1496 P*493O BMV386 HF7446 Wants the last leaf (device) Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 17th c. calf, rebacked
Albertus, Magnus: Philosophia pauperum [etc.]. 40, 211 mm. 31 Aug. 1496 P*493i BMV386 H*5o6 GW713 Duke of Sussex. 'J. A. Jeremie 1845/ Armorial bookplate: Quod tibi tie alteri (Alexander ofAuchmull). Sandars Bequest, 1894 19th c. calf [1618]
Carcanus (Michael): Sermonarium de poenitentia. 40 & 8°, 189 mm. 28 Sept. 1496 P4932 BMV386 11*4507 GW6132 'Monasterii Ranshouen/ Acton Library, 1902 Contemporary stamped pigskin, including a circular stamp of a double-tailed mermaid, crowned [i^IP]
Butrio (Antonius de): Lectura super 1 Decretalium. F°, 385 mm. 21 Nov., 7 Dec. 1485 H12320 GW5822 Bound (4) with nos 132, etc.
Jacobus Philippus, Bergomensis: Supplementum chronicarum. F°, 298 mm. 15 May 1490 P*4954 BMV402 H*28o8 Wants the first & last leaves (blank) Kloss. Bought (lot 658 at Puttick's), 26 July 1864 16th c. stamped pigskin
Jacobus Philippus, Bergomensis: Supplementum chronicarum. F°, 306 mm. 15 Feb. 1492/3 P*4962 BMV404 £1*2809 Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 17th c. calf
Paulus, de Castro: Lectura super 11 Infortiati. F°, 426 mm. 1 Sept. 1487 P 4969 BM v 395 H* 4623 (2) Gaselee 126 Pt 2 of the BM description only. The last blank is pasted down Bound (2) with no. 2657
[39$$] 22
A N T O N I U S BATTIBOVIS 1941 Ovidius Naso (Publius): Fasti. F°, 285 mm. 27 Aug. 1485 P* 4985 BM v 404 H* 12240 'William Mulsam, pretium 5s. 1667/ 'In usum scholae Stortfordiensis hunc librum contulit Mr. Johannes Gill predictae villae accola a0 1698. Tho. Tooke ScholarcM.' (For John Gill see J. L. Glasscock, The Records of St. Michael's Parish Church, Bishops Stortford
(London, 1882), pp. 179, 187, 192.) Bought, 1898 Bound (1) with no. 2686. 17th c. calf
1942 Thomas (St), Aquinas: Super libro AristotelisDe anima. 40, 305 mm. 31 May 1485 H* 1520 Pol. 3694 Label: Biblioteca del excmo. Senor Marques de Astorga. Bought, 1905
Bound between Gaietanus de Thienis, Super libros de anima.. .(Venetiis, G. de Gregoriis, 1 Jan. 1505) and Johannes de Janduno, Quaestiones de celo et mundo (B. Locatellus for O. Scotus, 23 Sept. 1501). Contemporary stamped calf, rebacked; pen-work decoration [1624] on fore-edge (coats-of-arms, foliage and titles)
M A T T E O CAPCASA 1943 Ovidius Naso (Publius): Opera. F°, 292 mm. 31 Dec. 1489 P* 4988 BM v 597 H* 12145 Royal Library, 1715 i8thc. half calf
1944 Caballus (Franciscus): De numero partium ac librorum physicae doctrinae Aristotelis. F°, 300 mm. P4991 BMV484 GW5832 Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Bound with Aristoteles, Posteriorum opus (Venetiis, G. de Gregoriis, 1514). Modern quarter morocco [42S3] J
945 Johannes, Ferrariensis: De vita coelesti. F°, 291 mm. 19 Dec. 1494 P*4999 BMV485 HF6982 9a, 1. 1: prietatibus reru paululu... (y. BM note) Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Modern half pigskin
Ficinus (Marsilius): Epistolae. F°, 310 m m . 11 Mar. 1495 P*500i BMV486 H*7O59 Title-page mutilated 'Henry Benet Cantabrigiensis.' Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (1) with nos 2177 & 2788. Modern half pigskin
HANNIBAL FOXIUS with M. SARACENUS & BARTHOLOMAEUS 1947 Priscianus, grammaticus: Opera. F°, 283 mm. 22 Sept. 1485 P* 5007 BM v 407 H* 13360 Wants the first leaf (blank) 'Revd. Matt? W. Gibson, Philadelphia P?.. .A.D. 1850/ 'Bought at Dr Charlton's Sale, Sept. 1874/ Rustat Fund, 1917 19th c. half morocco [1629]
B O N E T U S LOCATELLUS 1948 Augustine (St): De civitate Dei. 40, 229 mm. 9 Feb. 1486/7 BM v 436 H* 2055 GW 2882 Bought, 1912 19th c. morocco
1949 Magistris (Johannes de): Quaestiones super tota philosophia naturali. 4 0 , 226 mm. 30 May 1487 H* 10448=4348 a-v8 x 6 ; 166 leaves, the first & last presumably blank. 3a: 184 x 130 mm., 50 lines, 2 cols. Types: 130G, 74G. Woodcut initials Wants the first & last leaves, also k 8 an4 P7 * Abraham Hunt.' * I will give agayne for this booke 3s. 6d. Francis Greene* (v. The Library, 5th ser., vi (1951-2), pp. 212-13, a n d cf. nos 754, 2144 & 2181) Bound (2) with no. 1950 [*#?*]
1950 Magistris (Johannes de): Quaestiones super totum cursum logicae. 4 0 , 226 mm. 20 June 1487 BM v 43 6 H* 10452=9424 Wants the first leaf (blank) and the last (device & register) 'Johannes Johnson.' Acquired before 1700 Bound (1) with no. 1949. 17th c. calf
1951 Jacobus, de Voragine: Sermones de sanctis. 4 , 215 mm. 3 Nov. 1488 CopR 65 52 = 6451 Gaselee 127 [#2] a-t 8 u 4 ; 158 leaves, the first blank Wants the blank 'Ex libris Presbyteri Hieronymi [...] Theolog: [...].' Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Old limp vellum [39fy]
1952 Bible: Latin. With the commentary ofNicolausde Lyra. F°, 338 mm. 8 Aug. 1489 P 5018 A BMV437 H*3i68 GW4291 Vol. 4 (quires A - * ) only. Wants the last leaf 'Con licencia de nro P? Vicario prouincial el muy revendo fray Ant? Calderon di este tomo con los tres companeros al conuento del seiior S- Simon de la isla de Redondela 22 de agosto 1692. Fr. Ant?de [ . . . ] ' (v. Florez, Espana Sagrada, vol. 23, p. 205). Given by C. Burrage, 1904 Calf, circa 1700, rebacked [^33]
1953 Petrus, Lombardus: Sententiae [etc.]. F°, 304 mm. 16 Dec. 1489 P* 5019 BM v 437 H10200 * Liber Ecclesiae Cathedralis Dunelm.' 'In a? xi 1548 Dudley perdidit castellum de H [ . . . ] . ' 'Leo. Pylkyngton.' Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf [1634]
1954 Boethius (A. M. T. S.): De consolatione philosophiae [etc.]. F°, 295 mm. 24 Dec. 1489 P 5020 BM v 437 H 3404 GW 4544 (Anm.) Gaselee 128 The last leaf mutilated Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Old vellum
1955 Rhazes: Liber nonus ad Almansorem cum expositione Sillani de Nigris [etc. ]. F°, 314 mm. 10 Apr. 1490 P5022 BMV438 H* 13896 ' Wm. Goddard.' Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (1) with nos 2245, 1815 & 1990. Modern half pigskin
1956 Sacro Bosco (Johannes de): Sphaera mundi [etc.]. 40, 263 mm. 4 Oct. 1490 P*5O23 BMV438 11*14113 Adams Bequest, 1892 19th c. marbled paper boards
Another copy. 194 mm. 'Nicolaus Boustus medicus.' Bought, 1894 Bound with Joannes Martinus Poblacion, De usu astrolabii compendium (Parisiis, H. Stephanus), Jacob Koebel, Astrolabii declaration. (Moguntiae, P. Jordan, 1532), and Henricus Glareanus, De geographia liber unus (Basileae, J. F. Emmeus, 1527). Old paper boards [1637]
Another copy. 209 m m . Sandars Bequest, 1894 19th c. vellum
1959 Diogenes Laertius: Vitae et sententiae philosophorum. 40, 200 mm. 18 Dec. 1490 P*5O24 BMV438 H*6202 GW8381 Given by F. H. H. Guillemard, 1918 19th c. calf, gilt
1960 Magistris (Johannes de): Quaestiones super totum cursum logicae. 40, 218 m m . 1490 H* 10455 Pol. 2554 Stamp: In a circle, a cross between S & G, M below Bookplate and stamp of Hercules de Silva. Venn Collection, 1888 19th c. quarter morocco
1961 Andreae (Antonius): Quaestiones super Metaphysica Aristotelis. F°, 292 mm. 8 Aug. 1491 P5026 BMV439 H*979 GW1662 'Ex libris Magri Archangeli Ritii Augustinensis Veneti.' Acquired before 1700 Modern half morocco 1962
A n o t h e r c o p y . 293 m m . 'Hie liber est charoli car^ ordinis/ 'Iste liber est pauli lathomi pretium vs.' 'Johnson* Bound (4) with nos 1999, etc. [1641]
1963 Gratia Dei, Esculanus: Commentaria in Artem veterem Aristotelis. F°, 303 mm. 13 Sept. 1491 Pf 5 O2 7 H* 7 874 a-16 m 8 ; 74 leaves, the last blank. Types: 130G, 92G, 74G. Woodcut initials Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Modern half pigskin 1964
A n o t h e r c o p y . 302 m m . Gaselee 129 Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Old quarter vellum
1965 Tibullus (Albius): Elegiae [etc.]. F°, 295 mm. 9 Dec. 1491 P* 5029 BM v 439 H* 4763 Wants the last leaf (blank) Duke of Sussex. Bought, 1877 18th c. calf
1966 Silius Italicus: Punica. F°, 306 mm. 18 May 1492 P* 5034 BM v 439 H* 14740 Wants the first leaf (title) Charles Whibley. Bought, 1930 19th c. quarter calf
1967 Cicero (Marcus Tullius): Orator [etc.]. F°, 300 mm. 16 July 1492 P* 5035 BM v 440 H* 5111 bis GW 6756 Gregory Lewis Way. Sandars Bequest, 1894 18th c. calf
[1644] 0
1968 Regius (Raphael): Problemata in Quintilianum [etc.]. 4 , 191 mm. P*5O37 BMV440 H* 13809 Bought, 1914 Modern quarter morocco
1969 Thomas (St), Aquinas: Catena aurea. F°, 309 mm. 4 June 1493 P 5043 BM v 441 H* 1336 Wants the first leaf (title) Given by the Rev. A. Brook, i860 Paper boards
1970 Ovidius Naso (Publius): Metamorphoses. F°, 283 mm. 4-5 June 1493 Pf5O44 HC12172 a4 A-R 8 S 6 ; 146 leaves, the last blank. Types: 105R, 80R. Woodcut initials Wants the first leaf (title) and the blank * Richard Castell/ 'Wyllhelmus badyssley/ 'John RandelL' Royal Library, 1715 [1647] 18th c. calf
Quintilianus (Marcus Fabius): Institutiones oratoriae. F°, 319 mm. 17 July 1493 P*5O45 BMV441 H* 13652 Wants the last leaf (blank) 'Cuthebertus Londoniensis eps studiosis dono dedit.' Given by C. Tunstall, 1528-9, and copiously annotated by him 18th c. calf [1648]
P a u l u s , Venetus: Quadratura. F°, 310 m m . 22 A u g . 1493 P* 5046 BM v 441 H* 12521 Bound (2) with nos 1980, etc.
P a u l u s , Venetus: Sophismata. F°, 310 m m . 21 Oct. 1493 P* 5048 BM v 442 H* 12508 Bound (3) with nos 1980, etc.
1974 Ptolemaeus (Claudius): Quadripartitum [etc.]. F°, 306 mm. 20 Dec. 1493 P*5O5o BMV442 H* 13544 Wants P 4 & P 5 Stamps: (1) Ex Biblic? P. M. Gerardi Capassi Flo. (2) in an oval, a lily-plant, with three flowers, initials DSA. Acquired between 1862 and 1868
Paper boards jpyj
Another copy. 302 mm. Arms illuminated on 4a: a fesse or, three arrows (?) sable, between in chief azure, three fleurs-de-lys or and a label (?) of four points gules, in base sable, three mounts or. 'From Rome—from the library of W. de Grohe.' Adams Bequest, 1892 i8thc. half calf [1652]
1976 Gaietanus, de Thienis: Super libros Aristotelis De anima [etc.], F°, 301 mm. 23 Dec. 1493 PJ5O5I H 15504 Pell. 4942 A-T 6 [* 2 ]; 116 leaves, 114 blank Wants the blank 'John Stone his booke.. .1622/ Acquired before 1700 Modern half pigskin
Another copy. 293 mm. Bound (2) with nos 1999, etc.
1978 Boccaccio (Giovanni): Genealogiae deorum gentilium [etc.], F°, 302mm. 23 Feb. 1494/5 P*5O52 BMV444 H*332i GW4478 Royal Library, 1715 Modern half pigskin; formerly late 16th c. calf, with Tudor arms, arms of Cambridge University and initials T.B. (cf. Oldham, p. 20) [1^55] 1979
H o r a t i u s F l a c c u s (Quintus): Opera. F°, 316 m m . 14 Mar. 1494 P*5O53 BMV443 H* 8890 M. D. Babington. Bought, 1858 18th c. calf
1980 Hentisberus (Guilelmus): De sensu composito et diviso [etc.], F°, 310 mm. 27 May 1494 P*5O54 BMV443 H* 8437 Acquired before 1700 Bound (1) with nos 1972 & 1973. Vellum over paper boards
1981 Cicero (Marcus Tullius): Epistolae ad familiares. F°, 316 mm. 22 Sept. 1494 P*5O55 BMV443 H* 5205 GW6849 Partly printed in the types of Christophorus de Pensis 'Bromefeld/ Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf
Another copy. 303 mm. 'Ex perquisito fratris dementis Westfyld monachi monasterii sancti martini de bello' (i.e. Battle Abbey, Sussex; for Clement Westfyld v. Dugdale, Monasticon (1821), vol. in, p. 254, xxvi). Royal Library, 1715 Modern half pigskin \}^59\
1983 Grosseteste (Robert): Commentaria in Posteriora Aristotelis [etc.], F°, 310 mm. 10 Nov. 1494 P 5057 BM v 444 H* 10105 *Di Capuccini di S. Carlo.' Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 Formerly bound with no. 1988. Modern quarter morocco
1984 Gellius (Aulus): Noctes Atticae. F°, 313 mm. 13 Nov. 1494 P5057A BMV444 H*7525 Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (1) with no. 2622. Modern half pigskin
1985 Balbus (Johannes): Catholicon. F°, 312 mm. 20 Nov. 1495 P5063 BMV445 H*2264 GW 3201 Acton Library, 1902 Half calf, circa 1800
1986 Balbus (Johannes): Catholicon. Another copy. 312 mm. 'Oliuer marssu me possidet teste Shyne cum multis aliis.' 'Nycolas Wood Clothemaker.' Stamp: Arundell. 'Lumley.' Given by John, Lord Lumley, 1597 Contemporary English stamped calf (Oldham, pi. L, 89,91 & 92), boards lined with vellum MS. (14th c , homilies) [1663]
1987 Hieronymus, Estensis: Cronica della citta d' Este. 40, 190 mm. BM VII 1140 Wants the last leaf (blank) 'Bibliothecae Colbertinae.' Given by J. Charrington, 1916 Modern half morocco
1988 Aegidius, Rotnanus: Expositio super libros Elenchorum Aristotelis [etc.]. F°, 310 mm. 6 Feb. 1496/7 P5067 BMV447 H*i4o GW 7195 Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908. Formerly bound with no. 1983. Modern quarter morocco
1989 Petrus, de Abano: Conciliator difFerentiarum [etc.], F°, 302 mm. 15 Mar. 1496 Pf5o69 H*4 Pell. 4 A-Z 8 AA-II 8 KK 10 ; 266 leaves, the last blank. Types: 180G, 130G, 74G. Woodcut initials Wants KK3 & KK4 'Henricus Bate, Cantabr. 1631/ Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Calf, circa 1700 [1666]
1990 Manliis (JohannesJacobus de): Luminare maius. F°, 313 mm. 28 May 1496 P 5070 BM v 446 H* 10712 With three leaves of contemporary MS. index bound in at the end Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (4) with nos 1955, etc. Modern half pigskin
1991 Gaietanus, de Thienis: Recollectae super Physica Aristotelis. F°, 298 mm. 5 Aug. 1496 P*5O7i BMV446 H15498 Acquired before 1700
Modern half pigskin
1992 Duns (Johannes), Scotus: Quodlibeta. F°, 301 m m . 3 Feb. 1497/8 P 5075 BM v 449 H 6437 GW 9072 Wants the last leaf (blank) Bound (2) with no. 1998 1
Another copy. 292 mm. Wants the last leaf (blank) John Colbatch Modern half pigskin
1994 Guainerius (Antonius): Practica. F°, 290 mm. 14 Feb. 1497/8 P*5O76 BMV449 H* 8099 Contemporary MS. notes (medical) *.. .consilium M. petri de colonia', ' . . .de consilio doctoris Bartlat'. Rustat Fund (lot 343 at Puttick's), 17 Jan. 1903 Formerly bound with no. 2481. Modern half morocco [1671]
1995 Argellata (Petrus de): Chirurgia. F°, 285 mm. 22 Feb. 1497/8 P*5O77 BMV449 H1637 GW2323 Wants the last leaf (blank) 'in fenestris aulae coll. regine in 1 sancta dei genetrix mea sis precor auxiliatrix 2 has quia suxisti fill veniam precor isti 3 vulnera queso pater, id quod rogitat mea mater 4 gnate petita dabo, quod vis volo nulli negabo.' Bequest of T. Lorkin, 1591 [1672] Bound (1) with no. 2005. Brown cloth
1996 Rhazes: Liber norms*ad Almansorem cum expositione Johannis Arculani. F°, 309 mm. 18 Sept. 1497 HC* 13900 A-X 8 Y 10 ; 178 leaves. Types: 180G, 130G, 92G, 74G. Woodcut initials 'Ex dono viri nobilissimi Dni Edwardi Talbot [apparentis erased] Comitis a Shrewsberree, dni et Baronis Ogill, Antistitis sui clementissimi* 'anno dni 1610 Qui postea in regnum coeleste translatus est 1614, cum amicorum et possessoris (?) summo cum gemitu et dolore' 'Roberti Henrysoni Scoti.' Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf [1673]
1997 Duns (Johannes), Scotus: Quaestiones in Metaphysica Aristotelis [etc.]. F°, 302 m m . 20 N o v . 1497 P* 5083 BM v 448 H* 6450 GW 9065 Wants the last leaf (blank) Bound between Antonius Trombeta, In tractatum formalitatum Scoti sententia... (Venetiis, 22 Apr. 1505) and the same author's Quaestiones metaphisicales (Venetiis, 1504). 17th c. calf [1674]
1998 Duns (Johannes), Scotus: Scriptum in libros i-rv Sententiarum. F°, 301 mm. 18 Dec. 1497 BMV448 H 6420 (3, 4) GW9077 * Sum Iohannis Iodoci Lutzii Heidelbergensis' (v. G. Toepke, Die Matrikel d. Univ. Heidelberg). Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 [1675] Bound (1) with no. 1992. 18th c. half calf
1999 Paulus, Venetus: Expositio librorum Aristotelis De generatione [etc.], F°, 293 mm. 21 May 1498 P*5O87 BMV450 H*i25i8 Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Bound (1) with nos 1977, 2094 & 1962. 17th c. calf
2000 Thomas (St)9 Aquinas: Super i Sententiarum. F°, 317 mm. 3 Oct. 1498 P 5091 BM v 451 H* 1475 Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound with no. 2001. Modern half pigskin
T h o m a s (St), Aquinas:
Super 11 Sententiarum. F°, 317 m m . 22 D e c . 1498
P*5oo6 BMV451 H*i478 Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound with no. 2000. Modern half pigskin
T h o m a s (St), Aquinas:
Opuscula. F°, 310 m m . 22 D e c . 1498
P 5097 BM v 452 H* 1542 'Ad usum patris fratris Vincentii monasterii Altafini olim de Iustinopoli [Capodistria].' 'Nunc Tollini.' 'Iste liber est s [ . . . ] usui deputatus d. Benigni de pap9 signatus sub numero 127' 'quern ego emi Creme a librario sed ab ipso a militibus direptoribus miserae urbis empcum reor vel pocius a monaco quopiam furaciori.' Museo Cavaleri. Bought, 1910 16th c. stamped calf, rebacked [^79]
Antonius, de Bitonto: Sermones dominicales. 8°, 175 mm. 10 Oct. 1499 P5098 BMV452 H*322i GW2214 Bound (2) with no. 2047
2004 Middleton (Richard): Super rv Sententiarum. 40, 204 mm. 17 Dec. 1499 P5099 BMV452 H* 10987 * Pro fratre Erhardo Horolt.' * J o n a n n e s Riederer de Eschenbach.' ' R. Dns. Joannes Riederer parochus in Gelbelsee.' * Spectat ad Praedicaturam Ecclesiae Berchingensis, 1684/ 'Ex lib. M. Friderici Weigman/ Acton Library, 1902 16th c. stamped pigskin, with clasps [1681]
2005 Guido, de Cauliaco: Chirurgia parva [etc.]. F°, 285 mm. 27 Jan. 1500/1 P*5ioo BMV453 H4813 Quires aa-cc only, containing Jesu Hali, De oculis and Canamusalus, De oculis Monogram of Thomas Lorkin Bound (2) with no. 1995
G U I L E L M U S A N I M A MIA 2006 Nestor (Dionysius): Vocabularius [etc.]. F°, 315 mm. 26 June 1488 P*5iio BMV410 11*6253 The colophon is as described in Pellechet 4335, not as in BM Wants the first leaf Bought, 1908 Modern half pigskin
2007 Regius (Raphael): Epistolae Plinii enarrationes [etc.]. 40, 192 mm. 23 May 1490 P*5in BMV411 H*i38io Bought, 1901 Bound with Plinius, Epistolae per P. Beroaldum emendatae... (Venetiis, A. Vercellensis, 1501), Politianus, Epistolae lepidissimae (Antvverpie, T. Martini, 1510) and Basilius, De moribus institutiones ad nepotes (Lugrunii, A. G. de Brocario, 1508). 16th c. stamped morocco [1684]
2008 Sacro Bosco (Johannes de): Sphaera mundi [etc.], 40, 207 mm. 14Jan. 1491 P* 5113 BMV412 H* 14114 W. Mitchell. Given by J. Charrington, 1916 Brown morocco, by L. Broca
2009 Valerius Maximus: Factorum dictorumque memorabihum libri ix. F°, 310 mm. 12 Aug. 1491 P* 5114 BM v 412 H* 15791 'Alexr. Boyde me possidet.' Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf
J O H A N N E S R U B E U S , 2nd press ALONE 2010 Sallustius Crispus (Gaius): Opera [etc.]. F°, 292 mm. HR14193 A-D 6 ; 24 leaves, the first blank. Type: 82R. Capital spaces, with some directors 'De Jacobo Malamatre.' Bought, 1918 Old half vellum [1687] 2011
J o s e p h u s (Flavius): Opera. F°, 292 m m . 23 Oct. i 4 8 6 P* 5118 BMV415 H*9454 Gaselee 130 Wants the first & last leaves (blank) Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 18th c. calf, rebacked
2012 Justinus (Marcus Junianus): Epitome in Trogi Pompeii Historias [etc.], F°, 288 mm. P 5120 BMV420 H9655 Bound (2) with no. 2254. On the last (blank) leaf of no. 2254 and the first (blank) leaf of the present item are MS. additions {Tetrastica de Caesaribus & De Suetonio) dated 1490 [1688]
2013 Maius (Junianus): De priscorum proprietate verborum. F°, 315 mm. 23 Feb. 1490 P*5i26 BMV416 H* 10545 Bought, 1893 Modern vellum
2014 Livius (Titus): Historiae Romanae decades [etc.], (Italian.) F°, 324mm. 11 Feb. 1493 P* 5133 BM v 417 H* 10149 Wants the first leaf (title) A. Higgins. Given by J. Charrington, 1916 Old vellum
2015 Justinus (Marcus Junianus): Epitome in Trogi Pompeii Historias [etc.], F°, 312 mm. P 5138 BM v 421 (IB. 23170) H* 9653 Wants leaves 1, 6 & 54 (last) Given by J. Charrington, 1923 Bound (1) with nos 2102 & 2601. Old vellum
Another copy. 314 mm. Gaselee 131 Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Contemporary wooden boards backed with stamped calf, repaired
A L B E R T I N U S VERCELLENSIS 2017 Josephus (Flavius): Opera. F°, 316 mm. 23 Oct. 1499 P5148 BMV421 1**9455 MS. purchase-note of Johannes Petrus de Oprandis of Bergamo, dated 24 Jan. 1521. 'Conventus Dominici de Brixia ex obitu R. Johannis Petri de L a u d [ . . . ] ' Bought, 1909 Old half vellum [1692] 2018
A n o t h e r c o p y . 312 m m . Gaselee 132 Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Old wooden boards, backed with modern leather; flyleaves of vellum MS. (14th c. & 13th c. homilies) [3994]
ALEXANDER 2019 Psalter: Greek. 40, 208 mm. 15 Nov. i486 P* 5153 BM v 409 H* 13453 * Coll. Soc. Jesu Paris.' ' Sum Gedeonis Boyceau.' ' Anthonio Tisio suo dono dedit Boyceau Santonensis.' Royal Library, 1715 [1693] 18th c. calf
MARINUS SARACENUS 2020 Plinius Secundus (Caius): Historia naturalis. F°, 313 mm. 14 May 1487 P* 5157 BM v 413 H* 13096 Wants leaves 270-71 {Correctiones & Registrant), also the first & last leaves (blank) Royal Library, 1715 [1694] 18th c. calf
2021 Cicero (Marcus Tullius): Rhetorica nova et vetus. F°, 303 mm. 18 Sept. 1487 P5158 BMV414 H*5O79 GW6740 'Paulus Augustinus Eremiticus Cremonensis Posessor.' Bought, 1903 19th c. half calf
2022 Saliceto (Guilelmus de): Summa conservationis et curationis [etc.]. F°, 317 mm. 8 May 1490 P 4515 [J. & G. de Gregoriis] BM v 414 H* 14145 Wants g 8 , k3_6, y 6 & zx Bequest of T. Lorkin, 1591 Modern half pigskin
P A G A N I N U S DE P A G A N I N I S 2023 Augustine (St): Sermones ad heremitas. 8°, 154 mm. 26 May 1487 P*5i6o BMV454 H*2002 GW 3003 Charles Butler. Given by J. Charrington, 1916 Modern morocco 2024
A u g u s t i n e (St): D e trinitate [etc.]. 4 0 , 215 m m . 12 N o v . 1489 P*5i64 BMV455 11*2038 = 3427 GW 2927+4588 'In profesto sancti VigiHi Anno 1501 pro 15 Crucibus (?) suis Tredenti. 'Hepovvnos TTBAcrrspA.' '1516. Sum Johannis gattrer plebani in S. Laurencio.' * David de Spaur Praepositus Brixinensis Dedit Fratribus Min. Reform. Brixinens.' Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1947 Contemporary wooden boards, backed with stamped pigskin, with clasps [4240]
Alphonsus, Toletanus: Lectura super 1 Sententiarum. F°, 301 mm. 31 Oct. 1490 P5166 BMV455 H*876 Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 17th c. calf
2026 Lucas, de Bur go: Somma di aritmetica, geometria, proporzioni e proporzionalita. F°, 313 mm. 10-20 Nov. 1494 P*5i68 BMV457 H4105 With the original setting of the earlier quires (v. BM note). 9a: [red] Ad illuftriflimum Peincipem Gui. Vbaldum Vrbini Duce Montis fe | retri: ac Durantis Comitem... | . . . Fratris Luce de Burgo... | . . . In arte^ arith- | metice: z. Geometric Paefatio. | . . . Wants k 8 and the last leaf Royal Library, 1715 Modern quarter morocco UfyS] 2027
Another copy. 316 m m . With the same setting of type as no. 2026 Glaisher Bequest, 1928 Modern vellum
2028 Bible: Latin. With the commentary of Nicolaus de Lyra. 5 vols. F°, 349 mm. 18 Apr. 1495 P*5i7O BMV458 H*3i74 GW4283 (Anm.) Armorial bookplate: La vertue est la seule noblesse (Frederick North, 5th Earl of Guilford), marked in MS. * a. June 29 1854 Chambers sale Catal. Supp*' Ashburnham 449. Acquired before 1 Dec. 1898 Old vellum [1700)
Another copy of vols 3 & 4 (quires 111-TTT). 360 mm. With some variations, e.g. S S ^ , col. 2, 1. 6: .. .z, Sdiuuent earn p*u- | ...instead of .. .z adiuuenit earn | Lot 278 at Puttick's, 29 Oct. 1913, when the boards contained copies of Wynkyn de Worde's Indulgence (Duff2i3); cf. nos 4135 & 4137. Bought, 1913 Contemporary stamped calf, with LVL roll (Oldham, pi. LV, 207) and pineapple stamps [i701] (Oldham, pi. LIX, 275-7)
H I E R O N Y M U S DE S A N C T I S withj. L. SANTRITTER 2030 Sacro Bosco (Johannes de): Sphaera mundi [etc.]. 40,203 mm. 31 Mar. 1488 P*5i83 BMV462 H*I4H2 Given by J. Charrington, 1916 Blue morocco, by Leighton
J O H A N N E S LUCILIUS SANTRITTER 2031 Estwood (John): Summa astrologiaejudicialis. F°, 303 mm. 7 July 1489 P*5i84 BMV462 H*6685 GW9392 The preliminary quire (2 leaves) is misbound around quire a 19th c. half calf
JOHANNES HAMMAN 2032 Crispus (Johannes), de Montibus: Termini omnium actionum cum arbore. F°, 408 mm. 8 Oct. 1490 BMV424 H* 11606 GW7835 Wants the first leaf Given by A. S. F. Gow, 1935 Paper boards
Innocent I V : Apparatus super libros Decretalium. F°, 421mm. 8 Oct. 1491 P5187 BMV424 11*9193 Ex Bibliotheca Camerae Episcopalis Ratisponensis. Acton Library, 1902 Modern half morocco
[ 1704]
2034 Alfonso X : Tabulae astronomicae [etc.], 40, 195 mm. 31 Oct. 1492 P*5i88 BMV424 H*869 GW1258 The setting of 39a varies from those described by GW: Tabule Aftronomice Diui Alfonfi Ro- I manosu et Caftilie Regis Illuftriuimi | Felicibus Aftris incipiunt. | ([ Tabula Tempos hoc eft Erarum differentie: fiue DifFerentiarum | vnius regni ad aliud: z, nomina regum atcg cuiuflibet ere cognite. | . . . Cambridge Observatory Library. Transferred, 1948 Old calf, defective [4298] 2035
B r e v i a r i u m Eboracense. 8°, 160 m m . 1 M a y 1493 P*5i89 BMV424 H3834 GW5333 Duff59 Saylei2i Three leaves only (folios 278-9 (conjoint) & 280) * Liber J[o]annis gedge* Preserved between glass
Missale R o m a n u m . 8°, 163 m m . 1 J u l y 1493 P 5189 A BM v 425 (IA. 23359) H* 11401 Wants leaves 1, 2 & 8 'Renuardo Goldlin canonico Beronensi donavit hunc librum venerabilis dns Ioannes Feer in sui memoriam.' 'Sum Henrici Bircheri Canonici Baeronensis 1625/ 'Sum Gualteri Pfifferi Cano: Bero: Anno MDCXX[. . . ] . ' Given by S. Sandars, 1894 Contemporary stamped calf [1706]
2037 Horae ad usum Romanum [etc.], 8°, 115 mm. 14(93] P5190 BMV425 On vellum Wants a! and d8 W. H. Crawford. Given by S. Sandars, 1893 Paper boards 2038
M i s s a l e ad u s u m S a r u m . F°, 398 m m . 1 Sept. 1494 P* 5194 B M v 426 (IB. 23371) H 11422 Duff324 Sayle 123 Wants the first leaf, nx & K8 MS. obits (i6thc.) in the Calendar, e.g. (22 April) ' Obitus Johannis Ascheton Rectoris ecclesiae de sowthenormantonanno dominiM™0 D™° lmo.' Bookplate of Henry Sherbrooke, Oxton (lot 537 at Sotheby's, 19 May 1887; cf. Index of provenances). Sandars Bequest, 1894 Calf, by Hayday [1708]
Fragments o f another c o p y . 390 m m . Leaf n 10 , and parts of leaves c4 & c 7 , only 'John Wales of Gnosall sonne to Margret Wales wydo w° kepeth Haughton wyndemylne.' From the binding of lot 280 at Puttick's, 29 Oct. 1913 [4125]
Leaf a 2 o f another c o p y . 418 m m . From the library of F. Jenkinson, 1923 351
2041 Missale ad usum Sarum. 8°, 165 mm. 1 Dec. 1494 P* 5 i95 BM v 426 (IA. 23373) Duff325 Sayle 124 Wants leaves 1, 8-10, c4 & c 5 , o 8 , p x & p 2 , qq 8 , O ^ , Slt2A-8 In the Calendar, against 4 October: 'dedicacio sci. thome martiris in southwerk.' * Thomas Wilton est huius lybri possessor.' *Jo? Martin, o.p.' 'Henry Bradshaw 23 Apr. 1884' (and presumably given by him) 16th c. stamped calf, with fragments of a 13 th c. gradual at ends (Add. MS. 600040) [1709]
Another copy. 175 mm. Wants leaves 9 & 10 'Roberd coket.' Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 i8thc. half calf
2043 Nicolaus, de Lyra: Postilla super Epistolas et Evangelia quadragesimalia [etc.], 8°, 182 mm. 13 Dec. 1494 BM v 426 H 10390 Given by J. Charrington, 1910 Modern wooden boards, backed with morocco
Horae ad usum Sarum. 8°. 1494 BMV426 Duff 181 Fragments only: (1) part of a sheet, 290x238 mm., containing six leaves of text, and the inner woodcut border of two others; (2) part of a sheet, 207 x 58 mm., containing the upper part of two leaves (one with woodcut) and a small portion of a third [3710] Bought, 1899
2045 Breviarium ad usum Sarum. F°, 365 mm. G W 5452 Duff 66 Sayle 122 Fragments only: (1) T w o leaves (CLXXHI & CLXXIIII), given by F. Jenkinson, 1891; (2) A portion of leaf CLXXV, from a binding; (3) Eight leaves, some defective (ccccxvi, CCCCLH-CCCCLV, CCCCLVII-CCCLXIX [i.e. CCCCLIX]), acquired before 1886
2046 Peckham (John): De oculo morali. 8°, 132 mm. 1 Apr. 1496 BMV426 H9804 Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Modern half morocco
2047 Antonius, de Bitonto: Sermones in Epistolas dominicales et quadragesimales. 8°, 175 mm. 17 June, 1 July 1496 BMV427 11*3224 GW2215 The colophon on 164b is as described by Hain (v. BM note) Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Bound (1) with no. 2003. 16th c. English calf, with central ornament in blind 352
2048 Regiomontanus (Johannes): Epitome in Almagestum Ptolemaei. F°, 307 mm. 31 Aug. 1496 P*5i97 BMV427 H* 13806 Without the two additional leaves inserted in quire a of the BM copy (letter of Abiosus). Wants the last leaf (blank) Rustat Fund, 1900 Modern half vellum [1715]
2049 Breviarium ad usum Sarum. 8° GW5453? Duff62? Four leaves only, foliated in red 349, 352-3, 356. 2 columns, 36 lines 349a: gedeonis vellus qct pfundif | hec bta falomonis q bta dicif |; 349b, col. 2, 1. 34: [red] (V2) [black] Iros igif fcos atcp de- | uotos ad hui9 diei fefti | uitate celebaada alliciut tarn I (PW in 395-9) 352a: folari. [red] ps. [black] Magt. [red] Memoaa | fub filentio de apoftolis: cum |; 353b, col. 2, 1. 36: neq$ iufticia angeloif diia ad | (PW m 407-14) 356a: [red] (E2) [black] um agnofco. Tu. [red] Lee. ij. | [black] Cce eni vt facta eft vox |; 356b, col. 2, 1. 36: trafcendut z, ipfa in me z, mihi | (PW in 421-4) A. G. W. Murray. Given by D. W. Murray, 1919 [3740]
BERNARDINUS DE CHORIS with SIMON DE LUERE 2050 Perottus (Nicolaus): Cornucopia. F°, 309 mm. 30 May 1490 BMV464 H* 12699 Wants the last leaf (blank); title-page mutilated '1519 die 12 maij Questo libro a lasato q a Sancto hieronimo amore dei ser amato de Castel durante se preghi dio per lui.' Stamp: Marco Lazzari. Jenkinson Fund, 1934 Blue morocco, by Leighton [3800] 2051
P l a t o : O p e r a . (Latin.)
F°, 315 m m . 13 A u g . 1491
P*52i6 BMV465 H* 13063 Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf
[1716] ALONE
P e t r u s , Ravennas:
Artificiosa m e m o r i a . 4 0 , 204 m m . 10 J a n . 1491/2
P*52i8 BMV466 H* 13697 With variations from BM & Hain: ia: Fcenix Magiftri Petri Memoriae Rauennatis |; 16b, 1. 12: .. .ImprefTor... W. E. Buckley. Bought, 1894 Wrappers [1717] 2053
S e n e c a (Lucius A n n a e u s ) : O p e r a . F°, 307 m m . 31 O c t . 1492 P*522I BMV466 H* 14594 Wants the first leaf (title & contents) 'Ad bibliothecam Viennae: P. P. Franciscanorum.' 'Philippus Gell S.S. & I. Trin. Coll. Cant. An. M.Decc.iii.' Bought, 1921 [1718] Paper boards
CHRISTOPHORUS DE PENSIS % * See also no. 1981
2054 Ovidius Naso (Publius): Metamorphoses. F°, 309 mm. 7 Jan. * 1492 * [1497/8] P 5226 BM v 471 H 12162 'Liber Rogeri Tonstalli Oxonie.' 'William Kent pre. 3s Bound (1) with no. 2056. 18th c. calf
' Royal Library, 1715
*** P 5231. Reattributed by BM & GW to Carolus de Darleriis at Cremona. See no. 2609
2055 Martialis (Marcus Valerius): Epigrammata. F°, 315 mm. 29 May 1498 P 5244 & *5634 BM v 597 H 10825 Partly printed in the types of Bevilagua Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (2) with nos 2106, etc. Modern half pigskin
2056 Ovidius Naso (Publius): Opera (exc. Metamorphoses). F°, 309 mm. Nov. 1498 P* 5245 BM v 472 H 12150 Bound (2) with no. 2054
2057 Dictys, Cretensis: Historia Troiana [etc.], 40, 201 mm. 1 Feb., 1 Mar. 1499 P*5247 BMV472 H*6i58 GW 8328 Adams Bequest, 1892 Modern half morocco
[i 721 ]
2058 Claudianus (Claudius): Opera. 8°, 212 mm. 23 May 1500 P5252 BMV473 H5373 GW7062 Bought, 1912 Old quarter vellum
2059 Vergilius (Polydorus): Proverbia. 40, 205 mm. 6 Nov. 1500 BMV473 H16011 Bibliotheca Heberiana. *C.P. Oct. 271849. W. E. B[uckley].' 'Lyte 409A.' Bought, 1894 19th c. diced calf
Another copy. 201 m m . Gaseleei33 Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern vellum
2061 Appianus: De bellis civilibus [etc.], F°, 286 mm. 20 Nov. 1500 P*5253 BMV473 H1312 GW2291 Bought, 1879 Calf, circa 1700
2061 *5 Burchiello: Sonetti. 4 , 207 mm. H4094 GW5747 ia (unknown to GW): Sonetti del burchiello. |; i b : blank Title-type: i6oG B 78b, 1. 5 varies from GW: DifTe alombra... | .. .colfacro danti | . . . Wants A 4 , A 5 , B 4 & B 5 (all supplied in 18th c. MS.) Given by F. J. Norton, 1949 18th c. half vellum
T H E O D O R U S DE R A G A Z O N I B U S 2062 Solinus (Caius Julius): Polyhistor [etc.], 40, 200 mm. 23 Aug. 1491 P*5266 BMV478 H* 14880 Bound (3) with nos 1743, etc.
D I O N Y S I U S B E R T O C H U S , 3rd press 2063 Middleton (Richard): Super iv Sententiarum. F°, 305 mm. 10 Nov. 1489 P5274 BMV488 H* 10986 'Frater Seraphinus Lodius ord. pred. iure extitit habetque quern nunc Rutilius habet/ * Buckley copy.' Bought, 1907 Modern half morocco [1728]
Cavalca (Domenico): Trattato della pazienza. 4 0 , 205 mm. 20 Dec. 1490 P 5276 BM v 488 H 4801 = 12464 GW 6404 Armorial bookplate in colour: Constantia et labore. Hon. A. Dillon. Bought, 1934 Limp vellum [3806]
L A Z A R U S DE SOARDIS 2065 Vergilius Maro (Publius): Opera. F°, 299 mm. 3 Jan. 1491/2 BM v 490 Wants the first leaf (blank), O 6 (blank), P 7 & P 8 ; P 6 mutilated Sunderland 13062. E. Crawshaw. Bought, 1912 Panelled calf, circa 1700
Seneca (Lucius Annaeus): Tragoediae. F°, 295 mm. 12 Dec. 1492 P*5283 BMV491 H14666 'Emi xviij s* lub' A Johanne Snellen Anno 1497 Quarta Juki.' (A similar inscription, dated 1510, in the Library's Durandus de Sancto Portiano In sententiarum lihros questionum resolutiones (Paris, 1508) enables the writer to be identified as Bartoldus Moller or Molitor.) 'Johannes Mursaeus.' Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound with no. 2092. Modern half morocco [1730] 355
PHILIPPUS PINCIUS 2067 Philelphus (Franciscus): Epistolae. F°, 313 mm. 5 Sept. 1492 P 5294 BM v 494 H12941 'Johannis franc9 Br.' Given by the Rev. H. R. Luard, 1868 Modern half morocco
[1 yji ]
2068 Philelphus (Franciscus): Orationes et opuscula. F°, 313 mm. 14 Oct. 1492 P 5295 BM v 494 H* 12924 Wants the last leaf (blank) Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (1) with nos 1875 & 2247. Modern half morocco
2069 Apuleius, Madaurensis: Opera [etc.], F°, 297 mm. 30 Apr. 1493 P*5297 BMV495 H * i 3 i 7 GW2303 'Ex libris Francisci de Ponnat 30 Kalend. 9bris 1639', with engraving of the arms of Jean-Francois de Ponnat (Guigard 11, 403) in the front board. A shelf-label: GG [MS. erasure]. 'Collat: & complet' (hand of M. Wodhull). Adams Bequest, 1892 [1733] 17th c. calf
Lucianus, Samosatensis: Vera historia [etc.]. F°, 315 mm. 20 Nov. 1493 P 5300 BM v 495 H 10260 Quires a-i only, containing Diodorus Siculus, Bibliotheca historica Bought, 1931 Modern quarter morocco
2071 Cicero (Marcus Tullius): De oratore [etc.], F°, 318 mm. 15 July 1495 BMV598 115109 = 5110 GW6752 Quire c begins as in Pell. 3670 (cf. BM note) Wants the last leaf (title) Bound (2) with no. 2078
2072 Horatius Flaccus (Quintus): Opera. F°, 300 mm. 16 Feb. 1495/6 P*53o6 BMV496 H*8893 'Pro M. Roguero Goudensi filio [...] alias Warden (?).' 'Pertinet ad conventum sancti Augustinif...].' Bookplate of Philip, Lord Hardwicke (Franks 32869). M. D. Babington. Bought, 1858 [*734\ Formerly bound (1) with no. 2082. Modern half pigskin
2073 Livius (Titus): Historiae Romanae decades. F°, 308 mm. 3 Nov. 1495 P 5308 BM v 496 H* 10141 Wants the last leaf (blank) 'Richarde lerysax.' 'Cartwright.' 'Liber Jacobi Scobii...' Royal Library, 1715 Calf, circa 1700, rebacked
2074 Cicero (Marcus Tullius): De officiis [etc.], F°, 296 mm. 3 Mar. 1496 P*53O9 BMV497 ^ 5 2 8 0 = 5250 GW6966 Wants the last leaf (blank) 'M.Jo. Forman Vicarius.' Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (1) with no. 2698. Modern half pigskin 2075
T a c i t u s (Gaius C o r n e l i u s ) : O p e r a . F°, 312 m m . 22 M a r . 1497 P* 5315 BM v 497 H* 15222 Wants the first leaf (title). Leaves k 3 & k 6 duplicated 'Edmunde Knyvett.' Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (1) with nos 2727, 2143, 2115 & 1819. Modern half pigskin
2076 Diogenes Laertius: Vitae et sententiae philosophorum. F°, 294 mm. 22 June 1497 P5317 BMV498 H*62O5 GW8384 Gaseleei34 'Ex libris Francisci Merli, J.U.D., Ss. Salvatoris Plac. Prioris Theol. MoraHs Professoris.' Stamp: a female figure in an oval (white on a black ground); initials F.M.P. in MS. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Old quarter vellum [399^\ 2077
P r i s c i a n u s , grammaticus:
O p e r a . F°, 301 m m . 19 M a r . 1500
P 5323 BM v 499 H* 13365 Wants the last leaf (blank) Bought, 1923 18th c. calf 2078
C i c e r o (Marcus T u l l i u s ) : Rhetorica n o v a et vetus. F°, 318 m m . 12 Sept. 1500 Pf5325 H*5O85 GW6732 Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1943 Bound (1) with no. 2071. Sides of contemporary stamped calf with panels, by Julien des Jardins, inlaid on 19th c. calf: (front) St Yves; (back) four vertical strips of ornament (bees & flowers) in a border (v. Goldschmidt, no. 67, pi. xxix) [4230]
2079 Macrobius: In Somnium Scipionis expositio [etc.]. F°, 302 mm. 29 Oct. 1500 P* 5326 BM v 499 H* 10430 Varies from BM: leaf 1 blank Royal Library, 1715 Modern half pigskin
2080 Cicero (Marcus Tullius): De officiis [etc.]. F°, 307 mm. 10 Dec. 1500 11*5287 GW6972 'Claudius Albus.' 'Franciscus Lungus/ 'Franciscus Longus.' Given by R. T. Wright, 1900 Bound (1) with no. 2084. Contemporary stamped calf laid down on modern half calf: (front) a panel, within two borders of ornament, the upper portion tooled with triple fillets to form a shield quarterly; (back) within a single border of renaissance ornament (being the outer border of the front cover), a saltire formed with a roll of conventional I1744] ornament (flowers & lozenges), being the inner border of the front cover
B A R T H O L O M A E U S DE ZANIS, 3rd press 2081 Vergilius Maro (Publius): Opera. F°, 286 mm. 31 July 1493 P 5329 BM v 432 The last leaf defective & mounted Bought, 1897 17th c. calf
2082 Martialis (Marcus Valerius): Epigrammata. F°, 299 mm. 13 Nov. 1493 P 5330 BM v 432 H* 10823 Wants the last leaf (blank) Bought, 1858 Formerly bound (2) with no. 2072. Modern half pigskin
2083 Plutarchus: Vitae parallelae. F°, 313 mm. 8 June 1496 P 5335 BM v 432 H* 13130 Gaselee 135 Wants the first leaf (title) 'Bibliothecae S. Sauini Placentiae.' Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern vellum
2084 Cicero (Marcus Tullius): Tusculanae quaestiones. F°, 307 mm. 17 July 1499 P*5343 BMV434 ^ 5 3 2 4 Bound (2) with no. 2080
GW6900 [*743]
J A C O B U S DE P A G A N I N I S 2085 Statius (Publius Papinius): Opera [etc.], F°, 300 mm. 24 Dec. 1490 P*5353 BMV456 H14978 Wants the first leaf (blank) * Liber domni Christofori Vrswyke decani Wyndesore.' Royal Library, 1715 Panelled calf, circa 1700
M A X I M U S DE B U T R I C I S 2086 Hermes, Trismegistus: Depotestateet sapientiaDei. 40,216 mm. 29July 1491 HC 8460 (with variations) a-e4 f6; 26 leaves, the last blank. Type: 81R (not Gothic, as HC) Wants the last leaf ' Studui et finiui Ego Julianus Ghuzelmus pratensis utriusque Juris Doctor minimus, In Castello Castilionis id est Aretini Anno Salutis Mxdij. Die. ix. Augusti. Die Jouis. hora. xx. Deo Gratias A m e n . . . ' (cf. A. Castan, Catalogue des incunables de la Bibliotheque publique de Besangon (1893), no. 85 et al.) [1746] Bound (2) with nos 2435, etc.
Another copy. 202 mm. Gaselee 136 Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern boards
M A N F R E D U S DE B O N E L L I S 2088 Boccaccio (Giovanni): Genealogiae deorum gentilium [etc.]. F°, 316mm. 25 Mar. 1497 P* 53^7 BM v 504 H* 3324=3322 GW 4479 Duke of Sussex. C. Whibley. Bought, 1930 19th c. half calf
2089 Jerome (St): Epistola ad Eustochium de custodia virginitatis. (Italian.) 40, 206 mm. Apr. 1498 P 5370 BM v 505 H 8574 Sandars Bequest, 1894 19th c. vellum
B A R T H O L O M A E U S DE R A G A Z O N I B U S 2090 Persius Flaccus (Aulus): Saturae. F°, 294 mm. 17 Jan. 1492/3 P*5374 BMV536 H* 12737 Formerly bound (2) with no. 1904. Modern half morocco
VINCENTIUS BENALIUS 2091 Lactantius (L. C. F.): Opera. F°, 279 mm. 22 Mar. 1493 P*5376 BMV525 H*98i6 Wants A8, b 4 , b 5 and the last (blank) leaf Coloured bookplate (and signature) of Andreas. Ierinus. SS. Theologiae. Doctor. Praepositus.
Wratislaviensis. 'Empt. tal 1. groes 19' 'Liberalitate summa Illustrissimi ac Reverendissimi Domini Episcopi Andreae s. ego Bartholomeus Ierinus hunc librum iure Optimo possideo. Aq (?) gr [i.e. Aquisgrani?] die 20 Nouemb.* Royal Library, 1715 17th c. calf [1749]
SIMON BEVILAQUA, 2nd press % * See also no. 2055
2092 Lucanus (Marcus Annaeus): Pharsalia. F°, 295 mm. 31 Jan. 1493 P* 5381 BM v 517 H* 10241 *Emi xxviij s' lub' A Johanne snellen Anno dni 1497 quarta Julii' (see no. 2066). Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound with no. 2066. Modern half pigskin [1750]
2093 Tibullus (Albius): Elegiae [etc.], F°, 318 mm. 26 June 1493 P*5382 BMV517 H4764 Title (ia) misprinted: Progtius cu comento. | Tibullus Catullus & | Bought, 1908 Quarter vellum, circa 1800
2094 Thomas (St), Aquinas: Super Metaphysica Aristotelis. F°, 293 mm. 20 Dec. 1493 P f 5 3 8 3 HC1509 a-z6 L6 o6 %4; 154 leaves. Types: 130G, 91G, 68G ia: Commentaria fancti Thome fuper libaos | methaphyfice |; 2a: [red] ([ Diui Thome Aquinatis facri osdinis paedicato^ | Ariftotelis clariflimi ac fidiflimi cometatoais in pdmu | libau methaphifice p*eclariflima commentaria. | [black] (f6) Icut docet phs in politicis fuis qua | do ahqua plura osdinat ad v n u : . . . ; 7a (sig. b): tria facit qz p : 10 poit opinione ponetiu aq^ ee pncipiu |; 154a: Expliciunt paeclariffima comentaria Angelici doctods | Diui Thome Aquinatis facri oadinis paedicatoau. in. xii. | libaos metaphyfice artis cum textu Ariftotelis nouiter erne | data z impaefTa impenfa Egregii viri dfii Alexandri Calce- | donii Pifaurenfis mercatosis: . . . (line 16) ImpsefTum fuit hoc opus Venetiis per Simonem Beui | laqua Papiefem. Anno dfii. M.CCCC.Lxxxxiii. | die. xx. decembds. | Regiftrum pfitis operis. | [Register in three columns; device of Calcedonius] Bound (3) with nos 1999, etc. [1752]
2094-5 Isocrates: Oratio de laudibus Helenae.—Herodotus: libriix. F°, 301 mm. '1494'
HR8471 [C. dePensis?] A 4 a6 a-*d6 dd8 e-x 6 ; 144 leaves. Type: 112R 11 a, 1. 2: Clio Lber Primus (not Liber as HR). Leafs (first %) is signed a ii The letter of Mancinellus to Nicolaus Rubeus (leaf 144a) is dated 13 January 1495 The undated edition attributed to Christophorus de Pensis (BM v 475, H9314) appears to be a page-for-page reprint of this edition, which is itself in part a reprint of the Herodotus printed by J. & G. de Gregoriis, 8-29 March 1494 (BM v 345, H* 8472) Rustat Fund, 1950 Old paper boards [4341]
2095 Firmicus Maternus (Julius): De nativitatibus. F°, 304 mm. 13 June 1497 P* 5402 BM v 522 H* 7121 bis Wants the last leaf (blank) 19th c. half calf
2006 Bible: Latin. 40, 210 mm. 8 May 1498 P*54o6 BMV522 H*3i24 GW4280 Royal Library, 1715 19th c. half calf
2097 Aegidius, Romanus: De regimine principum. F°, 312 mm. 9 July 1498 P* 5407 BM v 523 H* 109 GW 7219 'Monasterii Beyhartingensis.' British Museum duplicate, transferred 1889 Modern half morocco, a portion of the original stamped calf binding laid down inside the front cover U755] 360
2098 Lucanus (Marcus Annaeus): Pharsalia. F°, 302 mm. 20 Oct. 1498 P* 5409 BM v 523 H* 10242 Wants the last two leaves 'Ex dono Gulielmi Bulstrode (?) m i [ . . . ] . ' 'past filet red/ Acquired before 1700 Calf, with armorial bookstamp of John Harington, Baron Harington of Exton (died 1614), [175^] and gilt frets on the spine
2099 Juvenalis (Decimus Junius): Saturae. F°, 308 mm. P* 5410 BM v 521 H* 9712 R. B. Stewart. Given by Arthur Cole, 1931 Stamped calf, by Fargher & Lindner, 3 Exeter Court, Strand
2100 Plautus (Titus Maccius): Comoediae. F°, 345 mm. 17 Sept. 1499 P*54i2 BMV523 H* 13082 Montagu Butler Prize Fund, 1935 18th c. calf, with arms of Foscarini
J O H A N N E S TACUINUS 2101 Philelphus (Johannes Marius): Epistolarium novum. 40, 189 mm. 6 Oct. 1492 P 5420 BM v 527 H* 12976 Modern half morocco
2102 Sallustius Crispus (Gaius): Opera. F°, 312 mm. 5 Aug. 1493 P* 5423 BM v 528 H 14226 Wants the first leaf (title) Bound (2) with nos 2015, etc.
Silius Italicus: Punica. F°, 299 mm. 20 Sept. 1493 Pf5425 HCRI474I a b 8 c-z 6 &6 o8; 156 leaves, the last blank With variations from HCR. 2a: P E T R I Marfi interpraetatio... Vrfinum: |; 4a (not 3b), text: (o 8 )RDIOR ARma qui |; 155b, 1. 14: .. .octobres. | Wants the first leaf (title) and the blank Sunderland. Given by P. S. King, 1895 Citron morocco (Sunderland) [i759]
2104 Mancinellus (Antonius): Carmen de floribus [etc.], 40,196 mm. 11 Dec. 1493 P*5426 BMV528 H*io6i7 Bequeathed by J. R. Holliday, 1927 Paper boards
2105 Juvenalis (Decimus Junius): Saturae. F°, 309 mm. 28 Jan. 1494 P* 5427 BM v 529 H* 9710 Stamp: N.(H?) Wilkinson beneath a crest: a demi-unicorn rampant, within a garter bearing motto: Posui Deum adiutorem meum. Montagu Butler Prize Fund, 1929 Quarter calf, circa 1800
2106 Cicero (Marcus Tullius): Tusculanae quaestiones. F°, 316 mm. 3 Feb. 1494/5 Pf5428 H5319 GW6898 'Laurentius Keymis.' 'Abiel Thomas alias TrethwehV Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (1) with nos 2055 & 2118. Modern half pigskin 2107
P e r s i u s F l a c c u s (Aulus): Saturae. F°, 300 m m . 14 Feb. 1494/5 P*5429 BMV529 H12738 'Anno christiano 1497 20 mensis Julii Wilhelmus Frederici ecclesiae sancti martini in Groningen Curatus et Procurator hunc Persium non paratum emit sibi posterisque pro quarta parte Floreni rhenani aurei emit* (cf. A. G. Roos, Catalogus der incunabelen van de bibliotheek der Rijks-Universiteit te Groningen (1912), p. 99). Royal Library, 1715 Modern half morocco [1763]
2108 Ovidius Naso (Publius): Ars amatoria [etc.], F°, 294 mm. ' 5 July 1494' H* 12221 Cf. BM v 535 (IB. 24040) a-g 6 A 6 BC 4 ;56leaves Bought, 1906 Bound after (1) Ovid, Heroides.. .Venetiis, J. M. Bonellus, 1558, and (2) Ovid, Metamorphoseon libri x v . . .Venetiis, H. Scotus, 1553. On the first leaf of the first item is an oval armorial stamp (indecipherable); on its last leaf *Di Luca Carlo del Rosso M'. Quarter calf, circa 1800
2109 Curtius Rufus (Quintus): Gesta Alexandri. F°, 291 mm. 17 July 1494 P5433 BMV528 H*5885 GW7875 Royal Library, 1715 i8thc. half calf
2110 Ausonius (Decimus Magnus): Epigrammata. F°, 299 mm. 11 Aug. 1494 P*5434 BMV528 H*2I78 GW 3092 Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Bound (1) with no. 2114. 19th c. vellum
2111 Claudianus (Claudius): Opera. 40, 203 mm. 6June 1495 P*5436 BMV529 H5372 GW7061 Bibliotheca Heberiana. A. Leeman. Montagu Butler Prize Fund, 1934 Old vellum
2112 Tortellius (Johannes): Orthographia [etc.]. F°, 291 mm. 19 Dec. 1495 P*5438 BMV530 H*I5[57]4 Wants the last leaf (blank) Royal Library, 1715 19th c. half russia 2113
Gellius (Aulus): Noctes Atticae. F°, 298 m m . 6 Apr. 1496 P*5439 BMV530 H*7526 Royal Library, 1715 Modern half pigskin
2114 Catullus (Caius Valerius): Carmina. F°, 299 mm. 28 Apr. 1496 P*544O BMV530 H*4768 GW6390 Bound (2) with no. 2110
2115 Ausonius (Decimus Magnus): Epigrammata. F°, 313 mm. 14 Oct. 1496 P*5442 BMV530 H*2i79 GW3093 Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (4) with nos 2075, etc. Modern half morocco
2116 Brutus (Jacobus): Corona aurea. 40, 193 mm. 15 Jan. 1496/7 P*5445 BMV531 H*4O26 GW 5657 'Jacobus Diss.' Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Modern half morocco
2117 Ovidius Naso (Publius): Fasti. F°, 313 mm. 12June 1497 P* 5447 BM v 531 H* 12247 Wants the last leaf (blank) 'Iste liber perrinet (and bere it well in minde) de me Johanni Terry (soe curtise and soe kinde)' (see no. 4059). Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf [1770]
2118 Ovidius Naso (Publius): Heroides [etc.]. F°, 315 mm. 24Jan. 1497/8 H* 12200
a-q 6 ; 96 leaves. Types: 108R, 82RB, 82GL Woodcut initials Wants the last leaf Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (3) with nos 2106, etc. Modern half pigskin 2119
P h i l e l p h u s (Franciscus): Epistolae. F°, 301 m m . 20 Sept. 1498 PJ5454 H* 12947 a-1 8 ; 88 leaves. Type: 82RB. Woodcut & Lombardic initials Bought, 1897 19th c. half calf
2120 Probus (Marcus Valerius): De interpretandis Romanorum litteris [etc.]. 4°, 209 mm. 20 Apr. 1499 P*5458 BMV534 H13378 Bound (4) with nos 2536, etc. 2121
N i g e r (Franciscus): Modus epistolandi. 4 0 , 205 m m . 21 July 1500 P5463 BMV535 H * n 8 8 4 Wants the first leaf (title) Acton Library, 1902 Modern cloth
2122 Nicolaus, de Lyra: Postilla super Epistolas et Evangelia quadragesimalia [etc.] 8°, 150 mm. 13 Feb. 1500 BM v 534 H* 10393 The first leaf mutilated 'Fr. Raphael de Matelica.' *F [rater] R[aphael] M[atelicensis] ord. obs.' Bought, 1928 Modern quarter morocco I1775] 2123
F o r t u n a t i a n u s (Chirius): Rhetorica [etc.], 4 0 , 204 m m . R917? Pell. 4890? a4 A-O 4 A-C 4 ; 72 leaves 1 a, 1. 8: ([ Dionysii Halycarnafei pcepta de oratione natalitia g | Theodorum gazen e graeco in latinum traducta. | ([ Dionysii Halycarnafei pcepta de coponendis epi= | thakmiis... Lines 8 & 9 are omitted by Reichling and Pellechet and there are also other, minor, variations from their descriptions The attribution to Tacuinus is uncertain; the type appears to be his 111R Wants quires second A-C containing the Dialectica (cf. Pellechet's description and no. 2124). These quires are not described by Reichling. Pellechet's references to leaves 58, 59, 64 & 65 should read 54, 55, 60 & 61 Bought, 1899 19th c. paper boards [1726]
Part of another copy. 195 mm. Quires second A-C only, containing the Dialectica. The headlines of 3 b and 4a read (in error): FOR. C O M P V T V S , and those of ib and 2a: E P I S T O L A . These are the headlines of the corresponding leaves in quire a; whence it appears that when the type of the inner forme of quire a was distributed the headlines were by an oversight allowed to stand Venn Collection, 1888 Modern quarter cloth [172S]
Gregory I: Dialogi. 40, 210 mm. 13 Nov. 1492 P*5465 BMV457 H*7963 Gaselee 137 Quire h misbound D D R (stamped in blind). Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 19th c. half vellum
Gregory I: Pastorale. 4 , 190 mm. 13 Dec. 1492 P*5466 BMV457 Bought, 1930 19th c. half vellum
2127 Trombetta (Antonius): Opus doctrinae Scoticae in Thomistas. F°, 318 mm. 8 N0V.-23 Dec. 1493 P*5467 BMV457 H15645 Wants leaves 2, B 4 , B 5 , E x , F3 & quire second D 6 . Leaves 113-14 from a copy of P* 4789 bound in at the end Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 18 th c. calf [1776]
Another copy. 317 mm. Gaseleei38 With an extra sheet folded, round, the preliminary quire, making: [# 4 ], 1 & 4 blank Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 18th c. morocco, rebacked; central gilt stamps of the Crucifixion, and of the Virgin standing o n a crescent m o o n
B i b l e : Latin.
8°, 171 m m . 7 Sept. 1497
P*5468 BMV459 H*3i23 GW4278 Wants Al9 A2 & A 10 . The title-page from a copy of P* 7760 was formerly prefixed to this copy Royal Library, 1715 18 th c. half calf
P E T R U S DE Q U A R E N G I I S 2130 Antoninus (St): Confessionale (Defecerunt) [etc.]. 8°, 148 mm. 29Nov. 1497 H1203 GW2i36(Anm.) J. M. Falkner. Bought, 1933 Contemporary stamped calf 2131
B o n a v e n t u r a (St): Diaeta salutis [etc.], 8°, 146 m m . 1 Feb. 1497/8 P5480 BMV513 H3531 GW473o(Anm.) Bought, 1928 Modern quarter morocco
Pius II: De duobus amantibus. 4 , 200 mm. 10 Mar. 1497 P*548l BMV512 H240 Bound (5) with nos 1743, etc.
U779] 0
Paulus, Pergulensis: Logica [etc.], 4 , 204 m m . 25 July 1498 P*5484 BMV513 H* 12627 Venn Collection, 1888 19th c. calf
[1780] 0
2134 Maffeus (Celsus): Defensiones canonicorum regularium. 4 ,208 mm. 10Jan. '1487' [1497?] H* 10441 Pol. 4107 17a, 1. 8: fuppofit (not suppposit, as Polain) Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Bound before three other works by Maffeus: (1) De sensibilibus deliciis paradisi (Verona, Lucas Antonius Florentinus, 29 Jan. 1504), (2) Congruentiae atque differentiae canonicorum regularium et secularium {ibid., 26 Aug. 1503), and (3) Apologia contra librum Ambrosii de Chora (Brixiae, B . de Misintis, 18 Mar. 1502). 18th c. half calf
2135 Dialogus Salomonis et Marcolfi. 4 , 208 mm. Cop. 5245 Duff (D) 21 Sander 6691 Type: 8oG(?) W. J. Thomas. Bought, 1891 Paper boards
2136 Savonarola (Girolamo): Expositio in psalmum L (Miserere). 40, 188 mm. H 14420 R 1623 [J. & G. de Gregoriis] Audin 136 Types: 69G (text), 98G (headings) Given by J. Charrington, 1920 Paper boards
JOHANNES ROSCIUS 2137 Mancinellus (Antonius): Epitoma constructionis. 40,199 mm. 20 Nov. 1492 P*549i BMV536 H* 10605 Bound (3) with nos 2574, etc.
JOHANNES EMERICUS 2138 Antoninus (St): Trialogus de duobus discipulis [etc.]. 8°, 141 mm. 26 Apr. 1495 P 5498 BM v 540 H* 1274+14361 GW 2203 'Bibliot. Tamtactae (?) O.P.* 'Prosperi Podiani Per', and the same stamped: August, Perus. Prosp, Podian. Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1947 Old limp vellum [4239] 2139
H o r a e ad u s u m R o m a n u m . 16 0 , 93 m m . 30 Sept. 1498 Sander 5067 a-v 8 ; 160 leaves. Type: 92G, Woodcut & Lombardic initials. Woodcuts ia: [red] Officium beate ma- | rie virginis 6m co | fuetudinem ro | mane curie | [Device of Giunta. Kristeller 216]; 2a: [red] (KL2) Ianuari9 habet di | es. xxxj. luna. xxx. | nox hab^ hoaas. xvj. dies, viij | . . . ; 17a: [red] Incipit omcium beate vir- | ginis marie fecundu cofuetu- I dinem romane curie. Ad ma- | tutinum verfus. | [black] (D4) Omine labia mea | agies. [red] R/ [black] Et os me | um annuciabit lau- | dem tuam ; 160a, 1. 3: Per dominum noftru iefum | clnifrum filiu3 tuum: Qui te. | [red] ImpaefTu^ Venetijs g Ioha I nem emericu^ de fpira: Anno | a natiuitate dfii Mcccc.xcviij | pddie kl. octobris | On vellum Wants b 6 Sandars Bequest, 1894 Red morocco, by Bedford [1783]
2140 Johannes Franciscus, Brixianus: Regulae sanctorum Benedicti, Basilii, Augustini, Francisci. 40, 212 mm. 13 Apr. 1500 P*55O4 BMV542 H* 13827 Title-page mutilated Acquired before 1700 18th c. calf, rebacked 2141
A n o t h e r c o p y . 221 m m . 'Liber Roberti Stamffordi...' Acquired before 1700 18th c. calf
G I O V A N N I CAPCASA 2142 Petrarca (Francesco): Trionfi. Sonetti e canzoni. F°, 304mm. 12 Jan. 1492/3-28 Mar. 1493 P 5510-11 BM v 486 H 12774 Wants aa8, q 8 , M 8 , rST5 and N 6 'Bernardo Vicino.' Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf
D A M I A N U S DE G O R G O N Z O L A 2143
Suetonius Tranquillus (Caius): Vitae Caesarum. F°, 313 mm. 29 Mar. 1493 P 5512 BM v 543 H 15124 Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (3) with nos 2075, etc. Modern half pigskin
2144 Vergilius Maro (Publius): Opera. F°, 293 mm. 15 June 1494 P5518 BMV544 * Liber Johannis P o p e . . . ' 'at ye returne of this booke I am to repay 5s. Laurence Sadler ye 16th of October 1635* (v. no. 1949). Royal Library, 1715 Modern half pigskin [1787]
J A C O B U S DE R A G A Z O N I B U S 2145 Niger (Franciscus): Modus epistolandi. 40, 207 mm. 10 Apr. 1494 P 5521 BM v 543 H* 11871 Acton Library, 1902 19th c. quarter calf
BERNARDINUS DE VITALIBUS with MATTHAEUS VENETUS 2146 Sabellicus (Marcus Antonius): Enneades ab orbe condito. 2 vols. F°, 425 mm. 31 Mar. 1498 P 5524 BM v 547 H* 14055 Wants the last leaf (blank) 'E. P. Jacobsen, 1896.' Given by J. Charrington, 1916 19th c. calf
2147 Palladius (Domicus): Epigrammata. 40, 203 mm. 16 May 1498 P* 5591 [Sessa] BM v 480 & 547 H* 12278 Royal Library, 1715 Modern half morocco
Gregorius (Publius), Tifernas: Opuscula [etc.]. 4°, 218 mm. 11 June 1498 P* 5525 BM v 547 H 8042 Royal Library, 1715 Unbound
[i79<>] 0
2149 Annius (Johannes): Auctores vetustissimi nuper in lucem editi. 4 , 202 mm. 1498 P* 5527 B M v 548 H 12527 G W 2016
Bought, 1904 19th c. half russia
[* 791 ]
2150 Platina (Bartholomaeus de): De honesta voluptate. 40, 209 mm. 1498 BMV548 H13055 Adams Bequest, 1892 Contemporary stamped calf
2151 Laetus (Julius Pomponius): Romanae historiae compendium. 40, 198 mm. 23 Apr. 1499 P*5532 B M v 549 (IA. 24343) H* 9 83O A fragment only: quire p (leaves 57-60), containing Sabellicus, Vita Pomponii Sandars Bequest, 1894 Bound (4) with Erasmus, Paraholarum liber (Argentorati, ex aedibus Schurerianis, December, 1514), Pomponius Laetus, Romanae historiae compendium (Parisiis, I. Pratensis, 7 May 1501), and nos 2158 & 3166. On the title-page of the first item: * Sum gonelli nee muto dominum.' 'Nic. Becket.' 'Jo. Thorns.' 'Bickford Dunsland' 16th c. stamped calf, with initials W P , rebacked I1793]
2152 Dio, Chrysostomus: Oratio ad Ilienses [etc.]. 40, 198 mm. 18-23 July 1499 P*5533 B M v 549 H*6i85 GW 8372 Gaselee 139 Wants the last leaf (blank) Bibliotheca Heberiana. Tempsford Hall. Aldenham Abbey. Charles Butler. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 19th c. blue morocco, with crest: Nobitis ira (Stuart) [4OO3] 2153
Another copy. 217 mm. From the library of Sir S. Gaselee, 1943 Modern blue morocco
O r o s i u s (Paulus): Historiae. F°, 311 m m . 12 Oct. 1500 P* 5536 BM v 549 H* 12104 Wants the first leaf (blank) Bookplate of George Frederick Nott. 'J. A.Jeremie 1842/ *H. W. Phillott 1873.' Adams Bequest, 1892 18th c. calf, rebacked [i794]
Another copy. 315 mm. The first blank missing (or pasted down?) Armorial bookplate (name erased) of Flamank. Bought, 1896 18th c. quarter calf
2156 Laetus (Julius Pomponius): Romanae historiae compendium. 40, 201 mm. 12 D e c . 1500 P*5537 B M v 549 (IA. 24356) ^ 9 8 3 1 = 4 8 4 8 ( 2 ) 'J. Church Mar. 29 N.S. 1736/ Given by S. Sandars, 1870 (or 1871) Vellum, circa 1800
Another copy. 209 mm. Bound (5) with nos 2536, etc.
\*797\ 0
2158 Nepos (Cornelius): Vitae imperatorum. 4 , 198 mm. P*5538 BMV550 H5732 Wants the last two leaves Bound (3) in the volume described at no. 2151
2159 Censorinus: De die natali [etc.], 4 , 216 mm. P 5540 BM v 550 H* 4846=4848 (1 & 3) GW 6472 Bound (4) with nos 2435, etc., and annotated by Julianus Ghuzelmus, whose autograph appears in nos 2086 & 2494 (also bound in this volume) [*799] 2160
A n o t h e r c o p y . 202 m m . Gaselee 141 'A. T. Pullin, Trin. Coll. Dub.' Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 (with his bookplate) 19th c. paper boards [4003]
ALDUS M A N U T I U S 2161 Lascaris (Constantinus): Erotemata [etc.]. (Greek & Latin.) 40, 199 mm. 28 Feb. 1494/5-8 Mar. 1495 P*5546 BMV552 H*9924 Acquired before 1853 19th c. blue morocco
2162 Aristoteles: Opera [etc.], (Greek.) Vol. 1: "Opyccvov. F°, 299mm. 1 Nov. 1495 P*5547 BM v 553 (IA. 24392-4) H* 1657 (1) GW 2334(1) Wants the last 28 leaves (quires p-f) Royal Library, 1715 Modern quarter morocco
Another copy. 310 mm. Royal Library, 1715 i8thc. half calf
A n o t h e r c o p y . 303 m m . 'Cuthebertus Londoniensis episcopus studiosis dono dedit.' Given by C. Tunstall, 1528-9 [1803] 18th c. calf
Gaza (Theodorus): rpa^crnKf) elaaycoyfi [etc.], F°, 309 m m . 25 Dec. 1495 P* 5548 BM v 553 H* 7500 Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf [1804] 369
Gaza (Theodorus): rpamacrnKf] eiaaycoyf| [etc.]. Another copy. 319 mm. 'Thomae Smythi' (i.e. Sir Thomas Smith, 1513-77). Acquired before 1700 16th c. English stamped calf; pine-apple and half pine-apple stamps, and a roll of flowers on a stem (Oldham, pi. XLVIII, no. 63); the upper board lettered in ink 'MAGISTER BVLLOKE' (see Introduction, p. 5) [1805]
T h e o c r i t u s : EiSuAAioc [etc.]. F°, 314 m m . Feb. 1495/6 P* 5549 BM v 554 (IB. 24404) H* 15477 *R. Bentley.' Royal Library, 1715 16th c. stamped calf
Thesaurus. 0r|acxup6s, Kepocs 'AiiocAOeiocs, KOCI K^TTOI 'ASCOVISOS. F°, 299 m m . Aug. 1496 P* 5551 BM v 555 H* 15493 GW 7571 'Cuthebertus Londoniensis episcopus studiosis dono dedit.' Given by C. Tunstall, 1528-9 18th c. calf [1807] Another copy. 305 m m . *M. Thiersault.' 'Ab. Selleri sum.' Royal Library, 1715 Calf, circa 1700
2170 Aristoteles: Opera [etc.], (Greek.) Vol. 3: TTepl ^cixov... F°, 298mm. Jan. 1497 P*5553 BMv 555 (IB. 24423) H* 1657 (3) GW 2334(3) Wants leaf 459 (blank) Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf 2171
Urbanus, Bellunensis: Institutiones Graecae grammatices. Jan. 1497/8 P*5554 BMv 558 H*2763=^16098 Acquired before 1853
[1809] 40, 200 mm.
Calf, signed 'Rel. P. Lesne"
Aristoteles: Opera [etc.]. (Greek.) Vol. 2 : OuaiKf} ccKpoacns... F°, 291 m m . Feb. 1497 P*5555 BMv 556 H* 1657 (2) GW2 3 3 4(2) * Liber Guilielmi Cosin ex dono Mri Williams Junii 9 1585/ Bought, 1898 19th c. stamped calf
Aristoteles: Opera [etc.]. (Greek.) Vol. 4: npopAi^orrbc... F°, 299 mm. 1 June 1497 P*5556 B M v 556 H* 1657 (4) G W 2 3 3 4 M Wants leaves 1-227 (Theophrastus, FTepi cpuTcov tcrropiocs and TTepl 9UTC0V atTiwv) Royal Library, 1715 Modern quarter morocco [1812]
Part of another copy. 309 mm. Leaves 1-227 (Theophrastus, FTepl cpuTcov tcrropfas and TTepl q>u-rcov CCITICOV) only Royal Library, 1715 i 8 t h c . half calf
2175 Maiolus (Laurentius): Epiphyllides in dialectids [etc.]. 40,204 mm. July 1497 P*5558 B M v 557 H2191 Leaves 1-54 (Epiphyllides) only Modern quarter morocco
Part of another copy. 198 mm. Leaves 55-126 (De conversione propositionum) only Bought, 1898 Paper boards
2177 Iamblichus, Chalcidensis: De mysteriis [etc.], F°, 311 mm. Sept. 1497 P*5559 B M v 557 (IB. 24446) H* 9 358 Wants h 7 , h 8 , N 8 and the last (blank) leaf Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (2) with nos 1946, etc. Modern half pigskin 2178
A n o t h e r , variant, c o p y . 295 m m . Leaf a2 is correctly signed Wants the-last leaf (blank) Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (2) with no. 1924. Modern half pigskin
A n o t h e r c o p y . 306 m m . Wants the last leaf (blank) 'Liber claustri roffensis ex dono magistri Ioannis bambrogh vicarii de mallynge.' ' Willmi Hayte Anno dni. 1570/ 'Rgrs AnHrs.' Adams Bequest, 1892 Old calf, rebacked [1818]
2180 Crastonus (Johannes): Lexicon Graeco-Latinum [etc.]. F°, 308 mm. Dec. 1497 P*556i B M v 558 H*6i5i GW7814 'Attinens ad communem usum d w Royal Library, 1715 Calf, circa 1700
Bellyng pretium xijs.' 'Joannes Priseus.' [18lg]
Another copy. 295 mm. Wants the last two leaves (the last blank) 'Liber Domini Ricardi Morysoni pretium[...]' 'olim nunc Florentini Eylis.' 'Richard Osborne.' '27 Decemb. 1639 At the returne of this Booke a quarter of a yeare after the date hereof I am to Repay 3s. 6d. John HowelT (v. no. 1949). Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 17th c. calf [1820] 371
Aristoteles: Opera. (Greek) Vol. 5: June 1498
. . F°, 298 mm.
P*5565 BMV558 H* 1657 (5) GW2 3 34(5) Wants leaf 210 (blank) Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf 2183
A r i s t o p h a n e s : KcojjcoSioci evvecc. F°, 319 m m . 15 J u l y 1498 P*5566 BMV559 H* 1656 GW2333 Wants leaf 347 and the blanks (90 & 348) 'Thomas Church P.C.C. pr. 13. 0/ 'Ex libris Richardi Howard.' Royal Library, 1715 Calf, circa 1700 [1822]
2184 Politianus (Angelus): Opera. F°, 301 mm. July 1498 P*5567 BMV559 H* 13218 Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf
Part of another copy. 322 mm. Quires L-R only, containing Herodianus, Historia in Latinum conversa Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf
E p i s t o l a e . 'EmoroAcci Sic^popcov 91A0CT69GOV pr|T6pcov aocpiorcov. 4 0 ,208 m m . M a r . 1499 P55<$9 BMV560 H*6659 GW9367 Misbound; y x _ 4 & y 9 -i2 of Pt 1 of the BM description are bound as quire y of Pt 2; Y1-4 & Y5-8 0I* P ( 2 a r e bound in Pt 1 before and after y s _ 8 . In this copy Pt 2 of the BM description is bound first Royal Library, 1715 [1825] 18th c. calf
A n o t h e r c o p y . 189 m m . Pt 1 wants oc5_8 and the last (blank) leaf Stamp: Bibliotk Corsinia Vetus. 'FR 1829/ 'Bought at Mr Raincock's Sale, W. H. T[hompson].' Bookplate of W. H. Thompson, with a letter (21 June 1875) from him to H. A. J. Munro offering him the book. From the library of F. Jenkinson, 1923 19th c. russia [1826]
A n o t h e r c o p y . 215 m m . Gaselee 142 Pt 2 (which is bound before Pt 1) wants oclt2,8 Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Contemporary ruled calf
2189 Scriptores astronomici veteres. F°, 315 mm. June-Oct. 1499 P*557o BMV560 H* 14559 Wants E 7 (blank) On Ax (beginning of Manilius): 'Astronomicon Hoc scriptum Manlij cum Gemblacensi codice contulit Geuartius [J. G. Gevaerts] et seorsim Wendelinus [G. Wendelin] anno 1644/ 'F-S. L.A.' Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf, rebacked [1827] 2190
Part o f another c o p y . 293 m m . Quires N-S only (wanting N 4 _ 7 ), containing Aratus,fl>aiv6uevccand Proclus, Z9cupoc Royal Library, 1715 Cloth [1828]
2191 Perottus (Nicolaus): Cornucopia. F°, 297 mm. July 1499 P*5572 BMV561 H* 12706 Wants the last leaf (blank) Royal Library, 1715 Calf, circa 1700
2192 Columna (Franciscus): Hypnerotomachia Poliphili. F°, 304 mm. Dec. 1499 P*5574 BMV561 H*55Oi GW7223 Wants m 6 , m 7 & r 2 On the title, verses beginning 'Libro digno di cedro et di memoria', headed' Sixtus medices adolescens Ad Librum elegantissimum' and dated 'Anno dni. 1518 Aetat. meae 16/ Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf [1830] 2193
A n o t h e r c o p y . 304 m m . Leaves 1-4 bound before the last leaf, which is mounted Armorial bookplate: Farefac (Fairfax). Osterley Park. Sandars Bequest, 1894 18th c. calf, rebacked
[BERNARDINUS DE VIANIS] *** Pf 5577. 16th century. See GW vi, col. 79
JACOBUS PENTIUS 2194 Ferrer (St Vincent): Sermones de tempore et de sanctis. 3 vols. 40,193 mm. 1496 BM v 564 (Pars aestivalis only) H* 7010 Pars hiemalis: a 6 1 (-10) 10 a-z 8 z,8; 208 leaves. Pars aestivalis: as BM. De sanctis: %8 AAA-PPP 8 QQQ 6 ; 134 leaves, the last blank 'Iste liber est fratris Jacobi potentini est ad usum et pertinet ad Locum potentie.' 'Loci Potentiae frum Refor.' Bought, 1935 Modern half vellum [41 ig\
2195 Vorrillong (Guilelmus): Super libros Sententiarum. 40, 190 mm. 9 July 1496 P5578 BMV564 * Seraphyni Veron' et amicorum/ Acquired before 1700 i8thc. half calf
2196 Rimbertinus (Bartholomaeus): De deliciis paradisi [etc.], 8°, 149 mm. 25 Oct. 1498 Pf5579 CopR5i25 [*4] a-h 8 i 4 ; 72 leaves. Types: 120G, 59G Wants g 6 ; the last leaf mutilated Bought, 1931 Bound (1) with no. 2197. 18th c. calf
2197 Reginaldetus (Petrus): Speculum finalis retributionis. 8°, 149 mm. 7 Nov. 1498 P5580 BMV565 H* 13771 = 13766 The last leaf mutilated Bound (2) with no. 2196
2198 Institoris (Henricus): In errores Monarchiae Antonii de Rosellis. F°, 307mm. 27 July 1499 P5583 BMV565 H9237 Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (1) with no. 1887. 18th c. half calf, repaired & renewed
Another copy. 306 mm. Acquired before 1700 Formerly bound with no. 2202. 18th c. half calf
J O H A N N E S BAPTISTA SESSA, 2nd press 2200 Missale Romanum. 40, 218 mm. 8 Oct. 1497 H*ii4i2 WB939 Wants the last leaf (blank) J. M. Falkner. Given by Sir J. Noble, 1932 Modern vellum -—
*** P* 5591. Printed for Sessa by Bernardinus de Vitalibus. See no. 2147
O T I N U S DE L U N A 2201 Andreae (Antonius): Scriptum in Artem veterem Aristotelis et in Divisiones Boethii. F°, 294 mm. 23 Nov. 1496 P5600 BMV568 H988 GW1672 'Thomas Stacye.' Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Formerly bound (1) with no. 1811 and some 16th c. pieces. Modern half pigskin [1836]
2202 Johannes, de Janduno: Quaestiones super libros Aristotelis De anima. F°, 307 mm. 4 Mar. 1497 Pf56oi H*74<>3 a8 b-p 6 q 4 ; 96 leaves, the last blank. Types: 140G, 92G, 68G Acquired before 1700 Formerly bound with no. 2199. 18th c. half calf
S I M O N DE LUERE 2203 Aegidius, Romanus: Expositio super libros Analyticorum priorum Aristotelis. F°, 296 mm. 27 Sept. 1499 P5624 BMV575 H133 GW7190 Wants the last leaf (blank) Acquired before 1700 Formerly bound (2) with nos 2204, etc. Modern half pigskin
2204 Aegidius, Romanus: Expositio super libros De anima Aristotelis [etc.], F°, 296 mm. 18 Apr. 1500 P 5627 BM v 575 H 132 GW 7204 Wants the last leaf (blank) Acquired before 1700 Formerly bound (1) with nos 2203 & 2208. Modern half pigskin
Odonis (Geraldus): Sententia et expositio super Ethica Aristotelis. F°, 298 mm. 14 July 1500 P 5628 BM v 576 H* 11969 Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Cambridge calf, circa 1620; ornamental border and flying pheasant (Hobson: Cambridge, pi. XLI, no. 39) in blind [1840]
2206 Burley (Walter): Expositio super Ethica Aristotelis. F°, 3 05 mm. 4 Sept. 1500 P*5629 BMV576 HF4144 GW 5779 Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 17th c. calf
2207 Aegidius, Romanus: Expositio super libros Elenchorum Aristotelis [etc.], F°, 300 mm. 24 Sept. 1500 P* 5630 BM v 576 H 141 = 142 Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Modern half pigskin 2208
GW 7196 [1842]
A n o t h e r c o p y . 296 m m . Acquired before 1700 Formerly bound (3) with nos 2204, etc. Modern half pigskin
A N T O N I U S DE GUSAGO 2209 Boccaccio (Giovanni): Filocolo. F°, 291 mm. 22 Nov. 1497 P5632 BMV577 H*33O3 GW4469 Wants the title-page and the last leaf (blank) 'R. Denys. Speranza mea passa mea fortuna/ Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf
JOHANNES ALVISIUS % * P* 5634. See P 5244
2210 Mancinellus (Antonius): Scribendi orandique modus. 40, 190 mm. HR 10593 Bookplate of F. O. B[eggi]. Bought (lot 271 at Puttick's), 22 May 1865 18th c. calf
PETRUS LIECHTENSTEIN 2211 Regiomontanus (Johannes): Ephemerides. 40, 203 mm. 15 Oct. 1498 P* 5 64i BMV578 H* 13798 *Viro.. .celeberrimo Dri. doct. Sam. Reyhero transmittere voluit hoc calendarium perpetuum in amoris ac reverentiae testimonium M. Joh. Melch. Snaft... 1708/. * Gambaldi Mierei.' Stamp: Bibliotheca Ducalis Gothana. 1799. Armorial bookplate (Lindsay): Observatory. Dunecht (Franks 18332). Adams Bequest, 1892 18th c. quarter calf [1847]
FRANCISCUS LUCENSIS & A N T O N I U S FRANCISCI 2212 Mutius (Macarius): De triumpho Christi. 40, 168 mm. 29 Mar. 1499 P* 5642 BM v 579 H 11655 Harmsworth 4154. Given by H. R. Creswick, 1948 Paper boards
Z A C H A R I A S CALLIERGES 2213 Etymologicum. 'ExvjjioAoyiKdv iJieyoc. F°, 389 mm. 8 July 1499 P*5644 BMV580 EF6691 GW9426 'Cuthebertus Londoniensis episcopus studiosis dono dedit.' Given by C. Tunstall, 1528-9 Calf, circa 1700 [1849]
Another copy. 367 mm. Royal Library, 1715 Calf, circa 1700
Another copy. 348 mm. Gaselee 143 Wants leaves I a , T^, X€ & AAS (the last, register). Some leaves mutilated The borders and initials heightened in gold and colours Armorial bookplate of Frazer. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Stamped black leather, circa 1600
VENICE .2216
Simplicius: *Yir6[\vr)\xcx eis F°, 333 mm. 27 Oct. 1499
Sera KOTrjyopias
P*5645 BMV580 H* 14757 Heading etc. on 2a printed in red * Liber Gulielmi Cole.' Royal Library, 1715 i8thc. half calf 2217
A n o t h e r , variant, c o p y . 322 m m . Heading etc. on 2a printed in gold Bound (2) with no. 2218
'YTTOUVTIIJICC eis TOCS TTEVTE 9covas TTopcpupiou.
F°, 322 m m .
23 M a y 1500 P*5646 BMV580 H* 927=929 GW1618 The capital on 2a printed in gold; the leaf mutilated and the heading (containing TunstalTs gift-inscription?) torn away Given by C. Tunstall, 1528-9 Formerly bound with MS. Nn. 1. 24. Bound (1) with no. 2217. Calf, circa 1700 [1853] 2219
A n o t h e r c o p y . 315 m m . Heading etc. on 2a printed in red Modern half morocco
Plutarchus: Apophthegmata. 4 0 , 202 mm. P 5656 BMV187 H13139 Gaselee 144 Leaves 1-51 only {Apophthegmata ad Trajanum)
R. Heber (?). Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern paper boards
Nonius Marcellus: De proprietate sermonum. F°, 293 mm. 1478 P* 5659 BM v 261 H11902 Wants leaf, 13 (blank), dx & d8 Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf
Martialis (Marcus Valerius): Epigrammata. F°, 300mm. 1480 P*566o BMV296 H*io8i4 Stamps: (1) Pub. Florentinae Biblioth. (2) MD monogram in an oval. Kloss. G. Dunn (1369). Bought, 1914 Half calf (Kloss) [1856]
2223 Cicero (Marcus Tullius): Epistolae ad familiares. F°, 266 mm. 1 July 1480 P*5662 BMV296 H*5i87 GW6834 Wants a!_3 and the last (blank) leaf * Roderick Johnes.' Royal Library, 1715 Calf, circa 1700
2224 Suetonius Tranquillus (Caius): Vitae Caesarum. F°, 290 mm. 1480 P* 6494 [Treviso, Joh. Rubeus] BM vn 1137 H* 15119 Leaves b 7 & b 8 cut away; examination of the BM copies shows that these leaves contain a duplication of text. The text of b7a is correct as far as line 37 ('.. .post paucissimas noctis horas'); the rest of b 7 and b 8 is occupied by the text of leaves 25, 24 & 27a (to 'corona aurea imposita ac') of the Bolognese edition (P* 7369) from which this is reprinted Thomas Ashby, Junr. Label: Bibliothecae Academicae Cantabrigiensi per quinque lustra ab Aluino Fabro Scholfield feliciter ordinatae hie liber donatus est xxij° die mensis nouembris A.S. MCMXLVIIL Given by A. N. L. Munby Contemporary wooden boards, backed with stamped leather [4304]
2225 Quintilianus (Marcus Fabius): Institutiones oratoriae. F°, 293 mm. P* 6495 [Treviso, Joh. Rubeus] BMV111137 H 13644 Wants the last leaf (blank). Leaf 3 cut down and mounted on ia Erased inscription ('Liber Eccl. Cath. Dunelm'?). Royal Library, 1715 Calf, circa 1700
2226 Juvenalis (Decimus Junius): Saturae [etc.]. 40, 275 mm. P* 6788 [Padua, A. de Stendal] BM v 212 H 9676 Wants the first & last leaves (blank) 'Antonius lusius ludimagister juvenalem nonis maii legitando perfecit MCCCCXXXXXXXVIIII/ W. E. Buckley. Given by S. Sandars, 1893 Half calf, area 1800 [^29] *** P* 5667. Reattributed by BM to Bernardinus Benalius. See no. 1926
2227 Aretinus (Leonardus): Isagoga de philosophia morali. 40, 190 mm. P 5675 BM v 582 H 1569 GW 5615 [V. de Spira] ia, 1. 3: . . .eff&... (not effet as BM & GW) Heitland Fund, 1949 Modern half morocco
% * P* 5687. Reattributed by BM & GW to Antonius de Strata. See no. 1835 2228
Missale R o m a n u m . 4 0 , 218 m m . P5689 BMV591 Sandars Bequest, 1894 16th c. stamped calf, rebacked
*** P 5696 A. Reattributed by BM & GW to Bernardinus Benalius. See no. 1927 *** P 5710. Reattributed by BM to J. & G. de Gregoriis. See no. 1820 *** Pf S712-
^ t n century. See GW iv, col. 27
Nicolaus, de Ausmo: Supplementum Summae Pisanellae. 4 0 , 200 m m . P 4456A [L. Wild] BM v 583 H* 2158 Leaves 15_8 only, bound in quire 1 of no. i860
2230 Calderinus (Domitius): Commentarii in Juvenalem [etc.]. F°, 272 mm. P* 7408 [Rome or Naples?] BM VII 1148 H* 4238 GW 5886 [Rome?] Wants the first leaf (blank) ' Antonii Seripandi et amicorum.' Duke of Sussex. British Museum duplicate, acquired by exchange, 1948 Old vellum [4279] 2231
S t o r i a della m o r t e corporale. 4 0 , 197 m m . P 7371 [Italy, unassigned] BM v 593 Wants leaves 1 & 6 Cloth
B a r b a r u s ( H e r m o l a u s ) : Castigationes Plinianae [etc.]. F°, 324 m m . P 7422 [Italy, unassigned] BM v 587 H* 2420 GW 3341 A. Darbyshire. Bought, 1912 Modern quarter forrel
2233 Donatus (Aelius): De octo partibus orationis. 8°. GW 9017 A fragment; 2 vellum sheets, each circa 275 x 420 mm. and each with an eight-page forme repeated on recto and verso; sigs D, D 2 , [D7] & [D8] on one leaf, D 3 , D 4 , [D5] & [D6] on the other \ . .Trovati nelT archivio del Convento di Subiaco...' Given by C. F. Murray, 1916 [2273]
Aretinus (Leonardus): De bello Italico. F° & 4 0 , 274 m m . 1470 P* 5721 BM vi 599 H 1558 GW 5600 (Anm. 1, 1) Wants the first & last leaves (blank) Kloss. Given by S. Sandars, 1892 16th c. stamped pigskin
Dante Alighieri: Divina commedia. F°, 277 m m . 11 Apr. 1472 P* 5723 BM vi 599 (IB. 25408) H 5938 GW 7958 Wants the first & last leaves (blank), and perhaps the blank leaf 84 Ex Musaeo Huthii. Given by A. W. Young, 1933 19th c. blue morocco
FERRARA A N D R E A S BELFORTIS, ist press 2236 Guarinus (Baptista): De ordine docendi et studendi. 8°, 196 mm. Pf573O H*8i28 [a b 8 c 6 ]; 22 leaves, the last blank. Traces of stamped, signatures ia: Batifta Guarinus ad MafFeum Gambara | Brixianu Adolefcete generofu difcipulu | fuum de ordine docendi ac ftudendi. | (e4) T fi MafFee caruTie ea fit mo> | & ingenii tui elegantia...; 9a (sig. b): norma. i. 6p0oypa
2237 Seneca (Lucius Annaeus): Tragoediae. F°, 285 mm. P*573i BMV1603 H14662 * Liber Eccl. Cath. Dunelm.' (erased), ia illuminated, with arms: azure, a star of eight points above a pair of antlers or. Royal Library, 1715 18th c. red morocco [1863] 2237-5 Plutarchus: Problemata. 4°, 200 m m . BM vi 603 Bound (3) with nos 2331-2, etc.
P E T R U S DE A R A N C E Y O & J O H A N N E S DE T O R N A C O 2238 Tudeschis (Nicolaus de): Consilia. F°, 409 mm. 9 May 1475 P 5737 BM vi 607 H* 12345 Wants [d 8 ], [ e M ] , [ g H ] and the last (blank) leaf Given by Thomas Rotherham, circa 1484 Calf, circa 1700
SEVERINUS FERRARIENSIS 2239 Trottus (Albertus): De vero et perfecto clerico. 40, 224 mm. 23 Dec. 1475 P*574o BMV1609 H588 G. Dunn. Rustat Fund, 1917
Old vellum
2240 Albertus, Magnus: Liber aggregationis [etc.], 40 & 8°, 190 mm. P5743 BMV1609 GW630 43b, 1. 3: fciendnm (not sciendum, as BM) G. Dunn. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1917 19th c. calf 380
A N D R E A S BELFORTIS, 2nd press 2241 Savonarola (Michael): De balneis. F°, 305 mm. 10 Nov. 1485 P5748 BMV1603 H* 14493 Wants the first leaf (blank) A. Heales. G. Dunn. Given by C. F. Murray, 1917 19th c. quarter vellum
2242 Odaxius (Typhis): Carmen macaronicum. 40, 177 mm. a6 b 4 ; 10 leaves. 2a: 140 x 75 mm., 34 lines. Type: 83G, with S leaning slightly to the left, N upright ia: . M A C H A R O N E A . | Eft aucto* tiphis. leonicus at($ parenzus. | Flo*a leonicum. retinet. phaofina tiphetum. | Sed magne comunis ftentat foanara parenzum | Omnes auctoaes rumani fiue poete. | (f3) Ctetunam miferam z cafum rifibile certe | . . .; 7a (sig. b): Sunat fergugias pariterqj cachare caminat |; 10b, I..32: Vulcanum que facit nigra fudare fufma. I .FINIS. | A label: Monogram HL doubled & interlaced, beneath a coronet (Horace de Landau). Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1948 [4299] Modern red morocco
L A U R E N T I U S DE RUBEIS, 2nd press 2243 Andreae (Antonius): Quaestiones super tribus principiis rerum naturalium [etc.], 40, 188 mm. 11 May 1490 P5759 BMV1612 H989 GW1668 'I. Syluius.' An oval stamp: an angel and a kneeling figure (the Annunciation) and initials NF, white on a black ground. Ex libris Pierre Duhem. Bought (lot 553 at Sotheby's), 21 Dec. 1920 Stamped pigskin, by Fleuret [1868]
2244 Leonicenus (Nicolaus): De Plinii erroribus. 40, 199 mm. 18 Dec. 1492 P* 5760 BM vi 612 H* 10021 G. Dunn. Given by T. D. Barlow, 1917 Paper boards
2245 Hugo, Senensis: Expositio super Aphorismos Hippocratis et Galeni commentum. F°, 314 mm. 15 Nov. 1493 BMV1612 H * 9 o n With a contemporary MS. index written on the first leaf Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (2) with nos 1955, etc. Modern half pigskin 381
2246 Jacobus Philippus, Bergomensis: De claris mulieribus. F°, 297 mm. 29 Apr. 1497 P*5762 BMV1613 H*28i3 2a, 1. 3: .. .nouiflime pgeftum. | Paologus. | . . . Sandars Bequest, 1894 Olive morocco, by De Coverly
Another, variant, copy. 314 mm. 2a, 1. 3: .. .nouiflime Dgeftum. Ptologus. | . . . Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (3) with nos 2068, etc. Modern half pigskin
2248 Jerome (St): Epistolae [etc.]. (Italian.) F°, 332 mm. 12 Oct. 1497 P* 5765 BM vi 614 (IB. 25758) H 8566 Wants leaves 1-5, 9 & 10 Two bookplates of Thomas Gaisford (Franks 11571 & 11573). Sandars Bequest, 1894 [4183] 19th c. half russia
MILAN PAMFILO CASTALDI 2249 Festus (Sextus Pompeius): De verborum significatione. 40, 278 mm. 3 Aug. 1471 P* 5767 [Zarotus] BM vi 699 H* 7038 Wants the last six leaves Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf
2250 Mela (Pomponius): Cosmographia. 8°, 193 mm. 25 Sept. 1471 P* 5768 [Zarotus] BM vi 699 H 11014 [a-c8 d 10 " 1 e-g 8 h 4 ]; cf. BM collation & note. Quire [g] misbound before quire [f] * Collatus cum antiq. cod.' Variant readings noted in a contemporary hand Royal Library, 1715 [1874] 18th c. calf
ANTONIUS ZAROTUS 2251 Ovidius Naso (Publius): Opera. 2 vols. F°, 315 & 324 mm. 11 Sept. 1477 Pf 5802 + 5803 BMV1715 Hi2i39(i&2) Vol. 1: (a-aaa)6 a-k 1 0 1 4 m-r 10 s12; 182 leaves, the last presumably blank. Wants e6_8, f10 and the last leaf Vol. 2 wants leaves 1-44 (Heroides) On F 8 b of vol. 2: 'Huius libri Th°s austriensis possessor est est non dixi.' On H 8 b: * Finis 1635/ Ashburnham. 'J. D. Fry, 1897/ Bought, 1926 Citron morocco (Ashburnham) [1875]
2252 Perottus (Nicolaus): Rudimenta grammaticae. 40, 282 mm. 15 Dec. 1479 a10 b-n 8 o 6 ; 112 leaves, the first probably blank, n a : 198 x 120 mm., 36 lines. Type: i n R B 1 2a: N I C O L A I P E R O T T I AD P Y R R H V M P E R O T T V M | N E P O T E M E X FRATRE SVAVISSIMVMRVDI | M E N T A G R A M M A T I C E S . | (d5) A Litteras. ; n a (sig. b): Noiatiuo ullus ulla ullu. Gto ulli9. Datiuo ulli. Accufatiuo ul |; A.b.c.d 112a, 1.29: Nicolai Perotti Sypontini Ad Pyrrhum Perottum Nepote Ex | Fratre Suauiffimum Rudimentorum Gramatices. | Antonius Zarotus parmenfis imprimendi auctor diligentifli | me impreflit. Mediolani M.CCCCLxxviiii. Die xv Decembris | .FINIS. | This edition is a reprint of the one by Dominicus de Vespolate & Paravisinus, 8 Apr. 1478 (no. 2277) Wants the first leaf Rustat Fund, 1875 Contemporary stamped pigskin, with clasps
2253 Simoneta (Johannes): Commentarii rerum gestarum Francisci Sfortiae. F°, 327 mm. 23 Jan. [1479-82?] P*58o4 BMV1718 H 14753 = 14754 "Wants the first leaf (supplied from another copy) and the last leaf (blank) 'Ex bibliotheca Altempsiana.' Royal Library, 1715 18th c. half russia, repaired
2254 Suetonius Tranquillus (Caius): Vitae Caesarum. F°, 288 mm. 16 Nov. 1480 P*58o6 BMV1716 H15120 Wants the first leaf (blank) Royal Library, 1715 Bound (1) with no. 2012 (q.v. for a description of the MS. additions). 18th c. calf, rebacked [1878]
2255 Platina (Bartholomaeus de): Deflosculislinguae latinae [etc.], 40, 232 mm. 18 Aug. 1481 P 5810 BMV1717 H13061 +13059 Wants the last leaf (blank) 'Collegii S. Mariae Secretae mli' (i.e. Mediolani). ' W . A. Shoults B.D.' Bought, 1895 Old paper boards [1S70]
2256 Ambrose (St): Hexameron [etc.]. F°, 285 mm. P*58i2 BMV1715 H 902=904 GW1605 Adams Bequest, 1892 Vellum
2257 Pius II: Epistolae in pontificatu editae. 40, 273 mm. Oct. 1487 P* 5823 BM vi 719 H170 'Iste liber est sancti Nicholai Vitelliane 1497' (i.e. at Viadana, near Mantua). Hopetoun. B. E. Hammond. Given by Mrs Hammond, 1917 18th c. calf
2258 Pius II: Epistolae in pontificatu editae. Another copy. 240 mm. Gaselee 147 Wants the first leaf (blank). The two leaves of table and register are bound at the beginning Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern paper boards U011] 2259
A m b r o s e (St): Epistolae [etc.]. F°, 293 m m . 1 Feb. 1491 P*5829 BMV1722 H*899 GW1601 * Sum fratris Petri Simlers monachi Capellani.' Bought, 1907 17th c. calf
Simoneta (Bonifacius): Persecutionum historia. F°, 340 mm. Jan. 1492 P* 5830 BM vi 722 H 14750 Wants the last leaf (blank) Bookplate of F. O. B[eggi]. Ashburnham. Bought, 1898 Old vellum, rebacked
V i s c o n t i (Gasparo): Ritmi. 4 0 , 207 m m . 26 Feb. 1493 P5834 BMV1723 H16078 Three coats-of-arms on ia, the central one: quarterly, 1 & 4 chequy gules & argent, 2 & 3 Visconti. Quaritch's Sunderland Library label. Bought, 1895 [1884] Calf(Sunderland)
P a n e g y r i c i veteres. 4 0 , 223 m m . P*5837 BMVI718 H13119 Gaselee 148 'Jo. pauli de Gradi Mediolanens.' Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Morocco, by D. Cockerell, 1900
2263 Tacitus (Gaius Cornelius): Opera. F°, 284 mm. P*5838 BMV1719 H15219 Quaritch's Sunderland Library label. Given by S. Sandars, 1893 Calf (Sunderland) 2264
Another copy. 297 m m . Wants the first leaf Arms on ia: argent bordured sable, a fess of three lozenges gules. A library label, with crest: a demi-griffin with the wreath of the Garter, beneath a ducal coronet. From the library of F. Jenkinson, 1923 18th c. red morocco [1886]
P H I L I P P U S DE LAVAGNIA, 1st press 2265 Philelphus (Franciscus): Consolatio ad J. A. Marcellum. 40, 276 mm. 1 Jan. 1475 P* 3534 [Rome, Pr. of Philelphus Consolatio] BM iv 63 & vi 703 H* 12960 Given by G. Dunn, 1909 Old vellum, rebacked
2265*2 Datus (Augustinus): Elegantiolae. 40, 233 mm. 18 Mar. 1475 P*5843 BMV1701 11*5989 GW 8047 Rustat Fund, 1949 Modern half morocco
2265*5 Eusebius Pamphili: Chronicon. 40, 263 mm. P*585i BMV1703 H6716 GW9432 Wants the last leaf (blank) Syston Park. Rt. Hon. W. H. Smith. Heitland Fund, 1949 Green morocco, by S. Ridge of Grantham
2265*7 Cicero (Marcus Tullius): Epistolae ad familiares. F°, 330 mm. 1478 P*5862 BMV1706 H*5i82 GW6825 On a blank leaf inserted at the beginning: 'Paulus mandT, and an index beginning ' Si quis excusari velit ab eo de quo accusatur de paucitate litterarum capiat primam secundi/ 'Wimpole Sept. 23. I 7 2 i [ . . . ] ' 'Edmond: Prideaux 1730/ 'H. Prideaux 1747/ WilsonBarkworth Fund, 1950 Harleian red morocco
2266 Jerome (St). Vita et transitus sancti Hieronymi. 40, 227 mm. 17 July 1480 BMV1707 H8643 Wants the first leaf (blank) Royal Library, 1715 18th c. boards, rebacked with pigskin
2267 Suetonius Tranquillus (Caius): De praeclare gestis Romanorum. 40, 201 mm. H2133 Pell. 1604 TFSi9O9g For the attribution to Milan cf. BM iv 63 (note on Printer of Philelphus Consolatio). The type appears to be Lavagnia's 108R with small round-topped 3 The text is Aurelius Victor's De viris illustribus Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf
C H R I S T O P H O R U S VALDARFER, 2nd press 2268 Ambrose (St): De officiis [etc.]. 40, 232 mm. 7 Jan. 1474 P*5874 BMV1725 H*9io GW1611 Kloss. *J- T -Hand 1835.' 'Cornelius Paine/ Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 Half calf (Kloss)
Chaimis (Bartholomaeus de): Interrogatorium. 8°, 158 mm. 29 Sept. 1474 P5875 BMV1725 H*248i GW6540 W. E. Buckley. Sandars Bequest, 1894 19th c. sheep
[1890] 25
2270 Justinus (Marcusjunianus): Epitome in Trogi Pompeii Historias. 40,252 mm. 1 June 1476 P*5879 BMV1726 H9650 Royal Library, 1715 18th c. boards, rebacked 2271
Breviarium Fratrum Praedicatorum. 8°, 170 m m . 1476 GW 5214 16 leaves only, some defective, taken from a binding Given by F. Jenkinson, 1913
J O H A N N E S B O N U S , 2nd press 2272 Augustine (St): Confessiones. 40, 197 mm. 21 July 1475 P*5883 BMVI728 H2031 GW2894 Inglis. Rustat Fund, 1900 Russia leather, with red morocco back and green and blue lettering pieces; marbled end-papers. See no. 1902 [1892]
Solinus (Caius Julius): Polyhistor. 8°, 198 mm. P*5885 BMV1728 H* 14873 = 14875 Wants G8 Sunderland. Sir E. Sullivan. Bought, 1890 Red morocco (Sunderland)
P R I N T E R OF T H E 1475 SERVIUS 2274 Servius Maurus (Honoratus): Commentarii in Vergilii opera. F°, 331 mm. 1 Dec. 1475 P* 5886 BM vi 730 H 14708 Gaselee 149 The quire conjecturally designated p in the BM description is signed 33 'Ad maiorem Ursinensem Bibliothecam* (the Benedictines of Irrsee). *M. M. Sfykes]. Sledmere.' Syston Park. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 18th c. red morocco, rejointed, over contemporary vellum wrappers: on the front wrapper is written in a contemporary hand Mantua me genuit... continuing on an inserted blank with Epitaphia virorum illustrium; on the back wrapper a long note on Servius in an 18th c. calligraphic hand [4013]
D I O N Y S I U S PARAVISINUS, 2nd press 2275 Lascaris (Constantinus): 'EpGOTrmorroc [etc.], 40, 217 mm. 30 Jan. 1476 P* 5889 BM vi 731 H 9920 Wants the last two leaves (blank) Earl of Crawford. Rustat Fund (with assistance from S. Sandars), 1887 Old vellum
DOMINICUS DE VESPOLATE ALONE 2276 Papias: Vocabularium. F°, 384 mm. 12 Dec. 1476 P * 5 8 Q I BMV1732 H12378 Wants the last leaf (blank) The blank recto of leaf 1 covered with designs in brown ink, the smaller ones being perhaps impressions of binding stamps Bequeathed by F. Chance, 1897 Green boards, backed with green morocco, circa 1800 [i$95]
2277 Perottus (Nicolaus): Rudimenta grammaticae. 40, 295 mm. 8 Apr. 1478 HCR12656 a10 b-n 8 o 6 ; 112 leaves, the first presumably blank. Types: 125R (cf. BM vi 732), i25Gk Wants the first leaf Stamp: Soc. Reg. Lond. ex dono Henr. Howard Norfolciensis Modern half morocco
with JACOBUS DE MARLIANO 2278 Chaimis (Bartholomaeus de): Interrogatorium. 8°, 163 mm. 21 Nov. 1478 P*58o4 BMV1733 H*2484 GW6545 ' [...]Ad usum fratris polidori de c. fr. tade'deiporegia. v. G.' (cf. BM v 159 (IB. 19543 b), & no. 2729). Stamp of Hercules de Silva. Adams Bequest, 1892 17th c. half calf [1898]
Another copy. 166 mm. Gaselee 150 Wants the last leaf (blank) Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Old calf
Another, variant, copy. 162 m m . Begins: Incipit infrogatodu... 'Frater Nicolaus Roelandus de louanio Flander. van Brussel in Brabant/ 'Ego frater Nicolaus de louanio Flander. bruer claes van Lueuen. 1573. Septembr. 2a.' Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 Old half vellum [1897]
Xenophon: Cyropaedia. 40, 256 mm. P* 3461 [Rome, A. de Villa] BM iv 52 & vi 734 H 16227 Without the spurious imprint of Arnoldus de Villa at Rome found in some copies Wants leaves 135-40 Bought, 1901 19th c. red morocco I1158] 387
JOHANNES ANTONIUS DE HONATE with BENIGNUS DE HONATE 2282 Augustine (St): Meditationes [etc.]. 8°, 188 mm. P* 5900 BM vi 740 GW 2970 Leaves 3-7 misbound after leaf 181 'Sum presbyteri philippi de alarandis rectoris ecclle sti Johannis baptiste de Cisliano plebis corbette ducatus Mediolani 1537. Et ero aminadab de alarandis, deo dante.' '1570. Pbr Gio. Maria de nicasiis (?) rector ecclesie sti vitti de sti vitti de sto vitto.' Bought, 1908 Old paper boards [1900]
ALONE 2283
Statuta Mediolani. F°, 291 m m . 30 Nov. 1482 P 5906 BM vi 741 H15009 (2) = 15010 Three ownership stamps (two erased), the third: an oblong signet, A.C. in white on an orange ground. A label: Dai libri di Simplicio Spinelli Milano. Rustat Fund, 1892 Bound (1) with no. 2295. 19th c. paper boards [1901]
2284 Vineis (Raymundus de): Vita di santa Catarina. 40, 202 mm. 28 Mar. 1489 P 5909 BM vi 742 H 4698=4697 Wants leaves 1 (blank) & 8 Hopetoun. Bought, 1908 18th c. calf
2285 Versor (Johannes): Quaestiones librorum Praedicabilium [etc.], 40,198 mm. H* 16041 Gaselee 151 a-k 8 1 4 m-q 8 r 6 s8 t4 u x 8 y 6 ; 164 leaves. Type: 73G 'Pauli de Cons-8-.' Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern paper boards
LEONHARD PACHEL & ULRICH SCINZENZELER 2286 Sacro Bosco (Johannes de): Sphaera mundi. 40, 280 mm. 1 Apr. 1478 BM vi 745 H14101 Wants the first leaf (blank), b 7 & b 8 ; a10 misbound after b 6 Bound (2) with no. 1738
2287 Nicolaus, de Ausmo: Supplementum Summae Pisanellae [etc.]. 40, 286 mm. 22 & 30 Apr. 1479 P 5921 BM vi 746 H 2159 + 803 Wants the first & last leaves (blank) Jenkinson Fund, 1934 Vellum, circa 1800
Another copy. 273 mm. Gaselee 152 Wants the first & last leaves (blank) 'Est liber iste Rdi patris Magri Raphaelis de Stustho ordinis fratrum praedicatorum et post vitam ipsius pertinet conventui scti dominici de ejauna (?) eiusdem ordinis/ 'Est conventus S. Eustacii de Mediolano.' Museo Cavaleri. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern vellum U015]
4 0 , 189 m m .
GW 4786 'Pinelli Auction 2s. 6d. M: Wodhull Feb. 5th 1790/ Bought, 1893-4 18th c. vellum
Meditationes vitae Christi.
20 Mar. 1480
Bernardus (Johannes): Vocabulista ecclesiastico. 4 0 , 191 m m . 20 Apr. 1480 GW4089 Wants the last leaf Probably acquired between 1864 and 1868 Old calf, rebacked with old vellum
N e p o s (Cornelius): Vitae imperatorum. 4 0 , 187 m m . P5953 BMV1748 H5731 Wants the first leaf (blank) Bookplate: Ex libris Boies Penrose II. Jenkinson Fund, 1934 Modern purple morocco
J e r o m e (St): Vitas patrum. (Italian.) F°, 255 m m . 1 Aug. 1490 HR8623 a-d8 E8 f-z8 A-D 8 i(-iii)6; 222 leaves, 1 blank, 216 probably blank. Type: 79G Reichling does not record the last quire. 217a: (i3) Ncomincia la tabula fopra il pri | mo libro de le uite de fancti padri | per numero de carte. | . . . Wants ax (blank), a8, Dl9 D 8 (blank?) and the last two leaves of the table 'Iste liber possedit frater Ioannes Conuersus (?) de malpagha fr? (?) Conuentus S. Marie Baselle.' 'Conuentus Sanctae Mariae de Basella Sacri ordinis Praedicatorum.' 'P. Rog"' (cf. BM vi 728, IA. 26620). Bought, 1904 Old paper boards
BONUS ACCURSIUS 2293 Hubertinus: Commentum in Epistolas Ciceronis ad familiares. F°, 298 mm. BMV1755 H5461? Wants pp 8 , qqi-3, & s s ^ Royal Library, 1715 Olive morocco, circa 1600 2294
Psalter: Greek & Latin. 4 0 , 262 m m . 20 Sept. 1481 P* 5966 BM vi 756 (IB. 26564 & 26564a) H* 13454 Bookplate of Sir Mountague Cholmeley (Franks 5791). Bought, 1936 Vellum, circa 1800
P A U L U S D E SUARDIS 2295 Statuta Mediolani. F°, 291 mm. 20 Dec. 1480 P* 5971 BM vi 758 H 15009 (1) Wants the first leaf (blank) Bound (2) with no. 2283
SIMON MAGNIAGUS 2296 Philelphus (Franciscus): Convivia. 40, 194 mm. P 7268 [Casal di San Vaso, A. de Corsiono] BM vi 760 (IA. 26605 a) H 12956 Modern quarter morocco 2297
A n o t h e r copy. 192 m m . Wants A 4 (errata & letter of Marlianus) H. G. Palmer. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Quarter roan, circa 1800
Another, variant, copy. 196 mm. BM vi 760 (IA. 26605) Bookplate of Bilibald Pirckheimer (Warnecke 1584). Armorial bookplate: Nullius in verba (Royal Society). W. H. Crawford. Sandars Bequest, 1894 19th c. half morocco [2242]
C H R I S T O P H O R U S VALDARFER, 3rd press 2299 Martha (St). La miraculosa legenda de Martha e Magdalena. 40, 190 mm. R1784 Collation varies from Reichling: h 6 ,62 leaves, the last presumably blank. In the colophon: Gualdarfer (not Valdarfer, as Reichling) Wants the last leaf Modern half morocco [1908]
LEONHARD PACHEL 2300 Thomas, a Kempis: Imitatio Christi [etc.], 8°, 146 mm. July 1488 P* 5978 BM vi 777 H* 9096 Wants the last leaf (blank) 'Paolo (?) Braguti.' Bought, 1922 Boards covered with vellum MS. (will of Jo. Franciscus de Cantu of Cremona, dated 12 Feb. 1591) [1909]
Jesus Christ. Meditationes super passionem Christi. 8°, 159 mm. P* 5979 BM vi 777 H 10989 Bound (2) with no. 2653
2302 Sancto Georgio (Benevenutus de): Oratio ad Maximilianum [etc.]. 40, 214 m m . H 7578+7580 a10; 10 leaves, ia: 147 x 100 mm., 27 lines. Type: 111R (without hyphens) ia: [red] B E N E V E N V T I . De fancto georgio comitis Blan | drate: Equitis Hierofolimitani: iUuftriflimi & Eexcellen | tiflimi. D. Marchionis Montifferrati Oratoris: ad Maxi I milianu... | [black] Oratio. | (A2) Deo mltis iam argumentis Maximiliane Rex fere | niflime...; 7b, 1. 10: Dixi. | Acta apud uindelicos in Oppido Hifpruch ad Eni Flumi I nis Ripam condito: In audietia publica Diui Caefaris Ma | ximiliani Idib9 marcii falutis noftre Anno Millefimo qua | dringentefimo Nonagefimo quarto: |; 8a: Benuenuti de fc[...] georgio: Equitis Hierofolimitani... | ...Adinclitum ducem Hercule eftenfem pro I obitu excellentiflime Eleanorae De Aragonia coniugis: | Confolatoria. Oratio. | (Q 2 ) Vum ingentibus curis...; 10a, 1. 21: Dixi. | Habita Ferrarie Decimo octauo chalendas decembris. | Salutis noftre Anno Millefimo quadringetefimo | Nonagefimo Tertio. | Acton Library, 1902 Cloth [1911]
2303 Bernard (St), of Clairvaux: Epistolae [etc.]. 40, 203 mm. 15 Dec. 1495 P5998 BMV1781 H2873 GW3927 The register (164a) omits the introductory quire A (cf. BM note) Bought, 1927 Old vellum
2304 Lucanus (Marcus Annaeus): Pharsalia. F°, 305 mm. 4 May 1499 H10243 aa 4 a-z 8 &8 o8 $£ A 6 ; 218 leaves. 2a: 250 x 160 mm., 60 lines. Types: 111R, 83R ia: Lucanus Cum Duobus Commentis. |; 2a: ([ Ad Ampliflimum ac Optimum Patrem & Dominum. D. Antoniotu Gentilem Palauicinum Sanctae | Romanae ecclefiae Tituli Sanctae anaftafiae praefbiterum Cardinalem dignifumum Io. Sulpitii Verulani. | Interpretationem: Lucani praefatio. | (e4) T fi m u l t o . . . ; 5a: (commentary) I O A N N I S SVLPITII V E R V L A N I : E T O M N I B O N I V I C E N | T I N I IN L V C A N I P H A R S A L I A M I N T E R P R E T A T I O : | (B3) ELLA PER A E M A T H I O S . Propones breui peryphrafi...; (text) (b6) Ella per aemathios plufc| ci« | uilia...; 13a (sig. b): (commentary) poft dies aliquot iulius pculus: fiue id ratus: fiue ut ppli dolorem mceroremq* cociliaret in cocionem pdiit |; 218a, 1. 39: Finis | Exactu hoc infigne atq$ pclaru opus Lucani cu Io. Sul I pitii Verulani Viri clariuimi comentariis a pprio ori | ginali extractis: Necno Omniboni Vicentini diligen | tiflime emendatis. ImprefTum Mediolani per magi | ftrum Leonardo. pachel Anno dni. M.cccc.lxxxxviiii. | die quarto Maii | Regiftrum | a b c . . . | . . . exceptus A qui eft ternus | Montagu Butler Prize Fund, 1935 Modern paper boards [4144] 2305
Mancinellus (Antonius): Donatus melior [etc.]. 4 0 , 192 m m . 21 Oct. 1499 GW 9022 The text ends on 40a, not on 39b, as stated in GW; 40b is blank 'Jacobi Corbinelli/ Sunderland. Given by P. S. King, 1895 18th c. calf
ULRICH SCINZENZELER 2306 Albertus, Magnus: Mariale. 4°, 188 mm. 17 Apr. 1488 P*6oo8 BMV1763 H464 GW682 E. G. DufF. Rustat Fund, 1925 Paper boards covered with 13th c. vellum MS.
2307 Gambilionibus (Angelus de): De testamento. F°, 376 mm. 1491 H 1621 Pell. 1160 {with variations) a-f8 g 10 ; 58 leaves, the first & last blank. Types: 145G, 86G. Device A Probably acquired about 1750 Bound (1) with nos 1383 & 2642. Calf, circa 1700
2308 Interrogatorio in volgare. 8°, 141 mm. 9 Mar. 1493 H9259 Cop. 3316 Pol. 2131 a-n 8 [o 4 ]; 108 leaves Copinger & Polain describe leaves 1-65 only. 66a-73a contain prayers and verses (including St Bernard's Salve mundi salutare), beginning 66a, 1. 1: Quefta fie vna bella con | templatoe como iefii xpo | comezo prefto a patire pe | na z tosmeti per nuy mi | feri peccatod. | Caro xpi circuncifa. | . . . ; 73b, 1. 1: Quefto e vno bello roxa | rio ho uero conteplatioe | di tutta la vita e paflione | dil noftro redemptoae... (1. 6) . . . componu | ta e o*dlata dal reueredo | patre fratre chriftoforo | da varifio de losdine di | fratri minod de obferua | tia ftando reclufo folita I rio e ferato nel facro fe | pulchro & chrifto nel mo | te caluario. | (h4) Anc cosonam | iefu chrifte. | Tibi plecto rex | o iufte. | . . . ; 99a, col. 2,1.28: FinuTe il roxario...; 99b, 1.4: . . . Quilti Ibno ceto duo | tiflimi articuU di dolo2i q | li foftene il fignor nfo mi | fere yhu xpo e la fua dul | ciflima mfe vgine maria | nel tepo di la paflioe...; 108b, col. 2,1. 27: Explicit deuotiflimum | opufculum quare omnis | creatura habeat 1 fe mo | ralem viuendi modum et | finaliter gloda vite eter | ne. Impaelfum Mediola | ni g vldericu fcizenzeler | die ix. martij. Mccccxciij. | Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 17th c. vellum [4016]
2309 Terentianus Maurus: De litteris, syllabis et metris Horatii. F°, 277 mm. 4 Feb. 1497 P*6o34 BMV1771 Six leaves of a copy of P* 6037 are bound between quires f and g {see no. 2312) Sunderland. Bought, 1883 Calf (Sunderland)
2310 Fulgentius Planciades (Fabius): Enarrationes fabularum. F°, 302 mm. 23 Apr. 1498 P* 6037 BM vi 773 H* 7392 Acquired before 1853 Old vellum
Another copy. 293 mm, Gaselee 153 Wants f6 (blank) Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Diced russia, with citron morocco back and red lettering-pieces; marbled end-papers. See no. 1902 [4017]
Part of another copy. 277 m m . Quire g6 only, bound between quires f and g of no. 2309
Sidonius Apollinaris (St): Poemata et epistolae. F°, 280 mm. 4 May 1498 P* 6038 BM vi 773 (IB. 26778 a) H* 1287 The last word on 4a reads 'scrnV and the last word on 24a * cyclop* (cf. BM note) * Pro Joanne Alexandro Brassicano Philosopho ac Iureconsulto Ann. MDXXVI.' Bought, 1928 Modern half morocco
Another, variant, copy. 298 mm. BM vi 773 (IB. 26778) Gaselee 154 Reading * senis' on 4a and ' cyclop' on 24a Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern half morocco
2315 Plautus (Titus Maccius): Comoediae. F°, 297 mm. 18 Jan. 1500 P*6o44 BMV1775 H* 13084 'Antonius de Isoma/ 'J- Albertus Le Fevre Parisiensis Doctor Medicus.' Armorial bookplate: Avancez (Sir Rowland Hill. Franks 14786). Bought, 1899 Calf, circa 1600 [1920]
2316 Butigella (Hieronymus): Oratio pro Johanne Philippo Gambaloita. 40, 216 m m . P6045 BMV1770 GW5815 Acton Library, 1902 Cloth
2317 Isocrates: Orationes. (Greek.) F°, 293 mm. 24 Jan. 1493 P* 6065 [H. Scinzenzeler] BMV1767 H9312 Quire A as in BM IB. 26857; quire B as in IB. 26856 Royal Library, 1715 Modern half pigskin
P H I L I P P U S DE M A N T E G A T I I S 2318 Apollonius (Petrus): Fasti maiores. 40, 201 mm. 22 June 1492 P6052 BMV1785 H1290 GW7158 Bought, 1900 Old vellum
2319 Gafurius (Franchinus): Theorica musicae. F°, 266 mm. 15 Dec. 1492 P*6O55 BMV1785 H7406 Formerly bound with no. 2322. Modern half morocco 2320
A n o t h e r c o p y . 282 m m . Bibliotheca Heberiana (12897) Paper boards, as no. 2626
2321 Bienatus (Aurelius): Oratio in funere Laurentii de Medicis. 40, 190 mm. BMV1784 GW4346 Gaseleei65 Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern half vellum
[4031 ]
P* 6065. See no. 2317. Cf. BM vi xxvii
G U I L L A U M E LE SIGNERRE, 1st press 2322 Gafurius (Franchinus): Practica musicae. F°, 265 mm. 30 Sept. 1496 P 6067 BM vi 789 H 7407 Wants the last leaf (blank) Formerly bound with no. 2319. Modern half morocco
2323 Cicero (Marcus Tullius): Opera. 2 vols. F°, 416 mm. 1498 [-1499] P*6o72 BMV1790 H5056 GW6708 Pts 1 & 4 are bound as vol. 1, pts 2 & 3 as vol. 2. Wants the first leaf (dedication) of the two preliminary quires, which are bound at the beginning of vol. 2 'Liber Thome Linacri.' 'Liber ecclesiae cathedralis Dunelm/ 'Jo. Milner Custos Biblioth. May 40—1703.' Royal Library, 1715 Red morocco, circa 1700 [1927]
J O H A N N E S BISSOLUS & B E N E D I C T U S M A N G I U S 2324 Suidas: Ae^iKov. F°, 353 mm. 15 Nov. 1499 P* 6077 BM vi 792 H* 15135 Wants the first leaf Royal Library, 1715 Russia, circa 1800
Another copy. 342 mm. Acquired before 1700 18th c. calf
Another copy. 348 mm. Wants the first two leaves With MS. notes by P. P. Dobree 18th c. calf, rebacked (circa 1800) with olive morocco
FLORENCE P R I N T E R OF T H E 1471 M E S U E 2327 Alberti (Leone Battista): De amore sive Ecatomfila. (Italian.) 40, 225 mm. 1471 P 7345 [Italy, unassigned] BM vi 616 H* 420 GW 577 Given by C. F. Murray, 1916 Blue morocco, by Lloyd, London
2328 Alberti (Leone Battista): De remedio amoris sive Deifera. (Italian.) 4 0 , 225 m m .
P 7346 [Italy, unassigned] BM vi 616 H* 422 GW 576 (Anm.) Given by C. F. Murray, 1916 Blue morocco, by Lloyd, London
2329 Alberti (Leone Battista): Ipolito e Lionora. 40, 225 mm. P 7348 [Italy, unassigned] BM vi 616 H 9263 Given by C. F. Murray, 1916 Blue morocco, by Lloyd, London
A P U D S A N C T U M J A C O B U M DE RIPOLI 2330 Fontius (Bartholomaeus): In Persium explanatio [etc.]. 40, 203 mm. 1477 P*6O98 BMV1621 H7226 British Museum duplicate. Acquired by exchange, 1948 Red morocco, by Delano^ pere
2331 Curtius Rufus (Quintus): Gesta Alexandri. (Italian.) F°, 285 mm. 1478 P*6ioo BMV1622 H 5888 = 5889 GW7877 Wants f2 'Giraldi Giraldii Francisci F. civis Florentini.' Walter Ashburner. Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1948 19th c. stamped calf [4302]
2331*2 Plinius Secundus (Caius Caecilius): De viris illustribus. 40, 200 mm. 1478 P* 6101 BM vi 622 H 2137 The text is Aurelius Victor's De viris illustribus Sunderland Library shelf-mark. Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1950 Bound (1) with nos 2331*5 & 2237*5. Blue morocco (Sunderland) 2
Suetonius Tranquillus (Caius): De grammaticisetrhetoribus. 4°,2oomm. 1478 P*6iO4 BMV1622 Bound (2) with nos 2331*2, etc.
2331-7 Ficinus (Marsilius): Consiglio contro la pestilenza. 40, 213 mm. 1481 P6108 BMV1623 H7082 Wants the last leaf (blank) Ex libris Liechtensteinianis (no. 101 in H. Bohatta, Katalog d. Inkunabeln d. Furstlich Liechtenstein schen Fideikommiss-Bibliothek, 1910). Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1951 Wrappers [4352]
Guarinus, Veronensis: Regulae grammaticales. 40, 211 mm. 4 leaves (sigs b x , b 2 , b 7 (?) & b 8 (?)) only, printed in type 105R (cut down to 101/102 mm.); 30 lines, circa 152 x 92 mm. Woodcut initials Begins (b 1? 1. 1): Tonat bat per tonare | Tempeftat bat per fortunare | Diefcit bat per far di |; Ends (b8 (?), 1. 30): Fit abufio in patronomicis. additione: ut athlas. tis | Given by C. F. Murray, 1916 V931 ] Modern half morocco
NICOLAUS LAURENTII 2333 Celsus (Cornelius): De medicina. F°, 272 mm. 1478 P * 6 n 6 BMV1627 H*4835 GW 6456 (Anm.) Wants the last leaf (blank) Royal Library, 1715 Diced russia, circa 1800
2334 Dante Alighieri: Divina commedia. F°, 373 mm. 30 Aug. 1481 P*6i2O BMV1628 H*5946 GW7966 Wants the blank leaves 1, 14, 15 & 169, and one of the last two leaves (also blank) Leaves 277 & 278 signed aaax & aaa2, headlines of rectos C 8 -D^ misprinted (cf. BM notes). Text omissions supplied in contemporary MS.; a MS. index by the same hand bound in at the end (6 leaves). Engravings to Cantos 1 & 2 only 'P. & M. Hunter's Sale, 1805. ^5*io*o.' A. J. Butler. Given by Mrs Butler, 1910 Diced russia, circa 1800, rebacked [1933\
2335 Belcari (Feo): Vita del beato Giovanni Colombini [etc.], 40, 278 mm. P6123 BMV1626 H2747 GW3798 Wants leaves 53-96 (Vita di alcuni Gesuati) Comte D. Boutourlin. Bookplate of F. O. B[eggi]. Bought (lot 56 at Puttick's), 22 May 1865 Half vellum [*934]
2336 Alberti (Leone Battista): De re aedificatoria. F°, 284 mm. 29 Dec. 1485 P* 6131 BM vi 630 (IB. 27125 a) H* 419 GW 579 (Anm.) This copy reads hoftio, celfiore, manfiones, conftat & CLA | riflimi where GW Anm. reproduces hostio, celsiore, etc. Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf 1935]
F R A N C E S C O DI D I N O , 2nd press 2337 Antoninus (St): Confessionale (Curam illius habe). (Italian.) 40, 212 mm. 10 July 1481 P*6i34 BMV1633 H1213 GW2078 Wants the first leaf Given by J. Charrington, 1930 Modern half vellum, at the end a leaf of vellum MS. (circa 1400) of Alexander de Villa Dei, lines 1392 (Actus transitio)-i^2 (adiectiuum uariatque) [3679]
ANTONIO MISCOMINI 2338 Horatius Flaccus (Quintus): Opera. F°, 283 mm. 5 Aug. 1482 P*6i42 BMV1637 H8881 Wants leaf 269 (foliated CCLXIII); the first leaf cut down & mounted 'Coll. Perus. Catal. Inscr. Societ. JesuBibl.' 'M. D. Babington ex donoThomae ParesJun r i s ' Bought, 1858 18th c. mottled sheep 1*936]
2339 Augustine (St): De civitate Dei. (Italian.) F°, 288 mm. P*6i45 BMVIH136 H* 2071 =2072 GW2892 BM ascribes this work to Miscomini's Venetian press Wants leaves 2 & 11 of the table (supplied in MS.), also the first & last leaves (blank) Bought, 1907 Old vellum [*937] 2340
L e o I : Sermones. (Italian.)
F°, 284 m m . 21 M a y 1485
P* 6147 BM vi 638 H* 10016 Wants the last leaf (blank) Crevenna. Bookplate: Torcular calcavi solus (J. P. Madden). Jenkinson Fund, 1934 i8thc. half calf [3799]
2341 Ficinus (Marsilius): De triplici vita. F°, 274 mm. 3 Dec. 1489 P*6i5i BMV1639 H*7O65 'Mrs Howard's Sale Jan. 1835/ Bought, 1895
Paper boards
[w^] 0
2342 Savonarola (Girolamo): Sermone dell' orazione. 4 ,197 mm. 20 Oct. 1492 P 6160 BM vi 641 H 14405 Audin 95 Blank portion of leaf 1 cut away Bromley-Davenport. Given by J. Charrington, 1920 Modern boards
U939] 0
2343 Thomas, a Kempis: Imitatio Christi. (Italian.) 4 , 207 mm. 1 July 1494 P6169 BMV1643 HR9131? Wants leaves 1-4 of HR's description (but see note in BM) The last leaf mutilated Given by J. Charrington, 1930 Paper boards
2344 Savonarola (Girolamo): Esposizione del Pater Noster [etc.], 40, 199mm. 1494 P 6173 BM vi 644 H 14447 Audin 30 Given by J. Charrington, 1920 18th c. mottled sheep
2345 Savonarola (Girolamo): Trattato dell' orazione mentale. 40, 212 mm. P6180 BMV1645 H14404 Audin 96 Lady Alwyne Compton. Given by J. Charrington, 1920 Modern half calf
[1941 ]
2346 Savonarola (Girolamo): Trattato dell' umilta. 40, 203 mm. P 6184A BM vi 646 H 14372 Audin 55 J. Ruskin. S. C. Cockerell. Given by J. Charrington, 1920 Paper boards
BERNARDUS NERLIUS with NERIUS NERLIUS & DEMETRIUS DAMILAS 2347 Vergilius Maro (Publius): Opera. F°, 283 mm. 18 Mar. 1487/8 P* 6326 [Pr. of Benignus] BM vi 678 Wants the eight preliminary leaves, [m2] of the BM collation, and the last leaf (register) *Abbatie Florentinae S 100/ *W. Walford.' Bought, 1912 Calf, circa 1700, rebacked [2006] 2348
H o m e r u s : TToir|cns a-rraaa. F°, 323 m m . ' 9 0 6 0 . 1 4 8 8 ' P* 6194 [B. di Libri] BM vi 678 H 8772 'Cuthebertus Londoniensis episcopus studiosis dono dedit/ Given by C. Tunstall, 1528-9, and subsequently lost. Huth 3763. Restored by J. Charrington, 1918 Red morocco, by Bedford [*943]
Another copy. 2 vols. 323 mm. Wants the preliminary leaves 1-42 Royal Library, 1715 Red morocco, circa 1700
Another copy. 303 mm. Wants the preliminary leaves 1-42 and the last leaf (blank) ' Ex dono magistri Thome Perkinson Rectoris de Willingham sacrae theologiae Bacchalaurii. quondam socii domus sancti Michaelis. 1576' Calf, circa 1700, rebacked [i945]
Another copy. 311 m m . Wants leaf 42 and the last (both blank) Earl of Crawford. Given by A. W. Young, 1933 Red morocco, by Trautz-Bauzonnet
Part of another copy. 331 mm. Leaves 1-250 only (preliminaries & Iliad), wanting leaf 42 (blank) Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf
B A R T O L O M M E O DI LIBRI 2353 Mazza (Clemente della): Vita di san Zenobio. 40, 192 mm. 8 Dec. 1487 P6192 BMV1648 H10981 British Museum duplicate. Acquired by exchange, 1948 19th c. quarter russia
2354 Aretinus (Leonardus): Historia Florentina. (Italian.) F°, 317 mm. 5 June 1492 P*6i97 BMV1649 H1563 ( I ) = * I 3 I 7 3 (1) GW 5613(1) The table (quire £ 4 ) is bound at the beginning Bought, 1912 18th c. half morocco, repaired
2355 Savonarola (Girolamo): Predica fatta addi 8 di giugno, 1495. 40, 200 mm. P*62Oi B M V I 6 6 I H14387 Audin7i J. Ruskin. S. C. Cockerell. Given by J. Charrington, 1920 Paper boards
2356 Savonarola (Girolamo): Predica e rivelazioni. 40, 206 mm. 5 Sept. 1495 P 6203 BM vi 650 H 14380 Audin 63 Bookplate of Charles Meek. Given by J. Charrington, 1930 Blue morocco, by Zaehnsdorf
2357 Savonarola (Girolamo): Operetta sopra i dieci comandamenti di Dio. 40, 202 m m . 24 O c t . 1495 P6204 BMV1650 H 14443 Audin 33 Given by J. Charrington, 1920 Paper boards
2358 Savonarola (Girolamo): Prediche quadragesimali dell' anno 1495. F°, 262 mm. 8 Feb. 1496/7 P 6209+6320+6369 BM vi 651, 675 & 686 H* 14382 Audin 68 Quires [*], a-t (P 6209) are in B. di Libri's types, quires A-F (P 6369) in Morgiani's, and quires G-I (P 6320) in Bonaccorsi's Wants [*2], a3 & a6 Stamp: Soc. Reg. Lond. ex dono Henr. Howard Norfolciensis. Bookplate: Nullius in verba
(Royal Society). Given by J. Charrington, 1922 16th c. stamped calf, rebacked
[1950, 2005, 2015]
2359 Angelo, de Vallombrosa: Epistola alle nobile matrone e pientissime donne fiorentine. 4% 201 mm. Sander 401 a4; 4 leaves. 2a: 157x93 mm., 33 lines. Type: 97R ia: [Woodcut (Kristeller 378 i) between two woodcut borders.] ([ Epiftola deluenerabile heremita di valembrofa alle nobile | matrone & pientiflime donne fiorentine. | (A3) Ngelo peccatore anachorita del heremo divalembro | fa / con molta oratione priega lemagnifice & deuotif I fime matrone...; 4b, 1.12: .. .Ad laquale dio g fua pieta alfine uo- | ftro felicemente uiperduca Amen. Valete. Ex heremo uallis | umbrofe. iii. kl. Augufti. Mcccclxxxxvi. | [Woodcut (Kristeller 227b)] Armorial stamp: Ex libris Josephi Martini Lucensis. Given by J. Charrington, 1920 Paper boards [*95i]
2360 Savonarola (Girolamo): Epistola a tutti gli eletti di Dio. 40, 205 mm. P 6213 BM vi 651 H 14458 Audin 116 Lady Alwyne Compton. Given by J. Charrington, 1920 Modern half calf
2361 Savonarola (Girolamo): Epistola contro la scomunica. 40, 197 mm. P 6216 BM vi 651 H 14455 Audin 120 Paul Schmidt. Given by J. Charrington, 1920 Modern vellum
Savonarola (Girolamo): Epistola a suoi diletti fratelli. 40, 180 mm. P 6217 BM vi 651 H 14371 Audin 118 Given by J. Charrington, 1920 Paper boards
23 63
Savonarola (Girolamo): Epistola alle suore del terzo ordine di San Domenico. 4°, 206 m m . P* 6220 BM vi 652 H 14468 Audin 122? Lady Alwyne Compton. Given by J. Charrington, 1913 Modern half calf
Another copy. 180 mm. Paul Schmidt. Given by J. Charrington, 1920 Modern vellum
Savonarola (Girolamo): Apologia dei frati di San Marco. 40, 203 mm. P 6222 BM vi 652 Audin 102 Lady Alwyne Compton. Given by J. Charrington, 1920-21 Modern half calf
Another copy. 197 mm. Paul Schmidt. Given by J. Charrington, 1913 Modern vellum
2367 Savonarola (Girolamo): Triumphus crucis. (Italian. Delia verita della fede cristiana.) F°, 274 mm. P* 6224 BM vi 652 H* 14345 Audin 20 Given by J. Charrington, 1922 O l d paper boards
2368 Savonarola (Girolamo): Triumphus crucis. F°, 271 mm. P* 6225 BM vi 652 H* 14342 Audin 18 = 17? Given by J. Charrington, 1920 Half vellum, circa 1800
Another copy. 264 m m . * OfFert a M. Paul Schmidt par son devoue C. Schmidt Nov. 1877/ Given byj. Charrington, 1913
19th c. half morocco
Another copy. 271 mm. 'Visto dallo inquisitore.' Bookplate: Caroli ac Marice Lacaitce filiorumque. Selhatn, Sussex.
Bought, 1936 Bound (1) with no. 2371. 18th c. mottled calf with arms of Pope Pius VI 2371
Savonarola (Girolamo): De veritate prophetica. F°, 271 mm. P6226 BMV1652 H14339 Audin 14 Bound (2) with no. 2370
2372 Savonarola (Girolamo): Trattato circa il reggimento della citta di Firenze. 4°, 204 mm. P 6227 BM vi 653 Audin 1 Wants the last leaf (blank) Paul Schmidt. Given by J. Charrington, 1920 Modern vellum
Savonarola (Girolamo): Expositio in septem gradus Bonaventurae. (Latin & Italian.) 40, 186 mm. P6228 BMV1653 H14450 Audin 45 Paul Schmidt. Given by J. Charrington, 1920 Modern vellum
2374 Savonarola (Girolamo): Predica fatta addi 11 di febbraio 1497. 40, 200 mm. P 6229 BM vi 653 H 14392 Audin 79 J. Ruskin. S. C. Cockerell. Given by J. Charrington, 1920 Paper boards
2375 Savonarola (Girolamo): Predica fatta addi 18 di febbraio 1497. 40,197 mm. HR 14394 Audin 82 Given by J. Charrington, 1920 Modern vellum oc
[1965] 4OI
Savonarola (Girolamo): Predica fatta addi 25 di febbraio 1497. 40, 196 mm. P 6230 BM vi 653 H 14395 Audin 83 Lady Alwyne Compton. Given by J. Charrington, 1920 Modern half calf
2377 Savonarola (Girolamo): Esposizione sopra il salmo L (Miserere). 40,212 mm. 1499
P* 6233 BM vi 654 H 14431 Audin 144 Lady Alwyne Compton. Given by J. Charrington, 1912 Modern half calf
Another copy. 200 mm. Paul Schmidt. Given by J. Charrington, 1920 Modern vellum
2379 Savonarola (Girolamo): Esposizione sopra il salmo xxx (In te, Domine). 4°, 190 mm. P*6234 BMVT654 H14415 Audin 130 W. Mitchell. Given by J. Charrington, 1920 Modern half morocco
2380 Laude all* onore dell' onnipotente Dio e della gloriosa vergine. 40, 213 mm. P6254 BMV1656 One leaf only. Recto, col. 1: a te dolce giefu.| tutta lapofla noftra |; verso, col. 2, L 33: dellangiol benedecto che miguarda | A. G. W . Murray. Given by D. W. Murray, 1919 [1970]
2381 Pico della Mirandola (Giovanni): Defensio Savonarolae. 40, 185 mm. Pf6258 HCR13003 Paul Schmidt. Given by J. Charrington, 1920 Modern vellum
Savonarola (Girolamo): Trattato del sacramento. 40, 202 mm. P6268 BMV1658 H14352 Audin 24 J. Ruskin. S. C. Cockerell. Given by J. Charrington, 1920 Paper boards
Savonarola (Girolamo): Operetta dell' amore di Gesu [etc.]. 40, 208 mm. P 6269 BM vi 659 Audin 36? Wants b 2 & b 7 Given by J. Charrington, 1920 Paper boards
2384 Savonarola (Girolamo): Libro della vita viduale. 40, 202 mm. R 1053 Audin 47 W. Mitchell. Given by J. Charrington, 1920 Green morocco, by L. Broca
2385 Savonarola (Girolamo): Dichiarazione del misterio della croce. 40, 208 mm. P* 6270 BM vi 661 Audin 21 Given by J. Charrington, 1920 Paper boards
Another copy. 200 mm. Gaselee 156 Ashburnham. Charles Butler. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Wrappers
2387 Savonarola (Girolamo): Trattato contro gli astrologi. 40, 194 mm. P6274 B M V I 6 6 I H14378 Audin 6 Sir T. D. Gibson-Carmichael. Given by J. Charrington, 1920 Modern diced russia
Pf 6278. See P 6328
2388 Pico della Mirandola (Giovanni): Heptaplus. F°, 276 mm. P*6284 BMV1662 H*i3ooi 'Dominici Mellinii Guid. filii/ From the library of F. Seebohm, presented by his family, 1925
Old half vellum
[1977] 0
2389 Savonarola (Girolamo): Esposizione sopra Y Ave Maria. 4 , 213 mm. P0286 BMV1663 H 14449 Audin 31 Lady Alwyne Compton. Given by J. Charrington, 1920 Modern half calf
2390 Cavalca (Domenico): Frutti della lingua. 40, 194 mm. .P6287 BMV1658 H*4777 GW6401 Wants leaves 1 & 2 (preliminaries) Bought, 1894 19th c. half calf
2391 Savonarola (Girolamo): Trattato del Sacramento. 40, 183 mm. P 6289 BM vi 659 H 14353 Audin 23 Given by J. Charrington, 1920 Paper boards
[1980] 0
2392 Savonarola (Girolamo): Esposizione del Pater Noster [etc.], 4 , 192 mm. P 6290 BM vi 659 H 14445 Audin 27 Given by J. Charrington, 1920 Morocco, by Duru & Chambolle, 1863
2393 Savonarola (Girolamo): Operetta dell' amore di Gesu [etc.]. 40, 207 mm. P 6291 BM vi 658 (IA. 27557) Audin 34 Given by J. Charrington, 1920 Modern blue morocco, preserving at the front an old vellum wrapper with Italian MS. verses (16th c.) 403
2394 Savonarola (Girolamo): Operetta dell' amore di Gesu [etc.]. 40, 198 mm. a b 8 c 6 ; 22 leaves. 9a: 160 x 87 mm., 33 lines. Types: 114G (title), 97R2 (text). Lombardic initials. Woodcuts: Kristeller 374c i & ii ia: ([ Operetta del amose di Iefu Compofta da | frate Hieronimo da Ferrara. | [Woodcut (Kristeller 374 c i)]; 2a: ([ Tractat,o dello Amore di Iefu Chrifto compofto da | Frate Hieronymo da Ferrara dellordine de frati predi | catori Priore difan Marco di Firenze. | (M2) Anete 1 dilectione mea. Ioannis. xv. cap ; 9a (sig. b): perche fono molto pericolofe: & tanto piu / quanto focto |; 10b, 1.9: (" Delia grandeza della paflione del noftro fignore | IefuChricto. | . . . ; 21a: ([Lauda compofta da decto frate Hieronymo | Della confolatione del crocifixo. I . . . ; 22a, 1.10: ([ Orationebrieue&deuota&bella del decto | Frate Hieronymo. | . . . (1. 21) ([ Lauda del fopradecto frate Hieronymo alcrociflxo. | . . . ; 22b, 1. 16: FINIS. | Quire c is the same setting of type as in no. 2395 Given by J. Charrington, 1920 Modern polished calf
2395 Savonarola (Girolamo): Operetta dell' amore di Gesu [etc.]. 40, 192 mm. P 6292 BM vi 658 (IA. 27559) See note to no. 2394 W. Mitchell. Given by J. Charrington, 1920 Morocco, by Duru & Chambolle, 1863, with the last leaf of a copy of P 6228 bound in at the end [1984]
2396 Savonarola (Girolamo): Libro della vita viduale. 40, 200 mm. P 6293 BM vi 659 H 14368 Audin 46 Wants the last leaf (blank) G. C. Bright. Given by J. Charrington, 1920 Quarter morocco, by Lortic
2397 Savonarola (Girolamo): Trattato dell' umilta. 40, 205 mm. P 6294 BM vi 659 H 14374 Audin 56 Given by J. Charrington, 1920 Morocco, by Bedford
2398 Savonarola (Girolamo): Sermone dell' orazione. 40, 186 mm. P* 6295 BM vi 659 Audin 94 Given by J. Charrington, 1920 Paper boards
2399 Savonarola (Girolamo): Operetta dell' orazione mentale. 40, 194 mm. P6296 BMV1658 Audin 98 Given by J. Charrington, 1920 Modern quarter calf
2400 Savonarola (Girolamo): Apologia dei frati di San Marco. {Latin.) 40, 192 m m . R 724 Audin 101 Given by J. Charrington, 1920 Morocco, by Duru & Chambolle, 1863
2401 Savonarola (Girolamo): Epistola alia Contessa della Mirandola. 40,197 mm. P6301 BMV1664 H14465 AudiniO7 W. Mitchell. Given by J. Charrington, 1920 Red morocco, by L. Broca
2402 Savonarola (Girolamo): Esposizione sopra il salmo LXXIX (Qui regis Israel). 4°, 205 mm.
P 6302 BM vi 664 H 14435 Audin 125 Given by J. Charrington, 1920 Morocco, by Bedford
Another copy. 200 m m . Given by J. Charrington, 1920 Paper boards
S a v o n a r o l a ( G i r o l a m o ) : T r i u m p h u s crucis. 8°, 140 m m . P 6303 BM vi 665 Audin 19 Given by J. Charrington, 1920 Stamped calf, with panel on each cover depicting "eight scenes from the life of Christ; much worn. Cf. Goldschmidt, p. 70, where a binding is described on which this panel accompanies another signed by Viviano de Varese [1993]
Savonarola (Girolamo): Operette. 4 0 , 201 mm. P* 6304 BM vi 664 H 14355 Audin 41 J. Ruskin. S. C. Cockerell. Given by J. Charrington, 1920 [1994]
Paper boards 2406
A n o t h e r c o p y . 193 m m . Bound with no. 2429 & six 16th c. pieces. 19th c. half calf
*** P 6305. Transferred to the Florentine adespota by BM. See no. 2447 2407
S a v o n a r o l a ( G i r o l a m o ) : I n t r o d u c t o r i u m confessorum. 8°, 136 m m . R 1387 [Brescia, A. & J. de Britannicis] Type: 77R (?). Woodcut initials of black-ground Venetian type, 15 x 15 mm. Given by J. Charrington, 1920 Paper boards
2408 Uberti (Lupo degli): Frottola. Broadside, circa 295 x 215 mm. 4 columns, 51 lines. Type: 97R Col. i , l . 1: Accurrhuomo chi muoio | leuar fipofla ilcuoio | achi cofi mimanda | labuona uiuanda | . . . ; col. 4, 1. 48: fi puo bene impara[r]e | et trarne Optimo fructo | ma rl cognofcer n [ . . .]o | Finis [.. .]to | Defective, some words affected by worm-holes Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 [4022]
FRANCESCO BONACCORSI 2409 Cavalca (Domenico): Trattato della pazienza. 40, 203 mm. 12 May 1490 P6307A BMV1672 H4800 GW6406 Wants the title-page and a8; a counterfeit title-page (printed) has been supplied Bought, 1896 Quarter roan, circa 1800 2410
Dante Alighieri: Convivio. 4 0 , 199 m m . 20 Sept. 1490 P*63O9 BMV1673 H5954 GW7973 Syston Park. A. J. Butler. Given by Mrs Butler, 1910 Red morocco, by Storr of Grantham
2411 Jerome (St). Vita et transitus sancti Hieronymi. (Italian.) 40, 195 mm. 13 Feb. 1490 P6311 BMV1672 H8647 Wants leaves 1 & 4 of the preliminaries * di Lamberto Cristiano Gori il giorno di S: Girolamo 1755/ Given by J. Charrington, 1930 Old vellum [3678]
2412 Savonarola (Girolamo): Libro della vita viduale. 40, 178 mm. 1491 H 14369? Audin49? a-c 8 d 6 ; 30 leaves. 2a: 155 x 77 mm., 27 lines. Type: F. de Dino's 114R ia: L I B R O DElla uita Vi- | dua |; 2a: Comincia il Libro della uita. Viduale copofto | da. Frate. Hieronymo da Ferrara dellordine de | Frati predicatori a iftantia di molte diuote Vi | due. & uiduui. Prohemio | . . . ; 9a (sig. b x ): mo lafanctificatione delfuo nome nel cuore & |; 30b, 1. 13: ImprefTo in Firenze per fer Francefcho | Bonacchorfi nel | .M. CCCC L xxxxi | Given by J. Charrington, 1920 Bound (1) with no. 2419. Mottled calf, circa 1800 [2000]
2412*5 Bossus (Matthaeus): De veris ac salutaribus animi gaudiis dialogus. 40, 206 mm. 8 Feb. 1491 P*63i2 BMVI674 H*3672 GW4955 Wants the first & last leaves (blank) Rustat Fund, 1950 Modern vellum
Savonarola (Girolamo): Compendium revelationum. (Italian.) 40,193 mm. 18 Aug. 1495 P 6314 BM vi 674 (IA. 27626) Audin 9 The colophon has no ' & ' at the end of the first line (v. BM note). Without the copper engraving of the triple crown (v. BM note to IA. 27625) Given by J. Charrington, 1920 18 th c. mottled calf [2001]
Another, variant, copy With ' & ' in the colophon. Without the copper engraving Lady Alwyne Compton. Given by J. Charrington, 1920 Modern half calf
[2002] 0
2415 Savonarola (Girolamo): Compendium revelationum. 4 , 210 mm. 3 Oct. 1495 P6315 BMV1675 H14332 Audb.7 Without the engraving found in some copies (y. BM note) Given by J. Charrington, 1920 Modern olive morocco
2416 Savonarola (Girolamo): Esposizione sopra il salmo LXXIX (Qui regis Israel). 4°, 204 mm. 8 June 1496 P 6318 BM vi 675 H 14438 Audin 127 W. Mitchell. Given by J. Charrington, 1920 Green morocco, by L. Broca
2417 Usuardus: Martyrologium. 4 , 197 mm. 6 Nov. i486 P 6319 BM vi 670 (IB. 27605) H16110 Wants leaf 8 *Di me Giuseppe Bertini di Sillano.' Bought, 1928 Old vellum
% * P 6320. See no. 2358
2418 Collenutius (Pandulphus): Panegyrica silva. 40, 208 mm, P6321 BMV1673 GW7165 Ex bibliothec. Raphaelis Mecenate. British Museum duplicate. Acquired by exchange, 1948 Quarter mottled calf, circa 1800 [4273]
PRINTER OF BENIGNUS DIALECTICA *+* P* 6326. Reattributed by BM to Bernardus Nerlius & partners. See no. 2347
2419 Cherubino, da Spoleto: Regola di vita spirituale [etc.]. 40, 178 mm. 30 Sept. 1490 P 6328 = 16278 BMV1679 H 4942=13 817 GW6608 Leaves 43-82 (quires f-k) only, containing Regola di vita tnatrimoniale Bound (2) with no. 2412
2419*5 Benignus (Georgius): Mirabilia LXXVH in opusculo Nicolai De mirabilibus. 4°, 208 mm. H2782 GW3842 Leaf a4 is signed bi, c 2 is signed ciii; dx is unsigned. Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1951 Modern vellum
A N T O N I U S FRANCISCI, ist press 2420 Diogenes, Cynicus: Epistolae Diogenis, Bruti, Hippocratis. 40, 205 mm. 22 June 1487 P6320A BMV1677 H6194 GW8396 Wants leaves 1-22 (quires a-c), containing Epistolae Diogenis Acquired before 1853 Old vellum
2421 Phalaris: Epistolae. 40, 208 mm. P*633i BMV1678 H12889 *20 April 1867 7 A.' Bought, 1891 18th c. half calf
Another copy. 205 mm. Bound (4) with nos 1829, etc.
LORENZO MORGIANI & JOHANN PETRI *j|t* The books printed by Morgiani alone are here not separated from those printed in partnership with Petri 2423
Calandri (Filippo): Arithmetica. 8°, 140 m m . 1 Jan. 1491/2 P*6352 B M V I 6 8 I H4234 GW5884 Given by J. Charrington, 1916 19th c. vellum
2424 Cavalca (Domenico): Frutti della lingua. F°, 274 mm. 4 Sept. 1493 P6356 BMV1682 H4779 GW6400 Wants the first leaf (title) 'Paterson's Auct: Libr: Rev. Mr Crofts.. .Apr. n t h 1783' (M. WodhulTs note). Bibliotheca Heberiana. ' . . . probably the only copy in America. J. H. S. 3-18-67/ Lucy Wharton Drexel. Boies Penrose 11. Jenkinson Fund, 1934 18th c. vellum [3791]
2425 Savonarola (Girolamo): Compendium revelationum. (Italian.) 40, 203 mm. 1 Sept. 1495 P6358 BMV1683 H14335 Audinio Wants cx & d 5 (both supplied in facsimile), dx & d7 Charles Butler. Given by J. Charrington, 1920 Modern olive morocco
2426 Savonarola (Girolamo): Esposizione sopra il salmo LXXIX (Qui regis Israel). 40, 202 mm. 8 June 1496 P* 6361 BM vi 684 H 14436 = 14439 Audin 126 Given by J. Charrington, 1920 Modern pink morocco
2427 Bernardus (Johannes): Vocabulista ecclesiastico. 8°, 140 mm. 17 Nov. 1496 P*6365 BMV1685 GW4091 Wants quire i 8 Given by J. Charrington, 1930 Old paper boards
*** P 6369. See no. 2358 *** P 63 69 A. Reattributed by BM to Antonio Tubini & partners. See no. 2446
2428 Savonarola (Girolamo): Operetta dell' amore di Gesu [etc.], 40, 202 mm. P6378 BMV1682 Audin35 J. Ruskin. S. C. Cockerell. Given by J. Charrington, 1920 Paper boards
2429 Savonarola (Girolamo): Epistola a un amico. 40, 193 mm. P 6395 BM vi 689 (IA. 27947) H 14462 (note) Audin 113 Bound with no. 2406 & six 16th c. pieces
2430 Savonarola (Girolamo): Operetta sopra i died comandamenti di Dio. 4°, 185 mm. P 6396A BM vi 684 H 14442 Audin 32 Given by J. Charrington, 1920 Modern quarter calf
2431 Savonarola (Girolamo): Esposizione del Pater Noster [etc.]. 40, 202 mm. P 6397 BM vi 684 H 14446 Audin 28 J. Ruskin. S. C. Cockerell. Given by J. Charrington, 1920 Paper boards
2432 Savonarola (Girolamo): Sermone dell' orazione. 40, 194mm. P 6398 BM vi 686 Audin 91 'Bibliotheca Lindesiana, June 1887/ W. Mitchell. Given by J. Charrington, 1920 19th c. vellum [2020]
Savonarola (Girolamo): Trattato dell' orazione mentale. 40, 203 mm. P6399 BMV1689 Audin 97 J. Ruskin. S. C. Cockerell. Given by J. Charrington, 1920 Paper boards
2434 Francis (Order ofSt). Privilegia Fratrum Minorum. 8°, 138 mm. Accurti Al. (Appendix) 91 Sander 5887 Gaselee 182 Wants the first leaf (title-page with woodcut) and the last (woodcut): a photograph of the tide-page is inserted Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 16th c. wooden boards, rebacked with modern morocco, the remains of the original calf laid on; the original vellum end-papers (liturgical MS. circa 1300) preserved; at the end 28 leaves of paper bound in, 8 of which contain a MS. Privilegia tertii ordinis (16th c.) [4051] 409
L A U R E N T I U S DE ALOPA 2435 Dionysius, Areopagita: Mystica theologia [etc.], 40, 216 mm. P*64O4 BMV1669 H*6234 GW 8410 'Conventus Sti Dominici de Prato.' Bookplate ofJohnjebb, Bishop of Limerick, Ardfert and Aghadoe Bound (1) with nos 2086, 2494 & 2159. 19th c. stamped calf [2023]
2436 Plato: Opera. (Latin.) 2 vols. F°, 273 mm. P*64O5 BM vi 666 (IB. 27995 a) H* 13062 *Ex Biblioth. Monrii Ottob. SS: MM: Alexand: et Theodori.' MS. date '1484' on ia. MS. notes by N. Ellenbog, including one on dd2b & dd3a ' . . .Haec scripsi ego nicolaus elnbog fuit autem in Junio anno 1504 currente...' (cf. P. S. Allen, The Age of Erasmus (Oxford, 1914), pp. 88-9). Bought, 1895 19th c. half vellum [2024]
2437 Anthologia Graeca Planudea. 'AvOoAoyioc SicKpopcov eTnypcwcrrcov. 4 0 , 200 m m . 11 Aug. 1494 P*64O6 BM vi 666 H* 1145 GW2048 Wants leaf 8. Without the last quire (8 leaves), which is not found in all copies (v. BM note) Royal Library, 1715 Calf, circa 1700 [2023]
Another copy. 225 mm. Without the last quire Sandars Bequest, 1894 Contemporary boards, backed with stamped pigskin
A p o l l o n i u s , Rhodius:
'ApyovocuTiKcc. 4 0 , 233 m m . 1496
P*64O7 BMV1667 H*i292 GW2271 Wants the last leaf (blank) Royal Library, 1715 Citron morocco, circa 1700 2440
Another copy. 221 m m . A leaf of Greek MS. (transcript of the printed leaf 1, except the last paragraph, followed by a list of the Argonauts) inserted at the beginning 'Cuthebertus Londoniensis episcopus studiosis dono dedit.' Given by C. Tunstall, 1528-9 Calf, circa 1700 [2028]
Lucianus, Samosatensis: AiccAoyoi. F°, 328 m m . 1496 P*64o8 BMV1667 H* 10258 The first leaf is blank (v. BM note) Wants the last leaf (blank) Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf, rebacked with russia, circa 1800 410
SOCIETAS C O L U B R I S 2442 Marullus (Michael): Hymni et epigrammata. 40, 208 mm. 26 Nov. 1497 P*64i5 BMV1691 H* 10880 Wants quire I8 Stamp: Soc. Reg. Lond. ex dono Henr. Howard Norfolciensis. Adams Bequest, 1892
18th c. calf, rebacked
Another copy. 188 mm. 'The order to be observed in the disposall of the Incomes of my estate 1 pay my debts 2 supply my family 3 distribute my alms 4 the remainder is the just increase of my estate, by the blessing of God. Tho. Rokeby.' (On Rokeby, v. Publications of the Surtees Soc, vol. 37: A brief memoir of Mr. Justice Rokeby, comprising his religious journal and correspondence.)
From the library of F. Jenkinson, 1923 Old vellum 2444
Another copy. 184 m m . Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Old vellum, backed with soft white leather
p 6 21
4 -
7°4 6
ANTONIO TUBINI with L A U R E N T I U S DE ALOPA & ANDREA GHIRLANDI *** P 6428. 16th century. See BM VII 1209
Savonarola (Girolamo): Predica fatta il 28 ottobre 1496. 40, 200 mm. P6429 BMV1694 H14389 Audin75 Wants the last leaf (blank) J. Ruskin. S. C. Cockerel! Given by J. Charrington, 1920 Paper boards
Savonarola (Girolamo): Prediche dalla pasqua al awento dell' anno 1496. F°, 280 mm. P 63 69 A [Morgiani & Petri] BMV1694 H 14384 Audin74 Given by J. Charrington, 1922 Contemporary wooden boards, backed with ruled calf
MISCELLANEOUS 2447 Savonarola (Girolamo): Esposizione soprail salmo L (Miserere). 40,201 mm. P 6305 [B. di Libri] BM vi 695 H 14428 Audin 145 J. Ruskin. S. C. Cockerell. Given by J. Charrington, 1920 Paper boards 411
FLORENCE; TREVISO *** P 6444. 16th century. See BM VII 1209 *** P 6445. 16th century. See BM VII 1209 *** P 6446. 16th century. See BM vn 1209 %* P 6447. 16th century. See BM vn 1209 *** P 6448. 16th century. See BM VII 1209 %* P 6451. 16th century. See BM VII 1209 *** P6453. 16th century. See BMVII 1209
2448 Calandri (Filippo): Arithmetica. 160, 121 mm. [After 1500?] Imperfect; 16 leaves only, printed from wood-blocks. The contents correspond generally to leaves 3-18 of the edition printed by Morgiani & Petri (y. no. 2423). The name and devices of Piero Pacini de Pescia occur in some of the woodcut borders Given by C. F. Murray, 1916 Red morocco, by Lloyd, Wallis & Lloyd
TREVISO G E R A R D U S DE LISA, 1st press 2449 Augustine {Si): Manuale de aspiratione animae ad Deum. 8°, 190 mm. 1471 P*6455 BMV1883 H2027 GW2960 'Theodori Condiuii.' Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1947 Modern vellum
Phalaris: Epistolae. 8°, 204 mm. 1471 P*6456 BMV1883 H12892 Count Louis Apponyi. Given by S. Sandars, 1892 18th c. mottled calf
2451 Ferrer (St Vincent): De fine mundi. 40, 182 mm. 9 Mar. 1475 P6460 BMV1884 H7018 Given by H. Bradshaw, 1868 Modern half morocco
Pius II: Epistola ad Mahumetem. 40, 204 mm. 12 Aug. 1475 P*6464 BMV1884 HF177 'Henry Munster 1850.' Bought (lot 664 at Sotheby's), 24 April 1895 18th c. quarter calf
2453 Mahomet II: Epistolae magni Turci. 40, 184 mm. P 6466 BM vi 885 H* 10502 Modern vellum
Another copy. 203 mm. Gaselee 157 W. Morris. G. Dunn. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern boards covered with vellum MS.
M I C H A E L M A N Z O L U S , 1st press 2455 Jerome (St). Vita et transitus sancti Hieronymi. (Italian.) 40, 211 mm. 20 Nov. 1478 P 6470 BM vi 887 H 8642 Wants the first leaf (blank) Ex libris Jacobi Manzoni. Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1947 19th c. half roan
[4261 ]
Arte dell' abbaco. 4 0 , 192 mm. 10 Dec. 1478 H1863 GW2674 Glaisher Bequest, 1928 Modern vellum
2457 Eusebius Pamphili: Evangelica praeparatio. F°, 296 mm. 12 Jan. 1480 P*6474 BMvi888 H*67O2 GW9443 Wants the first & last leaves (blank) The initial-spaces decorated with contemporary drawings (profile heads, etc.) in pen-and-ink; also two larger drawings, one depicting the Judgment of Paris * Sebastiani bernardi iste est liber.' 'Mutavi dominum Sic dat Ramnuhsia primum Sabenus nam me nunc quod Jacobus habebat.' 'Jo. iacobi e Salomoniis Bennensis (?) Collegio Taurinensi [...] Inferioris.' '1696. Die 23 Augusti I. F. Terbaldus (?) legebat.' Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1938 Contemporary wooden boards, leather back (renewed)
2458 Psalter: Latin. 8°, 165 mm. [a-m 8 n 10 o 6 ]; 112 leaves, the last blank. 9a: 99 x 75 mm., 23 lines, 2 columns. Type: 86G, with diamonded A and large open 9 (-us) on line-level ia: [ 6 ] Rimo die> | omniu quo | mundus ex | tat coditus | vel quo re6 | gens pdito | nos mo*te victa libet. | . . . ; ib, 1.13: [ 5 ] Eatus vir | qno abiit | in confilio | impknu z | in via pec I cato*um non ftetit...; 9a (sig. b): vt leo paratus ad pda |; n i b , 1. 17: .. .cum omnibus | fanctis tuis ad gpetua | beatitudinis pfoatium | guenire concedas; | Finis. |; 1 n b , col. 2, 112: blank 'Iste liber est monrii sti Salvatoris de Venetiis.' Given by H. R. Luard, 1869 Contemporary stamped morocco (small circular stamps of an eight-pointed star), with brass nailheads [2047]
J O H A N N E S DE HASSIA 2459 Thomas (St), Aquinas: De imitate intellectus contra Averroem. 40 & F°, 298 mm. 21 Aug. 1476 P 6479 A BMV1891 Bound (2) with no. 2460
2460 Gaietanus, de Thienis: Recollectae super Physica Aristotelis. F°, 298 mm. P 6479 B BM vi 891 H15496 Wants the first leaf (blank) Stamp of Hercules de Silva. Given by J. Charrington, 1931 Bound (1) with no. 2459. 19th c. quarter calf
B E R N A R D U S DE C O L O N I A 2461 Seneca (Lucius Annaeus): Opera. F°, 342 mm. 1478 P* 6484 BM vi 892 H* 14591 Wants the last leaf (blank) 'Antonius Jo. De Graue 1645.' Royal Library, 1715 i8thc. halfrussia
BARTHOLOMAEUS CONFALONERIUS 2462 Merula (Georgius): Enarrationes Saturarum Juvenalis [etc.]. F°, 279 mm. 1478 P*6486 BMV1893 H*iiO9i Wants the first & last leaves (blank) 'Fait par moy charlote de larque.' Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf
B E R N A R D I N U S CELERIUS, 3rd press 2463 Dionysius, Halicarnassensis: Antiquitates Romanae. F°, 290 mm. 24Feb. 1480 P*649O BM vi 895 (IB. 28412b & 28412) H*6239 GW 8423 Wants the first leaf (normally blank, v. GW) Royal Library, 1715 18th c. half calf
J O H A N N E S R U B E U S , 1st press 2464 Strabo: Geographia. F°, 289 mm. 26 Aug. 1480 P*6493 BMV1896 H* 15089 Wants the first leaf (blank) 'pro cartusiensibus namnetarum.' Sunderland 11775. Adams Bequest, 1892 Panelled calf (Sunderland)
[2051 ]
*** P* 6494. Reattributed by BM to Venice, Printer of the 1480 Valla. See no. 2224 *** P* 6495. Reattributed by BM to Venice, Printer of the 1480 Valla. See no. 2225
2465 Platina (Bartholomaeus de): Vitae pontificum. F°, 280 mm. 10 Feb. 1485 P*6498 BMV3897 H* 13048 Wants the last leaf (blank) Royal Library, 1715 Calf, circa 1700
Another copy. 307 mm. Wants the last leaf (blank) 'Ric. Cheny/ 'William Thomas.' 'For to sent a waye Idelnys whych ys schefe mastrys of all vyses' written above a drawing of a hand (in pale) holding a heart from which springs a trefoil cross (crest of Lucas?). Bequest of Henry Lucas, 1663 18th c. calf [2034]
A n o t h e r c o p y . 312 m m . Gaselee 158 Wants the last leaf (blank) Bookplate of the Rt Hon. George Rose (arms & crest of Rose, above them the letter M surmounted by an Earl's coronet, signifying, presumably, that the book was one of those bequeathed by the Earl of Marchmont to Rose in 1794). Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Calf, circa 1700, rebacked [4024]
2468 Thucydides: Historia belli Peloponnesiaci. (Latin.) F°, 300 mm. P* 6500 BM vi 896 H* 15511 Bookplate: Johannes Symmons Arm. (Franks 28733; reproduced by W. Salisbury, Hortus Paddingtonensis: or, A catalogue of plants cultivated in the garden ofJ. Symmons Esq. (1797),
and by W. Hamilton, Dated book-plates, p. 132, where it is stated to be printed on paper with water-mark dated 1824) Old quarter vellum [2053]
PAULUS DE FERRARIA with DIONYSIUS BERTOCHUS 2469 Plautus (Titus Maccius): Comoediae. F°, 289 mm. 21 June 1482 P*65O3 BMV1898 H* 13076 Wants leaf E 7 (register, supplied in facsimile), also the first & last leaves (blank) G. Dunn. Bought, 1914 19th c. quarter morocco
PEREGRINUS DE PASQUALIBUS, 1st press with DIONYSIUS BERTOCHUS 2470 Quintilianus (Marcus Fabius): Declamationes. F°, 295 mm. P* 6505 BM vi 899 H13661 (1) Wants the first leaf (blank) 'Purchased at Mr West's Sale April 3 1773/ British Museum duplicate. Acquired by exchange, 1948 [4274] Modern quarter morocco (British Museum)
G E R A R D U S DE LISA, 5th press 2471 Haedus (Petrus): Anterotica. 40, 207 mm. 13 Oct. 1492 P*65O7 BMV1885 H*8343 Quaritch's Sunderland Library label 18th c. calf
2472 Tinctoris (Johannes): Terminorum musicae difFinitorium. 40, 193 mm. P6510 BMvi886 H* 15527 Bibliotheca Heberiana Paper boards
BOLOGNA BALTHASAR A Z O G U I D U S 2473 Guerino, // Meschino. Vita del magnifico cavaliero Guerino prenominato Meschino. F°, 293 mm. 9 Sept. 1475 H8140 [a-i8 k 10 1-r 8 s 6 ]; 144 leaves, ia: 208 x 133 mm., 42 lines, 2 columns. Type: 99R ia: ([ IN Q V E S T O L I B R O Vul | garmente fe tratta alcuna yftoria bre | ue de re Krlo Imperatore poi del na | fcimento & opere di quello magni | fico caualieri nominato Guerino. & prenominato Mefchino...; 9a (sig. b): quando fi mife lelmo conforto mol |; 144b, col. 2,1.16: FinnTe la uita del magifico e fraco ca | ualiei Gueino cognomiato mefchio | da durazo di cafa reale di fraza... (1. 23): IMpfTa 1 bologna 1 cafa de balthafara | degli azoguidi. Anno dfii. M.cccc. | lxxv. adi noue di fettembre. &^3. | LAVS. . D E O . | Wants leaf 32; leaf 1 mounted Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf [2<>59\
2474 Boccaccio (Giovanni): Decamerone. F°, 265 mm. 1476 H3275 GW4443 Wants leaves 1-7, 215 & 220-22. Beginning & end of text supplied in 18th c. MS. *Tho. Pethwick, 1664/ Royal Library, 1715 18 the. half calf [2060]
2475 Catherine (St), of Siena: Dialogo della divina provvidenza [etc.]. F°, 290 mm. P*652i B M V I 8 O I H4689 GW6223 Wants the first leaf (blank); leaf tj misbound between b 7 and b 8 Bookplate of Hercules de Silva. G. Dunn. Bought, 1928 19th c. quarter calf
SCIPIO MALPIGLIUS 2476 Cieco (Francesco): Descrizione del gran torneamento di M. Giovanni Bentivoglio di Bologna. 40, 210 mm. H 5360 Pell. 3792 [Azoguidus] [a-h8 i 4 ]; 68 leaves ib (defective in Pellechet): Nella predicta cita di tanta fama | Oval armorial stamp on la (white on black). Given by C. F. Murray, 1916 Morocco, by Lloyd, London 416
UGO RUGERIUS & D O N I N U S BERTOCHUS 2477 Samuel, Rabbi: Epistola ad Rabbi Isaac. (Italian.) 40, 188 mm. 17 June 1475 [a-d8 e 6 ]; 38 leaves. 3a: 138 x97 mm., 28 lines. Type: 98R ia: T R A C T A T O de reqfitoe dubiofe & argometi circa ilfo | dameto dela uera fede cu ladichiaratione dele pfetie copo | fti e facti g lofapientiflimo hebreo maeftro Samuel iftaeli | t a n o . . . ; 9a (sig. [b]): ti &l populo. Come fe dice nel. iiii. li. degli re a. xxiiii | ; 38b, 1. 15: Perch feza te nulla pofliamo. e g te tutto conofcemo. |: .FINIS.? A M E N . D E O GRATIAS.? | B O N O N I E M.CCCC.LXXV. DIE XVII. IVNII. | 'Crevenna -13s.- M. Wodhull Nov: 28th 1791' 18th c. blue morocco [2063]
J O H A N N E S SCHRIBER 2478 Soldus (Jacobus): De peste. 40, 203 mm. 1478 P6548 B M V I 8 I 8 H14870 'Ce hvre apartien a monsieur lordonet au bout du cours a aix' Old mottled leather, lined with French 16th c. MS. on vellum
DOMINICUS FUSCUS 2479 Sacro Bosco (Johannes de): Sphaera mundi. 40, 204 mm. 1480 P 6551 BM vi 820 H14109 Imperfect; quires [ef 8 ] only of the BM collation, containing Gerardus Cremonensis, Theorica planetarum Bought, 1894 Quarter cloth [2066]
Part of another copy. 200 mm. Quire [g 4 ] only, containing Tractatus de motu octavae sphaerae G. Dunn. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1914 Modern quarter vellum
H E N R I C U S D E H A A R L E M & J O H A N N E S WALBECK 2481 Mundinus: Anatomia. F°, 292 mm. 20 Jan. 1482 H* 11635 a8 b c 6 ; 20 leaves, the first presumably blank. Types: 180G (incipit), 91G Wants the first leaf Rustat Fund (lot 343 at Puttick's), 17 Jan. 1903 Formerly bound with no. 1994. Modern half morocco oc
[2068] 27
ABRAHAM BEN HAYYIM 2482 Bible: Hebrew. Pentateuch, with Tar gum Onkelos & Rashi. F°, 323 mm. 26 Jan. 1482 P* 6557 H 12568 Rossi 17 St 2 Ginsburg pp. 794-802 [A10 B 8 C 10 D 8 " 1 E 8 - 1 F 2 G10 H I 8 K6 L10 M 4 N O 6 P 10 Q 8 R6 S8 T-Y10-8 Z 4 a8 b 6 c10 d e8 f 6 ]; 220 leaves, the last probably blank; the 7th leaf of quire [D] and the 8th of quire [E] cancelled On vellum Wants the last leaf Censor's inscriptions and ownership note *Jac°b Mordecai Jehill Pesah inherited it from his father Abraham Pesafr.' Rustat Fund, 1868 19th c. boards [2069]
U G O R U G E R I U S , 3rd press 2483 Burtius (Nicolaus): Musices opusculum. 40, 208 mm. 30 Apr. 1487 P*6565 BMV1807 H*4i45 GW 5796 Wants the first leaf (blank) 19th c. red morocco
BALTHASAR DE HYRBERIA, 2nd press 2484 Ariostis (Alexander de): De usuris. 40, 210 mm. 8-15 Apr. i486 P 6573 BM vi 821 H1653 GW 2329 'Adusumfratrisfaustidefaustisvbiis(?) Emptusflorenaei588 [.. .jDecem.' R. Ambrosini. Raffaello Bertieri. Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1947 Old wooden boards, back & tips of mottled calf; boards lined with vellum MS. (circa 1400) [4260]
B A Z A L E R I U S DE BAZALERIIS, 1st press 2485 Bossus (Matthaeus): Recuperationes Faesulanae. 40, 188 mm. 28 Oct. 1493 P6580 BMV1834 11*3670 GW4959 Bought, 1897 Modern half morocco
[2072] 0
2486 Herodianus: Historia de imperio post Marcum. 4 , 189 mm. 30 Sept. 1493 P*658i BMV1834 H*8468 Bought, 1899 Calf, circa 1700
F R A N C I S C U S (PLATO) DE B E N E D I C T I S 2487 Baptista, Mantuanus: Parthenice prima sive Mariana. 40, 202 mm. 17 Oct. 1488 P6585 BM vi 823 (IA. 28869) H*2364 GW3276(Anm.) Bought (lot 573 at Puttick's), 26 July 1864 Bound (1) with nos 2488, 2489 & 2491. Old vellum
2488 Baptista, Mantuanus: Parthenice secunda sive Catherinaria. 40, 202 mm. 9 Feb. 1489 P6586 BMV1823 (IA. 28872a) H*237i Bound (2) with nos 2487, etc.
GW3290 [2075]
2489 Baptista, Mantuanus: Decalamitatibus temporum suorum [etc.], 40,202 mm. 1 Apr. 1489 P6587 BMV1823 H*2386 GW3246 Bound (3) with nos 2487, etc.
2490 Moses, Maimonides: Aphorismi secundum doctrinam Galeni [etc.]. 4°, 199 mm. 29 May 1489 P*6588 BMV1824 H* 10524 Wants leaf r 6 (blank) Bound (2) with no. 1814
2491 Baptista, Mantuanus: In Robertum Severinatem panegyricum carmen [etc.]. 4°, 202 mm. 21 July 1489 BMV1824 H*2394 GW3256 Bound (4) with nos 2487, etc.
2491*5 Alberti (Johannes Michael): De omnibus ingeniis augendae memoriae. 40, 199 mm. 24 Jan. 1491 P*659i BMV1824 H*426 GW570 Rustat Fund, 1950
Modern vellum
2492 Spadarus (Johannes): Defensio musices. (Italian.) 40,197 mm. 16 May 1491 H14895 A-E 8 F 1 0 ; 50 leaves. 2a: 140 x 94 mm., 25 lines. Type: 112R ia: AD REVERENdiflimum in Xpo patrem et. D. d. | Antonium Galeaz. de Bentiuolis Sedis apoftolicge | prothonotarium. B. M. Iohannis fpadarii in mufica | humilimi profefToris eiufde mufices ac Bartolomei | Rami pareie eius preceptoris honefta defenfio In Ni | colai Burtii parmenfis opufculum. | [ 4 ] E R C H E I N F R A coloro...; 9a (sig. B x ): ue dice enchiridion dis diapafon appellat. Ma cufli |; 47b, 1. 21: tua ignorantia cancellare: . | FINIS I; 48a: Carmina Angeli michaellis de falim | benis ad Iohannem Spadarium | . . . ; 49b, 1. 25: Virtu conuiene a lui: come a dio incenfo | FINIS |; 50a: R E G I S T R O . . . (1. 4) Impreffo ne lalma: et Inclyta cita di Bologna per mi | Plato de Benedecti Regnate lo Inclyto: et illuftre. Si | gnor. S. Zohane di Betiuogli de lano. Mcccclxxxxi. | adi xvi. de Mazo: . | [Device] | Citron morocco, by J. Mackenzie [2079]
2493 Bossus (Matthaeus): Recuperationes Faesulanae. F°, 255 mm. 20 July 1493 P*6597 BMV1826 HF3669 GW4958 Sunderland 1844. Given by J. Charrington, 1930 Bound (1) with no. 2592. Calf, with arms of Spencer 419
[3681] 27-2
BOLOGNA 2494 Dio, Chrysostomus: De regno. 40, 213 mm. 1493 P*6599 BMV1825 H*6i87 GW 8369 'Hie liber est mei Juliani Ghuzzelmi...' Bound (3) with nos 2435, etc.
2495 Burtius (Nicolaus): Bononia illustrata [etc.], 40, 215 mm. 1494 P*66O4 BMV1827 H*4i48 GW 5794 (Anm.) 'habet' (2a, 1. 4) has been corrected to 'erit' in MS. (cf. BM note) Quaritch's Sunderland Library label. Bought, 1895 18 th c. red morocco
2495-5 Scriptores rei militaris. F°, 303 mm. 10 July 1495-17 Jan. 1496 P*66O7 BMV1828 Quire N N is signed N, and leaves OC^ & O O 2 are signed Oi, Oii 'Antonii Marie Paulutii foroliviensis.' Rustat Fund, 1950 Old boards
P A S Q U I N U S DE F O N T A N E S I S 2496 Baptista, Mantuanus: De vita Ludovici Morbioli [etc.]. 40, 203 mm. GW3317 Cloth
CALIGULA DE BAZALERIIS 2497 Beroaldus (Philippus): De felicitate. 40, 210 mm. * 1 Apr. 1495' P*66i5 BMV1836 H*2968 GW4133 Heitland Fund, 1949
Paper boards
BENEDICTUS HECTORIS 2498 Suetonius Tranquillus (Caius): Vitae Caesarum. F°, 284 mm. 5 Apr. 1493 P*6623 BMV1840 H* 15126 After quire A is a quire of 12 leaves not described by BM, with leaves 2-6 signed 1-5; types: 110R (text on ib & headlines), 83R (table). Cf. BM vi 846, note to IB. 29107 (P* 6647), also no. 2503 ia (of the additional quire): blank; i b : Habes mi lector candide tran. Suetonii tabu- | lam uocabulorum & hiftoriaru & loco^ mul- | torum declaration^ no iniocunda ; 2a: (headline) Tabula uocabulo^ in hoc libro contentorum. |; (table in 4 columns) Abacus 223 I; 12a, col. 2,1. 23: zopyrus 297 | FINIS |; 12b: blank Wants Ax (title), V 3 & V 4 (the last, blank) MS. addition on A6b and the following leaf: * Vita Philippi Beroaldi per Bartholomeum Blatichinum Bononiensem condita ad Camillum Palaeottum.' 'Tho. Dillworth/ Royal Library, 1715 i8thc. half calf [2082]
2499 Beroaldus (Philippus): Declamatio philosophi, medici, oratoris [etc.], 40, 189 mm. 13 Dec. 1497 P*6635 BMV1844 H*2963 GW4126 Bought, 1923 Quarter morocco, circa 1800
2500 Cicero (Marcus Tullius): Orationes. F°, 299 mm. 13 Apr. 1499 P*6642 BMV1845 H*5i29 GW6771 Gaseleei59 Wants Z 3 _ 6 , and & M , and RRi_ 5 *Est Jus Ludovici morelli D' salutiis ordinis praedicatorum.' Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 19th c. half vellum [4023]
2501 Beroaldus (Philippus): Declamatio ebriosi, scortatoris, aleatoris. 40,212 mm. 1499 HF2965 GW4130 GW states that this is P* 6644. This is presumably an error (cf. GW 4131, BM vi 845) [2083] Wrappers
2502 Solinus (Caius Julius): Polyhistor. 40, 209 mm. 1500 P6646 BMV1845 H* 14886 Wants the last leaf (blank) Armorial bookplates of Edmund Horrex (Franks 15386) and Robert Partridge (Franks 22834: Partridge quartering Say with a crescent for cadency, v. Partridge of Hockham Hall in Burke's Landed Gentry, in (1838), p. 333). Given by Sir C. S. Sherrington, 1936 18th c. calf
2503 Apuleius, Madaurensis: Asinus aureus. F°, 305 mm. 1 Aug. 1500 P*6647 BMV1845 H*I3I9 GW2305 Without the table (cf. GW & BM notes, also no. 2498) Bought, 1906 Vellum
U G O R U G E R I U S , 5th press 2504 Samuel, Rabbi: Epistola ad Rabbi Isaac contra Judaeorum errores. 40, 207 mm. 13 May 1496 P*6655 BMV1809 H* 14269 British Museum duplicate. Transferred, 1889 Wrappers
J U S T I N I A N U S DE R U B E R I A 2505 Zanitinis (Hieronymus de): Disputatio [etc.]. F°, 432 mm. 13 Sept. 1499 H 16275 Nachtr. 392 Stamp: Bundesdenkmalatnt, Wien. Given by J. Charrington, 1929 Limp vellum
J O H A N N E S A N T O N I U S DE BENEDICTIS 2506 Platina (Bartholomaeus de): De honesta voluptate. 40, 203 mm. 11 May 1499 V*6666 BMV1852 H* 13056 The last leaf (blank) pasted down as an end-paper E. Davenport. Given by J. Charrington, 1924 Old limp vellum
NAPLES S I X T U S RIESSINGER, 2nd press 2507 Beccadelli (Antonio): Epistolae familiares [etc.]. F°, 271 mm. P*6675 BMV1855 GW3753 Fava32 Gaselee 160 Wants the first leaf (Prologus) G. Dunn. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 19th c. half russia
2508 Phalaris: Epistolae. 8°, 199 mm. H 12884 Fava9 [a-c10 d e8 f 6 ]; 52 leaves, the first presumably blank, the last two blank Wants leaves 1, 3 & 8 'Liber b. f.' (who rubricated the book). 'Anno domini Mcccclxxiii Egregius et nobilis vir dns Georgius Moser de pauia a perusio ad almaniam se transferens studio [i.e. the University of Perugia] has in suam sui memoriam et amorem donavit epistolas. Vivat feliciter.' 'Leonardus Cleinbrot/ Culemann4i6. Bought, 1870 [2091 ] Modern half morocco
A R N A L D U S DE B R U X E L L A 2509 Nicolaus, Sagundinus: De epistolari dicendi genere. 40, 233 mm. P*6685 BMV1857 H11775 Fava8i Wants the first leaf (blank) Syston Park. Bought, 1897 Bound (1) with no. 2510. Red morocco, circa 1700
2510 Mahomet II: Epistolae magni Turci. 4 , 233 mm. 17 Sept. 1473 HR 10505 Fava83 [a8 b 1 0 c 4 ]; 22 leaves (not 24 leaves, 1 & 24 blank, as Fava) The first quire of the copy described by Reichling is misbound, his 2a being really 5a 2a: T V R C V S Z A N C A S S A N O | REGI P E R S A R V M . | [ x] Vdio te ad lepta Euphrate fuperato. co | pias ingentes traieciffe:... Bound (2) with no. 2509 [2093]
2511 Aristeas: De lxxii interpretibus. 40, 198 mm. 8 Feb. 1474 P*6687 BM.V1858 H1654 GW2331 Fava 84 Wants leaves 1-9, 16, 33 & 40 'del Collegio dela Comp? de Jesus de la Concepcion de Sev*' 'J on * (?) Spencer 1821/ 'James H. Reddan, Seville/ Rustat Fund, 1905 Bound (1) with no. 1418. Old limp vellum [2094]
2512 Lucianus, Samosatensis: Vera historia. 8°, 202 mm. 6 Mar. 1475 P*668o BMV1858 H10259 Fava9i Wants leaves 1 (blank), 11 & 14. Misbound Stamp: Roy. Soc. sold. W . H. Crawford. Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 19th c. half morocco
MATHIAS MORAVUS, 2nd press 2513 Bible: Latin. F°, 328 mm. 1476 P*6696 BMV1862 H3059 GW4220 Favano ' [ . . .]desyreyth the advosyon of Wocam in the County Routtland diosis of peterboro John Serell clerke & maister offarte/ In the same hand 'brasbrigge* and * burton ouery*. 'Liber Henrici Rolf/ 'Henry Buttler.' Royal Library, 1715 Calf, circa 1700
Another copy. 323 m m . W. H. Crawford. Given by A. W. Young, 1933 Morocco, by Bedford
Augustine (Si): D e civitate Dei. F°, 272 m m . 1477 P*6697 BMV1862 H2053 GW2881 Favan6 Gaselee 161 Wants the first & last leaves (blank) Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Vellum, by M. Paterson, 15 Broughton St., Edinburgh
2516 Bernard (St), of Clairvaux: Declamationes super Ecce nos relinquimus omnia. 40, 196 mm. GW 3957 Gaselee 164 Wants leaves 13-16 Book-label: Bibliothecae Conventus S. Mariae ad Vicum de Argentio [i.e. Arienzo, near Nola] Ord. Praedicatorum. Anno Domini. 1755. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934
Old vellum 2517
Pontanus (Johannes Jovianus): D e oboedientia. 4 0 , 212 m m . 25 Oct. 1490 P* 6709 BM vi 865 H* 13257 Fava 145 Wants the first & last leaves (blank) 'Jan: 17th 1795' and other MS. notes (by M. Wodhull). Bought, 1896 18th c. vellum
2518 Pontanus (Johannes Jovianus): Dialogi Charon et Antonius. 40, 218 mm. 31 Jan. 1491 P* 6710 B M vi 865 H * 13258 Fava 146 Gaselee 162
Quires f-n only, containing Antonius 'Jacobi Tuni 1680/ Cosmo Gordon. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 19th c. half vellum 423
J O D O C U S H O H E N S T E I N , ist press 2519 Manilius (Marcus): Astronpmica. 40, 209 mm. P* 6712 BM vi 866 H 10704 Fava 153 Quaritch's Sunderland Library label. Given by S. Sandars, 1893 18th c. calf
H E N R I C U S ALDING, ist press 2520 Prolianus (Christianus): Astrologia. 40, 205 mm. 25 Aug. 1477 HR 13395 Fava 159B [a-c8 d e6 f 8 ]; 44 leaves With the second of the two settings of the colophon described by Reichling Bought, 1899 Paper boards
F R A N C E S C O DI D I N O , ist press 2521 Gafurius (Franchinus): Theorica musicae. 40, 196 mm. 8 Oct. 1480 P 6721 BM vi 867 H 7404 Fava 170 Wants the four preliminary leaves and the blanks (5 & 116) Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf
2522 Catherine (St), of Siena: Dialogo della divina provvidenza. F°, 290 mm. 28 Apr. 1478 P6723 BMvi868 H4696 GW6224 (Anm. ic) Favai64D Gaselee 163 The issue signed 'per franciscum N . fiorentinum' (y. BM vi xliv) Wants leaves 1-3 (supphed in 18th c. MS.), 8-10, 115 and 120 (the last, blank); leaves 117-18 duplicated Comte D. Boutourlin. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 19th c. quarter roan [4<>2g]
JOSEPH BEN JACOB, OF GUNZENHAUSEN 2523 Bible: Hebrew. Hagiographa II (Job-Chronicles). With commentaries. F°, 259 mm. 8 Oct. i486 P*6726 118346(2) Fava 260 Rossi 118 St 5 Ginsburg pp. 812-14 K-l8 (Job); X8 (Song of Solomon); S10 (Ecclesiastes); K-38 J8 "I12 (Lamentations-EzraNehemiah)...; n o leaves. Wants leaves n 1-50 (Chronicles) Culemann 3742. Worts Fund, 1870 19th c. half morocco [2103]
Another copy. 234 mm. Wants K8 (Song of Solomon), third 2l9 second Hi, 11,12* an( ^ Chronicles; some leaves defective Censor's mark: *CamilloJaghel[...']' [2104] Cloth
Bible: Hebrew. Proverbs. With the commentary of Immanuel ben Solomon.
F°, 234 mm. P*6727 H 8346 (3) Fava259 Rossi 118 St 1066 K_«»8 ^ 1 0 ^ 8 ^ 6 . I
0 4
19th c. half morocco
Bible: Hebrew. Psalms. With the commentary of David Kimchi. F°, 234 m m .
28 Mar. 1487 P*6728 H 8346(1) Fava26i Rossi 115 St6 Ginsburg pp. 808-10 [K6] n-1D8; 118 leaves, the last blank Wants leaves 1, 14 & 15; some leaves repaired 19th c. half morocco
2527 Kalonymus ben Kalonymus: Eben Bohan. 40, 193 mm. Aug. 1489 P* 6731 H 9751 Fava 264 Rossi 1 27 St 6068, 1 [K4] S-1 8 1 8 n 8 I 6 ; 50 leaves From the library of H. Bradshaw, presented by his friends, 1887 Bound (1) with no. 2724. Paper boards 2528
Another copy. 198 m m . Wants the last leaf Bound (2) with no. 2529
2529 Bahya ben Joseph ibn Paquda: Hobot ha-Lebabot. 40,198 mm. 18 Nov. 1489 P* 6732 H 2727 Fava 266 Rossi 1 34 St 4526, 1 K-tD*>8; 152 leaves, the last blank From the collection of Isaac Pragi, bought by Parliament for the University 1647/8, with Pragi's note of purchase for 2 ducats in 1643 Bound (1) with no. 2528. 17th c. red leather, 'Isaac Pragi' stamped on covers in Hebrew \2109\ characters
2530 David ben Joseph Kimchi: Sefer ha-Shorashim. F°, 269 mm. Aug.-Sept. 1490 P*6734 H6033 GW8172 Fava 269 Rossi 133 St 4821, 43 Wants leaves « x (blank), K4)5, ^ & n8 Censor's inscription on 2a. Culemann 377. Worts Fund, 1870 Old ruled calf, rebacked
C R I S T A N N U S PRELLER 2531 Elysius (Johannes Baptista): De philosophia naturali [etc.]. F°, 285 mm. H6586 GW9291 Fava 185 Leaves 21-116 only, containing Landulphus Caracciolus, Quaestiones super secundum Sententiarum
Bound after Wimpina, Epithoma problematum (N. Lamperter & B. Murrher, Frankfurt a.O., 1508) and Wann, Quadragesimale (H. Gran, Hagenau, 1512). 17th c. half calf, the fore-edge stamped with the titles and: Into Deigrcl: eps: Wirceb: acFranci. Orient. Dux. (i.e. Julius Echter von Mespelbrunn, Bishop of Wiirzburg) [2096] 425
JOSHUA SOLOMON, OF SONCINO, 2nd press 2532 Mishnah. With the commentary of Maimonides. 6 vols. F°, 347 mm. 8 May 1492 P* 6739 H 11243 Fava 275 Rossi 1 43 St 1982 leaves, the first blank Wants leaves 8 - n and the blank Rustat Fund, 1868 19th c. quarter cloth 2
Part of another copy. 322 mm. Leaves 2-150 (^H^io) only Modern half morocco
ISAAC B E N J U D A H B E N DAVID C A T T O R Z I 2534 Moses ben Nahman: Perush ha-Torah. F°, 288 mm. 2 July 1490 P* 6741 H 11671 Fava 268 Rossi 131 St 6532, 50 K-T8 n 9 tt-lt38 T»9 P-b 8 ; 242 leaves Wants leaf "PQ ; leaf 1 mounted. Rossi gives 243 leaves; this copy may therefore lack a blank, perhaps at the end of sig. n (end of Genesis) Rustat Fund, 1868 19th c. half morocco [2113]
AYOLFUS DE C A N T O N O 2535 Lilius (Zacharias): Orbis breviarium. 40, 210 mm. 9 Nov. 1496 P* 6744 BM vi 874 H* 10102 Fava 190 Heitland Fund, 1948 Modern vellum
J O H A N N E S TRESSER & M A R T I N U S DE A M S T E R D A M 2536 Pontanus (Johannes Jovianus): De liberalitate [etc.], 40, 209 mm. 17July 1498 P 6746 BM vi 875 H 13259 Fava 193 'Jo. Baptistae Capponi Phil, et Med. Doct. Municipii Bonon. 1643/ Ownership stamps on 2a, one perhaps arms of Albani, beneath an ecclesiastical hat, the initials R A below. Given by S. Sandars, 1893 Bound (1) with Lucian, Convivium seu Lapithae.. .Ioanne Maria Catanaeo interprete [J. Beplin,
Rome, c. 1510], Publius Victor, De regionibus Romae libellus aureus [J. A. Scinzenzeler, Milan, 15—], nos 2120 & 2157, and J. A. Modestus, Oratio de sacrarum Htterarum studiis in Psalmos (Bononiae, H. de Benedictis, 7 Jan. 1515). 16th c. stamped calf [2114]
SAVIGLIANO C H R I S T O P H O R U S BEYAMUS & J O H A N N E S GLIM 2536*5 Guido, de Monte Rocherii: Manipulus curatorum [etc.], F°, 268 mm. H8170 BM VII 1023 Wants the first & last leaves (blank) 'Conventus Sancti Bernardini Ipporedie/ A bookplate, with arms (or, a crowned eagle displayed sable) and motto (misengraved) Hostili Tincta Cruore, Heitland Fund (lot 297 at Sotheby's), 19 July 1949 Red morocco, by Bauzonnet-Trautz, with arms (as above) [4322]
2537 Zocchis (Jacobus de): Canon Omnisutriusquesexusdisputatumacrepetitum. F°, 295 mm. 28 July 1472 P6758 BM VII 904 H* 16288 Wants the last leaf (blank) Initials on ia: 'B.C.* over an erasure. 'Venet. Octob. 16. 1819 MMS[ykes]', with his leather book-label. * Gideon Algernon Mantell/ Ar thur Dairy mple. Sandars Bequest, 1894 [2115\ Quarter calf, circa 1800
2538 Maurocenus (Paulus): De aeterna temporalique Christi generatione. 193 mm. 28 Apr. 1473 P* 6761 BM VII 905 (IA. 29816) H 10924 [variant) Cornelius Paine. Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 18 th c. red morocco
2539 Hierocles: Opusculum in aureos versus Pythagorae. 40, 178 mm. 17 Apr. 1474 P*6763 BM VII 906 H*8545 Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (2) with no. 1692. Modern half morocco 2540
Another copy. 192 m m . Wants the last leaf (blank) From the library of F. Jenkinson, 1923 19th c. red morocco
2541 Canis (Johannes Jacobus): De modo studendi in utroque jure. 40, 189 mm. 1 Oct. 1476 Pf6766 H*432i GW 5973 Gaselee 166 Wants the last leaf (blank) Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 19th c. paper boards, rebacked with modern morocco
LAURENTIUS CANOZIUS 2542 Aristoteles: De anima. F°, 430 mm. 22 Nov. 1472 BM vn 907 H 1709 GW 2349 Given by Thomas Rotherham, circa 1484 Bound (1) with nos 2544, 2546 & 2545. Calf, circa 1700
2543 Aristoteles: Metaphysica. F°, 410 mm. 1473 BM VII 907 H 1738 = 1739 GW2419 Imperfect; 166 of 197 (or 198?) leaves 'My lord chawnceler' Bound (2) with no. 2548
2544 Aristoteles: De caelo et mundo. F°, 430 mm. 5 Mar. 1473 H1688 GW2357 Bound (2) with nos 2542, etc.
2545 Aristoteles: De generatione et corruptione. F°, 430 mm. 18 June 1474 H1691 GW2388 'My lord chawnceler' Bound (4) with nos 2542, etc.
2546 Aristoteles: Meteorologica. F°, 430 mm. 24 June 1474 H1696 GW2423 Wants the last 9 leaves (26-34) Bound (3) with nos 2542, etc.
2547 Aristoteles: Physica. F°, 412 mm. H1683 GW2443 'My lord chawnceler/ Given by Thomas Rotherham, circa 1484 Calf, circa 1700
2548 Aristoteles: Parva naturalia [etc.]. F°, 410 mm. H1716 GW2427 Wants leaves 22 & 23 Given by Thomas Rotherham, circa 1484 Bound (1) with no. 2543. Calf, circa 1700
L E O N A R D U S ACHATES, ist press 2549 Arnoldus, de Villa Nova: De arte cognoscendi venena [etc.]. 40, 200 mm. 1473 P6775 BM VH 909 H 8 GW2521 Leaves 20-48 only, containing Petrus de Abano, De venenis and De lapide Begaar ex Pandectis Given by J. Charrington, 1934 [3793] Red morocco, by Pouillet
A L B E R T U S DE S T E N D A L 2550 Thomas (St), Aquinas: Summa theologica; prima pars. F°, 281 mm. 5 Oct. 1473 P*678i BMVH9H H*I44O Wants leaves 1 & 251 (both blank) ' Iste liber est ad usum fratris Ludovici Regini: concessus est per venerandum. p.f. Laurentium de parma tune provinciae Bononiae vicarium. et pertinet ad locum sancti Spiritus extra Regium ubi habitant fratres minores de observantia' (y. L. Wadding, Annales Minorum, xi (1734), p. 50, xxx). John Tomlinson. Bought, 1894 18th c. vellum, with arms of Pius VI [2126]
2551 Leonicenus (Omnibonus): De octo partibus orationis [etc.]. 8°, 163 mm. 14 May 1474 P*6782 BM VII 912 H 10025 Wants leaf 107 'Hibbert's Sale 1829/ Bibliotheca Heberiana 19th c. russia
2552 Duns (Johannes), Scotus: Quodlibeta. F°, 337 mm. 1474 P*6784 BM VII 911 H6433 GW9067 Wants leaves 105 & 112 (the last, blank) Modern quarter morocco
*jf* P* 6788. Reattributed by BM to Venice, Printer of Duns Quaestiones. See no. 2226
P E T R U S MAUFER, ist press 2553 Aegidius, Romanus: Expositio super libros Analyticorum posteriorum Aristotelis. F°, 319 mm. 26 Feb. 1478 P6795 BMV11913 H135 GW7191 One leaf only (sig. E), from a binding 429
J O H A N N E S H E R B O R T , ist press 2554 Petrus, de Monte: Repertorium utriusque juris. 2 vols. F°, 382-5 mm. 16 Nov. 1480 P*68O2 BMVH9I7 H* 11589 Vol. 1 wants the first & last leaves, vol. 2 the last leaf (all blank) 'Johann Baptista Schuman, Advocat et Canti. Juris me sibi comparavit A. 1589 Regiomonti in Borussia.. .19 Julii.' 'Andreas Fabricius...' '1728 Monasterio BMV de Langheim acquisivit F. Balduinus [...] profess, ibidem/ G. Dunn. Bought, 1914 Old paper boards covered with fragments of vellum MS. (15th c.) [213*]
N.T.S.P. 2555 Paulus, Pergulensis: Dubia [etc.], 40, 238 mm. 18 May 1477 P 6803 BM vii 919 H12628 +15093 Wants leaf 10 Seymour, Baron Kirkup. Bought, 1913 Bound (1) with no. 2556. Mottled calf, circa 1800
2556 Sermoneta (Alexander): Commentum super Consequentiis Strodi. 40, 238 mm. 20 Aug. 1477 P6804 BMV11919 Bound (2) with no. 2555
2557 Suiseth (Richard): Calculations. F°, 327 mm. P6805 BMV11919 13*15136 A bookplate (?): a bull's head, on a sheet about 200 x 140 mm. G. Dunn. Bought, 1914 Old quarter vellum [2134]
MATTHAEUS CERDONIS 2558 Argumentum belli inter Venetos et Ferrarienses exorti causas exponens. 4°, 201 m m . P*68io BM VII 920 H1641 GW2326 Kloss. Bought, 1907 Boards (Kloss)
2559 Canis (Johannes Jacobus): De modo studendi in utroque jure. 40, 206 mm. 1485 P6819 BM VII 923 H* 4324=4322 GW5975 Stamp: Roy, Soc. sold
Modern quarter morocco
2560 Oresme (Nicolaus): De latitudinibus formarum [etc.], 40, 198 mm. 18 Feb. i486 P*682O BM VII 923 H*8o25 Wants the last leaf (blank) G. Dunn. Rustat Fund, 1917 Modern limp vellum
2561 Thomas (St), Aquinas: De unitate intellectus contra Averroem. 40, 203 mm. 26 Oct. i486 R33 Pell. 1088 [a b 8 c 6 ]; 22 leaves, the last blank Wants the blank Henry, Lord Langdale. Bought, 1898 Bound (1) with nos 2631 & 2564. 19th c. calf
2562 Gentilis, de Fulgineo: De proportionibus medicinarum. 40, 207 mm. P*6828 BM VII 924 H*7569 Bought, 1894 Modern quarter morocco over old blue paper wrappers
Vorrillong (Guilelmus): Collectarium vel Vade mecum super Sententias Scoti [etc.]. 40, 201 mm. P6830 BM VII 925 'Ad usum F. Danielis U s [ . . . ] . ' Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Bound (1) with no. 2565, and formerly with no. 3172. 17th c. quarter calf
Another copy. 203 m m . Against the name of Petrus de Cruce in the colophon a MS. note (cropped): 'Vidi eum et loq[...] fui sibi multocie[s...] Veneciis dum e [ . . . ] regens. 149[...] et in c? asisii fu[...]Cassus' Bound (3) with nos 2561, etc. [2141]
Articuli Parisius condemnati. 4 0 , 201 mm. H1878 GW2709 Bound (2) with no. 2563
HIERONYMUS DE DURANTIS 2566 Aristoteles: Parva naturalia. F°, 274 mm. 24 May 1493 11*1719 GW2430 Given by J. Charrington, 1933 Modern limp vellum
[3760] 431
2567 Vergerius (Petrus Paulus): De ingenuis moribus [etc.]. 40, 206 mm. P* 7333 [Italy, unassigned] BM VII 914 H* 15982 = 15983 Given by G. Dunn, 1909 Old limp vellum 2568
A n o t h e r c o p y . 202 m m . Gaselee 179 G. Dunn. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern half morocco
IESI F E D E R I C U S DE C O M I T I B U S 2569 Nicolaus, de Ausmo: Quadriga spiritualis. (Italian.) 40, 193 mm. 27 Oct. 1475 P*6837 BMVI1994 H2175 Wants leaves 83 & 90 Jenkinson Fund, 1934 Old vellum
PARMA STEPHANUS CORALLUS 2570 Catullus (Caius Valerius): Carmina [etc.]. F°, 289 mm. 31 Aug. 1473 P*684o BM VII 939 H4756 GW6386 1 a illuminated, with arms: azure, a bend or; a label of four points gules, between the points three fleurs-de-lys or; initials 'J.L.' Royal Library, 1715 i8thc. half calf [2143]
2571 Ovidius Naso (Publius): Opera. F°, 315 mm. 1 July 1477 P*6844 BM VII 940 H*i2i40 Imperfect: quires [A]-? Y (Metamorphoses) and A-H (Fasti) only, wanting [A12,8]» ? Y8 (blank) & H 1 § M 6a illuminated, with arms: bendy of six, sable & azure. Fasti copiously annotated in a humanistic hand, ending: 'Finiunt Pomponiana Glossula In Ovidii Fastos.' Bought, 1931 Modern half vellum [3702]
ANDREAS PORTILIA 2572 Vergilius Maro (Publius): Opera. F°, 303 mm. 12 May 1479 P6847 BM VII 936 Wants quires h-410 W . H. Crawford. Given by F. Jenkinson, 1892 Green morocco, by W. Pratt
2573 Plinius Secundus (Caius): Historia naturalis. F°, 427 mm. 8 July 1481 P*685i BM VII 937 H* 13094 'Conventus Mantue Fratrum Carmelitarum/ Sunderland. Sandars Bequest, 1894 Red morocco, circa 1700
2574 Aesopus: Fabulae. 40, 199 mm. 16 Mar. 1482 H278 GW341 Wants d 4 , and the first & last leaves (blank) 'Liber santi Jouanis batiste de faencia.' Given by W. G. Searle, 1868 Bound (1) with nos 2580 & 2137. Old wooden boards, backed with leather
PRINTER OF HIERONYMUS EPISTOLAE 2574*3 Nonius Marcellus: De proprietate sermonum. F°, 295 mm. 1480 P*6856 BM VII 942 H* 11903(1) Rustat Fund, 1950 Bound (1) with no. 2574*4. 19th c. quarter morocco
2574*4 Festus (Sextus Pompeius): De verborum significatione. F°, 295 mm. P*6857 BM VII 942 H* 11903(2) Bound (2) with no. 2574*3
D A M I A N U S DE MOYLLIS 2575 Magistris (Johannes de): Quaestiones super tota philosophia naturali. F°, 276 mm. 12 Dec. 1481 P6860 BMV11940 H* 10447 Wants the first leaf (blank) Acquired before 1700 17th c. calf
2576 Martialis (Marcus Valerius): Epigrammata. 40, 198 mm. P* 7405 [Italy, unassigned] BM VII 941 H 10807 Wants Vita Martialis ([*2] of the BM collation) Red morocco, by J. Mackenzie 2577
A n o t h e r c o p y . 202 m m . Osterley Park. Given by J. Westlake to B. E. Hammond, 18 June 1900 (with a letter of that date). Given by Mrs Hammond, 1917 Modern quarter morocco [2271]
D E I P H O E B U S DE OLIVERIIS 2578 Lucanus (Marcus Annaeus): Pharsalia. F°, 273 mm. 22 May 1483 P*6862 BM VH 943 H10236 'di Giacomo LucchesimV Bought, 1907 18th c. quarter morocco oc
[2148] 28
ANGELUS UGOLETUS 2579 Augustine (St): Opuscula. F°, 291 mm. 31 Mar. 1491 P*6864 BM VII 944 H1952 GW2867 'F. Carmelitarum mediolani.' Sunderland. Bought, 1899 Calf (Sunderland)
2580 Guarinus, Veronensis: Regulae grammaticales [etc.]. 40, 199 mm. 20 May 1492 P 6865 BM VII 944 (IA. 30340 & note) a b 8 c10 A-E 8 ; 66 leaves. BM describes quires A-E (Carmina differentialia) only ia: CLARISSIMI A C PERITISSIMI VIRI | GVARINI V E R O N E N S I S REGVLAE I G R A M M A T I C A L E S FELICITER. | I N C I P I V N T . | (P5) ARTES G R A M M A T I C A E funt | Quattuor uidelicet: Littera Syllaba: | Dictio: & Oratio...; 9a (sig. b x ): Abundo as | Afluo is | Exubero as per abundare | . . . ; 26a, 1. 20: I T E M de orthographia ex Ebrardo | Ecce <£ ufus habet cedunt fibi faepe fonantes | . . . ; 26b, 1. 38: Z quoqj mutatur in s. uel. i. n. d. inqj duas. (T. | Vt fetus gaffa medentius ifta tibi do I Bound (2) with nos 2574, etc. [2150]
2581 Pindarus, Thebanus: Iliados epitome. 40, 218 mm. 1 June 1492 P6866 BM VII 945 H8778 Wants the first leaf Adams Bequest, 1892 Modern half morocco
[2151 ]
MANTUA GEORGIUS & PAULUS DE BUTZBACH 2582 Dante Alighieri: Divina commedia. F°, 285 mm. 1472 P6882 BM VII 928 H5939 GW7959 The fore-edge remargined throughout; a few letters in facsimile Ex Musseo Huthii. Given by A. W . Young, 1933 19th c. red morocco
JOHANNES VURSTER 2583 Arnoldus, de Villa Nova: De arte cognoscendi venena [etc.], 40, 207 mm. 1473 P*6884 BM VII 929 H*i805 GW2522 Leaves 1-16 only, containing Arnoldus De arte cognoscendi venena and Valascus de Tarenta De epidemia et peste
British Museum duplicate. Acquired by exchange, 1948 19th c. quarter morocco
P A U L U S DE B U T Z B A C H 2584 Albertus, Magnus: De animalibus. F°, 411 mm. 12 Jan. 1479 P*6895 BM VII 931 H*546 GW 588 6a, lines 8-10: psemifi | mus and vegetabi | retouched in MS., apparently in the printing office (cf. no. 2585) Wants leaf 5 (blank) Stamp: Huzard de Vlnstitut. Worts Fund, 1876 Red morocco, possibly by Derome, with arms of Du Bus de Gisignies [2152]
Another, variant, copy. 417 mm. GW 588 (Anm.) 6a, 1. 10: vegetabi | retouched in MS. (cf. no. 2584) 6a illuminated (arms defaced) 'Pret. 10s. Solus Deus protector meus Westmorland]:' Adams Bequest, 1892 Old limp vellum
JOHANNES SCHALLUS, 1st press % * See also no. 2691
2586 Paulus, de Sancta Maria: Scrutinium scripturarum [etc.]. F°, 269 mm. 1475 P*6898 BM VII 933 H 10765 Wants the last two quires (M N 1 0 ), containing Epistola Rabbi Samuelis, also the blank leaves r 8 & L10 G. Dunn. Given by J. Charrington, 1916 19th c. vellum [2154]
Another copy. 282 mm. Gaselee 167 Wants M N 1 0 and the blank L l o 'Conventus [...] Taurini/ *W. H. Black 12/10/55/ MS. collation & foliation by H. Bradshaw. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern vellum [4033]
2588 Joseph ben Gorion: Yosippon. 40, 264 mm. P* 6905 H 7814 Rossi 11 6 St 6033, 1 [a10 b 1 2 c-m 10 n 1 4 ]; 136 leaves, the last blank On the last leaf three MS. lists of books, probably made by or for a bookseller. 'This book was bought by me Aaron ha-Kohen.J 'I, Lipman, son of Aaron ha-Kohen, sold this book to Rabbi Samuel Gabriel of Carpi, with the approval of my sister-in-law Rica, for 4 florins 27 Tammuz 5335' (i.e. 1575). Censor's marks, one of *fr. Paulus vicecomes Alexandrinus ord. pred. lector ex comissione B. Inq. Taurinensis \ From the collection of Isaac Pragi, bought by Parliament for the University 1647/8 [2155] Binding uniform with no. 2529 435
*8- 2
with ABRAHAM JEDIDIAH 2589 Levi ben Gershom: Perush ha-Torah. F°, 335 mm. P* 6906 H 10060 Rossi 11 3 St 6138, 3 [a-s 10 1 8 u 10 x 6 y 10 z 8 A 10 B 8 C 1 0 D 1 2 E-I 10 K L 8 M 1 0 N 8 O-T 1 0 U 6 ] ; 412 leaves, 257, 338 & 410-12 blank Censor's marks: 'Dominico Irosolimitano 1597', and 'fra. Luigi 1597'. Rustat Fund, 1868 Contemporary wooden boards, backed with ruled calf; remains of four clasps [2156]
J O H A N N E S SCHALLUS, 2nd press 2590 Eusebius Pamphili: Historia ecclesiastica. F°, 292 mm. July 1479 P*69O8 BMVI1933 H*67ii GW9437 'Conventus Vienn. Ord. Praed.' W . H. Crawford. Rustat Fund, 1891 Contemporary stamped calf; stamps include a crown and initials W[iennenses] P[raedicatores] (cf. Goldschmidt pi. c, no. 9 & p. 140), and symbols of the evangelists (circular) [2157] 2591
A n o t h e r c o p y . 309 m m . 'Can. Reichersberg.' Stifts-Bibliothek Reichersberg. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Bound (1) with no. 1797. Contemporary stamped calf rebacked: stamps include (1) (circular) a rosette on a spade-shaped shield within a double circle enclosing a legend (undecipherable), (2) (hexagonal) IHS surrounded by rays [4034]
VINCENTIUS BERTOCHUS 2592 Bossus (Matthaeus): Familiares et secundae epistolae. F°, 256 mm. 9 Nov. 1498 P*69ii BM VII 934 (IB. 30686) EF3671 GW4956 Leaf 3a, 1. 6 as in GW (Anm.) Wants the last two leaves (errata & blank) Bound (2) with no. 2493
VERONA J O H A N N E S N I C O L A I DE V E R O N A 2593 Valturius (Robertus): De re militari. F°, 334 mm. 1472 P*69i2 BMV11948 H* 15847 Leaf 175 ([s7]) is an uncancelled blank, making 262 leaves in all (cf. BM). Wants leaf 6 (blank) 'Talleyrand May 1816' (not an autograph). W . Beckford (with a letter, dated 14 Oct. 1825, to him from his bankers Morlands & Co.). W . Mitchell. Given by J. Charrington, 1916 Red morocco, with the arms of Marie Elisabeth Auguste von Sulzbach (as on no. 1112) {2158]
A n o t h e r c o p y . 320 m m . The blank leaf 175 uncancelled. Wants leaves 1-6 (of which 5 & 6 are blank), 98, 198-9, 211, 251 & 262 (the last, supplied in facsimile) W. H. Crawford. Sandars Bequest, 1894 18th c. diced russia [2^59\
G I O V A N N I ALVISE & PARTNERS 2595 Ars moriendi (Cum de praesentis exilii miseria). {Italian.) 40, 200 mm. 28 Apr. 1478 P6913 BM VII 949 H4398 GW2621 Wants the last leaf (blank); leaf 1 mounted Old vellum
2596 Aesopus moralisatus. {Latin & Italian.) 40, 220 mm. 26 June 1479 P6915 BM VII 949 H345 GW428 Wants a1>5f6>8, b1>2,7,8» C7» e5,6» U,5> Pi & P3- Leaf m 8 misbound after o 8 . Leaf a3 mutilated Kloss. Culemann 34. Worts Fund, 1870 [2161 ] 19th c. half calf
P E T R U S MAUFER, 2nd press 2597 Josephus (Flavius): Opera. F°, 298 mm. 25 Dec. 1480 P*69i8 BM VII 951 H*9452 Wants leaf 3 (blank) Rustat Fund, 1872 Russia leather, with green morocco back and red lettering pieces; marbled end-papers. See no. 1902 [2162]
B O N I N U S DE B O N I N I S 2598 Valturius (Robertus): De re militari. F°, 318 mm. 13 Feb. 1483 P*692i BM VII 952 H* 15848 Kloss Half calf (Kloss)
PAULUS FRIDENPERGER 2599 Lucretius Carus (Titus): De rerum natura. F°, 282 mm. 28 Sept. i486 P* 6923 BM VII 953 (IB. 30764) H10282 Wants the last leaf (blank) Syston Park. Given by G. Dunn, 1909 Green morocco, by R. Storr of Grantham
P R I N T E R OF A U G U R E L L U S 2600 Curtius Rufus (Quintus): Gesta Alexandri. F°, 278 mm. 18 Aug. 1491 P6925 BM VII 954 H 5883 = 5884 GW7874 Wants the last leaf (blank) Modern half pigskin 2601
A n o t h e r c o p y . 312 m m . Wants the last leaf (blank) Bound (3) with nos 2015, etc.
CREMONA B E R N A R D I N U S DE MISINTIS & CAESAR PARMENSIS, 2nd press 2602 Petrarca (Francesco): De remediis utriusque fortunae. F°, 278 mm. 17 Nov. 1492 P* 6927 BM VII 956 H* 12793 Wants the first & last leaves (blank) Monogram *SMR\ Given by J. Charrington, 1932 Old vellum
Another copy. 303 mm. Gaselee 168 Wants the first leaf (blank); misbound 'Ex librar: Novit. S. Marie de Florent.' G. Dunn. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Old vellum
C A R O L U S DE DARLERIIS 2604 Barbaras (Hermolaus): Castigationes Plinianae [etc.]. F°, 296 mm. 3 Apr. 1495 P 6929 BM VII 959 H* 2423 GW 3342 Imperfect; quires a-s only {Castigationes Plinianae)
Adams Bequest, 1892 Bound with Plinius, Libro de historia naturale (Venice, Ubertino da Vercelli, 30 Oct. 1501). Old vellum [2167]
2605 Applanus (Constantius): Soliloquia. 40, 189 mm. 4 Oct. 1496 P*693O BM VII 959 H * i 3 i 3 GW2295(Anm.) Gaselee 169 The GW note on this copy is wrong; the first quire is imperfect, wanting leaves 2 & 3 (dedication to Sforza) and 11 (last leaf of table) Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 19th c. calf [4036]
2606 Silvester, de Prierio: Compendium operis Capreoli. 40, 230 mm. 28 Apr. 1497 P6932 BM VII 959 H* 13346 Wants the last leaf Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 17th c. calf
2607 Lucarus (Nicolaus): Laudatio Baptistae Piasii. 40, 215 mm. R 1795 [B. de Misintis & C. Parmensis] Type: 80R Acton Library, 1902 Cloth
2608 Officium Sancti Homoboni. 40, 200 mm. [a4] b 4 c 6 ; 14leaves. 3a: 154x98 mm., 29lines. Type: 108R. Woodcut & Lombardic initials ia: woodcut (repeated on ib), 193 x 135 mm., of St Homobonus distributing alms to two beggars (see plate vi); 2a: [red] In nomine domini Iefu. eiu% genetricis uirgiois | Mariae: Incipt omcium Sancti homoboni confefTo- | ris ac patroni Cremonae. ad uefperas antiphona: | [black] Sion laetare filia: [red] cu reliquis de laudibus: pfalmus | [black] dixit dominus: [red] cu reliquis in fine, [black] laudare dominu | [red] capitulum...; 5a (sig. b): [black] qui fecundum propofitum uocati funt fancti. qui reU |; 14a, 1. 29: & corporis 1 firmitatibus liberemur. g. | Tertia lux fefto martini rite per acto. | Concefllt chrifto que fcripto gfpicis ifto. [red] Finis. | Given by J. Charrington, 1917 [2170] 19th c. black morocco
2609 Aegidii (Guilelmus): Super caelestium motuum indagatione. 40, 198 mm. P 5231 [C. de Pensis] BM vn 958 H 16220 GW 264 Wants leaf 2 (cf. GW Anm., which wrongly lists this copy among those having a printed dedication on leaf 2) 'Rev. M. Rowan.' Bought (lot 574 at Puttick's), 26 July 1864 19th c. calf [2171]
SANT' ORSO J O H A N N E S DE R E N O , 2nd press 2610 Terentius (Publius), Afer: Comoediae. F°, 268 mm. 30 Apr. 1475 P*6936 BM VII 1027 H 15391 Wants e x , h 3 & h 6 * Liber petri pauli de pardis.' Sunderland. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Vellum, circa 1700 2611
P i u s I I : D e d u o b u s amantibus. 4 0 , 204 m m . P* 7146 [Vicenza] BM VII 1027 H* 218 W . Vernon. C. S. Ascherson. Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1946 Red morocco, by Lenegre, 1847
Samuel, Rabbi: Epistola ad Rabbi Isaac contra Judaeorum errores. 40, 204 m m . P* 7149 [Vicenza] BM VII 1028 H* 14263 Bought, 1892 Modern half morocco
Dictys, Cretensis: Historia Troiana [etc.], 40, 219 mm. 7-20 May 1498 P*6939 BM VII 1077 H*6i57 GW 8327 16th c. MS. notes and additions (Latin & Catalan) and pen-drawings Adams Bequest, 1892 Modern half morocco
Another copy. 200 m m . Gaselee 170 Wants the last leaf (blank) S. G. Hamilton. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Old vellum
Statuta communis Brixiae. F°, 293 mm. 21 May-29 June 1473 P* 6943 BM vn 962 H15003 Imperfect; leaves 129-262 ([**i]-[G4] of the BM collation) only, wanting leaves 186-7 and the blank leaves 134 & 210 Thomas Ashby, Junior. Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1947 Modern vellum [4255]
Valla (Laurentius): Elegantiae [etc.], F°, 306 mm. 23 Mar. 1475 P*6947 BMVI1964 H15803 Wants leaves h 4 & h 5 (both supplied in contemporary MS.) 'Est Joannis a glauburg francofordiani.' Ex bibliotheca Solms-Laubacensi. Heitland Fund, 1949 [43*6] Old wooden boards (from which the leather has been stripped), rebacked
Britannicus (Johannes): CommentariiinPersium. F°, 263 mm. 14N0V. 1481 P*695i BM VII 965 113987=12729 GW5556 ' Questo libro sie de mi iulio di gisleni che habita in capu[... ] nele case de domino ambrosio charanina/ 'Julii Gisleni notarii/ Rustat Fund, 1869 Russia leather, with green morocco back and red lettering pieces; marbled end-papers. See no. 1902 [2173]
B O N I N U S DE B O N I N I S with MINIATUS DELSERA 2618 Varro (Marcus Terentius): De lingua Latina. F°, 295 mm. 16 June 1483 P*6954 BMVI1968 Bound (2) with nos 2620, etc.
2619 Festus (Sextus Pompeius): De verborum significatione. F°, 295 mm. 18 June 1483 Pf 6955 Cop. 2489 Wants the last leaf (blank) Bound (3) with nos 2620, etc.
2620 Nonius Marcellus: De proprietate sermonum. F°, 295 mm. 17 July 1483 Pf 6956 Cop. 4436 A 8 B 4 a b 8 e-q8-6 r s6; 138 leaves, the first blank Royal Library, 1715 Bound (1) with nos 2618 & 2619. Calf, circa 1700
2621 Plutarchus: De claris mulieribus. 40, 193 mm. 23 Mar. 1485 P*6959 BM vii 968 H* 13144 Wants b 4 & b 5 Hamilton Library 1553 (7 May 1884). Given by H. R. Luard, 1890 Half calf, circa 1800
2622 Macrobius: In Somnium Scipionis expositio [etc.]. F°, 314 mm. 15 May 1485 P* 6962 BM VII 969 (IB. 31084) H* 10428 Quire d has 8 leaves (cf. BM collation) Wants the first leaf (blank) Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (2) with no. 1984. Modern half pigskin
2623 Vergerius (Petrus Paulus): De ingenuis moribus [etc.]. 40, 202 mm. 6 Dec. 1485 P 6966 BM VII 969 H 15991 Quires a-c (De ingenuis moribus) only, wanting the first leaf (blank) Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf, the lower board replaced
2624 Dante Alighieri: Divina commedia. F°, 330 mm. 31 May 1487 P*6973 BM VII 971 H5948 GW7968 Wants the last leaf (blank) Sandars Bequest, 1894 Blue morocco, by Leighton
ANGELUS & JACOBUS BRITANNICUS JACOBUS (with device of Angelus) 2625 Statuta communis Brixiae. F°, 293 mm. 8 Dec. 1490 P 6985 A BM VII 976 Acquired before 1700 Contemporary MS. additions on the last (blank) verso, including Lentulus De statura Christi [2181] ANGELUS BRITANNICUS
2626 Gafurius (Franchinus): Practica musicae. F°, 282 mm. 23 Sept. 1497 P6995 BM VII 979 H7408 Bibliotheca Heberiana (12899?) Limp paper boards, as no. 2320
2627 Turrecremata (Johannes de): Quaestiones evangeliorum de tempore et de sanctis. 40 & 8°, 186 mm. 2 June 1498 P*6997 BM VII 980 H15718 Quire r is 8° 'Exlibris Stephani TheaeAquensis 1622/ *Conventus S. FrancisciAquarien.' Bought, 1925 Paper boards [2184]
2628 Augustine (St): Meditationes [etc.]. 8°, 136mm. 8 Oct. 1498 P6998 BM VII 980 H1951 GW2972 Gaseleei7i The leaf signed kk is conjoint with 18; it is not followed by a blank (cf. BM note) Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Old limp vellum [4039]
2628-5 Borro (Gasparino): Trionfi, sonetti, canzoni e laude della vergine Maria. 40, 207 mm. 23 Oct. 1498 P*6999 BM VII 980 H3663 GW4942 A stamp: Bibl. Gust. C. [Galletti Flor.] (v. Frati, Dizionario bio-bibliograjico dei bibliotecari
e bibliojili italiani (1933), p. 239). A label: monogram HL doubled & interlaced, beneath a coronet (Horace de Landau). Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1950 Modern diced russia leather [4345] 2629
Jacobus, Trajectanus: De modo visitandi. 8°, 132 mm. 1500 HCR9354 Acton Library, 1902 Paper boards
2630 Buccardus (Johannes Franciscus): Vocabularium. 40,191 mm. 13 Sept. 1498 H*i36i8 GW5665 On vellum. Wants the last leaf (blank) Leaf 2a illuminated, with arms (defaced) 'Thornton... £2. 2s: M. Wodhull Nov. 22d 1786/ Sandars Bequest, 1894 Red morocco, circa 1800
BAPTISTA F A R F E N G U S 2631 Albertus, Magnus: Philosophia pauperum [etc.]. 40, 203 mm. 10 Sept. 1490 P7013 BM VII 985 (IA. 31203) H504 GW711 The text of bb5a is repeated on the last verso, which should be blank * Fratris Anselmi a Vescis' Bound (2) with nos 2561, etc. 2632
Ephraim (St): Sermones. 4 0 , 201 m m . 15 N o v . 1490 P*7oi4 BM VII 985 H 6600=6596 GW9332 Wants the last leaf (blank) Ex libris Jacobi Manzoni. Bought, 1910 Modern paper boards
2633 Barzizius (Christophorus): De fine oratoris. 40, 196 mm. 7 Sept. 1492 P*7Oi6 BMVI1985 H*2667 GW3670 Bequeathed by J. R. Holliday, 1927 Modern paper boards
GERSHON BEN MOSES, OF SONCINO 2634 Immanuel ben Solomon: Sefer ha-Mahbarot. 40, 194 mm. 30 Oct. 1491 P 7021 H 9137 Rossi 1 39 St 5269, 1 K-l8 t4 n-2 8 [*O4]; 160 leaves, the first presumably blank Wants the first leaf Culemann 367. Worts Fund, 1870 Old calf 2635
Bible: Hebrew. 8°, 179 mm. 23 Jan. 1492 & 24-31 May 1494 P*7022 + ^7024 Hi2572 + *3O3O GW4200 Rossii4i,48 Sti2,i7 Ginsburgpp.871-80 [a-x8 y 4 z8 A-Z 8 aa-ii8 kk411-ss8 tt 4 uu-zz8 AA-EE 8 FF 6 ]; 586 leaves, 1 & 508 blank A mixed edition: quires [a]-[y] comprise the Pentateuch and Five Rolls (with the beginning of the Haftarot on the last verso) from the edition of 23 Jan. 1492 (P* 7022, H 12572); the remaining quires (containing the Prophets and the rest of the Hagiographa) are from the Bible of 24-31 May 1494 (P* 7024, H* 3030, GW 4200) 'From Lord Crawford's library. June 1887.' Given by A. W . Young, 1933 Morocco, by Riviere [37&5]
B E R N A R D I N U S DE MISINTIS 2636 Catherine (St), of Siena: Dialogo della divina provvidenza [etc.]. (Latin.) 8°, 152 mm. 15 Apr. 1496 P*7O34 BM VII 990 HF4693 GW6226 Wants the last leaf (blank) A MS. 'Tavola delle cose notabili' (circa 1600), on 22 pages, bound in at the end Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1940 Old limp vellum [4209]
2637 Baptista, Mantuanus: De patientia. 40, 202 mm. 30 May 1497 Pf 7041 H* 2404 GW 3304 (Anm.) Royal Library, 1715 Modern half morocco 2638
B o n a v e n t u r a (St): Opuscula. 4 0 & 8°, 192 m m . 31 D e c . 1497 P7044A BM VII 992 H*3466 GW4650 Pt 1 only (wants quires A-N). Sheets v 3 4 , x3>4 & z l j 2 are 8° 'Cartha domus Bruxelle.' Bought, 1931 16th c. stamped calf, vellum MS. at ends (16th c ) ; stamps include a square one of two pelicans with necks intertwined (cf. Hulshof & Schretlen, De Kunst der oude boekbinders (Utrecht, 1921), pi. VII, 17, which is however not identical) [3713]
Politianus (Angelus): Opera. F°, 313 m m . 10 Aug. 1499 P 7046=6421 BM VII 992 H 13219 Wants leaf 2 and the last (blank) leaf 'James Wyld.' Bought, 1908 18th c. quarter calf
PAVIA A N T O N I U S DE C A R C A N O 2640 Thomas (St), Aquinas: Super libro Aristotelis De caelo et mundo. F°, 281 mm. 8 Nov. i486 H* 1530 a8 b-n 6 o 4 ; 84 leaves, the first blank. Type: 78G Wants the blank Rev. T. H. Passmore. Bought, 1897 Bound (1) with nos 2660 & 2661. 19th c. calf
2641 Guainerius (Antonius): Practica. F°, 288 mm. 10 Jan. 1488 P7057 BM VH 998 H*8O98 Wants leaves 1 (blank) & 8 Royal Library, 1715 Calf, circa 1700
2642 Sancto Georgio (Johannes Antonius de): Lectura super titulo De appellationibus. F°, 376 mm. 24 Dec. 1488 P*7o6o BMVI1998 H*7594 Wants the preliminary leaves 1-10, and the blank leaves 11 & 136 (last) Bound (3) with, nos 2307, etc.
Sancto Georgio (Johannes Antonius de): Lectura super usibus feudorum. F°, 408 mm. 1 Nov. 1490 P 7062 BM VII 998 H* 7590 Wants the first leaf (blank) Bound (2) with no. 1007
2644 Sandeus (Felinus): De exceptionibus. F°, 410 mm. 30 Sept. 1496 H* 14298 a-0 8 p q6 A B 6 ; 136 leaves, the last blank. Type: 83G. Gothic title-type (about 170 mm.). Device of Franciscus de Nebiis de Burgofranco (Kristeller 132) Stamp: Soc. Reg. Lond. ex dono Hem. Howard Norfolciensis. R. Proctor. Rustat Fund, 1910
Modern half morocco
2645 Natta (Georgius): Repetitio c. Quamvis de pactis. F°, 413 mm. P 7068 [Jacobus de S. Petro] BM vn 996 H* 11680 'Ad Bibl. Aul. Eystettense' 19th c. half vellum
D A M I A N U S DE C O N F A L O N E R I I S 2646 Falcutius (Nicolaus): Sermones medicinales. F°, 411 mm. BM VII 1000 H* 11767 GW9704 Vol. 3 only (De membris capitis). Wants the blank leaf 320 (G6 of the GW collation) 'Symbolum I. A.V.G. 2 Cor: 12. y 9.—Sumciat mihi gratia Domini.' G. Dunn. Bought, 1914 16th c. stamped calf [2197]
Vol. 7 of another copy. F°, 383 m m . 18 Nov. 1484 Wants the first leaf (blank), E 2 , E 9 & L 6 (register) Bought, 1907 Modern forrel
[JACOBUS DE SANCTO PETRO] *+* P 7068. Reattributed by BM to Antonius de Carcano. See no. 2645
F R A N C I S C U S DE S A N C T O P E T R O 2648 Cepolla (Bartholomaeus): De servitutibus praediorum. F°, 380 mm. 22 Feb. 1481 H4854 GW6498 Wants the first leaf (presumably blank in this instance, cf. GW Anm.) ' Ex libris amabilis dumas et amicorum.' ' Ex Ubris Ioannis deuin de beaulieu.' Bought, 1894 Bound (1) with no. 2649. 18th c. calf [2200]
2649 Cepolla (Bartholomaeus): De simulatis contractibus. F°, 380 mm. 14 Mar. 1481 H4871 GW6509 Wants the last leaf (blank) Bound (2) with no. 2648
FRANCISCUS GIRARDENGUS ALONE 2650 Thomas (St), Aquinas: Super Metaphysica Aristotelis. F°, 282 mm. 15 Oct. 1480 BM VII 1003 H* 1508 2a illuminated, with arms, between initials F T : gules, three bends sinister argent, a leg couped at the thigh or; in chief or an eagle displayed sable. G. Dunn. Bought, 1914 Modern paper boards [2202] 2651
Cinus, de Pistorio: Lectura in Codiceiii. F°, 415 m m . 5 Sept. 1483 H* 13023 GW 7046 Vol. 1 only (In Codicem I-V) 'Ad Bibliothecam fFrum Minorum Pedeponti.' 'Adam SchieL' Bought, 1896 Contemporary wooden boards, calf back
Baptista, de Salis: Summa casuum conscientiae. 4 0 , 216 mm. 15 Apr. 1489 P 7075 BM VII 1004 H* 14182 GW 3324 Bought, 1928 Modern pigskin
2653 Bonaventura (St): Meditationes vitae Christi [etc.], 8°, 159 mm. 4 Mar. 1490 P7076 BM VII 1004 H*356o GW4748 Wants leaves 1-3 (blank & table) Bought, 1924 Bound (1) with no. 2301. 19th c. calf
2654 Suiseth (Richard): Calculations. F°, 285 mm. 4 Jan. 1498 P* 7078 BM vn 1005 H* 15138 Given by J. Charrington, 1917 Modern half vellum
265 5 Chieregatus (Leonellus): Sermo habitus in die Palmarum coram Alexandro vi [etc.]. 40, 190 mm. GW6628 Gaseleeiss For leaves 7 & 8 of Gaselee's description see no. 2656 Bound (2) with nos 2664, etc.
2656 Maino (Jason de): Epistola de obitu Roberti Sanseverinatis. 40, 190 mm. Gaselee 155 (note) [a 2 ]; 2 leaves, i b : 128 x 87 mm., 28 lines. Type: 90G ia: De obitu Illuftriflimi Roberti Sanfeuerinatis | . . . Dili | Iafonis Mayni iureconfulti
epiftola. | (r ) Oberti fanfeuerinaris ftrenuifllmi copiaru | militari^ Imperatosis: poftremu3 fatum | ad te fcribere conftitui...; 2a, 1. 12: . . .Ita incertum vitae exitu^ dereliquit: vale pata I uij. xxviij. Augufti. M.cccclxxxvij. | Bound (3) with nos 2664, etc. [4306]
N I C O L A U S G I R A R D E N G U S , 2nd press 2657 Paulus, de Castro: Lectura super 1 Infortiati. F°, 426 mm. 26 Feb. 1483 HR4628 Gaseleei72 a10 b-f8 s8 u 8 v 8 x-z 6 ; 188 leaves, the first blank 'Ex testamentis egregiorum virorum duorum Iurium Doctorum Iohannis Clokereyme et Iacobi Doleatoris quondam decanorum Ecclesie sancti Severi ErfFurden.' Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Bound (1) with no. 1940. Old wooden boards, backed with stamped calf, repaired; [4040] staple for chaining on lower board
C H R I S T O P H O R U S DE C A N I B U S 2658 Lupus (Johannes): De matrimonio et legitimatione. 40, 192 mm. P 7085B BM VII 1008 H* 10345 Wants leaf 1 of the BM description (table) Bought, 1936
Modern morocco
3659 Ubaldis (Baldus de): Repertorium. F°, 308 mm. 23 Sept. 1494 H* 2334=11571 Fragments of four leaves (including the colophon) only, from a binding 'Ric. Stanntoni Liber ex dono charissimi sui amici D. Iohannis Rastelli... 1605'
M A R T I N U S DE LAVALLE, 2nd press 2660 Thomas (St), Aquinas: Super libros Aristotelis De generatione et corruptione. 4° & F°, 281 mm. 3 Dec. 1488 B M v n i o i 2 H 1534 Sheets ex & h 2 are 40 Bound (2) with nos 2640, etc.
Thomas (St), Aquinas: De unitate intellectus contra Averroem. F°, 281 mm. 9 Oct. [1488] Pell. 1089 a6 b c4; 14 leaves, the last blank. Type: 77G Bound (3) with nos 2640, etc.
J O H A N N E S A N T O N I U S DE H O N A T E , 2nd press 2662 Maino (Jason de): Commentaria in 1 Infortiati veteris. F°, 417 mm. 24 Mar. 1492 H* 10941 a-g 8 A-Q 8 R 6 aa-ff8 gg 6 hh 4 ; 248 leaves Stamp: Soc. Reg. Lond. ex dono Henr. Howard Norfolciensis. Bought, 1898
Modern half pigskin
J O H A N N E S A N D R E A S DE B O S C H O & M I C H A E L DE GARALDIS 2663 Ricius (Stephanus): Oratio coram Maximiliano rege. 40, 214 mm. R1366 a4; 4 leaves Acton Library, 1902 Cloth
Scyllacius (Nicolaus): Opuscula. 40, 190 mm. 9 Mar. 1496 P 7117 [Pavia, miscellaneous] BM VII 1017 (LA. 31603 a) H 14572 Gaselee 173 Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Bound (1) with nos 2655 & 2656. 18th c. calf
2665 Sandeus (Felinus): Super titulo De fide instrumentorum. F°, 412 mm. 13 Oct. 1497 HC 14312 a 6 b-i 4 ; 38 leaves. Types: 136G, 90G. Device of J. de Legnano (Kristeller 73) Stamp: Soc. Reg. Lond. ex dono Henr. Howard Norfolciensis. R. Proctor. Rustat Fund, 1910
Modern half morocco
F R A N C I S C U S DE G U A S C H I S 2666 Socinus (Marianus): Repetitio super c. ad audientiam de homicidio. F°, 410 mm. 7 July 1498 HR14860 Leaves 2-3 are in Leonardus Gerla's types (y. Reichling's note) Wants the first leaf (blank) Stamp: Roy. Soc. sold. Bought, 1913 Wrappers *** P 7117. Reattributed by BM to J. A. de Boscho & M. de Garaldis. See no. 2664
VICENZA L E O N A R D U S ACHATES 2667 Bible: Latin. F°, 295 mm. 10 May 1476 P* 7122 BM VII 1031 H* 3060 GW 4224 The first leaf of the last quire is an uncancelled blank, making 14 leaves in that quire At the beginning of Genesis a contemporary (?) pen-drawing (the Creation) Bought, 1897 Wooden boards covered with rough white leather and lined with blank vellum [2214] 2668
A n o t h e r c o p y . 259 m m . Gaselee 174 Wants leaves 1 & 457 (both blank) and the last leaf 'Iste liber est Congregationis S. Justine deputatus S. Severini...' (at Naples, v. Cottineau, Repertoire topo-bibliographique des abbayes et prieures, 112039). Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 19th c. half calf \4042]
2669 Athanasius (St): Contra haereticos et gentiles. F°, 294 mm. 1 Feb. 1482 P* 7124 BM VII 1032 H* 1905 GW 2760
'Ex biblic.a Altempsn.a' G. R. Redgrave. Given by J. Charrington, 1928 Modern vellum
Orosius (Paulus): Historiae. F°, 301 mm. P* 7125 BM VII 1032 H* 12100 Wants the first leaf (blank) Ashburnham. Given by J. Charrington, 1931 19th c. green morocco
TTepi ovoncnros
[3711] KOCI prujuxros
|3i(3Aiov Tpnrov.
4°, 210 m m . P* 7126 BM VII 1032 H 9925 Wants the last two leaves (blank) Bound (2) with no. 2672 2672
Lascaris (Constantinus): Erotemata [etc.], (Greek & Latin.)
4 , 210mm.
14 June 1489 P* 7127 BM VII 1032 H 9922 Syston Park. Bought, 1897 Bound (1) with no. 2671. Red morocco (Syston Park) 2673
Chrysoloras (Manuel): Erotemata. (Greek & Latin.) 4 0 ,195 m m . 23 Dec. 1491 P 7132 BM VII 1034 H 5022=9923 GW 6700 Leaf 1 mutilated & mounted Owners' stamps: , , p and another (undecipherable). Duke of Sussex. British Museum duplicate. Acquired by exchange, 1948 19th c. blue morocco
[4276] 29
H E R M A N N L I E C H T E N S T E I N , ist press 2674 Statuta communis Veronae. F°, 340 mm. 20 Dec. 1475 P 7141 BM VII 1036 H 10000 Ex libris Jacobi Manzoni. Bought, 1894 19th c. vellum
[JOHANNES DE RENO] *** P* 7146. Reattributed by BM to Johannes de Reno at Sant* Orso. See no. 2611 % * P* 7149. Reattributed by BM to Johannes de Reno at Sant* Orso. See no. 2612
PHILIPPUS ALBINUS 2675 Vegius (Maphaeus): Vocabula ex jure civili excerpta. F°, 301 mm. 1 Dec. 1477 P* 7154 BM VII 1042 H 15919 Wants the first & last leaves (blank) Bound (2) with no. 2747
H E R M A N N L I E C H T E N S T E I N , 3rd press 2676 Durandus (Guilelmus): Rationale divinorum officiorum. F°, 301 mm. 1478 P*7I55 BM VII 1037 H*648o GW9115 Gaselee 175 Leaf 3 (as BM, not leaf 1, as GW) blank 4a illuminated (arms defaced). 'Francisci Ricciardi.' Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Paper boards [4043]
2677 Hubertinus: Commentum in Epistolas Ciceronis ad familiares. F°, 302 mm. 27 Feb. 1479 P* 7156 BM VII 1037 H 5462 Wants the last leaf (blank). Sheets cc4> 5 & ee4> 5 transposed R. H. S. Truell. G. Dunn. Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1947 19th c. quarter vellum
OvidiusNaso (Publius): Opera. F°, 309 mm. 12 Aug. 1480 P* 7157 BM VII 1037 H* 12141 Imperfect; Pt 2 only {Metamorphoses) of the BM collation, wanting the first & last leaves (blank) Bought, 1931 [3703] 18th c. calf
2679 Durandus (Guilelmus): Rationale divinorum officiorum. F°, 303 mm. 1480 Pf7i59 H*6482 GW9120 Wants leaf 3 (blank) 'Monasterii Gottwicensis.' 'Georgius Schaider Ingolstadians.' Note by J. H. Middleton inserted. Bought, 1898 Old wooden boards, pigskin back [2221]
2680 Columella (L. J. M.): De cultu hortorum. 40, 181 mm. GW7182 Gaseleei8i Wants the last leaf (blank) Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern vellum
STEPHAN KOBLINGER 2681 Tortellius (Johannes): Orthographia. F°, 294 mm. 13 Jan. 1479 P* 7160 BM VII 1043 H* 15566 Wants the first & last leaves (blank) 'B. de Crassier [...] 1703/ W. H. Crawford. Bought, 1895 17th c. calf
2682 Leonardus, de Utino: Sermones quadragesimales de legibus. F°, 294 mm. 24 Nov. 1479 P* 7161 BM VII 1043 H 16121 * Leigh's Auction Libr. S. Tyssen Esqr. =17:6 binding &c =119:= 1:6:6 M: Wodhull Dec. 19th 1801. This copy came from Bib: Pinelli No. 839/ Bought, 1921 Russia, with WodhulTs arms
H E N R I C U S DE S A N C T O U R S I O 2683 Juvenalis (Decimus Junius): Saturae [etc.]. F°, 282 mm. 1480 P* 7162 BM VII 1044 H* 9690 Wants the first leaf (blank) 4a illuminated, with arms: azure, a griffin segreant argent; initials I A. '...Johannes Rizardi...' 'Leigh's Auction: Libr. Revd. Mr Betham. = : 14s: = M: Wodhull May 21st 1784/ Duke of Sussex. W. H. Dutton. Bought, 1903 18th c. calf
Gaietanus, de Thienis: Recollectae super Physica Aristotelis. F°, 300 mm. 23 Apr. 1487 P 7169 BM vn 1046 H* 15497 Wants the first & last leaves (blank) T. Ashby, Junior. Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1947 Modern vellum
2685 Natalibus (Petrus de): Catalogus sanctorum. F°, 324 mm. 12 Dec. 1493 P* 7173 BM VII 1047 H* 11676 Wants the last leaf (blank) Bought, 1894 19th c. blue calf
J A C O B U S DE D U S A 2686 Claudianus (Claudius): Opera. F°, 285 mm. 27 May 1482 P* 7175 BM VII 1048 H* 5370 GW 7059 Bound (2) with no. 1941 451
[2226] 29-2
DIONYSIUS BERTOCHUS 2687 Crastonus (Johannes): Lexicon Graeco-Latinum. F°, 305 mm. 10 Nov. 1483 P* 7177 BM VII 1049 H 5813 GW 7813 (Anm.) 'Gremperii (si scire cupis) liber ecce Johannis.. .1512/ 'Nicolai H. Lanquardefi Sum. Hunc mini praecipuo donavit amore libellum Excellens saecli Cuspinianus honor... 1519/ (See H. von Ankwicz, 'Magister Johannes Gremper aus Rheinfelden', in Zentralblatt fiir Bibliothekswesen, xxx. Jahrg. (1913), pp. 197-216, where reference is made to this volume (p. 211) and the inscriptions are quoted in full.) ' [ . . . ] Viennae Catalogo inscriptus/ Syston Park (?). Bought, 1891 18th c. mottled calf [2227]
S I M O N B E V I L A Q U A , 1st press 2688 Brutus (Petrus): Victoria contra Judaeos. F°, 306 mm. 3 Oct. 1489 P*7i8o BMV111051 13*4027 GW5659 The preliminary quire (4 leaves) duplicated Royal Library, 1715 18th c. half russia
2689 Spirito (Lorenzo): Altro Marte. F°, 272 mm. 9 Apr. 1489 P* 7184 BM VII 1051 H* 14960 Wants leaves 1-4 Bought, 1894 19th c. half russia
MODENA J O H A N N E S VURSTER, 3rd press 2690 Mesue (Johannes): De consolatione medicinarum. (Italian.) 40 & F°, 295 mm. 25 June 1475 P* 7191 BM VII 1059 H* 11114 Sheet glf 8 is 40 Wants the first & last leaves (blank) British Museum duplicate. Acquired by exchange, 1948 Modern green morocco (British Museum)
BALTHASAR DE STRUCIIS 2691 Caracciolus (Robertus): Quadragesimale. (Italian.) 40, 199 mm. H iMj GW 6087 [Mantua, J, Schallus] Schallus and de Struciis used the same type; this book may be the work of either printer (cf. BM VII 1060) Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 [2230] Modern half morocco 452
2692 Augustine (St): Sermones ad heremitas. 40, 212 mm. 25 Apr. 1477 P* 7193 BM VII 1060 H 1994 GW 2999 Wants leaf 3 (blank) \ . . conventus Sti nicolai vitelianae' (i.e. at Viadana, nr Mantua). A bookplate (143 x 84mm.) signed M. Engelbrecht exc. A.V., with label and central oval blank. On the oval is pasted a MS. plate: Mercury holding an oval, on which is written: ' [ . . . ] Daniele Kelly Compl. a Sangallo.' This has been overwritten: 'Wage, Kaufmann, gerecht und iiberbiet nicht die Ware.' Bought, 1895 Russia leather, with red morocco back and green lettering pieces; marbled end-papers. See no. 1902 [2231]
2693 Bellincinus (Bartholomaeus): De caritativo subsidio et decima beneficiorum. F°, 302 mm. 9 May 1489 P 7194 BM VII 1061 H* 2761 GW 3805 The table (A8) is bound at the beginning 'Francisci Antonii Romani Nocher' 'mine Antonii Frigo.' British Museum duplicate. Acquired by exchange, 1948 [4278] Modern boards
2694 Paganellus (Bartholomaeus): Deimperio Cupidinis. 40,203 mm. 23 May 1492 P* 7202 BM VII 1063 H* 12267 'Paterson's Auct: libr: Revd Mr Crofts. =14:= M. Wodhull Apr: 23rd 1783/ Given by C. E. Grant, 1910 [2232] 18th c. vellum
D I O N Y S I U S B E R T O C H U S , 5th press 2695 Capella (Martianus Mineus Felix): De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii. F°, 290 mm. 15 May 1500 P7215 BM VII 1068 H*437i 'Servire Deo regnare e[st]. W. Crashawe 1607/ Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 (?) 19th c. half calf
TURIN J O H A N N E S FABRI, L I N G O N E N S I S 2696 Savoy. Decreta Sabaudiae ducalia. F°, 288 mm. 17 Nov. 1477 P 7217 BM VII 1054 H 14050 Gaselee 176 Wants leaves 1, 166 & 180 (all blank) 'Ex libris Claudii Francisci •[...] I.U.D. et in Supremo Sabaudiae Senatu advocati.' 'Franciscus Desboys. Victoria pugnam. Dono accepit.. .a D. M. Bovardo 29 Augusti 1609 Doctoraturae sui anno primo.' 'Du Four in Senatu Camberiensi advocatus ibidemque Regius Juris Civilis professor.' G. Dunn. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 [4044] Modern calf
J A C O B I N U S SUIGUS & N I C O L A U S DE B E N E D I C T I S 2697 Alexander, de Sancto Elpidio: De ecclesiastica potestate. 40, 200 mm. 10 Feb. 1494 P7222 BM VII 1058 H6582 GW929 Leaf c2 is correctly signed (cf. BM note) Wants leaves 3-6 Acton Library, 1902 Modern cloth
2698 Juvenalis (Decimus Junius): Saturae [etc.]. F°, 296 mm. 8 Oct. 1494 P 7223 BM vn 1058 H 9707 'Arbore sub qua Dictarat cliricus a Quomodo primus a peccavit in arbore qua Et postremus a , natus de Virgine qua ^ r . . dam - • k Damna pnoris a Reperavit in arbore qua Si non primus a peccasset in arbore qua Non postremus a moreretur in arbore qua Hac guilielmus scot manu propria Bevar in tyme.' 'Gul. Ramsay.* 'Jo. Ramsay.' Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (2) with no. 2074. Modern half pigskin [2235]
PERUGIA PETRUS PETRI DE COLONIA & JOHANNES NICOLAI DE BAMBERGA 2699 Cepolla (Bartholomaeus): De servitutibus praediorum. F°, 398 mm. P7367 [Italy, unassigned] BM vi 876 GW 6494 [Vydenast & partners] Wants the first & last leaves (blank) 'Caroli paganelli.' Given by J. Charrington, 1924 Modern quarter vellum
STEFFEN ARNDES, 1st press 2700 Frezzi (Federico): Quadriregio. F°, 272 mm. 1481 BM vi 880 H 7362 Wants leaves 1-4, 60, 63 & 84 (1 & 84 blank) Painted arms on 5a: gules, a triple-towered double gateway argent. Armorial bookplate of Leigh (Franks 18000). Bought, 1895 Green morocco, by C. Hering [2236]
PIACENZA J A C O B U S DE TYELA 2701 Thomas, de Hibernia: Manipulus florum. F°, 239 mm. 5 Sept. 1483 P* 7237 BM VII 1072 H* 8542 Wants the first leaf (blank) 'Jo. Alberti Widmestadii' (i.e. Widmanstetter). Bought, 1892 16th c. stamped pigskin
PALERMO A N D R E A S VYEL 2702 Naso (Johannes): Consuetudines urbis Panhormi. 40, 184mm. 1478 HC11674 TFS 1901 y Wants the first quire (6 leaves?) and the last leaf (blank?) Honble Frederic North. Given by H. Bradshaw, 1868 i8thc. half calf
REGGIO EMILIA F R A N C I S C U S DE M A Z A L I B U S 2703 Appianus: De bellis civilibus. F°, 295 mm. 22 Oct. 1494 P*7254 BM VII 1088 H*I3O9 GW2294 Bought, 1899
Old vellum
2704 Scriptores rei rusticae. F°, 296 mm. 20 Nov. 1499 P* 7257 BM VII 1089 H* 14570 Gaselee 177 Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Old calf, rebacked
D I O N Y S I U S B E R T O C H U S , 4th press 2705
Scriptores rei rusticae. F°, 315 mm. 18 Sept. 1496 p* 7259 BM VII 1090 H14569 Sir B. C. Brodie. Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1939 18th c. red morocco, rebacked
2706 Aesopus: Fabulae electiores. (Greek & Latin.) 40, 204 mm. 1497 P*726o BMVII1091 H266 GW314 Wants the first leaf (letter of Bonus Accursius) Edmund McClure. Bought, 1923 19th c. half calf
CIVIDALE G E R A R D U S DE LISA 2707 Platina (Bartholomaeus de): De honesta voluptate. 40,198 mm. 24 Oct. 1480 P* 7266 BM VII 1094 H* 13052 * Platina Mei pauli spinet9 tar.' Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern vellum
Isidore (St): Cronaca con alcune addizioni. 4 , 196 mm. 24 Nov. 1480 P* 7267 BM VII 1094 H* 9308 'Pinelli Auction... =:7s:= M. Wodhull Feb: 9th 1790/ G. Dunn. A bookplate: within a pentagonal frame, an eagle perched on a jeweller's drill, initials BR (RafFaelo Bertieri). Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1947 17th c. calf [4262]
[CASAL DI SAN VASO] [ANTONIUS DE CORSIONO] *J)L* P 7268. Reattributed by BM to Simon Magniagus at Milan. See nos 2296-8
PISA G R E G O R I U S DE G E N T E 2709 Beccadelli (Antonio): Alfonsi regis dicta et facta. 40, 201 mm. 1 Feb. 1485 BM VII 1096 GW3752 Wants the first leaf (blank) Given by E. G. Duff, 1910 18th c. calf
AQUILA ADAM DE R O T T W E I L , 2nd press 2710 Plutarchus: Vitae parallelae. (Italian.) F°, 293 mm. 16 Sept. 1482 P 7277 BM VII 1097 H 13132 Wants leaves a lf a10, b 5 , L x , L 2 , L6_8 Rustat Fund, 1900 19th c. paper boards
EUSANIUS DE STELLA with JOHANNES PICARDUS & LOISIUS DE MASSON 2711 Aesopus moralisatus. (Latin & Italian.) F°, 265 mm. 31 May 1493 BM VII 1098 H*355 GW442 Bookplate of Philip, Lord Hardwicke (Franks 32869): from his library at Wimpole, Cambs., according to a note by S. Sandars. Sandars Bequest, 1894 18th c. red morocco [2245]
SIENA H E N R I C U S DE C O L O N I A 2712 Gabriel (Johannes): Clausulae epistolarum Ciceronis. 40, 205 mm. 7 Oct. I4[8]9 P* 7281 BM VII 1099 Bound (3) with nos 1829, etc.
H E N R I C U S D E HAARLEM 2713 Lupus (Johannes): De libertate ecclesiastica. F°, 299 mm. H 10346 a-c 6 d 4 ; 22 leaves. 3a: 190 x 134 mm., 42 lines, 2 columns. Type: 91G, with earlier form of final s ia: blank; i b : Reuerediflimo in xpo patri z dflo. diio fracifco fete | Roane eccle facti Euftachij Dyacono Cardinali eccle | Senen. digniflimo., archiepo. Johanes Lupi... | . . . S.P.D. I . . . (1. 34) . . .fenis fexto kls. Septebris Anno dni. M. | CCCC.LXXXXi. |; 2a: Dilectis filijs vicario veneabilis fratris | noftri arhiepi z podbus gubernatod cols | z capitaneo populi ciuitatis fenefis. | Dilecti filij falutem...; 7a (sig. b): omnes tagit de re. iu. lib. vi. z in. c. i. de cen |; 22b, col. 2,1. 40: . . .eftin | via z poterit cozzigi z faluari. £c. | a.b.c. funt terni. d. duernus. | Given by J. Charrington, 1931 Modern vellum [3700]
SIGISMUND R O D T 2714 Florus (Lucius Annaeus): Epitome. 40, 200 mm. P* 7290 BM VII 1102 H* 7201 2a illuminated, with arms: party per fesse nebuly gules and azure, a lion rampant argent (?). In a 19th c. hand: * Quondam ad usum A.R.P. Seraphini IvasovicV A woodcut label: a double-headed eagle displayed, crowned, with sceptre and orb. Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1949 Contemporary stamped calf (rope-work ornament), with traces of four clasps \43°9\
SONCINO J O S H U A S O L O M O N , OF S O N C I N O , 1st press 2715
Solomon ibn Gabirol: Mibhar ha-Peninim. 40, 184 mm. 14 Jan. 1484 P*7293 H 9369 = 11136 Rossi 1 9 St69i6, 1 K-T8 n 4 ; 60 leaves, the first blank Wants the blank Bought, 1877 19th c. calf
[2247] 0
2716 Jedaiah ben Abraham Bedarshi: Behinat 'Olam. 4 , 194 mm. 12 Dec. 1484 P* 7294 H 9368 Pol. 4059 Rossi 110 St 5670, 2 Given by C. F. Murray, 1916 Cloth
2717 Bible: Hebrew. Former Prophets. With the commentary of David Kimchi. F°, 310 mm. 15 Oct. 1485 P* 7298 H 13408 Rossi 112 St 3 K* 8 i 6 (Joshua); K 2 8 i 6 (Judges); K-n8 (Samuel); K-18 T12 (Kings); 168 leaves, 22 & 43 blank Wants leaf 22 Censors' marks of Dominico Irosolimitano (1595) and Clemente Carretto (1628). 'Simon Salvatore Finzi, 16 Feb. 1695' 19th c. half morocco [2249]
Another copy. 252 mm. Wants K1#2,7,8 & ^1 ofJoshua, also the two blanks From the collection of Isaac Pragi, bought by Parliament for the University 1647/8 [225*] Binding uniform with no. 2529. Bound (1) with no. 2719
2719 Bible: Hebrew. Latter Prophets. With the commentary of David Kimchi. F°, 252 mm. P* 7299 H 13410 Rossi 11 20 St 4 Ginsburg p. 806 K-W8 (Isaiah); K-t8 n 10 (Jeremiah); K-n8 B6 (Ezekiel); K-n8 D6 (Minor Prophets); 294 leaves, of which tt6 of Ezekiel is blank Wants Kx & g 8 of Isaiah (supplied in MS.), and 3X, 14 & t33H; of Minor Prophets Bound (2) with no. 2718 [2252] 2720
Another copy. 282 m m . Wants the last leaf (supplied in MS.) Given by H. Lipschiitz, 1868 19th c. half morocco
G E R S H O N B E N MOSES, OF S O N C I N O 2721 Moses ben Jacob de Coucy: Sefer Mitswot Gadol. F°, 268 mm. 19 Dec. 1488 P* 7306 H 9796 Rossi 1 23 St 6453, 2 K-r>8 V6 K-*O8 n^ 10 ; 280 leaves Wants leaf 157 (t7 of the second alphabet) Given by H. Lipschiitz, 1868 19th c. half calf
2722 Moses, Maimonides: Mishneh Torah. F°, 300 mm. 23 Mar. 1490 P 7308 H 10523 Rossi 1 30 St 6513, 2 . . . [ID4] m-tDD8 KtSD-ntDD8 [ ^ - n b 8 . . . ; 164 leaves Imperfect; books VIII-XIII & part of xiv only, as far as chapter 19 of Hilkot Sanhedrin Wants leaf niD58 and n% (both probably blank) * Abram Pisato/ Culemann 3741. Worts Fund, 1870 16th c. stamped calf, rebacked [225^]
2723 Isaac ben Solomon ibn Sahula: Mashal ha-Qadmoni. 40, 202 mm. K-^8 K*"6; 86 leaves Wants leaves 1-8, part of 9,16 & 17, all 18 & 23, part of 33, 67, 70 & 72, all 76, 80, 81 & 82, part of 83, all 85 & 86 Culemann 371. Worts Fund, 1870 Old limp vellum [2237]
Another copy. 193 mm. Wants leaves 1, 67 & 70 Censors' marks: 'gio. dom. vistorini 1610* & 'Dominico Irosolimitano' Bound (2) with no. 2527
CHIVASSO J A C O B I N U S SUIGUS 2725 Angelus, de Clavasio: Summa angelica de casibus conscientiae. 40, 212 mm. 13 May i486 P* 7323 BM VII m i H 5382 GW 1923 Leaf A2a: [ 3 ] Rregularitas2 e im- | pedi | metu feu repulfio... (cf. no. 2726) Wants leaves 1 (blank) & 2, z12 & 377-8 (both blank) 'Hie liber est mei Fedorici qui si casus amitter [...] in aliquorumque manus perveniret qui me non agnoschant veniat in caudelonge iuxtaque domum quorumdam Charbonariorum meam inveniet habitationem...' Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1913 Contemporary stamped calf; vellum flyleaves from a MS. lectionary {circa 1200) [2259] 2726
A n o t h e r , variant, c o p y . 210 m m . Gaselee 178 Quires A-C (and perhaps others) are a different setting, e.g. A2a: (e3) Rregularitas2 eft | im I pedirhtu feu repulfio... Wants Ax and the blank leaves 1, 377 & 378 'Jo. Jacobi Bruneti [...].' Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 19th c. quarter calf [4047]
SCANDIANO P E R E G R I N U S DE P A S Q U A L I B U S , 3rd press 2727 Appianus: Historia Romana. F°, 312 mm. 10 Jan. 14(95] P* 7325 BM VII 1118 (IB. 36201a) H 1310 GW 2292 Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (2) with nos 2075, etc. Modern half pigskin
FORLl P A U L U S G U A R I N U S & J O H A N N E S J A C O B U S DE B E N E D I C T I S 2727-5 Ferettus (Nicolaus): Commentariola isagogica de ordine et junctura compositionis ornatae. 40, 203 mm. 16 Apr. 1495 P 7327 BM VII 1120 (with variations) H* 6973 Leaves 1 & 2 have the settings described by Hain (cf. BM note) Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1950 Modern green morocco
UNKNOWN PLACES JOSEPH & NERIA HAYYIM MORDECAI AND HEZEKIAH DE VENTURO 2728 Bible: Hebrew. Psalms. With the commentary ofDavid Kimchi. F°, 273 mm. 29 Aug. 1477 P* 7330 H 13451 Rossi 15 St 1 Ginsburg pp. 780-94 [a**1 b-e 8 f10 g-p 8 q6 r-t 8 ]; 153 leaves Wants leaf 2 ([aj) Censors' marks: 'Dominico Irosolomitano 1595/ 'Alessandro Scipione 1595/ For the epigraphs in this book see S. M. Schiller-Szinessy, The.first book of the Psalms.. .critically edited (Cambridge, 1883), pp. xiv-xvi From the collection of Isaac Pragi, bought by Parliament for the University 1647/8 Binding uniform with no. 2529 [2261] % * P* 7333. Reattributed by BM to Dominicus de Siliprandis at Padua. See nos 2567-8 *** P 7345, 7346, 7348. Reattributed by BM to Printer of the 1471 Mesue at Florence. See nos 2327-9 *** P 7367. Reattributed by BM & GW to Perugia. See no. 2699 % * P 7371. Reattributed by BM to Venice. See no. 2231 *+* Pf 7376. Reattributed by BM & GW to France. See no. 3288 *** P 7379- Reattributed by BM to M. Le Noir at Paris. See no. 3087
2729 Bartholomaeus, de Pisis: Summa de casibus conscientiae. 40 & F°, 287 mm. 21 Oct. 1473 P*7389 BMVIH123 H*2526 GW 3450 'Scti Aug. iporegie Ad usum fratris octaviani de sancto georgio. diocesis yporegiensis [i.e. San Giorgio Canavese?]: sacri ordinis heremitarum scti Augustini. Fr. Tadeus de Iporegia. V.G.' (v. no. 2278). MS. table by Fr. Octavianus and other MS. additions (including Johannes Andreae's Super arboribus consanguinitatis et ajfinitatis).
Rustat Fund, 1914 19th c. calf
G. Dunn.
ITALY (UNKNOWN PLACES) *^* P* 7405. Reattributed by BM to Damianus de Moyllis at Parma. See nos 2576-7 *** P* 7408. Reattributed by BM to Venice. See no. 2230 *** P 7422. Reattributed by BM to Venice. See no. 2232 2730
Moses, Maimonides: Moreh Nebukim. 40, 238 mm. Pf7435 H 10521 Rossi 11 7 St 6513, 100 [a-p 10 q 6 ]; 156 leaves, the first and last blank Wants leaves 2 (beginning of text) and (supplied in MS.) 153-4, also the first & last leaves; leaf 3 defective and repaired. Leaves 4-149 numbered (in a 19th c. hand) 1-146; leaves 150-5 (including 153-4 in MS.) numbered 1-6 Rustat Fund, 1868 Cloth [2278] Sccundo jpbdtrimue cp in Dtutnfc no fun nifitrce gfom attedenoo ad noU group cap. g p ippeutee pp p zinnia ill* f u t in Oimme funt gfectiffima g il* que funt % i fu mo efle, S 3 ft client plurcp p:ee vel plfee filtj vt>lureo fpc feu am eft neemm cile plrco p:ee yf plurce filtj v tf plfco Ip* fa aut no* S i no c ncciuin coo cflc plrce non funt^q: quic<^ elt in Dinie clt ncctu % no jtingene S i eft ncciu coe ce plfca 0 in nullo zepif gfecu complcu £ t tolie zaco pimtatu filia cioni* 1 fpiracie g nulluo eft pfectue p: nullue*pfcct9 filiuo nuUu6«pfcctue Ipo fcuo«£jc quo no fufftcit vnuo p:\ncc ?U9 filiue nee vnue fpc fdie.Q nullue pfme bonue lUi'ua pfeae DDucit»nuilu0 pfcac p:oducif•mliie pfecte t>at nee zedpit 7. Type-specimen (Inc. 2732)
D a v i d ben Joseph Kimchi: Sefer ha-Shorashim. F°, 361 mm. H6032 Rossi 11 13 St 4821, 42 [a-s 1 0 t 8 ]; 188 leaves Wants leaves 1 (probably blank) & 186-8 (possibly blank) 'Lumley.' Given by John, Lord Lumley, 1597 Calf, circa 1700, rebacked
Lullius (Raimondus): De probatione articulorum fidei. 40, 184 mm. a b 8 c 10 ; 26 leaves. 3a: 121 x 82 mm., 34 lines. 20 lines = 71 mm. Type: seefig.7 ia: [red] IncipittractatusdominiRaymudiLulhj. Depaobacione | articulo^ Fidei catholice per neceffarias raciones Sanctif- | fimo [...] Bonifacio octauo directus. | [ 6] [black] Vfcipiat fublimis apex ?euerenda corona. | Ecclie quod fancta fides aomana miniftrat. | . . . ; 9a (sig. b x ): mala z cotraria ad o^daacionem dei. nee ab aliq quo poffet |; 26b, 1. 19: .. .ad cuius lumen ambulantes infideles couerfi nobifcum | fecuri occurrant eidem domino ihu xpo Cui eft hono? z glo | ?ia per omnia feculozum fecula. Amen. | Modern half morocco \2274\ 461
2733 Prosper (St): Epigrammata de virtutibus et vitiis. 40, 200 mm. R 297 [Florence] a-c 8 d 6 ; 30 leaves. 20 lines = 106 mm. Roman type, single Qu |, perhaps Haebler iv 304 (3) (printer of Guarinus, Regulae, Cop. 2809) Wants the last leaf (blank) Bought, 1892 Modern half morocco [2276]
2734 Frezzi (Federico): Quadriregio. F°, 272 mm. a4 a-m 6 ; 76 leaves. 2a: 241 x 158 mm., 44 lines, 2 columns. 20 lines = 110 mm. Roman type, separate Q | u ia: f L I B R O C H I A M A T O Q V A T R I R E G I O DEL | D E C O R S O DE LA VITA H V M A N A | I N T E R Z A R I M A | ; i b : ([ Quefti fono li Capitoli ouer Rubrice di | quefto Primo libro. | . . . ; 4b, col. 2,1. 27: ([ Finita la Tauola delli capitoli |; 5a: ( [ I N C O M I N C I A el libro Ititulato Qua | triregio del decorfo della uitta humana Di I mefTer Federico Fratre dellordine di fancto | Domenico... (1.19) (L8) A D E A CHE EL ter* | zo ciel uolgedo moue. | . . . ; 11a (sig. b): Fa che le nymphe tue habbin la gloria | Wants g2,5> h-5> an<^ m 5,6 of the (partly conjectural) collation given above 19th c. half vellum [2277]
2735 Breviarium Moguntinum. 8°, 146 mm. GW5395 'Liber spectat ad dnm Johannem Blanckwalt de Fulda', with notes of births, etc.; also, on 12 pages at the end: 'Veneracio Scte Crucis Seruatur In die Scti Theodori martiris Nona Nouembris. Sequitur hystoria...' Bookplate of Henry Stevens of Vermont. Rustat Fund, 1884 Contemporary stamped pigskin
SWITZERLAND BASEL BERTHOLD RUPPEL 2736 Bible: Latin. 2 vols. F°, 378 mm. P* 7445 BM in 714 H* 3045 GW 4207 Leaf n o (blank) cut away; without the four leaves of rubrics MS. additions at end (lists of Epistles & Gospels). The chapters of the New Testament divided into sections by MS. marginalia (capital letters) 'Augiae Minoris.' Bookplate: B A Z W (cf. no. 32). J. E. Millard. Given by F. Jenkinson, 1891 Paper boards, circa 1700, pigskin back & silk ties [2280]
2737 Bartholomaeus, Anglicus: De proprietatibus rerum. F°, 405 mm. P*7452 BM in 716 H*2499 GW 3402 Wants quire [p] (supplied in contemporary MS.), also leaf 217 (blank) 'de libris dni Seifridi Hegler 1503.' 'Conventus Seemanshausensis.' 'Fr. Bernardus Kappiis Aqnensis Eremitarum ord. D. Augustini hie Seemanshausen visus Anno 1619. 14 Julii' ' [2281] Contemporary stamped calf, spine painted white
MICHAEL WENSSLER 2738 Albertus, Magnus: De laudibus B.V.M. F°, 275 mm. P7465 BM in 721 H*462 GW679 Given by J. Charrington, 1916 18th c. red morocco
2739 Proba Falconia: Vergilii centones. F°, 259 mm. P*7469 BM111720 H*69O3 Rustat Fund, 1868 Wrappers
2740 Arnoldi (Henricus): De modo perveniendi ad veram dilectionem. 40, 173 mm. P 7475 BM in 719 H* 11491 GW 2511 With the following readings (y. GW Anm.): operibus; oculi; tua; ogationes; deutionem Wants the first & last leaves (blank); misbound Bound (2) with nos 454, etc, [2284]
2741 Justinianus: Institutiones. F°, 379 mm. 31 May 1476 P* 7479 BM m 723 H* 9500 GW 7594 Rustat Fund, 1872 19th c. half roan
2742 Gregory I X : Decretales. F°, 480 mm. 19 Aug. 1478 P*7486 BM m 725 H*8oo4 Varying from BM on 2a: . . . ppilacio... The first leaf (blank) cut away *J- H. Mfiddleton]. 1893/ G. Dunn. Jenkinson Fund, 1935 Contemporary stamped pigskin
2743 Durandus (Guilelmus): Rationale divinorum officiorum. F°, 380 mm. P7493 BM in 725 H*6464 GW9110 Wants the first leaf (blank) Acquired before 1700 Old calf, rebacked
2744 Breviarium Constantiense. F°, 302 mm. P7499 BM in 730 GW5318 Pars aestivalis only
With Buxheim stamp and coloured bookplate; above the latter: * Breviarium istud comparatum expensis domini Hilprandi brandenburg iam donati in bushaim Ord. Carthus. datus ab eodem confratemitati Sanctae annae iam in bibraco existenti. Oretur pro eo et pro quibus desideravit...' (see no. 12), Given by F. Jenkinson, 1891 Contemporary stamped pigskin; fragments of MS. Legenda (circa 1200) at ends [2287]
Graduale Romanum. F°, 397 mm. 12 Mar. 1488 P7516 BM in 731 Wants leaf 122 (blank) 'Anno 1495 emptus.' 'Es ist zu wissen das der ersam man Michahel schadelin hat gelt geben als er von disser welt welt schaiden als vil als den der sum ist da mit ers bezalt hatt zu lob unsser lieben fro wen. Als man zalt... 1497 Jar.' ' Carthusiae in Buxhaim.' Additional leaf inserted at end with MS. music, signed 'Jfog bechter 1516/ Given by the Rev. J. H. Ellis, 1910
Green velvet over wooden boards
2746 Missale ad usum Sarum. F°, 348 mm. P*75i9 BM in 732 Duff 321 A fragment only; leaf Gx & part of G2
2747 Vocabularius utriusque juris. F°, 301 mm. Cop. 6358 (with variations) [a-h8 i10 k-q 8 r s10 t-z 8 A 8 B 1 0 ]; 208 leaves, the first (and last?) blank Wants the last leaf 'Pinelli Auction. =:8s= bind: = : i 6 = 1:4:= M. Wodhull Apr. 13th 1789/ Sandars Bequest, 1894 Bound (1) with no. 2675. Russia, with armorial stamp of M. Wodhull [22go]
2748 Vigiliae mortuorum secundum chorum ecclesiae Maguntinae. 40, 200 mm. a _ e 8fi2.
^2 l eaves> the first probably blank. 5a: 148x97111111., 19 lines. Type: 158. Woodcut initials (39 x 36 mm.), also another set, some with grotesques; three sets of Lombardic initials. Printed notes & staves 2a: [red] Incipiunt vigilie mortuoru fecundu | choru ecclefie Maguntifi. Sup ps an | [black] (P) beneath music lacebo Enouae. [red] ps | (D5) [black] Ilexi quonia exaudiet | dominus: vocem orati | onis m e e . . . ; 9a (sig. b x ): beneath music patres veftri probauerut et viderut |; 52a, 1. 4 of text: (C) beneath music lamates t dice tes adue | music | nifti redeptor nofter. Qui |; 52b: blank Wants the first leaf MS. music (in a late hand) on 52b and on 10 leaves inserted at the end Kloss. Rustat Fund, 1868 [2291] Half calf (Kloss)
2749 Cato (Dionysius): Disticha. F°, 304 mm. P 431 [Strassburg, Pr. of Vitas Patrum] BM1 100 & 111 729 H* 4712 GW 6279 Wants mm 2 & mm 7 Rustat Fund (lot 880 at Sotheby's), 9 May 1917 Calf, circa 1700, stamp of the abbey of Le Pare (near Louvain) erased from covers [143]
2750 Armandus, de Bellovisu: De declaratione difficilium terminorum. 8°, 149 mm. 1 Mar. 1491 P 7588 [Amerbach] BM111733 H* 1793 GW2501 Wants ax (title-page) and y 8 (blank) Short contemporary MS. addition at end, 'Theologiae misticae materia brevis/ Venn Collection, 1888 Stamped pigskin, with the label and armorial stamps of the Benedictines of Ebersberg [2310] 2751
A n o t h e r c o p y . 135 m m . Wants the last leaf (blank) Acquired before 1700 17th c. calf
M i s s a l e Basiliense. F°, 344 m m . Cop. 4092 WB 155 [*6] a-0 10 [**6] I 1 0 H 1 0 L-S 1 0 ; 252 leaves. 8a: 247x168 mm., 37 lines; 148a (Canon): 232x148 mm., 25 lines. Types: 134 (two founts), 185 (Canon), 130 (end of Canon). See Haebler 1 17 (footnote) and B M m 718 (end of note on types). The type 130 is not BM 130? (P3). 2 columns, except in Calendar and Canon ia: [red] Ianuarius habet dies xxxj. luna. xxx. | . . . ; 7a: [ 7] [black] D te leuaui aiam | mea deus meus 1 | te cofido no eru- | befcam. necp irri | deant me inimici | m e i . . . ; 148a: [ 7] E igitur clementiflime | pater per iefum chziftu | filiu tuu dnm nfm fup | plices rogamus...; 153a: [ 6] Omin9fecus mare | gallilee vidit duos | fratres petru et an-1 drea... 195b: [red] Incipit comune fanctoaum in | vigilia apostoloaum. | [ 7] [black] go aut ficut oliua I fructificaui in do | mo domini...; 236a: [red] In natiuitate domini in p*i- | mo catu Sequentia. | [ 8 ] [black] Rates nuc | omnes red | damus do- | mio deo 4 I fua
BASEL natiui- | tate nos li | berauit...; 252a, col. 2,1. 34: . . . [ ]ic vox leticie gfo- | nat. [ ]ic pax et gaudia redu- | dat. [ ]ac domo trinitati laus | et gloria femg refultant. | Wants leaf 147 (woodcut of the Crucifixion, supplied in facsimile) ' W . H. J. Weale.' Aldenham House. Given by A. F. Scholfield, 1937 Contemporary stamped pigskin [4186]
BERNHARD RICHEL 2753 Bible: Latin. 2 vols. F°, 394 mm. 1475 P* 7524 BM m 736 (IC. 37158) H* 3053 GW 4215 (Anm.) The last quire (*6 of the BM collation, cc6 of the GW's) is bound first * Comparatus est liber iste sub expensis... doctoris Wilhelmi Cewers (in another inscription 'tzewers', i.e. Textoris, cf. no. 281) de Aquisgrani sancte theologie professoris In alma universitate basilien. Anno lxxvj...', with another note recording his gift of this and other books to the Chapter & Fabric of St Adalbertus in 1480, the first year of his residence as 'insignis ecclesiae B.M.V. Aquensis canonicus'; also a copy of a document, dated 1 June 1222, by ' C . Episc. Meten. ac Spiren.' relating to the gifts to be made by each King of the Romans on his coronation to the Chapters of the B.V.M. and St Adalbertus at Aachen. Sunderland Library Red morocco (Sunderland) [2292]
2754 Speculum humanae salvationis. (German.) F°, 370 mm. 31 Aug. 1476 P* 7530 BM in 737 H* 14936 Wants the first leaf (blank) and the last (register) J. S. Burra. Given by J. Charrington, 1916 16th c. stamped pigskin
2755 Bible: Latin. F°, 405 mm. 8 Sept. 1477 P*7532 BM111 737 (IC. 37178) H*3O64 GW4228 Imperfect and very fragile; many leaves defective Royal Library, 1715 Contemporary wooden boards (defective)
Part of another copy. 404 mm. Gaselee 183 Leaves 1-237 (Genesis-Psalms) only. leaf [n10] is a cancel
Quire [d] bound between quires [a] & [b];
Bookplate: Bihliotheca Bartholdi Nicolai Krohn Past, ad D. Mar. Magdal. Hamburgi (a larger
plate than Warnecke 1071). Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Old calf, rebacked
2757 Petrus, de Bergamo: Tabula operum Thomae Aquinatis. F°, 297 mm. 4 Dec. 1478 P*7533 BM in 738 H*28i8 Acquired about 1865 Contemporary stamped pigskin
2758 Hugo, de Sancto Caro: Postilla super evangelia. F°, 382 mm. 10 Jan. 1482 P*7537 BM in 738 H*8975 Wants leaves 151-338 (Super Lucam) Old labels: H.F., with shelf-marks. Museo Cavaleri. Bought, 1908 Old vellum
2759 Rolewinck (Werner): Fasciculus temporum. F°, 287 mm. 20 Feb. 1482 P*7538 BM in 738 H*6932 W. H. Dutton. G. Dunn. Bought, 1922 19th c. half calf
2760 Petrus, Lombardus: Sententiae. F°, 306 mm. P* 7696 [Kesler] BM 111 739 H* 10185 Collation varies from BM: [a10 b 8 . . . ] Wants leaf 104 (blank) 'Monasterii Ilbenstadiensis.' Given by F. Jenkinson, 1891 Contemporary stamped calf
M A R T I N FLACH 2761 Bernard (St), of Clairvaux: Speculum de honestate vitae [etc.]. 4°, 204 mm. BM in 740 H* 2900 GW 4071 (Anm.) * Liber regalis Monasterii S. Petri Erfordiae.' Given by J. Charrington, 1930 Modern quarter cloth
2762 Adolphus, de Nassau: Copia indulgentiarum de institutione festi praesentationis B.V.M. 40, 188 mm. H*89 Pell. 50 [a 1 0 b 8 ]; 18 leaves (i.e. without the two leaves of prayers at the end described by Hain & Pellechet) Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1946 Paper boards [4237]
2763 Thomas (St), Aquinas: Summa de articulis fidei [etc.]. F°, 276 mm. P* 755° BM m 741 H* 1430 Bound (2) with no. 147
2764 HLodeticvLS,Zamorensis: Speculum humanae vitae. F°, 258 mm. 28 Nov. 1475 P* 7554 BM in 741 H* 13944 Leaf 101 misbound between leaves 41 & 42 * Monasterii in riffenstein.' British Museum duplicate, transferred 1889 Quarter forrel 467
[2299] 30-2
J O H A N N AMERBACH 2765 Reuchlin (Johann): Vocabularius breviloquus [etc.]. F°, 304 mm. 1478 P 7556 BM in 745 Gaselee 184 'Doctoris Rotplecz' (c£ Historisch-Biographisches Lexicon der Schweiz, vol. v (1929), p. 720, s.v. Rothpletz). * Cosmo Alexander Gordon, 1905', with his label. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Contemporary stamped pigskin [4053]
2766 Bible: Latin. F°, 270 mm. 1479 P*7557 BM in 745 (IB. 37256) H* 3075 GW4236 Quires a-D (Genesis-Psalms) only; wants the first leaf (blank) 'Conventus Hammonensis' (i.e. the Franciscans of Hamm). Culemann 1811. Worts Fund, 1870 [2300] Old vellum
2767 Bible: Latin. F°, 286 mm. 1481 P 7560 BM in 745 (IB. 37264) H* 3081 = 3083 GW 4246 Leaf B 5 to the end (Psalms-Apocalypse & Interpretationes) only; wants the last leaf (blank) Bought, 1909 Calf, circa 1700 [2301]
2768 Nider (Johannes): Praeceptorium divinae legis. F°, 289 mm. 1481 P 7561 BM in 746 H* 11793 Wants the first leaf (blank) Adams Bequest, 1892 19th c. morocco
2769 Vincentius, Bellovacensis: Opuscula. 2 vols. F°, 289 mm. 13 Dec. 1481 P*7562 BM in 746 19th c. half calf 2770
B i b l e : Latin.
F°, 273 m m .
[2303] 1482
P*7563 BM in 746 HF3086 GW4248 Leaves 64 & 6 7 duplicated between 656c66. Wants the first & last leaves (blank) Contemporary MS. prayers at the beginning Royal Library, 1715 17th c. calf
2771 Cassianus (Johannes): De institutis coenobiorum [etc.]. F°, 304 mm. 1485 P*7567 BM m 748 H*4562 GW6160 'Johannes Brene vetus coenobium.' 'Thomas Ward.' Royal Library, 1715 i8thc. half calf
2772 Bible: Latin. F°, 306 mm. i486 P*757i BM in 749 H*3O94 GW4258 A fragment only; the last four quires (leaves 505-38, wanting 529-32 & 535-8) containing Interpretationes Hebraicorum nominum
Bound (2) with no. 206
2773 Petrus, Comestor: Historia scholastica. F°, 278 mm. After 25 Nov. i486 P*7572 BM in 749 H5537 Wants the last leaf (blank) 'Ex libris Jonathan Goff.' Royal Library, 1715 17th c. calf
2774 Holkot (Robert): Super Sapientiam Salomonis. F°, 309 mm. 1489 P7583 BM111751 KP8758 Wants the last leaf (blank) Leaves y 4 & y 5 duplicated in the middle of quire o 'Codex A hilton p r e t . [ . . . ] ' Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 16th c. calf
Augustine (St): De civitate Dei. F°, 303 m m . 13 Feb. 1490 P*7585 BM in 752 H*2066 GW2888 Bound (2) with no. 2776
Augustine (St): D e trinitate. F°, 303 m m . 1490 P*7586 BM m 753 H*2O39 GW2928 'Jo. Harrison.' Royal Library, 1715 Bound (1) with no. 2775. Calf, circa 1700, rebacked
*** P 7588. Reattributed by BM & GW to Michael Wenssler. See nos 2750-51
2777 Cassiodorus (Magnus Aurelius): Expositio in Psalterium. F°, 268 mm. 1491 P*759i BM in 753 H*4574 GW6163 Wants quires bb & cc 'Johannes Payen pret. 6s.' Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Calf, circa 1800
Another copy. 278 mm. Stamp: Ex Bibl. Univ. Viad. Vrat. Rev. J. N. Coleman. From the library of F. Jenkinson, 1923 Stamped pigskin, with armorial panels lettered (upper cover) V.G.G. Iohan Georg Herzog zu Brande, (lower) V.G.G. Angus Herzog zu Saxen [2313]
2779 Bricot (Thomas): Textus abbreviatus totius logices Aristotelis. 8°, 156 mm. 1492 H*3967 GW5530 'In usum FF. Mettensium.' Venn Collection, 1888 19th c. calf
Ambrose (St): Opera. 3 vols. F°, 295 mm. 1492 P*7592 BM in 753 H*896 GW 1599 Gaselee 185 Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Contemporary stamped calf, rebacked
2781 Ambrose (St): Opera. Another copy of vol. 3. 314 mm. Wants the second ax 'Tho. Lewgar.' Royal Library, 1715 19th c. half calf
2782 Bertholdus: Zeitglocklein des Lebens und Leidens Christi. 8°, 151mm. 1492 P 7596 BM in 754 H* 16278 (1)=7510 GW 4168 'Catharina Stoltzin/ Culemann 583. From the library of H. Bradshaw, 1886 Bound (1) with nos 2783 & 2784. 18th c. calf
2783 Bridget (St): Orationes. (German.) 8°, 151 mm. P 7597 BM in 754 H* 16278 (2) GW 4386 Bound (2) with nos 2782, etc.
2784 Mary, the Blessed Virgin. Andachtiges und fruchtbares Lob der Glieder Mariae. 8°, 151 m m . P7598 BM in 754 H* 16278 (3)? Bound (3) with nos 2782, etc.
2785 Reuchlin (Johann): Capnia sive De verbo mirifico. F°, 288 mm. P7600 BM111755 H* 13880 Bequeathed by K. Pearson, 1936 Modern quarter morocco 2786
A n o t h e r c o p y . 290 m m . Given by Paul Hirsch, 1949 Vellum, by D. Cockerell & Son, 1937
2787 Trithemius (Johannes): De scriptoribus ecclesiasticis. F°, 285 mm. 1494 P* 7601 BM in 755 H* 15613 Wants the last leaf (blank) Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf 2788
A n o t h e r c o p y . 310 m m . Wants the last leaf (blank) Royal Library, 1715 Bound (3) with nos 1946, etc. Modern half pigskin
*** P* 7604. Doubtfully reattributed by BM & GW to Michael Furter. See no. 2827 2789
A u g u s t i n e (St): Sermones. F°, 309 m m .
P*76o5 BM in 756 H*2oo8 GW2920 Pts vi (De tempore) & VII (De sanctis) only. Pt vi wants the first leaf (title) Bought, 1908 Contemporary English stamped calf (defective), with lattice stamps within lozenge compartments; an oblong stamp with (left) a branch with conventional foliage and a flower, (right) a wyvern with body to right, looking backwards; no vertical lines on spine [2321]
2790 Philelphus (Johannes): Epistolarium novum. 40, 208 mm. 1495 P 7607 BM in 756 H* 12979 Wants the last leaf (blank) Acton Library, 1902 19th c. calf
2791 Petrarca (Francesco): Opera Latina. F°, 282 mm. 1496 P*76o8 BM in 757 H 12749 Wants a1? b 2 & b 5 (all of the first alphabet), the first leaf (Ax, title) and the last (blank). F4 misbound after the quire second c 'Wyllyam Gruffyths.' Adams Bequest, 1892 Contemporary Cambridge stamped calf (rebacked), with lattice and half lattice stamps within lozenge compartments, and a border composed of an oblong stamp bearing lattice ornament with foliage (Oldham, pi. XLV 15, LIII 159) [2323]
Another copy. 276 mm. Wants quires first A, B & C, and (supplied in contemporary MS.) second A & B. The last three quires (fourth A-C) bound at the beginning, with Ax cut down and mounted. F4 misbound after the quire second c Royal Library, 1715 18th c. half calf, re-using older boards (circa 1600) which retain the impression of a large ornament (circa 170 x 120 mm.) with blank central oval [2324]
Bible: Latin. With the commentary of Hugo de Sancto Car0. 7vols. F°, 327 m m . P*76i3 BM in 759 H3175 GW4285 * Georgius Gardiner' (i.e. George Gardiner, Dean of Norwich from 1573 to 15 89). ' Samuel Stallon. Sperando spiro operando despero...' * Thomas Lake.' Royal Library, 1715 17th c. calf [2323]
2794 Bromyard (Johannes de): Summa praedicantium. 2 vols. F°, 367 mm. P 7615 BM in 747 H* 3993 'MonasteriiRanshouen.' Acton Library, 1902 Contemporary ruled pigskin, with clasps
*** P* 7623. Reattributed by BM to Kilian Fischer at Freiburg im Breisgau. See no. 1339 ***P7623A. Reattributed by BM to Michael Furter. See no. 2835 *** P 7624. Reattributed by BM to Jacobus de Pforzheim. See no. 2820
2795 Diaz de Montalvo (Alonso): Repertorium quaestionum super Nicolaum de Tudeschis. F°, 341 mm. P 7628 BM m 749 (IB. 37308) H* 11566 GW 8308 Collation differs from BM: E 10 , 222 leaves (as GW) 'Johannes Gotlandie...' 'Usui Fratrum Minorum Reformatorum Conventus Neofor. (i.e. Neumarkt in Bavaria) Deputatus ad prata.' Acton Library, 1902 16th c. stamped calf, the upper board lettered 'Regtoaiu abbatis' [2329]
2796 Augustine (St): Expositio in evangelium secundum Johannem. F°, 300 mm. P*763O BM ra 753 H*i982 GW2912 Wants the last leaf (blank) Bookplate: Ex Bibliotheca Mallersdorf. Monasterii O.S.B. (Warnecke 1233). Bought, 1915 16th c. stamped pigskin, rebacked [2330]
Bernardinus, Senensis: Sermones de caritate. F°, 311 mm. P*763i BM in 752 H*2827 GW3886 *Ad Bibliothecam Monasterii S. Mich: Archang: prope Bamb: O.S.B/ F. Jenkinson, 1891 Contemporary stamped calf, rebacked with old pigskin
Given by [2331]
A r s oratoria. 4 0 , 197 m m . P7634 BM in 750 H*i858 GW2667 Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (9) with nos 3889, etc. Modern half morocco
2799 Bertholdus: Horologium devotionis. 8°, 154 mm. P*7635 BM in 753 H*2990(i) = *2993=*8928 GW4175 Bound (1) with no. 2802. 19th c. morocco
Another copy. 158 mm. Bound (2) with nos 2801, etc.
2801 Thomas, a Kempis: Meditationes de vita et beneficiis salvatoris. 8°, 158 mm. P 7636 BM in 752 H* 10992=*299O (2) Bound (1) with nos 2800 & 2803. Contemporary stamped calf, with scroll Maria hilffuns [2335]
Another copy. 154 mm. Bound (2) with no. 2799
Gerardus, Zutphaniensis: De spiritualibus ascensionibus. 8°, 158 mm. P7638 BM in 752 H* 16296 Bound (3) with nos 2801, etc.
*** P 7640. Reattributed by BM to Jacobus de Pforzheim. See no. 2821 % * P* 7644. Reattributed by BM to Michael Furter. See no. 2825
2804 Philelphus (Franciscus): Orationes et opuscula. 40, 213 mm. P*7645 BM in 757 H*i29i8 'Iste liber constat Thome Newton.' 'Gulielmus Cecilius' (i.e. William Cecil, 1st Baron Burghley). Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf [2339]
Anselm (St): Opuscula. 4 0 , 206 m m . P*7648 BM m 759 H*ii36 GW2033 i8thc. half calf 472
2806 Ficinus (Marsilius): De triplici vita. 40, 200 mm. P* 7650 BM in 759 H* 7063 Stamps: (1) in a circle: Bundesdenkmalamt (at Vienna); (2) in a cartouche: beneath a coronet, Whdyshw Hrabia Bieliriski. Bought, 1933 16th c. wooden boards backed with stamped pigskin (renaissance ornament) [3753]
2807 Porphyrius, Tyrius: Isagoge in Aristotelis Praedicamenta [etc.]. (Libri artis logicae Porphyrii et Aristotelis.) F°, 276 mm. P 7651 BM m 756 H* 9919=13300 'Ex perquisito fratris Willelmi Columpton.' Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 18th c. calf
J O H A N N BESICKEN, 1st press 2808 Moesch (Johannes): De horis canonicis dicendis. 40, 210mm. 'Circa Mid-Lent', 1483 P*7652 BM111760 H*ii533 Stamp: VF monogram in a wreath. Bought, 1891 Paper boards
N I C O L A U S KESLER 2809 Meffreth: Sermones de tempore et de sanctis. 2 vols. F°, 284 & 289 mm. P 7656? BM in 764 (IB. 37579)? H* 10999? Pol. 2654-5 Vol. 1. Pars hiemalis (bound second): Pol. 2654 as corrected by his errata, save that the text ends at col. 1 (not col. 2) of 220a. Parsaestivalis (bound first): Aa10 Bb-Zz 8 1-78 AA-HH 8 II 10 ; 316 leaves, ia: Sermones Meffret. als Chtulus | regine de repose pars Eftiualis. |; 2a: Xpurgate vetus | fermentu vt fitis | noua confgfio ficut eftis azimi.j. Corf. v. So= | linus li. vij. de mirabilibus...; n a (sig. Bb): Ideo Ofee. ij. dick dfis. Sepia viam tuam fpi* |; 298b, 1. 54: p infinita feculoi* fecula Amen. Anno domini | lxxvj. in ilia fylba har fb octauis ephie erhar. |; 299a: [ 2] Bene eft ani | mal crudele fel in aure habes... |; 315b, col. 2, 1. 34: qz arte magica adinuenit. 8E. Finis. | Mellifluos fruct 9 ... (1. 51) . • .fi fo*te requiris | Regine MefFret hoatulus. ipfe Vale. |; 316: blank Pars hiemalis wants the title-page and the last leaf (blank) ' Orate pro fratre Johanne [... ] de bruxella Carmelita [...].' ' Carmeli nre dne ad Mulum dono Carmeli Antuerpiensis' (presumably the Carmelites of Mulen or Ter Muylem in the. forest of Liedekerke. Cf. A. Sanderus, Chorographia sacra Brabantiae, 11 (1727), p. 224, col. 2). Given by F. Jenkinson, 1891 17th c. calf Vol. 2. De sanctis. Pol. 2655 (3), but reading 'Meffreth' in the title; Nn 8 (as Polain, not NN 8 as BM) 'Pro dno Bartholomeo Cappellano In Hasslach' 'sed modo Iacobus de Bitf digne et lustre possidett Ab anno Salutifero 1504.' Bought, 1914 16th c. stamped pigskin, with panels (76 x 42 mm.): (upper board) Justice, with legend IVSTICIE Q V I S Q V I S | P I C T V R A M L V M I N E | C E R N I S D I C DEVS 1562 | and initials C K W ; (lower board) Lucrece, with legend CASTA T V L I T M A G N A | F O R M A E L V C R E T I A | LAVDE ACTAT 1562 | [2344]
2810 Guilelmus, Parisiensis: Postilla. F°, 271 mm. 14 Aug. i486 P7657 BM in 764 HF8264 Wants the first two and the last two leaves (the last blank) Bound (2) with no. 236
2811 Reuchlin (Johann): Vocabularius breviloquus [etc.], F°, 315 mm. i486 Pf 7658 Cop. 6291 (with variations) Aa6 a10 b-d 8 d8-f8 f (g) 2 g-p 8 pp 8 q8 r 8 z8 f8 s8 fT8 t-z 8 A-M 8 ; 330 leaves, the last blank Contemporary wooden boards, backed with calf [234^]
Meffreth: Sermones de tempore et de sanctis. 2 vols. F°, 303 m m . 20 Jan. 1487 P7659 BM in 764 (IB. 37585)
Wants Pars aestivalis
'Rupertus Stainpeckh.' Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1935 Contemporary stamped calf, with brass corner-pieces 2813
P e t r u s , Lombardus: Sententiae. F°, 313 m m . 23 M a y 1487 P 7660 BM in 764 H* 10194 ' FF. Min. Reg. Osiae in Halberstadt.' ' To my dear friend the Revd George Townsend* D.D. Canon of Durham the valued friend of my youth & age. T. Rfobinson]. Temple April 14. 1851/ **who went to Rome in 1850 to convert Pope Pius ix J. C[harrington].' Given by J. Charrington, 1918 Contemporary stamped calf, including a pointed oval stamp (29 x 21 mm.) of the Virgin, holding the Child on her left arm, on a crescent moon against a background of rays [2347]
V o c a b u l a r i u s utriusque juris. F°, 279 m m . 17 A u g . 1488 P7669 BM in 766 On the last (blank) page is a transcript of a legal document, dated Vienna 1522 and signed by Leonhardus Puchler, concerning Johannes Strasser and Anna his wife Bought, 1929 Contemporary wooden boards backed with stamped calf [2348]
P e t r u s , Lombardus: Sententiae. F°, 306 m m . 29 N o v . 1489 P7676 BM in 768 H*ioi96 Wants the last leaf (blank) 'Georgii Scheck Vicarii al. Omnium sanctorum monasterii monialium In Rot/ ' . . .Anno 1604 16 Cal: Decembris F. Gijselbertus Faber comparavit a Bibliopola Luther: de Michnestadt' 'pro Bibliotheca Monasterii Amorb. Ord. Sri Benedicti/ Archdeacon Davenport. Given by A. S. F. Gow, 1935 Contemporary stamped calf, rebacked, the upper board lettered in gold 'Textus Sententi' *** P 7684. Doubtfully reattributed by BM to Michael Furter. See no. 2826
J e r o m e (St): Epistolae. F°, 301 m m . 1497 P7692 BM in 772 H*8565 Wants Hh 8 , aax, aa8, bb 4 and the blank leaves DD 8 & B 8 Royal Library, 1715 18th c. half russia
2817 Petrus, Lombardus: Sententiae. F°, 307 mm. 20 Feb. 1498 P 7693 BM in 772 H* 10198 Title-page cut down and pasted inside the front board Venn Collection, 1888 Contemporary wooden boards backed with stamped pigskin, with clasp
*** P* 7696. Reattributed by BM to Bernhard Richel. See no. 2760
2818 Annotationes Margaritarum decretalium. F°, 261 mm. P 7700 BM in 773 H* 10755 British Museum duplicate, transferred 1889 (?) Modern half pigskin
2819 Meffreth: Sermones de tempore (pars hiemalis). F°, 311 mm. H* 11000 (2)=*noo6 (1)? Pol. 2658 (1) Collation varies from Polain: p 8 ; 216 leaves 'Anno domini millesimo quadringentesimo secundo emi hunc hbrum videlicet mefFret a michaele piichtrucker de pamber pro duobus florenis.' Bookplate of F. O. B[eggi]. Given by F. Jenkinson, 1891 Contemporary wooden boards backed with stamped pigskin, with clasps [2354]
J A C O B U S W O L F F DE P F O R Z H E I M 2820 Alanus, de Insulis: De maximis theologiae. 40, 201 mm. P 7624 [Amerbach] BM in 776 H* 389 GW 510 [Amerbach] Acton Library, 1902 Modern quarter morocco
2821 Pelbartus, de Themeswar: Stellarium coronae B.V.M. 40, 216 mm. P 7640 [Amerbach] BM m 778 H* 12562 E. H. Lawrence. Sandars Bequest, 1894 Contemporary stamped calf, with clasps and metal corner-pieces & bosses; superimposed on the upper board an armorial stamp (arms of the Empire, Austria and others) and monogram BLA; boards lined with vellum MS. (14th c. service-book with a German [3?'18] gloss and neums)
LIENHART YSENHUT 2822 Mary, the Blessed Virgin. Itinerarium B.V.M. [German.) 8°, 134 mm. 1489 H9327 a-p 8 q 4 ; 124 leaves. 3a: 95 x 66 mm., 20 lines. Type: 94. Woodcuts and woodcut initials [ia: title; i b : woodcut;] 2a: ([ Die vo*ed in die walfart oder byl- | grung der feligen jungfrowe vn mut- | ter gottes Marie. v§ latin zu tiictfcht | gemacht | (D6) Ifes noch uolgendt | gebet von der felige | jungfrowen vn mut | ter got§ Marie ; 9a (sig. b x ): Des henen jefu vfferftendug |; 124a, 1. 12: .. .Der uch dich mit ym zu | freuen. by im zu ficzen. vii dich mit im | zu regnierfi. geo*dnet vn furfehen het | ewigkUch. Amen. |
BASEL Gedruck vn vollendet die walfart | oder bylgerug vnfer liebe frowen. | durch Lenhart yfenhut burger zu | Bafel. M.cccc.lxxxix. jar. | Wants the first leaf Leaf n5a repeats the woodcut and heading of n4a (*Des heiligen geists sendunginMariam... vij'). The correct woodcut, with heading *Des heiligen Petri predigung dem volck viij\ has been pasted on top of it ' Vente du Comte de Renesse.' De Meyer 27. Rustat Fund, 1869 [2355] 19th c. half roan
2823 Mary> the Blessed Virgin. Itinerarium B.V.M. 8°, 145 mm. Pf 7716 HC 9324?=Cop. 3329? a-n 8 o 4 ; 108 leaves, the last presumably blank. 2a: 94x66 mm., 20 lines. Type: 94. Woodcuts and woodcut initials [ia: title; i b : incipit & woodcut?] 2a: (S5) Vbfeqens o*acio de be | ata virgine t dei genitri | ce Maria, contines prin | cipalioaa ipi9 z filij eius | gefta. in feptem partes | principales e diftributa...; 9a (sig. bj): tus t indoctus. Et ficut pifces homo |; 107a, 1. 3: . . . Quiqj te I fecum congaudere. confedere ac te fibi | conregnare conftituit et pseuidit ine- I ternum. Amen | Finis itinerarij feu peregrinarij | beate Marie virginis impeefTum | per Leonhardum yfenhut. |; 107b: woodcut; [108: blank?] Wants the first & last leaves, and i 7 Bound after 140 leaves of paper on which are the following MS. additions: i-54a: Horologium devotionis (signed 'Anno dni 1496 fr. theotericus venlo'); 55a-58a: De magnificis virtutibus beatae virginis et de dolore ac lacrimis eius; 58b-i33b: Devotae gratiarum actiones de tota vita mediatoris dei et hominum Jhesu Christi; I34a-i37b: a prayer ('Intimo cordis
affectu vestigiis pedum tuorum me prosterno...') followed by two hymns ('Recordare sanctae crucis' and 'Hec est vita virginis Marie gloriose'), the second unfinished; 13 8-40 blank. ' Conventus Crucigerorum S. Agathae' (at Cuyk en St Agatha, nr Nijmegen; cf. Heimbucher, Die Orden u. Kongregationen der katholischen Kirche, 1 (1933), p. 420)
Paper boards
MICHAEL FURTER 2824 Niavis (Paulus): Latinum ideoma pro parvulis. 40, 204 mm. 18 May 1489 P7718 BM m 787 H*ii7O7 Gaseleei86 Wants the last leaf (blank) Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern boards covered with vellum MS.
[4°55] 0
2825 Vegius (Maphaeus): Philalethes [etc.], 4 , 205 mm. P* 7644 [Amerbach] BM 111 782 H* 15927 Inglis 19th c. calf
2826 R o m e (Church of). Curia Romana. Formularium procuratorum et advocatorum Curiae Romanae. 40, 213 mm. 10 Mar. 1493 P 7684 [Kesler] BM in 787 (IA. 37843) H* 7300 'FridericusHeckelldeGuntzenhausen emitlyperab heredibus dommijohannis Schlehenmair 1505/ Bookplate (Virgin & Child on a crescent moon): Insignia Capituli. Given by A. J. Horwood, 1869 19th c. vellum [2349]
2827 Deflorationes patrum. F°, 299 mm. 1494 P* 7604 [Amerbach] BM in 788 H* 16158 GW S247 Wants the blank leaves 16 & 160 (last) Acquired before 1700 Modern half pigskin
2828 Reformatorium vitae clericorum. 8°, 143 mm. 22 Feb. I4[9]4 P* 7724 BM m 782 H 13720 Bookplate of Leopold Lindner. Bought, 1891 19th c. boards
2829 Thomas (St), Aquinas: Commentaria in Epistolas Pauli. F°, 305 mm. 16 Oct. 1495 P*7727 BM in 783 H*i339 Wants the last leaf (blank) ' Wylliam Devereux.' 'Emanuell.' Bought, 1913 Contemporary Cambridge stamped calf, very similar to pi. 49 in Hobson's English binding before 1300 (Cambridge, 1929), save that on this binding the scroll, rosette & unicorn stamps are not used; defective and rebacked, the original vellum linings of the boards (14th c. MS.) preserved
2830 Meder (Johannes): Quadragesimale novum de filio prodigo. 8°, 168 mm. 1495 P*7728 BM in 783 H* 13628 Wants the last leaf (blank) 'Monasterii Ranshouen.' Given by J. Charrington, 1916 Contemporary stamped pigskin, with clasps 2831
G r e g o r y I : C o m m e n t u m super Cantica c a n t i c o r u m . 4 0 , 193 m m . 13 M a r . 1496 P*773O BM111783 HF7938 Given by C. E. Sayle, 1912 Cloth
2832 Meder (Johannes): Quadragesimale novum de filio prodigo. 8°, 155 mm. 1497 P*7736 BM in 785 H 13629 Very imperfect; wants leaves a4>5, b 1>5>8 , c4>8, f6, g 6 , k 3 , n 4>5 , q 6 , t 7 , v 4>5 , x 8 , z1? C 6 , D4,E4 Given by the Rev. W. G. Searle, 1872 French panel binding: (upper board) arms of Rouen between supporters, two figures (Adam & Eve?) above, amid flowers and foliage; below, on a label, ' J o n n rnynot (?)', the panel surrounded by a border of tendrils with flowers and animals: (lower board) similar to upper board but with arms of Normandy, the panel set in a border of square stamps (birds and beasts) [2362]
2833 Methodius (St): Revelationes [etc.], 40, 192 mm. 5 Jan. 1498 P*7738 BM in 785 H * n i 2 i Wants dl9 d 8 , e lf h 5 Given by J. Charrington, 1923 Bound (1) with no. 848. Mottled calf, with crest of Fountaine (an elephant) stamped on spine (cf. S. de Ricci, English collectors of books & manuscripts (1930), p. 42)
% * P 7748. Reattributed by BM & GW to Andre Bocard at Paris. See no. 3054 2834
P e r g e r ( B e r n h a r d ) : G r a m m a t i c a n o v a . 4 0 , 202 m m .
s a _f8.4g8. 44 leaves. 3b: 154x95 mm., 49 lines. Types: 156 , 106, 83, 64. Woodcut & Lombardic initials ia: Gramatica Noua | [Woodcut (GTK 10281): the infant Jesus and the symbols of the Evangelists.] |; i b : (C5) Vm magis atqj magis aiaduerto fulgens atqj g | utile opufculu artis gramatice. a mgf o Bernardo Perger viro | excelletiflimo: nee no qbufda fuis fodalib9 ; 2a, 1. 7:. Introductory in arte gramatices | Liber Primus incipit | (G13) Ramatica que t litteraria | dicif: eft recte fcribedi loquendiqj fcia: . . . ; 9a (sig. b): magnanimus. incolumis vel incolum9: inermis vel inerm9: imbecillis vel im= |; 44b, 1. 24: Artis gramatices Introductoriu in octo pteforonis: in pftructioes in eplas | pficiendas: fere ex Nicolai Perotti gramatici eruditiflimi traditioib9: a mgfo Bernardo Perger traflatu ftudiofiflime. Ac de nouo accuratiflime caftigatum | et impreffum Bafilee. per Michaelem Furter. Anno falutis. M.ccccc. Fink | foeliciter vna cu tractatulo §da gutili Paofodie z, arti metro^ fubferuienti. | [Device B] | Bound (3) with no. 777, etc.
Job*1 (St), Chrysostom: De compunctione cordis [etc.]. 8°, 142 mm. P 7623 A [Amerbach] BM 111 786 H* 5046 Rustat Fund, 1900 Modern boards, covered with vellum MS.
JOHANN FROBEN ALONE 2836 Bible: Latin. 8°, 163 mm. 27 June 1491 P*7755 BM m 789 H*3iO7 GW4269 The last quire is E 8 (as GW, not E 6 as BM), with the last two leaves blank Wants the four preliminary leaves With four leaves of contemporary MS. at the end 'De ordinacione librorum sacrae scripturae.' 'Quocumque tollatur Noereshein meus fatur.' 'Hanc bibliam nobis dedit religiosus devotusque frater Cristoforus de Waldenfelss ordinis minorum...' Adams Bequest, 1892 Contemporary stamped calf, with bosses, corner-pieces & clasps [236s] 2837
A n o t h e r copy. 156 m m . The first C 7 defective and restored in MS. Wants the last leaf (blank) 'Ad usum Henrici Petri nauare (?).' Royal Library, 1715 Calf, circa 1700
2838 Guilelmus, Alvernus: Rhetorica divina [etc.]. 8°, 157 mm. P 8496 [Paris or Basel?] BM m 790 H* 8305 MS. prayer at the end. (* O domine deus meus ac universum solatium et refugium meum Ego Reus et Peccator misellus atque indignus...'), with a note attributing it to Pope Hadrian VI. 'Collegii Societatis Jesu Atrebati.' Sigurd & Gudrun Wandel. Bought, 1932 16th c. calf with acorn-panel having a border of flowers and foliage, among which are (bottom) a bird, (sides) a griffin, (top) a skull between the letters RE. FI. (Respicefinem?) [3720]
2839 Boniface VIII: Decretalium liber sextus [etc.], 40, 220 mm. 1 Sept. 1494 P*7759 BM in 791 H*36i9 GW4890 The GW collation of pt 1 should read 1 a-e° Leaf 194a, 1. 65 reads: Bafien. (v. GW Anm.) G. Dunn. Bought, 1921 Contemporary stamped calf
2840 Bible: Latin. 8°, 157 & 153 mm. 27 Oct. 1495 P*776o BM m 791 H * 3 i i 8 GW4275 1. A copy of the title-page only 2. An imperfect copy, containing quires a-F (Genesis-Psalm 143) only *e libris H. N. Ellacombe. Jan. 1846/ Bought, 1912 Modern quarter morocco
2841 Henricus, de Herpf: Speculum aureum decem praeceptorum. 40, 217 mm. 1496 P7761 BM m 791 H*8526 Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 i8thc. half calf
2842 Bible: Latin. With the commentary ofNicolaus de Lyra. 6 vols. F°, 310 mm. 1 Dec. 1498 P*7763 BM m 791 H*3I72 GW4284 Title of vol. 1 as in GW Anm.; leaf 2 of vol. 2 signed a2 Vols 1 & 6: '1531 SMS Sis memor salutis. Sig. Micha. Sagkrer.' (cf. BM 198, IB. 1303). Vol. 6: 'Empti libri isti per me Michaelem Sagkrer pr. canonicum in Vilshofn et canonicum patauien. ab heredibus de marfri frieperg canonici ibidem in Vilshof.. .1531/ Vols 1-6: 'Wolfgangus Sedelius me comparavit ab honesto viro Georgio Stromayr bibliopola Patauiensi... 1543 pro 6 fl.' (For Sedelius v. P. Lindner, 'Familia S. Quirini in Tegernsee', in Oberbayerisches Archiv fur vaterldndische Gesch., Bd 50, 1897, pp. 113-129.) J. Hirst.
Rustat Fund, 1891 16th c. stamped pigskin
2843 Johannes, de Sancto Geminiano: Liber de exemplis. 40, 207 mm. 25 Jan. 1499 P 7764 BM m 792 H* 7546 Wants leaves 1 (title) & 12 (blank) Given by A. S. B. Miller, 1873 19th c. calf, with ticket of J. Darcy, bookseller & binder, of Dublin
Gratianus: Decretum cum apparatu Bartholomaei Brixiensis. 4 0 , 210 m m . 1 July 1500 P* 7765 BM in 792 H* 7918 Wants the blank leaves 11 & 530 (the last) 'John Haughton.' 'Johannes Hacket.' Hacket Bequest, 1670 17th c. calf
JOHANN BERGMANN 2845 Maino (Jason de): Oratio in nuptias Maximiliani regis [etc.], 40, 217 mm. P 7768 BM in 794 H* 10972 Bibliotheca Heberiana. Bought, 1890 Paper boards
[2374] 0
2846 Verardus (Carolus): Historia Baetica [etc.]. 4 , 200 mm. 1494 P 7770 BM in 794 H* 15942 Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Formerly bound with MS. Hh. 1. 9. Modern half morocco
2847 Brant (Sebastian): De origine et conversatione bonorum regum et de laude civitatis Hierosolymae. 40, 205 mm. 1 Mar. 1495 P* 7772 BM in 794 H* 3735 W. H. Dutton. Bought, 1903
GW 5072
Old calf 2848 Locher (Jacobus): Theologica emphasis. 40, 215 mm. 1496 P* 7774 BM in 795 H* 10154 Cloth
[2377] 0
2849 Brant (Sebastian): Das Narrenschiff. (Latin.) 4 , 203 mm. 1 Mar. 1497 P*7776 BM in 795 H3746 GW5054 Wants a8, b 2 _ 7 , k-m 8 and t4 An oval stamp (white on black): arms of Albani (?) beneath an ecclesiastical hat, the initials RA below. A manuscript monogram VF. 'Henr: White, Lichfield: Maii imo MDCCCXVII.' Bought, 1902 19th c. calf, rebacked [2378]
2850 Lupoldus, Bambergensis: Germanorum veterum principum zelus et fervor. F°, 305 mm. 15 May 1497 P* 7777 BM in 796 H* 2725 Bought, 1910 Modern quarter morocco
[2379] 48O
Another copy. 265 mm. Bound (2) with no. 3047
Another copy. 309 mm. Gaselee 187 'Gerhardus Vosz...' Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 19th c. half morocco
2853 Brant (Sebastian): Das Narrenschiff. (Latin.) 40, 200mm. 1 Aug. 1497 H*375O GW5061 Wants the last leaf (blank) Sandars Bequest, 1894 18th c. mottled calf
2854 Brant (Sebastian): Varia carmina. 40, 200mm. 1 May [not before 1 Sept.], 1498 P* 7779 BM in 796 H* 3731 GW 5068 (Anm. 2a & b) The additional quire n 4 is inserted after m 4 Acquired before 1700 Calf, circa 1700, rebacked
2855 Baptista, Mantuanus: De patientia. 40, 199 mm. 17 Aug. 1499 P*7783 BM in 797 H2407 GW3307 A manuscript ST monogram and motto 'Soli Deo gloria* (Stavelot? cf. W T x x i 10), * Reverendo dom: Stanislao Quintio Casparus Neuhover dedi/ 'Reverendo Dno Joanni II Stanislaus Quintius Sacrae R lis M t i s Polonorum capellanus amicitiae ergo d.d.d/ 'Ad Monast. Vrindberg.' Bought, 1898 16th c. stamped calf, with leather ties [2383]
2856 Thomas, a Kempis: Hortulus rosarum de valle lacrimarum [etc.]. 8°, 149 mm. 1499 P*7786 BM in 797 H8939 The last (blank) leaf defective Bookplates of Count D. Boutourlin and Sir R. A. Chermside. Given by S. Sandars, 1872 [2384] 19th c. quarter roan
BEROMUNSTER HELIAS HELIAE 2857 Rodericus, Zamorensis: Speculum humanae vitae. F°, 288 mm. 30 July 1473 P 7801 BM in 799 H* 13942 Modern half morocco oc
[2385] 481
BURGDORF P R I N T E R OF J A C O B U S DE CLUSA 2858 Bernard (St), of Clairvaux: Sermo de hiimana miseria. 40, 204 mm. P7802 BM in 801 H*2866 GW4065 Wants the last leaf (blank) Wrappers
GENEVA L O U I S CRUSE 2859 Augustine (St): De vita Christiana. 40, 205 mm. Pf 7 8o8 H*2O95 GW3043 Culemann 64. Worts Fund, 1870 19th c. half morocco 2860
Another copy. 202 m m . 'W. G. Thorpe, 1871/ From the library of F. Jenkinson, 1923 19th c. quarter calf
2861 Aubert (David): Histoire d'Olivier de Castille et d'Artus d'Algarbe. F°, 248 mm. Cf. H 12008 & GW 2771 a8 b-g 6 h 8 ; 52 leaves. 5a: 193 x 129 mm., 40 lines. Type: 97G. Woodcuts & woodcut initials, including A, P modelled on Wagner's (f. BM vin 365) ia: (xylographic) Oliuier de | Caftille |; i b : woodcut; 2a: ([ Le prologue fur lhyftoire de Oliuier de caftille | (P12) Our ce que la memoire eft labille z natu | re humaine pour fa fragilite eft fo*t mua | ble... (1. 29) . . .Oz eft ainfi que ap*es que la | dicte hyftoire fut pmier impsimee: feft tronuee incosrecte... (1. 32) . . .Et pour ce que Maiftre Loys Garbin cytoye zIpaimeur | de genefue a eftepar aulcusfolicitedelimpaimer...; 2b, 1. 5: ([Latable du liure. | . . . ; 4b: ([ Le psefentation et introite de ce psefent liure. | (A12) La treifainte z trefbien eureufe louenge z | magnificence de nfe fauueur... (1. 7) le phelippe camus efgat la grace de dieu | ay entrepais de traflater cefte pflte hyftoi | re de latin en fracoys a la reqfte z coman | demet de mo trefredoubte feigneur mon | feigneur Iehan de ceroy feigneur de chu- I nay / . . . ; 5a: (P12) Our ce que ie defire les haulx z notables | faitz des trefhobles z trefuaillas homes | dhoneur eftre mis z ramenes a memoire | . . . ; 9a (sig. b): (P6) Ar aulcun teps apses la chofe fepaffazdemouraaifipendante |; 52a, 1.36: ...alefperancedes valleureux z a la fertilite et occupa- | tion de temps falutaire. A M E N . | ([ Cy fine lhyftoire de oliuier de caftille Et de artus dalgarbe fon loyal co» |paigno Et de helayne fille au roy dagleterre z de henry filz de oHuier q gras | fais darmes firet en leur teps. Dieu leur pardoint z a tous trefpaffez Amen. | 'Jean Pilbarough.' Royal Library, 1715 19th c. half calf [23S9] 482
2862 Rolewinck (Werner): Fasciculus temporum. (French.) F°, 261 mm. 28 Apr, 1495 P*78i7 BM VIII 367 H6944 Wants the last leaf (blank); leaf m1 misbound between i 3 & i 4 'Pour guillaume glorian Le 18 de Juliet 1704/ 'Bibliotheca Alexandri Le Roy 29 Aug. 1709.' ' . . July 14.1837. Kew. Napier.' ' Given to G.L. Napier by her brother.' Bought, 1892 [2390] 19th c. half calf
JEAN CROQUET 2863 Columna (Guido de): Historia destructionis Troiae. F°, 267 mm. H5507 GW7227 A fragment (leaf f2) only Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934
2864 Cordiale quattuor novissimorum. 8°, 179 mm. GW7475 Wants the last leaf (blank) 'De conventu frm celestinorum meten.' Harmsworth. Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1947 Stamped morocco, by Cape [4253]
ROUGEMONT HEINRICH WIRZBURG 2865 Rolewinck (Werner): Fasciculus temporum. F°, 252 mm. 1481 P*7823 BM VIII 383 H6930 Without the reference (at the bottom of 81 a) to the foundation of the monastery at Rougemo'nt (cf. BM note) Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 18th c. mottled calf [4057]
ZURICH PRINTER OF ALBERTUS DE ALBO LAPIDE 2866 Albo Lapide (Albertus de): De indulgentiis ecclesiarum Thuricensium. F°, 290 mm. GW807 Kloss. Bookplate: Torcular calcavi solus (J. P. Madden) Bought (lot 65 at Sotheby's), 17 Feb. 1897 Half calf (Kloss)
2867 Rodericus, Zamorensis: Speculum humanae vitae. F°, 284 mm. 22 Apr. 1472 P 7830 BM vm 5 Without the dedication leaves described by BM. Wants the last leaf (blank) 'Leo Guichardus mopelanus et amiquorum.' Royal Library, 1715 Calf, circa 1700 In Sole Aureo
Nicolaus, de Hanapis: Exempla sacrae scripturae. 4 0 , 188 m m . H*6762 Pell. 4656 'Frater bonaventura de dampierre' Contemporary limp vellum, with flap
2869 Durandus (Guilelmus): Rationale divinorum officiorum. 13 Apr. 1475
F°, 309 mm.
P*784O B M V I I I 6 H6476 GW9108 Wants the first leaf (blank) and the last quire (8 leaves, containing end of table & colophon) 'Hie est unus ex libris quern recuperavi ex ruderibus domus Harrington an. 1646. et pertinet ad cognatum D. Gul. Gauen (?). Fr. Jo. Byt (?).' Royal Library, 1715 Calf, circa 1700, rebacked [2393]
2870 Magni (Jacobus): Sophologium. F°, 307mm. 1 June 1475 P* 7841 BM VIII 7 H 10477
A fragment (the lower halves of two leaves) only, with a note by Jenkinson that they formed the flyleaves of a copy of Abr. Scultetus, Medulla theologiae, bought by E. Burrell in 1912 [2394] 2871
B i b l e : Latin.
F°, 366 m m . Between 22 July 1476 and 21 July 1477
P*7845 B M v n i 8 H3058 GW4225 Wants the blank leaves 1 & 245 (thefirstof vol. 2) and the last three quires (A-C, containing Interpretationes Hebraicorum nominum) The colophon has been garbled to read 'Jam, Semi undecimus lustru...' The last two lines have been erased and replaced by penwork ornament incorporating the initials 'J.F.' See Introduction, p. 19 Royal Library, 1715 Calf, circa 1800 [2395]
2872 Franciscus, de Platea: Opus restitutionum. 40, 285 mm. P 7847 BM VIII 8 H* 13039 (1) Quires [# a-g] of the BM description, with quire [*] bound at the end * William GGale his Booke.' Royal Library, 1715 Bound (1) with no. 2875. 18th c. calf 2873
A n o t h e r c o p y . 268 m m . Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Formerly bound (2) with nos 2874, etc. Modern half pigskin
2874 Franciscus, de Platea: De usuris et de excommunicationibus. 2 vols. 40, 268 mm. 4 Jan. 1476/7 P 7847A BM vm 8 H* 13039 (2) Quires a-1 of the BM description Wants ax & a10 Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Formerly bound (1 & 3) with nos 2873 and 1610. Modern half pigskin
Another copy. 285 mm. Bound (2) with no. 2872
2876 Jacobus, de Voragine: Legenda aurea. F°, 291 mm. Cop. 6394 Wants the first & last leaves (both probably blank); leaf 282 (blank) misplaced at the beginning Armorial stamp: Ex bibliothecaj. Richard DM. W. E. Buckley. Bought, 1894 18th c. mottled calf [2400]
2877 Nider (Johannes): Praeceptorium divinae legis. 40, 209 mm. 21 Apr. 1478 P7855 HCR11791 The colophon is dated 'die. xxi. Aprilis' (cf. HCR) Leaf 1 (not known to HCR) is blank; quire i is signed I and quire K is signed kk Contemporary soft white leather
2878 Vergilius Maro (Publius): Opera. 40, 268 mm. Sept. 1478 P*7856 BM vm 22 Imperfect; quires h-G (leaves 65-246), containing Aeneid, only 'Jacques Chalemot.' 'Stephanne Chalemot.' Royal Library, 1715 17th c. calf
2879 Eyb (Albrecht von): Margarita poetica. 40, 279 mm. 29 Nov. 1478 P7858 BM VIII 22 H6821 GW9540 Duke of Sussex. 'Cornelius Paine, 1859', with his bookplate Rustat Fund, 1891 19th c. half calf over wooden boards
2880 Eyb (Albrecht von): Margarita poetica. Another copy. 271 mm. Wants the first & last leaves (blank) Royal Library, 1715 17th c. calf
2881 Nider (Johannes): Consolatorium timoratae conscientiae. 40, 189mm. 16 Dec. 1478 P*7859 BM viii 23 H11809 Wants the first & last leaves (blank) Royal Library, 1715 Modern half morocco
2882 Nicolaus, de Lyra: Postilla super Psalterium. 40, 215 mm. 5 Nov. 1483 P7868 BM VIII 25 H 10378 Wants the first leaf (blank) 'Iste liber est sancti Victoris [probably the Augustinian abbey of St Victor at Paris] quicunque eum furatus fuerit Anathema sit FRGuilhn.' Given by A. F. Scholfield, 1931 18th c. red morocco [3687]
2883 Andreae (Johannes): Casus breves super Decretalibus et Clementinis. 40, 207 m m . P*787O BM VIII 26 GW1724 *J. Drake.' Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf
2884 Balbus (Hieronymus): Dialogus de glorioso rhetore. 40, 201 mm. P 7871
BM VIII 27 GW 3175
Gaselee 193
Wants the last leaf (blank) T. D. Barlow. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 19th c. paper boards, modern morocco back & tips
2885 Beroaldus (Philippus): Oratio de laudibus gymnasii Parisiorum. 40,187 mm. GW 4141 Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Bound (4) with eight other pieces (16th & 17th a ) . 17th c. calf, rebacked
2886 Bonaventura (St): Sermones quattuor novissimorum. 40, 201 mm. GW 4804 (Anm.) Wants fj & f8, also the first & last leaves (blank) 4 W. Herbert.' Given by H. Bradshaw, 1868 Calf, circa 1700
2887 Mancinus (Dominicus): De passione Domini. 40, 206 mm. Cop. 3814 Maz*. 502 (p. 266) Cloth
P E T R U S CAESARIS & J O H A N N E S STOL 2888 Pius II: De duobus amantibus. 40, 193 mm. P 7889 BM VIII 10
Wants the last leaf (blank) Bound (5) with nos 2892, etc.
2889 Pius II: De curialium miseria. 40, 193 mm. P 7890 BM VIII 10
Bound (2) with nos 2892, etc.
2890 Florius (Franciscus): De amore Camilli et Emiliae [etc.], 4P, 211 mm. P 7891
The incipit varies from BM: . . . Florentini... Camil | l i . . . Bound (2) with no. 2894
2891 Cordiale quattuor novissimorum. 4 , 206 mm. P 7896 BM VIII 11 (IA. 39218) H 5694 GW 7471 Wants the last leaf (table) 'Est fratris Caroli de Neufville.' Bought, 1898 Contemporary soft white leather, boards lined with blank vellum
2892 Poggio-Bracciolini (Gian Francesco): De infelicitate principum. 40, 193 mm. HC 13204 Lot 1037 at Sotheby's, 20 Dec. 1892. Given by S. Sandars, 1892 Bound (1) with nos 2889, 2893, 2895 & 2888. 18th c. calf
Seneca (Lucius Annaeus): De remediis fortuitorum. 40, 193 mm. HC 14658 Bound (3) with nos 2892, etc.
2894 Seneca (Lucius Annaeus): De quattuor virtutibus [etc.], 40, 211 mm. [a10 b 8 ]; 18 leaves. 2b: 132 x 81 mm., 24 lines. Type: 110GR (second state) ia: Annei lucii Senece de quattuor | uirtutibus liber feliciter incipit. | (q3) Vattuor uirtutu fpecies / multora fa- | pientufententiis dimnite funt ; 7a: Lucii annei Senece de mo- | ribus liber feliciter incipit. | (o3) Mne peccatu actio eft ; n b : Tres orationes habite in fenatu atheni | enfi de recipiado allexadro magno / uel | armis repelledo feliciter incipiunt. | . . . ; 15a: Epiftola bernardi filueftris | fuper gubematione reifami- | liaris feliciter incipit. | (g3) Ratiofo / ac felici militi raimudo / do- | mino caftri ambrofii / . . . ; 18a, 1. 14: Epiftola bernardi filueftris / fuper gu- | bernatioe reifamiliarif feliciter finit; | Quattuor funt que per rectore | familie obferuari conuenit. | . . . (1. 21) In domo hilarem temperate fe exhibere; | Bought (lot 967 at Sotheby's), 24 June 1896 Bound (1) with no. 2890. Brown morocco, by Hardy [2415]
Another copy. 193 mm. Wants the first leaf Bound (4) with nos 2892, etc.
SUB SIGNO FOLLIS VIRIDIS (An Soufflet vert) (LOUI$ SIMONEL, RICHARD BLANDIN & JEAN SIMON) 2896 Tardivus (Guilelmus): Rhetoricae artis compendium [etc.]. 40, 213 mm. P* 7898 BM VIII 14 H* 15241 Gaselee 188 Wants leaves 1 (blank), 51 & 52 C. Butler. C. F. Murray. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Bound (1) with no. 2897. Modern green morocco
2897 Tardivus (Guilelmus): Grammatica compendiosissima. 40, 213 mm. Pf 7898 A Cop. 5705 Gaselee 189 Bound (2) with no. 2896
Sallustius Crispus (Gaius): Opera. 40, 212 mm. P 7904 BM VIII 16
'Petrus Moullier me iure possidet.' Royal Library, 1715 Bound (1) with no. 2899. 18th c. half calf
2899 Cicero (Marcus Tullius): In Catilinam [etc.], 40, 212 mm. BM VIII 16 (note) H 14190 (2) GW 6779 Bound (2) with no. 2898
2899*5 Summa praeceptorum ad earn partem compositionis pertinentium quae ad ordinem et collationem spectant. 40, 191 mm. [a 6 ]; 6 leaves, the last blank, ia: 133 x 89 mm., 25 lines. Type: 107GR (both forms of d, g, and h) ia: (f3) V M M A preceptoru ad ea parte copo* | ficionis pertinetiu / que ad ordinem et | collacionem fpectant; | Q fe oro augeat! vt vir nobilis et egregius! ma= | gnificus et illuftris! crudelis atq? imanis! fur atqj | facrilegus; | Q dignitas rerum attendatur!...; 5 a, 1. 9: .. .Et que adhue modum a nobis diuidutur | proprie no reprehendutur quonia a fumis poetis I et oratoribus funt reperta; | Suma preceptoru ad ea parte spofitiois parti= | netiu que ad ordine et collacione fpectat flnit; | ; 5b, 6: blank Note by M.Jacques Guignard, of the Bibliotheque Nationale, which possesses a copy of this book: 'Sur Tun de nos anciens catalogues, une note, que nous n'avons pu identifier, attribue cet ouvrage a Gasparin de Bergame, "d'apres un Manuscrit"' From the Marquis of Bute's Luton Library. Given by F. J. Norton, 1950 Modern half morocco [4331]
2900 Valerius Maximus: Factorum dictorumque memorabilium libri ix [etc.]. F°, 281 mm. 1475 P* 7905 BM VIII 17 H 15778 'Collegii Societatis Jesu Brugis ex dono Rmi D. Jacobi Pamelii.' 'J. F. Van de Velde.' De Meyer 534. Rustat Fund, 1869 Half morocco, circa 1800 [2420]
2901 Datus (Augustinus): Elegantiolae. 40, 211 mm. GW 8050 Wants the last leaf (blank?) Bound (6) with nos 3447, etc.
2902 Pius II: Epistolae in cardinalatu editae. F°, 268 mm. 3 Jan. 1476/7 P 7908 BM vm 17 H 167 'Edwards. £2: 2s := M: Wodhull Nov. 20th 1792* 18th c. citron morocco
2903 Cicero (Marcus Tullius): De finibus. F°, 261 mm. H 5330(1) GW6886 Wants the last leaf (blank) Bought (lot 290 at Sotheby's), 20 March 1894 19th c. quarter vellum
2904 Charles VII: Pragmatica sanctio. 40, 202 mm. 28 Apr. 1484 P* 7915 BM vm 19 H 4528 Leaves c 1)2 & c 7)8 only, from a binding. Given by J. H. Middleton, 1891 (?)
PASQUIER B O N H O M M E 2905 Augustine (St): De conflictu virtutum et vitiorum [etc.]. 40, 202 mm. 16 Sept. 1479. P 7917 [Lef evre] BM vin 12 (note) GW 2942 (Anm.) [J. Bonhomme] Acton Library, 1902 19th c. calf 2906
B r e v i a r i u m Parisiense. 8°, 201 m m . 24 M a r . 1479/80 H3867 GW5420 Leaves A 3 _ 6 & O 3 _ 6 only, from a binding. Given by J. H. Middleton, 1891 (?)
I n n o c e n t III: D e miseria h u m a n a e conditionis. 4 0 , 189 m m . 2 A u g . 1480 P* 7918 [Lefevre] B M v r a i 2 H 10217 The colophon varies from BM: Anno drli. M°. quadaigentefimo oc | tuagefimo... Wants the first leaf (blank) Joseph Tasker. Bought, 1895 18th c. quarter calf [2426]
LOUIS MARTINEAU 2908 Gregorius, Ariminensis: Super primum librum Sententiarum. F°, 276 mm. 9 Aug. 1482 P 7921 BM vin 39 H* 1645 Wants the first leaf; the last leaf supplied from another copy ' Bibliothecae Albaugiensis.' G. Dunn. Rustat Fund, 1914 19th c. paper boards
2909 Basinus (Bernardus): De magicis artibus. 40, 202 mm. '1442' [1483] P 7923 BM VIII 39 (note) H* 2704 GW 3719 (Anm.) Bought, 1895 Modern paper boards
2910 Cicero (Marcus Tullius): Orationes selectae. 40, 197 mm. P* 7923 A BM VIII 39 H 5151 GW 6773 Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (5) with nos 3889, etc. Modern half morocco
Petrus, de Alliaco: Meditationes super psalmos poenitentiales. 40, 198 mm. Pell. 522 [G. Marchant] Type: 83G (later state) Bought, 1898 Bound (1) with nos 3277 & 3278. Calf, circa 1800
ANTOINE CAILLAUT 2912 Guido, de Monte Rocherii: Manipulus curatorum [etc.], 40,189 mm. 28 Sept. 1482 Maz. 322 (p. 171) a-p 8 q . . . (imperfect at end), the first leaf probably blank. Type: 81G (or Dupre's 82G?) 2a: Liber qui manipulus curator infcribitur. in quo per | necefTaria officia eo2u quibus animaru cura comifTa | eft bseuiter pertractantur: feliciter incipit. | A C T O R I S E P I S T O L A . I [ 4] Euerendo in chafto patri ac dfio. domino ray | mudo diuina psouidentia fancte fedis valen* | tie epo: . . . ; 9a (sig. b x ): pot baptifare feipfu. et ro reddif a papa in ilia decretali <^a |; 121a, 1. 35: Celeberrimi viri domini guidonis de mote rocherii. li= I ber qui manipulus curatosu infcribitur. vnacum tabula | (121b) eiufdem finit feliciter. Extractufqj parifius. Anno do* | mini milefimoquad^ingentefimooctuagefimofecundo. die I vero vicefimaoctaua feptembais. |; 122a: Auguftinus de dignitate | facerdotum. | [ 5] Veneranda facerdotum dignitas: . . . ; 122b, 1. 5: A M E N . | [ 4 ] Iri venerabiles: facerdotes dei. | (1. 33) Credunt effe licitum: et culpa carere. | Wants the first leaf (blank?) and all after leaf q2 (perhaps a leaf containing the last eleven stanzas and a blank). Leaves fi,2,7,8 duplicated * Nicolas Wheler.' Royal Library, 1715 Russia leather, circa 1800 [2431]
2913 Petrus, de Alliaco: Expositio super Cantica canticorum. 40,197 mm. 16 Sept. 1483 P*7927 BM VIII 43
Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Modern half morocco
2914 Petrus, de Alliaco: De oratione dominica et de Ave Maria. 40, 198 mm. P 7928 BM vni 43 Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Modern half morocco
2915 Augustine (St): Meditationes. 40, 215 mm. GW 2977 2a, 1. 3 varies from GW: . . . tuas: e t . . . A contemporary pen-drawing of St Bernard on the last verso Bought, 1870 Bound (1) with no. 2926. Formerly bound with nos 4002, etc. Modern half morocco [2434]
2916 Articuli in Anglia et Parisius condemnati. 40, 201 mm. P*793i BM VIII 46 GW2710 1 a, 1. 1 varies from G W : .. .paefentes... Bound (2) with nos 3008, etc.
2917 Cordiale quattuor novissimorum. 40, 198 mm. P 7932 BM VIII 46 GW 7494 9a (sig. Bx), 1. 1 varies from GW: .. .eftas... 'Je suis aux Religieux de sainct andri.' 'Ex libris monasterii B.M. de bono nuntio 1722' (probably the Benedictines of Bonne Nouvelle at Rouen. Cf. Catalogue general des MSS. des hihlxothlquespubliques de France: Departements, I: Rouen, nos 576 & 1370-71). Bookplate: Deojidelis et regi (S. C. E. Williams), signed 'Rev. J. Williams M.A. Bryntirion.' Bought, 1894 [2436] 19th c. paper boards
2918 Fitzralph (Richard): Defensorium curatorum [etc.]. 40, 198 mm. HC 13672 Not HC (Add.) 13672 Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Modern half morocco 2919
A n o t h e r c o p y . 178 m m . Wants the last leaf (blank) Given by H. Bradshaw, 1868 Calf, circa 1800
2920 Petrus, de Alliaco: De potestate papae et auctoritate cardinalium. 40, 204 mm. HC (Add.) 853 ' . . .Leroy.. .1824/ Bought, 1897 Wrappers
2921 Andreas, de Escobar: Modus confitendi. 40, 199 mm. GW 1833 [Pr. of Andreas de Escobar] ? a6; 6 leaves. 2a: 138 x 83 mm., 34 lines. Type: 81G ia: Incipit modus confitendi. | [ 4] Voniam omni Dfiteti necefTariu eft hac ge | nerale dicere cofeflione. Cui9 tata e virtus | fcdm mgfm fhia>. li. iiii. di. xxii. c. v ; 6b, 1. 31: . . . et ad acquifitione gratie pnti | ac vite eterne in futuro feculo Amen. | Et fie eft finis deo laus et gloaa trinis | Bound (2) with nos 2956, etc. [2440] 491
2922 Bonaventura (St): Meditationes vitae Christi. 40, 191 mm. GW4741 84a, 1. 30 varies from GW: .. .editus fiue | compofitus. | Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 Calf, with ticket of Courteval, Rue des Cannes, No. 1
2923 Mayronis (Franciscus de): Expositio super Ave Maria. 40, 198 mm. Pell. 4907 3 b, 1. 19: falutacio (not salutatio, as Pellechet) Wants the first leaf (blank) Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Modern half morocco
2924 Vineti (Johannes): Contra daemonum invocatores. 40, 177 mm. Cop. 6275 Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Modern half morocco
2925 Albertus, de Saxonia: Liber proportionum. 4°, 201 mm. GW793 (inaccurate) ib, 1. 2: ...s.p.d. |;2a, 1. 5: [ 3 ] Roportio... (1. 7) .. . f m i o . . . ; 14a, col. 2,1.18: ...briuitatif. I . . . (1. 21) . . . osdinif... Bound (5) with nos 3008, etc. [2444\
2926 Bernard (St), of Clairvaux: Meditationes. 40, 215 mm. H 2882 GW 4028 [Martineau & Caillaut] 15b varies from GW; 1. 18: ...fpiritufTancti... (1. 20) .. . p d m i . . . Bound (2) with no. 2915
2927 Gerson (Johannes): Opus tripartitum. 4 , 207 mm. Pell. 5194 Wants the first & last leaves (blank) * Alfred J. Horwood, Temple.' Given by E. G. Duff, 1910 19th c. paper boards 2928
G u i l e l m u s , Parisiensis: D e septem sacramentis. 4 , 189 m m . A-H 8 1 1 0 ; 74 leaves. 2a: 133 x 82 mm., 32 lines. Type: 81 (83) G ia: De facrameto baptifmi. | G | Doctiflimi viri guillermi parifienfis epi | fcopi dialogus de facrametis cuilibet fa* | cerdoti (Jutiliflimus incipit feliciter. | [ 6] Voniam me fepius rogafti Petre: poftq> | facerdotii facru oadinem fufcepifti: vt ali | qua te de adminiftratione facramentoau | edocere...; 9a (sig. B x ): coipus cinifti. Silr fcias (£ ex veftimetis caracter no lipzu I; 74b, 1. 27: .. .qui cu pfe et fpufTacto viuit et regnat deus | benedictus in fecula feculozum Amen. | Explicit guillermus parifienfis | fug fepte facrametis Deo gras. | Bought, 1908 19th c. half calf [2447]
2929 Magistris (Martinus de): Expositio super Salve regina. 40, 197 mm. BM VIII 44. H* 10464
G. Dunn. Bought, 1914 19th c. paper boards
2930 Cordiale quattuor novissimorum. (French.) 40, 179 mm. GW7533 56a, 1. 20: .. .paeferue dt pechie (not paeferue de pechie, as GW) Wants the first leaf (blank?) Bought, 1869 Bound (1) with no. 2974 and with Athanasius, In psalmos opusculum.. .Basilii de invidia oratio.. .Plutarchi de invidia et odio (Ex officina duorum cignorum, Parish's, 1507). Red morocco, by C. Smith [2449]
P s a l t e r : Latin.
4 0 , 190 m m . 28 J a n . & 3 Feb. 1488
Claudin 1 pp. 309-12 (facsimiles) A 8 a-n 8 o 6 A B 8 C 6 ; 140 leaves, n a : 140 x 91 mm., 25 lines. Type: 112G. Woodcuts ia: Ianuarius habet dies. xxxi. | Luna, xxx | . . . ; 8b, 1.26: xiii A Silueftripape et confefToais |; 9a: Pfalterium cum hymnis. |; 9b: woodcut; 10a: [woodcut] (b2) Eatus vir | quino abi | it in Dfiho impi | ozu$ t in via pec | cato> no ftetit: z | in cathedra pefti | len[... ] non fedit | . . . ; 17a (sig. b x ): tuo iudiciu meu pzodeat: oculi tui videant |; 114a, 1. 19: Pfalmoau opus in laudem dei cunctipo* | tentis diuinit9 :>fcriptu finit felicif Exarau3 | qj lgeniofiflime parifi9 g anthoniu cayllaut | Anno dni. M.cccc.lxxxviii. iii. febzuarii. Dein | de feqf tabula...; H4b-n8a: table; 118b: blank; 119a: Sequnturhyrnnipertotuannudicendi...; I39a,.l. 17: Hymno> opus in laude dei cuctipoten | tis diuinitus cofcriptum finit fehciter. | Exaratucp ingeniofiflime. Parifius per | Anthonium cayllaut. Anno diii. M..cccc. | lxxxviii. xxviii. Ianuarii. Deinde fequi | tur tabula hymno>...; 140a, col. 2, 1. 13: V*bs bta hirlm xx | ' Celestinorum a monte de castris.' Duke of Sussex. Sandars Bequest, 1894 [2452] Mottled vellum 3. Reattributed to Pigouchet. See no. 3061 *^* p-J- 7944. Reattributed to Pigouchet. See no. 3062 % * Pf 7946. Reattributed to Pigouchet. See nos 3063-4 *** P 7949. Reattributed to Pigouchet. See no. 3065
2932 Pius II: De curialium miseria. 40, 189 mm. P*795o BM VIII 48
In the margin of leaf c x : 'Martinus.' J. B. Inglis. Bought, 1893 Calf, by W. Pratt
2933 Dionysius, Carthusianus: Speculum aureum animae peccatricis. 40, 184 mm. Pell. 4319 Modern half morocco
[2461 ]
2934 Brulefer (Stephanus): Formalitates in doctrinam Scoti. 40, 201 mm. GW5585 Bound (3) with nos 3008, etc.
2935 Publicius (Jacobus): Ars conficiendi epistolas. 40, 202 mm. Cop. 4983 [G. Marchant] a 8 b 6 ; 14 leaves. Types: 77(84)0 (text), 97G (incipit) Bought, 1870 19th c. paper boards
2936 Petrus, de Alliaco: Tractatus exponibilium. 40, 187 mm. a b 8 c6 d 4 ; 26 leaves. 2a: 147 x 96 mm., 45 lines, 2 columns. Types: 115B (title), 65G (text) ia: Tractatus exponibiliu magiftri | Petri de Aillyaco. |; i b : blank; 2a: [ 8 ] Ractatus feques | que ad aliqualem | iuuenum eruditio | nem bzeuiter com | pilaui folum fex | capitula contine* | bit in fpeciali. | Pdmu capitulu^ | erit de quibufda generalib9 p*eam= | bulis...; 9a: nullu animal pter hoiem currit: req |; 26a, col. 1, 1. 23: ([ Sacre pagine ac venerabiliu | artiu doctozis pfundiflimi Magi* | ftri Petri de Allyaco tractatus ex= | ponibiliu nouiflime emedatus Deo | fauente Feliciter definit hec g fum* | cere pofTunt pao paefenti tractatulo | quiquide Parifius exaratus eft et | acuratiflime Impaeffus ab Antho* | nio caillaut como^ante in vico facti | iacobi Anno dfii. et cetera. | Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 (?) Modern half morocco [2465]
2937 Albertus, de Saxonia: Sophismata [etc.], 40, 180 mm. GW802 Wants a6, also the last leaf (blank) Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Modern half morocco 2938
H y m n i . Expositio hymnorum. 4 0 , 198 m m . 8 Mar. 1492/3 P7958 BM viii 51 H6783 Wants the last leaf (blank) 'PP. Celestinorum ad Medunta' Bound (2) with no. 814
2939 Fitzralph (Richard): Defensorium curatorum [etc.], 40, 208 mm. P 7964 BM vra 50 G. Dunn. Bought, 1914 Modern vellum
2940 Thomas (St), Aquinas: De modo confitendi. 40, 191 mm. Pf7965 Pell. 952 a8 b c 6 ; 20 leaves, the last blank *H. C. Hoskier Feb. 1903/ Leighton. Bought, 1919 Bound (1) with nos 2950 & 2953. 19th c. stamped calf
2941 Albertus, Magnus: Liber aggregationis [etc.], 40, 201 mm. p 7973 BM vin 52 GW 649 Bought, 1897 Quarter vellum, by A. Knecht
2942 Hugo, de Sancto Caro: Speculum ecclesiae [etc.], 40, 198 mm. Maz. 501 (p. 650) a8 b 6 ; 14 leaves. 3a: 142 x 89 mm., 36 lines. Types: 97G (title), 77 (80) G (text) ia: Speculu ecclefie vna | cum fpeculo facerdotum. | [Device: Polain 95] |; i b : blank; 2a: Domini hugonis p*imi cardinalis oadinis | psedicatoaum tractatus amatiflimus qui | fpeculu ecclefie infcribitur: incipit feliciter. | De numero osdine et fignificatione facerdotalium veftiu^ | Rubaica p*ima | (d5) kit apoftolus ad ephefios. vi. Induite vos ar= | matura dei: . . . ; 9a (sig. bx): De hoc teftameto dicitur. Luce. xxii. Difpono vobis regnu |; 13a, 1. 30: in bonis operibus. | Finit fpeculum ecclefie. | Incipit fpeculum facerdotu | volentium celebaare mifTam. |; 14a, 1. 22: MifTe mifteria quid fignent: facraqj nefcis | Iftic comperies: hoc igitur repetas. | Finit fpeculum facerdotum. | Rubricator's signature 'lawson', perhaps in the same hand as the inscription in no. 1237. Rustat Fund, 1868 Formerly bound with nos 2946 & 3989. Modern half morocco [2450] 2
943 Vineti (Johannes): Tractatus de orthographia. 40, 208 mm. Cop. 6271 Bound (4) with nos 3030, etc.
2944 Bonaventura (St): De praeparatione ad missam [etc.], 40, 177 mm. GW4678 Given by S. Sandars, 1893 19th c. paper boards
[2463] 0
2945 Cato (Dionysius): Disticha. 4 , 206 mm. GW 6262 Bought, 1895 Cloth, over pink paper wrappers
2946 Articuli fidei (Liber poenitentialis). 40, 197 mm. G W 2716 (inaccurate)
2a, 1. 1: .. .cozde...; 7a, 1. 1: . * .co^ruit...; 10a, 1. 33: .. .cho*o.. .clmfti Rustat Fund, 1868 Formerly bound with nos 2942 & 3989, and rubricated in the same style as the former
2947 Hugo, de Sancto Caro: Speculum ecclesiae [etc.]. 40, 192 mm. Cop. 3186 The device on ia is that of Jean Dupre* (Polain 101) Wants the last leaf (blank?) Bought, 1893 Bound (1) with no. 2985. 18th c. calf
2948 Thomas (St), Aquinas: De modo confitendi. 40, 199 mm. Pell. 965 (with variations)
a8 b c 6 ; 20 leaves (not 22, as Pellechet) 9a (sig. b x ): fe humiliter fubflrahere ab altari. ne in nobis...; 20a, 1.19: Explicit peroptimus tractatus. de confeflione... Bound (3) with nos 2956, etc. [2475]
2949 Thomas (St)9 Aquinas: De modo confitendi. Another copy. 195 mm. Wants the last leaf Bound (8) with nos 2998, etc.
2950 Bernard (St), ofClairvaux: Meditationes. 40, 191 mm. GW 4029 Wants the last leaf (blank) Bound (2) with nos 2940, etc.
2951 Ars moriendi (Cum de praesentis exilii miseria). 40, 195 mm. GW2604 Pell. 1336 1 a, 1. 4: . . .Impericia (as Pellechet) Wants quire c 8 Bound (4) with nos 2998, etc.
2952 Cordiale quattuor novissimorum. 40, 195 mm. GW 7493 (with variations) 9a (sig. b x ): . . .poataret...; 38b, 1. 13: . . .quattuoa nouiffimoaum Bound (5) with nos 2998, etc.
Gerson (Johannes): De regulis mandatorum. 40, 191 mm. 6 Apr. 1489/90 P* 7983 BM VIII 57
Bound (3) with nos 2940, etc.
2954 Phalaris: Epistolae. 40, 197 mm. 3 Sept. 1493 P7987 BM VIII 60
Bound (4) with nos 2957, etc. 2955
Another copy. 199 m m . 'Gibson Craig copy.' 'Mrs Bennett.' From the library of F. Jenkinson, 1923 19th c. half roan
Farenus (Antonius): Confessio utilis et necessaria. 4 0 , 199 mm. H6913 GW9718 Armorial stamp: Ex bibliotheca J. Richard D.M.
Stamp: Domus Lugdunensis Soc. lesu.
Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 Bound (1) with nos 2921 & 2948. Paper boards
2957 Andrelinus (Publius Faustus): Elegiae. 40, 197 mm. 3 Apr. 1494 Pf7 9 89 H1088 GW1864 Colophon: ImpaelTae (not imp^efTae, as GW) Inglis. Rustat Fund, 1900 Bound (1) with nos 3105, 3145, 2954 & 3031. 19th c. blue morocco (by J. Faulkner) [2486]
2958 Bonaventura (St): Dialogus animae et hominis interioris. 8°, 136 mm. 16 Aug. 1494 BM vm 61 H3488 GW4691 (Anm.) Colophon as in GW (Anm.), but with the woodcut on 44b Bound (2) with no. 3132
2959 Bradwardinus (Thomas): Geometria speculativa. F°, 284 mm. 20 May 1495 P 7997 BM viii 61 GW 5002 H 3712 Colophon as in GW (Anm.) Royal Library, 1715 Modern half pigskin 2960
Bradwardinus (Thomas): Arithmetica speculativa. 4 0 , 202 m m . Feb. 1495/6 P*7998 BM vm 61 GW5003 Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Modern half morocco
S a v o n a r o l a ( G i r o l a m o ) : C o m p e n d i u m revelationum. 4 0 , 192 m m . 6 A u g . 1496 HC 14337 Audin 12 a-d 8 e 6 ; 38 leaves, the last blank. 4a: 142x85 mm., 37 lines. Types: title & headings, 200G and another (about 108G); text, 76G. Lombardic initial F on 9b ia: Reuelatio de Tribulatio | nibus noftrosum tempoau: de refoamatione | vniuerfe dei ecclefie autoae deo et de conuer | fione Turcoau et infideliu ad fidem noftra | cito et velociter: oftenfa Floaetie hieronymo | de ferraria: hoc tempose viueti Seruo Iefu | Cluifti minimo. | [Device: Polain 129] |; i b : woodcut (Le maure de Sales); 2a: Hieronymus Beniueni9 | ciuis Flosentinus accepte veritati fidelis aftipulatoa ad libau. | (i4) Liber intrepide ad ludibaia / ad fibila / et ad vipe* | reos te paeparans mo*fus...; 3a: Compediu reuelatiomi | inutilis ferui Iefu cluifti fratris Hieronymi | de ferraria oadinis pzedicatoaum. | [ 3 ] T fi multo t e m p o s . . . ; 9a (sig. b 2 ): a quibus / quando et quomodo. Nullumqj remediu psefulibus |; 37b, 1. 29: Itaq? regi feculoaum immoataH inuifibili foli deo hono* z gloiia | in fecula feculoaum Amen. | Finis Deo gratias. | Impseflum Parifij per Guidonem mercatods | In officina fua retro collegium Nauerre In de | fcefu ad collegiu Attrabatefe Anno dfii. 1496 | Die. vi. Augufti. Et inueniutur hi libai vena | les in interfignio Leonis argentei in vico fancti I Iacobi paope Maturinos. | Given by J. Charrington, 1920 Quarter calf, circa 1800 [249<>]
2962 Faber (Jacobus), Stapulensis: Introductiones logicales. 40, 204 mm. 24 Oct. 1496 GW 9643 Gaselee 190 Wants the first leaf (title, etc.) Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern forrel oc
[4061] 497
2963 Rolewinck (Werner): Libellus de venerabili sacramento. 8°, 130mm. 4 Nov. 1497 P 8005 BM vin 63 H 11246=14098 Wants the first leaf (title) 'Hie liber pertinet ad Thomam Hannys...' Bought, 1898 Modern half morocco
[2491 ]
2964 Lupi Rebello (Jacobus): Tractatus fructus sacramenti. 8°, 131 mm. 18 Dec. 1498 P*8on
With the device of Jean Petit (Polain 144) on ia (cf. BM note) Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Modern half morocco
2965 Lullius (Raimondus): De laudibus B.V.M. [etc.]. F°, 255 mm. 10 Apr. 1499 P8016 BM VIII 66 H* 10327
The title-page has Jean Petit's device (Polain 145). The colophon reads: . . . | Cluifti. | Et impzeflum Parhifij / per Guidonem | Mercatose: fumptib9 / et expefis | Ioannis parui. Anno eiufde | domini faluatods. 1499. | 10. Apzilis. | . . . Wants the last leaf (blank) Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 [2493] Modern half pigskin 2966
A n o t h e r , variant, c o p y . 276 m m . With Petit's device. The colophon reads (as in Hain): . . . j Clnifti. | ImpsefTum... (continuing as no. 2965) Wants the last leaf (blank) 'Pro mgro Johanne doctebonde Rothomagen. dioc.' Royal Library, 1715 Modern half pigskin [2494]
A n o t h e r , variant, c o p y . 279 m m . 6 A p r . 1499 The title-page has no device. The colophon reads as in BM Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Bound (3) with Bovillus, Theologicarum conclusionum libri decent (Ascensius, Paris, 13 June 1515) and Lullius, Contemplationum libri duo [etc.] (Paris, for J. Petit, 10 December 1505) [2495]
Calf, circa 1600
2968 Faber (Jacobus), Stapulensis: Ars moralis philosophiae. 40, 192 mm. 19 Feb. 1499/1500 P 8027 BM VIII 68 H 6838 = 6836 GW 9641 (Anm.) G. Dunn. Bought, 1914 19th c. mottled calf
2969 Fantinus (Albertus): Liber terminorum. 40, 180 mm. GW 9716 Wants leaves 1 (title, device & woodcut) & 8 (last, woodcut) Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Cloth
2970 Bessarion (Johannes): Epistolae et orationes [etc.], 40,187 mm. 21 Oct. 1500 P8031 BM VIII 68 H3006 GW4185 Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Modern half morocco
JEAN DUPRE * * * See a^so
2971 Breviarium Parisiense. F°. 9 June 1492 H 3868 = 3869 GW5423 Fragments of 8 leaves only (hh6_8, mm 4 , mm 7 , qq 7 , qq8 & r r j From a binding
2972 Le Munerat (Jean): Compendium divinorum officiorum. 22 Oct. 1496
40, 176mm.
CopR 3 541 (with variations)
ib, 1.6: . . .concento* modicus...; 3a, 1.1: . . .cotento* | r u m . . . ; 28a, 1.15: ...vocatur... 'Emptus est hie liber per magistrum Jacobum Panetium curatum de sancto amando in publico emptorio urbis cathalaunis 1559/ ' W . Maskell.' Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 Bound (1) with nos 3017, 3587, 1522 & 3681, also Johannes de Lapide, Resolutorium dubiorum (Colonie, Quentell, 1504), Speculum curatorum (Paris, 13 Nov. 1506) & a copy of P 9444 (16th a ) . Calf, by Hayday [2500]
2973 Horae ad usum Sarum. 160 TFS 1909 uu Duff 177 Three fragments only (each of two conjugate leaves), one (the upper of the TFS reproduction) in duplicate, i.e. 4 leaves, two in duplicate 'John Baynes Grey's Inn 1785/ From the binding of one of G. Dunn's law-books (lot 151, 11 Feb. 1913). Given by A. G. W . Murray, 1913 [2501]
JEAN BONHOMME 2974 Nider (Johannes): De morali lepra. 40, 179 mm. 30July 1490 HC 11819 Type: 74G Wants leaf 72 (blank) and quire A 6 (leaves 73-8, table, with 77 & 78 blank) 'Ex libris Carmelitarum discal. Chartron.' Bound (2) with no. 2930, etc. 2975
Horae. 160 Part of a proof-sheet (12 leaves, with sigs c & d), printed on one side only. 17 lines. Types: 74G & 74G* Sig. c: trabile qcl fida mente pofci | mus accipe qct offerim9 im | petra qd rogamus...; sig. d: gladii accipientes in mani | bus eo% d facienda vin | dicta in nacionibus:... Given by F. Jenkinson, 1913 [2503] 499
2976 Millet (Jacques): La destruction de Troye. F°. 1484 H 11160 A proof-sheet (two conjoint leaves) printed on one side, only. Types: 100B, 74G* ib ,col. 1: Le cueur remo2t | Par grant dangier | Et fans targier | Fault dommaiger | . . . ; 2a, col. 1: Paiam | Maintenez vous tous coinctement | Pour vre* grant honneur app*encUe | Ie vueil hozs du palais defcendae | . . . [2504] Given by F. Jenkinson, 1913
2977 Michaelis (N.): Argumenta communia ad inferendum unamquamque propositionem esse veram et esse falsam. 40, 196 mm. a8; 8 leaves. 2a: 164 x 104 mm., 2 columns, 44 lines. Type: 74G* ia: Argumenta comunia ad inferendu | fophiftice vnaquaqp ppofitione effe | veram et effe falfam. | Pzimum. | Vniufcuiufq? cotradictionis altera | pars e falfa ; 8b, 1.23: Expliciunt triginta argumeta comunia | ad omem paopofitione vera fiue falfa3 | effe inferenda valentia per me. M.N. | michaelis compofita: t fub coarectione | mehus dicentiu comiffa atcp edenda. | Venn Collection, 1888 Bound (1) with no. 3027. 19th c. calf [2505]
PIERRE LEVET 2978 Manneken (Carolus): Formulae epistolarum. 40, 197 mm. 1485 Cop. 3848 Cf. BM vm 98 (IA. 39874, note) Wants leaves hlt2,7,3 (all supplied in contemporary MS.) Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (7) with nos 3889, etc. Modern half morocco
2979 Albertanus: De arte loquendi et tacendi. 4 , 195 mm. 18 Nov. i486 H402 GW540 2a, 1. 3: . . . inicio (not initio, as GW) Wants the first leaf (cf. GW Anm.) and the last (blank) 'Pinelli Appendix [Wodhull purchase note cut away] Feb: 26th 1790/ Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 18th c. quarter vellum [2507]
2980 Articuli fidei. 40, 208 mm. GW2715 Wants the first leaf (title) 'Cartusiae Divionie.' Cambridge Baskerville Club Benefaction, 1931 Modern vellum 2981
H y m n i . Expositio h y m n o r u m . 4 0 , 189 m m . 17 A u g . 1487 Pell. 4678 Wants the last leaf (blank). Leaves h 3 & h 4 duplicated 'Ex bibliotheca Prioratus Sti Petri Monasteriensis' (probably the Cluniacs of St Pierre-leMoutier, but v. Cottineau, Repertoire topo-bibliographique des abbayes et prieures, 11 (1937),
col. 2850). Bought, 1894 19th c. half calf
2982 Psalter: Latin. 4 , 172 mm. 19 Feb. 1488 BM VIII 99 H 13492
Wants leaf 9 (ax) R. de la Faille. Bought, 1878 Old calf
2983 Perottus (Nicolaus): Rudimenta grammatical 40, 209 mm. 23 Apr. 1488 HC 12679 Types: 113G (title), 81G 'Presens opusculum sibi vendicat Cuthbertus Hyerimers.' Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (1) with nos 3416, 3520, 4165 & 3808. 18th c. calf, rebacked 2984
B r e v i a r i u m ad u s u m Sarum. 8°, 167 m m . 11 Feb. 1494/5 GW5454 Duff65 Wants leaves 1 & 8 In the Calendar (against 31 Aug.): 'obitus domini thome Wode militis anno domini M°d.ij°...' Lot 281 at Sotheby's, 2 Dec. 1896 ('from an old Library in Cambridgeshire', i.e. Huddleston of Sawston Hall). Sandars Legacy, 1896 Contemporary Cambridge stamped calf with mark of *W.G.' (Hobson: Cambridge, pi. xv, 35) and St George panel (Hobson, p. 53) on both covers [2511]
2985 Osoma (Petrus de): Expositio super Quicunque vult. 40, 192 mm. BM VIII 106
Bound (2) with no. 2947
2986 Bonaventura (St): De praeparatione ad missam [etc.], 40, 195 mm. GW 4671 Bound (7) with nos 2998, etc. 2987
Facetus. 4 , 202 m m . GW 9671 a6 (not [a6] as GW) J. F. Van de Velde. Heber. Bought (lot 448 at Sotheby's), 1 Aug. 1917 (a Britwell sale, though not so advertised) [2514] Wrappers
2988 Bernard (St), o/Clairvaux: Meditationes [etc.]. 8°, 138 mm. GW 4037 'John Trower... 1872.' Given by A. N. L. Munby, 1947 Bound (1) with no. 2989. Old vellum over wooden boards
2989 Bernard (St), ofClairvaux: Modus bene vivendi. 8°, 138 mm. GW 4049 Bound (2) with no. 2988
2990 Innocent III: De miseria humanae conditionis. 8°, 138 mm. 20 Apr. 1494 P* 8065 BM VIII 102 H 10220 Gaselee 191 G. Dunn. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 19th c. paper boards
2991 Bernard (St), ofClairvaux: Epistolae. 40, 227 mm. 30 May 1494 Pf 8299 [Gering & Rembolt] H 2874 GW 3925 'Celestinorum de senonis ex dono magistri Johannis Huyart ecclesiarum sanctorum petri et stephani trecen. canonici. ac decani ecclesiae collegiatae de liriaco prope dictam urbem trecacinam...' (v. Lalore, Inventaires des principales eglises de Troyes (Coll. de Documents inedits relatifs a la ville de Troyes), vol. 2, p. 265). 'Gillet 1779/ L. A. Barbet. Given by J. Charrington, 1932 Contemporary stamped calf: a central panel formed of six narrow rolls (one of vine tendrils with grapes, used twice, the other of four-petalled flowers in diamond compartments, used four times), surrounded by a roll of interlacing oval bands; in the spaces between the interlacings the initials p & m and a star [3723]
2992 Innocent III: De miseria humanae conditionis. 8°, 120 mm. 2 Mar. 1495 P 8066 BM VIII 103 H10221 Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Formerly bound (1) with no. 3130*5. Modern quarter morocco
2993 Eusebius Pamphili: Historia ecclesiastica. 40, 234 mm. 31 Aug. 1497 P*8o67 BM VIII 103 H6713 GW9438 Wants the last leaf (blank) Royal Library, 1715 i8thc. half calf
2994 Petrus, de Palude: Sermones thesauri novi quadragesimales. 40, 198 mm. 13 Feb. 1497/8 R (Suppl.) 177 Collation: .. .d 6 .. . i 6 . . . ; 198 leaves (not 202, as Reichling) The colophon differs from Reichling: ...impfTu fuburbiis fed Germa | ni de paatis g magiftru Petru leuet | expefis vero Duradi gerleri z Joha | nis richart parifijs commo*antiu3. | Anno dfii. M.CCCC.xcvij.xiij. die | Febauarij. | Wants the last leaf (blank); leaves 1 & 2 (title and table) defective An armorial bookplate: a cross, against rays, standing on a crescent moon, in chief a star; crest, a crown of thorns: Dieu et la France. Bought, 1933 18th c. calf [3756]
2995 Alexander, Anglicus: Destructorium vitiorum. F°, 270 mm. 11 Apr. 1497 P*8o69 BM VIII 103 H653 Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 17th c. calf
GW868 [2517]
A n o t h e r c o p y . 290 m m . 'George Clement Ffrauncis.' Royal Library, 1715 Calf, circa 1700 502
2997 Niger (Franciscus): Modus epistolandi. 40, 203 mm. Pf 8077 a-d8 e 6 ; 38 leaves, the last probably blank ia: Epiftole Francifci nigri. | [Device (Polain 126)] |; i b : Opufculu epiftolas familiariu z artis earundem fcribendaijL | maxime in gtiibus viginti. Ad que tn fingule quibus nuc vti* I mur fpecies deducuntur. Suntqj genera ifta videlicet. | . . . ; 2a: Opufculum fcribendi epiftolas francifci | nigri incipit feliciter. | Francifcus niger / Venetus doctor Clariflimo viro Iacobo ge | roldo: Styzo Cnitelfeldefi: Patauini Gymnafii Moderato | ri excellentiflimo Ac vtriufqj virtutis cultoa felicitatem. | (n5) Vma pompilius qui poft romulu | fecudus Rhomani regni monarchiam regiofqj | fafces felici fydere cofecut9 eft: . . . ; 9a (sig. b x ): bnficentia tua sugari z Sicut eni necefTariu erat hoc officiu |; 37a, 1. 35: Opufculu hoc de fcribendis epiftolis q> diligetiflime | emedatu ImpfTu fuburbiis facti germani de p*atis | In interfignio crucis auree g Petrum Leuet Finit. |; 37b: ([ Ars epiftolandi Francifci nigri in laudem hexafticou | . . . (1. 8) Ars elegantiflima fcribendi epiftolas Francifci nigri | eiufde familiarib9 epiftolis lucidiflime declarata: maxie [ in generibus ante aflignatis: Ad que tn fingule quibus | nunc vtimur fpecies reducutur. | Wants the last leaf W. Jones Thomas. Bought, 1891 Modern half morocco [2519]
2998 Stella clericorum. 40, 195 mm. a8 b 6 ; 14 leaves. 2b: 146 x 87mm., 36lines. Types: 113G (title &firstline oftext), 81G (text), with single and double hyphens ia: Stella clericoaum. | [Device (Polain 126)] |; i b : blank; 2a: Tractatus qui Stella clericorum I infcribitur Feliciter incipit. | [ 3 ] Vafi ftella matutina in medio nebu | le. id eft peccatorum. Paopdetates huius ftelle ma* | tutine: poffunt referri ad quemlibet doctorem fidei I id eft facerdotem ; 9a (sig. b): eft facerdoti / fcilicet. Quodcunqj ligaueris fuper terram: | ; 13b, 1. 29: ...Sa | guis in remiflionem peccatorum. et aqua ad lauacrum ba- I ptifini facrificandum. | Finit ftella .clericorum. | 14a: In laudem libelli. | Afpice paefentis: o clerice dicta libelli | . . . (1. 17) Terrenos cum artus fpiritus exuerit. | The initial letters of the verses on 14a spell A N T H O I N E C A I L L A U T 'lib: Jo. Rauens. pretium[...]' (for a similar inscription, dated 1600, see The Carl H. Pforzheimer Library; English literature 1475-1700 ( N e w York, 1940), 11, no. 744). 'Matt. T o w g o o d ' (perhaps the author of Remarks on the profane and absurd use of the monosyllable
Damn, 1746). 'I. B.James/ C. W . Holgate; given by his sisters, 1919 Bound (1) with nos 3066, 3064, 2951, 2952, 3061, 2986, 2949 & 3173. Without covers, flyleaves of vellum MSS. (15th c.) [2520]
Another copy. 190 mm. Wants the first leaf (title) Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Formerly bound with no. 90 (now Ee. 6. 30) in the list of Holdsworth MSS. Modern half morocco [2521]
3000 Johannes, de Lapide: Resolutorium dubiorum. 8°, 132 mm. P8086 BM VIII 106 H*99O3
Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Modern half morocco
3001 Nicolaus, de Hanapis: Exempla sacrae scripturae. 8°, 129 mm. Pf8o8o H6763 Pol. 1438 The colophon varies from Polain: .. .nouo | teftamento collecta... Royal Library, 1715 19th c. calf
3002 Nicolaus, de Hanapis: Exempla sacrae scripturae. 8°, 135 mm. Pol. 1439 Wants h 2 & m 8 Royal Library, 1715 Bound (1) with nos 3137, 3169 & 3048, and (at the end) 11 leaves of 13th c. MS. sermons on vellum (Add. MS. 6396). Contemporary stamped calf [2524]
Gerson (Johannes): De vita spirituali animae. 8°, 138 mm. 8 Nov. 1493 P 8109 [Mittelhus] BM vra 102 H 7673 Bought, 1894 19th c. half roan
3004 Isidore (St): De summo bono. 8°, 137 mm. P* 8121 [Mittelhus] BMvraiO2 H9289? Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 19th c. half morocco
G U I L L A U M E MAYNYAL 3005 Breviarium ad usum Sarum. F° GW5447 Duff247 29 odd leaves only
Saylei32 [2544]
PIERRE LE R O U G E 3006 Ockham (William): Quodlibeta septem. 40, 198 mm. 27 Feb. 1487/8 P* 8091 BM vm 108 H11940 Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 18th c. half calf
3007 Rudimentum novitiorum. {French. La Mer des histoires.) 2 vols. F°, 377 mm. July 1488-Feb. 1488/9 P* 8092 BM VIII 109
Vol. 1 wants leaves z8, zl9 z2 and hh10 (last); vol. 2 wants NNj (supplied in 16th c. MS.), part of NN 9 (supplied in the same hand), NN 10 , and the last 36 leaves (quires ss-o) Stamped cipher of Peiresc. 'Guyon de Sardiere.' Sandars Bequest, 1894 Red morocco, with cipher of Peiresc, restored (the old sides laid down on new leather) [2526]
3008 Albertus, de Saxonia: Sophismata. 40, 201 mm. 12 Dec. 1489 GW799 With minor variations from GW: 109a, 1.16: . . .paobat.. . p a m e . . . ; 109b, 1.2: .. .pdmo de p*i I m a . . . ; 112a: Device (Polain 105); 112b: blank Wants the first leaf (title) Bound (1) with nos 2916, 2934, 3014, 2925, 3016 & 3015. Contemporary stamped calf (defective) [2527]
3009 Lucanus (Marcus Annaeus): Lucain, Suetoine et Saluste. F°, 22 Dec. 1490 Pf 8094 H 10244 MacF. 12 Part of three leaves (v 2 , v 3 & v 7 ) only
3010 Orosius (Paulus): Historiae [etc.], (French.) F°. 21 Aug. 1491 P 8095 BM VIII 109 H 12105 MacF. 16 +126
Fragments only; parts of six leaves of Orosius (d2_4 and three others), and of eight leaves of Seneca ( F F ^ , GG3 and four others) [2529] 3011
H o r a e ad u s u m R o m a n u m . 8°, 162 m m . 9 M a y 1491 Lacombe 23 [*8] a-1 8 ; 96 leaves. 9b: 126 x 80 mm., 28 lines, 2 cols. Types include: 236G (title), with calligraphic initial H (grotesque profile); 117B (advertisement on ia); 64B, leaded to 84 (almanack); 91B (calendar & text). Woodcuts ia: (H) Che beate ma | rie virginis ad | vfum ecclefie roma | ne | Qui en veult auoir on en treuue | A trefgrant marche et bon pais | A la Rofe en la rue neuue | De noftre dame de paris I; i b : [woodcut (anatomical man) with text]; 2a: Almanach pout vingt ans | . . . [1488-1508]; 2b: blank; 3a, col. 1: Ianuarius ha | bet dies xxxi. | L u n a . . . . |; 9a: [woodcut (fall of Lucifer)] col. 1 of text: Initium fancti eua* | gelii Secundum iohane | Gloda tibi domine. | (col. 2) [ 3 ] N pdncipio | erat verbum | t verbu erat |; 17a: [woodcuts] col. 1 of text: [ 3 ] Omine labia | mea aperies. | e t os meu3 | (col. 2) annuciabit laude tua. | [ 2] Eus in adiutos | riu meu intede |; 96b: [Device of P. Le Rouge (Polain 124)] col. 1 of text: Ces pfites heures | a lufaige de rome furet | acheuees le neufuief* |me iour de may Mil I CCCC quatre vigs | et xi. par pierre le rous | (col. 2) ge libsaire du roy pour | vincent comin demeu | rant a la rofe en la rue | neufue deuant noftre | dame de paris | On vellum. Woodcuts and initials illuminated. At the end on 9 leaves of vellum a contemporary MS., with illuminations (St John xvm-xix and ix petites regies pour cognoistre peche mortel)
*Ces heures sont a Jeanne Pettre par don que luy en a faict sa Tante Damoyfelle Hilleiry de faulx, Vefve de feu Hugues des moynes, A Nancy le 7. Juillet 1565/ Below this inscription: * Memento Mori. Memorare nouissima...' with a skull in colour (repeated on leaf 4b of the MS. addition). 'Naylor of Kelmarsh, Northants' (note by ¥. Jenkinson). Given by F. Jenkinson, 1922 18th c. red morocco [2530]
GEORG MITTELHUS 3012 Mancinus (Dominicus): De quattuor virtutibus [etc.], 40, 190 mm. 1488 P* 8098 BM vni 124 H* 10632 Syston Park. Bought, 1891 19th c. blue morocco
3013 Petrus, de Alliaco: De arte obligandi. 40, 198 mm. 1489 Cop. 395 Pell. 531 The colophon has 'opuffculu' (as Copinger) Bound (2) with no. 3209 3014
A n o t h e r , variant, c o p y . 201 m m . The colophon has 'opnffculu' (as Pellechet) Bound (4) with nos 3008, etc.
N a t a l i s (Herveus), Brito: Tractatus de secundis intentionibus. 4 0 , 201 m m . 30 J u l y 1489 a-n 8 ; 104 leaves. 2a: 138x95 mm., 37 lines, 2 cols. Types: 150G (title, headlines, first words of sections), 75G (text) ia: Tractatus magiftri Her | uei doctors perlpicacifii | mi de fecudis intetionibj. |; i b : blank; 2a: Incipittra | ctatusMagiftri heruei doctor f | perfpicacifllmio^dinispaedica | tozum de fecundis intetionibus | (a3) D euiden | tiam aliqualem de fecu | dis intentionib9 haben | dam Primo querentur...; 9a (sig. b x ), col. 1: pzima c$ fcda in abftracto. f. ipfa |; 104a, col. 1, 1. 29: .. .Et ifta fufficiant ad | nunc d fecudis intentionib9 fiue | d ente rationis in coi. I Finis fcctarum Intencionum. | (col. 2) Sequitur tabula | Queftio paia | . . . ; 104b, col. 2, 1.10: Perfpicacifli | mi doctoas Heruei natalis o*di | nis p^edicato^ de fecundis inte | tionib9 tractat9 finit feliciter in | quo acuratiflime ac Igeniofe ipos intellectus pceptus enuchat vfqj I advltima elemeta Impseffus pa | rifii per [Gejoagiu mitelhuB citra | paruu pon[te]m ad interfignu Ar* | getee clauis [c]omoaante. Anno fa | lutis. M.cccc.lxxxix. die penul | tima men6 Iulij. | * Frater Thomas Ellys Conventus Norwici [2534] Bound (7) with nos 3008, etc.
3016 Bricot (Thomas): Textus abbreviatus totius logices Aristotelis. 40, 201 mm. 12 Nov. 1489 Pf8ioo H3966 GW5528 2a, 1. 8: .. .necefTarium | grifaro^i... (not neceffarium. grifaron, as GW) Bound (6) with nos 3008, etc.
3017 Odo, Bp ofCambrai: Expositio canonis missae. 40, 176 mm. 10 Dec. 1492 BM VIII 125
Bound (2) with nos 2972, etc.
3018 Bonaventura (St): Stimulus divini amoris. 8°, 137 mm. 4 Apr. 1493 BM VIII 126 (note) H 3480 GW 4823 Bought, 1899 Modern half morocco
*** P 8109. Reattributed to Pierre Levet. See no. 3003
3019 Guilelmus, Parisiensis: De septem sacramentis. 8°, 135 mm. 6 Sept. 1494 H*83I5 Pol. 1819 Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Modern half morocco
3 020 Nicolaus, Ae Lyra: Quaestiones Judaicam perfidiam improbantes. 8°, 13 7 mm. Pf8i2O Pol 2817 (+Errata) Gaselee 192 1 a, 1. 2: .. .Nicolay... (not Nicolai, as Polain) Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern quarter morocco
*** P* 8121. Reattributed to Pierre Levet. See no. 3004
J O H A N N HIGMAN 3021 Seneca (Lucius Annaeus): Tragoediae. 40, 241 mm. HC 14671 Types: 80R, 100R (leaded) Armorial bookplates of Carl Friderich, Freyherr von und zu Franckenstein in Ockstadt, Ritter Hauptman. 'Geo. Offley, Covent Garden.' Bought, 1899 [2541] Contemporary wooden boards, backed with stamped calf
3022 Mancinus (Dominicus): De quattuor virtutibus [etc.], 40, 202 mm. 22 Dec. 1484 HC 10630=HC 10634? = Cop. 3808? Claudin 1, pp. 93-4 a-d 8 ; 32 leaves. Types: 100R (title), 80R (text) ia: Libellus | De quattuor virtutibus / & oibus | officiis ad bene beateqj viuendu. |; i b : blank; 2a: Do. Manci. ad lectorem de libro fuo. | Quattuor aftringit virtutes ifte libellus / I . . . ; 3a: Prefatio | Dominici Mancini in librum de quattuor virtu | tibus et omnibus officiis ad Fidericum Seueri- | natem / Dominum illuftrem / Epifcopuq? Mallea | cenfium reuerendum prefatio Incipit. | (n2) On mea fert aetas...; 5b: De Quattuor fotibus honeftatis: qui a | naturali ratione habent originem. | (p2) Rincipio oipotens celu: terraqj creauit: | . . .; 9a (sig. b x ): Tune vero aptus eris: cu iuftu tendis ad illud |; 32a, 1. 25: Opera / induftria / arteqj Iohanis Higman | Germani: in regia vrbe Parifio^: In sedi | busqj celeberrimae Achademie Sorbone | Regnante Carolo fexto Francorum rege | Chriftianiflimo: Anno vo p9 falute. M. | CCCC.LXXXIIII: z, xi. kl. Ianuarias: | impreflus eft. Lector Vale | For the complete contents, see BM VIII 124, which is reprinted from this edition Given by J. Charrington, 1916 Blue morocco, by Miss K. Adams [2542]
3023 Ockam (William): Tractatus logicae. F°, 260 mm. 1488 P8125 B M v m i 3 i £1*11948 Wants the first leaf; the last defective and mounted *Spectat ad Bibt0301 St2 an[dreae Genuae]\ Rustat Fund, 1900 Old vellum
3024 Magistris (Martinus de): Quaestiones morales de fortitudine. F°, 266mm. 1 Dec. 1489 P 8128 BM vin 132 H 10458 (1) With the device of Denis Mellier (Polain 138 6/5) on the last verso (cf. BM) Rustat Fund, 1900 Old vellum 507
3025 Magistris (Martinus de): Tractatus consequentiarum. 40, 197 mm. 1489 Cop. 3739 A-G 6 ; 42 leaves, the first blank. Type: 80R 2a: (c5) Irca tractatu pfeque | tiaru magiftriMar | tini querif p°. Vtru | diffinitio cofequetie | fit bona in qua cfr (£ | Dfia e ofo hiis aiis t pfis z, nota | illatiois....; 7a (sig. B ^ , col. 1: hie poif eft ppo deineffe corrfi- |; 42a, col. 1, 1. 11:...Ad pbatio | ne df (£ I3 in cathegoricis requi | raf idetitas copule total non tfi | in ipotheticis. Et hec de qftione | Finis | ImprefTu eft hoc opufculu in ce | leberrima vrbe Pari6 in vico fci | iacobi ad interfigniu fee barba | re per vuolfgangu hopiil. | Anno M.CCCC.LXXXIX | ; 42b: T R A C T A T V S C O N S E Q V E N T I A R V M | M A G I S T R I M A R T I N I MAGISTRI. | Venn Collection, 1888 19th c. calf [2546] 3026
Missale Xanctonense. F°, 311 mm. 15 Apr. 1491 HC11438 WB1663 [*6] a-m 8 A 8 n-s 8 t 4 A-C 8 ; 186 leaves. Types: noG A & 110G*. Lombardic initials (two sets, 10 & 5 mm.) ia: [red] (A2) Nnus habet mefes. xii. ebdomadas. Hi. et vnu die z, dies, ccclxv. et |vi. hozas. Et qh currit bifext9 4 itrat fingulis quattuo* arris fu | [ 4 ] gat per vnu die tni: et habet tuc dies, ccc.lxvi ; 6b, 1. 37: [red] xiii A [black] ii kl Silueftri pape vi. lee. Columbe virginis | et martyris tres lectiones in medio | ; [7: not known.] 8a: [red] luca [black] pdmo capitulo | [red] (I2) [black] N illo tepose. Miffus eft ange | lus gabsiel a deo in ciuitatem | galilee cui nomen nazareth...; 15a (sig. b x ): [red] (I2) [black] N illo tpe iuda. [red] S. luca. [black] ii | Erat iofeph et maria mat ie* |; 106b: woodcut of the Crucifixion; 107a: woodcut of God the Father enthroned with angels and symbols of the Evangelists; 108a, col. 1,1.4: [ 6 ] E igitur clemetiflis | me pater per iefum | clniftu filiu tuu dfi3 | noftru fupplices ro | g a m 9 . . . ; m a : [red] Incipit osdinale mifTaru de factis | celebaadaif per ani circulu...; 163 a: [red] Incipit coe fco>. In vigilia vnius | apoftoli. Ad mifTa Introitus | [ 4 ] [black] Go aute ficut oliua...; 186b, col. 2 , 1 . 1 1 : . . . Quo= | modo te reples et ingurgitas vino: | qui debes efTe plenus deo? Hec ber | nardus. | Finit mifTale fedm vfu ecclefie xan I ctonefis. Impaeflu Parifius per io | hane higma. In vico claufi baunelli | paope fcholas decreto^. Anno domi | ni millefimo quadaigetefimo nona | gefimo pdmo. Die vero xv. menus | ap^ilis. | On vellum. Woodcuts & initials illuminated Wants leaf ax (first leaf of text, following the Calendar). Some leaves mutilated Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf, rebacked [2547]
3027 Buridanus (Johannes): Sophismata. 40, 196mm. GW 5754 Wants leaves b 4 , b 5 , dl9 d 2 , d7 & d8 (all supplied in contemporary MS.) Bound (2) with no. 2977
3028 Faber (Jacobus), Stapulensis: Introductio in Metaphysica Aristotelis. 40, 203 mm. 16 Feb. 1493/4 P* 8219 [Treperel] BMVIII133 GW9639 42a, 1. 36: . . .metaphyficos (not metaphyfocos, as GW)
PARIS Leaves a4 & b 2 mutilated Given by Sir C. S. Sherrington, 1942 Bound (1) with no. 3029. Cloth
3029 Hermes, Trismegistus: De potestate et sapientia Dei. 40,203 mm. 31 July 1494 P 8133 BM VIII 134 H 8462
Leaf a3 mutilated Bound (2) with no. 3028
3030 Garlandia (Johannes de): Synonyma. 40, 208 mm. 23 Nov. 1494 P*8i34 BM VIII 135 H7477 Duff 160 'Liber iste pertinet Domino Humfrido Barlaw.' Bought, about 1887 Bound (1) with nos 3103, 3472, 2943 & 3080. Contemporary English stamped calf [2349]
3031 Cato (Dionysius): Disticha. 40, 197 mm. 19 Dec. 1494 P 8135 BM VIII 135 GW 6292
Wants the last leaf (blank) Bound (5) with nos 2957, etc.
3032 Jordanus, Nemorarius: Arithmetica [etc.]. F°, 270 mm. 22 July 1496 P*8i37 BM VIII 137 H9436 Given by O. Fowler, 1655 Modern half pigskin
[2551 ]
Another copy. 285 mm. Wants ax, h 8 & ix_6 Royal Library, 1715 Modern half pigskin
3034 Aristoteles: Ethicaad Nicomachum [etc.]. F°, 280 mm. 1496-12 Apr. 1497 BM VIII 138 H1761 + 1750
Pt 1 (of the GW description) wants ax; leaves 14,5 defective; Pt 2 wants ax; Pt 3 wants a5 Armorial bookplate: Bibliotheque de St Philippe. Bought, 1905 Old vellum over wooden boards [2553) 3035
Missale Trajectense. F°, 313 m m . 30 N o v . 1497 P 8139 BM VIII 139 H11434
On AA7a, 'vj* in the headline (red) has been over-printed 'vij' in black Wants leaf lx; l 2 -m 8 defective (corners of text supplied in MS.) Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf 3036
A n o t h e r c o p y . 326 m m . With the same correction in the headline on AA7a. Leaf CC 10 defective 'Sum Rodolphi Laurimani.' ' W . H.James Weale.' J. M. Falkner. Given by Sir J. Noble, 1932 19th c. stamped morocco [3728]
3037 Dionysius, Areopagita: Opera [etc.], F°, 269 mm. 6 Feb. 1498/9 P*8i4O BM VIII 140 H*6233 GW 8409 ' . . .Hetherington.' Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (1) with no. 3154. Modern half pigskin
3038 Faber (Jacobus), Stapulensis: Introductiones logicales. 40, 203 mm. 27 Apr. 1500 GW 9646 Wants i 8 ; k 8 misbound after 18 Thomas Parkin. Given by F. J. Norton, 1933 18th c. mottled calf, rebacked
PIERRE LE C A R O N 3039 Mary, the Blessed Virgin. Corona mystica B.V.M. 40, 196 mm. P8142 BM VIII 142 GW7576 Wants the first leaf (title) and the last (blank) 'Jo. Villette' (rubricator). Armorial stamp: Abbaye de Premontre. Bought, 1907 Modern quarter morocco
GEORG WOLF 3040 Caracciolus (Robertus): Sermones de laudibus sanctorum. 40, 213 mm. 28 Jan. 1489/90 P 8145 A BM VIII 145 H 4479 GW 6055 'Pertinet conventui beati francisci de silis (?) [ . . . ] ' (perhaps the Franciscan convent at Santo Domingo de Silos; cf. H. Florez, Espaita sagrada, xxvn, 391-2). Rustat Fund, 1900 Contemporary stamped calf, the boards lined with fragments of a breviary written in a Visigothic hand, circa 1100 (Add. MS. 5905, v. Hispania Sacra, m (1950), pp. 139-44) [2337]
3041 Gregory I: Homiliae super evangeliis. 40, 194 mm. 1491 H*795O Pell. 5369 Wants the first leaf (title) 'Will and Walke aright. Will: Walker.' Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound with nos 3121, 3123, 3124 & 3126. 18th c. half calf, rebacked 3042
B i b l e : Latin.
4 0 , 192 m m . 28 Feb. 1491/2
Cop. 4639 Types: 80R, 100R 'Bought of W. Straker, Bookseller, Holborn, London 1832. C.T.' 'Chas Turnor, Prebendary of Lincoln, 1833 \ with a letter (dated 12 Feb. 1833) from him to 'Mr BowtelF (i.e. John Bowtell the younger, Library-Keeper i8i9?-52) presenting the book 18th c. mottled calf [2559]
3043 Terentius (Publius), Afer: Comoediae. F°, 286 mm. 20 Oct. 1492 P 8147 BM VIII 146 (IB. 40183) H 15423 'Andreas Bleare/ 'Thomas de la port Male amico suo amantissimo Johanni de Oversley Salutem dicit plurimam Amen' (with other calligraphic trials in the same hand beginning 'This indenture...'). 'Memorandum that I Johan Laurence have lent unto Wylliam foord 510
PARIS this terrence with a commentary and he hath lent me the institutions of the civil laue and there is no change mayde/ John Clayton. Given by R. Griffin, 1930 Contemporary Cambridge stamped calf, rebacked, similar to Hobson: Cambridge, pi. xra; the stamps are pi. xv, nos 40, 42 & 45, a small fleur-de-lys lozenge, and the dromedary of pi. XIH [3663]
3044 Albertus, de Saxonia: Sophismata [etc.]. 40, 206 mm. 1490 P8149 BM VIII 145 H581 GW800 Wants the last leaf (blank) Bought, 1899 19th c. quarter vellum
ANDRE BOCARD 3045 Ovidius Naso (Publius): Metamorphoses. F°, 275 mm. 6 Sept. 1496 HC12173 a4 b-q 8 r-y6-8 z8 z4; 178 leaves. Types: 180G (title & headlines), 96G, measuring 99 mm. (text), 74G (commentary). Woodcut initials (several sets) ia: (O) Vidius metamorphofeos | cum commento familiari. | [Device of Pierre Regnault (Polain 10)] |; i b : ([ Publii Ouidii Nafonis vita. | (P6) Vblius Ouidius Nafo Sulmoni que vzbs eft in pelignis: . . . ; 2a: ([ Ad illuftriflimum Mantue p2incipem Francifcu Gonzagam | Raphaelis regii enarrationu in Ouidii metamoaphofin pfatio. | (C6) Ogitanti mihi iucundiflime p*inceps: . . . ; 3a: ([ Petrus reginaldus noamanottim vniuerfitatis | libaarius Iuuentuti poefis cupide Salu. plu. dicit. | (q2) Vum animaduerterem animoqj diu volutarem...; 4a: Celestial diagram; 4b: woodcut; 5a: (commentary) ([ Raphaelis Regij in pdmu metamozphofeos Ouidij libaum enarrationes. | (I4) N noua fert animus. Confueuerunt heroici poete in pdncipijs ftati operu fuo^u...; (text) P. Ouidii Nafonis metamoaphofeos lib. 1. | [ 8 ] N noua fert animus muta* | tas dicere fornias | Co*po*a ; 176a, 1. 36 (of commentary): ...Vatum paefagia. poetarum diuinationes. | (f Publii Ouidii Nafonis metamo*phofeos liber | vna cu enarrationibus Raphaelis regii: Parifiiqj | per magiftrum Andream bocard (fumptibus vero | Petri reginaldi cadonienfis libearii) optimis cara | cteribus impaefTus Feliciter finit. Ex die. vi. fepte= | bas. M.CCCC.lxxxxvi. |; 176b: ([ Index eo% que quocp in \ibzo metamosphofeos Ouidii continetur. | . . . ; 178a, col. 2, 1. 21: Metamozphofeos commendatio fo. clxxii. | 'Goldwdl.' '...Nicolaus West/ 'Ihohannes Londus/ *.. Joanni Lichfeld...' 'Liber Humfridi Kay.' Royal Library, 1715 i8thc. half calf [2561]
3046 Sallustius Crispus (Gaius): Opera. 40, 221 mm. 13 Jan.(?), 1497 BM VIII 155
Leaves 39-133 (e7-r5) only, containing Bellum Jugurihinum 'Henricus Viridimontanus' (i.e. Henry Greenhill?). Royal Library, 1715 i.8thc. half calf
3047 Gaguin (Robert): De origine et gestis Francorum. F°, 265 mm. 31 Mar. 1497/8 BM VIII 156
*TheodosiUs Monsecolius Florimanvista (?)'. W. H. Crawford. Oxon. 8. xi. 95/ Given by P. S. Allen, 1918 Bound (1) with no. 2851. 19th c. quarter calf
Fcc [P. S. Allen] C.C.C. [2563]
3048 David, de Augusta: De profectu religiosorum. 8°, 135 mm. Pf8i59 GW8168 A fragment (leaves b^y) only Bound (4) with nos 3002, etc. 3049
G a g u i n ( R o b e r t ) : Opuscula varia. 4 0 , 187 m m . 22 N o v . 1498 P* 8163 BM vm 156 H* 7425 'Religiosis Patribus Matthurinensibus.' 'Conventui Patrum ord. sssmae Trinitatis Parisiis.' Given by J. Charrington, 1917 Calf, circa 1700, on the panels of the spine a cross pattee concave (badge of the Mathurins) [2564]
3050 Brulefer (Stephanus): Opuscula theologica. 8°, 133 mm. 24 Apr. 1500 P8165 BM VIII 157 H*4OO4 GW5587 Wants u 8 ; quire z misbound *R^° Ive pertinet iste liber.' 'Servire Deo regnare est. iijs. 6d.' Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 [2565] 18th c. calf, rebacked
3051 Guilelmus, Ah emus: Rhetorica divina. 8°, 136 mm. 16 May 1500 H8308 Pol. 1810 (+Errata) Collation: A-T 8 (not a-t8 as Polain); ib (last line): .. .deterfus... (not detesius); 151b (colophon): . . . vngentis... (not vugentis) * Celestinorum de ambianis.' G. Dunn. Given by the Rev. H. F. Hamilton, 1917 [2366] Modern vellum
3052 Illustrium virorum opuscula. F°, 252 mm. 28 June 1500 P*8i66 BM vm 158 H*ipo6 Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Cloth
3053 Aristoteles: Ethica ad Nicomachum. F°, 265 mm. 26 Sept. 1500 H*i7 5 8 GW2378 Wants leaves b 3 , b 4 , cx & ox 'Nicolas Preston...' 'Liber Richardi Fentonclerici 3 Nonis Maii Anno 1538/ Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 [425$] Modern half pigskin 3054
C a t o (Dionysius): Disticha. 4°, 190 m m . P 7748 [Basel, M. Furter] BM in 788 & VIII 158 GW 6312 'Liber mri Thome Rygby.' 'H.Hughes/ 'John Jones.' Ashburnham. Bought, 1897 (?) Bound (1) with nos 3104 & 3082. Calf, circa 1700, rebacked [2568]
3055 Petrus, de Alliaco: Conceptus et insolubilia. 40, 179 mm. Cop. 392 a b 8 c 6 ; 22 leaves. Types: 180G (title), 78G (first lines of texts), 63G (text). Lombardic and woodcut initials ia: Coceptus z infolubi | lia Perti de alyaco. | [Device, Polain 92] |; i b : blank; 2a: (T7) Ermino*u ali9 | mentalis / alius vo= | calis / alius fcriptus | Terminus metalis | eft cocept9 512
fiue act | intelligedi anie vel | potetie intellectiue. | . . . ; 9a (sig. b): cem vel fcriptura modo pdicto com |; 22a, col. 2,1. 20: .. .tamen certus fum <£ cuctis | ingeniofis diligenter aduertentibus | apparebit pbabilis. Et hec funt bze* \ uiter dicta de vocatis infolubilibus. | ([ Finis infolubiliu. | Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Modern quarter morocco \2$6g\
3056 Gaguin (Robert): Ars versificatoria [etc.], 40, 204 mm. H7422 Pell. 4957 'Bibliothecae Colbertinae.' *Bib. Mores. 520/ Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 19th c. calf
3057 Libellulus secundarum intentionum logicalium. 40, 198 mm. ab 4 ; 8 leaves. 4b: 164x98 mm., 52 lines, 2 columns. Types: 96G (title & incipits), 64G second state (text). Lombardic and woodcut initials ia: ([ Libellulus fecundarum nitentionum | logicaMunouitercompilatus.paofcho | laribus. | [Device, Polain 92] |; i b : blank; 2a: ([Incipit tractat9 de qui | q$ vniuerfalibus logicali | bus perutilis nouiter ins | uentus. | (B6) Ene fundatu | paeexigit debitu fun | damentum. | ([ Nobis ergo inte* | tiones logicales arti | ficialiter fundarevo | letib9 op9 e -,5a (sig. b): (f Quatu ad quartu cp$. |; 8a, col. 2, 1. 18: .. .Eft indiuiduu qct eft coarela* | tiuu ppsie. et pot dici diftinguendo 5 | alia indiuidua ppsietatis. | ([ Hec ergo ad eruditione fundame* | tale paruulo> 4 ^e a ^ philofophia vel | theologia realiu doctoau applicauere | fcripfi. | 'Liber Wyllelmi Edys monachi de burton.' 'Robertas medowcroft.' 'Thomas Cheales/ 'John Norrye.' Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 [257*] Modern quarter morocco
3058 Martinus, Polonus: Margarita decreti. 40, 195 mm. a-r 8 ; 136 leaves. 4a: 151x94 mm., 48 lines, 2 columns. Types: 180G (title), 96G (title & headings), 64G second state (text). Lombardic and woodcut initials ia: Margarita decreti | feu tabula martiniana Decreti. | [Device of Jean Petit (Polain 145)] |; ib: blank; 2a: ([ Margarita decreti: | feu tabula martiniana | edita per fratre Mars | tinu o^dinis pdicato>: | diii pape penitentiariu | t capellanum. | (I6) Nter alia q= | cucj ad fideliu xpi | doctrina fcripta . . . ; 9a (sig. b): Item in teftificatione. xxxv. q. vi. |; 136a, col. 2,1. 17: Q finenda fut vtraqp crefcere vfq? | ad meife^ iudicij: z tune angeli col= | ligent zizaniam in fafciculos ad co | burendum. xxiij. queftio. i. §. i. ante | finem. | ([FINIS. | 136b: [Device, Polain 92] 'Robertus Temple' Bound (1) with no. 3059. Contemporary stamped calf; a central panel ruled saltire-wise with a triple fillet, in the spaces thus formed a lozenge stamp of a fleur-de-lys; the panel surrounded with a broad ornamental roll of birds and beasts among foliage with the initials H C (Oldham, pi. L, no. 88). The fragments of the Cologne Sarum Breviary (no. 647) were formerly in this volume as endpapers and pastedowns [2573]
3059 Annotationes Margaritarum decretalium. 40, 195 mm. a
~g 8 ; 56 leaves. 2b: 158x97 mm., 50 lines, 2 columns. Types: 180G (title), 96G (title, incipit & headings), 78G (dedication), 64G second state (text). Woodcut initials ia: Annotationes fiuerepor | tationes Margaritarum omniu decretalium | fecundu alphabeti
PARIS osdinem. | [Device ofJean Alexandre (Polain3)] |; i b : ([ Sebaftianus baantNicolao | Ke6ler ciui Basiliefi. falutem | . . . ; 2a: f Incipiut annotatioes | fiue repoatationes mars | garitarum omniu decre* | talium 6m alphabeti oz- | dinem. | (A5) Bbas ea que | fut epifcopal dignis | tat J no exerceat....; 9a (sig. b): natuum vl dignitatu3 ab epo. cf his |; 56a, col. 2, 1. 25: Zonas de auro vel argeto no po* | tent clerici. de vi. et ho. cleri. capitu= | lo clerici. \ibzo. iij. titulo. i. I Finis. | Bound (2) with no. 3058 [2574]
3060 Tartaretus (Petrus): De intensione, rarefactione et condensatione formarum. 4°, 192 mm. Cop. 5713 Gaselee 194 Types: 94G, 64G (first state). The text ends on 7b (not 8b, as Copinger) Wants the last leaf (presumably blank) Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern quarter vellum
PHILIPPE PIGOUCHET % * Nos 3061-9 are printed in Proctor's Caillaut Type 5 (reattributed to Pigouchet by BM)
3061 Bonaventura (St): Meditationes vitae Christi. 40, 195 mm. P 7943 [Caillaut] BMVHH13 GW 4743 [Caillaut] Bound (6) with nos 2998, etc. 3062
C o r d i a l e q u a t t u o r n o v i s s i m o r u m . 4 0 , 200 m m . Pf 7944 [Caillaut] GW 7500 Wants the first leaf (title) * Iste liber pertinet Jacobo cossier Dit le brun. Si quis inveniat amore dei sybi reddat Et habebit bonum vinum ad sanctum Jacobum.' 'Hunc librum emit Johannes canet clericus parrochialis sancti leodegarii lensen. fratri Jacobo cossier alias Le brun cordigero lensen. Anno dni millesimo quingentesimo septimo xvij- mensis Julij.' Bought, 1892 Paper boards [2455]
3063 Dionysius, Carthusianus: Speculum aureum animae peccatricis. 40, 194 mm. Pf 7946 [Caillaut] ? Pell. 4320 Rustat Fund, 1893 19th c. quarter cloth
Another copy. 195 mm. Bound (3) with nos 2998, etc.
3065 Wirecker (Nigellus): Speculum stultorum. 4°, 190 mm. P 7949 [Caillaut] BM vin 112 H i 6215 ' . . .La Valliere copy.. .afterwards Courtois.' Rustat Fund, 1887 18th c. green morocco
H u g o , de Sancto Caro: Speculum ecclesiae [etc.], 4 , 195 mm. Cop. 3185 a 8 b 6 ; 14 leaves Bound (2) with nos 2998, etc.
3067 Persius Flaccus (Aulus): Saturae. 40, 180 mm. a b 8 ; 16 leaves, i b : 22 lines. Type: 80G, leaded to 135 mm. ia: Auli flacci perfii poete fatysarum opus. | (n3) Ec fonte lab*a psolui caballino. | Nee in bicipiti fomniafTeparnafo | . . . ; 9a (sig. b x ): Fert animus calide fecifTe filentia turbe |; 16a, 1.9: lam decies redit in rugam: depinge: vbi fiftam | Inuentus cluyfippe tui finito* acerui. | A. Perfii Flacci Satyaarum Finis. |; 16b: [Device of Pigouchet (Polain 152)] Bought, 1892 19th c. quarter morocco
3068 Bonaventura {St): Meditationes vitae Christi. 40, 187 mm. BM VIII 112 GW 4747
Wants the last leaf (blank) 'Ad usum fratrum Cap. Turonen.' *R. Farmer.' Acquired before 1853 18th c. quarter morocco, the colophon from Rembolt's edition of 1509 cut out and pasted inside the back cover [2457]
3069 Guido, de Monte Roc/zera: Manipulus curatorum. 40,184 mm. 22 Sept. 1489 BM VIII 112
Bought, 1895 18th c. red morocco, with arms of Louis-Leon-Felicite, due de Brancas de Lauraguais, and crest of Buccleuch [245S]
Horae ad usum Parisiensem. 8°, 224 m m . 1 Dec. 1491 P 8179 BM vm 114 There is no device on 92b (cf. BM IA. 40296) On vellum Sandars Bequest, 1894 Stamped morocco, by Thivet
H o r a e ad u s u m R o m a n u m . 8°, 185 m m . 5 J a n . 1491/2 a-k 8 ; 80 leaves. The first two leaves of quire h are signed Ai, Aii. 10a: 121 X75 mm. (without borders), 30 lines, 2 columns. Types: 98B (directions for phlebotomy and almanack), 81B (almanack, calendar & text). Woodcuts & borders ia: [Woodcut (anatomical man)] col. 1 of text: Quat la lune eft en ca | cer / fcoapio / et pifces / il I fait bon faignier au | fleumatique ; i b : Almanach pour xxi. an. | . . . [14881508]; 2a: Sequitur refiduum dicti almanach | . . . ; 2b: [Woodcut] [ 2] ndictio dei pris cu angel fuisfitfug me . . . ; 3a: Ianuarius habet dies. xxxi. luna vero. xxx. | . . . ; 9a: [Woodcut] Initium fancti euangelii fecun* | dum Iohanne. Gloaia tibi domine. | (below, col. 1): [ 2] N psincipio erat v | bum et verbu erat | apud deu z, deus erat ver | bu. Hoc erat in pdncipio | (col. 2) apud d e u . . . ; 16a: [Woodcut] [ 3 ] Omine labia mea aperies. | [ ]t os meum annunciabit | laudem tuam [ ]eus in | (below, col. 1) adiutodum meuminten* | de [ ]fie ad adiuuandum | me feftina...; 80a, col. 2: Ces psefentes heures | a lufage de Rome furent | acheuees par Philippe | pigouchet le cinquiefine | iour de Ianuier Lan de | grace Mil quattre centz | quattre vingtz z xi [erased pour | Simon Voftre libraire | demourant a Paris 515
PARIS en la | rue neuue noftre dame | pres la grant eglife. | ]; 8ob: Iefus foit en ma tefte et mon entendement. | . . . (1. 17) Refection fobae a heure briefue table | Font lhomme faige et a tous gracieux. | On vellum. Initials illuminated Sandars Bequest, 1894 Red velvet [2577]
3072 Horae ad usum Romanum. 8°, 163 mm. 6 Mar. 1497 R945 1 a, 1. 2: .. .le vi. iour de Mars. Lan. M.CCCC.iiiixx. z... Wants leaves b l f b 8 , c 2 , c 3 , c 6 & c7 Royal Library, 1715 i8thc. half calf
(cf. Reichling)
Another, variant, copy. 160 mm. Quire d and leaves 15 & 16 differ from the preceding entry, e.g. l6a, 1. 1: (this copy) quando nobiliffima anima tua egreffa eft |; (no. 3072) [ 2] Domine iefu chsifte te depsecoe p*o* | Wants leaves bl9 b 2 , c 7 , d 8 , e 1 _ 3 &l 8 _ 10 ; b 8 & l 7 mutilated; e2 supplied from another edition Given by S. Sandars, 1893 Brown morocco, by Petit [2579]
H o r a e ad u s u m S a r u m . 8°, 174 m m . 16 M a y 1498 P* 8194 BM VIII 119 H 8863 Duff 193 On vellum. Initials illuminated Two leaves of vellum bound in at the end: 'First v paternosters v Aues & a Crede in the Remembraunce & in the honor of the v wondes of Ihesus...' (17th c.) Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf [2580]
3075 * Horae ad usum Pictaviensem. 8°, 163 mm. 8 Aug. 1498 a-k 8 l 4 ; 84 leaves. 9a: 105x61 mm., 26 lines. Types: 81B (colophon, directions for almanack, calendar & text), 65G (almanack), 65G & 55G (notes in borders), 130G (heading of almanack). Woodcuts & borders ia: [Device of Pigouchet (Polain 152)] Ces p*efentes heures a lufaige de Poitiers, furet ache* I uez le viii. iour de Aouft. Lan Mil. CCCC. xcviii. pour | Simon voftre. Libaaire: demourant a Paris a la rue neu= | ue noftre dame, a lenfeigne fainct Iehan leuangelifte. |; ib: Almanach pour xxi. an. | . . . [1488-1508]; 2a [Woodcut (anatomical man)]; 2b: Ianuari9 I13 dies. xxxi. luna. xxx. | . . . ; 8b: [Woodcut] Initium fancti euangelii fcdm Iohanne. | Gloria tibi domine. |; 9a: [ 2] N paincipio erat verbum z verbum | erat apud deumet deus erat verbu | Hoc erat in paincipio apud deum....; 24a: [Woodcut] [ 3 ] Omine labia mea aperies [ ]t os | meum annunciabit laude tua [ ]e | us in adiutodum meu intede [ ]ne I; 84b, 1. 22: Et en tefmoing de cefte confeflion z ptefta | cion: z en defpit de lenemy defer ie vo9 offre | le Credo, ou toute verite fe contiet. Et vo9 | recomande mon ame: ma foy: ma vie: z ma | mon. Amen. Credo in deum. zc. \ 'Robt Surtees to John Palmer 29th May 1825/ Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 18 th c. calf, with central oval stamps of the Crucifixion (upper cover) and the Annunciation (lower) [2381] 516
3076 Horae ad usum Romanum. 40, 217 mm. 16 Sept. 1498 P* 8197
On vellum. Initials illuminated Wants the first leaf Bookplate with monogram EL and motto AOKIMAZEIN KATEXEIN (E. H. Lawrence, F.S.A.). Sandars Bequest, 1894 Brown morocco (French, circa 1700), with a broad gilt border surrounding a central pane of olive-green [2582] 3077
Another copy. 189 m m . On paper Given by S. Sandars, 1893 Red morocco, by S. David
3078 Guilelmus, Altissiodorensis: Summa super libros Sententiarum. F°, 276 mm. 3 Apr. 1500/1 P*82O6 BM VIII 122 H*8324 'Arthurus Wyllyams.' Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 17th c. calf 3079
Another copy. 273 m m . Royal Library, 1715 Modern half morocco
G a g u i n ( R o b e r t ) : Ars versificatoria [etc.]. 4 0 , 208 m m . Cop. 2614 a-c 8 d 6 ; 30 leaves. 3b: 156x92 mm., 41 lines. Types: 130G (title), 76G, but with M set straight (text) ia: Ars verfificatoria Roberti gaguini. | [Device of Pigouchet (Polain 152)] |; i b : ([Ad libellum recognitum Auctoais paoloquium. | f Ne repetas iterum noftras pannofioa edes. | . . . ; 2a: ([ Ad libellu fuu Roberti Gaguini Epigramma. | (a2) H : fruftra obloqueris. Cenomani paincipis aulam | . . . ; 3a,l. 15: (f AdCarolumdeAndegauia. Cenomanie comite: Rober | berti gaguini monafterii diui Maturini Parifienfis miniftri | in libaos de arte metrificandi paefatio. | (q3) Ve de coficiendis verfibus / inter domefticas follicitudi | nesipfecofcripfi:...; 9a (sig. b x ): bitroa exeplo^. Quippe qui in huiufcemodi foama rara funt / nee |; 24b, 1.10: ([ Finis artis verfificatoaie. | ([ Tabula rubaicarum...; 25a, 1. 13: j[ Eiufde Roberti gaguini apud Coaduba febae grauif egro | tat[ / ad diii faluatorj matre Oao: cu aliis qbufda epigramatib9 | (f2) I tento infelix / et crimine foadidus aures | Nunc pulfare tuas: . . . ; 30a, 1. 30: (f Verfus Roberti gaguini / generu diuerfoTf fe | cundu arte hie inferipta copilati feHciter finiunt. | Bound (5) with no. 3030 [2586]
Vergilius Maro (Publius): Georgica. 40, 202 mm. P 8209 BM VIII 123
'Antonius Perinus.' ' J o n a n n e s Foster.' *Robarto pyrryns...' ' . . .Ricardo Plant/ Bought (lot 1348 at Puttick's), 28 July 1864 Modern half morocco 517
'Thomas Streythey.'
3082 Vergilius Maro (Publius): Georgica. Another copy. 190 mm. Bound (3) with nos 3054, etc. 3083
H o r a e ad u s u m R o m a n u m . 8°, 130 m m . a-0 8 ; 112 leaves. 15b: 96x56 mm. (without borders), 24 lines. Type: 81B. Woodcuts & borders ia: blank; ib: Almanach pro. xx. annis | . . . [1488-1508]; 15a: [Woodcut] Initium fancti euangelii fecun= | dum Iohanne. Gloria tibi domine. |; 24b, 1. 16: Hoae intemerate virginis marie fe | cundum vfum Romane curie icipiut | feliciter. |; 25a: [Woodcut] [ 2] Omine labia mea aperies | [ ]t os meu annuciabit lau | (25b) de tua [ ]eus 1 adiutoaiu meu intende | . . . ; 112a, 1. 14: .. .Pseftate eodem diio noftro ie | fu cluifto qui cum patre et fpiritufans | cto viuit et regnat 1 fecula feculoaum. | Amen. Pater nofter. Aue maria. | Ho*e beate marie virginis fecundu | vfum Romanum finiunt feliciter. |; 112b: [Device of Pigouchet (Polain 152)] On vellum. Woodcuts coloured Culemann 204. W. H. Crawford. Sandars Bequest, 1894 Calf, circa 1700; red endpapers decorated in gold (deer, hound, armorial eagle, amid foliage) [4203]
JEAN TREPEREL *** P* 8219. Reattributed by BM & GW to Johann Higman. See no. 3028
3084 Alanus, de Insulis: Doctrinale ahum parabolarum. 40, 203 mm. P 8222 BM vm 167 GW 2792 27b, 1. 7: .. .fingula... (not fiugula, as GW) *E Libris Josephi Cox Coll. Magd. Oxon. 1819/ Bought, 1865 Formerly bound (1) with no. 3538. 19th c. quarter calf, repaired
3085 Chronicles. Chroniques de France abregees. 40, 193 mm. 26 Mar. 1494/5 GW 6684 With variations from GW; collation: .. .g 6 h 8 . . . ; ia, 1. 2: .. .et de n o e . . . ; 7a (sig. b x ): Cy commence... Sunderland. J. S. Burra. Given by J. Charrington, 1916 Old vellum [259<>\
M I C H E L LE N O I R 3086 Bonaventura (St): De castitate et munditia sacerdotum. 8°, 134 mm. 2 Oct. 1495 GW 4715 Gaselee 195 Wants d7 & d8, also the last leaf (blank) C. F. Murray. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern roan
[4066] 0
3087 Poggio-Bracciolini (Gian Francesco): Facetiae. 4 ,182 mm. 15 Oct.' 1488* [1498] P 7379 [Italy?] BM vm 183 (note) 1113198 = 13194 Gaselee 180 W. F. E. Eden. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 19th c. calf
3088 Bonaventura (St): Stimulusdiviniamoris. (French.) 40,194 mm. 8 Oct. 1499 GW4831 The collation differs from GW: A8 B-L6 M 8 N 6 O 8 P Q 6 ; 102 leaves Bought, 1894 Green deerskin (?), with flyleaves from a printed breviary
3089 Thomas (St), Aquinas: De vitiis et virtutibus sive Quaternarius. 8°, 139 mm. CFM538 Gaseleeio6 Stamp: E.HK C. F. Murray. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern boards
3090 Jame (Pierre): Le debat du vin et de Teau. 40, 161 mm A 6 ; 6 leaves. Types: 180G (title), 98G (text) ia: Le debat du vin et de | leaue. | [Device (Polain 121)] |; ib, 1. 1 (?): (v3)ng foir tout feulet me foupoye | De ce tantinet que iauoye | Et me vouloye aller coucher | Aufli toft quefouppe iauoye | . . . ; 6a, 7lines from end: lene mengay ne chair nepain | Aufoupper 4 vonldsa fauoir mon no | Pour fcauoir qui eft lefcripuain | En ce couplet eft tout a plain | Son luy peut apperceuoir | A M E N | Cy fine le debat du vin z, de leaue | Wants leaves 3 and 4; the tops of the leaves touched by fire, with some lines gone From a binding-pad Cloth [4311
Aristoteles: Ethica ad Nicomachum. 40, 186 mm. 16 Apr. 1493 BM vin 146 H*i757 GW2364 Without the device on ia. Wants the last leaf (blank) 'Johannes dawbney.' 'Robertas domernay (?).' 'Homfre askall.' Royal Library, 1715 i8thc. half calf [2593]
3092 Ficinus (Marsilius): De triplici vita. 8°, 163 mm. Pf8237 Pell. 4795 Royal Library Contemporary ruled calf 3093
Another copy. 171 m m . G. E. Corrie. Bought, 1886 Russia, circa 1800
3094 Becket (St Thomas). Vita et processus sancti Thomae Cantuariensis. 40, 224 mm. 27 Mar. 1495/6 P* 8238 BM vin 148 (IB. 40476) H 15510 Quires a-m of the BM description 'Fab: Philipps.' Royal Library, 1715 Bound (1) with no. 3097. 17th c. calf, rebacked 519
3095 Becket (St Thomas). Vita et processus sancti Thomae Cantuariensis. Another copy. 224 mm. Sandars Bequest, 1894 Bound (1) with no. 3096. Red morocco, circa 1700
3 096 Bertrandus (Petrus): De jurisdictione ecclesiastica contra Petrum de Cugneriis. 4°, 224 mm. 2 Apr. 1495/6 P*8239 BM VIII 148 H3002 GW4179 Quires A-bb of the BM description Bound (2) with no. 3095
Another copy. 224 mm. 'Nouerint uniuersi per presentes me Willm. Lacy vicarium Ecclie parochialis diue Marie matris xpi de Wigenhale in Com. NorfF. recepisse et habuisse die confectionis presentium de Humfrido Kervile de eadem Armigero viginti sex solidos et octo denarios in plenam solucionem quinque marcarum pro firma porcionis vicarie matris xpi predicte Bound (2) with no. 3094 [2599]
H o r a e ad u s u m S a r u m . 8°, 162 m m .
BM VIII 150 H8862 DufFi9i Wants [a-J, [a8] & p 8 ; quire i misbound after quire [a] Royal Library, 1715 i8thc. half calf
3099 Terentius (Publius), Afer: Comoediae. 40, 160 mm. Fragments only (sigs o 3 , o 4 , p 3 & p 4 with their conjoint leaves); printed in Wolf's type 92R, 21 leaded lines to a page Leaf o3a: tui tutari locu. nuc turba nulla eft. ociu / & filetiu e age[...] | From a binding [2601]
FELIX B A L I G A U L T 3100 Hymni. Expositio hymnorum. 40, 179 mm. 1492 R175 Pell. 4680 In the colophon: .. .lu | cidiflima... (as Reichling, cf. Pellechet) Wants gx & g 8 (the last, blank) 'MS Dupuis Can. 1615/ 'Blondel 1686/ ' H . R. Bramley, Univ. Coll.' Bought, 1923 19th c. quarter morocco [2602] 3101
R e g i m e n sanitatis Salernitanum. 4 0 , 204 m m . 17 N o v . 1493 P 8246 BM vm 170 H 13760 Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (2) with no. 558. 18th c. calf, rebacked & upper board renewed [2603]
3102 Philelphus (Franciscus): Epistolae. 40, 206 mm. BM VIII 171
Wants the first leaf (title) and the last (device) 'Virescit vulnere virtus, leighe.' Royal Library, 1715 i8thc. half calf
3103 Garlandia (Johannes de): Equivoca. 40, 208 mm. Duff 154 Bound (2) with nos 3030, etc.
[2604] 0
3104 Vergilius Maro (Publius): Bucolica. 4 , 190 mm. Cop. 6120 Types: 180G, 96G, 75GA (early state). Device A Bound (2) with nos 3054, etc.
[2605] 0
3105 Andrelinus (Publius Faustus): De fuga Balbi. 4 , 197 mm. H1095 GW1868 Bound (2) with nos 2957, etc.
3106 Orbellis (Nicolaus de): Super libros Sententiarum. 8°, 171 mm. 20 Sept. 1498 P 8261 BM viii 174 H 12046=12047 The device on the last verso is printed in red Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 17th c. calf
[2607] 0
3107 Jacobus, de Lenda: Sermones quadragesimales. 4 , 201 mm. 5 Feb. 1499 BM VIII 175 H 10009
Wants leaves B x _ 3 & B 6 _ 8 , and the last leaf Bought, 1898 Bound (2) with the same author's Sermones totius adventus predicabiles (Paris, A. Bocard, 1 Aug. 1501). Contemporary stamped calf, repaired [2608]
3108 Limos (Andreas): Dubia in insolubilibus. 40, 188 mm. 30 Oct. 1499 Cop. 3602 Types: 180G, 96G, 64G2. Woodcut initials. Device B (verse 1) Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Modern half morocco
3109 Faber (Jacobus), Stapulensis: Ars suppositionum. 4 , 194 mm. 27 June 1500 GW 9647 Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Modern quarter morocco
[2610] 0
3110 Valle (Robertus de): Compendium memorandorum. 4 , 189 mm. 1500 P 8268 BM VIII 176 H 15836 Bound (2) with no. 3111
[2611] 0
Valle (Robertus de): Plinianorum diflicilium explanatio. 4 , 189 mm. P 8269 BM VIII 176 H 15837 Bought, 1900 Bound (1) with no. 3 n o . Modern half morocco
Another copy. 192 mm. * Hen. Smyth.' Royal Library, 1715 Bound (4) with Clichtoveus, De mystica numerorum significatione (Paris, H. Stephanus, 16 Dec. 1513), Bernardus de Lutzenburgo, Opusculum de jubileo (Coloniae, P. Quentel, 1525) and a later work Limp vellum \2^3\ 521
3113 Lupi Rebello (Jacobus): De productionibus personarum in divinis. 40, 184 mm. Pf 8270 Cop. 3691 a8 b 6 ; 14 leaves, the first blank 2a: Tractatus editus per magiftru iacobu lupi facre theo | logie bacalarium de psoductionibus perfonarum inci | pit feliciter. | [ 5] D euidentia et maioze cognitione pductU | onis gfona^ ; 9a (sig. b x ): non poteft vnu abfolutu in diuinis / et eo% que de9 ad | extra dicif pducere pe* fe in paimo mo pdicari de |; 14b, 1. 18: .. .nunc et in perpetuum Amen | D E O GRATIA S | Feliciter explicit tractatus de paoductionibus g= | fonarum in diuinis fecundum mentem Scoti editus g | magiftrum Iacobum lupi theologie bachalarium | Acquired before 1700 Modern half morocco
Another copy. 184 mm. Acquired before 1700 Modern half morocco
3115 Castellus (Guilelmus): Carmina. 40, 187 mm. GW 6173 With variations from GW. 2a, 1. 3: .. .fuperknibus...; 2b, 1. 14: . . .hori= | u m . . . ; 3b, 1. 1: .. .vigilantiflimo S.P.D. | (a3) D e o . . . ; 18a, 1.18: .. .heftes: . . . 1.19: .. .quin... Bought, 1913 19th c. quarter leather [2614]
JEAN MAURAND % * See also nos 3176-7 3116
A n i a n u s : C o m p o t u s c u m c o m m e n t o . 4 0 , 179 m m . 20 D e c . 1498 GW 1976 With variations from GW: device ofjean Petit (Polain 146) on ia, and a different colophon (36b, 1. 30): ([ ImpsefTus Parifius Pro Iohanne petit comoaante | in vico fancti Iacobi ad interfignu leonis argentei. Anno | dni. M.cccc.xcviii. die vero. xx. decembais. | The commentary ends on 34a (not 34b, as GW) Royal Library, 1715 Modern quarter morocco [2^9]
JEAN LAMBERT 3117 Jacobus, de Gruytrode: Lavacrum conscientiae. 8°, 129 mm. [A8] B-N 8 ; 104 leaves. 3a: 103x75 mm., 32 lines. Types: 180G (title), 92G (incipits & colophon), 65G (text). Lombardic and woodcut initials ia: Lauacrum | confcientie. | [Device ofjean Petit (Polain 145)] |; i b : blank; 2a: ([ Incipit lauacrum confcientie omnis | um facerdotum. | ([ P^efatio huius libai. | (L4) Auamini mudi eftote. yfaie paimo. Ex quo | nos facerdotes omnino non communem fta | turn cum popularib9 fed fegregatum ab eis | habem 9 ...; 9a (sig. B x ): quozu funt eterna tabernacula certe fut boni t voluntary |; 101b, 1. 4: .. .Qui cum deo pa | tre et spiritu fancto viuit etregnatdeusinfeculafeculo* | rumbenedictus. Amen. | fEplicit. | ([Incipitregiftrum...; 522
PARIS 103b, 1. 16: ([ Finit. Regiftrum: et per confequens totu opufculum. | . . . (1. 24) .. .que omnia inuenies | fecundum numerum foliozum. |; 104a: blank; 104b: ([ Lauacrum confdentie cunctis facerdoti= | bus fumme vtile et perc| necefTarium Pa | rifii Imp^efTum per Iohanne lambert necno | libaarium alme vniuerfitatis parifienfis iu* | ratum. | Label: Ex Bibliotheca Anselmi vanden Bogaerde. Bought, 1908 19th c. stamped calf [2620]
3118 Psalter: Latin. AdusumParisiensem. 4 ,221mm. 9 Dec. 1494-18Jan. 1494/5 BM VIII 28 (IB. 40675a) & 29 (IB. 40675b, c) H 13505 Royal Library, 1715 Half calf
*** Pf 8299. Reattributed by G W to Pierre Levet. See no. 2991
Guilelmus, Hilacensis: Sermones super orationem dominicam. 8°, 128 mm. 1494 P* 8301
H* 8219
Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 17th c. calf
Vergilius Maro (Publius): Opera. 4 0 , 212 m m . 12 Sept. 1494 Cop. 6034 (with variations) Types: 190G, 100R, 80R Colophon on leaf 292b (v. Copinger's note, but reading: . . . Vlricu) Wants the last leaf (blank) ' W. Smith. 1676/ Royal Library, 1715 i8thc. half calf
Gregory I : Dialogi. 4 0 , 195 m m . 6 Mar. 1494/5 P* 8303 BM VIII 29 H* 7964 Royal Library, 1715 Modern half morocco. Formerly bound with nos 3041, etc.
Vergilius Maro (Publius): Opera. 4 0 , 234 m m . 23 June 1498 Pf 8306 Cop. 6036 (with variations) 276 leaves (not 274, as Copinger) Wants the first leaf * Louis Hugonis Dauignon* (repeated, in Latin, with the date 1700 over an earlier inscription dated 1634). 'Given by A. S. F. Gow, 1935 Olive morocco, circa 1600
Gregory I: Pastorale. 40, 194 mm. 18 July 1498 P* 8307 BM VIII 30 H* 7989 Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound with nos 3041, etc. Modern half morocco
Gregory I: Commentum super Cantica canticorum. 40, 194 mm. 16 Jan. 1498/9 P* 8309 BM VIII 31 H 7939
Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound with nos 3041, etc. Modern half morocco 3125
Another copy. 191 m m . Wants the first leaf Bookplate ofJohn Jebb, Bishop of Limerick, Ardfert and Aghadoe Old vellum
Cyprian (St): Sermo de oratione dominica. 4 0 , 195 m m . GW 7888 Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound with nos 3041, etc. Modern half morocco
Augustine (St): Expositio super epistolas Pauli [etc.], F°, 332 mm. 28 Nov. 1499 P*83io BM VIII 31 H1983 Wants the last leaf (blank) * Liber fratris Nicholai Stremer prioris provincialis angl. quern emit precio vis. viijd.' 'Memoriale fratris Willelmi Hogges 1508/ *R. Ihonson.' Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 17th c. calf, repaired [2629]
Augustine (St): Sermones. F°, 359mm. Pf83ii H 2006 = 2007 GW2921 Wants the first leaf Given by J. F. Payne, 1906
Another copy. 354 m m . Gaselee 197 Wants the first leaf * Liber Ioannis Cragg emptus oxonie viijs.' * Liber Caroli pora (?) emptus Londini anno Domini 1656.' G. Dunn. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Contemporary Oxford binding (Gibson roll 1, the enclosed panel divided into lozenge compartments, each containing a foliated ornament), rebacked \4<>6g\
PIERRE LE DRU *^* See also no. 3144
Cicero (Marcus Tullius): Tusculanae quaestiones, 40, 210 mm. 3 May 1499 GW 6894 'E libris Ger: Leei. i. mei.' Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 Bound (2) with Aulus Gellius, Noctium Atticarum libri XX.. .F. Regnault [Paris, 15—]. Contemporary stamped calf; on each cover two panels, one of St Barbara with palm-leaf and book, beside her tower (on her left), the other composed of five strips of ornament, surrounded by the legend Notam fac michi viam v[ite] | qua ambulem | . . .ad te leuaui \ animam (?) meant. Between the panels a roll MARIA IHESUS. [2630] 524
3130-5 Houppelande (Guilelmus): De immortalitate animae. 8°, 121 mm. 4 Sept. 1499 HR 8969 [unattributed] Types: 115G2 (title), 64G2 (text). Lombardic initials 2a, 1. 3: .. .houppellande... (1. 5) .. .patrum fiue... Wants the last leaf (blank) Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Formerly bound (2) with no. 2992. Calf
3131 Thomas (St), Aquinas: De modo confitendi. 8°, 137 mm. a-c 8 d 4 ; 28 leaves, the last blank. 3a: 97 x 60 mm., 30 lines. Types: 95G (first line of title), 64G2 (remainder of title & text). Lombardic initials ia: Confeflionale feu libellus peropti | mus Beati thome de aquino De modo confitendi et I de puritate confcientie cuiuflibet confefToai et confiteri | volenti perutilis et necefTarius. | [Device of Jean Petit (Polain 146)] |; i b : ([ Incipit tabula huius libelli | Confeflio debet efTe pura.. .Cpm. £mu | . . . ; 2a: (Q3) Voniam fundamentu et ianua virtutum | 01% gfe / ac fpualis confolationis p*incis | piu confcientie puritas ac cozdis mundi= | cia...; 9a (sig. b x ): contra aliquem psopter defectum eius p*incipaliter |; 27b, 1.21: . . . Ad quam nos | perducat ipfe deus qui viuit et regnat. Amen. | (f Tractatus peroptimus de confeflione feu puri | tate cozdis z muditia metis nouiter IpzefTus parifii | per Magiftrum petrum le dru p*o Iohanne paruo I finit feliciter. Deo gratias. | Holds worth Bequest, 1664 Bound (1) with Contra monachos proprietaries plurimi egregiorum virorutn tractatus (Paris,
for G. & G. de Marnef, 15—), and no. 3147. 18th c. half calf
3132 Bonaventura (St): Meditationes vitae Christi. 8°, 136 mm. GW4753 'Sum desiderii le moyne cure de morenny (?) 156 [...].' 'Bibliothecae Conventus Boulay Fratrum Minorum Recoils Hibern1?' Bought, 1894 [2^33] Bound (1) with no. 2958. 17th c. calf
Another copy. 141 mm. Wants the first & last leaves (title & blank) Royal Library, 1715 Cloth
3134 Bonaventura (St): Meditationes vitae Christi. 8°, 136 mm. GW4756 With minor variations from GW, e.g. 2a, 1. 1: .. .doctors.. .o*dinis Wants the last leaf (blank) *F. Gabriel Coquelet 1601/ G.Dunn. L. T. Rowe. Rustat Fund, 1928 Modern calf
3135 Bonaventura (St): Diaeta salutis [etc.]. 8°, 140 mm. GW4725 Pell. 2591 9a (sig. b): .. .gaudentibus... (cf. GW). ib has the same woodcut (Crucifixion) as ia (c£. Pellechet) Sandars Bequest, 1894 525
PARIS Contemporary stamped calf, rebacked: a panel (two strips of ornaments) repeated twice on each cover, surrounded by the legend Adoramus te xpe \ et benedicimus tibi quia | p sanctam crude | tuam redemisti mundu | [2638]
Bonaventura (St): Diaeta salutis [etc.]. 8°, 124 mm. GW 4724 Wants leaf e3 "Woodcut armorial bookplate: Biblioth. S. Launomari Blesensis. *R. Crothers M.D.' Bought, 1924 Old sheep, rebacked [4251]
Praecordiale sacerdotum. 8°, 135 mm. P 8317A BM viii 192 Wants ax_3> bl9 h 4 , k8, lx & 18 Bound (2) with nos 3002, etc.
* Jf * Nos 3138-40 may be by £tienne Jehannot
Michaelis (N.): Argumenta communia ad inferendum unamquamque propositionem esse veram et esse falsam. 40, 190 mm. Cop. 604 a8; 8 leaves, ia: 155 X95 mm., 48 lines, 2 columns. Types: 117B (incipit), 64G1 (text) ia: Argumenta com | munia ad inferendu | fophiftice vnaquaqj | ppofitionem efTe ve* | ram et efTe falfam. | Pdmum. | ([ Vniufcuiufcp contradictiois alte | ra pars eft falfa ; 8a, coL 2, 1. 37: . . .Sed arguitur fie expones to- | talis eft vera ergo expofita fi fit eft | vera vt pt^ in tractu in loco ab inter | paetatione ad interpaetatum. | Finis. | Modern half morocco [2636]
Another copy. 202 m m . Rustat Fund, 1868 19th c. half vellum
Nider (Johannes): Consolatorium timoratae conscientiae. 8°, 128 mm. R (Suppl.) 137 *Joh. Smyth pret. I4d.' Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 i8thc. half calf
Gerson (Johannes): De passionibus animae. 8°, 141 mm. Pell. 5205 Types: 110G (title-heading), 64G with frequent Lombardic capitals (text) 1 a, 1. 4: Ad magiftro... (not Ab, as Pellechet) Bound (3) with nos 1922, etc.
ANTOINE DENIDEL 3142 Buridanus (Johannes): Sophismata. 40, 180 mm. GW 5757 *Fr. Henricus Skepper est possessor huius libri teste fratre Roberto[...].' Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Cambridge 17th c. calf, with pheasant stamp (Hobson: Cambridge, pi. XLI, no. 39) in blind on the upper cover; no other decoration except a border in blind (two narrow rolls, each used twice); rebacked \2^39\
3143 Pindarus, Thebanus: Iliados epitome. 40, 184 mm. 15 Feb. 1498 P8327 BM viii 203 11*8779 Wants leaves c3, c4& d 4 Bought, 1923 Modern quarter cloth
ETIENNE JEHANNOT % * See also nos 3138-40
3144 Cyril (St), Apostle of the Slavs: Speculum sapientiae. 8°, 128 mm. P 8353 B BM VIII 201 GW 7895 [P. Le Dm?] Gaselee 198 With the device ofJean Petit (Polain 145) on the title-page (not Gerlier's, as BM) MS. note by *C.W', dated 30 Sept. 1859. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Bound (2) with Expositio canonis (Lyons, P. Mareschal and B. Chaussard, 24 Nov. 1501). 18th c. calf [4070]
3145 Andrelinus (Publius Faustus). Invectiva in Faustum Balbi calumniatorem. 4°, 197 mm. P*8354 BM VIII 198
Bound (3) with nos 2957, etc.
3146 Horae ad usum Cenomanensem. 8°, 167 mm. 15 May 1498 a-h 8 A-C 8 ; 88 leaves. 9a: 109x57 mm. (without borders), 26 lines. Types: leaf ia & heading of almanack, 115G; almanack, 65G (Proctor 2 A ); calendar & text, 83B (with two forms of d). Woodcuts & borders ia: [Device of Jehannot (Polain up).] | Incipiunt hoee beate ma | rie virginis|ME Iehannot |; i b : Almanach pour xxi. au. | .. .[1488-1508]; 2a: [Woodcut (anatomical man)] Quat la lune eft en cacer | fcospio et pifces il fait bo fa | gner au fleumatiq ; 2b: Ianuari9113 dies xxxi. Lua. xxx. | . . . ; 8b: [Woodcut] Initium fancti euangelii fecundum Iohannem. | Glosia tibi domine. |; 9a: [ 2] N paincipio erat verbum: z verbu | erat apud deum: et deus erat verbu | . . . ; 16a: [Woodcut] [ 2] Online labia mea aperies [ ]t os meu annucia | bit laude tua [ ]eus 1 adiutosiu meu itede...; 88b, 1. 17: . . . vt tue miferatio | ni regratiari valeam in fecula feculoeum | Amen | Ces paefentes heures furent acheuees | le xv. iourde may. Lanmil. CCCC. | iiiixx xviii. | The letters' ce' in the lower margin of thefirstleaves of quires c-h indicate the use of Le Mans On vellum. Initials coloured 'Lindsay. 1827. Aug.* Sandars Bequest, 1894 17th c. olive morocco [3749] 527
3147 Minorica elucidativa rationabilis separationis fratrum minorum de observantia ab aliis fratribus eiusdem ordinis. 8°, 137 mm. 22 Mar. 1499 P* 8369 [Poitevin] BM vin 199 H 1651 = 1652 Bound (3) with no. 3131, etc.
3148 Dialogus linguae et ventris. 40, 186 mm. 11*6146 GW8279 Bound (2) with no. 557
3149 Horae ad usum Romanum. 8°, 196 mm. A 8 a - n 8 p 8 ; 120 leaves. 15a: 137x64 mm. (without borders), 33 lines. Type: 83B (with two forms of d). Woodcuts & borders ia: Iefus foit en ma tefte et mon entendement | . . . (1. 11) A la louenge de dieu de fa treffaincteet | gloneufemere /calediflcationde tous bos | catholiquesfurent commencees ces paefen* | tes heures par le commandement du roy no | ftrefire pour Anthoine verard libraire de= | mourant fur le pont noftredame a lymage | faint Iehan leuangeUfte ou au palais au | paemiier pilier deuant ou on chante la meffe | de meffeigneurs les psefidens a paris. |; i b : [Woodcut] Cteaifon a la vierge marie de lacteur de ces p*e | femes heures. | . . . ; 4b: Petit almanach pour. xx. ans | . . . [1488-1508]; 5a: [Woodcut (anatomical man)] Quant la lune eft en cacer | fcoapio et pifces il fait bon | feigner au fleumatiq...; 6a, col. 1: Ianuier a. xxxi | iour. lue. xxx | . . . ; 9a: [Woodcut] Iniciumfancti euangeliifecudum io= I hannem. Gloaia tibi domine | [ 3 ] N pdncipio erat verbum z ver | bu erat apud deu: et deus erat | verbum....; 16b: [Woodcut] Hoae intemerate virginis | marie fecundum vfum I Romanum |; 17a: [Woodcut] [ 5 ] Omine labia mea aperies | [ ]t os meum annuncias | bit laudem tuam. [ ]eus 1 | adiutosium meum intede. | . . . ; 112b: [Device of Verard (Polain 169)] En la parfinde loeuure louer dieu | . . . ; 120b, 1. 26: .. .et auecqs moy mon pere. | ma mere mes freres et feurs femmes et en= [ fas amis et affins familiers bienfaicteurs | Amen. | On vellum. Woodcuts & initials illuminated Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1941 17th c. calf; on each cover an oval wreath enclosing four s ferme and a monogram HLP [4213] (orELP?)
JEAN JEHANNOT 3150 Horae ad usum Sarum. 8°, 157 mm. 1498 Duff 194 Sinker p. 47 A-Q 8 R4 z?; 140 leaves. In the Trinity College copy quire z is bound between quires I and K. Sinker in his collation reproduces z as J. Duff retains J in his collation and also adds z8 at the end, thus producing an extra quire which does not exist On vellum Wants B 8 , Q , C 5 , D 5 , D 6 , E t , E 3 _ 5 , E 7 , F x , O 7 , R4 & z8 (14 leaves). Misbound 'Thomas Fytzhe.' Sandars Bequest, 1894 19th c. red morocco [374$]
Entry cancelled ***Pt 8 37 6 - 16th century. See GW191 528
G E O R G W O L F & T H I E L M A N N KERVER 3152 Zambecharius (Franciscus): Elegiarum liber de amoribus Chryseae et Philochrysi. 40, 193 mm. 31 Dec. 1498 P8378 BM vm 214 H16271 Kloss. British Museum duplicate. Acquired by exchange, 1948 Half calf (Kloss)
3153 Isidore (St): Etymologiae. F°? 281 mm. 25 May 1499 P* 8383 BM VIII 216 H*9275 Wants h 2 _ 5 & r 6 Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf
Another, variant, copy. 269 mm. Leaf 1 a has the device of Jean Alexandre (Polain3), followed by: Venales inueniuntur Andegauis in domo Io= | hanis Alexadri librarii 1 uico gallico uocabulo | A la chaufTee faint Pierre .|. Leaf 104a has Kerver's device (Polain i n ) Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (2) with no. 3037. Modern half pigskin
3155 Baptista, Mantuanus: De calamitatibus temporum suorum. 40, 198 mm. 4 Sept.-3O Nov. 1499 P*8386 BM vm 216 H2385 GW3255 * Charles Craufordes booke/ Bought, 1907 Modern half morocco
3156 Vergilius Maro (Publius): Opera. F°, 268 mm. Not before 24 Apr. 150015 Mar. 1500/1 P* 8390**8393 +*8395 BM vm 219 & 220 The three parts bound together in 1 vol., (1) Bucolica et Georgica, (2) Aeneis, (3) Opuscula 'Ihoannis Wrighti liber ex dono sui patris. Burnham:' 'G. Hardinge/ A label: Bibliothecae Academicae Cantabrigiensi per quinque lustra ab Aluino Fabro Scholfield feliciter ordinatae hie liber donatus est xxif die mensis nouembris A.S. MCMXLVIII. Given by R. A. B. Mynors, 1948 [4305] 19th c. stamped calf, rebacked
Gaguin (Robert): De origine et gestis Francorum. F°, 270 mm. 13 Jan. 1500 P*8392 BM vm 217 £1*7413 Wants the preliminary quire (Aa6) Old vellum V*
* 8393. See no. 3156 529
3158 Badius (Jodocus), Ascensius: Naves stultiferae. 40, 181 mm. 18 Feb. 1500 P*8394 BM VIII 218 H2240 GW3155 Wants the last leaf; c2 mutilated On the blank verso of the first leaf in contemporary MS. is written a Carmen saphicum in honoretn sancti Nicolai (9 stanzas)
Given by S. Sandars, 1873 Cloth
*** P* 8395. See no. 3156
3159 Beroaldus (Philippus): De felicitate. 40, 193 mm. 28 Mar. 1500 P 8399 (1) BM VIII 219 H* 2972 GW 4136
Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Bound (1) with no. 3160. Formerly bound with nos 3165, etc. Cloth
3160 Beroaldus (Philippus): De Optimo statu. 40, 193 mm. 10 Apr. 1500 P 8399 (2) BM VIII 219 H* 2979 GW 4149
Bound (2) with no. 3159
3161 Beroaldus (Philippus): Declamatio philosophi, medici, oratoris. 40,194 mm. 1 A p r . 1500 P8400 BM VIII 219 11*2964 GW4128 Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Formerly bound with nos 3165, etc. Cloth
Another copy. 194 m m . Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Formerly bound with nos 3165, etc. Cloth
MICHEL T H O L O Z E 3163 Octavius (Franciscus), Fanensis: De coetu poetarum. 40, 179 mm. 1 Aug. H[9]9 BM VIII 209 H 5454 GW 7126
A fragment (the last leaf) only. The date has been garbled to read 'M.cccclxix' Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908
3164 Beroaldus (Philippus): Orationes et poemata. 40, 189 mm. 12 Oct. 1499 P 8402 BM VIII 209 (IA. 41013) H* 2954 GW 4147 Royal Library, 1715 Modern half morocco
Another copy. 194 mm. Quire c misbound after quire d Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Formerly bound with nos 3159-3162. Modern half morocco
Another copy. 198 mm. Bound (5) with nos 2151, etc.
3167 Propertius (Sextus Aurelius): Elegiae. 40, 197 mm. 6 Dec. 1499 Pf84O3 HC 13405 Wants the last leaf (blank?) Royal Library, 1715 Modern half morocco
J O H A N N PHILIPPI 3168 Erasmus (Desiderius): Adagiorum collectanea. 40, 191 mm. 1500 H6663 GW9374(Anm.) Bought, 1898 17th c. calf
3169 Bonaventura (St): De castitate et munditia sacerdotum. 8°, 135 mm. GW 4717 Imperfect; quires c-e only, wanting e8 (the last, blank) Bound (3) with nos 3002, etc.
A N T O I N E CHAPPIEL 3170 Bonaventura (St): Sermones de morte. 8°, 140 mm. GW4803 'Joseph Warren/ Bought, 1888 (?) Bound (2) with Exempla sacrae scripturae (Paris, for G. Mittelhus, 8 Apr. 1503), Dionysius Carthusianus, Colloquium Jesu cum puero [Antwerp, W . Vosterman, c. 1522] and Arbor scientiae boni et mali (Paris, A. Bonnemere, 15—). Contemporary stamped calf, rebacked, with Image of Pity panel on each cover, O vos oes qui \ transitis per vid attedite | et videte si est I dolor sicut dolor meus. \; vellum MS. flyleaves (circa 1400) [4293]
Another copy. 130 mm. 'Liber Thome Brown ex dono mri bytson.' 'lam Johannis Browne a paterno d [ . . . ] ' Bound (2) with Augustinus de Campellis, Sermones (Colonie, Retro Minores, 14 Mar. 1502), Speculum ecclesiae (A. Chappiel for C. Jaumar, 15—), Johannes de Tambaco, Consolatorium (Colonie, Retro Minores, 13 June 1502), Stella clericorum (J. Le Forestier, 15—), and Isidore, De summo bono (P. Le D m forj. Petit, 18 Feb. 1502). 19th c. half calf [4294]
SIMON DOLIATORIS 3172 Brulefer (Stephanus): Formalitates in doctrinam Scoti. 40, 201 mm. Pf 8474 [miscellaneous] GW 5582 Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Formerly bound with nos 2563, etc. Modern half morocco 531
[2663] 34-2
3173 Thomas (St), Aquinas: Summa de articulis fidei. 40, 195 mm. P 8476 [miscellaneous] BM vin 55 Bound (9) with nos 2998, etc.
A N T O I N E VERARD 3174 Jerome (St): Vitas pjitrum. (French.) F°, 315 mm. 15 Oct. 1495 P* 8437 BM VIII 86 MacF. 43 Wants o± & o 8 ; title cut out and mounted 'Ce present livre appartient a marie de le cour ( ? ) . . . ' 'Ce livre appartient a mre noel famacque maistre des beuueur deau et de vin quand il ne lui couste rien. Ceci est la marcq dudit famacque' 18 th c. calf [2661]
3175 Froissart (Jean): Chroniques. F°, 308 mm. P8452 BM VIII 88 MacF. i n Vols 3 & 4 only; vol. 3 wants the last leaf (blank) 'John Morice.' Bought, 1948 Quarter goatskin, by R. Powell
MISCELLANEOUS For JEAN PETIT & CLAUDE JAUMAR 3176 Anianus: Compotus cum commento. 40, 194 mm. GW1968 Types: perhaps Maurand's 77G (GTK 177) & 128G (two founts, GTK 178 and another having a smaller face) 'John Brand 1797/ William Gordon of Fyvie. Given by the Ven. H. Bothamley, 1899 Half calf, circa 1800 [2617]
3177 Anianus: Compotus cum commento. 40, 203 mm. GW 1982 Types: perhaps Maurand's 77G & 118B Holds worth Bequest, 1664 Modern half morocco
*** Pf 8474. Reattributed by GW to Simon Doliatoris. See no. 3172 % * P 8476 Reattributed by BM to Simon Doliatoris. See no. 3173 *** P 8496. Reattributed by BM to Johann Froben at Basel. See no. 2838
3178 Albertus, Magnus: Secreta mulierum et virorum. 40, 186 mm. H559? GW752? a-d8 e 6 ; 38 leaves, the first blank With variations from GW. ia, 1. 1: .. .viroaiim...; 1. 4: [ 4] Cribit...; 9a (sig. b x ): ex fpermate viri emifTus. et calo* mataicis. ita (^ ifta mate- | Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 19th c. half morocco [2481]
LYONS G U I L L A U M E LE R O Y 3179 Fitzralph (Richard): Defensorium curatorum [etc.], 40, 183 mm. HC (Addenda) 13672 Not HC 13672 a-c8 d 4 ; 28 leaves. Types: 125G (title), 94(90)0 (text) Pinelli. Given by H. Bradshaw, 1868 Modern quarter morocco
3180 Bible: French. Old Testament. F°, 291 mm. H 3144(1) Pell. 2359 [*6] a-h 8 I8 l-o 8 p 8 q8 p-z 8 LS os %s aa bb 8 cc 10 ; 248 leaves, leaf 6 blank Leaves bb 4 & bb 5 damaged and repaired; bb 6 & bb 7 mutilated *cn2 [.. .]92(j>28t 63592 q53 2c|)t d3<J>t 61 b3b62 d5 5326 t2<|>ti728t 2<|)t z Ipi9t328t 1 i8th4i837 62 c i t ' (i.e. che present liure qui est dist la bible du uiel testament est et apartient a anthoanim le cat). 'Coll. Soc. Jesu Hannomontensis' (i.e. at Mons). Thomas Brooke, F.S.A., Armitage Bridge. * W. Ingham Brooke, Barford Rectory, Warwick, 1908/ Given by A. W . Young, 1933 Calf, by Riviere [3767]
3181 Bible: French. New Testament. F°, 291 mm. 113144(2) Pell. 2364 [*!<> **1(> a -n 1 0 o 12 p-z 10 A-D 1 0 E 1 2 ]; 304 leaves Earl of Crawford. Given by A. W. Young, 1933 Morocco, by Lortic
NICOLAUS PHILIPPI with MARCUS REINHARD 3182 Magni (Jacobus): Sophologium. F°, 227mm. P 8527 BM VIII 243
Wants the first leaf (blank) 'Ex libris D'Almas.' Bookplate: Torcular calcavi solus (J. P. Madden). Bought, 1897 Soft green leather over paper boards, rebacked [2671]
3183 Magni (Jacobus): Sophologium. F°, 290mm. Pf 8527 A HC 10476 (inaccurate) [a10 b-g 8 h i10 k-n 8 o 1 0 ]; 120 leaves, the first blank Kloss. Bought, 1898 Half calf (Kloss)
3184 Bartholoniaeus,yl«g//cw5:Deproprietatibusrerum. F°, 290 mm. 29July 1480 P*853O BM VIII 245 H*25OO GW 3404 The headline of leaf 2a reads 'Paohemiu* (y. BM note) Wants the first & last leaves (blank) Bought, 1901 19th c. half calf
3185 Bartholomaeus, Anglicus: De proprietatibus rerum. F°, 273 mm. 10 Dec. 1482 P 8531 A BM vm 246 H 2503 GW 3407 Wants leaves 1-8 (Tabula rubricarum), ax (blank) and quire c 8 'Thomas Cantuarien.' 'Lumley/ Given by John, Lord Lumley, 1597 17th c. calf; fragments of 17th c. legal MS. (English) at ends
3186 Johannes, de Verdena: Sermones Dormi secure. 40, 226 mm. 20 Aug. 1488 Cop. 5971 Vol. 1 (Dominicales): a-1 8 ; 88 leaves. Vol. 2 (De sanctis): A-I 8 K10 L-O 8 P 10 Q R 8 ; 140 leaves, leaf 8 blank The two vols bound together *St Francois de Rennes.' Bought, 1863 Modern half morocco [2674]
GASPARD O R T U I N 3187 Breydenbach (Bernhard von): Itinerarium. (French.) F°, 286 mm. 18 Feb. 1489/90 P 8618 [Maillet] BM VIII 272 H 3961 GW 5079
Wants leaf 191, all but two leaves (c2) of the view of Venice, two leaves of the view of Corfu, and leaves 192-7 (view ofJerusalem & the Holy Land) W. H. Crawford. Sandars Bequest, 1894 [2705] 19th c. russia
PERRINUS LATHOMI 3188 Bible: Latin. F°, 297 mm. 1479 Pf8 5 39 Hf3O74 GW4237 A fragment (leaf A 4 ) only, from Interpretationes Hebraicorum nominum
Given by R. Howlett, 1915
J O H A N N SIBER 3189 Tudeschis (Nicolaus de): De modo procedendi in judicio. 40, 200 mm. GW2843 Wants the last leaf (blank) W . H. Dutton. G. Dunn. Given by J. Charring ton, 1916 Modern limp vellum
3190 Bouhic (Henricus): Distinctiones super libris Decretalium. 2 vols. F°, 415 mm. 1498 P* 8553 BM VIII 255 HF3682 GW4964 * Ab Ioua salus est. 1558. Mesmyn.' ' W. Drurye.' Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 17th c. calf
3191 Justinianus: Codex. F°, 424 mm. GW 7750/10 Wants a8, Yx & Y 6 'PP. Obs. Clun. cat. inscrip. 1634.' Stamp: [Domws] Lugdunensis Soc. Iesu. Bought, 1921 19th c. quarter calf [2726]
3192 Bartolus, de Saxoferrato: Super prima et secunda partibus Digesti veteris. F° H*2568 GW3609 Two fragments only, used as paste-downs in a 17th c. 40 printed book (bought, 1916) U189]
MATTHIAS HUSS 3193 Gtrillaume, de Digulleville: Le pelerinage de vie humaine. 40, 233 mm. 1485 H8327 Pell. 4245 With variations from Pellechet. 2a, 1. 14: .. .interpaetacion...; 3 b, 1. 20: .. .francoife: | Wants ax (title), a8 & %. Quire b has 12 leaves, instead of 8, two sheets having been picked up instead of one in printing the outer sheet of the quire. The blank sides 3 b & 4a, 9b & 10a, and 11b & 12a have been pasted together; the blank sides ib & 2a remain separate 'Iste liber pertinet michy michaeli Rochomii (?) de sto anthonio...' *J. G. DuPort Roux 180 [...].' Given by G. U. Yule, 1949 Old boards, with spine and strap-fastening of calf stamped in an antique style [4313]
3194 Bible: Latin. F°, 265 mm. 1494 Pf8569 H3115 GW4273 Given by A. W. Young, 1933 Red morocco, by Trautz-Bauzonnet, with the arms of Baron A. de Seilli£re ('Biblioth&que deMello') [3779]
3195 Rolewinck (Werner): Fasciculus temporum. 40, 230mm. P*857O BMVII1265 Wants the last leaf (blank) 'Stephenson James Stephenson' 17th c. calf 3196
J a c o b u s , de Voragine: Legenda aurea. 4 0 , 232 m m . 14 M a y 1493 Cop. 6459 (1-4) 8 (ij-33)6 A-Z 8 a-g 8 h 6 ; 260 leaves. 15a: 179x122 mm., 46 lines, two columns. Types: 108B (incipit, headings, etc., of preliminary matter), 76G (text), also two larger types (title; incipit of text & head-lines) ia: Legenda aurea |; i b : blank; 2a: Incipit tabula fuper legen* | das fanctomm fecundu osdine | alphabeti collecta. Et pdmo p | mittitur paologus qui oftendit | modu3 reperiendi materias co | tentas in diuerfis locis hui9 vo | luminis. | Paologus | [ 8 ] Voniam ficut | dicit yfidoms...; 12a, col. 2, 1. 12: Fink tabula feliciter. |; 12b: Incipit paologus fuper le* I gendas fanctoaum...; 13a: Incipiunt capitula. | De feftiuitatibus...; 14a, 1. 30: De fancta barbara. clxxxviij. |; 14b: blank; 15a: Incipit legenda fancto^u | que lombardica noiaf hyftoda. Et p*imo | de feftiuitatib9 q occurrut infra tps reno | uatois qd repiitat ecclia ab aduetu vfc^ | ad natiuitate dni. Legenda p^ima. A | De aduentu dfii. | [ 4 ] Duentus
LYONS domi | ni g qttuo* feptimanas | agif...; 23a (sig. B): fuifTe homi cotinua feuamcp vindictam. |; 260a, col. 2,1. 28: . . . z,fieiuuenis tandem in ferui | cio beate barbare vitam fuam finiuit. I Finit aurealegendafanctoau^queloms | bardica hiftozia noiatur. copilata g fratre3 | Iacobu de voaagine natioe Ianueii. o*dis | fratru pdicatoif. Necno CU3 quibufda aliis | legedis nouiter fugadditis. Anno dfii. M | ccccxciij. die vero. xiiij. maij. | A1>2 are missigned B \ . .domini Nicholai Fergussoni Capellani Glasgueii.' 'Ex libris Thome Fraser de Durris.' Duke of Sussex. 'I. M. Burton/ Bought, 1931 19th c. calf [3688]
PIERRE H O N G R E 3197 Bartholomaeus, Anglicus: De proprietatibus rerum. F°, 297 mm. 21 Nov. 1482 P8573 BM VIII 268 H2502 GW3406 Wants n 3 G. E. Corrie. Rustat Fund, 1893 Varnished wooden boards backed with morocco
3198 Augustinus, de Ancona: Summa de potestate ecclesiastica. F°, 298 mm. P8574 BM VIII 268 H 959=958 GW3053 Wants the first leaf (blank) 'Perlegi ego Carolus Anno domini. 1525. quinto nonas Octobres. C. du Moulin', with many MS. notes in the same hand. 'Si non hodie Quando? Io. White.' Royal Library, 1715
18th c. calf
SIXTUS G L O C K E N G I E S S E R 3199 Augustinus, de Ancona: De laudibus B.V.M. 40, 207 mm. P 8574A BM VIII 271 H 9630 GW 3049 Wants the last leaf (blank) Duke of Sussex. Label: Ex libris Abbatiae De Monte Sti. Bernardi (the Cistercian abbey of Mount St Bernard in Leicestershire). Given by J. Charrington, 1933 19th c. half calf [3759]
G U I L L A U M E BALSARIN 3200 Gerson (Johannes): Summa super Floretum Bernardi. F°, 279 mm. GW 4014 'Johannes Moet Remen. me possidet 1515.' At the end, on 14 leaves of paper, a contemporary MS. 'Canon super kalendarium Magistri Gaufridi de Meldis.' F. O. Beggi. Bought, 1893 Contemporary stamped calf, rebacked [2681]
3201 Ebrardus, Bethuniensis: Graecismus. 40, 199 mm. GW 9216 Wants leaf lg, also the last (blank?) Bought, 1905 18th c. morocco
3202 Gorris (Guilelmus): Scotus pauperum. 40, 191 mm. BM vm 277 Wants leaves o2 & o7 'Quentien Couchard.' Acquired before 1700 Calf, circa 1700
D e s r e y (Pierre): Vita Christi. (French.)
4 0 , 202 m m . 18 M a r . 1498
Claudiniv pp. 514-15 Baudrier I2 s., p. 55 a8 b-p 6 q4 r-y 6 z 4 ; 136 leaves. 2a: 137 x 95 mm., 29 lines. Types: 150G (?) (lines 2-4 of title), 94B (remainder of title and text); line 1 of title is woodcut. Woodcuts. Lombardic & woodcut initials 1 a: vita xpi | Compofe et impdme de nouueau a | la verite du texte de la faincte efcrip | ture et augmente de plufieurs cha- | pitres come il appert cy apses plus aplain coe chm pourra | veoir z congnoiftre au paouffit z falut des cosps z amez. | [Woodcut of the Crucifixion] |; ib: [Woodcut of a monk writing]; 2a: ([ Senfuit le prologue de ce p*efent liure dit et appelle | vita xpi en francoys. Ec omnia liber vite | (H13) et teftamentu altdffi | mi z agnitio verita | t i s . . . . ; 9a (sig. b): [17-line woodcut of St John] (I4) N paicipio | creauit de9 I celum z ter | ra. Gen. j . | cap. fcribunf hec verba | Apses ce q noftre fouue | rain feigneur eut eu vi= | ctoire triuphate a lenco | tre du faulx z inique fer | pent...; 135b, 1. 4: ([ Cy finift la vie z paflion: refurrection: z afcenfion de | noftre feigneur ihucrift... (1. 8) .. .le tout reueu z nouuellemt copofe z augmete de plu | fieurs chapitres a la verite du texte de la faincte z facree | efcripture par gens expers a ce faire / z aultremet quil na | uoit efte aultreffoys fait z impsime come tout euidament | len cognoiftra. Et par maiftre guillaume balfarin libaai | re demourat a lyon en la rue merciere Lan nonante. vin. | Le. xvin. iour du moys de mars | ([ Verfus. | ([ Selon le texte de la faincte efcripture. | . . . (1. 23) Qui a chefcun peult eftre fructueux. |; 136: [not known] Balsarin uses n (with second limb dropping below the line) for ij in the dates of the colophon Wants leaves p 2 , zx & z4 'Che liure chy est a blaze lonsignol.' Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound with no. 3250. Red morocco, by D. Cockerell [2684]
3204 Champerius (Symphorianus): Dialogus in magicarum artium destructionem. 4°, 178 mm. 28 Aug. [1498] P8582 BM VIII 279 GW6552 2a, 1. 1: .. .Chapern (for Chaperij: cf. GW description and note to no. 3203) * Iste liber est mihi Johanni andree in legibus estudens' Modern half morocco
3205 Faber (Jacobus), Stapulensis: Introductiones logicales. 40, 193 mm. GW9644 Wants the first leaf (blank) 'Ad usum fratris Philippi de selinavo (?).' Bought, 1905 Modern half morocco
J E A N D U P R E , 2nd press 3206 Terentius (Publius), Afer: Comoediae. 40, 241 mm. 4 Nov. 1488 H15416 a-m 8 n 6 A-L 8 M 1 0 ; 200 leaves, the first & last blank. 3a: 185 x 124 mm., 50 lines. Types: 97G (incipit, text, colophon), 72G (commentary). Type 97G here has frequent9 (cf. BM) 2a: Tenentii vita. | [ 7 ] Vblius Terentius afer carthagine natus: feruiuit | Rome Terentio Lucano fenatoai: . . . ; 6a: Aelij Donati grammatici clariflimi in Sex. P. | Terenrij afri comedias examinata interpaetatio. | [ 3 ] Oeta quum paimum animum ad fcribendum appulit. Psincipium factum eft | a commendatione perfone^: . . . (text) Andri§ paologus. | [ 5 ] Oeta quu paimu animu ad fcribendu | Appulit: id £ibi negocij credidit folum | Dari: populo vt placeret quas feciffet | Fabulas ; 9a (sig. b): fia refpondet: fed paudetia tarn? fhi£ compenfauit lpouunitatem. App2ime: adiectio eft con |; 199b, 1. 12: P. Sex. Terentij Afri: cum Aelii Donati | grammatici examinata iterpaetatione finis. | Infuper addita eft calphurnii in heautoti* | mo*umenon Tetentii accurata expofitio. | . . . (1. 23) Lepidas elegantefq? Terentii Come,dias cum | Donati interpaetis commentario iuxta fidele | Calphurnian^ caftigationis exemplar: doctris | nam ftudiuq? Calphurnii Hieronymo Bono* I nio enixe comendate: Iohanes de paato paoba* | tiflim9 libsarie^ artis exactoa fumma confecit dili | getia: Lugduni Anno xpi. M.cccc.lxxxviii. die | quarta Nouembsis. | Wants Lx & L 8 ; M 5 & M 6 misbound in quire m Royal Library, 1715 Calf, circa 1700, rebacked [2688]
3207 Rudimentum novitiorum. (French. La Mer des histoires.) F°, 300 mm. 1491 Pell. (Lyon) 413 Part of vol. 2, only; quires D-fT, wanting D x _ 6 , G 8 , I 4 _ 6 , FF 2 , KK 2 , KK 3 , KK 8 , LLX_3 and all but three leaves of quire fT Old vellum, rebacked with morocco [2689]
J A N O N CARCAIN 3208 Bricot (Thomas): Tractatus insolubilium et obligationum. 40,180 mm. 1495 GW 5523 Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Modern half morocco
3209 Petrus, de Alliaco: Conceptus et insolubilia. 40, 198 mm. Pell. 538 With variations from Pellechet. 2a, 1. 2: .. .fcri | p t u s . . . ; 9a: compofiti... Wants the first leaf (title) Venn Collection, 1888 Bound (1) with no. 3013. 19th c. calf
MICHEL TOPIE & JACQUES HEREMBERCK 3210 Breydenbach (Bernhard von): Itinerarium. (French.) F°, 269 mm. 28 Nov. 1488 P8591 BM VIII 288 GW5080
Wants the first & the last two leaves (all blank), and the views of Candia and Jerusalem; leaf s8 misbound at the beginning Culemann 286. Worts Fund, 1870 [2692] 18th c. calf
Jacobus, de Voragine: Sermones quadragesimales, de tempore et de sanctis. 4°, 207 mm. 1491 Cop. 6523 (inaccurate)
Quadragesimales: [*8] aa-118; 96 leaves, the last blank; De passione: a-c 6 ; 18 leaves, the last blank1; De tempore: [*8] [*#6] a-v 8 ; 174 leaves, the last blank; De sanctis: [*6] A-Z 8 AA 10 ; 200 leaves, the last probably blank. Types: 96G, 59G2 Wants the last leaf of De sanctis 'Iste liber est conuentus santi dominici astigien. quem emit frater pius cordubum precio. iij. regalium dum esset prior in eodem conuentu. anno. 1492. in quo anno ciuitas granatensis fuit a xpianis posessa.' 'et nunc est fratris simonis gattule de neapoh secto sancti spiritus de neapoH qui emit a reverendo patre fratre marco Lusitano' (this inscription is written in cipher, the numbers 1-5 being substituted for the vowels a-u). 'Est conuentus Sti Spiritus de NeapohV Bought, 1907 Stamped calf (Spanish), rebacked [2693]
[3212] Entry cancelled 3213
Ockham (William): Dialogi. F°, 276 mm. P*86O3 BM VIII 296 H* 1193 8
Quires A A BB 6 of the BM description (Compendium errorum Johannis XXII) are bound at the end of no. 3214 (formerly bound with this volume) 'Carolus du Molin/ 'Si non hodie Quando. jo. White.' Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 [2694} Modern half pigskin 32i3 # 5
A n o t h e r c o p y . 281 m m . Without quires A A BB 6 of the BM description 'Edward brenthyll.' 'Edward: Tildesley...' From the library of Sir Francis Powell of Horton Old Hall, Bradford. Given by Canon C. L. Hulbert-Powell, 1949 English stamped calf, circa 1520 (Oldham, pi. 11, nos i n & 123); at the end, as aflyleaf,are leaves 1 & 6 o f The trewe encountre or Batayle lately don betwene Englande and Scotlande...
(Richard Faques [1513]); v. Trans. Camb. Bibliog. Soc. 1 ii (1950), pp. 126-9
Ockham (William): Opus nonaginta dierum [etc.]. F°, 277 mm. 16July 1495 P*86O5 BM VIII 297 H * i 193 5**11946
Formerly bound with no. 3213 (q.v.). Modern half pigskin
3215 Angelus, de Clavasio: Summa angelica de casibus conscientiae. 8°, 149 mm. 6 Sept. 1495 GW 1940 Wants the last two leaves (blank); with the ten leaves of rubrics; quires b and O-S misbound between quires t and 0; leaves d2 & d7 duplicated between d4 & d5 'Oratorii Cadomensis.' Given by I. Gollancz, 1902 Old calf, rebacked [2696]
3216 Ockham (William): Quaestiones super libros Sententiarum [etc.]. F°, 265 mm. 9, 10 Nov. 1495 P* 8606 BM VIII 297 H* 11942
Royal Library, 1715 Panelled calf, circa 1700 3217
Another copy. 278 m m . 'Si non hodie, Quando? joh. Whyte.' Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 i8thc. half calf
L e o n a r d u s , de Utino: Sermones de t e m p o r e . 4 0 , 15 J u l y 1496 P*86o7 BM VIII 298 H*i6i39 *f. Jo. Lenglin or. p.', with other notes by him: 'Hunc librum emi dum in moding moram facerem. 1500', 'Anno 1508 confessoris fungebar officio in Steinbaro etc. unde 1510 ante festum michaelis redii franckfordiam',' Conventus franckf. or. prum f. Jo. L.' (cf. BM 1213, IA. 3378). Stadtbibliothek, Frankfurt a. M. Bought, 1950 Contemporary wooden boards, backed with stamped pigskin [4333]
3218 Turrecremata (Johannes de): Summa de ecclesia [etc.], F°, 271mm. 20 Sept. 1496 P* 8608 BM VIII 299 H* 15732+*i422 Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 i8thc.calf
3219 Ganivetus (Johannes): Amicus medicorum [etc.]. 40, 232 mm. 14 Oct. 1496 P 8610 BM VIII 299 H* 7467
With variations from BM. ia: . . .magi= | ftri Iohannis... (1. 4) Abaabe.. .luminarib u s . . . ; 2a: (headline) medico*u (1. 7) quida^ j baeuis tractat9 ad dirigedu | Wants the last leaf (blank) *Joannes Dee parisiis 1550 ex dono amici sui D. Jacobi Goupyl medici praeclarissimi.' Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 i8thc. half calf [2700]
3220 Fitzralph (Richard): Defensorium curatorum [etc.]. F°, 253 mm. 20 Oct. 1496 P* 8611 BM vni 300 H* 13675 Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Modern half pigskin
[2701 ]
LYONS 3221
Another copy. 270 m m . Bequeathed by K. Pearson, 1936 Modern quarter morocco
H o l k o t (Robert): Super libros Sententiarum [etc.], F°, 2 7 0 m m . 5-20 Apr. 1497 P* 8612 BM VIII 300 H* 8763
Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 17th c. calf
3223 Augustine (St): Opus quaestionum. F°, 280 mm. 25 Apr. 1497 P*86i3 BM VIII 301 11*1965 GW2915 'Robt Robinson 1617 5s. 4d. at Norwich/ Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf
3224 Gaguin (Robert): De origine et gestis Francorum. F°, 275 mm. 24June 1497 P 8614 BM vm 301 H* 7412 Woodcut bookplate: Hie liber spectat ad Monasterium Benedictoburanum (Warnecke 165). Another in MS: F, in black on a yellow ground within a circle in red, surrounded by green. Adams Bequest, 1892 19th c. half calf [2704]
JACQUES MAILLET % * P 8618. Reattributed by BM & GW to Gaspard Ortuin. See no. 3187
3225 Jacobus, de Theramo: Belial. 4 0 , 233 m m . P* 8625 BM vm 304 2a, 1. 7 varies from BM: Iacabus... Armorial bookplate: In portu quies, with address The Library, Delamere House, Northwich, Cheshire (Wilbraham). R. W. Wilbraham. Bought, 1898 Calf, circa 1700 [2706]
J O H A N N E S FABRI 3226 Buridanus (Johannes): Summula de dialectica. 40, 230mm. 17 Apr. 1490 H6400 GW5760 *Rougnoy[...].' 'Boult.' Bought, 1902 Contemporary stamped calf, defective
PIERRE MARESCHAL with BARNABfi CHAUSSARD 3227 Prudentius (Aurelius Clemens): De conflictu virtutum et vitiorum. 40, 181 mm. R298 a8 b c6 d 4 ; 24 leaves. Types: 290G, 98G. Woodcut initial P. Device (Polain 57) E. J. Barron. Given b y j . Charrington, 1923 18th c. calf
ENGELHART SCHULTIS 3228 Hymni. Expositio hymnorum. 40, 202 mm. a-d 8 e 6 ; 38 leaves. 2a: 137x97 mm., 43 lines, 2 columns. Types: 83G (title and text of hymns), 64G (commentary) ia: Aurea expofitio hymnoau^. | vna cum textu. |; i b : blank; 2a: [ 5 ] Iber ifte dicif liber hym I no>. Hymnus dz laus dei | cu catico. Quatuo2 fuerut | p*incipales actoaes 4 his I nos Dpofuerut. f. Gzegozi | us Paudeti9 Ambaofi9 Sedulius...; 9a (sig. b): [aurora p*odeat] id eft manifeftef to |; 37b, 1. 37: Finit compediofa hymnoau | expofitio que ne dum difficiliu^ | (col. 2) verbosum fignificata. verum | etiam fententiarum obfcurita? | tern lucidiflima reddit | Sequitur tabula hymno2U3 | . . . ; 38a, col. 2, 1. 3: Virginis paoles opi | f Explicit tabula hymnoaum | Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern boards covered with music MS. on vellum [4°75]
P E R R I N U S L A T H O M I , 2nd press 3228-5 Jacobus, de Voragine: Legenda aurea. 40, 255 mm. 18 Nov. 1494 Pol. 2206 (with variations) 'Liber fratris johannis jolij ordinis minorum quondam custos et gardianus filius huius conuentus.' *FF. Min: Con: Monasterii S. Francisci Friburgi Heluetiorum.' M. R.James. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1936 Paper boards, with the ticket of A. Prevett, Leaders Row, Cambridge
J E A N DE VINGLE 3229 Ovidius Naso (Publius): Ars amatoria [etc.], 40, 248 mm. 1495 P8643 B M v n i 3 i i Wants kx & k 4 (blank or device?) 'Beaulieu', with many other scribbles (French names and Latin verses). F. Tolmie 1863. Given by R. Griffin, 1923 Cloth [2712]
3230 Magni (Jacobus): Sophologium. 40, 187mm. 26July 1495 P 8643 A BM vin 311 H 10479 'Hie est liber monasterii beatae mariae Radingiae. ex dono Willelmi Wargrave monachi. qui hunc librum adqiiisivit. Anno domini. Millesimo. cccc°.lxxxxviij°. pretium. libri. ij.s. iiij.d.' * Thomas Shirley/ Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf [2709]
Another copy. 192 m m . Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 17th c. calf
[2710] 542
3232 Juvenalis (Decimus Junius): Saturae [etc.], 40, 250 mm. 18 May 1495 H 9708 Pol. 2401 Wants leaf sx F. Hopkinson. Bought, 1923 Contemporary English stamped calf, extensively repaired; the sides divided into lozenge compartments, with a lattice stamp (Oldham, pi. LVII, no. 245) in each [2711] 3233
A n o t h e r copy. 241 m m . Wants a!_3, a6_8, b l f b 2 & x 4 Given by A. S. F. Gow, 1935 Paper boards
3234 Cicero (Marcus Tullius): Epistolae ad familiares. F°, 320 mm. 12 Mar. 1496 P8644 BM VIII 311 H5206 GW6854 'Iste liber pertinet As hyt ys yn mynde To Thomas feckynham bothe curtes & kynde' (see no. 4059). Royal Library, 1715 i8thc. half calf [2713]
3235 Maillard (Olivier): Sermones de adventu et dominicales. 40, 188 mm. 5 Nov.-io Dec. 1498 Pf8649 + f865i H* 10515 Pol. 2568 Pt 1 (De adventu) wants leaves k3_6; Pt 3 (Sermones dominicales) wants cc8 and the last leaf (DD 10 ); leaves AA2_8 (Tabula) of Pt 2 (Pf 8650, Sermones quadragesimales) are bound after leaf aa6 of Pt 1 Acton Library, 1902 Old quarter calf, the sides covered with vellum MS. [2714]
J A C O B I N U S SUIGUS & N I C O L A U S DE B E N E D I C T I S 3236 Pico della Mirandola (Giovanni): Opera. F°, 307mm. 'B. Hectoris, Bononiae, 20 Mar. 1496* Pf 8663-4 Pol- 3!45 {with variations) A counterfeit of the edition described by BM vi 843 (P 6630-31) Royal Library, 1715 Calf, circa 1700, defective
CLAUDE GIBOLET 3237 Bartholomaeus, Brixiensis: Casus decretorum. 40, 227 mm. 15 July 1497 GW3428 Wants the first leaf (title & device); leaves b 3 _ 6 & h3_6 transposed in the binding On the last verso a MS. recipe in English (16th c.) Given by J. Charrington, 1934 Modern quarter morocco
J E A N PIVARD 3238 Terentius (Publius), Afer: Comoediae. 40, 229 mm. 7 Mar. 1498 Cop. 5749 Pell. (Lyon) 557 a-z8 z8 D8 %s A 8 ; 216 leaves, the last blank. Types: 125G, 90G, 65G. Woodcut initials Wants the first two leaves and the blank 'John Collynsone.' 'Webster/ Given by Sir E. H. Minns, 1905 Old quarter calf [2715]
3239 Auctores octo. 40, 237 mm. * 1419' [1499?] GW 2800
MS. notes in Spanish Bought, 1917 Modern half morocco, with arms and motto Resolute andfirmon spine (Milbanke) [2716] 3240 Jacobus, de Voragine: Legenda aurea. F°, 230 mm. 15 Mar. 1500/1 P 8712 [Lyons, unassigned] BM vm 334 'EdwardusSharnbroke.' 'Johannes Bretton/ *Jacobus Haddionus.' * Pet. Le Neve Norroy.' Bought, 1930 19th c. half calf
NICOLAUS WOLF 3241 Juvenalis (Decimus Junius): Saturae. 40, 226 mm. 18 (?) Nov. 1498 P*8674
BM VIII 329 H9716
Syston Park. Charles Butler. Given by J. Charrington, 1916 Bound (1) with no. 3243. Olive morocco by R. Storr, of Grantham 3242
Another copy. 240 m m . Bound (2) with no. 3244
Persius Flaccus (Aulus): Saturae. 40, 226 mm. 27 (?) Jan. 1499 P* 8675 BM vra 329 H 12733 1 a, 1. 3 varies from BM: fatyaiarum... 'Benjaminis Langwith liber 1700' Bound (2) with no. 3241
A n o t h e r c o p y . 240 m m . Royal Library, 1715 Bound (1) with no. 3242. 18th c. calf, rebacked
Epistolae illustrium virorum. 4 0 , 262 m m . 13 Feb. 1499 P8676 BM VIII 330 H*6662 GW9368
'Edward Daroke.' 'Samuel Bowsfeild.' 'Edward Cooke.' 'Robt R. Steele, 1890/ Bought, 1908 Modern half morocco [2721] 544
3246 Petrus, de Alliaco: Quaestiones super libros Sententiarum [etc.]. 40, 185 mm. 8 Aug. 1500 P 8678 BM VIII 331 H* 844
Wants the last leaf (blank) Acton Library, 1902 Stamped morocco, circa 1800
3247 Bromyard (Johannes de): Opus trivium. 40, 185 mm. 150a Pf 8679 Pell. 3024 Pol. 2245 * Liber Johannis bygges In utroque iure bacallarii.' Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 i8thc. half calf
J O H A N N E S CLEIN, 2nd press 3248 Ferrer (St Vincent): Sermones de sanctis [etc.]. 40, 188 mm. 12 Nov. 1499 P 8684 BM VIII 338 H* 7013 (3)
'Ex libris Ludovici[...]' Given b y j . Charrington, 1929 Modem quarter morocco
Caracciolus (Robertus): Opera varia. 4 0 , 198 m m . 11 Jan. 1500 P8685 BM VIII 338 H4492 GW6044 Wants leaf [*2] of the BM collation *M. Roussin.' 'Ex Bibliotheca fratrum minorum conuentus Lemouicae.' Jenkinson Fund, 1935 [4136] 18th c. calf
M A R T I N HAVARD 3250 Sully (Maurice de): Les expositions des evangiles. 40, 202 mm. a 8 b-g 6 g(h) 6 i-m 6 ; 74 leaves, the last blank. 2b: 156x106 mm., 33 lines. Types: title, about 250G (like Balsarin's); text, 93B, but measuring 95 mm. Woodcuts and. woodcut initials ia: (S4) Enfuiuent | les expofi | tions des | euangillef | en francoys. |; i b : blank; 2a: ([ Incipiunt fermones mauricn parifienfis epifcopi domini* | cis diebus z infolennitatibus fanctosum. | Dominica paima aduentus domini. | [14-Hne woodcut] (E4)Cce domin9 veniet | z onis fancti eius cu | eo z erit 1 die ilia lux | magna z cetera...; 9a (sig. b): fut oye qui dit. Hie eft filius meus dilectus in quo michi bene |; 73b, 1. 4: .. .q foit | acceptable a noftre feigneur iefucrift z paoumtable a luy z a | nous tous. Ipfo adiuuante zc. Amen. Deo gratias. | ([ CyfinifTentles expofitions | des euangilles en francoys. | In the first line of 2a *n' with second limb dropping below the line is used for *ij* Title-page mutilated Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound with no. 3203. Red morocco, by D. Cockerell [268s] oc
P R I N T E R OF N I C O L A U S DE LYRA POSTILLA (H 10383) 3251 Lauretus (Bernardus): Casus in quibus judex secularis potest manus in personas clericorum imponere [etc.], 40, 206 mm. Cop. 958 a-c8 d 6 ; 30 leaves. Types (v. GTK 2443): text, type 1; title & incipits, type 2 (?), 20 lines = about 114 mm. Lombardic initials ia: Cafus in quibus iudex fecularis poteft | manus in perfonas clericozu fine metu | excommunicationis imponere. | De paiuilegijs clericoaum. | De exemptionibus. | De carceribus | De alimentis. |; i b : blank; 2a: Excelletiflimi vtriufq* iuris doctors egre | gij drli bernardi laureti p^imi paefidentis in fupsema | parlamenti curia Tholofe eximij Casus in quibus iu | dex fecuteris poteft manus in perfonas clericoTjt fine | metu excomunicationis imponere incipiut feliciter. | (Q2) Vonia frequenter intueo*...; 6a, 1. 10: Incipit bseuis fcriptura fuper paiuilegijs et | immunitatibus clericoaum per dominum Boniconci | um natum domini Iohaunis andree. | . . . ; 9a (sig. b x ): ([ Sunt aute quida cafus in quibus talis clericus |)= I; 13 b, 1. 29: Sequutur quedam aduifameta in fauo^e | exemptionu oferuada^...; 23a, 1.21: Incipit bzeue opufculu de carceribus editu | per dominu Baldum de perufio. | . . . ; 27b, 1. 11: Incipit tractatus de alimentis editus g do | minum Bar. legum doctosem. | . . . ; 30a, 1. 28: .. .dico <$ de hoc eft cafus in. 1. in cla. | ff. eo. ti. z de hoc ibi plene tractaui materiam hanc. | f Explicit tractatus de alimentis editus | per dominu Bartholum legum doctozem | John Corley, of Gray's Inn. Bought, 1865 Cloth [25pj]
MISCELLANEOUS *** P 8705. 16th century *^* P 8712. Reattributed by BM to Jean Pivard. See no. 3240
3252 Papa (Guido): Casus super institutionibus [etc.], F°, 274 mm. Cop. 1488 TFSi9Oidd a-e8 f-m 6 n o 8 ; 98 leaves 2a: (i7) N nomine domini. Hanc rubd- | cam diuide in qttuoz partes. In | piima parte inuocaf nome domi | ni. In fecuda ponutur nomia di | gnitatu...; 9a (sig. b): xviij. an. tetigerit. cu eni antiqtas huiuf |; 93 a, col. 2, 1. 15: Expliciut cafus dni Guidonis fuper | inftitutionibus. | Incipiut fo*mationes libello> inti | tulo de actionibus. | . . . ; 97a, col. 2,1.20: Sequutur rubdceinftitutionum. | . . . ; 97b, col. 2,1.44: Depublicisiudicijs. | Grates reddo tibi
ckifte. I Wants the first & last leaves (perhaps blank) Acquired about 1865 Modern half pigskin
3253 Georgius, Bruxellensis: Expositio in logica Aristotelis [etc.], 40, 232 mm. 10 Aug. 1499 H7600 Pell. 5033 Wants the first leaf (title); the second & last leaves mutilated Holds worth Bequest, 1664 17th c. calf
TOULOUSE H E N R I C U S T U R N E R , DE BASILEA 3254 Pontanus (Ludovicus): Singularia juris. F°, 284 mm. BM VIII 353
Wants the first leaf (blank) 'Emi pro vj alb. 1480/ Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Formerly bound (2) with no. 985. Modern half pigskin
J O H A N N PARIX 3255 Boethius (A. M. T. S.): De consolatione philosophiae. F°, 273 mm. 1481 Pf87i6 GW4529 Wants leaves 1 (blank), 2, 28 & 138 (blank) With a note by A. Claudin, written at Cambridge 23 December 1898: 'This copy.. .was found some forty years a g o . . . on the quays of Paris for a trifle... I advertised it in the Archives du Bibliophile and the Marquis de Puy-Montbrun.. .bought it. At the sale of the library of this gentleman Bern. Tross.. .had it and sold it to Mr Culeman...' Culemann 274. Worts Fund, 1870 19th c. quarter calf [2730]
H E I N R I C H MAYER 3256 Gorris (Guilelmus): Scotus pauperum. 40, 195 mm. H 6456? Pell. 5283 Gaselee 199 'In Vsum FF: Staingadensium. A° 1649/ Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 19th c. half morocco
3257 Albertanus: De arte loquendi et tacendi. 40, 198 mm. GW535 19th c. half roan, uniform with no. 3260
3258. Michael, Scotus: Liber physiognomiae. 40, 202 mm. BMvm 358 'Est Pe: Tributij et Amicorum.' 'Ex libris avunculi mei. De tributiis.' From the library of H. Bradshaw, presented by his friends, 1887 Old boards, lined with vellum, re-covered with paper [2732]
3259 Charles VII: Pragmatica sanctio. 40, 198 mm. Woolley 375D a-c8 d 6 ; 30 leaves. 3a: 143 x 80 mm., 32 lines. Types: 120G (title & incipit), 89G (text) ia: Pragmatica fanctio. |; 2a: [ 5 ] Arolus dei gracia francoru^ | rex Vniuerfis prefentes litteras in* | fpecturis falutem. Infcrutabilis | diuine altitudinis psouidentia per | quam Reges regnant....; 9a (sig. b): autem labem perpetuo ipfo facto iure confirman |; 30a, 1.18: ...Necnon comites de | Marchia et de Vindocinio ac comes de tancar | uilla pselati 547
TOULOUSE; ANGERS; VIENNE psocerefq^ ac alii viri ecclefiaftici et | feculares quaplurimi erant. | Explicit ptagmatica fanctio. Deo gracias. | Dutton. G. Dunn. Given by J. F. P. Rawlinson, 1917 [2733] Modern brown morocco
Gratianus: Decretum abbreviatum [etc.]. 40, 204 mm. BM vm 359 Pell. 5341 13a, 1. 12: Fabri langretina... not langretida, as Pellechet, and BM (quoting Pellechet?) Duke of Sussex. G. Dunn. Bought, 1914 [2734] 19th c. half roan, uniform with no. 3257
3261 Bartholomaeus, Anglicus: De proprietatibus rerum. (Spanish.) F°, 326 mm. 18 Sept. 1494 P*8722 BM VIII 360 H2523 GW3424 Wants the title-page and leaves second a6, q , d 6 , e 8 , k lf 16, o 6 , C 2 , D 3 , D 6 , E 5 , F 8 , G 8 , llt L 4 , L 5 , M 8 , mm 5 (leaves with woodcuts); leaves 2-4 defective Bookplate of Thomas Josling. Ho well Wills. Bought, 1894 17th c. calf [2733] 3262
A n o t h e r c o p y . 305 m m . Gaselee 200 Wants leaves 1-5 (title-page and part of table); second a3 mutilated; sheet k k 2 7 wrongly folded. Title-page supplied in facsimile Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern morocco \4072]
JOHANN PARIX, 2nd press with ETIENNE CLEBLAT 3263 Torre (Alfonso de la): Vision delectable de la filosofia. F°, 274 mm. 1489 P 8724 BM VIII 356 H 15556 1 a (not blank, as BM): Vifion delectable. | Wants leaf a3 R. S. Turner. Sandars Bequest, 1894 Calf, circa 1800
VIENNE [JOHANNES SOLIDI] * Jf * P 8727. Reattributed by BM to Printer of Albertus Magnus De virtutihus at Cologne See no. 620
EBERHARD FROMMOLT 3264 Cyril (St), Apostle of the Slavs: Speculum sapientiae. 40, 190 mm. P8735 BM VIII 374 H 5906(1)- GW7892 Rustat Fund (lot 3601 at Hodgson's), 27 March 1914 18th c. calf, uniform with no. 4017 (lot 3602 at the same sale), the two volumes being lettered 1 & 2. The two pieces were at one time bound together [273&]
3265 Ponte (Oldradus de): Consilia. F°, 300 mm. 19 Nov. 1481 P* 8737 BM VIII 375 H* 9935 Wants the first leaf (blank) G. Dunn. Rustat Fund, 1914 Modern morocco
3266 Augustine (Si): Speculum peccatoris. 40, 183 mm. GW 3024 Wants the first leaf (blank) Old marbled paper boards
3267 Fabrica (Johannes de): Tractatus super declaratione indulgentiarum. 40, 182 m m . BM VIII 378
Pinelli 820. Given by H. Bradshaw, 1868 Modern quarter morocco
3268 Charlemagne. Gesta Caroli magni. 40, 191 mm. BM VIII 379
Bibliotheca Heberiana. Heber's purchase note: '1406 Hibbert's Sale 1829. ^ i # i 9 # o . ' W. H. Crawford. Bought, 1895 Paper boards [274<>]
3269 Lucianus, Samosatensis: Charon. 40, 193 mm. A B 6 ; 12 leaves, the last blank. 3a: 153 x 87 mm., 22 lines. Types: 95B (title), 76G (leaded to 140 mm., except in incipit & colophon). Lombardic initial D (5 mm.); woodcut initial S (Claudin, Monuments, fig. 212 (2nd example)) ia: (D)yalogus charonis z mercurii | [Device, as Polain 178 a] |; 2a: (f In charonis et mercurii dialogu latinum de greco exac | ta traflatione factu psologus incipit ad quendam reuere | diflimum patre... (1. 5) (S3) Eraphius vabinas / vir vtriufcp iuris inter | pzes noftri tempoais piimarius...; 2b, 1. 8: ...([ Dyalogi mercurii cu charone | ([ Demon ille nomine charon...; 7a (sig. Bt): plumbnm effodiut. C. extrema quanda de moatalibus mi |; l i b , 1. 14: Amen
P O I T I E R S ; ALBi; TREGUIER; ABBEVILLE Deo gras | ([ Finit Charonis et Mercurii dialogus a crebais | et fqualletibus imperito> impflcnuin mendis exac | te ac diligenter leuatus. | The state of the device is similar to that in the Mantuanus Depurissima virgine Maria (6 Feb. 1497/8), reproduced in Claudin's Monuments de Vimprimerie a Poitiers (Paris, 1897), no. 121 Heitland Fund, 1949 Morocco, by Riviere [4310]
ALB I PRINTER OF AENEAS SYLVIUS 3270 Admonitio de profectu animae. F°, 279 mm. P8755B BM VIII 350 GW224 There is no printing in red (cf. GW description, from which this copy varies in other, minor, respects) Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1941 Modern morocco [4214]
TR£GUIER JA. P. 3271 Britanny. Les coutumes de Bretagne. 8°, 136 mm. 17 May-4 June 1485 BM VIII 401
Quires A-M (leaves 217-304) only of the BM description 'Colleg. Paris. Soc. Jesu.' F. Perkins, Chipstead Place, Kent. Given by S. Sandars, 1892 Red morocco, by Hering, with crest of Perkins [2741]
ABBEVILLE PIERRE GERARD with JEAN DUPRE 3272 Augustine (St): De civitate Dei. (French.) F°. 24 Nov. 1486-12 Apr. 1486/7 P*8763 BM VIII 402 H2070 GW2891 Two small fragments only: the colophon of Part 1 and the heading of chapter 32 (last) C. Babington. Sandars Bequest, 1894 [2742]
3273 Boutillier (Jean): La somme rurale. F°, 377mm. i486 H3689 GW4968 Wants aaij, aa10, k7 and the last (blank) leaf Given by J. Charrington, 1933 Vellum over paper boards
ROUEN G U I L L A U M E LE TALLEUR 3274 Littleton (Sir Thomas): Tenores novelli. F°, 272 mm. P8767 BM VIII 390 Duff 275 Wants the last leaf (blank) * Thomas Tyrer de pedmore.' Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf
3275 Statham (Nicholas): Abridgement of cases. F°, 278 mm. P*8768 BM vm 390 H 15092 Duff374 Wants the first leaf (part of index) 'Iste liber.. .constat Edwardo Ireland.' 'T. Cooper Esq. F.S.A.' Acquired about 1863 Calf, circa 1700, rebacked [2744]
Another copy. 293 mm. 'Wi oldisworth.' F. B. Money Coutts. Sandars Bequest, 1894 Calf, circa 1600, with central blind-stamped ornament enclosing the initials W O ; rebacked [4201]
3277 Petrus, de Alliaco: Tractatus de legibus. 40, 198 mm. Pf8786 Pell. 546 Quires a8 b 1 2 only of Pellechet's description. The tracts were apparently issued separately. Cf. no. 3278 \2745[ Bound (2) with nos 2911, etc.
3278 Guilelmus, Alvernus: De beneficiis [etc.], 40, 198 mm. Pell. 546 Quires g-i 8 of Pellechet's description. Cf. no. 3277 Bound (3) with nos 2911, etc.
3279 Fitzralph (Richard): Defensorium curatorum. 40, 191 mm. P* 8811 [France, unassigned] BM VIII 390 Wants leaves 1-4 Given by H. Bradshaw, 1868 Modern half morocco
J E A N LE B O U R G E O I S 3280 Catholicon abbreviatum. 40, 193 mm. 13 Mar. 1497/8 GW 6238 ib, 1. 1: nullatenns (not nullatenus, as GW); 123b, 1. 14: exaratusqj (not exaratufqj) * Ce liure apartient a pierre pellien demourant a ferieres...' Duke of Sussex. Armoria bookplate of Skeat. Rustat Fund, 1915 Old paper boards [2747]
MARTIN MORIN 3281 Alexander, de Villa Dei: Doctrinale. 40, 203 mm. G W 1039 (inaccurate)
y 6 (not y 8 as GW); 166 leaves ia: (G2) lofa monachi... | .. .alexadsi. | [Device] | Maiftre martin moan. |; ib, 1. 2: Alexand*ihe*oica...; 2b, 1.2: ...p*ofefTo*is...; 3a: [ 5 ] Cribere.. .nouellis |; 9a (sig. b): .. .pama eft qz p*if....; 167a, 1. 40: .. .confolato* |; 167b, 1. 13: .. .Mozin... * Rygely est verus possessor huius codicis teste byrt GrufFyne/ Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 Contemporary limp vellum, defective [274$]
3282 Mirk (John): Liber festivalis [etc.]. 40, 189 mm. 22 June 1499 P*8778 BM VIII 398 H 7031 = 7035 Duff3i4 Wants the last three leaves (96_8) Osterley Park. Given by S. Sandars, 1893 Calf, by W. Pratt
J A C Q U E S LE F O R E S T I E R 3283 Albertus, de Saxonia: Liber proportionum. 40, 202 mm. G W 794 (inaccurate)
ia: Renaldus. Monfaureus Siculus. Nothenfis | predicatoaie.. .lectoei. s.p.d |; ib, 1. 3: [ 4 ] Ropostio...; 9a (sig. b-J: . . . traflattnis...; 14b, 1. 28: .. .inquifito*.. .co*relaria de quozu | .. .b*euitatis. Expliciut p*o | poatioes.. .impaefTe rothomagi | Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Modern half morocco [2751 ]
BESANCON PETER METLINGER, 1st press 3284 Rodericus, Zamorensis: Speculum humanae vitae [etc.]. 40, 196 mm. 1488 P* 8791
H 13947
Quires a-y (leaves I-180) only of the BM description, containing Speculum humanae vitae. Wants leaves 1 (title) & 101 (blank) Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Calf, circa 1700 [2752]
Another copy. 206 mm. Leaves 1-180 only; wants leaf 1 (title) Sandars Bequest, 1894 Brown morocco, with arms of Baron A. de Seilliere ('Bibliotheque de Mello'), with ticket of' Thompson, relieur' [2753]
GRENOBLE ETIENNE FORET 3286 Papa (Guido): Decisiones parlamenti Delphinatus. F°, 250 mm. 29 Apr. 1490 BM VIII 407 H8156
Two leaves only; leaf Vl9 with MS. scribble 'Gullielmus Deportis', given by A. G. W . Murray, 1911, and another, of unknown provenance [2754]
AVIGNON PIERRE R O H A U L T 3287 Odofredus, Beneventanus: Tractatus super utraque censura. F°, 415 mm. 28 Feb. 1500/1 Pf **799 1111967 = 11965 Pol. 2911 (with variations) Printed anonymously for Dominicus Anselmus (cf. BM vm 412) An erased stamp: a monogram beneath a crown. Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1948 19th c. half vellum U297]
UNKNOWN PLACES 3288 Alexander, the Great. Historia Alexandri. 40, 191 mm. 16 Nov. 1490 P* 7376 [Italy or S. France] BM vn 1209 & VIII 416 H 781 GW 878 'Stephanus Baluzius Tutelensis.' ' W . C. Ackersdyck Martii 1798/ Bought, 1864 18th c. calf [2268]
3289 Albertus, Magnus: Liber aggregationis [etc.], 8°, 130 mm. GW 648 [Rouen or Lyons?] ? With variations from GW. ia: (L6) Iber...; 2a: ([ Liber aggregationis... (1. 3) .. .de virtutibus quosudam her? | barum. | . . . (1. 6) . . .de ge= | n e r e . . . ; 31b, 1. 21: . . .pulue | r e . . . bze- | uis... 'Marc Le Ducess.' Adams Bequest, 1892 Bound (1) with Albertus, Secreta virorum et mulierum (Rothomagi, J. Mauditier, 23 Nov. 1508) and Transitus beati Hieronymi (for J. Petit, 15—). 18th c. calf, stamped with a monogram beneath a baron's coronet [4292]
3290 Hugo, de Sancto Caro: Speculum ecclesiae [etc.], 40, 182 mm. TFS 1909P [a8 b 6 ]; 14 leaves, the last perhaps blank. 2a: 137 x 89 mm., 3 5 lines. Type 79GR (doubtfully ascribed to J. de La Tour of Angers by BM vm lxxiv & 362). Watermarks resemble Briquet 1654 & 6111 (the latter used at Angers in 1485) ia: Dominihugonis p*imi cardinalis oadinis p*e | dicato>tractatusamatiflimusquifpeculum eccle I fie nucupatur incipit feliciter. | De numero o*dine et fignificatioe facerdotaliu | veftium. rubaica psima. | [ 4]icit apoftol9 ad ephefeos. vi. Induite | vos armatura dei: vt poflitis ftare ad- | uerfus infidias dyaboli....; 9a (sig. [b]): nitur verbu iftud tripliciter.
FRANCE ( U N K N O W N PLACES) ptfo fie omnipotes iu- |; 13 a, 1. 2: Explicit fpculum ecclefie. | Incipit fpeculu faddotu voletiu celebaare mifTam | Et paimo...; 13b, 1. 31: MifTe mifteria quid fignent facra que nefcis | Iftic comperies hoc igitur repetas. | Text omitted at the foot of 7a has been inserted in MS. ('et non spiritualiter recipit. Sacramentalis') Wants the last leaf *Est Guillelmi tonsi presbyteri.' Pinelli 820. Bookplate of John Symmons (Franks 28732). Given by H. Bradshaw, 1868 Old quarter vellum [2756] 3291
A u c t o r e s o c t o . 4 0 , 204 m m . TFS iooor A fragment only; two half-sheets (four leaves), containing Catonis Disticha IXV-II 1. 4 (.. .punica noscere bella) & mxxii-iv xlix, 1. 1 (.. .me scribere,versus), and Theodulus, Ecloga, 11. 107 (Parcere iussisset...) -163 (.. .qui stare coegit) [373$] % * P 8802, *88O7, f88o8. Reattributed to Belgium. See nos 4006, 4008-10 *** P* 8811. Reattributed by BM to G. Le Talleur at Rouen, See no. 3279 *** Pf 8814, 8815. Reattributed to Belgium. See nos 4011-12
HOLLAND UTRECHT (?) P R I N T E R OF T H E S P E C U L U M 3292 Donatus (Aelius): De octo partibus orationis. 40, 207 mm. GW8804 P(Tr)6i6C On vellum. A fragment (leaves 3 & 6) only, from the binding of no. 3700 (cf. no. 3299) Culemann 218. Worts Fund, 1870 [2767]
3293 Aesopus: Fabulae [etc.]. 40, 207 mm. P8828 GW315 CA30 *F. Jenkinson, December, 1888.' Given by S. Sandars, 1892 19th c. half vellum
3294 Pontanus (Ludovicus): Singularia juris [etc.]. F°, 282 mm. P8829 H13264 CA1186 [a16 b 2 8 c 1 6 ]; 60 leaves, the first blank Wants the last leaf Culemann 644. Worts Fund, 1870 19th c. pigskin
3295 Pindarus, Thebanus: Iliados epitome. F°, 284 mm. CA 1416 (note) [a 10 ]; 10 leaves, the first presumably blank. MS. signatures on leaves 2 ( V ) & 5 (*a4') Cf. leaves I5a-23a of Pol. 1837 ( = P 8830, CA 1493). Leaf 9a ( = 22a of Pol.), 1. 35 reads as in CA 1493, not as in Polain ( = CA (11) 1493) Wants the first leaf Vergauweni 864. Rustat Fund, 1884 [2770] 19th c. stamped calf
3296 Alexander, de Villa Dei: Doctrinale. 40, 210 mm. GW 934 xv P(Tr) 109A On vellum. A fragment (leaves 28, 32, 33 & 37) only Given by H. Bradshaw, 1870
Another leaf. 203 mm. GW 934 XXII P(Tr)
Leaf 46, on vellum Culemann 44. Worts Fund, 1870
3298 Donatus (Aelius): De octo partibus orationis. 40, 204 mm. GW8767 P(Tr)628C On vellum. A fragment (leaves 2, 4, 5 & 7) only Culemann 2172. Worts Fund, 1870
3299 Donatus (Aelius): De octo partibus orationis. 40, 206 mm. GW8746 P(Tr)628B On vellum. A fragment (leaves 1 & 8) only, from the binding of no. 3700 (cf. no. 3292) Culemann 2171. Worts Fund, 1870 [2774]
3300 Alexander, de Villa Dei: Doctrinale. 40, 196 mm. GW935 TFSi908rr P(Tr) 108A See plate vn On vellum See The l Costerian Doctrinale.. .reproduced in collotypefacsimile with introduction by S. Gaselee
(Roxburghe Club), Cambridge, 1938 * Salue Stella maris deficit venia via vite Johannes prout calisie.' (For Prout's association with William Caxton in trade negotiations with the Hanseatic League in 1469 see W. J. B. Crotch, 'Caxton on the continent', in The Library, 4th ser., vn (1926-7), p. 394.) 'Tho: Plampin 1719/ 'Wills.' Lot 942 at Sotheby's, 4 Aug. 1896. Dunn 367 (13 Feb. 1913). Given by J. Charrington, 1913 18th c. calf [2775]
UTRECHT N I C O L A U S KETELAER & G E R A R D U S L E E M P T 3301 Petrus, Comestor: Historia scholastica. F°, 280 mm. 1473 CA 1404 (note) [a-g10 h 12 i-n 10 o 1 2 ]; 144 leaves, the first & last blank Bound (2) with no. 3303
3302 Eusebius Pamphili: Historia ecclesiastica. F°, 286 mm. 1474 P*884i H6709 GW9434 CA711 Wants [k8] of the GW collation 'M. Fridericus Rannssherr Heilpronensis. 1563.' 'Canonicorum Regul. Sti Augustini in Gruseherst (?) 1704.' Culemann 328. Worts Fund, 1870 Contemporary wooden boards backed with red leather; fragments of 13th c. MSS. at ends, one with neums (Add. MS. 600017) [2777]
3303 Augustine (St): De mirabilibus sacrae scripturae. F°, 280 mm. Pf8842 H2075 GW2984 CA203 Wants the first leaf (blank) * Liber bibliothecae Rectoris Niessingensis Caroli de Cooth.' Vergauweni 153. Rustat Fund, 1884 Bound (1) with no. 3301. Contemporary stamped calf, with clasps [2778]
3304 Bernard (St), of Clairvaux: De consideratione ad Eugenium papam. F°, 252 m m . Pf8843 GW3913 CA263 Wants the first & last leaves (blank) 'Codex monasterii Indensis sancti Cornelii anno domini 1519 reformati sub Leone papa decimo cui successit Adrianus traiectensis et sub Maximiliano Imperatore eodem anno moriente.' 'Souvenir ofFert a Louis Kuhnen paysagiste, par son devoue De Brou, Jan. [i8]47.' P. L. Kuhnen. Bought, 1884 19th c. stamped calf [2779]
3305 Claudianus (Claudius): De raptu Proserpinae. F°, 290 mm. P*8844 H5377 GW7070 CA447 Kloss. Vergauweni 1001. Rustat Fund, 1884 Half calf (Kloss)
3 3 06 Defensorium fidei contra Judaeos, haereticos et Sarracenos [etc. ]. F°, 274 mm. P*8845 H*6o83 GW 8246 CA 558 Wants the first leaf (blank) Royal Library, 1715 Bound (1) with no. 3307. 18th c. calf, rebacked
3307 Jerome (St): De viris illustribus. F°, 274 mm. P*8846 CA933 [a 1 0 be 8 ]; 26 leaves Bound (2) with no. 3306
3308 Sidonius Apollinaris: Poemata et epistolae. F°, 272 mm. P*8848 H*i286 CA 1542 [a-i10 k-n10-8 o p 1 0 q 6 ]; 152 leaves, the first blank The text ends on 152a (not 151a, as Campbell) A label: Ex Bibliotheca Ruhnkeniana, overstamped 'Publica auctoritate vendidi. W. G. Huygers.' Acad. Lugd. Rustat Fund, 1873 Contemporary stamped calf, with clasps [2783]
3309 Thomas, a Kempis: Sermones, epistolae et tractatus. F°, 271 mm. P8849 H9768 CA1657 [a8 b-i 10 k I6 m 8 n o 10 p q8 r-x 10 y 8 z10 A 8 ]; 220 leaves, the first blank 'Liber M.J. Grene.' 'Modo Thomas Deye.' 'John Barnaby.' Bookplate of Andrew Hay. 'Auct. David Stewart Esq. from Edinburgh. Lit: cap: color: ^ 8 : is:6d. M: Wodhull July 27th 1801/ Acquired in 1886 Rough calf, with medallion portrait stamp of' Antonius Magliabechius Florentinus' [2784]
3310 Wirecker (Nigellus): Speculum stultorum. F°, 266 mm. P*885i H*i62i4 CA1727 [a-i 8 ]; 72 leaves, the first blank Wants the blank J. Gomez de la Cortina. Rustat Fund, 1875 19th c. red morocco
Gesta Romanorum. F°, 288 mm. P8853 H7735 CA822 [a-p8 q 6 ]; 126 leaves, the last blank Bound (2) with nos 3312, etc.
3312 Alexander, the Great. Historia Alexandri. F°, 288 mm. P8854 H777 GW874 CA139 See F. J. H. Jenkinson, 'Note on a volume from the library of the Dominicans of Dundee' (Edinburgh Bibl. Soc. Publ. vol. vi, 1906), and an article (by A. H. Millar) in the Dundee Advertiser, 20 December 1906 'Iste liber constat Magistro Henrico Barry rectori de culas emptus 21 aprilis I47[5?]' 'qui dedit fratribus ordinis predicatorum de dwnde' 'nunc ex voluminibus G. Ogiluy.' 'Jacobus Haliburton.' ' This Buyk pertenis to ane noble man Sir Walter ogilvy of Dunlugus' 'and now to his Sone George Ogilvy.' David Laing (lot 311,1 Dec. 1879). Bought, 1879 Bound (1) with nos 3311 & 3686. Contemporary Scottish binding of stamped calf, with clasp [2787]
Another copy. 275 mm. Wants the last leaf (blank) Kloss. Lot 34 at Sotheby's, 31 July 1917 (a Britwell sale, though not so advertised). Given by F. Jenkinson, 1917 Half calf (Kloss) [2788]
PRINTER OF THE CAMBRIDGE PAMPHILUS 3314 Fagifacetus de facetia mensae. F°, 286 mm. CA736 [a 8 ]; 8 leaves 'Ihon Smythe a° dni 1580.' Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (5) with nos 3727, etc. Modern half morocco
3315 Ovidius Naso (Publius): Ars amatoria. F°, 286 mm. CA 1349 (1) [a-c10 d 8 ]; 38 leaves, the first blank 'Ihon Smyth.' Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (2) with nos 3727, etc. Modern half morocco
3316 Ovidius Naso (Publius): De remedio amoris [etc.], F°, 286 mm. CA 1349 (2) [a-c 8 ]; 24 leaves Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (3) with nos 3727, etc. Modern half morocco
3317 Pamphilus: Querimonia de amore. F°, 286 mm. CA 1352 [a8 b 6 ]; 14 leaves Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (4) with nos 3727, etc. Modern half morocco
J A N VELDENER, 2nd press 3318 Plenarium: Dutch. 40, 188 mm. 4 Nov. 1478 P8855 H6648 CA687 MS. signatures: a-z8 f z,8 68 aa-pp 8 ; 328 leaves, the first blank and the last two probably blank Wants the first & the last two leaves Acquired in 1875 Half calf, circa 1800 [2793]
3319 Gregory I: Homiliae super evangeliis. (Dutch.) 40, 206 mm. 22 Apr. 1479 P*8856 H7954 CA854 [a-z8 A 8 B 10 C-O 8 P 6 Q 8 ]; 312 leaves, the first & last blank Wants the blanks Given by H. Bradshaw, 1868 Contemporary stamped calf 3320
A n o t h e r c o p y . 195 m m . Wants the first leaf (blank) From the library of F. Jenkinson, 1923 18th c. calf, with stamp of the abbey of Le Pare (near Louvain) erased from covers [2793]
P l e n a r i u m : Dutch.
4 0 , 201 m m . 30 J u l y 1479
P8857 H6649 CA688 [a-z8 A-T 8 ]; 336 leaves, leaf 9 blank Wants leaves 10 & 336, and the blank; the first quire misbound Bound (2) with no. 3327 3322
A n o t h e r c o p y . 189 m m . Wants leaves 308 & 309, and the blank De Meyer 17. Rustat Fund, 1869 Old calf
3323 Rolewinck (Werner): Fasciculus temporum. (Dutch.) F°, 274 mm. 14 Feb. 1480 P*-88s8 H6946 CA1479 [a-z8 A-F 8 G6 H 8 I4 K-U 8 ]; 338 leaves *Elck mensch moet Kempen A[braham]. K[emp]. a.' Bought, 1864 16th c. stamped calf
3324 Rolewinck (Werner): Fasciculus temporum. Another copy. 275 mm. A note at the end: 'Dans un exemplaire que j'ai possede le feuillet CCXLIIII (au verso seulement).. .et le feuillet e c u (au recto seulement).. .etaient restes blancs n'ayant jamais ete imprimes' (cf. no. 3325). Borluut de Noortdonck. Bookplate: Quaero, and monogram J C (Capron). Sandars Bequest, 1894 19th c. calf [2799]
Another, variant, copy. 263 mm. The verso of fo. CCXLIIII and the recto of fo. CCLI are blank (cf. note quoted in no. 3324) Wants the first leaf 'L. Van godwil.' Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Calf, circa 1700 [4^3]
3326 Jacobus, de Voragine: Legenda aurea [etc.]. (Dutch. Passionael.) F°, 288 mm. 12 Sept. 1480 Pf88 5 9 CA1757 Pars hiemalis only: A 8 a-r8 z8 f8 s-v8 u-z 8 z? oB A-N 8 [O P 6 or O 8 P 4 ?]; 348 leaves, the first blank Wants leaves Ax_7, ax_4, clf r 5 , zx, H 2 and the last two quires. Quires s & f and u & v misbound in that order Delprat947. Rustat Fund, 1872 Contemporary stamped calf [2800] 3327
A l m a n a c k : Dutch.
4 0 , 201 m m .
P886OA CA1063
[a4 be 6 ]; 16 leaves, the last probably blank Wants leaves 15 & 16 MS. note by M. F. A. G. Campbell inserted. Bondam.Tijdemann 1709. Bought, 1865 Bound (1) with no. 3321. Vellum [2801]
G.L. 3328 Sielentroest (Der). F°, 273 mm. 7 May 1479 CA1544 [a10 b-x 8 y 1 0 ]; 180 leaves, the last probably blank Leaf n a is without the woodcut described by Campbell; the text ends on 179b Wants leaves 1-10 (table) and the last Purchase note (by R. Heber?): 'Triphook—June 1818 from the Gasparoli [sic] Coll.' Vergauweni 356. Rustat Fund, 1884 Bound (1) with no. 3329. 16th c. stamped calf, with metal bosses, corner-pieces & clasps [2802]
3329 Wech (Die) der sielen salicheit. F°, 273 mm. CA 1777 [a-h8 i10 k 8 ]; 82 leaves, the first blank This edition corresponds page-for-page with the Oudenarde(?) edition (CA 1776, v. no. 3871) Wants the blank [2803] Bound (2) with no. 3328 560
3330 Wech (Die) der sielen salicheit. F°, 282 mm. 13 Jan. 1480 H 16151 CA 1775 [a-i8 k I 6 ]; 84 leaves, the first & last blank The text ends on 83b This edition was reprinted from an imperfect copy of CA 1777 ( no - 3329)» t n e tained on the outer sheet of quire [e] in that edition being omitted in this Wants the last leaf Given by H. Bradshaw, 1868 Formerly bound with no. 3332. Modern half pigskin
3331 Otto, von Passau: Die vierundzwanzig Alten. (Dutch. Boeck des gulden throens.) F°, 283 mm. 30 Mar. 1480 P8861 H12131 CA1342 [a4 b-z 8 A B 8 C 6 ]; 202 leaves, the last (not the first, as Campbell) blank Wants the blank Bibliotheca Heberiana. Inglis. Acquired before 1853 19th c. calf 3332
Another copy. 283 m m . Wants the last leaf (blank) Given by H. Bradshaw, 1868 Formerly bound with no. 3330. Old vellum, rebacked
A n o t h e r c o p y . 275 m m . Wants the last leaf (blank) Van de Velde. Bookplate: Quaero, with monogram J C (Capron). Capron 118. Worts Fund, 1875 No. 3922 was formerly pasted on the fly leaf. Contemporary stamped calf, boards lined with vellum MS. (14th c.) [2807]
3334 Jesus Christ. Die passie ons Heren Jesu Christi. 40. 185 mm. CA1359 [a-d 8 ]; 32 leaves, the first blank 32b (not known to Campbell), 1. 5: . . .Dat | gunne ons god oec te doen A M E N . | [Device: Bradshaw 3] Wants the blank Bought, 1899 Vellum, uniform with no. 3346 [2808]
DELFT J A C O B VAN DER MEER & M A U R I C I U S Y E M A N T S Z O E N 3335 Bible: Dutch. Old Testament (exc. Psalms). 2vols. F°, 274 mm. 10Jan. 1477 P*8862 H3160 CA290 Vol. 1: [ a - z 1 0 A B 1 0 C 6 D - F 8 G - K 1 0 ] ; 320 leaves, 264 ([D8]) & 311 ([KJ) blank & cancelled. Vol. 2: [aa-zz10 AA-EE 10 FF6 GG8 HH-KK 1 0 ]; 324 leaves With the correction of leaf 171b noted by Campbell oc
DELFT 'Marie van brusselle.' 'Dit boeck hoert totten regulierissen van sinte cecilien [...] binnen leyden after onse vrouwe kerck inden camp. En is ons ghegheuen van marigen aellewijns...' (cf. Adriaan Pars, Index Batavicus, Leiden, 1701, p. 231, where this copy is described). Enschede. Rustat Fund, 1867 Old calf [2809]
3336 Bible: Dutch. Old Testament (exc. Psalms). Another copy. 2 vols. 276 mm. 'Item dit buck hebben wy van geert symons opten hof tot een testement byd voer hoer syel om gods wyllen.' 'I. Scharp, Th. Dr. & V.D.M. te Rotterdam', with his note of purchase at a Rotterdam auction 10 October 1810. Earl of Crawford (lot 321, 1887). Given by A. W. Young, 1933 Blue morocco, circa 1800 [3766]
3337 Mary, the Blessed Virgin. Boeck van onser liever Vrouwen miraculen. 40, 210 m m . CA299 [a-m 8 n 6 ]; 102 leaves, the last blank Wants the blank Bought, 1884 19th c. vellum
3338 Laurent: Somme le roi. (Dutch.) 40, 197 mm. 24 Apr. 1478 P*8863 H9949 CA1627 [a-r8 s10 t-z 8 A 8 B 6 ]; 200 leaves ' . . .Verkoping van J: Korte Brant [i.e. Kortebrant]...' 'Bibliotheque van Gobbelschroy Nr. 4 1 / De Meyer 107. Rustat Fund, 1869 Stamped calf with renaissance ornament, the upper board lettered in gold 'I-I-F*i6o4* [2811]
3339 Johannes, de Hildesheim: Historia trium regum. 14 May 1479
(Dutch.) 40, 172 mm.
H 9403 CA 983 [*4] a ~g 8 h i 6 ; 72 leaves 'dit boeck hoech die st van sinte dare tenchusen [i.e. Enckhuizen].' A label: Ex Bibliotheca Hultmanniana, divendita Sylvae Ducis, apud H. Palier et Filiutn. Bought, 1870
18th c. calf 3340
Another copy. 180 m m . The last leaf mutilated Bought, 1864 Wrappers
JACOB VAN DER MEER 3341 Psalter: Dutch. 8°, 131 mm. 12 Feb. 1480 P*8864 H 13521 CA549 [*6] a-r8 z8 f8 s-v8 u-z 8 A-H 8 1 6 ; 284 leaves 'Soctis Jesu Mchlinf...].' Van de Velde. De Meyer 10. Rustat Fund, 1869 Stamped calf, with roll of Isaiah, David, the infant Jesus and St Paul, and monogram NP with date 1557 (Weale R 752); cf. Goldschmidt, pp. 298-9. The roll reproduced in Zeitschr f. Bucherfreunde, N.F. xn (1920), p. 74, no. 14 is not the same • 81 562
3342 Horae: Dutch. 4 , 188 mm. 8 Apr. 1480 P8865 CA832 [*6 ## 6 ] A4 a-x 8 y 6 ; 190 leaves, ax, m 4 & s2 blank Wants leaves 1 & 6, and the blanks 'Petrus Aerlebout Pastor in Driel 11 Junii 1682/ Rustat Fund, 1888 Bound (1) with no. 3350. Contemporary stamped calf
Part of another copy. 154 mm. Leaves 18 (a2, signed ax) —153 (s^, wanting 108 (m 4 , blank) With a forged colophon on 153b: [ jepret toe harlem bi mi lau= | rz iazon cofter. m.cccc.l. Other forged inscriptions on 46a and on a flyleaf. See The Library, 5th ser., 11 (1947-8), pp. 194-5, & ni (1948-9), pp. 65-6 Bookplate of Sir Francis Freeling. W.Jones Thomas. Sandars Bequest, 1894 18th red morocco [2816]
3344 Plenarium: Dutch. 40, 182 mm. 1481 P8867 H6651 CA691 a-r8 zs f8 s-v8 u-z 8 t 8 o8 A-F 8 G6 H 1 0 ; 288 leaves, the first blank Wants the blank \ . Jacques Inghels 1717/ Vergauweni 82. Rustat Fund, 1884 18th c. calf
3345 Antoninus (St): Confessionale (Defecerunt) [etc.], 4 , 206 mm. 1482 P8868 GW2096 CA161 Wants leaves g3_6 (partly supplied in MS.) and the last leaf (blank). Quire k misbound Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (2) with no. 635. Modern half morocco [2818]
3346 Gerson (Johannes): Opus tripartitum. (Dutch.) 40, 184 mm. 1482 H7657 CA802 a-d8 e f6; 44 leaves, the last blank Wants the blank 'Ex Biblioth. C. de Cooth, Can. Reg. et Rect. in Nicsing.' 'Bibliothecae J. Niesert, past. in Velen, 1817, ex auctione librorum C. de Cooth/ Vergauwen 1 251. Rustat Fund, 1884 Vellum, uniform with no. 3334 [zSty]
3347 Psalter: Latin. F°, 250 mm. a-m8-6 n o 8 ; 100 leaves, the first blank. 3a: 183 x 128 mm., 25 lines. Type: Bradshaw 2 2a: [ 7] Eatus vir qui non abijt in co | filio impioau . z, in via pecca= | toaum non ftetit: et in cathe | d*a peftilecie no ftetit [ Jed | in lege domini voluntas ei9: | . . . ; 9a (sig. b x ): [ Jommota eft et cotremuit terra: z, fiidameta mo |; 98b, 1. 23: .. .vt te tota | virtute diligant. et que tibi placita funt tota di= | lectione gficiaut. Per dominum . |; 99a, col. 1: Seqtur quotitas pfal | mozu nocturnoaum . | [ 2 ] D te dne le . | d te diie cla | . . . ; 99b, col. 2, 1. 25: Quid glcmaris: |; 100: not known Wants the last leaf; the first defective & mounted * Liber conuentus Durstensis fratrum minorum. Anathema auferenti.' Kloss. Bookplate of G. J. R. Gordon. Bullock. G. Dunn. Given b y j . Charrington, 1917 Half calf (Kloss) [2820] 563
3348 Horae: Dutch. 4 , 147 mm. 19 July 1484 H7763+*777O CA 833 [*6 #*6] aa-ff8 A 4 a-x 8 y 6 ; 238 leaves, 65 (ax) blank In Campbell's description quire A is bound before quire aa. Wants leaves 1-12 (Calendar), p! and the blank Enschede. Rustat Fund, 1869 (?) Vellum [2821]
Another copy. 130 mm. Wants leaves 1 & 12, and quires aa-fF (Hours of the Sacrament) Delprat 715. Rustat Fund, 1872 (?) Vellum
Part of another copy. 188 mm. Quires aa-fF only, bound with no. 3342 (CA 832); cf. Bradshaw's MS. note: 'The supplement "die ghetiden vandenheilighensacrament" is not included in this edition (i.e. CA 832) ace. to Campbell. But it may have been supplied separately, to complete the earlier edition' 'Dit booc hoirt den besloten Conventen der susteren van Sinte urselen binnen Cschyedam Hyllegont symon Jans dochter', with two coats of arms below. Rustat Fund, 1888 [2823]
D i o n y s i u s , Carthusianus:
Q u a t t u o r novissima. 4 0 , 204 m m . 4 O c t . i 4 8 6
P*8874 H6242 GW8416 CA582 Wants leaves 1-4 (title & table) Duke of Sussex. Vergauwen 1 277. Rustat Fund, 1884 Calf, circa 1800
3352 Gobius (Johannes): De spiritu Guidonis. 40, 212 mm. 4 Oct. i486 P8875 H8218 CA868 a b 8 ; 16 leaves, the last blank Wants the blank Culemann247. Worts Fund, 1870 Paper boards
3353 Jerome (St). Vita et transitus sancti Hieronymi. 40, 185 mm. 27 Oct. i486 P8876 H6722 GW9452 CA710 Acquired before 1849 19th c. half calf
3354 Plenarium: Dutch. 40, 159 mm. 29 Nov. i486 H6653 CA696 a-r8 z8 f8 s-v8 u-z 8 z? o8 A-I 8 K 10 ; 306 leaves Wants leaves a1>3>4, bl9 r 8 , *4>5, K4_10 Bookplate: G. v. O. beneath a shield (a merchant's mark), with crest. Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 Vellum [2827]
3355 Dionysius, Carthusianus: Quattuor novissima. 40, 213 mm. 26 Jan. 1487 P8877 H6243 GW8417 CA583 Culemann228. Worts Fund, 1870 Paper boards
Another copy. 201 mm. Bought (lot 259 at Sotheby's), 15 June 1897 Bound (1) with no. 3972. Contemporary stamped calf, flyleaves from a French MS. of [2829] Horn, on vellum (Add. MS. 4470)
3357 Jacobus, de Voragine: Legenda aurea. (Dutch. Passionael.) F°, 250 mm. 1 Mar. 1487 CA 1763 Pars hiemalis only: A 8 b-r 8 zs f8 s-v8 u-z 8 z,8 o8 aa-cc8 dd 4 ; 252 leaves Bought, 1863 18th c. calf
3358 Jesus Christ. Dat Helen ende die passie ons Heeren. 40,191 mm. 18 Mar. 1487 CA 1160 a-1 8 ; 88 leaves, the last blank ' [.. .jRaephorst 1628.' Enschede. Rustat Fund, 1869 Vellum
3359 Plenarium: Dutch. 4 , 192 mm. 3 Sept. 1487 P8878 CA698 a-r8 z8 f8 s-v8 u-z 8 z8 o8 A-F 8 G 8 " 2 H-L 6 - 8 ; 306 leaves Leaves G7 & G8 cut away without loss of text. Wants leaves a lf a8, d 2 , d 7 , el9 e 8 , o 2 , o 7 , p 3 , p 6 , T19 r 8 , zlf 28, H 3 & H 4 (16 leaves) MS. obits of Aleida Gijsen, widow of Marcellus Flint (1584), Wendelina Flint (1678), Hermanus FHnt 'Archidiaconalis Ecclesiae sancti Victoris Canonicus xantensis' (28 August 1673), and Marcellus Flint (15 November 1682). Vergauweni 84. J. Hirst. Rustat Fund, 1887 16th c. stamped calf [2832]
3360 Psalter: Dutch. 8°, 128 mm. 1487 P8878A H13522 CA550 a-r8 z8 f8 s-v8 u-z 8 A-I 8 ; 280 leaves, the last two blank 'Item dit booc hoirt toe den besloten confersinnen van s. Katharinen binnen leyden op rapenburch...' * T. van Praat...' A stamp (in blue): S. B. in a double circle. Rustat Fund, 1900
Bound after a contemporary MS. on 47 leaves of paper (Calendar, followed by 'Oefeninge van der missen' and other devotional pieces). Old mottled calf [2833] 3361
Flores p o e t a r u m de virtutibus et vitiis. 4 0 , 204 m m . H*7i78 CA (+111)751 A6 a-d8 e6 f-h8 i6 k-m 8 ; 98 leaves Vergauweni 1007. Rustat Fund, 1884 Russia, circa 1800
C H R I S T I A N SNELLAERT 3362 Ludolphus, de Saxonia: Vita Christi. [Dutch.) F°, 271 mm. 22 May 1488 Pf888i CA1182 a b 8 c-f6 g 8 h-z 6 1 6 o6 A-L 6 aa-nn6 oo 4 ; 304 leaves The last leaf cut down & mounted Enschede. Bought, 1875 16th c. stamped calf, with clasps
3363 Nicolaus, Pergamenus: Dialogus creaturarum. (Dutch.) F°, 259 mm. 2 Nov. P8882 H6137 CA568 A4 a-0 6 p 4 ; 92 leaves Wants A4, p x & p 4 (device) Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 18th c. vellum
3364 Jacobus, de Voragine: Legenda aurea. (Dutch.) F°, 249 mm. 7 Oct. 1489 P8884 CA1765 Pars aestivalis only: a-r8 zs f8 s-v8 u-z 8 ts A-E 8 F 6 ; 262 leaves The first leaf mounted Rustat Fund, 1868 Vellum
3365 Spiegel. Spieghel der volcomenheit [etc.]. 8°, 143 mm. 29-30 May 1490 CA 1578 A-I 8 K6 a-n 8 o 10 ; 192 leaves, 78 (K6) blank This is not the same text as the Low German Spiegel der Volnkommenheyt (no. 44) Wants e8, k8, o 5 & o 6 (all supplied in contemporary MS.) Van Lottom—Van Worcom. Bought, 1891 Half calf, circa 1800 [2838]
3366 Dionysius, Carthusianus: De particulari judicio Dei. 40, 179 mm. 1491 P8888 H6244 GW8415 CA 580=584 * Liber S me clalis nc x (deleted and lxxxvj added)' (i.e. the Cistercians of Clairvaux). Armorial bookplate: Bibliothecae M. Hyacinihi Theodori Baron, Antiqui Facukatis Medidnae Parisiensis Decani, nee non Castrorum Regis et Exercituum Protomedici. Given by H. Bradshaw, 1870 18th c. mottled calf [2839]
3367 Salicetus (Nicolaus): Antidotarius animae. 8°, 140mm. 14 Apr. 1495 P*889i H14167 CA1498 A B 8 a-t 8 ; 168 leaves, leaf 16 blank Rustat Fund, 1868 Contemporary stamped calf
Another copy. 132 mm. *FF. Capucinorum Teneramund.' A stamp (in blue): head of Minerva between initials B [ibliotheca] G[andaviensis], within a double circle; over-stamped * Double*. From the library of F. Jenkinson, 1923 [2841] Old vellum
3369 Theobaldus: Physiologus. 40, 199 mm. 1495 H 15475 CA 1651 a-c 6 ; 18 leaves Given by H. Bradshaw, 1868 Modern half morocco
3370 Manuale parochialium sacerdotum. 40, 184 mm. 1496 CA (+1) 1213 a6 b 4 ; 10 leaves, the last blank Royal Library, 1715 Modern half morocco 3371
H y m n i . Expositio h y m n o r u m . 4 0 , 210 m m . 11 A u g . 1496 P*88p3 CA722 a-d8-6 e-h6-8 i k 6 1 4 m 6 ; 78 leaves Wants the first & last leaves Koninkl. Bibliotheek te 's Hage. Delprat 712. Rustat Fund, 1872 19th c. half calf
A n o t h e r c o p y . 206 m m . 'Ex libris Jacobi B r [ . . . ] Landensis 1625/ 'J. F. Vandevelde.' From the library of H. Bradshaw, 1886 Bound (1) with no. 3374. Old limp vellum [2843]
S e q u e n t i a e . T e x t u s sequentiarum c u m c o m m e n t o . 4 0 , 211 m m . P8894 CA1533 a-0 6 p 4 q-x 6 y 4 z6 z,6 o6; 146 leaves Koninkl. Bibliotheek te 's Hage. Delprat. Rustat Fund, 1872 19th c. half calf
Another copy. 206 m m . [2847]
Bound (2) with no. 3372
3375 Aegidius, Suchtelensis: Elegantiarum viginti praecepta. 40, 187 mm. '1516' [1496] P8895 GW302 CA668 Royal Library, 1715 Modern half morocco
3376 Rolewinck (Werner): Formula vivendi canonicorum. 40, 185 mm. Apr. 1496 H7256 CA755 a b 6 ; 12 leaves, the last blank De Meyer i o i d (2). Rustat Fund, 1869 Formerly bound (5) with nos 3404, etc. 19th c. half calf
3377 Johannes, de Lapide: Resolutorium dubiorum. 8°, 130 mm. 1497 P8897 CA1037 a-f8; 48 leaves 'Stephanus Green.' Bought, 1898 Modern half morocco
3378 Raymundus, de Pennaforti: Summula sacramentorum. 40, 199 mm. 1497 H13708 GW214 CA1468 Wants the first & last leaves (title & blank) Koninkl. Bibliotheek te 's Hage. Delprat 720. Rustat Fund, 1872 Paper boards
HENDRIK ECKERT 3379 Jesus Christ. Dat leven ons Heren. 8°, 137 mm. 1498 P 8906 H 10057 CA 1120 (note) a-d8 e4 £-z8 z% o4 A 8 ; 200 leaves, leaf 199 blank Wants the first leaf (title) Enschede. Rustat Fund, 1867 16th c. stamped calf
3380 Jerome (St): Vitas patrum. (Dutch.) F°, 285 mm. 1498 P8907 H*863o CA939 A 4 a-0 6 p q4 r-t 6 v 4 x 6 y z4 A B 6 ; 144 leaves Wants h2_5 & B M De Meyer 508. Rustat Fund, 1869 Quarter cloth
3381 Psalter: Dutch. 8°, 135 mm. 1498 P*89o8 H13524 CA552 a-z8 z,8 P 8 A-C 8 ; 224 leaves, the last two blank With MS. prayers (one dated 1559) in Dutch on the blank leaves and on additional leaves bound in at the end * Item dit boec hoert toe digna jacops' Contemporary stamped calf [2834]
3382 Jacobus, de Voragine: Legenda aurea. {Dutch. Passionael.) F°, 261 mm. August 1499-1500 CA1767 Pars hiemalis: [*2] a-r6 *6 f6 s-v6 u-z 6 z,6 o6 aa-ee6fF8; 208 leaves, the last blank. Pars aestivalis: A-Z 6 AA-MM 6 NN 4 ; 214 leaves Pars hiemalis wants [*2] (title & table) and the blank. Pars aestivalis is bound first 'Frederic Verachter' [2^55-d] Contemporary stamped calf, with clasps
GOUDA G E R A R D U S LEEU, 1st press 3383 Plenarium: Dutch. 40, 199 mm. 1477 P8912 CA685 a-h8 i 6 k-m 8 n 6 0-r 8 z8 f8 s 6 1 8 v 6 u x y 8 ; 192 leaves, the first blank Wants the blank Bookplate: Quaero, with monogram J C (Capron). Capron 24. Worts Fund, 1875 19th c. calf [2857]
3384 Jacobus, de Voragine: Legenda aurea. {Dutch. Passionael.) F°, 252 mm. 9-10 May 1478 P*8 9 i3 CA 1755(2) Pars aestivalis: a-d10 e8 f-i10 k I8 m-r10-8 z10 f8 s10 t8 v 10 u8 x 10 y 8 z10 z8 98 A 8 B 4 ; 268 leaves Wants leaves 1 & 2 (table) and 40 (d10) Bought, 1891 [2858] Old quarter calf
Pars hiemalis from another copy. F°, 213 mm. 31 July 1478 P8914 CA 1755(1) [*2] A 8 a-h10-8 i k101-q10-8 r10 z8 f10 s 6 1 v 10 u-z 8 t8 9s aa8; 266 leaves, the last blank Wants [*2] (table) and the blank Bought, 1869 Old vellum [2859]
3386 Breviarium Trajectense. F°, 292 mm. 12 Feb. 1479 GW5482 CA372 Very imperfect, but including two complete leaves (and other fragments) of the Calendar (unknown to GW and Campbell). MS. fragments at beginning and end Koninkl. Bibliotheek te 's Hage. Delprat 710. Rustat Fund, 1872 [2860] Modern half pigskin
3387 Jesus Christ. Dat liden ende die passie ons Heeren. 40,184 mm. 18 Mar. 1479 CA 1155 a-d8 e-k 6 * 8 1 6 ; 80 leaves Bound (2) with no. 3388
3388 Cordiale quattuor novissimorum. (Dutch.) 40, 184 mm. 12 July 1479 GW7520 CA1315 Alexander, Fiirst Dietrichstein. Given by J. Charrington, 1933 Bound (1) with no. 3387. 16th c. stamped calf
3389 Jacobus, de Voragine: Legenda aurea. (Dutch. Passionael.) F°, 250 mm. 1 Apr. 1480 P*89io CA (+11)1756 Pars aestivalis only: a-d10 e 8 f-i 10 k 8 l-q 8 - 10 r 8 2 10 f 8 slo.t8 v 10 u-z8-10 t 8 9 8 A 8 B 4 C 6 D 8 ; 282 leaves, the last blank Wants the blank 'Carolus Schampaert.' 'A. D. Vorster 25 Dec. 1727/ De Meyer 509. Rustat Fund, 1869 Calf, circa 1700 [2861}
3390 Nicolaus, Pergamenus: Dialogus creaturarum. F°, 273 mm. 3 June 1480 P*892O H6124 CA560 [*10] a-18 m 6 ; 104 leaves, 1 & 11 blank Wants leaves 1-3 & 11; leaf 5 mounted Given by H. Bradshaw, 1870 19th c. calf
Another copy. 285 mm. Wants the blank leaves 'Pertinet hie liber [...] nicolao alexander [ordinis fra]trum praedicatorum conventus warwicii ex dono magistri Robarti tompson doctoris cuius animae propicietur deus.' 'Abnego ego dns Nicolaus Alexander papam et affirmo regem nostrum Henricum oct. esse caput supremum tocius ecclesiae anglicanae in perpetuum et hoc (?) sibi et suis heredibus successive/ Syston Park. Sandars Bequest, 1894 Diced russia, with arms and initials M. M. Sfykes] [2863]
Gesta Romanorum. F°, 277 mm. 23 Aug. 1480 Pf 8921 H 7743 CA 823 a-q8 r 6 [*] 10 ; 144 leaves, the first blank Wants the blank On the last leaf in MS. 'Nota de pontificibus et episcopis dyocesis leodiensis canonizatis' Pictorial bookplate: Pietas homini tutissima virtus (J. B. Verdussen, v. Linnig 1, p. 35). 'Crevenna Auction. £ 1 : = : = M: Wodhull May 27th, 1790/ Rustat Fund, 1886 18th c. calf [2864]
3393 Gerson (Johannes): Sex lectiones de vita, aegritudine et morte animae [etc.]. 40, 212 mm. 15 Sept. 1480 P*8922 H7674 CA811 a-p 8 q r 6 ; 132 leaves, the first & last blank Wants quire q6 Vergauweni 253. Rustat Fund, 1884 19th c. quarter calf
3394 Jerome (St): Vitas patrum. (Dutch.) F°, 267 mm. 3 Dec. 1480 P8923 H8628 CA937 a-h 8 i k 6 1 m 8 n 6 nn8 0-z 8 t6 96; 198 leaves, 1, 76 (k6), 106 (nn8) & 198 blank Wants the blanks 'Pro conventui sororum virginis gloriose de consolatione iuxta filvordiam. Ordinis carmelitarum* {v. E. de Moreau, Histoire de Veglise en Belgique, tome complementaire 1 (texte), 1948, p. 345, s.v. Peutie). Rustat Fund, 1868 Old half calf [2866]
Another copy. 265 mm. Wants the blanks De Meyer 507. Rustat Fund, 1869 19th c. green morocco
Another copy. 265 mm. Gaselee 202 Wants the first & last blanks Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Old vellum
3397 Jacobus, de Theramo: Belial. F°, 278 mm. 29 Nov. 1481 P*8925 CA1655 [*4] a-m 8 n 6 ; 106 leaves, the last blank Wants the blank; leaves 1 & 2 inset 'Carmeli Remensis.' 'Fr. Rolandus de Sancto Martino me utitur.. .1520/ * Cardinal Lomenie ^ 2 : 6s: 2d. Completing & imperfect copy of Payne 1779 = 7 : 6 . ^ 2 : 1 3 : 8 . M: Wodhull July 16th 1792/ Rustat Fund, 1886 [2868] Red morocco, with Wodhull arms
3398 Annius (Johannes): Glossa super Apocalypsim. 40, 194 mm. P8926 GW2019 CA1277 Rustat Fund, 1868 19th c. vellum
3399 Sensatus: Sermones Sensati. F°, 283 mm. 20 Feb. 1482 P*8927 CA1526 A 8 B C 6 a-z8 z.8; 212 leaves, the first & last blank 21 ib, 1. 26: .. .multis xpi fidelib9 (cf. Campbell's note) Wants the first blank; the last pasted down (?) Koninkl. Bibliotheek te 's Hage. Delprat 693. Rustat Fund, 1872 Modern half pigskin 3400
A n o t h e r c o p y . 281 m m . With the same reading on 211b Wants leaf ax 'Iste liber pertinet sororibus in hoesden.' J. E. Millard. Adams Bequest, 1892 Contemporary ruled calf, with flyleaves from a MS. antiphoner (13th c.) 571
Seven Sages. Historia septem sapientum Romae. 40, 197 mm. CA947 a-k8; 80 leaves, the last blank Wants leaves b 3 _ 6 , g 3 , hx and the blank Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (3) with nos 1252, etc. Modern half morocco
G E R A R D U S LEEU, 2nd press 3402 Bonaventura (St): Dialogus animae et hominis interioris. 40, 211 mm. Pf8 9 35 H3485 GW4687 CA337 Wants the first leaf (blank) 'Liber dni Leonardi Pontesbury vicariae perpetuae ecclesiae parochialis de Shawbury Couen. et Lich. dioc.' (y. The visitation of Shropshire, taken in the year 1623... Ed. by
G. Grazehrook and]. P. Rylands (Publs Harleian Soc, vol. 38, 1889), pt 1, p. 37) Modern quarter morocco 3403
Another copy. 195 m m . Wants the first leaf (blank) Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (2) with nos 3789, etc. Modern quarter morocco
Another copy. 180 m m . De Meyer 101a. Rustat Fund, 1869 Formerly bound (1) with nos 3574 & 3376 and three 16th c. pieces. Modern half morocco [2875]
Another copy. 211 m m . Pen drawings on ib (a kneeling monk, a priest's hat and a mitre) Bought, 1870 Formerly bound with nos 4002, etc. Modern half morocco
3406 Franciscus (Michael), de Insulis: Quodlibet de veritate fraternitatis rosarii B.V.M. [etc.]. 40, 174 mm. Pf939Q H6761 CA759 a-e 8 ab 8 cd 6 ;68leaves Proctor & Campbell attribute this book to Leeu's third press at Antwerp Wants the first leaf (woodcut) Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Formerly bound with no. 107 (now Ee. 6. 20) in the list of Holdsworth MSS. Modern [2877] quarter morocco 3407
Another copy. 193 m m . Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Formerly bound (2) with no. 3740. Modern half morocco
Another copy. 197 mm. Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 i8thc. half calf
3409 Polo (Marco): De consuetudinibus orientalium regionum. 40, 211 mm. P*8p36 H13244 CA1434 a-h 8 i 4 k 6 ; 74 leaves Imperfect; leaves 1-56 (quires a-g) only Paper boards
3410 Ludolphus, de Suchen: Iter ad terram sanctam. 40, 207 mm. P*8937 H* 10309 CA1622 aa-ff 8 hh 6 ; 54 leaves Bound (2) with no. 3411
Mandeville (S/rJohn): Itinerarium. 40, 207mm. P*8938 H* 10644 CA1198 A-F 8 G6 H 8 ; 62 leaves, the first blank Wants the blank 'Iste liber pertinet monasterio Rubeaevallis. Iuxta bruxellas situato.' Vergauwen 11 6. Rustat Fund, 1884 Bound (1) with no. 3410. Half morocco, by Schavye (?) [2882]
3412 Statuta provincialia et synodalia Trajectensis diocesis. 40, 180 mm. 12 June 1484 P8939 H15046 CA1599 a-e 8 ; 40 leaves, the first & last blank Wants the blanks Rustat Fund, 1868 Modern half morocco
3413 Van den seven sacramenten. F°, 237 mm. 19 June 1484 P 8940 H14093 = 14259 CA 1492 [*4] a-h8 i-1 6 ; 86 leaves, the last blank Wants leaves a1? a4, a5, lx & 16, of which a4 & a5 are supplied in contemporary MS. Vergauwen 1 255. Rustat Fund, 1884 Old vellum [2884] 3414
Horae ad usum Trajectensem. 160, 106 m m . CA993 AB8 a-r8; 152 leaves, 1, 14-16, 17 (?) & 152 blank Wants leaves 17 & 24 Contemporary MS. additions at the end (De sancto Herasmo oratio, De purgatorio sancti Patridi, etc.)
* Liber adriani custodis antique ecclesie in delfF.J Royal Library, 1715 Modern half morocco (old boards)
PRINTER OF TEGHEN DIE STRAEL DER MINNEN 3415 Plenarium: Dutch. 40, 210 mm. 23 June 1484 CA693 a-r8 z8 f8 s-v8 u-z 8 t8 o8 A-I 8 K 10 ; 306 leaves 'Dit boeck hoert toe Jan Willemszoen Woenende ter goude in die groenender naist Jan Janszoen die sistemaker an die sutside.' ' Achete a la vente des livres de Mr Delbefg a Gand.' De Meyer 19. Rustat Fund, 1869 Contemporary stamped calf, boards lined with blank vellum; the stamps include an armorial (three nails on a spade-shaped shield) [2886]
GOTFRIDUS DE OS 3416 Opusculum quintupertitum grammaticale. 40, 208 mm. 13 Nov. i486 P8942 CA1331 a-0 6 p 4 q 6 ; 94 leaves Leaf k5 recto repeats the text of k4 verso, with the omission of the first line Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (2) with nos 2983, etc. Modern half morocco
PRINTER OF BLAFFERT *^* Identified as Otgier Nachtegael by L. A. Sheppard in Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 1950 (pp. 172-6)
3417 Gouda. Blaffert ende register van den losrenten ende lijfrenten der stede vander Goude. F°, 293 mm. P 8944 CA 292 [a4 b 1 6 c6 d14"1 e12 f 8 ]; 59 leaves, leaf [d9] (conjugate with the cancelled leaf) blank, and leaf [fj presumably blank, but missing in this copy. In the other copy seen by Campbell the outer sheet of the last quire is presumably folded the other way making [f 6 g 2 ], the last blank Vergauwenn 596. Rustat Fund, 1884 Wrappers [2888]
COLLACIE BROEDERS % * Printed for Collacie Broeders by Otgier Nachtegael, v. L. A. Sheppard in Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 1950 (pp. 172-6)
Horae: Dutch. 8°, 156 mm. 20 Apr. 1496 H7766 CA840 a b 8 [a]-s8; 160 leaves 'Item dit boeck hoert toe suster gisbertgen rijken dochterf...]' A note on the type by J. E[nschede], 1769 Limp vellum, with flap & clasp [2889]
3419 Jesus Christ. Devote ghetiden van den leven ende passie Jesu Christi. 8°, 165 mm. 3-4 Oct. 1496 CA 1116 a-t 8 ; 152 leaves Wants leaves n3_6 Enschede. Rustat Fund, 1867 Contemporary stamped calf, reproduced in Hobson: Cambridge, pi. xvn; see also Weale [2890] R 299, R 300
DEVENTER R I C H A R D U S PAFRAET, 1st press 3420 Berchorius (Petrus): Liber Bibliae moralis. F°, 288 mm. 1477 H2796 GW3864 CA286 Wants leaf 45 (blank) * Codex venerabilis viri domini Gherardi Wuest Vicarii ecclesie xanctefi. quern legavit... religiosis Monasterii Carthus. ordinis prope wesaliam... Anno 1503.' Given by H. Bradshaw, 1870
Contemporary stamped calf, with clasps, rebacked 3421
Jacobus, de Voragine: Legenda aurea. F°, 286 mm. 1479 Pf 8946 CA (11) 1752 <* a-z8 aa-zz8; 368 leaves, the first & last blank The last blank pasted down Contemporary MS. index at the beginning. 'Sum Ecclesiae S. Pauli* Stamped calf, repaired; the covers are not uniform, and the upper one, which is laid down, [2892] probably does not belong
3422 Dominicus, Sabinensis: De commodis et incommodis mulierum. F°, 279 mm. 31 Mar. 1479 GW8642 CA606 Wants the last leaf (blank) Kloss. Bought (lot 392 at Sotheby's), 1 August 1917 (a Britwell sale, though not advertised as such) [2893] Half calf (Kloss)
3423 Conradus, de Brundelsheim: Sermones Socci de tempore. 2 vols. F°, 288 & 282 mm. 1480 P*8947 H14825 GW7409 CA1540 Vol. 1 (Pars hiemalis):
Wants h 8 & ss6 (both blank) 'Bibliothecae R. P. Beggardorum Traiectensium [Maestricht].' Rustat Fund, 1868 Contemporary stamped calf, with bosses, rebacked Vol. 2 (Pars aestivalis): 'Hinricus Lochte...' * Liber Canoniae S. Pancratii Martyris in Hamersleben.' Rustat Fund, 1868 Half calf, by L. Claessens of Brussels [2894]
3424 Speculum exemplorum. F°, 292 mm. 2 May 1481 P8948 H14915 CA1568 A-D 8 E 10 a-z8 aa-tt 8 tt«8 tt; 8 tt«;8 tt-;- 6 t t « / - 8 vv-zz 8 aaa-eee8 fff6 ggg 10 ; 504 leaves, 1 & 378 (tt8) blank Wants the blanks Diilmen binding of stamped calf; stamps include Goldschmidt pi. cv, 165 [2^95] 3425
A n o t h e r c o p y . 274 m m . Wants leaf tt8 (blank) 'Fratris Cornelii Nutii Michaelitae Antuerp.' De Meyer 100. Rustat Fund, 1869 16th c. stamped calf, with clasps
3426 Jacobus, de Voragine: Sermones de tempore et de sanctis. 2 vols. F°, 290 & 282 mm. 6 Mar. 1483 P 8949 CA 1770 Vol. 1: [A B6] a-z8 aa bb 8 cc6 dd 8 ; 226 leaves, 1, 12, 13 & 226 blank. Vol. 2: a-z8 aa-ff8 gghh 1 0 ; 252 leaves Vol. 2 wants leaf t5 Koninkl. Bibliotheek te 's Hage. Delprat 698. Rustat Fund, 1872 Vol. 1: Quarter calf, circa 1800. Vol. 2: Contemporary stamped calf, with bosses and corner\2$97\ pieces, rebacked and the upper board re-covered with paper
3427 Augustine (St): Confessiones. 40, 211 mm. 1483 P8950 H2O32tf = i959 GW2896 CA195 De Meyer 90. Rustat Fund, 1869 19th c. quarter calf
3428 Turrecremata (Johannes de): Quaestiones evangeliorum de tempore et de sanctis. F°, 285 mm. 20 Nov. 1484 P 8951 H 15717 CA 1694 a-y8 z6 aa6 bb 10 cc-zz8 aaa bbb 8 ccc6 ddd8 eee6 fff ggg 8 hhh 6 iii kkk 8 ; 440 leaves, the first & last blank 'Gerardus de Bueren Canonicus ecclesiae sancti Salvatoris traiectensis est possessor huius libri' 'et legavit eum domino nycolao de nonterra (?) possidendum post mortem suam.' Koninkl. Bibliotheek te Js Hage Contemporary stamped calf, rebacked [2$99]
3429 Herolt (Johannes): Sermones discipuli de tempore et de sanctis cum promptuario exemplorum [etc.]. F°, 290 mm. 1485 P 8952 H 8490 CA 923 a-z8 aa-yy8 zz10 aaa6 bbb-qqq 8 rrr 6 ; 502 leaves ia: Incipiut Sermones difcipuli de | tempore per circulum anni. | Dmca pma aduent9 domini. Sermo | primus de aduetu xpi in carne. | [ 6] Cce rex tuus venit...; 9a: dicit. In die ilia nihil e qd! refpodebi |; 295b, col. 2,1. 22: Expliciut fermones collecti ex di | uerfis fanctoif dictis. texpluribusli | bzis Quiintitulanf fermones difcipu | li (1. 33) .. .toffero
DEVENTER ad emenda Ame. |; 296a: Allegatioes abbteuiate in pcede | tibus fermonibus pofite | . . . ; 296b: blank; 297a: Tabula fermonum difcipuli de | fanctis. | . . . ;297b:P*im9fermogeneralis ; 373b, col. 2,1.41: Sermones de fanctis. | [ 3 ] Nde in jmcipio fermonu difci | puli de fcis difcipuli de [ fanctis finiut. |; 374a: Incipit regiftv b*eue hui9 operis | 6m ozdine alphabeti ; 376a, col. 1, 1. 46: Explicit regifh*. b*eue hui9 ogis |; 376b: blank; 377a: Incipit paolog9 in psomptuarium | exemplo^ difcipuh 6m ozdine$ alpha | beti. | [ 6] Tile z expedies e . . . |; 472a, col. 1,1.45: Psomptuarium exemplo^ difci | puli explicit. |; 472b: Incipit tabula ptomptuarij...; 479b, col. 2, 1. 33: Tabula pmptuarij exeplo> difci | puli fcdm oadine alphabeti explicit. |; 480a: Peologus in p^omptuarium difci | puli de miraculis beate Marie virgi | nis incipit. | [ 6 ] D laudem dei omnipo | tentis...; 501a, col. 1,1. 36: Explicit pzomptuarium difcipuli | de miraculis bte Marie vginis. | (col. 2) Incipit tabula pzomptuarij... |; 502a, col. 2, 1. 29: Finit op9 perutile fimplicib9 curam | aia> geretib9. p venerabile z deuotu | Iohane herolt fancti Dmci fectatoae | piofeffum . de tge z de fanctis cu pm I ptuario exeplo> atqj tabulis fuis col | lectu. Difcipulus nucupatu Impffum | Dauatrie. per me Richardu paiFroed | Anno a xpi natali Octuagefimoqnto | fupaa millefimu qterqjcentefimu. | Laus deo |; 502b: Sermones difcipuli de tempoze et de | fanctis cu paomptuario exeploTf. | Bought (lot 268 at Sotheby's), 13 Nov. 1897 Modern half morocco [2900]
3430 Cordiale quattuor novissimorum. 40, 193 mm. 1485 GW7485 CA1299 Wants the last leaf (blank) 'HERCK.' Vergauwen 1 284, with his purchase-note 'Catal. Van Gobbelschroy N. 38*. Rustat Fund, 1884 19th c. vellum [2901]
Cyprian (St): Opera [etc.], F°, 284 mm. P*8954 H5894 GW7886 CA520 Wants the first leaf (blank) 19th c. quarter leather
3432 Datus (Augustinus): Elegantiolae. 40, 198 mm. H5978 GW8060 Gaselee7 Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern calf
3433 Johannes, de Sancto Geminiano: Liber de exemplis. 2 vols. F°, 289 & 285 mm. P 8955 CA 1040 Vol. 1: A B 8 a - y 1 0 z 6 a a b b 8 ; 258 leaves, 1 & 17 blank. Vol. 2: a-z10 aa bb 10 cc dd 8 ; 266 leaves, the first & last blank Vol. 2 wants the last three leaves * Liber dni wilhelmi Custodis Ecclesiarum beate.. .virginis marie necnon beati rumoldi martyris atque pontificis mechlinensis Capellani.' ' [.. .]Emi Mechlinie In foro pro[...] 1523 in mayo.' * Andreas Faber de Vredeland.' Koninkl. Bibliotheek te 's Hage Contemporary stamped calf, rebacked; boards lined with blank vellum [2903] oc
3434 Johannes, de Sancto Geminiano: Liber de exemplis. Another copy of vol. 2. 292 m m . Wants the first leaf (blank) * Pertinet domino Iohanni de hertzbrueck canonico xancten.' Koninkl. Bibliotheek te's Hage Contemporary stamped calf, defective; boards lined with 13th c. MS. on vellum (music, with text beginning 'Congaudent angelorum chori gloriosae virginis') [29°4] 3435
P l a t o : Axiochus. (Latin.) 4 0 , 205 m m . P 8957 CA 1419 a6; 6 leaves Vergauweni 890. Rustat Fund, 1884 19th c. quarter calf
3436 Conradus, de Brundelsheim: Sermones Socci de sanctis. F°, 289 mm. P8958 GW7411 CA1539 Wants the first leaf (blank) *£st liber hie sancti martini louanien.' 19th c. quarter calf
3437 De accentibus syllabarum. 4 , 188 mm. GW136 CA1473 Wants leaf 9. Leaves 12, 20 & 23 are inserted cancels The first leaf of the last quire has been cut away without loss of text, though the stub shows that it was printed on the recto at least W. E. Buckley. Bought, 1894 18th c. calf; fragment of 13th c. legal MS. bound in at the end [2g22]
3438 Langius (Rudolphus): De urbis Hierosolymae excidio. 40, 194 mm. P* 8971 [J. de Breda] H 9895 CA 1087 a_f8 gio. ^g l e a v e S ) t he last two blank Neither of the -us contractions stated to be peculiar to Jacobus de Breda (y. L. A. Sheppard in The Library, 4th ser., xxiv (1943-4), p. 112) occurs in this book, which is therefore reattributed to Pafraet Inglis. Rustat Fund, 1871 Blue morocco, by J. Faulkner [2924]
3439 Gerardus, Zutphaniensis: De spiritualibus ascensionibus. 8°, 145 mm. H* 16295 CA 797 [J. de Breda] a-r 8 ; 136 leaves, the first & the last two blank Wants the first leaf Without Jacobus de Breda's -us contractions (y. no. 3438) * Ad librariam domus clericorum sancti Iheronimi in trajecto [Utrecht]/ Rustat Fund, 1868 Contemporary ruled calf [2g26]
3440 Garlandia (Johannes de): Composita verborum. 40, 185 mm. CA475 ~g81 56 leaves Heber. Bought (lot 1031 at Sotheby's), 3 Aug. 1917 (a Britwell sale, though not so advertised) Vellum MS. stained dark blue, over modern boards [2907] a
Garlandia (Johannes de): Composita verborum. 40, 199 mm. P(Tr) 4 77A 19th c. half morocco
3442 Barzizius (Gasparinus): Epistolae. 40, 195 mm. GW3680 CA774 Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (6) with nos 3889, etc. Modern half morocco
3443 Fliscus (Stephanus): Synonyma. 40, 199 mm. CA748 a-k 8 ; 80 leaves, the first blank Wants the first leaf (title) and the blank Rt. Hon. Charles Bathurst, Lydney Park. Rustat Fund, 1873 Bound (1) with nos 807, 793, 792, 860, 865, 3491, 708, 731 & 730. 16th c. calf; vellum paste-downs, the one at the end inscribed * Domino Waltero Coton Anglico studenti [29J1] bononie tradatur'
3444 Agricola (Rodolphus): Anna mater'[eft:.]. 40, 207 mm. GW484 CA52 Vergauweni 1006. Rustat Fund, 1884 19th c. quarter calf
3445 Albertus, Magnus: Compendium theologicae veritatis. F°, 290 mm. Pf896o H* 436(1) GW 601(1) CA473 Leaves 1-158 (quires a-v) of the GW description, which omits v 6 from the collation * Liber Conventus Hammonensis' (i.e. the Franciscans of Hamm) Bound (1) with no. 3446. Contemporary stamped calf, with clasps, boards lined with vellum MS. (a 14th c. lectionary); the stamps include (1) (circular) Image of Pity, (2) (square) two lions rampant placed heraldically on either side of a tree, and 'Ihesus* & * Maria' scrolls \29X3\
3446 Bernoldus: Distinctiones de tempore et de sanctis. F°, 290 mm. Pf896i H*43<5(2) G W 6 o i ( 2 ) CA285 Leaves 159-90 (quires a-d of the second alphabet) of the GW description 'D. Euerhardi de [.. .]tzer vicarii ecclesiae Mon/ Bound (2) with no. 3445
3447 Cicero (Marcus Tullius): De senectute [etc.]. 4°, 211 mm. P8963 H 5256 (2) GW6946(2) CA428 'Sum Roberti Smithei liber Bristollie emptus.. .precio xxiiijd.' 'Thomas brytten, John tibbet, William king...all thes go to schole with robart smythe...' 'Tho. Herbert.' Rustat Fund, 1928 Bound (1) with nos 3794, 3704, 3769, 3698 & 2901. Contemporary stamped calf; Oldham, English blind-stamped bindings, pi. XVIII, nos 160-61 (Fishtail Binder), and a circular stamp of a six-pointed star within the crescent of a new moon 579
3448 Cicero (Marcus Tullius): De ofFiciis. 40, 210 mm. P* 8974 [J. de Breda] H 5256 (1) GW 6946(1) CA439 * Cornelius Paine', with his bookplate. Rustat Fund, 1891 19th c. blue morocco
3449 Columna (Guido de): Historia destructionis Troiae. F°, 266 mm. P 8963 A GW7226 CA873 Wants a b 8 , and the last leaf (blank) Heber. Bought (lot 333 at Sotheby's), 1 Aug. 1917 (a Britwell sale, though not advertised as such) Wrappers [2921]
3450 Datus (Augustinus): De variis loquendi figuris. 40, 203 mm. GW8143 CA535 Wants the last leaf (blank) Rymenans. Vergauweni 943. Rustat Fund, 1884 19th c. quarter calf
3451 Lucianus, Samosatensis: Charon. 4 , 206 mm. CA 1178 a 8 b 6 ; 14 leaves Vergauweni 1101. Rustat Fund, 1884 19th c. quarter calf
3452 Leonardus, de Utino: Quadragesimale. F°, 279 mm. P8966 H16125 CA1698 A 8 a-v 8 x 10 y 8 z6 t6; 198 leaves, the first blank Wants the blank Rustat Fund, 1875 19th c. vellum
[2918] 0
3453 David, de Augusta: De profectu religiosorum. 4 , 203 mm. P8967 H3510 GW8163 CA1442 ' Cartusiae in Buxheim.' 'studgarth.' G.Dunn. Rustat Fund, 1914 Contemporary stamped pigskin, with clasp
3454 Raymundus, de Sabunde: Theologia naturalis. F°, 267 mm. P*8968 H* 14067 CA1490 A 8 a-z8 aa-hh 8 ; 2$6 leaves, the first blank Wants the blank 'Conventus limpurgensis FF. Min. 1714* Half calf, circa 1800
3455 Dogma moralium philosophorum. 40, 208 mm. H6320 GW8632 CA605 Wants the last leaf (blank) Koninklijke Bibliotheek te 's Hage. Delprat 641. Rustat Fund, 1872 19th c. half calf 58O
3456 Herolt (Johannes): Sermones discipuli de tempore. F°, 290 mm. CA922 a-d8 e6 a-e8 d ( = f) 8 g-z 8 aa-w 8 xx 6 yy 8 zz6 aaa8; 410 leaves, 1 & 38 blank 'Hunc habemus librum in bethleem prope lovanium ex parte...Johannis de septem montibus.' Bought, 1948 Contemporary stamped calf (Hobson: Cambridge, pi. xn, stamps 1-3: this volume may be no. m of those there listed); repaired [4269]
3457 Datus (Augustinus): De variis loquendi figuris. 40, 190 mm. GW8144 CA536 'Biblioth: G: J: De Servais N. 1105/ Vergauweni 944. Rustat Fund, 1884 18th c. calf (by J. M. Frederichs of Malines? cf. no. 3604)
J A C O B U S DE BREDA, 1st press 3458 Cordiale quattuor novissimorum. 40, 188 mm. i486 H 5704 GW 7505 CA 1300 = 1303 Wants leaves gx & g8 (the last, title) 'Liber domus fratrum presbiterorum ac clericorum vallis sancti Jeronimi retro nouum forum in Magdeburch.' 'Hunc librum emit frater heningus prepositus in meyndorp cum aliis libris et dedit ad usum fratribus in hamersleue.' Culemann 108. Worts Fund, 1870 18 th c. half calf [2927]
3459 Aesopus: Fabulae. 40, 205 mm. GW319 CA31 With variations from GW. ia, 1. 4: [ 2] Laureti 9 ...; 6b, 1. 19: .. .factus | Vergauweni 878. Rustat Fund, 1884 19th c. half vellum
3460 Vegius (Maphaeus): De felicitate ac miseria. 4 , 207 mm. 1487 CA 1707 a 8 b 1 2 ; 20 leaves Vergauweni 329. Rustat Fund, 1884 19th c. quarter calf
3461 Barzizius (Gasparinus): Epistolae. 40, 204 mm. Pf897O GW3682 CA775 Wants the last leaf (blank) * Iste liber pertinet martino (?) buderick...' ' Liber monasterii sancti Trudonis.' Vergauwen 1 1122, with his purchase-note 'Cat. Van Coetsem'. Rustat Fund, 1884 19th c. half vellum [2929] *** P* 8971. Reattributed to Pafraet. See no. 3438
3462 Columella (L. J. M.): De cultu hortorum. 40, 195 mm. GW7183 CA470 Wants the last leaf (blank) Bought, 1870 Paper boards
Guilelmus, de Gouda: Expositio missae. 40, 200 mm. H7822 CA889 a b 8 c6 d 8 ; 30 leaves, the last blank Wants the blank Kloss. Vergauwen 1 67. 'J- *• Doedes', with his armorial bookplate (Sublimia euro). Bought, 1898 Half calf (Kloss) [2931]
3464 Valerius, episcopus: Epistola ad propinquum suum. 40, 199 mm. P8973 CA1699 Also published as Eucherius, De contemptu mundi ad Valerianum propinquum suum (y. no. 3622) Bound (5) with nos 3543, etc. [2932] *^* P* 8974. Reattributed by GW to Pafraet. See no. 3448
3465 Vegius (Maphaeus): Philalethes. 40, 208 mm. Pf8977 CA1708 a8 b 6 ; 14 leaves, the last blank Vergauwen 1 1103. Rustat Fund, 1884 19th c. quarter calf
R I C H A R D U S PAFRAET, 2nd press 3466 Stella clericorum. 40, 197 mm. 19 Nov. 1488 H 15076 CA1606 a b 6 c 4 ; 16 leaves With the misprint (*intipit') on 2a corrected (cf. Campbell's note) Rustat Fund, 1868 19th c. quarter calf
3467 Dialogus Salomonis et Marcolfi. 40, 199 mm. 20 Nov. 1488 H 14256 CA 454 a b 6 ; 12 leaves Vergauwen 1 1105. Rustat Fund, 1884 Wrappers
3468 Poeniteas cito. 40, 190 mm. 20 Dec. 1488 P8980 H11499 CA1135 a-c 6 d 8 ; 26 leaves, the last blank Wants the blank The copy recorded by Campbell as * Verhelst no. 120'. Rustat Fund, 1868 19th c. calf
3469 Cato (Dionysius): Disticha. 40, 189 mm. H4716 GW6290 CA410 'Dauid Antuerpiensis Dauid Regius Dauid Michael.' Duke of Sussex. Rustat Fund, 1868 [2939] 19th c. half calf 582
3470 Hegius (Alexander): Farrago. 40, 199 mm. CA741 ab 6 ; 12 leaves Bound (3) with nos 443, etc.
Garlandia (Johannes de): Composita verborum. 40, 199 mm. CA 481 a-e 8 ; 40 leaves, the last blank. Types 3, 5 ia: Compofita verboi*. Ioannis Synthen. | [Device: Bradshaw 2] |; ib: blank; 2a: [ 2] Sipo copofita funt obfipo diflipo dicta | Obfipo fpargo notat diflipo diuidere | . . . (1. 5) ([ Sipo fignificat pmo farina ad faciedu pulte...; 9a (sig. b x ): fine gcoctari. Saepe qde z, gfaepe fug hac re te gcoctat9 fum. ve |; 39b, 1. 19: .. .Litterae multum condu | cunt ad bene beateqj viuendum. | Finiutur Compofita verboif | * Nicolaus schiedamensis possessor huius libelli moram ducens in domum fratrum.' Rustat Fund, 1872 (Tross, cat. 5, no. 2931; cf. Campbell's note) [2941] 19th c. half calf
3472 Anwykyll (John): Compendium totius grammaticae. 40, 208 mm. 4 May 1489 P8982 H5556 GW2264 CA474 Bound (3) with nos 3030, etc.
Duff3o [2942]
Another copy. 211 mm. Bibliotheca Heberiana. Vergauweni 945. Rustat Fund, 1884 19th c. purple morocco
3474 Albertus (Eccardus): Modi significandi. 40, 194 mm. 23 May 1489 CA73 a-d8 ef 6 ; 44 leaves Acquired before 1700 19th c. half calf
3475 Cicero (Marcus Tullius): De senectute. 40, 196 mm. 16 July 1489 11*5309 GW6983 CA429 * Liber dni Gerhardi Systeop de Kempis artium et legum doctoris' Bound (1) with nos 3478 & 3477. Modern quarter morocco
Another, variant, copy. 205 mm. Leaves 3 & 4 are a different setting, e.g. 3a, 1. 1: tempeftiua (instead of tempeftina), 1. 3: . . . nature regpunare Lelius. At* | (instead of naturae repugnare ? Laelius. At |) Wants the last leaf (blank) Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Red morocco, with stamp of T. H. T. Hopkins of Magdalen College, Oxford [4077]
3477 Cicero (Marcus Tullius): Somnium Scipionis [etc.], 40,196 mm. 18 July 1489 H*5296 GW6910 CA437 Wants the first leaf (title) Bound (3) with nos 3475, etc.
3478 Cicero (Marcus Tullius): De amicitia. 40, 196 mm. 24 July 1489 H*52QQ GW6999 CA434 Bound (2) with nos 3475, etc.
3479 Aristoteles. Auctoritates Aristotelis et aliorum philosophorum. 40,197 mm. 27 Sept. 1489 H1933 GW2813 CA192 Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (3) with nos 3889, etc. 19th c. half calf
3480 Petrus, Hispanus: Summulae logicales. 40, 195 mm. 2 Oct. 1489 P(Tr) 1397A A fragment; the last leaf only, with colophon (reading Dauetrie, not dauetrie, as Proctor) [2949] Bound (2) with no. 3539, etc.
3481 Gemmula vocabulorum. (Latin & Dutch.) 40, 213 mm. 1489 P8985 CA792 a-z6 A-E 6 Ff6 G-R 6 ; 240 leaves, the last blank Wants B 6 , Cly R 3 , R4 & R 6 ; L6 mutilated 'Jacob bergis.' Vergauweni 1251. Rustat Fund, 1884 Contemporary stamped calf
3482 Sabellicus (Marcus Antonius): Elegiae in natalem diem B.V.M. 40, 207 mm. 19 Jan. 1490 P8986 CA1487 a-c 6 ; 18 leaves 'Frater Patroclus sartoris est possessor huius libri/ Vergauweni 1008. Rustat Fund, 1884 19th c. quarter calf [2951]
Another copy. 206 mm. Gaselee 203 Bound (4) with nos 3523, etc.
3484 Seneca (Lucius Annaeus): Proverbia. 40, 201 mm. 13 Feb. 1490 H14646 CA 1520 a6; 6 leaves Koninkl. Bibliotheek te 's Hage. Delprat 3187. Rustat Fund, 1872 19th c. half calf
3485 Guilelmus, de Gouda: Expositio missae. 40, 185 mm. 20 Feb. 1490 H*783O CA884 a-c 6 ; 18 leaves, the last blank 'J. F. Vandevelde.' De Meyer 31a. Rustat Fund, 1869 18th c. calf
3486 Stella clericorum. 4 , 198 mm. 14 July 1490 H 15077 CA 1607 a b 6 c 4 ; 16 leaves 'Edwardus Sharnbroke/ 'Edmundus dale/ Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (2) with nos 3889, etc. 19th c. half calf
3487 Hegius (Alexander): Farrago. 4 0 , 205 mm. 30 Sept. 1490 P8987 CA740 ab 6 ; 12 leaves Leaf 1 not known to Campbell, ia: Farrago. | [Woodcut; master and five pupils] |; ib: blank Bought (lot 36 at Sotheby's), 17 February 1897 [2956] Quarter calf, by R. Petit
3488 Andreas, de Escobar: Modus confitendi. 4 0 , 200 mm. 1 Oct. 1490 P8988 H 1016=11009 GW1834 CA1235 Rustat Fund, 1868 19th c. quarter calf
3489 Vegius (Maphaeus): Vita divi Antonii. 40, 214 mm. 1490 P 8991 H* 15922 CA 1711 a b 6 ; 12 leaves, the last blank Bound (4) with nos 3490, etc.
3490 Bible: Latin. Epistles of St Paul. 40, 214 mm. 11 Jan. 1491 CA 1369 a-h6 i 4 ; 52 leaves, the last blank 'Iste liber pertinet Jaspero Paderborn In quarto.' 'Jasperus paderborn in quarto loco Zwollis.' Vergauweni 520. Rustat Fund, 1884 Bound (1) with nos 3494, 3498, 3489, 3524 & 3540. 19th c. vellum \2959\
3491 Dialogus inter clericum et militem [etc.]. 40, 199 mm. 31 Jan. 1491 P*8993 H* 6119 = 6120 GW8269 CA 573 = 879 Bound (7) with nos 3443, etc. 3492
A n o t h e r c o p y . 175 m m . Wants the title-page, and the last leaf (blank) Rustat Fund, 1872 19th c. half calf
[2961 ]
Another copy. 183 mm. Wants the last leaf (blank) A stamp: two C's addorsed and interlaced beneath a coronet. Acton Library, 1902 Bound with 30 other pamphlets (16th & 17th c ) . 19th c. half vellum [2962]
3494 Cordiale quattuor novissimorum. 40, 214 mm. 25 Feb. 1491 Pf8994 H5706 GW7508 CA1305 Bound (2) with nos 3490, etc.
3495 Albertanus: De arte loquendi et tacendi. 40, 204 mm. 27 (?) June 1491 GW555 CA(n)67* 'Jacobus gladbach.' Bought, 1894 Wrappers
3496 Jacobus, de Gruytrode: Colloquium peccatoris et Jesu Christi [etc.]. 40, 184 mm. 18 Nov. 1491 CA468 a b 6 c 4 ; 16 leaves, the last blank De Meyer 31b. Rustat Fund, 1869 19th c. half calf
3497 Dionysius, Carthusianus: Exhortationes novitiorum [etc.], 40,190 mm. 1491 P8998 H6777 GW8414 CA719 'Ghisbertus balen.' Contemporary MS. notes on Dionysius Carthusianus and on Jacobus de Gruytrode, who is stated to be the author of the third piece in the book (Dialogus Jesu et senis). Rustat Fund, 1868 18th c. quarter calf [2967]
Another copy. 214 mm. Bound (3) with nos 3490, etc.
3499 Michael, de Hungaria: Sermones praedicabiles. 8°, 141 mm. 1491 H*9O48 CA1252 A 10 a-0 8 p 6 ; 128 leaves, the last blank Rustat Fund, 1900 Modern boards, covered with a fragment of music MS. on vellum
3500 Baptista, Mantuanus: Parthenice prima sive Mariana. 40, 192 mm. 10 Feb. 1492 P9000 H2365 GW3278 CA 223 =218 (2) Koninkl. Bibliotheek te 's Hage. Delprat955. Rustat Fund, 1872 19th c. half calf 3501
Another c o p y . 206 m m . Gaselee 205 Bound (3) with nos 3523, etc.
Theodoricus, de Herxen: Devota exercitia. 8°, 142 mm. 2 May 1492 H8533 CA1652 a-m 8 n 4 ; 100 leaves Wants c8 Bound (2) with nos 3632, etc.
3503 Mary, the Blessed Virgin. Boecxken van onser liever Vrouwen croen, souter en mantel. 8°, 130 mm. 1492 P9002 H5751 CA330 Quires A-K (leaves 121-200) only, containing Een boecxken gthieten onser liever Vrouwen mantel
Wants leaf 200 (the last, blank) Vergauweni 475. Rustat Fund, 1884 19th c. boards covered with music MS. on vellum
3504 Liber (Antonius), Susatensis: Hymni Prudentii interpretatio. 40, 184 mm. 30 Mar. [i4]93 H 10073 CA 159 Bound (6) with nos 3561, etc.
35°5 Johannes, de Lapide: Resolutorium dubiorum. 8°, 141 mm. 1493 H9908 CA1035 Gaselee2o6 [a]-d8 e4 f-i8 k 4 ; 72 leaves, the last blank Wants the last leaf Bound (2) with no. 3624
3506 Eyb (Albrecht von): Ehebiichlein. (Dutch. Boeck van den echten staete.) 4°, 172 m m . P9003 H14972 GW9528 CA724 Wants the last leaf (blank) Bookplate: Quaero, monogram J C (Capron). Capron 169. Worts Fund, 1875 18th c. half calf
3507 Stella clericorum. 40, 184 mm. 27 Nov. 1494 P 9004 H* 15079 CA (+111) 1610 a b 6 c 4 ; 16 leaves, the last blank Bound (3) with nos 3561, etc.
3508 Cordiale quattuor novissimorum. 40, 194 mm. 16 Dec. 1494 P*9OO5 H*57o8 GW7512 CA 1308 'Sum Benedicti geerts Olmensis pastoris in Gontich (?) 1593.' Rustat Fund, 1893 Modern half morocco
3509 Alanus, de Insulis: Doctrinale altum parabolarum. 40, 184 mm. 28 July 1495 P9007A H381 GW501 CA57 ib (blank according to Campbell) has woodcut of master and five pupils (not mentioned by GW). Colophon has Imp^efTum (not ImprefTum, as GW) Wants the last leaf (unknown, probably blank) Bound (7) with nos 3561, etc. [297$]
3510 Gemma vocabulorum. (Latin & Dutch.) 40, 212 mm. 1495 P9010 CA781 a8 b 4 c d6 e-z L8A A-O 8 - 4 P 6 Q 4 ; 238 leaves, the last blank Contemporary stamped calf, rebacked 3511
Aesopus moralisatus. 4 0 , 183 m m . 28 Feb. 1496 H315 GW405 CA47 Heitland Fund, 1949 Quarter morocco, circa 1800
Guilelmus, de Gouda: Expositio missae. 40, 197 mm. 1496 P9015 H7833 CA891 Bookplate: Sublimia euro (J. I. Doedes). Bought, 1898 19th c. half roan
3513 Hermannus, Torrentinus: Elucidarius carminum et historiarum. 40, 201 mm. 1498 Pf9Oi8 H i 1644 CA677 a-h 8 - 4 i 6 k 4 ; 58 leaves Wants c3_6 Modern quarter morocco
[^P^] 0
3514 Petrarca (Francesco): Bucolica. 4 , 198 mm. 8 Jan. 1499 P9019 H12828 CA1384 a-e 6 f8; 38 leaves, the last blank Inglis. Rustat Fund, 1900 Old paper boards, with a red slip-on case (circa 1800)
3515 Alanus, de Insulis: Doctrinale ahum parabolarum. 40, 193 mm. 9 Mar. 1499 H383 GW506 CA58 Bought, 1898 Bound (2) with Bonifacius de Ceva, Sermones de adventu (B. Rembolt, Parrhisiis, 30 July 1518) and with no. 744. Calf, circa 1700 [2983]
3516 Philelphus (Franciscus): Epistolae breviores. 4°, 193 mm. 16 June 1499 P 9022 H 12952 CA 1409 [*6] A-H8-4 I6 K4 L 8 ; 72 leaves, the last blank Wants the blank * Iohannes Costueldiensis in loco 3 est huius possessor A° 1499/ Culemann 2442. Worts Fund, 1870 Formerly bound with no. 748. 19th c. half calf [2984]
3517 Cicero (Marcus Tullius): Epistolae quaedam Ciceronis et Plinii. 40, 206 mm. 24 Mar. 1500 H5227 GW6877 CA443 Bought, 1891 19th c. half calf
3518 Bonaventura (St): Stimulus divini amoris. 40, 202 mm. H*3476 GW4821 CA348 Bound (2) with nos 432, etc.
3519 Cato (Dionysius): Disticha. 40, 202 mm. GW6293 CA411 Koninkl. Bibliotheek te 's Hage. Delprat 3137. Rustat Fund, 1872 19th c. half calf
3519*5 Vergilius Maro (Publius): Bucolica. 40, 200 mm. a8 b 1 0 ; 18 leaves. 3a: 149 x 83 mm., 26 leaded lines. Types 3 (title, headings & colophon) and 4 (text) ia: Bucolica Virgin] |; i b : blank; 2a: Publij Virgin] Maronis Bucolica Ae* | gloga pdma. Interlocutoces Melibceus et | Titir9 amici. Meliboeus. | [ 3 ] Itire tu patulae recubas fub tegmi I ne fagi. | Silueftre tenui mufam meditaris auena | . . . ; 9a (sig. b x ): Cum coplexa fui corpus miferabile nati |; 18a, 1.21: Ite domu faturae venit hefperus ite capellae. | P. Virgin] Maronis Buccolicoif Finis. | In ptefTura platese epifcopi | Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1951 Modern quarter morocco [435°]
3520 Publicius (Jacobus): Ars conficiendi epistolas. 40, 210 mm. CA 1463 ab 8 ; 16 leaves Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (3) with nos 2983, etc. 19th c. half calf
3521 Prudentius (Aurelius Clemens): Opera. 40, 202 mm. P*9O3i H* 13432 CA 1456 a-z6 z,6 A-D 6 ; 168 leaves, the last blank Wants the blank W. H. Crawford. Rustat Fund, 1891 19th c. half russia 3522
A n o t h e r c o p y . 201 m m . 'Johannes Rotha est possessor huius libri.' From the library of F. Jenkinson, 1923 Wrappers
A n o t h e r c o p y . 207 m m . Gaselee 207 'Hunc librum dedit mihi Richardus impressor dauentrie pro sollicitacionibus meis et pro exemplari quod sibi misi etc. nam (nunc?) sex libros non (mihi?) dedit.' 'Liber domus fratrum fontissalien. mon.' Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Bound (1) with nos 3533, 3501 & 3483. Contemporary stamped calf, described by Weale (R325) and illustrated in Gaselee (frontispiece) and Het Boek, io e Jaarg. (1921), where [4082] the MS. inscriptions are discussed by M. E. Kronenberg (p. 76)
3524 John (Prester): De ritu et moribus Indorum [etc.], 40, 214 mm. P9034 CA1477 ab 6 ; 12 leaves Bound (5) with nos 3490, etc.
3525 Philelphus (Franciscus): Epistolae. 40, 208 mm. P9037 CA1413 a-y 8 z6 A 6 B-E 8 F 6 G H 8 ; 242 leaves, the last blank Contemporary MS. at end: Practica dictamineum (?) a magistro laurentio de aquilegia edita and Compendium de arte rigmatizandi Given by S. Sandars, 1893 Contemporary stamped calf, rebacked [2992\ 3526
B o o r t (Henricus): Fasciculus morum. 4 0 , 202 m m . Pf9O4i GW4934 CA744 P(Tr)75iA Wants the last two quires (n6 o8) Rymenans 1550. Bought, 1897 Modern half morocco
3527 Andreas, de Escobar: Modus confitendi. 40, 188 mm. P9042 GW1836 CA1238 G. Dunn.. Rustat Fund, 1914 Modern vellum
3528 Wimpheling (Jakob): Disceptatio oratorum duorum in repudiationem filiae Maximiliani. 40, 198 mm. P 9043 CA 602 A 8 ; 8 leaves Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Formerly bound with nos 3759, etc. Modern half morocco
3529 Garlandia (Johannes de): Verba deponentalia (ed. by H. Torrentinus). 4°, 209 m m . P(Tr) 1720A (inaccurate) NK11 3263 [after 1500?] Bought, 1891 Paper boards
3530 Petrus, Cracoviensis: Computus astronomicus. 40, 155 mm. P(Tr) 1404A Inglis. Bought, 1871 Bound with Computi elucidatio (P. Os, Zuuollis, 14 Apr. 1502), part of which is GW 7281 \299l\ (v. NK11 2697 & m (Inl.) 01242). 19th c. calf
3531 Juvencus: Historia evangelica. 40, 205 mm. CA 1058 a-d 8 - 4 e 6 f-i 4 - 8 k 8 ; 62 leaves Bound (2) with no. 460
3532 Daniel. Somnia Danidis. 4 , 202 mm. GW7932 CA525 Kloss. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern vellum over wrappers
3533 Baptista, Mantuanus: Par;thenices commendatio [etc.], 40, 207 mm. GW3263 CA 219 = 218(1) Gaselee 208 Bound (2) with nos 3523, etc.
J A C O B U S DE BREDA, 2nd press 3534 Boethius (A. M. T. S.): De consolatione philosophiae [etc.], 40, 209 mm. 27 Feb. 1490 P9048 H3381 GW4546 CA312 'Possidet me magister Johannes hvyarghe (?).' Ex bibliotheca P. P. C. Lammens. Rustat Fund, 1868 19th c. half calf [2999]
Another copy. 197 mm. Bookplates: (1) David Dundas (Franks 9302), (2) C. W. G. Howard, commemorating the gift of Sir David Dundas of Ochtertyre, 1877 (Franks 15506). Lot 1515 at Sotheby's, 12 Dec. 1930. Given by A. F. Scholfield, 1930 Bound (1) with no. 3537. 18th c. vellum [3^s]
3536 Alexander, de Villa Dei: Doctrinale, pars 11. 40, 202 mm. 18 Sept. 1490 GW 1092 Wants the last leaf (blank) Bound (2) with no. 743
3537 Boethius (A. M. T. S.): De disciplina scholarium. 40, 198 mm. 9 Oct. 1490 P9050 GW4597 CA326 Wants the last leaf (blank) Bound (2) with no. 3535 3538
A e s o p u s moralisatus. 4 0 , 203 m m . 4 N o v . 1490 P*9O5i H307 GW404 CA40 John Taylor (1781-1864). Bought, 1865 Formerly bound (2) with no. 3084. 19th c. half calf
3539 Boethius (A. M. T. S.): De consolatione philosophiae [etc.], 40, 195 mm. 19 Mar. 1491 Pf 9 O53 GW4552 CA313 Wants all before cx (20 leaves, including table), also f\ & p x Armorial bookplate, on green paper: Te duce. A label, on similar paper: Mrs Henry Steele. Bought, 1896 Bound (1) with Herolt, Liber discipuli de eruditione christifidelium (C. Zyrichzee, Colonie, 12 Mar. 1509) and with no. 3480. 18th c. quarter calf [3002] 591
3540 Stella clericorum. 4 , 214 mm. 14 Apr. 1491 CA 1609 a6 b c 4 ; 14 leaves, the last blank Bound (6) with nos 3490, etc.
3541 Boethius (A. M. T. S.): De disciplina scholarium. 40, 190 mm. 3 Feb. 1492 H3414 GW4599 Wants the last leaf 'Edward. Mudge.' Diced russia, circa
CA327 (blank) Acquired before 1853 1800
3542 Diogenes, Cynicus: Epistolae. 40, 197 mm. GW8398 CA577 Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (8) with nos 3889, etc. 19th c. half calf
Another copy. 199 mm. Vergauweni 1166. Rustat Fund, 1884 Bound (1) with nos 3544, 3545, 3551, 3464 & 3900. Paper boards
3544 Lucianus, Samosatensis: De funerali pompa contemnenda [etc.], 40, 199 mm. Pf 1404 [Quentell, Cologne] H* 10273 CA 1176 ab 6 ; 12 leaves Bound (2) with nos 3543, etc.
3545 Plato: Hipparchus, Erastae, Theages. (Latin.) 40, 199 mm. CA 1421 a b 6 c 4 ; 16 leaves Bound (3) with nos 3543, etc.
3546 Cordiale quattuor novissimorum. 40, 175 mm. H 5697 GW7507 CA 1306 = 1312 Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Formerly bound with nos 217 & 707. Modern quarter morocco
3547 Dialogus Salomonis et Marcolfi. 40, 189 mm. CA458 a 6 b 4 ; 10 leaves Bought, 1892 Modern quarter calf
3548 Dialogus Salomonis et Marcolfi. 40, 179 mm. CA459 aa 6 bb 4 ; 10 leaves MS. note by C. I. E[lton]. Ex libris M. A. Elton. Rustat Fund, 1916 19th c. blue morocco, rebacked
3549 Alanus, de Insulis: Doctrinale altum parabolarum. 4°, 188 mm. [i4]92 P*9Q59 H379 GW496 CA55 Wants the last leaf (blank) J. Evans, F.R.S. Given by J. Charrington, 1916 19th c. half calf
*** Pf 9O6 - See no. 3581
3550 Vegius (Maphaeus): Vita divi Antonii. 40, 186 mm. Pf9o68 H15921 CA1712 a 6 b 4 ; 10 leaves Bought (lot 1321 at Puttick's), 18 June 1864 19th c. half calf
3551 Aesopus: Fabulae. 4 , 199 mm. P9069 H321 GW321 CA32 Bound (4) with nos 3543, etc,
3552 Hesiodus: Opera et dies. (Latin.) 40, 194 mm. 1492 H*8539 CA924 a b 6 c 4 ; 16 leaves Heber. Bought (lot 556 at Sotheby's), 1 Aug. 1917 (a Britwell sale, though not advertised as such) Wrappers [3015]
3553 Plenarium: Dutch. 40, 185 mm. 1 Mar. 1493 H6658 CA703 a-z6 z,6 96 A-Q 6 R4 ([i]-iij) 6; 256 leaves Enschede*28i. Bookplate: Quaero, monogramJC (Capron). Capron25. Worts Fund, 1875 Old vellum [3016]
3554 Gemmula vocabulorum. (Latin & Dutch.) 40, 212 mm. 30 May 1493 CA795 a-z6 A-K 6 K4 L-O 6 - 4 ; 222 leaves Wants the first leaf (title & prologue) Perhaps Inglis 1533 (1871). Rustat Fund, 1871 Modern quarter morocco 3555
P s a l t e r : Latin.
16°, 88 m m . 2 6 M a r . 1494
CA545 Imperfect; quires a-x 8 & y^y only Rustat Fund, 1892 Bound with a late MS. 'Cursus B.V.M.' and other liturgical matter (MS. & printed). Black morocco [3018] 3556
Aesopus moralisatus. 4 0 , 206 m m . 30 July 1494 P9071 H312 GW412 CA43 Kloss. G. Dunn. Bought, 1914 Half calf (Kloss)
[3019] 593
3557 Niger (Franciscus): Modus epistolandi. 40, 195 mm. 31 July 1494 P 9071 A H * 11873 CA 1292 a-g 6 ; 42 leaves \ . .Franciscus blacher ( ? ) . . • ' Sandars Bequest, 1894 19th c. quarter vellum
[3020] 0
3558 Gaguin (Robert): De intemeratae Virginis conceptu. 4 , 192 mm. 31 Oct. 1494 H7416 CA.768 a b 6 ; 12 leaves, the last blank Bound (8) with nos 3566, etc.
[3021) 0
3559 Cordiale quattuor novissimorum. 4 , 211 mm. 6 Dec. 1494 P*9O75 H5709 GW7511 CA1307 19th c. half calf
Another copy. 177 mm. *J. F. Vandevelde.' De Meyer 99. Rustat Fund, 1869 19th c. quarter calf
A n o t h e r copy. 184 m m . Wants the first leaf (title) Bookplate: Deofideliset regi (S. C. E. Williams), signed 'Rev. J. Williams M.A., Bryntirion/ Bought, 1894 Bound (1) with nos 3988, 3507, 810, 804, 3504 & 3509. Old vellum backed with calf, panels of spine painted white (with shelf-mark fGG 84') and red (with title), in the Diilmen manner [3024]
3562 Niger (Franciscus): Modus epistolandi. 40, 192 mm. 4 Sept. 1495 Pf 9078 H11874 CA 1293 a-f6; 36 leaves, the last blank Bound (4) with nos 3566, etc.
3563 Plenarium: Dutch. 4 , 184 mm. 4 Mar. 1496 CA705 a-z 6 1 6 96 A-Q 6 R4 (i-iij)6; 256 leaves 'Desen boeck hoort toe Peter verrydt (?).' 'Jan verrydt.' A MS. mark with initials 'K.L.' Duke of Sussex. Bought, 1892 Old vellum [3026]
3564 Boethius (A. M. T. S.): De disciplina scholarium. 40, 209 mm. 15 May 1496 P 9082 H 3416 GW 4602 (Anm.) CA 328 Rustat Fund, 1868 19th c. half calf
3565 Hegius (Alexander): Farrago. 40, 192 mm. 7 Aug. 1496 CA743 a 6 b 4 ; 10 leaves Bound (5) with nos 3566, etc.
3566 Alexander, de Villa Dei: Doctrinale, pars in, iv. 40, 192 mm. 8 Oct. 1496 GW981 CA128 'Nicholaus Hasselt.' 'Carmeli Boxmerani.' Duke of Sussex. Vergauweni 918. Rustat Fund, 1884 Bound (1) with nos 3582, 3583, 3562, 3565, 3568, 3622, 3558 & 3571. 18th c. calf [3029]
3567 Baptista, Mantuanus: Parthenice prima sive Mariana. 40, 191 mm. 29 Apr. 1497 P9084 GW3283 CA225 Sir E. Sullivan. Bought, 1890 19th c. half roan
[3030] 0
3568 Datus (Augustinus): Elegantiolae. 4 , 192 mm. 10 June 1497 Pf9086 GW8115 CA533 Bound (6) with nos 3566, etc.
[3031] 0
3569 Boethius (A. M. T. S.): De consolatione philosophiae [etc.]. 4 , 200 mm. 5 Aug. 1497 P9087 H3391 GW4562 CA318 Wants the last leaf (blank) 'For Dr. Adam Clarke from J. O. Bonsall.' ' W . G. Tomkins. Feb. 20. 1833. Bought at the sale of the late Dr. Adam Clarke's library.' Given by A. J. Butler, i89[-] Bound (1) with no. 3580. 17th c. calf, rebacked [3032] 3570
A n d r e a s , de Escobar: M o d u s confitendi. 4 0 , 200 m m . 24 D e c . 1497 P*9o89 H 1017 = 11010 GW1845 CA1237 Koninkl. Bibliotheek te 's Hage. Delprat 594. Rustat Fund, 1872 19th c. half calf
3571 Hesiodus: Opera et dies. {Latin.) 4 , 192 mm. 1497 CA925 a b 6 c 4 ; 16 leaves Bound (9) with nos 3566, etc.
[3034] 0
3572 Guilelmus, de Gouda: Expositio missae. 4 , 187 mm. 1497 Pf 9093 CA 892 A 8 B 4 C 6 ; 18 leaves Bound (3) with nos 3577, etc.
[3036] 0
3573 Bartholomaeus, Coloniensis: Epistola mythologica. 4 , 201 mm. GW3446 CA (+1)256 ' 1/6 Lumley 4 June 1849.' Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 Boards, rebacked with modern morocco
3574 Stella clericorum. 4 , 179 mm. 17 Jan. 1498 P* 9095 H 15080 CA 1614 A B 6 C 4 ; 16 leaves, the last blank Wants the blank De Meyer 101b. Rustat Fund, 1869 Formerly bound (2) with nos 3404, etc. 19th c. half calf 595
[3038] 38-2
3575 Stella clericorum. Another copy. 187 mm. Bound (2) with nos 3577, etc. 3576
G e m m a v o c a b u l o r u m . 4 0 , 210 m m . 30 M a r . 1498 CA784 a-z t A-O8 *4; 228 leaves, the last blank 4 Liber monasterii stabulensis.' De Meyer 327. Rustat Fund, 1869 Contemporary ruled calf, rebacked; boards lined with late 13th c. liturgical MS. on vellum [3040]
3577 Guilelmus, Parisiensis: Postilla. 40, 187 mm. 1498 Pf9oo8 CA904 [*4] a-z A-E8-4 F 6 G 8 ; 186 leaves 'Bibliothecae Monasterii Salvatoris Antverpiae.' Note by F. Jenkinson: * Ipswich Sale, June 14 (?), 1906/ From the library of F. Jenkinson, 1923 Bound (1) with nos 3575 & 3572. Old calf, defective [3°42]
3578 Catherine (St), of Alexandria. Leven van St Katharina. 40, 182 mm. 1498 CA 1126 (these fragments) Five leaves only, with imprint Culemann 590. Worts Fund, 1870 Formerly bound with no. 525. Unbound 3579
Facetus. 4 0 , 206 m m . 8 A p r . 1499 H6889 GW9686 CA734 Given by S. Sandars, 1893 Modern quarter morocco over 17th c. wrappers
3580 Boethius (A. M. T. S.): De disciplina scholarium. 40, 200 mm. 18 Aug. 1500 P 9102 GW 4604 CA 329 'Thomas Senior' Bound (2) with no. 3569
3581 Cicero (Marcus Tullius): De senectute. 40, 205 mm. P* 9105 = f9061 GW6985 CA 432=431 Delprat 3144. Rustat Fund, 1872 19th c. half calf
3582 Remigius: Dominus quae pars? 40, 192 mm. CA609 A 6 ; 6 leaves Bound (2) with nos 3566, etc.
3583 Donatus (Aelius): De octo partibus orationis. 40, 192 mm. GW8895 CA646 Bound (3) with nos 3566, etc.
3584 Petrarca (Francesco): Historia Griseldis. (Dutch.) 40, 205 mm. CA 1387 a 6 b 4 ; 10 leaves B. H. Bright. Vergauweni 1277. Rustat Fund, 1884 19th c. half morocco
3585 Prudentius (Aurelius Clemens): Psychomachia. 40, 206 mm. Pol. 3264 (inaccurate) NK11 3781 [after 1500?] 'Steffanus Cosslin.' A lot number: 13752 Modern quarter morocco
3586 Cicero (Marcus Tullius): De amicitia. 4 , 205 mm. P J 9 H 4 GW7003 CA436 'Pertinet iste liber stabuleto noscejohanni.' Koninkl. Bibliotheek te 's Hage. Delprat 3145. Rustat Fund, 1872 19th c. half calf [3051]
3587 Poeniteas cito. 40, 176 mm. CA1146 A 8 B 4 C 8 ; 20 leaves, the last blank 'Pro Eustacio fouet 1506' Bound (5) with nos 2972, etc.
NIJMEGEN P R I N T E R OF E P I S T O L A E N G E L B E R T I C U L T R I F I C I S 3588 Cultrificis (Engelbertus): Defensorium privilegiorum fratrum mendicantium. 4°, 205 mm. 1479 P f 9 i i 9 H5849 GW7846 CA512 Wants the first leaf (blank) Culemann n o . Worts Fund, 1870 Old boards
ZWOLLE P I E T E R VAN OS, 1st press 3589 Vocatmlarius ex quo. (Latin & Dutch.) 40, 188 mm. 23 Dec. 1479 P 9120 CA 1749 [a-z8 A-F 8 ]; 232 leaves, the last blank Wants the last leaf (blank). Quire [d] misbound after quire [e] Bound (1) with no. 1333. Stamped pigskin, circa 1600
3590 Bonaventura (St): Sermones de tempore et de sanctis. F°, 285 mm. 1479 P*9i22 H 3511 = 3512 = 8976 GW4810 CA336 *[S]ororum conventus sancte Katherine In Muden/ Given by H. Bradshaw, 1868 Old stamped vellum [3057]
3 591 Bonaventura (St): Sermones de tempore et de sanctis. Another copy. 292 mm. Wants the blank leaves 1, 11, 343 & 344 (last) Bought, 1870 Contemporary stamped calf, rebacked
3592 Gregory I: Pastorale. 40, 199 mm. 1480 H7984 CA856 a-p 8 ; 120 leaves, the last blank Wants the blank Vergauweni 121. Rustat Fund, 1884 19th c. quarter calf
3593 Hugo, de Prato Florido: Sermones dominicales super evangelia et epistolas. F°, 284 mm. 1480 P 9123 H 9006 CA 1003 [*10] a-z8 aa-zz8 aaa-eee8 fff-hhh 6 ; 436 leaves, 11 & 436 blank Wants the blanks. Misbound 'Societatis Jesu Ipris.' Vergauwen 1 409. Rustat Fund, 1884 19th c. quarter calf
3594 Bonaventura (St): Centiloquium. 40, 183 mm. P*9i25 H3496 GW4719 CA333 Wants the first leaf (blank) Contemporary MS. note below the colophon: 'Item istic eadem impressura habentur in libro alio perutiles sermones predicti doctoris seraphici et scripsit super quatuor sententiarum pulcherrime aliosque libros et tractatus devotissimos composuit gratia dei ei inspi[rante?].' Rev. W. J. Thomas. Bought, 1891 18th c. calf \3061]
Another copy. 200 mm. Wants the first leaf (blank) From the library of H. Bradshaw, presented by his friends, 1887 Bound (1) with no. 3703. 18th c. calf, with stamp (effaced) of the Premonstratensian abbey of Le Pare, near Louvain [3062]
3596 Theodoricus, de Herxen: Speculum juvenum. 40, 203 mm. P 9127 H 3000 CA 1653 [a b 6 ]; 12 leaves Rymenans 545 (?). Delprat 3255. Rustat Fund, 1872 Modern half morocco (formerly pink wrappers)
3597 Johannes, de Hagen: De regimine religiosorum. 40, 212 mm. P9128 H*9i69 CA906 Pol. 2286 Campbell does not describe leaves 1-4 (table) Dupl. Bibl. Gott. Vend. Culemann249. Worts Fund, 1870 Modern half morocco
A n o t h e r c o p y . 212 m m . *Est liber hie sancti martini lovanien.' Ex bibliotheca P. P. C. Lammens 'T.2. N. 4189/ Vergauweni 292. Rustat Fund, 1884 Paper boards [3065]
3599 Manneken (Carolus): Formulae epistolarum. 40, 217 mm. CA 1206 a-0 8 ; 112 leaves, the first & last blank Wants the last leaf Ex bibliotheca P. P. C. Lammens 'T.2. N. 3652/ Vergauweni 1119. Rustat Fund, 1884 Paper boards [3066]
3600 Cordiale quattuor novissimorum. 40, 203 mm. GW7484 CA1301 Vergauwen 1 285, with his purchase-note *V. Gand 1851.. .Catal. Van Gobbelschroy N. 37/ Rustat Fund, 1884 Vellum [3067]
PIETER VAN OS, 2nd press 3601 Gesta Romanorum. {Dutch.) F°, 255 mm. 26 May 1484 P9130 H7756 CA828 a-z8 98 z,8 aa-dd8 ee 10 ; 242 leaves, the first blank Wants leaf 22, and the blank Meerman (?). H. T. Buckle. Bought, 1869 19th c. olive morocco
3602 Bernard (St), of Clairvaux: Sermones de tempore et de sanctis. (Dutch.) F°, 265 & 274 mm. 24 Dec. 1484-30 Apr. 1485 H 2852=2853 GW3947 CA275 Winterstuck. Wants the last leaf (blank) De Meyer 94. Rustat Fund, 1869 19th c. green calf Somerstuck. Wants the last 12 leaves (z,6 96); the last leaf of text (95) supplied from another copy Given by H. Bradshaw, 1870 Purple morocco, by Mackenzie [3069-70]
3603 Bernard (St), of Clairvaux: De consideratione ad Eugenium papam. 40, 204 mm. 28 Aug. i486 P9130A H2889 GW3915 CA266 Vergauweni 176. Rustat Fund, 1884 19th c. half vellum
3604 Thomas, Cantipratensis: Bonum universale de proprietatibus apum. (Dutch.) F°, 277 mm. 21 Nov. (?) 1488 P9131 H4186 CA1658 A4 a-c 8 d-m6-8-8 n 8 o p 6 q r 8 z6 s-v8 x 6 y z8 z6; 188 leaves, the last blank G. J. de Servais 723 (?). Rymenans 516. De Meyer 146. Rustat Fund, 1869 Mottled calf, with inlays, edges coloured green and gauffred with gilt stars, by J. M. Frederichs of Malines. Nos 440, 3457, 3937 & 3986, which appear to be by the same binder, have the same style of decoration on the spine, but are unsigned [3072] 3605
A n o t h e r c o p y . 270 m m . Wants the last leaf (blank) 'Suster Magriete vgoes/ 'Facons.' Sandars Bequest, 1894 Morocco, by F. Bedford
3606 Jacobus, de Voragine: Sermones dominicales per totum annum. (Dutch.) F°, 266 mm. 6 Nov. 1489 P*9i34 CA1772 a8 b-h 6 I6 k-z 6 A-F 6 G4 H I 6 ; 192 leaves, the last blank Wants ax (title), H x & the blank. H 6 misbound before H 2 A label 'No. 169/ Rustat Fund, 1868 Half calf, circa 1800
3607 Jerome (St): Vitas patrum. (Dutch.) F°, 266 mm. 1 Apr. 1490 P9135 H8629 CA938 A4 a8 b-z 6 A 4 B-D 6 ; 166 leaves, the last blank Wants ax (woodcuts) and the blank 'Iste liber pertinet sanctimonialibus in hilgenrode.' Culemann 454. Worts Fund, 1870 Blue wrappers [3076]
3608 Jacobus, de Voragine: Legenda aurea. (Dutch. Passionael.) F°, 259 mm. 1 Sept.-i8 Nov. 1490 P9136+9137 CA1766 Pars hiemalis: [*4] a8 b-z 6 z6 96 A 6 B 4 C D 6 E 4 F-H 6 1 4 ; 204 leaves. Pars aestivalis: [*4] aa8 bb-rr 6 zz6 ss-zz6 zz,6 996 AA-MM 6 ; 234 leaves Pars hiemalis wants the last leaf; Pars aestivalis wants leaves 1 & 4 J. Baart de la Faille. Rustat Fund, 1872 (?) Old vellum [3077-8]
Another copy of Pars hiemalis. 275 mm. Original ownership mark cut out. *F. D. Fontein f (?) i6. i6.' Rustat Fund, 1868 Contemporary stamped calf, boards lined with vellum MS. (liturgical, with music, circa 1350) [3079]
P s a l t e r : Dutch.
8°, 126 m m . 24 M a r . 1491
P*9i38 H13523 CA551 [a]-z8 z8 98 A-D 8 ; 232 leaves, the last blank 'Suster treijnken ians hoert didt boeck toe/ Bookplate: Quaero, monogram J C (Capron). Capron 5. Worts Fund, 1875 19th c. half calf [3080] 600
Exercitia utilissima. 8°, 142 mm. 30 Apr. 1491 P9139 GW9495 CA715 Wants the last leaf (woodcut) 'Johannes Ruckeurs est possessor huius libri' Bound (3) with nos 3632, etc.
Another copy. 130 m m . Wants the last leaf (woodcut) Paper boards
Sielentroest (Der). F°, 258 m m . 24 A u g . 1491 CA 1548 [*6] a-s 6 1 4 u x 6 y 4 ; 134 leaves Wants leaves 1-6 (title & table), and e5 (supplied in contemporary MS.) Koninkl. Bibliotheek te 's Hage. Delprat 656. Rustat Fund, 1872 Old vellum
Gemmula vocabulorum. 40, 209 mm. 7 Sept. [i4]92 CA794 a-f 8 fF 8 g-z 8 ; 192 leaves Wants leaf 191 Vergauweni 1252. Rustat Fund, 1884 19th c. half vellum
Bernard (St), of Clairvaux: De consideratione ad Eugenium papam. 40, 211 m m . GW3916 CA265 Culemann 77. Worts Fund, 1870 Modern half morocco
Aesopus: Fabulae. 40, 195 mm. GW326 CA33 De Meyer 438. Rustat Fund, 1869 19th c. quarter calf
Mauburnus (Johannes): Rosetum exercitiorum spiritualium. F°, 288 mm. 1494 P 9144 H* 13995 CA 1224 (6 (24 a8 b-0 6 p 8 q-x 6 A-Z 6 AA BB 6 ; 290 leaves, 104 (p8) & 140 (x6) blank 'Ad usum fratris Nicolai prantner Nacionis ex [... jantzin' 'quern mine utitur fr. Leonardus Bachschnelcher (?).' 'Hos in huius usu sequitur F: Christophorus Faiglin A°. d. [15]83/ 'N: 149 F: F: Caesaren.' 'Ad usum fratrum Caesariensium' (i.e. the Cistercians of Kaisersheim). Given by H. Bradshaw, 1884 Contemporary stamped pigskin [3087] 601
3618 Bernard (St), of Clairvaux: Sermones de tempore et de sanctis. (Dutch.) F°, 290 mm. 27 May 1495 P*9I45 H2854 GW3948 CA276 Misbound; leaves 1 & 4 of the preliminary quire wrapped around quire a, leaves 2 & 3 bound between quires y & A 'Sum Monast. B.M.V. in sion Coloniae.' Rustat Fund, 1868 Contemporary stamped calf; the stamps include (1) Image of Pity (25 x 22 mm.), (2) two lions fighting (6 x 20 m m . ) , (3) a label 'help got* ( 6 x 3 3 m m . )
Another copy. 269 mm. Wants leaves 1, 4, 136 (y6) & 280 (last, woodcut) *Dit boec hoert toe suster weyn jan willemsens dochter tot Utrecht in S. maria magdalenen cloester bi same servaes in die oudeF 16th c. stamped calf, with clasps; rebacked
3620 Ludolphus, de Saxonia: Vita Christi. {Dutch.) F°, 246 mm. 20 Nov. ' 1515' [i495] P 9146 H 10052 CA 1184 [*10] a-f6 g 4 h-k 6 I4 m-p 6 q4 r-v 6 x 4 y z6 z.4 96 A-C 6 D 4 E-G 6 G6 H 6 I4 K-Q 6 R4 S-Y6; (lombards) A B 6 C 4 D-F 6 G4 H-N 6 ; 356 leaves, the last blank Wants the blank Ex Bibliotheca Hultmanniana, divendita Sylvae Ducis, apud H. Palier et Filium. Culemann 502 (?) Mottled calf, circa 1800 [3090]
3621 Baptista, Mantuanus: Parthenice secunda sive Catherinaria. 40, 208 mm. 1497 H 2374=2398 (2) GW3295 CA245 Koninkl. BibHotheek te 's Hage. Delprat. Rustat Fund, 1872 Modern half morocco
[3091 ] 0
3622 Eucherius: De contemptu mundi ad Valerianum. 4 , 192 mm. H 6692 GW VIII 84 [16th c ] CA 709 NK m (Inl.) 0476 [a 4 ]b 4 ; 8 leaves Also published as Valerius, Epistola ad propinquum suum (v. no. 3464) Bound (7) with nos 3566, etc.
3623 Praecordiale sacerdotum. 8°, 124 mm. Pol. 3250 [Pafraet?] CA 1439 Types 8 (title & head-lines) & 9 (text) The head-line on b5a reads: Meditatio fecunde ferie paima | Bought, 1894 Paper boards
Another, variant, copy. 141 mm. Gaselee 209 The head-line on b5a has been corrected to read: Meditatio fecude ferie fecuda de fero | Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Bound (1) with no. 3505 (cf. Campbell's note)
Sallustius Crispus (Gaius): Bellum Catilinarium. 40, 200 mm. H14195 CA1502 a 6 b 8 c4 d e 6 ; 30 leaves J. Baart de la Faille Vellum
[3094] 0
Seneca (Lucius Annaeus): D e quattuor virtutibus. 4 , 196 m m . CA (11) 1514a [J. de Breda] a-c6; 18 leaves. Types 6 (title), 8 (text) & 9 (commentary) 'Matheus BruxelL' C. W. Reynell. Bought, 1895 Quarter calf, circa 1800
3627 Garlandia (Johannes de): Verba deponentalia. 4 , 196 mm. P(Tr) 1718A 12b, 1. 32: Finiuntur (not Finiutur, as Proctor) Wrappers
[3096] 0
3628 Sallustius Crispus (Gaius): Bellum Catilinarium. 4 , 200 mm. CA (11, p. 40) 15020 a-c6 d 4 ; 22 leaves, the last blank Wants leaves 4 & 15-22 Inglis Bound (2) with NK1697 (Persius, Satyrae, Zwolle, P. van Os, circa 1503). Calf, by W. Pratt [3097]
3629 Ludolphus, de Saxonia: Vita Christi. (Dutch.) F°, 277 mm. 15 Mar. 1499 H 10059 CA (+1) 1185 Aa4 Bb 6 a-f6 g 4 h-k 6 I4 m-p 6 q4 r-u 6 x 4 y z6 z4 96 A-C 6 D 4 E-I 6 K4 L-R 6 S4 T-Z 6 ; (lombards) A B 6 C 4 D-F 6 G4 H - N 6 ; 356 leaves, the last blank MS. note by J. Enschede, 1768. Rustat Fund, 1869 Contemporary ruled calf L?0P#]
3630 Vegius (Maphaeus): Vita divi Antonii. 40, 200 mm. CA 1710 [a4] b 6 ; 10 leaves Vergauweni 1082. Rustat Fund, 1884 Bound (1) with nos 3631, 857 & 67, and with Kempo, Carmina et epigrammata (CA 1073, part of NK 11 2283: Alexander de Villa Dei, Doctrinale, Zwolle, P. van Os, circa 1507).
Paper boards 3631 Agricola (Rodolphus): Anna mater [etc.], 40, 200 mm. GW485 CA53 Bound (2) with nos 3630, etc.
3632 Nicolaus, de Lyra: Praeceptorium divinae legis [etc.]. 8°, 142 mm. H 10400 Pol. 2834 NK 1597 [circa 1500?] Wants the first leaf (title) 'Bibliothecae J: Niesert pastoris in Velen. 1817/ Culemann 558. Worts Fund, 1870 Bound (1) with nos 3502 & 3 611. Contemporary ruled calf [2766] V*
t 9153-
- See GW m 433, NK 238 & NK 11 p. XLVI
3<$33 Verius (Johannes): Tres propositiones de conceptione B.V.M. 40, 208 mm. CA1725 Pol. 3917 'Payne & Foss 3878/ W. E. Buckley. Bought, 1894 Wrappers
T Y M A N VAN OS 3634 Valerius Maximus: Factorum dictorumque memorabilium liber v. 40, 194 mm. CA 1700 NK2094 [after 1500?] Bought, 1870 Modern half morocco
HASSELT PEREGRINUS BARMENTLO 1st press 3635 Laurent: Somme le roi. (Dutch.) 40, 182 mm. 28 Oct. 1481 P9154 H 9950=9951 CA 1628 a-y 8 A B 8 C-F6-8 G 8 ; 228 leaves, the last blank Wants G± & the blank Engraved bookplate (ofJ. A. A. I. van Huerne) by *N. Heijlbrouck Graveur de Sa Majeste* (Linnig 11 215). A printed sale-label '1156/ Bookplate: Quaero, monogramJC (Capron). Capron 56. Worts Fund, 1875 [3107] 18th c. red morocco
2nd press 3636 Roch (St). Die legende ende dat leven des Sinte Rochus. 40, 176 mm. CA 1103 a 8 b 6 ; 14 leaves Inglis. W. H. Crawford. Rustat Fund, 1891 Calf, by W. Pratt 3637
H o r a e : Dutch.
8°, 131 m m .
CA834 A 8 B 4 a-s 8 ; 156 leaves, 76 (h8) blank Wants leaves 9 & 12 and the blank Enschede. Rustat Fund, 1867 Old vellum
3638 Jerome (St). Vita et transitus sancti Hieronymi. (Dutch. Hieronymusboeck.) 4°, 204 mm. 2 Jan. 1490 P9156 H8652 GW9478 CA927 Wants a8, also the last leaf (blank) 'Biblioth. J. Niesert Past, in Velen.' Vergauweni 142. Rustat Fund, 1884 Vellum wrappers (MS. fragments)
KUILENBURG J A N V E L D E N E R , 3rd press 3639 Speculum humanae salvationis. (Dutch.) 40, 206 mm. 25 Sept. 1483 P9157 H14927 CA1573 a4 b-q 8 r 10 ; 134 leaves Wants a4, bl9 b 4 , b 5 , b 8 , rx & r10 Delprat657. Rustat Fund, 1872 Modern half morocco
A n o t h e r copy. 211 m m . Bookplates: (1) Quaero, monogram J C (Capron), (2) Armorial, Victoria concordia crescit (Amherst of Hackney). Given by J. Charrington, 1916 Modern stamped calf, in an antique style; boards lined with fragments of vellum MS. (14th c.) [3112]
3641 Herbarius. (Dutch. Kruidboeck.) 40, 209 mm. 1484 P9158 H8449 CA918 Pol. 1879 Imperfect; 178 (of 208) leaves Rene de la Faille. Rustat Fund, 1878
LEYDEN HEYNRICUS HEYNRICI 3642 Thomas (St), Aquinas: De humanitate Christi [etc.]. 40,193 mm. 4 June 1484 P9161 H*i365 CA1670 a-m 8 n 6 ; 102 leaves, the first & last blank Wants the last blank Bought, 1870 19th c. calf
Another copy. 208 mm. Wants leaf 101 and the blanks Calf, circa 1800, rebacked
3644 Augustine (St): Manuale de aspiratione animae ad Deum. 8°. 138 mm. GW2966 CA207 Culemann 3. Worts Fund, 1870 19th c. white leather
GOVAERT VAN G H E M E N 3645 Jesus Christ. Den gheesteliken minnebrief die Jhesus Christus seyndt... 8°, 138 mm. CA 1256 a 8 b 4 ; 12 leaves Rustat Fund (Muller's sale at Amsterdam), 30 May 1871 Modern half morocco
HAARLEM J A C O B BELLAERT 3646 Jesus Christ. Dat liden ende die passie ons Heeren. 40,166 mm. 10 Dec. 1483 CA 1157 a-1 8 ; 88 leaves, the last two blank MS. note byj. Enschede, dated 31 Aug. 1776. W. H. Crawford. Given by S. Sandars, 1892 [3120] 18th c. calf
3647 Laurent: Somme le roi. (Dutch.) 40, 202 mm. 31 May 1484 Pf 9170 H 9952 CA 1630 a-r8 z8 f8 s t 8 v 8 u 8 x y 8 ; 200 leaves, the first blank 'Aernout Willems 1638.' Enschede. Koninklijke Bibliotheek te 's Hage. Delprat639. Rustat Fund, 1872 Old vellum [3121] 3648
A n o t h e r c o p y . 203 m m . Wants the first leaf (blank), and q3_6 (supplied in contemporary MS.) Bought, 1864 Stamped calf, with ticket of * A. van Rossum, Hof-Boekbinder, Vijzelstraat, x. 601' [3122]
3649 Otto, von Passau: Die vierundzwanzig Alten. (Dutch. Boeck des gulden throens.) F°, 256 mm. 25 Oct. 1484 P* 9171 H 12132 CA 1343 [*4] a-q 8 r 10 ; 142 leaves, the first & last blank Wants n x , n 8 and the blanks Koninkl. Bibliotheek te 's Hage. Delprat 644. Rustat Fund, 1872 Old half vellum
Another copy. 274 mm. Wants the last leaf (blank) 'From the fine collection of the late M. Renier Chalon of Brussells. 1890* (note by S. Sandars). Sandars Bequest, 1894 19th c. half calf [3751] 606
Another copy. 276 mm. Gaselee 210 Wants [# 4 ], ax, a2, a5 & b 6 , and the last leaf (blank); a8 mutilated Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Old calf
Cordiale quattuor novissimorum. 4 , 198 mm. 12 Nov. 1484 P9172 GW7523 CA1318 Given by H. Bradshaw, 1870 i8thc. half calf
3653 Bartholomaeus, Anglicus: De proprietatibus rerum. (Dutch.) F°, 282 mm. 24 Dec. 1485 P*9I73 H2522 GW3423 CA258 Wants the first leaf (blank) 'Willemgerritshaecke.. .1656/ 'Ex:Museum [...] 1770/ *pp/-Heb[er?] 1835/ Bought, 1864 Old stamped vellum [3125]
Another copy. 259 mm. Wants the blank leaves 1, 246 (e6) & 466 (last) Adams Bequest, 1892 19th c. quarter calf, with ticket of *J. Burio, Relieur, rue Monnaie no. 3, a Gand* [3126]
3655 Seer (Een) devote oefeninghe op dat Pater Noster ende op dat Ave Maria. 8°, 138 mm. C A ( + n ) 1325 a-h 8 ; 64 leaves Label of Rev. T. R. Brown, Southwick 19th c. calf
JOHANNES ANDREAE 3656 Nuttelic (Een) cort boecksken op drie dachvaerden. 40,195 mm. 15 June i486 H5907 GW7898 CA300 Bookplate: Quaero, monogram J C (Capron). Capron 120. Worts Fund, 1875 Morocco, by L. Claessens
'S HERTOGENBOSCH GERARDUS LEEMPT 3657 Charlemagne. Karel ende Elegast. 8°, 134 mm. P(Tr) 9 7oA One leaf only, containing lines 398-433 of Hoffmann von Fallersleben's edition (Horae Belgicae, pars iv, 1836) Note by F. Jenkinson: 'This was among the parcel of fragments sold at the beginning of the Vergauwen sale & bought for this Library.' Rustat Fund, 1884 Modern half morocco [3129] 607
3658 Gemmula vocabulorum. 40, 202 mm. 31 May 1488 CA (+1)791 a8 b-y 6 z8 A-N 6 O P 8 ; 236 leaves ' [ . . . ] domui sancte soph[ie...] prope Buscidu[cam...].' 'Istum librum emit nobis gertrudis maes...' J. B. Inglis (lot 1530, 31 July 1871). W . H. Crawford. Rustat Fund, 1891
Contemporary stamped calf
3659 Albertanus: De arte loquendi et tacendi. (Dutch.) 40, 191 mm. H414 GW566 CA72 Bookplate: Quaero, monogram J C (Capron). Capron 57. Worts Fund, 1875 Vellum
SCHOONHOVEN C A N O N S OF ST M I C H A E L IN D E N H E M 3660 Jesus Christ. Dat leven ons Heren. 8°, 138 mm. 24 Dec. 1497 H 10054 CA1110 a-z 8 ; 184 leaves Wants the last leaf (woodcut) * [.. .]symons hoert dit boeck.' Rustat Fund, 1875 Half calf, circa 1800 3661
H o r a e : Dutch.
8°, 135 m m . 28 M a r . 1498
CA842 A-D 8 E 4 F G8 H 4 IK 8 V M-T 8 V4 X 8 Y 4 ; 156 leaves Enschede. Rustat Fund (lot 53, Phillips Sale, according to Bradshaw's note), 28 July 1869 [3W] 16th c. stamped calf, with clasps
3662 Spiegel. Spieghel der volcomenheit [etc.], 8°, 130 mm. 15 Oct. 1499 CA 1579 (this copy) [A]-F8 G4 H-X 8 Y 4 ; 168 leaves This is not the same text as the Low German Spiegel der Volnkommenheyt (no. 44) A contemporary hand has deleted the last line of V8a in red and written it in after the last line of V 7 a, where it properly belongs J. Krabbendam of Alkmaar (v. Campbell). Given by H. Bradshaw, 1884 Bound (1) with no. 3940. Old vellum [3*34]
3663 Bonaventura (St): Dialogus animae et hominis interioris. (Dutch. Boecxken van den vier oefeninghen.) 8°, 132 mm. 31 Mar. 1500 H3495 GW4703 CA346 Wants the first leaf (title) & the last (blank) 'De la Bibliotheque de M. Verdussen d'Anvers', with his pictorial bookplate, Pietas hotnini tutissima virtus (Linnigi p. 37). *E Bibliotheca Guil. Hen. Nigri [i.e. W . H. Black], Londiniensis, 12 Mensis Jan. 1857' Old vellum [3*35]
3664 Horae Sanctae Crucis, B.V.M. [etc.]. 8°, 143 mm. CA995 a-0 8 ; 112 leaves, the first blank Wants leaf 49 & the blank Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound with MS. Nn. 4.11 (a 16th c. Dutch hymnary). 18th c. half calf
3665 Brugman (Johannes): Vita Lydwinae. 40, 186 mm. 1498 P*9i8o H4002 GW5579 CA383 'Ad usum fratris Theodorici de langeraeck...' W. H. Crawford. Given by S. Sandars, 1892 Half calf, circa 1800
UNKNOWN PLACES PRINTER OF ALEXANDER MAGNUS DE PRAELIIS 3666 Columna (Guido de): Historia destructionis Troiae. F°, 300 mm. P*9i83 H 5505 = 5506 GW7224 CA871 Wants the first & last leaves (blank) 'Coll. Soc. Jesu Louanii.' Vergauwen 11 216. Rustat Fund, 1884 Purple morocco, by Schavye
3667 Modus legendi abbreviaturas. F°, 280 mm. CA (1) 1263 a
[a10 b-f 8 ]; 50 leaves, the first & last blank 'Cat. de Servais no. 6003/ Inglis. Rustat Fund, 1871 18th c. calf
3668 Bonaventura (St): Meditationes vitae Christi [etc.]. 40, 196 mm. GW 4761 (Anm.) CA 335 Klemm 329. Bought, 1889 19th c. half pigskin
[PRINTER OF DIALOGI, ORATIONES ET TRACTATUS] *^* P* 9185. Reattributed by GW to Conrad Braem at Louvain. See no. 3796 oc
3669 Gerson (Johannes): De pollutionibus nocturnis [etc.]. 40, 196 mm. [a-d 8 e 2 ]; 34 leaves, the first and probably the last blank. 9a: 135x89 mm., 25 lines. Type of P 3248 (TFS I9oon); cf. BM m xxxiii 2a: [ ]Ncipit Tractatulus uenerabilis Magiftri | Ioh. Ger. cacellary parifiefis tractas de pollu I coe nocturna. an impediat celebrante uel no. | [ 3 ] Vbitatum eft apud me frequeter...; 9a (sig. [b x ]): in menftruis et fit cu nulla aut tenuiflima uo |; 18a, 1.18: Explicit Tractatulus Venerabilis Magiftri | Iohannis Gerfon De Pollucoe Nocturna Au | Impediat Celebrantem: An Non (•:•) |; 18b: blank; 19a: [ jNcipit Tractatus Venerabihs Magiftri Ioh | Gerfon. Cancellarii parifieii. de coguitioe caft | itatis et pollutionibus diurnis. | [ 3 ] Cripfi pridem aliqua...; 33b, 1. 23: .. .Quoniam fundamentu et iauua et eft | vtilis multum. Explicit. % tracta. venera. magi | ftri Iohis Gerfon de polluconibus diurnis. | Wants the last leaf, which has been folded back and cut away, leaving a stub before [dx] Given by H. Bradshaw, 1868 Paper boards [1116]
BELGIUM ALOST JOHANNES DE PADERBORN, ist press with THIERRY MARTENS 3670 Pius II: De duobus amantibus. 40, 220 mm. 1473 CA11 [a8 b e 1 0 ] ; 28 leaves ' David [...].' Given by J. Charrington, 1923 Modern green morocco
3671 Augustine (St): Manuale de aspiratione animae ad Deum [etc.], 40,177 mm. H2026 GW2962 CA197 Vergauweni 151. Rustat Fund, 1884 Bound (1) with no. 3674. Half calf, circa 1800
THIERRY MARTENS ist press 3672 Carmelites. Tabulare fratrum ordinis Mariae de Carmelo. 40, 205 mm. 28 Oct. [1474?] H 15215 CA 1633 [a 6 ]; 6 leaves, the first blank Wants the blank Acquired, partly by exchange, partly by the Rustat Fund, 1870 19th c. red morocco
2nd press 3673 Sermones super particulis antiphonae Salve regina. 40, 195 mm. 9 July 1487 P*9i94 CA1534 a-m 6 n 4 ; 76 leaves Rustat Fund, 1868 19th c. quarter calf
36J4. John (St), Chrysostom: De providentia Dei [etc.], 40,177 mm. 22 Mar. 1487/8 P*9i95 H5053 CA425 [a]-g 6 ; 42 leaves, the last presumably blank Wants the last leaf Bound (2) with no. 3671 6ll
[3146] 39-2
3675 Alphabetum divini amoris. 8°, 145 mm. 6 Feb. 1487/8 P9196 H7636 GW1559 CA800 Wants the last leaf (blank) MS. addition below the colophon and on the blank verso: 'Epistola sancti Bernardi utilissima et moralissima de gubernacione familie' (ending imperfect *.. .ignorantiam non sententiam quaeras') Borluut de Noortdonck. Vergauweni 450. Rustat Fund, 1884 19th c. calf [3W]
3676 Duns (Johannes), Scotus: Quaestiones super Universalibus Porphyrii [etc.]. 4°, 197 mm. 1489 H i 105 CA656 a8 b-r 6 f8 t 6 A 8 B-T 6 ; 234 leaves, 118 and the last blank Wants the last blank Beneath the colophon a MS. monogram W Q in Gothic letters. Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Modern half morocco [314$]
Another copy. 185 mm. Wants f2 and the blanks 'Thomas Whaulleus.' 'Liber Jo. Gough.' 'Gulielmus Westberus.' 'Liber Roberti Corby.' Royal Library, 1715 \3H9\ Calf, circa 1700, rebacked, the upper board renewed
3678 Angelus, de Clavasio: Summa angelica de casibus conscientiae. F°, 270 mm. 4 July 1490 P9197 115389=5398 GW1931 CA448 'Ex dono Rdi dni scaltser (?) Pro Biblioth. Cap. Trud.' Bought, 1864 Contemporary ruled calf, rebacked
3679 Barbarus (Hermolaus): Oratio ad Fridericum et Maximilianum principes [etc.]. 40, 196 mm. GW3343 CA247 Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Formerly bound with nos 3759, etc. Modern half morocco
] 0
3680 Rolewinck (Werner): Formula vivendi canonicorum. 4 , 191 mm. Pf9i98 CA754 a6 b c 4 ; 14 leaves De Meyer 210. Rustat Fund, 1869 19th c. quarter leather
Another copy. 176 mm. [3153]
Bound (8) with nos 2972, etc.
Suso (Henricus): Horologium aeternae sapientiae [etc.]. 40, 198 mm. P* 9199 CA 1000 a-p 6 ; 90 leaves Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Formerly bound (3) with nos 3683, etc. Modern half morocco
Pomerius (Julianus): Praenosticata de futuro saeculo. 40, 199 mm. P*92oi CA 1435 a 8 b-d 6 e 4 ; 30 leaves Holdsworth Bequest, 1664. (The De Meyer copy is not at Cambridge, as stated by Campbell) Formerly bound (1) with nos 4011 & 3682. Modern half morocco [3155]
Pectorale dominicae passionis. 40, 194 mm. P*9202 CA1375 a-i 8 k 6 ; 78 leaves De Meyer 138. Rustat Fund, 1869 18th c. quarter calf, uniform with nos 3717 & 3743
Another copy. 198 mm. Gaselee 212 Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Calf, by W . Pratt
LOUVAIN J A N V E L D E N E R , 1st press 3686 Jacobus, de Theramo: Belial. F°, 288 mm. P 9203 CA 1654 [a-i10 k 6 ]; 96 leaves Quire [h] misbound Bound (3) with nos 3312, etc. 3687
Gambilionibus (Angelus de): Lectura super titulo de actionibus. F°, 289 mm. 1475 H 1613 CA 169 [a b 1 0 c8 d-s 10 t u 8 x-z 10 A-I 10 K 8 ]; 322 leaves, the first blank 'Monrii Sti Huberti Catal. Inscr.' 'Dandoy.' Vergauweni 555. Rustat Fund, 1884 Old plain calf over wooden boards lined with a MS. document on vellum relating to the Cistercian Abbey of Ten Duinen (Les Dunes), I 4 7 [ . . . ]
Rolewinck (Werner): Fasciculus temporum. F°, 288 mm. 29 Dec. 1475 P*9204 H*6920 CA1478 [a8b-elof-h8];72leaves ' Ad usum fratris Johannis Stephani [...].' * Gerrit van Holt.' Culemann 331. Worts Fund, 1870 19th c. half vellum
Another copy. 286 mm. Henry Gerard. From the library of F. Jenkinson, 1923 18th c. calf 613
3690 Manneken (Carolus): Formulae epistolarum. F°, 285 mm. 1-30 Apr. H10662 CA1201 [a-f 1 0 g 1 2 ]; 72 leaves Trentham Hall (19 Nov. 1906). Bradshaw Memorial Fund, 1907 Calf, with arms of George Granville Leveson-Gower, 2nd Marquis of Stafford & 1st Duke of Sutherland
3691 Pius II: Epistolae familiares. F°, 245 mm. 1477 Pf9206 H149 CA22 [a-i10 k81-q10 r s8 t 6 ]; 180 leaves, the first blank Wants leaf 69 and the blank From the library of H. Bradshaw, presented by his friends, 1887 16th c. stamped calf, rebacked (18th c.) 3692
Part of another copy.
Leaves 99-108 & 175-80 only Vergauweni 1114, with his purchase-note: 'V. Gand 1839.. .Catal. de Lammens T. 11 N. 3684/ Rustat Fund, 1884 19th c. half morocco [3163]
3693 Lucanus (Marcus Annaeus): Pharsalia. F°, 285 mm. Pf 9207 H 10229 CA 1175 [a-u10 x 6 ]; 206 leaves, the first blank Wants the blank 'Iste liber est Johannis bruneau/ 'Contus Nivell: ff: Min: Recoil: Dono D. barbarae le waite Sindicae et Sororum ejus.' Vergauweni 993. Rustat Fund, 1884 Contemporary ruled calf, rebacked [3164]
3694 Valla (Laurentius): Elegantiae [etc.]. F°, 284 mm. CA (11) 1701a
[a8 b-0 1 0 p q8 r-x 1 0 ]; 204 leaves, the last blank Kloss. R. B. Stewart. Sandars Bequest, 1894 Contemporary stamped calf, by John Guilebert (Meese) of Bruges (Hobson: Cambridge, pi. x, no. m); rebacked [3165]
3695 Cicero (Marcus Tullius): Epistolae ad familiares. F°, 275 mm. H5158 GW6814 CA441 Wants the first & last leaves (blank) 'Iste liber est fratris Thome Esewell.' 'EsewelT struck through and 'Godherd' written above. Rustat Fund, 1868 [3166] Stamped calf, by W. Pratt
JOHANNES DE PADERBORN, 2nd press (a) Books in Proctor
3696 Crescentiis (Petrus de): Liber ruralium commodorum. F°, 276 mm. 9 Dec. 1474 P*92O8 H*5829 GW7821 CA501 A. J. Horwood. Rustat Fund, 1883 Morocco, with arms & motto fai bonne cause (Beriah Botfield) 614
3697 Vergerius (Petrus Paulus): De ingenuis moribus [etc.], 40, 199 mm. P*92ii H15984 CA1724 a8 b 6 c d8 e6 f8; 44 leaves, the first blank Wants the blank 'Jacobi Nicolai Wy de Haerlem.' Quaritch's Sunderland Library label. Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 Calf (Sunderland) [3168] 3698
Another copy. 2 1 1 m m . Wants the blank Bound (5) with nos 3447, etc.
3699 Bellamera (Aegidius de): Tractatus permutationum beneficiorum ecclesiasticorum. F°, 282 mm. P9212 H2756 GW3801 CA261 *Lavynder* 19th c. calf
3700 Milis (Johannes Nicolaus de): Repertorium juris. F°, 282 mm. 29 Apr. 1475 P*92i3 H 11154 CA 1255 [a-n10 o 12 p-z 10 A-D 1 0 E 1 2 ]; 284 leaves, 1, 142, 283 & 284 blank Wants leaf 283 (blank) Culemann 513. Worts Fund, 1870 Contemporary stamped calf, repaired & rebacked; the boards were formerly lined with leaves of Donatus (now nos 3292 & 3299) [3171]
3701 Tudeschis (Nicolaus de): De modo procedendi in judicio. F°, 284mm. 28 May 1475 Pf92i4 H12363 GW2840 CA1355 Wants the first & last leaves (blank) Rustat Fund, 1872 19th c. quarter calf
3702 Declamatio Lovanii acta in. Non. Mart, MCCCCLXXX. 40, 208 mm. Pf92i8 GW8222 CA554 Bound (2) with no. 3770
3703 Adelardus, Bathoniensis: Quaestiones naturales. 40, 200 mm. P*92i9 GW218 CA4 Wants the last leaf (blank) Bound (2) with no. 3595
3704 Pius II: De curialium miseria. 40, 211 mm. Pf922o H196 P(Tr)2iA Bound (3) with nos 3447, etc.
3705 Michael, de Dalen: Casus summarii decretalium. F°, 276 mm. 1480 P 9227 H 4659 = 8009 CA 857 Pol. 2687 The colophon agrees with Polain's description, which differs considerably from Campbell's 'Bibliothecae Rubeae Vallis/ A circular stamp: head of Minerva between initials B[ibliotheca] G[andaviensis]. Vergauweni 624, with his note: * Double echange avec la Bibliot. de l'univers. pour la Scala Celi de J. de Westf. 1485/ Rustat Fund, 1884 Quarter calf, circa 1800 [3176]
3706 Henricus, de Zoemeren: Epitoma primae partis dialogi G. Ockham. F°, 277 m m . 1481 P*9229 H*8435 CA 914 a-p 8 q r 6 ; 132 leaves, the first & last blank Wants the last blank 'Facultatis philosophicae Viennae 1686/ 'Collegii Soc. Jesu Viennae. 1766/ Rustat Fund, 1868 Wrappers [3177]
Another copy. 282 m m . Wants the first blank; the last blank cut away leaving a stub E. G. Duff. Rustat Fund, 1925 Bound (1) with nos 3731 & 3786. Contemporary Cambridge stamped calf, reproduced in Hobson: Cambridge, pi. xiv [3178]
M a g n i n u s : Regimen sanitatis. 4 0 , 211 m m . 1482 P*923o H10483 CA1188 a-y8; 176 leaves, the first blank Lot 1614 in Richard Farmer's sale, 1798. Bought, 1901 Old quarter vellum
3709 Cicero (Marcus Tullius): Paradoxa. F°, 276 mm. P* 9231(1) H 5272 (2) GW7021 CA445 Wants the last leaf (blank) Bound (2) with nos 3711, etc.
3710 Cicero (Marcus Tullius): De amicitia [etc.]. F°, 276 mm. 17 May 1483 P* 9231 (2) H 5272 (3) GW6997 CA433 Wants the first leaf (blank) and the last Bound (3) with nos 3 711, etc.
3711 Cicero (Marcus Tullius): De officiis [etc.]. F°, 276 mm. P*9232 1^5269 = 5272(1) GW6951 CA438 Wants the last leaf (blank) Bound (1) with nos 3709 & 3710. Contemporary stamped calf, ' G V N T H O R P * cut into the leather of the lower cover [3^4] 616
Another copy. 268 mm. Gaselee 214 Wants the first & last leaves (blank) ' . . .robertus robynson.. .debet istum librum.' Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Calf, circa 1700; vellum flyleaf at the beginning (legal MS. circa 1300)
Pius II: Epistolae familiares. F°, 286 mm. 1483 P*9233 H*i52 CA23 a-y8 aa-qq 8 ; 304 leaves, the first blank 'Ulman.' 'Sum Valentini Elephantis/ 'Michael Baumann P. K. possessor A. MDCLI/ Bought, 1864 Contemporary stamped pigskin, including a lozenge-stamp of a water-carrier with a yoke from which hang two buckets [3186]
Boethius (A. M. T. S.): De consolatione philosophiae [etc.]. F°, 282 mm. 1484 P*92 3 4 H3377 GW4534 CA307 Wants the last leaf (blank) 'Jacobus Dobbius Bors Anno 1619/ Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf
Jacobus, de Voragine: Historiae plurimorum sanctorum. F°, 257 mm. Oct. 1485 P*9235 CA1753 A^Z 8 aa-nn 8 oo 10 ; 298 leaves, the last two blank Wants leaf E 7 and the last blank * Liber Bibliothecae Villarianae/ Vergauwenn 140. Rustat Fund, 1884 16th c. stamped calf, with later decoration on the spine
Isidore (St): De summo bono. 40, 199 mm. i486 P 9236A H 9285 CA 1023 a-n 8 ; 104 leaves, the first & last blank Wants the blanks Vergauweni 169, with his purchase-note 'De Bruyn 1842/ Rustat Fund, 1884 18th c. quarter calf, uniform with nos 3684, etc.
Gobius (Johannes): Scala coeli. F°, 252 mm. 1485 P 9236 H 9408 CA 1044 a-p 8 q 10 ; 130 leaves, the last blank Wants the first leaf (title) and the blank 19th c. quarter calf
Magninus: Regimen sanitatis. 40, 212 mm. i486 P 9237 H* 10485 CA 1189 a-y 8 ; 176 leaves, the first blank Wants the blank Rustat Fund, 1875 19th c. half morocco
[3190] 617
3719 Augustine (St): De civitate Dei. F°, 388 mm. 18 Sept. 1488 P*9238 H 2061 =2069 GW2886 CA209 Wants the last leaf (blank); quire a misbound 'Ex libris Guilielmi Vuaci Cantabrigiensis, et Vairhaimiae inter Dorcestrenses Rectoris.' 'Solus Deus protector meus W: Ex Dono Sacellani quondam mei Gratissimi Gulielmi Vigilantii 1658/ MS. label: 'The Earl of Westmoreland, 1856/ Acquired in 1887 Bound (1) with no. 3784. Contemporary stamped calf; a border of dragon-stamps (Oldham, English blind-stamped bindings, pi. xxv, no. 331), enclosing a panel divided into lozenges by triple fillets; in each lozenge a fringed foliage ornament (Ib., pi. LIX, no. 1019) [3192]
Another, variant, copy. 349 mm. Wants the first & last leaves (blank) The setting varies, e.g. 3a: [red] Sacre pagine profefTorum ordinis predi- | catorum Thome valois et Nicolai triuech | 1 libros beati . Auguftini de ciuitate dei Co- | mentaria feliciter inchoant. | . . . 'Bibliothecae Belli-Reditus' (probably the Premonstratensian abbey of Beaurepart, or Mont-Cornillon, at Liege). Vergauweni 148. Rustat Fund, 1884 19th c. quarter calf [jjp*]
3721 Petrus, de Rivo: Tertius tractatus de anno, die et feria passionis. F°, 272 mm. 1492 P 9239 H 12858 CA 1407 a-e 8 ; 40 leaves 'Pertinet monasterio beatae mariae in bethleem prope louanium' Bound (2) with no. 3825, etc.
3722 Anne (St). Legenda S. Annae [etc.]. 8°, 141 mm. 7 Nov. 1496 Pf 9240 H m i = 12452 (2) GW 2005 CA 1096 Wants the first & last leaves (woodcuts) Royal Library, 1715 Modern half morocco
3723 Augustine (St): De consensu evangelistarum. F°, 287 mm. P*924i H*i98o GW2898 CA210 Wants the last leaf (blank) Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1938 Modern vellum
3724 Adrianus, Carthusiensis: De remediis utriusque fortunae. F°, 270 mm. P9242 H95 GW230 CA6 Wants the first leaf (blank) Rustat Fund, 1868 19th c. quarter calf
3725 Antoninus (St): Confessionale (Defecerunt) [etc.]. F°, 289 mm. P*9243 H 1168 = 1170 GW2099 CA162 Quires a-i only of the GW collation, i.e. without Tractatus de septem sacramentis (cf. Campbell's note) 618
LOUVAIN Wants the first leaf (blank) Rustat Fund, 1875 19th c. quarter calf, with ticket of 'Duquesne, Relieur, 81 r. des Champs, Gand'
3726 Crescentiis (Petrus de): Liber ruralium commodorum. F°, 281 mm. P*9244 H5827 GW7823 CA502 Wants leaves* 1 (blank), 8, 195 & 196 (last) * Dominus Euerardus digbij comparauit hunc librum Orate pro eo et pro suis paretibus/ Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf [3197]
3727 Crescentiis (Petrus de): Liber ruralium commodorum. F°, 287 mm. P9245 GW7822 CA503 Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (1) with nos 3314-17. Calf, circa 1700, rebacked and the lower board renewed
3728 Alphabetum divini amoris. F°, 289 mm. Pf9246 H7634 GW1556 CA798 Wants the last leaf (blank) Rustat Fund, 1868 19th c. quarter calf
3729 Jacobus, de Voragine: Sermones de tempore. F°, 244 mm. P 9247 CA 1771 a-0 8 p 6 A-O 8 P Q 6 ; 242 leaves, the first blank Wants a2, E 8 and the blank Bought, 1897 17th c. calf
3730 Ludolphus, de Saxonia: Vita Christi. F°, 285 mm. P 9249 H* 10303 CA 1180 a-g 8 h 6 ; 62 leaves, the first blank Wants the blank *Bibliothecae ff. Minorum reg. obser. Limpurgi.* Kloss. Bought, 1910 Half calf (Kloss) 3731
A n o t h e r c o p y . 282 m m . With the first leaf (blank, unknown to Campbell) Bound (2) with nos 3707, etc.
3732 Hermannus, de Petra: Sermones L super orationem dominicam. F°, 265 mm. 1484 P9251 H8454 CA920 a-g 8 hh ii6 h-0 8 ; 124 leaves, the first blank Royal Library, 1715 i8thc. half calf 619
Servasanctus: Antidotarius animae. F°, 269 mm. P*9254 H 14155 CA1495 [*4] a-i8 K 8 1-u 8 x 10 A-O 8 P 6 ; 292 leaves, the first & last blank 'Jaspar Fyloll.' Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 17th c. calf
Another copy. 283 mm. 'Jo. De le Forge presbyter est meus possessor.' 'Ex dono magistri Joannis de la forge capellani ecclesie diue Marie Tornacen. prouenit hie liber Conuentui fratrum Sancte Crucis Tornacensium.' 'Fr. Robertus Pontanus Insulensis. Spes mea Deus.' Bought (lot 267 at Puttick's), 10 June 1864 Old limp vellum [3205]
3735 Butrio (Antonius de): Speculum de confessione [etc.]. F°, 288 mm. P*9256 GW5829 CA392 Bought, 1897 19th c. stamped calf
3736 Gilbertus, Tornacensis: Sermones. F°, 272 mm. P9257 H8332 CA (+1)896 a-0 8 aa-hh 8 ii kk 6 ; 188 leaves, the first & the last two blank The colophon varies from both of Campbell's descriptions: 186b, 1. 18: .. .Tornacen... (1. 23) Deo gratias. | Wants quire c and thie blanks 'Liber monasterii beate marie in mello per fratrem iudocum de ponte.' 'In mello pertineo.' Duke of Sussex. Given by H. Bradshaw, 1870 18th c. calf [3207]
3737 Petrus, de Alliaco: Imago mundi [etc.]. F°, 262 mm. P*9258 H* 836 = 837 CA143 [*6] a-k 8 1 4 aa-ii8 kk 10 ; 172 leaves, 6 & the last blank Wants leaves 1-6 ' Nosce teipsum. Arthur Hildersam.' Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 17th c. calf
3 73 8 Andreae (Johannes): Super arboribus consanguinitatis, affmitatis et cognationis spiritualis. F°, 288 mm. P9259 H1028 GW1693 CA155 Inglis. Rustat Fund, 1900 19th c. half morocco
3739 Adelardus, Baihoniensis: Quaestiones naturales. 40, 202 mm. P9260 H*85 GW219 CA5 Bound (3) with nos 565, etc.
3740 Annius (Johannes): Glossa super Apocalypsim. 40, 192 mm. P*926i H1124 GW2021 CA1276 Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Formerly bound (1) with no. 3407. Old calf, rebacked and the lower board renewed [321l] 3741
A n o t h e r c o p y . 209 m m . * Liber magistri Stephani Dowce* (v. Ant. a Wood, Ath. Oxon. (1815) 11755). 'Eximie discrecionis viro sacre theologie professori magistro Willelmo Yve. Ecclesie Cathedralis Sarum Canonico Residenciario raptim tradatur debita cum recommendacione/ 'Ex dono Magistri Henrici Sherpe capelle Regie sancti Stephani Westmon. Decani.' Royal Library, 1715 i8thc. calf [3212]
3742 Burley (Walter): De vita et moribus philosophorum. 40, 186 mm. P*9264 H4120 GW5788 CA 388 = 387 Modern half morocco
3743 Columna (Guido de): Historia destructionis Troiae. 40, 200 mm. P*9265 H* 5502 = 5504 GW7228 CA872 Wants the first leaf (blank) Le Candele. Vergauwenn 218. Bought, 1891 18th c. quarter calf, uniform with nos 3684, etc.
3744 Gerson (Johannes): De modo vivendi omnium fidelium [etc.], 40, 195 mm. P9267 11*7671 CA815 a-c8 d 6 ; 30 leaves, the first blank Wants the blank Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (3) with nos 3789, etc. Modern quarter morocco
Another copy. 205 mm. Modern half morocco
Gesta R o m a n o r u m . 4 0 , 211 m m . Pf9268 H7742? CA825 a-x8 y z6 aa-gg8 hh6 ii kk8; 258 leaves, 1 & 242 (hh6) blank Wants the first blank Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf
3747 Rolewinck (Werner): De regimine rusticorum. 40, 196 mm. P* 9274 H 13729 CA 1480 a-g 8 h 6 ; 62 leaves, the last blank Wants the blank Paper boards
[3218] 621
3748 Innocent III: De miseria humanae conditionis [etc.]. 40, 197 mm. P 9275 H10212 = 10213 CA 1016 A-M 8 N 1 0 ; 106 leaves, the last blank Wants leaves 3 & 4 'Pro libraria fratrum minorum de vera observantia Montis gratie dei extra traiectum super mosam.' 'Est bibliothecae fratrum minorum montis lucis.' 'E. van Kerleren...' [3219] Modern half morocco
3749 Mensa philosophica. 40, 197 mm. P* 9276 H 11078 ? CA 1240 a6 a-h8 i 12 ; 82 leaves, the first blank Wants the blank 'AlfredJ. Horwood, Temple/ Rustat Fund, 1883 18th c. calf
Another copy. 183 mm. 'Payne's sale. £ 1 : 7s: = M: Wodhull Apr. 23d 1801/ Rustat Fund, 1886 Diced russia, circa 1800
Another copy. 206 mm. Modern quarter morocco
[3222] 0
3752 Mensa philosophica. 4 , 184 mm. P*9278 H i 1078? P(Tr)i24iA Wants the first leaf (blank) ' Iste liber constat domino Johanni Dauid Vicario Ecclesie de Skyueok [perhaps Ysceifiog in Flintshire]... \ who has written a prayer against sleeplessness on the blank verso of leaf 6. Given by E. G. Duff, 1890 [3223] 19th c. quarter morocco
3753 Nider (Johannes): Manuale confessorum. 40, 197 mm. P*928o H * n 8 3 7 CA1281 a-h 8 ; 64 leaves, the last blank Vergauweni 271. H. R. Creswick. Cambridge Baskerville Club Benefaction, 1931 19th c. quarter calf, by Schavye [3692]
3754 Nider (Johannes): De morali lepra. 40, 210 mm. P9282 H * I I 8 I 8 CA1287 a-k 8 1 1 0 ; 90 leaves, the last blank Wants the blank. The top & bottom margins mutilated throughout Bought, 1904 Quarter cloth
3755 Platina (Bartholomaeus de): De honesta voluptate. 40, 199 mm. P9283 H* 13050 CA1418 a-m 8 n 6 ; 102 leaves, the first & last blank Wants the first blank 'Ex Lib. B. lechandelier d. Med. ann. i677.' Bought, 1904 Modern quarter morocco
3756 Fitzralph (Richard): Defensorium curatorum [etc.], 40, 168 mm. P 9284 CA 557 a-c 8 d e 6 ; 36 leaves, the first & last blank 'P. Hespiel.' A label: Ex libris Van Vaernewyck. Rustat Fund, 1868 18th c. calf
Part of another copy. 201 mm. Leaves 33-5 only, containing Pius II, Epistola Ludovico regi transmissa ad quassationem pragmaticae sanctionis
3758 Michael, de Hungaria: Sermones praedicabiles. 40, 195 mm. P 9287 CA 1250 a-q 8 ; 128 leaves, the first & last blank Wants the blanks Acton Library, 1902 Modern paper boards
3759 Paulus, de Middelburgo: Epistola apologetica ad doctores Lovanienses. 40, 197 mm. P9288 H11150 CA1364 A-D 8 E 6 ; 38 leaves, the last blank Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Formerly bound with nos 3879, 3936, 3914, 3528, 3679 & 3766. Modern quarter morocco [3229]
Another copy. 197 mm. Wants the first leaf (title) Bound (3) with nos 3779, etc.
[3230] 0
3761 Regimen sanitatis Salernitanum [etc.]. 4 , 199 mm. P* 9290 H* 13753 CA 1470 a-r 8 ; 136 leaves, the first & last blank Rustat Fund, 1868 Wrappers
[3231] 0
Regimen sanitatis Salernitanum [etc.]. 4 , 186 mm. P 9292 H13749? CA 1472 a-r 8 ; 136 leaves, the first blank Wants the blank The Regimen ends on 112a (not 110a, as Campbell); Campbell quotes the last line of 135b (not 133b); the colophon (136a) is as quoted in Campbell's note De Meyer 237. Rustat Fund, 1869 19th c. quarter morocco [3232]
(b) Books not in Proctor
3763 Poggio-Bracciolini (Gian Francesco): Facetiae. F°, 279mm. 9Jan. 1475 CA 1428 [a-d 10 ]; 40 leaves, the last probably blank. 4a:i88xi33 mm., 2 columns, 42 lines. Type ia 623
LOUVAIN ia: blank; i b : Incipit tabula tituknu in libsu | facetiarum Pogii o*ato*is eloque | tiflimi. | [ 2]E contentione duaru meretri | c u m . . . ; 3b, 1. 21: Explicit tabula...; 4a: Pogii floaetini oaatoais clarifli | mi: in facetiarum libsum paologus | Incipit feliciter. | [ 4]Vltos futuros efTe arbi | tro*: . . . ; n a (sig. [b x ]): dignum fere repleto. Chtum eft in |; 39b, col. 2,1. 35: Paefens facetiaru liber Pogii o | ratosis eloquetiflimi h° nouo carac | terizadi ftilo extitit hac vera littera | modernata diligenter impfTus per | Ioanne de weftfalia Paderbosfi | dyocefis. in nozetiflima vniuerfita | te louaniefi refidente. ano dni M° | cccc°lxxv°. die. ix. Ianuarii. |; [40: blank?] Wants the last leaf 'Ant. Cope (?).' Bookplate: monogram R W (Franks 32796, unidentified). * Leigh's Auction £ 2 : 5s: = M: Wodhull Apr: 10th 1797/ Rustat Fund, 1886 Diced russia, circa 1800 [3233]
3764 Justinianus: Institutiones. F°, 275 mm. 21 Nov. 1475 H 9496 GW 7587 (Anm. 2) CA 1052 * Liber georgii burger!.' 'Gerardus Finet bruxellensis.' 'Biblioth. Collegii[...]' 'J. Taylor LL.D. Donum J. Cocke Viri amicissimi.' 'Leigh's Auct. Dr Askew's Manuscripts. Lit: cap: color: £ 2 : 7s: = M: Wodhull Mar: 8th 1785' Red morocco (Pembroke Library, but without a Pembroke shelf-mark) [3234]
3765 Brunus (Ludovicus): Carmina in adventu et coniugio Maximiliani. 40, 206 mm. Nov. 1477 H4024 GW5653 CA385 Wants the first & last leaves (blank or with woodcut) Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (4) with nos 1252, etc. Modern half morocco
3766 Brunus (Ludovicus): Gratulatio ad Maximilianum de victoria Morinensi. 4°, 197 mm. GW5654 CA384 Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Formerly bound with nos 3759, etc. Modern half morocco
Manneken (Carolus): Formulae epistolarum. 40, 206 mm. H 10659 CA (+iv) 1204 a-0 8 ; 112 leaves, the last blank Probably wants the blank Five leaves of MS. at the end containing 'Exempla salutacionum' and ending: 'Litterarum superscriptiones. Egregio viro et valde erudito domino Radulfo Melton suo amico perfamiliari domus sancti Michaelis Cantebrigie socio.' (There is no Ralph Melton named in the surviving documents relating to Michaelhouse. As this MS. addition is a formulary the name may be fictitious.) * Liber Thome Palmer ex dono magistri Anker Carter.' 'John Taylor's book 1780.' G. Dunn. Given by H. F. Newall, 1914 Modern stamped morocco, over the original vellum fly-leaves [3237] 624
3768 Vocabularius utriusque juris. F°, 386 mm. CA 1750 [a-e10 f-r8 s 10 1 8 ]; 164 leaves, the first blank * Liber monasterii sancte Marie in Berna Premonstraten. ordinis Prope Hoesden/ Rustat Fund, 1893 Contemporary stamped leather, rebacked and the upper cover renewed [3238]
3769 Poggio-Bracciolini (Gian Francesco): De infelicitate principum. 40, 211 m m . CA1433 a b 8 c d6; 28 leaves, the first blank, the last probably blank Wants the last leaf Bound (4) with nos 3447, etc.
3770 Declamatio Lovanii acta vn. Kal. Mart, MCCCCLXXXI. 40, 208 mm. GW8223 CA555 Wants the last leaf (blank) Vergauweni 572'. Rustat Fund, 1884 Bound (1) with no. 3702. 19th c. half morocco
Declamatio Lovanii acta rv. Kal. Feb. MCCCCLXXXIII. 40, 192 mm. GW8225 CA556 Wants the first leaf (blank) Vergauweni 735. Rustat Fund, 1884 Paper boards
3772 Gratia Dei (Antonius): Conclusio de signo crucis [etc.]. 40, 183 mm. CA 157 Gaselee2i3 a8; 8 leaves, the first blank Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1940 Modern quarter morocco
3773 Johannes, de Verdena: Sermones Dormi secure. F°, 282 mm. CA1535 a-p 8 q10; 130 leaves, the first blank Acquired before 1853 Formerly bound (2) with nos 737, etc. Modern half pigskin
Vocabularius theutonicatus. (Latin & Dutch.) 40, 305 mm. CA 1748 a-z8 aa-kk8 II4 A-S 8 ; 412 leaves \ . .Frater Laurentius vander Plancken alias Sollenelt...' Armorial bookplate: groeninghe velt (Borluut de Noortdonck). Earl of Crawford. Rustat Fund, 1889 Calf, circa 1800 [3245] 625
3775 Manneken (Carolus): Formulae epistolarum. F°, 220 mm. CA (+11 & in) 1203 a-h8 i 6 ; 70 leaves, the last blank Wants h x , h 8 & the blank Inglis. * Alfred J. Horwood, Temple.' Rustat Fund, 1883 19th c. blue calf
3776 Barzizius (Gasparinus): Epistolae. F°, 279 mm. H2668 GW3678 CA773 Vergauwen 1 1121, with his purchase-note 'Catal. Rymenans N. 3985'. Rustat Fund, 1884 [3247] 19th c. quarter calf
3777 Plato: Axiochus [etc.]. (Latin.) 40, 194mm. CA 1420 a b 8 c d 6 ; 28 leaves, the first & last blank Wants the first blank Purchase-note (by R. Heber): 'Bruyn—Mechlin Sept. 1818 12 fr 18th c. calf, in the same style as no. 3782
' Rustat Fund, 1868 [3248]
3778 Hugo, de Prato Florido: Sermones dominicales super evangelia et epistolas. F°, 281 mm. 1484 H 9008 CA 1004 a10 b-z 8 aa-ee8 ff10 A-Z 8 AA-CC 8 DD 6 ; 450 leaves, the last two blank * Nazareth in waelwijck.' Vergauwen 1 410, with his purchase-note 'Cat. Rymenans N. 586'. Rustat Fund, 1884 Contemporary stamped calf [3249]
^119 Paulus, de Middelburgo: Prognosticum. 40, 217 mm. 31 Aug. 1484 CA 1362 a-c 8 ; 24 leaves, the last blank Wants the blank Vergauwen 1 517. Rustat Fund, 1884 Bound (1) with nos 3780 & 3760. Purple morocco, by Schavye
3780 Paulus, de Middelburgo: Protonotariomastix. 40, 217 mm. H * n i 4 8 CA1368 a-c 8 ; 24 leaves Bound (2) with nos 3779, etc.
3781 Ferrariis (Albertus de): De horis canonicis. 40, 202 mm. 1485 CA95 A-D 8 ; 32 leaves, the first & last blank Contemporary MS. notes & additions Rustat Fund, 1868 19th c. vellum
3782 Brunus (Ludovicus): Gratulatio de Maximiliani coronatione. 40, 199 mm. GW5655 CA386 Wants the first leaf (blank) and the last (probably blank) Vergauwenn 971, with his purchase-note 'De Bure Paris 1843'. Rustat Fund, 1884 18th c. calf, in the same style as no. 3777 [3254]
3783 Boethius (A. M. T. S.): De consolatione philosophiae [etc.]. F°, 275 mm. 1487 H*3379 GW4538 CA311 Contemporary MS. notes & additions 'Monasterii Affligeniensis.' Vergauwen 1 665. Rustat Fund, 1884 19th c. half calf
3784 Augustine (St): De trinitate. F°, 388 mm. 24 Dec. 1495 H 2041 GW 2930 CA 205 Wants the first & last leaves (blank) 'Michael Buckley' Bound (2) with no. 3719
3785 Butrio (Antonius de): Speculum de confessione [etc.], F°, 280 mm. H*4i85 GW5830 CA391 Quires a-o (leaves 1-108) only, i.e. wants part of Rodericus, Speculum vitae humanae and all Dionysius, Speculum conversionis peccatorum
' Liber Domini Rodolphi Haser.' Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 i8thc. half calf
Part of another copy. 282 mm. Quires a-d (Speculum de confessione) only; leaf d4 (blank) cut away leaving a stub, on which is a MS. note of an agreement: 'Thys byll mayd the xxix day off July the reyn off Kyng Henry the viith the xx° yer wyttnesythe that we w. bowes clerke vie. off cumbe Sentnycolas henry bond & Ric. rocetur off the same bynd us to pay xls. or cause to be payd at the fest off all halowes next cumyng to M doctr. cherche vie. generall to my lord off baythe or to hys assyns.' Beneath the colophon: * Bowes Mihi autem absit gloriari nisi in cruce domini nostri Ihesu Christi Amen* Bound (3) with nos 3707, etc. [3258]
3787 Gerson (Johannes): Opus tripartitum. 40, 205 mm. CA (m) 8016 a b 8 c 10 ; 26 leaves, the last blank, the first probably blank Wants the first leaf 'bibliothecae augustinianae mosae traiectensis' Modern half morocco
3788 Gregory I: Dialogi. 4 , 195 mm. H7960 CA852 a-p 8 q 10 ; 130 leaves, the first blank Wants il9 i 2 , i 7 , i 8 & the blank W. H. Crawford. Rustat Fund, 1891 18th c. calf
[3260] 627
3789 Michael, de Hungaria: Sermones praedicabiles. 40, 195 mm. CA 1248 a-q 8 ; 128 leaves, the first & last blank Wants k 3 & the first blank Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (1) with nos 3403, 3744 & 3916. Modern half morocco
3790 Nider (Johannes): De morali lepra. 4 , 189 mm. CA 1288 a-c 8 D-K 8 L 10 ; 90 leaves, the first & last blank Wants the first blank MS. recipes, etc. at the end, and a note of the birth of Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Corwaler, 19 August 1545. Royal Library, 1715 17th c. calf, rebacked and the lower board renewed [3262]
3791 Diaz de Montalvo (Alonso): Repertorium quaestionum super Nicolaum de Tudeschis. F°, 307 mm. H11569 GW8307 CA1269 Gaselee2i5 Wants the first & last leaves (blank) Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern half morocco
CONRAD BRAEM 3792 Porphyrius, Tyrius: Isagoge in Aristotelis Praedicamenta [etc.], 40, 207 mm. [a b 8 c 10 d12 e 14 ]; 52 leaves, ia: 130 x 82 mm., 22 lines. Type (see fig. 8): Haebler, Abt. iv, pp.152-3 ia: [ 4 ]Vm fit necefTarium grifaroai | & ad earn que eft apud arifto | tilem predicamentoaim doctri I nam nofTe quid fit genus quid | differentia quid fpecies...; 9a (sig. [b x ]): & fenfibilis cogregate ad fubftatiam alalis |; 14b, 1. 7: . . . fed fumciut etia hec ad | difcretionem eoaum coitatifcp traditionem |; [After a 2-line space, Aristotle's Praedicamenta] [ 4 ] Q V I V O C A dicuf quoau | nome folu coe eft fcctm nome | vero fubftatie ratio diuerfa. | . . . ; 39a, 1. 3: .. S$ qui afueuerunt | dici: pene oes enumerati fut | E X P L I C I T |; [After a i-line space, Aristotle's De interpretatione] [ 4 ] Rimu 03 coftituere quid fit no? / | & quid vbu poftea quid negatio | & affirmatio / . . . 52b, 1. 20: . . .circa idem at Dtingit | vc% dicere eude fil aut eide non Ptingit efTe | contraria | E X P L I C I T | Bound (2) with no. 787 Uty]
3793 Pius II: De duobus amantibus. 40, 202 mm. 1479 H 230 CA 12 [a-c8 d6 e 8 ]; 3 8 leaves, the first & last blank Wants the first blank MS. additions (Add. MS. 7206) at the end, including Pius II Defortuna, Seneca De moribus & Kamitus De regimine pestilentico. Bibliotheca Heberiana. Vergauwen 1 1110. Rustat Fund, 1884 Calf, circa 1800 [3263]
Another copy. 211 m m . Bound (2) with nos 3447, etc.
[3264] 628
3795 Johannes, de Cardona: Litterae indulgentiarum. Broadside, 136x206 mm. Pol. 2079 On vellum Wants lines 1-4 From the binding of a book in the library of Merton College, Oxford; given by the Warden & Fellows of the College, 1916 [3265]
3796 Dionysius, Carthusianus: Dialogus Mariae et peccatoris [etc.], F°, 289 mm. P* 9185 [Holland, Pr. ofDialogi...] H 6106=6250 GW 8412 (Anm.) CA 593 32b (last line): Explcit (not Explct, as GW Anm.) Rustat Fund, 1872 19th c. half vellum
cifica t>ra toiffert. que admodu homo ab eq fpeciFica t>ra t>iffert ronali qualitate V n i / uerfalu? ergo ois t>ra alceratu facit cuihbec aduenies fed ea que eft coir & /Pprie ratu facit folii.ilia aut que efb magis aliud t>raru er&o ahe quide ajteratu faciuC ahe vero ahud. ille quide que faciunt aliud fpecifice t>oca£aUeveroque alteratu:fim/ phcicer t>re.aiaheni t>ra aduenies rona/ hs aliud facit- U fpem aiahs facit. ilia vero que efb mouedr.alteratu folu a quiefcece fa 8. Type-specimen (Inc. 3792)
C O N R A D U S DE P A D E R B O R N 3797 Hugo, de Sancto Caro: Speculum ecclesiae. 40, 181 mm. H 8990 CA 1006 (note) [a8 b 1 2 ]; 20 leaves Inglis. Rustat Fund, 1872 18th c. calf
3798 Andreas, de Escobar: Modus confitendi. 8°, 139 mm. GW1779 CA1228 Rubricated in 1479 Luzarche (1869) 6166. Bookplate: Quaero, monogram J C (Capron). Capron 55. Worts Fund, 1875 19th c. quarter morocco [3267]
3799 Perottus (Nicolaus): Rudimenta grammaticae. 40, 195 mm. CA 1381 a-u8 x 6 ; 166 leaves, the last blank 'Iste liber Constat Cantarie de Newark Ex Dono Magistri Simonis Yates A0 1526:' Given by F. Jenkinson, 1918 18th c. calf [3268]
3800 Bernardus, Parmensis: Casus longi decretalium. F°, 274 mm. 6 Feb. 1484 H2933 GW4096 CA284 Wants quires d & e (supplied in contemporary MS.), also the blank leaves 1,281 & 282 (last) 'Est biblioth. Montis lucis.' Koninkl. Bibliotheek te 's Hage. Rustat Fund, 1872 Contemporary stamped calf, rebacked; boards lined with fragments of 14th c. MSS. on vellum. The lower board shows traces of a staple for chaining [3269]
3801 Aretinus (Leonardus): Epistolae familiares. 40, 195 mm. P*9296 H*i564 GW 5608 CA 168 Wants the last six leaves {Tabula, etc.) 'Robertus Ely ex dono G. Browne* 18th c. calf
3802 Petrarca (Francesco): Rerum memorandarum libri iv [etc.], 40, 214 mm. P9297 H* 12807=8410 CA 1391 Wants the first leaf (blank) Culemann4i5. Worts Fund, 1870 19th c. half vellum
[3272] 0
3803 Dialogus inter Hugonem, Catonem et Oliverium [etc.], 4 , 197 mm. P9297A CA574 Wants the first leaf (blank) Rustat Fund, 1872 18th c. calf
JAN VELDENER, 4th press 3804 Herbarius. 40, 206 mm. P9298 CA917 [*4 a-t8 a6] b e 6 ; 174 leaves, the first blank Wants c3 & c4 and the blank 4 Iste liber pertinet fratribus sancte crucis ad usum f. p. v.' ' Bibl. hort. botan. dedit Jo. Martyn, Nov: 2. 1727/ Label: Cambridge Botanical Museum Contemporary plain calf [3273] 3805
Another copy. 191 m m . Possessor huius henricus berwouts.' Le Candele. De Meyer 234. Rustat Fund, 1869 [3274] Half roan, circa 1800
3806 Herbarius. 4 , 191 mm. P 9299 CA 916 [*4 a-t8 u-y 6 ]; 174 leaves Bookplate: Quaero, monogram J C (Capron). Capron 183. Worts Fund, 1875 19th c. stamped calf
3807 Matheolus, Perusinus: De memoria. 40, 198 mm. Pf 9300 CA 1221 [a 6 ]; 6 leaves, the first blank Rustat Fund, 1872 Paper boards 3808
A n o t h e r c o p y . 208 m m . The blank portion of the last leaf cut awayRoyal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (5) with nos 2983, etc. Cloth
3809 Alphabetum divini amoris. 8°, 146 mm. P 9301 GW 1558 CA (11) 7990 Leaves 33-47 only, the signatures (e & f) erased G. Dunn. Given by E. P. Goldschmidt, 1914 i8thc. half calf
3810 Roelans (Cornelius): De aegritudinibus infantium. 40, 213 mm. Pol. 3360 CA 1675 Seven leaves only; folio 43 (from the collection of A. G. W. Murray, given by D. W. Murray, 1919) and folios 132, 139 & 182-5 from a binding. The three known copies (Leipzig University Library, Hunterian Library, Glasgow, and Bibliotheque Royale, Brussels) all lack leaves 1-77, the text of De aegritudinibus beginning on fo. 78. Folio 43 a: datur p duos dies fecundu (£ magis et minus obedit [ fosmationi Michael fcotus dicit in fex diebus fequen | tibus fp ix ; 43b, 1. 28: .. .et venter et duo la | tera fenfibiliter incipiut cognofti. fed tame in qbufda h | [3280] Cloth
3 811 Alphabetum divini amoris. 8°, 126 mm. H7635 GW1557 CA799 Wants the first & last leaves (blank) Le Candele. De Meyer 137. Rustat Fund, 1869 Vellum
A E G I D I U S VANDER HEERSTRATEN 3812 Paulus, de Middelburgo: Prognosticum anni MCCCCLXXXVI. 40, 206 mm. CA 1367 [a 8 ]; 8 leaves Vergauwen 1 766, with his purchase-note *... Catalogue Rymenans N. 2296 \ Rustat Fund, 1884
19th c. quarter calf
3813 Albertanus: De arte loquendi et tacendi. 40, 182 mm. 6 July 1485 P9302 H401 GW538 CA62 Vergauweni 331, with his purchase-note 'De Bure Paris 1840...' Rustat Fund, 1884 Half roan, by Schavye [3283]
3814 Beets (Johannes): Expositio decalogi. F°, 278 mm. 19 Apr. i486 P*93O3 H*2736 GW 3762 CA260 "Wants the first & last leaves (blank) The words 'artis imprefTorie magiftru3' in the colophon have been deleted (v. GW Anm.) With the following settings in quire hh: hh2a, col. 1,1.49: paobat quia ibi in fua declaratione dicebat | (col. 2) xpus cuius perfecta funt opera fie viam per | fectionis exercuit ^ loculos mmmmmmm | habens interdum infirmosum imperfectio | nibus condefcedit... (1. 50) alios in herefi.3 pdemnatu incidere vt p3 in |; hh 2 b, col. 1, 1. 48: lati ecclefie. Coftat at <£ tota pmitiua ecclefia | (col. 2, 1. 50) ecclefia ceciderit a perfectioe euangelica et |; hh5a, col. 1: In lapidibus vero intelliguntur increpati | ones... (col. 2) ad debitam fatiffactione qz dicit augu. No |; hh 5 b, col. 1,1. 5: ne fedm arbitriu boni viri... F. E. Freeland. Adams Bequest, 1892 Contemporary stamped calf, repaired [3284]
Another, variant, copy. 281 mm. With the same deletion in the colophon. The settings in quire hh differ: hh 2 a, col. 1,1. 50: xpus cuius perfecta funt opera fie viam per | (col. 2) fectionis exercuit q> loculos habes interdu | infirmo^ imgfectionibus pdefcedit... (1. 49) circo null9 Ptraire pfumat. bacho in fomia I; hh 2 b, col. 1,1.49: non errauit nee imperfecta fuit. hanc etiam | (col. 2,1.50) ecclefia ceciderit a perfectioe euangelica et |; hh 5 a, col. 1: In lapidibus vero intelliguntur increpati- | ones... (col. 2) ad debitam fatiffactione qz dicit aug9. No |; hh 5 b, col. 1, 1. 5: ne fedm arbitriu^ boni viri... 'Istud preceptorium cum preceptorio Johannis nider emi In domo mgri nicolai de calstris pro octodecim stuferis.' 'Collegii Soc. Jesu Lovanii.' De Meyer 8. Rustat Fund, 1869 Contemporary stamped calf, boards lined with vellum MS. (legal, circa 1300) [3283]
Another, variant, c o p y . 280 m m . With the variant colophon described in the notes to the entries in GW & Campbell. The settings in quire hh are as in no. 3814 Wants leaves 1, 13 & 298 (all blank) Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 18th c. quarter calf [3286]
3817 Perottus (Nicolaus): Rudimenta grammaticae [etc.], 40, 183 mm. Pf93O4 CA1380 Duff346 *J. A. Jeremie 1846/ 'Henry Bradshaw 1874/ From the library of H. Bradshaw, 1886 18th c. calf [3287]
3818 Cepolla (Bartholomaeus): Cautelae. 40, 192 mm. 8 June i486 P9305 H4864 GW6481 CA248 Wants the first leaf (blank) * Baker's auct. libr: R: Hoblyn Esqr. =:2s:9d. M: Wodhull Mar: 17th 1778.' Rustat Fund, 1886 18th c. calf [3288]
Another copy. 210 mm. Gaselee 216 Kloss. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Paper boards (Kloss)
3820 Petrus, de Alliaco: Libellus sacramentalis. 40, 199 mm. 14 Apr. 1487 P*93O7 H852 CA145 A 8 a-f8 g h 6 i-1 8 ; 92 leaves, the first & last blank * 1504. Ad fratris Anthonii usum feirabend de consensu esslingen subiecto spectat 3 pla (?)' Diced russia, circa 1800 [3289]
3821 Cepolla (Bartholomaeus): Cautelae. 40, 209 mm. 25 Feb. 1487 GW6482 CA250 * Alfred J. Horwood, Temple.' Rustat Fund, 1883 19th c. calf over wooden boards
3822 Methodus utriusque juris [etc.]. F°, 290 mm. 23 Feb. 1488 P 9310 H* 11126 CA 1243 A-D 6 E 4 ; 28 leaves, the first & last blank Wants the last blank Bought, 1892 Modern half morocco
[3291 ]
3823 Piro (Henricus de): Super Institutiones. F°, 278 mm. 12 Nov. P9311 H*4oi5 CA1054 a-d8 e-i6 k 8 1 6 + 1 m 8 n-z 6 z,6 o6 A B 6 ; 175 leaves. The fifth leaf of quire 1 is a single inserted leaf Culemann446. Worts Fund, 1870 16th c. wooden boards backed with stamped pigskin; with clasp [3292]
3824 Hoveden (John): Carmen de passione domini [etc.], 8°, 143 mm. CA 1001 [Antwerp, M. van der Goes] [a]-s8; 144 leaves, the last blank. Type 2 Vergauweni 1004. Rustat Fund, 1884 Contemporary stamped calf, with hon of St Mark (WT pi. xi, 3) and two rosette stamps [3293]
LUDOVICUS RAVESCOT 3 825 Pet*us, de Rivo: Opus responsivum de anno, die et feria passionis. F°, 272 mm. 1488 P*93i2 1112857+12859=4256 CA 1405 a-d8 e6 f8; 46 leaves, the last blank *J. F. Van de Velde.' Borluut de Noortdonck. Vergauwen 1 767. Rustat Fund, 1884 Bound (1) with a contemporary MS. Reformado Kalendarii Romani Eiusque reductio ad
statum pristinum, and with no. 3721. Polished calf, by Canon (Ganon?)
3826 Petrus, de Rivo: Opus responsivum de anno, die et feria passionis. Another copy. 227 mm. Wants f8 (Kalendarium Egiptiorum, etc.)
Acquired before 1700 Modern half morocco 3827
A n o t h e r c o p y . 284 m m . Wants the blank Culemann 659, Worts Fund, 1870 Quarter cloth
V i s i o lamentabilis super disceptatione animae contra corpus. 4 0 , 183 m m . P* 9313 CA 1745 Pol. 3972 (with variations) Royal Library, 1715 Modern half morocco
(Bonus): Compendium
Elegantiarum Laurentii Vallae.
[3297] 40,
194 mm. H*6o GW177 CA3 Vergauweni 923. Rustat Fund, 1884 19th c. quarter calf
P R I N T E R OF S C O T U S P H Y S I O G N O M I A 3830 Michael, Scotus: Physiognomia [etc.]. 40, 203 mm. 1487 (1484?) P9314 H 14552 CA (+1)1509 a10 b-i 8 k 4 1 8 ; 86 leaves, the last blank The colophon ends: . . . ImpfTum loua | nij | Wants a10, c 8 , k2_8 & 13_6; g 7 , g8 and some other leaves mutilated A. J. Horwood, and probably given by him Unbound
T H I E R R Y M A R T E N S , 4th press 3831 Statuta synodalia Leodiensia. 40, 207 mm. 31 July 1500 P9315 H8418 CA1602 A B 8 C 4 D E 8 F6 G4 H 6 1K 8 L-R 6 ; n o leaves, the last blank Wants leaves 1 (title, v. Pol. 3604) & 8 Vergauwenn 85. Rustat Fund, 1884 Bound (1) with Conjirmatio et approbatio statutorum synodalium et curiae Leodiensium
(T. Martens, Louvain, 15 Jan. 1501). 19th c. half vellum
3832 Tractatulus contra fastidiosos sacerdotes. 8°, 137 mm. CA 1674 [A8] B 4 ; 12 leaves Vergauweni 294, with his purchase-note *.. .Catal. de Lammens T. 11. N. 351'. Rustat Fund, 1884 Half roan, by Schavye [3301]
3833 Jacobus, de Reno: Dialogus senis et juvenis de amore disputantium. 40, 206 m m . H 6145 CA 572 A 8 B 6 ; 14 leaves 'Emptus Louanij partium Barbantiae ubi est uni[versitas] studiorum 1505. de mense Iunii per me fratrem Antonium Melium Cremon.' Vergauwen 1 1102, with his notes: 'No. 379 de la vente Wolters a Paris Decembre 1844...' ' . . .Cat Vander Meersch n. 284/ Rustat Fund, 1884 Wrappers [3302]
3834 Pius II: Epistola de remedio amoris [etc.]. 40, 187 mm. H 224 CA 21 [a 8 ]; 8 leaves, the last blank Bought, 1870 Wrappers
BRUGES COLARD MANSION 3835 Boethius (A. M. T. S.): De consolatione philosophiae. (French) F°, 366 mm. 28 June 1477 H3362 GW4579 CA323 Wants leaves 17 & 146 (both blank); leaves 124 & 168 defective. Leaf 145 cancelled and replaced by a leaf in which lines 2-19 are in the correct order. (A note by Bradshaw states that in the original setting lines 11-19 preceded lines 2-10) With illuminations at the beginning of each book 'Ce liure cy appartient a Rogier Willeron. Maistre surgyen de la ville de Bruges/ 'Bibl. Eccl. Cath. Sarum. 17E.' On the blank leaf 18, which is bound at the beginning: 'Hieronymi Winghii can[oni]ci Torfnacensis] Dono Theodorici Gallaei.' Acquired, partly by exchange, partly by the Rustat Fund, 1870 18th c. mottled calf [3304]
3836 Le Franc (Martin): L'estrif de fortune et vertu. F°, 275 mm. CA757 Fragments only, from leaves 177-9 From the library of H. Bradshaw, presented by his friends, 1887 Cloth
W I L L I A M C A X T O N , 1st press 3837 Lefevre (Raoul): Recuyell of the histories of Troy. F°, 274 mm. P*9322 H7048 CA (1) 1093d DeRicci(C)3 5 Duff 242 Wants leaves 1-4, 32-3, 252, 298, 351 & 352 * Silas Taylor 1647/ Royal Library, 1715 17th c. calf
Sayle 117
3838 Lef evre (Raoul): Recuyell of the histories of Troy. Another copy. 274 mm. De Ricci (C) 3 4 Wants leaves 1-13, 204, 252 & 352 * Laurence Mountigue his booke witnes John Thorpe', and other scribblings, one referring to 'Thomas Cook of Asheted, Surry, anno 1628'. Royal Library, 1715 17th c. calf, rebacked (18th c.) [3307]
3839 Cessolis (Jacobus de): Game and play of chess. F°, 269 mm. P*9323 H4902 GW6532 CA (1)418* D e R i c c i ( C ) i 8 Duff 81 Sayle 118 Wants the first & last leaves (blank), also leaves 17, 24, 33, 35 & 40, of which 17, 24 & 35 are supplied in 16th c. MS. 'Briggys Richarde William Stuardjohn briggis Knyghte gente stuard/ 'Iohannes evryte.' 'Hum. Dyson/ Royal Library, 1715 19th c. calf [3308]
Turrecremata (Johannes de): Contra errores Mahumeti. F°, 282 mm. P* 113 3 (3) [Cologne] CA (iv) 1503* Pol. 3877 (1) [a-d10 e8 f 1 0 ]; 58 leaves, the last blank Wants the blank 'Bibliothecae Grimbergensis.' Vergauweni 493. Rustat Fund, 1884 Bound (1) with nos 3841-4. 16th c. stamped calf
3 841 Dionysius, Carthusianus: Dialogus Christiani contra Sarracenum. F°, 282 mm. P* 1133 (4) CA (iv) 1503* Pol. 3877 (2) [a-c10 d 6 ]; 36 leaves, the last blank Bound (2) with nos 3 840, etc.
Samuel, Rabbi: Epistola ad Rabbi Isaac contra Judaeorum errores [etc.], F°, 282 mm. P* 1133 (1) CA (m+iv) 1503d [a-c10 d 8 ]; 38 leaves, the last two blank Wants the blanks Bound (3) with nos 3840, etc.
3 843 Prosper (St): Responsiones contra objectiones Vincentianas [etc.]. F°, 282 mm. P 1133 (2) CA (m+iv) 1503^=1447 [a b 1 0 ]; 20 leaves, the last blank 19b: . . .ad dulcitium... (not dulcitiu, as Campbell) Wants the blank Bound (4) with nos 3840, etc.
3844 Athanasius (Si): Contra haereticos de fide catholica. F°, 282 mm. P*9325 CA (m+iv) 1503^=189 [a-c 10 ]; 30 leaves With variations from Campbell: ia, 1. 2: .. .cotra... (1. 5) ftrennui... | beatiflime... | . . .
if I t e . . . On the last leaf is pasted, the printed Tabula librorum in hoc volumine contentorum described by Campbell (m) 1503 d and Polain 3877 [33°95] Bound (5) with nos 3840, etc.
3845 Eusebius Pamphili: Legenda S. Silvestri. F°, 296 mm. P9326 CA (in+iv) 1503^=712 = 1099 [a10 b c 8 ]; 26 leaves, the last two blank With MS. collation f-h (i.e. probably formerly bound with Prosper, Responsiones and Athanasius, Contra haereticos) R. S. Turner. Rustat Fund, 1888 Paper boards [3310] 3846
A n o t h e r c o p y . 292 m m . Wants the last three leaves, two of which are blank C. Thomas-Stanford. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern quarter morocco
3847 Carlerius (Aegidius): Sporta fragmentorum [etc.]. F°, 271 mm. 1478-9 P*9329 H4513 GW6136 CA398 Part 2 (Sportula fragmentorum) wants the last leaf (blank) Rustat Fund, 1875 19th c. half calf
3848 John (St), Chrysostom: Homiliae xxi. 4 , 195 mm. 1479 Pf933O H*5O38 CA427 [a-t12 u 1 0 ]; 238 leaves, the first blank Wants the blank Vergauwen 1 127, with his purchase-note 'Catal. de Rymenans N. 361 \ Rustat Fund, 1884 18th c. calf [3313]
3849 Breviarium Carmelitanum. 40, 170 mm. 16 May 1480 P9331 H 3815 = 13504 GW5192 CA364 Wants leaf 8 of the Calendar, leaf 57 of the Psalter, and leaves 136 & 165 of Proprium de sanctis W. J. Blew. Bought, 1895 Contemporary stamped leather, with metal corner-pieces [33H]
3850 Johannes, de Sancto Laurentio: Postillae evangeliorum. F°, 275 mm. 4 Oct. 1480 P*9332 H9410 CA 1041 [a-z8 A 8 B 6 ]; 198 leaves, the last blank Wants leaves 195-8 Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Formerly bound (2) with no. 34. Modern half pigskin
3851 Bernard (St), ofClairvaux: Epistolae. F°, 280 mm. 11 Apr. 1481 P*9333 H2871 GW3924 CA268 Wants the last leaf (blank); without the blank leaves 1 & 6 of the GW collation Rustat Fund, 1868 19th c. green morocco
3852 Bernard (St), ofClairvaux: Sermones de tempore et de sanctis. F°, 267 mm. 9 June 1481 P*9334 H* 2845=2911 GW3941 CA 273 =267
Wants, of the GW collation, [aj (blank), [o4], [rj, [t5], [t6], [v7], [v8], [xj, [x2], [z8], & [Aj-pJ 'Celestinorum[...]' 'Vent de la Valliere...' Bought, 1887 i8thc. calf 3853
A n o t h e r c o p y . 243 m m . Wants the first leaf (blank) and the last (part of Tabula) De Meyer 118. Rustat Fund, 1869 19th c. quarter calf
Cassianus (Johannes): Collationes p a t r u m . F°, 281 m m . P*9335 H4561 GW6159 CA399 Wants the first leaf (blank) * Liber monasterii sancti Trudonis.' Given by H. Bradshaw, 1868 Modern half pigskin
3855 Gregory I: Homiliae in Ezechielem. F°, 275 mm. Pf 9 336 H7944 CA853 [a-m10 n 1 2 ]; 132 leaves Bound (2) with no. 531
3856 John, of Salisbury: Policraticus sive De nugis curialium [etc.], F°, 265 mm. P*9337 H*943O CA 1045 [a b 1 0 c12 d4 e-z10 A 10 B 8 C 6 ]; 250 leaves, 32, 37 & the last blank Wants the blank leaves 32 & 250 * Liber colegii annunciacionis beate Marie cantabrigie de le Gunvyle. Ex dono M. Nicholai Goldewell Archidiaconi SufFolchie a0 salutis. 1505. 24 .die Maii.' Royal Library, 171 Calf, circa 1700 [3321]
Another copy. 282 mm. Wants the blank leaves From the library of F. Jenkinson, 1923 Modern half pigskin
3858 Johannes, de Turnhout: Casus breves. F°, 281 mm. P9337A H* 15685 CA1042 [a-z8 aa-oo 8 pp qq 6 ]; 308 leaves, 128 & the last blank 1 a differs from Hain & Campbell: Incipiut Cafus baeues fug totu cozp9 iurf ciuil per Egre | giu viru Mgrm iohem Turnout alme vniuerfitatf louanieii | in vtroqj liceciatu notater t optime
BRUSSELS coarecti z emedati necnon | eo*u defect9 fuppleti Et pmo cafus pmi libd ff. veterf | Paohemiu fF. veterf | . . . Ministerial Bibliothek, Uelzen. Rustat Fund, 1900 Bound (1) with no. 3859. Contemporary stamped calf, rebacked; the stamps are (1) arms of Cologne, (2) (lozenge) a heart, against rays, pierced by an arrow; boards lined with vellum MS. (12th a ) , with neums (Add. MS. 600012) [3333]
3859 Ubaldis (Baldus de): Casus breves in Codicem et Institutiones [etc.]. F°, 281 m m . CA217 [a-x8 y 10 z6 A-H 8 ]; 248 leaves, leaf 208 blank Bound (2) with no. 3858
3860 Petrus, Blesensis: Epistolae. F°, 284 mm. P*9338 H3240 CA1403 [a-z8 A-C 8 ]; 208 leaves, the first blank Wants the blank 'Ad usum fratris thome de lemborc ord. car[melita]rum conventus leod. pr sororum eiusdem ord. in namurco Cuius proprietas pertinet dicto conventui namurcen/ 'Ex libris B. Mariae de Geroldisarto.' L. van Gobbelschroy. Armorial bookplate: groeninghe velt (Borluut de Noortdonck). De Meyer 95. Rustat Fund, 1869 Old ruled calf, the spine & corners repaired [3324]
3861 Jerome (St): Vitas patrum. F°, 282 mm. P*9339 H8590 CA936 [a-f10 g h 8 i-1 10 m 12 n o 10 p q 8 ]; 154 leaves, 76 & the last blank Wants the blanks Given by H. Bradshaw, 1868 Modern half pigskin
3862 Bonaventura (St): Stimulus divini amoris [etc.]. 40, 202 mm. PJ934I H*3475 GW4820 CA 347 Quires r-v (leaves 129-58) only, containing Itinerarium mentis in deum; wants v x & v 6 (the last, blank) Bought, 1870 (?) Paper boards [3326]
3863 Petrus, de Alliaco: Tractatus et sermones. F°, 286 mm. Pf 9342 H 850 CA 148 a-h8 i6 ii6 k-q 8 r 6 s8 A-C 8 D 1 0 E-P 8 Q 6 ; 274 leaves, 124, 146, 147 & the last blank Wants the last blank At the end an 'Epitaphium Petri de allyaco' in contemporary MS. 'Ant. van Bellingen.' Rustat Fund, 1892 Stamped calf, by Claessens [3327]
3 864
Mayronis (Franciscus de): Sermones de tempore. F°, 275 mm. Pf 9343 *** IO 5 2 9 CA 1215 A 10 B 8 C D 6 a-p 8 q10 r-t 8 u 8 v-z 8 zs 98 aa-kk8 II10; 330 leaves, the first, 31 & the last blank Wants the blank leaves 31 & 330 'Pro libraria fratrum minorum de vera observantia Montis grade Dei extra traiectum super mosam.' 'Est ibidem repositus anno 1651 5 Maij.' Koninkl. Bibliotheek te 's Hage. Rustat Fund, 1875 Stamped calf, by Claessens [3328]
3865 Henry II, Emperor. Legenda sanctorum Henrici et Kunegundis. 40,192 mm. 1484 P 9344 H 8429 CA 1100 a-g 8 h 1 0 ; 66 leaves The first line of 21b repeats the last line of 21a, where it has been deleted with a pen 'Liber monasterii sancti Salvatoris in Antwerpia Ordinis Cisterciensis.' 'Biblioth. PP. beggard. Antwerpien.' Inglis. Rustat Fund, 1871 Half calf, circa 1800 [3329]
3866 Donatus (Aelius): De octo partibus orationis. 40, 202 mm. CA639 a-d 8 ; 32 leaves, the last blank A photograph of leaf 19a is given in Proctor's Tracts on early printing, 1 (London, 1895), reprinted in his Bibliographical essays (London, 1905) 'Conventus Cruciferorum Hu[j].* Vergauweni 952. Rustat Fund, 1884 Formerly bound with nos 3867-8. 19th c. calf, uniform with no. 3867 [3330]
3867 Bondus (Johannes): Verbale per alphabetum collectum. 40, 203 mm. GW4838 CA355 Vergauwen 1 931 Rustat Fund, 1884 Bound (1) with no. 3868; no. 3366 was formerly bound (1) with these two items. 19th c. [333*] calf, uniform with no. 3366
3868 Bondus (Johannes): Nominale de synonymis [etc.], 40, 203 mm. GW4837 CA354 Bound (2) with no. 386-7
3869 Breviarium Tornacense. 8° GW5479 CA365 A fragment only; part of two leaves, on vellum With a printed descriptive label by H. Klemm 64.O
OUDENARDE A R E N D DE KEYSERE, ist press 3870 Hermannus, de Petra: Sermones L super orationem dominicam. F°, 282 mm. 1480 Pf9346 H8453 CA919 [*8] a-q 8 ; 136 leaves, the first blank Wants the blank 'Desen bouck behoort t o e . . .Jacob Inghetranen...' '1564 Petri Adurni.' 'Collegii Societatis Jesu Brugis dono D. Petri Adurni. Anno 1577/ Armorial bookplate: groeninghe velt (Borluut de Noortdonck). De Meyer 125. Bookplate: Quaero, monogram J C (Capron). Capron 94. Worts Fund, 1875 [3335] 19th c. polished calf
3871 Wech (Die) der sielen salicheit. F°, 266 mm. CA 1776 [Ghent?] [a-h8 i10 k 8 ]; 82 leaves, the first blank. The attribution to this press is Bradshaw's This edition corresponds page-for-page with the undated edition printed at Utrecht (CA 1777, v. nos 3329-30) Wants the blank Rustat Fund (date of purchase unknown) [333$] 19th c. stamped calf
Sixtus IV: Litterae indulgentiarum (1480). Broadside GW 11, 12 CA (11) 1559**, b Einblattdrucke 2 Two settings, distinguished from a third (not in ULC, described by GW 10, CA 1559, Einblattdrucke 1, Pol. 2078 with facsimile) by the woodcut initial U, which is white on a black ground; and from each other by differences in the setting, e.g. 1. 4: maru... quadragefima and mai^... quadragefimam Three sets of fragments, on vellum, formerly used as guard-strips in the binding of no. 4003, making one complete copy (c. 145 x 230 mm.) of the 'maru' setting and two incomplete copies of the ' ma>' setting; and another fragment of the * maiji' setting from the boards of the same binding. Preserved in glass [3337] Given by H. Bradshaw, 1870
ANTWERP MATHIAS VAN DER GOES, ist press 3873 Spiegel of en Regel des kersten gelove [etc.]. 40, 201 mm. 29 Apr. 1482 H14969 CA1586 a-f8-6; 42 leaves, the first blank Vergauweni 387, with his purchase-note * Cologne 1845'. Rustat Fund, 1884 18th c. red morocco (German?), uniform with no. 3874 oc
[333$] 41
3874 Spiegel des ewighen levens. 40, 202 mm. 26 June 1482 CA 1582 a-h8-6 i k 8 ; 72 leaves, the first presumably blank Wants the first leaf Vergauweni 370, with his purchase-note 'Cologne 1845'. Rustat Fund, 1884 18th c. red morocco (German?), uniform with no. 3873
3875 Status mundi fallentis. 40, 186 mm. CA 1597 [a 4 ]; 4 leaves, the first presumably blank Wants the first leaf Vergauweni 1005. Rustat Fund, 1884 19th c. quarter calf
3876 Cordiale quattuor novissimorum. 40, 201 mm. 1483 P*9347 H5702 GW7481 CA1298 Wants the first leaf (blank) 'Thomas Pownde...' British Museum duplicate, acquired by exchange, 1948 19th c. quarter morocco
3877 Ovidius Naso (Publius): Ars amatoria. 40, 182 mm. Pf 9349 C A ( + i, p. 25) 1350 a-e8 f6; 46 leaves, the first presumably blank Wants the first leaf Armorial bookplate (Spencer quartering Ashton) of John Spencer (Franks 27715?): v. pedigree of Spencer of Cannon Hall in J. Hunter, South Yorkshire; the history and topography of the Deanery ofDoncaster, 11 (1831), p. 232. Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1947 18th c. calf [4257]
G E R A R D U S LEEU, 3rd press 3878 Gemmula vocabulorum. (Latin & Dutch) 40, 209 mm. 18 Sept. 1484 P9352 C A ( + n ) 7 8 7 a-z8 z,8 aa-cc8 dd6 ee 8 ; 230 leaves Wants the first leaf (title) 'Bibliothecae Rubeae Vallis.' Vergauwen 1 1250. Rustat Fund, 1884 Quarter calf, by Schavye
3879 Paulus, de Middelburgo: Prognostica ad xx annos duratura. 40, 196 mm. 28 Sept. 1484 P9353 CA1366 (note) ab 8 ; 16 leaves Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Formerly bound with nos 3759, etc. Modern quarter morocco
3880 Cato (Dionysius): Disticha. 40, 208 mm. 1 Mar. 1485 P*9356 H4717 GW6282 CA406 Wants the first leaf (title) Culemann 74A Worts Fund, 1870 Formerly bound with no. 3899. 19th c. half calf 3881
Another copy. 204 m m . Wants the first leaf (title) & the last (blank) 19th c. half calf
Albertanus: D e arte loquendi et tacendi. 4 0 , 190 m m . June 1485 Pf9357 GW537 CA61 a8 b 4 (not ab6, as GW): 12 leaves, the first perhaps blank Wants the first leaf Inglis. Rustat Fund, 1872 Bound (1) with no. 769. Polished calf, by W. Pratt
Poeniteas cito. 4 0 , 202 m m . 28 Jan. i486 P*9358 H11495 CA1130 a-c8 d4; 28 leaves 4 Liber fratris Johannis Brinckmanni Paderbornensis Anno dni 1545/ Painted arms on 2a: or, three ivy-leaves proper. Kloss. Given by F. Jenkinson, 1890 [334^] Paper boards (Kloss)
Albertanus: D e arte loquendi et tacendi. 4 0 , 180 m m . 1 Feb. i486 P9359 GW539 CA63 With variations from GW. ia, 1. 3: . . .multi errat / nee eft aliquis |; 10a, 1. 11: .. .qui michi donauit p*edicta ti | bi narrare vt ad... (1. 14) . . .bdxienfi... (1. 15) . . .fuoeu filiosu.. .Impseflum... (1. 17) ...£mafeb*uarij |; 10b, 1. 2: .. .impaefTa eft .:• | [Device: castle of Antwerp] Vergauweni 332. Rustat Fund, 1884 Modern quarter morocco [3347]
Cato (Dionysius): Disticha. 4 0 , 192 m m . 2 J u n e i486 GW 6283 CA 407 Bought, 1894 Modern half morocco
3886 Petrus, Hispanus: Summulae logicales [etc.], 40, 210 mm. 14 June i486 H 8698 Pol. 2298 CA 1394 Leaves 279-373 only (quire K to the end, without the last leaf), containing Tractatus vn-xn & Exponibilia; also 16 mutilated leaves of the missing quires from another copy, extracted from a binding Koninkl. Bibliotheek te Js Hage. Delprat 3274. Rustat Fund, 1872 Modern quarter morocco [3349~5o] 643
3887 Aesopus: Fabulae. F°, 275 mm. 26 Sept. i486 P9361 H329 GW349 CA26 Rustat Fund, 1873 Red morocco, by J. Mackenzie
3888 Samuel, Rabbi: Epistola ad Rabbi Isaac contra Judaeorum errores. 40, 190 mm. 18 Oct. i486 P*9362 CA1504 a8 b c6; 20 leaves 'J. F. Vandevelde.' Borluut de Noortdonck. De Meyer 173. Rustat Fund, 1869 19th c. calf
3889 Terentius (Publius), Afer: Vulgaria Terentii in Anglicanam linguam traducta. 4°, 196 mm. 22 Dec. i486 CA 1644 Duff 395 Sayle 125 Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (1) with nos 3486, 3479, 749, 2910, 3442, 2978, 3542, 2798, 645 & 4209. [3353] Modern half morocco
Psalter: Latin. 160, 101 mm. 31 Jan. 1487 P 9364 CA 541 [a]-o8 p4 A-K8 L4; 200 leaves Given by H. Bradshaw, 1868 Blue morocco, by Riviere
3891 Jordanus, de Quedlinburg: Meditationes de vita et passione Christi. 160, 106 mm. 25 July 1487 CA 1047 a-0 8 ; 112 leaves 'BibliothecaeJ. Niesert, past, in Velen 1817.' Culemann2i6. Worts Fund, 1870 Bound between MS. pieces (Add. MS. 677), 'Utile exercitium cottidianum' and 'Regula sancti Benedicti'. Contemporary stamped calf [335$]
3892 Bonaventura (St): Speculum B.V.M. 40, 206 mm. 2 Aug. 1487 P*9366 H7349 GW4819 CA1576 Wants f3 & f4 (supplied in contemporary MS.) and the last leaf (device) Rustat Fund, 1870 19th c. half calf
Another copy. 206 mm. W. J. Leighton. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Morocco, by Morrell
3894 Jacobus, de Gruytrode: Colloquium peccatoris et Jesu Christi [etc.]. 40, 212 mm. 19 Aug. 1487 P 9367 H 5488 CA465 AB 6 C 4 ; 16 leaves Culemann263. Worts Fund, 1870 Paper boards
Another copy. 208 mm. Bought, 1889 Modern half morocco
3896 Ludolphus, de Saxonia: Vita Christi. {Dutch.) F°, 269 mm. 3 Nov. 1487 P*9369 H10048 CA1181 a b 8 c-f6 g 8 h-z 6 z,6 96 A-L 6 aa-oo 6 ; 306 leaves *Dit boeck toe behoert die susteren van sinte claren tenchusen* (i.e. Enckhuizen). Enschede\ Rustat Fund, 1869 Vellum, over wooden boards, with clasps [33&0] 3897
Hoofkijn (Het) van devotien. 4 0 , 202 mm. 28 Nov. 1487 H8754 CA985 a-e6f4; 34 leaves Bought, 1864 19th c. half calf
[3361] 0
3898 Aristoteles. Auctoritates Aristotelis et aliorum philosophorum. 4 , 199 mm. 12 Sept. 1487 P9370 H1928 GW2810 CA190 18th c. quarter calf with flowered paper boards 3899
Another copy. 207 m m . Culemann 741. Worts Fund, 1870 Formerly bound with no. 3880. 19th c. half calf, rebacked
Another copy. 199 m m . Bound (6) with nos 3543, etc.
[3364] 0
A l b e r t a n u s : D e arte l o q u e n d i et tacendi. 4 , 201 m m . 1487
P9371 H4O3* GW542 CA65 With variations from GW. 7a (sig. b x ): nicis non multu loquarf ; 10a, 1. 24: .. .bdxienfi... (1. 25) ImpzefTus.. .in mercuriali oppido ant* | . . . Wants the first leaf (title) Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Formerly bound (1) with nos 3948, 1121, & 634, and with MS. Ff. 1. 19 (written by John Whetham of the London Charterhouse in 1492). Modern quarter morocco [3363] 3902
Another copy. 184 m m . With the same variations from GW, and in addition: ia: ([ Libellus... Royal Library, 1715 19th c. half calf
3903 Reynard the Fox. (Dutch.) 4 , 202 mm. CA (11) 977*
Seven leaves only, one with signature hiij; reproduced in facsimile in The Cambridge Reinaert fragments (Culemann fragments), ed. with an introduction & bibliography by K. Breul
(Cambridge, 1927) Culemann 434. Worts Fund, 1870 Modern half morocco
3904 Jesus Christ. Van die gheestelike kintscheyt Jesu ghemoraliseert. 8°, 126 mm. 16 Feb. 1488 P9373 H9781 CA1074 a-n8 o 4 ; 108 leaves De Meyer 169. Rustat Fund, 1869 18th c. green morocco
3905 Poeniteas cito. 4 , 205 mm. 1488 CA 1134 a b 6 [c 6 d 8 ; 26 leaves?] Wants the first leaf (title) and all after leaf 17 *N. H. Burns.' Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 19th c. diced calf 3906
M o r t i c e l l a r i u m a u r e u m . 4 , 193 m m . 20 Feb. 1488 P 9374 H* 11619 CA 1270 a8 b-p 6 q8 A-T 6 V 8 ; 222 leaves Acquired before 1700 Formerly bound with no. 3947. 18th c. calf
P s a l t e r : Latin.
8°, 133 m m . 29 M a r . 1488
CA 542 (this copy) [a]-n 8 ; 104 leaves, the first & last blank. 3a: 98x70mm., 24 lines, 2 cols. Type 5. Lombardic capitals 2a, col. 1: [ 6 ] I Eatus vir qui no abijt | in confilio impio1^: t in | via peccatoau no ftetit: | et in cathedaa peftilen* | tie no fedit ; 9a (sig. b x ): fugiu meu^ et liberator |; 103b, col. 2: Paefens pfalteriu fini | turn z, impsefTum eft in | mercuriaH opido Ant* | werpienfi bene t dilige I ter co*rectu3 Per me | Gerardu Leeu Anno | diii M.cccclxxxviij. | iiij. kaledas apdles.:. | ' W . H . H . N° 94.' Bought, 1870 [337i] 19th c. vellum 3908
A e s o p u s moralisatus. 4 0 , 201 m m . 14 M a y 1488 P*9375 H303 GW402 CA38 Vergauweni 880, with his purchase-note 'V. Gand 1842*. Sandars Bequest, 1894 19th c. quarter cloth [3372]
3909 Gemmula vocabulorum. [Latin & Dutch.) 40, 209 mm. 19 May 1488 CA (+1) 790 a8 b-y 6 z8 A-N 6 O P 8 ; 236 leaves On a label pasted inside the lower board: 'Lodevicus de merbeke alias gieliis investitus de oesterwiick', and 'Anthonus de millienhoue*. Inglis. Rustat Fund, 1871 Blue morocco, by J. Faulkner [3373]
3910 Aristoteles. Auctoritates Aristotelis et aliorum philosophorum. 40, 195 mm. 1 July 1488 Pf9376 H1929 GW2811 CA191 Rustat Fund, 1875 Stamped calf, by Claessens
Jordanus, de Quedlinburg: Meditationes de vita et passione Christi. 160, 102 m m . 20 N o v . 1488 H9445? CA1048 a-0 8 ; 112 leaves Vergauweni 249, with his purchase-note 'v.D.M. (i.e. Van der Meersch) 1842*. Sandars Bequest, 1894 Morocco, by Schavye [3375]
3912 Directorium Sarisburiense. 40, 208 mm. 1488 P*938o H6272 GW8457 CA1226 DufF29i Sayle 7808 Wants the last 30 leaves (quires s-v8 x 6 ) H. Sherbrooke. Bought (lot 539 at Sotheby's), 19 May 1887 (cf. Index of provenances) Stamped calf, by Hayday [337&]
3913 Dialogus Salomonis et Marcolfi. 40, 190 mm. H 14253 CA455 a 6 b 4 ; 10 leaves Given by Sir G. M. Humphry, 1876 19th c. half calf
3914 Flemings. Correptorium Flamingorum. 40, 196 mm. P9381 H*5762 GW7779 CA499 Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Formerly bound with nos 3759, etc. Modern quarter morocco
3915 Bridget (St): Opusculum vitae et passionis Christi [etc.]. 160, 101 mm. 3 Mar. 1489 P9382 GW4396(Anm.) CA 380 (note) Wants the last leaf (blank) Royal Library, 1715 18th c. half calf
3916 Albertus, Magnus: De virtutibus. 40, 196 mm. 14 Mar. 1489 P*9383 H478 GW705 CA77 'John GyfFord de Stansted me possidit.' Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (4) with nos 3789, etc. Modern half morocco
3917 Petrarca (Francesco): De secreto conflictu curarum suarum. 40, 194mm. 14 Mar. 1489 P*9384 H*i28oi CA1388 A-G 6 ; 42 leaves Rustat Fund, 1875 Stamped calf, by Claessens
3918 Poggio-Bracciolini (Gian Francesco): De nobilitate. 40, 172 mm. 18 Mar. 1489 P*9385 H* 13206 CA1427 aa 6 bb cc 4 ; 14 leaves Wants the last leaf Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Formerly bound with no. 107 (now Ee. 6. 20) in the list of Holdsworth MSS. Modern quarter morocco [3382]
3919 Poeniteas cito. 40, 198 mm. 17 Mar. I4[...] P9386 H11497 CA1133 a-c6 d 8 ; 26 leaves Wants the first leaf (title) & the last (blank) 'Collegii Societatis Iesu Luxemburgi/ Borluut de Noortdonck. Vergauwen 1 266. Stamp: E.Hv. J. M. Falkner. Given by A. F. Scholfield, 1932 19th c. half calf [373*]
3920 Alexander, de Villa Dei: Doctrinale. 40, 208 mm. Pf9387? GW1000? CA113? 1 a (unknown to GW): Textus alexandd cu fentencijs et coftructionibus. |; i b : blank; 9a (sig. bx) varies from GW: De fpecie p2imitiua et diriuatiua | Wants a2_7 and all after K6 An old vellum fly-leaf bound in at the end: 'Iste liber constat Waltero Slugg'; 'Rycharde Lawrans paide for thys boke'; and verses beginning 'Magne pater Thoma...' Many contemporary MS. notes in the margins and on inserted leaves. Bookplate of R. Cholmondeley, Condover Hall. Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 Formerly bound with Anwykyll, Compendium (Oxford, 1483, Duff 29) from the same collection and now in the Bodleian Library. Half morocco, by Zaehnsdorf [3354]
3921 Bernard (St),ofClairvaux: Homiliae super Missus est Gabriel [etc.]. 4°, 207 mm. P*9389 H 2864 = 2865 GW3933 CA 281 =280 'Gisbertus [...] Amstelredamensis.' Rustat Fund, 1870 19th c. half calf
3922 Petrarca (Francesco): Historia Griseldis. (Dutch,) 40 CA (1) 1387 A fragment of the title-page only, formerly pasted on the fly-leaf of no. 3333- ([ Die hifto^ie van der goect vsouwe gdfeldis die | een fpiegel is gheweeft van paciencie. | Capron 118 (note). Worts Fund, 1875 [33H] *** Pf 9390. Reattributed to Leeu's second press at Gouda. See nos 3406-8 3923
Proba Falconia: Vergilii centones. 4 0 , 193 m m . 12 Sept. 1489 P9391 H6906 CA737 a-d6 e2; 26 leaves Vergauwen 1 976. Rustat Fund, 1884 19th c. quarter calf
3924 Niger (Frandscus): Modus epistolandi. 40, 189 mm. 5 Dec. 1489 P 9392 H 11864 CA 1289 a-g 6 h 4 ; 46 leaves Wants leaf e6 Vergauweni 1123. Rustat Fund, 1884 19th c. quarter morocco
3925 Ordinancie (Die) van der munten. 40, 183 mm. n (?) Dec. 1489 Pf9392A Pol. 2776 CA (+1)1337 Bookplate: Quaero, monogram J C (Capron). Worts Fund, 1875. (Bradshaw's copy of the Capron catalogue has his annotation 'Bought for us' against no. 176. Campbell's note is therefore right, and Polain is wrong in claiming Capron 176 for the Bibliotheque Royale, Brussels) Cloth [3400]
3926 Caracciolus (Robertus): Sermones de laudibus sanctorum. 40, 200 mm. 1 Mar. 1490 P*9393 H*448i GW6058 CA 397 Given by H. Bradshaw, 1868 Vellum
Another copy. 185 mm. Bound (2) with nos 4007, etc.
P s a l t e r : Latin.
16 0 , 101 m m . 20 A p r . 1490
CA543 a-z8 z,8 98 A-E 8 ; 240 leaves Wants the first leaf Royal Library, 1715 i8thc. half calf 3929
S e v e n S a g e s . Historia septem sapientum R o m a e . 4 0 , 213 m m . 6 N o v . 1490 P*9394 H*8724 CA 950 a-h6 [i8; 56 leaves?] Quires a-h (48 leaves) only; the missing quire i is H 5611 (y. Campbell's note) Sandars Bequest, 1894 19th c. stamped morocco
N i c o l a u s , Pergamenus: Dialogus creaturarum. 4 0 , 202 m m . 11 A p r . 1491 P 9396 H 6130 CA 564 a6 a-0 6 ; 90 leaves De Meyer 437. Rustat Fund, 1869 Quarter calf, circa 1800
3931 Bonaventura (St): Legenda sancti Francisci [etc.]. (Dutch.) 8°, 133 mm. 28 June 1491 H7333 GW4664 CA334 Wants the first leaf (title) Dit buock hoert tot die claerrissen bynnen haerlem.' Koninklijke Bibliotheek te 's Hage. Delprat959. Rustat Fund, 1872 18th c. calf [3392]
3932 Bonaventura (Si): Dialogus animae et hominis interioris [etc.]. (Dutch.) 8°, 129 mm. 11 July 1491 H 3492 GW 4696 CA (1) 339a = 340 Wants leaves 1 & 6 Wetter (v. Campbell's note). Armorial bookplate: Sublimia euro (J. I. Doedes). Bought, 1898 19th c. half morocco [3393]
Horae: Dutch. 8°, 138 mm. 16 Aug. 1491 P9399 P(Tr)8 3 5A Wrongly catalogued by Campbell as a variant of his no. 839 Wants the last five leaves (150-54) 'bibliothecae fratrum Minorum Conventus Bruxellensis.' Bought (lot 1219 at Puttick's), 30 Aug. 1864 Modern half morocco over old marbled wrappers [3394]
3934 Anne (St). Historie, ghetijden ende exempelen van S. Anna. 8°, 123 mm. 17 Dec. 1491 H1119 GW1997 CA1508 Leaves 60-112 (h4-o8) only, containing the Ghetijden Van Coetsem. De Meyer 516. Rustat Fund, 1869 Formerly bound with no. 4000 (De Meyer 517), then re-bound in De Meyer 516 (see Bradshaw, Collected papers, p. 233). Modern half morocco [3395]
3935 Lefevre (Raoul): History of Jason. F°, 250 mm. 2 June 1492 H 7054 CA 1093 Duff 246 Sayle 126 Wants leaves 4, 5, 95 & 96 'Hanricum coldwell.' 'M. Umfray at the syne of the harpe in chep syde goldsmyth owys thys boke. T. Warley testis/ 'Thomam Umfray.' *Johannes Warley.' Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (2) with no. 4071. 19th c. half morocco [339$]
3936 Paulus, de Middelhurgo: Invectiva in quendam superstitiosum astrologum. 4°, 196 mm. P 9400 H* 11147 CA 1365 a 8 b 6 ; 14 leaves Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Formerly bound with nos 3759, etc. Modern quarter morocco
3937 Mary, the Blessed Virgin. Corona mystica B.V.M. 8°, 137 mm. 6 Oct. 1492 P*94Q3 H5752 GW7575 CA497 R. S. Turner. Rustat Fund, 1878 18th c. calf (by J. M. Fredericks of Malines? cf. no. 3604)
3938 Dionysius, Carthusianus: Exercitium de via purgativa. 160, 96 mm. 3 Dec. 1492 GW8413 CA581 'Ex Bibliotheca J. J. Lucas Col. Med. A[ntv.?] Socii.' Le Candele. Vergauwen 1 234. Rustat Fund, 1884 [3399] 18th c. quarter calf
3939 Chronicles of England. F°, 263 mm. 1493 P9406 H5001 GW6674 CA511 Duff 100 Saylei27 Wants all before b 4 , g x , g4_8, m 4 , o 8 , p 8 and all after x 3 ; the last leaf (z8) supplied in facsimile 'Win. Herbert/ W. H. Crawford. Given by S. Sandars, 1892 Russia, by T. Aitken [3401]
3940 Ars moriendi (Cum de praesentis exilii miseria). (Dutch.) 8°, 130 mm. GW2631 CA494 a-g8 h 4 ; 60 leaves 3b: (A3) Riftoteles int derde boeck | vande... Wants leaves 1, 2, 24 & 60 Bound (2) with no. 3662
M A T H I A S VAN D E R G O E S , 2nd press 3941
Aristoteles: Secreta secretorum. 40, 193 mm. Pf9408 GW2483 CA177 Wants the first leaf (blank) Given by S. Sandars, 1892 Quarter morocco, by G. Winstanley, Manchester
3942 Dandulo (Fantinus): Compendium catholicae fidei. 40, 192 mm. P9410 H*592i GW7901 CA523 Pictorial bookplate (Linnig 1 p. 35): Pietas homini tutissima virtus (J. B. Verdussen). Le Candele. Vergauwen 1 217. Rustat Fund, 1884 Vellum [3404]
3943 Bonaventura (St): Sermones quattuor novissimorum. 40, 190 mm. 21 June 1487 P9415 GW4806 CA1537 J. B. Inglis. British Museum duplicate, acquired by exchange, 1948 i&th c. calf 651
3944 Pius II: De duobus amantibus [etc.]. 40, 199 mm. 1488 P 9415A H235 CA (+1) 15 a-e6f4; 34 leaves Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Modern half morocco
3945 Aristoteles: Problemata (Omnes homines). 40, 186 mm. P9416 GW2458 CA179 Vergauweni 637. Rustat Fund, 1884 19th c. quarter calf
3946 Augustine (St): De virtute psalmorum. 40, 204 mm. P9417 H1978 GW3033 CA200 Bound in at the end is a MS. index of the incipits of the Psalms, in a contemporary hand Vergauweni 158. Rustat Fund, 1892 [3407] 19th c. quarter calf
3947 Jacobus, de Gruytrode: Colloquium peccatoris et Jesu Christi [etc.], 40, 193 mm. P9419 H*5486 CA464 Acquired before 1700 Formerly bound with no. 3906. Modern quarter morocco
Another copy. 202 m m . On the blank verso of the last leaf is a trial impression of an Image of Pity by Caxton (no. 4112) Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Unbound; formerly bound with nos 3901, etc.
3949 Confessionale pro scholasticis et aliis multum utile. 40, 200 mm. P 9420 CA 490=491 ab 8 ; 16 leaves Inglis. Rustat Fund, 1871 Morocco, by W. Pratt
3950 Dandulo (Fantinus): Compendium catholicae fidei. 40, 200 mm. P 9421 GW 7902 CA 524 Vergauweni 218, with his purchase-note 'V. a Gand 8bre 1835.. .Heber I 6 6 I \ Fund, 1884 Quarter vellum
Rustat [3411]
Mahomet II: Epistolae magni Turci. 40, 205 mm. P 9423. H* 10504 CA 680 ab 6 ; 12 leaves On the blank verso of the last leaf: ' Prophetia seu vaticinium de [Karolo erased] futuro francorum Rege scriptum... Rome anno domini Mocccc°lxxxiij° Vergauwenii 1069. Rustat Fund, 1884 [3412] 19th c. quarter calf
3952 Michael, Scotus: Liber physiognomiae. 40, 192 mm. P9425 P(Tr) 1510A Rustat Fund, 1892 Vellum
[3413] 0
Stella clericorum. 4 , 209 mm. P 9425 A CA 1605 a8 b 6 ; 14 leaves 'J. F. Vandevelde.' Acquired between 1854 & 1863 Modern quarter morocco over Vandevelde's blue wrappers
3954 Thomas (St), Aquinas: De vitiis et virtutibus. 40, 207 mm. P 9426A H 1394 CA 1661 ab 6 ; 12 leaves * Collegij societatis Jesu BruxelhV 'J. F. Vandevelde.' Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1939 [4203] Modern quarter morocco over Vandevelde's blue wrappers
3955 Ferrariis (Albertus de): De horis canonicis. 40, 195 mm. P 9427 CA 96 a-d 6 ; 24 leaves Bound (3) with nos 855, etc.
[3414] 0
3956 Albertus, Magnus: Secreta mulierum et virorum. 4 , 192 mm. GW737 CA87 With variations from GW. ia: (S9) Cribit philofophus philofo | phoaum painceps. quarto ethi I cojum...; ib, 1. 17: . . .viroai... (1. 20) [ 6] Ilecto fibi in crifto... (1. 23) vite paefentis... (1. 26) . . .fecretomm muHerum v t . . . ; 9a (sig. b x ): . . .fanguis non flueret quotidie et co- |; 48a, 1. 7: . . . Sed caloa... (1. 17) fanctomm.. .feculoaum. | . . . Rustat Fund, 1892 Vellum [3415\
3957 Guilelmus, de Gouda: Expositio missae. 40, 190 mm. CA881 a-c6 d4; 22 leaves Wants c3 & c4 Inglis. Rustat Fund, 1871 Calf, by W. Pratt
[3416] 0
3958 Jacobi (Johannes): Regimen contra pestilentiam. 4 , 199 mm. CA 1067
a6; 6 leaves, the last probably blank Wants the last leaf Bound (2) with nos 443, etc.
[3417] 0
3959 Poggio-Bracciolini (Gian Francesco): Facetiae. 4 , 202 mm. i486 HC 13191 CA 1430 Wants leaves e^, e6 and the last (perhaps blank) 'Liber Morgani Johns.' 'This is John Wyllyam is Boke/ 'Vindicat hunc codicem Joh. nomine Watkins.' Bought (lot 597 at Puttick's), 19 July 1894 [3418] 19th c. morocco
3960 Stella clericorum. 4 , 192 mm. CA1604 a 8 b 6 ; 14 leaves De Meyer 102. Rustat Fund, 1869 19th c. quarter morocco
3961 Albertus, Magnus: Liber aggregationis [etc.]. 40, 193 mm. H* 5 27 GW654 Regimen sanitatis begins on 38 a, not on 37b, as GW Given by S. Sandars, 1893 Bound (1) with no. 3962. Vellum
3962 Albertus, Magnus: Liber aggregationis [etc.]. 40, 193 mm. GW 659 (Anm.) CA 79 Quires h-k (leaves 41-56) only, containing Quaestiones naturales philosophorum Bound (2) with no. 3961 [34202]
3963 Bonaventura (St): Opuscula. 40, 202 mm. H3572 GW4645 CA350 Bookplate of F. O. B[eggi]. Sir J. P. Hennessy. From the library of F. Jenkinson, 1923 19th c. half morocco [3422] 3964
G e m m u l a vocabulorum. (Latin & Dutch.) 4 0 , 206 m m . 14 Feb. 1487 CA789 a-z8 A-L8; 272 leaves Wants leaves x3_6 Inglis. Rustat Fund, 1871 Morocco, by J. Faulkner
3965 Albertus, Magnus: Liber aggregationis [etc.]. 40, 208 mm. GW660 CA80 Wants the last leaf (blank) *T. Kerrich, M.C.C., 1827 May n t h . ' J. Hirst. Rustat Fund, 1887 Modern quarter morocco using the old boards
3966 Aristoteles: Problemata (Omnes homines). 40, 210 mm. G W 2459 (inaccurate) CA 181
ia, 1. 2: .. .co*= I p o r u . . . ; 2a, 1. 2: [ 9]Mnes hoies...(1. 5)...ta-1 l i s . . . ; 40a, 1. 9: . . . Cuifig,I dem conditori totius vniuerfi... ' Vanderburch' (with arms painted on ib). Vergauwen 1 721. Rustat Fund, 1884 Half roan, by Schavye [3427] 3967
Another copy. 188 m m . From the library of F. Jenkinson, 1923 Modern half morocco
3968 Nicolaus, de Hanapis: Biblia pauperum. 40, 209 mm. 1491 H35t>3 CA332 a-h 6 i 4 ; 52 leaves 'Pertinet monasterio bethleem prope louanium.' Phillipps 2192 (lot 95, March 1895). From the library of F. Jenkinson, 1923 Bound with Add. MS. 6453 (several tracts of Bonaventura in the hand of Peter de Ympens, [343<>] dated 1486-91). Contemporary stamped calf, rebacked
3969 Bonaventura (St): De praeparatione ad missam. 40, 179 mm. P 9428A GW4672 CA353 Rene de la Faille. Rustat Fund, 1878 19th c. quarter morocco
3970 Hugo, de Sancto Caro: Speculum ecclesiae [etc.], 40, 190 mm. CA 1007 a 6 b 4 c 6 ; 16 leaves Wants the first leaf (title) In this edition the work normally known as Speculum ecclesiae is called Speculum sacerdotum, while the short appendix to it normally known as Speculum sacerdotum is called Aliud speculum sacerdotum Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Formerly bound with no. 90 (now Ee. 6. 30) in the list of Holdsworth MSS. Modern [3432] quarter morocco
3971 Thomas (St), Aquinas: De modo confitendi [etc.]. 40, 197 mm. CA 1664 Pol. 3702 Quires e-h (leaves 25-46) only, containing De officio sacerdotis and Expositio missae Koninkl. Bibliotheek te 's Hage [3433] 19th c. quarter calf
3972 Datus (Augustinus): De variis loquendi figuris. 40, 201 mm. GW 8075 The quires are signed e-g. The missing quires a-d presumably contained Elegantiolae Bound (2) with no. 3356 [3434]
3973 Nider (Johannes): De contractibus mercatorum. 40, 210 mm. H11824 CA1285 a-d 6 ; 24 leaves W. H. J. Wegg. Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1941 Wrappers
3974 Aristoteles: Secreta secretorum [etc.]. 40, 195 mm. GW2485 P(Tr)i727A Quires d-g (leaves 15-36) only, containing Arnoldus de Villa Nova, Regimen sanitatis R. S. Hopper, M.D. C. W. Reynell. Bought, 1895 19th c. calf [3435]
CLAES LEEU 3975 Jacobus, de Gruytrode: Colloquium peccatoris et Jesu Christi [etc.]. 40, 196 mm. 17 May 1488 P*943i H9296 CA466 a b 6 c 4 ; 16 leaves Rustat Fund, 1875 Stamped calf, by Claessens
3976 Ludolphus, de Saxonia: Vita Christi. (Dutch.) F°, 264 mm. 20 Nov. 1488 P9432 H10049 CA1183 [#4 #*6] a8 b-r 6 z6 f6 s6 t6 v 6 u-z 6 t6 96 A-Y 6 aa-pp 6 ; 402 leaves 'Ex importantia domus Stae Catharinae Cartusiae Lijranae' (i.e. Lierre). ' B . Walekiert, Bruxelles, 10/1802/ De Meyer 25 ('De la bibl. du philologue Willems'). Rustat Fund, 1869 18th c. calf [3437]
GOVAERT B A C 3977 Johannes, de Lapide: Resolutorium dubiorum. 8°, 130 mm. 1495 P9434 H9911 CA1036 [a]-d 8 e 4 f-i 8 k 4 ; 72 leaves Wants the last leaf (device) Quarter calf, circa 1800
3978 Dympna (St). Legenda sanctae Dympnae. 40, 182 mm. 1496 P9435 H6523 CA 1098 ([i]-iij)6; 6 leaves Vergauwenn 188. Rustat Fund, 1884 Half roan, by Schavye 3979
A n o t h e r c o p y . 200 m m . Gaselee 217 Ashburnham. C. F. Murray. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Red morocco, by Hayday
3980 Beysselius (Jodocus): Rosacea Mariae corona [etc.]. 40, 207 mm. P9443 H* 3026 = 5753 GW4194 CA 288 = 287 Vergauwen 1 469. Rustat Fund, 1892 19th c. quarter morocco
*** P 9444. 16th century. See N K n 3138
3981 Hese (Johannes de): Itinerarius [etc.], 40, 187mm. P 9446 CA 1034 a 8 b 4 c 6 d 4 ;22leaves Bought, 1869 19th c. vellum
3982 Wert (Wilhelm): Lilium grammaticae. 40, 179 mm. P9447 P ( T r ) i 7 9 i C Wants leaves 1 (title), 12 & 13 Inglis. British Museum duplicate, acquired, by exchange, 1948 Calf, by W. Pratt
3983 Plenarium: Dutch. 40, 206 mm. 3 July 1496 CA706 a-z6 z,6 96 A-Q 6 R4 S 6 ; 256 leaves Wants leaves 1 (title) & 249-50 (R3,4) Quire S (table) is bound first and is followed by 48 leaves of MS. (the narratives of the Passion and gospels for various days), ending with an inscription: *Dit boeck hoert int ghemeen int conuent van sinte maria maddalene en dit ewangely boeck is ghecomen van suster weyn Jans en sy heeftet myt haer selfts hant ghescreuen dat hier vaer staet. byt vaer haer/ On leaf S2: 'Dit boeck hoert toe suster aryaen walrawens dochter wonende tot magdalenen te Utrecht.' Rustat Fund, 1904 Contemporary stamped calf, defective; vellum MS. (liturgical, c. 1400), lining the boards [3443] 0
3984 Tundalus: De raptu animae Tundali. (Dutch.) 4 , 203 mm. CA 1690 a6 b 8 c4 d 6 ; 24 leaves. 3a: 140 x 89 mm., 28 lines. Types 2 (title), 1 (text) ia: Hier beghint dat bouck | van Tondalus vifioen | [woodcut] |; i b : blank; 2a: ([ Hier begint die tafel van tondalus vyfioen | Va Tondalus vifioen. efi hoe dat fijn fiele wt | finen hchame genomen was | . . . ; 2b: ([ Hier beghint een bouc ende is van Tondal91 vifioen Ende hoe fijn fiele vten lichame gheno | men was | (i2)Nt iaers os heere. M.c.efi.xhx. welc iaer | was dat vierde iaer van Eugenius...; 7a (sig. b x ): die mont gehoott geween va een grote menich |; 24a, 1. 16: die fe lefen oft hoo*en lefen fullen. Amen | ([ Hier eyndt dat bouck van Tondalus vifioe | eii hoe fijn fiele wt finen lichame genome was | en hoe hij weder o leuendich wart. Ghep*ent | tantdwerpen by my Gouaert back |; 24b: [Device (Holtrop, Mon. typ., pi. 107 C2)] Inglis. Heber, with his purchase-note: '...Inglis's Sale 1826 2*18*0 Th. - 9 - 3*8*0.' Sylvain van de Weyer. Given by J. Charrington, 1917 19th c. stamped morocco [3444]
3985 Saliceto (Guilelmus de): De salute corporis [etc.]. 40, 206 mm. H* 14151 CA 1494 a-d6; 24 leaves Vergauweni 512. Rustat Fund, 1884 Half roan, by Schavye
3986 Epistola de miseria curatorum. 40, 170 mm. H6609 GW9363 CA679 a8; 8 leaves 'Biblioth. G. J. de Servais.' Vergauweni 381, with his purchase-note: 'V. Gand 1842.... Catal. Rymenans N. 614/ Rustat Fund, 1884 18th c. calf (by J. M. Frederichs of Malines? cf. no. 3604) [344&] oc
3987 Epistola de miseria curatorum. Another copy. 176 mm. From the library of H. Bradshaw, presented by his friends, 1887 18th c. calf
Another copy. 184 mm. Bound (2) with nos 3561, etc.
3989 Casus papales, episcopales et abbatiales. 40, 197 mm. GW6207 CA402 'Lauson pertinet.' Rustat Fund, 1868 Formerly bound with nos 2942 (q.v.) & 2946. 18th c. calf
Another copy. 204 mm. Fore-edges defective * Liber Cuthberti Sherbroke Rectoris de Rockelande infra decanatum de Broke Norwicen. diocesis ex dono Thome Cappe decretorum doctoris eiusdem dioc/ Lot 446s at Sotheby's, 28 June 1912 (Sherbrooke Library at Oxton Hall, Southwell). Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 19th c. vellum [4094)
3991 Albertanus: De arte loquendi et tacendi. 40, 174 mm. GW 558 CA 68 NK11 2259 [circa 1501] Wants the first leaf (title) & the last (device) Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Formerly bound with no. 107 (now Ee. 6. 20) in the list of Holdsworth MSS. Modern quarter morocco [345o\
3992 Frederick III. Frederici tertii obitus. 40, 178 mm. Pell. 4930 Ex libris Gualteri Sneyd. A bookplate: monogram M T in a circle beneath a cross of Lorraine, all white on a brown ground (M. Tomkinson). W. H. J. Wegg. Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1941 19th c. stamped calf [4211]
3993 Jesus Christ. Passio domini. 8°, 137 mm. CA 1360 [a8] b 4 ; 12 leaves W. H. J. Wegg. Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1941 Modern morocco
T H I E R R Y M A R T E N S , 3rd press 3994 Garlandia (Johannes de): Synonyma. 40, 186 mm. 21 July 1493 P9451 P(Tr) 1030A Duffi59 * Thomas Bryan Richards 5 March 1802.' British Museum duplicate, acquired by exchange, 1948 [4284] Modern quarter morocco
3995 Franciscus (Michael), de Insulis: Quodlibetica decisio de septem doloribus B.V.M. 40, 176 mm. P* 9452 H* 7347 = 7348 CA 760 ([I]-III)6 A-E 8 F 6 ; 52 leaves, the last blank Wants the first leaf (title) & the blank Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Formerly bound with no. 107 (now Ee. 6. 20) in the list of Holdsworth MSS. 19th c. [3456] half calf
Another, variant, copy* 184 mm. CA 760 (note) The original leaf46 cut away and replaced by a cancel having {recto) a new setting of the text, and (verso) an apology by the author instead of the printer's device. See Bradshaw, Collected papers, p. 234 Wants F6, containing Officium de doloribus B. V.M. 'Sum Leonardi Schaerts Pastoris Cortracen. 1640* [3457] 19th c. half calf
3997 Gemma vocabulorum. (Latin & Dutch.) 40, 188 mm. 20 Sept. 1494 CA780 a-z 6 1 6 A-O 6 P 4 Q-T 6 ; 256 leaves Wants the last leaf (device) 'Wilhelmus. [traie erased] Hasselt.' Vergauweni 1253. Rustat Fund, 1884 i8thc. calf
3998 Losa (Alphonsus de): Admissio in confraternitatem S. Jacobi in Compostella. Broadside, 362 x 288 mm. Pf 9454-5 P(Tr) 141B, C Einblattdrucke 866, 868 With two variant settings on the one sheet. One setting appears to be P(Tr) 141B; both settings read ' p ' & 'arris' in 1. 3 and 'coftitutoV in 1. 4- One has 'Fotma' in 1. 21 and 'In nomine* in 1. 24; the other has 'Foaoma' and 'In nonine* Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 [4096-7]
A D R I A E N VAN LIESVELT 3999 Horae ad usum Trajectensem. 8°, 137 mm. 'xiii Id. Junii', 1495 CA990 [*4] a-c 8 ; (lombards) D-G 8 ; (gothic) A-L 8 M 4 ; 152 leaves The title-page varies from Campbell: Hoaariu bte Marie vginis cum | multis ac varijs Ozonibus. | [Woodcut of the Annunciation] | Given by H. Bradshaw, 1884 Morocco, by Morrell [3459]
4000 Anne (St). Historie, ghetijden ende exempelen van S. Anna. 8°, 123 mm. 1 Sept. 1496 H1120 GW1998 CA962 Quires A-E (Historie) & K-M (Exempelen) only; wants Alt E 8 & Kx_5 Van Coetsem. De Meyer 517. Rustat Fund, 1869 Formerly bound with no. 3934 (q-v.). 19th c. quarter calf 659
[34&o] 42-2
R O L A N T VAN D E N D O R P 4001 Chronike van Brabant. F°, 246 mm. 28 Feb. 1497 Pf9459 H5004 GW6667 CA508 Wants blf h 4 (blank) and all C Koninkl. Bibliotheek te YHage Vellum
GHENT A R E N D DE KEYSERE, 2nd press 4002 Guilelmus, Alvemus: Rhetorica divina [etc.]. 40, 213 mm. 22 Aug. 1483 P*946o H8306 CA905 a-p 8 q 10 ; 130 leaves, the first blank Wants a3_6 (supplied in contemporary MS.) and the blank Bought, 1870 Formerly bound with nos 2915^ 2926 & 3405. Contemporary pink leather
4003 Boethius (A. M. T. S.): De consolatione philosophiae. (Latin & Dutch.) F°, 390 mm. 3 May 1485 P*946i H3400 GW4574 CA322 With illuminations at the beginning of each book. Duke of Sussex. Given by H. Bradshaw, 1870 Contemporary stamped calf, repaired; the quires were originally guarded with the strips of the Oudenarde indulgence (no. 3872) [3464]
Another copy. 356 mm. Wants the blank leaves 1, 12, 13 & 360 Worts Fund (in exchange with Quaritch for Culemann 275), 1870 18th c. calf, with crest (a dolphin beneath a coronet) on the spine
4005 HoraeB.V.M. 8°, 138 mm. C A (11) 985 d Conway, Woodcutters of the Netherlands, pp. 350-56
Fragments only; 21 leaves (of which 3 are duplicates), including one signed H and all quire S8. Vergauwen. Rustat Fund, 1884 Unbound [3466]
UNKNOWN PLACES 4006 Jacobus, de Voragine: Legenda aurea. (French.) F°, 378 mm. P 8802 [France] Pol. 2224 TFS I9ookk Wants the first leaf (blank or title) * Thomas Knyvett.' Royal Library, 1715 Calf, circa 1700, defective
P R I N T E R OF L ' O R A I S O N D U S A I N T E S P R I T 4007 Michael, de Hungaria: Sermones praedicabiles. 40, 185 mm. Pol. 2695 TFS 190000 With variations from Polain: 11 a, 1. 4: . . .diligit...; 99a, 1. 4: . . .Oxome | lis Cantabsigie... Leaves 1 & 114 unknown to Polain: 1: blank; 114a, 1. 3: ...Quam nobis cocedatqui | fine fine viuit et regnat. Amen. | Etfieeftfinisfitlaus et gknia trinis. Amen. |; 114b: blank 'Balthasar Gilles (?) Antverpiensis.' *J. D. H[eaton]. 1845', with his bookplate. Bought, 1897 [2765] Bound (1) with nos 3927 & 868. Old calf
4008 Augustine (St): Explanatio psalmorum. F°, 284 mm. P* 8807 [France] GW 2908 (1) Prima quinquagena only; wants the first & last leaves (blank) *C. Lloyd/ Bought, 1919 Contemporary stamped calf, rebacked; vellum MS. (English, 12th c , liturgical) lining the boards [2757]
Another copy. 282 mm. Gaselee 201 Prima quinquagena only; wants the blank leaves 1 & 7 and perhaps the last blank as well 'Conventus P. Mrm. Durstenae. anathema auferenti.' G. Dunn. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 [4°73] Stamped red morocco, by Leighton
4010 Lucianus, Samosatensis: Charon. 4 0 , 210 mm. Pf 8808 [France] H 10271 a10; 10 leaves, the first blank. 3a: 136 x 83 mm., 30 lines. Type: Woolley 387 2a: Luciani dyalogus. q infcribif maio* . Caron | latin9 g phiniciu denuo fact9 ad reueendums | paemdfimjohanem cardinalemoanenfemin | cipit feliciter |.P*ologus | . . . ; 2b, 1.19: Incpit dyalogus cni9 interlocutoses pmi fut | Mercurius. et Caron Mercuri9 | 2 9 [ ] Vid rides, o C a r o . . . ; 10a, 1. 8: Luciani dyalog q infcribitur makn . Caro. | latin9 g phyniciu denuo factus ad reueredifli | mum paeni dnm johem Cardinale Epni mozi | nenfem finit fehciter | Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern mottled calf [4074]
PRINTER OF M E N S A PHILOSOPHICA 4011 Jerome (St). Vita et transitus sancti Hieronymi. 40, 198 mm. Pf 8814 [France] GW 9453 (Anm.) Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Formerly bound (2) with nos 3683, etc. Modern half morocco
Gerson (Johannes): Opus tripartitum. 40, 204 mm. P 8815 [France] Cop. 2676 Pol. 1621 1 a, 1. 5: [ 4 ] Riftianitatis... (not as Polain) Wants the last leaf (blank) Given by H. Bradshaw, 1868 19th c. quarter morocco
A n o t h e r copy. 192 m m . Wants the first & last leaves (blank) Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1943 Modern half morocco
Gerson (Johannes): De modo vivendi omnium fidelium [etc.], 40, 195 mm. Cop. 2682 Pol. 1617 a-c8 d6; 30 leaves, the first blank Bookplate: Torcular calcavi solus (J. P. Madden). Bought, 1890 18th c. quarter calf
Burley (Walter): De vita et moribus philosophorum. 40, 197 mm. GW 5792 Wants the first & last leaves (blank) *Emi Insulis in Flandria Gallica: 2 Sept. 1805.. .Wijnt.' Given by H. Bradshaw, 1868 18th c. calf [2763]
Another copy. 183 m m . Wants the last blank 'Mason's [...] coll. & perf.' (Heber's note). Adams Bequest, 1892 18th c. calf
Another copy. 189 m m . Wants k3_6 and the blanks; kx> 2j 7 & 8 duplicated 'M*" Giocchino.' Rustat Fund (lot 3602 at Hodgson's), 27 March 1914 18th c. calf, uniform with no. 3264 (q.v.)
AUSTRIA-HUNGARY TRENT HERMANN SCHINDELEYP 4018 Caffa. L'aspra crudelta del Turco a quegli di Caffa. 40, 188 mm. P 9462 BM in 805 GW 5882 [Vicenza, L. Achates] Dolch p. 3 [Kunne] British Museum duplicate, transferred 1889 Paper boards
VIENNA P R I N T E R OF T H E V O C A B O L I S T A (STEPHAN KOBLINGER?) 4019 Gerson (Johannes): Doctrina de confessione et absolutione. 40, 209 mm. 1482 H 7662 Dolch p. 9 Franz Trau (lot 554, Vienna, 7-10 Nov. 1934). Given by J. Charrington, 1935 Paper boards
4020 Innocent VIII: Bulk canonisationis S. Leopoldi (Sacrosanctam matrem ecclesiam). 40, 217 mm. P 9471 BM in 809 Dolch pp. 12-13 A variant of Dolch's 9b, with the first leaf signed ' A ' (cf. BM note) Note by Gaselee: 'I believe that this is one of some 30 copies which were found, new— a "remainder"—by a German bookseller early this year [1926]' Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern vellum [4098]
JOHANN WINTERBURG 4021 Datus (Augustinus): Elegantiolae. 40, 204 mm. P 9478 BM in 812 H* 5975 GW 8106 Dolch p. 101 'Dr Langer's copy.' Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Paper boards
4022 Astesanus, de Ast: Textus canonum poenitentialium. 40, 200 mm. P 9478 A BM in 812 H 4343 GW 2748 Dolch p. 98 'Dr Langer's.' Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern half vellurr
4023 Henricus, de Hassia: Secreta sacerdotum. 40, 202 mm. P9479 BM in 812 H*8376 Dolch p. 104 *Dr Langer's copy.' Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern half morocco
4024 Cultrificis (Engelbertus): Defensorium privilegiorum fratrum mendicantium. 4°, 215 mm. P*948i BM in 812 H*6o87 GW 7850 Dolch p. 102 *Dr Langer's copy/ Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Wrappers
[4104] 0
4025 Mary, the Blessed Virgin. Privilegia sanctissimae virginis Mariae. 4 , 211 mm. P9485 BM in 813 H* 13368 Dolch p. i n Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Paper boards
Gaselee 218 [4105]
4026 Talmud. Objectiones in dicta Thalmut. 40, 198 mm. P9487 BM in 813 H* 15229 Dolch p. 108 Gaselee 219 Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern half morocco
Another copy. 200 mm. 'Horwood.' Adams Bequest, 1892 Modern half morocco
4028 Wimpheling (Jakob): Defensio immunitatis et libertatis ecclesiasticae. 4°, 205 mm. P 94.88 BM in 813 H* 6080 Dolch p. 101 Gaselee 220 Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern half morocco
4029 Celtes (Conradus): Oeconomia. 40, 200 mm. P9489 BM in 813 H4843 GW6465 Dolch p. 99 Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1940 Paper boards
4030 Peurbach (Georg): Algorismus. 40, 186 mm. P 9489A BM m 813 H* 13600 Dolch p. n o , no. 137 Acquired before 1853 Paper boards 4031
A n o t h e r c o p y . 4 0 , 189 m m . *Dr Langer's copy.' Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Paper boards
4032 Albertus, Magnus: Liber aggregationis [etc.]. 40, 189 mm. H* 526 GW 629 Dolch p. 121 Given by F. Jenkinson, 1908 Paper boards
4033 Gruenpeck (Joseph): Prognosticon. 40, 201 mm. 1496 H 8087 Dolch p. 40, no. 15 a Wants the last leaf Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Modern quarter morocco
4034 Muntz (Johann): Tabula minutionum super meridiano Budensi MCCCCXCV. Broadside, 430 x 275 mm. H 11173 Dolch p. 38 Einblattdrucke 1023 The text slightly cropped on the left-hand side Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934
BRONN C O N R A D STAHEL & MATHIAS P R E U N L E I N 4035 Missale Ordinis Eremitarum S. Pauli. F°, 317 mm. .. .b-n 8 [o6 * 4] p-z 8 A-H 8 1 1 0 K 8 j 6 . Leaf b 2 a: 230 x 160mm., 35 lines, 2 cols. Types: 133^, I33 B , 191 (Canon). Lombardic initials Wants all before b 2 , and b 4 , b 5 , n 8 , j 5 & j 6 b2a (fol. ij): ducamur. g eund. [red] poft co. | (A2) [black] nime nre qs ops de9. | hoc potiaf defiderio. | . . . ; [o 6 a]: [ 6 ] E igitur clementiflime pater per | ihefu dniftufiliu tuum dorninu | noftrum fupplices rogamus et | petimus. vti accepta habeas et | benedicas. hec do na ; I 3 b (fol. ccxliij), col. 2,1. 6: . . .vita illoaum CU3 no- | mine et pfeflio fentiatur in I opere. Per dnm. |; I 4 a: [red] De bta ygie in aduetu dni | [black] [ 3 ] Ittit ad virgine^ | no queuis angelu ; j 4 b , col. 1,1. 21: . . . [red] E [black] t expecto refurrectione | mostuoau. [red] E [black] t vita3 venturi fecu | li. Amen. | Armorial bookplate of an ecclesiastic: Vigila tie devoreris. *H. Bradshaw. From H. R. Luard. Easter, 1884/ Given by H. Bradshaw, 1885 18th c. red morocco [839]
KUTTENBERG M A R T I N OF T I S C H N I O W A 4036 Bible: Czech F°, 291 mm. 14 Nov. 1489 P9495 BM in 816 H3162 GW4324 One leaf only (E10) Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934
OLMUTZ MATHIAS P R E U N L E I N 4037 [A Latin grammar.] F° Gaselee 221 (identifying types: 2, with some capitals from 1, & 3) A fragment only; part of two conjoint leaves, one beginning (verso): Verba in oz quomodo paeteritam[...] | Titulus fextus | Sctendu (£ illud ybu^ eft pafllui generis quod in o* definens...; (text) [ ] Afliuu verbu coe ve de quocp ponens/ | In tus: cms: fus: xus: gfectu tradere pofTunt. | . . . Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 [4110]
P o d i o (Guilelmus de): Ars musicoruiti. F°, 300 m m . 11 Apr. 1495 H 13151 Haebler 551 Vindelm p. 117 'Conde's Sale by Evans July 1824...' Old limp vellum; fragments of MS. at beginning and end (14th c.)
SARAGOSSA P R I N T E R OF B E R N A R D U S DE P A R E N T I N I S (HEINRICH BOTEL) 4039 Aristoteles: Ethica ad Nicomachum [etc.]. 2 vols. F°, 298 mm. GW 2371 Haebler (+11) 34 Vindel iv p. 6 In Vindel's opinion (pp. XVI-XVIII) this book was not printed in Spain. The misprint 'SSd' reproduced in his facsimile of leaf 112a (1. 31) has been corrected in this copy Wants leaves 1, 2 & 8 (all blank) of Ethica ' From the library of H. A. J. Munro' [3472-3] Modern half morocco
Alfonso, de Palencia: Vocabulario en latin y en romance. F°, 282 mm. 1490 H 12275 GW 1267 Haebler 510 Vindel v p. 64 One leaf only (rr2)
Madrigal (Alfonso de), el Tostado: Floretum S. Matthaei.
[3709] 2 vols. F°,
405 m m . 30 Sept. 1491 P 9521 H* 15581 Haebler 388 Vindel v p. 90 Vol. 1 has 268 leaves (not 270, as Haebler) Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1942 19th c. leather 666
4042 Lanfrancus, Mediolanensis: Cirurgia menor. F°, 271 mm. 15 May 1495 P 9523 A H 9881 Haebler 349 Vindel v p. 205 Wants the first leaf (title) Bought, 1897 Old vellum
4043 Leyes del quaderno nuevo de las rentas, de las alcabalas y franquezas. F°, 299 mm. Haebler 178 Vindel vm pp. 46 & 315 [P. Hagembach, Toledo, after 1500] Wants one of the last two blank leaves Given by S. Sandars, 1892 Cloth
4044 Mena (Juan de): Las trescientas. F°, 278 mm. 28 Aug. 1499 HR 11072 Haebler 414 Vindel v p. 330 The commentator's epilogue, which immediately precedes the colophon, ends on 190b, 1.13 (not 190a, 1. 44, as Haebler) Wants leaf o 8 Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1939 Old vellum [4208]
MEINARDUS U N G U T & STANISLAUS P O L O N U S 4045 Diaz de Montalvo (Alonso): Repertorium legum Castellae. F°, 296 mm. 10 Feb. 1496 H 11563 GW 8291 Haebler 212 (with variations) Vindel v p. 235 J. P. R. Lyell. Given by J. Charrington, 1938 Contemporary (?) stamped calf, rebacked
BARCELONA P E D R O POSA 4046 Degui (Pedro): Janua artis Raimondi Lullii. 40, 175 mm. 25 Feb. 1482 Haebler 191 Vindel 1 p. 52 [a b 8 ]; 16 leaves, the last presumably blank. The text begins on ia (cf. Haebler & Vindel) Wants the last leaf Given by J. Charrington, 1921 Modern vellum [3476]
4047 Eymerici (Nicolaus): Breviloquium logicae. 8°, 150 mm. 1498 GW 9544 Vindel vm p. 119 See The Library, 4th ser., in (1922-3), pp. 304-6 Wants the first & last leaves (blank?) Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 Old limp vellum, with leather ties
PETER MICHAEL 4048 Bonaventura (St): Meditationes vitae Christi. (Latin & Spanish.) F°, 271 mm. a b 8 c-m 12 ; 136 leaves The Latin & Spanish texts in parallel columns; the Latin appears to be the same setting of type as the same printer's Latin edition of 16 July 1493 (P 9548, GW 4751, Vindel 1 p. 124 with reduced facsimile) Wants g 12 , h x , h 12 , \l9m1Sc m6_12 Sir T. Phillipps (lot 38, 17 June 1935). Given by J. Charrington, 1935 Old limp vellum [4138]
JOHANN ROSENBACH 4049 Catalonia. Constitutions de Cathalunya. F°, 286 mm. 14 Feb. 1494 H 5669 Haebler 167 Vindel 1 p. 150 On vellum Sandars Bequest, 1894 19th c. calf, with sides of contemporary stamped calf inlaid
LERIDA HEINRICH BOTEL 4050 Mila (Luis de): Indulgencia. (Catalan.) Broadside, 317x220 mm. Haebler (11) 433 (3) Vindel 1 p. 211 The two variant settings on a folio half-sheet Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934
SALAMANCA P R I N T E R OF A N T O N I U S NEBRISSENSIS GRAMATICA C A S T E L L A N A 4051 Antonius, Nebrissensis: Introductorium in Cosmographiam Melae. 40, 205 m m . GW 2236 Haebler (+n) 479 Vindel 11 p. 150 With variations from GW; 9a (sig.b): ..; 14b, 1.15:.. .horologiufciotericu... (1. 16) . . . ciuitaf.. .vrbs | Heitland Fund, 1948 Green morocco, by Riviere [4290]
ZAMORA A N T O N I O DE C E N T E N E R A 4052 Indulgence for the cathedral at Oviedo. Broadside, 108 x 148 mm. GW 102 Haebler 571 Einblattdrucke 57 On vellum
ZAMORA; BURGOS; PAMPLONA; MONTSERRAT The words unknown to GW read, in this copy: 1. i : deu.. . n o t u . . . ; 1. 26 has 'couceflV (not 'conceflit', as GW) The edition reproduced by Vindel (11 p. 262) is quite different (y. VIII p. 195) Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1935
BURGOS F R I E D R I C H BIEL 4053 Carrillo de Albornoz (Alfonso): Respuesta sobre la exposicion de la missa [etc.], 40, 209 mm. GW 6135 Haebler (11) 122 (5) Vindel vn p. 286 With variations from GW; 8a, 1. 4: .. .alubae...; 8b, 1. 29: Deo gracias. | Harmsworth (lot 3236, 7 July 1947). Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1947 19th c. quarter vellum
PAMPLONA A R N A O G U I L L E N DE B R O C A R 4054 Bonaventura (St): Diaeta salutis [etc.]. 8°, 128 mm. 3 Nov. 1497 P9612 H3529 GW4729 Haebler 64 Gaselee 222 Vindel vi p. 211 The first leaf (title) inlaid, the last (colophon) mounted J. B. Langhorne. F. Hopkinson. Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934 19th c. vellum
Nicolaus, de Blony: Tractatus de sacramentis. 4 0 , 201 m m . 30 Jan. 1499 Haebler 51 Vindel vi p. 217 Wants the first leaf (title) Bought, 1897 Paper boards
MONTSERRAT JOHANN LUSCHNER 4056 Bonaventura (St): De instructione novitiorum [etc.], 8°, 135 mm. 16June 1499 P 9613 A H3508 GW4736 Haebler ( + 11) 62 Vindel 1 p. 224 J. P. R. Lyell. Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1941 Morocco, by Miguel Rius
4057 Breviarium Benedictinum Vallisoletanum. 40, 183 mm. 18 Apr. 1500 H 3806 GW 5190 Haebler (+11) 77 Vindel 1 p. 232 On vellum Wants the Calendar (10 leaves), leaves a4, a5, s8, t8, z,7> z8 of the Proprium de temp ore, and M 5 , O 2 _ 7 , P 2 , GG8, Ff7, Ff8, Gg8 & Hh 10 of the Psalter, etc. Rev. J. H. Ellis. Rustat Fund, 1913 Old calf, fragments of vellum MS. from a 16th c. antiphoner at the ends [3479]
4058 Processionarium ordinis S. Benedicti de Valladolid. 40, 208 mm. 26 Aug. 1500 P 9614 H 13379 Haebler 556 Vindel 1 p. 233 Vindel's facsimile of leaf 114b reproduces in black certain words & letters printed in this copy in red, and vice versa Wants leaves 1 & 2 (title & table), h 2 and all quire n 8 except a fragment Given by J. Charrington, 1930 Modern quarter morocco [3675}
ENGLAND WESTMINSTER W I L L I A M C A X T O N , 2nd press 4059 Lefevre (Raoul): History of Jason. F°, 251 mm. P*962i H7053 Duff 245 De Ricci (C) 642 With variations from Duff; 2a, 1. 4: . . .frenfTh... | . . .Troye / in | . . . ; 149b, 1. 25: . . .eik I lafting life... | . . .blesshid... 'Xste liber pertenet beare it well in mynde and me thomam P bothe curtes and kynde' (cf. nos 2117, 3234,4178); the same verse repeated, with additional lines * A uuinculi dolore Ihesus do him brynge vitam eternam to everlastynge ende * and the name 'Jhohannem D ' substituted. Another version of this rhyme is written in a hand c. 1650 in the Library's Syn. 4. 60. 34 (Suetonius, History of twelve Caesars.. .newly translated into English, by P. Holland, 1606): *Hic liber pertinet bear well in mind Ad amsem meredith both courteous and kind Ab omnibus malis and Christ him defend vitam Eternam world with out end.' 'S.D/ Harleian Library. Ham House. Bequeathed by R. E. Hart, 1946 Harleian red morocco [4244]
4060 Diets (The) or Sayings of the philosophers. F°, 274 mm. 18 Nov. 1477 P9622 H6284 GW8321 Duff 123 De Ricci (C) 36s Sayle 1 Wants leaf 2, and the blank leaves 77 & 78 (last) * Thomas Bowyer.' Royal Library, 1715 Modern morocco
Lidgate (John): The horse, the sheep and the goose [etc.]. 40, 205 mm. P 9627 H 4927 (6, 7) Duff 261 De Ricci (C) 69 Sayle 9 Wants leaves 1 (presumably blank) & 6 'my name is george fferrers.' Royal Library, 1715 Modern green morocco (v. no. 4070)
4062 Lidgate (John): The churl and the bird. 40, 205 mm. P 9628 H 4927 (5) Duff 256 De Ricci (C) 661 Sayle 7 Reproduced in facsimile by the Cambridge University Press, 1906 Royal Library, 1715 Modern green morocco (v. no. 4070)
4063 Chaucer. (Geoffrey): Minor poems (The temple of brass [efc.]). 40, 206 mm. P9629 H 4927(9-11) GW6591 Duff 93 De Ricci (C) 25 1 Sayle 6 Leaves 1-24 only; the remainder is unknown Royal Library, 1715 Modern green morocco (v. no. 4070)
4064 Boethius (A. M. T. S.): De consolatione philosophiae. (English.) F°, 280 mm. P*963O H3399 GW4576 Duff47 De Ricci (C) 814 Sayle2 With variations from GW; 93 a, 1. 6: .. .philofophie |; 93b, 1. 15: .. .william.. .haue... (1. 29) .. .zt I; 94a, 1. 3: .. .licenciatu | Wants leaves 1 (blank), 3 & 4 Royal Library, 1715 Calf, circa 1700, rebacked [34$A
4065 Book (The) of courtesy. 40, 206 mm. H4927 (12) Duff 53 De Ricci (C) 11 Sayle 3 Reproduced in facsimile by the Cambridge University Press, 1907 On the recto of the last leaf (blank) 14 lines of verse 'To the reader' beginning 'Here maist thou learne thyselfe howe to behaue' and ending 'Bringes better fruit then those that younger be. Finis. J.F.' 'Arundell.' Royal Library, 1715 Modern green morocco (v. no. 4070)
4066 Cato (Dionysius): Disticha. 4°, 205 mm.
(English. Parvus Catho; Magnus Catho.)
^[4927(3,4) GW6358 Duff 76 De Ricci (C) 13 Sayle 4 Reproduced in facsimile by the Cambridge University Press, 1906 Wants the first leaf (presumably blank) Royal Library, 1715 Modern green morocco (v. no. 4070)
4067 Chaucer (GeofFrey): Queen Anelida and the false Arcyte [etc.]. 40, 205 mm. H 4927 (13-15) GW6584 Duff 92 De Ricci (C) 24 Sayle 5 See fig. 9 Reproduced in facsimile by the Cambridge University Press, 1905 * constat paulo haynes.' ' Sum liber Mri Birkhened...' ' Thomas Bristow...' ' Waterhous.' * Thomas Halm.' Royal Library, 1715 Modern green morocco (v. no. 4070) [3484]
4068 Lidgate (John): The temple of glass. 40, 205 mm. H4927 (8) Duff 270 De Ricci (C) 75 Sayle 8 Reproduced in facsimile by the Cambridge University Press, 1905 2a, 1. 1: .. .glas. | (not glass, as Duff) Wants the first leaf (presumably blank) Royal Library, 1715 Modern green morocco (v. no. 4070)
4069 Lidgate (John): The horse, the sheep and the goose. 40, 173 mm. Duff 262 De Ricci (C) 702 Sayle 10 A fragment: leaves 2-7 only. 2a, 1. 1: .. .ghoos. | (cf. Duff) From a Royal Library pamphlet-volume Modern quarter morocco
4070 Lidgate (John): Stans puer ad mensam [etc,]. 40, 205 mm. H 4927 (1, 2) Duff269 De Ricci (C) 741 Sayle 11 The first leaf defective at the bottom 'John Fawler.' Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (1) in a pamphlet-volume which contained (2) 4066, (3) 4062, (4) 4061, [349<>] (5) 4068, (6) 4063, (7) 4065 & (8) 4067. Modern green morocco
0u fitts 050* of otmttf/ntcw ify itfyit ty ify fiopg eonfo cottebg 6
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9. Chaucer's Queen Anelida and ike false Arcyte (Inc. 4067)
4071 Cordiale quattuor novissimorum. (English.) F°, 250 mm. 24 Mar. 1479 P*963i H5714 GW7536 Duff 109 De Ricci (C) 332 Sayle 12 9a (sig. [b]): red in the feconde chapitre of the firft boke of Machabees |. (GW quotes the firstlineofna(sig. [b3]) instead of 9a.) With variations from GW; 3a, 1. 1: .. .psefent... 76a, 1. 28: . . . vs the fader / . . . (76b, 1. 1) .. .fempiternally... Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (1) with no. 3935. Modern half morocco [3491]
4072 Chronicles of England. F°, 273 mm. 10 June 1480 P* 9633 H 5000 (1) GW 6670 (1) Duff 97 De Ricci (C) 29 s Sayle 13 With variations from GW; 2a, 1. 1: .. .load Ihu crift... (1. 5) . . .Englond...; 10a, 1. 1: . . .namd... | . . .fo namd |; 17a (sig. b x ): . . .onely...; 182a, 1. 24: . . .fhott... (1. 29) ...load... Wants leaf 9 (blank) 'John Kirwood.' 'John B [ . . .]ges.' 'Ro. Braye.' 'Alban Griffith.' 'Robert Bilbrough his boocke. 1575.' 'M. Disney/ Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (2) with no. 4073. Old calf, the upper cover missing [3492]
4073 Higden (Ranulf): The description of Britain. F°, 273 mm. 18 Aug. 1480 P* 9634 H 5000 (2) GW 6670 (2) Duff 113 De Ricci (C) 35 s Sayle 14 With variations from GW; 29a, 1. 13: . . .het difcripcion... (1. 19) .. .therfore... according... | . . .whiche atte requeft of the load... (1. 22) . . . Carton.. .load... Wants the first leaf, also the last (blank) 'E libris N: Johnston M.D. empt... .4s/ (cf. W . Munk, The Roll of the Royal College of Physicians of London, vol. 1, p. 453). Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (1) with no. 4072. Modern half morocco [3493]
4074 Mirror (The) of the world. F°, 295 mm. P*9638 H11656 Duff401 De Ricci (C) 94 11 Sayle 15 Wants 1-3 (blank & table), 8 (supplied in MS.) and most of 9 (supplied in MS.) 'Thomas Alen esquier in the conte of derbe.' 'Absolon tucke borne yn hyworth yn wyltschere besyde chepyngfarynden whose mother dwellyth in sotherop by lecheladde.' Note of a lease by *J°hn Jakson of Keverstone in the counte of doram' to 'Ingrame Swynborn of seyam in the sayd counte' of his tenement in Darlington (cf. pedigree of Swinburn of Chopwell in R. Surtees, Hist and antiquities of . .Durham (Gateshead Section), 1909). Royal Library, 1715 i8thc. calf [3494]
4075 Cicero (Marcus Tullius):De senectute [etc.]. (English.) F°, 271mm. 12 Aug. 1481 P 9640 H 5311 GW 6992 Duff 103 De Ricci (C) 31 18 Sayle 16 With variations from GW; 3b, 1. 9: .. .whan... (1. 22) . . .oiw... | .. .acandyng / . . . | .. .enpaynted... Wants, of De senectute, leaves 1 & 12 (both blank) and quire d8 'Iste liber constat Thome Enybon.' Royal Library, 1715 Calf, circa 1700 [3495]
Another copy. 285 mm. DeRicci(C)3i 1 7 With the same variations from GW Wants, of De senectute, leaf 71 and the blank leaves 1, 12 & 72, and, of De amicitia, quire a8 'Tho: Snell.' * Richard toncke...' \ . .Jhon hedges of Marsylde [i.e. Marshfield] in the conti of gloc ' 'Thorn. Tanner.' Royal Library, 1715 [349&] 17th c. calf, rebacked
A n o t h e r c o p y . 278 m m . DeRicci(C)3i 1 6 With the same variations from GW Wants, of De senectute, leaf 7 and the blank leaf 12 On ib a MS. * Kalender of English bokes concemynge to James Morice' (a list of 16 volumes, one containing several pieces), 'bought by me Robt Mygehette in poules chireche yerd the xijth day ofJanuary A° 1564...' Royal Library, 1715 Calf, circa 1700 [3497]
4078 Godfrey of Boloyne. F°, 267 mm. 20 Nov. 1481 P9641 H3684 Duff 164 De Ricci (C) 466 Sayle 17 Wants leaves 11 (blank) & 139, and part of leaf n o Stamped in by hand: Robert Hedrington his Bookes. 1577. Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf
Another copy. 275 mm. De Ricci (C) 46 s Wants leaves 1-12 (of which 1 & n are blank), 17, 37 & 40 'R.Johnson, prec. ijs. 1510.' 'Edmunde Smithe.' Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (1) with nos 4108, 4107, 4115 & 4094. Modern half morocco
4080 Higden (Ranulf): Polycronicon. F°, 242 mm. P*9645 H8659 Duff 172 De Ricci (C) 49 24 Sayle 19 Wants a8, b 8 , C 4 , 1^ 25 s , 26X, 275, [28*2], 30^ 34s, 4O2-3, 4O6_7, 48 8 , 523-6» *3 8 . 54 » & 55 8 ; leaves 2 2 & 372 defective Royal Library, 1715 Calf, circa 1700 [3503]
Another copy. 292 mm. De Ricci (C) 49 19 Wants a8, b 8 , C 4 , il9 i6 7 , [28* 2 ], 38 2 , 548 & 55 s ; leaves 466_8 defective * Roger Wotton.' Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf
4082 Chronicles of England. F°, 263 mm. 8 Oct. 1482 P*9646 H5002 GW6671 Duff98 De Ricci (C) 307 Sayle 18 Wants leaves 1 (blank), 2, 4 & 5, ax (blank), a2, a7, a8, p 8 , r 8 , sl9 y 2 _ 4 & y 6 'This volume was lot 1097 a t the Hirst sale at Sotheby's, December, 1887: & was bought by Mrs Barber...' (note by F. Jenkinson). Given by S. Sandars, 1891 Modern half morocco [3500] 675
4083 Chronicles of England. Another copy. 252 mm. DeRicci (C) 3O6 = 3OU Wants the first two quires (16 leaves) and. the last quire (6 leaves) * Roger Dygby.' * Thomas Brudenell.' Duke of Buccleuch. Sandars Bequest, 1894 Calf, with armorial stamp of Thomas Brudenell, 1st Earl of Cardigan; rebacked [3501]
Leaf t3 from another copy. 248 mm. De Ricci (C) 3014 Given by H. Bradshaw, 1870 Black cloth
Guillaume, de Digulleville: Le pelerinage de Fame. (English.) F°. 6 June 1483 P 9650 H 8331 Duff 267 De Ricci (C) 73 (not recorded) Part of the leaf foliated cvii Given by W. A. Harding, 1921 Black cloth
4086 Gower (John): Confessio amantis. F°, 282 mm. 2 Sept. 1483 P9654 H7835 Duff 166 De Ricci (C) 48 12 Sayle22 Wants leaves 1, 2, 4-8, i!, 3 , 6 , c 3 , A 6 & C 6 , of which 1, 8, ix & C 6 are blank 'This is Williame Brownes boke.' Royal Library, 1715 Old calf, very defective
4087 Jacobus, de Voragine: Legenda aurea. (English.) F°, 333 mm. P* 9655 Duff 408 De Ricci (C) 98 63 Wants the first & last leaves (blank) On the last flyleaf: \ . .Pickering 1849/ ' W m Gott', with his bookplate. Given by A. W. Young, 1933 Modern brown morocco [3781 ]
Another copy. 305 mm. De Ricci (C) 98 s Sayle 23 Wants [AA6], A 8 , b 2 , c 1)2 , d 2 , u6>7 , y 8 , z 8 , z,2t7t8, C1)2t7, D 3 , F 3 , P 3 _ 6 , S 6 , ff4>7, gg 6 hh ii8 kk 6 (65 leaves, including the first & last.blanks); leaves ze & M x defective Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf, the quires guarded with strips of a printed hitterae indulgentiarum confraternitati sanctae Katherinae montis Sinaij concessarum (1521)
Another copy. 344 mm. De Ricci 98 s Wants [AA6], k l t A 2 , hh 7>8 , iii,3_ 5 , 8 , kk6 (21 leaves, including the first & last blanks) Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 19th c. stamped, calf, defective [3310]
A n o t h e r c o p y . 350 m m . De Ricci 984 Wants [AA]6, e 7 , t 7 , B 4 , kk6 (15 leaves, including the first & last blanks). Facsimiles of t7 & B 4 inserted loose Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf [3511]
Part of another copy. 345 mm. De Ricci 98 20 Leaves t^Bg (wanting A4 & B4) and q6~^i (wanting r1? t 4 , t8 & x8) only, bound in that order, with a forged imprint on z^o W. P. W. Norsworthy. Sandars Bequest, 1894 18th c. half calf, repaired [3512]
4092 Cato (Dionysius): Disticha. (English.) F°, 268 mm. P*9656 H4754 GW6361 Duff 79 De Ricci (C) 163 Sayle 20 With variations from GW; 2a, 1. 10: .. .whiche... | v n t o . . . ; 15a (sig. b x ): Item fo* to kepe feyth they* forteseffes... Wants the blank leaves 6, 7 & 80 (last) 'Robert Berkeley/ 'Thomas Berkeley.' 'Richard[...].' 'Henry[...].' 'Theodosia Aubrey.' Royal Library, 1715 17th c. calf, the upper board renewed [3505]
4093 La Tour Landry (Geoffroy de): The Knight of the Tower. F°, 276 mm. 31 Jan. 1484 P*9657 H9784 Duff 241 De Ricci (C) 63 s Sayle 24 Wants quire c8, also the last leaf (blank) Royal Library, 1715 17th c. calf, rebacked
4094 Chaucer (Geoffrey): The book of fame. F°, 273 mm. P9662 H4925 GW6589 Duff 86 De Ricci (C) 21 4 Sayle 21 With variations from GW; 29a, 1. 2: .. .myght... | .. .them w o . . . (1. 16) .. .this.. .fayd... (1. 31) .. .wylliam... Wants the first and last leaves (blank), and d3 & d4 * R.Johnson prec. iiijd. 1510/ Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (5) with nos 4079, etc. Modern half morocco
| I Sodeynly...
4095 Chartier (Alain): Le curial. (English.) F°, 262 mm. P9663 H4918 GW6563 Duff 84 De Ricci (C) 206 Sayle 25 One leaf only (sig. iij)
4096 Lidgate (John): The life of Our Lady. F°, 249 mm. P*9665 H 10352 Duff266 De Ricci (C) 71 7 Sayle 26 Wants leaves 1, 2, a8, b 8 , c ^ , part of c 8 , dx, d 8, part of g 6 , g 8 , h x _ 7 , m^g (all supplied in facsimile), and the blank leaf m 6 (last) James West (i>. De Ricci). ' W m . Herbert. April, 1773/ 'William Tite.' Given by S. Sandars, 1891 Morocco, by Bedford
4097 Lidgate (John): The life of Our Lady. F°, 290 mm. Pf9666 Duff 266 a De Ricci (C) 721 Sayle 27 Fragments only; leaves a3 & a6 (both defective), from a binding Given by W. Blades, about 1878
4098 Bonaventura (St): Meditationes vitae Christi [etc.]. (English.) F°, 277 mm. GW4763 Duff48 De Ricci (C) 9 1 Sayle 28 With variations from GW; 145b, 1. 31: . . .merueil* | lous.. .fharp... | . . .woades ot that... Wants leaves 1-9 & 146-8 (last) Royal Library, 1715 Calf, circa 1700, rebacked [35 w]
4099 Laurent: Somme le roi. (English. The royal book.) F°, 240 mm. P9671 H 14049 = 3691 Duff 366 De Ricci (C) 894 Sayle 30 Wants the first & last leaves (blank), and ix 'Andrew Corney/ 'Richard Corney/ Royal Library, 1715 Calf, circa 1700, rebacked 4100
A n o t h e r c o p y . 273 m m . De Ricci (C) 892 Wants the first & last leaves (blank) Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (1) with nos 4103 & 4109 and a copy of the Doctrinal (De Ricci (C) 407). Modern green morocco [3520\
4101 Bonaventura (St): Meditationes vitae Christi [etc.]. (English.) F°, 271 mm. P9672 H3564 GW4764 Duff 49 De Ricci (C) io 2 Sayle 29 With variations from GW; 8a,l.i: ...iuheuene | . . .fauaciou...; 137b, 1.2: ...therof/ |; 147a, 1. 13: . . .bleffyd... (1. 19, omitted) f A deuoute oreyfon to the holy facrament | . . . (1. 21) . . .conteyned here in thys moofte... Wants the first leaf (blank) 'Henry Dane.' Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf [3518] 4102
H o r a e ad u s u m S a r u m . 8°, 149 m m . P 9674 Duff 179 De Ricci (C) 53 (not recorded) A fragment only; 4 leaves of the Calendar (September-December) Given by J. W . Willis-Bund, 1923 Modern half morocco
4103 Magni (Jacobus): The book of good manners. F°, 275 mm. 11 May 1487 Duff 248 De Ricci (C) 65 1 Sayle 3.1 Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (2) with nos 4100, etc. Cloth
4104 Four (The) sons of Aymon. F°, 280 mm. H2230 GW3141 Duff 152 De Ricci (C) 45 2 Sayle 32 A fragment only; leaves E 3 -E 6 From the library of H. Bradshaw, presented by his friends, 1887 Cloth
4105 Jacobus, de Voragine: Legenda aurea. (English.) F°, 398 mm. Duff 409 De Ricci (C) 98 s & 992 Sayle 33 Wants [AA6], a 1-3 , b 6 , g 6 -h 7 ,1 3 _ 6 , n 3 _ 6 , o5> 6 , B 6 , D 2 _ 7 ,I 2 , C^, O 3 _ 5 , R 6 , ee 2 _ 7 , ii 4 _ 8 , kk6 (60 leaves) Royal Library, 1715 Calf, circa 1700, rebacked [3523]
4106 Doctrinal (The) of sapience. F°, 255 mm. P*9676 H14017 GW8625 Duff 127 De Ricci (C) 402 Sayle 35 Royal Library, 1715 Modern morocco
4107 Christine, de Pisan: Feats of arms and chivalry. F°, 274 mm. 14 July 1489 P*9677 H 4988 = 15918 GW6648 Duff 96 De Ricci (C) 286 Sayle 34 With variations from GW; 2a, 1. 31: Eplicit / |; 143 a, 1. 3: .. .dyueafe... (1. 12) .. .kyng of englond... Wants the last leaf (blank) 'R.Johnson prec. ijs viijd 1510/ Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (3) with nos 4079, etc. Modern half morocco [3524]
4108 Vergilius Maro (Publius): Aeneis. (English.) F°, 275 mm. P*9679 Duff 404 De Ricci (C) 96 1 Sayle 40 'R.Johnson prec. xijd 1510.' Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (2) with nos 4079, etc. Modern half morocco
4109 Diets (The) or Sayings of the philosophers. F°, 273 mm. Pf9683 H6285 GW8323 Duff 125 De Ricci (C) 39s Sayle 36 Wants leaves 1 & 2, and the last (blank) Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (3) with nos 4100, etc. Modern half morocco
4110 Book (The) of divers ghostly matters [etc.]. 40, 190 mm. P 9683 A H7771 Duff 55 De Ricci (C) 121 Sayle 37 'Ad usum fra: Thomae Woodhope et fr. Leanfdri] Pritchard. 1649/ (On Thomas Woodhope, alias White, v. Memorials of Father Augustine Baker.. .Ed. by J. McCann and H. Connolly (Publ. Cath. Record Soc, xxxm), pp. 240-42; on Leander Pritchard, v. The Downside Review, XLVII (N.S. XXVIII), 1929, pp. 159-60.) ' Ad usum Provincial Eboracensis Benedictinorum.' 'Bibliothecae Benedictinorum Anglorum Sti Gregorii Duaci 1650/ Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf [3527] 4111
Fragments o f another c o p y . 205 m m . De Ricci (C) 128 Leaf 1 and part of leaf 8, only From the binding of a Royal Library copy of Mirk's Festyvall (W. de Worde, 1508) [3528} Cloth
4112 Indulgence (Image of Pity). 140x92 mm. De Ricci (C) 551 Sayle 38 See Bradshaw, Collected papers, pp. 94-5 (with facsimile) A trial impression on the blank last page of no. 3948 Holdsworth Bequest, 1664
4113 Mirror (The) of the world. F°, 260 mm. H11657 Duff 402 De Ricci (C) 95 1 Sayle 39 Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Formerly bound with MS. Ii. 4. 33. Modern morocco
4114 Mirk (John): Liber festivalis [etc.]. (Englisk) F°, 282 mm. P*9686 + 9685 H7028 Duff3Oi + 3O2 De Ricci (C) 8o2 + 863 Sayle4i Liber festivalis wants the first leaf (blank), and p 4 5 (supplied in contemporary MS.); Quattuor sermones wants the last leaf (device) * Thomas Potter.' Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Bound before contemporary MS. prayers and sermons (imperfect), in Latin & English. 17th c. calf, rebacked [3532]
W Y N K Y N DE W O R D E , 1st press 4115 Chastising (The) of God's children. F°, 273 mm. P9688 H 4920(1) GW6583 Duff 85 De Ricci (C) 1042 Sayle 61 2b, 1. 36: .. .chapytres. | (not chapptres, as GW) *R. Johnson, prec. viijd 1510/ Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (4) with nos 4079, etc. Modern half morocco 4116
A n o t h e r c o p y . F°, 281 m m . De Ricci (C) 10410 Wants leaves 1 & 2 (preliminary matter) Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (1) with no. 4155. Modern half morocco
4117 Vineis (Raymundus de): Life of St Catherine of Siena [etc.]. F°, 272 mm. P 9690 H 4701 Duff 403 De Ricci (C) 1062 Sayle 70 Royal Library, 1715
Cloth 4118
H y l t o n (Walter): Scala perfectionis. (English.) F°, 278 m m . 1494 P 9694 H 9068 Duff 203 Sayle 42 Wants leaves A4>5 'Katehrin Palmer.' * Dedit hunc librum in Ihu Christi dilectione Antonio bolney pia mater Katherina Palmere Anno dni M.D.xlvj.' Royal Library, 1715 Calf, circa 1700 [3534]
4119 Higden (Ranulf): Polycronicon. F°, 272 mm. 13 Apr. 1495 P9696 H8660 DufFi73 Sayle45 Misbound; begins at leaf a!, and wants a3, a6, h 8 , Clt ¥l9 F 8 , G-S 8 T 6 V X 8 ; F7 is followed by one unsigned leaf from quires aa bb, followed by cc-hh 6 (wanting hh 6 , blank). Leaf Ax defective Royal Library, 1715 i8thc. half calf [3340]
4120 Jerome (St): Vitas patrum. (English.) F°, 248 mm. 1495 P*9697 Duff23 5 Sayle44 Wants the first & last leaves; the woodcut from the last leaf mounted and bound at the beginning Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf [3537] 4121
A n o t h e r c o p y . 257 m m . Wants the first & last leaves 'Kateryn Efflyn.' 'Robartt Kentt.' 'Shene.' 'Inglissen Cartusers' (i.e. Sheen Anglorum in Flanders), 'diesen boech hoort to hindre Jaij (Faij?) up de boter mart.' Royal Library, 1715
i8thc. half calf 4122
A n o t h e r c o p y . 231 m m . Very imperfect; wants all before d 3 , all after tt 8 , and 23 leaves in between; many leaves mutilated From the library of F. Jenkinson, 1923 18th c. calf [3539]
D i r e c t o r i u m Sarisburiense. 4 0 , 195 m m . 1495 P9698 GW8459 Duff293 Sayle43 Wants all before e x , and the last two leaves; the colophon on 208b reads: ([ Impaefft^... Directoaiu.. .defenfodo... | .. .woade.. .moaate | (cf. GW) 'F. H. Dickinson', with a letter from him to Christopher Wordsworth, dated 7 July 1890, giving him the book. Given by C. Wordsworth, 1907 Contemporary stamped calf, with GW stamp (Weale R 63, Hobson: Cambridge, pi. xv, nos 33-36) [3535]
4124 Bernard (St), of Clairvaux: Meditationes. (English.) 40, 177 mm. '9 Mar. 1496' [1499] P9700 H2886 GW4044 Duff42 Sayle46 ib: ...psouffytable...;31b, 1.15: .. .pzouffyta* | b l e . . . (1.17) . . .£oz... (1.19) .. . 6 0 . . . (1. 22) .. .wo*de... (1. 23) .. .lo*de... (cf. GW) Wants the last leaf (not known) Royal Library, 1715 Modern h alf morocco [3541 ]
4125 Bernard (St), of Clairvaux: Meditationes. Another copy. 188 mm. Wants the last quire (E6) Royal Library, 1715 Modern quarter morocco
4126 Lyndewode (William): Constitutiones provinciales. 8°, 129 mm. 31 May 1496 P*97Oi 1110361 = 5656 Duff279 Given by S. Sandars, 1892 Morocco, by Zaehnsdorf
Sayle47 [3543]
4127 Parker (Henry): Dives and Pauper. F°, 260 mm. 3 Dec, 1496 P*97O6 H6110 DufF34O Sayle48 Wants the last leaf (woodcuts) 'John Wells, No. 13 Clements Inn, 9 June 1777.' Heber, with his purchase-note 'Triphook 1807. June. ^ 4 . 4. o.' J. F. Russell. Sandars Bequest, 1894 18 th c. calf [3544]
4128 Alcock (John): Mons perfectionis. 40, 177mm. 23 May 1497 P 9706 A H622 GW848 Duff 13 Sayle49 2a: f Exhottacio... (1.12) wosdes...; 7a (sig. B x ): . . . nre vtilius. q u i d . . . ; 27a, col. 2,1.26: .. .accep I taui... 527b: ([Enpiynted... | .. .woe | de / .. .loade | ..-. (1.6) . . .vyctcwyous payn | c e . . . (1. 8) . . .loade... (col. 2,1. 2) . . .P*y* | o u r . . . (1. 4) . . .ozdre... (cf. GW) Wants the first leaf (woodcut & title) and the last (woodcut & device) Bateman of Middleton Hall. Given by S. Sandars, 1893 19th c. blue morocco [3545]
4129 Innocent VIII: Bulla Innocentii et Alexandri de successione regni Angliae. Broadside, 427 x 280 mm. P 9706 B Duff 229 Einblattdrucke 1429 a, b Sayle 7064-5 A sheet of two leaves, each leaf containing two settings. From a binding Given by the President & Fellows of Magdalen College, Oxford, 1899
4130 Chronicles of England. F°, 246 mm. 1497 P*97O7 H 4998(1) GW 6675(1) Duff 102 Sayle 51 202a, col. 2,1. 15: mercy Wants leaves 1-6 (table) and leaf H x Royal Library, 1715 Bound (1) with no. 4133. 16th c. calf, rebacked
Jacobus, de Voragine: Legenda aurea. [English.) F°, 264 mm. 8 Jan. 1498 P*97O8 Duff 411 Sayle 52 Wants all before Bb 3 , Bb 8 , Cc 3 _ 6 , Gg 6 , H h ^ a8, f8, h 3 _ 6 , i 10 , m 6 , ql9 s lf x 2 , C 2 , Y 2 , Y 7 , aa1? aa 4 -bb 2 & all after bb 5 ; Bb 5 defective. Many of the deficiencies are supplied in an 18th c. calligraphic hand 'Aprill 1721 pd Mr Parker in Lumbard Street 5/- for binding this book. Jno. Kenrick/ Adams Bequest, 1892 18th c. calf, rebacked [3549]
Another copy. 274 mm. Wants all before Hh 2 , d 7 , h 4 _ 6 , k 4 , k 5 , n 1? n 8 , o 8 , p x , p 8 , r 7 , r 8 , sl9 s8, x 2 , A l f D 3 , K2 & all after V 3 ; m 5 defective Syston Park. Given by the Rev. E. C. Dewick, 1918 Green velvet (Syston Park) [355<>]
4133 Higden (Ranulf): The description of Britain. F°, 246 mm. 1498 P9709 H 4998 (2) GW6675(2) Duff 114 Sayle 51 7a (sig. B x ): .. .Pictes... (not Pietes, as GW) Bound (2) with no. 4130
4134 Chaucer (Geoffrey): The Canterbury tales. F°. 1498 P9710 H4924 GW6588 Duff90 A fragment only; part of the leaf headed on one side 'The Cokes tale', with the woodcut below 'Given me by Mr Stewart* (note by H. Bradshaw) [3546]
4135 Losa (Alphonsus de): Litterae indulgentiarum. Broadside, 259 x 359 mm. Duff 213 Einblattdrucke 870-71 A folio sheet, each half-sheet containing two settings Taken from the binding of no. 2029, before the latter was acquired by the Library (cf. no. 4137). A. G. W. Murray. Given by D. W. Murray, 1919 [3552] 4136
A n o t h e r c o p y . 152 x 204 m m . A quarter-sheet, containing Duff's second setting complete Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934
p a r t of another copy. 54 x 108 mm. Imperfect; Duff's first setting Taken from the binding of no. 2029, before the latter was acquired by the Library (cf no. 4135). Given by P. M. Barnard, 1914 [3552]
4138 Contemplation of sinners. 40, 156 mm. 10 July 1499 Pf97i4 H5674 GW7445 Duff 106 Sayle 53 Fragments only (leaves F 3 & F 4 , and two others, defective) Given by F. Jenkinson, 1898 Modern quarter morocco
4139 Sulpitius (Johannes): Opus grammaticum. 4 , 180 mm. 4 Dec. 1499 Pf97i7 Duff 390 Sayle 54 * Sum Boitoni codex.' * Ann Boyton' Modern half morocco
[3555] 0
4140 Mandeville (Sir John): Itinerarium. (English.) 4 , 175 mm. 1499 Duff 286 Sayle 55 Wants the first quire (4 leaves), C 2 , Gl9 G 6 , H x , H 6 , I 5 , N x and quire R6 (all, except leaves 1-4, supplied in 18th c. MS. transcribed from another edition) * Liber Georgi Ynglishe.' Bookplates ofJohn Watson (Franks 31081) and John Chadwick (Franks 5472). 'Charles Chadwick, Healey = Hall. 1784.' Given by S. Sandars, 1881 [355$] 18th c. quarter calf
4141 Hortus vocabulorum. F°, 228 mm. 1500 p* 9720 Duff 202 Fragments only (leaves D 2 & D 3 , and two others) From the library of F. Jenkinson, 1923
4142 Abbey (The) of the Holy Ghost. 40, 177 mm. P9721 H19 G W i Duff 1 Sayle56 Reproduced in facsimile by the Cambridge University Press, 1907 Royal Library, 1715 Modern quarter morocco
4143 Alcock (John): Spousage of a virgin to Christ. 40, 177 mm. H623 GW854 Duff 19 Sayle57 2a: .. .exhoatacyon... (1. 5) .. .paynce...; 9a, 1. 18 . . . f o * . . . | . . . exhoztacyon... (1. 23) .. .Enp*ynted... | .. .wo*de | (c£. GW) Wants the first leaf (woodcuts & title) and the last (not known) Bateman of Middleton Hall. Sandars Bequest, 1894 19th c. blue morocco [355$]
4144 Bartholomaeus, Anglicus: De proprietatibus rerum. (English.) F°, 264 mm. P*9725 H2520 GW3414 Duff40 Sayle58 Pt 1 wants a6 (blank), Pt n wants B 8 & oo 6 (last) Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf, rebacked
4145 Betson (Thomas): A profitable treatise to dispose men to be virtuously occupied. 40, 177 mm. GW 4190 Duff 43 Sayle 59 Reproduced in facsimile by the Cambridge University Press, 1905 Royal Library, 1715 Modern quarter morocco
4146 Bevis of Hampton. 40 GW 5711 Sayle 60 Not Duff 44 A fragment only, 75 x 131 mm.; the upper portion of a leaf, containing 13 lines, including the beginning of the text Cloth [3561]
4147 Directorium Sarisburiense. 40, 191 mm. GW8462 Duff296 Sayle 62 The last leaf mutilated, only a fragment remaining *W. Newman/ * Henry Bradshaw...' Note by F. Jenkinson: 'from B. M. Pickering... Aug. 6, 1875/ Given by H. Bradshaw Cloth [3564]
4148 Fitzjames (Richard): Sermo die lunae in ebdomada Paschae. (English.) 4°, 177 mm. Pf9729 Duff 151 Sayle63 Reproduced in facsimile by the Cambridge University Press, 1907 Bateman of Middleton Hall (bookplate of William Bateman: Franks 1764). Sandars Bequest, 1894 19th c. blue morocco [35^5]
4149 Magni (Jacobus): The book of good manners. 40, 178 mm. DufF25i (inaccurate) Sayle 64 A-P 6 Q 8 ;' 98 leaves, the last blank Wants Q x and the blank Rustat Fund, 1883 17th c. calf
4150 Horae ad usum Sarum. 40, 190 mm. P9732 Duff 182 Sayle 68 On vellum Wants A6, a lf a8, b l f b 2 , v 5 & v 6 'oncle wan you do on thys loke | I pray you remember wo wrete thys in your bo [ke] | your louuynge nys Katheryn parr' (i.e. Queen Catherine Parr, niece of Sir William Parr, later Baron Parr of Horton); similar inscriptions from 'yowre louynge nevew William Parr' (Catherine's brother) and' your louing ness Elysabeth [...].' * Brother et es another sayeng | that owt of syt owt of mynd | but I troste in yow | I chall not fynd et treu | Mawd Parre' (i.e. Sir William Parr's sister, mother of Catherine & William). *G[ulielmus] H[enrico (i.e. Henry Howard)] Parrus eques Surr^e tibi donauerat et nunc Sum Comitis fueram qui modo Parre tuus.' Other inscriptions recording the gift to the Earl of Surrey, one of them dating it 15 October 1530 Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf [357o]
A n o t h e r c o p y . 197 m m . On vellum Wants A6, g l f g 7 , i 8 , k x , r6 and all after t2 Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf, rebacked
4152 Lidgate (John): The assembly of the gods. 40, 177 mm. H 10356 Duff254 Sayle 65 Reproduced in facsimile by the Cambridge University Press, 1906 Royal Library, 1715 Modern half morocco
WESTMINSTER; OXFORD 4153 Lidgate (John): The horse, the sheep and the goose. 40, 176 mm. H 10354 Duff263 Sayle 66 Reproduced in facsimile by the Cambridge University Press, 1906 Royal Library, 1715 Modern quarter morocco
4154 Lidgate (John): The temple of glass. 4 , 196 mm. P 9737 H 15364 Duff271 Sayle 67 Wants b 4 & d 4 ; c8 mutilated Contemporary pen-&-ink drawings (including some armorials). 'Robert Wynne de Rhos[e?] 1667.' 'Thomas Bateman, 4th August, 1845.' Bateman of Middleton Hall. Rustat Fund, 1893 19th c. calf [3569]
4155 Treatise (The) of love. F°, 281 mm. H 10224=4920 (2) Duff399 De Ricci (C) 1051 Sayle 69 ' [ . . . ] Crowther [...] 1692/ Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (2) with no. 4116. Modern half morocco
4156 Eglamoure (Sir). 40, 180 mm. GW9246 Duff 13 5 A fragment only; part of a leaf. From a binding P. Bliss. Gott. Sandars Legacy, 1908 Modern quarter morocco
JULIAN NOTARY, 2nd press with JEAN BARBIER 4157 Missale ad usum Sarum. F°, 263 mm. 20 Dec. 1498 P9742 H11423 Duff 328 Sayle 71 * Datum est Capelle de Keyo [i.e. Kew].' 'Georgii Whitton Liber Ex Dono.. .Arnold de Wycomb. 1693/ Royal Library, 1715 i8thc. half calf [3576}
ALONE 4158 Mirk (John): Liber festivalis [etc.]. (English.) 40, 178 mm. 2 Jan. 1499/1500 H7036 Duff3i9 + 32O Wants ax, a2, n 8 & t6 ' W m Jacomb.' Osterley Park. Given by the Rev. J. H. Ellis, 1910 17th c. calf
OXFORD P R I N T E R OF E X P O S I T I O S. H I E R O N Y M I 4159 Rufinus (Tyrannius): Expositio symboli S. Hieronymi. 17 Dec. '1468' [1478] P* 9743 H 8579 Duff 234 Sayle 72 Wants the last leaf (blank); the first leaf mutilated
40, 202 mm.
OXFORD Arms of Goldwell (impaling another) painted on ia; an oldflyleafbound in at the beginning, with a painting of St Jerome, within an illuminated border. Royal Library, 1715 [357$] 19th c. stamped calf
Aristoteles: Ethica ad Nicomachum. 4 0 , 142 mm. 1479 P*9744 H1749 GW2373 Duff32 Sayle73 A fragment (leaf i4) only Cloth
THEODORIC ROOD 4161 Alexander, ah Alexandria: Expositio super libros Afistotelis De anima. F°, 288 mm. 11 Oct. 1481 P*9748 H655 GW869 Duff2i Sayle74 With the woodcut borders on 2a, 55a & 169a Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 17th c. calf
Another, variant, copy. 271 mm. Without the woodcut borders Wants the first leaf (blank) 'Mattheus Carew 1557 Cantabrigiae.' Royal Library, 1715 Old calf, rebacked
4163 Lathbury (John): Liber moralium super threnis Jeremiae. F°, 295 mm. 31 July 1482 P*9749 H9928 Duff23 8 Sayle75 With the woodcut border on 2a and the corrected reading on kk[ = K] 7 b, 1. 31: ...fecudu... Wants the first leaf (blank) 'Gulielmus Raine de Stella in comitatu Dunelmensi mihi mutuo dedit hunc librum ex instigatione mri Buckles [sic for Buckley?] de Lamsley in comitatu praedicto sacerdos: pp: L: Generosus ffranciscus Liddall miles.' (Cf. R. Surtees, Hist, and antiquities of.. .Durham (Gateshead Section), 1909, pp. 86 (for Sir Francis Liddell) and 91, where he records John Buckley as perpetual curate of Lamesley, 1636-41.) Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf [35*2] 4164
A n o t h e r c o p y . 288 m m . With the border and the corrected reading * Liber Richardi Butler Rectoris de Aston in de Walles ex dono.. .Albani Butler senioris Iunii 23, 1603/ Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Contemporary Oxford stamped calf (Gibson 23 & pi. xin, xiv) [3583]
4165 Terentius (Publius), Afer: Vulgaria Terentii in Anglicanam linguam traducta. 4°, 210 m m . P* 9750 (2) Duff392 Sayle76 Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (4) with nos 2983, etc. Cloth
4166 Anwykyll (John): Compendium totius grammaticae. 40, 188 mm. GW2262 Duff28 Sayle77 Fragments of three leaves, one with signature hiij 4167
L o g i c . 4 0 , 193 m m . Pf9752 Duff277 Sayle78 Two leaves only, one with signature Qiij
4168 Rolle (Richard): Explanationes in Job [etc.]. 40, 217 mm. Duff 363 Sayle 79 Wants the first & last leaves (blank) Royal Library, 1715 Modern half morocco 4169
A n o t h e r c o p y . 202 m m . Wants the last leaf (blank) Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Modern half morocco
4170 Lyndewode (William): Constitutiones provinciales. F°, 387 mm. P*9753 H 10357 Duff 278 Sayle 80 Wants y 4 , y 5 and (blank) S lo With a MS. index on the last verso. 'H. Tanner/ Royal Library, 1715 i8thc. calf
Another, variant, copy. 355 mm. The variant settings of leaves 1-72 are described in G. Chawner, A list of the incunabula in the library of Kings College, Cambridge (Cambridge, 1908), pp. 52-3, where this copy is referred to as the Q* copy, and no. 4170 as the AB copy Wants A 2 , S lo (blank), ddx & dd10 (last) 'Tho. Browne.' Holdsworth Bequest, 1664 Old rough calf, rebacked [3591]
4172 Mirk (John): Liber festivalis. (English.) F°, 14 Oct. i486 Pf9755 H7030 Duff 300 Sayle 81 Fragments of leaves b 4 & k7 (from the library of H. Bradshaw), and leaf 18 (bought, 1905) [3592]
LONDON JOHN LETTOU 4173 Andreae (Antonius): Quaestiones super Metaphysica Aristotelis. F°, 286 mm. 1480 P9757 H976 GW1659 Duff26 Wants the table (8 leaves); the first leaf (blank) mostly cut away 'Langlaye me possidet.' 'Liber Thome Crosley.' Bookplate: Marbury [Hall Libr]ary. A. H. S. Barry. Given by A. F. Scholfield, 1933
LONDON Bound after Aristoteles, Opus metaphysicum (Parisiis, H. Stephanus, 20 Oct. 1515) Cambridge stamped calf, by Garrett Godfrey (Gray, pi. xxvi, rolls m & iv); boards lined with leaves from a 13th c. MS. on canon law [3743]
Thomas, Wallensis: Expositiones super psalterium. F°, 278 mm. 1481 P*9758 H12596 Duff396 Sayle89 'M. Rawson. de Aula Penbrochie.' Royal Library, 1715 i8thc. half calf
J O H N LETTOU & WILLIAM DE MACHLINIA 4175 Littleton (Sir Thomas): Tenores novelli. F°, 274 mm. P 9759 H 10126 Duff 273 Sayle 90 'P. Ellice. pr. xijd.' Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf 4176
Another copy. 271 m m . \ . .Edmundus Feteplace...' ' . . .Robertus Drake de Stroud...' Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf, rebacked [3596]
Another copy. 293 m m . Note of the marriage of Henry Stallon & Frances Hill on 5 May 1584 'apud Sci Audreda London'. Royal Library, 1715 Bound (1) with no. 4178. Calf, circa 1700, rebacked [3597]
Statutes. Abbreviamentum statutorum. F°, 293 mm. P9760 GW 3 Duff 3 75 Sayle 91 108b, 1. 2 of last chapter: .. .Ctedeigne... (1. 6) fes zc In nouis O2dinacoib3... (cf. GW) 4 Iste liber pertinet ber yt well in mynde ad me Johannem Melsham both curteys & kynde a vincula doloris Jesu hym bryng' (see no. 4059) [3599] Bound (2) with no. 4177
Another copy. 283 mm. Wants leaves 1-4 (table) Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (1) with nos 4180-82 and with Add. MS. 2593. Calf, circa 1700, rebacked [3598]
Year-book: 33 Henry VI. F°, 282 mm. P9761 Duff 418 Sayle 92 Wants the first leaf (blank) Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (2) with nos 4179, etc. Modern half morocco
Year-book: 35 Henry VI. F°, 282 mm. P 9762 Duff 420 Sayle 93 Wants leaf f6 Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (3) with nos 4179, etc. Modern half morocco
[3601] 44
4182 Year-book: 36 Henry VI. F°, 282 mm. P 9763 Duff421 Sayle 94 Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (4) with nos 4179, etc. Modern half morocco
Statutes. Novastatuta. F°, 280 mm. P*9765 H14993 Duff378 Sayle 100 Wants the blank leaves 1, 42 (E8), 43 (ax), 120 (k6), 209 (x7), 317 (kk3) & 370 (qq6, last) Bateman of Middleton Hall. Given by S. Sandars, 1893 Morocco, by Bedford [3^08]
4184 Horae ad usum Sarum. 8° P9769 Duff 176 Sayle 98 Fragments only, on vellum; one ( i n mm. in height) with wood-cut border and another from which the border has been cut away. Note by F. Jenkinson: 'This vellum is a good deal shrunk, as may be seen by comparing the same border in Pynson's Aphthonii Progymnasmata, 1521, 8 0> Modern half morocco [3606]
4185 Albertus, Magnus: Secreta mulierum et virorum. 40, 221 mm. P9771 GW748 Duff 10 Sayle 95 With variations from GW: 2b, 1.18: .. .z vkorum... | .. .compofita | (1.23) .. .continuu . . . ; 55b, 1. 18: fanctorum... (1. 20) .. .nactatuli... (1. 22) .. .mulieaim | Wants c 8 ; the last leaf (blank) mostly torn away. The first leaf (unknown to GW) is blank Calligraphic exercises on ia, including the sentence ' Annus domini mine est 1485 in Anno Ric. tercij 3°' A. J. Horwood. Acquired by exchange, 1869 [3603] Modern half morocco
4186 Chronicles of England. F° P*9773 H4999 GW6673 Duff 99 Sayle 97 Fragments only; leaves cc45 and portions of two others Given by F. Jenkinson, 1898
4187 Year-book: 34 Henry VI. F°, 274 mm. P 9775 Duff 419 Sayle 103 Wants the first leaf (blank) Bookplate of Romilly. Rustat Fund, 1875 19th c. russia
4188 Year-book: 37 Henry VI. F°, 270 mm. Duff422 Sayle 104 Wants ax (blank), a3, c 4 , c5 & h 6 (last) Given by H. Bradshaw, 1870 Stamped morocco, by W. Pratt 690
4189 Jacobi (Johannes): Regimen contra pestilentiam. (English.) 40, 212 mm. P 9775 A Duff 73 Sayle96 Bookseller's waste; the leaves unopened and leaves 1, 4 & 5-8 mostly cut away. From a binding Modern half morocco [3604]
4190 Terentius (Publius), Afer: Vulgaria Terentii in Anglicanam linguam traducta. 4°, 207 mm. P9776 Duff 394 Sayle 102 Bookseller's waste; four leaves (b3_6) only, unopened. From a binding Modern half morocco
Another fragment Leaves b 4 , b 5 and perhaps d 2 , all cropped at the top, and a fragment of another leaf (perhaps d5) Given by J. Charrington, 1923 [3611 ]
4192 Wotton (John): Speculum Christiani. 40, 178 mm. P*9777 H 14914 Duff 415 Sayle 99 Wants the first & last leaves (blank) British Museum duplicate, 1831 Stamped morocco, by Bedford
4193 Terentius (Publius), Afer: Vulgaria Terentii in Anglicanam linguam traducta. 40, 186 mm. Duff393 Sayle 101 Wants leaves 8, 21 & 22, also the first & last leaves (blank) Royal Library, 1715 Modern half morocco
RICHARD PYNSON 4194 Parker (Henry): Dives and Pauper. F°, 300 mm. 5 July 1493 P*9782 H6109 Duff339 Sayle 105 Wants the first leaf (blank) 'Thomas Lathum.' 'Rauff Lathum.' 'Raffe Wyseman.' Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf 4195
A n o t h e r c o p y . 279 m m . Wants the blank leaves 1 & 13, leaf 6 (in the table) and the last leaf (device) 'Thys hys Rechard grenys hande the xij daye of marche th x yer of kyng Henry the viij.* Acquired before 1700 i8thc. half calf [3615]
Another copy. 291 m m . Wants I5 & I7 Royal Library, 1715 i8thc. half calf
[3616] 691
4197 Boccaccio (Giovanni): De casibus illustrium virorum. (English.) F°, 309 mm. 27 Jan. 1494 P*9783 H3345 GW4431 DufF46 Sayle 106 With variations from G W : 215a, 1. 37: of Puncys / Psinceflys / . . .nobles. Finyflhed | . . .lo*d I .. .Empaentyd... | .. .dwellynge...; 215b (last line): Therfoze.. .fo*... Wants the first leaf (blank) & the last (device) * Thomas Knyvett.' Royal Library, 1715 18 the. half calf [3617]
4198 Robertus, Castellensis: Litterae indulgentiarum. Broadside Duff2i8 Einblattdrucke 1266 Sayle 107 A fragment only (70 x 141 mm.), on vellum
4199 Promptorius puerorum. (English & Latin.) F°, 272 mm. 15 May 1499 1**9793 H 13399 Duff352 Wants the last leaf (blank) Royal Library, 1715 Calf, circa 1700 4200
Sayle 108
Statutes. Abbreviamentum statutorum. 8°, 131 m m . 9 Oct. 1499 GW5 Duff 3 77 Sayle 109 With variations from GW; 8a, 1. 22: ([ Explicit... (1. 25) ([ Deo... (and numerous other minor variations) 'The Gift ofJames Blackstone LL.D. Jan?. 12.1811...' Rustat Fund (lot 836 at Sotheby's), 12 Apr. 1870 19th c. russia [3620]
M i s s a l e ad u s u m S a r u m . F°. 10 J a n . 1500 Pj*9797 Duff 329 Sayle n o A fragment only (part of leaf T 5 ), on vellum
4202 Bonaventura (St): Meditationes vitae Christi [etc.]. (English.) F°, 225 mm. P9801 H3565 GW4766 Duff 51 Sayle i n 9a (sig. b x ): the whih piocefle ihall be take as in likenefle / and only as a maner |; 124a, 1.17: .. .loide...; 1. 19: .. . k n d e . . . | .. .fo*... (cf. GW) Wants leaves 1-8 'Iste est liber Ric. Frensshe.' Royal Library, 1715 i8thc. half calf [3622]
Guido, de Monte Rocherii: Manipulus curatorum. 160, i n mm. P9803 Duff 167 Sayle 112 Frederick Perkins, Chipstead Place. Given by S. Sandars, 1892 18th c. russia
4204 Mirk (John): Liber festivalis [etc.]. (English.) F°, 244mm. Duff305 + 304 Sayle 113 Liber festivalis wants ax, a2, a7, a8 and p 2 - 4 Erased inscription in Quattuor sermones: * Anno dni M° [CC]CC° nonagesimo septimo constat dno Rye. Bovy iste liber.' Bookplate of Charles Chauncy M.D. (Franks 5654). 'Anna 692
LONDON*, ST ALBANS Maria Reeve. Hendens-House. Berks/ William Tucker, Coryton Park, Axminster. A present from Sir J. G. Reeve De la Pole, Bath, 1853/ Charles Tucker, F.S.A. Sandars Legacy, 1895 18th c. red morocco [3624] 4205
Natura brevium. F°, 270 mm. Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf
Robin Hood. 40, 206 mm. Duff 362 Leaf c2 only, from a binding Given by F. Jenkinson, 1917 Modern quarter morocco
Horae ad usum Sarum. 160, 104 m m . Duff 197 Four leaves (quire bb) only, from a binding Given by F. Jenkinson, 1917 Modern quarter morocco
JULIAN NOTARY, 1st press with JEAN BARBIER and LH. 4208
Albertus (Eccardus): Quaestiones de modis significandi. 4 0 , 195 m m . Pf9822 Duff 8 Saylen6 Acquired before 1700 Modern half morocco
ST ALBANS THE SCHOOLMASTER PRINTER 4209 Datus (Augustinus): Elegantiolae. 40, 197 mm. GW8065 Duff 111 Sayle82 Reproduced in facsimile by the Cambridge University Press, 1905 Royal Library, 1715 Formerly bound (11) with nos 3889, etc. Cloth
4210 Traversanus (Laurentius Guilelmus): Rhetorica nova. 40 & 8°, 183 mm. 1480 P*9824 Duff369 Sayle83 Bodleian Library, Oxford (formerly Archbishop Laud's). Lot 1485 at the sale of Bodleian duplicates, 25 May 1862. Acquired by exchange, 1862 {y. Introduction, p. 26) Modern half morocco [3632]
4211 Andreae (Antonius): Scriptum in logica sua. 40, 172 mm. GW1673 Duff27 Sayle84 Twenty-eight leaves (or fragments of leaves) only, one (sig. est7) inscribed: 'Iste liber Restat Thome Whythed Testante Alexandro Hore: thomas Deksal et Johanne Wryght' [3633] Unbound
4212 Johannes, Canonicus: Quaestiones super Aristotelis Physica. F°. 1481 Pf9825 Duff237 Sayle85 Fragments of 8 leaves, only Given by E. G. Duff, 1887
4213 Chronicles of England. F°, 257 mm. P*o827 H4997 GW6672 Duffioi Sayle86 Very imperfect; wants both quires a8, and quire b 8 , clf c 3 , c 7 , c 8 , d7, e x , e 8 , f8, g8, h 4 -h 6 , i 6 -i 8 ,1 3 ,1 6 , mu o 6 , o 7 , p 3 , rlt r7izl9zlf A 5 -A 8 , B 8 , C ^ I8, K 10 ; some leaves supplied in facsimile Given by S. Sandars, 1892 Blue morocco, by Zaehnsdorf [3635]
4214 Book (The) of hawking, hunting and biasing of arms. F°, 285 mm. i486 P*9828 H2465 GW4932 Duff 56 Sayle87 With variations from GW; 29a, 1. 4: .. .mane*... (1. n ) (W 2 ) Herefoeuere...; 57a, 1. 1: .. .blafyng...; 89b, 1. 17: .. .compylyt... Wants aj_3 of the Book of hawking, and b 6 (blank) & f10 (last) of Biasing of arms. Some leaves defective Six leaves of heraldic MS. at the end. * Robert Yomanson ye parson of Stretton in the field com. Derb. 1540/ * Liber Willmi Burton Lindliaci Leicestrensis morantis apud Fald co. Staff, ex dono consanguinei mei charissimi Thomae Purefey de Barwell iuxta Lindley in com. Leicest. armig. 1612' (cf. Ant. a Wood, Ath. Oxon. (1813) 1 201). Royal Library, 1715 18th c. calf [3636]
4215 Novae narrationes. 40, 257 mm. Duff 334 [England, before 1500?] Sayle 114 [Pynson?] Wants leaf 32 Royal Library, 1715 i8thc. half calf
SWEDEN STOCKHOLM J O H A N N SNEL 4216 Bartholomaeus, de Camerino: Litterae indulgentiarum. Broadside, 203 x 296 mm. GW 3436 Einblattdrucke 406 Collijn p. 41 Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1934
Missale Upsalense. F°, 298 mm. P* 2647 [Lubeck] Collijn p. 29 One leaf only (pi. 1 in Klemming)
J O H A N N E S FABRI 4218 Breviarium Strengnense. 40, 188 mm. 18 July 1495 P*9829 GW5467 Collijn p. 138 One leaf only (pi. 7 in Klemming)
Breviarium Upsalense. 4 0 , 165 mm. 30 Sept. 1496 P* 9830 H 3950 GW 5499 Collijn p. 148 Imperfect; wants the Calendar (14 leaves) and 89 other leaves 'Eric Mich Fant.' 'J- A. A. Liideke.' From the library of H. Bradshaw, 1886 19th c. half calf
One leaf of another copy. 173 mm. Pi. 8 in Klemming
GRIPSHOLM C A R T H U S I A N M O N A S T E R Y OF MARIEFRED 4221 Rupe (Alanus de): Psalterium B.V.M. 40, 195 mm. 24 Mar. 1498 P 9831 H 14035 Collijn p. 160 With the first of the three variant colophons described by Collijn Wants the last leaf (blank) Bound (3) with nos 658, etc.
PORTUGAL LISBON RABBI E L I E Z E R 4222 Moses ben Nahman: Perush ha-Torah. F°, 277 mm. 15 July 1489 P* 9833 H 11670 Haebler 458 Rossi 1 25 St 6532, 49 BGP1 p. 5 [a10 b-f8 g 12 h-n 10 o 12 p-z 10 A-E 10 F G8 H 1 2 ]; 302 leaves, the first & last probably blank Wants the first & last leaves, leaf [q10] (blank) and part of the first leaf of text With censors' inscriptions: 'Visto per me Gio.. .Carretto 1628/ 'Dominico Irosolomin-°' Culemann 372 (?). W. H. Crawford. Given by S. Sandars, 1894 Old calf [3641] 4223
Another, variant, copy. 2 vols. 278 & 265 m m . With variations in the setting of leaves \b{] & [b8] Wants the first leaf, [H2] & [H9_12] Rustat Fund, 1868 Quarter cloth
Bible: Hebrew. Isaiah & Jeremiah. With the commentary of David Kimchi. F°, 288 mm. 1492 P* 9836 Haebler 337 Rossi 1 45 St 13 Ginsburg pp. 855-9 BGP 1 p. 43 K-V8 V*6 IT*-1?8 K1?10; 248 leaves, K1>2 and n\ blank Wants the blanks Rustat Fund, 1868 19th c. half morocco
4225 Jacob ben Asher: Tur Orah Hayyim. F°, 305 mm. P9837 Haebler 332 BGP 1 p. 20 Old MS. signatures: . . .b 8 c-i 8 1 8 m 8 n 10 ab8 ba-la8 ma10 na? Wants all before b 8 (?) and all the last quire except nax and na3_7 Modern half morocco
Bible: Hebrew. Proverbs. With the commentary of David ibn Yahya. F°, 285 mm. H 13427 Haebler 591 Rossi 11 26 St 1067 BGP 1 p. 39 Wants 2 8 , Ji, "I4> I5* h an<^ ^ l a s t quire (6 leaves according to BGP) Given by H. Lipschiitz, 1868 19th c. half morocco
BRAG A J O H A N N GERLING 4227 Innocent VIII: Litterae indulgentiarum. (Portuguese.) Broadside, 240 x 300 m m . GW 65-7 Einblattdrucke 41 a-c See plate vin Two folio leaves, each with six different settings, i.e. twelve settings in all, of which GW describes three only. Plate vin reproduces the right-hand half of one of the leaves and includes one of the nine undescribed settings. The left-hand half of the same leaf contains GW 67 between two of the remaining eight undescribed settings From the binding of no. 1805 [3646]
Liturgies are indexed as B RE vi ARIUM, MISS ALE, etc. STATUTES, anonymous CHRONICLES and YEA R-B o o K s are indexed under those headings. Other anonymous works are indexed under the first word of the title, unless the title refers specifically to a particular person, body of persons or place. Genuine and supposititious works are not distinguished. The imprints of ancillary pieces, additional to a main title, are printed in italics. ABAGARUS
Epistola ad Jesum Christum. Epistola salvatoris responsiva Cologne [Retro Minores?] 1498 ABBEY (The) of the Holy Ghost Westminster, de Worde ABBREVIAMENTUM statutorum See STATUTES
Super caelestium motuum indagatione [Cremona, C. de Darleriis] 849
AEGIDIUS, Assisinas
Aurea verba [Cologne, Zel]
AEGIDIUS, de Bailleul
Epistola ad Antonium Gratia Dei Louvain, J. de Paderborn
De luminaribus et diebus criticis Lyons, Trechsel, I4g6
3219 AEGIDIUS, Romanus Contra gradus et pluralitates formarum ACCURSIUS (BONUS) Venice, S. de Luere, 1500 2204 Compendium Elegantiarum Laurentii De XH passionibus animae (De regimine Vallae principum m i) Louvain, Ravescot 3829 Venice, Arrivabenus, 1496 1935 Brescia, Farfengus, 1490 2631 A D peccatorem Sodomitam De intellectu possibili. De materia coeli 1557 [Rome, Silber] Venice, S. de Luere, i$oo 2204 ADAM, magister De regimine principum See Raymundus, de Pennaforti [Augsburg, G. Zainer] 1473 877 ADELARDUS, Bathoniensis Venice, Bevilaqua, 1498 2097 Quaestiones naturales Expositio super libros Analyticorum [Louvain, J. de Paderborn] 3703; 3739 posteriorum Aristotelis Padua, Maufer, 1478 2553 A D M O N I T I O de profectu animae Expositio super libros Analyticorum [Albi, Pr. of Aeneas Sylvius] 3270 priorum Aristotelis ADMONiTiONEsad spiritualem vitam 2203 Venice, S. de Luere, 1499 utiles Expositio super libros De anima See THOMAS, a Kemps: Imitatio Christi, Aristotelis Bki Venice, S. de Luere, 1500 2204 Expositio super libros Elenchorum ADOLPHUS, de Nassau Aristotelis Copia indulgentiarum de institutione Venice, Locatellus, 1496/7 1988 festi praesentationis B.V.M. Venice, S. de Luere, 1500 2207-8 [Cologne] 871 Theoremata de corpore Christi [Basel, Flach] 2762 Cologne, Koelhoff the elder, 1490 555-6 A D R 1 A N u s, Carthusiensis AEGIDIUS, Suchtelensis De remediis utriusque fortunae Elegantiarum x x praecepta Strassburg, Eggestein] 113 543 [Cologne, Koelhoffthe elder] Cologne, Zel] 352 [Cologne, Quentell] 802; 807 Cologne, A. ther Hoernen, 1471 421 [Delft, Snellaert] '1516' [1496] 3375 Louvain, J. de Paderborn 3724
F I F T E E N T H - C E N T U R Y P R I N T E D BOOKS Traductio in epistolam de congressu Friderici et Karoli. Epistola ad Barbirianum. Carmina
AELIANUS, Tacticus
De instruendis aciebus Rome, Silber, 1487
See also SCRIPTORES rei militaris
[Louvain,]. de Paderborn]
AILLY (PIERRE D') See P E T R U S , de Alliaco
AENEAS, Sylvius
A L A N us, de Insults
See Pius II, Pope
De maximis theologiae [Basel, J. de Pforzheim] Distinctiones [Strassburg, C. W.] Doctrinale altum parabolarum Cologne, Quentell [Paris, Treperel]
Orario contra Ctesiphontem, L. Aretino interprete [Nuremberg] Koberger, 1497 1045 Venice, Torresanus & B. de Blavis, 1483 1862 Venice, T. de Blavis, 1488 1877 [Venice, Pincius] 1495 2071 Milan, Le Signerre, 1498 2323
Oratio de Alexandro Magno recipiendo Cologne, Pr. ofHistoria S. Albani] Cologne, Koelhoff the elder] Paris, Caesaris & Stol] AESOPUS
Lyons, Pivard, '1419'
[Utrecht? Pr. of Speculum] [Deventer, J. de Breda] Deventer, J. de Breda [Zwolle, P. van Os] Antwerp, G. Leeu, i486 Fabulae electiores (Greek & Latin) Reggio Emilia, Dion. Bertochus, 1497
163 2574
Deventer, Pafraet, 1495 Deventer, Pafraet, 1499 Deventer, J. de Breda, 1492
3 509 3515 3549
De arte loquendi et tacendi [Strassburg, Pr. of Henricus] Cologne [Quentell] 1497 Cologne, Bumgart Paris, Levet, i486 [Toulouse, Mayer] Deventer [Pafraet] 1491 Louvain, Heerstraten, 1485 Antwerp, G. Leeu, 1485 Antwerp, G. Leeu, i486 Antwerp, G. Leeu, 1487 [Antwerp, Bac]
3293 3459 3551 3616 3887 2706 712 749 1221 1326 3511 3538 3556 3908 2596 2711
126 769-70 838-9 2979 3257 3495 3813 3882 3884 3901-2 3991
's Hertogenbosch [Leempt]
De omnibus ingeniis augendae memoriae Bologna, F. de Benedictis, 1491
De amore sive Ecatomfila (Italian) [Florence, Pr. of Mesue] 1471 De re aedificatoria Florence, Laurentii, 1485 De remedio amoris sive Deifera (Italian) [Florence, Pr. of Mesue] 1471 Ipolito e Lionora [Florence, Pr. of Mesue] 1471
Anna mater 3980
3444 3631
Anna mater. Epicedion. Epitaphium. Epigrammata [Deventer, Pafraet] [Zwolle, P. van Os]
Lyons, Pivard, 11419
AGENDA pro mortuis
Antwerp, Bac
808 3084
Historia S. Albani [Cologne]
—(Latin & Italian)
[Bamberg, Sensenschmidt]
AESOPUS moralisatus (Latin)
Verona, Alvise, 1479 Aquila, E. de Stella, 1493
ALANUS, de Rupe See R U P E (Alanus de)
503 518 2894-5
Fabulae (Latin) [Strassburg, Knoblochtzer] Parma, Portilia, 1482
Cologne, ten Raem] Cologne, Quentell] 1492 Reuthngen, GreyfT] 1489 Hagenau, Gran] 1494 Deventer, Pafraet, 1496 Deventer, J. de Breda, 1490 Deventer, J. de Breda, 1494 [Antwerp] G. Leeu, 1488
A L B E R T U S , de Ferrariis See FERRARIIS (ALBERTUS DE)
2327 2336 2328 2329
I N D E X OF AUTHORS AND A N O N Y M O U S TITLES Parvum regimen sanitatis [Antwerp, Goes] 3961; 3965 Philosophia pauperum. De virtute intellectiva Venice, Arrivabenus, 1496 1935 2631 Brescia, Farfengus, 1490 Postilla in evangelium Johannis 695 [Cologne, Guldenschaff] Secreta mulierum et virorum 158 Strassburg, Knoblochtzer] Cologne, Koelhoffthe elder] 565 Cologne, Gotz] 598
ALBERT us, Magnus
Compendium theologicae veritatis Strassburg, M. Schott] 165 Cologne, Gotz] 609 Nuremberg, Sensenschmidt] 973 1107 Speier, Pr. of Gesta Christi] Venice, Arnoldus, 1476 1687 [Deventer, Pafraet] 3445 De adhaerendo deo [Ulm, J. Zainer] 115 3 De animalibus Rome [Chardella] 1478 1436 Mantua, P. de Butzbach, 1479 2584-5 De duabus sapientiis [Nuremberg, Hochfeder] 1103 De laudibus B.V.M. [Strassburg, Mentelin] 90 [Basel, Wenssler] 2738 De mineralibus [Cologne, Zierikzee] 866 De mirabilibus mundi See below at Liber aggregationis De muliere forti Cologne, Quentell, 1499 778 De natura et immortalitate animae Nuremberg, Hochfeder, 1493 1100 De virtute intellectiva See below at Philosophia pauperum De virtutibus [Cologne, Pr. of Albertus Magnus] 614 Antwerp, G. Leeu, 1489 3916 De virtutibus herbarum, lapidum et animalium See Liber aggregationis Liber aggregationis. De mirabilibus mundi [Cologne, Quentell] 789 Augsburg, Schaur, 1496 969 Ferrara, S. Ferrariensis] 2240 Paris, Caillaut] 2941 Rouen or Lyons?] 3289 Antwerp, Goes] 3961; 3965 Vienna, Winterburg] 4032 Mariale [Strassburg, Mentelin] 91 [Strassburg, M. Schott] 168 2 54 Strassburg, M. Flach, 1493 Milan, Scinzenzeler, 1488 2306 Notula de festo die Epiphaniae [Cologne] Guldenschaff, 1477 [Co/ogne] Guldenschaff, i486
[Paris] [Antwerp, Goes] [London, Machlinia] Sermones de sacramento eucharistiae Cologne, Quentell, 1498 Sermones de tempore et de sanctis Cologne, A. ther Hoernen, 1474 Augsburg, Wiener Reutlingen, Greyff
725 3178 3956 4185 774-5 426 938 1213
ALBERTUS, Magnus: appendix
Legenda Alberti Magni See RUDOLPHUS, de Novimagio ALBERTUS, de Saxonia
Liber proportionum [Paris, Caillaut] Rouen [Le Forestier] Sophismata Paris, Le Rouge, 1489 Sophismata. Insolubilia. De obligationibus Paris, Caillaut [Paris] G. Wolf, 1490
2925 3283 3008
2937 3044
Modi significandi Deventer, Pafraet, 1489 Quaestiones de modis significandi London, Notary
3474 4208
ALBINUS, Platonicus
De doctrina Platonis Rome [Sweynheym & Pannartz] 1469 1358 Venice, Pincius, 1493 2069 Venice, Manutius, 1497 2177-9 A L B O LAPIDE (ALBERTUS DE)
De indulgentiis ecclesiarum Thuricensium [Zurich] 2866
685 692
Opus virginis gloriosae See Mariale Orationes super evangelia dominicalia Cologne, Quentell, 1499
Cologne [Pr. of Salomonis et Marcolji dialogus] 1481
De magnis conjunctionibus Augsburg, Ratdolt, 1489
Paradisus animae See De virtutibus
A L B U M A S A R (cont.)
Flores astrologiae Augsburg, Ratdolt> 1488 Introductorium in astronomiam Augsburg, Ratdolt, 1489
Historia Alexandri 232 Strassburg [Pr. of Jordanus] 1489 Cologne, Pr. of Dictys] 483 France] 1490 3288 Utrecht, Pr. of Gesta Romanorum] 3312-13 Tres orationes (Aeschinis, Demadis, Demosthenis) de recipiendo Alexandro vel armis repellendo 503 Cologne, Pr. of Historia S. Alhani] Cologne, Koelhoff the elder] 518 Paris, Caesaris & Stol] 2894-5
956 959
Liber isagogicus Venice, Ratdolt, 1482 Venice, Ratdolt, 1485
1747 1760-62
See A L B I N U S , Platonicus
A L E X A N D E R , de Nevo
Mons perfectionis Westminster, de Worde, 1497 Spousage of a virgin to Christ Westminster, de Worde
Consilia contra Judaeos foenerantes Nuremberg, Creussner, 1479 Venice, Renner & P. de Bartua, 1477 Venice, Renner, 1483 Venice, Torresanus, 1481 Milan, Pachel & Sdnzenzeler, 1479
4128 4143
A L E X A N D E R , de Ales
Expositio super libros Aristotelis De anima See Alexander, ah Alexandria Quaestiones 2043 Venice, Hamman, 1494 Venice, Tacuinus, 1500 2122 Summa Nuremberg, Koberger, 1481-2 997 Super in Sententiarum Venice, J. de Colonia &J. Manthen, 1475 1713 A L E X A N D E R , ah Alexandria
Expositio super libros Aristotelis De anima Oxford, Rood, 1481
A L E X A N D E R , Anglicus
Destructorium vitiorum Cologne [Renchen] 1485 Paris, Levet, 1497/8
732 2995-6
A L E X A N D E R , Aphrodisiensis
Problemata (Greek) Venice, Manutius, 1497 —(Latin) Venice, Strata, 1488/9 Venice, Manutius, 1498
A L E X A N D E R VI, Pope
Bulla Innocentii et Alexandri See Innocent VIII, Pope Bulla Quoniam pro communi [Rome, Plannck] [Pavia, F. Girardengus]
1492 2655
A L E X A N D E R VI, Pope: appendix Senensium oboedientia publica Alexandro VI praestita [Rome, Plannck]
ALEXANDER, 'puer Senensis* Epigrammata in obitum Alexandri pueri Senensis 1414 [Rome, apud S. Marcum] ALEXANDER, de Sancto Elpidio De ecclesiastica potestate Turin, Suigus & N . de Benedictis, 1494
Doctrinale, pars I-IV Venice, B. Benalius, 1488 1915 Rouen, Morin 3281 [Utrecht? Pr. of Speculum] 3296-7; 3300 3920 [Antwerp, G. Leeu] pars 1 Cologne [Quentell] 1489 743 pars 11 3536 Deventer [J. de Breda] 1490 pars m, iv Deventer, J. de Breda, 1496 3566 Oratio congrua 1086 [Nuremberg, Wagner]
2173 1834 2184
See Benedictus (Alexander) A L E X A N D E R , Bp ofForll
A L E X A N D E R , Carpentarius See A L E X A N D E R , Anglicus A L E X A N D E R , Gallus See A L E X A N D E R , de Villa Dei
A L E X A N D E R , de Villa Dei
A L E X A N D E R , Benedictus
Copia bullae indulgentiarum de rosario B.V.M. Cologne, A. ther Hoernen, 1478
1057 1666 1680 i860 2287-8
A L F O N S O , King of Aragon In Alphonsum Aragonum regem oratio 1419 [Rome, Guldinbeck]
INDEX OF AUTHORS AND ANONYMOUS TITLES ALFONSO X, King ofCastille and Leon Tabulae astronomicae [Venice] Ratdolt, 1483 Venice, Hamman, 1492
Opera Basel, Amerbach, 1492 2780-81 De aedificatione urbis Mediolani Milan, Zarotus, 1491 2259 De arbore interdicta. De Cain et Abel [Milan, Zarotus] 2256 De fuga saeculi. De Isaac et anima Milan, Zarotus, 1491 2259 De inventione corporum SS. Protasii et Gervasii Milan, Valdarfer, 1474 2268 De omciis 357 [Cologne, Zel] Milan, Valdarfer, 1474 2268 De ortu Adae. De paradiso [Milan, Zarotus] 2256 De vocatione omnium gentium Milan, Zarotus, 1491 2259 Epistolae Milan, Zarotus, 1491 2259 Hexameron [Cologne, Guldenschaff ] 696 Augsburg, Schiissler, 1472 894 [Milan, Zarotus] 2256 Passio SS. Vitalis et Agricolae. Passio SS. Protasii et Gervasii. Vita S. Agnetis Milan, Valdarfer, 1474 2268
1754 2034
ALFONSO, de Valencia
Vocabulario en latin y en romance Seville, Compaiieros Alemanes, 1490 4040 ALGORITHMIC integrorum cum probis annexis [Leipzig, Landsberg]
'ALI ibn Abi '1-Rijal, ash-Shaibdrii See H A L Y (ALBOHAZEN)
'ALI ibn 'Isa, al Kahhdl See H A L Y (JESU) ALKMAAR ( H E N R I K VAN) See REYNARD the Fox ALMANACK
—(Dutch) [Utrecht, Veldener] ' 1476'
—(German) [Ingolstadt, J. Kachelofen, 1496?]
—(Latin) Ulm, J. Zainer, 1478
115 8
ALMANSOR, Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi
AMBROSIUS, de Spiera
See R H A Z E S
Quadragesimale Venice, V. de Spira, 1476 Venice, A. de Stanchis, 1481
ALMANSOR, Yahya ibn-Abi-Mansiir al-Mamunx Propositiones Venice, Locatellus, 1493 ALPHABETUM divini amoris [Cologne, Zel] Memmingen, Kunne, 1489 Alost, Martens, 1487/8 Louvain, J. de Paderborn Louvain, Veldener
1974-5 282-3 1236 3675 3728 3809; 3811
Rerum gestarum libri XIV-XXVI Rome, Sachsel & Golsch, 1474
De differentia dictionum (Greek) Venice, Manutius, 1497 2180-81 In quinque voces Porphyrii commentarii (Greek) Venice [Callierges] 1500 2218-19
See D I A Z DE M O N T A L V O ( A L O N S O )
ANDAECHTIGES Lob der Glieder Mariae See MARY, the Blessed Virgin
Fortalitium fidei [Strassburg, Mentelin] Nuremberg, Koberger, 1494
78 1030-31
ALPHONSUS, Toletanus
Lectura super 1 Sententiarum Venice, P. de Paganinis, 1490
ALPHONSUS, de Montalbo
Mare magnum [Rome]
1767-8 1873
Quaestiones super Metaphysica Aristotelis Venice, Strata, 1481 Venice, Locatellus, 1491 [London] Lettou, 1480 Quaestiones super sex principiis Porretani Most, Martens, 1489
1827 1961-2 4173 3676-j 45
F I F T E E N T H - C E N T U R Y P R I N T E D -BOOKS A N D R E A E ( A N T O N I U S ) (cont.)
Quaestiones super tribus principiis rerum naturalium Ferrara, L. de Rubeis, 1490 Scriptum aureum super Metaphysica Aristotelis Venice, Strata, 1482 Scriptum in Artem veterem Aristotelis et in Divisiones Boethii Venice, Scotus, 1480 Venice, O. de Luna, 1496 Scriptum in logica sua [St Albans, Schoolmaster Printer]
De fuga Balbi [Paris, Baligault] 3105 Elegiae Paris, Marchant, 1494 2957 Appendix Invectiva in Faustum Balbi calumniatorem [Paris, E. Jehannot] 3145
1821 2201
ANGELO, da Vallombrosa
Epistola alle nobile matrone e pientissime donne fiorentine [Florence, Libri] 2359
ANGELUS, de Aretio
Additiones ad Speculum Duranti [Strassburg, Husner] Casus breves super Decretalibus et Clementinis [Paris, Gering] De sponsalibus et matrimonio [Louvain, Loeffs] Summa super 11 Decretalium Cologne, Zierikzee Super arboribus consanguinitatis et amnitatis [Nuremberg, Creussner] Venice, B. de Tortis, '1497' Basel, Froben, 1494 Super arboribus consanguinitatis, affinitatis et cognationis spiritualis [Cologne, A. ther Hoernen] Nuremberg, Creussner, 1483 Louvain, J. de Paderborn Super arboribus consanguinitatis, amnitatis et cognationis spiritualis et legalis, una cum exemplis et enigmatibus [Strassburg, Knoblochtzer]
ANGELUS, de Clavasio
Summa angelica de casibus conscientiae 1014-15 Nuremberg, Koberger, 1488 1020-21 Nuremberg, Koberger, 1492 1928-9 Venice, Arrivabenus, 1487 1931 Venice, Arrivabenus, 1492 Chivasso, Suigus, i486 2725-6 3215 Lyons [Trechsel] 1495 Alost, Martens, 1490 3678
2883 3803 854
1052 1849 2839
ANGELUS, de Fossambruno
De motu locali Venice, Locatellus, 1494 ANGUILBERTUS (THEOBALDUS)
Mensa philosophica 434 1060 3738
See M E N S A philosophica ANIANUS
Compotus cum commento Strassburg, Priiss, 1488 Paris, Maurand, 1498 Paris [Maurand?]
209 3116 3176; 3177
A N N E (St)
ANDREAS, de Escobar
Canones poenitentiales [Louvain, Loeffs] Modus confitendi Cologne, ten Raem] 1478 Cologne, Quentell] Reutfingen, GreyfF] Rome, U. Han] Rome, Silber] Rome, Besicken & Mayer] Rome, Besicken & M. de Amsterdam] [Paris, Caillaut] Deventer [Pafraet] 1490 Deventer, Pafraet Deventer, J. de Breda, 1497 [Louvain, C. de Paderborn]
3803 711 795 I222'5
Historie, ghetijden ende exempelen van S. Anna Antwerp, G. Leeu, 1491 3934 4000 Antwerp, Liesvelt, 1496 Legenda S. Annae Louvain, J. de Paderborn, 1496 3722 Sermones electissimi de S. Anna Cologne, Retro Minores, 1499 850-51
1377 ANNIUS (JOHANNES) 1558-9; 1560 Auctores vetustissimi nuper in lucem editi I588 1592 2921 3488 3527 3570 3798
2149 [Venice] B. de Vitalibus, 1498 Glossa super Apocalypsim (De futuris Christianorum triumphis) 719 Cologne [Quentell] 1482 Cologne, Retro Minores, 1497 848 [Gouda, G. Leeu] 3398 3740-41 Louvain, J. de Paderborn
I N D E X OF A U T H O R S AND A N O N Y M O U S TITLES ANNOTATIONES Margaritarum decretalium 2818 Basel, Kesler [Paris, Bocard] 3059
A N T O N I O , da Siena
A N T O N I U S , de Bitonto
Opuscula [Basel, Amerbach] De planctu Mariae Strasshurg [Flach] I4go [Passau, Petri] Epistola de sancta conceptione B.V.M. [Cologne, Guldenschaff] Exhortatio ad fratrem moriturum [Bamberg, Sensenschmidt] Meditationes Brescia, A . Britannicus, I4g8 ANTHOLOGIA Graeca Planudea Florence, Alopa, 1494
De divina praeordinatione [Rome, Silber] Quaestiones Venice, Hamtnan, 1494 Venice, Tacuinus, i$oo Sermones dominicales Strassburg, Gruninger, 1496 [Venice] Locatellus, 1499 Sermones in Epistolas dominicales et quadragesimales Venice, Hamman, 1496
2805 2si 1260 697 273 2628 2437-8
2043 2122
189 2003 2047
A N T O N I U S , de Butrio See B U T R I O ( A N T O N I U S DE)
ANTONIUS, Nebrissensis
Introductorium in Cosmographiam Melae [Salamanca, Pr. of Antonius Nebrissensis Gramatica] 4051
A N T O N I N U S (St)
Confessionale (Curam illius habe) (Italian) Florence, F. di Dino, 1481 2337 A N T O N I U S , Panormita Confessionale (Defecerunt) See BECCADELLI ( A N T O N I O ) 164 Strassburg, Knoblochtzer] A N T O N I U S , de Senis Cologne, Zel] 301; 302; 303-5 See ANTONIO, da Siena Cologne, Pr. of Historia S. Albani] 508 Cologne, P. ther Hoernen] 825 ANTONIUS, de Vercellis Esslingen] Fyner 1142 Sermones quadragesimales Memmingen, Kunne, 1483 1231 Venice, J. & G. de Gregoriis, 1492/3 1810 [Rome, P. de Turre] 1582 Delft [Meer] 1482 3345 ANTONY (Order of St) Privilegia ordinis S. Antonii 3725 [Louvain, J. de Paderborn] 1288 [Leipzig, Landsberg] Confessionale (Defecerunt). Titulus de ANWYKYLL (JOHN) restitutionibus Compendium totius grammaticae 253 Strassburg, Flach, 1492 Deventer, Pafraet, 1489 3472-3 [Speier, Drach] 1487 1119 4166 [Oxford, Rood] [Rome, Gensberg] 1397 [Rome, Cinquinis] 1440-1 APOCALYPSIS S. Johannis Confessionale (Defecerunt). Titulus de [Blockbooks] 2; 3 restitutionibus. Conclusiones in foro APOLLONIUS, Dyscolus conscientiae TTepl OWT&^ECOS Venice, P. de Quarengiis, 1497 2130 Venice, Manutius, 1495 2165-6 Decisio super dubio producto de indulgentiis APOLLONIUS, Rhodius [Cologne, Guldenschaff] 703 'ApyovccvTiKd Opus historiale 2439-40 Florence [Alopa] 1496 Nuremberg, Koberger, 1484 1003 A P O L L O N I U S (PETRUS) Summa theologica, pars 1 Fasti maiores [Venice] Jenson, 1479 1645 Milan, P. de Mantegatiis, 1492 2318 pars 11 A P P I A N U S Venice, Renner & N. de Frankfordia, De bellis civilibus 1659 1474 Venice, Ratdolt, Maler & Loslein, Venice, J. de Colonia & Manthen, 1477 1725 1477 1740-42 pars iv Reggio Emilia, F. de Mazalibus, 1494 2703 Strassburg, Gruninger, 1496 190 De bellis civilibus. Historia Romana Trialogus de duobus discipulis 2061 Venice, C. de Pensis, 1500 2138 Venice, Emericus, 1495
F I F T E E N T H - C E N T U R Y PRINTED BOOKS A P P I A N U S (cont.) Historia Romana Venice, Ratdolt, Maler & Loslein, 1477 Scandiano, P. de Pasqualibus, 14(95]
1739 2727
APPLANUS (CONSTANTIUS) Soliloquia Cremona, Q de Darleriis, 1496
[Padua, Cerdonis]
ARATUS Phaenomena (Gk & Lat.) Venice, Manutius, 1499 2189-90 —{Latin) Venice, Strata, 1488 1832-3 See also C I C E R O (MARCUS T U L L I U S ) :
Practica sive Expositio libri noni Almansoris See RHAZES. Liber nonus cum expositione
De usuris Bologna, B. de Hyrberia, i486 Minorica elucidativa ARISTEAS De LXXH interpretibus Erfurt, 1483 Rome, Sweynheym & Pannartz, 1471
Naples, A. de Bruxella, 1474
1735 1822
ARISTOPHANES Kco|icp8tai 6W6OC Venice, Manutius, 1498
Leipzig, C. Kachelofen]
Rome, U. Han] Paris, Caesaris & Stol]
859 1275 1375; 1376 2890
De studiis et litteris [Cologne, A. ther Hoernen]
[Cologne, Pr. of Dictys] Epistolae familiares [Louvain, LoefFs] Guerra Punica
445 478 3801
Venice, Torresanus & B. de Blavis, 1485 1863 Venice, Joh. Rubeus, 1493 2014
Historia Florentina (Italian) Venice, Jac. Rubeus, 1476 Florence, Libri, 1492 Isa *oga de philosophia morali Rome, Silber] Venice, V. de Spira?] Louvain] J. de Paderhorn
1696 2354 1555 2227
Chirurgia Venice, Locatellus, 1497/8
1312 1362 2511
—(Italian) Venice, Miscomini, 1477 Venice, Scotus, 1481
De bello Italico Foligno, Neumeister, 1470 De duobus amantibus Guiscardo et Sigismunda Cologne, Zierikzee]
See Mi NO RICA elucidativa
A P U L E I U S , Madaurensis Opera Rome [Sweynheym & Pannartz] 1469 1358 Venice, Pincius, 1493 2069 Asinus aureus Bologna, Hectoris, 1500 2503
ARGUMENTUM belli inter Venetos et Ferrarienses exorti causas exponens
Opera (Greek) Venice, Manutius, 1495-8 i. *Opyocvov ii. (DucnKfi ocKpoaais iii. TTepl jcpcov iv. npopAriuccTcc. Mrixavii«5c. METOC9VCTIK& v . 'HOIKOC NiKo^dxeia. TTOAITIKOC. OIKOVOUIKOC. 'HOIKOC uey&Aoc. 'HOIKOC EvSfmioc —(Latin)
Cologne, Quentell, 1497 Augsburg, A. Keller, 1479 Chiromantia cum figuris Ulm [Reger] 1490 De anima Cologne, Koelhoffthe elder, 1491 Padua, Canozius, 1472 De bona fortuna
2162-4 2172 2170 2173
768 943 1170 559 2542
[Cologne, A. ther Hoernen]
De caelo et mundo Padua, Canozius, 1473 De differentia spiritus et animae
[Cologne, A. ther Hoernen]
De generatione et corruptione Padua, Canozius, 1474 De interpretatione [Louvain, Braem]
2545 3792
De inundatione Nili [Cologne, A. ther Hoernen]
De porno et morte [Cologne, A. ther Hoernen]
ARMANDUS, de Bellovisu
Ethica ad Eudemum 306 [Cologne, Zel] Ethica ad Nicomachum 86-7 [Strassburg, Mentelin] Paris, Higman, 1496-7 3034 3053 Paris [Bocard] 1500 3091 [Paris] G. Wolf, 1493 4039 [Saragossa, Botel?] Oxford [Pr. of Expositio S. Hieronymi] 4160 1479 Logica Basel, Amerbach 2807 Metaphysica 2543 Padua, Canozius, 1473 Meteorologica 1807-8 Venice, J. & G. de Gregoriis, 1491 2546 Padua, Canozius, 1474 (Economica Strassburg, Mentelin] 86-7 Cologne, A. ther Hoernen] 445 Leipzig, Bottiger] 1303 Saragossa, Botel?] 4039 Pai^va naturalia [Padua, Canozius] 2548 Padua, H. de Durantis, 1493 2566 Physica [Padua, Canozius] 2547 Ph ysiognomia Cologne, A. ther Hoernen]
Po itica 86-7 4039
Strassburg, Mentelin] Saragossa, Botel ?]
De declaratione dimcilium terminorum Basel [Wenssler] 1491 2750-51 A R N O L D I (HENRICUS)
De modo perveniendi ad veram JT dilectionem [Basel, Wenssler] Epitomata logicae Aristotelis Cologne, Quentell, 1496 De arte cognoscendi venena Mantua [Vurster] 1473 De virtutibus herbarum See HERBARIUS [Cologne, Winters] Louvain, J. de Paderborn Louvain, J. de Paderborn] Antwerp, Goes]
Oratio ad membra Christi patientis (Salve mundi salutare) See BERNARD {Si), ofClairvaux: Oratio... ARS dicendi Cologne, KoelhofFthe elder, 1484 ARS memorandi [Blockbook]
Cologne [Guldenschaff] Cologne, Quentell
[Paris, Caillaut] Antwerp, G. Leeu] — German)
t '44;
799 3945; 3966-7 440
[Antwerp, Goes] Auctoritates Aristotelis et aliorum philosophorum Cologne, GuldenschafF, 1487 Deventer [Pafraet] 1489 Antwerp, G. Leeu, 1487 Antwerp, G. Leeu, 1488 De vita et morte Aristotelis
625 705 723
2951 3735;3785 3940
[Augsburg, Bdmler] 1473 —{Italian)
Verona [Alvise] 1478
3830 3941
ARS moriendi (Quamvis secundum philosophum) [Blockbook] ARS oratoria [Basel, Amerbach]
3479 3898-900 3910 r
See also K U N S T wol to stervende
[Cologne, Quentell]
Louvain, J. de Paderborn — Dutch)
Louvain [Pr. of Scotus Physiognomia] 1487 (14S4?)
ARS moriendi (Cum de praesentis exilii miseria) 509 [Cologne, Pr. of Historia S. Albani]
Venice, Strata, 1488/9
376i 3762 3974
ARNULPHUS, de Lovanio
Problemata (Cur exuperantiae) Problemata (Omnes homines) Cologne, Quentell] Antwerp, Goes] Secreta secretorum [Cologne, A. ther Hoernen]
Regimen sanitatis
[Louvain, Braem]
ARNOLDUS, de Villa Nova
Cologne, Unkel, 1476
Po itica cum commento Versoris Cologne, Quentell, 1497 Praedicamenta
A R N O L D us, de Tongern
j '44; 799
ARTE dell* abbaco
Treviso [Manzolus] 1478 ARTICULI fidei (Liber poenitentialis) [Paris, Caillaut] Paris, Levet]
2456 2946 2980
F I F T E E N T H - C E N T U R Y P R I N T E D BOOKS A R T I C U L I in Anglia et Parisius condemnati [Cologne, Quentell] [Paris, Caillaut] A R T I C U L I Parisius condemnati Padua, Cerdonis
790 2916 2565
A S T E S A N U S , de Ast
Summa de casibus conscientiae [Strassburg, Mentelin] Cologne, Quentell, 1479 Nuremberg, Koberger, 1482 Venice, J. de Colonia & Manthen, ^ 1478 Textus canonum poenitentialium [Nuremberg, Wagner] [Leipzig, Landsberg] [Vienna, Winterburg] See also NICOLAUS, de Ausmo: Supplementum... ATHANASIUS
84 713 998-9 1727 1083 1296 4022
Contra Arium de homousio Paris, Bocard, 1300 Contra haereticos de fide catholica [Brussels, Fratres Vitae Communis] Contra haereticos et gentiles Vicenza, Achates, 1482 In psalmorum effectus sequestratio [Augsburg, Froschauer] Venice; Manutius, 1498 ATTESTATIO radicalis fidei orthodoxae Nuremberg, Creussner, 1477
3052 3844 2669 952 2184 1054
Histoire d'Olivier de Castille et d'Artus d'Algarbe 2861 Geneva, Cruse A U C T O R E S octo .
Lyons, Pivard, '1419*
A U C T O R E S vetustissimi See A N N I U S ( J O H A N N E S )
AUCTORITATES Aristotelis et aliorum philosophorum See ARISTOTELES: appendix
AUCTORITATES utriusque testamenti See NICOLAUS, de Hanapis AUERBACH (JOHANNES)
Processus judiciarius See T U D E S C H I S ( N I C O L A U S D E ) : De
Opuscula Venice, A. de Bonetis, 1484 Parma, Ugoletus, 1491 Confessiones Milan, Bonus, 1475 Deventer, Pafraet, 1483
1899 2579 2272 3427
De agone Christiano [Cologne, Zel] 307-8 De anima et eius origine [Nuremberg, Fratres Ord. Erem. S. Aug.] 1073 De anima et spiritu [Lauingen, Pr. of Augustinus De consensu] 1472 1174 De arte praedicandi [Strassburg, Mentelin] 74; 83 De caritate [Cologne, Pr. ofDictys] 473 De civitate Dei [Strassburg, Mentelin] 75 Freiburg i.B. [Fischer] 1494 1336 Venice, J. & V. de Spira, 1470 1607 Venice, G. di Pietro, 1475 1681 Venice, Locatellus, 1486/7 1948 Naples, Moravus, 1477 2515 Basel, Amerbach, 1490 2775 Louvain, J. de Paderborn, 1488 3719-20 —(French) Abbeville, Gerard & Dupre, 1486/7 3272 —(Italian) [Florence, Miscomini] 2339 De conflictu virtutum et vitiorum [Strassburg, Husner] 147 Paris [P. Bonhomme] 1479 2905 De consensu evangelistarum Lauingen [Pr. of Augustinus De consensu] 1473 1173 [Louvain, J. de Paderborn] 3723 De contemptu mundi Cologne, Zel] 358-9 Cologne, Guldenschaff] 709 Cologne, Quentell] 803-4; 818 De continentia [Cologne, Zel] 358-9 [Magdeburg, M. Brandis] 1229 De contritione cordis [Lauingen, Pr. of Augustinus De consensu] 1472 H74-5 [Basel, Furter] 2835 De dignitate sacerdotum Paris [Caillaut?] 1482 2912 De disciplina Christiana [Cologne, Unkel] 631-2 De divinatione daemonum [Nuremberg, Fratres Ord. Erem. S. Aug.] 1073 De doctrina Christiana [Cologne, Unkel] 644 —Bk iv. See above De arte praedicandi De dogmatibus ecclesiasticis [Cologne, Unkel] 634-6 De duodecim abusivis saeculi [Nuremberg, Fratres Ord. Erem. S. Aug.] 1073 [Milan, J. A. & B. de Honate] 2282 See also CYPRIAN (St): De duodecim...
INDEX OF AUTHORS AND ANONYMOUS TITLES (St) (cont.) De ebrietate (Licet propitio)
[Cologne, Zel] 296; 312 Cologne, Pr. ofHistoria S. Albani] 510 Lauingen, Pr. of Augustinus De consensu] 1472 1174 De fide Cologne [Pr. of Augustinus Dejide] 1473 5^9 De fuga mulierum [Cologne, Zel] 358 [Cologne, Zel] 361 [Magdeburg, M. Brandis] 1229 De lectione divina [Venice, Torresanus] 1871-2 De mirabilibus sacrae scripturae [Utrecht, Ketelaer & Leempt] 3303 De moribus ecclesiae [Cologne, Unkel] 633 De quattuor virtutibus caritatis [Lauingen, Pr. of Augustinus De consensu] 1472 n 74-5 De sermone Domini in monte habito [Cologne, Zel] 307-8 De singularitate clericorum [Cologne] Zel, 1467 284-5 De sobrietate [Lauingen, Pr. of Augustinus De consensu] 1472 1174-5 De spiritu et littera [Cologne, Pr. of Dictys] 468 De trinitate 132 [Strassburg, Pr. of Henricus] [Freiburg i.B., Fischer] 1494 1337 Venice, P. de Paganinis, 1489 2024 [Basel] Amerbach, 1490 2776 Louvain, J. de Paderborn, 1495 3784 De vanitate saeculi [Lauingen, Pr. of Augustinus De consensu] 1472 1174 De verae vitae cognitione [Mainz, SchoefFer] 41-2 De virtute psalmorum [Cologne, Quentell] 722 [Antwerp, Goes] 3946 De vita beata [Cologne, Zel] 361 De vita Christiana Mainz, SchoefFer] 39 Cologne] Zel, 1467 284-5 Cologne, Unkel] 634-6 Geneva, Cruse] 2859-60 De vita communi clericorum See below Sermones de vita clericorum Enchiridion de fide [Strassburg, C.W.] 142 [Cologne, Zel] 295
Epistolae [Strassburg, Mentelin] 76 Venice, B. Benalius, 1494 1923 Epistola ad Cyrillum de magnificentiis Hieronymi [Cologne, Zel] 360 See also JEROME (St): appendix. Vita et transitus S. Hieronymi Explanatio psalmorum Venice, B. Benalius, 1493 1920 [Belgium] 4008-9 Expositio in evangelium secundum Johannem [Basel, Amerbach] 2796 Expositio super epistolas Pauli Paris, Gering & Rembolt, 1499 3127 Expositio super symbolum Cologne, Zel] 296 -,312 Cologne, Pr. of Dares] 500 Cologne, Pr. ofHistoria S. Albani] 510 Magdeburg, M. Brandis] 1229 Expositio verborum evangelistae: Sicut pater [Cologne, Pr. of Dictys] 469 Flores ex libris De civitate Dei extracti per F. de Mayronis [Cologne, Pr. of Flores S>. Augustini] 586-7 Homiliae [Cologne, Zel] 309-11 Homiliae duae [Strassburg, Priiss] 221 [Strassburg, Pr. ofCasus breves] 267 Invocatio ad Deum pro auxilio [Cologne, Quentell] 722 3671 Alost [J. de Paderborn & Martens] Manuale de aspiratione animae ad Deum [Cologne, Quentell] 722 [Milan, J. A. & B. de Honate] 2282 Treviso, G. de Lisa, 1471 2449 Brescia, A. Britannicus, 1498 2628 [Leyden, Heynrici] 3644 Alost [J. de Paderborn & Martens] 3671 Meditationes [Milan, J. A. & B. de Honate] 2282 Brescia, A. Britannicus, 1498 2628 [Paris, Caillaut] 2915 —(German) [Reutlingen, Otmar] 1220 Opus quaestionum Lyons, Trechsel, 1497 3223 Oratio pro tribulatis [Rome, Silber] 1570; 1571 Psalterium [Cologne, Quentell] 722 Alost [J. de Paderborn & Martens] 3671 Quinquaginta Augsburg, Sorg, 1475
FIFTEENTH-CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS (St) (cont.) Regula sancti Augustini
Summa de potestate ecclesiastica Cologne, A. ther Hoernen, 1475 Augsburg [Schiissler] 1473 [Lyons, Hongre]
427 897 Venice, Emericus, 1500 2140-41 3198 —{Latin & Italian) [Rome, F. de Cinquinis] 1444 AUGUSTINUS, de Meschiatis Responsiones ad Dulcitium de Quaestio de medio demonstrations quaestionibus ab eo missis Venice, Locatellus, 1496/7 1988 [Brussels, Fratres Vitae Communis] 3843 Venice, S. de Luere, i$oo 2207-8 Scala paradisi [Milan, J. A. & B. de Honate] 2282 AUGUSTINUS, Moravus Dialogus in defensionem poetices Sermo de festo praesentationis B.V.M. 1926 Venice [B. Benalius?] 1493 [Mainz, SchoefFer] 43 Sermo de misericordia et pia oratione A U G U S T I S ( Q U I R I C U S DE) pro defunctis Lumen apothecariorum [Oxford, Rood] 4168-9 1815 Venice, J. & G. de Gregoriis, 1495 Sermo de offerendis oblationibus AUNGERVILLE (RlCHARD) Cologne, Koelhoffthe elder, 1490 553 See RICHARD, de Bury Sermo de sancto Cypriano [Deventer, Pafraet] 3431 A UREA expositio hymnorum See H Y M N I Sermo de verbis evangelicis: Non potest filius 469 AURELIUS V I C T O R (SEXTUS) [Cologne, Pr. of Dictys] Sermo super orationem dominicam De viris illustribus Cologne, Zel] 296; 312 [Milan, P. de Lavagnia?] 2267 Cologne, Pr. of Dares] 500 Florence, apud S. Jacobum de Ripoli, Cologne, Pr. of Historia S. Albani] 510 1478 2331-2 Magdeburg, M. Brandts] 1229 A U R E O L I (PETRUS) Sermones De conceptione B.V.M. Basel, Amerbach, 1494/5 2789 [Mainz, SchoefFer] 45 Paris, Gering & Rembolt 3128-9 Sermones ad heremitas AURIFABER (AEGIDIUS) [Strassburg, Priiss] 221 See SPECULUM exemplorum [Strassburg, Pr. of Casus breves] 267 AURISPA (JOHANNES) Venice, P. de Paganinis, 1487 2023 De virtutis conquestu dialogus Modena, B. de Struciis, 1477 2692 [Rome, Silber] 1555 Sermones de vita clericorum [Cologne, Zel] 358-9 AusLEGUNGdes Amts der heiligen Messe Augsburg [Bamler] 1484 900 Sermones duo de epiphania domini [Cologne] Guldenschaff, 1477 685A U S O N I U S ( D E C I M U S M A G N U S ) [Co/c^we] Guldenschaff, i486 692 Epigrammata Sermones duo de resurrectione mortuorum Venice, Tacuinus, 1494 2110 [Cologne, Pr. of Dictys] 467 Venice, Tacuinus, 1496 2115 Soliloquium (Agnoscam te) 2282 AVERROES [Milan,]. A. & B. de Honate] De substantia orbis 2628 Brescia, A. Britannicus, I4g8 [Padua, Canozius] 2548 Soliloquium (Verbum mini) 470-71 A V I A N U S (FLAVIUS) [Cologne, Pr. of Dictys] Speculum peccatoris Apologus 3266 [Vienne, Frommolt] 757 [Cologne, Quentell] 1494
AUGUSTINE (St): appendix
Sequentia in solemnitate sancti Augustini Venice, A. de Bonetis, 1484 AUGUSTINE (Order ofSt)
Canon de medicina [Strassburg, R-Printer]
Opera Venice, Strata, 1488
See AUGUSTINE (St): Regula...
De laudibus B.V.M. Lyons, Glockengiesser
3199 712
See FOUR (The) sons of Aymon
INDEX OF AUTHORS AND ANONYMOUS TITLES Deventer, Pafraet, 1492 3500-501 Deventer, J. de Breda, 1497 3567 Parthenice secunda sive Catherinaria Bologna, F. de Benedictis, 1489 2488 3621 Zwofle [P. van Os] 1497 Parthenices commendatio [Deventer, Pafraet] 3533 Somnium Romanum
, Tractatus super Methodium Basel, Furter, 1498
Summa super institutis Speier, Drach, 1482
Naves stultiferae [Paris, G. Wolf &] Kerver, 1500
Bologna, F. de Benedictis, 1489
B A P T I S T A, de Salis
Summa casuum conscientiae Nuremberg, Koberger, 1488 1013 [Speier, Drach] 1488 1122 Pavia, F. Girardengus & Birreta, 1489 2652
BAHYA ben Joseph ibn Paquda
Hobot ha-Lebabot [Naples] Joseph ben Jacob, 1489
Ad exteras nationes et invicem epistolae. Ad Ludovicum regem epistola Paris, Marchant, 1500
Castigationes Plinianae. Castigationes in Pomponium Melam. Glossemata in Plinium 1536 Rome, Silber, 1492-3 Cremona, C. de Darleriis, 1495 2604 [Venice?] 2232 Oratio ad Fridericum et Maximilianum principes 1835 [Venice, Strata] 3679 [Alost, Martens]
Dialogus de glorioso rhetore [Paris, Gering]
Catholicon Mainz [Pr. of Catholicon] 1460 [Strassburg, R-Printer] Augsburg, G. Zainer, 1469 Venice, H. Liechtenstein, 1483 Venice, Locatellus, 1495
47 102-3 872 1884 BARBATIA (ANDREAS) De officio judicis delegati, legati et judicis 1985-6 ordinarii BAMBERG Venice, J. de Colonia & Manthen, Invitation from the Mayor and Council 1703 1474 to a shooting-match' 279 BARBERIIS (PHILIPPUS DE) [Bamberg, Pfeyl] Discordantiae Hieronymi et Augustini BAPTIST A, de Finario 1576 [Rome, Teutonicus & Riessinger] Trialogus de contemptu mundi Venice, Emericus, 149s
BARLAAM et Josaphat
[Strassburg, Eggestein] [Speier, Pr. of Gesta Christi]
BAPTIST A, Mantuanus
Apologeticon [Deventer, Pafraet]
Contra poetas impudice loquentes Bologna, F. de Benedictis, 1489
De calamitatibus temporum suorum Bologna, F. de Benedictis, 1489 [Paris] G. Wolf & Kerver, 1499 De contemnenda morte [Bologna, P. de Fontanesis]
De patientia Brescia, B. de Misintis, 1497 Basel, Bergmann, 1499 De vita Ludovici Morbioli [Bologna, P. de Fontanesis] In Robertum Severinatem panegyricum carmen. Epigrammata ad Falconem Bologna, F. de Benedictis, 1489 Parthenice prima sive Mariana Bologna, F. de Benedictis, 1488
122 1105
[Augsburg, G. Zainer]
2489 3155 2496
2637 2855 2496
De proprietatibus rerum [Cologne, Pr. of Flores S. Augustini] 590-91 1022 Nuremberg, Koberger, 1492 Heidelberg, Pr. of Lindelbach] 1488 1317 Basel, Ruppel] 2737 Lyons] N . Philippi & Reinhard, 1480 3184 Lyons, N . Philippi & Reinhard] 1482 3185 Lyons] Hongre, 1482 3197 —{Dutch)
Haarlem, Bellaert, 1485
Westminster, de Worde
Toulouse, Mayer, 1494
F I F T E E N T H - C E N T U R Y PRINTED BOOKS Tractatus varii [Venice] V. de Spira, 1472
Casus decretorum Lyons, Gibolet, 1497
Libellus guarentigiarum
Litterae indulgentiarum [Stockholm, Snel]
Venice, V. de Spira, 1472
De fine oratoris Brescia, Farfengus, 1492 Epistolae [Deventer, Pafraet] [Deventer] J. de Breda [Louvain, J. de Paderborn] Summa praeceptorum...
3 573
Summa de casibus conscientiae (Summa Bartholomaea, Pisana, Pisanella, Magistrutia) [Italy] 1473 2729 See also NICOLAUS, de Ausmo: Supplementum... BARTHOLOMAEUS, de Platina See PLATINA (BARTHOLOMAEUS DE)
See SUMMA praeceptorum...
Copia bullae concilii Basiliensis de conceptione B.V.M. [Cologne, Guldenschaff]
De institutis juvenum (De legendis libris >entilium) Venice, Valdarfer] 1651 Padua, D.S.] 2567-8 Louvain] J. de Paderborn 3697-8 De vita solitaria ad Gregorium Nazianzenum 2159-60 [Venice, B. de Vitalibus] Venice, Emericus, 1500 2140-41 Dialogi Chrysostomi et Basilii de dignitate sacerdotii
BARTOLUS, de Saxoferrato
De alimentis
[Louvain,J. de Paderborn]
[Lyons, Pr. of Nicolaus de Lyra]
3442 3461 3776
BASEL (Council of)
BARTHOLOMAEUS, de Sancto Concordio See BARTHOLOMAEUS, de Pisis
De tabellionibus [Rome, A. & R. de Vulterris] Litigatio Sathanae contra genus humanum
Speculum peregrinarum quaestionum Strassburg, Griininger, 1499
Epistola mythologica [Deventer, J. de Breda]
See JOHN (St), Chrysostom
Oratio de invidia [Venice, B. de Vitalibus]
Quaestiones disputatae 1623 [Venice] V. de Spira Super prima parte Codicis 1611 [Venice] V. de Spira Venice, J. de Colonia & Manthen, 1476 1715 Super secunda parte Codicis 1643 Venice, Jenson, 1478 Venice, J. de Colonia & Manthen, 1476 1716 Super prima parte Digesti novi Venice, J. de Colonia & Manthen, 1476 1714 Super secunda parte Digesti novi 1620 [Venice] V. de Spira, 1473 Super prima et secunda partibus Digesti veteris 3192 [Lyons, Siber] Super prima parte Digesti veteris Venice, J. de Colonia & Manthen, 1475 1710 Super secunda parte Digesti veteris 1619 [Venice, V. de Spira] 1473 Super secunda parte Infortiati Venice, J. de Colonia & Manthen, 1475 1711
Regula de institutis monachorum Venice, Emericus, 1500
De magicis artibus Paris [Martineau] '1442' [1483]
Rosarium decretorum Venice, Herbort, 1481
Alfonsi regis dicta et facta 2709 Pisa, G. de Gente, 1485 Epistolae familiares. Campanae epistolae [Naples, Riessinger] 2507 B E C H I S (GENTILIS DE)
Oratio Florentinorum coram Alexandro VI [Rome, Plannck]
Vita et processus Paris, J. Philippi, 1495/6
Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum [Strassburg, Eggestein] Strassburg [Husner] 1500
Liber Bibliae moralis [Strassburg] C.W., 1474 [Cologne] Unkel, 1477 Deventer, Pafraet, 1477
118 270
Expositio decalogi Louvain, Heerstraten, i486
BERNARD (St), ofClairvaux
Kalendarii duo. Ein Buch von der Astronomien [Cologne, Gotz]
Vita del beato Giovanni Colombini Florence; Laurentii
Tractatus permutationum beneficiorum ecclesiasticorum [Louvain, J. de Paderborn]
Apostillae super lecturas Panormitani et Antonii de Butrio Venice, J. de Colonia & Manthen, 1477 1726 De caritativo subsidio et decima beneficiorum Modena, Rocociolus & Miscomini, 1489 2693 B E N E D I C T (St)
Regula sancti Benedicti, cum expositione Johannis de Turrecremata Venice, Emericus, 1500 2140-41 Rule of St Benedict Westminster", Caxton 4110 BENEDICT XII, Pope
Reservatio Ad regimen [Augsburg, Wiener] 1476 [Rome, Pr. of Mercuriales quaestiones]
934 1389
De conservatione sanitatis [Rome, Plannck]
BENEDICTUS, de Plumbino
Disputationes duae Bologna, J. de Ruberia, 1499
Collectiones medicinae [Venice, J. & G. de Gregoriis]
Mirabilia LXXVII in opusculo Nicolai De mirabilibus Florence [Pr. of Benignus]
Oratio ad Alexandrum VI [Rome, Plannck]
140 626 3420
1483; 1484-5
Opuscula [Cologne, Pr. of Salomonis dialogus] 724 Canticum de sanctissimo nomine Christi (Jesu, dulcis memoria) Pavia [F. Girardengus & Birreta] 1490 2653 De bona conscientia [Augsburg, Sorg] 914 De conflictu Babylonis et Hierosolymae [Augsburg, Sorg] 913 De conscientia aedificanda [Milan, J. A. & B. de Honate] 2282 [Paris, Levet] 2988 De consideratione ad Eugenium papam [Augsburg, Sorg] 913 [Utrecht, Ketelaer & Leempt] 3304 Zwolle, P. van Os, i486 3603 3615 [Zwolle, P. van Os] De contemptu mundi Lyons, Pivard, '1419* 3239 De interiori domo See above De conscientia aedificanda De miseria vitae [Augsburg, Sorg] 914 De ordine vitae et morum institutione [Paris, Levet] 2988 De planctu B.V.M. Strassburg [Flach] 1490 251 Cologne, Zel] 315-16 Cologne, Zel] 1487 411 Cologne, Zel] '1487' 412 Cologne, Pr. of Historia S. Albani] 513; 514 Cologne, Gotz] 599 De septem misericordiis Dei [Venice, Torresanus] 1871-2 Declamationes super Ecce nos relinquimus omnia (De verbis Simonis Petri adjesum) [Naples, Moravus] 2516 Epistolae Paris [Levet] 1494 2991 Brussels [Fratres Vitae Communis] 1481 3851 Epistolae et alii tractatus Milan, Pachel, 1495 2303 Epistola ad parentes novitii cuiusdam Venice, Emericus, 149s 2138 Epistola de perfectione vitae Brescia, A . Britannicus, 1498 2628 Epistola super gubernatione rei familiaris See BERNARD US, Sylvester
FIFTEENTH-CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS BERNARD (St), of Clairvaux (cont.) Flores de sermonibus Bernardi Cologne, KoelhofFthe elder, 14(82] Floretus Cologne [Quentell], 1499 Lyons, Pivard, '1419'
Super verbum Petri (Bonum est nos hie esse) Venice, Emericus, 149s
540 780 3239
See also GERSON (JOHANNES): Summa...
Sermo de gloriosa virgine Maria Homilia super Stabat mater 313-H [Cologne, Zel] 1285 [Leipzig, Mor. Brandis] Sermones de caritate (De evangelio HomiHae super Missus est Gabriel aeterno) [Cologne, Pr. of Augustinus De fide] 570-71 [Basel, Amerbach] 2797 3921 [Antwerp, G. Leeu] Meditationes BERNARDUS, Carthusianus 914 [Augsburg^ Sorg] Dialogus virginis Mariae misericordiam 'Strassburg' [Venice, B. Benalius] elucidans '1492* 1927 Leipzig [C. Kachelofen] 1493 1271-2 [Milan, J. A. & B. de Honate] 2282 Brescia, A. Britannicus, 1498 2628 BERNARDUS, de Parentinis See P A R E N T I N I S (BERNARDUS DE) Paris, Caillaut] 2926; 2950 Paris, Levet] 2988 BERNARDUS, Parmensis Casus longi decretalium — English) Strassburg [Pr. of Jordanus] 1498 243-4 Westminster, de Worde, '1496' Louvain, LoefFs, 1484 3800 [1499] 4124-5 Modus bene vivendi BERNARDUS, Sylvester Venice, B. Benalius, 1494 1921-2 Epistola super gubernatione rei familiaris Paris] Levet 2989 Cologne, Pr. ofHistoria S. Albani] 503 Octo puncta perfectionis assequendae Cologne, Koelhoff the elder] 518 390 Cologne, Zel] Milan, J. A. & B. de Honate] 2282 Magdeburg, M. Brandis] 1229 Paris, Caesaris & Stol] 2894-5 2761 Basel, Flach] Paris, Levet] 2988 2988 Paris, Levet] BERNARDUS (JOHANNES) Oratio ad membra Christi patientis Vocabulista ecclesiastico (Salve mundi salutare) Milan, Pachel & Scinzenzeler, 1480 2290 2282 [Milan, J. A. & B. de Honate] Florence, Morgiani, 1496 2427 2308 Milan, Scinzenzeler, 1493 Orationes devotissimae BERNERS (JULIANA) 2988 [Paris, Levet] See B O O K (The) of hawking... Sermo de humana miseria BERNOLDUS 2858 [Burgdorf, Pr. of Jacobus de Clusa] Distinctiones de tempore et de sanctis Sermo de obsecratione, oratione, [Nuremberg, Sensenschmidt] 973 postulatione et gratiarum actione [Deventer, Pafraet] 3446 1871-2 [Venice, Torresanus] Sermo de passione domini 2628 Brescia, A. Britannicus, 1498 Sermones de tempore et de sanctis Mainz, Schoeffer, 1475 32-3 Brussels [Fratres Vitae Communis] 1481 3852-3 •—(Dutch) Zwolle, P. van Os, 1484-5 3602 Zwolle, P. van Os, 1495 3618-19 Speculum de honestate vitae Cologne, Zel] 361 390 Cologne, Zel] 1229 Magdeburg, M. Brandis] 2761 Basel, Flach] Paris, Levet] 2988
De duobus amantibus 1295 [Leipzig, Landsberg] De felicitate 2497 Bologna, C. de Bazaleriis, ' 1495' 3159 Paris [G. Wolf &] Kerver, 1500 De Optimo statu 3160 Paris [G. Wolf &] Kerver, 1500 Declamatio ebriosi, scortatoris, aleatoris 2501 Bologna, Hectoris, 1499 Declamatio philosophi, medici, oratoris 3161-2 Paris [G. Wolf &] Kerver, 1500 Declamatio philosophi, medici, oratoris De optimo statu Bologna, Hectoris, 1497 2499
B E R O A L D U S ( P H I L I P P U S ) (cont.)
Oratio de laudibus gymnasii Parisiorum [Paris, Gering] 2885 Orationes et poemata Paris [Tholoze] 1499 3164-6
[Lyons, Le Roy] N.T. Lyons [Le Roy] [Strassburg, Mentelin] [Strassburg, Eggestein] Augsburg [G. Zainer] [Augsburg, Pflanzmann] Nuremberg, Koberger, 1483 [Nuremberg, Sensenschmidt & Frisner]
Zeitglocklein des Lebens und Leidens Christi Basel [Amerbach] 1492 2782 —(Latin) [Cologne, Zel] 415-16 Cologne, Landen 840-41 [Basel, Amerbach] 2799-800
Cologne [Quentell] Liibeck, Arndes, 1494 Stjohn 1 i-xiv Magdeburg [M. Brandis] 1492 [Leipzig, Landsberg]
1359 2970
Centiloquium. De horis planetarum Venice, Locatellus, 1493
A profitable treatise to dispose men to be virtuously occupied [Westminster, de Worde] 4145
Venice, Miscomini, 1477 Venice, Scotus, 1481
See A N T O N I O , da Siena
Ciceronis conversi commentarium de Christiano ambitu [Louvain, Heerstraten] 3824 Rosacea Mariae corona. Dicta nonnulla 3980 Antwerp, Bac BIBLE (Czech)
BIBLE (Dutch) O.T., exc. Psalms Delft, Meer & Yemantszoen, 1477
1228 1292
173 5 1822
BIBLE (Latin)
Kuttenberg, Martin of Tischniowa, 1489
720; 721 1194
BIBLE (Italian)
B E T T I N I ( A N T O N I O ) , da Siena
B E v 1 s of Hampton [Westminster, de Worde]
Brescia, Gershon ben Moses, 1492-4 2635 Pentateuch Bologna, Abraham ben Hayyim, 1482 2482 Hagiographa 11 (Job-Chronicles). Naples, Joseph ben Jacob, i486 2523-4 Former Prophets Soncino [Joshua Solomon] 1485 2717-18 Latter Prophets [Soncino, Joshua Solomon] 2719-20 Isaiah & Jeremiah Lisbon, Eliezer, 1492 4224 Proverbs [Naples, Joseph ben Jacob] 2525 [Lisbon, Eliezer] 4226 Psalms Naples, Joseph ben Jacob, 1487 2526 [Italy] J. & N. Hayyim Mordecai & H. de Venturo, 1477 2728
Adversus Platonis calumniatorem Rome, Sweynheym & Pannartz Epistolae et orationes Paris, Marchant, 1500
887 940 IOOO-IOOI
BIBLE (Hebrew)
De jurisdictione ecclesiastica contra Petrum de Cugneriis Paris, J. Philippi, 1495/6
73 119
BIBLE (German, Low)
Sermones de tempore (pars hiemalis) [Strassburg, Pr. of Jordanus]
BIBLE (German)
Repertorium juris utriusque, pars 1 Venice, Arrivabenus, 1494
4036 3335-6
[Mainz, 42-line] 14, 15 [Mainz, 36-line] 16, 17 Mainz, Fust & Schoeffer, 1462 22-6 Mainz, Schoeffer, 1472 31 Strassburg, Mentelin] 68-9 Strassburg, R-Printer] 92-3 Strassburg, Eggestein] 107; 108-9; n o Strassburg, Griininger] 1483 179 Strassburg, Priiss] i486 206 Strassburg, Priiss] 1489 210 Cologne [Gotz] 1480 597 [Cologne, Gotz] 600; 601; 602
F I F T E E N T H - C E N T U R Y P R I N T E D BOOKS B I B L E (Latin) (cont.)
Cologne, Winters, 1479 651 [Cologne, Winters] 659-60 Nuremberg, Koberger, 1475 980-81 Nuremberg, Koberger, 1477 986-7 Nuremberg, Koberger, 14 Apr. 1478 988 Nuremberg, Koberger, 10 Nov. 1478 992 Nuremberg, Koberger, 1479 993 [Nuremberg, Sensenschmidt & Frisner] 1476 1068 [Speier, Drach] i486 1116 Ulm, J. Zainer, 1480 1159 Rome, Sweynheym & Pannartz, 1471 1362 Venice, Jenson, 1476 1641-2 Venice, Renner & N. de Frankfordia, 1476 1662 Venice, Renner, 1480 1674 Venice, Renner, 1483 1678 Venice, R. de Novimagio & T. de 1779-80 Reynsburch, 1478 Venice, Wild, 1481 1787 Venice, Herbort, 1484 1859 Venice, Bevilaqua, 1498 2096 Venice, H. de Paganinis, 1497 2129 Naples, Moravus, 1476 2513-14 Vicenza] Achates, 1476 2667-8 Basel, Ruppel] 2736 Basel, Richel] 1475 2753 Basel, Richel, 1477 2755-6 Basel, Amerbach 1479 2766 Basel, Amerbach 1481 2767 Basel, Amerbach 1482 2770 Basel, Amerbach i486 2772 Basel, Froben, 1491 2836-7 Basel, Froben, 1495 2840 Paris, Gering, Crantz & Friburger 2871 Lyons, Lathomi, 1479 3188 [Lyons] Huss, 1494 3194
Paris [G. Wolf] 1491/2 Deventer [Pafraet] 1491
B I B LI A pauperum (German) [Blockbook] [Blockbooks]
5; 7
See also N I C O L A U S , de Hanapis BIDPAI See JOHANNES, de Capua: Directorium... B I E L (GABRIEL)
Epitoma expositionis canonis missae Speier, C. Hist Expositio canonis missae [Reutlingen] Otmar, 1488 Tubingen [Otmar] 1499 Sermones Tubingen, Otmar, 1499-1500
1139 1218 1346 1347
Oratio in funere Laurentii de Medicis [Milan, P. de Mantegatiis]
Prognostication for 1482-3 Passau [Mayr]
Historiarum Romanarum decades 1824 Venice, Scotus, 1483 See also Pius II, Pope: Abbreviatio supra Decades Blondi Roma instaurata. De Romana locutione [Rome, Pr. of Statius] 1600 B O C C A C C I O (GIOVANNI)
185-6 1004 1012 1025 1046-7 1675-6 1855 1952 2028-9 2842
With the commentary of Walafridus Strabo
[Strassburg, Rusch]
With the commentary of Nicolaus de Lyra
Strassburg [Gruninger] 1492 Nuremberg, Koberger, 1485 Nuremberg, Koberger, 1487 Nuremberg, Koberger, 1493 Nuremberg, Koberger, 1497 Venice, Renner, 1482 Venice, Herbort, 1481 Venice [Locatellus] 1489 Venice, P. de Paganinis, 1495 Basel, Froben & Petri, 1498
Apocalypse See APOCALYPSIS S. Johannis
With the commentary of Hugo de Sancto Caro
[Basel, Amerbach]
Pauline Epistles
De casibus illustrium viroruin (English) London, Pynson, 1494 4197 De claris muheribus 1150 Ulm, J. Zainer, 1473 —(German)
Ulm,J. Zainer De montibus, silvis, fontibus... Venice [V. de Spira] 1473
Venice, Locatellus, 1494/3 Venice, M. de Bonellis, 1497
1978 2088
Decamerone Bologna, Azoguidus, 1476 Filocolo Venice, A. de Gusago, 1497
2474 2209
INDEX OF AUTHORS AND ANONYMOUS TITLES (com.) Genealogiae deorum gentilium
De trinitate. De hebdomadibus Venice, P. de Paganinis, 1489 Divisiones Augsburg, A. Keller, 1479
[Cologne, Pr. of Flores S. Augustini] 589 Venice, V. de Spira, 1472 1615 Venice, Locatellus, 1494/5 1978 BOLLANUS (DOMINICUS) Venice, M. de Bonellis, 1497 2088 Quaestio de conceptione B.V.M. [Strassburg, R-Printer] B O E C K S K E N (Een) op drie dachvaerden [Strassburg, M. Schott] See N U T T E L I C (Een) cort boecksken... Venice, Renner, 1479 B O E C X K E N van die passie ons Heren See J E S U S C H R I S T
94 169 1673
See M A R Y , the Blessed Virgin
Orationes de vera nobilitate [Cologne, Pr. of Flores S. Augustini] 1473 584-5 [Leipzig, Kachelofen] 1274 —(English) [Westminster] Caxton, 1481 4075-7
BOEK der beschawynge to gode edder eyn spyghel der sammitticheyt 1228 Magdeburg [M. Brandis] 1492 [Leipzig, Landsberg] 1292 1187
B O E T H I U S (A. M. T. S.)
Opera Venice, J. & G. de Gregoriis, 1492 Venice, J. & G. de Gregoriis, 1499 De consolatione philosophiae [Cologne, A. ther Hoernen] Nuremberg, Koberger, 1495 Toulouse, Parix, 1481 —(Latin & Dutch) Ghent, A. de Keysere, 1485 -(English) [Westminster] Caxton
BOLZANIUS (URBANUS) See U R B A N U S , Bellunensis
BOECXKEN van onser liever Vrouwen croen
BOEK van eyneme bothsamen levende Ltibeck, Ghotan
1803-5 1818 446 1037 3255
Opuscula [Cologne, KoelhofFthe elder] [Cologne, Unkel] 1484 Brescia, B. de Misintis, 1497 [Antwerp, Goes] Auctoritates utriusque testamenti
544 630 2638 3963
See N I C O L A U S , de Hanapis
Biblia pauperum See N I C O L A U S , de Hanapis
4003-4 4064
—(French) Bruges, Mansion, 1477 3835 De consolatione philosophiae. Compendiosa Consolationis resumptio 216 Strassburg [Priiss] 1491 Cologne, KoelhofFthe elder, 1481 532 Cologne, KoelhofFthe elder, 1482 536 Cologne, Quentell, 1493 751 Cologne, Quentell, 1497 771 Deventer, J. de Breda, 1490 3534-5 3539 Deventer, J. de Breda, 1491 3569 Deventer, J. de Breda, 1497 3714 Louvain, J. de Paderborn, 1484 Louvain, J. de Paderborn, 1487 3783 De consolatione philosophiae. De disciplina scholarium 1954 Venice [Locatellus] 1489 De disciplina scholarium 819 [Cologne, Quentell] Deventer, J. de Breda, 1490 3537 Deventer,}. de Breda, 1492 3541 Deventer, J. de Breda, 1496 3564 3580 [Deventer, J. de Breda] 1500
Breviloquium [Cologne, A. ther Hoernen] 435 Centiloquium Zwolle [P. van Os] 3594-5 De castitate et munditia sacerdotum Paris, Le Noir, 1495 3086 3169 Paris [J. Philippi?] De instructione novitiorum. De quattuor virtutibus 4056 Montserrat, Luschner, 1499 De praeparatione ad missam (De corpore Christi) Cologne, Zel] 391 Cologne, GuldenschafF] 709 Paris, Caillaut] 2944 Paris, Levet] 2986 Antwerp, Goes] 3969 De profectu religiosorum See D A V I D , de Augusta
De quattuor mentalibus exercitiis See below Dialogus animae... De triplici via See below Regimen conscientiae Diaeta salutis. Devota contemplatio. De resurrectione ad gratiam Venice, P. de Quarengiis, 1497/8 Paris, LeDru
2131 313 5
FIFTEENTH-CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS BONAVENTURA (St) (cont.) Paris [Le Dru] 3136 Pamplona, Guillen de Brocar, 1497 4054 Dialogus animae et hominis interioris Paris, Marchant, 1494 2958 [Gouda, G. Leeu] 3402-5
Stimulus divini amoris Paris, Mittelhus, 1493 [Deventer, Pafraet] —(French) Paris, Le Noir, 1499
3018 3518 3088
—(Dutch) Nominale de synonymis. De Schoonhoven [Canons of St Michael] distinctione. De cursibus 1500 3663 [Brussels, Fratres Vitae Communis] 3868 Antwerp, G. Leeu, 1491 3932 Verbale per alphabetum collectum Itinerarium mentis in Deum [Brussels, Fratres Vitae Communis] 3867 Cologne, A. ther Hoernen] 435 BONICONCIUS Brussels, Fratres Vitae Communis] 3862 De privileges et immunitatibus Legenda sancti Francisci (Dutch) clericorum Antwerp, G. Leeu, 1491 3931 [Lyons, Pr. ofNicolaus de Lyra Lignum vitae Postilla] 3251 Pavia [Girardengus & Birreta] 1490 2653 BONIFACE VIII, Pope Meditationes vitae Christi Decretalium liber sextus Pavia [Girardengus & Birreta] 1490 2653 Nuremberg, Koberger, i486 1010 Paris, Caillaut] 2922 1849 Venice, B. de Tortis, * 1496-7' Paris, Pigouchet] 3061; 3068 Basel, Froben, 1494 2839 Paris, Le Dru] 3132-3; 3134 Holland, Pr. of Freeska Landriucht] 3668 B O N U M universale de proprietatibus apum —(Latin & Spanish) [Barcelona, Michael]
See THOMAS, Cantipratensis 4048
B O O K (The) of courtesy
[Westminster, Caxton] -(English) [Westminster] Caxton [London] Pynson
4098; 4101 4202
—(Italian) 1643 • 5 [Venice, Jenson] Milan, Pachel & Scinzenzeler, 1480 2289 Oratio de passione domini [Holland, Pr. of Freeska Landriucht] 3668 Quaestiones super libros Sententiarum cum textu Nuremberg, Koberger 1017 Freiburg i.B., Fischer 1334-5 Regimen conscientiae [Cologne, Zel] 391 Sermones de morte [Paris, Chappiel] 3170-71 Sermones de tempore et de sanctis [Ulm] J. Zainer, 1481 1162 Zwolle [P. van Os] 1479 3590-91 Sermones quattuor novissimorum [Paris, Gering] 2886 Antwerp, Goes, 1487 3943 Soliloquium See above Dialogus animae Speculum B.V.M. Augsburg, Sorg, 1477 912 Antwerp, G. Leeu, 1487 3892-3 Speculum vitae Christi See above Meditationes vitae Christi
B O O K (The) of divers ghostly matters Westminster, Caxton 4110-11 B O O K (The) of hawking, hunting and biasing of arms St Albans, i486
Fasciculus morum [Deventer, Pafraet]
Trionfi, sonetti, canzoni e laude della vergine Maria Brescia, A. Britannicus, 1498
Oratio de victoria Malacitana [Rome, Silber]
De veris ac salutaribus animi gaudiis dialogus Florence, Bonaccorsi, 1491 Familiares et secundae epistolae Mantua, V. Bertochus, 1498 Recuperationes Faesulanae Bologna, B. de Bazaleriis, 1493 Bologna, F. de Benedictis, 1493
2412*5 2592 2485 2493
Cronecken der Sassen Mainz, Schoeffer, 1492
INDEX OF AUTHORS AND ANONYMOUS TITLES Fratrum Praedicatorum Nuremberg, Koberger, 1485 Milan, Valdarfer, 1476 Frisingense Bamberg, Sensenschmidt & Petzensteiner, 1483 Lincopense
Distinctiones super libris Decretalium Lyons, Siber, 1498
La somme rurale Abbeville, Gerard, i486 BRADWARDINUS
Nuremberg, Stuchs, 1493
Moguntinum [Italy?] Parisiense Paris [P. Bonhomme] 1479/80
Paris, Dupre, 1492 Pataviense
Arithmetica speculativa Paris, Marchant, 1495/6 Geometria speculativa Paris, Marchant, 1495
Augsburg, Ratdolt, 1490 [Passau, Mayr] Romanum [Rome, Pr. of Formularium
De origine et conversatione bonorum regum et de laude civitatis Hierosolymae Basel, Bergmann, 1495 Epithalamion in nuptias Maximiliani [Basel Bergmann] Klagen, Antworten und Urteile
See K L A G E N . . .
Das NarrenschifF (Latin) Basel, Bergmann, 1497 Varia carmina Basel, Bergmann, 1498
2849; 2853 2854
Reperitio capituli Omnis utriusque sexus Leipzig, Bottiger, 1493 1302 BRENTIUS (ANDREAS)
Caesaris oratio Vesontione ad milites habita See CAESAR ( C A I U S J U L I U S ) BREVIARIUM
[Nuremberg, Stuchs] Aquileiense Venice, Torresanus, 1496 Augustanum Venice, Ratdolt, 1485 Benedictinum Bursfeldense [Cologne, KoelhofFthe elder] Speier, Drach Benedictinum Vallisoletanum Montserrat, Luschner, 1500 Carmelitanum Brussels [Fratres Vitae Communis] 1480 Coloniense [Cologne, Bumgart] Cologne, Bumgart, 1500 Constantiense [Basel, Wenssler] Eboracense Venice, Hamman, 1493 Eystetense [Wiirzburg] G. Reyser, 1483
1098 1869
1008 2271 274 1092-3
2735 2906 2971 962
1259 1601
Venice, Renner & N. de Frankfordia, 1665 1477 1689 [Venice, Arnoldus?] 1809 Venice, J. & G. de Gregoriis, 1491 Venice, Strata & G. de Gregoriis, 1490 1836 ad usum Sarum [Cologne] <647-8 [Venice, Hamman] 2045; 2049 Paris, Levet, 1494/5 2984 [Paris, Maynyal] 3005 Strengnense Stockholm, Fabri, 1495 4218 Tornacense [Brussels, Fratres Vitae Communis] 3869 Trajectense Gouda, G. Leeu, 1479 3386 Upsalense 4219-20 Stockholm, Fabri, 1496 BREViLOQUiUMde philosophia sanctorurrL See J 0 H A N N E s, Gallensis
566 1124
Mainz, Reuwich, i486 Speier, Drach, 1490
Mainz, Reuwich, 1488
[Lyons, Ortuin] 1489/90 3187 Lyons, Topie & J. Heremberck, 1488 3210
833 837
Mainz, Reuwich, i486 Augsburg, Sorg, 1488
53 927
2035 1210
Textus abbreviates totius logices Aristotelis Basel [Amerbach] 1492
FIFTEENTH-CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS (cont.) Paris, Mittelhus, 1489
[Lyons] 1499 Tractatus insolubilium et obligationum Lyons, Carcain, 1495
3016 3253
Carmina in adventu et coniugio Maximiliani Louvain, J. de Paderborn, 1477 3765 Gratulatio ad Maximilianum de victoria Morinensi [Louvain, J. de Paderborn] 3766 Gratulatio de Maximiliani coronatione [Louvain, J. de Paderborn] 3782
B R I D G E T (St)
Opusculum vitae et passionis Christi. Remedia contra temptationes 3915 Antwerp, G. Leeu, 1489 Orationes [Rome, Silber] 1570; 1571 —(German) B R U T U S (JACOBUS) [Basel, Amerbach] 2783 Corona aurea Venice, Tacuinus, 1496/7 BRIDGET (St): appendix Legenda beatae Birgittae. Hymnus ad BRUTUS (MARCUS JUNIUS) Birgittam Epistolae Antwerp, G. Leeu, 1489 3915 Florence, Francisci, 1487 B R I T A N N I C U S (JOHANNES)
Commentarii in Persium Brescia, G. & P. di Pietro, 1481 BRITANNY. Les coutumes de Bretagne Treguier, Ja. P., 1485
Victoria contra Judaeos Vicenza, Bevilaqua, 1489
Vocabularium Brescia, J. Britannicus, 1498
See CHARLES IV, Emperor BULLAE et constitutiones
392 3247 1006 2794
Opus trivium
See PAUL II, Pope: De beneficiis affectis... BURCHARDUS, de Monte Sion SeeRuDiMENTUM novitiorum BURCHIELLO
Sonetti [Venice, C. de Pensis]
Sophismata [Paris, Higman] Paris, Denidel Summula de dialectica [Lyons] Fabri, 1490
Vita Lydwinae Schiedam [Pr. of Vita Lydwinae] 1498 3665
3027 3142 3226
2934 3172 3050
BRUNO (St), Bp ofWurzburg
Psalterium [Nuremberg] Koberger, 1494 [Wiirzburg, G. Reyser]
B U L L A aurea Caroli IV
B R O N N E R D E ( P H I L I P P U S DE)
Formalitates in doctrinam Scoti Paris Caillaut] Paris Doliatoris] Opuscula theologica Paris, Bocard, 1500
Jus municipale Brunnense [Nuremberg, Stuchs]
BROCARDUS, de Monte Sion SeeRuDiMENTUM novitiorum Opus trivium [Cologne, Zel] [Lyons] N. Wolf, 1500 Summa praedicantium Nuremberg, Koberger, 1485 [Basel, Amerbach]
1036 1208-9
De vita et moribus philosophorum 424 Cologne] A. ther Hoernen, 1472 Cologne, Koelhoff the elder] 548 Cologne] Winters 665-6 982 Nuremberg, Koberger] Nuremberg, Koberger, 1477 983-4 1056 Nuremberg, Creussner, 1479 Louvain, J. de Paderborn 3742 [Belgium] 4015-17 Expositio super Artem veterem Porphyrii et Aristotelis 1790 [Venice, Wild] Expositio super Ethica Aristotelis 2206 Venice, S. de Luere, 1500
I N D E X OF AUTHORS A N D A N O N Y M O U S TITLES Commentarii in Martialem et in Ibin Ovidii 1693 Venice, Jac. Rubeus, 1474 Commentarii in Sappho Ovidii et in Propertium Rome, Pannartz, 147s 1413 Venice,], de Paganinis, 14QO 2085 Defensio adversus Brotheum Venice, Jac. Rubeus, 1475 1695 Venice, B. de Tortis, 1481 1838 Venice, B. de Tortis, 1482 1840 [Venice?] 2230 Vicenza, H. de Sancto Ursio, 1480 2683 Turin, Suigus & N. de Benedictis, 1494 2698 Lyons, J. de Vingle, 1495 3232-3
B U R L E Y ( W A L T E R ) (cont.)
Scriptum super Posteriora Aristotelis Venice, Locatellus, 1494
Bononia illustrata. Carmina varia Bologna, F. de Benedictis, 1494 Musices opusculum Bologna, Rugerius, 1487
2495 2483
Mariale Strassburg, Flach, 1498 Rosarium sermonum Hagenau, Gran, 1500
260 1332
Oratio pro Johanne Philippo Gambaloita [Milan, Scinzenzeler] 2316
Bucolica Rome, Sweynheym & Pannartz
B U T R I O ( A N T O N I U S DE)
Lectura super I Decretalium Venice, Rizus, 1485 Speculum de qonfessione Louvain, J. de Paderborn
Opera Rome, Silber, 1495 Oratio in conventu Ratisponensi habita [Rome, Plannck]
3735; 3 785-6
De numero partium ac librorum physicae doctrinae Aristotelis [Venice, M. Capcasa]
Oratio ad Innocentium VIII [Rome, Plannck]
1540-42 1498-9
De oculis Venice, Locatellus, i$oo\1
CANCELLARIA Apostolica See ROME (Church of)
CANIGIANI (BARDUCCIO) Commentarii Epistola della morte di S. Caterina Rome [Sweynheym & Pannartz] 1472 1367 Bologna, Azoguidus Oratio Vesontione ad milites habita [Rome, Plannck] 1495-7 C A N I S ( J O H A N N I S JACOBUS) De modo studendi in utroque jure CAESARIUS, Heisterbacensis Padua, Valdezoccho, 1476 Dialogus miraculorum Padua, Cerdonis, 1485 393 [Cologne, Zel] Cologne, Koefiioffthe elder, 1481 533 C A N O N missae C A N ONES poenitentiales
Cologne, Unkel, 1476 Cologne [Guldenschaff] Cologne, Quentell
Arithmetica Florence, Morgiani & Petri, 1491/2 [Florence]
2423 2448
625 705 723
Commentarii in Juvenalem [Venice?]
2541 2559
L/ aspra crudelta del Turco a quegli di Caffa [Trent, Schindeleyp ?]
Epistola exhortatoria ad meditationem passionis Christi Antwerp, G. Leeu, 1489
F I F T E E N T H - C E N T U R Y PRINTED BOOKS Sermonarium de poenitentia 1897 Venice, N. de Frankfordia, 1487 Venice, Arrivabenus, 1496 1936 Sermones quadragesimales de decem praeceptis Venice, J. & G. de Gregoriis, 1492-3 1812-13
Descriptio Rhodiae obsidionis [Rome, Silber] Oratio ad Innocentium VIII [Rome, Guldinbeck] [Rome, Plannck] Rhodiorum historia Ulm, Reger, 1496
1527 1429-30 1463 1171
Sporta fragmentorum. Sportula fragmentorum Brussels [Fratres Vitae Communis] 1478-9
De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii Modena, Dion. Bertochus, 1500
C A P I T A N E I S ( T H O M A S EX)
Oratio in die Omnium Sanctorum habita [Rome, Plannck]
Tabulare fratrum ordinis Mariae de Carmelo Alost, Martens
See ARS moriendi (Cum de praesentis exilii miseria)
Epistola responsafis ad Hermolaum Barbarum [Alost, Martens]
Compendium Defensionum Capreoli
See ALEXANDER, Anglicus
See SILVESTER, de Prierio
Respuesta sobre la exposicion de la missa, con la oracion O intemerata [Burgos, Biel] 4053
Quaestiones super secundum Sententiarum [Naples, Preller] 2531 CARACCIOLUS (ROBERTUS)
Opera varia Venice, Renner, 1479 1673 Lyons, Clein, 1500 3249 Quadragesimale (Italian) [Modena, B. de Struciis?] 2691 Quadragesimale de peccatis Offenburg, 1496 I341 Venice, Torresanus, 1488 1867 Quadragesimale de poenitentia [Strassburg, Pr. of Henricus] 125 Venice, V. de Spira, 1472 1616 Venice, Renner, 1472 1653; 1654 Sermo de laudibus Bonaventurae [Cologne, Koelhoffthe elder] 563 Sermones de adventu [Strassburg, R-Printer] 95-6 [Strassburg, M. Schott] 169 Sermones de laudibus sanctorum Augsburg, Sorg, 1490 933 Paris, G. Wolf, 1489/90 3040 Antwerp, G. Leeu, 1490 3926-7 Sermones de timore judiciorum Dei. Sermo de morte Cologne [Petrus in Altis] 1478 684
Sermo in commemoratione victoriae Bacensis [Rome, Plannck]
Collationes patrum [Brussels, Fratres Vitae Communis] 3854 De institutis coenobiorum. Collationes patrum Basel [Amerbach] 1485 2771 CASSIODORUS ( M A G N U S AURELIUS)
De anima et qualitatibus eius Paris, Bocard, 1500 Expositio in Psalterium Basel, Amerbach, 1491 Historia tripartita [Strassburg, Priiss] Augsburg, Schiissler, 1472 [Utrecht, Ketelaer & Leempt]
3052 2777-8 219-5 892-3 3306
Carmina [Paris, Baligault] CASUS<papales confessorum
See I N T E R R O G A T I O N S et doctrinae
Sermonarium de peccatis Venice, Renner & N. de Frankfordia, 1663 1476
CASUS papales, episcopales et abbatiales 1516 [Rome, Plannck] Antwerp, Bac 3989-90
Carmina [Venice, V, de Spira] 1472 Venice, A, de Paltasichis, 14Z7 Venice, Locatellus, 1491 Venice, Bevilaqua, 1493 Venice, Tacuinus, 1496 Parma, Corallus, 1473
See MICHAEL, de Dalen
CATALONIA. Constitucions de Cathalunya Barcelona, Rosembach, 1494 4049 CATANEUS (JOHANNES L U C I D U S )
Oratio ad Alexandrum VI [Rome, Plannck]
CATHERINE (St), of Alexandria
Leven van St Katharina Deventer, J. de Breda, 1498
Frutti della lingua Florence [Libri] Florence, Morgiani & Petri, 1493 Trattato della pazienza Venice, Dion. Bertochus, 1490 Florence, Bonaccorsi, 1490
CATHERINE (St), of Siena
Dialogo della divina provvidenza (Libro della divina dottrina) Bologna, Azoguidus 2475 2522 Naples, F. di Dino, 1478 —(Latin) with Orationes selectae 2636 Brescia, B. de Misintis, 1496 CATHERINE (St), of Siena: appendix Vita di santa Catarina CATHERINE (St), of Sweden
2390 2424 2064 2409
Dialogus de raptii filiae [Rome, Besicken]
Tabula [Venice, B. de Vitalibus]
See V I N E I S ( R A Y M U N D U S DE)
Oratio ad beatam Catharinam. De beata Catharina Antwerp, G. Leeu, 1489
De medicina Florence, Laurentii, 1478
C A T H O L I C ON abbreviatum
Rouen, Le Bourgeois, 1497/8
Oeconomia [Vienna, Winterburg]
In Ciceronem responsiva oratio [Venice] Joh. Rubeus & F. de Madiis [Paris, Simonel, Blandin & Simon]
2010 2899
De die natali [Venice, B. de Vitalibus]
Disticha [Strassburg, Griininger] [Cologne, Quentell] Augsburg [Sorg] 1475 Milan, Pachel, 1499 [Basel, Wenssler] [Paris, Caillaut] Paris [Higman] 1494 [Paris, Bocard] Lyons, Pivard, '1419' Deventer, Pafraet Antwerp, G. Leeu, 1485 Antwerp, G. Leeu, i486 —(English) [Westminster, Caxton] —(Greek) Venice, Manutius, 1495/6 Documenta moralia [Ulm, J. Zainer]
1613 1881 1965 2093 2114 2570
Gesta Petri Mocenici Venice, Ratdolt, Maler & Loslein, 1477 1743 201-2 CEPOLLA (BARTHOLOMAEUS) 791 Cautelae 911 Louvain, Heerstraten, i486 3818-19 2305 3821 Louvain, Heerstraten, 1487 2749 De servitutibus praediorum 2945 2648 Pavia, F. de Sancto Petro, 1481 3031 [Perugia, P. P. de Colonia & J. N. 3054 de Bamberga?] 2699 3239 De simulatis contractibus 3469; 3519 Pavia, F. de Sancto Petro, 1481 2649 3880-81 CESSOLIS (JACOBUS DE) 3885 Game and play of chess [Bruges, Caxton] 3839 4066; 4092 C H A I M I S (BARTHOLOMAEUS DE)
2167 1154-5
De re rustica See SCRIPTORES rei rusticae
Interrogatorium sive Confessionale Strassburg, Pr. of Henricus] Nuremberg, Zeninger] 1482 Venice, R. de Novimagio, i486 Milan, Valdarfer, 1474 Milan, D. de Vespolate & J. de Marliano, 1478
127 1078 1784 2269 2278-80
F I F T E E N T H - C E N T U R Y P R I N T E D BOOKS Sermo in publicatione confoederationis inter Innocentium VIII et Venetos initae [Rome, Guldinbeck] [Rome, Silber]
Dialogus in magicarum artium destructionem Lyons, Balsarin
C H I N U C C I I S ( A N D R E O C C I U S DE)
Oratio pro republica Senensi [Rome, Plannck] [Rome, Schomberger]
Gesta Caroli magni [Poitiers] Bouyer & Bouchet Karel ende Elegast ['s Hertogenbosch, Leempt]
3268 3657
Bulk aurea Nuremberg, Koberger, 1477 Constitutiones in Karolina contentae [Augsburg, Wiener] 1476 See also PRIVILEGIA clericorum CHARLES VII, King of France Pragmatica sanctio Paris [Simonel, Blandin & Simon] 1484 [Toulouse, Mayer]
Feats of arms and chivalry [Westminster] Caxton, 1489
985 934
Chronike van Brabant Antwerp, Dorp, 1497 Cronica van Coellen Cologne, Koelhoff the younger, 1499 Chronicles of England Antwerp, G. Leeu, 1493 Westminster, Caxton, 1480 Westminster, Caxton, 1482 Westminster, de Worde, 1497 [London, Machlinia] St Albans Chroniques de France abregees Paris, Treperel, 1494/5 Chronik der Sachsen
2904 3259
830-31 3939 4072 4082-4 4130 4186 4213 3085
Erotemata (Greek & Latin) Vicenza, Achates, 1491
4094 4134
See ZACHARIAS, Chrysopolitanus
See Dio, Chrysostomus CHRYSOSTOM (StJohn) See JOHN (St), Chrysostom
Oratio ad Innocentium VIII [Rome, Guldinbeck]
See B O T H O ( C O N R A D )
CHERUBINO, da Spoleto
Regola di vita matrimoniale Florence [Pr. of Benignus] 1490
CHASTISING (The) of God's children [Westminster, de Worde] 4115-16 Minor poems (The temple of brass, etc.) [Westminster, Caxton] The book of fame [Westminster] Caxton The Canterbury tales Westminster, de Worde, 1498 Queen Anelida. Chaucer's complaint. Chaucer's prophecy [Westminster, Caxton]
1464-5 1579
Le curial (English) [Westminster, Caxton]
1432 1529
Epistola ad Georgium jurisconsultum [Rome] Guldinbeck 1426-7 Propositio facta coram Carolo VIII [Rome, Plannck] 1471 Sermo habitus in die Palmarum coram Alexandro VI [Rome, Plannck] 1492 [Pavia, F. Girardengus] 2655
Opera Milan, Le Signerre, 1498 Aratea Venice, Strata, 1488 Venice, Manutius, 1499 Cato maior See below De senectute De amicitia Deventer [Pafraet] 1489 [Deventer] J. de Breda De amicitia. De senectute Louvain, J. de Paderborn, 1483
2323 1832-3 2189
3478 3586 3710
I N D E X OF AUTHORS A N D A N O N Y M O U S TITLES Rome, Schomberger In Catilinam [Paris, Simonel, Blandin & Simon] In Sallustium invectiva [Venice] F. di Pietro, 1478 [Venice] Joh. Rubeus & F. de Madiis Laelius See above De amicitia Orationes Venice, Valdarfer, 1471 Venice, N. Girardengus, 1480 Bologna, B. Hectoris, 1499 Orationes selectae [Paris, Martineau] Orationes Philippicae Venice, J. de Colonia & Manthen, 1474 Orator. De fato. Topica. Timaeus Venice, Locatellus, 1492 Paradoxa [Louvain, J. de Paderborn] Pro Marcello [Leipzig, C. Kachelofen] Rhetorica nova [Cologne, Koelhoff the elder] Rhetorica nova et vetus Venice, Jenson, 1470 Venice, Saracenus, 1487 Venice, Pincius, 1500 Rhetorica vetus [Venice, F. di Pietro] 1479 Somnium Scipionis Venice, Pincius, 1300 Brescia, B. de Boninis, 148s Somnium Scipionis. Paradoxa Deventer [Pafraet] 1489 Synonyma. De differentiis Rome, Plannck, 1496 Rome, Silber, 1487 Tusculanae quaestiones Venice, Jenson, 1472 Venice,}. & G. de Gregoriis, 1482 Venice, B. de Zanis, 1499 Venice, Tacuinus, 1494/5 Paris, Le Dru, 1499
C I C E R O ( M A R C U S T U L L I U S ) (cont.)
De finibus [Cologne, Zel] 362 Venice [V. de Spira] 1471 1610 [Paris, Simonel, Blandin & Simon] 2903 De inyentione See below Rhetorica vetus De officiis 280 [Cologne, Zel] [Leipzig, Landsberg] 1294 [Deventer, Pafraet] 3448 3711-12 Louvain, J. de Paderborn De ofnciis. De amicitia. De senectute. Paradoxa Venice [Pincius] 1496 2074 2080 Venice [Pincius] 1500 De ofnciis. Paradoxa [Mainz] Fust & Schoeffer, 1465 27 [Mainz] Fust & SchoefFer, 1466 28 De oratore Venice, A. de Paltasichis, 1478 1773-4 De oratore. Orator. Topica. Partitiones oratoriae. Brutus. De Optimo genere oratorum 1045 [Nuremberg] Koberger, 1497 Venice, Torresanus & B. de Blavis, 1485 1862 Venice, T. de Blavis, 1488 1877 [Venice, Pincius] 1495 2071 De proprietatibus terminorum Augsburg, Sorg, 1488 928 [Speier, Drach] 1128 De senectute 297 Cologne, Zel] Cologne, Pr. of Dictys] 479 Cologne, Pr. of Historia S. Albani] 515 Deventer [Pafraet] 1489 3475-6 [Deventer, J. de Breda] 3581 De senectute. De amicitia Deventer, Pafraet] 3447 — English) Westminster] Caxton, 1481 4075-7 De universitate See below Timaeus (at Orator) Epistolae ad familiares [Venice] Jenson, 1471 1627 Venice [Locatellus & C. de Pensis] 1494 1981-2 Venice [Pr. of the 1480 Martial] 1480 2223 Milan, P. de Lavagnia, 1478 2265-7 Lyons, J. de Vingle, 1496 3234 [Louvain, Veldener] 3695 Epistolae quaedam Ciceronis et Plinii Deventer, Pafraet, 1500 3517 Epistolae selectae [Rome, Guldinbeck] 1418
1577 2899 1700 2010
1648 1791 2 00 5 2910
1705 1967 3709 1282 516 1624 2021 2078 1701 2079 2622 3477 1493 1532 1633 1801 2084 2106 3130
C I C E R O ( M A R C U S T U L L I U S ) : appendix
Hexasticha XII sapientum de titulo Ciceronis Deventer [Pafraet] I48g
De petitione consulatus [Nuremberg] Koberger, 1497 1045 Venice, Torresanus & B. de Blavis, 148s 1862 Venice, T. de Blavis, 1488 1877 [Venice, Pincius] 1495 2071 Milan, Le Signerre, 1498 2323
Descrizione del gran torneamento di M. Giovanni Bentivoglio di Bologna [Bologna, Malpiglius] 2476
Epistola de insulis nuper inventis [Rome, Plannck] [Basel, Bergmann] 1494 COLUMELLA (L. J. M.)
CINUS, de Pistorio
De cultu hortorum (De re rustica lib. x) Rome, Pr. of Silius Italicus] 1386 Vicenza, H. Liechtenstein] 2680 3462 Deventer] J. de Breda
De successionibus 505 [Cologne, Pr. of Historia S. Albani] Lectura in Codicem i-v Pavia, F. Girardengus, 1483 2651
See also SCRIPTORES rei rusticae
Ci si ANUS zu dutsche
[Mainz, Pr. of 36-line Bible]
COLUMELLA (L. J. M.): appendix
Columellae Hortuli commentarium [Rome, Rot]
Opera Venice, C. de Pensis, 1500 Venice, Tacuinus, 1495 Vicenza, J. de Dusa, 1482 De raptu Proserpinae [Utrecht, Ketelaer & Leempt]
1489 2846
2058 2111 2686
Hypnerotomachia Poliphili Venice, Manutius, 1499
CLEMENS, de Terra Salsa
C O L U M N A ( G U I D O DE)
Conclusiones super Summam Thomae de Aquino [Cologne, Quentell?] 786-7
Historia destructionis Troiae Strassburg [Pr. of Jordanus] i486 Geneva, Croquet] Deventer, Pairaet] Holland, Pr. of Alexander Magnus De praeliis] [Louvain, J. de Paderborn]
Constitutiones Nuremberg, Koberger, i486 Venice, B. de Tortis, '1496' Basel, Froben, 1494
228 2863 3449
3666 1009 3743 1849 2839 C O M P E N D I U M de vita Antichristi Cologne, Pr. of Augustinus Dejide] 572 CLEOFILO (FRANCESCO O T T A V I O ) Cologne, Gotz] 610 See O C T A V I U S (FRANCISCUS), Fanensis Cologne, Gops] 1475 621-2 COELDE (DIETRICH) Cologne, Quentell 805 Speghel des kersten geloven Cologne, Landen, ' 1477' 846 See SPIEGEL [Ulm, J. Zainer] 1165 [Deventer, Pafraet] 1491 3491-3 COLLATIUS (PETRUS APOLLONIUS) [Zwolle, P. van Os] 3632 See A P O L L O N I U S (PETRUS) C O M P E N D I U M diurni See D I U R N A L E
C O L L E C T I O duarum passionum See K A N N E M A N N (JOHANNES)
C O L L E C T I O errorum See A R T I C U L I in Anglia et Parisius
C O M P O S I T I O metrorum
[Leipzig, Landsberg]
Panegyrica silva Florence, Bonaccorsi
CONFESSIONALE pro schoksticis et aliis
multum utile [Cologne, Quentell] [Antwerp, Goes]
COLLOQUIUM peccatoris et Jesu Christi See JACOBUS, de Gruytrode C O L O N N A (FRANCESCO) See C O L U M N A (FRANCISCUS) C O L O N N A (JOHANNES)
SeeRuDiMENTUM novitiorum
788 3949
C O N J U R A T I O malignorum spirituum
Rome, Silber] Rome, Besicken]
1562 1590; 1593
CONRADUS, de Alemania
Concordantiae [Strassburg, Mentelin] Nuremberg, Koberger, 1485
85 1005
I N D E X OF AUTHORS A N D A N O N Y M O U S TITLES Haarlem [Bellaert] 1484 Antwerp, Goes, 1483 —(Dutch) Gouda, G. Leeu, 1479 -(English) [Westminster] Caxton, 1479 —(French) [Paris, Caillaut] —(German) [Augsburg, Ba'mler] 1473
C O N R A D U S , de Alemania (cont.)
Responsorium curiosorum (Mensa philosophica) Liibeck [L. Brandis] 1476
CONRADUS, de Brundelsheim
Sermones Socci de sanctis [Reutlingen, GreyfF] Deventer [Pafraet] Sermones Socci de tempore Strassburg, Griininger, 1484 Deventer, Pafraet, 1480
1212 3436 180 3423
4071 2930 898
C o R P u s j uris civilis SeeJusTiNiANUS
CONRADUS, de Saxonia
Speculum B.V.M.
O B E R T U S , de Horto
See BONAVENTURA (St): Speculum
Antwerp, G. Leeu
CRASTONUS (JOHANNES) De errore scribentium Augustinum fuisse Lexicon Graeco-Latinum eremitam Venice, Manutius, 1497 Venice, A. de Bonetis, 1484 1899 Vicenza, Dion. Bertochus, 1483
CONSTANCE (Council of)
3914 2180-81 2687
Liber ruralium commodorum 891 Augsburg, Schiissler, 1471 [Speier, Drach] 1126 Louvain, J. de Paderborn, 1474 3696 3726; 3727 Louvain, J. de Paderborn
See also R I C H E N T H A L ( U L R I C H VON) CONSUETUDINES feudorum See OBERTUS, de Horto C O N T E M P L A T I O N of sinners
Westminster, de Worde, 1499
CONRADUS, de Halberstadt See CONRADUS, de Alemania
Acta concilii Constantiensis Hagenau, Gran, 1500
3652 3876
C R I S P U S (JOHANNES), de Montibus
Termini omnium actionum cum arbore Venice, Hamman, 1490 2032
Defensiones pro mendicantibus contra CULTRIFICIS (ENGELBERTUS) Armachanum De simonia vitanda 3220-21 [Lyows] Trechsel, 1496 Reutlingen, Otmar, 1492 1219 CORA (AMBROSIUS DE) Defensorium privilegiorum fratrum Oratio de conceptione Virginis mendicantium 1396 [Rome, Gensberg] 1219 Reutlingen, Otmar, 1492 [Rome, Plannck] 1494 Nijmegen, 1479 3588 Oratio de Johannis apostoli et evangelistae [Vienna, Winterburg] 4024 laudibus et de vitae contemplativae CUNEGUNDA (St) celsitudine Legenda sanctorum Henrici et Kunegundis 1417 [Rome, Guldinbeck] Brussels, Fratres Vitae Communis, 1484 3865 C O R D 1 ALE quattuor novissimorum Cologne, Petrus in Altis, 1477 682 C U R I A Romana Geneva, Croquet] 2864 See ROME (Church of) Paris, Caesaris & Stol] 2891 CURRIBUS (JOHANNES A) Paris, Caillaut] 2917; 2952 See JOHANNES, Ferrariensis Paris, Pigouchet] 3062 CURS us hinc inde collecti 3430 Deventer [Pafraet] 1485 Augsburg, Sorg, 1487 926 3458 Deventer, J. de Breda, i486 3494 CURTIUS RUFUS (QUINTUS) Deventer [Pafraet] 1491 Gesta Alexandri 3508 Deventer, Pafraet, 1494 1382 [Rome] Lauer 3546 Deventer, J. de Breda Venice, Tacuinus, 1494 2109 Deventer, J. de Breda, 1494 3559-61 Verona, Pr. of Augurellus, 1491 2600-601 3600 [Zwolle, P. van Os]
C U R T I U S R U F U S ( Q U I N T U S ) (cont.)
Gesta Alexandri (Italian) Florence, apud S. Jacobum de Ripoli, 1478 2331
Somnia Danielis [Deventer, Pafraet]
Convivio 2410 Florence, Bonaccorsi, 1490 'Divina commedia 1769-70 [Venice] V. de Spira, 1477 1825 Venice, Scotus, 1484 Foligno, Neumeister & Angelini, 1472 2235 Florence, Laurentii, 1481 2334 Mantua, G. & P. de Butzbach, 1472 2582 Brescia, B. de Boninis, 1487 2624 Divina commedia. Credo Venice, B. Benalius & M. Capcasa, 1917 1491 Divina commedia. Rime diversi Venice, P. de Plasiis, 1491 1794-5
C Y N U S , de Pistorio See C I N U S , de Pistorio CYPRIAN (St)
Opera [Stuttgart, Pr. of Erwa'hlung Maximilians]
Rome, Sweynheym & Pannartz, 1471 1361 Venice, V. de Spira, 1471, 1609 [Deventer, Pafraet] 3431 De cardinalibus operibus Christi Paris, Bocard, i$oo
De duodecim abusivis saeculi [Cologne, Zel]
346, 348
[Augsburg, Sorg]
See also A U G U S T I N E (St): De duodecim...
Sermo de oratione dominica [Paris, Gering & Rembolt]
D A R E S , Phrygius
Historia Troiana [Cologne]
Venice, C. de Pensis, 1499
Messina, Schonberger, 1498
CYPRIAN (St): appendix
Passio Cypriani [Deventer, Pafraet]
C Y R I L (St), Bp offerusalem
Epistola ad Augustinum de miraculis Hieronimi 360
transitus... CYRILLUS, glossator
De dictionibus quae accentu mutant significationem Venice, Manutius, 1497
De variis loquendi figuris (Rhetorica minor) [Cologne, Zel] 364; 365 [Deventer, Pafraet] 3450; 3457 Antwerp, Goes 3972 Elegantiolae Cologne [Quentell] 1490 745 [Rome, Bulle] 1445 [Venice, A. de Strata] 1829 Milan, P. de Lavagnia, 1475 2265*2 [Paris, Simonel, Blandin & Simon] 2901 [Deventer, Pafraet] 3432 Deventer [J. de Breda] 1497 3568 [Vienna, Winterburg] 4021 St Albans [Schoolmaster Printer] 4209 Elegantiolae. Praeceptorum summula. Modus orandi [Cologne, Zel] 363
I20 526 3144 3264
[Cologne, Zel] See also JEROME (St): appendix. Vita et
C Y R I L (St), Apostle of the Slavs
Speculum sapientiae [Strassburg, Eggestein] Cologne, KoelhofFthe elder] Paris, £. Jehannot] Vienne, Frommolt]
D A V I D , de Augusta DACHVAERDEN
De profectu religiosorum [Paris, Bocard] [Deventer, Pafraet]
SeeNuTTELic (Een) cort boecksken,.. D A M I A N U S (PETER)
Sermo Brescia, A. Britannicus, 1498
D A V I D BEN J O S E P H K I M C H I 2628
Sefer ha-Shorashim Naples [Joseph ben Jacob] 1490 [Italy]
DANCK (JOHANNES) See J o H A N N E s, Saxoniensis
D E accentibus syllabarum [Deventer, Pafraet]
Compendium catholicae fidei Antwerp, Goes [Antwerp, Goes]
3048 3453
3942 3950
D E compositione metrorum
See C O M P O S I T I O metrorum
2530 2731 3437
I N D E X OF A U T H O R S A N D A N O N Y M O U S TITLES D E F E N S O R I U M fidei contra Judaeos, D E horis canonicis dicendis haereticos et Sarracenos [Magdeburg, M. Brandis] 1229 [Utrecht, Ketelaer & Leempt] D E instructione principum [Cologne, A. ther Hoernen] 440 DEFENSORIUM privilegiorum fratrum mendicantium D E Judaeorum et Christianorum comSee C U L T R I F I C I S (ENGELBERTUS) munione 129 D E F L O R A T I O N E S patrum [Strassburg, Printer of Henricus] Basel [Furter?] 1494 D E lapide Begaar 2549 D E G U I ( P E D R O ) Padua [Achates] 1473 Janua arris Raimondi Lullii D E membris corporis quomodo adversus Barcelona, Posa, 1482 stomachum conspiraverunt [Brussels, Fratres Vitae Communis] 3856-7 D E G U I L L E V I L L E ( G U I L L A U M E DE) D E modo perveniendi ad veram dilectionem See GUILLAUME, de Digulleville See A R N O L D I ( H E N R I C U S )
D E publicatione testium [Venice] V. de Spira, 1472 D E scriptoribus ecclesiasticis [Cologne, Unkel] D E sufFragiis missae [Cologne, A. ther Hoernen] [Cologne, Pr. ofDictys] D E venerabili sacramento
438 468
De corona, L. Aretino interprete [Nuremberg] Koberger, 1497 1045 Venice, Torresahus& B. de Blavis, 148$ 1862 Venice, T. de Blavis, 1488 1877 [Venice, Pincius] 1495 2071 Milan, Le Signerre, 1498 2323 Oratio de Alexandro magno recipiendo. Oratio ad Alexandrum Cologne, Pr. ofHistoria S. Albani] 503 Cologne, Koelhoff the elder] 518 Paris, Caesaris & Stol] 2894-5
3496 3894-5 3947-8 3975
Vita Christi (French) Lyons, Balsarin, 1498
[Louvain, J. de Paderborn] 3770 D E C L A M A T I O Lovanii acta iv. KaL Feb. MCCCCLXXXIII
D E C O R puellarum
Venice, Jenson, '1461' [1471] 1629 DECRETALES extravagantes communes selectae Venice, B. de Tortis, '1496' 1849 Basel, Froben, 1494 2839 DEFECTUsin missa occurrentes 1514 [Rome, Plannck] [Louvain, Loeffs] 3803 See also NEGLIGENTIAE et defectus... DEFENSIO immunitatis et libertatis ecclesiasticae See W I M P H E L I N G ( J A K O B )
D E S T R U C T O R I U M vitiorum See ALEXANDER, Anglicus
[Louvain, J. de Paderborn]
Oratio de Alexandro magno recipiendo Cologne, Pr. ofHistoria S. Albani] 503 Cologne, Koelhoff the elder] 518 Paris, Caesaris & Stol] 2894-5
D E C L A M A T I O Lovanii acta m. Non. [Louvain, J. de Paderborn] D E C L A M A T I O Lovanii acta vn. Kal.
See R O L E W I N CK ( W E R N E R ) : Libellus...
D E vita religiosa tractatulus Deventer, Pafraet, 1491 Antwerp, G. Leeu, 1487 [Antwerp, Goes] Antwerp, C. Leeu, 1488 D E B AT (Le) du vin et de Teau
DEVOTISSIMAE orationes ante missam dicendae Cologne [Zel]
D I A L O G I decem
[Cologne, Pr. of Flores S. Augustini] 1473 584-5 D I A L O G U S Christiani contra Sarracenum See DIONYSIUS, Carthusianus
D I A L O G U S consolatorius B.V.M. et peccatoris 4002 Ghent, A. de Keysere, 1483 D I A L O G U S consolatorius inter Antonium et Bernardum [Cologne, Pr. of Flores S. Augustini] 1473 584-5 D I A L O G U S creaturarum See NICQLAUS, Pergamenus
F I F T E E N T H - C E N T U R Y P R I N T E D BOOKS DIALOGUS inter clericum et militem 572 Cologne, Pr. of Augustinus Dejide] Cologne, Gotz] 610 Cologne, Gops] 1475 621 Cologne, Quentell 805 [Ulm,J. Zainer] 1165 [Deventer, Pafraet] 1491 3491-3 DIALOGUS inter discipulum et magistrum Memmingen, Kunne, 1494 1239 DIALOGUS inter Hugonem, Catonem et Oliverium [Cologne, Pr. of Augustinus De virginitate] 1477 869 [Louvain, Loeffs] 3803 DIALOGUS linguae et ventris [Cologne, Renchen] 731 Paris [E.Jehannot] 3148 DIALOGUS Salomonis et Marcolfi Cologne] 728 Speier, G. de Spira] 1109 Leipzig, C. Kachelofen] 1277 Venice, P. de Quarengiis] 2135 Deventer, Pafraet] 1488 3467 3 547 Deventer, J. de Breda [Deventer, J. de Breda] 3548 3913 Antwerp, G. Leeu DIALOGUS senis et juvenis
DIFFINITIONES plurimorum ex laudarissimis autoribus decerptae Paris, Bocard, 1500 3052 Dio
4045 2795 3791
Vitae et sententiae philosophorum Venice, Jenson, 1475 Venice [Locatellus] 1490 Venice, Pincius, 1497
1638 1959 2076
D I O N Y S I U S , Areopagita
Opera Paris, Higman, 1498/9 3037 Mystica theologia. De divinis nominibus Florence, Alopa 2435 DIONYSIUS, de Burgo Sancti Sepulchri Commentarius super Valerium Maximum [Strassburg, R-Printer]
DIONYSIUS, Carthusianus
DICTYS, Cretensis
472 2057 2613-14
De spiritu sancto Paris, Bocard, i$oo
Epistolae 3542-3 [Deventer, J. de Breda] Epistolae Diogenis, Bruti, Hippocratis 2420 Florence, Francisci, 1487
[Cologne, Renchen] 731 D I C T S (The) or Sayings of the philosophers 4060 Westminster, Caxton, 1477 4109 [Westminster] Caxton
D I O G E N E S , Cynicus
D I C T A M E N jocundum
Historia Troiana [Cologne] Venice, C. de Pensis, 1499 Messina, Schonberger, 1498
1647 2494
Bibliotheca historica Venice, Pincius, 1493
DIALOGUS super libertate ecclesiastica See DIALOGUS inter Hugonem, Catonem et Oliverium Repertorium legum Castellae Seville, Ungut & Polonus, 1496 Repertorium quaestionum super Nicolaum de Tudeschis [Basel, Amerbach] Louvain, J. de Paderborn
D I O D O R U S , Siculus
See JACOBUS, de Reno
DfAZ D E M O N T A L V O ( A L O N S O )
Vitae Nervae et Trajani [Rome, Pr. of Herodianus] Dio, Chrysostomus De regno [Venice, Valdarfer] Bologna, F. de Benedictis, 1493 Oratio ad Ilienses Venice, B. de Vitalibus, 1499
Vita sancti Rochi See M A L D U R A (PETRUS L U D O V I C U S )
De judicio mortis Deventer [Pafraet] 1491 De laudibus B.V.M. [Louvain, Braem] De particulari judicio Dei Delft [Snellaert] 1491 De sacramento altaris et missae celebratione [Cologne, A. ther Hoernen] Dialogus Christiani contra Sarracenum [Brussels, Fratres Vitae Communis] Dialogus Jesu et pueri. Dialogus Jesu et senis Deventer [Pafraet] 1491 Dialogus Mariae et peccatoris [Louvain, Braem] Ghent, A. de Keysere, 1483 Exercitium de via purgativa Antwerp, G. Leeu, 1492
3497-8 3796 3366 447 3841 3497-8 3796 4002 3938
I N D E X OF A U T H O R S AND A N O N Y M O U S TITLES D I O N Y S I U S , Carthusianus (com.) Exhortationes novitiorum 3497-8 Deventer [Pafraet] 1491 Quattuor novissima 3351 [Delft, Meer] i486 [Delft, Meer] 1487 3355-6 Speculum aureum animae peccatricis [Cologne, Quentell] 806 [Rome, Silber?] t 1551 Paris [P. Bonhomme] 1479 2905 [Paris, Caillaut] 2933 [Paris, Pigouchet] 3063-4 Louvain, J. de Paderborn 3735; 3785 Speculum conversionis peccatorum Louvain, J. de Paderborn 3735 Speculum omnis status vitae humanae 1082 Nuremberg, Wagner, 1495
[Rome, Silber] [Antwerp] Bac D O C T R I N A L (The) of sapience
Westminster, Caxton D O G M A moralium philosophorum [Deventer, Pafraet]
DOMINICUS, de Sancto Geminiano Super VI Decretalium, pars 1 Venice, Jac. Rubeus, 1476 Super VI Decretalium, pars 11 Venice, J. de Colonia & Manthen, 1477
1698 1722
De octo partibus orationis 29 Mainz, Schoeffer Strassburg, Priiss 220 Cologne, Winters] 680 Cologne, Quentell] 820 Leipzig, Landsberg] 1289 Venice?] 2233 Utrecht? Pr. of the Speculum] 3292; 3298; 3299 3583 [Deventer, J. de Breda] [Brussels, Fratres Vitae Communis] 3866 Donatus melior
D I O N Y S I U S , Periegetes
1670 1751
See JOHANNES, de Capua D I R E C T O R I U M Moguntinum
756 1096 3912 4123 4147
Oratio pro S. Augustini solemnitate habita [Rome, Plannck] [Rome, Schoemberger]
DISCEPTATIO oratorum duorum See W I M P H E L I N G (JAKOB)
1500 1578
D O N A T U S theologus
[Rome, Teutonicus & Riessinger]
DISPUTATIO inter clericum et militem See DIALOGUS inter clericum et militem
DISPUTATIO sanctae Trinitatis de redemptione generis humani [Cologne, A. ther Hoernen] 448 [Leipzig, Stockel] 1309
Replicae SeePAULUS, de Sancta Maria: Additiones... DORLANDUS (PETRUS)
Viola animae Cologne, Quentell, 1499
DIURNALE Ratisponense
Augsburg, Ratdolt, 1500 Romanum Venice, Torresanus & B. de Blavis, 1483 Di vi si ONES decem nationum totius Christianitatis
D O M I N I c u s , Sabinensis De commodis et incommodis mulierum [Deventer, Pafraet, 1479] 3422
See R E M I G I U S
Antiquitates Romanae Treviso, Celerius, 1480 Praecepta de oratione nuptiali, de oratione natalitia et de componendis epithalamiis [Venice, Tacuinus?]
[Cologne, Quentell] Salisburgense Nuremberg, Stuchs Sarisburiense Antwerp, Leeu, 1488 Westminster, de Worde, 1495 [Westminster, de Worde]
D o MINUS quae pars?
DIONYSIUS, Halicarnassensis
Cosmographia (De situ orbis) Venice, Renner, 1478 Venice, Ratdolt, 1482 DIRECTORIUM humanae vitae
1563; 1564 3981
D O R M I secure See JOHANNES, de Verdena D O R P (JOHANNES)
Commentum super summulas Buridani SeeBuRiDANUS (JOHANNES): Sum-
F I F T E E N T H - C E N T U R Y P R I N T E D BOOKS EBRARDUS, Bethuniensis
De indulgentiis et miraculis psalterium B.V.M. concernentibus Cologne, A. ther Hoernen, 1478
Graecismus' [Lyons, Balsarin] 428
[Westminster, de Worde]
D U N S (JOHANNES), Scotus
De primo principio Venice, Locatellus, 1497 Modi significandi
See A E G I D I U S , Suchtelensis ELEGIUS
De duobus amantibus [Louvain, Martens] Revelations of St Elizabeth SeeMoNTANUs (JACOBUS) ELUCIDARIUS carminum See H E R M A N N U S , Torrentinus E P H R A I M (St)
Sermones Brescia, Farfengus, 1490 Sermones selecti [Basel, Frohen]
2632 2838
Enchiridion Venice, Manutius, 1498 EPISTOLA de miseria curatorum Strassburg, M. Schott] Cologne, Guldenschaff] Augsburg, Sorg [Speier, C. Hist] [Antwerp, Bac]
21 150 223 240 394 873 1384 2676 2679 2743 2869
143 1844
EPISTOLA Luciferi ad malos ecclesiasticos [Rouen, Le Talleur]
2184 170 708 932 113 5 3986-8 3278
EPISTOLAE. 'E-moToAai 8ta9opcov quAoax^cov pT|T6pcov (ToquoTcov Venice, Manutius, 1499 2186-8 EpiSTOLAEet carmina in repudiationem filiae Maximiliani See W I M P H E L I N G ( J A K O B ) : Disceptatio...
EPISTOLAE illustrium virorum [Lyons] N. Wolf, 1499
D Y M P N A (St)
Adagiorum collectanea Paris, J. Philippi, 1500
Sermones [Strassburg, Knoblochtzer] 1478
ELIZABETH (St), of Hungary
Legenda sanctae Dympnae Antwerp, Bac, 1496
ELEGANTIARUM viginti praecepta
Quaestiones in Metaphysica Aristotelis Venice, Locatellus, 1497 1997 Quaestiones selectae 1766 [Venice] V. de Spira Quaestiones super Universalibus Porphyrii ac libris Praedicamentorum et Periermeneias Aristotelis Alost, Martens, 1489 3676-7 Quodlibeta Venice, Herbort, 1481 1857-8 Venice, Locatellus, 1497/8 1992-3 [Padua] Stendal, 1474 2552 Scriptum in libros I-IV Sententiarum Venice, Locatellus, 1497 1998 Scriptum in librum in Sententiarum Venice, Herbort, 1481 1856 Scriptum in librum iv Sententiarum Venice, J. de Colonia & Manthen 1721 Theoremata Venice, Locatellus, 1497 1997 Rationale divinorum ofFiciorum Mainz] Fust & SchoefFer, 1459 Strassburg, Husner] Strassburg, Pr. of Jordanus] 1484 Strassburg, Pr. of Jordanus] Cologne, Zel] Augsburg, G. Zainer, 1470 Rome, Lauer, 1477 Vicenza, H. Liechtenstein, 1478 Vicenza, H. Liechtenstein, 1480 [Basel, Wenssler] Paris, Gering, Crantz & Friburger, 1475 Speculum judiciale Strassburg, Husner & Beckenhub, 1473 Venice, B. deTortis, 1493-4
SeeEsTwooD (JOHN)
EXPOSITIO missae secundum septem dona spiritus sancti
Oratio ad Alexandrum VI Rome, Plannck, 1493
Summa astrologiae judicialis Venice, Santritter, 1489 ETYMOLOGICUM.
[Magdeburg, M. Brandis]
EXPOSITIO super oratione dominica [Cologne, Pr. of Augustinus Defide] 1473
De contemptu mundi ad Valerianum Zwolle, P. van Os Also publ. as VALERIUS, episcopus: Epistola...
Breviloquium logicae Barcelona, Posa, 1498
Privilegia clericorum [Augsburg, Wiener] 1476 934 [Rome, Pr. of Mercuriales quaestiones] 1389
Ars moralis philosophiae Paris, Marchant, 1499/1500 2968 Ars suppositionum 3109 Paris, Baligault, 1500 Introductio in Metaphysica Aristotelis Paris [Higman] 1493/4 3O28 Introductiones logicales [Paris, Marchant] 1496 2962 Paris, Higman, 1500 3038 [Lyons, Balsarin] * 3205 Musica. Epitome in libros arithmeticos Boethii. Rithmimachia Paris, Higman, 1496 3032-3
Epistola de morte Hieronymi 366-7 [Cologne, Zel] See also JEROME (St): appendix. Vita et transitus... EUSEBIUS PAMPHILI
Chronicon Venice, Ratdolt, 1483 1755 [Milan] P. de Lavagnia 2265-5 Evangelica praeparatio 1924 Venice, B. Benalius, 1497 Treviso, Manzolus, 1480 2457 Historia ecclesiastica 121 [Strassburg, Eggestein] 270 Strassburg [Husner] 1500 Mantua, Schallus, 1479 2590-91 2993 Paris, Levet, 1497 3302 [Utrecht, Ketelaer & Leempt] 1474 Legenda S. Silvestri [Brussels, Fratres Vitae Communis] 3845-6
Tractatus super declaratione indulgentiarum [Nuremberg, Wagner?] [Poitiers, Bouyer] [Paris, Levet] Lyons, Pivard, '1419' Deventer, J. de Breda, 1499
EXEMPLA sacrae scripturae See N I C O L A U S , de Hanapis
1081 3267
2987 3^39 3579
EXERCITIA utilissima
FAGIFACETUS de facetia mensae
[Utrecht, Pr. of Pamphilus]
EXERCITIUM puerorum grammaticale
Cologne, Quentell, 1499
FABER ( J A C O B U S ) , Stapulensis
EUSEBIUS, Cremonensis
Zwolle, P. van Os, 1491
Cologne, Retro Minores, 1499
Ehebiichlein. (Dutch. Boeck van den echten staete) [Deventer, Pafraet] 3506 Margarita poetica 148 [Strassburg, Husner] Rome, U. Han, 1475 1378 Paris, Gering, 1478 2879-80
Elementa Venice, Ratdolt, 1482
E X P O S I T I O sequentiarum See SEQUENTIAE
'E-rujioAoyiKov pieyoc
Venice, Callierges, 1499
See D1 o N Y S I U S, Carthusianus E X P O S I T I O hymnorum See H Y M N I
Sermones medicinales i-vn Venice, Stagninus, 1490-91 Sermo medicinalis m (De membris capitis) Pavia, D. de Confaloneriis
1905 2646
Sermo medicinalis VII (De membris exterioribus) Pavia, D. de Confaloneriis, 1484
De fine mundi [Nuremberg, Fratres Ord. Erem. S. Aug.] 1483 Nuremberg, Zeninger [Treviso, G. de Lisa] 1475 De vita spirituali Brescia, A . Britannicus, I4g8 Sermones de sanctis Strassburg [Pr. of Jordanus] 1494 Lyons, Clein, 1499 Sermones de tempore (pars aestivalis) Strassburg [Pr. of Jordanus] 1493 Sermones de tempore et de sanctis Cologne [Quentell] 1485 Venice, Pentius, 1496
Liber terminorum [Paris, Marchant]
Confessio utilis et necessaria [Paris] Marchant
Lumen animae [Strassburg, Pr. of Legenda] 1482 [Augsburg, G. Zainer] 1477
172-3 879-81
Lyons, Clein, 1499
584-5 1493 1532
De triplici vita Florence, Miscomini, 1489 2341 [Basel, Amerbach] 2806 [Paris] G. Wolf 3092-3 Consiglio contro la pestilenza Florence, Apud S. Jacobum de Ripoli, 1481 23317 Epistolae Venice, M. Capcasa, 1495 1946 In Theophrastum. De sensu. De voluptate Venice, Manutius, 1497 2177-9
Commentariola isagogica de ordine et junctura compositionis ornatae Forli, P. Guarinus & J. J. de Benedictis, 1495 2727*5 FERNANDES DE LUCENA (VASCO)
Coena [Rome, Silber]
FIGURA omnes scientias et artes in unam radicem reducens 1234 Memmingen [Kunne] F i o c c o (ANDREA D O M E N I C O ) See FENESTELLA (LUCIUS)
FIORE di virtu
Venice, Nel Beretin Convento, 1474 1730 [Venice, Ratdolt?] '1477* 1765
De horis canonicis [Rome, Guldinbeck] Louvain [J. de Paderborn] 1485 [Antwerp, Goes]
739 2194
Oratio ad Innocentium VIII [Rome, Plannck]
De verborum significatione Milan [Castaldi] 1471 2249 [Parma, Pr. of Hieronymus Epistolae] 2574*4 2619 Brescia, B. de Boninis, 1483
De Romanorum magistratibus [Venice, F. di Pietro]
237 3248
De divina praedestinatione [Augsburg, Sorg]
Sermones XVII
De vitae felicitate [Cologne, Pr. ofFlores S. Augustini] 1473 Synonyma et differentiae Rome, Plannck, 1496 Rome, Silber, 1487
1075 1080 2451
1423-4 3781 3955
De nativitatibus Venice, Bevilaqua, 1497 Venice, Manutius, 1499
2095 2189
I N D E X OF A U T H O R S AND A N O N Y M O U S TITLES FOUR (The) last things See CORDIALE quattuor novissimorum FOUR (The) sons of Aymon 4104 [Westminster, Caxton]
Sermo die lunae in ebdomada Paschae (English) Westminster, de Worde
Defensorium curatorum Paris, Caillaut] Lyons, Le Roy] Lyons] Trechsel, 1496 Rouen, Le Talleur] Louvain, J. de Paderborn]
FRANCIS (Order of St)
Privilegia Fratrum Minorum [Florence, Morgiani]
2918-19; 2939 3179 3220-21 3279 3756
Regula S. Francisci, cum expositione ex Clementinis Venice, Emericus, 1500
Correptorium Flamingorum [Antwerp, G. Leeu]
Promptorius puerorum 3914
See PROMPTORIUS puerorum FRANCISCUS, de Castilione
Oratio ad Innocentium VIII [Rome, Plannck]
Vita beati Antonini Venice, Emericus, 149s
FRANCISCUS, Cauriensis
Synonyma Deventer [Pafraet]
Oratio in funere Leonardi de Robore [Rome, U. Han] [Rome, Guldinbeck]
FLORES musicae
1379 1420
FRANCISCUS, de Mayronis
FLORES poetarum de virtutibus et vitiis Cologne, A. ther Hoernen] Cologne] KoelhofFthe elder, 1490 Cologne, Unkel] Delft [Meer] 1487
458 557 637 3361
De usuris et de excommunicationibus Paris, Gering, Crantz & Friburger, 1476/7 2874-5 Opus restitutionum Cologne, KoelhofFthe elder, 1474 521 Venice, B. da Cremona, 1472 1690 Paris, Gering, Crantz & Friburger 2872-3
De amore Camilli et Emiliae [Paris, Caesaris & Stol]
Epitome [Cologne, A. ther Hoernen] [Venice, Joh. Rubens] Siena, Rodt
459 FRANCISCUS, de Toleto 2012; 2015-16 See FRANCISCUS, Cauriensis 2714
FRANCISCUS ( M I C H A E L ) , de Insulis
Quodlibet de veritate fraternitatis rosarii B.V.M. [Gouda, G. Leeu] Quodlibetica decisio de septem doloribus B.V.M. Antwerp, Martens Speculum B.M.V.
In Persium explanatio. De ponderibus et mensuris Florence, Apud S. Jacobum de Ripoli, 1477 2330 FORESTI (JACOBUS P H I L I P P U S ) See JACOBUS P H I L I P P U S , Bergomensis
See B O N A VENTURA (St): Speculum...
FORMULA vivendi canonicorum
FRATERNITAS rosaceae coronae See MARY, the Blessed Virgin. Liber...
FORMULARIUM instrumentorum
See ROME (Church of). Curia Romana
Constitutio continens privilegia et immunitates clericorum
FORMULARIUM procuratorum
See ROME (Church of). Curia Romana
See PRIVILEGIA clericorum FREDERICK III, Emperor
Rhetorica. Dialectica. Computus [Venice, Tacuinus?]
Frederici tertii obitus Antwerp, Bac
FIFTEENTH-CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS De origine et gestis Francorum Paris, Bocard, 1497/8 3047 3157 Paris [G. Wolf &] Kerver, 1500 Lyons, Trechsel, 1497 3224 Disceptatio (Epistolae et carmina) oratorum duorum in repudiationem filiae Maximiliani
Inventarium speculi judicialis Venice, B. de Tortis, 1494
Quadriregio Perugia, Arndes, 1481 [Italy]
2700 2734
See W I M P H E L I N G (JAKOB) G A I E T A N U S , de Thienis
De intentione et remissione formarum. De reactione
Chroniques Paris, Verard
Venice, J. & G. de Gregoriis, 1491
Venice, Locatellus, 1494
Strategematica Rome, Silber, 1487 See also ScRiPTOREsrei militaris
See Visio lamentabilis... FULGENTIUS PLANCIADES (FABIUS)
De philosopho {Greek)
Das Wunderzeichen des Bischoff Forsee [Augsburg, Bdmler] 1473
Venice, Manutius, 1497
Promptorius puerorum
Libellus artis praedicationis 625 705 723
See P R O M P T O R I U S puerorum GALLUS
Malogranatum [Cologne, Renchen] 1487
GABRIEL, de Urach
De testamento Milan, Scinzenzeler, 1491 2307 De verborum et rerum significationibus
[Louvain, Braem]
Lectura super titulo de actionibus Louvain [Veldener] 1475
GAERDE der Suntheit See G A R T der Gesundheit
2322 2626 2319-20 2521
Summa super titulos decretalium [Cologne, GuldenschafF]
Amicus medicorum. Coeli enarrant Lyons, Trechsel, 1496
Opuscula varia Paris, Bocard, 1498 Ars versificatoria. Versus generum diversorum [Paris, Bocard] [Paris] Pigouchet De intemeratae Virginis conceptu Deventer, J. de Breda, 1494
G A N D A V O ( J O H A N N E S DE) See JOHANNES, dejanduno
Practica musicae Milan, Le Signerre, 1496 Brescia, A. Britannicus, 1497 Theorica musicae Milan, P. de Mantegatiis, 1492 Naples, F. di Dino, 1480
Sermo de passione Christi
Clausulae epistolarum Ciceronis Siena, H. de Colonia, I4[8]9
FUSIGNA ( J A C O B U S ) Cologne, Unkel, 1476 Cologne [Guldenschaff] Cologne, Quentell
Recollectae super Physica Aristotelis 1991 Venice, Locatellus, 1496 [Treviso, J. de Hassia] 2460 2684 Vicenza, H. de Sancto Ursio, 1487 Super libros Aristotelis De anima. Quaestiones de sensu agente, de sensibilibus communibus et de intellectu Venice, Locatellus, 1493 1976-7
Enarrationes fabularum Milan, Scinzenzeler, 1498
Recollectae in regulas Hentisberi
G A R L A N D I A ( J O H A N N E S DE)
3049 3056 3080 3558
Composita verborum Cologne, Zel, 1487 410 [Cologne, Quentell] 1487 741 [Deventer, Pafraet] 3440; 344i; 3471 Confessionale pro scholasticis et aliis multum utile See C O N F E S S I O N A L E . . .
G A R L A N D I A ( J O H A N N E S DE) (cont.)
Equivoca Paris, Baligault Poenitentiarius
De scriptoribus ecclesiasticis [Cologne, Unkel]
Synonyma Cologne, Quentell, 1495 [Speier, j . & C. Hist] Paris [Higman] 1494 Antwerp, Martens, 1493 Verba deponentalia [Cologne, Quentell] [Zwolle, P. van Os] Verba deponentalia (ed. by H. Torrentinus) [Deventer, Pafraet]
761 1131 3030 3994 742 3627
GENTILIS, de Fulgineo
De proportionibus medicinarum [Padua, Cerdonis] Expositio in logica Aristotelis [Lyons] 1499
GEORGIUS, de Hungaria
De moribus Turcorum [Urach, Fyner]
GEORGHJS, Trapezuntius
Rhetorica Venice, V. de Spira
GASPAR, Veronensis
GERARDUS, Cremonensis
Praecepta brevia [Rome, Guldinbeck]
Theorica planetarum Venice, Renner, 1478 [Venice, F. de Argentina] Bologna, Fuscus, 1480
1672 1686 2479
GERARDUS, de Harderwyck
Commentaria in libros Aristotelis De physico auditu Cologne, Quentell, 1497
Corona florida medicinae Venice, J. & G. de Gregoriis, 1491 Defensorium juris Venice, V. de Spira, 1472
Concordantiae dictorum Thomae Aquinatis et Alberti Magni. Apologia [Cologne, Quentell] Cologne, Quentell, 1497
755 768
GERARDUS, de Vliederhoven
Noctes Atticae Venice, Locatellus, 1494 Venice, Tacuinus, 1496 GEMEINE Erklarung des Ablass... See INNOCENT VIII, Pope GEMMA vocabulorum (Latin & Dutch) Deventer, Pafraet, 1495 Deventer, J. de Breda, 1498 Antwerp, Martens, 1494 GEMMULA vocabulorum (Latin & Dutch) Deventer, Pafraet, 1489 Deventer, J. de Breda, 1493 Zwolle [P. van Os] 1492 's Hertogenbosch, Leempt, 1488 Antwerp, G. Leeu, 1484 Antwerp, G. Leeu, 1488 Antwerp, Goes, 1487
GERARDUS, de Monte
See CORDIALE quattuor novissimorum 1984 2113
3510 3576 3997
GERARDUS, Zutphaniensis
De spiritualibus ascensionibus Cologne [Zel] Cologne [Landen] Cologne, Landen] Basel, Amerbach] Deventer, Pafraet]
418 843 847 2803 3439
3481 3554 3614 3658 3878 3909 3964
Oratio coram Innocentio VIII habita [Rome, Plannck]
GEORGIUS, Bruxellensis
GART der Gesundheit (Low German) Liibeck, Arndes, 1492
rpamiocTiK'n et
GENTILIS, de Bechis
Opera Strassburg, Flach, 1494 255-7 Cologne, KoelhofFthe elder, 1483-4 537-8 Adversus doctrinam medici cujusdam Cologne, Zel] 374-6 Louvain,]. de Paderborn] 3737 Alphabetum divini amoris See A L P H A B E T U M . . .
Boec van den gheboden Gods See below Opus tripartitum (Dutch) Collectorium super Magnificat [Cologne, Gotz]
Conclusiones de diversis materiis moralibus [Cologne, Zel] 286-7; 368-9 Contra superstitiosos dierum observatores [Cologne, Zel] 374-6 [Louvain, J. de Paderborn] 3737 Copia bullae concilii Basiliensis de conceptione B.V.M. See BASEL (Council of)
De arte audiendi confessiones [Nuremberg, Sensenschmidt] 974 [Nuremberg, Sensenschmidt & Frisner] 1066 De cognitione castitatis et pollutionibus diurnis Cologne, Zel] 291-2; 317; 370 487 Cologne, Pr. of Dares] [Holland] 3669 De consolatione theologiae [Cologne] A. ther Hoernen 441 De custodia linguae 480-81; 482 [Cologne, Pr. of Dictys] De directione seu rectitudine cordis [Cologne, Zel] 374-5 De diversis temptationibus Cologne, Zel] 318 Louvain,J. de Paderborn] 3744-5 Belgium] 4014 De emcacia orationis [Cologne, Zel] 318 De elevatione mentis in Deum Alost, Martens, 1487/8 3675 De eruditione confessorum Cologne, Zel] 323-4 Cologne, Pr, of Dares] 489-90 Louvain, Loeffs] 3803 De laude scriptorum [Cologne, Pr. of Augustinus Dejide] 573 De meditatione cordis [Cologne, Zel] 319-20 Augsburg, Ratdolt, 1488 957 [Nuremberg, Koberger] 1492 1023 [Magdeburg, M. Brandis] 1229 Venice, B. Benalius, 1488 1916 Milan, Pachel, 1488 2300 De mendicitate spirituali [Cologne, Zel] 345 De modo audiendi confessiones See above De arte. . . De modo bene moriendi [Strassburg, Knoblochtzer, 14] 82 159 [Magdeburg, M. Brandis] 1229 De modo vivendi omnium fidelium [Cologne, Zel] 289; 371-2 [Louvain, J. de Paderborn] 3744-5 [Belgium] 4014
De oratione [Cologne, Zel] 319-20 De passionibus animae [Cologne, Zel] 289; 371-2 [Paris, Poulhac] 3141 De perfectione cordis [Cologne, Zel] 374-5 De pollutionibus nocturnis [Cologne, Zel] 281; 290; 321; 373 [Holland] 3669 De probatione spirituum [Cologne, Zel] 323-4 [Cologne, Pr. of Dares] 489-90 [Louvain, Loeffs] 3803 De regulis mandatorum Nuremberg [Sensenschmidt] 975 Paris, Marchant, 1489/90 2953 De remediis contra pusillanimitatem Cologne, Zel] 322 Cologne, Pr. of Dares] 488 Ulm, J. Zainer] 1153 Louvain, J. de Paderborn] 3744-5 Belgium] 4014 De remediis contra recidivum peccandi Cologne, Zel] 323-4 Cologne, Pr. of Dares] 489-90 Nuremberg, Sensenschmidt & Frisner] 1066 Magdeburg, M. Brandis] 1229 De simonia [Cologne, Zel] 323-4 489-90 [Cologne, Pr. of Dares] [Louvain, Loeffs] 3803 De simplification cordis [Cologne, Zel] 374-6 De sollicitudine ecclesiasticorum [Cologne, Zel] 377-9 De spiritualibus nuptiis Nuremberg [Sensenschmidt] 1470 972 De vita spirituali animae Paris [Levet] 1493 3003 Doctrina de confessione et absolutione Vienna [Koblinger?] 1482 4019 Donatus moralisatus Cologne [Retro Minores?] 1498 849 [Augsburg, G. Zainer] 885 Duae lectiones super Marcum Gouda, G. Leeu, 1480 3393 Expositio super vn psalmos poenitentiales [Cologne, Zel] 319-20 Forma absolutions sacramentalis [Cologne, Zel] 281; 291-2; 317; 370 [Cologne, Pr. of Dares] 487 Libellus canonum moralium Erfurt, Schenck, 1500 1314 Monotessaron [Cologne, Pr. of Dialogus Salomonis] 726-7
G E R S O N ( J O H A N N E S ) (cont.)
Opus tripartitum Cologne, Zel] 28853 80-81 Cologne, Unkel] 646 Marienthal, Fratres Vitae Communis] 1176 Paris, Caillaut] 2927 Louvain, J. de Paderborn] 3787 Belgium] 4012-13 Opus tripartitum (Dutch) 3346 Delft [Meer] 1482 Orationes diversae et meditationes [Cologne, Zel] 345 Salicheit der menschen See above Opus tripartitum (Dutch) Sermo de conceptione B.V.M. 699 [Cologne, Guldenschaff] Sex lectiones de vita, aegritudine et morte animae Gouda, G. Leeu, 1480 3393 Summa super Floretum Bernardi [Lyons, Balsarin] 3200 Tabula de arte moriendi See above De modo bene moriendi Tractatus pro devotis simplicibus [Cologne, Zel] 318 Trilogium astrologiae theologisatae [Cologne, Zel] 374-6 [Louvain, J. de Paderborn] 3737
Westminster, Caxton, 1481 Scotus pauperum [Lyons, Balsarin] [Toulouse, Mayer]
182 233 236 413 588 1032 1044 3311 3392 3746
BlafFert ende register van den losrenten ende lijfrenten 3417 [Gouda] GOWER (JOHN)
Confessio amantis Westminster, Caxton, 1483 Augsburg, Ratdolt Basel, Wenssler, 1488 Suecicum [Liibeck, Arndes?]
GRATIA D E I , Esculanus
Commentaria in Artem veterem Aristotelis Venice, Locatellus, 1491
Conclusio de signo crucis Louvain, J. de Paderborn [Alost, Martens]
3772 3679
De confutatione Hebraicae sectae Strassburg, Flach, 1500 Rome, Silber, 1500
261 1543
Decretum abbreviatum. Practica curiarum [Toulouse, Mayer] Decretum cum apparatu Bartholomaei Brixiensis Venice, P. de Plasiis, 1483 Venice, B. de Tortis, 1496 Venice [Torresanus] 1498 Venice, T. de Blavis, i486 Venice, T. de Blavis, 1489 Basel, Froben & Amerbach, 1500
GILBERTUS, Tornacensis
3260 1792 1846 1870 1876 1878 2844
Oratio de Christi ascensu [Rome, Plannck]
Cum pueris sit loquendum pueriliter... 1087 [Nuremberg, Wagner?] GRAMMATELLUS cum glosa ajmanica [Nuremberg, Creussner] 1063
GHULDEN (Die) selentrost
De spiritu Guidonis Delft [Meer] i486 Scala coeli Louvain, J. de Paderborn, 1485
965 2745
Sermones Louvain, J. de Paderborn
3202 3256
GESTA Romanorum
Strassburg, Griininger] 1488 Strassburg, Pr. of Jordanus] 1489 Strassburg, Pr. of Jordanus] 1493 Cologne, Zel] Cologne, Pr. of Flores S. Augustini] Nuremberg, Koberger] 1494 Nuremberg, Koberger] 1497 Utrecht] Gouda, G. Leeu, 1480 Louvain, J. de Paderborn —(Dutch) Zwolle, P. van Os, 1484
GRE'GORIUS, Ariminensis
Super primum librum Sententiarum Paris [Martineau] 1482
Opuscula Venice, B. de Vitalibus, 1498
Prognosticon Vienna, Winterburg, 1496
GREGORY I, Pope, Saint, the Great Commentum super Cantica canticorum [Cologne, Zel] 395 Basel [Furter] 1496 2831 Paris, Gering & Rembolt, 1498/9 3124-5 Dialogi 114 [Strassburg, Eggestein] [Cologne] Unkel 638 [Augsburg, Wiener] 939 Venice, H. de Paganinis, 1492 2125 Paris, Gering & Rembolt, 1494/5 3121 [Louvain] J. de Paderborn 3788
Practica Venice, Locatellus, 1497/8 Pavia, A. de Carcano, 1488
1994 2641
G U A R I N U S , Veronensis
Ars diphthongandi Strassburg \Pr. ofjordanus] I4g$ 242 Strassburg [Pr. ofjordanus] 14QI 249 Cologne [Quentell] i486 740 Basel [Amerbach] 1478 2765 Basel, Kesler, i486 2811 Praecepta de ordine studendi [Cologne, Zel] 363 Regulae grammaticales. Differentialia [Florence, apud S. Jacobum de Ripoli] 2332 Parma, Ugoletus, 1492 2580
(German) 898 [Augsburg, Bamler] 1473 Dialogorum liber 11 de vita et miraculis Benedicti Venice, Emericus, i$oo 2140-41 G U A R I N U S ( B A P T I S T A ) Homiliae in Ezechielem De ordine docendi et studendi [Brussels, Fratres Vitae Communis] 3855 Heidelberg, H. Knoblochtzer, 1489 1319*5 Homiliae super evangeliis [Ferrara, Belfortis] 2236 624 [Cologne, Unkel] 1475 [Augsburg, G. Zainer] 1473 878 G U E R I N O , il Meschino Vita del magnifico cavaliero Guerino Paris, G. Wolf, 1491 3041 prenominato Meschino (Dutch) Bologna, Azoguidus, 1475 2473 [Utrecht, Veldener] 1479 3319-20 G u i ( P E T R U S DE) Pastorale See D E G U I ( P E D R O ) [Cologne, Zel] 341-2 [Cologne, Winters] 1482 658 GUIBA (ROBERTUS) Venice, H. de Paganinis, 1492 2126 Oratio ad Innocentium VIII Paris, Gering & Rembolt, 1498 3123 1433 [Rome, Guldinbeck] [Zwolle, P. van Os] 1480 3592 [Rome, Plannck] 1458 GUIDO See P A P A ( G U I D O )
G R E G O R Y IX, Pope
Decretales Venice, Jenson, 1475 Venice, T. de Blavis, 1489 Basel, Wenssler, 1478
1636 1879 2742
Lucubratiunculae Mainz, P. von Friedberg, 1494 Podalirii cum Catone dialogus [Mainz, P. von Friedberg]
G U I D O , de Baysio See BAYSIO (GUIDO DE) G U I D O , de Columna See COLUMNA (GUIDO DE) G U I D O , de Monte Rocherii
Disputatio super Parva logicalia [Leipzig, Bottiger]
Quadragesimale [Reutlingen, Greyff]
Commentaria in Posteriora Aristotelis Venice, Locatellus, 1494
Manipulus curatorum Strassburg [Pr. ofjordanus] 1490 Strassburg [Pr. of Casus Breves] 1493 Cologne, Unkel, 1476 [Cologne, Winters] Cologne [GuldenschafF] Cologne, Quentell Cologne [Quentell] 1492 Cologne, Quentell, 1498 [Esslingen, Fyner] [Germany, Pr. of' 1448' Lotharius] Rome [F. de Cinquinis] 1477 [Savigliano] Beyamus & Glim
246 264 625 679 705 723 748 776 1149 1349 1439 2536*5
INDEX OF AUTHORS AND ANONYMOUS TITLES GUIDO, de Monte Rocherii (com.) Paris [Caillaut?] 1482 Paris, Pigouchet, 1489 [London] Pynson
GUILELMUS, Saphonensis 2912 3069 4203
GUILELMUS, Akissiodorensis
Summa super libros Sententiarum Paris, Pigouchet, 1500/1
Modus conficiendi epistolas [Cologne, Unkel]
GUILLAUME, de Digulleville
Le pelerinage de Tame (English) Westminster, Caxton, 1483 Le pelerinage de vie humaine Lyons, Matt. Huss, 1485
Opera [Nuremberg, Stuchs] De beneficiis [Rouen, Le Talleur] De fide et legibus [Augsburg, G. Zainer] De passione Christi Hagenau, Gran, 1498 De septem sacramentis
1094-5 3278
See GUILELMUS, Parisiensis 1339 2838 3051 4002
GUILLIBERTUS, Tornacensis See GILBERT US, Tornacensis
G U T E (Eine) Lehre... [Liibeck, Ghotan]
Anterotica sive De amoris generibus Treviso, Lisa, 1492
H A G E N ( J O H A N N E S DE)
•See JOHANNES, de Hagen HALY
Liber in judiciis astrorum Venice, Ratdolt, 1485
H A L Y (JESU) 414; 419 784 793; 794 826 3463 3485 3512 3572 3957
De oculis Venice, Locatellus, i$oo\i H A R E N T A L S (PETRUS DE)
Expositio psalterii Cologne, Winters, 1480 Cologne, GuldenschafF, 1483
652-3 690
De Christianarum rerum memoria [Louvain, Loeffs]
GUILELMUS, Hilacensis
Sermones super orationem dominicam Paris, Gering & Rembolt, 1494
GUILELMUS, Hentisherus
Farrago [Deventer, Pafraet] [Deventer, Pafraet] 1490 Deventer [J. de Breda] 1496
GUILELMUS, Parisiensis
De septem sacramentis [Paris, Caillaut] Paris, Mittelhus, 1494 Postilla Cologne, KoelhofFthe elder, 1481 [Augsburg, Wiener] 1476 [Germany] Basel, Kesler, i486 Deventer, J. de Breda, 1498
GUILELMUS, de Dumo Quercu De spiritu sancto [Rome, Teutonicus]
See O C K H A M
Rhetorica divina Freiburg i.B., Fischer] Basel, Froben] Paris, Bocard, 1500 Ghent, A. de Keysere, 1483
Expositio missae Cologne Zel] Cologne Quentell] 1500 Cologne Quentell] [Cologne, P. ther Hoernen] [Deventer J. de Breda Deventer Pafraet] 1490 Deventer, Pafraet, 1496 Deventer, J. de Breda, 1497 Antwerp, Goes
GUILELMUS, Tyrius See GODFREY of Boloyne
534 936 13 51 2810 3577
Opuscula et tractatus [Strassburg, Priiss] De nobilitate et rusticitate [Strassburg, Priiss]
2928 3019
3470 3487 3 565
218 219
HENRICUS, Ariminensis
De quattuor virturibus Strassburg Speier [Pr. of Gesta Christi]
128 1106
Conclusiones super libros Sententiarum [Germany] Venice [Locatellus] 1489 Basel, Kesler, 1487 Basel, Kesler, 1489 Basel, Kesler, 1498 De praedestinatione. De simonia [Esslingen, Fyner] 1474 De superstitiosis casibus. De celebratione festorum [Blaubeuren, Mancz] Quaesriones in S. Thomam [Esslingen, Fyner]
H E N R Y II, Emperor
Legenda sanctorum Henrici et 1350 Kunegundis 1953 Brussels, Fratres Vitae Communis, 2813 1484 2815 H E N T I S B E R U S (GUILELMUS) 2817 De sensu composito et diviso Venice, Locatellus, 1494 1140
Mainz, Schoeffer, 1484 35 [Louvain, Veldener] 3804-5; 3806 —(Dutch) [Kuilenburg, Veldener] 1484 3641
1200 1143
H E N R I C U S , de Hassia
De horis canonicis dicendis [Urach, Fyner] Expositio super Ave Maria [Cologne, Pr. of Dares] Expositio super orationem dominicam [Cologne, Pr. of Dares] Regulae ad cognoscendum difFerentiam inter peccatum mortale et veniale [Magdeburg, M. Brandis] Memtningen, Kunne, 1483 Secreta sacerdotum Leipzig, C. Kachelofen, 1497 [Vienna, Winterburg]
De constructione substantivorum... [Cologne, Quentell]
Sermones L super orationem dominicam Louvain, J. de Paderborn, 1484 3732 Oudenarde, A. de Keysere, 1480 3870
HERMANNUS, de Schildis See S C H I L D I S ( H E R M A N N U S DE)
1229 1231 HERMANNUS, Torrentinus Elucidarius carminum et historiarum vel Vocabularius poeticus 1273 Deventer, Pafraet, 1498 4023 Verba deponentalia
H E N R I C U S , de Herpf
See G A R L A N D I A ( J O H A N N E S DE)
Speculum aureum decem praeceptorum Basel, Froben, 1496 2841
HERMES, Trismegistus
Asclepius 1358 Rome [Sweynheym & Pannartz] 1469 Venice, Pincius, 1493 2069 Centiloquium. De stellis beibeniis Venice, Locatellus, 1493 1974-5 De potestate et sapientia Dei Venice, M. de Butricis, 1491 2086-7 Paris [Higman] 1494 3029
HENRICUS, Hostiensis See HENRICUS, de Segusio HENRICUS, de Odendorjf See O D E N D O R F F ( H E N R I C U S DE)
H E N R I C U S , de Piro See P I R O ( H E N R I C U S DE)
Historia de imperio post Marcum Rome, 1493 Venice, Manutius, 1498 Bologna, B. de Bazaleriis, 1493
H E N R I C U S , de Segusio
Summa super titulis decretalium [Augsburg] Hohenwang, 1477 [Speier, G. de Spira] 1478-9
941 1108
HENRICUS, de Vrimaria
De quattuor instinctibus Venice, Pentius, 1498 Praeceptorium. De operibus misericordiae [Cologne, Gotz]
TTepl TCOV dcptOucov Venice, Manutius, 149$
Historiarum libri ix Venice [Bevilaqua] '1494'
HENRICUS, de Zoemeren
Epitoma primae partis dialogi G. Ockham Louvain, J. de Paderborn, 1481
1585 2184-5 2486
Liber discipuli de eruditione Christifidelium [Reutlingen, GreyfF]
I N D E X OF A U T H O R S A N D A N O N Y M O U S TITLES H E R O L T ( J O H A N N E S ) (cont.)
Promptuarium de miraculis B.V.M. 396 [Cologne, Zel] Sermones discipuli de sanctis 400 [Cologne, Zel] Sermones discipuli de sanctis cum promptuario exemplorum et de miraculis B.V.M. 535 Cologne, Koelhoffthe elder, 1481 Sermones discipuli de tempore 388 Cologne [Zel] 1474 [Deventer, Pafraet] 3456 Sermones discipuli de tempore et de sanctis cum promptuario exemplorum et de miraculis B.M.V. Deventer, Pafraet, 1485 3429 Sermones discipuli super epistolas dominicales 737 Cologne, Renchen?] Ulm, J. Zainer] 1160 HERPF (HENRICUS)
HILARIUS, Litomericensis
Contra perfidiam Bohemorum Strassburg [Pr. ofJordanus] 1485 De trinitate contra Arianos Venice, P. de Paganinis, 1489 Epistolae Florence, Francisci, 1487 Prognostica Bologna, F. de Benedictis, 1489
See U R S U L A (St)
Super libros Sententiarum. De imputabilitate peccati. Conferentiae quaedam. Determinationes quarumdam quaesrionum Lyons, Trechsel, 1497 3222 Super Sapienriam Salomonis 1113 Speier, Drach, 1483 Basel [Amerbach] 1489 2774
1447 1510-11
2167 H O M E R U S TTofficns diraaa 1363 Florence, B. & N. Nerlius & Damilas, 3552 1488/9 2348-52 3571 De bello Troiano See PINDARUS, Thebanus: Iliados epitome 2167 H O M I L I A R I U S doctorum
In aureos versus Pythagorae opusculum Padua, B. de Valdezoccho, 1474 2539-40 HIERONYMUS, Estensis
HISTORIA septem sapientum
De omciis liberorum erga parentes [Venice, Valdarfer] [Padua, D.S.]
HIERONYMUS, presbyter
H E S E ( J O H A N N E S DE)
Cronica della citta d* Este [Venice, Locatellus]
HILARY (St), Bp of Poitiers
"Epyoc KCCI fmepoct Venice, Manutius, 1495/6 —(Latin) Rome, Sweynheym & Pannartz Deventer, J. de Breda, 1492 Deventer,}. de Breda, 1497 Geoyovicc. 'Aorris 'HpccKAeous Venice, Manutius, 1495/6
4080-81 4119
HISTORIA undecim milium virginum
Itinerarius [Antwerp] Bac
4073 4133
See SEVEN Sages
See HENRICUS, de Herpf
Oratio in funere Heruli cardinalis Spoletani Rome, Bulk] Rome, Plannck]
The description of Britain [Westminster] Caxton, 1480 Westminster, de Worde, 1498 Polycronicon [Westminster] Caxton Westminster, de Worde, 1495
Cologne, Winters Nuremberg, Koberger, 1494
673 1035
H O M O B O N U S (St)
OfFicium sancti Homoboni [Cremona, C. de Darleriis]
HONORIUS, Augustodunensis
Expositio in Cantica canricorum [Cologne, GuldenschafF]
1650 2567-8 H O O F K I J N (Het) van devotien Antwerp, G. Leeu, 1487
706-7 3897
[Paris, J. Bonhomme] [Ghent, A. de Keysere]
HIERONYMUS, de Zanitinis See Z A N I T I N I S ( H I E R O N Y M U S DE)
2975 4005
F I F T E E N T H - C E N T U R Y P R I N T E D BOOKS H O R O L O G I U M aeternae sapientiae See S u s o (HENRICUS)
H O R A E (cont.)
ad usum Cenomanensem [Paris] fi. Jehannot, 1498
Parisiensem [Paris] Pigouchet, 1491
Pictaviensem Paris, Pigouchet, 1498
Romanum [Venice] A. de Paltasichis, 1478 Venice, Hamman, 14 [93] Venice, Emericus, 1498 Paris, Le Rouge, 1491 Paris, Pigouchet, 1491/2 Paris, Pigouchet, 1497 Paris, Pigouchet, 1498 Paris, Pigouchet Paris [£. Jehannot] Sarum Venice, Hamman, 1494 [Paris, Dupre] Paris, Pigouchet, 1498 [Paris] J. Philippi, 1497 Paris, J. Jehannot, 1498 Westminster, Caxton] Westminster] de Worde London, Machlinia] London, Pynson] Trajectensem [Gouda, G. Leeu] Antwerp, Liesvelt, 1495
1772 2037 2139 3011 3071 3072-3 3076-7 3083 3149 2044 2973 3074 3098 3150 4102 4150-51 4184 4207 3414 3999
H O R O L O G I U M devotionis See BERTHOLDUS H O R T U S sanitatis
Mainz, Meydenbach, 1491 H O R T U S vocabulorum
Westminster, de Worde, 1500 De immortalitate animae Paris [Le Dm] 1499
Carmen de passione domini [Louvain, Heerstraten]
Commentum in Epistolas Ciceronis ad familiares [Milan] Accursius Vicenza, H. Liechtenstein, 1479
2293 2677
H U G O , Je Prato Florido
Sermones dominicales super evangelia et epistolas Strassburg, Husner, 1476 Zwolle [P. van Os] 1480 [Louvain] J. de Paderborn, 1484
146 3593 3778
H U G O , Reutlingensis See SPECHTSHART ( H U G O ) H U G O , de Sancto Caro
Expositio missae [Rome, Plannck]
Delft [Meer] 1480 3342-3 Delft [Meer] 1484 3348-50 3418 Gouda, Collacie Broeders, 1496 Hasselt [Barmentlo] 1488 3637 Schoonhoven [Canons of St Michael] 3661 1498 Antwerp, G. Leeu, 1491 3933
[Savigliano] Beyamus & Glim
Postilla super evangelia Basel, Richel, 1482 2758 Postilla super psalterium Venice, J. & G. de Gregoriis, 1496 1816 Speculum ecclesiae 3797 Louvain, C. de Paderborn Speculum ecclesiae. Speculum sacerdotum Paris, Caillaut] 2942; 2947 Paris, Pigouchet] 3066 Angers, J. de La Tour?] 3290
HORAE Sanctae Crucis, B.V.M. Schoonhoven [Canons of St Michael] 3664
Louvain, J. de Paderborn
3735; 3785
[Antwerp, Goes]
Opera Strassburg, Gruninger, 1498 Venice, J. & G. de Gregoriis, 1483 Venice, Stagninus, i486 Venice, Arrivabenus, 1490/91 Venice, Locatellus, 1494 Venice [Pincius] 1495/6 Florence, Miscomini, 1482
H O R A E . Dutch
H O R A E de aeterna sapientia Alost, Martens
H U G O , Je Sancto Victore 197 1802 1904 1930 1979 2072 2338
Opera [Strassburg, Pr. of Henricus] Opuscula de studio orandi et de tribus diaetis Basel, Bergmann, 1499
De sacramentis Strassburg [Pr. ofJordanus] 1485
INDEX OF AUTHORS AND ANONYMOUS TITLES HUGO, de Sancto Victore (com.) Soliloquium [Strassburg, C.W.] Speculum ecclesiae See HUGO, ie Sancto Caro
IMMANUEL ben Solomon
Sefer ha-Mahbarot Brescia, Gershon ben Moses, 1491
See JOHANNES, de Hagen
HUGO, Senensis
Expositio super Aphorismos Hippocratis et Galeni commentum Ferrara, L. de Rubeis & A. de Grassis, 1493 2245
Image of Pity [Westminster, Caxton] For the cathedral at Oviedo [Zamora, A. de Centenera] See also ADOLPHUS, de Nassau INNOCENT VIII, Pope
HUMBERTUS, de Romanis
De tribus votis substantialibus religiosorum. De veris et falsis virtutibus Venice, Emericus, 149s
LUDOVICUS, de Seghin M I L A (Luis DE)
Poetica astronomica Venice, Ratdolt, 1482 Venice, Ratdolt, 1485
JOHANNES, de Cardona
H u s s (JOHANNES)
Gesta Christi Memmingen [Kunne]
ROBERTUS, Castelknsis SIXTUS IV, Pope
1752 1758
W E R D E N B E R G ( R U D O L F VON)
Scala perfectionis [English) [Westminster] de Worde, 1494
INFIRMORUM visitatio
Expositio hymnorum Cologne, Quentell, 1492 747 Cologne, Quentell, 1500 783 Paris, Caillaut, 1492/3 2938 Paris, Levet, 1487 2981 Paris, Baligault, 1492 3100 [Lyons, Schultis] 3228 Delft, Snellaert, 1496 3371-2 Expositio hymnorum secundum usum Sarum 812 [Cologne, Quentell]
See TRACTATUS pro infirmis visitandis INHIBITIONES secundum theologos et canones sanctorum patrum [Augsburg, Wiener] 1476
De miseria humanae conditionis [Cologne, Pr. of Augustinus Defide] Paris [P. Bonhomme] 1480 Paris, Levet, 1494 Paris, Levet, 1495 [Louvain, J. de Paderborn]
577 2907 2990 2992 3748
I.M. Invectiva in Faustum
Apparatus super libros Decretalium Venice, J. Hamman, 1491
See A N D R E L I N U S (PUBLIUS F A U S T U S ) :
appendix IAMBLICHUS, Chalcidensis
De mysteriis Venice, Manutius, 1497
IGNATIUS (St), Antiochenus
Epistolae xi Paris, Higman, 1498/9
ILLUSTRIUM virorum epistolae See EPISTOLAE illustrium virorum ILLUSTRIUM virorum opuscula Paris, Bocard, 1500 IMITATIO Christi See THOMAS, a Kempis
INNOCENT VIII, Pope Bulk (Pro salute populi Christiani) 1261 [Passau, Petri] Bulla canonisationis S. Leopoldi (Sacrosanctam matrem ecclesiam) 1233 [Memmingen, Kunne] [Vienna, Koblinger?] 4020 Bulla Innocentii et Alexandri de successione regni Angliae 4129 [Westminster, de Worde] Gemeine Erklarung des Ablass des seligen gnadenreichen Jahres 1164 [Ulm, J. Zainer] Litterae indulgentiarum (Portuguese) [Braga, Gerling] 4227
F I F T E E N T H - C E N T U R Y P R I N T E D BOOKS I N N O C E N T VIII, Pope (cont.) Regulae, ordinationes et constitutiones Cancellariae [Strassburg, Griininger] [Rome, Plannck] [Rome, Pr. of Manilius] Summarium bullae canonisationis S. Leopoldi [Passau, Petri]
203 1472 1581 1266
In errores Monarchiae Antonii de Rosellis 2198-9 Venice, Pentius, 1499 Malleus maleficarum Nuremberg, Koberger, 1494 1033 Tractatus varii Nuremberg, Koberger, 1496 1039 INTELLECTUS super oratione dominica [Cologne, Pr. ofAugustinus Dejide] 567-8 H73 INTERROGATIONS et doctrinae
Ulm, J. Zainer]
Orationes (Greek) Milan, Scinzenzeler, 1493 Oratio ad Nicoclem Venice, B. Benalius Oratio de laudibus Helenae Venice [Bevilaqua] '1494' Praecepta ad Demonicum [Heidelberg, Knoblochtzer]
Regimen contra pestilentiam [Cologne, Zierikzee] [Antwerp, Goes] -{English) [London, Machlinia]
860 3958 4189
JACOBUS, Aegidius
De reprobatione testium [Venice] V. de Spira, 1472
JACOBUS, de Belviso
Casus breves collationum [Brussels, Fratres Vitae Communis]
JACOBUS, de Clusa
De arte bene moriendi Leipzig, A. de Colonia, 1495 De contractibus [Cologne, A. ther Hoernen] Quodlibetum statuum humanorum [Esslingen, Fyner?] Sermones dominicales [Speier, Drach?]
13 21
IPOLITO e Lionora
ISAAC ben Solomon ibn Sahula Mashal ha-Qadmoni [Soncino, Gershon ben Moses]
Tur Orah Hayyim [Lisbon, Eliezer]
I N T E R R O G A T O R S in volgare
Milan, Scinzenzeler, 1493
Rome, Pr. of Mercuriales quaestiones]1395 1561 Rome, Silber] Rome, Besicken & M. de Amsterdam] 1594-5; 1596
1298-9 436 1144 1111
JACOBUS, de Gouda
Cronaca con alcune addizioni Cividale [G. de Lisa] 1480 2708 De scriptoribus ecclesiasticis [Cologne, Unkel] 639 De spirituali consolatione [Cologne, Pr. ofFlores S. Augustini] W3 584-5 De summo bono [Cologne, Zel] 346-7 [Paris, Levet] 3004 Louvain, J. de Paderborn, i486 3717 Etymologiae [Strassburg, Mentelin] 89 Paris, G. Wolf & Kerver, 1499 3153-4 Synonyma de homine et ratione Deventer, Pafraet, 1491 3496 Antwerp, G. Leeu, 1487 3894-5 [Antwerp, Goes] 3947-8 Antwerp, C. Leeu, 1488 3975 Synonyma de praesenris vitae regimine [Deventer, J. de Breda] 3544
Legenda Alberti Magni compendiosa. et metrica Cologne, Koelhoffthe elder, 1490
JACOBUS, de Gruytrode
Colloquium Jesu et senis See DIONYSIUS, Carthusianus: Dialogus... Colloquium peccatoris et Jesu Christi Deventer, Pafraet, 1491 3496 3894-5 Antwerp, G. Leeu, 1487 [Antwerp, Goes] 3947-8 3975 Antwerp, C. Leeu, 1488 Lavacrum conscientiae Paris, Lambert 3117 Speculum aureum animae peccatricis See D I O N YSIUS, Carthusianus
JACOBUS, de Lenda
Sermones quadragesimales Paris, Baligault, 1499 JACOBUS, de Moretis
JACOBUS, de Reno
Dialogus senis et juvenis de amore disputantium Louvain, Martens
Westminster, Caxton [Westminster, Caxton] Westminster, de Worde, 1498
[Belgium] 4006 —(German) Nuremberg, Koberger, 1488 1016 —(German, Low) Cologne, Renchen, 1485 729 [Liibeck, L. Brandis] 1182 Liibeck, Arndes, 1492 1191 Liibeck, Arndes, 1499 1195 [Magdeburg, Koch] 1487 1226 —(Italian) Venice, Jenson 1637 Sermones de sanctis [Cologne, Winters] 663-4 1352 [Germany] 1484 Venice [Locatellus] 1488 1951 Sermones de tempore 3729 [Louvain] J. de Paderborn Sermones de tempore et de sanctis Deventer, Pafraet, 1483 3426 Sermones dominicales per totum annum (Dutch) Zwolle, P. van Os, 1489 3606 Sermones quadragesimales, de tempore et de sanctis 3211 Lyons, Trechsel, 1491 Tractatus super libros S. Augustini 643 [Cologne, Unkel]
JACOBUS, de Theramo
Belial (Lis Christi et Belial, Consolatio peccatorum, Processus Belial) 157 [Strassburg, Knoblochtzer] 1484 [Cologne, Pr. of Augustinus Dejide] 582-3 Augsburg, Schiissler, 1472 895-6 [Lyons, Maillet] 3225 Gouda, G. Leeu, 1481 3397 [Louvain] Veldener 3686 —(German) Strassburg, Knoblochtzer, 1483 156 Augsburg, Sorg, 1481 921 [Esslingen, Fyner] 1148 JACOBUS, Trajectanus
De modo visitandi Brescia, A. Britannicus, 1500
JACOBUS, de Voragine
Historiae plurimorum sanctorum Louvain, J. de Paderborn, 1485 Legenda aurea [Strassburg, Eggestein] [Strassburg 1482 Strassburg Griininger] 1496 Strassburg Pr. of Jordanus] 1489 Strassburg Pr. of Jordanus] 1496 Cologne [Zel] 1482 [Cologne, Zel] 1483 [Cologne] Winters, 1476 Cologne, Winters, 1480 Cologne, Winters, 1481 [Cologne, Renchen?] Nuremberg, Koberger, 1478 [Hagenau, Gran] 1497 Venice, Arnoldus, 1478 Venice, Strata & Catanellus, 1480 Paris, Gering, Crantz & Friburger [Lyons, Huss] 1493 [Lyons, Lathomi] 1494 [Lyons, Pivard] 1500/1 Deventer, Pafraet, 1479 —(Dutch) Utrecht, Veldener, 1480 Delft [Meer] 1487 Delft [Snellaert] 1489 Delft, Eckert, 1499-1500 Gouda, G. Leeu, 1478 Gouda, G. Leeu, 1480 Zwolle, P. van Os, 1490
4087-91 4105 4131-2
3715 115 175 194 231 238 407 409 650
JACOBUS P H I L I P P U S , Bergomensis
De claris mulieribus Ferrara, L. de Rubeis, 1497 Supplementum chronicarum Venice, Rizus, 1490 Venice, Rizus, 1492/3
655 656 738 991 1326-5 1688 1826 2876 3196 3228-5 3240 3421 3326 3357 3364 3382
2246-7 1938 1939
See I A M B LI c H u s, Chalcidensis JAME (PIERRE)
Le debat du vin et de Teau [Paris] Le Noir
J A R D I N (Le) de devotion See H O O F K I J N (Het) van devotien J E D A I A H BEN ABRAHAM BEDARSHI
Behinat 'Olam Soncino [Joshua Solomon] 1484
3384-5 3389 3608-9
De consolatione infirmorum [Cologne, Pr. ofFlores S. Augustini] 1473 584-5 De essentia divinitatis 884 [Augsburg, G. Zainer]
F I F T E E N T H - C E N T U R Y P R I N T E D BOOKS —(Italian) Milan, Pachel & Scinzenzeler, 1490
JEROME (St) (cont.)
De virginitate Mariae [Cologne, Pr. of Dictys] De viris illustribus [Cologne, Unkel] [Utrecht, Ketelaer & Leempt] Epistolae Nuremberg, Koberger, 1495 Venice, Miscomini, 1476 Venice, Torresanus, 1488 Basel, Kesler, 1497
JEROME (St): appendix
639 3307 1038 1731-2 1866 2816
Vita et transitus sancti Hieronymi [Blaubeuren, Mancz] Passau, Mayr & Stahel, 1482 Venice, P. de Pasqualibus & Domin. Bertochus, 1485 [Delft, Meer] i486 [Belgium] —(Dutch. Hieronymusboeck) Hasselt [Barmentlo] 1490 —(Italian) Venice, B. da Cremona, 1473 Venice, B. Benalius Milan [P. de Lavagnia] 1480 Florence, Bonaccorsi, 1490 Treviso, Manzolus, 1478
1198-9 1255 1911 3353 4011
—(Italian) 3638 Ferrara, L. de Rubeis, 1497 2248 Epistola ad Eustochium de custodia 1691 virginitatis (Italian) 1913 Venice, M. de Bonellis, 1498 2089 2266 Epistola ad Gaudentium de institutione 2411 filiae 2455 [Cologne, Pr. of Dictys] 473 JESU HALY Epistola ad Heliodorum See H A L Y (JESU) [Cologne, Zel] 360 Epistola ad Pammachium et Occeanum JESUS C H R I S T exhortatoria Dat leven ons Heren [Cologne, Pr. of Dictys] 473 Delft, Eckert, 1498 3379 Epistola ad Paulinum presbyterum Schoonhoven [Canons of St Michael] Cologne, Zel] 358 1497 3660 Cologne, Guldenschaff] 709 Dat liden ende die passie ons Heeren Cologne, Quentell] 803-4; 818 Delft [Meer] 1487 3358 Magdeburg, M. Brandis] 1229 Gouda, G. Leeu, 1479 3387 Epistola ad Susannam lapsam Haarlem [Bellaert] 1483 3646 [Cologne, Zel] 360 Den gheesteliken minnebrief die Jhesus Expositio in symbolum apostolorum Christus seyndt See R U F I N U S ( T Y R A N N I U S ) : Expositio... Leyden, Ghemen 3645 Ordo vivendi Deo (Regula monacharum Devote ghetiden van den leven ende ex epistolis Hieronymi excerpta) passie Jesu Christi 498 [Cologne, Pr. of Dares] 3419 Gouda, Collacie Broeders, 1496 [Cologne, Pr. of Historia S. Albani] 506-7 Die passie ons Heren —(Italian) [Utrecht] G.L. 3334 Ferrara, L. de Rubeis, 1497 2248 Meditationes de vita et beneficiis Jesu Christi Vitae Paulae et Pauli eremitae See THOMAS, a Kempis [Cologne, A. ther Hoernen] 442 Meditationes super passionem Christi Vitas patrum [Milan, Pachel] 2301 [Cologne, Winters] 678 Passio Domini Nuremberg, Koberger, 1478 989-90 Cologne, Retro Minores, 1499 850 Nuremberg, Koberger, 1483 1002 [Antwerp, Bac] 3993 Ulm, J. Zainer 1161 Rosarium ex floribus vitae passionisque [Brussels, Fratres Vitae Communis] 3861 Christi Antwerp, Bac 3980 —(Dutch) Sermones de passione Christi Delft, Eckert, 1498 3380 See T E X T O R I S (GUILELMUS) Gouda, G. Leeu, 1480 3394-6 Sibyllae Erythraeae de Christo carmina [Zwolle] P. van Os, 1490 3607 (Greek) —(English) 2167 Venice, Manutius, 1493/6 Westminster, de Worde, 1495 4120-22 Sibyllarum et prophetarum de Christo —(French) vaticinia Paris, Verard, 1495 3174 [Rome, Teutonicus & Riessinger] 1576
J E S U S C H R I S T (cont.)
Van die gheestelike kintscheyt Jesu ghemoraliseert Antwerp, G. Leeu, 1488
See H E S E ( J O H A N N E S DE)
JOHANNES, de Hildesheim
Historia trium regum 685 [Cologne] GuldenschafF, 1477 [Cologne] GuldenschafF, i486 692 —(Dutch) Delft [Meer & Yemantszoen] 1479 3339-40
J O H A N N E S , Anglicus
Quaestiones super universalibus Scoti Alost, Martens, 1489
JOHANNES, de Bromyard
JOHANNES, de Imola
See B R O M Y A R D ( J O H A N N E S DE)
Super Clementinis Venice, Torresanus, 1492
JOHANNES, Bursfeldensis
De triplici regione claustralium See T R I T H E M I U S ( J O H A N N E S )
JOHANNES, Canonicus
Quaestiones super Aristotelis Physica St Albans, 1481
De substantia orbis Averrois Venice, Locatellus, 1493 1976-7 Quaestiones super libros Aristotelis De anima Venice, Renner & N . de Frankfordia, 1657 1473 Venice, O. de Luna, 1497 2202
JOHANNES, de Capua
Directorium humanae vitae [Strassburg, Priiss]
JOHANNES, cardinalis S. Calixti, episcopus Caesariensis
JOHANNES, junior
See JOHANNES, de Segovia
See G O B I U S ( J O H A N N E S )
JOHANNES, de Cardona
Litterae indulgentiarum [Louvain, Braem]
JOHANNES, de Lapide
De arte punctuandi. De accentu Strassburg [Pr. ofjordanus] 149s 242 Strassburg [Pr. ofjordanus] 1491 249 Cologne [Quentell] i486 740 Basel [Amerbach] 1478 2765 Basel, Kesler, i486 2811 De propositionibus exponibilibus. De arte solvendi argumentationes Basel, Amerbach 2807 Resolutorium dubiorum . Cologne, Quentell, 1500 785 Leipzig, A. de Colonia 1300-01 [Paris, Levet] 3000 Delft [Snellaert] 1497 3377 Deventer, Pafraet, 1493 3505 Antwerp, Bac, 1495 3977
JOHANNES, Carthusiensis
De immensa charitate Dei Venice, Jenson, '1380* [1480]
JOHANNES, Chrysostomus See JOHN (St), Chrysostom JOHANNES, Damascenus
Aphorismi Bologna, F. de Benedictis, 1489 Gesta Barlaam et Josaphat
See BARLAAM et Josaphat JOHANNES, de Fabrica See FABRICA ( J O H A N N E S DE)
JOHANNES, Ferrariensis
De vita coelesti Venice, M. Capcasa, 1494
JOHANNES, Magister See M A G I S T R I S ( J O H A N N E S DE)
JOHANNES, de Mechlinia
JOHANNES, de Fonte
Fons theologiae et Sententiarum [Cologne, KoelhofFthe elder] 1479
JOHANNES, de Indagine See JOHANNES, de Hagen J O H A N N E S , dejanduno
Determinatio quodlibetica [Esslingen, Fyner] 1474
n 40
JOHANNES, de Nigromonte
JOHANNES, Gallensis
Articuli contra impugnantes privilegia Breviloquium de philosophia sanctorum ordinis fratrum praedicantium Cologne, A. ther Hoernen 440 [Cologne, Zel] Summa collationum [Esslingen, Fyner] 327 [Cologne, Zel] [Louvain,]. de Paderborn] Venice, Arrivabenus, 1496 1934 JOHANNES, de Peckham
JOHANNES, de Hagen
De regimine religiosorum [Zwolle, P. van Os]
See P E C K H A M ( J O H N )
JOHANNES, Presbyter
3 597-8
•See JOHN (Prester)
328-9 1145 3748
FIFTEENTH-CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS De reparatione lapsi 298 [Cologne, Zel] [Urach, Fyner] 1247 [Venice, Torresanus] 1871-2 Dialogi Chrysostomi et Basilii de dignitate sacerdotii [Cologne, Zel] 349-51 [Urach, Fyner] 1248 Dicta super evangelium Loquente Jesu ad turbas [Cologne, Zel] 397 Epistola ad Cyriacum [Cologne, Koelhoff the elder] 551, 551-5 Epistola ad Theodorum [Cologne, Zel] 397 [Cologne, Koelhoff the elder] 551, 551-5 Homilia de cruce et latrone [Blaubeuren, Mancz] 1200 Homiliae VII de laudibus Pauli Paris, Gering & Rembolt, 1499 3127 Homiliae xxi [Brussels, Fratres Vitae Communis] 1479 3848 Homiliae x n v [Urach, Fyner] 1249-50 Homiliae in epistolam ad Hebraeos 1244 [Urach, Fyner] Homiliae super Johannem Cologne [Koelhoff the elder] i486 549 Homiliae super Matthaeum [Strassburg, Mentelin] 70-72 Cologne, Koelhoffthe elder, 1487 550 Quod nemo laeditur ab alio [Cologne, Zel] 325-6 [Venice, Torresanus] 1871-2 Sermo de poenitentia Strassburg, Knoblochtzer] 164 Cologne, Zel] 301; 302; 303-5 508 Cologne, Pr. ofHistoria S. Albani] Esslingen] Fyner 1142 Memmingen, Kunne, 1483 1231 [Venice, Torresanus] 1871-2 Delft [Meer] 1482 3345 [Louvain,]. de Paderborn] 3725 Sermo super quinquagesimum psalmum Miserere [Cologne, Zel] 294 [Cologne, Pr. of Augustinus Defide] 579-80 Sermones de patientia in Job [Cologne, Zel] 293 Sermones xxv Cologne, Zel] 397 Cologne, Koelhoffthe elder] 551, 551-5 Urach, Fyner] 1245-6
JOHANNES, de Sacro Bosco See SACRO BOSCO (JOHANNES DE) JOHANNES, de Sancto Geminiano
Dialogus Christi et latronis. De universo [Louvain, Braem] 3796 Liber de exemplis 542 [Cologne, Koelhoffthe elder] Basel, Froben & Petri, 1499 2843 [Deventer, Pafraet] 3433-4 JOHANNES, de Sancto Laurentio
Postillae evangeliorum Brussels [Fratres Vitae Communis] 1480
JOHANNES, Saxoniensis
Canones in tabulas Alphonsi [Venice] Ratdolt, 1483 Commentum super Alchabitium Venice, Ratdolt, 1485
1754 1760-61
J O H A N N E S , de Segovia
Tractatus super materia contractuum [Cologne, Koelhoffthe elder]
JOHANNES, soldanus Babyloniorum
Epistola ad Pium secundum papam [Antwerp] Bac
J O H A N N E S , de Tambaco
Consolatio theologiae [Mainz, Schoeffer]
J O H A N N E S , de Thurocz SeeTHWROcz (JOHANNES DE) JOHANNES, de Turnhout
Casus breves [Brussels, Fratres Vitae Communis] J O H A N N E S , de Verdena
Sermones Dormi secure Strassburg [Pr. of Jordanus] 1485 [Cologne, Winters] Lyons, N. Philippi, 1488 [Louvain, J. de Paderborn]
227 674 3186 3773
Regulae sanctorum Benedicti, Basilii, Augustini, Francisci Venice, Emericus, 1500 2140-41 JOHN (St), Chrysostom
De compunctione cordis Cologne, Zel] 397 Urach, Fyner] 1247 Venice, Torresanus] 1871-2 Basel, Furter] 2835 De providentia Dei. De dignitate humanae originis Alost, Martens, 1487/8 3674
J O H N XXI, Pope See PETRUS, Hispanus
I N D E X OF AUTHORS A N D A N O N Y M O U S TITLES Basel, Wenssler, 1476 Louvain, J. de Paderborn, 1475 Novellae constitutiones Venice, B. de Tortis, 1497
J O H N XXII, Pope
Constitutio Execrabilis [Augsburg, Wiener] 1476 [Rome, Pr. of Mercuriales quaestiones]
934 1389
J O H N (Prester)
De ritu et moribus Indorum Strassburg, Knoblochtzer] Deventer, Pafraet] Antwerp] Bac
Historia de origine urbis Venetiarum Venice, B. Benalius Oratio ad Sixtum iv [Rome, Gensberg] Orationes et epistolae Venice, B. Benalius
162 3524 3981
Policraticus sive De nugis curialium [Brussels, Fratres Vitae Communis] 3856-7
Venice, B. Benalius
Meditationes de vita et passione Christi Magdeburg, Koch, 1491 1227 Antwerp, G. Leeu, 1487 3891 Antwerp, G. Leeu, 1488 3911 Sermones Dan de sanctis [Strassburg, Knoblochtzer] 154 Sermones de tempore Strassburg [Pr. of Jordanus] 1483 222
Saturae 1048 Nuremberg, Koberger, 1497 Venice, Jac. Rubeus, 1475 1695 Venice, Strata, i486 1831 Venice, B. de Tortis, 1481 1838 Venice, B. de Tortis, 1482 1840 Venice, Bevilaqua 2099 2105 Venice, Tacuinus, 1494 [Venice, Pr. of Duns Quaestiones] 2226 2683 Vicenza, H. de Sancto Ursio, 1480 Turin, Suigus & N. de Benedictis, 1494 2698 Lyons, J. de Vingle, 1495 3232-3 Lyons, N. Wolf, 1498 3241-2
Leggenda di san Joseph 1822
890 1179 2011 2017-18 2597
Codex Venice, B. de Tortis, 1498/9 [Lyons, Siber] Digestum infortiatum Venice, B. de Tortis, 1497/8 Digestum novum Venice, B. de Tortis, 1498/9 Digestum vetus Venice, B. de Tortis, 1494 Venice, B. de Tortis, 1498 Institutiones [Strassburg, Eggestein] Venice, Arrivabenus, 1494
Epitome in Trogi Pompeii Historias 1702 Venice, F. di Pietro, 1479 [Venice, Joh. Rubeus] 2012; 2015-16 2270 Milan, Valdarfer, 1476
JORDANUS, de Quedlinburg
Opera Augsburg, Schiissler, 1470 [Liibeck, L. Brandis] Venice, Joh. Rubeus, i486 Venice, A. Vercellensis, 1499 Verona, Maufer, 1480
De commendatione imperii Romani
Yosippon [Mantua] Abraham Conat
JORDANUS, Osnabrugensis
Venice, Scotus, 1481
JORDANUS, Nemorarius
[Cologne, A. ther Hoernen]
JOHN, of Salisbury
Arithmetica Paris, Higman, 1496
2741 3764
1851 3191
Historia evangelica [Deventer, Pafraet] KALENDARIUM See ALMANACK
KALILA et Dimna See JOHANNES, de Capua: Directorium... KALONYMUS BEN KALONYMUS
Eben Bohan Naples, Joseph ben Jacob, 1489
1847 1850 1845 1852
in 1932
Collectio duarum passionum Christi [Cologne, Koelhoff the elder] [Nuremberg, Wagner] [Reutlingen, GreyfF]
527 1084-5 1224
Copulata circa libros Aristotelis Physicorum 822 [Cologne, Theodoricus] Expositio circa libros Aristotelis De anima 772-3 Cologne, Quentell, 1498
Fasciculus medicinae Venice, J. & G. de Gregoriis, 1500
Lumen animae
Passio Christi Cologne, Zel] 1487 Cologne, Zel] '1487' Cologne, Unkel] 1477 Cologne, Guldenschaff] 1479
411 412 627 687
KLAGEN, Antworten und Urteile
[Augsburg, Berger]
Cirurgia menor Seville, Compaiieros Alemanes, 1495 4042
Repetitio super Quoniam contra falsam
Venice, V. de Spira, 1472
De urbis Hierosolymae excidio Deventer [Pafraet]
KUNST wol to stervende Ltibeck, Ghotan
LANGIUS ( R U D O L P H U S ) 1187
De oculo morali
Milan, Paravisinus, 1476 2275 —{Greek & Latin) 2I( Venice, Manutius, 1494-5 $i Vicenza, Achates, 1489 2672 TTepi dvonocTos KOU (bfmorros |3i|3Aiov TpiTov [Vicenza, Achates] 2671
Opera Rostock, Fratres domus Horti Viridis, 1476 Subiaco [Sweynheym & Pannartz] 1465 [Venice] V. de Spira, 1472 [Venice] A. de Ambergau, 1471 Venice, J. de Colonia & Manthen, 1478 Venice, V. Benalius, 1493
1202 1356 1612 1652
Liber moraHum super threnis Jeremiae [Oxford, Rood] 1482 4163-4 L A T O U R L A N D R Y ( G E O F F R O Y DE)
1728 2091
De magistratibus urbis. De sacerdotiis et de legibus Venice, B. de Cremona & B. di Carlo, 1474 1692 Romanae historiae compendium Venice, B. de Vitalibus, 1499 2151 Venice, B. de Vitalibus, 1500 2156-7
The Knight of the Tower Westminster [Caxton] 1484 L A U D E all' onore dell' onnipotente Dio e della gloriosa vergine [Florence, Libri]
De laudibus sapientiae [Rome, Schurener or Gensberg] Vita beati Hieronymi [Rome, Gensberg]
Epistola ad Paulum Baenst 3777
L A U D E ( O L D R A D U S DE) SeePoNTE ( O L D R A D U S DE)
L A L A I N G ( A R N O L D U S DE) [Louvain,J. de Paderborn]
1404 1400
Copulata circa libros Aristotelis De anima [Cologne, Theodoricus] 823 [Cologne, Theodoricus] i486 824
Somme le roi (Dutch) Delft [Meer & Yemantszoen] 1478 3338 Hasselt, Barmentlo, 1481 3635 Haarlem [Bellaert] 1484 3647-8
-(English) [Westminster, Caxton]
Sermones quadragesimales de legibus Venice, Renner & N. de Frankfordia, 1655 1473 Vicenza, Koblinger, 1479 2682
Vita Moysis [Rome]
De Plinii erroribus Ferrara, L. de Rubeis & A. de Grassis, 1492 2244
Casus in quibus judex secularis potest manus in personas clericorum imponere [Lyons, Pr. of Nicolaus de Lyra Postilla]
De octo partibus orationis. De arte metrica [Padua] Stendal, 1474
LAVACRUM conscientiae
LEOPOLD, Duke of Austria Compilatio de astrorum scientia Augsburg, Ratdolt, 1489
See JA c o B u s, de Gruytrode LEEUWIS ( D I O N Y S I U S DE)
See DIONYSIUS, Carthusianus
See L UP OLD us, Bambergensis 3935 4059 3837-8
Rhetorica Ingolstadt, 1487 See DIONYSIUS, Carthusianus LEVI BEN G E R S H O M
Perush ha-Torah [Mantua] Abr. Conat & Abr. Jedidiah 2589
LEYES del quaderno nuevo de las rentas, de las alcabalas y franquezas [Seville, Compaiieros Alemanes] 1490 4043
Compendium divinorum officiorum Paris, Dupre, 1496
Epistola de statura Christi [Rome, Guldinbeck] LEO I, Pope Sermones [Cologne, Unkel] Venice, Dominici, 1482 -(Italian) Florence [Miscomini] 1485
L E U W I S ( D I O N Y S I U S DE)
L'estrif de fortune et vertu [Bruges, Mansion]
LEOPOLDUS, Bambergensis
History of Jason Antwerp, G. Leeu, 1492 [Westminster, Caxton] Recuyell of the histories of Troy [Bruges, Caxton]
LIBELLULUS secundarum intentionum logicalium [Paris, Bocard]
LiBELLUsde venerabili sacramento See R O L E W I N C K ( W E R N E R )
628-9 1800
L I BELL us exemptionum
[Lyons, Pr. of Nicolaus de Lyra Postilla] 3251 LIBER equivocorum See GARLANDIA (JOHANNES DE)
Quadragesimale (Sertum fidei) [Deventer, Pafraet] 3452 Sermones de sanctis 166 [Strassburg, M. Schott] Cologne, KoelhofFthe elder, 1473 519 [Cologne, Pr. of Albertus Magnus De virtutibus] 612-13 Venice, Renner & N . de Frankfordia, 1473 1656 Venice, J. de Colonia & Manthen, 1712 1475 Sermones de tempore Lyons, Trechsel, 1496 3217*5
LIBER poenitentialis See A R T I C U L I fidei RABANUS MAURUS LIBER ( A N T O N I U S ) , Susatensis
Hymni Prudentii interpretatio Deventer, Pafraet, 1493
LIBRI feudorum See OBERTUS, de Horto L I C H T der seelen
Liibeck, Ghotan, 1484
Prognosticate [Ulm,J. Zainer?]
1166 48-2
Parochiale curatorum Hagenau, Gran, 1498 Practica electionum praelatorum [Passau, Petri] Sermones de sanctis [Passau, Petri]
The assembly of the gods [Westminster, de Worde] 4152 The churl and the bird [Westminster, Caxton] 4062 The horse, the sheep and the goose [Westminster, Caxton] 4061; 4069 [Westminster] de Worde 4153 The life of Our Lady [Westminster] Caxton 4096 [Westminster, Caxton] 4097 The pilgrimage of the soul
[Oxford, Rood]
Oratio circumcisionis dominicae 1460-61; 1462 [Rome, Plannck] Oratio in funere Philiberti cardinalis Matisconensis [Rome, Plannck] 1455; 1456
4070 4068 4154
Translatio ecclesiae B.V.M. de Loreto [Rome, Silber] 1566; 1567; 1568; 1569 L O S A (ALPHONSUS DE)
Orbis breviarium Naples, A. de Cantono, 1496
Admissio in confraternitatem S. Jacobi in Compostella [Antwerp, Martens] 3998 Litterae indulgentiarum [Westminster, de Worde] 4135-7
Dubia in insolubilibus Paris, Baligault, 1499
Chronik Ulm, Dinckmut, i486
Lou VAIN, University
See DECLAMATIO Lovanii acta...
See B O O K (The) of courtesy
Lucain, Suetone et Saluste Paris, Le Rouge, 1490 Pharsalia [Leipzig, Landsberg] Venice, Guerinus, 1477 Venice, Bevilaqua, 1493 Venice, Bevilaqua, 1498 Milan, Pachel, 1499 Parma, D. de Oliveriis, 1483 [Louvain, Veldener]
L I T T L E T O N (Sir T H O M A S )
Tenores novelli Rouen, Le Talleur London, Lettou & Machlinia
See GUILLAUME, de Digulleville
'Stans puer ad mensam [Westminster, Caxton] The temple of glass [Westminster, Caxton] [Westminster] de Worde
3274 4175-7
Historiae Romanae decades Rome, Sweynheym & Pannartz, 1472 [Rome] U. Han [Venice] V. de Spira, 1470 Venice, Pincius, 1495 —(Italian) Venice, Torresanus & B. de Blavis, 1485 Venice, Joh. Rubeus, 1493
1366 1369 1608 2073
LIVRE (Le) des quatre dernieres choses SeeCoRDiALE quattuor novissimorum (French)
1291 1775 2092 2098 2304 2578 3693
Laudatio Baptistae Piasii [Cremona, C. de Darleriis] 1863 2014
LUCAS, de Burgo
Somma di aritmetica, geometria, proporzioni e proporzionalita Venice, P. de Paganinis, 1494 2026-7 L U C E N A (VALASCUS F E R D I N A N D U S ) See FERNANDES DE L U C E N A (VASCO)
Panegyricus ad Maximilianum. Tragoedia de Turcis et Soldano. Dialogus de heresiarchis Strassburg, Gruninger, 1497 195 Theologica emphasis [Basel] Bergmann, 1496 2848
LUCIANUS, Samosatensis
AiAAoyoi Florence [Alopa] 1496 2441 Alexandri, Hannibalis, Scipionis dialogus (Dial. mort. xn) [Deventer, J. de Breda] 3544
I N D E X OF AUTHORS AND A N O N Y M O U S TITLES LUCIANUS, Samosatensis (cont.) Charon Poitiers] Bouyer & Bouchet 3269 Deventer, Pafraet] 3451 Belgium] 4010 De funerali pompa contemnenda (Dial, mort. x) [Rome, Silber]
[Deventer, J. de Breda] De virtutis conquestu
De productionibus personarum in divinis [Paris, Baligault] Tractatus fructus sacramenti Paris, Marchant, 1498
3 544
Vera historia Naples, A. de Bruxella, 1475
LUDOLPHUS, de Saxonia
Vita Christi [Strassburg, Eggestein] 1474 Strassburg [Griininger] 1483 [Cologne, A. ther Hoernen] Cologne, Gotz, 1474 Cologne [Renchen] 1487 [Nuremberg, Sensenschmidt & Frisner] [Louvain, J. de Paderborn]
123 178 460 592-3 734 1069 3730-31
Delft [Snellaert] 1488 Zwolle, P. van Os, '1515' [1495] Zwolle, P. van Os, 1499 Antwerp, G. Leeu, 1487 Antwerp, C. Leeu, 1488
3362 3620 3629 3896 3976
LUDOLPHUS, de Suchen
Iter ad terram sanctam [Gouda, G. Leeu]
Germanorum veterum principum zelus et fervor Basel, Bergmann, 1497 2850-52 L U P U S (JACOBUS) See L U P I REBELLO (JACOBUS) L U P U S (JOHANNES)
De libertate ecclesiastica Siena [H. de Haarlem] De matrimonio et legitimatione [Pavia, C. de Canibus]
Constitutiones provinciates Westminster, de Worde, 1496 [Oxford, Rood]
4126 4170-71
M. (I.) Invectiva in Faustum See A N D R E L I N U S (PUBLIUS F A U S T U S ) :
M. (R. D. G.) See A D peccatorem Sodomitam 1422 1502-3 1385 1501
Epistola de vita sanctae Catharinae Brescia, B. de Misintis, 1496
In Somnium Scipionis expositio. Saturnalia Venice, Pincius, 1500 Brescia, B. de Boninis, 1485
LUDOVICUS, de Seghin
Indulgence for the St Clare Brotherhood at Zwickau [Leipzig, C. Kachelofen] 1270
2079 2622
Floretum S. Matthaei Seville, Compaiieros Alemanes, 1491 4041
De laudibus B.V.M. Paris, Marchant, 1499 De probatione articulorum fidei [Italy?]
LUDOVICUS, Pruthenus
Trilogium animae Nuremberg, Koberger, 1498
LUDOVICUS, Imolensis
Oratio in die S. Stephani habita [Rome, Guldinbeck] [Rome, Plannck] Oratio in funere Petri Ferrici [Rome, Lauer] [Rome, Plannck]
L U P O L D U S , Bambergensis
De rerum natura Verona, Fridenperger, i486
Defensiones canonicorum regularium Venice, P. de Quarengiis, '1487'
Quaestiones super tota philosophia naturali 1949 Venice, Locatellus, 1487 Parma [D. de Moyllis] 1481 2575 Quaestiones super totum cursum logicae 1950 Venice, Locatellus, 1487 Venice [Locatellus] 1490 i960
Epiphyllides in dialecticis. De conversione propositionum Venice, Manutius, 1497 De priscorum proprietate verborum Venice, Scotus, 1482 Venice, P. de Pasqualibus & Dion. Bertochus, 1485 [Venice, Joh. Rubeus] 1490
M A G I S T R I S ( M A R T I N U S DE)
Expositio super Salve regina [Paris, Caillaut] Quaestiones morales de fortitudine Paris [Higman] 1489 Tractatus consequentiarum Paris [Higman] 1489
In vitam sancti Rochi [Mainz, P. von Friedberg]
Carmen de floribus. De figuris. De poetica virtute. Vitae carmen Venice, Tacuinus, 1493 Donatus melior. Catonis carmen de moribus. De arte Milan, Pachel, 1499 Epitoma constructionis Venice, Roscius, 1492 Scribendi orandique modus Venice, Alvisius
Paris, Gering, Crantz & Friburger, 1475 2870 Lyons, N. Philippi & Reinhard 3182; 3183 3230-31 Lyons, J. de Vingle, 1495 Regimen sanitatis Louvain, J. de Paderborn, 1482 Louvain, J. de Paderborn, i486
De passione Domini [Paris, Gering] De quattuor virtutibus [etc.] Paris, Mittelhus, 1488 Paris, Higman, 1484
3708 3718
698 1526-5 2453-4 2510 3951
2887 3012 3022
-(English) Westminster, de Worde, 1499
2189 2519
Luminare maius Venice, Locatellus, 1496
M A I N O ( J A S O N DE)
Commentaria in 1 Infortiati veteris Pavia, J. A. de Honate, 1492 Epistola de obitu Roberti Sanseverinatis [Pavia, F. Girardengus] Oratio apud Alexandrum VI [Rome, Plannck] Oratio in nuptias Maximiliani regis [Basel, Bergmann]
Itinerarium [Gouda, G. Leeu]
Astronomica Venice, Manutius, 1499 Naples, Hohenstein
MAIMONIDES (MOSES) See M O S E S , Maimonides
Sermones de adventu et dominicales Lyons, J. de Vingle, 1498
Epistolae magni Turci Cologne, Guldenschaff] Rome, Plannck?] Treviso, Lisa] Naples, A. de Bruxella, 1473 j Antwerp, Goes
1910 2013
The book of good manners [Westminster] Caxton, 1487 4103 Westminster, de Worde 4149 Sophologium 99; 100 Strassburg, R-Printer] Strassburg, Pr. of Henricus] 136 Cologne, Pr. of Albertus Magnus De virtutibus]
2662 2656 1482 2845
Formulae epistolarum [Strassburg, M. Schott] 1490 Cologne, Quentell, 1493 Reutnngen, Otmar, 1482 Paris, Levet, 1485 Zwolle, P. van Os Louvain, Veldener, 1476 Louvain, J. de Paderborn [Louvain, J. de Paderborn]
167 750 1216 2978 3599 3690 3767 3775
I N D E X OF A U T H O R S AND A N O N Y M O U S TITLES MANUALE parochialium sacerdotum Augsburg, Kastlin, 1484 [Delft, Snellaert] 1496 M A N U A L E scholarium
[Cologne, Quentell]
Venice, B. de Zanis, 1493 Venice, 1480 [Parma, D. de Moyllis]
944 3370 796; 821
M A R T I N V, Pope
Bulla Viam ambitiosae cupiditatis [Rome, Pr. of Mercuriales quaestiones] Decretum de translatione S. Monicae [Rome, F. de Cinquinis]
Passio Petri et Pauli [Cologne, C. de Zierikzee]
Mammotrectus super Bibliam [Strassburg, Husner] 149 Strassburg [Flach] 1494 258 Venice, Jenson, 1479 1644 Venice, Renner & N. de Frankfordia, 1476 1664 Venice, Renner & P. de Bartua, 1478 1667 Venice, Renner, 1483 1679 Venice, G. de Grassis, 1485 1898, 1898*5
Oratio in vitam et merita Bonaventurae [Cologne, Koelhoffthe elder]
M A R T I N U S , Magister SeeMAGiSTRis ( M A R T I N U S D E )
M A R T I N U S , Polonus
Margarita decreti Strassburg [Husner] 1499 [Paris, Bocard] MARTYRQLOGIUM Viola sanctorum [Strassburg, Priiss] 1499 Hymni et epigrammata Florence, Societas Colubris, 1497
SeeANNOTATiONES Margaritarum decretalium MAROLDUS (MARCUS)
Oratio de Epiphania 1401 [Rome, Gensberg] Sententia veritatis humanae redemptionis 1573 [Rome, Herolt] M A R O N I S (FRANCISCUS DE)
Andes Louvain,]. de Paderborn 3711-12 Oratio dicta in die Ascensionis [Rome, Plannck] 1504 [Rome, Pr. of Manilius] 1580 Oratio in die S. Stephani habita 1505 [Rome, Plannck] Panegyricus in memoriam S. Johannis Evangelistae [Rome, Plannck] 1506-8 M A R T H A (St)
Epigrammata Venice, B. de Tortis, 1485 Venice [C. de Pensis] 1498
2< $9 3058
MARGARITA decretalium
La miraculosa legenda de Martha e Magdalena [Milan] Valdarfer
M A R C U S A N T O N I U S , Ticinensis
Oratio in Adventu domini anno HMD habita [Rome, Besicken?]
2082 2222 2576-7
1843 2055
M A R Y , the Blessed Virgin Andachtiges und fruchtbares Lob der Glieder Mariae [Basel, Amerbach] Boeck van onser liever Vrouwen miraculen [Delft, Meer & Yemantszoen] Boecxken van onser liever Vrouwen croen, souter en mantel Deventer, Pafraet, 1492 Corona B.V.M. [Strassburg, Pr. of Vitas patrum] [Strassburg, Pr. of Jordanus] Corona mystica B.V.M. [Paris, Le Caron] Antwerp, G. Leeu, 1492 De rosario et confraternitate rosarii B.V.M. Cologne, Quentell, 1499 Exhortatio in rosarium B.V.M. Antwerp, Bac Figurae ad laudem B.V.M. servientes [Antwerp, G. Leeu] Itinerarium B.V.M. [Basel, Ysenhut] —(German) Basel, Ysenhut, 1489
2784 3337 3503 176 239 3039 3937 777 3980 3921 2823 2822
FIFTEENTH-CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS MARY, the Blessed Virgin (com.) Liber fraternitatis rosaceae coronae ad honorem B.V.M. [Cologne, Landen] Praeconia rosarii B.V.M. Louvain,]. de Paderborn, 1496 Privilegia sanctissimae virginis Mariae [Vienna, Winterburg] Rosarium B.V.M. Magdeburg, Koch, 1491 Septem psalmi ad laudem B.V.M. [Cologne, Quentell] Alost [J. de Paderborn & Martens] Sermo de rosario B.V.M. Cologne, Retro Minores, 1499 Sigillum B.V.M. [Cologne, Guldenschaff] See also HORAE L A U D E all' o n o r e . . .
844-5 3722
5eeDiRECTORiUM Sarisburiense M A Y N E R I I S ( M A Y N O DE)
Dialogus creaturarum
See NICOLAUS, Pergamenus
1227 M A Y N O ( J A S O N DE) See M A I N O ( J A S O N DE)
722 M A Y R O N I S ( F R A N C I S C U S DE) 3671 Expositio super Ave Maria [Paris, CaiUaut] 850-51 Expositio super libros Physicorum Aristotelis 706-7 Terrora, L. de Rubeis, 1490 Flores S. Augustini
ceptionis... See M A R T H A (St) MATARATIUS (FRANCISCUS)
See SILVESTER, de Prierio
M A T H E O L U S , Perusinus
161 3807-8
Vita di san Zenobio Florence [B. di Libri] 1487
Ars moriendi See A R S moriendi (Cum de praesentis...) Dialogus rationis et conscientiae 48 [Mainz, Pr. of Catholicon] [Speier, J. & C. Hist] 1130
Quadragesimale novum de filio prodigo Basel, Furter, 1495 2830 Basel, Furter, 1497 2832 M E D I A V I L L A ( R I C A R D U S DE)
MEDiTATiONEsde vita et beneficiis salvatoris See TH o M A S, a Kempis
MATTHAEUS, Vindocinensis
M E D U L L A grammaticae See P R O M P T O R I U S puerorum MEFFRETH
Sermones de tempore [Basel, Kesler] Sermones de tempore et de sanctis [Basel, Kesler] Basel, Kesler, 1487
M A U R I c i u s , episcopus Parisiensis See SULLY ( M A U R I C E DE)
MAURITIUS, de Portu Hiberniae Castigationes in Theoremata Johannis Duns Scoti Venice, Locatellus, 1497
2819 2809 2812
De aeterna temporalique Christi generatione Padua [Valdezoccho] 1473
M A T T H A E U S , de Cracovia
Rosetum exercitiorum spiritualium [Zwolle, P. van Os] 1494
See A U G U S T I N E (St): Flores...
MARY (St), Magdalene
Tobias Lyons, Pivard, '1419
Sermones de sanctis. Super Pater Noster. De poenitentia. De articulis fidei. Super Magnificat. De corpore Christi. De donis spiritus sancti. De ultimo judicio. Super Missus est Venice, P. de Pasqualibus, 1493/4 1912 Sermones de tempore [Brussels, Fratres Vitae Communis] 3864
O F F I C I U M immaculatae con-
De memoria [Strassburg, Knoblochtzer] [Louvain, Veldener]
De componendis versibus Venice, Ratdolt, ' 1468'
Vita ac legenda S. Maximiliani [Cologne, Unkel]
Cosmographia sive De situ orbis Venice, Renner, 1478 Venice, Ratdolt, Maler & Loslein, 1478 Venice, Ratdolt, 1482 Milan [Castaldi] 1471
1671 1744 1751 2250
I N D E X OF A U T H O R S A N D A N O N Y M O U S TITLES Cologne, Retro Minores, 1499 Deventer [Pafraet] 1491 [Louvain,). de Paderborn] Belgium]
Vocabularius praedicantium [Nuremberg, Zeninger]
Las trescientas Seville, Companeros Alemanes, 1499 4044
Liber physiognomiae [Reutlingen, Greyff] [Toulouse, Mayer] Louvain, 1487 (1484?) [Antwerp, Goes] Mensa philosophica
M E N S A philosophica
M I C H A E L I S (N
Super iv Sententiarum [Venice] Locatellus, 1499 Venice, Dion. Bertochus, 1489 Indulgencia (Catalan) [Lerida, Botel] Repertorium juris [Cologne] Gotz, 1475 Louvain, J. de Paderborn, 1475
La destruction de Troye Paris, J. Bonhomme, 1484 2690
Paris [£. Jehannot] 1499
391 2833
Liber festivalis Rouen, Morin, 1499 -(English) [Westminster] Caxton Westminster, Notary, 1499/1500 Oxford, Rood] i486 London] Pynson
M I C H A E L , de Cezena
3282 4114 4158 4172 4204
M I R R O R (The) of the world
MICHAEL, de Dalen
Casus summarii decretalium Cologne, Petrus in Altis, 1476 Louvain, J. de Paderborn, 1480
M I N O R I C A elucidativa
M E T H O D U S utriusque juris
Litterae recitatoriae Lyons, Trechsel, 149s
595 3700
M E T H O D I U S (St)
[Louvain] Heerstraten, 1488
Revelationes [Cologne, Zel] Basel, Furter, 1498
2004 2063
M I L A (Luis DE), Bp ofLerida
De motu locali
De consolatione medicinarum (Italian) [Modena] Vurster, 1475
Venice, Locatellus, 1494
1223 3258 3830 3952
Argumenta communia ad inferendum unamquamque propositionem esse veram et esse falsam 2977 [Paris, J. Bonhomme] [Paris, Le Dm?] 3138-9
De interrogationibus. De conjunctionibus planetarum. De revolutionibus annorum Venice, Locatellus, 1493 1974-5
See M E N S A philosophica
Enarrationes Saturarum Juvenalis. Adversus Calderini commentarios in Martialem. Annotationes in Ligarianam Ciceronis 1683 Venice, G. de Pietro, 1478 Treviso, Confalonerius, 1478 2462
3499 3758; 3789
M I C H A E L , Scotus
Heidelberg [Knoblochtzer] 1489 1319 Louvain, J. de Paderborn 3749-51; 3752 M E R (La) des histoires SeeRuDiMENTUM novitiorum (French)
681 3705
[Westminster, Caxton] [Westminster] Caxton
4074 4113
Naples, Joshua Solomon, 1492
M I C H A E L , de Hungaria
Sermones praedicabiles MISSALE Strassburg Pr. of Jordanus] 1487 229-30 Canon missae Strassburg Pr. of Jordanus] 1490 234-5 [Nuremberg, Stuchs] Strassburg Pr. of Casus breves] 1494 265-6 Aboense Cologne, Bumgart, 1496 Liibeck, Ghotan, 1488 834-5
1091 1186
F I F T E E N T H - C E N T U R Y P R I N T E D BOOKS M I S S A L E (cont.)
Bambergense Bamberg, Pfeyl, 1499 Basiliense [Basel, Wenssler] Brixinense Augsburg, Ratdolt, 1493 Coloniense Cologne, Winters, 1481 Cologne, Bumgart, 1498 Eystetense Eichstatt, M. Reyser, 1489 Frisingense Bamberg, Sensenschmidt, 1487 Herbipolense [Wiirzburg, G. Reyser] Herbipolense speciale [Wiirzburg, G. Reyser] Itinerantium [Cologne, Quentell] Cologne, Retro Minores, 1499
M O D U S confitendi See A N D R E A S , de Escobar
M O D U S legendi abbreviaturas
[Cologne, Gotz] 606 Nuremberg, Creussner, 1476 1053 [Holland, Pr. of Alexander Magnus De
2752 964
praeliis] M O D U S praedicandi Cologne, Retro Minores, 1499
657 836
3667 850
M O D U S redemptionis humanae See D I S P U T A T I O sanctae Trinitatis...
M O D U S servandus in executione gratiae expectativae, insinuandi litteras apostolicas et reservandi beneficia
[Augsburg, Wiener] 1476 934 [Rome, Pr. of Mercuriales quaestiones] 1390
1204 1205
M O D U S vacandi beneficiorum et
acceptandi 814 850
M&gdeburgense Magdeburg, Ghotan, 1480 1225 Ordinis Eremitarum S. Augustini Nuremberg, Fratres Ord. Eremitarum S. Aug., 1491 1076 Ordinis Eremitarum S. Pauli [Briinn, Stahel & Preunlein] 4035 Ratisponense Bamberg, Pfeyl, 1500 278 Romanum Nuremberg, Stuchs, 1484 1088 Venice, Hamman, 1493 2036 Venice, Sessa, 1497 2200 [Venice] 2228 ad usum Sarum Venice, Hamman, 1 Sept. 1494 2038-40 Venice, Hamman, 1 Dec. 1494 2041-2 [Basel, Wenssler] 2746 Westminster, Notary & Barbier, 1498 4157 London, Pynson, 1500 4201 Sleswicense Schleswig, Arndes, i486 1323 Strengnense [Liibeck?] Ghotan, 1487 1185 Trajectense Paris, Higman, 1497 3035-6 Upsalense [Stockholm, Snel] 4217 Xanctonense Paris, Higman, 1491 3026
[Rome, Pr. o f Mercuriales quaestiones] 13 91 M O E S C H (JOHANNES)
De horis canonicis dicendis Augsburg, Sorg, 1489 Basel, Besicken, 1483 MONTALBO (ALPHONSUS D E ) See Df AZ DE M O N T A L V O (ALONSO) M O N T A N U S (COLA)
Oratio ad Luccenses [Rome, Plannck]
Revelations of St Elizabeth [Westminster, de Worde]
MONTEMAGNO (BONACURSIUS D E ) See BONACURSIUS ( D O M I N I C U S ) M O R A L I U M dogma See D O G M A moralium philosophorum M O R E T I S (JACOBUS DE)
Oratio in laudem suae religionis [Rome, Silber]
Antwerp, G. Leeu, 1488
EpC05 6paTT£TT|S
Vicenza, Achates, 1489 M O S E S , Maimonides
Aphorismi secundum doctrinam Galeni Bologna, F. de Benedictis, 1489 2490 Mishneh Torah Soncino, Gershon ben Moses, 1490 2722 Moreh Nebukim [Italy] 2730
De re militari Venice, B. de Cremona & B. di Carlo, 1474 1692
929 2808
See also SCRIPTORES rei militaris
Sefer Mitswot Gadol [Soncino] Gershon ben Moses, 1488 2721
Perush ha-Torah [Naples, Isaac b. Judah. b. David Cattorzi] 1490 Lisbon, Eliezer, 1489
Vitae imperatorum Venice, Jenson, 1471 Venice, B. de Vitalibus [Milan, Pachel & Scinzenzeler]
2534 4222-3
MUELLER (JOHANNES), Regiomontanus
Vocabularius [Venice] Anima Mia, 1488
MUHAMMAD ibn Jabir, al-Battani See BETHEM
Latinum ideoma pro parvulis [Leipzig, Bottiger] Leipzig, Lotter, 1499 Basel [Furter] 1489
Lectura Hbri Institutionum cum tractatibus de successionibus et de arboribus consanguinitatis, affinitatis, spiritualis cognationis et actionum Cologne, KoelhofFthe elder, 1493 561-2
Tabula minutionum super meridiano Budensi MCCCCXCV
Vienna, Winterburg
1305 1307 2824
N I C A S I U S , de Voerda
[Bologna] H. de Haarlem & Walbeck, 1482
MUHAMMAD ibn Zakariya al-Razi
Venice, J. & G. de Gregoriis, 1500
1625-6 2158 2291
N I C H O L A S V, Pope
Compactata principum super electione prelaturarum et collatione beneficiorum
De triumpho Christi Venice, Lucensis & A. Francisci, 1499 2212
[Augsburg, Wiener] 1476
Decretum Carolina [Augsburg, Wiener] 1476
Evangelium [Cologne, C. de Zierikzee] [Leipzig, Lotter]
Consuetudines urbis Panhormi [Palermo] Vyel, 1478
Quadriga spiritualis [Italian) Iesi, F. de Comitibus, 1475 2569 Supplementum Summae Pisanellae. Canones poenitentiales fratris Astensis Cologne [Zel] 1483 408 Nuremberg, Sensenschmidt & Frisner, 1475 1065 Venice, Renner & N. de Frankfordia, 1474 1660; 1661 Supplementum Summae Pisanellae. Canones poenitentiales fratris Astensis. Consilia Alexandri de Nevo contra Judaeos foenerantes Venice, Renner & P. de Bartua, 1477 1666 Venice, Renner, 1483 1680 Venice, Torresanus, B. de Blavis & M. de Paterbonis, 1481 i860 Venice 2229 Milan, Pachel & Scinzenzeler, 1479 2287-8
Tractatus de secundis intentionibus Paris, Mittelhus, 1489
Repetitio c. Quamvis de pactis [Pavia, A. de Carcano]
NATURA brevium
[London] Pynson
De simonia [Tubingen, Otmar] 1500 NEGLIGENTIAE et defectus in missa contingentes Erfurt [Pr. of Hundorn] 1494
Lamentatio Nigripontis [Rome, Pr. of Mercuriales quaestiones] N E L L U S , de Sancto Geminiano De testibus
[Venice] V. de Spira, 1472
856 1306
N I C O L A U S , de Ausmo
Catalogus sanctorum Vicenza, H. de Sancto Ursio, 1493
NICOLAUS, de Blony 1393
Tractatus de sacramentis [Strassburg, Priiss] i486 [Breslau, Elyan] Pamplona, Guillen de Brocar, 1499
207 1197 4055
N I C O L A U S , Cisterciensis
Imago beatae virginis [Augsburg, Sorg] N I C O L A U S , de Cusa
Opuscula (De docta ignorantia, etc.) [Strassburg, Flach] Opuscula (De visione dei, etc.) [Strassburg, Flach]
De epistolari dicendi genere [Naples, A. de Bruxella]
262 263
N I C O L A U S , de Hanapis
Auctoritates utriusque testamenti [Strassburg, Eggestein] 116-17 Biblia pauperum [Strassburg, Priiss] 1490 217 [Antwerp, Goes] 1491 3968 Exempla sacrae scripturae [Paris, Gering, Crantz & Friburger] 2868 Paris, Levet 3001; 3002 N I C O L A U S , de Lyra
Consolatorium timoratae conscientiae 578 [Cologne, Pr. of Augustinus Dejide] [Augsburg, Sorg] 924 Paris, Gering, 1478 2881 [Paris, Le Dru?] 3140 De contractibus mercatorum Cologne, Zel] 328-9 Esslingen, Fyner] 1145 Louvain,]. de Paderborn] 3748 Antwerp, Goes] 3973 De morali lepra Cologne, Zel] 330-32 Cologne] Winters 671 Nuremberg, Koberger] 977 Paris, J. Bonhomme, 1490 2974 [Louvain] J. de Paderborn 3754*, 3 790 Dispositorium moriendi [Cologne, Zel] 333 Formicarius [Cologne, GuldenschafF] 700-701 925 Augsburg, Sorg Manuale confessorum Cologne, Zel] 333 Cologne, Unkel] 641 Cologne] Winters 667-8 Cologne, Pr. of Elegantiarum xx praecepta] 868 [Nuremberg, Koberger] 978 [Louvain, J. de Paderborn] 3753 Praeceptorium divinae legis Strassburg, Husner, 1476 145 [Cologne, Zel] 398 Augsburg, Sorg, 1475 910 Augsburg, Wiener, 1479 937 Basel [Amerbach] 1481 2768 Paris, Gering, 1478 2877 Sermones Cologne, Winters, 1480 654
Dicta de sacramento [Cologne, Pr. of Augustinus Dejide] 1473 567-8 Moralia super totam Bibliam [Strassburg, Husner] 151 Postilla super Epistolas et Evangelia quadragesimalia Venice, Hamman, 1494 2043 Venice, Tacuinus, 1500 2122 Postilla super Psalterium Paris, Gering, 1483 2882 Postilla super totam Bibliam [Strassburg, Pr. of Henricus] 134-5 [Cologne, Zel] 401-6 Nuremberg, Koberger, 1481 994 Rome, Sweynheym & Pannartz, 1472 1364-5 Praeceptorium divinae legis 846 Cologne, Landen, '1477' [Zwolle, P. van Os] 3632 Quaestio de probatione quod mysterium Christi predictum a lege et prophetis sit impletum [Brussels, Fratres Vitae Comtnunis] 3842 Quaestiones Judaicam perfidiam improN I G E R (FRANCISCUS) bantes Modus epistolandi [Paris] Mittelhus 3020 [Speier, C. Hist] See also BIBLE (Latin). With the commentary Venice, Tacuinus, 1500 of Nicolaus de Lyra Venice, J. de Ragazonibus, 1494 N I C O L A U S , Panormitanus Paris, Levet See TUDESCHIS (NICOLAUS DE) Deventer, J. de Breda, 1494 N I C O L A U S , Pergamenus Deventer, J. de Breda, 1495 Dialogus creaturarum Antwerp, G. Leeu, 1489 Gouda, G. Leeu, 1480 3390-91 Antwerp, G. Leeu, 1491 3930 N I G E R ( G E R A R D U S ) Consuetudines feudorum —(Dutch) See OBERTUS, de Horto 3363 Delft [Snellaert] 1488
1134 2121 2145 2997 3557 3562 3924
I N D E X OF AUTHORS AND A N O N Y M O U S TITLES Lyons, Trechsel, 1495 Quodlibeta septem Paris, Le Rouge, 1487/8 Tractatus logicae Paris [Higman] 1488
Clipeus Thomistarum Venice, R. de Novimagio, 1481
Psalterium B.V.M. Zinna, Cistercian Monastery
De coetu poetarum [Paris, Tholoze] I4[9]9 Elegiae. Epistolae de amoribus Venice, B. de Vitalibus, 1498
Litterae indulgentiarum [Nuremberg, F. Creussner?]
N OCT URN ALE Coloniense [Cologne, A. ther Hoernen]
De proprietate sermonum 1639 Venice, Jenson, 1476 Venice [Pr. of Pomponius Mela] 1478 2221 Parma [Pr. of Hieronymus Epistolae] 1480 2574-3 2620 Brescia [B. de Boninis] 1483 N O V A E narrationes
3163 2148
Carmen macaronicum [Ferrara, Belfortis]
Repetitio capituli Omnis utriusque sexus Memmingen, Kunne, 1490
Legal announcement [Nuremberg, Koberger] 1499 O D O , Bp ofCambrai Expositio canonis missae Paris, Mittelhus, 1492
ODOFREDUS, Beneventanus
Tractatus super utraque censura Avignon [Rohault] 1500/1
See JOHANNES, de Turnhout
N U M M U S quae pars? [Leipzig, Pr. of Capotius]
N U T T E L I C (Een) cort boecksken op drie dachvaerden Haarlem, Andreae, i486
Sententia et expositio super Ethica Aristotehs Venice, S. de Luere, 1500
O F F I C I U M B.V.M. See H O R A E
OBERTUS, de Horto
OBjECTiONEsin dicta Thalmut See T A L M U D OBSEQUIALE
Frisingense Bamberg, Sensenschmidt & Petzensteiner, 1484 Ratisponense Nuremberg, Stuchs, 1491
Consuetudines feudorum Strassburg, Eggestein, 1472
OFFICIUM immaculatae conceptions B.V.M. Strassburg, Flach, 1498
OFFICIUM Sancti Homoboni [Cremona, C. de Darleriis]
OLDRADus, de Ponte See P O N T E ( O L D R A D U S DE)
OLIVER, of Castile
Histoire d'Olivier de Castille et d' Artus d'Algarbe
See AUBERT ( D A V I D )
Dialogi [Lyons, Trechsel] 3213, 3213-5 Dialogus inter clericum et militem See D I A L O G U S . . .
Opus nonaginta dierum. Compendium errorum Johannis XXII Lyons, Trechsel, 1495 3214 Quaestiones super libros Sententiarum. Centilogium
O M N I B O N U S , Leonicenus See L E O N I C E N U S ( O M N I B O N U S )
OPERA agricolationum
See ScRiPTOREsrei rusticae OPUSCULUM quintupertitum grammaticale Gouda, G. de Os, i486 3416 ORATIO in funere cardinalis Spoletani
F I F T E E N T H - C E N T U R Y PRINTED BOOKS Heroides. Ibis. Sappho Venice, T. de Blavis, 1482 Venice, Tacuinus, 1497/8 Metamorphoses Venice, Locatellus, 1493 Venice, C. de Pensis, 149^/8] Paris, Bocard, 1496 Sappho
Super libros Sententiarum Paris, Baligault, 1498
O R D I N A N C I E (Die) van der munten
[Antwerp, G. Leeu, 1489]
De latitudinibus formarum Padua, Cerdonis, i486
De imperio Cupidinis Modena, Rocociolus, 1492 Epigrammata Venice [B. de Vitalibus] 1498
2154-5 2670
De re rustica See SCRIPTORES rei rusticae
Expositio super Quicunque vult Paris, Levet
PALMA virtutum
[Venice] Jenson, 1471 2985
OTTO, von Passau
Die vierundzwanzig Alten oder Der goldne Thron Strassburg, J. Schott, 1500 271 —(Dutch) Utrecht, G. L., 1480 3331-3 Haarlem [Bellaert] 1484 3649-51
Venice, Ratdolt, 1483 [M*7<m] P . de Lavagnia
Chronicon Venice, Ratdolt, 1483
2056 3315 3877
2108 3229
De septem foribus B.V.M. Cologne, Bumgart, 1494 1943 2251 2571 2678
1755 2265*5
Opera [Venice] M. Capcasa, 1489 Milan, Zarotus, 1477 Parma, Corallus, 1477 Vicenza, H. Liechtenstein, 1480 Opera (exc. Metamorphoses) Venice, C. de Pensis, 1498 Ars amatoria [Utrecht, Pr. of Pamphilus] [Antwerp] Goes Ars amatoria. De remedio amoris Venice, Tacuinus, 1494 Lyons, J. de Vingle, 1495 De remedio amoris. Liber trium puellarum. De nuntio sagaci [Utrecht, Pr. of Pamphilus] De vetula Cologne, Koelhoff the elder, 1479 Fasti Venice, Battibovis, 1485 Venice, Tacuinus, 1497
Paris [Le Rouge] 1491
Historiae Venice, B. de Vitalibus, 1500 [Vicenza] Achates
1413 2085
ORLANDINUS, de Passageriis See ROLANDINUS, de Passageriis
1970 2054 3045
Rome, Pannartz, 147$ Venice, J. de Paganinis, 1490
Contra Celsum Rome, Herolt, 1481 Homiliae [Cologne, Unkel] 1473
1874 2118
Querimonia de amore [Cologne, Pr. of Augustinus Defide] 581 [Utrecht] 3317 PANEGYRICI veteres
[Milan, Zarotus]
Casus super institutionibus. Formationes libellorum [Lyons?] 3252 Decisiones parlamenti Delphinatus Grenoble, Foret, 1490 3286 PAPIAS
1941 2117
Vocabularium Venice, A. de Bonetis, 1485 Milan, D. de Vespolate, 1476
1902 2276
I N D E X OF AUTHORS AND A N O N Y M O U S TITLES Invectiva in quendam superstitiosum astrologum [Antwerp, G. Leeu] Prognostica ad xx annos duratura Antwerp, G. Leeu, 1484 Prognosticum Louvain, J. de Paderborn, 1484 Prognosticum anni MCCCCLXXXVI [Louvain, Heerstraten] Protonotariomastix [Louvain, J. de Paderborn]
Sermones de tempore et de sanctis Tubingen, Otmar, [14)99 Summa de virtutibus Cologne, Quentell, 1479
!345 714
Sermones de tempore et de sanctis [Passau, J. Petri]
Expositio missae [Strassburg] 1487 Cologne, Guldenschaff, 1484
272 691
Dives and Pauper Westminster, de Worde, 1496 London, Pynson, 1493
4127 4194-6
PASSIO Petri et Pauli SeeMARCELius PASSIO undecim milium virginum See URSULA (St)
3936 3879 3779 3812 3780
PAULUS, Pergulensis
Dubia Padua [N.T.S.P.] 1477 2555 Logica. De sensu composito et diviso Venice, P. de Quarengiis, 1498 2133 PAULUS, de Sancta Maria Additiones ad postillam Nicolai de Lyra cum replicis Mathiae Dorinck 1677 Venice, Renner, 1483 Scrutinium scripturarum 77 [Strassburg, Mentelin] Mantua, Schallus, 1475 2586-7 PAULUS, Venetus
Expositio in Analytica posteriora Aristotelis Bulk anni jubilaei Venice, R. de Novimagio & T. de 484 [Cologne, Pr. of Dares] Reynsburch, 1477 1776 De alienatione bonorum ecclesiasticorum [Rome, Pr. of Mercuriales quaestiones] 1389 Expositio in Physica Aristotelis Venice, J. & G. de Gregoriis, 1499 1817 De beneficiis affectis. Contra simoniacos. Expositio Hbrorum Aristotelis De generaDe casibus reservatis tione et corruptione. De compositione Augsburg, Wiener] 1476 934 Rome, Pr. of Mercuriales quaestiones] 1389 mundi Venice, Locatellus, 1498 1999 Regulae cancellariae apostolicae Quadratura 934-5 [Augsburg, Wiener] 1476 1972 Venice, Locatellus, 1493 PAULINUS, Nolanus Sophismata Vita S. Ambrosii 1973 Venice, Locatellus, 1493 [Milan, Zarotus] 2256 PAULUS (HIERONYMUS) 2268 Milan, Valdarfer, 1474 Practica Cancellariae Apostolicae PAULUS, Bergomensis 1587 Rome, Besicken & Mayer, 1493
PAULUS, de Castro
Consilia et allegationes Nuremberg, Koberger, 1485 Lectura super 1 Infortiati Pavia [N. Girardengus] 1483 Lectura super 11 Infortiati Venice, Calabrensis, 1487
Relatio circa canonizationem Bonaventurae 563 [Cologne, KoelhofFthe elder] Tractatus visitationum 1383 Rome, Lauer, 1475
1007 2657
PAULUS, diaconus See HOMILIARIUS doctorum PAULUS, de Middelburgo
Epistola apologetica ad doctores Lovanienses Louvain, J. de Paderborn
Canticum de sanctissimo nomine Christi See BERNARD (St), ofClairvaux
De oculo morali [Augsburg, Sorg] Venice, Hamman, 1496 Meditatio de sacramento altaris [Paris, Caillaut] [Paris, Levet]
917; 918-20 2046 2944 2986
F I F T E E N T H - C E N T U R Y P R I N T E D BOOKS PECTORALE dominicae passionis [Alost, Martens]
Saturae Venice, B. de Tortis, 1482 Venice, P. de Pasqualibus & Dion. Bertochus, 1484 Venice, B. de Ragazonibus, 1492/3 Venice, Tacuinus, 1494 [Venice, Pr. of Duns Quaestiones] [Paris, Pigouchet] Lyons, N. Wolf, 1499
PELBARTUS, de Themeswar
Sermones Pomerii de sanctis [Germany] Sermones Pomerii de tempore Hagenau, Gran, 1498 Stellarium coronae B.V.M. [Basel, J. de Pforzheim]
1355 1328 2821
Quaestiones super tractatum de latitudinibus formarum Padua, Cerdonis, i486
Opera Latina 2791-2 Basel, Amerbach, 1496 Bucolica Deventer [Pafraet] 1499 3514 De remediis utriusque fortunae 1146-7 [Esslingen, Fyner?] 1320 [Heidelberg, Knoblochtzer] Cremona, B. de Misintis & C. 2602-3 Parmensis, 1492 De salibus virorum illustrium ac facetiis [Utrecht? Pr. of the Speculum] 3293 De secreto conflictu curarum suarum Antwerp, G. Leeu, 1489 3917 Dialogus de vera sapientia. Dialogus
37 1188
Oratio super electione futuri pontificis [Rome, Plannck]
Grammatica nova [Strassburg, Griininger] [Ulm, Pr. of Vocabularius rigmicus] Basel, Furter, 1500 Oratio in funere Friderici III [Rome, Plannck]
181 1172 2834 1491
Tractatus de societate et soccida Venice, V. de Spira, 1472
Cornucopia Venice, B. de Choris & S. de Luere, 1490
Venice, Manutius, 1499 Grammatica nova
Rudimenta grammaticae Rome, J. P. de Lignamine, 1474 Milan, Zarotus, 1479 Milan, D. de Vespolate & Paravisinus, 1478 Paris, Levet, 1488 Louvain, Loeffs & H. de Nassau Rudimenta grammaticae. Oratio pro regis Friderici jucunda receptione [Louvain] Heerstraten
Sermones [Strassburg, Griininger] 1495
1908 2090 2107 2226 3067 3243-4
Passio Petri et Pauli
Gemeine Erklarung des Ablass.. . See INNOCENT VIII, Pope Litterae indulgentiarum [Mainz, Schoeffer] 1489 [Liibeck, Ghotan] 1490
13 81 2252 2277 2983 3799
Satyrici fragmentum Venice, B. de Vitalibus, I4gg Milan, Zarotus
2152-3 2262
I N D E X OF AUTHORS A N D A N O N Y M O U S TITLES De beatitudine claustrali See D E vita religiosa tractatulus Epistolae [Brussels, Fratres Vitae Communis]
PETRUS, de Abano
Conciliator difFerentiarum. De venenis 1989 Venice, Locatellus, 1496 De venenis Padua [Achates] 1473
PETRUS, de Alliaco
Legenda sanctae Dympnae
Conceptus et insolubilia [Paris, Bocard] 3055 [Lyons, Carcain] 3209 De arte obligandi Paris, Mittelhus, 1489 3013-14 De oratione dominica et de Ave Maria [Paris] Caillaut 2914 De potestate papae et auctoritate cardinalium [Paris, Caillaut] 2920 Expositio super Cantica canticorum 2913 [Paris] Caillaut, 1483 Imago mundi et tractatus alii 3737 [Louvain, J. de Paderborn] Libellus sacramentalis Louvain, Heerstraten, 1487 3820 Meditatio super angelica salutatione [Louvain,
See DYMPNA (St) PETRUS, Comestor
Historia scholastica 133 [Strassburg, Pr. of Henricus] Strassburg, Griininger & Ingweiler, 177 1483 [Cologne, Winters] 661-2 Basel [Amerbach] i486 2773 Utrecht, Ketelaer & Leempt, 1473 3301 PETRUS, Cracoviensis
Computus astronomicus [Deventer, Pafraet]
Quaestiones super libros Sententiarum. Recommendatio sacrae scripturae. Quaestio in suis vesperiis. Quaestio de resumpta. Recommendatio doctrinae evangelicae Strassburg [Pr. of Jordanus] 1490 245 [Lyons] N. Wolf, 1500 3246 Tractatus de legibus contra superstitiosos astronomos 3277 [Rouen, Le Talleur] Tractatus et sermones Strassburg [Pr. of Jordanus] 1490 247 [Brussels, Fratres Vitae Communis] 3863 Tractatus exponibilium Paris, Caillaut 2936
PETRUS, Damascenus
De laudibus ac festis Mariae alias Marionale [Cologne, Gotz]
PETRUS, Hispanus
Copulata tractatuum [Nuremberg, Koberger] 1494 Summulae logicales [Cologne, Guldenschaff] Cologne, Quentell, 1499 Venice, H. Liechtenstein, 1488 Deventer [Pafraet] 1489 Summulae logicales. Exponibilia Antwerp, G. Leeu, i486
710 781 1889 3480 3886
Glossa magistralis Psalterii [Nuremberg, Sensenschmidt & Frisner] 1067 Nuremberg, Sensenschmidt & Frisner, 1478 1071 Sententiae 995 Nuremberg, Koberger, 1481 [Speier, Drach] 1495 1125 Venice [Locatellus] 1489 1953 [Basel, Richel] 2760 2813 Basel, Kesler, 1487 Basel, Kesler, 1489 2815 Basel, Kesler, 1498 2817
429 1682
See also BONAVENTURA (St): Quaestiones...
PETRUS, de Monte
PETRUS, Blesensis
De amicitia Christiana [Cologne, Pr. of Historia S. Albani]
PETRUS, Lombardus
PETRUS, de Bergamo
Etymologiae seu Concordantiae conclusionum Aquinatis Cologne, A. ther Hoernen, 1480 Venice, G. di Pietro, 1476 Tabula operum Thomae Aquinatis Basel, Richel, 1478
PETRUS, de Aquila
Quaestiones super libros Sententiarum Speier, Drach
Meditationes super psalmos poenitentiales [Paris, Martineau] 2911 Orationes tres ad B.V.M. [Louvain, Braem]
3 860
PETRUS, Cameracensis
Repertorium utriusque juris Padua, Herbort, 1480
2554 49
PETRUS, de Osoma See O S O M A (PETRUS DE)
PETRUS, de Palude
Sermones thesauri novi de sanctis Nuremberg, Koberger, 1487 ion Sermones thesauri novi de sanctis et quadragesimales Nuremberg, Koberger, 1496 1042 Sermones thesauri novi de tempore Strassburg, Flach, 1489 250 Nuremberg, Koberger, 1496 1043 Sermones thesauri novi quadragesimales Strassburg [Pr. of Vitas patrum] 1485 175*5 Paris, Levet, 1497/8 2994
Treviso, Lisa, 1471 2450 [Naples] Riessinger 2508 Paris, Marchant, 1493 2954-5 PHARETRA doctorum et philosophorum [Strassburg, Mentelin] 88 [Cologne, Winters] 669 PHARETRA fidei catholicae [Cologne, C. de Zierikzee] 861; 863 P H I L E L P H U S (FRANCISCUS)
Consolatio a d j . A. Marcellum [Milan, P. de Lavagnia] 1475 Convivia [Milan, S. Magniagus] Epistolae [Venice, V. de Spira] Venice, Pincius, 1492 Venice, Tacuinus, 1498 [Paris] Baligault [Deventer, Pafraet] Epistolae breviores Deventer, Pafraet, 1499 Orationes et opuscula Venice, Pincius, 1492 [Basel, Amerbach]
PETRUS, de Prussia
Legenda Alberti Magni See R U D O L P H us, de Novimagio
PETRUS, Ravennas
Artificiosa memoria Venice, B. de Choris, 1491/2
PETRUS, de Rivo
Opus responsivum de anno, die et feria passionis Louvain, Ravescot, 1488 3825-7 Tertius tractatus de anno, die et feria passionis 3721 Louvain, J. de Paderborn, 1492
867 6i
Epistolarium novum Venice, Tacuinus, 1492 Basel, Amerbach, 1495
1622 2067 2119 3102 3525 3516 2068 2804
2101 2790
T? KILO, Judaeus
De mundo (Greek) Venice, Manutius, 1497
De dictionibus quae accentu mutant significationem
See CYRILLUS, glossator
PETRUS, de Tussignano
Consilium pro peste evitanda Venice, J. & G. de Gregoriis, 1500 Receptae super nono ad Almansorem Venice [Locatellus] 1490
PETRUS, de Rosenheim
Roseum memoriale [Cologne] Nuremberg, Creussner, 1493
Venice, Manutius, 1494-5 Venice, Manutius, 1495/6
2161 2167
P i c o DELLA M I R A N D O L A ( G I O V A N N I )
Algorismus Vienna, Winterburg 4030-31 Theoricae novae planetarum [Venice] Ratdolt, 1482 1750 Venice [Locatellus] 1490 1956-8 Venice, Anima Mia, 1491 2008 Venice, H. de Sanctis & Santritter, 1488 2030 PFLAUM (JAKOB)
Opera 'Bologna, Hectoris, 1496* [Lyons, Suigus & N. de Benedictis] Defensio Savonarolae [Florence, Libri] Heptaplus [Florence, Libri]
3236 2381 2388
Epistolae [Rome, Gensberg] 1402 Venice [Alessandria della Paglia] 1481 1837 Florence, Francisci 2421-2
Epistola Tiberio missa Nuremberg, Hochfeder, 1498 [Rome, Guldinbeck] [Sant9 Orso,J. de Reno] —(German) Nuremberg, Hochfeder, 1498
1101 1419 2612 1102
[Louvain, Veldener] 1477 Louvain, J. de Paderborn, 1483 Epistolae in cardinalatu editae [Rome, Plannck] [Rome, Silber] Paris, Simonel, Blandin & Simon,
PINDARUS, Thebanus
Iliados epitome Parma, Ugoletus, 1492 Paris, Denidel, 1498/9 [Utrecht? Pr. of the Speculum]
2581 3143 3295 3985
Antwerp, Bac
3691-2 3713 1474
x A 1-1A. Iry
Super Institutiones [Cologne, Winters] Louvain, Heerstraten Pius II, Pope Abbreviatio supra Decades Blondi [Venice, T. de Blavis, 1484] Bulla retractationum [Cologne, Zel] Carmen in passionem Christi
675 3823
[Cologne, Koelhoff the elder]
334 ; 354
[Holland, Pr. ofFreeska Landriucht]
Commendatio Ladislai regis Hungariae [Deventer, Pafraet]
De captione urbis Constantinopolitanae 1405 [Rome, Schurener or Gensberg] [Rome, Plannck] 1518 De curialium miseria Cologne, Zel] 334 ; 354 Rome, Guldinbeck] 1435 2889 Paris, Caesaris & Stol] 2932 Paris, Caillaut] Louvain, J. de Paderborn] 3704 De differentia inter scientiam et prudentiam et de poetis [Cologne, Pr. ofDictys] 466 De duobus amantibus [Cologne, Zel] ;J55-6 430 Cologne, A. ther Hoernen] [Rome, Pr. of Mercuriales quaestiones] 1394 2132 Venice, P. de Quarengiis, 1497 2611; [Sant' Orso, J. de Reno] 2888 [Paris, Caesaris & Stol] 3670 Alost [J. de Paderborn] 1473
Louvain, Braem, 1479 3793-4 De duobus amantibus. De remedio amoris ad Hippolytum Strassburg [Knoblochtzer] 1476 152 [Cologne, Pr. of Albertus Magnus De virtutibus]
2902 I476/7 Epistolae in pontiflcatu editae [Milan] Zarotus, 1487 2257-8 Epistolae seculares et pontificales [Cologne, A. ther Hoernen] 455 Epistola ad Gregorium Heimburgensem. Epistola ad Johannem comitem de Lupfen
Antwerp, Goes, 1488 3944 De educatione puerorum [Cologne, Zel] 353 De ritu, situ et moribus Germaniae 1308 Leipzig, Stockel, 1496 Dialogus contra Bohemos [Cologne, Zel] 344 Epistolae familiares Cologne, Koelhoff the elder, '1458* 528 Nuremberg, Koberger, 1496 1040-41
Epistola ad Mahumetem Cologne, Zel] 299 •,300 [Rome, Plannck] 1475 [Rome, Silber] 1554 2452 Treviso [Lisa] 1475 Epistola ad Sigismundum juveni amorem non esse negandum [Rome, U. Han]
1375 1519
Rome, Plannck] Epistola cur libri cumulentur
[Cologne, Pr. ofDictys]
Epistola de amore ad Carolum Antwerp, Goes, 1488 Antwerp, Bac
3944 3985
Epistola de fortuna ad Procopium [Cologne, Pr. ofDictys] Epistola de laude litterarum
465 466
Cologne, Pr. ofDictys] Deventer, Pafraet]
Epistola de laude poeticae [Cologne, Pr. ofDictys] Epistola de remedio amoris ad Hippolytum
Rome, U. Han] Rome, Plannck]
1375 1519
Louvain, Martens] 3834 See also above at De duobus amantibus Epistola in vitam et canonisationem sanctae Catharinae. Versus in laudem eiusdem Brescia, B. de Misintis, 14Q6
Epistola Ludovico regi transmissa ad quassationem pragmaticae sanctionis [Paris, Caillaut] [Lyons, Le Roy] [Louvain, J. de Paderborn]
2918-19; 2939 3179 3756-7
Epistola responsoria ad Johannem soldanum [Antwerp] Bac
Historia Bohemica Rome, Schurener & Hanheymer, 1409
1475 49-2
FIFTEENTH-CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS P i u s II, Pope (cont.) Historia rerum ubique gestarum Venice, J. de Colonia & Manthen, 1477 In Europam Memmingen, Kunne Tractatus et epitaphia
[Utrecht? Pr. of the Speculum]
Historia naturalis Venice, Jenson, 1472 Venice, R. de Novimagio, 1483 Venice, T. de Blavis, 1491 Venice, Saracenus, 1487 Parma, Portilia, 1481 —(Italian) Venice, Jenson, 1476
1723-4 1232
De viris illustribus
De flosculis linguae latinae. De amore Milan, Zarotus, 1481 2255 De honesta voluptate Venice, B. de Vitalibus, 1498 2150 Bologna, J. A. de Benedictis, 1499 2506 Cividale, G. de Lisa, 1480 2707 Louvain, J. de Paderborn 3755 Vitae pontificum Nuremberg, Koberger, 1481 996 [Treviso] Joh. Rubeus, 1485 2465-7
viris illustribus Epistolae [Rome, Schurener] Epistolae quaedam Ciceronis et Plinii Deventer, Pafraet, 1500 Panegyricus Traiano dictus [Milan, Zarotus] Amatoriae narrationes Venice, Manutius, 1498 Apophthegmata [Venice, Pr. of BasiKus De vita solitana\ De claris mulieribus Brescia, B. de Boninis, 1485 De invidia et odio [Venice, B. de Vitalibus]
De liberis educandis Cologne, A. ther Hoernen] Venice, Valdarfer] Padua, D.S.] Problemata [Venice] D. de Siliprandis
De morte Charmides 2184
Venice, Strata, 1488/9
[Ferrara, Belfortis] Vita Ciceronis
Milan, Le Signerre, 1498
UtrecJ:it, Veldener, 1479
Delft Meer] 1481 Delft Meer] i486 Delft Meer] 1487 Gouda, G. Leeu, 1477 Gouda [Pr. of Teghen die strael der minnen 1484
Deventer, J. de Breda, 1493 Deventer, J. de Breda, 1496 Antwerp, Bac, 1496
Vitae parallelae [Rome] U. Han Venice, B. de Zanis, 1496 —(Italian) Aquila, A. de Rottweil, 1482
2100 2315 2469
P L E N A R I U M (Dutch) [Utrecht, Veldener] 1478
1411-5 3517 2262
PLATO Opera (Latin) Venice, B. di Choris & S. de Luere, 2051 1491 Florence, Alopa 2436 Axiochus Deventer [Pafraet] 3435 [Louvain,). de Paderborn] 3777 Also pubL as X E N O C R A T E S , Chalcedonius:
Comoediae Venice, Bevilaqua, 1499 Milan, Scinzenzeler, 1500 Treviso, P. de Ferraria & Dion. Bertochus, 1482
Venice, Manutius, 1498 Definitiones See S P E U S I P P U S , Academicus Hipparchus. Erastae. Theages Deventer, J. de Breda
1632 1783 1880 2020 2573
2220 2621 2159-60 462 1650 2567-8 1786 1834 2237*5 2323 1370 2083 2710
PODIO (GUILELMUS DE) 3321-2 3344 3354 3359 3383
Ars musicorum Valencia, Hagembach & Hutz, 1495
3415 3553 3563 3983
Cologne, KoelhofFthe elder, 1489 Cologne, Quentell, 1491 Deventer [Pafraet] 1488 [Deventer, J. de Breda] Antwerp, G. Leeu, i486 Antwerp, G. Leeu, 1488
\ntwerp, G. Leeu, 14 [...]
552 746 3468 3587 3883 3905 3919
Repetitio de arbitris. De relictis ad pias causas Venice, V. de Spira, 1472 Singularia juris Venice, J. de Colonia & Manthen, 1475 [Toulouse, Turner] [Utrecht? Pr. of the Speculum]
t 459 Contra avaritiam [Cologne, Pr. ofFlores S. Augustini] 1473 584-5 De infelicitate principum [Paris, Caesaris & Stol] 2892 [Louvain, J. de Paderborn] 3769 De morte Hieronymi Pragensis [Leipzig, C. Kachelofen] 1275 De nobilitate Antwerp, G. Leeu, 1489 3918 Facetiae [Paris, Le Noir] '1488' [1498] 3087 Louvain, J. de Paderborn, 1475 3763 Antwerp [Goes] i486 3959
1707-8 3254 3294
Consilia Rome] Rot, 1472 Vienne] Frommolt, 1481
1388 3265
P O N T I F I C A L E Romanum
Rome, Plannck, 1485
P O R P H Y R I U S , Tyrius
De divinis atque daemonibus Venice, Manutius, 1497 Isagoge in Aristotelis Praedicamenta Augsburg, A. Keller, 1479 Basel, Amerbach [Louvain, Braem]
P O G G I U S ( J O H A N N E S F R A N C I S C U S ) fi522
Contra fratrem Hieronymum Savonarolam libellus [Nuremberg, Huber]
2177-9 943 2807 3792
Opera Venice, Manutius, 1498 * Florence, L. de Arigis' [Brescia, B. de Misintis] 1499
Principiorum libri sex Augsburg, A. Keller, 1479 Basel, Amerbach
2184-5 2639
De vita et moribus Augustini Venice, A. de Bonetis, 1484
POLO ( M A R C O )
De consuetudinibus orientalium regionum [Gouda, G. Leeu]
P R A C T I C A Cancellariae Apostolicae SeePAULUS ( H I E R O N Y M U S )
Strassburg [Griininger] 1490 [Paris, Le Dru] [Zwolle, P. van Os]
De vita contemplativa See P R O S P E R (St)
P R A E C O R D I A L E sacerdotum
Praenosticata de futuro saeculo [Alost, Martens]
943 2807
183 3137 3623-4
P R A G M A T I C A sanctio See C H A R L E S VII, King of France PRAYERS. LOW German
Liibeck, Ghotan
P R I S C I A N U S , grammaticus De liberalitate. De beneficentia. De Opera magnificentia. De splendore. De Venice, J. de Colonia & Manthen, conviventia 1475-6 Naples, Tresser & M. de Amsterdam, Venice [J. de Fivizano] 1476 1498 2536 Venice, Foxius, Saracenus & De oboedientia Bartholomaeus, 1485 2517 Naples, Moravus, 1490 Venice, Pincius, 1500 Dialogi Charon et Antonius 2518 P R I S C I A N U S , Lydus [Naples] Moravus, 1491 In Theophrastum De sensu Naenia et Epigrammata Venice, Manutius, 1497 Venice, B. de Vitalibus, 1498 2148
1720 1736 1947 2077
FIFTEENTH-CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS De vita contemplativa [Speier, Drach] i486 1117-18 1120-21 [Speier, Drach] 1487 Epigrammata de virtutibus et vitiis [Italy] 2733 Responsiones contra objectiones Vincentianas. Responsiones ad excerpta de Genuensi civitate missa [Brussels, Fratres Vitae Communis] 3843
P R I V I L E G I A dericorum
Augsburg, Froschauer, 1498 Leipzig, Bottiger, 1493
950 1302-5
PRIVILEGIA Fratrum Minorum See FRANCIS (Order of St)
PRIVILEGIA, libertates et indulgentiae ordinis S. Antonii See A N T O N Y (Order ofSt)
P R O V E R B S (Latin)
Vergilii centones Leipzig] Thanner Rome, Teutonicus & Riessinger] Basel, Wenssler] Antwerp, G. Leeu, 1489 PROBUS (AEMILIUS)
[Cologne, Pr. ofHistoria S. Albani] 1310 [Cologne, Koelhoff the elder] 1576 —(Latin & German) 2739 [Cologne, Quentell] 3923 P R O V I N C I A L E omnium ecclesiarum Rome, Besicken & Mayer, 1493
SeeNEPos ( C O R N E L I U S )
Opera [Deventer, Pafraet] De connictu virtutum et vitiorum Lyons, Mareschal & Chaussard Hymnus Inventor rutili
De interpretandis Romanorum litteris [etc.] Venice, Tacuinus, 1499 2120
In Platonicum Alcibiadem. De sacrificio et magia 2177-9 Venice, Manutius, 1497 Sphaera (Greek & Latin) 2189-90 Venice, Manutius, 1499
P R O M P T O R I U S puerorum (English& Latin) London, Pynson, 1499 4199 PROPERTIUS (SEXTUS AURELIUS)
Elegiae [Venice, V. de Spira] 1472 Venice, A. de Paltasichis, 1488 Venice, Locatellus, 1491 Venice, Bevilaqua, 1493 [Paris] Tholoze, 1499 P R O P O S I T I O N E S responsivae de observantia dominicalium dierum Cologne, Pr. of Dictys] Cologne, Koelhoffthe elder] PROSPER
1613 1882 1965 2093 3167
474-6 517
Chronicon Venice, Ratdolt, 1483 P. de Lavagnia
Astrologia Naples, Aiding, 1477
Psychomachia [Deventer, J. de Breda]
P R O F I T E L I J K E (Een) leeringhe om te
See L I B E R ( A N T O N I U S ) , Susatensis
PROCLUS, diadochus
ghecrigen verghirFenisse van sonden Antwerp, G. Leeu, 1491
P R O C E S S I O N A R I U M ordinis S. Benedicti de Valladolid Montserrat [Luschner] 1500
503 518
1755 2265*5
Delft [Meer] 1480 Delft [Meer] 1487 Delft, Eckert, 1498 Zwolle, P. van Os, 1491 —(Greek) Venice, Alexander, i486 —(Greek & Latin) Milan [Accursius] 1481 —(Latin) Mainz, Fust & Schoeffer, 1457 Mainz, Fust & SchoefFer, 1459 Cologne, KoelhofT the elder] Cologne, Winters] Augsburg, G. Zainer] Nuremberg, Creussner Leipzig, Mar. Brandis, 1485 [Leipzig, C. Kachelofen] Ingolstadt [Germany] Venice, A. de Siliprandis, 1478 [Treviso, Manzolus] Paris, Caillaut, 1488 Paris, Levet, 1488 [Delft, Meer] Deventer, J. de Breda, 1494 Antwerp, G. Leeu, 1487 Antwerp, G. Leeu, 1488 Antwerp, G. Leeu, 1490 See also B R U N O (St), Bp ofWurzburg
3341 3360 3381 3610 2019 2294 19 20 522 670 886 1062 1268 1283 1325 1353 1785 2458 2931 2982 3347 3555 3890 3907 3928
I N D E X OF A U T H O R S A N D A N O N Y M O U S TITLES PSALTER (Latin) (cont.). Ad usum Parisiensem Paris, Gering & Rembolt, 1494/5 3118 —(Latin & German) [Strassburg, Pr. of Henricus] 131 Augsburg, Ratdolt, 1499 966 —(Low German) [Liibeck, L. Brandis] 1177-8
R.D.G.M. See A D peccatorem Sodomitam
De daemonibus Venice, Manutius, 1497
Declamationes [Treviso, P. de Pasqualibus & Dion. Bertochus] Institutiones oratoriae Venice, Locatellus, 1493 [Venice, Pr. of the 1480 Valla]
De sermonum proprietate [Strassburg, R-Printer] Historia martyrii S. Katharinae [Cologne, Koelhoffthe elder] [Nuremberg, Wagner] Liber poenitentialis [Cologne, P. ther Hoernen]
Ars conficiendi epistolas Paris, Caillaut] Deventer, Pafraet] Arris oratoriae epitomata. Ars conficiendi epistolas. Ars memoriae Venice, Ratdolt, 1482
1971 2225
Quadripartitum. Centiloquium Venice, Locatellus, 1493
2935 3520
98 527 1084-5 827-9
RADICALIS attestatio See ATTESTATIO radicalis...
PYTHAGORAS Aurea verba (Greek & Latin) Venice, Manutius,, 1494-5 Venice, Manutius, 1495/6 Aurea verba. Symbola Venice, Manutius, 1497
2161 Pantheologia 2167 Nuremberg, Sensenschmidt & Kefer, 1473 976 2177-9 Nuremberg, Koberger, 1474 979 Venice, H. Liechtenstein, i486 1885 QUADRAGESIMALE novum de filio prodigo RAMPEGOLLIS ( A N T O N I U S DE) See MEDER (JOHANNES)
Biblia aurea Strassburg] Griininger, 1496 Cologne, Winters] Augsburg, SS. Ulrich & Afra] Ulm, J. Zainer, 1476
[Augsburg, SS. Ulrich and Afra]
QUAESTIO determinata contra triplicem errorem Memmingen [Kunne]
RASIS. See R H A Z E S RAYMUNDUS, de Pennaforti
QUAESTIONES duodecim notabiles See R O L E W I N C K ( W E R N E R )
Summula sacramentorum Cologne, Quentell, 1495 Delft [Snellaert] 1497
QUAESTIONES naturales philosophorum
[Antwerp, Goes]
3962; 3965
QUATTUOR sermones
Rouen, Morin, 1499 —(English) [Westminster] Caxton Westminster, Notary, 1499/1500 [London] Pynson
759 3378
R A Y M U N D U S , de Sabunde
Theologia naturalis Strassburg, Flach, 1496 Deventer, Pafraet
QUATRE (Les) dernieres choses See C O R D 1 ALE quattuor novissimorum QUATRE (Les) fils d'Aymon See FOUR (The) sons of Aymon
192-3 676-7 901 1156-7
259 3454
R A Y M U N D U S , de Vineis See V I N E I S (RAYMUNDUS DE)
3282 RAYNALDUS Forma initiandi confessiones [Rome, P. de Tune] 4114 4158 REBELLO (DIEGO LOPEZ) See LUPI REBELLO (JACOBUS) 4204
R E T Z A ( F R A N C I S C U S DE)
Basel, Furter, 1494
Comestorium vitiorum Nuremberg [Sensenschmidt] 1470
REGIMEN sanitatis per circulum anni [Cologne, Zierikzee]
Capnia sive De verbo mirifico [Basel, Amerbach] Vocabularius breviloquus Strassburg [Pr. of Jordanus] 1495 Strassburg [Pr. of Jordanus] 1491 Cologne [Quentell] i486 Basel [Amerbach] 1478 Basel, Kesler, i486
R E G I M E N sanitatis Salernitanum
[Cologne, Winters] Paris, Baligault, 1493 Louvain, J. de Paderborn [Louvain, J. de Paderborn]
672 3101 3761 3762
Speculum finalis retributionis Venice, Pentius, 1498
[Antwerp, G. Leeu]
De aegritudinibus puerorum Venice, J. & G. de Gregoriis, 1300 Bologna, F. de Benedictis, I48g
Liber nonus ad Almansorem cum expositione Johannis Arculani Venice, Stagninus, 1493 Venice, Locatellus, 1497 Liber nonus ad Almansorem cum expositione Sillani de Nigris Venice [Locatellus] 1490
2048 963
De secretis in medicina sive Aphorismi
1756 2211
1906 1996 1955
R H E T O R I C A E liber novus
See ARS dicendi 1737-8
Philobiblon [Speier, J. & C. Hist]
R I C H A R D , ofMaidstone
Epistolae Plinii enarrationes [etc.] Venice, Anima Mia, 1490 2007 Problemata in Quintilianum. De laudibus eloquentiae. Quaestio utrum Ars rhetorica ad Herennium Ciceroni falso inscribatur 1968 Venice [Locatellus] R E G U L A E congruitatum
[Leipzig, Kachelofen]
R I C H A R D , de Bury
REGULAE sanctorum Benedicti, Basilii, Augustini, Francisci
Sermones Dormi secure See JOHANNES, de Verdena
RlCHARDI (NlCOLAUS) Opus super bulla Xanctonensi [Nuremberg, Wagner?] [Poitiers, Bouyer]
1081 3267
RlCHENTHAL (ULRICH VON) Concilium zu Constanz Augsburg, Sorg, 1483
Oratio coram Maximiliano rege [Pavia, J. A. de Boscho & M. de Garaldis] RlEDRER (FRIEDRICH) Spiegel der wahren Rhetorik Freiburg i.B., Riedrer, 1493 RlKEL (DlONYSIUS)
Dominus quae pars? [Deventer, J. de Breda]
242 249 740 2765 2811
1750 [Venice] Ratdolt, 1482 [Venice] Ratdolt, 148s 1762-5 Venice [Locatellus] 1490 1956-8 Venice, Anima Mia, 1491 2008 Venice, H. de Sanctis & Santritter, 1488 2030 Ephemerides Venice, Ratdolt, 1484 Venice, P. Liechtenstein, 1498 Epitome in Almagestum Ptolemaei Venice, Hamman, 1496 Kalendarium Augsburg, Ratdolt, 1492 Venice, Ratdolt, Maler & Loslein, 1476 Tabulae directionum Augsburg, Ratdolt, 1490
R E Y N A R D the Fox (Dutch)
Disputationes contra deliramenta Cremonensia
REPETITIONES, disputationes necnon tractatus diversorum doctorum 1617 Venice, V. de Spira, 1472
See D I O N Y S I U S , Carthusianus
RlMBERTINUS (BARTHOLOMAEUS) De deliciis paradisi Venice, Pentius, 1498
INDEX OF AUTHORS AND ANONYMOUS TITLES De regimine rusticorum [Cologne, A. ther Hoernen] [Cologne, Unkel] Louvain, J. de Paderborn Fasciculus temporum [Strassburg, Priiss] Cologne, A. ther Hoernen, 1474 Cologne Gotz Cologne Winters, 1476 Cologne Quentell, 1479 Cologne Quentell, 1480 Cologne, Renchen?] Memmingen, Kunne, 1482 [Venice] Ratdolt, 1481 Venice, Ratdolt, 1484 Venice, Walch, 1479 [Basel] Richel, 1482 Rougemont, Wirzburg, 1481 [Lyons, Huss] Louvain, Veldener, 1475 —(Dutch) Utrecht, Veldener, 1480 —(French) Geneva [Cruse] 1495 Formula vivendi canonicorum [Cologne, A. ther Hoernen] [Cologne, Quentell] Delft [Snellaert] 1496 [Alost, Martens] Legenda de sancto Servatio
ROBERTUS, Castellensis
Litterae indulgentiarum [London, Pynson]
ROBERTUS, de Sancto Remigio Historia itineris contra Turcos [Cologne, Pr. of Dares]
[London, Pynson] ROCH
Die legende ende dat leven des Sinte Rochus [Hasselt, Barmentlo] Officium sancti Rochi [Mainz, P. von Friedberg]
3636 6j
RODERICUS, Zamorensis
Epistola lugubris de expugnatione Euboeae [Cologne, Zel] 399 Speculum humanae vitae [Cologne, Zel] 343 Augsburg, G. Zainer, 1471 874-6 Rome, Sweynheym & Pannartz, 146& 1357 Rome, J. P. de Lignamine, 1473 1380 Basel, Flach, 1475 2764 Beromunster, Heliae, 1473 2857 [Paris] Gering, Crantz & Friburger, 1472 2867 Besanc,on [Metlinger] 1488 3284-5 Louvain, J. de Paderborn 3735; 3785
De usuris Venice, V. de Spira, 1472
De aegritudinibus infantium [Louvain, Veldener]
Explanationes in Job [Oxford, Rood]
2862 450-51 792 3376 3680-81
443 2963 444 420 477
Congratulatio ad Nicolaum Tronum [Venice] F. de Argentina, 1472
ROLANDINUS, de Passageriis 1914
De contractibus [Cologne, A. ther Hoernen] De forma visitationum monasticarum [Cologne, A. ther Hoernen] De laude antiquae Saxoniae [Cologne, A. ther Hoernen] De origine nobilitatis [Cologne, A. ther Hoernen]
ROFFREDUS, Beneventanus See ODOFREDUS, Beneventanus
Summa artis notariae Venice, B. Benalius, 1485
215 425 594 649 715 717-18 735-6 1230 1746 1757 1796-8 2759 2865 3195 3688-9
Libellus de venerabili sacramento [Cologne, A. ther Hoernen] Paris, Marchant, 1497 Quaestiones duodecim [Cologne, A. ther Hoernen] Sermo in festo praesentationis B.V.M. Cologne, A. ther Hoernen, 1470 [Cologne, Pr. of Dictys]
463 640 3747
452 453 449 437
Mirabilia Romae Rome, Plannck, 1491 1477 [Rome, Plannck] 1479 Rome, Plannck, 1496 1524-5 Rome, Plannck, 1500 1526 Rome, Silber] 1565 Rome, Besicken & M. de Amsterdam] 1597 Rome] 1604 Venice, T. de Ragazonibus, 1491 2062
FIFTEENTH-CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS ROME (Church of). Cancellaria Apostolica Practica
De historia Romana [Rome, Gensburg] Rome, Plannck, 1492 De historia Romana. De aedificatione Venetiarum [Venice, F. de Argentina]
See P A U L U S ( H I E R O N Y M U S )
Taxae Cancellariae Apostolicae 1411 [Rome, Schurener] Curia Romana Formularium instrumentorum ad usum Curiae Romanae Cologne, Quentell, 1495 761*5 Formularium procuratorum et advocatorum Curiae Romanae [Cologne, KoelhofF the elder] 541 Rome, Bulle, 147(9] 1446 Basel [Furter] 1493 2826 Stilus Curiae Romanae 1415 [Rome] Guldinbeck, 1475 [Rome, Plannck] 1517 Termini causarum in Curia Romana [Augsburg, Wiener] 1476 934 [Rome, Pr. of Mercuriales quaestiones] 1392 [Rome, Silber] 1549 Poenitentiaria Apostolica Taxae sacrae Poenitentiariae Apostolicae [Rome, Guldinbeck] 1421 [Rome, Plannck] 1515 Rota Romana Decisiones novae 1372 [Rome] U. Han
Compendium psalterii beatissimae Trinitatis. Exempla de psalterio B.V.M. [Gouda, G. Leeu] 3406-8 Psalterium B.V.M. [Gripsholm, Carthusians of Mariefred] 1498 4221 —(German) Augsburg, Sorg, 1490 930-31 SABAUDIA See SAVOY SABELLICUS ( M A R C U S A N T O N I U S )
Elegiae in natalem diem B.V.M. 3482-3 Deventer [Pafraet] 1490 Enneades ab orbe condito Venice, B. de Vitalibus & Venetus, 2146 1498 Rerum Venetarum decades 1864-5 Venice, Torresanus, 1487 SACRO B O S C O ( J O H A N N E S DE)
Algorithmus Strassburg, Pruss, 1488 Sphaera mundi Cologne, Quentell, 1500 Leipzig, C. Kachelofen Venice, Renner, 1478 [Venice, F. de Argentina] [Venice] Ratdolt, 1462 Venice [Locatellus] 1490 Venice, Anima Mia, 1491 Venice, H. de Sanctis & Santritter, 1488 Milan [L. Pachel & Scinzenzeler] 1478
De usuris [Rome, Plannck] 1523 Monarchia sive De potestate imperatoris ac papae Venice, H. Liechtenstein, 1487 1886-8 R O T A Romana See ROME (Church of)
R O Y A L (The) book See L A U R E N T
R U D I M E N T U M novitiorum
1180 3007 3207
See W E R D E N B E R G ( R U D O L F VON)
782 1276 1672 1686 1750 1956-8 2008 2030 2286
RUDOLPHUS, de Novimagio
See REGIMEN sanitatis Salernitanum 554 688-9
Expositio symboli S. Hieronymi [Cologne, Zel] Oxford, * 1468'
SALE MO, Bp of Constance See SALOMON, Bp of Constance
RUDOLF, von Werdenberg
Legenda Alberti Magni Cologne, KoelhofF the elder, 1490 [Cologne, GuldenschafF]
R U P E ( A L A N U S DE)
Liibeck, L. Brandis, 1475 —(French) Paris, Le Rouge, 1488/9 Lyons, Dupre, 1491
1398 1478
383-4 4159
De salute corporis [Cologne, C. de Zierikzee] Antwerp, Bac Summa conservationis et curationis. Chirurgia Venice [Saracenus] 1490
864-5 3985 2022
INDEX OF AUTHORS AND ANONYMOUS TITLES Oratio in exequiis cardinalis Tornacensis [Rome, Guldinbeck] 1428 Sermo de passione [Rome, Pr. of Sixtus IV Bulla] 1603
Antidotarius animae Strassburg, Griininger, 1490 Strassburg, Griininger, 1493 Delft, Snellaert, 1495
184 187 3367-8
De exceptionibus Pavia, A. de Carcano, 1496 Super titulo De fide instrumentorum Pavia, M. de Garaldis, 1497
Opera 1700 [Venice] F. di Pietro, 1478 [Venice] Joh. Rubeus & F. de Madiis 2010 Venice, Tacuinus, 1493 2102 SANTRITTER (JOHANNES LUCILIUS) Canones in tabulas Alphonsi [Paris, Simonel, Blandin & Simon] 2898 Venice, Hamman, 1492 Paris, Bocard, 1497 3046 Bellum Catilinarium SAONA (LAURENTIUS GUILELMUS DE) Zwolle, P. van Os 3625; 3628 See TRAVERSANUS (LAURENTIUS In Ciceronem invecriva GUILELMUS) [Paris, Simonel, Blandin & Simon] 2899
SALOMON, Bp of Constance
Glossae [Augsburg, SS. Ulrich & Afra]
SALOMON et Marcolfus
Epistola ad Rabbi Isaac contra Judaeorum errores Cologne, Quentell, 1493 752 Nuremberg, Hochfeder, 1498 1101 Bologna, Rugerius, 1496 2504 [Sant' Orso, J. de Reno] 2612 [Brussels, Fratres Vitae Communis] 3842 Antwerp, G. Leeu, i486 3888 —(German) 1102 Nuremberg, Hochfeder, 1498 —(Italian) Bologna [Rugerius & Don. Bertochus] 1475 2477 SANCHEZ DE AREVALO ( R O D R I G O ) , Bp of
Oratio in die Parasceues [Rome, Plannck]
Oratio ad Maximilianum. Oratio ad Herculem Estensem [Milan, Pachel]
Lectura super titulo De appellationibus Pavia, A. de Carcano, 1488 Lectura super usibus foedorum Pavia, A. de Carcano, 1490
2642 2643
Operette [Florence, Libri] Apologia dei frati di San Marco [Florence, Libri] —(Latin) [Florence, Libri] Compendium revelationum Ulm, Dinckmut, 1496 Florence, Bonaccorsi, 1495 Paris, Marchant, 1496
2405-6 2365-6 2400
1168-9 2415 2961
Florence, Bonaccorsi, 1495 Florence, Morgiani & Petri, 1495 De veritate prophetica [Florence, Libri] Delia verita della fede cristiana
2413-14 2425 2371
See below Triumphus crucis (Italian)
Dichiarazione del misterio della croce 2385-6 [Florence, Libri] Epistola a suoi diletti fratelli 2362 [Florence, Libri] Epistola a tutti gli eletti di Dio 2360 [Florence, Libri] Epistola a un amico [Florence, Morgiani] 2429 Epistola alia Contessa della Mirandola [Florence, Libri] 2401 Epistola alle suore del terzo ordine di San Domenico 2363-4 [Florence, Libri] Epistola contro la scomunica 2361 [Florence, Libri] Esposizione del Pater Noster. Epistola della communione Florence, Miscomini, 1494 2344 [Florence, Libri] 2392
FIFTEENTH-CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS Regulae quae ad omnes religiosos pertinent. Oratio Venice, Emericus, 1493 2138 Revelatio de tribulationibus temporum nostrorum See above Compendium revelationuin Sermone dell' orazione Florence, Miscomini, 1492 2342 [Florence, Libri] 2398 [Florence, Morgiani] 2432 Trattato circa il reggimento della citta di Firenze [Florence, Libri] 2372 Trattato contro gli astrologi [Florence, Libri] 2387 Trattato del sacramento [Florence, Libri] 238252391 Trattato dell' orazione mentale See above Operetta dell' orazione... Trattato dell' umilta [Florence, Miscomini] 2346 [Florence, Libri] 2397 Triumphus crucis [Florence, Libri] 2368-70; 2404 —(Italian) [Florence, Libri] 2367 Vita spirituale See above Expositio in septem gradus. . .
[Florence, Morgiani & Petri] Esposizione sopra il salmo xxx (In te, domine) Florence, Libri]
2431 2379
— Latin) Nuremberg, Stuchs] 1099 Esposizione sopra il salmo L (Miserere) [Florence, Libri] 1499 2377-8 [Florence] 2447 —(Latin) Augsburg, Froschauer, 1499 951 [Nuremberg, Stuchs] 1099 [Venice, P. de Quarengiis] 2136 Esposizione sopra il salmo LXXIX (Qui regis Israel) [Florence, Libri] 2402-3 Florence [Bonaccorsi] 1496 2416 Florence [Morgiani & Petri] 1496 2426 Esposizione sopra Y Ave Maria [Florence, Libri] 2389 Expositio in septem gradus Bonaventurae (Latin & Italian) [Florence, Libri] 2373 Introductorium confessorum [Florence, Libri] 2407 Libro della vita viduale [Florence, Libri] 2384; 2396 Florence, Bonaccorsi, 1491 2412 Operetta dell* amore di Gesu [etc.] [Florence, Libri] 2383; 2393; 2394; 2395 [Florence, Morgiani & Petri] 2428 Operetta dell' orazione mentale Florence, Miscomini 2345 [Florence, Libri] 2399 [Florence, Morgiani] 2433 Operetta sopra i dieci comandamenti di Dio Florence [Libri] 1495 2357 Florence, Morgiani & Petri 2430 Predica e rivelazioni Florence [Libri] 1495 2356 Predica fatta addi 8 di giugno 1495 [Florence, Libri] 2355 Predica fatta il 28 ottobre 1496 [Florence, Tubini] 2445 Predica fatta addi 11 di febbraio 1497 [Florence, Libri] 2374 Predica fatta addi 18 di febbraio 1497 [Florence, Libri] 2375 Predica fatta addi 25 di febbraio 1497 [Florence, Libri] 2376 Prediche dalla pasqua al awento dell' anno 1496 [Florence, Tubini] 2446 Prediche quadragesimali dell* anno 1495 Florence [Libri, Bonaccorsi & Morgiani] 1496/7 2358
De balneis Ferrara, Belfortis, 1485 Practica medicinae Venice, A. de Bonetis, i486
2241 1903
Decreta Sabaudiae ducalia Turin, Fabri, 1477
Oratio ad Innocentium VIII [Rome, Guldinbeck]
Nuremberg, Koberger, 1491
Liber cronicarum Augsburg, Schonsperger, 1497 Nuremberg, Koberger, 1493
946-7 1026-9
Expositio symboli Athanasiani [Cologne, A. ther Hoernen] 457 Speculum sacerdotum [Strassburg, Priiss] 205 [Nuremberg, Zeninger] 1482 1078 [Speier, G. de Spira] 1110 Trier [Pr. of Speculum sacerdotum] 1481 1267 SCHOTTUS (PETRUS)
Lucubratiunculae Strassburg, M. Schott, 1498
Speier, C. Hist] 1138 Leipzig, C. Kachelofen] 1281 Paris, Caesaris & Stol] 2894-5 Zwolle, P. van Os] 3626 —{French) Paris [Le Rouge] 1491 3010 De remediis fortuitorum Cologne, Pr. of Dares] 492 Cologne, Pr. of Historia S. Albani] 501-2 Cologne, Koelhoff the elder] 518 Cologne, Pr. ofFlores S. Augustini] 584-5 W3 [Cologne, Pr. of Albertus Magnus De 620 virtutx [Paris, Caesaris & Stol] 2893 Epistolae Leipzig, A. de Colonia, 1493 1297 Rome, Pannartz, 1475 1412 Proverbia [Cologne, C. de Zierikzee] 858 Deventer [Pafraet] 1490 3484 Tragoediae Venice, L. de Soardis, 1492 2066 2237 [Ferrara] Belfortis 3021 Paris, Higman
A moral ballad [Westminster, Caxton]
See MICHAEL, Scotus
SCRIPTORES astronomici veteres Venice, Manutius, 1499
SCRIPTORES rei militaris
Rome, Silber, 1494 Bologna, F. de Benedictis, 1495-6 See also AELIANUS, Tacticus
1539 2495-5
SCRIPTORES rei rusticae
Venice, Jenson, 1472 1631 Reggio Emilia, F. de Mazalibus, 1499 2704 Reggio Emilia, Dion. Bertochus, 1496 2705 SCRIPTORIS (PAULUS) Lectura super Duns in libro 1 Sententiarum Tubingen, Otmar, 1498 1343-4 SCYLLACIUS (NlCOLAUs) Opuscula Pavia [J. A. de Boscho & M. de Garaldis] 1496 2664
Sermones Sensati Gouda, G. Leeu, 1482 De quibusdam lyricis carminibus Venice, Ratdolt, '1468*
SECUNDUS, philosophus
De Secundo philosopho et eius pertinaci silentio Cologne [Retro Minores?] 1498
Expositio sequentiarum secundum usum Sarum 813 [Cologne, Quentell] Sequentiarius totius anni 524 Cologne, Koelhoff the elder Textus sequentiarum cum expositione 817 [Cologne, Quentell] Reutlingen, Greyff, 1490 1222 Delft [Snellaert] 3373-4
2053 1820 2461
SEPTEM Sapientes See SEVEN Sages
De ghulden selentrost Liibeck [Poppy Printer] 1489 1189 SEER (Een) devote oefeninghe op dat Pater Noster [Haarlem, Bellaert] 3655 Opera Venice, B. de Choris, 1492 [Venice, J. & G. de Gregoriis] Treviso, B. de Colonia, 1478 De moribus Cologne, Pr. ofHistoria S. Albani] Cologne, Koelhoff the elder] Paris, Caesaris & Stol\ De quattuor virtutibus Cologne, Pr. otHistoria S. Albani] Cologne, Koelhoff the elder] Cologne] KoelhofF the elder
Liber medicinalis Venice, Strata, 1488
503 SERMONES Dan 518 See JORDAN US, de Quedlinburg 2894-5 SERMONES Dormi secure See J o H AN N E s, de Verdena 503 518 SERMONES Parati See PARATUS 564
pro mortuis
[Louvain, J. de Paderborn]
Utrecht [G.L.] 1479 Zwolle, P. van Os, 1491
SERMONES quattuor novissimorum
3328 3613
See B O N A V E N T U R A (St)
Senensium oboedientia publica Alexandro VI praestita [Rome, Plannck]
SERMONES super particulis antiphonae Salve regina Alost, Martens, 1487
SIFRIDUS, de Arena
Determinatio duarum quaestionum [Mainz, Pr. of the Prognostication] Expositiones titulorum
SERMONES thesauri novi See PETRUS, de Palude
See S I N N A M A ( H A R Y N G U S S I F R I D I )
SERMONES tres de passione Christi See T E X T O R I S ( G U I L E L M U S ) :
Responsio ad quattuor quaestiones [Mainz, Pr. of the Prognostication]
Commentum super Consequentiis Strodi Padua, N.T.S.P., 1477 2556 SERVASANCTUS
Antidotarius animae Louvain, J. de Paderborn See also SALICETUS
3 73 3-4
SIGISMUND, Duke of Austria Epistola amatoria ad Lucretiam [Cologne, Zierikzee] [Rome, U. Han] S I G I S M U N D , Emperor
Constitutio Sigismundina
See PRIVILEGIA clericorum
Legenda de sancto Servatio Cologne, A. ther Hoernen, 1472
Punica Rome, Sweynheym & Pannartz Venice, B. de Tortis, 1483 Venice, Locatellus, 1492 Venice [Tacuinus] 1493
Commentarii in Vergilii opera [Rome] U. Han Milan [Pr. of Servius] 1475
13 71 2274
1363 1842 1966 2103
Pandectae medicinae Historia septem sapientum Romae Venice, Stagninus, 1499 558 Cologne, KoelhofFthe elder, 1490 [Cologne, Pr. of Augustinus Dejide] 574-6 SILVESTER, de Prierio 3401 [Gouda, G. Leeu] Compendium operis Capreoli Antwerp, G. Leeu, 1490 3929 Cremona, C. de Darleriis, 1497 Sententiae septem sapientum Graeciae SIMON, Genuensis (Greek) Synonyma medicinae Venice, Manutius, 1495/6 2167 Venice, Stagninus, 1499
SIMON, de Lendenaria
SHORT (A) devote prayer to Jesus Christ [Westminster] Caxton 409854101 [London] Pynson 4202 SHORT (A) treatise of the sacrament of Christ's blessed body [Westminster] Caxton 4098; 4101
Recollecta supra sophismatibus Hentisberi Venice, Locatellus, 1494
SIMON, ofVenlo
Die exposicie des heylighen dienst der missen. Die bereydinghe om salichlic dat heylige sacrament te ontfanghen 3365 Delft [Snellaert] 1490 Schoonhoven [Canons of St Michael] 1499 3662
See B A R T H O L O M A E U S , Sibylla S I D O N I U S A P O L L I N A R I S (St)
Poemata et epistolae Milan, Scinzenzeler, 1498 [Utrecht, Ketelaer & Leempt]
859 1375
2313-14 3308
Persecutionum historia Milan, Zarotus, 1492
Commentarii rerum gestarum F. Sfortiae Milan, Zarotus 2253
Repetitio super c. ad audientiam de homicidio Pavia, F. de Guaschis, 1498
SIMPLICIUS 'YTrouvrjuoc ets TOCS SEKOC Koariyopias TOO
p Venice, Callierges, 1499
De peste Bologna, Schriber, 1478
Expositiones ritulorum utriusque juris Cologne, KoelhofFthe elder, 1491
SOLILOQUIUM peccatoris
Nuremberg, Creussner, 1479
Composita verborum. Verba deponentalia See GARLANDIA (JOHANNES DE) SlSGOREUS (GEORGIUS)
Carmina Venice, A. de Rottweil, 1477 Epigrammata de B.V.M. [Louvain, Braem]
Polyhistor (De mirabilibus mundi) [Rome, Schurener] Venice, Jenson, 1473 Venice, T. de Ragazonibus, 1491 [Milan, Bonus] Bologna, Hectoris, 1500
1410 1634-5 2062 2273 2502
3796 SOLOMON IBN GABIROL Mibhar ha-Peninim Bulk ad Lucam episcopum Sibenicensem 2715 Soncino, Joshua Solomon, 1484 [Cologne, A. ther Hoernen] 464 SOMME le roy Bulla canonizationis S. Bonaventurae See LAURENT [Cologne, Koelhoffthe elder] 563 SPADARUS (JOHANNES) Bulla de reformatione Hospitalis Defensio musices (Italian) S. Spiritus 2492 Bologna, F. de Benedictis, 1491 1591 [Rome, Besicken] [Rome] 1602 SPECHTSHART ( H U G O ) Flores musicae Bulla Etsi dominici gregis [Strassburg, Priiss] 214 Nuremberg, Koberger, 1488 1013 [Speier, Drach] 1488 1122 SPECULUM (cf. SPIEGEL) Pavia, F. Girardengus & Birreta, 1489 2652 Speculum aureum animae peccatricis Bulla excommunicationis (11 April 1476) See DIONYSIUS, Carthusianus [Rome, Reinhardi] 1407 Speculum Christiani Bulla plenariarum indulgentiarum See W O T T O N ( J O H N ) ecclesiae in Urach concessarum Speculum exemplorum (Pastoris boni) 545-6 Cologne, KoelhofFthe elder, 1485 1251 [Urach, Fyner] Deventer, Pafraet, 1481 3424-5 Copia approbations fraternitatis Mariae Speculum humanae salvationis (Dutch) 428 Cologne, A. ther Hoernen, 1478 3639-40 Kuilenburg, Veldener, 1483 Epistola ad Johannem Mocenigum —(German) [Rome, Plannck?] 1450 2754 Basel, Richel, 1476 Litterae indulgentiarum (1480) Speculum monachorum 3872 [Oudenarde, A. de Keysere] [Magdeburg, M. Brandis] 1229 Litterae indulgentiarum (1482) Speculum mundi [Xylographic] (German) [Nuremberg, Creussner] 1059 [Augsburg, Ba'mler] 1473 898 Regulae, ordinationes et constitutiones SPEUSIPPUS, Academicus Cancellariae De Platonis definitionibus Augsburg, Wiener] 1476 934 Venice, Manutius, 1497 2177-9 Rome, Gensberg or Schurener] 1403 SPIEGEL (C£ SPECULUM) Rome, Plannck] 1451 Summarium bullarum indulgentiarum Speghel der onser behoudenisse See SPECULUM humanae salvationis (Dutch) in subsidium Christifidelium conSpeghel der sammitticheyt cessarum 1190 Liibeck, Arndes, 1487 [Mainz, SchoefFer] 46
FIFTEENTH-CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS Statuta ecclesiae Frisingensis [Augsburg, Bamler] 899 Statuta synodalia Herbipolensia [Wiirzburg, G. Reyser] 1206-7 Statuta synodalia Leodiensia 3831 [Louvain] Martens, 1500 Statuta Mediolani 2283 Milan [J. A. de Honate] 1482 2295 Milan, P. de Suardis, 1480 Statuta provincialia concilii Moguntini 208 [Strassburg, Priiss] Statuta provincialia et synodalia Trajectensis diocesis 3412 Gouda, G. Leeu, 1484 Statuta provincialia concilii Treverensis 611 [Cologne, Gotz] Statuta communis Veronae 2674 Vicenza, H. Liechtenstein, 1475
SPIEGEL (cont.)
Spiegel der menschlichen Behaltniss See SPECULUM humanae salvationis (German)
Spiegel der volnkommenheyt [Mainz, Schoeffer] Spiegel der Welt
See SPECULUM mundi
Spiegel des ewighen levens Antwerp, Goes, 1482 3874 Spiegel des kersten geloven [Cologne, KoelhofFthe elder] 525 Spiegel of en Regel des kersten gelove. Spiegel hoe hem een yghelick kersten mensche sculdich es te oefenen Antwerp, Goes, 1482 3873 Spieghel der volcomenheit Delft [Snellaert] 1490 3365 Schoonhoven [Canons of St Michael] 1499
Oratio ad Ludovicum Mariam Bari ducem [Rome, Plannck]
STELLA clericorum
[Cologne, Quentell] [Leipzig, C. Kachelofen] [Paris] Levet Deventer [Pafraet] 1488 Deventer [Pafraet] 1490 Deventer, Pafraet, 1494 Deventer, J. de Breda, 1491 Deventer, J. de Breda, 1498 [Antwerp, Goes]
Altro Marte Vicenza [Bevilaqua] 1489
Abridgement of cases [Rouen] Le TaUeur
3 3953 ;396o
S TORI A della morte corporale [Venice?]
Parma, Corallus, 1473
mundi fallentis [Antwerp, Goes]
Geographia Rome, Sweynheym & Pannartz [Treviso] Joh. Rubeus, 1480
1360 2464
Padua [N.T.S.P.]
Oratio ad Innocentium VIII [Rome, Plannck]
4178-9 4200
Nova statuta
[London, Machlinia] Statuta communis Brixiae Brescia, Ferrandus, 1473 Brescia, J. Britannicus, 1490 Statuta ecclesiae Coloniensis [Cologne] Guldenschaff, 1478
3466 3486 3507 3540
1413 2570
Abbreviamentum statutorum [London, Lettou & Machlinia] [London] Pynson, 1499
2 998-9
Opera Venice, J. de Paganinis, 1490 Silvae Rome, Pannartz, 1475
800; 815
1459 (CAIUS)
De grammaticis et rhetoribus 4183
Venice, B. de Cremona & B. di Carlo, 1474
Florence, apud S. Jacobum de Ripoli, 2615 2625
De praeclare gestis Romanorum See AURELIUS VICTOR (SEXTUS): I3e
viris illustribus
Vitae Caesarum Rome, Sweynheym & Pannartz, 1472 1368 Venice, D. de Gorgonzola, 1493 2143 [Venice, Pr. of the 1480 Valla] 1480 2224 2254 Milan, Zarotus, 1480 Bologna, Hectoris, 1493 2498
De somniis Venice, Manutius, 1497
Milan, Bissolus & Mangius, 1499 SUILIBERTUS, Tornacensis See GILBERT US, Tornacensis
TABULA Christianae religionis [Rome, Silber]
Calculations Padua [N.T.S.P.] Pavia, F. Girardengus, 1498
Composita verborum. Verba deponentalia
2557 2654
Opera Venice, Pincius, 1497 [Milan, Zarotus] Agricola [Milan, Zarotus]
Les expositions des evangiles [Lyons, Havard]
Objectiones in dicta Thalmut [Augsburg, Schaur] [Nuremberg, Creussner] [Vienna, Winterburg]
De quantitate syllabarum [Venice] Anima Mia, 1488 Opus grammaticum Westminster, de Worde, 1499
970 1064 4026-7
Grammatica compendiosissima [Paris, Simonel, Blandin & Simon] 2897 Rhetoricae arris compendium. Exordiorum iraxis Paris, Simonel, Blandin & Simon] 2896
SUMMA poenitentiae
Commentarii in Petrum Hispanum 1338 Freiburg i.B. [Fischer] 1494 De intensione, rarefactione et condensatione formarum [Paris, Bocard] 3060
SUMMA praeceptorum...
[Paris, Simonel, Blandin & Simon]
SUMMA brevis et utilis super diversis composita See TRACTATUS de creatione mundi... [Louvain, J. de Paderborn]
2075 2263-4
Carmen de temporibus Domitiani Venice, B. de Vitalibus, 1498
SUMMA rudium
Reutlingen, Otmar, 1487 1217 SUMMARIE von kunglichen und keyserlichen Rechten
Oratio in die Omnium Sanctorum [Rome, Freitag] Sermo contra Turcos [Rome, Plannck]
SUMMARIUM bullarum indulgentiarum See SIXTUS IV, Pope Suso (HENRICUS)
Centum meditationes passionis Domini Strassburg [Gruninger] 1490 183 [Paris, Le Dm] 3137 [Zwolle, P. van Os] 3623-4 Horologium aeternae sapientiae. Centum meditationes... Alost, Martens 3682 See also B O O K (The) of divers ghostly matters
1584 1449
De litteris, syllabis et metris Horatii Milan, Scinzenzeler, 1497
Comoediae Strassburg, Gruninger, 1496 Strassburg, Gruninger, 1499 [Schussenried, Pr. of Gracchus et
191 198-9
Afer (com.)
Poliscena] 1203 Venice, B. de Tortis, 1483 1841 Sant' Orso, J. de Reno, 1475 2610 Paris, G. Wolf, 1492 3043 [Paris, G. Wolf?] 3099 Lyons, Dupre, 1488 3206 Lyons, Pivard, 1498 3238 Vulgaria Terentii in Anglicanam linguam traducta Antwerp, G. Leeu, i486 3889 4165 [Oxford, Rood] [London, Machlinia] 4190-91; 4193 T E R M I N I causarum See R O M E (Church of). Curia Rotnana
De laboribus. De odoribus. De sudoribus (Greek) Venice, Manutius, 1497 Venice, Manutius, 1497
Sermo de passione Christi Strassburg [Flach] 1490
Physiologus [Cologne, Quentell] Delft, Snellaert, 1495
816 3369
Venice, Manutius, 1495/6
T H E O D O R I C U S , de Herxen
Devota exercitia [Deventer, Pafraet] 1492 Speculum juvenum [Zwolle, P. van Os]
Eclogae Cologne, Quentell, 1495 Lyons, Pivard, '1419*
760 3239
THEOGNIS y Venice, Manutius, 1495/6 THEOPHRASTUS
De historia plantarum. De causis plantarum (Greek) Venice, Manutius, 1497 De igne. De ventis. De lapidibus (Greek) Venice, Manutius, 1497
THESAURUS presbyterorum See STELLA clericorum
Apologeticus adversus gentes Venice, B. Benalius
T H E S A U R U S . 0T}aocvp6s, Kepocs 'Ana? m i Kfjiroi 'A5cibvi6os Venice, Manutius, 1496
Oratio de divina providentia [Rome, Plannck]
Opuscula Venice, Locatellus, 1498 2002 Breviloquium [Louvain, Loeffs] 3803 Catena aurea 882 [Augsburg, G. Zainer] Venice, Locatellus, 1493 1969 Commentaria in Epistolas Pauli Basel, Furter, 1495 2829 Confessionale See below De modo confitendi De beatitudine aeternitatis 493-5 [Cologne, Pr. of Dares] De corpore Christi [Cologne, Pr. of Augustinus Dejide] 1473 567-8 De desertione animae a Deo Ley den, Heynrici, 1484
De divinis moribus [Cologne, Pr. of Dares] De ente et essentia
[Cologne, Quentell] Cologne, Quentell, 1497 Ferrara, L. de Rubeis, 1490
De humanitate Christi Leyden, Heynrici, 1484 De judiciis astrorum
[Cologne, Pr. ofDictys]
De modo confitendi Cologne, Zel] Cologne, A. ther Hoernen] Paris, Caillaut] Paris] Caillaut Paris, Le Dru De officio sacerdotis [Antwerp, Goes]
De piscibus. De vertigine oculorum.
755 768 2243
De perfectione status spiritualis [Cologne, A. ther Hoernen] De periculis contingentibus circum sacramentum eucharistae [Cologne, Pr. ofDictys] [Basel, Flach]
385; 386-7 457 2940 2948-9 3131 3971
I N D E X OF AUTHORS AND A N O N Y M O U S TITLES Super libros Aristotelis De generatione et corruptione Pavia [Lavalle] 1488 2660 Super Metaphysica Aristotelis Venice, Bevilaqua, 1493 2094 2650 Pavia, F. Girardengus, 1480 Super Physica Aristotelis 1811 Venice, J. & G. de Gregoriis, 1492 Super 1 Sententiarum Venice, Locatellus, 1498 2000 Super n Sententiarum 2001 Venice, Locatellus, 1498 Super iv Sententiarum 716 Cologne, Quentell, 1480
T H O M A S (St), Aquinas (cont.)
De regimine Judaeorum [Basel, Flach]
De regimine principum 431 [Cologne, A. ther Hoernen] De unitate intellectus contra Averroem Treviso, Hassia, 1476 2459 2561 [Padua] Cerdonis, i486 Pavia [Lavalle] 2661 De veritate catholicae fidei Venice, Renner & N. de Frankfordia 1658 De vitiis et virtutibus 438 Cologne, A. ther Hoernen] Paris] Le Noir 3089 Antwerp, Goes] 3954 Expositio missae Antwerp, Goes]
T H O M A S , Cantipratensis
Bonum universale de proprietatibus apum 530 Cologne, Koelhoff the elder] Cologne, Gops] 623
Expositiones super Ave Maria, Te Deum laudamus, Gloria in excelsis, Pater Noster [Rome, Teutonicus & Riessinger]
Flores sententiarum de auctoritate papali per J. de Turrecremata collecti Lyons, Trechsel, 1496
Zwolle, P. van Os, 1488
T H O M A S , de Argentina
Super libros Sententiarum Strassburg, Flach, 1490
Postillainjob [Esslingen] Fyner, 1474 Praefatio super symbolum Athanasii
[Rome, Teutonicus & Riessinger]
T H O M A S , Je Celano
Legenda Sanctae Clarae (Dutch) Antwerp, G. Leeu, 1491
Quaestiones de duodecim quodlibet T H O M A S , de Erfordia Cologne, A. ther Hoernen, 1471 422 Modi significandi Cologne, Koelhoff the elder, 1485 547 SeeALBERTtrs (ECCARDUS) Quaestiones de malo 456 T H O M A S , ie Hibernia [Cologne] A. ther Hoernen Manipulus riorum Quaestiones de veritate Piacenza, J. de Tyela, 1483 2701 Cologne, Koelhoff the elder, 1475 523 Quaternarius T H O M A S , a Kempis See above De vitiis et virtutibus Hortulus rosarum de valle lacrimarum Summa contra Gentiles Basel, Bergmann, 1499 2856 See above De veritate catholicae fidei Imitatio Christi Summa de articulis fidei Augsburg, Ratdolt, 1488 957 Mainz, Pr. of Catholicon] 49 [Nuremberg, Koberger] 1492 1023 Cologne, Zel] 3 3 5-6; 3 3 7; 3 3 8 [Magdeburg, M. Brandis] 1229 Augsburg, G. Zainer] 884 Venice, B. Benalius, 1488 1916 Rome, Silber] 1556 Milan, Pachel, 1488 2300 Basel, Flach] 2763 —(German) Paris, Doliatoris] 3173 Augsburg, Schonsperger, 1498 948 Summa theologica; prima pars —(Italian) 1830 Venice, Strata, 1484 Florence, Miscomini, 1494 2343 [Padua] Stendal, 1473 2550 Imitatio Christi, 1 (Admonitiones ad spirituSumma theologica; prima secundae alem vitam utiles) Venice, Renner & Bartua, 1478 1668-9 Metz, J. Colini & G. de Nova Civitate, Summa theologica; secunda secundae Mainz, Schoeffer, 1467 30 1482 1315 Meditationes de vita et beneficiis Super libro Aristotelis De anima salvatoris Venice, Barasconi & Anima Mia, 1485 1942 Super libro Aristotelis De caelo et mundo 417 [Cologne, Zel] [Cologne, Landen] 842 [Pavia] A. de Carcano, i486 2640
THOMAS, a Kemps (cont.)
[Cologne, Retro Minores] [Basel, Amerbach] Sermones, epistolae et tractatus [Utrecht, Ketelaer & Leempt]
Orthographia Rome, U. Han & Chardella, 1471 Venice, Tacuinus, 1495 Vicenza, Koblinger, 1479
852 2801-2 3309
T O S T A D O (ALPHONSUS), de Madrigal See M A D R I G A L (ALFONSO DE), el Tostado
THOMAS, Wallensis
Expositiones super psalterium London, Lettou, 1481
TRACTATULUS contra fastidiosos sacerdotes Louvain, Martens 3832
T R A C T A T U S contra vitia
Strassburg, Husner, 1498
T H O M A S I N U S , de Ferraria
Sermones quadragesimales Cologne, KoelhofFthe elder, 1473
See ARS oratoria
T R A C T A T U S de creatione mundi et
pluribus aliis [Louvain, J. de Paderhorn] TRACTATUS de motu octavae spherae Bologna, Fuscus, 1480
Chronica Hungarorum Augsburg, Ratdolt, 1488
[Cologne, Guldenschaff] 1269 1613 1881 1965 2093
[Magdeburg, M. Brandis] Passau, Mayr & Alakraw, 1482
T R A C T A T U S procuratoris editus sub
nomine diaboli [Rome] Guldinbeck, 1475
pestelentz [Cologne, Pr. of Augustinus De virginitate] 870 TRANSLATIO ecclesiae B.V.M. de Loreto
T I N D A R U S , de Perusio See TYNDARUS, de Perusio
Rhetorica nova St Albans [Schoolmaster Printer] 1480 4210 3822
TREATISE (The) of love
[Westminster] de Worde
Vision delectable de la filosofia Toulouse, Parix & Cleblat, 1489
T R A K T A T von der dotlichen sucht der
De motu locali Venice, Locatellus, 1494
T R A C T A T U S pro infirmis visitandis
TRACTATUS solemnis multum praedicabilis [Augsburg, Schonsperger] 945
TILMANNUS, Dulmaniensis
T I T U L I omnium librorum utriusque juris [Louvain] Heerstraten, 1488
T R A C T A T U S quidam de Turcis See T U R K S
Terminorum musicae difHnitorium [Treviso, Lisa]
T R A C T A T U S pro expurgandis vitiis
De vinea spirituali. De perfectiore institutione novitiorum [Cologne, A. ther Hoernen]
T R A C T A T U S de statu canonissarum
Elegiae [Leipzig, C. Kachelofen] [Venice, V. de Spira] 1472 Venice, A. de Paltasichis, 1487 Venice, Locatellus, 1491 Venice, Bevilaqua, 1493
T R A C T A T U S de arte oratoria
Historia belli Peloponnesiaci (Latin) [Treviso, Joh. Rubeus]
1373 2112 2681
De duodecim excidiis observantiae regularis [Mainz, P. von Friedberg] De laudibus Carmelitarum Mainz [P. von Friedberg] De operatione divini amoris [Mainz, P. von Friedberg] De proprietate monachorum Mainz, P. von Friedberg, 1495
63 61 64 59-60
Tractatus quidam de Turcis Nuremberg, Zeninger, 1481
De scriptoribus ecclesiasticis 2787-8 Basel [Amerbach] 1494 De statu et ruina monastici ordinis [Mainz, P. von Friedberg] De triplici regione claustralium Mainz, P. von Friedberg, 1498 65-6 De vanitate et miseria humanae vitae Mainz, P. von Friedberg, 1495 62
SeeJusTiNus (MARCUS J U N I A N U S ) :
Epitome... TROMBETTA ( A N T O N I U S )
Opus doctrinae Scoticae in Thomistas 2127-8 Venice, H. de Paganinis, 1493 T R O T T U S (ALBERTUS)
De horis canonicis See FERRARIIS (ALBERTUS DE)
De vero et perfecto clerico Ferrara, S. Ferrariensis, 1475
Consilia Ferrara, P. de Aranceyo & J. de Tornaco, 1475 De modo procedendi in judicio [Lyons, Siber] Louvain, J. de Paderborn, 1475 Lectura super 1 Decretalium, pars 1,11 Venice, J. de Colonia & Manthen, 1476 Lectura super 11 Decretalium, pars 1 Venice, J. de Colonia & Manthen, 1476 Lectura super 11 Decretalium, pars 111 Venice, J. de Colonia & Manthen, 1476 Venice, J. de Colonia & Manthen, 1479 Lectura super in Decretalium Venice, J. de Colonia & Manthen, 1475 Lectura super iv et v Decretalium Venice, J. de Colonia & Manthen
3189 3701 1717
Contra errores Mahumeti [Brussels, Fratres Vitae Communis] 3840 De salute animae [Cologne, C. de Zierikzee] 864-5 [Utrecht, Ketelaer & Leempt] 3306 Antwerp, Bac 3985 Expositio Psalterii 34 Mainz, SchoefFer, 1476 Strassburg [Pr. of Legenda] 1482 174 Rome, W . Han, 1476 1437-8 Meditationes seu Contemplationes devotissimae [Cologne, Pr. of Albertus Magnus De virtutibus] 618 Rome, U. Han & Chardella, 1473 1374 Quaestiones evangeliorum de sanctis Nuremberg, Creussner, 1478 1055 Quaestiones evangeliorum de tempore et de sanctis Cologne [Petrus in Altis] 1478 683 Brescia, A. Britannicus, 1498 2627 Deventer, Pafraet, 1484 3428 Quaestiones super potestate papali ex sententiis Thomae See THOMAS (St), Aquinas: Flores... Summa de ecclesia 1535 Rome, Silber, 1489 Lyons, Trechsel, 1496 3218 TWELVE profits of tribulation Westminster, Caxton 4110 TYGRINUS (NICOLAUS)
Oratio pro Luccensibus [Rome, Freitag]
TYNDARUS, de Perusio
De testibus Venice, V. de Spira, 1472
1719 1729
Disputationes Venice, V. de Spira, 1472
1709 U B A L D I S (BALDUS DE)
De raptu animae Tundali [Cologne, Pr. of Historia S. Albani] —(Dutch) 3984 Antwerp, Bac —(German) [Augsburg, Bamler] 1473
Casus breves in Codicem et Instituriones. Casus breves feudorum [Brussels, Fratres Vitae Communis] 3859 De carceribus [Lyons, Pr. of Nicolaus de Lyra] 3251 De testibus [Venice] V. de Spira, 1472 1614 Disputationes Venice, V. de-Spira, 1472 1617
U B A L D I S ( B A L D U S DE) (com.)
De epidemia et peste Mantua [Vurster] 1473
Lectura super i-in Codicis Venice, J. de Colonia & Manthen, 1474 Quaestio disputata Numquid civitas Venice, V. de Spira, 1472 Repertorium Pavia, C. de Canibus, 1494
Epistola ad propinquum suum [Deventer] J. de Breda Also publ. as EUCHERIUS: De contemptu...
1617 2659
Factorum dictorumque memorabilium libri ix Venice, P. de Pasqualibus & Dion. Bertochus, 1485 1909 Venice, Anima Mia, 1491 2009 Factorum dictorumque memorabilium libri ix. Epithoma Probi libri x. De dignitatibus, magistratibus et officiis Romanorum compendium Paris [Simonel, Blandin & Simon] 1475 2900 Factorum dictorumque memorabilium liber v Zwolle, T. van Os 3634
UBERTINUS, de Casali
Miserabilis vita Udonis episcopi [Cologne, Pr. of Augustinus Dejide]
Fraternitas cleri [Strassburg, Eber]
Apologia religionis fratrum Eremitarum Orduiis S. Augustini Rome, F. de Cinquinis, 1479 1442 Historia S. Monicae ex libris S. Augustini [Rome, F. de Cinquinis] 1443
De orthographia Venice, Tacuinus, 1495 Compendium Elegantiarum L. Vallae See A C C U R S I U S ( B O N U S )
Oratio ad principes Christianos Paris, Marchant, 1500
De libero arbitrio [Cologne, Pr. ofFlores S. Augustini] 584-5 1473 Elegantiae [Rome, Plannck] 1480 1448 Elegantiae. De ego mei tui sui Venice, Jenson, 1471 1628 Venice, Jac. Rubeus, 1476 1697 Brescia, Gallicus, 1475 2616 Elegantiae. De ego mei tui sui. Invectiva in errores Antonii Raudensis [Louvain, Veldener] 3694
URBAN us, Bellunensis
Institutiones Graecae grammatices Venice, Manutius, 1497/8
See DIALOGUS inter Hugonem, Catonem et Oliverium (St)
Historia undecim milium virginum. Oratio quam S. Ursula docuit Johannem heremitam de Warwick [Cologne, GuldenschafT] 1490
Compendium memorandorum Paris, Baligault, 1500 Plinianorum dimcilium explanatio [Paris, Baligault]
Martyrologium Cologne, Koelhqffthe elder, 1490 Florence, Bonaccorsi, i486 —(Dutch) Utrecht, Veldener, 1480 Zwolle, P. van Os, 1490
U R B A N II, Pope
Frottola [Florence, Libri] Arbor vitae crucifixae Jesu Venice, A. de Bonetis, 1485
VALERIUS, episcopus
553 2417 3326 3608-9
VADE mecum
3no 3111-12
Jesuida [Cologne, C. de Zierikzee]
De re militari [Verona] J. N. de Verona, 1472 Verona, B. de Boninis, 1483 VAN den seven sacramenten Gouda, G. Leeu, 1484
2593-4 2598 3413
Roxario ho vero contemplatione di tutta la vita e passione dil nostro salvatore Milan, Scinzenzeler, 1493
Elegiae Rome, Silber, 1493 Fernandus servatus [Rome, Silber]
V E R B A deponentalia See G A R L A N D I A ( J O H A N N E S DE)
De lingua Latina Brescia, B. de Boninis & M. Delsera, 1483 2618 De re rustica
De ingenuis moribus [Venice, Valdarfer] [Padua, D.S.] Brescia, B. de Boninis, 1485 [Louvain] J. de Paderborn
See S C R I P T ORES rei rusticae VEGETIUS R E N A T U S (FLAVIUS)
De re militari Rome, Silber, 1487 See also ScRiPTOREsrei militaris
1649 2567-8 2623 3697-8
Proverbia Venice, C. de Pensis, 1500
Carmen in laudem S.. Monicae VERGILIUS M A R O (PUBLIUS) 1443 [Rome, F. de Cinquinis] Opera Brescia, A. Britannicus, 1498 2628 1024 Nuremberg, Koberger, 1492 De felicitate ac miseria Venice, Jac. Rubeus, 1475 1694 [Cologne, Pr. ofFlores S. Augustini] Venice, Miscomini, ' i486' 1733-4 # 584-5 1473 Venice, R. de Novimagio, 1482 1782 3460 [Deventer] J. de Breda, 1487 Venice, A. de Paltasichis, 1488 1883 Philalethes Venice, L. de Soardis, 1491/2 2065 339 [Cologne, Zel] Venice, B. de Zanis, 1493 2081 [Cologne, Pr. ofFlores S. Augustini] Venice, D. de Gorgonzola, 1494 2144 1473 584-5 Florence [B. & N . Nerlius & Damilas] [Nuremberg, Regiomontanus] 1072 1487/8 2347 [Deventer] J. de Breda 3465 Parma, Portilia, 1479 2572 Philalethes. Tabula declarativa quorundam Paris, Gering, 1478 2878 terminorum Paris, Gering & Rembolt, 1494 3120 [Basel, Furter] 2825 Paris, Gering & Rembolt, 1498 3122 Translatio S. Monicae Paris [G. Wolf &] Kerver, 1509 3156 [Rome, F. de Cinquinis] 1443 Aeneis {English) Vita divi Antonii [Westminster] Caxton 4108 Deventer [Pafraet] 1490 3489 Bucolica Deventer, J. de Breda 3550 340 [Cologne, Zel] 3630 [Zwolle, P. van Os] Paris, Baligault 3104 Vocabula ex jure civifi excerpta [Deventer, Pafraet] 3519*5 Vicenza, Albinus, 1477 2675 Georgica [Paris] Pigouchet 3081-2 VENI, redemptor gentium (Low German) Moretum Magdeburg [M. Brandis] 1492 1228 [Cologne, Pr. ofDictys] 478 [Leipzig, Landsberg] 1292 VENICE
Argumentum belli inter Venetos et Ferrarienses exorti causas exponens [Padua, Cerdonis] Tutti li doxi de Venetia Venice, Dominici, 1480
2558 1799
Historia Baetica Rome, Silber, 1493 [Basel, Bergmann] 1494
Tres propositions de conceptione B.V.M. [Zwolle, P. van Os ?]
V E R S E H U N G von Leib, Seele, Ehre und Gut Augsburg, Schobsser, 1490 954 VERSOR (JOHANNES)
1537-8 2846
Quaestiones in veterem artem Aristotelis 76 Cologne, Quentell, 1497
FIFTEENTH-CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS Speculum naturale [Strassburg, R-Printer] Venice, H. Liechtenstein, 1494
V E R S O R ( J O H A N N E S ) (cont.)
Quaestiones librorum Praedicabilium et Praedicamentorum et Posteriorum. Quaestiones de ente et essentia [Milan, J. A. de Honate] Quaestiones super De ente et essentia Thomae Aquinatis Cologne, Quentell, 1497 Quaestiones super libros Aristotelis De caelo et mundo [Cologne, Quentell] Quaestiones super libros Aristotelis De generatione et corruptione et Metheororum [Cologne, Quentell] 1493 Quaestiones super libros Aristotelis Ethicorum Cologne, Quentell, 1494 Quaestiones super Parva naturalia Aristotelis [Cologne, Quentell] Resolutio octo partium orationis Heidelberg [Misch] 1489 VERSUS decem praeceptorum et septem mortalium peccatorum Venice, P. de Quarengiis, 1497 VERT (WILHELM) See WERT (WILHELM)
V I N E I S ( R A Y M U N D U S DE)
Vita di Santa Catarina Milan, J. A. de Honate, 1489 —{English) [Westminster, de Worde]
2284 4117
754 758 755 1318
Contra daemonum invocatores [Paris, Caillaut] Tractatus de orthographia [Paris] Caillaut
2924 2943
V I O L A animae See D O R L A N D U S ( P E T R U S ) V I O L A sanctorum See M A R T Y R O L O G I U M Viola sanctorum VIRULI (CAROLUS) See M A N N E K E N ( C A R O L U S ) VISCONTI (GASPARO)
Ritmi Milan [Zarotus] 1493
2130 V I S I O lamentabilis super disceptatione animae contra corpus [Louvain, Ravescot]
V O C A B U L A R I U S [German & Latin)
Afer Enarratio in rhetoricos De inventione
Milan, Le Signerre, 1498
106 1893-5
Speier, Drach] Hagenau, Gran] —{Latin & Dutch)
V I G I L I A E mortuorum secundum chorum ecclesiae Maguntinae [Basel, Wenssler] 2748
See G E M M A vocabulorum G E M M U L A vocabulorum
—(Latin & German) Augsburg, J. Keller, 1478 [Blaubeuren, Mancz]
V I N A C ( H U G O DE),
1114 1333
942 1201
V O C A B U L A R I U S breviloquus See R E U C H L I N ( J O H A N N )
V I N C E N T I U S , Bellovacensis
Opuscula 2769 Basel, Amerbach, 1481 Speculum doctrinale 104 [Strassburg, R-Printer] Venice, H. Liechtenstein, 1494 1891-2 Speculum historiale 79 [Strassburg] Mentelin, 1473 Strassburg, R-Printer] 105 Augsburg, SS. Ulrich & Afra] 1474. 904-7 1896 Venice, H. Liechtenstein, 1494 Speculum morale 80 [Strassburg, Mentelin] Venice, H. Liechtenstein, 1493 1890
V O C A B U L A R I U S ex quo (Latin & Dutch)
Zwolle [P. van Os] 1479 —(Latin & German) [Strassburg, Knoblochtzer]
35^9 155
V O C A B U L A R I U S theutonicatus (Latin &
Dutch) [Louvain, J. de Paderborn]
V O C A B U L A R I U S utriusque juris
Strassburg, Pr. of Henricus] Basel, Wenssler] Basel, Kesler, 1488 [Louvain, J. de Paderborn]
137 2747 2814 3768
INDEX OF AUTHORS AND ANONYMOUS TITLES Disceptatio (Epistolae et carmina) oratorum duorum in repudiationem filiae Maximiliani [Cologne, Renchen] 730 [Deventer, Pafraet] 3528 Oratio querulosa contra invasores sacerdotum [Cologne, Quentell] 809-11 [Augsburg, Froschauer] 953 Stilpho [Speier, C. Hist] 1495 113 3
Collectarium vel Vade mecum super Sententias Scoti. Collectarium super Quodlibeta Scoti [Padua] Cerdonis 2563-4 Super libros Sententiarum Venice, Pentius, 1496 2195 WALLEYS ( T H O M A S )
Legenda Sancti Goaris Mainz [SchoefTer] 1489
Quadragesimale Munich, Schobsser Sermones de preservatione hominis a peccato [Nuremberg, Fratres Ord. Erem. S. Aug.] Sermones de tempore Passau, Petri, 1491 Sermones xxni [Passau, Petri]
Speculum stultorum Cologne [C. de Zierikzee] 1499 [Leipzig, C. Kachelofen] [Paris, Pigouchet] [Utrecht, Ketelaer & Leempt]
Parsival [Strassburg, Mentelin] 1477 Titurel [Strassburg, Mentelin] 1477
Reformation der Stadt Worms [Speier, Drach] 1499 3329 3330 3871
Speculum Christiani London, Machlinia
XENOCRATES, Chalcedonius
De morte Venice, Manutius, 1497 Also publ. as P L A T O : Axiochus
Cyropaedia [Milan, Ungardus] De tyrannide [Padua, D.S.]
WERNER, von Schussenried
See M O D U S legendi abbreviaturas W E R T (WILHELM)
801 3982
Carmen heroicum hecatostichon [Strassburg] Priiss, 1495 De hymnorum auctoribus [Speier, C. Hist] De triplici candore Mariae [Speier, C. Hist] Defensio immunitatis et libertatis ecclesiasticae [Speier, C. Hist] [Vienna, Winterburg]
WERNER, Abbot of St Blasien
Lilium grammaticae Cologne, Quentell [Antwerp, Bac]
853 1279-80 3065 3310
WOLFRAM, von Eschenbach
Indulgentia [Passau, Mayr]
W E C H (Die) der sielen salicheit [Utrecht, G.L.] Utrecht [G.L.] 1480 [Oudenarde, A. de Keysere?]
Apologeticus [Leipzig, Landsberg]
2281 2567-8
YAHYA ibn-Abi-Mansur al-Ma'muni See ALMANSOR, Yahya ibn-Abi-Mansur... YEAR-BOOKS
211 1136 1132 1137 4028
33 Henry VI [London, Lettou & Machlinia] 34 Henry VI London, Machlinia 35 Henry VI [London, Lettou & Machlinia] 36 Henry VI [London, Lettou & Machlinia] 37 Henry VI [London, Machlinia]
4180 4187 4181 4182 4188
F I F T E E N T H - C E N T U R Y P R I N T E D BOOKS et Philochrysi Paris [G. Wolf &] Kerver, 1498
Lectura super Clementinis Venice, Herbort, 1481
ZACHARIAS, Chrysopolitanus
Concordia evangelistarum [Strassburg, C.W.] 1473
Oratio in festo Omnium Sanctorum [Rome, Besicken?]
Z A N I T I N I S ( H I E R O N Y M U S DE)
Libellus inscriptionum [Rome, Herolt]
Disputatio Bologna, J. de Ruberia, 1499
De interrogarionibus.' De electionibus. De temporum significarionibus in judiciis Venice, Locatellus, 1493 1974-5
Canon Omnis utriusque sexus disputatum ac repetitum Padua, Valdezoccho & M. de Septem Arboribus, 1472 2537
Elegiarum liber de amoribus Chryseae
Presses known by the title of a book are arranged in alphabetical order under 'Printer of...'
3272-3 2482
2293-4 2549
2435-41 2445-6
& partners
ALOST ALTIS (PETRUS IN), de Olpe See PETRUS, in Altis, de Olpe ALVISE (GIOVANNI), & partners
Basel Rome
£844 1592-7
2235 3290
1414 2710-11
1928-36 872-970 4018-37 3287
Erfurt Bologna
1313 2473-5
Antwerp Augsburg
3977-93 898-900
Paris Lyons
3100-115 3200-205 273-9
Perugia Venice Westminster London Hasselt Venice Venice Venice Bologna Bologna Strassburg Speier Ferrara Haarlem Venice Venice Venice Bologna Bologna Forli Lyons Turin Augsburg Basel
2699 1942 4157 4208 4046-9 3635;3636-8 1947 1666-9 2736-856 1941 2485-6 2497 143 1108-10 2236-7*5; 2241-2 3670-4017 3646-55 1913-16; 1918-27 1917 2091 2487-95-5 2506 2727-5 3236 2697-8 968 2845-56
in Altis, de Olpe Modena Reggio Emilia Venice Vicenza
2857 2695 2705-6 2063-4 2687
Treviso Treviso Venice Venice Bologna Mantua
2469 2470 1908-10 1911
2477 2592 3284-5 2808 1589-91; 1598-9 : 1592-7 1587-8
Basel Rome Rome Rome Venice Vicenza Savigliano Burgos
2688-9 2536-5 4053
Pavia Milan Paris
2652-3 2324-6 2896-904
Venice Venice Venice Paris Leipzig
1861-3 i860 1874-80 3045-60 1302-5 2473-506 2409-18 2088-9 1899-1903 2974-7 2905-7 2619-24 2598 2618 2272-3
Florence Venice Venice Paris Paris Brescia Verona Brescia Milan
Pavia Lerida Saragossa Poitiers Poitiers Poitiers Louvain
Lubeck Leipzig Lubeck Leipzig
2663-4 4050 4039 3268-9 3267 3268-9 3792-6 4227 1177-82 1268 1189 1285
3458-65; 3534-87 2615-39 1197 2626-9 2625; 2630
Brescia Brescia Venice
Naples Rome Cologne
Venice Mantua Mantua
Paris Paris Venice Venice Pavia Schoonhoven Padua Naples Venice Venice Venice Lyons Pavia Venice Gripsholm Milan Venice Bruges Treviso Zamora Padua Paris Rome
4035 3835-9 3840-69 2509-12 1445-7 832-9 2858 4053
2086-7 2582 2584-5
2888-95 2912-52 1940 2213-19 2658-9 3660-64 2542-8 2535 2142 1943-6 1917 3208-9 2640-45 1692 4221 2249-50 1826 3837-9 4059-114 2463 4052 2558-65 3170-71 1436
Rome Lyons
Venice Venice Rome Zinna
Toulouse Lyons Metz Trier Gouda
Leipzig Treviso Siena Venice
1373-4 3227 2725-6 2052-3 2050-51 H39-44 1342 2707-8 3263 3248-9 1315 1267 3418-19 280-871 1297-1301 2461 2712 1703-29
2699 2569
Seville Pavia Treviso Parma Paris
Venice Venice Nuremberg Geneva Geneva
4040-44 2646-7 2462 2570-71 2867-76 2602-609 1690-91 1692 1052-64; 1354 2863-4 2859-62
Florence Cremona
Brescia Paris
Ulm Florence Naples Paris
2347-52 2604-9 3335-82 2618 3142-3 3420-587 1167-9 2337 2521-2 3172-3
Venice Antwerp
3206-7 2971-3
with P.
107-23 1316
1312-14 1140-49
2469 2239-40
Freiburg i.B. OfFenburg
1334-9 1341
2234-5 2496
3286 2727-5
1947 2867-3291
Venice Venice Rostock Nuremberg Brussels Marienthal
with P.
Rome Paris Verona Mainz Nuremberg Basel Basel Basel Vienne Augsburg Basel Bologna Mainz Esslingen Urach
1897 1655-65 1202 1073-6 3840-69 1176 1334-40 1583-4 2867-76 2599 56-67 1065-71 2836-41 2844 2842-3 3264-6 950-53 2824-35 2479-80 19-28 1140-49 1244-53
Pavia Pavia
2665 2663-4 2859-64 1396-1405 2709
with J. A. DE
Rome Pisa Rome Rome Abbeville
Paris Paris Paris Pavia Braga
Brescia Soncino Leyden
Florence Liibeck Magdeburg
1575 1576 3273 3272 2877-87 2867-76 3118-29 2666 4227 14-1355 2634-5 2721-4 3645
4002-5 2445-6 1183-8 1225 51
Lyons Pavia Pavia Pavia Venice Savigliano Lyons
3237 2650-51; 2654-6 2652-3 2657 1791 2536-5
3873-7; 3941-74
Rome Cologne
1408 621-3
Venice Cologne
2143-4 592-611; 869-70 3383-419 1326-33 2244-5 1898-98-5 1836 1801-20 3286 1211-15; 1221-4
Hagenau Ferrara Venice Venice Venice Reudingen
4221 178-203 177 2727-5 2666
Strassburg Strassburg Forll Pavia Venice Pamplona Cologne
1775 4054-5 685-710
Rome Venice
1415-35 2209
4208 3646-56 2713 2481 4038 1326-33 2032-49 1369-72; 1375-9 1373-4 1437-8 1409 3635-8 2459-60 3250
with Bologna Louvain
Beromiinster Padua Venice
Strassburg Lyons Valencia Bologna
Strassburg Naples
Paris Paris Venice Naples Naples Soncino
2728 2498-503 3812-24 1317-21 2857 2554 1853-9 3210 1572-4 3657-9 1313 3642-4 3021-38 1132-9 1129-31 1100-1103 2519 941 3292-669 2282 2283-5 2662 3197-8 1104 144-51; 222-49; 264-7; 268-70 143 3193-6 4038 2484 2569 1323-5-25 177 2534 1356-2735
3144-9 3150 1624-46 2523-30 2532-3 2715-20 51-2
Leipzig Ingolstadt
1269-84 1324 944 976
943 942
1317; 1319-21
KOELHOFF ( J O H A N N ) , the elder
KOELHOFF ( J O H A N N ) , the younger
See C R A N T Z ( M A R T I N )
1230-43 4036
3328-34 3290
1286; 1287-96
3188; 3228-5
1382-5; 1575
1173-5 2333-6
*s Hertogenbosch 3657-9 3301-10 Utrecht
3283 1268-1310
Paris Lyons Milan Rouen London London Paris
3006-11 3179-81 2322-3 3274-9 4173-4 4175-82 2978-3004 3642-5 2353-408 1884-96 2674; 2676-80 2211 3999-4000 1380-81 2707-8 2449-54; 2471-2 4222-6 1948-2005 3800-803 3799 1737-44 4173-208 1306-7 3686-834 3670-4017 3292-669 2212 1177-96 2203-8 2050-51 2201-2 4056-8 3179-253
Venice Louvain Louvain Venice
with A.
Venice Venice Venice Venice Montserrat
with B. DE
London London
Milan Lyons
3086-90 4050
Florence Venice Vicenza Venice Antwerp Rome Cividale Treviso
Venice Bologna Blaubeuren Milan
4183-93 4175-82 1225-9 2296-8 3225 14-67 1737-44 2476 1198-1201 2324-6
Bruges Milan Venice
Milan Alost Antwerp Louvain Alost Kuttenberg Paris Aquila
3835-6 2318-21 1703-29 2582-92; 2691 2161-93 2455-8 2953-70 3227 1176 2278-80 3672; 3673-85 3994-8 3831-4 3670-71 4036 2908-11 2711
Padua Verona Paris Toulouse Rome Paris Passau Reggio Emilia
2553 2597 3116;3176-7 3256-62 1587-8 3005 1254-9 2703-4
Delft Delft
3341-61 3335-40 1230-43 68-91 2613-14 3284-5
with B.
Venice Treviso Paris Lyons
with D. DE
Mainz Barcelona
Heidelberg Florence Venice Modena Brescia Cremona Paris
with D.
1315 55 4048 2249-2326 1318 2338-46 1731-5 2693 2636-9 2602-3 3012-20 2690-95
Naples Florence Rouen Parma Nuremberg
Padua Gouda Schiedam
with E.
with]. BARBIER
2575-7 1072 1311 2555-7 3417-19
3665 2507-36
Louvain Venice Florence Foligno Foligno
2513-18 2423-34 3281-2
Westminster Westminster London Metz Trier Venice Venice
3799 1730 2347-52 2234 2235
3588 4158 4157 4208 1315 1267 1781-4 1776-80 971-1104 1341 2578 4037
Lyons Gouda Zwolle Zwolle Reutlingen Tubingen
2234 3187 3416 3589-600;3601-33
3634 1216-20 1343-8 3870-72 4159-72
Treguier Milan Milan Louvain Louvain Alost
3271 2300-305 2286-92
3797-8 3696-3791 3670-71
2537-68 3420-57; 3466-533
1772-4; 1881-3 4054-5
Rome Rome Subiaco Milan
1356 2275
PARIS Toulouse
with E.
3255 3263
Scandiano Venice
2727 1912
Treviso Venice Venice
2470 1908-10 1911 1254-66
i860 2640-66
with B. DE
1981; 2054-61-5
2194-9 2699-700
Bamberg Bamberg
274-5 277-9
3094-9; 3168-9 3186 3182-5
with], FROBEN (JOHANN), partly with L. MORGIANI (PETRUS), de Colonia See COLONIA
with J.
with M.
Venice Venice Brescia Paris Venice
1699-1702 1681-3 2617 3061-83 2067-80 2709
Lyons Rome
3238-40 1448-1526*5
Seville Lubeck Parma
Barcelona Paris Naples Olmiitz Briinn
Printer of: Aeneas Sylvius Albertus de Albo Lapide Albertus Magnus De virtutibus Alexander Magnus De praeliis (Cop. 371) Antonius Nebrissensis Gramatica castellana Aristeas Augurellus Augustinus De consensu evangelistarum
Defide De virginitate Basilius De vita solitaria Benignus Dialectica
Bernardus de Parentinis Bible (36-line) (42-line) Blaffert Capotius Caracciolus
Albi Zurich Cologne — Salamanca Erfurt Verona Lauingen Cologne Cologne Venice Florence Saragossa Mainz Mainz Gouda Leipzig OfFenburg
3267-9 4045 1189 2572-4 4222-7 4046-7 3141 2531 4037 4035 3270 2866 612-20 3666-7 4051 1312 2600-601 1173-5 567-83 869-70 2220 2419-19-5 4039 16-18 14-15 3417 1286 1341
FIFTEENTH-CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS Printer of: (cont.) Strassburg Mainz Cologne
Casus breves decretalium Catholicon Dares
47-9 484-500
Dialogi, orationes et tractatus See BRAEM (CONRAD)
Dictys Duns Quaestiortes Elegantiarum xx praecepta Epistola Engelberti Cultrificis Erwahlung Maximilians Expositio S. Hieronymi Flores S. Augustini Formularium instrumentorum Freeska Landriucht Gesta Christi Gesta Romanorum Gracchus et Poliscena Henricus Ariminensis Herodianus Hieronymus Epistolae Historia S. Albani Historia S. Rochi See Printer of the Vocabolista Hundorn Jacobus de Clusa Jordanus de Quedlinburg Legenda aurea Lescher Rhetorica Lindelbach VOraison du Saint Esprit Lotharius Manilius Martial Mensa philosophica Mercuriales quaestiones Mesue Modus legendi abbreviaturas Nicolaus de Lyra Postilla Pamphilus
Cologne Venice Cologne Nijmegen Stuttgart Oxford Cologne Rome — Speier Utrecht Schussenried Strassburg Rome Parma Cologne
465-83 2226 868 3588 1322 4159-60 584-91 1601
3668 1105-7 3311-13 1203 125-37 1585-6 2574'3-'< 501-15
Strassburg Strassburg Ingolstadt Heidelberg — — Rome Venice — Rome Florence Basel Lyons Utrecht
Venice Mainz Ingolstadt Cologne Cologne Louvain Milan Rome Rome
2221 50-51 1325 724-8
172-5 I323-5 1317 4007 1349 1580-81 2222-3 4011-17 1389-95 2327-9 786-7 3251 3314-17
Philelphus Consolatio See LAVAGNIA (PHILIPPUS DE)
Pomponius Mela Prognostication Psalterium Salomonis et Marcolji dialogus Sarum Breviary Scotus Physiognomia Servius Silius Italicus Sixtus IV Bulk 810
647-8 3830 2274 1386 1602-3
INDEX OF PRINTERS AND PLACES Printer of: (cont.) Speculum
3292-300 1267
Speculum sacerdotum
Utrecht Trier
Teghen die strael der minnen
3415 2224-5
Vita Lydwinae
Vitas patrum
Vienna Ulm
Rome London
713-23; 739-821
Vocabularius rigmicus
3665 175-5-176 1172 1414
Venice Augsburg
Venice Venice
955-67 1745-65 1737-44 3825-9 1170-71 2703-6
Lyons Rome
3182-5 1407
Venice Venice
1653-4; 1670-80 1666-9
Sant* Orso
1211-24 Mainz
Venice Wiirzburg
1776-80 1204-10
1316 2753-60
Freiburg i.B.
1937-9 2694
2137 4049
R o s s o (GIOVANNI)
Venice ROUEN
1771 3274-83
2243; 2246-8
1353 2483; 2504
2477 2736-7
92-106; 124
S. (D.)
1408 4209-14
2683-5 2610-12
1947 4039
with H. F o x i u s & BARTHOLOMAEUS
2586-7; 2590-1; 2691
3665 4018
Augsburg Munich
954 1311 29-46
945-9 2613-14
St Albans
4209-14 3660-64 271
2478 890-97
Rome Rome
1403-5; 1410-11-5 1409 1203
Milan Milan Venice
2306-17 2286-92 1821-5
273; 276
Nuremberg Nuremberg
971-5 1065-71
with H. KEFER
2537-8 2200
with]. N.
Rome Venice Padua Venice Paris Paris Liibeck Stockholm Delft Venice Florence Cologne
S I M O N (JEAN), & partners
Speier Venice Venice
Venice Passau Briinn Venice Aquila Padua
Leipzig Paris
4040-45 3189-92 2712-14 1527-71 1785 2567-8 1786 2896-904 2896-904 1196 4216-17 3362-78 2065-6 2442-4 612-20 2715-24 908-33 4038-58 1105-39 1108-10 1607 1608-23;1766-70; 2227 1904-7 1255 4035 1873
2711 2550-52 4216-20 1308-9 2888-95
Venice Venice Venice Modena Nuremberg
Milan Paris
Chivasso Lyons Turin
68-272 1827-35 1826 1836
2691-2 1088-99 1322 2295 2896-904 1356 2725-6 3236 2697-8 4216-21
with A.
Rome Subiaco
1357-68 1356 2736-866
Cologne Rome Rome Leipzig Cologne Cologne Cologne
with B. DEBLAVIS with B. DE BLAVIS & M. DE
Paris Lyons Ferrara Venice Venice Venice Venice
1575 1576 1310 822-4 420-64 825-9 3163-7 3210 2238 1864-72 1861-3 i860 1838-52 3254-63
3211-24 3271 4018
Paris Naples
3084-5 2536 2449-72
1267 2445-6 1343-8 2696-8 3254 1582 2701
2579-81 1150-72
Augsburg Milan
901-7 2281
624-46 1244-53 3292-334
Milan Venice Padua Padua
2268-71; 2299 1647-51 2539-41 2537-8 4038
Kuilenburg Louvain Utrecht Venice
3639-41 3686-95; 3804-11 3318-27 2146 1607-2233
Verona Milan Milan Milan
with D.
2728 Paris Venice
with H.
Lyons Venice Venice Rome Mantua Modena Perugia Palermo
3174-5 2017-18 2593-2601 2593-4 2276 2278-80 2277 2667-89 4019-34 3264-6 3229-35 2147-60 2146 1406 2583
2690 2699 2702
Strassburg Nuremberg Bologna Venice Basel Cologne
138-42 1081-7 2481 1796-8 2738-52 848-52 4059-158
Augsburg Venice
934-9 1787-90
INDEX OF PRINTERS AND PLACES Vienna Cologne Rougemont Paris Paris Lyons
4021-34 649-80 2865 3040-44; 3091-3 3152-62 3241-7
4115-56 1204-10
Delft Basel
3335-40 2822-3
Augsburg Ulm
Venice Milan Cologne Nuremberg
872-89 1150-66; 1172 4052 2081-4 2251-64 280-419 1077-80
with J.
853-66 1342 2866 3589-3634
PROVENANCES I. INITIALS & M O N O G R A M S % * The component letters of monograms are arranged in alphabetical order, even when the form of the monogram allows their correct order to be determined. They are printed in italics. Entries in inverted commas are MS. inscriptions. A B L [on a binding] 2821 ^ 1652 [stamp] 1693 A. C. [an oblong signet-stamp] 2283, 2295 D D R [blind-stamp] 2125 ? AFMS [an oblong signet-stamp] 1749 D M in an oval [stamp] 2222 'A. K. a.' See Kemp (Abraham) 'D P' with arms, 16th(1) c. 1662 'a.m.* beneath '-f-f-' [=Augia Minor] See D. S. A. in an oval, with a lily-plant [stamp] 1974 Weissenau. Premonstratensians 'E. B. 1846' 147, 2763 ' A . P . G . ' 1665 E. H*. [stamp] 216, 267, 3089, 3919 B A Z W [bookplate] See Brem (Bonaventura) EL&motto AOKIMAZEIN... [bookplate] See ' B . C . ' 2537 Lawrence (Edwin Henry) B. C. D. L. [bookplate] See Brancas de Lauraguais ? ELP [on a 17th c. binding] 3149 (Louis Leon Felicite, due de) E. P. 1626 [on a binding] 1325 B C G within the Garter beneath a ducal coronet' E V V' See Utterson (Edward Vernon) [stamp] See Buckingham & Chandos ' F ' 3224 B D beneath a jewelled turban [bookplate] 353 F. [...] S. B. [stamp] 1746 'b. d. 1495' [rubricators mark] 1032 * FF. A [ugiae] M [inoris]' See Weissenau. 'b. £' 15th c. 2508 Premonstratensians BFO on a shield [bookplate] See Beggi (FranciscoFG [stamp] 1110,1310 Orazio) F. H. [stomp] See Hasselmann (Fritz) B. G. in a circle with head of Minerva [stamp] See 'F. M. P.' See Merlus (Franciscus) Ghent. University Library *F. R.' See Raincock (Fletcher) B. R. [bookplate] See Bertieri (Raffaello) F. S. A. L. [on a binding] See Moesinger (Stephan) B V beneath a coronet [bookplate] See Brougham 'F. S.L.A.' i8th(?)c. 2189 & Vaux (Henry Peter, 1st Baron) F T in a heart [stamp] 1749 C. 'Polidori de C , early 16th c. 2278 'FT' with arms, 16th(?) c. 2650 C C addorsed & interlaced beneath a coronet [stamp] 'FV 2849 157, 312, 344, 428, 3493 F V in a wreath [stamp] 165, 1781, 2808 ? CDFT [=Dingolfing?] [stamp] 1090 'G A E' with arms 1754 ? c h i [stamp] 821 G. v. O. [19th c. bookplate] 3354 1CHTT, 1758 [bookplate] 515 H. 'Nicolai H. Lanquardeh., 1519' 2687 CJ on a shield: Quaero [bookplate] See Capron H.F. [label] 2758 (Jules) HL doubled, beneath a coronet [bookplate] See ' C . K . 3417' 25 Landau (Count Horace de) C. R. [s^mp] 29, 279 ? HLP [on a 17th c. binding] 3149 C. S. A. C. 1646 [on a binding] See Strauch 'LA.' with arms 2683 (Cornelius) ' I . A . V . G . ' cai6oo 2646 'I.D.B.UL, 1567' 830 ' C . W . 1859' 3144 I-I. F. 1604 [on a binding] 3338 D. 'Johannes D\ early 16th c. 4059 'I. P. 1482' [rubricator] 1144 D. B. in a double oval [stamp] 540
I N D E X OF PROVENANCES 'J. B. N. F. 1788' 1652 'S. D . \ 16th c. 4059 S. G. beneath -~- [stomp] 1731 'J.F.', 16th c. 4065 'J. F/ in a forged colophon 2871 S fJj G in a circle [stamp] i960 S | ( M i « a circle [stamp] See Kelheirh. Franciscans 'J.F.P[ayne?]' 2236 'J. H. M. 1893* See Middleton (John Henry) S t M A I in a. circle [stamp] See Ingolstadt. 'J.H. S. [18]67' 2424 Franciscans S. M. M. B (or R?). in the quarters of a circle J. J. H. beneath a lion rampant holding a cross [stamp] [stamp] 1898 559 6 SMR9,i7thc. 2602 'J. L.' with arms, ca 1500 2570 ' S M S , 1531' See Sagkrer (Michael) 'J. S. 1618' 182 S jtj S in a circle [stamp] 1768 'K.L.' 3563 9 'ST ,i6thc. 2855 K P B 1602 [on a binding] 967 'Rudolfus T de RapperschwiV', 1500 1330 T. LV a knot above, a star below [stamp] 1659 T. B. [on a late 16th c. binding] 1978 M A above a shield bearing a grasshopper [stamp] 1804 M. A. Z. R. [bookplate] See Moritz (Mauritius) ' V B T ' [also a stamp, between crossed swords(?) in a circular wreath] 215 uF [stamp] 2673 *M. M. S.9 [also on a binding] See Sykes (Sir V. N. in a double circle [stamp] See Nagler (Karl Ferdinand Friederich von) Mark Masterman) 'V. W. 1475' 882 'MRS9 2602 * W andmotto'Solus Deus...9 See Westmorland M T in a circle beneath a cross ofLorraine [bookplate] See Tomkinson (Michael) (Mildmay Fane, 2nd Earl of) N. 'Jo. N.9, 16th c. 533 'W.H.H:,i9thc. 3907 N F withfiguresof the Annunciation [stamp] 2243 W K D beneath crest & motto Tenax infide[bookplate] 1025 P. * Thomas P', ca i$oo 4059
II. ANONYMOUS MOTTOES *^* Entries in inverted commas are MS. inscriptions 'Aliis inserviendo consumor' 830 Archintea laus [bookplate] See Archinto (Count Carlo) Avancez [bookplate] See Hill (Sir Rowland) Constantia et labore [bookplate] 1866, 2064 'Da Gloriam Deo. V.W. 1475' 882 Deo fidelis et regi [bookplate] See Williams (Samuel Charles Evans) Dieu et La France [bookplate] 2994 AOKIMAZE1N KATEXE1N [bookplate] See Lawrence (Edwin Henry)
'Elck mensch moet Kempen' See Kemp (Abraham) Fare fac [bookplate] See Fairfax (Bryan) Furth fortune and fill the fetters [bookplate] See Murray Groeninghe velt [bookplate] See Borluut de Noortdonck (F.XJ.G.) Hostili Tincta Cruore [bookplate] 2536*5 In portu quies [bookplate] See Wilbraham (Roger William) Insignia Capituli [bookplate] 77, 2826
FIFTEENTH-CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS J'ai bonne cause [armorial binding-stamp] See 'Solus Deus protector meus' See Westmorland Botfield (Beriah) (Mildmay Fane, 2nd Earl of) La vertue est la seule noblesse [bookplate] See Strike [bookplate] See Hawke (Edward Hawke, 'Guilford (Frederick North, $th Earl of) 3rd Baron) Nee beneficii immenior nee iniuriae [bookplate] Sublimia euro [bookplate] See Doedes (Jacob See Walrond (Bethell) Isaac) Nobilis ira [armorial binding-stamp] 2152 'Sufficiat mihi gratia Domini', ca 1600 2646 Nullius in verba [bookplate] See Royal Society Te duce [bookplate] 3480, 3539 of London Tenax in fide [bookplate] 1025 Pietas homini tutissima virtus [bookplate] See Torcular calcavi solus [bookplate] See Madden Verdussen (Jean Baptiste) (Jean Patrice Auguste) Posui Deum adiutorem meum jrfamp] See Verum atque decens [bookplate] See Lee (John), ofHartwell Wilkinson ( ? N orH ) 'Verus Celluy Je suis' See Russell (John), Quaero [bookplate] See Capron (Jules) Chancellor of England Quod tibi ne alteri [bookplate] See Alexander Victoria concordia crescit [bookplate] See Am(Alexander) Resolute and firm [armorial binding-stamp] See herst of Hackney (William Amhurst TyssenMilbanke Amherst, 1st Baron) Re [spice?] fi[nem?] [on a 16th c. binding] 2838 ' Videte Vigilate et Orate' See Lauther (Georg) ' ServireDeo regnare est' See Crashawe (William) Vigila ne devoreris [bookplate] 4035 Sir Walter's Study [bookplate] See Pope'Vox domini super Aquas' See Atwater (William) Hennessy (Sir John) 'Wage, Kaufmann, gerecht...' 2692 'Soli Deo gloria', 16th c. 2855
III. PERSONS & INSTITUTIONS % * Entries in heavy type are the gifts of the persons under whose names they are indexed AACHEN. Benedictines (St Adalbert) 2753
1582,1634,1661,1662,1664,1672,1749,1750, 1758,1760,1763,1764,1803,1820,1895,1923, A C H A T I U S See W A N D E R E I S E N (Achatius) 1937,1956,1975, 2057, 2069, 2150,2154, 2179, ACKERSDIJCK (Willem Cornells), 1760-1843, 2211, 2256, 2278,2442, 2464, 2581, 2585,2604, of Utrecht 3288 2613, 2768, 2791, 2836, 3224, 3289, 3400, 3654, A C T O N (Ambrose), ofAlby, Norfolk, 16th c. 223 3814, 4016, 4027, 4131 A C T O N (John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton, A D KINS (Percy Rutherford), M.D., of Brighton, Baron), 1834-1902 For Lord Acton's library, d. 1917 1061 bought by Andrew Carnegie and given by A D M O N T . Benedictines (St Blaise) 787,3792 him to John Morley, who presented it to the ADRIANUS, 'custos antiquae ecclesiae in Delft\ University, see MORLEY (John, Viscount) ca 1300 3414 ADAMS (John Couch), 1819-92, Lowndean Pro- A D U R N U S (Petrus), of Bruges, 1564 & 1377 3870 fessor of Astronomy, Camb. 33, 41, 103, 132, AELLEWIJNS (Marige), ca 1300 3335 141,154,166,175,182,184, 215, 227,237, 256, AERLEBOUT (Petrus), 1682 3342, 3350 257, 532, 535, 546, 549, 550, 591,690,703, 738, AFFELEN (Hermannus de), 1333 659 789, 876, 907, 929, 958, 983, 986, 990, 1029, AFFLIGHEM. Benedictines (SS. Peter & Paul) 3783 1042,1056,1065,1068,1103,1373,1397,1535, AIGUEPERSE. Church of the B.V.M. 186 A A R O N H A - K O H E N , ca 1350 2588
), 19th c. 1780
abbas See G R A T I A D E I (An-
A I T Z (Georg), donor to St Wenceslas, Bruck, 16th c. tonius) ANTWERP. Augustinian Canonesses of Faconshof 260 (O.L. Vrouwendale in Valkenbroek) 3605; A I X - L A - C H A P E L L E See A A C H E N Beghards 3865; Carmelites 2809; Carthusians ALARANDIS (Philippus & Aminadab de), 1537 530; Church of the B.V.M. 426; Cistercians (St 2282 Salvator) 3572, 3575, 3577, 3865 ? ALBANI {arms of) 2120, 2157, 2536, 2849 APEL (Ter). Crutched Friars (Conv. Novae Lucis) ALBAUGIA SeeWEissENAU 168, 696 ALBERGOTTI [auctioneer S note, 19th c.?] 1371 A P P O N Y I (CountLouis), 1849-1909 887,949,2450 ALBUS (Claudius), 16th c. 2080, 2084 ALDENHAM (Henry Hucks Gibbs, 1st Baron), AQUAPERSA See AIGUEPERSE ? A Q U A R A . Franciscans 2627 1819-1907 10, 277, 2752 ? ARARUS (Jodocus), 'Sacell. S. Brigid.*, late 17th c. A L D E N H A M ABBEY See STUART (William) A L D E N H A M H O U S E See A L D E N H A M (Henry 413 ARCHANGELUS, de Crem[onat], Franciscan, Hucks Gibbs, 1st Baron) 16th c. 1526 ALEN (Thomas), 16th c. 4074 ALEXANDER (Alexander), of Auchmull, 17th c. A R C H I N T O (Count Carlo), 1669-1732, of Milan 1150 724, 1935 ALEXANDER (Nicholas), sub-prior of the Domini- ARGALL (Jane & Mary), 18th c. 1640 A R G E N T I U M See A R I E N Z O cans at Warwick, ca 1539 3391 ARIENZO, nr Nola. Dominicans (Conv. S. ALExiA, soror, 1528 1643*5 Mariae) 2516 ALLEN (Edmund?), 1627 394 ALLEN (John Higgins), 1841-1917, ofTrin. Coll, ARMBROSTER (Johannes Valentinus), of Worms, 1391 1127 Camh. 236, 2810 ALLEN (Percy Stafford), 1869-1933, President of A R N O L D (Thomas James), 1804I-77 1388 ARNSBURG. Cistercians 931 Corpus Christi Coll, Oxf 2851, 3047 ARRAS. Jesuits 2838 ALLIOTT (Egidius), Badensis, ca i$$o 187 ARTOPOEUS (Johannes Christophorus), 1626ALMAS ( d'), ca 1700 3182 1702, of Strassburg 1051 ALTAFINUM. 'Monasterii Altafini9 (unidentified) A R u N D E L (Henry Fitzalan, 12th Earl of), 1511 ?-8o 2002 1986 ALTEMPS (Giann-Angelo), d. 1620, & Gaudenzio ARUNDELL ( ) 16th c. 4065 Altemps, d. 1677 1424, 173°, 2253, 2669 ARYAEN, of the convent ofSt Mary Magd., Utrecht, ALTOMUENSTER. Brigittines 924 early 16th c. 3983 AMBERG. Franciscans (StBernardinus) 1215,1350 AMBIANI
See A M I E N S
AMBROSINI (Raimondo), of Bologna, d. 1914 2484 ASCHERSLEBEN. Bernardines 675 AMHERST OF H A C K N E Y (William Amhurst ASCHERSON (Charles Stephen), ofMerton Coll., Oxf, d. 1945 2611 Tyssen-Amherst, 1st Baron), 1835-1909 3640 AMIENS. Celestines (S S.Antony & Martin) 3051 ASHBURNER (Walter), 1864-1936, Professor of AMORBACH. Benedictines (B.V.M.) 2815 Jurisprudence, Oxf. 2331 ANDECHS. Benedictines (B.V.M.) 980 ASHBURNHAM (Bertram, 4th Earl of), 1797ANDERNACH. Franciscan Recollects 1667 1878 348 (?), 600, 659, 899, 1098, 1274, 2028, ANDREAE (Johannes), 16th c. 3204 2251, 2260, 2386, 2670, 3054, 3082, 3104, ' ANDREW. 'Religieuxdesainctandri' (unidentified) 3979 2917 ASHBY (Thomas), 1874-1931, of Christ Church, ANDREWS (Roger). Perhaps Roger Andrews, Oxf 2224, 2615, 2684 Fellow of Pemb. Coll, & Master of Jesus Coll, ASKALL (Humphrey), of St Johns Coll, Camb., Camb., d. 1635 2179 d. 1580 3091
FIFTEENTH-CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS ASKEW (Antony), 1722-74, of Emmanuel Coll, Camb. 3764 A s pA c H. Benedictines (St Matthew) 713,739 ASPHALEBIUS (Michael), Benedictine at Lorch, IS 14 1804 ASPLAND (Alfred), 1815-80, of Dukinjield, Cheshire 1554 ASTIGI
BADYSSLEY (Wyllhelmus), 16th c. 1970 BAERTSBANC (Augustinus), ca 1500 333
BAGARDE (Thomas), Canon of Worcester, d. 1544 1868 BAGSHA (Thomas), Vicar of Cranborne, 16th c. 1687 B A I U S (Michael), 1513-89. ' Bibliothecce Bail See
LOUVAIN. College de Bay
ASTORGA (marques de) [Sale, March 1826] 1942 BALBANUS (Hieronymus), Papal Secretary, Bp of ATKINSON (Edward), 1819-1915, Master of Clare Perugia, d. 1492 1554 Coll, Camb. 274, 374 BALDUINUS [...], monk ofLangheim, 1728 2554 A T R E B A T U M See ARRAS BALEN (Ghisbertus), ca 1500 3497 ATTWATER (Thomas Aurelius), 1810-64, of BALLENSTEDT (Johann Arnold), of Helmstedt, d. ca 1790 741, 742 Erdington, co. Warwick 349, 370, 373 A T WATER (William), 1440-1521, Bp of Lincoln ? BALMARE (David), 16th c. 1841 BALUZE (Etienne), 1630-1718 1723, 3288 1734 A u AM I N N . Augustinian Canons (B.V.M. & BAMBERG. Benedictines (St Michael) 541,2797; Carmelites 1156, 1238; Dominicans i o n StFelicitas) 560 BAMBROGH (Johannes), Vicar of Mailing, Kent, AUBREY (Theodosia), 16th c. 4092 early 16th c. 2179 A U C H I N C R U I V E See O S W A L D (Richard BANFF (George Ogilvy, 1st Baron), d. 1663 3311, Alexander) 3312, 3686 AUCUPARIUS (Thomas Didymus), d. 1532 1051 BARBER (Mrs ) , purchaser at Hirst Sale, 1887 A U D O M A R A See S T O M E R 4082 A U E R (Michael), 1530 739 BARBET (Louis Alexander) [Sale at Paris, June A U G I A M I N O R See W E I S SEN AU AUGSBURG. Augustinian Canons (St George) 53; 1932] 2991 (Coll. S. Crucis) 72; Benedictines (SS. Ulrich& BARBETTE (Vincentius), 17th c. 1672 Afra) 88, 906; Capuchins 1006; Dominicans B ARLAW (Humfridus), 16th c. 2943, 3030, 3080, 73, 1332; Episcopal Library 905; Franciscans 3103, 3472 BARLOW (Sir Thomas Dalmahoy), ofTrin. Coll, 883 Camb. 181, 2244; 2884 A U G U S T I N I A N C A N O N S (unidentified). * Canon. BARNABY (John), late 17th c. 3309 Reg. S. Aug. in Gruseherst (?), 1704* 3302 BARNARD (Percy Mordaunt), 1868-1941, of ? A U S I N U S [ A U S T U U S ? ] (Gabriel), 16th c. 853 Christ's Coll., Camb. 4137 BARNHEIM ( ), Geh. Justiz-Rat, of InsterBAART DE LA FAILLE (Jacob) See L A FAILLE burg, E. Prussia [Sale, 8 May 1873] 320, 345, (Jacob Baart de) BABINGTON (Churchill), 1821-89, Disney Prof. 369, 372, 375, 379, 381, 433, 493, 497, 5<58, of Archaeology, Camb. 648, 3272 906 BABINGTON (Matthew Drake), 1788-1851, of BARON (Hyacinthe Theodore), the younger, Trin. Coll., Camb. 1904 (?), 1930, 1979, 2072, 1707-87 3366 2082, 2090 (?), 2338 BARRON (Edward Jackson), F.S.A., d. 1918 BABINGTON (Thomas), of Kingshaugh, Notts., 1313, 3227 BARRY (Arthur Hugh Smith) SeeBARRYMORE i57[->-] 1642 (Arthur Hugh Smith-Barry, 1st Baron) ? B A C H S C H N E L C H E R (Leonardus), 16th c. 3617 BACKHUS (John), Rector of Achurch, Northants, BARRY (Henry), Rector ofCollace, 147[5?] 3311, 3312, 3686 1563-91 1344 B A C O N (Nicholas), of Emmanuel Coll., Camb., BARRYMORE (Arthur Hugh Smith-Barry, 1st Baron), 1843-1925, ofMarbury Hall 250, 4173 Vicar ofCoddenham, Suffolk, d. 1795 199 822
INDEX OF PROVENANCES BARTHOLOMEUS, capellanus in Hasslach, ca 1300BENEDICTINES (unidentified) 1746 (?) 2809 BENEDIKTBEUERN. Benedictines (SS. Benedict & B A S E L D O N C K See H E R T O G E N B O S C H ('S). James) 1351, 3224 Williamites BENET (Henry), of Trin. Coll., Camb. (B.A. BASELLA See D O M I N I C A N S (unidentified) 1368-9) 1946 BATE (Henry), 1631, pensioner of Christ's Co//., B E N I N T E N D I (Livio), 19th c. 1898 Camb. 1989 BENNETT (Mrs ) , ca 1888 2955 BATE MAN (William), 1787-1833, of Middleton BENTLEY (Richard), 1662-1742, Master of Trin. Hall (Youlgrave, Derbys.), & Thomas Bateman, Coll., Camb. 2167 1821-61 94, 187, 1148,1349, 1388, 4128, 4143, ?BEOZ (Fr.), 1819 331, 342, 377 4148, 4154, 4183 BERCHING, nr Eichstatt. Praedicatura Ecclesiae BATHURST (RtHon. Charles) SeeBRAGGE (Rt Berchingensis 2004 Hon. Charles) BERCKENMAIR (Petrus), 1496 906 ?BATINIANUM. 'Conv. S. Crucis Batiniani(?)' BERESFORD (Edward), 1767 1724 (unidentified) 1878 BERGIS (Jacob), ca 1300 3481 BERKELEY (Robert & Thomas), 16th c. 4092 BATTLE. Benedictines (St Martin) 1982 ? BAUGERRYE, 16th c.
B A U M A N N (Michael), 1631 3713
Bibliotheca Regia
(later Preussische
759, 1340
BAUMBURG. Augustinian Canons (St Margaret) BERNA, 'prope Hoesden' See H E U S D E N . 123, 1034 Premonstratensians BAVARIA. Bibliotheca Electoralis Utriusque Bavaria? ? B E R N A R D . 'MSC. Bernards (?), ca 1800 1861 Ducum See MUNICH. Hof- & Staatsbibliothek BERNARDUS (Sebastianus), 16th c. 2457 BAYNES (John), 1738-87, of Trin. Coll., Camb., BERTIERI (Raffaello), typographer, of Milan, & Grafs Inn 2973 b. 1873 2484, 2708 BEAULIEU, late 17th c. 3229 BERTINI (Giuseppe), of Sillano, ca 1700 2417 BEAUMONT (John Thomas Barber), 1774-1841 BERWOUTS (Henricus), ca 1300 3805 BETHAM (Edward), 1707-83, Fellow of King9s 721 BECHTER (Jorg), 1316 2745 Coll., Camb. 2683 BECKER (Johann Christoph) See ARTOPOEUS BETHLEHEM, nr Louvain. Augustinian Canons (Johannes Christophorus) 3456, 3721, 3968 BECKET (Nic), 18th c. 2151, 2158, 3166 BETHMANN (Baron de) [Sale at Paris, ljune 1923] BECKFORD (William), 1739-1844 1864, 2593 466, 611 BEE (John), ca 1600 753, 754, 755, 773 BE TIN us, cartularius, 1300 1787 BEGGI (Francesco Orazio), author of'The Papal BEVERLEY (Robert Mackenzie), 17961-1868, of Criminal History9 (1862) 899, 968, 1117, 1285, Trin. Coll., Camb. 751, 1874 1496, 1593,1594, 2210, 2260, 2335, 2819, 3200, BIBERACH. Confraternity of St Anne 2744 B I B L I O T H E C A C O N O V I A N A See C O N W A Y 3963 BEIHARTING. Augustinian Canons (St John) (Frederick William) 936, 1154, 2097 B I B L I O T H E Q U E DE M E L L O See SEILLIERE BELLINGEN (Antoine van), of Antwerp [Sale, (Baron Achille de) February 1883] 313, 400, 3863 BICKERSTETH (Henry), Baron Langdale See BELLUS R E D I T U S See LIEGE. PremonLANGDALE (Henry Bickersteth, Baron) stratensians BELLYNG (W
BICKFORD D U N S L A N D , Devon 2151, 2158,
), ca 1300 2180
BENACCI (Giacomo), of Bologna, d. 1328 1022 BENAHAVIS (Ricardo Heredia, conde de) See HEREDIA (Ricardo), conde de Benahavis
BENATIUS (Jacobus) See B E N A C C I (Giacomo)
BILBROUGH (Robert), 1373 4072
BIELEFELD. Franciscans 1194
B1 ELINSKI (Count Wiadysiaw), 19th c. 2806
FIFTEENTH-CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS BOLNEY (Anthony), 1346, of Gonville Hall, ), 19th c. 747 BIRCHER (Henricus), Canon of Beromunster, 1623 Camb., sub-prior of St Pancras, Lewes, in 1337 4118 2036 B*o L o GN A. Bibl. Magnani (Bibl. Comunale) 1746; BIRKENHEAD (Henry), late 16th c. 4067 Monastery of St Saviour 1359; Vallombrosans B I S H O P (William Chatterley), 1833-1922, of (St Bartholomew of Musiliano) 1022 (?) Emmanuel Coll., Camb. 1124
B I S H O P ' S STORTFORD. School 1941, 2686
B I T I S (Jacobus de), 1304 2809
BOLSANO. Reformed Franciscans 933, 1311, 1645, 1928
BONAVENTURA, Abbas Minoraug. See BREM ? BLACHER (Franciscus), 16th c. 3557 BLACK (WilliamHenry), 1808-72, antiquary 138, (Bonaventura) B O N D AM (Pieter), 1727-1800 3321, 3327 1804, 2587, 3663 B O N N . University Library 154 BLACKETT See BLAKKET O ), ca 1823 3569, 3580 BLACKS TONE (James), Fellow of All Souls Coll, B O N S A L L Q Oxf, d. 1831 4200 B O O T H (George Ayscough), ofExeter Coll., Oxf, BLADES (William), 1824-90, printer & bibliod. 1883 1052 grapher 4097 B O R L U U T DE N O O R T D O N C K (Francois Xavier BLAGGE (Robert), King's Remembrancer, d. Joseph Ghislain), 1771-1837 207, 574, 676,971, 1322(1) 733 3324, 3675, 3721, 3774, 3825, 3860, 3870, 3888, BLAKKET (James), [13)99 1326*5 3919 BLANCKWALT (Johannes), of Fulda, ca 1300 B O S T O N (Roger & Thomas), 16th c. 1857 BOTELAR (Thomas) See BUTLER (Thomas) BLANKENB[URG?]. 'BibliothecaeBlanckenb.9 683
BOTFIELD (Beriah), 1807-63, of Christ Church, BLEARE (Andreas), ca 1600 3043 Oxf 3696 BLEW (WilliamJohn), 1808-94, ofWadham Coll., BOTHAMLEY (Hilton), 1836-1919, ofTrin. Coll., Oxf 837,3849 Camb. 938, 1686, 1772, 3176 BLISS (Francis Kennard), 1892-1916, of Kings BOTZHEIM (Johannes von), Abstemius, 1480?Coll., Camb. 200 1333 982 BLISS (Philip), 1787-1837, of St Johns Coll., Oxf B o u L A Y. Irish Recollects 295 8, 3132 4156 BOULT ( \17thc. 3226 B L o 1 s. Benedictines (St homer) 3136 BOURGEOYS (Pierre), 16th c. 1741 BLOMEFIELD (Miles), b. 1323, alchemist, of Bury B O U R N E (M ), 1397 1024 St Edmunds, licensed as physician by Cambridge B O U S T U S (Nicolaus), 16th c. 1957 University 1332 1817 BOUTOURLIN (DmitriPetrovitch, Count), 1790BLONDEL (
1849 2335> 2522> 2856
), 1686 3100
B L U E N B U R C H (D
), 1396 1838
), 1609 2696
BLUMENBERG (Johann Edmund), 1769-1831,
BOVY (Rye), 1497 4204
professor at Hildesheim 323, 573 B O D I N (Philippus), 16th c. 1741
BOWBEARE (Johannes), 17th c. 768
BOEDDEKEN. Augustinian Canons 669 BOELEN. 'Nicolaus Hillebrandi alias Boelen9, 16th c. 358 BOGAERDE (Anselm van den), 19th c. 477, 494,
496, 1412, 3117 BOILEAU (Sir John Peter), F.S.A., 1794-1869 1398 BOIS-LE-DUC
See H E R T O G E N B O S C H (*S)
BOWES (William), Vicar of Combe St Nicholas, Som., 1302-19 3707, 3731, 3786 BOWSFIELD (Samuel), ca 1700 3245 BOWYER (Thomas), ca 1700 4060 BOXMEER. Carmelites 3558, 3562, 3565, 3566, 3568, 3571, 3582, 3583, 3622 BOYCEAU (Gedeon), Santonensis, 17th c. 2019 B o Y D E (Alexander), 17th c. 2009 BOYLE (Edmund Montagu), F.S.A., 1846-1883 1830
INDEX OF PROVENANCES BOYTGENBACH (Johannes), Canon of the church B R E T O N (Anthony), 16th c. 1615, 1618 ofSS. Chrysanthus & Daria at Munstereifel, 1483 BRETT (Thomas), 1667-1744, of Queens' Coll., & 102 C.C.C., Camb. 589 B O Y T O N (Ann), 17th c. 4139
B R E T T O N (Johannes), 16th c. 3240
B R [ . . . ] (Jacobus), Landensis, 1625 3372, 3374
BRIDGES (Andreas), 17th c. 173
BRADSHAUS (Thomas), 16th c. 1868
BRIGGs. *Briggys Richarde.. .John briggis9, ca 1500
BRADSHAW (Henry), University Librarian, 186786 (1868) 9, 292, 317, 318, 321, 324, 328, 352, 368, 371, 37<&, 378, 38o, 424, 444,472,477,478, 480, 489, 494,496, 505,548, 578, 579, 590, 596, 622,726,782,927,1172,1545,2451,2702,2886, 2919, 3179, 3267, 3279, 3290, 3319, 3330, 3332, 3369, 3590, 3669, 3854, 3861, 3890, 3926, 4012, 4015; (1870) 18,19, 330, 595,1625,3296,3366, 3390, 3420, 3602, 3652, 3736, 3872,4003, 4084, 4188; (1884) 3617, 3662, 3940, 3999; (1885-6) 461,485,926,967,1062,1092,1809,1861,2782, 2783, 2784, 3372, 3374, 3817, 4035,4172,4219; (date unknown) 1228, 2041, 4134, 4147; from his library, presented by his friends, 1887 98, 608,
686, 776, 1158, 1315, 2527, 2724, 3258, 3595, 3691, 3703, 3836, 3987, 4104; Memorial Fund 515, 3690 BRAGGE, afterwards Bathurst (Rt Hon. Charles), 17547-1831, of Lydney Park, Glos. 708, 730, 731, 792, 793, 807, 860, 865, 3443, 3491 BRAGUTI (Paolo?), early lgth c. 2300 BRAMLEY (Henry Ramsden), 1833-1917, Fellow ofMagd. Coll, Oxf 3100 BRANCASDELAURAGUAIS (Louis Leon Felicite, due de), 1733-1824 166, 3069 BRAND (John), 1744-1806, antiquary 3176 BRANDENBURG (Hilprand), of Biberach, late 15th c. 12, 134, 300, 1222, 2744 BRASSICANUS (Joannes Alexander), professor at Vienna, d. 1539 2313 BRAVE (Lorenz), of Camburg (Thuringia), ca 1790 631 BRA YE (Ro.), 17th c. 4072 ?BRBRXS, i.e. Ararus (Jodocus),' Sacell. S. Brigid.',
3839 BRYGGES (Thomas), late 15th c. 829
BRIGHT (Benjamin Heywood), d. 1844 3584 BRIGHT (George Charles), M.D., 1840-1922 2396 BRIGHT (Richard), M.D., F.R.S., 1789-1858 156 B R I N C K M A N N (Johannes), of Paderbom, 1545
3883 B R I S T O W (Thomas), 16th c. 4067 BRITISH M U S E U M
437, 760, 2987, 3313,
3422, 3440, 3449, 3552 BRIXEN. Poor Clares (St Elizabeth) 175*5, 1260*5; Reformed Franciscans
175*5, 1260*5,
2024 B R i i (Camillus & Accursius), 16th c. 1659 BROAD LEY (John), F.S.A., 1774-1833, of Kirk Ella, Yorks. 632, 633, 636, 643, 644 BRODIE (Sir Benjamin Collins), 1783-1862, surgeon 2705 BROMEFELD (
), 16th c. 1981
B R O M L E Y - D A V E N P O R T (William), M.P., 1821-
84, of Capesthorne, Cheshire 2342 BROOK (Arthur), 1831-1909, of University Coll., Oxf 1969 BROOKE (Sir Thomas), F.S.A., 1830-1908, of Armitage Bridge 3180 BROOKE (William Jngham), ofExeter Coll., Oxf, d. 1923 3180 BROU (
de), 1847 3304
B R O U G H A M & V A U X (Henry Peter, 1st Baron),
1778-1868 114, 219*5, 551*5, 1302*5
late 17th c. 413 B R E M (Bonaventura), last Abbot of Weissenau, 1794-1803 (d. 1818) 32, 113, 1695, 2736
261, 269, 413, 564, 1236,
1240,1287,1429,1756,1926, 2097, 2230, 2330, 2353, 2418, 2470, 2504, 2583, 2673, 2690, 2693, 2764, 2818, 3152, 3876, 3943, 3982, 3994, 4018, 4192
), 1605 1802
B R O W N (Thomas 6-John), 16th c. 3171
B R O W N (Thomas Richard), 1791-1875, Vicar of Southwick 280, 281, 3655 BROWNE (G ). Perhaps George Browne, sizar BRESCIA. Dominicans 2017, Jesuits 1908 of Pembroke Coll., Camb. (M.A. 1590-91) 3801 BRESLAU. University Library (Bibl. Viadrina) B R O W N E (Tho.), 17th c. 4171 2778 BRENE (Johannes), 16th c. 2771
BRENTHYLL (Edward), ca 1600 3213*5
(William), 17th c. 4086
), 19th c. 3905
BURRA (James Salkeld), 1838-1911, of University BRUCK, nr Znaim (Moravia). Premonstratensians Coll., Oxf. 2754, 3085 BURR AGE (Champlin), of Brown Univ., Provi(St Wenceslas) 260 dence, U.S.A. 1952 BRUDENELL (Thomas) See CARDIGAN BURRELL (Edwin), Assistant, University Library, (Thomas Brudenell, 1st Earl of) BRUGES. Jesuits 2900,3870; Poor Clares (Sion) 333 Camb., d. 1934 2870 M ), ca 1800 3196 BRUGGHEN (Siberthus), of Cologne University B U R T O N (I B U R T O N (William), 1375-1645, antiquary 4214 (matr. 1494) 406 BROWNLOWE (Robert), 17th c. 1628
(Johannes), 15th c. 3693 BRUNETUS (Jo. Jacobus), 17th c. 2726 BRUNNER (Jodpcus), 147s 976
B U R T U N (Johannes), 16th c. 655
Bus SEN (Wolbertus), ca 1500 189 B U T E (Marquis of). Luton Library 2899-5 BRUNS (Matthaeus), parish priest of Marienau, BUTLER (Alban), 1569-1617, ofMagd. Coll., Oxf. & Richard Butler, of St Johns Coll., Camb., E. Prussia, second half of 17th c. 1846 d. 1612; both of Aston-le-Walls, Northants. 4164 BRUSSELLE (Marie van), 16th c. 3335 BRUSSELS. Augustinian Canons.of Rubea Vallis, BUTLER (Arthur John), 1844-1910, Fellow of Trin. Coll., Camb. 3569, 3580; from his see Roedenclooster; Carthusians 2638; Franlibrary, given by Mrs A. J. Butler 1769, 1825, ciscans 3933 ; Jesuits 3954 BRYDGES-CHANDOS-GRENVILLE See 2334, 2410 BUTLER (Charles), 1821-1910, of Warren Wood, BUCKINGHAM & CHANDOS Hatfield, Herts. 614, 1921, 2023, 2152, 2386, BRYGGES SeeBRiGGS 2425, 2896, 2897, 3241, 3243 BUCCLEUCH (William Henry Walter MontaguDouglas-Scott, 6th Duke of), 1831-1914 3069, BUTLER (Henry Montagu), 1833-1918, Master of Trin. Coll., Camb. (Prize Fund) 1874, 1881, 4083 1882, 2100, 2105, 2111, 2304 B U C K I N G H A M & C H A N D O S (Richard TempleNugent-Brydges-Chandos-Grenville, 1st Duke BUTLER (Richard) See BUTLER (Alban) BUTLER (Thomas), 1487I-1571, last Abbot of the of), 1776-1839 219-5, 551*5, 1302-5 Shrewsbury Benedictines 1884 BUCKLE (Henry Thomas), 1821-62 3601 PBUCKLEY (John), perpetual curate of Lamesley, BUTTLER (Henry), 17th c. 2513 BUTZBACH. Brothers of the Common Life (St co. Durham, 1636-41 4163 BUCKLEY (Michael), ca 1600 3784 Mark) 1218 BUCKLEY (William Edward), 1818-92, Fellow of B U X H E I M . Carthusians 12, 116, 134, 300, 609, Brasenose Coll., Oxf 148, 1478, 1489, 1497, 670, 943, 1107,-1222, 1268, 1329, 2744, 2745, 1499,1518, 1527,1529,1533,1589, 2052, 2059, 3453 2063, 2226, 2269, 2876, 3437, 3633 BYGGES (Johannes), early 16th c. 3247 B U D E R I C K (Martinus?), ca 1500 3461
?BYT (JO.), ca 1646 2869
BUEREN (Gerardus de), Canon of St Salvator,
) , 16th c. 3171
Maestricht, ca 1300 3428 BULLOCK
(John Frederick Watkinson), 1840-
1918, Rector of Radwinter, Essex 3347 BULLOKE. Probably Henry Bullock, of Queens Coll, Camb., d. 1326 2166 BULSTRODE (Gulielmus), late 17th c. 2098 BURCH (
C A E N . Oratorium Cadomense 3215 CAEROLUS (Petrus), ca 1800 660 CAESAREA
CALSTRIS (Nicolaus de), bookseller, 16th c. 3815 CAMBRIDGE. Baskerville Club 873, 933, 1787,
vander), 16th c. 3966
1836, 2980, 3753; Botanical Garden & Museum
BURGHLEY (William Cecil, 1st Baron), 1320-98 2804 BURN (Betty Kathleen), of Newnham Coll., Camb. 1002
1880, 3804; Hall of the Annunciation of the B.V.M. (Gonville)
3856; Kings College 1903;
Observatory Library 2034; St Clement's Hostel 738; Schola Historical
Seeley Library 1917
INDEX OF PROVENANCES CAMBRON-CASTEAU. Chapelle de Notre Dame de Cambron 652
CEWERS (Wilhelmus)
' C H A R T R O N . ' See C A R M E L I T E S (unidentified)
See T E X T O R I S
(Guilelmus) C A M E N T Z See K A M E N Z C H A D WICK (Charles & John), of Healey Hall, C A M P I L I L I A See LILIENFELD 1784 4140 C A N E T (Johannes), of Lens, 1507 3062 CHALEMOT (Jacques & Stephanne), 17th c. 2878 C A N T U (JO. Franciscus de), 1591 2300 C H A L O N (Renier Hubert Ghislain), 1802-89 CAPASSUS. EX Biblica P. M. Gerardi Capassi Flo. 3650 CHAMBERLAINE (R D ), 1835 1900 1974 CHAMBERS [Sale, 29 June 1854] 2028 CAPLER (Friedrich), ofGlogau, Silesia, 1637 1846 C H A N C E (Frank), 1825-1897, of Trin. Coll., CAPPE (Thomas), Official of the Archdeaconry of Camb. 2276 Norwich, d. 1545/6 3990 CAPPONIUS (JO. Baptista), of Bologna, 1643CHARKE (William), Fellow of Peterhouse, d. 1617 2120, 2157, 2536 1536 C A P R O N (Jules) [Sale, Brussels 1875] 423, 1412, C H A R L T O N (Dr ) [Sale, Sept. 1874] X947 9 3324, 3333, 3383, 3506, 3553, 3<$io, 3<*35, C H A R O L U S . 'Charoli car% ordinis. ,16th c. 1962 C H A R R I N G T O N (John), 1856-1939, Hon. Fellow 3640, 3656, 3659, 3798, 3806, 3870, 3922, 3925 of Magd. Coll., Camb. (1910) 2043; (1911) CARDIGAN (Thomas Brudenell, 1st Earl of), 1646; (1912) 2377; (1913) 2363, 2366, 2369, d. 1663 4083 3300; (1916) 84, 553, 638, 658, 859, 889, 912, C A R D O N N E L (P de), 1650 1126 913,916,917,937,1016,1156,1167,1179,1195, CAREW (Sir Matthew), Fellow of Trin. Coll., 1528,1530,1531,1653,1654,1655,1656,1657, Camb., d. 1618 4162 1658,1659,1667,1670,1671,1673,1676,1677, CARMELITES (unidentified). 'Carmelitarum dis1678,1680,1691,1696,1739,1740,1752, 1921, cal. Chartron.9 2974 1987, 2008, 2014, 2023, 2030, 2146, 2423, 2586, CARMICHAEL (Thomas David Gibson-Car2593, 2738, 2754, 2830, 3022, 3085, 3189, 3241, michael, Baron), 1859-1926 2387 3243, 3549, 3640, 4221; (1917) 156, 302,1342, CARPENTARIUS (Michael), Dean of the Collegiate 1394,1731,1824,2608,2654, 3049, 3347, 3984; church at Hechingen, 1516 187 (1918) 2348, 2813; (1920) 2136, 2342, 2344, CARTER (Anker), ca 1600 3767 2345, 2346,2355, 2357, 2359, 2360, 2361, 2362, C A R T U S I A P A R A D I S I M A R I A E See 2364,2368, 2372, 2373,2374, 2375, 2376, 2378, KARTHAUS 2379, 2381, 2382,2383, 2384, 2385, 2387, 2389, CARTWRIGHT ( ), 17th c. 2073 2391, 2392, 2393, 2394, 2395, 2396, 2397, 2398, CASTEL D U R A N T E (Amato de), d. 1519 2050 2399, 2400,2401, 2402, 2403, 2404, 2405, 2407, CASTELL (Richard), 16th c. 1970 2412, 2413, 2414, 2415, 2416, 2419, 2425, 2426, CASTELL (Thomas), 17th c. 1049 2428,2430,2431,2432,2433,2445,2447,2961; CASTELYN (Thomas), of Willoughby-on-the(1920-21) 1099, 2365; (1921) 4046; (1922) Wolds, Notts., 1571 1639 2358,2367,2446; (1923) 848,1414,19IO, 2015, CASTRIMARIA SeeDuELMEN 2102,2601,2833,3227,3670,4191; (1924) 961, CATHERINE [Parr], 1512-48, Queen Consort of 1317, 1858, 2506, 2699; (1928) 2669; (1929) Henry VIII 4150 716,2505,3248; (1930) 1311,2337,2343,2356, ? CATZENBERG (Jacobus), 1483 937 2411, 2427, 2493, 2592, 2761, 4058; (1931) CAVALERI (Michele), author of'IlMuseo Cavaleri 1400, 1683, 1870, 2459, 2460, 2670, 2713; e il muncipio di Milano' (1875) 24X» 2002, 2288, (1932) 831, 2602, 2991; (1933) I9ii, 2566, 2758 3199, 3273, 3387, 3388; (1934) 1742, 2549, CECIL (William), 1st Baron Burghley See 3237; (1935) 4019,4048; (1936) 543; (W8) BURGHLEY (William Cecil, 1st Baron) 4045 CELESTINES (unidentified) 3852 See MARIENZELL
C H A U N C Y (Charles), M.D., 1706-77 4204
FIFTEENTH-CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS CHAYTOR (Henry John), Master ofSt Catharine's Coll., Camb. 969 C H E ALES (Thomas), early 17th c. 3057 C H E N Y (Ric), late 18th c. 24.66 CHERMSIDE (Sir Robert Alexander), 1787-1860 2856
COLBERT. 'Bibl. Colbertina 1987, 3056 COLBERT (Jacques Nicolas), 1654-1707, Archbp of Rouen 1635 C O L D WELL (Hanricus), 16th c. 3935
COLE (Arthur Frederic Andrew), Hon. Fellow of Kings Coll., Camb. 2099
C H I T T H A M (Ann), ca 1700 1640
C O L E (William), 17th c. 2216
? CHIVERSLEY (Dalanus), 16th c. 1868
COLEMAN (John Noble), 1792-1872, of Queens Coll, Oxf 2778 COLLICK (Arnoldus then), donor to the Crutched
CHOLMELEY (Sir Mountague) 1st Bart., 1772-
1831 2294 C H O L M O N D E L E Y (Reginald), 1826-96, of Con-
dover Hall 3920 CHRISTIE-MILLER C H U R C H (J
Friars of Emmerich, ca 1500
COLLYNSONE (John), ca 1600 3238 See B R I T W E L L LIBRARY
), 1736 2156
C H U R C H (Thomas), 'P.C.C,
early 18th c. 2183
C L A I R V A U X . Cistercians 3366
CLARK (John Willis), 1833-1910, University Registrary i o n CLARKE (Adam), 1762I-1832 3569, 3580 C L A U D I N (Anatole), 1833-1906 3255
COLOGNE. Benedictines (St Martin Major) 657, 695; (St Panthaleon) 307, 337, 385; Carmelites 302, 456; Church of St Ursula 1469; Crutched Friars 406; Discalced Carmelites 824; Gymnasial-Bibliothek 406; Mon. B.V.M. in Sion 3618 C O L T O N (Thomas), 16th c. 199 C O L U M P T O N (Willelmus), 13th c. 2807
COMBURG. Coll. Church of St Nicholas 949 [of Chesters, 1792-1890?\ C o M P T O N (Florence Caroline, Lady Alwyne), d. 1918 2345, 2360, 2363, 2365, 2376, 2377, 3043 CLEINBROT (Leonardus), 16th c. 2508 See also 2389, 2414 KLAINBROTT C O N D E (Joseph Antonio), 1763-1820 4038 C L A Y T O N (Jacobus), late 17th c. 1705, 1774
CLEMENT XII, Pope See C O R S I N I (Lorenzo).
C O N D I V I U S (Theodorus), 17th c. 2449
Bibliotheca Corsinia Vetus
? C L E R X (Joannes), ca 1700 1899
CLOKEREYME (Johannes), Bean of St Severuss,
(unidentified) 115 Erfurt, ca 1500 1940, 2657 C O N R A D I (Arnoldus), Dominican, early 18th c. C L O T Z (Symon), 16th c. 1849, 710 C L U N Y . Franciscans 3191 C O N W A Y (Frederick William), 1787-1853 P C O B B E N R O D , of Westphalia (arms of) 523 ('Bibliotheca Conoviana9) 972 COBLENZ. Augustinian Canons of Niederwerth, C O O K (Thomas), of Ashstead, Surrey, 1628 3838 See N I E D E R W E R T H ; Capuchins 674; Jesuits
C O O K E (Edward), 16th c. 3245
COOKE (William), F.S.A., 1821-94, Hon. Canon of Chester 932 COCKE (J ). Perhaps John Cock of St John s COOPER (Thompson), F.S.A., 1837-1904 3275 C O O T H (Carolus de), rector Niessingensis, d. ca Coll., Camb., d. 1796 3764 1816 3301, 3303, 3346 COCKERELL (Sir Sydney Carlyle) 221, 1742, 2346, 2355, 2374, 2382, 2405, 2428, 2431, 2433, ? C O P E (Ant.), 17th c. 3763 C O Q U E L E T (Gabriel), 1601 3134 2445, 2447 154
C O C H R A N (Evelyn), 19th c. 1795
COESFELD. Capuchins 748, 3516
CORBINELLUS (Jacobus), Cd I7OO 2305
COETSEM (Charles Auguste van), 1788-1863, Professor at Ghent 3461, 3934, 4000 COKET. 'Roberd Coket', ca 1300 2042 COLBATCH (John), 1664-1748, Fellow of Trin. Coll., Camb. 1993
C O R B Y (Robert), 17th c. 3677 CORLEY (John), of Gray s Inn, d. 1865 3251 C O R N A R O , of Venice (arms of) 1864 CORNELIMUENSTER. Benedictines 3304
CORNEY (Andrew & Richard), 18th c. 4099
I N D E X OF PROVENANCES CORRIE (George Elwes), 1793-1883, Master of CRESCIUS (Cosa, wife of Andreas), de Florentia, 16th c. 1803, 1866 Jesus Coll., Camb. 153, 527, 673, 674, 705, 774, C RES WICK (Harry Richardson), University 3093, 3197 Librarian 2212; 1836, 3753 CORSENDONCK See KORSENDONCK CORSINI (Lorenzo). Bibliotheca Corsinia Vetus CREVENNA (Pietro Antonio Bolongaro), d. 1792 1526-5, 2187 692,1438,2340,2477, 3392 CORWALER (Thomas), 1343 3790
C R O F T S (Thomas), 1722-81, Chancellor of the
C O S I M O - T A R E I G I (Tarugio di), 1876 1830
Diocese of Peterborough 2424, 2694
C o SIN (Guilielmus), 1383 2172 CROSIERUS (Joannes), 16th c. 1038 CoSONUS (Petrus), 'Loci Montisfalconum*, 17th c. CROSLEY (Thomas), 17th c. 4173 1654 CROSSE (Thomas), 17th c. 1810 COSSIER (Jacobus), alias Le Brun, of Lens, 1307 CROTHERS (Robert), M.D., d. 1903/4 3136 3062 CROWTHER ( ), 1692 4155 C O S S L I N (StefFanus), ca 1300 3585
C R U T C H E D FRIARS (unidentified)
C O T O N (Walter), 16th c. 3443
C U H L I N G (Edward), 17th c. 1642
CULEMANN (Friedrich Georg Hermann), Senator of Hanover, d. 1886 15, 16, 35, 36, 39, 40, 43, COURTOIS ( ), ca 1800 3065 48,49, 53, 54,69, 81, 82,100, n o , 150,168,183, 335, 387, 397, 428, 435, 452, 463, 525, 593, 602, C O U R T R A I . Jesuits 426 607, 642, 657, 667, 671, 672, 675, 679, 682, 685, C o u T T s, later Coutts-Nevill (F. B. Money) See 696, 702, 709, 748, 830, 838, 898, 954, 1091, LATYMER 1097, m i , 1114,1171,1173,1177, 1183,1184, COVENTRY. School Library 101 1187, 1189,1192,1194,1210,1225, 1227,1267, C o x (Joseph), ofMagd. Coll, Oxf, 1819 3084, 1289, 1292,1397,1409,1652,1730, 1764,1835, 3538 2508, 2523, 2530, 2596, 2634, 2722, 2723, 2766, CRAGG (John),MA {1314),ofB.N.C,Oxf 3129 2782, 2783, 2784, 2859, 3083, 3210, 3255, 3292, CRAIG (James Thomson Gibson), 1799-1886, 3294, 3297, 3298, 3299, 3302, 3352, 3355, 3458, antiquary 2955 3502, 3516, 3578, 3588, 3597, 3607, 3611, 3615, ? CRALLIUS (J ), late 17th c. 1006 CRANMER (Thomas), 1489-1336, Abp of Canter- 3620, 3632, 3644, 3688, 3700, 3802, 3823, 3827, 3880, 3891, 3894, 3899, 3903, 4222 (?) bury 1845, 3185 CRASHAWE (William), 1372-1626, Fellow of CURETON (William), 1808-64, of Christ Church, StJohns Coll, Camb. 217,707,2695,3050,3 546 Oxf 1699 CRASSIER (B de), 1703 2681 CUSPINIANUS (Johannes), 1473-1329, of Vienna,
C O U C H A R D (Quentien), 17th c. 3202 C O U R T OF A R C H E S 1868
C R A U F O R D E (Charles), late 17th c. 3155
humanist & diplomat 2687
CRAWFORD (William Horatio), of Lakelands, Cork, d. 1888 27, 38, 275, 1091, 1181, 1279, 1295, 1357, 1374,1412,1414, 1449, 1452, 1453, 1457, 1458, 1462,1463,1464,1466,1471,1473, 1484, i486, 1490,1491,1492,1494,1498,1500, 1501, 1502, 1503,1504,1505, 1506, 1509,1510, 1512, 1534, 1583, 1584, 1638, 2037, 2298, 2512, 2514, 2572, 2590, 2594, 2681, 2851, 3047, 3083, 3187, 3268, 3521, 3636, 3646, 3658, 3665, 3788, 3939, 4222 C R A W F O R D & BALCARRES (James Ludovic
C U Y K E N S T A G A T H A . Crutched Friars 551,2823 CZEWERSS (Wilhelmus)
See T E X T O R I S
(Guilelmus) D A C H E R I U S (Gilbertus), 17th c. 186 D A L E (Edmund), 16th c. 3486
DALRYMPLE (Arthur), F.S.A., d. 1868/9 2537 D ALT ON (William), B.D., 1801-80 1322, 1662 D A L T Y N (E
), 17th c. 649
DAMPIERRE (Bonaventura de), 16th c. 2868 ' D A N D O Y ' , i M c. 3687
Lindsay, 26th Earl of), 1847-1913 119, 2211, D A N E (Henry), early 16th c. 4101 2275, 2351, 2432, 2635, 3146, 3181, 3336, 3774 D A N ELL, early 16th c, donor to the convent at C R A W S H A W (E
Newcastle 0. T. 528
), 19th c. 2065
FIFTEENTH-CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS D E W - S M I T H (Albert George), 1848-1903, of D A N I N S (Johannes), of Ten Duinen, 1574 1126 Trin. Coll, Camb. 1729 DANKETSCHWEYL (Wolfgang), of Constance, D E W I C K (Edward Chisholm), of St Johns Coll, 1594 1214 Camb. 1090, 1191, 4132 DARBYSHIRE (Alfred), 1839-1908, architect 2232 D E W I C K (Edward Samuel), 1844-1917, of St DAROKE (Edward), ca 1500 3245 Johns Coll., Camb. 1090, 1191 D A S E N (Johannes), 1472 349, 370, 373 DEYE (Thomas), 16th c. 3309 DASENT (Sir George Webbe), 1817-96, of Magi. D I C K I N S O N (Francis Henry), F.S.A., 1813-90 Coll., Oxf 605, 722 DAUBNEY See DAWBNEY 4123 DAVENPORT (Arthur), 1818-1907, of Christ's DIES SEN. Augustinian Canons (B.V.M.) 875 Coll., Camb. 2815 D I E T R I C H S T E I N z u NIKOLSBURG (Alexander DAVENPORT (Edward), 19th c. 2506 Albert Victor Olivier Anton, Ftirst von) 3387, DAVID. * David Antuerpiensis David Regius David 3388 Michael', 16th c. 3469 D1GBY (Everardus), 17th (?) c. 3726 D A V I D (Johannes), 'vie. eccl. par. de Skyueok' DYGBY (Roger), early 17th c. 4083 (Ysceifiog?), ca 1500 3752 DIJON. Carthusians 2980 D A V I D , 'Zaczenus'
See Z A C Z E N U S (David)
DILLINGEN. Jesuits 905
D A V I E S (RO.), 17th c. 198
D A V I S (John), ca 1700 1732
DAWBNEY (John), Fellow ofMagd. & StJohns Colleges, Camb. (M.A. i$6i) 3091 DAY
See D E Y E
D E BEAUMONT (Louis Leopold Martial Baynard), d. 1934 [gift of the Hon. Mrs De Beaumont] 1043, 1877 D E C A U X (William), of Liverpool, ca 1900 1836 DEE (John), 1527-1608, Fellow of Trin. Coll., Camb. 172, 218, 219, 3219
D I L L O N (Arthur Edmund Denis Lee-Dillon, 16th Viscount), 1812-92 2064 D I L L W O R T H (Thomas), 17th c. 2498 DlNELLI (P ), 19th C. 1879 D I N G O L F I N G . Franciscans 1090 D I S N E Y (M ), ca 1700 4072
Diss (Jacobus), 16th c. 2116 DITCHFIELD (James Butterworth), M.D. [Sale, Sotheby's 1893] 1129 DOBBIUS. *Jacobus Dobbius Bors 1619.' 3714 DOBREE (Peter Paul), 1782-1825, Reg. Prof, of ? D E E (John), 1538 186 Greek, Cambridge 2326 DEECKE (Ernst Ludwig Heinrich), 1805-62, of D O D G E (Edward), late 16th c. 1044 Liibeck 1187 DOEDES (Jacob Isaac), 1817-97 310, 650, 3463, D E GROHE (W ), of Rome, 19th c. 1975 3512, 3932 D E LA POLE (Sir John George Reeve) See DOES BURG. Brothers of the Common Life 226 REEVE DE LA POLE (Sir John George) DOGGETT (Johannes), Dominican, of Norwich, DELBERG (
), 19th c. 3415 1535 753, 754,755, 773 DELPRAT (Guillaume Henri Marie), 1791-1871, DOLEATORIS (Jacobus), Dean of St Severus's, of The Hague 864, 3326, 3349, 3371,3373,3378, Erfurt, ca 1500 1940, 2657 3386, 3399, 3426, 3455, 3484, 3500, 3519, 3570, DOLIATORIS (Gerhardus), donor to Dulmen, 1521 3581, 3586, 3596, 3613, 3621, 3639, 3647, 3649, 673 3886, 3931 ? D O M E R N A Y (Robertus), 16th c. 3091 DENDERMONDE. Capuchins 3368 D O M I N I C A N S (unidentified) 1211; 'Bibliot. DENYS (R ), late 17th c. 2209 Tamtactae(?)' 2138; 'Conv. S. Dominici de DEPORTIS (Gullielmus), 16th c. 3286 Ejauna (?)' 2288; 'Conv. S. Mariae de Basella' D E S B O S C H Y DE S T V I C E N S (Pedro), 17th c. 2292 1863 DOMVILLE, alias Taylor (Silas) See TAYLOR DESBOYS (Franciscus), 1609 2696 (Silas) DEVEREUX (Wylliam), 16th c. 2829 DONANT°BOLA (M ), 1567 1357 D E V I N (Joannes), de Beaulieu, 18th c. 2648, 2649 D o N YN (Johann, Burggrafvon), the elder, d. 1516 1
I N D E X OF PROVENANCES D O R S TEN (Westphalia). Franciscans 623, 638, 1824,1854, 2222, 2236, 2239, 2240, 2241, 2244, 2454, 2469, 2475, 2480, 2507, 2554, 2557, 2560, 658, 714, 721, 1071, 3347, 4009, 4221 2568, 2586, 2603, 2646, 2650, 2677, 2696, 2708, DOUAI. English Benedictines (St Gregory) 4110 2729, 2742, 2759, 2839, 2908, 2929, 2939, 2968, DOUGLAS (Darro), 1890 1411-5 2973, 2990, 3051, 3129, 3134, 3189, 3259, 3260, D O W C E (Stephan),^?. is 15 3741 3265, 3300, 3347, 3453, 35*7, 355^, 3767, 3809, D o WELL (P D ), 1879 1007, 2643 4009 DRAKE (J ), 17th c. 2883 DUPORTROUXQ G ),I8O[...] 3193 DRAKE (Robertus), de Stroud, ca 1300 4176 D U P U I S ( ), 1615 3100 DREXEL (Lucy [Wharton], Mrs Joseph William), D u P U Y - M O N T B R U N (Etienne Henry Josue, of Philadelphia, d. 1912 2424 marquis), b. 1805? 3255 DRINKWATER (Jerome), ofHorley, 17th c. 772 D U R A N D (J ), 18th c. 1203 DRURYE (W ). Probably William Drury, D U R A N D (Joannes), 'de Genelayo', 17th c. 591 Regius Professor of Civil Law, Camb., d. 1589 3190 D U R A N T (M ), 16th c. 166 D u Bus DE GISIGNIES (Bernard Aime Leonard, DUREN (Mathias de), Dominican, of Maestricht, vicomte), 1808-74 1436, 2584 15th c. 269 DUCKETT ( ). 'Be not dulle', ca 1600 402 DUELMEN. Carthusians 122,132,141, 222, 281, DURHAM. Cathedral Library 1613, 1697, 1953, 2225 (?), 2237, 2323 314,432, 442,460, 504, 526, 567, 576, 659, 673, DURSTEN SeeDORSTEN 700, 701, 804 (?), 810 (?), 827, 869,1068,1118, D U T T O N (Thomas), 17th c. 1733 1176, 1937, 3424, 3504 (?), 3507 (?), 3509 (?), D U T T O N (William Henry), of Hewcroft, New35i8, 3531, 356i (?), 3988 (?) castle, Staffs. [Sale, 8 Dec. 1903] 941, 2683, D U F F (Edward Gordon), 1863-1924 1419, 2709, 2759, 2847, 3189, 3259 2927, 3752, 4212; 165, 391, 852, 943, 2306, D Y G B Y SeeDiGBY 3707, 3731, 3786 D u FOUR ( ), Professor at Chambery, 18th c. ' D Y M O K DE R U S K O \ 1555 781 D Y s A R x (Lionel ToUemache, 4th Earl of), 1707-70 2696 See H A M H O U S E LIBRARY D U H E M (Pierre Maurice Marie), 1861-1916, Professor of Theoretical Physics at Bordeaux 2243 D Y S O N (Hum.) [Not the normal signature of Humphrey Dyson, Notary Public, d. ca 1633] 3839 D U I N E N (Ten). Cistercians 1126, 3687 DULCKEN. Crutched Friars 601 DUMAS ( ). 'Ex libris amabilis dumas et EBERSBERG. Benedictines 7 ECHTER VON MESPELBRUNN (Julius), 1545amicorum9, 17th c. 2648, 2649 1617, Bp of Wurzburg 1206,2531 D u M O U L I N or Du Molin (Carolus), 1300-1366 E C I J A . Dominicans 3211 3198, 3213, 3214 D U N D A S (David), of Richmond, Surrey, 18th c. E D E N (Hon. William Frederick Elliot), 17821810, ofCh. Ck, Oxf. 3087 3535,3537 D U N D A S (Rt Hon. Sir David), 1799-1877 3535, EDLINGER (Joseph), ca 1700 1008 EDYS (William), last Abbot of the Benedictines 3537 at Burton-on-Trent, 1534-9 3°57 DUNDEE. Dominicans 3311, 3312, 3686 DUNECHT.
Observatory See C R A W F O R D
BALCARRES D U N E S (Les) See D U I N E N (Ten)
EFFLYN (Kateryn), 16th c. 4121 EGGENBURG. Franciscans 1660
EICHSTAETT. Bibliotheca Aulica 914, 1157, 1199, 2645; Dominicans 878, 1141
D U N N (George), 1865-1912, of Woolley Hall, Maidenhead 77,113, 281, 628, 872, 2265, 2567, ? E J A U N A See D O M I N I C A N S (unidentified) 2599; 45, 66, 116, 129, 181, 195, 205, 221, 302, ELEPHAS (Valentinus), 17th c. 3713 N ), 1846 2840 412, 438,462, 476, 588, 606, 609, 620, 624, 625, ELLACOMBE (H ELLENBOG (Nicolaus), 1481-1543, Prior of 629,724, 899,941,1072,1113,1211,1230,1264, Ottobeuren 2436 1377,1594,1406, 1446,1475, 1585, 1586,1600,
F I F T E E N T H - C E N T U R Y P R I N T E D BOOKS ELLENBOG (Ulrich von), 1435?~99 I 2 8 , 90I» FABRICIUS (Caesar), Brugensis, late 16th c. 1720 FACONS[HOF] See A N T W E R P . Augustinian 903, 915, 919 Canonesses ELLICE (P ), ca 1700 4175 ELLIS (Frederick Startridge), 1830-1901, book- FAENZA. Camaldulensians (St John Baptist) 2137, 2574, 2580 seller & author 150; 1089 FAERBER (Peter), ofUlm, 16th c. 148 ELLIS (John Henry), 1840-1912, Rector of Stourton, FAIGLIN (Christophorus), 1583 3617 Wilts. 71,74,1076,1665,2745,4158; 401,4057 ? F A I J (Hindre), 17th c. 4121 ELLYS (Thomas), of a convent at Norwich, ca 1300 FAIRFAX (Bryan), 1676-1749, Fellow of Trin. 3015 Coll., Camb. 2193 E L T O N (Mrs Mary Augusta), wife of Charles Isaac FALKNER (John Meade), 1858-1932, Hon. Fellow Elton, Q.C., 1839-1900 3548 of Hertford Coll., Oxf. 641, 1369, 1611, 1867, ELY (Robert). Probably Robert Elye, Fellow of 2130, 2200, 3036, 3919 Pembroke Coll., Camb., d. 1644 3801 FALLDO (Robert), 16th c. 1326*5 E M A N U E L (E ), ca 1600 1705 ' E M A N U E L L ' , 17th c. 2829
FAMACQUE (Noel), 16th c. 3174
EMMERICH. Crutched Friars 597, 704; Fran- F A N T (Eric Mikael), 1754-1817, of Upsala 4219 FARER (Johannes), donor to Buxheim, 1473 1107 ciscans 681 FARMER (Richard), 1735-97, Master of Emmanuel ENCKHUIZEN. Clares 3339, 3896 Coll., Camb., & Protobibliothecarius 3068, 3708 E N D E (Georg Ulrich von), 16th c. 982 ENGELBRECHT (G ENGELKEN (T ENGLISH
), 1732 1652 ), 1832 323
See Y N G L I S H E
FARMER (Thomas), 17th c. 651
FASTRE (Lambertus Adamus de), 18th c. 425 FAULX (Hilleiry de), 156$ 3011
ENSCHEDE. Library of Izaak Enschede (1681- FAUSTIS (Faustus de), 1588 2484 1761), Johannes Enschede (1708-80), & DrJohannesFAWLER (John), 15th c. 4070 Enschede (1750-99) 382, 390, 3335, 3348, 3358, FECKYNHAM (Thomas), ca 1500 3234 3362, 3379, 34i8, 3419, 3553, 3629, 3637, 3646, FEDORICUS, of Caudelonga, late 16th c. 2725 FEER (Joannes), Canon of Beromunster, 16th c. 3647, 3661, 3896 2036 E N Y B O N (Thomas), 16th c. 4075 FEIRABEND (Anthonius), 1504 3820 ENZENMILLER (Joachim) See W I N D H A A G (Johann Joachim Entzmiiller, Reichsgraf von FEIRABET (Gregoryus), 16th c. 136 FELDKIRCH. Benedictines (?) 1335 u. zu) ERFURT. Benedictines (StPeter&StPaul) 873 (?), FELMYNGHAM (Robert), 16th c. 758, 765 FENN (Sir John), 1739-94, of Gonville & Caius 2761 ERLACH (Joannes Rodolphus von), 16th c. 858, Coll., Camb. 565, 799, 3739 1138, 1319 FENTON (Richard), 1538 3053 ESEWELL (Thomas), 15th c. 3695 FERGUSSON (Nicholaus), capellanus Glasguensis, 17th c. 3196 E STEVE AN, l6th C. 1674 EUARIA. ' Ad Bibl. Episcopi Evarien.' 1469 FERRANDE (Peter), 1606 404 FERRERS (George), 16th c. 4061 EVANS (Sir John), F.R.S., 1823-1908 3549 EVERHARDUS. *Everhardi de[...]tzer vie. eccl. FETEPLACE (Edmundus), 16th c. 4176 FEUERLEIN (Johann Conrad), 1725-88, of Mon.\ ca 1500 3445, 3446 Nuremberg 81 EVRYTE (Johannes), 16th c. 3839 E Y C K (Johannes), ca 1500 537 FEYD (Johannes), de Eller, 16th c. 783, 817 EYLIS (Florentinus), 16th c. 2181
FABER (Andreas), de Vredeland, 16th c. 3433 FABER (Gijselbertus), 1604 2815
FABRICIUS (Andreas), ca 1700 2554
See P E U T I E ), 15th c. 1336
FINET (Gerardus), of Brussels, ca 1600 3764 FINGLAND (William), L.R.C.P., d. 1918 (?) 1792
I N D E X OF PROVENANCES FRAN CIS CUS, Prior of'Polling SeeToEPSL (Franz) FINZI (Simon Salvatore), 169$ 2717 F I R M I N - D I D O T (Ambroise), 1790-1876 27, 83, FRANCKENSTEIN (Carl Friderich, Freiherr von 889 u. zu), 18th c. 3021 FRANCUS. 'Johannis franc9 Br.', 16th C. 2067 F I S H (J O?), 19th c. 1142 FITZROY (Augustus Henry), 3rd Duke of Graf ton FRANKFURT A. M. Dominicans 305, 822, 823, See GRAFT ON (Augustus Henry Fitzroy, 3rd 3217*5; Stadtbibliothek 822, 823, 3217*5 Duke of) FRANKFURT A. O. University Library See FLAMANK [Armorial bookplate] 41, 2155 BRESLAU. University Library (Bibl. Viadrina) FLECHER (Ricardus), 16th c. 655 FRASER (Thomas), ofDurris, ca 1600 3196 FLESSERS (Henricus), donor to Tongres, i$th c. 677 FRAUENZELL See M A R I E N Z E L L FLETCHER (Guilelmus), 17th c. 217, 707, 3546 FRAUNCE (Hugo), 16th c. 661, 1893 FRAUNCIS (George Clement), 16th c. 2996 See also FLECHER FRAZER [Armorial bookplate, 19th c] 2215 FLINT [family of), obits 3359 FLOR [...] (Philippus de), 16th c. 433, 493, 497, FREDERICI (Arnoldus), a Liminis, 16th c. 547, 568 737, 3773 FLOREFFE. Premonstratensians (B.V.M.) 653 FREDERICI (Wilhelmus), priest of St Martin s FLORENCE. Benedictines ('La Badia') (B.V.M.) Church, Groningen, d. 1327 2107 2347; Bibliotheca Publica 2222; Libr. NoviU FREELAND (Francis Edward), b. 1816, at Chichester S. Mariae (at La Badia?) 2603; S. Maria 3814 Novella 1796 FREELING (Sir Francis), 1764-1836 3343 FLORENTIUS (Caspar), de Glandorff, 1728 1194 FREIBURG (Switzerland) See FRIBOURG ? FOLAND (Jo.), 18th c. 1674 FONS SALIENS
See M U E N S T E R (Westphalia).
Brothers of the Common Life FONTEIN (F
? FREIBURG I. B. Dominicans 221 FREIBURG I. B. Franciscans 167, 1244, 1246, 1247, 1248, 1250
), 1616 3609
FREITAG (Sebastian), of Cziepiroh, Abbot of Bruck, 1572-8$ 260 FORBES (Francis R ), 1830 877 FRENSSHE (Ric), 16th c. 4202 FORESIUS (M ), 1469 87 FRERE (John Tudor), 1843-1918, of Royden Hall, FORESTUS (Guilelmus), 17th c. 542 Norfolk 565, 799, 3739 FORM AN (Jo.), vicarius, late 16th c. 2074 FRIBOURG. Franciscans 3228-5 FORTES CUE (arms of) 1916 FRIEPERG. 'marfri frieperg canonici in Vilshof FORTIGUERRA (Johannes Baptista), 1525?-93, 1531' 2842 jurisconsult ofPistoia 1834 FRIGO (Antonius), 17th c. 2693 FOSTER (Johannes), 16th c. 3081 FRY (Francis), 1803-86 107, 109 FOSTER (John Ebenezer), 1847-1912, of Trin. FRY (J D ), 1897 2251 FUCHS (Andreas),plebanusatMeersburg, 1594 1214 Coll., Camb. 1913 FOUNTAINE (Andrew), d. 1873 848, 2833 FUERSTENFELD. Chapel of St Leonard See FOVET (Eustacius), i$o6 3587 INCHENHOFEN FOWLER (Osbert), Registrary of King*s College, FUNCKA (Joannes), 1645 266 FURSTENBERGK (P ), l$01 1282 Camb., 1653 3032 Fox WELL (Herbert Somerton), 1849-1936, Fellow FUTERER (Joannes), Canon of Eichsta'tt, 16th c. of StJohns Coll., Camb. 854 i ioo FOORD (Wylliam), 16th c. 3043
FFUXE (John), 1560 1668
? FRANCHELINS (arms of) 1365
FYLOLL (Jaspar), 16th c. 3733
F Y T Z H E [ . ..?] (Thomas), 16th c. 3150
FRANCISCANS (unidentified). 'Conv. Schi[.. .]ensis* 145; 'S. Francisci intra Urceas'
1859; [...] Min. Conv. S.F.L[...]
GAEY (Johannes), donor to Crutched Friars at Emmerich, 16th c. 704
FIFTEENTH-CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS 2614, 2628, 2655, 2656, 2657, 2664, 2668, 2676, 2680,2696, 2704, 2707, 2726,2756, 2765, 2780, 2824, 2852, 2863, 2865, 2884, 2896, 2897, 2962, GALE (William), 16th c. 2872, 2875 2990, 3020, 3060, 3086, 3087, 3089, 3129, 3141, G A L E N (Mechtelt van), 1574 833 3144, 3228, 3256, 3262, 3325, 3396, 3432, 3476, GALLAEUS (Theodoricus) See GALLE 3483, 3501, 3505, 3523, 3532, 3533, 3624, 3651, (Theodore) 3685, 3712, 3772, 3791, 3819, 3846, 3893, 3979, G A L L E (Theodore), 1571-1633/4, draughtsman & 3990, 3998, 4009, 4010, 4020, 4021, 4022, 4023, engraver, of Antwerp 3835 4024, 4025, 4026, 4028, 4031, 4033, 4034, 4036, GALLERI (Francesco di), ca i$oo 1769 GALLETTI (Gustavo Camillo), of Florence, 1805- 4037,4047,4050,4054,4136,4216; (1935) 710, 1284, 2812, 4052; (1936) 787, 3228-5, 3792; 68 2628-5 (1938) 2457; (1940) 1570, 4029; (from his GALTEUS (Guielmus), 16th c. 1378 GAMING. Carthusians (Thronus B.V.M.) 44,76, library, 1943) 1204, 2153 GASPAROLLI ( ), abbe [Sale at Sotheby's, 990, 1655 3 June 1818] 3328, 3329 G A M U N D I A See G M U E N D GARDINER (George), i535?-8g, Dean of Norwich G A T T R E R (Johannes), i$i6 2024 GAISFORD
of Offington,
Worthing 2248
2793 G A R S . Augustinian Canons (B.V.M.)
G A T T U L A (Simon), ca 1600 3211 616
G A S C O I G N E (William), 16th c. 1213
G A U D A Y S (Carolus), 16th c. 27 ? G A U E N (Gul.), ca 1646 2869
G A S E L E E (Sir Stephen), 1882-1943, Fellow ofG A Y (Edward). Probably Edward Gay, 1837-1908, Magdalene Coll., Camb. (1913) 2725; (1914) of Aldborough Hall, co. Norfolk 779 2480; (1917) 205, 2240; (1919) 1245, 1300;GAZZARD (Thomas), 16th c. 1733 (1934) 37, 58,61,66,96,105,137,157,159,164, GEDGE (Joannes), 16th c. 2035 174,186,190,193,199, 200, 216, 220, 223, 231, GEERTS (Benedictus), 1593 3508 235, 241, 242, 254, 267, 273, 279, 316, 320, 326,G E L L (Philip), 1783-1870, ofTrin. Coll., Camb. 2053 332, 336, 345, 347, 348, 359, 3*9, 372, 375, 379,GEMNICUM See GAMING 381, 476, 482, 507, 536, 538, 571, 583, 617, 653,G E N O A . Augustinian Nuns (S. Andrea della Porta) <*77, 678, 734, 764, 770, 784, 808, 811, 824, 835, 3023; Franciscans 1931 862, 878, 881, 900, 905, 906, 914, 920, 945, 966,G E O R G E I, King of England ('Royal Library') 1015,1025,1053,1061,1079, H O I , 1119,1120, 28, 47, 52, 55, 97, 124, 173, 177, 185, 206, 224, 1141,1157,1164,1188,1199,1202,1207,1209, 238, 252, 258, 270, 394, 402, 407, 427, 544, 545, 1212,1217,1219,1226,1229,1231,1233,1243, 556, 558, 610, 630, 635, 645, 651, 664, 698, 736, 1244,1246,1247,1248,1250,1251,1253,1254, 749, 752, 762, 812, 813, 829,892,922,992,996, 1256,1258,1260,1261,1262,1264,1265,1266, 1020,1024,1027,1028,1030,1032,1046,1048, 1269,1270,1272,1273,1280,1282,1286,1295, 1054,1082,1094,1095,1116,1180,1213,1252, 1296,1301,1307,1313,1314,1320,1321,1324, 1336,1337,1358,1361,1363,1367,1368,1378, 1327,1328,1331,1335,1341,1347,1355,1372, 1389,1390,1391,1392,1407,1408,1411,1415, 1395,1410,1424,1439,1441,1456,1461,1465, 1416,1421,1536,1537,1540,1546,1547,1572, 1468,1470,1477,1479,1487,1488,1508,1511, 1602,1607,1608,1612,1613,1615,1618,1621, 1553,1556,1557,1559,1564,1588,1591,1598, 1624,1627,1628,1631,1632,1633,1636,1639, 1643,1669,1721,1757,1797,1798,1799,1823, 1640,1642,1648,1668,1674,1681,1687,1688, 1831,1885,1922,1927,1929,1931,1940,1951, 1692,1694,1697,1700,1705,1713,1720,1728, 1954,1964, 2011, 2016, 2018, 2060, 2076, 2083, 1733,1734,1735,1741,1744,1773,1774,1779, 2087, 2110, 2114, 2125, 2128, 2152, 2160, 2188, 1782,1794,1801,1802,1806,1808,1815,1819, 2215, 2220, 2258, 2262, 2274, 2279, 2285, 2288, 1838,1842,1843,1856,1857,1875,1884,1887, 2297, 2308, 2311, 2314, 2321, 2386, 2408, 2434, 1892,1893,1909,1924,1932,1943,1946,1953, 2444, 2454, 2467, 2500, 2507, 2515, 2516, 2518, 1955,1970,1978,1981,1982,1984,1990,1996, 2522, 2541, 2568, 2587, 2591, 2603, 2605, 2610, 2000, 2001, 2009, 2012, 2019, 2020,2026,2051,
G H E N T . Jesuits 333; University Library 3368,
2054, 2055, 2056, 2066, 2068, 2073, 2074, 2075, 3705 2079, 2085, 2091, 2092, 2096, 2106, 2107,2109, GHUZELMUS (Julianus)
2112, 2113, 2115, 2117, 2118, 2129, 2142, 2143,
2144, 2147, 2148, 2162, 2163, 2165, 2167, 2169,GIBBINGS (Richard), 1813-8$, Prof of Ecclesiastical History at Trin. Coll., Dublin 1809
2170, 2173, 2174, 2177, 2178, 2180, 2182, 2183,
2184, 2185, 2186, 2189, 2190, 2191, 2192, 2198,GIBBS (Henry Hucks)
See A L D E N H A M (Henry
Hucks Gibbs, 1st Baron)
2209, 2214, 2216, 2221, 2223, 2225, 2237, 2245,
2247, 2249, 2250, 2253, 2254, 2266, 2267, 2270, G I B S O N (Ret;. M 2293, 2317, 2323, 2324, 2333, 2336, 2349,2352,
), of Philadelphia,
1850 1947
2437, 2439, 2441, 2461, 2462, 2463, 2465, 2473, G I B S O N - C A R M I C H A E L 2474, 2498, 2513, 2521, 2539,2570, 2618, 2619,
(Sir Thomas David)
See CARMICHAEL (Thomas David Gibson-
2620, 2622, 2623, 2637, 2641, 2688, 2698, 2727,
Carmichael, Baron) 2755, 2770, 2771, 2772, 2773, 2775, 2776, 2781, GIDLEY (John), 19th c. 1446 2787, 2788, 2792, 2793, 2798, 2804, 2816, 2837, GIELIIS (Lodevicus de) See MERBEKE 2861, 2867, 2869, 2871, 2872, 2875, 2878,2880, GIFFORD See GYFFORD 2881, 2883, 2898, 2899, 2910, 2912,2959, 2966, GIGLIS (Jo. de), ca 1500 1633 2978, 2983, 2993, 2996, 3001, 3002, 3026, 3033, GILBERT 3035, 3037, 3041, 3045, 3046, 3048, 3072, 3074,
G I L L (John), of Bishop's Stortford, d. 1711 1941,
3079, 3091, 3092, 3094, 3097, 3098, 3ioi, 3102,
2686 3112, 3116, 3118, 3120, 3121, 3123, 3124, 3126, ? G I L L E S (Balthasar), of Antwerp, 17th c. 868, 3133, 3137, 3153, 3154, 3164, 3167, 3169, 3198, 3927, 4007 3203, 3206, 3216, 3223, 3230, 3234, 3236, 3242, GlLLET ( ), I779 2991 3244, 3250, 3274, 3306, 3307, 3314, 3315, 33i6, GlOCCHINO, 19th C. 3264 (?), 4OI7 3317, 3345, 3370, 3375, 34<>i, 3403, 3414, 34i6, GIRALDIUS (Giraldus), of Florence, 17th c. 2331 3442, 3479, 3486, 3520, 3542, 3664, 3677, 3714, G I R A U D (Charles Joseph Barthelemy), 1802-81 27 3722, 3726, 3727, 3732, 3741, 3744, 3746, 3765, G I R T O N (J 3789, 3790, 3808, 3828, 3837, 3838, 3839, 3856, G I S B E R T G E .
), rubricator, ca 1500 600 ' Suster gisbertgen rijken
3889, 3902, 3915, 3916, 3928, 3935, 4006, 4060,
16th c. 3418 4061, 4062, 4063, 4064, 4065, 4066, 4067, 4068, GISBERTUS [ . . . ] , of Amsterdam, 16th c. 3921 4069, 4070, 4071, 4072, 4073, 4074, 4075,4076, GISLENI (Julius), notarius, 16th c. 2617 4077,4078, 4079, 4080, 4081, 4086, 4088, 4090, GLADBACH (Jacobus), 16th c. 3495 4092, 4093, 4094, 4098, 4099, 4ioo, 4101, 4103, GLADSTONE (David), 19th c. 191 4105, 4106, 4107, 4108, 4109, 4110, 4111, 4115,GLAISHER (James Whitbread Lee), 1848-1928, 4116, 4117, 4 n 8 , 4119, 4120, 4121, 4124, 4125, Fellow of Trin. Coll., Camb. 1804, 2027, 2456 4130, 4133, 4142, 4144, 4145, 4150, 4151, 4152,GLAUBURG (Johann von), 1503-71, Mayor of 4153, 4155, 4157, 4159, 4162, 4163, 4165, 4168, Frankfurt a. M. 2616 4170, 4174, 4175, 4176, 4177, 4178, 4179, 4i8o,
GLORIAN (Guillaume), 1704 2862
4181, 4182, 4193,4194,4196, 4197, 4199, 4202,
GLOVER (John), 16th c. 199
4205, 4209, 4214, 4215
GLOVER (John), 19th c. 656
G E O R G I U S , Burgensis, 16th c. 3764
G L Y N N (Edward), 1817-71, of Newcastle 1701
(Henry), 19th c. 3689 G E R C K E N (Carl Christian), 18th c. 1040
G M U E N D . Dominicans 94, 1349
GOBBELSCHROY (Baron Pierre Joseph Servais
G E R L A C H S H E I M . Premonstratensians 107
Louis van), 1787-1850, Belgian Minister of the
Interior 354, 3338, 3430, 3600, 3860 G E R O N S A R T . AugustinianCanons (B.V.M.) 3860 G O D D A R D (William). Perhaps Wm Goddard, G E V A E R T S (Jean Gaspard), 1593-1666, philologistFellow of the College of Physicians, d. 1669/70 & poet 2189 1815, 1955, 1990, 2245
F I F T E E N T H - C E N T U R Y P R I N T E D BOOKS G O D HERD (Thomas), ca 1300 3695 G O D W I L (L
van), 16th c. 3325
Go ELD LIN (Renward), 1331-1600, Canon of Beromunster 2036 GOES (Suster Margriete ver), of Faconshof Antwerp, ca 1300 3605 GOETTINGEN. University Library 1103,3597 GOETTWEIG. Benedictines (B.V.M.) 2, 4, 5, 6, 2679 GOFF (Jonathan), ca 1700 2773 GOLDSCHMIDT (Ernst Philip), of Trin. Coll, Camb., antiquarian bookseller, 1887-1934 3809 GOLDWELL ( ), 16th c. 3045 GOLDWELL (arms of) 4159
GRANT, later Grant-Ives (Charles Eustace), 18311930, Fellow of King's Coll., Camb. 456, 885, 1771, 2694 GRATIA D E I (Antonius), Abbot of Admont, d. 1491 80, 787, 3792 GRAVE (Antonius JO. de), 1643 2461
GRAY (Robert), * Colleg. Med. Lond. etEdinb. soc.', 1707 1880 GREEN. */. Grene', ca 1300 3309 GREEN. 'Nicolaigren', 16th C. 103I
GREEN. ' Rechard grenys hande', 1319 4195 GREEN (Stephanus), 16th c. 3377 GREENE (Francis), Cambridge bookseller, 1628-33
753, 754, 755, 773, 1949, 1950 GOLDWELL (Nicholas), Archdeacon of Suffolk, G R E E N H I L L (Henry) See V I R I D I M O N T A N U S d. 1303 3856 (Henricus) GOLLANCZ (Sir Israel), 1864-1930 3215 GREMPER (Johann), 1312 2687 G O M E Z DE LA C O R T I N A (Joachim), marques de GREN, Grene See GREEN
Morante, 1808-68 614, 3310
See B U C K I N G H A M & C H A N D O S
GRIFFIN (Ralph Hare), 1834-1941, of St Johns G O O D (Wylhelmus), 16th c. 1687 Coll., Camb. 99, 1916, 1928, 3043, 3229 G O O S E (Johannes), 1359 199 GRIFFITH (Alban), 17th c. 4072 G O R D O N (Cosmo Alexander), of King's CoII., GRIFFITH (Henry Thomas), 1828-97, Vicar of Felmingham, Norfolk 1783 Camb. 482, 1355, 2518, 2765 G O R D O N (George John Robert), 1812-1902, of GRIFFITH (John), LL.D., 1817j 18-92, Principal of Brighton College 1080, 1130 Ellon 419, 1088, 3347 G O R D O N (William), 1776-1847, ofFyvie 3176 GRIFFITH (William), of Christ's Coll., Camb., 1634 992 GORI (Lamberto Cristiano), 1733 2411 G O T HA. Ducal Library 1, 2211 GRIFFITHS. ' Wyllyam Gruffyths', 17th c. 2791 G O T T (John), 1830-1906, Bp of Truro, son of GRIMBERGHEN. Premonstratensians 3840, 3841, William Gott 4087, 4156 3842, 3843, 3844 GOUDA. Conventus Sanctimonialium 317, 318, GRUFFYTHS See GRIFFITHS G R U I T H U I S (Arnoldus de), 18th c. 1850 321, 324, 368, 380 GONELLUS, 17th c. 2151, 2158, 3166
GRUNHEFFER (CristofFer),^. 1300 966
See also G O F F
Go UGH (Jo.), 16th c. 3677 GOUPYL (Jacques), 1323I-64 3219 G o w (Andrew Sydenham Farrar), Fellow of Trin. Coll., Camb. 1701, 2032, 2815, 3122, 3233; 1282 G O W E R (Granville Leveson-Gower, 2nd Earl),
(unidentified) GUADAGNA (Teofila), ca 1700 1643-5 ' G U C H I E R ' , 17th c. 186
GUICHARDUS (Leo), 'mdpelanus' [i.e. of Montpellier?], 16th c. 2867 GUIDARIUS (Philippus), ca 1600 507
1721-1803 200
GRADI (JO. Paulus de), of Milan, 17th c. 2262 GRADIUS (Philippus Hierolimus), late 16th c. 1752 GRAFT ON (Augustus Henry Fitzroy, 3rd Duke of), 1733-1811 1626 GRAMMONT. Charterhouse (Silva S. Martini) 1895
GUILD (James Wyllie) [Sale, Edinburgh, April 1888] 1683 GUILFORD (Frederick North, 3th Earl of), 17661827 2028, 2702
GUILLELMUS, presbyter, 16th c. 3290 GUILLEMARD (Francis Henry Hill), M.D., 1832-1933, ofGonville & Caius Coll., Camb. 1959
I N D E X OF PROVENANCES HAMM. Franciscans 2766, 3445, 3446 GUIMARA (Gispert de), 17th c. 1863 GUIZZELMI (Giuliano), ofPrato, 1446-1518 2086, H A M M O N D (Basil Edward), 1842-1916, Fellow of Trin. Coll., Camb. [gift of Mrs Hammond] 2159, 2494 i n , 112, 1918, 2257, 2577 GUNTHORP 3709, 3710, 37II T ), 1835 306, 1315, 2268 GURNEY (John Henry), 1849-1919, ofTrin. Coll., H A N D (J H A N E G R U S S (C B ), 1834 1827, 1828 Camb. 1766 HANNYS (Thomas), 16th c. 2963 G U Y O N DE SARDIERE (J B Denis), H A N S O N (Henry), of Church Marnham, Notts., d. 1759 3007 GYFFORD (John), of Stansted, 16th c. 3916 157I"] 1642 GYLBARD (Johannes), of St Clement's Hostel, H A R D I N G (Walter Ambrose Heath), 1870-1942, of Madingley Hall 4085 Cambridge, ca 1500 738 H A R D I N G E (G
), ca 1700 3156
HARDWICKE (Philip Yorke, 1st Earl of), 16901764 2072, 2082, 2711 HACKET (John), 1592-1670, Bp ofUchfield 1437, HARDY (Peter), F.R.S., 1813-63 1153 2844 H A R I N G T O N (John Harington, 2nd Baron), H A D D I O N U S (Jacobus), 17th c. 3240 1592-1614 2098 HAECKE (Willem Gerrits), 1656 3653
HAARLEM. Clares 3931
H A G E N (Henry), 19th c. 1351 HAGENAU. Jesuits 138
HARMSWORTH (Sir Robert Leicester), 1870-1937 392, 1599, 2212, 2864, 4053 HAGER (Conrad), Canon ofEhingen, 1539 215 HAGER (Conrad), priest, ofUlm (?), ca 1600 187 HARRINGTON, 1646 2869 HAGUE (The). Royal Library 327, 864, 1296, HARRIS, later Harris-St John (Charles Edward), 3371, 3373, 3378, 3386, 3399, 3426, 3428, 3433, 1843-1917, ofTylney Hall 873, 1787 3434, 3455, 3484, 3500, 3519, 3570, 3586, 3613,H A R R I S O N (JO.), 17th c. 2775, 2776 3621, 3647, 3649, 3800, 3864, 3886, 3931, 3971,H A R T (JO.), 17th c. 922 HART (RobertEdward), 1878-1946, ofPemb. Coll., 4001 HAILSTONE (Edward), 1818-90 839 Camb. 1,2,4,5,6,4059 H A KEN (Johannes then), benefactor of Dulmen, HARTENBERG (Constantinus), 16th c. 1134 d. 1509 567, 1176 HART MAN. *M. Hartmanus Hartmam , 16th c. HALBERSTADT. Franciscans 2813 1112 HALIBURTON (James), Provost of Dundee, d. 1588 H A R T O K U S , 1559 199 3311, 3312, 3686 HARVEY (Henry), 16th c. 1328 HALL (Joseph), D.Litt., 1854-1927, Headmaster of HARVEY (John), 16th c. 866 HASER (Rodolphus), 16th c. 3785 Hulme Grammar School, Manchester 791 HALLE (Jorgius), 16th c. 676 HASSELMANN (Fritz), of Munich, late 19th c. 670 HALLIWELL, later Halliwell-Phillipps (James HASSELT (Nicholaus), 16th c. 3558, 3562, 3565, 3566, 3568, 3571, 3582, 3583, 3622 Orchard), 1820-89 861 HASSELT (Wilhelmus), 16th c. 3997 HALM (Thomas), late 16th c. 4067 H A U G H T O N (John), 16th c. 2844 H A M H O U S E LIBRARY 4059 ) [Armorial bookplate, 19th c] HAMERSLEBEN. Augustinian Canons (St Pancras) H A W E S (W 266 3423, 3458 HAMILTON (Alexander Hamilton Douglas, 10th H A W K E (Edward Hawke, 3rd Baron), 1774-1824 1410 Duke of), 1767-1852 1685, 1743, 1871, 2062, H A Y (Andrew) [Armorial bookplate, 18th c] 3309 2132, 2621 ) [Sale, August 1791] 1169 HAMILTON (Harold Francis), 1876-1920 (?), of HAYES ( HAYNES (Paulus), 16th c. 4067 Ch. Ck, Oxf 438, 606, 3051 HAMILTON (Sidney Graves), 1855-1916, Fellow H A Y T E (William), 1570 2179 HEALES (Alfred), F.S.A., 1827-98 2241 of Hertford Coll., Oxf 1222*5, 2614
FIFTEENTH-CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS H E A T O N (John Deakin), M.D., 1817-79, of Leeds HERTOGENBOSCH ('S). Carthusians (St Sophia) 868, 3927, 4007 3658; Williamites (Baseldonck) 540 HEBER (Richard), 1773-1833 98, 148, 211, 306, HERZBRUECK (Johannes de), early 16th c. 3434 365, 459, 478, 483, 559, 661, 714, 760, 891 (?), H E S K E T H (George), 1621 404 1393,1405, 1496, 1539,1895, 2059, 2111, 2152, H E S P I E L (P ), 16th c. 3756 2220 (?), 2320, 2424, 2472, 2551, 2626, 2845, H E S S us (Franciscus), 16th c. 961 2987, 3268, 3328 (?), 3329 (?), 3331,3440,3449, H E T H E R I N G T O N , ca 1600 3037 3473, 3552, 3653 (?)> 3777, 3793, 3950, 3984, H E U S D E N . Franciscan Sisters (St Catharine) 650, 4016, 4127 3400; Premonstratensians (ofBerna) 1885, 3768 HECHINGEN. Collegiate church 187
? H E W I T T (William), 19th c. 166
HECKELL (Fridericus), de Guntzenhausen, 130$
HEWLETT (Maurice Henry), 1861-1923 859 ? HEYSE (Karl Wilhelm Ludwig), 1797-1833 156 HIBBERT (George), F.R.S., 1737-1837, of Portland Place 2551, 3268
2826 H E D G E S (John), 16th c. 4076 H E D R I N G T O N (Robert), 1577 4078 HEGLER (Seifridus), 1503 2737
H I G G I N S (Alfred), F.S.A., d. 1903 2014
HILDERSAM (Arthur), 1363-1632, Fellow of Christ's Coll, Camb. 3737
HEILIGENKREUZ. Cistercians (B.V.M.)
H E I L I G E N R O D E . Benedictines 3607
Benedictines (St Godehard) 189,
777, 2834; Unidentified Library 183, 1227
HEILMEYER (David), 19th c. 1846
HEITLAND (William Emerton), 1847-1933, Fellow of St Johns Coll., Camb. ('Heitland Fund9 1220, 1736, 1753, 2227, 2265-5, 2497, 2535, 25365, 2616, 3269, 3511, 4051
HELGEMEYER (Johannes), of Immenhausen, ca
HILL (Sir Rowland), 4th Bart, 1800-1873 2315 HILLEBRANDI (Nicolaus), * alias Boelen , 16th c. 358 HILTON. 'Codex A hilton , ca 1300 1123, 2774
1500 320, 345, 369, 372, 375, 379, 381 HELLER (Ludwig), ofLiibeck,fl. 1840 1187
See H E I L I G E N R O D E
H I L L (Frances), 1384 4177
HELMASPBRGER (Sebaldus), Abbot of S. Egidius, Nuremberg, 1463-73 890 HIMMERODE. Cistercians (St Thomas) 783, 817 HELMSTEDT. Benedictines (SS. Ludger& Felicitas)HIRSAU. Benedictines 1330 H I R S C H (Paul Adolf), 1881-1931 761-5, 2786 335 HIRST (John), of Ladcastle, Dobcross, d. ca 1887 H E M I C K E (Petrus), 1370 928 HENINGUS, 'prepositus in meyndorp*, donor to 278, 314, 537, 98o (?), 1174, 1855 (?), 2842, Hamersleben, ca 1300 3458 3359, 3965, 4082 HOBBES. 'Magister Hobbys\ perhaps Robert H E N N E S S Y (Sir John Pope) See P O P E Hobbes or Hobys, of Eton & King's Coll., Camb., HENNESSY (Sir John) d. ca 1343 1903 H E N R I S O N U S (Alexander), ca 1700 1840 HOBLYN (Robert), 1710-36, of Nanswhyden H E N R Y S O N U S (Robertus), ca 1600 1996 House, Cornwall 1608, 3818 HERBERT (Thomas), ca 1600 2901, 3447, 3698, H O D G K I N (John Eliot), F.S.A., 1830-1912 589 3704, 3769, 3794 ), of Compton Hall, HERBERT (William), 1718-93, bibliographer 1554, H O D SON (Laurence W nr Wolverhampton [Sale, 4 Dec. 1906] 653, 831, 2886, 3939, 4096 ' H E R c K ', rubricator, 16th c. 3430 912, 913, 916, 917, 937,1156,1179,1195,1739, HERCKENROY (Gulielmus ab), 1360-1632, Prior 1740, 1752 General of the Windesheim Congregation 425 H O E S D E N See H E U S D E N HEREDIA (Ricardo), conde de Benahavis [Sales atH O E X T E R . Franciscans 236, 2810 Paris, 1891-4] 1362 Ho FEN. Benedictines 1335 H E R M A N N U S , 16th c. 417, 418
H O F F M A N (Augustinus), 16th c. 548
HERSTELLE. Franciscans 1313
H O G G E S (Willelmus), 1308 3127
INDEX OF PROVENANCES H O R O L T (Erhardus), ca 1300 2004 HORREX (Edmund) [Armorial bookplate, ca 1760] H O L D S W O R T H (Richard), 1390-1649, Master of 2502 Emmanuel Coll., Camb. 34,171,172,180,194 (?), HORSEY (Sir Jerome), of the Russia Company, 198, 217, 218, 219, 225, 226,239,244,245,247, fl. 1600 955 259, 262, 263, 272, 409, 533, 554, 555, 634, 707,H O R W O O D (Alfred John), 1821-81, of the Middle Temple 404, 2826, 3830 (?); 50, 51, 89, 117, 733, 753, 754 755, 771, 773,786, 806,946, 955, 959, 96o, 985, 998, 1031, 1038, 1044, 1049, 453, 508, 512, 567, 604, 617, 697, 699, 727, 871, 1050,1105,1106,1121,1122,1123,1125,1143, 879, 1176, 2927, 3696, 3749, 3775, 3821, 4027, 1206, 1208, 1237, 13265 (?), 1344, 1345, 1542, 4185 1610,1641,1644,1666,1727,1767,1788,1789, H o SKIER (Herman Charles), 1864-1938 1670, 1800, 1810, 1811, 1812, 1816, i8i7(?), 1818, 1731, 1910, 2940, 2950, 2953 i860,1873,1886,1890,1891,1894,1896,1912, H O V I T I U S (Carolus), ofLambach, 1603 1759 1934,1939,1944,1945,1962,1963,1977,1989, HOWARD ( Mrs) [Sale, January 1833] 2341 1992,1998,1999, 2003, 2025,2042, 2046, 2047, H O W A R D {Hon. Charles Wentworth George), 2094, 2Il6, 2127, 2134, 2l8l, 2201, 2205, 2206, 1814-79 3535, 3537 2207, 2229, 2563, 2565, 2606, 2695 (?), 2774, H O W A R D (Henry), 6th Duke of Norfolk See 2777, 2807, 284I, 2846, 2873, 2874, 2885, 2913, NORFOLK (Henry Howard, 6th Duke of) 2914, 2918, 2923, 2924, 2936, 2937, 2960, 2964, H O W A R D (Henry), Earl of Surrey See SURREY (Henry Howard, Earl of) 2965, 2967, 2969, 2970, 2992, 2995, 2999, 3OOO, 3006, 3019, 3050, 3052, 3053, 3055, 3057, 3078, H O W A R D (Richard), ca 1700 2183 3IO6, 3108, 3109, 3119, 3127, 3I3O-5, 3131, H o w E L L (John), bookseller ofLondon, 1639 2181 3140, 3142, 3147, 3159, 3160, 3l6l, 3162, 3165, H O W L E T T (Richard), F.S.A., 1841-1917 3188 3172, 3177, 3190, 3208, 3213, 3214, 3217, 3218, H O W S E M A N (John), 16th c. 405 3219, 3220, 3222, 3231, 3247, 3253, 3254, 3283, HRASS (Erhardus & Adaranus), ca 1600 1348 3284, 3406, 3407, 3408, 3528, 3546, 3676, 3679, HUDDLESTON {family of), of Sawston Hall 2984 3682, 3683, 3733, 3737, 3740, 3759, 3766, 3785, HUELLEKENS (Ludwich Leonaert), 1682 190 3816, 3850, 3879, 3901, 3914, 3918, 3936, 3944, HUERNE (Joseph Antoine Aybert Idesbalde van), 3948, 3970, 3991, 3995,4011, 4089, 4112, 4113, b.1732 3635 4114, 4161, 4164, 4169, 4171 HUGHES (David), late 16th c. 1886 HOLGATE (Clifford Wyndham), 1839-1903, of HUGHES (H ), 16th c, 3054, 3082, 3104 B.N.C., Oxf, & Lincoln's Inn 2949,2951, 2952, H U G H S O N (Willelmus), ca 1300 738 2986, 2998, 3061, 3064, 3066, 3173 H U G O (Louis), of Avignon, 1700 3122 HOLLIDAY (James Richardson), 1840-1927, of H U I S B O R C H See H U Y S B U R G StJohns Coll., Camb. 1482, 2104, 2633 H U L B E R T - P O W E L L (Charles Lacy), of Trin. H O L T (Gerrit van), early 16th c. 3688 Coll., Camb. 3213-5 H O P E - V E R E (William Edward), 1824-72, of HULTMANN (Carel Gerard), 1732-1820 3339, 3620 Craigie Hall 1847, 1848, 1850, 1851, 1852 H O P E - W E I R {Hon. Charles), 1710-91, of Craigie H U M F R A Y See U M F R A Y Hall& Blackwood 1847,1848,1850,1851,1852 H U M P H R Y (Sir George Murray), 1820-96, Prof H O P E T O U N (John Adrian Louis Hope, 7th Earl of Surgery, Camb. 3913 of), 1860-1908 14, 87, 1769, 2257, 2284 H U N T (Abraham), 17th c. 1949, 1950 H O P K I N S (Thomas Henry Toovey), of Magd. H U N T E R (John), ofKew [Sale, 4 Feb. 1803] 2334 HURLBERT formerly Hurlbut (William Henry), Coll., Oxf, d. 1883 3476 H O P K I N S O N (Francis), LL.D., 1810-98, of B.A. (Harvard), 1827-93 1232 H U R T (Charles), junior, of Wirksworth, 1833 284 Malvern Wells 1341, 3232, 4054 HOPPER (Ralph Shipperdson), M.D., 1813-36, of HURTER (Friedrich Emanuel yon), 1787-1863, of Dublin 3974 Schajfhausen 1008 ? H O L A N D (Jo.), 18th c. 1674 H o L A N D (Johannes), 1523 1907
FIFTEENTH-CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS H U T H . Library of Henry Huth (1815-78) & Alfred Henry Huth (1850-1910) 108, 741, 742, 940,
1001, 1070, 1150, 1159, 1342, 2235, 2348, 2582 H U T T O N (Robert Rosseter), ofTrin. Coll., Oxf,
IVE. 'R4 0 Ive pertinet...', 16th c. 3050 IVE (William),, ofMagd. Coll, Oxf, d. 1485 3741 IVREA. Augustinian Hermits 2278, 2729; Bernardines 2536*5
d. 1887 666 See H O E X T E R JACKSON (John), of Keverstone, 16th c. 4074 H U Y . Crutched Friars 3866,3867,3868 JACKSON (John Cohen), 1827-95, of St Johns H u Y A R D (Jean), Dean ofLirey, early 16th c. 2991 Coll., Oxf 1047, 1155 ? HUYARGHE (Johannes), 16th c. 3534 J A C O B (Ebenezer), early 19th c. 164 HUYSBURG. Benedictines (B.V.M.) 549, 550 JACOBS (J. B. G.),' Lumnius'', Capuchin, ofBrussels, HUZARD (Jean Baptiste), 1755-1838, Inspector 19th c. 774
General of veterinary schools in France 1436,25 84
HYERIMERS (Cuthbertus), 16th c. 2983 HYLLEGONT, Symonjans dochter, ca 1500 3350 HYMENRODT
), 1896 2146
JACOBUS, 'Pure-a , Premonstratensian ofSchussenried, ca 1600 351 J A COMB (William), late 18th c. 4158
See H I M M E R O D E
' H Y S L Y N G T U N ' , 16th c. 736
J A C O P S (Digna), 16th c. 3381 ? J A I J (Hindre), 17th c. 4121
JAMES (I B ), 19th c. 2949, 2951, 2952, ILBENSTADT. Premonstratensians (B.V.M.) 2760 2986, 2998, 3061,-3064, 3066, 3173 ILMBACH. Carthusians (Hortus Mariae) 145 JAMES (Montagu Rhodes), 1862-1936, Provost of INCHENHOFEN (Bavaria). Chapel of St Leonard Kings Coll., Camb. 92, 398; 3228-5 JAMES (William), D.D., ofCh. Ck, Oxf, d. 1617 53
IANS (Treijnken), ca 1500 3610
753, 754, 755, 773 J ALTER. Reformed Franciscans (B.V.M. & St INGHELS (Jacques), 1717 3344 Andrew) 169 INGHETRANEN (Jacob), 16th c. 3870 JEBB (John), 1775-1833, Bp of Limerick 2086, INGLIS (John Bellingham), 1780-1870, & Charles 2159, 2435, 2494, 3125 Inglis 293, 334, 360, 367, 439, 491, 514, 563, JEFFERYES (H ), 19th c. 1260 588, 623, 769, 814, 845, 853, 855, 1132, 1136, ? JENAR. 'Ex libris Baro. Jenari\ 18th c. 1880 1395,1605, 2272, 2825, 2932, 2938, 2954, 2957, JENKINS ON (Francis John Henry), University 3031, 3105, 3145, 3331, 3438, 3514, 3530, Librarian, 1889-1923 (1890?) 725, 3883; (1891) 3554 (?), 3628, 3636, 3658, 3667, 3738, 3775, 626, 695, 911, 1340, 1438, 1693, 2045, 2736, 3797, 3865, 3882, 3909, 3943, 3949, 3955, 3957, 2744, 2760, 2797, 2809, 2819; (1892) 2572; 3964, 3982, 3984 (1898) 4138, 4186; (1906) 12, 46, 464, 552, INGLISH (George) See YNGLISHE (George) 1059; (1908) 122,147, 203, 212, 280, 285, 289, INGOLSTADT. AugustinianHermits 1100;Faculty 295, 297, 36o, 367, 388, 421, 441, 442, 481,488, of Arts 1888; Franciscans (S. Maria Assumpta) 490, 499, 500, 502, 504, 576, 580,632,633,636, 1019, 1088; Jesuits 1260 640,643,644,692,719,728, 791, 814, 877, 909, INSULA INFERIOR See N I E D E R W E R T H 973, m o , 1147,1196, 1310, 1326, 1375, 1403, INTERAMNA See T E R N I 1404,1435,1522,1554,1581,1587,1746,1765, IPOREGIA, I P P O R E D I A See IVREA 1786,1983,1988, 2268, 2280, 2512, 2538,2691, IRELAND (Edward), 16th c. 3275 2763, 2921, 2922, 2938, 2948, 2956, 2972,2979, IRRSEE. Benedictines (B.V.M.) 2274 3004, 3017, 3056, 3075, 3130, 3163, 3178, 3281; IRVING (Andrew), of Sealand Mills, 1782 1662 3354, 3363, 3573,3587,3681,3697, 3905, 3920, ISM AY (William), 1846-1922, of Emmanuel Coll., 4032; (1913) 2271,2975,2976; (1917) 351,3313, 4206, 4207; (1918) 3799; (1920) 965; (1922) Camb. 1783 3011; (Bequest, 1923) 72, 266, 283, 305, 310, ISOMA (Antonius#de), 16th (?) c. 2315 314, 341, 356, 393, 486, 495, 575, 587, GM, 668, IVASOVI6 (Seraphinus) 2714 MUENSTER
INDEX OF PROVENANCES JONES-PARRY (Sir Thomas Duncombe Love), (com.) Bart., 1832-91 13 41 689, 839, 893, 896, 1047, 1238, 1242, 1299, 1635,1724,1768,1833,1865,1872, 2040, 2187, ? J O N SON (Robert), ca 1300 1642 2264, 2443, 2540, 2778, 2860, 2955, 3320, 3368, JORDAN (Johannes), Franciscan of Miltenberg, ca 1300 857 3522, 3572, 3575, 3577, 3689, 3857, 3963, 3967, 3968, 4122, 4141; (Jenkinson Fund) 818, 883, JORIUS (Franciscus), Franciscan, 17th c. 1712 910, 936, 962, 1108, 1160, 1224, 1412, 1560, JOSEPH, Belgiosensis, Franciscan, early 17th c. 1768 1702,1863, 2050, 2287, 2291, 2340, 2424, 2569, JOSLING (Thomas) [Armorial bookplate, ca 1800] 2742, 3249; 399, 3293 3261 JEREMIE (James Amiraux), 1802-72, Reg. Prof. ? 'JOUERNBERG', 17th c. 44 JUNGER (Ulricus), 'de puchdorf, ca 1300 943 of Divinity, Camb. 1935, 2154, 3817 JERIN (Andreas von), 1332I-96, Bp of Breslau JUSTINGEN. 'N. Iustingensis Vberlingus d.', 16th c. 2091 256 JERIN (Bartholomaeus von), Canon & Chancellor KAISERSHEIM. Cistercians 3617 of StJohns, Breslau, d. 1613 2091 JERSEY (Victor Albert George Child-Villiers, KAMENZ. Cistercians 266 7th Earl of), 1843-1913 22, 2193, 2577, 3282, KAPPIIS (Bernardus), 1619 2737 4158 KARTHAUS (E. Prussia). Marienparadies 346 JOANNES. 'Joannis burgen.', ca 1300 1002 KAY (Humfridus), 16th c. 3045 JOANNES, conversus (?), de Malpagha, 17th c. 2292 KELHEIM. Franciscans 85 JOHANNES, Costueldiensis, 1499 3516 KELLY (Daniel), 1730-89, of St Gall 2692 JOHANNES. 'Pro mgro Johanne doctebonde KEMP (Abraham), of Gorinchem (Holland), first half of 17th c. 3323 Rothomagen. dioc.*, early 16th c. 2966 KEMPP (Philippus), tvonn Oderusenn (?)', 16th c. JOANNES. 'Joanniglassei*, ca 1600 417,418 . 232 JOHANNES, ofGottland, 16th c. 2795 JOANNES, Mollensis See MOLLENSIS (Joannes) KENDALL (John), Turcopolier of Rhodes, 1477-89 JOHANNES, 'pastor in Haumburg', 1499 412 1554 JENKINS ON
JOHANNES, ofPistoia, ca 1300 1796
JOANNES. * Reverendo Dnb Joanni IV, of Poland, ca 1600 2855 JOHANNES, Stabuletus, ca 1300 3586 J o H [ . . . ] , Venetensis [Bookplate, ca 1700] 1662 JOHNES (Roderick), 16th c. 2223 JOHNS (Morgan), 16th c. 3959 JOHNSON
See also JONSON
), 16th c.
KENRICK (John), 1721 4131 K E N T T (Robartt), 17th c. 4121
K E N T (William), 17th c. 2054, 2056 KERER (Margrette), d. 1493 930 KERLEREN (E van), 19th c. 3748
KERRICH (Thomas), D.D., 1748-1828, Fellow of Magd. Coll., Camb., & Protobibliothecarius, 1797-1828 3965 K E U C H E N I U S (Gualterus), 1602 197
JOHNSON (Johannes), late 17th c. 1950 JOHNSON (Manuel John), 1803-39, Radcliffe Observer 1824 JOHNSON (R ), 1310, of Spalding (?) 4079, 4094, 4107, 4108, 4115
KEW. Capella de Keyo 4157
J O H N S O N (R
K I N G E (Richardus), 16th c. 1733
), ca 1600 3127
KEYMIS (Laurentius), 16th c. 2106
KIFFHABER (Ulrich), viceplebanus of Erling & donor to Andechs, ca 1300 980 K I N G (Philip S ), 1893 1041, 2103, 2305
JOHNSTON (Nathaniel), M.D., 1627-1703 4072, KIRCHER (Georgius Fridericus), & Jo. Fridericus Kircher, both 17th c. 192 4073 JOLY (Jean), 1440I-1310, Franciscan of FribourgK I R K H A M See KYRKHAM KIRKUP (Seymour Stocker, 'Baron), 1788-1880, 3228-5 of Florence 2555, 2556 JONES See also J O H N E S , J O H N S K I R W O O D (John), 17th c. 4072 JONES (John), 17th c. 3054, 3082, 3104
F I F T E E N T H - C E N T U R Y PRINTED BOOKS K I S T (Nicolaas Christiaan), 1793-1859, Professor LACAITA (Charles Carmichael), 1853-1933, & at Leyden 317, 318, 321, 324, 368, 380 Mary Annabel Lacaita, d. 1924 2370, 2371 LA C R O I X (George de), ca 1600 740
KISTNER (Johannes), ca 1500 615
KLAINBROTT (Simon), Stauffensis, ca 1700 1008 LACY (William), Vicar of Wiggenhall St Mary the See also CLEINBROT Virgin, Norfolk, 1515-41 3097 KLEMM (Heinrich), 1818-86 21, 25, 3668, 3869 LA FAILLE (Jacob Baart de), 1795-1867, of KLOSS (Johann Georg Burkhard Franz), 1787Groningen University 681, 1323, 3608, 3625 1854 58, 94, 95, 129, 204, 278, 302, 316, 349, LA FAILLE (Rene de), of Antwerp [Sale, 25370, 373, 413, 428, 437, 448, 457, 488, 490, 517, 31 March 1878] 2982, 3641, 3969 527, 570, 574, 578, 604, 605, 622, 669, 674, 68$, LAFFAN (Robert George Dalrymple), Fellow of 710, 722, 725, 729, 756, 757, 977, 978, 1072, Queens9 Coll., Camb. 1319-5 1129, 1131,1147,1172,1181, 1211,1230,1291, LA FORGE (Joannes de), ofTournai, 16th c. 3734 1315, 1322, 1349,1377,1388,1446,1472, 1517, L A1N G (David), 1793-1878, antiquary 1124,3311, 1549, 1605, 1609,1804,1938, 2222, 2234, 2268, 3312, 3686 2558, 2596, 2598, 2748, 2866, 3152, 3183, 3305, LAKE (Sir James), 1790. Perhaps Sir James Winter 3313, 3347, 3422, 3463, 3532, 3556, 3694, 3730, Lake, 1745-1806 199 3819, 3883 LAKE (Thomas), ca 1600 2793 KLOSTERBRUCK
See B R U C K
(William Horatio) LAMBOYN (Thomas), Cistercian of Stratford KNASBROUGH (George), ca 1600 1047 K N I G H T (Charles Joseph), F.S.A., d. 1888, & Langthorne, 1480 124 E. Knight 814, 2938 LAMMENS (Pierre Philippe Constant), 1762-1836, KNIRERUS (Joannes), 16th c. 1235 of Ghent 654, 3534, 3598, 3599, 3692, 3832 KNYVETT (Edmund), 17th c. 2075 LAN (Christophorus), 16th c. 136 KNYVETT (Thomas), 17th c. 829, 4006, 4197 LANDAU (Count Horace de), 1824-1903 2242, K O B L E N Z See C O B L E N Z 2628-5 KOBURGKER. 'f.p. de Koburgker, 1524' 1928 LANDSHUT. Dominicans 896; University Library K O C H (? Manius), ca 1600 713 1260 K O C H (Wolff), 1556 1155 LANGD ALE (Henry Bickersteth, Baron), 1783-1851 2561, 2564, 2631 KOFERUS (Johannes), 16th c. 1036 KORSENDONCK, 'iuxta Turnhout*. Brothers of LANGER (Eduard), 1852-1914 4021, 4022, 4023, 4024, 4031 the Common Life (Domus B.V.M.) 537 KORTEBRANT (Jacob), 1697-1777, of Rotterdam LANGERAECK (Theodoricus de), 16th c. 3665 LANGHEIM. Cistercians (B.V.M.) 257, 2554 3338 KRABBENDAM (Jan), 1803-84, ofAlkmaar 3662, LANGHEN (Hermannus de), donor to Diilmen, ca 1500 132, 141, 1068, 1937 3940 LANGHORNE (John Bailey), of Outwood-hall, KRAUS (Franz Xaver), 1840-1901 398 Wakefield, Yorks. [Sale, 4 Dec. 1877] 4054 KRESS (Antonius), 1478-1513, Provost of the LANGLAYE ( ), 16th c. 4173 Chapter of St Lawrence, Nuremberg 1446 KR 1 P P E N D o R F. 'Exbibl. Krippendorfiana *,18th c.LANGLEY (Ricardus), 16th c. 1884 LANGTON ( ), 16th c. 1632, 1648 356 LANGWITH (Benjamin), 16847-1743, of Queens* K R O H N (Bartholdus Nicolaus), 18th c. 2756 K U H N E N (Pierre Louis), 1812-77, landscape Coll., Camb. 3243 LAON. Premonstratensians (St Martin) 138 painter 3304
KLOSTERNEUBURG. Canons Regular 68
KUTTENER (Matheus), 16th c. 881
LA PORTE, 'de la port?', 17th c. 1546
L' ARQUE (Charlotte de), late 17th c. 2462
See C U Y K EN S T A G A T H A
KYRKHAM (Edmund), Vicar of Weaverham (Chesh.), ca 1500 733
LATHAM (John), 16th c. 1733 LATHOMUS (Paulus), 16th c. 1962
I N D E X OF PROVENANCES LATHUM (Thomas & RaufF), 16th c. 4194 LATYMER (Francis Burdett Thomas CouttsNevill, 5th Baron), 1823-1923 3276
LEIGH (Will.), ca 1600 998
LEIGHTON (W J ) [Stock of Messrs J. & J. Leighton, sold 1919] 2940, 2950, 2953, 3893 L A U B A C H See S O L M S - L A U B A C H LEIPZIG. University Library 961 LAUD (William), 1573-1645, Abp of Canterbury LEMAGE (John) [Sale, 10 Nov. 1864] 1539 4210 LEMBORC (Thomas de), Carmelite of Liege, ca L A U D U N U M SeeLAON 1500 3860 See L O R C H
LAURENCE (Johan), 16th c. 3043 LAURIMAN (Rodolphus), 16th c. 3036 LAUSON
See L A W S O N
LAUTHER (Georg), ca 1565 1034
LENGLIN (JOHANNES), Dominican of Frankfurt
LA VALLIERE (Louis Cesar de la Beaume le Blanc, due de), 1708-80 1702, 3065, 3852 LAVYNDER ( ?LAW(J W
), 16th c. 3699 \19thc. 46
LA WATTE (Marie), ' censeresse', 16th c. 828 LAWRANS (Richard), 15th c. 3920 LAWRENCE (Edwin Henry), F.S.A., d. 1891 1689, 2821, 3076 LAWSON ( ), early 16th c. 2942,2946, 3989 LAWSON (William), early 16th c. 1237 LAYFIELD (E ), 1552. Presumably Edward Layfield, Fellow of St Catharine's Co//., Camb. 1767 LAZZARI (Marco) [s^mp] 2050 LE B R U N (Jacobus), 1507 See COSSIER
LEBSA (Jacobus Joannes), d. 1645 266 LE CANDELE DE GYSEGHEM (Charles Pierre
Joseph, Baron), 1761-1830 319, 322 (?), 3743, 3805, 3811, 3938, 3942 LE C A T (Anthoinim), ca 1500 3180 LECHANDELIER (B ), 1677 3755 ? LE C O U R (Marie de), 16th c. 3174
LE M O Y N E (Desiderius), i$6[...] 3132 LE NEVE (Peter), 1661-1729, Norroy King-atArms 3240 a. M., 1500 3217*5 LEOCINUS (Landus), ca 1600 1587 LEROY ( ), 1824 2920
LE R O Y (Alexandre), 1709 2862 LERYSAX (Richard), 17th c. 2073 LESYNGHAM (Willelmus), monk of Peterborough, early 16th c. 1344 LEVESON-GOWER
See G O W E R
LE W A I T E (Barbara), 17th c. 3693 LEW GAR (Tho.). Perhaps Thomas Lewgar of C.C. Coll., Camb. (matric. 1580) 2781 LEYDEN. Augustinian Canonesses (St Cecilia) 3335 5 Augustinian nunnery (St Catharine). Lay Sisters 3360; University Library 3308 L I B R I - C A R R U C C I (Guglielmo Bruto Icilio Timoleone, conte), 1803-69 1260 LICHFIELD (Joannes), 16th c. 3045 LICHTENBERG
See M A E S T R I C H T . Franciscans
LIDDALL (Sir Francis), early 17th c. 4163 LIECHTENSTEIN
(Princes of)
See V I E N N A .
Furstlich Liechtensteinsche Fideikommiss-Bibliothek LIEDEKERKE
See M U Y L E M (Ter)
LIEGE. Benedictines of St Leonard's (after 1489 LEDYS (Geo.), ca 1600 199 Brothers of the Common Life) 715, 1069; LEE (John), 1783-1866, ofHartwell 170 Bibliotheca Major Seminarii 538; Crutched LEE MAN (Alfred), 1816-95, Headmaster ofAlden- Friars 341,538; Premonstratensians ofBeaurepart ham School 2111 (Bellus Reditus) 3720; Williamites 508 LEEUS (Ger.), 17th c. 3130 LIERRE. Carthusians (St Catharine) 3976 LE FEVRE (J Albert), 'Parisiensis DocL Med.\ LIESBORN. Benedictines (SS. Cosmas & Damian) 16th c. 2315 553, 628, 849, 851 LEGGE (William), 1802-72, Rector of Ashtead, LIJRA See LIERRE Surrey 1921 LILIENFELD. Cistercians 103 LE GRELLE (Gerard, comte) [Sale, Dec. 1872] 207 LiMBURG. Franciscans 1766, 3454, 3730 LIMOGES. Franciscans 3249 LEIGHE ( ) , 16th c. 3102 L I N ACRE (Thomas), 14607-1524 2323 LEIGHE (Anne & Edmunde), 17th c. 772 LEIGH (Chandos Leigh, Baron), 1791-1850 2700 LINDNER (Leopold), 19th c. 2828
LE DUCESS (Marc), late 16th c. 3289
F I F T E E N T H - C E N T U R Y P R I N T E D BOOKS LUCCHESINI (Giacomo), 19th c. 2578 L u c i u s SeeLuTzius (Johannes Jodocus) LUDOVICUS, Observantine, ofReggio Emilia, late L I P M A N BEN A A R O N H A - K O H E N , 1575 2588 LIPSCHUETZ (Hirsch), of Cracow, lgth c. 2720, 15th c. 2550 2721, 4226 LUEBECK. Bibl. Lubecensis 1187 LUEDECKE (Johan Anton August), 1772-1838, LLOYD (C ), 18th (?) c. 4008 pastor of the German Church at Stockholm 1092, LLOYD (Charles), 1846 1411*5 LLOYD (Henry Robert), 1809-80, Rector ofCliffe 4219 LUE[RE?] (Bernardinus de), 16th c. 1673 at Hoo, Kent 523, 891 LUMLEY ( ), 1849 3573 LOCHTE (Hinricus), ca 1500 3423 LUMLEY (John, Baron), 1534I-1609 1845, 1986, LODIUS (Seraphinus), Dominican, 17th c. 2063 LOE (Johannes vam), ca 1500 638, 658, 714, 4221 2731, 3185 ? LOEUISS (Gherardus), 16th c. 248 LUNDEN (Erasmus a), early 18th c. 1846
LOMENIE DE BRIENNE (Etienne Charles de),
Cardinal, 1727-93 873, 3397
See L O N G U S
LUPUS (Franciscus), 16th c. 1363
L u s i u s (Antonius), ' ludimagister\ 1479 2226 LUTZIUS (Johannes Jodocus), Med. Doc, Rector of Heidelberg University in 1608 1992, 1998
LUXEMBURG. Jesuits 1622, 3919
L O N D O N (Thomas), Cistercian of Stratford Langthorne, 1480 124 LONDUS (Johannes), 16th c. 3045 LONGLAND (John), 1473-1547, Bp of Lincoln 1734 LONGOLIUS (Christophorus), 1490-1522 1674 LONGUS or Lungus (Franciscus), 16th c. 2080, 2084 LONSIGNOL (Blaze), 16th c. 3203, 3250 LORCH (Wiirttemberg). Benedictines (B.V.M.) 1804 LORDONET (
), ca 1700 2478
LUZARCHE (Victor), 1805-69, Librarian of Tours 503, 3798 LYE (Edward), 16th c. 194 LYELL (James Patrick Ronaldson), 1871-1949 4045, 4056 LYMBER (Thomas), 1509
LYNDESAY (Martin). Perhaps Martin Lindsay, or Lyndesay, Fellow of Lincoln Coll., Oxf, d. 1554 407 LYONS. Jesuits 2921, 2948, 2956, 3191 LYTE (John Walker Maxwell), 1824I-48 1478, 1489,1497,1499,1518,1527,1529,1533,1589, 2059
LORKIN (Thomas), 15281-91, Reg. Prof of Physic, Camb. 1903, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1995, MACCARTHY (Justin, Count), 1744-1812 2005, 2022 1169 LOUKA. Monasterium Lucense See B R U C K L o u VAIN. Augustinians (of Bethlehem), see MCCLURE (Edmund), Hon. Canon of Bristol, d. 1922 2706 BETHLEHEM; (of Vallis S. Martini) 3436, 3598; College de Bay 662; Discalced CarmelitesM C E W E N (John Helias Finnie), of Trin. Coll, (St Albert) 1002; Jesuits 828, 3666, 3815; Camb. 624, 625, 629 Premonstratensians (of he Pare), see PARC (Le) M A C H E T O (Odo), early 16th c. 591 LOVENS (Gibertus), 1674 652 M A D D E N (Jean Patrice Auguste), 1808-89 72» LUARD (Henry Richards), 1825-91, Registrary of 268, 296, 312, 337, 351, 357, 385, 389, 411, 416, the University 918, 1197, 2067, 2458, 2621; 594, 684, 711, 723, 775, 846, 2340, 2866, 3182, 388, 908, 4035 4014 LUCAS (Henry), founder of the Lucasian Professor- MAES (Gertrudis), 16th c. 3658 ship, d. 1663 2466 MAESTRICHT. Augustinians 3787; Beghards LUCAS (J J ), Fellow of the College of 3423; Franciscans of Mons Gratiae Dei & Mons Medicine at Antwerp, 17th c. 3938 Lucis (Lichtenberg) 3748, 3800, 3864
I N D E X OF PROVENANCES M A F F E I (Mario), 17th c. 1373
MARTINUS, 16th (?) c. 2932
MAGDEBURG. Brothers of the Common Life (Hieronymites) 3458
MARTYN (John), 1699-1768, Professor of Botany, Camb. 1880, 3804 MARY. Conv. S. Mariae (unidentified) 461 MASKELL (William), 1814-1890, of University Coll, Oxf 1522, 2972, 3017, 3587, 3681
M A H I E U [Maiolus] (Thomas). 97
William), 1850-1906,
Downing Professor of the Laws of England, Camb.
1112, 1729 M A S O N (George), d. 1806 4016 M A I T L A N D (William Fuller), 1813-1876, ofTrin. MASSIE (Jacobus), 17th c. 561 Coll., Camb. 835, 1609, 1922, 3141 MATELICA (Raphael de) See RAPHAEL, de MALAMATER (Jacobus), ca 1600 2010
M A LINES. Jesuits 3341
MATHER (Christopher), ca 1600 1628
MALLERSDORF. Benedictines 109, 2796
MATHEUS, Bruxellensis, 16th c. 3626
MALTA. Protestant College 632, 633, 636, 643,644 MAURENUS (Joannes Baptista), of Verona, 1657 M A N C I N I U S (Ferdinandus), Servite, 17th c. 1757 1627 M A N D L (Paulus), 16th c. 2265-7
MAXSTOKE, co. Warwick.
Augustinians (St
MANISTRE (John), 1747-1826, Fellow of King's Mary & St Michael) 1784 Coll, Camb. 652 M A YE (Roger), 16th c. 589 M A N N Y N G H A M (Richard), Rector ofMichelmersh, MAYO (Charles), 1767-1858, Prof, ofAnglo-Saxon, Hants, 1661 1932 Oxf 1035 MANTELL (Gideon Algernon), F.R.S., 1790-1852 MAYR (Alexander), ca 1600 1764 MECENATE (Raffaello), ca 1825 2418
MEDICES (Sixtus), 1501 ?-i56i, Dominican, of Venice 2192 MEDOWCROFT (Robertus), late 17th c. 3057
M A N T E S . Celestines 2938 M A N T U A . Carmelites 2573 M A N T Z (Marcus), 1569 907
M A N Z O N I (ConteGiacomo), 1816-89 I772»2455» 2632, 2674
MEERMAN (Gerard), 1722-71 3601 (?)
MEEK (Charles), ca 1900 2356
MEERSCH (Polydore Charles van der), 1812-68, (Arthur Hugh Smith-Barry, 1st Baron) of Ghent 3833, 3911 M A R C H M O N T (Hugh Hume, 3rd Earl of), 1708-94 2467 MEINDERS (Johannes Carolus), 1683 1194 M A R C I A (Anthonius a), 1603 1622
MELANDER (Cri.), ca 1550 927
MARCOUSSIS. Celestines (Sanctae Trinitatis) 234MELIus (Antonius), Vic. Gen. Ord. Erem. S. Aug., M A R C U S , Lusitanus, late 16th c. 3211 ofCrema, d. 1528 3833 M A R I A T H E R E S A, 1717-80, Empress ofAustria 68 MELLE. Augustinian Canons (B.V.M.) 3736 M A R I E , van Brusselle, 16th c. 3335 MELLINIUS (Dominicus). Presumably Domenico MARIENBURG. Jesuits 1846
philosopher 2388
ca 1540-1610, Florentine historian &
MARIENZELL, near Prennberg. Benedictines 991 M E L L O . Bibliothkque de Mello See SEILLIERE M A R I N I (Calisto), ofPesaro, late 18th c. 1166 (Baron Achille de) M A R I N U S (Angelus), 16th c. 422
M E L S H A M (Johannes), 16th c. 4178
M A R P U R G (Johannes), 1546 150
MELTON. * Ralph Melton, Fellow ofMichaelhouse' (later Trin. Coll., Camb.) 3767 MERBEKE (Lodevicus de), alias Gieliis, 16th c. 3909
M A R S S C . 'Oliver marSSU ,16th C. 1986 MARTIN
See also M A R T Y N
M A R T I N (John), Dominican, 18th c. 2041
MARTIN (Louis Aime), 1786-1847 1833 M E R K (J B ), 19th c. 1017 MARTIN (Thomas), 1697-1771, antiquary 565, MERLUS (Franciscus), Prior of St Salvator at 799, 3739 MARTINI (Giuseppe), of Lucca, b. 1870 2359
Piacenza, 18th c. 2076 M E S M Y N , 1558 3190
), 16th c. 6j6
METCALFE (Adrian), Fellow-Commoner of Trin. Coll., Camb. (1667) 1636 M E T TEN. Benedictines (St Michael) 2779 M E T Z . Carmelites 61; Celestines 2864 MEYER (Jean de), d. 1869 333,451, 587,649,654, 662, 826, 1440, 1622, 2822, 2900, 3322, 3338, 3341, 3376, 338o, 3389, 3395, 3404, 3415, 3425, 3427, 3485, 349<5, 35^0, 3574, 3576, 3602, 3604, 3616, 3680, 3684, 3762, 3805, 3811, 3815, 3853, 3860, 3870, 3888, 3904, 3930, 3934, 396o, 3976, 4000 MEYROISS (Godofredus), early 16th c. 761-5 M I C H A E L I S (Johannes), 1618 991 M I C H E L E (Aw.), 19th c. 1657
M O E T (Johannes), ofRheims, 1515 3200 M O I R A (John Rawdon, 1st Earl of), 1720-93 1638 M O L I T O R (Bartoldus) See MoLLER (Bartoldus) MOLLENSIS (Joannes), Williamite of Baseldonck, 1605 540 MOLLER (Bartoldus), 14607-1330, Rector of the University of Rostock 2066, 2092 M O L Z A (GiosefFo Maria), ca 1700 1861 MONEY-COUTTS
M O N N I N G T O N (Thomas), ca 1700 1732 M O N S . fesuits 3180
M O N S G R A T I A E D E I 5eeMAESTRiCHT. Franciscans
MONS Lucis
See MAESTRICHT. Franciscans
MlCHIELS (J G ), 177S I438 PMONSECOLIUS (Theodosius), iFlorimanvista\ MlDDLETON (J J ), 19th C. I365 ca 1600 2851, 3047 M I D D L E T O N (John Henry), 1846-96, Slade Pro- M O N T A G U - D O U G L A S - S C O T T See Bucfessor ofFine Art, Camb. 539, 2904,2906; 1365, CLEUCH 2679, 2742 M O N T A G U E See M O U N T I G U E MIEREUS (Gambaldus), 17th c. 2211
M O N T - D E - C H A T R E . Celestines 2931
M I L A N . Carmelites 2579; Coll. S. Mariae SecretaeMONTEFALCO. 'Loci Montisfalconum' 1654 2255; Conv. S. Eustacii 2288; Oblates of St MONTFORT, 15th (?) C. I397 Ambrose 1682 M O O N (George Washington), 1823-1909 501, MILBANKE (family of) 3239 516 MILLARD (James Elwin), 1823-94, ofMagd. Coll., M O O R E (John), Bp of Ely, 1646-1714 For the Oxf 121, 271, 1660, 2736, 3400 library of John Moore, presented to the University in 1713 by King George I and since known as the MILLER (Arthur Sidney Banting), Assistant, Royal Library, see G E O R G E I, King of England Univ. Libr., Camb., 1868-1924 144, 2843 MILLER (William Henry), 1789-1848 See B R I T - M OR ANTE (Joachim Gomez de la Cortina, marques de) See G O M E Z DE LA C O R T I N A
MILLIENHOUE (Anthonus de), 16th c. 3909 MORELLUS (Ludovicus), of Saluzzo, Dominican, MILNER (John), 1651 ?-i7O5, Precentor & 16th c. 2500 Librarian of Durham Cathedral 2323 MORES. (Edward Rowe), 1730/31-1778 3056 MILTENBERG. Franciscan Recollects 523 M O R G A N (Edwarde), 17th c. 732 M I L T O N (William), 1820-82, ofExeter Coll., Oxf. M O R I C E See M O R R I S 1786 M O R I SON (Sir Richard), d. 1356 2181 M I N D EN. Benedictines (55. Maurice & Simeon) 65M O R I T Z (Mauritius), Abbot of Roth, 1760-82 MlNDERAU 5eeWEISSENAU 1158 M I N N S (Sir Ellis Hovell), 1874-1953, Disney M O R L A N D (Mathew), 16th c. 1615, 1618 Prof, of Archaeology, Camb. 1920, 3238 MORLEY (John, Viscount), 1838-1923, donor of the MITCHELL (William) [Armorial bookplates, ca Acton Library 24, 44, 230, 243, 408, 585, 750, 1900] 2008,2379,2384,2395,2401,2416,2432, 759, 897, 925, 931, 948, 997, 999, 1009, 1010, 1014,1021,1039,1040,1078,1083,1104,1115, 2593 1127,1137,1144,1165,1168,1216,1239,1263, M o DEN A. Augustinian Canons (Holy Trinity) 1288,1332,1346,1485,1523,1541,1813,1846, 1898-5 1849,1853,1888,1900,1919,1936,1985, 2004, MOESINGER (Stephan), Abbot of Langheim, 2033, 2121, 2145, 2302, 2316, 2607, 2629, 2663, 1734-51 257
MURRAY (Alexander Gordon Wynch), 18841919, Librarian of Trin. Coll., Camb. 519, 522, 1350, 2973, 3286; (from his library, given by 3493, 3758 D. W. Murray) 20,101,2049,2380,3810,4135 M O R R I S (Henry Cecil Low), M.D., d. 1941 971 MURRAY (Charles Fairfax), 1849-1919 17, 820, M O R I C E (James), early 16th c. 4077 1150,1169,1526,1558, 1561,1562,1563,1566, M O R I C E (John), 16th c. 3175 1567, 1568, 1569, 1590, 1595 (?), 1597 (?)> M O R R I C E (Thomas), 1373 1116 1604,1629, 2233, 2241, 2327, 2328, 2329, 2332, M O R R I S (William), 1834-96 77,713,1150,1179, 2448, 2476, 2716; 1477,1479,1559,1588, 2896, 1388, 1739, 1740, 2454 2897, 3086, 3089 3979 M O R T O N (John), 14207-1300, Cardinal 1611, M U R R A Y (Rev. Donald Wynch) See M u R R A Y 1615, 1618 (Alexander Gordon Wynch) MOSER (Georgius), ofPavia, 1473 2508 M O S L (Sigismund), plebanus at Steinhoring MURSAEUS (Johannes), 16th c. 2066, 2092 M U S C H W A N G (Ulrich), Benedictine at Aspach, (Bavaria), 1480 125 1382 739 M o s s (Joseph William), 1803-62, of Dudley 982 M o ULE (Arthur Christopher), Professor ofChinese, MUYLEM (Ter), nr Liedekerke. Carmelites 2809 Camb., & H.J. Moule 655 M Y G E H E T T E (Robert), 1364 4077 MOULLIER (Petrus), 16th (?) c. 2898 2899 M Y L I u s (Nathanael), of Camburg (Thuringia), M O U N T S T BERNARD (Leics.). Cistercians 3199 [? 17)90 631 M O U N T G R A C E . Charterhouse (B.V.M. & St MYNORS (Roger Aubrey Baskerville), Corpus Nicholas) 1082 Christi Professor of Latin, Oxf. 866, 3156 2697,2790,2794,2795,2820,2905,3235,3246,
M O U N T I G U E (Laurence), 16th c. 3838 M U D G E (Edward), 16th c. 3541
N A B E L L (Heinrich), of Speyer, 1319 830
MUEDEN. Nunnery of St Catharine 3590 NAGLER (Karl Ferdinand Friederich von), 1770MUENSTER (Westphalia). Brothers ofthe Common 1846 1340 Life (Fons saliens) 3483, 3501, 3523, 3533; N A G Y (Istvdn), 1801-63 619 Jesuits 457 NAMUR. Carmelite Sisters 3860 MUENSTEREIFEL. Church of SS. Chrysanthus & N A N S (F
), 16th c. 1363
Daria 102 N A N T E S . Carthusians 2464 M U E N Z E R (Erasmus), 1443-1317, Abbot of St NAPIER (Francis, 10th Baron), 1st Baron Ettrick, Emmerams, Ratisbon 997 1819-98 2862 M U G N O See P I A N DI M U G N O N E NAPIER (Georgiana Louisa), 1818-1900 2862 M U L D E N E R (Aug. Gottl. Wilh.), 18th c. 995 NAPLES. Benedictines (Congregation of St Justine, M U L K E M A N (Henricus), 17th c. 1002 later Cassinese Congregation) ofS. Severino 2668; M U L S A M (William), 1667 1941, 2686 Conv. S. Spiritus 3211 M U L U M See M U Y L E M (Ter) NAYLOR (Richard Christopher), 1814-99, of M U N B Y (Alan Noel Latimer), Librarian & Fellow Kelmarsh, Northants 3011 of King's Coll, Camb. 1599, 2224, 2988, 2989 N E A E L I U S (Christophorus), 1364 $jz, 934 MUNICH.
Augustinian Hermits 78, 971, 1855;
Franciscans 897, 1869; Hof- & Staatsbibliothek
N E A L E (Alexander) [Sale, 4 Feb. 1936] 543 NEISTAD
See W I E N E R - N E U S T A D T
63, 70, 119, 155, 273, 412, 515, 577, 596, 891, N E M E I T Z (Joachim Christoph), 1679-1733 686 897, 902, 1039, 1090, 1359; Theatines (SS. N E O F O R U M See N E U M A R K T Adelaide & Cajetanus) 1855 NERESHEIM. Benedictines (SS. Ulrich & Afra) M U N R O (Hugh Andrew Johnstone), 1819-83, 2836 Kennedy Prof, of Latin, Camb. 2187, 4039 N E T T L E T O N (Johannes), 16th c. 735 MUNSTER (Henry), 1823-94, of Trin. Coll., NEUFVILLE (Carolus de), late 16th c. 2891 Camb. 2452 NE u GER (Johannes), Dominican, 16th c. 94,1349 MURRAY [Bookplate, ca 1900] 114
N E U H O V E R (Casparus), 17th c. 2855
FIFTEENTH-CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS Reformed Franciscans N U N HEM (Limburg). Augustinian Canons (Vallis S. Elizabeth) 350, 447, 450 NUREMBERG. Benedictines (StEgidius) 716, 890; N E U S T A D T See W I E N E R - N E U S T A D T 9 N E W A L L (Hugh Frank), 1857-1944, Professor of 'Bib. Nor. 716; Church of St Lawrence 1446 N U T I U S (Cornelius), Michaelite, of Antwerp, Astrophysics, Camb. 3767 16th c. 3425 NEWARK (Notts.). Chantry 3799 N E W C A S T L E - O N - T Y N E . Convent (unidentified) NYKKE (Richard), 14477-1535, Bp of Norwich 528 1542 NEUMARKT
N E W M A N (W
N Y X S O N (Anthonius), 16th c. 1889
), 17th c. 4147
N E W T O N (Thomas), 16th c. 2804 OATES (John Claud Trewinard), of Trin. Coll., Camb., Under-Librarian, Univ. Libr. 1526-5 ? N I C A S I I S (Gio. Maria de), 1570 2282 OBERALTAICH. Benedictines (St Peter) 739 N I C O L (George), 17417-1829, bookseller in London O B E R - Z E L L . Premonstratensians (St Michael) 1608 NICOLAUS, of Hildesheim, ca 1500 777, 2834 107 NICOLAUS, of Schiedam, early 16th c. 3471 O B L A T I S. SEPULCRI See M I L A N . Oblates of NiEDERWERTH,nrCoblenz. Augustinian Canons St Ambrose (B.V.M. inlnsula) 674 OCTAVIANUS, de Sancto Georgio (i.e. of San ? NIELLES (Anthonius de), 16th c. 1126 Giorgio Canavese?), ca 1500 2729 NIESERT (Joseph), Pastor of Velen, nr Munster, OELSNER (Johann Wilhelm), 1766-1848, of Westphalia, d. ca 1842 40, 521, 590, 607, 748, Breslau 1312 1225, 3346, 3502, 3516, 3611, 3632, 3638, 3891 OFFLEY (George), solicitor, of Covent Garden, NIVELLES. Franciscan Recollects 3164 d. 1889 1693, 3021 N i x (Richard) See NYKKE (Richard) O G I L V Y (Sir George) See BANFF (George N I X O N SeeNYXsoN Ogilvy, 1st Baron) NOBLE (Sir John Henry Brunei), 1865-1938 OGILVY (Sir Walter), of Dunlugas, d. 1627-8 1369, 1611, 2200, 3036 3311, 3312, 3686 NoCHER. 'Francisci Antonii Romani Nocher\ O ' G R A D Y (Standish Hayes), 1822-1915, of Trin. 17th c. 2693 Coll., Dublin 1826 N O E R E S H E I N See N E R E S H E I M O L D I S W O R T H (William), ca 1600 3276 ? NONTERRA (Nicolaus de), ca 1500 3428 OPRANDIS (Johannes Petrus de), ofBergamo, 1521 N E W T O N (W
), 1879 359
See B O R L U U T DE N O O R T -
ORCEIUM. * ad locum s. Antonii Orceii antiNORFOLK (Henry Howard, 6th Duke of), 1628-84 qu[um?Y (POrzivecchi, nr Brescia) 1929 1611, 2277, 2358, 2442, 2644, 2662, 2665 O R M E R O D E (Peter), 1606 404 N O R I S I U S (Jacobus), 15th c. 768 O R S T O N (Thomas), Rector of Ufford, Suffolk, NORRYE (John), late 17th c. 3057 1504-8 776 N O R S W O R T H Y (William Pain Weston), of the OSBALDESTON ( ), 17th C. I783 Middle Temple,fl.i860 4091 OSBORNE (Richard), 16th c. 2181 DONCK
(Frederick North, 5th Earl of) Albert George Child-Villiers, 7th Earl of) N O R T O N (FrederickJohn), ofPemb. Coll., Camb., O S W A L D (Richard Alexander), 1841-1921, of Auchincruive, Ayrshire 1793 Under-Librarian, Univ. Libr. 175-5, 1218, 1222-5, I26O-5, I898-5, 2O6l-5, 2899-5, 3038; O T T I L I A , ofLambach, 1544 1759 OTTOBEUREN. Benedictines (SS. Alexander & 219*5, 551*5, 1302-5 N O T T (George Frederick), 1767-1841, Fellow of Theodore) 128, 668, 901, 903, 915, 919, 2436 All Souls Coll., Oxf. 2154 O X F O R D . Bodleian Library 3 74, 421 o; Magdalen NOVELLUS (Petrus), 17th c. 1569 College 4129; Merton College 3795
I N D E X OF PROVENANCES O X F O R D (Robert & Edward Harley, 1st & 2nd Earls of)
PARMA (Henri Marie Albert, Duke of), 1873-1939
833 PARMIUS (Augustinus), 17th c. 1569
P A C I U S (Franciscus), 1630 1750
PARR (family of). William, Baron Parr of Horton PADERBORN (Jasperus), ofZwolle, ca 1500 3489, (d. 1346), and others 4150 3490, 3494, 3498, 3524, 3540 ? PARR (J W ), 19th c. 46 PADUA. Church of St Nicholas 939 PARRANUS, Capuchin, 1640 905 PAEMEL (Franciscus van), of Ghent, 1768 PARRHASIUS (Aulus Janus), 1470-1322 1786 649 PARRY (Samuel), 1612 597 PAFRAET (Richard), printer at Deventer, 1477-1311 PARTRIDGE (Robert), 1747-1817 2502 PASSAU. Augustinian Canons of the Lateran Con3483, 3501, 3523, 3533 gregation (St Nicholas) 214, 1146, 1276; FranPAGANELLUS (Carolus), 17th c. 2699 ciscan Observants 149 PAINE (Cornelius), 1809-1890 298, 597,689,691, PASSMORE (Thomas Henry), 1863-1941, of 909, 983, 1365, 2268, 2538, 2879, 3448 Selwyn Coll., Camb. 2640, 2660, 2661 PALDINGER (P ), 1479 891 PALMER (
), 16th c.
PATTENSON (Guilielmus), 16th c. 198
PALMER (Hubert Greville), 19th c. 2297 PALMER (John), 1823 3075 PALMER (Katherine), 1346, of Syon Abbey, Isleworth (Abbess, 1333) 4118 PALMER (Thomas), ca 1600 3767 PAMELE (Jacques dejoigny de), 1336-87, Canon of St Donation, Bruges 2900 PANETIUS (Jacobus), priest at St-Amand-sur-Fion, near Chdlons-sur-Marne, 1339 2972 'PAPILLON.' Perhaps Philibert Papillon, 16661 738f of Dijon 591 P A PIS (Benignus de), ca 1300 2002
PAUL. Ecclesia S. Pauli (unidentified) 133, 593, 3421 PAULET. Probably John Pawley Second Master at Winchester c. 1347 194 PAULUS. *Pauli de Cons-s-\ 16th c. 2285 PAULUS III, Abbot of Lilienfeld, d. 1483 103 PAULUS, Augustinian Hermit of Cremona, 17th c. 2021 PAULUTIUS (Antonius Maria), of Forll, 17th c.
2495*5 ? PAVIA. 'Ad leprosos* (i.e. the Monastery of St Peter of Verzolo?) 1652 PARADISUS M A R I A E See K A R T H A U S PAVIA. Congregation of the Mission 1653 PARC (Le). Premonstratensians 2749, 3320, 3595, PAYEN (Johannes), late 16th c. 2777 3703 PAYNE (Joseph Frank), 1840-1910, Fellow of PARDIS (Petrus Paulus de), 16th c. 2610 Magd. Coll., Oxf 3128; 2236 (?) PARES (Thomas), F.S.A., 1746-1824, of Hopwell PEARSON (Karl), 1837-1936, Gresham Professor of Hall, Leicester 2338 Geometry, London 78, 718, 858, 944, 953,1033, PARIS. Augustinian Canons (St Victor) 2882; 1138, 1170, 1215, 1235, 1319, 2785, 3221 Conventus S. Crucis 613; Jesuits 2019, 3271; P E D E P O N T I U M See STADTAMHOF •Mathurins (Trinitarians) 3049; University (Col- PEERS (Johannes), 16th c. 1644 lege of Navarre) 1900 PEIRESC (Nicolas Claude Fabri de), 1380-1637 PARISI (Giovan Paolo) See PARRHASIUS 3007 (Aulus Janus) PELHAMERUS (Georgius), d. 1634 1100 PARKER (Matthew), 1304-73, Abp of Canterbury PELLIEN (Pierre), 16th c. 3280 1026 PELPLIN. Bill. Seminarii Clericalis Episcopalis Culmensis 1065; Cistercians (B.V.M.) 1065 PARKER (Thomas), 16th c. 771 PARKIN (Thomas), 1843-1932, of Trin. Coll., PEMBROKE (Earls of). Pembroke Library 1629,3 764 PENGELLEY (William Henry), of Corpus Christi Comb. 3038 Coll., Camb., d. 1893 281 PARKINSON (Thomas), Fellow of Michaelhouse (Trin. Coll.), Camb., d. 1386 2350 PEN ROSE (Boies), of Barbados Hill, Devon, PennPARMA. Carmelites 1676, 1677 sylvania, b. 1902 2291, 2424
FIFTEENTH-CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS PILKINGTON (Leonard), 1527I-99, Master of St Johns Coll, Camb. 1953 PINELLI (Maffeo), 1736-85, of Venice 148, 1036, PERKINSON (Thomas) See PARKINSON 1686,1755, 2289, 2675, 2682, 2708, 2747, 2979, (Thomas) 3179, 3267, 3290 PERNDORFFER (Jodocus), 1492 1238 P I N K (Harold Leslie), Assistant Under-Librarian, PERRINS. Antonius Perinus 16th c, & Robartus Univ. Libr., Camb. 1762*5 Pyrryns, 16th c. 3081 PIRCKHEIMER (Wilibald), 1470-1530 2298 PERUGIA. Jesuits 2338; University 2508 PiSATO (Abram), late 17th c. 2722 P E s A H (Abraham & Jacob Mordecai Jehill) 2482 P I S T O R I O (Johannes de), ca 1500 1796 PETERBOROUGH. Benedictines 1344 Pius VI, Pope, 1717-99 2370, 2371, 2550 PERINUS
PERKINS (Frederic), of Chipstead Place, Kent, d. 1861 984, 3271, 4203
P E T H W I C K (Thomas), 1664 2474
PLAMPIN (Thomas), 1719 3300
PETRELLI (Willigisius), Cistercian at Arnsburg, PLANCKEN (Laurentius van der), alias Sollenelt, 1763 931 cai5oo 3774 PETRI (Nicolaus), ofSmdland, Sweden, 1575 251, PLANITIES MUGNONIS See PIAN DI MUG687 NONE PETRO, of Mantua, Dominican, 1528 1643*5 PLANT (Ricardus), 16th c. 3081 PETRUS, Abbot of Marienzell, 1618 991
PODIANI (Prospero), of Perugia, jurist, d. 1615 PETRUS, ' Novalariensis' (?), Carmelite, 16th c. 2138 1676 POELSTERL (Hieronymus), LL.D., 1477-1509, PETRUS, Trecensis presbyter, 16th c. 661 Canon ofBrixen 2024 PETRUS (Henricus), of Navarre (?), 16th c. 2837 POLIDORUS, de C, Augustinian Hermit of Ivrea, PETTRE (Jeanne), 1565 3011 early 16th c. 2278 PEUTIE. Carmelite Sisters (B.V.M. de ConsolationePOLLING. Augustinian Canons (Mon. S. Salvajuxta Filvordiam) 3394 toris et S. Crucis) 546, 904 PFIFFER (Walter), Canon ofBeromiinster, 1620 2036 POLLOCK (James Samuel), 1834-95, ofTrin. Coll, P H A L I U S (Conradus), 1602 751 Dublin 1352 PHILBRICK (Frederick Adolphus), 1836-1910, POLPLIN See PELPLIN Recorder of Co Ichester 1643 P O N N A T (Francois de), 1639, and Jean-Francois de PHILIP. Bibliothlque de St Philippe (unidentified) Ponnat, 1670-1744 (?), of Grenoble 2069 PONTANUS (Robertus), of Lille, 17th c. 3734 234, 1308, 3034 P O N T E (Judocus de), ca 1500 3736 PHILIPPS (Fab.), ca 1700 3094, 3097 PONTESBURY (Sir Leonard), vicar of Shawbury P H I L I P P U S , Biennburgkgensis, 16th c. 417, 418 PHILLIPPS (Sir Thomas), 1792-1872 710, 3968, (Salop), 1518-37 3402 4048 P O N T O I S E . Unidentified library 75 PETRUS, Bp of Hierapolis, 16th c. 1348
P O P E (Johannes), 16th c. 2144
) [Sale, 1869] 415, 3661
PHILLOTT (Henry Wright), 1816-95, Canon of P O P E - H E N N E S S Y (SiVJohn), 1834-91 75, 133, Hereford 2154 1318, 3963 PIACENZA. Benedictines (St Savinus) 2083 ? P O R A (Carolus), 1656 3129 P I A N D I M U G N O N E . Dominicans of the Oratory
of St Mary Magd. 1803, 1866 PiCHAVER
(Ralph), D.D., of Ch. Ch,
See T E N N E N B A C H
P O T E N Z A . Reformed Franciscans 2194 Oxf,
d. 1614/15 753, 754, 755, 773
POTES or Potis (Elizabeth), of Kidlington, 16th c. 772 P O T T E R (Thomas), ca 1600 4114
PIELENHOFEN. Franciscans 999 PILBAROUGH (Jean), 16th c. 2861
PILKINGTON (Barnabas), of St Johns Coll., Comb., d. 1607 264, 778
POWELL (Sir Francis Sharp), Bart., 1827-1911, of Old Hall, Bradford 3213-5
I N D E X OF PROVENANCES P O W N D E (Thomas), 16th c. 3876 PRAAT (T van), lgth c. 3360 PRAGI (Isaac), Italian Rabbi, ft. 1640 2528, 2529,
RADCLIFFE (Richard Duncan), 1844-1935, of
2588, 2718, 2719, 2728 PRANTNER (Nicolaus), 16th c. 3617
? PRATINIANUM. 'Conv. S. CrucisPratiniani(?)' (unidentified) 1878 PRATO. Dominicans 2086, 2159, 2435, 2494 PREMONTRE. Abbey of the B.V.M. & St John Baptist 3039 PRESTON (Nicolas), 16th c. 3053 PRICE
See P R I T C H A R D
Ch. Ck, Oxf 191 R A D F O R D (W
), 1871 1695
), 1628 3358
RAINCOCK (Fletcher), 1769-1840, Fellow of Pemb. Coll, Camb. 2187 RAINE (William), of Stella, co. Durham, early 17th c. 4163 RAMBSAU
RAMES (Roger), donor to Sheen Anglorum, 1584 1824 RAMSAU. Augustinian Hermits 137, 1053 RAMSAY (Gul.), 16th c, & Jo. Ramsay, 16th c. 2698
PRIDEAUX (Edmund), 1693-1745, & Humphrey RANDELL (John), 16th c. 1970 Prideaux, 1719-93, both of Prideaux Place, RANNSSHER (Fridericus), ofHeilbronn, 1563 3302 RANSHOFEN. Augustinian Canons (St Pancras) Padstow 2265*7 227, 1115, 1263, 1352, 1813, 1936, 2794, 2830 PRIFLING See PRUEFENING PRINCE (Charles Leeson), 1821-99, of Crow- RANSOME (John Atkinson), 1779-1837, & Joseph borough, Sussex 410 Atkinson Ransome, 1805-67, both surgeons of PRINCE (Samuel), 1839 J 7 8 3 Manchester 1393, 1405 PRISEUS (Joannes) [i.e. John Price?], 16th c. R A p H A E L, de Matelica, Observantine, ca 1600 2122 RAPPERSCHWIL. 'Rudolfus T de Rapperschwil', 2180 1500 1330 PRITCHARD (Leander), Benedictine of Douai, RASTELL (Johannes), 1605 2659 ft. 1650 4110 PROCTOR (Robert George Collier), 1868-1903 RATISBON. Benedictines (StEmmeram) 724,926, 997» 1353; Bibliotheca Camerae Episcopalis 1021, 739; 176, 400, 1212, 1295, 2644, 2665 P R O U T (John), merchant of the Staple at Calais, 203 3; Dominicans 89,906; Dominican Nuns (Ad sanctam Crucem) 898, 1018; Franciscans 1155, 1450-73 3300 13 51; Jesuits 1326 PRUEFENING. Benedictines 267 PRUEL, near Ratisbon. Carthusians (St Vitus) RAUENS (JO.). Presumably John Ravens of Queen S Coll, Oxf. (M.A. 1595) 2949, 2951, 2952, 987, 988 2986, 2998, 3061, 3064, 3066, 3173 PUCHLER (Leonhardus), of Vienna, 1522 2814 PULLIN (A T ), of Trin. Coll, Dublin, RAWLINSON (John Frederick Peel), 1860-1926, Hon. Fellow of Pemb. Coll, Camb. 1600, 3259 19th c. 2160 R A W S O N (William), Fellow (1474) ofPemb. Coll., PUREFEY (Thomas), ofBarwell, d. 1612 4214 Camb. \\q\ ? PUSSOLIUS (Gaspar), 1608 1879 READING. Benedictines (B.V.M.) 3230 PUTZBACH SeeBUTZBACH REBDORF. Augustinian Canons (St John Baptist) P Y L K Y N G T O N See P I L K I N G T O N PYRRYNS See PERRINS 1331 REDDAN (James H ), of Sandy mount, Dublin [Sale, 17 Feb. 1905] 1418, 2511 Q U A D E (Johannes), early 16th c. 356 QUATTREMART (Johannes). Presumably Johann REDGRAVE (Gilbert Richard), 1844-1941 2669 Quattremart of Cologne, Professor of Biblical R E D I N G (Richard), 16th c. 405 REDONDELA (Isla de), near Vigo See SAN Exegesis at Mainz, d. 1498 523 SIMON Q U I N T I U S (Stanislaus), Chaplain to the King of REEVE (Anna Maria), of Hendens House, Berks., Poland, ca 1600 2855 19th c. 4204 Q Y C K See C U Y K EN S T A G A T H A
85 I
F I F T E E N T H - C E N T U R Y P R I N T E D BOOKS REEVE DE LA POLE (Sir John George), 1808-74 ROCHESTER. Benedictines (St Andrew) 2179 4204 ROCHESTER (Thomas), ca 1500 259 ? R O C H O M I U S (Michael), ca 1500 3193 REGENSBURG SeeRATiSBON REGGIO EMILIA. Observantines(S.Spiritus) 2550 R O D O L P H U S , ab Erlach See ERLACH (Joannes
REICHENHALL. Augustinian Canons (St Zeno) Rodolphus von) 925, 1058, 1067 RODTACKER or Rodacker (Stephan), of HeidelREICHERSBERG. Augustinian Canons (St Michael) berg University, b. 1526 955 1797, 2591 ROEDENCLOOSTER. Augustinian Canons (St REIFENSTEIN. Cistercians 2764 Paul) 3410, 3411, 3705, 3878 REINHARD (B ), igth c. 331, 342, 377 ROELANDUS (Nicolaus), ofLouvain, 1573 2280 R E M (Bartholomeus), of Augsburg, ca 1500 73 R O E R M O N D . Carthusians 862, 1320 REMINGER (Silvester), 16th c. 175*5, 1260*5 ROGER. ' P . Rogr-if, ca 1700 (?) 2292 RENESSE-BREIDBACH (Clement Wenceslas, ROGERHOU (Marcus), late 16th c. 616 ROGUERUS, 'Goudensis, alias Warden (?)\i6thc. comte de), 1776-1833 343, 454, 2740, 2822 RENNES. Franciscans 3186 2072 RETZMAN (Daniel), 1603 1182 ROKEBY (Sir Thomas), 1631 ?-99 2443 REUSMANN ( ) , of Wolfenbuttel, 1773 236, ROLANDUS, de Sancto Martino, 1520 3397 R O L F (Henricus), 16th c. 2513 2810
R E u T I N , nr Wildberg (Wiirtt.). Dominican ROME. Piarists (St Panthaleon) 1730 ROMILLY (John, 1st Baron), 1802-74 4187 Sisters 1159 REYDE (Gisbertus van den), of Tongres, 1630 425 ROMMERSDORF. Premonstratensians (B.V.M. & REYHER (Samuel), 1635-1714, Professor of Mathe- Stjohn) 534 matics & Jurisprudence at Kiel 2211 R o P F u s. ' Cristofferus ropf9', 16th c. 802 REYNELL (C W ) [Sale, May 1895] 3626, ROSE (Rt Hon. George), 1744-1818 2467 ROSENBLAD (Bemhard Emanuel), 1796-1855, of 3974 Sweden 1092 REYNOLDES (Johannes). Perhaps John Reynolds or Rainolds, D.D., 1549-1607, President of CorpusROSSETUS (Petrus), 16th c. 1754 R o s s o (Luca Carlo del), 18th c. 2108 Christi Coll., Oxf 1123 ROTENECKER (Johannes), Abbot of Mon. of RHEIMS. Carmelites 3397 St Egidius at Nuremberg, 1477-1504 716 R H E N N (Joh.), 17th c. 1207 R O T H . Premonstratensians 1158 RICCIARDUS (Franciscus), 17th c. 2676 RICHARD (J ),D.M.,cai8oo (?) 2876,2921, R O T H A (Johannes), ca 1500 3522 ROTHERHAM (Thomas), Abp of York & Chan2948, 2956 cellor of England, d. 1500 79, 104, 106, 979, RICHARDS (Thomas Bryan), 1802 3994 RIEDERER (Johannes), of Eschenbach, 'parochus in 1360,1370,1614,1617,1619,1620,1623,1698, 1703,1704,1706,1707,1708,1709,1710,1711, Gelbelsee' (near Eichstatt), late 16th c. 2004 1714,1715,1716,1717,1718,1719,1726,2238, RIFFENSTEIN See REIFENSTEIN 2542, 2543, 2544, 2545, 2546, 2547, 2548 R I G B Y SeeRYGBY 9 R I T I U S (Archangelus), Augustinian, of Venice, ROTHPLETZ. 'Doctoris Rotplecz , of Aarau (Switz.), 16th c. 2765 ca 1600 1961 ROTTERDAM. Bibliotheek 455 RIZARDUS (Johannes), ca 1500 2683 ROBILLART (Jacobus), Celestine at Marcoussis, ROUEN. Benedictines (B.M. de Bono Nuntio) 2917 R O U G E - C L O I T R E See ROEDENCLOOSTER early 16th c. 234 ROUGNOY ( ), 17th C. 3226 R O B I N S O N (Henry), 1636 651 R O B Y N S O N (Robert), 16th c. 3712
R O U S S I N (M
), ca 1700 3249
R O U W E (Johannes), donor to Mon. of St Martin ROBINSON (Robert), 1617 3223 O.S.B. at Cologne, d. 1485 695 R O B I N S O N (Thomas), 1790-1873, Master of the R O W A N (Rev. M ), 19th c. 2609 Temple 2813
INDEX OF PROVENANCES ROWE (Louis Thompson), d. 1927 221, 991, 1113, 1388, 3134
681, 769, 1066, 1323, 2597, 2741, 3326, 3349, 3371, 3373, 3378, 3386, 3399, 3426, 3455, 3471, ROYAL ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF G T 3484, 3492, 3500, 3519, 3570, 358i, 3586, 3596, BRITAIN & IRELAND 1701 3608, 3613, 3621, 3639, 3647, 3649, 3701, 3796, ROYAL LIBRARY See GEORGE I, King of 3797, 38oo, 3803, 3807, 3855, 3882, 3886, 393i; England (1873) 708, 729, 730, 731, 792, 793, 807, 860, ROYAL SOCIETY OF L O N D O N 1611, 2277, 865, 1018, 3308, 3443, 3491, 3887; (1875) 68, 2298,2358,2442,2512,2559, 2644,2662,2665, 80, 86, 118, 131, 138, 518, i?37, 2252, 3310, 2666 3452, 3660, 3718, 3725, 3847, 3864, 3910, 3917, RUBEAVALLIS See ROEDENCLOOSTER 3975, 4187; {1878) 3641, 3937, 3969; (1883) RUBEIS (Franciscus de), ca 1700 1730 89, 117, 508, 512, 567, 604, 727, 879, 1176, RUCKEURS (Johannes), 16th c. 3611 1325, 3696, 3749, 3775, 3821, 4149; {1884) 67, RUDERMANN (J Casp.), 1773 236, 28lO 211, 343, 420,425,429,436,440, 443,454,474, R U E P P (Amandus), Dominican, 1791 1062 492, 511, 569, 570, 574, 584, 857, 1259, 2735, R U H N K E N (David), 1723-98, Professor at Leyden 2740, 3295, 3301, 3303, 3305, 3328, 3329, 3344, 3308 3346, 3351, 336i, 3393, 3410, 3411, 3413, 3417, Ruiz D E M E D I N A (Juan), d. 1307, Bp of Astorga, 3430, 3435, 3444, 3450, 3451, 3457, 3459, 34<*o, H89-93 1537, 1547 3461, 3464, 3465, 3467, 3470, 3473, 3481, 3482, R U S K I N (John), 1819-1900 2346, 2355, 2374, 3489, 3490, 3494, 3498, 3503, 3524, 3540, 3543, 3544, 3545, 3551, 3558, 3562, 3565, 3566, 3568, 2382, 2405, 2428, 2431, 2433, 2445, 2447 3571, 3582, 3583, 3584, 3592, 3593, 3598, 3599, R U S K O . 'Dymokde Rusko', 1555 781 R U S S E L L (John), Chancellor of England, d. 1494 3600, 3603, 3614, 3622, 3630, 3631, 3638, 3657, 3666, 3671, 3674, 3675, 3687, 3692, 3693, 3702, 28, 1733 R U S S E L L (John Fuller), 1814-84, of Peterhouse, 3705, 3715, 3717, 3720, 3721, 376o, 3770, 3771, 3776, 3778, 3779, 378p, 3782, 3783, 3793, 3812, Camb. 4127 R U S T A T (Tobias), 1606-94, founder of the Rustat 3813, 3824, 3825, 3829, 3831, 3832, 3833, 3840, Fund (1666) (date unknown) 3871; (1864) 1117,3841, 3842, 3843, 3844, 3848, 3866, 3867, 3868, 3873, 3874, 3875, 3878, 3884, 3900, 3923, 3924, 1285,1496,1593,1594; {1S67) 382, 390, 3335, 3938, 3942, 3945, 3950, 3951, 3958, 3966, 3978, 3379,3419,3637; (1S68) 85,208,228,286,299, 3985, 3986, 3997,4005; (1885) 3; (1886) 152, 301, 306, 307, 309, 319, 340, 344, 346, 361, 396, 530, 942, 3392, 3397, 3750, 3763, 3818; (1887) 426,446,449,465,475,498, 503, 509, 573, 582, 2275, 3065, 3359, 3965; (1888) 284,1174,1869, 586,598,613,646,875,882,904,964,975,1063, 3342, 3350, 3845; {1889) 21, 3774; (1891) 32, 1152,1283,2482, 2532, 2534, 2589, 2730,2739, 298, 537, 597, 980, 1181, 1279, 2590, 2842, 2748, 2942, 2946, 3139, 3364, 3367, 3394, 3398, 2879, 3448, 3521, 3636, 3658,3788; (1892) 303, 3412, 3423, 3439, 3466, 3468, 3469, 3488, 3497, 304, 308, 325, 524, 788,2283,2295,3555,3863, 3534, 3564, 3606, 3609, 3618, 3673, 3695, 3706, 3946, 3952, 3956, 398o; (1893) 94, 445, 1148, 3724, 3728, 3756, 376i, 3777, 378i, 3851, 3989, 1153,1349,1902, 3063,3197,3508,3768,4154; 4223, 4224; (1869) 42, 57,149, 333, 364, 386, {1895) 73 (?), 88, 577, 676, 720; (1896) 577; 395, 415,451,639,649,654,662,712,826,902, (1900) 204, 322, 334, 362, 403, 410, 491,623, 976,1109,1440,1579, 1622, 1915, 2617, 2822, 669, 832, 834, 2048, 2272, 2710, 2835, 2954, 2900, 3322, 3338, 3341, 3348, 3358, 3376, 338o, 2957, 3023, 3024, 3031, 3040, 3105, 3145,336o, 3389, 3395, 3404, 3415, 3425, 3427, 3485, 3496, 3499,3514,3738,3858, 3859; (1902) 460,1007, 35<5o, 3574, 3576, 3602, 3604, 3616, 3629, 3661, 1387, 2643, 3531; (1903) 1994, 2481; (1904) 3680, 3684, 3762, 3805, 3811, 3815, 3853, 3860, 3983; (1905) 1418,2511; (1910) 176,400,2644, 3888, 3896, 3904, 3930, 3934, 396o, 3976,4000; 2665; (1913) 4057; {W4) 187, 510, 589, 76i, (1870) 128, 660, 901,903,915,919,3672,3835, 899, 928, 1211, 1393, 1405, 1847, 1848, 1850, 3892,3921,4200; (1871) 3438,3554,3645,3667, 1851,1852, 2729, 2908, 3264, 3265, 3453,3527, 3865, 3909, 3949, 3957, 3964; (1872) 139, 531,
4017; {m5) 1826, 3280; (1916) 557, 3148, 3548; (1917) 116, 609, 941, 1072, 1230, 1377, 1446,1585,1586,1854,1947,2239,2560,2749; (1925) 165, 391, 852, 2306, 3707, 3731, 3786; {1927) 572,934; {1928) 1448,2901,3134,3447, 3698, 3704, 3769, 3794; {1949) 22652; (1950) 20945, 24125, 24915, 24955, 25743, 25744 RUTEN
See R E U T I N
R U T I L I U S , 17th c. 2063
RYGBY (Thomas), 16th c. 3054, 3082, 3104 RYGELY (
), ca 1300 3281
RYMENANS (Jean Baptiste), 1748-1840, ofMalines 420, 440, 477, 569, 3450, 3526, 3596 (?), 3604, 3776, 3778, 3812, 3848, 3986 SADLER (Laurence), London bookseller, 1631-64 2144 SAGKRER (Michael), ofVilshofen, 1531 2842 ST A G A T H A (Cuyk) See C U Y K S T ELISABETHSDAL
See N U N H E M
STGEORGENBERG (Tyrol). Benedictines 49 ST HUBERT. Benedictines 3687 ST J O H N (Charles Edward Harris), 1843-1917, ofSheldons, Hants., & West Court, Berks. 873, 1787 ST OMER. Carthusians 705 ST.PIERRE-AU-MONT-DE-CHATRE See MONT-DE-CHATRE
SANDARS (Samuel), 1837-94, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (date unknown) 1166; (1870) 35, 160, 717, 950, 989, 1060, 1289, 1298, 1751, 2156; (1872) 2856; (1873) 3158; (1877) 1088; (1881) 4140; (1887) 2275; (1891) 29, 4082, 4096; (1892) 23, 56, 60, 62, 64, 65, 125, 136, 268, 275, 357, 566, 887, 1577, 2234, 2450, 2888, 2889, 2892, 2893, 2895, 3271, 3293, 3646, 3665, 3939, 3941, 4043, 4126, 4203, 4213; (1S93) 63, 146,455,459, 528, 529, 563,757, 815, 845,863, 1075,1128,1129,1278,1309,1685,1723,1743, 1871,2037, 2062, 2120, 2132, 2157,2226,2263, 2519, 2536,2944, 3073, 3077, 3282,3525,3579, 3961, 3962, 4128, 4183; (1894) 2036, 4222; (Bequest, 1894) 25, 27, 30, 38, 87, 121, 162, 163, 189, 191, 192, 213, 271, 471, 840, 842, 843, 874, 908, 947, 956, 984,1019,1036,1089, 1091,1126,1203,1222,1357,1364,1374,1413, 1478,1489,1497,1499,1518,1527,1529,1533, 1589,1638,1647,1660,1689,1738,1775,1795, 1864,1935,1958,1967, 2038, 2089, 2139,2151, 2158, 2193, 2228, 2246, 2248,2269, 2286,2298, 2438, 2537,2573,2594,2624, 2630, 2675, 2711, 2747, 2821, 2853, 2931, 3007, 3070, 3071, 3076, 3083, 3095, 3096, 3135, 3146, 3150, 3166, 3187, 3263, 3272, 3276, 3285, 3324, 3343, 3391, 3557, 3605, 3650, 3694, 3908, 3911, 3929, 4049,4083, 4091, 4127, 4143, 4148; (Legacy) 2984, 4156, 4204
SANDERSON (John), 19th c. 1029
ST T R O N D . Benedictines 3461, 3854; 'Biblioth. Cap. Trud.' 3678
SANDTACKHER (Dionisius), *Gegenschreiber1 at Engelhardszell, 1337 1763 ? S A N T O D O M I N G O D E S I L O S . Franciscans 3040
SALISBURY. Cathedral Library 3835
SAPIENTIS (Guillermus), 1483 1576 SARGENT (Frederick), 1831 632, 633, 636, 643,
? SALKMUS (Gulielmus), 16th c. 1628
SALOMONIIS (Jo. Jacobus e), ca 1600 2457 SALUZZO. Jesuits 1753
644 SARGENT (Winthrop), ofMassachusetts [Bookplate,
SALZBURG. Benedictines (St Peter) 108 SAMUEL GABRIEL, of Carpi, Rabbi, 1375 2588
SARTORIS (Patroclus), ca 1500 3482
SAN CARLO. Capuchins 1983, 1988 SAN SIMON. Franciscans 1952
ca 1800] 1232
? SARULLIS (Christoforus de), 1368 1914
SANAZARIUS (Johannes Ambrosius), ofSaluzzo, 17th c. 1753 SANCTACRUX SeeHEILIGENKREUZ S A N C T O G E O R G I O (Octavianusde), Augustinian Hermit, ca 1300 2729 SANCTO
ROLANDUS, de Sancto Martino
SAVOY. 'Claudii Francisci [...] I.U.D. et in Supremo Sabaudiae Senatu advocatx , ca 1700 2696 S A W S T O N H A L L LIBRARY See HUDDLESTON
SAXUM. 'Loci Saxi' (unidentified) 1654 SAYLE (Charles Edward), 1864-1924, of St Johns Coll., Camb., Under-Librarian, Univ. Libr. 513, 1699, 2831
), ca 1700 3678
SCOTUS (Maneus)
See S C O T T (Maniewe)
SCOURION (Pierre Jacques), 1767-1838, librarian
SCHAEDELIN (Michael), 1497 2745 SCHAERTS (Leonardus), 1640 3996
at Bruges 511
S CHAIDER (Georgius), oflngolstadt, ca 1600 2679 SCHAMPAERT (Carolus), ca 1700 3389
SEARLE (William George), 1829?-1913, Fellow of Queens' Coll., Camb. 2137, 2574,2580, 2832
SCHARP (Jan), 1756-1828, Dr Theol. of Leyden SEDELIUS (Wolfgangus) See SEIDEL (Wolf3336 gang) S C H E C K (Georgius), 'vicarius monasterii in Rot*, SEEBOHM (Frederic), Litt.D., 1833-1912 [pre16th c. 2815 sented by his family (1925)] 2388 S C H E D E L (Hartmann), 1440-1514, of Nuremberg
SCHELS ( 16th c. 1888
Augustinian Hermits
1005, 2737 ), notary public (oflngolstadt?),
SCHEYERN. Benedictines (B.V.M.)
SEGENUS (Adolphus), ca 1500 133 SEIDA UND LANDENSBERG (Joannes Nicolaus
von), ca 1700 1127 SCHIEDAM. Franciscan Sisters (St Ursula) 3350 SEIDEL (Wolfgang), 1492-1562, Benedictine of SCHIEL (Adam), 18th (?) c. 2651 Tegernsee 2842 SCHINKEL (Adrianus David), 1784-1864, Dutch SEILLIERE (Baron Achille de), d. 1869 971, 3194, bibliographer 746
SCHLEHENMAIR (Johannes), ca 1500 2826
SCHMEISER (Christian Gotthelf), of Orlamunde (Thuringia), 1815 631
Bibliotheca Seitenstettensis 220,
1015 ? SELINAVO (Johannes de), 17th c. 3205
S CHMIDT (Charles Guillaume Adolphe), 1812-95, SELLER (Abednego), i646?-i7O5, nonjuring divine Prof of Ecclesiastical Hist., Strassburg 2369 2169 S C H M I D T (Paul) [Sale, Paris, 11-15 April 1910]
SELTZLER (Andreas), 1573 883 2361, 2364, 2366, 2369, 2372, 2373, 2378, 2381SEMLER (Michael), early 16th c. 616 SCHNUETGEN (J...), J P ^ C. 695 SENIOR (Thomas), 17th c. 3569, 3580
SCHOEBLINUS (Balthasar), 17th c. 1036
2 9 9 1 ; Congregation
of the
SCHOENTHAL, nr Ratisbon. Augustinian Hermits Mission (?) 161 991 SEPTEM M O N T I B U S (Johannes de), donor to the SCHOLFIELD (AlwynFaber), University Librarian, Augustinian Priory of Bethlehem nr Louvain, 1923-49 10, 277, 2752, 2882, 3535, 3537, 3919,
16th c. 3456
4173; (on the 25th year of his Librarianship) 1920,
2224, 3156
*Seraphyni Veron
et amicorum*
ca 1600 2195
SCHROEDER (Gerhard), of Schuttorf donor of SERELL (John), 16th c. 2513 a book to Dulmen, 1495 222 SERIPANDO (Antonio), 1486-1531 1786, 2230 SCHROEDER (Hermann), ofLiibeck, ca 1825 1187,
S E R L E (Robert), Cistercian of Stratford Langthorne,
1480 124
SCHROGIE (Johannes), 17th c. 1007, 2643
SERLINGER (Johannes), ca 1500 1751
S CHUM AN (Johann Baptista), 1589 2554
Franciscans & Bibl.
SCHUSSENRIED. Premonstratensians (B.V.M. &
Comunale 1867 St Magnus) 351 SERVAIS (Gaspar Joseph, chevalier de), 1735-1807 SCHWAEGER (Conrad), of Tirschenreuth, 1567 440 (?), 3457, 3604 (?), 3667, 3986 137, 1053 SEVERNE (John Edmund), M.P., 1826-99, inSCOBIUS (Jacobus), 16th c. 2073
S C O T (Guilielmus), 16th c. 2698
W O D H U L L (Michael)
SCOTT (Maniewe), ofBrasenose& Queens Coll., SEVILLE. Jesuits 1418, 2511 Oxf, rector ofFringford, Oxon., 1603-1634/5 1612 SHARNBROKE (Edward), 16th c. 3240, 3486 S C O T T (WilliamBell), 1811-90,poet&painter 1340 SHARP ( W
), 19th c. 1174
FIFTEENTH-CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS SHARPE (Henry), Dean of St Stephens, Westminster, 1478-98 3741
SMYTH (John), 1580 3314,3315, 3316, 3317, 3727
SMYTHE (Sir John), 1556-1608 1028
), 1627 394
SHEEN A N G L O R U M (in Flanders). Carthusians
1824, 4121
SMYTH (John), 17th c. 3140
SMITH (Robert), of Bristol, 16th c. 2901, 3447, 3698, 3704, 3769, 3794
SHEFFILD (Edward), 16th c. 533
S M I T H (Thomas), 1854 253
SHEPHERD (William), 1768-1847, Unitarian minister ofGateacre, Liverpool 589, 1474 SHERBROOKE (family of), ofOxton Hall, Southwell [Lots 534-53 (anonymous) at Sotheby's, lg May 1887; lots 439-65 at Sotheby's, 28 June 1912] 223, 734, 2038, 3912, 3990
SMITH (Sir Thomas), 1513-77, of Queens' Coll., Camb. 2166
SHERPE (Henricus)
See SHARPE (Henry)
S M I T H (W
), 1676 3120
SMITH (William Alexander), solicitor, of Newark & Lincoln, d. 1899 724
SMITH (RtHon. William Henry), 1825-91 2265-5 SMITH (William Robertson), University Librarian,
SHERRINGTON (Sir Charles Scott), Waynflete 1886-9 I5l» 293; (Bequest, 1894) 246, 251, 687 Prof of Physiology, Oxf, 1913-36 1329, 2502, S M I T H - B A R R Y (Arthur Hugh) See BARRYMORE (Arthur Hugh Smith-Barry, 1st Baron) 3028, 3029 SHIPPERDSON (Edward), 1781-1855, of Durham SNAFT (Joh. Melch.), 1708 2211 S N E L L (Johann), bookseller, ofLiibeck, 1497 [pre197 sumably the printer of that name] 2066, 2092
SHIRBROKE (Cuthbert), of Rockland, ca 1530 See SHERBROOKE (family of)
SNELL (Tho.), 16th c. 4076
SHIRLEY (Thomas), 17th c. 3230 SHIRWODE (
SNEYD (Walter), 1809-88, of Ch. Ch., Oxf. &
Keele Hall, Staffs. 462, 3992
), 16th c. 1817
SHOULTS (William Arderne), 1839-87, of St Johns Coll, Camb. 2255 SHREWSBURY (Edward Talbot, 8th Earl of), 15601617/18 1996
SNYTCZE (Henricus), ca 1500 1283 SOAPER (George), 19th c. 543 SOLLENELT
(Laurentius van der) SOLLY (Edward), F.R.S., 1819-86, chemist & SILOS See SANTO DOMINGO DE SILOS SILVA (Ercole), Count of Biandrate, 1756-1840 antiquary 1763 SOLMS-LAUBACH. Bibliotheca Solms-Lauba143, 1758, i960, 2278, 2459, 2460, 2475 censis 2616 SILVA S. M A R T I N I See G R A M M O N T SIMLER (Petrus), monachus Capellanus, ca 1500SOMMERNACHT See ZOMMERNACT SONTAG (Christoph), 1613 236, 2810 2259 SIMONS (M
SORANZO (Giacomo), 1740 802
), 1859 *544
S I M O N S O N (Thomas), 16th c. 1546
), 20th c. 1002
SIMSON (John?), ca 1700 1024
See SCHUSSENRIED ), 18th c. 528
(David de), Provost of the Reformed
Franciscans ofBrixen,
SINCLAIR (Archibald), 16th c. 198
d. 1600 2024
SPEIER. Jesuits 1836
SINTHAKE (Thomas), the younger, 1534 1907
SKEAT (Walter William), 1835-1912, Elrington S P E N C E R (Charles), 3rd Earl of Sunderland See & Bosworth Professor of Anglo-Saxon,
SPENCER (Joh.?), 1821 1418, 2511
SLUGG (Walter), ca 1500 3920
SPENCER (John), 1718I-75, of Cannon Hall, nr Barnsley 3877
SLUTHMAN (Thomas), 1547 1007, 2643
S M I T H (Daniel Talcott), 1837 204, 669
SMITHE (Edmunde), early 17th c. 4079, 4094, 4107, 4108, 4115
(Johannes) SPINELLI (Simplicio), of Milan, late 19th c. 2283, 2295
SMYTH (Henry), 18th c. 3112
SPINETUS (Paulus), ca 1500 2707
SKEPPER (Henricus), 16th c. 3142
INDEX OF PROVENANCES SQUANCE (Herbert Salisbury), of Sunderland, co. STRAMINIS (Matthaeus), Hradecenus, 16th c. 202, Durham, d. 1922 1858 798, 801, 1086, 1087, 1290, 1305 STACYE (Thomas), 16th c. 2201
Collegiate Church of St-Pierre-le-
Jeune 596
STAINPECKH (Rupertus), early 17th c. 2812
STRASSER (Johannes & Anna), of Vienna, 1522 2814 STRATFORD
LANGTHORNE. Cistercians
(B.V.M.) 124 STRAUCH (Cornelius), 1639-50 103
Abbot of Lilienfeld, STALLON (Samuel), Fellow ofTrin. Coll, Camb., d. 1613 2793 STRAUSS (Cristofferus), Dominican, 1673 1090 ? STAM (Johannes), Bedell & notary public (of STREMER (Nicholas), Provincial of the English Ingolstadt?), 16th c. 1888 Dominicans, 1501-$ 3127 STAMFFORD (Robert), 16th c. 2141 STREYTERS (Arnold), Abbot of Tongerloo, 1330-60
STALLON (Henry), 1584 4177
STANNTON (Ric), 1603 2659
STREYTHEY (Thomas), 16th c. 3081
STAVELOT. Benedictines 2855 (?), 3576 STEELE (Mrs Henry), igth c. 3480, 3539 STEELE (Robert Reynolds), 1860-1944 713,
STROHAMER (Johannes), 1544 1759
STEPHANI (Johannes), rubricator, 1492 460
*STUDGARTH\ ca 1600 3453
STROMAYR (Georgius), bookseller ofPassau, 1343 2842 STRONG (Charles S ), of Lordship Park, Stoke 3245 STEINGADEN. Premonstratensians (Stjohn Bapt.) Newington [Sale, March 1891] 32 1149, 3256 STUARD (William), ca 1500 3839 STEMLER (David), 1671-1730 (?), pastor of STUART (William), 1823-93, of Tempsford Hall Copitsch, Saxony 709 & Aldenham Abbey 73, 720, 2152 STEPHEN. Collegium S. Stefani Martyris (un- S T usTHo (Raphael de), Dominican, ca 1500 2288 identified) 1663 STYPEL (Henricus de), ca 1500 690 STEPHENSON (James), 16th c. 3195 SUBIACO. Monastic library 2233 STEVENS (Henry), 1819-86, of Vermont 2735 SULLIVAN (Sir Edward), 1822-8$, Lord ChanSTEWART (C E ), 1836 1435 cellor of Ireland 280, 471, 1371, 1616, 1775, STEWART (David), of Edinburgh [Sale, July 1801] 1881, 1882, 2273, 3567 SULZBACH (Marie Elisabeth Auguste, Pfalzgrajin 3309 von), 1721-94 1112, 2593 STEWART (Robert Buchanan), ofGlasgow, d. 1900 SUNDERLAND LIBRARY 30,421, 502, 516, 528, 488, 490, 2099, 3^94 666, 1041, 1179, 1356, 1373, 1382, 1723, 1775, STEWART (Thomas), 1803-46, ofCh. Ck, Oxf, 1820, 1822, 2065, 2103, 2237-5, 2261, 2263, Knight of Stjohn of Jerusalem 1914, 1921 2273, 2305, 2309, 2312, 2331-2, 2331-5, 2464, STEWART (Thomas), ofMurthly Castle, co. Perth, 2471, 2493, 2495, 2519, 2573, 2579, 2592, 2610, 1821 1765 2753, 3085, 3697 S T O K E S (John), Provincial of the English SURREY (Henry Howard, Earl of), 1317!-47 Augustinians, 1511 249 4150 STOKYS (Johannes), late 15th c. 1024 STOLBERG (Christian Ernst, Graf zu), 1710-71 SURTEES (Robert), 1779-1834, antiquary 3075 SUSSEX (Augustus Frederick, Duke of), 1773-1843 1220 297, 332, 462, 559 (?), 819, 1196, 1380, 1387, STOLTZIN (Catharina), 16th c. 2782, 2783, 2784 1545,1699,1776,1935,1965, 2088, 2230, 2673, STONE (John), 1622 1976 2683, 2879, 2931, 3196, 3199, 3260, 3280, 3351, STOPPEL VON GOSVELD (Johann), 30th Abbot 3469, 3558, 3562, 3563, 35<55, 3566, 3568, 3571, ofHuysburg, d. 1505 549, 550 3582, 3583, 3622, 3736, 3872, 4003 STORTFORD See BISHOP'S STORTFORD
FIFTEENTH-CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS SUTHERLAND (George Granville Leveson- TAYLOR (John), 1781-1864, publisher 3084, 3538 Gower, 1st Duke of), 1758-1833 200, 3690 TAYLOR (Silas), alias Domville, 1624-78, antiquary S u T H o FF (Bernardus), 16th c. 388 3837 SWAIN (Edmund Gill), 1861-1938, of Emmanuel TEE (Thomas), ofBolham, Notts., 1571 1639 & Kings Colleges, Camb. 1699 TEGERNSEE. Benedictines 1234, 1235, 1264 SWINBURN (Ingram), of Seaham, co. Durham, TEMPLE (Robertus), early 17th c. 3058, 3059 late 16th c. 4074 TEMPSFORD H A L L See STUART (William) SYKES (S/rMarkMasterman),3rdBart., 1771-1823 T E N E R A M U N D A See D E N D E R M O N D E TENNENBACH. Cistercians (B.V.M.) 165 3, 306, 347, 483, 1364, 2274, 2537, 3391 ? TERBALDUS (I F ), 1696 2457 TERNI. Franciscans 1448 SYMMONS (John), F.R.S. {1794), of Paddington TERRY (Johannes), 16th c. 2117
), 16th c. 2243
House 2468, 3290 SYMONS (
TEXTORIS (Guilelmus), of Aachen, professor at
), 16th c. 3660
Basel, 1462-72 281, 2753
SYMONS (Geert), 16th c. 3336 SYSTEOP (Gerhardus), de Kemps, ca 1500 3475, 3477, 3478
THALHEIM (Johannes Adam), 1618 236, 2810 T H A X T E R (S
SYSTON PARK LIBRARY 3, 251, 529, 592, 640,
T H E A (Stephanus), Aquensis, 1622 2627
687, 1076, 1364, 1414, 1630, 1771, 1833, 1881, 1882, 1918, 2265*5, 2274, 2410, 2509, 2510, 2599, 2671, 2672, 2687 (?), 3012, 3241, 3243, 339i, 4132 ), 19th C. 229 SZENDEFFY (Dr
T H A N E T [Earls of) 1914 ), 17th c. 199
See T I R L E M O N T
THIERHAUPTEN. Benedictines (SS. Peter & Paul) 911, 1084 THIERSAULT (M
TABENA (Wilhelmus de), ca 1500 1267
See T E N N E N B A C H
See T I R L E M O N T
), 16th c. 2169
T H O M A S , Austriensis, 16th c. 2251
See ZABERN THOMAS (Abiel), alias Trethwell, ofTrin. Coll, TADEus, Augustinian Hermit of Ivrea, ca 1500 Camb., d. 1691/2 2106 2278, 2729 THOMAS (William), 17th c. 2466 TALBOT See SHREWSBURY THOMAS (Rev. William Jones), 1811-86, of TALLEYRAND-PERIGORD (Charles Maurice de), Peterhouse, Camb. 448, 688, 1402, 2135, 2997, 1754-1S38 2593 3343, 3594
? TAMTACTA See D O M I N I C A N S (unidentified)
T H O M A S - S T A N F O R D (Sir Charles), M.P., 1858-
TANCI (Mario), of Florence, ft. 1550 1543
1932, of Oriel Coll., Oxf 614; 1313, 1858, 3846 TANNER (Thomas), 1674-1735, Bp of St Asaph T H O M P S O N (Sir Henry Francis Herbert), 2ndBt, 4076 1859-1944, ofTrin. Coll., Camb. 1637 TASKER (Joseph), ofMiddleton Hall, Essex, d. 1861 T H O M P S O N (Robert), early 16th c. 3391 2907 T H O M P S O N (William Hepworth), 1810-86, TAYLER (John) See TAYLOR (John), Master of Master of Trin. Coll., Camb. 2187 the Rolls T H O M S (JO.), 18th c. 2151, 2158, 3166 TAYLOR (Charles), 1840-1908, Master of St Johns T H O M S O N ( ), late 16th c. 1893 Coll., Camb. [gift of Mrs Margaret Taylor] 210 T H O R N E (Henry), ca 1600 1891 TAYLOR (Henry Berkeley), 1841-92, of Magd. T H o R o LD (Sir John Hayford), 1773-1831 See Coll., Camb. 951 SYSTON PARK LIBRARY TAYLOR (John), Master of the Rolls, d. 1534 1886 THORPE (William George), F.S.A., d. 1903 33, TAYLOR (John), 1704-66, ofStJohns Coll., Camb., 535, 986, 1243, 1554, 2860 University Librarian, 1732-4 3764 THROCKMORTON (Sir Robert), 4th Bt, 1702-91 TAYLOR (John), 1780 3767 732
), 16th c. 4170
I N D E X OF PROVENANCES T H U R L B O U R N (William), bookseller, of Cam- TREVES bridge, d. 1768 1732 ? T H U R S C H (Barthol.), 16th c. 1036 TlENEN
T I J D E M A N (Hendrik Willem)
See T Y D E M A N
(Hendrik Willem) TILDESLEY (Edward), ca 1650 3213*5
See T R I E R
TRIBUTIUS (Petrus), late 16th c. 3258 TRIER. Benedictines (B.V.M. ad Martyres) 387, 398, 667, 671; Carthusians 352 TROWER (John), 18447-1898, of Exeter Coll., Oxf 2988, 2989 T R O W E T T (Thomas), 16th c. 1361
TILMANNUS, de Bonna, 14501-1509, Benedictine TRUELL (Robert Holt Stuart), 1875-1941, of Trin. at Maria-Loach 612 Coll., Camb. 2677 T I M M I N S (Samuel), F.S.A., d. 1903 1129
T U C K E (Absolon), 16th c. 4074
TUCKER (Charles), F.S.A., 1799-1887, & William Tucker, 1815-55, both of Cory ton Park, Axminster T I T E (Sir William), 1798-1873, architect 4096 4204 T O D D (James Henthorn), 1805-69, Regius Prof. TUCKNEY (Anthony), 1599-1670, Master of St of Hebrew, Trin Coll, Dublin 1205 Johns Coll., Camb. 992 TOEPSL (Franz), 1711-96, Prior of Polling 904 T U E R N C Z E L (George), de Konink, ca 1500 1115
T I R L E M O N T . Franciscans 96
T I S I U S (Anthonius), 17th c. 2019
), 17th c. 2002
T U F T O N (family of)
See T H A N E T (Earls of)
TUKE (family of), of Layer Marney, Essex 1116 T O M K I N S (William Graeme), 1833 3569, 3580 TUNSTALL (Cuthbert), 1474-1559, Bp of London T O M K I N S O N (Michael), 1841-1921, of Tranche & of Durham 1971, 2164, 2168, 2213, 2217, Hall, nr Kidderminster 3992 2218, 2348, 2440 T O M L I N S O N (John), 1824-90 (?), of Doncaster T U N U S (Jacobus), 1680 2518 1198, 1776, 2550 T U R C H E T T O (Bastiam), 17th c. 1904, 2090 T O M P S O N (Robartus) See T H O M P S O N (Robert) T U R I N . 'Conventus [...] Taurinx 2587 T o N c K E (Richard), 16th c. 4076 TURNER (Cuthbert Hamilton), 1860-1930, Dean
T O L M I E (F
), 1863 456, 3229
T O N G E R L O O . Premonstratensians 327
Ireland's Professor of Exegesis, Oxf. 1366
TONGRES. Augustinian Canons (Mon. Passionis TURNER (Robert Samuel), 1818-87 213, 284, Christi) 425, 677; Franciscans 626 3263, 3845, 3937 TONSTALL
See also T U N S T A L L
TONSTALL (Roger), 16th c. 2054, 2056 TOURNAI. Crutched Friars 3734
T U R N O R (Charles), 1768-1853, of Trin. Coll, Camb. 3042 T O U R S . Capuchins 3068 T U R T O N (Zouch Horace), ofMagd. Coll, Oxf, TOWERBEREVYLDIUS ( ), l6th C. 194 d. 1931 991 T o w GOOD (Matthew), ca 1725 2949, 2951, T U T E T (Mark Cephas), F.S.A., d. 1785 994 2952, 2986, 2998, 3061, 3064, 3066, 3173 TYDEMAN (Hendrik Willem), 1778-1863, ProTOWNELEY (John), 1731-1813, of Towneley, fessor at Leyden 3321,3327 Lanes. 1837 TYRER (Thomas), of Pedmore, Worcs., 16th c. TOWNELEY (Richard), 1628-170617, ofTowneley, 3274 Lanes. 1119 TYSSEN (Samuel), F.A.S., 1755-1800, of NarT O W N S E N D (George), 1788-1857, of Trin. Coll., borough Hall, Norfolk 2682 Camb. 2813 T Y Z M A N (Petrus), late 15th c. 1370 T R A U (Franz), 1881-1931, of Vienna 4019 TZEWERS (Wilhelmus) See T E X T O R I S TRAVEYS (E ), 16th c. 1095 (Guilelmus) TREGASKIS (James), 1850-1926, bookseller 743, UBUEST. 'Johannes vbuest alias vessem9, 16th c. 3536 T R E N T H A M H A L L See SUTHERLAND (George 676 Granville Leveson-Gower, 1st Duke of) UELZEN. Ministerial Bibliothek 3858,3859 TRETHWELL
See T H O M A S (Abiel)
' U L M A N ' , 17th c. 3713
), goldsmith in Cheapside, &
Thomas Umfray, c. 1300 3935 U N D E R H I L L (Thomas), 1601 1143 U R A c H. Church of St Amandus 724 URCEAE
See FRANCISCANS (unidentified)
U R S W I C K (Christopher), 1448-1322, Dean of
VENN (John), 1834-1923, Fellow of Gonville & Caius Coll., Camb. 763, 766, 767, 781, 1017, 1034,1304,1338,1790,1821, i960,2124,2133, 2750,2779, 2817, 2977, 3013, 3025, 3027, 3209 VENND (Johann), Prior of Polling, 1454-91 904 VERACHTER (Fre'de'ric Joseph Corneille), 1797-
Windsor 2085 Us[...].
1870, archivist, of Antwerp
Danielis Us[...]\
17th c.
Benedictines (St Paul) 238; Brothers
of the Common Life (St Jerome) 3439; Franciscan Sisters (St Mary Magd.) 3619, 3983
UTTERSON (Edward Vernon), 17767-1836, of Trin. Hall, Camb. 485 V A E R M A N (L
), of Brussels, lgth c. 676
VAERNEWYCK (Albert Philippe Charles, vicomte de), 1762-1841 3756 VALLIS S. ELISABETH
See N U N H E M
See L O U V A I N .
VALLOMBROSA. Monastic Library 1384
VAM L O E (Johannes) See LOE (Johannes vam) V A N D E R B U R C H See B U R C H VAN L O T T O M — V A N W O R C O M [Sale atLeyden,
1891] 746, 795, 3365 VARANELLUS (Petrus), 16th c. 1380
VERDUSSEN (Jean Baptiste), 1698-1773 3392, 3663, 3942 VERB See H O P E - V E R E
VERGAUWEN (Francois Joseph), 1801-81, of Brussels 67, 211, 343, 354, 420, 425, 429, 436, 440, 443, 454,474, 492, 511, 566, 569, 570, 574, 584, 587, 857, 2740, 3295, 3301, 3303, 3305, 3328, 3329, 3344, 3346, 3351, 3359, 3361, 3393, 3410, 3411, 3413, 3417, 3430, 3435, 3444, 3450, 3451, 3457, 3459, 34<5o, 34<5i, 34^3, 34^4, 34<$5, 3467, 3470, 3473, 3481, 3482, 3489, 3490, 3494, 3498, 3503, 3524, 3540, 3543, 3544, 3545, 3551, 3558, 3562, 3565, 3566, 3568, 3571, 3582, 3583, 3584, 3592, 3593, 3598, 3599, 3600, 3603, 3614, 3622, 3630, 3631, 3638, 3657, 3666, 3671, 3674, 3675, 3687, 3692, 3693, 3702, 3705, 3715, 3717, 3720, 3721, 3743, 3753, 37<5o, 3770, 3771, 3776, 3778, 3779, 378o, 3782, 3783, 3793, 3812, 3813, 3824, 3825, 3829, 3831, 3832, 3833, 3840, 3841, 3842, 3843, 3844, 3848, 3866, 3867, 3868, 3873, 3874, 3875, 3878, 3884, 3900, 3908, 3911, 3919, 3923, 3924, 3938, 3942, 3945, 3946, 3950, 3951, 3958, 3966, 3978, 3980, 3985, 3986, 3997, 4005
VAUX (William Sandys Wright), 1818-85, of Balliol Coll, Oxf 457 VELDE (Jean Francis van de), 1743-1828, Pro- VERGHEILE (Petrus), ca 1600 649 VERHELST (Benoni Charles) [Sale at Ghent, 1868] fessor & Librarian, Louvain University 313, 652, 3468 662, 1440, 1809, 2900, 2987, 3333, 3341, 3372, VERNON (George John Warren, 5th Baron), 3374, 3485, 3560, 3721, 3825, 3888, 3953, 3954 1803-66 2611 V E L D K I R C H See FELDKIRCH VERONA. Dominicans (St Anastasia) 241
VELDPACHER (Bartholomeus), Augustinian
VERRYDT (Peter & Jan), 16th c. 3563
Canon at Mattighofen, 1528 1352 VELEN (Gerardus), 1553 659
VESCIS (Anselmus a), ca 1600 2631
V E N I C E . Augustinians (Mon. S. Salvatoris) 2458;
1037; Church of St Nicholas of Tolentino 1449,
1452,1453,1457,1458,1462,1463,1464,1466, 1471,1473,1484, i486,1490,1491,1492,1494, 1498,1500, 1501,1502,1503,1504,1505,1506, 1509, 1510, 1512, 1534, 1583, 1584
'Johannes vbuest alias vessem*, 16th c.
Benedictines (Mon. SS. Georgii & Stephani)
V I A D A N A , nr Mantua. Convent of St Nicholas
2257, 2692 V I C E N Z A . Benedictines (SS. Felix & Fortunatus) 1477, 1479; Somaschan College of SS. Philip & James 1731
V E N L O (Theotericus), 1496 2823
V I C I N O (Bernardo), ca 1600 2142
V E N L O E (Jacobus de), ca 1300 837
? VIELLES (Anthonius de), 16th c. 1126
INDEX OF PROVENANCES WACKER (Hinricus), donor to Diilmen, 1303 526, VIENNA. Bibliotheca Palatina (now Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek) 68; Bundesdenkmalamt 2505, 701, 827 2806; Capuchins 1338; Dominicans 2590; W A E L W I J C K See W A A L W I J K Franciscans 2053 ;FurstlichLiechtensteinsche FideiWAGHAEUSEL. Capuchins 433, 493, 497, kommiss-Bibliothek 2331*7; Jesuits 3706; Uni- 568 versity. Faculty of Philosophy 572, 934, 3706; WAGNER (Fridericus Ernestus), 1710 192 Unidentified library 2687 WAKE (William), sizar ofEmmanuel Coll., Camb., VIGERS (Allan Francis), architect, jl. 1900 99 d. 1661 3719, 3784 VIGILANTIUS (Gulielmus) See W A K E (William) WALDENFELSS (Cristoforus de), Franciscan, ca VIGNATI (Gaetano Francesco), of Ipswich,fl.1830 1500 2836 WALEKIERT (B ), 1802 3976 1865 WALES (John), ofGnosall, ca 1300 2039 VILLA (Ursatus de), 1300 1787 ), 19th c. 2347 VILLARIA. Bibliotheca Villariana (unidentified) WALFORD (W WALKER (Sir Emery), 1831-1933 1742 3715 WALKER (Will.), ca 1630 3041,3121, 3123,3124, VILLETTE (Jo.), rubricator, ca 1300 3039 3126 VILLICUS (Ulricus), de Augusta, 1483 175 WALRAMUS. 'F. Walramus A Linden.', 17th (?) c. V I L V O R D E See P E U T I E 1179 V I M E R C A T I - S O Z Z I (Conte Paolo), 1801-83 1785 WALROND (Bethell), 1802-76, of Dulford House, VINCENTIUS, ' monasterii Altafini', 17th c. 2002 Devon 278 VIRIDIMONTANUS (Henricus), ij\i8th c. 3046 WALTER (Johannes Godofredus), of Strassburg, VIRNEUSSELIUS (Andreas), 16th c. 1100 1767 1051 V I S C O N T I [family of) 1600, 2261 (?) VISSCHERS (Petrus Josephus), of Antwerp, 1858 W A N D EL (Sigurd), 1873-1947, Professor at Copenhagen, & Gudrun Wandel 821, 2838 207 VITA (Michael de), ' prothomedicus Beneventanus*,WANDEREISEN (Achatius), Benedictine ofTegernseeyd.i399 1235 early 17th c. 1369 VlTELLIANA
W A R D (Gilbert), ca 1600 1029
V I T I (Matthaeus), 1602 751 V I V I A N (J
), 19th c. 167, 1244, 1246, 1247,
1248, 1250 VOCHEM (
), 1820
), 1619
VOGLER (Thomas) See A U C U P A R I U S (Thomas
WARD (Isaiah), 1631-74, of Ch. Ch., Oxf, & Cambridge 1688 W A R D (Thomas), 16th c. 2771 W A R D ALL (Robertus), ca 1300 264, 778
? WARDEN. 'Pro Roguero Goudensi.. .alias Warden (?)', 16th c. 2072 W A R GRAVE (Willelmus), monk at Reading, 1498
Didymus) 3230 VOLKHARDINGHAUSEN, nr Landau (Waldeck). Augustinian Canons (St John Bapt.) 320, 345,WARLEY (Johannes), c. 1300 3935 WARNER (John), at the sign of the Hose in Cheap369, 372, 375, 379, 381 side, 16th c. 249 VORSTER (A D ), I727 3389 VORWERCKE (Johannes ten), of Dorsten, ca 1300 WARREN (Joseph), 1804-81, organist 3170 623, 1071
), 16th c. 4067
V U A C U S (Guilielmus) See W A K E (William)
WATFORD (Hugh), Abbot at Stratford Langthorne, 1480 124 WATKINS (Joh.), 16th c. 3959
V Y N (Gerhardus), 1642 833
Vosz (Gerhardus), ca 1600 2852 VRINDBERG. 'AdMonast. Vrindberg.9 2855
), 16th c. 1857
W A T S O N (John), 1723-83, antiquary 4140 WAALWIJK. Regular Canonesses (Nazareth) 3778 W A T T S (Gervase), ca 1600 1029 WACHTER (Ferdinand), 1794-1861, Professor atW A Y (Gregory Lewis), 1736-99, ofCh. Ch., Oxf 1967 Jena 906
F I F T E E N T H - C E N T U R Y P R I N T E D BOOKS W E ALE (William Henry James), 1832-1917 1089, 2752, 3036 W E B B (Thomas), 1734-1813, of Hoxton, Middlx 1686 W E B B E (Erasmus), Fellow ofAll Souls Coll., Oxf, d. 1613 66$ W E B B E (Johannes), 16th c. 1644
WESTMORLAND (Mildmay Fane, 2nd Earl of), d. 1666 2585, 3719, 3784 WETTER ( ) [Sale at Utrecht, 1876] 3932 WETZLAR. Collegiate Church of the B.V.M. 150 W E Y E R (Jean Sylvain van de), 1802-74 3984 W E Y N , of the convent ofSt Mary Magd. in Utrecht, ca 1500 3619, 3983
W E Y S S (Anthonius), 1497 1212 See also W E I S S
), lgth c. 3238
WHAULLEUS (Thomas), 16th c. 3677 WEEKES (George Arthur), 1869-1953, Master of W H E L E R (Nicolas), 16th c. 2912 W H I B L E Y (Charles), 1859-1930, Hon. Fellow of Sidney Sussex Coll., Camb. 1012 W E G G (William Henry Jervis), 1876-1940, of Jesus Coll., Camb. 1966, 2088 Gonville & Caius Coll., Camb. 3973, 3992, W H I T E (Henry), 1760I-1836, of Christ's Coll, Camb., & Lichfield 2849 3993 W H I T E (Henry), F.S.A., d. 1900 914, 971,1157, ? WEGSSARER (Johannes), 1566 1313 1199, 1670 W E I G E L (Theodor Oswald), 1812-81, of Leipzig W H I T E or Whyte (John), 17th c. 3198, 3213, 480, 750 W E I G M A N (Fridericus), 17th c. 2004 3214, 3217 W E I N G A R T E N . Benedictines 1335 W H I T E (Thomas), alias Woodhope See W O O D -
See D U E L M E N
HOPE (Thomas)
See H O P E - W E I R
W E I S S (Andreas), of Grbnenbach, 1794 907 See W H I T E H E A D . * Thome Whythed\ ca 1500 4211 also W E Y S S
W H I T T O N (George), 1693 4157
WEISSENAU. Premonstratensians (SS. Peter & W I B L I N G E N . Benedictines (St Martin) 1161 Paul) 32, 113, 1230, 1695, 2736, 2908 ? W I D E M [ . . . ] 'In usum F. F. Widem. (?)' 938 W E L L S (Hana & Thomas), ca 1600 558 WIDMANSTETTER (Johann Albrecht), 1506?W E L L S (John), of Clement's Inn, 1777 4127 57, humanist & orientalist 2701 ? W E N B E R G (Joannes), 1556 853 W I E N E R - N E U S T A D T . Hermits of St Paul 1009, W E N D E L I N or Wendelen (Godefroid), 15801010 1667, astronomer & humanist 2189 WIESENSTEIG. Canons Regular 271 ? W E N H E R U S (Joannes), 1556 853 W E N T W O R T H (Edward), 16th c. 52
), 1805 4015
W I L B R A H A M (George), 1779-1852, of Delamere WERNIGERODE. Fiirstlich Stolberg. Bibliothek House, Cheshire 557, 740, 3148 1220 WILBRAHAM (Roger William), 1817-97, of Delamere House, Cheshire 3225 WESEL. Carthusians 519, 3420 W E S T (James), P.R.S., 1704I-1772, of Balliol W I L D SeeWYLDColl., Oxf. 2470, 4096 W I L E K I N G H O F F (Victorianus), 17th c. 1313 W E S T (Nicolaus), 16th c. 3045 WILHELMUS, priest at Malines, 16th c. 3433 WESTBURUS (Gulielmus), 16th c. 3677 W I L K I N S O N (? N or H ), ca 1900 2105 WESTBURYE (Walter), schoolmaster at Shrews- WILLEMS (Aernout), 1638 3647 bury, early 16th c. 1884 W I L L E M S (Pierre Gaspard Hubert), 1840-98, WESTFAL. 'Gerdrwdis Westfalprofesse in Zenig", philologist 3976 16th c. 183, 1227 WILLEMSZOEN (Jan), ofGouda, 16th c. 3415 WESTFYLD (Clement), monk at Battle Abbey, W I L L E R O N (Rogier), master-surgeon of Bruges, early 16th c. 1982 16th c. 3835 WESTLAKE (John), 1828-1913, Whewell Professor WYLLYAM (John), 16th c. 3959 of International Law, Camb. 2577 WILLIAMS ( ), 1585 2172 WESTMORLAND (John Fane, nth Earl of), WYLLYAMs (Arthurus), 16th c. 3078 W I L L I A M S (Benjamin), F.S.A., 1803-1861 966 1784-1859 3719, 3784
INDEX OF PROVENANCES W I L L I A M S (Rev. John), 1799-1873, of Bryntirion, co. Radnor See W I L L I A M S (Samuel Charles Evans) W I L L I A M S (Samuel Charles Evans), 1842-1926 222,432, 526, 700, 701, 739, 804, 810, 827, 869, 977, 978, 1118, 1351, 2917, 3504, 3507, 3509, 3518, 3561, 3988 WILLIAMS (William), of Ivytower, nr Tenby, Pembrokeshire, 1792 166 W I L L I S - B U N D (John William), 1843-1928, of Gonville & Ca\us Coll., Camb. 4102 WILLS (
), 19th c. 3300
2289, 2424, 2477, 2517, 2630, 2675, 2682, 2683, 2694, 2708, 2747, 2902, 2979, 3309, 3392, 3397, 3750,3763, 3764,3818 WOLF (
), of Kiel, 1836 1190
W O L F (Hermann), of Kiel, 1839 1190 WOLFENBUETTEL. Bibliothek 1279 W O L F F (J
), 1760 1127
W O L F F (Johann Jacob), 1746 1127 WOLTERS, pseud. [Sale at Paris, 1844, cf Catalogue de la bibliothe*que defeu M. Fr. Vergauwen (1884) 11 1376] 574, 3833 W O O D (Gulielmus), 16th c. 559
W I L L S (Howell), 1854-1901, ofBalliol Coll., Oxf. W O O D (Nycolas), clothmaker, 16th c. 1986 300,616,704, 867,1107,1200,1601,1606, 3261 W O O D E H O U S E (Henry), Rector of Newton Flotman, Norfolk, 1517-40 223 W I L S O N (J ), 1755 1780 W I L S O N (John), last Prior ofMountgrace Charter- W O O D H O P E (Thomas), alias White, Vice-Prior of the English Benedictines at'Douai, d. ca 1654 house, ca 1540 1082 4110 WILSON-BARKWORTH (Arthur Bromby), M ), 19th c. 1052 1854-1929, of Jesus Coll., Camb. (' Wilson- W O O D S T O N E (J Barkworth Fund9) (1937) 1576; (1938) 821, W O R D S W O R T H (Christopher), 1848-1939, Fellow of Peterhouse, Camb. 4123 3723; {1939) 1316, 2705, 3954, 4044; (1940) 2636; (1941) 1759, 3149, 3270, 3973, 3992, W O R T S (William), ofSt Catharine's Coll., Camb., 3993, 4056; (1942) 971, 1081, 4041; {1943) d. 1709 (' Worts Fund9) (date unknown) 890, 1445, 1575, 2071, 2078, 4013; (1946) 1236, IOOO; (1835) 661,714; (1869) 120$; (1870) 15, 2611,2762; (1947) 392,1052,1766,2024,2138, 16, 36, 39, 40,43,48,49,53,54,69,81,82,100, 2449,2455, 2484, 2615,2677,2684, 2708, 2864, no, 168, 183, 335, 387, 397, 428, 435, 452, 3877, 4053; (i94&) 1051, 2242, 2331, 3287; 463, 525, 593,602,607,642,657,667,671, 672, (1949) 1643-5, 2714; (1950) 2237-5, 22657, 675, 679, 682, 685, 696, 702, 709, 748, 830, 2331*2, 2331-5, 2628-5, 2727-5; (mi) I323-5, 838, 898, 954, 1097, nil, 1114, 1171, 1173, 2331-7, 24195, 3519-5 1177,1183,1184,1187,1189,1192,1194,1225, W I L T O N . Benedictine Nuns (55. Bartholomew 1227,1267,1292,1409,1730,1835, 2523, 2530, 2596,2634,2722, 2723, 2766, 2859, 3210, 3255, & Edith) 194 3292, 3294, 3297, 3298, 3299, 3302, 3352, 3355, W I L T O N (Thomas), 16th c. 2041 3458, 3502, 3516, 3578, 3588, 3597, 3607, 3611, W I M P F E N . Hospitallers of the Holy Ghost 893 W I M P H E L I N G (Jakob), 1450-1528, humanist 1051 3615, 3632, 3644, 3688, 3700, 3802, 3823, 3827, 3880,3891,3894,3899,3903,4004; (1875) 423, W I N C H E S T E R . College 194 3333, 3383, 3506, 3553, 3610, 3635, 3656, 3659, W I N D E S O R (Thomas), 1622. Presumably Thomas Windsor, 6th Baron Windsor de Stanwell, 15903798,3806,3870,3922,3925; (1S76) 1436,2584 1641 664 W O T T O N (Roger), ca 1600 4081 W I N D H A A G (Johann Joachim Entzmiiller, W R I G H T (Johannes), late 16th c. 3156 Reichsgraf von u. zu), d. 1678 131 W R I G H T (RichardThomas), 1846-1931, Fellow of W I N G H E (Jerome de), 1557^-1637, Canon of Christ's Coll., Camb. 2080, 2084 Tournai 3835 W R I G H T (William Aldis), 1831-1914, Fellow of W I S E M A N 5eeWYSEMAN Trin. Coll., Camb. 1064, 1102 WUBBERDINGK (Conradus), of Rinteln, 1512 ? WISSERELL (Fridericus), 18th c. 168, 696 W O D H U L L (Michael), 1740-1816 71, 74, 142, 805 152, 530, 621, 692, 873, 942, 1036, 1169,1410, WUERZBURG. Carthusians 90, 91; Franciscans 1438, 1528, 1530, 1531, 1691, 1755, 2069 (?), 164, 175, 1117
(Gherardus), of Xanten,
donor to the
Charterhouse at Wesel, A* 1503 3420 ? WURSTTESELE 248
W Y (Jacobus Nicolaus), of Haarlem, 16th c. 3697 W Y C O M B (Arnold de), 1693 4157
W Y L D (James), early 19th c. 2639 WYLLYAM[S]
See W I L L I A M [ S ]
Y O U N G (Arthur William), 1832-1936, of Trin. Coll., Camb. 14, 22, 31, 93,108,119, 940, 987, 988,1001,1070,1159,1362,1626,1770,1780, 1822,2235,2351,2514,2582,2635,3180,3181, 3194,3336,4087 Y O U N G (Rt Hon. Robert), 1822-1917, of Belfast
W Y L s o N (Johannes) See W1 L S O N (John) WYLTON
See W I L T O N
1280 YPRES. Jesuits 3593
W Y M A R K E (Johannes), ca 1300 589 W Y N N E (Robert), of Ross (?), 1667 4154 W Y S E M A N (RafFe), 16th c. 4194
YULE (George Udny), F.R.S., 1871-1951, Fellow of StJohns Coll, Camb. 3193 YVE (Willelmus) See IVE (William)
X A N T I S (Theodericusde), Canon of Liege, 1487 538 Z A B E R N . Franciscans 87 Z A C Z E N U S (David), 1544 202, 798, 801, 1086, YATES (Simon), 1526 3799
1087, 1290, 1305
YERDLEY (Radulphus), late i$th c. 1024
? Z I T E S T I N I U S (Joannes Conradus), ca 1600 713
Y M P E N S (Peter de), 1491 3968 Y N G L I S H E (George), 16th c. 4140
ZOMMERNACT (Johannes), donor to Dulmen, ca 1500 432, 1118, 3518
Z W E R T I N G H E R (Hemicus), 16th c. 707
of Stretton-en-le-Field,
1540 4214
8 19
2549 4142
85 89 93 94 95 96
3739 2762
105 107 109
389 877
124 132
133 135 140 141-2
149 150 152
156 159 162 163?
352 113 3724 421
2097 555-6 2204 2203 2553 1988 2207-8 3691-2 528 3713 1040-41
1544-5 1474 2902 2257-8
173 175 177 182
1475 1554 2452 1519
466 465 334
187 194 196
205 209
353 344
213 217 218 224 228 230
235 240
249 251 252
619 2611 3834 152 3793-4 3944 2132 1308 1518 1405 1409
257 258
1723-4 1232
868 869 870
1754 2034 1606
467 473 474 475 476 478 485 497 504 506
90 1213
311 312
526 527 542 545 546 558
266 278 286 298 303 305 307
315 321 324-5
2574 712 712 3908 1221
3556 3511 3551
329 345 355 377 379 38i 383 389 391 394
3887 2596 2711
396a 401 402 403a
838-9 3813 2979 3901-2 769-70
412 414 419 420 422
426 429 432 433 434 435 436 439 453 454 459 461 462 463 464 465-6
564 58i 588 609
808 3549 3509 3515 2820 141 126
611 612
3659 2336 2327 2328 2491-5 1153
1107 3445-6 1687
841 844 848 850 851 852 853
695 91 2738 168 2306
2584-5 158 3178
725 3044 2239
956 960 959
901 902
903 904 905
803 806 809
875 876 896 899
1747 1760-62 4128
801 802
3916 1103 1100 2631
616 617 622 623 643 647 650 653 655 658 778 780 781
973 609
938 426 614
997 1713
732 2995-6 4161-2 1834
483 232 3288 1666 1057 2287-8 1814 1414 3737
245 3246
247 3863 2913 3820 2920
920 :
78 1030-31 2025 2780-81 2259
696 2256
894 2256
357 2268 1767-8
926 927 929
1873 1408 2218-19 2218-19
960 961
897 427
976 977 979 983 984 986 988 989
4173 1827 1961-2 1828 1821 1821 2201
1006 1015 1016 1017 1018 1021 1028 1035 1067 1083 1088 1095 1105 1109 IIII 1119 1120 1124 1128 1129
2243 1560 1222*5 3488 3570 1052 160 3738 1060
854 144 2957 3105 3676-7 209 3722 3934 4000 3740-41
719 848 55-2
FIFTEENTH-CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS H 1136 1141 1143 1145 1155 1159 1162 1162a 1166 1168 1170 1171 1190 1196 1200 1203 1213 1243 (1) 1249 (4) 1251 (2) 1254 1255 1274 1278 1286 1287 1290 1292 1307 (1) 1307 (2) 1309 1310 1312 1313 1314 1317 1319 1324 1328 1336 1339 1342 1348 1363 1365 1367 1374 1386 1394 1397 1401 1405 1413 1419 1422 1424
ULC 2805 1260 273 2437-8 1235 1003 301 302 164 3725 3725 1142 1231 1119 253 2130 2337 1645 190 1725 1659 1725 2138 1552 3308 2313-14 2318 2439-40 1740-42 1739 2703 2727 2061 2605 1358 2069 2503 1115 882 1969 2829 38.6-7 457 493-5 3642-3 432-3 567-8 1658 3954 1141 422 547 456 523 3218 335-6
H 1425 1427 1430 1440 1444 1448 1459 1475 1478 1483 1487 1506-7 1508 1509 1520 1528 1529 1530 1533 1534 1542 1557 1558 1562 1563 (1) 1564 1569 1571 1582 1613 1621 1637 1641 1645 1649 1650 1651-2 1653 1654 1655 1656 1657 (1) 1657 (2) 1657 (3) 1657 (4) 1657 (5) 1658 1683 1688 1691 1696 1697 1709 1710 1714 1716
1719 1724 1738-9 1749 1750 1757 1758 1761 1762 1764-5 1776 1778 1782 1786 1793 1805 1858 1863 1875-6 1878 1890 1893 1895 1897 1903 1905 1906 1908 1928 1929 1933 1947 1951 1952 1955 1956 1958 1959 i960 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1970 1973 1978 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1987 1988 1989 1990
49 1556 2763 2550 1830 1668-9 30 2000 2001 716 431 768 2650 2094 1942 1811
768 2640 470-71 2660 2002 1605 2234 1696 2354 3801 2227 478 1376 3687 2307 1995 2558 2908 128 1106 3147 2484 2511 1312 2183 2162-4 2172 2170 2173-4 2182 943 2547 2544 2545 2546 1807-8 2542 559 559 2548
ULC 2566 799 2543 4160 3034 3091 3053 3034 86-7 306 445 1170 440 439 2750-51 2583 2798 2456 790 2565
84 1727 713 998-9 952 2669 3052 1054 3898-900 3910 3479 1899 2628 2579 83 74 644 3427 361 358-9 631-2 1174-5 3223 76 1923 1920
3946 3723 1173 2796 3127 309-n 908-9 296 312 510
H 1991 1993 1993a 1994 1997 1998 2002 2006-7 2008 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2031 2032a 2034 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2045 2048 2052 2053 2055 2056 2061 2066 2068 2069 2070 2071-2 2075 2079 2080 2082 2084 2085 2089 (2) 2092 2093 2094 2095 2097 2103 2108 2120 2133 2137 2142 2144 2149 2153 2153a
ULC 296 43 469 2692 221 267 2023 3128-9 2789 722 3671 2449 295 142 2272 3427 132 2024 2776 1337
3784 468 569 1607 1681 2515 1948 75 3719-20 2775 1336 3719-20 3272 2339 3303 803-4 818 284-5 307-8 147 467 41-2 39 284-5 2859-60 634-6 1073 633 1815 2267 2331-2 45 900 408 1660 1661
CONCORDANCES H 2154 2156 2158 2159 2161 2165 2175 2178 2179 2191 2194 2197 2223-4 2230 2231 2240 2251 2254 2255 2257 2264 2286 2334 2364 2365 2371 2374 2385 2386 2394 2398 (2) 2404 2407 2418 2420 2421 2423 2449 2453 2465 2478 2481 2484 2486 2488 2498 2499 2500 2502 2503 2507 2510 2520 2522 2523 2526
ULC 1065 1666 2229 2287-8 i860 1680 2569 2110 2115 2175-6 757 101 1832-3 4104 1112 3158 102-3 47 872 1884 1985-6 1704 2659 2487 3500-501 2488 3621 3155 2489 2491 3621 2637 2855 1835 2232 1536 2604 1703 1576 4214 127 2269 2278-80 1078 1784 590-91 2737 3184 3197 3185 1317 1022 4144 3653-4 3261-2 2729
H 2541 (1) 2542 (1) 2542 (2) 2543 (2) 2568 2580 2584 2606(2 2607 (1 2632 2634 2638 2646 2667 2668 2704 2717 2725 2727 2732 2736 2747 2756 2759-tfo 2761 2763 2782 2789 2791 2795 2796 2797 2808 2809 2813 2818 2821 2822 2827 2833 2840 2844 2845 2852-3 2854 2863 2864-5 2866 2869 2871 2873 2874 2880 2882 2884 2886
ULC 1611 1715 1716 1643 3192 1710 1619 1620 1714 1406 1614 1623 1416 2633 3776 2909 1854 2850-52 2529 118 3814-16 2335 3699 1726 2693 2171 2419-5 1483 1484-5 140 3420 626 1938 1939 2246-7 2757 1682 429 2797 313-H 1271-2 32-3 3852-3 3602 3618-19 570-71 3921 2858 1285 3851 2303 2991 914 2926 1927 4124-5
H 2887 2889 2896 2900 2901 2906 2907 2911 2917 2920 2926 2933 2938 2954 2963 2964 2965 2968 2972 2979 2985 (1) 2990(1) 2990 (2) 2993 2994 2995(i 2995 (2 3000 3002 3003 3004 3006 3026 3030 3031 3032 3033 3034 3035 3036 3037 3039 3042 3045 3046 3050 3051 3052 3053 3056 3058 3059 3060 3061 3062 3063
ULC 913 3603 1921-2 2761 390 514 513 3852-3 780 724 540 3800 243-4 3164-6 2499 3161-2 2501 2497 3159 3160 1933 2799-800 2801-2 2799-800 840-41 415-16 418 3596 3096-7 248 1359 2970 3980 2635 14, 15 16, 17 68-9 92-3
no 107 108-9 659-60 600 2736 601 22-6 1362 31 2753 980-81 2871 2513-H 2667-8 1641-2 1068 1662
H 3064 3065 3068 3069 3070 3071 3072 3074 3075 3078 3079 3081 3082 3083 3086 3088 3089 3091 3093 3094 3095 3104 3107 3115 3118 3123 3124 3129 3130 3131 3132 3133 3137 3141 3142 3143 3144 (1) 3144 (2) 3151 3153 3160 3162 3164 3165 3166 3167 3168 3169 3170 3171 3172 3173 3174 3175 3178 3179
ULC 2755-6 986-7 988 992 1779-80 651 993 3188 2766 1674 1159 2767 1787 2767 2770 179 1678 1859 1116 2772 206 210 2836-7 3194 2840 2129 2096 119 73 940 1070 887 IOOO-I 720 721 1194 3180 3181 1735 1822 3335-6 4036 1855 1675-7 1004 1012 1952 185-6 1025 1046-7 2842 124 2028-9 2793 1218 1346
3219 3221 3224 3240 3241 3242 3248 3249 3250 3275 3303 3315 3317 3321 3322 3324 3326 3329 3333 3345 3351 3352 (1) 3354 3362 3371 3375 3377 3379 338i 3382 3384-5 3388
189 2003 2047 3860 512 1600 1824 1875 207 2474 2209 1615
589 1978 2088 2088 1618 1150 1151 4197 1803-5 1818
446 3835
532 536 3714 3783 3534-5 216
751 1037
3391 3399 3400
3569 4064 4003-4
3404 3414 3416
1954 3541 3564 2024
3427 3436 3459 (1) 3463 (1) 3463 (2) 3466 3475 3476 3480 3485 3488 3492 3495 3496 3498
94 1274
630 544 2638 3862 35i8 3018
H 3503 3506 3508 35io 35H-I2 3513 3529 3531 3534 3540 3541 3560 3564 3565 3567 3572 3613 3619 3623 3644 3663 3665 3669 3670 3671 3672 3682 3684 3689 3691 3699 3712 3728 3731 3735 3746 3750 3774 3787 3792 3796 3806 3815 3834 3839 3841 3852 3867 3868-9
3968 1153
3959 396o
53 927
4022 1949 1527
3453 3590-91 1162 4054 2131 116-17 1017
3963 3966
4343 4348 4358 4366
3967 3987 3993 3994 3996 4002
1334-5 2653 4101 4202 912
4004 4011 4012 4014 4015 4024 4026
3963 1010 2839 1849
530 2628-5 1533-4 2493 2485 2592 2412-5 3190 4078-9 3273 4099-100
942 2959
968 2854 2847 2849 2853 1302 1869 1759 1759 4057 3849 2035 1210
3765 2116 2688
2026-7 982
4424 4427 4428 4439 4443 4444 4462 4468
1429-30 1463 1171 2695 1453 2595 213 125 1616 1653 1654 1867 1341 2691 1673
4114 4120 4121 4122
548 3742 665-6
4504 4506
4123 4124 4126 4144
983-4 1056 1790 2206
4507 4508
1897 1936 1663
4513 4528
3847 2904
4145 4148 4150 4162
2483 2495 1129 260
4549 4551 456i 4562
1473 1900-1
4164 4185 4186 4211
1332 3785-6 3604-5 1464-5 1367
1008 1665 1809 4219-20
4324 4340
4286-7 4289 4321 4322
675 3823
4103 4105 4112
3874 3879 3895 3915 3950 3956
3402-5 2958 3932 3663
392 3665 3050 1208-9 1036
2794 1006
4367 4369 4371 4377 4398 4411a 4418
4470 4471 4479 448i 4486 4492
4231 4234 4237 4238 4256
1092-3 2906 2971
2779 2617
4027 4076 4094
4214 4228 4230
393 533 2423 1693 2230 3825-7 1158 1540-42 1498-9 2541 2559 2559 1083 1296
4572 4573 4574 4623 (2) 4628 4641 4657 4659 4675 4683 4689 4693 4696 4697-8 4701 4710
47" 4712 4716 4717 4728
169 3040 3926-7
933 3249 1812-13
3854 2771 219-5 892-3 2777-8 1940 2657 1007 681 3705 1163 1480 2475 2636 2522 2284 4117 1154-5 911 2749 3469 3880-81
H 4729 4754 4756 4758 4762 (1) 4762 (2) 4763 4764 4768 4777 4779 4800 4801 4813 4835 4843 4846
201-2 4092
5004 5022
2570 1613 1882 1881 1965 2093 2114
5023 5024 5028
138 293 1249-50
5029 5030
1244 579-80
2390 2424 2409 2064 2005
2333 4029 2159-60 4848 (1, 3) 2159-60 2156-7 4848 (2) 4849 4854 4864 4871 4902 4918 4920 (1) 4920 (2)
1743 2648 3818-19 2649 3839 4095 4115-16
4155 4134 4094 (1, 2) 4070 (3, 4) 4066 4062 (5) (6, 7) 4061 4068 4927 (8) 4927 (9-11(4063 4927 (12) 4065 4927(13-15)4067 2419 4942 1431 4948 1426-7 4957 1432 4958 1529 4959 4960 1471 4962 1492 4988 4107
4924 4925 4927 4927 4927 4927
4989 4990 4996 4997 4998 (1) 4998 (2) 4999 5000(1) 5000(2) 5001 5002
38 1180 4213 4130 4133 4186 4072 4073 3939 4082-4
5031 5034 5035 5037 5038 5040
294 70-72
550 549 3848 551, 551*5
H 5256 (2) 5269 5272 (1) 5272 (2) 5272 (3) 5280 5287 5296 5299 5304 5305 5306
5051 5052
5307-8 5309 53ii 5313 5317 5319 5324 5326 5328
5330 (1)
5053 5056
3674 2323 1624 1701
5041 5042 5044? 5045 5046 5048 5050
5057 5062 (2)
397 1245-6 1871-2 1247 2835 349-51 1248
5079 5085 5102
2021 2078
5103 5107 5108 5109-10
Sin 5111 bis 5122 5124 5129 5137 5145 5151 5158 5159 (3) 5168 5182 5187 5205 5206 5222 5227 5233 5238 5239 5250 5256 (1)
5345 5353 5354 5356 5360
1773-4 1862 1862
5370 5372 5373 5377 5382
1877 2071 1045 1967 1648 1791 2500 1705 1282 2910
5384 5385 5389 5395 5396 5398 5435 5454 5461? 5462
3695 1445 1627 22657 2223 1981-2
5479 548o
3234 1577 3517 280
3477 3478
515 479 297 479 3475-6 4075-7 1633 1801 2106 2084
362 1610 2903 1128
928 1532 1493 2476 2686 2111 2058 3305 2725-6 1928-9 1014-15
5537 5556
2773 3472-3
5577 558i 5609 5610
5489 5497 5501 5502
1387 2192-3 3743 3743 3666 2863 228
1330-31 922-3
5651 5656 5669
934-5 4126
5674 5677 5685 5686 5688 5694 5697 5700 5702 5704 5706 5708 5709 5714 5731 5732 5733 5745 5746
5753 5762 5801
3894-5 1489
741 1290
3678 1009
527 627
5619 5624 5629
5747 5751 5752
3163 2293 2677 1224
5530 5532
3678 1020-21 1931
5507 5509 5529
2074 3448
3709 3710 2074 2080
548i 5486 5488
5504 5505-6
27 28
ULC 3447 3711-12 37H-I2
5803 5806 5813 5826 5827 5828 5829 5849 5852 5859 5879 5883-4 5885 5888-9 5893 (1) 5893 (2)
4049 4138
452 1396 1494 1417 2891 3546
682 3876 3458 3494 3508 3559-61 4071 2291 2158 1625-6
176 239 176 3503 3937 3980 3914
509 48 1130 2687 1126 3726
891 3696 3588 1219 926 1382 2600-1 2109 2331 262
FIFTEENTH-CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS H 5894 5895 5896 5897 5899 5900 5904 5905 5906(i) 5907 5913 5914 5915 5918 5919 5921 5938 5939 5942 5946 5947 5948 5949 5950 5954 5957-8 5967 5975 5977 5978 5979 5989 6002 6018 6032 6033 6043 6069 6079 6080 6081 6083 6087 6106 6107 6109 6110 6111 6113 6117 6119-20 6124 6130 6i37 6138 6i43
ULC 343i 1322 1361 1609
346, 348 913 120 526 3264 3656 122 1105 889 607-8 154 3942 2235 2582 1769-70 2334 1825 2624 1917 1794-5 2410
485-6 363 4021 1829 3432 1829 2265*2
745 364 2731 2530 1372 1629 1313 4028 1137 3306 4024
3796 584-5 4194-6 4127 572 1165 621-2 3491-3 3390-91 3930 3363 1239 869
6i45 3833 6146 3148 2180-81 6151 472 6i54 2613-14 6i57 2057 6158 2152-3 6185 1647 6186 2494 6187 2420 6194 1638 6199 6202 1959 6205 2076 6227 1670 6233 3037 2435 6234 2463 6239 335i 6242 3355-6 6243 3366 6244 1082 6245-6 447 6249 3796 6250 2006 6253 6269 1096 6272 3912 448 6279 4060 6284 4109 6285 1772 6288 1563 6309 3455 6320 29 6352 1500 6391-2 1578 6393 3226 6400 428 6409 1721 6416 (4) 1856 6418 (3) 6420 (3,4) 1998 2552 6433 1857-8 6436 1992-3 6437 1997 6450 1766 6454 6456? 3256 6464 2743 6466 150 6469-70 240 6471 21 873 6472 2869 6476 1384 6478 2676 6480 2679 6482 223 6489
6506 6515 6523 6565 6582 6586 6596 6600 6609 6612 6615 6648 6649 6651 6653 6658 6659 6662 6663 6683 6684 6685 6689 6691 6692 6693 6702 6706 6708 6709 6711 6713 6714 6716 6717 6718 6719 (1) 6719 (2) 6721 6722 6727 6761 6762 6763 6777 6783 6784 6794 (1) 6794 (2) 6813 6814 6819 6821 6836 6838
ULC 143 1844 3978-9 802 2697 2531 2632 2632 3986-8 170 932 33i8 3321-2 3344 3354 3553 2186-8 3245 3168 82 81 2031 1488 2213-15 3622 1748-9 2457 1924
121 3302 2590-91 2993 270 2265-5 1755 1198-9
366-7 360 1255 3353 850-51 3406-8 2868 3001 3497-8 2938 747 783 817 768 148 1378 2879-80 2968 2968 1081
H 6889 6903 6005 6906 6913 6914 6915 6917 6918 6919 6920 6923 6924 6925 6928 6930 6931 6932 6934 6944 6946 6950 6958 6973 6980 6982 7001 7009(2) 7009(3) 7010 7013 (3) 7018 7020 7021 7028 7030 7031 7035 7036 7038 7048 7053 7054 7059 7063 7065 7082 7084 7098 7121 bis 7133 7173 7176 7178 7170-80 7199
ULC 3579 2739 1310 3923 2956 735-6 215 594 425 649 3688-9 715 1796-8 717-18 1746 2865 1230 2759 1757 2862 3323-5 915 1699 2727-5 520 1945 739 241 237 2194 3248 2451 1080 1075 4114 4172 3282 3282 4158 2249 3837-8 4059 3935 1946 2806 2341 23317 1546 1730 2095 1466-8 214 637 3361 557 459
7201 7226
2714 2330
3253 1621
3601 3348-50 34i8 3348-50 4110-11
1879 2148
450-51 792 3376 761-5
7763 7766 7770
8025 8042
7252 7254 7256 7288 7291
7600 7608 7621
57 58
7292 7300
1446 2826
8047 8049 8052 8060 8087 8098
7333 7339 7340 7347-8 7349 7356 7362
3931 1420
7379 738i 7392 7399 7404 7406
1379 3995-6 3892-3 844-5 2700 1302-5
950 2310-12
7407 7408
2521 2319-20 2322 2628
7411 7412
3047 3224
7413 74i6 7422
3157 3558 3056
7425 7440
7451 7458 7463 7467 7474 7477 7500 7501 7510 7525 7526 7539 7541 7542 7546 7553 7560 7569 7578 7580 7590 7594 7598 7599
327 733 1657 2202 3219
761 3030 2165-6 1806 2782 1984 2113 1698 1722
542 2843 1470 1476 2562 2302 2302 2643 2642 1428 1603
7625 7628 7629 7631 7634 7635 7636 7639 7640 7646 7649 7653 7657 7658 7659 7662 7666 7668 7671 7^73 7674 7^75 7677 7678 7681 7685 7687 7688 7690 7691 7692 7694 7695 7696 7697 7705 7706 7707 7708
537-8 255-7 319-20
441 282-3 3728 3811
7814 7822
975 288 3346
159 974
377-9 3744-5 3003
371-2 289
7905 7908
374-6 480-81
7915 7916 7918 7923 7925 7937 7938
370 317 281
7939 7944 7947 (1) 7947 (2) 7948 7950
373 321 290 322
488 323-4 489-90
699 885
7954 7957 7958 7960 7962
603-4 726-7
7963 7964 7970 798i
3746 3392 182
7984 7985 7986
233 236
7989 8002 8004 8009
1032 1044
3485 3512
1350 2588
7879 7900
318 573
1140 1143 1200
419 414 793
7874 7878
7824 7825 7828 7833 7834 7835 7843? 7850
4019 281
7721 7723 7735 7738 7742?
7809 7810
7747 7748
7805 7806
3675 368-9 286-7
7715 7716 7719
7743 7745 7746
7771 7788
784 4086
965 1063 1963-4 1543 261 1792 1876 1878 1846 1870 2844
842 1490
395 2831 3124-5 3855
624 628-9
878 3041 3319-20 114
939 3788
638 2125 3121
898 341-2 3592
658 2126 3123 1636 2742 3705
8099 8128 8131 8140 8154 8155? 8156
1304 1211 4033 2641 1994 2236 I3I9-5 2473 1458 1433 3286
8157 8158 8168 8169 8170
8175 8179 8198
1439 3069
8199 8203 8218 8219 8242 8254 8257 8264 8300 8303 8305 8306 8308 8315 8317 8320 8323 8324 8325 8327 8331 8332 8343 8346 (l) 8346 (2) 8346 (3) 8347 8349 8364 8365 8370 8376 8384
1349 1149
705 723 625 246 748 3352 3119 1351
936 534 2810 1094-5 1339 2838 4002 3051 3019
883 1327 1345 3078-9 1575 3193 4085 3736 2471 2526 2523-4 2525 1181 1763-4 652-3
690 153 4023 1273
FIFTEENTH-CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS H 8390 (1) 8390 (2) 8406 8410 8418 8425 8426 8429
8435 8437 8444 8449 8453 8454 8460 8462 8466 8468 8471 8483 8490 8509 8516 8526 8529? 8533 8539 8542 8545 8556 8558 8562 8565 8566 8568
8643 8647 8652
9044 9046
500 1253 3802 3831
218 219 3865 3706-7
35 3641 3870 3732 2086-7
3029 1585 2486 2094-5
535 3429
1160 1214-15 2841 1447 3502 3552
2701 2539-40
1731-2 1866
1038 2816 2248 360
8575 8578
8579 8582 8589 (2,3) 8589 (10) 8589 bis 8590 8594 8595 8598 8623 8628 8629 8630 8631 8636 8637 8642
383-4 4159
639 884 885 678 3861
1161 989-90
1002 2292 3394-6 3607 338o
1911 1913 1691 2455
8659 8660 8663 8686 8691 8698
2411 3638 4080-81
4119 224-5
8705 8722
1889 3886 1034 574-6
8725 8745 8754 8757 8758
558 694
8763 8772 8778 8779 8789 8792 8802
9047 9048 9049
8931 (1) 8931 (2) 8939 8944 8957 8961 8962
9131? 9136
2343 1315
9137 9146
2634 1868
9159 9160 9161 9162 9169 9182 9188
9193 9217 9226
2033 203 1472 1039 2198-9 1033
55 1192
8975 8976 8990 9005 9006 9008 9011
2758 3590-91 3797
9233 9237 9245 9255 9259 9263 9270 9275 9281 9285 9289? 9296 9308 9312 9316
1108 3130-5 1816
9025 9028
1916 2300. 1023
8969 8972
1802 1904 1930 1979 2072 197 2560 2799-800 840-41 415-16 418
9094 9095 9096 9103 9118
8883 8884 8887 8890
8925 8928
1758 4118 1229
3074 2338
8893 8898
9063 9068 9081
2348-52 2581
8863 8881
9059 9062
8843 8862
834-5 234-5 3499 265-6 1240-43 1752
3897 1113 2774
706-7 1772 3098
146 3593 3778
2245 130 226
1385 1422 1502-3 3597-8 1257-8 934-5
2308 2329
89 3153-4 346-7 3717
3004 3975
2708 2317 1321
9324? 9327 9334 9335 9340 9342
9354 9358 9368
2629 2177-9 2716 2715
9369 9395 9398
2822 IIII 1144 1298-9
685 692
9403 9408 9410
3339-40 3716
9424 9426 9427 9429
1950 918-20
3856-7 3032-3 222
9436 9438 9445? 9450 9451 9452 9454 9455 9465 9491 9496 9500 9530 9558
917 162
39ii 1179 890 2597
2011 2017-18
129 111-12 3764
2741 1932 1845
9559 9576 9595 9610 9620
9635 9638 (1) 9638 (2)
9639 9643 9650 9651 9653 9655 9676 9688 9690 9691 9692 9703 9707 9708 9710 9711 9712
1850 1851 1851 1918 1919 1919 1399
2270 1702 2015-16 2012 2226 1695 2683 1838 1840 1831 2698 3232-3 2105 1048 2099
9716 9728
9751 9759 9768 9776
2527-8 1084-5
9779 9780
412 411
3309 1819
CONCORDANCES H 9784 9796 9804 9806 9809 9810 9812 9814 9816 9830 9831 9839 9870 9881 9884 9887 9895 9903 9908 9911 9918 9919 9920 9922 9923 9924 9925 9928 9932 9935 9942 9943 9949 9950-51 9952 9954 998i 9988 9989 9991 9992 10000 10009 10012 10016 I002I IOO25 IOO34 10042 IOO48 IOO49 10052 IOO54 IOO57 IOO59 10060
ULC 4093 2721 2046 1356 1652 1612 1202 1728 2091 2151 2156-7 1393 949 4042 1617 1617 3438 3000 3505 3977 785 2807 2275 2672 2673 2161 2671 4163-4 1388 3265 1404 1400 3338 3635 3647-8 43 1016 1182 1226 1191 1195 2674 3107 1800 2340 2244 2551 958 3896 3976 3620 3660 3379 3629 2589
H 10073 10080 10102 10105 10118 10126 10129 10130 10131 10141 10147 10149 IOI53 10154 10169 10172 10175 10177 10178 10179 10180 10185 10188 10194 10196 10198 10200 10201 10202 10203 10211 10212-13 10217 10220 10221 10224 10229 10230 10233 10236 10241 10242 10243 10244 10258 10259 10260 10271 10273 10282 10290 10291 10293 10295 10302 10303
ULC 3504 1166 2535 1983 1167 4175-7 1369 1608 1366 2073 1863 2014 195 2848 1329 1265 1262 1455 1456 1460-61 1462 2760 995 2813 2815 2817 1953 1125 1067 1071 577 3748 2907 2990 2992 4155 3693 1291 1775 2578 2092 2098 2304 3009 2441 2512 2070 4010 3544 2599 123 592-3 178 734 1069 3730-31
10309 10315 10327 10328 (1) 10328 (2 10328 (3 10330 10333 10345 10346 10352 10354 10356 10357 10361 10363 10367 10368 (1) 10368 (2) 10368 (3) 10368 (4) 10369 10372 10377 10378 10390 10393 10400 10401 10428 10430 10441 10447 10448 10452 10455 10458 (1) 10464 10469 10470 10471 10472 10476 10477 10479 10483 10485 10496 10502 10504 10505 10515 10521 10523 10524 10529
ULC 1049-50 2965-7 1442 1444 1443 879-81 172-3 2658 2713 4096 4153 4152 4170-71 4126 1364-5 134-5 401-2 403-4 405 406 994 151 134-5 2882 2043 2122 3632 846 2622 2079 2134 2575 1949 1950 i960 3024 2929 136 615-17 99 100 3183 2870 3230-31 3708 3718 1526-5 2453-4 3951 2510 3235 2730 2722 2490 3864
IO53I 10542 10543 10545 10546 IO55I 10557 10558 10559 10563
1912 1823 1910 2013 67 149 1664 1667 1644 1679 /1898 11898-5 258 2210 2137 2104 3022 3012 3022
10564 10573 10593 10605 10617 10630 10632 10634? 10644 10659 10662 10665 10674 10680 10704 10712 10730 10737 10755 10763 10765 10767-8 10777 10779 10785 10789 10791 10807 10814 10819 10823 10825 10851 10873 10880 10889 10924 10941 10972 10975 10981 10986 10987 10989 10991
3767 3690 1216 167 750 2519 1990 944 796 2818 77 2586-7 254 1573 1401 1505 1506-8 1504 2576-7 2222 1843 2082 2055 269 212 2442-4 1745 2538 2662 2845 1482 2353 2063 2004 2301 842
FIFTEENTH-CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS H 10992 10993 10995 10999? 11000 (2) 11005 11006(1)? 11009 IIOIO 11014 11016 11017 11019 11024 11072 11078? 11080 11090 11091 11114 III2I III24 11126 III36 III47 III48 III50 IH53 IH54 III60 III73 IIl80 IIl8l III87 III94 III98 II243 II246 H253 11262 II265 II273 II282 II3O2 II3O9 II3I3 II32I H359 II384 II40I II4I2 II422 II423 II425 U434 II438
ULC 2801-2
417 417 2809 2819 2812 2819 3488 3570 2250 1744 1671 1751 IO79 4044 3749-52 1319 1683 2462 269O 2833 391 3822 2715 3936 3780 3759-60
595 3700 2976 4034 1565 1479 1597 1477 1524-5 2532-3 2963 1186 1076
277 964 836 276 1204 1205 1225 278 1088 2036 2200 2038-40 4157 1323 3035-6 3026
H443 H454 11465 11491 H495 H497 II499 11506 "533 H534 11563 11566 11569 II57I H573 11582 11584 11585 11589 11606 11612 11613 11619 II635 11644 II655 11656 11657 11670 11671 11674 11676 11680 11681 11707 11746 11750 II75I H759 11767 11768 H775 11780 11789 11790 11791 11792 H793 11804 11807 11808 11809 11813 11814 11817 11818
795 1053 2740 3883 3919 3468 1309 2808
929 4045 2795 3791 2659 1509 823 824 772-3 2554 2032 1097 1926 3906 2481 3513 2212 4074 4113 4222-3 2534 2702 2685 2645 1348 2824 561-2
856 1306 916 2646-7 1905 2509
398 910
145 2877
937 2768
654 924 578 2881
977 330-32
671 3754
11819 2974 11822 328-9 11823 1145 11824 3973 11828 333 11830 700-1 11832 925 978 11834 II835 333 11836 641 II837 3753 11841 667-8 11864 3924 11871 2145 II873 3557 11874 3562 11884 2121 11888 1781 11891 1342 11901 1639 2221 11902 11903 (i) 2574*3 11903 (2) 2574-4 II9I5 554 11918? 1520 11929 275 m 1089-90 II93I "935 3214 11938 3213, 3213-5 3006 II94O 3216-17 II942 3214 11946 3023 11948 1237-8 H957 11960 3017 11965 3287 11967 3287 2205 11969 I202I 1510-11 12022? 1447 809-11 12026 12046-7 3106 12078 1572 12079 437 12086 1914 I2I00 2670 I2I04 2154-5 I2I05 3010 I2I20 2985 271 I2I3O I2I3I 3331-3 3649-51 I2I32 I2I39 (I, 2) 2251 I2I40 2571 I2I4I 2678 I2I45 1943
H 12150 12162 12172 I2I73 12193 12200 I222I 12240 12247 12254 12267 12275 12278 12283 12308 (i) 12308 (2) 12308 (4) 12308 (5) 12320 12330 12345 12363 I2378 12379 I2387 (i) 12405 (i) I24I9 12420 12452 (2) 12454 I2464 I2489 12493 12508 I25II I25I7 I25I8 I252I 12524 12527 12528 I253I I255I 12553 I2562 12568 12572 I2586 12590 12596 12604 12620 12627 12628 I2656 12679
ULC 2056 2054 1970 3045 1874 2Il8 2108 1941 2117 529 2694 4040 2147 1630 1717 1718 1719 I709 1937 1706 2238 3701 2276 1902
714 1260'5
691 272 3722
855 2064 934-5 1343-4 1973 1776 1817 1999 1972 1587 2149 1383
563 1328 1355 2821 2482 2635
188 1454 4174 1172 1491 2133 2555 2277 2983
12699 12706 12724 12729 12733 12737 12738
2050 2191 1908 2617
12749 12767 12767 12768 12768 12771 12774 12790 12791 12793 12798 12801 12807 12813 12814 12828 12857 12858 12859 12872-3 12881 12884 12889 12892 12895 12907 12008 12910 12918 12924 12926 12941 12947 12952 12956 12960 12976 12979 13001 13003 13006 13015 13017 13019 13023 13035 13037
3243-4 2090 2107 2791-2 1778 1777 1788 1789 1793 2142 1146-7 1320 2602-3 862 3917 3802 382 1152 35H 3825-7 372i 3825-7 1402 1402 2508 2421-2 2450 1837 669 88 863 2804 2068 1622 2067 2119 3516 2296-8 2265 2101 2790 2388 2381 1419 976 979 1885 2651 1690 521
H 13039 (1) 13039 (2) 13047 13048 13050 13052 13055 13056 13059 13061 13062 13063 13076 13082 13084 13089 13094 13095 13096 13097 13105 13108 13125 13130 I3I32 I3I37 I3I39 I3I44 13146 I3I5I I3I53 I3I59 I3I73 (1) 13191 I3I94 13198 13204 13206 13210 13218 13219 13244 13257 13258 13259 13264 13270 13285 I33OO I33II 13320 13346 13357
ULC 2872-3 2874-5 996 2465-7 3755 2707 2150 2506 2255 2255 2436 2051 2469 2100 2315 1632 2573 1783 2020 1880 1640 1411-5 2262 1370 2083 2710 1786 2220 2621 462 4038 827-9 746 2354 3959 3087 3087 2892 3918 1275 2184-5 2639 3409 2517 2518 2536 3294 1707-8 1469 2807 1587 183 2606 1720
* = H C 13672
H 13358 13360 13365 13368 13378 13379 13386 13395 13399 13405 13408 13410 I34I4 (1) I34I4 (2) I34I7 13418 13427 13429 13432 I345I 13453 13454 13464 13470 13473 13478 13479 13480 13486 13492 13504 13505 13508
ULC 1736 1947 2077 4025 2120 4058 1104 2520 4199 3167 2717-18 2719-20 474-6 436 1117-18 1120-21 4226 797 3521-3 2728 2019 2294 1353 886 1062
I35II 13520
1325 19 20 1268 2982 3849 3118 131 966 1177-8
I352I 13522
3341 336o
13523 13524 13544 13545 13600 13618 13626 13628 13629
3610 338i 1974-5 1753 4030-31 2630
13644 13652 13661 (1) 13669
934-5 2830 2832 2225 1971 2470 98
13672 13675 13677
3220-21 676-7
t=HC(Add.) 13672 877
H 13678 13682 13687 13697 13707 13708 I37I9 13720 13727 13728 13729 13749? I375I 13753 13760 13766 I377I 13776 I378I I379I 13798 13801 13806 13809 13810 13817 13827 13880 13884 13896 13899 I39OO 13906 I39I4 I393I 13933 13939 13940 13942 13943 13944 13947 13956-7 13961 13963 13974 13982? 13988 I399I 13995 14017 14028 14030 14031
ULC 901 1156-7 192-3 2052 759 3378 1127 2828 640 463 3747 3762 672 3761 3101 2197 2197 1737-8 963 1756 2211 961 2048 1968 2007 2419 2140-41 2785-6 971 1955 1906 1996 539 1340 1512-13 343 1357 874-6 2857 1380 2764 3284-5 399 449 1684 1886-8 1523 867 1061 3617 4106 1685 1685 1398
FIFTEENTH-CENTURY PRINTED BOOKS H 14033 14035 14038 14049 14050 14053 14055 14067 14069 14070-71 14093 14095 14098 14101 14106 14108 14109 14110 14111 14112 I4H3 14114 14116 14124 I4I34 I4I45 14150 14151 I4I55 I4I59 14161 14167 14177 14180 14181 14182 14190 (2) I4I93 I4I95 14207 14226 14232 14247 14248 14253 14256 14259 14263 14268 14269 14270 14273 14278 14298 14312 14332
ULC 1478 4221 930-31 4099-100 2696 1864-5 2146 3454 259 779 3413 443 2963 2286 1686 1672 2479-80 1750 1762-5 2030 1956-8 2008 1276 782 902 2022 864-5 3985 3733-4 184 187 3367-8 1013 1122 1013 2652 2899 2010 3625 1700 2102 3046 1277 1109 3913 3467 3413 2612 752 2504 HOI 1102 945 2644 2665 2415
H 14333 14335 14337 14339 14342 14345 14352 14353 14355 14361 14368 14369? I437I 14372 14374 14378 14380 14382 14384 14387 14389 14392 14394 14395 14404 14405 I44I5 14419 14420 14424 14428 I443I 14435 14436 14438 14439 14442 14443 14445 14446 14447 14449 14450 14455 14458 14462 14465 14468 14479 14481 14493 14497 14500 14507 14508 14509
ULC 1168-9 2425 2961 2371 2368-70 2367 2382 2391 2405-6 2138 2396 2412 2362 2346 2397 2387 2356 2358 2446 2355 2445 2374 2375 2376 2345 2342 2379 1099 2136 95i 2447 2377-8 2402-3 2426 2416 2426 2430 2357 2392 2431 2344 2389 2373 2361 2360 2429 2401 2363-4 1104 1903 2241 449 1434 1018-19 1026-9 946-7
H 14516 14518 14523 14524 14549 14552 14559 14564 14569 14570 14572 I459I 14594 14601 14603 14621 14624 14630 14638 14646 14655 14658 14660 14662 14666 14671 14677 14678 14688 14704 14708 I47I5 14720 14723 14724 14725 14733 14739 14740 I474I 14750 14753-4 14757 14775 14782 14794 14801 14811 14824 14825 14826 (1) 14829-30 14860 14869 14870 14872
ULC mo 205 1267 171 1223 3830 2189-90 1631 2705 2704 2664 2461 2053 1412 1297 1138 564 1281 858 3484 492 2893 518 2237 2066 3021 1486-7 1552 1222 1371 2274 1579 200 50 51 560 1363 1842 1966 2103 2260 2253 2216-17 74i 742 1771 1450 1602 1451 3423 180 1212 2666 1557 2478 1058
2273 14873 1410 14874 2273 14875 1634-5 14877 14880 2062 14886 2502 2492 14895 '806 14900 4192 14914 3424-5 I49I5 545-6 14916 3639-40 14927 14936 2754 14943 1190 14955 1481 14960 2689 14969 3873 14972 3506 14978 2085 1413 14983 4183 14993 2615 15003 2295 15009 (1) 15009 (2-10) 2283 686 15026 15032 899 1206-7 15036 208 15041 3412 15046 800 15063 1278 15066 15072 815 15076 3466 3486 15077 3507 15079 3574-5 15080 1360 15086 2464 15089 3275-6 15092 2555 15093 1459 15103 1368 15118 2224 15120 2254 2143 15124 2498 15126 2324-6 I5I35 2557 15136 2654 15138 1217 1907 I5I99 15206 961 3672 15215 2263-4 15219 2075 15222 4026-7 15229
15230 15232 15235 15241 15334 15360 15364 15369 15370 15391 15412 15416 15423 15431 15432 15442 15443 15445 15446 15459 15461 15468 15475 15477 15486 15493 15496 15497 15498 15504 15510 15511 15518 15521? 15527 15542 15556 15563 15566 15574
970 40 2896 1338 1515 4154 1452 1203 2610 1841 3206 3043 191 198-9 786-7 1925 1083 1296 1584 1449
816 3369 2167 760 2168-9 2460 2684 1991 1976-7 3094-5 2468
955 1269 2472 5ii 3263 1373 2681 2112
H I558I 15587 15594 15598 15613 15618 15619 15624 15628 15635 15636 15637 15645 15669 15672 15681 15685 15699 I57OO 15703 15710 I57II (2) I57I7 I57I8 I572I 15724 15730 15732 I575I 15760 15778 15787 I579I 15802 15803 15806 15811 15836 15837 15843
ULC 4041
945 268 704 2787-8 65-6 59-6o
56 61 62
64 63 2127-8 762-3 1252 1077 3858
34 1437-8
174 683 1055 3428 2627 618 1374 1535 3218 1583 1457 2900 1909 2009 1628 2616 1697 1448 3110 3111-12
15847 15848 15851 15909 I59I3 I59I5 15918 I59I9 15921 15922 15925 15927 15928 I594I 15942 15944 15949 15974 15982-3 15984 I599I 16011 16020 16028 16033 (2] 1604I 16044 16048 ( ) I6O48 ( ) 16048 (3] ) 16054 16056 I6058 I6O78 I6O84 16086 (I) 16086 (21 16086 (3) I6O98 l6lI0
ULC 2593-4 2598
428 577 1528 1539 4107 2675 3550 3489 1072 2825
339 1537-8 2846 1547-8 1810 227 2567-8 3697-8 2623 2059-60
954 767 766 2285
764 753 755 754
758 765 1318 2261 204 1442 1443 1444 2171 2417
16111 553 1655 16117 16121 2682 16125 3452 16126 166 16127 612-13 16129 1656 1712 16132 3217-5 16139 16142 36 1263-4 16144 1074 16147 16148 1311 16151 3330 2827 16158 16170 1132 1136 16175 16183 1133 16184 211 16187 730 809-11 16191 16194 953 1293 16208 16214 3310 16215 3065 16217 1279-80 16218 853 2609 16220 2281 16227 16252 1853 16263-4 1574 3152 16271 16272 1598 16275 2505 16278 (1) 2782 16278 (2) 2783 16278(3)? 2784 16288 2537 16295 3439 2803 16296
2. GW I
3 5 11-12 32
65-7 102 136 177 213 214 218 219 224 227 228 229 230 264 265 277 291 294 302 310 314 315 319 321 326 341 348 349 398 402 404 405 407 410 411 412 428 442 479 484 485 488 493 496 501 506
ULC 4142 4178-9 4200 3872 1059 4227 4052 3437 3829 759 3378 3703 3739 3270 352 421 113 3724 2609 389 543 807 802 3375 1530 2706 3293 3459 3551 3616 2574 163 3887 712 3908 3538 3511 1221 749 1326 3556 2596 2711 273 3444 3631 141 808 3549 3509 3515
GESAMTKATALOG/ULC GW 5io 515 532 535 537 538 539 540 542 555 558 562 563 566 570 576 577 579 582 587 588 596 597 598 601 (1 601 602 604 612 616 616/10 624 628 629 630 648? 649 654 659 660 679 680 681 682 689 699 702 703 705 711 713
GW 718 719 722 727 737 748 752? 760 770 771 774 778 793 794 799 800 802 807 836 837 840 843 844 848 854 860 862 866 868 869 870 871 873 874 877 878
2820 504 126 3257 3882 3813 3884 2979 3901-2 3495 3991 838-9 769-70 3659 2491-5 2328 2327 2336 1153 1436 2584-5 973 1107 609 3445 3446 165 1687 695 90 254 789 969 4032 2240 3289 2941 3961 3962 3965 2738 91 168 2306 866 778 1100 614
894 929 931 934 xv 934 XXII
935 981 1000? 1008 1039 1052 1092 1257 1258 1267
2631 1935
ULC 1103 598 725 158 3956 4185 3178 565 774-5 426 1213 938 2925 3283 3008 3044 2937 2866 960 956 959 1747 1760-62 4128 4143 1834 1814 732 2995-6 4161-2 1713 997 483 3312-13 232 3288 1057 2697 1414 3296 3297 3300 3566 3920 1915 3281 743 3536 1754 2034 4040
GW 1273 1554 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1574 1578 1599 1601 1603 1604 1605 1606 1611 1617 1618 1659 1660 1662 1668 1669 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1681 1693 1697 1707 1724 1776 1779 1792 1795 1805 1806 1817 1831 1833? 1834 1836 1845 1850 1864 1868 1923 1924 1927
ULC 1287 282-3 3728 3811 3809 3675 1236 78 1030-31 2780-81 2259 894 696 2256 357 2268 1408 2218-19 4173 1827 1961-2 2243 1821 2201 4211 1828 144 1052 434 3738 1060 160 2883 1377 3798 1560 1558-9 1592 1588 711 795 2921 3488 3527 3570
1222*5 2957 3105 2725-6 1928-9 IOI4-I5
GW 1931 1933 1934 1940 1951 1968 1976 1982 1997 1998 2005 2016 2019 2020 2021 2024 2033 2040 2048 2072 2078 2080 2081 2082 2083 2085 2092 2096 2097 2098 2099 2101 2105 2107 2125 2132 2136 2180 2185 (1) 2192 (4) 2195 2196 2203 2206 2212 2214 2215 2236 2260 2262 2264 2271 2290 (1) 2290 (2) 2291 2292
2294 2295 2301 2303 2305 2323 2326 2329 2331 2332 2333 2334 (1) 2334 (2) 2334 (3) 2334 (4) 2334 (5) 2335 2342 2347 2349 2357 2358 2359 2364 2367 2371 2373 2378 2384 2388 2419 2421 2423 2427 2430 2434 2437 2443 2445 2450 2458 2459 2469 2470 2481 2483 2485 2501 2511 2514 2521 2522 2563 2597 2604 2621
2703 2605 1358 2069 2503 1995 2558 2484 2511 1312 2183 2162-4 2172 2170 2173-4 2182 943 768 559 2542 2544 1170 3034 3091 86-7 4039 4160 3053 306 2545 2543 1807-8 2546 2548 2566
2631 2667 2674 2709 2710 2711 2715 2716 2746 2747 2748 2751 2754 2756 2758 2760 2761 2764 2792 2800 2808 2810 2811 2813 2840 2843 2864 2867 2870 2871 2873 2877 2880 2881 2882 2883 2886 2888 2890 2891 2892 2894 2896
3940 2798 2456 2565 2916 790 2980 2946 1296 1083 4022 84 1727 713 998-9 2669 952 1054 3084 3239 693 3898-900 3910
2916 2918 2920 2921 2922 2924 2925 2927 2928 2929 2930 2932 2934 2936 2938 2939 2942
908-9 469 2789 3128-9 467 468
1020-21 1931 3215 209 3176
3177 3934 4000 3722 2149 3398 719 3740-41 848 2805 1260 2437-8 1003 2337 302 303-5 301 1582 508 1142
3345 1231 164 3725 825 1397 1440-41 1119 253 2130 703 1645 190 1659 1725 2138 1552 189 2003 2047 4051 1810 4166 3472-3 2439-40 1739 1740-42 2061 2727
445 1303 2547 765 439 3945 3966-7 799 744 440 3943 3974 2750-51 2740 762-3 2549 2583 539 509 2951 2595
2897 2898 2901 2902 2903 2904 2905 2908 (1) 2910 2912 2913 2914 2915
3479 3701 3189 1899 2579 307-8
74 83 1607 1681 2515 1948
75 3719-20 2775 1336 3272 2339 2272 3427 1173 3723 631-2 644 295 142 76 4008-9 1920 2796
309-n 633 3223
2945 2946 2949 2952 2953 2955 2960 2962 2965 2966 2970 2972 2975 2977 2984 2994 2995 2996 2997 2999 3002 3003 3006 3021 3024 3033 3038 3039 3043 3044 3049 3050 3051 3053 3057 3066 3078 3086 3092
132 2024 2776 1337 3784 1073 1174-5 41-2 147 2905 803-4 818 360 1923 569 358-9 2449 3671 722
3644 2282 2628 1220 2915 3303 43 296 312 510 2692 221 2023 267 470-71 3266 3946 284-5 39 2859-60 634-6 3199 897 427 3198 1926 1815
45 900 2110
3093 3110 3114 3131 3141 3144 3155 3175 3182 3183 3185 3188 3201 3231 3246 3255 3256 3263 3276 3278 3283 3290 3295 3304 3307 3317 3322 3323 3324 3340 3341 3342 3343 3344 3366 3387 3396 3397 3398 3402 3403 3404 3406 3407 34ii 3413 3414 3423 3424 3428 3436 3446 3450 346o 3489 3490
2115 757 101 1832-3 4104 1112 3158 2884 47 872 102-3 1884 1985-6 279 2489 3155 2491 3533 2487 3500-501 3567 2488 3621 2637 2855 2496 1013 1122 2652 1536 2232 2604 3679 1835 1703 1576 1105 122 889 2737 590-91 3184 3197 3185 1317 1022 4144 3653-4 3261-2 3237 4216 3573 2729 200 1611 1715
3508 3509 3547 3563 3583 3594 3609 3630 3657 3659 3665 3670 3678 3680 3682 3700 3719 3747 3752 3753 3756 3762 3766 3798 3801 3804 3805 3822 3842 3852 3853 3863 3864 3865 3884 3886 3902 3905 3913 3914 3915
1716 1643 1714 1620 1710 1619 3192 1711 1623 1406 1614 2633 3776 3442 346i 1651 2909 1854 2709 2507 118 3814-16 596 2335 3699 1726 2693 1520 2419-5 1484-5 1483 140 3420 626 313-14 2797 1271-2 724 3304 913 3603 3615 3851 2991 2303 540 1285 570-71 392i 32-3 3852-3 3602 3618-19 2516 780 3200
4023 4028 4029 4033 4037 4044 4048 4049 4056 4057 4059 4060 4065 4071 4072 4089 4091 4096 4104 4108 4126 4128 4130 4133 4136 4141 4147 4149 4158 4168 4172 4175 4176
914 2926 2950 1927 2988 4124-5 1921-2 2989 315-16 513 514 599 2858 2761. 390 2290 2427 3800 243-4 1295 2499 3161-2 2501 2497 3159 2885 3164-6 3160
4222 4223 4224 4225 4227 4228 4229 4230 4231 4232 4234 4235 4236 4237 4239 4240 4241 4242 4244 4246 4247 4248 4252 4253 4255 4258 4259 4260 4265 4269 4273 4275 4278 4280 4282 4283 4284 4285 4286 4287 4288 4289 4291 4292 4293 4294 4295 4296
1641-2 1662 2667-8 2871 986-7 2755-6 601 602 1779-80 988 992 600 2766 3188 993 651 1674 1159 597 2767 1787 2770 179 1678 1859 2772 1116 206 210 2836-7 3194 2840 2129 2096 124 2028-9 2842 2793 1855 1675-7 1004 1012 1952 185-6 1025 1046-7 73
4297 4298 4299 4303 4307 4308 4309 4312
1070 IOOO-I 721 720
3924 3925 3927 3929 3931 3932 3933 3940 3941 3947 3948 3957 4011 4014
4179 4180 4183 4185 4190 4194 4200 4201 4202 4203 4204 4205 4206 4207 4208 4209 4210 4211 4214 4215 4218 4220 4221
1933 2782 415-16 2799-800 840-41 3096-7 248 1359 2970 4145 398o 2635 14-15 16-17 68-9 22-6 108-9 107 2736
no 92-3 1362 3i 659-60 2753 980-81 2513-H 1068
119 940 887
1194 1735
4314 4324 4332 4333 4335 4340 4346 4370 4371 4386 4396 4413 4419 4422 4431 4443 4469 4475 4478 4479 4480 4482 4483 4486 4509 45ii 4512 (2) 45i6 4529 4530 4531 4534 4538 4544 4546 4551 4552 4556 4559 4562 4563 4574 4576 4579 4588 4590 4597 4599 4602 4604 4616 4644 (1) 4644 (2) 4645 4650 4661 4664
1822 4036 1218 1346 1139 1347 2321 1571 1570 2783 3915 1256 1824 1600 4197 2474 2209 1615 1978 2088
4671 4672 4675 4678 4687 4691 4696 4703 4706 4715 4717 4719 4724 4725 4729 4730 4736 4741 4743 4747 4748 4753 4756 4761 4763 4764 4766 4784 4786 4803 4804 4806 4810 4812 4818 4819 4820 4821 4823 4831 4837 4838 4879 4890 4899 4932 4934 4942 4943 4955 4956 4958 4959 4963 4964 4968 5002
2986 3969
5003 5054 5061 5068 5072 5075 5076 5077 5078 5079 5080 5081 5092 5099 5126 5127 5139 5146 5167 5i78(i) 5180 5190 5192 5214 5219 5258 5265 53io 5313 5318' 5333 5339 5343 5373 5395 5420 5423 5424 (4) 5426 5445 5447 5452 5453? 5454 5467 5479 5482 5499 5523 5528 5530 5556 5578 5579 5582 5585 5587
2960 2849 2853 2854 2847 52 1123
5600 5608 5612 5613 (l) 5615 5619 5621 5632 5633 5640 5^53 5654 5655 5657 5659 5665 5711 5729 5747 5754 5757 576o 5766 5779 5782 5783 5785 5786 5787 5788 5791 5792 5794 5796 5806 5808 5815 5822 5829 5830 5832 5862 5865 5880 5881 5882 5884 5886 5889 5891 5939 5941 5973 5975 6003 6009 6015
2234 3801 1696 2354 2227 1555
589 1618 1150 1151 1228 1803-5 1818
446 3255
532 536 3714 3783 1954 3534-5 216 3539 751 1037 3569
771 4003-4 4064 3835 2024
819 3537 3541 3564 3580
94 630 544 3963 2638
435 3931
709 2944 3402-5 2958 3932 3663
39i 3086 3169 3594-5 3136 3135 4054 2131 4056 2922 3061 3068 2653 3132-3 3134 3668 4098 4101 4202 1643-5 2289 3170-71 2886 3943 3590-91 1162 912 3892-3 3862 3518 3018 3088 3868 3867 1010 2839 1849 4214 3526 2628-5 1533-4 2412-5 2592 2493 2485
38 3190 3273 2959
53 927 3187 3210
54 1302 1495-7 1601 1689 1836 1665 1809
566 1124 4057 3849 2271 1008 1869 1759
833 837 2744 2035 1210
274 1092-3 2735 2906 2971 1259 962 647-8 3005 2045 2049 2984 4218 3869 3386 4219-20 3208 3016 2779 2617 1097 3665 3172 2934 3050
478 1376 1375
859 37^5 3766 3782 2116 2688 2630 4146 1389 2061-5 3027
3U2 3226 1790 2206 665-6
424 982 983-4 1056 3742
548 4015-17 2495 2483 260 1332 2316 1937 3735 3785-6 1944 1464-5 1367
393 533 4018 2423 2230 1693 1693 1540-42 1498-9 2541 2559 1171 1527 1429-30 56-2
6016 6023 6039 6044 6046 6050 6055 6056 6058 6061 6062 6063 6066 6080 6085 6087 6111 6129 6131 6132 6133 6135 6136 6153 6159 6160 6163 6164 6167 6168 6173 6195 6207 6216 6223 6224 6226 6238 6262 6277 6279 6282 6283 6290 6292 6293 6304 6306 6312 6318 6358 6361 6386 6390 6400 6401 6404
1463 1453 1673 3249 95-6 169 3040 933 3926-7 1616 1653 1654 125 1867 1341 2691 684 1663 1897 1936 1812-13 4053 3847 1473 3854 2771
6406 6438 6456 6465 6472 6473 6481 6482
2409 1589 2333 4029 2159-60 1743 3818-19 3821 2699 2648 2649 3839 2269 127 2278-80 1078 1784 3204 4095 4115-i6 4067 4134 4094 4063 2419 1431 1426-7 1432 1529
6756 6765 6767 6771 6773 6779 6790 6795 6806 6814 6825 6834 6849 6854 6864 6870 6877
1967 1648 1791 2500 2910 2899 1282 1705 1627
7118 7126 7158 7165 7177 7180 7182 7183 7187 7190 7191
2777-8 892-3 219-5 1586 3115 1516 3989-90 1480 2475 2522 2636 3280 2945 911 2749 3880-81 3885 3469 3031 3519 201-2 791 3054 1154-5 4066 4092 2570 2114 2424 2390 2064
6494 6498 6509 6532 6540 6542 6545 6547 6549 6552 6563 6583 6584 6588 6589 6591 6608 6615 6616 6617 6618 6619 6626 6628 6648 6667 6670 (1) 6670 (2) 6671 6672 6673 6674 6675 (1) 6675 (2) 6684 6688 6700 6708 6709 6712 6732 6733 6735 (1) 6740 6749 6750 6751 6752 6753
uii 1492 2655 4107 4001 4072 4073 4082-4 4213 4186 3939 4130 4133 3085 830-31 2673 2323 1624 516 2078 1624 1701 2021 1773-4 1862 1877 2071 1045
6885 6886 6890 6894 6895 6898 6900 6910 6914 6918 6921 6922 6946 (1) 6946 (2) 6951 6966 6972 6979 6981 6982 6983 6985 6992 6997 6999 7003 '7021 7027 7029 7033 7035 7046 7049 7054 7059 7061 7062 7070 7097
3695 22657 2223 1981 3234 1418 1577 3517 362 1610 2903 1633 3130 1801 2106 2084 3477 280 1294 27 28 3448 3447 3711-12 2074 2080 297 479 515 3475-6 358i 4075-7 37io 3478 3586 3709 928 1128 1532 1493 2651 505 18 2686 2111 2058 3305 1009
7195 7196 7204 7209 7217 7219 7223 7224 7226 7227 7228 7230 7259 7281 7287 7293 7309 7313 7334 7335 7395 7398 7400? 7409 7410 7411 7412 7418 7420 7423 7445 7471 7473 7475 748i 7484 7485 7493 7494 7500 7505 7507 7508 75ii 7512 7517
ULC 786-7 3163 2318 2418 1489 1386 2680 3462 1387 2203 2553 1988 2207-8 2204 555-6 877 2097 2192-3 3666 3449 2863 3743 228 129
See 3530 1330-31 1395 1163 1561 1594-5 1596 1593 1590 1562 3423 180 3436 1212 85 1005 1181 4138 2891 682 2864 3876 3600 3430 2952 2917 3062 3458 3546 3494 3559-61 3508 See 898
7520 7523 7533 7536 7571 7572 7573 7575 7576 758i 7587 7594 7634 7671 7673 7695 7720 7745 7750/10 7767 7774 7779 7813 7814 7820 7821 7822 7823 7825 7835 7846 7848 7850 7872 7874 7875 7877 7883 7884 7886 7887 7888 7889 7891 7892 7895 7898 7901 7902 7932 7958 7959 7964 7966 7967 7968 7969
3388 3652 2930 4071 2168-9
7970 7973 7986 8047 8050 8057 8060 8065 8066 8075 8093 8106 8115 8123 8139 8140 8i43 8144 8163 8168 8172 8i97 8222 8223 8225 8227 8236 8245 8246 8247 8261 8262 8264 8267 8269 8271 8276 8278 8279 8291 8307 8308 8321 8323 8324 8327 8328 8332 8368 8369 8372 8379 8381 8384 8396 8398 8409
1794-5 2410 485-6 2265*2 2901 1445 3432 4209 1829 3972
8410 8411 8412 8413 8414 8415 8416 8417 8418 8419 8423 8427 8454 8457 8459 8462 8480 8481 8501 8558 8579 8588 8625 8632 8642 8646 8647 8718 8746 8767 8804 8836 8895 8900 8950 9000 9017 9022 9040 9041 9046 9059 9063 9065 9067 9070 9072 9073 (4) 9075 (3) 9077 9092 9101 9103 9106 9108 9110 9ii3
2676 150 2679 240 223
176 239 3937 3039 in 3764 2741 1932 1845 1852 1847 1850 1851 3191 1848 112
3914 2687 2180-81
891 3696 3727 3726 1126 2032 3588 1219 4024 1382 2600-1 2109 2331 1361 1609 3431 1322 3126 120
526 3264 3144 3656 3942 3950 3532 2235 2582 1769-70 2334 1825 2624 1917
745 4021 3568
363 365 364 3450 3457 3453 3048 2530 1372 3702 3770 3771 1629 1514 1313 3306 2827
572 610 621-2 1165 3491-3
805 1239
731 3148 4045 3791 2795 4060 4109
472 2613-14 2057
67 1647 2494 2152-3 1638 1959 2076 2420 3542-3 3037
97 3796 3938 3497-8 3366 3351 3355-6
447 1082 2463 1670 1096 3912 4123 4147
448 1309 1861
967 1563 1564 4106 3455 3422 1698 1722 29 3299 3298 3292
680 3583 1289 220
820 2233 2305 1578 1500
779 428 1799 1997 2552 1857-8 1992-3 1721 1856 1998 1766 21
873 394 2869 2743 1384
9117 9120 9125 9126 9148 9159 9173 9216 9246 9291 9332 9348 9349 9353 9356 9363 9367 9368 9374 9392 9396 9426 9428 9432 9433 9434 9435 9437 9438 9439 9443 9444 9446 9447 9450 9452 9453 9478 9495 9505 9528 9530 9531 9540 9544 9^39 9641 9643 9644 9646 9647 9671 9686 9704 9705 9716 9718
143 1844
153 3201 4156 2531 2632 170 ii35 932
708 3986-8 2186-8 3245 3168 2031 1488 2213-15 1748-9 2265-5 1755 3302 121
2590-91 2993 270 2457 1924 366-7 1198-9 1255 3353 4011 3638 3611-12
777 3506 1378
148 2879-80 4047 3028 2968 2962 3205 3038 3109 2987 3579 2646-7 1905 2969 2956
885 56-3
Books listed by Campbell but in reality printed outside the Low Countries are excluded from this concordance; Proctor's Additions to Campbell are included, and are printed in italics. :A 3 4 5 6 II 12 15 21 2lA 22 23
ULC 3829 3703 3739 3724 3670
3793-4 3944 3834
CA 143 145 148 155 157 159 161 162
168 169 177 179
3551 3616 3908
190 191 192
43 47
3538 3556
195 197
53 55 57 58
200 203 205 207 209 210 217
26 30 31 32
33 38 40
6i 62
63 65 67a 68 72
73 77 79 8o 87 95 96 108A
logA logE H3?
3704 3691-2 3713
3549 3509 3515 3882 3813 3884 3901-2
3495 3991
3659 3474 3916 3962 3965 3956 378i 3955 3300 3296 3297 3920
3312-13 3998
i4iBf C
ULC 3737
CA 276
3863 3738 3772
284 285 286
290 292
3725 3801
3618-19 3921 3800
3446 3420 398o 3335-6
3417 3337 3656
3945 3966-7 3844
311 312
3783 3534-5 3539 3569 4003-4
3898-900 3910 3479 3427 3671
3946 3303
3784 3644
313 3i8 322
323 326 327 328 329 330 332
3835 3537 3541 3564 358o
3594-5 3931 3668 3590-91 3402-5
219 223 225
3533 3500-1
245 247 248
333 334 335 336 337 339a-4O 346 347 348
3818-19 3821
256 258
3573 3653-4
260 261
3814-16 3699
353 354 355 364 365
263 265 266 267 268 273 275
3304 3615 3603
218 (1) 218 (2)
3719-20 3723 3859 3533 35OO-I
372 380
383 384 385 386 387-8
3852-3 3851 3852-3 3602
3503 3968
3932 3663 3862 3518 3963 3969 3868 3867 3849 3869 3386 3915 3665 3766
CA 392
ULC 3735
397 398 399
3847 3854
406 407
3989-90 3880-81 3885
410 411
3469 3519
425 427 428 429
3839 3674 3848 3447 3475-6
433 434 436 437 438 439 441
443 445 447 448 454 455 458 459 464 465 466 468 470
473 474 475 477A 481 490-91
3765 3782
494 497 499
3742 3785-6
501 502
358i 37io
3478 3586 3477 3711-12
3448 3695 3517 3709 3305
3678 3467 3913 3547 3548 3947-8 3894-5 3975 3496 3462
3445 3472-3 3440 3441 3471 3949 3940
3937 3914 3696 3726
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?^ Vt V-** ^s ¥*r \ZJ ^.f r i ^i ^i ^\*
1203 1204 1206 1213 1215 1221 1224 1226 1228 1235 1237 1238 1240 1241A 1243 1248 1250 1252 1255 1256 1263a 1269 1270 1276 1277 1281 1285 1287 1288 1289 1292 1293 1298 1299 1300 1301 1303 1305 1306 1307 1308 1312 1315 1318 1325 1331 337 1342 1343 1349 (1 1349 (2
3775 3767 3599 3370 3864 3807-8 3617 3912 3798 3488 3570 3527 3749-51 3752 3822 3789 3758 3499 3700 3645 3667 3791 3906 3740-41 3398 3753 3973 3754 3790 3924 3557 3562 3876 3430 3458 3600 3458 3494 3546 3559-61 3508 3546 3388 3652 3655 3925 3331-3 3649-51 3315
CA 1350 1352 1355 1359 1360 1362 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1375 1380 1381 1384 *I387 1388 1391 1394 1397A 1403 1404 1404A 1405 1407 1409 1413 1416 1418 1419 1420 1421 1427 1428 1430 1433 1434 1435 1439 1442 1447 1456 1463 1468 1470 1472 1473 1477 1478
3877 3317 3701 3334 3993 3779 3759-60 3936 3879 3812 378o 3490 3684-5 3817 3799 3514 3584 3922 3917 3802 3886 3480 3860 3301 3530 3825-7 3721
1479 3323-5 1480 3747 3482-3 1487 1490 3454 1492 3413 See 3295 1493 1494 3985 1495 3733-4 1498 3367-8 1502 3625 1502a 3628 1503a 3840-46 1504 3888 1508 3934 3830 1509 i$ioA 3952 3626 1514a 1520 3484 1526 3399-400 1533 3373-4 1534 3673 1535 3773 1537 3943 3436 1539 1540 3423 1542 3308 1544 3328 1548 3613 1559a, b 3872 1568 3424-5 1573 3639-40 1576 3892-3 1578 3365 1579 3662 1582 3874 1586 3873 3875 1597 3412 1599 3831 1602 396o 1604 3953 1605 3466 1606 3486 1607 1609 3540 1610 3507 1614 3574-5 1622 34io 1627 3338 1628 3635 1630 3647-8 1633 3672
3525 3295 3755 3435 3777 3545 39i8 3763 3959 3769 3409 3683 3623-4 3453 3843 3521-3 3520 3378 376i 3762 3437 3524 3688-9
*— (
t = C A (1)1387
1644 1651 1652 1653 1654 1655 1657 1658 1661 1664 1670 1674 1675 1690 1694 1698 1699 1700 1701a 1707 1708 1710 1711 1712 1718A 1720A 1724 1725 1727 1727A 1745 1748 1749 1750 1752a 1753 1755 (1 ( 1756 1757 1763 1765 1766 1767 1770 1771 1772 1775 1776 1777 1791C
3889 3369 3502 3596 3686 3397 3309 3604-5 3954 3971 3642-3' 3832 3810 3984 3428 3452 3464 3634 3694 346o 3465 3630 3489 3550 3627 3529 3697-8 3633 33io 3974 3828 3774 3589 3768 3421 3715 3385 3384 3389 3326 3357 3364 3608-9 3382 3426 3729 3606 3330 3871 3329 3982
4. DUFF/ULC Duff
4142 4208 4185 4128
97 98 99
8 10
13 19
26 27 28
4173 4211 4166
30 32 39 40 42 43 46 47 48
347V3 4160
49 51 53 55 56 59 60 62? 65 66 73 76 79 81 84 85 86 90 92 93 96
590-91 4144 4124-5 4145 4197 4064 4098 4101 4202 4065 4110-11 4214 2035 647-8 2049 2984 2045 4189 4066 4092 3839 4095 4115-16 4094 4134 4067 4063 4107
100 101 102 103 106 109
in 113 114 123 125 127 135 138 (1) 138 (2) 151 152 154 159 160 164 166
ULC 4072 4082-4 4186 3939 4213 4130 4075-7 4138 4071 4209 4073 4133 4060 4109 4106 4156 812 813 4148 4104 3103
173 176 177 179 181 182 191
3994 3030 4078-9 4086 4203 4080-81 4119 4184 2973 4102 2044 4150-51 3098
193 194 197 202 203
3074 3150 4207 4141 4118
167 172
Duff 213 218 229 234 235 237 238 241 242 245 246 247 248 251 254 256 261 262 263 266 266a 267 269 270 271 273 275 277 278 279 286 291 293 296 300 301-2 304-5 314 319-20
ULC 4135-7 4198 4129 4159 4120-22 4212 4163-4 4093 3837-8 4059 3935 3005 4103 4149 4152 4062 4061 4069 4153 4096 4097 4085 4070 4068 4154 4175-7 3274 4167 4170-71 4126 4140 3912 4123 4147 4172
4114 4204 3282 4158
Duff 321 324 325 328 329 333 334 339 340 346 352 362 363 366 369 374 375 377 378 390 392 393 394 395 396 399 401 402 403 404 408
ULC 2746 2038-40 2041-2 4157 4201 4205 4215 4194-6 4127 3817 4199 4206 4168-9 4099-100 4210 3275-6 4178-9 4200 4183 4139 4165 4193
409 411
4190-91 3889 4174 4155 4074 4113 4117 4108 4087-91 4105 4131-2
415 418 419 420 421 422
4192 4180 4187 4181 4182 4188
SUPPLEMENT % * The following books were acquired during the passage of this catalogue through the press. They are not included in the indexes or concordances.
STRASSBURG P R I N T E R OF T H E 1493 C A S U S BREVES D E C R E T A L I U M (GEORG HUSNER?) 266-5 Gritsch (Johannes): Quadragesimale. F°, 278 mm. 31 Dec. 1495 P 739 BM 1 145 & 161 H* 8078 Leaves 199-240 (quires F-M) are in the types of the Printer of the 1483 Jordanus "Wants ax (title), A ^ , Ex_4, and M 6 (the last, blank) Bequeathed by Sir E. H. Minns, 1953 Contemporary stamped pigskin, with clasps
COLOGNE THEODORICUS (DIEDERICH MOLNER) 824*5 Gerardus, de Monte: Commentatio circa Thomae Aquinatis tractatum de ente et essentia [etc.]. F°, 285 mm. Pfi456B V447 A7 B 8 C 6 D 8 E6 F G8; 51 leaves, the first blank The watermark (bull's head and star) of the blank leaf does not occur elsewhere in this copy, which has been bound too tightly for the make-up of the first quire to be determined. Leaf 2 (first leaf of text) is signed A2 Hon. Arthur Dillon. Given by H. J. Chaytor, 1952 13th c. vellum MS. over modern boards [4358]
HAGENAU H E I N R I C H GRAN 1328-1 Pelbartus, de Thetneswar: Sermones Pomerii de tempore. 40, 195 mm. 27 July 1498 Another copy of no. 1328 Wants leaf 382 (the last, blank) 'Biblioth. oberaltac' Rev. G. W. Minns. Bequeathed by Sir E. H. Minns, 1953 16th c. stamped pigskin [4370]
1706*5 Gregory I: Dialogi [etc.]. (Italian.) F°, 242 mm. 1475 P* 4297 BM v 231 H 7975 With variations from BM. 4b, 1. 1: .. .fan- | c t o . . . ; 115b, 1. 18: .. .Gher | retzem Wants leaves 1 (blank), 116-21 (Vita di sancto Gregorio), and 122 (the last, blank) Bookplate of Vincenzo Follini. Given by F. J. Norton, 1952 Half vellum, circa 1800 [4357]
J O H A N N E S H E R B O R T , 2nd press 1858-5 Bible: Latin. F°, 323 mm. 31 Oct. 1483 P*469i BMV303 H*3O9O GW4254 Wants a2, bt (supplied in MS. by E. H. Minns), F lf and L3_5 Bequeathed by Sir E. H. Minns, 1953 19th c. quarter vellum
J O H A N N E S LEOVILER 1946-5 Strode (Ralph): Consequentiae [etc.], 4°, 215 mm. 1488 P 5666 [Venice, unassigned] BM v 406 H 15096 Bought, 1953 Modern vellum
J O H A N N E S R U B E U S & A L B E R T I N U S VERCELLENSIS 2016-5 Durandus (Guilelmus): Rationale divinorum officiorum. 6 June 1499
F°, 297 mm.
P5147 BMV421 H*65oi GW9143 The first leaf (title) and the last (verso blank) are pasted down as end-papers 'Ex libris Francisci Thidesij(?) de Hornis.' Bequeathed by Sir E. H. Minns, 1953 Contemporary stamped calf, the covers decorated to different (and very rudimentary) patterns; the stamps include an agnus dei (square), IHS (square), a cusped crescent, and a cusped diamond [4373]
SEBASTIANO MANILIO with STEFANO & BERNARDINO DI NALLI 2145-5 Seneca (Lucius Annaeus): Epistolae. (Italian.) F°, 310 mm. 14 April 1494 P* 4887 [Benalius] BM v 545 H 14606 ' V. Martini.' Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1953 Contemporary stamped calf, rebacked
S I M O N DE LUERE 2202-5 Montagnana (Bartholomaeus): Consilia [etc.]. F°, 305 mm. 20 Aug. 1499 P*5622 BMV574 Leaves 361-420 (quires w-%%) only, containing Antonius Cermisonus, Consilia, and Franciscus Caballus, Tractatus de theriaca 'Vixi satis si Christe sat vixi tibi B.' Given by A. N. L. Munby, 1952 Vellum MS. wrappers [43&4]
MILAN ANTONIUS ZAROTUS 2250-2 Mombritius (Boninus): De dominica passione. 40, 215 mm. P 5789 BM.V1712 H 11542 'Dulac 1872/ Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1952 Modern half vellum
[4354 ]
FLORENCE J A C O P O DI CARLO 2422*5 Soprascripti & introscripti di lettere a varie persone. 40, 180 mm. 1488 P6334 BMV1676 Giuseppe Martini. Rustat Fund, 1953 Modern vellum
MONDOVI A N T O N I U S M A T H I A E & BALTASAR C O R D E R I U S 2581-5 Antoninus (St): Confessionale (Defecerunt). 40, 235 mm. 24 Oct. 1472 P*6875 BM VII 947 H1173 GW2088 *Est Conventus sancti dominici de Monteregali.' Bought, 1953 i8thc. calf
VICENZA G I O V A N N I L E O N A R D O L O N G O , 1st press 2674-5 Paiellus (Gulielmus): Laudatio in funere Bartholomaei Colei. 40,196 mm. H77 HR 12266 'G. Martini/ Bought, 1953 Modern boards
HENRICUS DE SANCTO URSIO 2683-2 Cosmico (Niccolo Lelio): Canzoiii. 40, 188 mm. 10 Oct. 1481 P 7163 BM VII 1045 H 5782 GW 7804 The first leaf is signed a (not Aij, as GW). 9a (sig. b): Laqual dil... 'G. Martini.' Bought, 1952 19th c. half calf
MODENA DOMINICUS ROCOCIOLUS ALONE 2693-5 Tygrinus (Nicolaus): Castruccii Castracani vita. 40, 190 mm. 20 Apr. 1496 P 7200 BM VII 1063 H 15363 2a, 1. 8: (M 5 )AXIMOS... (not MAXIMOS, as BM) MS. verses (circa 1600) on ib and 42b. 'Di Tommaso Francisco Bernardi Martini/ Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1952 18th c. vellum
' 'G. [4359]
BASEL MICHAEL FURTER 2835-5 Pius II: Historia Bohemica. 40, 215 mm. P 7626 [Amerbach] BM m 789 H* 254 Wants the last leaf (blank); the first leaf (title) mutilated Bequeathed by Sir E. H. Minns, 1953 Modern half calf
[4371 ]
PARIS GUY M A R C H A N T 2968-5 Proba Falconia: Vergilii centones. 40, 198 mm. 3 Mar. 1499 P8028 BMvm 66 H6908 Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1952 Modern vellum
GASPARD PHILIPPE 3171-5 Ovidius Naso (Publius): De pulice. 40, 206 mm. [a2]; 2 leaves. 16 leaded lines. Type: 105R. Initial P, white on black crible ground, 16 x 16 mm., without frame ia: PVBLII OVIDI NASONIS | de pulice opufculu incipit quanquam | non putatur a quibufda Ouidij opus | [Device (Polain 147), surrounded by border-pieces as described
PARIS; VIENNE; POITIERS; DIJON in BM vm 223] |; i b : Ouidij nafohis de Pulice liber incipit. | (P2)Arue pulex & amara lues inimica puellis. | Carmine quo fungar...; 2b, 1. 7: Et iam nil mallet: c[fibime focium. I Libellus hie caracteribus infculptus eft per Gafpardum | philippe manentem in regione fancti Iacobi in diuerfo | rio infignis beati Anthonij fecundum iacopitas. | Cf. the edition of Ovid's De nuce described in BM vm 224. The address shows that the book was printed before May, 1502 Given by Sir S. Gaselee, 1940 [4353] Modern boards
VIENNE J O H A N N E S SOLIDI 3263-5 Pius II: Proverbia. 40, 195 mm. P 8730 BM VIII 373
Rustat Fund (lot 327 at Sotheby's), 25 November 1952 Modern morocco
POITIERS JEAN BOUYER & GUILLAUME B O U C H E T 3269*2 Petrarca (Francesco): De dispositione vitae suae ad gubernatorem patriae. 4°, 195 mm. [a4]; 4 leaves. 2a: 147 x 93 mm., 21 leaded lines. Type: 76G. Woodcut initial A (Claudin, Monuments, fig. 212) ia: Francifcus Petrarcha | (A3)Nimus defiderio te videdi miru immodu pater pop | time feruet: fed ciuitas territat. obftatcp vifco illini | ta tenaci....; 4b, 1. 3: . . .Ciuis Cogitabo equide | Sol ruit ad occafum / recedendi tempus eft Vale Ruricola Vade | fofpes Difcedit ille maneo folus Tu pater peroptime vale. | Finit libellus ifte | This work is now attributed to Lombardo da Serico. BMVII170 and Reichling 1839 record editions entitled De vita solitaria. Cf. Sdnzenzeler's edition of Petrarch's genuine work of that name (BM vi 774), to which this piece, under its correct title, is appended 'Cest Livre apartient amoy pierre de censeys...' 'L. Duchemin 1856/ Rustat Fund, 1952 Modern morocco [4361]
DIJON PETER METLINGER 3286-5 Cistercians. Privilegia ordinis Cisterciensis. 40, 182 mm. 4 July 1491 P 8795 BM VIII 409 11*13367=9391 CFM457 With the authenticating signature and paraph of 'F. Conradus Leonbergen* on 198b and the MS. correction 'casu* for * causa* on m5a (cf. BM) Wants the blank leaves 1, 199, & 200 (last) *d. Deodati vaprij/ C. F. Murray. Wilson-Barkworth Fund, 1952 Modern morocco [4362]
DEVENTER R I C H A R D U S PAFRAET, 2nd press 3517-5 Calpumius Siculus (Titus): Bucolica [etc.], 40, 202 mm. 114271=4272 GW5920 CA 394=3940=396 'Jasperus sirck' (who rubricated and annotated the book). Bookplate of 1*Abbe Jeanty. Bought, 1952 [4355] Modern quarter morocco