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-,,_ ... ......... .......... _,.,........ , ........."·h -.
..,' ... .
s ......... ,. • ''''''' • "
1 I'Hll'IIt:\fm~'. Quart~r l.n9Ihw ts. and ~"">"" S«ds. CuI quart~~ inlo 'f> inch lI!kk, mi. witl! I "p sa il in. roiond., and 1.1 ,und for 1 hour w"il~ lho ;'d ,. wn out.
mango .hut~ to O\ICUmbo", Sti' in rogurt and '''''' <~.m .• nd $tason with Sillt
5 0;' a <:3SSCrol. d'sh.nd fo il ,.ilh .nti ~ mi.tu~. C~, and bake I hou,. Ro~ """'" and r2
additional 1~ minutes unlil it has . >lighlfy
c:ris!>v . ,ust. Ga,nish .. itl1 <"("Umbo, sJicors afld lett".,., Ie....,.,
From Around the World
Vegetable Gratin with Peanuts • Wgclari3n • fo, rompany ~ rvn
Put and "'i~ onion and garlio, Drain rom, 3 Cut
whil~ b,~;Jd
cuixs. C,umble sn«p's th«$l:. CO»r'$(iy dlop Jl(anuts. Waloh pa~ 3nd r.n.iy dIop Ih~ I.~ Crumbl. dlile
~."" 4 Combiu 311.~ pr.p.mI ingmlitnts • • ~pl for ~ 1 tb$ of
H,. pr:anuts and 'I, of I~ ~p',
cht= .nd
""''0' ' to torsi. with ...It .nd Iililt iu ice:.
.... ......
-,_. _...
..............._'"0'_ ............. ".I}O•• 1 Pffi ~s. Cut l '9gs int06~~aok3nd
ohop 1 ('99 coorsdy. Cor. tomal(l(S, pour boitin9 waltr ~ th.m, ~~
11«" 3nd rut
in to ~;ghlhs.
2 WH h btn Jl(PJl(rs. h3~, ~tan and dice:,
5 f'rth.31 o.... n 10 o((IO'F. O~,St cassc:rok diloh with Jl(anul bun.r 'nd f,n wilh Vtgtbbl. mil1u~, p~ ('9g w~ inlO .... g.t.blt m;'IU~,
CoMbin. ct.oppt<j <99 with ~","ini"9 ".. nuts 3nd 'oh«p', dI«St. 3nd \prinkk O¥tf V('(j
",;'tu~_ & kt casserole for 30-.0 minut ... O"niloh with kttu~ 1.. '0'0 , nd parstty sprigs.
0. hot d.\,> in MeAl«>, Ihl ....",r.l. i••1.0 """"" roId With. 'P'
From A round t he W o rld
Eggs with Chorizo
Egg Gratin with Shrimp
e Fu, rotnp;lny
Ih.. d"~ laSt .. bot """"",panim (;15 in o.nma ,k) 0' lollowfd by a n itt-rold aquavit.
Serves 4 :
imp and brief~ around. s"..on wilh .. It IN'PIN" and a lew da.tlO5 of !.mon juitt. Stitt ~rd ·rooI:fd '99' and ."ange in • bUll.rtd 9... li. dish. C....... with ",.imp and 9«
3 Add ""
. ,~
2 H•• , 2 lbsoil Add and b,"tty br.Iiloc ga,lic
e H... ty In Sp;l i" this dish is prtp;lrtd and.,.,M1I in "'allow .arth.nwa •• polS.
,,<,:..,,,Iy with a nta"' .. or h.nd bl
parsir:.,. and susan
5 Co .... lyrrumbl. lW if:ba<:k. A• ....",.. any ,ind Imm
rn.... a nd cuI
rn.... ;"to.......,11 cuba
.. .......... -, ... -
..... , _"o-,._n ,.......... ...... :u, .... -"""", ,,0 .. "~'" ,~
1 Hard_rook 6 'g9\ plungt into roId w:It ••, pttl .n. I.t roo!. 2 W;.slt g ,..,n onions. ci • • n and cut inlO ring" Hut 1 tbs butt., in • la'!!. ~illet Add .nd brlIi>c gmn onions and ma' 1 minUl. until onions.rt uanlluc.nt
Comb<"" ,wiebark and rn.... a nd SIl ,inki. <>y<. 9,·lifL 6 Dol with ftm3ining butt... cut in to bits. lIake g ... tin lor 1(1..15 minutes until the tOp is slightly
V ~~ I~ ' IO" t., an ..... n _,< ",b· mntiM
II"'''' ..
kc ,Ire bait OU' 01 J lI.,d·
•• oi •• <99' , nd 3_ < WI
lom. ton. Gently "mm<. 10. 15 m;n" los.
3 MiM lOm3t.,..
4 Combi"" I•• ",.,·s
rn..... """
.nd .. vory. then add
hea.ti ly wilh s.>1~ pePIN" .nd suga •. Prth. ,1 O\I<"n toJSO·f.
4 1.."'I.. IOm. 10 ....... to lou. shallow 9ralin
-, .. . ,-_... .....
...... _ " ....: 1 0 _
., ............ 'aO/'"
1 COrt 10m.tO(S, . nd pour boi ling wal .. 0\1<"' Ihem .......",.. p«"is ar>:l di«. !'tel . nd mi".., ~rlM:.
dishos. B... k 2 'ggSOV(f tach dish.nd lop with
2 '>Ii= 01 rho,iro. Gmte m3nch<90 0\1<"' the lop ~nd <prinkl. wilh ttm.ining oil. G.. I•• !I<""tO\IS amount 01 IN'Pp'. 0 .... ' .""h d"".
5 Sak. 9"lin~ 10' 15-20 minuln; the "99 yolk r.hould .till be '>lightly ,unny.
Y~~1~1 10"
'""fIlo ...d _"'''''''
nol only -"",.,. ,110 ....1orn.,.,1y ... ,,.. """ but 11>0 9'" ., ,I<
marx .......... no-. ...,
"h>l do .,.,. 010 II ..... ,.... _ , fwI _ two ;"g...I,<",,' fo r th< doonlo, ..... 010 ",W .. M ..... \11<,
i00i. 'P'<'I
"",,l .d ..... t. M.
ul.,." .hl! ;,ft', ,0<1 "',d. d 01 ..".-
In., ••
c:t..g.o. "'" ........... Oud oh< ......... ,""" ",..,', .. <0'10'\ .......
_.'''''',_: 5100...,
(.,.. G
[". .. ilh Cloorito
5 L.t """,mbl.d O9g.
roc.:N and ttlrn add to
Fish Fillet e Onsv • Whrn m.d • • uth.nti""Hy. this d ish is prtl»rtd with
whol. rtd mullets. which art ~ry hard 10 find. Th.t', why thi • .mll" ca lk 1m n."",/ul h.libu!.
I!'. 0110 dc licio;Js with f~ tun •. In . ny c.~, make wn: th.! tl\( fi t"'!
onion milel"'t. 5(.",n 10 lasl. with .. It
1 For thc on"n mixhl",
.nd ~"
p«1.nd minot oniorl$ and g.rlK. W.", Ol:l"g" with hoI w.tet and dry.
6 CuI
Grate thin lavc' of rind inlO, finc ~ and pour bo iling w.ter O~, it Sri
lot. rcw minut ... tn.. drain. Squ""... out juice 1m", t hc 0 .. n9' and .[it togtt~ with ",ffron
rw mitt into ~
J During In. las! 5 minul ... add oro,,!/" juk'r and 1<1 ojm""" R.""""" mixtuft hom ,to,," ond I.t rool.
is at I,,,,, I inch Ihid: SO that it won', dry Out tOO mLlCh when w' ed.
pi= Rub
I• ....,., juicr. 2 tl>s 0 1". oil ...11 and ptW'" into tn. fISh .nd t.
fo< 15 minul"" 7 I'rrh •• 1 oYtn 10 3SO"f. aton ,ucrhin; and rut into I)"n slitts. Combin. wilh ",maining oil th...,-qua"." of th"uodoini in. gratin aM and "".son with ..1t and ptppt •.
2 Soul<' oniom and g.rlic in l 1m 01 oil until U.nslue<;nt. Md bay luf and dr:lincd O"'~ rind.
mi,!",. 'Of 2(l minut<S ov.r low
'.........._-"_ ..._-
.... . ,,.,....... .. .......... , _ioi)' ~ I ,OI/n I
-" HI
4 In th. muntimr, whilJ< "99' and lightly .. , ~ ,.m.ining oil. Add t99$ .nd ba .. ly allow
e_, and br.M
to brromr r.rm. whi l.
he.t If liquid tv.por.16
.ti" i"'l vigOr()
100 oo:asion.11y add • bit of lilt 0'""9< iuitt.
of lU('('hini and coa t wil h
and st ill sh ill\<
onion mi.tu...
8 Pul f"" pitffs on lOp
From Around th e World
Y ~~1~110"
M"'" m"IUI' ....
Tho: In Ihl, Imp< gillt1 tI.t di.h • , hal i.; rI' lI<-r Ih.n wh.. blo w•• d. Thi, ""'~<S il Idta! 'or i"9""' dl. nU Ihat d ry oul t . . iIV. ,u,n .. Ii>h 01
9 Amng" .. m.;ning lut<:h inl in.
without Plaling th"m too tightly onto th" onion miXl"'''. 10 t>.p
fil l,,1lo, b. k" for 20 -30 minults.
V"" ,,",,"IY Iii<" m;"wr it> any numbtl of w>v>' f OI Int .. Ih on . nd tnogt "nO. IUbsIhutr 1 "" 1"",. 10 1'"''' arid I Ib.""",ptd fr<>lr ~I or I lt1!. rnumld orld I
mullot 1hrv _ '""" ..6\1h .bOul 8 oz. 11111 ."ongo Ih"t-qu, ,,,,, of Iht , u,
,Iomo'h .." I, .. ,In ' 1101 of Iii<" orrion ...... ,W<. 'nd Il y l i'h "n lOP 01 Int .u«h,n,. Ih.n "", I 'h' lioh .. i'h ,h,
"mo'niog ooion" . rId
"""''''irrg _
0( .. ... 'ht . """, rmp<. AI",
30_<0 m,""I<$ 'n Ih,
- ". 111< """ .uit1
from Around the World
Baked Lamb Ragout . ,"k.. ~ lime . O~V
xrvn of : 1'1, ... 1_ .. ",",,4
,t "10k ,,
,l-',orIIt 'I• ..., oil
('U'-r_ s ..In' ) ~;;~::;:= , !fri!I,............... ny , ' lkI<
Rind '''''''
. . "".-'-,.u-""oproynI-
' ............ Wh.n lMowni"'l In. 1a,1 pmli"", 0Idd 00 ....... Ind g.,li(,rIC Ilroooon 1 mlnUI., Ind In.n .. It1I (II" mGl to pot Prttw:.t CM'ft to 35O"f.
3 Add 1~10
.nd K;noo'I with
:10:111 .nd COYtt and bo ~ . lI!IOI't 11)1 1 hou •.
'h ... ,......._ .",..
' ~_.t'I_ ~
"'"'-...",.,,-·h ..... ~rt._ 311........... _
I t., ,I. P< """"_1 t.,
'"'-".-..- ".'-... ..~, ••
1 Cut "",.1 in10 cubos abou1 P h i""",,, I'ftt O1'Iions and g.a.rlic", ;oro:!
2 Hnt oil In. high l.m~r,I1U" in an
_npm,,' po~ G,;adu.lly blOWn ...., in oiI.nd
4 In ''''" _ti,.,.., ..nh buns and 9'ftII 00Ii0rIs, and CIIt into " h in(h pitH!.. fa tn. InI 20 rninut." acid ~.ns,ncI ..... tstod to lamb 'agout
5 RaM I<mpt.atu,. to o4OO"f. Slit tog.1nt, t9']S.
'I, ClIp of tllc"
'f'09"'~ ~ad
.nd I\c'ftls. S1~ In;' mio.tu ... nd 9' ... n oooons inlO tho "'9"I't 80'. tagOOl """"""fmI for an ad(IillOllal 20-30 m,nut .. un lil it bt'tom .. litm Ind In. w.I:! ...
is brownro. s.~ tn. """.ining yogurt as
a dip.
From Around the World
Potato Gratin iI la Lyonnaise
... ,
. In·..~miw In
!.1 m
Clfan . nd quart. r
mw,rooms. WaY,
""....w wilh ~ n Iltrb viMigr.U •.
a nd rul into fin. ri ng" O.. in 1lt" ",- fTthtol own to 4OO' F. &11 •• a gratin di>h.
3 Cambin ••U ~pa....a ingrtdi.nll., .. ~pl , dditionai mi."" wiln lh~·(lTam
and lra",l., to 9r'lin dw. B,k. gratin .boutl hou r unlilillt polOl .....1t don. and I"" surf.~ ;'
..... ,...,"'_... .......... ,......
.... _ _ _ _ L" .. . -
10 mdo • yratin
............. " '0\/.. ,
d,up";""" (l ho I .. dl·
I /T<:I y,all<>~ and
unlill",nsl uc(nL Pou. in wi"" and 1.1 almost all of il bOil aw.y.Add rr •• m. 9"'1( in rlr~ and hUI unl il tilt
is com plttdy m.llm. 2 ~I
"'LlS'I9' and
!Jic<. I'ttl poUI .... , Ihen w
V~~I~ TI O" ~
110",1 I.onoh pOI"O
91>11'11. I"", am
"0<'< In,
po!> .
ran """" "'"
• buu. r< d 9 •• lIn d,'"
rubb.d " ,In 9111ir. 5 ...0" " OI h .. II and P' PP" and pour on rnough m. m 10 b;rrtly ..,.,..., 111< pol". "r<'CS. 8.1, 'h" gro li n at oIOO'"f ""to! til< err... ~ . """btd. 1h' pouto.. .... ...",.. 'nd \hi: !UrI"""
~"'I=. -
I," SI...s. could conWtrrd A tho ..alioNl
<1M of G<:t .... ny, lilt ImprtSSion ~lIln II\( OIIbilk wofId that SoJ\ltftnttrl ~nd dumpIi..... " " sH11 ""ryd~y tltrmin flrt Sui il rou pod intD , hi: eM" in •
up lor in U,uopt.istic:llrd W7t in .. hith ""'" ~ JlftlW'rtd. This is d~ to VO:l .noth" Iypicolly ~.n m-ttri
typOl GmNn """"'hold ., midday...........
mud! MOlt ~~oty 10_ • ~. than • "" 01
m.n Ont ..._
'or tnis
"""Y' pIxN __ abcJv( food.
wng local
(lf, heII d~ .ro high in e>1oti
.rId moocy ..... 1111« sam' in I .......... and Iabo«1{ kilcM!Ilo, WI lilt prlrtle>1 and ~n;'n t Hp«tS of tho t\W
10.,. <".
w<: invil. you 10 discovt'f "kal G.' .... n iftgt"uily \lIrough Iht
.. hip up.
n«'mity. time
"-I.'on .....
ag6 hIS mlnlgC'd 10
'l0III ''''' Nor1h Sn to ttle .... p< , .... , has
......y .... _ .
mag~ and
mptd to
is 1M tradition raoIgioog
ofl(1l by
have b«n ....1'MIcd
IOf • 'fIrio'9 ditt But tMY" rrn.inly not .:.utrbr.,•• ~_
and " ..... pI,,,,,1
From German Kitchens
From German Kitcl\ens
Of cou,,", ""won . '" .1 Iht top of the list Saking ty~Huch ., Idaho .nd
RUSkI (also kl'>()Wn lIS ~king.
,Iartl!v and
mutyl contain an .. ptrialty 1:1'9" .mount of sUrch and l hus do mort 10 bind Iht ~ Ih. n lilt fim1t. Iyprs. .. hich lit not $lJitablt for Ih;' pu.l'O't. As with dumpling!.. tilt",.", rasstrolt ra"iP5lhal ull for raw polal oes, for rooktd pol.lon or fo, a rambinalion of tht two. Whal~. your ~r5Orlal p,tf.",r.c:c:. the f.r1;' Ihal moktO pot.lon g~ off Irss st.rmlh.n •aw, mtaning tha t tilt .dd itionat liquid hIlS to lit ablcrbtd wil h 'qq' Of suppltmtn!>ry starchIf a casstrol. "'qu i.... prttOOktd pot.t.,.., thty should al .. ays lit boil.d wil h lhe p«\s on 10 k..p tht m from being w,t.ft do .. n and 10 allow Ihtm to ",t.'" mott of thtir .Iarm.nd fi • ..,.. Pt>talon for """"ro l.. .. n lIt ..ittd or graltd. Th. small., lhe pittt$. Ih. mOt. ,tarrh i, gi ..... olf dufing rooking.nd lhe IkrlStf Ih. <;>SS(rol • .
SlotkHnd mil k produ.ts in part iN l., .. n Ih .. lit pouft DVI'. Ih. lOp. Th. hight, Ih. fa t conl.nt of the milk p
c.bbagt is lik. mosl oth., ytqtUbl.. 1IStd in c...... rol ... in thai ii's besl 10 Il"'COOIc il a li" l. aft., culling it up.
Rib-Stit king Ca.~ ..
M.d. Aft .. bl:lnching. bri.1Iy plung< l he cabbag. inlo itt-"COld ... 1., so 1"-1 il .. ill its btaulilul relor.
with O",ad and Roll. Not onty "Ge,ma ny • -land of """"rot..." l>ut ilalso has mort typrs of~. d Ih .. any aillt, counl,.,. in the "orld. So il', no;.. thallhe tl.:Iktd dish .nd bated
goods ..... ntu.lIy •• m. logoth.,. Whtli>r'r b",<><1 Or roll .. Ihtst products g~ .asstrol.. bolh a firmr>es and a light ..... Sou.doogh and ryr bmKIs .. n also Itnd " sptci.1 n.var. If you w: •Ial< tn<>
Tht (k' ma. Fa'o,il. : Cabbag. "". IWi<.olity Gorman .... g.tablt. rabbag. also pl0'j5 a n important pan in """'I ....... ro'" cui""., wilh whit' and "'VO'I' being th' mosl popul.,.
In ord.r 10 roo ~ lhe
rabbag. a$ ..... nty a$ """,bl" ttmDVl' Ih. Ihirk spin .. from lilt ,"3.n..
Heal1y Ca~",,,,I" with MUI and Sau,,"g' Analty. m••1 and ~us;Ige ."' .. fI •• d rnmPOf'tnt in G•• man c...... rot. cuisine_ A robusl ........ olt .. lis fO/ ht.ny .... alS wrh a$ b.d a nd po
wiUbit for rlIl)OUlS a nd rwsts, and
.. '" rnott
Ih,n cut up ,ht l•• ws or I•• vt Ihem deptnding on l he r«i~. and mok in ",Ittd watrr :01. rot ling boil unlil al, o. braill: tn.m in amount 01 liquid so Ih.1 Ih.., mIlain
"""'. curs lak.n from the 1'1 takt Iong(l 10 rook th.n ste.ks lrom the saddl •. loin .nd Itg. Such cuts. tt id •• 1for c;m.croics with I,,"g" b:lking timn; oth .... i... Ihty n
cr;.,..,.. When brai ..... , H•.., color.
roo ~td.
• ....,.,. "".11
1050 somt alillti,
but mort navo, and nulritnls.
Currd o. """•• d m.alSand ",us;Ig.. gi'vt VOU' ....... rot .. an .dra d050 of fl •• o •.
From Gc:rman Kitchc:ns
Beef and Cabbage Casserole with Onion Sauce •
• b krs mor. li~ This r('(1P<' ;. abo tho ~ tO
1 Cook. polalan 20·25 minutn in !.lOll'" ",01... Pt-
>ncI sI«.
with sail and P<'PI>O' and ""'" ~ 11>0 r~.
Ibs "',,"'.iud. ""M<ja,. ",II and P<'PP<" . "1 .. bttl with Ihi~ !mI. and ,.f'igoral' for lO minUI ...
4().'S """"Irs unlll tho
~ and Ia~ kal ribs >ncI M inlO Si.i", aboul rio indI wilk. B,;',... "'""" ~S1fip!..
4 tk~1 da,if.. d bull ... Add~~,
whik ~ti l l "'"'. aklng wilh "' "~Iard B..... ~ 10 minults 10 It...! ;1 ~malm s.0l00
10<"'" ""nch\r.
5 Bull.' a Io-n.p
......... 1.1-"""'
Ct<:am. _
2 What tho poUl.,.,. ""' 0111 b«f InlO , inch nrbn. Combi,... ,
J CIf... ~ra~.
7 Wh ..... "99$ wllh 11>0~""'ining IIIUlIllrd and 1M """
<:u1 ;"10 .oghl .... ~
.... ......
6 Continut 1 0 . lho ing, ..... n.. in 11>0 pan as lk5cribfd atx.... f"...;.h wilh I 1iY"' 01 pom"... I'fTlltll 1M" to J&I'f.
fOa$\i"ll pal\. Arrango I Iayt-. of poblo.!kn on l ilt bonam of 1M ' DiSting pan Ind )(110" wilh gli and P<'PP<" . Combl,... ~It and ~ >ncI p/;Itt part of lho ..... Iu~ on Ihc: polal"... Thor! a'rang. aroothot Iayo, of poIal"...
polilona,. donr and lho ",i,' u,. brromrs firm.
a In Ih .....anlo ....: for
lho oolun 1'«1 """,",..,d nrt ;"10 ri"!lSChojI~w.y~
9 Hut ack!ilioAll rbfifor;d bun ... Add onions, oraway 1o
lor 1 "'IIIul •.
10 Add Sled .. hik stifTi"lland si",,,,., !.lOu« tor 10 ",Inutn. Sli, in ~. and w:..."" go«
VU I~TIO H You ta . . ." I"" onion
...... I. I .....u.. tIn of
.. t<1l~ t.. ••
........ ,....... ""0" Of _ .... oritllt_o<
.-... ItIIfold 01 othik
wrn<. _
...... _
... 01-..,
_.....sw.u...-., ....,
Jui •• fo' Ih. >took pmrIu<eo • ,Id!n ...... "hilt. duh 01 ...... ....... 1. """,...tInH.
From German
Potato Casserole with Bacon and Herring . E..y •
1 Cook pototoos ~nd prtP'''' (... p;g. 30).
H~~ ,ty
Pork Loin and Apple Casserole
" '" •
2 Cut.ny ,ir
........... . _'-,..,-4(.1_' 0_.. ......
. ................01/> • • ,_,k>
3 Brown baron in bull .... Add green onionsarr1i>r unlil tr;lnsluctnl, ~t oool th..., add h.rring and ~st S.~son with !.all 3nd ~p~. 4 Arr;lngr all prr~rrd jng,.dirnls in. 10-<"p ~Iting ~ n (s«~.
30). Cambin. "991. t,.~m and so"' c,.am, and pour ~'''''5S0rol •• nd bo~ IS« 1>39' 30).
un~i l
onions ~rt ~r;lns0001. c"~ po
3 ~ app;', quan." r.",.,.,..
.... ..",-
. ..... ' ... '00_ •• _
.......... (.1_, ... ...-..,...'f•...,.' I Cook potdlotS .nd p,.p;or. (sr. page 30). 2 fOttl onions. dice and brl ... far 10 min"I" with nu~Or;lm in bulW
4 ....... ~ .~ I pr.p;~ ing,tdi
tor pUn:h.,.-d
.-. If _
'0 fiod ..w K.>IIo
...... m»' ..... 0;'u1.;1 In ,M",
From German Kitchens
Bratwurst and Lentil Casserole
Hearty Potato and Ground Beef Casserole
1 Cook polaloes .nd p~,,'" (\« j)ago 30).
s" rvn 4 -6:
Cook itrllils 1o. 31)..40 mioulu in Slod unlil
• Kick ICM: il
s"rvcs 4- 6:
.1 d..,I<. 2 s.r~ bl3lwunt W2!.h thivo .nd cuI inlO rings. Combin. bolh inQ,.dic:nt. with d",in~ Ie:n ~ 1s. Fttl hontl3odM.
...... ,...,'.......... " ..-.. _, .
"' _ "1_, .... ... ...-••,.t/U. ,w'
'FF . ...
2 I'tcI """ols.1Id «lc:ry rool. di« and b,own in ~il. Add 9f1>ulld m•• land Ih~"'" and brow n. S.ason with 5:111 and prppc: •. Sli. in I"rslCV. J O•• n 1m. rul open 1t"9lhw<SC-. wash ooghly and ~itt. Hu, milk. Moll dt~ in Ih. milk ond 1. 1 cool. Th.n sli, in tggs.
~, .II 1ftP"~
ingmli.nt. in. bun.~d 10-rup ~li n9 p"n IStt 1"9' 3D). G,o'" liUl. hOrl(",dish CM:' uch laytf of polaloes. Whislt .ggs. SOu' ~.m and milk, .nd pou, oYo • ...\(roI. alld bak. (Stt p.g. JO).
1 Cook polaloes and 1"" (>« P"9' 30).
..............,',-..-.._'" ...... "'_ '01_,
-, _-....
'0,_10" .1/10,
4 I.:I~' all Iftl",rrj ingmlitnll in an oiltd 10-tup ,oalling I"n (\(O pogo JO) wilh .110.n>lin9 .. ~" 01 poI. 10. C.'f1>I"",.1 mi'IUft and I.d s. Pou, tgg_milk mi. 'uft
""'" "" .... role: .nd bak. II(t 1"9' JO).
Potato and Bratwurst Bake Cabbage Casserole Til< buu ... mitt _fl\b thot a .. so lI ighly primi In th. (,lgtbirg ..... ion o f Gr,man1 .an . iHI" br I,m! al Hl in crtpa 01, as Ihf'! a.. M ... b,a ktd in Ihe oycn in hdty awru4u fortifitd with bratwu!U 01 _n
-"-, ,-
.... ....... ,._,. ,., .......-" '~ --... ...... , ... ,.... , II, ~ t 1.1Il' t
1 The d~ brforr wfYing. tOOk I Ib oIlhc poIatO(:$ for about 20 minuln;~ :oaill:d waItt urt\J111 dttttr
... ""
2 TM day 01 WMng. pMlhe1 Iboll1lW potataH. finely 9f11t. ,aw and rooIctd po\JItoos WI"'f1It. ly. Tf1Imf.. f1I w
",,"'toe to I mbnck. and gonotly Iq.....;,. out OYCf a bDM.," tho staICII tll:lt .. n~ on til< bottom to tilt potatOl5. ~t o-nionuncl abo 9f11tr find"!.
3 Combi". f1Iw and """k.d potllotS, anlo05 and butt ... milk. "'elt 3 tablnpoons 01 tilt bun ... ;~ • cIcq) O¥tnpn:!Ol pot (IG-irKII diameter). Add pot... mi.t"'" and bring I. a boil wflilc ":;'"ng constantly. Pmrrat own to'lOO·F.
• Hurty
t (\can whit. ~ and. dq)cnd,ng on tho
. '"
White t2bI>ag< Ind w.i» (lit. f1IUv "whit.") bttr mak. tll;'.n unmistakably bvari;on fftipt.a SOft 01 oven ...rIion 01 e ava,i. "
obba-g •. xm::s 4 - 6:
t il.." wlllto
(~ ,.,
""...., ..... I.L
....... o f _ ... .".... ~.,"
.. d odd • lmlt
9<1 1" ' - '
2 Cut .. maining el~ into righlm."""", C"Ott and
4 Add whit. nbb.lge and brai .. ,., S mlnUIn. Add bttr .r stock. e.a;" <>bbag. about 21l minUln "ntilal dent. and un,ilalmosl all tilt liquid hJs boiItd awi'f.
-, . "',<
........... 10l-"""'
I.. vn. Rtmove: «nw nb lrom Ih~ Ira,,", tOOk 5 min" tn in !-Itt td w3ttr unl il.1 d.nlt and plungt bricHV into in- W.tcf.
Hnt g ...... fat itI • ~lct or poL Mel onion and b!mt un' W I .. n"""'""t Add Of1l way ...-rIs and !
.."""'" s- an,"" outt.
4 ~ btltWUIR$ and "if ;"10 pot.,. "';X!UIC along with mafjof1lm. Scason t. tas,. with !-lit and pepper. Dol ,.i,h .. maining butt.,
silr of lho b,a"ng dillt.
t _ " t •....,.,
S In the ....antimc. CUI tolls int. t. slci ll~t
6 SqIl«I(" 0111 mI~ Add milt. b.1ron and ~ 10
Itl mol ~ogt1lly. Wh ..... "J9\ .nd lo1d in. P, ........ ,
8 Bat ~mI< lor 30-40 """.,1.",
........ '"""" .
In\lud of .. hn. <01>~
oncI "",p>oo " '" •• 1<11)1 II>< ..... _ .. In ,h. _p<.
or VOl' .,'nl. VOl'
.tn .". ,op 0, •• ,,_ "'01, .. I,h • , " ..... 01 b .. On_ .. hoth
.. -I ,11<11 ........... ""'"
I'I1G'U ' OP: Po .. ,,, • • nd B.. ".~"I "" , . I'I1G'O o:
From German Kitcllens
Green Oven Crepes e lnupensM e V"gda,ia n
Tnis dM pa_ down I,om old rlllnHuft r=mbl .. th.i. lam"", glttn "U"", """P\\N \ 11M: h.rbs appea' in a o::mtrol<: mad. of cl\!pn.
3 He.t]t'" ollhe bun •• in a $ki ll.t Add herbs and spi~ .nd 1<:1 ", ill. RolnO>'o and ~nlly sq_le oul in clolh. Add to (,~pe battt, ,10"9 ",ilh mi ... ",1 10.1., and ... "'" 10 I..", wilh .. It, pop"",.nd nUlmtg. 4 H•• t I Ibs of th"
butt .. in a I,rgo skillot Sp",;od half Ih" batt .. in
ItIt p.n and coo. O
labl<>POOn 01 butt., and propa'" tho >«tInd en'"" i n ItIt .. m. wa ~. 5 Pulltilo crt"... .pa rt, i nlO p....... plaot in a bun.",d gmtin aM .nd <prinkl. wilh c:h~
.. _...
...... _,:ro-.. _ .. "" _
" 1-"'11" ,...,.. I
'''~''F * '''' 1 Rl' ItIt o•• n cripe. sti'log.lht, fg9S0 mil. andllou r, and s.t ban .. aside for 30 rnin ul6. 2 In Iho meanlime, lhoroughly wa>h h.,.", ,nd "" d",in 10011 and ,.mo •• I.,go
Prr:hoal 0'." 10 400"' F. Whisk oggs. CT •• m and "'"' e",am. and "'loOn ",ith .. 1t . nd pop",,'. Pout this mi'lu,. oYer ttlt c.~. and ba ~ " for 2{I-3O minut.. unt ilgold.n.
From German Kitchens
Baked Fish Casserole • Cla"Y . ,~
Th~ o,igi",1 rttipt (.IIS 10 ' pi •• fi ll.t bul fill tls !>om othe, ~ of fISh wilh. form It>:lu!l:'1so }Iay wonlkrfu lly mOOt
s"rvti 4 :
3 He.t bunt< in a small }ki litt Wlltn loamy. add ~ad crumm. shallot3, pa'*¥ and <:hoppo:d taptI'S. Then ~i, in wine and gravy and !(alOn 10 laltc with $,1 11 and pcppt,_~hut =n 10 3SO·F. 4 Pour. third 01 the buUN-b,..d crumb mi"u!l: inlO . gl;>lin dish_ Arr;)ng. ft$h pitrn On lop. ,nd "I;>ng' Icmorr sliet:s OIl I"" of ft$h and sp,inkle wilh rt~ining (a~os-
.......... ....,-,"" ........ ........... -., ... ,,.-..
II • ""'......,., ,..,.., I
fil ici inlo 2· i"" h_w i d~ strip<. Squ.",. ju iCt; lromll>/: 'I, kmon, ij).inldt (JY(:r fish and !(as.on wilh $,1lt 2 Pttl rtmaTning itman s.o ~llh. whit< ski n ;'
also ~rnovt:d. and sJiet:. Ptel and diet: sha llotsWash parsley and chop it.=. Chop 2 tsp 01 thc aptOS-
5 Top with rtmaining bullcr·brtad crumb mi.. urt. II:Ik. fish (.lICfOIc for 15 minules, t".n Iwilrn 1m broil .. and broil fish for 5 minut .. unlilgoldcn.
«.cll.. , " ,'hD"' I """t ~",pty It..... il in
'"",,....n for I 10101 .1 2O""",,t...
tIM: alK..ty W•e>.loIltd the:
of ~rolcllnd gr.It'M: Thti. vttS;ltilil',\ tlld. "n<:OI'IIpl!cattd p,,~,, lion, lhe;' i"l.r"~liO
._1016, ~
(fllSt '" ..... n ,;mplt Stutl(i! l'1:li1106 with
IItrb-Soor Crn ..., At tho "' ..... 'i...... C<1joy tho fact th.t 'IOU <::I" g<'"OIIy fo. YOOf pattv in pnce
and quOtL ..hi'" the: food
bubbln ils W?f IOOfald romplttiooo in tilt GYmI
CaUtrol., G""ir. .... SOU/fll? 110. ~IIUIogy of thno. thlff dishes bo Irxtd bxt; • long way. though • ~.t dut of intcnmm. III> tak... pbct' 0\If1' lilt ~.... Nnlmhrk>&. .. o'd ~h to try 10 dnr.ib< thr" ir.dMel".1 c:harxttristia in del'~.
In grlltiM, ind"id",,1
!and usuilly P=D<>I
liquid gfnfrally rombintd with tggS bind tilt Ing .. _ dOtnlS togotht, in tho
_n 10 form. slig htly ''''nwhak.
For Occasions Great and Small
Whtn you add ~iffly but.ft qg whil~ Ind till lilt ingmlitnu inla w:ry small piot6
bKamcs I fluff'! "",flit', Th~ Frtnc:!l diUrrtnlial. only botw •• n gr:lli," Ind "",rnb.
I ht Moot ''''pO. Unl Pori 01 PrtpJr:llion Wh.n tIlu ing up \'Ou, ingrta i.nls, k•• p in mind Ihat t ht srn;rl l. , Ihe pi«n,lht: 1.. ltf IMy w~1 rook. Ingrtditnts thai I3tt lilt SImi! Jmaunl ollimt 10 tool: ~Id bt nn mlO prtm of I'OII!IIrIy the SImi! sile, Ingrnlimts wi tlr dill"ent coo!
W, All a MIUt. of I'rnoofttJtlon A ~rol~ is only H a.lulilul H t h~ d ish you ....... il in, This;s. question olbolh fOfm and "metlon bttlU1( "" .... 11....... 01101;'; Iht mnI. ..NnI in Iht wl'llng diih It tIn end "II Ior:>UIg lik. 1M SImi! old Ihing, · $NllowdMH ... inltndt
crl'fIY mISt o A dtqI dill! is bc:I! 100 ~ whid! ""' .... 11y .1>0 <'OIItlin I lot of egg. Il\CIlhntl(lft, Itnd to r .... Flilth. d ish only ,hrffqUInt" full in ordtr to k~ tnll'llgh roam foo lhe m"lult to o.lpMld,
o SQwrt Jnd ,",I""'lula' b.oking di5h~ aft flU1( probktm., at ItHt for Ir:ldilion;ol nwro"", a..I ... lhe lempt.alu.t is epctilliv hat in th~ «ltno" whtlt th. ing, ... itntl. may II .. acIy bt rook'" thrQU9h. whik tilt milldk is sti. rvnny. COns<1lutnliy; 'I""'rt btll .. o ff wno I IOIInd ar owl dilll,
• for 11'9'" proj
.,..,., on _ contlinM
o Tht INtl'riit lfOII! wbith ~ batino di!.hts ~ ~ abn pb';\. roll. 1ht sldt-s "'ou~ 1\N't. bo loa Ihin, epcti l ily lor tasscroln. btt..... ~ want tilt hUlla bt oondur:t ... ~, II you wish, you on U1( g"l$ dishn. for Iht best ..... Its. _ lilt lritd-andI"", .. rami!: I
pn:Mded bv N I"rt, ""'" It hallow ....... u' ~I'bl~ al\Cl pCltaloes.
or mVl$tI Ind "'rimp lhtlb. whlth art gua .. "tord to look IlIrKtive..
o.rn....,..r blUng dlWl
....... III I will< """IV of ""'pa .......... or.! ......... _din....1 _1m.Io.
For Occasions Gll'at and Small
lamb Chops au Gratin
. Ia ' " n'HlI'< tim. Th" rttipt"'bo tho basis I1M' til< .m~ on ~
' 2·'3. flM"loIf9C'
gmup, pn-pan: 1/1( I~
4 -6;
1 0",,, and wHh gfttn oniOl1s, Ih~n IIloIvo Iongthwist Ind rut into piOttS no 101191" th.n PII inrno. Wash fOSOmllY. Ind S!lip off Mnlln and chop roalloCty. Gn:w: • IWSling PI" 118.11 i"thes) with 011. 2 Sron: the f.uv ttIg(s • round (hot 11mb chops ww .. 1 tim .. wit h I )h. ,p knit• . flnt oil in I 11'9" .. illot .nd .... tho mops on boll! ""'"' for Dniy
l- •
.........n po'!.idr::
tllty loiIoukl SI~I bt ..... "" 1M imid • . Ir,lrl$foer from 1M PI" 10. plan ... and ..."'" grntrollSly .. ith ..1t and POPi'<"'. lot cool.
-,'--.. _or
...... .... -,,._.
"., ........ III~
3 In I ~ t fll loft in thf PI". gradullfy fry pon~ ot all the glWl onions. ..... mary and t>IiYn 'or 2 mlnules.1d>. ~_ wilh .. It."d i'<"PJ>Of. _ t... "Sf., 10 • ~Iing PI'"
4 Few the .. _ . pm garlic IfICI ,q_« thlOl'gh a ga~ic pm$. W.)h and d i ~ btll ~ppo<S. Hut oil in. pal. Add di~d btll fitPI"''' .nd g.rlic IfICI tnist briefly ""til garlic Ii I~""...-mt. 0u$I wilh ".,." and bfown 10 .1igII1 !I'*Ifft roIot. Add plflrib and brietly lAM. Now .1Id .ton. win. and any omJmulau:d "'fli juices from I.mb c!lops, "'hil. Slirring. $1m .... , .. ue. lor 10 minul" ow, mtlightly. Crumblo ftt •. 6 Add ftla to ... """ and .... It wn ilt ~~'ing mmlantiy. Ihtn add
aum. Ow« 19"' br""if ....... toaboOl ... d . . _ fJOn!,hf .. ow.
Whi~ ~
St i, 3-(
ttls of the 101_ into the .ggs. The" Idd thi$ mi.tu n: bad Into t hot hot .. u~. whi l~ Slirring vigorously, xIlGn lau« 10 U\.tt witll P<'pptf Ind
1'0'" ow' "'"" ~ 8 ~kf 91111;" for]O minutes unl~ the 101<1« btmmes fi .... on the "" "lightly b'ow"<'d .
10 ......... .......... _ .. "hou' I..."" .1 .. . ,.. add
_ ...... ,ou, .rIII ...."" " "
o....\!J br""
".. __
' 0 • boot '0 , .., " burn. 110m "", . ..., for to "'"'.1 .......... "'" hnl . .. ~il< """"9 1.. ~"."tI, ..., I~.t t ~ _ liD",
For Occasions Gr~al and Small
Fillet of Pork au Gratin
• f or comp.ny ~"'ts
4-6 :
.. ... ._'_'1l0_ O_. .. .
. ,_.".....,.,....
'"........ 1.1_' "" ....
1 H•• I 001. 5.. , fitlrt on bolh sid
Ground Meat Patties au Gratin
2 Ikon b,,>
• Ki dsl~it . I"".ptnsi .... ~tWS
3 eh.,ry lomat.,... Form m~al in lo 12 p;ollin. taCh ronlaining I tomato. H.. t ",maining 3 Ibs of da,ifi.d bun.,. in. I",go , 001iot .nd SOat m. .1 p,11tio. Arr.l ngo in an oilra b.l
3 Buu« a rv.»ting p,1n (stc p,1go 401. Amng. brorroti. m",hroom.afld _nr-, in Ih. p;on. Pr~hcal_n 10 400'f. 4 Pttl .nd diet sh.llols, .nd bfa"" in bull.,. Add flour a nd . ti,. Whi>l< the rfrfM arod og~ togol"', and add 2'1, "'PO oflhe btGttoli wal ... Cook until Ihld~n
2 SqUHI~ 0<11 ((Ills arod romb~ wilh fMat 1 of Ih. "!l9S, a nd Oftiorl mbeIU"" and soawn wilh !.l ll and ptpptf.
...... _:>0_, .....-,' - ..
.......... 1<1_, 0>" . ...
» • ...-.. " ...... , .....
1 Cui ((Ills Inl0 rubes and wak in I ("UP 01 milk. 1ffl Oftion. Oitt ""ion • ...t srntlkt
4 For .. UH; H~'I 'I. rup 01 addilionlOl buH .. unti l foa my. Add nOUf and Sli, until rombin
For Occasions Great and Small
Vegetabl e Gratin with Polenta • •
Vf'g<"ta'i~n f{)f romp;ony
2 Wow lornat".., sli ..,
• Fa,
ond " " _ ~0'tS. Cui
• Oas>y
molla",'a into ~Iiet~ ,boul '10 inch Ihick. W.W basil ~nd pinch 011 ~avf"S.
~rv6 " -6 :
3 1Ir~1 't.
.... ...........,. ... ...,._... ... ......, lot _ , ,,., ....
"'~""><J4' 1 W..... nd .gg~ant ~nd ''''''''ini and cuI into ~m aboul 'It inch Ihid. 1.1;" with 't, tsp !.alt. and ..., atid •.
Salmon Gratin
4 In a !.auetP'ln. rook polon'. in ,,"maining ",I
unlil slightly goldrn . Whisk 1~lh.' SIOCk •
sli"in9. unlillhirl.n.d 10 '!.avet roJl56l.nry, Pou, o.... 'W9".bI.... nd bal.. 10' J() minulos Of unlil sauet i, lightly brownnl, S",inkl. p;lp,ik:l On lap.
1'/, III ...,...... rlikl
_ I
, ,
....-.,...... - ,,.-,. ... ......,,01-" ..... .... .. , - " " " , , ' ...... t "'"
1 Cui foY! inlO 1'1>-2 inch
fi .... ty. W;Wt '30;lishG, ckan and rul ifllo qua't ....
2 Hrall tlls 01 bun.,. Add I.ohlrnbi. ,adillln and
pr.und b.. i5< fo, 10 minutos until., Mnlt. s.. san wi,h "'''. prPPl" and nutmrg. L., rool; In.n add r..... and m.rt;1 . 1Id poo' into an olin! ba king dish. P,..h •• t oYtf1 104OO'F.
J FOf "'vet: In. ,,"m.ining bu tw until loamy, Add fIou, and Sli, "ntil
Po", ""." fi,h .nd b;J k.
IOf JO mi"u'<>. ". un'il ~.,... ~ 100 hliV brownrd.
For Ocrasions Gn'at and Small
Veal Steak Soubise
Chickpea Casserole
• Tak .. mo .. Ii ....
• Tak.. mo .. ti ....
J In Ih< ....antimc, out
0 0_
brt~d "'to small oubcs
0 0_ ~ rws.
~nd SNk in 1 oup wate,. O •• n g, •• n onions,,.~ ~nd out inlo ~I and mi~ ganic. W~ pal\ky . IId mint a nd r:hop I.a.~ ~rldy.
--, -, ' ..-_.................. _, .......-., ". .....
c.. _, .....
2 In Iht meanli ..... ht~1 H>t tl:lrir.<:d bun~, in. I"g~ slt i ll~1 ~ nd brown b
1 Pftt _lid mino: onions, alld bI.nch 10' 5 min"t .. in .. I"d wal ...IId drain. H•• I butt .. in a slti l lt~ Add drai""d onions .nd br.ols( fo, 15 minul" """, low I\("at. Ousl with nou' .IId brown b,i.ltv. Add milk whitt II;I[i"9 and >imm .. mi.tu .. fo, 10 minul .. Grat. ch .... ~nd molt all bUI 'I, rup in tho onion :lOr"".,. 5o.",n with ..It. poppe' .IId nulmrg .IId 101 mol.
J W~~ thivtHIId out into 'ings. CI •• n m""'rooms. qu.,l., .IId .. ut~ 1 minu" in fa t I
4 H•• t 0<1. Add gfftn onions, garlic: and h~rM. brown and Ir! rool. b",~d . Grind borTod. tu,k.., b....t and tu,k.., I..... ' in a m•• t g,ind.r."';ng Ih. fin. aUochm.nt Of chop findy. Add 2 of the t!/!IS .IId b",.d (rumb\. ~nd se~n g(nerously wilh .. II and poppe,.
S Pou, rool.nlS of dogl,,<:d pan 0"" Ih~ top. Bak. Sl •• k< fo, ~5 minu! .. until Ih. ""I."., is gold.., a nd c,ispy.
500 . ... _ , o.m.itO. ......... " '1,"-
-, -
.......... ,"', -. ........... ....
., • _ " I '01/1 •• ,-~
1 Th. day btfo,. serving, thictpt"as. in I qua't rdd watt,. ~k
2 On tho day 01 serving. drain chidpea, _nd rook fOf 4() minUI .. ""'" low heat in Ih. ,tocl< with tl\(" ~
... t.
S Add ,ic:< 10 paflialtv rook<:d chickpoa< .IId cook.n .dditio~1 20 minut .. unlil both ing,<:d"'nIS ' " .t d.nt •. Sook :IOrffron in 1 Ib\. watt,. W~ and h.t... tomatO<$. P",h.' 1 """n to 35Q·F. 6 l.I:t (hickpt";>s.IId ,ic:< mol slighUy. Scm. liquid 5hould .. Add sail,."., ... maining t!/!IS _lid rllttrv tomat .... alld " . !On wilh salt ~ nd
1 Pou. h.,1 "rchid"",~ mi.tu •• into a <=<>I~ do"', W. ! you. hand, and r",m haU of m<;lt mi, I." inlo ......11 ~u!>39"" about 11,. r.i,( 01 you, Ihumb. ~ nd ""'ng< on top of tn. chid"",. mi>lu... C""",.
wi th .. m.ining chid".. mi. t ..., tn. n IOfm ",,,,,,inin9 m
"'."'9"' 8
e. ••••""rot. 1'1,
hours, <>«.'>ion.lly"'l bu!l~r onto Ih. "'...ago on top of I~
<"""rot •.
VUIITIOH N.tur.I ..... YO"
g,oun. b•• " 9.ound pori: '" .....,"'" . 1 ,I>< I"-G, >nd " .. I bo.1 o. pOl k I,.., •. 11 you "",",', lik. Ii ••• _ limply . da ~.,...
Phol. lop: V. . I S ... k Soub",
Phot .....11 .... : CIoid;".. (21.......
46 For Occasions Grtat and Small
Individual Rabbit Casseroles • Tak.. mort ti"'"
• Oam Scrvn :
1 CuI r;1bbit Itg'i in half by finding the pnt. oul_ ting into Ih. =>1 thr~ dnd St:p.:Ir;1l ing Ih. joinl wilh. ~. r p knif., Wasil Ihr pi • .,.. ond pot dry, 2 Wa.n ,,,,,mary. '!f ip off n~I .. . nd chop marsriy. fJt<: 1ga,li•. d~ .nd.• Iong wilh a liltl. !ol
J Combin. ga,lic wilh "",mary. P'PP" and W",.,..I.,y, i,. S:luce and ,ub inlo ,.bbit pi=s. Coyt, meJt and ",.,i>\;ll. 10( I hou' in the ,.f'ig'''I&.
",",",_, .._>0_." .... ...0: 1 _
.......... -,""',-
'I, inch robes. Wa.n bell> •• f.~lO .
,w' ,,, ....
In the .....nli ..... pHI kohl .. 1>i and rol into
P'PP". h.M::. man . nd dice. ~ I anion. R t _
any ,ind hom baron, Finely dice onion and baron. S Scr.p' spice", 011 01 rabbit Ir11' .nd ..I asid •. Thcn pat mUI dry. H•• I oil in a ,oasting pan. Add r;1bbil pi ..... and brown on all.;d .. fiYC( low hr.t , and "'rI'ICYC.
6 Fry b.>ror< and onions in the lr/t""" lat unti l onions a", 1,. mJ=t. Add \/C"g.t.bI .. and Iry bri.nV, Add Ihe spitt mi.tu", «r.lp
8 Bull". dr't-p ass.,ol. d"-hrs (4 inch di.m.I.,). R.move rabbit pi ..... hom liquid and pto« I upP" '''10l1li I lower I.g in •• oh dish 1'00, ra bbil liquid through a Ii..... and pi""" ... gr_ t.b~ on lOP of "'Il--
9 'NlI M rabbit liquid with nt",r ffOiI:I'«:. <"9gl, nou, and" dash of lemon jui«. $(~ tgg mi. !"", to
10.1. with .. 1t and peppel. and POU ' oyt, rabbit I"I!-
I 0 PI""" o.ssr~. dishes in Ihr "",n. Ba ke IOf 2S -10 minut .. unlil Ih. sa"", ~ ,;"'n n;«1y and Ihc su,latt is ~dcn brown.
!=::::i::1IP1 y""...., ""v to""_1 i<9I f,,,,,, '1""'" Oo"h
o"d>t",,", "' pv_ If>«<1 1",,<'1 '"
."p.,"' ....
m,of !>. Ito.........,-. tIN> doh i> _
d.l ............ ,th
IfYI'"'J clHcR"" or. lor ,n fla· '001, fJOm bo'OI.. Of cn ..... ynu tan
pn:p>" llot "bbol 1<91 'n or>< 0 \....... doll
Th" 'I«h O'n .1'0 b. ...... d .. nh ,
"o r< 1><. ted .... D" p'g' 6) sp;"d " ,th t>rragon and. if dn
.... , ,ok d,,," ,
1CJ'Yt. m"I"" 01 .. M. ,nd "old " "
1...1«1 ,,"I.
'" '''''''IV
For Occasions Gre at and Small
Jumbo Shrimp au Gratin
Mussels with Tomato Crust
• for romp>ny
• Fat romp>ny
H~lvo "'rimp Ionglh-
wi .. arid ro"""", dark voin. Ho.1 oil. Add shrimp and brown brirfly on bolh sid"lo. Lot cool and ~ .. f" IIy""""'" from sIotll. Proh'~1 ovrn 10 SOO' F.
0 0"" Mussrls . nd .maretti? Don't knock it till you '"" Irird it! As an app.I;" • •• ~rvrs 4 :
Oil. gralin d;sto. shr imp in thoir "'oil> and .rrang" in tl>< 9",ti" dish, Dillributo apriwU arid ~I.ry
J Romo,,", m"""r... O;,..-.,d unopr~ mu,,"" .nd let tho rrst mol. Rem
...... ....,
. -.......-..
............. .-..,._:. .""'.,.-
...""-,, cw' " ......
1 WasIl and "'un SI;'" vrrv Ihinly.
~ ~pnroU wilh. knif•. Pour bo iling w.t.. _ r apr""\>., and pl ungo inl O i~ w~ I" . nd p« 1. CuI in half, .."",vr p;U and cut into Ihin wodg<S. Combine er lo..... nd lIpriwts with 1..,,00 jvict, ",II and pcppcr.
S Bak. for 10 -12 min utrs
until the
I."•• d of >p,i«>t,- "'" prKI>n '"
and brirfiy Iry garlic dov ... bUI do nol brown. Add m"""rs Ind I cup watrr, bring to. boil"nd im mrd i. trly rovrr pat Cook mL&<" 10< 3_4 minuta. snaking pat Ott.lSional ly. until Ihey o""n.
...... -, . -... ........... . . -'.-1. . . _",.u.,...-
., I .... ' _ .
t Cloan drain thoroughly I~ npJ. Pttlg. rlir rIoV"lo.
2 In a 1."1' pal, h... oil
to a vrrv high tempera_ ,u rr and fry ""p""«'(Ir,,, fOt \ minute. low .. h••1
4 fo r ,n, ,orn"o crust . drain driod tomat .... nd .., as;do 2 Ib. 01 the oil. Chop tom.,.... Pl:ol and min« ;1(\dilion.1doYc of garlic Crumbl. amarrtti into fin~ O1'umb<. Gr:ate Parmrs.;n. Combin< . 11 tno:sr ingftd i
If you boy mu ..." .,.. >
. •'w'y' ,... 0..
""" ' ' ' ..., -.....
m"""' ....
"_'''1' m..- ,h" .'••,,,><1. 0\1<" W'n<
Mu,...... "lIh lu ..... Cr."
""0' . ""U. m, Jumba SI"imp o. Gr,oh"
For Occasions Great and Small
Asparagus Gratin • a."Y • Easy A fino dol i••
s..rv•• 4 :
.'". .__"0.'._ "'_-"L'_._ .. , ,.t/! , .... '...'.. _'n
,..'"" .... 1
Refl\tM woody rnds
r""" .~~us and, if
2 !-k.1 darifi,d bull", in> I.rgo skilln Add aspat:lgu. and ,"UI' for .boul 10 minu tes O.r' ~i "m hoall""ing ron.rantlv, just until forkt
Stuffed Potatoes with Herb-Sour Cream . Vegetarian • for rompa"",
1 p.. hratOW<1to 42soF, Wash potaloes lhorO\1ghly,
Sou nds hea"", bul lhe sour and tho "9g lurn potato<>' r~«s<.nd rara w. v..w. into> hoarty, romforling dM.
and ..wral tim .. with . Iork . nd wrap in aluminum foil.
Fl I I.l_itldl-d~
dish .. ith sa lt
Pt."" potatoes on sa lt and bak. for 50- 60 minutrs. Unwrap and "l root.
J Butw lour ""al l gratin dM .. and lino wilh tho p"""utto ~i=. O
J In tho "",.ntimo, ... sh 9=n onion~ c!<.n, ha l"" l(fI/jthwisc . nd rut into half-ring" Chop C'lIraway sr
4 Crumbl. Of rut cttr= and dislribut. (I'm asparagu ... Ba " grati", lor to - 15 minut .. umil r~~" .tightly mtlt
4 H.M pat.t
about 'I, iroch IhOek. R.hol ~n to 425"F,
n==ry, 1'""'1 bottom
th ird , Hal"" 'l"'a" 1""9lhw;":, 111m rul into 2'1, iroch pi~ Rin .. '"go . nd rut I...... into Slri""
.... ,...:.-.
'''':''''''-" ...- ......,_:...,,. ...........' .''''''
5 Sop_rat. "99" M.. n palato thai .... ..:oopm out .. ith a lark and "i. .. ith .."", i"i ng buttrr and "99 yolks until h9h~ Add o:h<:t><, g""'" onions and tho 2 tbs of SOU r c... m, s.'S<,ln 10 tWe .. ith salt, pr~r and nulmrg, llral egg .. hito unlil "iff .nd (ojd in.
6 fiH potatoes!llN:tf!, Wllh "". lurr and :19"''' pbo;\'
on tN bod of ",IL B.1l~ pot"orlo 20-15 mlnuto unl~
tt.. ",.. \\Orr h~
7 Fot ,''''' h
10 13 "~ with ", It and
prppn. Sfiv~ II
III< pot31oes.
""".0.....: ""p.~~' Onodn """' 0 bon".. : St.lI", """'OM wilh tt.tb_Sa..r ("' ...
.Iong lilt Ii..... hoIM-
laity ~ .. about lilt SWftI JIOi .idgc ? On tom-
wif. must ~ ... ntod to ••h._1In ~
1N1Id. ~ pol of polfridgt .UrlS moking on tho ruM and doosn" 'Ilop ""tiI!oOIh«II"!/IOUts, "SlOp, lin'" pUtr 0". d3y no OM ~ak$ tlI6 rom~1Id '" 1M po
o.,.,.. know tilt Grimm
only. (~mI.
<'OtIllIim mDUlJh hoI ""' 10 rovtf In rnl;'" city
porridgt. II was onl'(a """'I hop , ...... 1M .. _ top 10 lilt fIWl1. and !h.
r,,,, CH'otrol •• , ...., nOt ..-y, ""'" ~If;d. 110.. .....,'. "was .. ~11tu
• do:utfl t~n I main
.nd _ of 11M: ca>$<mks on -'It following ~."c.n.1w II< ..M
thr quanlitiol gNtn apply -.u.
up \0 lilt tip of lilt chuttII 'Ittpk.
In IXlIwm: C'ISKf'Dks • ,., In
of lilt
ponidgo I~t l1li« fonif~
J>COPI< ('" \1\(;"
,.0/leday, s.:."",wlltf.
"You ran', ""leo • rwtf'Olt without brT •• ing rggs" is .....'" tha I 1.1"",,1) alw.",
..... t ..t,
.".., on." 10010. fINo' .....,. tf It oInb ",'100 bon ..... iC". fm/L 11110< """'" . . . .ith
11><.1' ....-.-
,.;, ......... ' ........... ffDlo.
Sweet and Satisfying
appli5 ~ egg yolk a moisl b'nd .... whi~ til< tgg white e.pands and g"'"' Ihe sw<,<1 dish ilS st,uel",.wll
The f~e, til< tg9. 111< ben .. its ·<":I'Mro~_ p,omoli09 P'Ol'Crli",,: The "99 white should be gelalinous . nd fi,m """a"", Ihis mak"" it . a!.ier 10 bral inlO Iliffn<'lS. NOI. I~I an "9g whit. ~rno l \iff only if it contait15 abl.olutdv no ogg yolk or otM, fal When Ihe egg yolk is frM, i.e. its "' ape is nittly Sjlh.rical. you will ha~ no problem st~' .tin9111< egg. If you wanl lo pI~ il .. Ie. st~ralelhe tg!ll individually """r a cup .nd pou r til< egg whit"" one 3t. lime inlO Ih. bowl. ~n if '(OIJ run actll!.' 0"" bad egg, '(OIJ won'l ha •• to give Ihe whole m... to the cat When folding In beaten ' 99 whil"", SI',I by briskly Slin ing ont: Ihom
inlO Ihc 10 m:ake it smoolh e"""9h '" that you ran Ihtn easily fold in Ihc 1\ you Slir Ihem for 100 long. Iht egg whit .. will to.. Iheir air.
Whcn brali ng warm eggs. pia« t~ "99s in a bowl suspc1ld
S-Ufor~~ A , wcct <":I"'''o~ ,Imost .Iwar> goes brn .. with a ~ty S.1u<:c:. Whalcvc:r the moin dish may br ~ k ing <":In br made up for in til< saUl"," as with a traditional t.rt fruil sau"" tllal comp~m.nlS sweel b;lk..t d~
Fru it S3a
Custard SIU ... A. rustard i.
suitable 101 denst' fruit .~n. Lik. til< >o)~n (~~9'
il is ptGIo1~ with 1 egg. 2 "!19 yoIles. 'It cup dry
and Satisfying
white wi"" alld ''' cup POW«~ wga .. If Ihe saut'l: ~ going to be ";lIi09 fa, a whi~. add 'I, lip _nsl.><:h. U '(OIJ want 10 sttvc il rhi llcot pi..,. the bowl in • basin of icc w a l~, . 1Id >lir the >0) ...... until it btrarno raid.
Vanilla ~'"'" You <":In al"' ....... more ",phisti<":ll..t .."';0tIS of Ihc st.nd.rd VOInill. sa "", IfI3
......... 1_.' s-o.. c..t....
Aprimt So .... ".,,~Io
Sweet an d Satisfying
Baked Port Wine Plums 4 But rgg yolks .nd ,"ga, ~, • hot doubk ba<1., until thick and; G,adu.11y add tho '1!S,,,v(d si ..... (d win. liqu id while ronlinuoustv bt'ling .nd. fin.lly. add crt"", r""ch •.
-, --
....... .,... .......... .......................,-
Exotic Fruit Salad au Gratin This gr. tin ",105 li k•• tropical ;,1(. You'll find
thost •• oli. ingrrdi(nts in Asian ma, k .t~
h.lf.nd rtmovt pits. Cut open vanill ~ bun ~r>d s<:~p< ou t pulp.
8 ,ing v.n il "
""9.'.w hi(~ win~.nd po
plums. bfing to . ba< 1 ~ ,I aw h(.1, th(n tu,n o r! h(.l . nd itt cool in the liquid. Pou, 'I> rup of th. liquid th,o,,!!h a si~ • nd ....",.,. Drain plu.....
J Butt., fou, sm~1I gr3t in d;v... and ""'"g. ~"ms
in di~o:s. P,(i'UI _n to ~50' F.
W.~ ' umquats in hot wal.r and cui inlo Ihin sti«s. Fftl.nd slitt kiwil..
5 5<.",n .. bayon to ta,t. with I.mon jui« a"" pour ~r tho pi"",," Ba •• gralin. rOf 5-8 minut05 unlil nlttly brown.d. XIV(
W.~ o",ng' in hot wat.r.Ury and ~ "'ga,
•.........." 1'....... ,_,In
t Wash plu..... cut"'
1 ~ tho tuft .nd ba.. of ot.m from baby pi""' pple cut into slices abou t 'I, inch Ihid. •• ,ind from sticts and (UI Oul tho II;ord ro ••.
4 H., t butt.,. Add
9ing. ,. k""'" grass and
o.ang' ,;nlf with '"gar and h.,t unlil ,"g" h..
Ihl, ligh l ond . i. y topping i1 >hit o
d""*,,",,. Add
.u,... ,np"
O.C. l>
h .... d b.l.ny In po" w..... or p<xII. _I>r·
5 Pour in ODng< juice
in .. .. . ngo or p.p.y. w
wl.< .,
II""'Jin< """-ot. Fat
P<".. p~.
.!ices and bra ... for 1 minut •. wh il. t"";ng.
....... ,...,.. . ...... ,... ... ................
~: -,
. , ......... ' , loti."
, nd rum .nd . dd kum_ qu. t stm Simm.. f'" 2 minules. Mi. in kiwi ~icesand
1(\ (nlire
ml. I"", root P,d'UI
0'," to 47S'F.
6 for 'he' gr1I11n ~'al(
I'99S ;lftd ba1
1090lhr, <'99 YOIb and poooCh of ",It until and 1<~d inlo m,,' u,o.
7 h.Mlo, ,h. hu".nd • hili. of i" liquid to ...... ,9... lIn dl!lrn. III dttp ...... nproof ~'O and d"',ibur'!pM
mUr'''''' .......'.adr doh. 8 IYlo gil""" 10' 10 "",il goWm. ~ f""'" oYtn. dl$ w"h powdr,od SlIgo, a ... lot""" irnmn!,""y.
Pi>olo I",, :
8.k ....
1'0,' Wi ... Plum.
PIw"o 11<111 .... : (.0,01;' f NiI Sootild ... ~'i11
and Satisfying
Pear Pan Souffle 0 0..,
3 lint "'19 whitf$ with • pi".,h of .. It untit stiff .nd fold inlO tilt: battr" tn. ,,,"nd o-onproof pan (.ppro.<. 13 inch di.m.,.,). t... 1 tbs o f butt .. 0 •• , mMium .... t Sprood <99-whit. batw
• E.
-:,- ...-
..... :._'0_.. .......... "" .......""""--.. ,, ...... • ,0>.
1 For Ih. b'Utr, brown bul1tr slighUy .nd a llow to roc> to room ' .mp"ratu~
eggs. Whi
47S' F.
Apple Vanilla Casserole
4 R.movo pan lrom ...... n. Dtrorativoly "rang. p"" wMgt< on t ... b'lltr •• d duSI with t Ibs powd.m:t suga,.
S Il3k. p.., p.n fo, 8-tO minut .. un, ill'" baUt, has ,i.. n n;,;"lv and is slightly brownM. R.movc ""., pan lrom ",...", dun with_ powd.m:t suga' .nd I
1 ffflapp16. rut in 11:111 .nd ,.movo rnrr:s. Cut 0p"n ",.Bi. bu •• nd out pulp,
2 In. lorg. sl:.ill.~ htat butt .. ",iln ",.iII. pulp until f<»rny. Add . pp16. .prinkl. with I lbs of , ... powdtm:t sug." """'" .nd b,.;.. lor 2 minutr:s.
3 Add .pp l. juioo .nd
-: ... ...._ -: ,_.... ..... ......
-. -
... _ - " L : ,111,_",
.,_,." .. ,>0,
Itrnon juOtt to t... ' pp4r:s. rovc, and bra ... lor 8-10 minut.. 0\'0, low hrot unti l al dontr. RomQ\l(' . nd I.t root Pour liquOd through. si~, 4 W"'" b
5 8"ng appk loquod to ~
boil and
>I~ ~l ..
loom 1"11"11""
and , tbs Df tilt <'<"a .... stir into .ppk loquod _ bring 10. boil. Sllflf"'ll """".n(!y. BOIl !olI1Itt
IOf I ",.n.ltt. Sill ,n r<: ........ ng ('\0" .... and
""ng to I boil """'
.'n.Allow to ...... ~hut
"""n to ~f,
s.,..r.t~ ~ Inc!
"""' "'19 wMt"lI unt~
.1 ,ff. SI" "'l'J WIt,<, ,nlO <'ODIN WU«. ttlm lold ,n """tm rgg ...hltn. 1 Spn-
Ar,""9" apprn Dn tn. \.1'-'<'t. D,w,but<
" ..."o,ng Io>'-'<'t OYt, tn •• pptr. and ",'i" ~k
WIth armor
s."", d",tO'd ... ,th powd.,O'd 5
_ , . to,: ",.. """ _1110/ ........ boI._,
v.n;h CauaW
Sweet Casserole with Potatoes . I~x",, "~
and (99 yoIks.l'rthm _n to 400"F,
Ihn< iodividuat C.sKn»ts
3 Add potatoes, .Imonds.
",.11y ""It a punch arid ran al"" tit ",,,,,,d '" •
brrad crumbs and Itmon tind to bu ttrr mi. lU~ "99 whitts wilh .
sma ll. swrtt main rouJSt: .It.. a soup Or s.alaa.
As a ma i" cou rs<:,
Krw! 6 :
pinch 01 5:111 unHI .Iiff
and fold into lh. mj ., "~ 4 Butt .. 100' , cup b.1 king diYIts and .!"inkl. will! "'gar. Poo r in mixtUft. PI. tt b.1king di!.h .. in 1h. OYtn ar>
5 Shortly brfo", Ih( """,rol6 .r. dont. mi x add ition.1 bol'w until
light and sli. in poppy !ottds. ('o rdu lly ~""
,....... . ...........-, ..........". ".
-, ,-
.......... ,•........,.. •r""..••.
1 Cook pO'.'~ , I d~ntt in .. It 011, an
2 Xparalr"Jg!o. Mix
bun., ""Ii l liglll. 9""" "ally stirring in wg"r
and onto pla'n, and dusl
wilh pO\.~rN "'!jar. StIVt wilh tho JIOIIP'I S«d blm.r.
III"'" d",,', ..... ,M,· I'idogj b.UI"'l """'" _
.. ~.M "'" _"PtOO! "'P' of tIIr ...... """_
Sweet and Satisfying
Raisin Bread Gratin with Goat Cheese J ~ 9ua~ .. quart .. and.......,.... >ft
cakt. gU3~.
"""mary ~ nd gl>Ol d.,ing combi_ "~100n1 Bu! Q"Cf you've !ri.d lhis di'" h.ndro down by Iht Hopi Indian .. you, own ",i,il of .lNtn_ !u'" will be . w,krnro. ch'($t-~
s"rvn 4 :
.h«S(. Pul l ", isin b.... d
ap;ort intO bilr-si,.d
4 &'nr,. 9"'lln di$h. Mi, log. II>., guOlVaS, 91>01 ctor($t.nd ",;.in b",.d .nd u.n,l .. to bun.on! 9"'lin d!$h.
Pou, ca",,,,.1sy,up CIvt'
........ . ....... ,....,,.,_ ,., ....,'" ......"""'-.'.'0<_ -" ............. ". ''''
1 Rin ... """",.ry~nd chop n.. dlt"; In 3 PO!. h•• ! "'9ar 0 .... ' k>w hr.1 to •• "'.... Ii...
,Iirring rol!Sl.nlly. 2 Add '1, CU~ w,!« 10 "'gar. Add """mary and sim .... ' unl illh. "'9"' h» mrllrd inlo ",.-.m.l.!.,....n 10 lSO· F.
tho top. Ba k. gralin fo, al)olJ14S min"lt"; until thr
tn Mton>. "'" r»IrnlIr i. p"p".d wilh t h.
tr.dl l ,on.1 Hop, b ... d wh'ch,
IrIn" 01
EUfOPU" "'''d'. moot , ....'bl..
d', ! .
"01_100_".«\ ho"
""< f""" HolI.nd. Bul ""'" _
k :WI .... ,.
Sweet and Satisfying
Viennese Croissants with Apricot Sauce • [a.v
1 for the Apt ian s..v<:<::
• Fat romp:iny
w;t$lr ' primtl. rut in h.lf and ~m~ pits. In • pot, rombOnc .prim!$, lemon iuir:o; and '1, ('UP wat.r. Bring 10. boit and ,;m ~ for 3-5 minUIOS until r.nd<1. Pul'ft. poor throogh a roland., and I.t rool.
Th ... dd iciou, VIn1~ ~""$ 9" lint with ~pri rol \;IV<:<: bot y<)u tan
with a Y3ric"ty of fruit \;luttS. But dl)r1't
>mil: u~
too mur:h- frt$h
~"" ... " I$ a~
lint wit~
i"'t • dabl Sc, .... ~ 4 :
In V," •• ,. th" dl'h "
• 1>0 _
""h ... ....,
Whi1lc togothor mi lk, rum and 2 of tho (99I.nd
....,...,., to
4 Buttor . b.king dt.h
b<'< ........ on_~~
Mi~ butt.r until light, wlri" g,.dual", adding tIM' sug. r. Ih~ ro:main ing tqg .nd the '99 y<)1k< . nd gratctl lomon rind. f old thi. butl., -tqg mi
_~ ' ''o_
'h-inch-thick oIi= and pia« in a larg. bowl.
........... ••........, •• r...,.••
","on lui.,...
• ...,~ .. ",_,. lui roIG. 'n .. Mh ..... b.. t ",th • ,,,,", Y,ndl. "" ""tord ....... I~~
2 Cui ~"" ... nts into 0""" to .wo' f.
I.otOot _ ,
fru" mH< from bra_
~r croissa nl ~
. nd 'Prink" with
Transl... nl i,. mi>luf
baking dish. ~t~ lor 30 minut .. untilgoldon .
Yo. ron al.o"bttf this up' by filHog It "Ith , ~ of P"I""-thrn .ppk ~i
wi,h a Imk' ""gar and
........,.......... XI-'"
5 Rtm.ovo ff()fJ1 thot OV'rn and d",t with poW""" ~p.>ral'''' with the hot t~ roIt.
(ourh " plu","
>I, boilod in no
mOl, "quid ,han "
Il>on b;okr
n.'.. " J!rO"fa ,nd «ry< ..
I.. 45 ..
it h o~t
.,.....,t.. ""
' '''Iud 01
II y
..._ rr.i •.
b«f ...cI a~ ... i111 ""I0Il .. _30 \If;UwUI'M and ImUll] btrad and lOlls, mack wilh 1'9
rabb3g. ]4 willi ~''Y lom.ton, ch~. " ~ ~lf
!hI'. 51 fflll, blkt1l31
"'-, ,........ ,
mtat Ind 1'IOOd1l!.
and to'l,.lI11J wull potato !oO:JOk 32
" ' lh .oot ~t:obior
......vltl0 Ittf 10« abo Mo.t. 'lnll and ntWto: tNo'rOk ... th onion ..1Itt JO polIto and ,,,,,,,,,,~.hult'/ll
and 10,,111 ra~ 3l patato
' nd. bak. 34
8,ud gllltin with 900'1 (hmo<. raisin ~9 >I .... blkN 12
and hming12 .. jth prft/I, noodle"' ptfJ)afatoon 19'lion 19
~1. irlcfMdual '"
rkr. " ith I'UC'Umbrn 20
mono 18
root v< bi<', "itn
"""''' .""', ....inog 9
IiI" 4
• bou1 11 taisin btoad gllltin with goo! §9
ClIidpu .awtOlc « Chrorilo wilh <99' 22
• PfIIt ~",n. !i&
Cod gill!'" 1M. mo.d IS cnpn 9'«" -.. 36 ~nl> willo .prkol
- . ~,"I(J( GO
C..... "'brfl, willi rin ,",""",M
"" "91\"~. No ""., 01 1M _ , ..oy'" '~p'od~ •• d '" on, fo, .. w,'~o~' ,~. ""n,.
P",,"_, of !lot "'......."",
How ~''''''''rgn
""'" ••. n" ..............;"",,1>
Vr.i., a .. bl!. Mu",,"
["11,,11 1I"",11t'01l10. ,h. US ,. ., l .,
potalo, hurlV.nd ground bo:o:l 13 potato, "';111 bKon
Cllanl """ roc! ~t;" 1S
01",'''''''''...0.. til< 11'" ""11""".. 19')'
[I ....,,,,. 0..,0,.-.. Ooto""", W,h."II• " _ , _ , ct!'
.,;,11 noodI. 6
b«1 and JO
0.11. "lid Un,.,
"",.1 Ind ~. mack with 29 polk 10<•• rod .P .... J2 ",,!>Ion. sw",,!, wilh ~
t~ I O_
.....,..., .... 101' t... III , _
~~ """""' ........ """.,.,.." Onog"
'''''''''''''1 .... _ 0.,,,,,,, _, Gornborg ~ (login .... ~1V ' -
"'''' I " ' _ . "".,"" ' - J.fl2"lJO't JIId ~. r..uf"""" bIw ~ 1·'XI5(U,''''9
P.. "t.~ In H",., KlI"Il,h"'''Vh GIoN' s."U IIol.>. QIIoIOt ....
G..... ~."' " . ioI On ... ,.,.. 101 wr'l). II< -'-<'d ... _ ....., fOt •' 01 ,........,,, 1I<1<0Io _ ... ........, I<> ................ .., bot• • .......... ot o ... ~ 'aw I I"· Ht CO _ad "'" , * " " . . . .,,,.. lot ~ ... Igo ...... , . _ ... ,.,. .............. Ht _ _
M'. "" _
lor ~ 1'Id 'IiJ IICWlI'IIkI), lofkNbl"'9 ..
!WI ..... S<+.mIU Sttotn,u bo'p1 "" ........ "' Ilmnony .........., ..., '0"""" 100II .... ,,011 li l~ ...... <9'> ...... " I. lilfi. M Nto .., In ".dtptndent pho,o ~"'9n .. f ", od""'''"g 0V'.'''' ond p"bl"h'", ~"" ... I.
'0,..,.,..... phot.".... '" ''''' - ...................... '*'" toOfktI1_ .."" !lot """ .... ,00II ....... _1b,.Q.".
, . . .......... §rio .... "
.... , .,.,-., 11K ......... _ t y 01 100II ""' .........
Ind e~
pc, nulS 2J .... •. wi(h pol• • " iJ
"",mi. with
~ th
PUnul' with ""9
fiI "~ MO'DC
NlOdt. co~ wilh ","'h 8. pomo with bacon and hwing l2 .. Imoo grol in oil fruit .. lad au grolin, .. otic ~
r:IIops au gr.llin ,j,Q ragout. bakrd 2.6 \.tftiil """"1'0" .nd biatwu l'it lJ
M. at litt . 1so Brd. ~al) ground, "tid noO<J l• •• p... gu. 5O «MI. ave.
r ..... 'oIr ~ ground. mr.t p.a11l'" au 9",t;n i2 Mu""l, W,III 1001'''0 "",t iS
p.a n _1fl~ !'>Ii wi lh ",1.tI grat in 10 P"",h w,!h n ood~ co"",,,lr 6 Plu ..... bal:.d port win. S! PoI.nta with .
au 9'at in r,n.t of !2 loin and apple <'"'<1'01. l2 . nd ,",u.,mut wilh gnocthi gr.llin U Pololo(.S) .bout 2!t and br.twu,,1 bak. J.! .."","ok wilh baron and h.rring l2 9ralin ~ I. l\'Ol1" a~ U and g",und ""of ....."' ... h... ly l.l with·""" .",am, .tulf.d 50 .w.. l ......"'.. wi th ~ Pumpkin with ham 9rotio H
wilh gnocchi gralin 1J 50"'"9" I"." a ka CI1o
Tomltolr.j ehtl'rv: with "oodl•
<MIt'o" 8.
. -",1< 6
~\1<'k .oobii.r i !
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